# https://github.com/audeering/shift/tree/main -- RUN FROM THIS REPO import shutil import csv import io import os import typing import wave import sys import audresample from mimic3_tts.__main__ import (CommandLineInterfaceState, get_args, initialize_args, initialize_tts, # print_voices, # process_lines, shutdown_tts, OutputNaming, process_line) import msinference import time import json import pandas as pd import os import numpy as np import audonnx import audb from pathlib import Path import transformers import torch import audmodel import audinterface import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import audiofile # ================================================ LIST OF VOICES ROOT_DIR = '/data/dkounadis/mimic3-voices/' foreign_voices = [] english_voices = [] for lang in os.listdir(ROOT_DIR + 'voices'): for voice in os.listdir(ROOT_DIR + 'voices/' + lang): if 'en_' in lang: try: with open(ROOT_DIR + 'voices/' + lang + '/' + voice + '/speakers.txt', 'r') as f: for spk in f: english_voices.append(lang + '/' + voice + '#' + spk.rstrip()) # voice_spk_string = lang + '/' + voice + '#' + spk.rstrip() for spk in f except FileNotFoundError: english_voices.append(lang + '/' + voice) else: try: with open(ROOT_DIR + 'voices/' + lang + '/' + voice + '/speakers.txt', 'r') as f: for spk in f: foreign_voices.append(lang + '/' + voice + '#' + spk.rstrip()) except FileNotFoundError: foreign_voices.append(lang + '/' + voice) # [print(i) for i in foreign_voices] print('\n_______________________________\n') [print(i) for i in english_voices] # ====================================================== LIST Mimic-3 ALL VOICES list_voices = [ 'en_US/m-ailabs_low#mary_ann', 'en_UK/apope_low', 'de_DE/thorsten-emotion_low#neutral', # is the 4x really interesting we can just write it in Section # 'ko_KO/kss_low', 'fr_FR/m-ailabs_low#gilles_g_le_blanc', #'human', ] # special - for human we load specific style file - no Mimic3 is run # ================================================== INTERFACE MODELS LABELS = [ 'arousal', 'dominance', 'valence', # 'speech_synthesizer', 'synthetic_singing', 'Angry', 'Sad', 'Happy', 'Surprise', 'Fear', 'Disgust', 'Contempt', 'Neutral' ] config = transformers.Wav2Vec2Config() #finetuning_task='spef2feat_reg') config.dev = torch.device('cuda:0') config.dev2 = torch.device('cuda:0') def _softmax(x): '''x : (batch, num_class)''' x -= x.max(1, keepdims=True) # if all -400 then sum(exp(x)) = 0 x = np.maximum(-100, x) x = np.exp(x) x /= x.sum(1, keepdims=True) return x from transformers import AutoModelForAudioClassification import types def _infer(self, x): '''x: (batch, audio-samples-16KHz)''' x = (x + self.config.mean) / self.config.std # plus x = self.ssl_model(x, attention_mask=None).last_hidden_state # pool h = self.pool_model.sap_linear(x).tanh() w = torch.matmul(h, self.pool_model.attention) w = w.softmax(1) mu = (x * w).sum(1) x = torch.cat( [ mu, ((x * x * w).sum(1) - mu * mu).clamp(min=1e-7).sqrt() ], 1) return self.ser_model(x) teacher_cat = AutoModelForAudioClassification.from_pretrained( '3loi/SER-Odyssey-Baseline-WavLM-Categorical-Attributes', trust_remote_code=True # fun definitions see 3loi/SER-.. repo ).to(config.dev2).eval() teacher_cat.forward = types.MethodType(_infer, teacher_cat) # Audioset & ADV # audioset_model = audonnx.load(audmodel.load('17c240ec-1.0.0'), device='cuda:0') adv_model = audonnx.load(audmodel.load('90398682-2.0.0'), device='cuda:0') def process_function(x, sampling_rate, idx): '''run audioset ct, adv USE onnx teachers return [synth-speech, synth-singing, 7x, 3x adv] = 11 ''' # x = x[None , :] ASaHSuFDCN #{0: 'Angry', 1: 'Sad', 2: 'Happy', 3: 'Surprise', #4: 'Fear', 5: 'Disgust', 6: 'Contempt', 7: 'Neutral'} #tensor([[0.0015, 0.3651, 0.0593, 0.0315, 0.0600, 0.0125, 0.0319, 0.4382]]) logits_cat = teacher_cat(torch.from_numpy(x).to(config.dev)).cpu().detach().numpy() # USE ALL CATEGORIES # -- # logits_audioset = audioset_model(x, 16000)['logits_sounds'] # logits_audioset = logits_audioset[:, [7, 35]] # speech synthesizer synthetic singing # -- logits_adv = adv_model(x, 16000)['logits'] cat = np.concatenate([logits_adv, # _sigmoid(logits_audioset), _softmax(logits_cat)], 1) print(cat) return cat #logits_adv #model(signal, sampling_rate)['logits'] interface = audinterface.Feature( feature_names=LABELS, process_func=process_function, # process_func_args={'outputs': 'logits_scene'}, process_func_applies_sliding_window=False, win_dur=7.0, hop_dur=4.0, sampling_rate=16000, resample=True, verbose=True, ) # ================================== ====== END INTERFACE def process_lines(state: CommandLineInterfaceState, wav_path=None): '''MIMIC3 INTERNAL CALL that yields the sigh sound''' args = state.args result_idx = 0 print(f'why waitings in the for loop LIN {state.texts=}\n') for line in state.texts: # print(f'LIN {line=}\n') # prints \n so is empty not getting the predifne text of state.texts line_voice: typing.Optional[str] = None line_id = "" line = line.strip() # if not line: # continue if args.output_naming == OutputNaming.ID: # Line has the format id|text instead of just text with io.StringIO(line) as line_io: reader = csv.reader(line_io, delimiter=args.csv_delimiter) row = next(reader) line_id, line = row[0], row[-1] if args.csv_voice: line_voice = row[1] process_line(line, state, line_id=line_id, line_voice=line_voice) result_idx += 1 time.sleep(4) # Write combined audio to stdout if state.all_audio: # _LOGGER.debug("Writing WAV audio to stdout") if sys.stdout.isatty() and (not state.args.stdout): with io.BytesIO() as wav_io: wav_file_play: wave.Wave_write = wave.open(wav_io, "wb") with wav_file_play: wav_file_play.setframerate(state.sample_rate_hz) wav_file_play.setsampwidth(state.sample_width_bytes) wav_file_play.setnchannels(state.num_channels) wav_file_play.writeframes(state.all_audio) # play_wav_bytes(state.args, wav_io.getvalue()) # wav_path = '_direct_call_2.wav' with open(wav_path, 'wb') as wav_file: wav_file.write(wav_io.getvalue()) wav_file.seek(0) print('\n\n5T', wav_path) else: print('\n\nDOES NOT TTSING --> ADD SOME time.sleep(4)', wav_path) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cat _tmp_ssml.txt | mimic3 --cuda --ssml --noise-w 0.90001 --length-scale 0.91 --noise-scale 0.04 > noise_w=0.90_en_happy_2.wav # ====================================================================== # END DEF # https://huggingface.co/dkounadis/artificial-styletts2/tree/main/mimic3_foreign # STYLES Already Made - HF out_dir = 'out_dir/' Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for _id, _voice in enumerate(list_voices): _str = _voice.replace('/', '_').replace('#', '_').replace('_low', '') if 'cmu-arctic' in _str: _str = _str.replace('cmu-arctic', 'cmu_arctic') #+ '.wav' print('\n\n\n\nExecuting', _voice,'\n\n\n\n\n') if ( not os.path.isfile(out_dir + 'mimic3__' + _str + '.wav') or not os.path.isfile(out_dir + 'styletts2__' + _str + '.wav') ): # Mimic3 GitHub Quota exceded: # https://github.com/MycroftAI/mimic3-voices # Above repo can exceed download quota of LFS # Copy mimic-voices from local copies # clone https://huggingface.co/mukowaty/mimic3-voices/tree/main/voices # copy to ~/ # # if 'human' not in _voice: # assure mimic-3 generator .onnx exists home_voice_dir = f'/home/audeering.local/dkounadis/.local/share/mycroft/mimic3/voices/{_voice.split("#")[0]}/' Path(home_voice_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) speaker_free_voice_name = _voice.split("#")[0] if '#' in _voice else _voice if ( (not os.path.isfile(home_voice_dir + 'generator.onnx')) or (os.path.getsize(home_voice_dir + 'generator.onnx') < 500) # .onnx - is just LFS header ): # Copy shutil.copyfile( f'/data/dkounadis/mimic3-voices/voices/{speaker_free_voice_name}/generator.onnx', home_voice_dir + 'generator.onnx') # prompt_path = f'mimic3_{folder}_4x/' + _str + '.wav' with open('harvard.json', 'r') as f: harvard_individual_sentences = json.load(f)['sentences'] total_audio_mimic3 = [] total_audio_styletts2 = [] ix = 0 for list_of_10 in harvard_individual_sentences[:1000]: # 77 text = ' '.join(list_of_10['sentences']) print(ix, text) ix += 1 # Synthesis Mimic-3 then use it as prompt for StyleTTS2 # MIMIC-3 if _voice is not HUMAN if 'human' not in _voice: rate = 1 _ssml = ( '' '' f'' f'' '' f'{text[:-1] + ", .. !!!"}' '' '' '' '' '' ) with open('_tmp_ssml.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(_ssml) # ps = subprocess.Popen(f'cat _tmp_ssml.txt | mimic3 --ssml > {reference_wav}', shell=True) # ps.wait() # using ps to call mimic3 because samples dont have time to be written in stdout buffer args = get_args() args.ssml = True args.text = [_ssml] #['aa', 'bb'] #txt args.interactive = False # args.output_naming = OutputNaming.TIME state = CommandLineInterfaceState(args=args) initialize_args(state) initialize_tts(state) # args.texts = [txt] #['aa', 'bb'] #txt # state.stdout = '.' #None #'makeme.wav' # state.output_dir = '.noopy' # state.interactive = False # state.output_naming = OutputNaming.TIME # # state.ssml = 1234546575 # state.stdout = True # state.tts = True style_path = 'tmp1.wav' process_lines(state, wav_path=style_path) shutdown_tts(state) x, fs = audiofile.read(style_path) # print(x.shape) else: # -- # MSP['valence.train.votes'].get().sort_values('7').index[-1] # style_path = '/cache/audb/msppodcast/2.4.0/fe182b91/Audios/MSP-PODCAST_0235_0053.wav' # -- # MSP['emotion.test-1'].get().sort_values('valence').index[-1] # style_path = '/cache/audb/msppodcast/2.4.0/fe182b91/Audios/MSP-PODCAST_0220_0870.wav' # -- style_path = '/cache/audb/librispeech/3.1.0/fe182b91/test-clean/3575/170457/3575-170457-0024.wav' x, fs = audiofile.read(style_path) # assure is not very short - equl harvard sent len print(x.shape,' human') # crop human to almost mimic-3 duration total_audio_mimic3.append(x) print(f'{len(total_audio_mimic3)=}') print(fs, text, 'mimic3') # MIMIC3 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = END if 'en_US' in _str: style_path = 'mimic3_english_4x/' + _str + '.wav' elif ('de_DE' in _str) or ('fr_FR' in _str): style_path = 'mimic3_foreign_4x/' + _str + '.wav' else: print(f'use human / generated style for {_str}') style_vec = msinference.compute_style(style_path) # use mimic-3 as prompt x = msinference.inference(text, style_vec, alpha=0.3, beta=0.7, diffusion_steps=7, embedding_scale=1) total_audio_styletts2.append(x) # save styletts2 .wav total_audio_styletts2 = np.concatenate(total_audio_styletts2) # -- concat 77x lists total_audio_styletts2 = audresample.resample(total_audio_styletts2, original_rate=24000, target_rate=16000)[0] print('RESAMPLEstyletts2', total_audio_styletts2.shape) audiofile.write(out_dir + 'styletts2__' + _str + '.wav', total_audio_styletts2, 16000) # print('Saving:', out_dir + 'styletts2__' + _str + '.wav') # save mimic3 or human .wav total_audio_mimic3 = np.concatenate(total_audio_mimic3) # -- concat 77x lists if 'human' not in _str: total_audio_mimic3 = audresample.resample(total_audio_mimic3, original_rate=24000, target_rate=16000)[0] else: print('human is already on 16kHz - MSPpodcst file') print('RESAMPLEmimic3', total_audio_mimic3.shape) audiofile.write(out_dir + 'mimic3__' + _str + '.wav', total_audio_mimic3, 16000) print(total_audio_mimic3.shape, total_audio_styletts2.shape, 'LEN OF TOTAL\n') # print('Saving:', out_dir + 'mimic3__' + _str + '.wav') # AUD I N T E R F A C E for engine in ['mimic3', 'styletts2']: harvard_of_voice = f'{out_dir}{engine}__{_str}' if not os.path.exists(harvard_of_voice + '.pkl'): df = interface.process_file(harvard_of_voice + '.wav') df.to_pickle(harvard_of_voice + '.pkl') print('\n\n', harvard_of_voice, df,'\n___________________________\n') print('\nVisuals\n') # =============================================================================== # V I S U A L S # # =============================================================================== voice_pairs = [ [list_voices[0], list_voices[1]], [list_voices[2], list_voices[3]] ] # special - for human we load specific style file - no Mimic3 is run # PLot 1 list_voices[0] list_voices[1] # Plot 2 list_voices[2] list_voices[2] for vox1, vox2 in voice_pairs: # 1 figure pro pair _str1 = vox1.replace('/', '_').replace('#', '_').replace('_low', '') if 'cmu-arctic' in _str1: _str1 = _str1.replace('cmu-arctic', 'cmu_arctic') #+ '.wav' _str2 = vox2.replace('/', '_').replace('#', '_').replace('_low', '') if 'cmu-arctic' in _str2: _str2 = _str2.replace('cmu-arctic', 'cmu_arctic') #+ '.wav' vis_df = { f'mimic3_{_str1}' : pd.read_pickle(out_dir + 'mimic3__' + _str1 + '.pkl'), f'mimic3_{_str2}' : pd.read_pickle(out_dir + 'mimic3__' + _str2 + '.pkl'), f'styletts2_{_str1}' : pd.read_pickle(out_dir + 'styletts2__' + _str1 + '.pkl'), f'styletts2_{_str2}' : pd.read_pickle(out_dir + 'styletts2__' + _str2 + '.pkl'), } SHORT_LEN = min([len(v) for k, v in vis_df.items()]) # different TTS durations per voic for k,v in vis_df.items(): p = v[:SHORT_LEN] # TRuncate extra segments - human is slower than mimic3 print('\n\n\n\n',k, p) p.reset_index(inplace= True) p.drop(columns=['file','start'], inplace=True) p.set_index('end', inplace=True) # p = p.filter(scene_classes) #['transport', 'indoor', 'outdoor']) p.index = p.index.map(mapper = (lambda x: x.total_seconds())) vis_df[k] = p preds = vis_df fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=8, ncols=2, figsize=(24, 19.2), gridspec_kw={'hspace': 0, 'wspace': .04}) # ADV - subplots time_stamp = preds[f'mimic3_{_str1}'].index.to_numpy() for j, dim in enumerate(['arousal', 'dominance', 'valence']): # MIMIC3 ax[j, 0].plot(time_stamp, # np.ones_like(time_stamp) * .4, --> to find the line on the legend preds[f'styletts2_{_str1}'][dim], # THIS IS THE BLUE LINE VERIFIED color=(0,104/255,139/255), label='mean_1', linewidth=2) # ax[j, 0].plot(time_stamp, preds[f'styletts2_{_str1}'][dim], # color=(.2, .2, .2), # label='mean_1', # linewidth=2, # marker='o') ax[j, 0].fill_between(time_stamp, preds[f'styletts2_{_str1}'][dim], preds[f'mimic3_{_str1}'][dim], color=(.5,.5,.5), alpha=.4 ) if j == 0: ax[j, 0].legend([f'StyleTTS2 using {_str1}', f'mimic3_{_str1}'], prop={'size': 10}, # loc='lower right' ) ax[j, 0].set_ylabel(dim.lower(), color=(.4, .4, .4), fontsize=14) # TICK ax[j, 0].set_ylim([1e-7, .9999]) ax[j, 0].set_xticklabels(['' for _ in ax[j, 0].get_xticklabels()]) ax[j, 0].set_xlim([time_stamp[0], time_stamp[-1]]) # MIMIC3 4x speed ax[j, 1].plot(time_stamp, preds[f'styletts2_{_str2}'][dim], color=(0,104/255,139/255), label='mean_1', linewidth=2) ax[j, 1].fill_between(time_stamp, preds[f'mimic3_{_str2}'][dim], preds[f'styletts2_{_str2}'][dim], color=(.5,.5,.5), alpha=.4) if j == 0: ax[j, 1].legend([ f'StyleTTS2 using {_str2}', f'mimic3_{_str2}'], prop={'size': 10}, # loc='lower right' ) ax[j, 1].set_xlabel('767 Harvard Sentences (seconds)') # TICK ax[j, 1].set_ylim([1e-7, .9999]) # ax[j, 1].set_yticklabels(['' for _ in ax[j, 1].get_yticklabels()]) ax[j, 1].set_xticklabels(['' for _ in ax[j, 0].get_xticklabels()]) ax[j, 1].set_xlim([time_stamp[0], time_stamp[-1]]) ax[j, 0].grid() ax[j, 1].grid() # CATEGORIE time_stamp = preds[f'mimic3_{_str1}'].index.to_numpy() for j, dim in enumerate(['Angry', 'Sad', 'Happy', # 'Surprise', 'Fear', 'Disgust', # 'Contempt', # 'Neutral' ]): # ASaHSuFDCN j = j + 3 # skip A/D/V suplt # MIMIC3 ax[j, 0].plot(time_stamp, preds[f'styletts2_{_str2}'][dim], color=(0,104/255,139/255), label='mean_1', linewidth=2) ax[j, 0].fill_between(time_stamp, preds[f'styletts2_{_str2}'][dim], preds[f'mimic3_{_str2}'][dim], color=(.5,.5,.5), alpha=.4) ax[j, 0].set_ylabel(dim.lower(), color=(.4, .4, .4), fontsize=14) # TICKS ax[j, 0].set_ylim([1e-7, .9999]) ax[j, 0].set_xlim([time_stamp[0], time_stamp[-1]]) ax[j, 0].set_xticklabels(['' for _ in ax[j, 0].get_xticklabels()]) ax[j, 0].set_xlabel('767 Harvard Sentences (seconds)', fontsize=16, color=(.4,.4,.4)) # MIMIC3 4x speed ax[j, 1].plot(time_stamp, preds[f'styletts2_{_str2}'][dim], color=(0,104/255,139/255), label='mean_1', linewidth=2) ax[j, 1].fill_between(time_stamp, preds[f'mimic3_{_str2}'][dim], preds[f'styletts2_{_str2}'][dim], color=(.5,.5,.5), alpha=.4) # ax[j, 1].legend(['StyleTTS2 style mimic3 4x speed', # 'StyleTTS2 style crema-d'], # prop={'size': 10}, # # loc='upper left' # ) ax[j, 1].set_xlabel('767 Harvard Sentences (seconds)', fontsize=16, color=(.4,.4,.4)) ax[j, 1].set_ylim([1e-7, .999]) # ax[j, 1].set_yticklabels(['' for _ in ax[j, 1].get_yticklabels()]) ax[j, 1].set_xticklabels(['' for _ in ax[j, 1].get_xticklabels()]) ax[j, 1].set_xlim([time_stamp[0], time_stamp[-1]]) ax[j, 0].grid() ax[j, 1].grid() plt.savefig(f'pair_{_str1}_{_str2}.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()