import os import pickle import streamlit as st from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu # Set page configuration st.set_page_config(page_title="Health Assistant", layout="wide", page_icon="🧑‍⚕️") # getting the working directory of the working_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # loading the saved models # Ensure these paths are correct and the files exist diabetes_model = pickle.load(open('E:/health/flask/models/models_diabetes_model.sav', 'rb')) heart_disease_model = pickle.load(open('E:/health/flask/models/models_heart_disease_model.sav', 'rb')) parkinsons_model = pickle.load(open('E:/health/flask/models/models_parkinsons_model.sav', 'rb')) # sidebar for navigation with st.sidebar: selected = option_menu('Multiple Disease Prediction System', ['Diabetes Prediction', 'Heart Disease Prediction', 'Parkinsons Prediction'], menu_icon='hospital-fill', icons=['activity', 'heart', 'person'], default_index=0) # # Example inputs for Diabetes Prediction # diabetes_examples = [ # [5, 166, 72, 19, 175, 25.8, 0.587, 51], # [3, 150, 80, 25, 90, 22.0, 0.6, 50] # ] diabetes_examples = [ # Example 1: A middle-aged woman with a higher BMI and family history [3, 178, 82, 28, 210, 32.5, 0.625, 47], # Example 2: A younger person with a lower glucose level and BMI [1, 110, 70, 15, 100, 22.0, 0.3, 28], # # Example 3: An older person with high glucose levels and obesity # [5, 190, 88, 35, 180, 35.2, 0.75, 60], # # Example 4: A woman with a healthy BMI and normal glucose levels # [2, 120, 70, 10, 80, 21.4, 0.4, 34], # # Example 5: An older man with high blood pressure and family history of diabetes # [4, 160, 85, 20, 150, 28.3, 0.5, 52], # # Example 6: A younger individual with normal glucose and insulin levels # [0, 105, 65, 12, 50, 18.5, 0.2, 25], # # Example 7: A person with a high insulin level, indicating insulin resistance # [6, 200, 95, 40, 250, 36.0, 0.8, 45] ] # Example inputs for Heart Disease Prediction heart_examples = [ [40, 1, 0, 110, 167, 0, 0, 114, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3], [60, 1, 3, 120, 250, 0, 2, 130, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0] ] # Example inputs for Parkinson's Prediction parkinsons_examples = [ [120.0, 150.0, 85.0, 0.005, 0.00005, 0.003, 0.004, 0.015, 0.02, 0.1, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.02, 0.03, 20.0, 0.5, 0.7, -5.0, 0.3, 2.5, 0.1], [237.32300, 243.70900, 229.25600, 0.00303, 0.00001, 0.00173, 0.00159, 0.00519, 0.01242, 0.11600, 0.00696, 0.00747, 0.00882, 0.02089, 0.00533, 24.67900, 0.384868, 0.626710, -7.018057, 0.176316, 1.852402, 0.091604] ] # Diabetes Prediction Page if selected == 'Diabetes Prediction': # page title st.title('Diabetes Prediction using ML') # Dropdown to select example or manual input diab_use_example = st.selectbox("Choose an example or input manually:", ["Manual Input"] + [f"Example {i+1}" for i in range(len(diabetes_examples))]) # Set defaults based on selected example if diab_use_example != "Manual Input": example_idx = int(diab_use_example.split(" ")[-1]) - 1 diab_defaults = diabetes_examples[example_idx] else: diab_defaults = [""] * 8 # Empty defaults for manual input # getting the input data from the user col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: Pregnancies = st.text_input('Number of Pregnancies', value=str(diab_defaults[0])) with col2: Glucose = st.text_input('Glucose Level', value=str(diab_defaults[1])) with col3: BloodPressure = st.text_input('Blood Pressure value', value=str(diab_defaults[2])) with col1: SkinThickness = st.text_input('Skin Thickness value', value=str(diab_defaults[3])) with col2: Insulin = st.text_input('Insulin Level', value=str(diab_defaults[4])) with col3: BMI = st.text_input('BMI value', value=str(diab_defaults[5])) with col1: DiabetesPedigreeFunction = st.text_input('Diabetes Pedigree Function value', value=str(diab_defaults[6])) with col2: Age = st.text_input('Age of the Person', value=str(diab_defaults[7])) # code for Prediction diab_diagnosis = '' # creating a button for Prediction if st.button('Diabetes Test Result'): user_input = [Pregnancies, Glucose, BloodPressure, SkinThickness, Insulin, BMI, DiabetesPedigreeFunction, Age] user_input = [float(x) for x in user_input] diab_prediction = diabetes_model.predict([user_input]) if diab_prediction[0] == 1: diab_diagnosis = 'The person is diabetic' else: diab_diagnosis = 'The person is not diabetic' st.success(diab_diagnosis) # Heart Disease Prediction Page if selected == 'Heart Disease Prediction': # page title st.title('Heart Disease Prediction using ML') heart_use_example = st.selectbox("Choose an example or input manually:", ["Manual Input"] + [f"Example {i+1}" for i in range(len(heart_examples))]) if heart_use_example != "Manual Input": example_idx = int(heart_use_example.split(" ")[-1]) - 1 heart_defaults = heart_examples[example_idx] else: heart_defaults = [""] * 13 col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: age = st.text_input('Age', value=str(heart_defaults[0])) with col2: sex = st.text_input('Sex', value=str(heart_defaults[1])) with col3: cp = st.text_input('Chest Pain types', value=str(heart_defaults[2])) with col1: trestbps = st.text_input('Resting Blood Pressure', value=str(heart_defaults[3])) with col2: chol = st.text_input('Serum Cholestoral in mg/dl', value=str(heart_defaults[4])) with col3: fbs = st.text_input('Fasting Blood Sugar > 120 mg/dl', value=str(heart_defaults[5])) with col1: restecg = st.text_input('Resting Electrocardiographic results', value=str(heart_defaults[6])) with col2: thalach = st.text_input('Maximum Heart Rate achieved', value=str(heart_defaults[7])) with col3: exang = st.text_input('Exercise Induced Angina', value=str(heart_defaults[8])) with col1: oldpeak = st.text_input('ST depression induced by exercise', value=str(heart_defaults[9])) with col2: slope = st.text_input('Slope of the peak exercise ST segment', value=str(heart_defaults[10])) with col3: ca = st.text_input('Major vessels colored by flourosopy', value=str(heart_defaults[11])) with col1: thal = st.text_input('thal: 0 = normal; 1 = fixed defect; 2 = reversable defect', value=str(heart_defaults[12])) # code for Prediction heart_diagnosis = '' # creating a button for Prediction if st.button('Heart Disease Test Result'): user_input = [age, sex, cp, trestbps, chol, fbs, restecg, thalach, exang, oldpeak, slope, ca, thal] user_input = [float(x) for x in user_input] heart_prediction = heart_disease_model.predict([user_input]) if heart_prediction[0] == 1: heart_diagnosis = 'The person is having heart disease' else: heart_diagnosis = 'The person does not have any heart disease' st.success(heart_diagnosis) # Parkinson's Prediction Page if selected == "Parkinsons Prediction": # page title st.title("Parkinson's Disease Prediction using ML") park_use_example = st.selectbox("Choose an example or input manually:", ["Manual Input"] + [f"Example {i+1}" for i in range(len(parkinsons_examples))]) if park_use_example != "Manual Input": example_idx = int(park_use_example.split(" ")[-1]) - 1 park_defaults = parkinsons_examples[example_idx] else: park_defaults = [""] * 22 col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.columns(5) with col1: fo = st.text_input('MDVP:Fo(Hz)', value=str(park_defaults[0])) with col2: fhi = st.text_input('MDVP:Fhi(Hz)', value=str(park_defaults[1])) with col3: flo = st.text_input('MDVP:Flo(Hz)', value=str(park_defaults[2])) with col4: Jitter_percent = st.text_input('MDVP:Jitter(%)', value=str(park_defaults[3])) with col5: Jitter_Abs = st.text_input('MDVP:Jitter(Abs)', value=str(park_defaults[4])) with col1: RAP = st.text_input('MDVP:RAP', value=str(park_defaults[5])) with col2: PPQ = st.text_input('MDVP:PPQ', value=str(park_defaults[6])) with col3: DDP = st.text_input('Jitter:DDP', value=str(park_defaults[7])) with col4: Shimmer = st.text_input('MDVP:Shimmer', value=str(park_defaults[8])) with col5: Shimmer_dB = st.text_input('MDVP:Shimmer(dB)', value=str(park_defaults[9])) with col1: APQ3 = st.text_input('Shimmer:APQ3', value=str(park_defaults[10])) with col2: APQ5 = st.text_input('Shimmer:APQ5', value=str(park_defaults[11])) with col3: APQ = st.text_input('MDVP:APQ', value=str(park_defaults[12])) with col4: DDA = st.text_input('Shimmer:DDA', value=str(park_defaults[13])) with col5: NHR = st.text_input('NHR', value=str(park_defaults[14])) with col1: HNR = st.text_input('HNR', value=str(park_defaults[15])) with col2: RPDE = st.text_input('RPDE', value=str(park_defaults[16])) with col3: DFA = st.text_input('DFA', value=str(park_defaults[17])) with col4: spread1 = st.text_input('spread1', value=str(park_defaults[18])) with col5: spread2 = st.text_input('spread2', value=str(park_defaults[19])) with col1: D2 = st.text_input('D2', value=str(park_defaults[20])) with col2: PPE = st.text_input('PPE', value=str(park_defaults[21])) # code for Prediction parkinsons_diagnosis = '' # creating a button for Prediction if st.button("Parkinson's Test Result"): user_input = [fo, fhi, flo, Jitter_percent, Jitter_Abs, RAP, PPQ, DDP,Shimmer, Shimmer_dB, APQ3, APQ5, APQ, DDA, NHR, HNR, RPDE, DFA, spread1, spread2, D2, PPE] user_input = [float(x) for x in user_input] parkinsons_prediction = parkinsons_model.predict([user_input]) if parkinsons_prediction[0] == 1: parkinsons_diagnosis = "The person has Parkinson's disease" else: parkinsons_diagnosis = "The person does not have Parkinson's disease" st.success(parkinsons_diagnosis)