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F: add
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import einops
import torch
import torch as th
import torch.nn as nn
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.util import (
from einops import rearrange, repeat
from torchvision.utils import make_grid
from sgm.modules.attention import SpatialTransformer
from sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.openaimodel import UNetModel, TimestepEmbedSequential, Downsample, ResBlock, AttentionBlock
from sgm.models.diffusion import DiffusionEngine
from sgm.util import log_txt_as_img, exists, instantiate_from_config
from safetensors.torch import load_file as load_safetensors
from .model import load_state_dict
class VideoLDM(DiffusionEngine):
def __init__(self, num_samples, trained_param_keys=[''], *args, **kwargs):
self.trained_param_keys = trained_param_keys
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.num_samples = num_samples
def init_from_ckpt(
path: str,
) -> None:
if path.endswith("ckpt"):
sd = torch.load(path, map_location="cpu")
if "state_dict" in sd:
sd = sd["state_dict"]
elif path.endswith("pt"):
sd_raw = torch.load(path, map_location="cpu")
sd = {}
for k in sd_raw['module']:
sd[k[len('module.'):]] = sd_raw['module'][k]
elif path.endswith("safetensors"):
sd = load_safetensors(path)
raise NotImplementedError
# missing, unexpected = self.load_state_dict(sd, strict=True)
missing, unexpected = self.load_state_dict(sd, strict=False)
f"Restored from {path} with {len(missing)} missing and {len(unexpected)} unexpected keys"
if len(missing) > 0:
print(f"Missing Keys: {missing}")
if len(unexpected) > 0:
print(f"Unexpected Keys: {unexpected}")
def add_custom_cond(self, batch, infer=False):
batch['num_video_frames'] = self.num_samples
image = batch['video'][:, :, 0]
batch['cond_frames_without_noise'] = image.half()
N = batch['video'].shape[0]
if not infer:
cond_aug = ((-3.0) + (0.5) * torch.randn((N,))).exp().cuda().half()
cond_aug = torch.full((N, ), 0.02).cuda().half()
batch['cond_aug'] = cond_aug
batch['cond_frames'] = (image + rearrange(cond_aug, 'b -> b 1 1 1') * torch.randn_like(image)).half()
# for dataset without indicator
if not 'image_only_indicator' in batch:
batch['image_only_indicator'] = torch.zeros((N, self.num_samples)).cuda().half()
return batch
def shared_step(self, batch: Dict) -> Any:
frames = self.get_input(batch) # b c t h w
batch = self.add_custom_cond(batch)
frames_reshape = rearrange(frames, 'b c t h w -> (b t) c h w')
x = self.encode_first_stage(frames_reshape)
batch["global_step"] = self.global_step
with torch.autocast(device_type='cuda', dtype=torch.float16):
loss, loss_dict = self(x, batch)
return loss, loss_dict
def log_images(
batch: Dict,
N: int = 8,
sample: bool = True,
ucg_keys: List[str] = None,
) -> Dict:
conditioner_input_keys = [e.input_key for e in self.conditioner.embedders]
if ucg_keys:
assert all(map(lambda x: x in conditioner_input_keys, ucg_keys)), (
"Each defined ucg key for sampling must be in the provided conditioner input keys,"
f"but we have {ucg_keys} vs. {conditioner_input_keys}"
ucg_keys = conditioner_input_keys
log = dict()
frames = self.get_input(batch)
batch = self.add_custom_cond(batch, infer=True)
N = min(frames.shape[0], N)
frames = frames[:N]
x = rearrange(frames, 'b c t h w -> (b t) c h w')
c, uc = self.conditioner.get_unconditional_conditioning(
if len(self.conditioner.embedders) > 0
else [],
sampling_kwargs = {}
aes = c['vector'][:, -256-256-256]
cm1 = c['vector'][:, -256-256]
cm2 = c['vector'][:, -256-192]
cm3 = c['vector'][:, -256-128]
cm4 = c['vector'][:, -256-64]
caption = batch['caption'][:N]
for idx in range(N):
sub_str = str(aes[idx].item()) + '\n' + str(cm1[idx].item()) + '\n' + str(cm2[idx].item()) + '\n' + str(cm3[idx].item()) + '\n' + str(cm4[idx].item())
caption[idx] = sub_str + '\n' + caption[idx]
x =
z = self.encode_first_stage(x.half())
x_rec = self.decode_first_stage(z.half())
log["reconstructions-video"] = rearrange(x_rec, '(b t) c h w -> b c t h w', t=self.num_samples)
log["conditioning"] = log_txt_as_img((512, 512), caption, size=16)
for k in c:
if isinstance(c[k], torch.Tensor):
if k == 'concat':
c[k], uc[k] = map(lambda y: y[k][:N * self.num_samples].to(self.device), (c, uc))
c[k], uc[k] = map(lambda y: y[k][:N].to(self.device), (c, uc))
additional_model_inputs = {}
additional_model_inputs["image_only_indicator"] = torch.zeros(
N * 2, self.num_samples
additional_model_inputs["num_video_frames"] = batch["num_video_frames"]
def denoiser(input, sigma, c):
return self.denoiser(
self.model, input, sigma, c, **additional_model_inputs
if sample:
with self.ema_scope("Plotting"):
with torch.autocast(device_type='cuda', dtype=torch.float16):
randn = torch.randn(z.shape, device=self.device)
samples = self.sampler(denoiser, randn, cond=c, uc=uc)
samples = self.decode_first_stage(samples.half())
log["samples-video"] = rearrange(samples, '(b t) c h w -> b c t h w', t=self.num_samples)
return log
def configure_optimizers(self):
lr = self.learning_rate
if 'all' in self.trained_param_keys:
params = list(self.model.parameters())
names = []
params = []
for name, param in self.model.named_parameters():
flag = False
for k in self.trained_param_keys:
if k in name:
names += [name]
params += [param]
flag = True
if flag:
for embedder in self.conditioner.embedders:
if embedder.is_trainable:
params = params + list(embedder.parameters())
opt = self.instantiate_optimizer_from_config(params, lr, self.optimizer_config)
if self.scheduler_config is not None:
scheduler = instantiate_from_config(self.scheduler_config)
print("Setting up LambdaLR scheduler...")
scheduler = [
"scheduler": LambdaLR(opt, lr_lambda=scheduler.schedule),
"interval": "step",
"frequency": 1,
return [opt], scheduler
return opt