import os | |
#os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = "0" | |
import argparse | |
import math | |
import random | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
from torch import nn, optim | |
from torch.nn import functional as F | |
from torch.utils import data | |
import torch.distributed as dist | |
from torchvision import transforms, utils | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
from PIL import Image | |
from util import * | |
from model.stylegan import lpips | |
from model.stylegan.model import Generator, Downsample | |
from model.vtoonify import VToonify, ConditionalDiscriminator | |
from model.bisenet.model import BiSeNet | |
from model.simple_augment import random_apply_affine | |
from model.stylegan.distributed import ( | |
get_rank, | |
synchronize, | |
reduce_loss_dict, | |
reduce_sum, | |
get_world_size, | |
) | |
class TrainOptions(): | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Train VToonify-D") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--iter", type=int, default=2000, help="total training iterations") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--batch", type=int, default=8, help="batch sizes for each gpus") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--lr", type=float, default=0.0001, help="learning rate") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--local_rank", type=int, default=0, help="local rank for distributed training") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--start_iter", type=int, default=0, help="start iteration") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--save_every", type=int, default=30000, help="interval of saving a checkpoint") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--save_begin", type=int, default=30000, help="when to start saving a checkpoint") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--log_every", type=int, default=200, help="interval of saving a checkpoint") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--adv_loss", type=float, default=0.01, help="the weight of adv loss") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--grec_loss", type=float, default=0.1, help="the weight of mse recontruction loss") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--perc_loss", type=float, default=0.01, help="the weight of perceptual loss") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--tmp_loss", type=float, default=1.0, help="the weight of temporal consistency loss") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--msk_loss", type=float, default=0.0005, help="the weight of attention mask loss") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--fix_degree", action="store_true", help="use a fixed style degree") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--fix_style", action="store_true", help="use a fixed style image") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--fix_color", action="store_true", help="use the original color (no color transfer)") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--exstyle_path", type=str, default='./checkpoint/cartoon/refined_exstyle_code.npy', help="path of the extrinsic style code") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--style_id", type=int, default=26, help="the id of the style image") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--style_degree", type=float, default=0.5, help="style degree for VToonify-D") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--encoder_path", type=str, default=None, help="path to the pretrained encoder model") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--direction_path", type=str, default='./checkpoint/directions.npy', help="path to the editing direction latents") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--stylegan_path", type=str, default='./checkpoint/cartoon/', help="path to the stylegan model") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--faceparsing_path", type=str, default='./checkpoint/faceparsing.pth', help="path of the face parsing model") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--style_encoder_path", type=str, default='./checkpoint/', help="path of the style encoder") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--name", type=str, default='vtoonify_d_cartoon', help="saved model name") | |
self.parser.add_argument("--pretrain", action="store_true", help="if true, only pretrain the encoder") | |
def parse(self): | |
self.opt = self.parser.parse_args() | |
if self.opt.encoder_path is None: | |
self.opt.encoder_path = os.path.join('./checkpoint/',, '') | |
args = vars(self.opt) | |
if self.opt.local_rank == 0: | |
print('Load options') | |
for name, value in sorted(args.items()): | |
print('%s: %s' % (str(name), str(value))) | |
return self.opt | |
# pretrain E of vtoonify. | |
# We train E so that its the last-layer feature matches the original 8-th-layer input feature of G1 | |
# See Model initialization in Sec. 4.2.2 for the detail | |
def pretrain(args, generator, g_optim, g_ema, parsingpredictor, down, directions, styles, device): | |
pbar = range(args.iter) | |
if get_rank() == 0: | |
pbar = tqdm(pbar, initial=args.start_iter, dynamic_ncols=True, smoothing=0.01) | |
recon_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, device=device) | |
loss_dict = {} | |
if args.distributed: | |
g_module = generator.module | |
else: | |
g_module = generator | |
accum = 0.5 ** (32 / (10 * 1000)) | |
requires_grad(g_module.encoder, True) | |
for idx in pbar: | |
i = idx + args.start_iter | |
if i > args.iter: | |
print("Done!") | |
break | |
# during pretraining, the last 11 layers of DualStyleGAN (for color transfer) is not used. | |
# so args.fix_color is not used. the last 11 elements in weight are not used. | |
if args.fix_degree: | |
d_s = args.style_degree | |
else: | |
d_s = 0 if i <= args.iter / 4.0 else np.random.rand(1)[0] | |
weight = [d_s] * 18 | |
# sample pre-saved w''=E_s(s) | |
if args.fix_style: | |
style = styles[args.style_id:args.style_id+1].repeat(args.batch,1,1) | |
else: | |
style = styles[torch.randint(0, styles.size(0), (args.batch,))] | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
# during pretraining, no geometric transformations are applied. | |
noise_sample = torch.randn(args.batch, 512).cuda() | |
ws_ = g_ema.stylegan().style(noise_sample).unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,18,1) # random w | |
ws_[:, 3:7] += directions[torch.randint(0, directions.shape[0], (args.batch,)), 3:7] # w'=w+n | |
img_gen, _ = g_ema.stylegan()([ws_], input_is_latent=True, truncation=0.5, truncation_latent=0) | |
img_gen = torch.clamp(img_gen, -1, 1).detach() # x'' | |
img_gen512 = down(img_gen.detach()) | |
img_gen256 = down(img_gen512.detach()) # image part of x''_down | |
mask512 = parsingpredictor(2*torch.clamp(img_gen512, -1, 1))[0] | |
real_input =, down(mask512)/16.0), dim=1) # x''_down | |
# f_G1^(8)(w', w'', d_s) | |
real_feat, real_skip = g_ema.generator([ws_], style, input_is_latent=True, return_feat=True, | |
truncation=0.5, truncation_latent=0, use_res=True, interp_weights=weight) | |
real_input = real_input.detach() | |
real_feat = real_feat.detach() | |
real_skip = real_skip.detach() | |
# f_E^(last)(x''_down, w'', d_s) | |
fake_feat, fake_skip = generator(real_input, style, d_s, return_feat=True) | |
# L_E in Eq.(8) | |
recon_loss = F.mse_loss(fake_feat, real_feat) + F.mse_loss(fake_skip, real_skip) | |
loss_dict["emse"] = recon_loss | |
generator.zero_grad() | |
recon_loss.backward() | |
g_optim.step() | |
accumulate(g_ema.encoder, g_module.encoder, accum) | |
loss_reduced = reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict) | |
emse_loss_val = loss_reduced["emse"].mean().item() | |
if get_rank() == 0: | |
pbar.set_description( | |
( | |
f"iter: {i:d}; emse: {emse_loss_val:.3f}" | |
) | |
) | |
if ((i+1) >= args.save_begin and (i+1) % args.save_every == 0) or (i+1) == args.iter: | |
if (i+1) == args.iter: | |
savename = f"checkpoint/%s/"%( | |
else: | |
savename = f"checkpoint/%s/"%(, i+1) | | | |
{ | |
#"g": g_module.encoder.state_dict(), | |
"g_ema": g_ema.encoder.state_dict(), | |
}, | |
savename, | |
) | |
# generate paired data and train vtoonify, see Sec. 4.2.2 for the detail | |
def train(args, generator, discriminator, g_optim, d_optim, g_ema, percept, parsingpredictor, down, pspencoder, directions, styles, device): | |
pbar = range(args.iter) | |
if get_rank() == 0: | |
pbar = tqdm(pbar, initial=args.start_iter, smoothing=0.01, ncols=130, dynamic_ncols=False) | |
d_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, device=device) | |
g_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, device=device) | |
grec_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, device=device) | |
gfeat_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, device=device) | |
temporal_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, device=device) | |
gmask_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, device=device) | |
loss_dict = {} | |
surffix = '_s' | |
if args.fix_style: | |
surffix += '%03d'%(args.style_id) | |
surffix += '_d' | |
if args.fix_degree: | |
surffix += '%1.1f'%(args.style_degree) | |
if not args.fix_color: | |
surffix += '_c' | |
if args.distributed: | |
g_module = generator.module | |
d_module = discriminator.module | |
else: | |
g_module = generator | |
d_module = discriminator | |
accum = 0.5 ** (32 / (10 * 1000)) | |
for idx in pbar: | |
i = idx + args.start_iter | |
if i > args.iter: | |
print("Done!") | |
break | |
# sample style degree | |
if args.fix_degree or idx == 0 or i == 0: | |
d_s = args.style_degree | |
else: | |
d_s = np.random.randint(0,6) / 5.0 | |
if args.fix_color: | |
weight = [d_s] * 7 + [0] * 11 | |
else: | |
weight = [d_s] * 7 + [1] * 11 | |
# style degree condition for discriminator | |
degree_label = torch.zeros(args.batch, 1).to(device) + d_s | |
# style index condition for discriminator | |
style_ind = torch.randint(0, styles.size(0), (args.batch,)) | |
if args.fix_style or idx == 0 or i == 0: | |
style_ind = style_ind * 0 + args.style_id | |
# sample pre-saved E_s(s) | |
style = styles[style_ind] | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
noise_sample = torch.randn(args.batch, 512).cuda() | |
wc = g_ema.stylegan().style(noise_sample).unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,18,1) # random w | |
wc[:, 3:7] += directions[torch.randint(0, directions.shape[0], (args.batch,)), 3:7] # w'=w+n | |
wc = wc.detach() | |
xc, _ = g_ema.stylegan()([wc], input_is_latent=True, truncation=0.5, truncation_latent=0) | |
xc = torch.clamp(xc, -1, 1).detach() # x'' | |
if not args.fix_color and args.fix_style: # only transfer this fixed style's color | |
xl = style.clone() | |
else: | |
xl = pspencoder(F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(xc, 256)) | |
xl = g_ema.zplus2wplus(xl) # E_s(x''_down) | |
xl =[:,0:7], xl[:,7:18]), dim=1).detach() # w'' = concatenate E_s(s) and E_s(x''_down) | |
xs, _ = g_ema.generator([wc], xl, input_is_latent=True, | |
truncation=0.5, truncation_latent=0, use_res=True, interp_weights=weight) | |
xs = torch.clamp(xs, -1, 1).detach() # y'=G1(w', w'', d_s, d_c) | |
# apply color jitter to w'. we fuse w' of the current iteration with w' of the last iteration | |
if idx > 0 and i >= (args.iter/2.0) and (not args.fix_color and not args.fix_style): | |
wcfuse = wc.clone() | |
wcfuse[:,7:] = wc_[:,7:] * (i/(args.iter/2.0)-1) + wcfuse[:,7:] * (2-i/(args.iter/2.0)) | |
xc, _ = g_ema.stylegan()([wcfuse], input_is_latent=True, truncation=0.5, truncation_latent=0) | |
xc = torch.clamp(xc, -1, 1).detach() # x' | |
wc_ = wc.clone() # wc_ is the w' in the last iteration | |
# during training, random geometric transformations are applied. | |
imgs, _ = random_apply_affine(,xs), dim=1), 0.2, None) | |
real_input1024 = imgs[:,0:3].detach() # image part of x | |
real_input512 = down(real_input1024).detach() | |
real_input256 = down(real_input512).detach() | |
mask512 = parsingpredictor(2*real_input512)[0] | |
mask256 = down(mask512).detach() | |
mask = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(mask512, 1024).detach() # parsing part of x | |
real_output = imgs[:,3:].detach() # y | |
real_input =, mask256/16.0), dim=1) # x_down | |
# for log, sample a fixed input-output pair (x_down, y, w'', d_s) | |
if idx == 0 or i == 0: | |
samplein = real_input.clone().detach() | |
sampleout = real_output.clone().detach() | |
samplexl = xl.clone().detach() | |
sampleds = d_s | |
###### This part is for training discriminator | |
requires_grad(g_module.encoder, False) | |
requires_grad(g_module.fusion_out, False) | |
requires_grad(g_module.fusion_skip, False) | |
requires_grad(discriminator, True) | |
fake_output = generator(real_input, xl, d_s) | |
fake_pred = discriminator(F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(fake_output, 256), degree_label, style_ind) | |
real_pred = discriminator(F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(real_output, 256), degree_label, style_ind) | |
# L_adv in Eq.(3) | |
d_loss = d_logistic_loss(real_pred, fake_pred) * args.adv_loss | |
loss_dict["d"] = d_loss | |
discriminator.zero_grad() | |
d_loss.backward() | |
d_optim.step() | |
###### This part is for training generator (encoder and fusion modules) | |
requires_grad(g_module.encoder, True) | |
requires_grad(g_module.fusion_out, True) | |
requires_grad(g_module.fusion_skip, True) | |
requires_grad(discriminator, False) | |
fake_output, m_Es = generator(real_input, xl, d_s, return_mask=True) | |
fake_pred = discriminator(F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(fake_output, 256), degree_label, style_ind) | |
# L_adv in Eq.(3) | |
g_loss = g_nonsaturating_loss(fake_pred) * args.adv_loss | |
# L_rec in Eq.(2) | |
grec_loss = F.mse_loss(fake_output, real_output) * args.grec_loss | |
gfeat_loss = percept(F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(fake_output, 512), # 1024 will out of memory | |
F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(real_output, 512)).sum() * args.perc_loss # 256 will get blurry output | |
# L_msk in Eq.(9) | |
gmask_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, device=device) | |
if not args.fix_degree or args.msk_loss > 0: | |
for jj, m_E in enumerate(m_Es): | |
gd_s = (1 - d_s) ** 2 * 0.9 + 0.1 | |
gmask_loss += F.relu(torch.mean(m_E)-gd_s) * args.msk_loss | |
loss_dict["g"] = g_loss | |
loss_dict["gr"] = grec_loss | |
loss_dict["gf"] = gfeat_loss | |
loss_dict["msk"] = gmask_loss | |
w = random.randint(0,1024-896) | |
h = random.randint(0,1024-896) | |
crop_input =[:,:,w:w+896,h:h+896], mask[:,:,w:w+896,h:h+896]/16.0), dim=1).detach() | |
crop_input = down(down(crop_input)) | |
crop_fake_output = fake_output[:,:,w:w+896,h:h+896] | |
fake_crop_output = generator(crop_input, xl, d_s) | |
# L_tmp in Eq.(4), gradually increase the weight of L_tmp | |
temporal_loss = ((fake_crop_output-crop_fake_output)**2).mean() * max(idx/(args.iter/2.0)-1, 0) * args.tmp_loss | |
loss_dict["tp"] = temporal_loss | |
generator.zero_grad() | |
(g_loss + grec_loss + gfeat_loss + temporal_loss + gmask_loss).backward() | |
g_optim.step() | |
accumulate(g_ema.encoder, g_module.encoder, accum) | |
accumulate(g_ema.fusion_out, g_module.fusion_out, accum) | |
accumulate(g_ema.fusion_skip, g_module.fusion_skip, accum) | |
loss_reduced = reduce_loss_dict(loss_dict) | |
d_loss_val = loss_reduced["d"].mean().item() | |
g_loss_val = loss_reduced["g"].mean().item() | |
gr_loss_val = loss_reduced["gr"].mean().item() | |
gf_loss_val = loss_reduced["gf"].mean().item() | |
tmp_loss_val = loss_reduced["tp"].mean().item() | |
msk_loss_val = loss_reduced["msk"].mean().item() | |
if get_rank() == 0: | |
pbar.set_description( | |
( | |
f"iter: {i:d}; advd: {d_loss_val:.3f}; advg: {g_loss_val:.3f}; mse: {gr_loss_val:.3f}; " | |
f"perc: {gf_loss_val:.3f}; tmp: {tmp_loss_val:.3f}; msk: {msk_loss_val:.3f}" | |
) | |
) | |
if i == 0 or (i+1) % args.log_every == 0 or (i+1) == args.iter: | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
g_ema.eval() | |
sample1 = g_ema(samplein, samplexl, sampleds) | |
if args.fix_degree: | |
sample = F.interpolate(, sample1), dim=0), 256) | |
else: | |
sample2 = g_ema(samplein, samplexl, d_s) | |
sample = F.interpolate(, sample1, sample2), dim=0), 256) | |
utils.save_image( | |
sample, | |
f"log/%s/%05d.jpg"%(, (i+1)), | |
nrow=int(args.batch), | |
normalize=True, | |
range=(-1, 1), | |
) | |
if ((i+1) >= args.save_begin and (i+1) % args.save_every == 0) or (i+1) == args.iter: | |
if (i+1) == args.iter: | |
savename = f"checkpoint/%s/"%(, surffix) | |
else: | |
savename = f"checkpoint/%s/"%(, surffix, i+1) | | | |
{ | |
#"g": g_module.state_dict(), | |
#"d": d_module.state_dict(), | |
"g_ema": g_ema.state_dict(), | |
}, | |
savename, | |
) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
device = "cuda" | |
parser = TrainOptions() | |
args = parser.parse() | |
if args.local_rank == 0: | |
print('*'*98) | |
if not os.path.exists("log/%s/"%( | |
os.makedirs("log/%s/"%( | |
if not os.path.exists("checkpoint/%s/"%( | |
os.makedirs("checkpoint/%s/"%( | |
n_gpu = int(os.environ["WORLD_SIZE"]) if "WORLD_SIZE" in os.environ else 1 | |
args.distributed = n_gpu > 1 | |
if args.distributed: | |
torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) | |
torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend="nccl", init_method="env://") | |
synchronize() | |
generator = VToonify(backbone = 'dualstylegan').to(device) | |
generator.apply(weights_init) | |
g_ema = VToonify(backbone = 'dualstylegan').to(device) | |
g_ema.eval() | |
ckpt = torch.load(args.stylegan_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) | |
generator.generator.load_state_dict(ckpt["g_ema"], strict=False) | |
# load ModRes blocks of DualStyleGAN into the modified ModRes blocks (with dilation) | |
generator.res.load_state_dict(generator.generator.res.state_dict(), strict=False) | |
g_ema.generator.load_state_dict(ckpt["g_ema"], strict=False) | |
g_ema.res.load_state_dict(g_ema.generator.res.state_dict(), strict=False) | |
requires_grad(generator.generator, False) | |
requires_grad(generator.res, False) | |
requires_grad(g_ema.generator, False) | |
requires_grad(g_ema.res, False) | |
if not args.pretrain: | |
generator.encoder.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.encoder_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)["g_ema"]) | |
# we initialize the fusion modules to map f_G \otimes f_E to f_G. | |
for k in generator.fusion_out: | | *= 0.01 | |
k.conv.weight[:,0:k.conv.weight.shape[0],1,1].data += torch.eye(k.conv.weight.shape[0]).cuda() | |
for k in generator.fusion_skip: | | *= 0.01 | |
k.weight[:,0:k.weight.shape[0],1,1].data += torch.eye(k.weight.shape[0]).cuda() | |
accumulate(g_ema.encoder, generator.encoder, 0) | |
accumulate(g_ema.fusion_out, generator.fusion_out, 0) | |
accumulate(g_ema.fusion_skip, generator.fusion_skip, 0) | |
g_parameters = list(generator.encoder.parameters()) | |
if not args.pretrain: | |
g_parameters = g_parameters + list(generator.fusion_out.parameters()) + list(generator.fusion_skip.parameters()) | |
g_optim = optim.Adam( | |
g_parameters, | |, | |
betas=(0.9, 0.99), | |
) | |
if args.distributed: | |
generator = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( | |
generator, | |
device_ids=[args.local_rank], | |
output_device=args.local_rank, | |
broadcast_buffers=False, | |
find_unused_parameters=True, | |
) | |
parsingpredictor = BiSeNet(n_classes=19) | |
parsingpredictor.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.faceparsing_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) | | | |
requires_grad(parsingpredictor, False) | |
# we apply gaussian blur to the images to avoid flickers caused during downsampling | |
down = Downsample(kernel=[1, 3, 3, 1], factor=2).to(device) | |
requires_grad(down, False) | |
directions = torch.tensor(np.load(args.direction_path)).to(device) | |
# load style codes of DualStyleGAN | |
exstyles = np.load(args.exstyle_path, allow_pickle='TRUE').item() | |
if args.local_rank == 0 and not os.path.exists('checkpoint/%s/exstyle_code.npy'%( | |'checkpoint/%s/exstyle_code.npy'%(, exstyles, allow_pickle=True) | |
styles = [] | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
for stylename in exstyles.keys(): | |
exstyle = torch.tensor(exstyles[stylename]).to(device) | |
exstyle = g_ema.zplus2wplus(exstyle) | |
styles += [exstyle] | |
styles =, dim=0) | |
if not args.pretrain: | |
discriminator = ConditionalDiscriminator(256, use_condition=True, style_num = styles.size(0)).to(device) | |
d_optim = optim.Adam( | |
discriminator.parameters(), | |, | |
betas=(0.9, 0.99), | |
) | |
if args.distributed: | |
discriminator = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( | |
discriminator, | |
device_ids=[args.local_rank], | |
output_device=args.local_rank, | |
broadcast_buffers=False, | |
find_unused_parameters=True, | |
) | |
percept = lpips.PerceptualLoss(model="net-lin", net="vgg", use_gpu=device.startswith("cuda"), gpu_ids=[args.local_rank]) | |
requires_grad(, False) | |
pspencoder = load_psp_standalone(args.style_encoder_path, device) | |
if args.local_rank == 0: | |
print('Load models and data successfully loaded!') | |
if args.pretrain: | |
pretrain(args, generator, g_optim, g_ema, parsingpredictor, down, directions, styles, device) | |
else: | |
train(args, generator, discriminator, g_optim, d_optim, g_ema, percept, parsingpredictor, down, pspencoder, directions, styles, device) | |