from logging import error from datasets import load_dataset import transformers from random import sample import random import torch import json from tqdm import tqdm from nltk.translate.bleu_score import sentence_bleu import pandas as pd import re ''' data format {text_a, text_b, label:None or 0_1, } ''' DATASET_HUGGINGFACE = { 'cnndm': ['cnn_dailymail', '3.0.0', 'train'], 'mnli': ['multi_nli', 'default', 'train'], 'squad': ['squad', 'plain_text', 'train'], 'squad_v2': ['squad_v2', 'squad_v2', 'train'], 'paws': ['paws', 'labeled_final', 'train'], 'vitaminc': ['tals/vitaminc', 'v1.0', 'train'], 'xsum': ['xsum', 'default', 'train'], 'stsb': ['glue', 'stsb', 'train'], 'sick': ['sick', 'default', 'train'], 'race': ['race', 'all', 'train'], 'race_val': ['race', 'all', 'validation'], 'anli_r1': ['anli', 'plain_text', 'train_r1'], 'anli_r2': ['anli', 'plain_text', 'train_r2'], 'anli_r3': ['anli', 'plain_text', 'train_r3'], 'snli': ['snli', 'plain_text', 'train'], 'wikihow': ['wikihow', 'all', 'train'], 'mrpc': ['glue', 'mrpc', 'train'], 'msmarco': ['ms_marco', 'v2.1', 'train'], 'mrpc_val': ['glue', 'mrpc', 'validation'], 'paws_val': ['paws', 'labeled_final', 'validation'], 'paws_unlabeled': ['paws', 'unlabeled_final', 'train'], 'qqp': ['glue', 'qqp', 'train'], 'qqp_val': ['glue', 'qqp', 'validation'], 'squad_v2_new': ['squad_v2', 'squad_v2', 'train'], 'adversarial_qa': ['adversarial_qa', 'adversarialQA', 'train'], 'drop': ['drop', 'train'], 'duorc_self': ['duorc', 'SelfRC', 'train'], 'duorc_paraphrase': ['duorc', 'ParaphraseRC', 'train'], 'quoref': ['quoref', 'train'], 'hotpot_qa_distractor': ['hotpot_qa', 'distractor', 'train'], 'hotpot_qa_fullwiki': ['hotpot_qa', 'fullwiki', 'train'], 'ropes': ['ropes', 'train'], 'boolq': ['boolq', 'train'], 'eraser_multi_rc': ['eraser_multi_rc', 'train'], 'quail': ['quail', 'train'], 'sciq': ['sciq', 'train'], 'strategy_qa': ['metaeval/strategy-qa', 'train'], 'gap': ['gap', 'train'], } DATASET_CONFIG = { 'cnndm': {'task': 'summarization', 'text_a': 'article', 'text_b': 'highlights', 'label': None, 'huggingface': True}, 'mnli': {'task': 'nli', 'text_a': 'premise', 'text_b': 'hypothesis', 'label': 'label', 'huggingface': True}, 'nli_fever': {'task': 'fact_checking', 'text_a': 'context', 'text_b': 'query', 'label': 'label','huggingface': False, 'using_hf_api': False, 'using_pandas': False, 'using_json':True, 'data_path':'data/nli_fever/train_fitems.jsonl' }, 'doc_nli': {'task': 'bin_nli', 'text_a': 'premise', 'text_b': 'hypothesis', 'label': 'label','huggingface': False, 'using_hf_api': False, 'using_pandas': False, 'using_json':True, 'data_path':'data/DocNLI_dataset/train.json' }, 'squad': {'task': 'extractive_qa', 'text_a': 'context', 'text_b': ['question', 'answers'], 'label': None, 'huggingface': True}, 'squad_v2': {'task': 'qa', 'text_a': 'context', 'text_b': ['question', 'answers'], 'label': None, 'huggingface': True}, 'paws': {'task': 'paraphrase', 'text_a': 'sentence1', 'text_b': 'sentence2', 'label': 'label', 'huggingface': True}, 'vitaminc': {'task': 'fact_checking', 'text_a': 'evidence', 'text_b': 'claim', 'label': 'label', 'huggingface': True}, 'xsum': {'task': 'summarization', 'text_a': 'document', 'text_b': 'summary', 'label': None, 'huggingface': True, 'cliff_path': 'data/model_generated_data/cliff_summ/xsum_train.jsonl'}, 'stsb': {'task': 'sts', 'text_a': 'sentence1', 'text_b': 'sentence2', 'label': 'label', 'huggingface': True}, 'sick': {'task': 'sts', 'text_a': 'sentence_A', 'text_b': 'sentence_B', 'label': 'relatedness_score', 'huggingface': True}, 'race': {'task': 'qa', 'text_a': 'article', 'text_b': ['question', 'options'], 'label': 'answer', 'huggingface': True}, 'race_val': {'task': 'qa', 'text_a': 'article', 'text_b': ['question', 'options'], 'label': 'answer', 'huggingface': True}, 'anli_r1': {'task': 'nli', 'text_a': 'premise', 'text_b': 'hypothesis', 'label': 'label', 'huggingface': True}, 'anli_r2': {'task': 'nli', 'text_a': 'premise', 'text_b': 'hypothesis', 'label': 'label', 'huggingface': True}, 'anli_r3': {'task': 'nli', 'text_a': 'premise', 'text_b': 'hypothesis', 'label': 'label', 'huggingface': True}, 'snli': {'task': 'nli', 'text_a': 'premise', 'text_b': 'hypothesis', 'label': 'label', 'huggingface': True}, 'wikihow': {'task': 'summarization', 'text_a': 'text', 'text_b': 'headline', 'label': None, 'huggingface': False, 'using_hf_api': True, 'data_dir': 'data/wikihow_raw'}, 'mrpc': {'task': 'paraphrase', 'text_a': 'sentence1', 'text_b': 'sentence2', 'label': 'label','huggingface': True}, 'mrpc_val': {'task': 'paraphrase', 'text_a': 'sentence1', 'text_b': 'sentence2', 'label': 'label','huggingface': True}, 'paws_val': {'task': 'paraphrase', 'text_a': 'sentence1', 'text_b': 'sentence2', 'label': 'label', 'huggingface': True}, 'paws_unlabeled': {'task': 'paraphrase', 'text_a': 'sentence1', 'text_b': 'sentence2', 'label': 'label', 'huggingface': True}, 'msmarco': {'task': 'ir', 'text_a': 'passages', 'text_b': ['query', 'answers'], 'label': None,'huggingface': True}, 'paws_qqp': {'task': 'paraphrase', 'text_a': 'sentence1', 'text_b': 'sentence2', 'label': None,'huggingface': False, 'using_hf_api': False, 'using_pandas': True, 'data_path':'paws_qqp/output/train.tsv' }, 'wiki103': {'task': 'paraphrase', 'text_a': 'original_sent', 'text_b': 'paraphrase', 'label': None,'huggingface': False, 'using_hf_api': False, 'using_pandas': False, 'using_json': True, 'data_path':'data/model_generated_data/backtranslation/wiki103_single_sent_backtranslation.json'}, 'qqp': {'task': 'paraphrase', 'text_a':'question1', 'text_b':'question2', 'label': 'label', 'huggingface': True}, 'qqp_val': {'task': 'paraphrase', 'text_a':'question1', 'text_b':'question2', 'label': 'label', 'huggingface': True}, 'wmt17xxx': {'task': 'wmt', 'text_a': 'ref', 'text_b': 'mt', 'label': 'score','huggingface': False, 'using_hf_api': False, 'using_pandas': True, 'data_path':'data/wmt/wmt17/2017-da.csv' }, 'wmt15': {'task': 'wmt', 'text_a': 'ref', 'text_b': 'mt', 'label': 'score','huggingface': False, 'using_hf_api': False, 'using_pandas': False, 'using_json':True, 'data_path':'data/eval/wmt15_eval.jsonl' }, 'wmt16': {'task': 'wmt', 'text_a': 'ref', 'text_b': 'mt', 'label': 'score','huggingface': False, 'using_hf_api': False, 'using_pandas': False, 'using_json':True, 'data_path':'data/eval/wmt16_eval.jsonl' }, 'wmt17': {'task': 'wmt', 'text_a': 'ref', 'text_b': 'mt', 'label': 'score','huggingface': False, 'using_hf_api': False, 'using_pandas': False, 'using_json':True, 'data_path':'data/eval/wmt17_eval.jsonl' }, 'wmt18': {'task': 'wmt', 'text_a': 'ref', 'text_b': 'mt', 'label': 'score','huggingface': False, 'using_hf_api': False, 'using_pandas': False, 'using_json':True, 'data_path':'data/eval/wmt18_eval.jsonl' }, 'wmt19': {'task': 'wmt', 'text_a': 'ref', 'text_b': 'mt', 'label': 'score','huggingface': False, 'using_hf_api': False, 'using_pandas': False, 'using_json':True, 'data_path':'data/eval/wmt19_eval.jsonl' }, 'squad_v2_new': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'adversarial_qa': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'drop': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'duorc_self': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'duorc_paraphrase': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'quoref': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'hotpot_qa_distractor': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'hotpot_qa_fullwiki': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'newsqa': {'task': 'qa', 'using_json': True, 'raw_json': True, 'data_path': 'data/newsqa_raw/combined-newsqa-data-v1.json'}, 'ropes': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'boolq': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'eraser_multi_rc': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'quail': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'sciq': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'strategy_qa': {'task': 'qa', 'huggingface': True}, 'gap': {'task': 'coreference', 'huggingface': True}, } class QA2D(): def __init__(self, batch_size=32, device='cuda', verbose=True) -> None: from transformers import BartTokenizer, BartForConditionalGeneration self.tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained("MarkS/bart-base-qa2d") self.model = BartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("MarkS/bart-base-qa2d").to(device) self.batch_size = batch_size self.device=device self.verbose = verbose def generate(self, questions: list, answers: list): assert len(questions) == len(answers) qa_list = [] for q, a in zip(questions, answers): qa_list.append(f"question: {q} answer: {a}") output = [] for qa_pairs in tqdm( self.chunks(qa_list, self.batch_size), desc="QA to Declarative", total=int(len(qa_list)/self.batch_size), disable=(not self.verbose) ): input_text = qa_pairs input_token = self.tokenizer( input_text, return_tensors='pt', padding=True, truncation=True).to(self.device) dec_sents = self.model.generate( input_token.input_ids, max_length=512) result = self.tokenizer.batch_decode( dec_sents, skip_special_tokens=True) output.extend(result) return output def chunks(self, lst, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.""" for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i:i + n] class QAnswering(): """ To answer not-answerable questions """ def __init__(self, batch_size=32, device='cuda') -> None: from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration self.tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained( "valhalla/t5-base-qa-qg-hl") self.model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( "valhalla/t5-base-qa-qg-hl").to(device) self.batch_size = batch_size self.device = device def generate(self, questions: list, contexts: list): assert len(questions) == len(contexts) answers = [] for qs, cs in tqdm(zip(self.chunks(questions, self.batch_size), self.chunks(contexts, self.batch_size)), desc="Generating Answers for not answerable", total=int(len(questions)/self.batch_size)): qc_pairs = [] assert len(qs) == len(cs) for one_q, one_c in zip(qs, cs): qc_pairs.append(f"""question: {one_q} context: {one_c}""") input_ids = self.tokenizer( qc_pairs, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt').to(self.device).input_ids outputs = self.model.generate(input_ids, max_length=512) answers.extend(self.tokenizer.batch_decode( outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)) return answers def chunks(self, lst, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.""" for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i:i + n] class MLMGeneratorWithPairedData(): def __init__(self, corpra: list, device='cuda', batch_size=8, mask_percent=0.25) -> None: self.device = device self.tokenizer = transformers.DistilBertTokenizer.from_pretrained( "distilbert-base-uncased") self.model = transformers.DistilBertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained( "distilbert-base-uncased").to(self.device) self.mask_percent = mask_percent self.batch_size = batch_size self.dataset = corpra # text needs to be noised def chunks(self, lst, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.""" for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i:i + n] def generate(self): sents_output = [] for examples in tqdm(self.chunks(self.dataset, self.batch_size), total=int(len(self.dataset)/self.batch_size), desc="MLM Generating"): sents_to_be_noised = [each for each in examples] sents_noised = self.mlm_infiller(sents_to_be_noised) sents_output.extend(sents_noised) return sents_output def mlm_infiller(self, batch): """ input a batch of sentences, list """ masked_batch = [] masked_batch_ids = [] for each_sent in batch: sent_tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(each_sent) sent_token_ids = self.tokenizer(each_sent)['input_ids'] mask_list = sample(list(range(len(sent_tokens))), int( self.mask_percent * len(sent_tokens))) sent_tokens = [ each if i not in mask_list else self.tokenizer.mask_token for i, each in enumerate(sent_tokens)] masked_batch_ids.append( [each if i-1 not in mask_list else self.tokenizer.mask_token_id for i, each in enumerate(sent_token_ids)]) masked_batch.append(' '.join(sent_tokens)) inputs = self.tokenizer( masked_batch, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt").to(self.device) with torch.no_grad(): logits = self.model(**inputs).logits infill_tokens = [] for i in range(len(masked_batch)): mask_token_index = (inputs.input_ids == self.tokenizer.mask_token_id)[ i].nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0] predicted_token_id = logits[i, mask_token_index].argmax(axis=-1) infill_tokens.append(predicted_token_id) infilled_sent = [] for masked_sent_ids, infill_token in zip(masked_batch_ids, infill_tokens): for infill_one_token in infill_token: for i, each_id in enumerate(masked_sent_ids): if each_id == self.tokenizer.mask_token_id: masked_sent_ids[i] = infill_one_token break infilled_sent.append(self.tokenizer.decode( masked_sent_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)) return infilled_sent class ExtractiveSummarizationGenerator(): def __init__(self) -> None: pass def generate(self, texts): ''' texts: list of string ''' from summa.summarizer import summarize summaries = [] for text in tqdm(texts, desc="Extracting Summary"): for prop in range(1, 20): summ = summarize(text, ratio=prop/20.) if len(summ) > 0: break summaries.append(summ) return summaries class DataGenerator(): def __init__(self, dataset_names) -> None: self.dataset_names = dataset_names self.datasets = dict() self.t5_qa = None self.t5_tokenizer = None self.load_dataset_from_huggingface() def load_dataset_from_huggingface(self): for each_dataset in self.dataset_names: if DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset].get('huggingface'): self.datasets[each_dataset] = load_dataset( *DATASET_HUGGINGFACE[each_dataset][:-1])[DATASET_HUGGINGFACE[each_dataset][-1]] elif DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset].get('using_hf_api'): self.datasets[each_dataset] = load_dataset( *DATASET_HUGGINGFACE[each_dataset][:-1], data_dir=DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset]['data_dir'])[DATASET_HUGGINGFACE[each_dataset][-1]] elif DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset].get('using_pandas'): if DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset]['data_path'].split('.')[-1] == 'tsv': self.datasets[each_dataset] = pd.read_csv( DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset]['data_path'], sep='\t') elif DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset]['data_path'].split('.')[-1] == 'csv': self.datasets[each_dataset] = pd.read_csv( DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset]['data_path']) elif DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset].get('using_json'): self.datasets[each_dataset] = [] if DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset].get('raw_json'): with open(DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset]['data_path'], 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: self.datasets[each_dataset] = json.load(f) else: try: json_file = json.load( open(DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset]['data_path'], 'r', encoding='utf8')) for example in json_file: self.datasets[each_dataset].append(example) except: with open(DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset]['data_path'], 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: for example in f: self.datasets[each_dataset].append( json.loads(example)) else: error('unable to locate raw dataset...') def process_squad(self): from rake_nltk import Rake r = Rake() topk = 5 threshold = 0.6 output = [] label = -1 for example in tqdm(self.datasets['squad'], desc=f'Constructing squad'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['squad']['text_a']] question = example[DATASET_CONFIG['squad']['text_b'][0]] answer = example[DATASET_CONFIG['squad'] ['text_b'][1]]['text'] # a list text_b = [question+' '+answer_ele for answer_ele in answer] text_c = [] r.extract_keywords_from_text(text_a) keywords_in_context = r.get_ranked_phrases()[:topk] for each_keyword in keywords_in_context: # then it is an incorrect answer if sentence_bleu([answer_ele.lower().split() for answer_ele in answer], each_keyword.split(), weights=(0.33, 0.33, 0.33)) < threshold: text_c.append(question+' '+each_keyword) output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_squad_v2(self): # first collect answerable items not_answerable_contexts = [] not_answerable_questions = [] not_answerable_answers = [] answerable_contexts = [] answerable_questions = [] answerable_answers = [] qa_generator = QAnswering(batch_size=32, device='cuda') qa2d_generator = QA2D(batch_size=32, device='cuda') for example in tqdm(self.datasets['squad_v2'], desc=f'Collecting (not)answerable examples'): if len(example['answers']['text']) == 0: not_answerable_contexts.append(example['context']) not_answerable_questions.append(example['question']) else: answerable_contexts.append(example['context']) answerable_questions.append(example['question']) answerable_answers.append(example['answers']['text'][0]) not_answerable_answers = qa_generator.generate( not_answerable_questions, not_answerable_contexts) answerable_declarative_sents = qa2d_generator.generate( answerable_questions, answerable_answers) not_answerable_declarative_sents = qa2d_generator.generate( not_answerable_questions, not_answerable_answers) output = [] for i, dec_sent in enumerate(answerable_declarative_sents): output.append({ 'text_a': answerable_contexts[i], 'text_b': [dec_sent], 'text_c': [], 'label': 1 }) for i, dec_sent in enumerate(not_answerable_declarative_sents): output.append({ 'text_a': not_answerable_contexts[i], 'text_b': [dec_sent], 'text_c': [], 'label': 0 }) return output def process_race(self): qa2d_generator = QA2D(batch_size=32, device='cuda') option_dict = {'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2, 'D': 3} output = [] correct_context = [] correct_question = [] correct_answer = [] wrong_context = [] wrong_question = [] wrong_answer = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['race'], desc=f'Constructing race'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['race']['text_a']] label = -1 question = example[DATASET_CONFIG['race']['text_b'][0]] if "_" in question: answer_id = option_dict[example[DATASET_CONFIG['race']['label']]] for i, options in enumerate(example[DATASET_CONFIG['race']['text_b'][1]]): if i == answer_id: output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': [' '.join(question.replace("_", " "+options+" ").split())], 'text_c': [], 'label': 1 }) else: output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': [' '.join(question.replace("_", " "+options+" ").split())], 'text_c': [], 'label': 0 }) else: answer_id = option_dict[example[DATASET_CONFIG['race']['label']]] for i, options in enumerate(example[DATASET_CONFIG['race']['text_b'][1]]): if i == answer_id: output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': [question], 'text_c': [options], 'label': 1 }) else: output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': [question], 'text_c': [options], 'label': 0 }) return output def process_race_val(self): qa2d_generator = QA2D(batch_size=32, device='cuda') option_dict = {'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2, 'D': 3} output = [] correct_context = [] correct_question = [] correct_answer = [] wrong_context = [] wrong_question = [] wrong_answer = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['race_val'], desc=f'Constructing race_val'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['race_val']['text_a']] label = -1 question = example[DATASET_CONFIG['race_val']['text_b'][0]] if "_" in question: answer_id = option_dict[example[DATASET_CONFIG['race_val']['label']]] for i, options in enumerate(example[DATASET_CONFIG['race_val']['text_b'][1]]): if i == answer_id: output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': [' '.join(question.replace("_", " "+options+" ").split())], 'text_c': [], 'label': 1 }) else: output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': [' '.join(question.replace("_", " "+options+" ").split())], 'text_c': [], 'label': 0 }) else: answer_id = option_dict[example[DATASET_CONFIG['race_val']['label']]] for i, options in enumerate(example[DATASET_CONFIG['race_val']['text_b'][1]]): if i == answer_id: correct_context.append(text_a) correct_question.append(question) correct_answer.append(options) else: wrong_context.append(text_a) wrong_question.append(question) wrong_answer.append(options) correct_declarative = qa2d_generator.generate( correct_question, correct_answer) wrong_declarative = qa2d_generator.generate( wrong_question, wrong_answer) assert len(correct_context) == len(correct_declarative) assert len(wrong_context) == len(wrong_declarative) for context, dec in zip(correct_context, correct_declarative): output.append({ 'text_a': context, 'text_b': [dec], 'text_c': [], 'label': 1 }) for context, dec in zip(wrong_context, wrong_declarative): output.append({ 'text_a': context, 'text_b': [dec], 'text_c': [], 'label': 0 }) return output def process_race_test(self): option_dict = {'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2, 'D': 3} output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['race_test'], desc=f'Constructing race_test'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['race_test']['text_a']] text_b = [] # pos text_c = [] # neg label = -1 question = example[DATASET_CONFIG['race_test']['text_b'][0]] if "_" in question: answer_id = option_dict[example[DATASET_CONFIG['race_test']['label']]] for i, options in enumerate(example[DATASET_CONFIG['race_test']['text_b'][1]]): if i == answer_id: text_b.append(' '.join(question.replace( "_", " "+options+" ").split())) else: text_c.append(' '.join(question.replace( "_", " "+options+" ").split())) else: answer_id = option_dict[example[DATASET_CONFIG['race_test']['label']]] for i, options in enumerate(example[DATASET_CONFIG['race_test']['text_b'][1]]): if i == answer_id: text_b.append(question+" "+options+" ") else: text_c.append(question+" "+options+" ") output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_xsum(self): ''' text_a: raw_text text_b: raw_summary + ***extractive summ*** removed text_c: cliff xsum + DistillBERT from raw_text_b + ***DistillBERT from extractive summ text_b*** ''' output = [] gold_summary = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['xsum']['text_b']] for example in self.datasets['xsum']] ext_summarizer = ExtractiveSummarizationGenerator() extracted_summ = ext_summarizer.generate( [example[DATASET_CONFIG['xsum']['text_a']] for example in self.datasets['xsum']]) mlm_hallucinator = MLMGeneratorWithPairedData( corpra=gold_summary, device='cuda:0', batch_size=64, mask_percent=0.25) gold_summary_hallucinated = mlm_hallucinator.generate() mlm_hallucinator = MLMGeneratorWithPairedData( corpra=extracted_summ, device='cuda:0', batch_size=64, mask_percent=0.25) extracted_summ_hallucinated = mlm_hallucinator.generate() assert len(self.datasets['xsum']) == len(gold_summary_hallucinated) and len( self.datasets['xsum']) == len(extracted_summ_hallucinated) for i, example in tqdm(enumerate(self.datasets['xsum']), desc="Constructing xsum", total=len(self.datasets['xsum'])): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['xsum']['text_a']] text_b = [gold_summary[i], extracted_summ[i]] text_c = [gold_summary_hallucinated[i], extracted_summ_hallucinated[i]] label = -1 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_cnndm(self): ''' text_a: raw_text text_b: raw_summary + ***extractive summ*** removed text_c: DistillBERT from raw_text_b + ***DistillBERT from extractive summ text_b*** ''' # interpretation of fairseq-generate output: output = [] gold_summary = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['cnndm']['text_b']] for example in self.datasets['cnndm']] ext_summarizer = ExtractiveSummarizationGenerator() extracted_summ = ext_summarizer.generate( [example[DATASET_CONFIG['cnndm']['text_a']] for example in self.datasets['cnndm']]) mlm_hallucinator = MLMGeneratorWithPairedData( corpra=gold_summary, device='cuda:0', batch_size=64, mask_percent=0.25) gold_summary_hallucinated = mlm_hallucinator.generate() mlm_hallucinator = MLMGeneratorWithPairedData( corpra=extracted_summ, device='cuda:0', batch_size=64, mask_percent=0.25) extracted_summ_hallucinated = mlm_hallucinator.generate() assert len(self.datasets['cnndm']) == len(gold_summary_hallucinated) and len( self.datasets['cnndm']) == len(extracted_summ_hallucinated) for i, example in tqdm(enumerate(self.datasets['cnndm']), desc="Constructing cnndm", total=len(self.datasets['cnndm'])): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['cnndm']['text_a']] text_b = [gold_summary[i], extracted_summ[i]] text_c = [gold_summary_hallucinated[i], extracted_summ_hallucinated[i]] label = -1 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_wikihow(self): ''' text_a: raw_text text_b: raw_summary + ***extractive summ*** removed text_c: DistillBERT from raw_text_b + ***DistillBERT from extractive summ text_b*** ''' # interpretation of fairseq-generate output: output = [] gold_summary = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['wikihow']['text_b']] for example in self.datasets['wikihow']] ext_summarizer = ExtractiveSummarizationGenerator() extracted_summ = ext_summarizer.generate( [example[DATASET_CONFIG['wikihow']['text_a']] for example in self.datasets['wikihow']]) mlm_hallucinator = MLMGeneratorWithPairedData( corpra=gold_summary, device='cuda:0', batch_size=64, mask_percent=0.25) gold_summary_hallucinated = mlm_hallucinator.generate() mlm_hallucinator = MLMGeneratorWithPairedData( corpra=extracted_summ, device='cuda:0', batch_size=64, mask_percent=0.25) extracted_summ_hallucinated = mlm_hallucinator.generate() assert len(self.datasets['wikihow']) == len(gold_summary_hallucinated) and len( self.datasets['wikihow']) == len(extracted_summ_hallucinated) for i, example in tqdm(enumerate(self.datasets['wikihow']), desc="Constructing wikihow", total=len(self.datasets['wikihow'])): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['wikihow']['text_a']] text_b = [gold_summary[i], extracted_summ[i]] text_c = [gold_summary_hallucinated[i], extracted_summ_hallucinated[i]] label = -1 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_wiki103(self): output = [] paraphrases = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['wiki103']['text_b']] for example in self.datasets['wiki103']] mlm_hallucinator = MLMGeneratorWithPairedData( corpra=paraphrases, device='cuda:3', batch_size=64, mask_percent=0.25) paraphrase_hallucinated = mlm_hallucinator.generate() assert len(self.datasets['wiki103']) == len(paraphrase_hallucinated) for i, example in tqdm(enumerate(self.datasets['wiki103']), desc=f'Constructing wiki103'): output.append({ 'text_a': example[DATASET_CONFIG['wiki103']['text_a']], 'text_b': [example[DATASET_CONFIG['wiki103']['text_b']]], 'text_c': [], 'label': 1 }) output.append({ 'text_a': example[DATASET_CONFIG['wiki103']['text_a']], 'text_b': [paraphrase_hallucinated[i]], 'text_c': [], 'label': 0 }) return output def process_mnli(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['mnli'], desc=f'Constructing mnli'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['mnli']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['mnli']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['mnli']['label']] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_nli_fever(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['nli_fever'], desc=f'Constructing nli_fever'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['nli_fever']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['nli_fever']['text_b']]] text_c = [] raw_label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['nli_fever']['label']] if raw_label == 'SUPPORTS': # convert to nli style label label = 0 elif raw_label == 'REFUTES': label = 2 else: label = 1 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_doc_nli(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['doc_nli'], desc=f'Constructing doc_nli'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['doc_nli']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['doc_nli']['text_b']]] text_c = [] raw_label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['doc_nli']['label']] if raw_label == 'entailment': # convert to paraphrase style label label = 1 else: label = 0 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_anli_r1(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['anli_r1'], desc=f'Constructing anli_r1'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['anli_r1']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['anli_r1']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['anli_r1']['label']] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_anli_r2(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['anli_r2'], desc=f'Constructing anli_r2'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['anli_r2']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['anli_r2']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['anli_r2']['label']] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_anli_r3(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['anli_r3'], desc=f'Constructing anli_r3'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['anli_r3']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['anli_r3']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['anli_r3']['label']] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_snli(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['snli'], desc=f'Constructing snli'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['snli']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['snli']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['snli']['label']] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_paws(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['paws'], desc=f'Constructing paws'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['paws']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['paws']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['paws']['label']] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_vitaminc(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['vitaminc'], desc=f'Constructing vitaminc'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['vitaminc']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['vitaminc']['text_b']]] text_c = [] raw_label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['vitaminc']['label']] if raw_label == 'SUPPORTS': # convert to nli style label label = 0 elif raw_label == 'REFUTES': label = 2 else: label = 1 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_stsb(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['stsb'], desc=f'Constructing stsb'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['stsb']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['stsb']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['stsb']['label']] / 5.0 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_sick(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['sick'], desc=f'Constructing sick'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['sick']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['sick']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['sick']['label']] / 5.0 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_mrpc(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['mrpc'], desc=f'Constructing mrpc'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['mrpc']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['mrpc']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['mrpc']['label']] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_mrpc_val(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['mrpc_val'], desc=f'Constructing mrpc_val'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['mrpc_val']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['mrpc_val']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['mrpc_val']['label']] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_paws_val(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['paws_val'], desc=f'Constructing paws_val'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['paws_val']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['paws_val']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['paws_val']['label']] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_paws_unlabeled(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['paws_unlabeled'], desc=f'Constructing paws_unlabeled'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['paws_unlabeled']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['paws_unlabeled']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['paws_unlabeled']['label']] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_qqp(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['qqp'], desc=f'Constructing qqp'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['qqp']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['qqp']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['qqp']['label']] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_qqp_val(self): output = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['qqp_val'], desc=f'Constructing qqp_val'): text_a = example[DATASET_CONFIG['qqp_val']['text_a']] text_b = [example[DATASET_CONFIG['qqp_val']['text_b']]] text_c = [] label = example[DATASET_CONFIG['qqp_val']['label']] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_msmarco(self): qa2d_generator = QA2D(batch_size=32, device='cuda') output = [] correct_contexts = [] correct_questions = [] correct_answers = [] wrong_contexts = [] wrong_questions = [] wrong_answers = [] filtered_examples = [] questions = [] answers = [] declaratives = [] for example in tqdm(self.datasets['msmarco'], desc=f'Collecting msmarco'): if sum(example['passages']['is_selected']) > 0: # has answer questions.append(example['query']) answers.append(example['answers'][0] if len( example['wellFormedAnswers']) == 0 else example['wellFormedAnswers'][0]) filtered_examples.append(example) for example in filtered_examples: for i, is_selected in enumerate(example['passages']['is_selected']): if is_selected == 1: output.append({ 'text_a': example['passages']['passage_text'][i], 'text_b': [example['query']], 'text_c': [], 'label': 1 } ) else: output.append({ 'text_a': example['passages']['passage_text'][i], 'text_b': [example['query']], 'text_c': [], 'label': 0 } ) return output def process_paws_qqp(self): output = [] for i in range(len(self.datasets['paws_qqp'])): text_a = self.datasets['paws_qqp'].iloc[i]['sentence1'][2:-1] text_b = [self.datasets['paws_qqp'].iloc[i]['sentence2'][2:-1]] text_c = [] label = self.datasets['paws_qqp'].iloc[i]['label'] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': int(label) }) return output def process_wmt15(self): output = [] for example in self.datasets['wmt15']: text_a = example['reference'] text_b = [example['candidate']] text_c = [] label = example['score'] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_wmt16(self): output = [] for example in self.datasets['wmt16']: text_a = example['reference'] text_b = [example['candidate']] text_c = [] label = example['score'] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_wmt17(self): output = [] for example in self.datasets['wmt17']: text_a = example['reference'] text_b = [example['candidate']] text_c = [] label = example['score'] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_wmt18(self): output = [] for example in self.datasets['wmt18']: text_a = example['reference'] text_b = [example['candidate']] text_c = [] label = example['score'] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_wmt19(self): output = [] for example in self.datasets['wmt19']: text_a = example['reference'] text_b = [example['candidate']] text_c = [] label = example['score'] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_boolq(self): output = [] for example in self.datasets['boolq']: text_a = example['passage'] text_b = [example['question']] text_c = ["Yes." if example['answer'] else "No."] label = 1 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) text_a = example['passage'] text_b = [example['question']] text_c = ["Yes." if not example['answer'] else "No."] label = 0 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_eraser_multi_rc(self): output = [] for example in self.datasets['eraser_multi_rc']: text_a = example['passage'] text_b = [example['query_and_answer'].replace("|", "")] text_c = [] label = int(example['label']) output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_quail(self): output = [] for example in self.datasets['quail']: for i, ans in enumerate(example['answers']): text_a = example['context'] text_b = [example['question']] text_c = [ans] label = 1 if i == example['correct_answer_id'] else 0 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_sciq(self): output = [] for example in self.datasets['sciq']: text_a = example['support'] output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': [example['question']], 'text_c': [example['distractor1']], 'label': 0 }) output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': [example['question']], 'text_c': [example['distractor2']], 'label': 0 }) output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': [example['question']], 'text_c': [example['distractor3']], 'label': 0 }) output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': [example['question']], 'text_c': [example['correct_answer']], 'label': 1 }) return output def process_strategy_qa(self): output = [] for example in self.datasets['strategy_qa']: text_a = ' '.join(example['facts']) text_b = [example['question']] text_c = ["Yes." if example['answer'] else "No."] label = 1 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) text_a = ' '.join(example['facts']) text_b = [example['question']] text_c = ["Yes." if not example['answer'] else "No."] label = 0 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def process_gap(self): output = [] for example in self.datasets['gap']: text_a = example['Text'] text_b = [example['Text'][:example['Pronoun-offset']]+example['A']+example['Text'][(example['Pronoun-offset']+len(example['Pronoun'])):]] text_c = [] label = 1 if example['A-coref'] else 0 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) text_a = example['Text'] text_b = [example['Text'][:example['Pronoun-offset']]+example['B']+example['Text'][(example['Pronoun-offset']+len(example['Pronoun'])):]] text_c = [] label = 1 if example['B-coref'] else 0 output.append({ 'text_a': text_a, 'text_b': text_b, 'text_c': text_c, 'label': label }) return output def init_qa_t5(self): from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration if self.t5_qa is None: self.t5_tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained( "t5-base", model_max_length=800) self.t5_qa = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("t5-base")'cuda:1') self.t5_qa.eval() @staticmethod def mask_answer(context, answers): answers = sorted(answers, key=len, reverse=True) for answer in answers: pattern = f'(? 0.2: continue answers = [] if 's' in question['consensus']: start = question['consensus']['s'] end = question['consensus']['e'] answers.append(context[start:end].strip()) yield context, question['q'], answers samples = get_samples(self.datasets['newsqa']) return self.negative_sample_qa(samples, negative_sample_no_ans_only=False) def process_ropes(self): samples = ( ( sample['situation'] + ' ' + sample['background'], sample['question'], sample['answers']['text'] ) for sample in tqdm(self.datasets['ropes'], desc=f'ropes') ) return self.negative_sample_qa(samples, negative_sample_no_ans_only=False) def generate(self): for each_dataset in self.datasets: with open(f'./data/training/{each_dataset}.json', 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile: outfile.write("") for each_dataset in self.datasets: outputs = eval(f'self.process_{each_dataset}()') for each_output in outputs: dict_write_to_file = { 'task': DATASET_CONFIG[each_dataset]['task'], 'text_a': each_output['text_a'], # string # list of positive examples 'text_b': each_output['text_b'], # list of negative examples 'text_c': each_output['text_c'], # original label, if -1 only has positive pairs and negative pairs 'orig_label': each_output['label'] } with open(f'./data/training/{each_dataset}.json', 'a', encoding='utf8') as outfile: json.dump(dict_write_to_file, outfile, ensure_ascii=False) outfile.write('\n') if __name__ == "__main__": random.seed(42) gen = DataGenerator(list(DATASET_CONFIG.keys())) gen.generate()