import streamlit as st | |
from ultralytics import YOLO | |
import cv2 | |
import time | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
from PIL import Image | |
import tempfile | |
import warnings | |
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') | |
def get_direction(old_center, new_center, min_movement=10): | |
if old_center is None or new_center is None: | |
return "stationary" | |
dx = new_center[0] - old_center[0] | |
dy = new_center[1] - old_center[1] | |
if abs(dx) < min_movement and abs(dy) < min_movement: | |
return "stationary" | |
if abs(dx) > abs(dy): | |
return "right" if dx > 0 else "left" | |
else: | |
return "down" if dy > 0 else "up" | |
class ObjectTracker: | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.tracked_objects = {} | |
self.object_count = {} | |
def update(self, detections): | |
current_objects = {} | |
results = [] | |
for detection in detections: | |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = detection[0:4] | |
center = ((x1 + x2) // 2, (y1 + y2) // 2) | |
class_id = detection[5] | |
object_id = f"{class_id}_{len(self.object_count.get(class_id, []))}" | |
min_dist = float('inf') | |
closest_id = None | |
for prev_id, prev_data in self.tracked_objects.items(): | |
if prev_id.split('_')[0] == str(class_id): | |
dist = np.sqrt((center[0] - prev_data['center'][0])**2 + | |
(center[1] - prev_data['center'][1])**2) | |
if dist < min_dist and dist < 100: | |
min_dist = dist | |
closest_id = prev_id | |
if closest_id: | |
object_id = closest_id | |
else: | |
if class_id not in self.object_count: | |
self.object_count[class_id] = [] | |
self.object_count[class_id].append(object_id) | |
prev_center = self.tracked_objects.get(object_id, {}).get('center', None) | |
direction = get_direction(prev_center, center) | |
current_objects[object_id] = { | |
'center': center, | |
'direction': direction, | |
'detection': detection | |
} | |
results.append((detection, object_id, direction)) | |
self.tracked_objects = current_objects | |
return results | |
def main(): | |
st.title("Real-time Object Detection with Direction") | |
# File uploader for video | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a video file", type=['mp4', 'avi', 'mov']) | |
# Add start button | |
start_detection = st.button("Start Detection") | |
# Add stop button | |
stop_detection = st.button("Stop Detection") | |
if uploaded_file is not None and start_detection: | |
# Create a session state to track if detection is running | |
if 'running' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.running = True | |
# Save uploaded file temporarily | |
tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) | |
tfile.write( | |
# Load model | |
with st.spinner('Loading model...'): | |
model = YOLO('',verbose=False) | |
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') | | | |
tracker = ObjectTracker() | |
cap = cv2.VideoCapture( | |
direction_colors = { | |
"left": (255, 0, 0), | |
"right": (0, 255, 0), | |
"up": (0, 255, 255), | |
"down": (0, 0, 255), | |
"stationary": (128, 128, 128) | |
} | |
# Create placeholder for video frame | |
frame_placeholder = st.empty() | |
# Create placeholder for detection info | |
info_placeholder = st.empty() | |
st.success("Detection Started!") | |
while cap.isOpened() and st.session_state.running: | |
success, frame = | |
if not success: | |
break | |
# Run detection | |
results = model(frame, | |
conf=0.25, | |
iou=0.45, | |
max_det=20, | |
verbose=False)[0] | |
detections = [] | |
for box in | |
x1, y1, x2, y2, conf, cls = box.tolist() | |
detections.append([int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2), float(conf), int(cls)]) | |
tracked_objects = tracker.update(detections) | |
# Dictionary to store detection counts | |
detection_counts = {} | |
for detection, obj_id, direction in tracked_objects: | |
x1, y1, x2, y2, conf, cls = detection | |
color = direction_colors.get(direction, (128, 128, 128)) | |
cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), color, 2) | |
label = f"{model.names[int(cls)]} {direction} {conf:.2f}" | |
# Increased font size and thickness | |
font_scale = 1.2 | |
thickness = 3 | |
text_size = cv2.getTextSize(label, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, font_scale, thickness)[0] | |
# Increased padding for label background | |
padding_y = 15 | |
cv2.rectangle(frame, | |
(int(x1), int(y1) - text_size[1] - padding_y), | |
(int(x1) + text_size[0], int(y1)), | |
color, -1) | |
cv2.putText(frame, label, | |
(int(x1), int(y1) - 5), | |
font_scale, | |
(255, 255, 255), | |
thickness) | |
# Count detections by class | |
class_name = model.names[int(cls)] | |
detection_counts[class_name] = detection_counts.get(class_name, 0) + 1 | |
# Convert BGR to RGB | |
frame_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) | |
# Update frame | |
frame_placeholder.image(frame_rgb, channels="RGB", use_column_width=True) | |
# Update detection info | |
info_text = "Detected Objects:\n" | |
for class_name, count in detection_counts.items(): | |
info_text += f"{class_name}: {count}\n" | |
info_placeholder.text(info_text) | |
# Check if stop button is pressed | |
if stop_detection: | |
st.session_state.running = False | |
break | |
cap.release() | |
st.session_state.running = False | |
st.warning("Detection Stopped") | |
elif uploaded_file is None and start_detection: | |
st.error("Please upload a video file first!") | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() |