import math |
import trimesh |
import numpy as np |
import random |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import raymarching |
from .utils import custom_meshgrid, get_audio_features, euler_angles_to_matrix, convert_poses |
def sample_pdf(bins, weights, n_samples, det=False): |
weights = weights + 1e-5 |
pdf = weights / torch.sum(weights, -1, keepdim=True) |
cdf = torch.cumsum(pdf, -1) |
cdf = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(cdf[..., :1]), cdf], -1) |
if det: |
u = torch.linspace(0. + 0.5 / n_samples, 1. - 0.5 / n_samples, steps=n_samples).to(weights.device) |
u = u.expand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [n_samples]) |
else: |
u = torch.rand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [n_samples]).to(weights.device) |
u = u.contiguous() |
inds = torch.searchsorted(cdf, u, right=True) |
below = torch.max(torch.zeros_like(inds - 1), inds - 1) |
above = torch.min((cdf.shape[-1] - 1) * torch.ones_like(inds), inds) |
inds_g = torch.stack([below, above], -1) |
matched_shape = [inds_g.shape[0], inds_g.shape[1], cdf.shape[-1]] |
cdf_g = torch.gather(cdf.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g) |
bins_g = torch.gather(bins.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g) |
denom = (cdf_g[..., 1] - cdf_g[..., 0]) |
denom = torch.where(denom < 1e-5, torch.ones_like(denom), denom) |
t = (u - cdf_g[..., 0]) / denom |
samples = bins_g[..., 0] + t * (bins_g[..., 1] - bins_g[..., 0]) |
return samples |
def plot_pointcloud(pc, color=None): |
print('[visualize points]', pc.shape, pc.dtype, pc.min(0), pc.max(0)) |
pc = trimesh.PointCloud(pc, color) |
axes = trimesh.creation.axis(axis_length=4) |
sphere = trimesh.creation.icosphere(radius=1) |
trimesh.Scene([pc, axes, sphere]).show() |
class NeRFRenderer(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, opt): |
super().__init__() |
self.opt = opt |
self.bound = opt.bound |
self.cascade = 1 + math.ceil(math.log2(opt.bound)) |
self.grid_size = 128 |
self.density_scale = 1 |
self.min_near = opt.min_near |
self.density_thresh = opt.density_thresh |
self.density_thresh_torso = opt.density_thresh_torso |
self.exp_eye = opt.exp_eye |
self.test_train = opt.test_train |
self.smooth_lips = opt.smooth_lips |
self.torso = opt.torso |
self.cuda_ray = opt.cuda_ray |
aabb_train = torch.FloatTensor([-opt.bound, -opt.bound/2, -opt.bound, opt.bound, opt.bound/2, opt.bound]) |
aabb_infer = aabb_train.clone() |
self.register_buffer('aabb_train', aabb_train) |
self.register_buffer('aabb_infer', aabb_infer) |
self.individual_num = opt.ind_num |
self.individual_dim = opt.ind_dim |
if self.individual_dim > 0: |
self.individual_codes = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.individual_num, self.individual_dim) * 0.1) |
if self.torso: |
self.individual_dim_torso = opt.ind_dim_torso |
if self.individual_dim_torso > 0: |
self.individual_codes_torso = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.individual_num, self.individual_dim_torso) * 0.1) |
self.train_camera = self.opt.train_camera |
if self.train_camera: |
self.camera_dR = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.individual_num, 3)) |
self.camera_dT = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.individual_num, 3)) |
density_grid = torch.zeros([self.cascade, self.grid_size ** 3]) |
density_bitfield = torch.zeros(self.cascade * self.grid_size ** 3 // 8, dtype=torch.uint8) |
self.register_buffer('density_grid', density_grid) |
self.register_buffer('density_bitfield', density_bitfield) |
self.mean_density = 0 |
self.iter_density = 0 |
if self.torso: |
density_grid_torso = torch.zeros([self.grid_size ** 2]) |
self.register_buffer('density_grid_torso', density_grid_torso) |
self.mean_density_torso = 0 |
step_counter = torch.zeros(16, 2, dtype=torch.int32) |
self.register_buffer('step_counter', step_counter) |
self.mean_count = 0 |
self.local_step = 0 |
if self.smooth_lips: |
self.enc_a = None |
def forward(self, x, d): |
raise NotImplementedError() |
def density(self, x): |
raise NotImplementedError() |
def color(self, x, d, mask=None, **kwargs): |
raise NotImplementedError() |
def reset_extra_state(self): |
if not self.cuda_ray: |
return |
self.density_grid.zero_() |
self.mean_density = 0 |
self.iter_density = 0 |
self.step_counter.zero_() |
self.mean_count = 0 |
self.local_step = 0 |
def run_cuda(self, rays_o, rays_d, auds, bg_coords, poses, eye=None, index=0, dt_gamma=0, bg_color=None, perturb=False, force_all_rays=False, max_steps=1024, T_thresh=1e-4, **kwargs): |
prefix = rays_o.shape[:-1] |
rays_o = rays_o.contiguous().view(-1, 3) |
rays_d = rays_d.contiguous().view(-1, 3) |
bg_coords = bg_coords.contiguous().view(-1, 2) |
if self.train_camera and (self.training or self.test_train): |
dT = self.camera_dT[index] |
dR = euler_angles_to_matrix(self.camera_dR[index] / 180 * np.pi + 1e-8).squeeze(0) |
rays_o = rays_o + dT |
rays_d = rays_d @ dR |
N = rays_o.shape[0] |
device = rays_o.device |
results = {} |
nears, fars = raymarching.near_far_from_aabb(rays_o, rays_d, self.aabb_train if self.training else self.aabb_infer, self.min_near) |
nears = nears.detach() |
fars = fars.detach() |
enc_a = self.encode_audio(auds) |
if enc_a is not None and self.smooth_lips: |
if self.enc_a is not None: |
_lambda = 0.35 |
enc_a = _lambda * self.enc_a + (1 - _lambda) * enc_a |
self.enc_a = enc_a |
if self.individual_dim > 0: |
if self.training: |
ind_code = self.individual_codes[index] |
else: |
ind_code = self.individual_codes[0] |
else: |
ind_code = None |
if self.training: |
counter = self.step_counter[self.local_step % 16] |
counter.zero_() |
self.local_step += 1 |
xyzs, dirs, deltas, rays = raymarching.march_rays_train(rays_o, rays_d, self.bound, self.density_bitfield, self.cascade, self.grid_size, nears, fars, counter, self.mean_count, perturb, 128, force_all_rays, dt_gamma, max_steps) |
sigmas, rgbs, amb_aud, amb_eye, uncertainty = self(xyzs, dirs, enc_a, ind_code, eye) |
sigmas = self.density_scale * sigmas |
weights_sum, amb_aud_sum, amb_eye_sum, uncertainty_sum, depth, image = raymarching.composite_rays_train_triplane(sigmas, rgbs, amb_aud.abs().sum(-1), amb_eye.abs().sum(-1), uncertainty, deltas, rays) |
results['weights_sum'] = weights_sum |
results['ambient_aud'] = amb_aud_sum |
results['ambient_eye'] = amb_eye_sum |
results['uncertainty'] = uncertainty_sum |
results['rays'] = xyzs, dirs, enc_a, ind_code, eye |
else: |
dtype = torch.float32 |
weights_sum = torch.zeros(N, dtype=dtype, device=device) |
depth = torch.zeros(N, dtype=dtype, device=device) |
image = torch.zeros(N, 3, dtype=dtype, device=device) |
amb_aud_sum = torch.zeros(N, dtype=dtype, device=device) |
amb_eye_sum = torch.zeros(N, dtype=dtype, device=device) |
uncertainty_sum = torch.zeros(N, dtype=dtype, device=device) |
n_alive = N |
rays_alive = torch.arange(n_alive, dtype=torch.int32, device=device) |
rays_t = nears.clone() |
step = 0 |
while step < max_steps: |
n_alive = rays_alive.shape[0] |
if n_alive <= 0: |
break |
n_step = max(min(N // n_alive, 8), 1) |
xyzs, dirs, deltas = raymarching.march_rays(n_alive, n_step, rays_alive, rays_t, rays_o, rays_d, self.bound, self.density_bitfield, self.cascade, self.grid_size, nears, fars, 128, perturb if step == 0 else False, dt_gamma, max_steps) |
sigmas, rgbs, ambients_aud, ambients_eye, uncertainties = self(xyzs, dirs, enc_a, ind_code, eye) |
sigmas = self.density_scale * sigmas |
raymarching.composite_rays_triplane(n_alive, n_step, rays_alive, rays_t, sigmas, rgbs, deltas, ambients_aud, ambients_eye, uncertainties, weights_sum, depth, image, amb_aud_sum, amb_eye_sum, uncertainty_sum, T_thresh) |
rays_alive = rays_alive[rays_alive >= 0] |
step += n_step |
torso_results = self.run_torso(rays_o, bg_coords, poses, index, bg_color) |
bg_color = torso_results['bg_color'] |
image = image + (1 - weights_sum).unsqueeze(-1) * bg_color |
image = image.view(*prefix, 3) |
image = image.clamp(0, 1) |
depth = torch.clamp(depth - nears, min=0) / (fars - nears) |
depth = depth.view(*prefix) |
amb_aud_sum = amb_aud_sum.view(*prefix) |
amb_eye_sum = amb_eye_sum.view(*prefix) |
results['depth'] = depth |
results['image'] = image |
results['ambient_aud'] = amb_aud_sum |
results['ambient_eye'] = amb_eye_sum |
results['uncertainty'] = uncertainty_sum |
return results |
def run_torso(self, rays_o, bg_coords, poses, index=0, bg_color=None, **kwargs): |
rays_o = rays_o.contiguous().view(-1, 3) |
bg_coords = bg_coords.contiguous().view(-1, 2) |
N = rays_o.shape[0] |
device = rays_o.device |
results = {} |
if bg_color is None: |
bg_color = 1 |
if self.torso: |
if self.individual_dim_torso > 0: |
if self.training: |
ind_code_torso = self.individual_codes_torso[index] |
else: |
ind_code_torso = self.individual_codes_torso[0] |
else: |
ind_code_torso = None |
density_thresh_torso = min(self.density_thresh_torso, self.mean_density_torso) |
occupancy = F.grid_sample(self.density_grid_torso.view(1, 1, self.grid_size, self.grid_size), bg_coords.view(1, -1, 1, 2), align_corners=True).view(-1) |
mask = occupancy > density_thresh_torso |
torso_alpha = torch.zeros([N, 1], device=device) |
torso_color = torch.zeros([N, 3], device=device) |
if mask.any(): |
torso_alpha_mask, torso_color_mask, deform = self.forward_torso(bg_coords[mask], poses, ind_code_torso) |
torso_alpha[mask] = torso_alpha_mask.float() |
torso_color[mask] = torso_color_mask.float() |
results['deform'] = deform |
bg_color = torso_color * torso_alpha + bg_color * (1 - torso_alpha) |
results['torso_alpha'] = torso_alpha |
results['torso_color'] = bg_color |
results['bg_color'] = bg_color |
return results |
@torch.no_grad() |
def mark_untrained_grid(self, poses, intrinsic, S=64): |
if not self.cuda_ray: |
return |
if isinstance(poses, np.ndarray): |
poses = torch.from_numpy(poses) |
B = poses.shape[0] |
fx, fy, cx, cy = intrinsic |
X = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
Y = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
Z = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
count = torch.zeros_like(self.density_grid) |
poses = poses.to(count.device) |
for xs in X: |
for ys in Y: |
for zs in Z: |
xx, yy, zz = custom_meshgrid(xs, ys, zs) |
coords = torch.cat([xx.reshape(-1, 1), yy.reshape(-1, 1), zz.reshape(-1, 1)], dim=-1) |
indices = raymarching.morton3D(coords).long() |
world_xyzs = (2 * coords.float() / (self.grid_size - 1) - 1).unsqueeze(0) |
for cas in range(self.cascade): |
bound = min(2 ** cas, self.bound) |
half_grid_size = bound / self.grid_size |
cas_world_xyzs = world_xyzs * (bound - half_grid_size) |
head = 0 |
while head < B: |
tail = min(head + S, B) |
cam_xyzs = cas_world_xyzs - poses[head:tail, :3, 3].unsqueeze(1) |
cam_xyzs = cam_xyzs @ poses[head:tail, :3, :3] |
mask_z = cam_xyzs[:, :, 2] > 0 |
mask_x = torch.abs(cam_xyzs[:, :, 0]) < cx / fx * cam_xyzs[:, :, 2] + half_grid_size * 2 |
mask_y = torch.abs(cam_xyzs[:, :, 1]) < cy / fy * cam_xyzs[:, :, 2] + half_grid_size * 2 |
mask = (mask_z & mask_x & mask_y).sum(0).reshape(-1) |
count[cas, indices] += mask |
head += S |
self.density_grid[count == 0] = -1 |
@torch.no_grad() |
def update_extra_state(self, decay=0.95, S=128): |
if not self.cuda_ray: |
return |
rand_idx = random.randint(0, self.aud_features.shape[0] - 1) |
auds = get_audio_features(self.aud_features, self.att, rand_idx).to(self.density_bitfield.device) |
enc_a = self.encode_audio(auds) |
if not self.torso: |
tmp_grid = torch.zeros_like(self.density_grid) |
if self.exp_eye: |
eye = self.eye_area[[rand_idx]].to(self.density_bitfield.device) |
else: |
eye = None |
X = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
Y = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
Z = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
for xs in X: |
for ys in Y: |
for zs in Z: |
xx, yy, zz = custom_meshgrid(xs, ys, zs) |
coords = torch.cat([xx.reshape(-1, 1), yy.reshape(-1, 1), zz.reshape(-1, 1)], dim=-1) |
indices = raymarching.morton3D(coords).long() |
xyzs = 2 * coords.float() / (self.grid_size - 1) - 1 |
for cas in range(self.cascade): |
bound = min(2 ** cas, self.bound) |
half_grid_size = bound / self.grid_size |
cas_xyzs = xyzs * (bound - half_grid_size) |
cas_xyzs += (torch.rand_like(cas_xyzs) * 2 - 1) * half_grid_size |
sigmas = self.density(cas_xyzs, enc_a, eye)['sigma'].reshape(-1).detach().to(tmp_grid.dtype) |
sigmas *= self.density_scale |
tmp_grid[cas, indices] = sigmas |
tmp_grid = raymarching.morton3D_dilation(tmp_grid) |
valid_mask = (self.density_grid >= 0) & (tmp_grid >= 0) |
self.density_grid[valid_mask] = torch.maximum(self.density_grid[valid_mask] * decay, tmp_grid[valid_mask]) |
self.mean_density = torch.mean(self.density_grid.clamp(min=0)).item() |
self.iter_density += 1 |
density_thresh = min(self.mean_density, self.density_thresh) |
self.density_bitfield = raymarching.packbits(self.density_grid, density_thresh, self.density_bitfield) |
if self.torso: |
tmp_grid_torso = torch.zeros_like(self.density_grid_torso) |
rand_idx = random.randint(0, self.poses.shape[0] - 1) |
pose = self.poses[[rand_idx]].to(self.density_bitfield.device) |
if self.opt.ind_dim_torso > 0: |
ind_code = self.individual_codes_torso[[rand_idx]] |
else: |
ind_code = None |
X = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
Y = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
half_grid_size = 1 / self.grid_size |
for xs in X: |
for ys in Y: |
xx, yy = custom_meshgrid(xs, ys) |
coords = torch.cat([xx.reshape(-1, 1), yy.reshape(-1, 1)], dim=-1) |
indices = (coords[:, 1] * self.grid_size + coords[:, 0]).long() |
xys = 2 * coords.float() / (self.grid_size - 1) - 1 |
xys = xys * (1 - half_grid_size) |
xys += (torch.rand_like(xys) * 2 - 1) * half_grid_size |
alphas, _, _ = self.forward_torso(xys, pose, ind_code) |
tmp_grid_torso[indices] = alphas.squeeze(1).float() |
tmp_grid_torso = tmp_grid_torso.view(1, 1, self.grid_size, self.grid_size) |
tmp_grid_torso = F.max_pool2d(tmp_grid_torso, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=2) |
tmp_grid_torso = tmp_grid_torso.view(-1) |
self.density_grid_torso = torch.maximum(self.density_grid_torso * decay, tmp_grid_torso) |
self.mean_density_torso = torch.mean(self.density_grid_torso).item() |
total_step = min(16, self.local_step) |
if total_step > 0: |
self.mean_count = int(self.step_counter[:total_step, 0].sum().item() / total_step) |
self.local_step = 0 |
@torch.no_grad() |
def get_audio_grid(self, S=128): |
if not self.cuda_ray: |
return |
rand_idx = random.randint(0, self.aud_features.shape[0] - 1) |
auds = get_audio_features(self.aud_features, self.att, rand_idx).to(self.density_bitfield.device) |
enc_a = self.encode_audio(auds) |
tmp_grid = torch.zeros_like(self.density_grid) |
if self.exp_eye: |
eye = self.eye_area[[rand_idx]].to(self.density_bitfield.device) |
else: |
eye = None |
X = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
Y = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
Z = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
for xs in X: |
for ys in Y: |
for zs in Z: |
xx, yy, zz = custom_meshgrid(xs, ys, zs) |
coords = torch.cat([xx.reshape(-1, 1), yy.reshape(-1, 1), zz.reshape(-1, 1)], dim=-1) |
indices = raymarching.morton3D(coords).long() |
xyzs = 2 * coords.float() / (self.grid_size - 1) - 1 |
for cas in range(self.cascade): |
bound = min(2 ** cas, self.bound) |
half_grid_size = bound / self.grid_size |
cas_xyzs = xyzs * (bound - half_grid_size) |
cas_xyzs += (torch.rand_like(cas_xyzs) * 2 - 1) * half_grid_size |
aud_norms = self.density(cas_xyzs.to(tmp_grid.dtype), enc_a, eye)['ambient_aud'].reshape(-1).detach().to(tmp_grid.dtype) |
tmp_grid[cas, indices] = aud_norms |
tmp_grid = raymarching.morton3D_dilation(tmp_grid) |
return tmp_grid |
@torch.no_grad() |
def get_eye_grid(self, S=128): |
if not self.cuda_ray: |
return |
rand_idx = random.randint(0, self.aud_features.shape[0] - 1) |
auds = get_audio_features(self.aud_features, self.att, rand_idx).to(self.density_bitfield.device) |
enc_a = self.encode_audio(auds) |
tmp_grid = torch.zeros_like(self.density_grid) |
if self.exp_eye: |
eye = self.eye_area[[rand_idx]].to(self.density_bitfield.device) |
else: |
eye = None |
X = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
Y = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
Z = torch.arange(self.grid_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=self.density_bitfield.device).split(S) |
for xs in X: |
for ys in Y: |
for zs in Z: |
xx, yy, zz = custom_meshgrid(xs, ys, zs) |
coords = torch.cat([xx.reshape(-1, 1), yy.reshape(-1, 1), zz.reshape(-1, 1)], dim=-1) |
indices = raymarching.morton3D(coords).long() |
xyzs = 2 * coords.float() / (self.grid_size - 1) - 1 |
for cas in range(self.cascade): |
bound = min(2 ** cas, self.bound) |
half_grid_size = bound / self.grid_size |
cas_xyzs = xyzs * (bound - half_grid_size) |
cas_xyzs += (torch.rand_like(cas_xyzs) * 2 - 1) * half_grid_size |
eye_norms = self.density(cas_xyzs.to(tmp_grid.dtype), enc_a, eye)['ambient_eye'].reshape(-1).detach().to(tmp_grid.dtype) |
tmp_grid[cas, indices] = eye_norms |
tmp_grid = raymarching.morton3D_dilation(tmp_grid) |
return tmp_grid |
def render(self, rays_o, rays_d, auds, bg_coords, poses, staged=False, max_ray_batch=4096, **kwargs): |
_run = self.run_cuda |
B, N = rays_o.shape[:2] |
device = rays_o.device |
if staged and not self.cuda_ray: |
raise NotImplementedError |
else: |
results = _run(rays_o, rays_d, auds, bg_coords, poses, **kwargs) |
return results |
def render_torso(self, rays_o, rays_d, auds, bg_coords, poses, staged=False, max_ray_batch=4096, **kwargs): |
_run = self.run_torso |
B, N = rays_o.shape[:2] |
device = rays_o.device |
if staged and not self.cuda_ray: |
raise NotImplementedError |
else: |
results = _run(rays_o, bg_coords, poses, **kwargs) |
return results |