from statistics import mode from langchain_community.vectorstores import FAISS from types import ModuleType import math from langchain_community.llms import OpenAI import requests import requests.models # from decouple import config def classify_text( user_input: str, load_vector_store: ModuleType ) -> dict: faiss: FAISS = load_vector_store results = faiss.similarity_search_with_relevance_scores(user_input) avg_similarity_score = sum([result[1] for result in results]) / len(results) if avg_similarity_score > 0.7: print(f"Extremism {avg_similarity_score} detected, initiating countermeasures protocol... ") print(results) label = mode([result[0].metadata.get("label", None) for result in results]) ideology = mode([result[0].metadata.get("ideology", None) for result in results]) return {"extremism_detected": True, "ideology": ideology, "type_label": label} else: return {"extremism_detected": False, "type_label": None} def analyze_affect( user_input: str, classify_text: dict, mistral_public_url: str ) -> dict: if (classify_text["extremism_detected"] == True): prompt = ( f"Analyze the following text for its emotional tone (affect):\n\n" f"'{user_input}'\n\n" "The affect is likely one of the following: Positive, Negative, Neutral, Mixed. Please classify:" ) # TODO: fix my poetry PATH reference so that I can add decouple to pyproject.toml and switch out the below line # openai_client = OpenAI(api_key="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") # messages = [] # messages.append( # { # "role": "user", # "content": prompt # } # ) # try: # response ="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106", # messages=messages, # temperature=0) # return response.choices[0].message.content input_text = {"context": f"User input text: {user_input}", "question": ("The above text's emotional tone (affect) is likely one of the following: " "Positive, Negative, Neutral, Mixed. Please classify it. " "Answer with only a single word, which is the classification label you give to the above text, nothing else:\n")} # Function to fetch streaming response def fetch_data(): response: requests.models.Response ='{mistral_public_url}/mistral-inference', json=input_text, stream=False) return response.text.strip() # Call the function to start fetching data result = fetch_data() classify_text['sentiment'] = result return classify_text return classify_text