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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
# Title of the page
st.write("Summary of SKUs where stock days are limited and reorder date is near")
average_days_per_month = 30.437
# we need the following so that streamlit will only run the following once
# in this case, it will cache our df and not rerun it everytime we change something on the app
def read_df_combined():
df_combined = pd.read_csv('')
# df_combined = pd.read_csv("df_combined.csv")
df_combined["stock_month_2dp"] = df_combined["stock_month"].round(2)
df_combined["stock_days_2dp"] = (df_combined["stock_month"]*average_days_per_month).round(2)
df_combined["current_stock_formatted"] = df_combined["current_stock"].apply(lambda d: f"{int(d):,}")
df_combined["avg_shipped_qty_2dp"] = df_combined["avg_shipped_qty"].round(2)
df_combined["rop_date"] = pd.to_datetime(df_combined["rop_date"], format=r"%Y-%m-%d")
st.session_state.df = df_combined
return df_combined
if "df" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.df = read_df_combined()
def display_stock_warn_reorder(hub):
stock_days_keys = "stock_days"+hub
reorder_days_keys = "reorder_days"+hub
# Stock Warning
st.subheader(f"Stock Warning for {hub}")
st.caption("Display stocks where remaining stock days is less than specified")
st.slider("Stock Warning", 1, 90, 30, label_visibility = "collapsed", help = "Specify the stock days to filter", key = stock_days_keys)
df_stock_warning = st.session_state.df[["sku","current_stock_formatted","avg_shipped_qty_2dp", "stock_days_2dp"]][(st.session_state.df["hub"]==hub) & (st.session_state.df["stock_days_2dp"] <= st.session_state[stock_days_keys])].groupby("sku").min().reset_index()
df_stock_warning.columns = ["SKU","Stocks on hand", "Average monthly demand", "Stock days"]
st.dataframe(df_stock_warning.sort_values(by=["Stock days"]), use_container_width = True)
# Reorder stocks. For CONSOLE hub only, remove the column "console_support"
if hub == "R.HUB":
st.subheader(f"Upcoming Reorder for {hub}")
st.caption("Display stocks where the reorder date is within the specified time period")
st.caption("Recommended transport mode would always be based on the lowest estimated handling cost. If we have reorder date is marked as 0 (meaning we have already pass the optimum reorder date), recommended transport mode would be based on the shortest lead time")
st.slider("Stock Warning", 1, 90, 30, label_visibility = "collapsed", help = "Specify the time period to filter upcoming reorder point", key = reorder_days_keys)
df_reorder = st.session_state.df[["sku","current_stock_formatted", "avg_shipped_qty_2dp", "stock_days_2dp", "rop", "rop_date", "recommended_mode"]][(st.session_state.df["hub"]==hub) & (st.session_state.df["days_to_rop"] <= st.session_state[reorder_days_keys])].groupby("sku").min().reset_index()
df_reorder.columns = ["SKU","Stocks on hand", "Average monthly demand", "Stock days", "Reorder Point", "Reorder Date", "Recommended Transport Mode"]
st.dataframe(df_reorder.sort_values(by=["Reorder Date", "Stock days"]), use_container_width = True)
st.subheader(f"Upcoming Reorder for {hub}")
st.caption("Display stocks where the reorder date is within the specified time period")
st.caption("Recommended transport mode would always be based on the lowest estimated handling cost. If we have reorder date is marked as 0 (meaning we have already pass the optimum reorder date), recommended transport mode would be based on the shortest lead time")
st.slider("Stock Warning", 1, 90, 30, label_visibility = "collapsed", help = "Specify the time period to filter upcoming reorder point", key = reorder_days_keys)
df_reorder = st.session_state.df[["sku","current_stock_formatted", "avg_shipped_qty_2dp", "stock_days_2dp", "rop","rop_date", "recommended_mode", "console_support"]][(st.session_state.df["hub"]==hub) & (st.session_state.df["days_to_rop"] <= st.session_state[reorder_days_keys])].groupby("sku").min().reset_index()
df_reorder.columns = ["SKU","Stocks on hand", "Average monthly demand", "Stock days", "Reorder Point", "Reorder Date", "Recommended Transport Mode", "Support from R.Hub"]
st.dataframe(df_reorder.sort_values(by=["Reorder Date", "Stock days"]), use_container_width = True)
rhub_tab, cvg_tab, dub_tab, sin_tab, slc_tab = st.tabs(["R.HUB", "CVG", "DUB", "SIN", "SLC"])
with rhub_tab:
with cvg_tab:
with dub_tab:
with sin_tab:
with slc_tab: