import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import scipy.stats as stats import as px from datetime import datetime import pydeck as pdk import numpy as np ######################### ## STREAMLIT STRUCTURE ## ######################### st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # Title of the page st.title("Safety stock, EOQ, ROP Recommender") st.write("Recommend safety stock, economic order quantity (EOQ), reorder point (ROP) based on established supply chain algorithm. Assumptions made that demand and lead time are independent variables") # Create placement containers in sequence stats_col1, stats_col2, stats_col3 = st.columns(3) ############### ## FUNCTIONS ## ############### average_days_per_month = 30.437 # to add emoji to the transport mode transport_emoji = { "Air":"Air 🛩ī¸", "Land": "Land 🚚", "Ocean": "Ocean đŸšĸ" } # we need the following so that streamlit will only run the following once # in this case, it will cache our df and not rerun it everytime we change something on the app # @st.experimental_memo def read_df_combined(): df_combined = pd.read_csv('') # df_combined = pd.read_csv("df_combined.csv") df_combined["stock_month_2dp"] = df_combined["stock_month"].round(2) df_combined["stock_days_2dp"] = (df_combined["stock_month"]*average_days_per_month).round(2) df_combined["current_stock_formatted"] = df_combined["current_stock"].apply(lambda d: f"{int(d):,}") df_combined["avg_shipped_qty_2dp"] = df_combined["avg_shipped_qty"].round(2) df_combined["rop_date"] = pd.to_datetime(df_combined["rop_date"], format=r"%Y-%m-%d") st.session_state.df = df_combined return df_combined if "df" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.df = read_df_combined() # Function to get and display preset values in data_form based on historical data def preset(hub, sku, mode): try: target_row_no = st.session_state.df[(st.session_state.df['hub']==st.session_state.hub) & (st.session_state.df['sku'] == st.session_state.sku) & (st.session_state.df['mode'] == st.session_state.mode)].index[0] preset_service_level = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'service_level']*100 preset_demand_mean = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'avg_shipped_qty'] preset_demand_sd = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'sd_shipped_qty'] preset_leadtime_mean = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'leadtime_days'] preset_leadtime_sd = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'leadtime_days_sd'] preset_holding_cost_per_unit_per_month = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'holding_cost_per_unit_year']/12 preset_handling_cost = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'handling_cost'] preset_today_inventory = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'current_stock'] st.session_state.service_level = preset_service_level st.session_state.demand_mean = round(preset_demand_mean,2) st.session_state.demand_sd = round(preset_demand_sd,2) st.session_state.leadtime_mean = round(preset_leadtime_mean,2) st.session_state.leadtime_sd = round(preset_leadtime_sd,2) st.session_state.holding_cost_per_unit_per_month = round(preset_holding_cost_per_unit_per_month,2) st.session_state.handling_cost = round(preset_handling_cost,2) st.session_state.today_inventory = round(preset_today_inventory,2) st.session_state.preset = True safety_stock = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'safety_stock'] eoq = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'eoq'] rop = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'rop'] # display result in 3 col metrics result_col1.metric("Safety Stock", f"{safety_stock:,}") result_col2.metric("Economic Order Quantiy", f"{eoq:,}") result_col3.metric("Reorder Point", f"{rop:,}") # Display re-order date with result_container: # get target row for the chosen SKU and transport mode in CONSOLE HUB target_row_no_console = st.session_state.df[(st.session_state.df['hub']=="R.HUB") & (st.session_state.df['sku'] == sku) & (st.session_state.df['mode'] == mode)].index[0] console_support = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no_console, "console_support"] if np.isnan(console_support): background_color = "rgba(250, 202, 43, 0.2)" text_color = "rgb(148, 124, 45)" RHUB_support_text = None elif console_support == False: background_color = "rgba(255, 43, 43, 0.09)" text_color = "rgb(125, 53, 59)" RHUB_support_text = 'R.HUB support within next 90 days for this SKU in all hubs: NO 🚨
' elif console_support == True: background_color = "rgba(33, 195, 84, 0.1)" text_color = "rgb(23, 114, 51)" RHUB_support_text = 'R.HUB support within next 90 days for this SKU in all hubs: YES ✅
' tab1, tab2, = st.tabs(["Status", "Pull Quantity Details"]) with tab1: st.markdown(f"""
Next re-order date: {st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "rop_date"]}
Recommended Transport Mode from R.HUB to Hubs: {transport_emoji[st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "recommended_mode"]]}

{RHUB_support_text} Current stock in R.HUB: {int(st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no_console, "current_stock"])}
Expected total pull quantity from R.HUB within next 90 days: {int(st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no_console, "expected_pull_next_90d"])}

* Calculation is based on monthly actual demand (constantly refresh using shipment order detail report) & transit time (transport mode) assuming that all hubs will use the selected transport mode
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) with tab2: pull_qty_breakdown = st.session_state.df[["hub","actual_eoq", "rop_date"]][(st.session_state.df["hub"] != "R.HUB") & (st.session_state.df["sku"] == st.session_state.sku) & (st.session_state.df["mode"] == st.session_state.mode) & (st.session_state.df["days_to_rop"] < 90)].set_index("hub") pull_qty_breakdown['actual_eoq'] = pull_qty_breakdown['actual_eoq'].apply(lambda d: f"{int(d):,}") pull_qty_breakdown["rop_date"] = pd.to_datetime(pull_qty_breakdown["rop_date"], format=r"%Y-%m-%d") st.dataframe(pull_qty_breakdown.sort_values(by=["rop_date"]), use_container_width= True) # display warning if rop is higher than eoq if rop > eoq:"Since EOQ is less than ROP due to low handling cost, demand or holding cost, we will plot the inventory level assuming that we order in multiple of EOQ until it exceed ROP. In actual situation, combine them with other skus to yield much better overall costs") # calculate inventory level over 365 days data = calc_365_inventory(safety_stock, eoq, rop, st.session_state.demand_mean, st.session_state.demand_sd, st.session_state.leadtime_mean, st.session_state.leadtime_sd, random_demand_leadtime_boolean = False) # display matplotlib chart based on data fig = px.line(data, x="day", y="inventory", title='Inventory levels over a year', labels={"day":"Number of days in a year", "inventory": "Inventory Level"}) fig.add_hline(y=rop, line_dash="dash", line_color="orange", annotation_text="reorder point") fig.add_hline(y=safety_stock, line_dash="dash", line_color="green", annotation_text="safety stock") result_container.plotly_chart(fig, theme = 'streamlit') except: preset_container.write(f"This SKU is not a cat b item at {st.session_state.hub}. \n **NO PRESET LOADED**") # Function to return nan, false or true # for use when determine whether console can support based on expected pull in next 90 days def pos_neg_nan(val): if np.isnan(val): return np.nan elif val > 0: return True elif val <= 0: return False # Calculate the expected total pull from console hub from all hubs, specific sku and mode # and evaluate if console hub can support the expected pull def console_support(): date_90days_later = pd.to_datetime('today').normalize() + pd.Timedelta(days=90) # df_expected_pull = st.session_state.df[["sku", "mode", "actual_eoq"]][(st.session_state.df["hub"]!="R.HUB") & (pd.to_datetime(st.session_state.df["rop_date"], format=r"%Y-%m-%d") < date_90days_later)].groupby(["sku", "mode"]).sum("actual_eoq").reset_index() df_expected_pull = st.session_state.df[["sku", "mode", "actual_eoq"]][(st.session_state.df["hub"]!="R.HUB") & (st.session_state.df["days_to_rop"] < 90)].groupby(["sku", "mode"]).sum("actual_eoq").reset_index() df_expected_pull.columns = ["sku","mode","expected_pull_next_90d"] st.session_state.df.drop(["expected_pull_next_90d","console_support"], axis = 1, inplace = True) st.session_state.df = st.session_state.df.merge(df_expected_pull, how="left", on=["sku","mode"]) st.session_state.df = st.session_state.df.fillna(0) st.session_state.df["console_support"] = st.session_state.df["current_stock"] - st.session_state.df["expected_pull_next_90d"] st.session_state.df["console_support"] = st.session_state.df["console_support"].apply(pos_neg_nan) def recommend_transport_mode(hub, sku, df): target_rows = df[["hub","sku","mode","handling_cost", "leadtime_days", 'days_to_rop']][(df["hub"]==hub)&(df["sku"]==sku)].index # if any of the days_to_rop is more than 0, we will take the one that is the lowest handling cost if any(df.loc[target_rows, "days_to_rop"]>0): temp_df = df[["mode","handling_cost"]][(df["hub"]==hub)&(df["sku"]==sku)&(df["days_to_rop"]>0)] recommended_mode = temp_df["mode"][temp_df["handling_cost"] == temp_df["handling_cost"].min()].iloc[0] # if all the days_to_rop is 0, it means we are already behind time, hence, we take the fastest leadtime, ignoring cost elif all(df.loc[target_rows, "days_to_rop"]) == 0: temp_df = df[["mode","leadtime_days"]][(df["hub"]==hub)&(df["sku"]==sku)&(df["leadtime_days"]>0)] recommended_mode = temp_df["mode"][temp_df["leadtime_days"] == temp_df["leadtime_days"].min()].iloc[0] return recommended_mode # Function to calculate SS, EOQ, ROP def recommender(service_level, demand_mean, demand_sd, leadtime_mean, leadtime_sd, holding_cost_per_unit_per_month, handling_cost, inventory, hub , sku, mode): st.session_state.df = st.session_state.df # calculate safety stock # assume that demand and leadtime are independent z_score = stats.norm.ppf(service_level/100) safety_stock = z_score * ((demand_mean * (leadtime_sd/average_days_per_month))**2 + ((leadtime_mean/average_days_per_month) * demand_sd**2))**0.5 safety_stock = round(safety_stock, 0) # calculate economic order quantity # (we look at it in a yearly time period because we may only order every few months. Hence, holding cost is on a yearly basis) eoq = ((2*handling_cost*demand_mean*12)/(holding_cost_per_unit_per_month*12))**0.5 eoq = round(eoq, 0) # calculate reorder point rop = safety_stock + demand_mean * (leadtime_mean / average_days_per_month) rop = round(rop, 0) # calculate ROP date days_to_rop = max((inventory - rop) / (demand_mean / average_days_per_month),0) rop_date = (pd.to_datetime('today').normalize() + pd.Timedelta(days=int(days_to_rop))).date() # update these calculated values to the df so that it can be downloaded later target_row_no = st.session_state.df[(st.session_state.df['hub']==hub) & (st.session_state.df['sku'] == sku) & (st.session_state.df['mode'] == mode)].index[0] if st.session_state.preset: print("save") st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "service_level"] = service_level/100 st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "avg_shipped_qty"] = demand_mean st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "sd_shipped_qty"] = demand_sd st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "leadtime_days"] = leadtime_mean st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "leadtime_days_sd"] = leadtime_sd st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "holding_cost_per_unit_year"] = holding_cost_per_unit_per_month * 12 st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "handling_cost"] = handling_cost st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "safety_stock"] = safety_stock st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "eoq"] = eoq st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "rop"] = rop st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "days_to_rop"] = days_to_rop st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "rop_date"] = rop_date # calculate recommended transport mode # we have to calculate this after rop dates are updated recommended_mode = recommend_transport_mode(st.session_state.hub, st.session_state.sku, st.session_state.df) if st.session_state.preset: # we don't use target_row_no as we do not need the mode st.session_state.df.loc[st.session_state.df[(st.session_state.df["hub"]==hub)&(st.session_state.df["sku"]==sku)].index, "recommended_mode"] = recommended_mode # recalculate expected pull and whether console hub can support console_support() return safety_stock, eoq, rop, rop_date, recommended_mode # function to calculate the stock level per day taking into consideration all the variables def calc_365_inventory(safety_stock, eoq, rop, demand_mean, demand_sd, leadtime_mean, leadtime_sd, random_demand_leadtime_boolean): safety_stock = round(safety_stock,0) eoq = round(eoq,0) rop = round(rop,0) # we do the following in case rop is higher than eoq. if that happens, then we order multiple times of eoq actual_eoq = eoq * np.ceil(rop/eoq) demand_per_day = demand_mean / average_days_per_month demand_sd_per_day = demand_mean / average_days_per_month data = {'day':[], 'inventory':[], 'order':None} for day in range(365): # track day count data['day'].append(day) # if day 0, assume we have eoq inventory on hand if day == 0: data['inventory'].append(actual_eoq) else: # randomised demand based on normal distribution and defined mean and standarad deviation if random_demand_leadtime_boolean: randomised_demand = round(stats.norm(loc=demand_per_day,scale=demand_sd_per_day).rvs(size=1)[0],0) else: randomised_demand = demand_per_day # deduct inventory per day based on demand data['inventory'].append(data['inventory'][-1]-randomised_demand) # check if stock after deduct demand is lower than rop. If yes, then raise order if data['inventory'][-1] < rop and data['order'] == None: # randomised demand based on normal distribution and defined mean and standarad deviation if random_demand_leadtime_boolean: randomised_leadtime = round(stats.norm(loc=leadtime_mean,scale=leadtime_sd).rvs(size=1)[0],0) else: randomised_leadtime = leadtime_mean # deduct inventory per day based on demand data['order'] = randomised_leadtime elif data['inventory'][-1] < rop and data['order'] > 0: data['order'] -= 1 elif data['inventory'][-1] < rop and data['order'] == 0: data['order'] = None data['inventory'][day] += actual_eoq return data # Function to change the result output upon pressing submit button def display_recommendations(): # we have to do this rather than passing it to the function using arg because streamlit only update the args after 1 pass # to get the most updated value immediately, we need to use session state instead service_level = st.session_state.service_level demand_mean = st.session_state.demand_mean demand_sd = st.session_state.demand_sd leadtime_mean = st.session_state.leadtime_mean leadtime_sd = st.session_state.leadtime_sd holding_cost_per_unit_per_month = st.session_state.holding_cost_per_unit_per_month handling_cost = st.session_state.handling_cost random_demand_leadtime_boolean = st.session_state.random_demand_leadtime inventory = st.session_state.today_inventory hub = st.session_state.hub sku = st.session_state.sku mode = st.session_state.mode # Run recommender function safety_stock, eoq, rop, rop_date, recommended_mode = recommender(service_level, demand_mean, demand_sd, leadtime_mean, leadtime_sd, holding_cost_per_unit_per_month, handling_cost, inventory, hub , sku, mode) # display result in 3 col metrics result_col1.metric("Safety Stock", f"{safety_stock:,}") result_col2.metric("Economic Order Quantiy", f"{eoq:,}") result_col3.metric("Reorder Point", f"{rop:,}") # Display re-order date with result_container: # get target row for the chosen SKU and transport mode in CONSOLE HUB target_row_no = st.session_state.df[(st.session_state.df['hub']=="R.HUB") & (st.session_state.df['sku'] == sku) & (st.session_state.df['mode'] == mode)].index[0] console_support = st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "console_support"] if np.isnan(console_support): background_color = "rgba(250, 202, 43, 0.2)" text_color = "rgb(148, 124, 45)" RHUB_support_text = None elif console_support == False: background_color = "rgba(255, 43, 43, 0.09)" text_color = "rgb(125, 53, 59)" RHUB_support_text = 'R.HUB support within next 90 days for this SKU in all hubs: NO 🚨
' elif console_support == True: background_color = "rgba(33, 195, 84, 0.1)" text_color = "rgb(23, 114, 51)" RHUB_support_text = 'R.HUB support within next 90 days for this SKU in all hubs: YES ✅
' tab1, tab2, = st.tabs(["Status", "Pull Quantity Details"]) with tab1: st.markdown(f"""
Next re-order date: {rop_date}
Recommended Transport Mode from R.HUB to Hubs: {transport_emoji[recommended_mode]}

{RHUB_support_text} Current stock in R.HUB: {int(st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "current_stock"])}
Expected total pull quantity from R.HUB within next 90 days: {int(st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, "expected_pull_next_90d"])}

* Calculation is based on monthly actual demand (constantly refresh using shipment order detail report) & transit time (transport mode) assuming that all hubs will use the selected transport mode
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) with tab2: pull_qty_breakdown = st.session_state.df[["hub","actual_eoq", "rop_date"]][(st.session_state.df["hub"] != "R.HUB") & (st.session_state.df["sku"] == st.session_state.sku) & (st.session_state.df["mode"] == st.session_state.mode) & (st.session_state.df["days_to_rop"] < 90)].set_index("hub") pull_qty_breakdown['actual_eoq'] = pull_qty_breakdown['actual_eoq'].apply(lambda d: f"{int(d):,}") pull_qty_breakdown["rop_date"] = pd.to_datetime(pull_qty_breakdown["rop_date"], format=r"%Y-%m-%d") st.dataframe(pull_qty_breakdown.sort_values(by=["rop_date"]), use_container_width= True) # display warning if rop is higher than eoq if rop > eoq:"Since EOQ is less than ROP due to low handling cost, demand or holding cost, we will plot the inventory level assuming that we order in multiple of EOQ until it exceed ROP. In actual situation, combine them with other skus to yield much better overall costs") # calculate inventory level over 365 days data = calc_365_inventory(safety_stock, eoq, rop, demand_mean, demand_sd, leadtime_mean, leadtime_sd, random_demand_leadtime_boolean) # display matplotlib chart based on data fig = px.line(data, x="day", y="inventory", title='Inventory levels over a year', labels={"day":"Number of days in a year", "inventory": "Inventory Level"}) fig.add_hline(y=rop, line_dash="dash", line_color="orange", annotation_text="reorder point") fig.add_hline(y=safety_stock, line_dash="dash", line_color="green", annotation_text="safety stock") result_container.plotly_chart(fig, theme = 'streamlit') ############### ## STREAMLIT ## ############### # Create placement containers in sequence with st.sidebar: st.subheader("Preset values based on historical data") # Preset Form hub_val = st.selectbox('Hub', sorted(st.session_state.df['hub'].unique()), key='hub') sku_val = st.selectbox('SKU', sorted(st.session_state.df['sku'][(st.session_state.df["hub"]==hub_val)].unique()), key='sku') mode_val = st.selectbox('Transport Mode', sorted(st.session_state.df['mode'][(st.session_state.df["hub"]==hub_val)&(st.session_state.df["sku"]==sku_val)].unique()), help ="Mode selected would be the same for all hubs and chosen SKU. This would also affect the expected demand from R.HUB within the next 90 days", key='mode') preset_container = st.container() preset_container.empty() preset_submit = st.button(label='Get Preset', on_click=preset, args = (hub_val, sku_val, mode_val)) # download_df = st.session_state.df[['hub','sku','mode','current_stock', 'service_level', 'avg_shipped_qty', 'sd_shipped_qty', 'leadtime_days', 'leadtime_days_sd', 'holding_cost_per_unit_year', 'handling_cost','safety_stock','eoq','actual_eoq','rop', 'rop_date', 'expected_pull_next_90d', 'console_support']].copy() # download_df.columns = ['hub','sku','mode','current_stock','service_level', 'demand_mean', 'demand_sd', 'leadtime_days', 'leadtime_sd', 'holding_cost_per_unit_year', 'handling_cost_per_order','safety_stock','economic_order_qty','adjusted_economic_order_qty','reorder_point', 'reorder_date', 'expected_pull_next_90d', 'R.HUB_support'] # download_csv = download_df.to_csv().encode('utf-8') # st.download_button('Download Historical Data with calculated SS, EOQ, ROP', data = download_csv, file_name = 'download_csv.csv', mime='text/csv') # Important statistics if "today_inventory" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.today_inventory = 0 st.session_state.preset = False stats_col1.metric("Today's Inventory", 0) stats_col2.metric("Average Demand / Mnth", 0) stats_col3.metric("Stock Month", 0) else: target_row_no = st.session_state.df[(st.session_state.df['hub']==st.session_state.hub) & (st.session_state.df['sku'] == st.session_state.sku) & (st.session_state.df['mode'] == st.session_state.mode)].index[0] stats_col1.metric("Today's Inventory", f"{st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'current_stock']:,}") stats_col2.metric("Average Demand / Mnth", f"{round(st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'avg_shipped_qty'],2):,}") stats_col3.metric("Stock Month", f"{round(st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'current_stock']/st.session_state.df.loc[target_row_no, 'avg_shipped_qty'], 2):,}") # display inventory across all hubs try: with st.expander("Expand to see inventory across all hubs", expanded=False): # Display Inventory Map across hub st.subheader(f"Stock months across all hubs: {int(st.session_state.df['current_stock'][(st.session_state.df['sku']==st.session_state.sku)&(st.session_state.df['mode']==st.session_state.mode)].sum()):,}") layer = pdk.Layer( "ColumnLayer", data=st.session_state.df[["hub","current_stock_formatted","stock_month_2dp","lat", "lng", "color"]][(st.session_state.df['sku'] == st.session_state.sku) & (st.session_state.df['mode'] == "Air")], get_position="[lng, lat]", auto_highlight=True, get_elevation="stock_month_2dp", elevation_scale=200_000, radius=200_000, pickable=True, # elevation_range=[0, 100], extruded=True, coverage=1, # get_fill_color=[255, 165, 0, 100] get_fill_color=["255", "165 + color", "0", 100] ) # Set the viewport location view_state = pdk.ViewState( longitude=0.0, latitude=10.2323, zoom=1, min_zoom=1, max_zoom=15, pitch=45, bearing=0 ) # Combined all of it and render a viewport r = pdk.Deck( map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", layers=[layer], initial_view_state=view_state, tooltip={"html": """Hub: {hub}
Stock Month: {stock_month_2dp}
Stock Level: {current_stock_formatted}
""", "style": {"color": "white"}}, ) st.pydeck_chart(r) except: pass with st.expander("Expand to see how demand and leadtime affect SS, EOQ, ROP", expanded=False): data_form = st.form(key="data_form") data_form.write("*Input the variables in the form below and click submit to derive the recommendation*") # data_form.write("*Please note that tweaking these variables are only to simulate how different factors will affect the recommendation. These tweaks will not affect the actual reorder date*") data_form_no_col = data_form.columns(1) data_form_col1, data_form_col2 = data_form.columns(2) result_container = st.container() with result_container: result_col1, result_col2, result_col3 = st.columns(3) # Data Form service_level_val = data_form.slider('Desired service level for SKU (%)', 1, 100, 90, help="Higher service level will result in higher safety stock", key='service_level') demand_mean_val = data_form_col1.number_input('Average monthly demand for SKU at hub', value = 12.0, min_value = 0.01, step = 1.0, format = "%f", help="Higher demand will result in higher safety stock, economic order quantity and reorder point", key='demand_mean') demand_sd_val = data_form_col1.number_input('Standard deviation of monthly demand for SKU at hub', value = 1.0, min_value = 0.01, step = 0.01, format = "%f", help="Higher variability of demand month on month will result in higher safety stock", key='demand_sd') leadtime_mean_val = data_form_col2.number_input('Average lead time from SIN to hub (days)', value = 1.0, min_value = 0.01, step = 1.0, format = "%f", help="Longer lead time will result in higher safety stock and reorder point", key='leadtime_mean') leadtime_sd_val = data_form_col2.number_input('Standard deviation of lead time from SIN to hub (days)', value = 1.0, min_value = 0.01, step = 0.01, format = "%f", help="Higher variability of lead time will result in higher safety stock", key='leadtime_sd') holding_cost_per_unit_per_month_val = data_form_col1.number_input('Holding cost per unit of SKU per month', value = 1.0, min_value = 0.01, step = 0.01, format = "%f", help="Higher holding cost will reduce the economic order quantity per order", key='holding_cost_per_unit_per_month') handling_cost_val = data_form_col2.number_input('Handling cost per shipment order', value = 1.0, min_value = 0.01, step = 1.0, format = "%f", help="Higher handling cost per order will increase the economic order quantity per order", key='handling_cost') random_demand_leadtime_boolean = data_form.checkbox("Simulate normalised random demand and leadtime", value=False, key='random_demand_leadtime', help="Enabling this will assuming randomised demand and leadtime normalised according to mean and standard deviation input") data_submit = data_form.form_submit_button(label = "Submit", on_click = display_recommendations, args=())