import streamlit as st def main(): st.set_page_config( page_title="Health Tips & Information Center", page_icon="🏥", layout="wide" ) st.title("Health Tips & Information Center") tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Health Tips", "Disease Information", "Health Resources"]) with tab1: show_health_tips() with tab2: show_disease_info() with tab3: show_resources() def show_health_tips(): st.header("Health Tips") category = st.selectbox( "Choose a health category", ["Nutrition", "Exercise", "Mental Health", "Sleep", "Preventive Care"] ) if category == "Nutrition": st.subheader("Nutrition Guidelines") diet_type = st.selectbox( "Select your diet type", ["Regular", "Vegetarian", "Vegan", "Keto", "Mediterranean"] ) if diet_type == "Regular": st.write("### Daily Recommendations") st.write("- Proteins: 2-3 servings of lean meat, fish, or eggs") st.write("- Vegetables: 5-6 servings of varied colors") st.write("- Fruits: 2-3 servings") st.write("- Whole grains: 3-4 servings") st.write("- Dairy: 2-3 servings") st.write("- Water: 8-10 glasses") elif diet_type == "Vegetarian": st.write("### Daily Recommendations") st.write("- Plant Proteins: 3-4 servings of legumes, tofu, tempeh") st.write("- Vegetables: 6-7 servings of diverse colors") st.write("- Fruits: 3-4 servings") st.write("- Whole grains: 4-5 servings") st.write("- Dairy/Alternatives: 2-3 servings") st.write("- Nuts and Seeds: 1-2 servings") st.write("- Water: 8-10 glasses") elif diet_type == "Vegan": st.write("### Daily Recommendations") st.write("- Plant Proteins: 4-5 servings (legumes, tofu, tempeh, seitan)") st.write("- Vegetables: 7-8 servings of varied colors") st.write("- Fruits: 3-4 servings") st.write("- Whole grains: 4-5 servings") st.write("- Plant-based milk: 2-3 servings") st.write("- Nuts and Seeds: 2-3 servings") st.write("- B12 supplement: As recommended") st.write("- Water: 8-10 glasses") elif diet_type == "Keto": st.write("### Daily Recommendations") st.write("- Healthy Fats: 70-80% of daily calories") st.write("- Proteins: 20-25% of daily calories") st.write("- Carbohydrates: 5-10% of daily calories (20-50g net carbs)") st.write("- Recommended Foods:") st.write(" • Meats, fish, eggs") st.write(" • Low-carb vegetables") st.write(" • High-fat dairy") st.write(" • Nuts and seeds") st.write(" • Avocados and healthy oils") st.write("- Water: 8-10 glasses plus electrolytes") elif diet_type == "Mediterranean": st.write("### Daily Recommendations") st.write("- Vegetables: 6-7 servings") st.write("- Fruits: 3-4 servings") st.write("- Whole grains: 3-4 servings") st.write("- Olive oil: Primary fat source") st.write("- Fish: 2-3 times per week") st.write("- Legumes: At least 3 times per week") st.write("- Nuts and seeds: 1-2 servings") st.write("- Herbs and spices: Liberal use") st.write("- Red wine: Optional, moderate consumption") st.write("- Water: 8-10 glasses") elif category == "Exercise": st.subheader("Exercise Recommendations") fitness_level = st.selectbox( "Select your fitness level", ["Beginner", "Intermediate", "Advanced"] ) if fitness_level == "Beginner": st.write("### Weekly Plan") st.write("- Walking: 30 minutes, 5 days/week") st.write("- Basic stretching: 10-15 minutes daily") st.write("- Light strength training: 2 days/week") st.write("- Rest days: 2 days/week") st.write("### Tips") st.write("1. Start slowly and gradually increase intensity") st.write("2. Focus on proper form") st.write("3. Stay hydrated") st.write("4. Warm up before exercise") elif fitness_level == "Intermediate": st.write("### Weekly Plan") st.write("- Cardio: 45-60 minutes, 4-5 days/week") st.write("- Strength training: 3-4 days/week") st.write("- HIIT workouts: 1-2 days/week") st.write("- Flexibility work: 15-20 minutes daily") st.write("- Rest days: 1-2 days/week") st.write("### Tips") st.write("1. Mix cardio and strength training") st.write("2. Track your progress") st.write("3. Include interval training") st.write("4. Focus on nutrition timing") elif fitness_level == "Advanced": st.write("### Weekly Plan") st.write("- High-intensity cardio: 60+ minutes, 4-5 days/week") st.write("- Advanced strength training: 4-5 days/week") st.write("- HIIT/Circuit training: 2-3 days/week") st.write("- Sports-specific training: As needed") st.write("- Recovery work: Daily mobility and flexibility") st.write("- Strategic rest: 1 day/week") st.write("### Tips") st.write("1. Periodize your training") st.write("2. Monitor recovery closely") st.write("3. Focus on performance metrics") st.write("4. Consider advanced nutrition strategies") elif category == "Sleep": st.subheader("Sleep Recommendations") st.write("### General Guidelines") st.write("- Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night") st.write("- Maintain consistent sleep schedule") st.write("- Create optimal sleep environment") st.write("### Sleep Hygiene Tips") st.write("1. Stick to a regular sleep schedule") st.write("2. Create a relaxing bedtime routine") st.write("3. Limit screen time before bed") st.write("4. Keep bedroom cool, dark, and quiet") st.write("5. Avoid caffeine and heavy meals before bed") st.write("### Warning Signs of Poor Sleep") st.write("- Difficulty falling asleep") st.write("- Frequent night waking") st.write("- Daytime fatigue") st.write("- Poor concentration") st.write("- Mood changes") elif category == "Preventive Care": st.subheader("Preventive Care Guidelines") st.write("### Regular Check-ups") st.write("- Annual physical examination") st.write("- Dental check-ups every 6 months") st.write("- Eye examination every 1-2 years") st.write("- Age-appropriate cancer screenings") st.write("### Vaccinations") st.write("- Annual flu shot") st.write("- Tetanus every 10 years") st.write("- Other age-appropriate vaccines") st.write("### Lifestyle Practices") st.write("1. Regular exercise") st.write("2. Balanced nutrition") st.write("3. Stress management") st.write("4. Adequate sleep") st.write("5. Regular health monitoring") def show_disease_info(): st.header("Disease Information") category = st.selectbox( "Select health condition", ["Heart Disease", "Diabetes", "Respiratory Conditions", "Mental Health Conditions"] ) if category == "Heart Disease": st.subheader("Heart Disease Information") st.write("### Common Types") st.write("1. Coronary Artery Disease") st.write("2. Heart Failure") st.write("3. Arrhythmia") st.write("### Risk Factors") st.write("- High blood pressure") st.write("- High cholesterol") st.write("- Smoking") st.write("- Obesity") st.write("- Physical inactivity") st.write("### Prevention") st.write("1. Regular exercise") st.write("2. Healthy diet") st.write("3. Regular check-ups") st.write("4. Stress management") st.write("5. Adequate sleep") elif category == "Diabetes": st.subheader("Diabetes Information") st.write("### Types") st.write("1. Type 1 Diabetes") st.write("2. Type 2 Diabetes") st.write("3. Gestational Diabetes") st.write("### Symptoms") st.write("- Increased thirst") st.write("- Frequent urination") st.write("- Extreme hunger") st.write("- Unexplained weight loss") st.write("- Fatigue") elif category == "Respiratory Conditions": st.subheader("Respiratory Conditions Information") st.write("### Common Types") st.write("1. Asthma") st.write("2. COPD") st.write("3. Bronchitis") st.write("4. Pneumonia") st.write("### Common Symptoms") st.write("- Shortness of breath") st.write("- Chronic cough") st.write("- Wheezing") st.write("- Chest tightness") st.write("### Prevention & Management") st.write("1. Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke") st.write("2. Regular exercise") st.write("3. Clean air filters") st.write("4. Proper medication use") st.write("5. Regular check-ups") elif category == "Mental Health Conditions": st.subheader("Mental Health Information") st.write("### Common Conditions") st.write("1. Depression") st.write("2. Anxiety Disorders") st.write("3. Bipolar Disorder") st.write("4. PTSD") st.write("### Warning Signs") st.write("- Changes in mood") st.write("- Changes in sleep patterns") st.write("- Social withdrawal") st.write("- Difficulty concentrating") st.write("- Changes in appetite") st.write("### Treatment Options") st.write("1. Therapy/Counseling") st.write("2. Medication (if prescribed)") st.write("3. Support groups") st.write("4. Lifestyle changes") st.write("5. Stress management techniques") def show_resources(): st.header("Health Resources") resource_type = st.selectbox( "Select resource type", ["Emergency Contacts", "Online Tools", "Healthcare Providers"] ) if resource_type == "Emergency Contacts": st.subheader("Emergency Numbers") st.write("- Emergency Services: 911") st.write("- Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222") st.write("- Mental Health Crisis: 988") st.write("- Suicide Prevention: 1-800-273-8255") elif resource_type == "Online Tools": st.subheader("Health Calculators and Tools") st.write("### BMI Calculator") weight = st.number_input("Weight (kg)", min_value=30.0, max_value=200.0, value=70.0) height = st.number_input("Height (m)", min_value=1.0, max_value=2.5, value=1.7) if st.button("Calculate BMI"): bmi = weight / (height * height) st.write(f"Your BMI is: {bmi:.1f}") if bmi < 18.5: st.write("Category: Underweight") elif bmi < 25: st.write("Category: Normal weight") elif bmi < 30: st.write("Category: Overweight") else: st.write("Category: Obese") elif resource_type == "Healthcare Providers": st.subheader("Find Healthcare Providers") st.write("### Primary Care") st.write("- Family Physicians") st.write("- Internal Medicine Doctors") st.write("- Pediatricians") st.write("- Nurse Practitioners") st.write("### Specialists") st.write("- Cardiologists") st.write("- Dermatologists") st.write("- Orthopedists") st.write("- Psychiatrists") st.write("- Gynecologists") st.write("### Mental Health Professionals") st.write("- Psychologists") st.write("- Licensed Counselors") st.write("- Social Workers") st.write("- Psychiatrists") if __name__ == "__main__": main()