"""The editing page of the app This is the meat of the application. On the sidebar, the content of the model card is displayed in the form of editable fields. On the right side, the rendered model card is shown. In the side bar, users can: - edit the title and content of existing sections - delete sections - add new sections below the current section - add new figures below the current section Moreover, each action results in a "task" that is tracked in the task state. A task has a "do" and an "undo" method. This allows us to provide "undo" and "redo" features to the app, making it easier for users to experiment and deal with errors. The "reset" button undoes all the tasks, leading back to the initial model card. When the user is finished, there is a "save" button that downloads the model card. They can also click "delete" to start over again, leading them to the start page. """ from __future__ import annotations import reprlib from pathlib import Path from tempfile import mkdtemp import streamlit as st from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from skops import card from skops.card._model_card import PlotSection, split_subsection_names from utils import iterate_key_section_content, process_card_for_rendering from tasks import ( AddMetricsTask, AddSectionTask, AddFigureTask, DeleteSectionTask, TaskState, UpdateFigureTask, UpdateSectionTask, ) arepr = reprlib.Repr() arepr.maxstring = 24 tmp_path = Path(mkdtemp(prefix="skops-")) # temporary files def load_model_card_from_repo(repo_id: str) -> card.Card: print("downloading model card") path = hf_hub_download(repo_id, "README.md") model_card = card.parse_modelcard(path) return model_card def _update_model_card( model_card: card.Card, key: str, section_name: str, content: str, is_fig: bool, ) -> None: # This is a very roundabout way to update the model card but it's necessary # because of how streamlit handles session state. Basically, there have to # be "key" arguments, which have to be retrieved from the session_state, as # they are up-to-date. Just getting the Python variables is not enough, as # they can be out of date. # key names must match with those used in form new_title = st.session_state[f"{key}.title"] new_content = st.session_state[f"{key}.content"] # determine if title is the same old_title_split = split_subsection_names(section_name) new_title_split = old_title_split[:-1] + [new_title] is_title_same = old_title_split == new_title_split # determine if content is the same if is_fig: if isinstance(new_content, PlotSection): is_content_same = content == new_content else: is_content_same = not bool(new_content) else: is_content_same = content == new_content if is_title_same and is_content_same: return if is_fig: fpath = None if new_content: # new figure uploaded fname = new_content.name.replace(" ", "_") fpath = tmp_path / fname task = UpdateFigureTask( model_card, key=key, old_name=section_name, new_name=new_title, data=new_content, path=fpath, ) else: task = UpdateSectionTask( model_card, key=key, old_name=section_name, new_name=new_title, old_content=content, new_content=new_content, ) st.session_state.task_state.add(task) def _add_section(model_card: card.Card, key: str) -> None: section_name = f"{key}/Untitled" task = AddSectionTask( model_card, title=section_name, content="[More Information Needed]" ) st.session_state.task_state.add(task) def _add_figure(model_card: card.Card, key: str) -> None: section_name = f"{key}/Untitled" task = AddFigureTask(model_card, title=section_name, content="cat.png") st.session_state.task_state.add(task) def _delete_section(model_card: card.Card, key: str) -> None: task = DeleteSectionTask(model_card, key=key) st.session_state.task_state.add(task) def _add_section_form( model_card: card.Card, key: str, section_name: str, old_title: str, content: str ) -> None: with st.form(key, clear_on_submit=False): st.header(section_name) # setting the 'key' argument below to update the session_state st.text_input("Section name", value=old_title, key=f"{key}.title") st.text_area("Content", value=content, key=f"{key}.content") is_fig = False st.form_submit_button( "Update", on_click=_update_model_card, args=(model_card, key, section_name, content, is_fig), ) def _add_fig_form( model_card: card.Card, key: str, section_name: str, old_title: str, content: str ) -> None: with st.form(key, clear_on_submit=False): st.header(section_name) # setting the 'key' argument below to update the session_state st.text_input("Section name", value=old_title, key=f"{key}.title") st.file_uploader("Upload image", key=f"{key}.content") is_fig = True st.form_submit_button( "Update", on_click=_update_model_card, args=(model_card, key, section_name, content, is_fig), ) def create_form_from_section( model_card: card.Card, key: str, section_name: str, content: str, is_fig: bool = False, ) -> None: split_sections = split_subsection_names(section_name) old_title = split_sections[-1] if is_fig: _add_fig_form( model_card=model_card, key=key, section_name=section_name, old_title=old_title, content=content, ) else: _add_section_form( model_card=model_card, key=key, section_name=section_name, old_title=old_title, content=content, ) col_0, col_1, col_2 = st.columns([4, 2, 2]) with col_0: st.button( f"delete '{arepr.repr(old_title)}'", on_click=_delete_section, args=(model_card, key), key=f"{key}.delete", help="Delete this section, including all its subsections", ) with col_1: st.button( "add section below", on_click=_add_section, args=(model_card, key), key=f"{key}.add", help="Add a new subsection below this section", ) with col_2: st.button( "add figure below", on_click=_add_figure, args=(model_card, key), key=f"{key}.fig", help="Add a new figure below this section", ) def display_sections(model_card: card.Card) -> None: for section_info in iterate_key_section_content(model_card._data): create_form_from_section( model_card, key=section_info.return_key, section_name=section_info.title, content=section_info.content, is_fig=section_info.is_fig, ) def display_toc(model_card: card.Card) -> None: elements = [] for section_info in iterate_key_section_content(model_card._data): title, level = section_info.title, section_info.level section_name = split_subsection_names(title)[-1] elements.append(" " * level + "- " + section_name) st.markdown("\n".join(elements)) def display_model_card(model_card: card.Card) -> None: rendered = model_card.render() metadata, rendered = process_card_for_rendering(rendered) # strip metadata with st.expander("show metadata"): st.text(metadata) with st.expander("Table of Contents"): display_toc(model_card) st.markdown(rendered, unsafe_allow_html=True) def reset_model_card() -> None: if "task_state" not in st.session_state: return if "model_card" not in st.session_state: del st.session_state["model_card"] while st.session_state.task_state.done_list: st.session_state.task_state.undo() def delete_model_card() -> None: if "model_card" in st.session_state: del st.session_state["model_card"] if "task_state" in st.session_state: st.session_state.task_state.reset() def undo_last(): st.session_state.task_state.undo() display_model_card(st.session_state.model_card) def redo_last(): st.session_state.task_state.redo() display_model_card(st.session_state.model_card) def add_download_model_card_button(): model_card = st.session_state.get("model_card") download_disabled = not bool(model_card) data = model_card.render() tip = "Download the generated model card as markdown file" st.download_button( "Save (md)", data=data, disabled=download_disabled, help=tip, file_name="README.md", ) def display_edit_buttons(): # first row: undo + redo + reset col_0, col_1, col_2, *_ = st.columns([2, 2, 2, 2]) undo_disabled = not bool(st.session_state.task_state.done_list) redo_disabled = not bool(st.session_state.task_state.undone_list) with col_0: name = f"UNDO ({len(st.session_state.task_state.done_list)})" tip = "Undo the last edit" st.button(name, on_click=undo_last, disabled=undo_disabled, help=tip) with col_1: name = f"REDO ({len(st.session_state.task_state.undone_list)})" tip = "Redo the last undone edit" st.button(name, on_click=redo_last, disabled=redo_disabled, help=tip) with col_2: tip = "Undo all edits" st.button("Reset", on_click=reset_model_card, help=tip) # second row: download + delete col_0, col_1, *_ = st.columns([2, 2, 2, 2]) with col_0: add_download_model_card_button() with col_1: tip = "Start over from scratch (lose all progress)" st.button("Delete", on_click=delete_model_card, help=tip) def _update_model_diagram(): val = st.session_state.get("special_model_diagram", True) model_card = st.session_state.model_card model_card.model_diagram = val # TODO: this may no longer be necesssary once this issue is solved: # https://github.com/skops-dev/skops/issues/292 if val: model_card.add_model_plot() else: model_card.delete("Model description/Training Procedure/Model Plot") def _parse_metrics(metrics: str) -> dict[str, str | float]: # parse metrics from text area, one per line, into a dict metrics_table = {} for line in metrics.splitlines(): line = line.strip() val: str | float name, _, val = line.partition("=") try: # try to coerce to float but don't error if it fails val = float(val.strip()) except ValueError: pass metrics_table[name.strip()] = val return metrics_table def _update_metrics(): metrics = st.session_state.get("special_metrics_text", {}) model_card = st.session_state.model_card metrics_table = _parse_metrics(metrics) # check if any change if metrics_table == model_card._metrics: return task = AddMetricsTask(model_card, metrics_table) st.session_state.task_state.add(task) def display_skops_special_fields(): st.checkbox( "Show model diagram", value=True, on_change=_update_model_diagram, key="special_model_diagram", ) with st.expander("Add metrics"): with st.form("special_metrics", clear_on_submit=False): st.text_area( "Add one metric per line, e.g. 'accuracy = 0.9'", key="special_metrics_text", ) st.form_submit_button( "Update", on_click=_update_metrics, ) def edit_input_form(): if "task_state" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.task_state = TaskState() with st.sidebar: # TOP ROW BUTTONS display_edit_buttons() # SHOW SPECIAL FIELDS IF SKOPS TEMPLATE WAS USED if st.session_state.get("model_card_type", "") == "skops": display_skops_special_fields() # SHOW EDITABLE SECTIONS if "model_card" in st.session_state: display_sections(st.session_state.model_card) if "model_card" in st.session_state: display_model_card(st.session_state.model_card)