Dear Ms. Wagner, It is known that you are planning to make changes in our school's rules. So I am writing to you, as a student that I am to express my opinion and to suggest you ing idea for where we should start changing things. As we all know in schools cell phones are not allowded. There are a lot of reasons why they made this rule. For example, taking photos of someone without their permission, and expecially because of cyber-bullying. For that I would like to make a suggestion for a new rule. For a start a good idea would be to change the rule of the mobile phones and allow the students to bring their phones with them. Then you should install to all classes a box where all the kids will be supposed to put their phones and the teacher will have to hand it to the principal. The kids by their way to leave school will be given bag their phones. To sum up, I believe that this would a very strict new rule that all students should follow. I hope you take my suggestion into consideration. I hope my idea