{ "task": "text-classification", "max_length": 512, "num_labels": 1043, "id2label": { "0": "Public Benefits", "1": "Disability public benefits", "2": "State and local benefits for the disabled", "3": "Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)", "4": "Supplemental Security Income (SSI)", "5": "In-home supportive service disability benefits", "6": "Food and Cash benefits", "7": "SNAP (Food Stamp) benefits", "8": "Eligibility and Applications for SNAP (food stamp) benefits", "9": "Determining eligibility for SNAP (food stamp) benefits", "10": "Expedited issuance of SNAP benefits", "11": "Immigrants' Eligibility for SNAP benefits", "12": "Disability and eligibility for SNAP food stamps", "13": "Emergency SNAP (food stamp) benefits", "14": "Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system and cards", "15": "Fraud in getting SNAP benefits", "16": "Being charged with Intentional Program Violations of SNAP", "17": "Underpayment of SNAP benefits", "18": "Overpayment and Recoupment of SNAP benefits", "19": "Reduction or Termination of SNAP benefits", "20": "Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits (TANF)", "21": "Applications and Eligibility for TANF", "22": "Application process for TANF benefits", "23": "Eligibility standards for TANF benefits", "24": "Income, assets, and eligibility for TANF benefits", "25": "Available income for TANF benefits", "26": "Income disregards for TANF benefits", "27": "Assets and resources' effect on TANF benefits eligibility", "28": "Defining the family unit for TANF eligibility", "29": "Immigrants' Eligibility for TANF benefits", "30": "Residency requirements to receive TANF", "31": "Teen parents' eligibility for TANF", "32": "Amount of money received through TANF", "33": "Child-Only TANF benefit calculations", "34": "Child exclusions and family caps for TANF benefit calculations", "35": "Money sanctions for TANF recipients", "36": "Housing or Shelter Allowance on TANF", "37": "TANF standards to calculate financial need", "38": "TANF amounts for support services", "39": "TANF and child support obligations", "40": "TANF diversion programs", "41": "Lump Sum Payments to TANF applicants", "42": "Appealing a TANF benefits decision", "43": "Due process protections around TANF", "44": "Receiving TANF benefits through electronic benefits transfer (EBT)", "45": "Emergency TANF benefits", "46": "Fraud in receiving TANF benefits", "47": "Requirements to stay on TANF benefits", "48": "Job search requirements for TANF benefits", "49": "TANF Assessments and Individual Responsibility Plans", "50": "TANF work requirements and education or vocational training", "51": "Over- or Under-payment of TANF Benefits", "52": "Overpayment and Recoupment of TANF Benefits", "53": "Underpayment of TANF benefits", "54": "Termination of TANF benefits", "55": "Time limit on receiving TANF", "56": "General Assistance from a state or local government", "57": "Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)", "58": "State Funded Cash Assistance", "59": "Health public benefits and medical assistance programs", "60": "State and Local Medical assistance programs", "61": "Medicaid health coverage", "62": "Medicaid Home And Community Based Services", "63": "Eligibility and applications for Medicaid", "64": "Application process for Medicaid", "65": "Asset Limits for Medicaid eligibility", "66": "Available Income and eligibility for Medicaid", "67": "Spend Down strategy to be eligible for Medicaid", "68": "Transferring assets to qualify for Medicaid", "69": "Medicaid coverage of particular procedures or treatments", "70": "Medicaid coverage of abortion", "71": "Medicaid coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment", "72": "Medicaid coverage of birth control and family planning", "73": "Medicaid coverage of dental services", "74": "Medicaid coverage of Durable Medical Equipment", "75": "Medicaid coverage of optical services", "76": "Medicaid coverage of prescriptions", "77": "Appealing Medicaid decisions", "78": "Appealing Medicaid coverage decision", "79": "Appealing Medicaid decision on eligibility", "80": "Cost-sharing, Premiums, and Out-of-Pocket costs on Medicaid", "81": "Being eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare", "82": "Medicaid Overpayment and Recoupment", "83": "Suing to enforce the Medicaid Act", "84": "Termination of Medicaid", "85": "Underpayment by Medicaid", "86": "Medicaid and child support obligations", "87": "Medicare health coverage", "88": "Eligibility and Applications for Medicare", "89": "Application process for Medicare", "90": "Income limits on Medicare eligibility", "91": "Appealing Medicare decisions", "92": "Appealing Medicare coverage decisions", "93": "Appealing Medicare eligibility decision", "94": "Medicare coverage of particular procedures or treatments", "95": "Medicare coverage of extended care, rehab, and nursing care", "96": "Medicare coverage of hospital services", "97": "Medicare coverage of skilled nursing care", "98": "Cost-sharing, Premiums, and Out-of-Pocket costs on Medicare", "99": "Termination of Medicare coverage", "100": "Underpayment by Medicare program", "101": "Overpayment and recoupment of Medicare payments", "102": "Medigap Supplement Insurance for Medicare beneficiaries", "103": "Medicare Part A for inpatient care", "104": "Medicare Part B for outpatient services and equipment", "105": "Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage)", "106": "Medicare Part D for prescription drugs", "107": "Children's Health Insurance Programs (CHIP) for kids and pregnant women", "108": "Eligibility for Children's Health Insurance Programs", "109": "Appealing denial of CHIP coverage", "110": "Dental services through CHIP", "111": "Coverage of health issues on CHIP", "112": "Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment program for children", "113": "Children's protections against Lead Poisoning and Asthma", "114": "Prescription Drug payment assistance", "115": "Unemployment Benefits, Compensation, and Insurance", "116": "Applying for Unemployment Insurance benefits", "117": "Eligibility for Unemployment benefits", "118": "Ability to Work' criteria for Unemployment benefits", "119": "Eligibility for unemployment benefits if you quit", "120": "Eligibility for unemployment benefits after misconduct", "121": "Unemployment Benefit amounts and time-lengths", "122": "Termination of Unemployment Benefits", "123": "Termination of unemployment benefits for turning down a job", "124": "Termination of unemployment benefits for unavailability for work", "125": "Denial or Disqualification from unemployment benefits", "126": "Unemployment benefits hearings to contest a decision", "127": "Overpayment and Recoupment of unemployment benefits", "128": "Unemployment Benefits during a public health emergency", "129": "Utilities, Energy, and Heating benefits at home", "130": "Public Benefits for Veterans and Military", "131": "Disability benefits for veterans and military", "132": "Old Age Public Benefits", "133": "Social Security retirement benefits", "134": "Small Business and IP", "135": "Business and Occupational Licenses", "136": "Child Care and Day Care Licenses", "137": "Exemptions for Child Care Licenses", "138": "Getting a Child Care License", "139": "Business Licenses", "140": "Economic Development", "141": "Running a farm business", "142": "Intellectual Property", "143": "Copyright of written or artistic works", "144": "Patents for an invention", "145": "Trademarks for names and logos", "146": "Running a For-Profit Business", "147": "Incorporating and Dissolving a for-profit business", "148": "Starting a for-profit business", "149": "Finances of a for-profit business", "150": "Taxes for a for-profit business", "151": "Sales taxes", "152": "Running a Nonprofit", "153": "Help for Small Businesses after a Disaster", "154": "Running an Arts/Entertainment Business", "155": "Courts and Lawyers", "156": "Getting and having a lawyer", "157": "Legal Help Resources to deal with legal issues", "158": "Websites and technology for legal help", "159": "Bar Association legal help websites", "160": "Community resources for legal problems", "161": "Court-based legal help centers", "162": "Filling out forms and other legal documents", "163": "Representing oneself without a lawyer", "164": "Judges' behavior with self-represented litigants", "165": "Court programs for self-represented litigants", "166": "Education on how to represent oneself", "167": "Administrative agency requests and hearings", "168": "Hearings challenging public benefits decisions", "169": "Hearing for labor issues and unemployment claims", "170": "Hearing with Social Security Administration", "171": "Agencies not following court decisions (Nonacquiescence)", "172": "Evidence for a court case", "173": "Privileged material and evidence rules", "174": "Legal Research", "175": "Going to court and dealing with procedure", "176": "Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Settlements", "177": "Appealing a court's judgment", "178": "Standards for reviewing an appeal", "179": "Appealing a judge's ruling through Mandamus", "180": "Standards of review for appealed cases", "181": "Court's ability to hear, refuse, or move a case", "182": "Estoppel to stop an issue being raised again", "183": "Court Abstaining from hearing a case", "184": "Immunity from lawsuits or prosecution", "185": "Government's Sovereign Immunity from lawsuits", "186": "Government officials' Qualified Immunity from lawsuits", "187": "Court's Jurisdiction to hear a case", "188": "Court's decision whether there is a case and controversy", "189": "Court's jurisdiction when parties come from different states", "190": "Federal court's jurisdiction to hear federal questions", "191": "Federal court's ability to hear a state law question", "192": "Court's personal jurisdiction over parties", "193": "Court's decision whether a case is moot", "194": "Court's decision whether a case is ripe", "195": "Litigant's exhaustion of remedies in original court", "196": "Removing a case from state to federal court", "197": "Res Judicata to stop a claim being raised again", "198": "Standing of a person to bring a lawsuit", "199": "Statute of Limitation to bring a lawsuit", "200": "Computation of time for statutes of limitation", "201": "Waiving a statute of limitations", "202": "Transferring a case to another venue", "203": "Judge's powers and behavior", "204": "Bias by a judge", "205": "Judge's discretion in a case", "206": "Judgments, Settlements, and Appeals of court cases", "207": "Consent Decrees or Settlements of a case", "208": "Default Judgment against one party", "209": "Enforcing a court's judgment", "210": "Enforcing a judgment in another jurisdiction", "211": "Contempt for not following a judgment", "212": "Declaratory judgment about a case", "213": "Summary Judgment for one party before a trial's end", "214": "Court costs and fees", "215": "In Forma Pauperis court fee waivers", "216": "Claiming Money (Damages) in a lawsuit", "217": "Processing Delays by an administrative agency", "218": "Discovery process to get evidence from other side", "219": "Depositions of witnesses", "220": "Expert witness discovery before a trial", "221": "Extending time for discovery process", "222": "Interrogatory request during discovery", "223": "Non-compliance with Discovery rules", "224": "Privileged information protected from Discovery", "225": "Turning over documents during Discovery", "226": "Sanctions for discovery violations", "227": "Due Process rights when dealing with the government", "228": "Due Process rights in an administrative agency hearing", "229": "Rights against government depriving one of liberty", "230": "Rights against government depriving one of property", "231": "Remedies if government violates one's due process", "232": "Juries", "233": "Filing and Serving pleadings, forms, and court paperwork", "234": "Serving court papers on other party", "235": "Waiver of service of court papers", "236": "Rules of civil procedure", "237": "Transcripts and Recordings of legal proceedings", "238": "Rule- and law-making procedures", "239": "Proposing a rules change for an administrative agency", "240": "Notices and Public Comment on proposed government rules", "241": "Finding and hiring a lawyer", "242": "Having a free lawyer appointed", "243": "Lawyer's fees and payments", "244": "Hourly Rates of a lawyer", "245": "Costs that lawyers are allowed to charge", "246": "Having other party pay attorney fees", "247": "Attorney fees award after consent decree or settlement", "248": "Computing attorney's fees to be paid from one party to another", "249": "Having the government pay attorney fees", "250": "Attorney-Client Privilege", "251": "Establishing a lawyer-client relationship", "252": "Conflicts of Interest check for a lawyer and client", "253": "Retainer letters and agreements to hire a lawyer", "254": "Ethical rules for lawyer's behavior", "255": "Bias of a lawyer", "256": "Getting Legal Aid or Pro Bono lawyer help", "257": "Finding Legal Aid outside of the US", "258": "Restrictions on what legal aid can do", "259": "Paralegals and non-lawyer professionals", "260": "Class Action lawsuits", "261": "Getting a class action certified", "262": "Defining a class in a class action", "263": "Crime and Prisons", "264": "Being a victim or witness to a crime", "265": "Being a witness to a crime", "266": "Victim's Rights", "267": "Witness Identification of suspects", "268": "Crime Victim Compensation", "269": "After being found guilty of a crime", "270": "Pardon for a crime", "271": "Clemency process for granting a pardon or reduction", "272": "Sex Offender registration", "273": "Innocence Commissions and laws", "274": "Confessions and statements to the police", "275": "Coercion of a confession", "276": "False confessions", "277": "Challenging a confession based on mental capacity", "278": "Having a lawyer in a criminal case", "279": "Quality of criminal lawyer's work and ineffective assistance of counsel", "280": "Line-ups and Identification", "281": "Line-up procedures in a criminal investigation", "282": "Misidentification during a line-up", "283": "Criminal Records", "284": "Expungement or Sealing of Criminal Record", "285": "Pardons and Criminal Records", "286": "Juvenile Criminal Records", "287": "Accessing a juvenile criminal record", "288": "Confidentiality of juvenile criminal records", "289": "Expungement of juvenile criminal record", "290": "Death Penalty", "291": "Going to criminal court and being on trial", "292": "Appealing criminal court's decision", "293": "Courts of appeal", "294": "Preservation of error in a criminal case to have appeal", "295": "Collateral appeal to court after conviction", "296": "Appealing based on ineffective assistance of counsel", "297": "Criminal trial process", "298": "Criminal trial jury selection", "299": "Jury instructions in a criminal trial", "300": "Lawyers' arguments and behavior during criminal trial", "301": "Evidence at a criminal trial", "302": "Forensic evidence about a crime", "303": "Ballistics evidence", "304": "Fingerprint and impression evidence", "305": "Blood and body fluid evidence", "306": "Hair and fiber evidence", "307": "Expert testimony at a criminal trial", "308": "Genetic evidence at a criminal trial", "309": "DNA evidence at a criminal trial", "310": "Challenging genetic evidence as junk science", "311": "Right to challenge witnesses", "312": "Defenses against criminal charges", "313": "Criminal defense around lack of capacity or insanity", "314": "Self-defense as a criminal defense", "315": "Grand Juries and being indicted for a crime", "316": "Make motion for a new trial", "317": "Requesting a jury for a criminal trial", "318": "Sentencing and penalties after being found guilty", "319": "Due Process rights in a criminal case", "320": "Juvenile Justice", "321": "Challenging detention through Habeas Corpus", "322": "Supporting a petition for habeas corpus", "323": "Opposing a petition for habeas corpus", "324": "Review of a habeas corpus petition", "325": "Dealing with police and prosecutors", "326": "Encounters with the police", "327": "Procedure for filing habeas corpus petition", "328": "Police or prosecutors' misconduct", "329": "Prosecutor failing to disclose evidence (Brady Violation)", "330": "Misconduct cases against police or prosecutors", "331": "Understanding Specific Types of Crimes", "332": "Crimes against property", "333": "Crimes against a person", "334": "Reentry after prison", "335": "Prisoners' rights, services, and conditions", "336": "Being investigated for a crime", "337": "Disaster Relief", "338": "Help for Farms after a Disaster", "339": "Public Benefits for individuals after a disaster", "340": "Local Public Benefits to assist people after a disaster (not FEMA)", "341": "FEMA 'Other Needs' assistance", "342": "Finding Missing Persons after a Disaster", "343": "Insurance Claims after a disaster", "344": "Rebuilding and Reconstruction after a disaster", "345": "Replacing Lost Documents after a disaster", "346": "Tax Relief after a disaster", "347": "Public Health Emergency issues", "348": "Education", "349": "Adult continuing education", "350": "Vocational education", "351": "Public Benefits offered through schools", "352": "School breakfast and lunch programs", "353": "Head Start services for families", "354": "Paying for education", "355": "Fees for educational programs", "356": "Vouchers to pay for private education", "357": "Discipline, expulsion, or suspension from school", "358": "Expulsion from school", "359": "Suspension from school", "360": "Truancy and attendance", "361": "Discrimination and rights around education", "362": "Desegregation of schools", "363": "Exclusion of students from activities", "364": "Discrimination based on sex/gender at a school (Title IX)", "365": "Privacy at school", "366": "Students with disabilities and special education", "367": "Assistive technology for students with disabilities", "368": "Protections for students with disabilities", "369": "Individual Education Plans", "370": "School residency or enrollment", "371": "School standards, testing, and requirements", "372": "School funding for quality education", "373": "Language access to education", "374": "Quality of education for student with disability", "375": "Students' Educational Records", "376": "Environmental Justice", "377": "Air Pollution", "378": "Environmental Protection", "379": "Hazardous Waste", "380": "Pesticides", "381": "Sustainable Agriculture", "382": "Water Pollution", "383": "Estates, Wills, and Guardianships", "384": "Making a Will and Estate Plan", "385": "Drafting and signing a will", "386": "Updating a Will through a Codicil", "387": "Distributing money through Payable-on-Death account", "388": "Estate Planning for a beneficiary with a disability", "389": "Dealing with another person's estate after they die", "390": "Contesting a will", "391": "Dying without a will (intestate)", "392": "Probate process for an uncontested will", "393": "Going to Probate Court", "394": "When an estate can avoid probate", "395": "Being a 'beneficiary' to another's estate", "396": "Guardianship and Conservatorship", "397": "Money and Property issues in a Guardianship or Conservatorship", "398": "Accountings for Funds Spent in a Guardianship or Conservatorship", "399": "Financial exploitation in a Guardianship or Conservatorship", "400": "Joint Property issues in a guardianship/conservatorship", "401": "Guardianship or Conservatorship of an Adult", "402": "Getting a Conservatorship or Guardianship of an Adult", "403": "Getting an Emergency Guardianship of an Adult", "404": "Guardianship of a Mentally Ill Adult", "405": "Guardian Ad Litem for vulnerable adults in housing cases", "406": "Conservatorship of an adult's financial affairs", "407": "Guardianship of a child (under 18)", "408": "Guardian Ad Litem for child in family law cases", "409": "Getting a Guardianship of a Child", "410": "Guardianship of a child who has been abused or neglected", "411": "Standby guardianship plan for a child", "412": "Short-term Temporary Guardianship of a child", "413": "Rights of Guardians and Conservators", "414": "Removal of a Guardian or Conservator", "415": "Trusts", "416": "Living Trusts", "417": "Plans for if you are incapacitated or ill (Powers of Attorney and Advance Directives)", "418": "Advance Directives about possible medical treatments", "419": "Living Wills for when a person is terminally ill", "420": "Powers of Attorney", "421": "Options around Life-Sustaining Treatments", "422": "Funeral and Burial Issues", "423": "Estate Planning for Military", "424": "Benefits for service members after death", "425": "Family", "426": "Adoption", "427": "Adopting a Child", "428": "Uncontested Adoption of a Child", "429": "Contested Adoption of a Child", "430": "Getting Time off Work for an Adoption", "431": "Adopting an Adult", "432": "Contesting an Adoption", "433": "Birth Parents' Rights around an Adoption", "434": "Grandparents' and other Family Members' Rights around an Adoption", "435": "Birth Certificates and Identity Documents", "436": "Child Care Costs", "437": "Child Care support through TANF", "438": "Child Custody, Parenting Plans, and Visitation", "439": "Parental abduction or kidnapping of a child", "440": "Emergency Custody orders and hearings", "441": "Modifying a Custody Order", "442": "Interstate Child Custody and Jurisdiction issues", "443": "Competing Jurisdictions for child custody cases", "444": "Emergency Jurisdiction for child custody", "445": "Enforcing a Child Custody order", "446": "Temporary Child Custody", "447": "Child Visitation", "448": "Enforcing Child Visitation", "449": "Modifying a Child Visitation Order", "450": "Getting a Child Visitation Order", "451": "Third-Party Visitation of child", "452": "Child Support", "453": "Enforcement of Child Support", "454": "Going to Child Support (IV-D) Court", "455": "Getting state support in enforcing child support", "456": "Intercepting tax refunds for child support", "457": "Enforcing child support in different states", "458": "Petitions for Child Support", "459": "Private enforcement of child support", "460": "Modifying Child Support arrangement", "461": "Child Support Guidelines for calculation and enforcement", "462": "Other Custodial parent issues around child support", "463": "Other Non-custodial parent issues with child support", "464": "Divorce, Separation, and Annulment", "465": "Spousal Support, Alimony, and Separate Maintenance", "466": "Long-term Spousal Support", "467": "Lump Sum Spousal Support", "468": "Spousal Support from pensions and retirement plans (with a QDRO)", "469": "Short-Term or Temporary Spousal Support", "470": "Legal Separation of spouses", "471": "Division of property among separated spouses", "472": "Property Settlement agreements for separated spouses", "473": "Divorce process and types", "474": "Contested divorce process", "475": "Uncontested Divorce process", "476": "Subpoenas in a divorce process", "477": "Taxes after divorce", "478": "Filing motions after the final divorce decree", "479": "Consolidating cases during a divorce", "480": "Reopening a divorce for new evidence", "481": "Stopping (or staying) a divorce process", "482": "Venue of a divorce case", "483": "Annulment of a marriage", "484": "Dividing Property and Debt among spouses", "485": "Property Settlement agreements among spouses", "486": "Community Property laws for spouses", "487": "Dividing Debt during a divorce", "488": "Dividing real estate property in a divorce", "489": "Dividing pensions and retirement accounts in a divorce", "490": "Marital vs. Non-Marital Property standards", "491": "Equitable Distribution laws for spouses", "492": "Re-opening or changing divorce property judgments", "493": "Stopping a spouse from hiding or destroying assets", "494": "Children's Issues during a divorce or separation", "495": "Best Interest of Child standard", "496": "Children-related divorce case management orders", "497": "Mediation for children's issues and parenting plans", "498": "Parental Rights and Responsibilities during a divorce", "499": "Problems after a final divorce, separation, or annulment judgment", "500": "Contempt of court for violating a family law order", "501": "Consequences of being found in contempt of family law judgment", "502": "Contempt for financial issues related to a family law judgment", "503": "Contempt for children's issues related to a family law judgment", "504": "Enforcing a divorce or separation judgment", "505": "Modifying a divorce or separation judgment", "506": "Domestic Violence and Abuse", "507": "Getting a restraining or protection order", "508": "Initial filing for a protection order", "509": "Modifying a protection order's complaint", "510": "Modifying a temporary protection order", "511": "Extending a protection order", "512": "Modifying or ending a final protection order", "513": "Employment issues around domestic violence", "514": "Custody issues around Domestic Violence", "515": "Financial Issues around Domestic Violence", "516": "Child Support and Domestic Violence", "517": "Damages and financial compensation for domestic violence", "518": "Spousal Support and Domestic Violence", "519": "TANF Benefits exceptions for domestic violence victims", "520": "Domestic Violence issues during a public health emergency", "521": "Drug and Alcohol Treatment related to Domestic Violence", "522": "Defining what constitutes domestic violence and abuse", "523": "Firearms and other Weapons and domestic violence", "524": "Enforcing a protection order", "525": "Housing Discrimination and Domestic Violence", "526": "Emancipation of a minor", "527": "Foster Care", "528": "Marriages and civil unions", "529": "Common Law Marriage", "530": "Name or Gender Change", "531": "Name Change of an Adult", "532": "Name Change of a Child", "533": "Gender Change of an Adult", "534": "Gender Change of a Child", "535": "Paternity", "536": "Acknowledging paternity", "537": "Blood Tests to determine paternity", "538": "Contested Paternity", "539": "Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution for family", "540": "Parental Rights (and Termination)", "541": "Terminating Parental Rights", "542": "Teen Parents' Rights and Obligations", "543": "Elder Abuse", "544": "Taking Care of Sick or Disabled Family", "545": "Family members with money, criminal, and other issues", "546": "Firearms licenses", "547": "Government Services", "548": "Licenses for Driving, Business, Fishing, Guns, etc.", "549": "Getting information and records from the government", "550": "Freedom of Information (FOIA) to request government info", "551": "Voting and Elections", "552": "Voting Systems, Ballots, and Rules", "553": "Districting and Gerrymandering", "554": "Dealing with different branches of government", "555": "Dealing with federal agencies", "556": "Dealing with municipal government and ordinances", "557": "Dealing with state and local agencies", "558": "Dealing with state legislatures and courts", "559": "Late fees, penalties, other charges for a rental home", "560": "City regulations of renting a home", "561": "Military Service-members' Protections against Foreclosure", "562": "Liens on a Home", "563": "Title to a home", "564": "Health", "565": "Care for a specific condition or disability", "566": "Mental Health", "567": "Commitment to a mental health facility", "568": "Voluntary commitment to a mental health facility", "569": "Involuntary Commitment to a mental health facility", "570": "Rights when being committed to a mental health facility", "571": "Community programs for mental health", "572": "Least Restrictive Alternative Standard for mental health care", "573": "Mental Health facilities and institutions", "574": "HIV/AIDS care and rights", "575": "Health care for those with HIV/AIDS", "576": "Abortion care and rights", "577": "Alcoholism and Substance Abuse", "578": "Birth Control and Sterlization", "579": "Black Lung Disease (Pneumoconiosis) benefits", "580": "Breast and Cervical Cancer", "581": "Counseling and social work needs", "582": "Immunization and Vaccines", "583": "Disability issues and rights", "584": "Health public benefits for a person with a disability", "585": "Medicaid coverage for a person with a disability", "586": "Medicare coverage for a person with a disability", "587": "Mental Health Disabilities", "588": "Disability services and resources", "589": "Rights and discrimination around health care", "590": "Language and cultural access to health care", "591": "Discrimination or Refusal to Treat a person", "592": "Duty to provide health care to low-income individuals", "593": "Minority groups' access to health care", "594": "Problems with medical or nursing home care", "595": "Quality of care in a nursing home", "596": "Complaining about medical services quality or cost", "597": "Nursing Home Care and Assisted Living", "598": "Discharge or transfer from a nursing home", "599": "Assisted Living or Board and Care homes", "600": "Licensing of nursing homes", "601": "Medical Records and Privacy", "602": "Health issues from living conditions", "603": "Workers with health or disability issues", "604": "Disability Insurance coverage", "605": "Housing", "606": "Discrimination around housing", "607": "Federal Protections against housing discrimination (Fair Housing Act)", "608": "State protections against housing discrimination", "609": "Local protections against housing discrimination", "610": "Housing discrimination based on race", "611": "Discriminatory housing lending (or Redlining)", "612": "Housing discrimination based on disability", "613": "Housing discrimination based on national origin", "614": "Housing Discrimination based on gender or sexuality", "615": "Housing discrimination based on familial status (having children, being pregnant, or adopting)", "616": "Housing discrimination based on religion", "617": "Housing discrimination based on source of income/voucher subsidies", "618": "Eviction from a home", "619": "Eviction from a homeless shelter or group home", "620": "Eviction from subsidized or public housing", "621": "Eviction from a home subsidized by Rural Economic and Community Development", "622": "Eviction from federally subsidized (Section 8) housing", "623": "Eviction from public housing (with government landlord)", "624": "One-Strike Eviction policies in public and subsidized housing", "625": "Eviction from private rental housing (not public or subsidized)", "626": "Going to court for Eviction and Landlord-Tenant issues", "627": "Being a defendant in an eviction lawsuit", "628": "Being a plaintiff in an eviction lawsuit", "629": "Having a Jury Trial in an eviction lawsuit", "630": "Raising Appeals to an eviction lawsuit's judgment", "631": "Nonpayment of Rent eviction case procedure", "632": "Holdover eviction cases", "633": "Canceling (or setting aside) an Eviction Order", "634": "Jurisdiction issues around an eviction case", "635": "Defenses to stop or delay an eviction", "636": "Notice and Procedural defenses against an eviction", "637": "Reasonable Accommodation for a disability defenses against an eviction", "638": "Living conditions (habitability) defenses against an eviction", "639": "Military service-members' protections around eviction", "640": "Title and ownership defenses against an eviction", "641": "Retaliatory Eviction defenses against an eviction", "642": "Tenants' rights and options after an eviction", "643": "Expungement or Masking of an Eviction Record", "644": "Challenging a landlord for a 'constructive eviction'", "645": "Landlord locking-out or shutting off utilities", "646": "Settlements, Mediation, and Diversion from Eviction", "647": "Housing Assistance, Public Housing, and Subsidized Housing", "648": "Emergency Assistance for housing costs", "649": "Local housing assistance programs", "650": "State housing assistance programs", "651": "Public Housing (with government as landlord)", "652": "Safety and security in public housing", "653": "Public Housing sites, rehabilitation, and demolition", "654": "Site selection for public housing", "655": "Demolition of public housing", "656": "Relocation rights and assistance for public housing", "657": "Employment opportunities (Section 3) for public and subsidized housing contracts", "658": "Hope VI program to revitalize public housing", "659": "Getting public housing", "660": "Eligibility and Selection Criteria for public housing", "661": "Preferences in who gets public housing", "662": "Residency requirements for public housing", "663": "Having visitors in public housing", "664": "Federally Subsidized Housing (including Section 8/Housing Choice Vouchers)", "665": "Having visitors to federally subsidized rental home", "666": "Getting a Housing Choice (Section 8) voucher for federally subsidized rental", "667": "Recertifying/reporting changes to income and family for Section 8 voucher", "668": "Termination of a federal rental subsidy", "669": "Subsidized Housing Removal, Conversion, or Preservation", "670": "Landlord Opting out of federal subsidies program", "671": "Relocating with a federal rent subsidy voucher", "672": "Rural rental assistance (formerly FMHA) programs", "673": "Affordable Housing development", "674": "Low Income Housing Tax Credit to build affordable housing", "675": "Immigrants' eligibility for housing programs", "676": "Single Room Occupancy housing options", "677": "Buying a Home", "678": "Federal subsidies to buy a home (Homeownership Voucher Program)", "679": "Paying for a home through a Bond/Contract for Deed", "680": "Deeds for a home", "681": "Closing on a home sale", "682": "Cooperatives, Condominiums, and Homeowners Associations", "683": "Problems with living conditions", "684": "Poor living conditions in a rented home", "685": "Poor living conditions in a federally subsidized (Section 8) home", "686": "Challenging a federally subsidized rental's living conditions", "687": "Housing Quality Standards for federally subsidized rentals", "688": "Termination of 'Troubled Properties' as federally subsidized rentals", "689": "Safety and security issues in subsidized housing", "690": "Poor living conditions in a rental subsidized with rural rental assistance", "691": "Poor living conditions in public housing", "692": "Housing code compliance", "693": "Disruptions to 'quiet enjoyment' of a rental", "694": "Landlord harassment or problem behavior", "695": "Lead Paint and Poisoning", "696": "Renting or leasing a home", "697": "Security Deposit for a rented home", "698": "Security deposits and charges for federally subsidized (Section 8) rentals", "699": "Income-based rent rates for public housing", "700": "Security deposits and charges for public housing", "701": "Challenging a landlord's security deposit deductions", "702": "Rent charges, increases, and control", "703": "Rent issues in public housing", "704": "Rent Ceilings or Flat Rent for public housing", "705": "Utility allowances and charges for public or subsidized housing", "706": "Rent increases in public housing", "707": "Rent issues in federally subsidized rentals", "708": "Income-based rent rates for federally subsidized housing", "709": "Rent ceilings or Flat Rent rates for federally subsidized rentals", "710": "Rent issues in rural assistance subsidized homes", "711": "Landlord taking property for rent owed", "712": "Rent Control", "713": "Overcharges of rent in a rent control area", "714": "Determining if a home is covered by rent control", "715": "Rent control agencies' practices", "716": "Eviction limits under Rent Control laws", "717": "Rent control jurisdictions", "718": "Pet fees, deposits, and rent", "719": "Succession rights and process in Rent Control homes", "720": "Tenant Rights, Organizations, and Participation", "721": "Tenants' participation and organization in subsidized housing", "722": "Tenants' participation and organization in public housing", "723": "Landlord access to a rental", "724": "Landlord access to a federally subsidized rental", "725": "Landlord or Housing Authority access to a public housing rental", "726": "Leases & Rental Agreements for a rental home", "727": "Leases for a federally subsidized home", "728": "Changing a rental agreement or lease", "729": "Local regulations of rental housing", "730": "State regulations of rental housing", "731": "Rental protections for those with HIV/AIDS", "732": "Ending a rental lease early", "733": "Landlord suing tenant for money", "734": "Utilities, Energy, and Heating at home", "735": "Foreclosure on a Home", "736": "Defenses against a Foreclosure", "737": "Stopping a foreclosure through a 'redemption' (paying off loan in full)", "738": "Stopping a foreclosure by reinstating (catching up with) the loan", "739": "Tenant options when landlord is in foreclosure or bankruptcy", "740": "Another person (receiver) taking over from a landlord", "741": "Owning a Home", "742": "Clearing Title to one's home", "743": "Zoning and Land Use of one\u2019s property", "744": "Property Taxes", "745": "Property Tax Appeals, Refunds and Abatements", "746": "Mortgages and other financing for a home", "747": "Federally-Subsidized Mortgage Loans", "748": "HUD-Insured Mortgages", "749": "Mortgages for Veterans", "750": "Mortgage Rescue Scams", "751": "Reverse Mortgages (loans using home equity conversion)", "752": "Mortgage Predatory Lending", "753": "Dividing (Partition) a home with another owner", "754": "Housing after a Disaster", "755": "Eviction issues during a public health emergency", "756": "FEMA Housing Assistance", "757": "Housing issues after contact with police", "758": "Zoning issues related to housing", "759": "Homelessness and Housing Insecurity", "760": "Mobile Homes", "761": "Owning a mobile home", "762": "Renting in a Mobile Home Park", "763": "Immigration", "764": "Deportation or Removal of immigrants", "765": "Criminal conviction leading to deportation", "766": "Stopping deportation through Withholding of Removal", "767": "Waivers of Inadmissibility, Deportation, or Removal", "768": "Detention of immigrants", "769": "Bond Hearing for a detained immigrant", "770": "Parole for immigrants", "771": "Public Benefits for immigrants", "772": "Immigrants' access to health care", "773": "Immigrants' eligibility for Medicaid", "774": "Options for immigration status, visas, permits, and travel papers", "775": "Deferred Action immigration status", "776": "Legalization of undocumented immigrant", "777": "Political asylum", "778": "Immigrants' rights", "779": "Discrimination against Immigrants", "780": "Sponsoring an immigrant", "781": "Sponsoring an immigrant for a work visa", "782": "Border searches", "783": "Refugees", "784": "Going to immigration interviews and hearings", "785": "Undocumented immigrants", "786": "Immigrants working when undocumented or without authorization", "787": "Immigration options for victims of domestic violence", "788": "Green Card options for victims of domestic abuse", "789": "Immigration status through U-Visa for crime victims", "790": "Canceling Removal Proceedings for domestic abuse victims", "791": "Migrant and seasonal worker employment", "792": "Work as an immigrant", "793": "Military Service-members' protection against collection and repossession", "794": "Money, Debt, and Consumer Issues", "795": "Paying for medical care", "796": "Health Insurance", "797": "Health care coverage through employer", "798": "COBRA health insurance post-employement", "799": "COBRA coverage for dependents", "800": "Free and Low-Cost medical care", "801": "Free or low-cost care through Hill-Burton facilities", "802": "Managed Care plans", "803": "Debt collection for medical costs", "804": "Contracts, Warranties, and Deceptive Trade Practices", "805": "Corporate and Commercial Contracts", "806": "Arts & Entertainment Contracts", "807": "Consumer Contract issues", "808": "Building Contractors and Construction problems", "809": "Consumer Fraud and Misrepresentation", "810": "False advertising, deceptive pricing, and unfair trade", "811": "Installment Contracts", "812": "Installment Purchases and Rent-to-Own", "813": "Warranty issues", "814": "As-Is Warranty issues", "815": "Credit practices and Credit reports", "816": "Building good credit", "817": "Repairing credit", "818": "Finding and understanding a credit report", "819": "Accessing credit and borrowing money", "820": "Financial Literacy", "821": "Using Bank Accounts", "822": "Using Checks", "823": "Using Debit Cards", "824": "Using Credit Cards", "825": "Identity Theft and Lost Credit Cards", "826": "Financial Identity Theft", "827": "Criminal Identity Theft with police", "828": "Insurance", "829": "Homeowner's Insurance", "830": "Renters' Insurance", "831": "Insurance Scams and Fraud", "832": "Life Insurance", "833": "Service Members' Group Life Insurance", "834": "Loans", "835": "Predatory Lending", "836": "Student Loans and Financial Aid", "837": "Student Loan Discharge or Cancellation", "838": "Student Loan Forgiveness", "839": "Student Loan Default and Delinquency", "840": "Student Loan Fraud", "841": "Payday loans", "842": "Understanding the terms of a loan or credit card", "843": "Canceling (or rescission of) a loan", "844": "Fees and Finance Charges for a loan", "845": "High interest rates and Usury protections", "846": "Taxes", "847": "Income Taxes", "848": "Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)", "849": "Small Claims lawsuits", "850": "Discrimination against a customer", "851": "Debt and Lending Money", "852": "Debt Collection, Repossession, Garnishment", "853": "Dealing with Abusive Debt Collection and Harassment", "854": "Fair Debt Collection Practices Act protections", "855": "Being a Collection-Proof Debtor", "856": "Debt Management Counseling", "857": "Deficiency Judgment issues", "858": "Frozen Bank Account issues", "859": "Garnishment issues", "860": "Exemptions from Garnishment", "861": "Wage Garnishment or Assignment issues", "862": "Non-Wage Garnishment issues", "863": "Liens on Property", "864": "Repossession of a car", "865": "Bankruptcy", "866": "Chapter 7 Bankruptcy for people with limited income", "867": "Chapter 13 Bankruptcy for people with regular income", "868": "Discharge of Debts in Bankruptcy", "869": "Exemptions to protect property during bankruptcy", "870": "Automatic Stays on creditors during bankruptcy", "871": "Exceptions to Debt Discharges during Bankruptcy", "872": "Chapter 11 Bankruptcy for businesses", "873": "Chapter 12 Bankruptcy for farmers or fishermen", "874": "Door-to-door Sales, Telemarketing, and Spam", "875": "Telemarketers", "876": "Door-to-Door Sales", "877": "Spam on Email or Text", "878": "Native American Issues and Tribal Law", "879": "Government and lands of Native Americans", "880": "Jurisdiction of Native American tribes", "881": "Native American reservations", "882": "Sovereignty of Native American tribes", "883": "Treaties and Native Americans", "884": "Tribal Government", "885": "Native-based legal services", "886": "Family and child support for Native Americans", "887": "Divorce for Native American couples", "888": "Native American children's custody by non-parents (Indian Child Welfare Act)", "889": "Tribal enrollment", "890": "Native American crime victims", "891": "Education issues for Native Americans", "892": "Public Benefits for Native Americans", "893": "Tribal TANF", "894": "Rights and protections for Native Americans", "895": "Native American hunting and fishing rights", "896": "Health Care for Native Americans", "897": "Indian Health Service", "898": "Criminal Tribal Courts", "899": "Civil and Human Rights", "900": "Discrimination by Government (Equal Protection)", "901": "Right to a free lawyer", "902": "Disability Rights and Discrimination", "903": "Disability rights around housing", "904": "Disability rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)", "905": "Websites' accessibility requirements", "906": "Reasonable Accommodation standard under ADA", "907": "Accessibility rights under ADA", "908": "ADA Section 508 accessibility for federal government", "909": "Architectural barriers and accessibility under the ADA", "910": "HIV/AIDS discrimination", "911": "Disability discrimination in government programs", "912": "Voting Rights", "913": "First Amendment Rights", "914": "First Amendment protections of freedom of religion", "915": "First Amendment protections of freedom of association", "916": "First Amendment protections of freedom of speech", "917": "LGBTQ Rights", "918": "Human Rights", "919": "Workers' Rights", "920": "Agricultural workers' protections", "921": "Poultry workers' protections", "922": "Racial and ethnic discrimination in agricultural work", "923": "Mental Health Rights", "924": "Rights to refuse mental health treatment", "925": "Right to mental health treatment", "926": "Prisoners' Rights", "927": "Women's Rights", "928": "Privacy Rights and Protections", "929": "Rights against government searches or arrests", "930": "Right to Travel", "931": "Sex workers' Rights", "932": "Human Trafficking rights and protections", "933": "Religious Freedoms and Discrimination", "934": "Racial Justice and discrimination", "935": "Age Discrimination", "936": "Rights when dealing with the government", "937": "Language Access rights", "938": "Accidents and Torts", "939": "Being Physically injured or harmed by another", "940": "Personal data privacy breach and protections", "941": "Getting Care and Compensation for an injury", "942": "Suing someone, or being sued", "943": "Car Accident lawsuits", "944": "Being a Plaintiff in lawsuit (suing someone)", "945": "Being a Defendant in a lawsuit (being sued)", "946": "Seeking an injunction to compel an action", "947": "Seeking a preliminary injunction before a trial ends", "948": "Suing to enforce a law (Private right of action)", "949": "Outcomes a plaintiff can seek in a lawsuit", "950": "Suing the government for civil rights violations", "951": "Getting civil rights lawyer's fees paid", "952": "Harassment by another person", "953": "Traffic and Cars", "954": "Car injuries to people or property", "955": "Dealing with traffic and parking tickets", "956": "Speeding and Moving Violations", "957": "License and Registration Traffic Tickets", "958": "No Insurance Traffic Tickets", "959": "Parking Tickets", "960": "Driving Under the Influence", "961": "Going to Traffic Court", "962": "Driver's licenses or permits", "963": "Driver's License Suspension", "964": "Reinstating a Driver's License", "965": "Issues with Owning a Car", "966": "Car Payment Issues", "967": "Issues with Purchasing and Financing a Car", "968": "Car Repair issues", "969": "Warranties and contracts for a car", "970": "Contracts for Car Repairs", "971": "Vehicle/Auto License or Registration", "972": "Car insurance", "973": "Veterans and Military", "974": "Active Duty Claims", "975": "Active duty claim for household goods", "976": "Active duty medical claims", "977": "Discharge from military", "978": "Administrative Discharge (being fired) from military service", "979": "Medical Discharge from military", "980": "Draft into military", "981": "Health benefits for military and veterans", "982": "Mental Health for military and veterans", "983": "Legal protections for military", "984": "Legal help for military", "985": "Deployment preparation and issues", "986": "Being tested for drugs or alcohol at work", "987": "Getting Worker's Compensation benefits", "988": "Work and Employment Law", "989": "Applying and interviewing for a job", "990": "Being drug tested when applying for a job", "991": "Affirmative Action for employment", "992": "Problems at a Current Job", "993": "Wage payment, hours, and breaks at work", "994": "Minimum wage at work", "995": "Being paid a 'prevailing wage'", "996": "Getting paid for overtime work", "997": "Meal and Rest Breaks", "998": "Getting paid for trainings and work-related activities", "999": "Getting reimbursed for work-related costs", "1000": "Making a complaint under the Fair Labor Standards Act", "1001": "Minors' protections and restrictions at work", "1002": "Being an Employee vs. an Independent Contractor", "1003": "Being a subcontractor", "1004": "Taking Time off Work at Current Job", "1005": "Taking leave for family and medical reasons", "1006": "Problems regarding a Former Job", "1007": "Being fired after whistleblowing", "1008": "Being fired from a job", "1009": "Wrongful termination of employees who are not 'at will'", "1010": "Employment records from former job", "1011": "Retirement and Pensions", "1012": "Mismanagement of retirement and pension plans (under ERISA)", "1013": "Eligibility for pension plan or retirement benefits", "1014": "Vesting of retirement plan", "1015": "Railroad workers' retirement system", "1016": "Unions", "1017": "Employer interfering with union activity (Unfair Labor Practices)", "1018": "Unfair Labor Practices by Unions", "1019": "Volunteering or interning at a job", "1020": "Being injured on the job", "1021": "Working conditions that are unsafe or unhealthy", "1022": "Discrimination around work and employment", "1023": "Remedies for discrimination at work", "1024": "Getting Back-Pay after discrimination at work", "1025": "Getting Compensated after discrimination at work", "1026": "Punitive damages for work discrimination", "1027": "Sexual harassment at work", "1028": "Age discrimination at work", "1029": "Disability discrimination at work", "1030": "Gender discrimination at work", "1031": "Racial and Ethnic discrimination at work", "1032": "Religious discrimination at work", "1033": "Sexual orientation or Gender Identity discrimination at work", "1034": "Martial or Parental Status discrimination at work", "1035": "Proving discrimination at work", "1036": "Discrimination based on a 'bona fide occupational qualification'", "1037": "Neutral work policies that lead to discrimination (disparate impact)", "1038": "Employment in prison", "1039": "Veterans and Military members' Civilian Work", "1040": "Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act for servicemembers", "1041": "Reemployment after military service", "1042": "Suing an employer for a tort" }, "label2id": { "Public Benefits": 0, "Disability public benefits": 1, "State and local benefits for the disabled": 2, "Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)": 3, "Supplemental Security Income (SSI)": 4, "In-home supportive service disability benefits": 5, "Food and Cash benefits": 6, "SNAP (Food Stamp) benefits": 7, "Eligibility and Applications for SNAP (food stamp) benefits": 8, "Determining eligibility for SNAP (food stamp) benefits": 9, "Expedited issuance of SNAP benefits": 10, "Immigrants' Eligibility for SNAP benefits": 11, "Disability and eligibility for SNAP food stamps": 12, "Emergency SNAP (food stamp) benefits": 13, "Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system and cards": 14, "Fraud in getting SNAP benefits": 15, "Being charged with Intentional Program Violations of SNAP": 16, "Underpayment of SNAP benefits": 17, "Overpayment and Recoupment of SNAP benefits": 18, "Reduction or Termination of SNAP benefits": 19, "Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits (TANF)": 20, "Applications and Eligibility for TANF": 21, "Application process for TANF benefits": 22, "Eligibility standards for TANF benefits": 23, "Income, assets, and eligibility for TANF benefits": 24, "Available income for TANF benefits": 25, "Income disregards for TANF benefits": 26, "Assets and resources' effect on TANF benefits eligibility": 27, "Defining the family unit for TANF eligibility": 28, "Immigrants' Eligibility for TANF benefits": 29, "Residency requirements to receive TANF": 30, "Teen parents' eligibility for TANF": 31, "Amount of money received through TANF": 32, "Child-Only TANF benefit calculations": 33, "Child exclusions and family caps for TANF benefit calculations": 34, "Money sanctions for TANF recipients": 35, "Housing or Shelter Allowance on TANF": 36, "TANF standards to calculate financial need": 37, "TANF amounts for support services": 38, "TANF and child support obligations": 39, "TANF diversion programs": 40, "Lump Sum Payments to TANF applicants": 41, "Appealing a TANF benefits decision": 42, "Due process protections around TANF": 43, "Receiving TANF benefits through electronic benefits transfer (EBT)": 44, "Emergency TANF benefits": 45, "Fraud in receiving TANF benefits": 46, "Requirements to stay on TANF benefits": 47, "Job search requirements for TANF benefits": 48, "TANF Assessments and Individual Responsibility Plans": 49, "TANF work requirements and education or vocational training": 50, "Over- or Under-payment of TANF Benefits": 51, "Overpayment and Recoupment of TANF Benefits": 52, "Underpayment of TANF benefits": 53, "Termination of TANF benefits": 54, "Time limit on receiving TANF": 55, "General Assistance from a state or local government": 56, "Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)": 57, "State Funded Cash Assistance": 58, "Health public benefits and medical assistance programs": 59, "State and Local Medical assistance programs": 60, "Medicaid health coverage": 61, "Medicaid Home And Community Based Services": 62, "Eligibility and applications for Medicaid": 63, "Application process for Medicaid": 64, "Asset Limits for Medicaid eligibility": 65, "Available Income and eligibility for Medicaid": 66, "Spend Down strategy to be eligible for Medicaid": 67, "Transferring assets to qualify for Medicaid": 68, "Medicaid coverage of particular procedures or treatments": 69, "Medicaid coverage of abortion": 70, "Medicaid coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment": 71, "Medicaid coverage of birth control and family planning": 72, "Medicaid coverage of dental services": 73, "Medicaid coverage of Durable Medical Equipment": 74, "Medicaid coverage of optical services": 75, "Medicaid coverage of prescriptions": 76, "Appealing Medicaid decisions": 77, "Appealing Medicaid coverage decision": 78, "Appealing Medicaid decision on eligibility": 79, "Cost-sharing, Premiums, and Out-of-Pocket costs on Medicaid": 80, "Being eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare": 81, "Medicaid Overpayment and Recoupment": 82, "Suing to enforce the Medicaid Act": 83, "Termination of Medicaid": 84, "Underpayment by Medicaid": 85, "Medicaid and child support obligations": 86, "Medicare health coverage": 87, "Eligibility and Applications for Medicare": 88, "Application process for Medicare": 89, "Income limits on Medicare eligibility": 90, "Appealing Medicare decisions": 91, "Appealing Medicare coverage decisions": 92, "Appealing Medicare eligibility decision": 93, "Medicare coverage of particular procedures or treatments": 94, "Medicare coverage of extended care, rehab, and nursing care": 95, "Medicare coverage of hospital services": 96, "Medicare coverage of skilled nursing care": 97, "Cost-sharing, Premiums, and Out-of-Pocket costs on Medicare": 98, "Termination of Medicare coverage": 99, "Underpayment by Medicare program": 100, "Overpayment and recoupment of Medicare payments": 101, "Medigap Supplement Insurance for Medicare beneficiaries": 102, "Medicare Part A for inpatient care": 103, "Medicare Part B for outpatient services and equipment": 104, "Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage)": 105, "Medicare Part D for prescription drugs": 106, "Children's Health Insurance Programs (CHIP) for kids and pregnant women": 107, "Eligibility for Children's Health Insurance Programs": 108, "Appealing denial of CHIP coverage": 109, "Dental services through CHIP": 110, "Coverage of health issues on CHIP": 111, "Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment program for children": 112, "Children's protections against Lead Poisoning and Asthma": 113, "Prescription Drug payment assistance": 114, "Unemployment Benefits, Compensation, and Insurance": 115, "Applying for Unemployment Insurance benefits": 116, "Eligibility for Unemployment benefits": 117, "Ability to Work' criteria for Unemployment benefits": 118, "Eligibility for unemployment benefits if you quit": 119, "Eligibility for unemployment benefits after misconduct": 120, "Unemployment Benefit amounts and time-lengths": 121, "Termination of Unemployment Benefits": 122, "Termination of unemployment benefits for turning down a job": 123, "Termination of unemployment benefits for unavailability for work": 124, "Denial or Disqualification from unemployment benefits": 125, "Unemployment benefits hearings to contest a decision": 126, "Overpayment and Recoupment of unemployment benefits": 127, "Unemployment Benefits during a public health emergency": 128, "Utilities, Energy, and Heating benefits at home": 129, "Public Benefits for Veterans and Military": 130, "Disability benefits for veterans and military": 131, "Old Age Public Benefits": 132, "Social Security retirement benefits": 133, "Small Business and IP": 134, "Business and Occupational Licenses": 135, "Child Care and Day Care Licenses": 136, "Exemptions for Child Care Licenses": 137, "Getting a Child Care License": 138, "Business Licenses": 139, "Economic Development": 140, "Running a farm business": 141, "Intellectual Property": 142, "Copyright of written or artistic works": 143, "Patents for an invention": 144, "Trademarks for names and logos": 145, "Running a For-Profit Business": 146, "Incorporating and Dissolving a for-profit business": 147, "Starting a for-profit business": 148, "Finances of a for-profit business": 149, "Taxes for a for-profit business": 150, "Sales taxes": 151, "Running a Nonprofit": 152, "Help for Small Businesses after a Disaster": 153, "Running an Arts/Entertainment Business": 154, "Courts and Lawyers": 155, "Getting and having a lawyer": 156, "Legal Help Resources to deal with legal issues": 157, "Websites and technology for legal help": 158, "Bar Association legal help websites": 159, "Community resources for legal problems": 160, "Court-based legal help centers": 161, "Filling out forms and other legal documents": 162, "Representing oneself without a lawyer": 163, "Judges' behavior with self-represented litigants": 164, "Court programs for self-represented litigants": 165, "Education on how to represent oneself": 166, "Administrative agency requests and hearings": 167, "Hearings challenging public benefits decisions": 168, "Hearing for labor issues and unemployment claims": 169, "Hearing with Social Security Administration": 170, "Agencies not following court decisions (Nonacquiescence)": 171, "Evidence for a court case": 172, "Privileged material and evidence rules": 173, "Legal Research": 174, "Going to court and dealing with procedure": 175, "Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Settlements": 176, "Appealing a court's judgment": 177, "Standards for reviewing an appeal": 178, "Appealing a judge's ruling through Mandamus": 179, "Standards of review for appealed cases": 180, "Court's ability to hear, refuse, or move a case": 181, "Estoppel to stop an issue being raised again": 182, "Court Abstaining from hearing a case": 183, "Immunity from lawsuits or prosecution": 184, "Government's Sovereign Immunity from lawsuits": 185, "Government officials' Qualified Immunity from lawsuits": 186, "Court's Jurisdiction to hear a case": 187, "Court's decision whether there is a case and controversy": 188, "Court's jurisdiction when parties come from different states": 189, "Federal court's jurisdiction to hear federal questions": 190, "Federal court's ability to hear a state law question": 191, "Court's personal jurisdiction over parties": 192, "Court's decision whether a case is moot": 193, "Court's decision whether a case is ripe": 194, "Litigant's exhaustion of remedies in original court": 195, "Removing a case from state to federal court": 196, "Res Judicata to stop a claim being raised again": 197, "Standing of a person to bring a lawsuit": 198, "Statute of Limitation to bring a lawsuit": 199, "Computation of time for statutes of limitation": 200, "Waiving a statute of limitations": 201, "Transferring a case to another venue": 202, "Judge's powers and behavior": 203, "Bias by a judge": 204, "Judge's discretion in a case": 205, "Judgments, Settlements, and Appeals of court cases": 206, "Consent Decrees or Settlements of a case": 207, "Default Judgment against one party": 208, "Enforcing a court's judgment": 209, "Enforcing a judgment in another jurisdiction": 210, "Contempt for not following a judgment": 211, "Declaratory judgment about a case": 212, "Summary Judgment for one party before a trial's end": 213, "Court costs and fees": 214, "In Forma Pauperis court fee waivers": 215, "Claiming Money (Damages) in a lawsuit": 216, "Processing Delays by an administrative agency": 217, "Discovery process to get evidence from other side": 218, "Depositions of witnesses": 219, "Expert witness discovery before a trial": 220, "Extending time for discovery process": 221, "Interrogatory request during discovery": 222, "Non-compliance with Discovery rules": 223, "Privileged information protected from Discovery": 224, "Turning over documents during Discovery": 225, "Sanctions for discovery violations": 226, "Due Process rights when dealing with the government": 227, "Due Process rights in an administrative agency hearing": 228, "Rights against government depriving one of liberty": 229, "Rights against government depriving one of property": 230, "Remedies if government violates one's due process": 231, "Juries": 232, "Filing and Serving pleadings, forms, and court paperwork": 233, "Serving court papers on other party": 234, "Waiver of service of court papers": 235, "Rules of civil procedure": 236, "Transcripts and Recordings of legal proceedings": 237, "Rule- and law-making procedures": 238, "Proposing a rules change for an administrative agency": 239, "Notices and Public Comment on proposed government rules": 240, "Finding and hiring a lawyer": 241, "Having a free lawyer appointed": 242, "Lawyer's fees and payments": 243, "Hourly Rates of a lawyer": 244, "Costs that lawyers are allowed to charge": 245, "Having other party pay attorney fees": 246, "Attorney fees award after consent decree or settlement": 247, "Computing attorney's fees to be paid from one party to another": 248, "Having the government pay attorney fees": 249, "Attorney-Client Privilege": 250, "Establishing a lawyer-client relationship": 251, "Conflicts of Interest check for a lawyer and client": 252, "Retainer letters and agreements to hire a lawyer": 253, "Ethical rules for lawyer's behavior": 254, "Bias of a lawyer": 255, "Getting Legal Aid or Pro Bono lawyer help": 256, "Finding Legal Aid outside of the US": 257, "Restrictions on what legal aid can do": 258, "Paralegals and non-lawyer professionals": 259, "Class Action lawsuits": 260, "Getting a class action certified": 261, "Defining a class in a class action": 262, "Crime and Prisons": 263, "Being a victim or witness to a crime": 264, "Being a witness to a crime": 265, "Victim's Rights": 266, "Witness Identification of suspects": 267, "Crime Victim Compensation": 268, "After being found guilty of a crime": 269, "Pardon for a crime": 270, "Clemency process for granting a pardon or reduction": 271, "Sex Offender registration": 272, "Innocence Commissions and laws": 273, "Confessions and statements to the police": 274, "Coercion of a confession": 275, "False confessions": 276, "Challenging a confession based on mental capacity": 277, "Having a lawyer in a criminal case": 278, "Quality of criminal lawyer's work and ineffective assistance of counsel": 279, "Line-ups and Identification": 280, "Line-up procedures in a criminal investigation": 281, "Misidentification during a line-up": 282, "Criminal Records": 283, "Expungement or Sealing of Criminal Record": 284, "Pardons and Criminal Records": 285, "Juvenile Criminal Records": 286, "Accessing a juvenile criminal record": 287, "Confidentiality of juvenile criminal records": 288, "Expungement of juvenile criminal record": 289, "Death Penalty": 290, "Going to criminal court and being on trial": 291, "Appealing criminal court's decision": 292, "Courts of appeal": 293, "Preservation of error in a criminal case to have appeal": 294, "Collateral appeal to court after conviction": 295, "Appealing based on ineffective assistance of counsel": 296, "Criminal trial process": 297, "Criminal trial jury selection": 298, "Jury instructions in a criminal trial": 299, "Lawyers' arguments and behavior during criminal trial": 300, "Evidence at a criminal trial": 301, "Forensic evidence about a crime": 302, "Ballistics evidence": 303, "Fingerprint and impression evidence": 304, "Blood and body fluid evidence": 305, "Hair and fiber evidence": 306, "Expert testimony at a criminal trial": 307, "Genetic evidence at a criminal trial": 308, "DNA evidence at a criminal trial": 309, "Challenging genetic evidence as junk science": 310, "Right to challenge witnesses": 311, "Defenses against criminal charges": 312, "Criminal defense around lack of capacity or insanity": 313, "Self-defense as a criminal defense": 314, "Grand Juries and being indicted for a crime": 315, "Make motion for a new trial": 316, "Requesting a jury for a criminal trial": 317, "Sentencing and penalties after being found guilty": 318, "Due Process rights in a criminal case": 319, "Juvenile Justice": 320, "Challenging detention through Habeas Corpus": 321, "Supporting a petition for habeas corpus": 322, "Opposing a petition for habeas corpus": 323, "Review of a habeas corpus petition": 324, "Dealing with police and prosecutors": 325, "Encounters with the police": 326, "Procedure for filing habeas corpus petition": 327, "Police or prosecutors' misconduct": 328, "Prosecutor failing to disclose evidence (Brady Violation)": 329, "Misconduct cases against police or prosecutors": 330, "Understanding Specific Types of Crimes": 331, "Crimes against property": 332, "Crimes against a person": 333, "Reentry after prison": 334, "Prisoners' rights, services, and conditions": 335, "Being investigated for a crime": 336, "Disaster Relief": 337, "Help for Farms after a Disaster": 338, "Public Benefits for individuals after a disaster": 339, "Local Public Benefits to assist people after a disaster (not FEMA)": 340, "FEMA 'Other Needs' assistance": 341, "Finding Missing Persons after a Disaster": 342, "Insurance Claims after a disaster": 343, "Rebuilding and Reconstruction after a disaster": 344, "Replacing Lost Documents after a disaster": 345, "Tax Relief after a disaster": 346, "Public Health Emergency issues": 347, "Education": 348, "Adult continuing education": 349, "Vocational education": 350, "Public Benefits offered through schools": 351, "School breakfast and lunch programs": 352, "Head Start services for families": 353, "Paying for education": 354, "Fees for educational programs": 355, "Vouchers to pay for private education": 356, "Discipline, expulsion, or suspension from school": 357, "Expulsion from school": 358, "Suspension from school": 359, "Truancy and attendance": 360, "Discrimination and rights around education": 361, "Desegregation of schools": 362, "Exclusion of students from activities": 363, "Discrimination based on sex/gender at a school (Title IX)": 364, "Privacy at school": 365, "Students with disabilities and special education": 366, "Assistive technology for students with disabilities": 367, "Protections for students with disabilities": 368, "Individual Education Plans": 369, "School residency or enrollment": 370, "School standards, testing, and requirements": 371, "School funding for quality education": 372, "Language access to education": 373, "Quality of education for student with disability": 374, "Students' Educational Records": 375, "Environmental Justice": 376, "Air Pollution": 377, "Environmental Protection": 378, "Hazardous Waste": 379, "Pesticides": 380, "Sustainable Agriculture": 381, "Water Pollution": 382, "Estates, Wills, and Guardianships": 383, "Making a Will and Estate Plan": 384, "Drafting and signing a will": 385, "Updating a Will through a Codicil": 386, "Distributing money through Payable-on-Death account": 387, "Estate Planning for a beneficiary with a disability": 388, "Dealing with another person's estate after they die": 389, "Contesting a will": 390, "Dying without a will (intestate)": 391, "Probate process for an uncontested will": 392, "Going to Probate Court": 393, "When an estate can avoid probate": 394, "Being a 'beneficiary' to another's estate": 395, "Guardianship and Conservatorship": 396, "Money and Property issues in a Guardianship or Conservatorship": 397, "Accountings for Funds Spent in a Guardianship or Conservatorship": 398, "Financial exploitation in a Guardianship or Conservatorship": 399, "Joint Property issues in a guardianship/conservatorship": 400, "Guardianship or Conservatorship of an Adult": 401, "Getting a Conservatorship or Guardianship of an Adult": 402, "Getting an Emergency Guardianship of an Adult": 403, "Guardianship of a Mentally Ill Adult": 404, "Guardian Ad Litem for vulnerable adults in housing cases": 405, "Conservatorship of an adult's financial affairs": 406, "Guardianship of a child (under 18)": 407, "Guardian Ad Litem for child in family law cases": 408, "Getting a Guardianship of a Child": 409, "Guardianship of a child who has been abused or neglected": 410, "Standby guardianship plan for a child": 411, "Short-term Temporary Guardianship of a child": 412, "Rights of Guardians and Conservators": 413, "Removal of a Guardian or Conservator": 414, "Trusts": 415, "Living Trusts": 416, "Plans for if you are incapacitated or ill (Powers of Attorney and Advance Directives)": 417, "Advance Directives about possible medical treatments": 418, "Living Wills for when a person is terminally ill": 419, "Powers of Attorney": 420, "Options around Life-Sustaining Treatments": 421, "Funeral and Burial Issues": 422, "Estate Planning for Military": 423, "Benefits for service members after death": 424, "Family": 425, "Adoption": 426, "Adopting a Child": 427, "Uncontested Adoption of a Child": 428, "Contested Adoption of a Child": 429, "Getting Time off Work for an Adoption": 430, "Adopting an Adult": 431, "Contesting an Adoption": 432, "Birth Parents' Rights around an Adoption": 433, "Grandparents' and other Family Members' Rights around an Adoption": 434, "Birth Certificates and Identity Documents": 435, "Child Care Costs": 436, "Child Care support through TANF": 437, "Child Custody, Parenting Plans, and Visitation": 438, "Parental abduction or kidnapping of a child": 439, "Emergency Custody orders and hearings": 440, "Modifying a Custody Order": 441, "Interstate Child Custody and Jurisdiction issues": 442, "Competing Jurisdictions for child custody cases": 443, "Emergency Jurisdiction for child custody": 444, "Enforcing a Child Custody order": 445, "Temporary Child Custody": 446, "Child Visitation": 447, "Enforcing Child Visitation": 448, "Modifying a Child Visitation Order": 449, "Getting a Child Visitation Order": 450, "Third-Party Visitation of child": 451, "Child Support": 452, "Enforcement of Child Support": 453, "Going to Child Support (IV-D) Court": 454, "Getting state support in enforcing child support": 455, "Intercepting tax refunds for child support": 456, "Enforcing child support in different states": 457, "Petitions for Child Support": 458, "Private enforcement of child support": 459, "Modifying Child Support arrangement": 460, "Child Support Guidelines for calculation and enforcement": 461, "Other Custodial parent issues around child support": 462, "Other Non-custodial parent issues with child support": 463, "Divorce, Separation, and Annulment": 464, "Spousal Support, Alimony, and Separate Maintenance": 465, "Long-term Spousal Support": 466, "Lump Sum Spousal Support": 467, "Spousal Support from pensions and retirement plans (with a QDRO)": 468, "Short-Term or Temporary Spousal Support": 469, "Legal Separation of spouses": 470, "Division of property among separated spouses": 471, "Property Settlement agreements for separated spouses": 472, "Divorce process and types": 473, "Contested divorce process": 474, "Uncontested Divorce process": 475, "Subpoenas in a divorce process": 476, "Taxes after divorce": 477, "Filing motions after the final divorce decree": 478, "Consolidating cases during a divorce": 479, "Reopening a divorce for new evidence": 480, "Stopping (or staying) a divorce process": 481, "Venue of a divorce case": 482, "Annulment of a marriage": 483, "Dividing Property and Debt among spouses": 484, "Property Settlement agreements among spouses": 485, "Community Property laws for spouses": 486, "Dividing Debt during a divorce": 487, "Dividing real estate property in a divorce": 488, "Dividing pensions and retirement accounts in a divorce": 489, "Marital vs. Non-Marital Property standards": 490, "Equitable Distribution laws for spouses": 491, "Re-opening or changing divorce property judgments": 492, "Stopping a spouse from hiding or destroying assets": 493, "Children's Issues during a divorce or separation": 494, "Best Interest of Child standard": 495, "Children-related divorce case management orders": 496, "Mediation for children's issues and parenting plans": 497, "Parental Rights and Responsibilities during a divorce": 498, "Problems after a final divorce, separation, or annulment judgment": 499, "Contempt of court for violating a family law order": 500, "Consequences of being found in contempt of family law judgment": 501, "Contempt for financial issues related to a family law judgment": 502, "Contempt for children's issues related to a family law judgment": 503, "Enforcing a divorce or separation judgment": 504, "Modifying a divorce or separation judgment": 505, "Domestic Violence and Abuse": 506, "Getting a restraining or protection order": 507, "Initial filing for a protection order": 508, "Modifying a protection order's complaint": 509, "Modifying a temporary protection order": 510, "Extending a protection order": 511, "Modifying or ending a final protection order": 512, "Employment issues around domestic violence": 513, "Custody issues around Domestic Violence": 514, "Financial Issues around Domestic Violence": 515, "Child Support and Domestic Violence": 516, "Damages and financial compensation for domestic violence": 517, "Spousal Support and Domestic Violence": 518, "TANF Benefits exceptions for domestic violence victims": 519, "Domestic Violence issues during a public health emergency": 520, "Drug and Alcohol Treatment related to Domestic Violence": 521, "Defining what constitutes domestic violence and abuse": 522, "Firearms and other Weapons and domestic violence": 523, "Enforcing a protection order": 524, "Housing Discrimination and Domestic Violence": 525, "Emancipation of a minor": 526, "Foster Care": 527, "Marriages and civil unions": 528, "Common Law Marriage": 529, "Name or Gender Change": 530, "Name Change of an Adult": 531, "Name Change of a Child": 532, "Gender Change of an Adult": 533, "Gender Change of a Child": 534, "Paternity": 535, "Acknowledging paternity": 536, "Blood Tests to determine paternity": 537, "Contested Paternity": 538, "Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution for family": 539, "Parental Rights (and Termination)": 540, "Terminating Parental Rights": 541, "Teen Parents' Rights and Obligations": 542, "Elder Abuse": 543, "Taking Care of Sick or Disabled Family": 544, "Family members with money, criminal, and other issues": 545, "Firearms licenses": 546, "Government Services": 547, "Licenses for Driving, Business, Fishing, Guns, etc.": 548, "Getting information and records from the government": 549, "Freedom of Information (FOIA) to request government info": 550, "Voting and Elections": 551, "Voting Systems, Ballots, and Rules": 552, "Districting and Gerrymandering": 553, "Dealing with different branches of government": 554, "Dealing with federal agencies": 555, "Dealing with municipal government and ordinances": 556, "Dealing with state and local agencies": 557, "Dealing with state legislatures and courts": 558, "Late fees, penalties, other charges for a rental home": 559, "City regulations of renting a home": 560, "Military Service-members' Protections against Foreclosure": 561, "Liens on a Home": 562, "Title to a home": 563, "Health": 564, "Care for a specific condition or disability": 565, "Mental Health": 566, "Commitment to a mental health facility": 567, "Voluntary commitment to a mental health facility": 568, "Involuntary Commitment to a mental health facility": 569, "Rights when being committed to a mental health facility": 570, "Community programs for mental health": 571, "Least Restrictive Alternative Standard for mental health care": 572, "Mental Health facilities and institutions": 573, "HIV/AIDS care and rights": 574, "Health care for those with HIV/AIDS": 575, "Abortion care and rights": 576, "Alcoholism and Substance Abuse": 577, "Birth Control and Sterlization": 578, "Black Lung Disease (Pneumoconiosis) benefits": 579, "Breast and Cervical Cancer": 580, "Counseling and social work needs": 581, "Immunization and Vaccines": 582, "Disability issues and rights": 583, "Health public benefits for a person with a disability": 584, "Medicaid coverage for a person with a disability": 585, "Medicare coverage for a person with a disability": 586, "Mental Health Disabilities": 587, "Disability services and resources": 588, "Rights and discrimination around health care": 589, "Language and cultural access to health care": 590, "Discrimination or Refusal to Treat a person": 591, "Duty to provide health care to low-income individuals": 592, "Minority groups' access to health care": 593, "Problems with medical or nursing home care": 594, "Quality of care in a nursing home": 595, "Complaining about medical services quality or cost": 596, "Nursing Home Care and Assisted Living": 597, "Discharge or transfer from a nursing home": 598, "Assisted Living or Board and Care homes": 599, "Licensing of nursing homes": 600, "Medical Records and Privacy": 601, "Health issues from living conditions": 602, "Workers with health or disability issues": 603, "Disability Insurance coverage": 604, "Housing": 605, "Discrimination around housing": 606, "Federal Protections against housing discrimination (Fair Housing Act)": 607, "State protections against housing discrimination": 608, "Local protections against housing discrimination": 609, "Housing discrimination based on race": 610, "Discriminatory housing lending (or Redlining)": 611, "Housing discrimination based on disability": 612, "Housing discrimination based on national origin": 613, "Housing Discrimination based on gender or sexuality": 614, "Housing discrimination based on familial status (having children, being pregnant, or adopting)": 615, "Housing discrimination based on religion": 616, "Housing discrimination based on source of income/voucher subsidies": 617, "Eviction from a home": 618, "Eviction from a homeless shelter or group home": 619, "Eviction from subsidized or public housing": 620, "Eviction from a home subsidized by Rural Economic and Community Development": 621, "Eviction from federally subsidized (Section 8) housing": 622, "Eviction from public housing (with government landlord)": 623, "One-Strike Eviction policies in public and subsidized housing": 624, "Eviction from private rental housing (not public or subsidized)": 625, "Going to court for Eviction and Landlord-Tenant issues": 626, "Being a defendant in an eviction lawsuit": 627, "Being a plaintiff in an eviction lawsuit": 628, "Having a Jury Trial in an eviction lawsuit": 629, "Raising Appeals to an eviction lawsuit's judgment": 630, "Nonpayment of Rent eviction case procedure": 631, "Holdover eviction cases": 632, "Canceling (or setting aside) an Eviction Order": 633, "Jurisdiction issues around an eviction case": 634, "Defenses to stop or delay an eviction": 635, "Notice and Procedural defenses against an eviction": 636, "Reasonable Accommodation for a disability defenses against an eviction": 637, "Living conditions (habitability) defenses against an eviction": 638, "Military service-members' protections around eviction": 639, "Title and ownership defenses against an eviction": 640, "Retaliatory Eviction defenses against an eviction": 641, "Tenants' rights and options after an eviction": 642, "Expungement or Masking of an Eviction Record": 643, "Challenging a landlord for a 'constructive eviction'": 644, "Landlord locking-out or shutting off utilities": 645, "Settlements, Mediation, and Diversion from Eviction": 646, "Housing Assistance, Public Housing, and Subsidized Housing": 647, "Emergency Assistance for housing costs": 648, "Local housing assistance programs": 649, "State housing assistance programs": 650, "Public Housing (with government as landlord)": 651, "Safety and security in public housing": 652, "Public Housing sites, rehabilitation, and demolition": 653, "Site selection for public housing": 654, "Demolition of public housing": 655, "Relocation rights and assistance for public housing": 656, "Employment opportunities (Section 3) for public and subsidized housing contracts": 657, "Hope VI program to revitalize public housing": 658, "Getting public housing": 659, "Eligibility and Selection Criteria for public housing": 660, "Preferences in who gets public housing": 661, "Residency requirements for public housing": 662, "Having visitors in public housing": 663, "Federally Subsidized Housing (including Section 8/Housing Choice Vouchers)": 664, "Having visitors to federally subsidized rental home": 665, "Getting a Housing Choice (Section 8) voucher for federally subsidized rental": 666, "Recertifying/reporting changes to income and family for Section 8 voucher": 667, "Termination of a federal rental subsidy": 668, "Subsidized Housing Removal, Conversion, or Preservation": 669, "Landlord Opting out of federal subsidies program": 670, "Relocating with a federal rent subsidy voucher": 671, "Rural rental assistance (formerly FMHA) programs": 672, "Affordable Housing development": 673, "Low Income Housing Tax Credit to build affordable housing": 674, "Immigrants' eligibility for housing programs": 675, "Single Room Occupancy housing options": 676, "Buying a Home": 677, "Federal subsidies to buy a home (Homeownership Voucher Program)": 678, "Paying for a home through a Bond/Contract for Deed": 679, "Deeds for a home": 680, "Closing on a home sale": 681, "Cooperatives, Condominiums, and Homeowners Associations": 682, "Problems with living conditions": 683, "Poor living conditions in a rented home": 684, "Poor living conditions in a federally subsidized (Section 8) home": 685, "Challenging a federally subsidized rental's living conditions": 686, "Housing Quality Standards for federally subsidized rentals": 687, "Termination of 'Troubled Properties' as federally subsidized rentals": 688, "Safety and security issues in subsidized housing": 689, "Poor living conditions in a rental subsidized with rural rental assistance": 690, "Poor living conditions in public housing": 691, "Housing code compliance": 692, "Disruptions to 'quiet enjoyment' of a rental": 693, "Landlord harassment or problem behavior": 694, "Lead Paint and Poisoning": 695, "Renting or leasing a home": 696, "Security Deposit for a rented home": 697, "Security deposits and charges for federally subsidized (Section 8) rentals": 698, "Income-based rent rates for public housing": 699, "Security deposits and charges for public housing": 700, "Challenging a landlord's security deposit deductions": 701, "Rent charges, increases, and control": 702, "Rent issues in public housing": 703, "Rent Ceilings or Flat Rent for public housing": 704, "Utility allowances and charges for public or subsidized housing": 705, "Rent increases in public housing": 706, "Rent issues in federally subsidized rentals": 707, "Income-based rent rates for federally subsidized housing": 708, "Rent ceilings or Flat Rent rates for federally subsidized rentals": 709, "Rent issues in rural assistance subsidized homes": 710, "Landlord taking property for rent owed": 711, "Rent Control": 712, "Overcharges of rent in a rent control area": 713, "Determining if a home is covered by rent control": 714, "Rent control agencies' practices": 715, "Eviction limits under Rent Control laws": 716, "Rent control jurisdictions": 717, "Pet fees, deposits, and rent": 718, "Succession rights and process in Rent Control homes": 719, "Tenant Rights, Organizations, and Participation": 720, "Tenants' participation and organization in subsidized housing": 721, "Tenants' participation and organization in public housing": 722, "Landlord access to a rental": 723, "Landlord access to a federally subsidized rental": 724, "Landlord or Housing Authority access to a public housing rental": 725, "Leases & Rental Agreements for a rental home": 726, "Leases for a federally subsidized home": 727, "Changing a rental agreement or lease": 728, "Local regulations of rental housing": 729, "State regulations of rental housing": 730, "Rental protections for those with HIV/AIDS": 731, "Ending a rental lease early": 732, "Landlord suing tenant for money": 733, "Utilities, Energy, and Heating at home": 734, "Foreclosure on a Home": 735, "Defenses against a Foreclosure": 736, "Stopping a foreclosure through a 'redemption' (paying off loan in full)": 737, "Stopping a foreclosure by reinstating (catching up with) the loan": 738, "Tenant options when landlord is in foreclosure or bankruptcy": 739, "Another person (receiver) taking over from a landlord": 740, "Owning a Home": 741, "Clearing Title to one's home": 742, "Zoning and Land Use of one\u2019s property": 743, "Property Taxes": 744, "Property Tax Appeals, Refunds and Abatements": 745, "Mortgages and other financing for a home": 746, "Federally-Subsidized Mortgage Loans": 747, "HUD-Insured Mortgages": 748, "Mortgages for Veterans": 749, "Mortgage Rescue Scams": 750, "Reverse Mortgages (loans using home equity conversion)": 751, "Mortgage Predatory Lending": 752, "Dividing (Partition) a home with another owner": 753, "Housing after a Disaster": 754, "Eviction issues during a public health emergency": 755, "FEMA Housing Assistance": 756, "Housing issues after contact with police": 757, "Zoning issues related to housing": 758, "Homelessness and Housing Insecurity": 759, "Mobile Homes": 760, "Owning a mobile home": 761, "Renting in a Mobile Home Park": 762, "Immigration": 763, "Deportation or Removal of immigrants": 764, "Criminal conviction leading to deportation": 765, "Stopping deportation through Withholding of Removal": 766, "Waivers of Inadmissibility, Deportation, or Removal": 767, "Detention of immigrants": 768, "Bond Hearing for a detained immigrant": 769, "Parole for immigrants": 770, "Public Benefits for immigrants": 771, "Immigrants' access to health care": 772, "Immigrants' eligibility for Medicaid": 773, "Options for immigration status, visas, permits, and travel papers": 774, "Deferred Action immigration status": 775, "Legalization of undocumented immigrant": 776, "Political asylum": 777, "Immigrants' rights": 778, "Discrimination against Immigrants": 779, "Sponsoring an immigrant": 780, "Sponsoring an immigrant for a work visa": 781, "Border searches": 782, "Refugees": 783, "Going to immigration interviews and hearings": 784, "Undocumented immigrants": 785, "Immigrants working when undocumented or without authorization": 786, "Immigration options for victims of domestic violence": 787, "Green Card options for victims of domestic abuse": 788, "Immigration status through U-Visa for crime victims": 789, "Canceling Removal Proceedings for domestic abuse victims": 790, "Migrant and seasonal worker employment": 791, "Work as an immigrant": 792, "Military Service-members' protection against collection and repossession": 793, "Money, Debt, and Consumer Issues": 794, "Paying for medical care": 795, "Health Insurance": 796, "Health care coverage through employer": 797, "COBRA health insurance post-employement": 798, "COBRA coverage for dependents": 799, "Free and Low-Cost medical care": 800, "Free or low-cost care through Hill-Burton facilities": 801, "Managed Care plans": 802, "Debt collection for medical costs": 803, "Contracts, Warranties, and Deceptive Trade Practices": 804, "Corporate and Commercial Contracts": 805, "Arts & Entertainment Contracts": 806, "Consumer Contract issues": 807, "Building Contractors and Construction problems": 808, "Consumer Fraud and Misrepresentation": 809, "False advertising, deceptive pricing, and unfair trade": 810, "Installment Contracts": 811, "Installment Purchases and Rent-to-Own": 812, "Warranty issues": 813, "As-Is Warranty issues": 814, "Credit practices and Credit reports": 815, "Building good credit": 816, "Repairing credit": 817, "Finding and understanding a credit report": 818, "Accessing credit and borrowing money": 819, "Financial Literacy": 820, "Using Bank Accounts": 821, "Using Checks": 822, "Using Debit Cards": 823, "Using Credit Cards": 824, "Identity Theft and Lost Credit Cards": 825, "Financial Identity Theft": 826, "Criminal Identity Theft with police": 827, "Insurance": 828, "Homeowner's Insurance": 829, "Renters' Insurance": 830, "Insurance Scams and Fraud": 831, "Life Insurance": 832, "Service Members' Group Life Insurance": 833, "Loans": 834, "Predatory Lending": 835, "Student Loans and Financial Aid": 836, "Student Loan Discharge or Cancellation": 837, "Student Loan Forgiveness": 838, "Student Loan Default and Delinquency": 839, "Student Loan Fraud": 840, "Payday loans": 841, "Understanding the terms of a loan or credit card": 842, "Canceling (or rescission of) a loan": 843, "Fees and Finance Charges for a loan": 844, "High interest rates and Usury protections": 845, "Taxes": 846, "Income Taxes": 847, "Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)": 848, "Small Claims lawsuits": 849, "Discrimination against a customer": 850, "Debt and Lending Money": 851, "Debt Collection, Repossession, Garnishment": 852, "Dealing with Abusive Debt Collection and Harassment": 853, "Fair Debt Collection Practices Act protections": 854, "Being a Collection-Proof Debtor": 855, "Debt Management Counseling": 856, "Deficiency Judgment issues": 857, "Frozen Bank Account issues": 858, "Garnishment issues": 859, "Exemptions from Garnishment": 860, "Wage Garnishment or Assignment issues": 861, "Non-Wage Garnishment issues": 862, "Liens on Property": 863, "Repossession of a car": 864, "Bankruptcy": 865, "Chapter 7 Bankruptcy for people with limited income": 866, "Chapter 13 Bankruptcy for people with regular income": 867, "Discharge of Debts in Bankruptcy": 868, "Exemptions to protect property during bankruptcy": 869, "Automatic Stays on creditors during bankruptcy": 870, "Exceptions to Debt Discharges during Bankruptcy": 871, "Chapter 11 Bankruptcy for businesses": 872, "Chapter 12 Bankruptcy for farmers or fishermen": 873, "Door-to-door Sales, Telemarketing, and Spam": 874, "Telemarketers": 875, "Door-to-Door Sales": 876, "Spam on Email or Text": 877, "Native American Issues and Tribal Law": 878, "Government and lands of Native Americans": 879, "Jurisdiction of Native American tribes": 880, "Native American reservations": 881, "Sovereignty of Native American tribes": 882, "Treaties and Native Americans": 883, "Tribal Government": 884, "Native-based legal services": 885, "Family and child support for Native Americans": 886, "Divorce for Native American couples": 887, "Native American children's custody by non-parents (Indian Child Welfare Act)": 888, "Tribal enrollment": 889, "Native American crime victims": 890, "Education issues for Native Americans": 891, "Public Benefits for Native Americans": 892, "Tribal TANF": 893, "Rights and protections for Native Americans": 894, "Native American hunting and fishing rights": 895, "Health Care for Native Americans": 896, "Indian Health Service": 897, "Criminal Tribal Courts": 898, "Civil and Human Rights": 899, "Discrimination by Government (Equal Protection)": 900, "Right to a free lawyer": 901, "Disability Rights and Discrimination": 902, "Disability rights around housing": 903, "Disability rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)": 904, "Websites' accessibility requirements": 905, "Reasonable Accommodation standard under ADA": 906, "Accessibility rights under ADA": 907, "ADA Section 508 accessibility for federal government": 908, "Architectural barriers and accessibility under the ADA": 909, "HIV/AIDS discrimination": 910, "Disability discrimination in government programs": 911, "Voting Rights": 912, "First Amendment Rights": 913, "First Amendment protections of freedom of religion": 914, "First Amendment protections of freedom of association": 915, "First Amendment protections of freedom of speech": 916, "LGBTQ Rights": 917, "Human Rights": 918, "Workers' Rights": 919, "Agricultural workers' protections": 920, "Poultry workers' protections": 921, "Racial and ethnic discrimination in agricultural work": 922, "Mental Health Rights": 923, "Rights to refuse mental health treatment": 924, "Right to mental health treatment": 925, "Prisoners' Rights": 926, "Women's Rights": 927, "Privacy Rights and Protections": 928, "Rights against government searches or arrests": 929, "Right to Travel": 930, "Sex workers' Rights": 931, "Human Trafficking rights and protections": 932, "Religious Freedoms and Discrimination": 933, "Racial Justice and discrimination": 934, "Age Discrimination": 935, "Rights when dealing with the government": 936, "Language Access rights": 937, "Accidents and Torts": 938, "Being Physically injured or harmed by another": 939, "Personal data privacy breach and protections": 940, "Getting Care and Compensation for an injury": 941, "Suing someone, or being sued": 942, "Car Accident lawsuits": 943, "Being a Plaintiff in lawsuit (suing someone)": 944, "Being a Defendant in a lawsuit (being sued)": 945, "Seeking an injunction to compel an action": 946, "Seeking a preliminary injunction before a trial ends": 947, "Suing to enforce a law (Private right of action)": 948, "Outcomes a plaintiff can seek in a lawsuit": 949, "Suing the government for civil rights violations": 950, "Getting civil rights lawyer's fees paid": 951, "Harassment by another person": 952, "Traffic and Cars": 953, "Car injuries to people or property": 954, "Dealing with traffic and parking tickets": 955, "Speeding and Moving Violations": 956, "License and Registration Traffic Tickets": 957, "No Insurance Traffic Tickets": 958, "Parking Tickets": 959, "Driving Under the Influence": 960, "Going to Traffic Court": 961, "Driver's licenses or permits": 962, "Driver's License Suspension": 963, "Reinstating a Driver's License": 964, "Issues with Owning a Car": 965, "Car Payment Issues": 966, "Issues with Purchasing and Financing a Car": 967, "Car Repair issues": 968, "Warranties and contracts for a car": 969, "Contracts for Car Repairs": 970, "Vehicle/Auto License or Registration": 971, "Car insurance": 972, "Veterans and Military": 973, "Active Duty Claims": 974, "Active duty claim for household goods": 975, "Active duty medical claims": 976, "Discharge from military": 977, "Administrative Discharge (being fired) from military service": 978, "Medical Discharge from military": 979, "Draft into military": 980, "Health benefits for military and veterans": 981, "Mental Health for military and veterans": 982, "Legal protections for military": 983, "Legal help for military": 984, "Deployment preparation and issues": 985, "Being tested for drugs or alcohol at work": 986, "Getting Worker's Compensation benefits": 987, "Work and Employment Law": 988, "Applying and interviewing for a job": 989, "Being drug tested when applying for a job": 990, "Affirmative Action for employment": 991, "Problems at a Current Job": 992, "Wage payment, hours, and breaks at work": 993, "Minimum wage at work": 994, "Being paid a 'prevailing wage'": 995, "Getting paid for overtime work": 996, "Meal and Rest Breaks": 997, "Getting paid for trainings and work-related activities": 998, "Getting reimbursed for work-related costs": 999, "Making a complaint under the Fair Labor Standards Act": 1000, "Minors' protections and restrictions at work": 1001, "Being an Employee vs. an Independent Contractor": 1002, "Being a subcontractor": 1003, "Taking Time off Work at Current Job": 1004, "Taking leave for family and medical reasons": 1005, "Problems regarding a Former Job": 1006, "Being fired after whistleblowing": 1007, "Being fired from a job": 1008, "Wrongful termination of employees who are not 'at will'": 1009, "Employment records from former job": 1010, "Retirement and Pensions": 1011, "Mismanagement of retirement and pension plans (under ERISA)": 1012, "Eligibility for pension plan or retirement benefits": 1013, "Vesting of retirement plan": 1014, "Railroad workers' retirement system": 1015, "Unions": 1016, "Employer interfering with union activity (Unfair Labor Practices)": 1017, "Unfair Labor Practices by Unions": 1018, "Volunteering or interning at a job": 1019, "Being injured on the job": 1020, "Working conditions that are unsafe or unhealthy": 1021, "Discrimination around work and employment": 1022, "Remedies for discrimination at work": 1023, "Getting Back-Pay after discrimination at work": 1024, "Getting Compensated after discrimination at work": 1025, "Punitive damages for work discrimination": 1026, "Sexual harassment at work": 1027, "Age discrimination at work": 1028, "Disability discrimination at work": 1029, "Gender discrimination at work": 1030, "Racial and Ethnic discrimination at work": 1031, "Religious discrimination at work": 1032, "Sexual orientation or Gender Identity discrimination at work": 1033, "Martial or Parental Status discrimination at work": 1034, "Proving discrimination at work": 1035, "Discrimination based on a 'bona fide occupational qualification'": 1036, "Neutral work policies that lead to discrimination (disparate impact)": 1037, "Employment in prison": 1038, "Veterans and Military members' Civilian Work": 1039, "Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act for servicemembers": 1040, "Reemployment after military service": 1041, "Suing an employer for a tort": 1042 }, "problem_type": "single_label_classification" }