{ "questions": [ { "question": "Does the sequence of images present a coherent narrative in logical order?", "0_point_standard": "The sequence of images is not arranged in chronological order or lacks logical flow, disrupting the narrative.", "1_point_standard": "The sequence of images clearly presents a coherent narrative in logical chronological order." }, { "question": "Do the image contents match the textual descriptions provided in the children's book?", "0_point_standard": "The images do not accurately reflect the textual descriptions, with noticeable deviations from the story.", "1_point_standard": "The images completely match the textual descriptions, accurately depicting the story elements." }, { "question": "Is the illustration style consistent throughout the book?", "0_point_standard": "The illustration style is inconsistent, leading to a disjointed visual effect.", "1_point_standard": "All illustrations maintain a consistent style, creating a harmonious visual effect throughout the book." }, { "question": "Are the images of main characters or objects consistent across all illustrations?", "0_point_standard": "The images of main characters or objects are inconsistent across different images, making it difficult to recognize them as the same character or object.", "1_point_standard": "The images of main characters or objects are consistent, clearly recognizable as the same character or object in all illustrations." }, { "question": "Is the depiction of narrative and characters logically accurate and suitable for the children's age group?", "0_point_standard": "The depiction is illogical, inaccurate, or unsuitable for the target age group, with evident errors.", "1_point_standard": "The depiction is logically accurate, suitable for the target age group, and reflects the expected narrative standards." }, { "question": "Do the illustrations exhibit professional-level detail and aesthetic, enhancing the book's visual appeal?", "0_point_standard": "The illustrations lack detail, have poor aesthetic quality, and do not meet the visual standards of children's books.", "1_point_standard": "The illustrations are rich in detail and have excellent aesthetic quality, meeting professional standards with significant visual appeal." } ] }