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- license: cc
+ license: cc-by-nc-4.0
+ task_categories:
+ - text-generation
+ language:
+ - en
+ tags:
+ - math
+ pretty_name: backtracing
+ size_categories:
+ - n>1k
+ # Backtracing: Retrieving the Cause of the Query
+ <p align="center" style="font-size: 1.5em;">
+ <a href="">Paper</a> •
+ <a href="">Code</a> •
+ <a href="">Video</a> •
+ <a href="#citation">Citation</a>
+ </p>
+ **Authors:** Rose E. Wang, Pawan Wirawarn, Omar Khattab, Noah Goodman, Dorottya Demszky
+ Findings of EACL, Long Paper, 2024.
+ ## What is Backtracing?
+ ![Main Figure](fig1.png)
+ Many online content portals allow users to ask questions to supplement their understanding (e.g., of lectures or news articles).
+ While information retrieval (IR) systems may provide answers for such user queries, they do not directly assist content creators identify segments that _caused_ a user to ask those questions; this can be useful for several purposes like helping improve their content.
+ We introduce the task of **backtracing**, in which systems retrieve the text segment that most likely provoked a user query.
+ ## This Repository
+ In this repository, you will find:
+ 1. The first **benchmark for backtracing**, composed of three heterogeneous datasets and causal retrieval tasks: understanding the cause of (a) student confusion in the _Lecture_ domain, (b) reader curiosity in the _News Article_ domain, and (c) user emotion in the _Conversation_ domain.
+ 2. **Evaluations of a suite of retrieval systems on backtracing**, including: BM25, bi-encoder methods, cross-encoder methods, re-ranker methods, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, and several likelihood-based methods that use pre-trained language models to estimate the probability of the query conditioned on variations of the corpus.
+ Our results reveal several limitations of these methods; for example, bi-encoder methods struggle when the query and target segment share limited similarity and likelihood-based methods struggle with modeling what may be unknown information to a user. Overall, these results suggest that Backtracing is a challenging task that requires new retrieval approaches.
+ We hope our benchmark serves to evaluate and improve future retrieval systems for Backtracing, and ultimately, spawns systems that empower content creators to understand user queries, refine their content and provide users with better experiences.
+ ## Citation
+ If you find our work useful or interesting, please consider citing it!
+ ```
+ @inproceedings{wang2024backtracing,
+ title = {Backtracing: Retrieving the Cause of the Query},
+ booktitle = {Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024},
+ publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
+ year = {2024},
+ author = {Wang, Rose E. and Wirawarn, Pawan and Khattab, Omar and Goodman, Noah and Demszky, Dorottya},
+ }
+ ```
+ ## Reproducibility
+ We ran our experiments with Python 3.11 and on A6000 machines. To reproduce the results in our work, please run the following commands:
+ ```
+ >> conda create -n backtracing python=3.11
+ >> conda activate backtracing
+ >> pip install -r requirements.txt # install all of our requirements
+ >> source
+ ```
+ `` outputs text files under `results/<dataset>/`. The text files contain the results reported in Table 2 and 3. Here is an example of what the result should look like:
+ ```
+ >> cat results/sight/semantic_similarity.txt
+ Query dirs: ['data/sight/query/annotated']
+ Source dirs: ['data/sight/sources/annotated']
+ Output fname: results/sight/annotated/semantic_similarity.csv
+ Output fname: results/sight/annotated/semantic_similarity.csv
+ Accuracy top 1: 0.23
+ Min distance top 1: 91.85
+ Accuracy top 3: 0.37
+ Min distance top 3: 35.22
+ ```
+ ## Dataset Structure
+ The datasets are located under the `data` directory.
+ Each dataset contains the `query` directory (e.g., student question) and the `sources` directory (e.g., the lecture transcript sentences).
+ ```
+ └── data # Backtracing Datasets
+ └── sight # Lecture Domain, SIGHT, derived from
+ ├── query
+ └── sources
+ └── inquisitive # News Article Domain, Inquisitive, derived from
+ ├── query
+ └── sources
+ └── reccon # Conversation Domain, RECCON, derived from
+ ├── query
+ └── sources
+ ```
+ ## Retrieving from scratch
+ The section above uses the cached scores. If you want to run the retrieval from scratch, then run:
+ ```
+ >> export OPENAI_API_KEY='yourkey' # if you want to run the gpt-3.5-turbo-16k results as well. otherwise skip.
+ >> source
+ ```
fig1.png ADDED
inquisitive/query/test/0101.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "What happened to the net income in the first and second quarter? ", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What was done differently in the third-quarter that the net income rose 26%?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How much is 26% in dollars? ", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Third-quarter net income rose because the chemical business was doing well?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What was done differently this year that was not done last year?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "which year?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How did the sales shoot up 7.4% in such a short time?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "When was it $540 mil?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "how quickly?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Were there any losses at all?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Is there a common name for this? ", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "what is caustic soda?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What are gains in electrochemicals?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How did the volume increase and what was the cause of higher prices?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Who is buying the most?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "what is a volume increase?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0102.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "Which operations will it sell?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Which year?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why did profit drop?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Are they going to get unemployment?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Which services?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What is the number after taxes?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0103.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "Why is Canada narrowing the trade surplus with U.S.?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Does this mean reducing the tariffs and thus reducing lost money when trading?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "did it have a bad effect?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why did imports barely rise when exports rose so much? ", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How has this decrease in surplus affect trading?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why did the trade surplus reduce so much if tariffs were cut?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "which person said it?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What kind of new plant equipment?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "who is the second biggest pair?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Why are they in such a hurry to come to agreements for the tariff cuts?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0104.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "Who is he and where did he come from?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What is this company?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Did this mean he dealt with the money required for the campaign?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What does strategy refer too in this context?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0106.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "What are they?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What is a defunct Arkansas thrift?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How did worthless loan guarantees inflate the earnings?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "why are they worthless loan guarantees?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What is a thrift in this context?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How did someone so crooked get two positions of power at this company?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "is he likely to get it?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Does he have a chance of parole?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "why hasnt it been set?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why and what is the delay?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How did he think he'd get away with that?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What methods did he take to commit to this conspiracy?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Again, it doesn't let me highlight everything - just a single word. What wrongdoing were the initially accused of?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Why would these two individuals not be charged as well?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "why werent they charged?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0107.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "How did Prospect Group Inc. gain any control, over Recognition Equipment Inc?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How was the offer hostile?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How did it gain control despite failing?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What is the name of this spokeswoman?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Who replaced those guys?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "what was his reasoning for resignation?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why did Mr, Sheinberg get promoted?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why will he retain this role if not the other?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "does he want to keep the position?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How many top spots did Recognition have?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "WHAT IS A TENDER OFFER?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0108.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "How did they help?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What does that equate to?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "why is it a concern?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How does this play into things?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "was this a long time ago?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How much would they dividend be?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why did it climb?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0109.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "What happened on this date?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What is significant about Tuesday, October 17,1989?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What is this date?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why don't interest rates always represent transactions? ", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What is a good representation of actual transactions?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "what do they represent?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Where is the rest of the list?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "what is a prime rate?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What is this for?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What is the base rate on corporate loans at large US banks?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "which banks?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How much in USD is that number?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What are federal funds?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What do Federal Funds represent?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What are these for?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0110.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "Why was there such a big debt in severance?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How big was it's database software inventories before?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Are these severance costs going to laid off employees?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What was the reason for the slide?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What was the revenue prior to this?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What happened compared to a year-ago?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What was the reason behind the decline in revenue?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Is this the exact same quarter just one year prior?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What is Ashton Tate?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What is the company's profit during this period? ", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Is this time measured in quarters or months?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0112.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "who is hoping?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What does \\\"deficit-reduction legislation\\\" mean?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What does the \\\"House version\\\" consist of?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why did the conference break down?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Which house leaders?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "is this a well known budget?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What was the \\\"House-passed bill?\\\"", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "why do they desire it?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why would they want to reduce the bill?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why would it be placed into another legislation?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "what are his credentials?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What is the capital-gains provision?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What is the capital-gains provision?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0113.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "What is John M. Templeton's net worth?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why is Templeton putting so much of his own money into the fund? ", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What does this fund do for the public?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Who are the other funds available to?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What are some of the 33 funds?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Which countries does the Templeton Emerging Markets fund invest in?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What do these funds do?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What's the Value Fund's ROI?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why did he add the Value Fund to the list?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why is Mr. Templeton bullish on emerging growth stocks?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Why is Templeton so bullish on the stocks? ", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Bullish in what sense?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What does this mean in terms of business?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0114.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "Who are the researchers?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How does it completely prevent rejection?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What length of time indicates a success for this test?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What is the chemical makeup of the new drug?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why are transplanted organ rejected?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What kind of long-term effects are possible?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How long has the drug been being experimented with?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What is the name of the new drug?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How long does it take to get approved?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What harmful side effects does it help prevent?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What side effects are being reduced?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How much are the rejection rates being lowered?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What is the reaction that causes the reduction in harmful side effects and the lowering of rejection rates?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How do they know it reduces side effects if it hasn't been tested long enough yet?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What is the limiting factor in terms of the number of transplants that occur?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What organ is the most commonly rejected?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How does the drug perform when other organs are being transplanted?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "How many patient trials have there been?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "How can they use the drug if it has not been approved yet?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0115.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "What is concerning about the stock market?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why is there concern about the stock market?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "does softer mean lower?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why is there concern about the stock market?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What tumultuous ride has the stock market been on?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why is the stock market taking a tumultuous ride?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "why would it?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why would the stock market take another tumultuous ride?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Where is California was there an earthquake?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why would the financial impact be short lived?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why did the earthquake create sales in Asian trade?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why would the impact of the earthquake on financial markets be short-lived?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why does a major earthquake in California effect Asian trade?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What makes the traders' opinion different than the performance of the dollar? ", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How has it shown resilience?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "is this just bad news?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "How is the dollar showing resilience?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0116.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "Why is it typed all in capitals?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How many billions of dollars?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Which Earthquake are we speaking of?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Where and when did the earthquake happen?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "which insurers?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Which quake and where in California?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why weren't they greatly affected and how?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What does it matter if silicon wasn't affected; where's the concern for the whole state?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "why not affected?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why do these companies not expect no long-term disruption in shipments compare to the other companies in the region?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why are we concerned with shipments when damages need to be accounted for state wide?What kind of damage would be deemed a disruption?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "but not literally?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What are the stocks that they expect to profit or suffer?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Who are these investors?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "how did they single out?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Which companies?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What are the two rules the writer is referring to?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What is a leveraged buy-out?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0117.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "how big was the quake?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How much damage did the earthquake do?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How strong was the earthquake?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "what is a temblor?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How long did the aftershocks last?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How many people were rescued?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How many were thought to be left?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Were many cars involved?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "where is that?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How strong was the tremor?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What time was it?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How long is the fault?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "how many troops?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What branch of the military is responsible for this?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Was there a lot of looting?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0118.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "What does this mean?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What was the legal brawl about?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "when was the last?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Which oil-producing company in Texas?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What was this legal brawl about?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What sort of legal brawl were they engaged in? ", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "what is a non voting issue?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What else will they provide Texaco?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "what is a recoverable reserve?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "when was the last indication?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Elaborate on what a reserve base is.", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0119.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "what about a flick?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What was with a twist of the wrist?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why would they twist their wrist?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "why are they tossed?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What about boys with tops?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What is a frisbee tosser?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What are PR types?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What are P.R. types?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "what is the goal?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What is their common goal?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Whats the goal that's in common?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What are they all trying?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Put the spin on what?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What is it that they are putting a spin on?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What is the spin?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0120.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "Why is he being impeached?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What were the impeachment articles?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What were the charges he was acquitted of?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why was he removed from office if he had been acquitted?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "what is this word?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why did the jury acquit him?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How can he be convicted if he was found not guilty?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "how long was the case?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What was the case?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Who was the bribe from?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "who were the first five?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Who were the other five?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why did they need 64 votes?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0121.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "How much foreign-exchange reserves does China have?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How did China manage to get into this situation?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "which goverment report", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Who are the authors of the report?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why is the trade gap for China widening?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Looking back from 2020, what were the causes of this?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "which one?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How and who came to this conclusion?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "how many countries are healthy?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why does the western government decline to be identified?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "How can we trust the source if we cannot know the source?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "which government?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0122.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "What does this word refer to and in what context?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What consumers are too deep in hock?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What would constitute being too deep?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why would the whole economy be hurting?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why would the observers be hurt?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Which observers?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why are consumers being forced to cut back?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why would a sudden cutback by consumers happen? ", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Is this a global issue or specific to a region?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why are some of these lending institutions already shaky?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Which lending institutions?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Who are the worriers and what are their facts?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "How worrisome are the trends?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What were the worrisome trends ", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What worrisome trends exist? ", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0123.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "Why are they seeking to position themselves?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How would Eastman Kodak's film business be made obsolete by HDTV?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What is a virtual monopoly?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How costly is the converter?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How much does it cost?", "sentence_id": 3}]
inquisitive/query/test/0131.json ADDED
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inquisitive/query/test/0132.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "Who estimated this amount?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why would aid to Hurricane Hugo victims need extended further?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What were the current restrictions?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Which influential California lawmakers?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why are they called \\\"influential\\\"?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why would the Bush administration feel the package was excessive?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why would lawmakers want restrictions waived?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "why is it excessive?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why was the confrontation strained?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why was there a confrontation between Jamie Whitten and the House delegation?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "why wasnt it unanimous?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Who is supposed to be jealous here?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How would there be jealousy of the Golden State?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "is there no disaster fund?", "sentence_id": 5}]
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+ [{"text": "Where was the spill?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What were Exxon's initial efforts to treat the giant oil spill last spring?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What year was this?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What did state officials do to interfere?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Which other companies?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What year?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Which other oil companies?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What was Exxon's response?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What exactly was the response?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How many hundreds?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "is that the highest court in alaska?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Which suit?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "When will it be complete?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "why dont they?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "How was Exxon hurt, financially, by the state's suit?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "When will the specific dollar claims be filed?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0134.json ADDED
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+ [{"text": "What is a reserve?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How did such a loss occur if there was a boost in reserves?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "WHAT COUTRIES RECIEVED LOANS?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why was this expected?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why did they take losses on these loans?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why was this expected?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Whose net income is this?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How is the company's situation so drastically different year-to-year?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "WHAT YEAR?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What percentage loss is this?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "WHY DID INTEREST INCOME RISE?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why did interest rise that much?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What is interest income?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What does bank holding mean in this context?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How did their assets climb if they experienced a loss for the quarter?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "WHY DID IT CLIMB?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why did their assets climb so much?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How did they make more money when they lost money due to bad loans?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why \\\"would have\\\" income increased?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "WHY WOULD IT HAVE INCREASED?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Why would have it increased this much? ", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What are loan-loss reserves?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0135.json ADDED
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+ [{"text": "What happened on this date?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What occurred on this day?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What happened on this day?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Which ones are key?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What are the general levels?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why are the rates only a guide and not a set rate?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Is this the US prime rate?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What does \\\"Prime Rate\\\" mean?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How is the base rate determined?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What is a near closing bid?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What do all of the percentages mean for federal funds?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0136.json ADDED
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+ [{"text": "Why is Enviropact Inc. selling its pump and tank division?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "is that a lot of money?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What do these divisions contribute to Enviropact Inc as a company?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why would GSX Chemical assume $1.6 million in debt?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "where in miami?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What is included in this debt acqusition?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What divisions are they talking about?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What is common stock?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why would Enviropact's shares go up?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What is composite trading?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why would Enviropact sell two divisions that make up $8 million of their revenue?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "which divisions?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0137.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "what is a narrow range?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "why did it climb?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "what kind of economic data?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "why were they nervous?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "which day?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "what do they mean by marks?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0138.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "Why did they agree to transfer ownership to the top executives?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Who are the two top executives?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why is this a last-ditch effort?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What is the Broker-Dealer subsidiary consist of?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why is this a last ditch effort to keep the sales force? ", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How could the financial services firm miss payments on a 1 billion dollar debt?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why did the company miss interest payments?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why will it exercise that right only in that particular situation?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What are the other businesses?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What are their other core businesses?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How would this right be exercised? ", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why would it want to sell the right to regain the subsidaiary?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why are they asking permission to sell rights when theyre trying to keep its sales force and customer base?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why was the company renamed?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Was it necessary to rename the subsidiary?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Why did the company change its name? ", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0139.json ADDED
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+ [{"text": "How did the fiscal fourth-quarter profit plunge that much?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why did their fourth quarter plunge so hard?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why did the quarter profit plunge so drastically? ", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What were the previously reported operating problems?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What problems were previously reported?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What did Varian do different this year than last that made their profit go up 13%?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why was there so much growth this full fiscal year?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How did they rise the profit by that much so quickly?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How did the sales of the year rise to almost a 15% increase?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why did sales rise almost 15%?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why did sales rise so much?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Which division was sold?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0140.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"text": "Why did he have differences with the board?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What kind of differences did Richard W. Decker have with the board?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "what were their differences?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What did the written announcement say?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How did he become such a young chief executive?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How was David Payne chosen to be the chairman?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "why does this matter?", "sentence_id": 5}]
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+ [{"text": "What do these companies do?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What is G.M.B?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "what is gmb?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why do they want to acquire Vermont American corp?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why has additional information been requested?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "what do they do?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What additional information did the FTC request?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why do the two companies want to acquire Vermont American Corp?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What is composite trading?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How was Vermont American able to common close at $39.75, off 25 cents?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "is that a lot?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What is composite trading?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What does a full and prompt response consist of?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why was the request not seen as unusual?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why don't they anticipate any problems?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Why don't they anticipate any problems?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "why dont they see any problems?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Who are the spokesmen?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Why has Vermont American agreed to be acquired?", "sentence_id": 5}]
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+ [{"text": "Why is he being mock furious? ", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What is a croaker?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What does \\\"pot down\\\" mean?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What kind of guide?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What is his major?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Doing what?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why does the man take people out to fish? ", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What is he fishing for?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Where exactly does he take people to fish?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Does this mean seasonally? Or as a side-gig while going to school?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What constitutes the rest?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Does he know what fish are out there based on the weather?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Is this a competition or for leisure?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "How many boats are out at the same time?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "is it normal to share crucial information like that?", "sentence_id": 5}]
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+ [{"text": "Is this a unit of people?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What year did this happen?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why is Turner Broadcasting distributing movies overseas before U.S. theaters?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "in which countries?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why are Turner pictures being shown on television before theaters?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "was it a popular movie?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Was there any reason these men were selected?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "what are their other missions?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0146.json ADDED
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+ [{"text": "is that a company?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What is the New Haven Register?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What will happen to them now?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "what happened recently?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What made the association turn bitter?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why has the relationship turned bitter?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What has Goodson been lacking according to them?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "how much has inflation?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What is part of the management contract?", "sentence_id": 5}]
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+ [{"text": "Who determined this was normal?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "who is it associated with now?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why do school superintendents have these reputations? ", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How is Kimbrough hard-nosed?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "WHAT ARE HIS CREDENTIALS?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why did Kimbrough nearly come to blows? ", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What is meant by \\\"took\\\"?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why did Kimbrough berate reporters? ", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What did he do to berate reporters?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0149.json ADDED
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+ [{"text": "How were the hundred injured?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Where is here?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why were the workers unaccounted for?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How many workers were unaccounted for?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "where is that in oklahoma?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How did the seal blow?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Who is the manager?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why did a seal blow?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "how did it blow?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How was the damage and cause assessed/determined?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Who are the other Phillips officials?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "how long will it take to figure out?", "sentence_id": 5}]
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+ [{"text": "Who were these analysts, and were they from inside the company?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Which analysts?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why did analysts expect this decline?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "what were the projections?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What does this common outstanding mean?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What is the meaning of common outstanding?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What evidence besides an announcement would cause shares to fall?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "how far did they fall?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Does this dividend only apply to certain investors?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Which investors were disappointed?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why would a company give special divends?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What % drop was this for the share?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "How is composite trading different than other types of trading?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "what is composite trading?", "sentence_id": 5}]
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+ [{"text": "why cant they?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why can't kids keep up with their parents?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why can't kids keep up with their parents?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why don't kids today run as fast as their parents when they were kids?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why don't children run as fast or as far as their parents?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "is that cardio?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why has heart-related fitness declined?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "is it the aha?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0502.json ADDED
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+ [{"text": "how are they tested?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Who is Jeff Bezos?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "which states?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Which states are competing to host the sites?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "how will delivery drones bring more jobs than delivery drivers? ", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "how will they do this?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How does the FAA determine how safe this practice is?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Which types cases have been given pemission to fly unmanned?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "did this happen?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "How close is the company to realistically achieving this goal?", "sentence_id": 5}]
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+ [{"text": "when was he born?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Which archaeologists?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "nativity happens for buddha?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How do they know the evidence is connected to Buddha?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "will we ever learn?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Date of birth for who?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "which seems more plausible?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why are historians wavering over dates?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Which historians?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "did they have writing back then?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Why didn't they have any records written in that time?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Why wasnt there more recoreds?", "sentence_id": 5}]
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+ [{"text": "Which islands in the East China Sea are disputed?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How did the US take Japan's side in China's opinion?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Which islands are being disputed by China and Japan?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why did Biden appear this way?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "why was he somber?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why was Vice President Biden somber and subdued?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "why is there a retricted flying zone", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why did China institute a no fly zone?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "how brief was it?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Why did China newly declare a restricted flying zone?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Does the US have a positive notion about any of the countries they associate with?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "What is orthodoxy?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "will they get in trouble for it?", "sentence_id": 5}]
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+ [{"text": "why should it offend us?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What is offending?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "why does he think so?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How is the income gap growing?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Which nonprofit community center?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "which neighborhood?", "sentence_id": 5}]
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+ [{"text": "How will the chemical weapons be destroyed? ", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why would a cargo ship help destroy?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What are their stockpiles? How much do they have?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How will the naval ship attempt to move the material? ", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Why is this difficult and how does it connect to war?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0509.json ADDED
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+ [{"text": "Which media outlets?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why have they been spying?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "45", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What information are they trying to gain by spying on these gamers?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Are there areas of the world that are not being spied on by these agents?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What are these agencies?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Why are terrorists using video games?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "How many years?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "What are some of the games?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Why do agents believe their are terrorists playing in these games?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Who is Edward Snowden?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "where did he leak this information?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Who started this campaign?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What brought these two particular agencies together on this project?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What would be considered a virtual universe?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How many players, worldwide, are there at any given time?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Can real prizes be had in these fantasy games?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "How much do they pay?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "How much money does the average player invest in these games?", "sentence_id": 5}]
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+ [{"text": "How can a magnet be flexible enough to sculp into something?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "Which kind of magic tricks can Christin perform?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "what does it do?", "sentence_id": 2}, {"text": "Are rare earth magnets toxic?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "What classifies a magnet as rare-earth, and how many other classifications are there?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "Who made her laugh?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "what happened?", "sentence_id": 4}, {"text": "Why did she swallow them?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "could she have died?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Why did they have to remove her intestines, colon, and appendix?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "Why did this surgery happen such a long time after the incident?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "How were the magnets able to travel through her digestive system to the point they reached her intestines?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "How did the magnets reach her appendix?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0513.json ADDED
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+ [{"text": "who is rating?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What specifically are the unhappy about with the direction?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "what are his credentials?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "How is confidence supposed to right the ship?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "what made it sharp?", "sentence_id": 5}, {"text": "What caused the sharp increase in the rating?", "sentence_id": 5}]
inquisitive/query/test/0514.json ADDED
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+ [{"text": "is he the new pope?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How has the Pope changed the perception of the Catholic Church?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What was the perception that changed?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "What has he done to change perceptions?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "How did Pope Francis change the perception of the Catholic Church?", "sentence_id": 1}, {"text": "what is a jesuit?", "sentence_id": 3}, {"text": "how did they respond?", "sentence_id": 4}]