{ "questions": [ { "question": "Does the sequence of images logically present the growth process of the animal in chronological order?", "0_point_standard": "The sequence of images is not arranged in chronological order or lacks logical flow, failing to illustrate the animal's growth process.", "1_point_standard": "The sequence of images clearly presents the growth stages of the animal in logical chronological order." }, { "question": "Does the content of the images match the animal growth process specified in the text description?", "0_point_standard": "The content of the images fails to accurately reflect the animal growth stages described in the text, with significant deviations.", "1_point_standard": "The content of the images completely matches the text description, accurately displaying the specified animal growth stages." }, { "question": "Is the style and overall visual effect of the images consistent?", "0_point_standard": "The style of the images is inconsistent, leading to a disjointed visual effect.", "1_point_standard": "All images maintain a consistent style, creating a cohesive visual effect." }, { "question": "Does the generated sequence of images maintain the consistency of the animal's identity (e.g., can it be recognized as the same animal throughout the process)?", "0_point_standard": "The appearance of the animal is inconsistent across different images, making it difficult to recognize as the same animal.", "1_point_standard": "The appearance of the animal remains consistent, clearly recognizable as the same animal in all images." }, { "question": "Is the description of the animal growth process reasonable and logical?", "0_point_standard": "The description of the animal growth process is illogical or unreasonable, with obvious errors or unrealistic descriptions.", "1_point_standard": "The description of the animal growth process is reasonable, logical, and accurately reflects expected biological principles." }, { "question": "Do the details and aesthetics of the images meet professional standards and possess visual appeal?", "0_point_standard": "The images lack detail, aesthetics are poor, and do not meet visual standards.", "1_point_standard": "The images are rich in detail, have excellent aesthetics, meet professional standards, and possess visual appeal." } ] }