import gradio as gr import datetime import random import time import os import shutil import pandas as pd # How to RUN code ==> gradio # from langchain import HuggingFacePipeline #def load_llm_model(model: str = "google/flan-t5-large") -> HuggingFacePipeline: # llm = HuggingFacePipeline.from_model_id( # model_id=model, # task="text2text-generation", # model_kwargs={"max_length": 1500, "load_in_8bit": True}, #) # Define text and title information title1 = "## 🤗 About QA App" title2 = " ## 💬 Chat with QA Bot" title3 = " ## 🔧 Toolbox " title4 = " ## ⚙️ Parameters" title5 = " ## 📊 Evaluation" intro = """ Welcome! This is not just any bot, it's a special one equipped with state-of-the-art natural language processing capabilities, and ready to answer your queries with/without the support of some additional documents. **Ready to explore? Let's get started!** 🏁🎉 * Chat with the bot by typing any question you want and get your answers ! * You can load and select one or more documents to reinforce the bot's knowledge. Don't forget to validate and update your selection according to your choices. * You can customize your model by selecting advanced options in the toolbox.""" final_info = """ Made with ❤️ by us 🚀""" # Define theme ==> see gr.themes.builder() theme = gr.themes.Soft( primary_hue="emerald", neutral_hue="slate", text_size=gr.themes.sizes.text_md, ).set( body_text_color='*secondary_900', body_text_size='*text_lg', body_text_weight='500', border_color_accent='*secondary_950', link_text_color='*secondary_300', block_border_color='*neutral_200', block_border_width='*block_label_border_width', block_label_background_fill='*primary_200', block_title_text_color='*primary_350', checkbox_border_color='*primary_300', checkbox_border_color_selected_dark='*secondary_200', button_primary_border_color='*primary_350' ) def upload_file(files_obj): """ Upload several files from drag and drop, and save them in local temp folder files_obj (type:list) : list of tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper return checkbox to display uploaded documents """ temp_file_path = "./temp" # Create local copy if not os.path.exists(temp_file_path): os.makedirs(temp_file_path) # Save each file among list of given files file_name_list = list() for file_obj in files_obj : file_name = os.path.basename( file_name_list.append(file_name) shutil.copyfile(, os.path.join(temp_file_path, file_name)) # return visible button for next selection return {uploaded_check : gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=file_name_list, visible=True), choose_btn : gr.Button(visible=True), clear_folder_btn : gr.Button(visible=True)} def read_PDFcontent(content, files_name): """ Read and update the content variable (state) according to the several files_names to read from temp folder return updated content_var (type : list of str) return visible error_box to display logs error """ content_list = list() text_list = list() # Parse one or several docs among the selected ones temp_file_path = "./temp" for file_name in files_name : file_path = os.path.join(temp_file_path, file_name) # Read doc with open(file_path, "rb") as file: try: content = #### YOUR FONCTION FOR CONTENT ==> must be str my_content = str(content[:10]) content_list.append(my_content) text_list.append(f" {file_name} : ready ✅ \n ") # print(content) except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred while writing the file: {e}") text_list.append(f" {file_name} : error ❌ \n") return {content_var : content_list, error_box : gr.Textbox(value=f"""{"".join(text_list)} """, visible=True)} def clear_folder(): temp_file_path = "./temp" shutil.rmtree(temp_file_path) return {uploaded_check : gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=[], visible=False), error_box : gr.Textbox("", visible=False), choose_btn : gr.Button(visible=False), clear_folder_btn : gr.Button(visible=False), context_box : gr.Textbox(""), content_var : []} # def write_content (chat_history, download_counter): # temp_file_path = "./Download_chat" # if not os.path.exists(temp_file_path): # os.makedirs(temp_file_path) # file_name = str(download_counter)+"chat_Conversation.txt" # file_path = os.path.join(temp_file_path, file_name) # # write doc # with open(file_path, "w") as file: # for query_answer in chat_history : # file.write(" \n ".join(query_answer)) # file.write(" \n ") # new_count = int(download_counter)+1 # return { download_counter : gr.Number(new_count, visible=False)} ### YOUR model using the same inputand returning output def my_model(message, chat_history, content_var, language_choice, model_choice, max_length, temperature, num_return_sequences, top_p, no_repeat_ngram_size): #No LLM here, just respond with a random pre-made message if content_var == []: bot_message = f"Pas de contexte : {content_var}" + "I'm not interested" else: bot_message = f" Voici le contexte : {content_var}" chat_history.append((message, bot_message)) return "", chat_history, {context_box : gr.Textbox(visible=True, value=f'{"and".join(content_var)}')} def evaluate_my_model(answer): # true_answer.update("") return {true_answer : gr.Textbox.update("") , updated_check : gr.Button(f"Model updated ✅ at : {'%H:%M:%S')} " , visible = True)} def display_my_metrics(metric_csv="./metrics.csv"): df = pd.read_csv(metric_csv) # df_metrics[0]=["Model", "P", "R", "F1", "⏳"] return {df_metrics : gr.DataFrame(df, visible=True)} def clear_all(): return {msg: gr.Textbox("") , chatbot: gr.Chatbot(""), context_box: gr.Textbox("") } def queue_bot(history): """ For in progress display during chat """ bot_message = history[-1][1] history[-1][1] = "" for character in bot_message: history[-1][1] += character time.sleep(0.005) yield history # Params temp_file_path = "./temp" # App with gr.Blocks(theme=theme) as gradioApp: # Initialize the document context variable as empty without any drag and drop content_var = gr.State([]) download_counter = gr.Number(0, visible=False) # Layout gr.Markdown(""" logo""") with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown(title1) gr.Markdown(intro) # gr.Markdown(final_info) # Row 1 : Intro + Param with gr.Row(equal_height=True): # with gr.Column(min_width=80, scale = 0): # gr.Markdown(" ") # Row 2 : Chat with gr.Column(min_width= 300, scale = 3): title2_gr = gr.Markdown(title2) chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label="Bot", height=300) msg = gr.Textbox(label="User", placeholder="Ask any question.") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): # clear = gr.ClearButton(components=[msg, chatbot, context_box], value="Clear console") clear = gr.Button( value="🗑️ Clear console") download = gr.Button( value="📩 Download chat") updated_download = gr.Button(f"Last download ✅ at : {'%H:%M:%S')} " , visible = False) with gr.Column(): upload_button = gr.UploadButton("📁 Browse files", label="Drag and drop your documents here", file_types=["pdf"], file_count="multiple") uploaded_check = gr.CheckboxGroup(label=" 📁 Uploaded documents", visible=False, info="Do you want to use a supporting document?") with gr.Row(): choose_btn = gr.Button(value="🖱️ Choose docs", visible=False) clear_folder_btn = gr.Button(value="🗑️ Clear docs", visible=False) # upload_iface = gr.Interface(fn=upload_file, # inputs=gr.File(file_count="multiple", file_types=["pdf"]), # outputs=[uploaded_check], # description="📁 Browse files", allow_flagging="never") error_box = gr.Textbox(label="Files state... ", visible=False) # display only when ready or error # Row 3 : Toolbox with gr.Column(min_width= 100, scale = 1): gr.Markdown(title4) with gr.Accordion(label="Select advanced options",open=False): model_choice = gr.Dropdown(["LLM", "Other"], label="Model", info="Choose your AI model") language_choice = gr.Dropdown(["English", "French"], label="Language", info="Choose your language") max_length = gr.Slider(label="Token length", minimum=1, maximum=100, value=50, step=1) temperature= gr.Slider(label="Temperature", minimum=0.1, maximum=1, value=0.8, step=0.5) num_return_sequences= gr.Slider(label="Return Sequence", minimum=0.1, maximum=50, value=1, step=0.5) top_p= gr.Slider(label="top p", minimum=0.1, maximum=1, value=0.8, step=0.5) no_repeat_ngram_size= gr.Slider(label="repeat", minimum=0.1, maximum=1, value=3, step=0.5) # Evaluate with gr.Column(min_width= 100, scale = 1): gr.Markdown(title5) with gr.Accordion(label=" Evaluate the model",open=True): context_box = gr.Textbox(label= "📚 Context", placeholder=" The used context" ) true_answer = gr.Textbox(lines = 2, label= "📝 Right Answer", placeholder="Give an example of right answer and update the model") update_btn = gr.Button(value = "Update ⚠️ 🔄" ) updated_check = gr.Button(value= "", visible = False) df_metrics = gr.DataFrame(row_count=(5, "fixed"), col_count=(3, "fixed"), visible=False) ###### Chatbot ###### # Flag logger = gr.CSVLogger() logger.setup([chatbot], "Download_flagged") # hf_writer = gr.HuggingFaceDatasetSaver(HF_TOKEN, "crowdsourced-calculator-demo") *args: logger.flag(args), [chatbot], None, preprocess=False) : {updated_download:gr.Button(visible=True)}, None, updated_download, preprocess=False) # YOUR MODEL TO ADAPT msg.submit(my_model, inputs=[msg, chatbot, content_var, language_choice, model_choice, max_length, temperature, num_return_sequences, top_p, no_repeat_ngram_size], outputs=[msg, chatbot, context_box]).then(queue_bot, chatbot, chatbot) # Chatbot clear, inputs=[] , outputs=[msg, chatbot, context_box]) # Chatbot examples example = gr.Examples(examples = [ ["What are the payment terms?"], ["Do I become the owner of the developments made?"], [" Can Neovision use a subcontractor and if so, under what conditions?"], ["What are the termination conditions?"]], fn = my_model, inputs=[msg, chatbot, content_var, language_choice, model_choice, max_length, temperature, num_return_sequences, top_p, no_repeat_ngram_size], outputs=[msg, chatbot, context_box]) ###### DOCS ###### # uploading one or several docs and display other buttons upload_button.upload(upload_file, [upload_button], [uploaded_check, choose_btn, clear_folder_btn]) # Read only one document, inputs=[content_var, uploaded_check], outputs=[content_var, error_box]) # # clear, inputs=[] , outputs=[uploaded_check, error_box, choose_btn, clear_folder_btn, context_box, content_var]) # evaluate and update model, inputs=true_answer, outputs=[true_answer, updated_check]), inputs=None, outputs=df_metrics) gr.close_all() gradioApp.queue() gradioApp.launch(share=True) #auth=("neovision", "gradio2023") to be placed inside the launch parameters