StreamingT2V / t2v_enhanced /model /
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import torch
from copy import deepcopy
from einops import repeat
import math
class FrameConditioning():
def __init__(self,
add_frame_to_input: bool = False,
add_frame_to_layers: bool = False,
fill_zero: bool = False,
randomize_mask: bool = False,
concatenate_mask: bool = False,
injection_probability: float = 0.9,
) -> None:
self.use = None
self.add_frame_to_input = add_frame_to_input
self.add_frame_to_layers = add_frame_to_layers
self.fill_zero = fill_zero
self.randomize_mask = randomize_mask
self.concatenate_mask = concatenate_mask
self.injection_probability = injection_probability
self.add_frame_to_input or self.add_frame_to_layers
assert not add_frame_to_layers or not add_frame_to_input
def set_random_mask(self, random_mask: bool):
frame_conditioning = deepcopy(self)
frame_conditioning.randomize_mask = random_mask
return frame_conditioning
def use(self):
return self.add_frame_to_input or self.add_frame_to_layers
def use(self, value):
if value is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("Direct access not allowed")
def attach_video_frames(self, pl_module, z_0: torch.Tensor = None, batch: torch.Tensor = None, random_mask: bool = False):
assert self.fill_zero, "Not filling with zero not implemented yet"
n_frames_inference = self.inference_params.video_length
with torch.no_grad():
if z_0 is None:
assert batch is not None
z_0 = pl_module.encode_frame(batch)
assert n_frames_inference == z_0.shape[1], "For frame injection, the number of frames sampled by the dataloader must match the number of frames used for video generation"
shape = list(z_0.shape)
shape[1] = pl_module.inference_params.video_length
M = torch.zeros(shape, dtype=z_0.dtype,
device=pl_module.device) # [B F C W H]
bsz = z_0.shape[0]
if random_mask:
p_inject_frame = self.injection_probability
use_masks = torch.bernoulli(
keep_frame_idx = torch.randint(
0, n_frames_inference, (bsz,), device=pl_module.device).long()
use_masks = torch.ones((bsz,), device=pl_module.device).long()
# keep only first frame
keep_frame_idx = 0 * use_masks
frame_idx = []
for batch_idx, (keep_frame, use_mask) in enumerate(zip(keep_frame_idx, use_masks)):
M[batch_idx, keep_frame] = use_mask
frame_idx.append(keep_frame if use_mask == 1 else -1)
x0 = z_0*M
if self.concatenate_mask:
# flatten mask
M = M[:, :, 0, None]
x0 =[x0, M], dim=2)
if getattr(pl_module.opt_params.noise_decomposition, "use", False) and random_mask:
assert x0.shape[0] == 1, "randomizing frame injection with noise decomposition not implemented for batch size >1"
return x0, frame_idx
class NoiseDecomposition():
def __init__(self,
use: bool = False,
random_frame: bool = False,
lambda_f: float = 0.5,
use_base_model: bool = True,
self.use = use
self.random_frame = random_frame
self.lambda_f = lambda_f
self.use_base_model = use_base_model
def get_loss(self, x0, unet_base, unet, noise_scheduler, frame_idx, z_t_base, timesteps, encoder_hidden_states, base_noise, z_t_residual, composed_noise):
if x0 is not None:
# x0.shape = [B,F,C,W,H], if extrapolation_params.fill_zero=true, only one frame per batch non-zero
assert not self.random_frame
# TODO add x0 injection
x0_base = []
for batch_idx, frame in enumerate(frame_idx):
x0_base.append(x0[batch_idx, frame, None, None])
x0_base =, dim=0)
x0_residual = repeat(
x0[:, 0], "B C W H -> B F C W H", F=x0.shape[1]-1)
x0_residual = None
if self.use_base_model:
base_pred = unet_base(z_t_base, timesteps,
encoder_hidden_states, x0=x0_base).sample
base_pred = base_noise
timesteps_alphas = [
noise_scheduler.alphas_cumprod[t.cpu()] for t in timesteps]
timesteps_alphas = torch.stack(
timesteps_alphas = repeat(timesteps_alphas, "B -> B F C W H",
F=base_pred.shape[1], C=base_pred.shape[2], W=base_pred.shape[3], H=base_pred.shape[4])
base_correction = math.sqrt(
lambda_f) * torch.sqrt(1-timesteps_alphas) * base_pred
z_t_residual_dash = z_t_residual - base_correction
residual_pred = unet(
z_t_residual_dash, timesteps, encoder_hidden_states, x0=x0_residual).sample
composed_pred = math.sqrt(
lambda_f)*base_pred.detach() + math.sqrt(1-lambda_f) * residual_pred
loss_residual = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(
composed_noise.float(), composed_pred.float(), reduction=reduction)
if self.use_base_model:
loss_base = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(
base_noise.float(), base_pred.float(), reduction=reduction)
loss = loss_residual+loss_base
loss = loss_residual
return loss
def add_noise(self, z_base, base_noise, z_residual, composed_noise, noise_scheduler, timesteps):
z_t_base = noise_scheduler.add_noise(
z_base, base_noise, timesteps)
z_t_residual = noise_scheduler.add_noise(
z_residual, composed_noise, timesteps)
return z_t_base, z_t_residual
def split_latent_into_base_residual(self, z_0, pl_module, noise_generator):
if self.random_frame:
raise NotImplementedError("Must be synced with x0 mask!")
fr_select = torch.randint(
0, z_0.shape[1], (bsz,), device=pl_module.device).long()
z_base = z_0[:, fr_Select, None]
fr_residual = [fr for fr in range(
z_0.shape[1]) if fr != fr_select]
z_residual = z_0[:, fr_residual, None]
if not pl_module.unet_params.frame_conditioning.randomize_mask:
z_base = z_0[:, 0, None]
z_residual = z_0[:, 1:]
z_base = []
for batch_idx, frame_at_batch in enumerate(frame_idx):
z_0[batch_idx, frame_at_batch, None, None])
z_base =, dim=0)
# z_residual = z_0[[:, 1:]
z_residual = []
for batch_idx, frame_idx_batch in enumerate(frame_idx):
z_residual_batch = []
for frame in range(z_0.shape[1]):
if frame_idx_batch != frame:
z_0[batch_idx, frame, None, None])
z_residual_batch =
z_residual_batch, dim=1)
z_residual =, dim=0)
base_noise = noise_generator.sample_noise(z_base) # b_t
residual_noise = noise_generator.sample_noise(z_residual) # r^f_t
lambda_f = self.lambda_f
composed_noise = math.sqrt(
lambda_f) * base_noise + math.sqrt(1-lambda_f) * residual_noise # dimension issue?
return z_base, base_noise, z_residual, composed_noise
class NoiseGenerator():
def __init__(self, mode="vanilla") -> None:
self.mode = mode
def set_seed(self, seed: int):
self.seed = seed
def reset_seed(self, seed: int):
def sample_noise(self, z_0: torch.tensor = None, shape=None, device=None, dtype=None, generator=None):
assert (z_0 is not None) != (
shape is not None), f"either z_0 must be None, or shape must be None. Both provided."
kwargs = {}
if z_0 is None:
if device is not None:
kwargs["device"] = device
if dtype is not None:
kwargs["dtype"] = dtype
kwargs["device"] = z_0.device
kwargs["dtype"] = z_0.dtype
shape = z_0.shape
if generator is not None:
kwargs["generator"] = generator
B, F, C, W, H = shape
if self.mode == "vanilla":
noise = torch.randn(
shape, **kwargs)
elif self.mode == "free_noise":
noise = torch.randn(shape, **kwargs)
if noise.shape[1] > 4:
noise = noise[:, :8]
noise =
[noise, noise[:, torch.randperm(noise.shape[1])]], dim=1)
elif noise.shape[2] > 4:
noise = noise[:, :, :8]
noise =
[noise, noise[:, :, torch.randperm(noise.shape[2])]], dim=2)
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Shape of noise vector not as expected {noise.shape}")
elif self.mode == "equal":
shape = list(shape)
shape[1] = 1
noise_init = torch.randn(
shape, **kwargs)
shape[1] = F
noise = torch.zeros(
shape, device=noise_init.device, dtype=noise_init.dtype)
for fr in range(F):
noise[:, fr] = noise_init[:, 0]
elif self.mode == "fusion":
shape = list(shape)
shape[1] = 1
noise_init = torch.randn(
shape, **kwargs)
noises = []
for fr in range(F-1):
shift = 2*(fr+1)
local_copy = noise_init
shifted_noise =
[local_copy[:, :, :, shift:, :], local_copy[:, :, :, :shift, :]], dim=3)
noises.append(math.sqrt(0.2)*shifted_noise +
math.sqrt(1-0.2)*torch.rand(shape, **kwargs))
noise =, dim=1)
elif self.mode == "motion_dynamics" or self.mode == "equal_noise_per_sequence":
shape = list(shape)
normal_frames = 1
shape[1] = normal_frames
init_noise = torch.randn(
shape, **kwargs)
noises = []
init_noise = init_noise[:, -1, None]
print(f"UPDATE with noise = {init_noise.shape}")
if self.mode == "motion_dynamics":
for fr in range(F-normal_frames):
shift = 2*(fr+1)
print(fr, shift)
local_copy = init_noise
shifted_noise =
[local_copy[:, :, :, shift:, :], local_copy[:, :, :, :shift, :]], dim=3)
elif self.mode == "equal_noise_per_sequence":
for fr in range(F-1):
raise NotImplementedError()
# noises[0] = noises[0] * 0
noise =, dim=1)
return noise