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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
import gradio as gr
from pathlib import Path
import gradio as gr
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import re
import ast
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
def convert_google_sheet_url(url):
# Regular expression to match and capture the necessary part of the URL
pattern = r'https://docs\.google\.com/spreadsheets/d/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)(/edit#gid=(\d+)|/edit.*)?'
# Replace function to construct the new URL for CSV export
# If gid is present in the URL, it includes it in the export URL, otherwise, it's omitted
replacement = lambda m: f'{}/export?' + (f'gid={}&' if else '') + 'format=csv'
# Replace using regex
new_url = re.sub(pattern, replacement, url)
return new_url
# Replace with your modified URL
# url = ""
url = ""
new_url = convert_google_sheet_url(url)
df = pd.read_csv(new_url)
# Set 'Categories' column as index
df1 = df.copy()
df1.set_index('Categories', inplace=True)
transposed_df = df.transpose()
transposed_df.columns = transposed_df.iloc[0]
df = transposed_df.drop(["Categories"])
df = df.fillna("[]")
df1 = df1.fillna("[]")
# Convert the string representation of lists into actual lists for all relevant columns
for col in df.columns: # Skip the first column which is 'Categories'
df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x) if isinstance(x, str) else x)
# Convert the string representation of lists into actual lists for all relevant columns
for col in df1.columns: # Skip the first column which is 'Categories'
df1[col] = df1[col].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x) if isinstance(x, str) else x)
cols = df.columns
# Get the specific column while filtering out empty cells
column_data = df[cols[0]]
# Filter out the empty lists ([])
filtered_column_data = column_data[column_data.apply(lambda x: x != [])]
def get_score(avg_kl_div,kl_div,missing,extra,common):
if kl_div==-1:
ans=kl_div_factor*(((WeE+WeM)/WeC)-2)# (e**2 -c**2)/c**2 +(m**2-c**2)/c**2 => (0-1)*[((e**2+m**2)/c**2 -2)] => ((rank*y/a)m(m+1)/2))
return ans
def get_individual_score(avg_kl_div,kl_div,e_or_m,common):
if kl_div==-1:
ans=avg_kl_div + ((1+(e_or_m/common))*(((e_or_m)*(e_or_m+1)))/2)**0.5 # X +- [(1+b/a)*n**2*y]
# ans = kl_div_factor*((((weight*e_or_m)**2)/(common**2))-1)
return ans
def get_entity_scores(ans4):
# Calculate average KL divergence
tt = 0
avg_kl_div = 0
for t in ans4:
if t[0] != -1:
avg_kl_div += t[0]
tt += 1
# Avoid division by zero
if tt > 0:
avg_kl_div /= tt
avg_kl_div = 0
extra_entity_score = []
missing_entity_score = []
for t in ans4:
extra_entity_score.append(get_individual_score(avg_kl_div, t[0], t[2], t[3]))
missing_entity_score.append(get_individual_score(avg_kl_div, t[0], t[1], t[3]))
return (
missing_entity_score[:int(0.950 * len(missing_entity_score))],
extra_entity_score[:int(0.95 * len(extra_entity_score))]
compare = df.columns[0]
column_data = df[compare]
# Filter out the empty lists ([])
filtered_column_data = column_data[column_data.apply(lambda x: x != [])]
# Display the filtered column data
variables = filtered_column_data.to_list()
models = filtered_column_data.index.to_list()
color_schemes = [
'#d60000', # Red
'#2f5282', # Navy Blue
'#f15cd8', # Pink
'#66abb7', # Light Teal
'#ce7391', # Rose
'#6bdb7a', # Light Green
'#ea8569', # Coral
'#b36cc9', # Lavender
'#ffd700', # Gold
'#ff7f0e', # Orange
'#1f77b4', # Blue
'#2ca02c', # Green
colors = color_schemes[:len(models)]
values_dict = {model: var for var, model in zip(variables, models)}
color_dict = {model: color for model, color in zip(models, colors)}
# plot_grouped_3d_kde(values_dict, models, color_dict, compare)
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
import as px
def adjust_kde_range(data, increment=25, threshold=0.00005):
kde = gaussian_kde(data)
min_x, max_x = min(data) - increment, max(data) + increment
# Keep expanding the range until both tails get close to zero
while True:
x_values = np.linspace(min_x, max_x, 1000)
y_values = kde(x_values)
# # Check the values at the tails
# print(y_values[0], y_values[-1])
# print(x_values[0], x_values[-1], "\n")
if y_values[0] < threshold and y_values[-1] < threshold:
break # Stop if both tails are below the threshold
# Extend the range
min_x -= increment
max_x += increment
return x_values, y_values
def compute_kde_ranges(missing_scores, extra_scores):
data1 = np.array(missing_scores)
data2 = -np.array(extra_scores) # Negate extra scores for alignment
# Compute KDE for missing scores with extended range
x_missing, y_missing = adjust_kde_range(data1)
# Compute KDE for extra scores with extended range
x_extra, y_extra = adjust_kde_range(data2)
# Calculate axis limits
Val_x_extra = [max(x_extra)]
Val_x_miss = [x_missing[np.argmax(y_missing)]]
peak_extra = max(y_extra)
peak_miss = max(y_missing)
# Calculate the x and y axis ranges
min_x = min(min(x_missing), min(x_extra))
max_x = max(max(x_missing), max(x_extra))
x_range = [min_x, max_x]
y_range = [-peak_extra, peak_miss * 1.25]
return x_missing, y_missing, x_extra, y_extra, x_range, y_range
def calculate_ticks(x_min, x_max, num_ticks=20):
# Calculate the total range
total_range = x_max - x_min
# Determine the interval between ticks
interval = total_range / (num_ticks - 1) # We need num_ticks - 1 intervals
# Generate tick values
ticks = np.arange(x_min, x_max + interval, interval)
return ticks
def plot_filled_surface(x, z, y_level, color):
Create a 3D mesh to fill the surface between the KDE curve and the 0-axis.
x_full = np.concatenate([x, x[::-1]]) # X-axis values, with reverse for baseline
z_full = np.concatenate([z, np.zeros_like(z)]) # Z-axis (KDE and baseline at 0)
y_full = np.full_like(x_full, y_level) # Flat Y plane (constant for each model)
num_pts = len(x)
i = np.arange(num_pts - 1)
j = i + 1
k = i + num_pts
i = np.concatenate([i, i + num_pts])
j = np.concatenate([j, j + num_pts])
k = np.concatenate([k, i[:len(i)//2]])
return go.Mesh3d(
x=x_full, y=y_full, z=z_full,
i=i, j=j, k=k,
def plot_kde_3d(values_dict, models, color_dict, compare):
# values_dict, models, color_dict, compare = (values_dict, models, color_dict, 'Comparison Title')
fig = go.Figure()
model_y_positions = {model: i for i, model in enumerate(models)}
x_ranges = []
y_ranges = []
for model in models:
missing_scores, extra_scores = get_entity_scores(values_dict[model])
# Compute KDE and ranges for missing and extra scores
x_m, y_m, x_e, y_e, x_range, y_range = compute_kde_ranges(missing_scores, extra_scores)
# Append ranges for global limits
# Get color for this model
color = color_dict.get(model, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)') # Default color if not found
# Create filled surfaces between KDE curves and zero line
fig.add_trace(plot_filled_surface(x_m, y_m, model_y_positions[model], color))
fig.add_trace(plot_filled_surface(x_e, -y_e, model_y_positions[model], color))
# Plot the KDE lines (for visualization of the curves)
y=[model_y_positions[model]] * len(x_m),
y=[model_y_positions[model]] * len(x_e),
showlegend=False # Hide legend for extra scores to combine with missing scores
# Compute global x and y limits
x_min = min(r[0] for r in x_ranges)
x_max = max(r[1] for r in x_ranges)
y_min = min(r[0] for r in y_ranges)
y_max = max(r[1] for r in y_ranges)
# Define x, y, z axis tick intervals
x_ticks = calculate_ticks(np.floor(x_min), np.ceil(x_max))
y_ticks = list(model_y_positions.values())
z_ticks = calculate_ticks(y_min, y_max)
# Add a line through the 0-axis of density for each model
for model in models:
color = color_dict.get(model, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)')
x=[x_min, x_max],
y=[model_y_positions[model], model_y_positions[model]],
z=[0, 0],
# line=dict(color=color, width=2, dash='dash'),
# showlegend=False
# Update layout for 3D plot
title=f'3D KDE Plots for {compare}',
range=[x_min, x_max],
ticktext=[f'{tick:.2f}' for tick in x_ticks]
ticktext=[list(model_y_positions.keys())[list(model_y_positions.values()).index(tick)] for tick in y_ticks]
range=[y_min, y_max],
ticktext=[f'{tick:.4f}' for tick in z_ticks]
eye=dict(x=1.25, y=1.25, z=1.25)
# Save the plot as an HTML file
# plot = px.scatter(x=range(10), y=range(10))
filename = f"{compare}.html"
return fig
# Path to your saved HTML file
html_file_path = '3d_plot.html'
title = 'My 3D Plot'
def display_plot():
fig = plot_kde_3d(values_dict, models, color_dict, compare)
return fig
# Define the Gradio interface
interface = gr.Interface(
title='Plotly 3D Plot in Gradio',
description='This app displays a 3D Plotly plot directly in the Gradio interface.',
# Launch the Gradio app
if __name__ == "__main__":