LucaVivona's picture
refactor frontend/backend πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
history blame
20.9 kB
from signal import signal, SIGKILL
import gradio as gr
from inspect import getfile
import socket
import requests
import os
class Dock:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.port_map = dict()
for p in range(7860, 7880):
if not self.port_is_connected(p):
self.port_map[p] = True
self.port_map[p] = False
def port_is_connected(self, port : int) -> bool:
- port : int
- boolean
check if the port is open with in our localhost
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
return s.connect_ex(("localhost", port)) == 0
def determinePort(self) -> any:
Take the port_map that was instantiate
in the __init__ and loop though all ports
and check if it the port is available
for port, available in self.port_map.items():
if available == True:
if self.port_is_connected(port): # check if port is in use if so then go to the next one
return port
raise Exception(f'❌ πŸ”Œ {bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.UNDERLINE}{bcolor.FAIL}All visable ports are used up...Try close some ports {bcolor.ENDC}')
DOCKER_PORT = Dock() # Determine the best possible port
def InterLauncher(name, interface, listen=2000, **kwargs):
- name : string
- interface : gradio.Interface(...)
- listen : int
- **kwargs
Take any gradio interface object
that is created by the gradio
package and send it to the flaks api
port= kwargs["port"] if "port" in kwargs else DOCKER_PORT.determinePort() # determine the next open port is no port is listed **kwargs
# (POST) send the information of the gradio to the flask api"http://{DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST}:{listen}/api/append/port", json={"port" : port, "host" : f'http://localhost:{port}', "file" : "Not Applicable", "name" : name, "kwargs" : kwargs})
except Exception as e:
# If there is an Exception then notify the user and end the method
print(f"**{bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}CONNECTION ERROR{bcolor.ENDC}** πŸ›The listening api is either not up or you choose the wrong port.πŸ› \n {e}")
# Launch the gradio application
inline= kwargs['inline'] if "inline" in kwargs else False,
share=kwargs['share'] if "share" in kwargs else None,
debug=kwargs['debug'] if "debug" in kwargs else False,
enable_queue=kwargs['enable_queue'] if "enable_queue" in kwargs else None,
max_threads=kwargs['max_threads'] if "max_threads" in kwargs else None,
auth=kwargs['auth'] if "auth" in kwargs else None,
auth_message=kwargs['auth_message'] if "auth_message" in kwargs else None,
prevent_thread_lock=kwargs['prevent_thread_lock'] if "prevent_thread_lock" in kwargs else False,
show_error=kwargs['show_error'] if "show_error" in kwargs else True,
show_tips=kwargs['show_tips'] if "show_tips" in kwargs else False,
height=kwargs['height'] if "height" in kwargs else 500,
width=kwargs['width'] if "width" in kwargs else 900,
encrypt=kwargs['encrypt'] if "encrypt" in kwargs else False,
favicon_path=kwargs['favicon_path'] if "favicon_path" in kwargs else None,
ssl_keyfile=kwargs['ssl_keyfile'] if "ssl_keyfile" in kwargs else None,
ssl_certfile=kwargs['ssl_certfile'] if "ssl_certfile" in kwargs else None,
ssl_keyfile_password=kwargs['ssl_keyfile_password'] if "ssl_keyfile_password" in kwargs else None,
quiet=kwargs['quiet'] if "quiet" in kwargs else False)
# (POST) stop the interface if user hits ctrl+c
# send the information of the gradio to the flask
# api to remove it from the list within the flask api"http://{DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST}:{ listen }/api/remove/port", json={"port" : port, "host" : f'http://localhost:{port}', "file" : 'Not Applicable', "name" : name, "kwargs" : kwargs})
except Exception as e:
print(f"**{bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}CONNECTION ERROR{bcolor.ENDC}** πŸ›The api either lost connection or was turned off...πŸ› \n {e}")
def tabularGradio(funcs, names=[], name="Tabular Temp Name", **kwargs):
takes all gradio Interfaces, and names
from input and launch the gradio.
fn = [fn() for fn in funcs if not isinstance(fn, gr.Interface) and fn.__decorator__ == "__gradio__" ]
if len(names) == 0:
names = [_.__name__ for _ in fn]
port= kwargs["port"] if "port" in kwargs else DOCKER_PORT.determinePort()
# send this to the backend api for it to be read by the react frontend
if 'listen' in kwargs:
# (POST) send the information of the gradio to the flask api"http://{DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST}:{ kwargs[ 'listen' ] }/api/append/port", json={"port" : port, "host" : f'http://localhost:{port}', "file" : 'Not Applicable', "name" : name, "kwargs" : kwargs})
except Exception as e:
print(f"**{bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}CONNECTION ERROR{bcolor.ENDC}** πŸ›The listening api is either not up or you choose the wrong port.πŸ› \n {e}")
# provided by gradio a tabularInterface function that take function and names
gr.TabbedInterface(fn, names).launch(server_port=port,
inline= kwargs['inline'] if "inline" in kwargs else True,
share=kwargs['share'] if "share" in kwargs else None,
debug=kwargs['debug'] if "debug" in kwargs else False,
enable_queue=kwargs['enable_queue'] if "enable_queue" in kwargs else None,
max_threads=kwargs['max_threads'] if "max_threads" in kwargs else None,
auth=kwargs['auth'] if "auth" in kwargs else None,
auth_message=kwargs['auth_message'] if "auth_message" in kwargs else None,
prevent_thread_lock=kwargs['prevent_thread_lock'] if "prevent_thread_lock" in kwargs else False,
show_error=kwargs['show_error'] if "show_error" in kwargs else True,
show_tips=kwargs['show_tips'] if "show_tips" in kwargs else False,
height=kwargs['height'] if "height" in kwargs else 500,
width=kwargs['width'] if "width" in kwargs else 900,
encrypt=kwargs['encrypt'] if "encrypt" in kwargs else False,
favicon_path=kwargs['favicon_path'] if "favicon_path" in kwargs else None,
ssl_keyfile=kwargs['ssl_keyfile'] if "ssl_keyfile" in kwargs else None,
ssl_certfile=kwargs['ssl_certfile'] if "ssl_certfile" in kwargs else None,
ssl_keyfile_password=kwargs['ssl_keyfile_password'] if "ssl_keyfile_password" in kwargs else None,
quiet=kwargs['quiet'] if "quiet" in kwargs else False)
# Ctrl+C that ends the process and then continue the code which will remove from the api
if 'listen' in kwargs:
try:"http://{DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST}:{ kwargs[ 'listen' ] }/api/remove/port", json={"port" : port, "host" : f'http://localhost:{port}', "file" : 'Not Applicable', "name" : name, "kwargs" : kwargs})
except Exception as e:
print(f"**{bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}CONNECTION ERROR{bcolor.ENDC}** πŸ›The api either lost connection or was turned off...πŸ› \n {e}")
def register(inputs, outputs, examples=None, **kwargs):
Decorator that is appended to a function either within a class or not
and output either an interface or inputs and outputs for later processing
to launch either to Gradio-Flow or just Gradio
def register_gradio(func):
def decorator(*args, **wargs):
# if the output is a list then there should be equal or more then 1
if type(outputs) is list:
assert len(outputs) >= 1, f"❌ {bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}you have no outputs 🀨... {str(type(outputs))} {bcolor.ENDC}"
fn_name = func.__name__ # name of the function
# if there exist the self within the arguments and thats the first argument then this must be a class function
if 'self' in func.__code__.co_varnames and func.__code__.co_varnames[0] == 'self' and fn_name in dir(args[0]):
given the decorator is on a class then
initialize a registered_gradio_functons
if not already initialize.
# if the inputs is a list then inputs list should equal the arugments list
if type(inputs) is list:
assert len(inputs) == func.__code__.co_argcount - 1, f"❌ {bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}inputs should have the same length as arguments{bcolor.ENDC}"
self = args[0]
except AttributeError:
self.registered_gradio_functons = dict() # if registered_gradio_functons does not exist then create it
# if the function name is not within the registered_gradio_functons then register it within the registered_gradio_functons
if not fn_name in self.registered_gradio_functons:
self.registered_gradio_functons[fn_name] = dict(inputs=inputs,
cache_examples=kwargs['cache_examples'] if "cache_examples" in kwargs else None,
examples_per_page=kwargs['examples_per_page'] if "examples_per_page" in kwargs else 10,
interpretation=kwargs['interpretation'] if "interpretation" in kwargs else None,
num_shap=kwargs['num_shap'] if "num_shap" in kwargs else 2.0,
title=kwargs['title'] if "title" in kwargs else None,
article=kwargs['article'] if "article" in kwargs else None,
thumbnail=kwargs['thumbnail'] if "thumbnail" in kwargs else None,
css=kwargs['css'] if "css" in kwargs else None,
live=kwargs['live'] if "live" in kwargs else False,
allow_flagging=kwargs['allow_flagging'] if "allow_flagging" in kwargs else None,
theme=kwargs['theme'] if "theme" in kwargs else 'default', )
# if the argument are within the function when it's called then give me the output of the function
# giving the user the ability to use the function if necessary
if len(args[1:]) == (func.__code__.co_argcount - 1):
return func(*args, **wargs)
# return nothing if the arguments are not within it cause if the arguments do not exist it will give a error
return None
else :
the function is not a class function
# if the inputs is a list then inputs list should equal the arugments list
if type(inputs) is list:
assert len(inputs) == func.__code__.co_argcount, f"❌ {bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}inputs should have the same length as arguments{bcolor.ENDC}"
# if the arguments within the functions are inputed then just return the output
if len(args) == (func.__code__.co_argcount):
return func(*args, **wargs)
# if there is nothing in the arugumrnt then return the gradio interface
return gr.Interface(fn=func,
cache_examples=kwargs['cache_examples'] if "cache_examples" in kwargs else None,
examples_per_page=kwargs['examples_per_page'] if "examples_per_page" in kwargs else 10,
interpretation=kwargs['interpretation'] if "interpretation" in kwargs else None,
num_shap=kwargs['num_shap'] if "num_shap" in kwargs else 2.0,
title=kwargs['title'] if "title" in kwargs else None,
article=kwargs['article'] if "article" in kwargs else None,
thumbnail=kwargs['thumbnail'] if "thumbnail" in kwargs else None,
css=kwargs['css'] if "css" in kwargs else None,
live=kwargs['live'] if "live" in kwargs else False,
allow_flagging=kwargs['allow_flagging'] if "allow_flagging" in kwargs else None,
decorator.__decorator__ = "__gradio__" # siginture to tell any function that need to know that function is a registed gradio application
return decorator
return register_gradio
def GradioModule(cls):
class Decorator:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
self.__cls__ = cls(*args, **kwargs)
self.interface = self.__compile()
def get_funcs_names(self):
Get all name for each function
assert self.get_registered_map() != None, "this is not possible..."
return [ name for name in self.get_registered_map().keys()]
def get_registered_map(self):
Get all registered functions
assert self.__cls__.registered_gradio_functons != None, "what happen!!!!"
return self.__cls__.registered_gradio_functons
def __get_funcs_attr(self):
Get all the function that are registered
for func in dir(self.__cls__):
fn = getattr(self.__cls__, func, None)
if callable(fn) and not func.startswith("__") and "__decorator__" in dir(fn) and fn.__decorator__ == "__gradio__":
def __compile(self):
Initialize all the function
within the class that are registeed
demos, names = [], []
for func, param in self.get_registered_map().items(): # loop though the registered function and append it to the TabularInterface
demos.append(gr.Interface(fn=getattr(self.__cls__, func, None), **param))
except Exception as e :
raise e
print(f"{bcolor.OKBLUE}COMPLETED: {bcolor.ENDC}All functions are mapped, and ready to launch πŸš€",
return gr.TabbedInterface(demos, names)
def launch(self, **kwargs):
Take the tabular interface and send it to the api if
'listen' is within the kwargs and launch the gradio interface
then when the gradio stops then remove it from the api
port= kwargs["port"] if "port" in kwargs else DOCKER_PORT.determinePort()
if 'listen' in kwargs:
try:"http://{DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST}:{ kwargs[ 'listen' ] }/api/append/port", json={"port" : port, "host" : f'http://localhost:{port}', "file" : getfile(self.__cls__.__class__), "name" : self.__cls__.__class__.__name__, "kwargs" : kwargs})
except Exception:
print(f"**{bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}CONNECTION ERROR{bcolor.ENDC}** πŸ›The listening api is either not up or you choose the wrong port.πŸ›")
inline= kwargs['inline'] if "inline" in kwargs else None,
share=kwargs['share'] if "share" in kwargs else None,
debug=kwargs['debug'] if "debug" in kwargs else False,
enable_queue=kwargs['enable_queue'] if "enable_queue" in kwargs else None,
max_threads=kwargs['max_threads'] if "max_threads" in kwargs else None,
auth=kwargs['auth'] if "auth" in kwargs else None,
auth_message=kwargs['auth_message'] if "auth_message" in kwargs else None,
prevent_thread_lock=kwargs['prevent_thread_lock'] if "prevent_thread_lock" in kwargs else False,
show_error=kwargs['show_error'] if "show_error" in kwargs else True,
show_tips=kwargs['show_tips'] if "show_tips" in kwargs else False,
height=kwargs['height'] if "height" in kwargs else 500,
width=kwargs['width'] if "width" in kwargs else 900,
encrypt=kwargs['encrypt'] if "encrypt" in kwargs else False,
favicon_path=kwargs['favicon_path'] if "favicon_path" in kwargs else None,
ssl_keyfile=kwargs['ssl_keyfile'] if "ssl_keyfile" in kwargs else None,
ssl_certfile=kwargs['ssl_certfile'] if "ssl_certfile" in kwargs else None,
ssl_keyfile_password=kwargs['ssl_keyfile_password'] if "ssl_keyfile_password" in kwargs else None,
quiet=kwargs['quiet'] if "quiet" in kwargs else False)
if 'listen' in kwargs:
try:"http://{DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST}:{ kwargs[ 'listen' ] }/api/remove/port", json={"port" : port, "host" : f'http://localhost:{port}', "file" : getfile(self.__cls__.__class__), "name" : self.__cls__.__class__.__name__, "kwargs" : kwargs})
except Exception:
print(f"**{bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}CONNECTION ERROR{bcolor.ENDC}** πŸ›The api either lost connection or was turned off...πŸ›")
return Decorator
# console colour changer
class bcolor:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'