[tool.poetry] | |
name = "LinguAIcoach" | |
version = "0.1.0" | |
description = "Help to improve your English with AI" | |
authors = ["alvaroalon2"] | |
readme = "" | |
license = "" | |
homepage = "" | |
repository = "" | |
classifiers = [ | |
'Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha', | |
"Operating System :: Unix", | |
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12", | |
] | |
packages = [{ include = "src" }] | |
[build-system] | |
requires = ["poetry-core"] | |
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" | |
[tool.poetry.dependencies] | |
python = "^3.12" | |
langchain = "^0.1.12" | |
langchain-openai = "^0.0.6" | |
openai = "^1.12.0" | |
streamlit = "^1.31.1" | |
streamlit-mic-recorder = "*" | |
streamlit-extras = "*" | |
[] | |
boto3 = "*" | |
poethepoet = "*" | |
langsmith = "*" | |
black = "*" | |
pylint = "*" | |
bandit = "*" | |
ruff = ">=0.0.270" | |
isort = ">=5.10.1" | |
mypy = ">=1.3.0" | |
mkdocstrings = {version = ">=0.24.0", extras = ["python"]} | |
mkdocs = ">=1.5.3" | |
mkdocs-markdownextradata-plugin = ">=0.2.5" | |
mkdocs-material = ">=9.5.2" | |
mkdocs-minify-plugin = ">=0.7.2" | |
pymdown-extensions = ">=10.5" | |
pre-commit = ">=3.3.1" | |
[tool.poe] | |
envfile = ".env" | |
[tool.poe.tasks] | |
start = "python3 -m streamlit run src/" | |
check = ["pylint", "bandit"] | |
setup = ["install", "install-precommit"] | |
[tool.poe.tasks.lint] | |
help = "Lint this package" | |
[[tool.poe.tasks.lint.sequence]] | |
cmd = """ | |
pre-commit run | |
--all-files | |
--color always | |
""" | |
[tool.poe.tasks.install-precommit] | |
help = "Installing precommit hooks" | |
cmd = "poetry run pre-commit install" | |
[tool.poe.tasks.precommit] | |
help = "Run precommit checks on all project files" | |
cmd = "poetry run pre-commit run --all-files" | |
[tool.poe.tasks.pylint] | |
help = "Pass linter rules" | |
cmd = "ruff check --exit-zero src/" | |
[] | |
help = "Pass linter rules" | |
cmd = "ruff check --output-format pylint --output-file reports/pylint.txt --exit-zero src/" | |
[tool.poe.tasks.bandit] | |
help = "Find security issues!" | |
cmd = "bandit -r src" | |
[] | |
help = "Generate security report" | |
cmd = "bandit -r src -f json -o reports/bandit.json" | |
[tool.poe.tasks.install] | |
help = "Installing project (including dev dependencies)" | |
cmd = "poetry install --sync" | |
[tool.poe.tasks.install-nodev] | |
help = "Installing project (no dev dependencies)" | |
cmd = "poetry install --without dev" | |
[] | |
help = "Build project's wheel" | |
cmd = "poetry build -f wheel" | |
[tool.poe.tasks.build_src] | |
help = "Build project's sdist" | |
cmd = "poetry build -f sdist" | |
[] | |
help = "Build MKdocs documentation" | |
cmd = "mkdocs build --clean" | |
[] | |
help = "Start the development doc server" | |
cmd = "mkdocs serve" | |
[tool.poe.tasks.publish-ghdocs] | |
help = "Build and deploy the documentation to the gh-pages branch" | |
cmd = "mkdocs gh-deploy --clean --force" | |
[tool.isort] | |
profile = "black" | |
multi_line_output = 3 | |
include_trailing_comma = true | |
force_grid_wrap = 0 | |
use_parentheses = true | |
line_length = 120 | |
[] | |
line-length = 120 | |
include = '\.pyi?$' | |
[tool.mypy] | |
strict = true | |
disallow_subclassing_any = false | |
disallow_untyped_decorators = false | |
ignore_missing_imports = true | |
pretty = true | |
show_column_numbers = true | |
show_error_codes = true | |
show_error_context = true | |
warn_unreachable = true | |
warn_return_any = false | |
[tool.ruff] | |
fix = true | |
lint.ignore-init-module-imports = true | |
line-length = 120 | | = ["A", "B", "C4", "C90", "DTZ", "E", "F", "I", "ISC", "N", "NPY", "PGH", "PIE", "PLC", "PLE", "PLR", "PLW", "PT", "RET", "RUF", "RSE", "SIM", "TID", "UP", "W", "YTT"] | |
lint.ignore = ["E501", "PGH001", "PGH002", "PGH003", "RET504", "S101"] | |
lint.unfixable = ["F401", "F841"] | |
src = ["src"] | |
[tool.ruff.lint.flake8-tidy-imports] | |
ban-relative-imports = "all" | |
[tool.ruff.lint.pydocstyle] | |
convention = "numpy" | |
[tool.ruff.lint.pylint] | |
max-args = 9 | |