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@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ In other words, all of the large weight-matrices are frozen in 8-bit, and you on
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__What about performance?__ Both checkpointing and de-quantization has some overhead, but it's surprisingly manageable. Depending on GPU and batch size, the quantized model is 1-10% slower than the original model on top of using gradient checkpoints (which is 30% overhead). In short, this is because block-wise quantization from bitsandbytes is really fast on GPU.
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__Does 8-bit affect model quality?__ Technically yes, but the effect is negligible in practice. [This notebook measures wikitext test perplexity](https://nbviewer.org/urls/huggingface.co/hivemind/gpt-j-6B-8bit/raw/main/check_perplexity.ipynb) and it is nigh indistinguishable from the original GPT-J. Quantized model is even slightly better, but that is not statistically significant.
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Our code differs from other 8-bit methods in that we use **8-bit only for storage, and all computations are performed in float16 or float32**. As a result, we can take advantage of nonlinear quantization that fits to each individual weight distribution. Such nonlinear quantization does not accelerate inference, but it allows for much smaller error.
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__What about performance?__ Both checkpointing and de-quantization has some overhead, but it's surprisingly manageable. Depending on GPU and batch size, the quantized model is 1-10% slower than the original model on top of using gradient checkpoints (which is 30% overhead). In short, this is because block-wise quantization from bitsandbytes is really fast on GPU.