import discord from discord import app_commands import aiohttp import asyncio from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta from cash import user_cash # Ensure you have a '' module managing user_cash as a dictionary user_bets = {} API_KEY = "jE7yBJVRNAwdDesMgTzTXUUSx1It41Fq" async def fetch_nhl_scores(): today ='%Y%m%d') url = f"{today}?apikey={API_KEY}" async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as response: return await response.json() async def fetch_nfl_scores(): current_year = for week in range(1, 18): # NFL regular season has 17 weeks url = f"{current_year}-{week}-1?apikey={API_KEY}" async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as response: data = await response.json() if data['sectionList'][0]['events'][0]['eventStatus'] == 2: return data return None # If no current week is found class SportSelect(discord.ui.Select): def __init__(self): options = [ discord.SelectOption(label="NHL", description="Bet on NHL games"), discord.SelectOption(label="NFL", description="Bet on NFL games") ] super().__init__(placeholder="Select a sport to bet on", min_values=1, max_values=1, options=options) async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): selected_sport = self.values[0] await interaction.response.edit_message(content=f"Selected Sport: {selected_sport}. Fetching games...", view=None) await asyncio.sleep(1) # Brief pause for better UX if selected_sport == "NHL": scores = await fetch_nhl_scores() events = scores.get('sectionList', [])[0].get('events', []) upcoming_games = [game for game in events if game.get('eventStatus') == 2] if not upcoming_games: await interaction.followup.send("No NHL games available for betting today.", ephemeral=False) return view = GameSelect(upcoming_games, "NHL") await interaction.followup.send("Select a game to bet on:", view=view, ephemeral=False) elif selected_sport == "NFL": scores = await fetch_nfl_scores() if not scores: await interaction.followup.send("No NFL games available for betting this week.", ephemeral=False) return events = scores.get('sectionList', [])[0].get('events', []) upcoming_games = [game for game in events if game.get('eventStatus') == 2] if not upcoming_games: await interaction.followup.send("No NFL games available for betting this week.", ephemeral=False) return view = GameSelect(upcoming_games, "NFL") await interaction.followup.send("Select a game to bet on:", view=view, ephemeral=False) class GameSelect(discord.ui.View): def __init__(self, games, league): super().__init__() self.league = league options = [ discord.SelectOption( label=f"{game['lowerTeam']['longName']} vs {game['upperTeam']['longName']}", value=game['id'], description=f"Start time: " ) for game in games ] = {game['id']: game for game in games} self.add_item(GameOptionSelect(options, self.league, class GameOptionSelect(discord.ui.Select): def __init__(self, options, league, games): super().__init__(placeholder="Select a game", min_values=1, max_values=1, options=options) self.league = league = games async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): selected_game_id = self.values[0] game_data = if not game_data: await interaction.response.send_message("Selected game data not found.", ephemeral=False) return await interaction.response.edit_message(content="Select a team to bet on:", view=None) await asyncio.sleep(1) # Brief pause for better UX view = TeamSelect(game_data, self.league) await interaction.followup.send("Select a team to bet on:", view=view, ephemeral=False) class TeamSelect(discord.ui.View): def __init__(self, game, league): super().__init__() self.league = league away_team = game['lowerTeam'] home_team = game['upperTeam'] options = [ discord.SelectOption(label=away_team['longName'], value=away_team['name']), discord.SelectOption(label=home_team['longName'], value=home_team['name']) ] = game self.add_item(TeamOptionSelect(options, league, game)) class TeamOptionSelect(discord.ui.Select): def __init__(self, options, league, game): super().__init__(placeholder="Select a team to bet on", min_values=1, max_values=1, options=options) self.league = league = game async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): selected_team = self.values[0] await interaction.response.send_modal(BetModal(selected_team,,, self.league)) class BetModal(discord.ui.Modal, title="Place Your Bet"): bet_amount = discord.ui.TextInput(label="Bet Amount", placeholder="Enter bet amount", required=True) def __init__(self, team, user_id, game_data, league): super().__init__() = team self.user_id = user_id self.game_data = game_data self.league = league async def on_submit(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): try: bet_amount = int(self.bet_amount.value) if bet_amount <= 0: raise ValueError("Bet amount must be greater than 0.") if bet_amount > user_cash.get(self.user_id, 0): raise ValueError("Insufficient balance. Please check your balance and try again.") user_cash[self.user_id] -= bet_amount await interaction.response.send_message(f"Bet placed on **{}** for **${bet_amount}**.", ephemeral=False) user = await interaction.client.fetch_user(self.user_id) embed = discord.Embed(title="Bet Placed", color=0x787878) embed.add_field(name="League", value=self.league, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Team",, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Amount", value=f"${bet_amount}", inline=False) game_description = f"{self.game_data['lowerTeam']['longName']} vs {self.game_data['upperTeam']['longName']}" start_time = self.game_data['eventTime'] embed.add_field(name="Game", value=game_description, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Start Time", value=f"", inline=False) await user.send(embed=embed) if self.user_id not in user_bets: user_bets[self.user_id] = [] # Initialize previous scores to None to track changes only when they occur. user_bets[self.user_id].append({ "league": self.league, "team":, "amount": bet_amount, "game_data": self.game_data, "previous_scores": { "away": None, "home": None, } }) asyncio.create_task(self.monitor_game(interaction)) except ValueError as e: await interaction.response.send_message(str(e), ephemeral=False) async def monitor_game(self, interaction): previous_scores={ "away": None, "home": None, } while True: scores_response=await fetch_nhl_scores() if self.league =="NHL" else fetch_nfl_scores() event_list_key='events' if 'events' in scores_response.get('sectionList', [{}])[0] else 'games' current_game=None for section in scores_response.get('sectionList', []): for event in section.get(event_list_key , []): if event['id']==self.game_data['id']: current_game=event break if not current_game: await asyncio.sleep(60) continue current_scores={ "away": current_game['lowerTeam'].get('score'), "home": current_game['upperTeam'].get('score'), } score_changed=False for key in ["away","home"]: current_score=current_scores[key] previous_score=previous_scores[key] # Only notify when the score changes from a non-None state. if previous_score is not None and current_score!=previous_score: score_changed=True previous_scores=current_scores.copy() if score_changed: away_score=current_scores["away"] or 'N/A' home_score=current_scores["home"] or 'N/A' message=f"Score update: {away_score} - {home_score}" user=await interaction.client.fetch_user(self.user_id) await user.send(message) event_status=current_game.get('eventStatus') if event_status==3: break await asyncio.sleep(60) class SportBetView(discord.ui.View): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_item(SportSelect()) @discord.ui.button(label="View Bets", style=discord.ButtonStyle.secondary) async def view_bets(self ,interaction:discord.Interaction ,button :discord.ui.Button ): await show_current_bets(interaction) async def show_current_bets(interaction:discord.Interaction ): if user_id not in user_bets or not user_bets[user_id]: await interaction.response.send_message("You have no active bets." ,ephemeral=False ) return embed=discord.Embed(title ="Your Current Bets" ,color=0x787878 ) for i ,bet in enumerate(user_bets[user_id] ,1 ): league=bet ['league'] team=bet ['team'] amount=bet ['amount'] game=bet ['game_data'] away_score='N/A' if 'score' not in game ['lowerTeam'] else str(game ['lowerTeam']['score']) home_score='N/A' if 'score' not in game ['upperTeam'] else str(game ['upperTeam']['score']) status='Final' if 'score' in game ['upperTeam'] else f"Starts " embed.add_field( name=f"Bet {i}: {league}" , value=(f"**Team:** {team}\n" f"**Amount:** ${amount}\n" f"**Game:** {game ['lowerTeam']['longName']} vs {game ['upperTeam']['longName']}\n" f"**Status:** {status}\n" f"**Current Score:** {away_score} - {home_score}\n" f"**Start Time:** "), inline=False ) view=discord.ui.View() cancel_select=discord.ui.Select( placeholder ="Select a bet to cancel", min_values=1 , max_values=1 , options=[ discord.SelectOption(label=f"Bet {i}" ,value=str(i-1)) for i in range(1 ,len(user_bets[user_id])+1 ) ] ) view.add_item(cancel_select) async def cancel_callback(interaction_cancel :discord.Interaction ): if !=user_id : await interaction_cancel.response.send_message("You cannot cancel other users' bets." ,ephemeral=False ) return bet_index=int(cancel_select.values[0]) cancelled_bet=user_bets[user_id][bet_index] start_time=datetime.fromisoformat(cancelled_bet ['game_data']['eventTime'].replace('Z','+00:00')) if>=start_time : await interaction_cancel.response.send_message("You cannot cancel your bet as the game has already started." ,ephemeral=False ) return user_cash[user_id]+=cancelled_bet ['amount'] user_bets[user_id].pop(bet_index) await interaction_cancel.response.send_message(f"Bet cancelled. **${cancelled_bet ['amount']}** has been refunded." ,ephemeral=False ) if not user_bets[user_id]: del user_bets[user_id] cancel_select.callback=cancel_callback await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed ,view=view ,ephemeral=False ) @app_commands.command(name ="sportbet" ,description ="Bet on sports games") async def sportbet(interaction :discord.Interaction ): view=SportBetView() await interaction.response.send_message("Select a sport to bet on:" ,view=view ,ephemeral=False )