add tokenizer
[PAD] |
[UNK] |
[CLS] |
[SEP] |
[MASK] |
, |
- |
. |
2 |
; |
a |
b |
c |
d |
e |
f |
g |
h |
i |
j |
k |
l |
m |
n |
o |
p |
q |
r |
s |
t |
u |
v |
w |
x |
y |
##u |
##e |
##s |
##t |
##i |
##o |
##n |
##a |
##b |
##l |
##k |
##y |
##f |
##r |
##m |
##h |
##c |
##g |
##q |
##v |
##p |
##x |
##d |
##w |
##2 |
##j |
##al |
##as |
##ar |
##er |
##tas |
##in |
##ph |
##ary |
no |
##aryn |
##ic |
##pharyn |
##es |
##opharyn |
##ge |
nas |
nasopharyn |
##it |
##geal |
##om |
nod |
me |
metas |
##at |
##cin |
nasopharyngeal |
##oma |
car |
##cinoma |
carcinoma |
##ith |
with |
metastas |
##vic |
metastases |
nodal |
th |
cer |
##on |
##vical |
cervical |
in |
##il |
##nd |
the |
##us |
and |
##en |
##ed |
##eral |
##ateral |
##ilateral |
##ul |
##id |
##ef |
##ig |
bilateral |
##ion |
##ht |
##ight |
right |
to |
ex |
lef |
left |
##or |
##mal |
nodes |
ext |
##an |
##ac |
##ly |
##ve |
##ens |
sid |
##ur |
##os |
inv |
smal |
##tr |
##ter |
nasopharynx |
small |
con |
##ous |
extens |
##ined |
##ent |
##ular |
sided |
##le |
##fined |
##re |
confined |
of |
re |
sp |
pr |
##ut |
##tat |
##is |
##asion |
metastat |
invasion |
metastatic |
is |
su |
sus |
##ious |
##pp |
bas |
un |
##ive |
##oid |
##pic |
suspic |
base |
suspicious |
but |
wh |
##um |
##ec |
##ing |
def |
ly |
pos |
##ib |
##if |
##our |
##ad |
##mph |
##ich |
##opharyngeal |
##ite |
##tropharyngeal |
extensive |
retropharyngeal |
which |
lymph |
bul |
sk |
tum |
upp |
##li |
##ky |
##pr |
##inite |
non |
##ull |
extension |
unilateral |
definite |
##ific |
bulky |
skull |
tumour |
upper |
as |
are |
ear |
##ug |
##ep |
##ely |
##ol |
##op |
##nal |
##la |
##kely |
##cl |
spec |
early |
specific |
ab |
for |
jug |
li |
pal |
par |
##ow |
##vicular |
##acla |
invol |
supr |
##aden |
likely |
##aclavicular |
supraclavicular |
bon |
ca |
ch |
mos |
pter |
##ue |
##ud |
##ti |
##th |
##ted |
##im |
##ior |
##apharyn |
##yg |
##ran |
##ment |
##hy |
##inent |
##ominent |
##ation |
##athy |
metastasis |
inter |
##terior |
prim |
prominent |
posterior |
lymphaden |
##opathy |
##clud |
jugular |
parapharyn |
involve |
most |
pteryg |
internal |
primary |
lymphadenopathy |
parapharyngeal |
at |
an |
app |
cor |
due |
fr |
fos |
lar |
mul |
mid |
or |
sin |
ve |
ver |
##ear |
##sa |
##sib |
##to |
##ial |
##ob |
##oc |
##ab |
##ain |
##cep |
##ver |
##ine |
##ini |
##ess |
node |
this |
into |
spac |
possib |
bony |
##ranial |
involvement |
pterygoid |
any |
appear |
fossa |
large |
sinus |
veli |
very |
##ocal |
##able |
##cept |
al |
cli |
des |
dis |
dow |
hy |
ma |
mus |
on |
ro |
sig |
tr |
##ui |
##ual |
##und |
##tic |
##ian |
##od |
##ove |
##out |
##nor |
##fil |
##fus |
##rib |
##crib |
##gg |
##gle |
##qui |
##vus |
##ps |
##ple |
##ested |
without |
intr |
includ |
infil |
except |
##ant |
##anc |
##act |
##acranial |
side |
##tration |
##read |
spread |
prob |
sub |
sugg |
above |
abnor |
palat |
chain |
##tiple |
from |
multiple |
space |
clivus |
describ |
down |
hyp |
trian |
intracranial |
infiltration |
probable |
suggested |
abnormal |
chains |
described |
triangle |
ad |
bo |
com |
de |
dur |
en |
ef |
equi |
fur |
le |
mil |
mini |
ob |
pe |
pit |
sph |
tens |
##uit |
##eter |
##te |
##tal |
##tom |
##ia |
##ies |
##nous |
##ll |
##las |
##lation |
##yr |
##min |
##han |
##cur |
##vat |
##vocal |
##deter |
##jac |
not |
##ities |
nodul |
##atur |
##cing |
indeter |
##using |
##usual |
##enoid |
exclud |
extr |
extent |
##anti |
##relation |
react |
unusual |
lymphoid |
##press |
##cles |
palanti |
caver |
causing |
##ther |
cord |
correlation |
possibly |
possible |
appearanc |
sinuses |
may |
muscles |
signal |
##odular |
##fusion |
##psular |
includes |
palatini |
hyper |
abnormalities |
adjac |
both |
compress |
deep |
dura |
enhan |
effusion |
equivocal |
further |
levat |
mild |
minimal |
pituit |
sphenoid |
tensor |
##yroid |
indetermin |
reactive |
cavernous |
adjacent |
enhancing |
levator |
pituitary |
ai |
ar |
ac |
ap |
be |
br |
bor |
ct |
co |
cl |
cen |
cranial |
di |
do |
dif |
dep |
ev |
end |
fe |
fa |
fl |
fas |
gla |
hu |
he |
how |
ips |
ill |
lo |
ling |
low |
less |
local |
mal |
mas |
mar |
mor |
mac |
ne |
nar |
ner |
nec |
natur |
op |
otom |
ph |
per |
pre |
qu |
sl |
sit |
site |
tw |
t2 |
ton |
tis |
ul |
und |
v2 |
vol |
vocal |
we |
##ub |
##uous |
##ex |
##ever |
##so |
##sy |
##sil |
##sid |
##sue |
##sess |
##scur |
##tf |
##tin |
##tid |
##tef |
##tig |
##tion |
##tens |
##tle |
##toid |
##tund |
##tant |
##ias |
##ok |
##of |
##oor |
##oug |
##oaden |
##ound |
##otid |
##nific |
##nant |
##ay |
##am |
##and |
##apsular |
##be |
##br |
##bit |
##lary |
##line |
##ked |
##rw |
##res |
##rus |
##rmal |
##rent |
##row |
##roaden |
##mith |
##mand |
##ct |
##cle |
##cre |
##cia |
##gion |
##gob |
##vious |
##ving |
##vour |
##pec |
##plas |
##xil |
##der |
##dle |
##alat |
##asil |
##astr |
##astoid |
##asound |
##ered |
##erly |
##inic |
##intens |
noted |
normal |
##aryngob |
##estion |
##ity |
##ate |
that |
than |
thyroid |
##ong |
##ontal |
##ile |
##ility |
##uld |
##ulod |
##ident |
##ignant |
##igastr |
##ightly |
torus |
expec |
extran |
##ange |
##acapsular |
##ural |
##uroma |
##osit |
##trous |
##trasound |
##tered |
consid |
contig |
##oustic |
##rect |
requi |
recur |
region |
suscept |
unli |
while |
##ume |
##ectom |
defined |
##ibular |
##ibility |
assess |
area |
##oplas |
##opalat |
foram |
jugulod |
palsy |
parotid |
involving |
bone |
capsular |
chias |
change |
##thoug |
##mental |
pterygopalat |
frontal |
multin |
middle |
orbit |
##verte |
##ineural |
spaces |
appears |
appearing |
also |
along |
althoug |
distal |
distant |
discre |
maxil |
muscle |
round |
rotund |
roof |
signific |
##fuse |
including |
##ance |
subtle |
submand |
submental |
palatine |
hypoplas |
obscur |
obvious |
pet |
petrous |
nodule |
nodules |
##atures |
exclude |
excluded |
extra |
extracapsular |
appearance |
appearances |
maybe |
hyperplas |
hyperintens |
compression |
compressing |
deeper |
##yroidectom |
indeterminant |
indeterminate |
airw |
artef |
acoustic |
apex |
brain |
border |
could |
clinic |
centered |
direct |
doub |
diffuse |
deposit |
evident |
features |
favour |
floor |
fascia |
gland |
huge |
hemith |
however |
ipsilateral |
look |
lingual |
lower |
malignant |
mass |
marked |
more |
macroaden |
neuroma |
narrow |
nerve |
neck |
nature |
optic |
otomastoid |
pharyngob |
perineural |
preverte |
question |
slightly |
sites |
two |
tonsil |
tissue |
ultrasound |
underly |
volume |
well |
##tful |
##bral |
##asilar |
normally |
##igastric |
expected |
extranodular |
considered |
contiguous |
requires |
recurrent |
regions |
susceptibility |
unlikely |
foramen |
jugulodigastric |
chiasm |
pterygopalatine |
multinodular |
orbital |
although |
discrete |
maxillary |
rounded |
rotundum |
significance |
submandibular |
hypoplastic |
obscure |
obviously |
hyperplasia |
hyperintense |
##yroidectomy |
airway |
artefact |
borderline |
clinical |
doubtful |
hemithyroidectomy |
looking |
macroadenoma |
narrowing |
pharyngobasilar |
prevertebral |
questionable |
tonsils |
underlying |