import numpy as np import gzip from pathlib import Path import tempfile import cv2 import tensorflow as tf import skimage.morphology import skimage.filters.rank import skimage.util from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model from aix.utils import hardened_dice_coef from aix.losses import dice_loss class AreaModel: def __init__(self, model_path="model/majority_roi_production.keras"): self.model_path = model_path self.model = load_model(model_path) self.IMG_SIZE = (192, 240) self.INPUT_CHANNELS = 1 self.IMG_SHAPE = (self.IMG_SIZE[0], self.IMG_SIZE[1], self.INPUT_CHANNELS) self.MASK_SHAPE = (self.IMG_SIZE[0], self.IMG_SIZE[1], 1) def compute_area(self, img): roi_img = roi(img) roi_shape = roi_img.shape #print(roi_img.dtype, roi_shape) t_img = tensor(roi_img, self.IMG_SHAPE) y = self.model.predict(x=t_img) mask = y[0] #print(roi_shape) resized_mask = tf.image.resize(mask, roi_shape) area = np.sum(resized_mask) return area, roi_img, resized_mask def image_to_file_path(image): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_file: temp_file.write( return def raw_image(file_path, remove_alpha=True): img = cv2.imread(file_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) #print(img.shape) if len(img.shape) == 3 and img.shape[2] == 4: #print("The image is in RGBA format. We remove the A") img = img[:, :, :3] return img def tensor(img, shape): #img = raw_image(file_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) if len(img.shape) == 2: img.shape = (img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 1) t = tf.convert_to_tensor(img) t = tf.image.resize(t, shape[:2]) t = tf.reshape(t, (1, *shape)) t = tf.cast(t, tf.float32) return t def roi(cv2_img): roi, (left, top), (right, bottom) = extract_roi(cv2_img / 255., filled=True, border=.01) #print("ROI found", (left, top), (right, bottom)) return cv2_img[top:bottom, left:right] def overlay_mask_on_image(image, mask, alpha=0.1, mask_color=(0, 255, 0)): """ Overlays a mask on an image. Args: image (np.array): The original image. mask (np.array): The mask to overlay. alpha (float): The opacity of the mask. mask_color (tuple): The color to use for the mask. Returns: np.array: The image with the mask overlay. """ rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) colored_mask = np.zeros_like(rgb_image) #print(colored_mask.shape) #print(mask.shape) colored_mask[:, :, 0] = mask_color[0] * mask[:, :, 0] colored_mask[:, :, 1] = mask_color[1] * mask[:, :, 0] colored_mask[:, :, 2] = mask_color[2] * mask[:, :, 0] #colored_mask *= mask # Overlay the mask on the image overlay = cv2.addWeighted(rgb_image, 1, colored_mask, alpha, 0) return overlay def local_entropy(im, kernel_size=5, normalize=True): kernel=skimage.morphology.disk(kernel_size) entr_img = skimage.filters.rank.entropy(skimage.util.img_as_ubyte(im), kernel) if normalize: max_img = np.max(entr_img) entr_img = (entr_img*255/max_img).astype(np.uint8) return entr_img def calc_dim(contour): c_0 = [ point[0][0] for point in contour] c_1 = [ point[0][1] for point in contour] return (min(c_0), max(c_0), min(c_1), max(c_1)) def calc_size(dim): return (dim[1] - dim[0]) * (dim[3] - dim[2]) def calc_dist(dim1, dim2): return None def extract_roi(img, threshold=135, kernel_size=5, min_fratio=.3, max_sratio=5, filled=True, border=.01): entr_img = local_entropy(img, kernel_size=kernel_size) _, mask = cv2.threshold(entr_img, threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) contours_d = [calc_dim(c) for c in contours] contours_sizes = [calc_size(c) for c in contours_d] contour_indices = np.argsort(contours_sizes)[::-1] # remove artifacts fratio = min_fratio sratio = max_sratio idx = -1 while fratio<=min_fratio or sratio>=max_sratio: idx += 1 biggest = contour_indices[idx] filled_mask = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype=np.uint8) filled_mask = cv2.fillPoly(filled_mask, [contours[biggest]], 255) fratio = filled_mask.sum()/255/contours_sizes[biggest] cdim = contours_d[biggest] sratio = (cdim[3]-cdim[2])/(cdim[1]-cdim[0]) if sratio<1: sratio = 1 / sratio #print(fratio, sratio, cdim, filled_mask.sum()//255) # generating the mask filled_mask = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype=np.uint8) extra = ( int(img.shape[0] * border) , int(img.shape[1] * border) ) origin = (max(0, cdim[0]-extra[1]), max(0, cdim[2]-extra[0])) to = (min(img.shape[1]-1 , cdim[1]+extra[1]), min(img.shape[0]-1 , cdim[3]+extra[0])) if filled: filled_mask = cv2.rectangle(filled_mask, origin, to, 255, -1) else: filled_mask = cv2.rectangle(filled_mask, origin, to, 255, 2) return filled_mask, origin, to