import { ChatInterface, ChatModule, ChatRestModule, ChatWorkerClient, } from "@mlc-ai/web-llm"; function getElementAndCheck(id: string): HTMLElement { const element = document.getElementById(id); if (element == null) { throw Error("Cannot find element " + id); } return element; } const appConfig = { model_list: [ { model_url: "", local_id: "ANIMA-Phi-Neptune-Mistral-7B-q4f32_1", }, ], model_lib_map: { "ANIMA-Phi-Neptune-Mistral-7B-q4f32_1": "", }, use_web_worker: true, }; class ChatUI { private uiChat: HTMLElement; private uiChatInput: HTMLInputElement; private uiChatInfoLabel: HTMLLabelElement; private chat: ChatInterface; private localChat: ChatInterface; private config = appConfig; private selectedModel: string; private chatLoaded = false; private requestInProgress = false; // We use a request chain to ensure that // all requests send to chat are sequentialized private chatRequestChain: Promise = Promise.resolve(); constructor(chat: ChatInterface, localChat: ChatInterface) { // use web worker to run chat generation in background = chat; this.localChat = localChat; // get the elements this.uiChat = getElementAndCheck("chatui-chat"); this.uiChatInput = getElementAndCheck("chatui-input") as HTMLInputElement; this.uiChatInfoLabel = getElementAndCheck( "chatui-info-label" ) as HTMLLabelElement; // register event handlers getElementAndCheck("chatui-reset-btn").onclick = () => { this.onReset(); }; getElementAndCheck("chatui-send-btn").onclick = () => { this.onGenerate(); }; // TODO: find other alternative triggers getElementAndCheck("chatui-input").onkeypress = (event) => { if (event.keyCode === 13) { this.onGenerate(); } }; const modelSelector = getElementAndCheck( "chatui-select" ) as HTMLSelectElement; for (let i = 0; i < this.config.model_list.length; ++i) { const item = this.config.model_list[i]; const opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.value = item.local_id; opt.innerHTML = item.local_id; opt.selected = i == 0; modelSelector.appendChild(opt); } // Append local server option to the model selector const localServerOpt = document.createElement("option"); localServerOpt.value = "Local Server"; localServerOpt.innerHTML = "Local Server"; modelSelector.append(localServerOpt); this.selectedModel = modelSelector.value; modelSelector.onchange = () => { this.onSelectChange(modelSelector); }; } /** * Push a task to the execution queue. * * @param task The task to be executed; */ private pushTask(task: () => Promise) { const lastEvent = this.chatRequestChain; this.chatRequestChain = lastEvent.then(task); } // Event handlers // all event handler pushes the tasks to a queue // that get executed sequentially // the tasks previous tasks, which causes them to early stop // can be interrupted by chat.interruptGenerate private async onGenerate() { if (this.requestInProgress) { return; } this.pushTask(async () => { await this.asyncGenerate(); }); } private async onSelectChange(modelSelector: HTMLSelectElement) { if (this.requestInProgress) { // interrupt previous generation if any; } // try reset after previous requests finishes this.pushTask(async () => { await; this.resetChatHistory(); await this.unloadChat(); this.selectedModel = modelSelector.value; await this.asyncInitChat(); }); } private async onReset() { if (this.requestInProgress) { // interrupt previous generation if any; } // try reset after previous requests finishes this.pushTask(async () => { await; this.resetChatHistory(); }); } // Internal helper functions private appendMessage(kind, text) { if (kind == "init") { text = "[System Initalize] " + text; } if (this.uiChat === undefined) { throw Error("cannot find ui chat"); } const msg = `
`; this.uiChat.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", msg); this.uiChat.scrollTo(0, this.uiChat.scrollHeight); } private updateLastMessage(kind, text) { if (kind == "init") { text = "[System Initalize] " + text; } if (this.uiChat === undefined) { throw Error("cannot find ui chat"); } const matches = this.uiChat.getElementsByClassName(`msg ${kind}-msg`); if (matches.length == 0) throw Error(`${kind} message do not exist`); const msg = matches[matches.length - 1]; const msgText = msg.getElementsByClassName("msg-text"); if (msgText.length != 1) throw Error("Expect msg-text"); if (msgText[0].innerHTML == text) return; const list = text.split("\n").map((t) => { const item = document.createElement("div"); item.textContent = t; return item; }); msgText[0].innerHTML = ""; list.forEach((item) => msgText[0].append(item)); this.uiChat.scrollTo(0, this.uiChat.scrollHeight); } private resetChatHistory() { const clearTags = ["left", "right", "init", "error"]; for (const tag of clearTags) { // need to unpack to list so the iterator don't get affected by mutation const matches = [...this.uiChat.getElementsByClassName(`msg ${tag}-msg`)]; for (const item of matches) { this.uiChat.removeChild(item); } } if (this.uiChatInfoLabel !== undefined) { this.uiChatInfoLabel.innerHTML = ""; } } private async asyncInitChat() { if (this.chatLoaded) return; this.requestInProgress = true; this.appendMessage("init", ""); const initProgressCallback = (report) => { this.updateLastMessage("init", report.text); };; try { if (this.selectedModel != "Local Server") { await, undefined, this.config); } } catch (err) { this.appendMessage("error", "Init error, " + err.toString()); console.log(err.stack); this.unloadChat(); this.requestInProgress = false; return; } this.requestInProgress = false; this.chatLoaded = true; } private async unloadChat() { await; this.chatLoaded = false; } /** * Run generate */ private async asyncGenerate() { await this.asyncInitChat(); this.requestInProgress = true; const prompt = this.uiChatInput.value; if (prompt == "") { this.requestInProgress = false; return; } this.appendMessage("right", prompt); this.uiChatInput.value = ""; this.uiChatInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "Generating..."); this.appendMessage("left", ""); const callbackUpdateResponse = (step, msg) => { if (msg.length === 0) return; this.updateLastMessage("left", msg); }; try { if (this.selectedModel == "Local Server") { await this.localChat.generate(prompt, callbackUpdateResponse); this.uiChatInfoLabel.innerHTML = await this.localChat.runtimeStatsText(); } else { await, callbackUpdateResponse); this.uiChatInfoLabel.innerHTML = await; } } catch (err) { this.appendMessage("error", "Generate error, " + err.toString()); console.log(err.stack); await this.unloadChat(); } this.uiChatInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "Enter your message..."); this.requestInProgress = false; } } const useWebWorker = appConfig.use_web_worker; let chat: ChatInterface; let localChat: ChatInterface; if (useWebWorker) { chat = new ChatWorkerClient( new Worker(new URL("./worker.ts", import.meta.url), { type: "module" }) ); localChat = new ChatRestModule(); } else { chat = new ChatModule(); localChat = new ChatRestModule(); } new ChatUI(chat, localChat);