diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
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+Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0a4ff936bc014efcd94265c0e1257c00125df544..122eaa18539b4a2d17f29046c3f25af9127a2661 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ sdk_version: 5.11.0
app_file: app.py
pinned: false
license: cc-by-nc-sa-4.0
-short_description: Advancing the Authentic Garment Details for High-fidelity Vi
+short_description: FitDiT is a high-fidelity virtual try-on model.
Check out the configuration reference at https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-config-reference
diff --git a/app.py b/app.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f986621697a877dde2a5ad6086e60fd2e9911b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app.py
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+import spaces
+import gradio as gr
+import os
+import math
+from preprocess.humanparsing.run_parsing import Parsing
+from preprocess.dwpose import DWposeDetector
+from transformers import CLIPVisionModelWithProjection, CLIPImageProcessor
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+from src.pose_guider import PoseGuider
+from PIL import Image
+from src.utils_mask import get_mask_location
+import numpy as np
+from src.pipeline_stable_diffusion_3_tryon import StableDiffusion3TryOnPipeline
+from src.transformer_sd3_garm import SD3Transformer2DModel as SD3Transformer2DModel_Garm
+from src.transformer_sd3_vton import SD3Transformer2DModel as SD3Transformer2DModel_Vton
+import cv2
+import random
+from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
+example_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'examples')
+access_token = os.getenv("HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN")
+fitdit_repo = "BoyuanJiang/FitDiT"
+repo_path = snapshot_download(repo_id=fitdit_repo)
+class FitDiTGenerator:
+ def __init__(self, model_root, device="cuda", with_fp16=False):
+ weight_dtype = torch.float16 if with_fp16 else torch.bfloat16
+ transformer_garm = SD3Transformer2DModel_Garm.from_pretrained(os.path.join(model_root, "transformer_garm"), torch_dtype=weight_dtype)
+ transformer_vton = SD3Transformer2DModel_Vton.from_pretrained(os.path.join(model_root, "transformer_vton"), torch_dtype=weight_dtype)
+ pose_guider = PoseGuider(conditioning_embedding_channels=1536, conditioning_channels=3, block_out_channels=(32, 64, 256, 512))
+ pose_guider.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(model_root, "pose_guider", "diffusion_pytorch_model.bin")))
+ image_encoder_large = CLIPVisionModelWithProjection.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-large-patch14", torch_dtype=weight_dtype)
+ image_encoder_bigG = CLIPVisionModelWithProjection.from_pretrained("laion/CLIP-ViT-bigG-14-laion2B-39B-b160k", torch_dtype=weight_dtype)
+ pose_guider.to(device=device, dtype=weight_dtype)
+ image_encoder_large.to(device=device)
+ image_encoder_bigG.to(device=device)
+ self.pipeline = StableDiffusion3TryOnPipeline.from_pretrained(model_root, torch_dtype=weight_dtype, transformer_garm=transformer_garm, transformer_vton=transformer_vton, pose_guider=pose_guider, image_encoder_large=image_encoder_large, image_encoder_bigG=image_encoder_bigG)
+ self.pipeline.to(device)
+ self.dwprocessor = DWposeDetector(model_root=model_root, device=device)
+ self.parsing_model = Parsing(model_root=model_root, device=device)
+ @spaces.GPU
+ def generate_mask(self, vton_img, category, offset_top, offset_bottom, offset_left, offset_right):
+ with torch.inference_mode():
+ vton_img = Image.open(vton_img)
+ vton_img_det = resize_image(vton_img)
+ pose_image, keypoints, _, candidate = self.dwprocessor(np.array(vton_img_det)[:,:,::-1])
+ candidate[candidate<0]=0
+ candidate = candidate[0]
+ candidate[:, 0]*=vton_img_det.width
+ candidate[:, 1]*=vton_img_det.height
+ pose_image = pose_image[:,:,::-1] #rgb
+ pose_image = Image.fromarray(pose_image)
+ model_parse, _ = self.parsing_model(vton_img_det)
+ mask, mask_gray = get_mask_location(category, model_parse, \
+ candidate, model_parse.width, model_parse.height, \
+ offset_top, offset_bottom, offset_left, offset_right)
+ mask = mask.resize(vton_img.size)
+ mask_gray = mask_gray.resize(vton_img.size)
+ mask = mask.convert("L")
+ mask_gray = mask_gray.convert("L")
+ masked_vton_img = Image.composite(mask_gray, vton_img, mask)
+ im = {}
+ im['background'] = np.array(vton_img.convert("RGBA"))
+ im['layers'] = [np.concatenate((np.array(mask_gray.convert("RGB")), np.array(mask)[:,:,np.newaxis]),axis=2)]
+ im['composite'] = np.array(masked_vton_img.convert("RGBA"))
+ return im, pose_image
+ @spaces.GPU
+ def process(self, vton_img, garm_img, pre_mask, pose_image, n_steps, image_scale, seed, num_images_per_prompt, resolution):
+ assert resolution in ["768x1024", "1152x1536", "1536x2048"]
+ new_width, new_height = resolution.split("x")
+ new_width = int(new_width)
+ new_height = int(new_height)
+ with torch.inference_mode():
+ garm_img = Image.open(garm_img)
+ vton_img = Image.open(vton_img)
+ model_image_size = vton_img.size
+ garm_img, _, _ = pad_and_resize(garm_img, new_width=new_width, new_height=new_height)
+ vton_img, pad_w, pad_h = pad_and_resize(vton_img, new_width=new_width, new_height=new_height)
+ mask = pre_mask["layers"][0][:,:,3]
+ mask = Image.fromarray(mask)
+ mask, _, _ = pad_and_resize(mask, new_width=new_width, new_height=new_height, pad_color=(0,0,0))
+ mask = mask.convert("L")
+ pose_image = Image.fromarray(pose_image)
+ pose_image, _, _ = pad_and_resize(pose_image, new_width=new_width, new_height=new_height, pad_color=(0,0,0))
+ if seed==-1:
+ seed = random.randint(0, 2147483647)
+ res = self.pipeline(
+ height=new_height,
+ width=new_width,
+ guidance_scale=image_scale,
+ num_inference_steps=n_steps,
+ generator=torch.Generator("cpu").manual_seed(seed),
+ cloth_image=garm_img,
+ model_image=vton_img,
+ mask=mask,
+ pose_image=pose_image,
+ num_images_per_prompt=num_images_per_prompt
+ ).images
+ for idx in range(len(res)):
+ res[idx] = unpad_and_resize(res[idx], pad_w, pad_h, model_image_size[0], model_image_size[1])
+ return res
+def pad_and_resize(im, new_width=768, new_height=1024, pad_color=(255, 255, 255), mode=Image.LANCZOS):
+ old_width, old_height = im.size
+ ratio_w = new_width / old_width
+ ratio_h = new_height / old_height
+ if ratio_w < ratio_h:
+ new_size = (new_width, round(old_height * ratio_w))
+ else:
+ new_size = (round(old_width * ratio_h), new_height)
+ im_resized = im.resize(new_size, mode)
+ pad_w = math.ceil((new_width - im_resized.width) / 2)
+ pad_h = math.ceil((new_height - im_resized.height) / 2)
+ new_im = Image.new('RGB', (new_width, new_height), pad_color)
+ new_im.paste(im_resized, (pad_w, pad_h))
+ return new_im, pad_w, pad_h
+def unpad_and_resize(padded_im, pad_w, pad_h, original_width, original_height):
+ width, height = padded_im.size
+ left = pad_w
+ top = pad_h
+ right = width - pad_w
+ bottom = height - pad_h
+ cropped_im = padded_im.crop((left, top, right, bottom))
+ resized_im = cropped_im.resize((original_width, original_height), Image.LANCZOS)
+ return resized_im
+def resize_image(img, target_size=768):
+ width, height = img.size
+ if width < height:
+ scale = target_size / width
+ else:
+ scale = target_size / height
+ new_width = int(round(width * scale))
+ new_height = int(round(height * scale))
+ resized_img = img.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.LANCZOS)
+ return resized_img
+HEADER = """
FitDiT: Advancing the Authentic Garment Details for High-fidelity Virtual Try-on
+FitDiT is designed for high-fidelity virtual try-on using Diffusion Transformers (DiT). It can only be used for Non-commercial Use.
+If you like our work, please star our github repository.
+def create_demo(model_path, device, with_fp16):
+ generator = FitDiTGenerator(model_path, device, with_fp16)
+ with gr.Blocks(title="FitDiT") as demo:
+ gr.Markdown(HEADER)
+ with gr.Row():
+ with gr.Column():
+ vton_img = gr.Image(label="Model", sources=None, type="filepath", height=512)
+ with gr.Column():
+ garm_img = gr.Image(label="Garment", sources=None, type="filepath", height=512)
+ with gr.Row():
+ with gr.Column():
+ masked_vton_img = gr.ImageEditor(label="masked_vton_img", type="numpy", height=512, interactive=True, brush=gr.Brush(default_color="rgb(127, 127, 127)", colors=[
+ "rgb(128, 128, 128)"
+ ]))
+ pose_image = gr.Image(label="pose_image", visible=False, interactive=False)
+ with gr.Column():
+ result_gallery = gr.Gallery(label="Output", elem_id="output-img", interactive=False, columns=[2], rows=[2], object_fit="contain", height="auto")
+ with gr.Row():
+ with gr.Column():
+ offset_top = gr.Slider(label="mask offset top", minimum=-200, maximum=200, step=1, value=0)
+ with gr.Column():
+ offset_bottom = gr.Slider(label="mask offset bottom", minimum=-200, maximum=200, step=1, value=0)
+ with gr.Column():
+ offset_left = gr.Slider(label="mask offset left", minimum=-200, maximum=200, step=1, value=0)
+ with gr.Column():
+ offset_right = gr.Slider(label="mask offset right", minimum=-200, maximum=200, step=1, value=0)
+ with gr.Row():
+ with gr.Column():
+ n_steps = gr.Slider(label="Steps", minimum=15, maximum=30, value=20, step=1)
+ with gr.Column():
+ image_scale = gr.Slider(label="Guidance scale", minimum=1.0, maximum=5.0, value=2, step=0.1)
+ with gr.Column():
+ seed = gr.Slider(label="Seed", minimum=-1, maximum=2147483647, step=1, value=-1)
+ with gr.Column():
+ num_images_per_prompt = gr.Slider(label="num_images", minimum=1, maximum=4, step=1, value=1)
+ with gr.Row():
+ with gr.Column():
+ example = gr.Examples(
+ label="Model (upper-body)",
+ inputs=vton_img,
+ examples_per_page=7,
+ examples=[
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'model/0279.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'model/0303.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'model/2.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'model/0083.jpg'),
+ ])
+ example = gr.Examples(
+ label="Model (upper-body/lower-body)",
+ inputs=vton_img,
+ examples_per_page=7,
+ examples=[
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'model/0.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'model/0179.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'model/0223.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'model/0347.jpg'),
+ ])
+ example = gr.Examples(
+ label="Model (dresses)",
+ inputs=vton_img,
+ examples_per_page=7,
+ examples=[
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'model/4.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'model/5.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'model/6.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'model/7.jpg'),
+ ])
+ with gr.Column():
+ example = gr.Examples(
+ label="Garment (upper-body)",
+ inputs=garm_img,
+ examples_per_page=7,
+ examples=[
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'garment/12.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'garment/0012.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'garment/0047.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'garment/0049.jpg'),
+ ])
+ example = gr.Examples(
+ label="Garment (lower-body)",
+ inputs=garm_img,
+ examples_per_page=7,
+ examples=[
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'garment/0317.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'garment/0327.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'garment/0329.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'garment/0362.jpg'),
+ ])
+ example = gr.Examples(
+ label="Garment (dresses)",
+ inputs=garm_img,
+ examples_per_page=7,
+ examples=[
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'garment/8.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'garment/9.png'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'garment/10.jpg'),
+ os.path.join(example_path, 'garment/11.jpg'),
+ ])
+ with gr.Column():
+ category = gr.Dropdown(label="Garment category", choices=["Upper-body", "Lower-body", "Dresses"], value="Upper-body")
+ resolution = gr.Dropdown(label="Try-on resolution", choices=["768x1024", "1152x1536", "1536x2048"], value="1152x1536")
+ with gr.Column():
+ run_mask_button = gr.Button(value="Step1: Run Mask")
+ run_button = gr.Button(value="Step2: Run Try-on")
+ ips1 = [vton_img, category, offset_top, offset_bottom, offset_left, offset_right]
+ ips2 = [vton_img, garm_img, masked_vton_img, pose_image, n_steps, image_scale, seed, num_images_per_prompt, resolution]
+ run_mask_button.click(fn=generator.generate_mask, inputs=ips1, outputs=[masked_vton_img, pose_image])
+ run_button.click(fn=generator.process, inputs=ips2, outputs=[result_gallery])
+ return demo
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="FitDiT")
+ parser.add_argument("--device", type=str, default="cuda:0", help="Device to use")
+ parser.add_argument("--fp16", action="store_true", help="Load model with fp16, default is bf16")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ demo = create_demo(repo_path, args.device, args.fp16)
+ demo.launch(share=True)
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/0.jpg differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/0179.jpg differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/0220.jpg differ
diff --git a/examples/model/0223.jpg b/examples/model/0223.jpg
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/0223.jpg differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/0274.jpg differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/0303.jpg differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/0347.jpg differ
diff --git a/examples/model/1.jpg b/examples/model/1.jpg
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/1.jpg differ
diff --git a/examples/model/2.jpg b/examples/model/2.jpg
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/2.jpg differ
diff --git a/examples/model/3.png b/examples/model/3.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/3.png differ
diff --git a/examples/model/4.jpg b/examples/model/4.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c363bfb7ce7d284429d04025b92a76d4e6061555
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/4.jpg differ
diff --git a/examples/model/5.jpg b/examples/model/5.jpg
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/5.jpg differ
diff --git a/examples/model/6.jpg b/examples/model/6.jpg
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b695d94dafa07d23f87ca18d57ef70f2ca45a967
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/6.jpg differ
diff --git a/examples/model/7.jpg b/examples/model/7.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a141e8043267f444f1aecf9f7f98847e8f605c09
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/7.jpg differ
diff --git a/examples/model/8.png b/examples/model/8.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..095df087b4a1c696609c166bc52b8bdb78095caa
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/model/8.png differ
diff --git a/preprocess/dwpose/__init__.py b/preprocess/dwpose/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..31b0bf6cd87b6e95bc17c9a71a100a7a84756aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/dwpose/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Openpose
+# Original from CMU https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose
+# 2nd Edited by https://github.com/Hzzone/pytorch-openpose
+# 3rd Edited by ControlNet
+# 4th Edited by ControlNet (added face and correct hands)
+import os
+import torch
+import numpy as np
+from . import util
+from .wholebody import Wholebody
+def draw_pose(pose, H, W):
+ bodies = pose['bodies']
+ faces = pose['faces']
+ hands = pose['hands']
+ candidate = bodies['candidate']
+ subset = bodies['subset']
+ canvas = np.zeros(shape=(H, W, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
+ canvas = util.draw_bodypose(canvas, candidate, subset)
+ canvas = util.draw_handpose(canvas, hands)
+ canvas = util.draw_facepose(canvas, faces)
+ return canvas
+class DWposeDetector:
+ def __init__(self, model_root, device):
+ self.pose_estimation = Wholebody(model_root, device)
+ def __call__(self, oriImg):
+ oriImg = oriImg.copy()
+ H, W, C = oriImg.shape
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ candidate, subset = self.pose_estimation(oriImg)
+ nums, keys, locs = candidate.shape
+ candidate[..., 0] /= float(W)
+ candidate[..., 1] /= float(H)
+ body = candidate[:,:18].copy()
+ body = body.reshape(nums*18, locs)
+ ori_score = subset[:,:18].copy()
+ score = subset[:,:18].copy()
+ for i in range(len(score)):
+ for j in range(len(score[i])):
+ if score[i][j] > 0.3:
+ score[i][j] = int(18*i+j)
+ else:
+ score[i][j] = -1
+ un_visible = subset<0.3
+ candidate[un_visible] = -1
+ foot = candidate[:,18:24]
+ faces = candidate[:,24:92]
+ hands = candidate[:,92:113]
+ hands = np.vstack([hands, candidate[:,113:]])
+ bodies = dict(candidate=body, subset=score)
+ pose = dict(bodies=bodies, hands=hands, faces=faces)
+ return draw_pose(pose, H, W), body, ori_score, candidate
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/preprocess/dwpose/onnxdet.py b/preprocess/dwpose/onnxdet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f29498d96898aca3557eb93bcb911f8dc32ae6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/dwpose/onnxdet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+import onnxruntime
+def nms(boxes, scores, nms_thr):
+ """Single class NMS implemented in Numpy."""
+ x1 = boxes[:, 0]
+ y1 = boxes[:, 1]
+ x2 = boxes[:, 2]
+ y2 = boxes[:, 3]
+ areas = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1)
+ order = scores.argsort()[::-1]
+ keep = []
+ while order.size > 0:
+ i = order[0]
+ keep.append(i)
+ xx1 = np.maximum(x1[i], x1[order[1:]])
+ yy1 = np.maximum(y1[i], y1[order[1:]])
+ xx2 = np.minimum(x2[i], x2[order[1:]])
+ yy2 = np.minimum(y2[i], y2[order[1:]])
+ w = np.maximum(0.0, xx2 - xx1 + 1)
+ h = np.maximum(0.0, yy2 - yy1 + 1)
+ inter = w * h
+ ovr = inter / (areas[i] + areas[order[1:]] - inter)
+ inds = np.where(ovr <= nms_thr)[0]
+ order = order[inds + 1]
+ return keep
+def multiclass_nms(boxes, scores, nms_thr, score_thr):
+ """Multiclass NMS implemented in Numpy. Class-aware version."""
+ final_dets = []
+ num_classes = scores.shape[1]
+ for cls_ind in range(num_classes):
+ cls_scores = scores[:, cls_ind]
+ valid_score_mask = cls_scores > score_thr
+ if valid_score_mask.sum() == 0:
+ continue
+ else:
+ valid_scores = cls_scores[valid_score_mask]
+ valid_boxes = boxes[valid_score_mask]
+ keep = nms(valid_boxes, valid_scores, nms_thr)
+ if len(keep) > 0:
+ cls_inds = np.ones((len(keep), 1)) * cls_ind
+ dets = np.concatenate(
+ [valid_boxes[keep], valid_scores[keep, None], cls_inds], 1
+ )
+ final_dets.append(dets)
+ if len(final_dets) == 0:
+ return None
+ return np.concatenate(final_dets, 0)
+def demo_postprocess(outputs, img_size, p6=False):
+ grids = []
+ expanded_strides = []
+ strides = [8, 16, 32] if not p6 else [8, 16, 32, 64]
+ hsizes = [img_size[0] // stride for stride in strides]
+ wsizes = [img_size[1] // stride for stride in strides]
+ for hsize, wsize, stride in zip(hsizes, wsizes, strides):
+ xv, yv = np.meshgrid(np.arange(wsize), np.arange(hsize))
+ grid = np.stack((xv, yv), 2).reshape(1, -1, 2)
+ grids.append(grid)
+ shape = grid.shape[:2]
+ expanded_strides.append(np.full((*shape, 1), stride))
+ grids = np.concatenate(grids, 1)
+ expanded_strides = np.concatenate(expanded_strides, 1)
+ outputs[..., :2] = (outputs[..., :2] + grids) * expanded_strides
+ outputs[..., 2:4] = np.exp(outputs[..., 2:4]) * expanded_strides
+ return outputs
+def preprocess(img, input_size, swap=(2, 0, 1)):
+ if len(img.shape) == 3:
+ padded_img = np.ones((input_size[0], input_size[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 114
+ else:
+ padded_img = np.ones(input_size, dtype=np.uint8) * 114
+ r = min(input_size[0] / img.shape[0], input_size[1] / img.shape[1])
+ resized_img = cv2.resize(
+ img,
+ (int(img.shape[1] * r), int(img.shape[0] * r)),
+ interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
+ ).astype(np.uint8)
+ padded_img[: int(img.shape[0] * r), : int(img.shape[1] * r)] = resized_img
+ padded_img = padded_img.transpose(swap)
+ padded_img = np.ascontiguousarray(padded_img, dtype=np.float32)
+ return padded_img, r
+def inference_detector(session, oriImg):
+ input_shape = (640,640)
+ img, ratio = preprocess(oriImg, input_shape)
+ ort_inputs = {session.get_inputs()[0].name: img[None, :, :, :]}
+ output = session.run(None, ort_inputs)
+ predictions = demo_postprocess(output[0], input_shape)[0]
+ boxes = predictions[:, :4]
+ scores = predictions[:, 4:5] * predictions[:, 5:]
+ boxes_xyxy = np.ones_like(boxes)
+ boxes_xyxy[:, 0] = boxes[:, 0] - boxes[:, 2]/2.
+ boxes_xyxy[:, 1] = boxes[:, 1] - boxes[:, 3]/2.
+ boxes_xyxy[:, 2] = boxes[:, 0] + boxes[:, 2]/2.
+ boxes_xyxy[:, 3] = boxes[:, 1] + boxes[:, 3]/2.
+ boxes_xyxy /= ratio
+ dets = multiclass_nms(boxes_xyxy, scores, nms_thr=0.45, score_thr=0.1)
+ if dets is not None:
+ final_boxes, final_scores, final_cls_inds = dets[:, :4], dets[:, 4], dets[:, 5]
+ isscore = final_scores>0.3
+ iscat = final_cls_inds == 0
+ isbbox = [ i and j for (i, j) in zip(isscore, iscat)]
+ final_boxes = final_boxes[isbbox]
+ else:
+ final_boxes = np.array([])
+ return final_boxes
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/preprocess/dwpose/onnxpose.py b/preprocess/dwpose/onnxpose.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79cd4a06241123af81ea22446a4ca8816716443f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/dwpose/onnxpose.py
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+from typing import List, Tuple
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+import onnxruntime as ort
+def preprocess(
+ img: np.ndarray, out_bbox, input_size: Tuple[int, int] = (192, 256)
+) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
+ """Do preprocessing for RTMPose model inference.
+ Args:
+ img (np.ndarray): Input image in shape.
+ input_size (tuple): Input image size in shape (w, h).
+ Returns:
+ tuple:
+ - resized_img (np.ndarray): Preprocessed image.
+ - center (np.ndarray): Center of image.
+ - scale (np.ndarray): Scale of image.
+ """
+ # get shape of image
+ img_shape = img.shape[:2]
+ out_img, out_center, out_scale = [], [], []
+ if len(out_bbox) == 0:
+ out_bbox = [[0, 0, img_shape[1], img_shape[0]]]
+ for i in range(len(out_bbox)):
+ x0 = out_bbox[i][0]
+ y0 = out_bbox[i][1]
+ x1 = out_bbox[i][2]
+ y1 = out_bbox[i][3]
+ bbox = np.array([x0, y0, x1, y1])
+ # get center and scale
+ center, scale = bbox_xyxy2cs(bbox, padding=1.25)
+ # do affine transformation
+ resized_img, scale = top_down_affine(input_size, scale, center, img)
+ # normalize image
+ mean = np.array([123.675, 116.28, 103.53])
+ std = np.array([58.395, 57.12, 57.375])
+ resized_img = (resized_img - mean) / std
+ out_img.append(resized_img)
+ out_center.append(center)
+ out_scale.append(scale)
+ return out_img, out_center, out_scale
+def inference(sess: ort.InferenceSession, img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
+ """Inference RTMPose model.
+ Args:
+ sess (ort.InferenceSession): ONNXRuntime session.
+ img (np.ndarray): Input image in shape.
+ Returns:
+ outputs (np.ndarray): Output of RTMPose model.
+ """
+ all_out = []
+ # build input
+ for i in range(len(img)):
+ input = [img[i].transpose(2, 0, 1)]
+ # build output
+ sess_input = {sess.get_inputs()[0].name: input}
+ sess_output = []
+ for out in sess.get_outputs():
+ sess_output.append(out.name)
+ # run model
+ outputs = sess.run(sess_output, sess_input)
+ all_out.append(outputs)
+ return all_out
+def postprocess(outputs: List[np.ndarray],
+ model_input_size: Tuple[int, int],
+ center: Tuple[int, int],
+ scale: Tuple[int, int],
+ simcc_split_ratio: float = 2.0
+ ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
+ """Postprocess for RTMPose model output.
+ Args:
+ outputs (np.ndarray): Output of RTMPose model.
+ model_input_size (tuple): RTMPose model Input image size.
+ center (tuple): Center of bbox in shape (x, y).
+ scale (tuple): Scale of bbox in shape (w, h).
+ simcc_split_ratio (float): Split ratio of simcc.
+ Returns:
+ tuple:
+ - keypoints (np.ndarray): Rescaled keypoints.
+ - scores (np.ndarray): Model predict scores.
+ """
+ all_key = []
+ all_score = []
+ for i in range(len(outputs)):
+ # use simcc to decode
+ simcc_x, simcc_y = outputs[i]
+ keypoints, scores = decode(simcc_x, simcc_y, simcc_split_ratio)
+ # rescale keypoints
+ keypoints = keypoints / model_input_size * scale[i] + center[i] - scale[i] / 2
+ all_key.append(keypoints[0])
+ all_score.append(scores[0])
+ return np.array(all_key), np.array(all_score)
+def bbox_xyxy2cs(bbox: np.ndarray,
+ padding: float = 1.) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
+ """Transform the bbox format from (x,y,w,h) into (center, scale)
+ Args:
+ bbox (ndarray): Bounding box(es) in shape (4,) or (n, 4), formatted
+ as (left, top, right, bottom)
+ padding (float): BBox padding factor that will be multilied to scale.
+ Default: 1.0
+ Returns:
+ tuple: A tuple containing center and scale.
+ - np.ndarray[float32]: Center (x, y) of the bbox in shape (2,) or
+ (n, 2)
+ - np.ndarray[float32]: Scale (w, h) of the bbox in shape (2,) or
+ (n, 2)
+ """
+ # convert single bbox from (4, ) to (1, 4)
+ dim = bbox.ndim
+ if dim == 1:
+ bbox = bbox[None, :]
+ # get bbox center and scale
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = np.hsplit(bbox, [1, 2, 3])
+ center = np.hstack([x1 + x2, y1 + y2]) * 0.5
+ scale = np.hstack([x2 - x1, y2 - y1]) * padding
+ if dim == 1:
+ center = center[0]
+ scale = scale[0]
+ return center, scale
+def _fix_aspect_ratio(bbox_scale: np.ndarray,
+ aspect_ratio: float) -> np.ndarray:
+ """Extend the scale to match the given aspect ratio.
+ Args:
+ scale (np.ndarray): The image scale (w, h) in shape (2, )
+ aspect_ratio (float): The ratio of ``w/h``
+ Returns:
+ np.ndarray: The reshaped image scale in (2, )
+ """
+ w, h = np.hsplit(bbox_scale, [1])
+ bbox_scale = np.where(w > h * aspect_ratio,
+ np.hstack([w, w / aspect_ratio]),
+ np.hstack([h * aspect_ratio, h]))
+ return bbox_scale
+def _rotate_point(pt: np.ndarray, angle_rad: float) -> np.ndarray:
+ """Rotate a point by an angle.
+ Args:
+ pt (np.ndarray): 2D point coordinates (x, y) in shape (2, )
+ angle_rad (float): rotation angle in radian
+ Returns:
+ np.ndarray: Rotated point in shape (2, )
+ """
+ sn, cs = np.sin(angle_rad), np.cos(angle_rad)
+ rot_mat = np.array([[cs, -sn], [sn, cs]])
+ return rot_mat @ pt
+def _get_3rd_point(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
+ """To calculate the affine matrix, three pairs of points are required. This
+ function is used to get the 3rd point, given 2D points a & b.
+ The 3rd point is defined by rotating vector `a - b` by 90 degrees
+ anticlockwise, using b as the rotation center.
+ Args:
+ a (np.ndarray): The 1st point (x,y) in shape (2, )
+ b (np.ndarray): The 2nd point (x,y) in shape (2, )
+ Returns:
+ np.ndarray: The 3rd point.
+ """
+ direction = a - b
+ c = b + np.r_[-direction[1], direction[0]]
+ return c
+def get_warp_matrix(center: np.ndarray,
+ scale: np.ndarray,
+ rot: float,
+ output_size: Tuple[int, int],
+ shift: Tuple[float, float] = (0., 0.),
+ inv: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
+ """Calculate the affine transformation matrix that can warp the bbox area
+ in the input image to the output size.
+ Args:
+ center (np.ndarray[2, ]): Center of the bounding box (x, y).
+ scale (np.ndarray[2, ]): Scale of the bounding box
+ wrt [width, height].
+ rot (float): Rotation angle (degree).
+ output_size (np.ndarray[2, ] | list(2,)): Size of the
+ destination heatmaps.
+ shift (0-100%): Shift translation ratio wrt the width/height.
+ Default (0., 0.).
+ inv (bool): Option to inverse the affine transform direction.
+ (inv=False: src->dst or inv=True: dst->src)
+ Returns:
+ np.ndarray: A 2x3 transformation matrix
+ """
+ shift = np.array(shift)
+ src_w = scale[0]
+ dst_w = output_size[0]
+ dst_h = output_size[1]
+ # compute transformation matrix
+ rot_rad = np.deg2rad(rot)
+ src_dir = _rotate_point(np.array([0., src_w * -0.5]), rot_rad)
+ dst_dir = np.array([0., dst_w * -0.5])
+ # get four corners of the src rectangle in the original image
+ src = np.zeros((3, 2), dtype=np.float32)
+ src[0, :] = center + scale * shift
+ src[1, :] = center + src_dir + scale * shift
+ src[2, :] = _get_3rd_point(src[0, :], src[1, :])
+ # get four corners of the dst rectangle in the input image
+ dst = np.zeros((3, 2), dtype=np.float32)
+ dst[0, :] = [dst_w * 0.5, dst_h * 0.5]
+ dst[1, :] = np.array([dst_w * 0.5, dst_h * 0.5]) + dst_dir
+ dst[2, :] = _get_3rd_point(dst[0, :], dst[1, :])
+ if inv:
+ warp_mat = cv2.getAffineTransform(np.float32(dst), np.float32(src))
+ else:
+ warp_mat = cv2.getAffineTransform(np.float32(src), np.float32(dst))
+ return warp_mat
+def top_down_affine(input_size: dict, bbox_scale: dict, bbox_center: dict,
+ img: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
+ """Get the bbox image as the model input by affine transform.
+ Args:
+ input_size (dict): The input size of the model.
+ bbox_scale (dict): The bbox scale of the img.
+ bbox_center (dict): The bbox center of the img.
+ img (np.ndarray): The original image.
+ Returns:
+ tuple: A tuple containing center and scale.
+ - np.ndarray[float32]: img after affine transform.
+ - np.ndarray[float32]: bbox scale after affine transform.
+ """
+ w, h = input_size
+ warp_size = (int(w), int(h))
+ # reshape bbox to fixed aspect ratio
+ bbox_scale = _fix_aspect_ratio(bbox_scale, aspect_ratio=w / h)
+ # get the affine matrix
+ center = bbox_center
+ scale = bbox_scale
+ rot = 0
+ warp_mat = get_warp_matrix(center, scale, rot, output_size=(w, h))
+ # do affine transform
+ img = cv2.warpAffine(img, warp_mat, warp_size, flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
+ return img, bbox_scale
+def get_simcc_maximum(simcc_x: np.ndarray,
+ simcc_y: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
+ """Get maximum response location and value from simcc representations.
+ Note:
+ instance number: N
+ num_keypoints: K
+ heatmap height: H
+ heatmap width: W
+ Args:
+ simcc_x (np.ndarray): x-axis SimCC in shape (K, Wx) or (N, K, Wx)
+ simcc_y (np.ndarray): y-axis SimCC in shape (K, Wy) or (N, K, Wy)
+ Returns:
+ tuple:
+ - locs (np.ndarray): locations of maximum heatmap responses in shape
+ (K, 2) or (N, K, 2)
+ - vals (np.ndarray): values of maximum heatmap responses in shape
+ (K,) or (N, K)
+ """
+ N, K, Wx = simcc_x.shape
+ simcc_x = simcc_x.reshape(N * K, -1)
+ simcc_y = simcc_y.reshape(N * K, -1)
+ # get maximum value locations
+ x_locs = np.argmax(simcc_x, axis=1)
+ y_locs = np.argmax(simcc_y, axis=1)
+ locs = np.stack((x_locs, y_locs), axis=-1).astype(np.float32)
+ max_val_x = np.amax(simcc_x, axis=1)
+ max_val_y = np.amax(simcc_y, axis=1)
+ # get maximum value across x and y axis
+ mask = max_val_x > max_val_y
+ max_val_x[mask] = max_val_y[mask]
+ vals = max_val_x
+ locs[vals <= 0.] = -1
+ # reshape
+ locs = locs.reshape(N, K, 2)
+ vals = vals.reshape(N, K)
+ return locs, vals
+def decode(simcc_x: np.ndarray, simcc_y: np.ndarray,
+ simcc_split_ratio) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
+ """Modulate simcc distribution with Gaussian.
+ Args:
+ simcc_x (np.ndarray[K, Wx]): model predicted simcc in x.
+ simcc_y (np.ndarray[K, Wy]): model predicted simcc in y.
+ simcc_split_ratio (int): The split ratio of simcc.
+ Returns:
+ tuple: A tuple containing center and scale.
+ - np.ndarray[float32]: keypoints in shape (K, 2) or (n, K, 2)
+ - np.ndarray[float32]: scores in shape (K,) or (n, K)
+ """
+ keypoints, scores = get_simcc_maximum(simcc_x, simcc_y)
+ keypoints /= simcc_split_ratio
+ return keypoints, scores
+def inference_pose(session, out_bbox, oriImg):
+ h, w = session.get_inputs()[0].shape[2:]
+ model_input_size = (w, h)
+ resized_img, center, scale = preprocess(oriImg, out_bbox, model_input_size)
+ outputs = inference(session, resized_img)
+ keypoints, scores = postprocess(outputs, model_input_size, center, scale)
+ return keypoints, scores
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/preprocess/dwpose/util.py b/preprocess/dwpose/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..312216082fd75c3899fe44008343e56e99af6f3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/dwpose/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+import math
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib
+import cv2
+eps = 0.01
+def smart_resize(x, s):
+ Ht, Wt = s
+ if x.ndim == 2:
+ Ho, Wo = x.shape
+ Co = 1
+ else:
+ Ho, Wo, Co = x.shape
+ if Co == 3 or Co == 1:
+ k = float(Ht + Wt) / float(Ho + Wo)
+ return cv2.resize(x, (int(Wt), int(Ht)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA if k < 1 else cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
+ else:
+ return np.stack([smart_resize(x[:, :, i], s) for i in range(Co)], axis=2)
+def smart_resize_k(x, fx, fy):
+ if x.ndim == 2:
+ Ho, Wo = x.shape
+ Co = 1
+ else:
+ Ho, Wo, Co = x.shape
+ Ht, Wt = Ho * fy, Wo * fx
+ if Co == 3 or Co == 1:
+ k = float(Ht + Wt) / float(Ho + Wo)
+ return cv2.resize(x, (int(Wt), int(Ht)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA if k < 1 else cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
+ else:
+ return np.stack([smart_resize_k(x[:, :, i], fx, fy) for i in range(Co)], axis=2)
+def padRightDownCorner(img, stride, padValue):
+ h = img.shape[0]
+ w = img.shape[1]
+ pad = 4 * [None]
+ pad[0] = 0 # up
+ pad[1] = 0 # left
+ pad[2] = 0 if (h % stride == 0) else stride - (h % stride) # down
+ pad[3] = 0 if (w % stride == 0) else stride - (w % stride) # right
+ img_padded = img
+ pad_up = np.tile(img_padded[0:1, :, :]*0 + padValue, (pad[0], 1, 1))
+ img_padded = np.concatenate((pad_up, img_padded), axis=0)
+ pad_left = np.tile(img_padded[:, 0:1, :]*0 + padValue, (1, pad[1], 1))
+ img_padded = np.concatenate((pad_left, img_padded), axis=1)
+ pad_down = np.tile(img_padded[-2:-1, :, :]*0 + padValue, (pad[2], 1, 1))
+ img_padded = np.concatenate((img_padded, pad_down), axis=0)
+ pad_right = np.tile(img_padded[:, -2:-1, :]*0 + padValue, (1, pad[3], 1))
+ img_padded = np.concatenate((img_padded, pad_right), axis=1)
+ return img_padded, pad
+def transfer(model, model_weights):
+ transfered_model_weights = {}
+ for weights_name in model.state_dict().keys():
+ transfered_model_weights[weights_name] = model_weights['.'.join(weights_name.split('.')[1:])]
+ return transfered_model_weights
+def draw_bodypose(canvas, candidate, subset):
+ H, W, C = canvas.shape
+ candidate = np.array(candidate)
+ subset = np.array(subset)
+ stickwidth = 4
+ limbSeq = [[2, 3], [2, 6], [3, 4], [4, 5], [6, 7], [7, 8], [2, 9], [9, 10], \
+ [10, 11], [2, 12], [12, 13], [13, 14], [2, 1], [1, 15], [15, 17], \
+ [1, 16], [16, 18], [3, 17], [6, 18]]
+ colors = [[255, 0, 0], [255, 85, 0], [255, 170, 0], [255, 255, 0], [170, 255, 0], [85, 255, 0], [0, 255, 0], \
+ [0, 255, 85], [0, 255, 170], [0, 255, 255], [0, 170, 255], [0, 85, 255], [0, 0, 255], [85, 0, 255], \
+ [170, 0, 255], [255, 0, 255], [255, 0, 170], [255, 0, 85]]
+ for i in range(17):
+ for n in range(len(subset)):
+ index = subset[n][np.array(limbSeq[i]) - 1]
+ if -1 in index:
+ continue
+ Y = candidate[index.astype(int), 0] * float(W)
+ X = candidate[index.astype(int), 1] * float(H)
+ mX = np.mean(X)
+ mY = np.mean(Y)
+ length = ((X[0] - X[1]) ** 2 + (Y[0] - Y[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
+ angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(X[0] - X[1], Y[0] - Y[1]))
+ polygon = cv2.ellipse2Poly((int(mY), int(mX)), (int(length / 2), stickwidth), int(angle), 0, 360, 1)
+ cv2.fillConvexPoly(canvas, polygon, colors[i])
+ canvas = (canvas * 0.6).astype(np.uint8)
+ for i in range(18):
+ for n in range(len(subset)):
+ index = int(subset[n][i])
+ if index == -1:
+ continue
+ x, y = candidate[index][0:2]
+ x = int(x * W)
+ y = int(y * H)
+ cv2.circle(canvas, (int(x), int(y)), 4, colors[i], thickness=-1)
+ return canvas
+def draw_handpose(canvas, all_hand_peaks):
+ H, W, C = canvas.shape
+ edges = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [0, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [7, 8], [0, 9], [9, 10], \
+ [10, 11], [11, 12], [0, 13], [13, 14], [14, 15], [15, 16], [0, 17], [17, 18], [18, 19], [19, 20]]
+ for peaks in all_hand_peaks:
+ peaks = np.array(peaks)
+ for ie, e in enumerate(edges):
+ x1, y1 = peaks[e[0]]
+ x2, y2 = peaks[e[1]]
+ x1 = int(x1 * W)
+ y1 = int(y1 * H)
+ x2 = int(x2 * W)
+ y2 = int(y2 * H)
+ if x1 > eps and y1 > eps and x2 > eps and y2 > eps:
+ cv2.line(canvas, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), matplotlib.colors.hsv_to_rgb([ie / float(len(edges)), 1.0, 1.0]) * 255, thickness=2)
+ for i, keyponit in enumerate(peaks):
+ x, y = keyponit
+ x = int(x * W)
+ y = int(y * H)
+ if x > eps and y > eps:
+ cv2.circle(canvas, (x, y), 4, (0, 0, 255), thickness=-1)
+ return canvas
+def draw_facepose(canvas, all_lmks):
+ H, W, C = canvas.shape
+ for lmks in all_lmks:
+ lmks = np.array(lmks)
+ for lmk in lmks:
+ x, y = lmk
+ x = int(x * W)
+ y = int(y * H)
+ if x > eps and y > eps:
+ cv2.circle(canvas, (x, y), 3, (255, 255, 255), thickness=-1)
+ return canvas
+# detect hand according to body pose keypoints
+# please refer to https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/blob/master/src/openpose/hand/handDetector.cpp
+def handDetect(candidate, subset, oriImg):
+ # right hand: wrist 4, elbow 3, shoulder 2
+ # left hand: wrist 7, elbow 6, shoulder 5
+ ratioWristElbow = 0.33
+ detect_result = []
+ image_height, image_width = oriImg.shape[0:2]
+ for person in subset.astype(int):
+ # if any of three not detected
+ has_left = np.sum(person[[5, 6, 7]] == -1) == 0
+ has_right = np.sum(person[[2, 3, 4]] == -1) == 0
+ if not (has_left or has_right):
+ continue
+ hands = []
+ #left hand
+ if has_left:
+ left_shoulder_index, left_elbow_index, left_wrist_index = person[[5, 6, 7]]
+ x1, y1 = candidate[left_shoulder_index][:2]
+ x2, y2 = candidate[left_elbow_index][:2]
+ x3, y3 = candidate[left_wrist_index][:2]
+ hands.append([x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, True])
+ # right hand
+ if has_right:
+ right_shoulder_index, right_elbow_index, right_wrist_index = person[[2, 3, 4]]
+ x1, y1 = candidate[right_shoulder_index][:2]
+ x2, y2 = candidate[right_elbow_index][:2]
+ x3, y3 = candidate[right_wrist_index][:2]
+ hands.append([x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, False])
+ for x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, is_left in hands:
+ # pos_hand = pos_wrist + ratio * (pos_wrist - pos_elbox) = (1 + ratio) * pos_wrist - ratio * pos_elbox
+ # handRectangle.x = posePtr[wrist*3] + ratioWristElbow * (posePtr[wrist*3] - posePtr[elbow*3]);
+ # handRectangle.y = posePtr[wrist*3+1] + ratioWristElbow * (posePtr[wrist*3+1] - posePtr[elbow*3+1]);
+ # const auto distanceWristElbow = getDistance(poseKeypoints, person, wrist, elbow);
+ # const auto distanceElbowShoulder = getDistance(poseKeypoints, person, elbow, shoulder);
+ # handRectangle.width = 1.5f * fastMax(distanceWristElbow, 0.9f * distanceElbowShoulder);
+ x = x3 + ratioWristElbow * (x3 - x2)
+ y = y3 + ratioWristElbow * (y3 - y2)
+ distanceWristElbow = math.sqrt((x3 - x2) ** 2 + (y3 - y2) ** 2)
+ distanceElbowShoulder = math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2)
+ width = 1.5 * max(distanceWristElbow, 0.9 * distanceElbowShoulder)
+ # x-y refers to the center --> offset to topLeft point
+ # handRectangle.x -= handRectangle.width / 2.f;
+ # handRectangle.y -= handRectangle.height / 2.f;
+ x -= width / 2
+ y -= width / 2 # width = height
+ # overflow the image
+ if x < 0: x = 0
+ if y < 0: y = 0
+ width1 = width
+ width2 = width
+ if x + width > image_width: width1 = image_width - x
+ if y + width > image_height: width2 = image_height - y
+ width = min(width1, width2)
+ # the max hand box value is 20 pixels
+ if width >= 20:
+ detect_result.append([int(x), int(y), int(width), is_left])
+ '''
+ return value: [[x, y, w, True if left hand else False]].
+ width=height since the network require squared input.
+ x, y is the coordinate of top left
+ '''
+ return detect_result
+# Written by Lvmin
+def faceDetect(candidate, subset, oriImg):
+ # left right eye ear 14 15 16 17
+ detect_result = []
+ image_height, image_width = oriImg.shape[0:2]
+ for person in subset.astype(int):
+ has_head = person[0] > -1
+ if not has_head:
+ continue
+ has_left_eye = person[14] > -1
+ has_right_eye = person[15] > -1
+ has_left_ear = person[16] > -1
+ has_right_ear = person[17] > -1
+ if not (has_left_eye or has_right_eye or has_left_ear or has_right_ear):
+ continue
+ head, left_eye, right_eye, left_ear, right_ear = person[[0, 14, 15, 16, 17]]
+ width = 0.0
+ x0, y0 = candidate[head][:2]
+ if has_left_eye:
+ x1, y1 = candidate[left_eye][:2]
+ d = max(abs(x0 - x1), abs(y0 - y1))
+ width = max(width, d * 3.0)
+ if has_right_eye:
+ x1, y1 = candidate[right_eye][:2]
+ d = max(abs(x0 - x1), abs(y0 - y1))
+ width = max(width, d * 3.0)
+ if has_left_ear:
+ x1, y1 = candidate[left_ear][:2]
+ d = max(abs(x0 - x1), abs(y0 - y1))
+ width = max(width, d * 1.5)
+ if has_right_ear:
+ x1, y1 = candidate[right_ear][:2]
+ d = max(abs(x0 - x1), abs(y0 - y1))
+ width = max(width, d * 1.5)
+ x, y = x0, y0
+ x -= width
+ y -= width
+ if x < 0:
+ x = 0
+ if y < 0:
+ y = 0
+ width1 = width * 2
+ width2 = width * 2
+ if x + width > image_width:
+ width1 = image_width - x
+ if y + width > image_height:
+ width2 = image_height - y
+ width = min(width1, width2)
+ if width >= 20:
+ detect_result.append([int(x), int(y), int(width)])
+ return detect_result
+# get max index of 2d array
+def npmax(array):
+ arrayindex = array.argmax(1)
+ arrayvalue = array.max(1)
+ i = arrayvalue.argmax()
+ j = arrayindex[i]
+ return i, j
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/preprocess/dwpose/wholebody.py b/preprocess/dwpose/wholebody.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ae35701ef59e3fe6f6ec0dbe79bb2fc974ea763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/dwpose/wholebody.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import onnxruntime as ort
+from .onnxdet import inference_detector
+from .onnxpose import inference_pose
+class Wholebody:
+ def __init__(self, model_root, device):
+ providers = ['CPUExecutionProvider'
+ ] if device == 'cpu' else ['CUDAExecutionProvider']
+ onnx_det = os.path.join(model_root, 'dwpose/yolox_l.onnx')
+ onnx_pose = os.path.join(model_root, 'dwpose/dw-ll_ucoco_384.onnx')
+ self.session_det = ort.InferenceSession(path_or_bytes=onnx_det, providers=providers)
+ self.session_pose = ort.InferenceSession(path_or_bytes=onnx_pose, providers=providers)
+ def __call__(self, oriImg):
+ det_result = inference_detector(self.session_det, oriImg)
+ keypoints, scores = inference_pose(self.session_pose, det_result, oriImg)
+ keypoints_info = np.concatenate(
+ (keypoints, scores[..., None]), axis=-1)
+ # compute neck joint
+ neck = np.mean(keypoints_info[:, [5, 6]], axis=1)
+ # neck score when visualizing pred
+ neck[:, 2:4] = np.logical_and(
+ keypoints_info[:, 5, 2:4] > 0.3,
+ keypoints_info[:, 6, 2:4] > 0.3).astype(int)
+ new_keypoints_info = np.insert(
+ keypoints_info, 17, neck, axis=1)
+ mmpose_idx = [
+ 17, 6, 8, 10, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 13, 15, 2, 1, 4, 3
+ ]
+ openpose_idx = [
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
+ ]
+ new_keypoints_info[:, openpose_idx] = \
+ new_keypoints_info[:, mmpose_idx]
+ keypoints_info = new_keypoints_info
+ keypoints, scores = keypoints_info[
+ ..., :2], keypoints_info[..., 2]
+ return keypoints, scores
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/datasets/__init__.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/datasets/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/datasets/datasets.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/datasets/datasets.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..433f15af93029538b3b039f8f207764fcfe426d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/datasets/datasets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+@Author : Peike Li
+@Contact : peike.li@yahoo.com
+@File : datasets.py
+@Time : 8/4/19 3:35 PM
+@Desc :
+@License : This source code is licensed under the license found in the
+ LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import random
+import torch
+import cv2
+from torch.utils import data
+from utils.transforms import get_affine_transform
+class LIPDataSet(data.Dataset):
+ def __init__(self, root, dataset, crop_size=[473, 473], scale_factor=0.25,
+ rotation_factor=30, ignore_label=255, transform=None):
+ self.root = root
+ self.aspect_ratio = crop_size[1] * 1.0 / crop_size[0]
+ self.crop_size = np.asarray(crop_size)
+ self.ignore_label = ignore_label
+ self.scale_factor = scale_factor
+ self.rotation_factor = rotation_factor
+ self.flip_prob = 0.5
+ self.transform = transform
+ self.dataset = dataset
+ list_path = os.path.join(self.root, self.dataset + '_id.txt')
+ train_list = [i_id.strip() for i_id in open(list_path)]
+ self.train_list = train_list
+ self.number_samples = len(self.train_list)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return self.number_samples
+ def _box2cs(self, box):
+ x, y, w, h = box[:4]
+ return self._xywh2cs(x, y, w, h)
+ def _xywh2cs(self, x, y, w, h):
+ center = np.zeros((2), dtype=np.float32)
+ center[0] = x + w * 0.5
+ center[1] = y + h * 0.5
+ if w > self.aspect_ratio * h:
+ h = w * 1.0 / self.aspect_ratio
+ elif w < self.aspect_ratio * h:
+ w = h * self.aspect_ratio
+ scale = np.array([w * 1.0, h * 1.0], dtype=np.float32)
+ return center, scale
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ train_item = self.train_list[index]
+ im_path = os.path.join(self.root, self.dataset + '_images', train_item + '.jpg')
+ parsing_anno_path = os.path.join(self.root, self.dataset + '_segmentations', train_item + '.png')
+ im = cv2.imread(im_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
+ h, w, _ = im.shape
+ parsing_anno = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.long)
+ # Get person center and scale
+ person_center, s = self._box2cs([0, 0, w - 1, h - 1])
+ r = 0
+ if self.dataset != 'test':
+ # Get pose annotation
+ parsing_anno = cv2.imread(parsing_anno_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
+ if self.dataset == 'train' or self.dataset == 'trainval':
+ sf = self.scale_factor
+ rf = self.rotation_factor
+ s = s * np.clip(np.random.randn() * sf + 1, 1 - sf, 1 + sf)
+ r = np.clip(np.random.randn() * rf, -rf * 2, rf * 2) if random.random() <= 0.6 else 0
+ if random.random() <= self.flip_prob:
+ im = im[:, ::-1, :]
+ parsing_anno = parsing_anno[:, ::-1]
+ person_center[0] = im.shape[1] - person_center[0] - 1
+ right_idx = [15, 17, 19]
+ left_idx = [14, 16, 18]
+ for i in range(0, 3):
+ right_pos = np.where(parsing_anno == right_idx[i])
+ left_pos = np.where(parsing_anno == left_idx[i])
+ parsing_anno[right_pos[0], right_pos[1]] = left_idx[i]
+ parsing_anno[left_pos[0], left_pos[1]] = right_idx[i]
+ trans = get_affine_transform(person_center, s, r, self.crop_size)
+ input = cv2.warpAffine(
+ im,
+ trans,
+ (int(self.crop_size[1]), int(self.crop_size[0])),
+ flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
+ borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
+ borderValue=(0, 0, 0))
+ if self.transform:
+ input = self.transform(input)
+ meta = {
+ 'name': train_item,
+ 'center': person_center,
+ 'height': h,
+ 'width': w,
+ 'scale': s,
+ 'rotation': r
+ }
+ if self.dataset == 'val' or self.dataset == 'test':
+ return input, meta
+ else:
+ label_parsing = cv2.warpAffine(
+ parsing_anno,
+ trans,
+ (int(self.crop_size[1]), int(self.crop_size[0])),
+ flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST,
+ borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
+ borderValue=(255))
+ label_parsing = torch.from_numpy(label_parsing)
+ return input, label_parsing, meta
+class LIPDataValSet(data.Dataset):
+ def __init__(self, root, dataset='val', crop_size=[473, 473], transform=None, flip=False):
+ self.root = root
+ self.crop_size = crop_size
+ self.transform = transform
+ self.flip = flip
+ self.dataset = dataset
+ self.root = root
+ self.aspect_ratio = crop_size[1] * 1.0 / crop_size[0]
+ self.crop_size = np.asarray(crop_size)
+ list_path = os.path.join(self.root, self.dataset + '_id.txt')
+ val_list = [i_id.strip() for i_id in open(list_path)]
+ self.val_list = val_list
+ self.number_samples = len(self.val_list)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.val_list)
+ def _box2cs(self, box):
+ x, y, w, h = box[:4]
+ return self._xywh2cs(x, y, w, h)
+ def _xywh2cs(self, x, y, w, h):
+ center = np.zeros((2), dtype=np.float32)
+ center[0] = x + w * 0.5
+ center[1] = y + h * 0.5
+ if w > self.aspect_ratio * h:
+ h = w * 1.0 / self.aspect_ratio
+ elif w < self.aspect_ratio * h:
+ w = h * self.aspect_ratio
+ scale = np.array([w * 1.0, h * 1.0], dtype=np.float32)
+ return center, scale
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ val_item = self.val_list[index]
+ # Load training image
+ im_path = os.path.join(self.root, self.dataset + '_images', val_item + '.jpg')
+ im = cv2.imread(im_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
+ h, w, _ = im.shape
+ # Get person center and scale
+ person_center, s = self._box2cs([0, 0, w - 1, h - 1])
+ r = 0
+ trans = get_affine_transform(person_center, s, r, self.crop_size)
+ input = cv2.warpAffine(
+ im,
+ trans,
+ (int(self.crop_size[1]), int(self.crop_size[0])),
+ flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
+ borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
+ borderValue=(0, 0, 0))
+ input = self.transform(input)
+ flip_input = input.flip(dims=[-1])
+ if self.flip:
+ batch_input_im = torch.stack([input, flip_input])
+ else:
+ batch_input_im = input
+ meta = {
+ 'name': val_item,
+ 'center': person_center,
+ 'height': h,
+ 'width': w,
+ 'scale': s,
+ 'rotation': r
+ }
+ return batch_input_im, meta
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/datasets/simple_extractor_dataset.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/datasets/simple_extractor_dataset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5e85240701231f9789b822219c8b9eda47be4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/datasets/simple_extractor_dataset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+@Author : Peike Li
+@Contact : peike.li@yahoo.com
+@File : dataset.py
+@Time : 8/30/19 9:12 PM
+@Desc : Dataset Definition
+@License : This source code is licensed under the license found in the
+ LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import os
+import pdb
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+from PIL import Image
+from torch.utils import data
+from utils.transforms import get_affine_transform
+class SimpleFolderDataset(data.Dataset):
+ def __init__(self, root, input_size=[512, 512], transform=None):
+ self.root = root
+ self.input_size = input_size
+ self.transform = transform
+ self.aspect_ratio = input_size[1] * 1.0 / input_size[0]
+ self.input_size = np.asarray(input_size)
+ self.is_pil_image = False
+ if isinstance(root, Image.Image):
+ self.file_list = [root]
+ self.is_pil_image = True
+ elif os.path.isfile(root):
+ self.file_list = [os.path.basename(root)]
+ self.root = os.path.dirname(root)
+ else:
+ self.file_list = os.listdir(self.root)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.file_list)
+ def _box2cs(self, box):
+ x, y, w, h = box[:4]
+ return self._xywh2cs(x, y, w, h)
+ def _xywh2cs(self, x, y, w, h):
+ center = np.zeros((2), dtype=np.float32)
+ center[0] = x + w * 0.5
+ center[1] = y + h * 0.5
+ if w > self.aspect_ratio * h:
+ h = w * 1.0 / self.aspect_ratio
+ elif w < self.aspect_ratio * h:
+ w = h * self.aspect_ratio
+ scale = np.array([w, h], dtype=np.float32)
+ return center, scale
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ if self.is_pil_image:
+ img = np.asarray(self.file_list[index])[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
+ else:
+ img_name = self.file_list[index]
+ img_path = os.path.join(self.root, img_name)
+ img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
+ h, w, _ = img.shape
+ # Get person center and scale
+ person_center, s = self._box2cs([0, 0, w - 1, h - 1])
+ r = 0
+ trans = get_affine_transform(person_center, s, r, self.input_size)
+ input = cv2.warpAffine(
+ img,
+ trans,
+ (int(self.input_size[1]), int(self.input_size[0])),
+ flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
+ borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
+ borderValue=(0, 0, 0))
+ input = self.transform(input)
+ meta = {
+ 'center': person_center,
+ 'height': h,
+ 'width': w,
+ 'scale': s,
+ 'rotation': r
+ }
+ return input, meta
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/datasets/target_generation.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/datasets/target_generation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8524db4427755c12ce71a4292d87ebb3e91762c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/datasets/target_generation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import torch
+from torch.nn import functional as F
+def generate_edge_tensor(label, edge_width=3):
+ label = label.type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor)
+ if len(label.shape) == 2:
+ label = label.unsqueeze(0)
+ n, h, w = label.shape
+ edge = torch.zeros(label.shape, dtype=torch.float).cuda()
+ # right
+ edge_right = edge[:, 1:h, :]
+ edge_right[(label[:, 1:h, :] != label[:, :h - 1, :]) & (label[:, 1:h, :] != 255)
+ & (label[:, :h - 1, :] != 255)] = 1
+ # up
+ edge_up = edge[:, :, :w - 1]
+ edge_up[(label[:, :, :w - 1] != label[:, :, 1:w])
+ & (label[:, :, :w - 1] != 255)
+ & (label[:, :, 1:w] != 255)] = 1
+ # upright
+ edge_upright = edge[:, :h - 1, :w - 1]
+ edge_upright[(label[:, :h - 1, :w - 1] != label[:, 1:h, 1:w])
+ & (label[:, :h - 1, :w - 1] != 255)
+ & (label[:, 1:h, 1:w] != 255)] = 1
+ # bottomright
+ edge_bottomright = edge[:, :h - 1, 1:w]
+ edge_bottomright[(label[:, :h - 1, 1:w] != label[:, 1:h, :w - 1])
+ & (label[:, :h - 1, 1:w] != 255)
+ & (label[:, 1:h, :w - 1] != 255)] = 1
+ kernel = torch.ones((1, 1, edge_width, edge_width), dtype=torch.float).cuda()
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ edge = edge.unsqueeze(1)
+ edge = F.conv2d(edge, kernel, stride=1, padding=1)
+ edge[edge!=0] = 1
+ edge = edge.squeeze()
+ return edge
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/coco_style_annotation_creator/human_to_coco.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/coco_style_annotation_creator/human_to_coco.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8eccb3a8f63e9b76eade5b2036526d91b8483dc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/coco_style_annotation_creator/human_to_coco.py
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import json
+import os
+from PIL import Image
+import numpy as np
+import pycococreatortools
+def get_arguments():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="transform mask annotation to coco annotation")
+ parser.add_argument("--dataset", type=str, default='CIHP', help="name of dataset (CIHP, MHPv2 or VIP)")
+ parser.add_argument("--json_save_dir", type=str, default='../data/msrcnn_finetune_annotations',
+ help="path to save coco-style annotation json file")
+ parser.add_argument("--use_val", type=bool, default=False,
+ help="use train+val set for finetuning or not")
+ parser.add_argument("--train_img_dir", type=str, default='../data/instance-level_human_parsing/Training/Images',
+ help="train image path")
+ parser.add_argument("--train_anno_dir", type=str,
+ default='../data/instance-level_human_parsing/Training/Human_ids',
+ help="train human mask path")
+ parser.add_argument("--val_img_dir", type=str, default='../data/instance-level_human_parsing/Validation/Images',
+ help="val image path")
+ parser.add_argument("--val_anno_dir", type=str,
+ default='../data/instance-level_human_parsing/Validation/Human_ids',
+ help="val human mask path")
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def main(args):
+ INFO = {
+ "description": args.split_name + " Dataset",
+ "url": "",
+ "version": "",
+ "year": 2019,
+ "contributor": "xyq",
+ "date_created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' ')
+ }
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "name": "",
+ "url": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ {
+ 'id': 1,
+ 'name': 'person',
+ 'supercategory': 'person',
+ },
+ ]
+ coco_output = {
+ "info": INFO,
+ "licenses": LICENSES,
+ "categories": CATEGORIES,
+ "images": [],
+ "annotations": []
+ }
+ image_id = 1
+ segmentation_id = 1
+ for image_name in os.listdir(args.train_img_dir):
+ image = Image.open(os.path.join(args.train_img_dir, image_name))
+ image_info = pycococreatortools.create_image_info(
+ image_id, image_name, image.size
+ )
+ coco_output["images"].append(image_info)
+ human_mask_name = os.path.splitext(image_name)[0] + '.png'
+ human_mask = np.asarray(Image.open(os.path.join(args.train_anno_dir, human_mask_name)))
+ human_gt_labels = np.unique(human_mask)
+ for i in range(1, len(human_gt_labels)):
+ category_info = {'id': 1, 'is_crowd': 0}
+ binary_mask = np.uint8(human_mask == i)
+ annotation_info = pycococreatortools.create_annotation_info(
+ segmentation_id, image_id, category_info, binary_mask,
+ image.size, tolerance=10
+ )
+ if annotation_info is not None:
+ coco_output["annotations"].append(annotation_info)
+ segmentation_id += 1
+ image_id += 1
+ if not os.path.exists(args.json_save_dir):
+ os.makedirs(args.json_save_dir)
+ if not args.use_val:
+ with open('{}/{}_train.json'.format(args.json_save_dir, args.split_name), 'w') as output_json_file:
+ json.dump(coco_output, output_json_file)
+ else:
+ for image_name in os.listdir(args.val_img_dir):
+ image = Image.open(os.path.join(args.val_img_dir, image_name))
+ image_info = pycococreatortools.create_image_info(
+ image_id, image_name, image.size
+ )
+ coco_output["images"].append(image_info)
+ human_mask_name = os.path.splitext(image_name)[0] + '.png'
+ human_mask = np.asarray(Image.open(os.path.join(args.val_anno_dir, human_mask_name)))
+ human_gt_labels = np.unique(human_mask)
+ for i in range(1, len(human_gt_labels)):
+ category_info = {'id': 1, 'is_crowd': 0}
+ binary_mask = np.uint8(human_mask == i)
+ annotation_info = pycococreatortools.create_annotation_info(
+ segmentation_id, image_id, category_info, binary_mask,
+ image.size, tolerance=10
+ )
+ if annotation_info is not None:
+ coco_output["annotations"].append(annotation_info)
+ segmentation_id += 1
+ image_id += 1
+ with open('{}/{}_trainval.json'.format(args.json_save_dir, args.split_name), 'w') as output_json_file:
+ json.dump(coco_output, output_json_file)
+ coco_output_val = {
+ "info": INFO,
+ "licenses": LICENSES,
+ "categories": CATEGORIES,
+ "images": [],
+ "annotations": []
+ }
+ image_id_val = 1
+ segmentation_id_val = 1
+ for image_name in os.listdir(args.val_img_dir):
+ image = Image.open(os.path.join(args.val_img_dir, image_name))
+ image_info = pycococreatortools.create_image_info(
+ image_id_val, image_name, image.size
+ )
+ coco_output_val["images"].append(image_info)
+ human_mask_name = os.path.splitext(image_name)[0] + '.png'
+ human_mask = np.asarray(Image.open(os.path.join(args.val_anno_dir, human_mask_name)))
+ human_gt_labels = np.unique(human_mask)
+ for i in range(1, len(human_gt_labels)):
+ category_info = {'id': 1, 'is_crowd': 0}
+ binary_mask = np.uint8(human_mask == i)
+ annotation_info = pycococreatortools.create_annotation_info(
+ segmentation_id_val, image_id_val, category_info, binary_mask,
+ image.size, tolerance=10
+ )
+ if annotation_info is not None:
+ coco_output_val["annotations"].append(annotation_info)
+ segmentation_id_val += 1
+ image_id_val += 1
+ with open('{}/{}_val.json'.format(args.json_save_dir, args.split_name), 'w') as output_json_file_val:
+ json.dump(coco_output_val, output_json_file_val)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ args = get_arguments()
+ main(args)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/coco_style_annotation_creator/pycococreatortools.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/coco_style_annotation_creator/pycococreatortools.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f3d8332ceda5fa4409095a0ec56d181ea162273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/coco_style_annotation_creator/pycococreatortools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import re
+import datetime
+import numpy as np
+from itertools import groupby
+from skimage import measure
+from PIL import Image
+from pycocotools import mask
+convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
+natrual_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]
+def resize_binary_mask(array, new_size):
+ image = Image.fromarray(array.astype(np.uint8) * 255)
+ image = image.resize(new_size)
+ return np.asarray(image).astype(np.bool_)
+def close_contour(contour):
+ if not np.array_equal(contour[0], contour[-1]):
+ contour = np.vstack((contour, contour[0]))
+ return contour
+def binary_mask_to_rle(binary_mask):
+ rle = {'counts': [], 'size': list(binary_mask.shape)}
+ counts = rle.get('counts')
+ for i, (value, elements) in enumerate(groupby(binary_mask.ravel(order='F'))):
+ if i == 0 and value == 1:
+ counts.append(0)
+ counts.append(len(list(elements)))
+ return rle
+def binary_mask_to_polygon(binary_mask, tolerance=0):
+ """Converts a binary mask to COCO polygon representation
+ Args:
+ binary_mask: a 2D binary numpy array where '1's represent the object
+ tolerance: Maximum distance from original points of polygon to approximated
+ polygonal chain. If tolerance is 0, the original coordinate array is returned.
+ """
+ polygons = []
+ # pad mask to close contours of shapes which start and end at an edge
+ padded_binary_mask = np.pad(binary_mask, pad_width=1, mode='constant', constant_values=0)
+ contours = measure.find_contours(padded_binary_mask, 0.5)
+ contours = np.subtract(contours, 1)
+ for contour in contours:
+ contour = close_contour(contour)
+ contour = measure.approximate_polygon(contour, tolerance)
+ if len(contour) < 3:
+ continue
+ contour = np.flip(contour, axis=1)
+ segmentation = contour.ravel().tolist()
+ # after padding and subtracting 1 we may get -0.5 points in our segmentation
+ segmentation = [0 if i < 0 else i for i in segmentation]
+ polygons.append(segmentation)
+ return polygons
+def create_image_info(image_id, file_name, image_size,
+ date_captured=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' '),
+ license_id=1, coco_url="", flickr_url=""):
+ image_info = {
+ "id": image_id,
+ "file_name": file_name,
+ "width": image_size[0],
+ "height": image_size[1],
+ "date_captured": date_captured,
+ "license": license_id,
+ "coco_url": coco_url,
+ "flickr_url": flickr_url
+ }
+ return image_info
+def create_annotation_info(annotation_id, image_id, category_info, binary_mask,
+ image_size=None, tolerance=2, bounding_box=None):
+ if image_size is not None:
+ binary_mask = resize_binary_mask(binary_mask, image_size)
+ binary_mask_encoded = mask.encode(np.asfortranarray(binary_mask.astype(np.uint8)))
+ area = mask.area(binary_mask_encoded)
+ if area < 1:
+ return None
+ if bounding_box is None:
+ bounding_box = mask.toBbox(binary_mask_encoded)
+ if category_info["is_crowd"]:
+ is_crowd = 1
+ segmentation = binary_mask_to_rle(binary_mask)
+ else:
+ is_crowd = 0
+ segmentation = binary_mask_to_polygon(binary_mask, tolerance)
+ if not segmentation:
+ return None
+ annotation_info = {
+ "id": annotation_id,
+ "image_id": image_id,
+ "category_id": category_info["id"],
+ "iscrowd": is_crowd,
+ "area": area.tolist(),
+ "bbox": bounding_box.tolist(),
+ "segmentation": segmentation,
+ "width": binary_mask.shape[1],
+ "height": binary_mask.shape[0],
+ }
+ return annotation_info
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/coco_style_annotation_creator/test_human2coco_format.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/coco_style_annotation_creator/test_human2coco_format.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17339187305a97fa7ab198cf1d8127a76ebdf854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/coco_style_annotation_creator/test_human2coco_format.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import json
+import os
+from PIL import Image
+import pycococreatortools
+def get_arguments():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="transform mask annotation to coco annotation")
+ parser.add_argument("--dataset", type=str, default='CIHP', help="name of dataset (CIHP, MHPv2 or VIP)")
+ parser.add_argument("--json_save_dir", type=str, default='../data/CIHP/annotations',
+ help="path to save coco-style annotation json file")
+ parser.add_argument("--test_img_dir", type=str, default='../data/CIHP/Testing/Images',
+ help="test image path")
+ return parser.parse_args()
+args = get_arguments()
+INFO = {
+ "description": args.dataset + "Dataset",
+ "url": "",
+ "version": "",
+ "year": 2020,
+ "contributor": "yunqiuxu",
+ "date_created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' ')
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "name": "",
+ "url": ""
+ }
+ {
+ 'id': 1,
+ 'name': 'person',
+ 'supercategory': 'person',
+ },
+def main(args):
+ coco_output = {
+ "info": INFO,
+ "licenses": LICENSES,
+ "categories": CATEGORIES,
+ "images": [],
+ "annotations": []
+ }
+ image_id = 1
+ for image_name in os.listdir(args.test_img_dir):
+ image = Image.open(os.path.join(args.test_img_dir, image_name))
+ image_info = pycococreatortools.create_image_info(
+ image_id, image_name, image.size
+ )
+ coco_output["images"].append(image_info)
+ image_id += 1
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.json_save_dir)):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(args.json_save_dir))
+ with open('{}/{}.json'.format(args.json_save_dir, args.dataset), 'w') as output_json_file:
+ json.dump(coco_output, output_json_file)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(args)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.circleci/config.yml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.circleci/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c605889cf4ac01d3ed63f62d65a0d6ae1f6edd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# Python CircleCI 2.0 configuration file
+# Check https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/language-python/ for more details
+version: 2
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Environments to run the jobs in
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+cpu: &cpu
+ docker:
+ - image: circleci/python:3.6.8-stretch
+ resource_class: medium
+gpu: &gpu
+ machine:
+ image: ubuntu-1604:201903-01
+ docker_layer_caching: true
+ resource_class: gpu.small
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Re-usable commands
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+install_python: &install_python
+ - run:
+ name: Install Python
+ working_directory: ~/
+ command: |
+ pyenv install 3.6.1
+ pyenv global 3.6.1
+setup_venv: &setup_venv
+ - run:
+ name: Setup Virtual Env
+ working_directory: ~/
+ command: |
+ python -m venv ~/venv
+ echo ". ~/venv/bin/activate" >> $BASH_ENV
+ . ~/venv/bin/activate
+ python --version
+ which python
+ which pip
+ pip install --upgrade pip
+install_dep: &install_dep
+ - run:
+ name: Install Dependencies
+ command: |
+ pip install --progress-bar off -U 'git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/fvcore'
+ pip install --progress-bar off cython opencv-python
+ pip install --progress-bar off 'git+https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi.git#subdirectory=PythonAPI'
+ pip install --progress-bar off torch torchvision
+install_detectron2: &install_detectron2
+ - run:
+ name: Install Detectron2
+ command: |
+ gcc --version
+ pip install -U --progress-bar off -e .[dev]
+ python -m detectron2.utils.collect_env
+install_nvidia_driver: &install_nvidia_driver
+ - run:
+ name: Install nvidia driver
+ working_directory: ~/
+ command: |
+ wget -q 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/ossci-linux/nvidia_driver/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-430.40.run'
+ sudo /bin/bash ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-430.40.run -s --no-drm
+ nvidia-smi
+run_unittests: &run_unittests
+ - run:
+ name: Run Unit Tests
+ command: |
+ python -m unittest discover -v -s tests
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Jobs to run
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ cpu_tests:
+ <<: *cpu
+ working_directory: ~/detectron2
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - <<: *setup_venv
+ # Cache the venv directory that contains dependencies
+ - restore_cache:
+ keys:
+ - cache-key-{{ .Branch }}-ID-20200425
+ - <<: *install_dep
+ - save_cache:
+ paths:
+ - ~/venv
+ key: cache-key-{{ .Branch }}-ID-20200425
+ - <<: *install_detectron2
+ - run:
+ name: isort
+ command: |
+ isort -c -sp .
+ - run:
+ name: black
+ command: |
+ black --check -l 100 .
+ - run:
+ name: flake8
+ command: |
+ flake8 .
+ - <<: *run_unittests
+ gpu_tests:
+ <<: *gpu
+ working_directory: ~/detectron2
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - <<: *install_nvidia_driver
+ - run:
+ name: Install nvidia-docker
+ working_directory: ~/
+ command: |
+ curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-docker/gpgkey | sudo apt-key add -
+ distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
+ curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-docker/$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | \
+ sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list
+ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-docker2
+ # reload the docker daemon configuration
+ sudo pkill -SIGHUP dockerd
+ - run:
+ name: Launch docker
+ working_directory: ~/detectron2/docker
+ command: |
+ nvidia-docker build -t detectron2:v0 -f Dockerfile-circleci .
+ nvidia-docker run -itd --name d2 detectron2:v0
+ docker exec -it d2 nvidia-smi
+ - run:
+ name: Build Detectron2
+ command: |
+ docker exec -it d2 pip install 'git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/fvcore'
+ docker cp ~/detectron2 d2:/detectron2
+ # This will build d2 for the target GPU arch only
+ docker exec -it d2 pip install -e /detectron2
+ docker exec -it d2 python3 -m detectron2.utils.collect_env
+ docker exec -it d2 python3 -c 'import torch; assert(torch.cuda.is_available())'
+ - run:
+ name: Run Unit Tests
+ command: |
+ docker exec -e CIRCLECI=true -it d2 python3 -m unittest discover -v -s /detectron2/tests
+ version: 2
+ regular_test:
+ jobs:
+ - cpu_tests
+ - gpu_tests
+ #nightly_test:
+ #jobs:
+ #- gpu_tests
+ #triggers:
+ #- schedule:
+ #cron: "0 0 * * *"
+ #filters:
+ #branches:
+ #only:
+ #- master
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.clang-format b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a757d4fff0c2f065d7d51719b52aef35ec48d04e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+AccessModifierOffset: -1
+AlignAfterOpenBracket: AlwaysBreak
+AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
+AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false
+AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true
+AlignOperands: false
+AlignTrailingComments: false
+AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
+AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
+AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
+AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: true
+AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true
+BinPackArguments: false
+BinPackParameters: false
+ AfterClass: false
+ AfterControlStatement: false
+ AfterEnum: false
+ AfterFunction: false
+ AfterNamespace: false
+ AfterObjCDeclaration: false
+ AfterStruct: false
+ AfterUnion: false
+ BeforeCatch: false
+ BeforeElse: false
+ IndentBraces: false
+BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
+BreakBeforeBraces: Attach
+BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true
+BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false
+BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false
+BreakStringLiterals: false
+ColumnLimit: 80
+CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:'
+ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true
+ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4
+ContinuationIndentWidth: 4
+Cpp11BracedListStyle: true
+DerivePointerAlignment: false
+DisableFormat: false
+ - Regex: '^<.*\.h(pp)?>'
+ Priority: 1
+ - Regex: '^<.*'
+ Priority: 2
+ - Regex: '.*'
+ Priority: 3
+IndentCaseLabels: true
+IndentWidth: 2
+IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
+KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false
+MacroBlockBegin: ''
+MacroBlockEnd: ''
+MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
+NamespaceIndentation: None
+ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2
+ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false
+ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: false
+PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 1
+PenaltyBreakComment: 300
+PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120
+PenaltyBreakString: 1000
+PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000
+PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 200
+PointerAlignment: Left
+ReflowComments: true
+SortIncludes: true
+SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
+SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
+SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
+SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
+SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
+SpacesInAngles: false
+SpacesInContainerLiterals: true
+SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
+SpacesInParentheses: false
+SpacesInSquareBrackets: false
+Standard: Cpp11
+TabWidth: 8
+UseTab: Never
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.flake8 b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.flake8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0cc61b77a7e7005b3499394c36288dc8f3bcad39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.flake8
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This is an example .flake8 config, used when developing *Black* itself.
+# Keep in sync with setup.cfg which is used for source packages.
+ignore = W503, E203, E221, C901, C408, E741
+max-line-length = 100
+max-complexity = 18
+select = B,C,E,F,W,T4,B9
+exclude = build,__init__.py
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f7ad8bfc173eac554f0b6ef7c684861e8014bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Code of Conduct
+Facebook has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to.
+Please read the [full text](https://code.fb.com/codeofconduct/)
+so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81936dfedb495dd5cd21da2bfcf9819b97ed1dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Contributing to detectron2
+## Issues
+We use GitHub issues to track public bugs and questions.
+Please make sure to follow one of the
+[issue templates](https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/issues/new/choose)
+when reporting any issues.
+Facebook has a [bounty program](https://www.facebook.com/whitehat/) for the safe
+disclosure of security bugs. In those cases, please go through the process
+outlined on that page and do not file a public issue.
+## Pull Requests
+We actively welcome your pull requests.
+However, if you're adding any significant features (e.g. > 50 lines), please
+make sure to have a corresponding issue to discuss your motivation and proposals,
+before sending a PR. We do not always accept new features, and we take the following
+factors into consideration:
+1. Whether the same feature can be achieved without modifying detectron2.
+Detectron2 is designed so that you can implement many extensions from the outside, e.g.
+those in [projects](https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/tree/master/projects).
+If some part is not as extensible, you can also bring up the issue to make it more extensible.
+2. Whether the feature is potentially useful to a large audience, or only to a small portion of users.
+3. Whether the proposed solution has a good design / interface.
+4. Whether the proposed solution adds extra mental/practical overhead to users who don't
+ need such feature.
+5. Whether the proposed solution breaks existing APIs.
+When sending a PR, please do:
+1. If a PR contains multiple orthogonal changes, split it to several PRs.
+2. If you've added code that should be tested, add tests.
+3. For PRs that need experiments (e.g. adding a new model or new methods),
+ you don't need to update model zoo, but do provide experiment results in the description of the PR.
+4. If APIs are changed, update the documentation.
+5. Make sure your code lints with `./dev/linter.sh`.
+## Contributor License Agreement ("CLA")
+In order to accept your pull request, we need you to submit a CLA. You only need
+to do this once to work on any of Facebook's open source projects.
+Complete your CLA here:
+## License
+By contributing to detectron2, you agree that your contributions will be licensed
+under the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/Detectron2-Logo-Horz.svg b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/Detectron2-Logo-Horz.svg
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb2d643ddd940cd8bdb5eaad093029969ff2364c
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e8aaa2d3722e7e73a3d94b2b7dfc4f751d7a240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Please select an issue template from
+https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/issues/new/choose .
+Otherwise your issue will be closed.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bugs.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bugs.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52d299886a457480d27c54a27734a704786a1d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bugs.md
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+name: "🐛 Bugs"
+about: Report bugs in detectron2
+title: Please read & provide the following
+## Instructions To Reproduce the 🐛 Bug:
+1. what changes you made (`git diff`) or what code you wrote
+2. what exact command you run:
+3. what you observed (including __full logs__):
+4. please simplify the steps as much as possible so they do not require additional resources to
+ run, such as a private dataset.
+## Expected behavior:
+If there are no obvious error in "what you observed" provided above,
+please tell us the expected behavior.
+## Environment:
+Provide your environment information using the following command:
+wget -nc -q https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/raw/master/detectron2/utils/collect_env.py && python collect_env.py
+If your issue looks like an installation issue / environment issue,
+please first try to solve it yourself with the instructions in
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c19e2490a71893c516b2bd54b887399493fadcd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# require an issue template to be chosen
+blank_issues_enabled: false
+# Unexpected behaviors & bugs are split to two templates.
+# When they are one template, users think "it's not a bug" and don't choose the template.
+# But the file name is still "unexpected-problems-bugs.md" so that old references
+# to this issue template still works.
+# It's ok since this template should be a superset of "bugs.md" (unexpected behaviors is a superset of bugs)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature-request.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature-request.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd69a33478c85068cdd7b8b90161f97cc55c1621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature-request.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+name: "\U0001F680Feature Request"
+about: Submit a proposal/request for a new detectron2 feature
+## 🚀 Feature
+A clear and concise description of the feature proposal.
+## Motivation & Examples
+Tell us why the feature is useful.
+Describe what the feature would look like, if it is implemented.
+Best demonstrated using **code examples** in addition to words.
+## Note
+We only consider adding new features if they are relevant to many users.
+If you request implementation of research papers --
+we only consider papers that have enough significance and prevalance in the object detection field.
+We do not take requests for most projects in the `projects/` directory,
+because they are research code release that is mainly for other researchers to reproduce results.
+Instead of adding features inside detectron2,
+you can implement many features by [extending detectron2](https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/tutorials/extend.html).
+The [projects/](https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/tree/master/projects/) directory contains many of such examples.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/questions-help-support.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/questions-help-support.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..081156136b709b1e0ec4d27404b9cb8fa9ba1d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/questions-help-support.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+name: "❓How to do something?"
+about: How to do something using detectron2? What does an API do?
+## ❓ How to do something using detectron2
+Describe what you want to do, including:
+1. what inputs you will provide, if any:
+2. what outputs you are expecting:
+## ❓ What does an API do and how to use it?
+Please link to which API or documentation you're asking about from
+1. Only general answers are provided.
+ If you want to ask about "why X did not work", please use the
+ [Unexpected behaviors](https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/issues/new/choose) issue template.
+2. About how to implement new models / new dataloader / new training logic, etc., check documentation first.
+3. We do not answer general machine learning / computer vision questions that are not specific to detectron2, such as how a model works, how to improve your training/make it converge, or what algorithm/methods can be used to achieve X.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/unexpected-problems-bugs.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/unexpected-problems-bugs.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bafee7a1a3897903d26e68001d3d3d2b7686015b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/unexpected-problems-bugs.md
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+name: "Unexpected behaviors"
+about: Run into unexpected behaviors when using detectron2
+title: Please read & provide the following
+If you do not know the root cause of the problem, and wish someone to help you, please
+post according to this template:
+## Instructions To Reproduce the Issue:
+1. what changes you made (`git diff`) or what code you wrote
+2. what exact command you run:
+3. what you observed (including __full logs__):
+4. please simplify the steps as much as possible so they do not require additional resources to
+ run, such as a private dataset.
+## Expected behavior:
+If there are no obvious error in "what you observed" provided above,
+please tell us the expected behavior.
+If you expect the model to converge / work better, note that we do not give suggestions
+on how to train a new model.
+Only in one of the two conditions we will help with it:
+(1) You're unable to reproduce the results in detectron2 model zoo.
+(2) It indicates a detectron2 bug.
+## Environment:
+Provide your environment information using the following command:
+wget -nc -q https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/raw/master/detectron2/utils/collect_env.py && python collect_env.py
+If your issue looks like an installation issue / environment issue,
+please first try to solve it yourself with the instructions in
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/pull_request_template.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/pull_request_template.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ff5ea51776ff27b3e794e366a92a455e2f06a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.github/pull_request_template.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Thanks for your contribution!
+If you're sending a large PR (e.g., >50 lines),
+please open an issue first about the feature / bug, and indicate how you want to contribute.
+Before submitting a PR, please run `dev/linter.sh` to lint the code.
+See https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/notes/contributing.html#pull-requests
+about how we handle PRs.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.gitignore b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e85df4cf713e2c4a6fc02885f2b2ff3d0f104763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# output dir
+# compilation and distribution
+# pytorch/python/numpy formats
+# ipython/jupyter notebooks
+# Editor temporaries
+# editor settings
+# project dirs
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/GETTING_STARTED.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/GETTING_STARTED.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..acaf13f02c906b45ffc2f49ee5a0ce01d82b4786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/GETTING_STARTED.md
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+## Getting Started with Detectron2
+This document provides a brief intro of the usage of builtin command-line tools in detectron2.
+For a tutorial that involves actual coding with the API,
+see our [Colab Notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/16jcaJoc6bCFAQ96jDe2HwtXj7BMD_-m5)
+which covers how to run inference with an
+existing model, and how to train a builtin model on a custom dataset.
+For more advanced tutorials, refer to our [documentation](https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/tutorials/extend.html).
+### Inference Demo with Pre-trained Models
+1. Pick a model and its config file from
+ [model zoo](MODEL_ZOO.md),
+ for example, `mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml`.
+2. We provide `demo.py` that is able to run builtin standard models. Run it with:
+cd demo/
+python demo.py --config-file ../configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml \
+ --input input1.jpg input2.jpg \
+ [--other-options]
+ --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS detectron2://COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x/137849600/model_final_f10217.pkl
+The configs are made for training, therefore we need to specify `MODEL.WEIGHTS` to a model from model zoo for evaluation.
+This command will run the inference and show visualizations in an OpenCV window.
+For details of the command line arguments, see `demo.py -h` or look at its source code
+to understand its behavior. Some common arguments are:
+* To run __on your webcam__, replace `--input files` with `--webcam`.
+* To run __on a video__, replace `--input files` with `--video-input video.mp4`.
+* To run __on cpu__, add `MODEL.DEVICE cpu` after `--opts`.
+* To save outputs to a directory (for images) or a file (for webcam or video), use `--output`.
+### Training & Evaluation in Command Line
+We provide a script in "tools/{,plain_}train_net.py", that is made to train
+all the configs provided in detectron2.
+You may want to use it as a reference to write your own training script.
+To train a model with "train_net.py", first
+setup the corresponding datasets following
+then run:
+cd tools/
+./train_net.py --num-gpus 8 \
+ --config-file ../configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
+The configs are made for 8-GPU training.
+To train on 1 GPU, you may need to [change some parameters](https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02677), e.g.:
+./train_net.py \
+ --config-file ../configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml \
+ --num-gpus 1 SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 2 SOLVER.BASE_LR 0.0025
+For most models, CPU training is not supported.
+To evaluate a model's performance, use
+./train_net.py \
+ --config-file ../configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml \
+ --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS /path/to/checkpoint_file
+For more options, see `./train_net.py -h`.
+### Use Detectron2 APIs in Your Code
+See our [Colab Notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/16jcaJoc6bCFAQ96jDe2HwtXj7BMD_-m5)
+to learn how to use detectron2 APIs to:
+1. run inference with an existing model
+2. train a builtin model on a custom dataset
+See [detectron2/projects](https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/tree/master/projects)
+for more ways to build your project on detectron2.
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+## Installation
+Our [Colab Notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/16jcaJoc6bCFAQ96jDe2HwtXj7BMD_-m5)
+has step-by-step instructions that install detectron2.
+The [Dockerfile](docker)
+also installs detectron2 with a few simple commands.
+### Requirements
+- Linux or macOS with Python ≥ 3.6
+- PyTorch ≥ 1.4
+- [torchvision](https://github.com/pytorch/vision/) that matches the PyTorch installation.
+ You can install them together at [pytorch.org](https://pytorch.org) to make sure of this.
+- OpenCV, optional, needed by demo and visualization
+- pycocotools: `pip install cython; pip install -U 'git+https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi.git#subdirectory=PythonAPI'`
+### Build Detectron2 from Source
+gcc & g++ ≥ 5 are required. [ninja](https://ninja-build.org/) is recommended for faster build.
+After having them, run:
+python -m pip install 'git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2.git'
+# (add --user if you don't have permission)
+# Or, to install it from a local clone:
+git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2.git
+python -m pip install -e detectron2
+# Or if you are on macOS
+# CC=clang CXX=clang++ python -m pip install -e .
+To __rebuild__ detectron2 that's built from a local clone, use `rm -rf build/ **/*.so` to clean the
+old build first. You often need to rebuild detectron2 after reinstalling PyTorch.
+### Install Pre-Built Detectron2 (Linux only)
+# for CUDA 10.1:
+python -m pip install detectron2 -f https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron2/wheels/cu101/index.html
+You can replace cu101 with "cu{100,92}" or "cpu".
+Note that:
+1. Such installation has to be used with certain version of official PyTorch release.
+ See [releases](https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/releases) for requirements.
+ It will not work with a different version of PyTorch or a non-official build of PyTorch.
+2. Such installation is out-of-date w.r.t. master branch of detectron2. It may not be
+ compatible with the master branch of a research project that uses detectron2 (e.g. those in
+ [projects](projects) or [meshrcnn](https://github.com/facebookresearch/meshrcnn/)).
+### Common Installation Issues
+If you met issues using the pre-built detectron2, please uninstall it and try building it from source.
+Click each issue for its solutions:
+Undefined torch/aten/caffe2 symbols, or segmentation fault immediately when running the library.
+This usually happens when detectron2 or torchvision is not
+compiled with the version of PyTorch you're running.
+Pre-built torchvision or detectron2 has to work with the corresponding official release of pytorch.
+If the error comes from a pre-built torchvision, uninstall torchvision and pytorch and reinstall them
+following [pytorch.org](http://pytorch.org). So the versions will match.
+If the error comes from a pre-built detectron2, check [release notes](https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/releases)
+to see the corresponding pytorch version required for each pre-built detectron2.
+If the error comes from detectron2 or torchvision that you built manually from source,
+remove files you built (`build/`, `**/*.so`) and rebuild it so it can pick up the version of pytorch currently in your environment.
+If you cannot resolve this problem, please include the output of `gdb -ex "r" -ex "bt" -ex "quit" --args python -m detectron2.utils.collect_env`
+in your issue.
+Undefined C++ symbols (e.g. `GLIBCXX`) or C++ symbols not found.
+Usually it's because the library is compiled with a newer C++ compiler but run with an old C++ runtime.
+This often happens with old anaconda.
+Try `conda update libgcc`. Then rebuild detectron2.
+The fundamental solution is to run the code with proper C++ runtime.
+One way is to use `LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/libstdc++.so`.
+"Not compiled with GPU support" or "Detectron2 CUDA Compiler: not available".
+CUDA is not found when building detectron2.
+You should make sure
+python -c 'import torch; from torch.utils.cpp_extension import CUDA_HOME; print(torch.cuda.is_available(), CUDA_HOME)'
+print valid outputs at the time you build detectron2.
+Most models can run inference (but not training) without GPU support. To use CPUs, set `MODEL.DEVICE='cpu'` in the config.
+"invalid device function" or "no kernel image is available for execution".
+Two possibilities:
+* You build detectron2 with one version of CUDA but run it with a different version.
+ To check whether it is the case,
+ use `python -m detectron2.utils.collect_env` to find out inconsistent CUDA versions.
+ In the output of this command, you should expect "Detectron2 CUDA Compiler", "CUDA_HOME", "PyTorch built with - CUDA"
+ to contain cuda libraries of the same version.
+ When they are inconsistent,
+ you need to either install a different build of PyTorch (or build by yourself)
+ to match your local CUDA installation, or install a different version of CUDA to match PyTorch.
+* Detectron2 or PyTorch/torchvision is not built for the correct GPU architecture (compute compatibility).
+ The GPU architecture for PyTorch/detectron2/torchvision is available in the "architecture flags" in
+ `python -m detectron2.utils.collect_env`.
+ The GPU architecture flags of detectron2/torchvision by default matches the GPU model detected
+ during compilation. This means the compiled code may not work on a different GPU model.
+ To overwrite the GPU architecture for detectron2/torchvision, use `TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST` environment variable during compilation.
+ For example, `export TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST=6.0,7.0` makes it compile for both P100s and V100s.
+ Visit [developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus) to find out
+ the correct compute compatibility number for your device.
+Undefined CUDA symbols; cannot open libcudart.so; other nvcc failures.
+The version of NVCC you use to build detectron2 or torchvision does
+not match the version of CUDA you are running with.
+This often happens when using anaconda's CUDA runtime.
+Use `python -m detectron2.utils.collect_env` to find out inconsistent CUDA versions.
+In the output of this command, you should expect "Detectron2 CUDA Compiler", "CUDA_HOME", "PyTorch built with - CUDA"
+to contain cuda libraries of the same version.
+When they are inconsistent,
+you need to either install a different build of PyTorch (or build by yourself)
+to match your local CUDA installation, or install a different version of CUDA to match PyTorch.
+"ImportError: cannot import name '_C'".
+Please build and install detectron2 following the instructions above.
+If you are running code from detectron2's root directory, `cd` to a different one.
+Otherwise you may not import the code that you installed.
+ONNX conversion segfault after some "TraceWarning".
+The ONNX package is compiled with too old compiler.
+Please build and install ONNX from its source code using a compiler
+whose version is closer to what's used by PyTorch (available in `torch.__config__.show()`).
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+Apache License
+Version 2.0, January 2004
+1. Definitions.
+"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
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+"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+source, and configuration files.
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+transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+and conversions to other media types.
+"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
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+of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
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+"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
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+2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
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+5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
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+6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
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+liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
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+Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
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+9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
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+APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
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+the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
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+Copyright 2019 - present, Facebook, Inc
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+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
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+# Detectron2 Model Zoo and Baselines
+## Introduction
+This file documents a large collection of baselines trained
+with detectron2 in Sep-Oct, 2019.
+All numbers were obtained on [Big Basin](https://engineering.fb.com/data-center-engineering/introducing-big-basin-our-next-generation-ai-hardware/)
+servers with 8 NVIDIA V100 GPUs & NVLink. The software in use were PyTorch 1.3, CUDA 9.2, cuDNN 7.4.2 or 7.6.3.
+You can access these models from code using [detectron2.model_zoo](https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/modules/model_zoo.html) APIs.
+In addition to these official baseline models, you can find more models in [projects/](projects/).
+#### How to Read the Tables
+* The "Name" column contains a link to the config file. Running `tools/train_net.py` with this config file
+ and 8 GPUs will reproduce the model.
+* Training speed is averaged across the entire training.
+ We keep updating the speed with latest version of detectron2/pytorch/etc.,
+ so they might be different from the `metrics` file.
+ Training speed for multi-machine jobs is not provided.
+* Inference speed is measured by `tools/train_net.py --eval-only`, or [inference_on_dataset()](https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/modules/evaluation.html#detectron2.evaluation.inference_on_dataset),
+ with batch size 1 in detectron2 directly.
+ Measuring it with your own code will likely introduce other overhead.
+ Actual deployment in production should in general be faster than the given inference
+ speed due to more optimizations.
+* The *model id* column is provided for ease of reference.
+ To check downloaded file integrity, any model on this page contains its md5 prefix in its file name.
+* Training curves and other statistics can be found in `metrics` for each model.
+#### Common Settings for COCO Models
+* All COCO models were trained on `train2017` and evaluated on `val2017`.
+* The default settings are __not directly comparable__ with Detectron's standard settings.
+ For example, our default training data augmentation uses scale jittering in addition to horizontal flipping.
+ To make fair comparisons with Detectron's settings, see
+ [Detectron1-Comparisons](configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/) for accuracy comparison,
+ and [benchmarks](https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/notes/benchmarks.html)
+ for speed comparison.
+* For Faster/Mask R-CNN, we provide baselines based on __3 different backbone combinations__:
+ * __FPN__: Use a ResNet+FPN backbone with standard conv and FC heads for mask and box prediction,
+ respectively. It obtains the best
+ speed/accuracy tradeoff, but the other two are still useful for research.
+ * __C4__: Use a ResNet conv4 backbone with conv5 head. The original baseline in the Faster R-CNN paper.
+ * __DC5__ (Dilated-C5): Use a ResNet conv5 backbone with dilations in conv5, and standard conv and FC heads
+ for mask and box prediction, respectively.
+ This is used by the Deformable ConvNet paper.
+* Most models are trained with the 3x schedule (~37 COCO epochs).
+ Although 1x models are heavily under-trained, we provide some ResNet-50 models with the 1x (~12 COCO epochs)
+ training schedule for comparison when doing quick research iteration.
+#### ImageNet Pretrained Models
+We provide backbone models pretrained on ImageNet-1k dataset.
+These models have __different__ format from those provided in Detectron: we do not fuse BatchNorm into an affine layer.
+* [R-50.pkl](https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron2/ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl): converted copy of [MSRA's original ResNet-50](https://github.com/KaimingHe/deep-residual-networks) model.
+* [R-101.pkl](https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron2/ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl): converted copy of [MSRA's original ResNet-101](https://github.com/KaimingHe/deep-residual-networks) model.
+* [X-101-32x8d.pkl](https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron2/ImageNetPretrained/FAIR/X-101-32x8d.pkl): ResNeXt-101-32x8d model trained with Caffe2 at FB.
+Pretrained models in Detectron's format can still be used. For example:
+* [X-152-32x8d-IN5k.pkl](https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron/ImageNetPretrained/25093814/X-152-32x8d-IN5k.pkl):
+ ResNeXt-152-32x8d model trained on ImageNet-5k with Caffe2 at FB (see ResNeXt paper for details on ImageNet-5k).
+* [R-50-GN.pkl](https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron/ImageNetPretrained/47261647/R-50-GN.pkl):
+ ResNet-50 with Group Normalization.
+* [R-101-GN.pkl](https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron/ImageNetPretrained/47592356/R-101-GN.pkl):
+ ResNet-101 with Group Normalization.
+Torchvision's ResNet models can be used after converted by [this script](tools/convert-torchvision-to-d2.py).
+#### License
+All models available for download through this document are licensed under the
+[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/).
+### COCO Object Detection Baselines
+#### Faster R-CNN:
+### LVIS Instance Segmentation Baselines with Mask R-CNN
+Mask R-CNN baselines on the [LVIS dataset](https://lvisdataset.org), v0.5.
+These baselines are described in Table 3(c) of the [LVIS paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.03195).
+NOTE: the 1x schedule here has the same amount of __iterations__ as the COCO 1x baselines.
+They are roughly 24 epochs of LVISv0.5 data.
+The final results of these configs have large variance across different runs.
+Ablations for normalization methods, and a few models trained from scratch following [Rethinking ImageNet Pre-training](https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.08883).
+(Note: The baseline uses `2fc` head while the others use [`4conv1fc` head](https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.08494))
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+Detectron2 is Facebook AI Research's next generation software system
+that implements state-of-the-art object detection algorithms.
+It is a ground-up rewrite of the previous version,
+and it originates from [maskrcnn-benchmark](https://github.com/facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmark/).
+### What's New
+* It is powered by the [PyTorch](https://pytorch.org) deep learning framework.
+* Includes more features such as panoptic segmentation, densepose, Cascade R-CNN, rotated bounding boxes, etc.
+* Can be used as a library to support [different projects](projects/) on top of it.
+ We'll open source more research projects in this way.
+* It [trains much faster](https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/notes/benchmarks.html).
+See our [blog post](https://ai.facebook.com/blog/-detectron2-a-pytorch-based-modular-object-detection-library-/)
+to see more demos and learn about detectron2.
+## Installation
+See [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md).
+## Quick Start
+or the [Colab Notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/16jcaJoc6bCFAQ96jDe2HwtXj7BMD_-m5).
+Learn more at our [documentation](https://detectron2.readthedocs.org).
+And see [projects/](projects/) for some projects that are built on top of detectron2.
+## Model Zoo and Baselines
+We provide a large set of baseline results and trained models available for download in the [Detectron2 Model Zoo](MODEL_ZOO.md).
+## License
+Detectron2 is released under the [Apache 2.0 license](LICENSE).
+## Citing Detectron2
+If you use Detectron2 in your research or wish to refer to the baseline results published in the [Model Zoo](MODEL_ZOO.md), please use the following BibTeX entry.
+ author = {Yuxin Wu and Alexander Kirillov and Francisco Massa and
+ Wan-Yen Lo and Ross Girshick},
+ title = {Detectron2},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2}},
+ year = {2019}
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Base-RCNN-C4.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Base-RCNN-C4.yaml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Base-RCNN-C4.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ RPN:
+ NAME: "Res5ROIHeads"
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_train",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.02
+ STEPS: (60000, 80000)
+ MAX_ITER: 90000
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Base-RCNN-DilatedC5.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Base-RCNN-DilatedC5.yaml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Base-RCNN-DilatedC5.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ OUT_FEATURES: ["res5"]
+ RPN:
+ IN_FEATURES: ["res5"]
+ NAME: "StandardROIHeads"
+ IN_FEATURES: ["res5"]
+ NAME: "FastRCNNConvFCHead"
+ NUM_FC: 2
+ NAME: "MaskRCNNConvUpsampleHead"
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_train",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.02
+ STEPS: (60000, 80000)
+ MAX_ITER: 90000
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e020f2e7b2f26765be317f907126a1556621abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ NAME: "build_resnet_fpn_backbone"
+ OUT_FEATURES: ["res2", "res3", "res4", "res5"]
+ FPN:
+ IN_FEATURES: ["res2", "res3", "res4", "res5"]
+ SIZES: [[32], [64], [128], [256], [512]] # One size for each in feature map
+ ASPECT_RATIOS: [[0.5, 1.0, 2.0]] # Three aspect ratios (same for all in feature maps)
+ RPN:
+ IN_FEATURES: ["p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "p6"]
+ PRE_NMS_TOPK_TRAIN: 2000 # Per FPN level
+ PRE_NMS_TOPK_TEST: 1000 # Per FPN level
+ # Detectron1 uses 2000 proposals per-batch,
+ # (See "modeling/rpn/rpn_outputs.py" for details of this legacy issue)
+ # which is approximately 1000 proposals per-image since the default batch size for FPN is 2.
+ NAME: "StandardROIHeads"
+ IN_FEATURES: ["p2", "p3", "p4", "p5"]
+ NAME: "FastRCNNConvFCHead"
+ NUM_FC: 2
+ NAME: "MaskRCNNConvUpsampleHead"
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_train",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.02
+ STEPS: (60000, 80000)
+ MAX_ITER: 90000
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Base-RetinaNet.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Base-RetinaNet.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12ec9d2fc20cc0438f17bde2c5f6fbee9496c1b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Base-RetinaNet.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ NAME: "build_retinanet_resnet_fpn_backbone"
+ OUT_FEATURES: ["res3", "res4", "res5"]
+ SIZES: !!python/object/apply:eval ["[[x, x * 2**(1.0/3), x * 2**(2.0/3) ] for x in [32, 64, 128, 256, 512 ]]"]
+ FPN:
+ IN_FEATURES: ["res3", "res4", "res5"]
+ IOU_THRESHOLDS: [0.4, 0.5]
+ IOU_LABELS: [0, -1, 1]
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_train",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.01 # Note that RetinaNet uses a different default learning rate
+ STEPS: (60000, 80000)
+ MAX_ITER: 90000
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/fast_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/fast_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..773ac10e87c626760d00d831bf664ce9ff073c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/fast_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 50
+ NAME: "PrecomputedProposals"
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_train",)
+ PROPOSAL_FILES_TRAIN: ("detectron2://COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_FPN_1x/137258492/coco_2017_train_box_proposals_21bc3a.pkl", )
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val",)
+ PROPOSAL_FILES_TEST: ("detectron2://COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_FPN_1x/137258492/coco_2017_val_box_proposals_ee0dad.pkl", )
+ # proposals are part of the dataset_dicts, and take a lot of RAM
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_101_C4_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_101_C4_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db142cd671c1841b4f64cf130bee7f7954ecdd28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_101_C4_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-C4.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 101
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_101_DC5_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_101_DC5_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bceb6b343618d8cd9a6c414ff9eb86ab31cc230a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_101_DC5_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-DilatedC5.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 101
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57a098f53ee8c54ecfa354cc96efefd890dc1b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 101
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_C4_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_C4_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f96130105c3ba6ab393e0932870903875f5cb732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_C4_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-C4.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 50
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_C4_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_C4_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc51bce390a85ee3529ffdcebde05748e1646be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_C4_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-C4.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 50
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_DC5_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_DC5_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0fe96f57febdac5790ea4cec168fa4b97ac4807a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_DC5_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-DilatedC5.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 50
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_DC5_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_DC5_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33fadeb87d1ef67ab2b55926b9a652ab4ac4a27d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_DC5_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-DilatedC5.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 50
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3262019a1211b910d3b371569199ed1afaacf6a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 50
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41395182bf5c9dd8ab1241c4414068817298d554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 50
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c9b5ab77157baa581d90d9847c045c19ed6ffa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/faster_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/FAIR/X-101-32x8d.pkl"
+ PIXEL_STD: [57.375, 57.120, 58.395]
+ STRIDE_IN_1X1: False # this is a C2 model
+ DEPTH: 101
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4abb1b9a547957aa6afc0b29129e00f89cf98d59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RetinaNet.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 101
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a24ce3a9a108a8792e18c8aabfb7b712f0d3725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RetinaNet.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b5412d4a7aef1d6c3f7c1e34f94007de639b833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RetinaNet.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_C4_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_C4_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e04821156b0376ba5215d5ce5b7010a36b43e6a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_C4_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-C4.yaml"
+ META_ARCHITECTURE: "ProposalNetwork"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 50
+ RPN:
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc9c95203b1c3c9cd9bb9876bb8d9a5dd9b31d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ META_ARCHITECTURE: "ProposalNetwork"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 50
+ RPN:
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_C4_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_C4_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a94cc45a0f2aaa8c92e14871c553b736545e327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_C4_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-C4.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 101
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_DC5_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_DC5_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67b70cf4be8c19f5dc735b6f55a8690698f34b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_DC5_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-DilatedC5.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 101
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1935a302d2d0fa7f69553b3fd50b5a7082c6c0d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 101
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9aeb4eac38026dbb867e799f9fd3a8d8eb3af80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-C4.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38ed867d897dfec839cbcf11a2e2dc8abb92f07c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-C4.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_DC5_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_DC5_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b13eefab2a049c48d94d5051c82ceb6dbde40579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_DC5_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-DilatedC5.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_DC5_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_DC5_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d401016358f967f6619d88b1c9bd5673a1cdeba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_DC5_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-DilatedC5.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d50fb866ca7811a87b42555c7213f88e00bf6df1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be7d06b8e0f032ee7fcaabd7c122158518489fd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d14c63f74383bfc308750f51d51344398b02a239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/FAIR/X-101-32x8d.pkl"
+ PIXEL_STD: [57.375, 57.120, 58.395]
+ STRIDE_IN_1X1: False # this is a C2 model
+ DEPTH: 101
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/Base-Keypoint-RCNN-FPN.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/Base-Keypoint-RCNN-FPN.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e03944a42d2e497da5ceca17c8fda797dac3f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/Base-Keypoint-RCNN-FPN.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ SMOOTH_L1_BETA: 0.5 # Keypoint AP degrades (though box AP improves) when using plain L1 loss
+ RPN:
+ # Detectron1 uses 2000 proposals per-batch, but this option is per-image in detectron2.
+ # 1000 proposals per-image is found to hurt box AP.
+ # Therefore we increase it to 1500 per-image.
+ TRAIN: ("keypoints_coco_2017_train",)
+ TEST: ("keypoints_coco_2017_val",)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9309535c57a1aa7d23297aac80a9bd78a6c79fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+_BASE_: "Base-Keypoint-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 101
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7bf85cf745b53b3e7ab28fe94b7f4f9e7fe6e335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+_BASE_: "Base-Keypoint-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a07f243f650a497b9372501e3face75194cf0941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+_BASE_: "Base-Keypoint-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4bfa20a98c0a65c6bd60e93b07e8f4b7d92a867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+_BASE_: "Base-Keypoint-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/FAIR/X-101-32x8d.pkl"
+ PIXEL_STD: [57.375, 57.120, 58.395]
+ STRIDE_IN_1X1: False # this is a C2 model
+ DEPTH: 101
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-PanopticSegmentation/Base-Panoptic-FPN.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-PanopticSegmentation/Base-Panoptic-FPN.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..755c12018c5db8ca456d5e7fa8cbd18d90f97527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-PanopticSegmentation/Base-Panoptic-FPN.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_train_panoptic_separated",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_panoptic_separated",)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-PanopticSegmentation/panoptic_fpn_R_101_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-PanopticSegmentation/panoptic_fpn_R_101_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e01f6fb31e9b00b1857b7de3b5074184d1f4a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-PanopticSegmentation/panoptic_fpn_R_101_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+_BASE_: "Base-Panoptic-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 101
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-PanopticSegmentation/panoptic_fpn_R_50_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-PanopticSegmentation/panoptic_fpn_R_50_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6afa2c1cc92495309ed1553a17359fe5d7d6566e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-PanopticSegmentation/panoptic_fpn_R_50_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+_BASE_: "Base-Panoptic-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-PanopticSegmentation/panoptic_fpn_R_50_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-PanopticSegmentation/panoptic_fpn_R_50_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b956b3f673e78649184fe2c50e2700b3f1f14794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/COCO-PanopticSegmentation/panoptic_fpn_R_50_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+_BASE_: "Base-Panoptic-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Cityscapes/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Cityscapes/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a7aaeb961581ed9492c4cfe5a69a1eb60495b3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Cityscapes/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ # WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ # For better, more stable performance initialize from COCO
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x/137849600/model_final_f10217.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+# This is similar to the setting used in Mask R-CNN paper, Appendix A
+# But there are some differences, e.g., we did not initialize the output
+# layer using the corresponding classes from COCO
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (800, 832, 864, 896, 928, 960, 992, 1024)
+ TRAIN: ("cityscapes_fine_instance_seg_train",)
+ TEST: ("cityscapes_fine_instance_seg_val",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.01
+ STEPS: (18000,)
+ MAX_ITER: 24000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/README.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a90ed9e433a00b8b9f43961d7a2696d5b9013127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+Detectron2 model zoo's experimental settings and a few implementation details are different from Detectron.
+The differences in implementation details are shared in
+[Compatibility with Other Libraries](../../docs/notes/compatibility.md).
+The differences in model zoo's experimental settings include:
+* Use scale augmentation during training. This improves AP with lower training cost.
+* Use L1 loss instead of smooth L1 loss for simplicity. This sometimes improves box AP but may
+ affect other AP.
+* Use `POOLER_SAMPLING_RATIO=0` instead of 2. This does not significantly affect AP.
+* Use `ROIAlignV2`. This does not significantly affect AP.
+In this directory, we provide a few configs that __do not__ have the above changes.
+They mimic Detectron's behavior as close as possible,
+and provide a fair comparison of accuracy and speed against Detectron.
+## Comparisons:
+* Faster R-CNN: Detectron's AP is 36.7, similar to ours.
+* Keypoint R-CNN: Detectron's AP is box 53.6, keypoint 64.2. Fixing a Detectron's
+ [bug](https://github.com/facebookresearch/Detectron/issues/459) lead to a drop in box AP, and can be
+ compensated back by some parameter tuning.
+* Mask R-CNN: Detectron's AP is box 37.7, mask 33.9. We're 1 AP better in mask AP, due to more correct implementation.
+For speed comparison, see [benchmarks](https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/notes/benchmarks.html).
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN_noaug_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN_noaug_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6ce77f137fa2c4e5254a62b58c18b8b76096f2aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN_noaug_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 50
+ # Detectron1 uses smooth L1 loss with some magic beta values.
+ # The defaults are changed to L1 loss in Detectron2.
+ RPN:
+ SMOOTH_L1_BETA: 0.1111
+ # no scale augmentation
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (800, )
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aacf868ba5290c752031c130a2081af48afc0808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
+ # Detectron1 uses smooth L1 loss with some magic beta values.
+ # The defaults are changed to L1 loss in Detectron2.
+ RPN:
+ SMOOTH_L1_BETA: 0.1111
+ # Detectron1 uses 2000 proposals per-batch, but this option is per-image in detectron2
+ # 1000 proposals per-image is found to hurt box AP.
+ # Therefore we increase it to 1500 per-image.
+ TRAIN: ("keypoints_coco_2017_train",)
+ TEST: ("keypoints_coco_2017_val",)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_noaug_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_noaug_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ea86a8d8e2cd3e51cbc7311b0d00710c07d01f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Detectron1-Comparisons/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_noaug_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ # Detectron1 uses smooth L1 loss with some magic beta values.
+ # The defaults are changed to L1 loss in Detectron2.
+ RPN:
+ SMOOTH_L1_BETA: 0.1111
+ # no scale augmentation
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (800, )
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/LVIS-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/LVIS-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0c3a1bbc0a09e1384de522f30c443ba1e36fafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/LVIS-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 101
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
+ TRAIN: ("lvis_v0.5_train",)
+ TEST: ("lvis_v0.5_val",)
+ DETECTIONS_PER_IMAGE: 300 # LVIS allows up to 300
+ SAMPLER_TRAIN: "RepeatFactorTrainingSampler"
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/LVIS-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/LVIS-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64b4caa4ef2b284782367ea702e1ae6653472630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/LVIS-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
+ TRAIN: ("lvis_v0.5_train",)
+ TEST: ("lvis_v0.5_val",)
+ DETECTIONS_PER_IMAGE: 300 # LVIS allows up to 300
+ SAMPLER_TRAIN: "RepeatFactorTrainingSampler"
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/LVIS-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/LVIS-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8b822c6c006ba642f4caf9b55e7983f6797427a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/LVIS-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/FAIR/X-101-32x8d.pkl"
+ PIXEL_STD: [57.375, 57.120, 58.395]
+ MASK_ON: True
+ STRIDE_IN_1X1: False # this is a C2 model
+ DEPTH: 101
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
+ TRAIN: ("lvis_v0.5_train",)
+ TEST: ("lvis_v0.5_val",)
+ DETECTIONS_PER_IMAGE: 300 # LVIS allows up to 300
+ SAMPLER_TRAIN: "RepeatFactorTrainingSampler"
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..abb33b618932e94b66239945ac892f4c84a6e8f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ NAME: CascadeROIHeads
+ RPN:
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2201ad5c46ded91ccfa47b7698a521625c5e447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ NAME: CascadeROIHeads
+ RPN:
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_X_152_32x8d_FPN_IN5k_gn_dconv.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_X_152_32x8d_FPN_IN5k_gn_dconv.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc117f6b5e3e51558ec2f01b73c5365622e5ce25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_X_152_32x8d_FPN_IN5k_gn_dconv.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ WEIGHTS: "catalog://ImageNetPretrained/FAIR/X-152-32x8d-IN5k"
+ STRIDE_IN_1X1: False # this is a C2 model
+ DEPTH: 152
+ DEFORM_ON_PER_STAGE: [False, True, True, True]
+ NAME: "CascadeROIHeads"
+ NAME: "FastRCNNConvFCHead"
+ NUM_FC: 1
+ NORM: "GN"
+ NORM: "GN"
+ RPN:
+ STEPS: (35000, 45000)
+ MAX_ITER: 50000
+ BASE_LR: 0.16
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 864)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_X_152_32x8d_FPN_IN5k_gn_dconv_parsing.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_X_152_32x8d_FPN_IN5k_gn_dconv_parsing.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..544f58f620607ba6eb592593a2f85243c8670451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_X_152_32x8d_FPN_IN5k_gn_dconv_parsing.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ MASK_ON: True
+# WEIGHTS: "catalog://ImageNetPretrained/FAIR/X-152-32x8d-IN5k"
+ WEIGHTS: "model_0039999_e76410.pkl"
+ STRIDE_IN_1X1: False # this is a C2 model
+ DEPTH: 152
+ DEFORM_ON_PER_STAGE: [False, True, True, True]
+ NAME: "CascadeROIHeads"
+ NAME: "FastRCNNConvFCHead"
+ NUM_FC: 1
+ NORM: "GN"
+ NORM: "GN"
+ RPN:
+ STEPS: (35000, 45000)
+ MAX_ITER: 50000
+ BASE_LR: 0.16
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 864)
+ TRAIN: ("CIHP_train","VIP_trainval")
+ TEST: ("CIHP_val",)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/demo.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/demo.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bbf9685f5921c7aa1c967b4e7da88aaf061a72e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/demo.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+_BASE_: "cascade_mask_rcnn_X_152_32x8d_FPN_IN5k_gn_dconv.yaml"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ STEPS: (30000, 45000)
+ MAX_ITER: 50000
+ BASE_LR: 0.02
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 864)
+ AUG:
+ TRAIN: ("demo_train",)
+ TEST: ("demo_val",)
+OUTPUT_DIR: "../../data/DemoDataset/detectron2_prediction"
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x_cls_agnostic.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x_cls_agnostic.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c3b767ff473bbab7225cc8a4a92608543d78246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x_cls_agnostic.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x_dconv_c3-c5.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x_dconv_c3-c5.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04ff988d073ef9169ee4ca2cbce0d6f030c15232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x_dconv_c3-c5.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ DEFORM_ON_PER_STAGE: [False, True, True, True] # on Res3,Res4,Res5
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_dconv_c3-c5.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_dconv_c3-c5.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..68c0ca58d7df97ca728c339da0ca9828fe6be318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_dconv_c3-c5.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ DEFORM_ON_PER_STAGE: [False, True, True, True] # on Res3,Res4,Res5
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_gn.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_gn.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74d274e5a529b5a8afe186940868f9d48c6112b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_gn.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "catalog://ImageNetPretrained/FAIR/R-50-GN"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ NORM: "GN"
+ STRIDE_IN_1X1: False
+ FPN:
+ NORM: "GN"
+ NAME: "FastRCNNConvFCHead"
+ NUM_FC: 1
+ NORM: "GN"
+ NORM: "GN"
+ # 3x schedule
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_syncbn.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_syncbn.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11ebb076ba529f26c71a0d972e96ca4c2d6a830b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_syncbn.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ NORM: "SyncBN"
+ STRIDE_IN_1X1: True
+ FPN:
+ NORM: "SyncBN"
+ NAME: "FastRCNNConvFCHead"
+ NUM_FC: 1
+ NORM: "SyncBN"
+ NORM: "SyncBN"
+ # 3x schedule
+ STEPS: (210000, 250000)
+ MAX_ITER: 270000
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/panoptic_fpn_R_101_dconv_cascade_gn_3x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/panoptic_fpn_R_101_dconv_cascade_gn_3x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34016cea3ca9d7fb69ef4fe01d6b47ee8690a13b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/panoptic_fpn_R_101_dconv_cascade_gn_3x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# A large PanopticFPN for demo purposes.
+# Use GN on backbone to support semantic seg.
+# Use Cascade + Deform Conv to improve localization.
+_BASE_: "../COCO-PanopticSegmentation/Base-Panoptic-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "catalog://ImageNetPretrained/FAIR/R-101-GN"
+ DEPTH: 101
+ NORM: "GN"
+ DEFORM_ON_PER_STAGE: [False, True, True, True]
+ STRIDE_IN_1X1: False
+ FPN:
+ NORM: "GN"
+ NAME: CascadeROIHeads
+ NORM: "GN"
+ RPN:
+ STEPS: (105000, 125000)
+ MAX_ITER: 135000
+ BASE_LR: 0.04
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/parsing_finetune_cihp.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/parsing_finetune_cihp.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..766f46aa0cd3a80efb330052bdb695bebb5efb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/parsing_finetune_cihp.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+_BASE_: "cascade_mask_rcnn_X_152_32x8d_FPN_IN5k_gn_dconv.yaml"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ WEIGHTS: "model_0039999_e76410.pkl"
+ STEPS: (140000, 180000)
+ MAX_ITER: 200000
+ BASE_LR: 0.02
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 864)
+ TRAIN: ("CIHP_train")
+ TEST: ("CIHP_val",)
+OUTPUT_DIR: "./finetune_output"
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/parsing_inference.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/parsing_inference.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6a529b1eff2ddf553b1ba32f7b65172f03fae1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/parsing_inference.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+_BASE_: "cascade_mask_rcnn_X_152_32x8d_FPN_IN5k_gn_dconv.yaml"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ WEIGHTS: "./finetune_ouput/model_final.pth"
+ STEPS: (30000, 45000)
+ MAX_ITER: 50000
+ BASE_LR: 0.02
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 864)
+ AUG:
+ TRAIN: ("CIHP_trainval",)
+ TEST: ("CIHP_test",)
+OUTPUT_DIR: "./inference_output"
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/scratch_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_gn.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/scratch_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_gn.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f3400288cde242fcf66eef7f63b5a9165ca663c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/scratch_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_gn.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+_BASE_: "mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_gn.yaml"
+ # Train from random initialization.
+ # It makes sense to divide by STD when training from scratch
+ # But it seems to make no difference on the results and C2's models didn't do this.
+ # So we keep things consistent with C2.
+ # PIXEL_STD: [57.375, 57.12, 58.395]
+ MASK_ON: True
+# NOTE: Please refer to Rethinking ImageNet Pre-training https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.08883
+# to learn what you need for training from scratch.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/scratch_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_9x_gn.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/scratch_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_9x_gn.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d90c9ff0ef4573252ee165b4c958ec5f74178176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/scratch_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_9x_gn.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+_BASE_: "mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_gn.yaml"
+ PIXEL_STD: [57.375, 57.12, 58.395]
+ MASK_ON: True
+ STRIDE_IN_1X1: False
+ # 9x schedule
+ IMS_PER_BATCH: 64 # 4x the standard
+ STEPS: (187500, 197500) # last 60/4==15k and last 20/4==5k
+ MAX_ITER: 202500 # 90k * 9 / 4
+ BASE_LR: 0.08
+# NOTE: Please refer to Rethinking ImageNet Pre-training https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.08883
+# to learn what you need for training from scratch.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/scratch_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_9x_syncbn.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/scratch_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_9x_syncbn.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60d4e42330e396a1901437df8e17b262d5ad547a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/scratch_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_9x_syncbn.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+_BASE_: "mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x_syncbn.yaml"
+ PIXEL_STD: [57.375, 57.12, 58.395]
+ MASK_ON: True
+ STRIDE_IN_1X1: False
+ # 9x schedule
+ IMS_PER_BATCH: 64 # 4x the standard
+ STEPS: (187500, 197500) # last 60/4==15k and last 20/4==5k
+ MAX_ITER: 202500 # 90k * 9 / 4
+ BASE_LR: 0.08
+# NOTE: Please refer to Rethinking ImageNet Pre-training https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.08883
+# to learn what you need for training from scratch.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/semantic_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/semantic_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac256e1372770ab3d9ae522c962de0fd0dbceeb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/Misc/semantic_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ META_ARCHITECTURE: "SemanticSegmentor"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_train_panoptic_stuffonly",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_panoptic_stuffonly",)
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/PascalVOC-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_C4.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/PascalVOC-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_C4.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea2a6baaebd1a186db18f2904430ffb25901898e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/PascalVOC-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_C4.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-C4.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 50
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
+ TRAIN: ('voc_2007_trainval', 'voc_2012_trainval')
+ TEST: ('voc_2007_test',)
+ STEPS: (12000, 16000)
+ MAX_ITER: 18000 # 17.4 epochs
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/PascalVOC-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/PascalVOC-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e554cab18a358a27b630c1ab0c2359666b0e1514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/PascalVOC-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: False
+ DEPTH: 50
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
+ TRAIN: ('voc_2007_trainval', 'voc_2012_trainval')
+ TEST: ('voc_2007_test',)
+ STEPS: (12000, 16000)
+ MAX_ITER: 18000 # 17.4 epochs
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/my_Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/my_Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d649eed7f333dfb07d7a096c6267dc0066e847c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/my_Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ NAME: "build_resnet_fpn_backbone"
+ OUT_FEATURES: ["res2", "res3", "res4", "res5"]
+ FPN:
+ IN_FEATURES: ["res2", "res3", "res4", "res5"]
+ SIZES: [[32], [64], [128], [256], [512]] # One size for each in feature map
+ ASPECT_RATIOS: [[0.5, 1.0, 2.0]] # Three aspect ratios (same for all in feature maps)
+ RPN:
+ IN_FEATURES: ["p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "p6"]
+ PRE_NMS_TOPK_TRAIN: 2000 # Per FPN level
+ PRE_NMS_TOPK_TEST: 1000 # Per FPN level
+ # Detectron1 uses 2000 proposals per-batch,
+ # (See "modeling/rpn/rpn_outputs.py" for details of this legacy issue)
+ # which is approximately 1000 proposals per-image since the default batch size for FPN is 2.
+ NAME: "StandardROIHeads"
+ IN_FEATURES: ["p2", "p3", "p4", "p5"]
+ NAME: "FastRCNNConvFCHead"
+ NUM_FC: 2
+ NAME: "MaskRCNNConvUpsampleHead"
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_train",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.02
+ STEPS: (60000, 80000)
+ MAX_ITER: 90000
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/README.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a278199b8557a1e2fb341fe6757786a6cecb82b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+These are quick configs for performance or accuracy regression tracking purposes.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc5a4116cb096278823049c1f823e99f8e16e97e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+_BASE_: "../Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x/144998488/model_final_480dd8.pkl"
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 50.18, 0.02], ["segm", "AP", 43.87, 0.02]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e41a0fe7ffe9c3531741df49e546aa45cfe4fdee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+_BASE_: "../Misc/cascade_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml"
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.005
+ STEPS: (30,)
+ MAX_ITER: 40
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/fast_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/fast_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2f37e5e2cc2a9e195e13703e9930e67e0f9a896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/fast_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+_BASE_: "../COCO-Detection/fast_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://COCO-Detection/fast_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x/137635226/model_final_e5f7ce.pkl"
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 45.70, 0.02]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/fast_rcnn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/fast_rcnn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52fc0ec03c8b87ab2be1dda97bec1e8c93e6bb5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/fast_rcnn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+_BASE_: "../COCO-Detection/fast_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ PROPOSAL_FILES_TRAIN: ("detectron2://COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_FPN_1x/137258492/coco_2017_val_box_proposals_ee0dad.pkl", )
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ PROPOSAL_FILES_TEST: ("detectron2://COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_FPN_1x/137258492/coco_2017_val_box_proposals_ee0dad.pkl", )
+ BASE_LR: 0.005
+ STEPS: (30,)
+ MAX_ITER: 40
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..14cf2aa82aec52ad44e28ead0665dad811d55457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+_BASE_: "../COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x/137849621/model_final_a6e10b.pkl"
+ TEST: ("keypoints_coco_2017_val_100",)
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 52.47, 0.02], ["keypoints", "AP", 67.36, 0.02]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc09034bdd3db9d3e0dc62a017a3883dbe79c649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ TRAIN: ("keypoints_coco_2017_val_100",)
+ TEST: ("keypoints_coco_2017_val_100",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.005
+ STEPS: (30,)
+ MAX_ITER: 40
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_normalized_training_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_normalized_training_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b92392f1c4457033ae4c87a521e339fe9e184ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_normalized_training_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
+ SMOOTH_L1_BETA: 1.0 # Keypoint AP degrades when using plain L1 loss
+ RPN:
+ SMOOTH_L1_BETA: 0.2 # Keypoint AP degrades when using plain L1 loss
+ TRAIN: ("keypoints_coco_2017_val",)
+ TEST: ("keypoints_coco_2017_val",)
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
+ WARMUP_FACTOR: 0.33333333
+ STEPS: (5500, 5800)
+ MAX_ITER: 6000
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 55.35, 1.0], ["keypoints", "AP", 76.91, 1.0]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_training_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_training_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9bd962878fea64035887c48981beeb8d41bfdbd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_training_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
+ SMOOTH_L1_BETA: 1.0 # Keypoint AP degrades when using plain L1 loss
+ RPN:
+ SMOOTH_L1_BETA: 0.2 # Keypoint AP degrades when using plain L1 loss
+ TRAIN: ("keypoints_coco_2017_val",)
+ TEST: ("keypoints_coco_2017_val",)
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
+ WARMUP_FACTOR: 0.33333333
+ STEPS: (5500, 5800)
+ MAX_ITER: 6000
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 53.5, 1.0], ["keypoints", "AP", 72.4, 1.0]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_GCV_instant_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_GCV_instant_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab6e69812b94ea7e071f29d9a6937d5c70805b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_GCV_instant_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-C4.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.001
+ STEPS: (30,)
+ MAX_ITER: 40
+ CLIP_TYPE: "value"
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_inference_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_inference_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2d5b7ff87e069f8c774a230bdfd47b8c12d18a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_inference_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+_BASE_: "../COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_3x.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_3x/137849525/model_final_4ce675.pkl"
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 47.37, 0.02], ["segm", "AP", 40.99, 0.02]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_instant_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_instant_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c4f1214efa520944fd941daec082ad45c164a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_instant_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-C4.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.001
+ STEPS: (30,)
+ MAX_ITER: 40
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_training_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_training_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f68dd8f96c7896b5fc95d694a399f2ce417c1deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_training_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-C4.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val",)
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (600,)
+ IMS_PER_BATCH: 8 # base uses 16
+ WARMUP_FACTOR: 0.33333
+ STEPS: (11000, 11600)
+ MAX_ITER: 12000
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 41.88, 0.7], ["segm", "AP", 33.79, 0.5]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_DC5_inference_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_DC5_inference_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e3ce6cf922ae07fba5b5e01edbac19bf58a8e9dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_DC5_inference_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+_BASE_: "../COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_DC5_3x.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_DC5_3x/137849551/model_final_84107b.pkl"
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 47.44, 0.02], ["segm", "AP", 42.94, 0.02]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5454bfd95cc37749c50aec7866f32d9a80ca2b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+_BASE_: "../COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x/137849600/model_final_f10217.pkl"
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 47.34, 0.02], ["segm", "AP", 42.67, 0.02], ["bbox_TTA", "AP", 49.11, 0.02], ["segm_TTA", "AP", 45.04, 0.02]]
+ AUG:
+ MIN_SIZES: (700, 800) # to save some time
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6dbfcde0bf837990634d419a6dda1e2909c3cd7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.005
+ STEPS: (30,)
+ MAX_ITER: 40
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_training_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_training_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffca550461035967a565dca39bca039658a68eed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_training_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val",)
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (600,)
+ WARMUP_FACTOR: 0.3333333
+ STEPS: (5500, 5800)
+ MAX_ITER: 6000
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 42.0, 1.6], ["segm", "AP", 35.4, 1.25]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/panoptic_fpn_R_50_inference_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/panoptic_fpn_R_50_inference_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..70874e3a92c9034d75cbbebb145b61084ba15e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/panoptic_fpn_R_50_inference_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+_BASE_: "../COCO-PanopticSegmentation/panoptic_fpn_R_50_3x.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://COCO-PanopticSegmentation/panoptic_fpn_R_50_3x/139514569/model_final_c10459.pkl"
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100_panoptic_separated",)
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 46.47, 0.02], ["segm", "AP", 43.39, 0.02], ["sem_seg", "mIoU", 42.55, 0.02], ["panoptic_seg", "PQ", 38.99, 0.02]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/panoptic_fpn_R_50_instant_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/panoptic_fpn_R_50_instant_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7cdee7bfcf6dc75dda52602a0d9177ad0a9cc6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/panoptic_fpn_R_50_instant_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val_100_panoptic_separated",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100_panoptic_separated",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.005
+ STEPS: (30,)
+ MAX_ITER: 40
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/panoptic_fpn_R_50_training_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/panoptic_fpn_R_50_training_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05816316f851690e60ee54b852b6f49ede73c886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/panoptic_fpn_R_50_training_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ MASK_ON: True
+ DEPTH: 50
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val_panoptic_separated",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_panoptic_separated",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.01
+ STEPS: (5500,)
+ MAX_ITER: 7000
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 46.70, 1.1], ["segm", "AP", 38.73, 0.7], ["sem_seg", "mIoU", 64.73, 1.2], ["panoptic_seg", "PQ", 48.13, 0.8]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/retinanet_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/retinanet_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36b998833bac04c830d5ab9f44d5773b0437ac0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/retinanet_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+_BASE_: "../COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_50_FPN_3x/137849486/model_final_4cafe0.pkl"
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["bbox", "AP", 44.36, 0.02]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/retinanet_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/retinanet_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d95c1f614296716374686b22055a587ccd052b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/retinanet_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+_BASE_: "../COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.005
+ STEPS: (30,)
+ MAX_ITER: 40
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/rpn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/rpn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7c3f908a9e80e98b2d25b6d384a60acaba9d4f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/rpn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+_BASE_: "../COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_FPN_1x/137258492/model_final_02ce48.pkl"
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["box_proposals", "AR@1000", 58.16, 0.02]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/rpn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/rpn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..402d432477507dc36f04c4a9777cb80fe06b2809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/rpn_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+_BASE_: "../COCO-Detection/rpn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100",)
+ STEPS: (30,)
+ MAX_ITER: 40
+ BASE_LR: 0.005
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/semantic_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/semantic_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bca74987d5218736983617883e0fe37f79d219b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/semantic_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ META_ARCHITECTURE: "SemanticSegmentor"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://semantic_R_50_FPN_1x/111802073/model_final_c18079783c55a94968edc28b7101c5f0.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100_panoptic_stuffonly",)
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["sem_seg", "mIoU", 39.53, 0.02], ["sem_seg", "mACC", 51.50, 0.02]]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/semantic_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/semantic_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..14ab606f219b462fe37fcc7d5fbdbe65cb5c2642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/semantic_R_50_FPN_instant_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ META_ARCHITECTURE: "SemanticSegmentor"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val_100_panoptic_stuffonly",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_100_panoptic_stuffonly",)
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800)
+ BASE_LR: 0.005
+ STEPS: (30,)
+ MAX_ITER: 40
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/semantic_R_50_FPN_training_acc_test.yaml b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/semantic_R_50_FPN_training_acc_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f78d775889b11e9e76743de5ddb8139198edf61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/configs/quick_schedules/semantic_R_50_FPN_training_acc_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+_BASE_: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml"
+ META_ARCHITECTURE: "SemanticSegmentor"
+ WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl"
+ DEPTH: 50
+ TRAIN: ("coco_2017_val_panoptic_stuffonly",)
+ TEST: ("coco_2017_val_panoptic_stuffonly",)
+ BASE_LR: 0.01
+ STEPS: (5500,)
+ MAX_ITER: 7000
+ EXPECTED_RESULTS: [["sem_seg", "mIoU", 76.51, 1.0], ["sem_seg", "mACC", 83.25, 1.0]]
+ # no scale augmentation
+ MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (800, )
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/demo/README.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/demo/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..caa755f6f0f472a04a419deec4a6acfdb949023b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/demo/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+## Detectron2 Demo
+We provide a command line tool to run a simple demo of builtin models.
+The usage is explained in [GETTING_STARTED.md](../GETTING_STARTED.md).
+See our [blog post](https://ai.facebook.com/blog/-detectron2-a-pytorch-based-modular-object-detection-library-)
+for a high-quality demo generated with this tool.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/demo/demo.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/demo/demo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fd8df8f539cfe4a4f003fb820f49ffad0f54f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/demo/demo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import argparse
+import glob
+import multiprocessing as mp
+import os
+import time
+import cv2
+import tqdm
+from detectron2.config import get_cfg
+from detectron2.data.detection_utils import read_image
+from detectron2.utils.logger import setup_logger
+from predictor import VisualizationDemo
+# constants
+WINDOW_NAME = "COCO detections"
+def setup_cfg(args):
+ # load config from file and command-line arguments
+ cfg = get_cfg()
+ cfg.merge_from_file(args.config_file)
+ cfg.merge_from_list(args.opts)
+ # Set score_threshold for builtin models
+ cfg.MODEL.RETINANET.SCORE_THRESH_TEST = args.confidence_threshold
+ cfg.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.SCORE_THRESH_TEST = args.confidence_threshold
+ cfg.freeze()
+ return cfg
+def get_parser():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Detectron2 demo for builtin models")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--config-file",
+ default="configs/quick_schedules/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_inference_acc_test.yaml",
+ metavar="FILE",
+ help="path to config file",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("--webcam", action="store_true", help="Take inputs from webcam.")
+ parser.add_argument("--video-input", help="Path to video file.")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--input",
+ nargs="+",
+ help="A list of space separated input images; "
+ "or a single glob pattern such as 'directory/*.jpg'",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--output",
+ help="A file or directory to save output visualizations. "
+ "If not given, will show output in an OpenCV window.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--confidence-threshold",
+ type=float,
+ default=0.5,
+ help="Minimum score for instance predictions to be shown",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--opts",
+ help="Modify config options using the command-line 'KEY VALUE' pairs",
+ default=[],
+ nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
+ )
+ return parser
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ mp.set_start_method("spawn", force=True)
+ args = get_parser().parse_args()
+ setup_logger(name="fvcore")
+ logger = setup_logger()
+ logger.info("Arguments: " + str(args))
+ cfg = setup_cfg(args)
+ demo = VisualizationDemo(cfg)
+ if args.input:
+ if len(args.input) == 1:
+ args.input = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(args.input[0]))
+ assert args.input, "The input path(s) was not found"
+ for path in tqdm.tqdm(args.input, disable=not args.output):
+ # use PIL, to be consistent with evaluation
+ img = read_image(path, format="BGR")
+ start_time = time.time()
+ predictions, visualized_output = demo.run_on_image(img)
+ logger.info(
+ "{}: {} in {:.2f}s".format(
+ path,
+ "detected {} instances".format(len(predictions["instances"]))
+ if "instances" in predictions
+ else "finished",
+ time.time() - start_time,
+ )
+ )
+ if args.output:
+ if os.path.isdir(args.output):
+ assert os.path.isdir(args.output), args.output
+ out_filename = os.path.join(args.output, os.path.basename(path))
+ else:
+ assert len(args.input) == 1, "Please specify a directory with args.output"
+ out_filename = args.output
+ visualized_output.save(out_filename)
+ else:
+ cv2.namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
+ cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, visualized_output.get_image()[:, :, ::-1])
+ if cv2.waitKey(0) == 27:
+ break # esc to quit
+ elif args.webcam:
+ assert args.input is None, "Cannot have both --input and --webcam!"
+ assert args.output is None, "output not yet supported with --webcam!"
+ cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
+ for vis in tqdm.tqdm(demo.run_on_video(cam)):
+ cv2.namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
+ cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, vis)
+ if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27:
+ break # esc to quit
+ cam.release()
+ cv2.destroyAllWindows()
+ elif args.video_input:
+ video = cv2.VideoCapture(args.video_input)
+ width = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
+ height = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
+ frames_per_second = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
+ num_frames = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
+ basename = os.path.basename(args.video_input)
+ if args.output:
+ if os.path.isdir(args.output):
+ output_fname = os.path.join(args.output, basename)
+ output_fname = os.path.splitext(output_fname)[0] + ".mkv"
+ else:
+ output_fname = args.output
+ assert not os.path.isfile(output_fname), output_fname
+ output_file = cv2.VideoWriter(
+ filename=output_fname,
+ # some installation of opencv may not support x264 (due to its license),
+ # you can try other format (e.g. MPEG)
+ fourcc=cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"x264"),
+ fps=float(frames_per_second),
+ frameSize=(width, height),
+ isColor=True,
+ )
+ assert os.path.isfile(args.video_input)
+ for vis_frame in tqdm.tqdm(demo.run_on_video(video), total=num_frames):
+ if args.output:
+ output_file.write(vis_frame)
+ else:
+ cv2.namedWindow(basename, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
+ cv2.imshow(basename, vis_frame)
+ if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27:
+ break # esc to quit
+ video.release()
+ if args.output:
+ output_file.release()
+ else:
+ cv2.destroyAllWindows()
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/demo/predictor.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/demo/predictor.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..689fa85436d928858e652df665f5e7460a1f3154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/demo/predictor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import atexit
+import bisect
+import multiprocessing as mp
+from collections import deque
+import cv2
+import torch
+from detectron2.data import MetadataCatalog
+from detectron2.engine.defaults import DefaultPredictor
+from detectron2.utils.video_visualizer import VideoVisualizer
+from detectron2.utils.visualizer import ColorMode, Visualizer
+class VisualizationDemo(object):
+ def __init__(self, cfg, instance_mode=ColorMode.IMAGE, parallel=False):
+ """
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode):
+ instance_mode (ColorMode):
+ parallel (bool): whether to run the model in different processes from visualization.
+ Useful since the visualization logic can be slow.
+ """
+ self.metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(
+ cfg.DATASETS.TEST[0] if len(cfg.DATASETS.TEST) else "__unused"
+ )
+ self.cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
+ self.instance_mode = instance_mode
+ self.parallel = parallel
+ if parallel:
+ num_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count()
+ self.predictor = AsyncPredictor(cfg, num_gpus=num_gpu)
+ else:
+ self.predictor = DefaultPredictor(cfg)
+ def run_on_image(self, image):
+ """
+ Args:
+ image (np.ndarray): an image of shape (H, W, C) (in BGR order).
+ This is the format used by OpenCV.
+ Returns:
+ predictions (dict): the output of the model.
+ vis_output (VisImage): the visualized image output.
+ """
+ vis_output = None
+ predictions = self.predictor(image)
+ # Convert image from OpenCV BGR format to Matplotlib RGB format.
+ image = image[:, :, ::-1]
+ visualizer = Visualizer(image, self.metadata, instance_mode=self.instance_mode)
+ if "panoptic_seg" in predictions:
+ panoptic_seg, segments_info = predictions["panoptic_seg"]
+ vis_output = visualizer.draw_panoptic_seg_predictions(
+ panoptic_seg.to(self.cpu_device), segments_info
+ )
+ else:
+ if "sem_seg" in predictions:
+ vis_output = visualizer.draw_sem_seg(
+ predictions["sem_seg"].argmax(dim=0).to(self.cpu_device)
+ )
+ if "instances" in predictions:
+ instances = predictions["instances"].to(self.cpu_device)
+ vis_output = visualizer.draw_instance_predictions(predictions=instances)
+ return predictions, vis_output
+ def _frame_from_video(self, video):
+ while video.isOpened():
+ success, frame = video.read()
+ if success:
+ yield frame
+ else:
+ break
+ def run_on_video(self, video):
+ """
+ Visualizes predictions on frames of the input video.
+ Args:
+ video (cv2.VideoCapture): a :class:`VideoCapture` object, whose source can be
+ either a webcam or a video file.
+ Yields:
+ ndarray: BGR visualizations of each video frame.
+ """
+ video_visualizer = VideoVisualizer(self.metadata, self.instance_mode)
+ def process_predictions(frame, predictions):
+ frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
+ if "panoptic_seg" in predictions:
+ panoptic_seg, segments_info = predictions["panoptic_seg"]
+ vis_frame = video_visualizer.draw_panoptic_seg_predictions(
+ frame, panoptic_seg.to(self.cpu_device), segments_info
+ )
+ elif "instances" in predictions:
+ predictions = predictions["instances"].to(self.cpu_device)
+ vis_frame = video_visualizer.draw_instance_predictions(frame, predictions)
+ elif "sem_seg" in predictions:
+ vis_frame = video_visualizer.draw_sem_seg(
+ frame, predictions["sem_seg"].argmax(dim=0).to(self.cpu_device)
+ )
+ # Converts Matplotlib RGB format to OpenCV BGR format
+ vis_frame = cv2.cvtColor(vis_frame.get_image(), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
+ return vis_frame
+ frame_gen = self._frame_from_video(video)
+ if self.parallel:
+ buffer_size = self.predictor.default_buffer_size
+ frame_data = deque()
+ for cnt, frame in enumerate(frame_gen):
+ frame_data.append(frame)
+ self.predictor.put(frame)
+ if cnt >= buffer_size:
+ frame = frame_data.popleft()
+ predictions = self.predictor.get()
+ yield process_predictions(frame, predictions)
+ while len(frame_data):
+ frame = frame_data.popleft()
+ predictions = self.predictor.get()
+ yield process_predictions(frame, predictions)
+ else:
+ for frame in frame_gen:
+ yield process_predictions(frame, self.predictor(frame))
+class AsyncPredictor:
+ """
+ A predictor that runs the model asynchronously, possibly on >1 GPUs.
+ Because rendering the visualization takes considerably amount of time,
+ this helps improve throughput when rendering videos.
+ """
+ class _StopToken:
+ pass
+ class _PredictWorker(mp.Process):
+ def __init__(self, cfg, task_queue, result_queue):
+ self.cfg = cfg
+ self.task_queue = task_queue
+ self.result_queue = result_queue
+ super().__init__()
+ def run(self):
+ predictor = DefaultPredictor(self.cfg)
+ while True:
+ task = self.task_queue.get()
+ if isinstance(task, AsyncPredictor._StopToken):
+ break
+ idx, data = task
+ result = predictor(data)
+ self.result_queue.put((idx, result))
+ def __init__(self, cfg, num_gpus: int = 1):
+ """
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode):
+ num_gpus (int): if 0, will run on CPU
+ """
+ num_workers = max(num_gpus, 1)
+ self.task_queue = mp.Queue(maxsize=num_workers * 3)
+ self.result_queue = mp.Queue(maxsize=num_workers * 3)
+ self.procs = []
+ for gpuid in range(max(num_gpus, 1)):
+ cfg = cfg.clone()
+ cfg.defrost()
+ cfg.MODEL.DEVICE = "cuda:{}".format(gpuid) if num_gpus > 0 else "cpu"
+ self.procs.append(
+ AsyncPredictor._PredictWorker(cfg, self.task_queue, self.result_queue)
+ )
+ self.put_idx = 0
+ self.get_idx = 0
+ self.result_rank = []
+ self.result_data = []
+ for p in self.procs:
+ p.start()
+ atexit.register(self.shutdown)
+ def put(self, image):
+ self.put_idx += 1
+ self.task_queue.put((self.put_idx, image))
+ def get(self):
+ self.get_idx += 1 # the index needed for this request
+ if len(self.result_rank) and self.result_rank[0] == self.get_idx:
+ res = self.result_data[0]
+ del self.result_data[0], self.result_rank[0]
+ return res
+ while True:
+ # make sure the results are returned in the correct order
+ idx, res = self.result_queue.get()
+ if idx == self.get_idx:
+ return res
+ insert = bisect.bisect(self.result_rank, idx)
+ self.result_rank.insert(insert, idx)
+ self.result_data.insert(insert, res)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return self.put_idx - self.get_idx
+ def __call__(self, image):
+ self.put(image)
+ return self.get()
+ def shutdown(self):
+ for _ in self.procs:
+ self.task_queue.put(AsyncPredictor._StopToken())
+ @property
+ def default_buffer_size(self):
+ return len(self.procs) * 5
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/__init__.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41816af2e8e538fa2ef4dc7b34f5667e0e823b90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
+from .utils.env import setup_environment
+# This line will be programatically read/write by setup.py.
+# Leave them at the bottom of this file and don't touch them.
+__version__ = "0.1.3"
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/__init__.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e17a9df03d886b379ffbb1c4ec41e03c5025410f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+# File:
+from . import catalog as _UNUSED # register the handler
+from .detection_checkpoint import DetectionCheckpointer
+from fvcore.common.checkpoint import Checkpointer, PeriodicCheckpointer
+__all__ = ["Checkpointer", "PeriodicCheckpointer", "DetectionCheckpointer"]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/c2_model_loading.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/c2_model_loading.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e27ba8463c744438d44f04f23fd4975525eba667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/c2_model_loading.py
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import copy
+import logging
+import re
+import torch
+from fvcore.common.checkpoint import (
+ get_missing_parameters_message,
+ get_unexpected_parameters_message,
+def convert_basic_c2_names(original_keys):
+ """
+ Apply some basic name conversion to names in C2 weights.
+ It only deals with typical backbone models.
+ Args:
+ original_keys (list[str]):
+ Returns:
+ list[str]: The same number of strings matching those in original_keys.
+ """
+ layer_keys = copy.deepcopy(original_keys)
+ layer_keys = [
+ {"pred_b": "linear_b", "pred_w": "linear_w"}.get(k, k) for k in layer_keys
+ ] # some hard-coded mappings
+ layer_keys = [k.replace("_", ".") for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("\\.b$", ".bias", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("\\.w$", ".weight", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ # Uniform both bn and gn names to "norm"
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("bn\\.s$", "norm.weight", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("bn\\.bias$", "norm.bias", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("bn\\.rm", "norm.running_mean", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("bn\\.running.mean$", "norm.running_mean", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("bn\\.riv$", "norm.running_var", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("bn\\.running.var$", "norm.running_var", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("bn\\.gamma$", "norm.weight", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("bn\\.beta$", "norm.bias", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("gn\\.s$", "norm.weight", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("gn\\.bias$", "norm.bias", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ # stem
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("^res\\.conv1\\.norm\\.", "conv1.norm.", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ # to avoid mis-matching with "conv1" in other components (e.g. detection head)
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("^conv1\\.", "stem.conv1.", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ # layer1-4 is used by torchvision, however we follow the C2 naming strategy (res2-5)
+ # layer_keys = [re.sub("^res2.", "layer1.", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ # layer_keys = [re.sub("^res3.", "layer2.", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ # layer_keys = [re.sub("^res4.", "layer3.", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ # layer_keys = [re.sub("^res5.", "layer4.", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ # blocks
+ layer_keys = [k.replace(".branch1.", ".shortcut.") for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [k.replace(".branch2a.", ".conv1.") for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [k.replace(".branch2b.", ".conv2.") for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [k.replace(".branch2c.", ".conv3.") for k in layer_keys]
+ # DensePose substitutions
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("^body.conv.fcn", "body_conv_fcn", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [k.replace("AnnIndex.lowres", "ann_index_lowres") for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [k.replace("Index.UV.lowres", "index_uv_lowres") for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [k.replace("U.lowres", "u_lowres") for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [k.replace("V.lowres", "v_lowres") for k in layer_keys]
+ return layer_keys
+def convert_c2_detectron_names(weights):
+ """
+ Map Caffe2 Detectron weight names to Detectron2 names.
+ Args:
+ weights (dict): name -> tensor
+ Returns:
+ dict: detectron2 names -> tensor
+ dict: detectron2 names -> C2 names
+ """
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.info("Remapping C2 weights ......")
+ original_keys = sorted(weights.keys())
+ layer_keys = copy.deepcopy(original_keys)
+ layer_keys = convert_basic_c2_names(layer_keys)
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # RPN hidden representation conv
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # FPN case
+ # In the C2 model, the RPN hidden layer conv is defined for FPN level 2 and then
+ # shared for all other levels, hence the appearance of "fpn2"
+ layer_keys = [
+ k.replace("conv.rpn.fpn2", "proposal_generator.rpn_head.conv") for k in layer_keys
+ ]
+ # Non-FPN case
+ layer_keys = [k.replace("conv.rpn", "proposal_generator.rpn_head.conv") for k in layer_keys]
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # RPN box transformation conv
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # FPN case (see note above about "fpn2")
+ layer_keys = [
+ k.replace("rpn.bbox.pred.fpn2", "proposal_generator.rpn_head.anchor_deltas")
+ for k in layer_keys
+ ]
+ layer_keys = [
+ k.replace("rpn.cls.logits.fpn2", "proposal_generator.rpn_head.objectness_logits")
+ for k in layer_keys
+ ]
+ # Non-FPN case
+ layer_keys = [
+ k.replace("rpn.bbox.pred", "proposal_generator.rpn_head.anchor_deltas") for k in layer_keys
+ ]
+ layer_keys = [
+ k.replace("rpn.cls.logits", "proposal_generator.rpn_head.objectness_logits")
+ for k in layer_keys
+ ]
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Fast R-CNN box head
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("^bbox\\.pred", "bbox_pred", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("^cls\\.score", "cls_score", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("^fc6\\.", "box_head.fc1.", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("^fc7\\.", "box_head.fc2.", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ # 4conv1fc head tensor names: head_conv1_w, head_conv1_gn_s
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("^head\\.conv", "box_head.conv", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # FPN lateral and output convolutions
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def fpn_map(name):
+ """
+ Look for keys with the following patterns:
+ 1) Starts with "fpn.inner."
+ Example: "fpn.inner.res2.2.sum.lateral.weight"
+ Meaning: These are lateral pathway convolutions
+ 2) Starts with "fpn.res"
+ Example: "fpn.res2.2.sum.weight"
+ Meaning: These are FPN output convolutions
+ """
+ splits = name.split(".")
+ norm = ".norm" if "norm" in splits else ""
+ if name.startswith("fpn.inner."):
+ # splits example: ['fpn', 'inner', 'res2', '2', 'sum', 'lateral', 'weight']
+ stage = int(splits[2][len("res") :])
+ return "fpn_lateral{}{}.{}".format(stage, norm, splits[-1])
+ elif name.startswith("fpn.res"):
+ # splits example: ['fpn', 'res2', '2', 'sum', 'weight']
+ stage = int(splits[1][len("res") :])
+ return "fpn_output{}{}.{}".format(stage, norm, splits[-1])
+ return name
+ layer_keys = [fpn_map(k) for k in layer_keys]
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Mask R-CNN mask head
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # roi_heads.StandardROIHeads case
+ layer_keys = [k.replace(".[mask].fcn", "mask_head.mask_fcn") for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [re.sub("^\\.mask\\.fcn", "mask_head.mask_fcn", k) for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [k.replace("mask.fcn.logits", "mask_head.predictor") for k in layer_keys]
+ # roi_heads.Res5ROIHeads case
+ layer_keys = [k.replace("conv5.mask", "mask_head.deconv") for k in layer_keys]
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Keypoint R-CNN head
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # interestingly, the keypoint head convs have blob names that are simply "conv_fcnX"
+ layer_keys = [k.replace("conv.fcn", "roi_heads.keypoint_head.conv_fcn") for k in layer_keys]
+ layer_keys = [
+ k.replace("kps.score.lowres", "roi_heads.keypoint_head.score_lowres") for k in layer_keys
+ ]
+ layer_keys = [k.replace("kps.score.", "roi_heads.keypoint_head.score.") for k in layer_keys]
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Done with replacements
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ assert len(set(layer_keys)) == len(layer_keys)
+ assert len(original_keys) == len(layer_keys)
+ new_weights = {}
+ new_keys_to_original_keys = {}
+ for orig, renamed in zip(original_keys, layer_keys):
+ new_keys_to_original_keys[renamed] = orig
+ if renamed.startswith("bbox_pred.") or renamed.startswith("mask_head.predictor."):
+ # remove the meaningless prediction weight for background class
+ new_start_idx = 4 if renamed.startswith("bbox_pred.") else 1
+ new_weights[renamed] = weights[orig][new_start_idx:]
+ logger.info(
+ "Remove prediction weight for background class in {}. The shape changes from "
+ "{} to {}.".format(
+ renamed, tuple(weights[orig].shape), tuple(new_weights[renamed].shape)
+ )
+ )
+ elif renamed.startswith("cls_score."):
+ # move weights of bg class from original index 0 to last index
+ logger.info(
+ "Move classification weights for background class in {} from index 0 to "
+ "index {}.".format(renamed, weights[orig].shape[0] - 1)
+ )
+ new_weights[renamed] = torch.cat([weights[orig][1:], weights[orig][:1]])
+ else:
+ new_weights[renamed] = weights[orig]
+ return new_weights, new_keys_to_original_keys
+# Note the current matching is not symmetric.
+# it assumes model_state_dict will have longer names.
+def align_and_update_state_dicts(model_state_dict, ckpt_state_dict, c2_conversion=True):
+ """
+ Match names between the two state-dict, and update the values of model_state_dict in-place with
+ copies of the matched tensor in ckpt_state_dict.
+ If `c2_conversion==True`, `ckpt_state_dict` is assumed to be a Caffe2
+ model and will be renamed at first.
+ Strategy: suppose that the models that we will create will have prefixes appended
+ to each of its keys, for example due to an extra level of nesting that the original
+ pre-trained weights from ImageNet won't contain. For example, model.state_dict()
+ might return backbone[0].body.res2.conv1.weight, while the pre-trained model contains
+ res2.conv1.weight. We thus want to match both parameters together.
+ For that, we look for each model weight, look among all loaded keys if there is one
+ that is a suffix of the current weight name, and use it if that's the case.
+ If multiple matches exist, take the one with longest size
+ of the corresponding name. For example, for the same model as before, the pretrained
+ weight file can contain both res2.conv1.weight, as well as conv1.weight. In this case,
+ we want to match backbone[0].body.conv1.weight to conv1.weight, and
+ backbone[0].body.res2.conv1.weight to res2.conv1.weight.
+ """
+ model_keys = sorted(model_state_dict.keys())
+ if c2_conversion:
+ ckpt_state_dict, original_keys = convert_c2_detectron_names(ckpt_state_dict)
+ # original_keys: the name in the original dict (before renaming)
+ else:
+ original_keys = {x: x for x in ckpt_state_dict.keys()}
+ ckpt_keys = sorted(ckpt_state_dict.keys())
+ def match(a, b):
+ # Matched ckpt_key should be a complete (starts with '.') suffix.
+ # For example, roi_heads.mesh_head.whatever_conv1 does not match conv1,
+ # but matches whatever_conv1 or mesh_head.whatever_conv1.
+ return a == b or a.endswith("." + b)
+ # get a matrix of string matches, where each (i, j) entry correspond to the size of the
+ # ckpt_key string, if it matches
+ match_matrix = [len(j) if match(i, j) else 0 for i in model_keys for j in ckpt_keys]
+ match_matrix = torch.as_tensor(match_matrix).view(len(model_keys), len(ckpt_keys))
+ # use the matched one with longest size in case of multiple matches
+ max_match_size, idxs = match_matrix.max(1)
+ # remove indices that correspond to no-match
+ idxs[max_match_size == 0] = -1
+ # used for logging
+ max_len_model = max(len(key) for key in model_keys) if model_keys else 1
+ max_len_ckpt = max(len(key) for key in ckpt_keys) if ckpt_keys else 1
+ log_str_template = "{: <{}} loaded from {: <{}} of shape {}"
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ # matched_pairs (matched checkpoint key --> matched model key)
+ matched_keys = {}
+ for idx_model, idx_ckpt in enumerate(idxs.tolist()):
+ if idx_ckpt == -1:
+ continue
+ key_model = model_keys[idx_model]
+ key_ckpt = ckpt_keys[idx_ckpt]
+ value_ckpt = ckpt_state_dict[key_ckpt]
+ shape_in_model = model_state_dict[key_model].shape
+ if shape_in_model != value_ckpt.shape:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Shape of {} in checkpoint is {}, while shape of {} in model is {}.".format(
+ key_ckpt, value_ckpt.shape, key_model, shape_in_model
+ )
+ )
+ logger.warning(
+ "{} will not be loaded. Please double check and see if this is desired.".format(
+ key_ckpt
+ )
+ )
+ continue
+ model_state_dict[key_model] = value_ckpt.clone()
+ if key_ckpt in matched_keys: # already added to matched_keys
+ logger.error(
+ "Ambiguity found for {} in checkpoint!"
+ "It matches at least two keys in the model ({} and {}).".format(
+ key_ckpt, key_model, matched_keys[key_ckpt]
+ )
+ )
+ raise ValueError("Cannot match one checkpoint key to multiple keys in the model.")
+ matched_keys[key_ckpt] = key_model
+ logger.info(
+ log_str_template.format(
+ key_model,
+ max_len_model,
+ original_keys[key_ckpt],
+ max_len_ckpt,
+ tuple(shape_in_model),
+ )
+ )
+ matched_model_keys = matched_keys.values()
+ matched_ckpt_keys = matched_keys.keys()
+ # print warnings about unmatched keys on both side
+ unmatched_model_keys = [k for k in model_keys if k not in matched_model_keys]
+ if len(unmatched_model_keys):
+ logger.info(get_missing_parameters_message(unmatched_model_keys))
+ unmatched_ckpt_keys = [k for k in ckpt_keys if k not in matched_ckpt_keys]
+ if len(unmatched_ckpt_keys):
+ logger.info(
+ get_unexpected_parameters_message(original_keys[x] for x in unmatched_ckpt_keys)
+ )
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/catalog.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/catalog.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62f81f3c1531e2726400cba4c97b60d744670da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/catalog.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import logging
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathHandler, PathManager
+class ModelCatalog(object):
+ """
+ Store mappings from names to third-party models.
+ """
+ S3_C2_DETECTRON_PREFIX = "https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron"
+ # MSRA models have STRIDE_IN_1X1=True. False otherwise.
+ # NOTE: all BN models here have fused BN into an affine layer.
+ # As a result, you should only load them to a model with "FrozenBN".
+ # Loading them to a model with regular BN or SyncBN is wrong.
+ # Even when loaded to FrozenBN, it is still different from affine by an epsilon,
+ # which should be negligible for training.
+ # NOTE: all models here uses PIXEL_STD=[1,1,1]
+ # NOTE: Most of the BN models here are no longer used. We use the
+ # re-converted pre-trained models under detectron2 model zoo instead.
+ "MSRA/R-50": "ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl",
+ "MSRA/R-101": "ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl",
+ "FAIR/R-50-GN": "ImageNetPretrained/47261647/R-50-GN.pkl",
+ "FAIR/R-101-GN": "ImageNetPretrained/47592356/R-101-GN.pkl",
+ "FAIR/X-101-32x8d": "ImageNetPretrained/20171220/X-101-32x8d.pkl",
+ "FAIR/X-101-64x4d": "ImageNetPretrained/FBResNeXt/X-101-64x4d.pkl",
+ "FAIR/X-152-32x8d-IN5k": "ImageNetPretrained/25093814/X-152-32x8d-IN5k.pkl",
+ }
+ "{prefix}/{url}/output/train/{dataset}/{type}/model_final.pkl" # noqa B950
+ )
+ C2_DATASET_COCO = "coco_2014_train%3Acoco_2014_valminusminival"
+ C2_DATASET_COCO_KEYPOINTS = "keypoints_coco_2014_train%3Akeypoints_coco_2014_valminusminival"
+ # format: {model_name} -> part of the url
+ "35857197/e2e_faster_rcnn_R-50-C4_1x": "35857197/12_2017_baselines/e2e_faster_rcnn_R-50-C4_1x.yaml.01_33_49.iAX0mXvW", # noqa B950
+ "35857345/e2e_faster_rcnn_R-50-FPN_1x": "35857345/12_2017_baselines/e2e_faster_rcnn_R-50-FPN_1x.yaml.01_36_30.cUF7QR7I", # noqa B950
+ "35857890/e2e_faster_rcnn_R-101-FPN_1x": "35857890/12_2017_baselines/e2e_faster_rcnn_R-101-FPN_1x.yaml.01_38_50.sNxI7sX7", # noqa B950
+ "36761737/e2e_faster_rcnn_X-101-32x8d-FPN_1x": "36761737/12_2017_baselines/e2e_faster_rcnn_X-101-32x8d-FPN_1x.yaml.06_31_39.5MIHi1fZ", # noqa B950
+ "35858791/e2e_mask_rcnn_R-50-C4_1x": "35858791/12_2017_baselines/e2e_mask_rcnn_R-50-C4_1x.yaml.01_45_57.ZgkA7hPB", # noqa B950
+ "35858933/e2e_mask_rcnn_R-50-FPN_1x": "35858933/12_2017_baselines/e2e_mask_rcnn_R-50-FPN_1x.yaml.01_48_14.DzEQe4wC", # noqa B950
+ "35861795/e2e_mask_rcnn_R-101-FPN_1x": "35861795/12_2017_baselines/e2e_mask_rcnn_R-101-FPN_1x.yaml.02_31_37.KqyEK4tT", # noqa B950
+ "36761843/e2e_mask_rcnn_X-101-32x8d-FPN_1x": "36761843/12_2017_baselines/e2e_mask_rcnn_X-101-32x8d-FPN_1x.yaml.06_35_59.RZotkLKI", # noqa B950
+ "48616381/e2e_mask_rcnn_R-50-FPN_2x_gn": "GN/48616381/04_2018_gn_baselines/e2e_mask_rcnn_R-50-FPN_2x_gn_0416.13_23_38.bTlTI97Q", # noqa B950
+ "37697547/e2e_keypoint_rcnn_R-50-FPN_1x": "37697547/12_2017_baselines/e2e_keypoint_rcnn_R-50-FPN_1x.yaml.08_42_54.kdzV35ao", # noqa B950
+ "35998355/rpn_R-50-C4_1x": "35998355/12_2017_baselines/rpn_R-50-C4_1x.yaml.08_00_43.njH5oD9L", # noqa B950
+ "35998814/rpn_R-50-FPN_1x": "35998814/12_2017_baselines/rpn_R-50-FPN_1x.yaml.08_06_03.Axg0r179", # noqa B950
+ "36225147/fast_R-50-FPN_1x": "36225147/12_2017_baselines/fast_rcnn_R-50-FPN_1x.yaml.08_39_09.L3obSdQ2", # noqa B950
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def get(name):
+ if name.startswith("Caffe2Detectron/COCO"):
+ return ModelCatalog._get_c2_detectron_baseline(name)
+ if name.startswith("ImageNetPretrained/"):
+ return ModelCatalog._get_c2_imagenet_pretrained(name)
+ raise RuntimeError("model not present in the catalog: {}".format(name))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_c2_imagenet_pretrained(name):
+ prefix = ModelCatalog.S3_C2_DETECTRON_PREFIX
+ name = name[len("ImageNetPretrained/") :]
+ name = ModelCatalog.C2_IMAGENET_MODELS[name]
+ url = "/".join([prefix, name])
+ return url
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_c2_detectron_baseline(name):
+ name = name[len("Caffe2Detectron/COCO/") :]
+ url = ModelCatalog.C2_DETECTRON_MODELS[name]
+ if "keypoint_rcnn" in name:
+ dataset = ModelCatalog.C2_DATASET_COCO_KEYPOINTS
+ else:
+ dataset = ModelCatalog.C2_DATASET_COCO
+ if "35998355/rpn_R-50-C4_1x" in name:
+ # this one model is somehow different from others ..
+ type = "rpn"
+ else:
+ type = "generalized_rcnn"
+ # Detectron C2 models are stored in the structure defined in `C2_DETECTRON_PATH_FORMAT`.
+ url = ModelCatalog.C2_DETECTRON_PATH_FORMAT.format(
+ prefix=ModelCatalog.S3_C2_DETECTRON_PREFIX, url=url, type=type, dataset=dataset
+ )
+ return url
+class ModelCatalogHandler(PathHandler):
+ """
+ Resolve URL like catalog://.
+ """
+ PREFIX = "catalog://"
+ def _get_supported_prefixes(self):
+ return [self.PREFIX]
+ def _get_local_path(self, path):
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ catalog_path = ModelCatalog.get(path[len(self.PREFIX) :])
+ logger.info("Catalog entry {} points to {}".format(path, catalog_path))
+ return PathManager.get_local_path(catalog_path)
+ def _open(self, path, mode="r", **kwargs):
+ return PathManager.open(self._get_local_path(path), mode, **kwargs)
+class Detectron2Handler(PathHandler):
+ """
+ Resolve anything that's in Detectron2 model zoo.
+ """
+ PREFIX = "detectron2://"
+ S3_DETECTRON2_PREFIX = "https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron2/"
+ def _get_supported_prefixes(self):
+ return [self.PREFIX]
+ def _get_local_path(self, path):
+ name = path[len(self.PREFIX) :]
+ return PathManager.get_local_path(self.S3_DETECTRON2_PREFIX + name)
+ def _open(self, path, mode="r", **kwargs):
+ return PathManager.open(self._get_local_path(path), mode, **kwargs)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/detection_checkpoint.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/detection_checkpoint.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06e6739f7b2070cf3e2d34099188e5ea1f7cf622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/detection_checkpoint.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import pickle
+from fvcore.common.checkpoint import Checkpointer
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+import detectron2.utils.comm as comm
+from .c2_model_loading import align_and_update_state_dicts
+class DetectionCheckpointer(Checkpointer):
+ """
+ Same as :class:`Checkpointer`, but is able to handle models in detectron & detectron2
+ model zoo, and apply conversions for legacy models.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, model, save_dir="", *, save_to_disk=None, **checkpointables):
+ is_main_process = comm.is_main_process()
+ super().__init__(
+ model,
+ save_dir,
+ save_to_disk=is_main_process if save_to_disk is None else save_to_disk,
+ **checkpointables,
+ )
+ def _load_file(self, filename):
+ if filename.endswith(".pkl"):
+ with PathManager.open(filename, "rb") as f:
+ data = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin1")
+ if "model" in data and "__author__" in data:
+ # file is in Detectron2 model zoo format
+ self.logger.info("Reading a file from '{}'".format(data["__author__"]))
+ return data
+ else:
+ # assume file is from Caffe2 / Detectron1 model zoo
+ if "blobs" in data:
+ # Detection models have "blobs", but ImageNet models don't
+ data = data["blobs"]
+ data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if not k.endswith("_momentum")}
+ return {"model": data, "__author__": "Caffe2", "matching_heuristics": True}
+ loaded = super()._load_file(filename) # load native pth checkpoint
+ if "model" not in loaded:
+ loaded = {"model": loaded}
+ return loaded
+ def _load_model(self, checkpoint):
+ if checkpoint.get("matching_heuristics", False):
+ self._convert_ndarray_to_tensor(checkpoint["model"])
+ # convert weights by name-matching heuristics
+ model_state_dict = self.model.state_dict()
+ align_and_update_state_dicts(
+ model_state_dict,
+ checkpoint["model"],
+ c2_conversion=checkpoint.get("__author__", None) == "Caffe2",
+ )
+ checkpoint["model"] = model_state_dict
+ # for non-caffe2 models, use standard ways to load it
+ incompatible = super()._load_model(checkpoint)
+ if incompatible is None: # support older versions of fvcore
+ return None
+ model_buffers = dict(self.model.named_buffers(recurse=False))
+ for k in ["pixel_mean", "pixel_std"]:
+ # Ignore missing key message about pixel_mean/std.
+ # Though they may be missing in old checkpoints, they will be correctly
+ # initialized from config anyway.
+ if k in model_buffers:
+ try:
+ incompatible.missing_keys.remove(k)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return incompatible
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/config/__init__.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/config/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f996ecd74947c504f86e3e6854a45bd74ad32c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/config/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+from .compat import downgrade_config, upgrade_config
+from .config import CfgNode, get_cfg, global_cfg, set_global_cfg, configurable
+__all__ = [
+ "CfgNode",
+ "get_cfg",
+ "global_cfg",
+ "set_global_cfg",
+ "downgrade_config",
+ "upgrade_config",
+ "configurable",
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/config/compat.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/config/compat.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41fe3a00ca05885abf28106808fe7f8d862b5036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/config/compat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+Backward compatibility of configs.
+Instructions to bump version:
++ It's not needed to bump version if new keys are added.
+ It's only needed when backward-incompatible changes happen
+ (i.e., some existing keys disappear, or the meaning of a key changes)
++ To bump version, do the following:
+ 1. Increment _C.VERSION in defaults.py
+ 2. Add a converter in this file.
+ Each ConverterVX has a function "upgrade" which in-place upgrades config from X-1 to X,
+ and a function "downgrade" which in-place downgrades config from X to X-1
+ In each function, VERSION is left unchanged.
+ Each converter assumes that its input has the relevant keys
+ (i.e., the input is not a partial config).
+ 3. Run the tests (test_config.py) to make sure the upgrade & downgrade
+ functions are consistent.
+import logging
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
+from .config import CfgNode as CN
+from .defaults import _C
+__all__ = ["upgrade_config", "downgrade_config"]
+def upgrade_config(cfg: CN, to_version: Optional[int] = None) -> CN:
+ """
+ Upgrade a config from its current version to a newer version.
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode):
+ to_version (int): defaults to the latest version.
+ """
+ cfg = cfg.clone()
+ if to_version is None:
+ to_version = _C.VERSION
+ assert cfg.VERSION <= to_version, "Cannot upgrade from v{} to v{}!".format(
+ cfg.VERSION, to_version
+ )
+ for k in range(cfg.VERSION, to_version):
+ converter = globals()["ConverterV" + str(k + 1)]
+ converter.upgrade(cfg)
+ cfg.VERSION = k + 1
+ return cfg
+def downgrade_config(cfg: CN, to_version: int) -> CN:
+ """
+ Downgrade a config from its current version to an older version.
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode):
+ to_version (int):
+ Note:
+ A general downgrade of arbitrary configs is not always possible due to the
+ different functionalities in different versions.
+ The purpose of downgrade is only to recover the defaults in old versions,
+ allowing it to load an old partial yaml config.
+ Therefore, the implementation only needs to fill in the default values
+ in the old version when a general downgrade is not possible.
+ """
+ cfg = cfg.clone()
+ assert cfg.VERSION >= to_version, "Cannot downgrade from v{} to v{}!".format(
+ cfg.VERSION, to_version
+ )
+ for k in range(cfg.VERSION, to_version, -1):
+ converter = globals()["ConverterV" + str(k)]
+ converter.downgrade(cfg)
+ cfg.VERSION = k - 1
+ return cfg
+def guess_version(cfg: CN, filename: str) -> int:
+ """
+ Guess the version of a partial config where the VERSION field is not specified.
+ Returns the version, or the latest if cannot make a guess.
+ This makes it easier for users to migrate.
+ """
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ def _has(name: str) -> bool:
+ cur = cfg
+ for n in name.split("."):
+ if n not in cur:
+ return False
+ cur = cur[n]
+ return True
+ # Most users' partial configs have "MODEL.WEIGHT", so guess on it
+ ret = None
+ if _has("MODEL.WEIGHT") or _has("TEST.AUG_ON"):
+ ret = 1
+ if ret is not None:
+ logger.warning("Config '{}' has no VERSION. Assuming it to be v{}.".format(filename, ret))
+ else:
+ ret = _C.VERSION
+ logger.warning(
+ "Config '{}' has no VERSION. Assuming it to be compatible with latest v{}.".format(
+ filename, ret
+ )
+ )
+ return ret
+def _rename(cfg: CN, old: str, new: str) -> None:
+ old_keys = old.split(".")
+ new_keys = new.split(".")
+ def _set(key_seq: List[str], val: str) -> None:
+ cur = cfg
+ for k in key_seq[:-1]:
+ if k not in cur:
+ cur[k] = CN()
+ cur = cur[k]
+ cur[key_seq[-1]] = val
+ def _get(key_seq: List[str]) -> CN:
+ cur = cfg
+ for k in key_seq:
+ cur = cur[k]
+ return cur
+ def _del(key_seq: List[str]) -> None:
+ cur = cfg
+ for k in key_seq[:-1]:
+ cur = cur[k]
+ del cur[key_seq[-1]]
+ if len(cur) == 0 and len(key_seq) > 1:
+ _del(key_seq[:-1])
+ _set(new_keys, _get(old_keys))
+ _del(old_keys)
+class _RenameConverter:
+ """
+ A converter that handles simple rename.
+ """
+ RENAME: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] # list of tuples of (old name, new name)
+ @classmethod
+ def upgrade(cls, cfg: CN) -> None:
+ for old, new in cls.RENAME:
+ _rename(cfg, old, new)
+ @classmethod
+ def downgrade(cls, cfg: CN) -> None:
+ for old, new in cls.RENAME[::-1]:
+ _rename(cfg, new, old)
+class ConverterV1(_RenameConverter):
+class ConverterV2(_RenameConverter):
+ """
+ A large bulk of rename, before public release.
+ """
+ RENAME = [
+ (
+ ),
+ (
+ ),
+ (
+ ),
+ ]
+ @classmethod
+ def upgrade(cls, cfg: CN) -> None:
+ super().upgrade(cfg)
+ if cfg.MODEL.META_ARCHITECTURE == "RetinaNet":
+ _rename(
+ )
+ del cfg["MODEL"]["RPN"]["ANCHOR_SIZES"]
+ else:
+ @classmethod
+ def downgrade(cls, cfg: CN) -> None:
+ super().downgrade(cfg)
+ cfg.MODEL.RETINANET.ANCHOR_STRIDES = [] # this is not used anywhere in any version
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/config/config.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/config/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..14ad524f00e706ddba567a62f805481c2f185a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/config/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import functools
+import inspect
+import logging
+from fvcore.common.config import CfgNode as _CfgNode
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+class CfgNode(_CfgNode):
+ """
+ The same as `fvcore.common.config.CfgNode`, but different in:
+ 1. Use unsafe yaml loading by default.
+ Note that this may lead to arbitrary code execution: you must not
+ load a config file from untrusted sources before manually inspecting
+ the content of the file.
+ 2. Support config versioning.
+ When attempting to merge an old config, it will convert the old config automatically.
+ """
+ # Note that the default value of allow_unsafe is changed to True
+ def merge_from_file(self, cfg_filename: str, allow_unsafe: bool = True) -> None:
+ assert PathManager.isfile(cfg_filename), f"Config file '{cfg_filename}' does not exist!"
+ loaded_cfg = _CfgNode.load_yaml_with_base(cfg_filename, allow_unsafe=allow_unsafe)
+ loaded_cfg = type(self)(loaded_cfg)
+ # defaults.py needs to import CfgNode
+ from .defaults import _C
+ latest_ver = _C.VERSION
+ assert (
+ latest_ver == self.VERSION
+ ), "CfgNode.merge_from_file is only allowed on a config object of latest version!"
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ loaded_ver = loaded_cfg.get("VERSION", None)
+ if loaded_ver is None:
+ from .compat import guess_version
+ loaded_ver = guess_version(loaded_cfg, cfg_filename)
+ assert loaded_ver <= self.VERSION, "Cannot merge a v{} config into a v{} config.".format(
+ loaded_ver, self.VERSION
+ )
+ if loaded_ver == self.VERSION:
+ self.merge_from_other_cfg(loaded_cfg)
+ else:
+ # compat.py needs to import CfgNode
+ from .compat import upgrade_config, downgrade_config
+ logger.warning(
+ "Loading an old v{} config file '{}' by automatically upgrading to v{}. "
+ "See docs/CHANGELOG.md for instructions to update your files.".format(
+ loaded_ver, cfg_filename, self.VERSION
+ )
+ )
+ # To convert, first obtain a full config at an old version
+ old_self = downgrade_config(self, to_version=loaded_ver)
+ old_self.merge_from_other_cfg(loaded_cfg)
+ new_config = upgrade_config(old_self)
+ self.clear()
+ self.update(new_config)
+ def dump(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ str: a yaml string representation of the config
+ """
+ # to make it show up in docs
+ return super().dump(*args, **kwargs)
+global_cfg = CfgNode()
+def get_cfg() -> CfgNode:
+ """
+ Get a copy of the default config.
+ Returns:
+ a detectron2 CfgNode instance.
+ """
+ from .defaults import _C
+ return _C.clone()
+def set_global_cfg(cfg: CfgNode) -> None:
+ """
+ Let the global config point to the given cfg.
+ Assume that the given "cfg" has the key "KEY", after calling
+ `set_global_cfg(cfg)`, the key can be accessed by:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ from detectron2.config import global_cfg
+ print(global_cfg.KEY)
+ By using a hacky global config, you can access these configs anywhere,
+ without having to pass the config object or the values deep into the code.
+ This is a hacky feature introduced for quick prototyping / research exploration.
+ """
+ global global_cfg
+ global_cfg.clear()
+ global_cfg.update(cfg)
+def configurable(init_func):
+ """
+ Decorate a class's __init__ method so that it can be called with a CfgNode
+ object using the class's from_config classmethod.
+ Examples:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ class A:
+ @configurable
+ def __init__(self, a, b=2, c=3):
+ pass
+ @classmethod
+ def from_config(cls, cfg):
+ # Returns kwargs to be passed to __init__
+ return {"a": cfg.A, "b": cfg.B}
+ a1 = A(a=1, b=2) # regular construction
+ a2 = A(cfg) # construct with a cfg
+ a3 = A(cfg, b=3, c=4) # construct with extra overwrite
+ """
+ assert init_func.__name__ == "__init__", "@configurable should only be used for __init__!"
+ if init_func.__module__.startswith("detectron2."):
+ assert (
+ init_func.__doc__ is not None and "experimental" in init_func.__doc__
+ ), f"configurable {init_func} should be marked experimental"
+ @functools.wraps(init_func)
+ def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ from_config_func = type(self).from_config
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise AttributeError("Class with @configurable must have a 'from_config' classmethod.")
+ if not inspect.ismethod(from_config_func):
+ raise TypeError("Class with @configurable must have a 'from_config' classmethod.")
+ if _called_with_cfg(*args, **kwargs):
+ explicit_args = _get_args_from_config(from_config_func, *args, **kwargs)
+ init_func(self, **explicit_args)
+ else:
+ init_func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapped
+def _get_args_from_config(from_config_func, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Use `from_config` to obtain explicit arguments.
+ Returns:
+ dict: arguments to be used for cls.__init__
+ """
+ signature = inspect.signature(from_config_func)
+ if list(signature.parameters.keys())[0] != "cfg":
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"{from_config_func.__self__}.from_config must take 'cfg' as the first argument!"
+ )
+ support_var_arg = any(
+ param.kind in [param.VAR_POSITIONAL, param.VAR_KEYWORD]
+ for param in signature.parameters.values()
+ )
+ if support_var_arg: # forward all arguments to from_config, if from_config accepts them
+ ret = from_config_func(*args, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ # forward supported arguments to from_config
+ supported_arg_names = set(signature.parameters.keys())
+ extra_kwargs = {}
+ for name in list(kwargs.keys()):
+ if name not in supported_arg_names:
+ extra_kwargs[name] = kwargs.pop(name)
+ ret = from_config_func(*args, **kwargs)
+ # forward the other arguments to __init__
+ ret.update(extra_kwargs)
+ return ret
+def _called_with_cfg(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ bool: whether the arguments contain CfgNode and should be considered
+ forwarded to from_config.
+ """
+ if len(args) and isinstance(args[0], _CfgNode):
+ return True
+ if isinstance(kwargs.pop("cfg", None), _CfgNode):
+ return True
+ # `from_config`'s first argument is forced to be "cfg".
+ # So the above check covers all cases.
+ return False
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/config/defaults.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/config/defaults.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9ad62f5f01606438082e012ba5a4a68381c3b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/config/defaults.py
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+from .config import CfgNode as CN
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Convention about Training / Test specific parameters
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Whenever an argument can be either used for training or for testing, the
+# corresponding name will be post-fixed by a _TRAIN for a training parameter,
+# or _TEST for a test-specific parameter.
+# For example, the number of images during training will be
+# IMAGES_PER_BATCH_TRAIN, while the number of images for testing will be
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Config definition
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+_C = CN()
+# The version number, to upgrade from old configs to new ones if any
+# changes happen. It's recommended to keep a VERSION in your config file.
+_C.MODEL = CN()
+_C.MODEL.DEVICE = "cuda"
+# Path (possibly with schema like catalog:// or detectron2://) to a checkpoint file
+# to be loaded to the model. You can find available models in the model zoo.
+# Values to be used for image normalization (BGR order, since INPUT.FORMAT defaults to BGR).
+# To train on images of different number of channels, just set different mean & std.
+# Default values are the mean pixel value from ImageNet: [103.53, 116.28, 123.675]
+_C.MODEL.PIXEL_MEAN = [103.530, 116.280, 123.675]
+# When using pre-trained models in Detectron1 or any MSRA models,
+# std has been absorbed into its conv1 weights, so the std needs to be set 1.
+# Otherwise, you can use [57.375, 57.120, 58.395] (ImageNet std)
+_C.MODEL.PIXEL_STD = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+_C.INPUT = CN()
+# Size of the smallest side of the image during training
+# Sample size of smallest side by choice or random selection from range give by
+# Maximum size of the side of the image during training
+# Size of the smallest side of the image during testing. Set to zero to disable resize in testing.
+# Maximum size of the side of the image during testing
+# `True` if cropping is used for data augmentation during training
+# Cropping type:
+# - "relative" crop (H * CROP.SIZE[0], W * CROP.SIZE[1]) part of an input of size (H, W)
+# - "relative_range" uniformly sample relative crop size from between [CROP.SIZE[0], [CROP.SIZE[1]].
+# and [1, 1] and use it as in "relative" scenario.
+# - "absolute" crop part of an input with absolute size: (CROP.SIZE[0], CROP.SIZE[1]).
+_C.INPUT.CROP.TYPE = "relative_range"
+# Size of crop in range (0, 1] if CROP.TYPE is "relative" or "relative_range" and in number of
+# pixels if CROP.TYPE is "absolute"
+_C.INPUT.CROP.SIZE = [0.9, 0.9]
+# Whether the model needs RGB, YUV, HSV etc.
+# Should be one of the modes defined here, as we use PIL to read the image:
+# https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/handbook/concepts.html#concept-modes
+# with BGR being the one exception. One can set image format to BGR, we will
+# internally use RGB for conversion and flip the channels over
+# The ground truth mask format that the model will use.
+# Mask R-CNN supports either "polygon" or "bitmask" as ground truth.
+_C.INPUT.MASK_FORMAT = "polygon" # alternative: "bitmask"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Dataset
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# List of the dataset names for training. Must be registered in DatasetCatalog
+# List of the pre-computed proposal files for training, which must be consistent
+# with data listed in DATASETS.TRAIN.
+# Number of top scoring precomputed proposals to keep for training
+# List of the dataset names for testing. Must be registered in DatasetCatalog
+# List of the pre-computed proposal files for test, which must be consistent
+# with data listed in DATASETS.TEST.
+# Number of top scoring precomputed proposals to keep for test
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# DataLoader
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Number of data loading threads
+# If True, each batch should contain only images for which the aspect ratio
+# is compatible. This groups portrait images together, and landscape images
+# are not batched with portrait images.
+# Options: TrainingSampler, RepeatFactorTrainingSampler
+# Repeat threshold for RepeatFactorTrainingSampler
+# if True, the dataloader will filter out images that have no associated
+# annotations at train time.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Backbone options
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+_C.MODEL.BACKBONE.NAME = "build_resnet_backbone"
+# Freeze the first several stages so they are not trained.
+# There are 5 stages in ResNet. The first is a convolution, and the following
+# stages are each group of residual blocks.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# FPN options
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Names of the input feature maps to be used by FPN
+# They must have contiguous power of 2 strides
+# e.g., ["res2", "res3", "res4", "res5"]
+# Options: "" (no norm), "GN"
+# Types for fusing the FPN top-down and lateral features. Can be either "sum" or "avg"
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Proposal generator options
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Current proposal generators include "RPN", "RRPN" and "PrecomputedProposals"
+# Proposal height and width both need to be greater than MIN_SIZE
+# (a the scale used during training or inference)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Anchor generator options
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# The generator can be any name in the ANCHOR_GENERATOR registry
+_C.MODEL.ANCHOR_GENERATOR.NAME = "DefaultAnchorGenerator"
+# Anchor sizes (i.e. sqrt of area) in absolute pixels w.r.t. the network input.
+# Format: list[list[float]]. SIZES[i] specifies the list of sizes
+# to use for IN_FEATURES[i]; len(SIZES) == len(IN_FEATURES) must be true,
+# or len(SIZES) == 1 is true and size list SIZES[0] is used for all
+_C.MODEL.ANCHOR_GENERATOR.SIZES = [[32, 64, 128, 256, 512]]
+# Anchor aspect ratios. For each area given in `SIZES`, anchors with different aspect
+# ratios are generated by an anchor generator.
+# Format: list[list[float]]. ASPECT_RATIOS[i] specifies the list of aspect ratios (H/W)
+# to use for IN_FEATURES[i]; len(ASPECT_RATIOS) == len(IN_FEATURES) must be true,
+# or len(ASPECT_RATIOS) == 1 is true and aspect ratio list ASPECT_RATIOS[0] is used
+# for all IN_FEATURES.
+# Anchor angles.
+# list[list[float]], the angle in degrees, for each input feature map.
+# ANGLES[i] specifies the list of angles for IN_FEATURES[i].
+# Relative offset between the center of the first anchor and the top-left corner of the image
+# Value has to be in [0, 1). Recommend to use 0.5, which means half stride.
+# The value is not expected to affect model accuracy.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# RPN options
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Names of the input feature maps to be used by RPN
+# e.g., ["p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "p6"] for FPN
+# Remove RPN anchors that go outside the image by BOUNDARY_THRESH pixels
+# Set to -1 or a large value, e.g. 100000, to disable pruning anchors
+# Minimum overlap required between an anchor and ground-truth box for the
+# (anchor, gt box) pair to be a positive example (IoU >= FG_IOU_THRESHOLD
+# ==> positive RPN example: 1)
+# Maximum overlap allowed between an anchor and ground-truth box for the
+# (anchor, gt box) pair to be a negative examples (IoU < BG_IOU_THRESHOLD
+# ==> negative RPN example: 0)
+# Anchors with overlap in between (BG_IOU_THRESHOLD <= IoU < FG_IOU_THRESHOLD)
+# are ignored (-1)
+_C.MODEL.RPN.IOU_LABELS = [0, -1, 1]
+# Total number of RPN examples per image
+# Target fraction of foreground (positive) examples per RPN minibatch
+# Weights on (dx, dy, dw, dh) for normalizing RPN anchor regression targets
+_C.MODEL.RPN.BBOX_REG_WEIGHTS = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+# The transition point from L1 to L2 loss. Set to 0.0 to make the loss simply L1.
+# Number of top scoring RPN proposals to keep before applying NMS
+# When FPN is used, this is *per FPN level* (not total)
+# Number of top scoring RPN proposals to keep after applying NMS
+# When FPN is used, this limit is applied per level and then again to the union
+# of proposals from all levels
+# NOTE: When FPN is used, the meaning of this config is different from Detectron1.
+# It means per-batch topk in Detectron1, but per-image topk here.
+# See "modeling/rpn/rpn_outputs.py" for details.
+# NMS threshold used on RPN proposals
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# ROI HEADS options
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Number of foreground classes
+# Names of the input feature maps to be used by ROI heads
+# Currently all heads (box, mask, ...) use the same input feature map list
+# e.g., ["p2", "p3", "p4", "p5"] is commonly used for FPN
+# IOU overlap ratios [IOU_THRESHOLD]
+# Overlap threshold for an RoI to be considered background (if < IOU_THRESHOLD)
+# Overlap threshold for an RoI to be considered foreground (if >= IOU_THRESHOLD)
+# RoI minibatch size *per image* (number of regions of interest [ROIs])
+# Total number of RoIs per training minibatch =
+# E.g., a common configuration is: 512 * 16 = 8192
+# Target fraction of RoI minibatch that is labeled foreground (i.e. class > 0)
+# Only used on test mode
+# Minimum score threshold (assuming scores in a [0, 1] range); a value chosen to
+# balance obtaining high recall with not having too many low precision
+# detections that will slow down inference post processing steps (like NMS)
+# A default threshold of 0.0 increases AP by ~0.2-0.3 but significantly slows down
+# inference.
+# Overlap threshold used for non-maximum suppression (suppress boxes with
+# IoU >= this threshold)
+# If True, augment proposals with ground-truth boxes before sampling proposals to
+# train ROI heads.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Box Head
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# C4 don't use head name option
+# Options for non-C4 models: FastRCNNConvFCHead,
+# Default weights on (dx, dy, dw, dh) for normalizing bbox regression targets
+# These are empirically chosen to approximately lead to unit variance targets
+_C.MODEL.ROI_BOX_HEAD.BBOX_REG_WEIGHTS = (10.0, 10.0, 5.0, 5.0)
+# The transition point from L1 to L2 loss. Set to 0.0 to make the loss simply L1.
+# Type of pooling operation applied to the incoming feature map for each RoI
+# Hidden layer dimension for FC layers in the RoI box head
+# Channel dimension for Conv layers in the RoI box head
+# Normalization method for the convolution layers.
+# Options: "" (no norm), "GN", "SyncBN".
+# Whether to use class agnostic for bbox regression
+# If true, RoI heads use bounding boxes predicted by the box head rather than proposal boxes.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Cascaded Box Head
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# The number of cascade stages is implicitly defined by the length of the following two configs.
+ (10.0, 10.0, 5.0, 5.0),
+ (20.0, 20.0, 10.0, 10.0),
+ (30.0, 30.0, 15.0, 15.0),
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Mask Head
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+_C.MODEL.ROI_MASK_HEAD.NUM_CONV = 0 # The number of convs in the mask head
+# Normalization method for the convolution layers.
+# Options: "" (no norm), "GN", "SyncBN".
+# Whether to use class agnostic for mask prediction
+# Type of pooling operation applied to the incoming feature map for each RoI
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Keypoint Head
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+_C.MODEL.ROI_KEYPOINT_HEAD.CONV_DIMS = tuple(512 for _ in range(8))
+_C.MODEL.ROI_KEYPOINT_HEAD.NUM_KEYPOINTS = 17 # 17 is the number of keypoints in COCO.
+# Images with too few (or no) keypoints are excluded from training.
+# Normalize by the total number of visible keypoints in the minibatch if True.
+# Otherwise, normalize by the total number of keypoints that could ever exist
+# in the minibatch.
+# The keypoint softmax loss is only calculated on visible keypoints.
+# Since the number of visible keypoints can vary significantly between
+# minibatches, this has the effect of up-weighting the importance of
+# minibatches with few visible keypoints. (Imagine the extreme case of
+# only one visible keypoint versus N: in the case of N, each one
+# contributes 1/N to the gradient compared to the single keypoint
+# determining the gradient direction). Instead, we can normalize the
+# loss by the total number of keypoints, if it were the case that all
+# keypoints were visible in a full minibatch. (Returning to the example,
+# this means that the one visible keypoint contributes as much as each
+# of the N keypoints.)
+# Multi-task loss weight to use for keypoints
+# Recommended values:
+# Type of pooling operation applied to the incoming feature map for each RoI
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Semantic Segmentation Head
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+_C.MODEL.SEM_SEG_HEAD.IN_FEATURES = ["p2", "p3", "p4", "p5"]
+# Label in the semantic segmentation ground truth that is ignored, i.e., no loss is calculated for
+# the correposnding pixel.
+# Number of classes in the semantic segmentation head
+# Number of channels in the 3x3 convs inside semantic-FPN heads.
+# Outputs from semantic-FPN heads are up-scaled to the COMMON_STRIDE stride.
+# Normalization method for the convolution layers. Options: "" (no norm), "GN".
+# Scaling of all losses from instance detection / segmentation head.
+# options when combining instance & semantic segmentation outputs
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# RetinaNet Head
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# This is the number of foreground classes.
+_C.MODEL.RETINANET.IN_FEATURES = ["p3", "p4", "p5", "p6", "p7"]
+# Convolutions to use in the cls and bbox tower
+# NOTE: this doesn't include the last conv for logits
+# IoU overlap ratio [bg, fg] for labeling anchors.
+# Anchors with < bg are labeled negative (0)
+# Anchors with >= bg and < fg are ignored (-1)
+# Anchors with >= fg are labeled positive (1)
+# Prior prob for rare case (i.e. foreground) at the beginning of training.
+# This is used to set the bias for the logits layer of the classifier subnet.
+# This improves training stability in the case of heavy class imbalance.
+# Inference cls score threshold, only anchors with score > INFERENCE_TH are
+# considered for inference (to improve speed)
+# Weights on (dx, dy, dw, dh) for normalizing Retinanet anchor regression targets
+_C.MODEL.RETINANET.BBOX_REG_WEIGHTS = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+# Loss parameters
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# ResNe[X]t options (ResNets = {ResNet, ResNeXt}
+# Note that parts of a resnet may be used for both the backbone and the head
+# These options apply to both
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+_C.MODEL.RESNETS.OUT_FEATURES = ["res4"] # res4 for C4 backbone, res2..5 for FPN backbone
+# Number of groups to use; 1 ==> ResNet; > 1 ==> ResNeXt
+# Options: FrozenBN, GN, "SyncBN", "BN"
+# Baseline width of each group.
+# Scaling this parameters will scale the width of all bottleneck layers.
+# Place the stride 2 conv on the 1x1 filter
+# Use True only for the original MSRA ResNet; use False for C2 and Torch models
+# Apply dilation in stage "res5"
+# Output width of res2. Scaling this parameters will scale the width of all 1x1 convs in ResNet
+# For R18 and R34, this needs to be set to 64
+# Apply Deformable Convolution in stages
+# Specify if apply deform_conv on Res2, Res3, Res4, Res5
+_C.MODEL.RESNETS.DEFORM_ON_PER_STAGE = [False, False, False, False]
+# Use True to use modulated deform_conv (DeformableV2, https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.11168);
+# Use False for DeformableV1.
+# Number of groups in deformable conv.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Solver
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# See detectron2/solver/build.py for LR scheduler options
+_C.SOLVER.BASE_LR = 0.001
+# The weight decay that's applied to parameters of normalization layers
+# (typically the affine transformation)
+# The iteration number to decrease learning rate by GAMMA.
+_C.SOLVER.STEPS = (30000,)
+# Save a checkpoint after every this number of iterations
+# Number of images per batch across all machines.
+# If we have 16 GPUs and IMS_PER_BATCH = 32,
+# each GPU will see 2 images per batch.
+# Detectron v1 (and previous detection code) used a 2x higher LR and 0 WD for
+# biases. This is not useful (at least for recent models). You should avoid
+# changing these and they exist only to reproduce Detectron v1 training if
+# desired.
+# Gradient clipping
+# Type of gradient clipping, currently 2 values are supported:
+# - "value": the absolute values of elements of each gradients are clipped
+# - "norm": the norm of the gradient for each parameter is clipped thus
+# affecting all elements in the parameter
+# Maximum absolute value used for clipping gradients
+# Floating point number p for L-p norm to be used with the "norm"
+# gradient clipping type; for L-inf, please specify .inf
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Specific test options
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+_C.TEST = CN()
+# For end-to-end tests to verify the expected accuracy.
+# Each item is [task, metric, value, tolerance]
+# e.g.: [['bbox', 'AP', 38.5, 0.2]]
+# The period (in terms of steps) to evaluate the model during training.
+# Set to 0 to disable.
+# The sigmas used to calculate keypoint OKS. See http://cocodataset.org/#keypoints-eval
+# When empty it will use the defaults in COCO.
+# Otherwise it should have the same length as ROI_KEYPOINT_HEAD.NUM_KEYPOINTS.
+# Maximum number of detections to return per image during inference (100 is
+# based on the limit established for the COCO dataset).
+_C.TEST.AUG = CN({"ENABLED": False})
+_C.TEST.AUG.MIN_SIZES = (400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Misc options
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Directory where output files are written
+_C.OUTPUT_DIR = "./output"
+# Set seed to negative to fully randomize everything.
+# Set seed to positive to use a fixed seed. Note that a fixed seed increases
+# reproducibility but does not guarantee fully deterministic behavior.
+# Disabling all parallelism further increases reproducibility.
+_C.SEED = -1
+# Benchmark different cudnn algorithms.
+# If input images have very different sizes, this option will have large overhead
+# for about 10k iterations. It usually hurts total time, but can benefit for certain models.
+# If input images have the same or similar sizes, benchmark is often helpful.
+# The period (in terms of steps) for minibatch visualization at train time.
+# Set to 0 to disable.
+# global config is for quick hack purposes.
+# You can set them in command line or config files,
+# and access it with:
+# from detectron2.config import global_cfg
+# print(global_cfg.HACK)
+# Do not commit any configs into it.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/__init__.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8f72e0f45d6d683771f0d815dfd0e3d0db52b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+from . import transforms # isort:skip
+from .build import (
+ build_detection_test_loader,
+ build_detection_train_loader,
+ get_detection_dataset_dicts,
+ load_proposals_into_dataset,
+ print_instances_class_histogram,
+from .catalog import DatasetCatalog, MetadataCatalog
+from .common import DatasetFromList, MapDataset
+from .dataset_mapper import DatasetMapper
+# ensure the builtin data are registered
+from . import datasets, samplers # isort:skip
+__all__ = [k for k in globals().keys() if not k.startswith("_")]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/build.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/build.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb7e85789d75daf4ee206449ce0d3254e948db16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/build.py
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import bisect
+import copy
+import itertools
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import operator
+import pickle
+import torch.utils.data
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from tabulate import tabulate
+from termcolor import colored
+from detectron2.structures import BoxMode
+from detectron2.utils.comm import get_world_size
+from detectron2.utils.env import seed_all_rng
+from detectron2.utils.logger import log_first_n
+from . import samplers
+from .catalog import DatasetCatalog, MetadataCatalog
+from .common import AspectRatioGroupedDataset, DatasetFromList, MapDataset
+from .dataset_mapper import DatasetMapper
+from .detection_utils import check_metadata_consistency
+This file contains the default logic to build a dataloader for training or testing.
+__all__ = [
+ "build_detection_train_loader",
+ "build_detection_test_loader",
+ "get_detection_dataset_dicts",
+ "load_proposals_into_dataset",
+ "print_instances_class_histogram",
+def filter_images_with_only_crowd_annotations(dataset_dicts):
+ """
+ Filter out images with none annotations or only crowd annotations
+ (i.e., images without non-crowd annotations).
+ A common training-time preprocessing on COCO dataset.
+ Args:
+ dataset_dicts (list[dict]): annotations in Detectron2 Dataset format.
+ Returns:
+ list[dict]: the same format, but filtered.
+ """
+ num_before = len(dataset_dicts)
+ def valid(anns):
+ for ann in anns:
+ if ann.get("iscrowd", 0) == 0:
+ return True
+ return False
+ dataset_dicts = [x for x in dataset_dicts if valid(x["annotations"])]
+ num_after = len(dataset_dicts)
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.info(
+ "Removed {} images with no usable annotations. {} images left.".format(
+ num_before - num_after, num_after
+ )
+ )
+ return dataset_dicts
+def filter_images_with_few_keypoints(dataset_dicts, min_keypoints_per_image):
+ """
+ Filter out images with too few number of keypoints.
+ Args:
+ dataset_dicts (list[dict]): annotations in Detectron2 Dataset format.
+ Returns:
+ list[dict]: the same format as dataset_dicts, but filtered.
+ """
+ num_before = len(dataset_dicts)
+ def visible_keypoints_in_image(dic):
+ # Each keypoints field has the format [x1, y1, v1, ...], where v is visibility
+ annotations = dic["annotations"]
+ return sum(
+ (np.array(ann["keypoints"][2::3]) > 0).sum()
+ for ann in annotations
+ if "keypoints" in ann
+ )
+ dataset_dicts = [
+ x for x in dataset_dicts if visible_keypoints_in_image(x) >= min_keypoints_per_image
+ ]
+ num_after = len(dataset_dicts)
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.info(
+ "Removed {} images with fewer than {} keypoints.".format(
+ num_before - num_after, min_keypoints_per_image
+ )
+ )
+ return dataset_dicts
+def load_proposals_into_dataset(dataset_dicts, proposal_file):
+ """
+ Load precomputed object proposals into the dataset.
+ The proposal file should be a pickled dict with the following keys:
+ - "ids": list[int] or list[str], the image ids
+ - "boxes": list[np.ndarray], each is an Nx4 array of boxes corresponding to the image id
+ - "objectness_logits": list[np.ndarray], each is an N sized array of objectness scores
+ corresponding to the boxes.
+ - "bbox_mode": the BoxMode of the boxes array. Defaults to ``BoxMode.XYXY_ABS``.
+ Args:
+ dataset_dicts (list[dict]): annotations in Detectron2 Dataset format.
+ proposal_file (str): file path of pre-computed proposals, in pkl format.
+ Returns:
+ list[dict]: the same format as dataset_dicts, but added proposal field.
+ """
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.info("Loading proposals from: {}".format(proposal_file))
+ with PathManager.open(proposal_file, "rb") as f:
+ proposals = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin1")
+ # Rename the key names in D1 proposal files
+ rename_keys = {"indexes": "ids", "scores": "objectness_logits"}
+ for key in rename_keys:
+ if key in proposals:
+ proposals[rename_keys[key]] = proposals.pop(key)
+ # Fetch the indexes of all proposals that are in the dataset
+ # Convert image_id to str since they could be int.
+ img_ids = set({str(record["image_id"]) for record in dataset_dicts})
+ id_to_index = {str(id): i for i, id in enumerate(proposals["ids"]) if str(id) in img_ids}
+ # Assuming default bbox_mode of precomputed proposals are 'XYXY_ABS'
+ bbox_mode = BoxMode(proposals["bbox_mode"]) if "bbox_mode" in proposals else BoxMode.XYXY_ABS
+ for record in dataset_dicts:
+ # Get the index of the proposal
+ i = id_to_index[str(record["image_id"])]
+ boxes = proposals["boxes"][i]
+ objectness_logits = proposals["objectness_logits"][i]
+ # Sort the proposals in descending order of the scores
+ inds = objectness_logits.argsort()[::-1]
+ record["proposal_boxes"] = boxes[inds]
+ record["proposal_objectness_logits"] = objectness_logits[inds]
+ record["proposal_bbox_mode"] = bbox_mode
+ return dataset_dicts
+def _quantize(x, bin_edges):
+ bin_edges = copy.copy(bin_edges)
+ bin_edges = sorted(bin_edges)
+ quantized = list(map(lambda y: bisect.bisect_right(bin_edges, y), x))
+ return quantized
+def print_instances_class_histogram(dataset_dicts, class_names):
+ """
+ Args:
+ dataset_dicts (list[dict]): list of dataset dicts.
+ class_names (list[str]): list of class names (zero-indexed).
+ """
+ num_classes = len(class_names)
+ hist_bins = np.arange(num_classes + 1)
+ histogram = np.zeros((num_classes,), dtype=np.int)
+ for entry in dataset_dicts:
+ annos = entry["annotations"]
+ classes = [x["category_id"] for x in annos if not x.get("iscrowd", 0)]
+ histogram += np.histogram(classes, bins=hist_bins)[0]
+ N_COLS = min(6, len(class_names) * 2)
+ def short_name(x):
+ # make long class names shorter. useful for lvis
+ if len(x) > 13:
+ return x[:11] + ".."
+ return x
+ data = list(
+ itertools.chain(*[[short_name(class_names[i]), int(v)] for i, v in enumerate(histogram)])
+ )
+ total_num_instances = sum(data[1::2])
+ data.extend([None] * (N_COLS - (len(data) % N_COLS)))
+ if num_classes > 1:
+ data.extend(["total", total_num_instances])
+ data = itertools.zip_longest(*[data[i::N_COLS] for i in range(N_COLS)])
+ table = tabulate(
+ data,
+ headers=["category", "#instances"] * (N_COLS // 2),
+ tablefmt="pipe",
+ numalign="left",
+ stralign="center",
+ )
+ log_first_n(
+ logging.INFO,
+ "Distribution of instances among all {} categories:\n".format(num_classes)
+ + colored(table, "cyan"),
+ key="message",
+ )
+def get_detection_dataset_dicts(
+ dataset_names, filter_empty=True, min_keypoints=0, proposal_files=None
+ """
+ Load and prepare dataset dicts for instance detection/segmentation and semantic segmentation.
+ Args:
+ dataset_names (list[str]): a list of dataset names
+ filter_empty (bool): whether to filter out images without instance annotations
+ min_keypoints (int): filter out images with fewer keypoints than
+ `min_keypoints`. Set to 0 to do nothing.
+ proposal_files (list[str]): if given, a list of object proposal files
+ that match each dataset in `dataset_names`.
+ """
+ assert len(dataset_names)
+ dataset_dicts = [DatasetCatalog.get(dataset_name) for dataset_name in dataset_names]
+ for dataset_name, dicts in zip(dataset_names, dataset_dicts):
+ assert len(dicts), "Dataset '{}' is empty!".format(dataset_name)
+ if proposal_files is not None:
+ assert len(dataset_names) == len(proposal_files)
+ # load precomputed proposals from proposal files
+ dataset_dicts = [
+ load_proposals_into_dataset(dataset_i_dicts, proposal_file)
+ for dataset_i_dicts, proposal_file in zip(dataset_dicts, proposal_files)
+ ]
+ dataset_dicts = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(dataset_dicts))
+ has_instances = "annotations" in dataset_dicts[0]
+ # Keep images without instance-level GT if the dataset has semantic labels.
+ if filter_empty and has_instances and "sem_seg_file_name" not in dataset_dicts[0]:
+ dataset_dicts = filter_images_with_only_crowd_annotations(dataset_dicts)
+ if min_keypoints > 0 and has_instances:
+ dataset_dicts = filter_images_with_few_keypoints(dataset_dicts, min_keypoints)
+ if has_instances:
+ try:
+ class_names = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_names[0]).thing_classes
+ check_metadata_consistency("thing_classes", dataset_names)
+ print_instances_class_histogram(dataset_dicts, class_names)
+ except AttributeError: # class names are not available for this dataset
+ pass
+ return dataset_dicts
+def build_detection_train_loader(cfg, mapper=None):
+ """
+ A data loader is created by the following steps:
+ 1. Use the dataset names in config to query :class:`DatasetCatalog`, and obtain a list of dicts.
+ 2. Coordinate a random shuffle order shared among all processes (all GPUs)
+ 3. Each process spawn another few workers to process the dicts. Each worker will:
+ * Map each metadata dict into another format to be consumed by the model.
+ * Batch them by simply putting dicts into a list.
+ The batched ``list[mapped_dict]`` is what this dataloader will yield.
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode): the config
+ mapper (callable): a callable which takes a sample (dict) from dataset and
+ returns the format to be consumed by the model.
+ By default it will be `DatasetMapper(cfg, True)`.
+ Returns:
+ an infinite iterator of training data
+ """
+ num_workers = get_world_size()
+ images_per_batch = cfg.SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH
+ assert (
+ images_per_batch % num_workers == 0
+ ), "SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH ({}) must be divisible by the number of workers ({}).".format(
+ images_per_batch, num_workers
+ )
+ assert (
+ images_per_batch >= num_workers
+ ), "SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH ({}) must be larger than the number of workers ({}).".format(
+ images_per_batch, num_workers
+ )
+ images_per_worker = images_per_batch // num_workers
+ dataset_dicts = get_detection_dataset_dicts(
+ else 0,
+ )
+ dataset = DatasetFromList(dataset_dicts, copy=False)
+ if mapper is None:
+ mapper = DatasetMapper(cfg, True)
+ dataset = MapDataset(dataset, mapper)
+ sampler_name = cfg.DATALOADER.SAMPLER_TRAIN
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.info("Using training sampler {}".format(sampler_name))
+ if sampler_name == "TrainingSampler":
+ sampler = samplers.TrainingSampler(len(dataset))
+ elif sampler_name == "RepeatFactorTrainingSampler":
+ sampler = samplers.RepeatFactorTrainingSampler(
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown training sampler: {}".format(sampler_name))
+ data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
+ dataset,
+ sampler=sampler,
+ num_workers=cfg.DATALOADER.NUM_WORKERS,
+ batch_sampler=None,
+ collate_fn=operator.itemgetter(0), # don't batch, but yield individual elements
+ worker_init_fn=worker_init_reset_seed,
+ ) # yield individual mapped dict
+ data_loader = AspectRatioGroupedDataset(data_loader, images_per_worker)
+ else:
+ batch_sampler = torch.utils.data.sampler.BatchSampler(
+ sampler, images_per_worker, drop_last=True
+ )
+ # drop_last so the batch always have the same size
+ data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
+ dataset,
+ num_workers=cfg.DATALOADER.NUM_WORKERS,
+ batch_sampler=batch_sampler,
+ collate_fn=trivial_batch_collator,
+ worker_init_fn=worker_init_reset_seed,
+ )
+ return data_loader
+def build_detection_test_loader(cfg, dataset_name, mapper=None):
+ """
+ Similar to `build_detection_train_loader`.
+ But this function uses the given `dataset_name` argument (instead of the names in cfg),
+ and uses batch size 1.
+ Args:
+ cfg: a detectron2 CfgNode
+ dataset_name (str): a name of the dataset that's available in the DatasetCatalog
+ mapper (callable): a callable which takes a sample (dict) from dataset
+ and returns the format to be consumed by the model.
+ By default it will be `DatasetMapper(cfg, False)`.
+ Returns:
+ DataLoader: a torch DataLoader, that loads the given detection
+ dataset, with test-time transformation and batching.
+ """
+ dataset_dicts = get_detection_dataset_dicts(
+ [dataset_name],
+ filter_empty=False,
+ proposal_files=[
+ cfg.DATASETS.PROPOSAL_FILES_TEST[list(cfg.DATASETS.TEST).index(dataset_name)]
+ ]
+ else None,
+ )
+ dataset = DatasetFromList(dataset_dicts)
+ if mapper is None:
+ mapper = DatasetMapper(cfg, False)
+ dataset = MapDataset(dataset, mapper)
+ sampler = samplers.InferenceSampler(len(dataset))
+ # Always use 1 image per worker during inference since this is the
+ # standard when reporting inference time in papers.
+ batch_sampler = torch.utils.data.sampler.BatchSampler(sampler, 1, drop_last=False)
+ data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
+ dataset,
+ num_workers=cfg.DATALOADER.NUM_WORKERS,
+ batch_sampler=batch_sampler,
+ collate_fn=trivial_batch_collator,
+ )
+ return data_loader
+def trivial_batch_collator(batch):
+ """
+ A batch collator that does nothing.
+ """
+ return batch
+def worker_init_reset_seed(worker_id):
+ seed_all_rng(np.random.randint(2 ** 31) + worker_id)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/catalog.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/catalog.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57f18c8705363fdcc79182f0abd0b28d6b2dde8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/catalog.py
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import copy
+import logging
+import types
+from typing import List
+from detectron2.utils.logger import log_first_n
+__all__ = ["DatasetCatalog", "MetadataCatalog"]
+class DatasetCatalog(object):
+ """
+ A catalog that stores information about the data and how to obtain them.
+ It contains a mapping from strings
+ (which are names that identify a dataset, e.g. "coco_2014_train")
+ to a function which parses the dataset and returns the samples in the
+ format of `list[dict]`.
+ The returned dicts should be in Detectron2 Dataset format (See DATASETS.md for details)
+ if used with the data loader functionalities in `data/build.py,data/detection_transform.py`.
+ The purpose of having this catalog is to make it easy to choose
+ different data, by just using the strings in the config.
+ """
+ @staticmethod
+ def register(name, func):
+ """
+ Args:
+ name (str): the name that identifies a dataset, e.g. "coco_2014_train".
+ func (callable): a callable which takes no arguments and returns a list of dicts.
+ """
+ assert callable(func), "You must register a function with `DatasetCatalog.register`!"
+ assert name not in DatasetCatalog._REGISTERED, "Dataset '{}' is already registered!".format(
+ name
+ )
+ DatasetCatalog._REGISTERED[name] = func
+ @staticmethod
+ def get(name):
+ """
+ Call the registered function and return its results.
+ Args:
+ name (str): the name that identifies a dataset, e.g. "coco_2014_train".
+ Returns:
+ list[dict]: dataset annotations.0
+ """
+ try:
+ f = DatasetCatalog._REGISTERED[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise KeyError(
+ "Dataset '{}' is not registered! Available data are: {}".format(
+ name, ", ".join(DatasetCatalog._REGISTERED.keys())
+ )
+ )
+ return f()
+ @staticmethod
+ def list() -> List[str]:
+ """
+ List all registered data.
+ Returns:
+ list[str]
+ """
+ return list(DatasetCatalog._REGISTERED.keys())
+ @staticmethod
+ def clear():
+ """
+ Remove all registered dataset.
+ """
+ DatasetCatalog._REGISTERED.clear()
+class Metadata(types.SimpleNamespace):
+ """
+ A class that supports simple attribute setter/getter.
+ It is intended for storing metadata of a dataset and make it accessible globally.
+ Examples:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ # somewhere when you load the data:
+ MetadataCatalog.get("mydataset").thing_classes = ["person", "dog"]
+ # somewhere when you print statistics or visualize:
+ classes = MetadataCatalog.get("mydataset").thing_classes
+ """
+ # the name of the dataset
+ # set default to N/A so that `self.name` in the errors will not trigger getattr again
+ name: str = "N/A"
+ _RENAMED = {
+ "class_names": "thing_classes",
+ "dataset_id_to_contiguous_id": "thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id",
+ "stuff_class_names": "stuff_classes",
+ }
+ def __getattr__(self, key):
+ if key in self._RENAMED:
+ log_first_n(
+ logging.WARNING,
+ "Metadata '{}' was renamed to '{}'!".format(key, self._RENAMED[key]),
+ n=10,
+ )
+ return getattr(self, self._RENAMED[key])
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "Attribute '{}' does not exist in the metadata of '{}'. Available keys are {}.".format(
+ key, self.name, str(self.__dict__.keys())
+ )
+ )
+ def __setattr__(self, key, val):
+ if key in self._RENAMED:
+ log_first_n(
+ logging.WARNING,
+ "Metadata '{}' was renamed to '{}'!".format(key, self._RENAMED[key]),
+ n=10,
+ )
+ setattr(self, self._RENAMED[key], val)
+ # Ensure that metadata of the same name stays consistent
+ try:
+ oldval = getattr(self, key)
+ assert oldval == val, (
+ "Attribute '{}' in the metadata of '{}' cannot be set "
+ "to a different value!\n{} != {}".format(key, self.name, oldval, val)
+ )
+ except AttributeError:
+ super().__setattr__(key, val)
+ def as_dict(self):
+ """
+ Returns all the metadata as a dict.
+ Note that modifications to the returned dict will not reflect on the Metadata object.
+ """
+ return copy.copy(self.__dict__)
+ def set(self, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Set multiple metadata with kwargs.
+ """
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ setattr(self, k, v)
+ return self
+ def get(self, key, default=None):
+ """
+ Access an attribute and return its value if exists.
+ Otherwise return default.
+ """
+ try:
+ return getattr(self, key)
+ except AttributeError:
+ return default
+class MetadataCatalog:
+ """
+ MetadataCatalog provides access to "Metadata" of a given dataset.
+ The metadata associated with a certain name is a singleton: once created,
+ the metadata will stay alive and will be returned by future calls to `get(name)`.
+ It's like global variables, so don't abuse it.
+ It's meant for storing knowledge that's constant and shared across the execution
+ of the program, e.g.: the class names in COCO.
+ """
+ _NAME_TO_META = {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def get(name):
+ """
+ Args:
+ name (str): name of a dataset (e.g. coco_2014_train).
+ Returns:
+ Metadata: The :class:`Metadata` instance associated with this name,
+ or create an empty one if none is available.
+ """
+ assert len(name)
+ if name in MetadataCatalog._NAME_TO_META:
+ ret = MetadataCatalog._NAME_TO_META[name]
+ # TODO this is for the BC breaking change in D15247032.
+ # Remove this in the future.
+ if hasattr(ret, "dataset_name"):
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ logger.warning(
+ """
+The 'dataset_name' key in metadata is no longer used for
+sharing metadata among splits after D15247032! Add
+metadata to each split (now called dataset) separately!
+ """
+ )
+ parent_meta = MetadataCatalog.get(ret.dataset_name).as_dict()
+ ret.set(**parent_meta)
+ return ret
+ else:
+ m = MetadataCatalog._NAME_TO_META[name] = Metadata(name=name)
+ return m
+ @staticmethod
+ def list():
+ """
+ List all registered metadata.
+ Returns:
+ list[str]: keys (names of data) of all registered metadata
+ """
+ return list(MetadataCatalog._NAME_TO_META.keys())
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/common.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a42c8b21b86338a3f034d01c3484dd32b1b845a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import copy
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import pickle
+import random
+import torch.utils.data as data
+from detectron2.utils.serialize import PicklableWrapper
+__all__ = ["MapDataset", "DatasetFromList", "AspectRatioGroupedDataset"]
+class MapDataset(data.Dataset):
+ """
+ Map a function over the elements in a dataset.
+ Args:
+ dataset: a dataset where map function is applied.
+ map_func: a callable which maps the element in dataset. map_func is
+ responsible for error handling, when error happens, it needs to
+ return None so the MapDataset will randomly use other
+ elements from the dataset.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dataset, map_func):
+ self._dataset = dataset
+ self._map_func = PicklableWrapper(map_func) # wrap so that a lambda will work
+ self._rng = random.Random(42)
+ self._fallback_candidates = set(range(len(dataset)))
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._dataset)
+ def __getitem__(self, idx):
+ retry_count = 0
+ cur_idx = int(idx)
+ while True:
+ data = self._map_func(self._dataset[cur_idx])
+ if data is not None:
+ self._fallback_candidates.add(cur_idx)
+ return data
+ # _map_func fails for this idx, use a random new index from the pool
+ retry_count += 1
+ self._fallback_candidates.discard(cur_idx)
+ cur_idx = self._rng.sample(self._fallback_candidates, k=1)[0]
+ if retry_count >= 3:
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.warning(
+ "Failed to apply `_map_func` for idx: {}, retry count: {}".format(
+ idx, retry_count
+ )
+ )
+class DatasetFromList(data.Dataset):
+ """
+ Wrap a list to a torch Dataset. It produces elements of the list as data.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, lst: list, copy: bool = True, serialize: bool = True):
+ """
+ Args:
+ lst (list): a list which contains elements to produce.
+ copy (bool): whether to deepcopy the element when producing it,
+ so that the result can be modified in place without affecting the
+ source in the list.
+ serialize (bool): whether to hold memory using serialized objects, when
+ enabled, data loader workers can use shared RAM from master
+ process instead of making a copy.
+ """
+ self._lst = lst
+ self._copy = copy
+ self._serialize = serialize
+ def _serialize(data):
+ buffer = pickle.dumps(data, protocol=-1)
+ return np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=np.uint8)
+ if self._serialize:
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.info(
+ "Serializing {} elements to byte tensors and concatenating them all ...".format(
+ len(self._lst)
+ )
+ )
+ self._lst = [_serialize(x) for x in self._lst]
+ self._addr = np.asarray([len(x) for x in self._lst], dtype=np.int64)
+ self._addr = np.cumsum(self._addr)
+ self._lst = np.concatenate(self._lst)
+ logger.info("Serialized dataset takes {:.2f} MiB".format(len(self._lst) / 1024 ** 2))
+ def __len__(self):
+ if self._serialize:
+ return len(self._addr)
+ else:
+ return len(self._lst)
+ def __getitem__(self, idx):
+ if self._serialize:
+ start_addr = 0 if idx == 0 else self._addr[idx - 1].item()
+ end_addr = self._addr[idx].item()
+ bytes = memoryview(self._lst[start_addr:end_addr])
+ return pickle.loads(bytes)
+ elif self._copy:
+ return copy.deepcopy(self._lst[idx])
+ else:
+ return self._lst[idx]
+class AspectRatioGroupedDataset(data.IterableDataset):
+ """
+ Batch data that have similar aspect ratio together.
+ In this implementation, images whose aspect ratio < (or >) 1 will
+ be batched together.
+ This improves training speed because the images then need less padding
+ to form a batch.
+ It assumes the underlying dataset produces dicts with "width" and "height" keys.
+ It will then produce a list of original dicts with length = batch_size,
+ all with similar aspect ratios.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size):
+ """
+ Args:
+ dataset: an iterable. Each element must be a dict with keys
+ "width" and "height", which will be used to batch data.
+ batch_size (int):
+ """
+ self.dataset = dataset
+ self.batch_size = batch_size
+ self._buckets = [[] for _ in range(2)]
+ # Hard-coded two aspect ratio groups: w > h and w < h.
+ # Can add support for more aspect ratio groups, but doesn't seem useful
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for d in self.dataset:
+ w, h = d["width"], d["height"]
+ bucket_id = 0 if w > h else 1
+ bucket = self._buckets[bucket_id]
+ bucket.append(d)
+ if len(bucket) == self.batch_size:
+ yield bucket[:]
+ del bucket[:]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/dataset_mapper.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/dataset_mapper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db73b378a6c2938a3beb700010a13172e6cc549f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/dataset_mapper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import copy
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from PIL import Image
+from . import detection_utils as utils
+from . import transforms as T
+This file contains the default mapping that's applied to "dataset dicts".
+__all__ = ["DatasetMapper"]
+class DatasetMapper:
+ """
+ A callable which takes a dataset dict in Detectron2 Dataset format,
+ and map it into a format used by the model.
+ This is the default callable to be used to map your dataset dict into training data.
+ You may need to follow it to implement your own one for customized logic,
+ such as a different way to read or transform images.
+ See :doc:`/tutorials/data_loading` for details.
+ The callable currently does the following:
+ 1. Read the image from "file_name"
+ 2. Applies cropping/geometric transforms to the image and annotations
+ 3. Prepare data and annotations to Tensor and :class:`Instances`
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cfg, is_train=True):
+ if cfg.INPUT.CROP.ENABLED and is_train:
+ self.crop_gen = T.RandomCrop(cfg.INPUT.CROP.TYPE, cfg.INPUT.CROP.SIZE)
+ logging.getLogger(__name__).info("CropGen used in training: " + str(self.crop_gen))
+ else:
+ self.crop_gen = None
+ self.tfm_gens = utils.build_transform_gen(cfg, is_train)
+ # fmt: off
+ self.img_format = cfg.INPUT.FORMAT
+ self.mask_on = cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON
+ self.mask_format = cfg.INPUT.MASK_FORMAT
+ self.keypoint_on = cfg.MODEL.KEYPOINT_ON
+ self.load_proposals = cfg.MODEL.LOAD_PROPOSALS
+ # fmt: on
+ if self.keypoint_on and is_train:
+ # Flip only makes sense in training
+ self.keypoint_hflip_indices = utils.create_keypoint_hflip_indices(cfg.DATASETS.TRAIN)
+ else:
+ self.keypoint_hflip_indices = None
+ if self.load_proposals:
+ self.min_box_side_len = cfg.MODEL.PROPOSAL_GENERATOR.MIN_SIZE
+ self.proposal_topk = (
+ if is_train
+ )
+ self.is_train = is_train
+ def __call__(self, dataset_dict):
+ """
+ Args:
+ dataset_dict (dict): Metadata of one image, in Detectron2 Dataset format.
+ Returns:
+ dict: a format that builtin models in detectron2 accept
+ """
+ dataset_dict = copy.deepcopy(dataset_dict) # it will be modified by code below
+ # USER: Write your own image loading if it's not from a file
+ image = utils.read_image(dataset_dict["file_name"], format=self.img_format)
+ utils.check_image_size(dataset_dict, image)
+ if "annotations" not in dataset_dict:
+ image, transforms = T.apply_transform_gens(
+ ([self.crop_gen] if self.crop_gen else []) + self.tfm_gens, image
+ )
+ else:
+ # Crop around an instance if there are instances in the image.
+ # USER: Remove if you don't use cropping
+ if self.crop_gen:
+ crop_tfm = utils.gen_crop_transform_with_instance(
+ self.crop_gen.get_crop_size(image.shape[:2]),
+ image.shape[:2],
+ np.random.choice(dataset_dict["annotations"]),
+ )
+ image = crop_tfm.apply_image(image)
+ image, transforms = T.apply_transform_gens(self.tfm_gens, image)
+ if self.crop_gen:
+ transforms = crop_tfm + transforms
+ image_shape = image.shape[:2] # h, w
+ # Pytorch's dataloader is efficient on torch.Tensor due to shared-memory,
+ # but not efficient on large generic data structures due to the use of pickle & mp.Queue.
+ # Therefore it's important to use torch.Tensor.
+ dataset_dict["image"] = torch.as_tensor(np.ascontiguousarray(image.transpose(2, 0, 1)))
+ # USER: Remove if you don't use pre-computed proposals.
+ if self.load_proposals:
+ utils.transform_proposals(
+ dataset_dict, image_shape, transforms, self.min_box_side_len, self.proposal_topk
+ )
+ if not self.is_train:
+ # USER: Modify this if you want to keep them for some reason.
+ dataset_dict.pop("annotations", None)
+ dataset_dict.pop("sem_seg_file_name", None)
+ return dataset_dict
+ if "annotations" in dataset_dict:
+ # USER: Modify this if you want to keep them for some reason.
+ for anno in dataset_dict["annotations"]:
+ if not self.mask_on:
+ anno.pop("segmentation", None)
+ if not self.keypoint_on:
+ anno.pop("keypoints", None)
+ # USER: Implement additional transformations if you have other types of data
+ annos = [
+ utils.transform_instance_annotations(
+ obj, transforms, image_shape, keypoint_hflip_indices=self.keypoint_hflip_indices
+ )
+ for obj in dataset_dict.pop("annotations")
+ if obj.get("iscrowd", 0) == 0
+ ]
+ instances = utils.annotations_to_instances(
+ annos, image_shape, mask_format=self.mask_format
+ )
+ # Create a tight bounding box from masks, useful when image is cropped
+ if self.crop_gen and instances.has("gt_masks"):
+ instances.gt_boxes = instances.gt_masks.get_bounding_boxes()
+ dataset_dict["instances"] = utils.filter_empty_instances(instances)
+ # USER: Remove if you don't do semantic/panoptic segmentation.
+ if "sem_seg_file_name" in dataset_dict:
+ with PathManager.open(dataset_dict.pop("sem_seg_file_name"), "rb") as f:
+ sem_seg_gt = Image.open(f)
+ sem_seg_gt = np.asarray(sem_seg_gt, dtype="uint8")
+ sem_seg_gt = transforms.apply_segmentation(sem_seg_gt)
+ sem_seg_gt = torch.as_tensor(sem_seg_gt.astype("long"))
+ dataset_dict["sem_seg"] = sem_seg_gt
+ return dataset_dict
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/README.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/README.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+### Common Datasets
+The dataset implemented here do not need to load the data into the final format.
+It should provide the minimal data structure needed to use the dataset, so it can be very efficient.
+For example, for an image dataset, just provide the file names and labels, but don't read the images.
+Let the downstream decide how to read.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/__init__.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c3f556bd201890fcca901d26efb5f9d8c3304f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+from .cityscapes import load_cityscapes_instances
+from .coco import load_coco_json, load_sem_seg
+from .lvis import load_lvis_json, register_lvis_instances, get_lvis_instances_meta
+from .register_coco import register_coco_instances, register_coco_panoptic_separated
+from . import builtin # ensure the builtin data are registered
+__all__ = [k for k in globals().keys() if "builtin" not in k and not k.startswith("_")]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/builtin.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/builtin.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21ac2228c56d59b38c9288fd720aab5fdc63ac0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/builtin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+This file registers pre-defined data at hard-coded paths, and their metadata.
+We hard-code metadata for common data. This will enable:
+1. Consistency check when loading the data
+2. Use models on these standard data directly and run demos,
+ without having to download the dataset annotations
+We hard-code some paths to the dataset that's assumed to
+exist in "./data/".
+Users SHOULD NOT use this file to create new dataset / metadata for new dataset.
+To add new dataset, refer to the tutorial "docs/DATASETS.md".
+import os
+from detectron2.data import DatasetCatalog, MetadataCatalog
+from .builtin_meta import _get_builtin_metadata
+from .cityscapes import load_cityscapes_instances, load_cityscapes_semantic
+from .lvis import get_lvis_instances_meta, register_lvis_instances
+from .pascal_voc import register_pascal_voc
+from .register_coco import register_coco_instances, register_coco_panoptic_separated
+# ==== Predefined data and splits for COCO ==========
+ "coco_2014_train": ("coco/train2014", "coco/annotations/instances_train2014.json"),
+ "coco_2014_val": ("coco/val2014", "coco/annotations/instances_val2014.json"),
+ "coco_2014_minival": ("coco/val2014", "coco/annotations/instances_minival2014.json"),
+ "coco_2014_minival_100": ("coco/val2014", "coco/annotations/instances_minival2014_100.json"),
+ "coco_2014_valminusminival": (
+ "coco/val2014",
+ "coco/annotations/instances_valminusminival2014.json",
+ ),
+ "coco_2017_train": ("coco/train2017", "coco/annotations/instances_train2017.json"),
+ "coco_2017_val": ("coco/val2017", "coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json"),
+ "coco_2017_test": ("coco/test2017", "coco/annotations/image_info_test2017.json"),
+ "coco_2017_test-dev": ("coco/test2017", "coco/annotations/image_info_test-dev2017.json"),
+ "coco_2017_val_100": ("coco/val2017", "coco/annotations/instances_val2017_100.json"),
+_PREDEFINED_SPLITS_COCO["coco_person"] = {
+ "keypoints_coco_2014_train": (
+ "coco/train2014",
+ "coco/annotations/person_keypoints_train2014.json",
+ ),
+ "keypoints_coco_2014_val": ("coco/val2014", "coco/annotations/person_keypoints_val2014.json"),
+ "keypoints_coco_2014_minival": (
+ "coco/val2014",
+ "coco/annotations/person_keypoints_minival2014.json",
+ ),
+ "keypoints_coco_2014_valminusminival": (
+ "coco/val2014",
+ "coco/annotations/person_keypoints_valminusminival2014.json",
+ ),
+ "keypoints_coco_2014_minival_100": (
+ "coco/val2014",
+ "coco/annotations/person_keypoints_minival2014_100.json",
+ ),
+ "keypoints_coco_2017_train": (
+ "coco/train2017",
+ "coco/annotations/person_keypoints_train2017.json",
+ ),
+ "keypoints_coco_2017_val": ("coco/val2017", "coco/annotations/person_keypoints_val2017.json"),
+ "keypoints_coco_2017_val_100": (
+ "coco/val2017",
+ "coco/annotations/person_keypoints_val2017_100.json",
+ ),
+ "coco_2017_train_panoptic": (
+ # This is the original panoptic annotation directory
+ "coco/panoptic_train2017",
+ "coco/annotations/panoptic_train2017.json",
+ # This directory contains semantic annotations that are
+ # converted from panoptic annotations.
+ # It is used by PanopticFPN.
+ # You can use the script at detectron2/data/prepare_panoptic_fpn.py
+ # to create these directories.
+ "coco/panoptic_stuff_train2017",
+ ),
+ "coco_2017_val_panoptic": (
+ "coco/panoptic_val2017",
+ "coco/annotations/panoptic_val2017.json",
+ "coco/panoptic_stuff_val2017",
+ ),
+ "coco_2017_val_100_panoptic": (
+ "coco/panoptic_val2017_100",
+ "coco/annotations/panoptic_val2017_100.json",
+ "coco/panoptic_stuff_val2017_100",
+ ),
+def register_all_coco(root):
+ for dataset_name, splits_per_dataset in _PREDEFINED_SPLITS_COCO.items():
+ for key, (image_root, json_file) in splits_per_dataset.items():
+ # Assume pre-defined data live in `./data`.
+ register_coco_instances(
+ key,
+ _get_builtin_metadata(dataset_name),
+ os.path.join(root, json_file) if "://" not in json_file else json_file,
+ os.path.join(root, image_root),
+ )
+ for (
+ prefix,
+ (panoptic_root, panoptic_json, semantic_root),
+ prefix_instances = prefix[: -len("_panoptic")]
+ instances_meta = MetadataCatalog.get(prefix_instances)
+ image_root, instances_json = instances_meta.image_root, instances_meta.json_file
+ register_coco_panoptic_separated(
+ prefix,
+ _get_builtin_metadata("coco_panoptic_separated"),
+ image_root,
+ os.path.join(root, panoptic_root),
+ os.path.join(root, panoptic_json),
+ os.path.join(root, semantic_root),
+ instances_json,
+ )
+# ==== Predefined data and splits for LVIS ==========
+ "lvis_v0.5": {
+ "lvis_v0.5_train": ("coco/train2017", "lvis/lvis_v0.5_train.json"),
+ "lvis_v0.5_val": ("coco/val2017", "lvis/lvis_v0.5_val.json"),
+ "lvis_v0.5_val_rand_100": ("coco/val2017", "lvis/lvis_v0.5_val_rand_100.json"),
+ "lvis_v0.5_test": ("coco/test2017", "lvis/lvis_v0.5_image_info_test.json"),
+ },
+ "lvis_v0.5_cocofied": {
+ "lvis_v0.5_train_cocofied": ("coco/train2017", "lvis/lvis_v0.5_train_cocofied.json"),
+ "lvis_v0.5_val_cocofied": ("coco/val2017", "lvis/lvis_v0.5_val_cocofied.json"),
+ },
+def register_all_lvis(root):
+ for dataset_name, splits_per_dataset in _PREDEFINED_SPLITS_LVIS.items():
+ for key, (image_root, json_file) in splits_per_dataset.items():
+ # Assume pre-defined data live in `./data`.
+ register_lvis_instances(
+ key,
+ get_lvis_instances_meta(dataset_name),
+ os.path.join(root, json_file) if "://" not in json_file else json_file,
+ os.path.join(root, image_root),
+ )
+# ==== Predefined splits for raw cityscapes images ===========
+ "cityscapes_fine_{task}_train": ("cityscapes/leftImg8bit/train", "cityscapes/gtFine/train"),
+ "cityscapes_fine_{task}_val": ("cityscapes/leftImg8bit/val", "cityscapes/gtFine/val"),
+ "cityscapes_fine_{task}_test": ("cityscapes/leftImg8bit/test", "cityscapes/gtFine/test"),
+def register_all_cityscapes(root):
+ for key, (image_dir, gt_dir) in _RAW_CITYSCAPES_SPLITS.items():
+ meta = _get_builtin_metadata("cityscapes")
+ image_dir = os.path.join(root, image_dir)
+ gt_dir = os.path.join(root, gt_dir)
+ inst_key = key.format(task="instance_seg")
+ DatasetCatalog.register(
+ inst_key,
+ lambda x=image_dir, y=gt_dir: load_cityscapes_instances(
+ x, y, from_json=True, to_polygons=True
+ ),
+ )
+ MetadataCatalog.get(inst_key).set(
+ image_dir=image_dir, gt_dir=gt_dir, evaluator_type="cityscapes_instance", **meta
+ )
+ sem_key = key.format(task="sem_seg")
+ DatasetCatalog.register(
+ sem_key, lambda x=image_dir, y=gt_dir: load_cityscapes_semantic(x, y)
+ )
+ MetadataCatalog.get(sem_key).set(
+ image_dir=image_dir, gt_dir=gt_dir, evaluator_type="cityscapes_sem_seg", **meta
+ )
+# ==== Predefined splits for PASCAL VOC ===========
+def register_all_pascal_voc(root):
+ SPLITS = [
+ ("voc_2007_trainval", "VOC2007", "trainval"),
+ ("voc_2007_train", "VOC2007", "train"),
+ ("voc_2007_val", "VOC2007", "val"),
+ ("voc_2007_test", "VOC2007", "test"),
+ ("voc_2012_trainval", "VOC2012", "trainval"),
+ ("voc_2012_train", "VOC2012", "train"),
+ ("voc_2012_val", "VOC2012", "val"),
+ ]
+ for name, dirname, split in SPLITS:
+ year = 2007 if "2007" in name else 2012
+ register_pascal_voc(name, os.path.join(root, dirname), split, year)
+ MetadataCatalog.get(name).evaluator_type = "pascal_voc"
+# Register them all under "./data"
+_root = os.getenv("DETECTRON2_DATASETS", "data")
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/builtin_meta.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/builtin_meta.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74c79863a9d1ef5df9b5ce64f97d6be8e4e37d59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/builtin_meta.py
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+# All coco categories, together with their nice-looking visualization colors
+# It's from https://github.com/cocodataset/panopticapi/blob/master/panoptic_coco_categories.json
+ {"color": [220, 20, 60], "isthing": 1, "id": 1, "name": "person"},
+ {"color": [119, 11, 32], "isthing": 1, "id": 2, "name": "bicycle"},
+ {"color": [0, 0, 142], "isthing": 1, "id": 3, "name": "car"},
+ {"color": [0, 0, 230], "isthing": 1, "id": 4, "name": "motorcycle"},
+ {"color": [106, 0, 228], "isthing": 1, "id": 5, "name": "airplane"},
+ {"color": [0, 60, 100], "isthing": 1, "id": 6, "name": "bus"},
+ {"color": [0, 80, 100], "isthing": 1, "id": 7, "name": "train"},
+ {"color": [0, 0, 70], "isthing": 1, "id": 8, "name": "truck"},
+ {"color": [0, 0, 192], "isthing": 1, "id": 9, "name": "boat"},
+ {"color": [250, 170, 30], "isthing": 1, "id": 10, "name": "traffic light"},
+ {"color": [100, 170, 30], "isthing": 1, "id": 11, "name": "fire hydrant"},
+ {"color": [220, 220, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 13, "name": "stop sign"},
+ {"color": [175, 116, 175], "isthing": 1, "id": 14, "name": "parking meter"},
+ {"color": [250, 0, 30], "isthing": 1, "id": 15, "name": "bench"},
+ {"color": [165, 42, 42], "isthing": 1, "id": 16, "name": "bird"},
+ {"color": [255, 77, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 17, "name": "cat"},
+ {"color": [0, 226, 252], "isthing": 1, "id": 18, "name": "dog"},
+ {"color": [182, 182, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 19, "name": "horse"},
+ {"color": [0, 82, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 20, "name": "sheep"},
+ {"color": [120, 166, 157], "isthing": 1, "id": 21, "name": "cow"},
+ {"color": [110, 76, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 22, "name": "elephant"},
+ {"color": [174, 57, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 23, "name": "bear"},
+ {"color": [199, 100, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 24, "name": "zebra"},
+ {"color": [72, 0, 118], "isthing": 1, "id": 25, "name": "giraffe"},
+ {"color": [255, 179, 240], "isthing": 1, "id": 27, "name": "backpack"},
+ {"color": [0, 125, 92], "isthing": 1, "id": 28, "name": "umbrella"},
+ {"color": [209, 0, 151], "isthing": 1, "id": 31, "name": "handbag"},
+ {"color": [188, 208, 182], "isthing": 1, "id": 32, "name": "tie"},
+ {"color": [0, 220, 176], "isthing": 1, "id": 33, "name": "suitcase"},
+ {"color": [255, 99, 164], "isthing": 1, "id": 34, "name": "frisbee"},
+ {"color": [92, 0, 73], "isthing": 1, "id": 35, "name": "skis"},
+ {"color": [133, 129, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 36, "name": "snowboard"},
+ {"color": [78, 180, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 37, "name": "sports ball"},
+ {"color": [0, 228, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 38, "name": "kite"},
+ {"color": [174, 255, 243], "isthing": 1, "id": 39, "name": "baseball bat"},
+ {"color": [45, 89, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 40, "name": "baseball glove"},
+ {"color": [134, 134, 103], "isthing": 1, "id": 41, "name": "skateboard"},
+ {"color": [145, 148, 174], "isthing": 1, "id": 42, "name": "surfboard"},
+ {"color": [255, 208, 186], "isthing": 1, "id": 43, "name": "tennis racket"},
+ {"color": [197, 226, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 44, "name": "bottle"},
+ {"color": [171, 134, 1], "isthing": 1, "id": 46, "name": "wine glass"},
+ {"color": [109, 63, 54], "isthing": 1, "id": 47, "name": "cup"},
+ {"color": [207, 138, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 48, "name": "fork"},
+ {"color": [151, 0, 95], "isthing": 1, "id": 49, "name": "knife"},
+ {"color": [9, 80, 61], "isthing": 1, "id": 50, "name": "spoon"},
+ {"color": [84, 105, 51], "isthing": 1, "id": 51, "name": "bowl"},
+ {"color": [74, 65, 105], "isthing": 1, "id": 52, "name": "banana"},
+ {"color": [166, 196, 102], "isthing": 1, "id": 53, "name": "apple"},
+ {"color": [208, 195, 210], "isthing": 1, "id": 54, "name": "sandwich"},
+ {"color": [255, 109, 65], "isthing": 1, "id": 55, "name": "orange"},
+ {"color": [0, 143, 149], "isthing": 1, "id": 56, "name": "broccoli"},
+ {"color": [179, 0, 194], "isthing": 1, "id": 57, "name": "carrot"},
+ {"color": [209, 99, 106], "isthing": 1, "id": 58, "name": "hot dog"},
+ {"color": [5, 121, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 59, "name": "pizza"},
+ {"color": [227, 255, 205], "isthing": 1, "id": 60, "name": "donut"},
+ {"color": [147, 186, 208], "isthing": 1, "id": 61, "name": "cake"},
+ {"color": [153, 69, 1], "isthing": 1, "id": 62, "name": "chair"},
+ {"color": [3, 95, 161], "isthing": 1, "id": 63, "name": "couch"},
+ {"color": [163, 255, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 64, "name": "potted plant"},
+ {"color": [119, 0, 170], "isthing": 1, "id": 65, "name": "bed"},
+ {"color": [0, 182, 199], "isthing": 1, "id": 67, "name": "dining table"},
+ {"color": [0, 165, 120], "isthing": 1, "id": 70, "name": "toilet"},
+ {"color": [183, 130, 88], "isthing": 1, "id": 72, "name": "tv"},
+ {"color": [95, 32, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 73, "name": "laptop"},
+ {"color": [130, 114, 135], "isthing": 1, "id": 74, "name": "mouse"},
+ {"color": [110, 129, 133], "isthing": 1, "id": 75, "name": "remote"},
+ {"color": [166, 74, 118], "isthing": 1, "id": 76, "name": "keyboard"},
+ {"color": [219, 142, 185], "isthing": 1, "id": 77, "name": "cell phone"},
+ {"color": [79, 210, 114], "isthing": 1, "id": 78, "name": "microwave"},
+ {"color": [178, 90, 62], "isthing": 1, "id": 79, "name": "oven"},
+ {"color": [65, 70, 15], "isthing": 1, "id": 80, "name": "toaster"},
+ {"color": [127, 167, 115], "isthing": 1, "id": 81, "name": "sink"},
+ {"color": [59, 105, 106], "isthing": 1, "id": 82, "name": "refrigerator"},
+ {"color": [142, 108, 45], "isthing": 1, "id": 84, "name": "book"},
+ {"color": [196, 172, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 85, "name": "clock"},
+ {"color": [95, 54, 80], "isthing": 1, "id": 86, "name": "vase"},
+ {"color": [128, 76, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 87, "name": "scissors"},
+ {"color": [201, 57, 1], "isthing": 1, "id": 88, "name": "teddy bear"},
+ {"color": [246, 0, 122], "isthing": 1, "id": 89, "name": "hair drier"},
+ {"color": [191, 162, 208], "isthing": 1, "id": 90, "name": "toothbrush"},
+ {"color": [255, 255, 128], "isthing": 0, "id": 92, "name": "banner"},
+ {"color": [147, 211, 203], "isthing": 0, "id": 93, "name": "blanket"},
+ {"color": [150, 100, 100], "isthing": 0, "id": 95, "name": "bridge"},
+ {"color": [168, 171, 172], "isthing": 0, "id": 100, "name": "cardboard"},
+ {"color": [146, 112, 198], "isthing": 0, "id": 107, "name": "counter"},
+ {"color": [210, 170, 100], "isthing": 0, "id": 109, "name": "curtain"},
+ {"color": [92, 136, 89], "isthing": 0, "id": 112, "name": "door-stuff"},
+ {"color": [218, 88, 184], "isthing": 0, "id": 118, "name": "floor-wood"},
+ {"color": [241, 129, 0], "isthing": 0, "id": 119, "name": "flower"},
+ {"color": [217, 17, 255], "isthing": 0, "id": 122, "name": "fruit"},
+ {"color": [124, 74, 181], "isthing": 0, "id": 125, "name": "gravel"},
+ {"color": [70, 70, 70], "isthing": 0, "id": 128, "name": "house"},
+ {"color": [255, 228, 255], "isthing": 0, "id": 130, "name": "light"},
+ {"color": [154, 208, 0], "isthing": 0, "id": 133, "name": "mirror-stuff"},
+ {"color": [193, 0, 92], "isthing": 0, "id": 138, "name": "net"},
+ {"color": [76, 91, 113], "isthing": 0, "id": 141, "name": "pillow"},
+ {"color": [255, 180, 195], "isthing": 0, "id": 144, "name": "platform"},
+ {"color": [106, 154, 176], "isthing": 0, "id": 145, "name": "playingfield"},
+ {"color": [230, 150, 140], "isthing": 0, "id": 147, "name": "railroad"},
+ {"color": [60, 143, 255], "isthing": 0, "id": 148, "name": "river"},
+ {"color": [128, 64, 128], "isthing": 0, "id": 149, "name": "road"},
+ {"color": [92, 82, 55], "isthing": 0, "id": 151, "name": "roof"},
+ {"color": [254, 212, 124], "isthing": 0, "id": 154, "name": "sand"},
+ {"color": [73, 77, 174], "isthing": 0, "id": 155, "name": "sea"},
+ {"color": [255, 160, 98], "isthing": 0, "id": 156, "name": "shelf"},
+ {"color": [255, 255, 255], "isthing": 0, "id": 159, "name": "snow"},
+ {"color": [104, 84, 109], "isthing": 0, "id": 161, "name": "stairs"},
+ {"color": [169, 164, 131], "isthing": 0, "id": 166, "name": "tent"},
+ {"color": [225, 199, 255], "isthing": 0, "id": 168, "name": "towel"},
+ {"color": [137, 54, 74], "isthing": 0, "id": 171, "name": "wall-brick"},
+ {"color": [135, 158, 223], "isthing": 0, "id": 175, "name": "wall-stone"},
+ {"color": [7, 246, 231], "isthing": 0, "id": 176, "name": "wall-tile"},
+ {"color": [107, 255, 200], "isthing": 0, "id": 177, "name": "wall-wood"},
+ {"color": [58, 41, 149], "isthing": 0, "id": 178, "name": "water-other"},
+ {"color": [183, 121, 142], "isthing": 0, "id": 180, "name": "window-blind"},
+ {"color": [255, 73, 97], "isthing": 0, "id": 181, "name": "window-other"},
+ {"color": [107, 142, 35], "isthing": 0, "id": 184, "name": "tree-merged"},
+ {"color": [190, 153, 153], "isthing": 0, "id": 185, "name": "fence-merged"},
+ {"color": [146, 139, 141], "isthing": 0, "id": 186, "name": "ceiling-merged"},
+ {"color": [70, 130, 180], "isthing": 0, "id": 187, "name": "sky-other-merged"},
+ {"color": [134, 199, 156], "isthing": 0, "id": 188, "name": "cabinet-merged"},
+ {"color": [209, 226, 140], "isthing": 0, "id": 189, "name": "table-merged"},
+ {"color": [96, 36, 108], "isthing": 0, "id": 190, "name": "floor-other-merged"},
+ {"color": [96, 96, 96], "isthing": 0, "id": 191, "name": "pavement-merged"},
+ {"color": [64, 170, 64], "isthing": 0, "id": 192, "name": "mountain-merged"},
+ {"color": [152, 251, 152], "isthing": 0, "id": 193, "name": "grass-merged"},
+ {"color": [208, 229, 228], "isthing": 0, "id": 194, "name": "dirt-merged"},
+ {"color": [206, 186, 171], "isthing": 0, "id": 195, "name": "paper-merged"},
+ {"color": [152, 161, 64], "isthing": 0, "id": 196, "name": "food-other-merged"},
+ {"color": [116, 112, 0], "isthing": 0, "id": 197, "name": "building-other-merged"},
+ {"color": [0, 114, 143], "isthing": 0, "id": 198, "name": "rock-merged"},
+ {"color": [102, 102, 156], "isthing": 0, "id": 199, "name": "wall-other-merged"},
+ {"color": [250, 141, 255], "isthing": 0, "id": 200, "name": "rug-merged"},
+# fmt: off
+ "nose",
+ "left_eye", "right_eye",
+ "left_ear", "right_ear",
+ "left_shoulder", "right_shoulder",
+ "left_elbow", "right_elbow",
+ "left_wrist", "right_wrist",
+ "left_hip", "right_hip",
+ "left_knee", "right_knee",
+ "left_ankle", "right_ankle",
+# fmt: on
+# Pairs of keypoints that should be exchanged under horizontal flipping
+ ("left_eye", "right_eye"),
+ ("left_ear", "right_ear"),
+ ("left_shoulder", "right_shoulder"),
+ ("left_elbow", "right_elbow"),
+ ("left_wrist", "right_wrist"),
+ ("left_hip", "right_hip"),
+ ("left_knee", "right_knee"),
+ ("left_ankle", "right_ankle"),
+# rules for pairs of keypoints to draw a line between, and the line color to use.
+ # face
+ ("left_ear", "left_eye", (102, 204, 255)),
+ ("right_ear", "right_eye", (51, 153, 255)),
+ ("left_eye", "nose", (102, 0, 204)),
+ ("nose", "right_eye", (51, 102, 255)),
+ # upper-body
+ ("left_shoulder", "right_shoulder", (255, 128, 0)),
+ ("left_shoulder", "left_elbow", (153, 255, 204)),
+ ("right_shoulder", "right_elbow", (128, 229, 255)),
+ ("left_elbow", "left_wrist", (153, 255, 153)),
+ ("right_elbow", "right_wrist", (102, 255, 224)),
+ # lower-body
+ ("left_hip", "right_hip", (255, 102, 0)),
+ ("left_hip", "left_knee", (255, 255, 77)),
+ ("right_hip", "right_knee", (153, 255, 204)),
+ ("left_knee", "left_ankle", (191, 255, 128)),
+ ("right_knee", "right_ankle", (255, 195, 77)),
+def _get_coco_instances_meta():
+ thing_ids = [k["id"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 1]
+ thing_colors = [k["color"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 1]
+ assert len(thing_ids) == 80, len(thing_ids)
+ # Mapping from the incontiguous COCO category id to an id in [0, 79]
+ thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(thing_ids)}
+ thing_classes = [k["name"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 1]
+ ret = {
+ "thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id": thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id,
+ "thing_classes": thing_classes,
+ "thing_colors": thing_colors,
+ }
+ return ret
+def _get_coco_panoptic_separated_meta():
+ """
+ Returns metadata for "separated" version of the panoptic segmentation dataset.
+ """
+ stuff_ids = [k["id"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 0]
+ assert len(stuff_ids) == 53, len(stuff_ids)
+ # For semantic segmentation, this mapping maps from contiguous stuff id
+ # (in [0, 53], used in models) to ids in the dataset (used for processing results)
+ # The id 0 is mapped to an extra category "thing".
+ stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id = {k: i + 1 for i, k in enumerate(stuff_ids)}
+ # When converting COCO panoptic annotations to semantic annotations
+ # We label the "thing" category to 0
+ stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id[0] = 0
+ # 54 names for COCO stuff categories (including "things")
+ stuff_classes = ["things"] + [
+ k["name"].replace("-other", "").replace("-merged", "")
+ if k["isthing"] == 0
+ ]
+ # NOTE: I randomly picked a color for things
+ stuff_colors = [[82, 18, 128]] + [k["color"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 0]
+ ret = {
+ "stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id": stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id,
+ "stuff_classes": stuff_classes,
+ "stuff_colors": stuff_colors,
+ }
+ ret.update(_get_coco_instances_meta())
+ return ret
+def _get_builtin_metadata(dataset_name):
+ if dataset_name == "coco":
+ return _get_coco_instances_meta()
+ if dataset_name == "coco_panoptic_separated":
+ return _get_coco_panoptic_separated_meta()
+ elif dataset_name == "coco_person":
+ return {
+ "thing_classes": ["person"],
+ "keypoint_names": COCO_PERSON_KEYPOINT_NAMES,
+ "keypoint_flip_map": COCO_PERSON_KEYPOINT_FLIP_MAP,
+ "keypoint_connection_rules": KEYPOINT_CONNECTION_RULES,
+ }
+ elif dataset_name == "cityscapes":
+ # fmt: off
+ "person", "rider", "car", "truck",
+ "bus", "train", "motorcycle", "bicycle",
+ ]
+ "road", "sidewalk", "building", "wall", "fence", "pole", "traffic light",
+ "traffic sign", "vegetation", "terrain", "sky", "person", "rider", "car",
+ "truck", "bus", "train", "motorcycle", "bicycle", "license plate",
+ ]
+ # fmt: on
+ return {
+ "thing_classes": CITYSCAPES_THING_CLASSES,
+ "stuff_classes": CITYSCAPES_STUFF_CLASSES,
+ }
+ raise KeyError("No built-in metadata for dataset {}".format(dataset_name))
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/cityscapes.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/cityscapes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..062a555b959582eca525087ffc9859d298e926b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/cityscapes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import functools
+import json
+import logging
+import multiprocessing as mp
+import numpy as np
+import os
+from itertools import chain
+import pycocotools.mask as mask_util
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from PIL import Image
+from detectron2.structures import BoxMode
+from detectron2.utils.comm import get_world_size
+from detectron2.utils.logger import setup_logger
+ import cv2 # noqa
+except ImportError:
+ # OpenCV is an optional dependency at the moment
+ pass
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def get_cityscapes_files(image_dir, gt_dir):
+ files = []
+ # scan through the directory
+ cities = PathManager.ls(image_dir)
+ logger.info(f"{len(cities)} cities found in '{image_dir}'.")
+ for city in cities:
+ city_img_dir = os.path.join(image_dir, city)
+ city_gt_dir = os.path.join(gt_dir, city)
+ for basename in PathManager.ls(city_img_dir):
+ image_file = os.path.join(city_img_dir, basename)
+ suffix = "leftImg8bit.png"
+ assert basename.endswith(suffix)
+ basename = basename[: -len(suffix)]
+ instance_file = os.path.join(city_gt_dir, basename + "gtFine_instanceIds.png")
+ label_file = os.path.join(city_gt_dir, basename + "gtFine_labelIds.png")
+ json_file = os.path.join(city_gt_dir, basename + "gtFine_polygons.json")
+ files.append((image_file, instance_file, label_file, json_file))
+ assert len(files), "No images found in {}".format(image_dir)
+ for f in files[0]:
+ assert PathManager.isfile(f), f
+ return files
+def load_cityscapes_instances(image_dir, gt_dir, from_json=True, to_polygons=True):
+ """
+ Args:
+ image_dir (str): path to the raw dataset. e.g., "~/cityscapes/leftImg8bit/train".
+ gt_dir (str): path to the raw annotations. e.g., "~/cityscapes/gtFine/train".
+ from_json (bool): whether to read annotations from the raw json file or the png files.
+ to_polygons (bool): whether to represent the segmentation as polygons
+ (COCO's format) instead of masks (cityscapes's format).
+ Returns:
+ list[dict]: a list of dicts in Detectron2 standard format. (See
+ `Using Custom Datasets `_ )
+ """
+ if from_json:
+ assert to_polygons, (
+ "Cityscapes's json annotations are in polygon format. "
+ "Converting to mask format is not supported now."
+ )
+ files = get_cityscapes_files(image_dir, gt_dir)
+ logger.info("Preprocessing cityscapes annotations ...")
+ # This is still not fast: all workers will execute duplicate works and will
+ # take up to 10m on a 8GPU server.
+ pool = mp.Pool(processes=max(mp.cpu_count() // get_world_size() // 2, 4))
+ ret = pool.map(
+ functools.partial(cityscapes_files_to_dict, from_json=from_json, to_polygons=to_polygons),
+ files,
+ )
+ logger.info("Loaded {} images from {}".format(len(ret), image_dir))
+ # Map cityscape ids to contiguous ids
+ from cityscapesscripts.helpers.labels import labels
+ labels = [l for l in labels if l.hasInstances and not l.ignoreInEval]
+ dataset_id_to_contiguous_id = {l.id: idx for idx, l in enumerate(labels)}
+ for dict_per_image in ret:
+ for anno in dict_per_image["annotations"]:
+ anno["category_id"] = dataset_id_to_contiguous_id[anno["category_id"]]
+ return ret
+def load_cityscapes_semantic(image_dir, gt_dir):
+ """
+ Args:
+ image_dir (str): path to the raw dataset. e.g., "~/cityscapes/leftImg8bit/train".
+ gt_dir (str): path to the raw annotations. e.g., "~/cityscapes/gtFine/train".
+ Returns:
+ list[dict]: a list of dict, each has "file_name" and
+ "sem_seg_file_name".
+ """
+ ret = []
+ # gt_dir is small and contain many small files. make sense to fetch to local first
+ gt_dir = PathManager.get_local_path(gt_dir)
+ for image_file, _, label_file, json_file in get_cityscapes_files(image_dir, gt_dir):
+ label_file = label_file.replace("labelIds", "labelTrainIds")
+ with PathManager.open(json_file, "r") as f:
+ jsonobj = json.load(f)
+ ret.append(
+ {
+ "file_name": image_file,
+ "sem_seg_file_name": label_file,
+ "height": jsonobj["imgHeight"],
+ "width": jsonobj["imgWidth"],
+ }
+ )
+ assert len(ret), f"No images found in {image_dir}!"
+ assert PathManager.isfile(
+ ret[0]["sem_seg_file_name"]
+ ), "Please generate labelTrainIds.png with cityscapesscripts/preparation/createTrainIdLabelImgs.py" # noqa
+ return ret
+def cityscapes_files_to_dict(files, from_json, to_polygons):
+ """
+ Parse cityscapes annotation files to a instance segmentation dataset dict.
+ Args:
+ files (tuple): consists of (image_file, instance_id_file, label_id_file, json_file)
+ from_json (bool): whether to read annotations from the raw json file or the png files.
+ to_polygons (bool): whether to represent the segmentation as polygons
+ (COCO's format) instead of masks (cityscapes's format).
+ Returns:
+ A dict in Detectron2 Dataset format.
+ """
+ from cityscapesscripts.helpers.labels import id2label, name2label
+ image_file, instance_id_file, _, json_file = files
+ annos = []
+ if from_json:
+ from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon
+ with PathManager.open(json_file, "r") as f:
+ jsonobj = json.load(f)
+ ret = {
+ "file_name": image_file,
+ "image_id": os.path.basename(image_file),
+ "height": jsonobj["imgHeight"],
+ "width": jsonobj["imgWidth"],
+ }
+ # `polygons_union` contains the union of all valid polygons.
+ polygons_union = Polygon()
+ # CityscapesScripts draw the polygons in sequential order
+ # and each polygon *overwrites* existing ones. See
+ # (https://github.com/mcordts/cityscapesScripts/blob/master/cityscapesscripts/preparation/json2instanceImg.py) # noqa
+ # We use reverse order, and each polygon *avoids* early ones.
+ # This will resolve the ploygon overlaps in the same way as CityscapesScripts.
+ for obj in jsonobj["objects"][::-1]:
+ if "deleted" in obj: # cityscapes data format specific
+ continue
+ label_name = obj["label"]
+ try:
+ label = name2label[label_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ if label_name.endswith("group"): # crowd area
+ label = name2label[label_name[: -len("group")]]
+ else:
+ raise
+ if label.id < 0: # cityscapes data format
+ continue
+ # Cityscapes's raw annotations uses integer coordinates
+ # Therefore +0.5 here
+ poly_coord = np.asarray(obj["polygon"], dtype="f4") + 0.5
+ # CityscapesScript uses PIL.ImageDraw.polygon to rasterize
+ # polygons for evaluation. This function operates in integer space
+ # and draws each pixel whose center falls into the polygon.
+ # Therefore it draws a polygon which is 0.5 "fatter" in expectation.
+ # We therefore dilate the input polygon by 0.5 as our input.
+ poly = Polygon(poly_coord).buffer(0.5, resolution=4)
+ if not label.hasInstances or label.ignoreInEval:
+ # even if we won't store the polygon it still contributes to overlaps resolution
+ polygons_union = polygons_union.union(poly)
+ continue
+ # Take non-overlapping part of the polygon
+ poly_wo_overlaps = poly.difference(polygons_union)
+ if poly_wo_overlaps.is_empty:
+ continue
+ polygons_union = polygons_union.union(poly)
+ anno = {}
+ anno["iscrowd"] = label_name.endswith("group")
+ anno["category_id"] = label.id
+ if isinstance(poly_wo_overlaps, Polygon):
+ poly_list = [poly_wo_overlaps]
+ elif isinstance(poly_wo_overlaps, MultiPolygon):
+ poly_list = poly_wo_overlaps.geoms
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Unknown geometric structure {}".format(poly_wo_overlaps))
+ poly_coord = []
+ for poly_el in poly_list:
+ # COCO API can work only with exterior boundaries now, hence we store only them.
+ # TODO: store both exterior and interior boundaries once other parts of the
+ # codebase support holes in polygons.
+ poly_coord.append(list(chain(*poly_el.exterior.coords)))
+ anno["segmentation"] = poly_coord
+ (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = poly_wo_overlaps.bounds
+ anno["bbox"] = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
+ anno["bbox_mode"] = BoxMode.XYXY_ABS
+ annos.append(anno)
+ else:
+ # See also the official annotation parsing scripts at
+ # https://github.com/mcordts/cityscapesScripts/blob/master/cityscapesscripts/evaluation/instances2dict.py # noqa
+ with PathManager.open(instance_id_file, "rb") as f:
+ inst_image = np.asarray(Image.open(f), order="F")
+ # ids < 24 are stuff labels (filtering them first is about 5% faster)
+ flattened_ids = np.unique(inst_image[inst_image >= 24])
+ ret = {
+ "file_name": image_file,
+ "image_id": os.path.basename(image_file),
+ "height": inst_image.shape[0],
+ "width": inst_image.shape[1],
+ }
+ for instance_id in flattened_ids:
+ # For non-crowd annotations, instance_id // 1000 is the label_id
+ # Crowd annotations have <1000 instance ids
+ label_id = instance_id // 1000 if instance_id >= 1000 else instance_id
+ label = id2label[label_id]
+ if not label.hasInstances or label.ignoreInEval:
+ continue
+ anno = {}
+ anno["iscrowd"] = instance_id < 1000
+ anno["category_id"] = label.id
+ mask = np.asarray(inst_image == instance_id, dtype=np.uint8, order="F")
+ inds = np.nonzero(mask)
+ ymin, ymax = inds[0].min(), inds[0].max()
+ xmin, xmax = inds[1].min(), inds[1].max()
+ anno["bbox"] = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
+ if xmax <= xmin or ymax <= ymin:
+ continue
+ anno["bbox_mode"] = BoxMode.XYXY_ABS
+ if to_polygons:
+ # This conversion comes from D4809743 and D5171122,
+ # when Mask-RCNN was first developed.
+ contours = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[
+ -2
+ ]
+ polygons = [c.reshape(-1).tolist() for c in contours if len(c) >= 3]
+ # opencv's can produce invalid polygons
+ if len(polygons) == 0:
+ continue
+ anno["segmentation"] = polygons
+ else:
+ anno["segmentation"] = mask_util.encode(mask[:, :, None])[0]
+ annos.append(anno)
+ ret["annotations"] = annos
+ return ret
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ """
+ Test the cityscapes dataset loader.
+ Usage:
+ python -m detectron2.data.data.cityscapes \
+ cityscapes/leftImg8bit/train cityscapes/gtFine/train
+ """
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("image_dir")
+ parser.add_argument("gt_dir")
+ parser.add_argument("--type", choices=["instance", "semantic"], default="instance")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ from detectron2.data.catalog import Metadata
+ from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer
+ from cityscapesscripts.helpers.labels import labels
+ logger = setup_logger(name=__name__)
+ dirname = "cityscapes-data-vis"
+ os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
+ if args.type == "instance":
+ dicts = load_cityscapes_instances(
+ args.image_dir, args.gt_dir, from_json=True, to_polygons=True
+ )
+ logger.info("Done loading {} samples.".format(len(dicts)))
+ thing_classes = [k.name for k in labels if k.hasInstances and not k.ignoreInEval]
+ meta = Metadata().set(thing_classes=thing_classes)
+ else:
+ dicts = load_cityscapes_semantic(args.image_dir, args.gt_dir)
+ logger.info("Done loading {} samples.".format(len(dicts)))
+ stuff_names = [k.name for k in labels if k.trainId != 255]
+ stuff_colors = [k.color for k in labels if k.trainId != 255]
+ meta = Metadata().set(stuff_names=stuff_names, stuff_colors=stuff_colors)
+ for d in dicts:
+ img = np.array(Image.open(PathManager.open(d["file_name"], "rb")))
+ visualizer = Visualizer(img, metadata=meta)
+ vis = visualizer.draw_dataset_dict(d)
+ # cv2.imshow("a", vis.get_image()[:, :, ::-1])
+ # cv2.waitKey()
+ fpath = os.path.join(dirname, os.path.basename(d["file_name"]))
+ vis.save(fpath)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/coco.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/coco.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6f099e778e34cf89d267e13424d4f69240b7878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/coco.py
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import contextlib
+import datetime
+import io
+import json
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import pycocotools.mask as mask_util
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager, file_lock
+from fvcore.common.timer import Timer
+from PIL import Image
+from detectron2.structures import Boxes, BoxMode, PolygonMasks
+from .. import DatasetCatalog, MetadataCatalog
+This file contains functions to parse COCO-format annotations into dicts in "Detectron2 format".
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+__all__ = ["load_coco_json", "load_sem_seg", "convert_to_coco_json"]
+def load_coco_json(json_file, image_root, dataset_name=None, extra_annotation_keys=None):
+ """
+ Load a json file with COCO's instances annotation format.
+ Currently supports instance detection, instance segmentation,
+ and person keypoints annotations.
+ Args:
+ json_file (str): full path to the json file in COCO instances annotation format.
+ image_root (str or path-like): the directory where the images in this json file exists.
+ dataset_name (str): the name of the dataset (e.g., coco_2017_train).
+ If provided, this function will also put "thing_classes" into
+ the metadata associated with this dataset.
+ extra_annotation_keys (list[str]): list of per-annotation keys that should also be
+ loaded into the dataset dict (besides "iscrowd", "bbox", "keypoints",
+ "category_id", "segmentation"). The values for these keys will be returned as-is.
+ For example, the densepose annotations are loaded in this way.
+ Returns:
+ list[dict]: a list of dicts in Detectron2 standard dataset dicts format. (See
+ `Using Custom Datasets `_ )
+ Notes:
+ 1. This function does not read the image files.
+ The results do not have the "image" field.
+ """
+ from pycocotools.coco import COCO
+ timer = Timer()
+ json_file = PathManager.get_local_path(json_file)
+ with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()):
+ coco_api = COCO(json_file)
+ if timer.seconds() > 1:
+ logger.info("Loading {} takes {:.2f} seconds.".format(json_file, timer.seconds()))
+ id_map = None
+ if dataset_name is not None:
+ meta = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name)
+ cat_ids = sorted(coco_api.getCatIds())
+ cats = coco_api.loadCats(cat_ids)
+ # The categories in a custom json file may not be sorted.
+ thing_classes = [c["name"] for c in sorted(cats, key=lambda x: x["id"])]
+ meta.thing_classes = thing_classes
+ # In COCO, certain category ids are artificially removed,
+ # and by convention they are always ignored.
+ # We deal with COCO's id issue and translate
+ # the category ids to contiguous ids in [0, 80).
+ # It works by looking at the "categories" field in the json, therefore
+ # if users' own json also have incontiguous ids, we'll
+ # apply this mapping as well but print a warning.
+ if not (min(cat_ids) == 1 and max(cat_ids) == len(cat_ids)):
+ if "coco" not in dataset_name:
+ logger.warning(
+ """
+Category ids in annotations are not in [1, #categories]! We'll apply a mapping for you.
+ )
+ id_map = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(cat_ids)}
+ meta.thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id = id_map
+ # sort indices for reproducible results
+ img_ids = sorted(coco_api.imgs.keys())
+ # imgs is a list of dicts, each looks something like:
+ # {'license': 4,
+ # 'url': 'http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5454/9413846304_881d5e5c3b_z.jpg',
+ # 'file_name': 'COCO_val2014_000000001268.jpg',
+ # 'height': 427,
+ # 'width': 640,
+ # 'date_captured': '2013-11-17 05:57:24',
+ # 'id': 1268}
+ imgs = coco_api.loadImgs(img_ids)
+ # anns is a list[list[dict]], where each dict is an annotation
+ # record for an object. The inner list enumerates the objects in an image
+ # and the outer list enumerates over images. Example of anns[0]:
+ # [{'segmentation': [[192.81,
+ # 247.09,
+ # ...
+ # 219.03,
+ # 249.06]],
+ # 'area': 1035.749,
+ # 'iscrowd': 0,
+ # 'image_id': 1268,
+ # 'bbox': [192.81, 224.8, 74.73, 33.43],
+ # 'category_id': 16,
+ # 'id': 42986},
+ # ...]
+ anns = [coco_api.imgToAnns[img_id] for img_id in img_ids]
+ if "minival" not in json_file:
+ # The popular valminusminival & minival annotations for COCO2014 contain this bug.
+ # However the ratio of buggy annotations there is tiny and does not affect accuracy.
+ # Therefore we explicitly white-list them.
+ ann_ids = [ann["id"] for anns_per_image in anns for ann in anns_per_image]
+ assert len(set(ann_ids)) == len(ann_ids), "Annotation ids in '{}' are not unique!".format(
+ json_file
+ )
+ imgs_anns = list(zip(imgs, anns))
+ logger.info("Loaded {} images in COCO format from {}".format(len(imgs_anns), json_file))
+ dataset_dicts = []
+ ann_keys = ["iscrowd", "bbox", "keypoints", "category_id"] + (extra_annotation_keys or [])
+ num_instances_without_valid_segmentation = 0
+ for (img_dict, anno_dict_list) in imgs_anns:
+ record = {}
+ record["file_name"] = os.path.join(image_root, img_dict["file_name"])
+ record["height"] = img_dict["height"]
+ record["width"] = img_dict["width"]
+ image_id = record["image_id"] = img_dict["id"]
+ objs = []
+ for anno in anno_dict_list:
+ # Check that the image_id in this annotation is the same as
+ # the image_id we're looking at.
+ # This fails only when the data parsing logic or the annotation file is buggy.
+ # The original COCO valminusminival2014 & minival2014 annotation files
+ # actually contains bugs that, together with certain ways of using COCO API,
+ # can trigger this assertion.
+ assert anno["image_id"] == image_id
+ assert anno.get("ignore", 0) == 0, '"ignore" in COCO json file is not supported.'
+ obj = {key: anno[key] for key in ann_keys if key in anno}
+ segm = anno.get("segmentation", None)
+ if segm: # either list[list[float]] or dict(RLE)
+ if not isinstance(segm, dict):
+ # filter out invalid polygons (< 3 points)
+ segm = [poly for poly in segm if len(poly) % 2 == 0 and len(poly) >= 6]
+ if len(segm) == 0:
+ num_instances_without_valid_segmentation += 1
+ continue # ignore this instance
+ obj["segmentation"] = segm
+ keypts = anno.get("keypoints", None)
+ if keypts: # list[int]
+ for idx, v in enumerate(keypts):
+ if idx % 3 != 2:
+ # COCO's segmentation coordinates are floating points in [0, H or W],
+ # but keypoint coordinates are integers in [0, H-1 or W-1]
+ # Therefore we assume the coordinates are "pixel indices" and
+ # add 0.5 to convert to floating point coordinates.
+ keypts[idx] = v + 0.5
+ obj["keypoints"] = keypts
+ obj["bbox_mode"] = BoxMode.XYWH_ABS
+ if id_map:
+ obj["category_id"] = id_map[obj["category_id"]]
+ objs.append(obj)
+ record["annotations"] = objs
+ dataset_dicts.append(record)
+ if num_instances_without_valid_segmentation > 0:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Filtered out {} instances without valid segmentation. "
+ "There might be issues in your dataset generation process.".format(
+ num_instances_without_valid_segmentation
+ )
+ )
+ return dataset_dicts
+def load_sem_seg(gt_root, image_root, gt_ext="png", image_ext="jpg"):
+ """
+ Load semantic segmentation data. All files under "gt_root" with "gt_ext" extension are
+ treated as ground truth annotations and all files under "image_root" with "image_ext" extension
+ as input images. Ground truth and input images are matched using file paths relative to
+ "gt_root" and "image_root" respectively without taking into account file extensions.
+ This works for COCO as well as some other data.
+ Args:
+ gt_root (str): full path to ground truth semantic segmentation files. Semantic segmentation
+ annotations are stored as images with integer values in pixels that represent
+ corresponding semantic labels.
+ image_root (str): the directory where the input images are.
+ gt_ext (str): file extension for ground truth annotations.
+ image_ext (str): file extension for input images.
+ Returns:
+ list[dict]:
+ a list of dicts in detectron2 standard format without instance-level
+ annotation.
+ Notes:
+ 1. This function does not read the image and ground truth files.
+ The results do not have the "image" and "sem_seg" fields.
+ """
+ # We match input images with ground truth based on their relative filepaths (without file
+ # extensions) starting from 'image_root' and 'gt_root' respectively.
+ def file2id(folder_path, file_path):
+ # extract relative path starting from `folder_path`
+ image_id = os.path.normpath(os.path.relpath(file_path, start=folder_path))
+ # remove file extension
+ image_id = os.path.splitext(image_id)[0]
+ return image_id
+ input_files = sorted(
+ (os.path.join(image_root, f) for f in PathManager.ls(image_root) if f.endswith(image_ext)),
+ key=lambda file_path: file2id(image_root, file_path),
+ )
+ gt_files = sorted(
+ (os.path.join(gt_root, f) for f in PathManager.ls(gt_root) if f.endswith(gt_ext)),
+ key=lambda file_path: file2id(gt_root, file_path),
+ )
+ assert len(gt_files) > 0, "No annotations found in {}.".format(gt_root)
+ # Use the intersection, so that val2017_100 annotations can run smoothly with val2017 images
+ if len(input_files) != len(gt_files):
+ logger.warn(
+ "Directory {} and {} has {} and {} files, respectively.".format(
+ image_root, gt_root, len(input_files), len(gt_files)
+ )
+ )
+ input_basenames = [os.path.basename(f)[: -len(image_ext)] for f in input_files]
+ gt_basenames = [os.path.basename(f)[: -len(gt_ext)] for f in gt_files]
+ intersect = list(set(input_basenames) & set(gt_basenames))
+ # sort, otherwise each worker may obtain a list[dict] in different order
+ intersect = sorted(intersect)
+ logger.warn("Will use their intersection of {} files.".format(len(intersect)))
+ input_files = [os.path.join(image_root, f + image_ext) for f in intersect]
+ gt_files = [os.path.join(gt_root, f + gt_ext) for f in intersect]
+ logger.info(
+ "Loaded {} images with semantic segmentation from {}".format(len(input_files), image_root)
+ )
+ dataset_dicts = []
+ for (img_path, gt_path) in zip(input_files, gt_files):
+ record = {}
+ record["file_name"] = img_path
+ record["sem_seg_file_name"] = gt_path
+ dataset_dicts.append(record)
+ return dataset_dicts
+def convert_to_coco_dict(dataset_name):
+ """
+ Convert an instance detection/segmentation or keypoint detection dataset
+ in detectron2's standard format into COCO json format.
+ Generic dataset description can be found here:
+ https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/tutorials/datasets.html#register-a-dataset
+ COCO data format description can be found here:
+ http://cocodataset.org/#format-data
+ Args:
+ dataset_name (str):
+ name of the source dataset
+ Must be registered in DatastCatalog and in detectron2's standard format.
+ Must have corresponding metadata "thing_classes"
+ Returns:
+ coco_dict: serializable dict in COCO json format
+ """
+ dataset_dicts = DatasetCatalog.get(dataset_name)
+ metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name)
+ # unmap the category mapping ids for COCO
+ if hasattr(metadata, "thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id"):
+ reverse_id_mapping = {v: k for k, v in metadata.thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id.items()}
+ reverse_id_mapper = lambda contiguous_id: reverse_id_mapping[contiguous_id] # noqa
+ else:
+ reverse_id_mapper = lambda contiguous_id: contiguous_id # noqa
+ categories = [
+ {"id": reverse_id_mapper(id), "name": name}
+ for id, name in enumerate(metadata.thing_classes)
+ ]
+ logger.info("Converting dataset dicts into COCO format")
+ coco_images = []
+ coco_annotations = []
+ for image_id, image_dict in enumerate(dataset_dicts):
+ coco_image = {
+ "id": image_dict.get("image_id", image_id),
+ "width": image_dict["width"],
+ "height": image_dict["height"],
+ "file_name": image_dict["file_name"],
+ }
+ coco_images.append(coco_image)
+ anns_per_image = image_dict["annotations"]
+ for annotation in anns_per_image:
+ # create a new dict with only COCO fields
+ coco_annotation = {}
+ # COCO requirement: XYWH box format
+ bbox = annotation["bbox"]
+ bbox_mode = annotation["bbox_mode"]
+ bbox = BoxMode.convert(bbox, bbox_mode, BoxMode.XYWH_ABS)
+ # COCO requirement: instance area
+ if "segmentation" in annotation:
+ # Computing areas for instances by counting the pixels
+ segmentation = annotation["segmentation"]
+ # TODO: check segmentation type: RLE, BinaryMask or Polygon
+ if isinstance(segmentation, list):
+ polygons = PolygonMasks([segmentation])
+ area = polygons.area()[0].item()
+ elif isinstance(segmentation, dict): # RLE
+ area = mask_util.area(segmentation).item()
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(f"Unknown segmentation type {type(segmentation)}!")
+ else:
+ # Computing areas using bounding boxes
+ bbox_xy = BoxMode.convert(bbox, BoxMode.XYWH_ABS, BoxMode.XYXY_ABS)
+ area = Boxes([bbox_xy]).area()[0].item()
+ if "keypoints" in annotation:
+ keypoints = annotation["keypoints"] # list[int]
+ for idx, v in enumerate(keypoints):
+ if idx % 3 != 2:
+ # COCO's segmentation coordinates are floating points in [0, H or W],
+ # but keypoint coordinates are integers in [0, H-1 or W-1]
+ # For COCO format consistency we substract 0.5
+ # https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/pull/175#issuecomment-551202163
+ keypoints[idx] = v - 0.5
+ if "num_keypoints" in annotation:
+ num_keypoints = annotation["num_keypoints"]
+ else:
+ num_keypoints = sum(kp > 0 for kp in keypoints[2::3])
+ # COCO requirement:
+ # linking annotations to images
+ # "id" field must start with 1
+ coco_annotation["id"] = len(coco_annotations) + 1
+ coco_annotation["image_id"] = coco_image["id"]
+ coco_annotation["bbox"] = [round(float(x), 3) for x in bbox]
+ coco_annotation["area"] = float(area)
+ coco_annotation["iscrowd"] = annotation.get("iscrowd", 0)
+ coco_annotation["category_id"] = reverse_id_mapper(annotation["category_id"])
+ # Add optional fields
+ if "keypoints" in annotation:
+ coco_annotation["keypoints"] = keypoints
+ coco_annotation["num_keypoints"] = num_keypoints
+ if "segmentation" in annotation:
+ coco_annotation["segmentation"] = annotation["segmentation"]
+ if isinstance(coco_annotation["segmentation"], dict): # RLE
+ coco_annotation["segmentation"]["counts"] = coco_annotation["segmentation"][
+ "counts"
+ ].decode("ascii")
+ coco_annotations.append(coco_annotation)
+ logger.info(
+ "Conversion finished, "
+ f"#images: {len(coco_images)}, #annotations: {len(coco_annotations)}"
+ )
+ info = {
+ "date_created": str(datetime.datetime.now()),
+ "description": "Automatically generated COCO json file for Detectron2.",
+ }
+ coco_dict = {
+ "info": info,
+ "images": coco_images,
+ "annotations": coco_annotations,
+ "categories": categories,
+ "licenses": None,
+ }
+ return coco_dict
+def convert_to_coco_json(dataset_name, output_file, allow_cached=True):
+ """
+ Converts dataset into COCO format and saves it to a json file.
+ dataset_name must be registered in DatasetCatalog and in detectron2's standard format.
+ Args:
+ dataset_name:
+ reference from the config file to the catalogs
+ must be registered in DatasetCatalog and in detectron2's standard format
+ output_file: path of json file that will be saved to
+ allow_cached: if json file is already present then skip conversion
+ """
+ # TODO: The dataset or the conversion script *may* change,
+ # a checksum would be useful for validating the cached data
+ PathManager.mkdirs(os.path.dirname(output_file))
+ with file_lock(output_file):
+ if PathManager.exists(output_file) and allow_cached:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Using previously cached COCO format annotations at '{output_file}'. "
+ "You need to clear the cache file if your dataset has been modified."
+ )
+ else:
+ logger.info(f"Converting annotations of dataset '{dataset_name}' to COCO format ...)")
+ coco_dict = convert_to_coco_dict(dataset_name)
+ logger.info(f"Caching COCO format annotations at '{output_file}' ...")
+ with PathManager.open(output_file, "w") as f:
+ json.dump(coco_dict, f)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ """
+ Test the COCO json dataset loader.
+ Usage:
+ python -m detectron2.data.data.coco \
+ path/to/json path/to/image_root dataset_name
+ "dataset_name" can be "coco_2014_minival_100", or other
+ pre-registered ones
+ """
+ from detectron2.utils.logger import setup_logger
+ from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer
+ import detectron2.data.datasets # noqa # add pre-defined metadata
+ import sys
+ logger = setup_logger(name=__name__)
+ assert sys.argv[3] in DatasetCatalog.list()
+ meta = MetadataCatalog.get(sys.argv[3])
+ dicts = load_coco_json(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
+ logger.info("Done loading {} samples.".format(len(dicts)))
+ dirname = "coco-data-vis"
+ os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
+ for d in dicts:
+ img = np.array(Image.open(d["file_name"]))
+ visualizer = Visualizer(img, metadata=meta)
+ vis = visualizer.draw_dataset_dict(d)
+ fpath = os.path.join(dirname, os.path.basename(d["file_name"]))
+ vis.save(fpath)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/lvis.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/lvis.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b95be350a775af78aa6412f560a29e825ba61a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/lvis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import logging
+import os
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from fvcore.common.timer import Timer
+from detectron2.data import DatasetCatalog, MetadataCatalog
+from detectron2.structures import BoxMode
+from .builtin_meta import _get_coco_instances_meta
+from .lvis_v0_5_categories import LVIS_CATEGORIES
+This file contains functions to parse LVIS-format annotations into dicts in the
+"Detectron2 format".
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+__all__ = ["load_lvis_json", "register_lvis_instances", "get_lvis_instances_meta"]
+def register_lvis_instances(name, metadata, json_file, image_root):
+ """
+ Register a dataset in LVIS's json annotation format for instance detection and segmentation.
+ Args:
+ name (str): a name that identifies the dataset, e.g. "lvis_v0.5_train".
+ metadata (dict): extra metadata associated with this dataset. It can be an empty dict.
+ json_file (str): path to the json instance annotation file.
+ image_root (str or path-like): directory which contains all the images.
+ """
+ DatasetCatalog.register(name, lambda: load_lvis_json(json_file, image_root, name))
+ MetadataCatalog.get(name).set(
+ json_file=json_file, image_root=image_root, evaluator_type="lvis", **metadata
+ )
+def load_lvis_json(json_file, image_root, dataset_name=None):
+ """
+ Load a json file in LVIS's annotation format.
+ Args:
+ json_file (str): full path to the LVIS json annotation file.
+ image_root (str): the directory where the images in this json file exists.
+ dataset_name (str): the name of the dataset (e.g., "lvis_v0.5_train").
+ If provided, this function will put "thing_classes" into the metadata
+ associated with this dataset.
+ Returns:
+ list[dict]: a list of dicts in Detectron2 standard format. (See
+ `Using Custom Datasets `_ )
+ Notes:
+ 1. This function does not read the image files.
+ The results do not have the "image" field.
+ """
+ from lvis import LVIS
+ json_file = PathManager.get_local_path(json_file)
+ timer = Timer()
+ lvis_api = LVIS(json_file)
+ if timer.seconds() > 1:
+ logger.info("Loading {} takes {:.2f} seconds.".format(json_file, timer.seconds()))
+ if dataset_name is not None:
+ meta = get_lvis_instances_meta(dataset_name)
+ MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name).set(**meta)
+ # sort indices for reproducible results
+ img_ids = sorted(lvis_api.imgs.keys())
+ # imgs is a list of dicts, each looks something like:
+ # {'license': 4,
+ # 'url': 'http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5454/9413846304_881d5e5c3b_z.jpg',
+ # 'file_name': 'COCO_val2014_000000001268.jpg',
+ # 'height': 427,
+ # 'width': 640,
+ # 'date_captured': '2013-11-17 05:57:24',
+ # 'id': 1268}
+ imgs = lvis_api.load_imgs(img_ids)
+ # anns is a list[list[dict]], where each dict is an annotation
+ # record for an object. The inner list enumerates the objects in an image
+ # and the outer list enumerates over images. Example of anns[0]:
+ # [{'segmentation': [[192.81,
+ # 247.09,
+ # ...
+ # 219.03,
+ # 249.06]],
+ # 'area': 1035.749,
+ # 'image_id': 1268,
+ # 'bbox': [192.81, 224.8, 74.73, 33.43],
+ # 'category_id': 16,
+ # 'id': 42986},
+ # ...]
+ anns = [lvis_api.img_ann_map[img_id] for img_id in img_ids]
+ # Sanity check that each annotation has a unique id
+ ann_ids = [ann["id"] for anns_per_image in anns for ann in anns_per_image]
+ assert len(set(ann_ids)) == len(ann_ids), "Annotation ids in '{}' are not unique".format(
+ json_file
+ )
+ imgs_anns = list(zip(imgs, anns))
+ logger.info("Loaded {} images in the LVIS format from {}".format(len(imgs_anns), json_file))
+ dataset_dicts = []
+ for (img_dict, anno_dict_list) in imgs_anns:
+ record = {}
+ file_name = img_dict["file_name"]
+ if img_dict["file_name"].startswith("COCO"):
+ # Convert form the COCO 2014 file naming convention of
+ # COCO_[train/val/test]2014_000000000000.jpg to the 2017 naming convention of
+ # 000000000000.jpg (LVIS v1 will fix this naming issue)
+ file_name = file_name[-16:]
+ record["file_name"] = os.path.join(image_root, file_name)
+ record["height"] = img_dict["height"]
+ record["width"] = img_dict["width"]
+ record["not_exhaustive_category_ids"] = img_dict.get("not_exhaustive_category_ids", [])
+ record["neg_category_ids"] = img_dict.get("neg_category_ids", [])
+ image_id = record["image_id"] = img_dict["id"]
+ objs = []
+ for anno in anno_dict_list:
+ # Check that the image_id in this annotation is the same as
+ # the image_id we're looking at.
+ # This fails only when the data parsing logic or the annotation file is buggy.
+ assert anno["image_id"] == image_id
+ obj = {"bbox": anno["bbox"], "bbox_mode": BoxMode.XYWH_ABS}
+ obj["category_id"] = anno["category_id"] - 1 # Convert 1-indexed to 0-indexed
+ segm = anno["segmentation"] # list[list[float]]
+ # filter out invalid polygons (< 3 points)
+ valid_segm = [poly for poly in segm if len(poly) % 2 == 0 and len(poly) >= 6]
+ assert len(segm) == len(
+ valid_segm
+ ), "Annotation contains an invalid polygon with < 3 points"
+ assert len(segm) > 0
+ obj["segmentation"] = segm
+ objs.append(obj)
+ record["annotations"] = objs
+ dataset_dicts.append(record)
+ return dataset_dicts
+def get_lvis_instances_meta(dataset_name):
+ """
+ Load LVIS metadata.
+ Args:
+ dataset_name (str): LVIS dataset name without the split name (e.g., "lvis_v0.5").
+ Returns:
+ dict: LVIS metadata with keys: thing_classes
+ """
+ if "cocofied" in dataset_name:
+ return _get_coco_instances_meta()
+ if "v0.5" in dataset_name:
+ return _get_lvis_instances_meta_v0_5()
+ # There will be a v1 in the future
+ # elif dataset_name == "lvis_v1":
+ # return get_lvis_instances_meta_v1()
+ raise ValueError("No built-in metadata for dataset {}".format(dataset_name))
+def _get_lvis_instances_meta_v0_5():
+ assert len(LVIS_CATEGORIES) == 1230
+ cat_ids = [k["id"] for k in LVIS_CATEGORIES]
+ assert min(cat_ids) == 1 and max(cat_ids) == len(
+ cat_ids
+ ), "Category ids are not in [1, #categories], as expected"
+ # Ensure that the category list is sorted by id
+ lvis_categories = sorted(LVIS_CATEGORIES, key=lambda x: x["id"])
+ thing_classes = [k["synonyms"][0] for k in lvis_categories]
+ meta = {"thing_classes": thing_classes}
+ return meta
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ """
+ Test the LVIS json dataset loader.
+ Usage:
+ python -m detectron2.data.data.lvis \
+ path/to/json path/to/image_root dataset_name vis_limit
+ """
+ import sys
+ import numpy as np
+ from detectron2.utils.logger import setup_logger
+ from PIL import Image
+ import detectron2.data.datasets # noqa # add pre-defined metadata
+ from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer
+ logger = setup_logger(name=__name__)
+ meta = MetadataCatalog.get(sys.argv[3])
+ dicts = load_lvis_json(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
+ logger.info("Done loading {} samples.".format(len(dicts)))
+ dirname = "lvis-data-vis"
+ os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
+ for d in dicts[: int(sys.argv[4])]:
+ img = np.array(Image.open(d["file_name"]))
+ visualizer = Visualizer(img, metadata=meta)
+ vis = visualizer.draw_dataset_dict(d)
+ fpath = os.path.join(dirname, os.path.basename(d["file_name"]))
+ vis.save(fpath)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/lvis_v0_5_categories.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/lvis_v0_5_categories.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8205e605f85dab3674c6f1600d7675eef86b160f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/lvis_v0_5_categories.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+# Autogen with
+# with open("lvis_v0.5_val.json", "r") as f:
+# a = json.load(f)
+# c = a["categories"]
+# for x in c:
+# del x["image_count"]
+# del x["instance_count"]
+# LVIS_CATEGORIES = repr(c) + " # noqa"
+# fmt: off
+LVIS_CATEGORIES = [{'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1, 'synset': 'acorn.n.01', 'synonyms': ['acorn'], 'def': 'nut from an oak tree', 'name': 'acorn'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 2, 'synset': 'aerosol.n.02', 'synonyms': ['aerosol_can', 'spray_can'], 'def': 'a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure', 'name': 'aerosol_can'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 3, 'synset': 'air_conditioner.n.01', 'synonyms': ['air_conditioner'], 'def': 'a machine that keeps air cool and dry', 'name': 'air_conditioner'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 4, 'synset': 'airplane.n.01', 'synonyms': ['airplane', 'aeroplane'], 'def': 'an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets', 'name': 'airplane'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 5, 'synset': 'alarm_clock.n.01', 'synonyms': ['alarm_clock'], 'def': 'a clock that wakes a sleeper at some preset time', 'name': 'alarm_clock'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 6, 'synset': 'alcohol.n.01', 'synonyms': ['alcohol', 'alcoholic_beverage'], 'def': 'a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent', 'name': 'alcohol'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 7, 'synset': 'alligator.n.02', 'synonyms': ['alligator', 'gator'], 'def': 'amphibious reptiles related to crocodiles but with shorter broader snouts', 'name': 'alligator'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 8, 'synset': 'almond.n.02', 'synonyms': ['almond'], 'def': 'oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree', 'name': 'almond'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 9, 'synset': 'ambulance.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ambulance'], 'def': 'a vehicle that takes people to and from hospitals', 'name': 'ambulance'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 10, 'synset': 'amplifier.n.01', 'synonyms': ['amplifier'], 'def': 'electronic equipment that increases strength of signals', 'name': 'amplifier'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 11, 'synset': 'anklet.n.03', 'synonyms': ['anklet', 'ankle_bracelet'], 'def': 'an ornament worn around the ankle', 'name': 'anklet'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 12, 'synset': 'antenna.n.01', 'synonyms': ['antenna', 'aerial', 'transmitting_aerial'], 'def': 'an electrical device that sends or receives radio or television signals', 'name': 'antenna'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 13, 'synset': 'apple.n.01', 'synonyms': ['apple'], 'def': 'fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh', 'name': 'apple'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 14, 'synset': 'apple_juice.n.01', 'synonyms': ['apple_juice'], 'def': 'the juice of apples', 'name': 'apple_juice'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 15, 'synset': 'applesauce.n.01', 'synonyms': ['applesauce'], 'def': 'puree of stewed apples usually sweetened and spiced', 'name': 'applesauce'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 16, 'synset': 'apricot.n.02', 'synonyms': ['apricot'], 'def': 'downy yellow to rosy-colored fruit resembling a small peach', 'name': 'apricot'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 17, 'synset': 'apron.n.01', 'synonyms': ['apron'], 'def': 'a garment of cloth that is tied about the waist and worn to protect clothing', 'name': 'apron'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 18, 'synset': 'aquarium.n.01', 'synonyms': ['aquarium', 'fish_tank'], 'def': 'a tank/pool/bowl filled with water for keeping live fish and underwater animals', 'name': 'aquarium'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 19, 'synset': 'armband.n.02', 'synonyms': ['armband'], 'def': 'a band worn around the upper arm', 'name': 'armband'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 20, 'synset': 'armchair.n.01', 'synonyms': ['armchair'], 'def': 'chair with a support on each side for arms', 'name': 'armchair'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 21, 'synset': 'armoire.n.01', 'synonyms': ['armoire'], 'def': 'a large wardrobe or cabinet', 'name': 'armoire'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 22, 'synset': 'armor.n.01', 'synonyms': ['armor', 'armour'], 'def': 'protective covering made of metal and used in combat', 'name': 'armor'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 23, 'synset': 'artichoke.n.02', 'synonyms': ['artichoke'], 'def': 'a thistlelike flower head with edible fleshy leaves and heart', 'name': 'artichoke'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 24, 'synset': 'ashcan.n.01', 'synonyms': ['trash_can', 'garbage_can', 'wastebin', 'dustbin', 'trash_barrel', 'trash_bin'], 'def': 'a bin that holds rubbish until it is collected', 'name': 'trash_can'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 25, 'synset': 'ashtray.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ashtray'], 'def': "a receptacle for the ash from smokers' cigars or cigarettes", 'name': 'ashtray'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 26, 'synset': 'asparagus.n.02', 'synonyms': ['asparagus'], 'def': 'edible young shoots of the asparagus plant', 'name': 'asparagus'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 27, 'synset': 'atomizer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['atomizer', 'atomiser', 'spray', 'sprayer', 'nebulizer', 'nebuliser'], 'def': 'a dispenser that turns a liquid (such as perfume) into a fine mist', 'name': 'atomizer'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 28, 'synset': 'avocado.n.01', 'synonyms': ['avocado'], 'def': 'a pear-shaped fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed', 'name': 'avocado'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 29, 'synset': 'award.n.02', 'synonyms': ['award', 'accolade'], 'def': 'a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction', 'name': 'award'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 30, 'synset': 'awning.n.01', 'synonyms': ['awning'], 'def': 'a canopy made of canvas to shelter people or things from rain or sun', 'name': 'awning'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 31, 'synset': 'ax.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ax', 'axe'], 'def': 'an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle', 'name': 'ax'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 32, 'synset': 'baby_buggy.n.01', 'synonyms': ['baby_buggy', 'baby_carriage', 'perambulator', 'pram', 'stroller'], 'def': 'a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around', 'name': 'baby_buggy'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 33, 'synset': 'backboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['basketball_backboard'], 'def': 'a raised vertical board with basket attached; used to play basketball', 'name': 'basketball_backboard'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 34, 'synset': 'backpack.n.01', 'synonyms': ['backpack', 'knapsack', 'packsack', 'rucksack', 'haversack'], 'def': 'a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder', 'name': 'backpack'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 35, 'synset': 'bag.n.04', 'synonyms': ['handbag', 'purse', 'pocketbook'], 'def': 'a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories', 'name': 'handbag'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 36, 'synset': 'bag.n.06', 'synonyms': ['suitcase', 'baggage', 'luggage'], 'def': 'cases used to carry belongings when traveling', 'name': 'suitcase'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 37, 'synset': 'bagel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bagel', 'beigel'], 'def': 'glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust', 'name': 'bagel'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 38, 'synset': 'bagpipe.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bagpipe'], 'def': 'a tubular wind instrument; the player blows air into a bag and squeezes it out', 'name': 'bagpipe'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 39, 'synset': 'baguet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['baguet', 'baguette'], 'def': 'narrow French stick loaf', 'name': 'baguet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 40, 'synset': 'bait.n.02', 'synonyms': ['bait', 'lure'], 'def': 'something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed', 'name': 'bait'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 41, 'synset': 'ball.n.06', 'synonyms': ['ball'], 'def': 'a spherical object used as a plaything', 'name': 'ball'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 42, 'synset': 'ballet_skirt.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ballet_skirt', 'tutu'], 'def': 'very short skirt worn by ballerinas', 'name': 'ballet_skirt'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 43, 'synset': 'balloon.n.01', 'synonyms': ['balloon'], 'def': 'large tough nonrigid bag filled with gas or heated air', 'name': 'balloon'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 44, 'synset': 'bamboo.n.02', 'synonyms': ['bamboo'], 'def': 'woody tropical grass having hollow woody stems', 'name': 'bamboo'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 45, 'synset': 'banana.n.02', 'synonyms': ['banana'], 'def': 'elongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit with soft sweet flesh', 'name': 'banana'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 46, 'synset': 'band_aid.n.01', 'synonyms': ['Band_Aid'], 'def': 'trade name for an adhesive bandage to cover small cuts or blisters', 'name': 'Band_Aid'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 47, 'synset': 'bandage.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bandage'], 'def': 'a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body', 'name': 'bandage'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 48, 'synset': 'bandanna.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bandanna', 'bandana'], 'def': 'large and brightly colored handkerchief; often used as a neckerchief', 'name': 'bandanna'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 49, 'synset': 'banjo.n.01', 'synonyms': ['banjo'], 'def': 'a stringed instrument of the guitar family with a long neck and circular body', 'name': 'banjo'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 50, 'synset': 'banner.n.01', 'synonyms': ['banner', 'streamer'], 'def': 'long strip of cloth or paper used for decoration or advertising', 'name': 'banner'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 51, 'synset': 'barbell.n.01', 'synonyms': ['barbell'], 'def': 'a bar to which heavy discs are attached at each end; used in weightlifting', 'name': 'barbell'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 52, 'synset': 'barge.n.01', 'synonyms': ['barge'], 'def': 'a flatbottom boat for carrying heavy loads (especially on canals)', 'name': 'barge'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 53, 'synset': 'barrel.n.02', 'synonyms': ['barrel', 'cask'], 'def': 'a cylindrical container that holds liquids', 'name': 'barrel'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 54, 'synset': 'barrette.n.01', 'synonyms': ['barrette'], 'def': "a pin for holding women's hair in place", 'name': 'barrette'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 55, 'synset': 'barrow.n.03', 'synonyms': ['barrow', 'garden_cart', 'lawn_cart', 'wheelbarrow'], 'def': 'a cart for carrying small loads; has handles and one or more wheels', 'name': 'barrow'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 56, 'synset': 'base.n.03', 'synonyms': ['baseball_base'], 'def': 'a place that the runner must touch before scoring', 'name': 'baseball_base'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 57, 'synset': 'baseball.n.02', 'synonyms': ['baseball'], 'def': 'a ball used in playing baseball', 'name': 'baseball'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 58, 'synset': 'baseball_bat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['baseball_bat'], 'def': 'an implement used in baseball by the batter', 'name': 'baseball_bat'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 59, 'synset': 'baseball_cap.n.01', 'synonyms': ['baseball_cap', 'jockey_cap', 'golf_cap'], 'def': 'a cap with a bill', 'name': 'baseball_cap'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 60, 'synset': 'baseball_glove.n.01', 'synonyms': ['baseball_glove', 'baseball_mitt'], 'def': 'the handwear used by fielders in playing baseball', 'name': 'baseball_glove'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 61, 'synset': 'basket.n.01', 'synonyms': ['basket', 'handbasket'], 'def': 'a container that is usually woven and has handles', 'name': 'basket'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 62, 'synset': 'basket.n.03', 'synonyms': ['basketball_hoop'], 'def': 'metal hoop supporting a net through which players try to throw the basketball', 'name': 'basketball_hoop'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 63, 'synset': 'basketball.n.02', 'synonyms': ['basketball'], 'def': 'an inflated ball used in playing basketball', 'name': 'basketball'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 64, 'synset': 'bass_horn.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bass_horn', 'sousaphone', 'tuba'], 'def': 'the lowest brass wind instrument', 'name': 'bass_horn'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 65, 'synset': 'bat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bat_(animal)'], 'def': 'nocturnal mouselike mammal with forelimbs modified to form membranous wings', 'name': 'bat_(animal)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 66, 'synset': 'bath_mat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bath_mat'], 'def': 'a heavy towel or mat to stand on while drying yourself after a bath', 'name': 'bath_mat'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 67, 'synset': 'bath_towel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bath_towel'], 'def': 'a large towel; to dry yourself after a bath', 'name': 'bath_towel'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 68, 'synset': 'bathrobe.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bathrobe'], 'def': 'a loose-fitting robe of towelling; worn after a bath or swim', 'name': 'bathrobe'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 69, 'synset': 'bathtub.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bathtub', 'bathing_tub'], 'def': 'a large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body', 'name': 'bathtub'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 70, 'synset': 'batter.n.02', 'synonyms': ['batter_(food)'], 'def': 'a liquid or semiliquid mixture, as of flour, eggs, and milk, used in cooking', 'name': 'batter_(food)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 71, 'synset': 'battery.n.02', 'synonyms': ['battery'], 'def': 'a portable device that produces electricity', 'name': 'battery'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 72, 'synset': 'beach_ball.n.01', 'synonyms': ['beachball'], 'def': 'large and light ball; for play at the seaside', 'name': 'beachball'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 73, 'synset': 'bead.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bead'], 'def': 'a small ball with a hole through the middle used for ornamentation, jewellery, etc.', 'name': 'bead'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 74, 'synset': 'beaker.n.01', 'synonyms': ['beaker'], 'def': 'a flatbottomed jar made of glass or plastic; used for chemistry', 'name': 'beaker'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 75, 'synset': 'bean_curd.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bean_curd', 'tofu'], 'def': 'cheeselike food made of curdled soybean milk', 'name': 'bean_curd'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 76, 'synset': 'beanbag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['beanbag'], 'def': 'a bag filled with dried beans or similar items; used in games or to sit on', 'name': 'beanbag'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 77, 'synset': 'beanie.n.01', 'synonyms': ['beanie', 'beany'], 'def': 'a small skullcap; formerly worn by schoolboys and college freshmen', 'name': 'beanie'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 78, 'synset': 'bear.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bear'], 'def': 'large carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with shaggy coats and claws', 'name': 'bear'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 79, 'synset': 'bed.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bed'], 'def': 'a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep', 'name': 'bed'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 80, 'synset': 'bedspread.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bedspread', 'bedcover', 'bed_covering', 'counterpane', 'spread'], 'def': 'decorative cover for a bed', 'name': 'bedspread'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 81, 'synset': 'beef.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cow'], 'def': 'cattle that are reared for their meat', 'name': 'cow'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 82, 'synset': 'beef.n.02', 'synonyms': ['beef_(food)', 'boeuf_(food)'], 'def': 'meat from an adult domestic bovine', 'name': 'beef_(food)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 83, 'synset': 'beeper.n.01', 'synonyms': ['beeper', 'pager'], 'def': 'an device that beeps when the person carrying it is being paged', 'name': 'beeper'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 84, 'synset': 'beer_bottle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['beer_bottle'], 'def': 'a bottle that holds beer', 'name': 'beer_bottle'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 85, 'synset': 'beer_can.n.01', 'synonyms': ['beer_can'], 'def': 'a can that holds beer', 'name': 'beer_can'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 86, 'synset': 'beetle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['beetle'], 'def': 'insect with hard wing covers', 'name': 'beetle'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 87, 'synset': 'bell.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bell'], 'def': 'a hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound when struck', 'name': 'bell'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 88, 'synset': 'bell_pepper.n.02', 'synonyms': ['bell_pepper', 'capsicum'], 'def': 'large bell-shaped sweet pepper in green or red or yellow or orange or black varieties', 'name': 'bell_pepper'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 89, 'synset': 'belt.n.02', 'synonyms': ['belt'], 'def': 'a band to tie or buckle around the body (usually at the waist)', 'name': 'belt'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 90, 'synset': 'belt_buckle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['belt_buckle'], 'def': 'the buckle used to fasten a belt', 'name': 'belt_buckle'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 91, 'synset': 'bench.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bench'], 'def': 'a long seat for more than one person', 'name': 'bench'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 92, 'synset': 'beret.n.01', 'synonyms': ['beret'], 'def': 'a cap with no brim or bill; made of soft cloth', 'name': 'beret'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 93, 'synset': 'bib.n.02', 'synonyms': ['bib'], 'def': 'a napkin tied under the chin of a child while eating', 'name': 'bib'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 94, 'synset': 'bible.n.01', 'synonyms': ['Bible'], 'def': 'the sacred writings of the Christian religions', 'name': 'Bible'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 95, 'synset': 'bicycle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bicycle', 'bike_(bicycle)'], 'def': 'a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals', 'name': 'bicycle'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 96, 'synset': 'bill.n.09', 'synonyms': ['visor', 'vizor'], 'def': 'a brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes', 'name': 'visor'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 97, 'synset': 'binder.n.03', 'synonyms': ['binder', 'ring-binder'], 'def': 'holds loose papers or magazines', 'name': 'binder'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 98, 'synset': 'binoculars.n.01', 'synonyms': ['binoculars', 'field_glasses', 'opera_glasses'], 'def': 'an optical instrument designed for simultaneous use by both eyes', 'name': 'binoculars'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 99, 'synset': 'bird.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bird'], 'def': 'animal characterized by feathers and wings', 'name': 'bird'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 100, 'synset': 'bird_feeder.n.01', 'synonyms': ['birdfeeder'], 'def': 'an outdoor device that supplies food for wild birds', 'name': 'birdfeeder'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 101, 'synset': 'birdbath.n.01', 'synonyms': ['birdbath'], 'def': 'an ornamental basin (usually in a garden) for birds to bathe in', 'name': 'birdbath'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 102, 'synset': 'birdcage.n.01', 'synonyms': ['birdcage'], 'def': 'a cage in which a bird can be kept', 'name': 'birdcage'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 103, 'synset': 'birdhouse.n.01', 'synonyms': ['birdhouse'], 'def': 'a shelter for birds', 'name': 'birdhouse'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 104, 'synset': 'birthday_cake.n.01', 'synonyms': ['birthday_cake'], 'def': 'decorated cake served at a birthday party', 'name': 'birthday_cake'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 105, 'synset': 'birthday_card.n.01', 'synonyms': ['birthday_card'], 'def': 'a card expressing a birthday greeting', 'name': 'birthday_card'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 106, 'synset': 'biscuit.n.01', 'synonyms': ['biscuit_(bread)'], 'def': 'small round bread leavened with baking-powder or soda', 'name': 'biscuit_(bread)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 107, 'synset': 'black_flag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pirate_flag'], 'def': 'a flag usually bearing a white skull and crossbones on a black background', 'name': 'pirate_flag'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 108, 'synset': 'black_sheep.n.02', 'synonyms': ['black_sheep'], 'def': 'sheep with a black coat', 'name': 'black_sheep'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 109, 'synset': 'blackboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['blackboard', 'chalkboard'], 'def': 'sheet of slate; for writing with chalk', 'name': 'blackboard'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 110, 'synset': 'blanket.n.01', 'synonyms': ['blanket'], 'def': 'bedding that keeps a person warm in bed', 'name': 'blanket'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 111, 'synset': 'blazer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['blazer', 'sport_jacket', 'sport_coat', 'sports_jacket', 'sports_coat'], 'def': 'lightweight jacket; often striped in the colors of a club or school', 'name': 'blazer'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 112, 'synset': 'blender.n.01', 'synonyms': ['blender', 'liquidizer', 'liquidiser'], 'def': 'an electrically powered mixer that mix or chop or liquefy foods', 'name': 'blender'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 113, 'synset': 'blimp.n.02', 'synonyms': ['blimp'], 'def': 'a small nonrigid airship used for observation or as a barrage balloon', 'name': 'blimp'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 114, 'synset': 'blinker.n.01', 'synonyms': ['blinker', 'flasher'], 'def': 'a light that flashes on and off; used as a signal or to send messages', 'name': 'blinker'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 115, 'synset': 'blueberry.n.02', 'synonyms': ['blueberry'], 'def': 'sweet edible dark-blue berries of blueberry plants', 'name': 'blueberry'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 116, 'synset': 'boar.n.02', 'synonyms': ['boar'], 'def': 'an uncastrated male hog', 'name': 'boar'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 117, 'synset': 'board.n.09', 'synonyms': ['gameboard'], 'def': 'a flat portable surface (usually rectangular) designed for board games', 'name': 'gameboard'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 118, 'synset': 'boat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['boat', 'ship_(boat)'], 'def': 'a vessel for travel on water', 'name': 'boat'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 119, 'synset': 'bobbin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bobbin', 'spool', 'reel'], 'def': 'a thing around which thread/tape/film or other flexible materials can be wound', 'name': 'bobbin'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 120, 'synset': 'bobby_pin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bobby_pin', 'hairgrip'], 'def': 'a flat wire hairpin used to hold bobbed hair in place', 'name': 'bobby_pin'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 121, 'synset': 'boiled_egg.n.01', 'synonyms': ['boiled_egg', 'coddled_egg'], 'def': 'egg cooked briefly in the shell in gently boiling water', 'name': 'boiled_egg'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 122, 'synset': 'bolo_tie.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bolo_tie', 'bolo', 'bola_tie', 'bola'], 'def': 'a cord fastened around the neck with an ornamental clasp and worn as a necktie', 'name': 'bolo_tie'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 123, 'synset': 'bolt.n.03', 'synonyms': ['deadbolt'], 'def': 'the part of a lock that is engaged or withdrawn with a key', 'name': 'deadbolt'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 124, 'synset': 'bolt.n.06', 'synonyms': ['bolt'], 'def': 'a screw that screws into a nut to form a fastener', 'name': 'bolt'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 125, 'synset': 'bonnet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bonnet'], 'def': 'a hat tied under the chin', 'name': 'bonnet'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 126, 'synset': 'book.n.01', 'synonyms': ['book'], 'def': 'a written work or composition that has been published', 'name': 'book'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 127, 'synset': 'book_bag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['book_bag'], 'def': 'a bag in which students carry their books', 'name': 'book_bag'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 128, 'synset': 'bookcase.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bookcase'], 'def': 'a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books', 'name': 'bookcase'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 129, 'synset': 'booklet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['booklet', 'brochure', 'leaflet', 'pamphlet'], 'def': 'a small book usually having a paper cover', 'name': 'booklet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 130, 'synset': 'bookmark.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bookmark', 'bookmarker'], 'def': 'a marker (a piece of paper or ribbon) placed between the pages of a book', 'name': 'bookmark'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 131, 'synset': 'boom.n.04', 'synonyms': ['boom_microphone', 'microphone_boom'], 'def': 'a pole carrying an overhead microphone projected over a film or tv set', 'name': 'boom_microphone'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 132, 'synset': 'boot.n.01', 'synonyms': ['boot'], 'def': 'footwear that covers the whole foot and lower leg', 'name': 'boot'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 133, 'synset': 'bottle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bottle'], 'def': 'a glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or other liquids', 'name': 'bottle'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 134, 'synset': 'bottle_opener.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bottle_opener'], 'def': 'an opener for removing caps or corks from bottles', 'name': 'bottle_opener'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 135, 'synset': 'bouquet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bouquet'], 'def': 'an arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present', 'name': 'bouquet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 136, 'synset': 'bow.n.04', 'synonyms': ['bow_(weapon)'], 'def': 'a weapon for shooting arrows', 'name': 'bow_(weapon)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 137, 'synset': 'bow.n.08', 'synonyms': ['bow_(decorative_ribbons)'], 'def': 'a decorative interlacing of ribbons', 'name': 'bow_(decorative_ribbons)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 138, 'synset': 'bow_tie.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bow-tie', 'bowtie'], 'def': "a man's tie that ties in a bow", 'name': 'bow-tie'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 139, 'synset': 'bowl.n.03', 'synonyms': ['bowl'], 'def': 'a dish that is round and open at the top for serving foods', 'name': 'bowl'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 140, 'synset': 'bowl.n.08', 'synonyms': ['pipe_bowl'], 'def': 'a small round container that is open at the top for holding tobacco', 'name': 'pipe_bowl'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 141, 'synset': 'bowler_hat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bowler_hat', 'bowler', 'derby_hat', 'derby', 'plug_hat'], 'def': 'a felt hat that is round and hard with a narrow brim', 'name': 'bowler_hat'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 142, 'synset': 'bowling_ball.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bowling_ball'], 'def': 'a large ball with finger holes used in the sport of bowling', 'name': 'bowling_ball'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 143, 'synset': 'bowling_pin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bowling_pin'], 'def': 'a club-shaped wooden object used in bowling', 'name': 'bowling_pin'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 144, 'synset': 'boxing_glove.n.01', 'synonyms': ['boxing_glove'], 'def': 'large glove coverings the fists of a fighter worn for the sport of boxing', 'name': 'boxing_glove'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 145, 'synset': 'brace.n.06', 'synonyms': ['suspenders'], 'def': 'elastic straps that hold trousers up (usually used in the plural)', 'name': 'suspenders'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 146, 'synset': 'bracelet.n.02', 'synonyms': ['bracelet', 'bangle'], 'def': 'jewelry worn around the wrist for decoration', 'name': 'bracelet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 147, 'synset': 'brass.n.07', 'synonyms': ['brass_plaque'], 'def': 'a memorial made of brass', 'name': 'brass_plaque'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 148, 'synset': 'brassiere.n.01', 'synonyms': ['brassiere', 'bra', 'bandeau'], 'def': 'an undergarment worn by women to support their breasts', 'name': 'brassiere'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 149, 'synset': 'bread-bin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bread-bin', 'breadbox'], 'def': 'a container used to keep bread or cake in', 'name': 'bread-bin'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 150, 'synset': 'breechcloth.n.01', 'synonyms': ['breechcloth', 'breechclout', 'loincloth'], 'def': 'a garment that provides covering for the loins', 'name': 'breechcloth'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 151, 'synset': 'bridal_gown.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bridal_gown', 'wedding_gown', 'wedding_dress'], 'def': 'a gown worn by the bride at a wedding', 'name': 'bridal_gown'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 152, 'synset': 'briefcase.n.01', 'synonyms': ['briefcase'], 'def': 'a case with a handle; for carrying papers or files or books', 'name': 'briefcase'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 153, 'synset': 'bristle_brush.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bristle_brush'], 'def': 'a brush that is made with the short stiff hairs of an animal or plant', 'name': 'bristle_brush'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 154, 'synset': 'broccoli.n.01', 'synonyms': ['broccoli'], 'def': 'plant with dense clusters of tight green flower buds', 'name': 'broccoli'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 155, 'synset': 'brooch.n.01', 'synonyms': ['broach'], 'def': 'a decorative pin worn by women', 'name': 'broach'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 156, 'synset': 'broom.n.01', 'synonyms': ['broom'], 'def': 'bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle; used for cleaning', 'name': 'broom'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 157, 'synset': 'brownie.n.03', 'synonyms': ['brownie'], 'def': 'square or bar of very rich chocolate cake usually with nuts', 'name': 'brownie'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 158, 'synset': 'brussels_sprouts.n.01', 'synonyms': ['brussels_sprouts'], 'def': 'the small edible cabbage-like buds growing along a stalk', 'name': 'brussels_sprouts'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 159, 'synset': 'bubble_gum.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bubble_gum'], 'def': 'a kind of chewing gum that can be blown into bubbles', 'name': 'bubble_gum'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 160, 'synset': 'bucket.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bucket', 'pail'], 'def': 'a roughly cylindrical vessel that is open at the top', 'name': 'bucket'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 161, 'synset': 'buggy.n.01', 'synonyms': ['horse_buggy'], 'def': 'a small lightweight carriage; drawn by a single horse', 'name': 'horse_buggy'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 162, 'synset': 'bull.n.11', 'synonyms': ['bull'], 'def': 'mature male cow', 'name': 'bull'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 163, 'synset': 'bulldog.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bulldog'], 'def': 'a thickset short-haired dog with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw', 'name': 'bulldog'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 164, 'synset': 'bulldozer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bulldozer', 'dozer'], 'def': 'large powerful tractor; a large blade in front flattens areas of ground', 'name': 'bulldozer'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 165, 'synset': 'bullet_train.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bullet_train'], 'def': 'a high-speed passenger train', 'name': 'bullet_train'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 166, 'synset': 'bulletin_board.n.02', 'synonyms': ['bulletin_board', 'notice_board'], 'def': 'a board that hangs on a wall; displays announcements', 'name': 'bulletin_board'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 167, 'synset': 'bulletproof_vest.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bulletproof_vest'], 'def': 'a vest capable of resisting the impact of a bullet', 'name': 'bulletproof_vest'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 168, 'synset': 'bullhorn.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bullhorn', 'megaphone'], 'def': 'a portable loudspeaker with built-in microphone and amplifier', 'name': 'bullhorn'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 169, 'synset': 'bully_beef.n.01', 'synonyms': ['corned_beef', 'corn_beef'], 'def': 'beef cured or pickled in brine', 'name': 'corned_beef'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 170, 'synset': 'bun.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bun', 'roll'], 'def': 'small rounded bread either plain or sweet', 'name': 'bun'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 171, 'synset': 'bunk_bed.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bunk_bed'], 'def': 'beds built one above the other', 'name': 'bunk_bed'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 172, 'synset': 'buoy.n.01', 'synonyms': ['buoy'], 'def': 'a float attached by rope to the seabed to mark channels in a harbor or underwater hazards', 'name': 'buoy'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 173, 'synset': 'burrito.n.01', 'synonyms': ['burrito'], 'def': 'a flour tortilla folded around a filling', 'name': 'burrito'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 174, 'synset': 'bus.n.01', 'synonyms': ['bus_(vehicle)', 'autobus', 'charabanc', 'double-decker', 'motorbus', 'motorcoach'], 'def': 'a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport', 'name': 'bus_(vehicle)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 175, 'synset': 'business_card.n.01', 'synonyms': ['business_card'], 'def': "a card on which are printed the person's name and business affiliation", 'name': 'business_card'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 176, 'synset': 'butcher_knife.n.01', 'synonyms': ['butcher_knife'], 'def': 'a large sharp knife for cutting or trimming meat', 'name': 'butcher_knife'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 177, 'synset': 'butter.n.01', 'synonyms': ['butter'], 'def': 'an edible emulsion of fat globules made by churning milk or cream; for cooking and table use', 'name': 'butter'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 178, 'synset': 'butterfly.n.01', 'synonyms': ['butterfly'], 'def': 'insect typically having a slender body with knobbed antennae and broad colorful wings', 'name': 'butterfly'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 179, 'synset': 'button.n.01', 'synonyms': ['button'], 'def': 'a round fastener sewn to shirts and coats etc to fit through buttonholes', 'name': 'button'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 180, 'synset': 'cab.n.03', 'synonyms': ['cab_(taxi)', 'taxi', 'taxicab'], 'def': 'a car that takes passengers where they want to go in exchange for money', 'name': 'cab_(taxi)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 181, 'synset': 'cabana.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cabana'], 'def': 'a small tent used as a dressing room beside the sea or a swimming pool', 'name': 'cabana'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 182, 'synset': 'cabin_car.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cabin_car', 'caboose'], 'def': 'a car on a freight train for use of the train crew; usually the last car on the train', 'name': 'cabin_car'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 183, 'synset': 'cabinet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cabinet'], 'def': 'a piece of furniture resembling a cupboard with doors and shelves and drawers', 'name': 'cabinet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 184, 'synset': 'cabinet.n.03', 'synonyms': ['locker', 'storage_locker'], 'def': 'a storage compartment for clothes and valuables; usually it has a lock', 'name': 'locker'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 185, 'synset': 'cake.n.03', 'synonyms': ['cake'], 'def': 'baked goods made from or based on a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and fat', 'name': 'cake'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 186, 'synset': 'calculator.n.02', 'synonyms': ['calculator'], 'def': 'a small machine that is used for mathematical calculations', 'name': 'calculator'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 187, 'synset': 'calendar.n.02', 'synonyms': ['calendar'], 'def': 'a list or register of events (appointments/social events/court cases, etc)', 'name': 'calendar'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 188, 'synset': 'calf.n.01', 'synonyms': ['calf'], 'def': 'young of domestic cattle', 'name': 'calf'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 189, 'synset': 'camcorder.n.01', 'synonyms': ['camcorder'], 'def': 'a portable television camera and videocassette recorder', 'name': 'camcorder'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 190, 'synset': 'camel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['camel'], 'def': 'cud-chewing mammal used as a draft or saddle animal in desert regions', 'name': 'camel'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 191, 'synset': 'camera.n.01', 'synonyms': ['camera'], 'def': 'equipment for taking photographs', 'name': 'camera'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 192, 'synset': 'camera_lens.n.01', 'synonyms': ['camera_lens'], 'def': 'a lens that focuses the image in a camera', 'name': 'camera_lens'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 193, 'synset': 'camper.n.02', 'synonyms': ['camper_(vehicle)', 'camping_bus', 'motor_home'], 'def': 'a recreational vehicle equipped for camping out while traveling', 'name': 'camper_(vehicle)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 194, 'synset': 'can.n.01', 'synonyms': ['can', 'tin_can'], 'def': 'airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc.', 'name': 'can'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 195, 'synset': 'can_opener.n.01', 'synonyms': ['can_opener', 'tin_opener'], 'def': 'a device for cutting cans open', 'name': 'can_opener'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 196, 'synset': 'candelabrum.n.01', 'synonyms': ['candelabrum', 'candelabra'], 'def': 'branched candlestick; ornamental; has several lights', 'name': 'candelabrum'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 197, 'synset': 'candle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['candle', 'candlestick'], 'def': 'stick of wax with a wick in the middle', 'name': 'candle'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 198, 'synset': 'candlestick.n.01', 'synonyms': ['candle_holder'], 'def': 'a holder with sockets for candles', 'name': 'candle_holder'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 199, 'synset': 'candy_bar.n.01', 'synonyms': ['candy_bar'], 'def': 'a candy shaped as a bar', 'name': 'candy_bar'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 200, 'synset': 'candy_cane.n.01', 'synonyms': ['candy_cane'], 'def': 'a hard candy in the shape of a rod (usually with stripes)', 'name': 'candy_cane'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 201, 'synset': 'cane.n.01', 'synonyms': ['walking_cane'], 'def': 'a stick that people can lean on to help them walk', 'name': 'walking_cane'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 202, 'synset': 'canister.n.02', 'synonyms': ['canister', 'cannister'], 'def': 'metal container for storing dry foods such as tea or flour', 'name': 'canister'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 203, 'synset': 'cannon.n.02', 'synonyms': ['cannon'], 'def': 'heavy gun fired from a tank', 'name': 'cannon'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 204, 'synset': 'canoe.n.01', 'synonyms': ['canoe'], 'def': 'small and light boat; pointed at both ends; propelled with a paddle', 'name': 'canoe'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 205, 'synset': 'cantaloup.n.02', 'synonyms': ['cantaloup', 'cantaloupe'], 'def': 'the fruit of a cantaloup vine; small to medium-sized melon with yellowish flesh', 'name': 'cantaloup'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 206, 'synset': 'canteen.n.01', 'synonyms': ['canteen'], 'def': 'a flask for carrying water; used by soldiers or travelers', 'name': 'canteen'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 207, 'synset': 'cap.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cap_(headwear)'], 'def': 'a tight-fitting headwear', 'name': 'cap_(headwear)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 208, 'synset': 'cap.n.02', 'synonyms': ['bottle_cap', 'cap_(container_lid)'], 'def': 'a top (as for a bottle)', 'name': 'bottle_cap'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 209, 'synset': 'cape.n.02', 'synonyms': ['cape'], 'def': 'a sleeveless garment like a cloak but shorter', 'name': 'cape'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 210, 'synset': 'cappuccino.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cappuccino', 'coffee_cappuccino'], 'def': 'equal parts of espresso and steamed milk', 'name': 'cappuccino'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 211, 'synset': 'car.n.01', 'synonyms': ['car_(automobile)', 'auto_(automobile)', 'automobile'], 'def': 'a motor vehicle with four wheels', 'name': 'car_(automobile)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 212, 'synset': 'car.n.02', 'synonyms': ['railcar_(part_of_a_train)', 'railway_car_(part_of_a_train)', 'railroad_car_(part_of_a_train)'], 'def': 'a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad', 'name': 'railcar_(part_of_a_train)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 213, 'synset': 'car.n.04', 'synonyms': ['elevator_car'], 'def': 'where passengers ride up and down', 'name': 'elevator_car'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 214, 'synset': 'car_battery.n.01', 'synonyms': ['car_battery', 'automobile_battery'], 'def': 'a battery in a motor vehicle', 'name': 'car_battery'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 215, 'synset': 'card.n.02', 'synonyms': ['identity_card'], 'def': 'a card certifying the identity of the bearer', 'name': 'identity_card'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 216, 'synset': 'card.n.03', 'synonyms': ['card'], 'def': 'a rectangular piece of paper used to send messages (e.g. greetings or pictures)', 'name': 'card'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 217, 'synset': 'cardigan.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cardigan'], 'def': 'knitted jacket that is fastened up the front with buttons or a zipper', 'name': 'cardigan'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 218, 'synset': 'cargo_ship.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cargo_ship', 'cargo_vessel'], 'def': 'a ship designed to carry cargo', 'name': 'cargo_ship'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 219, 'synset': 'carnation.n.01', 'synonyms': ['carnation'], 'def': 'plant with pink to purple-red spice-scented usually double flowers', 'name': 'carnation'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 220, 'synset': 'carriage.n.02', 'synonyms': ['horse_carriage'], 'def': 'a vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more horses', 'name': 'horse_carriage'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 221, 'synset': 'carrot.n.01', 'synonyms': ['carrot'], 'def': 'deep orange edible root of the cultivated carrot plant', 'name': 'carrot'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 222, 'synset': 'carryall.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tote_bag'], 'def': 'a capacious bag or basket', 'name': 'tote_bag'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 223, 'synset': 'cart.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cart'], 'def': 'a heavy open wagon usually having two wheels and drawn by an animal', 'name': 'cart'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 224, 'synset': 'carton.n.02', 'synonyms': ['carton'], 'def': 'a box made of cardboard; opens by flaps on top', 'name': 'carton'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 225, 'synset': 'cash_register.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cash_register', 'register_(for_cash_transactions)'], 'def': 'a cashbox with an adding machine to register transactions', 'name': 'cash_register'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 226, 'synset': 'casserole.n.01', 'synonyms': ['casserole'], 'def': 'food cooked and served in a casserole', 'name': 'casserole'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 227, 'synset': 'cassette.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cassette'], 'def': 'a container that holds a magnetic tape used for recording or playing sound or video', 'name': 'cassette'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 228, 'synset': 'cast.n.05', 'synonyms': ['cast', 'plaster_cast', 'plaster_bandage'], 'def': 'bandage consisting of a firm covering that immobilizes broken bones while they heal', 'name': 'cast'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 229, 'synset': 'cat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cat'], 'def': 'a domestic house cat', 'name': 'cat'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 230, 'synset': 'cauliflower.n.02', 'synonyms': ['cauliflower'], 'def': 'edible compact head of white undeveloped flowers', 'name': 'cauliflower'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 231, 'synset': 'caviar.n.01', 'synonyms': ['caviar', 'caviare'], 'def': "salted roe of sturgeon or other large fish; usually served as an hors d'oeuvre", 'name': 'caviar'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 232, 'synset': 'cayenne.n.02', 'synonyms': ['cayenne_(spice)', 'cayenne_pepper_(spice)', 'red_pepper_(spice)'], 'def': 'ground pods and seeds of pungent red peppers of the genus Capsicum', 'name': 'cayenne_(spice)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 233, 'synset': 'cd_player.n.01', 'synonyms': ['CD_player'], 'def': 'electronic equipment for playing compact discs (CDs)', 'name': 'CD_player'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 234, 'synset': 'celery.n.01', 'synonyms': ['celery'], 'def': 'widely cultivated herb with aromatic leaf stalks that are eaten raw or cooked', 'name': 'celery'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 235, 'synset': 'cellular_telephone.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cellular_telephone', 'cellular_phone', 'cellphone', 'mobile_phone', 'smart_phone'], 'def': 'a hand-held mobile telephone', 'name': 'cellular_telephone'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 236, 'synset': 'chain_mail.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chain_mail', 'ring_mail', 'chain_armor', 'chain_armour', 'ring_armor', 'ring_armour'], 'def': '(Middle Ages) flexible armor made of interlinked metal rings', 'name': 'chain_mail'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 237, 'synset': 'chair.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chair'], 'def': 'a seat for one person, with a support for the back', 'name': 'chair'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 238, 'synset': 'chaise_longue.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chaise_longue', 'chaise', 'daybed'], 'def': 'a long chair; for reclining', 'name': 'chaise_longue'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 239, 'synset': 'champagne.n.01', 'synonyms': ['champagne'], 'def': 'a white sparkling wine produced in Champagne or resembling that produced there', 'name': 'champagne'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 240, 'synset': 'chandelier.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chandelier'], 'def': 'branched lighting fixture; often ornate; hangs from the ceiling', 'name': 'chandelier'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 241, 'synset': 'chap.n.04', 'synonyms': ['chap'], 'def': 'leather leggings without a seat; worn over trousers by cowboys to protect their legs', 'name': 'chap'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 242, 'synset': 'checkbook.n.01', 'synonyms': ['checkbook', 'chequebook'], 'def': 'a book issued to holders of checking accounts', 'name': 'checkbook'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 243, 'synset': 'checkerboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['checkerboard'], 'def': 'a board having 64 squares of two alternating colors', 'name': 'checkerboard'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 244, 'synset': 'cherry.n.03', 'synonyms': ['cherry'], 'def': 'a red fruit with a single hard stone', 'name': 'cherry'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 245, 'synset': 'chessboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chessboard'], 'def': 'a checkerboard used to play chess', 'name': 'chessboard'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 246, 'synset': 'chest_of_drawers.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chest_of_drawers_(furniture)', 'bureau_(furniture)', 'chest_(furniture)'], 'def': 'furniture with drawers for keeping clothes', 'name': 'chest_of_drawers_(furniture)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 247, 'synset': 'chicken.n.02', 'synonyms': ['chicken_(animal)'], 'def': 'a domestic fowl bred for flesh or eggs', 'name': 'chicken_(animal)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 248, 'synset': 'chicken_wire.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chicken_wire'], 'def': 'a galvanized wire network with a hexagonal mesh; used to build fences', 'name': 'chicken_wire'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 249, 'synset': 'chickpea.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chickpea', 'garbanzo'], 'def': 'the seed of the chickpea plant; usually dried', 'name': 'chickpea'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 250, 'synset': 'chihuahua.n.03', 'synonyms': ['Chihuahua'], 'def': 'an old breed of tiny short-haired dog with protruding eyes from Mexico', 'name': 'Chihuahua'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 251, 'synset': 'chili.n.02', 'synonyms': ['chili_(vegetable)', 'chili_pepper_(vegetable)', 'chilli_(vegetable)', 'chilly_(vegetable)', 'chile_(vegetable)'], 'def': 'very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency', 'name': 'chili_(vegetable)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 252, 'synset': 'chime.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chime', 'gong'], 'def': 'an instrument consisting of a set of bells that are struck with a hammer', 'name': 'chime'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 253, 'synset': 'chinaware.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chinaware'], 'def': 'dishware made of high quality porcelain', 'name': 'chinaware'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 254, 'synset': 'chip.n.04', 'synonyms': ['crisp_(potato_chip)', 'potato_chip'], 'def': 'a thin crisp slice of potato fried in deep fat', 'name': 'crisp_(potato_chip)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 255, 'synset': 'chip.n.06', 'synonyms': ['poker_chip'], 'def': 'a small disk-shaped counter used to represent money when gambling', 'name': 'poker_chip'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 256, 'synset': 'chocolate_bar.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chocolate_bar'], 'def': 'a bar of chocolate candy', 'name': 'chocolate_bar'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 257, 'synset': 'chocolate_cake.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chocolate_cake'], 'def': 'cake containing chocolate', 'name': 'chocolate_cake'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 258, 'synset': 'chocolate_milk.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chocolate_milk'], 'def': 'milk flavored with chocolate syrup', 'name': 'chocolate_milk'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 259, 'synset': 'chocolate_mousse.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chocolate_mousse'], 'def': 'dessert mousse made with chocolate', 'name': 'chocolate_mousse'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 260, 'synset': 'choker.n.03', 'synonyms': ['choker', 'collar', 'neckband'], 'def': 'necklace that fits tightly around the neck', 'name': 'choker'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 261, 'synset': 'chopping_board.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chopping_board', 'cutting_board', 'chopping_block'], 'def': 'a wooden board where meats or vegetables can be cut', 'name': 'chopping_board'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 262, 'synset': 'chopstick.n.01', 'synonyms': ['chopstick'], 'def': 'one of a pair of slender sticks used as oriental tableware to eat food with', 'name': 'chopstick'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 263, 'synset': 'christmas_tree.n.05', 'synonyms': ['Christmas_tree'], 'def': 'an ornamented evergreen used as a Christmas decoration', 'name': 'Christmas_tree'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 264, 'synset': 'chute.n.02', 'synonyms': ['slide'], 'def': 'sloping channel through which things can descend', 'name': 'slide'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 265, 'synset': 'cider.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cider', 'cyder'], 'def': 'a beverage made from juice pressed from apples', 'name': 'cider'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 266, 'synset': 'cigar_box.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cigar_box'], 'def': 'a box for holding cigars', 'name': 'cigar_box'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 267, 'synset': 'cigarette.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cigarette'], 'def': 'finely ground tobacco wrapped in paper; for smoking', 'name': 'cigarette'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 268, 'synset': 'cigarette_case.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cigarette_case', 'cigarette_pack'], 'def': 'a small flat case for holding cigarettes', 'name': 'cigarette_case'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 269, 'synset': 'cistern.n.02', 'synonyms': ['cistern', 'water_tank'], 'def': 'a tank that holds the water used to flush a toilet', 'name': 'cistern'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 270, 'synset': 'clarinet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['clarinet'], 'def': 'a single-reed instrument with a straight tube', 'name': 'clarinet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 271, 'synset': 'clasp.n.01', 'synonyms': ['clasp'], 'def': 'a fastener (as a buckle or hook) that is used to hold two things together', 'name': 'clasp'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 272, 'synset': 'cleansing_agent.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cleansing_agent', 'cleanser', 'cleaner'], 'def': 'a preparation used in cleaning something', 'name': 'cleansing_agent'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 273, 'synset': 'clementine.n.01', 'synonyms': ['clementine'], 'def': 'a variety of mandarin orange', 'name': 'clementine'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 274, 'synset': 'clip.n.03', 'synonyms': ['clip'], 'def': 'any of various small fasteners used to hold loose articles together', 'name': 'clip'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 275, 'synset': 'clipboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['clipboard'], 'def': 'a small writing board with a clip at the top for holding papers', 'name': 'clipboard'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 276, 'synset': 'clock.n.01', 'synonyms': ['clock', 'timepiece', 'timekeeper'], 'def': 'a timepiece that shows the time of day', 'name': 'clock'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 277, 'synset': 'clock_tower.n.01', 'synonyms': ['clock_tower'], 'def': 'a tower with a large clock visible high up on an outside face', 'name': 'clock_tower'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 278, 'synset': 'clothes_hamper.n.01', 'synonyms': ['clothes_hamper', 'laundry_basket', 'clothes_basket'], 'def': 'a hamper that holds dirty clothes to be washed or wet clothes to be dried', 'name': 'clothes_hamper'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 279, 'synset': 'clothespin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['clothespin', 'clothes_peg'], 'def': 'wood or plastic fastener; for holding clothes on a clothesline', 'name': 'clothespin'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 280, 'synset': 'clutch_bag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['clutch_bag'], 'def': "a woman's strapless purse that is carried in the hand", 'name': 'clutch_bag'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 281, 'synset': 'coaster.n.03', 'synonyms': ['coaster'], 'def': 'a covering (plate or mat) that protects the surface of a table', 'name': 'coaster'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 282, 'synset': 'coat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['coat'], 'def': 'an outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down', 'name': 'coat'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 283, 'synset': 'coat_hanger.n.01', 'synonyms': ['coat_hanger', 'clothes_hanger', 'dress_hanger'], 'def': "a hanger that is shaped like a person's shoulders", 'name': 'coat_hanger'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 284, 'synset': 'coatrack.n.01', 'synonyms': ['coatrack', 'hatrack'], 'def': 'a rack with hooks for temporarily holding coats and hats', 'name': 'coatrack'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 285, 'synset': 'cock.n.04', 'synonyms': ['cock', 'rooster'], 'def': 'adult male chicken', 'name': 'cock'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 286, 'synset': 'coconut.n.02', 'synonyms': ['coconut', 'cocoanut'], 'def': 'large hard-shelled brown oval nut with a fibrous husk', 'name': 'coconut'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 287, 'synset': 'coffee_filter.n.01', 'synonyms': ['coffee_filter'], 'def': 'filter (usually of paper) that passes the coffee and retains the coffee grounds', 'name': 'coffee_filter'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 288, 'synset': 'coffee_maker.n.01', 'synonyms': ['coffee_maker', 'coffee_machine'], 'def': 'a kitchen appliance for brewing coffee automatically', 'name': 'coffee_maker'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 289, 'synset': 'coffee_table.n.01', 'synonyms': ['coffee_table', 'cocktail_table'], 'def': 'low table where magazines can be placed and coffee or cocktails are served', 'name': 'coffee_table'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 290, 'synset': 'coffeepot.n.01', 'synonyms': ['coffeepot'], 'def': 'tall pot in which coffee is brewed', 'name': 'coffeepot'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 291, 'synset': 'coil.n.05', 'synonyms': ['coil'], 'def': 'tubing that is wound in a spiral', 'name': 'coil'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 292, 'synset': 'coin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['coin'], 'def': 'a flat metal piece (usually a disc) used as money', 'name': 'coin'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 293, 'synset': 'colander.n.01', 'synonyms': ['colander', 'cullender'], 'def': 'bowl-shaped strainer; used to wash or drain foods', 'name': 'colander'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 294, 'synset': 'coleslaw.n.01', 'synonyms': ['coleslaw', 'slaw'], 'def': 'basically shredded cabbage', 'name': 'coleslaw'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 295, 'synset': 'coloring_material.n.01', 'synonyms': ['coloring_material', 'colouring_material'], 'def': 'any material used for its color', 'name': 'coloring_material'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 296, 'synset': 'combination_lock.n.01', 'synonyms': ['combination_lock'], 'def': 'lock that can be opened only by turning dials in a special sequence', 'name': 'combination_lock'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 297, 'synset': 'comforter.n.04', 'synonyms': ['pacifier', 'teething_ring'], 'def': 'device used for an infant to suck or bite on', 'name': 'pacifier'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 298, 'synset': 'comic_book.n.01', 'synonyms': ['comic_book'], 'def': 'a magazine devoted to comic strips', 'name': 'comic_book'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 299, 'synset': 'computer_keyboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['computer_keyboard', 'keyboard_(computer)'], 'def': 'a keyboard that is a data input device for computers', 'name': 'computer_keyboard'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 300, 'synset': 'concrete_mixer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['concrete_mixer', 'cement_mixer'], 'def': 'a machine with a large revolving drum in which cement/concrete is mixed', 'name': 'concrete_mixer'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 301, 'synset': 'cone.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cone', 'traffic_cone'], 'def': 'a cone-shaped object used to direct traffic', 'name': 'cone'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 302, 'synset': 'control.n.09', 'synonyms': ['control', 'controller'], 'def': 'a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine', 'name': 'control'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 303, 'synset': 'convertible.n.01', 'synonyms': ['convertible_(automobile)'], 'def': 'a car that has top that can be folded or removed', 'name': 'convertible_(automobile)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 304, 'synset': 'convertible.n.03', 'synonyms': ['sofa_bed'], 'def': 'a sofa that can be converted into a bed', 'name': 'sofa_bed'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 305, 'synset': 'cookie.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cookie', 'cooky', 'biscuit_(cookie)'], 'def': "any of various small flat sweet cakes (`biscuit' is the British term)", 'name': 'cookie'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 306, 'synset': 'cookie_jar.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cookie_jar', 'cooky_jar'], 'def': 'a jar in which cookies are kept (and sometimes money is hidden)', 'name': 'cookie_jar'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 307, 'synset': 'cooking_utensil.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cooking_utensil'], 'def': 'a kitchen utensil made of material that does not melt easily; used for cooking', 'name': 'cooking_utensil'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 308, 'synset': 'cooler.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cooler_(for_food)', 'ice_chest'], 'def': 'an insulated box for storing food often with ice', 'name': 'cooler_(for_food)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 309, 'synset': 'cork.n.04', 'synonyms': ['cork_(bottle_plug)', 'bottle_cork'], 'def': 'the plug in the mouth of a bottle (especially a wine bottle)', 'name': 'cork_(bottle_plug)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 310, 'synset': 'corkboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['corkboard'], 'def': 'a sheet consisting of cork granules', 'name': 'corkboard'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 311, 'synset': 'corkscrew.n.01', 'synonyms': ['corkscrew', 'bottle_screw'], 'def': 'a bottle opener that pulls corks', 'name': 'corkscrew'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 312, 'synset': 'corn.n.03', 'synonyms': ['edible_corn', 'corn', 'maize'], 'def': 'ears of corn that can be prepared and served for human food', 'name': 'edible_corn'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 313, 'synset': 'cornbread.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cornbread'], 'def': 'bread made primarily of cornmeal', 'name': 'cornbread'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 314, 'synset': 'cornet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cornet', 'horn', 'trumpet'], 'def': 'a brass musical instrument with a narrow tube and a flared bell and many valves', 'name': 'cornet'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 315, 'synset': 'cornice.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cornice', 'valance', 'valance_board', 'pelmet'], 'def': 'a decorative framework to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing', 'name': 'cornice'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 316, 'synset': 'cornmeal.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cornmeal'], 'def': 'coarsely ground corn', 'name': 'cornmeal'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 317, 'synset': 'corset.n.01', 'synonyms': ['corset', 'girdle'], 'def': "a woman's close-fitting foundation garment", 'name': 'corset'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 318, 'synset': 'cos.n.02', 'synonyms': ['romaine_lettuce'], 'def': 'lettuce with long dark-green leaves in a loosely packed elongated head', 'name': 'romaine_lettuce'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 319, 'synset': 'costume.n.04', 'synonyms': ['costume'], 'def': 'the attire characteristic of a country or a time or a social class', 'name': 'costume'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 320, 'synset': 'cougar.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cougar', 'puma', 'catamount', 'mountain_lion', 'panther'], 'def': 'large American feline resembling a lion', 'name': 'cougar'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 321, 'synset': 'coverall.n.01', 'synonyms': ['coverall'], 'def': 'a loose-fitting protective garment that is worn over other clothing', 'name': 'coverall'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 322, 'synset': 'cowbell.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cowbell'], 'def': 'a bell hung around the neck of cow so that the cow can be easily located', 'name': 'cowbell'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 323, 'synset': 'cowboy_hat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cowboy_hat', 'ten-gallon_hat'], 'def': 'a hat with a wide brim and a soft crown; worn by American ranch hands', 'name': 'cowboy_hat'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 324, 'synset': 'crab.n.01', 'synonyms': ['crab_(animal)'], 'def': 'decapod having eyes on short stalks and a broad flattened shell and pincers', 'name': 'crab_(animal)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 325, 'synset': 'cracker.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cracker'], 'def': 'a thin crisp wafer', 'name': 'cracker'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 326, 'synset': 'crape.n.01', 'synonyms': ['crape', 'crepe', 'French_pancake'], 'def': 'small very thin pancake', 'name': 'crape'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 327, 'synset': 'crate.n.01', 'synonyms': ['crate'], 'def': 'a rugged box (usually made of wood); used for shipping', 'name': 'crate'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 328, 'synset': 'crayon.n.01', 'synonyms': ['crayon', 'wax_crayon'], 'def': 'writing or drawing implement made of a colored stick of composition wax', 'name': 'crayon'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 329, 'synset': 'cream_pitcher.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cream_pitcher'], 'def': 'a small pitcher for serving cream', 'name': 'cream_pitcher'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 330, 'synset': 'credit_card.n.01', 'synonyms': ['credit_card', 'charge_card', 'debit_card'], 'def': 'a card, usually plastic, used to pay for goods and services', 'name': 'credit_card'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 331, 'synset': 'crescent_roll.n.01', 'synonyms': ['crescent_roll', 'croissant'], 'def': 'very rich flaky crescent-shaped roll', 'name': 'crescent_roll'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 332, 'synset': 'crib.n.01', 'synonyms': ['crib', 'cot'], 'def': 'baby bed with high sides made of slats', 'name': 'crib'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 333, 'synset': 'crock.n.03', 'synonyms': ['crock_pot', 'earthenware_jar'], 'def': 'an earthen jar (made of baked clay)', 'name': 'crock_pot'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 334, 'synset': 'crossbar.n.01', 'synonyms': ['crossbar'], 'def': 'a horizontal bar that goes across something', 'name': 'crossbar'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 335, 'synset': 'crouton.n.01', 'synonyms': ['crouton'], 'def': 'a small piece of toasted or fried bread; served in soup or salads', 'name': 'crouton'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 336, 'synset': 'crow.n.01', 'synonyms': ['crow'], 'def': 'black birds having a raucous call', 'name': 'crow'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 337, 'synset': 'crown.n.04', 'synonyms': ['crown'], 'def': 'an ornamental jeweled headdress signifying sovereignty', 'name': 'crown'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 338, 'synset': 'crucifix.n.01', 'synonyms': ['crucifix'], 'def': 'representation of the cross on which Jesus died', 'name': 'crucifix'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 339, 'synset': 'cruise_ship.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cruise_ship', 'cruise_liner'], 'def': 'a passenger ship used commercially for pleasure cruises', 'name': 'cruise_ship'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 340, 'synset': 'cruiser.n.01', 'synonyms': ['police_cruiser', 'patrol_car', 'police_car', 'squad_car'], 'def': 'a car in which policemen cruise the streets', 'name': 'police_cruiser'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 341, 'synset': 'crumb.n.03', 'synonyms': ['crumb'], 'def': 'small piece of e.g. bread or cake', 'name': 'crumb'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 342, 'synset': 'crutch.n.01', 'synonyms': ['crutch'], 'def': 'a wooden or metal staff that fits under the armpit and reaches to the ground', 'name': 'crutch'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 343, 'synset': 'cub.n.03', 'synonyms': ['cub_(animal)'], 'def': 'the young of certain carnivorous mammals such as the bear or wolf or lion', 'name': 'cub_(animal)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 344, 'synset': 'cube.n.05', 'synonyms': ['cube', 'square_block'], 'def': 'a block in the (approximate) shape of a cube', 'name': 'cube'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 345, 'synset': 'cucumber.n.02', 'synonyms': ['cucumber', 'cuke'], 'def': 'cylindrical green fruit with thin green rind and white flesh eaten as a vegetable', 'name': 'cucumber'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 346, 'synset': 'cufflink.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cufflink'], 'def': 'jewelry consisting of linked buttons used to fasten the cuffs of a shirt', 'name': 'cufflink'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 347, 'synset': 'cup.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cup'], 'def': 'a small open container usually used for drinking; usually has a handle', 'name': 'cup'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 348, 'synset': 'cup.n.08', 'synonyms': ['trophy_cup'], 'def': 'a metal vessel with handles that is awarded as a trophy to a competition winner', 'name': 'trophy_cup'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 349, 'synset': 'cupcake.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cupcake'], 'def': 'small cake baked in a muffin tin', 'name': 'cupcake'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 350, 'synset': 'curler.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hair_curler', 'hair_roller', 'hair_crimper'], 'def': 'a cylindrical tube around which the hair is wound to curl it', 'name': 'hair_curler'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 351, 'synset': 'curling_iron.n.01', 'synonyms': ['curling_iron'], 'def': 'a cylindrical home appliance that heats hair that has been curled around it', 'name': 'curling_iron'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 352, 'synset': 'curtain.n.01', 'synonyms': ['curtain', 'drapery'], 'def': 'hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window)', 'name': 'curtain'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 353, 'synset': 'cushion.n.03', 'synonyms': ['cushion'], 'def': 'a soft bag filled with air or padding such as feathers or foam rubber', 'name': 'cushion'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 354, 'synset': 'custard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['custard'], 'def': 'sweetened mixture of milk and eggs baked or boiled or frozen', 'name': 'custard'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 355, 'synset': 'cutter.n.06', 'synonyms': ['cutting_tool'], 'def': 'a cutting implement; a tool for cutting', 'name': 'cutting_tool'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 356, 'synset': 'cylinder.n.04', 'synonyms': ['cylinder'], 'def': 'a cylindrical container', 'name': 'cylinder'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 357, 'synset': 'cymbal.n.01', 'synonyms': ['cymbal'], 'def': 'a percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass disk', 'name': 'cymbal'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 358, 'synset': 'dachshund.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dachshund', 'dachsie', 'badger_dog'], 'def': 'small long-bodied short-legged breed of dog having a short sleek coat and long drooping ears', 'name': 'dachshund'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 359, 'synset': 'dagger.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dagger'], 'def': 'a short knife with a pointed blade used for piercing or stabbing', 'name': 'dagger'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 360, 'synset': 'dartboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dartboard'], 'def': 'a circular board of wood or cork used as the target in the game of darts', 'name': 'dartboard'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 361, 'synset': 'date.n.08', 'synonyms': ['date_(fruit)'], 'def': 'sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed', 'name': 'date_(fruit)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 362, 'synset': 'deck_chair.n.01', 'synonyms': ['deck_chair', 'beach_chair'], 'def': 'a folding chair for use outdoors; a wooden frame supports a length of canvas', 'name': 'deck_chair'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 363, 'synset': 'deer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['deer', 'cervid'], 'def': "distinguished from Bovidae by the male's having solid deciduous antlers", 'name': 'deer'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 364, 'synset': 'dental_floss.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dental_floss', 'floss'], 'def': 'a soft thread for cleaning the spaces between the teeth', 'name': 'dental_floss'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 365, 'synset': 'desk.n.01', 'synonyms': ['desk'], 'def': 'a piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments', 'name': 'desk'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 366, 'synset': 'detergent.n.01', 'synonyms': ['detergent'], 'def': 'a surface-active chemical widely used in industry and laundering', 'name': 'detergent'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 367, 'synset': 'diaper.n.01', 'synonyms': ['diaper'], 'def': 'garment consisting of a folded cloth drawn up between the legs and fastened at the waist', 'name': 'diaper'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 368, 'synset': 'diary.n.01', 'synonyms': ['diary', 'journal'], 'def': 'a daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and observations', 'name': 'diary'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 369, 'synset': 'die.n.01', 'synonyms': ['die', 'dice'], 'def': 'a small cube with 1 to 6 spots on the six faces; used in gambling', 'name': 'die'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 370, 'synset': 'dinghy.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dinghy', 'dory', 'rowboat'], 'def': 'a small boat of shallow draft with seats and oars with which it is propelled', 'name': 'dinghy'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 371, 'synset': 'dining_table.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dining_table'], 'def': 'a table at which meals are served', 'name': 'dining_table'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 372, 'synset': 'dinner_jacket.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tux', 'tuxedo'], 'def': 'semiformal evening dress for men', 'name': 'tux'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 373, 'synset': 'dish.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dish'], 'def': 'a piece of dishware normally used as a container for holding or serving food', 'name': 'dish'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 374, 'synset': 'dish.n.05', 'synonyms': ['dish_antenna'], 'def': 'directional antenna consisting of a parabolic reflector', 'name': 'dish_antenna'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 375, 'synset': 'dishrag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dishrag', 'dishcloth'], 'def': 'a cloth for washing dishes', 'name': 'dishrag'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 376, 'synset': 'dishtowel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dishtowel', 'tea_towel'], 'def': 'a towel for drying dishes', 'name': 'dishtowel'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 377, 'synset': 'dishwasher.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dishwasher', 'dishwashing_machine'], 'def': 'a machine for washing dishes', 'name': 'dishwasher'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 378, 'synset': 'dishwasher_detergent.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dishwasher_detergent', 'dishwashing_detergent', 'dishwashing_liquid'], 'def': 'a low-sudsing detergent designed for use in dishwashers', 'name': 'dishwasher_detergent'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 379, 'synset': 'diskette.n.01', 'synonyms': ['diskette', 'floppy', 'floppy_disk'], 'def': 'a small plastic magnetic disk enclosed in a stiff envelope used to store data', 'name': 'diskette'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 380, 'synset': 'dispenser.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dispenser'], 'def': 'a container so designed that the contents can be used in prescribed amounts', 'name': 'dispenser'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 381, 'synset': 'dixie_cup.n.01', 'synonyms': ['Dixie_cup', 'paper_cup'], 'def': 'a disposable cup made of paper; for holding drinks', 'name': 'Dixie_cup'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 382, 'synset': 'dog.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dog'], 'def': 'a common domesticated dog', 'name': 'dog'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 383, 'synset': 'dog_collar.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dog_collar'], 'def': 'a collar for a dog', 'name': 'dog_collar'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 384, 'synset': 'doll.n.01', 'synonyms': ['doll'], 'def': 'a toy replica of a HUMAN (NOT AN ANIMAL)', 'name': 'doll'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 385, 'synset': 'dollar.n.02', 'synonyms': ['dollar', 'dollar_bill', 'one_dollar_bill'], 'def': 'a piece of paper money worth one dollar', 'name': 'dollar'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 386, 'synset': 'dolphin.n.02', 'synonyms': ['dolphin'], 'def': 'any of various small toothed whales with a beaklike snout; larger than porpoises', 'name': 'dolphin'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 387, 'synset': 'domestic_ass.n.01', 'synonyms': ['domestic_ass', 'donkey'], 'def': 'domestic beast of burden descended from the African wild ass; patient but stubborn', 'name': 'domestic_ass'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 388, 'synset': 'domino.n.03', 'synonyms': ['eye_mask'], 'def': 'a mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes', 'name': 'eye_mask'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 389, 'synset': 'doorbell.n.01', 'synonyms': ['doorbell', 'buzzer'], 'def': 'a button at an outer door that gives a ringing or buzzing signal when pushed', 'name': 'doorbell'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 390, 'synset': 'doorknob.n.01', 'synonyms': ['doorknob', 'doorhandle'], 'def': "a knob used to open a door (often called `doorhandle' in Great Britain)", 'name': 'doorknob'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 391, 'synset': 'doormat.n.02', 'synonyms': ['doormat', 'welcome_mat'], 'def': 'a mat placed outside an exterior door for wiping the shoes before entering', 'name': 'doormat'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 392, 'synset': 'doughnut.n.02', 'synonyms': ['doughnut', 'donut'], 'def': 'a small ring-shaped friedcake', 'name': 'doughnut'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 393, 'synset': 'dove.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dove'], 'def': 'any of numerous small pigeons', 'name': 'dove'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 394, 'synset': 'dragonfly.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dragonfly'], 'def': 'slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest', 'name': 'dragonfly'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 395, 'synset': 'drawer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['drawer'], 'def': 'a boxlike container in a piece of furniture; made so as to slide in and out', 'name': 'drawer'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 396, 'synset': 'drawers.n.01', 'synonyms': ['underdrawers', 'boxers', 'boxershorts'], 'def': 'underpants worn by men', 'name': 'underdrawers'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 397, 'synset': 'dress.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dress', 'frock'], 'def': 'a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice', 'name': 'dress'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 398, 'synset': 'dress_hat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dress_hat', 'high_hat', 'opera_hat', 'silk_hat', 'top_hat'], 'def': "a man's hat with a tall crown; usually covered with silk or with beaver fur", 'name': 'dress_hat'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 399, 'synset': 'dress_suit.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dress_suit'], 'def': 'formalwear consisting of full evening dress for men', 'name': 'dress_suit'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 400, 'synset': 'dresser.n.05', 'synonyms': ['dresser'], 'def': 'a cabinet with shelves', 'name': 'dresser'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 401, 'synset': 'drill.n.01', 'synonyms': ['drill'], 'def': 'a tool with a sharp rotating point for making holes in hard materials', 'name': 'drill'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 402, 'synset': 'drinking_fountain.n.01', 'synonyms': ['drinking_fountain'], 'def': 'a public fountain to provide a jet of drinking water', 'name': 'drinking_fountain'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 403, 'synset': 'drone.n.04', 'synonyms': ['drone'], 'def': 'an aircraft without a pilot that is operated by remote control', 'name': 'drone'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 404, 'synset': 'dropper.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dropper', 'eye_dropper'], 'def': 'pipet consisting of a small tube with a vacuum bulb at one end for drawing liquid in and releasing it a drop at a time', 'name': 'dropper'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 405, 'synset': 'drum.n.01', 'synonyms': ['drum_(musical_instrument)'], 'def': 'a musical percussion instrument; usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretched across each end', 'name': 'drum_(musical_instrument)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 406, 'synset': 'drumstick.n.02', 'synonyms': ['drumstick'], 'def': 'a stick used for playing a drum', 'name': 'drumstick'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 407, 'synset': 'duck.n.01', 'synonyms': ['duck'], 'def': 'small web-footed broad-billed swimming bird', 'name': 'duck'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 408, 'synset': 'duckling.n.02', 'synonyms': ['duckling'], 'def': 'young duck', 'name': 'duckling'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 409, 'synset': 'duct_tape.n.01', 'synonyms': ['duct_tape'], 'def': 'a wide silvery adhesive tape', 'name': 'duct_tape'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 410, 'synset': 'duffel_bag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['duffel_bag', 'duffle_bag', 'duffel', 'duffle'], 'def': 'a large cylindrical bag of heavy cloth', 'name': 'duffel_bag'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 411, 'synset': 'dumbbell.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dumbbell'], 'def': 'an exercising weight with two ball-like ends connected by a short handle', 'name': 'dumbbell'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 412, 'synset': 'dumpster.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dumpster'], 'def': 'a container designed to receive and transport and dump waste', 'name': 'dumpster'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 413, 'synset': 'dustpan.n.02', 'synonyms': ['dustpan'], 'def': 'a short-handled receptacle into which dust can be swept', 'name': 'dustpan'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 414, 'synset': 'dutch_oven.n.02', 'synonyms': ['Dutch_oven'], 'def': 'iron or earthenware cooking pot; used for stews', 'name': 'Dutch_oven'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 415, 'synset': 'eagle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['eagle'], 'def': 'large birds of prey noted for their broad wings and strong soaring flight', 'name': 'eagle'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 416, 'synset': 'earphone.n.01', 'synonyms': ['earphone', 'earpiece', 'headphone'], 'def': 'device for listening to audio that is held over or inserted into the ear', 'name': 'earphone'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 417, 'synset': 'earplug.n.01', 'synonyms': ['earplug'], 'def': 'a soft plug that is inserted into the ear canal to block sound', 'name': 'earplug'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 418, 'synset': 'earring.n.01', 'synonyms': ['earring'], 'def': 'jewelry to ornament the ear', 'name': 'earring'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 419, 'synset': 'easel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['easel'], 'def': "an upright tripod for displaying something (usually an artist's canvas)", 'name': 'easel'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 420, 'synset': 'eclair.n.01', 'synonyms': ['eclair'], 'def': 'oblong cream puff', 'name': 'eclair'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 421, 'synset': 'eel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['eel'], 'def': 'an elongate fish with fatty flesh', 'name': 'eel'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 422, 'synset': 'egg.n.02', 'synonyms': ['egg', 'eggs'], 'def': 'oval reproductive body of a fowl (especially a hen) used as food', 'name': 'egg'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 423, 'synset': 'egg_roll.n.01', 'synonyms': ['egg_roll', 'spring_roll'], 'def': 'minced vegetables and meat wrapped in a pancake and fried', 'name': 'egg_roll'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 424, 'synset': 'egg_yolk.n.01', 'synonyms': ['egg_yolk', 'yolk_(egg)'], 'def': 'the yellow spherical part of an egg', 'name': 'egg_yolk'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 425, 'synset': 'eggbeater.n.02', 'synonyms': ['eggbeater', 'eggwhisk'], 'def': 'a mixer for beating eggs or whipping cream', 'name': 'eggbeater'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 426, 'synset': 'eggplant.n.01', 'synonyms': ['eggplant', 'aubergine'], 'def': 'egg-shaped vegetable having a shiny skin typically dark purple', 'name': 'eggplant'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 427, 'synset': 'electric_chair.n.01', 'synonyms': ['electric_chair'], 'def': 'a chair-shaped instrument of execution by electrocution', 'name': 'electric_chair'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 428, 'synset': 'electric_refrigerator.n.01', 'synonyms': ['refrigerator'], 'def': 'a refrigerator in which the coolant is pumped around by an electric motor', 'name': 'refrigerator'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 429, 'synset': 'elephant.n.01', 'synonyms': ['elephant'], 'def': 'a common elephant', 'name': 'elephant'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 430, 'synset': 'elk.n.01', 'synonyms': ['elk', 'moose'], 'def': 'large northern deer with enormous flattened antlers in the male', 'name': 'elk'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 431, 'synset': 'envelope.n.01', 'synonyms': ['envelope'], 'def': 'a flat (usually rectangular) container for a letter, thin package, etc.', 'name': 'envelope'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 432, 'synset': 'eraser.n.01', 'synonyms': ['eraser'], 'def': 'an implement used to erase something', 'name': 'eraser'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 433, 'synset': 'escargot.n.01', 'synonyms': ['escargot'], 'def': 'edible snail usually served in the shell with a sauce of melted butter and garlic', 'name': 'escargot'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 434, 'synset': 'eyepatch.n.01', 'synonyms': ['eyepatch'], 'def': 'a protective cloth covering for an injured eye', 'name': 'eyepatch'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 435, 'synset': 'falcon.n.01', 'synonyms': ['falcon'], 'def': 'birds of prey having long pointed powerful wings adapted for swift flight', 'name': 'falcon'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 436, 'synset': 'fan.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fan'], 'def': 'a device for creating a current of air by movement of a surface or surfaces', 'name': 'fan'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 437, 'synset': 'faucet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['faucet', 'spigot', 'tap'], 'def': 'a regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir', 'name': 'faucet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 438, 'synset': 'fedora.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fedora'], 'def': 'a hat made of felt with a creased crown', 'name': 'fedora'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 439, 'synset': 'ferret.n.02', 'synonyms': ['ferret'], 'def': 'domesticated albino variety of the European polecat bred for hunting rats and rabbits', 'name': 'ferret'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 440, 'synset': 'ferris_wheel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['Ferris_wheel'], 'def': 'a large wheel with suspended seats that remain upright as the wheel rotates', 'name': 'Ferris_wheel'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 441, 'synset': 'ferry.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ferry', 'ferryboat'], 'def': 'a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule', 'name': 'ferry'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 442, 'synset': 'fig.n.04', 'synonyms': ['fig_(fruit)'], 'def': 'fleshy sweet pear-shaped yellowish or purple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dried', 'name': 'fig_(fruit)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 443, 'synset': 'fighter.n.02', 'synonyms': ['fighter_jet', 'fighter_aircraft', 'attack_aircraft'], 'def': 'a high-speed military or naval airplane designed to destroy enemy targets', 'name': 'fighter_jet'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 444, 'synset': 'figurine.n.01', 'synonyms': ['figurine'], 'def': 'a small carved or molded figure', 'name': 'figurine'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 445, 'synset': 'file.n.03', 'synonyms': ['file_cabinet', 'filing_cabinet'], 'def': 'office furniture consisting of a container for keeping papers in order', 'name': 'file_cabinet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 446, 'synset': 'file.n.04', 'synonyms': ['file_(tool)'], 'def': 'a steel hand tool with small sharp teeth on some or all of its surfaces; used for smoothing wood or metal', 'name': 'file_(tool)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 447, 'synset': 'fire_alarm.n.02', 'synonyms': ['fire_alarm', 'smoke_alarm'], 'def': 'an alarm that is tripped off by fire or smoke', 'name': 'fire_alarm'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 448, 'synset': 'fire_engine.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fire_engine', 'fire_truck'], 'def': 'large trucks that carry firefighters and equipment to the site of a fire', 'name': 'fire_engine'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 449, 'synset': 'fire_extinguisher.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fire_extinguisher', 'extinguisher'], 'def': 'a manually operated device for extinguishing small fires', 'name': 'fire_extinguisher'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 450, 'synset': 'fire_hose.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fire_hose'], 'def': 'a large hose that carries water from a fire hydrant to the site of the fire', 'name': 'fire_hose'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 451, 'synset': 'fireplace.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fireplace'], 'def': 'an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built', 'name': 'fireplace'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 452, 'synset': 'fireplug.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fireplug', 'fire_hydrant', 'hydrant'], 'def': 'an upright hydrant for drawing water to use in fighting a fire', 'name': 'fireplug'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 453, 'synset': 'fish.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fish'], 'def': 'any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills', 'name': 'fish'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 454, 'synset': 'fish.n.02', 'synonyms': ['fish_(food)'], 'def': 'the flesh of fish used as food', 'name': 'fish_(food)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 455, 'synset': 'fishbowl.n.02', 'synonyms': ['fishbowl', 'goldfish_bowl'], 'def': 'a transparent bowl in which small fish are kept', 'name': 'fishbowl'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 456, 'synset': 'fishing_boat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fishing_boat', 'fishing_vessel'], 'def': 'a vessel for fishing', 'name': 'fishing_boat'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 457, 'synset': 'fishing_rod.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fishing_rod', 'fishing_pole'], 'def': 'a rod that is used in fishing to extend the fishing line', 'name': 'fishing_rod'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 458, 'synset': 'flag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['flag'], 'def': 'emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design (do not include pole)', 'name': 'flag'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 459, 'synset': 'flagpole.n.02', 'synonyms': ['flagpole', 'flagstaff'], 'def': 'a tall staff or pole on which a flag is raised', 'name': 'flagpole'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 460, 'synset': 'flamingo.n.01', 'synonyms': ['flamingo'], 'def': 'large pink web-footed bird with down-bent bill', 'name': 'flamingo'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 461, 'synset': 'flannel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['flannel'], 'def': 'a soft light woolen fabric; used for clothing', 'name': 'flannel'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 462, 'synset': 'flash.n.10', 'synonyms': ['flash', 'flashbulb'], 'def': 'a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph', 'name': 'flash'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 463, 'synset': 'flashlight.n.01', 'synonyms': ['flashlight', 'torch'], 'def': 'a small portable battery-powered electric lamp', 'name': 'flashlight'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 464, 'synset': 'fleece.n.03', 'synonyms': ['fleece'], 'def': 'a soft bulky fabric with deep pile; used chiefly for clothing', 'name': 'fleece'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 465, 'synset': 'flip-flop.n.02', 'synonyms': ['flip-flop_(sandal)'], 'def': 'a backless sandal held to the foot by a thong between two toes', 'name': 'flip-flop_(sandal)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 466, 'synset': 'flipper.n.01', 'synonyms': ['flipper_(footwear)', 'fin_(footwear)'], 'def': 'a shoe to aid a person in swimming', 'name': 'flipper_(footwear)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 467, 'synset': 'flower_arrangement.n.01', 'synonyms': ['flower_arrangement', 'floral_arrangement'], 'def': 'a decorative arrangement of flowers', 'name': 'flower_arrangement'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 468, 'synset': 'flute.n.02', 'synonyms': ['flute_glass', 'champagne_flute'], 'def': 'a tall narrow wineglass', 'name': 'flute_glass'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 469, 'synset': 'foal.n.01', 'synonyms': ['foal'], 'def': 'a young horse', 'name': 'foal'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 470, 'synset': 'folding_chair.n.01', 'synonyms': ['folding_chair'], 'def': 'a chair that can be folded flat for storage', 'name': 'folding_chair'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 471, 'synset': 'food_processor.n.01', 'synonyms': ['food_processor'], 'def': 'a kitchen appliance for shredding, blending, chopping, or slicing food', 'name': 'food_processor'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 472, 'synset': 'football.n.02', 'synonyms': ['football_(American)'], 'def': 'the inflated oblong ball used in playing American football', 'name': 'football_(American)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 473, 'synset': 'football_helmet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['football_helmet'], 'def': 'a padded helmet with a face mask to protect the head of football players', 'name': 'football_helmet'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 474, 'synset': 'footstool.n.01', 'synonyms': ['footstool', 'footrest'], 'def': 'a low seat or a stool to rest the feet of a seated person', 'name': 'footstool'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 475, 'synset': 'fork.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fork'], 'def': 'cutlery used for serving and eating food', 'name': 'fork'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 476, 'synset': 'forklift.n.01', 'synonyms': ['forklift'], 'def': 'an industrial vehicle with a power operated fork in front that can be inserted under loads to lift and move them', 'name': 'forklift'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 477, 'synset': 'freight_car.n.01', 'synonyms': ['freight_car'], 'def': 'a railway car that carries freight', 'name': 'freight_car'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 478, 'synset': 'french_toast.n.01', 'synonyms': ['French_toast'], 'def': 'bread slice dipped in egg and milk and fried', 'name': 'French_toast'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 479, 'synset': 'freshener.n.01', 'synonyms': ['freshener', 'air_freshener'], 'def': 'anything that freshens', 'name': 'freshener'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 480, 'synset': 'frisbee.n.01', 'synonyms': ['frisbee'], 'def': 'a light, plastic disk propelled with a flip of the wrist for recreation or competition', 'name': 'frisbee'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 481, 'synset': 'frog.n.01', 'synonyms': ['frog', 'toad', 'toad_frog'], 'def': 'a tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping', 'name': 'frog'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 482, 'synset': 'fruit_juice.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fruit_juice'], 'def': 'drink produced by squeezing or crushing fruit', 'name': 'fruit_juice'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 483, 'synset': 'fruit_salad.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fruit_salad'], 'def': 'salad composed of fruits', 'name': 'fruit_salad'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 484, 'synset': 'frying_pan.n.01', 'synonyms': ['frying_pan', 'frypan', 'skillet'], 'def': 'a pan used for frying foods', 'name': 'frying_pan'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 485, 'synset': 'fudge.n.01', 'synonyms': ['fudge'], 'def': 'soft creamy candy', 'name': 'fudge'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 486, 'synset': 'funnel.n.02', 'synonyms': ['funnel'], 'def': 'a cone-shaped utensil used to channel a substance into a container with a small mouth', 'name': 'funnel'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 487, 'synset': 'futon.n.01', 'synonyms': ['futon'], 'def': 'a pad that is used for sleeping on the floor or on a raised frame', 'name': 'futon'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 488, 'synset': 'gag.n.02', 'synonyms': ['gag', 'muzzle'], 'def': "restraint put into a person's mouth to prevent speaking or shouting", 'name': 'gag'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 489, 'synset': 'garbage.n.03', 'synonyms': ['garbage'], 'def': 'a receptacle where waste can be discarded', 'name': 'garbage'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 490, 'synset': 'garbage_truck.n.01', 'synonyms': ['garbage_truck'], 'def': 'a truck for collecting domestic refuse', 'name': 'garbage_truck'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 491, 'synset': 'garden_hose.n.01', 'synonyms': ['garden_hose'], 'def': 'a hose used for watering a lawn or garden', 'name': 'garden_hose'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 492, 'synset': 'gargle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['gargle', 'mouthwash'], 'def': 'a medicated solution used for gargling and rinsing the mouth', 'name': 'gargle'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 493, 'synset': 'gargoyle.n.02', 'synonyms': ['gargoyle'], 'def': 'an ornament consisting of a grotesquely carved figure of a person or animal', 'name': 'gargoyle'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 494, 'synset': 'garlic.n.02', 'synonyms': ['garlic', 'ail'], 'def': 'aromatic bulb used as seasoning', 'name': 'garlic'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 495, 'synset': 'gasmask.n.01', 'synonyms': ['gasmask', 'respirator', 'gas_helmet'], 'def': 'a protective face mask with a filter', 'name': 'gasmask'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 496, 'synset': 'gazelle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['gazelle'], 'def': 'small swift graceful antelope of Africa and Asia having lustrous eyes', 'name': 'gazelle'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 497, 'synset': 'gelatin.n.02', 'synonyms': ['gelatin', 'jelly'], 'def': 'an edible jelly made with gelatin and used as a dessert or salad base or a coating for foods', 'name': 'gelatin'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 498, 'synset': 'gem.n.02', 'synonyms': ['gemstone'], 'def': 'a crystalline rock that can be cut and polished for jewelry', 'name': 'gemstone'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 499, 'synset': 'giant_panda.n.01', 'synonyms': ['giant_panda', 'panda', 'panda_bear'], 'def': 'large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet', 'name': 'giant_panda'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 500, 'synset': 'gift_wrap.n.01', 'synonyms': ['gift_wrap'], 'def': 'attractive wrapping paper suitable for wrapping gifts', 'name': 'gift_wrap'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 501, 'synset': 'ginger.n.03', 'synonyms': ['ginger', 'gingerroot'], 'def': 'the root of the common ginger plant; used fresh as a seasoning', 'name': 'ginger'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 502, 'synset': 'giraffe.n.01', 'synonyms': ['giraffe'], 'def': 'tall animal having a spotted coat and small horns and very long neck and legs', 'name': 'giraffe'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 503, 'synset': 'girdle.n.02', 'synonyms': ['cincture', 'sash', 'waistband', 'waistcloth'], 'def': 'a band of material around the waist that strengthens a skirt or trousers', 'name': 'cincture'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 504, 'synset': 'glass.n.02', 'synonyms': ['glass_(drink_container)', 'drinking_glass'], 'def': 'a container for holding liquids while drinking', 'name': 'glass_(drink_container)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 505, 'synset': 'globe.n.03', 'synonyms': ['globe'], 'def': 'a sphere on which a map (especially of the earth) is represented', 'name': 'globe'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 506, 'synset': 'glove.n.02', 'synonyms': ['glove'], 'def': 'handwear covering the hand', 'name': 'glove'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 507, 'synset': 'goat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['goat'], 'def': 'a common goat', 'name': 'goat'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 508, 'synset': 'goggles.n.01', 'synonyms': ['goggles'], 'def': 'tight-fitting spectacles worn to protect the eyes', 'name': 'goggles'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 509, 'synset': 'goldfish.n.01', 'synonyms': ['goldfish'], 'def': 'small golden or orange-red freshwater fishes used as pond or aquarium pets', 'name': 'goldfish'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 510, 'synset': 'golf_club.n.02', 'synonyms': ['golf_club', 'golf-club'], 'def': 'golf equipment used by a golfer to hit a golf ball', 'name': 'golf_club'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 511, 'synset': 'golfcart.n.01', 'synonyms': ['golfcart'], 'def': 'a small motor vehicle in which golfers can ride between shots', 'name': 'golfcart'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 512, 'synset': 'gondola.n.02', 'synonyms': ['gondola_(boat)'], 'def': 'long narrow flat-bottomed boat propelled by sculling; traditionally used on canals of Venice', 'name': 'gondola_(boat)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 513, 'synset': 'goose.n.01', 'synonyms': ['goose'], 'def': 'loud, web-footed long-necked aquatic birds usually larger than ducks', 'name': 'goose'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 514, 'synset': 'gorilla.n.01', 'synonyms': ['gorilla'], 'def': 'largest ape', 'name': 'gorilla'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 515, 'synset': 'gourd.n.02', 'synonyms': ['gourd'], 'def': 'any of numerous inedible fruits with hard rinds', 'name': 'gourd'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 516, 'synset': 'gown.n.04', 'synonyms': ['surgical_gown', 'scrubs_(surgical_clothing)'], 'def': 'protective garment worn by surgeons during operations', 'name': 'surgical_gown'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 517, 'synset': 'grape.n.01', 'synonyms': ['grape'], 'def': 'any of various juicy fruit with green or purple skins; grow in clusters', 'name': 'grape'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 518, 'synset': 'grasshopper.n.01', 'synonyms': ['grasshopper'], 'def': 'plant-eating insect with hind legs adapted for leaping', 'name': 'grasshopper'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 519, 'synset': 'grater.n.01', 'synonyms': ['grater'], 'def': 'utensil with sharp perforations for shredding foods (as vegetables or cheese)', 'name': 'grater'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 520, 'synset': 'gravestone.n.01', 'synonyms': ['gravestone', 'headstone', 'tombstone'], 'def': 'a stone that is used to mark a grave', 'name': 'gravestone'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 521, 'synset': 'gravy_boat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['gravy_boat', 'gravy_holder'], 'def': 'a dish (often boat-shaped) for serving gravy or sauce', 'name': 'gravy_boat'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 522, 'synset': 'green_bean.n.02', 'synonyms': ['green_bean'], 'def': 'a common bean plant cultivated for its slender green edible pods', 'name': 'green_bean'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 523, 'synset': 'green_onion.n.01', 'synonyms': ['green_onion', 'spring_onion', 'scallion'], 'def': 'a young onion before the bulb has enlarged', 'name': 'green_onion'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 524, 'synset': 'griddle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['griddle'], 'def': 'cooking utensil consisting of a flat heated surface on which food is cooked', 'name': 'griddle'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 525, 'synset': 'grillroom.n.01', 'synonyms': ['grillroom', 'grill_(restaurant)'], 'def': 'a restaurant where food is cooked on a grill', 'name': 'grillroom'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 526, 'synset': 'grinder.n.04', 'synonyms': ['grinder_(tool)'], 'def': 'a machine tool that polishes metal', 'name': 'grinder_(tool)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 527, 'synset': 'grits.n.01', 'synonyms': ['grits', 'hominy_grits'], 'def': 'coarsely ground corn boiled as a breakfast dish', 'name': 'grits'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 528, 'synset': 'grizzly.n.01', 'synonyms': ['grizzly', 'grizzly_bear'], 'def': 'powerful brownish-yellow bear of the uplands of western North America', 'name': 'grizzly'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 529, 'synset': 'grocery_bag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['grocery_bag'], 'def': "a sack for holding customer's groceries", 'name': 'grocery_bag'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 530, 'synset': 'guacamole.n.01', 'synonyms': ['guacamole'], 'def': 'a dip made of mashed avocado mixed with chopped onions and other seasonings', 'name': 'guacamole'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 531, 'synset': 'guitar.n.01', 'synonyms': ['guitar'], 'def': 'a stringed instrument usually having six strings; played by strumming or plucking', 'name': 'guitar'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 532, 'synset': 'gull.n.02', 'synonyms': ['gull', 'seagull'], 'def': 'mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs', 'name': 'gull'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 533, 'synset': 'gun.n.01', 'synonyms': ['gun'], 'def': 'a weapon that discharges a bullet at high velocity from a metal tube', 'name': 'gun'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 534, 'synset': 'hair_spray.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hair_spray'], 'def': 'substance sprayed on the hair to hold it in place', 'name': 'hair_spray'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 535, 'synset': 'hairbrush.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hairbrush'], 'def': "a brush used to groom a person's hair", 'name': 'hairbrush'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 536, 'synset': 'hairnet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hairnet'], 'def': 'a small net that someone wears over their hair to keep it in place', 'name': 'hairnet'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 537, 'synset': 'hairpin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hairpin'], 'def': "a double pronged pin used to hold women's hair in place", 'name': 'hairpin'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 538, 'synset': 'ham.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ham', 'jambon', 'gammon'], 'def': 'meat cut from the thigh of a hog (usually smoked)', 'name': 'ham'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 539, 'synset': 'hamburger.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hamburger', 'beefburger', 'burger'], 'def': 'a sandwich consisting of a patty of minced beef served on a bun', 'name': 'hamburger'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 540, 'synset': 'hammer.n.02', 'synonyms': ['hammer'], 'def': 'a hand tool with a heavy head and a handle; used to deliver an impulsive force by striking', 'name': 'hammer'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 541, 'synset': 'hammock.n.02', 'synonyms': ['hammock'], 'def': 'a hanging bed of canvas or rope netting (usually suspended between two trees)', 'name': 'hammock'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 542, 'synset': 'hamper.n.02', 'synonyms': ['hamper'], 'def': 'a basket usually with a cover', 'name': 'hamper'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 543, 'synset': 'hamster.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hamster'], 'def': 'short-tailed burrowing rodent with large cheek pouches', 'name': 'hamster'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 544, 'synset': 'hand_blower.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hair_dryer'], 'def': 'a hand-held electric blower that can blow warm air onto the hair', 'name': 'hair_dryer'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 545, 'synset': 'hand_glass.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hand_glass', 'hand_mirror'], 'def': 'a mirror intended to be held in the hand', 'name': 'hand_glass'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 546, 'synset': 'hand_towel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hand_towel', 'face_towel'], 'def': 'a small towel used to dry the hands or face', 'name': 'hand_towel'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 547, 'synset': 'handcart.n.01', 'synonyms': ['handcart', 'pushcart', 'hand_truck'], 'def': 'wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person', 'name': 'handcart'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 548, 'synset': 'handcuff.n.01', 'synonyms': ['handcuff'], 'def': 'shackle that consists of a metal loop that can be locked around the wrist', 'name': 'handcuff'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 549, 'synset': 'handkerchief.n.01', 'synonyms': ['handkerchief'], 'def': 'a square piece of cloth used for wiping the eyes or nose or as a costume accessory', 'name': 'handkerchief'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 550, 'synset': 'handle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['handle', 'grip', 'handgrip'], 'def': 'the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it', 'name': 'handle'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 551, 'synset': 'handsaw.n.01', 'synonyms': ['handsaw', "carpenter's_saw"], 'def': 'a saw used with one hand for cutting wood', 'name': 'handsaw'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 552, 'synset': 'hardback.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hardback_book', 'hardcover_book'], 'def': 'a book with cardboard or cloth or leather covers', 'name': 'hardback_book'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 553, 'synset': 'harmonium.n.01', 'synonyms': ['harmonium', 'organ_(musical_instrument)', 'reed_organ_(musical_instrument)'], 'def': 'a free-reed instrument in which air is forced through the reeds by bellows', 'name': 'harmonium'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 554, 'synset': 'hat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hat'], 'def': 'headwear that protects the head from bad weather, sun, or worn for fashion', 'name': 'hat'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 555, 'synset': 'hatbox.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hatbox'], 'def': 'a round piece of luggage for carrying hats', 'name': 'hatbox'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 556, 'synset': 'hatch.n.03', 'synonyms': ['hatch'], 'def': 'a movable barrier covering a hatchway', 'name': 'hatch'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 557, 'synset': 'head_covering.n.01', 'synonyms': ['veil'], 'def': 'a garment that covers the head and face', 'name': 'veil'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 558, 'synset': 'headband.n.01', 'synonyms': ['headband'], 'def': 'a band worn around or over the head', 'name': 'headband'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 559, 'synset': 'headboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['headboard'], 'def': 'a vertical board or panel forming the head of a bedstead', 'name': 'headboard'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 560, 'synset': 'headlight.n.01', 'synonyms': ['headlight', 'headlamp'], 'def': 'a powerful light with reflector; attached to the front of an automobile or locomotive', 'name': 'headlight'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 561, 'synset': 'headscarf.n.01', 'synonyms': ['headscarf'], 'def': 'a kerchief worn over the head and tied under the chin', 'name': 'headscarf'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 562, 'synset': 'headset.n.01', 'synonyms': ['headset'], 'def': 'receiver consisting of a pair of headphones', 'name': 'headset'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 563, 'synset': 'headstall.n.01', 'synonyms': ['headstall_(for_horses)', 'headpiece_(for_horses)'], 'def': "the band that is the part of a bridle that fits around a horse's head", 'name': 'headstall_(for_horses)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 564, 'synset': 'hearing_aid.n.02', 'synonyms': ['hearing_aid'], 'def': 'an acoustic device used to direct sound to the ear of a hearing-impaired person', 'name': 'hearing_aid'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 565, 'synset': 'heart.n.02', 'synonyms': ['heart'], 'def': 'a muscular organ; its contractions move the blood through the body', 'name': 'heart'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 566, 'synset': 'heater.n.01', 'synonyms': ['heater', 'warmer'], 'def': 'device that heats water or supplies warmth to a room', 'name': 'heater'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 567, 'synset': 'helicopter.n.01', 'synonyms': ['helicopter'], 'def': 'an aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades', 'name': 'helicopter'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 568, 'synset': 'helmet.n.02', 'synonyms': ['helmet'], 'def': 'a protective headgear made of hard material to resist blows', 'name': 'helmet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 569, 'synset': 'heron.n.02', 'synonyms': ['heron'], 'def': 'grey or white wading bird with long neck and long legs and (usually) long bill', 'name': 'heron'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 570, 'synset': 'highchair.n.01', 'synonyms': ['highchair', 'feeding_chair'], 'def': 'a chair for feeding a very young child', 'name': 'highchair'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 571, 'synset': 'hinge.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hinge'], 'def': 'a joint that holds two parts together so that one can swing relative to the other', 'name': 'hinge'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 572, 'synset': 'hippopotamus.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hippopotamus'], 'def': 'massive thick-skinned animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa', 'name': 'hippopotamus'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 573, 'synset': 'hockey_stick.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hockey_stick'], 'def': 'sports implement consisting of a stick used by hockey players to move the puck', 'name': 'hockey_stick'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 574, 'synset': 'hog.n.03', 'synonyms': ['hog', 'pig'], 'def': 'domestic swine', 'name': 'hog'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 575, 'synset': 'home_plate.n.01', 'synonyms': ['home_plate_(baseball)', 'home_base_(baseball)'], 'def': '(baseball) a rubber slab where the batter stands; it must be touched by a base runner in order to score', 'name': 'home_plate_(baseball)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 576, 'synset': 'honey.n.01', 'synonyms': ['honey'], 'def': 'a sweet yellow liquid produced by bees', 'name': 'honey'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 577, 'synset': 'hood.n.06', 'synonyms': ['fume_hood', 'exhaust_hood'], 'def': 'metal covering leading to a vent that exhausts smoke or fumes', 'name': 'fume_hood'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 578, 'synset': 'hook.n.05', 'synonyms': ['hook'], 'def': 'a curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something', 'name': 'hook'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 579, 'synset': 'horse.n.01', 'synonyms': ['horse'], 'def': 'a common horse', 'name': 'horse'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 580, 'synset': 'hose.n.03', 'synonyms': ['hose', 'hosepipe'], 'def': 'a flexible pipe for conveying a liquid or gas', 'name': 'hose'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 581, 'synset': 'hot-air_balloon.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hot-air_balloon'], 'def': 'balloon for travel through the air in a basket suspended below a large bag of heated air', 'name': 'hot-air_balloon'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 582, 'synset': 'hot_plate.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hotplate'], 'def': 'a portable electric appliance for heating or cooking or keeping food warm', 'name': 'hotplate'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 583, 'synset': 'hot_sauce.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hot_sauce'], 'def': 'a pungent peppery sauce', 'name': 'hot_sauce'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 584, 'synset': 'hourglass.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hourglass'], 'def': 'a sandglass timer that runs for sixty minutes', 'name': 'hourglass'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 585, 'synset': 'houseboat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['houseboat'], 'def': 'a barge that is designed and equipped for use as a dwelling', 'name': 'houseboat'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 586, 'synset': 'hummingbird.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hummingbird'], 'def': 'tiny American bird having brilliant iridescent plumage and long slender bills', 'name': 'hummingbird'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 587, 'synset': 'hummus.n.01', 'synonyms': ['hummus', 'humus', 'hommos', 'hoummos', 'humous'], 'def': 'a thick spread made from mashed chickpeas', 'name': 'hummus'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 588, 'synset': 'ice_bear.n.01', 'synonyms': ['polar_bear'], 'def': 'white bear of Arctic regions', 'name': 'polar_bear'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 589, 'synset': 'ice_cream.n.01', 'synonyms': ['icecream'], 'def': 'frozen dessert containing cream and sugar and flavoring', 'name': 'icecream'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 590, 'synset': 'ice_lolly.n.01', 'synonyms': ['popsicle'], 'def': 'ice cream or water ice on a small wooden stick', 'name': 'popsicle'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 591, 'synset': 'ice_maker.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ice_maker'], 'def': 'an appliance included in some electric refrigerators for making ice cubes', 'name': 'ice_maker'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 592, 'synset': 'ice_pack.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ice_pack', 'ice_bag'], 'def': 'a waterproof bag filled with ice: applied to the body (especially the head) to cool or reduce swelling', 'name': 'ice_pack'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 593, 'synset': 'ice_skate.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ice_skate'], 'def': 'skate consisting of a boot with a steel blade fitted to the sole', 'name': 'ice_skate'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 594, 'synset': 'ice_tea.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ice_tea', 'iced_tea'], 'def': 'strong tea served over ice', 'name': 'ice_tea'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 595, 'synset': 'igniter.n.01', 'synonyms': ['igniter', 'ignitor', 'lighter'], 'def': 'a substance or device used to start a fire', 'name': 'igniter'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 596, 'synset': 'incense.n.01', 'synonyms': ['incense'], 'def': 'a substance that produces a fragrant odor when burned', 'name': 'incense'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 597, 'synset': 'inhaler.n.01', 'synonyms': ['inhaler', 'inhalator'], 'def': 'a dispenser that produces a chemical vapor to be inhaled through mouth or nose', 'name': 'inhaler'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 598, 'synset': 'ipod.n.01', 'synonyms': ['iPod'], 'def': 'a pocket-sized device used to play music files', 'name': 'iPod'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 599, 'synset': 'iron.n.04', 'synonyms': ['iron_(for_clothing)', 'smoothing_iron_(for_clothing)'], 'def': 'home appliance consisting of a flat metal base that is heated and used to smooth cloth', 'name': 'iron_(for_clothing)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 600, 'synset': 'ironing_board.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ironing_board'], 'def': 'narrow padded board on collapsible supports; used for ironing clothes', 'name': 'ironing_board'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 601, 'synset': 'jacket.n.01', 'synonyms': ['jacket'], 'def': 'a waist-length coat', 'name': 'jacket'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 602, 'synset': 'jam.n.01', 'synonyms': ['jam'], 'def': 'preserve of crushed fruit', 'name': 'jam'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 603, 'synset': 'jean.n.01', 'synonyms': ['jean', 'blue_jean', 'denim'], 'def': '(usually plural) close-fitting trousers of heavy denim for manual work or casual wear', 'name': 'jean'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 604, 'synset': 'jeep.n.01', 'synonyms': ['jeep', 'landrover'], 'def': 'a car suitable for traveling over rough terrain', 'name': 'jeep'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 605, 'synset': 'jelly_bean.n.01', 'synonyms': ['jelly_bean', 'jelly_egg'], 'def': 'sugar-glazed jellied candy', 'name': 'jelly_bean'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 606, 'synset': 'jersey.n.03', 'synonyms': ['jersey', 'T-shirt', 'tee_shirt'], 'def': 'a close-fitting pullover shirt', 'name': 'jersey'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 607, 'synset': 'jet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['jet_plane', 'jet-propelled_plane'], 'def': 'an airplane powered by one or more jet engines', 'name': 'jet_plane'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 608, 'synset': 'jewelry.n.01', 'synonyms': ['jewelry', 'jewellery'], 'def': 'an adornment (as a bracelet or ring or necklace) made of precious metals and set with gems (or imitation gems)', 'name': 'jewelry'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 609, 'synset': 'joystick.n.02', 'synonyms': ['joystick'], 'def': 'a control device for computers consisting of a vertical handle that can move freely in two directions', 'name': 'joystick'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 610, 'synset': 'jump_suit.n.01', 'synonyms': ['jumpsuit'], 'def': "one-piece garment fashioned after a parachutist's uniform", 'name': 'jumpsuit'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 611, 'synset': 'kayak.n.01', 'synonyms': ['kayak'], 'def': 'a small canoe consisting of a light frame made watertight with animal skins', 'name': 'kayak'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 612, 'synset': 'keg.n.02', 'synonyms': ['keg'], 'def': 'small cask or barrel', 'name': 'keg'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 613, 'synset': 'kennel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['kennel', 'doghouse'], 'def': 'outbuilding that serves as a shelter for a dog', 'name': 'kennel'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 614, 'synset': 'kettle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['kettle', 'boiler'], 'def': 'a metal pot for stewing or boiling; usually has a lid', 'name': 'kettle'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 615, 'synset': 'key.n.01', 'synonyms': ['key'], 'def': 'metal instrument used to unlock a lock', 'name': 'key'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 616, 'synset': 'keycard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['keycard'], 'def': 'a plastic card used to gain access typically to a door', 'name': 'keycard'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 617, 'synset': 'kilt.n.01', 'synonyms': ['kilt'], 'def': 'a knee-length pleated tartan skirt worn by men as part of the traditional dress in the Highlands of northern Scotland', 'name': 'kilt'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 618, 'synset': 'kimono.n.01', 'synonyms': ['kimono'], 'def': 'a loose robe; imitated from robes originally worn by Japanese', 'name': 'kimono'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 619, 'synset': 'kitchen_sink.n.01', 'synonyms': ['kitchen_sink'], 'def': 'a sink in a kitchen', 'name': 'kitchen_sink'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 620, 'synset': 'kitchen_table.n.01', 'synonyms': ['kitchen_table'], 'def': 'a table in the kitchen', 'name': 'kitchen_table'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 621, 'synset': 'kite.n.03', 'synonyms': ['kite'], 'def': 'plaything consisting of a light frame covered with tissue paper; flown in wind at end of a string', 'name': 'kite'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 622, 'synset': 'kitten.n.01', 'synonyms': ['kitten', 'kitty'], 'def': 'young domestic cat', 'name': 'kitten'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 623, 'synset': 'kiwi.n.03', 'synonyms': ['kiwi_fruit'], 'def': 'fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh', 'name': 'kiwi_fruit'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 624, 'synset': 'knee_pad.n.01', 'synonyms': ['knee_pad'], 'def': 'protective garment consisting of a pad worn by football or baseball or hockey players', 'name': 'knee_pad'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 625, 'synset': 'knife.n.01', 'synonyms': ['knife'], 'def': 'tool with a blade and point used as a cutting instrument', 'name': 'knife'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 626, 'synset': 'knight.n.02', 'synonyms': ['knight_(chess_piece)', 'horse_(chess_piece)'], 'def': 'a chess game piece shaped to resemble the head of a horse', 'name': 'knight_(chess_piece)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 627, 'synset': 'knitting_needle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['knitting_needle'], 'def': 'needle consisting of a slender rod with pointed ends; usually used in pairs', 'name': 'knitting_needle'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 628, 'synset': 'knob.n.02', 'synonyms': ['knob'], 'def': 'a round handle often found on a door', 'name': 'knob'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 629, 'synset': 'knocker.n.05', 'synonyms': ['knocker_(on_a_door)', 'doorknocker'], 'def': 'a device (usually metal and ornamental) attached by a hinge to a door', 'name': 'knocker_(on_a_door)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 630, 'synset': 'koala.n.01', 'synonyms': ['koala', 'koala_bear'], 'def': 'sluggish tailless Australian marsupial with grey furry ears and coat', 'name': 'koala'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 631, 'synset': 'lab_coat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lab_coat', 'laboratory_coat'], 'def': 'a light coat worn to protect clothing from substances used while working in a laboratory', 'name': 'lab_coat'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 632, 'synset': 'ladder.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ladder'], 'def': 'steps consisting of two parallel members connected by rungs', 'name': 'ladder'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 633, 'synset': 'ladle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ladle'], 'def': 'a spoon-shaped vessel with a long handle frequently used to transfer liquids', 'name': 'ladle'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 634, 'synset': 'ladybug.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ladybug', 'ladybeetle', 'ladybird_beetle'], 'def': 'small round bright-colored and spotted beetle, typically red and black', 'name': 'ladybug'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 635, 'synset': 'lamb.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lamb_(animal)'], 'def': 'young sheep', 'name': 'lamb_(animal)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 636, 'synset': 'lamb_chop.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lamb-chop', 'lambchop'], 'def': 'chop cut from a lamb', 'name': 'lamb-chop'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 637, 'synset': 'lamp.n.02', 'synonyms': ['lamp'], 'def': 'a piece of furniture holding one or more electric light bulbs', 'name': 'lamp'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 638, 'synset': 'lamppost.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lamppost'], 'def': 'a metal post supporting an outdoor lamp (such as a streetlight)', 'name': 'lamppost'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 639, 'synset': 'lampshade.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lampshade'], 'def': 'a protective ornamental shade used to screen a light bulb from direct view', 'name': 'lampshade'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 640, 'synset': 'lantern.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lantern'], 'def': 'light in a transparent protective case', 'name': 'lantern'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 641, 'synset': 'lanyard.n.02', 'synonyms': ['lanyard', 'laniard'], 'def': 'a cord worn around the neck to hold a knife or whistle, etc.', 'name': 'lanyard'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 642, 'synset': 'laptop.n.01', 'synonyms': ['laptop_computer', 'notebook_computer'], 'def': 'a portable computer small enough to use in your lap', 'name': 'laptop_computer'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 643, 'synset': 'lasagna.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lasagna', 'lasagne'], 'def': 'baked dish of layers of lasagna pasta with sauce and cheese and meat or vegetables', 'name': 'lasagna'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 644, 'synset': 'latch.n.02', 'synonyms': ['latch'], 'def': 'a bar that can be lowered or slid into a groove to fasten a door or gate', 'name': 'latch'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 645, 'synset': 'lawn_mower.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lawn_mower'], 'def': 'garden tool for mowing grass on lawns', 'name': 'lawn_mower'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 646, 'synset': 'leather.n.01', 'synonyms': ['leather'], 'def': 'an animal skin made smooth and flexible by removing the hair and then tanning', 'name': 'leather'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 647, 'synset': 'legging.n.01', 'synonyms': ['legging_(clothing)', 'leging_(clothing)', 'leg_covering'], 'def': 'a garment covering the leg (usually extending from the knee to the ankle)', 'name': 'legging_(clothing)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 648, 'synset': 'lego.n.01', 'synonyms': ['Lego', 'Lego_set'], 'def': "a child's plastic construction set for making models from blocks", 'name': 'Lego'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 649, 'synset': 'lemon.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lemon'], 'def': 'yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh', 'name': 'lemon'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 650, 'synset': 'lemonade.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lemonade'], 'def': 'sweetened beverage of diluted lemon juice', 'name': 'lemonade'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 651, 'synset': 'lettuce.n.02', 'synonyms': ['lettuce'], 'def': 'leafy plant commonly eaten in salad or on sandwiches', 'name': 'lettuce'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 652, 'synset': 'license_plate.n.01', 'synonyms': ['license_plate', 'numberplate'], 'def': "a plate mounted on the front and back of car and bearing the car's registration number", 'name': 'license_plate'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 653, 'synset': 'life_buoy.n.01', 'synonyms': ['life_buoy', 'lifesaver', 'life_belt', 'life_ring'], 'def': 'a ring-shaped life preserver used to prevent drowning (NOT a life-jacket or vest)', 'name': 'life_buoy'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 654, 'synset': 'life_jacket.n.01', 'synonyms': ['life_jacket', 'life_vest'], 'def': 'life preserver consisting of a sleeveless jacket of buoyant or inflatable design', 'name': 'life_jacket'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 655, 'synset': 'light_bulb.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lightbulb'], 'def': 'glass bulb or tube shaped electric device that emits light (DO NOT MARK LAMPS AS A WHOLE)', 'name': 'lightbulb'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 656, 'synset': 'lightning_rod.n.02', 'synonyms': ['lightning_rod', 'lightning_conductor'], 'def': 'a metallic conductor that is attached to a high point and leads to the ground', 'name': 'lightning_rod'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 657, 'synset': 'lime.n.06', 'synonyms': ['lime'], 'def': 'the green acidic fruit of any of various lime trees', 'name': 'lime'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 658, 'synset': 'limousine.n.01', 'synonyms': ['limousine'], 'def': 'long luxurious car; usually driven by a chauffeur', 'name': 'limousine'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 659, 'synset': 'linen.n.02', 'synonyms': ['linen_paper'], 'def': 'a high-quality paper made of linen fibers or with a linen finish', 'name': 'linen_paper'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 660, 'synset': 'lion.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lion'], 'def': 'large gregarious predatory cat of Africa and India', 'name': 'lion'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 661, 'synset': 'lip_balm.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lip_balm'], 'def': 'a balm applied to the lips', 'name': 'lip_balm'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 662, 'synset': 'lipstick.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lipstick', 'lip_rouge'], 'def': 'makeup that is used to color the lips', 'name': 'lipstick'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 663, 'synset': 'liquor.n.01', 'synonyms': ['liquor', 'spirits', 'hard_liquor', 'liqueur', 'cordial'], 'def': 'an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented', 'name': 'liquor'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 664, 'synset': 'lizard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lizard'], 'def': 'a reptile with usually two pairs of legs and a tapering tail', 'name': 'lizard'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 665, 'synset': 'loafer.n.02', 'synonyms': ['Loafer_(type_of_shoe)'], 'def': 'a low leather step-in shoe', 'name': 'Loafer_(type_of_shoe)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 666, 'synset': 'log.n.01', 'synonyms': ['log'], 'def': 'a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches', 'name': 'log'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 667, 'synset': 'lollipop.n.02', 'synonyms': ['lollipop'], 'def': 'hard candy on a stick', 'name': 'lollipop'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 668, 'synset': 'lotion.n.01', 'synonyms': ['lotion'], 'def': 'any of various cosmetic preparations that are applied to the skin', 'name': 'lotion'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 669, 'synset': 'loudspeaker.n.01', 'synonyms': ['speaker_(stero_equipment)'], 'def': 'electronic device that produces sound often as part of a stereo system', 'name': 'speaker_(stero_equipment)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 670, 'synset': 'love_seat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['loveseat'], 'def': 'small sofa that seats two people', 'name': 'loveseat'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 671, 'synset': 'machine_gun.n.01', 'synonyms': ['machine_gun'], 'def': 'a rapidly firing automatic gun', 'name': 'machine_gun'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 672, 'synset': 'magazine.n.02', 'synonyms': ['magazine'], 'def': 'a paperback periodic publication', 'name': 'magazine'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 673, 'synset': 'magnet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['magnet'], 'def': 'a device that attracts iron and produces a magnetic field', 'name': 'magnet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 674, 'synset': 'mail_slot.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mail_slot'], 'def': 'a slot (usually in a door) through which mail can be delivered', 'name': 'mail_slot'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 675, 'synset': 'mailbox.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mailbox_(at_home)', 'letter_box_(at_home)'], 'def': 'a private box for delivery of mail', 'name': 'mailbox_(at_home)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 676, 'synset': 'mallet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mallet'], 'def': 'a sports implement with a long handle and a hammer-like head used to hit a ball', 'name': 'mallet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 677, 'synset': 'mammoth.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mammoth'], 'def': 'any of numerous extinct elephants widely distributed in the Pleistocene', 'name': 'mammoth'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 678, 'synset': 'mandarin.n.05', 'synonyms': ['mandarin_orange'], 'def': 'a somewhat flat reddish-orange loose skinned citrus of China', 'name': 'mandarin_orange'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 679, 'synset': 'manger.n.01', 'synonyms': ['manger', 'trough'], 'def': 'a container (usually in a barn or stable) from which cattle or horses feed', 'name': 'manger'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 680, 'synset': 'manhole.n.01', 'synonyms': ['manhole'], 'def': 'a hole (usually with a flush cover) through which a person can gain access to an underground structure', 'name': 'manhole'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 681, 'synset': 'map.n.01', 'synonyms': ['map'], 'def': "a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it)", 'name': 'map'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 682, 'synset': 'marker.n.03', 'synonyms': ['marker'], 'def': 'a writing implement for making a mark', 'name': 'marker'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 683, 'synset': 'martini.n.01', 'synonyms': ['martini'], 'def': 'a cocktail made of gin (or vodka) with dry vermouth', 'name': 'martini'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 684, 'synset': 'mascot.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mascot'], 'def': 'a person or animal that is adopted by a team or other group as a symbolic figure', 'name': 'mascot'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 685, 'synset': 'mashed_potato.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mashed_potato'], 'def': 'potato that has been peeled and boiled and then mashed', 'name': 'mashed_potato'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 686, 'synset': 'masher.n.02', 'synonyms': ['masher'], 'def': 'a kitchen utensil used for mashing (e.g. potatoes)', 'name': 'masher'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 687, 'synset': 'mask.n.04', 'synonyms': ['mask', 'facemask'], 'def': 'a protective covering worn over the face', 'name': 'mask'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 688, 'synset': 'mast.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mast'], 'def': 'a vertical spar for supporting sails', 'name': 'mast'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 689, 'synset': 'mat.n.03', 'synonyms': ['mat_(gym_equipment)', 'gym_mat'], 'def': 'sports equipment consisting of a piece of thick padding on the floor for gymnastics', 'name': 'mat_(gym_equipment)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 690, 'synset': 'matchbox.n.01', 'synonyms': ['matchbox'], 'def': 'a box for holding matches', 'name': 'matchbox'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 691, 'synset': 'mattress.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mattress'], 'def': 'a thick pad filled with resilient material used as a bed or part of a bed', 'name': 'mattress'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 692, 'synset': 'measuring_cup.n.01', 'synonyms': ['measuring_cup'], 'def': 'graduated cup used to measure liquid or granular ingredients', 'name': 'measuring_cup'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 693, 'synset': 'measuring_stick.n.01', 'synonyms': ['measuring_stick', 'ruler_(measuring_stick)', 'measuring_rod'], 'def': 'measuring instrument having a sequence of marks at regular intervals', 'name': 'measuring_stick'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 694, 'synset': 'meatball.n.01', 'synonyms': ['meatball'], 'def': 'ground meat formed into a ball and fried or simmered in broth', 'name': 'meatball'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 695, 'synset': 'medicine.n.02', 'synonyms': ['medicine'], 'def': 'something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease', 'name': 'medicine'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 696, 'synset': 'melon.n.01', 'synonyms': ['melon'], 'def': 'fruit of the gourd family having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh', 'name': 'melon'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 697, 'synset': 'microphone.n.01', 'synonyms': ['microphone'], 'def': 'device for converting sound waves into electrical energy', 'name': 'microphone'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 698, 'synset': 'microscope.n.01', 'synonyms': ['microscope'], 'def': 'magnifier of the image of small objects', 'name': 'microscope'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 699, 'synset': 'microwave.n.02', 'synonyms': ['microwave_oven'], 'def': 'kitchen appliance that cooks food by passing an electromagnetic wave through it', 'name': 'microwave_oven'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 700, 'synset': 'milestone.n.01', 'synonyms': ['milestone', 'milepost'], 'def': 'stone post at side of a road to show distances', 'name': 'milestone'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 701, 'synset': 'milk.n.01', 'synonyms': ['milk'], 'def': 'a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings', 'name': 'milk'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 702, 'synset': 'minivan.n.01', 'synonyms': ['minivan'], 'def': 'a small box-shaped passenger van', 'name': 'minivan'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 703, 'synset': 'mint.n.05', 'synonyms': ['mint_candy'], 'def': 'a candy that is flavored with a mint oil', 'name': 'mint_candy'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 704, 'synset': 'mirror.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mirror'], 'def': 'polished surface that forms images by reflecting light', 'name': 'mirror'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 705, 'synset': 'mitten.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mitten'], 'def': 'glove that encases the thumb separately and the other four fingers together', 'name': 'mitten'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 706, 'synset': 'mixer.n.04', 'synonyms': ['mixer_(kitchen_tool)', 'stand_mixer'], 'def': 'a kitchen utensil that is used for mixing foods', 'name': 'mixer_(kitchen_tool)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 707, 'synset': 'money.n.03', 'synonyms': ['money'], 'def': 'the official currency issued by a government or national bank', 'name': 'money'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 708, 'synset': 'monitor.n.04', 'synonyms': ['monitor_(computer_equipment) computer_monitor'], 'def': 'a computer monitor', 'name': 'monitor_(computer_equipment) computer_monitor'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 709, 'synset': 'monkey.n.01', 'synonyms': ['monkey'], 'def': 'any of various long-tailed primates', 'name': 'monkey'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 710, 'synset': 'motor.n.01', 'synonyms': ['motor'], 'def': 'machine that converts other forms of energy into mechanical energy and so imparts motion', 'name': 'motor'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 711, 'synset': 'motor_scooter.n.01', 'synonyms': ['motor_scooter', 'scooter'], 'def': 'a wheeled vehicle with small wheels and a low-powered engine', 'name': 'motor_scooter'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 712, 'synset': 'motor_vehicle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['motor_vehicle', 'automotive_vehicle'], 'def': 'a self-propelled wheeled vehicle that does not run on rails', 'name': 'motor_vehicle'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 713, 'synset': 'motorboat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['motorboat', 'powerboat'], 'def': 'a boat propelled by an internal-combustion engine', 'name': 'motorboat'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 714, 'synset': 'motorcycle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['motorcycle'], 'def': 'a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame', 'name': 'motorcycle'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 715, 'synset': 'mound.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mound_(baseball)', "pitcher's_mound"], 'def': '(baseball) the slight elevation on which the pitcher stands', 'name': 'mound_(baseball)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 716, 'synset': 'mouse.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mouse_(animal_rodent)'], 'def': 'a small rodent with pointed snouts and small ears on elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails', 'name': 'mouse_(animal_rodent)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 717, 'synset': 'mouse.n.04', 'synonyms': ['mouse_(computer_equipment)', 'computer_mouse'], 'def': 'a computer input device that controls an on-screen pointer', 'name': 'mouse_(computer_equipment)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 718, 'synset': 'mousepad.n.01', 'synonyms': ['mousepad'], 'def': 'a small portable pad that provides an operating surface for a computer mouse', 'name': 'mousepad'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 719, 'synset': 'muffin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['muffin'], 'def': 'a sweet quick bread baked in a cup-shaped pan', 'name': 'muffin'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 720, 'synset': 'mug.n.04', 'synonyms': ['mug'], 'def': 'with handle and usually cylindrical', 'name': 'mug'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 721, 'synset': 'mushroom.n.02', 'synonyms': ['mushroom'], 'def': 'a common mushroom', 'name': 'mushroom'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 722, 'synset': 'music_stool.n.01', 'synonyms': ['music_stool', 'piano_stool'], 'def': 'a stool for piano players; usually adjustable in height', 'name': 'music_stool'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 723, 'synset': 'musical_instrument.n.01', 'synonyms': ['musical_instrument', 'instrument_(musical)'], 'def': 'any of various devices or contrivances that can be used to produce musical tones or sounds', 'name': 'musical_instrument'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 724, 'synset': 'nailfile.n.01', 'synonyms': ['nailfile'], 'def': 'a small flat file for shaping the nails', 'name': 'nailfile'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 725, 'synset': 'nameplate.n.01', 'synonyms': ['nameplate'], 'def': 'a plate bearing a name', 'name': 'nameplate'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 726, 'synset': 'napkin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['napkin', 'table_napkin', 'serviette'], 'def': 'a small piece of table linen or paper that is used to wipe the mouth and to cover the lap in order to protect clothing', 'name': 'napkin'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 727, 'synset': 'neckerchief.n.01', 'synonyms': ['neckerchief'], 'def': 'a kerchief worn around the neck', 'name': 'neckerchief'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 728, 'synset': 'necklace.n.01', 'synonyms': ['necklace'], 'def': 'jewelry consisting of a cord or chain (often bearing gems) worn about the neck as an ornament', 'name': 'necklace'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 729, 'synset': 'necktie.n.01', 'synonyms': ['necktie', 'tie_(necktie)'], 'def': 'neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn under a collar and tied in knot at the front', 'name': 'necktie'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 730, 'synset': 'needle.n.03', 'synonyms': ['needle'], 'def': 'a sharp pointed implement (usually metal)', 'name': 'needle'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 731, 'synset': 'nest.n.01', 'synonyms': ['nest'], 'def': 'a structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young', 'name': 'nest'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 732, 'synset': 'newsstand.n.01', 'synonyms': ['newsstand'], 'def': 'a stall where newspapers and other periodicals are sold', 'name': 'newsstand'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 733, 'synset': 'nightwear.n.01', 'synonyms': ['nightshirt', 'nightwear', 'sleepwear', 'nightclothes'], 'def': 'garments designed to be worn in bed', 'name': 'nightshirt'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 734, 'synset': 'nosebag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['nosebag_(for_animals)', 'feedbag'], 'def': 'a canvas bag that is used to feed an animal (such as a horse); covers the muzzle and fastens at the top of the head', 'name': 'nosebag_(for_animals)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 735, 'synset': 'noseband.n.01', 'synonyms': ['noseband_(for_animals)', 'nosepiece_(for_animals)'], 'def': "a strap that is the part of a bridle that goes over the animal's nose", 'name': 'noseband_(for_animals)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 736, 'synset': 'notebook.n.01', 'synonyms': ['notebook'], 'def': 'a book with blank pages for recording notes or memoranda', 'name': 'notebook'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 737, 'synset': 'notepad.n.01', 'synonyms': ['notepad'], 'def': 'a pad of paper for keeping notes', 'name': 'notepad'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 738, 'synset': 'nut.n.03', 'synonyms': ['nut'], 'def': 'a small metal block (usually square or hexagonal) with internal screw thread to be fitted onto a bolt', 'name': 'nut'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 739, 'synset': 'nutcracker.n.01', 'synonyms': ['nutcracker'], 'def': 'a hand tool used to crack nuts open', 'name': 'nutcracker'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 740, 'synset': 'oar.n.01', 'synonyms': ['oar'], 'def': 'an implement used to propel or steer a boat', 'name': 'oar'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 741, 'synset': 'octopus.n.01', 'synonyms': ['octopus_(food)'], 'def': 'tentacles of octopus prepared as food', 'name': 'octopus_(food)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 742, 'synset': 'octopus.n.02', 'synonyms': ['octopus_(animal)'], 'def': 'bottom-living cephalopod having a soft oval body with eight long tentacles', 'name': 'octopus_(animal)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 743, 'synset': 'oil_lamp.n.01', 'synonyms': ['oil_lamp', 'kerosene_lamp', 'kerosine_lamp'], 'def': 'a lamp that burns oil (as kerosine) for light', 'name': 'oil_lamp'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 744, 'synset': 'olive_oil.n.01', 'synonyms': ['olive_oil'], 'def': 'oil from olives', 'name': 'olive_oil'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 745, 'synset': 'omelet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['omelet', 'omelette'], 'def': 'beaten eggs cooked until just set; may be folded around e.g. ham or cheese or jelly', 'name': 'omelet'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 746, 'synset': 'onion.n.01', 'synonyms': ['onion'], 'def': 'the bulb of an onion plant', 'name': 'onion'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 747, 'synset': 'orange.n.01', 'synonyms': ['orange_(fruit)'], 'def': 'orange (FRUIT of an orange tree)', 'name': 'orange_(fruit)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 748, 'synset': 'orange_juice.n.01', 'synonyms': ['orange_juice'], 'def': 'bottled or freshly squeezed juice of oranges', 'name': 'orange_juice'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 749, 'synset': 'oregano.n.01', 'synonyms': ['oregano', 'marjoram'], 'def': 'aromatic Eurasian perennial herb used in cooking and baking', 'name': 'oregano'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 750, 'synset': 'ostrich.n.02', 'synonyms': ['ostrich'], 'def': 'fast-running African flightless bird with two-toed feet; largest living bird', 'name': 'ostrich'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 751, 'synset': 'ottoman.n.03', 'synonyms': ['ottoman', 'pouf', 'pouffe', 'hassock'], 'def': 'thick cushion used as a seat', 'name': 'ottoman'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 752, 'synset': 'overall.n.01', 'synonyms': ['overalls_(clothing)'], 'def': 'work clothing consisting of denim trousers usually with a bib and shoulder straps', 'name': 'overalls_(clothing)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 753, 'synset': 'owl.n.01', 'synonyms': ['owl'], 'def': 'nocturnal bird of prey with hawk-like beak and claws and large head with front-facing eyes', 'name': 'owl'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 754, 'synset': 'packet.n.03', 'synonyms': ['packet'], 'def': 'a small package or bundle', 'name': 'packet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 755, 'synset': 'pad.n.03', 'synonyms': ['inkpad', 'inking_pad', 'stamp_pad'], 'def': 'absorbent material saturated with ink used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp', 'name': 'inkpad'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 756, 'synset': 'pad.n.04', 'synonyms': ['pad'], 'def': 'a flat mass of soft material used for protection, stuffing, or comfort', 'name': 'pad'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 757, 'synset': 'paddle.n.04', 'synonyms': ['paddle', 'boat_paddle'], 'def': 'a short light oar used without an oarlock to propel a canoe or small boat', 'name': 'paddle'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 758, 'synset': 'padlock.n.01', 'synonyms': ['padlock'], 'def': 'a detachable, portable lock', 'name': 'padlock'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 759, 'synset': 'paintbox.n.01', 'synonyms': ['paintbox'], 'def': "a box containing a collection of cubes or tubes of artists' paint", 'name': 'paintbox'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 760, 'synset': 'paintbrush.n.01', 'synonyms': ['paintbrush'], 'def': 'a brush used as an applicator to apply paint', 'name': 'paintbrush'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 761, 'synset': 'painting.n.01', 'synonyms': ['painting'], 'def': 'graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface', 'name': 'painting'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 762, 'synset': 'pajama.n.02', 'synonyms': ['pajamas', 'pyjamas'], 'def': 'loose-fitting nightclothes worn for sleeping or lounging', 'name': 'pajamas'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 763, 'synset': 'palette.n.02', 'synonyms': ['palette', 'pallet'], 'def': 'board that provides a flat surface on which artists mix paints and the range of colors used', 'name': 'palette'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 764, 'synset': 'pan.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pan_(for_cooking)', 'cooking_pan'], 'def': 'cooking utensil consisting of a wide metal vessel', 'name': 'pan_(for_cooking)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 765, 'synset': 'pan.n.03', 'synonyms': ['pan_(metal_container)'], 'def': 'shallow container made of metal', 'name': 'pan_(metal_container)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 766, 'synset': 'pancake.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pancake'], 'def': 'a flat cake of thin batter fried on both sides on a griddle', 'name': 'pancake'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 767, 'synset': 'pantyhose.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pantyhose'], 'def': "a woman's tights consisting of underpants and stockings", 'name': 'pantyhose'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 768, 'synset': 'papaya.n.02', 'synonyms': ['papaya'], 'def': 'large oval melon-like tropical fruit with yellowish flesh', 'name': 'papaya'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 769, 'synset': 'paper_clip.n.01', 'synonyms': ['paperclip'], 'def': 'a wire or plastic clip for holding sheets of paper together', 'name': 'paperclip'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 770, 'synset': 'paper_plate.n.01', 'synonyms': ['paper_plate'], 'def': 'a disposable plate made of cardboard', 'name': 'paper_plate'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 771, 'synset': 'paper_towel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['paper_towel'], 'def': 'a disposable towel made of absorbent paper', 'name': 'paper_towel'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 772, 'synset': 'paperback_book.n.01', 'synonyms': ['paperback_book', 'paper-back_book', 'softback_book', 'soft-cover_book'], 'def': 'a book with paper covers', 'name': 'paperback_book'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 773, 'synset': 'paperweight.n.01', 'synonyms': ['paperweight'], 'def': 'a weight used to hold down a stack of papers', 'name': 'paperweight'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 774, 'synset': 'parachute.n.01', 'synonyms': ['parachute'], 'def': 'rescue equipment consisting of a device that fills with air and retards your fall', 'name': 'parachute'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 775, 'synset': 'parakeet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['parakeet', 'parrakeet', 'parroket', 'paraquet', 'paroquet', 'parroquet'], 'def': 'any of numerous small slender long-tailed parrots', 'name': 'parakeet'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 776, 'synset': 'parasail.n.01', 'synonyms': ['parasail_(sports)'], 'def': 'parachute that will lift a person up into the air when it is towed by a motorboat or a car', 'name': 'parasail_(sports)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 777, 'synset': 'parchment.n.01', 'synonyms': ['parchment'], 'def': 'a superior paper resembling sheepskin', 'name': 'parchment'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 778, 'synset': 'parka.n.01', 'synonyms': ['parka', 'anorak'], 'def': "a kind of heavy jacket (`windcheater' is a British term)", 'name': 'parka'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 779, 'synset': 'parking_meter.n.01', 'synonyms': ['parking_meter'], 'def': 'a coin-operated timer located next to a parking space', 'name': 'parking_meter'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 780, 'synset': 'parrot.n.01', 'synonyms': ['parrot'], 'def': 'usually brightly colored tropical birds with short hooked beaks and the ability to mimic sounds', 'name': 'parrot'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 781, 'synset': 'passenger_car.n.01', 'synonyms': ['passenger_car_(part_of_a_train)', 'coach_(part_of_a_train)'], 'def': 'a railcar where passengers ride', 'name': 'passenger_car_(part_of_a_train)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 782, 'synset': 'passenger_ship.n.01', 'synonyms': ['passenger_ship'], 'def': 'a ship built to carry passengers', 'name': 'passenger_ship'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 783, 'synset': 'passport.n.02', 'synonyms': ['passport'], 'def': 'a document issued by a country to a citizen allowing that person to travel abroad and re-enter the home country', 'name': 'passport'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 784, 'synset': 'pastry.n.02', 'synonyms': ['pastry'], 'def': 'any of various baked foods made of dough or batter', 'name': 'pastry'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 785, 'synset': 'patty.n.01', 'synonyms': ['patty_(food)'], 'def': 'small flat mass of chopped food', 'name': 'patty_(food)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 786, 'synset': 'pea.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pea_(food)'], 'def': 'seed of a pea plant used for food', 'name': 'pea_(food)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 787, 'synset': 'peach.n.03', 'synonyms': ['peach'], 'def': 'downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh', 'name': 'peach'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 788, 'synset': 'peanut_butter.n.01', 'synonyms': ['peanut_butter'], 'def': 'a spread made from ground peanuts', 'name': 'peanut_butter'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 789, 'synset': 'pear.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pear'], 'def': 'sweet juicy gritty-textured fruit available in many varieties', 'name': 'pear'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 790, 'synset': 'peeler.n.03', 'synonyms': ['peeler_(tool_for_fruit_and_vegetables)'], 'def': 'a device for peeling vegetables or fruits', 'name': 'peeler_(tool_for_fruit_and_vegetables)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 791, 'synset': 'pegboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pegboard'], 'def': 'a board perforated with regularly spaced holes into which pegs can be fitted', 'name': 'pegboard'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 792, 'synset': 'pelican.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pelican'], 'def': 'large long-winged warm-water seabird having a large bill with a distensible pouch for fish', 'name': 'pelican'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 793, 'synset': 'pen.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pen'], 'def': 'a writing implement with a point from which ink flows', 'name': 'pen'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 794, 'synset': 'pencil.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pencil'], 'def': 'a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement made of wood and graphite', 'name': 'pencil'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 795, 'synset': 'pencil_box.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pencil_box', 'pencil_case'], 'def': 'a box for holding pencils', 'name': 'pencil_box'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 796, 'synset': 'pencil_sharpener.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pencil_sharpener'], 'def': 'a rotary implement for sharpening the point on pencils', 'name': 'pencil_sharpener'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 797, 'synset': 'pendulum.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pendulum'], 'def': 'an apparatus consisting of an object mounted so that it swings freely under the influence of gravity', 'name': 'pendulum'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 798, 'synset': 'penguin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['penguin'], 'def': 'short-legged flightless birds of cold southern regions having webbed feet and wings modified as flippers', 'name': 'penguin'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 799, 'synset': 'pennant.n.02', 'synonyms': ['pennant'], 'def': 'a flag longer than it is wide (and often tapering)', 'name': 'pennant'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 800, 'synset': 'penny.n.02', 'synonyms': ['penny_(coin)'], 'def': 'a coin worth one-hundredth of the value of the basic unit', 'name': 'penny_(coin)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 801, 'synset': 'pepper.n.03', 'synonyms': ['pepper', 'peppercorn'], 'def': 'pungent seasoning from the berry of the common pepper plant; whole or ground', 'name': 'pepper'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 802, 'synset': 'pepper_mill.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pepper_mill', 'pepper_grinder'], 'def': 'a mill for grinding pepper', 'name': 'pepper_mill'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 803, 'synset': 'perfume.n.02', 'synonyms': ['perfume'], 'def': 'a toiletry that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor', 'name': 'perfume'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 804, 'synset': 'persimmon.n.02', 'synonyms': ['persimmon'], 'def': 'orange fruit resembling a plum; edible when fully ripe', 'name': 'persimmon'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 805, 'synset': 'person.n.01', 'synonyms': ['baby', 'child', 'boy', 'girl', 'man', 'woman', 'person', 'human'], 'def': 'a human being', 'name': 'baby'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 806, 'synset': 'pet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pet'], 'def': 'a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement', 'name': 'pet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 807, 'synset': 'petfood.n.01', 'synonyms': ['petfood', 'pet-food'], 'def': 'food prepared for animal pets', 'name': 'petfood'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 808, 'synset': 'pew.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pew_(church_bench)', 'church_bench'], 'def': 'long bench with backs; used in church by the congregation', 'name': 'pew_(church_bench)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 809, 'synset': 'phonebook.n.01', 'synonyms': ['phonebook', 'telephone_book', 'telephone_directory'], 'def': 'a directory containing an alphabetical list of telephone subscribers and their telephone numbers', 'name': 'phonebook'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 810, 'synset': 'phonograph_record.n.01', 'synonyms': ['phonograph_record', 'phonograph_recording', 'record_(phonograph_recording)'], 'def': 'sound recording consisting of a typically black disk with a continuous groove', 'name': 'phonograph_record'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 811, 'synset': 'piano.n.01', 'synonyms': ['piano'], 'def': 'a keyboard instrument that is played by depressing keys that cause hammers to strike tuned strings and produce sounds', 'name': 'piano'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 812, 'synset': 'pickle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pickle'], 'def': 'vegetables (especially cucumbers) preserved in brine or vinegar', 'name': 'pickle'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 813, 'synset': 'pickup.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pickup_truck'], 'def': 'a light truck with an open body and low sides and a tailboard', 'name': 'pickup_truck'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 814, 'synset': 'pie.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pie'], 'def': 'dish baked in pastry-lined pan often with a pastry top', 'name': 'pie'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 815, 'synset': 'pigeon.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pigeon'], 'def': 'wild and domesticated birds having a heavy body and short legs', 'name': 'pigeon'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 816, 'synset': 'piggy_bank.n.01', 'synonyms': ['piggy_bank', 'penny_bank'], 'def': "a child's coin bank (often shaped like a pig)", 'name': 'piggy_bank'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 817, 'synset': 'pillow.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pillow'], 'def': 'a cushion to support the head of a sleeping person', 'name': 'pillow'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 818, 'synset': 'pin.n.09', 'synonyms': ['pin_(non_jewelry)'], 'def': 'a small slender (often pointed) piece of wood or metal used to support or fasten or attach things', 'name': 'pin_(non_jewelry)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 819, 'synset': 'pineapple.n.02', 'synonyms': ['pineapple'], 'def': 'large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a tuft of stiff leaves', 'name': 'pineapple'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 820, 'synset': 'pinecone.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pinecone'], 'def': 'the seed-producing cone of a pine tree', 'name': 'pinecone'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 821, 'synset': 'ping-pong_ball.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ping-pong_ball'], 'def': 'light hollow ball used in playing table tennis', 'name': 'ping-pong_ball'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 822, 'synset': 'pinwheel.n.03', 'synonyms': ['pinwheel'], 'def': 'a toy consisting of vanes of colored paper or plastic that is pinned to a stick and spins when it is pointed into the wind', 'name': 'pinwheel'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 823, 'synset': 'pipe.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tobacco_pipe'], 'def': 'a tube with a small bowl at one end; used for smoking tobacco', 'name': 'tobacco_pipe'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 824, 'synset': 'pipe.n.02', 'synonyms': ['pipe', 'piping'], 'def': 'a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.', 'name': 'pipe'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 825, 'synset': 'pistol.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pistol', 'handgun'], 'def': 'a firearm that is held and fired with one hand', 'name': 'pistol'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 826, 'synset': 'pita.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pita_(bread)', 'pocket_bread'], 'def': 'usually small round bread that can open into a pocket for filling', 'name': 'pita_(bread)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 827, 'synset': 'pitcher.n.02', 'synonyms': ['pitcher_(vessel_for_liquid)', 'ewer'], 'def': 'an open vessel with a handle and a spout for pouring', 'name': 'pitcher_(vessel_for_liquid)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 828, 'synset': 'pitchfork.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pitchfork'], 'def': 'a long-handled hand tool with sharp widely spaced prongs for lifting and pitching hay', 'name': 'pitchfork'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 829, 'synset': 'pizza.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pizza'], 'def': 'Italian open pie made of thin bread dough spread with a spiced mixture of e.g. tomato sauce and cheese', 'name': 'pizza'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 830, 'synset': 'place_mat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['place_mat'], 'def': 'a mat placed on a table for an individual place setting', 'name': 'place_mat'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 831, 'synset': 'plate.n.04', 'synonyms': ['plate'], 'def': 'dish on which food is served or from which food is eaten', 'name': 'plate'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 832, 'synset': 'platter.n.01', 'synonyms': ['platter'], 'def': 'a large shallow dish used for serving food', 'name': 'platter'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 833, 'synset': 'playing_card.n.01', 'synonyms': ['playing_card'], 'def': 'one of a pack of cards that are used to play card games', 'name': 'playing_card'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 834, 'synset': 'playpen.n.01', 'synonyms': ['playpen'], 'def': 'a portable enclosure in which babies may be left to play', 'name': 'playpen'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 835, 'synset': 'pliers.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pliers', 'plyers'], 'def': 'a gripping hand tool with two hinged arms and (usually) serrated jaws', 'name': 'pliers'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 836, 'synset': 'plow.n.01', 'synonyms': ['plow_(farm_equipment)', 'plough_(farm_equipment)'], 'def': 'a farm tool having one or more heavy blades to break the soil and cut a furrow prior to sowing', 'name': 'plow_(farm_equipment)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 837, 'synset': 'pocket_watch.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pocket_watch'], 'def': 'a watch that is carried in a small watch pocket', 'name': 'pocket_watch'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 838, 'synset': 'pocketknife.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pocketknife'], 'def': 'a knife with a blade that folds into the handle; suitable for carrying in the pocket', 'name': 'pocketknife'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 839, 'synset': 'poker.n.01', 'synonyms': ['poker_(fire_stirring_tool)', 'stove_poker', 'fire_hook'], 'def': 'fire iron consisting of a metal rod with a handle; used to stir a fire', 'name': 'poker_(fire_stirring_tool)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 840, 'synset': 'pole.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pole', 'post'], 'def': 'a long (usually round) rod of wood or metal or plastic', 'name': 'pole'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 841, 'synset': 'police_van.n.01', 'synonyms': ['police_van', 'police_wagon', 'paddy_wagon', 'patrol_wagon'], 'def': 'van used by police to transport prisoners', 'name': 'police_van'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 842, 'synset': 'polo_shirt.n.01', 'synonyms': ['polo_shirt', 'sport_shirt'], 'def': 'a shirt with short sleeves designed for comfort and casual wear', 'name': 'polo_shirt'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 843, 'synset': 'poncho.n.01', 'synonyms': ['poncho'], 'def': 'a blanket-like cloak with a hole in the center for the head', 'name': 'poncho'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 844, 'synset': 'pony.n.05', 'synonyms': ['pony'], 'def': 'any of various breeds of small gentle horses usually less than five feet high at the shoulder', 'name': 'pony'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 845, 'synset': 'pool_table.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pool_table', 'billiard_table', 'snooker_table'], 'def': 'game equipment consisting of a heavy table on which pool is played', 'name': 'pool_table'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 846, 'synset': 'pop.n.02', 'synonyms': ['pop_(soda)', 'soda_(pop)', 'tonic', 'soft_drink'], 'def': 'a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring', 'name': 'pop_(soda)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 847, 'synset': 'portrait.n.02', 'synonyms': ['portrait', 'portrayal'], 'def': 'any likeness of a person, in any medium', 'name': 'portrait'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 848, 'synset': 'postbox.n.01', 'synonyms': ['postbox_(public)', 'mailbox_(public)'], 'def': 'public box for deposit of mail', 'name': 'postbox_(public)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 849, 'synset': 'postcard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['postcard', 'postal_card', 'mailing-card'], 'def': 'a card for sending messages by post without an envelope', 'name': 'postcard'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 850, 'synset': 'poster.n.01', 'synonyms': ['poster', 'placard'], 'def': 'a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement', 'name': 'poster'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 851, 'synset': 'pot.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pot'], 'def': 'metal or earthenware cooking vessel that is usually round and deep; often has a handle and lid', 'name': 'pot'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 852, 'synset': 'pot.n.04', 'synonyms': ['flowerpot'], 'def': 'a container in which plants are cultivated', 'name': 'flowerpot'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 853, 'synset': 'potato.n.01', 'synonyms': ['potato'], 'def': 'an edible tuber native to South America', 'name': 'potato'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 854, 'synset': 'potholder.n.01', 'synonyms': ['potholder'], 'def': 'an insulated pad for holding hot pots', 'name': 'potholder'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 855, 'synset': 'pottery.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pottery', 'clayware'], 'def': 'ceramic ware made from clay and baked in a kiln', 'name': 'pottery'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 856, 'synset': 'pouch.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pouch'], 'def': 'a small or medium size container for holding or carrying things', 'name': 'pouch'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 857, 'synset': 'power_shovel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['power_shovel', 'excavator', 'digger'], 'def': 'a machine for excavating', 'name': 'power_shovel'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 858, 'synset': 'prawn.n.01', 'synonyms': ['prawn', 'shrimp'], 'def': 'any of various edible decapod crustaceans', 'name': 'prawn'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 859, 'synset': 'printer.n.03', 'synonyms': ['printer', 'printing_machine'], 'def': 'a machine that prints', 'name': 'printer'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 860, 'synset': 'projectile.n.01', 'synonyms': ['projectile_(weapon)', 'missile'], 'def': 'a weapon that is forcibly thrown or projected at a targets', 'name': 'projectile_(weapon)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 861, 'synset': 'projector.n.02', 'synonyms': ['projector'], 'def': 'an optical instrument that projects an enlarged image onto a screen', 'name': 'projector'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 862, 'synset': 'propeller.n.01', 'synonyms': ['propeller', 'propellor'], 'def': 'a mechanical device that rotates to push against air or water', 'name': 'propeller'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 863, 'synset': 'prune.n.01', 'synonyms': ['prune'], 'def': 'dried plum', 'name': 'prune'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 864, 'synset': 'pudding.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pudding'], 'def': 'any of various soft thick unsweetened baked dishes', 'name': 'pudding'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 865, 'synset': 'puffer.n.02', 'synonyms': ['puffer_(fish)', 'pufferfish', 'blowfish', 'globefish'], 'def': 'fishes whose elongated spiny body can inflate itself with water or air to form a globe', 'name': 'puffer_(fish)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 866, 'synset': 'puffin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['puffin'], 'def': 'seabirds having short necks and brightly colored compressed bills', 'name': 'puffin'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 867, 'synset': 'pug.n.01', 'synonyms': ['pug-dog'], 'def': 'small compact smooth-coated breed of Asiatic origin having a tightly curled tail and broad flat wrinkled muzzle', 'name': 'pug-dog'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 868, 'synset': 'pumpkin.n.02', 'synonyms': ['pumpkin'], 'def': 'usually large pulpy deep-yellow round fruit of the squash family maturing in late summer or early autumn', 'name': 'pumpkin'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 869, 'synset': 'punch.n.03', 'synonyms': ['puncher'], 'def': 'a tool for making holes or indentations', 'name': 'puncher'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 870, 'synset': 'puppet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['puppet', 'marionette'], 'def': 'a small figure of a person operated from above with strings by a puppeteer', 'name': 'puppet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 871, 'synset': 'puppy.n.01', 'synonyms': ['puppy'], 'def': 'a young dog', 'name': 'puppy'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 872, 'synset': 'quesadilla.n.01', 'synonyms': ['quesadilla'], 'def': 'a tortilla that is filled with cheese and heated', 'name': 'quesadilla'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 873, 'synset': 'quiche.n.02', 'synonyms': ['quiche'], 'def': 'a tart filled with rich unsweetened custard; often contains other ingredients (as cheese or ham or seafood or vegetables)', 'name': 'quiche'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 874, 'synset': 'quilt.n.01', 'synonyms': ['quilt', 'comforter'], 'def': 'bedding made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched together', 'name': 'quilt'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 875, 'synset': 'rabbit.n.01', 'synonyms': ['rabbit'], 'def': 'any of various burrowing animals of the family Leporidae having long ears and short tails', 'name': 'rabbit'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 876, 'synset': 'racer.n.02', 'synonyms': ['race_car', 'racing_car'], 'def': 'a fast car that competes in races', 'name': 'race_car'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 877, 'synset': 'racket.n.04', 'synonyms': ['racket', 'racquet'], 'def': 'a sports implement used to strike a ball in various games', 'name': 'racket'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 878, 'synset': 'radar.n.01', 'synonyms': ['radar'], 'def': 'measuring instrument in which the echo of a pulse of microwave radiation is used to detect and locate distant objects', 'name': 'radar'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 879, 'synset': 'radiator.n.03', 'synonyms': ['radiator'], 'def': 'a mechanism consisting of a metal honeycomb through which hot fluids circulate', 'name': 'radiator'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 880, 'synset': 'radio_receiver.n.01', 'synonyms': ['radio_receiver', 'radio_set', 'radio', 'tuner_(radio)'], 'def': 'an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted radio signals', 'name': 'radio_receiver'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 881, 'synset': 'radish.n.03', 'synonyms': ['radish', 'daikon'], 'def': 'pungent edible root of any of various cultivated radish plants', 'name': 'radish'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 882, 'synset': 'raft.n.01', 'synonyms': ['raft'], 'def': 'a flat float (usually made of logs or planks) that can be used for transport or as a platform for swimmers', 'name': 'raft'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 883, 'synset': 'rag_doll.n.01', 'synonyms': ['rag_doll'], 'def': 'a cloth doll that is stuffed and (usually) painted', 'name': 'rag_doll'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 884, 'synset': 'raincoat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['raincoat', 'waterproof_jacket'], 'def': 'a water-resistant coat', 'name': 'raincoat'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 885, 'synset': 'ram.n.05', 'synonyms': ['ram_(animal)'], 'def': 'uncastrated adult male sheep', 'name': 'ram_(animal)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 886, 'synset': 'raspberry.n.02', 'synonyms': ['raspberry'], 'def': 'red or black edible aggregate berries usually smaller than the related blackberries', 'name': 'raspberry'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 887, 'synset': 'rat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['rat'], 'def': 'any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse', 'name': 'rat'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 888, 'synset': 'razorblade.n.01', 'synonyms': ['razorblade'], 'def': 'a blade that has very sharp edge', 'name': 'razorblade'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 889, 'synset': 'reamer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['reamer_(juicer)', 'juicer', 'juice_reamer'], 'def': 'a squeezer with a conical ridged center that is used for squeezing juice from citrus fruit', 'name': 'reamer_(juicer)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 890, 'synset': 'rearview_mirror.n.01', 'synonyms': ['rearview_mirror'], 'def': 'car mirror that reflects the view out of the rear window', 'name': 'rearview_mirror'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 891, 'synset': 'receipt.n.02', 'synonyms': ['receipt'], 'def': 'an acknowledgment (usually tangible) that payment has been made', 'name': 'receipt'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 892, 'synset': 'recliner.n.01', 'synonyms': ['recliner', 'reclining_chair', 'lounger_(chair)'], 'def': 'an armchair whose back can be lowered and foot can be raised to allow the sitter to recline in it', 'name': 'recliner'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 893, 'synset': 'record_player.n.01', 'synonyms': ['record_player', 'phonograph_(record_player)', 'turntable'], 'def': 'machine in which rotating records cause a stylus to vibrate and the vibrations are amplified acoustically or electronically', 'name': 'record_player'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 894, 'synset': 'red_cabbage.n.02', 'synonyms': ['red_cabbage'], 'def': 'compact head of purplish-red leaves', 'name': 'red_cabbage'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 895, 'synset': 'reflector.n.01', 'synonyms': ['reflector'], 'def': 'device that reflects light, radiation, etc.', 'name': 'reflector'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 896, 'synset': 'remote_control.n.01', 'synonyms': ['remote_control'], 'def': 'a device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance', 'name': 'remote_control'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 897, 'synset': 'rhinoceros.n.01', 'synonyms': ['rhinoceros'], 'def': 'massive powerful herbivorous odd-toed ungulate of southeast Asia and Africa having very thick skin and one or two horns on the snout', 'name': 'rhinoceros'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 898, 'synset': 'rib.n.03', 'synonyms': ['rib_(food)'], 'def': 'cut of meat including one or more ribs', 'name': 'rib_(food)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 899, 'synset': 'rifle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['rifle'], 'def': 'a shoulder firearm with a long barrel', 'name': 'rifle'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 900, 'synset': 'ring.n.08', 'synonyms': ['ring'], 'def': 'jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger', 'name': 'ring'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 901, 'synset': 'river_boat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['river_boat'], 'def': 'a boat used on rivers or to ply a river', 'name': 'river_boat'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 902, 'synset': 'road_map.n.02', 'synonyms': ['road_map'], 'def': '(NOT A ROAD) a MAP showing roads (for automobile travel)', 'name': 'road_map'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 903, 'synset': 'robe.n.01', 'synonyms': ['robe'], 'def': 'any loose flowing garment', 'name': 'robe'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 904, 'synset': 'rocking_chair.n.01', 'synonyms': ['rocking_chair'], 'def': 'a chair mounted on rockers', 'name': 'rocking_chair'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 905, 'synset': 'roller_skate.n.01', 'synonyms': ['roller_skate'], 'def': 'a shoe with pairs of rollers (small hard wheels) fixed to the sole', 'name': 'roller_skate'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 906, 'synset': 'rollerblade.n.01', 'synonyms': ['Rollerblade'], 'def': 'an in-line variant of a roller skate', 'name': 'Rollerblade'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 907, 'synset': 'rolling_pin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['rolling_pin'], 'def': 'utensil consisting of a cylinder (usually of wood) with a handle at each end; used to roll out dough', 'name': 'rolling_pin'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 908, 'synset': 'root_beer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['root_beer'], 'def': 'carbonated drink containing extracts of roots and herbs', 'name': 'root_beer'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 909, 'synset': 'router.n.02', 'synonyms': ['router_(computer_equipment)'], 'def': 'a device that forwards data packets between computer networks', 'name': 'router_(computer_equipment)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 910, 'synset': 'rubber_band.n.01', 'synonyms': ['rubber_band', 'elastic_band'], 'def': 'a narrow band of elastic rubber used to hold things (such as papers) together', 'name': 'rubber_band'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 911, 'synset': 'runner.n.08', 'synonyms': ['runner_(carpet)'], 'def': 'a long narrow carpet', 'name': 'runner_(carpet)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 912, 'synset': 'sack.n.01', 'synonyms': ['plastic_bag', 'paper_bag'], 'def': "a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases", 'name': 'plastic_bag'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 913, 'synset': 'saddle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['saddle_(on_an_animal)'], 'def': 'a seat for the rider of a horse or camel', 'name': 'saddle_(on_an_animal)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 914, 'synset': 'saddle_blanket.n.01', 'synonyms': ['saddle_blanket', 'saddlecloth', 'horse_blanket'], 'def': 'stable gear consisting of a blanket placed under the saddle', 'name': 'saddle_blanket'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 915, 'synset': 'saddlebag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['saddlebag'], 'def': 'a large bag (or pair of bags) hung over a saddle', 'name': 'saddlebag'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 916, 'synset': 'safety_pin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['safety_pin'], 'def': 'a pin in the form of a clasp; has a guard so the point of the pin will not stick the user', 'name': 'safety_pin'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 917, 'synset': 'sail.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sail'], 'def': 'a large piece of fabric by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel', 'name': 'sail'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 918, 'synset': 'salad.n.01', 'synonyms': ['salad'], 'def': 'food mixtures either arranged on a plate or tossed and served with a moist dressing; usually consisting of or including greens', 'name': 'salad'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 919, 'synset': 'salad_plate.n.01', 'synonyms': ['salad_plate', 'salad_bowl'], 'def': 'a plate or bowl for individual servings of salad', 'name': 'salad_plate'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 920, 'synset': 'salami.n.01', 'synonyms': ['salami'], 'def': 'highly seasoned fatty sausage of pork and beef usually dried', 'name': 'salami'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 921, 'synset': 'salmon.n.01', 'synonyms': ['salmon_(fish)'], 'def': 'any of various large food and game fishes of northern waters', 'name': 'salmon_(fish)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 922, 'synset': 'salmon.n.03', 'synonyms': ['salmon_(food)'], 'def': 'flesh of any of various marine or freshwater fish of the family Salmonidae', 'name': 'salmon_(food)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 923, 'synset': 'salsa.n.01', 'synonyms': ['salsa'], 'def': 'spicy sauce of tomatoes and onions and chili peppers to accompany Mexican foods', 'name': 'salsa'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 924, 'synset': 'saltshaker.n.01', 'synonyms': ['saltshaker'], 'def': 'a shaker with a perforated top for sprinkling salt', 'name': 'saltshaker'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 925, 'synset': 'sandal.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sandal_(type_of_shoe)'], 'def': 'a shoe consisting of a sole fastened by straps to the foot', 'name': 'sandal_(type_of_shoe)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 926, 'synset': 'sandwich.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sandwich'], 'def': 'two (or more) slices of bread with a filling between them', 'name': 'sandwich'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 927, 'synset': 'satchel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['satchel'], 'def': 'luggage consisting of a small case with a flat bottom and (usually) a shoulder strap', 'name': 'satchel'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 928, 'synset': 'saucepan.n.01', 'synonyms': ['saucepan'], 'def': 'a deep pan with a handle; used for stewing or boiling', 'name': 'saucepan'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 929, 'synset': 'saucer.n.02', 'synonyms': ['saucer'], 'def': 'a small shallow dish for holding a cup at the table', 'name': 'saucer'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 930, 'synset': 'sausage.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sausage'], 'def': 'highly seasoned minced meat stuffed in casings', 'name': 'sausage'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 931, 'synset': 'sawhorse.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sawhorse', 'sawbuck'], 'def': 'a framework for holding wood that is being sawed', 'name': 'sawhorse'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 932, 'synset': 'sax.n.02', 'synonyms': ['saxophone'], 'def': "a wind instrument with a `J'-shaped form typically made of brass", 'name': 'saxophone'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 933, 'synset': 'scale.n.07', 'synonyms': ['scale_(measuring_instrument)'], 'def': 'a measuring instrument for weighing; shows amount of mass', 'name': 'scale_(measuring_instrument)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 934, 'synset': 'scarecrow.n.01', 'synonyms': ['scarecrow', 'strawman'], 'def': 'an effigy in the shape of a man to frighten birds away from seeds', 'name': 'scarecrow'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 935, 'synset': 'scarf.n.01', 'synonyms': ['scarf'], 'def': 'a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth or decoration', 'name': 'scarf'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 936, 'synset': 'school_bus.n.01', 'synonyms': ['school_bus'], 'def': 'a bus used to transport children to or from school', 'name': 'school_bus'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 937, 'synset': 'scissors.n.01', 'synonyms': ['scissors'], 'def': 'a tool having two crossed pivoting blades with looped handles', 'name': 'scissors'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 938, 'synset': 'scoreboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['scoreboard'], 'def': 'a large board for displaying the score of a contest (and some other information)', 'name': 'scoreboard'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 939, 'synset': 'scrambled_eggs.n.01', 'synonyms': ['scrambled_eggs'], 'def': 'eggs beaten and cooked to a soft firm consistency while stirring', 'name': 'scrambled_eggs'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 940, 'synset': 'scraper.n.01', 'synonyms': ['scraper'], 'def': 'any of various hand tools for scraping', 'name': 'scraper'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 941, 'synset': 'scratcher.n.03', 'synonyms': ['scratcher'], 'def': 'a device used for scratching', 'name': 'scratcher'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 942, 'synset': 'screwdriver.n.01', 'synonyms': ['screwdriver'], 'def': 'a hand tool for driving screws; has a tip that fits into the head of a screw', 'name': 'screwdriver'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 943, 'synset': 'scrub_brush.n.01', 'synonyms': ['scrubbing_brush'], 'def': 'a brush with short stiff bristles for heavy cleaning', 'name': 'scrubbing_brush'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 944, 'synset': 'sculpture.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sculpture'], 'def': 'a three-dimensional work of art', 'name': 'sculpture'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 945, 'synset': 'seabird.n.01', 'synonyms': ['seabird', 'seafowl'], 'def': 'a bird that frequents coastal waters and the open ocean: gulls; pelicans; gannets; cormorants; albatrosses; petrels; etc.', 'name': 'seabird'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 946, 'synset': 'seahorse.n.02', 'synonyms': ['seahorse'], 'def': 'small fish with horse-like heads bent sharply downward and curled tails', 'name': 'seahorse'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 947, 'synset': 'seaplane.n.01', 'synonyms': ['seaplane', 'hydroplane'], 'def': 'an airplane that can land on or take off from water', 'name': 'seaplane'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 948, 'synset': 'seashell.n.01', 'synonyms': ['seashell'], 'def': 'the shell of a marine organism', 'name': 'seashell'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 949, 'synset': 'seedling.n.01', 'synonyms': ['seedling'], 'def': 'young plant or tree grown from a seed', 'name': 'seedling'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 950, 'synset': 'serving_dish.n.01', 'synonyms': ['serving_dish'], 'def': 'a dish used for serving food', 'name': 'serving_dish'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 951, 'synset': 'sewing_machine.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sewing_machine'], 'def': 'a textile machine used as a home appliance for sewing', 'name': 'sewing_machine'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 952, 'synset': 'shaker.n.03', 'synonyms': ['shaker'], 'def': 'a container in which something can be shaken', 'name': 'shaker'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 953, 'synset': 'shampoo.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shampoo'], 'def': 'cleansing agent consisting of soaps or detergents used for washing the hair', 'name': 'shampoo'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 954, 'synset': 'shark.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shark'], 'def': 'typically large carnivorous fishes with sharpe teeth', 'name': 'shark'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 955, 'synset': 'sharpener.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sharpener'], 'def': 'any implement that is used to make something (an edge or a point) sharper', 'name': 'sharpener'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 956, 'synset': 'sharpie.n.03', 'synonyms': ['Sharpie'], 'def': 'a pen with indelible ink that will write on any surface', 'name': 'Sharpie'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 957, 'synset': 'shaver.n.03', 'synonyms': ['shaver_(electric)', 'electric_shaver', 'electric_razor'], 'def': 'a razor powered by an electric motor', 'name': 'shaver_(electric)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 958, 'synset': 'shaving_cream.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shaving_cream', 'shaving_soap'], 'def': 'toiletry consisting that forms a rich lather for softening the beard before shaving', 'name': 'shaving_cream'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 959, 'synset': 'shawl.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shawl'], 'def': 'cloak consisting of an oblong piece of cloth used to cover the head and shoulders', 'name': 'shawl'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 960, 'synset': 'shears.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shears'], 'def': 'large scissors with strong blades', 'name': 'shears'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 961, 'synset': 'sheep.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sheep'], 'def': 'woolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat', 'name': 'sheep'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 962, 'synset': 'shepherd_dog.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shepherd_dog', 'sheepdog'], 'def': 'any of various usually long-haired breeds of dog reared to herd and guard sheep', 'name': 'shepherd_dog'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 963, 'synset': 'sherbert.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sherbert', 'sherbet'], 'def': 'a frozen dessert made primarily of fruit juice and sugar', 'name': 'sherbert'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 964, 'synset': 'shield.n.02', 'synonyms': ['shield'], 'def': 'armor carried on the arm to intercept blows', 'name': 'shield'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 965, 'synset': 'shirt.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shirt'], 'def': 'a garment worn on the upper half of the body', 'name': 'shirt'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 966, 'synset': 'shoe.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shoe', 'sneaker_(type_of_shoe)', 'tennis_shoe'], 'def': 'common footwear covering the foot', 'name': 'shoe'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 967, 'synset': 'shopping_bag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shopping_bag'], 'def': 'a bag made of plastic or strong paper (often with handles); used to transport goods after shopping', 'name': 'shopping_bag'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 968, 'synset': 'shopping_cart.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shopping_cart'], 'def': 'a handcart that holds groceries or other goods while shopping', 'name': 'shopping_cart'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 969, 'synset': 'short_pants.n.01', 'synonyms': ['short_pants', 'shorts_(clothing)', 'trunks_(clothing)'], 'def': 'trousers that end at or above the knee', 'name': 'short_pants'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 970, 'synset': 'shot_glass.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shot_glass'], 'def': 'a small glass adequate to hold a single swallow of whiskey', 'name': 'shot_glass'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 971, 'synset': 'shoulder_bag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shoulder_bag'], 'def': 'a large handbag that can be carried by a strap looped over the shoulder', 'name': 'shoulder_bag'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 972, 'synset': 'shovel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shovel'], 'def': 'a hand tool for lifting loose material such as snow, dirt, etc.', 'name': 'shovel'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 973, 'synset': 'shower.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shower_head'], 'def': 'a plumbing fixture that sprays water over you', 'name': 'shower_head'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 974, 'synset': 'shower_curtain.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shower_curtain'], 'def': 'a curtain that keeps water from splashing out of the shower area', 'name': 'shower_curtain'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 975, 'synset': 'shredder.n.01', 'synonyms': ['shredder_(for_paper)'], 'def': 'a device that shreds documents', 'name': 'shredder_(for_paper)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 976, 'synset': 'sieve.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sieve', 'screen_(sieve)'], 'def': 'a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles', 'name': 'sieve'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 977, 'synset': 'signboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['signboard'], 'def': 'structure displaying a board on which advertisements can be posted', 'name': 'signboard'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 978, 'synset': 'silo.n.01', 'synonyms': ['silo'], 'def': 'a cylindrical tower used for storing goods', 'name': 'silo'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 979, 'synset': 'sink.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sink'], 'def': 'plumbing fixture consisting of a water basin fixed to a wall or floor and having a drainpipe', 'name': 'sink'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 980, 'synset': 'skateboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['skateboard'], 'def': 'a board with wheels that is ridden in a standing or crouching position and propelled by foot', 'name': 'skateboard'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 981, 'synset': 'skewer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['skewer'], 'def': 'a long pin for holding meat in position while it is being roasted', 'name': 'skewer'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 982, 'synset': 'ski.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ski'], 'def': 'sports equipment for skiing on snow', 'name': 'ski'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 983, 'synset': 'ski_boot.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ski_boot'], 'def': 'a stiff boot that is fastened to a ski with a ski binding', 'name': 'ski_boot'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 984, 'synset': 'ski_parka.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ski_parka', 'ski_jacket'], 'def': 'a parka to be worn while skiing', 'name': 'ski_parka'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 985, 'synset': 'ski_pole.n.01', 'synonyms': ['ski_pole'], 'def': 'a pole with metal points used as an aid in skiing', 'name': 'ski_pole'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 986, 'synset': 'skirt.n.02', 'synonyms': ['skirt'], 'def': 'a garment hanging from the waist; worn mainly by girls and women', 'name': 'skirt'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 987, 'synset': 'sled.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sled', 'sledge', 'sleigh'], 'def': 'a vehicle or flat object for transportation over snow by sliding or pulled by dogs, etc.', 'name': 'sled'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 988, 'synset': 'sleeping_bag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sleeping_bag'], 'def': 'large padded bag designed to be slept in outdoors', 'name': 'sleeping_bag'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 989, 'synset': 'sling.n.05', 'synonyms': ['sling_(bandage)', 'triangular_bandage'], 'def': 'bandage to support an injured forearm; slung over the shoulder or neck', 'name': 'sling_(bandage)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 990, 'synset': 'slipper.n.01', 'synonyms': ['slipper_(footwear)', 'carpet_slipper_(footwear)'], 'def': 'low footwear that can be slipped on and off easily; usually worn indoors', 'name': 'slipper_(footwear)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 991, 'synset': 'smoothie.n.02', 'synonyms': ['smoothie'], 'def': 'a thick smooth drink consisting of fresh fruit pureed with ice cream or yoghurt or milk', 'name': 'smoothie'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 992, 'synset': 'snake.n.01', 'synonyms': ['snake', 'serpent'], 'def': 'limbless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomous', 'name': 'snake'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 993, 'synset': 'snowboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['snowboard'], 'def': 'a board that resembles a broad ski or a small surfboard; used in a standing position to slide down snow-covered slopes', 'name': 'snowboard'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 994, 'synset': 'snowman.n.01', 'synonyms': ['snowman'], 'def': 'a figure of a person made of packed snow', 'name': 'snowman'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 995, 'synset': 'snowmobile.n.01', 'synonyms': ['snowmobile'], 'def': 'tracked vehicle for travel on snow having skis in front', 'name': 'snowmobile'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 996, 'synset': 'soap.n.01', 'synonyms': ['soap'], 'def': 'a cleansing agent made from the salts of vegetable or animal fats', 'name': 'soap'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 997, 'synset': 'soccer_ball.n.01', 'synonyms': ['soccer_ball'], 'def': "an inflated ball used in playing soccer (called `football' outside of the United States)", 'name': 'soccer_ball'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 998, 'synset': 'sock.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sock'], 'def': 'cloth covering for the foot; worn inside the shoe; reaches to between the ankle and the knee', 'name': 'sock'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 999, 'synset': 'soda_fountain.n.02', 'synonyms': ['soda_fountain'], 'def': 'an apparatus for dispensing soda water', 'name': 'soda_fountain'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1000, 'synset': 'soda_water.n.01', 'synonyms': ['carbonated_water', 'club_soda', 'seltzer', 'sparkling_water'], 'def': 'effervescent beverage artificially charged with carbon dioxide', 'name': 'carbonated_water'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1001, 'synset': 'sofa.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sofa', 'couch', 'lounge'], 'def': 'an upholstered seat for more than one person', 'name': 'sofa'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1002, 'synset': 'softball.n.01', 'synonyms': ['softball'], 'def': 'ball used in playing softball', 'name': 'softball'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1003, 'synset': 'solar_array.n.01', 'synonyms': ['solar_array', 'solar_battery', 'solar_panel'], 'def': 'electrical device consisting of a large array of connected solar cells', 'name': 'solar_array'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1004, 'synset': 'sombrero.n.02', 'synonyms': ['sombrero'], 'def': 'a straw hat with a tall crown and broad brim; worn in American southwest and in Mexico', 'name': 'sombrero'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1005, 'synset': 'soup.n.01', 'synonyms': ['soup'], 'def': 'liquid food especially of meat or fish or vegetable stock often containing pieces of solid food', 'name': 'soup'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1006, 'synset': 'soup_bowl.n.01', 'synonyms': ['soup_bowl'], 'def': 'a bowl for serving soup', 'name': 'soup_bowl'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1007, 'synset': 'soupspoon.n.01', 'synonyms': ['soupspoon'], 'def': 'a spoon with a rounded bowl for eating soup', 'name': 'soupspoon'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1008, 'synset': 'sour_cream.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sour_cream', 'soured_cream'], 'def': 'soured light cream', 'name': 'sour_cream'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1009, 'synset': 'soya_milk.n.01', 'synonyms': ['soya_milk', 'soybean_milk', 'soymilk'], 'def': 'a milk substitute containing soybean flour and water; used in some infant formulas and in making tofu', 'name': 'soya_milk'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1010, 'synset': 'space_shuttle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['space_shuttle'], 'def': "a reusable spacecraft with wings for a controlled descent through the Earth's atmosphere", 'name': 'space_shuttle'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1011, 'synset': 'sparkler.n.02', 'synonyms': ['sparkler_(fireworks)'], 'def': 'a firework that burns slowly and throws out a shower of sparks', 'name': 'sparkler_(fireworks)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1012, 'synset': 'spatula.n.02', 'synonyms': ['spatula'], 'def': 'a hand tool with a thin flexible blade used to mix or spread soft substances', 'name': 'spatula'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1013, 'synset': 'spear.n.01', 'synonyms': ['spear', 'lance'], 'def': 'a long pointed rod used as a tool or weapon', 'name': 'spear'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1014, 'synset': 'spectacles.n.01', 'synonyms': ['spectacles', 'specs', 'eyeglasses', 'glasses'], 'def': 'optical instrument consisting of a frame that holds a pair of lenses for correcting defective vision', 'name': 'spectacles'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1015, 'synset': 'spice_rack.n.01', 'synonyms': ['spice_rack'], 'def': 'a rack for displaying containers filled with spices', 'name': 'spice_rack'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1016, 'synset': 'spider.n.01', 'synonyms': ['spider'], 'def': 'predatory arachnid with eight legs, two poison fangs, two feelers, and usually two silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body', 'name': 'spider'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1017, 'synset': 'sponge.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sponge'], 'def': 'a porous mass usable to absorb water typically used for cleaning', 'name': 'sponge'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1018, 'synset': 'spoon.n.01', 'synonyms': ['spoon'], 'def': 'a piece of cutlery with a shallow bowl-shaped container and a handle', 'name': 'spoon'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1019, 'synset': 'sportswear.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sportswear', 'athletic_wear', 'activewear'], 'def': 'attire worn for sport or for casual wear', 'name': 'sportswear'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1020, 'synset': 'spotlight.n.02', 'synonyms': ['spotlight'], 'def': 'a lamp that produces a strong beam of light to illuminate a restricted area; used to focus attention of a stage performer', 'name': 'spotlight'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1021, 'synset': 'squirrel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['squirrel'], 'def': 'a kind of arboreal rodent having a long bushy tail', 'name': 'squirrel'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1022, 'synset': 'stapler.n.01', 'synonyms': ['stapler_(stapling_machine)'], 'def': 'a machine that inserts staples into sheets of paper in order to fasten them together', 'name': 'stapler_(stapling_machine)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1023, 'synset': 'starfish.n.01', 'synonyms': ['starfish', 'sea_star'], 'def': 'echinoderms characterized by five arms extending from a central disk', 'name': 'starfish'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1024, 'synset': 'statue.n.01', 'synonyms': ['statue_(sculpture)'], 'def': 'a sculpture representing a human or animal', 'name': 'statue_(sculpture)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1025, 'synset': 'steak.n.01', 'synonyms': ['steak_(food)'], 'def': 'a slice of meat cut from the fleshy part of an animal or large fish', 'name': 'steak_(food)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1026, 'synset': 'steak_knife.n.01', 'synonyms': ['steak_knife'], 'def': 'a sharp table knife used in eating steak', 'name': 'steak_knife'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1027, 'synset': 'steamer.n.02', 'synonyms': ['steamer_(kitchen_appliance)'], 'def': 'a cooking utensil that can be used to cook food by steaming it', 'name': 'steamer_(kitchen_appliance)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1028, 'synset': 'steering_wheel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['steering_wheel'], 'def': 'a handwheel that is used for steering', 'name': 'steering_wheel'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1029, 'synset': 'stencil.n.01', 'synonyms': ['stencil'], 'def': 'a sheet of material (metal, plastic, etc.) that has been perforated with a pattern; ink or paint can pass through the perforations to create the printed pattern on the surface below', 'name': 'stencil'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1030, 'synset': 'step_ladder.n.01', 'synonyms': ['stepladder'], 'def': 'a folding portable ladder hinged at the top', 'name': 'stepladder'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1031, 'synset': 'step_stool.n.01', 'synonyms': ['step_stool'], 'def': 'a stool that has one or two steps that fold under the seat', 'name': 'step_stool'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1032, 'synset': 'stereo.n.01', 'synonyms': ['stereo_(sound_system)'], 'def': 'electronic device for playing audio', 'name': 'stereo_(sound_system)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1033, 'synset': 'stew.n.02', 'synonyms': ['stew'], 'def': 'food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables', 'name': 'stew'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1034, 'synset': 'stirrer.n.02', 'synonyms': ['stirrer'], 'def': 'an implement used for stirring', 'name': 'stirrer'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1035, 'synset': 'stirrup.n.01', 'synonyms': ['stirrup'], 'def': "support consisting of metal loops into which rider's feet go", 'name': 'stirrup'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1036, 'synset': 'stocking.n.01', 'synonyms': ['stockings_(leg_wear)'], 'def': 'close-fitting hosiery to cover the foot and leg; come in matched pairs', 'name': 'stockings_(leg_wear)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1037, 'synset': 'stool.n.01', 'synonyms': ['stool'], 'def': 'a simple seat without a back or arms', 'name': 'stool'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1038, 'synset': 'stop_sign.n.01', 'synonyms': ['stop_sign'], 'def': 'a traffic sign to notify drivers that they must come to a complete stop', 'name': 'stop_sign'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1039, 'synset': 'stoplight.n.01', 'synonyms': ['brake_light'], 'def': 'a red light on the rear of a motor vehicle that signals when the brakes are applied', 'name': 'brake_light'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1040, 'synset': 'stove.n.01', 'synonyms': ['stove', 'kitchen_stove', 'range_(kitchen_appliance)', 'kitchen_range', 'cooking_stove'], 'def': 'a kitchen appliance used for cooking food', 'name': 'stove'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1041, 'synset': 'strainer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['strainer'], 'def': 'a filter to retain larger pieces while smaller pieces and liquids pass through', 'name': 'strainer'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1042, 'synset': 'strap.n.01', 'synonyms': ['strap'], 'def': 'an elongated strip of material for binding things together or holding', 'name': 'strap'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1043, 'synset': 'straw.n.04', 'synonyms': ['straw_(for_drinking)', 'drinking_straw'], 'def': 'a thin paper or plastic tube used to suck liquids into the mouth', 'name': 'straw_(for_drinking)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1044, 'synset': 'strawberry.n.01', 'synonyms': ['strawberry'], 'def': 'sweet fleshy red fruit', 'name': 'strawberry'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1045, 'synset': 'street_sign.n.01', 'synonyms': ['street_sign'], 'def': 'a sign visible from the street', 'name': 'street_sign'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1046, 'synset': 'streetlight.n.01', 'synonyms': ['streetlight', 'street_lamp'], 'def': 'a lamp supported on a lamppost; for illuminating a street', 'name': 'streetlight'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1047, 'synset': 'string_cheese.n.01', 'synonyms': ['string_cheese'], 'def': 'cheese formed in long strings twisted together', 'name': 'string_cheese'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1048, 'synset': 'stylus.n.02', 'synonyms': ['stylus'], 'def': 'a pointed tool for writing or drawing or engraving', 'name': 'stylus'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1049, 'synset': 'subwoofer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['subwoofer'], 'def': 'a loudspeaker that is designed to reproduce very low bass frequencies', 'name': 'subwoofer'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1050, 'synset': 'sugar_bowl.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sugar_bowl'], 'def': 'a dish in which sugar is served', 'name': 'sugar_bowl'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1051, 'synset': 'sugarcane.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sugarcane_(plant)'], 'def': 'juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses and commercial sugar; fresh canes are sometimes chewed for the juice', 'name': 'sugarcane_(plant)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1052, 'synset': 'suit.n.01', 'synonyms': ['suit_(clothing)'], 'def': 'a set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color', 'name': 'suit_(clothing)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1053, 'synset': 'sunflower.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sunflower'], 'def': 'any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays', 'name': 'sunflower'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1054, 'synset': 'sunglasses.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sunglasses'], 'def': 'spectacles that are darkened or polarized to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun', 'name': 'sunglasses'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1055, 'synset': 'sunhat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sunhat'], 'def': 'a hat with a broad brim that protects the face from direct exposure to the sun', 'name': 'sunhat'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1056, 'synset': 'sunscreen.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sunscreen', 'sunblock'], 'def': 'a cream spread on the skin; contains a chemical to filter out ultraviolet light and so protect from sunburn', 'name': 'sunscreen'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1057, 'synset': 'surfboard.n.01', 'synonyms': ['surfboard'], 'def': 'a narrow buoyant board for riding surf', 'name': 'surfboard'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1058, 'synset': 'sushi.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sushi'], 'def': 'rice (with raw fish) wrapped in seaweed', 'name': 'sushi'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1059, 'synset': 'swab.n.02', 'synonyms': ['mop'], 'def': 'cleaning implement consisting of absorbent material fastened to a handle; for cleaning floors', 'name': 'mop'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1060, 'synset': 'sweat_pants.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sweat_pants'], 'def': 'loose-fitting trousers with elastic cuffs; worn by athletes', 'name': 'sweat_pants'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1061, 'synset': 'sweatband.n.02', 'synonyms': ['sweatband'], 'def': 'a band of material tied around the forehead or wrist to absorb sweat', 'name': 'sweatband'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1062, 'synset': 'sweater.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sweater'], 'def': 'a crocheted or knitted garment covering the upper part of the body', 'name': 'sweater'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1063, 'synset': 'sweatshirt.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sweatshirt'], 'def': 'cotton knit pullover with long sleeves worn during athletic activity', 'name': 'sweatshirt'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1064, 'synset': 'sweet_potato.n.02', 'synonyms': ['sweet_potato'], 'def': 'the edible tuberous root of the sweet potato vine', 'name': 'sweet_potato'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1065, 'synset': 'swimsuit.n.01', 'synonyms': ['swimsuit', 'swimwear', 'bathing_suit', 'swimming_costume', 'bathing_costume', 'swimming_trunks', 'bathing_trunks'], 'def': 'garment worn for swimming', 'name': 'swimsuit'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1066, 'synset': 'sword.n.01', 'synonyms': ['sword'], 'def': 'a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade', 'name': 'sword'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1067, 'synset': 'syringe.n.01', 'synonyms': ['syringe'], 'def': 'a medical instrument used to inject or withdraw fluids', 'name': 'syringe'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1068, 'synset': 'tabasco.n.02', 'synonyms': ['Tabasco_sauce'], 'def': 'very spicy sauce (trade name Tabasco) made from fully-aged red peppers', 'name': 'Tabasco_sauce'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1069, 'synset': 'table-tennis_table.n.01', 'synonyms': ['table-tennis_table', 'ping-pong_table'], 'def': 'a table used for playing table tennis', 'name': 'table-tennis_table'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1070, 'synset': 'table.n.02', 'synonyms': ['table'], 'def': 'a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs', 'name': 'table'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1071, 'synset': 'table_lamp.n.01', 'synonyms': ['table_lamp'], 'def': 'a lamp that sits on a table', 'name': 'table_lamp'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1072, 'synset': 'tablecloth.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tablecloth'], 'def': 'a covering spread over a dining table', 'name': 'tablecloth'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1073, 'synset': 'tachometer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tachometer'], 'def': 'measuring instrument for indicating speed of rotation', 'name': 'tachometer'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1074, 'synset': 'taco.n.02', 'synonyms': ['taco'], 'def': 'a small tortilla cupped around a filling', 'name': 'taco'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1075, 'synset': 'tag.n.02', 'synonyms': ['tag'], 'def': 'a label associated with something for the purpose of identification or information', 'name': 'tag'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1076, 'synset': 'taillight.n.01', 'synonyms': ['taillight', 'rear_light'], 'def': 'lamp (usually red) mounted at the rear of a motor vehicle', 'name': 'taillight'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1077, 'synset': 'tambourine.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tambourine'], 'def': 'a shallow drum with a single drumhead and with metallic disks in the sides', 'name': 'tambourine'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1078, 'synset': 'tank.n.01', 'synonyms': ['army_tank', 'armored_combat_vehicle', 'armoured_combat_vehicle'], 'def': 'an enclosed armored military vehicle; has a cannon and moves on caterpillar treads', 'name': 'army_tank'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1079, 'synset': 'tank.n.02', 'synonyms': ['tank_(storage_vessel)', 'storage_tank'], 'def': 'a large (usually metallic) vessel for holding gases or liquids', 'name': 'tank_(storage_vessel)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1080, 'synset': 'tank_top.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tank_top_(clothing)'], 'def': 'a tight-fitting sleeveless shirt with wide shoulder straps and low neck and no front opening', 'name': 'tank_top_(clothing)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1081, 'synset': 'tape.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tape_(sticky_cloth_or_paper)'], 'def': 'a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening', 'name': 'tape_(sticky_cloth_or_paper)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1082, 'synset': 'tape.n.04', 'synonyms': ['tape_measure', 'measuring_tape'], 'def': 'measuring instrument consisting of a narrow strip (cloth or metal) marked in inches or centimeters and used for measuring lengths', 'name': 'tape_measure'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1083, 'synset': 'tapestry.n.02', 'synonyms': ['tapestry'], 'def': 'a heavy textile with a woven design; used for curtains and upholstery', 'name': 'tapestry'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1084, 'synset': 'tarpaulin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tarp'], 'def': 'waterproofed canvas', 'name': 'tarp'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1085, 'synset': 'tartan.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tartan', 'plaid'], 'def': 'a cloth having a crisscross design', 'name': 'tartan'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1086, 'synset': 'tassel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tassel'], 'def': 'adornment consisting of a bunch of cords fastened at one end', 'name': 'tassel'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1087, 'synset': 'tea_bag.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tea_bag'], 'def': 'a measured amount of tea in a bag for an individual serving of tea', 'name': 'tea_bag'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1088, 'synset': 'teacup.n.02', 'synonyms': ['teacup'], 'def': 'a cup from which tea is drunk', 'name': 'teacup'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1089, 'synset': 'teakettle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['teakettle'], 'def': 'kettle for boiling water to make tea', 'name': 'teakettle'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1090, 'synset': 'teapot.n.01', 'synonyms': ['teapot'], 'def': 'pot for brewing tea; usually has a spout and handle', 'name': 'teapot'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1091, 'synset': 'teddy.n.01', 'synonyms': ['teddy_bear'], 'def': "plaything consisting of a child's toy bear (usually plush and stuffed with soft materials)", 'name': 'teddy_bear'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1092, 'synset': 'telephone.n.01', 'synonyms': ['telephone', 'phone', 'telephone_set'], 'def': 'electronic device for communicating by voice over long distances', 'name': 'telephone'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1093, 'synset': 'telephone_booth.n.01', 'synonyms': ['telephone_booth', 'phone_booth', 'call_box', 'telephone_box', 'telephone_kiosk'], 'def': 'booth for using a telephone', 'name': 'telephone_booth'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1094, 'synset': 'telephone_pole.n.01', 'synonyms': ['telephone_pole', 'telegraph_pole', 'telegraph_post'], 'def': 'tall pole supporting telephone wires', 'name': 'telephone_pole'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1095, 'synset': 'telephoto_lens.n.01', 'synonyms': ['telephoto_lens', 'zoom_lens'], 'def': 'a camera lens that magnifies the image', 'name': 'telephoto_lens'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1096, 'synset': 'television_camera.n.01', 'synonyms': ['television_camera', 'tv_camera'], 'def': 'television equipment for capturing and recording video', 'name': 'television_camera'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1097, 'synset': 'television_receiver.n.01', 'synonyms': ['television_set', 'tv', 'tv_set'], 'def': 'an electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a screen', 'name': 'television_set'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1098, 'synset': 'tennis_ball.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tennis_ball'], 'def': 'ball about the size of a fist used in playing tennis', 'name': 'tennis_ball'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1099, 'synset': 'tennis_racket.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tennis_racket'], 'def': 'a racket used to play tennis', 'name': 'tennis_racket'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1100, 'synset': 'tequila.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tequila'], 'def': 'Mexican liquor made from fermented juices of an agave plant', 'name': 'tequila'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1101, 'synset': 'thermometer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['thermometer'], 'def': 'measuring instrument for measuring temperature', 'name': 'thermometer'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1102, 'synset': 'thermos.n.01', 'synonyms': ['thermos_bottle'], 'def': 'vacuum flask that preserves temperature of hot or cold drinks', 'name': 'thermos_bottle'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1103, 'synset': 'thermostat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['thermostat'], 'def': 'a regulator for automatically regulating temperature by starting or stopping the supply of heat', 'name': 'thermostat'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1104, 'synset': 'thimble.n.02', 'synonyms': ['thimble'], 'def': 'a small metal cap to protect the finger while sewing; can be used as a small container', 'name': 'thimble'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1105, 'synset': 'thread.n.01', 'synonyms': ['thread', 'yarn'], 'def': 'a fine cord of twisted fibers (of cotton or silk or wool or nylon etc.) used in sewing and weaving', 'name': 'thread'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1106, 'synset': 'thumbtack.n.01', 'synonyms': ['thumbtack', 'drawing_pin', 'pushpin'], 'def': 'a tack for attaching papers to a bulletin board or drawing board', 'name': 'thumbtack'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1107, 'synset': 'tiara.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tiara'], 'def': 'a jeweled headdress worn by women on formal occasions', 'name': 'tiara'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1108, 'synset': 'tiger.n.02', 'synonyms': ['tiger'], 'def': 'large feline of forests in most of Asia having a tawny coat with black stripes', 'name': 'tiger'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1109, 'synset': 'tights.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tights_(clothing)', 'leotards'], 'def': 'skintight knit hose covering the body from the waist to the feet worn by acrobats and dancers and as stockings by women and girls', 'name': 'tights_(clothing)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1110, 'synset': 'timer.n.01', 'synonyms': ['timer', 'stopwatch'], 'def': 'a timepiece that measures a time interval and signals its end', 'name': 'timer'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1111, 'synset': 'tinfoil.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tinfoil'], 'def': 'foil made of tin or an alloy of tin and lead', 'name': 'tinfoil'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1112, 'synset': 'tinsel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tinsel'], 'def': 'a showy decoration that is basically valueless', 'name': 'tinsel'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1113, 'synset': 'tissue.n.02', 'synonyms': ['tissue_paper'], 'def': 'a soft thin (usually translucent) paper', 'name': 'tissue_paper'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1114, 'synset': 'toast.n.01', 'synonyms': ['toast_(food)'], 'def': 'slice of bread that has been toasted', 'name': 'toast_(food)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1115, 'synset': 'toaster.n.02', 'synonyms': ['toaster'], 'def': 'a kitchen appliance (usually electric) for toasting bread', 'name': 'toaster'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1116, 'synset': 'toaster_oven.n.01', 'synonyms': ['toaster_oven'], 'def': 'kitchen appliance consisting of a small electric oven for toasting or warming food', 'name': 'toaster_oven'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1117, 'synset': 'toilet.n.02', 'synonyms': ['toilet'], 'def': 'a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination', 'name': 'toilet'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1118, 'synset': 'toilet_tissue.n.01', 'synonyms': ['toilet_tissue', 'toilet_paper', 'bathroom_tissue'], 'def': 'a soft thin absorbent paper for use in toilets', 'name': 'toilet_tissue'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1119, 'synset': 'tomato.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tomato'], 'def': 'mildly acid red or yellow pulpy fruit eaten as a vegetable', 'name': 'tomato'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1120, 'synset': 'tongs.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tongs'], 'def': 'any of various devices for taking hold of objects; usually have two hinged legs with handles above and pointed hooks below', 'name': 'tongs'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1121, 'synset': 'toolbox.n.01', 'synonyms': ['toolbox'], 'def': 'a box or chest or cabinet for holding hand tools', 'name': 'toolbox'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1122, 'synset': 'toothbrush.n.01', 'synonyms': ['toothbrush'], 'def': 'small brush; has long handle; used to clean teeth', 'name': 'toothbrush'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1123, 'synset': 'toothpaste.n.01', 'synonyms': ['toothpaste'], 'def': 'a dentifrice in the form of a paste', 'name': 'toothpaste'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1124, 'synset': 'toothpick.n.01', 'synonyms': ['toothpick'], 'def': 'pick consisting of a small strip of wood or plastic; used to pick food from between the teeth', 'name': 'toothpick'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1125, 'synset': 'top.n.09', 'synonyms': ['cover'], 'def': 'covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)', 'name': 'cover'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1126, 'synset': 'tortilla.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tortilla'], 'def': 'thin unleavened pancake made from cornmeal or wheat flour', 'name': 'tortilla'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1127, 'synset': 'tow_truck.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tow_truck'], 'def': 'a truck equipped to hoist and pull wrecked cars (or to remove cars from no-parking zones)', 'name': 'tow_truck'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1128, 'synset': 'towel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['towel'], 'def': 'a rectangular piece of absorbent cloth (or paper) for drying or wiping', 'name': 'towel'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1129, 'synset': 'towel_rack.n.01', 'synonyms': ['towel_rack', 'towel_rail', 'towel_bar'], 'def': 'a rack consisting of one or more bars on which towels can be hung', 'name': 'towel_rack'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1130, 'synset': 'toy.n.03', 'synonyms': ['toy'], 'def': 'a device regarded as providing amusement', 'name': 'toy'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1131, 'synset': 'tractor.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tractor_(farm_equipment)'], 'def': 'a wheeled vehicle with large wheels; used in farming and other applications', 'name': 'tractor_(farm_equipment)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1132, 'synset': 'traffic_light.n.01', 'synonyms': ['traffic_light'], 'def': 'a device to control vehicle traffic often consisting of three or more lights', 'name': 'traffic_light'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1133, 'synset': 'trail_bike.n.01', 'synonyms': ['dirt_bike'], 'def': 'a lightweight motorcycle equipped with rugged tires and suspension for off-road use', 'name': 'dirt_bike'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1134, 'synset': 'trailer_truck.n.01', 'synonyms': ['trailer_truck', 'tractor_trailer', 'trucking_rig', 'articulated_lorry', 'semi_truck'], 'def': 'a truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together', 'name': 'trailer_truck'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1135, 'synset': 'train.n.01', 'synonyms': ['train_(railroad_vehicle)', 'railroad_train'], 'def': 'public or private transport provided by a line of railway cars coupled together and drawn by a locomotive', 'name': 'train_(railroad_vehicle)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1136, 'synset': 'trampoline.n.01', 'synonyms': ['trampoline'], 'def': 'gymnastic apparatus consisting of a strong canvas sheet attached with springs to a metal frame', 'name': 'trampoline'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1137, 'synset': 'tray.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tray'], 'def': 'an open receptacle for holding or displaying or serving articles or food', 'name': 'tray'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1138, 'synset': 'tree_house.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tree_house'], 'def': '(NOT A TREE) a PLAYHOUSE built in the branches of a tree', 'name': 'tree_house'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1139, 'synset': 'trench_coat.n.01', 'synonyms': ['trench_coat'], 'def': 'a military style raincoat; belted with deep pockets', 'name': 'trench_coat'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1140, 'synset': 'triangle.n.05', 'synonyms': ['triangle_(musical_instrument)'], 'def': 'a percussion instrument consisting of a metal bar bent in the shape of an open triangle', 'name': 'triangle_(musical_instrument)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1141, 'synset': 'tricycle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tricycle'], 'def': 'a vehicle with three wheels that is moved by foot pedals', 'name': 'tricycle'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1142, 'synset': 'tripod.n.01', 'synonyms': ['tripod'], 'def': 'a three-legged rack used for support', 'name': 'tripod'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1143, 'synset': 'trouser.n.01', 'synonyms': ['trousers', 'pants_(clothing)'], 'def': 'a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately', 'name': 'trousers'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1144, 'synset': 'truck.n.01', 'synonyms': ['truck'], 'def': 'an automotive vehicle suitable for hauling', 'name': 'truck'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1145, 'synset': 'truffle.n.03', 'synonyms': ['truffle_(chocolate)', 'chocolate_truffle'], 'def': 'creamy chocolate candy', 'name': 'truffle_(chocolate)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1146, 'synset': 'trunk.n.02', 'synonyms': ['trunk'], 'def': 'luggage consisting of a large strong case used when traveling or for storage', 'name': 'trunk'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1147, 'synset': 'tub.n.02', 'synonyms': ['vat'], 'def': 'a large open vessel for holding or storing liquids', 'name': 'vat'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1148, 'synset': 'turban.n.01', 'synonyms': ['turban'], 'def': 'a traditional headdress consisting of a long scarf wrapped around the head', 'name': 'turban'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1149, 'synset': 'turkey.n.01', 'synonyms': ['turkey_(bird)'], 'def': 'large gallinaceous bird with fan-shaped tail; widely domesticated for food', 'name': 'turkey_(bird)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1150, 'synset': 'turkey.n.04', 'synonyms': ['turkey_(food)'], 'def': 'flesh of large domesticated fowl usually roasted', 'name': 'turkey_(food)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1151, 'synset': 'turnip.n.01', 'synonyms': ['turnip'], 'def': 'widely cultivated plant having a large fleshy edible white or yellow root', 'name': 'turnip'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1152, 'synset': 'turtle.n.02', 'synonyms': ['turtle'], 'def': 'any of various aquatic and land reptiles having a bony shell and flipper-like limbs for swimming', 'name': 'turtle'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1153, 'synset': 'turtleneck.n.01', 'synonyms': ['turtleneck_(clothing)', 'polo-neck'], 'def': 'a sweater or jersey with a high close-fitting collar', 'name': 'turtleneck_(clothing)'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1154, 'synset': 'typewriter.n.01', 'synonyms': ['typewriter'], 'def': 'hand-operated character printer for printing written messages one character at a time', 'name': 'typewriter'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1155, 'synset': 'umbrella.n.01', 'synonyms': ['umbrella'], 'def': 'a lightweight handheld collapsible canopy', 'name': 'umbrella'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1156, 'synset': 'underwear.n.01', 'synonyms': ['underwear', 'underclothes', 'underclothing', 'underpants'], 'def': 'undergarment worn next to the skin and under the outer garments', 'name': 'underwear'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1157, 'synset': 'unicycle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['unicycle'], 'def': 'a vehicle with a single wheel that is driven by pedals', 'name': 'unicycle'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1158, 'synset': 'urinal.n.01', 'synonyms': ['urinal'], 'def': 'a plumbing fixture (usually attached to the wall) used by men to urinate', 'name': 'urinal'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1159, 'synset': 'urn.n.01', 'synonyms': ['urn'], 'def': 'a large vase that usually has a pedestal or feet', 'name': 'urn'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1160, 'synset': 'vacuum.n.04', 'synonyms': ['vacuum_cleaner'], 'def': 'an electrical home appliance that cleans by suction', 'name': 'vacuum_cleaner'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1161, 'synset': 'valve.n.03', 'synonyms': ['valve'], 'def': 'control consisting of a mechanical device for controlling the flow of a fluid', 'name': 'valve'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1162, 'synset': 'vase.n.01', 'synonyms': ['vase'], 'def': 'an open jar of glass or porcelain used as an ornament or to hold flowers', 'name': 'vase'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1163, 'synset': 'vending_machine.n.01', 'synonyms': ['vending_machine'], 'def': 'a slot machine for selling goods', 'name': 'vending_machine'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1164, 'synset': 'vent.n.01', 'synonyms': ['vent', 'blowhole', 'air_vent'], 'def': 'a hole for the escape of gas or air', 'name': 'vent'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1165, 'synset': 'videotape.n.01', 'synonyms': ['videotape'], 'def': 'a video recording made on magnetic tape', 'name': 'videotape'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1166, 'synset': 'vinegar.n.01', 'synonyms': ['vinegar'], 'def': 'sour-tasting liquid produced usually by oxidation of the alcohol in wine or cider and used as a condiment or food preservative', 'name': 'vinegar'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1167, 'synset': 'violin.n.01', 'synonyms': ['violin', 'fiddle'], 'def': 'bowed stringed instrument that is the highest member of the violin family', 'name': 'violin'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1168, 'synset': 'vodka.n.01', 'synonyms': ['vodka'], 'def': 'unaged colorless liquor originating in Russia', 'name': 'vodka'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1169, 'synset': 'volleyball.n.02', 'synonyms': ['volleyball'], 'def': 'an inflated ball used in playing volleyball', 'name': 'volleyball'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1170, 'synset': 'vulture.n.01', 'synonyms': ['vulture'], 'def': 'any of various large birds of prey having naked heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion', 'name': 'vulture'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1171, 'synset': 'waffle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['waffle'], 'def': 'pancake batter baked in a waffle iron', 'name': 'waffle'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1172, 'synset': 'waffle_iron.n.01', 'synonyms': ['waffle_iron'], 'def': 'a kitchen appliance for baking waffles', 'name': 'waffle_iron'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1173, 'synset': 'wagon.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wagon'], 'def': 'any of various kinds of wheeled vehicles drawn by an animal or a tractor', 'name': 'wagon'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1174, 'synset': 'wagon_wheel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wagon_wheel'], 'def': 'a wheel of a wagon', 'name': 'wagon_wheel'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1175, 'synset': 'walking_stick.n.01', 'synonyms': ['walking_stick'], 'def': 'a stick carried in the hand for support in walking', 'name': 'walking_stick'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1176, 'synset': 'wall_clock.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wall_clock'], 'def': 'a clock mounted on a wall', 'name': 'wall_clock'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1177, 'synset': 'wall_socket.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wall_socket', 'wall_plug', 'electric_outlet', 'electrical_outlet', 'outlet', 'electric_receptacle'], 'def': 'receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices', 'name': 'wall_socket'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1178, 'synset': 'wallet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wallet', 'billfold'], 'def': 'a pocket-size case for holding papers and paper money', 'name': 'wallet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1179, 'synset': 'walrus.n.01', 'synonyms': ['walrus'], 'def': 'either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber', 'name': 'walrus'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1180, 'synset': 'wardrobe.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wardrobe'], 'def': 'a tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes', 'name': 'wardrobe'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1181, 'synset': 'wasabi.n.02', 'synonyms': ['wasabi'], 'def': 'the thick green root of the wasabi plant that the Japanese use in cooking and that tastes like strong horseradish', 'name': 'wasabi'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1182, 'synset': 'washer.n.03', 'synonyms': ['automatic_washer', 'washing_machine'], 'def': 'a home appliance for washing clothes and linens automatically', 'name': 'automatic_washer'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1183, 'synset': 'watch.n.01', 'synonyms': ['watch', 'wristwatch'], 'def': 'a small, portable timepiece', 'name': 'watch'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1184, 'synset': 'water_bottle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['water_bottle'], 'def': 'a bottle for holding water', 'name': 'water_bottle'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1185, 'synset': 'water_cooler.n.01', 'synonyms': ['water_cooler'], 'def': 'a device for cooling and dispensing drinking water', 'name': 'water_cooler'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1186, 'synset': 'water_faucet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['water_faucet', 'water_tap', 'tap_(water_faucet)'], 'def': 'a faucet for drawing water from a pipe or cask', 'name': 'water_faucet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1187, 'synset': 'water_filter.n.01', 'synonyms': ['water_filter'], 'def': 'a filter to remove impurities from the water supply', 'name': 'water_filter'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1188, 'synset': 'water_heater.n.01', 'synonyms': ['water_heater', 'hot-water_heater'], 'def': 'a heater and storage tank to supply heated water', 'name': 'water_heater'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1189, 'synset': 'water_jug.n.01', 'synonyms': ['water_jug'], 'def': 'a jug that holds water', 'name': 'water_jug'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1190, 'synset': 'water_pistol.n.01', 'synonyms': ['water_gun', 'squirt_gun'], 'def': 'plaything consisting of a toy pistol that squirts water', 'name': 'water_gun'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1191, 'synset': 'water_scooter.n.01', 'synonyms': ['water_scooter', 'sea_scooter', 'jet_ski'], 'def': 'a motorboat resembling a motor scooter (NOT A SURFBOARD OR WATER SKI)', 'name': 'water_scooter'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1192, 'synset': 'water_ski.n.01', 'synonyms': ['water_ski'], 'def': 'broad ski for skimming over water towed by a speedboat (DO NOT MARK WATER)', 'name': 'water_ski'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1193, 'synset': 'water_tower.n.01', 'synonyms': ['water_tower'], 'def': 'a large reservoir for water', 'name': 'water_tower'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1194, 'synset': 'watering_can.n.01', 'synonyms': ['watering_can'], 'def': 'a container with a handle and a spout with a perforated nozzle; used to sprinkle water over plants', 'name': 'watering_can'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1195, 'synset': 'watermelon.n.02', 'synonyms': ['watermelon'], 'def': 'large oblong or roundish melon with a hard green rind and sweet watery red or occasionally yellowish pulp', 'name': 'watermelon'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1196, 'synset': 'weathervane.n.01', 'synonyms': ['weathervane', 'vane_(weathervane)', 'wind_vane'], 'def': 'mechanical device attached to an elevated structure; rotates freely to show the direction of the wind', 'name': 'weathervane'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1197, 'synset': 'webcam.n.01', 'synonyms': ['webcam'], 'def': 'a digital camera designed to take digital photographs and transmit them over the internet', 'name': 'webcam'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1198, 'synset': 'wedding_cake.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wedding_cake', 'bridecake'], 'def': 'a rich cake with two or more tiers and covered with frosting and decorations; served at a wedding reception', 'name': 'wedding_cake'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1199, 'synset': 'wedding_ring.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wedding_ring', 'wedding_band'], 'def': 'a ring given to the bride and/or groom at the wedding', 'name': 'wedding_ring'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1200, 'synset': 'wet_suit.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wet_suit'], 'def': 'a close-fitting garment made of a permeable material; worn in cold water to retain body heat', 'name': 'wet_suit'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1201, 'synset': 'wheel.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wheel'], 'def': 'a circular frame with spokes (or a solid disc) that can rotate on a shaft or axle', 'name': 'wheel'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1202, 'synset': 'wheelchair.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wheelchair'], 'def': 'a movable chair mounted on large wheels', 'name': 'wheelchair'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1203, 'synset': 'whipped_cream.n.01', 'synonyms': ['whipped_cream'], 'def': 'cream that has been beaten until light and fluffy', 'name': 'whipped_cream'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1204, 'synset': 'whiskey.n.01', 'synonyms': ['whiskey'], 'def': 'a liquor made from fermented mash of grain', 'name': 'whiskey'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1205, 'synset': 'whistle.n.03', 'synonyms': ['whistle'], 'def': 'a small wind instrument that produces a whistling sound by blowing into it', 'name': 'whistle'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1206, 'synset': 'wick.n.02', 'synonyms': ['wick'], 'def': 'a loosely woven cord in a candle or oil lamp that is lit on fire', 'name': 'wick'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1207, 'synset': 'wig.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wig'], 'def': 'hairpiece covering the head and made of real or synthetic hair', 'name': 'wig'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1208, 'synset': 'wind_chime.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wind_chime'], 'def': 'a decorative arrangement of pieces of metal or glass or pottery that hang together loosely so the wind can cause them to tinkle', 'name': 'wind_chime'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1209, 'synset': 'windmill.n.01', 'synonyms': ['windmill'], 'def': 'a mill that is powered by the wind', 'name': 'windmill'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1210, 'synset': 'window_box.n.01', 'synonyms': ['window_box_(for_plants)'], 'def': 'a container for growing plants on a windowsill', 'name': 'window_box_(for_plants)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1211, 'synset': 'windshield_wiper.n.01', 'synonyms': ['windshield_wiper', 'windscreen_wiper', 'wiper_(for_windshield/screen)'], 'def': 'a mechanical device that cleans the windshield', 'name': 'windshield_wiper'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1212, 'synset': 'windsock.n.01', 'synonyms': ['windsock', 'air_sock', 'air-sleeve', 'wind_sleeve', 'wind_cone'], 'def': 'a truncated cloth cone mounted on a mast/pole; shows wind direction', 'name': 'windsock'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1213, 'synset': 'wine_bottle.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wine_bottle'], 'def': 'a bottle for holding wine', 'name': 'wine_bottle'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1214, 'synset': 'wine_bucket.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wine_bucket', 'wine_cooler'], 'def': 'a bucket of ice used to chill a bottle of wine', 'name': 'wine_bucket'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1215, 'synset': 'wineglass.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wineglass'], 'def': 'a glass that has a stem and in which wine is served', 'name': 'wineglass'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1216, 'synset': 'wing_chair.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wing_chair'], 'def': 'easy chair having wings on each side of a high back', 'name': 'wing_chair'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1217, 'synset': 'winker.n.02', 'synonyms': ['blinder_(for_horses)'], 'def': 'blinds that prevent a horse from seeing something on either side', 'name': 'blinder_(for_horses)'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1218, 'synset': 'wok.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wok'], 'def': 'pan with a convex bottom; used for frying in Chinese cooking', 'name': 'wok'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1219, 'synset': 'wolf.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wolf'], 'def': 'a wild carnivorous mammal of the dog family, living and hunting in packs', 'name': 'wolf'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1220, 'synset': 'wooden_spoon.n.02', 'synonyms': ['wooden_spoon'], 'def': 'a spoon made of wood', 'name': 'wooden_spoon'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1221, 'synset': 'wreath.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wreath'], 'def': 'an arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring', 'name': 'wreath'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1222, 'synset': 'wrench.n.03', 'synonyms': ['wrench', 'spanner'], 'def': 'a hand tool that is used to hold or twist a nut or bolt', 'name': 'wrench'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1223, 'synset': 'wristband.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wristband'], 'def': 'band consisting of a part of a sleeve that covers the wrist', 'name': 'wristband'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1224, 'synset': 'wristlet.n.01', 'synonyms': ['wristlet', 'wrist_band'], 'def': 'a band or bracelet worn around the wrist', 'name': 'wristlet'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1225, 'synset': 'yacht.n.01', 'synonyms': ['yacht'], 'def': 'an expensive vessel propelled by sail or power and used for cruising or racing', 'name': 'yacht'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1226, 'synset': 'yak.n.02', 'synonyms': ['yak'], 'def': 'large long-haired wild ox of Tibet often domesticated', 'name': 'yak'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1227, 'synset': 'yogurt.n.01', 'synonyms': ['yogurt', 'yoghurt', 'yoghourt'], 'def': 'a custard-like food made from curdled milk', 'name': 'yogurt'}, {'frequency': 'r', 'id': 1228, 'synset': 'yoke.n.07', 'synonyms': ['yoke_(animal_equipment)'], 'def': 'gear joining two animals at the neck; NOT egg yolk', 'name': 'yoke_(animal_equipment)'}, {'frequency': 'f', 'id': 1229, 'synset': 'zebra.n.01', 'synonyms': ['zebra'], 'def': 'any of several fleet black-and-white striped African equines', 'name': 'zebra'}, {'frequency': 'c', 'id': 1230, 'synset': 'zucchini.n.02', 'synonyms': ['zucchini', 'courgette'], 'def': 'small cucumber-shaped vegetable marrow; typically dark green', 'name': 'zucchini'}] # noqa
+# fmt: on
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/pascal_voc.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/pascal_voc.py
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+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/pascal_voc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from detectron2.data import DatasetCatalog, MetadataCatalog
+from detectron2.structures import BoxMode
+__all__ = ["register_pascal_voc"]
+# fmt: off
+ "aeroplane", "bicycle", "bird", "boat", "bottle", "bus", "car", "cat",
+ "chair", "cow", "diningtable", "dog", "horse", "motorbike", "person",
+ "pottedplant", "sheep", "sofa", "train", "tvmonitor",
+# fmt: on
+def load_voc_instances(dirname: str, split: str):
+ """
+ Load Pascal VOC detection annotations to Detectron2 format.
+ Args:
+ dirname: Contain "Annotations", "ImageSets", "JPEGImages"
+ split (str): one of "train", "test", "val", "trainval"
+ """
+ with PathManager.open(os.path.join(dirname, "ImageSets", "Main", split + ".txt")) as f:
+ fileids = np.loadtxt(f, dtype=np.str)
+ # Needs to read many small annotation files. Makes sense at local
+ annotation_dirname = PathManager.get_local_path(os.path.join(dirname, "Annotations/"))
+ dicts = []
+ for fileid in fileids:
+ anno_file = os.path.join(annotation_dirname, fileid + ".xml")
+ jpeg_file = os.path.join(dirname, "JPEGImages", fileid + ".jpg")
+ with PathManager.open(anno_file) as f:
+ tree = ET.parse(f)
+ r = {
+ "file_name": jpeg_file,
+ "image_id": fileid,
+ "height": int(tree.findall("./size/height")[0].text),
+ "width": int(tree.findall("./size/width")[0].text),
+ }
+ instances = []
+ for obj in tree.findall("object"):
+ cls = obj.find("name").text
+ # We include "difficult" samples in training.
+ # Based on limited experiments, they don't hurt accuracy.
+ # difficult = int(obj.find("difficult").text)
+ # if difficult == 1:
+ # continue
+ bbox = obj.find("bndbox")
+ bbox = [float(bbox.find(x).text) for x in ["xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"]]
+ # Original annotations are integers in the range [1, W or H]
+ # Assuming they mean 1-based pixel indices (inclusive),
+ # a box with annotation (xmin=1, xmax=W) covers the whole image.
+ # In coordinate space this is represented by (xmin=0, xmax=W)
+ bbox[0] -= 1.0
+ bbox[1] -= 1.0
+ instances.append(
+ {"category_id": CLASS_NAMES.index(cls), "bbox": bbox, "bbox_mode": BoxMode.XYXY_ABS}
+ )
+ r["annotations"] = instances
+ dicts.append(r)
+ return dicts
+def register_pascal_voc(name, dirname, split, year):
+ DatasetCatalog.register(name, lambda: load_voc_instances(dirname, split))
+ MetadataCatalog.get(name).set(
+ thing_classes=CLASS_NAMES, dirname=dirname, year=year, split=split
+ )
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/register_coco.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/register_coco.py
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@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import copy
+import os
+from detectron2.data import DatasetCatalog, MetadataCatalog
+from .coco import load_coco_json, load_sem_seg
+This file contains functions to register a COCO-format dataset to the DatasetCatalog.
+__all__ = ["register_coco_instances", "register_coco_panoptic_separated"]
+def register_coco_instances(name, metadata, json_file, image_root):
+ """
+ Register a dataset in COCO's json annotation format for
+ instance detection, instance segmentation and keypoint detection.
+ (i.e., Type 1 and 2 in http://cocodataset.org/#format-data.
+ `instances*.json` and `person_keypoints*.json` in the dataset).
+ This is an example of how to register a new dataset.
+ You can do something similar to this function, to register new data.
+ Args:
+ name (str): the name that identifies a dataset, e.g. "coco_2014_train".
+ metadata (dict): extra metadata associated with this dataset. You can
+ leave it as an empty dict.
+ json_file (str): path to the json instance annotation file.
+ image_root (str or path-like): directory which contains all the images.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(name, str), name
+ assert isinstance(json_file, (str, os.PathLike)), json_file
+ assert isinstance(image_root, (str, os.PathLike)), image_root
+ # 1. register a function which returns dicts
+ DatasetCatalog.register(name, lambda: load_coco_json(json_file, image_root, name))
+ # 2. Optionally, add metadata about this dataset,
+ # since they might be useful in evaluation, visualization or logging
+ MetadataCatalog.get(name).set(
+ json_file=json_file, image_root=image_root, evaluator_type="coco", **metadata
+ )
+def register_coco_panoptic_separated(
+ name, metadata, image_root, panoptic_root, panoptic_json, sem_seg_root, instances_json
+ """
+ Register a COCO panoptic segmentation dataset named `name`.
+ The annotations in this registered dataset will contain both instance annotations and
+ semantic annotations, each with its own contiguous ids. Hence it's called "separated".
+ It follows the setting used by the PanopticFPN paper:
+ 1. The instance annotations directly come from polygons in the COCO
+ instances annotation task, rather than from the masks in the COCO panoptic annotations.
+ The two format have small differences:
+ Polygons in the instance annotations may have overlaps.
+ The mask annotations are produced by labeling the overlapped polygons
+ with depth ordering.
+ 2. The semantic annotations are converted from panoptic annotations, where
+ all "things" are assigned a semantic id of 0.
+ All semantic categories will therefore have ids in contiguous
+ range [1, #stuff_categories].
+ This function will also register a pure semantic segmentation dataset
+ named ``name + '_stuffonly'``.
+ Args:
+ name (str): the name that identifies a dataset,
+ e.g. "coco_2017_train_panoptic"
+ metadata (dict): extra metadata associated with this dataset.
+ image_root (str): directory which contains all the images
+ panoptic_root (str): directory which contains panoptic annotation images
+ panoptic_json (str): path to the json panoptic annotation file
+ sem_seg_root (str): directory which contains all the ground truth segmentation annotations.
+ instances_json (str): path to the json instance annotation file
+ """
+ panoptic_name = name + "_separated"
+ DatasetCatalog.register(
+ panoptic_name,
+ lambda: merge_to_panoptic(
+ load_coco_json(instances_json, image_root, panoptic_name),
+ load_sem_seg(sem_seg_root, image_root),
+ ),
+ )
+ MetadataCatalog.get(panoptic_name).set(
+ panoptic_root=panoptic_root,
+ image_root=image_root,
+ panoptic_json=panoptic_json,
+ sem_seg_root=sem_seg_root,
+ json_file=instances_json, # TODO rename
+ evaluator_type="coco_panoptic_seg",
+ **metadata
+ )
+ semantic_name = name + "_stuffonly"
+ DatasetCatalog.register(semantic_name, lambda: load_sem_seg(sem_seg_root, image_root))
+ MetadataCatalog.get(semantic_name).set(
+ sem_seg_root=sem_seg_root, image_root=image_root, evaluator_type="sem_seg", **metadata
+ )
+def merge_to_panoptic(detection_dicts, sem_seg_dicts):
+ """
+ Create dataset dicts for panoptic segmentation, by
+ merging two dicts using "file_name" field to match their entries.
+ Args:
+ detection_dicts (list[dict]): lists of dicts for object detection or instance segmentation.
+ sem_seg_dicts (list[dict]): lists of dicts for semantic segmentation.
+ Returns:
+ list[dict] (one per input image): Each dict contains all (key, value) pairs from dicts in
+ both detection_dicts and sem_seg_dicts that correspond to the same image.
+ The function assumes that the same key in different dicts has the same value.
+ """
+ results = []
+ sem_seg_file_to_entry = {x["file_name"]: x for x in sem_seg_dicts}
+ assert len(sem_seg_file_to_entry) > 0
+ for det_dict in detection_dicts:
+ dic = copy.copy(det_dict)
+ dic.update(sem_seg_file_to_entry[dic["file_name"]])
+ results.append(dic)
+ return results
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/detection_utils.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/detection_utils.py
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@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+Common data processing utilities that are used in a
+typical object detection data pipeline.
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import pycocotools.mask as mask_util
+import torch
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from PIL import Image, ImageOps
+from detectron2.structures import (
+ BitMasks,
+ Boxes,
+ BoxMode,
+ Instances,
+ Keypoints,
+ PolygonMasks,
+ RotatedBoxes,
+ polygons_to_bitmask,
+from . import transforms as T
+from .catalog import MetadataCatalog
+class SizeMismatchError(ValueError):
+ """
+ When loaded image has difference width/height compared with annotation.
+ """
+# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YUV#SDTV_with_BT.601
+_M_RGB2YUV = [[0.299, 0.587, 0.114], [-0.14713, -0.28886, 0.436], [0.615, -0.51499, -0.10001]]
+_M_YUV2RGB = [[1.0, 0.0, 1.13983], [1.0, -0.39465, -0.58060], [1.0, 2.03211, 0.0]]
+def convert_PIL_to_numpy(image, format):
+ """
+ Convert PIL image to numpy array of target format.
+ Args:
+ image (PIL.Image): a PIL image
+ format (str): the format of output image
+ Returns:
+ (np.ndarray): also see `read_image`
+ """
+ if format is not None:
+ # PIL only supports RGB, so convert to RGB and flip channels over below
+ conversion_format = format
+ if format in ["BGR", "YUV-BT.601"]:
+ conversion_format = "RGB"
+ image = image.convert(conversion_format)
+ image = np.asarray(image)
+ # PIL squeezes out the channel dimension for "L", so make it HWC
+ if format == "L":
+ image = np.expand_dims(image, -1)
+ # handle formats not supported by PIL
+ elif format == "BGR":
+ # flip channels if needed
+ image = image[:, :, ::-1]
+ elif format == "YUV-BT.601":
+ image = image / 255.0
+ image = np.dot(image, np.array(_M_RGB2YUV).T)
+ return image
+def convert_image_to_rgb(image, format):
+ """
+ Convert numpy image from given format to RGB.
+ Args:
+ image (np.ndarray): a numpy image
+ format (str): the format of input image, also see `read_image`
+ Returns:
+ (np.ndarray): HWC RGB image in 0-255 range, can be either float or uint8
+ """
+ if format == "BGR":
+ image = image[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
+ elif format == "YUV-BT.601":
+ image = np.dot(image, np.array(_M_YUV2RGB).T)
+ image = image * 255.0
+ else:
+ if format == "L":
+ image = image[:, :, 0]
+ image = image.astype(np.uint8)
+ image = np.asarray(Image.fromarray(image, mode=format).convert("RGB"))
+ return image
+def read_image(file_name, format=None):
+ """
+ Read an image into the given format.
+ Will apply rotation and flipping if the image has such exif information.
+ Args:
+ file_name (str): image file path
+ format (str): one of the supported image modes in PIL, or "BGR" or "YUV-BT.601"
+ Returns:
+ image (np.ndarray): an HWC image in the given format, which is 0-255, uint8 for
+ supported image modes in PIL or "BGR"; float (0-1 for Y) for YUV-BT.601.
+ """
+ with PathManager.open(file_name, "rb") as f:
+ image = Image.open(f)
+ # capture and ignore this bug: https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/3973
+ try:
+ image = ImageOps.exif_transpose(image)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ return convert_PIL_to_numpy(image, format)
+def check_image_size(dataset_dict, image):
+ """
+ Raise an error if the image does not match the size specified in the dict.
+ """
+ if "width" in dataset_dict or "height" in dataset_dict:
+ image_wh = (image.shape[1], image.shape[0])
+ expected_wh = (dataset_dict["width"], dataset_dict["height"])
+ if not image_wh == expected_wh:
+ raise SizeMismatchError(
+ "Mismatched (W,H){}, got {}, expect {}".format(
+ " for image " + dataset_dict["file_name"]
+ if "file_name" in dataset_dict
+ else "",
+ image_wh,
+ expected_wh,
+ )
+ )
+ # To ensure bbox always remap to original image size
+ if "width" not in dataset_dict:
+ dataset_dict["width"] = image.shape[1]
+ if "height" not in dataset_dict:
+ dataset_dict["height"] = image.shape[0]
+def transform_proposals(dataset_dict, image_shape, transforms, min_box_side_len, proposal_topk):
+ """
+ Apply transformations to the proposals in dataset_dict, if any.
+ Args:
+ dataset_dict (dict): a dict read from the dataset, possibly
+ contains fields "proposal_boxes", "proposal_objectness_logits", "proposal_bbox_mode"
+ image_shape (tuple): height, width
+ transforms (TransformList):
+ min_box_side_len (int): keep proposals with at least this size
+ proposal_topk (int): only keep top-K scoring proposals
+ The input dict is modified in-place, with abovementioned keys removed. A new
+ key "proposals" will be added. Its value is an `Instances`
+ object which contains the transformed proposals in its field
+ "proposal_boxes" and "objectness_logits".
+ """
+ if "proposal_boxes" in dataset_dict:
+ # Transform proposal boxes
+ boxes = transforms.apply_box(
+ BoxMode.convert(
+ dataset_dict.pop("proposal_boxes"),
+ dataset_dict.pop("proposal_bbox_mode"),
+ BoxMode.XYXY_ABS,
+ )
+ )
+ boxes = Boxes(boxes)
+ objectness_logits = torch.as_tensor(
+ dataset_dict.pop("proposal_objectness_logits").astype("float32")
+ )
+ boxes.clip(image_shape)
+ keep = boxes.nonempty(threshold=min_box_side_len)
+ boxes = boxes[keep]
+ objectness_logits = objectness_logits[keep]
+ proposals = Instances(image_shape)
+ proposals.proposal_boxes = boxes[:proposal_topk]
+ proposals.objectness_logits = objectness_logits[:proposal_topk]
+ dataset_dict["proposals"] = proposals
+def transform_instance_annotations(
+ annotation, transforms, image_size, *, keypoint_hflip_indices=None
+ """
+ Apply transforms to box, segmentation and keypoints annotations of a single instance.
+ It will use `transforms.apply_box` for the box, and
+ `transforms.apply_coords` for segmentation polygons & keypoints.
+ If you need anything more specially designed for each data structure,
+ you'll need to implement your own version of this function or the transforms.
+ Args:
+ annotation (dict): dict of instance annotations for a single instance.
+ It will be modified in-place.
+ transforms (TransformList):
+ image_size (tuple): the height, width of the transformed image
+ keypoint_hflip_indices (ndarray[int]): see `create_keypoint_hflip_indices`.
+ Returns:
+ dict:
+ the same input dict with fields "bbox", "segmentation", "keypoints"
+ transformed according to `transforms`.
+ The "bbox_mode" field will be set to XYXY_ABS.
+ """
+ bbox = BoxMode.convert(annotation["bbox"], annotation["bbox_mode"], BoxMode.XYXY_ABS)
+ # Note that bbox is 1d (per-instance bounding box)
+ annotation["bbox"] = transforms.apply_box([bbox])[0]
+ annotation["bbox_mode"] = BoxMode.XYXY_ABS
+ if "segmentation" in annotation:
+ # each instance contains 1 or more polygons
+ segm = annotation["segmentation"]
+ if isinstance(segm, list):
+ # polygons
+ polygons = [np.asarray(p).reshape(-1, 2) for p in segm]
+ annotation["segmentation"] = [
+ p.reshape(-1) for p in transforms.apply_polygons(polygons)
+ ]
+ elif isinstance(segm, dict):
+ # RLE
+ mask = mask_util.decode(segm)
+ mask = transforms.apply_segmentation(mask)
+ assert tuple(mask.shape[:2]) == image_size
+ annotation["segmentation"] = mask
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Cannot transform segmentation of type '{}'!"
+ "Supported types are: polygons as list[list[float] or ndarray],"
+ " COCO-style RLE as a dict.".format(type(segm))
+ )
+ if "keypoints" in annotation:
+ keypoints = transform_keypoint_annotations(
+ annotation["keypoints"], transforms, image_size, keypoint_hflip_indices
+ )
+ annotation["keypoints"] = keypoints
+ return annotation
+def transform_keypoint_annotations(keypoints, transforms, image_size, keypoint_hflip_indices=None):
+ """
+ Transform keypoint annotations of an image.
+ Args:
+ keypoints (list[float]): Nx3 float in Detectron2 Dataset format.
+ transforms (TransformList):
+ image_size (tuple): the height, width of the transformed image
+ keypoint_hflip_indices (ndarray[int]): see `create_keypoint_hflip_indices`.
+ """
+ # (N*3,) -> (N, 3)
+ keypoints = np.asarray(keypoints, dtype="float64").reshape(-1, 3)
+ keypoints[:, :2] = transforms.apply_coords(keypoints[:, :2])
+ # This assumes that HorizFlipTransform is the only one that does flip
+ do_hflip = sum(isinstance(t, T.HFlipTransform) for t in transforms.transforms) % 2 == 1
+ # Alternative way: check if probe points was horizontally flipped.
+ # probe = np.asarray([[0.0, 0.0], [image_width, 0.0]])
+ # probe_aug = transforms.apply_coords(probe.copy())
+ # do_hflip = np.sign(probe[1][0] - probe[0][0]) != np.sign(probe_aug[1][0] - probe_aug[0][0]) # noqa
+ # If flipped, swap each keypoint with its opposite-handed equivalent
+ if do_hflip:
+ assert keypoint_hflip_indices is not None
+ keypoints = keypoints[keypoint_hflip_indices, :]
+ # Maintain COCO convention that if visibility == 0, then x, y = 0
+ # TODO may need to reset visibility for cropped keypoints,
+ # but it does not matter for our existing algorithms
+ keypoints[keypoints[:, 2] == 0] = 0
+ return keypoints
+def annotations_to_instances(annos, image_size, mask_format="polygon"):
+ """
+ Create an :class:`Instances` object used by the models,
+ from instance annotations in the dataset dict.
+ Args:
+ annos (list[dict]): a list of instance annotations in one image, each
+ element for one instance.
+ image_size (tuple): height, width
+ Returns:
+ Instances:
+ It will contain fields "gt_boxes", "gt_classes",
+ "gt_masks", "gt_keypoints", if they can be obtained from `annos`.
+ This is the format that builtin models expect.
+ """
+ boxes = [BoxMode.convert(obj["bbox"], obj["bbox_mode"], BoxMode.XYXY_ABS) for obj in annos]
+ target = Instances(image_size)
+ boxes = target.gt_boxes = Boxes(boxes)
+ boxes.clip(image_size)
+ classes = [obj["category_id"] for obj in annos]
+ classes = torch.tensor(classes, dtype=torch.int64)
+ target.gt_classes = classes
+ if len(annos) and "segmentation" in annos[0]:
+ segms = [obj["segmentation"] for obj in annos]
+ if mask_format == "polygon":
+ masks = PolygonMasks(segms)
+ else:
+ assert mask_format == "bitmask", mask_format
+ masks = []
+ for segm in segms:
+ if isinstance(segm, list):
+ # polygon
+ masks.append(polygons_to_bitmask(segm, *image_size))
+ elif isinstance(segm, dict):
+ masks.append(mask_util.decode(segm))
+ elif isinstance(segm, np.ndarray):
+ assert segm.ndim == 2, "Expect segmentation of 2 dimensions, got {}.".format(
+ segm.ndim
+ )
+ # mask array
+ masks.append(segm)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Cannot convert segmentation of type '{}' to BitMasks!"
+ "Supported types are: polygons as list[list[float] or ndarray],"
+ " COCO-style RLE as a dict, or a full-image segmentation mask "
+ "as a 2D ndarray.".format(type(segm))
+ )
+ # torch.from_numpy does not support array with negative stride.
+ masks = BitMasks(
+ torch.stack([torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(x)) for x in masks])
+ )
+ target.gt_masks = masks
+ if len(annos) and "keypoints" in annos[0]:
+ kpts = [obj.get("keypoints", []) for obj in annos]
+ target.gt_keypoints = Keypoints(kpts)
+ return target
+def annotations_to_instances_rotated(annos, image_size):
+ """
+ Create an :class:`Instances` object used by the models,
+ from instance annotations in the dataset dict.
+ Compared to `annotations_to_instances`, this function is for rotated boxes only
+ Args:
+ annos (list[dict]): a list of instance annotations in one image, each
+ element for one instance.
+ image_size (tuple): height, width
+ Returns:
+ Instances:
+ Containing fields "gt_boxes", "gt_classes",
+ if they can be obtained from `annos`.
+ This is the format that builtin models expect.
+ """
+ boxes = [obj["bbox"] for obj in annos]
+ target = Instances(image_size)
+ boxes = target.gt_boxes = RotatedBoxes(boxes)
+ boxes.clip(image_size)
+ classes = [obj["category_id"] for obj in annos]
+ classes = torch.tensor(classes, dtype=torch.int64)
+ target.gt_classes = classes
+ return target
+def filter_empty_instances(instances, by_box=True, by_mask=True, box_threshold=1e-5):
+ """
+ Filter out empty instances in an `Instances` object.
+ Args:
+ instances (Instances):
+ by_box (bool): whether to filter out instances with empty boxes
+ by_mask (bool): whether to filter out instances with empty masks
+ box_threshold (float): minimum width and height to be considered non-empty
+ Returns:
+ Instances: the filtered instances.
+ """
+ assert by_box or by_mask
+ r = []
+ if by_box:
+ r.append(instances.gt_boxes.nonempty(threshold=box_threshold))
+ if instances.has("gt_masks") and by_mask:
+ r.append(instances.gt_masks.nonempty())
+ # TODO: can also filter visible keypoints
+ if not r:
+ return instances
+ m = r[0]
+ for x in r[1:]:
+ m = m & x
+ return instances[m]
+def create_keypoint_hflip_indices(dataset_names):
+ """
+ Args:
+ dataset_names (list[str]): list of dataset names
+ Returns:
+ ndarray[int]: a vector of size=#keypoints, storing the
+ horizontally-flipped keypoint indices.
+ """
+ check_metadata_consistency("keypoint_names", dataset_names)
+ check_metadata_consistency("keypoint_flip_map", dataset_names)
+ meta = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_names[0])
+ names = meta.keypoint_names
+ # TODO flip -> hflip
+ flip_map = dict(meta.keypoint_flip_map)
+ flip_map.update({v: k for k, v in flip_map.items()})
+ flipped_names = [i if i not in flip_map else flip_map[i] for i in names]
+ flip_indices = [names.index(i) for i in flipped_names]
+ return np.asarray(flip_indices)
+def gen_crop_transform_with_instance(crop_size, image_size, instance):
+ """
+ Generate a CropTransform so that the cropping region contains
+ the center of the given instance.
+ Args:
+ crop_size (tuple): h, w in pixels
+ image_size (tuple): h, w
+ instance (dict): an annotation dict of one instance, in Detectron2's
+ dataset format.
+ """
+ crop_size = np.asarray(crop_size, dtype=np.int32)
+ bbox = BoxMode.convert(instance["bbox"], instance["bbox_mode"], BoxMode.XYXY_ABS)
+ center_yx = (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) * 0.5, (bbox[0] + bbox[2]) * 0.5
+ assert (
+ image_size[0] >= center_yx[0] and image_size[1] >= center_yx[1]
+ ), "The annotation bounding box is outside of the image!"
+ assert (
+ image_size[0] >= crop_size[0] and image_size[1] >= crop_size[1]
+ ), "Crop size is larger than image size!"
+ min_yx = np.maximum(np.floor(center_yx).astype(np.int32) - crop_size, 0)
+ max_yx = np.maximum(np.asarray(image_size, dtype=np.int32) - crop_size, 0)
+ max_yx = np.minimum(max_yx, np.ceil(center_yx).astype(np.int32))
+ y0 = np.random.randint(min_yx[0], max_yx[0] + 1)
+ x0 = np.random.randint(min_yx[1], max_yx[1] + 1)
+ return T.CropTransform(x0, y0, crop_size[1], crop_size[0])
+def check_metadata_consistency(key, dataset_names):
+ """
+ Check that the data have consistent metadata.
+ Args:
+ key (str): a metadata key
+ dataset_names (list[str]): a list of dataset names
+ Raises:
+ AttributeError: if the key does not exist in the metadata
+ ValueError: if the given data do not have the same metadata values defined by key
+ """
+ if len(dataset_names) == 0:
+ return
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ entries_per_dataset = [getattr(MetadataCatalog.get(d), key) for d in dataset_names]
+ for idx, entry in enumerate(entries_per_dataset):
+ if entry != entries_per_dataset[0]:
+ logger.error(
+ "Metadata '{}' for dataset '{}' is '{}'".format(key, dataset_names[idx], str(entry))
+ )
+ logger.error(
+ "Metadata '{}' for dataset '{}' is '{}'".format(
+ key, dataset_names[0], str(entries_per_dataset[0])
+ )
+ )
+ raise ValueError("Datasets have different metadata '{}'!".format(key))
+def build_transform_gen(cfg, is_train):
+ """
+ Create a list of :class:`TransformGen` from config.
+ Now it includes resizing and flipping.
+ Returns:
+ list[TransformGen]
+ """
+ if is_train:
+ min_size = cfg.INPUT.MIN_SIZE_TRAIN
+ max_size = cfg.INPUT.MAX_SIZE_TRAIN
+ sample_style = cfg.INPUT.MIN_SIZE_TRAIN_SAMPLING
+ else:
+ min_size = cfg.INPUT.MIN_SIZE_TEST
+ max_size = cfg.INPUT.MAX_SIZE_TEST
+ sample_style = "choice"
+ if sample_style == "range":
+ assert len(min_size) == 2, "more than 2 ({}) min_size(s) are provided for ranges".format(
+ len(min_size)
+ )
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ tfm_gens = []
+ tfm_gens.append(T.ResizeShortestEdge(min_size, max_size, sample_style))
+ if is_train:
+ tfm_gens.append(T.RandomFlip())
+ logger.info("TransformGens used in training: " + str(tfm_gens))
+ return tfm_gens
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/samplers/__init__.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/samplers/__init__.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/samplers/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+from .distributed_sampler import InferenceSampler, RepeatFactorTrainingSampler, TrainingSampler
+from .grouped_batch_sampler import GroupedBatchSampler
+__all__ = [
+ "GroupedBatchSampler",
+ "TrainingSampler",
+ "InferenceSampler",
+ "RepeatFactorTrainingSampler",
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/samplers/distributed_sampler.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/samplers/distributed_sampler.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/samplers/distributed_sampler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import itertools
+import math
+from collections import defaultdict
+from typing import Optional
+import torch
+from torch.utils.data.sampler import Sampler
+from detectron2.utils import comm
+class TrainingSampler(Sampler):
+ """
+ In training, we only care about the "infinite stream" of training data.
+ So this sampler produces an infinite stream of indices and
+ all workers cooperate to correctly shuffle the indices and sample different indices.
+ The samplers in each worker effectively produces `indices[worker_id::num_workers]`
+ where `indices` is an infinite stream of indices consisting of
+ `shuffle(range(size)) + shuffle(range(size)) + ...` (if shuffle is True)
+ or `range(size) + range(size) + ...` (if shuffle is False)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, size: int, shuffle: bool = True, seed: Optional[int] = None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ size (int): the total number of data of the underlying dataset to sample from
+ shuffle (bool): whether to shuffle the indices or not
+ seed (int): the initial seed of the shuffle. Must be the same
+ across all workers. If None, will use a random seed shared
+ among workers (require synchronization among all workers).
+ """
+ self._size = size
+ assert size > 0
+ self._shuffle = shuffle
+ if seed is None:
+ seed = comm.shared_random_seed()
+ self._seed = int(seed)
+ self._rank = comm.get_rank()
+ self._world_size = comm.get_world_size()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ start = self._rank
+ yield from itertools.islice(self._infinite_indices(), start, None, self._world_size)
+ def _infinite_indices(self):
+ g = torch.Generator()
+ g.manual_seed(self._seed)
+ while True:
+ if self._shuffle:
+ yield from torch.randperm(self._size, generator=g)
+ else:
+ yield from torch.arange(self._size)
+class RepeatFactorTrainingSampler(Sampler):
+ """
+ Similar to TrainingSampler, but suitable for training on class imbalanced data
+ like LVIS. In each epoch, an image may appear multiple times based on its "repeat
+ factor". The repeat factor for an image is a function of the frequency the rarest
+ category labeled in that image. The "frequency of category c" in [0, 1] is defined
+ as the fraction of images in the training set (without repeats) in which category c
+ appears.
+ See :paper:`lvis` (>= v2) Appendix B.2.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dataset_dicts, repeat_thresh, shuffle=True, seed=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ dataset_dicts (list[dict]): annotations in Detectron2 dataset format.
+ repeat_thresh (float): frequency threshold below which data is repeated.
+ shuffle (bool): whether to shuffle the indices or not
+ seed (int): the initial seed of the shuffle. Must be the same
+ across all workers. If None, will use a random seed shared
+ among workers (require synchronization among all workers).
+ """
+ self._shuffle = shuffle
+ if seed is None:
+ seed = comm.shared_random_seed()
+ self._seed = int(seed)
+ self._rank = comm.get_rank()
+ self._world_size = comm.get_world_size()
+ # Get fractional repeat factors and split into whole number (_int_part)
+ # and fractional (_frac_part) parts.
+ rep_factors = self._get_repeat_factors(dataset_dicts, repeat_thresh)
+ self._int_part = torch.trunc(rep_factors)
+ self._frac_part = rep_factors - self._int_part
+ def _get_repeat_factors(self, dataset_dicts, repeat_thresh):
+ """
+ Compute (fractional) per-image repeat factors.
+ Args:
+ See __init__.
+ Returns:
+ torch.Tensor: the i-th element is the repeat factor for the dataset image
+ at index i.
+ """
+ # 1. For each category c, compute the fraction of images that contain it: f(c)
+ category_freq = defaultdict(int)
+ for dataset_dict in dataset_dicts: # For each image (without repeats)
+ cat_ids = {ann["category_id"] for ann in dataset_dict["annotations"]}
+ for cat_id in cat_ids:
+ category_freq[cat_id] += 1
+ num_images = len(dataset_dicts)
+ for k, v in category_freq.items():
+ category_freq[k] = v / num_images
+ # 2. For each category c, compute the category-level repeat factor:
+ # r(c) = max(1, sqrt(t / f(c)))
+ category_rep = {
+ cat_id: max(1.0, math.sqrt(repeat_thresh / cat_freq))
+ for cat_id, cat_freq in category_freq.items()
+ }
+ # 3. For each image I, compute the image-level repeat factor:
+ # r(I) = max_{c in I} r(c)
+ rep_factors = []
+ for dataset_dict in dataset_dicts:
+ cat_ids = {ann["category_id"] for ann in dataset_dict["annotations"]}
+ rep_factor = max({category_rep[cat_id] for cat_id in cat_ids})
+ rep_factors.append(rep_factor)
+ return torch.tensor(rep_factors, dtype=torch.float32)
+ def _get_epoch_indices(self, generator):
+ """
+ Create a list of dataset indices (with repeats) to use for one epoch.
+ Args:
+ generator (torch.Generator): pseudo random number generator used for
+ stochastic rounding.
+ Returns:
+ torch.Tensor: list of dataset indices to use in one epoch. Each index
+ is repeated based on its calculated repeat factor.
+ """
+ # Since repeat factors are fractional, we use stochastic rounding so
+ # that the target repeat factor is achieved in expectation over the
+ # course of training
+ rands = torch.rand(len(self._frac_part), generator=generator)
+ rep_factors = self._int_part + (rands < self._frac_part).float()
+ # Construct a list of indices in which we repeat images as specified
+ indices = []
+ for dataset_index, rep_factor in enumerate(rep_factors):
+ indices.extend([dataset_index] * int(rep_factor.item()))
+ return torch.tensor(indices, dtype=torch.int64)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ start = self._rank
+ yield from itertools.islice(self._infinite_indices(), start, None, self._world_size)
+ def _infinite_indices(self):
+ g = torch.Generator()
+ g.manual_seed(self._seed)
+ while True:
+ # Sample indices with repeats determined by stochastic rounding; each
+ # "epoch" may have a slightly different size due to the rounding.
+ indices = self._get_epoch_indices(g)
+ if self._shuffle:
+ randperm = torch.randperm(len(indices), generator=g)
+ yield from indices[randperm]
+ else:
+ yield from indices
+class InferenceSampler(Sampler):
+ """
+ Produce indices for inference.
+ Inference needs to run on the __exact__ set of samples,
+ therefore when the total number of samples is not divisible by the number of workers,
+ this sampler produces different number of samples on different workers.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, size: int):
+ """
+ Args:
+ size (int): the total number of data of the underlying dataset to sample from
+ """
+ self._size = size
+ assert size > 0
+ self._rank = comm.get_rank()
+ self._world_size = comm.get_world_size()
+ shard_size = (self._size - 1) // self._world_size + 1
+ begin = shard_size * self._rank
+ end = min(shard_size * (self._rank + 1), self._size)
+ self._local_indices = range(begin, end)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield from self._local_indices
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._local_indices)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/samplers/grouped_batch_sampler.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/samplers/grouped_batch_sampler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..138e106136083383d9f8729f1da930804463b297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/samplers/grouped_batch_sampler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import numpy as np
+from torch.utils.data.sampler import BatchSampler, Sampler
+class GroupedBatchSampler(BatchSampler):
+ """
+ Wraps another sampler to yield a mini-batch of indices.
+ It enforces that the batch only contain elements from the same group.
+ It also tries to provide mini-batches which follows an ordering which is
+ as close as possible to the ordering from the original sampler.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, sampler, group_ids, batch_size):
+ """
+ Args:
+ sampler (Sampler): Base sampler.
+ group_ids (list[int]): If the sampler produces indices in range [0, N),
+ `group_ids` must be a list of `N` ints which contains the group id of each sample.
+ The group ids must be a set of integers in the range [0, num_groups).
+ batch_size (int): Size of mini-batch.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(sampler, Sampler):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "sampler should be an instance of "
+ "torch.utils.data.Sampler, but got sampler={}".format(sampler)
+ )
+ self.sampler = sampler
+ self.group_ids = np.asarray(group_ids)
+ assert self.group_ids.ndim == 1
+ self.batch_size = batch_size
+ groups = np.unique(self.group_ids).tolist()
+ # buffer the indices of each group until batch size is reached
+ self.buffer_per_group = {k: [] for k in groups}
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for idx in self.sampler:
+ group_id = self.group_ids[idx]
+ group_buffer = self.buffer_per_group[group_id]
+ group_buffer.append(idx)
+ if len(group_buffer) == self.batch_size:
+ yield group_buffer[:] # yield a copy of the list
+ del group_buffer[:]
+ def __len__(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError("len() of GroupedBatchSampler is not well-defined.")
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/transforms/__init__.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/transforms/__init__.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/transforms/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+from .transform import *
+from fvcore.transforms.transform import *
+from .transform_gen import *
+__all__ = [k for k in globals().keys() if not k.startswith("_")]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/transforms/transform.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/transforms/transform.py
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+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/transforms/transform.py
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+# File: transform.py
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from fvcore.transforms.transform import HFlipTransform, NoOpTransform, Transform
+from PIL import Image
+ import cv2 # noqa
+except ImportError:
+ # OpenCV is an optional dependency at the moment
+ pass
+__all__ = ["ExtentTransform", "ResizeTransform", "RotationTransform"]
+class ExtentTransform(Transform):
+ """
+ Extracts a subregion from the source image and scales it to the output size.
+ The fill color is used to map pixels from the source rect that fall outside
+ the source image.
+ See: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/PIL.html#PIL.ImageTransform.ExtentTransform
+ """
+ def __init__(self, src_rect, output_size, interp=Image.LINEAR, fill=0):
+ """
+ Args:
+ src_rect (x0, y0, x1, y1): src coordinates
+ output_size (h, w): dst image size
+ interp: PIL interpolation methods
+ fill: Fill color used when src_rect extends outside image
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self._set_attributes(locals())
+ def apply_image(self, img, interp=None):
+ h, w = self.output_size
+ ret = Image.fromarray(img).transform(
+ size=(w, h),
+ method=Image.EXTENT,
+ data=self.src_rect,
+ resample=interp if interp else self.interp,
+ fill=self.fill,
+ )
+ return np.asarray(ret)
+ def apply_coords(self, coords):
+ # Transform image center from source coordinates into output coordinates
+ # and then map the new origin to the corner of the output image.
+ h, w = self.output_size
+ x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.src_rect
+ new_coords = coords.astype(np.float32)
+ new_coords[:, 0] -= 0.5 * (x0 + x1)
+ new_coords[:, 1] -= 0.5 * (y0 + y1)
+ new_coords[:, 0] *= w / (x1 - x0)
+ new_coords[:, 1] *= h / (y1 - y0)
+ new_coords[:, 0] += 0.5 * w
+ new_coords[:, 1] += 0.5 * h
+ return new_coords
+ def apply_segmentation(self, segmentation):
+ segmentation = self.apply_image(segmentation, interp=Image.NEAREST)
+ return segmentation
+class ResizeTransform(Transform):
+ """
+ Resize the image to a target size.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, h, w, new_h, new_w, interp=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ h, w (int): original image size
+ new_h, new_w (int): new image size
+ interp: PIL interpolation methods, defaults to bilinear.
+ """
+ # TODO decide on PIL vs opencv
+ super().__init__()
+ if interp is None:
+ interp = Image.BILINEAR
+ self._set_attributes(locals())
+ def apply_image(self, img, interp=None):
+ assert img.shape[:2] == (self.h, self.w)
+ assert len(img.shape) <= 4
+ if img.dtype == np.uint8:
+ pil_image = Image.fromarray(img)
+ interp_method = interp if interp is not None else self.interp
+ pil_image = pil_image.resize((self.new_w, self.new_h), interp_method)
+ ret = np.asarray(pil_image)
+ else:
+ # PIL only supports uint8
+ img = torch.from_numpy(img)
+ shape = list(img.shape)
+ shape_4d = shape[:2] + [1] * (4 - len(shape)) + shape[2:]
+ img = img.view(shape_4d).permute(2, 3, 0, 1) # hw(c) -> nchw
+ _PIL_RESIZE_TO_INTERPOLATE_MODE = {Image.BILINEAR: "bilinear", Image.BICUBIC: "bicubic"}
+ mode = _PIL_RESIZE_TO_INTERPOLATE_MODE[self.interp]
+ img = F.interpolate(img, (self.new_h, self.new_w), mode=mode, align_corners=False)
+ shape[:2] = (self.new_h, self.new_w)
+ ret = img.permute(2, 3, 0, 1).view(shape).numpy() # nchw -> hw(c)
+ return ret
+ def apply_coords(self, coords):
+ coords[:, 0] = coords[:, 0] * (self.new_w * 1.0 / self.w)
+ coords[:, 1] = coords[:, 1] * (self.new_h * 1.0 / self.h)
+ return coords
+ def apply_segmentation(self, segmentation):
+ segmentation = self.apply_image(segmentation, interp=Image.NEAREST)
+ return segmentation
+ def inverse(self):
+ return ResizeTransform(self.new_h, self.new_w, self.h, self.w, self.interp)
+class RotationTransform(Transform):
+ """
+ This method returns a copy of this image, rotated the given
+ number of degrees counter clockwise around its center.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, h, w, angle, expand=True, center=None, interp=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ h, w (int): original image size
+ angle (float): degrees for rotation
+ expand (bool): choose if the image should be resized to fit the whole
+ rotated image (default), or simply cropped
+ center (tuple (width, height)): coordinates of the rotation center
+ if left to None, the center will be fit to the center of each image
+ center has no effect if expand=True because it only affects shifting
+ interp: cv2 interpolation method, default cv2.INTER_LINEAR
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ image_center = np.array((w / 2, h / 2))
+ if center is None:
+ center = image_center
+ if interp is None:
+ interp = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
+ abs_cos, abs_sin = abs(np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle))), abs(np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)))
+ if expand:
+ # find the new width and height bounds
+ bound_w, bound_h = np.rint(
+ [h * abs_sin + w * abs_cos, h * abs_cos + w * abs_sin]
+ ).astype(int)
+ else:
+ bound_w, bound_h = w, h
+ self._set_attributes(locals())
+ self.rm_coords = self.create_rotation_matrix()
+ # Needed because of this problem https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/11784
+ self.rm_image = self.create_rotation_matrix(offset=-0.5)
+ def apply_image(self, img, interp=None):
+ """
+ demo should be a numpy array, formatted as Height * Width * Nchannels
+ """
+ if len(img) == 0 or self.angle % 360 == 0:
+ return img
+ assert img.shape[:2] == (self.h, self.w)
+ interp = interp if interp is not None else self.interp
+ return cv2.warpAffine(img, self.rm_image, (self.bound_w, self.bound_h), flags=interp)
+ def apply_coords(self, coords):
+ """
+ coords should be a N * 2 array-like, containing N couples of (x, y) points
+ """
+ coords = np.asarray(coords, dtype=float)
+ if len(coords) == 0 or self.angle % 360 == 0:
+ return coords
+ return cv2.transform(coords[:, np.newaxis, :], self.rm_coords)[:, 0, :]
+ def apply_segmentation(self, segmentation):
+ segmentation = self.apply_image(segmentation, interp=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
+ return segmentation
+ def create_rotation_matrix(self, offset=0):
+ center = (self.center[0] + offset, self.center[1] + offset)
+ rm = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(tuple(center), self.angle, 1)
+ if self.expand:
+ # Find the coordinates of the center of rotation in the new image
+ # The only point for which we know the future coordinates is the center of the image
+ rot_im_center = cv2.transform(self.image_center[None, None, :] + offset, rm)[0, 0, :]
+ new_center = np.array([self.bound_w / 2, self.bound_h / 2]) + offset - rot_im_center
+ # shift the rotation center to the new coordinates
+ rm[:, 2] += new_center
+ return rm
+def HFlip_rotated_box(transform, rotated_boxes):
+ """
+ Apply the horizontal flip transform on rotated boxes.
+ Args:
+ rotated_boxes (ndarray): Nx5 floating point array of
+ (x_center, y_center, width, height, angle_degrees) format
+ in absolute coordinates.
+ """
+ # Transform x_center
+ rotated_boxes[:, 0] = transform.width - rotated_boxes[:, 0]
+ # Transform angle
+ rotated_boxes[:, 4] = -rotated_boxes[:, 4]
+ return rotated_boxes
+def Resize_rotated_box(transform, rotated_boxes):
+ """
+ Apply the resizing transform on rotated boxes. For details of how these (approximation)
+ formulas are derived, please refer to :meth:`RotatedBoxes.scale`.
+ Args:
+ rotated_boxes (ndarray): Nx5 floating point array of
+ (x_center, y_center, width, height, angle_degrees) format
+ in absolute coordinates.
+ """
+ scale_factor_x = transform.new_w * 1.0 / transform.w
+ scale_factor_y = transform.new_h * 1.0 / transform.h
+ rotated_boxes[:, 0] *= scale_factor_x
+ rotated_boxes[:, 1] *= scale_factor_y
+ theta = rotated_boxes[:, 4] * np.pi / 180.0
+ c = np.cos(theta)
+ s = np.sin(theta)
+ rotated_boxes[:, 2] *= np.sqrt(np.square(scale_factor_x * c) + np.square(scale_factor_y * s))
+ rotated_boxes[:, 3] *= np.sqrt(np.square(scale_factor_x * s) + np.square(scale_factor_y * c))
+ rotated_boxes[:, 4] = np.arctan2(scale_factor_x * s, scale_factor_y * c) * 180 / np.pi
+ return rotated_boxes
+HFlipTransform.register_type("rotated_box", HFlip_rotated_box)
+NoOpTransform.register_type("rotated_box", lambda t, x: x)
+ResizeTransform.register_type("rotated_box", Resize_rotated_box)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/transforms/transform_gen.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/transforms/transform_gen.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..197a0ebf6750a7ea459aa7e14413b4a41adcd42e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/data/transforms/transform_gen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+# File: transformer.py
+import inspect
+import numpy as np
+import pprint
+import sys
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from fvcore.transforms.transform import (
+ BlendTransform,
+ CropTransform,
+ HFlipTransform,
+ NoOpTransform,
+ Transform,
+ TransformList,
+ VFlipTransform,
+from PIL import Image
+from .transform import ExtentTransform, ResizeTransform, RotationTransform
+__all__ = [
+ "RandomApply",
+ "RandomBrightness",
+ "RandomContrast",
+ "RandomCrop",
+ "RandomExtent",
+ "RandomFlip",
+ "RandomSaturation",
+ "RandomLighting",
+ "RandomRotation",
+ "Resize",
+ "ResizeShortestEdge",
+ "TransformGen",
+ "apply_transform_gens",
+def check_dtype(img):
+ assert isinstance(img, np.ndarray), "[TransformGen] Needs an numpy array, but got a {}!".format(
+ type(img)
+ )
+ assert not isinstance(img.dtype, np.integer) or (
+ img.dtype == np.uint8
+ ), "[TransformGen] Got image of type {}, use uint8 or floating points instead!".format(
+ img.dtype
+ )
+ assert img.ndim in [2, 3], img.ndim
+class TransformGen(metaclass=ABCMeta):
+ """
+ TransformGen takes an image of type uint8 in range [0, 255], or
+ floating point in range [0, 1] or [0, 255] as input.
+ It creates a :class:`Transform` based on the given image, sometimes with randomness.
+ The transform can then be used to transform images
+ or other data (boxes, points, annotations, etc.) associated with it.
+ The assumption made in this class
+ is that the image itself is sufficient to instantiate a transform.
+ When this assumption is not true, you need to create the transforms by your own.
+ A list of `TransformGen` can be applied with :func:`apply_transform_gens`.
+ """
+ def _init(self, params=None):
+ if params:
+ for k, v in params.items():
+ if k != "self" and not k.startswith("_"):
+ setattr(self, k, v)
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_transform(self, img):
+ pass
+ def _rand_range(self, low=1.0, high=None, size=None):
+ """
+ Uniform float random number between low and high.
+ """
+ if high is None:
+ low, high = 0, low
+ if size is None:
+ size = []
+ return np.random.uniform(low, high, size)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Produce something like:
+ "MyTransformGen(field1={self.field1}, field2={self.field2})"
+ """
+ try:
+ sig = inspect.signature(self.__init__)
+ classname = type(self).__name__
+ argstr = []
+ for name, param in sig.parameters.items():
+ assert (
+ param.kind != param.VAR_POSITIONAL and param.kind != param.VAR_KEYWORD
+ ), "The default __repr__ doesn't support *args or **kwargs"
+ assert hasattr(self, name), (
+ "Attribute {} not found! "
+ "Default __repr__ only works if attributes match the constructor.".format(name)
+ )
+ attr = getattr(self, name)
+ default = param.default
+ if default is attr:
+ continue
+ argstr.append("{}={}".format(name, pprint.pformat(attr)))
+ return "{}({})".format(classname, ", ".join(argstr))
+ except AssertionError:
+ return super().__repr__()
+ __str__ = __repr__
+class RandomApply(TransformGen):
+ """
+ Randomly apply the wrapper transformation with a given probability.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, transform, prob=0.5):
+ """
+ Args:
+ transform (Transform, TransformGen): the transform to be wrapped
+ by the `RandomApply`. The `transform` can either be a
+ `Transform` or `TransformGen` instance.
+ prob (float): probability between 0.0 and 1.0 that
+ the wrapper transformation is applied
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ assert isinstance(transform, (Transform, TransformGen)), (
+ f"The given transform must either be a Transform or TransformGen instance. "
+ f"Not {type(transform)}"
+ )
+ assert 0.0 <= prob <= 1.0, f"Probablity must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (given: {prob})"
+ self.prob = prob
+ self.transform = transform
+ def get_transform(self, img):
+ do = self._rand_range() < self.prob
+ if do:
+ if isinstance(self.transform, TransformGen):
+ return self.transform.get_transform(img)
+ else:
+ return self.transform
+ else:
+ return NoOpTransform()
+class RandomFlip(TransformGen):
+ """
+ Flip the image horizontally or vertically with the given probability.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, prob=0.5, *, horizontal=True, vertical=False):
+ """
+ Args:
+ prob (float): probability of flip.
+ horizontal (boolean): whether to apply horizontal flipping
+ vertical (boolean): whether to apply vertical flipping
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ if horizontal and vertical:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot do both horiz and vert. Please use two Flip instead.")
+ if not horizontal and not vertical:
+ raise ValueError("At least one of horiz or vert has to be True!")
+ self._init(locals())
+ def get_transform(self, img):
+ h, w = img.shape[:2]
+ do = self._rand_range() < self.prob
+ if do:
+ if self.horizontal:
+ return HFlipTransform(w)
+ elif self.vertical:
+ return VFlipTransform(h)
+ else:
+ return NoOpTransform()
+class Resize(TransformGen):
+ """ Resize image to a target size"""
+ def __init__(self, shape, interp=Image.BILINEAR):
+ """
+ Args:
+ shape: (h, w) tuple or a int
+ interp: PIL interpolation method
+ """
+ if isinstance(shape, int):
+ shape = (shape, shape)
+ shape = tuple(shape)
+ self._init(locals())
+ def get_transform(self, img):
+ return ResizeTransform(
+ img.shape[0], img.shape[1], self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.interp
+ )
+class ResizeShortestEdge(TransformGen):
+ """
+ Scale the shorter edge to the given size, with a limit of `max_size` on the longer edge.
+ If `max_size` is reached, then downscale so that the longer edge does not exceed max_size.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, short_edge_length, max_size=sys.maxsize, sample_style="range", interp=Image.BILINEAR
+ ):
+ """
+ Args:
+ short_edge_length (list[int]): If ``sample_style=="range"``,
+ a [min, max] interval from which to sample the shortest edge length.
+ If ``sample_style=="choice"``, a list of shortest edge lengths to sample from.
+ max_size (int): maximum allowed longest edge length.
+ sample_style (str): either "range" or "choice".
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ assert sample_style in ["range", "choice"], sample_style
+ self.is_range = sample_style == "range"
+ if isinstance(short_edge_length, int):
+ short_edge_length = (short_edge_length, short_edge_length)
+ self._init(locals())
+ def get_transform(self, img):
+ h, w = img.shape[:2]
+ if self.is_range:
+ size = np.random.randint(self.short_edge_length[0], self.short_edge_length[1] + 1)
+ else:
+ size = np.random.choice(self.short_edge_length)
+ if size == 0:
+ return NoOpTransform()
+ scale = size * 1.0 / min(h, w)
+ if h < w:
+ newh, neww = size, scale * w
+ else:
+ newh, neww = scale * h, size
+ if max(newh, neww) > self.max_size:
+ scale = self.max_size * 1.0 / max(newh, neww)
+ newh = newh * scale
+ neww = neww * scale
+ neww = int(neww + 0.5)
+ newh = int(newh + 0.5)
+ return ResizeTransform(h, w, newh, neww, self.interp)
+class RandomRotation(TransformGen):
+ """
+ This method returns a copy of this image, rotated the given
+ number of degrees counter clockwise around the given center.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, angle, expand=True, center=None, sample_style="range", interp=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ angle (list[float]): If ``sample_style=="range"``,
+ a [min, max] interval from which to sample the angle (in degrees).
+ If ``sample_style=="choice"``, a list of angles to sample from
+ expand (bool): choose if the image should be resized to fit the whole
+ rotated image (default), or simply cropped
+ center (list[[float, float]]): If ``sample_style=="range"``,
+ a [[minx, miny], [maxx, maxy]] relative interval from which to sample the center,
+ [0, 0] being the top left of the image and [1, 1] the bottom right.
+ If ``sample_style=="choice"``, a list of centers to sample from
+ Default: None, which means that the center of rotation is the center of the image
+ center has no effect if expand=True because it only affects shifting
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ assert sample_style in ["range", "choice"], sample_style
+ self.is_range = sample_style == "range"
+ if isinstance(angle, (float, int)):
+ angle = (angle, angle)
+ if center is not None and isinstance(center[0], (float, int)):
+ center = (center, center)
+ self._init(locals())
+ def get_transform(self, img):
+ h, w = img.shape[:2]
+ center = None
+ if self.is_range:
+ angle = np.random.uniform(self.angle[0], self.angle[1])
+ if self.center is not None:
+ center = (
+ np.random.uniform(self.center[0][0], self.center[1][0]),
+ np.random.uniform(self.center[0][1], self.center[1][1]),
+ )
+ else:
+ angle = np.random.choice(self.angle)
+ if self.center is not None:
+ center = np.random.choice(self.center)
+ if center is not None:
+ center = (w * center[0], h * center[1]) # Convert to absolute coordinates
+ return RotationTransform(h, w, angle, expand=self.expand, center=center, interp=self.interp)
+class RandomCrop(TransformGen):
+ """
+ Randomly crop a subimage out of an image.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, crop_type: str, crop_size):
+ """
+ Args:
+ crop_type (str): one of "relative_range", "relative", "absolute".
+ See `config/defaults.py` for explanation.
+ crop_size (tuple[float]): the relative ratio or absolute pixels of
+ height and width
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ assert crop_type in ["relative_range", "relative", "absolute"]
+ self._init(locals())
+ def get_transform(self, img):
+ h, w = img.shape[:2]
+ croph, cropw = self.get_crop_size((h, w))
+ assert h >= croph and w >= cropw, "Shape computation in {} has bugs.".format(self)
+ h0 = np.random.randint(h - croph + 1)
+ w0 = np.random.randint(w - cropw + 1)
+ return CropTransform(w0, h0, cropw, croph)
+ def get_crop_size(self, image_size):
+ """
+ Args:
+ image_size (tuple): height, width
+ Returns:
+ crop_size (tuple): height, width in absolute pixels
+ """
+ h, w = image_size
+ if self.crop_type == "relative":
+ ch, cw = self.crop_size
+ return int(h * ch + 0.5), int(w * cw + 0.5)
+ elif self.crop_type == "relative_range":
+ crop_size = np.asarray(self.crop_size, dtype=np.float32)
+ ch, cw = crop_size + np.random.rand(2) * (1 - crop_size)
+ return int(h * ch + 0.5), int(w * cw + 0.5)
+ elif self.crop_type == "absolute":
+ return (min(self.crop_size[0], h), min(self.crop_size[1], w))
+ else:
+ NotImplementedError("Unknown crop type {}".format(self.crop_type))
+class RandomExtent(TransformGen):
+ """
+ Outputs an image by cropping a random "subrect" of the source image.
+ The subrect can be parameterized to include pixels outside the source image,
+ in which case they will be set to zeros (i.e. black). The size of the output
+ image will vary with the size of the random subrect.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, scale_range, shift_range):
+ """
+ Args:
+ output_size (h, w): Dimensions of output image
+ scale_range (l, h): Range of input-to-output size scaling factor
+ shift_range (x, y): Range of shifts of the cropped subrect. The rect
+ is shifted by [w / 2 * Uniform(-x, x), h / 2 * Uniform(-y, y)],
+ where (w, h) is the (width, height) of the input image. Set each
+ component to zero to crop at the image's center.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self._init(locals())
+ def get_transform(self, img):
+ img_h, img_w = img.shape[:2]
+ # Initialize src_rect to fit the input image.
+ src_rect = np.array([-0.5 * img_w, -0.5 * img_h, 0.5 * img_w, 0.5 * img_h])
+ # Apply a random scaling to the src_rect.
+ src_rect *= np.random.uniform(self.scale_range[0], self.scale_range[1])
+ # Apply a random shift to the coordinates origin.
+ src_rect[0::2] += self.shift_range[0] * img_w * (np.random.rand() - 0.5)
+ src_rect[1::2] += self.shift_range[1] * img_h * (np.random.rand() - 0.5)
+ # Map src_rect coordinates into image coordinates (center at corner).
+ src_rect[0::2] += 0.5 * img_w
+ src_rect[1::2] += 0.5 * img_h
+ return ExtentTransform(
+ src_rect=(src_rect[0], src_rect[1], src_rect[2], src_rect[3]),
+ output_size=(int(src_rect[3] - src_rect[1]), int(src_rect[2] - src_rect[0])),
+ )
+class RandomContrast(TransformGen):
+ """
+ Randomly transforms image contrast.
+ Contrast intensity is uniformly sampled in (intensity_min, intensity_max).
+ - intensity < 1 will reduce contrast
+ - intensity = 1 will preserve the input image
+ - intensity > 1 will increase contrast
+ See: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/3.0.x/reference/ImageEnhance.html
+ """
+ def __init__(self, intensity_min, intensity_max):
+ """
+ Args:
+ intensity_min (float): Minimum augmentation
+ intensity_max (float): Maximum augmentation
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self._init(locals())
+ def get_transform(self, img):
+ w = np.random.uniform(self.intensity_min, self.intensity_max)
+ return BlendTransform(src_image=img.mean(), src_weight=1 - w, dst_weight=w)
+class RandomBrightness(TransformGen):
+ """
+ Randomly transforms image brightness.
+ Brightness intensity is uniformly sampled in (intensity_min, intensity_max).
+ - intensity < 1 will reduce brightness
+ - intensity = 1 will preserve the input image
+ - intensity > 1 will increase brightness
+ See: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/3.0.x/reference/ImageEnhance.html
+ """
+ def __init__(self, intensity_min, intensity_max):
+ """
+ Args:
+ intensity_min (float): Minimum augmentation
+ intensity_max (float): Maximum augmentation
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self._init(locals())
+ def get_transform(self, img):
+ w = np.random.uniform(self.intensity_min, self.intensity_max)
+ return BlendTransform(src_image=0, src_weight=1 - w, dst_weight=w)
+class RandomSaturation(TransformGen):
+ """
+ Randomly transforms image saturation.
+ Saturation intensity is uniformly sampled in (intensity_min, intensity_max).
+ - intensity < 1 will reduce saturation (make the image more grayscale)
+ - intensity = 1 will preserve the input image
+ - intensity > 1 will increase saturation
+ See: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/3.0.x/reference/ImageEnhance.html
+ """
+ def __init__(self, intensity_min, intensity_max):
+ """
+ Args:
+ intensity_min (float): Minimum augmentation (1 preserves input).
+ intensity_max (float): Maximum augmentation (1 preserves input).
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self._init(locals())
+ def get_transform(self, img):
+ assert img.shape[-1] == 3, "Saturation only works on RGB images"
+ w = np.random.uniform(self.intensity_min, self.intensity_max)
+ grayscale = img.dot([0.299, 0.587, 0.114])[:, :, np.newaxis]
+ return BlendTransform(src_image=grayscale, src_weight=1 - w, dst_weight=w)
+class RandomLighting(TransformGen):
+ """
+ Randomly transforms image color using fixed PCA over ImageNet.
+ The degree of color jittering is randomly sampled via a normal distribution,
+ with standard deviation given by the scale parameter.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, scale):
+ """
+ Args:
+ scale (float): Standard deviation of principal component weighting.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self._init(locals())
+ self.eigen_vecs = np.array(
+ [[-0.5675, 0.7192, 0.4009], [-0.5808, -0.0045, -0.8140], [-0.5836, -0.6948, 0.4203]]
+ )
+ self.eigen_vals = np.array([0.2175, 0.0188, 0.0045])
+ def get_transform(self, img):
+ assert img.shape[-1] == 3, "Saturation only works on RGB images"
+ weights = np.random.normal(scale=self.scale, size=3)
+ return BlendTransform(
+ src_image=self.eigen_vecs.dot(weights * self.eigen_vals), src_weight=1.0, dst_weight=1.0
+ )
+def apply_transform_gens(transform_gens, img):
+ """
+ Apply a list of :class:`TransformGen` or :class:`Transform` on the input image, and
+ returns the transformed image and a list of transforms.
+ We cannot simply create and return all transforms without
+ applying it to the image, because a subsequent transform may
+ need the output of the previous one.
+ Args:
+ transform_gens (list): list of :class:`TransformGen` or :class:`Transform` instance to
+ be applied.
+ img (ndarray): uint8 or floating point images with 1 or 3 channels.
+ Returns:
+ ndarray: the transformed image
+ TransformList: contain the transforms that's used.
+ """
+ for g in transform_gens:
+ assert isinstance(g, (Transform, TransformGen)), g
+ check_dtype(img)
+ tfms = []
+ for g in transform_gens:
+ tfm = g.get_transform(img) if isinstance(g, TransformGen) else g
+ assert isinstance(
+ tfm, Transform
+ ), "TransformGen {} must return an instance of Transform! Got {} instead".format(g, tfm)
+ img = tfm.apply_image(img)
+ tfms.append(tfm)
+ return img, TransformList(tfms)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/__init__.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a4538da3e66593e4ef8916cd9cbca3c83b8c14e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
+from .launch import *
+from .train_loop import *
+__all__ = [k for k in globals().keys() if not k.startswith("_")]
+# prefer to let hooks and defaults live in separate namespaces (therefore not in __all__)
+# but still make them available here
+from .hooks import *
+from .defaults import *
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/defaults.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/defaults.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db9ab68f21d77b9e3be730c4784abe665df3d96a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/defaults.py
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+This file contains components with some default boilerplate logic user may need
+in training / testing. They will not work for everyone, but many users may find them useful.
+The behavior of functions/classes in this file is subject to change,
+since they are meant to represent the "common default behavior" people need in their projects.
+import argparse
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import torch
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from fvcore.nn.precise_bn import get_bn_modules
+from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel
+import detectron2.data.transforms as T
+from detectron2.checkpoint import DetectionCheckpointer
+from detectron2.data import (
+ MetadataCatalog,
+ build_detection_test_loader,
+ build_detection_train_loader,
+from detectron2.evaluation import (
+ DatasetEvaluator,
+ inference_on_dataset,
+ print_csv_format,
+ verify_results,
+from detectron2.modeling import build_model
+from detectron2.solver import build_lr_scheduler, build_optimizer
+from detectron2.utils import comm
+from detectron2.utils.collect_env import collect_env_info
+from detectron2.utils.env import seed_all_rng
+from detectron2.utils.events import CommonMetricPrinter, JSONWriter, TensorboardXWriter
+from detectron2.utils.logger import setup_logger
+from . import hooks
+from .train_loop import SimpleTrainer
+__all__ = ["default_argument_parser", "default_setup", "DefaultPredictor", "DefaultTrainer"]
+def default_argument_parser(epilog=None):
+ """
+ Create a parser with some common arguments used by detectron2 users.
+ Args:
+ epilog (str): epilog passed to ArgumentParser describing the usage.
+ Returns:
+ argparse.ArgumentParser:
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ epilog=epilog
+ or f"""
+Run on single machine:
+ $ {sys.argv[0]} --num-gpus 8 --config-file cfg.yaml MODEL.WEIGHTS /path/to/weight.pth
+Run on multiple machines:
+ (machine0)$ {sys.argv[0]} --machine-rank 0 --num-machines 2 --dist-url [--other-flags]
+ (machine1)$ {sys.argv[0]} --machine-rank 1 --num-machines 2 --dist-url [--other-flags]
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("--config-file", default="", metavar="FILE", help="path to config file")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--resume",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="whether to attempt to resume from the checkpoint directory",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("--eval-only", action="store_true", help="perform evaluation only")
+ parser.add_argument("--num-gpus", type=int, default=1, help="number of gpus *per machine*")
+ parser.add_argument("--num-machines", type=int, default=1, help="total number of machines")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--machine-rank", type=int, default=0, help="the rank of this machine (unique per machine)"
+ )
+ # PyTorch still may leave orphan processes in multi-gpu training.
+ # Therefore we use a deterministic way to obtain port,
+ # so that users are aware of orphan processes by seeing the port occupied.
+ port = 2 ** 15 + 2 ** 14 + hash(os.getuid() if sys.platform != "win32" else 1) % 2 ** 14
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--dist-url",
+ default="tcp://{}".format(port),
+ help="initialization URL for pytorch distributed backend. See "
+ "https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/distributed.html for details.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "opts",
+ help="Modify config options using the command-line",
+ default=None,
+ nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
+ )
+ return parser
+def default_setup(cfg, args):
+ """
+ Perform some basic common setups at the beginning of a job, including:
+ 1. Set up the detectron2 logger
+ 2. Log basic information about environment, cmdline arguments, and config
+ 3. Backup the config to the output directory
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode): the full config to be used
+ args (argparse.NameSpace): the command line arguments to be logged
+ """
+ output_dir = cfg.OUTPUT_DIR
+ if comm.is_main_process() and output_dir:
+ PathManager.mkdirs(output_dir)
+ rank = comm.get_rank()
+ setup_logger(output_dir, distributed_rank=rank, name="fvcore")
+ logger = setup_logger(output_dir, distributed_rank=rank)
+ logger.info("Rank of current process: {}. World size: {}".format(rank, comm.get_world_size()))
+ logger.info("Environment info:\n" + collect_env_info())
+ logger.info("Command line arguments: " + str(args))
+ if hasattr(args, "config_file") and args.config_file != "":
+ logger.info(
+ "Contents of args.config_file={}:\n{}".format(
+ args.config_file, PathManager.open(args.config_file, "r").read()
+ )
+ )
+ logger.info("Running with full config:\n{}".format(cfg))
+ if comm.is_main_process() and output_dir:
+ # Note: some of our scripts may expect the existence of
+ # config.yaml in output directory
+ path = os.path.join(output_dir, "config.yaml")
+ with PathManager.open(path, "w") as f:
+ f.write(cfg.dump())
+ logger.info("Full config saved to {}".format(path))
+ # make sure each worker has a different, yet deterministic seed if specified
+ seed_all_rng(None if cfg.SEED < 0 else cfg.SEED + rank)
+ # cudnn benchmark has large overhead. It shouldn't be used considering the small size of
+ # typical validation set.
+ if not (hasattr(args, "eval_only") and args.eval_only):
+ torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = cfg.CUDNN_BENCHMARK
+class DefaultPredictor:
+ """
+ Create a simple end-to-end predictor with the given config that runs on
+ single device for a single input image.
+ Compared to using the model directly, this class does the following additions:
+ 1. Load checkpoint from `cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS`.
+ 2. Always take BGR image as the input and apply conversion defined by `cfg.INPUT.FORMAT`.
+ 3. Apply resizing defined by `cfg.INPUT.{MIN,MAX}_SIZE_TEST`.
+ 4. Take one input image and produce a single output, instead of a batch.
+ If you'd like to do anything more fancy, please refer to its source code
+ as examples to build and use the model manually.
+ Attributes:
+ metadata (Metadata): the metadata of the underlying dataset, obtained from
+ Examples:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ pred = DefaultPredictor(cfg)
+ inputs = cv2.imread("input.jpg")
+ outputs = pred(inputs)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cfg):
+ self.cfg = cfg.clone() # cfg can be modified by model
+ self.model = build_model(self.cfg)
+ self.model.eval()
+ self.metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(cfg.DATASETS.TEST[0])
+ checkpointer = DetectionCheckpointer(self.model)
+ checkpointer.load(cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS)
+ self.transform_gen = T.ResizeShortestEdge(
+ )
+ self.input_format = cfg.INPUT.FORMAT
+ assert self.input_format in ["RGB", "BGR"], self.input_format
+ def __call__(self, original_image):
+ """
+ Args:
+ original_image (np.ndarray): an image of shape (H, W, C) (in BGR order).
+ Returns:
+ predictions (dict):
+ the output of the model for one image only.
+ See :doc:`/tutorials/models` for details about the format.
+ """
+ with torch.no_grad(): # https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/4258
+ # Apply pre-processing to image.
+ if self.input_format == "RGB":
+ # whether the model expects BGR inputs or RGB
+ original_image = original_image[:, :, ::-1]
+ height, width = original_image.shape[:2]
+ image = self.transform_gen.get_transform(original_image).apply_image(original_image)
+ image = torch.as_tensor(image.astype("float32").transpose(2, 0, 1))
+ inputs = {"image": image, "height": height, "width": width}
+ predictions = self.model([inputs])[0]
+ return predictions
+class DefaultTrainer(SimpleTrainer):
+ """
+ A trainer with default training logic. Compared to `SimpleTrainer`, it
+ contains the following logic in addition:
+ 1. Create model, optimizer, scheduler, dataloader from the given config.
+ 2. Load a checkpoint or `cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS`, if exists, when
+ `resume_or_load` is called.
+ 3. Register a few common hooks.
+ It is created to simplify the **standard model training workflow** and reduce code boilerplate
+ for users who only need the standard training workflow, with standard features.
+ It means this class makes *many assumptions* about your training logic that
+ may easily become invalid in a new research. In fact, any assumptions beyond those made in the
+ :class:`SimpleTrainer` are too much for research.
+ The code of this class has been annotated about restrictive assumptions it mades.
+ When they do not work for you, you're encouraged to:
+ 1. Overwrite methods of this class, OR:
+ 2. Use :class:`SimpleTrainer`, which only does minimal SGD training and
+ nothing else. You can then add your own hooks if needed. OR:
+ 3. Write your own training loop similar to `tools/plain_train_net.py`.
+ Also note that the behavior of this class, like other functions/classes in
+ this file, is not stable, since it is meant to represent the "common default behavior".
+ It is only guaranteed to work well with the standard models and training workflow in detectron2.
+ To obtain more stable behavior, write your own training logic with other public APIs.
+ Examples:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ trainer = DefaultTrainer(cfg)
+ trainer.resume_or_load() # load last checkpoint or MODEL.WEIGHTS
+ trainer.train()
+ Attributes:
+ scheduler:
+ checkpointer (DetectionCheckpointer):
+ cfg (CfgNode):
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cfg):
+ """
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode):
+ """
+ logger = logging.getLogger("detectron2")
+ if not logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): # setup_logger is not called for d2
+ setup_logger()
+ # Assume these objects must be constructed in this order.
+ model = self.build_model(cfg)
+ optimizer = self.build_optimizer(cfg, model)
+ data_loader = self.build_train_loader(cfg)
+ # For training, wrap with DDP. But don't need this for inference.
+ if comm.get_world_size() > 1:
+ model = DistributedDataParallel(
+ model, device_ids=[comm.get_local_rank()], broadcast_buffers=False
+ )
+ super().__init__(model, data_loader, optimizer)
+ self.scheduler = self.build_lr_scheduler(cfg, optimizer)
+ # Assume no other objects need to be checkpointed.
+ # We can later make it checkpoint the stateful hooks
+ self.checkpointer = DetectionCheckpointer(
+ # Assume you want to save checkpoints together with logs/statistics
+ model,
+ optimizer=optimizer,
+ scheduler=self.scheduler,
+ )
+ self.start_iter = 0
+ self.max_iter = cfg.SOLVER.MAX_ITER
+ self.cfg = cfg
+ self.register_hooks(self.build_hooks())
+ def resume_or_load(self, resume=True):
+ """
+ If `resume==True`, and last checkpoint exists, resume from it and load all
+ checkpointables (eg. optimizer and scheduler).
+ Otherwise, load the model specified by the config (skip all checkpointables).
+ Args:
+ resume (bool): whether to do resume or not
+ """
+ checkpoint = self.checkpointer.resume_or_load(self.cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS, resume=resume)
+ self.start_iter = checkpoint.get("iteration", -1) if resume else -1
+ # The checkpoint stores the training iteration that just finished, thus we start
+ # at the next iteration (or iter zero if there's no checkpoint).
+ self.start_iter += 1
+ def build_hooks(self):
+ """
+ Build a list of default hooks, including timing, evaluation,
+ checkpointing, lr scheduling, precise BN, writing events.
+ Returns:
+ list[HookBase]:
+ """
+ cfg = self.cfg.clone()
+ cfg.defrost()
+ cfg.DATALOADER.NUM_WORKERS = 0 # save some memory and time for PreciseBN
+ ret = [
+ hooks.IterationTimer(),
+ hooks.LRScheduler(self.optimizer, self.scheduler),
+ hooks.PreciseBN(
+ # Run at the same freq as (but before) evaluation.
+ self.model,
+ # Build a new data loader to not affect training
+ self.build_train_loader(cfg),
+ )
+ if cfg.TEST.PRECISE_BN.ENABLED and get_bn_modules(self.model)
+ else None,
+ ]
+ # Do PreciseBN before checkpointer, because it updates the model and need to
+ # be saved by checkpointer.
+ # This is not always the best: if checkpointing has a different frequency,
+ # some checkpoints may have more precise statistics than others.
+ if comm.is_main_process():
+ ret.append(hooks.PeriodicCheckpointer(self.checkpointer, cfg.SOLVER.CHECKPOINT_PERIOD))
+ def test_and_save_results():
+ self._last_eval_results = self.test(self.cfg, self.model)
+ return self._last_eval_results
+ # Do evaluation after checkpointer, because then if it fails,
+ # we can use the saved checkpoint to debug.
+ ret.append(hooks.EvalHook(cfg.TEST.EVAL_PERIOD, test_and_save_results))
+ if comm.is_main_process():
+ # run writers in the end, so that evaluation metrics are written
+ ret.append(hooks.PeriodicWriter(self.build_writers(), period=20))
+ return ret
+ def build_writers(self):
+ """
+ Build a list of writers to be used. By default it contains
+ writers that write metrics to the screen,
+ a json file, and a tensorboard event file respectively.
+ If you'd like a different list of writers, you can overwrite it in
+ your trainer.
+ Returns:
+ list[EventWriter]: a list of :class:`EventWriter` objects.
+ It is now implemented by:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ return [
+ CommonMetricPrinter(self.max_iter),
+ JSONWriter(os.path.join(self.cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "metrics.json")),
+ TensorboardXWriter(self.cfg.OUTPUT_DIR),
+ ]
+ """
+ # Here the default print/log frequency of each writer is used.
+ return [
+ # It may not always print what you want to see, since it prints "common" metrics only.
+ CommonMetricPrinter(self.max_iter),
+ JSONWriter(os.path.join(self.cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "metrics.json")),
+ TensorboardXWriter(self.cfg.OUTPUT_DIR),
+ ]
+ def train(self):
+ """
+ Run training.
+ Returns:
+ OrderedDict of results, if evaluation is enabled. Otherwise None.
+ """
+ super().train(self.start_iter, self.max_iter)
+ if len(self.cfg.TEST.EXPECTED_RESULTS) and comm.is_main_process():
+ assert hasattr(
+ self, "_last_eval_results"
+ ), "No evaluation results obtained during training!"
+ verify_results(self.cfg, self._last_eval_results)
+ return self._last_eval_results
+ @classmethod
+ def build_model(cls, cfg):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ torch.nn.Module:
+ It now calls :func:`detectron2.modeling.build_model`.
+ Overwrite it if you'd like a different model.
+ """
+ model = build_model(cfg)
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.info("Model:\n{}".format(model))
+ return model
+ @classmethod
+ def build_optimizer(cls, cfg, model):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ torch.optim.Optimizer:
+ It now calls :func:`detectron2.solver.build_optimizer`.
+ Overwrite it if you'd like a different optimizer.
+ """
+ return build_optimizer(cfg, model)
+ @classmethod
+ def build_lr_scheduler(cls, cfg, optimizer):
+ """
+ It now calls :func:`detectron2.solver.build_lr_scheduler`.
+ Overwrite it if you'd like a different scheduler.
+ """
+ return build_lr_scheduler(cfg, optimizer)
+ @classmethod
+ def build_train_loader(cls, cfg):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ iterable
+ It now calls :func:`detectron2.data.build_detection_train_loader`.
+ Overwrite it if you'd like a different data loader.
+ """
+ return build_detection_train_loader(cfg)
+ @classmethod
+ def build_test_loader(cls, cfg, dataset_name):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ iterable
+ It now calls :func:`detectron2.data.build_detection_test_loader`.
+ Overwrite it if you'd like a different data loader.
+ """
+ return build_detection_test_loader(cfg, dataset_name)
+ @classmethod
+ def build_evaluator(cls, cfg, dataset_name):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ DatasetEvaluator or None
+ It is not implemented by default.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ """
+If you want DefaultTrainer to automatically run evaluation,
+please implement `build_evaluator()` in subclasses (see train_net.py for example).
+Alternatively, you can call evaluation functions yourself (see Colab balloon tutorial for example).
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def test(cls, cfg, model, evaluators=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode):
+ model (nn.Module):
+ evaluators (list[DatasetEvaluator] or None): if None, will call
+ :meth:`build_evaluator`. Otherwise, must have the same length as
+ Returns:
+ dict: a dict of result metrics
+ """
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ if isinstance(evaluators, DatasetEvaluator):
+ evaluators = [evaluators]
+ if evaluators is not None:
+ assert len(cfg.DATASETS.TEST) == len(evaluators), "{} != {}".format(
+ len(cfg.DATASETS.TEST), len(evaluators)
+ )
+ results = OrderedDict()
+ for idx, dataset_name in enumerate(cfg.DATASETS.TEST):
+ data_loader = cls.build_test_loader(cfg, dataset_name)
+ # When evaluators are passed in as arguments,
+ # implicitly assume that evaluators can be created before data_loader.
+ if evaluators is not None:
+ evaluator = evaluators[idx]
+ else:
+ try:
+ evaluator = cls.build_evaluator(cfg, dataset_name)
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ logger.warn(
+ "No evaluator found. Use `DefaultTrainer.test(evaluators=)`, "
+ "or implement its `build_evaluator` method."
+ )
+ results[dataset_name] = {}
+ continue
+ results_i = inference_on_dataset(model, data_loader, evaluator)
+ results[dataset_name] = results_i
+ if comm.is_main_process():
+ assert isinstance(
+ results_i, dict
+ ), "Evaluator must return a dict on the main process. Got {} instead.".format(
+ results_i
+ )
+ logger.info("Evaluation results for {} in csv format:".format(dataset_name))
+ print_csv_format(results_i)
+ if len(results) == 1:
+ results = list(results.values())[0]
+ return results
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/hooks.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/hooks.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5085b4561302d2328ab505568dec4e9fc5ee0ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/hooks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import datetime
+import itertools
+import logging
+import os
+import tempfile
+import time
+from collections import Counter
+import torch
+from fvcore.common.checkpoint import PeriodicCheckpointer as _PeriodicCheckpointer
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from fvcore.common.timer import Timer
+from fvcore.nn.precise_bn import get_bn_modules, update_bn_stats
+import detectron2.utils.comm as comm
+from detectron2.evaluation.testing import flatten_results_dict
+from detectron2.utils.events import EventStorage, EventWriter
+from .train_loop import HookBase
+__all__ = [
+ "CallbackHook",
+ "IterationTimer",
+ "PeriodicWriter",
+ "PeriodicCheckpointer",
+ "LRScheduler",
+ "AutogradProfiler",
+ "EvalHook",
+ "PreciseBN",
+Implement some common hooks.
+class CallbackHook(HookBase):
+ """
+ Create a hook using callback functions provided by the user.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *, before_train=None, after_train=None, before_step=None, after_step=None):
+ """
+ Each argument is a function that takes one argument: the trainer.
+ """
+ self._before_train = before_train
+ self._before_step = before_step
+ self._after_step = after_step
+ self._after_train = after_train
+ def before_train(self):
+ if self._before_train:
+ self._before_train(self.trainer)
+ def after_train(self):
+ if self._after_train:
+ self._after_train(self.trainer)
+ # The functions may be closures that hold reference to the trainer
+ # Therefore, delete them to avoid circular reference.
+ del self._before_train, self._after_train
+ del self._before_step, self._after_step
+ def before_step(self):
+ if self._before_step:
+ self._before_step(self.trainer)
+ def after_step(self):
+ if self._after_step:
+ self._after_step(self.trainer)
+class IterationTimer(HookBase):
+ """
+ Track the time spent for each iteration (each run_step call in the trainer).
+ Print a summary in the end of training.
+ This hook uses the time between the call to its :meth:`before_step`
+ and :meth:`after_step` methods.
+ Under the convention that :meth:`before_step` of all hooks should only
+ take negligible amount of time, the :class:`IterationTimer` hook should be
+ placed at the beginning of the list of hooks to obtain accurate timing.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, warmup_iter=3):
+ """
+ Args:
+ warmup_iter (int): the number of iterations at the beginning to exclude
+ from timing.
+ """
+ self._warmup_iter = warmup_iter
+ self._step_timer = Timer()
+ self._start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ self._total_timer = Timer()
+ def before_train(self):
+ self._start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ self._total_timer.reset()
+ self._total_timer.pause()
+ def after_train(self):
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ total_time = time.perf_counter() - self._start_time
+ total_time_minus_hooks = self._total_timer.seconds()
+ hook_time = total_time - total_time_minus_hooks
+ num_iter = self.trainer.iter + 1 - self.trainer.start_iter - self._warmup_iter
+ if num_iter > 0 and total_time_minus_hooks > 0:
+ # Speed is meaningful only after warmup
+ # NOTE this format is parsed by grep in some scripts
+ logger.info(
+ "Overall training speed: {} iterations in {} ({:.4f} s / it)".format(
+ num_iter,
+ str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(total_time_minus_hooks))),
+ total_time_minus_hooks / num_iter,
+ )
+ )
+ logger.info(
+ "Total training time: {} ({} on hooks)".format(
+ str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(total_time))),
+ str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(hook_time))),
+ )
+ )
+ def before_step(self):
+ self._step_timer.reset()
+ self._total_timer.resume()
+ def after_step(self):
+ # +1 because we're in after_step
+ iter_done = self.trainer.iter - self.trainer.start_iter + 1
+ if iter_done >= self._warmup_iter:
+ sec = self._step_timer.seconds()
+ self.trainer.storage.put_scalars(time=sec)
+ else:
+ self._start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ self._total_timer.reset()
+ self._total_timer.pause()
+class PeriodicWriter(HookBase):
+ """
+ Write events to EventStorage periodically.
+ It is executed every ``period`` iterations and after the last iteration.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, writers, period=20):
+ """
+ Args:
+ writers (list[EventWriter]): a list of EventWriter objects
+ period (int):
+ """
+ self._writers = writers
+ for w in writers:
+ assert isinstance(w, EventWriter), w
+ self._period = period
+ def after_step(self):
+ if (self.trainer.iter + 1) % self._period == 0 or (
+ self.trainer.iter == self.trainer.max_iter - 1
+ ):
+ for writer in self._writers:
+ writer.write()
+ def after_train(self):
+ for writer in self._writers:
+ writer.close()
+class PeriodicCheckpointer(_PeriodicCheckpointer, HookBase):
+ """
+ Same as :class:`detectron2.checkpoint.PeriodicCheckpointer`, but as a hook.
+ Note that when used as a hook,
+ it is unable to save additional data other than what's defined
+ by the given `checkpointer`.
+ It is executed every ``period`` iterations and after the last iteration.
+ """
+ def before_train(self):
+ self.max_iter = self.trainer.max_iter
+ def after_step(self):
+ # No way to use **kwargs
+ self.step(self.trainer.iter)
+class LRScheduler(HookBase):
+ """
+ A hook which executes a torch builtin LR scheduler and summarizes the LR.
+ It is executed after every iteration.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, optimizer, scheduler):
+ """
+ Args:
+ optimizer (torch.optim.Optimizer):
+ scheduler (torch.optim._LRScheduler)
+ """
+ self._optimizer = optimizer
+ self._scheduler = scheduler
+ # NOTE: some heuristics on what LR to summarize
+ # summarize the param group with most parameters
+ largest_group = max(len(g["params"]) for g in optimizer.param_groups)
+ if largest_group == 1:
+ # If all groups have one parameter,
+ # then find the most common initial LR, and use it for summary
+ lr_count = Counter([g["lr"] for g in optimizer.param_groups])
+ lr = lr_count.most_common()[0][0]
+ for i, g in enumerate(optimizer.param_groups):
+ if g["lr"] == lr:
+ self._best_param_group_id = i
+ break
+ else:
+ for i, g in enumerate(optimizer.param_groups):
+ if len(g["params"]) == largest_group:
+ self._best_param_group_id = i
+ break
+ def after_step(self):
+ lr = self._optimizer.param_groups[self._best_param_group_id]["lr"]
+ self.trainer.storage.put_scalar("lr", lr, smoothing_hint=False)
+ self._scheduler.step()
+class AutogradProfiler(HookBase):
+ """
+ A hook which runs `torch.autograd.profiler.profile`.
+ Examples:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ hooks.AutogradProfiler(
+ lambda trainer: trainer.iter > 10 and trainer.iter < 20, self.cfg.OUTPUT_DIR
+ )
+ The above example will run the profiler for iteration 10~20 and dump
+ results to ``OUTPUT_DIR``. We did not profile the first few iterations
+ because they are typically slower than the rest.
+ The result files can be loaded in the ``chrome://tracing`` page in chrome browser.
+ Note:
+ When used together with NCCL on older version of GPUs,
+ autograd profiler may cause deadlock because it unnecessarily allocates
+ memory on every device it sees. The memory management calls, if
+ interleaved with NCCL calls, lead to deadlock on GPUs that do not
+ support `cudaLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, enable_predicate, output_dir, *, use_cuda=True):
+ """
+ Args:
+ enable_predicate (callable[trainer -> bool]): a function which takes a trainer,
+ and returns whether to enable the profiler.
+ It will be called once every step, and can be used to select which steps to profile.
+ output_dir (str): the output directory to dump tracing files.
+ use_cuda (bool): same as in `torch.autograd.profiler.profile`.
+ """
+ self._enable_predicate = enable_predicate
+ self._use_cuda = use_cuda
+ self._output_dir = output_dir
+ def before_step(self):
+ if self._enable_predicate(self.trainer):
+ self._profiler = torch.autograd.profiler.profile(use_cuda=self._use_cuda)
+ self._profiler.__enter__()
+ else:
+ self._profiler = None
+ def after_step(self):
+ if self._profiler is None:
+ return
+ self._profiler.__exit__(None, None, None)
+ PathManager.mkdirs(self._output_dir)
+ out_file = os.path.join(
+ self._output_dir, "profiler-trace-iter{}.json".format(self.trainer.iter)
+ )
+ if "://" not in out_file:
+ self._profiler.export_chrome_trace(out_file)
+ else:
+ # Support non-posix filesystems
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="detectron2_profiler") as d:
+ tmp_file = os.path.join(d, "tmp.json")
+ self._profiler.export_chrome_trace(tmp_file)
+ with open(tmp_file) as f:
+ content = f.read()
+ with PathManager.open(out_file, "w") as f:
+ f.write(content)
+class EvalHook(HookBase):
+ """
+ Run an evaluation function periodically, and at the end of training.
+ It is executed every ``eval_period`` iterations and after the last iteration.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, eval_period, eval_function):
+ """
+ Args:
+ eval_period (int): the period to run `eval_function`.
+ eval_function (callable): a function which takes no arguments, and
+ returns a nested dict of evaluation metrics.
+ Note:
+ This hook must be enabled in all or none workers.
+ If you would like only certain workers to perform evaluation,
+ give other workers a no-op function (`eval_function=lambda: None`).
+ """
+ self._period = eval_period
+ self._func = eval_function
+ def _do_eval(self):
+ results = self._func()
+ if results:
+ assert isinstance(
+ results, dict
+ ), "Eval function must return a dict. Got {} instead.".format(results)
+ flattened_results = flatten_results_dict(results)
+ for k, v in flattened_results.items():
+ try:
+ v = float(v)
+ except Exception:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "[EvalHook] eval_function should return a nested dict of float. "
+ "Got '{}: {}' instead.".format(k, v)
+ )
+ self.trainer.storage.put_scalars(**flattened_results, smoothing_hint=False)
+ # Evaluation may take different time among workers.
+ # A barrier make them start the next iteration together.
+ comm.synchronize()
+ def after_step(self):
+ next_iter = self.trainer.iter + 1
+ is_final = next_iter == self.trainer.max_iter
+ if is_final or (self._period > 0 and next_iter % self._period == 0):
+ self._do_eval()
+ def after_train(self):
+ # func is likely a closure that holds reference to the trainer
+ # therefore we clean it to avoid circular reference in the end
+ del self._func
+class PreciseBN(HookBase):
+ """
+ The standard implementation of BatchNorm uses EMA in inference, which is
+ sometimes suboptimal.
+ This class computes the true average of statistics rather than the moving average,
+ and put true averages to every BN layer in the given model.
+ It is executed every ``period`` iterations and after the last iteration.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, period, model, data_loader, num_iter):
+ """
+ Args:
+ period (int): the period this hook is run, or 0 to not run during training.
+ The hook will always run in the end of training.
+ model (nn.Module): a module whose all BN layers in training mode will be
+ updated by precise BN.
+ Note that user is responsible for ensuring the BN layers to be
+ updated are in training mode when this hook is triggered.
+ data_loader (iterable): it will produce data to be run by `model(data)`.
+ num_iter (int): number of iterations used to compute the precise
+ statistics.
+ """
+ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ if len(get_bn_modules(model)) == 0:
+ self._logger.info(
+ "PreciseBN is disabled because model does not contain BN layers in training mode."
+ )
+ self._disabled = True
+ return
+ self._model = model
+ self._data_loader = data_loader
+ self._num_iter = num_iter
+ self._period = period
+ self._disabled = False
+ self._data_iter = None
+ def after_step(self):
+ next_iter = self.trainer.iter + 1
+ is_final = next_iter == self.trainer.max_iter
+ if is_final or (self._period > 0 and next_iter % self._period == 0):
+ self.update_stats()
+ def update_stats(self):
+ """
+ Update the model with precise statistics. Users can manually call this method.
+ """
+ if self._disabled:
+ return
+ if self._data_iter is None:
+ self._data_iter = iter(self._data_loader)
+ def data_loader():
+ for num_iter in itertools.count(1):
+ if num_iter % 100 == 0:
+ self._logger.info(
+ "Running precise-BN ... {}/{} iterations.".format(num_iter, self._num_iter)
+ )
+ # This way we can reuse the same iterator
+ yield next(self._data_iter)
+ with EventStorage(): # capture events in a new storage to discard them
+ self._logger.info(
+ "Running precise-BN for {} iterations... ".format(self._num_iter)
+ + "Note that this could produce different statistics every time."
+ )
+ update_bn_stats(self._model, data_loader(), self._num_iter)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/launch.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/launch.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9efbb0395d2c788d8cfe2cbbf66cde6ddc053585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/launch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import logging
+import torch
+import torch.distributed as dist
+import torch.multiprocessing as mp
+from detectron2.utils import comm
+__all__ = ["launch"]
+def _find_free_port():
+ import socket
+ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ # Binding to port 0 will cause the OS to find an available port for us
+ sock.bind(("", 0))
+ port = sock.getsockname()[1]
+ sock.close()
+ # NOTE: there is still a chance the port could be taken by other processes.
+ return port
+def launch(main_func, num_gpus_per_machine, num_machines=1, machine_rank=0, dist_url=None, args=()):
+ """
+ Args:
+ main_func: a function that will be called by `main_func(*args)`
+ num_machines (int): the total number of machines
+ machine_rank (int): the rank of this machine (one per machine)
+ dist_url (str): url to connect to for distributed jobs, including protocol
+ e.g. "tcp://".
+ Can be set to "auto" to automatically select a free port on localhost
+ args (tuple): arguments passed to main_func
+ """
+ world_size = num_machines * num_gpus_per_machine
+ if world_size > 1:
+ # https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/14391
+ # TODO prctl in spawned processes
+ if dist_url == "auto":
+ assert num_machines == 1, "dist_url=auto not supported in multi-machine jobs."
+ port = _find_free_port()
+ dist_url = f"tcp://{port}"
+ if num_machines > 1 and dist_url.startswith("file://"):
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.warning(
+ "file:// is not a reliable init_method in multi-machine jobs. Prefer tcp://"
+ )
+ mp.spawn(
+ _distributed_worker,
+ nprocs=num_gpus_per_machine,
+ args=(main_func, world_size, num_gpus_per_machine, machine_rank, dist_url, args),
+ daemon=False,
+ )
+ else:
+ main_func(*args)
+def _distributed_worker(
+ local_rank, main_func, world_size, num_gpus_per_machine, machine_rank, dist_url, args
+ assert torch.cuda.is_available(), "cuda is not available. Please check your installation."
+ global_rank = machine_rank * num_gpus_per_machine + local_rank
+ try:
+ dist.init_process_group(
+ backend="NCCL", init_method=dist_url, world_size=world_size, rank=global_rank
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.error("Process group URL: {}".format(dist_url))
+ raise e
+ # synchronize is needed here to prevent a possible timeout after calling init_process_group
+ # See: https://github.com/facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmark/issues/172
+ comm.synchronize()
+ assert num_gpus_per_machine <= torch.cuda.device_count()
+ torch.cuda.set_device(local_rank)
+ # Setup the local process group (which contains ranks within the same machine)
+ assert comm._LOCAL_PROCESS_GROUP is None
+ num_machines = world_size // num_gpus_per_machine
+ for i in range(num_machines):
+ ranks_on_i = list(range(i * num_gpus_per_machine, (i + 1) * num_gpus_per_machine))
+ pg = dist.new_group(ranks_on_i)
+ if i == machine_rank:
+ main_func(*args)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/train_loop.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/train_loop.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/engine/train_loop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import time
+import weakref
+import torch
+import detectron2.utils.comm as comm
+from detectron2.utils.events import EventStorage
+__all__ = ["HookBase", "TrainerBase", "SimpleTrainer"]
+class HookBase:
+ """
+ Base class for hooks that can be registered with :class:`TrainerBase`.
+ Each hook can implement 4 methods. The way they are called is demonstrated
+ in the following snippet:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ hook.before_train()
+ for iter in range(start_iter, max_iter):
+ hook.before_step()
+ trainer.run_step()
+ hook.after_step()
+ hook.after_train()
+ Notes:
+ 1. In the hook method, users can access `self.trainer` to access more
+ properties about the context (e.g., current iteration).
+ 2. A hook that does something in :meth:`before_step` can often be
+ implemented equivalently in :meth:`after_step`.
+ If the hook takes non-trivial time, it is strongly recommended to
+ implement the hook in :meth:`after_step` instead of :meth:`before_step`.
+ The convention is that :meth:`before_step` should only take negligible time.
+ Following this convention will allow hooks that do care about the difference
+ between :meth:`before_step` and :meth:`after_step` (e.g., timer) to
+ function properly.
+ Attributes:
+ trainer: A weak reference to the trainer object. Set by the trainer when the hook is
+ registered.
+ """
+ def before_train(self):
+ """
+ Called before the first iteration.
+ """
+ pass
+ def after_train(self):
+ """
+ Called after the last iteration.
+ """
+ pass
+ def before_step(self):
+ """
+ Called before each iteration.
+ """
+ pass
+ def after_step(self):
+ """
+ Called after each iteration.
+ """
+ pass
+class TrainerBase:
+ """
+ Base class for iterative trainer with hooks.
+ The only assumption we made here is: the training runs in a loop.
+ A subclass can implement what the loop is.
+ We made no assumptions about the existence of dataloader, optimizer, model, etc.
+ Attributes:
+ iter(int): the current iteration.
+ start_iter(int): The iteration to start with.
+ By convention the minimum possible value is 0.
+ max_iter(int): The iteration to end training.
+ storage(EventStorage): An EventStorage that's opened during the course of training.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._hooks = []
+ def register_hooks(self, hooks):
+ """
+ Register hooks to the trainer. The hooks are executed in the order
+ they are registered.
+ Args:
+ hooks (list[Optional[HookBase]]): list of hooks
+ """
+ hooks = [h for h in hooks if h is not None]
+ for h in hooks:
+ assert isinstance(h, HookBase)
+ # To avoid circular reference, hooks and trainer cannot own each other.
+ # This normally does not matter, but will cause memory leak if the
+ # involved objects contain __del__:
+ # See http://engineering.hearsaysocial.com/2013/06/16/circular-references-in-python/
+ h.trainer = weakref.proxy(self)
+ self._hooks.extend(hooks)
+ def train(self, start_iter: int, max_iter: int):
+ """
+ Args:
+ start_iter, max_iter (int): See docs above
+ """
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.info("Starting training from iteration {}".format(start_iter))
+ self.iter = self.start_iter = start_iter
+ self.max_iter = max_iter
+ with EventStorage(start_iter) as self.storage:
+ try:
+ self.before_train()
+ for self.iter in range(start_iter, max_iter):
+ self.before_step()
+ self.run_step()
+ self.after_step()
+ except Exception:
+ logger.exception("Exception during training:")
+ raise
+ finally:
+ self.after_train()
+ def before_train(self):
+ for h in self._hooks:
+ h.before_train()
+ def after_train(self):
+ for h in self._hooks:
+ h.after_train()
+ def before_step(self):
+ for h in self._hooks:
+ h.before_step()
+ def after_step(self):
+ for h in self._hooks:
+ h.after_step()
+ # this guarantees, that in each hook's after_step, storage.iter == trainer.iter
+ self.storage.step()
+ def run_step(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class SimpleTrainer(TrainerBase):
+ """
+ A simple trainer for the most common type of task:
+ single-cost single-optimizer single-data-source iterative optimization.
+ It assumes that every step, you:
+ 1. Compute the loss with a data from the data_loader.
+ 2. Compute the gradients with the above loss.
+ 3. Update the model with the optimizer.
+ If you want to do anything fancier than this,
+ either subclass TrainerBase and implement your own `run_step`,
+ or write your own training loop.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, model, data_loader, optimizer):
+ """
+ Args:
+ model: a torch Module. Takes a data from data_loader and returns a
+ dict of losses.
+ data_loader: an iterable. Contains data to be used to call model.
+ optimizer: a torch optimizer.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ """
+ We set the model to training mode in the trainer.
+ However it's valid to train a model that's in eval mode.
+ If you want your model (or a submodule of it) to behave
+ like evaluation during training, you can overwrite its train() method.
+ """
+ model.train()
+ self.model = model
+ self.data_loader = data_loader
+ self._data_loader_iter = iter(data_loader)
+ self.optimizer = optimizer
+ def run_step(self):
+ """
+ Implement the standard training logic described above.
+ """
+ assert self.model.training, "[SimpleTrainer] model was changed to eval mode!"
+ start = time.perf_counter()
+ """
+ If you want to do something with the data, you can wrap the dataloader.
+ """
+ data = next(self._data_loader_iter)
+ data_time = time.perf_counter() - start
+ """
+ If you want to do something with the losses, you can wrap the model.
+ """
+ loss_dict = self.model(data)
+ losses = sum(loss_dict.values())
+ self._detect_anomaly(losses, loss_dict)
+ metrics_dict = loss_dict
+ metrics_dict["data_time"] = data_time
+ self._write_metrics(metrics_dict)
+ """
+ If you need to accumulate gradients or something similar, you can
+ wrap the optimizer with your custom `zero_grad()` method.
+ """
+ self.optimizer.zero_grad()
+ losses.backward()
+ """
+ If you need gradient clipping/scaling or other processing, you can
+ wrap the optimizer with your custom `step()` method.
+ """
+ self.optimizer.step()
+ def _detect_anomaly(self, losses, loss_dict):
+ if not torch.isfinite(losses).all():
+ raise FloatingPointError(
+ "Loss became infinite or NaN at iteration={}!\nloss_dict = {}".format(
+ self.iter, loss_dict
+ )
+ )
+ def _write_metrics(self, metrics_dict: dict):
+ """
+ Args:
+ metrics_dict (dict): dict of scalar metrics
+ """
+ metrics_dict = {
+ k: v.detach().cpu().item() if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) else float(v)
+ for k, v in metrics_dict.items()
+ }
+ # gather metrics among all workers for logging
+ # This assumes we do DDP-style training, which is currently the only
+ # supported method in detectron2.
+ all_metrics_dict = comm.gather(metrics_dict)
+ if comm.is_main_process():
+ if "data_time" in all_metrics_dict[0]:
+ # data_time among workers can have high variance. The actual latency
+ # caused by data_time is the maximum among workers.
+ data_time = np.max([x.pop("data_time") for x in all_metrics_dict])
+ self.storage.put_scalar("data_time", data_time)
+ # average the rest metrics
+ metrics_dict = {
+ k: np.mean([x[k] for x in all_metrics_dict]) for k in all_metrics_dict[0].keys()
+ }
+ total_losses_reduced = sum(loss for loss in metrics_dict.values())
+ self.storage.put_scalar("total_loss", total_losses_reduced)
+ if len(metrics_dict) > 1:
+ self.storage.put_scalars(**metrics_dict)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/__init__.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/__init__.py
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+from .cityscapes_evaluation import CityscapesInstanceEvaluator, CityscapesSemSegEvaluator
+from .coco_evaluation import COCOEvaluator
+from .rotated_coco_evaluation import RotatedCOCOEvaluator
+from .evaluator import DatasetEvaluator, DatasetEvaluators, inference_context, inference_on_dataset
+from .lvis_evaluation import LVISEvaluator
+from .panoptic_evaluation import COCOPanopticEvaluator
+from .pascal_voc_evaluation import PascalVOCDetectionEvaluator
+from .sem_seg_evaluation import SemSegEvaluator
+from .testing import print_csv_format, verify_results
+__all__ = [k for k in globals().keys() if not k.startswith("_")]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/cityscapes_evaluation.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/cityscapes_evaluation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6287a8980b10d9d13f0f0e6a0f0e1a16ff3566c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/cityscapes_evaluation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import glob
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import tempfile
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import torch
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from PIL import Image
+from detectron2.data import MetadataCatalog
+from detectron2.utils import comm
+from .evaluator import DatasetEvaluator
+class CityscapesEvaluator(DatasetEvaluator):
+ """
+ Base class for evaluation using cityscapes API.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dataset_name):
+ """
+ Args:
+ dataset_name (str): the name of the dataset.
+ It must have the following metadata associated with it:
+ "thing_classes", "gt_dir".
+ """
+ self._metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name)
+ self._cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
+ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ def reset(self):
+ self._working_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="cityscapes_eval_")
+ self._temp_dir = self._working_dir.name
+ # All workers will write to the same results directory
+ # TODO this does not work in distributed training
+ self._temp_dir = comm.all_gather(self._temp_dir)[0]
+ if self._temp_dir != self._working_dir.name:
+ self._working_dir.cleanup()
+ self._logger.info(
+ "Writing cityscapes results to temporary directory {} ...".format(self._temp_dir)
+ )
+class CityscapesInstanceEvaluator(CityscapesEvaluator):
+ """
+ Evaluate instance segmentation results using cityscapes API.
+ Note:
+ * It does not work in multi-machine distributed training.
+ * It contains a synchronization, therefore has to be used on all ranks.
+ * Only the main process runs evaluation.
+ """
+ def process(self, inputs, outputs):
+ from cityscapesscripts.helpers.labels import name2label
+ for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
+ file_name = input["file_name"]
+ basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))[0]
+ pred_txt = os.path.join(self._temp_dir, basename + "_pred.txt")
+ output = output["instances"].to(self._cpu_device)
+ num_instances = len(output)
+ with open(pred_txt, "w") as fout:
+ for i in range(num_instances):
+ pred_class = output.pred_classes[i]
+ classes = self._metadata.thing_classes[pred_class]
+ class_id = name2label[classes].id
+ score = output.scores[i]
+ mask = output.pred_masks[i].numpy().astype("uint8")
+ png_filename = os.path.join(
+ self._temp_dir, basename + "_{}_{}.png".format(i, classes)
+ )
+ Image.fromarray(mask * 255).save(png_filename)
+ fout.write("{} {} {}\n".format(os.path.basename(png_filename), class_id, score))
+ def evaluate(self):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ dict: has a key "segm", whose value is a dict of "AP" and "AP50".
+ """
+ comm.synchronize()
+ if comm.get_rank() > 0:
+ return
+ import cityscapesscripts.evaluation.evalInstanceLevelSemanticLabeling as cityscapes_eval
+ self._logger.info("Evaluating results under {} ...".format(self._temp_dir))
+ # set some global states in cityscapes evaluation API, before evaluating
+ cityscapes_eval.args.predictionPath = os.path.abspath(self._temp_dir)
+ cityscapes_eval.args.predictionWalk = None
+ cityscapes_eval.args.JSONOutput = False
+ cityscapes_eval.args.colorized = False
+ cityscapes_eval.args.gtInstancesFile = os.path.join(self._temp_dir, "gtInstances.json")
+ # These lines are adopted from
+ # https://github.com/mcordts/cityscapesScripts/blob/master/cityscapesscripts/evaluation/evalInstanceLevelSemanticLabeling.py # noqa
+ gt_dir = PathManager.get_local_path(self._metadata.gt_dir)
+ groundTruthImgList = glob.glob(os.path.join(gt_dir, "*", "*_gtFine_instanceIds.png"))
+ assert len(
+ groundTruthImgList
+ ), "Cannot find any ground truth images to use for evaluation. Searched for: {}".format(
+ cityscapes_eval.args.groundTruthSearch
+ )
+ predictionImgList = []
+ for gt in groundTruthImgList:
+ predictionImgList.append(cityscapes_eval.getPrediction(gt, cityscapes_eval.args))
+ results = cityscapes_eval.evaluateImgLists(
+ predictionImgList, groundTruthImgList, cityscapes_eval.args
+ )["averages"]
+ ret = OrderedDict()
+ ret["segm"] = {"AP": results["allAp"] * 100, "AP50": results["allAp50%"] * 100}
+ self._working_dir.cleanup()
+ return ret
+class CityscapesSemSegEvaluator(CityscapesEvaluator):
+ """
+ Evaluate semantic segmentation results using cityscapes API.
+ Note:
+ * It does not work in multi-machine distributed training.
+ * It contains a synchronization, therefore has to be used on all ranks.
+ * Only the main process runs evaluation.
+ """
+ def process(self, inputs, outputs):
+ from cityscapesscripts.helpers.labels import trainId2label
+ for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
+ file_name = input["file_name"]
+ basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))[0]
+ pred_filename = os.path.join(self._temp_dir, basename + "_pred.png")
+ output = output["sem_seg"].argmax(dim=0).to(self._cpu_device).numpy()
+ pred = 255 * np.ones(output.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
+ for train_id, label in trainId2label.items():
+ if label.ignoreInEval:
+ continue
+ pred[output == train_id] = label.id
+ Image.fromarray(pred).save(pred_filename)
+ def evaluate(self):
+ comm.synchronize()
+ if comm.get_rank() > 0:
+ return
+ # Load the Cityscapes eval script *after* setting the required env var,
+ # since the script reads CITYSCAPES_DATASET into global variables at load time.
+ import cityscapesscripts.evaluation.evalPixelLevelSemanticLabeling as cityscapes_eval
+ self._logger.info("Evaluating results under {} ...".format(self._temp_dir))
+ # set some global states in cityscapes evaluation API, before evaluating
+ cityscapes_eval.args.predictionPath = os.path.abspath(self._temp_dir)
+ cityscapes_eval.args.predictionWalk = None
+ cityscapes_eval.args.JSONOutput = False
+ cityscapes_eval.args.colorized = False
+ # These lines are adopted from
+ # https://github.com/mcordts/cityscapesScripts/blob/master/cityscapesscripts/evaluation/evalPixelLevelSemanticLabeling.py # noqa
+ gt_dir = PathManager.get_local_path(self._metadata.gt_dir)
+ groundTruthImgList = glob.glob(os.path.join(gt_dir, "*", "*_gtFine_labelIds.png"))
+ assert len(
+ groundTruthImgList
+ ), "Cannot find any ground truth images to use for evaluation. Searched for: {}".format(
+ cityscapes_eval.args.groundTruthSearch
+ )
+ predictionImgList = []
+ for gt in groundTruthImgList:
+ predictionImgList.append(cityscapes_eval.getPrediction(cityscapes_eval.args, gt))
+ results = cityscapes_eval.evaluateImgLists(
+ predictionImgList, groundTruthImgList, cityscapes_eval.args
+ )
+ ret = OrderedDict()
+ ret["sem_seg"] = {
+ "IoU": 100.0 * results["averageScoreClasses"],
+ "iIoU": 100.0 * results["averageScoreInstClasses"],
+ "IoU_sup": 100.0 * results["averageScoreCategories"],
+ "iIoU_sup": 100.0 * results["averageScoreInstCategories"],
+ }
+ self._working_dir.cleanup()
+ return ret
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/coco_evaluation.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/coco_evaluation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64b0903a43187db785113267ed16e82be6f5b28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/coco_evaluation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import contextlib
+import copy
+import io
+import itertools
+import json
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import pickle
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import pycocotools.mask as mask_util
+import torch
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from pycocotools.coco import COCO
+from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval
+from tabulate import tabulate
+import detectron2.utils.comm as comm
+from detectron2.data import MetadataCatalog
+from detectron2.data.datasets.coco import convert_to_coco_json
+from detectron2.structures import Boxes, BoxMode, pairwise_iou
+from detectron2.utils.logger import create_small_table
+from .evaluator import DatasetEvaluator
+class COCOEvaluator(DatasetEvaluator):
+ """
+ Evaluate object proposal, instance detection/segmentation, keypoint detection
+ outputs using COCO's metrics and APIs.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dataset_name, cfg, distributed, output_dir=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ dataset_name (str): name of the dataset to be evaluated.
+ It must have either the following corresponding metadata:
+ "json_file": the path to the COCO format annotation
+ Or it must be in detectron2's standard dataset format
+ so it can be converted to COCO format automatically.
+ cfg (CfgNode): config instance
+ distributed (True): if True, will collect results from all ranks and run evaluation
+ in the main process.
+ Otherwise, will evaluate the results in the current process.
+ output_dir (str): optional, an output directory to dump all
+ results predicted on the dataset. The dump contains two files:
+ 1. "instance_predictions.pth" a file in torch serialization
+ format that contains all the raw original predictions.
+ 2. "coco_instances_results.json" a json file in COCO's result
+ format.
+ """
+ self._tasks = self._tasks_from_config(cfg)
+ self._distributed = distributed
+ self._output_dir = output_dir
+ self._cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
+ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ self._metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name)
+ if not hasattr(self._metadata, "json_file"):
+ self._logger.warning(
+ f"json_file was not found in MetaDataCatalog for '{dataset_name}'."
+ " Trying to convert it to COCO format ..."
+ )
+ cache_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{dataset_name}_coco_format.json")
+ self._metadata.json_file = cache_path
+ convert_to_coco_json(dataset_name, cache_path)
+ json_file = PathManager.get_local_path(self._metadata.json_file)
+ with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()):
+ self._coco_api = COCO(json_file)
+ self._kpt_oks_sigmas = cfg.TEST.KEYPOINT_OKS_SIGMAS
+ # Test set json files do not contain annotations (evaluation must be
+ # performed using the COCO evaluation server).
+ self._do_evaluation = "annotations" in self._coco_api.split_name
+ def reset(self):
+ self._predictions = []
+ def _tasks_from_config(self, cfg):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ tuple[str]: tasks that can be evaluated under the given configuration.
+ """
+ tasks = ("bbox",)
+ if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON:
+ tasks = tasks + ("segm",)
+ tasks = tasks + ("keypoints",)
+ return tasks
+ def process(self, inputs, outputs):
+ """
+ Args:
+ inputs: the inputs to a COCO model (e.g., GeneralizedRCNN).
+ It is a list of dict. Each dict corresponds to an image and
+ contains keys like "height", "width", "file_name", "image_id".
+ outputs: the outputs of a COCO model. It is a list of dicts with key
+ "instances" that contains :class:`Instances`.
+ """
+ for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
+ prediction = {"image_id": input["image_id"]}
+ # TODO this is ugly
+ if "instances" in output:
+ instances = output["instances"].to(self._cpu_device)
+ prediction["instances"] = instances_to_coco_json(instances, input["image_id"])
+ if "proposals" in output:
+ prediction["proposals"] = output["proposals"].to(self._cpu_device)
+ self._predictions.append(prediction)
+ def evaluate(self):
+ if self._distributed:
+ comm.synchronize()
+ predictions = comm.gather(self._predictions, dst=0)
+ predictions = list(itertools.chain(*predictions))
+ if not comm.is_main_process():
+ return {}
+ else:
+ predictions = self._predictions
+ if len(predictions) == 0:
+ self._logger.warning("[COCOEvaluator] Did not receive valid predictions.")
+ return {}
+ if self._output_dir:
+ PathManager.mkdirs(self._output_dir)
+ file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "instances_predictions.pth")
+ with PathManager.open(file_path, "wb") as f:
+ torch.save(predictions, f)
+ self._results = OrderedDict()
+ if "proposals" in predictions[0]:
+ self._eval_box_proposals(predictions)
+ if "instances" in predictions[0]:
+ self._eval_predictions(set(self._tasks), predictions)
+ # Copy so the caller can do whatever with results
+ return copy.deepcopy(self._results)
+ def _eval_predictions(self, tasks, predictions):
+ """
+ Evaluate predictions on the given tasks.
+ Fill self._results with the metrics of the tasks.
+ """
+ self._logger.info("Preparing results for COCO format ...")
+ coco_results = list(itertools.chain(*[x["instances"] for x in predictions]))
+ # unmap the category ids for COCO
+ if hasattr(self._metadata, "thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id"):
+ reverse_id_mapping = {
+ v: k for k, v in self._metadata.thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id.items()
+ }
+ for result in coco_results:
+ category_id = result["category_id"]
+ assert (
+ category_id in reverse_id_mapping
+ ), "A prediction has category_id={}, which is not available in the dataset.".format(
+ category_id
+ )
+ result["category_id"] = reverse_id_mapping[category_id]
+ if self._output_dir:
+ file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "coco_instances_results.json")
+ self._logger.info("Saving results to {}".format(file_path))
+ with PathManager.open(file_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(coco_results))
+ f.flush()
+ if not self._do_evaluation:
+ self._logger.info("Annotations are not available for evaluation.")
+ return
+ self._logger.info("Evaluating predictions ...")
+ for task in sorted(tasks):
+ coco_eval = (
+ _evaluate_predictions_on_coco(
+ self._coco_api, coco_results, task, kpt_oks_sigmas=self._kpt_oks_sigmas
+ )
+ if len(coco_results) > 0
+ else None # cocoapi does not handle empty results very well
+ )
+ res = self._derive_coco_results(
+ coco_eval, task, class_names=self._metadata.get("thing_classes")
+ )
+ self._results[task] = res
+ def _eval_box_proposals(self, predictions):
+ """
+ Evaluate the box proposals in predictions.
+ Fill self._results with the metrics for "box_proposals" task.
+ """
+ if self._output_dir:
+ # Saving generated box proposals to file.
+ # Predicted box_proposals are in XYXY_ABS mode.
+ bbox_mode = BoxMode.XYXY_ABS.value
+ ids, boxes, objectness_logits = [], [], []
+ for prediction in predictions:
+ ids.append(prediction["image_id"])
+ boxes.append(prediction["proposals"].proposal_boxes.tensor.numpy())
+ objectness_logits.append(prediction["proposals"].objectness_logits.numpy())
+ proposal_data = {
+ "boxes": boxes,
+ "objectness_logits": objectness_logits,
+ "ids": ids,
+ "bbox_mode": bbox_mode,
+ }
+ with PathManager.open(os.path.join(self._output_dir, "box_proposals.pkl"), "wb") as f:
+ pickle.dump(proposal_data, f)
+ if not self._do_evaluation:
+ self._logger.info("Annotations are not available for evaluation.")
+ return
+ self._logger.info("Evaluating bbox proposals ...")
+ res = {}
+ areas = {"all": "", "small": "s", "medium": "m", "large": "l"}
+ for limit in [100, 1000]:
+ for area, suffix in areas.items():
+ stats = _evaluate_box_proposals(predictions, self._coco_api, area=area, limit=limit)
+ key = "AR{}@{:d}".format(suffix, limit)
+ res[key] = float(stats["ar"].item() * 100)
+ self._logger.info("Proposal metrics: \n" + create_small_table(res))
+ self._results["box_proposals"] = res
+ def _derive_coco_results(self, coco_eval, iou_type, class_names=None):
+ """
+ Derive the desired score numbers from summarized COCOeval.
+ Args:
+ coco_eval (None or COCOEval): None represents no predictions from model.
+ iou_type (str):
+ class_names (None or list[str]): if provided, will use it to predict
+ per-category AP.
+ Returns:
+ a dict of {metric name: score}
+ """
+ metrics = {
+ "bbox": ["AP", "AP50", "AP75", "APs", "APm", "APl"],
+ "segm": ["AP", "AP50", "AP75", "APs", "APm", "APl"],
+ "keypoints": ["AP", "AP50", "AP75", "APm", "APl"],
+ }[iou_type]
+ if coco_eval is None:
+ self._logger.warn("No predictions from the model!")
+ return {metric: float("nan") for metric in metrics}
+ # the standard metrics
+ results = {
+ metric: float(coco_eval.stats[idx] * 100 if coco_eval.stats[idx] >= 0 else "nan")
+ for idx, metric in enumerate(metrics)
+ }
+ self._logger.info(
+ "Evaluation results for {}: \n".format(iou_type) + create_small_table(results)
+ )
+ if not np.isfinite(sum(results.values())):
+ self._logger.info("Note that some metrics cannot be computed.")
+ if class_names is None or len(class_names) <= 1:
+ return results
+ # Compute per-category AP
+ # from https://github.com/facebookresearch/Detectron/blob/a6a835f5b8208c45d0dce217ce9bbda915f44df7/detectron/datasets/json_dataset_evaluator.py#L222-L252 # noqa
+ precisions = coco_eval.eval["precision"]
+ # precision has dims (iou, recall, cls, area range, max dets)
+ assert len(class_names) == precisions.shape[2]
+ results_per_category = []
+ for idx, name in enumerate(class_names):
+ # area range index 0: all area ranges
+ # max dets index -1: typically 100 per image
+ precision = precisions[:, :, idx, 0, -1]
+ precision = precision[precision > -1]
+ ap = np.mean(precision) if precision.size else float("nan")
+ results_per_category.append(("{}".format(name), float(ap * 100)))
+ # tabulate it
+ N_COLS = min(6, len(results_per_category) * 2)
+ results_flatten = list(itertools.chain(*results_per_category))
+ results_2d = itertools.zip_longest(*[results_flatten[i::N_COLS] for i in range(N_COLS)])
+ table = tabulate(
+ results_2d,
+ tablefmt="pipe",
+ floatfmt=".3f",
+ headers=["category", "AP"] * (N_COLS // 2),
+ numalign="left",
+ )
+ self._logger.info("Per-category {} AP: \n".format(iou_type) + table)
+ results.update({"AP-" + name: ap for name, ap in results_per_category})
+ return results
+def instances_to_coco_json(instances, img_id):
+ """
+ Dump an "Instances" object to a COCO-format json that's used for evaluation.
+ Args:
+ instances (Instances):
+ img_id (int): the image id
+ Returns:
+ list[dict]: list of json annotations in COCO format.
+ """
+ num_instance = len(instances)
+ if num_instance == 0:
+ return []
+ boxes = instances.pred_boxes.tensor.numpy()
+ boxes = BoxMode.convert(boxes, BoxMode.XYXY_ABS, BoxMode.XYWH_ABS)
+ boxes = boxes.tolist()
+ scores = instances.scores.tolist()
+ classes = instances.pred_classes.tolist()
+ has_mask = instances.has("pred_masks")
+ if has_mask:
+ # use RLE to encode the masks, because they are too large and takes memory
+ # since this evaluator stores outputs of the entire dataset
+ rles = [
+ mask_util.encode(np.array(mask[:, :, None], order="F", dtype="uint8"))[0]
+ for mask in instances.pred_masks
+ ]
+ for rle in rles:
+ # "counts" is an array encoded by mask_util as a byte-stream. Python3's
+ # json writer which always produces strings cannot serialize a bytestream
+ # unless you decode it. Thankfully, utf-8 works out (which is also what
+ # the pycocotools/_mask.pyx does).
+ rle["counts"] = rle["counts"].decode("utf-8")
+ has_keypoints = instances.has("pred_keypoints")
+ if has_keypoints:
+ keypoints = instances.pred_keypoints
+ results = []
+ for k in range(num_instance):
+ result = {
+ "image_id": img_id,
+ "category_id": classes[k],
+ "bbox": boxes[k],
+ "score": scores[k],
+ }
+ if has_mask:
+ result["segmentation"] = rles[k]
+ if has_keypoints:
+ # In COCO annotations,
+ # keypoints coordinates are pixel indices.
+ # However our predictions are floating point coordinates.
+ # Therefore we subtract 0.5 to be consistent with the annotation format.
+ # This is the inverse of data loading logic in `data/coco.py`.
+ keypoints[k][:, :2] -= 0.5
+ result["keypoints"] = keypoints[k].flatten().tolist()
+ results.append(result)
+ return results
+# inspired from Detectron:
+# https://github.com/facebookresearch/Detectron/blob/a6a835f5b8208c45d0dce217ce9bbda915f44df7/detectron/datasets/json_dataset_evaluator.py#L255 # noqa
+def _evaluate_box_proposals(dataset_predictions, coco_api, thresholds=None, area="all", limit=None):
+ """
+ Evaluate detection proposal recall metrics. This function is a much
+ faster alternative to the official COCO API recall evaluation code. However,
+ it produces slightly different results.
+ """
+ # Record max overlap value for each gt box
+ # Return vector of overlap values
+ areas = {
+ "all": 0,
+ "small": 1,
+ "medium": 2,
+ "large": 3,
+ "96-128": 4,
+ "128-256": 5,
+ "256-512": 6,
+ "512-inf": 7,
+ }
+ area_ranges = [
+ [0 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2], # all
+ [0 ** 2, 32 ** 2], # small
+ [32 ** 2, 96 ** 2], # medium
+ [96 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2], # large
+ [96 ** 2, 128 ** 2], # 96-128
+ [128 ** 2, 256 ** 2], # 128-256
+ [256 ** 2, 512 ** 2], # 256-512
+ [512 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2],
+ ] # 512-inf
+ assert area in areas, "Unknown area range: {}".format(area)
+ area_range = area_ranges[areas[area]]
+ gt_overlaps = []
+ num_pos = 0
+ for prediction_dict in dataset_predictions:
+ predictions = prediction_dict["proposals"]
+ # sort predictions in descending order
+ # TODO maybe remove this and make it explicit in the documentation
+ inds = predictions.objectness_logits.sort(descending=True)[1]
+ predictions = predictions[inds]
+ ann_ids = coco_api.getAnnIds(imgIds=prediction_dict["image_id"])
+ anno = coco_api.loadAnns(ann_ids)
+ gt_boxes = [
+ BoxMode.convert(obj["bbox"], BoxMode.XYWH_ABS, BoxMode.XYXY_ABS)
+ for obj in anno
+ if obj["iscrowd"] == 0
+ ]
+ gt_boxes = torch.as_tensor(gt_boxes).reshape(-1, 4) # guard against no boxes
+ gt_boxes = Boxes(gt_boxes)
+ gt_areas = torch.as_tensor([obj["area"] for obj in anno if obj["iscrowd"] == 0])
+ if len(gt_boxes) == 0 or len(predictions) == 0:
+ continue
+ valid_gt_inds = (gt_areas >= area_range[0]) & (gt_areas <= area_range[1])
+ gt_boxes = gt_boxes[valid_gt_inds]
+ num_pos += len(gt_boxes)
+ if len(gt_boxes) == 0:
+ continue
+ if limit is not None and len(predictions) > limit:
+ predictions = predictions[:limit]
+ overlaps = pairwise_iou(predictions.proposal_boxes, gt_boxes)
+ _gt_overlaps = torch.zeros(len(gt_boxes))
+ for j in range(min(len(predictions), len(gt_boxes))):
+ # find which proposal box maximally covers each gt box
+ # and get the iou amount of coverage for each gt box
+ max_overlaps, argmax_overlaps = overlaps.max(dim=0)
+ # find which gt box is 'best' covered (i.e. 'best' = most iou)
+ gt_ovr, gt_ind = max_overlaps.max(dim=0)
+ assert gt_ovr >= 0
+ # find the proposal box that covers the best covered gt box
+ box_ind = argmax_overlaps[gt_ind]
+ # record the iou coverage of this gt box
+ _gt_overlaps[j] = overlaps[box_ind, gt_ind]
+ assert _gt_overlaps[j] == gt_ovr
+ # mark the proposal box and the gt box as used
+ overlaps[box_ind, :] = -1
+ overlaps[:, gt_ind] = -1
+ # append recorded iou coverage level
+ gt_overlaps.append(_gt_overlaps)
+ gt_overlaps = (
+ torch.cat(gt_overlaps, dim=0) if len(gt_overlaps) else torch.zeros(0, dtype=torch.float32)
+ )
+ gt_overlaps, _ = torch.sort(gt_overlaps)
+ if thresholds is None:
+ step = 0.05
+ thresholds = torch.arange(0.5, 0.95 + 1e-5, step, dtype=torch.float32)
+ recalls = torch.zeros_like(thresholds)
+ # compute recall for each iou threshold
+ for i, t in enumerate(thresholds):
+ recalls[i] = (gt_overlaps >= t).float().sum() / float(num_pos)
+ # ar = 2 * np.trapz(recalls, thresholds)
+ ar = recalls.mean()
+ return {
+ "ar": ar,
+ "recalls": recalls,
+ "thresholds": thresholds,
+ "gt_overlaps": gt_overlaps,
+ "num_pos": num_pos,
+ }
+def _evaluate_predictions_on_coco(coco_gt, coco_results, iou_type, kpt_oks_sigmas=None):
+ """
+ Evaluate the coco results using COCOEval API.
+ """
+ assert len(coco_results) > 0
+ if iou_type == "segm":
+ coco_results = copy.deepcopy(coco_results)
+ # When evaluating mask AP, if the results contain bbox, cocoapi will
+ # use the box area as the area of the instance, instead of the mask area.
+ # This leads to a different definition of small/medium/large.
+ # We remove the bbox field to let mask AP use mask area.
+ for c in coco_results:
+ c.pop("bbox", None)
+ coco_dt = coco_gt.loadRes(coco_results)
+ coco_eval = COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iou_type)
+ # Use the COCO default keypoint OKS sigmas unless overrides are specified
+ if kpt_oks_sigmas:
+ coco_eval.params.kpt_oks_sigmas = np.array(kpt_oks_sigmas)
+ if iou_type == "keypoints":
+ num_keypoints = len(coco_results[0]["keypoints"]) // 3
+ assert len(coco_eval.params.kpt_oks_sigmas) == num_keypoints, (
+ "[COCOEvaluator] The length of cfg.TEST.KEYPOINT_OKS_SIGMAS (default: 17) "
+ "must be equal to the number of keypoints. However the prediction has {} "
+ "keypoints! For more information please refer to "
+ "http://cocodataset.org/#keypoints-eval.".format(num_keypoints)
+ )
+ coco_eval.evaluate()
+ coco_eval.accumulate()
+ coco_eval.summarize()
+ return coco_eval
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/evaluator.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/evaluator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dcb98043a1ededb3925d0ecbba3914d6409dc022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/evaluator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import datetime
+import logging
+import time
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+import torch
+from detectron2.utils.comm import get_world_size, is_main_process
+from detectron2.utils.logger import log_every_n_seconds
+class DatasetEvaluator:
+ """
+ Base class for a dataset evaluator.
+ The function :func:`inference_on_dataset` runs the model over
+ all samples in the dataset, and have a DatasetEvaluator to process the inputs/outputs.
+ This class will accumulate information of the inputs/outputs (by :meth:`process`),
+ and produce evaluation results in the end (by :meth:`evaluate`).
+ """
+ def reset(self):
+ """
+ Preparation for a new round of evaluation.
+ Should be called before starting a round of evaluation.
+ """
+ pass
+ def process(self, inputs, outputs):
+ """
+ Process the pair of inputs and outputs.
+ If they contain batches, the pairs can be consumed one-by-one using `zip`:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ for input_, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
+ # do evaluation on single input/output pair
+ ...
+ Args:
+ inputs (list): the inputs that's used to call the model.
+ outputs (list): the return value of `model(inputs)`
+ """
+ pass
+ def evaluate(self):
+ """
+ Evaluate/summarize the performance, after processing all input/output pairs.
+ Returns:
+ dict:
+ A new evaluator class can return a dict of arbitrary format
+ as long as the user can process the results.
+ In our train_net.py, we expect the following format:
+ * key: the name of the task (e.g., bbox)
+ * value: a dict of {metric name: score}, e.g.: {"AP50": 80}
+ """
+ pass
+class DatasetEvaluators(DatasetEvaluator):
+ """
+ Wrapper class to combine multiple :class:`DatasetEvaluator` instances.
+ This class dispatches every evaluation call to
+ all of its :class:`DatasetEvaluator`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, evaluators):
+ """
+ Args:
+ evaluators (list): the evaluators to combine.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self._evaluators = evaluators
+ def reset(self):
+ for evaluator in self._evaluators:
+ evaluator.reset()
+ def process(self, inputs, outputs):
+ for evaluator in self._evaluators:
+ evaluator.process(inputs, outputs)
+ def evaluate(self):
+ results = OrderedDict()
+ for evaluator in self._evaluators:
+ result = evaluator.evaluate()
+ if is_main_process() and result is not None:
+ for k, v in result.items():
+ assert (
+ k not in results
+ ), "Different evaluators produce results with the same key {}".format(k)
+ results[k] = v
+ return results
+def inference_on_dataset(model, data_loader, evaluator):
+ """
+ Run model on the data_loader and evaluate the metrics with evaluator.
+ Also benchmark the inference speed of `model.forward` accurately.
+ The model will be used in eval mode.
+ Args:
+ model (nn.Module): a module which accepts an object from
+ `data_loader` and returns some outputs. It will be temporarily set to `eval` mode.
+ If you wish to evaluate a model in `training` mode instead, you can
+ wrap the given model and override its behavior of `.eval()` and `.train()`.
+ data_loader: an iterable object with a length.
+ The elements it generates will be the inputs to the model.
+ evaluator (DatasetEvaluator): the evaluator to run. Use `None` if you only want
+ to benchmark, but don't want to do any evaluation.
+ Returns:
+ The return value of `evaluator.evaluate()`
+ """
+ num_devices = get_world_size()
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.info("Start inference on {} images".format(len(data_loader)))
+ total = len(data_loader) # inference data loader must have a fixed length
+ if evaluator is None:
+ # create a no-op evaluator
+ evaluator = DatasetEvaluators([])
+ evaluator.reset()
+ num_warmup = min(5, total - 1)
+ start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ total_compute_time = 0
+ with inference_context(model), torch.no_grad():
+ for idx, inputs in enumerate(data_loader):
+ if idx == num_warmup:
+ start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ total_compute_time = 0
+ start_compute_time = time.perf_counter()
+ outputs = model(inputs)
+ if torch.cuda.is_available():
+ torch.cuda.synchronize()
+ total_compute_time += time.perf_counter() - start_compute_time
+ evaluator.process(inputs, outputs)
+ iters_after_start = idx + 1 - num_warmup * int(idx >= num_warmup)
+ seconds_per_img = total_compute_time / iters_after_start
+ if idx >= num_warmup * 2 or seconds_per_img > 5:
+ total_seconds_per_img = (time.perf_counter() - start_time) / iters_after_start
+ eta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(total_seconds_per_img * (total - idx - 1)))
+ log_every_n_seconds(
+ logging.INFO,
+ "Inference done {}/{}. {:.4f} s / demo. ETA={}".format(
+ idx + 1, total, seconds_per_img, str(eta)
+ ),
+ n=5,
+ )
+ # Measure the time only for this worker (before the synchronization barrier)
+ total_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time
+ total_time_str = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=total_time))
+ # NOTE this format is parsed by grep
+ logger.info(
+ "Total inference time: {} ({:.6f} s / demo per device, on {} devices)".format(
+ total_time_str, total_time / (total - num_warmup), num_devices
+ )
+ )
+ total_compute_time_str = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(total_compute_time)))
+ logger.info(
+ "Total inference pure compute time: {} ({:.6f} s / demo per device, on {} devices)".format(
+ total_compute_time_str, total_compute_time / (total - num_warmup), num_devices
+ )
+ )
+ results = evaluator.evaluate()
+ # An evaluator may return None when not in main process.
+ # Replace it by an empty dict instead to make it easier for downstream code to handle
+ if results is None:
+ results = {}
+ return results
+def inference_context(model):
+ """
+ A context where the model is temporarily changed to eval mode,
+ and restored to previous mode afterwards.
+ Args:
+ model: a torch Module
+ """
+ training_mode = model.training
+ model.eval()
+ yield
+ model.train(training_mode)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/lvis_evaluation.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/lvis_evaluation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e55f50fb9d1fa7ccb685f812b603c10f9a1ffea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/lvis_evaluation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import copy
+import itertools
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import pickle
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import torch
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+import detectron2.utils.comm as comm
+from detectron2.data import MetadataCatalog
+from detectron2.structures import Boxes, BoxMode, pairwise_iou
+from detectron2.utils.logger import create_small_table
+from .coco_evaluation import instances_to_coco_json
+from .evaluator import DatasetEvaluator
+class LVISEvaluator(DatasetEvaluator):
+ """
+ Evaluate object proposal and instance detection/segmentation outputs using
+ LVIS's metrics and evaluation API.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dataset_name, cfg, distributed, output_dir=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ dataset_name (str): name of the dataset to be evaluated.
+ It must have the following corresponding metadata:
+ "json_file": the path to the LVIS format annotation
+ cfg (CfgNode): config instance
+ distributed (True): if True, will collect results from all ranks for evaluation.
+ Otherwise, will evaluate the results in the current process.
+ output_dir (str): optional, an output directory to dump results.
+ """
+ from lvis import LVIS
+ self._tasks = self._tasks_from_config(cfg)
+ self._distributed = distributed
+ self._output_dir = output_dir
+ self._cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
+ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ self._metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name)
+ json_file = PathManager.get_local_path(self._metadata.json_file)
+ self._lvis_api = LVIS(json_file)
+ # Test set json files do not contain annotations (evaluation must be
+ # performed using the LVIS evaluation server).
+ self._do_evaluation = len(self._lvis_api.get_ann_ids()) > 0
+ def reset(self):
+ self._predictions = []
+ def _tasks_from_config(self, cfg):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ tuple[str]: tasks that can be evaluated under the given configuration.
+ """
+ tasks = ("bbox",)
+ if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON:
+ tasks = tasks + ("segm",)
+ return tasks
+ def process(self, inputs, outputs):
+ """
+ Args:
+ inputs: the inputs to a LVIS model (e.g., GeneralizedRCNN).
+ It is a list of dict. Each dict corresponds to an image and
+ contains keys like "height", "width", "file_name", "image_id".
+ outputs: the outputs of a LVIS model. It is a list of dicts with key
+ "instances" that contains :class:`Instances`.
+ """
+ for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
+ prediction = {"image_id": input["image_id"]}
+ if "instances" in output:
+ instances = output["instances"].to(self._cpu_device)
+ prediction["instances"] = instances_to_coco_json(instances, input["image_id"])
+ if "proposals" in output:
+ prediction["proposals"] = output["proposals"].to(self._cpu_device)
+ self._predictions.append(prediction)
+ def evaluate(self):
+ if self._distributed:
+ comm.synchronize()
+ predictions = comm.gather(self._predictions, dst=0)
+ predictions = list(itertools.chain(*predictions))
+ if not comm.is_main_process():
+ return
+ else:
+ predictions = self._predictions
+ if len(predictions) == 0:
+ self._logger.warning("[LVISEvaluator] Did not receive valid predictions.")
+ return {}
+ if self._output_dir:
+ PathManager.mkdirs(self._output_dir)
+ file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "instances_predictions.pth")
+ with PathManager.open(file_path, "wb") as f:
+ torch.save(predictions, f)
+ self._results = OrderedDict()
+ if "proposals" in predictions[0]:
+ self._eval_box_proposals(predictions)
+ if "instances" in predictions[0]:
+ self._eval_predictions(set(self._tasks), predictions)
+ # Copy so the caller can do whatever with results
+ return copy.deepcopy(self._results)
+ def _eval_predictions(self, tasks, predictions):
+ """
+ Evaluate predictions on the given tasks.
+ Fill self._results with the metrics of the tasks.
+ Args:
+ predictions (list[dict]): list of outputs from the model
+ """
+ self._logger.info("Preparing results in the LVIS format ...")
+ lvis_results = list(itertools.chain(*[x["instances"] for x in predictions]))
+ # LVIS evaluator can be used to evaluate results for COCO dataset categories.
+ # In this case `_metadata` variable will have a field with COCO-specific category mapping.
+ if hasattr(self._metadata, "thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id"):
+ reverse_id_mapping = {
+ v: k for k, v in self._metadata.thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id.items()
+ }
+ for result in lvis_results:
+ result["category_id"] = reverse_id_mapping[result["category_id"]]
+ else:
+ # unmap the category ids for LVIS (from 0-indexed to 1-indexed)
+ for result in lvis_results:
+ result["category_id"] += 1
+ if self._output_dir:
+ file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "lvis_instances_results.json")
+ self._logger.info("Saving results to {}".format(file_path))
+ with PathManager.open(file_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(lvis_results))
+ f.flush()
+ if not self._do_evaluation:
+ self._logger.info("Annotations are not available for evaluation.")
+ return
+ self._logger.info("Evaluating predictions ...")
+ for task in sorted(tasks):
+ res = _evaluate_predictions_on_lvis(
+ self._lvis_api, lvis_results, task, class_names=self._metadata.get("thing_classes")
+ )
+ self._results[task] = res
+ def _eval_box_proposals(self, predictions):
+ """
+ Evaluate the box proposals in predictions.
+ Fill self._results with the metrics for "box_proposals" task.
+ """
+ if self._output_dir:
+ # Saving generated box proposals to file.
+ # Predicted box_proposals are in XYXY_ABS mode.
+ bbox_mode = BoxMode.XYXY_ABS.value
+ ids, boxes, objectness_logits = [], [], []
+ for prediction in predictions:
+ ids.append(prediction["image_id"])
+ boxes.append(prediction["proposals"].proposal_boxes.tensor.numpy())
+ objectness_logits.append(prediction["proposals"].objectness_logits.numpy())
+ proposal_data = {
+ "boxes": boxes,
+ "objectness_logits": objectness_logits,
+ "ids": ids,
+ "bbox_mode": bbox_mode,
+ }
+ with PathManager.open(os.path.join(self._output_dir, "box_proposals.pkl"), "wb") as f:
+ pickle.dump(proposal_data, f)
+ if not self._do_evaluation:
+ self._logger.info("Annotations are not available for evaluation.")
+ return
+ self._logger.info("Evaluating bbox proposals ...")
+ res = {}
+ areas = {"all": "", "small": "s", "medium": "m", "large": "l"}
+ for limit in [100, 1000]:
+ for area, suffix in areas.items():
+ stats = _evaluate_box_proposals(predictions, self._lvis_api, area=area, limit=limit)
+ key = "AR{}@{:d}".format(suffix, limit)
+ res[key] = float(stats["ar"].item() * 100)
+ self._logger.info("Proposal metrics: \n" + create_small_table(res))
+ self._results["box_proposals"] = res
+# inspired from Detectron:
+# https://github.com/facebookresearch/Detectron/blob/a6a835f5b8208c45d0dce217ce9bbda915f44df7/detectron/datasets/json_dataset_evaluator.py#L255 # noqa
+def _evaluate_box_proposals(dataset_predictions, lvis_api, thresholds=None, area="all", limit=None):
+ """
+ Evaluate detection proposal recall metrics. This function is a much
+ faster alternative to the official LVIS API recall evaluation code. However,
+ it produces slightly different results.
+ """
+ # Record max overlap value for each gt box
+ # Return vector of overlap values
+ areas = {
+ "all": 0,
+ "small": 1,
+ "medium": 2,
+ "large": 3,
+ "96-128": 4,
+ "128-256": 5,
+ "256-512": 6,
+ "512-inf": 7,
+ }
+ area_ranges = [
+ [0 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2], # all
+ [0 ** 2, 32 ** 2], # small
+ [32 ** 2, 96 ** 2], # medium
+ [96 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2], # large
+ [96 ** 2, 128 ** 2], # 96-128
+ [128 ** 2, 256 ** 2], # 128-256
+ [256 ** 2, 512 ** 2], # 256-512
+ [512 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2],
+ ] # 512-inf
+ assert area in areas, "Unknown area range: {}".format(area)
+ area_range = area_ranges[areas[area]]
+ gt_overlaps = []
+ num_pos = 0
+ for prediction_dict in dataset_predictions:
+ predictions = prediction_dict["proposals"]
+ # sort predictions in descending order
+ # TODO maybe remove this and make it explicit in the documentation
+ inds = predictions.objectness_logits.sort(descending=True)[1]
+ predictions = predictions[inds]
+ ann_ids = lvis_api.get_ann_ids(img_ids=[prediction_dict["image_id"]])
+ anno = lvis_api.load_anns(ann_ids)
+ gt_boxes = [
+ BoxMode.convert(obj["bbox"], BoxMode.XYWH_ABS, BoxMode.XYXY_ABS) for obj in anno
+ ]
+ gt_boxes = torch.as_tensor(gt_boxes).reshape(-1, 4) # guard against no boxes
+ gt_boxes = Boxes(gt_boxes)
+ gt_areas = torch.as_tensor([obj["area"] for obj in anno])
+ if len(gt_boxes) == 0 or len(predictions) == 0:
+ continue
+ valid_gt_inds = (gt_areas >= area_range[0]) & (gt_areas <= area_range[1])
+ gt_boxes = gt_boxes[valid_gt_inds]
+ num_pos += len(gt_boxes)
+ if len(gt_boxes) == 0:
+ continue
+ if limit is not None and len(predictions) > limit:
+ predictions = predictions[:limit]
+ overlaps = pairwise_iou(predictions.proposal_boxes, gt_boxes)
+ _gt_overlaps = torch.zeros(len(gt_boxes))
+ for j in range(min(len(predictions), len(gt_boxes))):
+ # find which proposal box maximally covers each gt box
+ # and get the iou amount of coverage for each gt box
+ max_overlaps, argmax_overlaps = overlaps.max(dim=0)
+ # find which gt box is 'best' covered (i.e. 'best' = most iou)
+ gt_ovr, gt_ind = max_overlaps.max(dim=0)
+ assert gt_ovr >= 0
+ # find the proposal box that covers the best covered gt box
+ box_ind = argmax_overlaps[gt_ind]
+ # record the iou coverage of this gt box
+ _gt_overlaps[j] = overlaps[box_ind, gt_ind]
+ assert _gt_overlaps[j] == gt_ovr
+ # mark the proposal box and the gt box as used
+ overlaps[box_ind, :] = -1
+ overlaps[:, gt_ind] = -1
+ # append recorded iou coverage level
+ gt_overlaps.append(_gt_overlaps)
+ gt_overlaps = (
+ torch.cat(gt_overlaps, dim=0) if len(gt_overlaps) else torch.zeros(0, dtype=torch.float32)
+ )
+ gt_overlaps, _ = torch.sort(gt_overlaps)
+ if thresholds is None:
+ step = 0.05
+ thresholds = torch.arange(0.5, 0.95 + 1e-5, step, dtype=torch.float32)
+ recalls = torch.zeros_like(thresholds)
+ # compute recall for each iou threshold
+ for i, t in enumerate(thresholds):
+ recalls[i] = (gt_overlaps >= t).float().sum() / float(num_pos)
+ # ar = 2 * np.trapz(recalls, thresholds)
+ ar = recalls.mean()
+ return {
+ "ar": ar,
+ "recalls": recalls,
+ "thresholds": thresholds,
+ "gt_overlaps": gt_overlaps,
+ "num_pos": num_pos,
+ }
+def _evaluate_predictions_on_lvis(lvis_gt, lvis_results, iou_type, class_names=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ iou_type (str):
+ kpt_oks_sigmas (list[float]):
+ class_names (None or list[str]): if provided, will use it to predict
+ per-category AP.
+ Returns:
+ a dict of {metric name: score}
+ """
+ metrics = {
+ "bbox": ["AP", "AP50", "AP75", "APs", "APm", "APl", "APr", "APc", "APf"],
+ "segm": ["AP", "AP50", "AP75", "APs", "APm", "APl", "APr", "APc", "APf"],
+ }[iou_type]
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ if len(lvis_results) == 0: # TODO: check if needed
+ logger.warn("No predictions from the model!")
+ return {metric: float("nan") for metric in metrics}
+ if iou_type == "segm":
+ lvis_results = copy.deepcopy(lvis_results)
+ # When evaluating mask AP, if the results contain bbox, LVIS API will
+ # use the box area as the area of the instance, instead of the mask area.
+ # This leads to a different definition of small/medium/large.
+ # We remove the bbox field to let mask AP use mask area.
+ for c in lvis_results:
+ c.pop("bbox", None)
+ from lvis import LVISEval, LVISResults
+ lvis_results = LVISResults(lvis_gt, lvis_results)
+ lvis_eval = LVISEval(lvis_gt, lvis_results, iou_type)
+ lvis_eval.run()
+ lvis_eval.print_results()
+ # Pull the standard metrics from the LVIS results
+ results = lvis_eval.get_results()
+ results = {metric: float(results[metric] * 100) for metric in metrics}
+ logger.info("Evaluation results for {}: \n".format(iou_type) + create_small_table(results))
+ return results
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/panoptic_evaluation.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/panoptic_evaluation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb5e7ab87b1dd5bb3e0c5d1e405e321c48d9e6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/panoptic_evaluation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import contextlib
+import io
+import itertools
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import tempfile
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from PIL import Image
+from tabulate import tabulate
+from detectron2.data import MetadataCatalog
+from detectron2.utils import comm
+from .evaluator import DatasetEvaluator
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class COCOPanopticEvaluator(DatasetEvaluator):
+ """
+ Evaluate Panoptic Quality metrics on COCO using PanopticAPI.
+ It saves panoptic segmentation prediction in `output_dir`
+ It contains a synchronize call and has to be called from all workers.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dataset_name, output_dir):
+ """
+ Args:
+ dataset_name (str): name of the dataset
+ output_dir (str): output directory to save results for evaluation
+ """
+ self._metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name)
+ self._thing_contiguous_id_to_dataset_id = {
+ v: k for k, v in self._metadata.thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id.items()
+ }
+ self._stuff_contiguous_id_to_dataset_id = {
+ v: k for k, v in self._metadata.stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id.items()
+ }
+ self._predictions_json = os.path.join(output_dir, "predictions.json")
+ def reset(self):
+ self._predictions = []
+ def _convert_category_id(self, segment_info):
+ isthing = segment_info.pop("isthing", None)
+ if isthing is None:
+ # the model produces panoptic category id directly. No more conversion needed
+ return segment_info
+ if isthing is True:
+ segment_info["category_id"] = self._thing_contiguous_id_to_dataset_id[
+ segment_info["category_id"]
+ ]
+ else:
+ segment_info["category_id"] = self._stuff_contiguous_id_to_dataset_id[
+ segment_info["category_id"]
+ ]
+ return segment_info
+ def process(self, inputs, outputs):
+ from panopticapi.utils import id2rgb
+ for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
+ panoptic_img, segments_info = output["panoptic_seg"]
+ panoptic_img = panoptic_img.cpu().numpy()
+ file_name = os.path.basename(input["file_name"])
+ file_name_png = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] + ".png"
+ with io.BytesIO() as out:
+ Image.fromarray(id2rgb(panoptic_img)).save(out, format="PNG")
+ segments_info = [self._convert_category_id(x) for x in segments_info]
+ self._predictions.append(
+ {
+ "image_id": input["image_id"],
+ "file_name": file_name_png,
+ "png_string": out.getvalue(),
+ "segments_info": segments_info,
+ }
+ )
+ def evaluate(self):
+ comm.synchronize()
+ self._predictions = comm.gather(self._predictions)
+ self._predictions = list(itertools.chain(*self._predictions))
+ if not comm.is_main_process():
+ return
+ # PanopticApi requires local files
+ gt_json = PathManager.get_local_path(self._metadata.panoptic_json)
+ gt_folder = PathManager.get_local_path(self._metadata.panoptic_root)
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="panoptic_eval") as pred_dir:
+ logger.info("Writing all panoptic predictions to {} ...".format(pred_dir))
+ for p in self._predictions:
+ with open(os.path.join(pred_dir, p["file_name"]), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(p.pop("png_string"))
+ with open(gt_json, "r") as f:
+ json_data = json.load(f)
+ json_data["annotations"] = self._predictions
+ with PathManager.open(self._predictions_json, "w") as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(json_data))
+ from panopticapi.evaluation import pq_compute
+ with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()):
+ pq_res = pq_compute(
+ gt_json,
+ PathManager.get_local_path(self._predictions_json),
+ gt_folder=gt_folder,
+ pred_folder=pred_dir,
+ )
+ res = {}
+ res["PQ"] = 100 * pq_res["All"]["pq"]
+ res["SQ"] = 100 * pq_res["All"]["sq"]
+ res["RQ"] = 100 * pq_res["All"]["rq"]
+ res["PQ_th"] = 100 * pq_res["Things"]["pq"]
+ res["SQ_th"] = 100 * pq_res["Things"]["sq"]
+ res["RQ_th"] = 100 * pq_res["Things"]["rq"]
+ res["PQ_st"] = 100 * pq_res["Stuff"]["pq"]
+ res["SQ_st"] = 100 * pq_res["Stuff"]["sq"]
+ res["RQ_st"] = 100 * pq_res["Stuff"]["rq"]
+ results = OrderedDict({"panoptic_seg": res})
+ _print_panoptic_results(pq_res)
+ return results
+def _print_panoptic_results(pq_res):
+ headers = ["", "PQ", "SQ", "RQ", "#categories"]
+ data = []
+ for name in ["All", "Things", "Stuff"]:
+ row = [name] + [pq_res[name][k] * 100 for k in ["pq", "sq", "rq"]] + [pq_res[name]["n"]]
+ data.append(row)
+ table = tabulate(
+ data, headers=headers, tablefmt="pipe", floatfmt=".3f", stralign="center", numalign="center"
+ )
+ logger.info("Panoptic Evaluation Results:\n" + table)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ from detectron2.utils.logger import setup_logger
+ logger = setup_logger()
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--gt-json")
+ parser.add_argument("--gt-dir")
+ parser.add_argument("--pred-json")
+ parser.add_argument("--pred-dir")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ from panopticapi.evaluation import pq_compute
+ with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()):
+ pq_res = pq_compute(
+ args.gt_json, args.pred_json, gt_folder=args.gt_dir, pred_folder=args.pred_dir
+ )
+ _print_panoptic_results(pq_res)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/pascal_voc_evaluation.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/pascal_voc_evaluation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22d2e523d23c695e06e5da5cb3a210a6d1945dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/pascal_voc_evaluation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import tempfile
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
+from functools import lru_cache
+import torch
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from detectron2.data import MetadataCatalog
+from detectron2.utils import comm
+from .evaluator import DatasetEvaluator
+class PascalVOCDetectionEvaluator(DatasetEvaluator):
+ """
+ Evaluate Pascal VOC AP.
+ It contains a synchronization, therefore has to be called from all ranks.
+ Note that this is a rewrite of the official Matlab API.
+ The results should be similar, but not identical to the one produced by
+ the official API.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dataset_name):
+ """
+ Args:
+ dataset_name (str): name of the dataset, e.g., "voc_2007_test"
+ """
+ self._dataset_name = dataset_name
+ meta = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name)
+ self._anno_file_template = os.path.join(meta.dirname, "Annotations", "{}.xml")
+ self._image_set_path = os.path.join(meta.dirname, "ImageSets", "Main", meta.split + ".txt")
+ self._class_names = meta.thing_classes
+ assert meta.year in [2007, 2012], meta.year
+ self._is_2007 = meta.year == 2007
+ self._cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
+ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ def reset(self):
+ self._predictions = defaultdict(list) # class name -> list of prediction strings
+ def process(self, inputs, outputs):
+ for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
+ image_id = input["image_id"]
+ instances = output["instances"].to(self._cpu_device)
+ boxes = instances.pred_boxes.tensor.numpy()
+ scores = instances.scores.tolist()
+ classes = instances.pred_classes.tolist()
+ for box, score, cls in zip(boxes, scores, classes):
+ xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box
+ # The inverse of data loading logic in `data/pascal_voc.py`
+ xmin += 1
+ ymin += 1
+ self._predictions[cls].append(
+ f"{image_id} {score:.3f} {xmin:.1f} {ymin:.1f} {xmax:.1f} {ymax:.1f}"
+ )
+ def evaluate(self):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ dict: has a key "segm", whose value is a dict of "AP", "AP50", and "AP75".
+ """
+ all_predictions = comm.gather(self._predictions, dst=0)
+ if not comm.is_main_process():
+ return
+ predictions = defaultdict(list)
+ for predictions_per_rank in all_predictions:
+ for clsid, lines in predictions_per_rank.items():
+ predictions[clsid].extend(lines)
+ del all_predictions
+ self._logger.info(
+ "Evaluating {} using {} metric. "
+ "Note that results do not use the official Matlab API.".format(
+ self._dataset_name, 2007 if self._is_2007 else 2012
+ )
+ )
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="pascal_voc_eval_") as dirname:
+ res_file_template = os.path.join(dirname, "{}.txt")
+ aps = defaultdict(list) # iou -> ap per class
+ for cls_id, cls_name in enumerate(self._class_names):
+ lines = predictions.get(cls_id, [""])
+ with open(res_file_template.format(cls_name), "w") as f:
+ f.write("\n".join(lines))
+ for thresh in range(50, 100, 5):
+ rec, prec, ap = voc_eval(
+ res_file_template,
+ self._anno_file_template,
+ self._image_set_path,
+ cls_name,
+ ovthresh=thresh / 100.0,
+ use_07_metric=self._is_2007,
+ )
+ aps[thresh].append(ap * 100)
+ ret = OrderedDict()
+ mAP = {iou: np.mean(x) for iou, x in aps.items()}
+ ret["bbox"] = {"AP": np.mean(list(mAP.values())), "AP50": mAP[50], "AP75": mAP[75]}
+ return ret
+# Below code is modified from
+# https://github.com/rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn/blob/master/lib/datasets/voc_eval.py
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+# Fast/er R-CNN
+# Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details]
+# Written by Bharath Hariharan
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+"""Python implementation of the PASCAL VOC devkit's AP evaluation code."""
+def parse_rec(filename):
+ """Parse a PASCAL VOC xml file."""
+ with PathManager.open(filename) as f:
+ tree = ET.parse(f)
+ objects = []
+ for obj in tree.findall("object"):
+ obj_struct = {}
+ obj_struct["name"] = obj.find("name").text
+ obj_struct["pose"] = obj.find("pose").text
+ obj_struct["truncated"] = int(obj.find("truncated").text)
+ obj_struct["difficult"] = int(obj.find("difficult").text)
+ bbox = obj.find("bndbox")
+ obj_struct["bbox"] = [
+ int(bbox.find("xmin").text),
+ int(bbox.find("ymin").text),
+ int(bbox.find("xmax").text),
+ int(bbox.find("ymax").text),
+ ]
+ objects.append(obj_struct)
+ return objects
+def voc_ap(rec, prec, use_07_metric=False):
+ """Compute VOC AP given precision and recall. If use_07_metric is true, uses
+ the VOC 07 11-point method (default:False).
+ """
+ if use_07_metric:
+ # 11 point metric
+ ap = 0.0
+ for t in np.arange(0.0, 1.1, 0.1):
+ if np.sum(rec >= t) == 0:
+ p = 0
+ else:
+ p = np.max(prec[rec >= t])
+ ap = ap + p / 11.0
+ else:
+ # correct AP calculation
+ # first append sentinel values at the end
+ mrec = np.concatenate(([0.0], rec, [1.0]))
+ mpre = np.concatenate(([0.0], prec, [0.0]))
+ # compute the precision envelope
+ for i in range(mpre.size - 1, 0, -1):
+ mpre[i - 1] = np.maximum(mpre[i - 1], mpre[i])
+ # to calculate area under PR curve, look for points
+ # where X axis (recall) changes value
+ i = np.where(mrec[1:] != mrec[:-1])[0]
+ # and sum (\Delta recall) * prec
+ ap = np.sum((mrec[i + 1] - mrec[i]) * mpre[i + 1])
+ return ap
+def voc_eval(detpath, annopath, imagesetfile, classname, ovthresh=0.5, use_07_metric=False):
+ """rec, prec, ap = voc_eval(detpath,
+ annopath,
+ imagesetfile,
+ classname,
+ [ovthresh],
+ [use_07_metric])
+ Top level function that does the PASCAL VOC evaluation.
+ detpath: Path to detections
+ detpath.format(classname) should produce the detection results file.
+ annopath: Path to annotations
+ annopath.format(imagename) should be the xml annotations file.
+ imagesetfile: Text file containing the list of images, one image per line.
+ classname: Category name (duh)
+ [ovthresh]: Overlap threshold (default = 0.5)
+ [use_07_metric]: Whether to use VOC07's 11 point AP computation
+ (default False)
+ """
+ # assumes detections are in detpath.format(classname)
+ # assumes annotations are in annopath.format(imagename)
+ # assumes imagesetfile is a text file with each line an image name
+ # first load gt
+ # read list of images
+ with PathManager.open(imagesetfile, "r") as f:
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ imagenames = [x.strip() for x in lines]
+ # load annots
+ recs = {}
+ for imagename in imagenames:
+ recs[imagename] = parse_rec(annopath.format(imagename))
+ # extract gt objects for this class
+ class_recs = {}
+ npos = 0
+ for imagename in imagenames:
+ R = [obj for obj in recs[imagename] if obj["name"] == classname]
+ bbox = np.array([x["bbox"] for x in R])
+ difficult = np.array([x["difficult"] for x in R]).astype(np.bool)
+ # difficult = np.array([False for x in R]).astype(np.bool) # treat all "difficult" as GT
+ det = [False] * len(R)
+ npos = npos + sum(~difficult)
+ class_recs[imagename] = {"bbox": bbox, "difficult": difficult, "det": det}
+ # read dets
+ detfile = detpath.format(classname)
+ with open(detfile, "r") as f:
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ splitlines = [x.strip().split(" ") for x in lines]
+ image_ids = [x[0] for x in splitlines]
+ confidence = np.array([float(x[1]) for x in splitlines])
+ BB = np.array([[float(z) for z in x[2:]] for x in splitlines]).reshape(-1, 4)
+ # sort by confidence
+ sorted_ind = np.argsort(-confidence)
+ BB = BB[sorted_ind, :]
+ image_ids = [image_ids[x] for x in sorted_ind]
+ # go down dets and mark TPs and FPs
+ nd = len(image_ids)
+ tp = np.zeros(nd)
+ fp = np.zeros(nd)
+ for d in range(nd):
+ R = class_recs[image_ids[d]]
+ bb = BB[d, :].astype(float)
+ ovmax = -np.inf
+ BBGT = R["bbox"].astype(float)
+ if BBGT.size > 0:
+ # compute overlaps
+ # intersection
+ ixmin = np.maximum(BBGT[:, 0], bb[0])
+ iymin = np.maximum(BBGT[:, 1], bb[1])
+ ixmax = np.minimum(BBGT[:, 2], bb[2])
+ iymax = np.minimum(BBGT[:, 3], bb[3])
+ iw = np.maximum(ixmax - ixmin + 1.0, 0.0)
+ ih = np.maximum(iymax - iymin + 1.0, 0.0)
+ inters = iw * ih
+ # union
+ uni = (
+ (bb[2] - bb[0] + 1.0) * (bb[3] - bb[1] + 1.0)
+ + (BBGT[:, 2] - BBGT[:, 0] + 1.0) * (BBGT[:, 3] - BBGT[:, 1] + 1.0)
+ - inters
+ )
+ overlaps = inters / uni
+ ovmax = np.max(overlaps)
+ jmax = np.argmax(overlaps)
+ if ovmax > ovthresh:
+ if not R["difficult"][jmax]:
+ if not R["det"][jmax]:
+ tp[d] = 1.0
+ R["det"][jmax] = 1
+ else:
+ fp[d] = 1.0
+ else:
+ fp[d] = 1.0
+ # compute precision recall
+ fp = np.cumsum(fp)
+ tp = np.cumsum(tp)
+ rec = tp / float(npos)
+ # avoid divide by zero in case the first detection matches a difficult
+ # ground truth
+ prec = tp / np.maximum(tp + fp, np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
+ ap = voc_ap(rec, prec, use_07_metric)
+ return rec, prec, ap
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/rotated_coco_evaluation.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/rotated_coco_evaluation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30746e1aaac9a1feb0c7994d9229423e9f04bb51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/rotated_coco_evaluation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import itertools
+import json
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import torch
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval, maskUtils
+from detectron2.structures import BoxMode, RotatedBoxes, pairwise_iou_rotated
+from .coco_evaluation import COCOEvaluator
+class RotatedCOCOeval(COCOeval):
+ @staticmethod
+ def is_rotated(box_list):
+ if type(box_list) == np.ndarray:
+ return box_list.shape[1] == 5
+ elif type(box_list) == list:
+ if box_list == []: # cannot decide the box_dim
+ return False
+ return np.all(
+ np.array(
+ [
+ (len(obj) == 5) and ((type(obj) == list) or (type(obj) == np.ndarray))
+ for obj in box_list
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def boxlist_to_tensor(boxlist, output_box_dim):
+ if type(boxlist) == np.ndarray:
+ box_tensor = torch.from_numpy(boxlist)
+ elif type(boxlist) == list:
+ if boxlist == []:
+ return torch.zeros((0, output_box_dim), dtype=torch.float32)
+ else:
+ box_tensor = torch.FloatTensor(boxlist)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unrecognized boxlist type")
+ input_box_dim = box_tensor.shape[1]
+ if input_box_dim != output_box_dim:
+ if input_box_dim == 4 and output_box_dim == 5:
+ box_tensor = BoxMode.convert(box_tensor, BoxMode.XYWH_ABS, BoxMode.XYWHA_ABS)
+ else:
+ raise Exception(
+ "Unable to convert from {}-dim box to {}-dim box".format(
+ input_box_dim, output_box_dim
+ )
+ )
+ return box_tensor
+ def compute_iou_dt_gt(self, dt, gt, is_crowd):
+ if self.is_rotated(dt) or self.is_rotated(gt):
+ # TODO: take is_crowd into consideration
+ assert all(c == 0 for c in is_crowd)
+ dt = RotatedBoxes(self.boxlist_to_tensor(dt, output_box_dim=5))
+ gt = RotatedBoxes(self.boxlist_to_tensor(gt, output_box_dim=5))
+ return pairwise_iou_rotated(dt, gt)
+ else:
+ # This is the same as the classical COCO evaluation
+ return maskUtils.iou(dt, gt, is_crowd)
+ def computeIoU(self, imgId, catId):
+ p = self.params
+ if p.useCats:
+ gt = self._gts[imgId, catId]
+ dt = self._dts[imgId, catId]
+ else:
+ gt = [_ for cId in p.catIds for _ in self._gts[imgId, cId]]
+ dt = [_ for cId in p.catIds for _ in self._dts[imgId, cId]]
+ if len(gt) == 0 and len(dt) == 0:
+ return []
+ inds = np.argsort([-d["score"] for d in dt], kind="mergesort")
+ dt = [dt[i] for i in inds]
+ if len(dt) > p.maxDets[-1]:
+ dt = dt[0 : p.maxDets[-1]]
+ assert p.iouType == "bbox", "unsupported iouType for iou computation"
+ g = [g["bbox"] for g in gt]
+ d = [d["bbox"] for d in dt]
+ # compute iou between each dt and gt region
+ iscrowd = [int(o["iscrowd"]) for o in gt]
+ # Note: this function is copied from cocoeval.py in cocoapi
+ # and the major difference is here.
+ ious = self.compute_iou_dt_gt(d, g, iscrowd)
+ return ious
+class RotatedCOCOEvaluator(COCOEvaluator):
+ """
+ Evaluate object proposal/instance detection outputs using COCO-like metrics and APIs,
+ with rotated boxes support.
+ Note: this uses IOU only and does not consider angle differences.
+ """
+ def process(self, inputs, outputs):
+ """
+ Args:
+ inputs: the inputs to a COCO model (e.g., GeneralizedRCNN).
+ It is a list of dict. Each dict corresponds to an image and
+ contains keys like "height", "width", "file_name", "image_id".
+ outputs: the outputs of a COCO model. It is a list of dicts with key
+ "instances" that contains :class:`Instances`.
+ """
+ for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
+ prediction = {"image_id": input["image_id"]}
+ if "instances" in output:
+ instances = output["instances"].to(self._cpu_device)
+ prediction["instances"] = self.instances_to_json(instances, input["image_id"])
+ if "proposals" in output:
+ prediction["proposals"] = output["proposals"].to(self._cpu_device)
+ self._predictions.append(prediction)
+ def instances_to_json(self, instances, img_id):
+ num_instance = len(instances)
+ if num_instance == 0:
+ return []
+ boxes = instances.pred_boxes.tensor.numpy()
+ if boxes.shape[1] == 4:
+ boxes = BoxMode.convert(boxes, BoxMode.XYXY_ABS, BoxMode.XYWH_ABS)
+ boxes = boxes.tolist()
+ scores = instances.scores.tolist()
+ classes = instances.pred_classes.tolist()
+ results = []
+ for k in range(num_instance):
+ result = {
+ "image_id": img_id,
+ "category_id": classes[k],
+ "bbox": boxes[k],
+ "score": scores[k],
+ }
+ results.append(result)
+ return results
+ def _eval_predictions(self, tasks, predictions):
+ """
+ Evaluate predictions on the given tasks.
+ Fill self._results with the metrics of the tasks.
+ """
+ self._logger.info("Preparing results for COCO format ...")
+ coco_results = list(itertools.chain(*[x["instances"] for x in predictions]))
+ # unmap the category ids for COCO
+ if hasattr(self._metadata, "thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id"):
+ reverse_id_mapping = {
+ v: k for k, v in self._metadata.thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id.items()
+ }
+ for result in coco_results:
+ result["category_id"] = reverse_id_mapping[result["category_id"]]
+ if self._output_dir:
+ file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "coco_instances_results.json")
+ self._logger.info("Saving results to {}".format(file_path))
+ with PathManager.open(file_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(coco_results))
+ f.flush()
+ if not self._do_evaluation:
+ self._logger.info("Annotations are not available for evaluation.")
+ return
+ self._logger.info("Evaluating predictions ...")
+ for task in sorted(tasks):
+ assert task == "bbox", "Task {} is not supported".format(task)
+ coco_eval = (
+ self._evaluate_predictions_on_coco(self._coco_api, coco_results)
+ if len(coco_results) > 0
+ else None # cocoapi does not handle empty results very well
+ )
+ res = self._derive_coco_results(
+ coco_eval, task, class_names=self._metadata.get("thing_classes")
+ )
+ self._results[task] = res
+ def _evaluate_predictions_on_coco(self, coco_gt, coco_results):
+ """
+ Evaluate the coco results using COCOEval API.
+ """
+ assert len(coco_results) > 0
+ coco_dt = coco_gt.loadRes(coco_results)
+ # Only bbox is supported for now
+ coco_eval = RotatedCOCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iouType="bbox")
+ coco_eval.evaluate()
+ coco_eval.accumulate()
+ coco_eval.summarize()
+ return coco_eval
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/sem_seg_evaluation.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/sem_seg_evaluation.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb3b28d79284a5eeb335fc8ee8d859b4e46510ef
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+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/sem_seg_evaluation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import itertools
+import json
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import os
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import PIL.Image as Image
+import pycocotools.mask as mask_util
+import torch
+from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
+from detectron2.data import DatasetCatalog, MetadataCatalog
+from detectron2.utils.comm import all_gather, is_main_process, synchronize
+from .evaluator import DatasetEvaluator
+class SemSegEvaluator(DatasetEvaluator):
+ """
+ Evaluate semantic segmentation
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dataset_name, distributed, num_classes, ignore_label=255, output_dir=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ dataset_name (str): name of the dataset to be evaluated.
+ distributed (True): if True, will collect results from all ranks for evaluation.
+ Otherwise, will evaluate the results in the current process.
+ num_classes (int): number of classes
+ ignore_label (int): value in semantic segmentation ground truth. Predictions for the
+ corresponding pixels should be ignored.
+ output_dir (str): an output directory to dump results.
+ """
+ self._dataset_name = dataset_name
+ self._distributed = distributed
+ self._output_dir = output_dir
+ self._num_classes = num_classes
+ self._ignore_label = ignore_label
+ self._N = num_classes + 1
+ self._cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
+ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ self.input_file_to_gt_file = {
+ dataset_record["file_name"]: dataset_record["sem_seg_file_name"]
+ for dataset_record in DatasetCatalog.get(dataset_name)
+ }
+ meta = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name)
+ # Dict that maps contiguous training ids to COCO category ids
+ try:
+ c2d = meta.stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id
+ self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id = {v: k for k, v in c2d.items()}
+ except AttributeError:
+ self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id = None
+ self._class_names = meta.stuff_classes
+ def reset(self):
+ self._conf_matrix = np.zeros((self._N, self._N), dtype=np.int64)
+ self._predictions = []
+ def process(self, inputs, outputs):
+ """
+ Args:
+ inputs: the inputs to a model.
+ It is a list of dicts. Each dict corresponds to an image and
+ contains keys like "height", "width", "file_name".
+ outputs: the outputs of a model. It is either list of semantic segmentation predictions
+ (Tensor [H, W]) or list of dicts with key "sem_seg" that contains semantic
+ segmentation prediction in the same format.
+ """
+ for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
+ output = output["sem_seg"].argmax(dim=0).to(self._cpu_device)
+ pred = np.array(output, dtype=np.int)
+ with PathManager.open(self.input_file_to_gt_file[input["file_name"]], "rb") as f:
+ gt = np.array(Image.open(f), dtype=np.int)
+ gt[gt == self._ignore_label] = self._num_classes
+ self._conf_matrix += np.bincount(
+ self._N * pred.reshape(-1) + gt.reshape(-1), minlength=self._N ** 2
+ ).reshape(self._N, self._N)
+ self._predictions.extend(self.encode_json_sem_seg(pred, input["file_name"]))
+ def evaluate(self):
+ """
+ Evaluates standard semantic segmentation metrics (http://cocodataset.org/#stuff-eval):
+ * Mean intersection-over-union averaged across classes (mIoU)
+ * Frequency Weighted IoU (fwIoU)
+ * Mean pixel accuracy averaged across classes (mACC)
+ * Pixel Accuracy (pACC)
+ """
+ if self._distributed:
+ synchronize()
+ conf_matrix_list = all_gather(self._conf_matrix)
+ self._predictions = all_gather(self._predictions)
+ self._predictions = list(itertools.chain(*self._predictions))
+ if not is_main_process():
+ return
+ self._conf_matrix = np.zeros_like(self._conf_matrix)
+ for conf_matrix in conf_matrix_list:
+ self._conf_matrix += conf_matrix
+ if self._output_dir:
+ PathManager.mkdirs(self._output_dir)
+ file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "sem_seg_predictions.json")
+ with PathManager.open(file_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(self._predictions))
+ acc = np.full(self._num_classes, np.nan, dtype=np.float)
+ iou = np.full(self._num_classes, np.nan, dtype=np.float)
+ tp = self._conf_matrix.diagonal()[:-1].astype(np.float)
+ pos_gt = np.sum(self._conf_matrix[:-1, :-1], axis=0).astype(np.float)
+ class_weights = pos_gt / np.sum(pos_gt)
+ pos_pred = np.sum(self._conf_matrix[:-1, :-1], axis=1).astype(np.float)
+ acc_valid = pos_gt > 0
+ acc[acc_valid] = tp[acc_valid] / pos_gt[acc_valid]
+ iou_valid = (pos_gt + pos_pred) > 0
+ union = pos_gt + pos_pred - tp
+ iou[acc_valid] = tp[acc_valid] / union[acc_valid]
+ macc = np.sum(acc[acc_valid]) / np.sum(acc_valid)
+ miou = np.sum(iou[acc_valid]) / np.sum(iou_valid)
+ fiou = np.sum(iou[acc_valid] * class_weights[acc_valid])
+ pacc = np.sum(tp) / np.sum(pos_gt)
+ res = {}
+ res["mIoU"] = 100 * miou
+ res["fwIoU"] = 100 * fiou
+ for i, name in enumerate(self._class_names):
+ res["IoU-{}".format(name)] = 100 * iou[i]
+ res["mACC"] = 100 * macc
+ res["pACC"] = 100 * pacc
+ for i, name in enumerate(self._class_names):
+ res["ACC-{}".format(name)] = 100 * acc[i]
+ if self._output_dir:
+ file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "sem_seg_evaluation.pth")
+ with PathManager.open(file_path, "wb") as f:
+ torch.save(res, f)
+ results = OrderedDict({"sem_seg": res})
+ self._logger.info(results)
+ return results
+ def encode_json_sem_seg(self, sem_seg, input_file_name):
+ """
+ Convert semantic segmentation to COCO stuff format with segments encoded as RLEs.
+ See http://cocodataset.org/#format-results
+ """
+ json_list = []
+ for label in np.unique(sem_seg):
+ if self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id is not None:
+ assert (
+ label in self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id
+ ), "Label {} is not in the metadata info for {}".format(label, self._dataset_name)
+ dataset_id = self._contiguous_id_to_dataset_id[label]
+ else:
+ dataset_id = int(label)
+ mask = (sem_seg == label).astype(np.uint8)
+ mask_rle = mask_util.encode(np.array(mask[:, :, None], order="F"))[0]
+ mask_rle["counts"] = mask_rle["counts"].decode("utf-8")
+ json_list.append(
+ {"file_name": input_file_name, "category_id": dataset_id, "segmentation": mask_rle}
+ )
+ return json_list
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/testing.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/testing.py
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+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/evaluation/testing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import pprint
+import sys
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from collections.abc import Mapping
+def print_csv_format(results):
+ """
+ Print main metrics in a format similar to Detectron,
+ so that they are easy to copypaste into a spreadsheet.
+ Args:
+ results (OrderedDict[dict]): task_name -> {metric -> score}
+ """
+ assert isinstance(results, OrderedDict), results # unordered results cannot be properly printed
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ for task, res in results.items():
+ # Don't print "AP-category" metrics since they are usually not tracked.
+ important_res = [(k, v) for k, v in res.items() if "-" not in k]
+ logger.info("copypaste: Task: {}".format(task))
+ logger.info("copypaste: " + ",".join([k[0] for k in important_res]))
+ logger.info("copypaste: " + ",".join(["{0:.4f}".format(k[1]) for k in important_res]))
+def verify_results(cfg, results):
+ """
+ Args:
+ results (OrderedDict[dict]): task_name -> {metric -> score}
+ Returns:
+ bool: whether the verification succeeds or not
+ """
+ expected_results = cfg.TEST.EXPECTED_RESULTS
+ if not len(expected_results):
+ return True
+ ok = True
+ for task, metric, expected, tolerance in expected_results:
+ actual = results[task][metric]
+ if not np.isfinite(actual):
+ ok = False
+ diff = abs(actual - expected)
+ if diff > tolerance:
+ ok = False
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ if not ok:
+ logger.error("Result verification failed!")
+ logger.error("Expected Results: " + str(expected_results))
+ logger.error("Actual Results: " + pprint.pformat(results))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ logger.info("Results verification passed.")
+ return ok
+def flatten_results_dict(results):
+ """
+ Expand a hierarchical dict of scalars into a flat dict of scalars.
+ If results[k1][k2][k3] = v, the returned dict will have the entry
+ {"k1/k2/k3": v}.
+ Args:
+ results (dict):
+ """
+ r = {}
+ for k, v in results.items():
+ if isinstance(v, Mapping):
+ v = flatten_results_dict(v)
+ for kk, vv in v.items():
+ r[k + "/" + kk] = vv
+ else:
+ r[k] = v
+ return r
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/README.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/README.md
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+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+This directory contains code to prepare a detectron2 model for deployment.
+Currently it supports exporting a detectron2 model to Caffe2 format through ONNX.
+Please see [documentation](https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/tutorials/deployment.html) for its usage.
+### Acknowledgements
+Thanks to Mobile Vision team at Facebook for developing the conversion tools.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/__init__.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/__init__.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from .api import *
+__all__ = [k for k in globals().keys() if not k.startswith("_")]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/api.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/api.py
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+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
+import copy
+import logging
+import os
+import torch
+from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2
+from torch import nn
+from detectron2.config import CfgNode as CN
+from .caffe2_export import export_caffe2_detection_model
+from .caffe2_export import export_onnx_model as export_onnx_model_impl
+from .caffe2_export import run_and_save_graph
+from .caffe2_inference import ProtobufDetectionModel
+from .caffe2_modeling import META_ARCH_CAFFE2_EXPORT_TYPE_MAP, convert_batched_inputs_to_c2_format
+from .shared import get_pb_arg_vali, get_pb_arg_vals, save_graph
+__all__ = [
+ "add_export_config",
+ "export_caffe2_model",
+ "Caffe2Model",
+ "export_onnx_model",
+ "Caffe2Tracer",
+def add_export_config(cfg):
+ """
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode): a detectron2 config
+ Returns:
+ CfgNode: an updated config with new options that will be used
+ by :class:`Caffe2Tracer`.
+ """
+ is_frozen = cfg.is_frozen()
+ cfg.defrost()
+ cfg.EXPORT_CAFFE2 = CN()
+ if is_frozen:
+ cfg.freeze()
+ return cfg
+class Caffe2Tracer:
+ """
+ Make a detectron2 model traceable with caffe2 style.
+ An original detectron2 model may not be traceable, or
+ cannot be deployed directly after being traced, due to some reasons:
+ 1. control flow in some ops
+ 2. custom ops
+ 3. complicated pre/post processing
+ This class provides a traceable version of a detectron2 model by:
+ 1. Rewrite parts of the model using ops in caffe2. Note that some ops do
+ not have GPU implementation.
+ 2. Define the inputs "after pre-processing" as inputs to the model
+ 3. Remove post-processing and produce raw layer outputs
+ More specifically about inputs: all builtin models take two input tensors.
+ (1) NCHW float "data" which is an image (usually in [0, 255])
+ (2) Nx3 float "im_info", each row of which is (height, width, 1.0)
+ After making a traceable model, the class provide methods to export such a
+ model to different deployment formats.
+ The class currently only supports models using builtin meta architectures.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cfg, model, inputs):
+ """
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode): a detectron2 config, with extra export-related options
+ added by :func:`add_export_config`.
+ model (nn.Module): a model built by
+ :func:`detectron2.modeling.build_model`.
+ inputs: sample inputs that the given model takes for inference.
+ Will be used to trace the model.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(cfg, CN), cfg
+ assert isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module), type(model)
+ if "EXPORT_CAFFE2" not in cfg:
+ cfg = add_export_config(cfg) # will just the defaults
+ self.cfg = cfg
+ self.model = model
+ self.inputs = inputs
+ def _get_traceable(self):
+ # TODO how to make it extensible to support custom models
+ traceable_model = C2MetaArch(self.cfg, copy.deepcopy(self.model))
+ traceable_inputs = traceable_model.get_caffe2_inputs(self.inputs)
+ return traceable_model, traceable_inputs
+ def export_caffe2(self):
+ """
+ Export the model to Caffe2's protobuf format.
+ The returned object can be saved with `.save_protobuf()` method.
+ The result can be loaded and executed using Caffe2 runtime.
+ Returns:
+ Caffe2Model
+ """
+ model, inputs = self._get_traceable()
+ predict_net, init_net = export_caffe2_detection_model(model, inputs)
+ return Caffe2Model(predict_net, init_net)
+ def export_onnx(self):
+ """
+ Export the model to ONNX format.
+ Note that the exported model contains custom ops only available in caffe2, therefore it
+ cannot be directly executed by other runtime. Post-processing or transformation passes
+ may be applied on the model to accommodate different runtimes.
+ Returns:
+ onnx.ModelProto: an onnx model.
+ """
+ model, inputs = self._get_traceable()
+ return export_onnx_model_impl(model, (inputs,))
+ def export_torchscript(self):
+ """
+ Export the model to a `torch.jit.TracedModule` by tracing.
+ The returned object can be saved to a file by ".save()".
+ Returns:
+ torch.jit.TracedModule: a torch TracedModule
+ """
+ model, inputs = self._get_traceable()
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.info("Tracing the model with torch.jit.trace ...")
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ return torch.jit.trace(model, (inputs,), optimize=True)
+def export_caffe2_model(cfg, model, inputs):
+ """
+ Export a detectron2 model to caffe2 format.
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode): a detectron2 config, with extra export-related options
+ added by :func:`add_export_config`.
+ model (nn.Module): a model built by
+ :func:`detectron2.modeling.build_model`.
+ It will be modified by this function.
+ inputs: sample inputs that the given model takes for inference.
+ Will be used to trace the model.
+ Returns:
+ Caffe2Model
+ """
+ return Caffe2Tracer(cfg, model, inputs).export_caffe2()
+def export_onnx_model(cfg, model, inputs):
+ """
+ Export a detectron2 model to ONNX format.
+ Note that the exported model contains custom ops only available in caffe2, therefore it
+ cannot be directly executed by other runtime. Post-processing or transformation passes
+ may be applied on the model to accommodate different runtimes.
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode): a detectron2 config, with extra export-related options
+ added by :func:`add_export_config`.
+ model (nn.Module): a model built by
+ :func:`detectron2.modeling.build_model`.
+ It will be modified by this function.
+ inputs: sample inputs that the given model takes for inference.
+ Will be used to trace the model.
+ Returns:
+ onnx.ModelProto: an onnx model.
+ """
+ return Caffe2Tracer(cfg, model, inputs).export_onnx()
+class Caffe2Model(nn.Module):
+ """
+ A wrapper around the traced model in caffe2's pb format.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, predict_net, init_net):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.eval() # always in eval mode
+ self._predict_net = predict_net
+ self._init_net = init_net
+ self._predictor = None
+ @property
+ def predict_net(self):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ core.Net: the underlying caffe2 predict net
+ """
+ return self._predict_net
+ @property
+ def init_net(self):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ core.Net: the underlying caffe2 init net
+ """
+ return self._init_net
+ __init__.__HIDE_SPHINX_DOC__ = True
+ def save_protobuf(self, output_dir):
+ """
+ Save the model as caffe2's protobuf format.
+ Args:
+ output_dir (str): the output directory to save protobuf files.
+ """
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.info("Saving model to {} ...".format(output_dir))
+ os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "model.pb"), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(self._predict_net.SerializeToString())
+ with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "model.pbtxt"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(str(self._predict_net))
+ with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "model_init.pb"), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(self._init_net.SerializeToString())
+ def save_graph(self, output_file, inputs=None):
+ """
+ Save the graph as SVG format.
+ Args:
+ output_file (str): a SVG file
+ inputs: optional inputs given to the model.
+ If given, the inputs will be used to run the graph to record
+ shape of every tensor. The shape information will be
+ saved together with the graph.
+ """
+ if inputs is None:
+ save_graph(self._predict_net, output_file, op_only=False)
+ else:
+ size_divisibility = get_pb_arg_vali(self._predict_net, "size_divisibility", 0)
+ device = get_pb_arg_vals(self._predict_net, "device", b"cpu").decode("ascii")
+ inputs = convert_batched_inputs_to_c2_format(inputs, size_divisibility, device)
+ inputs = [x.cpu().numpy() for x in inputs]
+ run_and_save_graph(self._predict_net, self._init_net, inputs, output_file)
+ @staticmethod
+ def load_protobuf(dir):
+ """
+ Args:
+ dir (str): a directory used to save Caffe2Model with
+ :meth:`save_protobuf`.
+ The files "model.pb" and "model_init.pb" are needed.
+ Returns:
+ Caffe2Model: the caffe2 model loaded from this directory.
+ """
+ predict_net = caffe2_pb2.NetDef()
+ with open(os.path.join(dir, "model.pb"), "rb") as f:
+ predict_net.ParseFromString(f.read())
+ init_net = caffe2_pb2.NetDef()
+ with open(os.path.join(dir, "model_init.pb"), "rb") as f:
+ init_net.ParseFromString(f.read())
+ return Caffe2Model(predict_net, init_net)
+ def __call__(self, inputs):
+ """
+ An interface that wraps around a caffe2 model and mimics detectron2's models'
+ input & output format. This is used to compare the outputs of caffe2 model
+ with its original torch model.
+ Due to the extra conversion between torch/caffe2,
+ this method is not meant for benchmark.
+ """
+ if self._predictor is None:
+ self._predictor = ProtobufDetectionModel(self._predict_net, self._init_net)
+ return self._predictor(inputs)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/c10.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/c10.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e3cbe3ce94d0c56596c645b8c85592ed5d31fe1
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+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/c10.py
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
+import math
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from detectron2.layers import cat
+from detectron2.layers.roi_align_rotated import ROIAlignRotated
+from detectron2.modeling import poolers
+from detectron2.modeling.proposal_generator import rpn
+from detectron2.modeling.roi_heads.mask_head import mask_rcnn_inference
+from detectron2.structures import Boxes, ImageList, Instances, Keypoints
+from .shared import alias, to_device
+This file contains caffe2-compatible implementation of several detectrno2 components.
+class Caffe2Boxes(Boxes):
+ """
+ Representing a list of detectron2.structures.Boxes from minibatch, each box
+ is represented by a 5d vector (batch index + 4 coordinates), or a 6d vector
+ (batch index + 5 coordinates) for RotatedBoxes.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, tensor):
+ assert isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor)
+ assert tensor.dim() == 2 and tensor.size(-1) in [4, 5, 6], tensor.size()
+ # TODO: make tensor immutable when dim is Nx5 for Boxes,
+ # and Nx6 for RotatedBoxes?
+ self.tensor = tensor
+# TODO clean up this class, maybe just extend Instances
+class InstancesList(object):
+ """
+ Tensor representation of a list of Instances object for a batch of images.
+ When dealing with a batch of images with Caffe2 ops, a list of bboxes
+ (instances) are usually represented by single Tensor with size
+ (sigma(Ni), 5) or (sigma(Ni), 4) plus a batch split Tensor. This class is
+ for providing common functions to convert between these two representations.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, im_info, indices, extra_fields=None):
+ # [N, 3] -> (H, W, Scale)
+ self.im_info = im_info
+ # [N,] -> indice of batch to which the instance belongs
+ self.indices = indices
+ # [N, ...]
+ self.batch_extra_fields = extra_fields or {}
+ self.image_size = self.im_info
+ def get_fields(self):
+ """ like `get_fields` in the Instances object,
+ but return each field in tensor representations """
+ ret = {}
+ for k, v in self.batch_extra_fields.items():
+ # if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor):
+ # tensor_rep = v
+ # elif isinstance(v, (Boxes, Keypoints)):
+ # tensor_rep = v.tensor
+ # else:
+ # raise ValueError("Can't find tensor representation for: {}".format())
+ ret[k] = v
+ return ret
+ def has(self, name):
+ return name in self.batch_extra_fields
+ def set(self, name, value):
+ data_len = len(value)
+ if len(self.batch_extra_fields):
+ assert (
+ len(self) == data_len
+ ), "Adding a field of length {} to a Instances of length {}".format(data_len, len(self))
+ self.batch_extra_fields[name] = value
+ def __setattr__(self, name, val):
+ if name in ["im_info", "indices", "batch_extra_fields", "image_size"]:
+ super().__setattr__(name, val)
+ else:
+ self.set(name, val)
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name not in self.batch_extra_fields:
+ raise AttributeError("Cannot find field '{}' in the given Instances!".format(name))
+ return self.batch_extra_fields[name]
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.indices)
+ def flatten(self):
+ ret = []
+ for _, v in self.batch_extra_fields.items():
+ if isinstance(v, (Boxes, Keypoints)):
+ ret.append(v.tensor)
+ else:
+ ret.append(v)
+ return ret
+ @staticmethod
+ def to_d2_instances_list(instances_list):
+ """
+ Convert InstancesList to List[Instances]. The input `instances_list` can
+ also be a List[Instances], in this case this method is a non-op.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(instances_list, InstancesList):
+ assert all(isinstance(x, Instances) for x in instances_list)
+ return instances_list
+ ret = []
+ for i, info in enumerate(instances_list.im_info):
+ instances = Instances(torch.Size([int(info[0].item()), int(info[1].item())]))
+ ids = instances_list.indices == i
+ for k, v in instances_list.batch_extra_fields.items():
+ if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor):
+ instances.set(k, v[ids])
+ continue
+ elif isinstance(v, Boxes):
+ instances.set(k, v[ids, -4:])
+ continue
+ target_type, tensor_source = v
+ assert isinstance(tensor_source, torch.Tensor)
+ assert tensor_source.shape[0] == instances_list.indices.shape[0]
+ tensor_source = tensor_source[ids]
+ if issubclass(target_type, Boxes):
+ instances.set(k, Boxes(tensor_source[:, -4:]))
+ elif issubclass(target_type, Keypoints):
+ instances.set(k, Keypoints(tensor_source))
+ elif issubclass(target_type, torch.Tensor):
+ instances.set(k, tensor_source)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Can't handle targe type: {}".format(target_type))
+ ret.append(instances)
+ return ret
+class Caffe2Compatible(object):
+ def _get_tensor_mode(self):
+ return self._tensor_mode
+ def _set_tensor_mode(self, v):
+ self._tensor_mode = v
+ tensor_mode = property(_get_tensor_mode, _set_tensor_mode)
+ """
+ If true, the model expects C2-style tensor only inputs/outputs format.
+ """
+class Caffe2RPN(Caffe2Compatible, rpn.RPN):
+ def forward(self, images, features, gt_instances=None):
+ assert not self.training
+ features = [features[f] for f in self.in_features]
+ objectness_logits_pred, anchor_deltas_pred = self.rpn_head(features)
+ assert isinstance(images, ImageList)
+ if self.tensor_mode:
+ im_info = images.image_sizes
+ else:
+ im_info = torch.Tensor(
+ [[im_sz[0], im_sz[1], torch.Tensor([1.0])] for im_sz in images.image_sizes]
+ ).to(images.tensor.device)
+ assert isinstance(im_info, torch.Tensor)
+ rpn_rois_list = []
+ rpn_roi_probs_list = []
+ for scores, bbox_deltas, cell_anchors_tensor, feat_stride in zip(
+ objectness_logits_pred,
+ anchor_deltas_pred,
+ iter(self.anchor_generator.cell_anchors),
+ self.anchor_generator.strides,
+ ):
+ scores = scores.detach()
+ bbox_deltas = bbox_deltas.detach()
+ rpn_rois, rpn_roi_probs = torch.ops._caffe2.GenerateProposals(
+ scores,
+ bbox_deltas,
+ im_info,
+ cell_anchors_tensor,
+ spatial_scale=1.0 / feat_stride,
+ pre_nms_topN=self.pre_nms_topk[self.training],
+ post_nms_topN=self.post_nms_topk[self.training],
+ nms_thresh=self.nms_thresh,
+ min_size=self.min_box_side_len,
+ # correct_transform_coords=True, # deprecated argument
+ angle_bound_on=True, # Default
+ angle_bound_lo=-180,
+ angle_bound_hi=180,
+ clip_angle_thresh=1.0, # Default
+ legacy_plus_one=False,
+ )
+ rpn_rois_list.append(rpn_rois)
+ rpn_roi_probs_list.append(rpn_roi_probs)
+ # For FPN in D2, in RPN all proposals from different levels are concated
+ # together, ranked and picked by top post_nms_topk. Then in ROIPooler
+ # it calculates level_assignments and calls the RoIAlign from
+ # the corresponding level.
+ if len(objectness_logits_pred) == 1:
+ rpn_rois = rpn_rois_list[0]
+ rpn_roi_probs = rpn_roi_probs_list[0]
+ else:
+ assert len(rpn_rois_list) == len(rpn_roi_probs_list)
+ rpn_post_nms_topN = self.post_nms_topk[self.training]
+ device = rpn_rois_list[0].device
+ input_list = [to_device(x, "cpu") for x in (rpn_rois_list + rpn_roi_probs_list)]
+ # TODO remove this after confirming rpn_max_level/rpn_min_level
+ # is not needed in CollectRpnProposals.
+ feature_strides = list(self.anchor_generator.strides)
+ rpn_min_level = int(math.log2(feature_strides[0]))
+ rpn_max_level = int(math.log2(feature_strides[-1]))
+ assert (rpn_max_level - rpn_min_level + 1) == len(
+ rpn_rois_list
+ ), "CollectRpnProposals requires continuous levels"
+ rpn_rois = torch.ops._caffe2.CollectRpnProposals(
+ input_list,
+ # NOTE: in current implementation, rpn_max_level and rpn_min_level
+ # are not needed, only the subtraction of two matters and it
+ # can be infer from the number of inputs. Keep them now for
+ # consistency.
+ rpn_max_level=2 + len(rpn_rois_list) - 1,
+ rpn_min_level=2,
+ rpn_post_nms_topN=rpn_post_nms_topN,
+ )
+ rpn_rois = to_device(rpn_rois, device)
+ rpn_roi_probs = []
+ proposals = self.c2_postprocess(im_info, rpn_rois, rpn_roi_probs, self.tensor_mode)
+ return proposals, {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def c2_postprocess(im_info, rpn_rois, rpn_roi_probs, tensor_mode):
+ proposals = InstancesList(
+ im_info=im_info,
+ indices=rpn_rois[:, 0],
+ extra_fields={
+ "proposal_boxes": Caffe2Boxes(rpn_rois),
+ "objectness_logits": (torch.Tensor, rpn_roi_probs),
+ },
+ )
+ if not tensor_mode:
+ proposals = InstancesList.to_d2_instances_list(proposals)
+ else:
+ proposals = [proposals]
+ return proposals
+class Caffe2ROIPooler(Caffe2Compatible, poolers.ROIPooler):
+ @staticmethod
+ def c2_preprocess(box_lists):
+ assert all(isinstance(x, Boxes) for x in box_lists)
+ if all(isinstance(x, Caffe2Boxes) for x in box_lists):
+ # input is pure-tensor based
+ assert len(box_lists) == 1
+ pooler_fmt_boxes = box_lists[0].tensor
+ else:
+ pooler_fmt_boxes = poolers.convert_boxes_to_pooler_format(box_lists)
+ return pooler_fmt_boxes
+ def forward(self, x, box_lists):
+ assert not self.training
+ pooler_fmt_boxes = self.c2_preprocess(box_lists)
+ num_level_assignments = len(self.level_poolers)
+ if num_level_assignments == 1:
+ if isinstance(self.level_poolers[0], ROIAlignRotated):
+ c2_roi_align = torch.ops._caffe2.RoIAlignRotated
+ aligned = True
+ else:
+ c2_roi_align = torch.ops._caffe2.RoIAlign
+ aligned = self.level_poolers[0].aligned
+ out = c2_roi_align(
+ x[0],
+ pooler_fmt_boxes,
+ order="NCHW",
+ spatial_scale=float(self.level_poolers[0].spatial_scale),
+ pooled_h=int(self.output_size[0]),
+ pooled_w=int(self.output_size[1]),
+ sampling_ratio=int(self.level_poolers[0].sampling_ratio),
+ aligned=aligned,
+ )
+ return out
+ device = pooler_fmt_boxes.device
+ assert (
+ self.max_level - self.min_level + 1 == 4
+ ), "Currently DistributeFpnProposals only support 4 levels"
+ fpn_outputs = torch.ops._caffe2.DistributeFpnProposals(
+ to_device(pooler_fmt_boxes, "cpu"),
+ roi_canonical_scale=self.canonical_box_size,
+ roi_canonical_level=self.canonical_level,
+ roi_max_level=self.max_level,
+ roi_min_level=self.min_level,
+ legacy_plus_one=False,
+ )
+ fpn_outputs = [to_device(x, device) for x in fpn_outputs]
+ rois_fpn_list = fpn_outputs[:-1]
+ rois_idx_restore_int32 = fpn_outputs[-1]
+ roi_feat_fpn_list = []
+ for roi_fpn, x_level, pooler in zip(rois_fpn_list, x, self.level_poolers):
+ if isinstance(pooler, ROIAlignRotated):
+ c2_roi_align = torch.ops._caffe2.RoIAlignRotated
+ aligned = True
+ else:
+ c2_roi_align = torch.ops._caffe2.RoIAlign
+ aligned = bool(pooler.aligned)
+ roi_feat_fpn = c2_roi_align(
+ x_level,
+ roi_fpn,
+ order="NCHW",
+ spatial_scale=float(pooler.spatial_scale),
+ pooled_h=int(self.output_size[0]),
+ pooled_w=int(self.output_size[1]),
+ sampling_ratio=int(pooler.sampling_ratio),
+ aligned=aligned,
+ )
+ roi_feat_fpn_list.append(roi_feat_fpn)
+ roi_feat_shuffled = cat(roi_feat_fpn_list, dim=0)
+ roi_feat = torch.ops._caffe2.BatchPermutation(roi_feat_shuffled, rois_idx_restore_int32)
+ return roi_feat
+class Caffe2FastRCNNOutputsInference:
+ def __init__(self, tensor_mode):
+ self.tensor_mode = tensor_mode # whether the output is caffe2 tensor mode
+ def __call__(self, box_predictor, predictions, proposals):
+ """ equivalent to FastRCNNOutputLayers.inference """
+ score_thresh = box_predictor.test_score_thresh
+ nms_thresh = box_predictor.test_nms_thresh
+ topk_per_image = box_predictor.test_topk_per_image
+ is_rotated = len(box_predictor.box2box_transform.weights) == 5
+ if is_rotated:
+ box_dim = 5
+ assert box_predictor.box2box_transform.weights[4] == 1, (
+ "The weights for Rotated BBoxTransform in C2 have only 4 dimensions,"
+ + " thus enforcing the angle weight to be 1 for now"
+ )
+ box2box_transform_weights = box_predictor.box2box_transform.weights[:4]
+ else:
+ box_dim = 4
+ box2box_transform_weights = box_predictor.box2box_transform.weights
+ class_logits, box_regression = predictions
+ class_prob = F.softmax(class_logits, -1)
+ assert box_regression.shape[1] % box_dim == 0
+ cls_agnostic_bbox_reg = box_regression.shape[1] // box_dim == 1
+ input_tensor_mode = proposals[0].proposal_boxes.tensor.shape[1] == box_dim + 1
+ rois = type(proposals[0].proposal_boxes).cat([p.proposal_boxes for p in proposals])
+ device, dtype = rois.tensor.device, rois.tensor.dtype
+ if input_tensor_mode:
+ im_info = proposals[0].image_size
+ rois = rois.tensor
+ else:
+ im_info = torch.Tensor(
+ [[sz[0], sz[1], 1.0] for sz in [x.image_size for x in proposals]]
+ )
+ batch_ids = cat(
+ [
+ torch.full((b, 1), i, dtype=dtype, device=device)
+ for i, b in enumerate(len(p) for p in proposals)
+ ],
+ dim=0,
+ )
+ rois = torch.cat([batch_ids, rois.tensor], dim=1)
+ roi_pred_bbox, roi_batch_splits = torch.ops._caffe2.BBoxTransform(
+ to_device(rois, "cpu"),
+ to_device(box_regression, "cpu"),
+ to_device(im_info, "cpu"),
+ weights=box2box_transform_weights,
+ apply_scale=True,
+ rotated=is_rotated,
+ angle_bound_on=True,
+ angle_bound_lo=-180,
+ angle_bound_hi=180,
+ clip_angle_thresh=1.0,
+ legacy_plus_one=False,
+ )
+ roi_pred_bbox = to_device(roi_pred_bbox, device)
+ roi_batch_splits = to_device(roi_batch_splits, device)
+ nms_outputs = torch.ops._caffe2.BoxWithNMSLimit(
+ to_device(class_prob, "cpu"),
+ to_device(roi_pred_bbox, "cpu"),
+ to_device(roi_batch_splits, "cpu"),
+ score_thresh=float(score_thresh),
+ nms=float(nms_thresh),
+ detections_per_im=int(topk_per_image),
+ soft_nms_enabled=False,
+ soft_nms_method="linear",
+ soft_nms_sigma=0.5,
+ soft_nms_min_score_thres=0.001,
+ rotated=is_rotated,
+ cls_agnostic_bbox_reg=cls_agnostic_bbox_reg,
+ input_boxes_include_bg_cls=False,
+ output_classes_include_bg_cls=False,
+ legacy_plus_one=False,
+ )
+ roi_score_nms = to_device(nms_outputs[0], device)
+ roi_bbox_nms = to_device(nms_outputs[1], device)
+ roi_class_nms = to_device(nms_outputs[2], device)
+ roi_batch_splits_nms = to_device(nms_outputs[3], device)
+ roi_keeps_nms = to_device(nms_outputs[4], device)
+ roi_keeps_size_nms = to_device(nms_outputs[5], device)
+ if not self.tensor_mode:
+ roi_class_nms = roi_class_nms.to(torch.int64)
+ roi_batch_ids = cat(
+ [
+ torch.full((b, 1), i, dtype=dtype, device=device)
+ for i, b in enumerate(int(x.item()) for x in roi_batch_splits_nms)
+ ],
+ dim=0,
+ )
+ roi_class_nms = alias(roi_class_nms, "class_nms")
+ roi_score_nms = alias(roi_score_nms, "score_nms")
+ roi_bbox_nms = alias(roi_bbox_nms, "bbox_nms")
+ roi_batch_splits_nms = alias(roi_batch_splits_nms, "batch_splits_nms")
+ roi_keeps_nms = alias(roi_keeps_nms, "keeps_nms")
+ roi_keeps_size_nms = alias(roi_keeps_size_nms, "keeps_size_nms")
+ results = InstancesList(
+ im_info=im_info,
+ indices=roi_batch_ids[:, 0],
+ extra_fields={
+ "pred_boxes": Caffe2Boxes(roi_bbox_nms),
+ "scores": roi_score_nms,
+ "pred_classes": roi_class_nms,
+ },
+ )
+ if not self.tensor_mode:
+ results = InstancesList.to_d2_instances_list(results)
+ batch_splits = roi_batch_splits_nms.int().tolist()
+ kept_indices = list(roi_keeps_nms.to(torch.int64).split(batch_splits))
+ else:
+ results = [results]
+ kept_indices = [roi_keeps_nms]
+ return results, kept_indices
+class Caffe2MaskRCNNInference:
+ def __call__(self, pred_mask_logits, pred_instances):
+ """ equivalent to mask_head.mask_rcnn_inference """
+ if all(isinstance(x, InstancesList) for x in pred_instances):
+ assert len(pred_instances) == 1
+ mask_probs_pred = pred_mask_logits.sigmoid()
+ mask_probs_pred = alias(mask_probs_pred, "mask_fcn_probs")
+ pred_instances[0].pred_masks = mask_probs_pred
+ else:
+ mask_rcnn_inference(pred_mask_logits, pred_instances)
+class Caffe2KeypointRCNNInference:
+ def __init__(self, use_heatmap_max_keypoint):
+ self.use_heatmap_max_keypoint = use_heatmap_max_keypoint
+ def __call__(self, pred_keypoint_logits, pred_instances):
+ # just return the keypoint heatmap for now,
+ # there will be option to call HeatmapMaxKeypointOp
+ output = alias(pred_keypoint_logits, "kps_score")
+ if all(isinstance(x, InstancesList) for x in pred_instances):
+ assert len(pred_instances) == 1
+ if self.use_heatmap_max_keypoint:
+ device = output.device
+ output = torch.ops._caffe2.HeatmapMaxKeypoint(
+ to_device(output, "cpu"),
+ pred_instances[0].pred_boxes.tensor,
+ should_output_softmax=True, # worth make it configerable?
+ )
+ output = to_device(output, device)
+ output = alias(output, "keypoints_out")
+ pred_instances[0].pred_keypoints = output
+ return pred_keypoint_logits
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/caffe2_export.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/caffe2_export.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ccac809d7bf49ab144b5f0a34f57e00c3534ad60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/caffe2_export.py
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import copy
+import io
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+from typing import List
+import onnx
+import torch
+from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2
+from caffe2.python import core
+from caffe2.python.onnx.backend import Caffe2Backend
+from tabulate import tabulate
+from termcolor import colored
+from torch.onnx import OperatorExportTypes
+from .shared import (
+ ScopedWS,
+ construct_init_net_from_params,
+ fuse_alias_placeholder,
+ fuse_copy_between_cpu_and_gpu,
+ get_params_from_init_net,
+ group_norm_replace_aten_with_caffe2,
+ infer_device_type,
+ remove_dead_end_ops,
+ remove_reshape_for_fc,
+ save_graph,
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def export_onnx_model(model, inputs):
+ """
+ Trace and export a model to onnx format.
+ Args:
+ model (nn.Module):
+ inputs (tuple[args]): the model will be called by `model(*inputs)`
+ Returns:
+ an onnx model
+ """
+ assert isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module)
+ # make sure all modules are in eval mode, onnx may change the training state
+ # of the module if the states are not consistent
+ def _check_eval(module):
+ assert not module.training
+ model.apply(_check_eval)
+ # Export the model to ONNX
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ with io.BytesIO() as f:
+ torch.onnx.export(
+ model,
+ inputs,
+ f,
+ operator_export_type=OperatorExportTypes.ONNX_ATEN_FALLBACK,
+ # verbose=True, # NOTE: uncomment this for debugging
+ # export_params=True,
+ )
+ onnx_model = onnx.load_from_string(f.getvalue())
+ # Apply ONNX's Optimization
+ all_passes = onnx.optimizer.get_available_passes()
+ passes = ["fuse_bn_into_conv"]
+ assert all(p in all_passes for p in passes)
+ onnx_model = onnx.optimizer.optimize(onnx_model, passes)
+ return onnx_model
+def _op_stats(net_def):
+ type_count = {}
+ for t in [op.type for op in net_def.op]:
+ type_count[t] = type_count.get(t, 0) + 1
+ type_count_list = sorted(type_count.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0]) # alphabet
+ type_count_list = sorted(type_count_list, key=lambda kv: -kv[1]) # count
+ return "\n".join("{:>4}x {}".format(count, name) for name, count in type_count_list)
+def _assign_device_option(
+ predict_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef, init_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef, tensor_inputs: List[torch.Tensor]
+ """
+ ONNX exported network doesn't have concept of device, assign necessary
+ device option for each op in order to make it runable on GPU runtime.
+ """
+ def _get_device_type(torch_tensor):
+ assert torch_tensor.device.type in ["cpu", "cuda"]
+ assert torch_tensor.device.index == 0
+ return torch_tensor.device.type
+ def _assign_op_device_option(net_proto, net_ssa, blob_device_types):
+ for op, ssa_i in zip(net_proto.op, net_ssa):
+ if op.type in ["CopyCPUToGPU", "CopyGPUToCPU"]:
+ op.device_option.CopyFrom(core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0))
+ else:
+ devices = [blob_device_types[b] for b in ssa_i[0] + ssa_i[1]]
+ assert all(d == devices[0] for d in devices)
+ if devices[0] == "cuda":
+ op.device_option.CopyFrom(core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0))
+ # update ops in predict_net
+ predict_net_input_device_types = {
+ (name, 0): _get_device_type(tensor)
+ for name, tensor in zip(predict_net.external_input, tensor_inputs)
+ }
+ predict_net_device_types = infer_device_type(
+ predict_net, known_status=predict_net_input_device_types, device_name_style="pytorch"
+ )
+ predict_net_ssa, _ = core.get_ssa(predict_net)
+ _assign_op_device_option(predict_net, predict_net_ssa, predict_net_device_types)
+ # update ops in init_net
+ init_net_ssa, versions = core.get_ssa(init_net)
+ init_net_output_device_types = {
+ (name, versions[name]): predict_net_device_types[(name, 0)]
+ for name in init_net.external_output
+ }
+ init_net_device_types = infer_device_type(
+ init_net, known_status=init_net_output_device_types, device_name_style="pytorch"
+ )
+ _assign_op_device_option(init_net, init_net_ssa, init_net_device_types)
+def export_caffe2_detection_model(model: torch.nn.Module, tensor_inputs: List[torch.Tensor]):
+ """
+ Export a caffe2-compatible Detectron2 model to caffe2 format via ONNX.
+ Arg:
+ model: a caffe2-compatible version of detectron2 model, defined in caffe2_modeling.py
+ tensor_inputs: a list of tensors that caffe2 model takes as input.
+ """
+ model = copy.deepcopy(model)
+ assert isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module)
+ assert hasattr(model, "encode_additional_info")
+ # Export via ONNX
+ logger.info("Exporting a {} model via ONNX ...".format(type(model).__name__))
+ onnx_model = export_onnx_model(model, (tensor_inputs,))
+ # Convert ONNX model to Caffe2 protobuf
+ init_net, predict_net = Caffe2Backend.onnx_graph_to_caffe2_net(onnx_model)
+ ops_table = [[op.type, op.input, op.output] for op in predict_net.op]
+ table = tabulate(ops_table, headers=["type", "input", "output"], tablefmt="pipe")
+ logger.info(
+ "ONNX export Done. Exported predict_net (before optimizations):\n" + colored(table, "cyan")
+ )
+ # Apply protobuf optimization
+ fuse_alias_placeholder(predict_net, init_net)
+ if any(t.device.type != "cpu" for t in tensor_inputs):
+ fuse_copy_between_cpu_and_gpu(predict_net)
+ remove_dead_end_ops(init_net)
+ _assign_device_option(predict_net, init_net, tensor_inputs)
+ params, device_options = get_params_from_init_net(init_net)
+ predict_net, params = remove_reshape_for_fc(predict_net, params)
+ init_net = construct_init_net_from_params(params, device_options)
+ group_norm_replace_aten_with_caffe2(predict_net)
+ # Record necessary information for running the pb model in Detectron2 system.
+ model.encode_additional_info(predict_net, init_net)
+ logger.info("Operators used in predict_net: \n{}".format(_op_stats(predict_net)))
+ logger.info("Operators used in init_net: \n{}".format(_op_stats(init_net)))
+ return predict_net, init_net
+def run_and_save_graph(predict_net, init_net, tensor_inputs, graph_save_path):
+ """
+ Run the caffe2 model on given inputs, recording the shape and draw the graph.
+ predict_net/init_net: caffe2 model.
+ tensor_inputs: a list of tensors that caffe2 model takes as input.
+ graph_save_path: path for saving graph of exported model.
+ """
+ logger.info("Saving graph of ONNX exported model to {} ...".format(graph_save_path))
+ save_graph(predict_net, graph_save_path, op_only=False)
+ # Run the exported Caffe2 net
+ logger.info("Running ONNX exported model ...")
+ with ScopedWS("__ws_tmp__", True) as ws:
+ ws.RunNetOnce(init_net)
+ initialized_blobs = set(ws.Blobs())
+ uninitialized = [inp for inp in predict_net.external_input if inp not in initialized_blobs]
+ for name, blob in zip(uninitialized, tensor_inputs):
+ ws.FeedBlob(name, blob)
+ try:
+ ws.RunNetOnce(predict_net)
+ except RuntimeError as e:
+ logger.warning("Encountered RuntimeError: \n{}".format(str(e)))
+ ws_blobs = {b: ws.FetchBlob(b) for b in ws.Blobs()}
+ blob_sizes = {b: ws_blobs[b].shape for b in ws_blobs if isinstance(ws_blobs[b], np.ndarray)}
+ logger.info("Saving graph with blob shapes to {} ...".format(graph_save_path))
+ save_graph(predict_net, graph_save_path, op_only=False, blob_sizes=blob_sizes)
+ return ws_blobs
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/caffe2_inference.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/caffe2_inference.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92718d04031b4513c2324ad596eae9cdbfa7c75e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/caffe2_inference.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import collections
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2
+from caffe2.python import core
+from .caffe2_modeling import META_ARCH_CAFFE2_EXPORT_TYPE_MAP, convert_batched_inputs_to_c2_format
+from .shared import ScopedWS, get_pb_arg_vali, get_pb_arg_vals, infer_device_type
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ProtobufModel(torch.nn.Module):
+ """
+ A class works just like nn.Module in terms of inference, but running
+ caffe2 model under the hood. Input/Output are Dict[str, tensor] whose keys
+ are in external_input/output.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, predict_net, init_net):
+ logger.info("Initializing ProtobufModel ...")
+ super().__init__()
+ assert isinstance(predict_net, caffe2_pb2.NetDef)
+ assert isinstance(init_net, caffe2_pb2.NetDef)
+ self.ws_name = "__ws_tmp__"
+ self.net = core.Net(predict_net)
+ with ScopedWS(self.ws_name, is_reset=True, is_cleanup=False) as ws:
+ ws.RunNetOnce(init_net)
+ for blob in self.net.Proto().external_input:
+ if blob not in ws.Blobs():
+ ws.CreateBlob(blob)
+ ws.CreateNet(self.net)
+ self._error_msgs = set()
+ def forward(self, inputs_dict):
+ assert all(inp in self.net.Proto().external_input for inp in inputs_dict)
+ with ScopedWS(self.ws_name, is_reset=False, is_cleanup=False) as ws:
+ for b, tensor in inputs_dict.items():
+ ws.FeedBlob(b, tensor)
+ try:
+ ws.RunNet(self.net.Proto().name)
+ except RuntimeError as e:
+ if not str(e) in self._error_msgs:
+ self._error_msgs.add(str(e))
+ logger.warning("Encountered new RuntimeError: \n{}".format(str(e)))
+ logger.warning("Catch the error and use partial results.")
+ outputs_dict = collections.OrderedDict(
+ [(b, ws.FetchBlob(b)) for b in self.net.Proto().external_output]
+ )
+ # Remove outputs of current run, this is necessary in order to
+ # prevent fetching the result from previous run if the model fails
+ # in the middle.
+ for b in self.net.Proto().external_output:
+ # Needs to create uninitialized blob to make the net runable.
+ # This is "equivalent" to: ws.RemoveBlob(b) then ws.CreateBlob(b),
+ # but there'no such API.
+ ws.FeedBlob(b, "{}, a C++ native class of type nullptr (uninitialized).".format(b))
+ return outputs_dict
+class ProtobufDetectionModel(torch.nn.Module):
+ """
+ A class works just like a pytorch meta arch in terms of inference, but running
+ caffe2 model under the hood.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, predict_net, init_net, *, convert_outputs=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ predict_net, init_net (core.Net): caffe2 nets
+ convert_outptus (callable): a function that converts caffe2
+ outputs to the same format of the original pytorch model.
+ By default, use the one defined in the caffe2 meta_arch.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self.protobuf_model = ProtobufModel(predict_net, init_net)
+ self.size_divisibility = get_pb_arg_vali(predict_net, "size_divisibility", 0)
+ self.device = get_pb_arg_vals(predict_net, "device", b"cpu").decode("ascii")
+ if convert_outputs is None:
+ meta_arch = get_pb_arg_vals(predict_net, "meta_architecture", b"GeneralizedRCNN")
+ meta_arch = META_ARCH_CAFFE2_EXPORT_TYPE_MAP[meta_arch.decode("ascii")]
+ self._convert_outputs = meta_arch.get_outputs_converter(predict_net, init_net)
+ else:
+ self._convert_outputs = convert_outputs
+ def _infer_output_devices(self, inputs_dict):
+ def _get_device_type(torch_tensor):
+ assert torch_tensor.device.type in ["cpu", "cuda"]
+ assert torch_tensor.device.index == 0
+ return torch_tensor.device.type
+ predict_net = self.protobuf_model.net.Proto()
+ input_device_types = {
+ (name, 0): _get_device_type(tensor) for name, tensor in inputs_dict.items()
+ }
+ device_type_map = infer_device_type(
+ predict_net, known_status=input_device_types, device_name_style="pytorch"
+ )
+ ssa, versions = core.get_ssa(predict_net)
+ versioned_outputs = [(name, versions[name]) for name in predict_net.external_output]
+ output_devices = [device_type_map[outp] for outp in versioned_outputs]
+ return output_devices
+ def _convert_inputs(self, batched_inputs):
+ # currently all models convert inputs in the same way
+ data, im_info = convert_batched_inputs_to_c2_format(
+ batched_inputs, self.size_divisibility, self.device
+ )
+ return {"data": data, "im_info": im_info}
+ def forward(self, batched_inputs):
+ c2_inputs = self._convert_inputs(batched_inputs)
+ c2_results = self.protobuf_model(c2_inputs)
+ if any(t.device.type != "cpu" for _, t in c2_inputs.items()):
+ output_devices = self._infer_output_devices(c2_inputs)
+ else:
+ output_devices = ["cpu" for _ in self.protobuf_model.net.Proto().external_output]
+ def _cast_caffe2_blob_to_torch_tensor(blob, device):
+ return torch.Tensor(blob).to(device) if isinstance(blob, np.ndarray) else None
+ c2_results = {
+ name: _cast_caffe2_blob_to_torch_tensor(c2_results[name], device)
+ for name, device in zip(self.protobuf_model.net.Proto().external_output, output_devices)
+ }
+ return self._convert_outputs(batched_inputs, c2_inputs, c2_results)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/caffe2_modeling.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/caffe2_modeling.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/caffe2_modeling.py
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import functools
+import io
+import struct
+import types
+import torch
+from detectron2.modeling import meta_arch
+from detectron2.modeling.box_regression import Box2BoxTransform
+from detectron2.modeling.meta_arch.panoptic_fpn import combine_semantic_and_instance_outputs
+from detectron2.modeling.postprocessing import detector_postprocess, sem_seg_postprocess
+from detectron2.modeling.roi_heads import keypoint_head
+from detectron2.structures import Boxes, ImageList, Instances, RotatedBoxes
+from .c10 import Caffe2Compatible
+from .patcher import ROIHeadsPatcher, patch_generalized_rcnn
+from .shared import (
+ alias,
+ check_set_pb_arg,
+ get_pb_arg_floats,
+ get_pb_arg_valf,
+ get_pb_arg_vali,
+ get_pb_arg_vals,
+ mock_torch_nn_functional_interpolate,
+def assemble_rcnn_outputs_by_name(image_sizes, tensor_outputs, force_mask_on=False):
+ """
+ A function to assemble caffe2 model's outputs (i.e. Dict[str, Tensor])
+ to detectron2's format (i.e. list of Instances instance).
+ This only works when the model follows the Caffe2 detectron's naming convention.
+ Args:
+ image_sizes (List[List[int, int]]): [H, W] of every image.
+ tensor_outputs (Dict[str, Tensor]): external_output to its tensor.
+ force_mask_on (Bool): if true, the it make sure there'll be pred_masks even
+ if the mask is not found from tensor_outputs (usually due to model crash)
+ """
+ results = [Instances(image_size) for image_size in image_sizes]
+ batch_splits = tensor_outputs.get("batch_splits", None)
+ if batch_splits:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ assert len(image_sizes) == 1
+ result = results[0]
+ bbox_nms = tensor_outputs["bbox_nms"]
+ score_nms = tensor_outputs["score_nms"]
+ class_nms = tensor_outputs["class_nms"]
+ # Detection will always success because Conv support 0-batch
+ assert bbox_nms is not None
+ assert score_nms is not None
+ assert class_nms is not None
+ if bbox_nms.shape[1] == 5:
+ result.pred_boxes = RotatedBoxes(bbox_nms)
+ else:
+ result.pred_boxes = Boxes(bbox_nms)
+ result.scores = score_nms
+ result.pred_classes = class_nms.to(torch.int64)
+ mask_fcn_probs = tensor_outputs.get("mask_fcn_probs", None)
+ if mask_fcn_probs is not None:
+ # finish the mask pred
+ mask_probs_pred = mask_fcn_probs
+ num_masks = mask_probs_pred.shape[0]
+ class_pred = result.pred_classes
+ indices = torch.arange(num_masks, device=class_pred.device)
+ mask_probs_pred = mask_probs_pred[indices, class_pred][:, None]
+ result.pred_masks = mask_probs_pred
+ elif force_mask_on:
+ # NOTE: there's no way to know the height/width of mask here, it won't be
+ # used anyway when batch size is 0, so just set them to 0.
+ result.pred_masks = torch.zeros([0, 1, 0, 0], dtype=torch.uint8)
+ keypoints_out = tensor_outputs.get("keypoints_out", None)
+ kps_score = tensor_outputs.get("kps_score", None)
+ if keypoints_out is not None:
+ # keypoints_out: [N, 4, #kypoints], where 4 is in order of (x, y, score, prob)
+ keypoints_tensor = keypoints_out
+ # NOTE: it's possible that prob is not calculated if "should_output_softmax"
+ # is set to False in HeatmapMaxKeypoint, so just using raw score, seems
+ # it doesn't affect mAP. TODO: check more carefully.
+ keypoint_xyp = keypoints_tensor.transpose(1, 2)[:, :, [0, 1, 2]]
+ result.pred_keypoints = keypoint_xyp
+ elif kps_score is not None:
+ # keypoint heatmap to sparse data structure
+ pred_keypoint_logits = kps_score
+ keypoint_head.keypoint_rcnn_inference(pred_keypoint_logits, [result])
+ return results
+def _cast_to_f32(f64):
+ return struct.unpack("f", struct.pack("f", f64))[0]
+def set_caffe2_compatible_tensor_mode(model, enable=True):
+ def _fn(m):
+ if isinstance(m, Caffe2Compatible):
+ m.tensor_mode = enable
+ model.apply(_fn)
+def convert_batched_inputs_to_c2_format(batched_inputs, size_divisibility, device):
+ """
+ See get_caffe2_inputs() below.
+ """
+ assert all(isinstance(x, dict) for x in batched_inputs)
+ assert all(x["image"].dim() == 3 for x in batched_inputs)
+ images = [x["image"] for x in batched_inputs]
+ images = ImageList.from_tensors(images, size_divisibility)
+ im_info = []
+ for input_per_image, image_size in zip(batched_inputs, images.image_sizes):
+ target_height = input_per_image.get("height", image_size[0])
+ target_width = input_per_image.get("width", image_size[1]) # noqa
+ # NOTE: The scale inside im_info is kept as convention and for providing
+ # post-processing information if further processing is needed. For
+ # current Caffe2 model definitions that don't include post-processing inside
+ # the model, this number is not used.
+ # NOTE: There can be a slight difference between width and height
+ # scales, using a single number can results in numerical difference
+ # compared with D2's post-processing.
+ scale = target_height / image_size[0]
+ im_info.append([image_size[0], image_size[1], scale])
+ im_info = torch.Tensor(im_info)
+ return images.tensor.to(device), im_info.to(device)
+class Caffe2MetaArch(Caffe2Compatible, torch.nn.Module):
+ """
+ Base class for caffe2-compatible implementation of a meta architecture.
+ The forward is traceable and its traced graph can be converted to caffe2
+ graph through ONNX.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cfg, torch_model):
+ """
+ Args:
+ cfg (CfgNode):
+ torch_model (nn.Module): the detectron2 model (meta_arch) to be
+ converted.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self._wrapped_model = torch_model
+ self.eval()
+ set_caffe2_compatible_tensor_mode(self, True)
+ def get_caffe2_inputs(self, batched_inputs):
+ """
+ Convert pytorch-style structured inputs to caffe2-style inputs that
+ are tuples of tensors.
+ Args:
+ batched_inputs (list[dict]): inputs to a detectron2 model
+ in its standard format. Each dict has "image" (CHW tensor), and optionally
+ "height" and "width".
+ Returns:
+ tuple[Tensor]:
+ tuple of tensors that will be the inputs to the
+ :meth:`forward` method. For existing models, the first
+ is an NCHW tensor (padded and batched); the second is
+ a im_info Nx3 tensor, where the rows are
+ (height, width, unused legacy parameter)
+ """
+ return convert_batched_inputs_to_c2_format(
+ batched_inputs,
+ self._wrapped_model.backbone.size_divisibility,
+ self._wrapped_model.device,
+ )
+ def encode_additional_info(self, predict_net, init_net):
+ """
+ Save extra metadata that will be used by inference in the output protobuf.
+ """
+ pass
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ """
+ Run the forward in caffe2-style. It has to use caffe2-compatible ops
+ and the method will be used for tracing.
+ Args:
+ inputs (tuple[Tensor]): inputs defined by :meth:`get_caffe2_input`.
+ They will be the inputs of the converted caffe2 graph.
+ Returns:
+ tuple[Tensor]: output tensors. They will be the outputs of the
+ converted caffe2 graph.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _caffe2_preprocess_image(self, inputs):
+ """
+ Caffe2 implementation of preprocess_image, which is called inside each MetaArch's forward.
+ It normalizes the input images, and the final caffe2 graph assumes the
+ inputs have been batched already.
+ """
+ data, im_info = inputs
+ data = alias(data, "data")
+ im_info = alias(im_info, "im_info")
+ mean, std = self._wrapped_model.pixel_mean, self._wrapped_model.pixel_std
+ normalized_data = (data - mean) / std
+ normalized_data = alias(normalized_data, "normalized_data")
+ # Pack (data, im_info) into ImageList which is recognized by self.inference.
+ images = ImageList(tensor=normalized_data, image_sizes=im_info)
+ return images
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_outputs_converter(predict_net, init_net):
+ """
+ Creates a function that converts outputs of the caffe2 model to
+ detectron2's standard format.
+ The function uses information in `predict_net` and `init_net` that are
+ available at inferene time. Therefore the function logic can be used in inference.
+ The returned function has the following signature:
+ def convert(batched_inputs, c2_inputs, c2_results) -> detectron2_outputs
+ Where
+ * batched_inputs (list[dict]): the original input format of the meta arch
+ * c2_inputs (dict[str, Tensor]): the caffe2 inputs.
+ * c2_results (dict[str, Tensor]): the caffe2 output format,
+ corresponding to the outputs of the :meth:`forward` function.
+ * detectron2_outputs: the original output format of the meta arch.
+ This function can be used to compare the outputs of the original meta arch and
+ the converted caffe2 graph.
+ Returns:
+ callable: a callable of the above signature.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class Caffe2GeneralizedRCNN(Caffe2MetaArch):
+ def __init__(self, cfg, torch_model):
+ assert isinstance(torch_model, meta_arch.GeneralizedRCNN)
+ torch_model = patch_generalized_rcnn(torch_model)
+ super().__init__(cfg, torch_model)
+ self.roi_heads_patcher = ROIHeadsPatcher(cfg, self._wrapped_model.roi_heads)
+ def encode_additional_info(self, predict_net, init_net):
+ size_divisibility = self._wrapped_model.backbone.size_divisibility
+ check_set_pb_arg(predict_net, "size_divisibility", "i", size_divisibility)
+ check_set_pb_arg(
+ predict_net, "device", "s", str.encode(str(self._wrapped_model.device), "ascii")
+ )
+ check_set_pb_arg(predict_net, "meta_architecture", "s", b"GeneralizedRCNN")
+ @mock_torch_nn_functional_interpolate()
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ if not self.tensor_mode:
+ return self._wrapped_model.inference(inputs)
+ images = self._caffe2_preprocess_image(inputs)
+ features = self._wrapped_model.backbone(images.tensor)
+ proposals, _ = self._wrapped_model.proposal_generator(images, features)
+ with self.roi_heads_patcher.mock_roi_heads():
+ detector_results, _ = self._wrapped_model.roi_heads(images, features, proposals)
+ return tuple(detector_results[0].flatten())
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_outputs_converter(predict_net, init_net):
+ def f(batched_inputs, c2_inputs, c2_results):
+ image_sizes = [[int(im[0]), int(im[1])] for im in c2_inputs["im_info"]]
+ results = assemble_rcnn_outputs_by_name(image_sizes, c2_results)
+ return meta_arch.GeneralizedRCNN._postprocess(results, batched_inputs, image_sizes)
+ return f
+class Caffe2PanopticFPN(Caffe2MetaArch):
+ def __init__(self, cfg, torch_model):
+ assert isinstance(torch_model, meta_arch.PanopticFPN)
+ torch_model = patch_generalized_rcnn(torch_model)
+ super().__init__(cfg, torch_model)
+ self.roi_heads_patcher = ROIHeadsPatcher(cfg, self._wrapped_model.roi_heads)
+ @mock_torch_nn_functional_interpolate()
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ assert self.tensor_mode
+ images = self._caffe2_preprocess_image(inputs)
+ features = self._wrapped_model.backbone(images.tensor)
+ sem_seg_results, _ = self._wrapped_model.sem_seg_head(features)
+ sem_seg_results = alias(sem_seg_results, "sem_seg")
+ proposals, _ = self._wrapped_model.proposal_generator(images, features)
+ with self.roi_heads_patcher.mock_roi_heads(self.tensor_mode):
+ detector_results, _ = self._wrapped_model.roi_heads(images, features, proposals)
+ return tuple(detector_results[0].flatten()) + (sem_seg_results,)
+ def encode_additional_info(self, predict_net, init_net):
+ size_divisibility = self._wrapped_model.backbone.size_divisibility
+ check_set_pb_arg(predict_net, "size_divisibility", "i", size_divisibility)
+ check_set_pb_arg(
+ predict_net, "device", "s", str.encode(str(self._wrapped_model.device), "ascii")
+ )
+ check_set_pb_arg(predict_net, "meta_architecture", "s", b"PanopticFPN")
+ # Inference parameters:
+ check_set_pb_arg(predict_net, "combine_on", "i", self._wrapped_model.combine_on)
+ check_set_pb_arg(
+ predict_net,
+ "combine_overlap_threshold",
+ "f",
+ _cast_to_f32(self._wrapped_model.combine_overlap_threshold),
+ )
+ check_set_pb_arg(
+ predict_net,
+ "combine_stuff_area_limit",
+ "i",
+ self._wrapped_model.combine_stuff_area_limit,
+ )
+ check_set_pb_arg(
+ predict_net,
+ "combine_instances_confidence_threshold",
+ "f",
+ _cast_to_f32(self._wrapped_model.combine_instances_confidence_threshold),
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_outputs_converter(predict_net, init_net):
+ combine_on = get_pb_arg_vali(predict_net, "combine_on", None)
+ combine_overlap_threshold = get_pb_arg_valf(predict_net, "combine_overlap_threshold", None)
+ combine_stuff_area_limit = get_pb_arg_vali(predict_net, "combine_stuff_area_limit", None)
+ combine_instances_confidence_threshold = get_pb_arg_valf(
+ predict_net, "combine_instances_confidence_threshold", None
+ )
+ def f(batched_inputs, c2_inputs, c2_results):
+ image_sizes = [[int(im[0]), int(im[1])] for im in c2_inputs["im_info"]]
+ detector_results = assemble_rcnn_outputs_by_name(
+ image_sizes, c2_results, force_mask_on=True
+ )
+ sem_seg_results = c2_results["sem_seg"]
+ # copied from meta_arch/panoptic_fpn.py ...
+ processed_results = []
+ for sem_seg_result, detector_result, input_per_image, image_size in zip(
+ sem_seg_results, detector_results, batched_inputs, image_sizes
+ ):
+ height = input_per_image.get("height", image_size[0])
+ width = input_per_image.get("width", image_size[1])
+ sem_seg_r = sem_seg_postprocess(sem_seg_result, image_size, height, width)
+ detector_r = detector_postprocess(detector_result, height, width)
+ processed_results.append({"sem_seg": sem_seg_r, "instances": detector_r})
+ if combine_on:
+ panoptic_r = combine_semantic_and_instance_outputs(
+ detector_r,
+ sem_seg_r.argmax(dim=0),
+ combine_overlap_threshold,
+ combine_stuff_area_limit,
+ combine_instances_confidence_threshold,
+ )
+ processed_results[-1]["panoptic_seg"] = panoptic_r
+ return processed_results
+ return f
+class Caffe2RetinaNet(Caffe2MetaArch):
+ def __init__(self, cfg, torch_model):
+ assert isinstance(torch_model, meta_arch.RetinaNet)
+ super().__init__(cfg, torch_model)
+ @mock_torch_nn_functional_interpolate()
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ assert self.tensor_mode
+ images = self._caffe2_preprocess_image(inputs)
+ # explicitly return the images sizes to avoid removing "im_info" by ONNX
+ # since it's not used in the forward path
+ return_tensors = [images.image_sizes]
+ features = self._wrapped_model.backbone(images.tensor)
+ features = [features[f] for f in self._wrapped_model.in_features]
+ for i, feature_i in enumerate(features):
+ features[i] = alias(feature_i, "feature_{}".format(i), is_backward=True)
+ return_tensors.append(features[i])
+ box_cls, box_delta = self._wrapped_model.head(features)
+ for i, (box_cls_i, box_delta_i) in enumerate(zip(box_cls, box_delta)):
+ return_tensors.append(alias(box_cls_i, "box_cls_{}".format(i)))
+ return_tensors.append(alias(box_delta_i, "box_delta_{}".format(i)))
+ return tuple(return_tensors)
+ def encode_additional_info(self, predict_net, init_net):
+ size_divisibility = self._wrapped_model.backbone.size_divisibility
+ check_set_pb_arg(predict_net, "size_divisibility", "i", size_divisibility)
+ check_set_pb_arg(
+ predict_net, "device", "s", str.encode(str(self._wrapped_model.device), "ascii")
+ )
+ check_set_pb_arg(predict_net, "meta_architecture", "s", b"RetinaNet")
+ # Inference parameters:
+ check_set_pb_arg(
+ predict_net, "score_threshold", "f", _cast_to_f32(self._wrapped_model.score_threshold)
+ )
+ check_set_pb_arg(predict_net, "topk_candidates", "i", self._wrapped_model.topk_candidates)
+ check_set_pb_arg(
+ predict_net, "nms_threshold", "f", _cast_to_f32(self._wrapped_model.nms_threshold)
+ )
+ check_set_pb_arg(
+ predict_net,
+ "max_detections_per_image",
+ "i",
+ self._wrapped_model.max_detections_per_image,
+ )
+ check_set_pb_arg(
+ predict_net,
+ "bbox_reg_weights",
+ "floats",
+ [_cast_to_f32(w) for w in self._wrapped_model.box2box_transform.weights],
+ )
+ self._encode_anchor_generator_cfg(predict_net)
+ def _encode_anchor_generator_cfg(self, predict_net):
+ # serialize anchor_generator for future use
+ serialized_anchor_generator = io.BytesIO()
+ torch.save(self._wrapped_model.anchor_generator, serialized_anchor_generator)
+ # Ideally we can put anchor generating inside the model, then we don't
+ # need to store this information.
+ bytes = serialized_anchor_generator.getvalue()
+ check_set_pb_arg(predict_net, "serialized_anchor_generator", "s", bytes)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_outputs_converter(predict_net, init_net):
+ self = types.SimpleNamespace()
+ serialized_anchor_generator = io.BytesIO(
+ get_pb_arg_vals(predict_net, "serialized_anchor_generator", None)
+ )
+ self.anchor_generator = torch.load(serialized_anchor_generator)
+ bbox_reg_weights = get_pb_arg_floats(predict_net, "bbox_reg_weights", None)
+ self.box2box_transform = Box2BoxTransform(weights=tuple(bbox_reg_weights))
+ self.score_threshold = get_pb_arg_valf(predict_net, "score_threshold", None)
+ self.topk_candidates = get_pb_arg_vali(predict_net, "topk_candidates", None)
+ self.nms_threshold = get_pb_arg_valf(predict_net, "nms_threshold", None)
+ self.max_detections_per_image = get_pb_arg_vali(
+ predict_net, "max_detections_per_image", None
+ )
+ # hack to reuse inference code from RetinaNet
+ self.inference = functools.partial(meta_arch.RetinaNet.inference, self)
+ self.inference_single_image = functools.partial(
+ meta_arch.RetinaNet.inference_single_image, self
+ )
+ def f(batched_inputs, c2_inputs, c2_results):
+ image_sizes = [[int(im[0]), int(im[1])] for im in c2_inputs["im_info"]]
+ num_features = len([x for x in c2_results.keys() if x.startswith("box_cls_")])
+ box_cls = [c2_results["box_cls_{}".format(i)] for i in range(num_features)]
+ box_delta = [c2_results["box_delta_{}".format(i)] for i in range(num_features)]
+ # For each feature level, feature should have the same batch size and
+ # spatial dimension as the box_cls and box_delta.
+ dummy_features = [box_delta[i].clone()[:, 0:0, :, :] for i in range(num_features)]
+ anchors = self.anchor_generator(dummy_features)
+ # self.num_classess can be inferred
+ self.num_classes = box_cls[0].shape[1] // (box_delta[0].shape[1] // 4)
+ results = self.inference(box_cls, box_delta, anchors, image_sizes)
+ return meta_arch.GeneralizedRCNN._postprocess(results, batched_inputs, image_sizes)
+ return f
+ "GeneralizedRCNN": Caffe2GeneralizedRCNN,
+ "PanopticFPN": Caffe2PanopticFPN,
+ "RetinaNet": Caffe2RetinaNet,
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/patcher.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/patcher.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f0b0fd8122d12c10d06cfc1b0720e3c3374c737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/patcher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import contextlib
+import mock
+import torch
+from detectron2.modeling import poolers
+from detectron2.modeling.proposal_generator import rpn
+from detectron2.modeling.roi_heads import keypoint_head, mask_head
+from detectron2.modeling.roi_heads.fast_rcnn import FastRCNNOutputLayers
+from .c10 import (
+ Caffe2Compatible,
+ Caffe2FastRCNNOutputsInference,
+ Caffe2KeypointRCNNInference,
+ Caffe2MaskRCNNInference,
+ Caffe2ROIPooler,
+ Caffe2RPN,
+class GenericMixin(object):
+ pass
+class Caffe2CompatibleConverter(object):
+ """
+ A GenericUpdater which implements the `create_from` interface, by modifying
+ module object and assign it with another class replaceCls.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, replaceCls):
+ self.replaceCls = replaceCls
+ def create_from(self, module):
+ # update module's class to the new class
+ assert isinstance(module, torch.nn.Module)
+ if issubclass(self.replaceCls, GenericMixin):
+ # replaceCls should act as mixin, create a new class on-the-fly
+ new_class = type(
+ "{}MixedWith{}".format(self.replaceCls.__name__, module.__class__.__name__),
+ (self.replaceCls, module.__class__),
+ {}, # {"new_method": lambda self: ...},
+ )
+ module.__class__ = new_class
+ else:
+ # replaceCls is complete class, this allow arbitrary class swap
+ module.__class__ = self.replaceCls
+ # initialize Caffe2Compatible
+ if isinstance(module, Caffe2Compatible):
+ module.tensor_mode = False
+ return module
+def patch(model, target, updater, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ recursively (post-order) update all modules with the target type and its
+ subclasses, make a initialization/composition/inheritance/... via the
+ updater.create_from.
+ """
+ for name, module in model.named_children():
+ model._modules[name] = patch(module, target, updater, *args, **kwargs)
+ if isinstance(model, target):
+ return updater.create_from(model, *args, **kwargs)
+ return model
+def patch_generalized_rcnn(model):
+ ccc = Caffe2CompatibleConverter
+ model = patch(model, rpn.RPN, ccc(Caffe2RPN))
+ model = patch(model, poolers.ROIPooler, ccc(Caffe2ROIPooler))
+ return model
+def mock_fastrcnn_outputs_inference(
+ tensor_mode, check=True, box_predictor_type=FastRCNNOutputLayers
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ box_predictor_type,
+ "inference",
+ autospec=True,
+ side_effect=Caffe2FastRCNNOutputsInference(tensor_mode),
+ ) as mocked_func:
+ yield
+ if check:
+ assert mocked_func.call_count > 0
+def mock_mask_rcnn_inference(tensor_mode, patched_module, check=True):
+ with mock.patch(
+ "{}.mask_rcnn_inference".format(patched_module), side_effect=Caffe2MaskRCNNInference()
+ ) as mocked_func:
+ yield
+ if check:
+ assert mocked_func.call_count > 0
+def mock_keypoint_rcnn_inference(tensor_mode, patched_module, use_heatmap_max_keypoint, check=True):
+ with mock.patch(
+ "{}.keypoint_rcnn_inference".format(patched_module),
+ side_effect=Caffe2KeypointRCNNInference(use_heatmap_max_keypoint),
+ ) as mocked_func:
+ yield
+ if check:
+ assert mocked_func.call_count > 0
+class ROIHeadsPatcher:
+ def __init__(self, cfg, heads):
+ self.heads = heads
+ self.use_heatmap_max_keypoint = cfg.EXPORT_CAFFE2.USE_HEATMAP_MAX_KEYPOINT
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def mock_roi_heads(self, tensor_mode=True):
+ """
+ Patching several inference functions inside ROIHeads and its subclasses
+ Args:
+ tensor_mode (bool): whether the inputs/outputs are caffe2's tensor
+ format or not. Default to True.
+ """
+ # NOTE: this requries the `keypoint_rcnn_inference` and `mask_rcnn_inference`
+ # are called inside the same file as BaseXxxHead due to using mock.patch.
+ kpt_heads_mod = keypoint_head.BaseKeypointRCNNHead.__module__
+ mask_head_mod = mask_head.BaseMaskRCNNHead.__module__
+ mock_ctx_managers = [
+ mock_fastrcnn_outputs_inference(
+ tensor_mode=tensor_mode,
+ check=True,
+ box_predictor_type=type(self.heads.box_predictor),
+ )
+ ]
+ if getattr(self.heads, "keypoint_on", False):
+ mock_ctx_managers += [
+ mock_keypoint_rcnn_inference(
+ tensor_mode, kpt_heads_mod, self.use_heatmap_max_keypoint
+ )
+ ]
+ if getattr(self.heads, "mask_on", False):
+ mock_ctx_managers += [mock_mask_rcnn_inference(tensor_mode, mask_head_mod)]
+ with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: # python 3.3+
+ for mgr in mock_ctx_managers:
+ stack.enter_context(mgr)
+ yield
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/shared.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/shared.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb7ffeb098f21178660572830164126fab63e0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/export/shared.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1034 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import collections
+import contextlib
+import copy
+import functools
+import logging
+import mock
+import numpy as np
+import os
+from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+import caffe2.python.utils as putils
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2
+from caffe2.python import core, net_drawer, workspace
+from torch.nn.functional import interpolate as interp
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# ==== torch/utils_toffee/cast.py =======================================
+def to_device(t, device_str):
+ """
+ This function is a replacement of .to(another_device) such that it allows the
+ casting to be traced properly by explicitly calling the underlying copy ops.
+ It also avoids introducing unncessary op when casting to the same device.
+ """
+ src = t.device
+ dst = torch.device(device_str)
+ if src == dst:
+ return t
+ elif src.type == "cuda" and dst.type == "cpu":
+ return torch.ops._caffe2.CopyGPUToCPU(t)
+ elif src.type == "cpu" and dst.type == "cuda":
+ return torch.ops._caffe2.CopyCPUToGPU(t)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Can't cast tensor from device {} to device {}".format(src, dst))
+# ==== torch/utils_toffee/interpolate.py =======================================
+# Note: borrowed from vision/detection/fair/detectron/detectron/modeling/detector.py
+def BilinearInterpolation(tensor_in, up_scale):
+ assert up_scale % 2 == 0, "Scale should be even"
+ def upsample_filt(size):
+ factor = (size + 1) // 2
+ if size % 2 == 1:
+ center = factor - 1
+ else:
+ center = factor - 0.5
+ og = np.ogrid[:size, :size]
+ return (1 - abs(og[0] - center) / factor) * (1 - abs(og[1] - center) / factor)
+ kernel_size = int(up_scale) * 2
+ bil_filt = upsample_filt(kernel_size)
+ dim = int(tensor_in.shape[1])
+ kernel = np.zeros((dim, dim, kernel_size, kernel_size), dtype=np.float32)
+ kernel[range(dim), range(dim), :, :] = bil_filt
+ tensor_out = F.conv_transpose2d(
+ tensor_in,
+ weight=to_device(torch.Tensor(kernel), tensor_in.device),
+ bias=None,
+ stride=int(up_scale),
+ padding=int(up_scale / 2),
+ )
+ return tensor_out
+# NOTE: ONNX is incompatible with traced torch.nn.functional.interpolate if
+# using dynamic `scale_factor` rather than static `size`. (T43166860)
+# NOTE: Caffe2 Int8 conversion might not be able to quantize `size` properly.
+def onnx_compatibale_interpolate(
+ input, size=None, scale_factor=None, mode="nearest", align_corners=None
+ # NOTE: The input dimensions are interpreted in the form:
+ # `mini-batch x channels x [optional depth] x [optional height] x width`.
+ if size is None and scale_factor is not None:
+ if input.dim() == 4:
+ if isinstance(scale_factor, (int, float)):
+ height_scale, width_scale = (scale_factor, scale_factor)
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(scale_factor, (tuple, list))
+ assert len(scale_factor) == 2
+ height_scale, width_scale = scale_factor
+ assert not align_corners, "No matching C2 op for align_corners == True"
+ if mode == "nearest":
+ return torch.ops._caffe2.ResizeNearest(
+ input, order="NCHW", width_scale=width_scale, height_scale=height_scale
+ )
+ elif mode == "bilinear":
+ logger.warning(
+ "Use F.conv_transpose2d for bilinear interpolate"
+ " because there's no such C2 op, this may cause significant"
+ " slowdown and the boundary pixels won't be as same as"
+ " using F.interpolate due to padding."
+ )
+ assert height_scale == width_scale
+ return BilinearInterpolation(input, up_scale=height_scale)
+ logger.warning("Output size is not static, it might cause ONNX conversion issue")
+ return interp(input, size, scale_factor, mode, align_corners)
+def mock_torch_nn_functional_interpolate():
+ if torch.onnx.is_in_onnx_export():
+ with mock.patch(
+ "torch.nn.functional.interpolate", side_effect=onnx_compatibale_interpolate
+ ):
+ yield
+ else:
+ yield
+# ==== torch/utils_caffe2/ws_utils.py ==========================================
+class ScopedWS(object):
+ def __init__(self, ws_name, is_reset, is_cleanup=False):
+ self.ws_name = ws_name
+ self.is_reset = is_reset
+ self.is_cleanup = is_cleanup
+ self.org_ws = ""
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.org_ws = workspace.CurrentWorkspace()
+ if self.ws_name is not None:
+ workspace.SwitchWorkspace(self.ws_name, True)
+ if self.is_reset:
+ workspace.ResetWorkspace()
+ return workspace
+ def __exit__(self, *args):
+ if self.is_cleanup:
+ workspace.ResetWorkspace()
+ if self.ws_name is not None:
+ workspace.SwitchWorkspace(self.org_ws)
+def fetch_any_blob(name):
+ bb = None
+ try:
+ bb = workspace.FetchBlob(name)
+ except TypeError:
+ bb = workspace.FetchInt8Blob(name)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Get blob {} error: {}".format(name, e))
+ return bb
+# ==== torch/utils_caffe2/protobuf.py ==========================================
+def get_pb_arg(pb, arg_name):
+ for x in pb.arg:
+ if x.name == arg_name:
+ return x
+ return None
+def get_pb_arg_valf(pb, arg_name, default_val):
+ arg = get_pb_arg(pb, arg_name)
+ return arg.f if arg is not None else default_val
+def get_pb_arg_floats(pb, arg_name, default_val):
+ arg = get_pb_arg(pb, arg_name)
+ return list(map(float, arg.floats)) if arg is not None else default_val
+def get_pb_arg_ints(pb, arg_name, default_val):
+ arg = get_pb_arg(pb, arg_name)
+ return list(map(int, arg.ints)) if arg is not None else default_val
+def get_pb_arg_vali(pb, arg_name, default_val):
+ arg = get_pb_arg(pb, arg_name)
+ return arg.i if arg is not None else default_val
+def get_pb_arg_vals(pb, arg_name, default_val):
+ arg = get_pb_arg(pb, arg_name)
+ return arg.s if arg is not None else default_val
+def get_pb_arg_valstrings(pb, arg_name, default_val):
+ arg = get_pb_arg(pb, arg_name)
+ return list(arg.strings) if arg is not None else default_val
+def check_set_pb_arg(pb, arg_name, arg_attr, arg_value, allow_override=False):
+ arg = get_pb_arg(pb, arg_name)
+ if arg is None:
+ arg = putils.MakeArgument(arg_name, arg_value)
+ assert hasattr(arg, arg_attr)
+ pb.arg.extend([arg])
+ if allow_override and getattr(arg, arg_attr) != arg_value:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Override argument {}: {} -> {}".format(arg_name, getattr(arg, arg_attr), arg_value)
+ )
+ setattr(arg, arg_attr, arg_value)
+ else:
+ assert arg is not None
+ assert getattr(arg, arg_attr) == arg_value, "Existing value {}, new value {}".format(
+ getattr(arg, arg_attr), arg_value
+ )
+def _create_const_fill_op_from_numpy(name, tensor, device_option=None):
+ assert type(tensor) == np.ndarray
+ kTypeNameMapper = {
+ np.dtype("float32"): "GivenTensorFill",
+ np.dtype("int32"): "GivenTensorIntFill",
+ np.dtype("int64"): "GivenTensorInt64Fill",
+ np.dtype("uint8"): "GivenTensorStringFill",
+ }
+ args_dict = {}
+ if tensor.dtype == np.dtype("uint8"):
+ args_dict.update({"values": [str(tensor.data)], "shape": [1]})
+ else:
+ args_dict.update({"values": tensor, "shape": tensor.shape})
+ if device_option is not None:
+ args_dict["device_option"] = device_option
+ return core.CreateOperator(kTypeNameMapper[tensor.dtype], [], [name], **args_dict)
+def _create_const_fill_op_from_c2_int8_tensor(name, int8_tensor):
+ assert type(int8_tensor) == workspace.Int8Tensor
+ kTypeNameMapper = {
+ np.dtype("int32"): "Int8GivenIntTensorFill",
+ np.dtype("uint8"): "Int8GivenTensorFill",
+ }
+ tensor = int8_tensor.data
+ assert tensor.dtype in [np.dtype("uint8"), np.dtype("int32")]
+ values = tensor.tobytes() if tensor.dtype == np.dtype("uint8") else tensor
+ return core.CreateOperator(
+ kTypeNameMapper[tensor.dtype],
+ [],
+ [name],
+ values=values,
+ shape=tensor.shape,
+ Y_scale=int8_tensor.scale,
+ Y_zero_point=int8_tensor.zero_point,
+ )
+def create_const_fill_op(
+ name: str,
+ blob: Union[np.ndarray, workspace.Int8Tensor],
+ device_option: Optional[caffe2_pb2.DeviceOption] = None,
+) -> caffe2_pb2.OperatorDef:
+ """
+ Given a blob object, return the Caffe2 operator that creates this blob
+ as constant. Currently support NumPy tensor and Caffe2 Int8Tensor.
+ """
+ tensor_type = type(blob)
+ assert tensor_type in [
+ np.ndarray,
+ workspace.Int8Tensor,
+ ], 'Error when creating const fill op for "{}", unsupported blob type: {}'.format(
+ name, type(blob)
+ )
+ if tensor_type == np.ndarray:
+ return _create_const_fill_op_from_numpy(name, blob, device_option)
+ elif tensor_type == workspace.Int8Tensor:
+ assert device_option is None
+ return _create_const_fill_op_from_c2_int8_tensor(name, blob)
+def construct_init_net_from_params(
+ params: Dict[str, Any], device_options: Optional[Dict[str, caffe2_pb2.DeviceOption]] = None
+) -> caffe2_pb2.NetDef:
+ """
+ Construct the init_net from params dictionary
+ """
+ init_net = caffe2_pb2.NetDef()
+ device_options = device_options or {}
+ for name, blob in params.items():
+ if isinstance(blob, str):
+ logger.warning(
+ (
+ "Blob {} with type {} is not supported in generating init net,"
+ " skipped.".format(name, type(blob))
+ )
+ )
+ continue
+ init_net.op.extend(
+ [create_const_fill_op(name, blob, device_option=device_options.get(name, None))]
+ )
+ init_net.external_output.append(name)
+ return init_net
+def get_producer_map(ssa):
+ """
+ Return dict from versioned blob to (i, j),
+ where i is index of producer op, j is the index of output of that op.
+ """
+ producer_map = {}
+ for i in range(len(ssa)):
+ outputs = ssa[i][1]
+ for j, outp in enumerate(outputs):
+ producer_map[outp] = (i, j)
+ return producer_map
+def get_consumer_map(ssa):
+ """
+ Return dict from versioned blob to list of (i, j),
+ where i is index of consumer op, j is the index of input of that op.
+ """
+ consumer_map = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for i in range(len(ssa)):
+ inputs = ssa[i][0]
+ for j, inp in enumerate(inputs):
+ consumer_map[inp].append((i, j))
+ return consumer_map
+def get_params_from_init_net(
+ init_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef,
+) -> [Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, caffe2_pb2.DeviceOption]]:
+ """
+ Take the output blobs from init_net by running it.
+ Outputs:
+ params: dict from blob name to numpy array
+ device_options: dict from blob name to the device option of its creating op
+ """
+ # NOTE: this assumes that the params is determined by producer op with the
+ # only exception be CopyGPUToCPU which is CUDA op but returns CPU tensor.
+ def _get_device_option(producer_op):
+ if producer_op.type == "CopyGPUToCPU":
+ return caffe2_pb2.DeviceOption()
+ else:
+ return producer_op.device_option
+ with ScopedWS("__get_params_from_init_net__", is_reset=True, is_cleanup=True) as ws:
+ ws.RunNetOnce(init_net)
+ params = {b: fetch_any_blob(b) for b in init_net.external_output}
+ ssa, versions = core.get_ssa(init_net)
+ producer_map = get_producer_map(ssa)
+ device_options = {
+ b: _get_device_option(init_net.op[producer_map[(b, versions[b])][0]])
+ for b in init_net.external_output
+ }
+ return params, device_options
+def _updater_raise(op, input_types, output_types):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Failed to apply updater for op {} given input_types {} and"
+ " output_types {}".format(op, input_types, output_types)
+ )
+def _generic_status_identifier(
+ predict_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef,
+ status_updater: Callable,
+ known_status: Dict[Tuple[str, int], Any],
+) -> Dict[Tuple[str, int], Any]:
+ """
+ Statically infer the status of each blob, the status can be such as device type
+ (CPU/GPU), layout (NCHW/NHWC), data type (float32/int8), etc. "Blob" here
+ is versioned blob (Tuple[str, int]) in the format compatible with ssa.
+ Inputs:
+ predict_net: the caffe2 network
+ status_updater: a callable, given an op and the status of its input/output,
+ it returns the updated status of input/output. `None` is used for
+ representing unknown status.
+ known_status: a dict containing known status, used as initialization.
+ Outputs:
+ A dict mapping from versioned blob to its status
+ """
+ ssa, versions = core.get_ssa(predict_net)
+ versioned_ext_input = [(b, 0) for b in predict_net.external_input]
+ versioned_ext_output = [(b, versions[b]) for b in predict_net.external_output]
+ all_versioned_blobs = set().union(*[set(x[0] + x[1]) for x in ssa])
+ allowed_vbs = all_versioned_blobs.union(versioned_ext_input).union(versioned_ext_output)
+ assert all(k in allowed_vbs for k in known_status)
+ assert all(v is not None for v in known_status.values())
+ _known_status = copy.deepcopy(known_status)
+ def _check_and_update(key, value):
+ assert value is not None
+ if key in _known_status:
+ if not _known_status[key] == value:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Confilict status for {}, existing status {}, new status {}".format(
+ key, _known_status[key], value
+ )
+ )
+ _known_status[key] = value
+ def _update_i(op, ssa_i):
+ versioned_inputs = ssa_i[0]
+ versioned_outputs = ssa_i[1]
+ inputs_status = [_known_status.get(b, None) for b in versioned_inputs]
+ outputs_status = [_known_status.get(b, None) for b in versioned_outputs]
+ new_inputs_status, new_outputs_status = status_updater(op, inputs_status, outputs_status)
+ for versioned_blob, status in zip(
+ versioned_inputs + versioned_outputs, new_inputs_status + new_outputs_status
+ ):
+ if status is not None:
+ _check_and_update(versioned_blob, status)
+ for op, ssa_i in zip(predict_net.op, ssa):
+ _update_i(op, ssa_i)
+ for op, ssa_i in zip(reversed(predict_net.op), reversed(ssa)):
+ _update_i(op, ssa_i)
+ # NOTE: This strictly checks all the blob from predict_net must be assgined
+ # a known status. However sometimes it's impossible (eg. having deadend op),
+ # we may relax this constraint if
+ for k in all_versioned_blobs:
+ if k not in _known_status:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Can not infer the status for {}. Currently only support the case where"
+ " a single forward and backward pass can identify status for all blobs.".format(k)
+ )
+ return _known_status
+def infer_device_type(
+ predict_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef,
+ known_status: Dict[Tuple[str, int], Any],
+ device_name_style: str = "caffe2",
+) -> Dict[Tuple[str, int], str]:
+ """ Return the device type ("cpu" or "gpu"/"cuda") of each (versioned) blob """
+ assert device_name_style in ["caffe2", "pytorch"]
+ _CPU_STR = "cpu"
+ _GPU_STR = "gpu" if device_name_style == "caffe2" else "cuda"
+ def _copy_cpu_to_gpu_updater(op, input_types, output_types):
+ if input_types[0] == _GPU_STR or output_types[0] == _CPU_STR:
+ _updater_raise(op, input_types, output_types)
+ return ([_CPU_STR], [_GPU_STR])
+ def _copy_gpu_to_cpu_updater(op, input_types, output_types):
+ if input_types[0] == _CPU_STR or output_types[0] == _GPU_STR:
+ _updater_raise(op, input_types, output_types)
+ return ([_GPU_STR], [_CPU_STR])
+ def _other_ops_updater(op, input_types, output_types):
+ non_none_types = [x for x in input_types + output_types if x is not None]
+ if len(non_none_types) > 0:
+ the_type = non_none_types[0]
+ if not all(x == the_type for x in non_none_types):
+ _updater_raise(op, input_types, output_types)
+ else:
+ the_type = None
+ return ([the_type for _ in op.input], [the_type for _ in op.output])
+ def _device_updater(op, *args, **kwargs):
+ return {
+ "CopyCPUToGPU": _copy_cpu_to_gpu_updater,
+ "CopyGPUToCPU": _copy_gpu_to_cpu_updater,
+ }.get(op.type, _other_ops_updater)(op, *args, **kwargs)
+ return _generic_status_identifier(predict_net, _device_updater, known_status)
+# ==== torch/utils_caffe2/vis.py ===============================================
+def _modify_blob_names(ops, blob_rename_f):
+ ret = []
+ def _replace_list(blob_list, replaced_list):
+ del blob_list[:]
+ blob_list.extend(replaced_list)
+ for x in ops:
+ cur = copy.deepcopy(x)
+ _replace_list(cur.input, list(map(blob_rename_f, cur.input)))
+ _replace_list(cur.output, list(map(blob_rename_f, cur.output)))
+ ret.append(cur)
+ return ret
+def _rename_blob(name, blob_sizes, blob_ranges):
+ def _list_to_str(bsize):
+ ret = ", ".join([str(x) for x in bsize])
+ ret = "[" + ret + "]"
+ return ret
+ ret = name
+ if blob_sizes is not None and name in blob_sizes:
+ ret += "\n" + _list_to_str(blob_sizes[name])
+ if blob_ranges is not None and name in blob_ranges:
+ ret += "\n" + _list_to_str(blob_ranges[name])
+ return ret
+# graph_name could not contain word 'graph'
+def save_graph(net, file_name, graph_name="net", op_only=True, blob_sizes=None, blob_ranges=None):
+ blob_rename_f = functools.partial(_rename_blob, blob_sizes=blob_sizes, blob_ranges=blob_ranges)
+ return save_graph_base(net, file_name, graph_name, op_only, blob_rename_f)
+def save_graph_base(net, file_name, graph_name="net", op_only=True, blob_rename_func=None):
+ graph = None
+ ops = net.op
+ if blob_rename_func is not None:
+ ops = _modify_blob_names(ops, blob_rename_func)
+ if not op_only:
+ graph = net_drawer.GetPydotGraph(ops, graph_name, rankdir="TB")
+ else:
+ graph = net_drawer.GetPydotGraphMinimal(
+ ops, graph_name, rankdir="TB", minimal_dependency=True
+ )
+ try:
+ par_dir = os.path.dirname(file_name)
+ if not os.path.exists(par_dir):
+ os.makedirs(par_dir)
+ format = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))[-1]
+ if format == ".png":
+ graph.write_png(file_name)
+ elif format == ".pdf":
+ graph.write_pdf(file_name)
+ elif format == ".svg":
+ graph.write_svg(file_name)
+ else:
+ print("Incorrect format {}".format(format))
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Error when writing graph to image {}".format(e))
+ return graph
+# ==== torch/utils_toffee/aten_to_caffe2.py ====================================
+def group_norm_replace_aten_with_caffe2(predict_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef):
+ """
+ For ONNX exported model, GroupNorm will be represented as ATen op,
+ this can be a drop in replacement from ATen to GroupNorm
+ """
+ count = 0
+ for op in predict_net.op:
+ if op.type == "ATen":
+ op_name = get_pb_arg_vals(op, "operator", None) # return byte in py3
+ if op_name and op_name.decode() == "group_norm":
+ op.arg.remove(get_pb_arg(op, "operator"))
+ if get_pb_arg_vali(op, "cudnn_enabled", None):
+ op.arg.remove(get_pb_arg(op, "cudnn_enabled"))
+ num_groups = get_pb_arg_vali(op, "num_groups", None)
+ if num_groups is not None:
+ op.arg.remove(get_pb_arg(op, "num_groups"))
+ check_set_pb_arg(op, "group", "i", num_groups)
+ op.type = "GroupNorm"
+ count += 1
+ if count > 1:
+ logger.info("Replaced {} ATen operator to GroupNormOp".format(count))
+# ==== torch/utils_toffee/alias.py =============================================
+def alias(x, name, is_backward=False):
+ if not torch.onnx.is_in_onnx_export():
+ return x
+ assert isinstance(x, torch.Tensor)
+ return torch.ops._caffe2.AliasWithName(x, name, is_backward=is_backward)
+def fuse_alias_placeholder(predict_net, init_net):
+ """ Remove AliasWithName placeholder and rename the input/output of it """
+ # First we finish all the re-naming
+ for i, op in enumerate(predict_net.op):
+ if op.type == "AliasWithName":
+ assert len(op.input) == 1
+ assert len(op.output) == 1
+ name = get_pb_arg_vals(op, "name", None).decode()
+ is_backward = bool(get_pb_arg_vali(op, "is_backward", 0))
+ rename_op_input(predict_net, init_net, i, 0, name, from_producer=is_backward)
+ rename_op_output(predict_net, i, 0, name)
+ # Remove AliasWithName, should be very safe since it's a non-op
+ new_ops = []
+ for op in predict_net.op:
+ if op.type != "AliasWithName":
+ new_ops.append(op)
+ else:
+ # safety check
+ assert op.input == op.output
+ assert op.input[0] == op.arg[0].s.decode()
+ del predict_net.op[:]
+ predict_net.op.extend(new_ops)
+# ==== torch/utils_caffe2/graph_transform.py ===================================
+class IllegalGraphTransformError(ValueError):
+ """ When a graph transform function call can't be executed. """
+def _rename_versioned_blob_in_proto(
+ proto: caffe2_pb2.NetDef,
+ old_name: str,
+ new_name: str,
+ version: int,
+ ssa: List[Tuple[List[Tuple[str, int]], List[Tuple[str, int]]]],
+ start_versions: Dict[str, int],
+ end_versions: Dict[str, int],
+ """ In given proto, rename all blobs with matched version """
+ # Operater list
+ for op, i_th_ssa in zip(proto.op, ssa):
+ versioned_inputs, versioned_outputs = i_th_ssa
+ for i in range(len(op.input)):
+ if versioned_inputs[i] == (old_name, version):
+ op.input[i] = new_name
+ for i in range(len(op.output)):
+ if versioned_outputs[i] == (old_name, version):
+ op.output[i] = new_name
+ # external_input
+ if start_versions.get(old_name, 0) == version:
+ for i in range(len(proto.external_input)):
+ if proto.external_input[i] == old_name:
+ proto.external_input[i] = new_name
+ # external_output
+ if end_versions.get(old_name, 0) == version:
+ for i in range(len(proto.external_output)):
+ if proto.external_output[i] == old_name:
+ proto.external_output[i] = new_name
+def rename_op_input(
+ predict_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef,
+ init_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef,
+ op_id: int,
+ input_id: int,
+ new_name: str,
+ from_producer: bool = False,
+ """
+ Rename the op_id-th operator in predict_net, change it's input_id-th input's
+ name to the new_name. It also does automatic re-route and change
+ external_input and init_net if necessary.
+ - It requires the input is only consumed by this op.
+ - This function modifies predict_net and init_net in-place.
+ - When from_producer is enable, this also updates other operators that consumes
+ the same input. Be cautious because may trigger unintended behavior.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(predict_net, caffe2_pb2.NetDef)
+ assert isinstance(init_net, caffe2_pb2.NetDef)
+ init_net_ssa, init_net_versions = core.get_ssa(init_net)
+ predict_net_ssa, predict_net_versions = core.get_ssa(
+ predict_net, copy.deepcopy(init_net_versions)
+ )
+ versioned_inputs, versioned_outputs = predict_net_ssa[op_id]
+ old_name, version = versioned_inputs[input_id]
+ if from_producer:
+ producer_map = get_producer_map(predict_net_ssa)
+ if not (old_name, version) in producer_map:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Can't find producer, the input {} is probably from"
+ " init_net, this is not supported yet.".format(old_name)
+ )
+ producer = producer_map[(old_name, version)]
+ rename_op_output(predict_net, producer[0], producer[1], new_name)
+ return
+ def contain_targets(op_ssa):
+ return (old_name, version) in op_ssa[0]
+ is_consumer = [contain_targets(op_ssa) for op_ssa in predict_net_ssa]
+ if sum(is_consumer) > 1:
+ raise IllegalGraphTransformError(
+ (
+ "Input '{}' of operator(#{}) are consumed by other ops, please use"
+ + " rename_op_output on the producer instead. Offending op: \n{}"
+ ).format(old_name, op_id, predict_net.op[op_id])
+ )
+ # update init_net
+ _rename_versioned_blob_in_proto(
+ init_net, old_name, new_name, version, init_net_ssa, {}, init_net_versions
+ )
+ # update predict_net
+ _rename_versioned_blob_in_proto(
+ predict_net,
+ old_name,
+ new_name,
+ version,
+ predict_net_ssa,
+ init_net_versions,
+ predict_net_versions,
+ )
+def rename_op_output(predict_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef, op_id: int, output_id: int, new_name: str):
+ """
+ Rename the op_id-th operator in predict_net, change it's output_id-th input's
+ name to the new_name. It also does automatic re-route and change
+ external_output and if necessary.
+ - It allows multiple consumers of its output.
+ - This function modifies predict_net in-place, doesn't need init_net.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(predict_net, caffe2_pb2.NetDef)
+ ssa, blob_versions = core.get_ssa(predict_net)
+ versioned_inputs, versioned_outputs = ssa[op_id]
+ old_name, version = versioned_outputs[output_id]
+ # update predict_net
+ _rename_versioned_blob_in_proto(
+ predict_net, old_name, new_name, version, ssa, {}, blob_versions
+ )
+def get_sub_graph_external_input_output(
+ predict_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef, sub_graph_op_indices: List[int]
+) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, int]], List[Tuple[str, int]]]:
+ """
+ Return the list of external input/output of sub-graph,
+ each element is tuple of the name and corresponding version in predict_net.
+ external input/output is defined the same way as caffe2 NetDef.
+ """
+ ssa, versions = core.get_ssa(predict_net)
+ all_inputs = []
+ all_outputs = []
+ for op_id in sub_graph_op_indices:
+ all_inputs += [inp for inp in ssa[op_id][0] if inp not in all_inputs]
+ all_outputs += list(ssa[op_id][1]) # ssa output won't repeat
+ # for versioned blobs, external inputs are just those blob in all_inputs
+ # but not in all_outputs
+ ext_inputs = [inp for inp in all_inputs if inp not in all_outputs]
+ # external outputs are essentially outputs of this subgraph that are used
+ # outside of this sub-graph (including predict_net.external_output)
+ all_other_inputs = sum(
+ (ssa[i][0] for i in range(len(ssa)) if i not in sub_graph_op_indices),
+ [(outp, versions[outp]) for outp in predict_net.external_output],
+ )
+ ext_outputs = [outp for outp in all_outputs if outp in set(all_other_inputs)]
+ return ext_inputs, ext_outputs
+class DiGraph:
+ """ A DAG representation of caffe2 graph, each vertice is a versioned blob. """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.vertices = set()
+ self.graph = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ def add_edge(self, u, v):
+ self.graph[u].append(v)
+ self.vertices.add(u)
+ self.vertices.add(v)
+ # grab from https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-paths-given-source-destination/
+ def get_all_paths(self, s, d):
+ visited = {k: False for k in self.vertices}
+ path = []
+ all_paths = []
+ def _get_all_paths_util(graph, u, d, visited, path):
+ visited[u] = True
+ path.append(u)
+ if u == d:
+ all_paths.append(copy.deepcopy(path))
+ else:
+ for i in graph[u]:
+ if not visited[i]:
+ _get_all_paths_util(graph, i, d, visited, path)
+ path.pop()
+ visited[u] = False
+ _get_all_paths_util(self.graph, s, d, visited, path)
+ return all_paths
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_ssa(ssa):
+ graph = DiGraph()
+ for op_id in range(len(ssa)):
+ for inp in ssa[op_id][0]:
+ for outp in ssa[op_id][1]:
+ graph.add_edge(inp, outp)
+ return graph
+def _get_dependency_chain(ssa, versioned_target, versioned_source):
+ """
+ Return the index list of relevant operator to produce target blob from source blob,
+ if there's no dependency, return empty list.
+ """
+ # finding all paths between nodes can be O(N!), thus we can only search
+ # in the subgraph using the op starting from the first consumer of source blob
+ # to the producer of the target blob.
+ consumer_map = get_consumer_map(ssa)
+ producer_map = get_producer_map(ssa)
+ start_op = min(x[0] for x in consumer_map[versioned_source]) - 15
+ end_op = (
+ producer_map[versioned_target][0] + 15 if versioned_target in producer_map else start_op
+ )
+ sub_graph_ssa = ssa[start_op : end_op + 1]
+ if len(sub_graph_ssa) > 30:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Subgraph bebetween {} and {} is large (from op#{} to op#{}), it"
+ " might take non-trival time to find all paths between them.".format(
+ versioned_source, versioned_target, start_op, end_op
+ )
+ )
+ dag = DiGraph.from_ssa(sub_graph_ssa)
+ paths = dag.get_all_paths(versioned_source, versioned_target) # include two ends
+ ops_in_paths = [[producer_map[blob][0] for blob in path[1:]] for path in paths]
+ return sorted(set().union(*[set(ops) for ops in ops_in_paths]))
+def identify_reshape_sub_graph(predict_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef) -> List[List[int]]:
+ """
+ Idenfity the reshape sub-graph in a protobuf.
+ The reshape sub-graph is defined as matching the following pattern:
+ (input_blob) -> Op_1 -> ... -> Op_N -> (new_shape) -─┐
+ └-------------------------------------------> Reshape -> (output_blob)
+ Return:
+ List of sub-graphs, each sub-graph is represented as a list of indices
+ of the relavent ops, [Op_1, Op_2, ..., Op_N, Reshape]
+ """
+ ssa, _ = core.get_ssa(predict_net)
+ ret = []
+ for i, op in enumerate(predict_net.op):
+ if op.type == "Reshape":
+ assert len(op.input) == 2
+ input_ssa = ssa[i][0]
+ data_source = input_ssa[0]
+ shape_source = input_ssa[1]
+ op_indices = _get_dependency_chain(ssa, shape_source, data_source)
+ ret.append(op_indices + [i])
+ return ret
+def remove_reshape_for_fc(predict_net, params):
+ """
+ In PyTorch nn.Linear has to take 2D tensor, this often leads to reshape
+ a 4D tensor to 2D by calling .view(). However this (dynamic) reshaping
+ doesn't work well with ONNX and Int8 tools, and cause using extra
+ ops (eg. ExpandDims) that might not be available on mobile.
+ Luckily Caffe2 supports 4D tensor for FC, so we can remove those reshape
+ after exporting ONNX model.
+ """
+ from caffe2.python import core
+ # find all reshape sub-graph that can be removed, which is now all Reshape
+ # sub-graph whose output is only consumed by FC.
+ # TODO: to make it safer, we may need the actually value to better determine
+ # if a Reshape before FC is removable.
+ reshape_sub_graphs = identify_reshape_sub_graph(predict_net)
+ sub_graphs_to_remove = []
+ for reshape_sub_graph in reshape_sub_graphs:
+ reshape_op_id = reshape_sub_graph[-1]
+ assert predict_net.op[reshape_op_id].type == "Reshape"
+ ssa, _ = core.get_ssa(predict_net)
+ reshape_output = ssa[reshape_op_id][1][0]
+ consumers = [i for i in range(len(ssa)) if reshape_output in ssa[i][0]]
+ if all(predict_net.op[consumer].type == "FC" for consumer in consumers):
+ # safety check if the sub-graph is isolated, for this reshape sub-graph,
+ # it means it has one non-param external input and one external output.
+ ext_inputs, ext_outputs = get_sub_graph_external_input_output(
+ predict_net, reshape_sub_graph
+ )
+ non_params_ext_inputs = [inp for inp in ext_inputs if inp[1] != 0]
+ if len(non_params_ext_inputs) == 1 and len(ext_outputs) == 1:
+ sub_graphs_to_remove.append(reshape_sub_graph)
+ # perform removing subgraph by:
+ # 1: rename the Reshape's output to its input, then the graph can be
+ # seen as in-place itentify, meaning whose external input/output are the same.
+ # 2: simply remove those ops.
+ remove_op_ids = []
+ params_to_remove = []
+ for sub_graph in sub_graphs_to_remove:
+ logger.info(
+ "Remove Reshape sub-graph:\n{}".format(
+ "".join(["(#{:>4})\n{}".format(i, predict_net.op[i]) for i in sub_graph])
+ )
+ )
+ reshape_op_id = sub_graph[-1]
+ new_reshap_output = predict_net.op[reshape_op_id].input[0]
+ rename_op_output(predict_net, reshape_op_id, 0, new_reshap_output)
+ ext_inputs, ext_outputs = get_sub_graph_external_input_output(predict_net, sub_graph)
+ non_params_ext_inputs = [inp for inp in ext_inputs if inp[1] != 0]
+ params_ext_inputs = [inp for inp in ext_inputs if inp[1] == 0]
+ assert len(non_params_ext_inputs) == 1 and len(ext_outputs) == 1
+ assert ext_outputs[0][0] == non_params_ext_inputs[0][0]
+ assert ext_outputs[0][1] == non_params_ext_inputs[0][1] + 1
+ remove_op_ids.extend(sub_graph)
+ params_to_remove.extend(params_ext_inputs)
+ predict_net = copy.deepcopy(predict_net)
+ new_ops = [op for i, op in enumerate(predict_net.op) if i not in remove_op_ids]
+ del predict_net.op[:]
+ predict_net.op.extend(new_ops)
+ for versioned_params in params_to_remove:
+ name = versioned_params[0]
+ logger.info("Remove params: {} from init_net and predict_net.external_input".format(name))
+ del params[name]
+ predict_net.external_input.remove(name)
+ return predict_net, params
+def fuse_copy_between_cpu_and_gpu(predict_net: caffe2_pb2.NetDef):
+ """
+ In-place fuse extra copy ops between cpu/gpu for the following case:
+ a -CopyAToB-> b -CopyBToA> c1 -NextOp1-> d1
+ -CopyBToA> c2 -NextOp2-> d2
+ The fused network will look like:
+ a -NextOp1-> d1
+ -NextOp2-> d2
+ """
+ _COPY_OPS = ["CopyCPUToGPU", "CopyGPUToCPU"]
+ def _fuse_once(predict_net):
+ ssa, blob_versions = core.get_ssa(predict_net)
+ consumer_map = get_consumer_map(ssa)
+ versioned_external_output = [
+ (name, blob_versions[name]) for name in predict_net.external_output
+ ]
+ for op_id, op in enumerate(predict_net.op):
+ if op.type in _COPY_OPS:
+ fw_copy_versioned_output = ssa[op_id][1][0]
+ consumer_ids = [x[0] for x in consumer_map[fw_copy_versioned_output]]
+ reverse_op_type = _COPY_OPS[1 - _COPY_OPS.index(op.type)]
+ is_fusable = (
+ len(consumer_ids) > 0
+ and fw_copy_versioned_output not in versioned_external_output
+ and all(
+ predict_net.op[_op_id].type == reverse_op_type
+ and ssa[_op_id][1][0] not in versioned_external_output
+ for _op_id in consumer_ids
+ )
+ )
+ if is_fusable:
+ for rv_copy_op_id in consumer_ids:
+ # making each NextOp uses "a" directly and removing Copy ops
+ rs_copy_versioned_output = ssa[rv_copy_op_id][1][0]
+ next_op_id, inp_id = consumer_map[rs_copy_versioned_output][0]
+ predict_net.op[next_op_id].input[inp_id] = op.input[0]
+ # remove CopyOps
+ new_ops = [
+ op
+ for i, op in enumerate(predict_net.op)
+ if i != op_id and i not in consumer_ids
+ ]
+ del predict_net.op[:]
+ predict_net.op.extend(new_ops)
+ return True
+ return False
+ # _fuse_once returns False is nothing can be fused
+ while _fuse_once(predict_net):
+ pass
+def remove_dead_end_ops(net_def: caffe2_pb2.NetDef):
+ """ remove ops if its output is not used or not in external_output """
+ ssa, versions = core.get_ssa(net_def)
+ versioned_external_output = [(name, versions[name]) for name in net_def.external_output]
+ consumer_map = get_consumer_map(ssa)
+ removed_op_ids = set()
+ def _is_dead_end(versioned_blob):
+ return not (
+ versioned_blob in versioned_external_output
+ or (
+ len(consumer_map[versioned_blob]) > 0
+ and all(x[0] not in removed_op_ids for x in consumer_map[versioned_blob])
+ )
+ )
+ for i, ssa_i in reversed(list(enumerate(ssa))):
+ versioned_outputs = ssa_i[1]
+ if all(_is_dead_end(outp) for outp in versioned_outputs):
+ removed_op_ids.add(i)
+ # simply removing those deadend ops should have no effect to external_output
+ new_ops = [op for i, op in enumerate(net_def.op) if i not in removed_op_ids]
+ del net_def.op[:]
+ net_def.op.extend(new_ops)
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/__init__.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2753739a03659dff5bc5b87f8c8417056d319842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+from .batch_norm import FrozenBatchNorm2d, get_norm, NaiveSyncBatchNorm
+from .deform_conv import DeformConv, ModulatedDeformConv
+from .mask_ops import paste_masks_in_image
+from .nms import batched_nms, batched_nms_rotated, nms, nms_rotated
+from .roi_align import ROIAlign, roi_align
+from .roi_align_rotated import ROIAlignRotated, roi_align_rotated
+from .shape_spec import ShapeSpec
+from .wrappers import BatchNorm2d, Conv2d, ConvTranspose2d, cat, interpolate, Linear
+from .blocks import CNNBlockBase
+__all__ = [k for k in globals().keys() if not k.startswith("_")]
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/batch_norm.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/batch_norm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1339c6eaedfbc65c9604043234b738382d07fd40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/batch_norm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+import logging
+import torch
+import torch.distributed as dist
+from torch import nn
+from torch.autograd.function import Function
+from torch.nn import functional as F
+from detectron2.utils import comm
+from .wrappers import BatchNorm2d
+TORCH_VERSION = tuple(int(x) for x in torch.__version__.split(".")[:2])
+class FrozenBatchNorm2d(nn.Module):
+ """
+ BatchNorm2d where the batch statistics and the affine parameters are fixed.
+ It contains non-trainable buffers called
+ "weight" and "bias", "running_mean", "running_var",
+ initialized to perform identity transformation.
+ The pre-trained backbone models from Caffe2 only contain "weight" and "bias",
+ which are computed from the original four parameters of BN.
+ The affine transform `x * weight + bias` will perform the equivalent
+ computation of `(x - running_mean) / sqrt(running_var) * weight + bias`.
+ When loading a backbone model from Caffe2, "running_mean" and "running_var"
+ will be left unchanged as identity transformation.
+ Other pre-trained backbone models may contain all 4 parameters.
+ The forward is implemented by `F.batch_norm(..., training=False)`.
+ """
+ _version = 3
+ def __init__(self, num_features, eps=1e-5):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.num_features = num_features
+ self.eps = eps
+ self.register_buffer("weight", torch.ones(num_features))
+ self.register_buffer("bias", torch.zeros(num_features))
+ self.register_buffer("running_mean", torch.zeros(num_features))
+ self.register_buffer("running_var", torch.ones(num_features) - eps)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ if x.requires_grad:
+ # When gradients are needed, F.batch_norm will use extra memory
+ # because its backward op computes gradients for weight/bias as well.
+ scale = self.weight * (self.running_var + self.eps).rsqrt()
+ bias = self.bias - self.running_mean * scale
+ scale = scale.reshape(1, -1, 1, 1)
+ bias = bias.reshape(1, -1, 1, 1)
+ return x * scale + bias
+ else:
+ # When gradients are not needed, F.batch_norm is a single fused op
+ # and provide more optimization opportunities.
+ return F.batch_norm(
+ x,
+ self.running_mean,
+ self.running_var,
+ self.weight,
+ self.bias,
+ training=False,
+ eps=self.eps,
+ )
+ def _load_from_state_dict(
+ self, state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, strict, missing_keys, unexpected_keys, error_msgs
+ ):
+ version = local_metadata.get("version", None)
+ if version is None or version < 2:
+ # No running_mean/var in early versions
+ # This will silent the warnings
+ if prefix + "running_mean" not in state_dict:
+ state_dict[prefix + "running_mean"] = torch.zeros_like(self.running_mean)
+ if prefix + "running_var" not in state_dict:
+ state_dict[prefix + "running_var"] = torch.ones_like(self.running_var)
+ if version is not None and version < 3:
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.info("FrozenBatchNorm {} is upgraded to version 3.".format(prefix.rstrip(".")))
+ # In version < 3, running_var are used without +eps.
+ state_dict[prefix + "running_var"] -= self.eps
+ super()._load_from_state_dict(
+ state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, strict, missing_keys, unexpected_keys, error_msgs
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "FrozenBatchNorm2d(num_features={}, eps={})".format(self.num_features, self.eps)
+ @classmethod
+ def convert_frozen_batchnorm(cls, module):
+ """
+ Convert BatchNorm/SyncBatchNorm in module into FrozenBatchNorm.
+ Args:
+ module (torch.nn.Module):
+ Returns:
+ If module is BatchNorm/SyncBatchNorm, returns a new module.
+ Otherwise, in-place convert module and return it.
+ Similar to convert_sync_batchnorm in
+ https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/torch/nn/modules/batchnorm.py
+ """
+ bn_module = nn.modules.batchnorm
+ bn_module = (bn_module.BatchNorm2d, bn_module.SyncBatchNorm)
+ res = module
+ if isinstance(module, bn_module):
+ res = cls(module.num_features)
+ if module.affine:
+ res.weight.data = module.weight.data.clone().detach()
+ res.bias.data = module.bias.data.clone().detach()
+ res.running_mean.data = module.running_mean.data
+ res.running_var.data = module.running_var.data
+ res.eps = module.eps
+ else:
+ for name, child in module.named_children():
+ new_child = cls.convert_frozen_batchnorm(child)
+ if new_child is not child:
+ res.add_module(name, new_child)
+ return res
+def get_norm(norm, out_channels):
+ """
+ Args:
+ norm (str or callable): either one of BN, SyncBN, FrozenBN, GN;
+ or a callable that takes a channel number and returns
+ the normalization layer as a nn.Module.
+ Returns:
+ nn.Module or None: the normalization layer
+ """
+ if isinstance(norm, str):
+ if len(norm) == 0:
+ return None
+ norm = {
+ "BN": BatchNorm2d,
+ # Fixed in https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/36382
+ "SyncBN": NaiveSyncBatchNorm if TORCH_VERSION <= (1, 5) else nn.SyncBatchNorm,
+ "FrozenBN": FrozenBatchNorm2d,
+ "GN": lambda channels: nn.GroupNorm(32, channels),
+ # for debugging:
+ "nnSyncBN": nn.SyncBatchNorm,
+ "naiveSyncBN": NaiveSyncBatchNorm,
+ }[norm]
+ return norm(out_channels)
+class AllReduce(Function):
+ @staticmethod
+ def forward(ctx, input):
+ input_list = [torch.zeros_like(input) for k in range(dist.get_world_size())]
+ # Use allgather instead of allreduce since I don't trust in-place operations ..
+ dist.all_gather(input_list, input, async_op=False)
+ inputs = torch.stack(input_list, dim=0)
+ return torch.sum(inputs, dim=0)
+ @staticmethod
+ def backward(ctx, grad_output):
+ dist.all_reduce(grad_output, async_op=False)
+ return grad_output
+class NaiveSyncBatchNorm(BatchNorm2d):
+ """
+ In PyTorch<=1.5, `nn.SyncBatchNorm` has incorrect gradient
+ when the batch size on each worker is different.
+ (e.g., when scale augmentation is used, or when it is applied to mask head).
+ This is a slower but correct alternative to `nn.SyncBatchNorm`.
+ Note:
+ There isn't a single definition of Sync BatchNorm.
+ When ``stats_mode==""``, this module computes overall statistics by using
+ statistics of each worker with equal weight. The result is true statistics
+ of all samples (as if they are all on one worker) only when all workers
+ have the same (N, H, W). This mode does not support inputs with zero batch size.
+ When ``stats_mode=="N"``, this module computes overall statistics by weighting
+ the statistics of each worker by their ``N``. The result is true statistics
+ of all samples (as if they are all on one worker) only when all workers
+ have the same (H, W). It is slower than ``stats_mode==""``.
+ Even though the result of this module may not be the true statistics of all samples,
+ it may still be reasonable because it might be preferrable to assign equal weights
+ to all workers, regardless of their (H, W) dimension, instead of putting larger weight
+ on larger images. From preliminary experiments, little difference is found between such
+ a simplified implementation and an accurate computation of overall mean & variance.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, stats_mode="", **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ assert stats_mode in ["", "N"]
+ self._stats_mode = stats_mode
+ def forward(self, input):
+ if comm.get_world_size() == 1 or not self.training:
+ return super().forward(input)
+ B, C = input.shape[0], input.shape[1]
+ mean = torch.mean(input, dim=[0, 2, 3])
+ meansqr = torch.mean(input * input, dim=[0, 2, 3])
+ if self._stats_mode == "":
+ assert B > 0, 'SyncBatchNorm(stats_mode="") does not support zero batch size.'
+ vec = torch.cat([mean, meansqr], dim=0)
+ vec = AllReduce.apply(vec) * (1.0 / dist.get_world_size())
+ mean, meansqr = torch.split(vec, C)
+ momentum = self.momentum
+ else:
+ if B == 0:
+ vec = torch.zeros([2 * C + 1], device=mean.device, dtype=mean.dtype)
+ vec = vec + input.sum() # make sure there is gradient w.r.t input
+ else:
+ vec = torch.cat(
+ [mean, meansqr, torch.ones([1], device=mean.device, dtype=mean.dtype)], dim=0
+ )
+ vec = AllReduce.apply(vec * B)
+ total_batch = vec[-1].detach()
+ momentum = total_batch.clamp(max=1) * self.momentum # no update if total_batch is 0
+ total_batch = torch.max(total_batch, torch.ones_like(total_batch)) # avoid div-by-zero
+ mean, meansqr, _ = torch.split(vec / total_batch, C)
+ var = meansqr - mean * mean
+ invstd = torch.rsqrt(var + self.eps)
+ scale = self.weight * invstd
+ bias = self.bias - mean * scale
+ scale = scale.reshape(1, -1, 1, 1)
+ bias = bias.reshape(1, -1, 1, 1)
+ self.running_mean += momentum * (mean.detach() - self.running_mean)
+ self.running_var += momentum * (var.detach() - self.running_var)
+ return input * scale + bias
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/blocks.py b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/blocks.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d06fec22e472febbc960c49f747acddd2ab7208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/blocks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+from torch import nn
+from .batch_norm import FrozenBatchNorm2d
+class CNNBlockBase(nn.Module):
+ """
+ A CNN block is assumed to have input channels, output channels and a stride.
+ The input and output of `forward()` method must be NCHW tensors.
+ The method can perform arbitrary computation but must match the given
+ channels and stride specification.
+ Attribute:
+ in_channels (int):
+ out_channels (int):
+ stride (int):
+ """
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, stride):
+ """
+ The `__init__` method of any subclass should also contain these arguments.
+ Args:
+ in_channels (int):
+ out_channels (int):
+ stride (int):
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ self.stride = stride
+ def freeze(self):
+ """
+ Make this block not trainable.
+ This method sets all parameters to `requires_grad=False`,
+ and convert all BatchNorm layers to FrozenBatchNorm
+ Returns:
+ the block itself
+ """
+ for p in self.parameters():
+ p.requires_grad = False
+ FrozenBatchNorm2d.convert_frozen_batchnorm(self)
+ return self
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/README.md b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/README.md
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+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+To add a new Op:
+1. Create a new directory
+2. Implement new ops there
+3. Delcare its Python interface in `vision.cpp`.
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlign/ROIAlign.h b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlign/ROIAlign.h
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlign/ROIAlign.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+#pragma once
+namespace detectron2 {
+at::Tensor ROIAlign_forward_cpu(
+ const at::Tensor& input,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ bool aligned);
+at::Tensor ROIAlign_backward_cpu(
+ const at::Tensor& grad,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int batch_size,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ bool aligned);
+#ifdef WITH_CUDA
+at::Tensor ROIAlign_forward_cuda(
+ const at::Tensor& input,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ bool aligned);
+at::Tensor ROIAlign_backward_cuda(
+ const at::Tensor& grad,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int batch_size,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ bool aligned);
+// Interface for Python
+inline at::Tensor ROIAlign_forward(
+ const at::Tensor& input,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ bool aligned) {
+ if (input.is_cuda()) {
+#ifdef WITH_CUDA
+ return ROIAlign_forward_cuda(
+ input,
+ rois,
+ spatial_scale,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ sampling_ratio,
+ aligned);
+ AT_ERROR("Not compiled with GPU support");
+ }
+ return ROIAlign_forward_cpu(
+ input,
+ rois,
+ spatial_scale,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ sampling_ratio,
+ aligned);
+inline at::Tensor ROIAlign_backward(
+ const at::Tensor& grad,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int batch_size,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ bool aligned) {
+ if (grad.is_cuda()) {
+#ifdef WITH_CUDA
+ return ROIAlign_backward_cuda(
+ grad,
+ rois,
+ spatial_scale,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ batch_size,
+ channels,
+ height,
+ width,
+ sampling_ratio,
+ aligned);
+ AT_ERROR("Not compiled with GPU support");
+ }
+ return ROIAlign_backward_cpu(
+ grad,
+ rois,
+ spatial_scale,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ batch_size,
+ channels,
+ height,
+ width,
+ sampling_ratio,
+ aligned);
+} // namespace detectron2
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlign/ROIAlign_cpu.cpp b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlign/ROIAlign_cpu.cpp
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52fc83f8140b29de7b2ad3cb490b8cb672959e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlign/ROIAlign_cpu.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+#include "ROIAlign.h"
+namespace {
+// implementation taken from Caffe2
+struct PreCalc {
+ int pos1;
+ int pos2;
+ int pos3;
+ int pos4;
+ T w1;
+ T w2;
+ T w3;
+ T w4;
+void pre_calc_for_bilinear_interpolate(
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int iy_upper,
+ const int ix_upper,
+ T roi_start_h,
+ T roi_start_w,
+ T bin_size_h,
+ T bin_size_w,
+ int roi_bin_grid_h,
+ int roi_bin_grid_w,
+ std::vector>& pre_calc) {
+ int pre_calc_index = 0;
+ for (int ph = 0; ph < pooled_height; ph++) {
+ for (int pw = 0; pw < pooled_width; pw++) {
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < iy_upper; iy++) {
+ const T yy = roi_start_h + ph * bin_size_h +
+ static_cast(iy + .5f) * bin_size_h /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_h); // e.g., 0.5, 1.5
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < ix_upper; ix++) {
+ const T xx = roi_start_w + pw * bin_size_w +
+ static_cast(ix + .5f) * bin_size_w /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_w);
+ T x = xx;
+ T y = yy;
+ // deal with: inverse elements are out of feature map boundary
+ if (y < -1.0 || y > height || x < -1.0 || x > width) {
+ // empty
+ PreCalc pc;
+ pc.pos1 = 0;
+ pc.pos2 = 0;
+ pc.pos3 = 0;
+ pc.pos4 = 0;
+ pc.w1 = 0;
+ pc.w2 = 0;
+ pc.w3 = 0;
+ pc.w4 = 0;
+ pre_calc[pre_calc_index] = pc;
+ pre_calc_index += 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (y <= 0) {
+ y = 0;
+ }
+ if (x <= 0) {
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ int y_low = (int)y;
+ int x_low = (int)x;
+ int y_high;
+ int x_high;
+ if (y_low >= height - 1) {
+ y_high = y_low = height - 1;
+ y = (T)y_low;
+ } else {
+ y_high = y_low + 1;
+ }
+ if (x_low >= width - 1) {
+ x_high = x_low = width - 1;
+ x = (T)x_low;
+ } else {
+ x_high = x_low + 1;
+ }
+ T ly = y - y_low;
+ T lx = x - x_low;
+ T hy = 1. - ly, hx = 1. - lx;
+ T w1 = hy * hx, w2 = hy * lx, w3 = ly * hx, w4 = ly * lx;
+ // save weights and indices
+ PreCalc pc;
+ pc.pos1 = y_low * width + x_low;
+ pc.pos2 = y_low * width + x_high;
+ pc.pos3 = y_high * width + x_low;
+ pc.pos4 = y_high * width + x_high;
+ pc.w1 = w1;
+ pc.w2 = w2;
+ pc.w3 = w3;
+ pc.w4 = w4;
+ pre_calc[pre_calc_index] = pc;
+ pre_calc_index += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ROIAlignForward(
+ const int nthreads,
+ const T* input,
+ const T& spatial_scale,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ const T* rois,
+ T* output,
+ bool aligned) {
+ int n_rois = nthreads / channels / pooled_width / pooled_height;
+ // (n, c, ph, pw) is an element in the pooled output
+ // can be parallelized using omp
+ // #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(32)
+ for (int n = 0; n < n_rois; n++) {
+ int index_n = n * channels * pooled_width * pooled_height;
+ const T* offset_rois = rois + n * 5;
+ int roi_batch_ind = offset_rois[0];
+ // Do not use rounding; this implementation detail is critical
+ T offset = aligned ? (T)0.5 : (T)0.0;
+ T roi_start_w = offset_rois[1] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_start_h = offset_rois[2] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_end_w = offset_rois[3] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_end_h = offset_rois[4] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_width = roi_end_w - roi_start_w;
+ T roi_height = roi_end_h - roi_start_h;
+ if (aligned) {
+ roi_width >= 0 && roi_height >= 0,
+ "ROIs in ROIAlign cannot have non-negative size!");
+ } else { // for backward-compatibility only
+ roi_width = std::max(roi_width, (T)1.);
+ roi_height = std::max(roi_height, (T)1.);
+ }
+ T bin_size_h = static_cast(roi_height) / static_cast(pooled_height);
+ T bin_size_w = static_cast(roi_width) / static_cast(pooled_width);
+ // We use roi_bin_grid to sample the grid and mimic integral
+ int roi_bin_grid_h = (sampling_ratio > 0)
+ ? sampling_ratio
+ : ceil(roi_height / pooled_height); // e.g., = 2
+ int roi_bin_grid_w =
+ (sampling_ratio > 0) ? sampling_ratio : ceil(roi_width / pooled_width);
+ // We do average (integral) pooling inside a bin
+ // When the grid is empty, output zeros == 0/1, instead of NaN.
+ const T count = std::max(roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w, 1); // e.g. = 4
+ // we want to precalculate indices and weights shared by all channels,
+ // this is the key point of optimization
+ std::vector> pre_calc(
+ roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w * pooled_width * pooled_height);
+ pre_calc_for_bilinear_interpolate(
+ height,
+ width,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ roi_bin_grid_h,
+ roi_bin_grid_w,
+ roi_start_h,
+ roi_start_w,
+ bin_size_h,
+ bin_size_w,
+ roi_bin_grid_h,
+ roi_bin_grid_w,
+ pre_calc);
+ for (int c = 0; c < channels; c++) {
+ int index_n_c = index_n + c * pooled_width * pooled_height;
+ const T* offset_input =
+ input + (roi_batch_ind * channels + c) * height * width;
+ int pre_calc_index = 0;
+ for (int ph = 0; ph < pooled_height; ph++) {
+ for (int pw = 0; pw < pooled_width; pw++) {
+ int index = index_n_c + ph * pooled_width + pw;
+ T output_val = 0.;
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < roi_bin_grid_h; iy++) {
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < roi_bin_grid_w; ix++) {
+ PreCalc pc = pre_calc[pre_calc_index];
+ output_val += pc.w1 * offset_input[pc.pos1] +
+ pc.w2 * offset_input[pc.pos2] +
+ pc.w3 * offset_input[pc.pos3] + pc.w4 * offset_input[pc.pos4];
+ pre_calc_index += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ output_val /= count;
+ output[index] = output_val;
+ } // for pw
+ } // for ph
+ } // for c
+ } // for n
+void bilinear_interpolate_gradient(
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ T y,
+ T x,
+ T& w1,
+ T& w2,
+ T& w3,
+ T& w4,
+ int& x_low,
+ int& x_high,
+ int& y_low,
+ int& y_high,
+ const int index /* index for debug only*/) {
+ // deal with cases that inverse elements are out of feature map boundary
+ if (y < -1.0 || y > height || x < -1.0 || x > width) {
+ // empty
+ w1 = w2 = w3 = w4 = 0.;
+ x_low = x_high = y_low = y_high = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (y <= 0)
+ y = 0;
+ if (x <= 0)
+ x = 0;
+ y_low = (int)y;
+ x_low = (int)x;
+ if (y_low >= height - 1) {
+ y_high = y_low = height - 1;
+ y = (T)y_low;
+ } else {
+ y_high = y_low + 1;
+ }
+ if (x_low >= width - 1) {
+ x_high = x_low = width - 1;
+ x = (T)x_low;
+ } else {
+ x_high = x_low + 1;
+ }
+ T ly = y - y_low;
+ T lx = x - x_low;
+ T hy = 1. - ly, hx = 1. - lx;
+ // reference in forward
+ // T v1 = input[y_low * width + x_low];
+ // T v2 = input[y_low * width + x_high];
+ // T v3 = input[y_high * width + x_low];
+ // T v4 = input[y_high * width + x_high];
+ // T val = (w1 * v1 + w2 * v2 + w3 * v3 + w4 * v4);
+ w1 = hy * hx, w2 = hy * lx, w3 = ly * hx, w4 = ly * lx;
+ return;
+inline void add(T* address, const T& val) {
+ *address += val;
+void ROIAlignBackward(
+ const int nthreads,
+ // may not be contiguous, and should be indexed using n_stride, etc
+ const T* grad_output,
+ const T& spatial_scale,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ T* grad_input,
+ const T* rois,
+ const int n_stride,
+ const int c_stride,
+ const int h_stride,
+ const int w_stride,
+ bool aligned) {
+ for (int index = 0; index < nthreads; index++) {
+ // (n, c, ph, pw) is an element in the pooled output
+ int pw = index % pooled_width;
+ int ph = (index / pooled_width) % pooled_height;
+ int c = (index / pooled_width / pooled_height) % channels;
+ int n = index / pooled_width / pooled_height / channels;
+ const T* offset_rois = rois + n * 5;
+ int roi_batch_ind = offset_rois[0];
+ // Do not use rounding; this implementation detail is critical
+ T offset = aligned ? (T)0.5 : (T)0.0;
+ T roi_start_w = offset_rois[1] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_start_h = offset_rois[2] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_end_w = offset_rois[3] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_end_h = offset_rois[4] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_width = roi_end_w - roi_start_w;
+ T roi_height = roi_end_h - roi_start_h;
+ if (aligned) {
+ roi_width >= 0 && roi_height >= 0,
+ "ROIs in ROIAlign do not have non-negative size!");
+ } else { // for backward-compatibility only
+ roi_width = std::max(roi_width, (T)1.);
+ roi_height = std::max(roi_height, (T)1.);
+ }
+ T bin_size_h = static_cast(roi_height) / static_cast(pooled_height);
+ T bin_size_w = static_cast(roi_width) / static_cast(pooled_width);
+ T* offset_grad_input =
+ grad_input + ((roi_batch_ind * channels + c) * height * width);
+ int output_offset = n * n_stride + c * c_stride;
+ const T* offset_grad_output = grad_output + output_offset;
+ const T grad_output_this_bin =
+ offset_grad_output[ph * h_stride + pw * w_stride];
+ // We use roi_bin_grid to sample the grid and mimic integral
+ int roi_bin_grid_h = (sampling_ratio > 0)
+ ? sampling_ratio
+ : ceil(roi_height / pooled_height); // e.g., = 2
+ int roi_bin_grid_w =
+ (sampling_ratio > 0) ? sampling_ratio : ceil(roi_width / pooled_width);
+ // We do average (integral) pooling inside a bin
+ const T count = roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w; // e.g. = 4
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < roi_bin_grid_h; iy++) {
+ const T y = roi_start_h + ph * bin_size_h +
+ static_cast(iy + .5f) * bin_size_h /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_h); // e.g., 0.5, 1.5
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < roi_bin_grid_w; ix++) {
+ const T x = roi_start_w + pw * bin_size_w +
+ static_cast(ix + .5f) * bin_size_w /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_w);
+ T w1, w2, w3, w4;
+ int x_low, x_high, y_low, y_high;
+ bilinear_interpolate_gradient(
+ height,
+ width,
+ y,
+ x,
+ w1,
+ w2,
+ w3,
+ w4,
+ x_low,
+ x_high,
+ y_low,
+ y_high,
+ index);
+ T g1 = grad_output_this_bin * w1 / count;
+ T g2 = grad_output_this_bin * w2 / count;
+ T g3 = grad_output_this_bin * w3 / count;
+ T g4 = grad_output_this_bin * w4 / count;
+ if (x_low >= 0 && x_high >= 0 && y_low >= 0 && y_high >= 0) {
+ // atomic add is not needed for now since it is single threaded
+ add(offset_grad_input + y_low * width + x_low, static_cast(g1));
+ add(offset_grad_input + y_low * width + x_high, static_cast(g2));
+ add(offset_grad_input + y_high * width + x_low, static_cast(g3));
+ add(offset_grad_input + y_high * width + x_high, static_cast(g4));
+ } // if
+ } // ix
+ } // iy
+ } // for
+} // ROIAlignBackward
+} // namespace
+namespace detectron2 {
+at::Tensor ROIAlign_forward_cpu(
+ const at::Tensor& input,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ bool aligned) {
+ AT_ASSERTM(input.device().is_cpu(), "input must be a CPU tensor");
+ AT_ASSERTM(rois.device().is_cpu(), "rois must be a CPU tensor");
+ at::TensorArg input_t{input, "input", 1}, rois_t{rois, "rois", 2};
+ at::CheckedFrom c = "ROIAlign_forward_cpu";
+ at::checkAllSameType(c, {input_t, rois_t});
+ auto num_rois = rois.size(0);
+ auto channels = input.size(1);
+ auto height = input.size(2);
+ auto width = input.size(3);
+ at::Tensor output = at::zeros(
+ {num_rois, channels, pooled_height, pooled_width}, input.options());
+ auto output_size = num_rois * pooled_height * pooled_width * channels;
+ if (output.numel() == 0)
+ return output;
+ auto input_ = input.contiguous(), rois_ = rois.contiguous();
+ input.scalar_type(), "ROIAlign_forward", [&] {
+ ROIAlignForward(
+ output_size,
+ input_.data_ptr(),
+ spatial_scale,
+ channels,
+ height,
+ width,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ sampling_ratio,
+ rois_.data_ptr(),
+ output.data_ptr(),
+ aligned);
+ });
+ return output;
+at::Tensor ROIAlign_backward_cpu(
+ const at::Tensor& grad,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int batch_size,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ bool aligned) {
+ AT_ASSERTM(grad.device().is_cpu(), "grad must be a CPU tensor");
+ AT_ASSERTM(rois.device().is_cpu(), "rois must be a CPU tensor");
+ at::TensorArg grad_t{grad, "grad", 1}, rois_t{rois, "rois", 2};
+ at::CheckedFrom c = "ROIAlign_backward_cpu";
+ at::checkAllSameType(c, {grad_t, rois_t});
+ at::Tensor grad_input =
+ at::zeros({batch_size, channels, height, width}, grad.options());
+ // handle possibly empty gradients
+ if (grad.numel() == 0) {
+ return grad_input;
+ }
+ // get stride values to ensure indexing into gradients is correct.
+ int n_stride = grad.stride(0);
+ int c_stride = grad.stride(1);
+ int h_stride = grad.stride(2);
+ int w_stride = grad.stride(3);
+ auto rois_ = rois.contiguous();
+ grad.scalar_type(), "ROIAlign_forward", [&] {
+ ROIAlignBackward(
+ grad.numel(),
+ grad.data_ptr(),
+ spatial_scale,
+ channels,
+ height,
+ width,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ sampling_ratio,
+ grad_input.data_ptr(),
+ rois_.data_ptr(),
+ n_stride,
+ c_stride,
+ h_stride,
+ w_stride,
+ aligned);
+ });
+ return grad_input;
+} // namespace detectron2
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlign/ROIAlign_cuda.cu b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlign/ROIAlign_cuda.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e05953b03089203d29bc304726afbca7ee5d464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlign/ROIAlign_cuda.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+// TODO make it in a common file
+#define CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(i, n) \
+ for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < n; \
+ i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x)
+__device__ T bilinear_interpolate(
+ const T* bottom_data,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ T y,
+ T x,
+ const int index /* index for debug only*/) {
+ // deal with cases that inverse elements are out of feature map boundary
+ if (y < -1.0 || y > height || x < -1.0 || x > width) {
+ // empty
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (y <= 0)
+ y = 0;
+ if (x <= 0)
+ x = 0;
+ int y_low = (int)y;
+ int x_low = (int)x;
+ int y_high;
+ int x_high;
+ if (y_low >= height - 1) {
+ y_high = y_low = height - 1;
+ y = (T)y_low;
+ } else {
+ y_high = y_low + 1;
+ }
+ if (x_low >= width - 1) {
+ x_high = x_low = width - 1;
+ x = (T)x_low;
+ } else {
+ x_high = x_low + 1;
+ }
+ T ly = y - y_low;
+ T lx = x - x_low;
+ T hy = 1. - ly, hx = 1. - lx;
+ // do bilinear interpolation
+ T v1 = bottom_data[y_low * width + x_low];
+ T v2 = bottom_data[y_low * width + x_high];
+ T v3 = bottom_data[y_high * width + x_low];
+ T v4 = bottom_data[y_high * width + x_high];
+ T w1 = hy * hx, w2 = hy * lx, w3 = ly * hx, w4 = ly * lx;
+ T val = (w1 * v1 + w2 * v2 + w3 * v3 + w4 * v4);
+ return val;
+__global__ void RoIAlignForward(
+ const int nthreads,
+ const T* bottom_data,
+ const T spatial_scale,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ const T* bottom_rois,
+ T* top_data,
+ bool aligned) {
+ CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
+ // (n, c, ph, pw) is an element in the pooled output
+ int pw = index % pooled_width;
+ int ph = (index / pooled_width) % pooled_height;
+ int c = (index / pooled_width / pooled_height) % channels;
+ int n = index / pooled_width / pooled_height / channels;
+ const T* offset_bottom_rois = bottom_rois + n * 5;
+ int roi_batch_ind = offset_bottom_rois[0];
+ // Do not use rounding; this implementation detail is critical
+ T offset = aligned ? (T)0.5 : (T)0.0;
+ T roi_start_w = offset_bottom_rois[1] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_start_h = offset_bottom_rois[2] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_end_w = offset_bottom_rois[3] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_end_h = offset_bottom_rois[4] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_width = roi_end_w - roi_start_w;
+ T roi_height = roi_end_h - roi_start_h;
+ if (!aligned) { // for backward-compatibility only
+ roi_width = max(roi_width, (T)1.);
+ roi_height = max(roi_height, (T)1.);
+ }
+ T bin_size_h = static_cast(roi_height) / static_cast(pooled_height);
+ T bin_size_w = static_cast(roi_width) / static_cast(pooled_width);
+ const T* offset_bottom_data =
+ bottom_data + (roi_batch_ind * channels + c) * height * width;
+ // We use roi_bin_grid to sample the grid and mimic integral
+ int roi_bin_grid_h = (sampling_ratio > 0)
+ ? sampling_ratio
+ : ceil(roi_height / pooled_height); // e.g., = 2
+ int roi_bin_grid_w =
+ (sampling_ratio > 0) ? sampling_ratio : ceil(roi_width / pooled_width);
+ // We do average (integral) pooling inside a bin
+ // When the grid is empty, output zeros == 0/1, instead of NaN.
+ const T count = max(roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w, 1); // e.g. = 4
+ T output_val = 0.;
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < roi_bin_grid_h; iy++) // e.g., iy = 0, 1
+ {
+ const T y = roi_start_h + ph * bin_size_h +
+ static_cast(iy + .5f) * bin_size_h /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_h); // e.g., 0.5, 1.5
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < roi_bin_grid_w; ix++) {
+ const T x = roi_start_w + pw * bin_size_w +
+ static_cast(ix + .5f) * bin_size_w /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_w);
+ T val = bilinear_interpolate(
+ offset_bottom_data, height, width, y, x, index);
+ output_val += val;
+ }
+ }
+ output_val /= count;
+ top_data[index] = output_val;
+ }
+__device__ void bilinear_interpolate_gradient(
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ T y,
+ T x,
+ T& w1,
+ T& w2,
+ T& w3,
+ T& w4,
+ int& x_low,
+ int& x_high,
+ int& y_low,
+ int& y_high,
+ const int index /* index for debug only*/) {
+ // deal with cases that inverse elements are out of feature map boundary
+ if (y < -1.0 || y > height || x < -1.0 || x > width) {
+ // empty
+ w1 = w2 = w3 = w4 = 0.;
+ x_low = x_high = y_low = y_high = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (y <= 0)
+ y = 0;
+ if (x <= 0)
+ x = 0;
+ y_low = (int)y;
+ x_low = (int)x;
+ if (y_low >= height - 1) {
+ y_high = y_low = height - 1;
+ y = (T)y_low;
+ } else {
+ y_high = y_low + 1;
+ }
+ if (x_low >= width - 1) {
+ x_high = x_low = width - 1;
+ x = (T)x_low;
+ } else {
+ x_high = x_low + 1;
+ }
+ T ly = y - y_low;
+ T lx = x - x_low;
+ T hy = 1. - ly, hx = 1. - lx;
+ // reference in forward
+ // T v1 = bottom_data[y_low * width + x_low];
+ // T v2 = bottom_data[y_low * width + x_high];
+ // T v3 = bottom_data[y_high * width + x_low];
+ // T v4 = bottom_data[y_high * width + x_high];
+ // T val = (w1 * v1 + w2 * v2 + w3 * v3 + w4 * v4);
+ w1 = hy * hx, w2 = hy * lx, w3 = ly * hx, w4 = ly * lx;
+ return;
+__global__ void RoIAlignBackwardFeature(
+ const int nthreads,
+ const T* top_diff,
+ const int num_rois,
+ const T spatial_scale,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ T* bottom_diff,
+ const T* bottom_rois,
+ bool aligned) {
+ CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
+ // (n, c, ph, pw) is an element in the pooled output
+ int pw = index % pooled_width;
+ int ph = (index / pooled_width) % pooled_height;
+ int c = (index / pooled_width / pooled_height) % channels;
+ int n = index / pooled_width / pooled_height / channels;
+ const T* offset_bottom_rois = bottom_rois + n * 5;
+ int roi_batch_ind = offset_bottom_rois[0];
+ // Do not use rounding; this implementation detail is critical
+ T offset = aligned ? (T)0.5 : (T)0.0;
+ T roi_start_w = offset_bottom_rois[1] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_start_h = offset_bottom_rois[2] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_end_w = offset_bottom_rois[3] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_end_h = offset_bottom_rois[4] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_width = roi_end_w - roi_start_w;
+ T roi_height = roi_end_h - roi_start_h;
+ if (!aligned) { // for backward-compatibility only
+ roi_width = max(roi_width, (T)1.);
+ roi_height = max(roi_height, (T)1.);
+ }
+ T bin_size_h = static_cast(roi_height) / static_cast(pooled_height);
+ T bin_size_w = static_cast(roi_width) / static_cast(pooled_width);
+ T* offset_bottom_diff =
+ bottom_diff + (roi_batch_ind * channels + c) * height * width;
+ int top_offset = (n * channels + c) * pooled_height * pooled_width;
+ const T* offset_top_diff = top_diff + top_offset;
+ const T top_diff_this_bin = offset_top_diff[ph * pooled_width + pw];
+ // We use roi_bin_grid to sample the grid and mimic integral
+ int roi_bin_grid_h = (sampling_ratio > 0)
+ ? sampling_ratio
+ : ceil(roi_height / pooled_height); // e.g., = 2
+ int roi_bin_grid_w =
+ (sampling_ratio > 0) ? sampling_ratio : ceil(roi_width / pooled_width);
+ // We do average (integral) pooling inside a bin
+ const T count = roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w; // e.g. = 4
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < roi_bin_grid_h; iy++) // e.g., iy = 0, 1
+ {
+ const T y = roi_start_h + ph * bin_size_h +
+ static_cast(iy + .5f) * bin_size_h /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_h); // e.g., 0.5, 1.5
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < roi_bin_grid_w; ix++) {
+ const T x = roi_start_w + pw * bin_size_w +
+ static_cast(ix + .5f) * bin_size_w /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_w);
+ T w1, w2, w3, w4;
+ int x_low, x_high, y_low, y_high;
+ bilinear_interpolate_gradient(
+ height,
+ width,
+ y,
+ x,
+ w1,
+ w2,
+ w3,
+ w4,
+ x_low,
+ x_high,
+ y_low,
+ y_high,
+ index);
+ T g1 = top_diff_this_bin * w1 / count;
+ T g2 = top_diff_this_bin * w2 / count;
+ T g3 = top_diff_this_bin * w3 / count;
+ T g4 = top_diff_this_bin * w4 / count;
+ if (x_low >= 0 && x_high >= 0 && y_low >= 0 && y_high >= 0) {
+ atomicAdd(
+ offset_bottom_diff + y_low * width + x_low, static_cast(g1));
+ atomicAdd(
+ offset_bottom_diff + y_low * width + x_high, static_cast(g2));
+ atomicAdd(
+ offset_bottom_diff + y_high * width + x_low, static_cast(g3));
+ atomicAdd(
+ offset_bottom_diff + y_high * width + x_high, static_cast(g4));
+ } // if
+ } // ix
+ } // iy
+} // RoIAlignBackward
+namespace detectron2 {
+at::Tensor ROIAlign_forward_cuda(
+ const at::Tensor& input,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ bool aligned) {
+ AT_ASSERTM(input.device().is_cuda(), "input must be a CUDA tensor");
+ AT_ASSERTM(rois.device().is_cuda(), "rois must be a CUDA tensor");
+ at::TensorArg input_t{input, "input", 1}, rois_t{rois, "rois", 2};
+ at::CheckedFrom c = "ROIAlign_forward_cuda";
+ at::checkAllSameGPU(c, {input_t, rois_t});
+ at::checkAllSameType(c, {input_t, rois_t});
+ at::cuda::CUDAGuard device_guard(input.device());
+ auto num_rois = rois.size(0);
+ auto channels = input.size(1);
+ auto height = input.size(2);
+ auto width = input.size(3);
+ auto output = at::empty(
+ {num_rois, channels, pooled_height, pooled_width}, input.options());
+ auto output_size = num_rois * pooled_height * pooled_width * channels;
+ cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream();
+ dim3 grid(std::min(
+ at::cuda::ATenCeilDiv(
+ static_cast(output_size), static_cast(512)),
+ static_cast(4096)));
+ dim3 block(512);
+ if (output.numel() == 0) {
+ AT_CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetLastError());
+ return output;
+ }
+ auto input_ = input.contiguous(), rois_ = rois.contiguous();
+ AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(input.scalar_type(), "ROIAlign_forward", [&] {
+ RoIAlignForward<<>>(
+ output_size,
+ input_.data_ptr(),
+ spatial_scale,
+ channels,
+ height,
+ width,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ sampling_ratio,
+ rois_.data_ptr(),
+ output.data_ptr(),
+ aligned);
+ });
+ cudaDeviceSynchronize();
+ AT_CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetLastError());
+ return output;
+// TODO remove the dependency on input and use instead its sizes -> save memory
+at::Tensor ROIAlign_backward_cuda(
+ const at::Tensor& grad,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int batch_size,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ bool aligned) {
+ AT_ASSERTM(grad.device().is_cuda(), "grad must be a CUDA tensor");
+ AT_ASSERTM(rois.device().is_cuda(), "rois must be a CUDA tensor");
+ at::TensorArg grad_t{grad, "grad", 1}, rois_t{rois, "rois", 2};
+ at::CheckedFrom c = "ROIAlign_backward_cuda";
+ at::checkAllSameGPU(c, {grad_t, rois_t});
+ at::checkAllSameType(c, {grad_t, rois_t});
+ at::cuda::CUDAGuard device_guard(grad.device());
+ auto num_rois = rois.size(0);
+ auto grad_input =
+ at::zeros({batch_size, channels, height, width}, grad.options());
+ cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream();
+ dim3 grid(std::min(
+ at::cuda::ATenCeilDiv(
+ static_cast(grad.numel()), static_cast(512)),
+ static_cast(4096)));
+ dim3 block(512);
+ // handle possibly empty gradients
+ if (grad.numel() == 0) {
+ AT_CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetLastError());
+ return grad_input;
+ }
+ auto grad_ = grad.contiguous(), rois_ = rois.contiguous();
+ AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(grad.scalar_type(), "ROIAlign_backward", [&] {
+ RoIAlignBackwardFeature<<>>(
+ grad.numel(),
+ grad_.data_ptr(),
+ num_rois,
+ spatial_scale,
+ channels,
+ height,
+ width,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ sampling_ratio,
+ grad_input.data_ptr(),
+ rois_.data_ptr(),
+ aligned);
+ });
+ AT_CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetLastError());
+ return grad_input;
+} // namespace detectron2
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlignRotated/ROIAlignRotated.h b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlignRotated/ROIAlignRotated.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a99c8ebddaa4936e26437b42d62e2b8355c655aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlignRotated/ROIAlignRotated.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+#pragma once
+namespace detectron2 {
+at::Tensor ROIAlignRotated_forward_cpu(
+ const at::Tensor& input,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio);
+at::Tensor ROIAlignRotated_backward_cpu(
+ const at::Tensor& grad,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int batch_size,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int sampling_ratio);
+#ifdef WITH_CUDA
+at::Tensor ROIAlignRotated_forward_cuda(
+ const at::Tensor& input,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio);
+at::Tensor ROIAlignRotated_backward_cuda(
+ const at::Tensor& grad,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int batch_size,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int sampling_ratio);
+// Interface for Python
+inline at::Tensor ROIAlignRotated_forward(
+ const at::Tensor& input,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio) {
+ if (input.is_cuda()) {
+#ifdef WITH_CUDA
+ return ROIAlignRotated_forward_cuda(
+ input,
+ rois,
+ spatial_scale,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ sampling_ratio);
+ AT_ERROR("Not compiled with GPU support");
+ }
+ return ROIAlignRotated_forward_cpu(
+ input, rois, spatial_scale, pooled_height, pooled_width, sampling_ratio);
+inline at::Tensor ROIAlignRotated_backward(
+ const at::Tensor& grad,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int batch_size,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int sampling_ratio) {
+ if (grad.is_cuda()) {
+#ifdef WITH_CUDA
+ return ROIAlignRotated_backward_cuda(
+ grad,
+ rois,
+ spatial_scale,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ batch_size,
+ channels,
+ height,
+ width,
+ sampling_ratio);
+ AT_ERROR("Not compiled with GPU support");
+ }
+ return ROIAlignRotated_backward_cpu(
+ grad,
+ rois,
+ spatial_scale,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ batch_size,
+ channels,
+ height,
+ width,
+ sampling_ratio);
+} // namespace detectron2
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlignRotated/ROIAlignRotated_cpu.cpp b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlignRotated/ROIAlignRotated_cpu.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e5e1ffdccd0e2ced15fa34b4906388d371bffe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlignRotated/ROIAlignRotated_cpu.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+#include "ROIAlignRotated.h"
+// Note: this implementation originates from the Caffe2 ROIAlignRotated Op
+// and PyTorch ROIAlign (non-rotated) Op implementations.
+// The key difference between this implementation and those ones is
+// we don't do "legacy offset" in this version, as there aren't many previous
+// works, if any, using the "legacy" ROIAlignRotated Op.
+// This would make the interface a bit cleaner.
+namespace detectron2 {
+namespace {
+struct PreCalc {
+ int pos1;
+ int pos2;
+ int pos3;
+ int pos4;
+ T w1;
+ T w2;
+ T w3;
+ T w4;
+void pre_calc_for_bilinear_interpolate(
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int iy_upper,
+ const int ix_upper,
+ T roi_start_h,
+ T roi_start_w,
+ T bin_size_h,
+ T bin_size_w,
+ int roi_bin_grid_h,
+ int roi_bin_grid_w,
+ T roi_center_h,
+ T roi_center_w,
+ T cos_theta,
+ T sin_theta,
+ std::vector>& pre_calc) {
+ int pre_calc_index = 0;
+ for (int ph = 0; ph < pooled_height; ph++) {
+ for (int pw = 0; pw < pooled_width; pw++) {
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < iy_upper; iy++) {
+ const T yy = roi_start_h + ph * bin_size_h +
+ static_cast(iy + .5f) * bin_size_h /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_h); // e.g., 0.5, 1.5
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < ix_upper; ix++) {
+ const T xx = roi_start_w + pw * bin_size_w +
+ static_cast(ix + .5f) * bin_size_w /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_w);
+ // Rotate by theta around the center and translate
+ // In image space, (y, x) is the order for Right Handed System,
+ // and this is essentially multiplying the point by a rotation matrix
+ // to rotate it counterclockwise through angle theta.
+ T y = yy * cos_theta - xx * sin_theta + roi_center_h;
+ T x = yy * sin_theta + xx * cos_theta + roi_center_w;
+ // deal with: inverse elements are out of feature map boundary
+ if (y < -1.0 || y > height || x < -1.0 || x > width) {
+ // empty
+ PreCalc pc;
+ pc.pos1 = 0;
+ pc.pos2 = 0;
+ pc.pos3 = 0;
+ pc.pos4 = 0;
+ pc.w1 = 0;
+ pc.w2 = 0;
+ pc.w3 = 0;
+ pc.w4 = 0;
+ pre_calc[pre_calc_index] = pc;
+ pre_calc_index += 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (y < 0) {
+ y = 0;
+ }
+ if (x < 0) {
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ int y_low = (int)y;
+ int x_low = (int)x;
+ int y_high;
+ int x_high;
+ if (y_low >= height - 1) {
+ y_high = y_low = height - 1;
+ y = (T)y_low;
+ } else {
+ y_high = y_low + 1;
+ }
+ if (x_low >= width - 1) {
+ x_high = x_low = width - 1;
+ x = (T)x_low;
+ } else {
+ x_high = x_low + 1;
+ }
+ T ly = y - y_low;
+ T lx = x - x_low;
+ T hy = 1. - ly, hx = 1. - lx;
+ T w1 = hy * hx, w2 = hy * lx, w3 = ly * hx, w4 = ly * lx;
+ // save weights and indices
+ PreCalc pc;
+ pc.pos1 = y_low * width + x_low;
+ pc.pos2 = y_low * width + x_high;
+ pc.pos3 = y_high * width + x_low;
+ pc.pos4 = y_high * width + x_high;
+ pc.w1 = w1;
+ pc.w2 = w2;
+ pc.w3 = w3;
+ pc.w4 = w4;
+ pre_calc[pre_calc_index] = pc;
+ pre_calc_index += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void bilinear_interpolate_gradient(
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ T y,
+ T x,
+ T& w1,
+ T& w2,
+ T& w3,
+ T& w4,
+ int& x_low,
+ int& x_high,
+ int& y_low,
+ int& y_high) {
+ // deal with cases that inverse elements are out of feature map boundary
+ if (y < -1.0 || y > height || x < -1.0 || x > width) {
+ // empty
+ w1 = w2 = w3 = w4 = 0.;
+ x_low = x_high = y_low = y_high = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (y < 0) {
+ y = 0;
+ }
+ if (x < 0) {
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ y_low = (int)y;
+ x_low = (int)x;
+ if (y_low >= height - 1) {
+ y_high = y_low = height - 1;
+ y = (T)y_low;
+ } else {
+ y_high = y_low + 1;
+ }
+ if (x_low >= width - 1) {
+ x_high = x_low = width - 1;
+ x = (T)x_low;
+ } else {
+ x_high = x_low + 1;
+ }
+ T ly = y - y_low;
+ T lx = x - x_low;
+ T hy = 1. - ly, hx = 1. - lx;
+ // reference in forward
+ // T v1 = input[y_low * width + x_low];
+ // T v2 = input[y_low * width + x_high];
+ // T v3 = input[y_high * width + x_low];
+ // T v4 = input[y_high * width + x_high];
+ // T val = (w1 * v1 + w2 * v2 + w3 * v3 + w4 * v4);
+ w1 = hy * hx, w2 = hy * lx, w3 = ly * hx, w4 = ly * lx;
+ return;
+inline void add(T* address, const T& val) {
+ *address += val;
+} // namespace
+void ROIAlignRotatedForward(
+ const int nthreads,
+ const T* input,
+ const T& spatial_scale,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ const T* rois,
+ T* output) {
+ int n_rois = nthreads / channels / pooled_width / pooled_height;
+ // (n, c, ph, pw) is an element in the pooled output
+ // can be parallelized using omp
+ // #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(32)
+ for (int n = 0; n < n_rois; n++) {
+ int index_n = n * channels * pooled_width * pooled_height;
+ const T* current_roi = rois + n * 6;
+ int roi_batch_ind = current_roi[0];
+ // Do not use rounding; this implementation detail is critical
+ // ROIAlignRotated supports align == true, i.e., continuous coordinate
+ // by default, thus the 0.5 offset
+ T offset = (T)0.5;
+ T roi_center_w = current_roi[1] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_center_h = current_roi[2] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_width = current_roi[3] * spatial_scale;
+ T roi_height = current_roi[4] * spatial_scale;
+ T theta = current_roi[5] * M_PI / 180.0;
+ T cos_theta = cos(theta);
+ T sin_theta = sin(theta);
+ roi_width >= 0 && roi_height >= 0,
+ "ROIs in ROIAlignRotated do not have non-negative size!");
+ T bin_size_h = static_cast(roi_height) / static_cast(pooled_height);
+ T bin_size_w = static_cast(roi_width) / static_cast(pooled_width);
+ // We use roi_bin_grid to sample the grid and mimic integral
+ int roi_bin_grid_h = (sampling_ratio > 0)
+ ? sampling_ratio
+ : ceil(roi_height / pooled_height); // e.g., = 2
+ int roi_bin_grid_w =
+ (sampling_ratio > 0) ? sampling_ratio : ceil(roi_width / pooled_width);
+ // We do average (integral) pooling inside a bin
+ const T count = std::max(roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w, 1); // e.g. = 4
+ // we want to precalculate indices and weights shared by all channels,
+ // this is the key point of optimization
+ std::vector> pre_calc(
+ roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w * pooled_width * pooled_height);
+ // roi_start_h and roi_start_w are computed wrt the center of RoI (x, y).
+ // Appropriate translation needs to be applied after.
+ T roi_start_h = -roi_height / 2.0;
+ T roi_start_w = -roi_width / 2.0;
+ pre_calc_for_bilinear_interpolate(
+ height,
+ width,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ roi_bin_grid_h,
+ roi_bin_grid_w,
+ roi_start_h,
+ roi_start_w,
+ bin_size_h,
+ bin_size_w,
+ roi_bin_grid_h,
+ roi_bin_grid_w,
+ roi_center_h,
+ roi_center_w,
+ cos_theta,
+ sin_theta,
+ pre_calc);
+ for (int c = 0; c < channels; c++) {
+ int index_n_c = index_n + c * pooled_width * pooled_height;
+ const T* offset_input =
+ input + (roi_batch_ind * channels + c) * height * width;
+ int pre_calc_index = 0;
+ for (int ph = 0; ph < pooled_height; ph++) {
+ for (int pw = 0; pw < pooled_width; pw++) {
+ int index = index_n_c + ph * pooled_width + pw;
+ T output_val = 0.;
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < roi_bin_grid_h; iy++) {
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < roi_bin_grid_w; ix++) {
+ PreCalc pc = pre_calc[pre_calc_index];
+ output_val += pc.w1 * offset_input[pc.pos1] +
+ pc.w2 * offset_input[pc.pos2] +
+ pc.w3 * offset_input[pc.pos3] + pc.w4 * offset_input[pc.pos4];
+ pre_calc_index += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ output_val /= count;
+ output[index] = output_val;
+ } // for pw
+ } // for ph
+ } // for c
+ } // for n
+void ROIAlignRotatedBackward(
+ const int nthreads,
+ // may not be contiguous. should index using n_stride, etc
+ const T* grad_output,
+ const T& spatial_scale,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ T* grad_input,
+ const T* rois,
+ const int n_stride,
+ const int c_stride,
+ const int h_stride,
+ const int w_stride) {
+ for (int index = 0; index < nthreads; index++) {
+ // (n, c, ph, pw) is an element in the pooled output
+ int pw = index % pooled_width;
+ int ph = (index / pooled_width) % pooled_height;
+ int c = (index / pooled_width / pooled_height) % channels;
+ int n = index / pooled_width / pooled_height / channels;
+ const T* current_roi = rois + n * 6;
+ int roi_batch_ind = current_roi[0];
+ // Do not use rounding; this implementation detail is critical
+ // ROIAlignRotated supports align == true, i.e., continuous coordinate
+ // by default, thus the 0.5 offset
+ T offset = (T)0.5;
+ T roi_center_w = current_roi[1] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_center_h = current_roi[2] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_width = current_roi[3] * spatial_scale;
+ T roi_height = current_roi[4] * spatial_scale;
+ T theta = current_roi[5] * M_PI / 180.0;
+ T cos_theta = cos(theta);
+ T sin_theta = sin(theta);
+ roi_width >= 0 && roi_height >= 0,
+ "ROIs in ROIAlignRotated do not have non-negative size!");
+ T bin_size_h = static_cast(roi_height) / static_cast(pooled_height);
+ T bin_size_w = static_cast(roi_width) / static_cast(pooled_width);
+ T* offset_grad_input =
+ grad_input + ((roi_batch_ind * channels + c) * height * width);
+ int output_offset = n * n_stride + c * c_stride;
+ const T* offset_grad_output = grad_output + output_offset;
+ const T grad_output_this_bin =
+ offset_grad_output[ph * h_stride + pw * w_stride];
+ // We use roi_bin_grid to sample the grid and mimic integral
+ int roi_bin_grid_h = (sampling_ratio > 0)
+ ? sampling_ratio
+ : ceil(roi_height / pooled_height); // e.g., = 2
+ int roi_bin_grid_w =
+ (sampling_ratio > 0) ? sampling_ratio : ceil(roi_width / pooled_width);
+ // roi_start_h and roi_start_w are computed wrt the center of RoI (x, y).
+ // Appropriate translation needs to be applied after.
+ T roi_start_h = -roi_height / 2.0;
+ T roi_start_w = -roi_width / 2.0;
+ // We do average (integral) pooling inside a bin
+ const T count = roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w; // e.g. = 4
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < roi_bin_grid_h; iy++) {
+ const T yy = roi_start_h + ph * bin_size_h +
+ static_cast(iy + .5f) * bin_size_h /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_h); // e.g., 0.5, 1.5
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < roi_bin_grid_w; ix++) {
+ const T xx = roi_start_w + pw * bin_size_w +
+ static_cast(ix + .5f) * bin_size_w /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_w);
+ // Rotate by theta around the center and translate
+ T y = yy * cos_theta - xx * sin_theta + roi_center_h;
+ T x = yy * sin_theta + xx * cos_theta + roi_center_w;
+ T w1, w2, w3, w4;
+ int x_low, x_high, y_low, y_high;
+ bilinear_interpolate_gradient(
+ height, width, y, x, w1, w2, w3, w4, x_low, x_high, y_low, y_high);
+ T g1 = grad_output_this_bin * w1 / count;
+ T g2 = grad_output_this_bin * w2 / count;
+ T g3 = grad_output_this_bin * w3 / count;
+ T g4 = grad_output_this_bin * w4 / count;
+ if (x_low >= 0 && x_high >= 0 && y_low >= 0 && y_high >= 0) {
+ // atomic add is not needed for now since it is single threaded
+ add(offset_grad_input + y_low * width + x_low, static_cast(g1));
+ add(offset_grad_input + y_low * width + x_high, static_cast(g2));
+ add(offset_grad_input + y_high * width + x_low, static_cast(g3));
+ add(offset_grad_input + y_high * width + x_high, static_cast(g4));
+ } // if
+ } // ix
+ } // iy
+ } // for
+} // ROIAlignRotatedBackward
+at::Tensor ROIAlignRotated_forward_cpu(
+ const at::Tensor& input,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio) {
+ AT_ASSERTM(input.device().is_cpu(), "input must be a CPU tensor");
+ AT_ASSERTM(rois.device().is_cpu(), "rois must be a CPU tensor");
+ at::TensorArg input_t{input, "input", 1}, rois_t{rois, "rois", 2};
+ at::CheckedFrom c = "ROIAlign_forward_cpu";
+ at::checkAllSameType(c, {input_t, rois_t});
+ auto num_rois = rois.size(0);
+ auto channels = input.size(1);
+ auto height = input.size(2);
+ auto width = input.size(3);
+ at::Tensor output = at::zeros(
+ {num_rois, channels, pooled_height, pooled_width}, input.options());
+ auto output_size = num_rois * pooled_height * pooled_width * channels;
+ if (output.numel() == 0) {
+ return output;
+ }
+ auto input_ = input.contiguous(), rois_ = rois.contiguous();
+ input.scalar_type(), "ROIAlignRotated_forward", [&] {
+ ROIAlignRotatedForward(
+ output_size,
+ input_.data_ptr(),
+ spatial_scale,
+ channels,
+ height,
+ width,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ sampling_ratio,
+ rois_.data_ptr(),
+ output.data_ptr());
+ });
+ return output;
+at::Tensor ROIAlignRotated_backward_cpu(
+ const at::Tensor& grad,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int batch_size,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int sampling_ratio) {
+ AT_ASSERTM(grad.device().is_cpu(), "grad must be a CPU tensor");
+ AT_ASSERTM(rois.device().is_cpu(), "rois must be a CPU tensor");
+ at::TensorArg grad_t{grad, "grad", 1}, rois_t{rois, "rois", 2};
+ at::CheckedFrom c = "ROIAlignRotated_backward_cpu";
+ at::checkAllSameType(c, {grad_t, rois_t});
+ at::Tensor grad_input =
+ at::zeros({batch_size, channels, height, width}, grad.options());
+ // handle possibly empty gradients
+ if (grad.numel() == 0) {
+ return grad_input;
+ }
+ // get stride values to ensure indexing into gradients is correct.
+ int n_stride = grad.stride(0);
+ int c_stride = grad.stride(1);
+ int h_stride = grad.stride(2);
+ int w_stride = grad.stride(3);
+ auto rois_ = rois.contiguous();
+ grad.scalar_type(), "ROIAlignRotated_forward", [&] {
+ ROIAlignRotatedBackward(
+ grad.numel(),
+ grad.data_ptr(),
+ spatial_scale,
+ channels,
+ height,
+ width,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ sampling_ratio,
+ grad_input.data_ptr(),
+ rois_.data_ptr(),
+ n_stride,
+ c_stride,
+ h_stride,
+ w_stride);
+ });
+ return grad_input;
+} // namespace detectron2
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlignRotated/ROIAlignRotated_cuda.cu b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlignRotated/ROIAlignRotated_cuda.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c376fc6973b75b34967faf870a9f85a3ee430be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/ROIAlignRotated/ROIAlignRotated_cuda.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+// TODO make it in a common file
+#define CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(i, n) \
+ for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < n; \
+ i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x)
+// Note: this implementation originates from the Caffe2 ROIAlignRotated Op
+// and PyTorch ROIAlign (non-rotated) Op implementations.
+// The key difference between this implementation and those ones is
+// we don't do "legacy offset" in this version, as there aren't many previous
+// works, if any, using the "legacy" ROIAlignRotated Op.
+// This would make the interface a bit cleaner.
+namespace detectron2 {
+namespace {
+__device__ T bilinear_interpolate(
+ const T* input,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ T y,
+ T x) {
+ // deal with cases that inverse elements are out of feature map boundary
+ if (y < -1.0 || y > height || x < -1.0 || x > width) {
+ // empty
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (y < 0) {
+ y = 0;
+ }
+ if (x < 0) {
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ int y_low = (int)y;
+ int x_low = (int)x;
+ int y_high;
+ int x_high;
+ if (y_low >= height - 1) {
+ y_high = y_low = height - 1;
+ y = (T)y_low;
+ } else {
+ y_high = y_low + 1;
+ }
+ if (x_low >= width - 1) {
+ x_high = x_low = width - 1;
+ x = (T)x_low;
+ } else {
+ x_high = x_low + 1;
+ }
+ T ly = y - y_low;
+ T lx = x - x_low;
+ T hy = 1. - ly, hx = 1. - lx;
+ // do bilinear interpolation
+ T v1 = input[y_low * width + x_low];
+ T v2 = input[y_low * width + x_high];
+ T v3 = input[y_high * width + x_low];
+ T v4 = input[y_high * width + x_high];
+ T w1 = hy * hx, w2 = hy * lx, w3 = ly * hx, w4 = ly * lx;
+ T val = (w1 * v1 + w2 * v2 + w3 * v3 + w4 * v4);
+ return val;
+__device__ void bilinear_interpolate_gradient(
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ T y,
+ T x,
+ T& w1,
+ T& w2,
+ T& w3,
+ T& w4,
+ int& x_low,
+ int& x_high,
+ int& y_low,
+ int& y_high) {
+ // deal with cases that inverse elements are out of feature map boundary
+ if (y < -1.0 || y > height || x < -1.0 || x > width) {
+ // empty
+ w1 = w2 = w3 = w4 = 0.;
+ x_low = x_high = y_low = y_high = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (y < 0) {
+ y = 0;
+ }
+ if (x < 0) {
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ y_low = (int)y;
+ x_low = (int)x;
+ if (y_low >= height - 1) {
+ y_high = y_low = height - 1;
+ y = (T)y_low;
+ } else {
+ y_high = y_low + 1;
+ }
+ if (x_low >= width - 1) {
+ x_high = x_low = width - 1;
+ x = (T)x_low;
+ } else {
+ x_high = x_low + 1;
+ }
+ T ly = y - y_low;
+ T lx = x - x_low;
+ T hy = 1. - ly, hx = 1. - lx;
+ // reference in forward
+ // T v1 = input[y_low * width + x_low];
+ // T v2 = input[y_low * width + x_high];
+ // T v3 = input[y_high * width + x_low];
+ // T v4 = input[y_high * width + x_high];
+ // T val = (w1 * v1 + w2 * v2 + w3 * v3 + w4 * v4);
+ w1 = hy * hx, w2 = hy * lx, w3 = ly * hx, w4 = ly * lx;
+ return;
+} // namespace
+__global__ void RoIAlignRotatedForward(
+ const int nthreads,
+ const T* input,
+ const T spatial_scale,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ const T* rois,
+ T* top_data) {
+ CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
+ // (n, c, ph, pw) is an element in the pooled output
+ int pw = index % pooled_width;
+ int ph = (index / pooled_width) % pooled_height;
+ int c = (index / pooled_width / pooled_height) % channels;
+ int n = index / pooled_width / pooled_height / channels;
+ const T* current_roi = rois + n * 6;
+ int roi_batch_ind = current_roi[0];
+ // Do not use rounding; this implementation detail is critical
+ // ROIAlignRotated supports align == true, i.e., continuous coordinate
+ // by default, thus the 0.5 offset
+ T offset = (T)0.5;
+ T roi_center_w = current_roi[1] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_center_h = current_roi[2] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_width = current_roi[3] * spatial_scale;
+ T roi_height = current_roi[4] * spatial_scale;
+ T theta = current_roi[5] * M_PI / 180.0;
+ T cos_theta = cos(theta);
+ T sin_theta = sin(theta);
+ T bin_size_h = static_cast(roi_height) / static_cast(pooled_height);
+ T bin_size_w = static_cast(roi_width) / static_cast(pooled_width);
+ const T* offset_input =
+ input + (roi_batch_ind * channels + c) * height * width;
+ // We use roi_bin_grid to sample the grid and mimic integral
+ int roi_bin_grid_h = (sampling_ratio > 0)
+ ? sampling_ratio
+ : ceil(roi_height / pooled_height); // e.g., = 2
+ int roi_bin_grid_w =
+ (sampling_ratio > 0) ? sampling_ratio : ceil(roi_width / pooled_width);
+ // roi_start_h and roi_start_w are computed wrt the center of RoI (x, y).
+ // Appropriate translation needs to be applied after.
+ T roi_start_h = -roi_height / 2.0;
+ T roi_start_w = -roi_width / 2.0;
+ // We do average (inte gral) pooling inside a bin
+ const T count = max(roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w, 1); // e.g. = 4
+ T output_val = 0.;
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < roi_bin_grid_h; iy++) // e.g., iy = 0, 1
+ {
+ const T yy = roi_start_h + ph * bin_size_h +
+ static_cast(iy + .5f) * bin_size_h /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_h); // e.g., 0.5, 1.5
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < roi_bin_grid_w; ix++) {
+ const T xx = roi_start_w + pw * bin_size_w +
+ static_cast(ix + .5f) * bin_size_w /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_w);
+ // Rotate by theta around the center and translate
+ T y = yy * cos_theta - xx * sin_theta + roi_center_h;
+ T x = yy * sin_theta + xx * cos_theta + roi_center_w;
+ T val = bilinear_interpolate(offset_input, height, width, y, x);
+ output_val += val;
+ }
+ }
+ output_val /= count;
+ top_data[index] = output_val;
+ }
+__global__ void RoIAlignRotatedBackwardFeature(
+ const int nthreads,
+ const T* top_diff,
+ const int num_rois,
+ const T spatial_scale,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio,
+ T* bottom_diff,
+ const T* rois) {
+ CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
+ // (n, c, ph, pw) is an element in the pooled output
+ int pw = index % pooled_width;
+ int ph = (index / pooled_width) % pooled_height;
+ int c = (index / pooled_width / pooled_height) % channels;
+ int n = index / pooled_width / pooled_height / channels;
+ const T* current_roi = rois + n * 6;
+ int roi_batch_ind = current_roi[0];
+ // Do not use rounding; this implementation detail is critical
+ // ROIAlignRotated supports align == true, i.e., continuous coordinate
+ // by default, thus the 0.5 offset
+ T offset = (T)0.5;
+ T roi_center_w = current_roi[1] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_center_h = current_roi[2] * spatial_scale - offset;
+ T roi_width = current_roi[3] * spatial_scale;
+ T roi_height = current_roi[4] * spatial_scale;
+ T theta = current_roi[5] * M_PI / 180.0;
+ T cos_theta = cos(theta);
+ T sin_theta = sin(theta);
+ T bin_size_h = static_cast(roi_height) / static_cast(pooled_height);
+ T bin_size_w = static_cast(roi_width) / static_cast(pooled_width);
+ T* offset_bottom_diff =
+ bottom_diff + (roi_batch_ind * channels + c) * height * width;
+ int top_offset = (n * channels + c) * pooled_height * pooled_width;
+ const T* offset_top_diff = top_diff + top_offset;
+ const T top_diff_this_bin = offset_top_diff[ph * pooled_width + pw];
+ // We use roi_bin_grid to sample the grid and mimic integral
+ int roi_bin_grid_h = (sampling_ratio > 0)
+ ? sampling_ratio
+ : ceil(roi_height / pooled_height); // e.g., = 2
+ int roi_bin_grid_w =
+ (sampling_ratio > 0) ? sampling_ratio : ceil(roi_width / pooled_width);
+ // roi_start_h and roi_start_w are computed wrt the center of RoI (x, y).
+ // Appropriate translation needs to be applied after.
+ T roi_start_h = -roi_height / 2.0;
+ T roi_start_w = -roi_width / 2.0;
+ // We do average (integral) pooling inside a bin
+ const T count = roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w; // e.g. = 4
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < roi_bin_grid_h; iy++) // e.g., iy = 0, 1
+ {
+ const T yy = roi_start_h + ph * bin_size_h +
+ static_cast(iy + .5f) * bin_size_h /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_h); // e.g., 0.5, 1.5
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < roi_bin_grid_w; ix++) {
+ const T xx = roi_start_w + pw * bin_size_w +
+ static_cast(ix + .5f) * bin_size_w /
+ static_cast(roi_bin_grid_w);
+ // Rotate by theta around the center and translate
+ T y = yy * cos_theta - xx * sin_theta + roi_center_h;
+ T x = yy * sin_theta + xx * cos_theta + roi_center_w;
+ T w1, w2, w3, w4;
+ int x_low, x_high, y_low, y_high;
+ bilinear_interpolate_gradient(
+ height, width, y, x, w1, w2, w3, w4, x_low, x_high, y_low, y_high);
+ T g1 = top_diff_this_bin * w1 / count;
+ T g2 = top_diff_this_bin * w2 / count;
+ T g3 = top_diff_this_bin * w3 / count;
+ T g4 = top_diff_this_bin * w4 / count;
+ if (x_low >= 0 && x_high >= 0 && y_low >= 0 && y_high >= 0) {
+ atomicAdd(
+ offset_bottom_diff + y_low * width + x_low, static_cast(g1));
+ atomicAdd(
+ offset_bottom_diff + y_low * width + x_high, static_cast(g2));
+ atomicAdd(
+ offset_bottom_diff + y_high * width + x_low, static_cast(g3));
+ atomicAdd(
+ offset_bottom_diff + y_high * width + x_high, static_cast(g4));
+ } // if
+ } // ix
+ } // iy
+} // RoIAlignRotatedBackward
+at::Tensor ROIAlignRotated_forward_cuda(
+ const at::Tensor& input,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int sampling_ratio) {
+ AT_ASSERTM(input.device().is_cuda(), "input must be a CUDA tensor");
+ AT_ASSERTM(rois.device().is_cuda(), "rois must be a CUDA tensor");
+ at::TensorArg input_t{input, "input", 1}, rois_t{rois, "rois", 2};
+ at::CheckedFrom c = "ROIAlignRotated_forward_cuda";
+ at::checkAllSameGPU(c, {input_t, rois_t});
+ at::checkAllSameType(c, {input_t, rois_t});
+ at::cuda::CUDAGuard device_guard(input.device());
+ auto num_rois = rois.size(0);
+ auto channels = input.size(1);
+ auto height = input.size(2);
+ auto width = input.size(3);
+ auto output = at::empty(
+ {num_rois, channels, pooled_height, pooled_width}, input.options());
+ auto output_size = num_rois * pooled_height * pooled_width * channels;
+ cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream();
+ dim3 grid(std::min(
+ at::cuda::ATenCeilDiv(
+ static_cast(output_size), static_cast(512)),
+ static_cast(4096)));
+ dim3 block(512);
+ if (output.numel() == 0) {
+ AT_CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetLastError());
+ return output;
+ }
+ auto input_ = input.contiguous(), rois_ = rois.contiguous();
+ input.scalar_type(), "ROIAlignRotated_forward", [&] {
+ RoIAlignRotatedForward<<>>(
+ output_size,
+ input_.data_ptr(),
+ spatial_scale,
+ channels,
+ height,
+ width,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ sampling_ratio,
+ rois_.data_ptr(),
+ output.data_ptr());
+ });
+ cudaDeviceSynchronize();
+ AT_CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetLastError());
+ return output;
+// TODO remove the dependency on input and use instead its sizes -> save memory
+at::Tensor ROIAlignRotated_backward_cuda(
+ const at::Tensor& grad,
+ const at::Tensor& rois,
+ const float spatial_scale,
+ const int pooled_height,
+ const int pooled_width,
+ const int batch_size,
+ const int channels,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int sampling_ratio) {
+ AT_ASSERTM(grad.device().is_cuda(), "grad must be a CUDA tensor");
+ AT_ASSERTM(rois.device().is_cuda(), "rois must be a CUDA tensor");
+ at::TensorArg grad_t{grad, "grad", 1}, rois_t{rois, "rois", 2};
+ at::CheckedFrom c = "ROIAlign_backward_cuda";
+ at::checkAllSameGPU(c, {grad_t, rois_t});
+ at::checkAllSameType(c, {grad_t, rois_t});
+ at::cuda::CUDAGuard device_guard(grad.device());
+ auto num_rois = rois.size(0);
+ auto grad_input =
+ at::zeros({batch_size, channels, height, width}, grad.options());
+ cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream();
+ dim3 grid(std::min(
+ at::cuda::ATenCeilDiv(
+ static_cast(grad.numel()), static_cast(512)),
+ static_cast(4096)));
+ dim3 block(512);
+ // handle possibly empty gradients
+ if (grad.numel() == 0) {
+ AT_CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetLastError());
+ return grad_input;
+ }
+ auto grad_ = grad.contiguous(), rois_ = rois.contiguous();
+ grad.scalar_type(), "ROIAlignRotated_backward", [&] {
+ RoIAlignRotatedBackwardFeature<<>>(
+ grad.numel(),
+ grad_.data_ptr(),
+ num_rois,
+ spatial_scale,
+ channels,
+ height,
+ width,
+ pooled_height,
+ pooled_width,
+ sampling_ratio,
+ grad_input.data_ptr(),
+ rois_.data_ptr());
+ });
+ AT_CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetLastError());
+ return grad_input;
+} // namespace detectron2
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/box_iou_rotated/box_iou_rotated.h b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/box_iou_rotated/box_iou_rotated.h
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/box_iou_rotated/box_iou_rotated.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+#pragma once
+namespace detectron2 {
+at::Tensor box_iou_rotated_cpu(
+ const at::Tensor& boxes1,
+ const at::Tensor& boxes2);
+#ifdef WITH_CUDA
+at::Tensor box_iou_rotated_cuda(
+ const at::Tensor& boxes1,
+ const at::Tensor& boxes2);
+// Interface for Python
+// inline is needed to prevent multiple function definitions when this header is
+// included by different cpps
+inline at::Tensor box_iou_rotated(
+ const at::Tensor& boxes1,
+ const at::Tensor& boxes2) {
+ assert(boxes1.device().is_cuda() == boxes2.device().is_cuda());
+ if (boxes1.device().is_cuda()) {
+#ifdef WITH_CUDA
+ return box_iou_rotated_cuda(boxes1.contiguous(), boxes2.contiguous());
+ AT_ERROR("Not compiled with GPU support");
+ }
+ return box_iou_rotated_cpu(boxes1.contiguous(), boxes2.contiguous());
+} // namespace detectron2
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/box_iou_rotated/box_iou_rotated_cpu.cpp b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/box_iou_rotated/box_iou_rotated_cpu.cpp
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/box_iou_rotated/box_iou_rotated_cpu.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+#include "box_iou_rotated.h"
+#include "box_iou_rotated_utils.h"
+namespace detectron2 {
+void box_iou_rotated_cpu_kernel(
+ const at::Tensor& boxes1,
+ const at::Tensor& boxes2,
+ at::Tensor& ious) {
+ auto num_boxes1 = boxes1.size(0);
+ auto num_boxes2 = boxes2.size(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_boxes1; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < num_boxes2; j++) {
+ ious[i * num_boxes2 + j] = single_box_iou_rotated(
+ boxes1[i].data_ptr(), boxes2[j].data_ptr());
+ }
+ }
+at::Tensor box_iou_rotated_cpu(
+ // input must be contiguous:
+ const at::Tensor& boxes1,
+ const at::Tensor& boxes2) {
+ auto num_boxes1 = boxes1.size(0);
+ auto num_boxes2 = boxes2.size(0);
+ at::Tensor ious =
+ at::empty({num_boxes1 * num_boxes2}, boxes1.options().dtype(at::kFloat));
+ box_iou_rotated_cpu_kernel(boxes1, boxes2, ious);
+ // reshape from 1d array to 2d array
+ auto shape = std::vector{num_boxes1, num_boxes2};
+ return ious.reshape(shape);
+} // namespace detectron2
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/box_iou_rotated/box_iou_rotated_cuda.cu b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/box_iou_rotated/box_iou_rotated_cuda.cu
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e3403c11796cb313771b8b6350c793b9fbdfbcaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/box_iou_rotated/box_iou_rotated_cuda.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+#include "box_iou_rotated_utils.h"
+namespace detectron2 {
+// 2D block with 32 * 16 = 512 threads per block
+const int BLOCK_DIM_X = 32;
+const int BLOCK_DIM_Y = 16;
+__global__ void box_iou_rotated_cuda_kernel(
+ const int n_boxes1,
+ const int n_boxes2,
+ const T* dev_boxes1,
+ const T* dev_boxes2,
+ T* dev_ious) {
+ const int row_start = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
+ const int col_start = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
+ const int row_size = min(n_boxes1 - row_start, blockDim.x);
+ const int col_size = min(n_boxes2 - col_start, blockDim.y);
+ __shared__ float block_boxes1[BLOCK_DIM_X * 5];
+ __shared__ float block_boxes2[BLOCK_DIM_Y * 5];
+ // It's safe to copy using threadIdx.x since BLOCK_DIM_X >= BLOCK_DIM_Y
+ if (threadIdx.x < row_size && threadIdx.y == 0) {
+ block_boxes1[threadIdx.x * 5 + 0] =
+ dev_boxes1[(row_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 0];
+ block_boxes1[threadIdx.x * 5 + 1] =
+ dev_boxes1[(row_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 1];
+ block_boxes1[threadIdx.x * 5 + 2] =
+ dev_boxes1[(row_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 2];
+ block_boxes1[threadIdx.x * 5 + 3] =
+ dev_boxes1[(row_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 3];
+ block_boxes1[threadIdx.x * 5 + 4] =
+ dev_boxes1[(row_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 4];
+ }
+ if (threadIdx.x < col_size && threadIdx.y == 0) {
+ block_boxes2[threadIdx.x * 5 + 0] =
+ dev_boxes2[(col_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 0];
+ block_boxes2[threadIdx.x * 5 + 1] =
+ dev_boxes2[(col_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 1];
+ block_boxes2[threadIdx.x * 5 + 2] =
+ dev_boxes2[(col_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 2];
+ block_boxes2[threadIdx.x * 5 + 3] =
+ dev_boxes2[(col_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 3];
+ block_boxes2[threadIdx.x * 5 + 4] =
+ dev_boxes2[(col_start + threadIdx.x) * 5 + 4];
+ }
+ __syncthreads();
+ if (threadIdx.x < row_size && threadIdx.y < col_size) {
+ int offset = (row_start + threadIdx.x) * n_boxes2 + col_start + threadIdx.y;
+ dev_ious[offset] = single_box_iou_rotated(
+ block_boxes1 + threadIdx.x * 5, block_boxes2 + threadIdx.y * 5);
+ }
+at::Tensor box_iou_rotated_cuda(
+ // input must be contiguous
+ const at::Tensor& boxes1,
+ const at::Tensor& boxes2) {
+ using scalar_t = float;
+ boxes1.scalar_type() == at::kFloat, "boxes1 must be a float tensor");
+ boxes2.scalar_type() == at::kFloat, "boxes2 must be a float tensor");
+ AT_ASSERTM(boxes1.is_cuda(), "boxes1 must be a CUDA tensor");
+ AT_ASSERTM(boxes2.is_cuda(), "boxes2 must be a CUDA tensor");
+ at::cuda::CUDAGuard device_guard(boxes1.device());
+ auto num_boxes1 = boxes1.size(0);
+ auto num_boxes2 = boxes2.size(0);
+ at::Tensor ious =
+ at::empty({num_boxes1 * num_boxes2}, boxes1.options().dtype(at::kFloat));
+ bool transpose = false;
+ if (num_boxes1 > 0 && num_boxes2 > 0) {
+ scalar_t *data1 = boxes1.data_ptr(),
+ *data2 = boxes2.data_ptr();
+ if (num_boxes2 > 65535 * BLOCK_DIM_Y) {
+ num_boxes1 <= 65535 * BLOCK_DIM_Y,
+ "Too many boxes for box_iou_rotated_cuda!");
+ // x dim is allowed to be large, but y dim cannot,
+ // so we transpose the two to avoid "invalid configuration argument"
+ // error. We assume one of them is small. Otherwise the result is hard to
+ // fit in memory anyway.
+ std::swap(num_boxes1, num_boxes2);
+ std::swap(data1, data2);
+ transpose = true;
+ }
+ const int blocks_x =
+ at::cuda::ATenCeilDiv(static_cast(num_boxes1), BLOCK_DIM_X);
+ const int blocks_y =
+ at::cuda::ATenCeilDiv(static_cast(num_boxes2), BLOCK_DIM_Y);
+ dim3 blocks(blocks_x, blocks_y);
+ dim3 threads(BLOCK_DIM_X, BLOCK_DIM_Y);
+ cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream();
+ box_iou_rotated_cuda_kernel<<>>(
+ num_boxes1,
+ num_boxes2,
+ data1,
+ data2,
+ (scalar_t*)ious.data_ptr());
+ AT_CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetLastError());
+ }
+ // reshape from 1d array to 2d array
+ auto shape = std::vector{num_boxes1, num_boxes2};
+ if (transpose) {
+ return ious.view(shape).t();
+ } else {
+ return ious.view(shape);
+ }
+} // namespace detectron2
diff --git a/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/box_iou_rotated/box_iou_rotated_utils.h b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/box_iou_rotated/box_iou_rotated_utils.h
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/preprocess/humanparsing/mhp_extension/detectron2/detectron2/layers/csrc/box_iou_rotated/box_iou_rotated_utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
+#pragma once
+#ifdef __CUDACC__
+// Designates functions callable from the host (CPU) and the device (GPU)
+#define HOST_DEVICE __host__ __device__
+#define HOST_DEVICE_INLINE HOST_DEVICE __forceinline__
+#define HOST_DEVICE
+namespace detectron2 {
+namespace {
+struct RotatedBox {
+ T x_ctr, y_ctr, w, h, a;
+struct Point {
+ T x, y;
+ HOST_DEVICE_INLINE Point(const T& px = 0, const T& py = 0) : x(px), y(py) {}
+ HOST_DEVICE_INLINE Point operator+(const Point& p) const {
+ return Point(x + p.x, y + p.y);
+ }
+ HOST_DEVICE_INLINE Point& operator+=(const Point& p) {
+ x += p.x;
+ y += p.y;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ HOST_DEVICE_INLINE Point operator-(const Point& p) const {
+ return Point(x - p.x, y - p.y);
+ }
+ HOST_DEVICE_INLINE Point operator*(const T coeff) const {
+ return Point(x * coeff, y * coeff);
+ }
+HOST_DEVICE_INLINE T dot_2d(const Point& A, const Point& B) {
+ return A.x * B.x + A.y * B.y;
+// R: result type. can be different from input type
+HOST_DEVICE_INLINE R cross_2d(const Point& A, const Point& B) {
+ return static_cast(A.x) * static_cast(B.y) -
+ static_cast(B.x) * static_cast(A.y);
+HOST_DEVICE_INLINE void get_rotated_vertices(
+ const RotatedBox& box,
+ Point (&pts)[4]) {
+ // M_PI / 180. == 0.01745329251
+ double theta = box.a * 0.01745329251;
+ T cosTheta2 = (T)cos(theta) * 0.5f;
+ T sinTheta2 = (T)sin(theta) * 0.5f;
+ // y: top --> down; x: left --> right
+ pts[0].x = box.x_ctr + sinTheta2 * box.h + cosTheta2 * box.w;
+ pts[0].y = box.y_ctr + cosTheta2 * box.h - sinTheta2 * box.w;
+ pts[1].x = box.x_ctr - sinTheta2 * box.h + cosTheta2 * box.w;
+ pts[1].y = box.y_ctr - cosTheta2 * box.h - sinTheta2 * box.w;
+ pts[2].x = 2 * box.x_ctr - pts[0].x;
+ pts[2].y = 2 * box.y_ctr - pts[0].y;
+ pts[3].x = 2 * box.x_ctr - pts[1].x;
+ pts[3].y = 2 * box.y_ctr - pts[1].y;
+HOST_DEVICE_INLINE int get_intersection_points(
+ const Point (&pts1)[4],
+ const Point (&pts2)[4],
+ Point (&intersections)[24]) {
+ // Line vector
+ // A line from p1 to p2 is: p1 + (p2-p1)*t, t=[0,1]
+ Point vec1[4], vec2[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ vec1[i] = pts1[(i + 1) % 4] - pts1[i];
+ vec2[i] = pts2[(i + 1) % 4] - pts2[i];
+ }
+ // Line test - test all line combos for intersection
+ int num = 0; // number of intersections
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ // Solve for 2x2 Ax=b
+ T det = cross_2d(vec2[j], vec1[i]);
+ // This takes care of parallel lines
+ if (fabs(det) <= 1e-14) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto vec12 = pts2[j] - pts1[i];
+ T t1 = cross_2d(vec2[j], vec12) / det;
+ T t2 = cross_2d(vec1[i], vec12) / det;
+ if (t1 >= 0.0f && t1 <= 1.0f && t2 >= 0.0f && t2 <= 1.0f) {
+ intersections[num++] = pts1[i] + vec1[i] * t1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for vertices of rect1 inside rect2
+ {
+ const auto& AB = vec2[0];
+ const auto& DA = vec2[3];
+ auto ABdotAB = dot_2d(AB, AB);
+ auto ADdotAD = dot_2d(DA, DA);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ // assume ABCD is the rectangle, and P is the point to be judged
+ // P is inside ABCD iff. P's projection on AB lies within AB
+ // and P's projection on AD lies within AD
+ auto AP = pts1[i] - pts2[0];
+ auto APdotAB = dot_2d(AP, AB);
+ auto APdotAD = -dot_2d(AP, DA);
+ if ((APdotAB >= 0) && (APdotAD >= 0) && (APdotAB <= ABdotAB) &&
+ (APdotAD <= ADdotAD)) {
+ intersections[num++] = pts1[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Reverse the check - check for vertices of rect2 inside rect1
+ {
+ const auto& AB = vec1[0];
+ const auto& DA = vec1[3];
+ auto ABdotAB = dot_2d(AB, AB);
+ auto ADdotAD = dot_2d(DA, DA);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ auto AP = pts2[i] - pts1[0];
+ auto APdotAB = dot_2d(AP, AB);
+ auto APdotAD = -dot_2d(AP, DA);
+ if ((APdotAB >= 0) && (APdotAD >= 0) && (APdotAB <= ABdotAB) &&
+ (APdotAD <= ADdotAD)) {
+ intersections[num++] = pts2[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return num;
+HOST_DEVICE_INLINE int convex_hull_graham(
+ const Point (&p)[24],
+ const int& num_in,
+ Point (&q)[24],
+ bool shift_to_zero = false) {
+ assert(num_in >= 2);
+ // Step 1:
+ // Find point with minimum y
+ // if more than 1 points have the same minimum y,
+ // pick the one with the minimum x.
+ int t = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i < num_in; i++) {
+ if (p[i].y < p[t].y || (p[i].y == p[t].y && p[i].x < p[t].x)) {
+ t = i;
+ }
+ }
+ auto& start = p[t]; // starting point
+ // Step 2:
+ // Subtract starting point from every points (for sorting in the next step)
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_in; i++) {
+ q[i] = p[i] - start;
+ }
+ // Swap the starting point to position 0
+ auto tmp = q[0];
+ q[0] = q[t];
+ q[t] = tmp;
+ // Step 3:
+ // Sort point 1 ~ num_in according to their relative cross-product values
+ // (essentially sorting according to angles)
+ // If the angles are the same, sort according to their distance to origin
+ T dist[24];
+#ifdef __CUDACC__
+ // compute distance to origin before sort, and sort them together with the
+ // points
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_in; i++) {
+ dist[i] = dot_2d(q[i], q[i]);
+ }
+ // CUDA version
+ // In the future, we can potentially use thrust
+ // for sorting here to improve speed (though not guaranteed)
+ for (int i = 1; i < num_in - 1; i++) {
+ for (int j = i + 1; j < num_in; j++) {
+ T crossProduct = cross_2d(q[i], q[j]);
+ if ((crossProduct < -1e-6) ||
+ (fabs(crossProduct) < 1e-6 && dist[i] > dist[j])) {
+ auto q_tmp = q[i];
+ q[i] = q[j];
+ q[j] = q_tmp;
+ auto dist_tmp = dist[i];
+ dist[i] = dist[j];
+ dist[j] = dist_tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // CPU version
+ std::sort(
+ q + 1, q + num_in, [](const Point& A, const Point& B) -> bool {
+ T temp = cross_2d(A, B);
+ if (fabs(temp) < 1e-6) {
+ return dot_2d(A, A) < dot_2d(B, B);
+ } else {
+ return temp > 0;
+ }
+ });
+ // compute distance to origin after sort, since the points are now different.
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_in; i++) {
+ dist[i] = dot_2d(q[i], q[i]);
+ }
+ // Step 4:
+ // Make sure there are at least 2 points (that don't overlap with each other)
+ // in the stack
+ int k; // index of the non-overlapped second point
+ for (k = 1; k < num_in; k++) {
+ if (dist[k] > 1e-8) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (k == num_in) {
+ // We reach the end, which means the convex hull is just one point
+ q[0] = p[t];
+ return 1;
+ }
+ q[1] = q[k];
+ int m = 2; // 2 points in the stack
+ // Step 5:
+ // Finally we can start the scanning process.
+ // When a non-convex relationship between the 3 points is found
+ // (either concave shape or duplicated points),
+ // we pop the previous point from the stack
+ // until the 3-point relationship is convex again, or
+ // until the stack only contains two points
+ for (int i = k + 1; i < num_in; i++) {
+ while (m > 1) {
+ auto q1 = q[i] - q[m - 2], q2 = q[m - 1] - q[m - 2];
+ // cross_2d() uses FMA and therefore computes round(round(q1.x*q2.y) -
+ // q2.x*q1.y) So it may not return 0 even when q1==q2. Therefore we
+ // compare round(q1.x*q2.y) and round(q2.x*q1.y) directly. (round means
+ // round to nearest floating point).
+ if (q1.x * q2.y >= q2.x * q1.y)
+ m--;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ // Using double also helps, but float can solve the issue for now.
+ // while (m > 1 && cross_2d(q[i] - q[m - 2], q[m - 1] - q[m - 2])
+ // >= 0) {
+ // m--;
+ // }
+ q[m++] = q[i];
+ }
+ // Step 6 (Optional):
+ // In general sense we need the original coordinates, so we
+ // need to shift the points back (reverting Step 2)
+ // But if we're only interested in getting the area/perimeter of the shape
+ // We can simply return.
+ if (!shift_to_zero) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+ q[i] += start;
+ }
+ }
+ return m;
+HOST_DEVICE_INLINE T polygon_area(const Point (&q)[24], const int& m) {
+ if (m <= 2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T area = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i < m - 1; i++) {
+ area += fabs(cross_2d(q[i] - q[0], q[i + 1] - q[0]));
+ }
+ return area / 2.0;
+HOST_DEVICE_INLINE T rotated_boxes_intersection(
+ const RotatedBox& box1,
+ const RotatedBox& box2) {
+ // There are up to 4 x 4 + 4 + 4 = 24 intersections (including dups) returned
+ // from rotated_rect_intersection_pts
+ Point intersectPts[24], orderedPts[24];
+ Point pts1[4];
+ Point pts2[4];
+ get_rotated_vertices(box1, pts1);
+ get_rotated_vertices(box2, pts2);
+ int num = get_intersection_points