Browse files- .gitattributes +3 -0
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- data/train.jsonl +0 -592
- data/valid.jsonl +0 -595
- dataset/test.jsonl +3 -0
- dataset/train.jsonl +3 -0
- dataset/valid.jsonl +3 -0
@@ -51,3 +51,6 @@ saved_model/**/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
51 |
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52 |
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53 |
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51 |
*.jpg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
52 |
*.jpeg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
53 |
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54 |
dataset/test.jsonl filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
55 |
dataset/train.jsonl filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
56 |
dataset/valid.jsonl filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
@@ -1,1189 +0,0 @@
1 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "baseball", "tail": "sport"}
2 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "yo-yo", "tail": "toy"}
3 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "dog", "tail": "bark"}
4 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pen", "tail": "write"}
5 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "something that be very good", "tail": "good"}
6 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dog", "tail": "mammal"}
7 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "polo", "tail": "game"}
8 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "bottle", "tail": "plastic"}
9 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "book", "tail": "paper"}
10 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sex", "tail": "fun"}
11 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "gold", "tail": "metal"}
12 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "sushi", "tail": "food"}
13 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "telephone", "tail": "communicate"}
14 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "sleep", "tail": "dream"}
15 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "soccer", "tail": "sport"}
16 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "fish", "tail": "water"}
17 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "rose", "tail": "flower"}
18 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cloud", "tail": "sky"}
19 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "linux", "tail": "operate system"}
20 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "child", "tail": "school"}
21 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "fly", "tail": "insect"}
22 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "computer", "tail": "office"}
23 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "apple", "tail": "red"}
24 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "clothe", "tail": "closet"}
25 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "book", "tail": "shelf"}
26 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "violin", "tail": "string instrument"}
27 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "bottle", "tail": "glass"}
28 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "coat", "tail": "closet"}
29 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "computer", "tail": "library"}
30 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "key", "tail": "open lock"}
31 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "cat", "tail": "hunt mouse"}
32 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "camera", "tail": "take picture"}
33 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "basketball player", "tail": "tall"}
34 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "bass", "tail": "fish"}
35 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "spoon", "tail": "eat"}
36 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "paper clip", "tail": "desk"}
37 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "keyboard", "tail": "computer"}
38 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "paper", "tail": "wood"}
39 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "computer", "tail": "work"}
40 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "shark", "tail": "any ocean"}
41 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "chicken", "tail": "cross road"}
42 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "hammer", "tail": "drive nail"}
43 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "word", "tail": "book"}
44 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "keyboard", "tail": "type"}
45 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "animal", "tail": "zoo"}
46 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "water", "tail": "drink"}
47 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "window", "tail": "glass"}
48 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "net", "tail": "catch fish"}
49 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "dog", "tail": "kennel"}
50 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dog", "tail": "animal"}
51 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "attend school", "tail": "learn"}
52 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "librarian", "tail": "library"}
53 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "football", "tail": "game"}
54 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "water", "tail": "lake"}
55 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "car", "tail": "go fast"}
56 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sky", "tail": "blue"}
57 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "football", "tail": "sport"}
58 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "love", "tail": "emotion"}
59 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "knife", "tail": "spread butter"}
60 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "music", "tail": "soothe"}
61 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "ball", "tail": "round"}
62 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "see", "tail": "tool"}
63 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "do housework", "tail": "clean house"}
64 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dog", "tail": "pet"}
65 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "tennis", "tail": "sport"}
66 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "lion", "tail": "animal"}
67 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "statue of liberty", "tail": "gift from france"}
68 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "bird", "tail": "feather"}
69 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "teacher", "tail": "school student"}
70 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pool", "tail": "swim"}
71 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "wing", "tail": "fly"}
72 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "shoe", "tail": "closet"}
73 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "sleep", "tail": "snore"}
74 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "human", "tail": "die only once"}
75 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have checkup", "tail": "go to doctor"}
76 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have haircut", "tail": "go to barber"}
77 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bus stop", "tail": "wait for bus"}
78 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "book", "tail": "learn"}
79 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "chair", "tail": "office"}
80 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "see", "tail": "cut wood"}
81 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "plant", "tail": "leave"}
82 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "book", "tail": "read"}
83 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "pilot", "tail": "land plane"}
84 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "doctor", "tail": "smart"}
85 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "see exhibit", "tail": "go to museum"}
86 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "cup", "tail": "hold liquid"}
87 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "food", "tail": "refrigerator"}
88 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "car", "tail": "metal"}
89 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "trout", "tail": "fish"}
90 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "cheese", "tail": "milk"}
91 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sunset", "tail": "pretty"}
92 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "see band", "tail": "buy ticket"}
93 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "car", "tail": "seat"}
94 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "boy", "tail": "date girl"}
95 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "read", "tail": "learn"}
96 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "do housework", "tail": "have clean house"}
97 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bed", "tail": "have sex"}
98 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "turtle", "tail": "reptile"}
99 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "match", "tail": "start fire"}
100 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "carpet", "tail": "cover floor"}
101 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "knife", "tail": "kitchen"}
102 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "eat", "tail": "chew"}
103 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "sex", "tail": "activity"}
104 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "vegetable", "tail": "food"}
105 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "toe", "tail": "foot"}
106 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "book", "tail": "read"}
107 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "pilot", "tail": "fly airplane"}
108 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "statue of liberty", "tail": "in new york"}
109 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "maintain muscle strength", "tail": "exercise"}
110 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "guitar", "tail": "six string"}
111 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "magician", "tail": "fool audience"}
112 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "listen to music", "tail": "turn on radio"}
113 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "doll", "tail": "toy"}
114 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "ocean", "tail": "salt water"}
115 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "commit perjury", "tail": "lie"}
116 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "cloth", "tail": "clean"}
117 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "key", "tail": "open door"}
118 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "cloth", "tail": "make clothe"}
119 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "smoke", "tail": "lung cancer"}
120 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "buy something", "tail": "have money"}
121 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "sleep", "tail": "close your eye"}
122 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "pen", "tail": "office"}
123 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "rock", "tail": "music"}
124 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pan", "tail": "cook"}
125 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "exercise", "tail": "sweat"}
126 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "student", "tail": "study"}
127 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "car", "tail": "park lot"}
128 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bird", "tail": "sky"}
129 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "book", "tail": "library"}
130 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "venus", "tail": "planet"}
131 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "swiss cheese", "tail": "hole"}
132 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "fruit", "tail": "good for you"}
133 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "boat", "tail": "travel on water"}
134 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "seven day", "tail": "week"}
135 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have physical exam", "tail": "go to doctor"}
136 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "rain", "tail": "water"}
137 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "host", "tail": "welcome guest"}
138 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "key", "tail": "open lock"}
139 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "saddle", "tail": "ride horse"}
140 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "love", "tail": "kiss someone"}
141 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "tickle", "tail": "laugh"}
142 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bookshelf", "tail": "library"}
143 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "carpet", "tail": "house"}
144 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "glass", "tail": "cupboard"}
145 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "shirt", "tail": "closet"}
146 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "apple", "tail": "green"}
147 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "peach", "tail": "fruit"}
148 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "book", "tail": "study"}
149 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "silver", "tail": "metal"}
150 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "finch", "tail": "bird"}
151 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "cat", "tail": "drink water"}
152 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "tree", "tail": "leave"}
153 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "horse", "tail": "four leg"}
154 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "seven continent", "tail": "earth"}
155 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "corn", "tail": "vegetable"}
156 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "murder", "tail": "crime"}
157 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "shingle", "tail": "roof"}
158 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "diminish your own hunger", "tail": "eat"}
159 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "hospital"}
160 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "start family", "tail": "have sex"}
161 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "fruit", "tail": "eat"}
162 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have checkup", "tail": "make doctor appointment"}
163 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bicycle", "tail": "garage"}
164 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "money", "tail": "bank"}
165 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cat", "tail": "bed"}
166 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "water", "tail": "river"}
167 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "golden retriever", "tail": "dog"}
168 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "blue", "tail": "color"}
169 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "chicken", "tail": "lie egg"}
170 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bed", "tail": "bedroom"}
171 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "iron", "tail": "metal"}
172 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "java", "tail": "program language"}
173 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "ostrich", "tail": "bird"}
174 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "ant", "tail": "insect"}
175 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "house", "tail": "window"}
176 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "car", "tail": "four wheel"}
177 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "jellyfish", "tail": "most ocean"}
178 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "dog", "tail": "guide blind person"}
179 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "boat", "tail": "water"}
180 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "earth", "tail": "one moon"}
181 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "bicycle", "tail": "two wheel"}
182 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go to sport event", "tail": "buy ticket"}
183 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "dream", "tail": "sleep"}
184 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "music", "tail": "sound"}
185 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "saxophone", "tail": "musical instrument"}
186 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "light match", "tail": "fire"}
187 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "dealer", "tail": "deal card"}
188 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go to bed", "tail": "turn off light"}
189 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "chicken", "tail": "food"}
190 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "voice", "tail": "sing"}
191 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "computer", "tail": "play game"}
192 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "earth", "tail": "spherical"}
193 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "elephant", "tail": "zoo"}
194 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "prisoner", "tail": "jail"}
195 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "key", "tail": "open door"}
196 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "apple", "tail": "fruit"}
197 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "airplane", "tail": "sky"}
198 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "child", "tail": "play with toy"}
199 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "go to get haircut", "tail": "your hair will be short"}
200 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "play", "tail": "have some fun"}
201 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "man", "tail": "father child"}
202 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "biology", "tail": "science"}
203 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "exercise", "tail": "energy"}
204 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "dog", "tail": "guard house"}
205 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "tile", "tail": "roof"}
206 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "telephone", "tail": "communication device"}
207 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "plate", "tail": "cupboard"}
208 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "fruit", "tail": "seed"}
209 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "mastercard", "tail": "credit card"}
210 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "fall", "tail": "injury"}
211 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "stop your bicycle", "tail": "apply brake"}
212 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "mushroom", "tail": "fungus"}
213 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "read newspaper", "tail": "be inform"}
214 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "clock", "tail": "tell time"}
215 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "run", "tail": "sweat"}
216 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "cat", "tail": "eat mouse"}
217 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pistol", "tail": "gun"}
218 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "glass", "tail": "drink"}
219 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "play sport", "tail": "fun"}
220 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "human", "tail": "school"}
221 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "literature", "tail": "library"}
222 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "glass", "tail": "cabinet"}
223 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cat", "tail": "lap"}
224 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "jump rope", "tail": "exercise"}
225 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "play", "tail": "fun"}
226 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "poodle", "tail": "dog"}
227 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dolphin", "tail": "mammal"}
228 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "nurse", "tail": "hospital"}
229 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pineapple", "tail": "fruit"}
230 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "kill", "tail": "death"}
231 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "finger", "tail": "hand"}
232 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "page", "tail": "book"}
233 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "star", "tail": "space"}
234 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "bury cat", "tail": "dig hole"}
235 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "goldfish", "tail": "carp"}
236 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "dice", "tail": "six side"}
237 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "light fire", "tail": "strike match"}
238 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "wash your car", "tail": "get wet"}
239 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "chimney", "tail": "roof"}
240 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bicycle", "tail": "street"}
241 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "lawn mower", "tail": "garage"}
242 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "go on vacation", "tail": "relaxation"}
243 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "circle", "tail": "round"}
244 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "tablecloth", "tail": "table"}
245 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "pray", "tail": "believe in god"}
246 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sex", "tail": "enjoyable"}
247 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "pilot", "tail": "land airplane"}
248 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "galaxy", "tail": "universe"}
249 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "voice opinion"}
250 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "cat", "tail": "whisker"}
251 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "find lose item", "tail": "search"}
252 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "use computer", "tail": "type on keyboard"}
253 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cat", "tail": "windowsill"}
254 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bride", "tail": "wed"}
255 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "water", "tail": "essential to all life"}
256 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "watch movie", "tail": "buy ticket"}
257 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "needle", "tail": "sew"}
258 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "pilot", "tail": "fly plane"}
259 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go to opera", "tail": "buy ticket"}
260 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "doctor", "tail": "help sick person"}
261 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bicycle storage area", "tail": "store bicycle"}
262 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "computer", "tail": "electronic device"}
263 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "star", "tail": "sky"}
264 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bread", "tail": "breadbox"}
265 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "dresser", "tail": "bedroom"}
266 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "toilet", "tail": "bathroom"}
267 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "window", "tail": "house"}
268 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "tuba", "tail": "musical instrument"}
269 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "orchid", "tail": "flower"}
270 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "kettle", "tail": "boil water"}
271 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "water", "tail": "liquid"}
272 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "eat"}
273 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "badminton", "tail": "sport"}
274 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "golf", "tail": "sport"}
275 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "canada", "tail": "country"}
276 |
{"relation": "RelatedTo", "head": "home", "tail": "family"}
277 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "sex", "tail": "child"}
278 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "read", "tail": "learn something"}
279 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "gardener", "tail": "water plant"}
280 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "neighbour", "tail": "door"}
281 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "parakeet", "tail": "bird"}
282 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "have haircut", "tail": "have short hair"}
283 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go for drive", "tail": "get into car"}
284 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "dog", "tail": "be pet"}
285 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "pickle", "tail": "jar"}
286 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "opera singer", "tail": "opera"}
287 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "something else"}
288 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "bottle", "tail": "liquid"}
289 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "tickle", "tail": "laughter"}
290 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go to bed", "tail": "turn out light"}
291 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "stop your car", "tail": "apply brake"}
292 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bird", "tail": "roof"}
293 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "plate", "tail": "table"}
294 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "saw", "tail": "cut wood"}
295 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "girl", "tail": "wear dress"}
296 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "pretend", "tail": "imagine"}
297 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "table", "tail": "put thing on"}
298 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "bomb", "tail": "destroy city"}
299 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "yoyo", "tail": "toy"}
300 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "chicken", "tail": "produce egg"}
301 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "commit perjury", "tail": "lie"}
302 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "key", "tail": "pocket"}
303 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "jellyfish", "tail": "aquarium"}
304 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "potato", "tail": "kitchen"}
305 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "sink", "tail": "kitchen"}
306 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "wallet", "tail": "pocket"}
307 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "money", "tail": "wallet"}
308 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "horn", "tail": "musical instrument"}
309 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "build", "tail": "city"}
310 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "snowman", "tail": "snow"}
311 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "tree", "tail": "plant"}
312 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "book", "tail": "bookshelf"}
313 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "smoke", "tail": "cancer"}
314 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "love"}
315 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "weapon", "tail": "kill"}
316 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "tire", "tail": "car"}
317 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "baseball", "tail": "game"}
318 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "horse", "tail": "brown"}
319 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "cat", "tail": "four leg"}
320 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "glue", "tail": "sticky"}
321 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "world", "tail": "round"}
322 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "make person laugh", "tail": "tell joke"}
323 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "human", "tail": "love"}
324 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "gather energy for tomorrow", "tail": "sleep"}
325 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "car", "tail": "freeway"}
326 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "read", "tail": "turn page"}
327 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "guitar", "tail": "make music"}
328 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "frisbee", "tail": "park"}
329 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "read newspaper", "tail": "get newspaper"}
330 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "wheel", "tail": "round"}
331 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go for haircut", "tail": "go to barber"}
332 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "breathe", "tail": "inhale"}
333 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "comb", "tail": "part hair"}
334 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "eiffel tower", "tail": "in paris"}
335 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "catch cold"}
336 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "stapler", "tail": "your desk"}
337 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sex", "tail": "pleasurable"}
338 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "sushi", "tail": "japanese food"}
339 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "paper", "tail": "crumple"}
340 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "ping pong", "tail": "game"}
341 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "double edge razor", "tail": "shave"}
342 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "rest", "tail": "lie down"}
343 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "cross street"}
344 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "go to sleep", "tail": "rest"}
345 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "chess board", "tail": "play chess"}
346 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "park area", "tail": "park car"}
347 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "student", "tail": "classroom"}
348 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "human", "tail": "country"}
349 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "human", "tail": "home"}
350 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "potato", "tail": "restaurant"}
351 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "state", "tail": "country"}
352 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "stapler", "tail": "desk"}
353 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "book", "tail": "library"}
354 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "gravity", "tail": "force"}
355 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "woodwind", "tail": "instrument"}
356 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "piano", "tail": "instrument"}
357 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "guitar", "tail": "string instrument"}
358 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "anger", "tail": "emotion"}
359 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "food", "tail": "eat"}
360 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "cat", "tail": "catch mouse"}
361 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "toilet paper", "tail": "bathroom"}
362 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "giraffe", "tail": "zoo"}
363 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "china", "tail": "country"}
364 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "day", "tail": "bright"}
365 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "banana", "tail": "fruit"}
366 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "pillow", "tail": "bedroom"}
367 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "horse", "tail": "ride"}
368 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "christianity", "tail": "religion"}
369 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "food", "tail": "supermarket"}
370 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "eiffel tower", "tail": "paris"}
371 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "food", "tail": "table"}
372 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "grass", "tail": "park"}
373 |
{"relation": "NotIsA", "head": "earth", "tail": "perfect sphere"}
374 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "milk", "tail": "fridge"}
375 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "plastic", "tail": "material"}
376 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "black hole", "tail": "space"}
377 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "criminal", "tail": "jail"}
378 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "car", "tail": "car show"}
379 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "play game with your friend", "tail": "fun"}
380 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "creek", "tail": "forest"}
381 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bowl", "tail": "cupboard"}
382 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "contemplate", "tail": "think"}
383 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "coffee cup", "tail": "desk"}
384 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "paint", "tail": "coat wall"}
385 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "school", "tail": "learn"}
386 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "wine", "tail": "drink"}
387 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "peanut butter", "tail": "jar"}
388 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "seat", "tail": "theatre"}
389 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "pass your university exam", "tail": "study"}
390 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "canvas", "tail": "paint on"}
391 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "book", "tail": "knowledge"}
392 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "climb", "tail": "fall"}
393 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "listen to music", "tail": "dance"}
394 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "be tire", "tail": "have rest"}
395 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "apply for job", "tail": "get job"}
396 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "museum"}
397 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "letter", "tail": "post office"}
398 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get up early", "tail": "set alarm clock"}
399 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "maintain good health", "tail": "long life"}
400 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go see play", "tail": "buy ticket"}
401 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "horse", "tail": "jump fence"}
402 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "have rest", "tail": "close your eye"}
403 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "chest of drawer", "tail": "store clothe"}
404 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "motherboard", "tail": "computer"}
405 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "7 continent", "tail": "earth"}
406 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "capital", "tail": "country"}
407 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "college", "tail": "place"}
408 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "child", "tail": "share toy"}
409 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "kiss", "tail": "sign of affection"}
410 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "fruit", "tail": "healthy"}
411 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "puppy", "tail": "cute"}
412 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "wrench", "tail": "tighten bolt"}
413 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "ball", "tail": "bounce"}
414 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "necklace", "tail": "jewelry"}
415 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sex", "tail": "good"}
416 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "lion", "tail": "carnivore"}
417 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dog", "tail": "man best friend"}
418 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "jump out of window", "tail": "open window"}
419 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "tissue holder", "tail": "hold tissue"}
420 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "person", "tail": "clothe"}
421 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "pass course", "tail": "study"}
422 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "water", "tail": "pool"}
423 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "snow", "tail": "mountain"}
424 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "lizard", "tail": "dessert"}
425 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "cpu", "tail": "computer"}
426 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "whale", "tail": "ocean"}
427 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "elementary school", "tail": "school"}
428 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "soup", "tail": "food"}
429 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "student", "tail": "school"}
430 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pencil", "tail": "write"}
431 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "dog", "tail": "run"}
432 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "plane", "tail": "fly"}
433 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "nose", "tail": "face"}
434 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "chess", "tail": "game"}
435 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "rabbit", "tail": "mammal"}
436 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "cat", "tail": "animal"}
437 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "butterfly", "tail": "insect"}
438 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go for drive", "tail": "get car"}
439 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "hat", "tail": "wear on head"}
440 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "rifle", "tail": "gun"}
441 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "robin", "tail": "bird"}
442 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "woman", "tail": "baby"}
443 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "car", "tail": "drive"}
444 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "planet earth", "tail": "round"}
445 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "walk in rain", "tail": "get wet"}
446 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "coffee", "tail": "serve hot"}
447 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "highway", "tail": "road"}
448 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "ball", "tail": "toy"}
449 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "hammer", "tail": "pound nail"}
450 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "telephone", "tail": "your desk"}
451 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "teacher", "tail": "teach student"}
452 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "awake", "tail": "yawn"}
453 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "door", "tail": "build"}
454 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "cat", "tail": "corner mouse"}
455 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "dust bunny", "tail": "bed"}
456 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "butter", "tail": "food"}
457 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "student", "tail": "university"}
458 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "procreate", "tail": "have child"}
459 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "chair", "tail": "desk"}
460 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "bottle", "tail": "container"}
461 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "slide", "tail": "park"}
462 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play game", "tail": "fun"}
463 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "guitar", "tail": "6 string"}
464 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "sleep", "tail": "close eye"}
465 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "basketball", "tail": "round"}
466 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "rock", "tail": "mountain"}
467 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "go to zoo", "tail": "see animal"}
468 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "brake", "tail": "slow car"}
469 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "pass class", "tail": "study"}
470 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "see old thing", "tail": "go to museum"}
471 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "meet person", "tail": "shake their hand"}
472 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "needle", "tail": "sharp"}
473 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play game", "tail": "win"}
474 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "ocean", "tail": "sail"}
475 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "passenger", "tail": "board airplane"}
476 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "get job", "tail": "interview"}
477 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "car", "tail": "crash"}
478 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bank", "tail": "store money"}
479 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "commit suicide", "tail": "die"}
480 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "triangle", "tail": "three side"}
481 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "book", "tail": "write"}
482 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "miner", "tail": "mine coal"}
483 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "tool", "tail": "garage"}
484 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "enjoy film", "tail": "laugh"}
485 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "dream", "tail": "sleep"}
486 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "shovel", "tail": "dig hole"}
487 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "cookie", "tail": "sweet"}
488 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "urinate", "tail": "your bladder be full"}
489 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "go to laundromat", "tail": "clean clothe"}
490 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "play violin", "tail": "music"}
491 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "write instrument", "tail": "write"}
492 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "tack", "tail": "sharp"}
493 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pub", "tail": "have drink"}
494 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "agree with someone", "tail": "nod"}
495 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "sand", "tail": "desert"}
496 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "restaurant", "tail": "place"}
497 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "meat", "tail": "eat"}
498 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go to movie", "tail": "buy ticket"}
499 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "screwdriver", "tail": "turn screw"}
500 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "stay healthy", "tail": "long life"}
501 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "tongue", "tail": "taste food"}
502 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "pianist", "tail": "play piano"}
503 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "salad", "tail": "food"}
504 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "die", "tail": "stop breathe"}
505 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "school bus", "tail": "yellow"}
506 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "gun", "tail": "kill person"}
507 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "mouse", "tail": "garage"}
508 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "lock", "tail": "door"}
509 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "crab", "tail": "sand"}
510 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "corner cupboard", "tail": "kitchen"}
511 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "water", "tail": "waterfall"}
512 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "bomb", "tail": "explode"}
513 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "cornea", "tail": "eye"}
514 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "tomato", "tail": "vegetable"}
515 |
{"relation": "HasFirstSubevent", "head": "wake up", "tail": "open your eye"}
516 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "sleep", "tail": "rest"}
517 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "egg", "tail": "food"}
518 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "chair", "tail": "sit"}
519 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "leaf", "tail": "tree"}
520 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "bread", "tail": "flour"}
521 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "fry pan", "tail": "cook"}
522 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "arm", "tail": "body"}
523 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "tree", "tail": "grow"}
524 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "carpenter", "tail": "build house"}
525 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "green", "tail": "color"}
526 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bed", "tail": "sleep"}
527 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "blanket", "tail": "sleep"}
528 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "baby", "tail": "cry"}
529 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "lion", "tail": "zoo"}
530 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "monitor", "tail": "computer"}
531 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "islam", "tail": "religion"}
532 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "human", "tail": "eat"}
533 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "usenet newsgroup", "tail": "usenet"}
534 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "san francisco", "tail": "city"}
535 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "have sex", "tail": "have orgasm"}
536 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "boat", "tail": "on water"}
537 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "man", "tail": "date woman"}
538 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sport", "tail": "fun"}
539 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "computer", "tail": "communication"}
540 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "dog", "tail": "four leg"}
541 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "farmer", "tail": "farm land"}
542 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "match", "tail": "light candle"}
543 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "air", "tail": "gas"}
544 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "snore", "tail": "sleep"}
545 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "drive", "tail": "get in car"}
546 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "brain", "tail": "head"}
547 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "pen", "tail": "ink"}
548 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "visit other country", "tail": "travel"}
549 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dentist", "tail": "doctor"}
550 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "hockey", "tail": "sport"}
551 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "empty your bladder", "tail": "go to bathroom"}
552 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "thief", "tail": "case house"}
553 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "apple", "tail": "eat"}
554 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "neighbor", "tail": "door"}
555 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "passenger", "tail": "board plane"}
556 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "hanger", "tail": "closet"}
557 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "read magazine", "tail": "turn page"}
558 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "babysitter", "tail": "mind baby"}
559 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "boy", "tail": "kiss girl"}
560 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "skate", "tail": "fall down"}
561 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "french", "tail": "language"}
562 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bar stool", "tail": "sit on"}
563 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play tennis", "tail": "hit ball"}
564 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "see your favorite show", "tail": "laugh"}
565 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "go to play", "tail": "be entertain"}
566 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "program", "tail": "television"}
567 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "sing", "tail": "sore throat"}
568 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "teacher", "tail": "classroom"}
569 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "wind clock"}
570 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "thief", "tail": "case joint"}
571 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "have fun", "tail": "smile"}
572 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "book", "tail": "your desk"}
573 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "love", "tail": "propose to woman"}
574 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "rest", "tail": "sleep"}
575 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "commercial", "tail": "television"}
576 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "reproduce", "tail": "have sex"}
577 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "horse", "tail": "carry person"}
578 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get up early", "tail": "set your alarm clock"}
579 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "cook", "tail": "prepare meal"}
580 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "taste food"}
581 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "internet", "tail": "research"}
582 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "cold", "tail": "light fire"}
583 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "fan", "tail": "move air"}
584 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "chair", "tail": "comfortable"}
585 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "author", "tail": "write book"}
586 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "artist", "tail": "paint portrait"}
587 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "highway", "tail": "travel"}
588 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "thank another person"}
589 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "play game", "tail": "have fun"}
590 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "bathe", "tail": "use soap"}
591 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bathtub", "tail": "bathe"}
592 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "chalk", "tail": "write on blackboard"}
593 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "post office"}
594 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "floor", "tail": "walk on"}
595 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "weasel", "tail": "zoo"}
596 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "lizard", "tail": "bush"}
597 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "mouse", "tail": "laboratory"}
598 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "man", "tail": "woman"}
599 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "take shower", "tail": "wash your hair"}
600 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "death", "tail": "life"}
601 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "drum", "tail": "percussion instrument"}
602 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "scissor", "tail": "cut"}
603 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "grass", "tail": "lawn"}
604 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "soap", "tail": "clean"}
605 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "food", "tail": "eat"}
606 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "cake", "tail": "sweet"}
607 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "viola", "tail": "instrument"}
608 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "wheel", "tail": "car"}
609 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "sleep"}
610 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "human", "tail": "mammal"}
611 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "rice", "tail": "food"}
612 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "eraser", "tail": "rubber"}
613 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "chopstick", "tail": "eat"}
614 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "knife", "tail": "cut"}
615 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "saturn", "tail": "planet"}
616 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "mar", "tail": "planet"}
617 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "mouse", "tail": "mammal"}
618 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "galaxy", "tail": "universe"}
619 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "exercise", "tail": "good for you"}
620 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "jack", "tail": "child game"}
621 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "jack", "tail": "game"}
622 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "build", "tail": "big"}
623 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "your tooth", "tail": "your mouth"}
624 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "ride horse", "tail": "fall off"}
625 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "gamble", "tail": "addictive"}
626 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "food", "tail": "oven"}
627 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "cut your hair", "tail": "go to barber"}
628 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "captain ship"}
629 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "computer", "tail": "your house"}
630 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "refrigerator", "tail": "keep food cold"}
631 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "lizard", "tail": "cold blood"}
632 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "disco", "tail": "dance"}
633 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "bathe", "tail": "take your clothe off"}
634 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "reproduce", "tail": "have sex"}
635 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "seat", "tail": "theater"}
636 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "car", "tail": "city"}
637 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "fly in airplane", "tail": "buy ticket"}
638 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "swim", "tail": "get into water"}
639 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "cross street", "tail": "get to other side"}
640 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "colorado", "tail": "state"}
641 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "california", "tail": "state"}
642 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "dog", "tail": "fur"}
643 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get something", "tail": "ask for it"}
644 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "flask", "tail": "hold liquid"}
645 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get pay", "tail": "work"}
646 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "quill", "tail": "write"}
647 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "food", "tail": "fridge"}
648 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "marijuana", "tail": "drug"}
649 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "computer", "tail": "school"}
650 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "fish", "tail": "ocean"}
651 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "wristwatch", "tail": "tell time"}
652 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "book", "tail": "classroom"}
653 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "write", "tail": "think"}
654 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "go for swim", "tail": "get wet"}
655 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pepper and salt", "tail": "season food"}
656 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "water plant"}
657 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "pretend", "tail": "use your imagination"}
658 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "cereal bowl", "tail": "eat cereal"}
659 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "human", "tail": "five finger on each hand"}
660 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "compete", "tail": "win"}
661 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "box", "tail": "container"}
662 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "coke", "tail": "soda"}
663 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "chew your food", "tail": "good digestion"}
664 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "brain", "tail": "head"}
665 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "floor", "tail": "table"}
666 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "library", "tail": "book"}
667 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "book", "tail": "story"}
668 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "can food", "tail": "pantry"}
669 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play guitar", "tail": "sing"}
670 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "cat", "tail": "fur"}
671 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "lawyer", "tail": "object in court"}
672 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "school"}
673 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "telephone", "tail": "office"}
674 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "hummingbird", "tail": "hover"}
675 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "cat", "tail": "curious animal"}
676 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "drink", "tail": "open your mouth"}
677 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "star trek", "tail": "popular television show"}
678 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "read", "tail": "learn"}
679 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "radio", "tail": "play music"}
680 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "literature", "tail": "read"}
681 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "attend lecture", "tail": "take note"}
682 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "read news", "tail": "buy newspaper"}
683 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "stage", "tail": "play"}
684 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "fur", "tail": "keep animal warm"}
685 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "answer question", "tail": "think"}
686 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "fork", "tail": "table"}
687 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "baseball field", "tail": "play baseball"}
688 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "winter", "tail": "cold"}
689 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "drink alcohol", "tail": "get drunk"}
690 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "dream", "tail": "fall asleep"}
691 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "finger", "tail": "push button"}
692 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "person", "tail": "society"}
693 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "compete", "tail": "win"}
694 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "full bladder", "tail": "urinate"}
695 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "human", "tail": "die"}
696 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play poker", "tail": "bluff"}
697 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pillow case", "tail": "cover pillow"}
698 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "believe in god"}
699 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "star", "tail": "night sky"}
700 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bird", "tail": "air"}
701 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "pantry", "tail": "kitchen"}
702 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "towel rack", "tail": "bathroom"}
703 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "open gift", "tail": "surprise"}
704 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "telephone", "tail": "communication"}
705 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "monkey", "tail": "eat banana"}
706 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "violin", "tail": "play music"}
707 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "computer", "tail": "compute"}
708 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "salt", "tail": "melt ice"}
709 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "drawer", "tail": "desk"}
710 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "banana", "tail": "yellow"}
711 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "physic", "tail": "science"}
712 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "wine", "tail": "beverage"}
713 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "tiger", "tail": "zoo"}
714 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "cucumber", "tail": "vegetable"}
715 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "think"}
716 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "eye", "tail": "see"}
717 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "red", "tail": "color"}
718 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "study", "tail": "read"}
719 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "denim", "tail": "fabric"}
720 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "metal", "tail": "music"}
721 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "france", "tail": "country"}
722 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "frog", "tail": "amphibian"}
723 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "novel", "tail": "book"}
724 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "brazil", "tail": "country"}
725 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "information", "tail": "internet"}
726 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "have sex", "tail": "baby"}
727 |
{"relation": "NotHasProperty", "head": "work", "tail": "fun"}
728 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bicycle", "tail": "transportation"}
729 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "shoe", "tail": "protect foot"}
730 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "have rest", "tail": "you be very tire"}
731 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "most pizza", "tail": "cheese on it"}
732 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "paper", "tail": "make paper airplane"}
733 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "sit down", "tail": "bend your knee"}
734 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "atheist", "tail": "doubt existence of god"}
735 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "person", "tail": "dance"}
736 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "library"}
737 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "detective", "tail": "piece together clue"}
738 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play sport", "tail": "run"}
739 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "horse", "tail": "ride"}
740 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "alcohol", "tail": "cloud judgement"}
741 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "store"}
742 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "some car", "tail": "expensive"}
743 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pony", "tail": "horse"}
744 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "house", "tail": "door"}
745 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "teacher", "tail": "help student"}
746 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "your neighbor", "tail": "door"}
747 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "gun", "tail": "kill someone"}
748 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "wine", "tail": "alcohol"}
749 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "poker", "tail": "card game"}
750 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "remember phone number", "tail": "repeat it to yourself"}
751 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "food", "tail": "kitchen"}
752 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "visit other country", "tail": "get passport"}
753 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "moon", "tail": "space"}
754 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "flower", "tail": "park"}
755 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "take bus", "tail": "go to bus stop"}
756 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "frisbee", "tail": "round"}
757 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "alcohol", "tail": "cloud your judgement"}
758 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "rose", "tail": "thorn"}
759 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "human", "tail": "park"}
760 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "jewish person", "tail": "synagogue"}
761 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "kitchen", "tail": "cook food"}
762 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "human", "tail": "workplace"}
763 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "mirror", "tail": "bedroom"}
764 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "oxygen", "tail": "gas"}
765 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "train", "tail": "arrive late"}
766 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "woman", "tail": "chair committee"}
767 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "girl", "tail": "school"}
768 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "cheese", "tail": "food"}
769 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "zoo"}
770 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "submarine", "tail": "water"}
771 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "move car", "tail": "accident"}
772 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "blacksmith", "tail": "shoe horse"}
773 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "duck", "tail": "bill"}
774 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "hamburger", "tail": "fast-food restaurant"}
775 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get drunk", "tail": "drink alcohol"}
776 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "laugh at joke"}
777 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "carpet pad", "tail": "carpet"}
778 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "condominium", "tail": "live in"}
779 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "sate your hunger", "tail": "eat"}
780 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "shoe", "tail": "wear on foot"}
781 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "cross street", "tail": "look both way"}
782 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "lake"}
783 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "bicycle", "tail": "two wheel vehicle"}
784 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "shirt", "tail": "clothe"}
785 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "beach"}
786 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "play piano", "tail": "take lesson"}
787 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "fire", "tail": "burn thing"}
788 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "stopwatch", "tail": "time race"}
789 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "attend classical concert", "tail": "buy ticket"}
790 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "usher", "tail": "seat guest"}
791 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "cup", "tail": "drink from"}
792 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "talk to each other"}
793 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "walk in rain", "tail": "you get wet"}
794 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "bomb", "tail": "destroy build"}
795 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "fan", "tail": "circulate air"}
796 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "parent", "tail": "name child"}
797 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "raisin", "tail": "dry grape"}
798 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bird", "tail": "forest"}
799 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "traveller", "tail": "airport"}
800 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "tree"}
801 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "mall"}
802 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "go to school", "tail": "learn"}
803 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "man", "tail": "penis"}
804 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bomb", "tail": "blow thing up"}
805 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "mechanic", "tail": "service car"}
806 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "theater"}
807 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "jump out of window", "tail": "die"}
808 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cake", "tail": "oven"}
809 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "read magazine", "tail": "buy magazine"}
810 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "mother", "tail": "care for her child"}
811 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play sport", "tail": "have fun"}
812 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "tv", "tail": "abbreviation for television"}
813 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pipe", "tail": "smoke tobacco"}
814 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "water", "tail": "reflect image"}
815 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "go to bed", "tail": "sleep"}
816 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "tickle", "tail": "laugh"}
817 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "tool", "tail": "fix thing"}
818 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "study", "tail": "read book"}
819 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "saxophone", "tail": "instrument"}
820 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bomb", "tail": "kill person"}
821 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "plant", "tail": "green"}
822 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "skyscraper", "tail": "build"}
823 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "soap", "tail": "wash your hand"}
824 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "thank god"}
825 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "fruit", "tail": "sweet"}
826 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "sail boat"}
827 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "pay bill"}
828 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "master bedroom", "tail": "sleep"}
829 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have asthma attack", "tail": "have asthma"}
830 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "ticket office", "tail": "buy ticket"}
831 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bookstore", "tail": "buy book"}
832 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "diner", "tail": "eat"}
833 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "sailor", "tail": "sail ship"}
834 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "have food", "tail": "eat"}
835 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "student", "tail": "fail test"}
836 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "tooth", "tail": "chew food"}
837 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "classroom", "tail": "teach"}
838 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "propose to woman", "tail": "marriage"}
839 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "ruler", "tail": "measure distance"}
840 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "airplane", "tail": "travel"}
841 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "dresser", "tail": "store clothe"}
842 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "feather", "tail": "tickle someone"}
843 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "window", "tail": "look outside"}
844 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "submarine", "tail": "ship"}
845 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bagpipe", "tail": "play music"}
846 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "listen to radio", "tail": "hear music"}
847 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "find lose item", "tail": "look for it"}
848 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pulpit", "tail": "preach"}
849 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "live", "tail": "breathe"}
850 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dog", "tail": "loyal friend"}
851 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "fish", "tail": "river"}
852 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "salt", "tail": "ocean"}
853 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "card catalog", "tail": "library"}
854 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cd", "tail": "cd player"}
855 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "planet", "tail": "space"}
856 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "clarinet", "tail": "orchestra"}
857 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "wine list", "tail": "restaurant"}
858 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "mouthwash", "tail": "bathroom"}
859 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "rosebush", "tail": "backyard"}
860 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "elephant", "tail": "circus"}
861 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play game", "tail": "have fun"}
862 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "sheet", "tail": "cover bed"}
863 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "computer", "tail": "process information"}
864 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "potato", "tail": "vegetable"}
865 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bread", "tail": "eat"}
866 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "music stand", "tail": "hold music"}
867 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "razor", "tail": "shave"}
868 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "student", "tail": "at school"}
869 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "ball", "tail": "throw"}
870 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dinner", "tail": "meal"}
871 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "notebook", "tail": "desk"}
872 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "ear", "tail": "hear"}
873 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "chocolate", "tail": "food"}
874 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "son", "tail": "family"}
875 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "gun", "tail": "weapon"}
876 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "lettuce", "tail": "vegetable"}
877 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "car", "tail": "vehicle"}
878 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "fork", "tail": "eat"}
879 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "human", "tail": "animal"}
880 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "fall", "tail": "season"}
881 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "night", "tail": "dark"}
882 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "steel", "tail": "metal"}
883 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sword", "tail": "sharp"}
884 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "chocolate", "tail": "candy"}
885 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "leaf", "tail": "tree"}
886 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "crappie", "tail": "fish"}
887 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "salamander", "tail": "amphibian"}
888 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "table tennis", "tail": "sport"}
889 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pelican", "tail": "bird"}
890 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pencil", "tail": "write something on paper"}
891 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "god", "tail": "religion"}
892 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "library", "tail": "do research"}
893 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "paris", "tail": "city"}
894 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "music", "tail": "form of art"}
895 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "most person", "tail": "right hand"}
896 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "most person", "tail": "right-handed"}
897 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "car", "tail": "headlight"}
898 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "girl", "tail": "hold puppy"}
899 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "bicycle", "tail": "form of transportation"}
900 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "nose", "tail": "face"}
901 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "there", "tail": "food at grocery store"}
902 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "propose to woman", "tail": "you love her"}
903 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "have sex", "tail": "sweat"}
904 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "house", "tail": "room"}
905 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "clothe", "tail": "drawer"}
906 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "sushi", "tail": "raw fish"}
907 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "sock", "tail": "drawer"}
908 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "student", "tail": "master subject"}
909 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "eat breakfast", "tail": "wake up"}
910 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "apple", "tail": "good for you"}
911 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "soap", "tail": "wash yourself"}
912 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "corn", "tail": "food"}
913 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "glass", "tail": "half full"}
914 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "high rise", "tail": "build"}
915 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "go to party", "tail": "fun"}
916 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "program", "tail": "learn program language"}
917 |
{"relation": "CreatedBy", "head": "music", "tail": "composer"}
918 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "sock", "tail": "sock drawer"}
919 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "policeman", "tail": "direct traffic"}
920 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "paper", "tail": "recyclable"}
921 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "chicken", "tail": "meat"}
922 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "sofa", "tail": "sit on"}
923 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "see art", "tail": "go to museum"}
924 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go for haircut", "tail": "find barber"}
925 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "knife", "tail": "spread peanut butter"}
926 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "classroom", "tail": "in school"}
927 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "floor", "tail": "carpet"}
928 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "clerk", "tail": "stock shelve"}
929 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bunsen burner", "tail": "chemistry lab"}
930 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "horse", "tail": "race track"}
931 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "rope", "tail": "boat"}
932 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "police officer", "tail": "direct traffic"}
933 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "dog", "tail": "very loyal"}
934 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "read", "tail": "learn"}
935 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bridge", "tail": "cross river"}
936 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "cat", "tail": "claw"}
937 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "puck", "tail": "hockey game"}
938 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bill", "tail": "mail box"}
939 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "grocer", "tail": "stock shelve"}
940 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "shoulder burden"}
941 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "watch even news", "tail": "turn on tv"}
942 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "have epileptic fit", "tail": "fall down"}
943 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bell", "tail": "church"}
944 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "reproduce", "tail": "find mate"}
945 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "book", "tail": "backpack"}
946 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "movie", "tail": "theater"}
947 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "have nervous breakdown", "tail": "cry"}
948 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get some money from someone", "tail": "ask"}
949 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "floor", "tail": "walk"}
950 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "woman", "tail": "mother child"}
951 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "go for swim", "tail": "drown"}
952 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "actor", "tail": "movie"}
953 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "match", "tail": "light fire"}
954 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "empty your bladder", "tail": "go to toilet"}
955 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "tank", "tail": "use in war"}
956 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "car", "tail": "slow down"}
957 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "nurse", "tail": "care for patient"}
958 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "detective", "tail": "tail suspect"}
959 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "contraceptive", "tail": "prevent pregnancy"}
960 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "grain of sand", "tail": "very small"}
961 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "wait in line", "tail": "boredom"}
962 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "visitor", "tail": "ring doorbell"}
963 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "knife", "tail": "drawer"}
964 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "gideon bible", "tail": "motel"}
965 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "towel bar", "tail": "hang towel"}
966 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "some plastic", "tail": "recycle"}
967 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "passenger", "tail": "board train"}
968 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "sew", "tail": "thread needle"}
969 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "think", "tail": "brain"}
970 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "clothe", "tail": "store"}
971 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "typewriter", "tail": "type letter"}
972 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "rack", "tail": "oven"}
973 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "party", "tail": "fun"}
974 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "fire engine", "tail": "red"}
975 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dog", "tail": "canine"}
976 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "watch television show", "tail": "turn on tv"}
977 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "go to hairdresser", "tail": "get haircut"}
978 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "sea"}
979 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "refrigerator"}
980 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "soda", "tail": "drink"}
981 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "spanish restaurant", "tail": "eat spanish food"}
982 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pocket knife", "tail": "useful tool"}
983 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "enjoy film", "tail": "eat popcorn"}
984 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "ski", "tail": "snow"}
985 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "two person", "tail": "sex"}
986 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "chat with friend", "tail": "laughter"}
987 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "vintner", "tail": "bottle wine"}
988 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "love", "tail": "feel"}
989 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "shop"}
990 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "dog", "tail": "guard your house"}
991 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "watch tv", "tail": "fall asleep"}
992 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "plane", "tail": "crash"}
993 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "canada", "tail": "north of unite state"}
994 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "relax", "tail": "sleep"}
995 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "banjo", "tail": "string instrument"}
996 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "guitare", "tail": "instrument"}
997 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "diminish your own hunger", "tail": "eat"}
998 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "express how funny something", "tail": "be laugh"}
999 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "chop firewood", "tail": "axe"}
1000 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play frisbee", "tail": "catch frisbee"}
1001 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "stop your car", "tail": "press brake"}
1002 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "bathe", "tail": "be clean"}
1003 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "stone", "tail": "another word for rock"}
1004 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "baseball", "tail": "american pastime"}
1005 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "beanie", "tail": "hat"}
1006 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "cowboy boot", "tail": "leather"}
1007 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "rubber duck", "tail": "yellow"}
1008 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "baby animal", "tail": "cute"}
1009 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "fedora", "tail": "hat"}
1010 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play ball", "tail": "catch ball"}
1011 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "shotgun", "tail": "gun"}
1012 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "gather energy for tomorrow", "tail": "sleep"}
1013 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have examination", "tail": "see doctor"}
1014 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "plane", "tail": "arrive at airport"}
1015 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get up early", "tail": "go to bed early"}
1016 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "make friend", "tail": "smile"}
1017 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "person", "tail": "laugh"}
1018 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "new york", "tail": "state"}
1019 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "clarinet", "tail": "instrument"}
1020 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "reproduce", "tail": "child"}
1021 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "bean", "tail": "vegetable"}
1022 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play basketball", "tail": "dribble"}
1023 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "camper", "tail": "sleep in tent"}
1024 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "hear news", "tail": "turn on tv"}
1025 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "hill", "tail": "climb"}
1026 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "comb", "tail": "style hair"}
1027 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "turtle", "tail": "live long time"}
1028 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "tie your shoelace", "tail": "keep your shoe on"}
1029 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "paint house", "tail": "ladder"}
1030 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "woman", "tail": "wear dress"}
1031 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "president", "tail": "govern country"}
1032 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "piggy bank", "tail": "save money"}
1033 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "think", "tail": "solve problem"}
1034 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "watch television", "tail": "turn television on"}
1035 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "sofa bed", "tail": "sleep on"}
1036 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "buy food", "tail": "go to store"}
1037 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "towel rack", "tail": "hold towel"}
1038 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "brownstone", "tail": "live in"}
1039 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "lawyer", "tail": "settle lawsuit"}
1040 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "fork", "tail": "eat food"}
1041 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "egg", "tail": "supermarket"}
1042 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "sun", "tail": "center of solar system"}
1043 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "tenor", "tail": "opera"}
1044 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "audience", "tail": "theatre"}
1045 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "human", "tail": "church"}
1046 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "staple", "tail": "stapler"}
1047 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "key", "tail": "purse"}
1048 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "trash", "tail": "dumpster"}
1049 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "city", "tail": "county"}
1050 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "shop basket", "tail": "supermarket"}
1051 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "science", "tail": "university"}
1052 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "closet", "tail": "bedroom"}
1053 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "foot", "tail": "shoe"}
1054 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cavity", "tail": "tooth"}
1055 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "statue", "tail": "museum"}
1056 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "person", "tail": "feel important"}
1057 |
{"relation": "CreatedBy", "head": "book", "tail": "writer"}
1058 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "xylophone", "tail": "percussion instrument"}
1059 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "broom", "tail": "sweep"}
1060 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "knife", "tail": "stab"}
1061 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "english", "tail": "language"}
1062 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "lemon", "tail": "sour"}
1063 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "trigger", "tail": "gun"}
1064 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "baseball", "tail": "play baseball"}
1065 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "table", "tail": "kitchen"}
1066 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "oil", "tail": "slippery"}
1067 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "cup", "tail": "drink"}
1068 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "tree", "tail": "forest"}
1069 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "pencil", "tail": "wood"}
1070 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "london", "tail": "city"}
1071 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "swim", "tail": "sport"}
1072 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "child", "tail": "play"}
1073 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "door", "tail": "house"}
1074 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pot", "tail": "cook"}
1075 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "rock", "tail": "heavy"}
1076 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "palm", "tail": "hand"}
1077 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "coffee", "tail": "coffee bean"}
1078 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "paper", "tail": "white"}
1079 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "fish", "tail": "animal"}
1080 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "jean", "tail": "denim"}
1081 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "fruit", "tail": "edible"}
1082 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "robot", "tail": "machine"}
1083 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "pilot", "tail": "fly helicopter"}
1084 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "backgammon", "tail": "game"}
1085 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "jupiter", "tail": "planet"}
1086 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "lake", "tail": "body of water"}
1087 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "spider", "tail": "arachnid"}
1088 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "whale", "tail": "mammal"}
1089 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "beaver", "tail": "mammal"}
1090 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pheasant", "tail": "bird"}
1091 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "crow", "tail": "bird"}
1092 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "hawk", "tail": "bird"}
1093 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "goose", "tail": "bird"}
1094 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "perl", "tail": "program language"}
1095 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "c", "tail": "program language"}
1096 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "bird", "tail": "sing"}
1097 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "sex", "tail": "orgasm"}
1098 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "fish", "tail": "aquarium"}
1099 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "dog", "tail": "chew on bone"}
1100 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "cat", "tail": "carnivore"}
1101 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "buy present for others", "tail": "have money"}
1102 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "twenty four hour", "tail": "day"}
1103 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "phone", "tail": "your desk"}
1104 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "dog", "tail": "companionship"}
1105 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "college", "tail": "city"}
1106 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "feather", "tail": "bird"}
1107 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "shovel", "tail": "dig hole"}
1108 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "soap", "tail": "clean something"}
1109 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "apple", "tail": "good to eat"}
1110 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "eat breakfast in bed", "tail": "watch tv"}
1111 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "commit to memory", "tail": "repeat"}
1112 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "learn", "tail": "study"}
1113 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "unix", "tail": "operate system"}
1114 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "unix", "tail": "system"}
1115 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "write term paper", "tail": "research"}
1116 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "sailboat", "tail": "propel by wind"}
1117 |
{"relation": "DefinedAs", "head": "kitten", "tail": "baby cat"}
1118 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "pray", "tail": "kneel down"}
1119 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "shop", "tail": "have money"}
1120 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "kill", "tail": "wrong"}
1121 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bottle", "tail": "store liquid"}
1122 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "sleep", "tail": "get in bed"}
1123 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "music", "tail": "relax"}
1124 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "men and woman", "tail": "different"}
1125 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "tongue", "tail": "your mouth"}
1126 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "plate", "tail": "kitchen"}
1127 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "become inebriate", "tail": "drink alcohol"}
1128 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sail", "tail": "fun"}
1129 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "boy", "tail": "young man"}
1130 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "beer", "tail": "alcoholic beverage"}
1131 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "study", "tail": "concentration"}
1132 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "city", "tail": "place"}
1133 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "fart", "tail": "bad smell"}
1134 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "smoke cigarette", "tail": "lung cancer"}
1135 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "compete against someone", "tail": "enter competition"}
1136 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "roof tile", "tail": "roof"}
1137 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "toothbrush", "tail": "clean your tooth"}
1138 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go to performance", "tail": "buy ticket"}
1139 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "create idea", "tail": "think"}
1140 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "surprise someone", "tail": "hide"}
1141 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "meet interest person", "tail": "talk to them"}
1142 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "take phone call", "tail": "pick up phone"}
1143 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "reach tentative agreement", "tail": "compromise"}
1144 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "lie", "tail": "you feel guilty"}
1145 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "key chain", "tail": "keep key together"}
1146 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "foot", "tail": "desk"}
1147 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pea", "tail": "vegetable"}
1148 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "compete", "tail": "you lose"}
1149 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "submarine", "tail": "travel under water"}
1150 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "watch even news", "tail": "turn on television"}
1151 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play", "tail": "have fun"}
1152 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have bath", "tail": "fill tub with water"}
1153 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "apple", "tail": "apple tree"}
1154 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "slave", "tail": "person"}
1155 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "drive", "tail": "listen to radio"}
1156 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "restaurant", "tail": "eat out"}
1157 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "chess board", "tail": "64 square"}
1158 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "school", "tail": "city"}
1159 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "chat with friend", "tail": "laugh"}
1160 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "have bath", "tail": "get wet"}
1161 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "baggage", "tail": "airport"}
1162 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "paint picture", "tail": "look at model"}
1163 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "relax", "tail": "sleep"}
1164 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cookie", "tail": "jar"}
1165 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "baby", "tail": "cry loud"}
1166 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "strike match", "tail": "fire"}
1167 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "banker", "tail": "lend money"}
1168 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "bury cat", "tail": "dig hole"}
1169 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "earn live", "tail": "work"}
1170 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "twenty-four hour", "tail": "day"}
1171 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "board plane"}
1172 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "furnace", "tail": "basement"}
1173 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "play sport", "tail": "competition"}
1174 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "stair", "tail": "climb"}
1175 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "park lot", "tail": "park car"}
1176 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "terrorist", "tail": "arm bomb"}
1177 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "wood", "tail": "fence in property"}
1178 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pool", "tail": "get out of heat"}
1179 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "play game", "tail": "learn rule"}
1180 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "duck", "tail": "web foot"}
1181 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play basketball", "tail": "score point"}
1182 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "ball", "tail": "roll down hill"}
1183 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "stethoscope", "tail": "doctor"}
1184 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "make patchwork quilt", "tail": "sew"}
1185 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "leave", "tail": "tree"}
1186 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "plant", "tail": "green leave"}
1187 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "pay bill", "tail": "have money"}
1188 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "skin", "tail": "cover body"}
1189 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "spanish", "tail": "language"}
@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
1 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "tool", "tail": "object"}
2 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "ferret", "tail": "pet store"}
3 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get onto web", "tail": "turn on your computer"}
4 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "helium", "tail": "gas"}
5 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "most rock", "tail": "hard"}
6 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "necklace", "tail": "wear around neck"}
7 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "human", "tail": "two leg"}
8 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "go to pub", "tail": "have drink"}
9 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "bathe", "tail": "water"}
10 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "desk"}
11 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "exercise", "tail": "very good for you"}
12 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pet", "tail": "animal"}
13 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "square", "tail": "four side"}
14 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "26 letter", "tail": "english alphabet"}
15 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "see art", "tail": "go to art museum"}
16 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "orange", "tail": "colour"}
17 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "see", "tail": "cut"}
18 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "comb", "tail": "part your hair"}
19 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play lacrosse", "tail": "run"}
20 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "person", "tail": "privacy"}
21 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cow", "tail": "countryside"}
22 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "go to pub", "tail": "have drink"}
23 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "bus", "tail": "form of public transportation"}
24 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "all car", "tail": "engine"}
25 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "book", "tail": "information"}
26 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "maintain good health", "tail": "exercise"}
27 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "urinate", "tail": "relief"}
28 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "star", "tail": "outer space"}
29 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "bring suit", "tail": "hire lawyer"}
30 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "guard", "tail": "sound alarm"}
31 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "fruit", "tail": "grow on tree"}
32 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "batter", "tail": "hit baseball"}
33 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "ice cream", "tail": "freezer"}
34 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "volume", "tail": "library"}
35 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bath", "tail": "relaxation"}
36 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "show", "tail": "entertain"}
37 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "death", "tail": "war"}
38 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "seat", "tail": "movie"}
39 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "pen", "tail": "pocket"}
40 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "test tube", "tail": "chemistry lab"}
41 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "planet", "tail": "universe"}
42 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "classroom", "tail": "university"}
43 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "man", "tail": "tie tie"}
44 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go to restaurant", "tail": "make reservation"}
45 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "antenna", "tail": "roof"}
46 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "woolen fabric", "tail": "make clothe"}
47 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "watch film", "tail": "cry"}
48 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "musician", "tail": "play musical instrument"}
49 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "dream", "tail": "nightmare"}
50 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "closet", "tail": "store clothe"}
51 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "kiss someone", "tail": "express love"}
52 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "walk in rain", "tail": "you get very wet"}
53 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "buy hamburger", "tail": "eat"}
54 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "use computer", "tail": "work"}
55 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "shade", "tail": "tree"}
56 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "tooth", "tail": "your mouth"}
57 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "stove", "tail": "cook"}
58 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "think", "tail": "idea"}
59 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "clock", "tail": "desk"}
60 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pink", "tail": "color"}
61 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "arkansas", "tail": "state"}
62 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "work", "tail": "you need money"}
63 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "have fun", "tail": "laugh"}
64 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "island", "tail": "land"}
65 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "clothe store change room", "tail": "try on clothe"}
66 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "satellite", "tail": "orbit"}
67 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sailboat", "tail": "power by wind"}
68 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "doctor office"}
69 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "boy", "tail": "fancy girl"}
70 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "go to movie", "tail": "be entertain"}
71 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "board", "tail": "build"}
72 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "win baseball game", "tail": "cheer"}
73 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "cash in", "tail": "receive money"}
74 |
{"relation": "HasFirstSubevent", "head": "attend lecture", "tail": "sit"}
75 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "kill someone", "tail": "get weapon"}
76 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "blotter", "tail": "desk"}
77 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "all paper", "tail": "recycle"}
78 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "plankton", "tail": "water"}
79 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "sex", "tail": "human experience"}
80 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "do housework", "tail": "mop"}
81 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "garbage", "tail": "landfill"}
82 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "drink", "tail": "you be thirsty"}
83 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "penny", "tail": "coin"}
84 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "play game", "tail": "know rule"}
85 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "beer mug", "tail": "drink beer from"}
86 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "pass class", "tail": "study hard"}
87 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "doll", "tail": "play with"}
88 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dog", "tail": "domesticate animal"}
89 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "chest", "tail": "drawer in bedroom"}
90 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "robin egg", "tail": "blue"}
91 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "sign", "tail": "fork in road"}
92 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "ladder", "tail": "garage"}
93 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "automobile", "tail": "street"}
94 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "toothbrush", "tail": "dentist"}
95 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "train station"}
96 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "duck", "tail": "pond"}
97 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "tree"}
98 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bus", "tail": "bus stop"}
99 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "pair", "tail": "pant in closet"}
100 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "book", "tail": "desk"}
101 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "go to pub", "tail": "get drunk"}
102 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "buy present for others", "tail": "money"}
103 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "bottom of ocean"}
104 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "tea", "tail": "drink"}
105 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "stool", "tail": "bar"}
106 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "fair"}
107 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "eraser", "tail": "school"}
108 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "music", "tail": "language"}
109 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "fire", "tail": "combustion"}
110 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "see movie", "tail": "eat popcorn"}
111 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "toy car", "tail": "play"}
112 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "yard", "tail": "play"}
113 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "add up column of number", "tail": "sum"}
114 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "dive", "tail": "hold your breath"}
115 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "check", "tail": "counter in airport"}
116 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "author", "tail": "write that book"}
117 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "trash", "tail": "dump"}
118 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "person", "tail": "their own house"}
119 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "ski", "tail": "you fall over"}
120 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "see", "tail": "cut thing such as wood"}
121 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "tennis game", "tail": "exercise"}
122 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "post office", "tail": "mail letter"}
123 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "aisle", "tail": "walk through"}
124 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "person", "tail": "be knowledgeable"}
125 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "make bread", "tail": "knead of dough"}
126 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "scientist", "tail": "laboratory"}
127 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "read", "tail": "activity"}
128 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "tongue depressor", "tail": "doctor"}
129 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "go to get haircut", "tail": "read magazine"}
130 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "listen to radio", "tail": "dance"}
131 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "battery", "tail": "power flashlight"}
132 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cat", "tail": "table"}
133 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "weapon", "tail": "war"}
134 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "bike", "tail": "two wheel"}
135 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "furniture", "tail": "house"}
136 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "book", "tail": "find in library"}
137 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "rock", "tail": "grind"}
138 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "park ranger", "tail": "state park"}
139 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "pretend", "tail": "have imagination"}
140 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "advertise", "tail": "newspaper"}
141 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "traffic", "tail": "street"}
142 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "table cloth", "tail": "table"}
143 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bride and groom", "tail": "wed"}
144 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "commit murder", "tail": "kill someone"}
145 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "parent", "tail": "name their child"}
146 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get up early", "tail": "set alarm"}
147 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "read to your child", "tail": "educate them"}
148 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "german", "tail": "language"}
149 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "beaker", "tail": "chemistry lab"}
150 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "other planet", "tail": "outerspace"}
151 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "storm", "tail": "dangerous"}
152 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "woman", "tail": "captain ship"}
153 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "make friend", "tail": "talk"}
154 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "dish", "tail": "serve food"}
155 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "artist", "tail": "art show"}
156 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "smoke", "tail": "light cigarette"}
157 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "avenue", "tail": "street"}
158 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "listen to music", "tail": "ear"}
159 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "wash your car", "tail": "your car to be clean"}
160 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go to school", "tail": "enroll"}
161 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "fear", "tail": "emotion"}
162 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "see band", "tail": "listen to music"}
163 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "breathe", "tail": "inhale"}
164 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "fish", "tail": "catch fish"}
165 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "serve customer", "tail": "get tip"}
166 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "mountain"}
167 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "bring in verdict", "tail": "judgement"}
168 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "sun", "tail": "shine brightly"}
169 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "opera glass", "tail": "opera"}
170 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "something you find outside", "tail": "tree"}
171 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "person", "tail": "name"}
172 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "gardener", "tail": "water her plant"}
173 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "listen to radio", "tail": "have radio"}
174 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "drink", "tail": "swallow"}
175 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "airplane", "tail": "wing"}
176 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "sprinkler", "tail": "water lawn"}
177 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "soap dish", "tail": "hold soap"}
178 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "earth", "tail": "melt core"}
179 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "take break", "tail": "smoke cigarette"}
180 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "jump out of window", "tail": "fall to grind"}
181 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "child", "tail": "trade pokemon card"}
182 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "dance club", "tail": "dance"}
183 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "vent brush", "tail": "clean vent"}
184 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "hoist", "tail": "lift heavy object"}
185 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "beanbag chair", "tail": "sit down"}
186 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "fork", "tail": "kitchen"}
187 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "student", "tail": "study book"}
188 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "radiator", "tail": "heat room"}
189 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "visit other country", "tail": "sightsee"}
190 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "meet person", "tail": "go to bar"}
191 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "asteroid", "tail": "outerspace"}
192 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "enjoy company of your friend", "tail": "drink"}
193 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "gun", "tail": "shoot thing"}
194 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "spout", "tail": "pour liquid"}
195 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "dish", "tail": "cabinet"}
196 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "cheese", "tail": "flavor"}
197 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "go see film", "tail": "buy popcorn"}
198 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "human", "tail": "brain"}
199 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "surf", "tail": "get wet"}
200 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "make bread", "tail": "knead dough"}
201 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "read newspaper", "tail": "have newspaper"}
202 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "screwdriver", "tail": "toolbox"}
203 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "human", "tail": "two arm"}
204 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "editorial", "tail": "newspaper"}
205 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bunsen burner", "tail": "laboratory"}
206 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "scientist", "tail": "prove theory"}
207 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "explosive", "tail": "dangerous"}
208 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "tub", "tail": "take bath"}
209 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "chair"}
210 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "corner"}
211 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "sex", "tail": "good thing"}
212 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "water", "tail": "reflective surface"}
213 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "violence", "tail": "bad thing"}
214 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pear", "tail": "fruit"}
215 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "flag", "tail": "symbol"}
216 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "horse", "tail": "large mammal"}
217 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "be dirty", "tail": "bathe"}
218 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dollar", "tail": "money"}
219 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "flute", "tail": "wind instrument"}
220 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "cannonball", "tail": "sink ship"}
221 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "flirt", "tail": "smile"}
222 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "grape", "tail": "make wine"}
223 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "letter", "tail": "word"}
224 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "leave", "tail": "green"}
225 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "programmer", "tail": "write software"}
226 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "library", "tail": "quiet place"}
227 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "girl", "tail": "dress doll"}
228 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "library", "tail": "good place to study"}
229 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "shoulder bag", "tail": "carry thing"}
230 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "thumbtack", "tail": "sharp"}
231 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "oven", "tail": "cook"}
232 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "tree", "tail": "alive"}
233 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "eat ice cream", "tail": "happiness"}
234 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "square", "tail": "rectangle"}
235 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "temple", "tail": "religion"}
236 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "baseball bat", "tail": "hit baseball"}
237 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "read letter", "tail": "open envelope"}
238 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "glass", "tail": "correct vision"}
239 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "woodwind", "tail": "make music"}
240 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "denim", "tail": "make jean"}
241 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "fire", "tail": "hurt person"}
242 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bell", "tail": "make noise"}
243 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "take bus", "tail": "travel"}
244 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "write", "tail": "communicate"}
245 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "double bass", "tail": "play music"}
246 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "eat apple", "tail": "wash it"}
247 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "entrance", "tail": "enter build"}
248 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "girl", "tail": "female"}
249 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pen", "tail": "write instrument"}
250 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "new mexico", "tail": "state"}
251 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "south dakota", "tail": "state"}
252 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "woman", "tail": "female"}
253 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "linen", "tail": "cloth"}
254 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "sheet of paper", "tail": "write on"}
255 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "sugar", "tail": "sweeten food"}
256 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "act in play", "tail": "applause"}
257 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "fall", "tail": "pain"}
258 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "watch tv show", "tail": "turn on television"}
259 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "take final", "tail": "stress"}
260 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "be hot", "tail": "go for swim"}
261 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "picture", "tail": "hang on wall"}
262 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "test", "tail": "study for subject"}
263 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "electric fan", "tail": "cool"}
264 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "heart", "tail": "pump blood"}
265 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "have sex", "tail": "fun"}
266 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "queen", "tail": "rule country"}
267 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "plant tree"}
268 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "musical instrument", "tail": "make music"}
269 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "article in magazine", "tail": "read"}
270 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "toothbrush head", "tail": "clean your tooth"}
271 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "coin slot", "tail": "put coin in"}
272 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "eat breakfast in bed", "tail": "crumb in bed"}
273 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "shallow water", "tail": "wade"}
274 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "closet", "tail": "store thing"}
275 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "stay in bed", "tail": "sleep"}
276 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "cardboard", "tail": "make box"}
277 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "kite", "tail": "fly"}
278 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bagpipe", "tail": "make music"}
279 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "drown in water"}
280 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "lip", "tail": "speak"}
281 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "write letter", "tail": "communicate with someone"}
282 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "light fire", "tail": "match"}
283 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "catch mumps", "tail": "get sick"}
284 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "start fire", "tail": "light match"}
285 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "temple", "tail": "worship"}
286 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "accordion", "tail": "make music"}
287 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "milk cow"}
288 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "drive to work", "tail": "start car"}
289 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "towel rack", "tail": "hang towel"}
290 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "lose weight", "tail": "eat less"}
291 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "boat", "tail": "sail"}
292 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "wheat", "tail": "make flour"}
293 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "take midterm", "tail": "pass course"}
294 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "create art", "tail": "paint"}
295 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "attend classical concert", "tail": "listen to music"}
296 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "strawberry", "tail": "fruit"}
297 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "vegetable garden", "tail": "grow vegetable"}
298 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "obstruct justice", "tail": "injustice"}
299 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "rubber duck", "tail": "toy"}
300 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "screw", "tail": "simple machine"}
301 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "son", "tail": "parent male child"}
302 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "lion", "tail": "feline"}
303 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "school cafeteria", "tail": "school"}
304 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "fish", "tail": "pond"}
305 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "reception area", "tail": "hotel"}
306 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "screwdriver", "tail": "tool box"}
307 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "tissue holder", "tail": "bathroom"}
308 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "snake", "tail": "garden"}
309 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "t-shirt", "tail": "closet"}
310 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "ficus", "tail": "forest"}
311 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bomb", "tail": "war"}
312 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "theater", "tail": "city"}
313 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "staple remover", "tail": "office"}
314 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "laser", "tail": "cd player"}
315 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "son", "tail": "family"}
316 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "mammoth", "tail": "ice age"}
317 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "sound control room", "tail": "record studio"}
318 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "government", "tail": "country"}
319 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "milk", "tail": "refrigerator"}
320 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "fire", "tail": "fireplace"}
321 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "human", "tail": "automobile"}
322 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "front yard", "tail": "front of house"}
323 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "store shelf", "tail": "store"}
324 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "potato", "tail": "market"}
325 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bat", "tail": "belfry"}
326 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "marmoset", "tail": "rainforest"}
327 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "eat", "tail": "swallow"}
328 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "clothe", "tail": "suitcase"}
329 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "tomato", "tail": "fruit"}
330 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "animal", "tail": "eat"}
331 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "ram", "tail": "computer"}
332 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "teenager", "tail": "mall"}
333 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "hairbrush", "tail": "brush hair"}
334 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "bark", "tail": "tree"}
335 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "build", "tail": "town"}
336 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "electron", "tail": "atom"}
337 |
{"relation": "HasLastSubevent", "head": "live", "tail": "die"}
338 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "pen", "tail": "college"}
339 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "human", "tail": "make mistake"}
340 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "beagle", "tail": "dog"}
341 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "father", "tail": "family"}
342 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "money", "tail": "paper"}
343 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "lily", "tail": "flower"}
344 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "celery", "tail": "vegetable"}
345 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "condom", "tail": "protection"}
346 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "play game", "tail": "have fun"}
347 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "kiss", "tail": "close your eye"}
348 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "heater", "tail": "heat"}
349 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bathtub", "tail": "bathroom"}
350 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "towel", "tail": "bathroom"}
351 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "mattress", "tail": "bed"}
352 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dress", "tail": "clothe"}
353 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "sing"}
354 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "person", "tail": "earth"}
355 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cloud", "tail": "in sky"}
356 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "table", "tail": "wood"}
357 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "bird", "tail": "fly"}
358 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "lamp", "tail": "desk"}
359 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "mango", "tail": "fruit"}
360 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "cinnamon", "tail": "spice"}
361 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "sew", "tail": "hobby"}
362 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "salt", "tail": "spice"}
363 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "insect", "tail": "animal"}
364 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "grass", "tail": "plant"}
365 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "elephant", "tail": "animal"}
366 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "spinach", "tail": "vegetable"}
367 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "cake", "tail": "flour"}
368 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "watch", "tail": "tell time"}
369 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "run"}
370 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "iris", "tail": "flower"}
371 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "knife", "tail": "cut food"}
372 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "stove", "tail": "cook food"}
373 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "glass", "tail": "see"}
374 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bed", "tail": "at home"}
375 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "bread", "tail": "food"}
376 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "doctor", "tail": "hospital"}
377 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "leg", "tail": "body"}
378 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "summer", "tail": "hot"}
379 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "sofa", "tail": "live room"}
380 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "novel", "tail": "story"}
381 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "cover", "tail": "book"}
382 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "owl", "tail": "bird"}
383 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sun", "tail": "hot"}
384 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "lemon", "tail": "fruit"}
385 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "africa", "tail": "continent"}
386 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "ferret", "tail": "animal"}
387 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "shark", "tail": "fish"}
388 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "rodent", "tail": "mammal"}
389 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "horse", "tail": "mammal"}
390 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "penguin", "tail": "bird"}
391 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "rat", "tail": "mammal"}
392 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "tuna", "tail": "fish"}
393 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "flamingo", "tail": "bird"}
394 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "green", "tail": "colour"}
395 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "catfish", "tail": "fish"}
396 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "sex", "tail": "reproductive cycle"}
397 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "chapter", "tail": "book"}
398 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "man", "tail": "human"}
399 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pet", "tail": "companionship"}
400 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "proton", "tail": "atom"}
401 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "fan", "tail": "stadium"}
402 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "cheese", "tail": "dairy product"}
403 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "ping pong", "tail": "call table tennis"}
404 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "saw", "tail": "tooth"}
405 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "book", "tail": "write by author"}
406 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "war", "tail": "hell"}
407 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "dog", "tail": "gnaw on bone"}
408 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "some person", "tail": "superstitious"}
409 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "horse", "tail": "jump"}
410 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "some animal", "tail": "dangerous"}
411 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "bagel", "tail": "food"}
412 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "dog", "tail": "ride in car"}
413 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "horse", "tail": "4 leg"}
414 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "duck", "tail": "near water"}
415 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "rollercoasters", "tail": "scary"}
416 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "horse", "tail": "jump over fence"}
417 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "chemistry", "tail": "science"}
418 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "cappuccino", "tail": "drink"}
419 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "person", "tail": "sex in bed"}
420 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "ski", "tail": "activity"}
421 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "paris", "tail": "in france"}
422 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "food", "tail": "store"}
423 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "fruit", "tail": "vitamin"}
424 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "play sport", "tail": "excercise"}
425 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "ignorance", "tail": "bliss"}
426 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "sing", "tail": "happiness"}
427 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "urine", "tail": "yellow"}
428 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "ribbon", "tail": "yellow"}
429 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "book", "tail": "often"}
430 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go to play", "tail": "ticket"}
431 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "learn from each other"}
432 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "dance", "tail": "turn on music"}
433 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "visit art gallery", "tail": "look at paint"}
434 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "jump out of window", "tail": "commit suicide"}
435 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "happiness", "tail": "emotion"}
436 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "coffee", "tail": "caffeine"}
437 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "ear", "tail": "wax"}
438 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "some men", "tail": "gay"}
439 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "horse", "tail": "jump high"}
440 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "dog", "tail": "smell drug"}
441 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play hockey", "tail": "score goal"}
442 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "male", "tail": "father child"}
443 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "teacher", "tail": "fail student"}
444 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "ice", "tail": "solid"}
445 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "drunk", "tail": "bar"}
446 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "drive car", "tail": "get license"}
447 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "meet friend", "tail": "have sex"}
448 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "take examination", "tail": "pass class"}
449 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "buy beer", "tail": "get drunk"}
450 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "germany", "tail": "in europe"}
451 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "book", "tail": "word"}
452 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "spend money", "tail": "have money"}
453 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "take final", "tail": "attend class"}
454 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "painter", "tail": "coat wall"}
455 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "blanket", "tail": "cover bed"}
456 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "toothbrush", "tail": "bristle"}
457 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "cheese", "tail": "age well"}
458 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "pass course", "tail": "study"}
459 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "spaniel", "tail": "dog"}
460 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "dog", "tail": "catch frisbee"}
461 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "dinner party", "tail": "fun"}
462 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "iron shirt"}
463 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have fun", "tail": "play game"}
464 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "car", "tail": "roll over"}
465 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "hammer", "tail": "break glass"}
466 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "michigan", "tail": "state"}
467 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "stop your car", "tail": "use brake"}
468 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "build", "tail": "man make"}
469 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "gardener", "tail": "water flower"}
470 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dog", "tail": "good friend"}
471 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "puzzle", "tail": "newspaper"}
472 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "eat apple", "tail": "chew"}
473 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "bring home some fish", "tail": "go to fish market"}
474 |
{"relation": "NotMadeOf", "head": "moon", "tail": "green cheese"}
475 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "play", "tail": "form of entertainment"}
476 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "24 hour", "tail": "day"}
477 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "60 second", "tail": "minute"}
478 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "mother", "tail": "woman"}
479 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "shampoo", "tail": "shower"}
480 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "employer", "tail": "pay employee"}
481 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "baby", "tail": "very young child"}
482 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "wine", "tail": "alcoholic beverage"}
483 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "write", "tail": "form of communication"}
484 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "pass your university exam", "tail": "just study"}
485 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "person", "tail": "solve problem"}
486 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "calculator", "tail": "add number"}
487 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "hibiscus", "tail": "flower"}
488 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "hear news", "tail": "turn on radio"}
489 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "dog", "tail": "sense danger"}
490 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "read", "tail": "open book"}
491 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "change society", "tail": "change yourself"}
492 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "climb", "tail": "reach top"}
493 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "judge", "tail": "right wrong"}
494 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "tree", "tail": "shade lawn"}
495 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "hear music", "tail": "dance"}
496 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "person", "tail": "weird"}
497 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "take bus", "tail": "find bus stop"}
498 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "take exam", "tail": "get grade"}
499 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "many different culture", "tail": "world"}
500 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "attend classical concert", "tail": "ticket"}
501 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "go to sleep", "tail": "dream"}
502 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "trombone", "tail": "play music"}
503 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "go to party", "tail": "meet new person"}
504 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "leave line", "tail": "you lose your place"}
505 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "go to performance", "tail": "enjoyment"}
506 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "air conditioner", "tail": "cool room"}
507 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "examine thing", "tail": "pick it up"}
508 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have shower", "tail": "take off your clothe"}
509 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sky", "tail": "blue during day"}
510 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "movie", "tail": "record on film"}
511 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "student", "tail": "note fact"}
512 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "bake cake", "tail": "preheat oven"}
513 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "glue", "tail": "stick thing together"}
514 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "hairbrush", "tail": "bathroom"}
515 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "mickey mouse", "tail": "disneyland"}
516 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "gasoline", "tail": "power car"}
517 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "apple tree", "tail": "field"}
518 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "dog", "tail": "doghouse"}
519 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "human", "tail": "opposable thumb"}
520 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "rifle", "tail": "shoot"}
521 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "have lunch", "tail": "drink"}
522 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "discover truth", "tail": "ask question"}
523 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "some plant", "tail": "edible"}
524 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have haircut", "tail": "go to hairdresser"}
525 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get job", "tail": "apply for job"}
526 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "park lot", "tail": "shop mall"}
527 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "mouse", "tail": "trap"}
528 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "barbie", "tail": "toy store"}
529 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cheese", "tail": "refrigerator"}
530 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "play game", "tail": "happiness"}
531 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "farmer", "tail": "farm corn"}
532 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bird", "tail": "nest"}
533 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "compete", "tail": "train"}
534 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cubicle", "tail": "office"}
535 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "stay in bed", "tail": "turn off alarm clock"}
536 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "stay in bed", "tail": "sleep in"}
537 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "egg", "tail": "nest"}
538 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "watch film", "tail": "go to movie"}
539 |
{"relation": "HasLastSubevent", "head": "watch tv", "tail": "turn tv off"}
540 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dove", "tail": "bird"}
541 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "see your favorite show", "tail": "turn on television"}
542 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "socialise", "tail": "make friend"}
543 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "have rest", "tail": "sleep"}
544 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "speaker", "tail": "drive-in movie"}
545 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "cow", "tail": "four stomach"}
546 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "reply to e-mail"}
547 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "post-it note", "tail": "your desk"}
548 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "relax", "tail": "read"}
549 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "paper", "tail": "recycle"}
550 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have shower", "tail": "turn on water"}
551 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "buy food", "tail": "go to grocery store"}
552 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "prove your physical endurance", "tail": "run marathon"}
553 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "land", "tail": "country"}
554 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "zebra", "tail": "zoo"}
555 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "ride bike", "tail": "sit on bike"}
556 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "airplane", "tail": "arrive at airport"}
557 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "chess set", "tail": "play game of chess"}
558 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "sex", "tail": "be make love"}
559 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "view video", "tail": "have vcr"}
560 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "stream", "tail": "forest"}
561 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "need money", "tail": "go to work"}
562 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "basement", "tail": "closet"}
563 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "eye", "tail": "look"}
564 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "park zone", "tail": "park your car"}
565 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "compute sum", "tail": "get answer"}
566 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "ride horse", "tail": "get saddle"}
567 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "shelf", "tail": "closet"}
568 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "floor", "tail": "your bed"}
569 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "paint", "tail": "art show"}
570 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "researcher", "tail": "laboratory"}
571 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "shark", "tail": "pacific ocean"}
572 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bell", "tail": "ring"}
573 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "cat", "tail": "sharp claw"}
574 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "do housework", "tail": "vacuum"}
575 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "apple", "tail": "core"}
576 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "globe", "tail": "round"}
577 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "beauty", "tail": "eye of beholder"}
578 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "fish", "tail": "gill"}
579 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "maine", "tail": "state"}
580 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "scale", "tail": "weigh object"}
581 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "car", "tail": "window"}
582 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "candle", "tail": "light room"}
583 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "spider web", "tail": "corner"}
584 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "ring", "tail": "your finger"}
585 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "desert", "tail": "terrain"}
586 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bathroom", "tail": "rest area"}
587 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "seven", "tail": "number"}
588 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "person", "tail": "five finger on each hand"}
589 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "coffee", "tail": "stimulant"}
590 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "planet", "tail": "round"}
591 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "butter", "tail": "make from milk"}
592 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "read book", "tail": "go to library"}
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
1 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "wake up in morning", "tail": "yawn"}
2 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "island", "tail": "surround by water"}
3 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "heat element", "tail": "oven"}
4 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "doctor", "tail": "help patient"}
5 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "play game", "tail": "win"}
6 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "watch even news", "tail": "learn about current event"}
7 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "go fish", "tail": "catch fish"}
8 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "envelope", "tail": "mail letter"}
9 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "fan", "tail": "cool off"}
10 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "picnic basket", "tail": "carry food"}
11 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "answer question", "tail": "know answer"}
12 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "happiness", "tail": "sing"}
13 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "have long hair", "tail": "have haircut"}
14 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "punch someone", "tail": "make fist"}
15 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "student", "tail": "ask question"}
16 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "ride bike", "tail": "pedal"}
17 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "america", "tail": "country"}
18 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "gorilla", "tail": "ape"}
19 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "turtle", "tail": "shell"}
20 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "instrument triangle", "tail": "make music"}
21 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "pool"}
22 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "see movie", "tail": "go to cinema"}
23 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "knight", "tail": "ride horse"}
24 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "finger", "tail": "type"}
25 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go to get haircut", "tail": "go to hairdresser"}
26 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "human", "tail": "sex"}
27 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "carpet", "tail": "room"}
28 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "take bus", "tail": "sit down"}
29 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "convict", "tail": "jail"}
30 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "hair", "tail": "drain"}
31 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "mouse", "tail": "hole in wall"}
32 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pike", "tail": "fish"}
33 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "kayak", "tail": "boat"}
34 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "ax", "tail": "chop wood"}
35 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "horse", "tail": "social animal"}
36 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "smoke", "tail": "bad"}
37 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "rock", "tail": "hard"}
38 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "sun", "tail": "burn your skin"}
39 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "climb mountain"}
40 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "cruise ship", "tail": "vacation"}
41 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "soak in hotspring", "tail": "relax"}
42 |
{"relation": "DefinedAs", "head": "war", "tail": "opposite of peace"}
43 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "tool", "tail": "build thing"}
44 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "sailor", "tail": "tie knot"}
45 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "study", "tail": "learn"}
46 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "family room", "tail": "watch tv"}
47 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "sell your new book", "tail": "money"}
48 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "word", "tail": "sentence"}
49 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "axe", "tail": "sharp"}
50 |
{"relation": "HasLastSubevent", "head": "bathe", "tail": "dry off"}
51 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "locker room", "tail": "change clothe"}
52 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "prisoner", "tail": "from jail"}
53 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "eye", "tail": "head"}
54 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "subway pass", "tail": "ride subway"}
55 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "work", "tail": "stress"}
56 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "ink", "tail": "black"}
57 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "sailor", "tail": "row boat"}
58 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "puppy", "tail": "immature dog"}
59 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have checkup", "tail": "make appointment with doctor"}
60 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "talk with someone far away", "tail": "use telephone"}
61 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "round trip ticket", "tail": "travel"}
62 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "love seat", "tail": "sit on"}
63 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go for run", "tail": "put on run shoe"}
64 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "butter", "tail": "yellow"}
65 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "run marathon", "tail": "exhaustion"}
66 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "eye", "tail": "complex organ"}
67 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "restaurant table", "tail": "eat at"}
68 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "human", "tail": "biped"}
69 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "post office", "tail": "forward mail"}
70 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "talk to someone", "tail": "communication"}
71 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "jog", "tail": "exercise"}
72 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "woodwind", "tail": "musical instrument"}
73 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "nylon", "tail": "make clothe"}
74 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "textile", "tail": "make clothe"}
75 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "hear testimony", "tail": "go to court"}
76 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "glass", "tail": "clear"}
77 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "go off strike", "tail": "return to work"}
78 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "stick", "tail": "wood"}
79 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "fabric", "tail": "make clothe"}
80 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play chess", "tail": "win"}
81 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "haircutting scissor", "tail": "cut hair"}
82 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "typewriter", "tail": "write letter"}
83 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "use television", "tail": "change channel"}
84 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "water", "tail": "blue"}
85 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "buy car"}
86 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "rat", "tail": "rodent"}
87 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "house", "tail": "expensive"}
88 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "go to zoo", "tail": "see animal"}
89 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "maintain muscle strength", "tail": "exercise"}
90 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "go to restaurant", "tail": "eat food"}
91 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "earthquake", "tail": "shake grind"}
92 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "mast", "tail": "hold sail"}
93 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "saxaphone", "tail": "musical instrument"}
94 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "short distance between two point", "tail": "straight line"}
95 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "sheet", "tail": "linen closet"}
96 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "mouse", "tail": "cupboard"}
97 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "earth", "tail": "solar system"}
98 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "kettle", "tail": "kitchen"}
99 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "hair gel", "tail": "bathroom"}
100 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "dental chair", "tail": "dentist office"}
101 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "wait room", "tail": "hospital"}
102 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "planet", "tail": "orbit"}
103 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bathroom", "tail": "house"}
104 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "garden", "tail": "back yard"}
105 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "snake", "tail": "bible"}
106 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "large food store", "tail": "city"}
107 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "white house", "tail": "washington d.c"}
108 |
{"relation": "CreatedBy", "head": "program", "tail": "programmer"}
109 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "chess", "tail": "board game"}
110 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "puppy", "tail": "dog"}
111 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "apple", "tail": "eat"}
112 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "viola", "tail": "musical instrument"}
113 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "person", "tail": "build"}
114 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "hunger", "tail": "eat"}
115 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "tiger", "tail": "cat"}
116 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "student", "tail": "read book"}
117 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "jazz", "tail": "music"}
118 |
{"relation": "DefinedAs", "head": "earth", "tail": "world"}
119 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pepper", "tail": "spice"}
120 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "boot", "tail": "leather"}
121 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "flute", "tail": "instrument"}
122 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "table", "tail": "dine room"}
123 |
{"relation": "SymbolOf", "head": "dove", "tail": "peace"}
124 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "fire", "tail": "hot"}
125 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "earth", "tail": "round"}
126 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "cup", "tail": "glass"}
127 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "yellow", "tail": "color"}
128 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "flower", "tail": "plant"}
129 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "eye", "tail": "face"}
130 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "water", "tail": "flow"}
131 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sun", "tail": "bright"}
132 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "buddhism", "tail": "religion"}
133 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "swan", "tail": "bird"}
134 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "lisp", "tail": "program language"}
135 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "bear", "tail": "mammal"}
136 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "horse", "tail": "animal"}
137 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "japan", "tail": "country"}
138 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "aid", "tail": "disease"}
139 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "cancer", "tail": "disease"}
140 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "blue", "tail": "colour"}
141 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "falcon", "tail": "bird"}
142 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "booger", "tail": "your nose"}
143 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "rain", "tail": "flood"}
144 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "be sad", "tail": "cry"}
145 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "cry", "tail": "you be sad"}
146 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "clothe", "tail": "hang on hanger"}
147 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "dog", "tail": "play with frisbee"}
148 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "roller coaster", "tail": "fun"}
149 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "stopwatch", "tail": "time thing"}
150 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "forest", "tail": "tree"}
151 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "metal", "tail": "shiny"}
152 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "college", "tail": "town"}
153 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "this", "tail": "see"}
154 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "man", "tail": "write in book"}
155 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "boot", "tail": "make for walk"}
156 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "island", "tail": "land mass"}
157 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "walk on beach", "tail": "relax"}
158 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "man", "tail": "sing"}
159 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "sate your hunger", "tail": "eat something"}
160 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "marijuana", "tail": "legal"}
161 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "basketball", "tail": "fill with air"}
162 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "sphere", "tail": "round"}
163 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "niece", "tail": "girl"}
164 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "glass", "tail": "break"}
165 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "person", "tail": "two ear"}
166 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "paperclip", "tail": "desk"}
167 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "library", "tail": "many book"}
168 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "plant", "tail": "windowsill"}
169 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get some money from someone", "tail": "ask them"}
170 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "some person", "tail": "stupid"}
171 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "tire", "tail": "fill with air"}
172 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "hammer", "tail": "strike nail"}
173 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "texas", "tail": "state"}
174 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "live be", "tail": "die"}
175 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "baby", "tail": "wet diaper"}
176 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pistol", "tail": "weapon"}
177 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "car", "tail": "radio"}
178 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "sleep", "tail": "go to bed"}
179 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "get drunk", "tail": "you fall down"}
180 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "someone", "tail": "train station"}
181 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "bad thing", "tail": "happen to good person"}
182 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "host", "tail": "welcome his guest"}
183 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "baseball", "tail": "round"}
184 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "calculator", "tail": "do math"}
185 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "seat belt", "tail": "backseat of car"}
186 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "math", "tail": "subject"}
187 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "teacher", "tail": "plan lesson"}
188 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "see exhibit", "tail": "learn"}
189 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "fruit", "tail": "eat"}
190 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "child", "tail": "play game"}
191 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "horseback ride", "tail": "fun"}
192 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "ear", "tail": "head"}
193 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "finger", "tail": "hand"}
194 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "clean clothe", "tail": "wash them"}
195 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "enjoy film", "tail": "go to cinema"}
196 |
{"relation": "NotIsA", "head": "win", "tail": "everything"}
197 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "buy shirt", "tail": "money"}
198 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "word", "tail": "mean thing"}
199 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "house", "tail": "roof"}
200 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "lion", "tail": "hunt zebra"}
201 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "mercury", "tail": "planet"}
202 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "entryway", "tail": "enter"}
203 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "parent", "tail": "child"}
204 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "milk", "tail": "liquid"}
205 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "teacher", "tail": "answer question"}
206 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "screwdriver", "tail": "drink"}
207 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get pay", "tail": "work for someone"}
208 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "person", "tail": "headache"}
209 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "orange", "tail": "citrus fruit"}
210 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "get wet", "tail": "get cold"}
211 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "stop be marry to someone", "tail": "get divorce"}
212 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "too long hair", "tail": "have haircut"}
213 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "prisoner", "tail": "attempt escape"}
214 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "dog", "tail": "sense fear"}
215 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "kill someone", "tail": "go to jail"}
216 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "student", "tail": "college"}
217 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "wait on line", "tail": "boredom"}
218 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "hear music", "tail": "dance"}
219 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "person", "tail": "feel"}
220 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "pass sentence", "tail": "be judge"}
221 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "college", "tail": "school"}
222 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "planet", "tail": "outer space"}
223 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "dog", "tail": "chew bone"}
224 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go into trance", "tail": "meditate"}
225 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bee", "tail": "meadow"}
226 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "hit bottle", "tail": "go to bar"}
227 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "wall", "tail": "house"}
228 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "magazine", "tail": "library"}
229 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "sleep", "tail": "you be tire"}
230 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "teacher", "tail": "question student"}
231 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "copy machine", "tail": "office"}
232 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "violin", "tail": "string"}
233 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "play card", "tail": "win money"}
234 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "your love", "tail": "forgive someone"}
235 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "violence", "tail": "war"}
236 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "lie", "tail": "you get catch"}
237 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "fish", "tail": "bait hook"}
238 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "tennis ball", "tail": "play tennis"}
239 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "stop your bicycle", "tail": "use your brake"}
240 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "comfort friend", "tail": "hug"}
241 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "commit perjury", "tail": "tell lie"}
242 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "drink", "tail": "urinate"}
243 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pawn", "tail": "play chess"}
244 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pub", "tail": "drink beer"}
245 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "have haircut", "tail": "short hair"}
246 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "dog", "tail": "table"}
247 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "submarine", "tail": "boat"}
248 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "astronaut", "tail": "space shuttle"}
249 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "earth", "tail": "atmosphere"}
250 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "georgia", "tail": "state"}
251 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "street", "tail": "drive on"}
252 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "seatbelt", "tail": "backseat of car"}
253 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "hotel", "tail": "sleep"}
254 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get divorce", "tail": "get marry"}
255 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "type", "tail": "have keyboard"}
256 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "rock", "tail": "moon"}
257 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "linoleum", "tail": "kitchen"}
258 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "house", "tail": "yard"}
259 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "thermometer", "tail": "measure temperature"}
260 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "airplane", "tail": "air"}
261 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go for walk", "tail": "stand up"}
262 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "sleep at night"}
263 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "meet person", "tail": "make new friend"}
264 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "jar", "tail": "container"}
265 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "most bird", "tail": "wing"}
266 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "stop your car", "tail": "step on brake"}
267 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "box", "tail": "garage"}
268 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "bridge"}
269 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "communicate", "tail": "talk"}
270 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "run errand", "tail": "make list"}
271 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "toy", "tail": "delight child"}
272 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "slot machine", "tail": "casino"}
273 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "pay cash", "tail": "get change"}
274 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "cutlery drawer", "tail": "store knife"}
275 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "musician", "tail": "record song"}
276 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "mosquito", "tail": "fly"}
277 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "strike match", "tail": "flame"}
278 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "orange", "tail": "color"}
279 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "turkey", "tail": "name of country"}
280 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "country", "tail": "continent"}
281 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "watch television show", "tail": "turn on television"}
282 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go to film", "tail": "go to movie theater"}
283 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "machine gun", "tail": "kill person"}
284 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "captain", "tail": "ship"}
285 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "fear death"}
286 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "bird", "tail": "wing"}
287 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "something", "tail": "zoo"}
288 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "play lacrosse", "tail": "injury"}
289 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "attend lecture", "tail": "fall asleep"}
290 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "space suit", "tail": "space shuttle"}
291 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "teacher", "tail": "mark paper"}
292 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "bible", "tail": "book"}
293 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "actor", "tail": "star in film"}
294 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "teacher", "tail": "state fact"}
295 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "see your favorite show", "tail": "turn on tv"}
296 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "read magazine", "tail": "learn"}
297 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "newspaper", "tail": "library"}
298 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "play", "tail": "fun"}
299 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "listen to radio", "tail": "turn radio on"}
300 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "baby", "tail": "wet their diaper"}
301 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "clarinet", "tail": "band"}
302 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "bird", "tail": "two leg"}
303 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "kiss someone", "tail": "pucker up"}
304 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "smoke", "tail": "bad for you"}
305 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "student", "tail": "study math"}
306 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "person", "tail": "ride horse"}
307 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "snore", "tail": "sleep"}
308 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "garden hose", "tail": "water garden"}
309 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bed", "tail": "hospital"}
310 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "playground", "tail": "park"}
311 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "take oath", "tail": "raise your right hand"}
312 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "dust", "tail": "fridge"}
313 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "razor", "tail": "shave with"}
314 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "attend rock concert", "tail": "purchase ticket"}
315 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "read newspaper", "tail": "drink coffee"}
316 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "ficus", "tail": "pot"}
317 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "table", "tail": "conference"}
318 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "seat", "tail": "show"}
319 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "stop be marry to someone", "tail": "divorce"}
320 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "cat", "tail": "chase mouse"}
321 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "canada", "tail": "in north america"}
322 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "match", "tail": "light fire"}
323 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "religion", "tail": "cause many war"}
324 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "child", "tail": "play game"}
325 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "play violin", "tail": "take lesson"}
326 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "visit place"}
327 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "open gift", "tail": "suprise"}
328 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "dive", "tail": "go to pool"}
329 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "have food", "tail": "eat"}
330 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "see old thing", "tail": "visit museum"}
331 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "sate your hunger", "tail": "eat"}
332 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "eat in restaurant", "tail": "make reservation"}
333 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "crater", "tail": "suface of moon"}
334 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "join army", "tail": "enlist"}
335 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "hostess", "tail": "welcome guest"}
336 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "experience joy"}
337 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "go on stage", "tail": "act"}
338 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "farmer", "tail": "seed field"}
339 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pair of pant", "tail": "wear"}
340 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "take stand", "tail": "testify"}
341 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "temple", "tail": "pray"}
342 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "telephone", "tail": "desk"}
343 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "read newspaper", "tail": "literacy"}
344 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "listen to music", "tail": "play cd"}
345 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "boredom", "tail": "play game"}
346 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "buy product", "tail": "spend money"}
347 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "play guitar", "tail": "strum string"}
348 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "glass", "tail": "hold liquid"}
349 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "pass class", "tail": "graduation"}
350 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bishop", "tail": "church"}
351 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "fly", "tail": "fly"}
352 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "shoe", "tail": "protect your foot"}
353 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "dream", "tail": "rapid eye movement"}
354 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "action figure", "tail": "toy store"}
355 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "fire", "tail": "burn house"}
356 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "play sport", "tail": "injury"}
357 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "start family", "tail": "get marry"}
358 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "take bath", "tail": "get wet"}
359 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "brewer", "tail": "bottle beer"}
360 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "drive", "tail": "dangerous"}
361 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "mop", "tail": "clean floor"}
362 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "driftwood", "tail": "beach"}
363 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "pedestrian", "tail": "street"}
364 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "use computer", "tail": "type"}
365 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "go to restaurant", "tail": "eat"}
366 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "politician", "tail": "field question"}
367 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "wait on table", "tail": "you get tip"}
368 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "good", "tail": "battle evil"}
369 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "dog", "tail": "park"}
370 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "eat breakfast", "tail": "gain energy"}
371 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "print on printer", "tail": "turn printer on"}
372 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "hear sing", "tail": "sing along"}
373 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "tuba", "tail": "large musical instrument"}
374 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "sex", "tail": "three letter word"}
375 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "steak", "tail": "food"}
376 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "fruit", "tail": "good source of vitamin"}
377 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "cash", "tail": "another word for money"}
378 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "cat", "tail": "cute"}
379 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "bagel", "tail": "bread"}
380 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "moon", "tail": "long way away"}
381 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "fish", "tail": "breathe water"}
382 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "bird bone", "tail": "hollow"}
383 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "peace", "tail": "good"}
384 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "doctor", "tail": "person"}
385 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "flower", "tail": "fragrant"}
386 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "earth", "tail": "universe"}
387 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "piece", "tail": "whole"}
388 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "car", "tail": "machine"}
389 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bookshelf", "tail": "hold book"}
390 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "cook dinner"}
391 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "decide criminal s fate", "tail": "judge"}
392 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "salt", "tail": "season food"}
393 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "dog", "tail": "be pet"}
394 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "hand", "tail": "cup water"}
395 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "fly kite", "tail": "go outside"}
396 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "oboe", "tail": "make music"}
397 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "sing", "tail": "open your mouth"}
398 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "museum ticket", "tail": "enter museum"}
399 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "use television", "tail": "plug it in"}
400 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "chapel", "tail": "get marry"}
401 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bucket", "tail": "carry liquid"}
402 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "highway", "tail": "drive on"}
403 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bungalow", "tail": "live in"}
404 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "cotton", "tail": "make clothe"}
405 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "golf club", "tail": "hit golf ball"}
406 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "fork", "tail": "eat food with"}
407 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "surf web", "tail": "connect to internet"}
408 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "animal", "tail": "alive"}
409 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "smoker", "tail": "light cigarette"}
410 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "see movie", "tail": "buy ticket"}
411 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "enjoy film", "tail": "buy ticket"}
412 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "chapel", "tail": "pray"}
413 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "machine", "tail": "work"}
414 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "toothbrush", "tail": "clean tooth"}
415 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "space", "tail": "area"}
416 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "boat", "tail": "form of transportation"}
417 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "rhode island", "tail": "state"}
418 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "clipboard", "tail": "hold paper"}
419 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "crime", "tail": "conduct trial"}
420 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "drink", "tail": "liquid"}
421 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "toothpaste", "tail": "clean tooth"}
422 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "person", "tail": "human"}
423 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "eat vegetable", "tail": "good health"}
424 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "harmonica", "tail": "make music"}
425 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "ear", "tail": "hear sound"}
426 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "stove", "tail": "heat food"}
427 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "dog", "tail": "bone"}
428 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "chew your food", "tail": "swallow"}
429 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "wear hat"}
430 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "child", "tail": "ask question"}
431 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "bury cat", "tail": "it be dead"}
432 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "plate", "tail": "hold food"}
433 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "drill hole", "tail": "get drill"}
434 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "bicycle", "tail": "ride"}
435 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "weapon", "tail": "hurt someone"}
436 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "person", "tail": "compliment"}
437 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "cat", "tail": "kill bird"}
438 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "water plant", "tail": "get water"}
439 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "harpsichord", "tail": "make music"}
440 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "barbecue", "tail": "cook food"}
441 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "fire extinguisher", "tail": "put out fire"}
442 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "airplane", "tail": "form of transportation"}
443 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "desk", "tail": "work"}
444 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "person", "tail": "miss appointment"}
445 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "reproduce", "tail": "have child"}
446 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "author", "tail": "write poem"}
447 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get warm", "tail": "put on clothe"}
448 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "office", "tail": "work"}
449 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "oldsmobile", "tail": "car"}
450 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "live", "tail": "be born"}
451 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "crime", "tail": "serve justice"}
452 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "wood", "tail": "burn"}
453 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "paper", "tail": "burn"}
454 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "get fit", "tail": "exercise"}
455 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "calendar", "tail": "keep track of time"}
456 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "chef", "tail": "prepare meal"}
457 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "swim", "tail": "get wet"}
458 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "refrigerator", "tail": "keep food from spoil"}
459 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pistol", "tail": "shoot bullet"}
460 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "coat", "tail": "keep warm"}
461 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "fire", "tail": "destroy forest"}
462 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "get in shape", "tail": "work out"}
463 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "cash in", "tail": "get money"}
464 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "gun", "tail": "dangerous"}
465 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "chef", "tail": "prepare food"}
466 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "sit down", "tail": "rest"}
467 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "remember phone number", "tail": "call someone"}
468 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "cake", "tail": "bakery"}
469 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "water", "tail": "bottle"}
470 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "bat", "tail": "cave"}
471 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "tooth", "tail": "mouth"}
472 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "egg", "tail": "fridge"}
473 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "folder", "tail": "file cabinet"}
474 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "document folder", "tail": "file cabinet"}
475 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "beer", "tail": "bar"}
476 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "ocean", "tail": "earth"}
477 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "museum", "tail": "city"}
478 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "telephone booth", "tail": "city"}
479 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "town", "tail": "country"}
480 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "wiener dog", "tail": "yard"}
481 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "water", "tail": "puddle"}
482 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "knob", "tail": "door"}
483 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "dance club", "tail": "city"}
484 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "escalator", "tail": "mall"}
485 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "lens", "tail": "camera"}
486 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "wallet", "tail": "purse"}
487 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "gel toothpaste", "tail": "bathroom"}
488 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "cat", "tail": "sleep"}
489 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "cat", "tail": "play"}
490 |
{"relation": "ReceivesAction", "head": "person", "tail": "kill"}
491 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "music", "tail": "dance"}
492 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "beer", "tail": "drink"}
493 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "student", "tail": "person"}
494 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "car", "tail": "road"}
495 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "dog", "tail": "play"}
496 |
{"relation": "Desires", "head": "cat", "tail": "chase mouse"}
497 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "car", "tail": "town"}
498 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "woman", "tail": "give birth"}
499 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "cigarette", "tail": "smoke"}
500 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "computer", "tail": "machine"}
501 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "your brain", "tail": "think"}
502 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "french horn", "tail": "musical instrument"}
503 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "tv", "tail": "house"}
504 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "ear", "tail": "head"}
505 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "tulip", "tail": "flower"}
506 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "breathe", "tail": "live"}
507 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "program", "tail": "type"}
508 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "trumpet", "tail": "musical instrument"}
509 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "pan", "tail": "kitchen"}
510 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "printer", "tail": "print"}
511 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "work", "tail": "money"}
512 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "steer wheel", "tail": "in car"}
513 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "ice", "tail": "hard"}
514 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "guitar", "tail": "instrument"}
515 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "sleep", "tail": "brush your tooth"}
516 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "car", "tail": "transportation"}
517 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "chair", "tail": "wood"}
518 |
{"relation": "PartOf", "head": "head", "tail": "body"}
519 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "refrigerator", "tail": "store food"}
520 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "salt", "tail": "salty"}
521 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "dictionary", "tail": "book"}
522 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "woman", "tail": "human"}
523 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "get job", "tail": "earn money"}
524 |
{"relation": "CausesDesire", "head": "book", "tail": "sleep"}
525 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "watermelon", "tail": "fruit"}
526 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "cup", "tail": "plastic"}
527 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "wallet", "tail": "leather"}
528 |
{"relation": "SymbolOf", "head": "heart", "tail": "love"}
529 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "sword", "tail": "kill"}
530 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "car", "tail": "expensive"}
531 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "copper", "tail": "metal"}
532 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "oak", "tail": "tree"}
533 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "game", "tail": "fun"}
534 |
{"relation": "MadeOf", "head": "seaweed soup", "tail": "seaweed"}
535 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "turkey", "tail": "country"}
536 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "uranus", "tail": "planet"}
537 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "pig", "tail": "mammal"}
538 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "squirrel", "tail": "mammal"}
539 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "hamburger", "tail": "food"}
540 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "korea university", "tail": "university"}
541 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "goldfish", "tail": "fish"}
542 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "mouse", "tail": "animal"}
543 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "nightingale", "tail": "bird"}
544 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "gull", "tail": "bird"}
545 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "euro", "tail": "currency"}
546 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "parrot", "tail": "bird"}
547 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "couple", "tail": "have sex"}
548 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "have sex", "tail": "kiss your partner"}
549 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "sunglass", "tail": "protect eye from sun"}
550 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "thumb tack", "tail": "sharp"}
551 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "bicycle be", "tail": "mean of transportation"}
552 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "tornado", "tail": "very destructive"}
553 |
{"relation": "NotHasProperty", "head": "rubber chicken", "tail": "alive"}
554 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "most baby", "tail": "cute"}
555 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "backgammon", "tail": "board game"}
556 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "computer", "tail": "store"}
557 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "pipe", "tail": "smoke"}
558 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "floppy disk", "tail": "obsolete"}
559 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "agree with someone", "tail": "nod of head"}
560 |
{"relation": "HasFirstSubevent", "head": "skate", "tail": "put skate on"}
561 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "god", "tail": "heaven"}
562 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "u2", "tail": "band"}
563 |
{"relation": "HasProperty", "head": "gun", "tail": "very dangerous"}
564 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "other planet", "tail": "solar system"}
565 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "butter", "tail": "refrigerator"}
566 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "massachusetts", "tail": "state"}
567 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "agree with someone", "tail": "someone nod"}
568 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "lip", "tail": "kiss"}
569 |
{"relation": "HasLastSubevent", "head": "do some exercise", "tail": "do cool-down"}
570 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "fish", "tail": "lake"}
571 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "piano", "tail": "instrument of music"}
572 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "wicca", "tail": "religion"}
573 |
{"relation": "HasA", "head": "arm", "tail": "one hand"}
574 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "cat", "tail": "catch mouse"}
575 |
{"relation": "HasSubevent", "head": "bathe", "tail": "wash my hair"}
576 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "flirt", "tail": "sex"}
577 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "boy", "tail": "young human male"}
578 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "card", "tail": "deck"}
579 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "dead person", "tail": "war"}
580 |
{"relation": "HasLastSubevent", "head": "take shower", "tail": "dry off"}
581 |
{"relation": "IsA", "head": "snow", "tail": "freeze water"}
582 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "ice", "tail": "cool drink"}
583 |
{"relation": "MotivatedByGoal", "head": "sing", "tail": "you be happy"}
584 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "parent", "tail": "name baby"}
585 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "ballpoint pen", "tail": "write with"}
586 |
{"relation": "UsedFor", "head": "glass roof", "tail": "greenhouse"}
587 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "iron", "tail": "press clothe"}
588 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "son", "tail": "honor his mother"}
589 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "criminal", "tail": "case joint"}
590 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "lizard", "tail": "sun itself on rock"}
591 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "go jog", "tail": "put on shoe"}
592 |
{"relation": "AtLocation", "head": "wall", "tail": "build"}
593 |
{"relation": "HasPrerequisite", "head": "receive degree", "tail": "go to school"}
594 |
{"relation": "Causes", "head": "light match", "tail": "start fire"}
595 |
{"relation": "CapableOf", "head": "baby", "tail": "cry loudly"}
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2 |
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