### UiPath template # gitignore template for RPA development using UiPath Studio # website: https://www.uipath.com/product/studio # # Recommended: n/a # Ignore folders that could cause issues if accidentally tracked **/.local/** **/.settings/** **/.objects/** **/.tmh/** **/*.log ### Maven template target/ pom.xml.tag pom.xml.releaseBackup pom.xml.versionsBackup pom.xml.next release.properties dependency-reduced-pom.xml buildNumber.properties .mvn/timing.properties # https://github.com/takari/maven-wrapper#usage-without-binary-jar .mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar # Eclipse m2e generated files # Eclipse Core .project # JDT-specific (Eclipse Java Development Tools) .classpath ### CMake template CMakeLists.txt.user CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles CMakeScripts Testing Makefile cmake_install.cmake install_manifest.txt compile_commands.json CTestTestfile.cmake _deps CMakeUserPresets.json ### Magento2 template /sitemap /sitemap.xml /pub/sitemap /pub/sitemap.xml /app/config_sandbox /app/etc/config.php /app/etc/env.php /app/code/Magento/TestModule* /lib/internal/flex/uploader/.actionScriptProperties /lib/internal/flex/uploader/.flexProperties /lib/internal/flex/uploader/.project /lib/internal/flex/uploader/.settings /lib/internal/flex/varien/.actionScriptProperties /lib/internal/flex/varien/.flexLibProperties /lib/internal/flex/varien/.project /lib/internal/flex/varien/.settings /.grunt /.php_cs.cache /grunt-config.json /dev/tools/grunt/configs/local-themes.js /pub/media/*.* !/pub/media/.htaccess /pub/media/attribute/* !/pub/media/attribute/.htaccess /pub/media/analytics/* /pub/media/catalog/* !/pub/media/catalog/.htaccess /pub/media/customer/* !/pub/media/customer/.htaccess /pub/media/downloadable/* !/pub/media/downloadable/.htaccess /pub/media/favicon/* /pub/media/import/* !/pub/media/import/.htaccess /pub/media/logo/* /pub/media/theme/* /pub/media/theme_customization/* !/pub/media/theme_customization/.htaccess /pub/media/wysiwyg/* !/pub/media/wysiwyg/.htaccess /pub/media/tmp/* !/pub/media/tmp/.htaccess /pub/media/captcha/* !/pub/media/captcha/.htaccess /pub/static/* !/pub/static/.htaccess /var/* !/var/.htaccess /vendor/* !/vendor/.htaccess /generated/* !/generated/.htaccess ### Magento1 template # gitignore template for Magento v1 projects # # It is recommended that you use `Magento.gitignore` as this is the latest version /PATCH_*.sh /app/etc/local.xml /media/* !/media/.htaccess !/media/customer /media/customer/* !/media/customer/.htaccess !/media/dhl /media/dhl/* !/media/dhl/logo.jpg !/media/downloadable /media/downloadable/* !/media/downloadable/.htaccess !/media/xmlconnect /media/xmlconnect/* !/media/xmlconnect/custom /media/xmlconnect/custom/* !/media/xmlconnect/custom/ok.gif !/media/xmlconnect/original /media/xmlconnect/original/* !/media/xmlconnect/original/ok.gif !/media/xmlconnect/system /media/xmlconnect/system/* !/media/xmlconnect/system/ok.gif /var/* !/var/.htaccess !/var/package /var/package/* !/var/package/*.xml ### Node template # Logs logs *.log npm-debug.log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log* lerna-debug.log* .pnpm-debug.log* # Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html) report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json # Runtime data pids *.pid *.seed *.pid.lock # Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover lib-cov # Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul coverage *.lcov # nyc test coverage .nyc_output # Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files) .grunt # Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/) bower_components # node-waf configuration .lock-wscript # Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html) build/Release # Dependency directories node_modules/ jspm_packages/ # Snowpack dependency directory (https://snowpack.dev/) web_modules/ # TypeScript cache *.tsbuildinfo # Optional npm cache directory .npm # Optional eslint cache .eslintcache # Optional stylelint cache .stylelintcache # Microbundle cache .rpt2_cache/ .rts2_cache_cjs/ .rts2_cache_es/ .rts2_cache_umd/ # Optional REPL history .node_repl_history # Output of 'npm pack' *.tgz # Yarn Integrity file .yarn-integrity # dotenv environment variable files .env .env.development.local .env.test.local .env.production.local .env.local # parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/) .cache .parcel-cache # Next.js build output .next out # Nuxt.js build / generate output .nuxt dist # Gatsby files .cache/ # Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js # https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support # public # vuepress build output .vuepress/dist # vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory .temp .cache # Docusaurus cache and generated files .docusaurus # Serverless directories .serverless/ # FuseBox cache .fusebox/ # DynamoDB Local files .dynamodb/ # TernJS port file .tern-port # Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions .vscode-test # yarn v2 .yarn/cache .yarn/unplugged .yarn/build-state.yml .yarn/install-state.gz .pnp.* ### TwinCAT3 template # gitignore template for TwinCAT3 # website: https://www.beckhoff.com/twincat3/ # # Recommended: VisualStudio.gitignore # TwinCAT files *.tpy *.tclrs *.compiled-library *.compileinfo # Don't include the tmc-file rule if either of the following is true: # 1. You've got TwinCAT C++ projects, as the information in the TMC-file is created manually for the C++ projects (in that case, only (manually) ignore the tmc-files for the PLC projects) # 2. You've created a standalone PLC-project and added events to it, as these are stored in the TMC-file. *.tmc *.tmcRefac *.library *.project.~u *.tsproj.bak *.xti.bak LineIDs.dbg LineIDs.dbg.bak _Boot/ _CompileInfo/ _Libraries/ _ModuleInstall/ ### Go template # If you prefer the allow list template instead of the deny list, see community template: # https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/community/Golang/Go.AllowList.gitignore # # Binaries for programs and plugins *.exe *.exe~ *.dll *.so *.dylib # Test binary, built with `go test -c` *.test # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE *.out # Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it) # vendor/ # Go workspace file go.work go.work.sum # env file .env ### CDK template # CDK asset staging directory. # For more information about AWS-CDK, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/ .cdk.staging/ cdk.out/ ### Leiningen template pom.xml pom.xml.asc *.jar *.class /lib/ /classes/ /target/ /checkouts/ .lein-deps-sum .lein-repl-history .lein-plugins/ .lein-failures .nrepl-port .cpcache/ ### Erlang template .eunit *.o *.beam *.plt erl_crash.dump .concrete/DEV_MODE # rebar 2.x .rebar rel/example_project ebin/*.beam deps # rebar 3 .rebar3 _build/ _checkouts/ ### Terragrunt template # Ignore the default terragrunt cache directory # https://terragrunt.gruntwork.io/docs/features/caching/ .terragrunt-cache ### RhodesRhomobile template rholog-* sim-* bin/libs bin/RhoBundle bin/tmp bin/target bin/*.ap_ *.o *.jar ### FlaxEngine template # Ignore Flax project files Binaries/ Cache/ Logs/ Output/ Screenshots/ *.HotReload.* # Ignore Visual Studio project files (generated locally) *.csproj *.sln # Ignore thumbnails created by Windows Thumbs.db # Ignore files built by Visual Studio *.obj *.exe *.pdb *.user *.aps *.pch *.vspscc *_i.c *_p.c *.ncb *.suo *.tlb *.tlh *.bak *.cache *.ilk *.log [Bb]in [Dd]ebug*/ *.lib *.sbr obj/ [Rr]elease*/ _ReSharper*/ [Tt]est[Rr]esult* .vs/ # Ignore Nuget packages folder packages/ ### OpenCart template .htaccess /config.php admin/config.php !index.html download/ image/data/ image/cache/ system/cache/ system/logs/ system/storage/ # vQmod log files vqmod/logs/* # vQmod cache files vqmod/vqcache/* vqmod/checked.cache vqmod/mods.cache ### OCaml template *.annot *.cmo *.cma *.cmi *.a *.o *.cmx *.cmxs *.cmxa # ocamlbuild working directory _build/ # ocamlbuild targets *.byte *.native # oasis generated files setup.data setup.log # Merlin configuring file for Vim and Emacs .merlin # Dune generated files *.install # Local OPAM switch _opam/ ### Yeoman template node_modules/ bower_components/ *.log build/ dist/ ### Haskell template dist dist-* cabal-dev *.o *.hi *.hie *.chi *.chs.h *.dyn_o *.dyn_hi .hpc .hsenv .cabal-sandbox/ cabal.sandbox.config *.prof *.aux *.hp *.eventlog .stack-work/ cabal.project.local cabal.project.local~ .HTF/ .ghc.environment.* ### ROS2 template install/ log/ build/ # Ignore generated docs *.dox *.wikidoc # eclipse stuff .project .cproject # qcreator stuff CMakeLists.txt.user srv/_*.py *.pcd *.pyc qtcreator-* *.user *~ # Emacs .#* # Colcon custom files COLCON_IGNORE AMENT_IGNORE ### JupyterNotebooks template # gitignore template for Jupyter Notebooks # website: http://jupyter.org/ .ipynb_checkpoints */.ipynb_checkpoints/* # IPython profile_default/ ipython_config.py # Remove previous ipynb_checkpoints # git rm -r .ipynb_checkpoints/ ### Prestashop template # Cache, temp and personal files /.htaccess *.log # Cache /cache/* !/cache/.htaccess !/cache/cachefs/index.php !/cache/deprecated.txt !/cache/index.php !/cache/purifier/index.php !/cache/push/activity !/cache/push/index.php !/cache/push/trends !/cache/sandbox/index.php !/cache/smarty/cache/index.php !/cache/smarty/compile/index.php !/cache/smarty/index.php !/cache/tcpdf/index.php # Download /download/* !/download/.htaccess !/download/index.php # Images /img/* !/img/.htaccess !/img/index.php !/img/404.gif !/img/bg_500.png !/img/bg_loader.png !/img/favicon.ico !/img/loader.gif !/img/loadingAnimation.gif !/img/logo.jpg !/img/logo.png !/img/logo_invoice.jpg !/img/logo_stores.png !/img/macFFBgHack.png !/img/prestashop-avatar.png !/img/prestashop@2x.png !/img/preston-login-wink@2x.png !/img/preston-login@2x.png !/img/questionmark.png !/img/genders/index.php !/img/admin/index.php !/img/c/index.php !/img/cms/index.php !/img/co/index.php !/img/jquery-ui !/img/l/index.php !/img/m/index.php !/img/os/index.php !/img/p/index.php !/img/s/index.php !/img/scenes !/img/st/index.php !/img/su/index.php !/img/t/index.php !/img/tmp/index.php # Upload /upload/* !/upload/.htaccess /vendor/* /docs/phpdoc-sf/ /composer.lock *.hot-update.js *.hot-update.json /admin-dev/autoupgrade/* !/admin-dev/autoupgrade/index.php !/admin-dev/autoupgrade/backup/index.php /admin-dev/backups/* !/admin-dev/backups/.htaccess /admin-dev/import/* !/admin-dev/import/.htaccess !/admin-dev/import/index.php /admin-dev/export/* !/admin-dev/export/.htaccess !/admin-dev/export/index.php # Downloaded RTL files /admin-dev/themes/default/css/bundle/default_rtl.css /admin-dev/themes/default/css/bundle/shared_rtl.css /admin-dev/themes/default/css/font_rtl.css /admin-dev/themes/default/css/overrides_rtl.css /admin-dev/themes/default/css/vendor/font-awesome/font-awesome_rtl.css /admin-dev/themes/default/css/vendor/nv.d3_rtl.css /admin-dev/themes/default/css/vendor/titatoggle-min_rtl.css /admin-dev/themes/default/public/theme_rtl.css /admin-dev/themes/new-theme/css/module/drop_rtl.css /admin-dev/themes/new-theme/css/right-sidebar_rtl.css themes/*/cache/* # Config config/settings.inc.php config/settings.old.php config/xml/* config/themes/* !config/xml/themes/default.xml themes/*/config/settings_*.json app/config/parameters.old.yml app/config/config.php # Themes, modules and overrides modules/* override/* themes/*/ !themes/classic !themes/_core !themes/_libraries # Vendors and dependencies bower_components/ node_modules/ composer.phar php-cs-fixer .grunt/* # Translations and emails templates translations/* mails/* !mails/themes/ !mails/_partials/ themes/default-bootstrap/lang/* themes/default-bootstrap/modules/*/translations/*.php themes/default-bootstrap/mails/* !themes/default-bootstrap/mails/en/ themes/default-bootstrap/modules/*/mails/* !themes/default-bootstrap/modules/*/mails/en # MISC *sitemap.xml /robots.txt # Symfony /bin/ /app/Resources/geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb /app/Resources/translations/* !/app/Resources/translations/default /app/config/parameters.yml /app/config/parameters.php /build/ /phpunit.xml /var/* !/var/cache /var/cache/* !var/cache/.gitkeep !/var/logs /var/logs/* !var/logs/.gitkeep !/var/sessions /var/sessions/* !var/sessions/.gitkeep !var/SymfonyRequirements.php /vendor/ /web/bundles/ ### Eagle template # Ignore list for Eagle, a PCB layout tool # Backup files *.s#? *.b#? *.l#? *.b$? *.s$? *.l$? # Eagle project file # It contains a serial number and references to the file structure # on your computer. # comment the following line if you want to have your project file included. eagle.epf # Autorouter files *.pro *.job # CAM files *.$$$ *.cmp *.ly2 *.l15 *.sol *.plc *.stc *.sts *.crc *.crs *.dri *.drl *.gpi *.pls *.ger *.xln *.drd *.drd.* *.s#* *.b#* *.info *.eps # file locks introduced since 7.x *.lck ### Clojure template pom.xml pom.xml.asc *.jar *.class /lib/ /classes/ /target/ /checkouts/ .lein-deps-sum .lein-repl-history .lein-plugins/ .lein-failures .nrepl-port .cpcache/ ### JBoss4 template # gitignore for JBoss v4 projects /server/all/data /server/all/log /server/all/tmp /server/all/work /server/default/data /server/default/log /server/default/tmp /server/default/work /server/minimal/data /server/minimal/log /server/minimal/tmp /server/minimal/work # Note: # there may be other directories that contain *.xml.failed or *.war.failed files /server/default/deploy/*.xml.failed /server/default/deploy/*.war.failed ### Toit template .packages *_pb.toit ### IGORPro template # Avoid including Experiment files: they can be created and edited locally to test the ipf files *.pxp *.pxt *.uxp *.uxt ### JBoss6 template # gitignore for JBoss v6 projects # # Note: to ensure empty directories remain part of the repository, like # `/server/minimal/lib`, you should add an empty `.gitignore` or `.gitkeep` file # to the directory - otherwise you may have issues when starting the service. /server/all/data /server/all/log /server/all/tmp /server/all/work /server/default/data /server/default/log /server/default/tmp /server/default/work /server/minimal/data /server/minimal/log /server/minimal/tmp /server/minimal/work /server/jbossweb-standalone/data /server/jbossweb-standalone/log /server/jbossweb-standalone/tmp /server/jbossweb-standalone/work /server/standard/data /server/standard/log /server/standard/tmp /server/standard/work /server/default/deploy/*.jar.failed /server/default/deploy/*.jar.dodeploy /server/default/deploy/*.xml.failed /server/default/deploy/*.xml.dodeploy /server/default/deploy/*.war.failed /server/default/deploy/*.war.dodeploy ### Rust template # Generated by Cargo # will have compiled files and executables debug/ target/ # Remove Cargo.lock from gitignore if creating an executable, leave it for libraries # More information here https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/guide/cargo-toml-vs-cargo-lock.html Cargo.lock # These are backup files generated by rustfmt **/*.rs.bk # MSVC Windows builds of rustc generate these, which store debugging information *.pdb # RustRover # JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can # be found at https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Global/JetBrains.gitignore # and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file. For a more nuclear # option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder. #.idea/ ### Nikola template # gitignore template for Nikola static site generator # website: https://getnikola.com/ .doit.db *.py[cod] cache/ output/ ### SPFx template #SharePoint Framework (SPFx) # Logs logs *.log npm-debug.log* # Dependency directories node_modules # Build generated files dist lib solution temp *.sppkg # Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul coverage # OSX .DS_Store # Visual Studio files .ntvs_analysis.dat .vs bin obj # Resx Generated Code *.resx.ts # Styles Generated Code *.scss.ts ### Perl template !Build/ .last_cover_stats /META.yml /META.json /MYMETA.* *.o *.pm.tdy *.bs # Devel::Cover cover_db/ # Devel::NYTProf nytprof.out # Dist::Zilla /.build/ # Module::Build _build/ Build Build.bat # Module::Install inc/ # ExtUtils::MakeMaker /blib/ /_eumm/ /*.gz /Makefile /Makefile.old /MANIFEST.bak /pm_to_blib /*.zip ### AL template ### AL ### #Template for AL projects for Dynamics 365 Business Central #launch.json folder .vscode/ #Cache folder .alcache/ #Symbols folder .alpackages/ #Snapshots folder .snapshots/ #Testing Output folder .output/ #Extension App-file *.app #Rapid Application Development File rad.json #Translation Base-file *.g.xlf #License-file *.flf #Test results file TestResults.xml ### Bazel template # gitignore template for Bazel build system # website: https://bazel.build/ # Ignore all bazel-* symlinks. There is no full list since this can change # based on the name of the directory bazel is cloned into. /bazel-* # Directories for the Bazel IntelliJ plugin containing the generated # IntelliJ project files and plugin configuration. Seperate directories are # for the IntelliJ, Android Studio and CLion versions of the plugin. /.ijwb/ /.aswb/ /.clwb/ ### CommonLisp template *.FASL *.fasl *.lisp-temp *.dfsl *.pfsl *.d64fsl *.p64fsl *.lx64fsl *.lx32fsl *.dx64fsl *.dx32fsl *.fx64fsl *.fx32fsl *.sx64fsl *.sx32fsl *.wx64fsl *.wx32fsl ### GNOMEShellExtension template # Ignored files for GNOME extension git repository *.zip ### JENKINS_HOME template # Learn more about Jenkins and JENKINS_HOME directory for which this file is # intended. # # http://jenkins-ci.org/ # https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Administering+Jenkins # # Note: secret.key is purposefully not tracked by git. This should be backed up # separately because configs may contain secrets which were encrypted using the # secret.key. To back up secrets use 'tar -czf /tmp/secrets.tgz secret*' and # save the file separate from your repository. If you want secrets backed up # with configuration, then see the bottom of this file for an example. # Ignore all JENKINS_HOME except jobs directory, root xml config, and # .gitignore file. /* !/jobs !/.gitignore !/*.xml # Ignore all files in jobs subdirectories except for folders. # Note: git doesn't track folders, only file content. jobs/** !jobs/**/ # Uncomment the following line to save next build numbers with config. #!jobs/**/nextBuildNumber # For performance reasons, we want to ignore builds in Jenkins jobs because it # contains many tiny files on large installations. This can impact git # performance when running even basic commands like 'git status'. builds indexing # Exclude only config.xml files in repository subdirectories. !config.xml # Don't track workspaces (when users build on the master). jobs/**/*workspace # Security warning: If secrets are included with your configuration, then an # adversary will be able to decrypt all encrypted secrets within Jenkins # config. Including secrets is a bad practice, but the example is included in # case someone still wants it for convenience. Uncomment the following line to # include secrets for decryption with repository configuration in Git. #!/secret* # As a result, only Jenkins settings and job config.xml files in JENKINS_HOME # will be tracked by git. ### ExtJs template .architect bootstrap.css bootstrap.js bootstrap.json bootstrap.jsonp build/ classic.json classic.jsonp ext/ modern.json modern.jsonp resources/sass/.sass-cache/ resources/.arch-internal-preview.css .arch-internal-preview.css ### Joomla template /.htaccess /administrator/cache/* /administrator/components/com_actionlogs/* /administrator/components/com_admin/* /administrator/components/com_ajax/* /administrator/components/com_associations/* /administrator/components/com_banners/* /administrator/components/com_cache/* /administrator/components/com_categories/* /administrator/components/com_checkin/* /administrator/components/com_config/* /administrator/components/com_contact/* /administrator/components/com_content/* /administrator/components/com_contenthistory/* /administrator/components/com_cpanel/* /administrator/components/com_fields/* /administrator/components/com_finder/* /administrator/components/com_installer/* /administrator/components/com_joomlaupdate/* /administrator/components/com_languages/* /administrator/components/com_login/* /administrator/components/com_media/* /administrator/components/com_menus/* /administrator/components/com_messages/* /administrator/components/com_modules/* /administrator/components/com_newsfeeds/* /administrator/components/com_plugins/* /administrator/components/com_postinstall/* /administrator/components/com_privacy/* /administrator/components/com_redirect/* /administrator/components/com_search/* /administrator/components/com_tags/* /administrator/components/com_templates/* /administrator/components/com_users/* /administrator/help/* /administrator/includes/* /administrator/index.php /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_actionlogs.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_actionlogs.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_admin.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_admin.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_ajax.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_ajax.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_associations.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_associations.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_banners.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_banners.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_cache.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_cache.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_categories.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_categories.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_checkin.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_checkin.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_config.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_config.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_contact.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_contact.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_content.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_content.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_contenthistory.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_contenthistory.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_cpanel.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_cpanel.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_fields.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_fields.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_finder.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_finder.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_installer.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_installer.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_joomlaupdate.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_joomlaupdate.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_languages.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_languages.sys.ini /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_login.ini 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/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_beez_20.ini /language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_beez_20.sys.ini /language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_protostar.ini /language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_protostar.sys.ini /language/en-GB/en-GB.xml /language/en-GB/install.xml /language/overrides/* /language/index.html /layouts/joomla/* /layouts/libraries/* /layouts/plugins/* /layouts/index.html /libraries/cms/* /libraries/fof/* /libraries/idna_convert/* /libraries/joomla/* /libraries/legacy/* /libraries/php-encryption/* /libraries/phpass/* /libraries/phpmailer/* /libraries/phputf8/* /libraries/simplepie/* /libraries/src/* /libraries/vendor/* /libraries/classmap.php /libraries/cms.php /libraries/import.legacy.php /libraries/import.php /libraries/index.html /libraries/loader.php /media/cms/* /media/com_associations/* /media/com_contact/* /media/com_content/* /media/com_contenthistory/* /media/com_fields/* /media/com_finder/* /media/com_joomlaupdate/* /media/com_menus/* /media/com_modules/* /media/com_wrapper/* /media/contacts/* /media/editors/* 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/plugins/user/terms/* /plugins/user/index.html /plugins/index.html /templates/beez3/* /templates/protostar/* /templates/system/* /templates/index.html /tmp/* /configuration.php /htaccess.txt /index.php /joomla.xml /LICENSE.txt /README.txt /robots.txt.dist /web.config.txt ### Drupal template # gitignore template for Drupal 8 projects # # earlier versions of Drupal are tracked in `community/PHP/` # # follows official upstream conventions: # https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/using-composer # Ignore configuration files that may contain sensitive information /web/sites/*/*settings*.php /web/sites/*/*services*.yml # Ignore paths that may contain user-generated content /web/sites/*/files /web/sites/*/public /web/sites/*/private /web/sites/*/files-public /web/sites/*/files-private # Ignore paths that may contain temporary files /web/sites/*/translations /web/sites/*/tmp /web/sites/*/cache # Ignore drupal core (if not versioning drupal sources) /web/vendor /web/core /web/modules/README.txt /web/profiles/README.txt /web/sites/development.services.yml /web/sites/example.settings.local.php /web/sites/example.sites.php /web/sites/README.txt /web/themes/README.txt /web/.csslintrc /web/.editorconfig /web/.eslintignore /web/.eslintrc.json /web/.gitattributes /web/.htaccess /web/.ht.router.php /web/autoload.php /web/composer.json /web/composer.lock /web/example.gitignore /web/index.php /web/INSTALL.txt /web/LICENSE.txt /web/README.txt /web/robots.txt /web/update.php /web/web.config # Ignore vendor dependencies and scripts /vendor /composer.phar /composer /robo.phar /robo /drush.phar /drush /drupal.phar /drupal ### GitBook template # Node rules: ## Grunt intermediate storage (http://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files) .grunt ## Dependency directory ## Commenting this out is preferred by some people, see ## https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/faq#should-i-check-my-node_modules-folder-into-git node_modules # Book build output _book # eBook build output *.epub *.mobi *.pdf ### Idris template # Idris 2 *.ttc *.ttm # Idris 1 *.ibc *.o ### Symfony template # Cache and logs (Symfony2) /app/cache/* /app/logs/* !app/cache/.gitkeep !app/logs/.gitkeep # Email spool folder /app/spool/* # Cache, session files and logs (Symfony3) /var/cache/* /var/logs/* /var/sessions/* !var/cache/.gitkeep !var/logs/.gitkeep !var/sessions/.gitkeep # Logs (Symfony4) /var/log/* !var/log/.gitkeep # Parameters /app/config/parameters.yml /app/config/parameters.ini # Managed by Composer /app/bootstrap.php.cache /var/bootstrap.php.cache /bin/* !bin/console !bin/symfony_requirements /vendor/ # Assets and user uploads /web/bundles/ /web/uploads/ # PHPUnit /app/phpunit.xml /phpunit.xml # Build data /build/ # Composer PHAR /composer.phar # Backup entities generated with doctrine:generate:entities command **/Entity/*~ # Embedded web-server pid file /.web-server-pid ### Magento template #--------------------------# # Magento Default Files # #--------------------------# /PATCH_*.sh /app/etc/local.xml /media/* !/media/.htaccess !/media/customer /media/customer/* !/media/customer/.htaccess !/media/dhl /media/dhl/* !/media/dhl/logo.jpg !/media/downloadable /media/downloadable/* !/media/downloadable/.htaccess !/media/xmlconnect /media/xmlconnect/* !/media/xmlconnect/custom /media/xmlconnect/custom/* !/media/xmlconnect/custom/ok.gif !/media/xmlconnect/original /media/xmlconnect/original/* !/media/xmlconnect/original/ok.gif !/media/xmlconnect/system /media/xmlconnect/system/* !/media/xmlconnect/system/ok.gif /var/* !/var/.htaccess !/var/package /var/package/* !/var/package/*.xml ### VisualStudio template ## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and ## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons. ## ## Get latest from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/VisualStudio.gitignore # User-specific files *.rsuser *.suo *.user *.userosscache *.sln.docstates # User-specific files (MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio) *.userprefs # Mono auto generated files mono_crash.* # Build results [Dd]ebug/ [Dd]ebugPublic/ [Rr]elease/ [Rr]eleases/ x64/ x86/ [Ww][Ii][Nn]32/ [Aa][Rr][Mm]/ [Aa][Rr][Mm]64/ bld/ [Bb]in/ [Oo]bj/ [Ll]og/ [Ll]ogs/ # Visual Studio 2015/2017 cache/options directory .vs/ # Uncomment if you have tasks that create the project's static files in wwwroot #wwwroot/ # Visual Studio 2017 auto generated files Generated\ Files/ # MSTest test Results [Tt]est[Rr]esult*/ [Bb]uild[Ll]og.* # NUnit *.VisualState.xml TestResult.xml nunit-*.xml # Build Results of an ATL Project [Dd]ebugPS/ [Rr]eleasePS/ dlldata.c # Benchmark Results BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts/ # .NET Core project.lock.json project.fragment.lock.json artifacts/ # ASP.NET Scaffolding ScaffoldingReadMe.txt # StyleCop StyleCopReport.xml # Files built by Visual Studio *_i.c *_p.c *_h.h *.ilk *.meta *.obj *.iobj *.pch *.pdb *.ipdb *.pgc *.pgd *.rsp *.sbr *.tlb *.tli *.tlh *.tmp *.tmp_proj *_wpftmp.csproj *.log *.tlog *.vspscc *.vssscc .builds *.pidb *.svclog *.scc # Chutzpah Test files _Chutzpah* # Visual C++ cache files ipch/ *.aps *.ncb *.opendb *.opensdf *.sdf *.cachefile *.VC.db *.VC.VC.opendb # Visual Studio profiler *.psess *.vsp *.vspx *.sap # Visual Studio Trace Files *.e2e # TFS 2012 Local Workspace $tf/ # Guidance Automation Toolkit *.gpState # ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in _ReSharper*/ *.[Rr]e[Ss]harper *.DotSettings.user # TeamCity is a build add-in _TeamCity* # DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool *.dotCover # AxoCover is a Code Coverage Tool .axoCover/* !.axoCover/settings.json # Coverlet is a free, cross platform Code Coverage Tool coverage*.json coverage*.xml coverage*.info # Visual Studio code coverage results *.coverage *.coveragexml # NCrunch _NCrunch_* .*crunch*.local.xml nCrunchTemp_* # MightyMoose *.mm.* AutoTest.Net/ # Web workbench (sass) .sass-cache/ # Installshield output folder [Ee]xpress/ # DocProject is a documentation generator add-in DocProject/buildhelp/ DocProject/Help/*.HxT DocProject/Help/*.HxC DocProject/Help/*.hhc DocProject/Help/*.hhk DocProject/Help/*.hhp DocProject/Help/Html2 DocProject/Help/html # Click-Once directory publish/ # Publish Web Output *.[Pp]ublish.xml *.azurePubxml # Note: Comment the next line if you want to checkin your web deploy settings, # but database connection strings (with potential passwords) will be unencrypted *.pubxml *.publishproj # Microsoft Azure Web App publish settings. Comment the next line if you want to # checkin your Azure Web App publish settings, but sensitive information contained # in these scripts will be unencrypted PublishScripts/ # NuGet Packages *.nupkg # NuGet Symbol Packages *.snupkg # The packages folder can be ignored because of Package Restore **/[Pp]ackages/* # except build/, which is used as an MSBuild target. !**/[Pp]ackages/build/ # Uncomment if necessary however generally it will be regenerated when needed #!**/[Pp]ackages/repositories.config # NuGet v3's project.json files produces more ignorable files *.nuget.props *.nuget.targets # Microsoft Azure Build Output csx/ *.build.csdef # Microsoft Azure Emulator ecf/ rcf/ # Windows Store app package directories and files AppPackages/ BundleArtifacts/ Package.StoreAssociation.xml _pkginfo.txt *.appx *.appxbundle *.appxupload # Visual Studio cache files # files ending in .cache can be ignored *.[Cc]ache # but keep track of directories ending in .cache !?*.[Cc]ache/ # Others ClientBin/ ~$* *~ *.dbmdl *.dbproj.schemaview *.jfm *.pfx *.publishsettings orleans.codegen.cs # Including strong name files can present a security risk # (https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/2483#issue-259490424) #*.snk # Since there are multiple workflows, uncomment next line to ignore bower_components # (https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/1529#issuecomment-104372622) #bower_components/ # RIA/Silverlight projects Generated_Code/ # Backup & report files from converting an old project file # to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed, # because we have git ;-) _UpgradeReport_Files/ Backup*/ UpgradeLog*.XML UpgradeLog*.htm ServiceFabricBackup/ *.rptproj.bak # SQL Server files *.mdf *.ldf *.ndf # Business Intelligence projects *.rdl.data *.bim.layout *.bim_*.settings *.rptproj.rsuser *- [Bb]ackup.rdl *- [Bb]ackup ([0-9]).rdl *- [Bb]ackup ([0-9][0-9]).rdl # Microsoft Fakes FakesAssemblies/ # GhostDoc plugin setting file *.GhostDoc.xml # Node.js Tools for Visual Studio .ntvs_analysis.dat node_modules/ # Visual Studio 6 build log *.plg # Visual Studio 6 workspace options file *.opt # Visual Studio 6 auto-generated workspace file (contains which files were open etc.) *.vbw # Visual Studio 6 auto-generated project file (contains which files were open etc.) *.vbp # Visual Studio 6 workspace and project file (working project files containing files to include in project) *.dsw *.dsp # Visual Studio 6 technical files *.ncb *.aps # Visual Studio LightSwitch build output **/*.HTMLClient/GeneratedArtifacts **/*.DesktopClient/GeneratedArtifacts **/*.DesktopClient/ModelManifest.xml **/*.Server/GeneratedArtifacts **/*.Server/ModelManifest.xml _Pvt_Extensions # Paket dependency manager .paket/paket.exe paket-files/ # FAKE - F# Make .fake/ # CodeRush personal settings .cr/personal # Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS) __pycache__/ *.pyc # Cake - Uncomment if you are using it # tools/** # !tools/packages.config # Tabs Studio *.tss # Telerik's JustMock configuration file *.jmconfig # BizTalk build output *.btp.cs *.btm.cs *.odx.cs *.xsd.cs # OpenCover UI analysis results OpenCover/ # Azure Stream Analytics local run output ASALocalRun/ # MSBuild Binary and Structured Log *.binlog # NVidia Nsight GPU debugger configuration file *.nvuser # MFractors (Xamarin productivity tool) working folder .mfractor/ # Local History for Visual Studio .localhistory/ # Visual Studio History (VSHistory) files .vshistory/ # BeatPulse healthcheck temp database healthchecksdb # Backup folder for Package Reference Convert tool in Visual Studio 2017 MigrationBackup/ # Ionide (cross platform F# VS Code tools) working folder .ionide/ # Fody - auto-generated XML schema FodyWeavers.xsd # VS Code files for those working on multiple tools .vscode/* !.vscode/settings.json !.vscode/tasks.json !.vscode/launch.json !.vscode/extensions.json *.code-workspace # Local History for Visual Studio Code .history/ # Windows Installer files from build outputs *.cab *.msi *.msix *.msm *.msp # JetBrains Rider *.sln.iml ### Yii template assets/* !assets/.gitignore protected/runtime/* !protected/runtime/.gitignore protected/data/*.db themes/classic/views/ ### AppEngine template # Google App Engine generated folder appengine-generated/ ### KiCad template # For PCBs designed using KiCad: https://www.kicad.org/ # Format documentation: https://kicad.org/help/file-formats/ # Temporary files *.000 *.bak *.bck *.kicad_pcb-bak *.kicad_sch-bak *-backups *.kicad_prl *.sch-bak *~ _autosave-* *.tmp *-save.pro *-save.kicad_pcb fp-info-cache ~*.lck \#auto_saved_files# # Netlist files (exported from Eeschema) *.net # Autorouter files (exported from Pcbnew) *.dsn *.ses # Exported BOM files *.xml *.csv ### Go.AllowList template # Allowlisting gitignore template for GO projects prevents us # from adding various unwanted local files, such as generated # files, developer configurations or IDE-specific files etc. # # Recommended: Go.AllowList.gitignore # Ignore everything * # But not these files... !/.gitignore !*.go !go.sum !go.mod !README.md !LICENSE # !Makefile # ...even if they are in subdirectories !*/ ### Swift template # Xcode # # gitignore contributors: remember to update Global/Xcode.gitignore, Objective-C.gitignore & Swift.gitignore ## User settings xcuserdata/ ## Obj-C/Swift specific *.hmap ## App packaging *.ipa *.dSYM.zip *.dSYM ## Playgrounds timeline.xctimeline playground.xcworkspace # Swift Package Manager # # Add this line if you want to avoid checking in source code from Swift Package Manager dependencies. # Packages/ # Package.pins # Package.resolved # *.xcodeproj # # Xcode automatically generates this directory with a .xcworkspacedata file and xcuserdata # hence it is not needed unless you have added a package configuration file to your project # .swiftpm .build/ # CocoaPods # # We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However # you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at: # https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-check-the-pods-directory-into-source-control # # Pods/ # # Add this line if you want to avoid checking in source code from the Xcode workspace # *.xcworkspace # Carthage # # Add this line if you want to avoid checking in source code from Carthage dependencies. # Carthage/Checkouts Carthage/Build/ # fastlane # # It is recommended to not store the screenshots in the git repo. # Instead, use fastlane to re-generate the screenshots whenever they are needed. # For more information about the recommended setup visit: # https://docs.fastlane.tools/best-practices/source-control/#source-control fastlane/report.xml fastlane/Preview.html fastlane/screenshots/**/*.png fastlane/test_output ### IAR template # Compiled binaries *.o *.bin *.elf *.hex *.map *.out *.obj # Trash *.bak thumbs.db *.~* # IAR Settings **/settings/*.crun **/settings/*.dbgdt **/settings/*.cspy **/settings/*.cspy.* **/settings/*.xcl **/settings/*.dni **/settings/*.wsdt **/settings/*.wspos # IAR Debug Exe **/Exe/*.sim # IAR Debug Obj **/Obj/*.pbd **/Obj/*.pbd.* **/Obj/*.pbi **/Obj/*.pbi.* # IAR project "Debug" directory Debug/ # IAR project "Release" directory Release/ # IAR project settings directory settings/ # IAR backup files Backup* # IAR .dep files *.dep ### ForceDotCom template .project .settings salesforce.schema Referenced Packages ### LemonStand template boot.php index.php install.php /config/* !/config/config.php /controllers/* /init/* /logs/* /phproad/* /temp/* /uploaded/* /installer_files/* /modules/backend/* /modules/blog/* /modules/cms/* /modules/core/* /modules/session/* /modules/shop/* /modules/system/* /modules/users/* # add content_*.php if you don't want erase client changes to content ### Elixir template /_build /cover /deps /doc /.fetch erl_crash.dump *.ez *.beam /config/*.secret.exs .elixir_ls/ ### Jigsaw template # gitignore template for Jigsaw Static Site Generator # # website - https://jigsaw.tighten.co # Ignore build folder build_* ### Jekyll template _site/ .sass-cache/ .jekyll-cache/ .jekyll-metadata # Ignore folders generated by Bundler .bundle/ vendor/ ### C template # Prerequisites *.d # Object files *.o *.ko *.obj *.elf # Linker output *.ilk *.map *.exp # Precompiled Headers *.gch *.pch # Libraries *.lib *.a *.la *.lo # Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs) *.dll *.so *.so.* *.dylib # Executables *.exe *.out *.app *.i*86 *.x86_64 *.hex # Debug files *.dSYM/ *.su *.idb *.pdb # Kernel Module Compile Results *.mod* *.cmd .tmp_versions/ modules.order Module.symvers Mkfile.old dkms.conf ### Qt template # C++ objects and libs *.slo *.lo *.o *.a *.la *.lai *.so *.so.* *.dll *.dylib # Qt-es object_script.*.Release object_script.*.Debug *_plugin_import.cpp /.qmake.cache /.qmake.stash *.pro.user *.pro.user.* *.qbs.user *.qbs.user.* *.moc moc_*.cpp moc_*.h qrc_*.cpp ui_*.h *.qmlc *.jsc Makefile* *build-* *.qm *.prl # Qt unit tests target_wrapper.* # QtCreator *.autosave # QtCreator Qml *.qmlproject.user *.qmlproject.user.* # QtCreator CMake CMakeLists.txt.user* # QtCreator 4.8< compilation database compile_commands.json # QtCreator local machine specific files for imported projects *creator.user* *_qmlcache.qrc ### D template # Compiled Object files *.o *.obj # Compiled Dynamic libraries *.so *.dylib *.dll # Compiled Static libraries *.a *.lib # Executables *.exe # DUB .dub docs.json __dummy.html docs/ # Code coverage *.lst ### PlayFramework template # Ignore Play! working directory # bin/ /db .eclipse /lib/ /logs/ /modules /project/project /project/target /target tmp/ test-result server.pid *.eml /dist/ .cache ### Lithium template libraries/* resources/tmp/* ### uVision template # git ignore file for Keil µVision Project # µVision 5 and µVision 4 Project screen layout file *.uvguix.* *.uvgui.* # Listing Files *.i *.lst *.m51 *.m66 *.map # Object Files *.axf *.b[0-2][0-9] *.b3[0-1] *.bak *.build_log.htm *.crf *.d *.dep *.elf *.htm *.iex *.lnp *.o *.obj *.sbr # Firmware Files *.bin *.h86 *.hex # Build Files .bat # Debugger Files .ini # JLink Files JLinkLog.txt # Other Files ### GitHubPages template # This .gitignore is appropriate for repositories deployed to GitHub Pages and using # a Gemfile as specified at https://github.com/github/pages-gem#conventional # Basic Jekyll gitignores (synchronize to Jekyll.gitignore) _site/ .sass-cache/ .jekyll-cache/ .jekyll-metadata # Additional Ruby/bundler ignore for when you run: bundle install /vendor # Specific ignore for GitHub Pages # GitHub Pages will always use its own deployed version of pages-gem # This means GitHub Pages will NOT use your Gemfile.lock and therefore it is # counterproductive to check this file into the repository. # Details at https://github.com/github/pages-gem/issues/768 Gemfile.lock ### Plone template *.pyc *.pyo *.tmp* *.mo *.egg *.EGG *.egg-info *.EGG-INFO .*.cfg bin/ build/ develop-eggs/ downloads/ eggs/ fake-eggs/ parts/ dist/ var/ ### R template # History files .Rhistory .Rapp.history # Session Data files .RData .RDataTmp # User-specific files .Ruserdata # Example code in package build process *-Ex.R # Output files from R CMD build /*.tar.gz # Output files from R CMD check /*.Rcheck/ # RStudio files .Rproj.user/ # produced vignettes vignettes/*.html vignettes/*.pdf # OAuth2 token, see https://github.com/hadley/httr/releases/tag/v0.3 .httr-oauth # knitr and R markdown default cache directories *_cache/ /cache/ # Temporary files created by R markdown *.utf8.md *.knit.md # R Environment Variables .Renviron # pkgdown site docs/ # translation temp files po/*~ # RStudio Connect folder rsconnect/ ### Strapi template ############################ # OS X ############################ .DS_Store .AppleDouble .LSOverride Icon .Spotlight-V100 .Trashes ._* ############################ # Linux ############################ *~ ############################ # Windows ############################ Thumbs.db ehthumbs.db Desktop.ini $RECYCLE.BIN/ *.cab *.msi *.msm *.msp ############################ # Packages ############################ *.7z *.csv *.dat *.dmg *.gz *.iso *.jar *.rar *.tar *.zip *.com *.class *.dll *.exe *.o *.seed *.so *.swo *.swp *.swn *.swm *.out *.pid ############################ # Logs and databases ############################ .tmp *.log *.sql *.sqlite ############################ # Misc. ############################ *# .idea nbproject .vscode/ ############################ # Node.js ############################ lib-cov lcov.info pids logs results build node_modules .node_history package-lock.json **/package-lock.json !docs/package-lock.json *.heapsnapshot ############################ # Tests ############################ testApp coverage cypress/screenshots cypress/videos ############################ # Documentation ############################ dist ############################ # Builds ############################ packages/strapi-generate-new/files/public/ ############################ # Example app ############################ .dev # *.cache ############################ # Visual Studio Code ############################ front-workspace.code-workspace ### Terraform template # Local .terraform directories **/.terraform/* # .tfstate files *.tfstate *.tfstate.* # Crash log files crash.log crash.*.log # Exclude all .tfvars files, which are likely to contain sensitive data, such as # password, private keys, and other secrets. These should not be part of version # control as they are data points which are potentially sensitive and subject # to change depending on the environment. *.tfvars *.tfvars.json # Ignore override files as they are usually used to override resources locally and so # are not checked in override.tf override.tf.json *_override.tf *_override.tf.json # Ignore transient lock info files created by terraform apply .terraform.tfstate.lock.info # Include override files you do wish to add to version control using negated pattern # !example_override.tf # Include tfplan files to ignore the plan output of command: terraform plan -out=tfplan # example: *tfplan* # Ignore CLI configuration files .terraformrc terraform.rc ### Drupal7 template # gitignore template for Drupal 7 projects # # It is recommended that you use `Drupal.gitignore` as this is the latest version # Ignore configuration files that may contain sensitive information. sites/*/*settings*.php sites/example.sites.php # Ignore paths that contain generated content. files/ sites/*/files sites/*/private sites/*/translations # Ignore default text files robots.txt /CHANGELOG.txt /COPYRIGHT.txt /INSTALL*.txt /LICENSE.txt /MAINTAINERS.txt /UPGRADE.txt /README.txt sites/README.txt sites/all/libraries/README.txt sites/all/modules/README.txt sites/all/themes/README.txt # Ignore everything but the "sites" folder ( for non core developer ) .htaccess web.config authorize.php cron.php index.php install.php update.php xmlrpc.php /includes /misc /modules /profiles /scripts /themes ### V template *.exe *.o *.so *.tmp.c *.exp *.ilk *.pdb *.dll *.lib *.bak *.out ### Objective-C template # Xcode # # gitignore contributors: remember to update Global/Xcode.gitignore, Objective-C.gitignore & Swift.gitignore ## User settings xcuserdata/ ## Obj-C/Swift specific *.hmap ## App packaging *.ipa *.dSYM.zip *.dSYM # CocoaPods # # We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However # you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at: # https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-check-the-pods-directory-into-source-control # # Pods/ # # Add this line if you want to avoid checking in source code from the Xcode workspace # *.xcworkspace # Carthage # # Add this line if you want to avoid checking in source code from Carthage dependencies. # Carthage/Checkouts Carthage/Build/ # fastlane # # It is recommended to not store the screenshots in the git repo. # Instead, use fastlane to re-generate the screenshots whenever they are needed. # For more information about the recommended setup visit: # https://docs.fastlane.tools/best-practices/source-control/#source-control fastlane/report.xml fastlane/Preview.html fastlane/screenshots/**/*.png fastlane/test_output ### Textpattern template .htaccess css.php rpc/ sites/site*/admin/ sites/site*/private/ sites/site*/public/admin/ sites/site*/public/setup/ sites/site*/public/theme/ textpattern/ HISTORY.txt README.txt ### Beef template build/ recovery/ BeefSpace_User.toml ### Agda template *.agdai MAlonzo/** ### Godot template # Godot 4+ specific ignores .godot/ # Godot-specific ignores .import/ export.cfg export_presets.cfg # Imported translations (automatically generated from CSV files) *.translation # Mono-specific ignores .mono/ data_*/ mono_crash.*.json ### Pimcore template # gitignore template for Pimcore CMS # pimcore source files /pimcore # asset files /website/var/assets/* # backups /website/var/backup/* # file cache /website/var/cache/* # generated PHP classes, keep definition files (.psf) /website/var/classes/Object* !/website/var/classes/objectbricks # various configuration files /website/var/config/system.xml /website/var/config/cache.xml /website/var/config/robots.txt /website/var/config/Geo* /website/var/config/object/* /website/var/config/portal/* /website/var/config/sqlreport/* # sent e-mail log files /website/var/email/* # log files /website/var/log/*.log # serialized recyclebin files /website/var/recyclebin/* # search plugin /website/var/search/* # various temp files /website/var/system/* /website/var/tmp/* # serialized version files /website/var/versions/asset/* /website/var/versions/document/* /website/var/versions/object/* # user profile images /website/var/user-image/* # keep .dummy files !.dummy ### Composer template composer.phar /vendor/ # Commit your application's lock file https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#commit-your-composer-lock-file-to-version-control # You may choose to ignore a library lock file http://getcomposer.org/doc/02-libraries.md#lock-file # composer.lock ### Java template # Compiled class file *.class # Log file *.log # BlueJ files *.ctxt # Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME) .mtj.tmp/ # Package Files # *.jar *.war *.nar *.ear *.zip *.tar.gz *.rar # virtual machine crash logs, see http://www.java.com/en/download/help/error_hotspot.xml hs_err_pid* replay_pid* ### SugarCRM template ## SugarCRM # Ignore custom .htaccess stuff. /.htaccess # Ignore the cache directory completely. # This will break the current behaviour. Which was often leading to # the misuse of the repository as backup replacement. # For development the cache directory can be safely ignored and # therefore it is ignored. /cache/* !/cache/index.html # Ignore some files and directories from the custom directory. /custom/history/ /custom/modulebuilder/ /custom/working/ /custom/modules/*/Ext/ /custom/application/Ext/ # Custom configuration should also be ignored. /config.php /config_override.php # The silent upgrade scripts aren't needed. /silentUpgrade*.php # Logs files can safely be ignored. *.log # Ignore the new upload directories. /upload/* !/upload/index.html /upload_backup/ ### Coq template .*.aux .*.d *.a *.cma *.cmi *.cmo *.cmx *.cmxa *.cmxs *.glob *.ml.d *.ml4.d *.mlg.d *.mli.d *.mllib.d *.mlpack.d *.native *.o *.v.d *.vio *.vo *.vok *.vos .coq-native .csdp.cache .lia.cache .nia.cache .nlia.cache .nra.cache csdp.cache lia.cache nia.cache nlia.cache nra.cache native_compute_profile_*.data # generated timing files *.timing.diff *.v.after-timing *.v.before-timing *.v.timing time-of-build-after.log time-of-build-before.log time-of-build-both.log time-of-build-pretty.log ### GWT template *.class # Package Files # *.jar *.war # gwt caches and compiled units # war/gwt_bree/ gwt-unitCache/ # boilerplate generated classes # .apt_generated/ # more caches and things from deploy # war/WEB-INF/deploy/ war/WEB-INF/classes/ #compilation logs .gwt/ #gwt junit compilation files www-test/ #old GWT (1.5) created this dir .gwt-tmp/ ### B4X template **/Objects **/AutoBackups *.meta ### Vue template # gitignore template for Vue.js projects # # Recommended template: Node.gitignore # TODO: where does this rule come from? docs/_book # TODO: where does this rule come from? test/ ### Sass template .sass-cache/ *.css.map *.sass.map *.scss.map ### Stella template # Atari 2600 (Stella) support for multiple assemblers # - DASM # - CC65 # Assembled binaries and object directories obj/ a.out *.bin *.a26 # Add in special Atari 7800-based binaries for good measure *.a78 ### Exercism template # gitignore template for Exercism project # website: https://exercism.io/ # Ignore .exercism folder which contain sensitive data .exercism ### Delphi template # Uncomment these types if you want even more clean repository. But be careful. # It can make harm to an existing project source. Read explanations below. # # Resource files are binaries containing manifest, project icon and version info. # They can not be viewed as text or compared by diff-tools. Consider replacing them with .rc files. #*.res # # Type library file (binary). In old Delphi versions it should be stored. # Since Delphi 2009 it is produced from .ridl file and can safely be ignored. #*.tlb # # Diagram Portfolio file. Used by the diagram editor up to Delphi 7. # Uncomment this if you are not using diagrams or use newer Delphi version. #*.ddp # # Visual LiveBindings file. Added in Delphi XE2. # Uncomment this if you are not using LiveBindings Designer. #*.vlb # # Deployment Manager configuration file for your project. Added in Delphi XE2. # Uncomment this if it is not mobile development and you do not use remote debug feature. #*.deployproj # # C++ object files produced when C/C++ Output file generation is configured. # Uncomment this if you are not using external objects (zlib library for example). #*.obj # # Default Delphi compiler directories # Content of this directories are generated with each Compile/Construct of a project. # Most of the time, files here have not there place in a code repository. #Win32/ #Win64/ #OSX64/ #OSXARM64/ #Android/ #Android64/ #iOSDevice64/ #Linux64/ # Delphi compiler-generated binaries (safe to delete) *.exe *.dll *.bpl *.bpi *.dcp *.so *.apk *.drc *.map *.dres *.rsm *.tds *.dcu *.lib *.a *.o *.ocx # Delphi autogenerated files (duplicated info) *.cfg *.hpp *Resource.rc # Delphi local files (user-specific info) *.local *.identcache *.projdata *.tvsconfig *.dsk # Delphi history and backups __history/ __recovery/ *.~* # Castalia statistics file (since XE7 Castalia is distributed with Delphi) *.stat # Boss dependency manager vendor folder https://github.com/HashLoad/boss modules/ ### Kotlin template # Compiled class file *.class # Log file *.log # BlueJ files *.ctxt # Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME) .mtj.tmp/ # Package Files # *.jar *.war *.nar *.ear *.zip *.tar.gz *.rar # virtual machine crash logs, see http://www.java.com/en/download/help/error_hotspot.xml hs_err_pid* replay_pid* ### CUDA template *.i *.ii *.gpu *.ptx *.cubin *.fatbin ### Julia template # Files generated by invoking Julia with --code-coverage *.jl.cov *.jl.*.cov # Files generated by invoking Julia with --track-allocation *.jl.mem # System-specific files and directories generated by the BinaryProvider and BinDeps packages # They contain absolute paths specific to the host computer, and so should not be committed deps/deps.jl deps/build.log deps/downloads/ deps/usr/ deps/src/ # Build artifacts for creating documentation generated by the Documenter package docs/build/ docs/site/ # File generated by Pkg, the package manager, based on a corresponding Project.toml # It records a fixed state of all packages used by the project. As such, it should not be # committed for packages, but should be committed for applications that require a static # environment. Manifest.toml ### Red template # gitignore template for Red programming language # website: http://www.red-lang.org/ # Red Compiled code *.red # Libraries crush.dll crush.dylib crush.so # Files generated during test quick-test/quick-test.log quick-test/runnable/ system/tests/source/units/auto-tests/ tests/source/units/auto-tests/ ### Logtalk template # gitignore template for LogTalk, a programming language that builds upon Prolog # website: https://logtalk.org/ # Logtalk temporary file directories .lgt_tmp/ lgt_tmp/ # Logtalk default unit testing and doclet results and logs directories logtalk_tester_logs/ logtalk_doclet_logs/ # backend Prolog compiler temporary files .pl-history *.out *.xwam *.qo *.ql *.itf *.po ### Ballerina template # generated files target/ generated/ # dependencies Dependencies.toml # config files Config.toml # the config files used for testing, Uncomment the following line if you want to commit the test config files #!**/tests/Config.toml ### Nanoc template # For projects using Nanoc (http://nanoc.ws/) # Default location for output (needs to match output_dir's value found in nanoc.yaml) output/ # Temporary file directory tmp/nanoc/ # Crash Log crash.log ### AtmelStudio template ## Ignore Atmel Studio temporary files and build results # https://www.microchip.com/mplab/avr-support/atmel-studio-7 # Atmel Studio is powered by an older version of Visual Studio, # so most of the project and solution files are the same as VS files, # only prefixed by an `at`. #Build Directories [Dd]ebug/ [Rr]elease/ #Build Results *.o *.d *.eep *.elf *.hex *.map *.srec #User Specific Files *.atsuo ### ArchLinuxPackages template *.tar *.tar.* *.jar *.exe *.msi *.zip *.tgz *.log *.log.* *.sig pkg/ src/ ### Puppet template # gitignore template for Puppet modules # website: https://forge.puppet.com/ # Built packages pkg/* # Should run on multiple platforms so don't check in Gemfile.lock # Tests spec/fixtures/* coverage/* # Third-party vendor/* .bundle/* ### Ada template # Object file *.o # Ada Library Information *.ali ### Opa template _build _tracks opa-debug-js *.opp *.opx *.opx.broken *.dump *.api *.api-txt *.exe *.log ### Scheme template *.ss~ *.ss#* .#*.ss *.scm~ *.scm#* .#*.scm ### IAR_EWARM template # gitignore template for the IAR EWARM # website: https://www.iar.com/knowledge/support/technical-notes/ide/which-files-should-be-version-controlled/ # Some tools will put the EWARM files # under a subdirectory with the same name # as the configuration. # Example # EWARM/Config1/Obj /List /Exe # EWARM/Config2/Obj /List /Exe EWARM/**/Obj EWARM/**/List EWARM/**/Exe # Autogenerated project files *.dep *.ewt # Autogenerated folder for debugger EWARM/settings ### Elm template # elm-package generated files elm-stuff # elm-repl generated files repl-temp-* ### Bitrix template # gitignore template for 1C-Bitrix, a PHP-based CMS # website: https://www.1c-bitrix.ru #Exclude all of core files /bitrix/* #But not the templates and non bitrix components !/bitrix/templates !/bitrix/components /bitrix/components/bitrix #Exclude bitrix gadgets !/bitrix/gadgets /bitrix/gadgets/bitrix #User can use that directory to store some stuff, but it's not really recommended, just use /local instead of this !/bitrix/php_interface/ #Exclude database configs /bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php #Exclude default file storage directory /upload/ ### DM template *.dmb *.rsc *.int *.lk *.zip ### Umbraco template ## Ignore Umbraco files/folders generated for each instance ## ## Get latest from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Umbraco.gitignore # Note: VisualStudio gitignore rules may also be relevant # Umbraco # Ignore unimportant folders generated by Umbraco **/App_Data/Logs/ **/App_Data/[Pp]review/ **/App_Data/TEMP/ **/App_Data/NuGetBackup/ # Ignore Umbraco content cache file **/App_Data/umbraco.config ## this [Uu]mbraco/ folder should be created by cmd like `Install-Package UmbracoCms -Version 8.5.3` ## you can find your Umbraco version in your Web.config. (i.e. ) ## Uncomment this line if you think it fits the way you work on your project. ## **/[Uu]mbraco/ ## The [Mm]edia/ folder contains content. Content may vary by environment and should therefore not be added to source control. ## Uncomment this line if you think it fits the way you work on your project. ## **/[Mm]edia/ # Don't ignore Umbraco packages (VisualStudio.gitignore mistakes this for a NuGet packages folder) # Make sure to include details from VisualStudio.gitignore BEFORE this !**/App_Data/[Pp]ackages/* !**/[Uu]mbraco/[Dd]eveloper/[Pp]ackages/* !**/[Uu]mbraco/[Vv]iews/[Pp]ackages/* # ImageProcessor DiskCache **/App_Data/cache/ # Ignore the Models Builder models out of date flag **/ood.flag # NEW for version 9 .Net 5 (Core) #ignore umbraco backoffice assest from wwwroot **/wwwroot/umbraco/ # SQLite files *.sqlite.db* #ignore umbraco data/views/settings **/umbraco/ #include default location for modelsbuilder output !**/umbraco/models #include default location for packages !**/umbraco/Data/packages ### TurboGears2 template *.py[co] # Default development database devdata.db # Default data directory data/* # Packages *.egg *.egg-info dist build # Installer logs pip-log.txt # Unit test / coverage reports .coverage .tox ### Fortran template # Prerequisites *.d # Compiled Object files *.slo *.lo *.o *.obj # Precompiled Headers *.gch *.pch # Compiled Dynamic libraries *.so *.dylib *.dll # Fortran module files *.mod *.smod # Compiled Static libraries *.lai *.la *.a *.lib # Executables *.exe *.out *.app ### ThinkPHP template # gitignore template for ThinkPHP v3.2.3 # website: http://www.thinkphp.cn/ # Logs and Cache files /Application/Runtime/ # Common configure file /Application/Common/Conf/config.php ### WordPress template # Wordpress - ignore core, configuration, examples, uploads and logs. # https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/WordPress.gitignore # Core # # Note: if you want to stage/commit WP core files # you can delete this whole section/until Configuration. /wp-admin/ /wp-content/index.php /wp-content/languages /wp-content/plugins/index.php /wp-content/themes/index.php /wp-includes/ /index.php /license.txt /readme.html /wp-*.php /xmlrpc.php # Configuration wp-config.php # Example themes /wp-content/themes/twenty*/ # Example plugin /wp-content/plugins/hello.php # Uploads /wp-content/uploads/ # Log files *.log # htaccess /.htaccess # All plugins # # Note: If you wish to whitelist plugins, # uncomment the next line #/wp-content/plugins # All themes # # Note: If you wish to whitelist themes, # uncomment the next line #/wp-content/themes ### Racket template # gitignore template for the Racket language # website: http://www.racket-lang.org/ # DrRacket autosave files *.rkt~ *.rkt.bak \#*.rkt# \#*.rkt#*# # Compiled racket bytecode compiled/ *.zo # Dependency tracking files *.dep ### SCons template # for projects that use SCons for building: http://http://www.scons.org/ .sconsign.dblite # When configure fails, SCons outputs these config.log .sconf_temp ### Typo3 template ## TYPO3 v6.2 # Ignore several upload and file directories. /fileadmin/user_upload/ /fileadmin/_temp_/ /fileadmin/_processed_/ /uploads/ # Ignore cache /typo3conf/temp_CACHED* /typo3conf/temp_fieldInfo.php /typo3conf/deprecation_*.log /typo3conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL /typo3conf/realurl_autoconf.php /FIRST_INSTALL # Ignore system folders, you should have them symlinked. # If not comment out the following entries. /typo3 /typo3_src /typo3_src-* /Packages /.htaccess /index.php # Ignore temp directory. /typo3temp/ ### CodeSniffer template # gitignore for the PHP Codesniffer framework # website: https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer # # Recommended template: PHP.gitignore /wpcs/* ### UnrealEngine template # Visual Studio 2015 user specific files .vs/ # Compiled Object files *.slo *.lo *.o *.obj # Precompiled Headers *.gch *.pch # Compiled Dynamic libraries *.so *.dylib *.dll # Fortran module files *.mod # Compiled Static libraries *.lai *.la *.a *.lib # Executables *.exe *.out *.app *.ipa # These project files can be generated by the engine *.xcodeproj *.xcworkspace *.sln *.suo *.opensdf *.sdf *.VC.db *.VC.opendb # Precompiled Assets SourceArt/**/*.png SourceArt/**/*.tga # Binary Files Binaries/* Plugins/**/Binaries/* # Builds Build/* # Whitelist PakBlacklist-.txt files !Build/*/ Build/*/** !Build/*/PakBlacklist*.txt # Don't ignore icon files in Build !Build/**/*.ico # Built data for maps *_BuiltData.uasset # Configuration files generated by the Editor Saved/* # Compiled source files for the engine to use Intermediate/* Plugins/**/Intermediate/* # Cache files for the editor to use DerivedDataCache/* ### FuelPHP template # the composer package lock file and install directory # Commit your application's lock file http://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#composer-lock-the-lock-file # You may choose to ignore a library lock file http://getcomposer.org/doc/02-libraries.md#lock-file # /composer.lock /fuel/vendor # the fuelphp document /docs/ # you may install these packages with `oil package`. # http://fuelphp.com/docs/packages/oil/package.html # /fuel/packages/auth/ # /fuel/packages/email/ # /fuel/packages/oil/ # /fuel/packages/orm/ # /fuel/packages/parser/ # dynamically generated files /fuel/app/logs/*/*/* /fuel/app/cache/*/* /fuel/app/config/crypt.php ### Python template # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files __pycache__/ *.py[cod] *$py.class # C extensions *.so # Distribution / packaging .Python build/ develop-eggs/ dist/ downloads/ eggs/ .eggs/ lib/ lib64/ parts/ sdist/ var/ wheels/ share/python-wheels/ *.egg-info/ .installed.cfg *.egg MANIFEST # PyInstaller # Usually these files are written by a python script from a template # before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it. *.manifest *.spec # Installer logs pip-log.txt pip-delete-this-directory.txt # Unit test / coverage reports htmlcov/ .tox/ .nox/ .coverage .coverage.* .cache nosetests.xml coverage.xml *.cover *.py,cover .hypothesis/ .pytest_cache/ cover/ # Translations *.mo *.pot # Django stuff: *.log local_settings.py db.sqlite3 db.sqlite3-journal # Flask stuff: instance/ .webassets-cache # Scrapy stuff: .scrapy # Sphinx documentation docs/_build/ # PyBuilder .pybuilder/ target/ # Jupyter Notebook .ipynb_checkpoints # IPython profile_default/ ipython_config.py # pyenv # For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is # intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in: # .python-version # pipenv # According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control. # However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies # having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not # install all needed dependencies. #Pipfile.lock # poetry # Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include poetry.lock in version control. # This is especially recommended for binary packages to ensure reproducibility, and is more # commonly ignored for libraries. # https://python-poetry.org/docs/basic-usage/#commit-your-poetrylock-file-to-version-control #poetry.lock # pdm # Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include pdm.lock in version control. #pdm.lock # pdm stores project-wide configurations in .pdm.toml, but it is recommended to not include it # in version control. # https://pdm.fming.dev/latest/usage/project/#working-with-version-control .pdm.toml .pdm-python .pdm-build/ # PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow and github.com/pdm-project/pdm __pypackages__/ # Celery stuff celerybeat-schedule celerybeat.pid # SageMath parsed files *.sage.py # Environments .env .venv env/ venv/ ENV/ env.bak/ venv.bak/ # Spyder project settings .spyderproject .spyproject # Rope project settings .ropeproject # mkdocs documentation /site # mypy .mypy_cache/ .dmypy.json dmypy.json # Pyre type checker .pyre/ # pytype static type analyzer .pytype/ # Cython debug symbols cython_debug/ # PyCharm # JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can # be found at https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Global/JetBrains.gitignore # and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file. For a more nuclear # option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder. #.idea/ ### Elisp template # Compiled *.elc # Packaging .cask # Backup files *~ # Undo-tree save-files *.~undo-tree ### Fancy template *.rbc *.fyc ### Finale template *.bak *.db *.avi *.pdf *.ps *.mid *.midi *.mp3 *.aif *.wav # Some versions of Finale have a bug and randomly save extra copies of # the music source as " copy.mus" *copy.mus ### SketchUp template *.skb ### LensStudio template # gitignore template for LensStudio # website: https://lensstudio.snapchat.com/ # macOS/IDE # .DS_Store .idea # js # node_modules yarn.lock # Python # __pycache__/ *.py[cod] *$py.class [Bb]ackup* ### PureScript template # Dependencies .psci_modules .spago bower_components node_modules # Generated files .psci output ### EPiServer template ###################### ## EPiServer Files ###################### *License.config ### Grails template # .gitignore for Grails 1.2 and 1.3 # Although this should work for most versions of grails, it is # suggested that you use the "grails integrate-with --git" command # to generate your .gitignore file. # web application files /web-app/WEB-INF/classes # default HSQL database files for production mode /prodDb.* # general HSQL database files *Db.properties *Db.script # logs /stacktrace.log /test/reports /logs # project release file /*.war # plugin release files /*.zip /plugin.xml # older plugin install locations /plugins /web-app/plugins # "temporary" build files /target ### ZendFramework template # Composer files composer.phar vendor/ # Local configs config/autoload/*.local.php # Binary gettext files *.mo # Data data/logs/ data/cache/ data/sessions/ data/tmp/ temp/ #Doctrine 2 data/DoctrineORMModule/Proxy/ data/DoctrineORMModule/cache/ # Legacy ZF1 demos/ extras/documentation ### VVVV template # .v4p backup files *~.xml # Dynamic plugins .dll bin/ ### Phalcon template /cache/ /config/development/ ### Qooxdoo template cache cache-downloads inspector api source/inspector.html ### Android template # Gradle files .gradle/ build/ # Local configuration file (sdk path, etc) local.properties # Log/OS Files *.log # Android Studio generated files and folders captures/ .externalNativeBuild/ .cxx/ *.apk output.json # IntelliJ *.iml .idea/ misc.xml deploymentTargetDropDown.xml render.experimental.xml # Keystore files *.jks *.keystore # Google Services (e.g. APIs or Firebase) google-services.json # Android Profiling *.hprof ### Gretl template # gitignore template for Gretl # website: http://gretl.sourceforge.net/ # Auto-generated log file is overwritten whenever you start a new session session.inp # Auto-generated temporary string code table string_table.txt ### Lilypond template *.pdf *.ps *.midi *.mid *.log *~ ### OpenSSL template # OpenSSL-related files best not committed ## Certificate Authority *.ca ## Certificate *.crt ## Certificate Sign Request *.csr ## Certificate *.der ## Key database file *.kdb ## OSCP request data *.org ## PKCS #12 *.p12 ## PEM-encoded certificate data *.pem ## Random number seed *.rnd ## SSLeay data *.ssleay ## S/MIME message *.smime ### Packer template # Cache objects packer_cache/ # Crash log crash.log # https://www.packer.io/guides/hcl/variables # Exclude all .pkrvars.hcl files, which are likely to contain sensitive data, # such as password, private keys, and other secrets. These should not be part of # version control as they are data points which are potentially sensitive and # subject to change depending on the environment. # *.pkrvars.hcl # For built boxes *.box ### Rails template *.rbc capybara-*.html .rspec /db/*.sqlite3 /db/*.sqlite3-journal /db/*.sqlite3-[0-9]* /public/system /coverage/ /spec/tmp *.orig rerun.txt pickle-email-*.html # Ignore all logfiles and tempfiles. /log/* /tmp/* !/log/.keep !/tmp/.keep # TODO Comment out this rule if you are OK with secrets being uploaded to the repo config/initializers/secret_token.rb config/master.key # Only include if you have production secrets in this file, which is no longer a Rails default # config/secrets.yml # dotenv, dotenv-rails # TODO Comment out these rules if environment variables can be committed .env .env*.local ## Environment normalization: /.bundle /vendor/bundle # these should all be checked in to normalize the environment: # Gemfile.lock, .ruby-version, .ruby-gemset # unless supporting rvm < 1.11.0 or doing something fancy, ignore this: .rvmrc # if using bower-rails ignore default bower_components path bower.json files /vendor/assets/bower_components *.bowerrc bower.json # Ignore pow environment settings .powenv # Ignore Byebug command history file. .byebug_history # Ignore node_modules node_modules/ # Ignore precompiled javascript packs /public/packs /public/packs-test /public/assets # Ignore yarn files /yarn-error.log yarn-debug.log* .yarn-integrity # Ignore uploaded files in development /storage/* !/storage/.keep /public/uploads ### core template *.swp *.*~ project.lock.json .DS_Store *.pyc nupkg/ # Visual Studio Code .vscode # Rider .idea # User-specific files *.suo *.user *.userosscache *.sln.docstates # Build results [Dd]ebug/ [Dd]ebugPublic/ [Rr]elease/ [Rr]eleases/ x64/ x86/ build/ bld/ [Bb]in/ [Oo]bj/ [Oo]ut/ msbuild.log msbuild.err msbuild.wrn # Visual Studio 2015 .vs/ ### esp-idf template # gitignore template for esp-idf, the official development framework for ESP32 # https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf build/ sdkconfig sdkconfig.old ### Unity template # This .gitignore file should be placed at the root of your Unity project directory # # Get latest from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Unity.gitignore # /[Ll]ibrary/ /[Tt]emp/ /[Oo]bj/ /[Bb]uild/ /[Bb]uilds/ /[Ll]ogs/ /[Uu]ser[Ss]ettings/ # MemoryCaptures can get excessive in size. # They also could contain extremely sensitive data /[Mm]emoryCaptures/ # Recordings can get excessive in size /[Rr]ecordings/ # Uncomment this line if you wish to ignore the asset store tools plugin # /[Aa]ssets/AssetStoreTools* # Autogenerated Jetbrains Rider plugin /[Aa]ssets/Plugins/Editor/JetBrains* # Visual Studio cache directory .vs/ # Gradle cache directory .gradle/ # Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files ExportedObj/ .consulo/ *.csproj *.unityproj *.sln *.suo *.tmp *.user *.userprefs *.pidb *.booproj *.svd *.pdb *.mdb *.opendb *.VC.db # Unity3D generated meta files *.pidb.meta *.pdb.meta *.mdb.meta # Unity3D generated file on crash reports sysinfo.txt # Builds *.apk *.aab *.unitypackage *.app # Crashlytics generated file crashlytics-build.properties # Packed Addressables /[Aa]ssets/[Aa]ddressable[Aa]ssets[Dd]ata/*/*.bin* # Temporary auto-generated Android Assets /[Aa]ssets/[Ss]treamingAssets/aa.meta /[Aa]ssets/[Ss]treamingAssets/aa/* ### CodeIgniter template */config/development */logs/log-*.php !*/logs/index.html */cache/* !system/cache/* !*/cache/index.html !*/cache/.htaccess user_guide_src/build/* user_guide_src/cilexer/build/* user_guide_src/cilexer/dist/* user_guide_src/cilexer/pycilexer.egg-info/* #codeigniter 3 application/logs/* !application/logs/index.html !application/logs/.htaccess /vendor/ ### SymphonyCMS template manifest/cache/ manifest/logs/ manifest/tmp/ symphony/ workspace/uploads/ install-log.txt ### Xojo template # Xojo (formerly REALbasic and Real Studio) Builds* *.debug *.debug.app Debug*.exe Debug*/Debug*.exe Debug*/Debug*\ Libs *.rbuistate *.xojo_uistate *.obsolete* ### Sdcc template # SDCC stuff *.lnk *.lst *.map *.mem *.rel *.rst *.sym ### ROS template devel/ logs/ build/ bin/ lib/ msg_gen/ srv_gen/ msg/*Action.msg msg/*ActionFeedback.msg msg/*ActionGoal.msg msg/*ActionResult.msg msg/*Feedback.msg msg/*Goal.msg msg/*Result.msg msg/_*.py build_isolated/ devel_isolated/ # Generated by dynamic reconfigure *.cfgc /cfg/cpp/ /cfg/*.py # Ignore generated docs *.dox *.wikidoc # eclipse stuff .project .cproject # qcreator stuff CMakeLists.txt.user srv/_*.py *.pcd *.pyc qtcreator-* *.user /planning/cfg /planning/docs /planning/src *~ # Emacs .#* # Catkin custom files CATKIN_IGNORE ### Kohana template application/cache/* application/logs/* ### Zephir template # Cache files, generates by Zephir .temp/ .libs/ # Object files, generates by linker *.lo *.la *.o *.loT # Files generated by configure and Zephir, # not required for extension compilation. ext/build/ ext/modules/ ext/Makefile* ext/config* ext/acinclude.m4 ext/aclocal.m4 ext/autom4te* ext/install-sh ext/ltmain.sh ext/missing ext/mkinstalldirs ext/run-tests.php ext/.deps ext/libtool ### Xilinx template # gitignore template for Xilinx Vivado Design Suite # website: https://www.xilinx.com/support/download.html # [home] *.jou *.log *.debug *.str *.zip *.tmp *.rst *.os *.js *.pb *.dcp *.hwdef *.vds *.veo *.wdf *.vdi *.dmp *.rpx *.rpt *_stub.v *_stub.vhdl *_funcsim.v *_funcsim.vhdl .project # [dir] *.cache .metadata *.data *.ipdefs .Xil *.sdk *.hw *.ip_user_files ### IP synth *_synth_* .jobs ### project synth */*.runs/synth*/*.xml */*.runs/synth*/*.txt */*.runs/synth*/*.sh */*.runs/synth*/*.tcl */*.runs/synth*/*.bat */*.runs/synth*/*.xdc !*/*.runs/synth*/*utilization*.rpt *.runs/synth*/*.xml *.runs/synth*/*.txt *.runs/synth*/*.sh *.runs/synth*/*.tcl *.runs/synth*/*.bat *.runs/synth*/*.xdc !*.runs/synth*/*utilization*.rpt ### project impl */*.runs/impl*/*.xml */*.runs/impl*/*.html */*.runs/impl*/*.txt */*.runs/impl*/*.sh */*.runs/impl*/*.tcl */*.runs/impl*/*.bat !*/*.runs/impl*/*utilization*.rpt *.runs/impl*/*.xml *.runs/impl*/*.html *.runs/impl*/*.txt *.runs/impl*/*.sh *.runs/impl*/*.tcl *.runs/impl*/*.bat !*.runs/impl*/*utilization*.rpt ### block design */*/bd/*/hdl */*/*/bd/*/hdl */*/bd/*/*.xdc */*/*/bd/*/*.xdc */*/bd/*/ip/*/*.xdc */*/*/bd/*/ip/*/*.xdc */*/bd/*/ip/*/*/ */*/*/bd/*/ip/*/*/ */*/bd/*/ip/*/*.vhd */*/*/bd/*/ip/*/*.vhd */*/bd/*/ip/*/*.xml */*/*/bd/*/ip/*/*.xml *.c *.h *.vho *.html */*/bd/*/ip/*/*.tcl */*/*/bd/*/ip/*/*.tcl hw_handoff ipshared ### Waf template # For projects that use the Waf build system: https://waf.io/ # Dot-hidden on Unix-like systems .waf-*-*/ .waf3-*-*/ # Hidden directory on Windows (no dot) waf-*-*/ waf3-*-*/ # Lockfile .lock-waf_*_build ### ReScript template /node_modules/ /lib/ .bsb.lock ### SAM template # gitignore template for AWS Serverless Application Model project # website: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/serverless-application-model # Ignore build folder .aws-sam/ ### Dart template # See https://www.dartlang.org/guides/libraries/private-files # Files and directories created by pub .dart_tool/ .packages build/ # If you're building an application, you may want to check-in your pubspec.lock pubspec.lock # Directory created by dartdoc # If you don't generate documentation locally you can remove this line. doc/api/ # dotenv environment variables file .env* # Avoid committing generated Javascript files: *.dart.js *.info.json # Produced by the --dump-info flag. *.js # When generated by dart2js. Don't specify *.js if your # project includes source files written in JavaScript. *.js_ *.js.deps *.js.map .flutter-plugins .flutter-plugins-dependencies ### MetaProgrammingSystem template workspace.xml junitvmwatcher*.properties build.properties # generated java classes and java source files # manually add any custom artifacts that can't be generated from the models # http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/MPSD25/HowTo+--+MPS+and+Git classes_gen source_gen source_gen.caches # generated test code and test results test_gen test_gen.caches TEST-*.xml junit*.properties ### Gcov template # gcc coverage testing tool files *.gcno *.gcda *.gcov ### Kentico template # gitignore template for using Kentico CMS # website: http://www.kentico.com/ # # Recommended template: VisualStudio.gitignore # Include some Kentico folders excluded by Visual Studio rules !CMS/CMSAdminControls/*/ !CMS/CMSModules/System/*/ !CMS/App_Data/CIRepository/** # Kentico temporary/environment files CMS/App_Data/AzureCache CMS/App_Data/AzureTemp CMS/App_Data/CMSModules/DeviceProfile/logFiftyOne.txt CMS/App_Data/CMSModules/DeviceProfiles/logFiftyOne.txt CMS/App_Data/CMSModules/WebFarm/webfarm.sync CMS/App_Data/CMSTemp CMS/App_Data/Persistent CMS/CMSSiteUtils/Export CMS/CMSSiteUtils/Import # Ignore all smart search indexes, but not the other system folder contents CMS/App_Data/CMSModules/SmartSearch/** !CMS/App_Data/CMSModules/SmartSearch/*/ !CMS/App_Data/CMSModules/SmartSearch/_StopWords/** !CMS/App_Data/CMSModules/SmartSearch/_Synonyms/** ## Kentico Starter Sites # Starter site resource Files CMS/App_Data/DancingGoat # Starter site web templates CMS/App_Data/Templates/CommunitySite CMS/App_Data/Templates/CorporateSite CMS/App_Data/Templates/DancingGoat CMS/App_Data/Templates/EcommerceSite CMS/App_Data/Templates/IntranetPortal CMS/App_Data/Templates/PersonalSite # Starter site app themes CMS/App_Themes/CommunitySite CMS/App_Themes/CorporateSite CMS/App_Themes/EcommerceSite CMS/App_Themes/IntranetPortal* CMS/App_Themes/PersonalSite # Starter site ASPX templates CMS/CMSTemplates/CorporateSite # Starter site media libraries CMS/CommunitySite CMS/CorporateSite CMS/DancingGoat CMS/EcommerceSite CMS/IntranetPortal CMS/PersonalSite ## Project specific ignores # Sensitive settings AppSettings.config ConnectionStrings.config # Project media libraries (recommend shared file storage) # e.g. CMS/{SiteCodeName} ### Alteryx template # gitignore template for Alteryx Designer # website: https://www.alteryx.com/ # website: https://help.alteryx.com/current/designer/alteryx-file-types # Alteryx Data Files *.yxdb *.cydb *.cyidx *.rptx *.vvf *.aws # Alteryx Special Files *.yxwv *.yxft *.yxbe *.bak *.pcxml *.log *.bin *.yxlang CASS.ini # Alteryx License Files *.yxlc *.slc *.cylc *.alc *.gzlc ## gitignore reference sites # https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Recording-Changes-to-the-Repository#Ignoring-Files # https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore # https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/ ## Useful knowledge from stackoverflow # Even if you haven't tracked the files so far, git seems to be able to "know" about them even after you add them to .gitignore. # WARNING: First commit your current changes, or you will lose them. # Then run the following commands from the top folder of your git repo: # git rm -r --cached . # git add . # git commit -m "fixed untracked files" # author: Kacper Ksieski ### InforCMS template # gitignore template for InforCRM (formerly SalesLogix) # website: https://www.infor.com/product-summary/cx/infor-crm/ # # Recommended: VisualStudio.gitignore # Ignore model files that are auto-generated ModelIndex.xml ExportedFiles.xml # Ignore deployment files [Mm]odel/[Dd]eployment # Force include portal SupportFiles !Model/Portal/*/SupportFiles/[Bb]in/ !Model/Portal/PortalTemplates/*/SupportFiles/[Bb]in ### AutoIt template # Compiled Scripts *.a3x # Tidy Auto-Generated Backups Backup/* # Au3Stripper Auto-Generated Files *_stripped.au3 ### Laravel template /vendor/ node_modules/ npm-debug.log yarn-error.log # Laravel 4 specific bootstrap/compiled.php app/storage/ # Laravel 5 & Lumen specific public/storage public/hot # Laravel 5 & Lumen specific with changed public path public_html/storage public_html/hot storage/*.key .env Homestead.yaml Homestead.json /.vagrant .phpunit.result.cache ### Snap template # gitginore template for creating Snap packages # website: https://snapcraft.io/ parts/ prime/ stage/ *.snap # Snapcraft global state tracking data(automatically generated) # https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/location-to-save-global-state/768 /snap/.snapcraft/ # Source archive packed by `snapcraft cleanbuild` before pushing to the LXD container /*_source.tar.bz2 ### Processing template .DS_Store applet application.linux-arm64 application.linux-armv6hf application.linux32 application.linux64 application.windows32 application.windows64 application.macosx out ### AltiumDesigner template # For PCBs designed using Altium Designer # Website: https://www.altium.com/altium-designer/ # Directories containing cache data History __Previews # Directories containing logs and generated outputs Project\ Logs* Project\ Outputs* # Misc files generated by altium debug.log Status\ Report.txt *.PcbDoc.htm *.SchDocPreview *.PcbDocPreview # Lock files sometimes left behind .~lock.* ### Smalltalk template # changes file *.changes *.chg # system image *.image *.img7 *.img # Pharo Smalltalk Debug log file PharoDebug.log # Squeak Smalltalk Debug log file SqueakDebug.log # Dolphin Smalltalk source file *.sml # Dolphin Smalltalk error file *.errors # Monticello package cache /package-cache # playground cache /play-cache /play-stash # Metacello-github cache /github-cache github-*.zip ### ChefCookbook template .vagrant /cookbooks # Bundler bin/* .bundle/* .kitchen/ .kitchen.local.yml ### Move template # Generated by Move # will have compiled files build/ # Remove possibly saving credentials to the git repository .aptos/ ### Lua template # Compiled Lua sources luac.out # luarocks build files *.src.rock *.zip *.tar.gz # Object files *.o *.os *.ko *.obj *.elf # Precompiled Headers *.gch *.pch # Libraries *.lib *.a *.la *.lo *.def *.exp # Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs) *.dll *.so *.so.* *.dylib # Executables *.exe *.out *.app *.i*86 *.x86_64 *.hex ### Phoenix template # gitignore template for Phoenix projects # website: http://www.phoenixframework.org/ # # Recommended template: Elixir.gitignore # Temporary files /tmp # Static artifacts /node_modules /assets/node_modules # Since we are building assets from web/static, # we ignore priv/static. You may want to comment # this depending on your deployment strategy. /priv/static/ # Installer-related files /installer/_build /installer/tmp /installer/doc /installer/deps ### CakePHP template # CakePHP 3 /vendor/* /config/app.php /tmp/cache/models/* !/tmp/cache/models/empty /tmp/cache/persistent/* !/tmp/cache/persistent/empty /tmp/cache/views/* !/tmp/cache/views/empty /tmp/sessions/* !/tmp/sessions/empty /tmp/tests/* !/tmp/tests/empty /logs/* !/logs/empty # CakePHP 2 /app/tmp/* /app/Config/core.php /app/Config/database.php /vendors/* ### SeamGen template /bootstrap/data /bootstrap/tmp /classes/ /dist/ /exploded-archives/ /test-build/ /test-output/ /test-report/ /target/ temp-testng-customsuite.xml # based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/8865858/422476 I am removing inline comments #/classes/ all class files #/dist/ contains generated war files for deployment #/exploded-archives/ war content generation during deploy (or explode) #/test-build/ test compilation (ant target for Seam) #/test-output/ test results #/test-report/ test report generation for, e.g., Hudson #/target/ maven output folder #temp-testng-customsuite.xml generated when running test cases under Eclipse # Thanks to @VonC and @kraftan for their helpful answers on a related question # on StackOverflow.com: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4176687 # /what-is-the-recommended-source-control-ignore-pattern-for-seam-projects ### Ruby template *.gem *.rbc /.config /coverage/ /InstalledFiles /pkg/ /spec/reports/ /spec/examples.txt /test/tmp/ /test/version_tmp/ /tmp/ # Used by dotenv library to load environment variables. # .env # Ignore Byebug command history file. .byebug_history ## Specific to RubyMotion: .dat* .repl_history build/ *.bridgesupport build-iPhoneOS/ build-iPhoneSimulator/ ## Specific to RubyMotion (use of CocoaPods): # # We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However # you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at: # https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-check-the-pods-directory-into-source-control # # vendor/Pods/ ## Documentation cache and generated files: /.yardoc/ /_yardoc/ /doc/ /rdoc/ ## Environment normalization: /.bundle/ /vendor/bundle /lib/bundler/man/ # for a library or gem, you might want to ignore these files since the code is # intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in: # Gemfile.lock # .ruby-version # .ruby-gemset # unless supporting rvm < 1.11.0 or doing something fancy, ignore this: .rvmrc # Used by RuboCop. Remote config files pulled in from inherit_from directive. # .rubocop-https?--* ### Raku template # Gitignore for Raku (https://raku.org) # As part of https://github.com/github/gitignore # precompiled files .precomp lib/.precomp ### ExpressionEngine template .DS_Store # Images images/avatars/ images/captchas/ images/smileys/ images/member_photos/ images/signature_attachments/ images/pm_attachments/ # For security do not publish the following files system/expressionengine/config/database.php system/expressionengine/config/config.php # Caches sized/ thumbs/ _thumbs/ */expressionengine/cache/* ### Scrivener template */Files/binder.autosave */Files/binder.backup */Files/search.indexes */Files/user.lock */Files/Docs/docs.checksum */Files/Data/docs.checksum */QuickLook/ */Settings/ui.plist ### C++ template # Prerequisites *.d # Compiled Object files *.slo *.lo *.o *.obj # Precompiled Headers *.gch *.pch # Compiled Dynamic libraries *.so *.dylib *.dll # Fortran module files *.mod *.smod # Compiled Static libraries *.lai *.la *.a *.lib # Executables *.exe *.out *.app ### OracleForms template # Compiled Form Modules *.fmx # Compiled Menu Modules *.mmx # Compiled Pre-Linked Libraries *.plx ### JBoss template jboss/server/all/deploy/project.ext jboss/server/default/deploy/project.ext jboss/server/minimal/deploy/project.ext jboss/server/all/log/*.log jboss/server/all/tmp/**/* jboss/server/all/data/**/* jboss/server/all/work/**/* jboss/server/default/log/*.log jboss/server/default/tmp/**/* jboss/server/default/data/**/* jboss/server/default/work/**/* jboss/server/minimal/log/*.log jboss/server/minimal/tmp/**/* jboss/server/minimal/data/**/* jboss/server/minimal/work/**/* # deployed package files # *.DEPLOYED ### Meteor template # gitignore template for the Meteor framework # website: https://www.meteor.com/ # # Recommended template: Node.gitignore # protect api keys in setting json settings-production.json settings.json # protect your mup.json settings mup.json mup.js ### Scala template *.class *.log # virtual machine crash logs, see http://www.java.com/en/download/help/error_hotspot.xml hs_err_pid* ### TeX template ## Core latex/pdflatex auxiliary files: *.aux *.lof *.log *.lot *.fls *.out *.toc *.fmt *.fot *.cb *.cb2 .*.lb ## Intermediate documents: *.dvi *.xdv *-converted-to.* # these rules might exclude image files for figures etc. # *.ps # *.eps # *.pdf ## Generated if empty string is given at "Please type another file name for output:" .pdf ## Bibliography auxiliary files (bibtex/biblatex/biber): *.bbl *.bcf *.blg *-blx.aux *-blx.bib *.run.xml ## Build tool auxiliary files: *.fdb_latexmk *.synctex *.synctex(busy) *.synctex.gz *.synctex.gz(busy) *.pdfsync *.rubbercache rubber.cache ## Build tool directories for auxiliary files # latexrun latex.out/ ## Auxiliary and intermediate files from other packages: # algorithms *.alg *.loa # achemso acs-*.bib # amsthm *.thm # beamer *.nav *.pre *.snm *.vrb # changes *.soc # comment *.cut # cprotect *.cpt # elsarticle (documentclass of Elsevier journals) *.spl # endnotes *.ent # fixme *.lox # feynmf/feynmp *.mf *.mp *.t[1-9] *.t[1-9][0-9] *.tfm #(r)(e)ledmac/(r)(e)ledpar *.end *.?end *.[1-9] *.[1-9][0-9] *.[1-9][0-9][0-9] *.[1-9]R *.[1-9][0-9]R *.[1-9][0-9][0-9]R *.eledsec[1-9] *.eledsec[1-9]R *.eledsec[1-9][0-9] *.eledsec[1-9][0-9]R *.eledsec[1-9][0-9][0-9] *.eledsec[1-9][0-9][0-9]R # glossaries *.acn *.acr *.glg *.glo *.gls *.glsdefs *.lzo *.lzs *.slg *.slo *.sls # uncomment this for glossaries-extra (will ignore makeindex's style files!) # *.ist # gnuplot *.gnuplot *.table # gnuplottex *-gnuplottex-* # gregoriotex *.gaux *.glog *.gtex # htlatex *.4ct *.4tc *.idv *.lg *.trc *.xref # hypdoc *.hd # hyperref *.brf # knitr *-concordance.tex # TODO Uncomment the next line if you use knitr and want to ignore its generated tikz files # *.tikz *-tikzDictionary # listings *.lol # luatexja-ruby *.ltjruby # makeidx *.idx *.ilg *.ind # minitoc *.maf *.mlf *.mlt *.mtc[0-9]* *.slf[0-9]* *.slt[0-9]* *.stc[0-9]* # minted _minted* *.pyg # morewrites *.mw # newpax *.newpax # nomencl *.nlg *.nlo *.nls # pax *.pax # pdfpcnotes *.pdfpc # sagetex *.sagetex.sage *.sagetex.py *.sagetex.scmd # scrwfile *.wrt # svg svg-inkscape/ # sympy *.sout *.sympy sympy-plots-for-*.tex/ # pdfcomment *.upa *.upb # pythontex *.pytxcode pythontex-files-*/ # tcolorbox *.listing # thmtools *.loe # TikZ & PGF *.dpth *.md5 *.auxlock # titletoc *.ptc # todonotes *.tdo # vhistory *.hst *.ver # easy-todo *.lod # xcolor *.xcp # xmpincl *.xmpi # xindy *.xdy # xypic precompiled matrices and outlines *.xyc *.xyd # endfloat *.ttt *.fff # Latexian TSWLatexianTemp* ## Editors: # WinEdt *.bak *.sav # Texpad .texpadtmp # LyX *.lyx~ # Kile *.backup # gummi .*.swp # KBibTeX *~[0-9]* # TeXnicCenter *.tps # auto folder when using emacs and auctex ./auto/* *.el # expex forward references with \gathertags *-tags.tex # standalone packages *.sta # Makeindex log files *.lpz # xwatermark package *.xwm # REVTeX puts footnotes in the bibliography by default, unless the nofootinbib # option is specified. Footnotes are the stored in a file with suffix Notes.bib. # Uncomment the next line to have this generated file ignored. #*Notes.bib ### CraftCMS template # Craft 2 Storage (https://craftcms.com/support/craft-storage-gitignore) # not necessary for Craft 3 (https://github.com/craftcms/craft/issues/26) /craft/storage/* !/craft/storage/rebrand ### AppceleratorTitanium template # Build folder and log file build/ build.log ### Concrete5 template # ignore the error log and .htaccess and others error_log .htaccess # concrete5 5.6 specific config/site.php files/cache/* files/tmp/* # concrete5 5.7 specific # ignore everything but the index.html /application/files/* !/application/files/index.html # ignore updates folder /updates/* # ignore sitemap.xml /sitemap.xml ### Autotools template # http://www.gnu.org/software/automake Makefile.in /ar-lib /mdate-sh /py-compile /test-driver /ylwrap .deps/ .dirstamp # http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf autom4te.cache /autoscan.log /autoscan-*.log /aclocal.m4 /compile /config.cache /config.guess /config.h.in /config.log /config.status /config.sub /configure /configure.scan /depcomp /install-sh /missing /stamp-h1 # https://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/ /ltmain.sh # http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo /texinfo.tex # http://www.gnu.org/software/m4/ m4/libtool.m4 m4/ltoptions.m4 m4/ltsugar.m4 m4/ltversion.m4 m4/lt~obsolete.m4 # Generated Makefile # (meta build system like autotools, # can automatically generate from config.status script # (which is called by configure script)) Makefile ### Nim template nimcache/ nimblecache/ htmldocs/ ### Hexo template # gitignore template for Hexo sites # website: https://hexo.io/ # Recommended: Node.gitignore # Ignore generated directory public/ # Ignore temp files tmp/ .tmp* # additional files db.json .deploy*/ ### NWjs template # gitignore template for NW.js projects # website: https://nwjs.io/ # Seen in standard and sdk versions credits.html locales/ libEGL.dll libGLEv2.dll node.dll nw.dll nw.exe natives_blob.bin nw_100_percent.pak nw_200_percent.pak nw_elf.dll snapshot_blob.bin resources.pak # Seen only in standard d3dcompiler_47.dll ffmpeg.dll icudtl.dat # Seen only in sdk pnacl/ chromedriver.exe nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe nwjc.exe payload.exe ### Hugo template # Generated files by hugo /public/ /resources/_gen/ /assets/jsconfig.json hugo_stats.json # Executable may be added to repository hugo.exe hugo.darwin hugo.linux # Temporary lock file while building /.hugo_build.lock ### NasaSpecsIntact template # gitignore template for Nasa SpecsIntact (SI) # Website: https://specsintact.ksc.nasa.gov/ # # Recommended: # MicrosoftOffice.gitignore # # SpecsIntact (SI) Locking file; this would lock everyone out. *.se$ # SI Reports; auto-generated. They do not belong in the repository # as they will be re-created exactly when using a specific checkout point. *.RPT ADDRVER.* BRKTVER.* DUPEREF.* REFVER.* SECTVER.* SUBMVER.* TTLDIFFS.* # SpecsIntact files that change a lot and don't actually affect SI # PULL.TBL is an auto-generated file to help speed SI loading. PULL.TBL pulltbl.bck # Tailoring information. # Keep tailor.tag; it is a list of tailoring options in SI. # JOB.OTL informs SI where a spec section came from. # Keeping the old one isn't useful in git. JOB.OTL.OLD # OneNote TOC Files; SI Work Directories may be installed in a location co-located with OneNote # notebooks, and if so, OneNote will litter the SI folder with these. *.onetoc* # Log files, typically tagfix or other auto generated logs that aren't useful # outside of the user that made them and clutter up the index. *.log ### Zig template .zig-cache/ zig-out/ ### CFWheels template # unpacked plugin folders plugins/**/* # files directory where uploads go files # DBMigrate plugin: generated SQL db/sql # AssetBundler plugin: generated bundles javascripts/bundles stylesheets/bundles ### Actionscript template # Build and Release Folders bin-debug/ bin-release/ [Oo]bj/ [Bb]in/ # Other files and folders .settings/ # Executables *.swf *.air *.ipa *.apk # Project files, i.e. `.project`, `.actionScriptProperties` and `.flexProperties` # should NOT be excluded as they contain compiler settings and other important # information for Eclipse / Flash Builder. ### Gradle template .gradle **/build/ !src/**/build/ # Ignore Gradle GUI config gradle-app.setting # Avoid ignoring Gradle wrapper jar file (.jar files are usually ignored) !gradle-wrapper.jar # Avoid ignore Gradle wrappper properties !gradle-wrapper.properties # Cache of project .gradletasknamecache # Eclipse Gradle plugin generated files # Eclipse Core .project # JDT-specific (Eclipse Java Development Tools) .classpath ### Nix template # Ignore build outputs from performing a nix-build or `nix build` command result result-* ### Splunk template # gitignore template for Splunk apps # documentation: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.3/admin/Defaultmetaconf # Splunk local meta file local.meta # Splunk local folder local ### Cordova template # gitignore template for the Cordova framework # website: https://cordova.apache.org/ # # Recommended template: Node.gitignore # App platform binaries and built files /platforms # Optional to ignore plugin Git clones #/plugins ### Mercury template Mercury/ Mercury.modules *.mh *.err *.init *.dll *.exe *.a *.so *.dylib *.beams *.d *.c_date ### LabVIEW template # Libraries *.lvlibp *.llb # Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs) *.dll *.so *.so.* *.dylib # Executables *.exe # Metadata *.aliases *.lvlps .cache/