from Bio import Entrez | |
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET | |
def remove_blankets(ls): | |
for i in range(len(ls)): | |
if i<len(ls): | |
if ls[i]=="" or ls[i]==" ": | |
ls.remove(ls[i]) | |
else: | |
pass | |
else: | |
pass | |
def search_pubmed(query, max_results, address): | | = address # Replace with your email | |
handle = Entrez.esearch(db="pubmed", term=query, retmax=max_results) | |
record = | |
handle.close() | |
return record["IdList"] | |
def fetch_pubmed_details(pubmed_ids, address): | | = address # Replace with your email | |
handle = Entrez.efetch(db="pubmed", id=pubmed_ids, rettype="medline", retmode="xml") | |
records = | |
handle.close() | |
recs = records.decode("utf-8") | |
f = open("articles.xml", "w") | |
f.write(recs) | |
f.close() | |
return "articles.xml" | |
def fetch_xml(xml_file): | |
tree = ET.parse(xml_file) | |
root = tree.getroot() | |
articles = {} | |
# Iterate over each article and extract title, authors, and DOI | |
for article in root.findall('PubmedArticle'): | |
# Extract the article title | |
title = article.find('.//ArticleTitle').text if article.find('.//ArticleTitle') is not None else "No title" | |
# Extract the authors | |
authors = [] | |
for author in article.findall('.//Author'): | |
last_name = author.find('LastName').text if author.find('LastName') is not None else "" | |
fore_name = author.find('ForeName').text if author.find('ForeName') is not None else "" | |
authors.append(f"{fore_name} {last_name}".strip()) | |
# Extract the DOI | |
doi = None | |
for elocation_id in article.findall('.//ELocationID'): | |
if elocation_id.get('EIdType') == 'doi': | |
doi = elocation_id.text | |
break | |
pub_date = article.find('.//PubDate') | |
if pub_date is not None: | |
year = pub_date.find('Year').text if pub_date.find('Year') is not None else "" | |
month = pub_date.find('Month').text if pub_date.find('Month') is not None else "" | |
day = pub_date.find('Day').text if pub_date.find('Day') is not None else "" | |
publication_date = f"{year}-{month}-{day}".strip("-") | |
else: | |
publication_date = "No publication date" | |
articles.update({doi: {"Title": title, "Authors": authors, "PubDate": publication_date}}) | |
return articles | |
def respond_to_query(query,address,max_results=10): | |
pubmed_ids = search_pubmed(query, max_results,address) | |
pubmed_details = fetch_pubmed_details(pubmed_ids,address) | |
articles = fetch_xml(pubmed_details) | |
final_res = "" | |
for doi in articles: | |
auths = [f"- <kbd> {author} </kbd>" for author in articles[doi]["Authors"]] if len(articles[doi]["Authors"]) > 0 else ["- <kbd> No authors listed </kbd>",""] | |
authorrs = '\n'.join(auths) | |
res = f"**Title**: {articles[doi]['Title']}\n**Publication date**: {articles[doi]['PubDate']}\n<details>\n\t<summary><b>Authors</b></summary>\n\n{authorrs}\n\n</details>\n\n**DOI**: [{doi}🔗]({doi}) \n\n-----------------------\n" | |
final_res+=res | |
return final_res | |