// WORKING VERSION OF ANIMATION SYSTEM // ERASER is binded to the frameGraphics, and all the drawings operations works on the drawGraphic // Each path is displayed on the frameGraphics before being deleted to make the eraser working properly //Systeme à reproduire pour les autres projet, c'est le plus efficace, et le plus maniable ;) let canvas; let Cursor; let AS; let Draws; let Pencil; let brushesPoints = []; let show_diffused = false; let grAPI; let space_uri; let hf_tkn; //----------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------- function preload(){ } function setup() { const socket = io(); // client-side socket.on("connect", () => { console.log(socket.id); // x8WIv7-mJelg7on_ALbx }); socket.on("hello", (arg) => { //console.log(arg) space_uri = arg[0]; hf_tkn = arg[1]; console.log(space_uri) grAPI = new GRAPI(space_uri, hf_tkn); Draws = new DrawHandler(); AS = new AnimSys(12, 12, 30, 8); }); for (let i = 0; i < AS.initial_frame_nb; i++) { AS.create_new_frame(); AS.display_frame(0); } Cursor = new OrientedCursor('canvas'); Cursor.catchCursor(); Pencil = new BrushPoint('pencil', 0, 0); brushesPoints.push(Pencil); canvas = createCanvas(512, 512); canvas.id('canvas'); canvas.parent('canvas-ctn'); noLoop(); pixelDensity(1); background('white'); canvas.mousePressed(function(){ Draws.startPath(); }); canvas.mouseReleased(function(){ Draws.endPath(Draws.drawGraphic, AS.frameGraphics); Draws.drawings = []; AS.update_frame(); }); } // END SETUP //----------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------- function mouseDragged(){ Draws.mouseDragged(AS.frameGraphics); } //----------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------- function draw() { //Draws.keydown_check(); clear(); // clear the whole canvas background('white'); // set main canvas background to 'white' if(Cursor.isOnCanvas == false){ Cursor.tiltX = 0; Cursor.tiltY = 0; } //MAP THE PRESSURE VALUE TO VISIBLE ONES Cursor.mapPressure(); Draws.get_new_current_path(); // ANGLE WE ARE LOOKING FOR TO KEEP TRACK OF THE STYLUS TILT Cursor.calculateAngle() for (let i = 0; i < brushesPoints.length; i++) { brushesPoints[i] .calcPointCoordinates(mouseX, mouseY, Cursor.targetAngle, Cursor.diameter ); } // DRAWS CURRENT PATH Draws.drawLines(0, 'black', 4, Draws.drawGraphic); // pencil //------------ if(AS.isPlaying == false){ if(AS.showOnions == true){ image(AS.onionGraphics, 0, 0); } } image(AS.frameGraphics, 0, 0) image(Draws.drawGraphic, 0, 0) push(); grAPI.hiddenScribbleGraphics.clear(); grAPI.hiddenScribbleGraphics.background('white'); grAPI.hiddenScribbleGraphics.image(AS.frameGraphics, 0, 0); grAPI.hiddenScribbleGraphics.filter(INVERT) pop(); if(grAPI.show_diffused == true){ image(grAPI.diffusedGraphics, 0, 0); } if(Draws.isDrawing){ //Cursor.showCursor(mouseX, mouseY); } // DISPLAY TECHNICAL DATA ABOUT THE CURSOR //Cursor.showData(); } // END DRAW