{ "architectures": [ "TimesformerForVideoClassification" ], "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.0, "attention_type": "divided_space_time", "drop_path_rate": 0, "hidden_act": "gelu", "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.0, "hidden_size": 768, "id2label": { "0": "Approaching [something] with your camera", "1": "Attaching [something] to [something]", "2": "Bending [something] so that it deforms", "3": "Bending [something] until it breaks", "4": "Burying [something] in [something]", "5": "Closing [something]", "6": "Covering [something] with [something]", "7": "Digging [something] out of [something]", "8": "Dropping [something] behind [something]", "9": "Dropping [something] in front of [something]", "10": "Dropping [something] into [something]", "11": "Dropping [something] next to [something]", "12": "Dropping [something] onto [something]", "13": "Failing to put [something] into [something] because [something] does not fit", "14": "Folding [something]", "15": "Hitting [something] with [something]", "16": "Holding [something]", "17": "Holding [something] behind [something]", "18": "Holding [something] in front of [something]", "19": "Holding [something] next to [something]", "20": "Holding [something] over [something]", "21": "Laying [something] on the table on its side, not upright", "22": "Letting [something] roll along a flat surface", "23": "Letting [something] roll down a slanted surface", "24": "Letting [something] roll up a slanted surface, so it rolls back down", "25": "Lifting a surface with [something] on it but not enough for it to slide down", "26": "Lifting a surface with [something] on it until it starts sliding down", "27": "Lifting [something] up completely without letting it drop down", "28": "Lifting [something] up completely, then letting it drop down", "29": "Lifting [something] with [something] on it", "30": "Lifting up one end of [something] without letting it drop down", "31": "Lifting up one end of [something], then letting it drop down", "32": "Moving away from [something] with your camera", "33": "Moving [part] of [something]", "34": "Moving [something] across a surface until it falls down", "35": "Moving [something] across a surface without it falling down", "36": "Moving [something] and [something] away from each other", "37": "Moving [something] and [something] closer to each other", "38": "Moving [something] and [something] so they collide with each other", "39": "Moving [something] and [something] so they pass each other", "40": "Moving [something] away from [something]", "41": "Moving [something] away from the camera", "42": "Moving [something] closer to [something]", "43": "Moving [something] down", "44": "Moving [something] towards the camera", "45": "Moving [something] up", "46": "Opening [something]", "47": "Picking [something] up", "48": "Piling [something] up", "49": "Plugging [something] into [something]", "50": "Plugging [something] into [something] but pulling it right out as you remove your hand", "51": "Poking a hole into [some substance]", "52": "Poking a hole into [something soft]", "53": "Poking a stack of [something] so the stack collapses", "54": "Poking a stack of [something] without the stack collapsing", "55": "Poking [something] so it slightly moves", "56": "Poking [something] so lightly that it doesn't or almost doesn't move", "57": "Poking [something] so that it falls over", "58": "Poking [something] so that it spins around", "59": "Pouring [something] into [something]", "60": "Pouring [something] into [something] until it overflows", "61": "Pouring [something] onto [something]", "62": "Pouring [something] out of [something]", "63": "Pretending or failing to wipe [something] off of [something]", "64": "Pretending or trying and failing to twist [something]", "65": "Pretending to be tearing [something that is not tearable]", "66": "Pretending to close [something] without actually closing it", "67": "Pretending to open [something] without actually opening it", "68": "Pretending to pick [something] up", "69": "Pretending to poke [something]", "70": "Pretending to pour [something] out of [something], but [something] is empty", "71": "Pretending to put [something] behind [something]", "72": "Pretending to put [something] into [something]", "73": "Pretending to put [something] next to [something]", "74": "Pretending to put [something] on a surface", "75": "Pretending to put [something] onto [something]", "76": "Pretending to put [something] underneath [something]", "77": "Pretending to scoop [something] up with [something]", "78": "Pretending to spread air onto [something]", "79": "Pretending to sprinkle air onto [something]", "80": "Pretending to squeeze [something]", "81": "Pretending to take [something] from [somewhere]", "82": "Pretending to take [something] out of [something]", "83": "Pretending to throw [something]", "84": "Pretending to turn [something] upside down", "85": "Pulling [something] from behind of [something]", "86": "Pulling [something] from left to right", "87": "Pulling [something] from right to left", "88": "Pulling [something] onto [something]", "89": "Pulling [something] out of [something]", "90": "Pulling two ends of [something] but nothing happens", "91": "Pulling two ends of [something] so that it gets stretched", "92": "Pulling two ends of [something] so that it separates into two pieces", "93": "Pushing [something] from left to right", "94": "Pushing [something] from right to left", "95": "Pushing [something] off of [something]", "96": "Pushing [something] onto [something]", "97": "Pushing [something] so it spins", "98": "Pushing [something] so that it almost falls off but doesn't", "99": "Pushing [something] so that it falls off the table", "100": "Pushing [something] so that it slightly moves", "101": "Pushing [something] with [something]", "102": "Putting [number of] [something] onto [something]", "103": "Putting [something] and [something] on the table", "104": "Putting [something] behind [something]", "105": "Putting [something] in front of [something]", "106": "Putting [something] into [something]", "107": "Putting [something] next to [something]", "108": "Putting [something] on a flat surface without letting it roll", "109": "Putting [something] on a surface", "110": "Putting [something] on the edge of [something] so it is not supported and falls down", "111": "Putting [something] onto a slanted surface but it doesn't glide down", "112": "Putting [something] onto [something]", "113": "Putting [something] onto [something else that cannot support it] so it falls down", "114": "Putting [something similar to other things that are already on the table]", "115": "Putting [something] that can't roll onto a slanted surface, so it slides down", "116": "Putting [something] that can't roll onto a slanted surface, so it stays where it is", "117": "Putting [something that cannot actually stand upright] upright on the table, so it falls on its side", "118": "Putting [something] underneath [something]", "119": "Putting [something] upright on the table", "120": "Putting [something], [something] and [something] on the table", "121": "Removing [something], revealing [something] behind", "122": "Rolling [something] on a flat surface", "123": "Scooping [something] up with [something]", "124": "Showing a photo of [something] to the camera", "125": "Showing [something] behind [something]", "126": "Showing [something] next to [something]", "127": "Showing [something] on top of [something]", "128": "Showing [something] to the camera", "129": "Showing that [something] is empty", "130": "Showing that [something] is inside [something]", "131": "[Something] being deflected from [something]", "132": "[Something] colliding with [something] and both are being deflected", "133": "[Something] colliding with [something] and both come to a halt", "134": "[Something] falling like a feather or paper", "135": "[Something] falling like a rock", "136": "Spilling [something] behind [something]", "137": "Spilling [something] next to [something]", "138": "Spilling [something] onto [something]", "139": "Spinning [something] so it continues spinning", "140": "Spinning [something] that quickly stops spinning", "141": "Spreading [something] onto [something]", "142": "Sprinkling [something] onto [something]", "143": "Squeezing [something]", "144": "Stacking [number of] [something]", "145": "Stuffing [something] into [something]", "146": "Taking [one of many similar things on the table]", "147": "Taking [something] from [somewhere]", "148": "Taking [something] out of [something]", "149": "Tearing [something] into two pieces", "150": "Tearing [something] just a little bit", "151": "Throwing [something]", "152": "Throwing [something] against [something]", "153": "Throwing [something] in the air and catching it", "154": "Throwing [something] in the air and letting it fall", "155": "Throwing [something] onto a surface", "156": "Tilting [something] with [something] on it slightly so it doesn't fall down", "157": "Tilting [something] with [something] on it until it falls off", "158": "Tipping [something] over", "159": "Tipping [something] with [something in it] over, so [something in it] falls out", "160": "Touching (without moving) [part] of [something]", "161": "Trying but failing to attach [something] to [something] because it doesn't stick", "162": "Trying to bend [something unbendable] so nothing happens", "163": "Trying to pour [something] into [something], but missing so it spills next to it", "164": "Turning [something] upside down", "165": "Turning the camera downwards while filming [something]", "166": "Turning the camera left while filming [something]", "167": "Turning the camera right while filming [something]", "168": "Turning the camera upwards while filming [something]", "169": "Twisting (wringing) [something] wet until water comes out", "170": "Twisting [something]", "171": "Uncovering [something]", "172": "Unfolding [something]", "173": "Wiping [something] off of [something]" }, "image_size": 448, "initializer_range": 0.02, "intermediate_size": 3072, "label2id": { "Approaching [something] with your camera": 0, "Attaching [something] to [something]": 1, "Bending [something] so that it deforms": 2, "Bending [something] until it breaks": 3, "Burying [something] in [something]": 4, "Closing [something]": 5, "Covering [something] with [something]": 6, "Digging [something] out of [something]": 7, "Dropping [something] behind [something]": 8, "Dropping [something] in front of [something]": 9, "Dropping [something] into [something]": 10, "Dropping [something] next to [something]": 11, "Dropping [something] onto [something]": 12, "Failing to put [something] into [something] because [something] does not fit": 13, "Folding [something]": 14, "Hitting [something] with [something]": 15, "Holding [something]": 16, "Holding [something] behind [something]": 17, "Holding [something] in front of [something]": 18, "Holding [something] next to [something]": 19, "Holding [something] over [something]": 20, "Laying [something] on the table on its side, not upright": 21, "Letting [something] roll along a flat surface": 22, "Letting [something] roll down a slanted surface": 23, "Letting [something] roll up a slanted surface, so it rolls back down": 24, "Lifting [something] up completely without letting it drop down": 27, "Lifting [something] up completely, then letting it drop down": 28, "Lifting [something] with [something] on it": 29, "Lifting a surface with [something] on it but not enough for it to slide down": 25, "Lifting a surface with [something] on it until it starts sliding down": 26, "Lifting up one end of [something] without letting it drop down": 30, "Lifting up one end of [something], then letting it drop down": 31, "Moving [part] of [something]": 33, "Moving [something] across a surface until it falls down": 34, "Moving [something] across a surface without it falling down": 35, "Moving [something] and [something] away from each other": 36, "Moving [something] and [something] closer to each other": 37, "Moving [something] and [something] so they collide with each other": 38, "Moving [something] and [something] so they pass each other": 39, "Moving [something] away from [something]": 40, "Moving [something] away from the camera": 41, "Moving [something] closer to [something]": 42, "Moving [something] down": 43, "Moving [something] towards the camera": 44, "Moving [something] up": 45, "Moving away from [something] with your camera": 32, "Opening [something]": 46, "Picking [something] up": 47, "Piling [something] up": 48, "Plugging [something] into [something]": 49, "Plugging [something] into [something] but pulling it right out as you remove your hand": 50, "Poking [something] so it slightly moves": 55, "Poking [something] so lightly that it doesn't or almost doesn't move": 56, "Poking [something] so that it falls over": 57, "Poking [something] so that it spins around": 58, "Poking a hole into [some substance]": 51, "Poking a hole into [something soft]": 52, "Poking a stack of [something] so the stack collapses": 53, "Poking a stack of [something] without the stack collapsing": 54, "Pouring [something] into [something]": 59, "Pouring [something] into [something] until it overflows": 60, "Pouring [something] onto [something]": 61, "Pouring [something] out of [something]": 62, "Pretending or failing to wipe [something] off of [something]": 63, "Pretending or trying and failing to twist [something]": 64, "Pretending to be tearing [something that is not tearable]": 65, "Pretending to close [something] without actually closing it": 66, "Pretending to open [something] without actually opening it": 67, "Pretending to pick [something] up": 68, "Pretending to poke [something]": 69, "Pretending to pour [something] out of [something], but [something] is empty": 70, "Pretending to put [something] behind [something]": 71, "Pretending to put [something] into [something]": 72, "Pretending to put [something] next to [something]": 73, "Pretending to put [something] on a surface": 74, "Pretending to put [something] onto [something]": 75, "Pretending to put [something] underneath [something]": 76, "Pretending to scoop [something] up with [something]": 77, "Pretending to spread air onto [something]": 78, "Pretending to sprinkle air onto [something]": 79, "Pretending to squeeze [something]": 80, "Pretending to take [something] from [somewhere]": 81, "Pretending to take [something] out of [something]": 82, "Pretending to throw [something]": 83, "Pretending to turn [something] upside down": 84, "Pulling [something] from behind of [something]": 85, "Pulling [something] from left to right": 86, "Pulling [something] from right to left": 87, "Pulling [something] onto [something]": 88, "Pulling [something] out of [something]": 89, "Pulling two ends of [something] but nothing happens": 90, "Pulling two ends of [something] so that it gets stretched": 91, "Pulling two ends of [something] so that it separates into two pieces": 92, "Pushing [something] from left to right": 93, "Pushing [something] from right to left": 94, "Pushing [something] off of [something]": 95, "Pushing [something] onto [something]": 96, "Pushing [something] so it spins": 97, "Pushing [something] so that it almost falls off but doesn't": 98, "Pushing [something] so that it falls off the table": 99, "Pushing [something] so that it slightly moves": 100, "Pushing [something] with [something]": 101, "Putting [number of] [something] onto [something]": 102, "Putting [something similar to other things that are already on the table]": 114, "Putting [something that cannot actually stand upright] upright on the table, so it falls on its side": 117, "Putting [something] and [something] on the table": 103, "Putting [something] behind [something]": 104, "Putting [something] in front of [something]": 105, "Putting [something] into [something]": 106, "Putting [something] next to [something]": 107, "Putting [something] on a flat surface without letting it roll": 108, "Putting [something] on a surface": 109, "Putting [something] on the edge of [something] so it is not supported and falls down": 110, "Putting [something] onto [something else that cannot support it] so it falls down": 113, "Putting [something] onto [something]": 112, "Putting [something] onto a slanted surface but it doesn't glide down": 111, "Putting [something] that can't roll onto a slanted surface, so it slides down": 115, "Putting [something] that can't roll onto a slanted surface, so it stays where it is": 116, "Putting [something] underneath [something]": 118, "Putting [something] upright on the table": 119, "Putting [something], [something] and [something] on the table": 120, "Removing [something], revealing [something] behind": 121, "Rolling [something] on a flat surface": 122, "Scooping [something] up with [something]": 123, "Showing [something] behind [something]": 125, "Showing [something] next to [something]": 126, "Showing [something] on top of [something]": 127, "Showing [something] to the camera": 128, "Showing a photo of [something] to the camera": 124, "Showing that [something] is empty": 129, "Showing that [something] is inside [something]": 130, "Spilling [something] behind [something]": 136, "Spilling [something] next to [something]": 137, "Spilling [something] onto [something]": 138, "Spinning [something] so it continues spinning": 139, "Spinning [something] that quickly stops spinning": 140, "Spreading [something] onto [something]": 141, "Sprinkling [something] onto [something]": 142, "Squeezing [something]": 143, "Stacking [number of] [something]": 144, "Stuffing [something] into [something]": 145, "Taking [one of many similar things on the table]": 146, "Taking [something] from [somewhere]": 147, "Taking [something] out of [something]": 148, "Tearing [something] into two pieces": 149, "Tearing [something] just a little bit": 150, "Throwing [something]": 151, "Throwing [something] against [something]": 152, "Throwing [something] in the air and catching it": 153, "Throwing [something] in the air and letting it fall": 154, "Throwing [something] onto a surface": 155, "Tilting [something] with [something] on it slightly so it doesn't fall down": 156, "Tilting [something] with [something] on it until it falls off": 157, "Tipping [something] over": 158, "Tipping [something] with [something in it] over, so [something in it] falls out": 159, "Touching (without moving) [part] of [something]": 160, "Trying but failing to attach [something] to [something] because it doesn't stick": 161, "Trying to bend [something unbendable] so nothing happens": 162, "Trying to pour [something] into [something], but missing so it spills next to it": 163, "Turning [something] upside down": 164, "Turning the camera downwards while filming [something]": 165, "Turning the camera left while filming [something]": 166, "Turning the camera right while filming [something]": 167, "Turning the camera upwards while filming [something]": 168, "Twisting (wringing) [something] wet until water comes out": 169, "Twisting [something]": 170, "Uncovering [something]": 171, "Unfolding [something]": 172, "Wiping [something] off of [something]": 173, "[Something] being deflected from [something]": 131, "[Something] colliding with [something] and both are being deflected": 132, "[Something] colliding with [something] and both come to a halt": 133, "[Something] falling like a feather or paper": 134, "[Something] falling like a rock": 135 }, "layer_norm_eps": 1e-06, "model_type": "timesformer", "num_attention_heads": 12, "num_channels": 3, "num_frames": 16, "num_hidden_layers": 12, "patch_size": 16, "qkv_bias": true, "torch_dtype": "float32", "transformers_version": "4.26.0.dev0" }