Added to incorporate a function to export the STL files directly from the user generated inputs
import numpy as np | |
import trimesh | |
from scipy.ndimage import morphology | |
from skimage import measure | |
from stl import mesh | |
import pyvista as pv | |
import streamlit as st | |
from stpyvista import stpyvista | |
import tempfile | |
import os | |
######################################################################################################################## | |
def voxel_to_sdf(voxel, voxel_threshold, pad_size=5): | |
""" | |
:param voxel: - a continuous or binary 3D array of values that range [0,1] | |
:param voxel_threshold: - the value that is used to threshold the array and convert it into a binary array, | |
a larger value will restrict the array to more concrete values but will produce a rougher shape. | |
:param pad_size: - the size of padding to encompass the array to ensure the body is internal to the SDF | |
:return: sdf - a signed distance array, where -'s are the internal components and +'s and the external components | |
""" | |
# Convert a 3D voxel array to a 3D SDF | |
# Where voxel is a continuous array [0,1] | |
# Pad the voxel array with extra border elements | |
padded_voxel = np.pad(voxel, pad_size, mode='constant', constant_values=0) | |
# The values are switched, since SDF considers +'s to be outside the body and -'s internal to the body | |
binary_voxel_data = np.where(np.array(padded_voxel) > voxel_threshold, 0, 1) | |
# Calculate the Signed Distance Field (SDF) | |
sdf = morphology.distance_transform_edt(binary_voxel_data) - 0.5 | |
# Plot Binary Data to see how it looks | |
# voxel_plot = pv.wrap(np.array(voxel)) | |
# voxel_plot.plot(volume=True) | |
# Plot the SDF to see how it looks before proceeding | |
# # Create a PyVista grid from the SDF | |
# grid = pv.wrap(sdf) | |
# # # Plot the grid as a volume rendering | |
# # grid.plot(volume=True) | |
# | |
# # Set up plotter | |
# plotter = pv.Plotter(window_size=[600,600]) | |
# plotter.add_volume(grid, opacity='linear') | |
# plotter.view_zy() | |
# | |
# # Pass the plotter (not the mesh) to stpyvista | |
# stpyvista(plotter) | |
return sdf | |
######################################################################################################################## | |
def single_body_check(sdf, threshold_divisor): | |
""" | |
:param sdf: - a signed distance array, where -'s are the internal components and +'s and the external components | |
:return: boolean - indicates whether the SDF is a single body, which can be converted into an STL file | |
""" | |
# This function is intended to be used to determine whether the sdf contains more than one body prior to converting to 3MF | |
# Determine the SDF range (minimum and maximum values) | |
sdf_min = np.min(sdf) | |
sdf_max = np.max(sdf) | |
# Set the surface level within the SDF range (or close to zero for the surface) | |
surface_level = (sdf_min + sdf_max) / threshold_divisor # For example, set it to the middle of the range | |
# Threshold the SDF to identify regions close to the surface (threshold_value may vary based on your data) | |
threshold_value = 0.05 | |
surface_regions = (np.abs(sdf) <= surface_level) | |
# Perform connected component analysis on the thresholded SDF to label individual bodies | |
connected_components = measure.label(surface_regions) | |
# Count the number of connected components to determine the number of bodies | |
num_labels = np.max(connected_components) | |
# Count the number of connected components to determine the number of bodies | |
if num_labels == 1: | |
print("SDF contains single body, processing into STL") | |
return True | |
else: | |
st.warning(f"ERROR: SDF was not a single body, contained {num_labels} bodies, therefore model requires further " | |
f"modification before proceeding. Recommended to start by changing threshold value for SDF (3), " | |
f"or restart with modifying the image threshold (2).") | |
return False | |
######################################################################################################################## | |
def sdf_to_stl(sdf, threshold_divsor): | |
""" | |
:param sdf: - a signed distance array, where -'s are the internal components and +'s and the external components | |
:param filename_stl: - the file name desired for the STL | |
:param threshold_divsor: - this divisor determines the threshold for the SDF to be converted into the STL. | |
A lower threshold will result in a lower resolution model with more spherical shapes, | |
and a higher threshold will produce rugged shapes that better match the original voxel format | |
:return: stl file - an STL file is saved based on the SDF provided, it is also displayed in the IDE | |
""" | |
# Determine the SDF range (minimum and maximum values) | |
sdf_min = np.min(sdf) | |
sdf_max = np.max(sdf) | |
# Set the surface level within the SDF range (or close to zero for the surface) | |
surface_level = (sdf_min + abs(sdf_max)) / threshold_divsor # For example, set it to the middle of the range | |
# Generate a 3D surface mesh using marching cubes from the SDF | |
vertices, triangles, _, _ = measure.marching_cubes(sdf, level=surface_level) | |
''' | |
# Display resulting triangular mesh using Matplotlib. This can also be done | |
# with mayavi (see skimage.measure.marching_cubes docstring). | |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) | |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') | |
# Fancy indexing: `verts[faces]` to generate a collection of triangles | |
mesh = Poly3DCollection(vertices[triangles]) | |
mesh.set_edgecolor('k') | |
ax.add_collection3d(mesh) | |
ax.set_xlim(0, 50) # a = 6 (times two for 2nd ellipsoid) | |
ax.set_ylim(0, 50) # b = 10 | |
ax.set_zlim(0, 50) # c = 16 | |
plt.tight_layout() | | | |
''' | |
# Create an STL mesh object | |
stl_mesh = mesh.Mesh(np.zeros(triangles.shape[0], dtype=mesh.Mesh.dtype)) | |
for i, triangle in enumerate(triangles): | |
for j in range(3): | |
stl_mesh.vectors[i][j] = vertices[triangle[j], :] | |
# # Save the STL mesh to a file | |
# | |
# | |
# # Load the STL file using trimesh | |
# stl = trimesh.load(filename_stl) | |
# | |
# # Show the mesh using trimesh's built-in viewer | |
# | |
# # Set up plotter | |
# plotter = pv.Plotter(window_size=[600, 600]) | |
# plotter.add_mesh(stl_mesh, color='teal') | |
# Create a PyVista mesh from the stl_mesh | |
pyvista_mesh = pv.PolyData(vertices) | |
# pyvista_mesh = pv.PolyData(stl_mesh.vectors.copy().reshape(-1, 3)) | |
faces = np.hstack([np.full((len(triangles), 1), 3), triangles]) | |
pyvista_mesh.faces = faces | |
# # Optionally, you can assign a color to the mesh | |
# pyvista_mesh['color'] = [0.5, 0.5, 1.0] # RGB color, e.g., teal | |
# Create a plotter and add the PyVista mesh to it | |
plotter = pv.Plotter(window_size=[600, 600]) | |
plotter.add_mesh(pyvista_mesh, style='wireframe', show_edges=True, lighting=True, edge_color='black') | |
plotter.background_color = 'white' | |
plotter.view_zy() # if mesh_2D is on the xy plane. | |
# # Show the plot | |
# | |
# Pass the plotter (not the mesh) to stpyvista | |
stpyvista(plotter) | |
# Create a temporary directory to store the STL file | |
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() | |
# Define the temporary STL file path | |
temp_stl_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'interpolation.stl') | |
# Save the STL data to the temporary file | | | |
return temp_stl_file | |
######################################################################################################################## | |
# Creating a unit cell using two interpolation points | |
# | |
# def linear_interp_unit_cell(image_1, image_2, test_data, geometry_train, encoder, decoder, number_of_inputs, filename_stl): | |
# image_size = np.shape(test_data[image_1])[0] | |
# interpolation_length = int(image_size/2) | |
# | |
# # 1. Select Latent Endpoints to Interpolate Between | |
# sample_indices, [latent_point_1, latent_point_2] = encode_random_latent_endpoints(test_data, encoder, | |
# number_latent_points=2, | |
# sample_indices=[image_1, image_2], | |
# random_seed=0, | |
# num_inputs=number_of_inputs) | |
# | |
# # 2. Create a list of all latent points in a linear interpolation between two endpoints | |
# latent_interpolation_points = linear_interpolation_matrix(interpolation_length, latent_point_1, latent_point_2) | |
# | |
# # 3. Plot the results of the linear interpolation | |
# linear_predicted_geometry = linear_interpolation_reconstruction_plot(latent_interpolation_points, | |
# geometry_train, decoder, | |
# sample_indices[0], sample_indices[1]) | |
# | |
# | |
# # Mirror the array along the x-axis | |
# mirrored_array = np.flip(linear_predicted_geometry, axis=0) | |
# | |
# # Create the combined array with shape (50, 50, 50) by concatenating the mirrored array with the original array | |
# single_axis_cell = np.concatenate((linear_predicted_geometry, mirrored_array), axis=0) | |
# | |
# sdf = voxel_to_sdf(single_axis_cell, 0.1) | |
# | |
# sdf_to_stl(sdf, filename_stl, 21.0) | |