<A> has how many relatives?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open <A> dbo_relative var_uri brack_close
<A> has won how many awards?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open <A> dbo_award var_uri brack_close
<A> is from which city?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_hometown var_uri brack_close
Count the affiliations of <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open <A> dbp_affiliation var_uri brack_close
Count the different causes of death of <A>.
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_religion <A> sep_dot var_x dbo_deathCause var_uri brack_close
Did <A> did his highschool in <B>?
ASK where brack_open <A> dbp_highSchool <B> brack_close
Did <A> study at the <B> university?
ASK where brack_open <A> dbp_university <B> brack_close
Did <A> study at the <B>?
ASK where brack_open <A> dbo_institution <B> brack_close
Did <A> study at the <B>?
ASK where brack_open <A> dbo_university <B> brack_close
Did <A> study in <B>?
ASK where brack_open <A> dbp_highSchool <B> brack_close
Did <A> study in the <B>?
ASK where brack_open <A> dbo_institution <B> brack_close
Did <B> do his highschool in <A>?
ASK where brack_open <B> dbp_highSchool <A> brack_close
Did <B> go to <A> studying?
ASK where brack_open <B> dbo_university <A> brack_close
Did <B> study at the <A>
ASK where brack_open <B> dbo_institution <A> brack_close
Does <B> have a license of <A>?
ASK where brack_open <B> dbp_license <A> brack_close
Does <B> have the <A>?
ASK where brack_open <B> dbp_license <A> brack_close
Does <B> study <A>?
ASK where brack_open <B> dbo_field <A> brack_close
Does <B> study <A>?
ASK where brack_open <B> dbp_mainInterests <A> brack_close
For how many things are <A> famous for?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_birthPlace <A> sep_dot var_x dbo_knownFor var_uri brack_close
For what is <A> known ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_knownFor var_uri brack_close
From where did the son of <A> graduate?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_child var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_almaMater var_uri brack_close
How did <A> died ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_deathCause var_uri brack_close
How did the child of <A> die?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_child var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_deathCause var_uri brack_close
How many people are there whose children died in <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_deathPlace <A> sep_dot var_uri dbo_child var_x sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Person brack_close
In how many places did <A> study?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open <A> dbo_almaMater var_uri sep_dot var_uri a dbo_University brack_close
In which country did <B> and <A> die?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <B> dbo_deathPlace var_uri sep_dot <A> dbo_deathPlace var_uri brack_close
In which state does the university which is the alma mater of <A> lie?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_almaMater var_x sep_dot var_x dbp_state var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_University brack_close
In which university did <B> study, where <A> went too?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <B> dbo_almaMater var_uri sep_dot <A> dbo_almaMater var_uri brack_close
Is <A> buried in the <B>?
ASK where brack_open <A> dbp_placeofburial <B> brack_close
Is <B> buried in <A>?
ASK where brack_open <B> dbp_placeofburial <A> brack_close
List all the children of <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_child var_uri brack_close
List down all notable works of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_notableWork var_uri brack_close
List the affiliation of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_affiliation var_uri brack_close
List the affiliations of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_affiliations var_uri brack_close
List the alma mater of the person who is wedded to <A>.
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_spouse <A> sep_dot var_x dbo_almaMater var_uri brack_close
List the awards given to the relatives of <A>.
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_relative var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_award var_uri brack_close
List the awards received of the person whose child is <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_child <A> sep_dot var_x dbo_award var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Person brack_close
List the awards won by the wife of <A>.
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_spouse var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_award var_uri brack_close
List the children of the parent of <A>.
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_parent var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_child var_uri brack_close
List the honorary title given to the spouse of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_spouse var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_award var_uri brack_close
List the places where the relatives of <A> died ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_relative var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_deathPlace var_uri brack_close
List the relative of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_relative var_uri brack_close
List the relatives of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_relative <A> brack_close
List the relatives of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_relative var_uri brack_close
List the relatives of the children of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_child var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_relative var_uri brack_close
List the school of <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_school var_uri brack_close
List the things for which the relatives of <A> are known?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_relative var_x sep_dot var_x dbp_knownFor var_uri brack_close
Name a famous relative of <A>
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_relative <A> brack_close
Name the <A>'s school ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_school var_uri brack_close
Name the alma mater of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_almaMater var_uri brack_close
Name the alma mater of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_almaMater var_uri brack_close
Name the cause of death of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_deathCause var_uri brack_close
Name the college of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_college var_uri brack_close
Name the death location of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_deathPlace var_uri brack_close
Name the home town of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_hometown var_uri brack_close
Name the person whose child is <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_child <A> sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Person brack_close
Name the person whose daughter is <A> and also another children named <B> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_child <A> sep_dot var_uri dbo_child <B> sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Person brack_close
Name the person whose mother name is <A> and has a son named <B>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_parent <A> sep_dot var_uri dbo_child <B> sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Person brack_close
Name the person whose parent is <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_parent <A> sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Person brack_close
Name the resting place of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_restingPlace var_uri brack_close
Name the university of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_university var_uri brack_close
Tell me the school to which <A> went?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_education var_uri brack_close
To which educational institutions did <A> go for her studies?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_education var_uri brack_close
To which persons is <A> a relative?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_relative <A> sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Person brack_close
Was <A> the mother of <B>?
ASK where brack_open <B> dbp_mother <A> brack_close
Was <B> born in <A>?
ASK where brack_open <B> dbp_birthplace <A> brack_close
What is the Nickname of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_nickname var_uri brack_close
What are <A> and <B> both affiliated with?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_affiliation var_uri sep_dot <B> dbp_affiliation var_uri brack_close
What are some other children of the father of <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_child <A> sep_dot var_x dbo_child var_uri brack_close
What are some relatives of the spouse of <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_spouse <A> sep_dot var_uri dbo_relative var_x brack_close
What are the awards received by spouse of <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_spouse <A> sep_dot var_x dbo_award var_uri brack_close
What are the notableworks of <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_notableworks var_uri brack_close
What are the professions of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_occupation var_uri brack_close
What are the things <A> known for ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_knownFor var_uri brack_close
What award was won by the father of <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_child <A> sep_dot var_x dbo_award var_uri brack_close
what awards have been giving to <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_award var_uri brack_close
What city gave birth to <B> and also houses <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <B> dbo_birthPlace var_uri sep_dot <A> dbp_location var_uri brack_close
What did <A>'s father die from?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_child <A> sep_dot var_x dbo_deathCause var_uri brack_close
What do <B> and <A> do for a living?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_occupation var_uri sep_dot <B> dbo_occupation var_uri brack_close
What does the famous relative of <A> do for a living?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_relative <A> sep_dot var_x dbo_occupation var_uri brack_close
What faiths are followed by the relatives of <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_relative var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_religion var_uri brack_close
What is <A> hometown ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_hometown var_uri brack_close
What is <A> known for?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_knownFor var_uri brack_close
What is the <A> associated with?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_affiliations var_uri brack_close
What is the affiliation of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_affiliation var_uri brack_close
What is the alma mater of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_almaMater var_uri brack_close
What is the alma mater of <A> and <B>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_college var_uri sep_dot <B> dbo_almaMater var_uri brack_close
What is the alma mater of <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_almaMater var_uri brack_close
What is the alma mater of the person, whose child is <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_child <A> sep_dot var_x dbo_almaMater var_uri brack_close
What is the birth name of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbp_birthName var_uri brack_close
What is the birth place of the children of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_child var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_birthPlace var_uri brack_close
What is the birthplace of <B> and <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <B> dbo_birthPlace var_uri sep_dot <A> dbo_birthPlace var_uri brack_close
What is the burial place of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_restingPlace var_uri brack_close
What is the career of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_occupation var_uri brack_close
What is the citizenship of <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_citizenship var_uri brack_close
What is the city of the <B> is also the resting place of <A> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <B> dbo_authority var_uri sep_dot <A> dbo_restingPlace var_uri brack_close
What is the college of <A> is also the college of <B> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_college var_uri sep_dot <B> dbo_college var_uri brack_close
What is the common palce of study for <A> and <B> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_education var_uri sep_dot <B> dbp_education var_uri brack_close
What is the common religious affiliation of the <B> and that of <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <B> dbp_religiousAffiliation var_uri sep_dot <A> dbo_type var_uri brack_close
What is the common school of <B> and <A>?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <B> dbo_school var_uri sep_dot <A> dbo_almaMater var_uri brack_close
What is the common university iof <A> and also the college of <B> ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open <A> dbo_university var_uri sep_dot <B> dbo_college var_uri brack_close