import asyncio import os,sys import re,json import discord from discord.ext import commands, tasks from discord import app_commands from discord.utils import get import random import datetime import server from guild import * from acb import * import aiohttp USERNAME=os.environ.get('username') PASSWORD=os.environ.get('password') intents = discord.Intents.default() client = discord.Client(intents=intents) tree = app_commands.CommandTree(client) VIETTELS='032, 033, 034, 035, 036, 037, 038, 039, 096, 097, 098, 086' VIETTELS=VIETTELS.split(',') VINAPHONES=' 091, 094, 088, 081, 082, 083, 084, 085' VINAPHONES=VINAPHONES.split(',') VIETNAMOBILE='052, 056, 058, 092' VIETNAMOBILE=VIETNAMOBILE.split(',') HEADERS = [] THREADS = [] USERNAMES = [] GUILDID = 1236962671824211998 RESULT=None def correctSingleQuoteJSON(s): rstr = "" escaped = False for c in s: if c == "'" and not escaped: c = '"' # replace single with double quote elif c == "'" and escaped: rstr = rstr[:-1] # remove escape character before single quotes elif c == '"': c = '\\' + c # escape existing double quotes escaped = (c == "\\") # check for an escape character rstr += c # append the correct json return rstr INFO=False BASE_URL='' @client.event async def on_ready(): global INFO,RESULT try: req=requests.get('http://localhost:8888') print(req.status_code) print('Client closed') sys.exit('Exited') except Exception as error: print(error) server.b() guild = client.get_guild(GUILDID) rs=await login(USERNAME,PASSWORD) RESULT=await getBasic(guild) if rs: INFO=rs if not getTransAcb.is_running(): getTransAcb.start(guild) @client.event async def on_disconnect(): global RESULT if RESULT: acbThread=None for thread in RESULT['banksCh'].threads: if 'acb' in acbThread=thread if acbThread: msgs=[msg async for msg in acbThread.history()] if len(msgs)>0:'.*Sessions are `(.*?)`.*',msgs[0].content).group(1) i=int(old)-1 if int(old)>0 else 0 await msgs[0].edit(content='Sessions are `'+str(i)+'` actived') @tasks.loop(seconds=1) async def getTransAcb(guild): global INFO print('getTransAcb is running') if INFO: try: rs1=await getListAccount(INFO) for item in rs1['list']: list=await getBalance(INFO,item['accountNumber']) basic=await getBasic(guild) threads=basic['acbCh'].threads+[thread async for thread in basic['acbCh'].archived_threads()] if list: data=list['data'][::-1] for item in data: applied_tags=[] if str(item['activeDatetime']) not in str(threads): tags=basic['acbCh'].available_tags st='' if item['type'].lower()=='in': for tag in tags: if 'in' in or 'chuyển đến' in applied_tags.append(tag) else: for tag in tags: if 'out' in or 'chuyển đi' in applied_tags.append(tag) if 'bankName' in item and item['bankName']!='': st+='\nĐến ngân hàng: **'+item['bankName']+'**\n' if 'receiverAccountNumber' in item and item['receiverAccountNumber']!='': st+='\nĐến số tài khoản: **'+item['receiverAccountNumber']+'**' if 'receiverName' in item and item['receiverName']!='': st+='\nĐến chủ tài khoản: **'+item['receiverName']+'**' allowed_mentions = discord.AllowedMentions(everyone = True) amount=str(item['amount']).split('.')[0] amount=[f'{cur:,}' for cur in [int(amount)]][0] time=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(item['activeDatetime']/1000) if>9 else '0'+str( month=time.month if time.month>9 else '0'+str(time.month) hour=time.hour if time.hour>9 else '0'+str(time.hour) minute=time.minute if time.minute>9 else '0'+str(time.minute) second=time.second if time.second>9 else '0'+str(time.second) timestr=f'{day}/{month}/{time.year} {hour}:{minute}:{second}' thread=await basic['acbCh'].create_thread(name=('+ ' if item['type'].lower()=='in' else '- ')+amount+' '+item['currency']+'/ '+str(item['activeDatetime']),content='\nSố tiền: **'+amount+' '+item['currency']+'**\nNội dung: **'+item['description']+'**\nBiến động trên STK: **'+str(item['account'])+'**\nThời điểm: **'+timestr.split(' ')[1]+'** ngày **'+timestr.split(' ')[0]+'**'+st+'\n@everyone',applied_tags =applied_tags ) else: rs=await login(USERNAME,PASSWORD) if rs: INFO=rs except Exception as error: print(error) rs=await login(USERNAME,PASSWORD) if rs: INFO=rs'botToken'))