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from configparser import ParsingError
from logging import raiseExceptions
import yfinance as yf
import requests
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class Stock_Data(object):
This class contains 5 methods responsible for choosing a stock's ticker, then checking whether the
stock exchange it is listed in is open or not, and in case it is, it gets data for the last 6 months
from "yfinance" module of Yahoo Inc. which will be fed to the models.
def Ticker(self, tick):
This method will "carry" the company's ticker, and it will also be used as a placeholder.
global ticker
ticker = tick
return ticker
def status_getter(self, Ticker):
This method gets the company ticker the user chooses, creates a
link, then scraps the HTML code of the corresponding company page in marketwatch website,
and gets the current market status of the exchange this stock is listed in. Possible values are:
After Hours, Open, and Market Closed.
global company_ticker
company_ticker = Ticker
link_1 = ''
link_2 = '?mod=search_symbol'
# Pasting the above 3 parts to create the URL
global final_link
final_link = link_1 + company_ticker + link_2
page = requests.get(final_link)
global soup
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, "lxml")
if soup is None:
raise ParsingError("HTML code of MarketWatch website was not scraped and current status can not be found")
current_status = soup.find("div", class_="status").text # Finding the market status
return current_status
def current_price_getter(self, Ticker):
This method will get the current price only if the market is open.
current_price = None
if self.status_getter(Ticker) == "Open":
current_price = float(soup.find("bg-quote", class_="value").text.replace(',',''))
return current_price
return "Market Closed"
def stock_data_getter(self, Ticker):
This method will return a dataframe containing Stock data from the Yahoo's "yfinance"
library in case the market is open.
if self.status_getter(Ticker) == "Open":
data = = str(Ticker), period = "6mo", interval = "1d")
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
return df
return "Market Closed"
def LSTM_stock_data_getter(self, Ticker):
This method will return a dataframe containing Stock data from the Yahoo's "yfinance"
library regardrless of whether the market is open or not, and will feed the LSTM model.
data = = str(Ticker), period = "2y", interval = "1d")
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Prediction in the data we evaluate the model
# If the user wants to run the model with the data that has been evaluated and predicted for , uncomment the 2 lines below ( Rows 111-112 )
# Setting the start = 2022-08-26 and end = 2020-08-26 Yahoo Finance will return data from 25-8-2020 to 25-8-2022 (2 years period).
# In those data our model has been evaluated.
#data = = str(Ticker),end="2022-08-26", start="2020-08-26")
#df = pd.DataFrame(data)
return df
def article_parser(self, ticker):
This method gets as input a stock ticker, creates the link of this stock
and returns a dataframe with the last 17 articles' headers.
company_ticker = self.Ticker(tick=ticker)
link_1 = ''
link_2 = '?mod=search_symbol'
# Pasting the above 3 parts to create the URL
final_link = link_1 + company_ticker + link_2
page = requests.get(final_link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser")
results = soup.find("div", class_="tab__pane is-active j-tabPane")
articles = results.find_all("a", class_="link")
headerList = ["ticker", "headline"]
rows = []
counter = 1
df_headers = pd.DataFrame()
for art in articles:
if counter <= 17:
ticker = company_ticker
title = art.text.strip()
if title is None:
rows.append([ticker, title])
counter = counter + 1
df_headers = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=headerList)
return df_headers