import streamlit as st from pathlib import Path from streamlit import session_state as sess import base64 from utils import raw_image, overlay_mask_on_image, image_to_file_path, AreaModel import streamlit.components.v1 as components st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # Set the title of the app st.write("### Cumulus Oocyte Complex (COC) area estimation") # Add a description st.write("This demo allows the computation of the area in pixels of a cumulus oocyte complex from its photograph implementing the method described in ") st.write("""Athanasiou, Georgios, Jesus Cerquides, Annelies Raes, Nima Azari-Dolatabad, Daniel Angel-Velez, Ann Van Soom, and Josep-Lluis Arcos. Detecting the Area of Bovine Cumulus Oocyte Complexes Using Deep Learning and Semantic Segmentation. In Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 249–58. IOS Press, 2022.""", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("Upload the photograph of your oocyte here:") if 'image_path' not in sess: sess.image_path = None if 'last_image_path' not in sess: sess.last_image_path = None if 'model' not in sess: sess.model = AreaModel() if 'image' not in sess: sess.image = None def compute_area(): if sess.last_image_path != sess.image_path: with (st.spinner("In progress, should not be more than 10 seconds...")): sess.img = raw_image(sess.image_path) sess.area, sess.roi_img, sess.mask = sess.model.compute_area(sess.img) sess.last_image_path = sess.image_path return def update_from_uploader(): uploaded_file = sess["uploaded_file"] if uploaded_file is not None: sess.image_path = image_to_file_path(uploaded_file) compute_area() image = st.file_uploader("Oocyte image", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"] , key="uploaded_file", on_change=update_from_uploader) if sess.image_path is not None: st.write(f"### Area computed = {sess.area:.2f} pixels") col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.image(sess.img, caption='Original oocyte', use_column_width=True) with col2: st.image(sess.roi_img, caption='ROI', use_column_width=True) with col3: st.image(overlay_mask_on_image(sess.roi_img, sess.mask), caption='ROI with the deep learning computed mask', use_column_width=True, clamp=True) # Show examples st.write("Or select one of the examples below:") examples = ["app/static/oocytes/immature/1.1.png", "app/static/oocytes/immature/14.10.png", "app/static/oocytes/immature/13.4.png"] examples_to_load = [str(Path(*Path(ex).parts[1:])) for ex in examples] example_imgs = [raw_image(ex) for ex in examples_to_load] cols = st.columns(len(examples)) for i, col in enumerate(cols): with col: def set_example(i): def f(): sess.image_path = examples_to_load[i] # print(sess.image_path) compute_area() return f st.button("Example "+str(i+1), on_click=set_example(i)) st.image(example_imgs[i], caption='Example ' + str(i+1), use_column_width=True) footer_html = """


Developed with ❤️ at IIIA logo IIIA - CSIC by Jesus Cerquides, Giorgios Athanasiou and Josep LLuís Arcos

In collaboration with UGhent logo Ghent University

MSCA logo Funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowka-Curie grant agreement 860960

""" st.markdown(footer_html, unsafe_allow_html=True)