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import math
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from packaging.version import parse as V
from torch.nn import init
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
from models.mossformer_gan_se.fsmn import UniDeepFsmn
from models.mossformer_gan_se.conv_module import ConvModule
from models.mossformer_gan_se.mossformer import MossFormer
from models.mossformer_gan_se.se_layer import SELayer
from models.mossformer_gan_se.get_layer_from_string import get_layer
from models.mossformer_gan_se.discriminator import Discriminator
# Check if the installed version of PyTorch is 1.9.0 or higher
is_torch_1_9_plus = V(torch.__version__) >= V("1.9.0")
class MossFormerGAN_SE_16K(nn.Module):
MossFormerGAN_SE_16K: A GAN-based speech enhancement model for 16kHz input audio.
This model integrates a synchronous attention network (SyncANet) for
feature extraction. Depending on the mode (train or inference), it may
also include a discriminator for adversarial training.
args (Namespace): Arguments containing configuration parameters,
including 'fft_len' and 'mode'.
def __init__(self, args):
"""Initializes the MossFormerGAN_SE_16K model."""
super(MossFormerGAN_SE_16K, self).__init__()
# Initialize SyncANet with specified number of channels and features
self.model = SyncANet(num_channel=64, num_features=args.fft_len // 2 + 1)
# Initialize discriminator if in training mode
if args.mode == 'train':
self.discriminator = Discriminator(ndf=16)
self.discriminator = None
def forward(self, x):
Defines the forward pass of the MossFormerGAN_SE_16K model.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape [batch_size, num_channels, height, width].
Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Output tensors representing the real and imaginary parts.
output_real, output_imag = self.model(x) # Get real and imaginary outputs from the model
return output_real, output_imag # Return the outputs
class FSMN_Wrap(nn.Module):
FSMN_Wrap: A wrapper around the UniDeepFsmn module to facilitate
integration into the larger model architecture.
nIn (int): Number of input features.
nHidden (int): Number of hidden features in the FSMN (default is 128).
lorder (int): Order of the FSMN (default is 20).
nOut (int): Number of output features (default is 128).
def __init__(self, nIn, nHidden=128, lorder=20, nOut=128):
"""Initializes the FSMN_Wrap module with specified parameters."""
super(FSMN_Wrap, self).__init__()
# Initialize the UniDeepFsmn module
self.fsmn = UniDeepFsmn(nIn, nHidden, lorder, nHidden)
def forward(self, x):
Defines the forward pass of the FSMN_Wrap module.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape [batch_size, channels, height, time, 2].
torch.Tensor: Output tensor reshaped to [batch_size, channels, height, time].
# Shape of input x: [b, c, h, T, 2]
b, c, T, h = x.size()
# Permute x to reshape it for FSMN processing: [b, T, h, c]
x = x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # Change dimensions to [b, T, h, c]
x = torch.reshape(x, (b * T, h, c)) # Reshape to [b*T, h, c]
# Pass through the FSMN
output = self.fsmn(x) # output: [b*T, h, c]
# Reshape output back to original dimensions
output = torch.reshape(output, (b, T, h, c)) # output: [b, T, h, c]
return output.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # Final output shape: [b, c, h, T]
class DilatedDenseNet(nn.Module):
DilatedDenseNet: A dilated dense network for feature extraction.
This network consists of a series of dilated convolutions organized in a dense block structure,
allowing for efficient feature reuse and capturing multi-scale information.
depth (int): The number of layers in the dense block (default is 4).
in_channels (int): The number of input channels for the first layer (default is 64).
def __init__(self, depth=4, in_channels=64):
"""Initializes the DilatedDenseNet with specified depth and input channels."""
super(DilatedDenseNet, self).__init__()
self.depth = depth
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.pad = nn.ConstantPad2d((1, 1, 1, 0), value=0.) # Padding for the first layer
self.twidth = 2 # Temporal width for convolutions
self.kernel_size = (self.twidth, 3) # Kernel size for convolutions
# Initialize dilated convolutions, padding, normalization, and FSMN for each layer
for i in range(self.depth):
dil = 2 ** i # Dilation factor for the current layer
pad_length = self.twidth + (dil - 1) * (self.twidth - 1) - 1 # Calculate padding length
setattr(self, 'pad{}'.format(i + 1), nn.ConstantPad2d((1, 1, pad_length, 0), value=0.))
setattr(self, 'conv{}'.format(i + 1),
nn.Conv2d(self.in_channels * (i + 1), self.in_channels, kernel_size=self.kernel_size,
dilation=(dil, 1))) # Convolution layer
setattr(self, 'norm{}'.format(i + 1), nn.InstanceNorm2d(in_channels, affine=True)) # Normalization
setattr(self, 'prelu{}'.format(i + 1), nn.PReLU(self.in_channels)) # Activation function
setattr(self, 'fsmn{}'.format(i + 1), FSMN_Wrap(nIn=self.in_channels, nHidden=self.in_channels, lorder=5, nOut=self.in_channels))
def forward(self, x):
Defines the forward pass for the DilatedDenseNet.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape [batch_size, channels, height, width].
torch.Tensor: Output tensor after processing through the dense network.
skip = x # Initialize skip connection with input
for i in range(self.depth):
# Apply padding, convolution, normalization, activation, and FSMN in sequence
out = getattr(self, 'pad{}'.format(i + 1))(skip)
out = getattr(self, 'conv{}'.format(i + 1))(out)
out = getattr(self, 'norm{}'.format(i + 1))(out)
out = getattr(self, 'prelu{}'.format(i + 1))(out)
out = getattr(self, 'fsmn{}'.format(i + 1))(out)
skip =[out, skip], dim=1) # Concatenate outputs for dense connectivity
return out # Return the final output
class DenseEncoder(nn.Module):
DenseEncoder: A dense encoding module for feature extraction from input data.
This module consists of a series of convolutional layers followed by a
dilated dense network for robust feature learning.
in_channel (int): Number of input channels for the encoder.
channels (int): Number of output channels for each convolutional layer (default is 64).
def __init__(self, in_channel, channels=64):
"""Initializes the DenseEncoder with specified input channels and feature size."""
super(DenseEncoder, self).__init__()
self.conv_1 = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(in_channel, channels, (1, 1), (1, 1)), # Initial convolution layer
nn.InstanceNorm2d(channels, affine=True), # Normalization layer
nn.PReLU(channels) # Activation function
self.dilated_dense = DilatedDenseNet(depth=4, in_channels=channels) # Dilated Dense Network
self.conv_2 = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(channels, channels, (1, 3), (1, 2), padding=(0, 1)), # Second convolution layer
nn.InstanceNorm2d(channels, affine=True), # Normalization layer
nn.PReLU(channels) # Activation function
def forward(self, x):
Defines the forward pass for the DenseEncoder.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape [batch_size, in_channel, height, width].
torch.Tensor: Output tensor after processing through the encoder.
x = self.conv_1(x) # Process through the first convolutional layer
x = self.dilated_dense(x) # Process through the dilated dense network
x = self.conv_2(x) # Process through the second convolutional layer
return x # Return the final output
class SPConvTranspose2d(nn.Module):
SPConvTranspose2d: A spatially separable convolution transpose layer.
This module implements a transposed convolution operation with spatial separability,
allowing for efficient upsampling and feature extraction.
in_channels (int): Number of input channels.
out_channels (int): Number of output channels.
kernel_size (tuple): Size of the convolution kernel.
r (int): Upsampling rate (default is 1).
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, r=1):
"""Initializes the SPConvTranspose2d with specified parameters."""
super(SPConvTranspose2d, self).__init__()
self.pad1 = nn.ConstantPad2d((1, 1, 0, 0), value=0.) # Padding for input
self.out_channels = out_channels # Store number of output channels
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels * r, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=(1, 1)) # Convolution layer
self.r = r # Store the upsampling rate
def forward(self, x):
Defines the forward pass for the SPConvTranspose2d module.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape [batch_size, in_channels, height, width].
torch.Tensor: Output tensor after transposed convolution operation.
x = self.pad1(x) # Apply padding to input
out = self.conv(x) # Perform convolution operation
batch_size, nchannels, H, W = out.shape # Get output shape
out = out.view((batch_size, self.r, nchannels // self.r, H, W)) # Reshape output for separation
out = out.permute(0, 2, 3, 4, 1) # Rearrange dimensions
out = out.contiguous().view((batch_size, nchannels // self.r, H, -1)) # Final output shape
return out # Return the final output
class MaskDecoder(nn.Module):
MaskDecoder: A decoder module for estimating masks used in audio processing.
This module utilizes a dilated dense network to capture features and
applies sub-pixel convolution to upscale the output. It produces
a mask that can be applied to the magnitude of audio signals.
num_features (int): The number of features in the output mask.
num_channel (int): The number of channels in intermediate layers (default is 64).
out_channel (int): The number of output channels for the final output mask (default is 1).
def __init__(self, num_features, num_channel=64, out_channel=1):
"""Initializes the MaskDecoder with specified parameters."""
super(MaskDecoder, self).__init__()
self.dense_block = DilatedDenseNet(depth=4, in_channels=num_channel) # Dense feature extraction
self.sub_pixel = SPConvTranspose2d(num_channel, num_channel, (1, 3), 2) # Sub-pixel convolution for upsampling
self.conv_1 = nn.Conv2d(num_channel, out_channel, (1, 2)) # Convolution layer to produce mask
self.norm = nn.InstanceNorm2d(out_channel, affine=True) # Normalization layer
self.prelu = nn.PReLU(out_channel) # Activation function
self.final_conv = nn.Conv2d(out_channel, out_channel, (1, 1)) # Final convolution layer
self.prelu_out = nn.PReLU(num_features, init=-0.25) # Final activation for output mask
def forward(self, x):
Defines the forward pass for the MaskDecoder.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape [batch_size, channels, height, width].
torch.Tensor: Output mask tensor after processing through the decoder.
x = self.dense_block(x) # Feature extraction using dilated dense block
x = self.sub_pixel(x) # Upsample the features
x = self.conv_1(x) # Convolution to estimate the mask
x = self.prelu(self.norm(x)) # Apply normalization and activation
x = self.final_conv(x).permute(0, 3, 2, 1).squeeze(-1) # Final convolution and rearrangement
return self.prelu_out(x).permute(0, 2, 1).unsqueeze(1) # Final output shape
class ComplexDecoder(nn.Module):
ComplexDecoder: A decoder module for estimating complex-valued outputs.
This module processes features through a dilated dense network and a
sub-pixel convolution layer to generate two output channels representing
the real and imaginary parts of the complex output.
num_channel (int): The number of channels in intermediate layers (default is 64).
def __init__(self, num_channel=64):
"""Initializes the ComplexDecoder with specified parameters."""
super(ComplexDecoder, self).__init__()
self.dense_block = DilatedDenseNet(depth=4, in_channels=num_channel) # Dense feature extraction
self.sub_pixel = SPConvTranspose2d(num_channel, num_channel, (1, 3), 2) # Sub-pixel convolution for upsampling
self.prelu = nn.PReLU(num_channel) # Activation function
self.norm = nn.InstanceNorm2d(num_channel, affine=True) # Normalization layer
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(num_channel, 2, (1, 2)) # Convolution layer to produce complex outputs
def forward(self, x):
Defines the forward pass for the ComplexDecoder.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape [batch_size, channels, height, width].
torch.Tensor: Output tensor containing real and imaginary parts.
x = self.dense_block(x) # Feature extraction using dilated dense block
x = self.sub_pixel(x) # Upsample the features
x = self.prelu(self.norm(x)) # Apply normalization and activation
x = self.conv(x) # Generate complex output
return x # Return the output tensor
class SyncANet(nn.Module):
SyncANet: A synchronous audio processing network for separating audio signals.
This network integrates dense encoding, synchronous attention blocks,
and separate decoders for estimating masks and complex-valued outputs.
num_channel (int): The number of channels in the network (default is 64).
num_features (int): The number of features for the mask decoder (default is 201).
def __init__(self, num_channel=64, num_features=201):
"""Initializes the SyncANet with specified parameters."""
super(SyncANet, self).__init__()
self.dense_encoder = DenseEncoder(in_channel=3, channels=num_channel) # Dense encoder for input
self.n_layers = 6 # Number of synchronous attention layers
self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([]) # List to hold attention blocks
# Initialize attention blocks
for _ in range(self.n_layers):
self.mask_decoder = MaskDecoder(num_features, num_channel=num_channel, out_channel=1) # Mask decoder
self.complex_decoder = ComplexDecoder(num_channel=num_channel) # Complex decoder
def forward(self, x):
Defines the forward pass for the SyncANet.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape [batch_size, 2, height, width] representing complex signals.
list: List containing the real and imaginary parts of the output tensor.
out_list = [] # List to store outputs
mag = torch.sqrt(x[:, 0, :, :]**2 + x[:, 1, :, :]**2).unsqueeze(1) # Calculate magnitude
noisy_phase = torch.angle(torch.complex(x[:, 0, :, :], x[:, 1, :, :])).unsqueeze(1) # Calculate phase
x_in =[mag, x], dim=1) # Concatenate magnitude and input for processing
x = self.dense_encoder(x_in) # Feature extraction using dense encoder
for ii in range(self.n_layers):
x = self.blocks[ii](x) # Pass through attention blocks
mask = self.mask_decoder(x) # Estimate mask from features
out_mag = mask * mag # Apply mask to magnitude
complex_out = self.complex_decoder(x) # Generate complex output
mag_real = out_mag * torch.cos(noisy_phase) # Real part of the output
mag_imag = out_mag * torch.sin(noisy_phase) # Imaginary part of the output
final_real = mag_real + complex_out[:, 0, :, :].unsqueeze(1) # Final real output
final_imag = mag_imag + complex_out[:, 1, :, :].unsqueeze(1) # Final imaginary output
out_list.append(final_real) # Append real output to list
out_list.append(final_imag) # Append imaginary output to list
return out_list # Return list of outputs
class FFConvM(nn.Module):
FFConvM: A feedforward convolutional module combining linear layers, normalization,
non-linear activation, and convolution operations.
This module processes input tensors through a sequence of transformations, including
normalization, a linear layer with a SiLU activation, a convolutional operation, and
dropout for regularization.
dim_in (int): The number of input features (dimensionality of input).
dim_out (int): The number of output features (dimensionality of output).
norm_klass (nn.Module): The normalization class to be applied (default is nn.LayerNorm).
dropout (float): The dropout probability for regularization (default is 0.1).
def __init__(
"""Initializes the FFConvM with specified parameters."""
# Define the sequential model
self.mdl = nn.Sequential(
norm_klass(dim_in), # Apply normalization to input
nn.Linear(dim_in, dim_out), # Linear transformation to dim_out
nn.SiLU(), # Non-linear activation using SiLU (Sigmoid Linear Unit)
ConvModule(dim_out), # Convolution operation on the output
nn.Dropout(dropout) # Dropout layer for regularization
def forward(self, x):
Defines the forward pass for the FFConvM.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape [batch_size, dim_in].
torch.Tensor: Output tensor of shape [batch_size, dim_out] after processing.
output = self.mdl(x) # Pass input through the sequential model
return output # Return the processed output
class SyncANetBlock(nn.Module):
SyncANetBlock implements a modified version of the MossFormer (GatedFormer) module,
inspired by the TF-GridNet architecture (
It combines gated triple-attention schemes and Finite Short Memory Network (FSMN) modules
to enhance computational efficiency and overall performance in audio processing tasks.
emb_dim (int): Dimensionality of the embedding.
emb_ks (int): Kernel size for embeddings.
emb_hs (int): Stride size for embeddings.
n_freqs (int): Number of frequency bands.
hidden_channels (int): Number of hidden channels.
n_head (int): Number of attention heads.
approx_qk_dim (int): Approximate dimension for query-key matrices.
activation (str): Activation function to use.
eps (float): Small value to avoid division by zero in normalization layers.
def __getitem__(self, key):
Allows accessing module attributes using indexing.
key: Attribute name to retrieve.
The requested attribute.
return getattr(self, key)
def __init__(
Initializes the SyncANetBlock with the specified parameters.
emb_dim (int): Dimensionality of the embedding.
emb_ks (int): Kernel size for embeddings.
emb_hs (int): Stride size for embeddings.
n_freqs (int): Number of frequency bands.
hidden_channels (int): Number of hidden channels.
n_head (int): Number of attention heads. Default is 4.
approx_qk_dim (int): Approximate dimension for query-key matrices. Default is 512.
activation (str): Activation function to use. Default is "prelu".
eps (float): Small value to avoid division by zero in normalization layers. Default is 1e-5.
in_channels = emb_dim * emb_ks # Calculate the number of input channels
## Intra modules: Modules for internal processing within the block
self.Fconv = nn.Conv2d(emb_dim, in_channels, kernel_size=(1, emb_ks), stride=(1, 1), groups=emb_dim)
self.intra_norm = LayerNormalization4D(emb_dim, eps=eps) # Layer normalization
self.intra_to_u = FFConvM(
self.intra_to_v = FFConvM(
self.intra_rnn = self._build_repeats(in_channels, hidden_channels, 20, hidden_channels, repeats=1) # FSMN layers
self.intra_mossformer = MossFormer(dim=emb_dim, group_size=n_freqs) # MossFormer module
# Linear transformation for intra module output
self.intra_linear = nn.ConvTranspose1d(
hidden_channels, emb_dim, emb_ks, stride=emb_hs
self.intra_se = SELayer(channel=emb_dim, reduction=1) # Squeeze-and-excitation layer
## Inter modules: Modules for external processing between blocks
self.inter_norm = LayerNormalization4D(emb_dim, eps=eps) # Layer normalization
self.inter_to_u = FFConvM(
self.inter_to_v = FFConvM(
self.inter_rnn = self._build_repeats(in_channels, hidden_channels, 20, hidden_channels, repeats=1) # FSMN layers
self.inter_mossformer = MossFormer(dim=emb_dim, group_size=256) # MossFormer module
# Linear transformation for inter module output
self.inter_linear = nn.ConvTranspose1d(
hidden_channels, emb_dim, emb_ks, stride=emb_hs
self.inter_se = SELayer(channel=emb_dim, reduction=1) # Squeeze-and-excitation layer
# Approximate query-key dimension calculation
E = math.ceil(approx_qk_dim * 1.0 / n_freqs)
assert emb_dim % n_head == 0 # Ensure emb_dim is divisible by n_head
# Define attention convolution layers for each head
for ii in range(n_head):
nn.Conv2d(emb_dim, E, 1),
LayerNormalization4DCF((E, n_freqs), eps=eps),
nn.Conv2d(emb_dim, E, 1),
LayerNormalization4DCF((E, n_freqs), eps=eps),
nn.Conv2d(emb_dim, emb_dim // n_head, 1),
LayerNormalization4DCF((emb_dim // n_head, n_freqs), eps=eps),
# Final attention concatenation projection
nn.Conv2d(emb_dim, emb_dim, 1),
LayerNormalization4DCF((emb_dim, n_freqs), eps=eps),
# Store parameters for further processing
self.emb_dim = emb_dim
self.emb_ks = emb_ks
self.emb_hs = emb_hs
self.n_head = n_head
def _build_repeats(self, in_channels, out_channels, lorder, hidden_size, repeats=1):
Constructs a sequence of UniDeepFSMN modules.
in_channels (int): Number of input channels.
out_channels (int): Number of output channels.
lorder (int): Order of the filter.
hidden_size (int): Hidden size for the FSMN.
repeats (int): Number of times to repeat the module. Default is 1.
nn.Sequential: A sequence of UniDeepFSMN modules.
repeats = [
UniDeepFsmn(in_channels, out_channels, lorder, hidden_size)
for _ in range(repeats)
return nn.Sequential(*repeats)
def forward(self, x):
"""Performs a forward pass through the SyncANetBlock.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape [B, C, T, Q] where
B is batch size, C is number of channels,
T is temporal dimension, and Q is frequency dimension.
torch.Tensor: Output tensor of the same shape [B, C, T, Q].
B, C, old_T, old_Q = x.shape
# Calculate new dimensions for padding
T = math.ceil((old_T - self.emb_ks) / self.emb_hs) * self.emb_hs + self.emb_ks
Q = math.ceil((old_Q - self.emb_ks) / self.emb_hs) * self.emb_hs + self.emb_ks
# Pad the input tensor to match the new dimensions
x = F.pad(x, (0, Q - old_Q, 0, T - old_T))
# Intra-process
input_ = x
intra_rnn = self.intra_norm(input_) # Normalize input for intra-process
intra_rnn = self.Fconv(intra_rnn) # Apply depthwise convolution
intra_rnn = (
intra_rnn.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(B * T, C * self.emb_ks, -1)
) # Reshape for subsequent operations
intra_rnn = intra_rnn.transpose(1, 2) # Reshape for processing
intra_rnn_u = self.intra_to_u(intra_rnn) # Linear transformation
intra_rnn_v = self.intra_to_v(intra_rnn) # Linear transformation
intra_rnn_u = self.intra_rnn(intra_rnn_u) # Apply FSMN
intra_rnn = intra_rnn_v * intra_rnn_u # Element-wise multiplication
intra_rnn = intra_rnn.transpose(1, 2) # Reshape back
intra_rnn = self.intra_linear(intra_rnn) # Linear projection
intra_rnn = intra_rnn.transpose(1, 2) # Reshape for mossformer
intra_rnn = intra_rnn.view([B, T, Q, C]) # Reshape for mossformer
intra_rnn = self.intra_mossformer(intra_rnn) # Apply MossFormer
intra_rnn = intra_rnn.transpose(1, 2) # Reshape back
intra_rnn = intra_rnn.view([B, T, C, Q]) # Reshape back
intra_rnn = intra_rnn.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() # Final reshape
intra_rnn = self.intra_se(intra_rnn) # Squeeze-and-excitation layer
intra_rnn = intra_rnn + input_ # Residual connection
# Inter-process
input_ = intra_rnn
inter_rnn = self.inter_norm(input_) # Normalize input for inter-process
inter_rnn = (
inter_rnn.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous().view(B * Q, C, T)
) # Reshape for processing
inter_rnn = F.unfold(
inter_rnn[..., None], (self.emb_ks, 1), stride=(self.emb_hs, 1)
) # Extract sliding windows
inter_rnn = inter_rnn.transpose(1, 2) # Reshape for further processing
inter_rnn_u = self.inter_to_u(inter_rnn) # Linear transformation
inter_rnn_v = self.inter_to_v(inter_rnn) # Linear transformation
inter_rnn_u = self.inter_rnn(inter_rnn_u) # Apply FSMN
inter_rnn = inter_rnn_v * inter_rnn_u # Element-wise multiplication
inter_rnn = inter_rnn.transpose(1, 2) # Reshape back
inter_rnn = self.inter_linear(inter_rnn) # Linear projection
inter_rnn = inter_rnn.transpose(1, 2) # Reshape for mossformer
inter_rnn = inter_rnn.view([B, Q, T, C]) # Reshape for mossformer
inter_rnn = self.inter_mossformer(inter_rnn) # Apply MossFormer
inter_rnn = inter_rnn.transpose(1, 2) # Reshape back
inter_rnn = inter_rnn.view([B, Q, C, T]) # Final reshape
inter_rnn = inter_rnn.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous() # Permute for SE layer
inter_rnn = self.inter_se(inter_rnn) # Squeeze-and-excitation layer
inter_rnn = inter_rnn + input_ # Residual connection
# Attention mechanism
inter_rnn = inter_rnn[..., :old_T, :old_Q] # Trim to original shape
batch = inter_rnn
all_Q, all_K, all_V = [], [], []
# Compute query, key, and value for each attention head
for ii in range(self.n_head):
all_Q.append(self["attn_conv_Q_%d" % ii](batch)) # Query
all_K.append(self["attn_conv_K_%d" % ii](batch)) # Key
all_V.append(self["attn_conv_V_%d" % ii](batch)) # Value
Q =, dim=0) # Concatenate all queries
K =, dim=0) # Concatenate all keys
V =, dim=0) # Concatenate all values
# Reshape for attention calculation
Q = Q.transpose(1, 2)
Q = Q.flatten(start_dim=2) # Flatten for attention calculation
K = K.transpose(1, 2)
K = K.flatten(start_dim=2) # Flatten for attention calculation
V = V.transpose(1, 2) # Reshape for attention calculation
old_shape = V.shape
V = V.flatten(start_dim=2) # Flatten for attention calculation
emb_dim = Q.shape[-1]
# Compute scaled dot-product attention
attn_mat = torch.matmul(Q, K.transpose(1, 2)) / (emb_dim**0.5) # Attention matrix
attn_mat = F.softmax(attn_mat, dim=2) # Softmax over attention scores
V = torch.matmul(attn_mat, V) # Weighted sum of values
V = V.reshape(old_shape) # Reshape back
V = V.transpose(1, 2) # Final reshaping
emb_dim = V.shape[1]
batch = V.view([self.n_head, B, emb_dim, old_T, -1]) # Reshape for multi-head
batch = batch.transpose(0, 1) # Permute for batch processing
batch = batch.contiguous().view(
[B, self.n_head * emb_dim, old_T, -1]
) # Final reshape for concatenation
batch = self["attn_concat_proj"](batch) # Final linear projection
# Combine inter-process result with attention output
out = batch + inter_rnn
return out # Return the output tensor
class LayerNormalization4D(nn.Module):
LayerNormalization4D applies layer normalization to 4D tensors
(e.g., [B, C, T, F]), where B is the batch size, C is the number of channels,
T is the temporal dimension, and F is the frequency dimension.
gamma (torch.Parameter): Learnable scaling parameter.
beta (torch.Parameter): Learnable shifting parameter.
eps (float): Small value for numerical stability during variance calculation.
def __init__(self, input_dimension, eps=1e-5):
Initializes the LayerNormalization4D layer.
input_dimension (int): The number of channels in the input tensor.
eps (float, optional): Small constant added for numerical stability.
param_size = [1, input_dimension, 1, 1]
self.gamma = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*param_size).to(torch.float32)) # Scale parameter
self.beta = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*param_size).to(torch.float32)) # Shift parameter
init.ones_(self.gamma) # Initialize gamma to 1
init.zeros_(self.beta) # Initialize beta to 0
self.eps = eps # Set the epsilon value
def forward(self, x):
Forward pass for the layer normalization.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape [B, C, T, F].
torch.Tensor: Normalized output tensor of the same shape.
if x.ndim == 4:
_, C, _, _ = x.shape # Extract the number of channels
stat_dim = (1,) # Dimension to compute statistics over
raise ValueError("Expect x to have 4 dimensions, but got {}".format(x.ndim))
# Compute mean and standard deviation along the specified dimension
mu_ = x.mean(dim=stat_dim, keepdim=True) # [B, 1, T, F]
std_ = torch.sqrt(
x.var(dim=stat_dim, unbiased=False, keepdim=True) + self.eps
) # [B, 1, T, F]
# Normalize the input tensor and apply learnable parameters
x_hat = ((x - mu_) / std_) * self.gamma + self.beta # [B, C, T, F]
return x_hat
class LayerNormalization4DCF(nn.Module):
LayerNormalization4DCF applies layer normalization to 4D tensors
(e.g., [B, C, T, F]) specifically designed for DCF (Dynamic Channel Frequency) inputs.
gamma (torch.Parameter): Learnable scaling parameter.
beta (torch.Parameter): Learnable shifting parameter.
eps (float): Small value for numerical stability during variance calculation.
def __init__(self, input_dimension, eps=1e-5):
Initializes the LayerNormalization4DCF layer.
input_dimension (tuple): A tuple containing the dimensions of the input tensor
(number of channels, frequency dimension).
eps (float, optional): Small constant added for numerical stability.
assert len(input_dimension) == 2, "Input dimension must be a tuple of length 2."
param_size = [1, input_dimension[0], 1, input_dimension[1]] # Shape based on input dimensions
self.gamma = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*param_size).to(torch.float32)) # Scale parameter
self.beta = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*param_size).to(torch.float32)) # Shift parameter
init.ones_(self.gamma) # Initialize gamma to 1
init.zeros_(self.beta) # Initialize beta to 0
self.eps = eps # Set the epsilon value
def forward(self, x):
Forward pass for the layer normalization.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape [B, C, T, F].
torch.Tensor: Normalized output tensor of the same shape.
if x.ndim == 4:
stat_dim = (1, 3) # Dimensions to compute statistics over
raise ValueError("Expect x to have 4 dimensions, but got {}".format(x.ndim))
# Compute mean and standard deviation along the specified dimensions
mu_ = x.mean(dim=stat_dim, keepdim=True) # [B, 1, T, 1]
std_ = torch.sqrt(
x.var(dim=stat_dim, unbiased=False, keepdim=True) + self.eps
) # [B, 1, T, F]
# Normalize the input tensor and apply learnable parameters
x_hat = ((x - mu_) / std_) * self.gamma + self.beta # [B, C, T, F]
return x_hat