Formulator / utils /
04.09 commit
history blame
13.6 kB
def node_to_table(node):
if len(node["entries"]) == node["lualen"]:
lst = []
for kv in node["entries"]:
return lst
dct = {}
for kv in node["entries"]:
dct[kv[0]] = kv[1]
return dct
def sorter(kv):
if isinstance(kv[0], int):
return kv[0]
return float("inf")
def node_entries_append(node, key, val):
node["entries"].append([key, val])
lualen = 0
for kv in node["entries"]:
if kv[0] == lualen + 1:
lualen = lualen + 1
node["lualen"] = lualen
def parse(raw, encoding="utf-8", multival=False, verbose=False):
sbins = raw.encode(encoding)
root = {"entries": [], "lualen": 0, "is_root": True}
node = root
stack = []
state = "SEEK_CHILD"
pos = 0
slen = len(sbins)
byte_quoting_char = None
key = None
escaping = False
comment = None
component_name = None
errmsg = None
while pos <= slen:
byte_current = None
byte_current_is_space = False
if pos < slen:
byte_current = sbins[pos: pos + 1]
byte_current_is_space = (
byte_current == b" "
or byte_current == b"\r"
or byte_current == b"\n"
or byte_current == b"\t"
if verbose:
print("[step] pos", pos, byte_current, state, comment, key, node)
if comment == "MULTILINE":
if byte_current == b"]" and sbins[pos: pos + 2] == b"]]":
comment = None
pos = pos + 1
elif comment == "INLINE":
if byte_current == b"\n":
comment = None
elif state == "SEEK_CHILD":
if byte_current is None:
if byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 4] == b"--[[":
comment = "MULTILINE"
pos = pos + 3
elif byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 2] == b"--":
comment = "INLINE"
pos = pos + 1
elif not node["is_root"] and (
(byte_current >= b"A" and byte_current <= b"Z")
or (byte_current >= b"a" and byte_current <= b"z")
or byte_current == b"_"
state = "KEY_SIMPLE"
pos1 = pos
elif not node["is_root"] and byte_current == b"[":
elif byte_current == b"}":
if len(stack) == 0:
errmsg = (
"unexpected table closing, no matching opening braces found."
prev_env = stack.pop()
if prev_env["state"] == "KEY_EXPRESSION_OPEN":
key = node_to_table(node)
state = "KEY_END"
elif prev_env["state"] == "VALUE":
state = "VALUE_END"
key = None
node = prev_env["node"]
elif not byte_current_is_space:
key = node["lualen"] + 1
state = "VALUE"
pos = pos - 1
elif state == "VALUE":
if byte_current is None:
errmsg = "unexpected empty value."
if byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 4] == b"--[[":
comment = "MULTILINE"
pos = pos + 3
elif byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 2] == b"--":
comment = "INLINE"
pos = pos + 1
elif byte_current == b'"' or byte_current == b"'":
state = "TEXT"
component_name = "VALUE"
pos1 = pos + 1
byte_quoting_char = byte_current
elif byte_current == b"-" or (
byte_current >= b"0" and byte_current <= b"9"
state = "INT"
component_name = "VALUE"
pos1 = pos
elif byte_current == b".":
state = "FLOAT"
component_name = "VALUE"
pos1 = pos
elif byte_current == b"t" and sbins[pos: pos + 4] == b"true":
node_entries_append(node, key, True)
state = "VALUE_END"
key = None
pos = pos + 3
elif byte_current == b"f" and sbins[pos: pos + 5] == b"false":
node_entries_append(node, key, False)
state = "VALUE_END"
key = None
pos = pos + 4
elif byte_current == b"{":
stack.append({"node": node, "state": state, "key": key})
state = "SEEK_CHILD"
node = {"entries": [], "lualen": 0, "is_root": False}
elif state == "TEXT":
if byte_current is None:
errmsg = "unexpected string ending: missing close quote."
if escaping:
escaping = False
elif byte_current == b"\\":
escaping = True
elif byte_current == byte_quoting_char:
data = (
.replace(b"\\\n", b"\n")
.replace(b'\\"', b'"')
.replace(b"\\\\", b"\\")
if component_name == "KEY":
key = data
elif component_name == "VALUE":
node_entries_append(node, key, data)
state = "VALUE_END"
key = None
data = None
elif state == "INT":
if byte_current == b".":
state = "FLOAT"
elif byte_current is None or byte_current < b"0" or byte_current > b"9":
data = int(sbins[pos1:pos].decode(encoding))
if component_name == "KEY":
key = data
pos = pos - 1
elif component_name == "VALUE":
node_entries_append(node, key, data)
state = "VALUE_END"
key = None
pos = pos - 1
data = None
elif state == "FLOAT":
if byte_current is None or byte_current < b"0" or byte_current > b"9":
if pos == pos1 + 1 and sbins[pos1:pos] == b".":
errmsg = "unexpected dot."
data = float(sbins[pos1:pos].decode(encoding))
if component_name == "KEY":
key = data
pos = pos - 1
elif component_name == "VALUE":
node_entries_append(node, key, data)
state = "VALUE_END"
key = None
pos = pos - 1
data = None
elif state == "VALUE_END":
if byte_current is None:
elif byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 4] == b"--[[":
comment = "MULTILINE"
pos = pos + 3
elif byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 2] == b"--":
comment = "INLINE"
pos = pos + 1
elif byte_current == b",":
state = "SEEK_CHILD"
elif byte_current == b"}":
state = "SEEK_CHILD"
pos = pos - 1
elif not byte_current_is_space:
errmsg = "unexpected character."
elif state == "KEY_EXPRESSION_OPEN":
if byte_current is None:
errmsg = "key expression expected."
if byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 4] == b"--[[":
comment = "MULTILINE"
pos = pos + 3
elif byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 2] == b"--":
comment = "INLINE"
pos = pos + 1
elif byte_current == b'"' or byte_current == b"'":
state = "TEXT"
component_name = "KEY"
pos1 = pos + 1
byte_quoting_char = byte_current
elif byte_current == b"-" or (
byte_current >= b"0" and byte_current <= b"9"
state = "INT"
component_name = "KEY"
pos1 = pos
elif byte_current == b".":
state = "FLOAT"
component_name = "KEY"
pos1 = pos
elif byte_current == b"t" and sbins[pos: pos + 4] == b"true":
errmsg = "python do not support bool as dict key."
key = True
pos = pos + 3
elif byte_current == b"f" and sbins[pos: pos + 5] == b"false":
errmsg = "python do not support bool variable as dict key."
key = False
pos = pos + 4
elif byte_current == b"{":
errmsg = "python do not support lua table variable as dict key."
state = "SEEK_CHILD"
stack.push({"node": node, "state": state, "key": key})
node = {"entries": [], "lualen": 0}
elif state == "KEY_EXPRESSION_FINISH":
if byte_current is None:
errmsg = 'unexpected end of table key expression, "]" expected.'
if byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 4] == b"--[[":
comment = "MULTILINE"
pos = pos + 3
elif byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 2] == b"--":
comment = "INLINE"
pos = pos + 1
elif byte_current == b"]":
elif not byte_current_is_space:
errmsg = 'unexpected character, "]" expected.'
elif state == "KEY_EXPRESSION_CLOSE":
if byte_current == b"=":
state = "VALUE"
elif byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 4] == b"--[[":
comment = "MULTILINE"
pos = pos + 3
elif byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 2] == b"--":
comment = "INLINE"
pos = pos + 1
elif not byte_current_is_space:
errmsg = 'unexpected character, "=" expected.'
elif state == "KEY_SIMPLE":
if not (
(byte_current >= b"A" and byte_current <= b"Z")
or (byte_current >= b"a" and byte_current <= b"z")
or (byte_current >= b"0" and byte_current <= b"9")
or byte_current == b"_"
key = sbins[pos1:pos].decode(encoding)
state = "KEY_SIMPLE_END"
pos = pos - 1
elif state == "KEY_SIMPLE_END":
if byte_current_is_space:
elif byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 4] == b"--[[":
comment = "MULTILINE"
pos = pos + 3
elif byte_current == b"-" and sbins[pos: pos + 2] == b"--":
comment = "INLINE"
pos = pos + 1
elif byte_current == b"=":
state = "VALUE"
elif byte_current == b"," or byte_current == b"}":
if key == "true":
node_entries_append(node, node["lualen"] + 1, True)
state = "VALUE_END"
key = None
pos = pos - 1
elif key == "false":
node_entries_append(node, node["lualen"] + 1, False)
state = "VALUE_END"
key = None
pos = pos - 1
key = None
errmsg = "invalied table simple key character."
pos += 1
if verbose:
print(" ", pos, " ", state, comment, key, node)
# check if there is any errors
if errmsg is None and len(stack) != 0:
errmsg = 'unexpected end of table, "}" expected.'
if errmsg is None and root["lualen"] == 0:
errmsg = "nothing can be unserialized from input string."
if errmsg is not None:
pos = min(pos, slen)
start_pos = max(0, pos - 4)
end_pos = min(pos + 10, slen)
err_parts = sbins[start_pos:end_pos].decode(encoding)
err_indent = " " * (pos - start_pos)
raise Exception(
"Unserialize luadata failed on pos %d:\n %s\n %s^\n %s"
% (pos, err_parts, err_indent, errmsg)
res = []
for kv in root["entries"]:
if multival:
return tuple(res)
return res[0]