diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_388.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_388.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_388.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +Fortunately these shills are not immortal beings from a galaxy far far away, but mere humans who employ a system they've adopted. A system which I'm going to do my best to attempt to explain and demystify for the betterment of our humble community. + +I like Harry Potter, this is basically Defense Against the Dark Arts, and the term "Dark Apes" just jumped out at me. I hope that term doesn't offend anyone. I hesitated using it. I'm not saying that any *apes* are shills. I'm saying shills learned to *become* apes. And it's helpful to look at it from this perspective so you can grasp the rest of the concepts they employ. + +They've evolved. They learned the ways of the ape and essentially built a nefarious copy cat model. + +They can now speak the ape language and a lot of FUD is getting through undetected because apes are on the lookout for only the most obvious shills. + +Ape sees something that resembles what a fellow ape would post, ape say "seems legit" and allows it through the barrier of "New" to the road of "Rising" all the way to the mountain peak of "Hot". + +Shills are now able to be apes in disguise using dark arts. + +Hence, Dark Apes. + +And since there's so many of them, it would be impossible to keep a list of "who's a shill" in mind. I'd imagine there to be multiple groups of them formed in teams, competing against each other for rewards and bonuses on the amount of FUD they spread. + +However the shill social structure may actually be formed, if you're a shill tasked with a job of spreading FUD and targeting individual apes who appear vulnerable to a shift in opinion, you're going to need a system in place so that you don't waste time spreading FUD to one of your shill brethren by accident lol + +They do it by recognizing language patterns and the narrative they're paid to spin. If you're saying something against the agenda, you're a target. Especially if you just "like the stock". + +Most apes simply like the stock and can't read. So that's a major factor as to why SHF are failing in their attempts to brigade the overall sentiment. + +You can't trick someone who can't read. You can't get someone to sell something that they really like. + +You can't rationalize an investment strategy to someone who has no investment strategy lmao + +But for the wrinkled apes, the ones who can read and actually do their own due diligence, on a hunt to find legitimate information in a crowded sea of FUD, it can be very mentally exhausting sorting through all the bullshit. + +Being weary of everything you read, and spending mental resources on something that shouldn't even be a thought. + +"Is this truth or fiction?" + +Because they all use the same tactics, once you fully understand what they're doing and how they're doing it, you'll start to see the pattern everywhere. And so their campaigns will be less effective. And you will be able to discern who's a real ape and who's a shill the same way they do. + +What I'm about to expose is high level advanced mind control shit which has very convoluted and technical jargon. + +Just stumbling on the rabbit hole itself is hard enough, let alone understanding the mechanics contained within. + +This is by design. + +When creating this shit, it was overly complexified so that the average individual considers it to be mundane. A safeguard in place so the masses won't wake up to it, and so that those who traverse this heavily obfuscated path can continue to use it freely, with the rest of the world being none the wiser. + +In other words... The secret to manipulating people is kept behind a pay wall of mental fortitude. + +The system is called "[Neuro-Linguistic Programming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_neuro-linguistic_programming)" or NLP for short. *(Side note, a recently developed form of Machine Learning was called Natural Language Processing to further obfuscate this information in search results for NLP)* + +Contained within this system of NLP are methods and techniques. + +Some of the methods are: + +1. Internal 'maps' of the world +2. Modeling +3. Representational systems +4. Meta-programs +5. Anchoring +6. Future pacing +7. Swish +8. Reframing +9. Well-formed outcome +10. VK/D +11. Metaphor +12. State management +13. Covert hypnosis + +You pay for the information with years of persistent studying of these words and techniques that seem alien at first. And as you level up and allow your brain to build a codex of bullshit phrases that describe actually very simple concepts, with practice, you begin to understand. + +**Well fuck that.** + +I'm here to Ape-ify the shillspeak and expose their strategies to the world in a clear, easy to follow manner. I will do my best to make this so simple that even a 5 year old with a learning disability *(my younger self)* could understand it. + +Although that doesn't mean digesting the information will be easy. It's a near impossible task to distill a decade of research into one post. + +I've worked on this post for 6 months. And that's why it's taken this long to produce it. + +Carefully and meticulously crafting a paradigm shifting experience, and presenting it in such a way that is entertaining and thought provoking in hopes that it might enlighten and wrinkle all apes who take the time to experience it. + +I had to figure out the best way to do it so that all it takes is one or two read throughs to skip 10 years of study. The information contained within this post is the reason I've been able to call out all the shill bullshit from day one and why I have a 100% accurate track record on my predictions of their moves. + +Because I see right through them. And after reading this, so will you. + +The original version of this post was 3 posts long but automod deleted them for what ever reason so I had to redo it and tried to condense it into one post with no filler. + +*Be warned:* + +*This is going to fuck with your brain. It will be annoying at times. It will be confusing at times. You'll likely have to go back and re-read multiple paragraphs to get the point. There are twists and turns that would make M. Knight Shyamalan foam at the mouth.* + +*And by the end of it, if you stick with it, and I've done my job right, you will be armed with a real Defense Against the Dark Apes.* + +*-----------------------------------------------------------* + +**Congratulations dear Ape!** + +You've stumbled upon the greatest threat to the Dark Ape shill agenda: + +[ This meme is shill tactics in disguise. Don't see it yet? Fear not dear ape! I shall explain later.](https://preview.redd.it/ijqs0w8wzad81.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=639f033689ead6a6f3a8b362fa85e58d0af01ee2) + +&#x200B; + +This meme is shill tactics in disguise. Don't see it yet? Fear not dear ape! I shall explain later. + +Ohhh you thought that was just fun intro with memes to set the mood? + +Nah, we getting right into this shit with the first lesson: + +**Shill tactic numero uno:** + +***MEMES and relatability.*** + +Shills use memes and relatability to sway opinions and plant ideas. + +\-------------------------------------- + +>**4th Wall Break:** *You probably read the word "opinions" and subconsciously thought it said "options" for a second.* +*Welcome to the world of using language patterns to disguise intentions.* +*Saying one thing that sounds similar to another thing so that you'll think of that other thing.* + +\-------------------------------------- + +Everything I've said in this post, up until this first lesson, was shill tactics in disguise. + +Firstly, I asked you some questions at the beginning of the post to spark an emotional response. Then I hammered that emotional response with a meme that could be used to **anchor** it. Then I took you on a trip down memory lane. + +I built up tension. + +Formed an alliance by describing a common enemy. + +Reframed that enemy with a buzz word. + +Made you feel empowered by pulling back the Wizard's curtain to show they're only humans using a system. + +Established authority because *"I know that system".* + +And released the tension in a symphony of words that reads at first skim like a brand new God tier DD. + +All promising a conclusion. A reward for reading further. I demonstrated relatability with something you're emotionally triggered by, lowered your defenses and fed you new information that was likely foreign to you, yet very familiar intuitively. + +Your first reaction is to scroll down. You see so many words. You are pleased. Many will upvote and comment for visibility or post a reminder so they can read it later while taking a shit lmao many will later read this on the toilet laughing like a crazy person. And many will award without even reading **this** part predicting it. + +If you ever found yourself wondering *"Why the fuck does this post have so many awards and people didn't even read it yet"* + +Well this is why. + +Because hype. Because long post. Because memes. Because emotional trigger at the beginning. Because the tiny portion of information you received from the initial scroll down seemed legit. + +This is how Dark Apes can use your hype against you. And have been for a while. Writing long ass posts with verifiable information and funny memes to **anchor** authority and relatability to their username and then slip in a few minor FUD things that will go consciously unnoticed, yet subconsciously internalized. + +The reason you upvote and comment for visibility is so that once it gains traction, the wrinkled apes can dissect it and call it out as bullshit, or praise it as mana from heaven. + +Except the Dark Apes know their posts are bullshit. They don't care if it gets attacked, they just want it on the front page and inside your cranium. At that point their bots can do the fighting for them. And many of the so called wrinkles you're flagging down for help, are sleeper agents in disguise. + +So next time you see someone post, **consider reading the whole thing** before upvoting. + +\-------------------------------------- + +***(Side note: Anchoring means attaching. Like a ship throwing down an anchor to stay still. Anchoring is a metaphor for attaching feelings, words or ideas to a single object. The brain naturally anchors things every day. The smell of a hot cup of coffee reminds you of happiness. That's an anchor. Companies use this to brand their..*** + +*(SUPER META SIDE NOTE: And guess what, I'm tricking you again. What I'm doing right now with this side note is called a* [*pattern interrupt*](https://nlp-mentor.com/pattern-interrupt/)*. And THIS super meta side note is a* ***nested*** *pattern interrupt. Layering so many metas, your brain struggles to process them all at once.* + +*I interrupted your thought process before you could complete the original thought and painted a picture in your mind of a ship anchoring at a dock and the smell of a hot cup of coffee.* + +*Priming your subconscious for programming. Your brain doesn't have time to wonder if what I've said prior to this side note is true.* + +*For example, I have absolutely no idea whether or not Natural Language Processing was named NLP to obfuscate search results. I made it up. But because I did it in a side note with all the other shit, you likely shrugged it off and thought "Ohh shit! Seems like something they would do!" taking it as fact lol* + +*Even if you are in the Machine Learning field and thought that was stupid, it opened up the question "Wait.. really? No way..". And the only goal to FUD is to make you question. To make you say "Hmm...maybe...".* + +*If you find yourself initially reacting negatively to something but then saying "Hmm.. maybe.." That means a Dark Ape has done their job.* + +*And as you're distracted thinking about a boat or what ever bullshit visual pictures I'm painting, you take what I said as fact and continue reading without realizing you've been hypnotized.* + +*Further interrupting your train of thought by layering or "nesting" multiple side notes and stories together.* + +*Effectively "Open Looping" you. I give you a bit of information, and divert your attention to another thing and another thing and on and on and your brain NEEDS closure on all these things so it reads more to find out the conclusion.* + +*That's why you see so many videos marketing a product or service telling a story and then saying "I'll get to the answer to that question in a minute. BUT first......." That's an open loop.)* + +**..products in your mind when you think of a product or service. Band-Aid for example. People just call all bandages "Band-aids" even if they're not created by that company.** + +**This sort of branding is used everywhere. And many people probably went up to read the bold text at the top to remember what this bold text at the bottom was saying because I fed you so much information it was hard to keep up.** + +**And by the time you reach the next paragraph, you'll probably have to do the same thing to keep up with the main story. And for those who** ***haven't*** **struggled to keep up, this bit explaining it diverts your attention further by filling up your mental ram with more things you need to conceptualize at one time.** + +**Congrats fucker, you got** [open looped](https://www.mindtools.co.th/personal-development/nlp-nested-loops/)**.*****)*** + +\-------------------------------------- + +>*(****4th wall break****: Take this moment to shake off the stress. If you read through that whole thing up to now, you likely gained a few wrinkles and are disoriented. It's okay to be like "holy shit", stare at the wall for a moment, maybe re-read up a bit to catch your bearings and continue reading the main story.* +*We have a long journey ahead.* + +\-------------------------------------- + +**Main story continued:** Meticulously breaking down the beginning of this post. + +I used the Fry sus meme. + +A well known meme that conveys "sus" by considering two choices. + +"Not sure if **this** or **that**." + +And I modified the structure of the meme from simple text to a long drawn out message and kept the text right under Fry's eye level. Which is sort of suffocating him in world-wind of thought, yet still keeping that "sus" squinty eye motif. + +It disrupts your senses because you're not used to so many words on that meme and so it puts your brain into focus mode. + +Narrowing your focus to be able to read every word. + +As you continue reading, you find that it accurately describes a year's worth of research + a year's worth of FUD into one meme. + +The text underneath it says *"Whoa that's a lot of words for a meme"* and it's probably what you were thinking so you laugh or roll your eyes not realizing that I trapped you into a thought box. + +It interrupts the pattern you were building saying *"What the fuck, why so many words"* and destresses you by saying *"hey I know, don't worry lol".* + +And that creates relatability. + +The wall of text gets spammed into your brain, which has been trained to filter out FUD and bullshit. + +It's essentially a DOS attack on the brain. + +Usually you're more careful when you read things so as to not fall for an opinion trap. + +But all these things being thrown at you, the visual, the amount of information, the trip down memory lane, the annoyance of how many words were used, and then the final emotional rug pull that said *"I knew what you were thinking"* makes it so hard for your brain to filter anything out. + +So you end up internalizing every word and without realizing it, forming an opinion the next time you encounter a similar scenario. Which influences your thoughts and actions and lowers your guard. + +If I didn't explain it so in depth, you might have walked away from this post with your guard lowered just a tiny bit. + +Thinking *"Oh maybe that guy who posted that thing on Twitter isn't actually a shill, he's just an idiot. Let me educate him because he's just a misinformed ape" So you'll sit there hashing it out with him going back and forth typing....* + +\------------------------ + +*(Side note:* + +*Again I forced your brain to do something I wanted it to do. I conjured up a scenario for your brain to play out like a movie. A memory maybe or a vision of the future* ***you***, scrolling on Twitter and reacting to a shill post. + +***Be very fucking conscious of your state of mind*** *when you notice yourself reading something and simultaneously getting visions and pictures drawn up. It's a trap.)* + +*(Other side note:* + +*The previous side note caused you to have a meta experience.* + +*Your brain may have shown you a vision of yourself getting visions while reading lmao* + +*AND if it didn't, this side note forces you to remember a time that you did. It's called a* [*Hypnotic Suggestion*](https://hypnotc.com/ericksonian-language-patterns-indirect-hypnotic-suggestions/)*.* + +*If I say "****Don't think of a green triangle****", your brain has to* ***first*** *think of a green triangle to* ***not*** *think of a green triangle. It wasn't thinking of it before I said it. But now it is.* + +*Look you're thinking of a* ***Dorito***. + +*Now* ***the chart***. + +*Now you're* ***eating a Dorito while looking at the chart.*** + +*You can't help but envision it as you read it.* + +[lmao](https://preview.redd.it/iqr5rhm10bd81.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc57e53d9f81df1a68f43f1b18269e7b1f6bf63) + +&#x200B; + +*The brain is a computer. Every word you read is a fucking command. Your senses are input terminals. This is well known and studied and documented. It's everywhere. It's in political speeches. It's in song lyrics. It's in movies and TV shows. Advertising agencies use it to.... SEEE THERE I GO AGAIN DISTRACTING YOU.* ***BE ON GUARD!!)*** + +\------------------------ + +>***4th wall break***: Did you notice a strange build up and then subtle release of tension after that rollercoaster of side notes? Did you notice how the meme lowered the tension a bit? +*It's within that tension and release that grabs ahold of your subconscious and implants suggestions and ideas. Recognize when you're feeling tension while reading and wonder what's happening during the release.* +Okay back to the main story. + +\------------------------ + +And then instead of ignoring the shill like you normally would, you would enter into banter mode and exchange words and hear him out and take his FUD for genuine curiosity. + +It is this banter which opens the door for them to plant more ideas into your mind without you realizing it. *(Whoa, meta meta meta)* + +Congrats punk, you got played. And have been getting played this whole time by the pool of memes you've been mindlessly scrolling while taking a shit lmao **BE ON GUARD!!!** + +Because of this principle: + +**Advertising without advertising is still advertising.** + +**Mentioning something without mentioning it is still mentioning it.** + +**Posting a DRS screenshot with some stonk other than GME is most likely an example of this tactic.** + +**Saying "I'm an XYZ ape, but I wish you GME apes luck!!!" is still advertising XYZ stonk.** + +There are countless examples of it but I'm sure your mind is already filling in the blanks as the wrinkles are now starting to form in crevice's you didn't know existed xD + +If you've been paying attention, you can begin to see things in a new light and bullshit will now easily and effortlessly jump out at you when you see it. + +Realizing that the real battle is for your SUBCONSCIOUS not your conscious. + +You have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. Think of your conscious mind as the filtered version of your subconscious. That bitch sees EVERYTHING. But it can't focus on everything at once. + +So it filters things out that it feels is important. + +Everything else that it isn't able to filter out gets internalized and sorted later. + +If I can distract your conscious mind, I can plant shit into your subconscious which subtly alters your behavior. + +It's like sleight of hand but with your brain's storage system. + +\------------------------ + +Now I promised to explain why this meme was FUD in disguise + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1rvwubw50bd81.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8554949a356d8733dd0c330616ae2ee5f5b2eaf + +On the surface this appears to be a harmless joke/meme. + +But this meme was created using a dark art tactic. + +The fake bat ears I photoshopped onto Tai Lopez is called **branding**. + +It's a tool to help you remember my username and establish trust. + +It's a *meta*\-metaphor because Tai Lopez used shill tactics in that video to casually just say *"Here in my garage"* while showing he doesn't care about a Lamborghini. + +He used literally the same tactic I'm describing with the meme....IN the meme..... To sell a course. + +For my tactic though, you look at the Computershared Lambo and get all hyped while anchoring a subtle subtext of "Thabat" next to something that triggers an emotional response in your brain. + +But in reality, I could use a bunch of bots to spam photoshopped bat ears or some **other** **cute cartoon animal** onto memes, along with ***quotes of things I've said*** to brand myself as an authority. + +A master shill already did this. And if I did my job properly, that **cute fluffy animal** should pop up in your mind without me even saying who. And it's just now dawning on you and you're like *"Ohh shit wow that makes sense"*. + +That's another tactic they employ. It's powerful. Explaining something in such a way that evokes a picture in your mind but not actually saying it. Or if they do say something, they'll hint towards an idea then back off of it. + +And if you've been following along so far, you'd probably realize that just by mentioning something casually and reasonably backing off of it, I'm planting the idea in your mind. And that gives me leeway if someone calls me out on it. + +**Someone calling me out:** *"Hey you were saying this or that"* + +***Me:*** *"No, I backed off of it. I didn't say this or that. I just brought it up casually and it's not my actual opinion. I just want you to think of this or that".* + +Sort of like if someone mentions price is going to **spike** during a **certain week** and then talk about buying call options. + +BUT saying **not** to buy call options for that **certain week** that it's going to **spike**. + +Saying instead to buy longer call options for February. + +They *"backed off*" of the idea they wanted you to consider. And then they or their shill bros can come and say *"NOOO THATS NOT WHAT I / HE SAID. If you bought for that week like we hypnotized you to do, then you're an idiot!!!"*... **Yeah bullshit lmao** + +The way they all presented it got you to form your own conclusion to buy cheaper calls for that week. And then fucking rug pull like I predicted. + +Is **\*insert person I planted in your mind a minute ago\*** a Dark Ape? + +Who knows. I think so. Just based on what I've experienced. And I'm openly saying it. That's my opinion which I'm entitled to have. Not backing off of it. + +Whether he is or isn't doesn't matter. He actually might not be and I could just be paranoid. + +\------------------------ + +>***4th Wall Break:*** *See I* ***said*** *I'm not backing off of it but then backed off of it lmao it's a way to inject a strong opinion into your brain while also seeming reasonable so you don't question my intentions. It's bullshit. Saying one thing and doing another. And the shills do it constantly.* + +\------------------------ + +Do you see how easy it is to get you to wonder? + +To plant ideas under the radar and make you think *"questioning"* it was your idea? + +I could have just wrote that whole part without pointing out that it's already been done by someone and let your brain work it's way there by following the logic and applying it to another example. + +You'd eventually think "Oh wait what about that other guy.. Did *he* do that branding technique?" + +Or I could even just use fake accounts to comment and stir shit up like Bart Simpson at the Bank lmao + +[WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NO MONEY IN THE BANK!?? Dark Apes pose as Apes and say shit just to rile you up.](https://i.redd.it/p9f7of8i0bd81.gif) + +\------------------------ + +**Lesson 2:** + +**Hype Baiting** + +Any time you see someone hyping something up, it's baiting. Hyping dates, hyping ideas, hyping anything. Alluding to drama. + +**Drama = Controversy = Hype = Gets people talking** + +Cyberpunk 77 is the most infamous example. I was hyped for 2 years. I wanted that game more than anything in the world. They promised so much, I felt it was gonna be better than reality itself lmaooo + +&#x200B; + +[Random Cyberpunk meme just to fill the post out because most people only half read and will scroll down, see memes and post \\"Commenting for visibility\\" lmao.. shill tactic. Using meme hype against you.](https://preview.redd.it/xu5oab8l0bd81.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=942c09e212f38d772101b46ee97f70dd89c74227) + +Random Cyberpunk meme just to fill the post out because most people only half read and will scroll down, see memes and post "Commenting for visibility" lmao.. shill tactic. Using meme hype against you. + +And then an hour into it I'm like uhhhhh what the fuck is this. I finished the game just because I had so much hype, I had to finish it. But I still got a refund because it was terrible. The story was good BUT look how I'm distracting you again with another common relatable experience. + +You only hype something up if you feel pulling it out and laying it on the table isn't good enough as it is.) + +Any time I posted something that went viral, I didn't hype anything. + +I just whipped it out and said **"Here. Take it."** And it was good enough on it's own that it gained traction because people shared it. + +Beyoncé didn't advertise one of her albums and it still blew up because it was just fucking good on it's own. + +Ask yourself "*What is their real motive?*". + +Because anyone HYPING something has a rug pull in mind somewhere. + +Somehow. + +Why? + +BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE TO HYPE SOMETHING IF IT'S AMAZING. + +It'll speak for itself. I hyped this post on Twitter as an example so I could say it now. + +Hyping and pre-marketing things before release is a shill tactic. To create a buzz. To imply there's a time limit to something so you remember it. It's an anchoring technique + +EVEN FUCKING GAMESTOP.. That guy who calls himself SMRT hype baited us to buy merch with a tweet about the NFT without mentioning the NFT but knowing we all were hyped about it. He hype baited us. + +I trust Gamestop as a company just a tiny bit less because of that. + +And before you get all riled up... + +SHORTS HAVE NOT COVERED. 2+2 = 4. THEY MUST COVER. + +It's math. + +But that math has nothing to do with Gamestop using ape's hype to sell merch. + +Ryan Cohen's plan is to turn the company around using OUR FUCKING HYPE as the catalyst for the transformation. WITHOUT APE HYPE THERE IS NO TRANSFORMATION. + +Shorts are fucking us on the **stock** and Gamestop is fucking us on the **merch**. + +EVERYONE IS TRYING TO FUCK THE APES ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. ANDDDDD look how you're getting all riled up even though I said not to... All while I'm injecting FUD about Gamestop. + +That was a **pace** and a **lead** which is covered in the next lesson. Pacing and leading is giving you a few things you can agree with to soften something you might otherwise disagree with. + +You were either thinking 1 of 2 things while reading that: + +1. BLASPHEMY!!!! FUCK YOU!! I LOVE GAMESTOP. HYPE HYPE HYPE!!! I'm gonna comment on the post and call you out on that bullshit. +2. YEAH FUCK EVERYONE. APES ARE ON OUR OWN!! EVEN GAMESTOP IS AGAINST US!!!! + +Either way it would get you to comment about it because you're riled up. I hype baited you with that whole paragraph. Hype bait doesn't have to just be dates. I baited you to post an angry comment using your hype. + +That's whole thing was bullshit lmao I mean yeah some of it is true and reasonable to conclude because business is business and you'd expect a company to try to make sales and strike while the iron is hot. + +It's a GOOD thing. But it's the NARRATIVE I was painting just now that is FUD to make you sus of Gamestop overall. Shills DO THIS EVERY DAY. And we all fall for it in some shape or form. + +Why? **More comments = higher visibility.** That's all a shill wants. Engagement. + +Understand it when you see it. Control your fucking emotions. Think before you comment. + +If I were a part of a shill team of dark apes, I would have planned for every angry response and then wait for people to fall into the trap to stir more shit up so you'll keep arguing which increases comment count. The only comments I want to see in THIS post are fucking zen comments. + +Shills will do this shit to you constantly and gaslight you just to create traction on the post or a tweet. And good hearted apes will **defend** them and their **bullshit excuses** because they play on emotions. + +They make seemingly reasonable gaslit responses just to provoke you, and spread FUD so people will come to their aid. + +Yes. YOU might be enraged about something. Yes YOU might see it for the bullshit that it is. BUT continuing to engage someone who is dead set on gaslighting you will only allow them more room to gaslight OTHER people. + +You know you're right. But furthering the conversation gives other people a chance to consider the dark ape's point of view. Which means you're spreading FUD unintentionally by allowing them to debate you. + +Just say your piece and bounce. No back and forth. + +IF you understand what I'm trying to tell you, just be Zen. Don't argue with anyone. Because the shills are gonna be ALL OVER this post. I guarantee it. + +**Be on guard people.** + +\------------------------ + +**Lesson 3:** + +[Pacing and Leading](https://www.mindwhirl.com/marketing/marketing-psychology/how-to-persuade-anyone-using-pacing-and-leading/)**.** + +I'll just show a screenshot of a comment I made on a post a couple weeks ago for this one. It serves as the perfect example of this shit. + +https://preview.redd.it/8ifv55xn0bd81.png?width=1093&format=png&auto=webp&s=0383a197fe0cb5cadcf324200a3ba20d5e8530cb + +https://preview.redd.it/nfrnbx1p0bd81.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=cacc4fb312aab3e880af7c539906bc38e4d87c1c + +&#x200B; + +\------------------------ + +**Lesson 4:** + +**Levels of The Dark Apes.** + +In my experience I have come across many levels of Dark Apes. + +This lesson is everything I've learned about them. + +**Type A: The Obvious shill.** + +This is your typical meltdowner. They're active in meltdown, they post shit purposefully to fuck with you. They're OBVIOUS in their attacks. Purposefully obvious. So that you get a baseline of what they want you to think a shill actually is. + +If this is the game of Chess, these are your sort of "Pawn" shills. + +Expendable, easily countered. Obviously a shill. Provoking you by saying shit like *"Shorts covered bro haha bag holder conspiracy theorist!"*. + +These exist to fuck with easily provoked apes. If you have $500 in DRS and that's basically your life savings and you've never done stocks before.. You, like all of us who first started this game, are prone to emotional attacks. + +I remember when I first started investing. I was just so naïve. I would paper hand so easily. + +These Type A, Obvious shills serve two purposes: To provoke the beginners into paper handing, and to show the wrinklier apes a baseline shill so you'll be blindsided by higher tiered shills. + +There aren't as many as there used to be of these types. Because we're in the endgame. And in the endgame, there's rarely any pawns. But there are still a few stragglers on the edge of the board. + +These are the ones who will gaslight you to no end. They exist to troll. Nothing more. + +\------------------------ + +**Type B: The (not so obvious) Journeyman Dark Ape.** + +This is the type of shill who will post memes and brigade Bart Simpson in the bank style. + +They relate to you. They agree with you on things that you agree with on a "core value" system. They exist to feel like "one of the apes". Someone you'd want to have a beer with. + +If you've ever seen The Truman Show.. They're this fucker right here: + +&#x200B; + +[But everything they say is a lie.](https://preview.redd.it/0zrppuaq0bd81.jpg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=025a4c26f15d33804fd8b70eef6c808a79d1e4ee) + +&#x200B; + +They will go along with you and befriend you. They might invite you into group chats. And LOL the day away. They'll say stupid shit. They MIGHT EVEN STICK A BANANA UP THEIR BUTT to prove how "Ape" they are. + +This is the brigadier. This is the one who seeps in unnoticed. This one will say 10 truths to slip in 1 lie. + +They might even actually be apes on the low. Holding for the inevitable MOASS. Double agents. + +But make no mistake. This is the most dangerous Dark Ape of them all. + +All other types exist to camouflage THIS type. + +They rarely make posts. If they do, it's to show DRS or to meme you into a false sense of security. + +No, this dark ape's agenda is comments. + +You check their comment history you'll see them agreeing with apes. You'll see them talking good about RC. You'll see them saying DRS is the way!! But... then you'll see them REASONABLY INJECTING BULLSHIT during a heated discussion. + +Hoping that their comment history will speak for them. Hoping you'll see 10 good wholesome ape comments and ignore the seemingly reasonable FUD questions they bring forth. + +These shills are VERY careful not to set off any alarms. If you fight them, they will eventually back down. They will not troll you. They will be "reasonable". They will say something and then back off of it. And go back into the shadows to shill another day. + +They will nit pick on small things autistically. Ignoring the bigger picture of what you're saying to get you to argue about tiny things. Semantics. That's to distract you from the actual point of what ever you're trying to say. + +I've noticed one thing about these shills. Their one weakness is calling them out when they use NLP tactics. + +I have literally called out dozens of these shills. Analyzing their comments, detailing what they're actually doing and then they delete their accounts. I laugh my ass off when it happens. + +They understand the Streisand effect. Calling attention to the bullshit just makes it a larger target. So they retreat instantly. When it happens on Twitter, they won't delete their account but will just stop responding lmao + +\------------------------ + +**Type C: The DD Influencer Dark Ape.** + +This is Criand or Gherk or possibly me for example. Someone who writes posts that shifts mass perspective. Anyone with a top 100 post of all time on SuperStonk can potentially be in this category. + +The DD Influencer Dark Ape is dangerous because they provide value and demonstrate a high caliber level of proficiency in the dark arts by the fact that they write so poetically to entrance you. + +Maybe this type of Dark Ape doesn't start out as a shill. Maybe they genuinely have good intentions in the beginning. BUT they gain so much attention that they become a target for hedgies to bribe or threaten. + +People look up to us. People tag us in comments for wrinkles. People want more of our brains. + +Well, that can be leveraged by hedge funds. If I were a shill, I could easily get people to paper hand. + +Maybe not the hardest diamond hand rock solid HODLers.. But I could get a large majority who are weak in their resolve. And so could Gherk, so could Criand. So could whoever. If they do it skillfully. Over a long period of time. Subtly spread FUD and mindfuck people to come to their own conclusion that this might take longer than they expected and rent is due now lol It's possible. + +>**4th Wall Break:** That last paragraph was designed to enrage you to comment *"NO ONE CAN GET ME TO SELL! I JUST LIKE THE STOCK!!! DIAMOND HANDSSSSSS"* lol.. Don't get hype baited. Recognize this shit when you see it. It's subtle but your brain is now beginning to see it. + +Watch the fuck out for these people. Even me. No hero worship. THIS INCLUDES DFV. + +YES even our beloved messiah. + +Imagine hedgies got to him by threatening his family somehow.. And he makes a post during a fake squeeze that he sold. DFV could make even me question my sanity lmao + +NO HERO WORSHIP. None. Think of respect as rent. + +Respect is due every time you post something. Not based on what you posted prior. But what the fuck are you CURRENTLY saying. No matter WHO it is. + +Remember this phrase: + +**"Go by the narrative, not the narrator."** + +I don't give a fuck WHO says something. How respected they are. Where they come from or what they've said in the past. Go by the **narrative**, not the **narrator**. + +If I, the **narrator,** suddenly start shifting the **narrative** to sell, or to say the shorts already covered, or that I won't DRS my shares, or that Ryan Cohen is evil lmao.. That means I was a shill all along. + +You look at WHAT THEY'RE ACTUALLY SAYING AND DOING. Not who's saying it. + +Look at the EFFECT of one's actions, not the words they say. + +Did they say something that leveled you up and exposed the truth, or did they say something that shrouded something in mystery, moved goal posts, switch up their words, said something then backed off of it, created a divide to distract and confuse you which ended up causing a chain of events that helps the hedgies? + +Overall, did they help the community or hurt it? Not by their words but by the **effects** of their words and actions. + +I'm hoping the EFFECT of THIS post will be people being more aware of their state of mind while reading and instantly and effortlessly spot bullshit when they see it. + +If what someone is saying doesn't line up with the narrative of truth, then the only other option is a lie. + +It doesn't matter how preposterous it seems. Doesn't matter if the scheme would have to be gigantic and so many other people would have to be "in on it" for it to be true. + +The most logical answer is the true answer. Magic doesn't exist. + +Example: If every scientist randomly came out to say that puppies are evil overlords from another planet, here to sell space drugs and make you feel cute emotions to distract you.. And debates are had to discuss how and why. And Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Joe Rogan, whoever.. EVERYONE was saying it.. + +*"Jamie, pull that up for me"* + +*"Well yeah, it seems like the data suggests this has to be true."* + +*"That's wild stuff man. Fucking puppies man... shit... What do we do about it?"* + +*"Adopt cats I guess..."*. + +But you see through the bullshit.. And you know there's some other reason they're saying that. And you look into it yourself and find evidence that points to them being paid by a cat breeding corporation.. + +The most logical answer is that they're all in on it and trying to stop people from buying puppy shares and instead focus on cat adoptions. <------ *Adoptions is just "options" with extra letters. See what I did there?* + +*Also did you notice a mini movie run in your mind again while you imagined a fake scenario with Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye on Joe Rogan's podcast?* + +*Did you imagine for a brief moment, all the stupid shit they would say?* ***BE ON GUARD AT ALL TIMES***! + +Go by the **narrative**, not the **narrator**. Social proof, clout, and authority does NOT equal truth. + +Truth is truth and lies are lies. Regardless of **who** or **how many** are saying **what**. + +The only things that matter are: + +1. **Shorts have not covered.** +2. **DRS BOOK is the way.** +3. **GME is the only stonk.** + +\------------------------ + +**Conclusion:** + +You now have The Defense Against The Dark Apes uploaded in your subconscious and hopefully FUD will just bounce off of you every time you see it. + +I hope this strengthens the community and helps more people have eyes to see and ears to hear. + +This isn't to divide, but to strengthen your mind with a skillset and a compass towards truth. + +If you liked this post please consider subscribing to my [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ). +So my dad works for a transportation company and has dedicated almost 30 years of his life to this company. He just turned 55 a month ago and wasn't looking to retire for a few more years because of medical insurance coverage to my mom and my 4 eligible siblings. + +Last week several employees received a packet and were invited to a meeting where they were given the option to retire voluntary. The company states in documentation that they are looking to reduce their regional workforce to meet business need due to COVID19. If not enough people retire then they will look to reduce the workforce through a severance package lesser than the current Voluntary Retirement Package. + +The current voluntary package contains 4 years added of base salary \~ $220k He makes about $55k per year before taxes. A $565 dollar a month as a supplement to pension until age 62, don't know what his normal pension will be. A retiree medical plan that covers eligible dependents until the retiree is medicare eligible. Cost for retiree medical plan is \~ 1k per individual per year. My dad is leaning to me for advice as he immigrated to this country and made a living for himself and his family with no education. His 401K is at about $200k. + +We currently owe a mortgage of $200k and are renting 2 units in the back which pays for the mortgage $1800/month. However my dad relied on his work income to cover food, bills, and other expenses. My siblings work but don't make much money and I moved out last year to live on my own. + +My dad has to make a decision in June if he wants to accept this and I don't know what to tell him. I know deep down he doesn't want to retire but at the same time I wouldn't want him to pass this offer up only to lose his job a few months later. What do you guys advice? Think is best? + +Thank you all, I know many people are struggling during these difficult times. + +&#x200B; + +UPDATE: Thank you all for the advice and support, I wouldn't have imagined this. So I have spoken to my dad and mentioned that it might be best for him to retire and take this package. We are going to have a lawyer look at all of the details so we can make an informed decision by June. Will update back on here once a decision has been made with more details. + +UPDATE #2: We finally got something in paper with clearer details. + +Estimated pension as monthly single-life annuity: $2170 + +Monthly Supplemental Benefit until age 62: $600 + +Estimated Lump Sum Pension: $480,000 which includes the estimated monthly supplemental benefit. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +Mark my words. + +For the uninitiated: +Lambo for 45 BTC: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/07/bitcoin-millionaires-are-buying-lamborghinis-with-cryptocurrency.html + +2 Pizzas for 10,000 BTC: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=137.0 +What do you think of programs such as Rich House Poor House on Channel 5? They get a rich family and poor family to swap lifestyle for a week and show the results. +I'm trying to figure out if it's possible for us to FAT Fire with 2-3 kids (have 1 currently) in a HCOL area where our joint income ranges from $200k-$500k per year, but very inconsistently. We are not moving out of HCOL area and we don't want to decrease our expenses dramatically, so I'm just trying to figure out if it is possible to FAT fire or if I should instead focus on finding a more fulfilling, likely lower-paid career and just work FT until 70... + +We are married but generally keep separate finances. At the moment, he makes 90k a year 1099 (flexible hours consulting for a nonprofit) and I make between $170k and $450k depending on bonus/stock etc. I'm conservative so I plan my budget around the $170k salary and save full bonus/RSU. Thus, I'm considering our sustainable household income to be $250k. + +We rent a 1br for $2550/month and have no debt. Would like to buy a house for $1.7M. There is an option to co-purchase a home with his mother as she has a substantial amount of cash sitting but doesn't own property currently and needs to leave her current housing in next 1-5 years. I'm not sure I want to do that as I don't like the idea of commingling our finances even if she wants to give my husband an early inheritance. My objective would be to buy a $1.7M-$1.9M home on our own in next 0-3 years. + +**My networth details/history:** +2007 - $28,000 (age 23) +2008 - $15,000 +2009 - $32,000 +2010 - $88,596 +2011 - $145,149 +2012 - $204,842 +2013 - $250,419 +2014 - $310,117 +2015 - $355,427 +2016 - $416,583 +2017 - $551,332 +2018 - $625,746 +*2019 - $850,000 so far (age 35)* +2020 - aiming to hit $1M this year + +**Husband's Networth (Current)** + +2019 - approx $150k + +**Total Family Networth Current: \~$1M** + +Husband wants to go back to school to become a high school teacher which at least would give us good benefits and a pension. The benefits would be hugely helpful as my jobs tend to be high paid but short lived and there are periods where I am not working (also due to some mental health issues.) + +**Major Upcoming Expenses (in current prices)** + +\- $1.7M-$1.9M 3br/2ba house in HCOL area +\- $60k - husband's teaching credential at top school +\- $50k - embryo freezing & IVF +\- $300k-$450k - savings for 2-3 children's 4 years at public university +\- $100k - weddings? +\- $90k ($15k x 6) - assuming 6 cars for rest of life total, 3 each, 1 \~every 15 years + +**Budget (Current, Family - \~$8k-$9k/mo)** + +Rent - $2550 (buying a house would increase this to $8k / mo) +Financial - $1400 (CFP, insurance, etc) +Food - $1400 +Kid Stuff - $400 +Bills - $300 +Shopping - $1000 +Gifts - $150 +Home - $300 (buying a house would increase this TBD) +Personal Care - $250 +Health - $200 +Entertainment - $300 +Travel - $300 +I’m not fatFIRE yet, and although I’m FI, I am still working. I’m feeling in a bit of a rut and need exposure to some fresh ideas and I figured you folks would be a great source to engage with. + +I’m 40, happily married, 2 young kids, and live in a reasonably low cost of living area. I like to hike and travel, but i also don’t mind just staying at my small suburban house and doing yard work. I go canoeing occasionally, but lately I’ve not been liking that as much. I take some bike rides here and there, but nothing intense. I occasionally do some rifle target practice, but I don’t get super into spending lots on guns. I slowly bought and sold and traded tools until now where I have a fairly capable woodworking shop in my garage... only to find out that I enjoyed the fixing up of tools and selling them more than actual woodworking! All in all, pretty laid back. + +Here’s my problem. I feel like I need some fresh hobby ideas or even a business idea to keep me occupied. I can focus a lot on my kids, but I don’t want to suffocate them with attention either. + +I’m currently at a high stress but high paying job and I could leave now or stick around another year or two while I figure out what’s next. I feel like I’m partly staying for ‘just a little bit more’ money to line the bank account with, but I also just don’t know what to move onto... so I stay. + +My wife has been at home raising the kids for a handful of years already and isn’t dying to go back to work. + +I should also mention that I have a number of chronic ailments that make high action sports or very physical labor not great candidates for hobbies or businesses. Mostly joint and arthritis issue all over my body. I’m fully functional, but a day or two of over activity and I’m out of commission for a week. + +Well anyways. That’s my story. I’d be happy to give more details, but I really just love this community and looking forward to hearing sone ideas from you all on ways to discover or test new hobbies or businesses. I think I just lack imagination or exposure and I’m getting in a rut of just watching too much shit on YouTube all the time. + +Thank you. +* Mortgage: $100k at 3.5%(fixed) +* Home Equity: $26k at 3.5% (variable) +* Line of credit: $55k at 6.5% (fixed) + +I was thinking of paying off both HE and LOC and then just adding the payments I paid on those loans to the principal on the Mortgage. +Noticed my mother's bank statement has had numerous transactions taken out under the names FB adds and the like, adding up to £365. + +Has anyone ever dealt with this? Obviously someone has been using her details to purchase items, can we get this back through the bank? + +Any advice would be a great help. + +EDIT: Reported for fraud and all charged back. Thanks all! +My plan is to sell a couple 125P 9/17. I have never sold an options contract I have not already owned. Basically, I just want to know what to expect being short on a put position. I have the cash to handle being assigned, but considering I have never been short before, I don’t know what that process looks like. Thanks for the feedback in advance. +I've been reading quite a bit for a while now and thanks to the many active members here sharing great strategies. While I may not be ready for all the thetagang action yet, I was anxious to make my first option move with low risk. +Sell to open F put, 13 strike with this Fridays expiry. I got a premium of 8 and my broker will scalp 3.03, so if it does not get assigned, I made almost 5 bucks! +So how do you actually make money if the numbers are like that? +Thanks, +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +i sold 20 put spreads that went against me. the maintenance req. representing the max. possible loss was taken, $2000. the thing is it says i am in a possible t-reg margin call which can't be because the protective put kicked in limiting my loss to $2000. i think it's a situation where they auto-generated the notice that i had been assigned but they aren't showing yet that the protective put closed out the position yet. has anyone else had this happen with td ? thanks. +To those of you running the wheel strategy, I have a few questions. + +1. What percentage returns per month do you get in general? Is 4% too optimistic? +2. Do you immediately put in a buy order at half premium? +3. What percentage of your total account do you run the wheel on? I realize everyone has a different risk tolerance, but I'd like to gauge the general consensus. +I've applied on my Fidelity account to increase my options trading to what they call Level 2 which includes CSPs, but they have denied me the approval. And worse, they won't say why. I literally spent over an hour on the phone with them (mostly on hold) and talked to three people who just told me they aren't allowed to tell me why I was not approved to sell CSPs. I already do this on my Ameritrade account and I can't imagine what they want from me on the application. + +So infuriating. + +It stinks too, because this account had previous been at Ameritrade and I'd transferred it because I like the Fidelity interface better and that's where I already have my 401K. Like, I get that they need you to apply, and I'm aware they don't want people to get in over their heads, but I've been doing this a while and should be able to trade how I want. +What are your strategies for managing losing trades? I've been tracking all my metrics and have managed to improve my win/loss ratio, increase my average win price, and reduce my days held, but I'm still struggling with reducing my average loss price. + +In general I notice that I cut my losses too early and that the price tends to rebound a bit after I sell at a loss. + +For example right now I'm struggling with what to do with this trade: MARA 5/21 CSP $42. Sold for $7.50, currently sitting at $12.05, so right now the trade is sitting at -$455 (-60%). My breakeven is $34.50 and it's currently sitting at $32.30. + +Based on those numbers it seems like the right decision is to wait it out. It would have to drop to $29.95 by assignment for me to increase my losses further. But of course that's a very realistic scenario and now I'm just trying to time the underlying, which is not a great strategy. + +I like to use a mechanical playbook but haven't found a good system for managing losses. Curious to hear thoughts from those with more knowledge than me. +I own 5,400 shares of PLTR at $15/share. Would anyone be willing to walk me through selling covered calls against these shares, and whether that is a good idea or not? + +Also, what expiration do people tend to choose when selling covered calls? Weekly, or longer out? I see on RH that selling a $32 call with Dec. 11 expiry has a $0.54 premium and 85% chance of profit. 50 contracts = $2,700 premium, and I will keep both my shares and the premium if PLTR is below $32/share in the next 4 days? Seems too good to be true, so if I am missing something I would really appreciate some guidance! +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Today I bought 500 shares of RKT and sold 5 ATM/OTM covered calls and one OTM covered put. Doing thing I collected over 2k in premium alone. My only question is, are there any risks to this trade that I don’t know about? So far these seem to be my options: + +1. RKT price is between put and call price so I get to keep shares and full premium + +2. RKT skyrockets and blows past my call strikes. However, all of my call strikes are above my cost basis for stock so they would be called away at a profit, I would just be missing out on gains i would’ve got if I just outright owned the stock without the call options. I would also keep all the premium I received. So in the end, there is no upside risk (is this correct?) I am fine with having my shares called away. + +3. RKT takes a nosedive and blows past my put strike so I am assigned shares and keep the premium from all the options I sold. However, I would take a loss on the shares that I own and would be stuck bagholding until the stock recovers. I’m not too worried about this as I’m bullish long term on RKT + +I know if I’m bullish long term I should just buy and hold shares but collecting over $2k of premium for 20ish days of waiting is very appealing and I just couldn’t pass it up. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Based on this post from /r/personalfinance: http://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/2pwayo/people_in_your_30show_many_jobs_did_you_have_in/cn0n9ii + + +I am mid-20's in the US working a cubicle job as an account manager and I want OUT. I am not here to complain about the economy, instead I am looking for real feedback about what skills are in demand that I can develop in 2015 and beyond. + + +Personally I work as an account manager for a tech hardware manufacturer, but I am willing to switch to ANY industry that will accelerate my earning potential towards financial independence. + + +For me there are two types of "fuck you" skills: + + +1. Career skills: Skills that provide secure income through market demand. These can be skills that you maintain as a fallback so you can seek employment elsewhere, or specialized skills that you developed within your industry to rapidly accelerate your value and income. + + +2. Personal finance skills: Skills you learned to manage your income. I see several listed in the sidebar for /r/financialindependence, but I am curious which skills were the biggest catalysts to position yourself for FI/ER in the real world. I want to emulate success. + + +I would like to know the following about your "fuck you" skills: + + +1. What skill do you consider a "fuck you" skill in your industry or for your personal life + + +2. How did it affect your earning potential (ie provide a safety net, or increase your salary/income) + + +3. What did you sacrifice to attain it (ie time or $$$ invested, social life impact, other costs) + + +4. How did you learn / train / certify / develop this skill, and how long did it take to become profitable + + +My only other request is that I would like to avoid speculation, please only speak from personal experience. + + +Thank you for reading! I wish you all success in 2015. +Long story short, the Mrs and I are mid thirties, two kids and probably 10-15 years from hitting our number. We might also try for one more kiddo, we love being parents. + +After some back and fourth we've decided on buying a house thanks to a large bonus this year. Our income puts us in some of the top neighborhoods in our area and I was prepared to push back a few years on our date if it meant a great home life for us. + +After touring numerous neighborhoods, one thing has really stood out, all the affulent neighborhoods are filled with 75-80% empty nesters or DINKS (sometimes both). The street I grew up on would have prevented traffic from going through our hockey games. After driving down with our Realtor and realizing "the best" neighborhoods weren't the best for us. + +We found a great neighborhood, loaded with kids at 60% of what I thought we were going to pay. Our Realtor got it (he's got kids). Anyways, thought I'd share an unexpected turn. +I have never received a call from my bank, but today I got one from a guy asking “If I had seen the flyer they sent me”. + +He wanted to inform me if I moved 10k over to my account I’d get 150 dollars as a bonus, 100k a 1k bonus and so on. + +This seems super odd for my bank to do given I only direct deposit a small portion of my paycheck into this checking account for paying bills. I usually use my credit Union for the rest since they are usually WAY more helpful. + +This is one of the big banks. + +Sounds like there’s a liquidity issues…. +Edit: If you don't find your favourite source for crypto info here,please say it in the comments. I will add it to the list. + +I had made a post a few days ago asking the people here what are the sources they use to keep updated in crypto. Here i am making a compilation of the sources people commented. Thank you to everyone who revealed where they get their crypto nuggets. + +# Data on overall crypto markets: + +1. [Coinmarketcap](https://coinmarketcap.com/) +2. [Glassnode](https://glassnode.com/) +3. [Messari.io](https://messari.io/) +4. [Etherscan](https://etherscan.io/)/[BSC Scan](https://bscscan.com/) +5. [ICO Drops](https://icodrops.com/) +6. [CoinMarketCal](https://coinmarketcal.com/en/) +7. [Lunar Crush](https://lunarcrush.com/) +8. [Medium](https://medium.com/) +9. [Crypto Quant](https://cryptoquant.com/overview/btc-exchange-flows) +10. [kraken intelligence](https://blog.kraken.com/kraken-intelligence/) +11. [Coingecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en) + +# Credit: (1-9) [u/6u2m4n79](https://www.reddit.com/user/6u2m4n79/) + +# Podcasts: + +1. **The daily GWEI** (all eth, all updates) +2. **Bankless** (heavy eth with lots of good interviews) +3. **Thinking crypto** (can't help but love this guy, so simple, so positive) +4. **Brave new coin crypto conversation** (also love this guy, so relaxed) +5. **Pomp podcast** (great for big name interviews) +6. **Bitboy** (annoying, but I gotta get my shitcoin news) +7. **Coin bureau** (just to round it all out ) +8. **Tales from the crypt** +9. what bitcoin did +10. Hashoshi of the **Crypto Cofee podcast** + +# Credit: (1 to 9 ) u/Josefsparko1 + +# Good Youtube channels: + +1. Benjamin Cowen +2. Coin Bureau +3. Invest answers +4. Whiteboard crypto +5. CTO Larsson +6. Brave New Coin +7. Lark Davis +8. Digital asset news +9. CryptosRUs +10. Finematics + +# Crypto Twitter: + +1. glassnode - glassnode +2. Anthony Pompliano - APompliano +3. Andreas Antonopoulos - aantonop +4. Benjamin Cowen - intocryptoverse +5. Dan Held - danheld +6. Michael Saylor - saylor +7. Natalie Brunell - natbrunell +8. PlanB - 100trillionUSD +9. Robert Breedlove - Breedlove22 +10. Jameson - Lopp Lopp +11. peter wuille -pwuille +12. Max Keiser- maxkeiser + +Add @ to the username to search the account. + +# Crypto News + +**New Media** + +1. Protos: [https://protos.com/](https://protos.com/) +2. Decrypt: [https://decrypt.co/](https://decrypt.co/) +3. Forkast: [https://forkast.news/](https://forkast.news/) +4. CoinDesk: [https://www.coindesk.com/](https://www.coindesk.com/) +5. Bitcoin Magazine: [https://bitcoinmagazine.com/](https://bitcoinmagazine.com/) +6. CoinBureau: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqK\_GSMbpiV8spgD3ZGloSw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqK_GSMbpiV8spgD3ZGloSw) +7. TechCrunch: [https://techcrunch.com/cryptocurrency/](https://techcrunch.com/cryptocurrency/) + +&#x200B; + +**Traditional Media (non-paywalled)** + +1. Reuters/technology: [https://www.reuters.com/technology/](https://www.reuters.com/technology/) +2. Wired/crypto: [https://www.wired.com/tag/cryptocurrency/](https://www.wired.com/tag/cryptocurrency/) +3. MarketWatch: [https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/cryptocurrency](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/cryptocurrency) + +# Credit: [u/bkcrypt0](https://www.reddit.com/user/bkcrypt0/) + +# + +# Data on Shitcoins/Scam coins: + +1. [tokensniffer](https://tokensniffer.com/) +2. [staysafu](https://www.staysafu.org/) +3. [moonarch.app](http://moonarch.app/) +4. [honeypot.is](http://honeypot.is/) +5. [Bscheck](https://www.bscheck.eu/) +6. [Wappalyzer](https://www.wappalyzer.com/)( To check the quality of the website) +7. [RugDoc.io](https://rugdoc.io/ +) + +&#x200B; + +# + +# Don't forget to read the Coins whitepaper while researching on the coin. + +Honourable mention: 4chan /Biz section. apparently even though its full of shills its a good place to find hidden gems like $ROSE before it goes mainstream. + +This is all the sources i had collected from the post. If you have any more good sources feel free to comment. I will add it to the list. +Looing at some statistics about debt per country: +http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_external_debt + +I always hear about how big the US debt is, but there are tons of countries with higher debt when you look at per capita and compared to GDP. + +Is there something that these statistics doesn't tell (such as sovereign funds) or is it because that I hear more about the US' situation? + +Just being curious. +I’m somewhat new when it comes to the stock market so this may come off as a dumb question. I know some beginner tips is to invest in safe stocks that won’t go bankrupt in 100 years like Coca-Cola. Even though Coca-Cola is a safe company, is the success really worth getting deducted 15% on top of the commission fee to buy and sell their stock? +Website - [Astronaut.to](https://Astronaut.to) + +Whitepaper - [https://astronaut.to/assets/pdf/Whitepaper%20Astronaut.pdf](https://astronaut.to/assets/pdf/Whitepaper%20Astronaut.pdf) + +Adress - [https://www.bscscan.com/token/0x05b339b0a346bf01f851dde47a5d485c34fe220c](https://www.bscscan.com/token/0x05b339b0a346bf01f851dde47a5d485c34fe220c) + +Telegram - [https://t.me/joinchat/pJTzEu-mhnAzMjMx](https://t.me/joinchat/pJTzEu-mhnAzMjMx) + +&#x200B; + +NAUT is less than 12h old. It launched on [apeswap.finance](https://apeswap.finance) for $0.2 per NAUT. The IAO had a goal to raise 400K but 1372% of that price was raised! As soon as trading started it did 3x and it is now trading on apeswap at $0.6 and should be on pancakeswap later today. + +&#x200B; + +**Basic info** + +* The listing on CMC and Coingecko should be very soon, probably tomorrow or so. +* The team has locked their shares on CRX platform. +* Some rumors about that one of the team is one of the devs of Aave. +* The goal of NAUT is to become like polkastarter on BSC. A working product should be released within the coming two months. + +&#x200B; + +**Token info** + +* Current NAUT price - $0.6 +* Total supply - 10m NAUTS ( 5m NAUTs will be left after all burnings, 700k NAUTS has already been burned just today) +* Current circulating supply - 3m +* Already 1570 holders +* Buy on [apeswap.finance](https://apeswap.finance) and [pancakeswap.finance](https://pancakeswap.finance) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Please DYOR before buying anything! I might be wrong here but I truly believe that this has potential to skyrocket! + +Edit: I forgot to add that the team has not even started marketing this! It’s still hidden to the majority l! +Hi everybody, + +I am approx. 30 years old and unemployed with no career and few skills. My resume features a couple of call centre jobs and, most recently, an AR clerk job from which I was made redundant last year due to COVID. + +I have completed a Cert. IV in Accounting & Bookkeeping. I also have a Cert. IV in Alcohol & Other Drugs. My UAI was approx. 90. + +I have no idea what to do with my life - all I know is that I do not want to spend more years placating myself with a dead-end job without a goal or plan. + +I don't know what I'm interested in, what I'm "looking for", what I'd be good at, or how to begin to answer those questions. + +Does anybody know how one would sort themselves out in my shoes? What questions would you ask yourself? How would you answer them? How did you choose your career? Is it too late? + +EDIT: I changed the turn of phrase "passionate about" to "interested in". I never meant to imply that I think I should be able to turn a hobby into a profession; I've found this discussion can turn into "well what do you like to do", and I was trying to preemptively explain that I don't know the answer to that. +I sold my MacBook on Facebook marketplace for $1,200 including shipping. The buyer wanted to use Venmo, but I explained to her that I don’t have Venmo and asked to use Zelle instead. She told me she had all her money in Venmo, so I figured okay I’ll just download it, it can’t be that hard. + +She sent me the $1200, but then Venmo sent me an email saying I couldn’t get the money because I didn’t have a business account, and that the buyer would have to send an additional $800 so I could have a total balance of $2000. I would then have to refund the $800 to the buyer via Zelle, Apple Pay, or a vanilla visa gift card. I went with the gift card and sent my buyer and Venmo pictures of it. + +Now I am being told that my buyer needs to send an additional $1000 so I can get a Venmo certificate and receive my funds. I need to do the same thing as before and send yet another vanilla visa gift card ….. + +I am really confused and afraid I have been scammed. Is all of this normal??? Or are my suspicions correct? If they are, then what can I do at this point? + +Edit: holy shit you guys I know I’m being scammed now. Stop commenting that, y’all’re just rubbing it in 😭 + +Edit 2: I am a wildly lucky girl. I just got a call from the UPS store letting me know that my package will be returned to me!!!!!! All thanks to a random mechanical error that delayed the shipping. + +Obviously it sucks that I got scammed out of $800 + the $140 shipping fee, so almost a grand. But at least I learned a very important life lesson. You all can go on and on about how stupid I am for falling for this, and while I probably am quite stupid, just know that scams can happen to anyone, including yourself ….. + +Edit 3: Woohoo, since my shipping was delayed the $140 fee will be refunded to me. +Thoughts? + +My reasoning is + +1. 10 year returns on the US stockmarket are predicted to be about 3% p.a. due to a very high CAPE of 32. Therefore holding cash wouldn't be much worse in terms of returns + +2. If you have a short time to FIRE and a high income, you have less time to accrue wealth via equity returns vs someone with say 20 years left to FIRE + +3. On the off chance there is a crash, your remaining work years may be significantly increased by a crash. E. G. If you are 5 years to fire and 80% invested in equities, a major crash in 2 years could extend your time to FIRE by say 3 years, which is a 60% increase in time to FIRE. Vs someone with a 20 year horizon who may not be affected at all as they will dollar cost average through the crash and recovery. + +4. The cost of lost returns by going fully cash, in terms of extra work for someone with a high income, may be minimal. E. G. You may have to work for another 4 months due to lost equity returns but by doing so have safeguarded yourself from a potential 3 years extra work. + +5. If there is a crash, or even a downturn, you have a pile of ammunition to deploy and could even retire earlier, or with more +I make ok money, i.e. can pay rent and bills and have some money left over. But I get this constant guilt if I spend money on myself. I have a battle in my head between saving the money for the future (as I am always scared about growing old and not having enough) and at the same time not wanting regrets when I am older for not enjoying life and experiencing whatever I want. + +Do any of you guys go through this? What do you do about it? +Hi, + +England here. + +In September 2018 I had a mobile phone contract with EE. At this time it was ontract renewal time and I moved to Vodafone. I went through everything correctly and the move went fine. At the same time, I was in a position where my debts we're basically reduced to £0 from around 10k+ so it was quite a happy time for me. I went into my bank account and looked at all of the standing orders, direct debits, and everything else that was incoming and outgoing so I could begin getting back into the game and saving for a deposit for a house. I deleted direct debits and one of them was EE. + +Fast forward 6 months and I receive a letter from a debt collection agency for £14 which was outstanding to EE. I rang EE up and asked what it was about and they told me it was the outstanding balance on the remaining time of my EE contract before I moved to Vodafone. I honestly thought I had paid everything off and when I cancelled that contract they didn't mention that there were any outstanding payments but directed me at the time of the call to the small print saying that they would collect monies from time remaining on the contract. They had all of my contact details and when I contacted them about this misunderstanding they still had my phone number, email address, home address and everything else. + +I admit, I'm partly at fault here and it's my mistake, but this £14 is showing as a huge negative and will do for 6 (or 4 more years now) on my credit report. + +I contested this at the time as I don't think they made any reasonable attempt to correct the error, but they were just not interested as it wasn't their problem. I paid the £14 straight away to the collection agency without hesitation. + +Is there any recourse to get this removed from my credit file as it puts me in a difficult position for another 4 years when I've not missed any payment on anything apart from this slight error. + +Edit: Thanks for the reply all. Going from the responses, this seems like it is consistent and has happened to many people. Maybe the companies aren't being clear and aren't using their power of holding all of your information to, you know, contact you that there might have been a slight error made on your behalf Sir/Madame. I'll be taking this to the ombudsman like I was going to when they deadlocked the situation. But this time I'm not exhausted and feeling deflated about it. Thanks to all that helped, I'll be sure to update when the final outcome has been received. +Edit: Some have pointed out the term activist invest can be construed incorrectly... I just believe he wants change like we do AND he has the means to make big moves. So if my choice of term offends, I apologize. + +Hear me out... maybe tinfoil hat... or not. You decide. + +RC is an activist investor. Many apes believe he wants to see systemic change in the financial sector. Our entire saga with GME has always been apes being one step behind the SHF. We witness the fuckery (i still am blown away Jon used this exact word) and then we had to figure what the hell they just did.... + +Apes are so frickin awesome. You see each new way SHFs fuck with our stonk, apes have eventually found out. And then we add another tool or way to see the fraud and document it. But even though we now see and understand it, we have always been late to the game. Reactive, if you will. + +**NOT THIS TIME!** + +Apes have the tools and apes have the eyes and apes already have processes in place where we are looking at SO many different indicators. + +RC caught wall street off guard with his acquisition. RC gave us the chance to throw our entire investigative arsenal at a situation FROM THE VERY BEGINNING. + +GME is the rocket to the moon and beyond. Bathroom could very well be the missile that is aimed at wall street. We are reactive no longer. We can document their fuckery from day one. + +I believe RC is fully aware of the research and results apes have achieved. I believe he is asking apes to turn our million eyes on the daily happenings in the bathroom. + +I am **NOT** advocating buying a bathroom. GME is our stonk. And we know it. But that bathroom has a toilet that is full of shit and we have a chance to get all the evidence that even a truckload of pooparie can't mask the smell of. + +THAT is why I believe RC threw down a gauntlet and is asking apes to pick it up. + +Buy, hodl, DRS GME. + +Investigate the living fuck out a bathroom. + +Obligatory: This is not financial advice. I am a purple crayon eating ape with a few wrinkles. +Back in 2011 when you could mine with a GPU. I pool mined about 11 btc. In 2013 sold 5 so I could buy a nice washer-dryer set. I still have no regrets about that, because it was a time where money was tight and we needed a washing machine. Today I sold 3. My son is only a year old but his 529 is almost fully funded (I'll still be adding a few thousand per year). + +I've got just a few more BTC, but no FOMO. Bitcoin didn't change my life, I'm still a working stiff. I'm just happy that my son can be so young and be so ready for the future. That makes it all worth it. + +To others out there. Figure out what your priorities are. If you have only unrealized profits. Fix it. Stay invested if you like (I did) but don't miss an opportunity to take care of what's most important. + +Edit: To those considering purchasing Bitcoin. I say go for it, __but__ do so in moderation. Keep an eye on what's next. When it comes to speculative investments, make a thousand small bets. Sinking everything into Bitcoin could deny you access to money you need for the real revolutionary opportunity in your life. +This one is very theoretical. If you don't know what Im talking about please research this or reread this. + +Okay, we know the heavily shorted stock mentioned came off the Threshold list on Feb 3rd. That means they covered almost all of their FTD's (faild to deliver). Many of these were bought in the open market at high prices, however many people have speculated that it doesn't seem to be enough. The market Volume was very low and the sellers to buyers ratio was also very low. could that be enough? They were on the threshold list for 39 days straight and they covered it all in just a few days? Maybe. But what if it wasn't enough? Where did they get the rest of the shares they needed? Remember, if they don't deliver in 13 days after the 3 day settlement period is up, then they lose the right to short sell forever. That is why they have to buy at the higher prices and that is the main reason, along with the hype, that the stock price spiked. + +Now lets introduce another player into the game called the etfs. There are several ETF's that have the geemee stock as part of their portfolio. I have only looked at one. you can check out the other ones too. Apparently there are 79 ETF's which hold the stock. I checked out ex are tee. Their chart looks very similar to the chart of the stock mentioned And it is one of their main stocks that make up part of their fund. Maybe Coincidence? + +Now, the etf went ON the threshold list on January 29th and has remained there to this very day! IT did not appear on the securities threshold list a single day this year before jan 29th That is the same day that the the short sellers supposedly covered most of their short positions and the geemee spike started to drop as well as about the same time the brokers stopped letting people trade! This etf currently sits at 190% short float. Peaking on 2/1 at over 800% short float! As of 11feb2021, they also only hold 454,595 shares(3.36% of the fund) of the mentiopned stock, coming down from a high of roughly 19%. + + + +[outstanding shares of the etf](https://preview.redd.it/fcfu9kpisth61.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5484039e4707243d234da8a633f8f5c3af844e1) + +&#x200B; + +[Shares shorted of the etf](https://preview.redd.it/b6aalo74sth61.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=98c590c3113485e44c1839fe748be0918f582c17) + + There is a possibility that the ETF's that had shares of geemeee were used to cover the failed short positions so that it would come off the threshold list. This would create the image that the opportunity is over, however then the ETF's involved would be now in the exact same position that the stock was in just before the spike. This would just move the crisis from one place to another. + +This procedure can be mainly done by naked shorting the stock. If a manager wants to short a single stock, but they don't want to go to the extent of borrowing and disclosing the short, they would short an ETF that holds the stock, and simultaneously buy long the underlying holdings that they don't want to short. This Naked shorting ETFs is generally acceptable due to arbitrage, but if one goes long on the remainder of the holdings (not many in the mentioned etf), one can naked short the stock without doing any arbitrage on the ETF. This, when coupled with synthetic longs via options, gives the appearance of shorts covering when they haven't, takes the heavily shorted stock off the threshold security list when it shouldn't be, and provides the ability to naked short the stock again. + +&#x200B; + +[Comparison of the ETF short positions and the underlying stock](https://preview.redd.it/hrg8gx2lrth61.png?width=691&format=png&auto=webp&s=01cba928637efebe0e584c2796ea04e46bd52056) + + This is a likely scenario how geemeee could actually be shorted without appearing so. This solves the NYSE threshold securities issue and the ability to drive the stock down outside of buying puts. Theres list of etfs holding this stock. They can all be used in the same way. Thats a theory right now. All figures indicated that the % of shorts went down without any real price movement that should have reflected this. This would be the explanation. + +For all the retards rubbing their hands now: It's very unlikely to squeeze an ETF because managers will just buy more shares of the underlying and issue more shares of the ETF. They don't need shareholder approval or prior announcement to issue new shares as do single companies. And other banks and funds can buy shares of the underlying and create more shares of the ETF themselves as APs. + + I am not a professional.. I am not advocating any action on the part of anyone else when it comes to buying, selling, or holding stocks. I didn't mention any ticker. You should also not mention any ticker in the comments. You are responsible for your own actions in the stock market. + +Let's see what will happen in part 4. +Hello! + +I am currently enrolling in my companies 401k plan and was wondering if I should choose a traditional vs Roth IRA? + +I’m 27 and make about 55k before taxes. + +Thank you! +I had a tangent thought the other day about how my parents didn't really plan to help me at all, and I don't want my future kiddos to struggle so much like I did. + +Question 1) I'm pregnant and have 2 bonus daughters. I was thinking about setting up a savings account or a trust for my baby. I'm doing some research on them, but I'm curious what other parents have decided on. I thought about just opening a savings for now and deciding whether or not to create a trust later, then transfer it all if that's what I choose. I'm nervous to speak to a bank, and I've never talked to an attorney before. Honestly, it all kind of scares me and I feel very out of my depth because I grew up dirt poor. Trust funds were for exorbitantly rich people and a savings for a child's future was a pipe dream for my parents. Any thoughts, advice, or reassurance? What did you do? + +Question 2) I would like to set something up for my bonus daughters as well, but I haven't discussed doing so with their mother or my partner yet. I really don't want to overstep, but I want them to be cared for, too. I also don't want to seem like I'm playing favorites amongst my children by only having something set up for my baby. Can I have a few opinions from parents who coparent with their ex and a step parent? Would it offend you if a step parent were to create something like this for your child? +So first you need $1000. If you don't have $1000 go get a job right now. Job market is hotter than shilling meme coins in the daily. + +Once you have $1000 buy a coin that is going to 10x. Wait for it to 10x then time the top perfectly and sell. + +Now take your $10,000 and pick another coin that's going to 10x. Wait for it to 10x then time the top perfectly and sell. + +Finally take your $100,000 and pick a third coin that's going to 10x. Wait for it to 10x then time the top perfectly and sell. + +Bam..now you're a crypto millionaire. Do whatever you want with the rest of the money after you buy your Lambo. + +Oh yeah don't live in the United States or any country that taxes capital gains. + +If your still reading... this is not financial advice or life advice for that matter, this is humor. + +Edit - sorry I can't respond to all of your comments and make breakfast. But there are some golden ones! You are way funnier then I am. + +Edit 2 - oh man! Thank you all! I had a busy day and don't have the energy to respond to all the comments. But thank you! Reading the comments makes me realize what a cool community this is and how funny you all are. Thanks again and good luck to all you and your portfolios! + +Edit 3 - some of your user names are pure genius +[How fucking dumb can this company be?](https://i.imgur.com/RhSgftv.png) + + + +https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/20/business/equifax-fake-website.html + +By MAGGIE ASTOR +SEPT. 20, 2017 + +> People create fake versions of big companies’ websites all the time, usually for phishing purposes. But the companies do not usually link to them by mistake. +> +> Equifax, however, did just that after Nick Sweeting, a software engineer, created an imitation of equifaxsecurity2017.com, Equifax’s page about the security breach that may have exposed 143 million Americans’ personal information. Several posts from the company’s Twitter account directed consumers to Mr. Sweeting’s version, securityequifax2017.com. They were deleted after the mistake was publicized. +> +> By Wednesday evening, the Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers had blacklisted Mr. Sweeting’s site, and he took it down. By that time, he said, it had received about 200,000 hits. +> +> Fortunately for the people who clicked, Mr. Sweeting’s website was upfront about what it was. The layout was the same as the real version, complete with an identical prompt at the top: “To enroll in complimentary identity theft protection and credit file monitoring, click here.” But a headline in large text differed: “Cybersecurity Incident & Important Consumer Information Which is Totally Fake, Why Did Equifax Use A Domain That’s So Easily Impersonated By Phishing Sites?” +> +> Continue reading the main story +> RELATED COVERAGE +> +> +> Answers to Your Questions About the Equifax Hack SEPT. 17, 2017 +> +> Prosecutors Open Criminal Investigation Into Equifax Breach SEPT. 18, 2017 +> Equifax Says Cyberattack May Have Affected 143 Million in the U.S. SEPT. 7, 2017 +> It would be just as easy for phishers to create their own versions of the Equifax page, and that would be bad news for anyone entering the information required to enroll in identity theft protection: their surname and the last six digits of their Social Security number. (In Mr. Sweeting’s version, the form was disabled so that no information was saved.) +> +> “Their site is dangerously easy to impersonate,” Mr. Sweeting said in an email, noting that he had created the site solely to draw attention to the weakness of Equifax’s security. “It only took me 20 minutes to build my clone. I can guarantee there are real malicious phishing versions already out there.” +> +> “It’s in everyone’s interest to get Equifax to change this site to a reputable domain,” he added. “I knew it would only cost me $10 to set up a site that would get people to notice, so I just did it.” +> +> In a short statement on Wednesday, Equifax said all posts containing the wrong link had been deleted. +> +> “We apologize for the confusion,” the statement said. “Consumers should be aware of fake websites purporting to be operated by Equifax. Our dedicated website for consumers to learn more about the incident and sign up for free credit monitoring is https://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com, and our company homepage is equifax.com. Please be cautious of visiting other websites claiming to be operated by Equifax that do not originate from these two pages.” +> +> An Equifax spokeswoman, Marisa Salcines, did not respond when asked why the company had created a separate website rather than a subdomain of equifax.com. +> +> That, cybersecurity experts said, was the key mistake. Phishers cannot create a page on the equifax.com domain, so if the website were hosted there instead, it would be easy for users to tell that the page was legitimate. +> +> “You would think that would be the obvious place to start,” said Rahul Telang, a professor of information systems at Carnegie Mellon University. “Create a subdomain so that if somebody tries to fake it, it becomes immediately obvious.” +> +> “Equifaxsecurity2017.com,” on the other hand, looks so unofficial that Mr. Telang said even he had been unsure at first whether it was safe to enter his information. +> +> Mr. Sweeting explained in his email that a Linux command, “wget,” allows anyone to download the contents of a website, “including all images, HTML, CSS, etc.” +> +> “It was super easy to just suck their whole site down with wget and throw it on a $5 server,” he wrote. “It currently has the same type of SSL certificate as the real version, so from a trust perspective, there’s no way for users to authenticate the real one vs. my server.” +> +> Mr. Telang said Equifax’s actions suggested that the company had never anticipated or planned for a data breach. +> +> “If you don’t have a plan in place, you will find different ways to screw it up,” he said. “Equifax is just a perfect example of that.” +> +> All of the incorrect tweets ended with “-Tim,” indicating the name of the Equifax employee who wrote them. The Equifax spokeswoman did not say whether any disciplinary action had been taken, and Mr. Sweeting said he hoped the employee had not been fired. +> +> “They probably just Googled for the URL and ended up finding the fake one instead,” he said. “The real blame lies with the people who originally decided to set the site up badly.” +Hi, friends. Ohhhh man. This is so frustrating. + +​ + +So Mr. gobliny-wonder and I have been thinking of buying a house for the last year or so. We've casually checked our credit scores on [Mint.com](https://Mint.com) and CreditKarma for the past year, and everything always looked fine: his was usually showing up at 750, close to mine (760). In Dec 2017, we opened a joint credit card, but that was our last "credity thing that we did". Otherwise we've always been paying things on time, haven't opened or closed any lines of credit, and keep our credit usage at about 20% (though he also uses his credit card for some big-ticket items like flights for work, etc - but he always pays off the entire balance every month). We have no other debts. + +​ + +We just started talking to mortgage lenders and now they're saying Hubby's credit score is actually 680 - WOMP WOMP. Namely, Equifax says 680, TransUnion says 730, and Experian says "Unknown" because ??? We checked with Experian and he does \*not\* have a credit freeze on it... so WTF? The lender said he can't share the credit report he pulled with us (?!) - but that all the payments "look on time, and the only thing I'm seeing is a new credit card from Dec 2017". So WTF? Where does this 680 come from? We just tried pulling his three reports from [www.annualcreditreport.com](https://www.annualcreditreport.com) and got denied on all three of them - so we're flying blind, no idea what's on the report and no idea why his score suddenly dropped by \~50 points in a matter of days (since we \_just\_ checked our scores again on CreditKarma last week). Obviously, given this is kinda the ONE TIME we need our scores to be good - i.e. buying a house - this sucks and we're stressed. + +​ + +What can we do? What SHOULD we do?! Why the f did his score drop like crazy? +Tempur Sealy is crashing today, and to understand the situation let's go back to 2016: + +7 months ago I wrote on /r/stocks [why Mattress Firm ($MFRM) was a good buy](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/4oebmx/why_mfrm_mattress_firm_is_good_buy_convince_me/). It essentially became the monopoly of mattress retailers, but the stock market was not rewarding it because of high debt and earnings misses. + +It was acquired two months later for a [115% premium](http://www.marketwatch.com/story/analysts-stunned-by-115-premium-in-mattress-firm-takeover-bid-2016-08-08) by Steinhoff International ($SNH). + +As the monopoly of specialty mattress retailers, Mattress Firm has market power over its suppliers. There are only three major mattress suppliers in the world, and each uses multiple brands in order to provide the illusion of choice to the consumer (numbers from [this market overview](http://www.statisticbrain.com/mattress-industry-sales-statistics/)): + +* Serta/Simmons/Beautyrest (32% market share) +* Tempur Pedic/Sealy/Stearns & Foster ($TPX; 31% market share) +* Select Comfort/Sleep Number ($SCSS; 5% market share). + +(At this point you're probably screaming, "But I love my Casper/Leesa/Tuft+Needle" and I'll get to that later.) + +Today Tempur Sealy was down 28% before the bell because Mattress Firm [terminated contract negotiations](http://www.reuters.com/article/us-tempursealy-contract-mattressfirm-idUSKBN15E16A?il=0) with Tempur Sealy and they will [cease working together during Q1 2017](http://www.furnituretoday.com/article/539773-tempur-sealy-ends-relationship-mattress-firm). + +This is an example of Mattress Firm exerting market power over its suppliers, which is classic monopolistic behavior (in my opinion it's actually a [monopsony](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monopsony), if you acknowledge that Serta/Sealy/Tempur/Stearns/Beautyrest mattresses are just a commodity with the illusion of choice). + +The consequences are that Mattress Firm will have better prices than specialty mattress retailers, furniture retailers, and department stores on the same products, which will drive up Mattress Firm market share and profitability. At the same time, Mattress Firm will continue to gobble up retailers or undercut their prices and become even more of a monopoly. This will give Tempur Pedic fewer retail outlets (that aren’t Mattress Firm), and lower revenue and (probably) profitability. + +I think Tempur Sealy doesn’t have a lot of options in the long term. They’ll have to get back in bed with Mattress Firm eventually. Until then, Serta has a lot more negotiating power with Mattress Firm. + +One direction that Mattress Firm could go is to start to offer Select Comfort or online mattresses in their retailers – this would disrupt their monopsony but is a way to grow their top line. And in the long-run they might build a separate ‘direct-to-consumer’ brand. + +I recommend giving Steinhoff International ($SNH) a close look for a good, long-term increase in profitability from the US mattress market via Mattress Firm. I haven’t looked at the rest of the business though. + +I expect mattress sales at department stores like Sears ($SHLD) and Macys ($M) and furniture retailers like Ashley, Jordan’s, and Bob’s (part of Berkshire Hathaway) to have a significant and permanent decrease over the next few years. In an extreme scenario they'll give up on the mattress market and everybody will buy their mattresses from specialty stores. + +I explain why online direct-to-consumer mattresses aren’t such a big concern in my original MFRM analysis (tl;dr: it has been lagging in market share and only makes up 5% of the market), but I have some new thoughts. I expect Sealy and Tempur Pedic to acquire an online brand (or two) or to create and heavily advertise their own direct-to-consumer brand, in order to make an end-run around Mattress Firm since it is being a bully. That will put an end to the independent direct-to-consumer mattress model. But the temptation to sell the same online brand in the brick & mortar retailer will be too great for the mattress giants, and they will eventually end up being sold via Mattress Firm anyway. + +Disclosure: I don’t have any positions in any of the mentioned businesses. I just bought a mattress and it wasn’t from any business mentioned in this post. And I am [cross-posting this from r/stocks](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/5r1c8r/tempur_sealy_down_28_is_just_the_beginning/). + +**TL;DR**: Mattress Firm has Tempur Sealy by the balls. +https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-twitter-twtr-stock-sinking-171405399.html + +“The research firm suggested that the Senate would be particularly interested in learning that Twitter is reportedly on track to generate about $400 million this year by selling user data. + +Citron also pointed out that Twitter’s data licensing revenue in 2017 was $333 million, and with the firm assuming 100% margin in this segment, it argued that the sale of user data likely accounted for about 80% of the company’s total profits last year.” +I'm a senior investment analyst in asset management with a decade of investment experience. Besides my full-time job, I'm passionate about teaching others the fundamentals of investing. Some of you have seen my tutorial on distressed investing on my blog Buyside Focus. Thank you for your encouraging comments. + +I've been thinking about creating an online course on practical stock analysis. Throughout my career I've taken many online open courses on investing. They are great resources and I applaud universities for creating open courseware. However, I've found them focused more on theories, macroeconomics, and portfolio allocation, and there isn't enough practical content on security analysis - including how to source potential long & short ideas, develop investment thesis, value the company, and assess the risks. + +So I want to gauge the community on your interest in such a course. What are your thoughts on the following 3 questions: + +How are you currently learning about stock analysis? Do you feel like there's enough good practical content on analyzing stocks? (books, online resources/blogs, friends/industry contacts, open courseware, etc) + +What would you like to learn from a practical equity investing course? (how to source ideas, develop investment thesis, valuation, etc) + +Would you be willing to pay for an equity investing course? + +Your answers will be very helpful in creating something that people want. Thanks! +Tempur Sealy is crashing today, and to understand the situation let's go back to 2016: + +7 months ago I wrote on /r/stocks [why Mattress Firm ($MFRM) was a good buy](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/4oebmx/why_mfrm_mattress_firm_is_good_buy_convince_me/). It essentially became the monopoly of mattress retailers, but the stock market was not rewarding it because of high debt and earnings misses. + +It was acquired two months later for a [115% premium](http://www.marketwatch.com/story/analysts-stunned-by-115-premium-in-mattress-firm-takeover-bid-2016-08-08) by Steinhoff International ($SNH). + +As the monopoly of specialty mattress retailers, Mattress Firm has market power over its suppliers. There are only three major mattress suppliers in the world, and each uses multiple brands in order to provide the illusion of choice to the consumer (numbers from [this market overview](http://www.statisticbrain.com/mattress-industry-sales-statistics/)): + +* Serta/Simmons/Beautyrest (32% market share) +* Tempur Pedic/Sealy/Stearns & Foster ($TPX; 31% market share) +* Select Comfort/Sleep Number ($SCSS; 5% market share). + +(At this point you're probably screaming, "But I love my Casper/Leesa/Tuft+Needle" and I'll get to that later.) + +Today Tempur Sealy was down 28% before the bell because Mattress Firm [terminated contract negotiations](http://www.reuters.com/article/us-tempursealy-contract-mattressfirm-idUSKBN15E16A?il=0) with Tempur Sealy and they will [cease working together during Q1 2017](http://www.furnituretoday.com/article/539773-tempur-sealy-ends-relationship-mattress-firm). + +This is an example of Mattress Firm exerting market power over its suppliers, which is classic monopolistic behavior (in my opinion it's actually a [monopsony](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monopsony), if you acknowledge that Serta/Sealy/Tempur/Stearns/Beautyrest mattresses are just a commodity with the illusion of choice). + +The consequences are that Mattress Firm will have better prices than specialty mattress retailers, furniture retailers, and department stores on the same products, which will drive up Mattress Firm market share and profitability. At the same time, Mattress Firm will continue to gobble up retailers or undercut their prices and become even more of a monopoly. This will give Tempur Pedic fewer retail outlets (that aren’t Mattress Firm), and lower revenue and (probably) profitability. + +I think Tempur Sealy doesn’t have a lot of options in the long term. They’ll have to get back in bed with Mattress Firm eventually. Until then, Serta has a lot more negotiating power with Mattress Firm. + +One direction that Mattress Firm could go is to start to offer Select Comfort or online mattresses in their retailers – this would disrupt their monopsony but is a way to grow their top line. And in the long-run they might build a separate ‘direct-to-consumer’ brand. + +I recommend giving Steinhoff International ($SNH) a close look for a good, long-term increase in profitability from the US mattress market via Mattress Firm. I haven’t looked at the rest of the business though. + +I expect mattress sales at department stores like Sears ($SHLD) and Macys ($M) and furniture retailers like Ashley, Jordan’s, and Bob’s (part of Berkshire Hathaway) to have a significant and permanent decrease over the next few years. In an extreme scenario they'll give up on the mattress market and everybody will buy their mattresses from specialty stores. + +I explain why online direct-to-consumer mattresses aren’t such a big concern in my original MFRM analysis (tl;dr: it has been lagging in market share and only makes up 5% of the market), but I have some new thoughts. I expect Sealy and Tempur Pedic to acquire an online brand (or two) or to create and heavily advertise their own direct-to-consumer brand, in order to make an end-run around Mattress Firm since it is being a bully. That will put an end to the independent direct-to-consumer mattress model. But the temptation to sell the same online brand in the brick & mortar retailer will be too great for the mattress giants, and they will eventually end up being sold via Mattress Firm anyway. + +Disclosure: I don’t have any positions in any of the mentioned businesses. I just bought a mattress and it wasn’t from any business mentioned in this post. And I am [cross-posting this from r/stocks](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/5r1c8r/tempur_sealy_down_28_is_just_the_beginning/). + +**TL;DR**: Mattress Firm has Tempur Sealy by the balls. +Theres a lot of “should I discuss crypto with family?” or “siblings think Im stupid for investing in crypto” kinda posts. + +Let me tell you the most ultimate power move you can do. +Shut your mouth about crypto. Dont tell a living soul about it. Well, technically we know but we are nobodies. + +Wait a few years and on your next family dinner, just casually drive that Lambo down the driveway like nothing happened. +And when asked “where dis you get the money for all this”, you answer them and feed upon the tears of jealousy. +So I know each trade or exchange is a taxable event. I know there is an 8949 form that we fill out, but I mean: how is every expenditure on a Coinbase card going to have to be listed? How am I going to write in every time I hopped into doge for an hour on a bulll run just to buy high and sell low? I have this foreboding feeling that my reckless trading has made days of work for myself. Last year I kept everything off exchanges and never reported. How fucked am I really, or is the 1099 from my exchange going to simplify this whole thing? + +Edit: Thanks for all the insight, folks. What I’ve concluded is that I have over complicated this in my mind, and that all I’m reporting is total loss and gains, along with mining payouts. Stay safe! +I have 15 years experience in accounting. 12 years experience working as financial accountant in foreign owned company. +And in the past 3 years I have been working as tax analyst in a large superannuation fund. My salary is only around $90K. + +It kills me when I read people are making $100k plus with 4 years experience. + +I think I might not be very good at accounting, don’t have passion for it. I do love finance though. I was going to study banking and finance back in Uni but was told if I wanted to get permanent residency I should study accounting 🥲 + +I do well at my current job (according to my manager anyway) but I don’t get excited by what I do and the pay is crap. + +Thinking about getting a job in banking/finance. With my background in accounting, what kind of job do you reckon I can get that is mainly finance related with just a bit of accounting? + +TIA + +Edit: forgot to mention, I am an introvert. + +Thanks everyone for the lovely comments and advice. I think I know what I need to do now. + +- Change my mind set +- Update my resume +- Look for new job +- Stop reading posts about people earning $200k 😁 +My electricity company sent me a box of energy efficient lightbulbs, probably about 20, after I signed up for the program online. + +What are the economics behind this? Surely they would want me to use *more* energy? Are they having capacity issues maybe and sending out lightbulbs is easier than increasing capacity? +Do people get pensions instead of retirement plans (like a 401k) or in addition to them? The pension has, I believe, fallen out of favor in private industry over the last 50 years...but it remains in the public sector. Why is this? + +When I read stories about bankrupt local governments dipping into the pension plan or with unfunded pensions, this is literally all the retirement income that these public servants get, right? +If banks aren't lending to small businesses, and haven't been for years, and that is one of the key factors keeping demand and growth low (and the low demand is what's preventing banks lending to small businesses in the first place), and if everyone was worried that they wouldn't lend to small business two years ago, why don't the US government just lend directly? They own Fannie and Freddie, which are still doing fuck all, may as well use them to inject liquidity directly by skipping banks, surely? Or even a small-business-lending version of TARP? The only answer I can come up with is too much administrative work that they aren't equipped to handle. If the Treasury had the capital, which it injected into a system it knew would not regurgitate it to small business, then why did it bother, why not go directly to them? Any takers? + +(All theories beginning with anything along the lines of 'It's Goldman's fault', shut up and go away). +Keynesian economics tells us that during a recession, proper fiscal policy would be to increase government spending and lower taxes in order to jump start the economy and raise consumer confidence. We tried the increase in government spending, although at the time many economists said that $700 billion would not be enough to bring us fully out of the recession. As predicted, we are seemingly teetering on the edge of a possible double-dip recession. + +The other end of proper fiscal reaction to a recession, lowering of taxes, seems counter to what both the Democratic and Republican Party plan on doing, which is raising taxes (just based on different levels of income). From what I understand, this activity would have drastic and horrible effects on the U.S. economy as a whole and could send us hurtling down into a depression. However, I admit that as a economics major still in college, I do not understand much. + +Thus, I ask you, economists of Reddit, do you think raising the tax rate will be positive or negative? Why does it seem to me that the U.S. has turned its back on Keynesian economics and, if I am mistaken in my understanding, would you please correct me? Thank you. +If you took someone eager to make day trading work as a full time, sole income source career, what would you say is a reasonable amount of weeks/months in order to become profitable given these parameters: +- initial goal of $50/day net profit +- starting out with a $3000 account (in Canada so no PDT / minimum requirements) +- using Interactive broker pro as the platform +- have all the required equipment including four monitors, comfortable ergonomic chair, etc +- don’t have to worry about living costs + +What level of dedication and time/effort are we talking? + +Looking forward to hearing from people that are actually consistently profitable. + +Thank you. +To all the beginners on here, which there are many, pennystocks dont require too much work. Find the buzz but more importantly, find the volume. Kodak had shit volume for the longest time. Just so hapoens that Monday, A DAY BEFORE the announcement, volume was about 8 times normal or so. The CEO had the balls to come on to CNBC this morning and feign ignorance but there was a leak on some level. These pennyturds are no different. Guys come on here to promote, or hit ihub, or whatever. They drop a good looking pr piece and you buy in. What you dont realize is that they have been buying up shares for days at rock bottom. Long story short, look for unusual volume that doesnt affect the stock price, thats the pros loading up. The pump will usually follow soon after. Most of you probably so young you just got of your moms teat and dont even realize Kodak already went BK once back around 2010. +Rather than full grown humans who think they’ll get more beginner investing advice if they say they’re kids? I’m starting to wonder what the percentage is... +I have been trading for over 2 years now. I only because profitable just by using the daily high and low. I used it for 3 weeks and made 10% of my capital. I made so much the second week, I called it a week. But the last day of the week, which was Friday, I traded and took some Ls. The same thing happened this week and I have lost literally all my profits. Sometimes too I enter because of FOMO and I only trade pre NY for the daily bias to set it. Today alone, I have been stopped out over 5 times. It’s really frustrating and my head hurts. At this point I don’t know what to do because I tried using the strategy and for the first time ever I became profitable. Now I mostly trade the 5mins and the 1mins. I only trade EUR/USD. I try as much as possible not to lose much and my stop losses are so small that I can increase my lot size. I trade mostly ICT concepts but I only trade the daily bias in the NY kill zone which is 7-9 NY time. It worked for 3 weeks and now it’s not working. At this point I don’t know what to do. I get FOMO too and try not to be patient and trade outside my zone (7-9 ) NY time. I have had over 18 losses in a row and now it’s really frustrating. Since this week started I have taken Ls. No winning trade but my losses are very small . +I am a Software Engineer / Data Scientist and I decided to give a go at automating a [strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Forex/comments/hi7vw3/final_part_viii_my_10_minutesday_trading_strategy/) based on the /u/ParallaxFX strategy floating around and backtests the results, also due to some inspiration by /u/Vanguer + +&nbsp; + +I backtested on the majors 4H timeframe between January 2015 to January 2020. + +&nbsp; + +I am only considering trades from the top and bottom bands for now. + +&nbsp; + +My trading criteria is: + +&nbsp; + + +*Upper Band* + +Indecision candle + +* open and close above the band + +* Stochastic above 0.8 + +Setup candle + +* Descending + +* Closes > 38.2 fib (or 'below' the 38.2 fib) + +* Has lower low than indecision + +* Has lower close than indecision + +* TP is above the lower band + +&nbsp; + +*Lower Band* + +Indecision candle + +* open and close below the band + +* Stochastic below 0.2 + +Setup candle + +* Ascending + +* Closes > 38.2 fib (or 'above' the 38.2 fib) + +* Has higher high than indecision + +* Has higher close than indecision + +* TP is below the upper band + +&nbsp; + +Entry: 38.2 Fib + +Stop Loss: 100 Fib + +Take Profit: -161.8 Fib + +RRR: 3.23 + +&nbsp; + +If a candle meets my trade criteria I open the trade and forget about it. + +&nbsp; + +I started with a balance of 500 EUR and a risk of 1%. The results use compound gain / loss and I only considered one currency pair at a time. + +&nbsp; + +The results were not that impressive... + + +EUR/USD + +* Trades: 29 + +* Wins: 10 + +* Losses: 19 + +* Balance: 567.45 + + + +AUD/USD + +* Trades: 29 + +* Wins: 7 + +* Losses: 22 + +* Balance: 500.92 + + + +GBP/USD + +* Trades: 25 + +* Wins: 5 + +* Losses: 20 + +* Balance: 479.55 + + + +NZD/USD + +* Trades: 26 + +* Wins: 6 + +* Losses: 20 + +* Balance: 495.07 + + + +USD/CAD + +* Trades: 22 + +* Wins: 4 + +* Losses: 18 + +* Balance: 473.90 + + + +USD/CHF + +* Trades: 28 + +* Wins: 7 + +* Losses: 21 + +* Balance: 505.98 + +&nbsp; + +Due to this being automated I can test a variety of parameters pretty quickly and come back with trading screenshots, results, etc. + +&nbsp; + +I am considering a higher timeframe but the number of trades is already fairly low. + +&nbsp; + +Here is a link to a Google Drive (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16cO0ZSCGakkbK90lh-FBIC3ZJIxOj9fI?usp=sharing) with screenshots from each trade and a log of the system as it makes the trades. The candles highlighted in yellow / purple are where the trade is entered. I do not have the picture marked as a win / lose but it should be obvious by the candle formation. +I recently got into using pine script to code an algorithm crosschecking multiple indicators. When backtesting daily charts on major pairs i found the percent profitable is around 70% to 90% on every single pair. I want to believe that I have struck gold but quoting my dad “if it was that easy everyone would do it” +Fairly new trader here. I'm interested in getting a sense of how soon or not soon before a sample of you were profitable? (Advice isn't necessary - my future plans are not dependent on your answers. I'm just curious.) + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Just realized I should probably say "profitable on average", as you could be profitable one month followed by not profitable. You know where we're going here. +I've been having success with a few ICT concepts mixed with btmm. + +Currently, learning Wyckoff and wondering if anyone has made a complete strategy out of them combined? + +Edit: Idc how you feel about ICT. I make money with his concepts. I'm happy with my results and the knowledge I have gained. I didn't say he's god. I just use his concepts and make money. Period. +I've been having success with a few ICT concepts mixed with btmm. + +Currently, learning Wyckoff and wondering if anyone has made a complete strategy out of them combined? + +Edit: Idc how you feel about ICT. I make money with his concepts. I'm happy with my results and the knowledge I have gained. I didn't say he's god. I just use his concepts and make money. Period. +I have created a new strategy that manages risks decently. If anyone sees any flaws please say so, I am still a beginner and want some feed back in this. + +I do 3 different types of trades. +Day long/overnight, hours, and session trades + +Day long/overnight- pretty self explanatory +Hours- over the course of 2-8 hours +Session- Literally watch as the rates change + +For Day long trades I put a lot size of 0.10% of my total balance and calculate a stop loss from the time of the trade to when I would lose 7.5% of my acct, this leaves a lot of time for the market to shift back in my favor if it does go the opposite way for a bit. I set notifications with the SwissForex app for every 100 pips that the trade goes in my favor (ex. 108.700, 108.800, 108.900) and as soon as the exchange rate goes even 5 pips into profit, I change the stop loss to slightly above breaking even, and change it every 100 pips. I set a notification as well for when it gets within 15 pips of my take profit number so I can change the number to higher and bring the stop loss number even close. +(No more than 2 at a time) + +For hours trades it is the same exact strategy as day long except the lot size is slightly bigger at 0.15% of my total balance, this gives it a little less time to sway back in your direction if you predict where it is going wrong. Other then that it is the exact same +(No more than 2 at a time if there is a session trade going, if not 3) + +For session trades you wont take your eyes off the trade and they are a lot shorter. I use a lot size of 0.25-0.5% of my total balance and calculate a stop loss front the time of trade to cancel after I would lose 10% of the account, this would leave a lot of time for it to sway back in your direction if it happens to go the wrong way. As soon as the exchange rate goes 3-5 pips in your favor, change the stop loss slightly higher and closer, every time as it slowly rises. You don’t want to put the stop loss too close to the current rate and be greedy, just in case there is a slightly drop, for it to only rise again faster. (I like to stay 5-8 pips behind it after I am guaranteed profit) + +At the end of every week I withdrawal 30% of the profit and keep the other 70% to grow the account, cause as the balance gets bigger, those percentages stay the same, keep the same consistency, and make more money exponentially as it grows. + +Once again I am still a novice at forex and still learning my ways to do things and manage risk/reward strategies. Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated, + Hi I am new forex trading and trying to research on this. + +1. Which brokerage should I use for forex trading? +2. How much capital should I have to start with? +3. I already have an account in Questrade, is it advisable to open a forex trading account with them? +4. Forex trading in Canada, how difficult it is with regards to taxation? +5. Any forex trader from canada, can you please be guide me through (help!!) + +thanks. +I’m not really sure about this but I thought I’d try to get a consensus. I was approached by one of my vendors sons (unrelated industry) and he told me he started a crypto and forex trading company a few months ago and it’s going really well. He wanted to know if I would want to invest. His offer was: he would double my money in about 12 months and give it back to me, or hold my investment for 18 months and pay me 10% interest (I think he might have said weekly!) He said the money was guaranteed by his company and that I didn’t have to worry about losing money because he kept my money in reserve and used 2x that amount of his own money to trade? Did I dodge a bullet? + +Oh and apparently options trading is involved somehow. +Hi, is anyone else having issues with OANDA's pricing? Today (3/31) at around 10:30-11:30 a.m. EST, I scalp shorted the CHF/JPY twice. + +The first time, the trade was 10 pips in profit, and the terminal displayed the ask at around 131.770, and the profit displayed was in the green. I closed the trade and it closed 20 pips higher than the displayed ask price at 131.990, at a loss. The price was nowhere near there on the chart, at the time. + +I shorted it several minutes later when the bid / ask were at the 131.900 levels, and the short trade opened 10 pips lower at the 131.800 levels. I have screenshotted evidence of all of this, which I can post if people want. + +I contacted customer service and they refused to admit wrongdoing in the first instance (because past ask prices can't be screenshotted on MT4), but they admitted the price was falsely displayed in the second instance (since my screenshots could prove the bid price). They've done nothing so far. + +Tl;dr: OANDA misrepresented CHFJPY bid / ask prices by 10-20 pips for me multiple times today and made me lose money, when MT4 said I was in the green. + +Is this normal? Does this happen with other pairs often? Has anyone had these issues with majors like EUR/USD and GBP/USD? I recently switched from unregulated to regulated trading, but it seems like OANDA is actually sketchier. + +Evidence: +False price 1: https://imgur.com/a/LipK65k +False price 2: https://imgur.com/a/muu8QTy + +OANDA admitting to the second mistake in an email (but doing nothing about it): https://imgur.com/a/U2Sr9mC +Don’t get scammed by people in this industry. Don’t trust anyone with your hard earned money and if it’s to good to be true it probably is. Would like to specifically make you aware of Astro, who scam people left right and centre the proof is out there guys all you have to look at is there CEO’s rug pull. Created an nft called metanauts and ran with almost a million pounds. Just a warning to everyone +If most people there are not from the world of finance. +I'm invited to a Christmas party. I'm not a full time trader yet but if I keep half the pace of the last 1.5 years I could support myself in 3 years. So I'm looking forward to it. +Ratings companies have it as hold, not buy. It only has a limited number of clients (120 or so), even if that does include some big ones involved in the US military/intelligence. + +But the big concern for me is that it's business model by the nature of its products seems absolutely ripe for scandal/regulation (especially if it breaks into the EU). + +Does anyone else share these concerns? +The other day, u/dilkmud00002 posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t7bdfc/market_makers_control_99_of_trades_and_have/) highlighting how some Market Makers have no cash and are about to get caught in a liquidity crunch. + +Before we get into the details, I previously wrote about how [liquidity means money](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qr9ovd/lets_talk_liquidity_liquidity_crisis_wut_mean/). A liquidity crunch is when your broke ass can't afford to pay bills. Yes, it's that easy to sound like a poor Wall St schmuck who found out trading is a tough game by just saying you're having a liquidity crisis and need time to raise funds. + +u/dilkmud00002's post linked to [this SEC filing for Susquehanna](https://sec.report/Document/0000881182-22-000001/) where, on page 2, there's a Statement of Financial Condition that's been bugging me. Check out their Assets &amp;amp; Liabilities: + +[Susquehanna Assets &amp;amp; Liabilities \(as of Dec 31, 2021\)](https://preview.redd.it/0hepopp333m81.png?width=2228&amp;amp;format=png&amp;amp;auto=webp&amp;amp;s=e55e3c88e12fb46ac7c887c72918896c5a4538df) + +First off, it's super sus to me that their Assets = Liabilities. On the dot equals. What are the odds that everything you owe is exactly worth everything you have? That's like having exact change in your pocket when buying something. That rarely ever happens. Maybe it's coincidence. Maybe it's Maybelline. + +UPDATE: I pulled an earlier 2013 (random year well after 2008 and before GME) [Statement of Financial Condition](https://sec.report/Document/9999999997-13-003393/scanned.pdf) and it looks like this is by design for them. They don’t seem to maintain any company equity and allocate everything to the partners. + +**Liabilities** + +Google "define liabilities": "a thing for which someone is responsible, especially a **debt** or **financial obligation**". + +Easy enough. A liability is a debt you owe. Credit card debt: liability. Student loan debt: liability. Mortgage debt: liability. + +Apes have been watching liabilities in these filings for a while now. Especially because of the very interesting "Securities sold, not yet purchased - at fair value" because that sounds one heckuva lot like a ***short position***. + +Interestingly, Susquehanna says they only have $2,000 in these short "securities sold, not yet purchased" liabilities. Is that all their shorts? + +[We need some Arm &amp;amp; Hammer to clean up this mess](https://preview.redd.it/8kimdf1z43m81.jpg?width=198&amp;amp;format=pjpg&amp;amp;auto=webp&amp;amp;s=a5e4143447934602af3e4ae14d3def4fefc66c41) + +We also see a line item for "Securities sold under agreements to repurchase" valued at $823M. Well, sold under agreement to repurchase is also a fair description of a ***short position*** because they need to buy those shorts back (i.e. repurchase) to close them. Word play. It's like Wordle with bankruptcy and default on the table. + +**Assets** + +Google "define assets": "property **owned** by a person or company, regarded as having value and **available to meet debts**, commitments, or legacies". + +Easy enough. An asset is something you own that has value. Car: asset. House: asset. Cash: asset. $GME: asset. + +Susquehanna has **$6,000** in free cash (the remaining $1.5M is earmarked for other purposes). + +[Securities borrowed are assets?](https://preview.redd.it/k68doz3x53m81.png?width=2228&amp;amp;format=png&amp;amp;auto=webp&amp;amp;s=7952fea783a8e9c18d2d575678e76a962742af09) + +Butt.... what's this line item for "Securities borrowed"??? Susquehanna listed $1.2B (BILLION) of "securities borrowed" in assets? WTF? + +If I borrow your car and your house, that doesn't make them my assets. If I bum a $20 off you, I owe you $20! Where's the corresponding $1.2B in liabilities for the securities borrowed? Umm... there isn't one. + +UPDATE: The key here that’s really weird for me is somehow borrowed assets are considered owned by the company. + +So, if I'm reading this right, Susquehanna filed their Statement of Financial Condition with the SEC "hiding" $1.2B of debt obligations under Assets to prop up their bottom line. They borrowed $1.2B in assets to make it look like they aren't bankrupt *without noting they owe those $1.2B in borrowed securities to someone else*. + +I don't think this filing should be showing $2,604,522,000 Assets = $2,604,522,000 Liabilities. It's looking more to me like $1,365,782,000 Assets and $3,843,262,000 Liabilities. + +***Susquehanna may be $2.478B (Billion) in the hole!*** Probably nothing. + +Susquehanna even has this note in their filing on securities borrowed: + +[Collateralized Financing? Generally? Credit Risk? Obligations?](https://preview.redd.it/jibbhfwf83m81.png?width=2212&amp;amp;format=png&amp;amp;auto=webp&amp;amp;s=6a400f3a4db730b4b947ff792c138bbd0fb1295d) + +Two things: + +1. Securities borrowed (and securities loaned) are recorded as **collateralized financing**. Is this in any way related to a [collateralized debt obligation (CDO)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collateralized_debt_obligation)? Because if so, that's scary. +2. The amount of collateral required to be deposited for securities borrowed is an amount ***generally*** in excess of market value of the applicable securities borrowed. Generally. Most of the time. Not always. (If they could have said always, they would've. They didn't. They said "generally".) And, with what assets are they using for collateral? The securities borrowed is the largest asset line item -- and those are not even their assets! *Where is this collateral in excess of market value coming from???* + +https://preview.redd.it/e6ibyusq93m81.png?width=1200&amp;amp;format=png&amp;amp;auto=webp&amp;amp;s=16d8d061e7ccc29164aba694aafdf6f392c44673 + +There's a line item for "Securities Loaned" under Liabilities valued at $1.194B (billion) which is just a smidge less than the $1.238B (billion) "Securities Borrowed". + +**Did Susquehanna borrow $1.238B in securities they call assets and then loan most of that ($1.194B) out?** + +Imagine I have $6 in my wallet so I borrow $1,238 from my local loan shark and then loaned out $1,194 to another buddy who says he's got a sure fire way to make money at the Wall St Casino. What would my assets &amp;amp; liabilities look like? + +If Susquehanna accountants are doing the math: + +|Assets $1,244|Liabilities $1,194| +|:-|:-| +|$6 Cash || +|$1,238 Cash borrowed from loan shark|$1,194 loaned to gambling buddy| + +*Does that make any sense???* + +Here's what I think makes more sense: + +|Assets |Liabilities| +|:-|:-| +|$6 Cash || +|$1,238 Cash borrowed from loan shark|$1,238 Cash owed to loan shark| +|$1,194 owed to me by my gambling buddy|$1,194 loaned to gambling buddy| + +That's more like it. Assets minus Liabilities is the $6 in my wallet. (This doesn't even count the $823 worth of securities sold under agreements to repurchase or the $2 of securities sold, not yet purchased. Accounting for those means I have a liquidity crisis as I'd be $819 in the hole.) + +I think ***Susquehanna Financial Group may be $2.478B (Billion) in the hole*** and is beyond broke. (Just like Evergrande.) + +UPDATE: Compare this financial statement to the [2013 Statement of Financial Condition](https://sec.report/Document/9999999997-13-003393/scanned.pdf). In 2013, Susquehanna reported both “securities owned” and “securities purchased under agreements to resell” with the owned asset value greater than their borrowed assets. In 2013, Susquehanna owned and _had_ assets for collateral in excess of market value for what was borrowed. Compare 2013 to now where borrowed assets are suddenly their largest “asset”. Weird. +The inflation rate is cooling off from the impact of interest rate hikes. It takes 9-12 months for rate hikes to be felt and 12-18 months for the maximum effect. The CPI report, interest rate hikes, house prices and rents, wage growth, job openings, unemployment rate, international conflicts and trade wars all play a significant role in guiding the market's macroenvironment. This hopefully plays a significant role in helping the market to jumpstart. https://www.bls.gov/cpi/ +I see a lot of folks swearing by I bonds on here, and thats all well and good for emergency funds, but for folks who need something more liquid keep in mind Treasury bills. They can be 4 week, 8 week, 13 week, 26 week or 52 week in length and tend to beat rates you can get from a bank. You can use them to boost your interest earnings without going through the hassle of shifting a banking provider. To give you an idea of the rates available, recent auctions had: + +- 4 week: 1.10% +- 8 week: 1.50% +- 13 week: 1.75% +- 26 week: 2.50% + +I have this OCD compulsion to pay off my cc’s as soon as I charge on them. With rates going up I’m going to break the habit, float the funds, and make enough to pay for my netflix. + +https://www.treasurydirect.gov/indiv/products/prod_tbills_glance.htm + +PS: Combined with a 0% intro credit card offer and get 1.5% or more effectively on top of these rates. +I refined my Coast FIRE plan recently while backpacking and thought I'd share.  For me it's the perfect plan, so I hope someone finds this useful. + +Me: +- 36M +- Married with 2 younger kids +- Biologist in the US +- Been working in my career for 15 years, including the past 10+ years straight +- Salary has ebbed and flowed between $10/hour to my current salary ($200k/year). +- My wife doesn't work and I've only been above $100k for 2 years now (2020 salary was $130k). My average salary during my career is between $55k and $60k. +- Found out about FIRE later than some reading this for sure + +Current financial: +- $240k in retirement funds (VTSAX, VTIAX) +- $30k emergency fund (VTSAX, VTIAX) +- $325k home equity +- $150k left on low rate mortgage. No other debt. +- Savings rate exceeds 50% of gross income +- Currently socking away annually about $85k into retirement funds, $10k extra into mortgage, $10k into a rainy day investment fund, and $5k into 529. We set aside about $10k a year for vacations. + +My job is high paying, especially for a biologist, but also extremely stressful as a project manager working 50+ hours a week. The stress is wearing me down and affecting the rest of my life. I actually really like the job but can't do this forever.  + +So my plan is to work for 3.5 more years, take a 1 year sabattical, and then Coast (same job hopefully) at 20-30 hours a week. The details: + - Start my sabattical before I turn 40 hopefully with at least $500k in my retirement accounts (will be $600k inflation adjusted if it's 7% post inflation) +- During this next 3.5 years I'll be slightly decreasing my annual contribution into the retirement brokerage account, eliminating my advance mortgage payments, and starting a sabbatical account which will be used for 1 years worth of expenses and for purchasing a camper van. +- We'll maintain the 10k annual vacation account, buy the camper van asap, start using it on weekend camping trips over the next couple years, then drive all over the US, Canada, and Alaska during the sabbatical year. +- Upon returning, I would work a maximum 30 hours/week, plus standard PTO/holidays. This will be accompanied by a significant salary decrease (guessing 30-40 %) but in return I'll still net 6 figures and also only work 3 days a week, which will be full-time at my job and thetefore eligible for benefits. I'm pretty confident I can negotiate this. +- While coasting I'll invest enough for company match,  pay off my mortgage,  save up more for my kids college, and keep going on vacations. +Hopefully i can FIRE for good after about 10 years of coasting, at which point the kids college will be wrapping up, we'll have a paid off mortgage and enough to FIRE on 4%. Tentative plan is to buy a modest sailboat and sail between Alaska and warmer islands. + +I hope someone got motivated or learned something. For me it's the perfect plan, as I can maximize this good salary over the next couple years while still enjoying life, then decompress and take a year off camping in national parks, then transition to the final coasting part of my career, and then reitre early at 50. $50k/year will be plenty for us, and while it would be nice I have zero interest in pursuing FatFIRE at the risk of my health and freedom. + +Remember to enjoy this life before it's gone, and don't take yourself too seriously. +Go forth and learn + +Intro to Crypto and Cryptocurrencies + +[1.0 Welcome - 2 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOMVZXLjKYo) +[1.1 Cryptographic Hash Functions - 18 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOMVZXLjKYo&t=1m50s) +[1.2 Hash Pointers and Data Structures - 8 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOMVZXLjKYo&t=20m28s) +[1.3 Digital Signatures - 9 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOMVZXLjKYo&t=29m24s) +[1.4 Public Keys as Identities - 5 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOMVZXLjKYo&t=39m02s) +[1.5 A Simple Cryptocurrency - 14 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOMVZXLjKYo&t=44m32s) + +How Bitcoin Achieves Decentralization + +[2.1 Centralization vs. Decentralization - 4 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5GWwTgRIT4) +[2.2 Distributed Conesensus - 13 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5GWwTgRIT4&t=4m47s) +[2.3 Consensus Without Identity: the Blockchain - 17 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5GWwTgRIT4&t=17m49s) +[2.4 Incentives and Proof of Work - 19 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5GWwTgRIT4&t=35m43s) +[2.5 Putting It All Together - 18 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5GWwTgRIT4&t=55m37s) + +Mechanics of Bitcoin + +[3.1 Bitcoin Transactions - 11 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3hJsFpPmXs) +[3.2 Bitcoin Scripts - 15 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3hJsFpPmXs&t=11m41s) +[3.3 Applications of Bitcoin Scripts - 14 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3hJsFpPmXs&t=27m20s) +[3.4 Bitcoin Blocks - 5 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3hJsFpPmXs&t=42m07s) +[3.5 The Bitcoin Network - 18 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3hJsFpPmXs&t=47m55s) +[3.6 Limitations & Improvements - 11 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3hJsFpPmXs&t=67m57s) + +How to Store and Use Bitcoin + +[4.1 How to Store and Use Bitcoins - 6 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKqHXoYZvMg) +[4.2 Hot and Cold Storage - 13 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKqHXoYZvMg&t=6m28s) +[4.3 Splitting and Sharing Keys - 11 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKqHXoYZvMg&t=19m53s) +[4.4 Online Wallets and Exchanges - 19 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKqHXoYZvMg&t=30m54s) +[4.5 Payment Services - 8 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKqHXoYZvMg&t=50m16s) +[4.6 Transaction Fees - 5 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKqHXoYZvMg&t=58m28s) +[4.7 Currency Exchange Markets - 16 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKqHXoYZvMg&t=64m10s) + +Bitcoin Mining + +[5.1 The Task of Bitcoin Miners - 10 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXerV3f5jN8) +[5.2 Mining Hardware - 23 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXerV3f5jN8&t=10m16s) +[5.3 Energy Consumption & Ecology - 14 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXerV3f5jN8&t=33m37s) +[5.4 Mining Pools - 14 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXerV3f5jN8&t=50m16s) +[5.5 Mining Incentives and Strategies - 23 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXerV3f5jN8&t=64m26s) + +Bitcoin and Anonymity + +[6.1 Anonymity Basics - 26 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glyQy_e5LmM) +[6.2 How to De-anonymize Bitcoin - 18 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glyQy_e5LmM&t=26m50s) +[6.3 Mixing - 21 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glyQy_e5LmM&t=44m58s) +[6.4 Decentralized Mixing - 14 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glyQy_e5LmM&t=66m39s) +[6.5 Zerocoin and Zerocash - 19 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glyQy_e5LmM&t=89m) +[6.6 Tor and the Silk Road - 11 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glyQy_e5LmM&t=100m46s) + +Community, Politics, and Regulation + +[7.1 Consensus in Bitcoin - 6 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRbgZUGHn9g) +[7.2 Bitcoin Core Software - 10 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRbgZUGHn9g&t=6m54s) +[7.3 Stakeholders: Who's in Charge - 9 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRbgZUGHn9g&t=17m41s) +[7.4 Roots of Bitcoin - 9 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRbgZUGHn9g&t=27m28s) +[7.5 Governments Notice Bitcoin - 9 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRbgZUGHn9g&t=36m45s) +[7.6 Anti Money-Laundering - 5 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRbgZUGHn9g&t=46m27s) +[7.7 Regulation - 11 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRbgZUGHn9g&t=52m20s) +[7.8 New York's BitLicense Proposal - 10 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRbgZUGHn9g&t=64m15s) + +Alternative Mining Puzzles + +[8.1 Essential Puzzle Requirements - 5 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TipGy2bOVL4) +[8.2 ASIC Resistant Puzzles - 13 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TipGy2bOVL4&t=5m49s) +[8.3 Proof-of-useful-work - 9 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TipGy2bOVL4&t=19m10s) +[8.4 Nonoutsourceable Puzzles - 7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TipGy2bOVL4&t=29m) +[8.5 Proof-of-Stake "Virtual Mining" - 8 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TipGy2bOVL4&t=36m30s) + +Bitcoin as a Platform + +[9.1 Bitcoin as an Append-Only Log - 16 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM3OP4gazWw) +[9.2 Bitcoin as Smart Property - 16 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM3OP4gazWw&t=16m28s) +[9.3 Secure Multi-Party Lotteries in Bitcoin - 10 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM3OP4gazWw&t=32m42s) +[9.4 Bitcoin as Randomness Source - 18 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM3OP4gazWw&t=42m53s) +[9.5 Prediction Markets & Real-World Data Feeds - 23 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM3OP4gazWw&t=61m10s) + +Altcoins and the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem + +[10.1 Short History of Altcoins - 21 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-3kOuF0dts) +[10.2 Interaction Between Bitcoin and Altcoins - 15 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-3kOuF0dts&t=22m) +[10.3 Lifecycle of an Altcoin - 15 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-3kOuF0dts&t=37m) +[10.4 Bitcoin-Backed Altcoins, "Side Chains" - 11 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-3kOuF0dts&t=52m25s) + +The Fututre of Bitcoin? + +[11.1 The Blockchain as a Vehicle for Decentralization - 14 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG7l0XPtzD4) +[11.2 Routes to Blockchain Integration - 28 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG7l0XPtzD4&t=15m07s) +[11.3 What Can We Decentralize? - 24 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG7l0XPtzD4&t=43m30s) +[11.4 When is Decentralization a Good Idea? - 16 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG7l0XPtzD4&t=67m40s) +Why are so many people in this community so despaired and appalled by this? Did they expect it to be at 100k by now or why does this time feel different? +You guys better fucking hold, this is a little toot compared to a fucking ripping fart that's supposed to happen when it is SQUEEZED LATER ON + +*WE MUST MEET OUR BRETHREN BACK OVER 300 AND TAKE THEM BEYOND* + +THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE + +GET THIS POST TO GO VIRAL, $10,000 IS NOT A *MOTHERFUCKIN* MEME +China is set to regulate its largest technology companies, Alibaba ($BABA), Tencent ($TCEHY) ($TME), JD.com ($JD), Baidu ($BIDU) + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-10/china-turns-up-heat-on-internet-giants-with-new-antitrust-rules?sref=onFVmoUx +It’s basically an interview with Wade Pfau on the 4% rule and the sequence of returns risk: + +Re­tir­ing dur­ing a mar­ket down­turn and soar­ing in­fla­tion can feel like sail­ing into the wind in­stead of the sun­set.  + +The mar­ket’s per­for­mance in the first few years of re­tire­ment can have a big im­pact on how long a nest egg lasts, partly be­cause losses take a big­ger bite out of a port­fo­lio when it is typ­i­cally at its largest, ad­vis­ers and econ­o­mists say.  + +Of course, it isn’t al­ways pos­si­ble to time your re­tire­ment to co­in­cide with a bull mar­ket. + +But those near­ing re­tire­ment right now can take some com­fort in re­search that shows that even peo­ple who re­tired in the worst time to do so since 1926 would have made their money last 30 years by stick­ing to cer­tain rules. As the sto­ries of the four re­tirees The Wall Street Jour­nal pro­filed this week show, even those who re­tired in 2008 have done fine pro­vided they man­aged their money well.  + +Neg­a­tive re­turns at the start of re­tire­ment, when a port­fo­lio is usu­ally largest, cre­ate a prob­lem be­cause the com­bi­na­tion of mar­ket losses and with­drawals can leave a port­fo­lio too de­pleted to last decades. + +“The five years af­ter re­tire­ment are a piv­otal pe­riod for de­ter­min­ing a sus­tain­able life­style in re­tire­ment,” said Wade Pfau, a pro­fes­sor at the Amer­i­can Col­lege of Fi­nan­cial Ser­vices in King of Prus­sia, Pa., and au­thor of “Re­tire-ment Plan­ning Guide­book.” + +Con­sider a 62-year-old who re­tired on Jan. 1 with $1 mil­lion and is fol­low­ing the 4% rule to de­ter­mine how much to spend in re­tire­ment. (Such an ap­proach, which has been ques­tioned re­cently, calls for spend­ing 4% of a bal­ance in the first year of re­tire­ment and ad­just­ing that amount in sub­se­quent years to ac­count for in­fla­tion.)  + +Af­ter tak­ing the first an­nual with­drawal of 4%, or $40,000, the in­vestor would have $960,000 left. With a 15% loss in the first year, the bal­ance would fall to $816,000. Two more years of sim­i­lar with­drawals and 15% losses would leave about $527,000 to last po­ten­tially for decades. + +By con­trast, a 62-year-old who re­tires with $1 mil­lion and ex­pe­ri­ences 15% an­nual gains would have about $1.36 mil­lion af­ter three years of $40,000 with­drawals. + +De­spite the mar­ket’s im­por­tance in early re­tire­ment, his­tory shows that the port­fo­lios of peo­ple who re­tire in down mar­kets can re­cover. + +Thanks to the long bull mar­ket and low in­fla­tion that fol­lowed the fi­nan­cial cri­sis of 2008, some­one with 50% in stocks who re­tired with $1 mil­lion on Jan. 1, 2007, and spent $40,000, ad­justed an­nu­ally for in­fla­tion, would have had about $874,000 left af­ter two years, but would have about $1.63 mil­lion to­day. + +“As long as you didn’t panic and sell your stocks in 2008 you’d be do­ing fine to­day,” said Mr. Pfau, who crunched the num­bers for a port­fo­lio with 50% in U.S. large-cap stocks and 50% in in­ter­me­di­ate-term U.S. gov­ern­ment bonds. + +An­other les­son for re­tirees con­tend­ing with losses is to cut spend­ing if pos­si­ble, since “if you’re over­spend­ing from a port­fo­lio that is si­mul­ta­ne­ously dwin­dling, that just leaves less in place to re­pair it­self when the mar­kets even­tu­ally re­cover,” said Chris­tine Benz, di­rec­tor of per­sonal fi­nance at Morn­ingstar Inc. + +The worst 30-year pe­riod in which to re­tire be­gan in the late 1960s. Those who re­tired then were clob­bered with back-to-back bear mar­kets that started around 1969 and 1973, plus years of high in­fla­tion. These fac­tors caused many to drain their nest eggs faster than they would have oth­er­wise, al­though many in that era were able to fall back to some ex­tent on tra­di­tional pen­sion ben­e­fits. + +If mar­kets slide and in­fla­tion re­mains high for the next cou­ple of years, as some econ­o­mists have pre­dicted, Mr. Pfau said it could cre­ate “the per­fect storm,” leav­ing in­vestors with a choice be­tween with­draw­ing more from a shrink­ing port­fo­lio or cut­ting spend­ing to try to pro­tect their nest eggs even as prices rise. + +Here are steps re­tirees can take to im­prove their odds of mak­ing their money last: + +Cut spend­ing when mar­kets de­cline + +The 4% rule would have pro­tected re­tirees from run­ning out of money even in the worst 30 year pe­riod since 1926 in which to re­tire, which turned out to be from 1966 to 1995, ac­cord­ing to Mr. Pfau. + +For cur­rent re­tirees, Mr. Pfau rec­om­mends for­go­ing in­fla­tion ad­just­ments fol­low­ing any year in which your port­fo­lio in­curs losses. + +“A very small change in spend­ing can have a dra­matic ef­fect,” said Mr. Pfau. + +For ex­am­ple, some­one who re­tired in 1966 and stuck to the 4% rule would have run out of money af­ter 30 years. But by spend­ing 3.8% to start in­stead, the in­vestor would have pre­served most of his or her orig­i­nal nest egg by year 30, he said. + +Man­age volatil­ity + +Peo­ple en­ter­ing re­tire­ment of­ten have 40% to 60% or more in stocks to help their nest eggs grow. + +A 2014 study by re­searchers in­clud­ing Mr. Pfau finds that those who start re­tire­ment by re­duc­ing their stock­hold­ings to 20% to 30% of their port­fo­lio and then grad­u­ally push it back up to 50% to 70% in stocks have the high­est prob­a­bil­ity of mak­ing their money last 30 years us­ing the 4% spend­ing rule.  + +Those who take a dif­fer­ent ap­proach, ta­per­ing stock­hold­ings from 60% to 30%, are likely to run out of money af­ter 28 years in the worst-case sce­nar­ios, ac­cord­ing to the re­search. + +Freelink: https://www.wsj.com/articles/when-best-and-worst-times-for-retirement-11661816598?st=7j8e5xbcjicz3ok&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink +UPDATE (6/1): You may notice some changes in the feature with the new iOS app release. We're working closely with Apple and will share updates as available. + +\*\*\* + +**TL;DR: Moons are a new way for people to be rewarded for their contributions to** r/CryptoCurrency. **Claim your Moons in the new** [**Vault**](http://www.reddit.com/vault) **section of the Reddit iOS or Android app! They represent ownership in the subreddit, they are tokens on the Ethereum blockchain controlled entirely by you, and they can be freely transferred, tipped, and spent in** r/CryptoCurrency. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7dabft1uply41.png?width=1198&format=png&auto=webp&s=6eae6a0bb2a0caa71f76b8badf78bb0abfebbf9e + +Today we’re launching a new feature in limited communities called [Community Points](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/). Community Points are a way for users to be rewarded for their contributions with a unit of ownership in their subreddit. Community Points can be earned, tipped, won, collected, and spent on unique items within a community. Each subreddit has its own stylization of Community Points, and the ones in r/CryptoCurrency are called Moons. + +[A Moon](https://preview.redd.it/5bjxciruply41.png?width=60&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b9ae32722eb51d06495355c537b7372c430d3f2) + +# How do you get Moons? + +Moons are distributed monthly based on individual contributions (comments, posts, etc.) that people make in r/CryptoCurrency. Reddit karma provides a basis for measuring people’s contribution, but the final decision is up to the community. + +Initially, 50 million Moons will be distributed based on karma earned in the subreddit to date. The amount distributed each following month will start at 5 million and decrease by 2.5% every cycle, so that the total number of Moons distributed over time will approach a maximum cap of 250 million. + +&#x200B; + +[Distribution Schedule](https://preview.redd.it/545uptt0qly41.png?width=1320&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f7a886c71047d161615e0f1cfe8fef2fd822f38) + +# What can you do with Moons? + +Moons can be traded freely and used for any number of purposes within the community. At this time, they can be used to display reputation within the subreddit, unlock exclusive features like badges and GIFs in comments with a Special Membership, and add weight to votes in polls. + +&#x200B; + +[New Special Membership](https://i.redd.it/k2qwvmqzvly41.gif) + +# On the Blockchain + +Moons exist as ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, where they are managed by a suite of smart contracts that handle balances, transfers, distribution/claiming, and purchasing Special Memberships. The smart contracts and mobile apps have been reviewed and audited by Trail of Bits, an independent security firm with blockchain expertise. + +As blockchain tokens, Moons are independent of Reddit. Once you’ve earned them, neither Reddit nor moderators can take your Moons away or decide what you do with them. They’re all yours. + +Community Points are currently on the **Rinkeby testnet** (through summer 2020). We plan to migrate Community Points to the Ethereum mainnet, and Points balances will be carried over. + +**Note:** If you send Moons to outside non-Reddit wallets or contracts, you are sending them to *testnet* addresses. These tokens will not show up in outside software (e.g. wallet apps, Etherscan) unless you switch to Rinkeby and use the testnet Moons contract address (0xDF82c9014F127243CE1305DFE54151647d74B27A). + +# How to get started with your Reddit Vault + +The first Moons will soon be distributed to every active contributor in the subreddit with at least 100 karma. You can get started by claiming your Moons in the new [Vault](https://www.reddit.com/vault/) section of the Reddit mobile app, which includes more details on the start-up process and how Moons work. + +**Please note that you will need to set up your Vault the first time you access it, and you will need to be on the latest version of the Reddit app (2020.17.0 or later).** We will be rolling the Vault out over the course of the day, so if you don’t see it now, please check back later. + +[**See the inspiration for Community Points and get started**](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) + +# Thank you r/CryptoCurrency + +We are launching Community Points today in a couple of subreddits that have opted into this experiment and with whom we will be working closely. We are very excited to have you join us in this new beginning and we’re looking forward to seeing what ideas you have for Community Points. We’ll be sticking around to answer any questions you have, so please ask away in the comments below. Thank you! +https://www.ft.com/content/c30cf911-51da-4b40-a969-161351de6f04 + +Chinese ride-hailing group Didi Chuxing said it would delist from the New York Stock Exchange, accelerating China’s decoupling from US capital markets as Beijing cracks down on the country’s leading technology groups. + +The company, which has been hit by increased regulatory scrutiny in China, wrote on its official Weibo account on Friday that it would begin the process of delisting and prepare to go public in Hong Kong. + +Didi said in a separate statement its board had authorised the delisting in New York of its American depositary shares “while ensuring that ADSs will be convertible into freely tradable shares of the Company on another internationally recognised stock exchange”. + +Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Tech index fell as much as 2.7 per cent on Friday following the news. Ecommerce group Alibaba dropped as much as 5.4 per cent and internet group Tencent lost as much as 3.3 per cent. + +Didi launched its $4.4bn New York initial public offering in June, making it the biggest listing by a Chinese company in the US since Alibaba in 2014. Days later, Chinese regulators ordered Didi’s app to be taken off domestic app stores. The company was also banned from signing up new users and subjected to a wide-ranging government investigation into its cyber security practices. + +The group’s shares have tumbled from the June IPO price of $14 to $7.80 at the New York close on Thursday. They initially rose in pre-market trading on Friday, but later gave up those gains. + +While big Chinese state-owned enterprises listed in the US have been targeted by the Biden and Trump administrations with investment bans, New York remained an attractive destination for China’s private-sector tech champions. + +In the immediate aftermath of Didi’s IPO, Chinese regulators signalled that other companies hoping to follow in its wake would be subject to more stringent approval procedures, especially if they managed data deemed sensitive by Beijing. +Brief back story: UK citizen currently living in Perth, Australia. 30 years old. Have a mortgage here $500kAud. Just had a baby. As you may imagine, having a baby and not being able see family due to the current situation is making us incredibly home sick (no one has even met my daughter). So we are looking at moving back to the UK in the next few years when things have hopefully settled a bit. + +So naturally I'm looking on Rightmove to see what the current housing market is like (Midlands) and to get any sort of decent house you're looking at £300-400k. And from what I've read online and posts on here, banks are currently lending roughly 4x your wages. So unless you and your partner are on £50k a year each, are these houses pretty much only available for 2nd+ time buyers who have equity in their own home? + +Sorry if this just sounds self explanatory, but when I'm looking online there are some really mediocre houses for like £250k lol! The UK housing market just seems crazy over priced, am I missing something? + +EDIT: Thanks for all your replies, I've made a comment below to try and answer some of your questions, cheers! +I apologize if I posted this against any rules within the guidelines. + +My brother passed away back in May and he left Bitcoin. He didn’t leave any written will regarding who gets his coin. We have access to his coin. But my mom and I don’t know what to do. We don’t know if we are going to get taxed, fined, Bitcoin taken away, etc. + +What would be the proper steps to take out Bitcoin or secure it within my immediate family. +Hey guys, + +I got into FI because of Mike and Lauren and they introduced me to both Dave Ramsey AND Mr. Money Moustache. I feel like these two plans and ideas work together beautifully. Yet it seems like not too many people ascribe to both doctrines +. +Dave Ramseys are all about dumping debt, getting a house, and raising kids. A LOT of people say that he is 'simple' but I don't think that is true. I think his audience are often more right wing / bible-belt thumpers but I don't think they are less intelligent. + +What he is, however, is very behavioral. A think that a lot of his beliefs coincide with what I read from Ray Dalio and Robert Shiller. He has an excellent understanding of the fact that people will often act very differently than how they plan. In addition, he speaks to the emotional burdens of debt and financial strife, and how they can affect peoples' decision making. + +I think FI is close with this but stresses extreme frugality. However, I have noticed that, while FI doesn't encourage debt, it does allow this. And that is the biggest differentiator. Even MMM keeps his emergency fund in credit cards, and took out a home equity to fund a leveraged emergency property. + +The other big difference I have noticed is that FI stresses low cost ETFs and Dave believes in "Good Growth Stock Mutual Funds" and (his own) financial advisors. . Again I think this is a behavioural doctrine over an algorithmic one. Since Financial advisors and mutual funds make it more difficult to pull money out during tough times. + +My personal philosophy is to use Dave to get out of debt and FI to invest. I definitely am done with debt. Not just high interest debt but everything. I have found that people make justifications for everything. Saying things such as: "I borrow on my car to invest the difference.", "Investment properties can only be bought with leverage.", or my favorite "I use the credit card for points .". However, I think the danger with credit is that it makes hard decisions easy, and it causes people to not think about risk. Both of these facts make it untenable to have in one's life. + +However. I can't really get behind Dave in terms of investing. Even considering behaviour. I just don't think he has made a good argument for Mutual Funds over ETFs. And, since he himself markets his own financial advisors, I think there is a conflict of interst. I also don't think that, while he wants people to be wealthy, he doesn't encourage people to retire early. In fact he even has stated that people should work all of their lives. + +I feel like these two plans can work in harmony. But the two groups do seem a bit seperate. And I'm caught in between. So I'm curious if anyone is trying to do a hybrid of both. Like can we avoid debt and also save a ton? Can we invest in ETFs but also have a paid for house? I am hoping someone else thinks like this. + +EDIT: **The amount of people here that love debt and CCs is way more than I thought. I am very dissapointed :/. I am less inclined to believe that FI people and Dave Ramsiers can coincide. But hey, if that is true, I am ok with that.** +I have seen some post on here about donating to hospitals like Mayo to get access to specific doctors. Is that true? Is there a way to find out how this system works? Alternatively, how do you know how much to donate? How long does that access last before you need to make another donation? + +Edit: the department has at least 20 doctors. There is a specific doctor I want to be assigned to because he does the THING. He's the only person in geography miles + states that does the THING. I was assigned to the doctor with the most "availability" that doesn't know anything about the THING. She knows she is unable to help me. She will not step aside or fire me on her own dispute my requests. So I have to have an appointment with her to get her to put in a ticket to see the other doctor. Each appointment has months of lead time. This has gone on for months. It's expensive, time consuming, and frustrating. +It is no secret that Sun Tzu's *The Art of War* is a popular book amongst the Wall Street elite. So if I were a depraved, worthless hedge fund manager stuck in the unenviable position of being forced to purchase the millions of counterfeit shares I had created in my efforts to deliberately bankrupt a viable company and walk away with tax free profits, what would I do? My only hope at this point is to make retail investors anxious or frightened or uncertain, thus causing them to sell their shares at prices that are *astronomically* lower than their actual value. Otherwise I will not survive and I won't be able to continue my acts of financial terrorism that have allowed me to steal literally hundreds of trillions of dollars from honest, hard working people over the past few decades. + +**“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”** + +How might I attempt to create FUD that could potentially weaken the apes' morale? Well, they are rather jubilant and many seem to be convinced of imminent victory given everything happening at the moment. + +**“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”** + +Or as Sun Tzu more simply stated: + +**“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”** + +Perhaps it's time for me to unleash a massive FUD campaign or create another colossal dip in an effort to shake some apes off the tree? + +**"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."** + +So for the real me, the "dumb money" retail investor: + +I must continue to guard against overconfidence and a mercurial temperament. + +**"Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared."** + +While I am certainly happy with my investment in GME, I am not celebrating anything yet. I am not concerned with dates or timelines. + +**“Wheels of justice grind slow but grind fine.”** + +I do not care about what anyone else thinks I should do with my portfolio or when I should do it. + +**“You have to believe in yourself.”** + +I am a simple investor. I like GME. I purchased my first shares a long time ago because I believed in Ryan Cohen and the company, but also because I saw that financial institutions had put themselves in a precarious situation because of their greed, wickedness, and the knowledge that they would not be held accountable by any regulatory agency (because they've never been held accountable before). + +**“Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will.”** + +Despite the constant FUD and deception perpetuated by the mainstream media, I have continued to purchase shares because the more time that passes, the more I learn, and the more that I learn, the more confident I am in GameStop and in my investment. + +**“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”** + +I will continue to BUY and HODL shares of the company indefinitely. Every additional share I own enhances my ability to obtain financial freedom, contribute to efforts that will improve society, and force changes in our corrupt, fraudulent financial system. + +**“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”** + +But the entities on the opposite side of my investment have proven themselves to be immoral, unethical, and criminally ruthless, so I must not lose focus. + +**"The enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution."** + +This is why no matter what happens, I will simply continue to BUY and HODL. I believe that is an unbeatable strategy. Everything else is just noise. + +💎🙌🦍🚀 + +**Edit:** I just realized that it seems like this... + +**"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."** + +...is what Ryan Cohen has been doing to perfection, consistently outmaneuvering the short sellers, as well as everyone else currently acting in opposition to his rapidly transforming company that sits at the center of the juggernaut that is the global gaming industry. +I'm new to the group and have been finding some of the advance strategies extremely helpful in my own journey. I'm 35, married with about $2m net worth with my wife and I combed income around $350k a year. I wanted to know if you guys had some advanced strategies for college savings for nieces and nephews outside of 529 plans. + +We do plan on potentially having one or two kids in the next year, if at all, but I also recognize that my siblings (4) are not as financially secure as I am. Two are teachers, one does HVAC, the other works for the city in the court system. I'm the one that 'got out' and left the city I grew up in and moved away for a successful career in banking (not a finance guy though). I try to help out my family as much as possible, but they don't like to discuss finances in general and don't like advice when making big decisions (it is frustrating when I see things like bad car loans with high interest rates because they just "didn't know" they could get better rates elsewhere). I have two nieces and one nephew where I highly doubt the three sets of parents are able to sock away much, if at all, for future college expenses. + +Other than contributing few hundred each paycheck that doesn't have a material impact on me, should I do anything other than aiming to max out the 529's that won't impact my FatFire goal by 40? +Hi all - HENRY and aspiring FatFireer here. I'm old enough to have been financially aware for a few serious pullbacks by now, but was a child for dotcom fuss. + +Curious for perspective from those who are either approaching their respective milestones or those who have watched the last 6 months and made adjustments to their approach. + +For clarity, this is not a doom and gloom post and I'm buying left and right but I'm curious to see how the last 6 months and the road ahead has shifted your perspectives. + +Are you "stay the course / double down" or was this a wake-up call in trying to bulletproof your portfolio? +My father is getting older and he has always been a European car enthusiast. I am considering taking him to Europe next Summer with intent to do a AMG/BMW/Porsche driving experience. At least 2-day luxury itinerary. My research so far indicates ~$5kpp. Anybody have any recommendations? Does not necessarily need to be organized directly by the automaker. +I currently live in a MCOL and work at a high growth tech company. When looking ahead, I can’t say I have strong interest in the positions ahead of me. To be specific, I work on the strategic business partnerships side, and not a dev. + +I love everything technology. The innovation, advancements, conversations, industry news, and solutions are all things that excite me. + +What I don’t necessarily love is working in this space. The pressure, constant meetings, never ending quotas, office politics, and having to build a “personal brand” to stand out (yes this is a thing at tech companies) are all things that make it intolerable. + +I am near 31 and have $5M invested right now. The stress is beginning to creep into my life outside work (hence this post) and I’m beginning to wonder if the juice is worth the squeeze. Considering scrapping it all but afraid to quit due to uncertainty. + +If I had my own company idea or another way to work for myself I would. But I don’t currently. +Hey everyone, thank you so much for the advice here: [Should I fire my financial advisor?](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/l35s52/should_i_fire_my_financial_advisor/) + +I'm taking your advice. This is my first time breaking a long term professional relationship that isn't my workplace. I wanted to reach out to the fatfire hivemind and get some tips on how to go about this gracefully and respectfully. + +Should I be transparent with my disappointments to give them some constructive feedback? I strongly believe in this in the workplace, but perhaps this type of relationship is different. + +Should I be worried about anything with regards to the funds they have access to, or documents/PII they have on me? +Looking beyond the (often misleading) headline figure, here are the typical standing charge and unit rates for the new price cap: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/check-if-energy-price-cap-affects-you + +Standing charges have gone up by 1p per fuel (to 46p for electricity and 28p for gas), while the kWh rate for electricity has increased by 86% from 28p to 52p, and the kWh rate for gas has more than doubled from 7p to 15p. + +ETA: These vary by region; Money Saving Expert will have the full list on this page once they've got it ready. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/utilities/what-are-the-price-cap-unit-rates-/ +Still learning about the market and diversification. Purely theoretical, but would be greatful for others thoughts. Whether it be bonds,stocks,etfs and how to balance the portfolio / whether to hold a certain amount of cash for opportunities etc. + +Any opinions would be great! +**Update - A few guys did more DD and it appears that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has a pretty good position in ARCO, to the tune of over [3 million shares](https://fintel.io/i/bill-melinda-gates-foundation-trust), totaling over $12 million. Obviously these guys see potential in the company.** + +**I have 660 September 18, $5 call options. I think this thing can continue rallying into next week. The IV on this options is less than 60. You cannot find that low volatility anywhere for calls these days. And they are trading at 10 cents. I think this stock has the potential to hit $6 in the next week. ** + +**I know Brazil is a mess and South American in general is a pile of doo doo, but these guys go to McDonald's like it's going out of style. Revenue growth is consistently in the 10% range and last year comps were up 12% for Brazil and over 27% for Southern Latin America. [(Presentation here)](https://www.arcosdorados.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/ARCO-KPIs-2Q20.pdf)** + +**Also, Bank of America said yesterday that the Brazilian economy has basically returned to pre-covid levels. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/brazil-economic-activity-returned-to-pre-covid-levels-bofa-says-1.1484251** + +**TL;DR - ARCO's McDonald's stores are doing fine and the stock and calls are going up.** + + + --------------------------- + + + +A few weeks ago I did some DD on Huttig (HBP). The stock doubled and within a week it received a buyout offer. It was an incredibly undervalued company and it was only a matter of time before the market noticed. + +**Today, I bring you another incredibly undervalued company** + +Arcos Dorados Holdings (ARCO) is basically McDonalds in Latin America and the Caribbean. They own, operate and sub-franchise all McDonald's restaurants (over 2200) in all of Latin America and the Caribbean. + +**This is a billion dollar company and it is trading like a penny stock at only $4.50. Sales last year were almost $3 billion and the company earned $80 million in net income. EBITDA was almost $300 million. ** + +**For those who might not know, Arcos Dorados translates to Golden Arches in Spanish.** + +Quote directly from the Arcos Dorados (ARCO) [Investor relations page](https://www.arcosdorados.com/ir/company-overview/) + +>"Arcos Dorados is the world’s largest independent McDonald’s franchisee, operating the largest quick service restaurant chain in Latin America and the Caribbean. It has the exclusive right to own, operate and grant franchises of McDonald’s restaurants in 20 Latin American and Caribbean countries and territories with more than 2,200 restaurants, operated by the Company or by its sub-franchisees, that together employ over 100 thousand people" + +Coronavirus has negatively impacted sales for the last two quarters, but the sales trends are improving and the stock is still down massively from where it was before the crisis. There is a ton of room for this stock to run higher. + +**The catalyst:** The outbreak in Brazil and other LatAm countries is slowing considerably. These economies are starting to re-open. People are starting to line up for Big Macs and cheeseburgers. During the last conference call the company mentioned huge improvement in traffic and sales trends. Another very important point is that the fast food industry in Latin America is highly fragmented with many mom and pop restaurants. These restaurants were power-fucked by pandemic related lock-downs and most of them will never reopen. Arcos Dorados will gobble up all this business and consolidate their hold on the Latin American and Caribbean market. Long term, the pandemic probably is a major boost for the company. + +**The play:** The stock trades at only at $4.50. These shares are on heavy discount. I think the stock should be trading considerably higher and the average Yahoo analyst estimate is $6.10. The September options ($5 strike) are trading at only 10 cents, and the IV for the September calls is under 60, so you are not overpaying for volatility. I think the calls and the shares will increase in value considerably. But still, for safety, I always recommend sticking with common shares when dealing with a penny stock. + +*Disclaimer: I'm not pumping this stock, but I can clearly see huge value. I own 25,000 shares, which is a small portion of my portfolio. Do your own due diligence. Remember, the name of the game is to make money. If the stock shoots to $8, remember to bank some profits because nothing is ever 100% certain. But this company is pretty solid. It's a massive operation with over 2200 restaurants. It is not like some biotech company with 5 employees, or a speculative mining play.* **It's freaking the Latin American McDonald's corporation.** +LI auto is up 25% premarket on earnings report, adding momentum to EV market. If there's an earnings day on which EV day traders were looking to sell and take profits, it would be today. + +https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/li?mod=mw_latestnews + +However, the momentum from the phenomenal quarter-on-quarter growth reported in the sector this month may provide a permanent leg up to recent IPO stocks. + +Likely to be VERY heavy volume. Yesterday saw [over 500 million trades executed on NIO & XPEV, with LI ending the day at 77.5 million trades.](https://imgur.com/WpFScLn) +I mean seriously, every freaking time that I come to the starting line of the financial stable race, when I just open a saving account and put my money in, when I just see a significant drop in my monthly expenses and an increase in my disposable income, there will be some unexpected things. + +My motorbike will magically stop working (this just happened this morning after 4 months in quarantine). My phone will die (had to purchase a brand new phone just last month and of course, credit card debt). Your laptop, the only tool that will create your only source of income just decide it's not gonna power up (this happened last night, just a false alarm, work normally now but I don't know if it going to happen again). And for people like me, where my monthly income can only scraping by each month, 1 unexpected expense is enough to ruin every plan. + +Edit: The thing is I understand unexpected things happen in daily life, I do have my emergency fund and saving account, both total 2 months expenses without any shortage and still increasing. I can confidently say that I am not poor anymore. I still have credit card debts but they are still under control. But what I am trying to say is, one of the reasons these things keep happening to low incomers is because of...our lack of income (or income sources). We tend to (need to) focus on a short term cost and benefit analysis to make decisions. Like choosing a cheaper car which tends to break down more likely, eating crappy foods (this is also true even if you cook at home), which will affect your health, buying secondhand electronic devices which will have a shorter life span...The way this modern world is built puts poor people in a cruel circle where you either have to keep moving forward or...giving up entirely. +I follow a guy named Jesse Felder (not only him). Here is a pretty compelling chart he recently posted. + +https://thefelderreport.com/2017/08/02/by-this-measure-the-current-stock-market-bubble-is-far-bigger-than-the-dotcom-bubble/ + +To me, looking at this this alone, it is hard to be very bullish right now. What say you? +If you invest in a syndication and the property needs $60,000 of electrical/plumbing work in Year 2, then who pays for that repair? + +Is the cost of that repair split between all the investors? + +Does the syndicator pay for this repair from the reserves of the property? + +How are the reserves of the property calculated? Is the syndicator required to keep 5% of all monthly rental revenue in a reserve account? & is this 5% deducted from the dividend you get paid? + +When the property is sold in year 10, what is the cut the syndicator makes? Does the syndicator still own a percentage of the property? + +What if the property is worth less in Year 10? + +How do you protect yourself from the syndicator coming out with exaggerated management fees and expenses that are deducted from your profit? +As the title states - I'm 24 years old and looking to start my real estate journey. I have a full time job that pays well and I plan to keep throughout my real estate journey until without reasonable doubt I can live comfortably on profits (estimate 20+years). I am a veteran so I have access to a VA loan. However, I've never used it or another home loan before. + +I am originally from southeastern Wisconsin but, I am currently residing in Washington. The multifamily houses I have been looking are back in the vicinity of my hometown and the reason for this is because I feel like I understand the neighborhoods, school systems, trending areas, and possible up and coming neighborhoods. Properties all seem to be relatively affordable for a beginner like myself in my hometown. + +With my basic knowledge of real estate, home loans, mortgages payments, and taxes, I "believe" i found a property that has immediate cash flow. However I'm not stupid, I know that usually if it sounds to good to be true it likely is. This property is a duplex with 3B/2b upper and 2B/1b lower valued at \~125K However it is listed for \~115 due to the neighborhood. (This neighborhood has some positives though considering it's close to shopping centers, restaurants, and other businesses) The house is also a corner property with a fenced yard and appears to recently been remodeled (or just well maintained the last decade). + +So as I stated, I'm thinking its either too good to be true or I just am not looking at all of the expenses (probably both). + +If i used a VA loan on the property at their asking price of \~115K with taxes, possible PMI, and HOI id be paying \~900 a month. Am i missing some funds i need to be calculating? + +&#x200B; + +At $900\~ even in a slightly below average neighborhood (It's not sketchy or crime ridden, just a minority population) i feel like i would immediately have a positive cash flow while renting both units. + +&#x200B; + +What are some concerns you would have as an investor, what are some things you may feel I am not taking into consideration, anything else to think about? Any information, advice, or critiques are useful and I appreciate you all and this subreddit community! +Had a small 13 unit complex under contract in January. Got financing and was waiting for the appraisal to come back for final closing to be approved. We had to extend the contract twice to try and wait out the appraiser since they were too busy at the time, and finally was able to get him out there in early April with a projected close of mid April. + +Have it in writing about a week before closing from the appraiser that he was able to get to the property, start the report, and would have the appraisal complete before the close date. And then nothing. No response to phone calls, texts, emails, mail. The financing couldn’t get ahold of him, nor could I or my realtor. + +All in all I lost about $20k in EMD, appraisal cost and inspection costs, plus a whole lot of time and headaches, and the investment as a whole. + +Is it worth a lawsuit or does this just happen? Because if so and there’s no repercussions then I feel like I need to be a property appraiser. +First of all I searched "downturn" in this sub to find answers to this and mostly just found aged-like-milk predictions about the market from 1 year ago. Yipes. + +People say they will buy buy buy if prices go down. But what is your strategy for being ready for that? Do you literally maintain cash for that? How do you decide how much cash? Or, how else do you plan to buy buy buy when there are deals all around but your own RE assets are also temporarily worth less? + +I have a handful of paid-for sfh, and my plan is to cash-out refi to buy more as I find great deals, not necessarily waiting for a market-wide decline. But if there WAS a market-wide decline, I wouldn't be able to pull as much cash at that point. + +I have no reason to believe prices will be declining any time soon. Just doing my best to be prepared! +My wife and I started a small family REI business. We mainly focus on our careers, but on the side, mostly doing BRRR and optimizing for cash flow and long term hold. I've read in a book just recently, that one can't predict or imagine their future accurately. Mostly because your current state of mind affects how you see the world. (Stumbling on Happiness, really great book.) To be able to understand what the future might look like, you have to ask people what their experience is like. + +That's why I'm here. Those of you, who consider yourself successful, where you reached a stable level, what your life looks like? Do you still have to work? What do you spend your time with? How would you describe your life? What are your future goals? And just in general, what surprised you about reaching your goals and what do you feel like I should think more about? + +** notes: re-posting from a more mature account. +First of all I searched "downturn" in this sub to find answers to this and mostly just found aged-like-milk predictions about the market from 1 year ago. Yipes. + +People say they will buy buy buy if prices go down. But what is your strategy for being ready for that? Do you literally maintain cash for that? How do you decide how much cash? Or, how else do you plan to buy buy buy when there are deals all around but your own RE assets are also temporarily worth less? + +I have a handful of paid-for sfh, and my plan is to cash-out refi to buy more as I find great deals, not necessarily waiting for a market-wide decline. But if there WAS a market-wide decline, I wouldn't be able to pull as much cash at that point. + +I have no reason to believe prices will be declining any time soon. Just doing my best to be prepared! +I’m having a really hard time right now with my property. I got it for an amazing deal and bought it with cash. I am now about to finalize plans with an architect so my contractor and his team can begin work on the renovation. + +The problem that I am running into is that I do not have enough money to renovate my house, so I have been trying to figure out a way to get financing through my bank. I’ve run into countless issues including: + +- Home equity loans and HELOC’s not being given at this time. +- Unable to get a flat rate mortgage on it since I already own it outright. +- Only being able to get what I paid for the home in a cash out refi since I purchased it less than a year ago. In addition to that, if someone were to come and appraise the home, they wouldn’t give me a dime because I’m already down to the studs. + +The only options I can think of is a personal line of credit, but I’m struggling getting that as well. I know I made some mistakes with my first investment, however I’m really trying to work this out. + +Does anyone have any advice on how I could get financing, or have I exhausted all of my options? Thanks! +Just curious, U.S. housing and stock markets are valued very high based on real terms and PE ratios. I've looked at posts where people suggested bubbles, and asking about possible corrections but were basically laughed at jerked around with snide comments. + +What's the psychology behind it? What makes people angry at the idea that assets are overvalued? I know that no one can predict when corrections occur but is the general consensus that markets only go up long-term and ignore overinflated asset prices? Doesn't there come a point where people can objectively infer that a market is overvalued and the "it can only go up" rationale fall flat? +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +I currently have a $400k account with Edward Jones. I want to secure $300k of it to pay for a new house in the coming year. + +Spoke to my advisor yesterday about moving that amount to CDs. He basically said that wasn’t a great idea because the economy is going to turn around after the midterms. He also said the Fed isn’t going to raise rates more. + +Is he an idiot? + +I really need this money to buy a new house and don’t want to lose it if the stock market tanks. If CDs aren’t the best option, what is? TIA +Before we get more in depth on why I think **charity tokens** are, literally… **dogshit**, and why this token finally brought me personally **from beta to alpha** on them… I know some of you are **absolutely mentally incapable apes** who would rather forego eating bananas for 2 weeks than read this article before buying. So without further adieu.. + +**$MUNCH** — 0x944eee930933be5e23b690c8589021ec8619a301 + + +***Back to our regularly scheduled programming for anyone who’s not an NPC Fiverr enigma.*** + +While I originally intended to do a different pick for my second FBTA series… I came across **Munchtoken** today and 100% figured it was another idiotic food/meme scam. + +But then I realized, so many things I originally think are absolute **degen apetard rugrat etherfodder**… they become clearer when I peak under the hood. **Since this wasn’t a stupid fucking dogrug animal charity rug,** I decided to click on their site: [https://munchtoken.com/](https://munchtoken.com/) and read their whole whitepaper: [https://munchtoken.com/docs/munch-whitepaper-v1.pdf](https://munchtoken.com/docs/munch-whitepaper-v1.pdf) + +Needless to say I was impressed, and found the branding, cause, and my overall interaction with he team extremely professional and pleasant. But there are a couple takeaways that really kind of opened part of my soul. + +Last year I found a developer who had made a channel called **Flow Protocol** in Telegram. I became the first buyer and I told him to lock his liquidity. He did, and away we went on a ride. Her name was **Morpheus**, and you may know her as the dev who re-invented finance through **Autonomous Liquidity Generation** upon her creation of $RFI **Reflect.Finance.** + +I knew Morpheus was a genius, but her concepts were **bastardized with an army of fork rugs and memey bullshit**… and a lot of the greatness he created was lost to…. once again… **fucking dog rugs**. + +Seeing my friends work being implemented into a ***really well put together charity token for a true human cause that we ALL should be using our wealth to help end***… that really made me feel something by the end of the whitepaper, and that is **rare**. + +Making a good profit on an investment isn’t such a bad bonus **;)** with emojis as a mainstream currency, the world has changed. Plus, **their contract auto deposits the $MUNCH being donated to a charity** we choose every month by vote. I love it. + +**\*UPDATE\*** + +**The team doxxed themselves about an hour ago**. Solid team, real world experience and connections. This is a charity token I can get behind. +* Raises main refinancing rate by 50BPS to 0.5%; EST. 0.250% +* See's further normalization of interest rates +* Eurozone Gov. Bond Yields jump as ECB raises interest rates by 50BPS +* EBC Crisis Tool purchases are not "Restricted Ex Ante" +* ECB to launch new program of bond purchases aimed at countering fragmentation +* New program will seek to prevent "Unwarranted" moves in Gov. Bond spreads +* Traders bet on 60BPS of ECB rate hikes in Sept. + + [ECB Set to Raise Rates at Meeting: Live News Updates - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/07/21/business/ecb-meeting-inflation-interest-rates?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur) +The saying (not originally in English) went, "you shouldn't have a bottomless pot. If you want to build wealth, your pot shouldn't have a hole. Fill your small pot with water, hide it, and if someone (your family or relative) desperately needs money, soberly assess their mindset with regards to finance, and then give them just a scoop of water." + +&#x200B; + +Another tip he gave was + +"If you have too many needy relatives, tonight, call all the relatives you know, and ask them to lend money. Say that you're in urgent need of money, your business is going to bankrupt two days later. Ask them to provide a guarantee if not money. And call them again tomorrow. Most of them will say they don't have money. Then say that "I'm so sorry to bother you," and cry. After that, 9 out of 10 will never call you back ever again." + +I thought it was too extreme but now I think he was probably right. +Hello, I am considering studying information technology and I have few questions + +1) Do I need to know math in order to be a software developer? + +2) What task do u software developers do on a daily basis? + +3) How easy is it to get a job in uk or Australia as a international student? + +4) Is being a front end developer not valued I heard like nowadays companies prefer full stack developers? + +5) Is ur work culture toxic cause I keep hearing that IT places have a toxic work culture + +6) How often do u have to learn new languages? + +7) What careers exist in IT that aren’t too math based I guess + +8) Is it bad that I don’t wanna work for companies like apple or google like I just wanna work for a mid size company and make okish money + +9) How do I decide that studying IT is for me or not cause my 1st choice was med school but I didn’t get into any and my 2nd option was either pharmacy or being a software developer like I am not 100% into being a software developer like my interest is 65% in being a software developer so should I be one? + + +Any help to me would make my life cause currently I am 18 and super confused on what to do with my life. + + +Edit: By being bad at math I mean by highest math lvl is calculus 1 not that I have can’t do basic math +Hi, +I am looking at purchasing a place in Regional NSW (where there has been a MASSIVE boom). Does the upcoming election stop investors from purchasing property due to the impending possible change in Govt? +Thanks! +As the title says I started a job about two weeks ago now I'm just hearing back from a different job I applied for around the same time as the current job and they offered me a position and start date paying 35% more. It's the same type of work just different fields and idk what to do. Any suggestions would be great. + +Can't respond to everyone so I just wanna say thank you all for the kind words and advice. You guys are appreciated. +I’ve just learned about ROTH 401k’s. Due to high fees in the available funds in my employer’s 401k (through ADP), I want to transfer everything I put and will continue to put, into my ROTH IRA at Fidelity. + +How does one perform this “Mega Backdoor” transfer, and what are the limitations to how much, when, etc regarding these transfers? +Not sure if this is the right sub for this but, I currently work monday-friday as a personal care attendant for my disabled mother. it's only $9 an hour and 14 hours a week. I'm also on disability for mental health problems (depression/schizophrenia). Naturally, I don't get enough money to pay rent so I'm on section 8 and have medicare/medicaid for insurance. + +Recently, in the past year or so, my psychiatrist has got me on medication for my depression/mental health and I'm feeling better than ever. So I started delivering pizzas on the weekend, just friday and saturday. Incredibly I make more in 4 days delivering pizza than two weeks at my dayjob. It's a game changer, if I can work full time at the pizza store then I can get off disability and section 8. But my personal care attendant company says noone is applying so they don't have a replacement for me. It could be months or even a year before they replace me. I want to just quit but then my mom won't have the help she desperately needs, she can barely walk, can't cook for herself, do laundry/clean the house. I really need the extra money to get out of poverty so I could technically work fulltime at the pizza store and for my mom but I'd be burning the candle at both ends. That would probably be bad for my mental health that I've worked so hard to improve. + +So I'm stuck, I feel guilty about wanting to quit working for my mom but at the same time I really want to change my life and get off disability and section 8. Just wanted to vent I guess, I don't have anyone to share this with. +It is such a good feeling and I wanted to share! + +I ignored ^(1) my student loans for 5 years due to a combination of what I felt was too low of an income to make payments, poor mental health, and a complete lack of understanding of compound interest! During this time they continued to grow and grow through the black magic of compound interest. + +I finally got serious around New Years in 2018 and decided it was time to take care of those loans! I am fortunate to live in an area with a low to reasonable cost of living, and have also had many other advantages that not everyone has access too, so obviously paying off loans this aggressively will not be an option for everyone. + +**I paid off $21,467.93 in 1 year, 10 months on a $31,000 salary** **^(2)**. I made an average payment of $971.82 each month, slightly over 1 paycheck's worth of take home pay. **There were some mitigating factors that perhaps make this number look a little more impressive/less possible than it actually was**, and I will explain those below. + +This is what I did (and again, it might not work for everyone). + +* Started **learning about finances** through blogs, podcasts, reddit, friends, and the radio +* Went to **therapy**, read self-help books, and sorted out my mental health. I used my employee assistance program to avoid paying expensive copays. +* Tracked every penny I spent through a **budget** spreadsheet that someone kindly posted on reddit and I adapted. I used a spreadsheet app on my phone, and anytime I spent money, I put the amount it the spreadsheet. This would often cause some guilt if it was a non-essential and had the effect of both modifying my spending habits and letting me know where my money was going. +* **Cut expenses** + * Learned how to cook and eat healthy, cheap food and significantly reduced eating out. I **cut my grocery spendin**g from around $250/month to an average of $150/month. A big part of this was changing where I shopped from a more expensive chain to one known for steep discounts. I also stopped wasting food, started a garden, and started meal prepping. + * Started learning how to **do most of my own car repairs** and routine maintenance (oil/fluid changes) on my beater. The ones I couldn't do, I was often able to have a friend help/teach me in exchange for a home cooked meal. + * **Reduced excessive driving** by combining trips and bike commuting when possible. This also allowed me to forgo a gym membership and still stay fit. + * Regularly **switched car insurance** to get the cheapest rate + * Comparison shopped to get my **cell phone bill down** to $20/month from $35/month + * Kept **heat at 62 degrees** when home in winter, and 55 degrees when not ( I would turn it up to 72 degrees for guests). Kept **AC at 80 degrees** in the summer. + * Got **two roommates** and negotiated rent down twice with two different landlords + * Split internet bill with two roommates. I elected not to pay for cable or streaming services + * Started doing **free or very cheap things for fun** with friends and dates instead of going out to eat or for drinks. People were very understanding when I explained I was paying off student loans on a social worker salary + * Temporarily s**topped contributing to retirement** + * **Reduced my savings account** to 3 months emergency fund from 5 months savings (accounted for $2,000 of the payments) + * Started **doing my own taxes** + * Temporarily stopped donating money to charity and replaced volunteering with a part time job + * Bought only necessary clothing/shoes from **thrift shops** + * **Handmade gifts.** I made a quilt for my friend's wedding and she told me it was the best wedding gift they had received. I use old worn clothing to quilt. I also have handmade hats from old sweaters, quilted wall hangings and rugs. For holidays and birthdays with close friends, we would agree on a small amount of money and lean towards sentimental or handmade gifts. I also have canned jam, pickles, pie filling, and garden food for gifts, as well as made soup mixes from dehydrated vegetables from my garden. I have also given pre-made frozen meals to busy friends (but I always ask about that first...some people LOVE it, others have dietary needs or just don't want frozen meals). + * **Limited decorating** for holidays or used food to decorate (like pumpkins and butternut squash) or handmade decorations through crafting +* **Increased Income** + * I participated in a few **research studies** (accounted for about $1,000) + * I picked up a 2nd **part time job** and did not include this income in my budget as incoming money. All my money from non-primary employment went directly to loans. This accounted for about $3,000 of my total payoff amount. + * A few times, I was able to convince my roommates to pay me to do their chores or do some cooking for them. I was also sometimes able to get a **discount in rent** for letting them use our garage and parking on the street. Unfortunately, they were also paying off loans, so I only earned about $300 total from this scheme, and my car mirror ended up being broken twice from parking on the street, so I lost most of that in replacing my mirrors :( + * I got a **credit card with rewards** and put that income (about $300) towards loans. I resisted for a long time, but have learned that credit cards can be a useful tool if used very carefully and with the proper amount of fear. Making sacrifices every day to pay off loans was a good reminder of the cost of poor credit card use! + +&#x200B; + +1. Fortunately, they were Federal loans so I was able to defer them and/or put them on forbearance, so my credit score was not affected and I did not have late fees. +2. I also got a 2nd job which is not accounted for in this figure. This job started the 2nd year and accounted for an additional $3,000 take home pay that I put towards my loans. I also put an additional $3,600 towards the loans from reducing my savings account, participating in research studies, rent discount/payment from roommates for services and credit card rewards. This accounts for a total of roughly $6,600 of payments from sources other than my salary. + +* What insurance plans are you enrolled in, currently? +* What insurance plan did you cancel, and why? +* Is your insurance company prompt in addressing claims? What is the time taken to process a claim, in your case? + + +You can ask for a general review of a particular product or service that you are researching - "Is Acme insurance company good?" or "Is Acme term life insurance claims ratio as good as they say?", but please avoid asking for personal advice. The discussion is for consumption by a broader audience. For advice regarding your personal situation (like "I am Sharmaji ke padosi ka beta, and I need a plan for my papa, mummy, biwi aur bacche."), the bi-weekly advice thread is recommended. Personal advice queries and comments will be removed to ensure that older threads provide sufficient historical reviews on products and services. + +Reviews posted here can be relied upon by newcomers to evaluate customer experience. Please confine the thread only to reviews or requests for reviews of products and services. + +Previous [Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20%22Reviews%20of%20Insurance%20products%20and%20services%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +Bharti Infratel is a tower company that constructs towers on which telecom companies( airtel, jio etc) load their equipment. The basic business model is that they lease land or rooftops and then construct towers and then in turn rent it out to telcos. This is a simple and passive business model which throws out cash like annuities. The telcos are the ones who pay the cost of power and fuel, so the tower cos don't have any energy cost risk. The rents are secured through contracts and if telcos wish to exit that tower, they must pay exit penalties. So overall it's a pretty low risk business model if the tower companies get the locations right. + +However, recently, the telcos have been consolidating which could mean that the telcos may have more rental pricing power over tower companies. At the same time financial problems plaguing the telecom industry can cause telcos to renegotiate contracts if they feel that the rents are too high. + +I'd like to know your opinion of other probable risks. +I receive RSUs from my US-listed company. At the time of vesting, my company already sells shares in open markets at the current price to recover TDS and hands the remaining shares to me. + +So say the share price is Rs 10, and 10 shares were to be vested, I receive only 6 shares (worth Rs 60 at the time) and rest 4 (worth Rs 40 at the time) is sold and paid to government as tax. + +Now this tax paid is on the prospective value of the stock (since I haven't really sold my stocks to gain cash). + +Assume that an year later, the stock price falls to Rs 2 / share from Rs. 10 / share. + +This means, the remaining value I have is 2 * 6 = 12 Rs. Now if I sell my stocks, I've already paid tax worth Rs. 40 on this asset, whose real value is only worth Rs 20 (2 * 10) + +Just intuitively, this feels incorrect. There should be a way to claim back the extra tax paid? Is there something incorrect in my understanding here? +This is more of a personal finance question. What financial relationships do you have for your banking and investment needs and why? We seem to have general consensus here on mutual fund and direct equity accounts, what about others? + +I'll go first: + +**Bank Account 1** \- **Citibank** : Salary Account. Decent experience. Good App. Primary Credit Card is Premier Miles so easy to schedule automatic transactions + +**Bank Account 2** \- **ICICI** : Actually had great experience with these guys. Decent web interface and great app. One of the few netbanking portal where you can very tax return. All sites accept ICICI netbanking. PPF with them too. Never had any issues. Hate the verification process while making a payment (OTP + back of the card verification) + +**Credit Card 1** \- **Citi Premier Miles** : Primary card. Had this for over ten years. Minimal yearly. Accumulated high credit limit of the years. Superb Miles (Can't remember the last time I paid a domestic flight in the last 3 years) + +**Credit Card 2** \- **SBI Air India** : Got it because of a great miles offer. Had it for a couple of years. Will cancel after this cycle + +**MF and Direct Equity** \- **Kuvera and Zerodha** : Lowest expenses, good interface, great apps. No reason to change +I have recently graduated and I will start earning around 60K per month. +I have an education loan (3.95 lakhs i.e. non collateral category) +I have no clue about investing because my dad passed prematurely and to be honest was a very poor financial planner. I want to be a good planner. +Some folks told me that you guys are very helpful. So where do I start? What do I need to know? What do I read? Etc etc +Any sound advice will be helpful. Thanks! +I keep getting messages to invest in combi plan. Their talking point is that, you get a tax free lump sum amount after 15 years along with some protection. I am unable to decide. What do guys think?[Combi Plan](https://imgur.com/a/JVGl01d) +I've been going through a ton of books over the last few months. Although books like the **intellegent investor** are great they don't capture the very different situation in india which books like **coffee can investing** do. + +Discussion on the best investing books you've read that helped you invest in india. +https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/news/indians-are-going-to-the-movies-to-escape-slowing-economy-cinema-owner-says/articleshow/71497335.cms + +>Cinemas are seeing brisk business even as India’s economy slows to a six-year low and unemployment swells, according to PVR Ltd., the nation’s largest operator of multi-screen theatres. + +>Ever since the box-office hit Kabir Singh released in June, even films with small budgets or less-recognizable actors are drawing the crowds, Kamal Gianchandani, chief executive officer at PVR Pictures, said in an interview this month. Results for July-September will “definitely surprise a lot of people,” he said, declining to elaborate. + +>“I think the slowdown is helping the cinema business,” Gianchandani said. “There is negativity around and people want to escape it.” + +>If Gianchandani’s prediction is correct, PVR would be defying a slump that has dented demand for almost everything from 7-cent cookies to cars. He joins the likes of Bollywood megastar Shahrukh Khan, who has in the past compared movies to lipstick, saying that both are immune to economic turmoil. + +>“It is not just the content. There is something else at play that is aiding the film business,” Gianchandani said. “I won’t say we are happy with the slowdown, but we have no complaints because the business is doing well.” +Assuming factual authenticity of this article. + +There are so many layers to a structured debt offering - very difficult to track. + +Forget retail investors, we doubt if fund managers or even ratings agencies are capable of adequately capturing risks associated with changes in debt covenants. + +[https://www.bloombergquint.com/global-economics/lessons-from-il-fs-group-bankruptcy-go-unheeded-in-india#gs.kAZcmSE](https://www.bloombergquint.com/global-economics/lessons-from-il-fs-group-bankruptcy-go-unheeded-in-india#gs.kAZcmSE) + +What are your thoughts? +This is merely my subjective opinion based on whatever little I have understood over the last 30 years . Not to be construed as advise . + +Three things have happened since I posted my last update on the topic . + +1. The fed has indicated it’s taper intention . Bond buying that was depressing yields is now coming to an end . Rates in the US are on a rise touching 1.54 % now . How much they can go up , you can take a look at the dot plot of the federal reserve + +Here is a nice little video to understand it + +https://www.schwab.com/resource-center/insights/content/understanding-feds-dot-plot + +2. Indian short term rates have started to move up after being held down by the various dances by the monetary authorities . + +Typically the beginning of the hike cycle starts with an uptick in short term rates . I can see a visible movement in that part of the yield curve You can take a look here + +http://www.worldgovernmentbonds.com/country/india/ + +3. Inflation - while most people rely on the official cpi numbers and look at food price increases , there are two major factors that are usually ignored , rise in the cost of rent , real estate and services . I see all headed up . I also see manufactured goods head up as higher fuel prices be it coal , nat gas or automotive fuel, commodity prices and freight kick in . + + +All of this point to a northward movement of rates . + +Two thing can alter this . One is the inclusion of India into international bond indexes , the other is depressed credit growth. + +In a nutshell my outlook for the next 12 months is + +1. A rise of about 70 basis points in the 10 year maturity . I have a strong feeling they 10 year GSEC will go from 6.20 to 6.90 + +2. FD rates are unlikely to increase as there is very little credit growth . + + +3. A whole lot of pain for those invested in debt funds in the 5 year 8 -10 year durations . Bond prices decline when rates go up . 0-2 % returns are likely in these funds . + + +4. Credit risk funds will also see far lower returns going ahead + +In short , a painful period for the fixed income investor unless invested in a floater category . +Considering only mutual funds investments, is there any disadvantage in going ahead with a distributor Vs a personal financial advisor other than conflict of interest on the distributor side? + +Agreed that expense ratio is high for regular investments, but in a regular equity plan if I invest 10 lakh, let's say 10,000 goes to distributor (\~1%), 5000 is charged as fund expenses, and using remaining equity is bought in the markets. On the other hand, if I am paying yearly 10k to financial advisor, and 5k to fund house through direct plan, I am still investing very similar amount in the markets. + +As per above logic I do not see any difference in returns earned over investment horizon. Can someone please explain why should one subtract the total expense ratio from the CAGR returns to get the investor's actual return? Because as seen in above example, if total investment amount is same, why should returns differ? What am I missing here? Any good resources on financial advisor vs distributor are appreciated.... +**It is said that a new bull market is born when the last optimist throws in the towel. So, after the recent correction, do you see such capitulation in the market?** + + +No, not yet. I don't see signs of that. Yes, there are pockets in the market where value has started to emerge. But during the uptrend, valuations went to such an extreme that a lot of names are not cheap yet, despite the fall. Take the entire consumption space for instance. Leading stocks like D-Mart, Page Industries, Britannia, Nestle India are nowhere close to their 2008 or 2013 valuations or even close to their average long-term valuations. + +**There is a view that cash positions lead to a certain laziness in fund management. When you have leeway to hold cash, you don't look hard enough for stock opportunities. What's your view?** + + +Guilty as charged! But on a serious note, we like to increase our equity allocations when it becomes blindingly obvious to everyone that it is a great time to buy. Laziness does help at times, both at the time of buying and selling. It results in low churn and having money to buy when the market sentiment is terrible. + +If the investor has SIPs running and keeps deploying money in a mid- and small-cap fund, and the fund manager also says it his mandate to be fully invested, everyone ends up chasing the trend. Then the entire world becomes a relative-valuation game. In the dot-com boom, people bought Yahoo.com because Pets.com was expensive. But they forgot that even Yahoo.com was in a bubble zone and lost money on it. + +You see, in valuing a government bond, there is complete certainty in future cash flows and you can put a precise intrinsic value to the bond. But in equities, you are playing with probability and can arrive at a whole range of values for a single stock based on the assumptions you put in, so it is good to be conservative. + +One very interesting perspective on this was in Howard Marks' latest book Mastering the Market Cycle. He says that stock prices often swing like a pendulum between the two extremes of valuation. They spend a lot of time in expensive or cheap zone due to extremes of emotion. But they stay for a very little time at the mid-point, which is the fair-value zone. + +**PPFAS also invests in stocks listed overseas. Today, do you find more opportunities in the domestic or overseas markets?** + + +I would still say there are attractive opportunities in the overseas market. This is because in developed markets, like the US, you don't have these 'long runway' stories about stocks that are premised on the economy growing at 8 per cent plus for many years. Those assumptions lead to over-valuation in the Indian market. + + +Read the full interview in the link below: + +https://www.valueresearchonline.com/story/h2_storyview.asp?str=46577 + + +You can also read his Annual Letter to Unit Holder's + +https://np.reddit.com/r/indiainvestments/comments/aqyjxn/_/ +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. 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All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +Hi UKPF. I've been a reader for a long time and I've learned a lot (thank you!), but now my financial situation is changing and I'm looking for some advice/input. Anything would be appreciated! + +--- + +**Current/Near-Future Situation:** + +- I'm 23, studying in London and finishing in a few weeks. +- I have a plan 2 student loan for ~£51,500. +- My job is starting in June. The salary is £79,000, rising to £95,000 after 2 years. Bonuses are likely, but I don't want to assume anything. +- My share of rent is £910/mo, dropping to £730/mo in July. +- All of my other outgoings total around £500/mo (which I budget for and keep track of). +- I have enough in my current account to cover expenses until I start work, as well as + - £5,000 in a cash ISA ISA @ 0.75% (full £20k limit left this year) + - £4,300 in a P2P platform (Zopa) @ 4.6% after fees + - £3,000 in the Tesco fixed-rate current account @ 3% +- I have a credit builder credit card that is used for about half of my non-rent outgoings and is paid off in full each month. + +--- + +This is my current plan: + +**Emergency fund**: my ISA is flexible and allows instant access so it'll work in a pinch, but I plan to set up a dedicated current account and fill it with 3-6 months of expenses once I start work. + +**Student loan**: barring any disasters I know I'll pay it off before it's wiped, so I want to do it quickly. I've been offered a £25,000 loan over 3 years from my family to make a lump sum payment, which seems like a no-brainer to me: I've insisted on paying them interest, but they want a lot less than the loan company. I won't start automatic payments from my salary until April 2018, but until then I'll voluntarily pay the equivalent of the automatic deductions. When April comes it'll feel like nothing changed. I'm owed around £14,000 from an old employer, which I'll also put towards the loan when I start receiving it towards the end of the year. To my mind, paying £100 against a 4.6% loan is similar to investing £100 at a risk-free 4.6%, which I doubt I can do. + +**Other savings**: I opened a fixed 5% £500/mo regular saver which I'll fill up for next 12 months, earning around £160. The first few deposits will come from my flexible ISA, which I'll then replace once I start work. I've stopped drip-feeding my P2P loans and I'm gradually cashing them out, so I can re-invest the money into their IF-ISA when it launches later this year. + +**Pension**: by default my workplace pension contribution is 5% and my employer adds 10%, but I may increase my contribution to 10% (employer contribution is capped at 10%). It would put an extra £3,950 per year into my pension but affect my take-home by less than £2,000, so I'd still have plenty left to live on. + +**Future**: my other half and I do intend to buy a house at some point, but probably not for at least the next 3 or 4 years, maybe longer. We will most likely want to stay in/near London, so we're not actually sure if the LISA is a good idea for us. Until then we're likely to continue renting at a similar rate. + +--- + +**So, my questions**: is paying off my student loan quickly actually the right thing to do? Should I look at a LISA or use some other container to save for a deposit? After I pay my rent, expenses, student loan, family loan and £500 into a regular saver I'll have a bit over £1,000 a month left from my net pay - once I fill up my emergency fund, what should I be doing with it? Should I be looking at SIPPs, S&S ISAs, or anything else? + +Any comments at all on my plans, any suggestions, any things I haven't thought about... it would be hugely appreciated! Thank you! + +-- + +^(I'm using a throwaway for this question because I want to keep my financial life somewhat private, and some friends know me on here.) +Hi all, + +I was hoping you could help with what you’d do in my situation, and apologise in advance for the complexity here. + +My partner and I live in a new build rented flat. It was built in 2016 and has underfloor heating as its only heating source. + +When we moved in in November I was contacted by a company called Welcome Energy who said: “Welcome Energy Limited have been appointed to provide the residents of [flat development] with the billing service for your Energy usage (Heating and Hot Water) and Cold Water. [Flat block management company] remain the supplier of the utilities to your property and continue with the maintenance and servicing of the associated equipment, and Welcome Energy are their appointed billing provider.” + +I queried this with our letting agent as I had never heard of this arrangement before, and we were already set up with Octopus as our supplier, but the letting agent confirmed that yes, Welcome Energy bill for heating and hot and cold water, while our chosen supplier, Octopus, provide the supply for sockets, lights etc. + +This is where it starts to get complicated. + +We have one electricity meter in the basement, which gives a reading from to Octopus - I’ll refer to this as meter 1. + +We also have a meter in our utility cupboard in our flat which we provide a reading from to Welcome Energy - I’ll refer to this as meter 2. This is recorded in KwH. We also give Welcome Energy cold and hot water readings, but that’s not the issue here. + +Welcome Energy explained it to me like this: “The electricity will run the lights, sockets etc, this would be through Octopus. The heating and hot water in your property comes from a centralised plant room and is delivered to your home through a network of insulated pipes. Your individual usage is measured from the heat meter inside in your property. Welcome Energy have been appointed by The Property Management Company to manage the billing of your heating and domestic hot water. We also bill for cold water at the property.” + +This was all fine until we noticed our energy usage on our Octopus bill was way more than we expected considering that apparently has nothing to do with our heating. Compared to our previous one bedroom flat, which was not a new build and had a worse energy rating, we are paying far more, even taking into account that Covid has had us working from home. + +Our most recent Octopus bill, based on meter readings, says we used 986 KwH in two months. But UK Power says the average electricity usage for A YEAR for a one bedroom flat is 1,800 KwH. Octopus has also admitted this seems very high and that we’ve used “around £420.00 of electricity since November”. + +They said: “This does seem high for a one-bedroom flat that does not use electricity for heating.” + +Octopus said one of the reasons for this could be underfloor heating, but we have confirmed with Welcome Energy that this should not be included in the meter 1 reading. Welcome Energy said: "Any heat in the property, including the underfloor heating, will be billed through Welcome Energy and thus registered via your Heat & Hot Water Meter. Whilst I cannot comment on your Octopus Energy balance I can confirm that Welcome Energy bill for Heat, Hot Water and Cold Water." + +I asked them to state explicitly whether the underfloor heating is electric or is supplied by the centralised plant room and they said: "The underfloor heating is supplied by the plant room and billed by Welcome Energy." + +The other relevant part of this is that the boilers in the basement which power the UFH have been replaced recently as they were faulty and causing problems for the whole building, but again that should presumably only impact meter 2, not meter 1. + +I’m becoming increasingly worried that we are being billed for the UFH twice, does anyone know if that is possible? And how I’d find out if that was the case? + +Octopus is offering to send someone out to check meter 1 but they say if they find no faults, it will cost us £80, which obviously I’d be keen to avoid. + +Any suggestions on where to go next with this would be extremely welcome as after looking into Welcome Energy on Which it seems there are a lot of concerns over these district and community heating companies being unaccountable to regulators, but I’m not actually sure it’s Welcome Energy we have the issue with here as their billing seems stable, regardless of it being a bizarre set up. + +I suppose I’m trying to find out if anyone has had a similar issue as we’re not idiots and have rented for 10+ years but have never come across this arrangement before but the companies involved are making us feel like we’re the ones not understanding or getting it wrong. + +Thanks! +The earlier you start earning, saving, and investing more, the sooner you may FIRE. This encourages you to strive to earn more, work more, and spend less at a young age. Essentially, sacrificing time now for more time later. That may mean working long hours in your young adulthood, as well as sacrificing some more, perhaps expensive, experiences that you may only be able to do in your youth, or simply being too worn out to do them. + +I worry about working away at the ages at which I'm the most naturally physically capable, mentally sharpest, and so on, just to buy myself even more free time in my older age down the line, when I may not be able to enjoy many things in life to the same level - and, who knows, you could die early as well. I'm worried that my 9ish hours per day at my current job is eating my 20s away. It's hard to find time for leisure and, after the work day/work week, I'm typically totally burnt out and just want to relax. Yes, I get PTO, but as a newer/young/inexperienced employee, you don't get that much. I still want to RE but I assume I won't be able to do super physical things like sprinting or tricking (gymnastics), using a trampoline, hiking, etcetera. I may have over all less time and energy for other exciting things that I could do as a young man but may not be able to do as an older one. I suppose all you can do is try to do those things in what free time you do have. + +I'm just wondering how you all find, or have found, balance, or if it's just a constant struggle and about any other thoughts you have on the subject. +Recently, r/buttcoin posted a list of all the main problems they have with Bitcoin and crypto. + +It kind of looked like it could be their manifesto: + +[https://np.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/uvz90h/to\_the\_rbitcoiners\_that\_keep\_coming\_to\_this\_sub/](https://np.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/uvz90h/to_the_rbitcoiners_that_keep_coming_to_this_sub/) + +(Please, remember Reddit's rules, and don't go brigade it). + +I'll cover each point here, objectively and rationally. + +&#x200B; + +>1.No Intrinsic Value: You can tell whether or not something has “intrinsic value”, by seeing where it fits in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. + +Intrinsic value is always a tricky one, since there is no clear cut definition of "intrinsic value". I always thought when it comes to tech, value comes from the problems it can solve. So software can have intrinsic value. + +But going by OP's definition about intrinsic value having to do with filling our basic needs, of acquiring food shelter etc...Isn't that what money does? It pays for those things? + +And crypto is money, and arguably, the way money should have been done from the beginning. + +Even in Mesopotamia, they realized coins, seashells, gold, wasn't what money was really about. It's really about the ledger. + +Keeping track of how money interacts, and who has what. All in one efficient place. + +They started using tablets to keep track of transactions, who owed what, how much, etc... It was the ancestor to banking. + +&#x200B; + +[Ancestor to the blockchain: 5,000 years ago, the Mesopotamian ledger created an indisputable record of transactions, instead of using money.](https://preview.redd.it/atmcpvjvag191.jpg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb3fc540b94e5d71e3f9f0ec4634088bcc38c88f) + +Today, our money has really become all digital, and about the ledger again. + +It's a computer accounting system. + +When we transfer money from our HSBC account to our credit card, then to the vendor on Amazon who sold us our lube, it's all electronic and on a ledger. + +HSBC doesn't send a truck of cash to Amazon. + +But that system is still inefficient, has too many parties and different companies involved in the process. With too many weak links. Poor security. Too many IOUs instead of real transactions. And having so many different elements you have to trust. Along with the employees in each company. + +My credit card number is going through so many hands. + +This is where crypto comes in. It takes out all the weak links, that complicated inefficient system, and most of all, removes the issue of always having to trust so many people. + +The only thing between my money, and the guy who sells me lube, is a blockchain controlled by a decentralized consensus, and cryptography. + +Seem like the system we were meant to have since the days of Mesopotamia, but didn't have the technology yet. + +At the end of the day, you can make the argument for both intrinsic and non-intrinsic. + +You can say there's no intrinsic value, if you keep the definition more narrow, and not include tech or software as solutions or having any value. And with a more narrow definition, I can agree that at the very least, intrinsic value is not strong. + +&#x200B; + +>2.Useless “Tech”: Blockchain is not innovative tech, it was inefficient and outdated the day “Satoshi” created it and is even more so now, over a decade later. + +That's a bit overlooking the hundreds of companies around the world already adopting blockchain technology. + +Check out what IBM is doing for instance, and tell me if you think it's useless: [https://www.ibm.com/topics/hyperledger](https://www.ibm.com/topics/hyperledger) + +With smart contracts, you can now code anything you want and have it protected by not only cryptography, but a decentralized consensus system. + +You can use blockchain to ensure anything from information, to scientific research, to legal contracts, are not corrupted, and remove centralized consensus. + +And it's not just blockchain. It's cryptocurrencies. They're not limited to just solving money problems, they can also be used to help create better systems for supply chains, like with VeChains for example. + +Here's a quick summary of how it works:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_\_yfks8BK2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__yfks8BK2A) + +If you value decentralized consensus, traceability, efficiency, speed, reduced cost, being able to chose either strong transparency or strong anonymity, and security, then blockchain is something you'll find valuable. + +https://preview.redd.it/0oofbs51bg191.jpg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5dc102a5323c770a78072e759d75fb71363587 + +&#x200B; + +>3.Overly Complicated: Crypto is too complicated, slow and inefficient to ever be used for anything. Your mom and grandparents WILL NEVER USE A STSTEM where they need to remember a complicated seed phrase and password and + +You don't actually have to memorize your seed phrase. But you have the extra option to, which can let you cross borders with your money in your brain. + +My dad is in his 70s, and not only uses crypto, but trades it. + +Back before 2019, when I still used my local crypto ATM, I asked the guy in the shop what kind of people used the ATM. And he said that surprisingly, a lot of people are grandmas buying Bitcoin as a gift. + +Of course, all this is anecdotal. But this is no different than people saying email was too complicated to use, back in the 90s. + +Now our grandparents are all using it. + +In fact, setting up a wallet on your phone is as easy as setting up any other app. Setting up a Coinbase account is the same as setting up a new online bank account. + +Making a transfer is as easy as copying and pasting an address or scanning a QR code. + +&#x200B; + +>4.Pollution: Already mentioned, wasting real resources that could power an entire country for a useless excel spreadsheet Ponzi scheme. + +This one I agree is an issue that needs to be seriously addressed. + +But things are going in the right direction. Increasingly more projects are going for proof of stake, instead of the heavy consuming proof of work. And Bitcoin miners are going for more energy efficient hardware, and try to use more renewable energy. They have to, it's in their best interest to cut the cost. + +&#x200B; + +>5.It’s a Scam: You are caught up in a worldwide delusional Ponzi, MLM scam that is already collapsing and ruining millions of lives. + +&#x200B; + +That's partially true. Some of these crypto projects are straight up disgusting scams. + +And on this sub, we always try to warn people about them. + +Wherever there is money involved, people are gonna try to scam you. + +Whether they try to phish for your seed phrase, or the entire project is a scam, as we've seen with everything from Bitconnect to Safemoon. + +And some of the tech may not be a scam, but total jokes used to dupe people, like NFTs. + +But things like Bitcoin, by definition, are not Ponzi scams. I explain why the term is incorrect in more details here:[https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/u8rc0g/i\_sometimes\_see\_people\_call\_bitcoin\_a\_ponzi/](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/u8rc0g/i_sometimes_see_people_call_bitcoin_a_ponzi/) + +What I think people try to say when they call it Ponzi, is it's a greater fool scheme. + +If you don't believe Bitcoin has intrinsic value, then you can accurately say that it's a greater fool scheme. Where you have an asset of no real underlying value, and you're trying to find a greater idiot to buy it from you, for more than you paid for. + +Of course, Ponzi sounds a lot more dramatic. + +If you managed to get this far, thanks for for actually reading all this! I hope you learned something. Or it at least opened your mind to do a little more research. +Sorry if this sounds dumb, I am new to this. + +For example, you would think due to the pandemic + +1. fitness companies like Peloton or other membership based online companies would increase because people are working out from home +2. Gyms would drop heavily since they're closed currently. +3. they say everyone is buying tissue but even the stocks on those companies hasn't risen + +But sensible connections don't seem to reflect the market. What are some resources that could help me understand this? Thanks! +Mark Zuckerberg’s poor leadership skills are slowly dragging Meta toward failure, a Harvard expert says. + +Zuckerberg’s shortcomings as CEO are “continuing to derail” the tech giant formerly known as Facebook, according to Bill George, a senior fellow at Harvard Business School and former CEO of medical technology company Medtronic. + +“I think Facebook is not going to do well as long as he’s there,” George tells CNBC Make It. “He’s likely one of the reasons so many people are turning away from the company. He’s really lost his way.” + +George has spent the past 20 years studying leadership failures in the workplace, recently compiling those findings into a new book called, “True North: Leading Authentically in Today’s Workplace, Emerging Leader Edition.” + +In short, George says bosses that lose sight of their most deeply held beliefs, values and purpose as a leader — especially in the name of money, fame or power — are doomed to fail. And after decades of researching high-profile corporate collapses, he says he sees striking similarities to Zuckerberg and Meta today. + +Zuckerberg and Meta did not immediately respond to CNBC Make It’s request for comment. The Meta CEO is largely responsible for his company’s meteoric growth to this point, transforming the company he co-founded in 2004 into a tech giant with a $450.46 billion market cap, as of Monday morning. + +In doing so, he helped create the modern-day social media industry — a move he’s attempting to replicate now by repositioning his company into the metaverse space. Given his past success, it might be unwise to bet against him, as CNBC’s Jim Cramer said on “Squawk Box” in February. + +“I know that this is probably out of fashion, I have total faith in Mark Zuckerberg. I think Zuckerberg’s going to be able to pull off ... the metaverse,” Cramer said, adding that Meta has a track record of rebounding after stock dips, scandal and controversy. “There’s some people you have to bet on. And if you go back to 2018 to that horrible summer breakdown ... no one thought these guys could come back.” + +Still, George says Meta is bound to fail as long as Zuckerberg remains at the helm. Here’s why: + +Full article: [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/12/harvard-expert-mark-zuckerberg-is-continuing-to-derail-facebook.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/12/harvard-expert-mark-zuckerberg-is-continuing-to-derail-facebook.html) + +Mark Zuckerberg is ‘continuing to derail’ Facebook, and his poor leadership skills are slowly dragging it toward failure, Harvard expert Bill George says. META is currently down 53% YTD. Do you agree with Bill George? +Visa, Microsoft, and Disney are my top 3 held companies but I haven’t bought any in months since I’ve been waiting for the price to go down except that....it’s been pretty much nothing but up for the three of them. Also looking for some advice on which of the three I should buy more of first when I get a chance. +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNgzOr-m6ok&ab\_channel=CNBCTelevision](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNgzOr-m6ok&ab_channel=CNBCTelevision) + +TIMESTAMP 4.53. I have good hearing no one else noticed it, he did go pale before it switched off him. +> Sam Bankman-Fried, the CEO of crypto exchange FTX, said in an interview with the Financial Times that acquiring Goldman Sachs or CME Group was "not out of the question" should FTX grow big enough. +> +> "If we are the biggest exchange, [buying Goldman or CME] is not out of the question at all," Bankman-Fried told the FT. + +https://markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/news/sam-bankman-fried-ftx-goldman-sachs-crypto-exchange-2021-07 +I've read some things on Effective Altruism, and the basic premise is the greatest positive impact you can have on the world is by finding a well paying job, living simply, and donating your money to effective charities. + + +One example of an "effective charity" is the Against Malaria Foundation: http://www.givewell.org/international/top-charities/AMF. They distribute insecticide treated nets to malaria prone areas, and it's estimated that the cost per child's life saved is $2,838. + + +So, let's say I'm 40 years old, FI, and working a job that pays $100,000 per year. I now have a choice. I can ER and quit my job to work on my hobbies and spend more time with my family. Alternatively, I can keep working and donate $100,000 per year to the AMF. + + +Isn't it selfish to say that a year's worth of relaxing and working on hobbies for me is worth the lives of over 30 children? Is it not equivalent to me killing 30 children per year to fund my retirement? +“New product” +“Large contract” +“They tweeted something that was cool/PR” + +Penny stocks are a penny for a reason. If they don’t have a nice cash position, revenue growth, and reasonable liabilities, they’re likely a pump and dump. + +Don’t confuse a good investment with a good trade. You can make money from both to be sure, but a good trade has a very short lifespan. Buy the hype...sell the news when dealing with the pump and dumps. +I just logged on and noticed a new rate of 1.8% (1.55% plus 0.25% bonus). + +However, 1.8% is beaten by fordmoney (1.95%) and zopa (1.85%) . + +https://www.marcus.co.uk/uk/en/public-site/historical-interest-rates +They knew T+21 is coming. They knew T+35 is coming. They knew that NSCC-2021-002 and NSCC-2021-801 might get into effect this week. They knew that APES will be anxiously waiting for Thursday ( T + 21 ) and Friday ( GME being added into Russel 1000). So, they thought lets place the final bet. Dump the crypto last week. Get the margin requirements pre-filled and do not cover on T+21 day. Rather b ready b4 time ( this time). Apes will get dishearten and will think its done and will sell... NO NO Kenny. You are dealing with RETARDS. Your behavioural analysis system is missing the algo how to deal with retards. Probably you have never thought of this strategy of BUYING -HODLING-AND BUYING MORE AND MORE from retails. And now these retards are not gonna wait for any T+21 or T+35 because after 002 in effect today its bloody T+ 0 now. 1 hour Kenny 1 hour. + +🦍🦍🦍🙌🙌🙌💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕🌕 +Hoping for some help. I’ve been lurking for a while and finally decided to post. I’ve seen this sub come together and help people and maybe you can do the same for me. + +This is about being in debt, stuck in a job I don’t enjoy and feeling like I’m going nowhere in life. + +I’m in my early 30s. At 20, I went to uni to study computing and visual design. However, I dropped out after two years and started working in retail while I ‘figured out’ what I wanted to do. Turns out I didn’t enjoy computing. It was more coding, less creative. And I only applied to study that because I was advised to do something useful in school. The ‘maybe one year in retail before I move on’ turned into years. + +I’m still in retail. I would love to get ahead but there never seems to be any opportunities to move up, for example, to a head office role or something. Not that retail is my passion, I just want to do something more than what I’m currently doing. + +I make £1200 a month. Though, right now, I’m focusing on paying off my debts. My debt amount is 14k. I’m doing okay-ish with the repayments. Though obviously, I’ll feel better when it’s gone. Fortunately, my outgoings ate fairly low and I’m also living with a relative at the moment. + +While I’ve been working in retail, I have been studying with the OU for a degree in English Literature. That is what I enjoy and that is what I should have studied at university. But I was terrified at not being able to find a job with an English Literature degree. Little did I know back then, that most employers are happy to accept a degree in any subject unless you’re looking at medicine, law, accountancy, etc. + +I’m not good with numbers. I’m much better using the creative side of my brain. + +The first year of studying was great! I was really enjoying it and I did well. But it all fell apart in the second year. I was being bullied by a particular manager at work. It turned out to be a whole big thing, what with the grievance process and everything. My concentration and drive to do anything was shot. I couldn’t concentrate on my studies. I miserably passed one 2nd year module, only to defer the next. I was advised to take some time out from studying. + +I’m still at the same job. They’ve moved me to another department so I wouldn’t have to speak to that manager but they told me they couldn’t promise that our paths wouldn’t cross in the future. It all depended on business needs. Im bitter about it and I don’t want to be there anymore. I feel like I’ve been treading water all this time. This incident with the manager was the final straw. + +The entire ordeal made be feel so dejected and had me questioning everything. What was I even doing? I feel so low and useless. + +I deleted my Facebook account because every time I checked up on anyone, they all seemed like they were leaps and bounds ahead of me. Nice car, nice house, a good family, a fantastic job with good pay ... I was ashamed to put my life out there for them all to see. + +I know people here will tell me it’s not worth keeping up with the Jones’ but it’s easier said than done. + +My self worth seems to be tied up in my ‘career’ which right now, is non existent. I don’t know what to do. I want to earn more and have some assets. I want to save for the future. + +So what do I do? Do I scrap the OU degree even though I love what I was studying? Do I study something else with the OU instead, something that will get me a better paying job? Is it worth even getting a degree anymore? What kind of jobs can I get now? If it was decently paid, I wouldn’t mind. Even if it was around 25k. I’m not asking for a 40k-50k salary. Just want to be doing better than I am. + +My secret dream was to be an author. Not to be super famous or anything. But to make enough to get by and save for retirement. But it sounds like a stupid fantasy I need to wake up from. + +I feel like such a failure. My mental health has taken a plummet. I have no confidence. I feel like giving up. + +Any advice would be greatly appreciated. +UPDATE: + +Some have suggested I may have had my drink messed with and thinking back and discussing with my bf, it seems possible. There’s a lot that doesn’t add up considering I did not drink nearly enough to be so out of it. I had five drinks over the day and ate. I’ve been blacked out on crazy nights years ago…this wasn’t the same. + +Anyway, the hotel has so far charged $1500. I’m currently trying to get an itemized receipt. They say the water leaked to the room the floor below damaging the fire alarm system, which I’m trying to understand considering the water was 90% cleared within the hour. The floor was also a cement floor so it didn’t soak and burst. And then they are considering $2k-$3k to replace a mattress. Not sure what mattress since our mattress was dry when we left the room. I don’t know how the water would have soaked the mattress in the floor below, again, since the water was mostly cleaned up. + + +ORIGINAL POST: + +So, I had one too many drinks and was feeling super sick so I went into the hotel shower (it’s a stand alone shower, no bath tub) to get under some warm water to soothe me. Well I zoned out focusing on not throwing up and to make the room stop spinning and when I came to, I heard a knocking on the door from maintenance. Jumped out the shower to answer and realized the whole room had water. After mulling over it all day, I must have been somehow covering the drain (it was in the middle of the shower where the water comes down) and blocked it. Anyway, I’m confused and in shock and the maintenance guy isn’t happy of course. I see that the water made it out into the hallway and was approaching the doors of the two rooms in front of me. I don’t know if water got in the rooms or not. + +Now luckily this hotel had all concrete floors and mostly concrete/brick walls (the rug was soaked but I hung it on the balcony to dry). I expect most of the damages to be the furnishings. Asked maintenance for some towels to help clean the room and used their squeegee to push water out the room from the balcony. Hotel staff relocated me to another room for the night. Upon check out there, they said someone would contact me in a few days to talk charges. + +I do have homeowners insurance with personal liability insurance so when I got home I called and started the claims process. I’m not sure if I should contact the hotel to tell them this or wait until they get back with me? I don’t know what to do now, I’m just freaking out about how much this could cost. From my research my insurance should cover it (right?) but I’m just thinking what if they don’t…and my poor boyfriend booked the room (he was asleep before I even got in the shower so he wouldn’t have seen the water) but I tried to make it clear to the hotel staff that I was the one showering when this happened and they need to contact me about damage charges. + +Any advice for next steps? Anyone who experienced this have an idea of the price tag I could expect for this screw up? + +Also I’m an idiot, I know. I felt dumb trying to explain that I don’t know what happened and to be honest still don’t know fully because I was so out of it. I think they were annoyed I couldn’t formulate and explanation either. I’m sick over this and feel so so bad. +After spurning Charter's multiple offers. Looks to be first reporter by David Faber. + +@davidfaber: Comcast to buy Time Warner Cable in all stock deal worth $159 per $TWC share- sources. Deal set for tomorrow morning. Ratio is 2.875 $CMCSA. +These corrections don't come around often. I'm not even sure if it's done yet, but now is the perfect opportunity to lower your cost average. With stimulus checks around the corner, you're not losing by buying in now. The stock market isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. + +Edit: Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor. +BlackRock, the asset manger with about $10T in clients assets, has just said that it will release a private fund for its clients to have actual spot Bitcoin. Meanwhile we are not getting a spot ETF approved by the SEC. How are those people buying at BlackRock any better than normal retail investors? + +Having BlackRock go so offensive with Bitcoin and offering it openly to their clients shows that even the big institutions know it has no harm to offer it to the retail and makes it once again clear how senseless the constant SEC rejections for a Bitcoin Spot ETF are. +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-04-26/home-capital-gets-c-2-billion-loan-will-miss-financial-goals + +EDIT with the loan details: + +* C$100M non-refundable fee +* 10% on outstanding balances +* 22.5% on first C$1B +* Rate declines to 15% if line of credit is fully utilized +The push to mandate low nicotine cigs is finally happening. Look for more news this week as the actual announcement is made. Any news on this front makes $XXII spike. As can be seen in Friday AH trading. + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tobacco-companies-forced-reduce-nicotine-204054785.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tobacco-companies-forced-reduce-nicotine-204054785.html) + +Also they are pushing to ban menthol in cigarettes - [https://rollcall.com/2022/04/28/fda-proposes-ban-on-menthol-cigarettes-flavored-cigars/](https://rollcall.com/2022/04/28/fda-proposes-ban-on-menthol-cigarettes-flavored-cigars/) + +However they are looking for comments regarding exclusions for this rule, such as vape products and Very Low Nicotine cigarettes - + + +" The agency is considering allowing certain exemptions for some menthol products, like cigarettes with low nicotine levels, on a case-by-case basis. " + + +FDA just endorsed VLN menthol, so it's pretty clear it will be exempted and will be an off-ramp for existing menthol smokers. + + +VLN Menthol has a high chance of being the only menthol cig on the market when this menthol ban goes through. Aside from partners that choose to license from XXII. + +&#x200B; + +Long $XXII. They are the only company in the world that can produce low nicotine tobacco and low nicotine cigarettes. (That aren't nicotine extracted or grafted from other plants. These processes leave the remaining tobacco undesirable. Ruins flavor and aroma.) + +Decades of studies by the FDA, NIH, NIDA have used solely their VLN (Very Low Nicotine) cigarettes for examining this policy. Mandating low nicotine levels means XXII gets royalties on nearly every sale in an $80 Billion market in the US. + +VLN Pilot launch in Chicago currently. CEO has said numbers are exceeding expectations. National rollout and international rollout coming soon. + +Company also works with cannabis/hemp and hops, looking into other plants. Just acquired GVB Biopharma which is one of the largest raw Cannabinoid suppliers in the world with over 15% of the market. XXII has the ability to increase margins significantly with their custom tailored hemp strains with increased levels of rare cannabinoids. Also upgrading a facility in Prineville, OR where they will have the largest extraction facility in the world. + +&#x200B; + +Please see my other posts if you want much more detailed DD on the stock. + +The idea behind their low-nicotine tobacco is VLN (Very Low Nicotine) cigarettes. [22nd Century has 18 publishes clinical studies](https://www.xxiicentury.com/vln-clinical-studies/published-clinical-studies-on-very-low-nicotine-content-vlnc-cigarettes), with another [27 clinical studies currently ongoing](https://www.xxiicentury.com/vln-clinical-studies/on-going-clinical-studies-on-very-low-nicotine-content-vlnc-cigarettes), (Heavily funded by the National Institute of Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the FDA.) that show that using [VLN cigarettes lead to decreased nicotine consumption](https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/24/6/536), [decreased cigarettes smoked over time and increased quit attempts](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsa1502403). [Quit rates while using VLN + NRTs (Nicotine replacement therapies) were higher than when using NRTs alone.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22594651/) [Withdrawals were less severe using VLN than using other NRTs.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23603206/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3dse107zz6591.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=61cca174e384020d0c5a1f4e6e3522a072fc2e4d + +Here you can see that an immediate swap over to VLN can lead to a 50% reduction in CPD. Even dual-use of VLN with regular cigarettes leads to a decrease in CPD. + +On top of this, studies were done to measure compensatory use in response to using VLN, and they show that [compensatory smoking does not occur](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6939759/), even in [vulnerable populations](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27714427/). Because cigarettes smoked per day decreases when using VLN, [exposure to toxicants outside of just nicotine will also occur](https://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/25/7/1125.abstract). + +New Zealand is also implementing such a policy - [https://www.stuff.co.nz/science/127803331/low-nicotine-cigarettes-could-cut-smoking-significantly](https://www.stuff.co.nz/science/127803331/low-nicotine-cigarettes-could-cut-smoking-significantly) and will be working closely with XXII for this. XXII has a subsidiary in NZ as of this year. + +EDIT: Common misconceptions here - + +**Compensatory smoking.** No, these do not make you smoke more. They help you smoke less. The FDA REQUIRES XXII to label each pack of VLN with "HELPS YOU SMOKE LESS". Less nicotine does not automatically mean users smoke more to get the same hit. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmS954TsuJE&ab\_channel=NEJMGroup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmS954TsuJE&ab_channel=NEJMGroup) + +[https://academic.oup.com/ntr/article/21/Supplement\_1/S16/5684957](https://academic.oup.com/ntr/article/21/Supplement_1/S16/5684957) + +" The available research on switching from NNCs to VLNCs shows minimal evidence of compensatory smoking such that smokers do not smoke more cigarettes per day and are not exposed to higher levels of tobacco combustion toxicants. Furthermore, mathematical estimations based on the nicotine availability in VLNCs compared with NNC cigarettes with consideration of potential increases in bioavailability that could occur with intensive smoking suggest that substantial compensation would be impossible. It is much more likely that smokers who are unable to tolerate the extent of proposed nicotine reduction would switch to other sources of nicotine, rather than try to compensate by smoking more VLNC cigarettes more intensively. " + +&#x200B; + +**Big tobacco has low nicotine cigs already!** This is incorrect. They have "lights" which are not low nicotine content cigarettes like VLN. "lights" are regular nicotine cigarettes with filter tricks from big tobacco to make it seem like they are low on nicotine/tar. Essentially they put a bunch of holes in the filter to dissipate the smoke. They recorded tar/nicotine yields in a machine which did not accurately represent how people smoke. People covered up the holes and actually absorbed much more nicotine than what the machines measured. This is why these are completely different from VLN cigarettes which contain tobacco grown with 95% less nicotine. + +"Nicotine intake per cigarette was about eight times greater than machine-smoked yields at the lowest deliveries (1.17 mg estimated nicotine intake per cigarette from brands averaging 0.14-mg delivery from machine smoking) and 1.4 times greater for the highest yield cigarettes (1.31-mg estimated nicotine intake per cigarette from brands averaging 0.91 mg from machine smoking)." + +[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11208883/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11208883/) + +A supposed .14 mg of nicotine in a cig (according to the machine), and it actually delivers nearly 10x the amount of nicotine when smoked by a person. + +&#x200B; + +**Big tobacco can get a true low nicotine product on the market soon, too!** + +Incorrect. Even BT says they will be unable to work around XXII's patent moat. Process would take 10-20 years and cost tons of money in R&D. The only easy way is to license from XXII and pay em royalties. + +https://preview.redd.it/oexywnpkz6591.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=58cc04ab678a6030d7bec3ac2a673e2232744385 +TLDR; Immutable needs a rollup provider as that’s not something they do. Loopring IS a rollup provider. + +Listen to Matt Finestone and Robbie Ferguson discus this on Bankless where Robbie described Loopring as an “AWS-like” provider: https://youtu.be/PuZ8kUueG10 starts at the 16 min mark. + +Essentially, a rollup provider acts like an AWS for NFT platforms. + +So it breaks down like this… + +**Marketplaces** (GameStop, opensea, rarable) + +-Sit on top of… + +**Networks** (like immutable x) + +-Sit on top of… + +**Protocol/rollup providers** (like Loopring/Starkware) + +The logic here is that the 8-k proved that GameStop is already working with Loopring, a rollup provider. + +And they have their marketplace they’re working to build. + +GameStop has just needed that network to sit their marketplace on top of and connect to Loopring, which is where Immutable X comes in. + +So… + +**GameStop NFT Marketplace** + +-Sits on… + +**Immutable X** + +-Sits on… + +**Loopring** + +If you want to know what that means for Loopring, consider how integral AWS is to Amazon’s business model. + +Now, you may ask “doesn’t immutable already work with Starkware as a rollup provider?” + +Yes, they do, but GameStop has Loopring, as confirmed in the 8-k. Immutable X does not need to be exclusive to Starkware and they likely want to be able to provide services to anyone regardless of their rollup provider. + +What’s explained above is likely to be the Tech stack that runs the marketplace and it’s bullish as fuck! Apes, loopheads, X-heads should all be incredibly stoked about this announcement!! Let’s fucking go! 🚀🚀🚀 + +**Edit:** to make a comparison to traditional e-commerce marketplaces… + +**GameStop** = E-commerce Store + +**Immutable X** = Shopify + +**Loopring** = Stripe + +**Edit 2:** GREAT comment from u/paddylov about why GameStop would require Loopring over Starkware. + +>This makes a lot of sense. +> +>And it makes more sense now because starkware new zk-rollup starknet is not fully ready. It is still in the alpha version on the mainnet. +> +>Current immutables marketplace use starkex (old starkware validium rollup). +> +>So Immutablex will use lookpring zk-rollup as its zk provider. Loopring tech is far better than starkex (validium rollup) and it is already mature and has been running in mainnet for years. + +When GameStop launches, they want everything to be completely market ready including a rollup that’s 100% ready to go. +I have a weird feeling that theres some malevolent group of individuals, (maybe it's more like a few people controlling a BUNCH of accounts), who are systematically downvoting all positive/ constructive posts here, while simultaneously upvoting all the inflamatory and shock-value posts. Almost as if it's someones' goal to ruin the former positive/constructive nature of this sub. + +Am I the only one who feels this way? +Like many first year traders, emotion remains a big (if not the biggest) deterrent to my progress. Pinpointing the source cause of the problem was rather easy (lived with an overprotective attitude toward money my whole life stemming from practices within the family). Fixing it has been a bigger challenge. + +Here’s what I’m finding so far… + +- When I take profits, I feel like I’m on cloud nine. When I stop out, I feel like the rest of my trading day is going to be ruined. I don’t want to feel either, but it can’t be helped. My goal is to get to a point where I can robotically do both without feeling too high or low. + +- Even when executing a high-probability strategy (verified through countless backtests), there are always thoughts of “but this time…” For instance, “yes this fits your entry criteria, but this time you might lose, so don’t enter,” so that moment of hesitation keeps me out. The worst is “yes, it’s not at profit target, but this time it might not get there, so take profits now before it reverses,” and I hit out before it makes the move I wanted. + +I’ve done everything in the book to minimize these interferences—sizing down (I’m trading one or two shares now), not taking trades where the stop loss is too wide, and even binge-watching/rereading Mark Douglas—and it seems like I still can’t shake these emotions consistently enough at this time. + +My question is: for those who may have gone through similar emotional struggles, how long did it take you to conquer this hurdle? What specifically did you do to get there, or was it just time and/or experience that helped make it better? +Over a month ago Google Store was running a deal where I could trade in my old phone, get the newest Google Pixel 7 plus $100 credit at their store (was planning on getting the Google Nest Router anyway) and 0% financing for 15 months. The difference between my phone and the new one would have only been less than $100, but the credit line is opened for the full price of the phone, then reduced once I would send my old phone in. I paid less then they were offering on my old phone so thought it was a good deal. + +Well, the new phone got lost in transit and Google Stores customer service is a nightmare. Once you are escalated to one of their "specialists" your case cant be looked at or helped by anyone but a "specialist" and its been 5 weeks with no help and constant emails of "one of our specialists will contact you in 48 to 72hrs." + +I told them weeks ago just to cancel the whole thing as it's too much of a headache to deal with anymore and its still the same "one of our specialists will contact you in 48 to 72hrs." Now the first payment is coming up next week and I don't want to be "late" and have it damage my credit score, but I doubt this will be resolved in time for the due date of the 20th and there is no way I'm paying them any money for something I never received. + +Should I dispute this account through Credit Karma with one of the bureaus? +Hi everyone, + +I’m currently 23, and living in my cousin’s townhome rent free. He let me live there for the past 6 months bc his gf is a travel nurse and he tags along with her, and Ive been loving it. This is my first time living this long away from my parents, bc in college I went to a commuter school. + +However in December he will be moving back, and he asked that I could live with him but move into the guest room and start paying rent. I’ve been considering it, bc back when I live at home my mental health declined a lot, and also I don’t have as much independence or freedom. + +My question is, do you guys think it’s worth it/financially makes sense? He said it’d be under $1000 including utilities, but the guest room is much smaller than the master that I’m currently living in. My room at home is much bigger and home is only 15 mins away. Also, I make about $66k a year as my first job out of college. What would you guys do? Is it worth? + +I just hate living with my parents, I love them and they do give me freedom but they still restrict me even as a 23 year old with a full time job. Also, bringing friends over and drinking/smoking isn’t possible at my parents house, or the guy I’m currently seeing. I just need some outside opinions? Does it financially make some sense especially in these bad economic times? Or is it financially irresponsible? I’ve considered finding a cheaper place but I’d prefer to live with people I know +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/robinhood-stock-now-worth-less-191407302.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/robinhood-stock-now-worth-less-191407302.html) + + +> After posting more than $3 billion of losses since its initial public offering in late July, Robinhood’s shares have plunged more than 80%, cutting its market capitalization to as low as $5.99 billion. The firm had $6.19 billion of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the first quarter. + +Two words that describe this nicely: Poetic Justice. + + +This company is SO worthless that it has a NEGATIVE value when you take out all its cash. +I don’t know what the future entails, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and thank you to this thread for helping me. + +I really appreciate y’all <3 +Austin Texas area, 26m. Gross about 33k now... The plan was to have more than 20% for a down payment and be in a house in 2022. Used to be about 170k, 2-3% interest for a new house. That dream has been flushed down the toilet. They're now 280k and whatever 5%+ the interest is now. I literally need to double my income and save 20-40k more to be where I was/would have been. + +Currently putting combined 6% into a pre tax 401k. Tried to change it... but employer... About 80% of my money is in a 1% interest savings account. I was kinda looking into certificate of deposit but just not sure about it. I hate the sound of this, but is there something that can grow my money over 5\~ years and take it back out when I need it? Hopefully to buy a house. Just wish I didn't have to wait that long... +Hello, fellow apes. Today was a day we haven't seen in a long while, and maybe it is the beginning of the end or maybe it isn't. Today was also a day where I went from XX to XXX. Today is also the day I have been angriest since I was 11 years old when I threw a tantrum on a tennis court because a 50-something-year-old man blatantly cheated when playing against me and my father. Coincidently it is the same reason I am equally furious today. A 53-year-old man cheated and GME drops 13%. I didn't plan to go from xx to xxx today, I was planning on doing it slower, however, I cannot stand cheaters, especially cheaters who do it in such an obvious manner. Most of the time there is little you can do against them but this time, this time is different there is a strategy that sure is to work (BUY HODL DRS) and let me tell you, Major Mayo, I am not leaving nor is anyone else. You dug your grave when you and your friends shorted this company and I will enjoy watching every single one of you that cheated the system get what you deserve. + + + +Edit: Thank you for the award! +[https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/reporter-called-jon-out-so-we-called-him-up/id1583132133?i=1000553529301](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/reporter-called-jon-out-so-we-called-him-up/id1583132133?i=1000553529301) + +If you can stomach it, Jon goes to bat for us while this fool tries to double talk his way through the talking points that Citadel gave him. +Looking around at other old meme stocks like (can't specify because of automod, but you know them)- I think HF know the only way they can survive is to pay a premium and cover other short positions first to get people to dump gme and fomo over to them. + +This theory/tactic has been mentioned since Jan multiple times and we are witnessing it in practice. They cannot cover GME. Even if HF lose 80% of their business to other short positions, they will stay in business. GME alone will bankrupt anyone involved. + +Buy and hold, look at our 5% gains vs 40% (which movie hit premarket at one point) as confirmation bias that they do not want gme to move higher!! + +End game confirmed. See ya on the moon. + + +🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +One of my favorite books is The ONE Thing. I’ve read it multiple times and found that it always helped me prioritize my shorter-term goals. This year was the first time I read the book knowing that I am about to be a dad, and I realized how little time I had spent applying the principles to my longer-term life goals. + +A bit about me - early 30s, married, wife is due with our first in a few weeks. We live in a VHCOL area and have pretty-solid household income (500k-1m p.a.). We own our home (about $1m of equity) and have most of our liquid net worth in a few stocks and low-cost index funds (about another $1m). I work in PE and so most of our wealth will come from carried interest. I’m mid-career, so likely the next 3-5 years we will start to see the bulk of that money. Including the (not yet paid) carry, our net worth is \~10-15m. + +Back to the longer-term plan. With a child on the way and a pretty demanding schedule at my job, I’m starting to re-think how I want to spend the next phase of my career. If I stay in my current role for the next 5-10 years (I think doable), I can pocket the carry and then walk away and really scale back my work schedule. Doubt I would ever truly “retire” but I would ideally create my own schedule to spend as much time as possible with family. Walking away, however, would mean leaving another $10m+ on the table in future carry. + +I think the big questions for me at the moment are i) how do I set the goal posts for when to walk away (is it a NW number, a $ invested number, etc.) and ii) how do I stick to those goal posts (i.e., not fall into the trap of the next $10m). + +Of course, every person on this thread will have a different response to those questions, so I’m really more seeking guidance on a framework for how to think about them. Would welcome any feedback or advice from those in similar situation and/or those who have already made the jump (one way or another). +Hello everybody, + +At the moment, I'm at a fork road, needing advice. + +I'm around 30 years old. I have a Mechanical Engineering Degree. Currently working in a small company as a Mechanical Engineer, have been with the company for 5 years. Main tasks are facilitating product assembly, internal sales and provide technical support to internal and external customers. I am very comfortable at my current position, working from home, supportive and friendly work colleagues, good boss, I am happy. However I don't see any progression, I've got no mentor, and pay rise only come by if I ask for it but am happy with my current salary. + +This week another company contacted me and offer me a similar position, doing the same thing but it's with 2.5% pay rise and offer progression. It is a bigger company with international presence and has an engineering department which could offer mentorship. Whereas at the moment I am the only engineer in my company and the things that I'm doing is quite low level. + +I'm not sure what to do here, should I stay comfortable and happy? Or should I take the risk and venture out of my comfort zone for progression? What would you choose? +My partner and I have been with each other for a couple years and we’re thinking about finally lodging our tax returns together. I made 135000 last year and she made 45000 so we were thinking there would be good incentive to lodge our tax together. We were wondering if anyone here could confirm that if we lodge our tax together would we be better off or worse? I’m young and a bit of an amateur still with money maturity and understanding everything involved. Thanks. +Hurricane Ian made direct landfall on my city. My house suffered a decent bit of damage and will need various things including a new roof, water damage repaired in multiple places in the ceiling, and a new fence among some other more minor things. + +I’ve checked my policy and I do have coverage for all of these things, I’m just not sure what to expect from the insurance company or what I should have prepared for them. I’ve never had to go through this process before as a new homeowner. + +I assume they will try to get out of as much as possible, and I assume they will drop me after paying out. There’s a chance they’ll also go bankrupt like many other insurance companies in Florida recently, and I’m not sure what to do if that were to happen before they pay for my repairs. + +Any and all tips are appreciated! + +EDIT: Thank you everyone for your stories and suggestions! Service is very spotty so replying to everyone is basically impossible, but please know I’m reading everything as I can and I appreciate you all. + +It’s encouraging to see that not all insurance companies are the devil like they’re made out to be :) I’ve only ever heard horror stories so it’s nice to know this may not be a huge fight for every dollar. Hoping for the best! + +Someone asked if the birds are ok - I can’t find the comment or it won’t load, idk. But YES, all the birds are just fine. I agree that they are the most important things in the whole house, and I love you whoever you are for checking in on them <3 They were upset about being in their travel cages in the closet for the day, but I couldn’t let them out since a window could break or roof could fly off at any given time D: They are free again and are *loving* life with the house sitting around 77-80° and 80% humidity with all the windows open lol! +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +A while back I was [looking into the split code SPLF](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wgtxjo/clarifications_on_dividend_filing_discussions/) as many others were. I got a response through a Mr. Siebel, the [Managing Director of the German Investment Funds association](https://www.bvi.de/en/about-us/management/), who also sits on the BaFIN advisory board. He forwarded my email to some other persons and received a response that states "we (HSBC) received this event as SPLF from *all custodians*" in the initial response i received. + + +&nbsp; + +My initial message - https://i.imgur.com/CKXkCZ1.png + +Initial response - https://i.imgur.com/Nx8Jlx3.png + +My second message - https://i.imgur.com/W9zNF1W.png + +Final response - https://i.imgur.com/l8xEKTt.png + + +I only masked email addresses and personal information, including Mr. Siebel's just in case the screenshots would somehow get him in trouble, idk. Happy to share with mods. + +&nbsp; + +The final response is the most useful, clear information from an authoritative source i've seen shared so far, and it confirms **why it was handled as a forward split in EU** (i assume the same reasoning applied in other countries, not just Germany). The email says **this information is from "FIS" which is [Fidelity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIS_\(company\))** + +>In the US market, if there is any question on Stock Split versus Stock Dividend, we follow the following rules: + +>**If the split multiplier is greater than 20% and if the chronology of the dates is record/pay/ex it is a split.** + +>If the split multiplier is less than 20% and if the chronology of dates is the same as a cash dividend (ex/record/pay) then it is a Stock Dividend. + +&nbsp; + +Someone also shared the event notification from the OCC at some point here on the sub, which clearly has all these dates listed at the top of the doc. It is from the OCC and how they handled the split in the OCC scope (derivatives), so not relevant for the security itself but it's irrelevant - *feel free to cross check the event dates.* https://i.imgur.com/J8aFOga.png + +&nbsp; + + +Record date - 20220719 + +Pay date - 20220721 + +Ex-distribution date - 20220722 + +So given the rule above, the event would be handled as a split and not a stock dividend. + +I was too lazy to write a detailed post until now, but we keep going in circles on whether "DTCC committed fraud" or not. I'm sure they did somehow, but **whether this event was handled correctly or not, i have no fucking clue. I am just sharing some reasoning on why it was handled using the split event code. It would be useful to know how Tesla's split was handled**. + +Thoughts? +Is it possible to get something like Schwab's pledged asset line of credit agaist private equity stock or is it only for publicly traded assets? + +If it is possible, how do margin calls work for assets that have very infrequent valuations (often months or year+ in between? +**1) Intro** + +A common sentiment in this Subreddit is the notion that once Eth scales (Eth 2.0 is fully implemented), massive adoption will follow. Furthermore, it is fully expected that this will drive the price of Ether through the roof and lead to the Flippening^TM. + +While I fully support the first notion, I am not convinced the latter is necessarily true (despite what I want to happen). Mentioning these doubts is usually greeted with downvotes in this sub. + +In this thread I would like to provide some arguments and discuss with you the potential impact of Eth2.0 on the price of Ether and how it relates to the Flippening. + +For the Flippening to occur, by definition, Ether‘s market capitalization must overtake that of Bitcoin. This necessitates that the Ether price gains greatly against Bitcoin (or vice-versa). So let us first examine how the price of each token is determined. + + +**2) Token Price** + +So what determines price? On a basic level it is only supply and demand. Let‘s look at each individually and evaluate the potential impact of Eth2.0. + +*Supply* + +New supply will be determined by emission (staking rewards). More supply is provided by transaction fees sold by validators and whatever people sell on exchanges etc. It shall be noted, that tx fees are not (completely) lost, but mostly recycled in the market. Supply may be reduced by burning of tx fees, people hodling, lost wallets etc. Notably, some Eth will be taken off the market due to being locked for staking. It is not clear though, to what extent this will diminish the supply. + +What seems certain, is that the overall inflation rate ((rewards-burned fees)/total Eth) will be reduced. Long term Eth may even be considered quasi-deflationary. + +So far, so good on the supply side of Eth. We know that that reduced supply will put upward pressure on the price. What we don‘t know, however, is the strength of this effect. Perhaps somebody with better understanding of math or economics can model this, but most people on this sub only speculate and hope for an extreme impact. + +When it comes to Bitcoin, similarly supply will be reduced due to subsequent halvings of the block reward. This bodes well for its future price. + +*Demand* + +Demand for a cryptocurency is determined by its perceived suitability as speculative investment and utility of the token. + +It appears, that Ether‘s speculative value lies in its prospect of future utility, way more so than Bitcoin. And indeed, with scaling and adoption realized, Ether‘s utility will increase tremendously. This may result in a diminishing of its speculative value. Ether‘s utility within the Ethereum network will lie primarily in producing staking rewards for securing the network (running validating nodes) and paying for transaction fees. + +It is conceivable that demand increases due to people wanting to stake more Ether. However, with larger amounts of Ether being staked, returns diminish. Moreover, people can just stake Ether they already hodl so there may be no need to acquire more. Tax issues due to earning interest may be prohibitve for some people depending on the local jurisdiction. + +Overall transaction fees depend on the number of transactions and the gas price with both influencing each other. With large scale adoption one might expect a big increase in spending for gas. What needs to be considered here, is that the gas price will be determined by the utilization of the total network capacity. As we know, this capacity is to increase orders of magnitude. It should follow, that gas costs are reduced accordingly, at least until the network becomes congested again. So while those interacting with the chain(s) will need to have some Eth, the required amount may not be significant enough to make a large dent on the demand side. It must also be noted again that tx fees are likely to be recycled for the most part, unless it is decided that a significant amount will be burnt. + +To summarize: demand for Ether will likely increase. It is not clear, however, to what extent and how much this will drive up the price. + +There is no reason for me to assume that Bitcoin will lose its attractiveness as investment vehicle, largely because its accepted value proposition seems to be „just because“. An increase of utility of the token beyond „store of value“ is not really in sight, which does not appear to detract investors. Demand should therefore remain equal or increase in the future. + +**3) Anatomy of a Flippening** + +In order for the ratio to flippen there are certain scenarios. Let us look at our options: + +A) Bitcoin maintains its value as speculative investment (likely) and Ether gains tremendously vs. Bitcoin at the same time (unclear/doubtful). This would imply moon with an Eth price potentially north of $10,000. + +B) Bitcoin loses value due to decreased demand for its investment properties despite its deflationary nature (unlikely). Ethereum gains significantly due to increased demand and reduced supply (likely). + +C) Bitcoin loses its value due to lack of demand (doubtful) without pulling Ethereum down with it - Ether maintains its value or only slightly decreases (doubtful). + +**4) Conclusion** + +Based on this analysis I expect a long term gain in Ether‘s value. While I would hope for a Flippening to occur, I find none of the scenarios outlaid in the last section highly likely for the reasons presented in section two. So while the Flippening is certainly possible, it is in no way guaranteed. + +I‘m looking forward to hearing your thoughts. More technical analysis and especially sources/math are appreciated. +I would highly urge everyone to read the ongoinf thread over at r/Ethereum regarding an attacker preying on victims, articularly the OP and the Top Comment (mine): https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/6wnhga/jaxx_mobile_hacked_973_eth_gone_ama/ + +Remember to exercise good judgment when it comes to security. Some takeaways from that cautionary tale and from the three victims (whom we do not need to cast judgement on, as everyone makes mistakes): + +1) If you use public wifi, use a secure VPN and make sure it is a reputable VPN host or one you've hosted yourself. Do not access private accounts over it regardless. + +2) Enable 2FA for EVERYTHING that supports it. And I don't mean SMS texts with codes. I'm talking Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, etc. where supported. SMS codes can be easily intercepted by a variety of MiTM type attacks, especially on public networks. + +3) Do not store your private key in unencrypted text files, do not write it down, do not take pictures of it and store it on your phone, and absolutely do not copy and paste or input it on your mobile device. + +4) Do not access or store your wallets on a rooted device. If your device is rooted it is much more vulnerable. + +5) Do not install third party unsigned apps to your phone, including cute keyboards, and know exactly what you're installing on your computers. If it isn't from a reputable / well known source, don't take the risk. + +6) If you do not own the device, do not use it to access your accounts or wallets for obvious reasons. + +7) Beware of phishing scams via email, Slack, discord, Reddit, and other means. NO ONE NEEDS YOUR PRIVATE KEY FOR ANYTHING. + +8) Inspect links and pages for authenticity to verify you have not been sent to a malicious site impersonating a real one (e.g. MEW, EtherDelta). + +9) Do not leave your coins / tokens in a hot wallet, or exchange wallet, and always use the optional layers of security such as a PIN for those offline wallets that provide them. Or invest in a Ledger Nano S or other cold wallet solution. + +10) Set up monitoring on your addresses via EtherScan so you can be alerted to any activity on that address in the hopes that you can salvage or prevent further theft. It's unlikely to prevent an attack but might help you save tokens or ether if they don't drain it all at once and very quickly. + +11) It is a good practice to split large sums of coins across multiple cold wallets to prevent a single wallet compromise from wiping you out + +12) Assume everyone wants to steal from you by any way imaginable and be paranoid and vigilant. Vigilance to the point of paranoia is likely going to be more work for you and less convenient, but security is more important when you are dealing with such valuable assets. +Hello everyone, + +*This is my first post on Reddit, so please be kind :)* + +I am a well-experienced software developer and mid-experienced crypto trader. In the last few days, I try to deeply understand market making. I feel like I got the fundamentals but I just can not understand why market making is considered a market neutral strategy? + +To be more precise the scenario I can not get is; + +Assume that: + +* Market maker holds the best prices on both sides of the order book +* His long order is filled +* If the price goes up just 1 tick, he closes the position and spread is the profit. Perfect! + +**And the hardest part to understand:** + +* What if the price keeps going to dump? Should he try to hold the best sell price and update his order? If so he can be in a huge loss... or just wait for the price comes the bought price again? What if it doesn't? + +So it looks like market making is **strongly coupled** with the trend of the market. If there is a trend, there is no profit. This makes market making is a market dependent strategy. + +So kindly asking that, can anybody explain to me what market makers do for these toxic fills? (I don't even sure it is a toxic fill) + +Thanks. +Hi ! + +My question is simple, I really like trading and economics but I only have a master in computer science do you think it's still possible to work for a trading company ? + +My current job is in fintech but I'm far away from trading. + +If anyone has a similar background, I would like to hear your story ! + +Thanks :) +Does anyone happen to know where I would be able to find/pay for access to daily mean temperature and other related weather data (eg precipitation) for cities across the UK? + +I have looked at sites like Quandl but unfortunately they don't offer weather info +Instead of using algorithms for high frequency trading, would it be beneficial to a long-term investor to use algorithms to manage his investments? One long-term strategy that I could think of that could be beneficial (I am not a finance expert so it could be flawed) could use a program that determines if the stock market is crashing and then sells stock to use that money to buy long term calls for that stock, and the deeper the crash becomes, the more leveraged the investments become, that way on the come up you will be a lot wealthier than you were before it. Or instead of using long term calls, it could take out margin loans to buy bigger quantities of your current investments. In both cases leverage goes up the lower the stock goes, and goes down the higher it is priced. If that is not ideal, would there be any other uses for programs for long term plays? +Hello, + +I am currently a software engineering student at a reputable university in Canada. I am looking to pursue a career in algorithmic trading and I'm looking for any advice I can get. I'm looking to write algorithmic code for any financial entities including firms that perform high frequency trading. Although I am getting great education and experience on the software side of the industry, I feel like I need to get experience or credibility on the financial side of things. Right now I'm working as a research assistant under a computer science professor and I'm hoping to get a co-op position at a firm next summer. Is there any advice you can give me so that I can work on my resume or portfolio to increase my chances of getting into the position? + +Note: I have considered getting my Canadian securities course license and I ideally want a position at the Toronto stock exchange + + +Who here uses the Fibonacci to trade, and specifically what pairs of stocks have people found success in using the Fibonacci? And will the Fibonacci levels work on yearly time frames for swing trades, or is it typically better used trading daily and weekly charts? +I've been refreshing to see if there was any update and poof, it's gone. Maybe good news, maybe bad. Let's figure this out folks! + +Edit 1: [Here's a DD on this filing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mi8mo9/legal_interpretation_of_the_proposed_srdtc2021005/) + +Edit 2: Also missing from https://sec.gov/rules/sro/dtc.htm + +Edit 3: Great work everyone. We have a few ideas. I look forward to seeing what happens with this! + +Edit 4: Was removed to fix formatting according to comments below. A little sus.... +Hi reddit, + +I am absolutely crushed right now so please forgive my grammar and this is my first post on reddit. Here is some background first, I am a student and I have a very low paying part time job and my husband and I were just barely making ends meet each month and scraping together the rent , we'd been subsisting off of him doing odd jobs because he couldn't find work (not for lack of trying). + +Finally he got hired somewhere but only worked for three weeks until they said he wasn't adapting fast enough to the pace of the job and they couldn't afford to train him anymore. + +We were already 200$ short on our rent and now we don't know what we will do next month. It took him almost a year just to find this job. He was never late , I know because I walked with him to work since it's near my college, and he seemed to be doing a really good job. As long as I've known him he's been a hard worker. I feel sick, we were already living off of ramen and rice and beans trying to save money for paying student loans and rent. + +We both have cheap flip phones and not a single thing of value to sell, even my wedding ring is silver so it wouldn't make any money if I tried to sell it. I've read about unemployment benefits for our state but you need to have made a certain minimum amount at the job and he has not made that much. Is there anything at all we can do ? Or good websites to look at ? We are in Massachusetts if that helps. Should I be posting in r/almosthomeless? + +Edit: some people have mentioned I'm not being clear enough. I want to say that is not my intention and I did make this post in a panicked rush. I am sorry about that. I posted this below somewhere but I'll but it here for visibility. + +About his work at the deli I even asked one of his co workers how he was doing when he first started and she said he seemed to be taking well to the job. I'd like to be as clear as possible so I can get the best advice. He had another job where he was a bicycle food delivery worker and he was one of the top rated runners. He quit this job because he injured his hands and couldn't play piano for a few weeks and lost a paying music gig due to this.(this was when we first moved to Boston). He does have gigs in the classical music world but the pay isn't much and the work isn't steady , I lumped those in with odd jobs because they pay so little , my apologies if I've been unclear. + + + +Thank you for all the advice. We are both sitting here reading it and I'm making a to-do list while he applies for jobs, emails temp agencies and writes adds for teaching on various websites that were suggested. We are so grateful for all these ideas. + +Update: We just heard back from one of the church's looking for pianists to play during services !! He sent a recording of his playing and a resume, now they want to meet with him in person tomorrow for an interview! It's only a once a week thing so it doesn't pay very well but it's something! +Decades ago it was the dot-com bubble, then bitcoin, and now the "tech bubble". What is the next biggest thing and how do we profit by investing in it's prominent companies? Is it quantum computers? Artificial meat? Genomic editing? +I am not a meme stock trader. Memes are not a market sector. GameStop is a technology company. + +I am not a meme stock trader. I am a teacher. I contribute to the education of others. + +I am not a meme stock trader. I am a doctor. I studied my whole life to heal others. + +I am not a meme stock trader. I am a mechanic. I fix and build vehicles so others can get to work the next day. + +I am not a meme stock trader. I am a service member. I seek to defend others' freedoms. + +I am not a meme stock trader. I am a public servant. I swore to protect my community. + +I am not a meme stock trader. I am an Ape. I stand to oppose propagandists and financial criminals who seek to infringe on the freedoms and rights of citizens globally. Manipulation of the global financial system is an act against human rights entitled to all (UN Article 23.3) + +Fuck you. Pay me. + +💎✊🏾🚀🌕🦍🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ +EDIT: [Looks like someone was trolling Krugman on the Google+ account](http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/08/24/fake-me/). I am still interested in points of view though. + +It's interesting to see [Paul Krugman double down](https://plus.google.com/100094747939867300298/posts/QJUXU19sPws)/go all in on the [destruction theory](http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2011/08/krugman-calls-for-spending-to-defend.html). The general rebuttal from Austrians is Bastiat's [Broken Window Parable](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window). + +I would like to understand the common response to the Broken Window Parable. From what I understand from Krugman anyway, it seems like the response is proto-typical Keynes in that it gooses spending that otherwise would not have happened, making hoarded wealth kinetic. + +I don't find this satisfying for two reasons. + +1. Hoarded wealth can be used on large scale projects. It is the equivalent of potential energy or a battery. I suppose the quick counter here is that this money can be borrowed. I don't know where that line of conversation goes from there. I think it is at a standstill since neither can be proven to be more effective, can they? +2. Destruction still reduces overall value, including in extreme cases (say Fukushima) general peace and/or happiness. + +Does anyone know of a good (re: non-religious) defense of the economic value of destruction that accounts for Bastiat? + +I [posted this in my Google+](https://plus.google.com/114608429907324794845/posts/eGC46NSC5Uz) as well btw. I am interested in following anyone interesting on there so follow me if you care. + +EDIT: PM me your email if you need a Google+ invite. There's some good stuff on there. + + +If you were in a war, the quickest way to victory would be to induce hyper-inflation. Why not just send a few thousand agents to another country with money counterfeiting machines. Before anyone realized what was happening, you could probably increase the money supply by an order of magnitude. + +Or, in a more modern setting, you could probably accomplish something similar by hacking banking systems and adding a few zeroes. If you gave 100 bucks to each citizen, few would notice, and fewer would report. + +Has this ever been tried? +It took many people over a decade to start using email. I’ve heard stories of people getting their secretary to print their emails out for them. Then they write their reply for their secretary to respond to the sender using her boss’ email. + +How many people out there even understand the global debt based fiat monetary system before they even have a rudimentary understanding of blockchain or Bitcoin? + +For example, some of them don’t even know how to properly use Microsoft Teams or SharePoint and we expect those same people to know how to use a Ledger hardware wallet? + +Essentially, IMHO I think the only way we get mass adoption is when people use Bitcoin by default because they just don’t know any better. + +Would appreciate any thoughts, perspectives, or ideas on this. + +Edit: Made this post slightly less offensive hopefully. +Despite the tightening of the money supply and bleak economic outlook, crypto is currently way too undervalued for the bull run to be over yet. +If BTC had hit 150k, I'd probably agree with the sentiment here, but this is not the case. +BTC peaked at around 70k. The market cap is way too small for what BTC already represents for the world economy. + +Here is what I expect is gonna happen. The stock market will continue to struggle while investors will look for alternative investments. Since crypto is extremely undervalued, it will decouple from the stock market soon which will create a positive feedback loop, where the more investors move from stocks to crypto, the better crypto performs, which will result in more investors turning to crypto. + +Most people who think crypto winter already started have already sold or wouldn't have sold anyway. + +Therefore the rest of the year is going to get exciting. + +Just my 2 Satoshis. +Join me, won't you, on a magical thought experiment. + +You find yourself sitting on a couch, wearing a pair of crocs, and playing angry birds. You have a few DVDs to return to blockbuster. All the news stations are talking about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. And you realize, holy crap, what year is this? You grab a newspaper to check the date and suddenly realize, newspapers are still a thing! You aren't dreaming. This is real. You know what you need to do. You need Bitcoin. All the Bitcoin. Where does one even get Bitcoin in 2010? Or should you mine it? It's going to take a little research. So you open a browser to start figuring this out. + +Good god, Yahoo! homepage, by default. Anyway, you figure things out and begin to sink every penny into it. Bitcoin is at 3 cents! You sell everything you've got. You don't need your car, right? Retirement accounts? Screw it, it's worth the tax penalty. Pokemon cards--actually maybe hang on to that one. Once you're out of things to sell, it's time to start borrowing money from anyone and everyone you know. They'll thank you later. All the bitcoin. You need all the bitcoin. + +Until finally, the family stages an intervention: + +"Let me get this straight. You gave everything away? Everything?" + +"I didn't give it away. I bought a digital asset." + +"Can we see it?" + +"I mean... it doesn't exactly work that way." + +"So you gave all your money to some 'Tasoshi' guy on the internet? Who is it?" + +"Well, we don't know WHO Satoshi is, that's not the point. But no, I didn't give the money to him. I bought--" + +"Is this like, some kind of cult? Did you join a cult?" + +"I'm going to be the richest person on the planet. You just have to wait a few years and--" + +"You think this guy on the internet invented money, and he sold it to you, for... all your money?" + +"I didn't say he invented money. He invented a currency that doesn't rely on a central authority. It's non-inflationary because you can--" + +"But you already told me you can make more of it with graphics cards." + +"Yes, but you can't make more forever. It'll hit a hard-cap in 2140 and every four years they--" + +"2140!? What are you on?" + +**\*\*FAST FORWARD A FEW YEARS\*\*** + +"Honey! What can we say. You were right, we were wrong. Bitcoin is at $10. Sell it now and just think how rich you are!" + +"Sell at $10!? Are you nuts?" + +"What price are you waiting for?" + +"I don't want this to lead to another intervention." + +"What like, $20? $30? Oh dear god, honey, please don't tell me you're holding out for it to go over $100." +For example, I was looking at this MF https://i.imgur.com/jH3l8hT.png + +It was showing 1 Y return as 109% so are these figures true? If I had invested 1,00,000 then I would today have 2,09,000? + +Pardon my ignorance if its a really stupid question. + + +How to create an emergency fund? + +I want my emergency fund to support me for 6 months of my expenses. + +Assume my expense is 30k per month where can I put my money? + + +How to create an emergency fund? + +I want my emergency fund to support me for 6 months of my expenses. + +Assume my expense is 30k per month where can I put my money? +It's that time of the month. Some of us just received cash from salary or business income. What are you planning to invest in? What did you sell, and why? If you are continuing to hold onto existing investments, what are they and why do you hold them? Are you avoiding anything? Again, why? + +The discussion is not just for individual stocks of companies, but also for mutual funds and other investments. Feel free to share your investment rationale. This thread does not exist not only for disseminating knowledge on investment decisions (the why?). Others are free to assess your rationale. + +Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. None of this is investment advice or a stock recommendation. Kindly do your due diligence and/or consider seeing a registered investment advisor before making any financial decisions! + +PS: Be friendly. Be civil. +https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17953750 + +>One of the few times Bettridge's Law of Headlines doesn't apply. "Survive" is an extreme word here, but I do see a big issue w/ index funds. Perhaps an unpopular opinion - but I believe index funds will be the next major bubble that cripples the financial system. + +>It's one massive way to persist the same inequality status quo. You know what made Bezos so rich in spite of a company that doesn't make much accounting sense? When everyone is betting on his success by blindly investing in index funds. + +>Bet on the winners (because they're in the S&P 500 or some total market fund), even if they aren't performing that well by their accounting metrics. Everyone will be so invested in propping up the largest companies (or at least the US/China economic moneymakers) that when a few big players seem to be doing something egregious, it will be a tsunami of sells as opposed to a small wave. + +>When everyone is playing and no one knows how to play (because why do I care what the market does? I just let the index fund manage for me), it just reminds me of the advice "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is". The current narrative is: you don't need to know how to invest (neither does your investment fund manager). Just bet on everything, and we'll all win. And by we, we mean the fat cats who are taking in that investment money you're giving us. You'll make a meager return, but we'll make oh so much more. + +---- +of course there's an immediate reply-comment that argues against this points. +Interesting discussion thread, I felt . +I'm new to investing and I read a comment here which gave me an insight into what investment is really done for. Please correct me if I'm wrong or if there's more to it. + +Investment is not about getting rich. It's primarily about beating inflation with investment returns. + +Quick maths: 87 lakhs in 2020 would be equivalent to (will have same buying power as) 5 Crore in 2050. 30 years later due to inflation annual rate of 6% assumed. + +So, don't have abstract goals of multiple Crores and invest accordingly. You're not going to be rich decades later with investment only. + +1) Make a goal +2) Calculate its present required capital amount +3) Calculate time period after which you want to attain that goal +4) Adjust for inflation w.r.t 2) and 3) and this amount is your goal +5) Find funds which will help you to achieve that goal amount in 4) w.r.t 2) and 3) via SIPs or Lumpsum + +I think this is called goal based investment. But, I don't think there's any other type of investment. I think investment in its core is a goal based activity, and not about getting rich with abstract amount. + +I think getting rich is about producing more as marked by the third conclusive point in end in "How the economic machine works." It's a must watch. +Let's say I have (for whatever reason) a part of wealth allocation, that I want to keep up with inflation and be at least partially liquid. + +**For example** + +1. Say a contingency fund, emergency fund, or healthcare buffer. +2. Another use-case is you want to sit on a lump-sum to enter the equity market when a correction happens, but aren't sure when that will be +3. Yet another use-case is if you aren't sure you want to enter a business, you *may*, but want to track a piece of your wealth to inflation until you decide. + +... basically let's forget the end-purpose for a moment and just assume: ***It needs to keep up with inflation and be at least partially liquid, for an indefinite length of time.*** + +Obviously, instruments like equity are ruled out because withdrawal will happen when it needs to happen, and we won't have the luxury of timing withdrawal. For similar reasons, real-estate is ruled out too. + +**My question is** how do you invest this and get best chances of keeping up with inflation post-tax? + +One way to go about it (I guess) is: Divide it equally between: + +* Balanced hybrid funds +* Conservative hybrid funds +* Liquid funds or FDs + +.. and rebalance these once in a while. + +The idea being, when a withdrawal needs to suddenly happen: one can look at current market, if it is doing well then skim off the top of the balanced-hybrid returns. If not, look at the conservative, and worst case withdraw from the FDs or liquid funds. + +Is there a better strategy folks would use to track a part of wealth like this? +My wife got a letter in the mail after not paying one of her student loans. She owed approximately 45k. They said she could settle the account for 18k if she paid it all at once. My father lent us the money to pay it. When we had our taxes done they said we would owe about $6,000. I'm confused at best. Is this counting the loan from my father as income (To my understanding it shouldn't). If they offered a deal to pay less why are we being penalized for it? Any advice welcome! +Just saw grandma’s statement. She lost 90% of what she put in. My estimate is lost 1/4 million over the last 10 years. Portfolio had 3x leveraged etfs, weird minerals, and Disney? This portfolio looks whackadoo, looks risky and stupid to me, but I’m a novice at best. What can I do? What kind of attorney/ professional do I need and does anyone on Long Island or NYC have recommendations. The broker who was managing grandma’s account died and I think nobody took over or that guy had gone senile/ generally not doing any management for years. Grandma is an incredibly risk averse person, would never have consented to 3x ETFs, let alone have any clue what they are. All help welcome. Please point me in the right direction. What other info do I need? Who do I bring this to? +Hey AusFinance, +Last month our company gave us a 2.5% payrise. I was hoping to ask for a raise for myself. I started with this company a couple years ago as an apprentice, and got lowballed when I fully qualified. I was told my pay would be lower than the others because I haven’t had much experience in the industry. Now I’m doing the same work/more work than the others on the team, regardless if they’ve been here longer. I’m also better at this job than others on my team, and they are getting 5-10k more than me. Competitor companies are offering more than our company too. This is a very niche industry I am in and it is difficult to find workers, and our team is currently short staffed. I was thinking of writing an email asking for a payrise, would just like to know what to include? One point I was thinking would be to mention that the current market rate for us is much higher than my current pay. Don’t know what else to include. My main reason is because I’m a better worker than the others on my team but I know I can’t include that. Thank you +Posted this over in /r/personalfinance and it was suggested I post here also. + +My 11 yr old son is obsessed with learning about investing. He is saving literally every penny he finds so he can start putting his money in stocks. Here is my problem. I have no clue how to teach him about investing. I have my retirement savings in one of those target year funds because I am financially illiterate. Sad but true. + +He has $300 saved so far and from what I've read he needs $1000 to open a brokerage account. More specifically I think I'm supposed to open it in my name for him. ? Oh my gosh. I sound so stupid. I really wish someone would have taught me about this topic early in my life. + +Where would you start with teaching an 11 yr old how to invest? What kind of account would you open for him? Any other advice is greatly appreciated as well. Thanks! +28M here. I've been thinking of buying a house because I see myself being in the area for at least 3-4 more years. I've been working professionally for 4 years at 70k annual salary. I'd like to get 3/2 and rent a room out immediately to help financially. I feel that this situation is ideal for me because I'm young and currently live alone. I also see it as an opportunity to be a long-term income source as a rental if I ever move out of the area. A decent 3/2 house in this area would be about 250K. + +So, convince me, was it a good decision to buy your first house? The reason I ask is I feel everyone always says, "i wish i had invested more soon." And since a house could be an investment, do the same feelings apply? +For example, if there is a stock at position 301 by market cap, couldn't a hedge fund buy so much to push it into the ASX300 which then ETFs tracking the index would be obliged to purchase it at that price? What's stopping people from doing this - market manipulation laws? Are there any examples of it ever happening, or safeguards in the index to prevent it? +I pay yearly for my comprehensive car insurance and last year, it was around $990. This year, I got my renewal forms with a slight price increase to $995. However, if I get a quote for a new policy, with the same excess, same optional extras, same car, same mods, with the exact same insurance company, the quote is only $816. Is there any reason at all not to just create a new insurance policy every year instead of renewing and paying a steep premium? + + +**RXMD – Progressive Care Inc. (OTCQB)** + +Hi all, I would like to first acknowledge u/Piratee22 for helping write and discover this stock. I am grateful to have an amazing team of friends/investors always on the outlook for gems in the OTC exchange. I apologize to not being able to answer dm's here, but you can reach me in the Pennystock subreddit disc. under the username Archer, and Piratee22 is Pipi. I want to make it clear here that this is not financial advice, and the enclosed due diligence is references an opinion and is for information purposes. + +**Overview**: Progressive Care offers personalized healthcare services and technologies including prescription pharmaceutical services, risk management and data analytics to healthcare organizations and providers. The company headquarter is based in South Florida. RXMD has created in 2010 - and the company has been actively trading on the OTC since 2012. In 2017 the company uplisted to OTCQB and currently as of [November](https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/RXMD/news/Progressive-Care-Announces-Confidential-Submission-of-Draft-Registration-Statement?id=282225) has submitted a confidential S-1 to uplist to NASDAQ. I expect the process for uplisting to be complete in 1-2 quarters or by end of year assuming the S-1 is accepted. + +**Highlighted business model:** + +* Comprehensive retail pharmacies (including compounding and specialty) that fill over 45k prescriptions per month +* PharmCo Smart Pack (think PillPack competitor) +* PharmCo At Home – in home patient consultations +* Virtual healthcare services (think Teladoc but focused on pharmacy) +* 340B Drug discount program for high risk and underinsured patient populations. +* ClearMetrX (wholly owned subsidiary) provides data management and reporting services for health care organizations +* Recently, during the 3rd Quarter earnings call, the CEO commented on how their business will interact with Amazon's at 18:30 - [Here.](https://www.smallcapvoice.com/progressive-care-quarterly-investor-call-december-2020/) It is not unheard of to see a future partnership with Amazon or buyout. + +**Financials**: + +* [Revenue:](https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/RXMD/disclosure) 40.6M FY2020 – 23% yoy growth +* Assets: 9.9M, an increase from 8.5M in 2019 +* Liabilities: 12M, and increase from 10.8M in 2019. However, no toxic debts/convertible notes. +* Cash on hand of 1.6M, increase from 759k in 2019 + +&#x200B; + +|Year|2015|2016|2017|2018|2019|2020| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Revenue (Annual)|$14M|$18M|$20M|$21M|$33M|$40M| + +Revenue growth YoY is fantastic and since they just moved their entire operations from a 3,300 sq ft facility to a newly constructed 11,000 sq. ft. facility I fully expect their revenue to increase well beyond projections. The CEO stated in an Oct press release: + +> “We are working simultaneously on multiple fronts to dramatically expand our reach and relevance, while cultivating multiple sources of sustainable recurring revenue.” “It’s not hyperbole to say that this is the most exciting time for the Company since I first became involved ten years ago,” said Mr. Weisberg further. “We believe our growth trajectory has the potential to accelerate significantly in the coming years, which will translate into greater value for our shareholders.” + +[Source](https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/RXMD/news/Progressive-Care-Announces-Permanent-Chief-Executive-Officer-and-New-Chief-Financial-Officer?id=277945) + +A press release from September further details the companies future revenue goals: + +> “We expect revenues of more than $40 million in 2020 at this point, given our growth rate and what we have accomplished so far this year,” noted Alan Jay Weisberg, interim CEO and Chairman of the Board at Progressive Care. “Several years ago, when our revenue was $15 million, we saw our path to $40 million in sales and described this to our shareholders. Now, we are running at over $40 million on the top line and see a path to $100 million and beyond as a basic extrapolation of our organic growth curve paired with our strategic agenda, which provides for an open run to serve all 50 states in prescriptions and data management, capitalize on strong deregulatory tailwinds. We are deep in the process of establishing this new leadership, and we have strong reason to believe we will have an exceptional executive team in place, with the experience, skills, and drive to foster that next step, very soon.” + +[Source](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/09/16/2094494/0/en/Progressive-Care-Issues-Corporate-Update.html) + +RXMD has a fantastic leadership team, including recently hired CFO [Cecile Munnik](https://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilemunnik/) who worked for $LII (Lennox International a 11 Billion market cap company) for many years as their SEC reporting and financial analysis. It is under my understanding that Cecile will be great help in the uplist process as her knowledge with SEC reporting is priceless. Along with Cecile Munnik, Oleg Firer, CEO of $NETE is an indepdent director, and audit committee member. It is possible there are connections between NETE and RXMD however it is all just theory as no public statements have been made at this time. RXMD has Think Equity and Lucosky Brookman LLP as their sponsors for uplisting, and aszkal Bolton LLP for their accounting/auditing (Same company as NETE). + +I recently called the auditing company and spoke with the main auditor, he could only confirm that at this time RXMD has gotten the first (of probably a few) comments back from the SEC on what needs to be changed for the S-1. This is typical of uplists. The company submits S-1's until the SEC is happy. + +**Share structure****:** 1B a/s; 485M o/s; and a float of 409M. Market cap of 51M + +**Recent catalysts:** + +* Verified profile on otcmarkets.com in 2/2021 +* Telehealth partnership with EagleForce Health, expanding COVID-19 testing and vaccination +* Expansion into long-term care pharmacy services by moving to its new 11,000 sqft location in Hallandale Beach, FL +* Confidental submission of form S-1 to the SEC +* Telehealth partnerships with MyApps instead of acquirement, working to “integrate CallingDr™, the popular telemedicine and telehealth platform developed by MyApps, into Progressive Care’s PharmcoRx digital platform”. +* ClearMetrX completed an automated 340B Data Feed integration to expand the total addressable market as a third-party administrator for 340B healthcare providers nationwide. +* Partnership with DeliverSTAT, allowing the company to “compete with pharmacy delivery apps such as Capsule, PillPack, and ZipDrug in terms of functionality and technology” + +**Company plan for 2021:** + +* Become SEC-registered and fully reporting instead of backend reported. +* Develop/Acquire 340B Data Administrator to facilitate delivery analytics to healthcare providers +* Develop/Acquire medical technology platform for proprietary telemedicine product +* Secure additional not-for-profit healthcare contracts and long-term care facility relationships +* Secure state licenses and accreditations to create nationwide market +* Consolidate locations to achieve cost savings and greater scale +* Launch nationwide PREP service + +These plans can be found in their 2020 [investor deck](https://www.progressivecareus.com/) + +**Stock Price:** + +&#x200B; + +[This is the 4 year weekly chart, showing a relative downtrend on little to no volume. Recent volume has curled the Accumulation and pushed the stock above this 2 year downtrend resistance. Yearly chart shows a golden cross forming on the daily as well. ](https://preview.redd.it/zhg3d0jfhzi61.png?width=1529&format=png&auto=webp&s=9234acd2c795f48827846c8ed15c129e99f483f4) + +**Potential red flags:** + +* Alan was also the CFO of several publicly traded companies (QuikByte Software, Inc., Getting Ready Corp., and Longfoot Communications Corp) which are all defunct presently. +* SEC filings are not up to date and financials are audited as of the time of this dd. + +**Conclusion** + +I expect RXMD to do very well in the future 1+ years, the company has strong plans for growth with a very diverse team to get them there. I believe the stock is super under valued at a 50 million market cap. This should be trading 4-5x that at a minimum. NASDAQ evaluation will certainly help that - Amazon bought PillPack for 753 million 2 years ago :). I do have a position in this stock and plan on holding for many years to come! +I just lost 97% of my portfolio from bad trades, high risks and greed. +2000 dollars to 60 dollars in less than a week. + +My advice is not to be greedy, and don't try to out think or over think the system. If you see a chance to double your money, think twice about it. + +Its much harder to climb back up once you've hit rock bottom. + +For those wondering how I lost all that money, EURJPY 200 leverage. Was wrong on every single short and long. And now here I am. + +**Edit**: Thank you everyone. I really felt down about the whole situation and really felt bad about myself. I pretty much felt like quitting investing all together when I lost all that money and I couldn't even focus on my job because all I could think about is how much money I lost. + +Not only did reading all of these post (the good, the bad and the hilarious) all make my day, but I really now feel optimistic about the future and excited to invest in MUCH. SAFER. options. Time to stop thinking about the short term gains because the real plan will always be for the long term. + +Planning on posting an update 1 year from now. I'll make you guys proud. + +**Edit2**: already spending less money on useless junk to help recoup my losses. Hopefully this trend continues. + +**Edit3**: I really appreciate all of what /r/investing had to say. the amount of support is mind-blowing. I did not expect this type of response. +Yet BTC leadership uses this as an opportunity for defamation attempts. + +This should reveal the level of contempt & insecurity they hold. + +Many of them are jaded due to being publicly proven wrong repeatedly, others because they sold ETH @ $10. + +Platform-independent. + +Edit: u/MrKup has just banned me from Ethtrader. + +I now see u/MrKup has manipulated the appearance of the discussion we had before he banned me. u/MrKup deleted comments. + +He did this to give the appearance that I was trolling/pestering. I never responded to this. Compare this with my post history + +Please look into this. I've been on here quite some time & contribute quality content. + +Perhaps I'm not the 1st u/MrKup has done this to. + + +Richard Moreland is a researcher in social psychology and widely regarded as a key contributor to help us understand the invisible power of social influence that shape our decisions. In one of his key experiments, he was able to show that how we decide and embrace something is very much shaped by "familiarity". This concept also dates back to the early days of automation where motorized vehicles (early forms) were considered devil's machine. Therefore to evoke "familiarity" a wooden horse head was attached to the vehicle to give people comfort that it is no different than a carriage = *horsey horseless.* + +&#x200B; + +https://i.redd.it/nhhf88hq64531.jpg + +Bitcoin / Ethereum and other crypto-innovations were too much of an unfamiliar innovation to the world. A horsey horseless was needed to bridge the gap and shape mass understanding. Institutions / governments / etc., who were unease with crypto will now get comforted by the familiarity of facebook and their "blockchain" / "crypto" platform. Facebook's Libra is simply a horsey horseless that will serve as an un-intended Mosaic Browser event and help bring tremendous adoption to Crypto and in particular to Ethereum. Facebook's smart contract project will show the importance / need of a true decentralized / permissionless / programmable crypto platform - which will skyrocket Ethereum's mass adoption globally for years to come. + +&#x200B; + +So thank you Facebook for your wooden horse head ! + +&#x200B; + +\+ Edit : Here is a [new story](https://techcrunch.com/2019/06/18/how-facebooks-libra-is-similar-in-concept-and-motivation-to-kiks-kin-cryptocurrency/) on Techcrunch that compares FB coin to Kik / kin and how similar they are. If you did not find Kik / Kin interesting, you would not find Fb coin interesting. Other than the reach of Facebook and the potential FOMO - it will still lack all the excitement of Ethereum. As per Joseph Lubin - this event is really good for broader crypto adoption. +Hi everyone, + +I am currently 24 with little savings and a net worth of -£3,259 in credit card debt. + +I am currently saving a decent portion of my income starting this month and trying to attack my debt in addition. I do everything weekly with mine as I get paid on a weekly basis. + +My current routine is + +1) Pay £100 per week off my debt +2) Invest £50 per week in FTSE Global All Cap +3) Pay £100 per week into LISA +4) Pay £25 per week into emergency fund (Currently at £1200) +5) Pay £50 per week into high internet savings account saving for future children. +6) The rest going on expenses. + +I’m trying to keep my bills and expenses under £1000 per month so I can save/invest the other £1000. + +Any leftover income I get is divided between the above accounts. + +I currently work 5 nights a week and earn approximately £2500/£3000 post tax per month. + +I have £3,259 in credit card debt but is currently only £21 interest a month. + +If anyone has any advice on a better way to go about it I would appreciate it. +I'll be coming in to some money soon (£70k) and I'm looking at ways to invest it with low / no risk. + +I'll max out my S&S ISA each year and I've got some small investments, i've been looking at savings accounts and most i've seen is 2.75% so I've been looking at peer-to-peer lending for small amounts. + +Has anyone got experience with peer-to-peer? + +Is it worth the risk? + +Are the returns reasonable? + +Thanks! + +Edit to clear things up: + +I'm not saying P2P is low / no risk, I'm asking what people's experiences are because I don't believe the figures websites are pitching + +I'm not putting 70k into one thing, if I did P2P it'd be with 2-5k +In the process of rolling over previous company’s 401k. I’ve already taken care of the funds they rolled over for my Roth/After Tax investments but not sure what I should be taking into account on the pre-tax side when selecting investments. Would your investment strategy for both accounts be the same? If not, how would you differentiate? + +TIA! +In the process of rolling over previous company’s 401k. I’ve already taken care of the funds they rolled over for my Roth/After Tax investments but not sure what I should be taking into account on the pre-tax side when selecting investments. Would your investment strategy for both accounts be the same? If not, how would you differentiate? + +TIA! +I’m writing this on my mother behalf. + +My mother worked for NHS for past 26 years, she semi retired last year and handed in final notice today. + +Last week she received a letter from HMRC which noted a period of tax shortages going back to 2017/18 totalling £23k + +I understand if it’s owed it’s owed but i’m curious if their any liability of the payment services the NHS employee or if it’z borderline negligence? + +It’s such a huge sum to be bit with and just as she retired it’s quite heart breaking. + +If anybody has any input be great starting point, if we’re fighting a losing battle be good to know also. + +Edit1: She worked two jobs essentially - main post job & evening job (8 hour additional per week) Outside of that no other income. + +Edit2: sorry i’ve a flight at 5am so need to sleep will catchup on the feedback in morning. + +Edit3: so an update from accounts office + +The issue started at the beginning of tax year 17/18. You will see from the table below that an instruction was received from HMRC on the 19th Feb 17 to update the tax code on your -3 post to 1168L, this meant that you were receiving a tax free allowance on the -3 post in error when you should have been paying 20% or 40% tax. You can see the difference in the amount of tax paid this year compared to the last is much different. + +16/17 she paid £2k isn tax on the evening shift income. +17/18 she paid £145 on the evening shift income. + +Both earnings in that period were £12k ish. Looks like a tax free income code was applied to her second job as-well as first. Even if she was short £2k a year it only amounts to £10k… unless it was wrong in 16/17 also and she should have been taxed 40% on that income then it amounts to approx £24k over that period. + +I’ll look at p60s when back from holiday and see if any difference, she has a copy of all of them dating back decades lol. +Hey, + +How's it going? + +Enjoying these boring days? You know, where there's literally NO PREMARKET, NO AFTER MARKET, lowest volume in years, and intra-day gapping and a predictable outcome? Scratching your head because technical analysis is *uselessly* all indicators are *broken?* + +*Other than a few pump and dumps here and there intra-day, there is* ***NOTHING HAPPENING.*** + +Why is that? + +Well, I keep looking at one specific area of the market, and its' often one that people and combat with swift action. + +Why? *I honestly don't know.* + +Well, since GME moved from the SP600 to 400Midcap, Blackrock had to reallocate their ETFs, and the weighting isn't nearly as efficient for arbitrage, so I imagine that'll get put on the backburner until the next index move to the MSCI later this month. + +***GET ON WITH IT YOU F\*CKING RETARD!*** + +***--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*** + +Ok..ok.. + +***THE REPO MARKET*** + +DON'T GO! HEAR ME OUT LOL! + +Before you go running to the comment section to call me a fudster, I at LEAST think we need to look into the data. + +Data is not my strong point whatsoever, and I know there's a lot of badass apes out there who can map data, and do fancy tricks that could make this come to life a little bit more. + +And yes, the argument "THAT'S NOT HOW REPOS WERK BRUH" is a good one, but I'm moving past this argument as a non-sequitur at this point, because despite Powell saying "LOL ITS WORKING EVERYONE, DON'T WORRY!" As inflation literally sits on historic heights. + +Now, here's 20 pictures that Reddit lets me show: + +\#1 - The website that provides the data. [https://www.financialresearch.gov/money-market-funds/us-mmfs-investments-in-the-repo-market/](https://www.financialresearch.gov/money-market-funds/us-mmfs-investments-in-the-repo-market/) + +This data is gathered directly from SEC EDGAR: + +&#x200B; + +[It just updated today, giving us a fresh set of data to work with, and an entire weekend before the repo-cluster-f\*ck-a-palooza begins](https://preview.redd.it/nidfma4sx7h71.png?width=1495&format=png&auto=webp&s=66a2754539ab59654771a83f75c676dc1d7ad189) + +Now, for those of you who still haven't figure out wtf a RRP is (reverse repo) + +It's SUPPOSED to work like this: + +Bank have much cash. + +Inflation goinG uP! + +Wen flation go up, dollar value go down. + +Wen dollar value go down, bank sad, especially wen bank have F\*CK TONS OF CASH. + +What bank do? + +Bank fun FED! + +FED SAY HI! I SELL U DEES ASSETS! + +Bank say "THANK! BOO-DEE!" + +Then, they spit in each other's mouths, and carry on with their lives. + +24 hours later, the banks shows back up at the FED: + +"HEY BOO-DEE!" HEAR IS UR DOGSHIT BACK! + +\*gives assets back to the fed\* (rehypothecated? who the fuck knows.) + +FED says "TANK U!" with an agreed amount of interest. Rinse, and f\*cking repeat. + +\------------------------------------------------------------------ + +*BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!* + +&#x200B; + +[This is the reverse repo that everyone references on a daily basis. This is a \\"reverse repo\\", where the Fed is doing the \\"reversing\\" and the banks are doing the \\"repoing\\" if that makes sense.](https://preview.redd.it/0zyce3ssy7h71.png?width=814&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a04b3887a5a2604578aef39ef2277ef5c626a3d) + +In other words, if the fed is the reverse side of the repo transaction, that ***automatically*** makes the "counterparties", which there were 70 of today, the ***repo*** side of it. The following day, the Fed would be the ***repo side*** and the ***"counterparties"*** would be the reverse repo side. + +Now, let's take a look at Fidelities latest financial report using "SPAXX" the Government Money Market Fund as an example of another area to locate these ***reverse repurchase agreements*** which should show up on Fidelities report as ***repo agreements.*** + +***Let's take a look:*** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6f8r2ydnz7h71.png?width=1335&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec04dd5e0de28ecc093021a34eaf114fc099bc57 + +Those are US Treasury ***REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS, and as you can see, about directly centered in the page is "Federal Reserve Bank of New York"*** + +Does that make SPAXX a Counterparty that participates in the Fed Reserve RRP Program? You bet! + +Along with all of these: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jhjsoc0w08h71.png?width=1548&format=png&auto=webp&s=f869cae3e310e25fa6695a407b4d7a962fa0071b + +According to fidelities financial reports, 54 billion was the collateral they put up to borrow securities from the FED on 07/30, which matches this website's data pull: + +&#x200B; + +[\(This may actually be more accurate, as it appears Fidelity rounded\)](https://preview.redd.it/5b0xs3ca18h71.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=083a2082577d40f9dda472d2b0197fc82387b7b4) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +There's a lot to look at here. This website is fantastic, and even can drill down to different exposures. + +My theory is that they are using this repo window for a massive circle-majerkamahjerkum-fest which is why we see absolutely nothing going on. It's a game of hot potato at this point. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ihoj5h9128h71.png?width=1463&format=png&auto=webp&s=82540c0ad65670ca42083aadc3f4bf08416f1179 + +I downloaded this data, mapped it out, and was shocked at what I saw: + +https://preview.redd.it/ts08x1xy18h71.png?width=1476&format=png&auto=webp&s=027dcb4a595b2fd5c5c0d4a5d8797d7c5ec32f86 + +&#x200B; + +THIS IS JUST IN THE UNITED STATES. Dots big enough are parties that are relevant enough to appear. Fidelity is by far the biggest, with BR Vanguard and JP Morgan the "closest" entities. + +I just feel like we should put all traditional thought into this, and really ***at least*** take a look. + +I want holes to be poked in this, but can't take "nu-uh" or "this is normal" when it ***isn't.*** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bf9edwgl28h71.png?width=434&format=png&auto=webp&s=a60795b18f69b6e96e9b028c367a35d2df46d1b4 + +Last thing before I go: + +And I find this the most interesting: + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5csjzvrp28h71.png?width=1528&format=png&auto=webp&s=cff593ede8daa8e401ec927800370d3d5fe19ce1 + +There's "Other Repurchase Agreements", "Treasury Repurchase Agreements" and "Government Agency Repurchase Agreements" + +Remember Fidelities financial report above? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/iosfa9lv28h71.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b83ea624c1a5f93f78a3069ed7ab768b4c8cbfb + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +"Us government Agency Repurchase Agreement" + +&#x200B; + +0.05%, with a one day maturity. + +&#x200B; + +These "joint accounts" don't show up on vanguard's financial reports, nor Blackrock's. + +Wut doing? + +One more thing... + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1owbcph338h71.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=bce32d5c383a38b64b9b26d2488c51a68ae52379 + +***WHEN YOU DRILL DOWN INTO THE TREASURY REPO..*** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/c849kqg638h71.png?width=335&format=png&auto=webp&s=230ff26b403612a702dced1c66b349b96ebb36c4 + +FIDELITY IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND, AND THE FED RESERVE ITSELF IS THE #1 COUNTERPARTY.. + +WTF? + +&#x200B; + +***In essence... EVERYONE, WUT DOING!?!?!?*** + +Please, lend me your eyes and knowledge so we can figure out wtf is going on. + +Oh, and when you drill further down into the Federal Reserve.. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4o9tr8eg38h71.png?width=685&format=png&auto=webp&s=8110bfcca883a1582983aa521f479abf6a4b4d41 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0x46vxcj38h71.png?width=340&format=png&auto=webp&s=f454fbcc4a7a38095da8fa7a1554288de6ce4b74 + +Da ***FUQ?*** + +***DIG DIG DIG DRILL DRILL DRILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[After All, isn't it just a simulation?](https://reddit.com/link/p3yebn/video/6s0yrzow38h71/player) + +Fidelity is the largest player in the repo market BY FAR, which you'll clearly see once looking at this website. Is this because of US? Perhaps. Time will tell. But I wanna know wtf they're doing here. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks for your time. +[Here’s the link](https://www.change.org/p/coinbase-coinbase-prioritize-segwit-implementation-on-the-coinbase-bitcoin-wallet-gdax-exchange) + +1. [Sign the petition](https://www.change.org/p/coinbase-coinbase-prioritize-segwit-implementation-on-the-coinbase-bitcoin-wallet-gdax-exchange) +2. Leave Coinbase +3. Tweet/Email [@coinbase](https://twitter.com/coinbase) and [@brian_armstrong](https://twitter.com/brian_armstrong) + +Remember, there are other exchanges and wallets watching. This isn’t just about Coinbase. + +If this petition convinces a popular single exchange or wallet to implement SegWit, it’s worth every second! + +Thanks r/bitcoin + +Edit: Also leave a review on the official Coinbase app in your App Store. +BTC-e.com is now a close second on Bitcoincharts after Bitstamp in trade volume. They are now BY FAR the biggest systemic risk to Bitcoin. + +From day one they have been the exchange of choice for the sellers of Silk Road and every other black market site. This is because they offer(ed) every withdrawal option possible up to any amount with ZERO identification needed. They had Liberty Reserve, PerfectMoney, Ucash and many other ID-free options. + +BitInstant may have been used by buyers indirectly through BTCKing on SR, but BTC-e has been there for the sellers. So if Charlie Schrem was worth picking up at the airport by the US, you can imagine that the owners of BTC-e are MUCH higher on the wanted list. + +THAT IS WHY THE OWNERS ARE (TRYING TO BE) ANONYMOUS. + +They can be arrested anytime and face decades in prison for laundering many millions in drug money. Guess what happens to the hundreds of thousands of coins under their control? + +THEIR LEGAL RISK IS YOUR FINANCIAL RISK. + +For Bitcoin's sake, people need to be turned away from them. Another top exchange going down would be a disaster and a huge set-back for Bitcoin. + +Those wanting to buy or sell should use a 2nd generation exchange that doesn't have dirty hands. +Those wanting to take a bet on the rate should use derivatives anyway, same exposure with a smaller deposit. + +ps. +This is not about creating FUD or hurting their business. This is about getting the facts more into the open. BTC-e is a well run site compared to Mt.Gox, but the inherent risk is JUST AS BIG AND GROWING! + + +**EDIT** ;I meant BitInstant, not BitStamp. + +It doesn't matter how well run the site is, or how much you trust them. They clearly have been breaking all laws on AML and KYC for ages, and they have done MASSIVE drug related trade. No future audit can wipe out their past. As far as I see it they could go the way of Liberty Reserve any moment. LR's Costa Rican owner was arrested in Spain and pleaded guilty to laundering $6 billion All funds on LR were lost. +http://www.libertyreserve.com/index.html + +I've been selling covered calls for the past 3 months on a weekly time basis with a few of my stocks. I've been really lucky and are good at reading the charts and predicting some really good optimum plays when I sell my covered call on Monday and having expired on Friday. + +I've been researching the wheel for the last week and I really want to dive into it. On the guides and reviews that I've been reading about the wheel people suggest usually to sell your cash secured puts and covered calls 30 to 45 days out. Have yet to see a review or somebody telling me that it's a good idea to do a weekly cash secured put or covered call. + +I much more used to weeklies. So a monthly or even 45 day option out is definitely an uncharted territory for me. Thus I'm concerned about my success with it. What are the advantages and disadvantages of weekly versus 30 to 45 days out for cash secured puts and covered calls, specifically when I'm running the wheel? +Need advice on stocks to wheel. Looking for high premium stocks. Currently holding Apple (sadly) and selling a covered call on it. The premiums are pretty low on Apple. + +What stocks do you wheel? +How far out do you like expiry? +How far out OTM do you push? +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Im an extreme beginner and I want to get into the theta gang, is there any relatively safe/low risk strategy that anyone would be willing to let me in on, also what should be the minimum amount of money I should have in my portfolio to start with? +For example, I sold CC on PLTR and hit 80% profit in one day due to the price moving down a good bit in the morning. When I close that call, would I open the new one at a lower strike price now since underlying moved down and I can get more premium at those strikes? +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +OK, I was trying to explain how option prices move today and I realized I don't entirely understand it because I'm dumb. + +On the one hand, the Greeks tell you how the price will move as the asset price moves. If Delta is .5, then for every $1 the asset price moves, the option price will 50 cents. + +On the other hand, the option is only worth what someone will buy it for. So, the price of the option you see on the screen is the midpoint between the bid and ask. + +OK, so....what actually moves the price? The movement of the asset price or the movement of the bid/ask of the option? + +Here's an example to illustrate my confusion. Say stock XYZ is trading at $100, and a call is listed as $2.00. It's low volume with a couple of bids showing as $1.90 and a couple of asks showing as $2.10. Delta is showing as .5. + +Now XYZ goes up $1 to $101. According to the Greeks, the price should now be $2.50, right? But what if nobody changes their bid or ask price - the price will still be the midpoint ($2), right? Which determines the real price? + +Thanks! +I will likely be assigned on my 1x NIO CSP next Friday at $50 strike price. I bought it back before NIO hit 55 and did not expect this substantial of a down turn. + +Is it worth it to buy some shares now (like 100) given the drop in price to cost average down so when I do get assigned my average share price is closer to the current trading price and selling CC will have a higher premium and more likely to be assigned? + +I am asking because I haven't seen this questioned asked before (most likely I missed it) and wonder if it is a valid strategy to incorporate into the wheel to keep things moving and not sit on NIO for potentially months or if I am just missing something altogether. + +Thanks in advance. +I am 28 and have been putting a lot into my pension recently since I don’t spend that much. + +My employer gives me pension funding of 10% of my salary and I’ve been adding in a little bit extra out of my own salary. But since my pension will be subject to income tax when I withdraw my it, would I be better off cutting down on the extra money I’m putting into my pension and into a S&S ISA? I am currently paying the basic rate income tax 20% on my salary. + +I am not sure the best strategy to go about this? Or what calculations I have to make to know what is my best investment option between putting money in pension and S&S ISA? +I didn’t know how else to word it for the title, but I mean have you noticed struggling financially has made you unmotivated, tired, or just plain lazy(like can’t be bothered)? + +I was at my part time job today and just thinking about how exhausted I’ve been all week. And I need to state this job is very relaxed and not really stressful at all. I used to not be this way. I know I’m older but I’m only 37, so I don’t think I should feel this depleted. Then I thought maybe it’s because over the last few years I’ve had lots of money worries, haven’t been able to eat properly regularly, continually trying to get ahead and failing, and general anxiety over the future. + +But just being tired wasn’t the only thing I was feeling. I was thinking about personal projects I have been working on or wanting to work on and didn’t feel excited or motivated, it was more like bothersome. + +I used to not feel this way! I used to keep myself really busy, not just at work, but with my side projects and I used to be excited about it. Everything feel ho-hum now. + +So I was wondering if this is just me or if other people have made this correlation? + +**Edit: I wanted to add a reason that I wanted to ask this is I know I’ve had mild depression the last few years and want to see if this feeling wasn’t just a symptom of that, though I’m sure it does have a hand in it. + +***Edit 2: Thanks to everyone that has commented! I tried to comment on as many as I could. I appreciate all the comments and different perspectives. I’m glad most understood I didn’t mean poor people are lazy and don’t work hard (lord knows that’s not true at all), when some one mentioned burn out that term was more in line with what I had meant. + +I just typically call myself lazy because I could do have time to do projects when I get home but often am just exhausted and just want to eat, veg out to the TV, and go to bed. So that’s the only term that my brain fog could land on! +https://medium.com/@wokesalaryman/all-the-things-i-had-to-do-to-save-100-000-before-i-turned-30-cfd21a0006d2?fbclid=IwAR2_cll9QMOZgEE5QyTL2jrlVvadEpBsE3LZakbZzzLF1WprB7qlev12lq0 +Natwest are running back to back account switches, this time offering £150 to switch. Exisiting members can switch also if you have another account with a bank. + +https://personal.natwest.com/personal/current-accounts/switch-your-banking-to-natwest.html + +Important information - £150 switching offer +This offer is available to new and existing customers. To qualify for the £150 offer you must: + +Apply for an eligible account between the 7th of Jan and 15th of Feb 2019. + +Complete your switch to us using the Current Account Switching Service by the 22nd of March. + +Deposit £1,500 into your NatWest account and log in to online or Mobile banking by the 22nd of March. + +Happy switching +Wanswap is a new decentralized exchange built with automated market making (AMM) modeled after the explosively popular Uniswap, and built on Wanchain blockchain. It in addition to the standard swapping and liquidity providing features common to all AMM DEXes, WanSwap also features liquidity farming inspired by related projects such as Sushiswap. + +WanSwap takes full advantage of Wanchain’s cross-chain features in order to power trading between assets from multiple blockchains using Wanchain’s cross-chain wanTokens including: wanEOS, wanETH, a growing list of wanERC20 tokens, wanBTC and with more chains & assets soon to be added soon after the launch of Wanchain 5.0. + +**The $WASP Token Notes:** + +1. $WASP total supply will be \~210 million. +2. There is no pre-mine, zero tokens will be reserved for team members, all tokens will be issued according to the rules written into the $WASP token contract. +3. The $WASP token is used for community governance of WanSwap in order to vote on determining transaction fee rates, change in rules, token issuance, funding for DAO initiatives, and more. +4. The tokens will be issued on a deflationary curve, with a decreasing amount being issued over time until the total supply approaches 210 million. +5. The $WASP produced in each block will be distributed to traders, liquidity providers and the DAO fund + +* Circ. supply for now: 62.850.000 WASP +* Price: $0,0706 +* Liquiditation: $1.338.913 +* WASP Token Address (WRC20): 0x8b9f9f4aa70b1b0d586be8adfb19c1ac38e05e9a +* WASP Token Address (ERC20): 0xef5c6a88710a3c857105058f947d249bc490909d + +&#x200B; + +**How To Buy WASP** + +* Create a Wanmask on Chrome extentions +* Setup your account +* Send WAN to your address +* Then swap your WAN tokens to WASP on [WanSwap](https://wanswap.finance/#/swap) + +\*\*Fees on Wanswap are almost zero, and also you can farm [WASP/WAN](https://wanswap.finance/#/farm) + + +You have probably seen links to the [Poocoin App](https://poocoin.app/) come up in various pitches on this and other subs. In addition to having a continuously improving web app to view prices and track your wallet for BSC (Binance Smart Chain), there is a coin associated with the project ([Poocoin](https://poocoin.app/poocoin)) that I am extremely bullish on. + +What problem is Poocoin solving? + +Poocoin helps folks track BSC (Binance Smart Chain) wallets and understand how individual coins are trading. Given how high-risk and volatile crypto markets are, this is an incredibly important function – and it hasn’t surprised me to see links to poocoin charts popping up all over the place. + +**A bit of background:** Right now there are two primary DEX (decentralized exchanges), and most of the coins you’ll see here are traded on one of them. [Uniswap](https://app.uniswap.org/) is used for trading coins against Ethereum (ETH), while [PancakeSwap](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/) is used for trading coins against Binance Coin (BNB) – projects on the latter are also referred to as Binance Smart Chain (BSC). + +[Uni](https://info.uniswap.org/home) and [Pancake](https://pancakeswap.info/pairs) both have native analytics interfaces, but they are very limited in functionality, and Pancake’s significantly lags real-time trades. Additionally, they do not do a good job of showing price movement or individual transactions. For digging into individual transactions and wallets, [etherscan](https://etherscan.io/) and [BSCScan](https://bscscan.com/) are great for research if you know what you’re doing – but it’s hard to understand trends and see the bigger picture from there. + +[Dextools](https://www.dextools.io/app/) has rightly emerged as the leading analytics / charting app for Uniswap, with great charts and individual transaction data. BSC / Pancake have been lacking a similarly high-functioning, fast, reliable solution. Poocoin provides that solution – with charts, transaction tracking, wallet tracking, [Yield Farm tracking (Toilet feature)](https://poocoin.app/toilet) and more to come as driven by the community. I don’t think the app is quite at the level of Dextools just yet in terms of features, but it’s not far off and quickly improving as the community requests new features. Check out the [telegram](https://t.me/poocointokenchat) to see how it really is a community-driven project, with users requesting features and the lead developer responding in real-time. + +The web app is cool but what does the token have to do with it and why should I buy it? + +Unlike many projects which trade on the promise of future functionality (no shade, I’ve invested in many of these) – poocoin began as a product first, with the token added in what seemed like an afterthought. The point was to create something useful for traders. More recently, the token has begun to play a bigger role in the ecosystem, including a new [premium tier](https://poocoin.app/premium) to track other wallets if you are pooling BNB / POO in the Pancake pool. I don’t speak for the Poocoin creator, but I have spoken with them and I think that over time the coin itself will play a more important role in the ecosystem, for instance unlocking certain premium tracking / alerting features while retaining most of the functionality for all users / free. + +On that topic, one thing that I love about this project is that the focus has been much more on building the community of users than extracting value by requiring people to hold or pay POO, so I think that most new features will continue to be available to all users. It’s also been almost completely organic growth to date, with people using the product and getting acquainted with the coin because of that – as usage and the community grows, I believe the price of the coin will as well. + +Tell me more about the tokenomics and how much upside potential this thing has? + +**— Redistribution / deflationary mechanism.** 8% fee charged for each transaction, 4% distributed to token holders (in accordance to the size of their POO holdings), 4% burned. Seems like a lot of coins here recently have a deflationary / redistribution mechanism and I think for good reason. Transaction fee + redistribution incentivizes hodlers over swing traders, and you’re able to increase your holdings simply by having the coin in your wallet (apart from price appreciation). And then the token burn deflates supply which creates upward pressure on the price over time. Additionally, no more than 100,000 can be traded in 1 transaction, meaning there’s a limit on huge whale buys / sells. + +**— It’s still very early**. The initial supply was 10M POO. The total supply now (5pm Pacific on 3/13/21) is 6,839,793 with a price of around $0.30. That’s a market cap of $2.05 M. Compare that to GoSwapp (BSC charting platform that people appear to be using significantly less than poocoin, at least the last few weeks) @ $36M (18x for Poocoin), Unidex (another BSC charting tool that poocoin has surpassed in functionality imo) @ $19M (9.5x for Poocoin), or DexTools at $151M (75x for Poocoin). **Comparables are always tough in crypto but I’m planning on hodling until at least $6 (20x current value)**. + +**– No presale and distribution of holders has grown less concentrated over time.** As described in this excellent [moonshots 101](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/mbdlil/cryptomoonshots_101/), a presale is often (not always imo) an indicator that there are a lot of large holders looking to make a quick buck who will sell off at the first sign of a peak. Poocoin had no presale; it simply launched on PancakeSwap. If you’re buying in now, there are folks like me who bought in at a lower price (I got in around $0.10 and have been buying more gradually, including significantly more at the current price today). I can’t speak for other holders, and of course there will be those who take some profits as price continues to rise. But I do get the sense from the community that a lot of people see the rare potential here and are looking to ride out the waves until it hits a large multiple of its current price before they consider selling. + +**– What about liquidity and volatility?** Liquidity was a significant concern for myself and many in the community for the past week or two. Currently, liquidity in Pancake sits at \~$120k (i.e. \~$60k worth of BNB and \~$60k worth of POO). More liquidity generally means less volatility (i.e. a given buy / sell has less price impact), and it’s a generally a good thing for a coin’s legitimacy. Realizing the liquidity issue, Poocoin added a [premium tier](https://poocoin.app/premium) accessible via being a liquidity provider. As a result, there has been a sizable increase in liquidity over the past few days (currently \~$120k in the pool) although I'd like to see it go significantly higher still – given the responsiveness of the team to this issue, I’m confident liquidity will continue to increase. + +**– Sounds good but what’s with the name? Are you really comparing a coin called Poocoin to DexTools?** When I bought in, I found the name amusing, but growth-wise I saw it as maybe a good thing (meme potential / funny) or maybe a bad thing (may prevent people from taking the project seriously). I could still go either way – although I do like that it's a funny reference to the storm of shitcoins we are all in with some on-the-nose irony that this actually is **not** a no-utility shitcoin. Name aside, check out the community and use the product – I'm confident this is the real deal. + +**– Okay but what if DexTools adds BSC or Unidex or Goswapp improve their features and surpass Poocoin?** If DexTools added BSC features tomorrow (they have not made any such announcements to my knowledge and if it happens, seems like it will be awhile), I think that would pose a modest risk for the Poocoin product’s continual user growth. However, Poocoin really has added many features that rival DexTools, while adding unique features like the best Wallet Tracking I’ve experienced across any of these types of apps. DexTools and others also appear more keen to gate premium features with high subscription costs ([$75+ month](https://www.dextools.io/) for wallet tracking). + +On Unidex / Goswapp, I think they will continue to improve their products (coin tracking / analytics is a huge space and there could be many successful projects), but I’ve been incredibly impressed with the pace of Poo’s development and adoption relative to them – and personally I think it's a much better product than those. **And again, those are currently 9.5 and 18x Poo’s market cap!** + +Aight, how do I buy this thing and join the community? + +[**Poocoin Chart**](https://poocoin.app/poocoin) **(on Poocoin!)** + +[**Buy on PancakeSwap**](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xB27ADAfFB9fEa1801459a1a81B17218288c097cc) (Click the Gear Icon and **Set Slippage to 9-12%** due to the 8% transaction fee + regular slippage, I’d suggest starting with 10%) + +[**Telegram**](https://t.me/poocointokenchat) (Lead dev is on there regularly and is super transparent) + +[**CoinMarketCap listing**](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/poocoin/) (price chart should be live soon) +On Thursday, Powell’s hawkish remarks sent the inversion of the 2-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury yields as high as 58.6 basis points, the highest level since the early 1980s. + +The U.S. bond market is sounding a resounding recession warning. + +&#x200B; + +On Thursday, after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hinted that the peak rate of interest rates may exceed previous expectations, the 2-year U.S. Treasury yield soared as much as 12 basis points to about 4.74%, the highest level since 2007; The inversion of Treasury yields briefly reached 58.6 basis points, the highest level since the early 1980s, when the Fed was also aggressively tightening policy. + +&#x200B; + +An inversion of the curve means investors expect policy tightening to lead to a recession, while also lowering inflation, boosting demand for longer-dated bonds. + +&#x200B; + +On August 10, the U.S. Treasury bond yields of these two maturities also inverted by more than 58 basis points. The last time U.S. Treasury yields inversion of this magnitude was about 40 years ago, when Volcker, then the chairman of the Federal Reserve, raised interest rates sharply to curb inflation, a move that sent the U.S. economy into a tailspin. History shows that a recession will occur within 12 to 18 months of an inverted yield curve. + +&#x200B; + +Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said on Wednesday that policy rates could rise more than previously expected and remain high as the central bank seeks to continue fighting inflation, before stocks fell and policy-sensitive 2-year U.S. Treasury yields continued to rise. Powell said the Fed has a long way to go to keep interest rates at "restrictive" levels. + +&#x200B; + +A team led by Priya Misra, head of global rates strategy at TD Securities, wrote in a note: + +&#x200B; + +We believe that the current yield curve may continue to invert as the Fed is likely to continue raising rates and tolerate some economic slowdown. + +This more aggressive-than-expected path of rate hikes has an unfortunate consequence. The actual level of tightening we currently expect could lead to a recession in the second half of 2023. + +The Fed's consideration of raising its peak rate forecast is due to labor market resilience and the prospect of inflation continuing into next year. Ahead of the December FOMC meeting, there are also two CPI data and two nonfarm payrolls reports that will show inflationary pressures and labor market tightness, respectively. + +&#x200B; + +Analysts believe any strong data to follow will lead to higher U.S. Treasury yields and more curve inversions. + +&#x200B; + +Currently, the gap between the 3-month and 18-month Treasury yields is also near inversion. Powell has said the Fed tends to use that yield spread as a predictor of meeting rate cut conditions. +Yes, ETH is in a bear market, I think we're all in agreement of this. BTC is in a bull market, obviously. + +About a year ago, Mike Hearn rage-quit BTC ($240ish) and ETH ($1.50) was on a trajectory to the moon. There were many people exiting their BTC positions for ETH and other projects. Here we are today, both ETH and BTC have returned handsomely (ETH a bit more handsome) + +I recommend diversifying between both BTC and ETH. But, ETH still has the ace up the sleeve because of the fact that there are no significant dApps running *YET*. + +Now, to the point of buying low and selling high. If you want to scoop up a 1-10% ish profit sure, roll the dice and sell your ETH today in hopes of buying for a little less. But this is also selling low. Essentially, one could say the same for BTC but for the inverse. IMHO sell your ETH after Metropolis, after there are dApps running, after Santander releases their product, after Swarm and Whisper. If you're looking for the RIGHT time to sell your ETH, you will know because you will be selling high. +Brian Armstrong has posted a tweet with an apparent plan to regulate heavily self-hosting of cryprocurrencies in the US meaning all wallets not under control of regulated institutions. + +[https://twitter.com/brian\_armstrong/status/1331744884856741888](https://twitter.com/brian_armstrong/status/1331744884856741888) + +It has to come to the awareness of the cryptocurrency community this issue before it's too late. + +[https://saxemberg.com/us-treasury-and-secretary-mnuchin-and-rushed-us-regulations-following-september-2020-faft-red-flags/](https://saxemberg.com/us-treasury-and-secretary-mnuchin-and-rushed-us-regulations-following-september-2020-faft-red-flags/) + +[https://saxemberg.com/swiss-travel-rule-how-financial-institutions-could-force-users-bank-their-cryptocurrencies-them/](https://saxemberg.com/swiss-travel-rule-how-financial-institutions-could-force-users-bank-their-cryptocurrencies-them/) + +[https://saxemberg.com/september-2020-fatf-red-flags-punishing-common-security-practices-cryptocurrency-world/](https://saxemberg.com/september-2020-fatf-red-flags-punishing-common-security-practices-cryptocurrency-world/) +We all know the manipulation schemes of marker makers and institutional players, so we won't rehash that here. They know we have the keys to the endgame. SHF and MM know they are totally f'd via DRS. They know that if they had a way to short it to single digits they still couldn't do it because we would just lock the float within days. They are surviving days at a time and allowing the price to stay where it's at for a number of reasons, mostly because they know it won't induce FOMO and it will take a long enough time for us to lock the float. The question is, Long enough for what to happen? What are they waiting for? They hold all the keys to all the doors and yet they still know we have them dead to rights. What are they waiting for? + +They already know it's checkmate. We know it's checkmate. Why prolong the game? +Hi everyone, + +I thought this would be an interesting thought experiment to share a wide variety of perspectives and learn more from people who may have taken a closer interest in a particular economic area. Get your crystal balls warmed up! + +**What do you think the state of the Australian economy will be over the next 1-5 years?** + +It seems we're in uncharted waters with our stimulus, but at the same time the economic havoc that COVID has made upon the economy must rear its head at some stage. But how bad will it be? + +I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on this, particularly on how different parts of the nation & economy will fare (ie. Banking, employment, housing, general community wealth). +Hi All,My MyGov is showing overdue tax for the following financial years 06-07, 07-08, 08-09.I was around 15 to 17/18 at these times.I didn't work every one of these years.If I don't have access to this financial information, what are my options?I now live overseas, and the employer/s don't all exist. I believe I only worked for one in 2006 for a short period, but I can't recall for how long. As it was now 14 years ago. + + +Update: The ATO direct chat line when doing my 2019/2020 return advised I would need to call and request the information. They have your PAYG summary information available, and if your banking institutions have your interest paid to you. + + +I live in another country now, and the ATO is unbelievably incredible. + +&#x200B; +This absolute joke of a coin uses super outdated technology. All the mining is centralized and only the US government cna create new USD. Furthermore, it has been proven insecure and illicit genesis transactions have occured. Furthermore, the coin supply is not limited and the coin is meant to be inflationary!!! That means holding this coin you will lose money every year! I have never seen a bigger fake hype. I would not accept this coin! Be extremely aware. +I posted several months ago about how inflation will cause a downturn in the stock market. Too many of you autists thought that the market was a good hedge against inflation and I was wrong. Wrong! It's a good hedge against forecasted future inflation...until inflation actually affects earnings, consumer demand, and interest rates. + +But what you don't understand is that government inflation data is seriously time lagged. Let me give you an example in the industry I am in...automotive. We make parts for vehicles. Component level. These get into sub assemblies and then final assemblies. + +The cost of steel has gone up for these components 80% since Jan 1 2021. + +The cost of labor has gone up 15%. + +The cost of packaging including skids has gone up over 100%. + +The cost of oil is up 40%. + +The cost of transportation is up 45% for domestic and 85% overseas. + +Many of these costs have not even found their way into the cost of cars due to contracts. Secondly, costs are continuing to rise at exponential rates. + +In 2022 our steel costs will increase by another 40% by Q2. Our packaging costs have already increased an additional 10%. + +What your seeing from government data is time lagged info from more than 6 months ago from a component level. + +By end of 2021, our component pricing increased on average 12%. By mid-2022, it is expected to rise another 20-40%. + +There are now appearing significant insolvencies in the industry. + +You guys have no idea what is coming...future annualized inflation to exceed 10%-15%. +So the title says it all my father passed away recently and left me a little something in his will it'll be a while yet before I know how much or anything like that. + +I have for most of my life been bad with money, impulsive over indulgent etc I've racked up debts, have an I've etc etc the list could go on for days. I see this as a chance to change and be better. + +I've put together a plan or sorts and want to seen what random strangers on the Internet think of it. + +So without knowing a specific value I have decided to firstly clear my debts down ( c 8k) and then split the remaining funds as follows; + +10% for me for "fun' +10% for my wife +5% for each of my 5 kids +The 55% left over will then be put into a savings/investments spread. + +Pretty simple I think...but am I doing the right thing? +This news came out a while ago however I figured it would be important to reiterate the news since I feel like people don’t know or fail to understand the current state of their money. I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and he wasn’t even aware of what is happening in the market even though he was the one that got me into it! Alas I came out sounding like a conspiracy theorist to him but at least I informed him. + +Today, virtually all international transactions occur in U.S. dollars – everything from agriculture and ammunition to credit cards and oil barrels. This gives the United States some unique advantages: its national debt is denominated in its own currency and it’s generally cheaper to borrow in greenbacks than in rubles or yuan. If the dollar lost its special status as the “world’s reserve currency,” the price of its imports would rise and the price of its exports would fall. And Americans would be forced to export in order to earn foreign currencies to pay its national debt, which has already topped $30 trillion. + +The reserve currency is that safe harbor stabilization of trade and currency markets. + +The stronger a nation’s currency, the cheaper imports are going to be from other countries. Their currency goes further in the world market. Companies and individuals see their purchasing power go further. The country can also borrow at lower interest rates, which is critical for the U.S. given its penchant for national debt financing. + +The dominant role of a global currency is on a tipping point model. The British pound served in the role until the 1950s, when the country was perceived as “too weak to support a dominant currency.” The British pound never recovered its global role. + +There are little pushes toward actors becoming less comfortable with the central role of the dollar. + +No this isn’t fud. I’m simply pointing out that once the tendieman comes, find out and learn how to make use of your freshly minted tendies. + +[https://www.forbes.com/sites/zengernews/2022/05/02/russias-move-to-gold-may-jolt-your-company/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zengernews/2022/05/02/russias-move-to-gold-may-jolt-your-company/) + +[Dollar Endgame Theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4vzau/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) +I have an easy saver account open with Monzo that currently sits at 1% interest. Over the past two years, they’ve automatically adjusted the interest rate up and down so I (perhaps naively) assumed they would continue to do so. + +Yesterday I happened to look at opening a new savings account, lo and behold I could open a new one at 2% interest, double my current rate. + +I know there are other savings accounts out there that offer better rates but for those looking to stay within Monzo I hope it helps. +Disclaimer: I am not supporter of shitcoins, I need to repeat this multiple times because I think that people won't believe me. So, no I don't plan to buy, hold or own any memecoin and shitcoin. I think I hold good projects that I won't mention here because people will think that I am shilling them. I am bullish, well I am at loss on some, but bullish on most of them. + +So basically I am just curious. How did it work out for you? + +Do you regret for getting into it? + +You own your money, it is your decision where do you want to invest, not mine, and I won't preach if that is good or bad, I am staying out of it for multiple reasons. +About 5 years ago I read an article that 90% of the worlds billionaires have one thing in common. That one thing is multiple source of income. I think this is a subject that seems underestimated here. There is a lot of discussions about jobs, increasing pay by changing employer etc. However, my theory is that if you really want to be FI early then multiple source of income is the way to go. + +&#x200B; + +So how is it done? Well if it was easy everyone would do it. Personally I always look for investment opportunities. Something that with X amount of work will give Y return. Then I consider if it is something I want to pursue. + +&#x200B; + +Some areas of multiple source of income could be: trading, flipping, writing books/research, gambling. + +&#x200B; + +What are your opinions on multiple source of income? Do you have some good stories to tell? +This is a follow-up to the infographic I posted last week showing how I get a satisfying amount of detail about my personal spending habits from a simple routine I set up for myself: + +http://imgur.com/BY9AxSg + +Hundreds of people asked for a copy of my spreadsheet which I have now sanitized and provided below. Hopefully it can inspire you to make your own. + +https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwJYOZaa5I8AVEN5MTB2aVdNSGs/view?usp=sharing + +Thanks for the outstanding feedback. Here’s my reply to the most common comments: + +1 - Manually penciling in my bills helps me retain the information and allows me to write down the data I need without having to open excel or make a big deal about it. The only way tracking spending can work is if you can maintain the personal motivation to stay consistent over time. For whatever reason, writing it down with a pencil helps me stay consistent. + +2 - I understand there is already software available to track spending (NYAB & mint were frequently namedropped), but I have never felt I needed it. My opinion is that all the random software updates and network connection issues and update failures associated with a 3rd party app can interfere with your motivation to consistently track your spending habits each month. Case in point, here's what happens when I open up my accounts today: + +http://imgur.com/6ac3yAM + +Also, I think building your own tracking system designed exactly how you want it can make the routine far more pleasant once you get everything set up. And I'm still convinced it’s impossible for 3rd party budgeting software to give me the autonomy that I want. Excel is an extremely powerful program that I can use to make multi-layered budgets that will give me detailed info about hand-chosen investment strategies decades into the future. I can fiddle with different options on the fly and completely redesign things however I want. + +3 - It means a lot to me to know that I have inspired others to practice good personal finance habits as we enter 2016. I struggled with debt for a long time and I don't consider myself to be any more capable than anyone else. If I can do it, you can too. Shoot me any questions you have. + +So in Australia a bill was just passed that will allow police to access your social media without a warrant, they will be able to add, modify or delete data as they will. +At this point I'm about to just delete my social media as it isn't really worth having anymore. Im not doing anything wrong but the risks and violation of my privacy Is just becoming too high. + +This is downright CCP level bullshit and is completely unacceptable so I'm here to ask if decentralised social media could possibly be the answer to this or does it exist? +When the next dip occurs, where do you keep fiat so that it can be quickly used to take advantage of the market. For example I had to wire in fiat on gemini and even that took a day because it was after 3pm. If I use the ether i have on hand to trade for alts its value will also be greatly diminished due to the dip while fiat is more or less relatively consistent in value. +This will affect everything. What do you expect to happen (pass/not pass), and how are you planning for it? How will this affect crypto if it passes or doesn't pass? + +EDIT: What do you estimate the probability of it passing is? +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +# + +[CEO CRUSHING SHORTS - btw CLF is primarily a steel company now](https://preview.redd.it/qdv8nktay7471.jpg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=918c252fdfa958a55da91548eef98dfb0d945d42) + +# So, you earned money with AMC, BB, CLOV, WISH? What next? + +# I tell you what a stock that is + +1. shorted +2. undervalued +3. primed for a run +4. solid profitable company +5. CEO WANTS TO FUCK SHORTS + +🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 + +reddit whales also buying in, for example: + +[whales position at the moment, strong at 117k shares of CLF](https://preview.redd.it/q5zat83st7471.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6b43237c26a6f387a14880c4dc80d98a9c04a9f) + +🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 + +# Why? + +$CLF AKA Cleveland Cliffs is one of the **largest producers of steel in america.** + +Have you tried building a house? Getting gym gear? Did you try to get a huge infrastructure plan going for the US which includes streets, bridges, buildings and what not all built with steel? anything to do with steel **GOT FUCKING EXPENSIVE.** + +**Because Steel is in huge demand, because now that covid is falling back, people want to buy stuff, build stuff and all needs steel. Steel prices went to the moon! THEY FUCKING TRIPLED!** + +🌏 🚀 🌕 + +&#x200B; + +[In a matter of months prices for steel TRIPLED](https://preview.redd.it/bir35uvtt7471.jpg?width=653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aecc3e0e75d8551b90c57135f81c186c0ecc152b) + +&#x200B; + +# WHY $CLF? + +# Because $CLF is a big fucking steel producer, profitable, undervalued as fuck, forecast EBIDTA of $5.6B at a share price of 20$! RIGHT NOW $CLF should be worth at LEAST 35$, and that's not even counting in that HRC prices are over 1600$ + +🚀 + +# SHORTS TRYING TO BEAT DOWN $CLF! 🚀 + +# Look at the chart: + +**Price of steel increases over 50% in the same time, but CLF just trades 2$ higher than it did nearly 6 months ago? HOW is that possible?!** + +&#x200B; + +[2$ in nearly 6 months while the product increases over 50&#37; in price in the same time?!](https://preview.redd.it/uztdva1yt7471.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97042edaaa86ab560ecb5b3df38357913928cd5) + +&#x200B; + +How do you explain, that a company that is this big, produces steel for whole america and where the **product price was raised by 50% and PEOPLE ARE STILL GRABBING IT LIKE ITS BLACK FRIDAY**. + +&#x200B; + +Waiting times on steel orders for big companies are as **over 3 MONTHS** and more with the buyers paying any price the company wants. **That means with the same steel output the company now EARNS 50% MORE per ton of steel than it did in january!** + +But the share price only rose 2$ since january, just about 10%? Do you see the problem?? CLF should AT LEAST be trading at 50% more than in january, but obviously, because a company has basic costs (running a furnace, personnel et cetera) - but at some point, with EVERY DOLLAR MORE THE PRODUCT COSTS, THE COMPANY WILL EARN DIRECTLY. + +🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 + +Let's say producing a ton of steel costs 500$ in total. If the price of a ton goes to 750, to company makes 250$ profit. If the price goes to 1000$, the company instantly **doubles** it profit, with the steel price just increasing by 50%. Now if the steel price goes to 1500!, the company could make 1000$ profit. **Price doubled from 750$ per tonne, but PROFIT QUADRUPLED!** + +Obviously there's a bit more to that, but that's the gist. + +# WHY CLF - A CHAD CEO 🚀 🚀 : + +# CEO LOURENCO GONCALVES is a fucking stud. HE knows the analysts are wrong and he KNOWS that people are shorting his company. And he WANTS TO FUCKING FUCK EM. + +google CLF earnings call transcript + +Read what he tells to journalists and analysts: + +"**And then you say, well, Lourenco, the clients are complaining that they are not receiving steel. Yes**\[...\]. So they are basically collecting what they pointed for and we are taking good care of some of them, **some others we are not taking care** because I don't believe that they don't, they really even belong." + +**THEY JUST FUCKING DONT CARE about people complaining the prices are too high.** + +"**Because we don't need all of this "opportunistic" players in the marketplace. They just destroy, complicate, gossip, talk on the phone, send fake information, do everything that we only done in the marketplace.** \[...\]. **So that's what we were working for. We are doing our mandate. We are doing our job. We are working on behalf of the shareholders of the company.** + +I won't bore you with a ton of numbers that shows that **CLF is profitable** as FUCK, **undervalued** AS FUCK, have a ton of **CASH** and **shorts fucking with them** all the time. Look at the chart and tell me there is no reason with INSANE steel prices the **stock trades at JANUARY levels.** + +🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 + +# TLDR: 🚀 + +# $CLF is an american company that makes BANK, earns tons of money because steel prices went through the roof and are still trading at levels they were in january, but the product costs 50% more than it did in january. Their CEO is HELLBENT on crushing shortsellers and bad analysts. + +# Fair price of $CLF should be at least 35$-40$. + +Positions: tons of german call warrants, a load of July 20c calls, Oct 22c calls. About to add more. Obviously no financial advice, I just like the stock. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# EDIT: Shorting on fintel: + +&#x200B; + +[GET REKT SHORTS](https://preview.redd.it/6v5gthdkv7471.jpg?width=1397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9a0cea1111135cdf887326c2f690782d9a7ac00) +The commercial real estate market is collapsing in China, and foreign lenders are being left in the dark while Chinese borrowers are prioritising domestic lenders. + +[https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chinese-markets-return-break-more-evergrande-angst-2021-10-07/](https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chinese-markets-return-break-more-evergrande-angst-2021-10-07/) + +Notable from the article - + + SHANGHAI/SINGAPORE/HONG KONG, Oct 8 (Reuters) - China Evergrande Group [**(3333.HK)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/3333.HK) offshore bondholders are concerned that it is close to defaulting on debt payments and want more information and transparency from the cash-strapped property developer, their advisers said. + + Evergrande... missed payments on dollar bonds, worth a combined $131 million, that were due on Sept. 23 and Sept. 29. + + With Evergrande staying silent on dollar debt payments and prioritising onshore creditors, [**offshore investors**](https://www.reuters.com/business/investors-grappling-with-evergrande-fallout-weigh-risk-wider-pain-2021-09-20) have been left wondering if they will face large losses at the end of 30-day grace periods for last month's coupons. + + Offshore bondholders want to engage "constructively" with the company, but are concerned about lack of information from what was once China's top-selling property developer, said Bert Grisel, a Hong Kong-based managing director at Moelis. + +"We all feel that an imminent default on the offshore bonds is or will occur in a short period of time," Grisel said on a call with bondholders on Friday. + + In another development, Evergrande dollar-bond trustee Citi [**(C.N)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/C.N) has hired law firm Mayer Brown as counsel... + + The possible collapse of one of China's biggest borrowers has triggered worries about contagion risks in the world's second-largest economy, with other debt-laden property firms hit by rating downgrades on looming defaults. + +With few clues as to how local regulators propose to contain the contagion from Evergrande, the price of bonds and shares in Chinese property developers slumped again on Friday. + + The Shanghai Stock Exchange on Friday suspended trading of two bonds issued by smaller developer Fantasia Group China Co, with one dropping more than 50%, after controlling shareholder Fantasia Holdings Group [**(1777.HK)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/1777.HK) missed the deadline on a $206 million international market debt payment on Monday. + + Meanwhile, bonds issued by Greenland Holdings [**(0337.HK)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/0337.HK), which has built some of the world's tallest residential towers including in Sydney, London, New York and Los Angeles, and Kaisa Group both took another beating on Friday. L8N2R433Z. + +"Market participants are questioning if this may be a precursor for voluntary defaults by other developers with healthy short-term liquidity positions, but large unsustainable longer-term debt," Chang Wei Liang, Credit & FX Strategist at DBS Bank, said in a note. +I was a McDonalds manager for 12 years, the pay was solid ($15/hr plus 10 hours overtime per check), especially for the low income city that I live in. I'm married with two kids, and while we lived paycheck to paycheck, we weren't super struggling until xmas time. + +With a good referral from a friend, and a leap of faith from his boss, I got into a manufacturing plant running a digital press. The pay was $14/hr, no overtime, and hours would regularly be cut during the slow season. + +Why did I take the job? EXPERIENCE! A regular Monday through Friday, 1st shift job, and little to no stress environment. For everyone that has worked fast food, you know the stress levels, you know about working all different kinds of hours, working EVERY DAMN WEEKEND!! + +I eventually applied for the warehouse position at my current job and got it, came with a 50 cent raise, AND a forklift certification. I learned shipping, receiving, warehouse inventory, forklifting, among some other things. + +Now with my manufacturing job being set to lay everyone off, I have set myself up for another warehouse job as a forklift operator making $17 an hour. + +Making 300 to 400 dollars less a month hurt, it really did, I ran up 7 credit cards, we had to cut some expenses, spend less at xmas time etc. But it was worth it to get out of the grind that is fast food work. There is no replacing a set work schedule and being off every weekend. I can spend time with my kids now, I can play on our weekly softball league now. + +I dont know of this story would help anybody, but I'd thought I would post it anyway. Take a leap of faith, a risk, switch industries, it CAN work out. +As a value investor who's retired largely due to investing into the last few recessions, I've been giving this advice a lot recently: + +Beware the falling knife. + +In recessionary times it's tempting to look at equities hitting 52-wk lows and assume that their past value is indicative of real value, that you're getting a discount. Sometimes this is true! But just as often, it's not, and the company may be facing an escalating spiral of customer/leadership departures, sales collapses, and credit calls which leaves it (at best) a shell of its former self. Sometimes a fallen stock is never coming back. + +Think Nortel, which peaked at \~650B$ (in 2022 dollars) in 2000 and was seen as nearly bulletproof. It lost 90%+ in the dot-com burst and never recovered, going bankrupt a few years later. At its peak it was larger than FB (in inflation adjusted dollars). Many people will say that it's obvious in retrospect, but I knew some of the execs - they were victims of liquidity more than anything else. + +Or RIM, which peaked at \~70B in 2007, was beaten by a rival technology, and promptly collapsed never to recover. Again, it wasn't doomed intrinsically, but everyone who \_could\_ leave to a competitor did, every partner looked for safety or put their B-team on RIM, every creditor called in their financing, and it imploded. (Examples are Canadian because I am/was, but this pattern repeats everywhere.) + +In these cases, and countless others, a low share price was self-fulfilling. The things which let them grow before were taken away, but they still had the weight and expectations of their past selves. It's a downward spiral. + +tl;dr: beware all-time lows, a crushed market cap can be self-fulfilling, look for cash flow and cash reserves instead of discounts if you must reach for a falling knife. +My friend was telling me that he had an automatic payment set from BofA account to another BofA account and the one who received became confused because the check came from Wells Fargo, and all the information was correct. First time this happened. + +Could it be that BofA is out of cash and is using Wells Fargo to help? Idk. Could not be connected to GME, regardless it was still weird + +Edit 1: grammar +I'm 31, busting my ass sixty hours a week in two jobs, making about 36K BEFORE taxes (painfully less after). I save and invest as aggressively as I can, and live below my means, but it doesn't seem to matter much when I make so little to begin with. It doesn't help that I have huge medical bills and simultaneously support two sick, elderly parents. I'm lucky to throw a thousand into an index fund every year. + +I know I should not compare my financial journey to someone else's, but it's discouraging to come here and see posts that start so casually with "hi, I'm 24 and make 70k/90k/125k a year. Also my spouse is a surgeon. How should we invest? tee hee" Anyone having similar issues? How do you deal with it? + +(Before anyone suggests it, yes, I apply for better paying jobs quite often. Never get them.) +This refers to a company that has an economic “moat” or an advantage a company has over its competitors which allows it to protect its market share and profitability. Usually you’ll have to pay a premium for these companies due to their security. I’ll go first, my moat is MSFT. +What are some things you choose do yourself even though you could easily outsource out and why. Maybe you still do your oil changes or car washes because you just really enjoy doing it. Let’s hear about the tasks you could easily do away with but have chosen to hold on to. +4/20 is celebrated by pot heads worldwide but this date is also Hitler's birthday. Coincidentally Binance had their Twitter emoji released that day and it was oddly similar to a [nazi swastika](https://imgur.com/a/zZvbBSu). + + +And as if that wasn't enough they also released a graphic saying "[Binance distributes GAS again](https://imgur.com/a/g0isBB5)" embeded in what seems to be the star of David. + + +Coincidence? Could be... They did issue a mild apology stating that they have no idea how such things can get passed through *several layers of review without anyone noticing*. +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xxh13d) 🎃🐦 + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +Many applaud staking as the big passive income. The big source of money during a bear market. But in reality staking does not help much, it won't make you rich through passive income unless you already put in very high sums to stake, then you may gain some reasonable amounts. + +Many have that misconception here that staking is that cool "passive income" that makes you money while you sleep. But you really won't make much money at all. It's actually an amount you can just ignore. Personally I staked and committed ALGO to governance (the possibly simplest staking coin), still I did not got any amount that may be worth the time. + +Obviously it's always nice to get some bonus and as it's free money you should definitely take it. But don't think that you will become rich due to it. Staking is just a way to expand your fortune, not change it. +I got the transaction that BitGo's recovery script created to actually go through, but it looks like the script didn't spend all the outputs in the address! So I'm losing most of my Bitcoin to whoever mines this transaction: https://blockchain.info/tx/860e4e6bc2b846f00a1660dcb49d84a00dcd7b87ba23100e836dfb682249a807 + +Can someone please help me? BitGo is not responding to my emails! Please see my original post here for further details: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/33sp5i/need_help_with_bitgo_recovery/ + +EDIT: +Ryan from BitGo is investigating. AntPool mined the block and collected the erroneous transaction fee: https://blockchain.info/block-index/849816 + +EDIT2: +The bug has been found. BitGo's legacy recovery tool uses an older version of a library that causes a 32-bit truncation of values. The end-result is a truncation of outputs on the recovery transaction. BitGo should have this fixed soon. + +BitMain/AntPool and BitGo are in contact wrt resolving this erroneous transaction fee. BitGo's CTO personally contacted me and has assured the loss will be recovered. A rep for BitMain has also expressed confidence that the excess fee will be returned. + +EDIT3: Update: Bitmain will be sending the Bitcoins to the original transaction's destination address 1JutGHszpA8K2D4SzmhESxJm1hYBjLgm6f. +Would it be problematic for an ICICI bank employee to invest in HDFC Bank stocks ? Would it cause problems if a TCS employee invests in Infosys stocks or Wipro stocks ? + +Even if one invests in a broad market index like Sensex or S&P 500, they'll mostly likely own a 'competitor' stock. Would it cause any problems with their employer ? +>The CBDT boss said the tax department will not "hunt down" people to pay taxes under the new exercise of adding more assesses and that it would be conducted through the use of technology. + +>"We will not hunt down (potential taxpayers)...we are not doing door-to-door survey. We are not sending our inspectors to houses etc. We are trying to do in a non-intrusive way to let the taxpayer know that the department knows you have income. We have information about you and you please file your taxes," she said. + + +http://profit.ndtv.com/news/tax/article-people-with-rs-4-lakh-income-on-tax-departments-radar-cbdt-1223416 +Most of the sites like Valuresearch and the AMC sites as well only show top 10 holdings by weightage and/or sectors. + +I’d like to know where I can see the entire portfolio including both debt and equity instruments? +Hi all. New to investing. So please go easy on me. + +The Aggressive Growth Plan offered by ClearTax ( [https://cleartax.in/save/plan-v2/26](https://cleartax.in/save/plan-v2/26) ) gives a return of Rs 99175 after 3 years if I invest Rs 2500 every month. + +Following are the funds in the plan. + +* L&T Mid Cap Fund +* SBI Bluechip fund +* ICICI Prudential Value Discovery Fund +* HDFC Smallcap fund + +So for a total for 90000, which I religiously invest(pay) 2500 for 36 months will only give me 9000 more? This does not sound like a good deal to me. And many of the mutual funds give only so much returns. So what exactly is the point in investing in mutual funds? +I've been thinking about this for a long time and I finally decided to move all my savings to Celsius. Why should I keep my money in a bank? Not only I don't get any interests but I also have to pay 15 bucks a month just for the privilege of having an account. Now I get almost 9% interest rate, which I will probably invest back in crypto. Fuck traditional banks. +My life should be more than punching the clock and then being too tired after work to do anything meaningful, and then catching up on chores and errands on the weekends, and then doing it all again. Breaking this cycle is what freedom, financial freedom, means to me. GME has given me hope, and you guys have given me patience. If I sell, I might as well just give up on my whole life. So, no selling. I don't have time and energy for my hobbies, so that money goes to buying... This has to happen, the DD shows it's going to happen, we just need to stay resilient. SHFs can only dodge margin calls for so long... +So today I was looking over my health insurance claims, and realized I have a $1680 bill that is not covered at all by my insurance. I had no clue what it was for but after a little investigating, this is what I figured out. + +I have ADHD and am prescribed Adderall. My PCP has me do a urine sample when getting the prescription refilled. I always figured this was a little odd, but whatever. Going through this bill today, I realized my urine sample is being sent to a lab OUT OF NETWORK where they screen for around 10 different drugs and each one costs anywhere from $84 to $104. I had NO IDEA they were actually sending the urine sample into a lab, I assumed they just read the cup. + +So, I racked up a $1680 bill because my doctor screens my urine before refilling my prescription. What do I do? + +UPDATE: Thanks for the advice everyone! I called my insurance and they had me send in a formal appeal. This may have been an asshole thing to do to the PCP, but I am pretty fed up with them for other reasons 1) I was 15 min late to an appointment during rush hour once because there was an accident and I was forced to reschedule. Then I had to wait over an hour at my next appointment to see the doctor. 2) The doctor marked "dispense only as written" on my prescription once, aka I could not get a generic version filled and no Walgreens in my entire state had anything other than generic. It took me 10 calls and multiple trips to the office to get it sorted out. (Sorry this is irrelevant to personal finance and just a rant) +Hello everyone. + +I accidentally stumbled upon this wonderful community, and was blown away by the amount of super talented and savvy people who generously share their wisdom with others. However, I noticed that a lot of the posts are dedicated to retirement so, if mine doesn’t belong here, please feel free to ignore/ remove. + +So here goes my story. I am a 35yo F residing in NYC for the past 20 years. I immigrated here from an Eastern European country, and my parents had absolutely nothing when we came here. I went to HS, college and grad school here in NY but was not financially literate, and quite honestly was not very motivated to achieve FI. I had a good- paying job but did not have an ambition to climb the ladder. I mostly coasted through my 20s, but had an amazing youth living my best life in New York. + +I then met my husband who was a complete opposite of me. He had a very successful career working for a major investment bank. He was making close to 1M a year, and had several homes and brokerage accounts. He always expressed to me that his job is very stressful, and he wants to retire as early as feasible. I kinda nodded because I thought it was at least a decade or 2 away, and did not think much of it. + +We got married and have a 6yo child who attends a great full-day private school. After school we both have plenty of time to spend with her and I take her to all activities. When my child was born, I took 3 years off to raise the child. While I was on my maternity leave, I started a business that currently generates about 3M in revenue (I am a 50% partner), and is constantly growing. I now work full- time in that business but I have a partner who pulls half of the weight, so I am able to both work and dedicate time to my family. + +A couple of years ago my husband started to seriously talk to me about selling our NY residence and moving to Florida full time so he can retire. I am absolutely terrified about this retirement lifestyle considering how young we are. I also do not want to uproot my child, and I worry that the child will not have the same cultural and educational opportunities as in NY. Most importantly, I love that I have my own business into which I had put a lot of my blood, sweat and tears. Seeing my business grow gives me immense amount of satisfaction and self-actualization which I have not experienced before. + +At the same time I do not want to rob my husband of his retirement especially because I agreed to early RE before. I also understand that he worked much harder than I did thought out his life, and did not take as much time off as I took for maternity etc. I just know I will go brain dead hanging out with soccer moms all day (no offence, God bless their hearts but it’s just not my cup of tea). I am also concerned for my husband to go from having to grind for the past 25 years to now totally unplug and become a beach bum 🤨 + +Did any of you guys ever face this kind of dilemma and how did you reconcile? My husband’s happiness is very important to me, and I love him to pieces I am just worried that this RE lifestyle will push me over the edge and I also do not want to be abandoning my business 😭 +So the startup I founded last year has a > 50% chance of failure at this point. The details aren't really relevant; shit happens and we move on. But it raised an interesting question: + +Who here on /r/fatFIRE doesn't own a business? Who isn't interested in starting one? Why not? + +I know it's conventional wisdom on this sub that truly high levels of wealth come from business ownership, so are there any people on the fatFIRE path who aren't taking that route? +I think $TRQ is way undervalued given the declining availability of copper and the rising prices of gold and silver. Check the weekly chart, at least. And check their most recent PR and plans for the Turquoise Hill mine with $RIO playing a large role. + +$AQB did a public offering a bit ago at $2.50 which is where I got in, and today it hit $3.00. They're about to harvest/are harvesting their first batch of the first genetically-modified species to get an FDA approval. The salmon grow to market-size in half the time. They're talking of building another farm and branching off into tilapia and trout. They're based inland in Indiana which greatly reduces shipping costs from Alaska. I'm long on this one for sure. $ARKK has been buying loads of shares... Just unsure if I should wait to buy more. +I want to share my trading journal with you guys. + +I've been working on several strategies over the last few years and I've backtested them to the point where I'm comfortable to put them on with leverage. + +I started as an S&P futures trader and have moved to using the same strategies that I use trading futures with options. + +To keep it simple: I sell 60 DTE options on SPY. + +I take the credits from selling strangles to SPY to buy LEAPS in the tech names that are highly volatile. + +I purchase long dated options 12 months out, usually 25-40% OTM to leverage a tech portfolio. I pick a strike that is most liquid in the options chain. + +The goal is generate cash flow from selling short dated options and using that cash flow to purchase long dated options that will profit massively from a large move upward on QQQ. + +I will then sell front month/weekly options on the LEAPS to generate more premium like covered call. + +I will then take that premium to purchase VIX calls to hedge my portfolio. + +I wasn't sure what this strategy is called because it's a mix of an iron condor, double diagonal or box spread. + +After more research on trading the spreads between IV & HV on the stock indexes, I found out that this strategy is called "Volatility Dispersion". + +You are shorting front month volatility and using the credits to purchase long dated volatility capturing the spread between the options. + +When you put these positions on with leverage and it's profitable - the returns can be exponential. + +The risk of this strategy is very high. + +I've set aside some capital to run this strategy and I accept the risk. + +I am not a financial advisor so please do not try this at home. + +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIlMtVGI5Pg + +Here are my positions: +https://imgur.com/a/MT11rtZ +It got suddenly all quiet about Evergrande and housing bubble, but I keep following it ever since and it keeps getting spicy and more spicy. Some recent news for apes: + +*Hengda Real Estate Group Co., Evergrande’s onshore unit, will hold a meeting on April 25-26 with holders of its 8.2 billion yuan bond to vote on proposal for repayment extension, Hengda said in a filing. The proposal would extend interest payment for the period between April 27, 2021, and April 26, 2022, by six months until Oct. 27* + +Ah yea, can I also expand my debt repayment for a, hmm 6 months? LOL + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**For evidence, 2022 is much hotter for Chinese developers than 2021 was, even though it's less hyped as of now, everyone just talks about Ukraine. Here are some takes for smooth-brained apes that like pictures and crayons:** + +https://preview.redd.it/l1bde78ecmv81.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=31cac51e2de55177c4d9cf7a8ef82f309206d5ef + +https://preview.redd.it/c5znmpogcmv81.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ed13f57c580f21baa86cf36a1f239805fff9018 + +https://preview.redd.it/pkdoulkfcmv81.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=43bbbf4874348f8069e95c572bc519dfe2dab7e7 + +* China CSRC Vows to Ensure Stable Operation of Capital Market +* China’s Plunging Markets Trigger Capital Flight +* Debt Insurance Costs Jump as Market Gauges Risk of Hard Landing +* Chinese Developer Shimao Sued by OCBC Over Outstanding Loan +* China Needs ‘Rapid’ Policy Steps if Any Market Rebound to Last +* Times China Says It Has Repaid Dollar Bond Due April 20 +* Evergrande Unit Plans Creditor Meeting on Payment Extension +* Zhenro Gets Approval to Extend Repayment for Bulk of a Yuan ABS + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +*Sources:* + +[https://www.bloombergquint.com/markets/payment-extension-proposal-zhenro-approval-evergrande-update](https://www.bloombergquint.com/markets/payment-extension-proposal-zhenro-approval-evergrande-update) + +[https://www.bloombergquint.com/china/china-s-restructuring-firms-staff-up-for-record-wave-of-defaults](https://www.bloombergquint.com/china/china-s-restructuring-firms-staff-up-for-record-wave-of-defaults) +AMD is gaining against Intel on their 7 nm chip. +Intel is still struggling with their 10 nm. +Apple announces 5 nm. +This looks like a significant tech advancement +They also announced a blood oxygen sensor for the Apple Watch on top of performance improvements + +Surprised to see the stock price retracting + +Update: +Scooped up some cheap $120 calls expiring this week while it touched red after the event + +As retirees without pensions, but with sizable IRA balance (husband’s is $4.5m), we are contemplating moving Traditional IRA to an individual 401k for better protection against creditors/ lawsuits. Are others thinking about, or have done this? I understand that Roth IRA is not eligible for such rollover. +Edit- Thanks everyone! Seems like 529 is going to be the way I go. I appreciate all the advice! + +Hi all. Anonymous account for obvious reasons. Tlrd on bottom + +I (42M) have a NW of around 5M not including my main business. The main business will close a PE deal in the next month netting me approx 15M in cash and 5M in equity in the company. Plus I’ll keep working at a salary of 900k/yr. + +My question is about giving to my family. Education was very important to my father and as such he paid for all of mine and my siblings education. I’d like to pass that along to my nieces and nephews (obvi my kids don’t have to worry). + +I have 3 siblings, 2 brothers married with 2 kids each and 1 sister (35F) who is unattached. +My wife has a brother w 2 kids and a sister who is newly married and plans to have kids. + +All the kids are under 5 so there’s plenty of time to grow the gift. + +So I’d like some advice on how to give everyone some money (approx 30k per child) from me and my wife so that the kids don’t have to worry about school. + +I am aware of 529 accounts but don’t love the restrictions. + +I don’t necessarily want to cut all the adults checks and tell them to figure it out. + +I don’t want strings attached, but I don’t want anyone to blow the money on silly things. + +Also my sister is unlikely to have kids so what do I do with her and my wife’s sister is yet to have any kids but plans to. + +I know it’s a big question but a I was thinking maybe a trust for each kid but am not sure that’s the answer + +Anyone ever experience this? TIA + +Tldr- coming in to money and want to pay for my nieces and nephews educations. Need help on how to structure. +# dxDAO - the First Crypto Exchange Run by a DAO + + +**Marcet cap:** 1.3 MLN +**Token handle:** $DXD +**Circulation supply:** 23 695 / 123 224 +**Team:** Great members of Loopring, Kleros, Gnosis, Ethereum +**DXdao powered Dapps:** Mix.eth / Omen.eth / Mesa.eth - revenue from Dapps goes to DXD holders. + + +**DXdao** is a decentralized community that develops, governs, and grows **DeFi** protocols and products. Its initial members were seeded through a 1 month process where over **$20M** in **ETH** and other tokens were staked and **400**\+ addresses received Reputation. + +Since then, DXdao has been advancing critical DeFi infrastructure like **Mesa.eth**, a recently launched frontend to the **Gnosis Protocol**, and **Omen.eth**, a soon-to-launch prediction market platform. + +**The DXdao** is also involved in developing **Mix.eth**, governing DMM, and maintaining the **DutchX** trading protocol. In order to bootstrap these efforts and broaden its stakeholder base, the DXdao recently voted to launch a public OpenRaise campaign. + + +# Let’s go deeper in what that means. + +**Starting with Gnosis Protocol**: Gnosis Protocol is built in the spirit of permissionless innovation. Its fully decentralized architecture means you don’t need to trust us at Gnosis to build on our protocol. Not only can anyone list tokens or build integrations, Gnosis Protocol's order settlement process does not rely on any operator. + +Here you can learn more about the protocol and everything you need to start building. Start with the introduction, use cases, or a deep dive into the contracts. + +Gnosis Protocol is a fully permissionless **DEX**, which has been in research and development over the course of the last two years. + +Gnosis Protocol enables ring trades to maximize liquidity. Ring trades are order settlements which share liquidity across all orders, rather than a single token pair, and uniquely suited for trading prediction market tokens and the long tail of all tokenized assets. + +**Gnosis GitHub Page:** +[https://github.com/gnosis](https://github.com/gnosis) + +**As you can see there is a lot of development going on which includes:** + +* Interface for conditional markets for Gnosis' Conditional Token Standard +* Safe Transaction service which keeps track of transactions sent via Gnosis Safe contacts and confirmed transactions. It also keeps track of Ether and ERC20 token transfers to Safe contracts. +* Dex services – off chain services for the Gnosis Protocol +* Safe iOS – Gnosis iOS Ap +* Safe Android – Gnosis Android App + +And many other developments… + + +# Which leads us to DXDao products: + +**MIX.ETH** +**Mix.finance/Mix.eth** \- A portfolio tracker with privacy and security as its core. + +The goal of Mix is to deliver a portfolio manager for the Ethereum ecosystem with privacy, security and a good user experience as a core feature. With the emergence of DeFi 2, decentralised autonomous organisation frameworks (Aragon, 4 Daostack 2) and privacy enabling technologies (zk-SNARKs 3) we can finally deliver a next level wallet interface/portfolio manager. + +**Deeper dive into Mix.ETH:** +[https://daotalk.org/t/mix-eth-seeking-feedback-on-proposal/1183](https://daotalk.org/t/mix-eth-seeking-feedback-on-proposal/1183) + +**MESA.ET** +**Mesa** is an Open Source interface for the Gnosis Protocol, a fully permissionless DEX that enables ring trades to maximize liquidity. + +**Deeper dive into Mix.ETH:** +[https://mesa.eth.link/](https://mesa.eth.link/) + +**OMEN** +**Omen** is a fully decentralized prediction market platform built on top of the Gnosis conditional token framework. Slated to launch in the coming weeks, Omen will allow anyone to create a prediction market- be it in the realm of crypto, sports, politics, entertainment, etc.- and stake funds on a particular outcome. + +“People can and will continue to disagree about important topics — that is natural and important — but prediction markets force them to acknowledge the current consensus and whether their input is persuasive.” — Flip Incoming, “The Case for Prediction Markets” + +Generally, if you look at the cryptocurrency market, people buy and sell crypto based on their prediction of its future value. Prediction markets (also known as information markets, idea futures, event derivatives, decision markets, etc.) allow people to buy and sell outcomes of events. Because people are staking their funds in these markets, the truth becomes its own profit-bearing asset. Prediction markets can serve as aggregators of superior knowledge, where the market share price adjusts to new information and reflects the probability of future outcomes. Omen facilitates all of this on-chain through Gnosis’ conditional token framework. + +**Deeper dive into Omen:** +[https://daotalk.org/t/omen-mvp-overview/1229](https://daotalk.org/t/omen-mvp-overview/1229)[https://medium.com/bitfwd/omen-dxdaos-new-flagship-product-4976be96d312](https://medium.com/bitfwd/omen-dxdaos-new-flagship-product-4976be96d312) + +# TEAM: That’s part is getting really interesting since we need to start with beginning what DAO really is. + +DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (**DAO**), sometimes labeled a decentralized autonomous corporation (DAC), is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by shareholders and not influenced by a central government. + +The dxDAO is a community-governed DAO which means they don't really have a team since it's a community driven project. + +The dxDAO is a community-governed DAO with total control over the DutchX trading protocol. + +**Watch this explainer video how DutchX operates**: +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_TBVXT6XIe0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TBVXT6XIe0) + + +The dxDAO is not a Gnosis DAO. Gnosis is not part of the dxDAO. Although the technical development of the dxDAO is a project of Gnosis Limited with the support of DAOstack based on DAOstack’s Framework, the contribution of the Companies was limited to providing the technical basis for the dxDAO, including its one month initialisation phase, which ran from 29 May to 28 June 2019. Gnosis Limited did not participate in the initial voting rights’ distribution in the dxDAO. + +This readthedocs document aims to make it easier for interested third parties to understand the DutchX and dxDAO data as critical infrastructure of the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. + +If you want to get deeper dive about this project check out link section in the bottom of article. + +# Market overview: + +**Maker (MKR)** is a utility token, governance token and recapitalization resource of the Maker system. + +Maker \[MKR\] is a token based on Ethereum blockchain. The most actual price for one Maker \[MKR\] is $552.43. Maker is listed on 33 exchanges with a sum of 65 active markets. The 24h volume of \[MKR\] is $20 738 227, while the Maker market cap is $555 507 722 which ranks it as #24 of all cryptocurrencies. + +**MKR Rank:** 28 +**Marketcap**: $494,696,419 +**Available Supply:** 892,170 +**Max Supply:** 1,005,576 +**USD:** $554.8300 **BTC**: 0.05846718₿ **ETH**: 2.37206300Ξ + + +**24h Low & High** +$529.50| $590.08 + +# Comparing it to DXD: + +**DXD Rank:** 582 +**Marketcap**: $1,633,652 +**Available Supply:** 23,697 +**Max Supply:** 123,226 +**USD:** $68.9400 **BTC:** 0.00726726₿ **ETH:** 0.29483887Ξ + +**24h Low & High** +$55.88| $74.16 + + +# Other #DEFI Partners: + +**The DeFi Money Market (DMM)** provides a trust-minimized, transparent, and permissionless environment on the Ethereum blockchain that empowers users across the world to once again earn a positive yield through digital assets backed by a basket of interest-generating real-world assets brought on-chain into the DeFi space. DMM operates as an ecosystem where real-asset owners can tap Ethereum digital asset owners for funding, which also allows digital asset lenders to gain exposure to uncorrelated passive income. This enables real world asset owners to engage in collateralized borrowing at more competitive rates with a global permissionless reach. In the DMM Ecosystem, both the off-chain assets backing mTokens and the interest revenue generated from these assets are overcollateralized, thus protecting depositors. + +Being backed by real world assets also means DMM mTokens can offer users a much more stable and reliable ROI on their deposited funds (currently DAI, USDC, ETH) at a stable 6.25% APY. This is in contrast to many other on-chain money markets which offer variable interest rates driven by cryptocurrency leverage traders. Transparency into the off-chain assets backing mTokens and their valuations can be found on-chain and on the DMM Explorer. Additionally, our collaboration and usage of Chainlink’s decentralized oracles adds an extra layer of security and trust to the ecosystem by writing essential data on-chain that details the ecosystem’s valuation and total active collateralization. + +**Website**: +[https://defimoneymarket.com/](https://defimoneymarket.com/) + +**DMM DAO Partnership with DXDao** + +“DMM has and will continue to work with the DXdao, a DeFi-focused DAO, in crafting the structure and overall governance of the DMM DAO to utilize and implement best practices in DAO governance. The DXdao was granted a 2% allocation of DMG tokens, and is composed of over 400 stakeholders that control Ethereum protocols and related assets, a treasury of Ether and tokens, and oversees multiple different DeFi projects including Mix.eth, Omen.eth, and Mesa.eth. + +Through the governance structure we have laid out above, it is our goal that the DMG governance token and community DAO will enable DMM to become a highly decentralized protocol removing any single point of failure. We anticipate that changes and fine-tuning to this structure will be required and we are open to any and all feedback you may have as DMM is a community driven project first and foremost. + +By enabling permissionless access to a stable yield backed by revenue generating real world assets, we envision a world where your geolocation makes no difference to the ability to secure your financial freedom or grow your business.” + +**Source**: +[https://medium.com/dmm-dao/defi-money-market-dmm-dmg-governance-token-491c9a62c6bf](https://medium.com/dmm-dao/defi-money-market-dmm-dmg-governance-token-491c9a62c6bf) + +# TLDR + +**To put it in perspective/ This is your golden ticket to join DEFI wagon with uprising od DXDdao and Gnosis Protocol. 30% of MKR market cap will place DXD token at value of 6262 USD PER 1DXD.** + +**BUY IT AND HODL IT.** + +**Can’t do all detective work but remember I’m the person who called MFG from the bottom. I know my game.** + +# For further questions regarding DXdao’s campaign visit websites: + +**DXdao.eth** +[https://twitter.com/Dxdao\_](https://twitter.com/Dxdao_)[https://t.me/dxDAO](https://t.me/dxDAO)[https://twitter.com/Ingalandia](https://twitter.com/Ingalandia) + +**Sources:** +[https://medium.com/bitfwd/distributed-capital-formation-with-openraise-3af9a601ad63](https://medium.com/bitfwd/distributed-capital-formation-with-openraise-3af9a601ad63) +[https://docs.gnosis.io/protocol/](https://docs.gnosis.io/protocol/) +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decentralized\_autonomous\_organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decentralized_autonomous_organization) + + +*This article is for informational purposes only. Please seek independent legal and financial advice in your jurisdiction before making any investment decisions.* +For the first time in history. Last month was the 6th green candle in a row which hasn’t happened since 2012- 13 bull run, seven would be historical. Let’s make it happen🚀 + +*Edit* it didn’t happen, but god damn we came close! + +Cheers 🍻 +I hit my number this year which comfortably covers my expenses on a 4% SWR. However, I am at a point in my career that I am earning way more than I ever have and I am lucky enough to like what I do. + +I have a wife and young kids and I am not sure I want to retire but would consider taking a part-time, low-stress job. But if I am going to work, I'm thinking I should just keep my current job and make 10x more money. + +I thought I would want to RE, but it just doesn't feel right. Has anyone else had this experience? +I’ve seen a lot of discussion lately about the true cost of raising kids, whether the cost should factor into deciding whether to have kids, and how to reach financial independence while having kids. I wanted to share our costs for the first year of our baby’s life (and pregnancy), because I couldn’t find a lot of actual numbers when I was trying to plan ahead. + +We are a dual income family ~ $200K/yr. (45:55 split), in a very high cost of living area, with an employer subsidized health plan that has no deductible but 10% co-insurance, 8 weeks paid maternity leave and no paid paternity leave. (For full transparency I am projecting baby costs for full year, baby is currently only 4 months, but we’ve already made almost all of the up-front purchases.) + +Costs 1 year + extra pregnancy costs + +* 18,500 **Child care** (home day care for 9 months of care, does not include time of maternity leave) +* 12,697 **Housing** (difference in cost between our 2 bedroom vs. 1 bedroom apartment) +* 12,523 **Lost Wages** (net wages lost because I took an additional 7.5 weeks unpaid maternity leave on top of 8 weeks paid) +* 2,340 **Medical** (co-insurance vaginal birth and 2 day hospital stay = 857; difference in cost between family plan and 2 individual plans = 934; co-insurance, co-pays for a relatively complication free pregnancy = 495; co-insurance, co-pays baby’s first year = 54) +* 823 **Baby stuff** (car seat, crib, stroller, carrier, clothes, playmat etc. everything was bought used or free if possible except car seat and crib) +* 606 **Diapering** (disposable diapers and wipes) +* 312 **Breastfeeding** (nursing bras, extra pump parts, bottles, storage bags, antibiotics/copay mastitis, classes) +* 226 **Maternity Clothes** (work appropriate pants, shorts, tops 50/50 used vs. new) +* 48,027 **Total Costs** + +Credits + +* 1,013 **Extra Exemption** ($4,050 1 exemption at 25% marginal tax rate) +* 600 **Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit** (20% of 3,000 qualifying expenses) +* 0 **Child Tax Credit** (we earn too much, but at most it is $1050) +* 1,613 **Total Credits** + +After looking at our numbers I can see why there are such big differences of opinion on the cost. The two biggest reasons our costs are so high are 1) we both make high salaries making opportunity costs of one person not working very high 2) real estate is so expensive driving up the cost of extra sq. ft. in housing and the cost of child care. If either of these weren’t true costs we could remove our three top most expensive costs changing cost from $48,027 to $4,307 (a magnitude difference!!). + +We were very conscientious about our costs and opting for the most frugal option, but we were heavily constrained by our location. For example, we only got our son into 1 daycare even after being on waitlists for over 1 year because demand is so high in HCOL area. We opted for an apartment with no washer/dryer to save on rent, making cloth diapering not as cost effective. Because real estate is so high, we had previously minimized costs by living in a 500 sq. ft. apartment, but it proved too small with an extra person and family visiting so we upgraded to a 2 bedroom. + +Obviously, our costs were also high because we did not want to sacrifice our HCOL lifestyle. We could have moved to a LCOL area (this may not break even because of severe cost of reduced income), moved to the suburbs (at cost of enjoyment of location and commute), or taken less parental leave (at cost of enjoyment of baby). Alternatively perhaps we should have been more careful in choosing jobs that had better paid parental leave and/or taken out short-term disability insurance to replace lost wages. + +In summary, we can afford it, but we are spending a lot on our new baby. + +**TLDR:** Babies are very expensive in HCOL area when you are high-income dual earning parents with little paid parental leave. + +As a teen my parents kindly paid for my monthly phone contract. Now I'm taking over and paying for my own I'm wondering what I should know. + +Do I get them directly from the providers (EE website)? Aren't they ridiculously overpriced? + +How much data do I need? I answered some short questions on the EE website and they said approx 8gb/month. + +I found the following contract, is this a good deal? +- SIM only +- £16/month +- unlimited minutes & texts +- 150GB data (won't need more than 30-50gb at most, but it's cheaper than getting unlimited right?) +- 24 months (good because I've got 2 more years of uni left = student discount). + +**EDIT:** Turns out I don't use more than 10gb a month. So would be comfortably fine with 10gb or 15gb I think. + +**Important:** I'm a student. I want the most affordable deal please. The most important thing is data of course. Thank you. + +What do you think & any advice? + +[**Mods:** I apologise if this is the wrong place to ask. This is all very new to me & I'm a little overwhelmed]. + +**EDIT 2:** Thank you to everyone who replied. You've been very helpful, I genuinely love how supportive this community is. I definitely don't feel as overwhelmed anymore :) +Hello everyone, it is my first post here so please go easy on me. + +Came across an article today on Business Insider Singapore that the Buffet Indicator divides the total value of publicly trading stocks by quarterly GDP. At this point in time, it has climbed to a record high and it is used to gauge whether the stock market is overvalued or undervalued. + +Examples, it surged to 118% before the dot-com bubble burst in 2000 a, and topped 100% before the 2008 financial crisis. + +It now sits at 179%, question is, can we rely on this measure? Looking forward to hearing from the community. + +Source: +https://www.businessinsider.sg/buffett-indicator-surges-record-high-signaling-potential-crash-2020-4?r=US&IR=T +Considering Think or Swim, ETrade’s platform, or Fidelity Active Trader Pro. One thing to consider is the PC. I heard some of these programs don’t run well on a Mac. Perhaps to have the fastest/smoothest operation it would be better to go with a Windows based PC. + +Looking for feedback as to best software/PC combinations. Thank you. +Hello all, + +I am 24 and currently working from home from my parents house outside of London. I am currently earning 25K which wasn't enough for me to move out on. In August I will be starting a new role and WI be earning 29K and I think that should be enough to move out. +I got a couple of things that I am slightly worried about: + +1) Is 29K enough to move out to somewhere in South London with couple of mates. + +2) I go to the gym and spend about £200-250 on food and suppliments a month. Will I be able to sustain this lifestyle? + +3) Will I be able to save £4K annually for my LISA? If not what is a more realistic amount based on your experiences + +4) Is it really worth moving out? I am currently planning to move out to become more independent and become my own man. I feel like I have become too comfortable being at my parents and being pampered and I am loosing valuable life lessons being at home. + +Thank you on advance for your advice. +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-27/bubble-deniers-abound-to-dismiss-valuation-metrics-one-by-one + +Vildana Hajric + +Everywhere you look, there’s a valuation lens that makes stocks look frothy. Also everywhere you look is someone saying don’t worry about it. + +The so-called Buffett Indicator. Tobin’s Q. The S&P 500’s forward P/E. These and others show the market at stretched levels, sometimes extremely so. Yet many market-watchers argue they can be ignored, because this time really is different. The rationale? Everything from Federal Reserve largesse to vaccines promising a quick recovery. + +How convinced should anyone be when dismissing the message of metrics like these? To be sure, both the market and economy are in uncharted waters. It’s possible -- perhaps likely -- that old standards don’t apply when something as random as a virus is behind the stress. At the same time, many a portfolio has been squandered through complacency. Market veterans always warn of fortunes lost by investors who became seduced by talk of new rules and paradigms. + +“Every time markets hit new highs, every time markets get frothy, there are always some talking heads that argue: ‘It’s different,’” said Don Calcagni, chief investment officer of Mercer Advisors. “We just know from centuries of market history that that can’t happen in perpetuity. It’s just the delusion of crowds, people get excited. We want to believe.” + +relates to Bubble Deniers Abound to Dismiss Valuation Metrics One by One +Source: Robert Shiller’s website +Robert Shiller is no apologist. The Yale University professor is famous in investing circles for unpopular valuation warnings that came true during the dot-com and housing bubbles. One tool on which he based the calls is his cyclically adjusted price-earnings ratio that includes the last 10 years of earnings. + +While it’s flashing warnings again, not even Shiller is sure he buys it. At 35, the CAPE is at its highest since the early 2000s. If that period of exuberance is excluded, it clocks in at its highest-ever reading. Yet in a recent post, Shiller wrote that “with interest rates low and likely to stay there, equities will continue to look attractive, particularly when compared to bonds.” + +relates to Bubble Deniers Abound to Dismiss Valuation Metrics One by One +Another indicator raising eyebrows is called Tobin’s Q. The ratio -- which was developed in 1969 by Nobel Prize-winning economist James Tobin -- compares market value to the adjusted net worth of companies. It’s showing a reading just shy of a peak reached in 2000. To Ned Davis, it’s a valuation chart worth being wary about. Still, while the indicator is roughly 40% above its long-term trend, “there may be an upward bias on the ratio from technological change in the economy,” wrote the Wall Street veteran who founded his namesake firm. + +Persuasive arguments also exist for discounting the signal sent by the “Buffett Indicator,” a ratio of the total market capitalization of U.S. stocks divided by gross domestic product. While it recently reached its highest-ever reading above its long-term trend, the methodology fails to take into consideration that companies are more profitable than they’ve ever been, according to Jeff Schulze, investment strategist at ClearBridge Investments. + +“It’s looked extended really for the past decade, yet you’ve had one of the best bull markets in U.S. history,” he said. “That’s going to continue to be a metric that does not adequately capture the market’s potential.” + +By some measures, S&P 500 valuations already top dot-com era +At Goldman Sachs Group Inc., strategists argue that however high P/Es are, the absence of significant leverage outside the private sector or a late-cycle economic boom points to low risk of an imminent bubble burst. While people are shoveling money into stocks at rates that have signaled exuberance in the past, risk appetite is rebounding after a prolonged period of aversion, according to the strategists, who also cite low interest rates. + +“Today is a very different situation -- I don’t think we’ve got a broad bubble,” Peter Oppenheimer, chief global equity strategist at the firm, said in a recent interview on Bloomberg Television. “Given the level of real rates, where they are, it’s still likely to be broadly supportive for equities versus bonds.” + +Another rationale employed to dismiss certain valuation metrics is the earnings cycle. Corporate America is just emerging from a recession, with profits forecast to stage a strong comeback. The strong outlook for profits is why many investors are giving similarly stretched valuations the benefit of the doubt. Trading at 32 times reported earnings, the S&P 500 looks quite expensive, but with income forecast to jump 24% to $173 a share this year, the multiple drops to about 23. + +The valuation case becomes more favorable should business leaders continue to blow past expectations. For instance, if this year’s earnings come in at 16% above analyst estimates, as they did for the previous quarter, that’d imply a price-earnings ratio of less than 20. While that exceeds the five-year average of 18, Ed Yardeni is not troubled by what he calls “the New Abnormal.” + +“Valuation multiples are likely to remain elevated around current elevated levels because fiscal and monetary policies continue to flood the financial markets with so much free money,” said the founder of Yardeni Research Inc. He predicts the S&P 500 will finish the year at 4,300, about an 8% gain from current levels. + +Read more: +Market Timers in S&P 500 Pay a High Price for Perfect Prescience +Stock Market’s Weakest Links Dominate With Full-Throttle Fed +Ed Yardeni Can Live With Higher Yields for the Sake of Earnings +What's moving marketsStart your day with the 5 Things newsletter. +Still, it’s hard to ignore the risks to underlying assumptions. While rock-bottom rates underpin many of the arguments, this year has shown that the Fed still is willing to let longer-term interest rates run higher. And betting on huge upside earnings surprises is risky too -- it’s rare to see a 16% beat historically. Before last year, earnings had exceeded estimates by an average 3% a quarter since 2015. + +“This happens in every bubble,” said Bill Callahan, an investment strategist at Schroders. “It’s: ‘Don’t think about the traditional value metrics, we have a new one.’ It’s: ‘Imagine if everyone did XYZ, how big this company could be.’” + +Returns of 2% + +Valuations are never useful market-timing tools because expensive stocks can get more expensive, as was the case during the Internet bubble. Yet viewed through a long-term lens, valuations do matter. That is, the more over-valued the market is, the lower the future returns. According to a study by Bank of America strategists led by Savita Subramanian, things like price-earnings ratios could explain 80% of the S&P 500’s returns during the subsequent 10 years. The current valuation framework implies an increase of just 2% a year over the next decade, their model shows. + +To Scott Knapp, chief market strategist of CUNA Mutual Group, abandoning standard valuation measures because the environment has changed places investors in “pretty sketchy territory.” Talk of watershed moments rendering traditional metric irrelevant is a signal, he says. + +“That’s usually is an indication we’re trying to justify something,” he said. +We applied for a home loan and got our conditional approval letter on November 8th + +Our broker had to move overseas and we were left with the principal for the brokerage to look after us + +We found a property we loved and when we went to move ahead our broker told us via text that the bank was no longer honouring the approval because our original broker left and that we would need to restart the process with the principal broker due to “compliance reasons” + +I spoke with the bank directly and gave them our application number and they said that there was nothing to indicate our loan was no longer active and that they have no record of communicating with the brokers since our approval letter was sent. They also said that it was a common occurrence for brokers to leave and that the process just gets transferred to another broker in the same brokerage. + +The broker is still insisting that we need to restart the process with him and that “compliance reasons” was all the information he could give me about why the bank allegedly has said no to the loan. + +I’m frustrated that we weren’t communicated with 2-3 weeks earlier when our original broker left if this was the case + +Has anyone else had to go through something like this? +Lots of people talk about switching careers to something less stressful (and presumably less lucrative) after hitting their FI number. For those of you that fall into this group, what do you have in mind? + +Personally, I'd love to find a flexible job that would allow me to schedule my hours when I want. Pilots, for example, can bid on which trips they want each month, but that's not a career you simply pick up. I've been wondering if the baggage handlers have a similar work structure. I'd gladly trade salary for some travel perks :) +Since I've seen a bit of back and forth on the topic on the sub previously, I just want to confirm that they are still approving new applications sent directly in. +Proof: I just got approved this morning. + +My own timeline: + +29/4: I emailed in a filled out PDF of the application + +11/5: I went back with some additional documentation I missed the first time + +31/5: application approved +I've tracked almost every £ coming in and out of my accounts and pocket, for a year. It's in a cool spreadsheet that I've learnt to love. I started it in August 2019, and now have a full year of data to know how much I spend on average, for a lot of things. + +My original idea was that this would help me budget. However this became redundant as my outgoings never exceed my income, and I'm able to save healthily. + +I just don't know what to do with this data. Should archive it, or just continue in the same spreadsheet? This is a pretty mundane question, but any insight would be appreciated. +So we decided to leave British Gas and get a final bill £500 higher than expected. + +We've had a smart meter installed and prior to that I submitted regular meter readings. Due to a meter fault we had our has meter swapped out for a new unit in April. + +Looking at the bill, this seems to be the issue. For some reason they estimated the final reading on the old meter and then a week later entered a reading 1,000 kWh higher than the estimate. + +I now can't access my meter reading submission history as "that can only be done one the app" and my account is "not eligible for use with the app" presumably as I'm switching. + +The previous bills all state "estimate" despite readings being submitted, so I'm confused by this. + +What can I do? This seems an extortionate amount and I no longer have the old meter to check the reading on there was anywhere near correct. + +For context this is a new build house ~24 months old with gas hob and boiler. +# What is NEO / GAS? + +Neo is a smart contract network, similar to Ethereum or Binance Smart chain. + +# What makes NEO and GAS unique? + +**Two token model** + +Unlike other smart chains, Neo has a unique concept where the main token NEO, is actually not a coin (although it can be transferred), and it is not used to pay Gas. Instead, GAS is used as a coin, and NEO is used to vote and to generate GAS.NEO can be seen as a dividend-paying share with voting rights.GAS can be seen as an alternative to ETH or BNB. It's the native coin of the network, and used to pay GAS/fees + +**Passive and sustainable income** + +NEO will passively generate GAS. Some GAS is newly minted (a diminishing curve until the max of 100 million GAS is reached) and other GAS is the GAS that is used for fees. With holding NEO you're basically a miner, without having to actually mine. It's completely passive income that does not inflate the price of the coin. + +**Voting** + +NEO holders can vote for committee members and validator nodes, so NEO holders can ensure the network governance stays decentralized and managed by people they trust. + +**Efficient consensus algorithm** + +NEO uses a consensus algorithm that is by design a little bit less decentralized. Now this may sound bad at first, but let me explain why this is actually a good thing. + +Centralized - decentralized is not a binary choice, rather it is a scale. Instead of being 100% centralized or 100% decentralized, you can pick a value somewhere in between. NEO picked a value a little bit closer to the centralized side, but it is still decentralized. Now why does this matter? + +It matters because of the blockchain trilemma. You may know of the very common trilemma of "choose two: cheap, fast, good", blockchain have a similar trilemma, "choose two: decentralized, scalable, secure". Now NEO choose to slide a bit more to the side of centralization (while still being decentralized) to allow a bit more room in the scalability side, without making concessions to security. + +It's important to note that NEO still has all the benefits of being decentralized, but it's also important to consider what level of decentralization you personally are happy with. Is NEO decentralized enough? that's something only you can decide. + +How efficient is NEO? NEO can in practice reach 1000 tx/s on layer 1 easily, that's not even considering layer 2 solutions. Compare this to Ethereums 15tx/s on layer 1. + +# What are the competitors? + +Ethereum is the main competitor. It's currently facing scaling issues due to its high popularity. ETH 2.0 should help with this issue, but NEO is a great alternative in the meantime, and it has other advantages even after the launch of ETH 2.0 + +Another competitor is BNB or Binance smart chain. It's very similar to ethereum, which makes it a popular choice to port solidity apps to BSC. However, since it is so similar to ethereum it will face exactly the same scaling issues. + +Other smart contract platforms exist, such as TRON, Cardano, etc. but most of them don't have a working smart contract yet or don't see much use. + +# What advantages does NEO / GAS have over the competitors? + +Most of them have been mentioned above in what makes NEO/GAS unique. + +**Developers can use mainstream programming languages to develop on NEO** + +Neo allows developers to use common programming languages like javascript, python, java, kotlin, C#, F# and others, while ethereum requires solidity. This makes the barrier to entry for developers a lot lower. + +**Build in oracles and build in filesystem** + +Oracle services (similar to chainlink) and filesystems (like SIA) are built-in to NEO. + +**Scalable gas fees** + +The network can react to GAS prices by lowering the GAS fee on a protocol level. This means all contracts will require less GAS to use, which makes the fees affordable even when GAS prices rise. + +**Capped supply** + +NEO and GAS have their supply capped at 100 Million. NEO currently has around 70 Million circulating supply, while gas has 10 Million circulating supply. + +# What are some common worries? + +**China** + +NEO is a coin that was made in china. This worries some people. However, it can also be a benefit. China is a huge market, with lots of money, and Chinese people tend to support Chinese companies. This gives it a very strong home base. And since NEO is decentralized, just because it was invented in China doesn't mean that China can control it. If the NEO holders vote for committee members outside of China, there is nothing China can do to harm NEO in any way. + +**Centralization** + +While NEO scores lower on the degree of decentralization, it is still very much decentralized, and it has a governance model where NEO holders can vote and thereby participate in governance (indirectly by voting in or out committee members and validator nodes). + +**NEO becoming unaffordable** + +Since NEO is not divisible, people fear it may be out of reach for many people. However many exchanges still allow you to buy fractional NEO (even though you can't send them to your wallet, nor use them to vote, but the exchanges do usually pay you the GAS). Also, if you can't afford NEO, you can always buy GAS. Buying GAS is similar to buying ETH or BNB. + +**It's not listed on some exchanges** + +Binance is the biggest exchange that lists it (but not in the USA). This may be because exchanges aren't interested in NEO, but it's probably for another reason. + +Exchanges probably are not legally allowed to sell NEO because NEO is like a security. Also since NEO generates GAS, many users expect the Exchanges to give them the GAS they generate (most exchanges that DO trade NEO also give you the GAS you generate). + +This is also an opportunity because if in the future more exchanges list NEO, this will really explode the price. Don't count on this to happen though, as NEO isn't like most other coins. Also make sure you're legally allowed to hold securities, or accept the risk if you aren't allowed. + +Personally I think it's your money and you should be able to do with it what you want, but take care of yourself ok? + +GAS may be more likely to be listed at more exchanges because GAS is definitely not a security. + +# What can make NEO / GAS explode in value? + +Both NEO and GAS are hard-capped at 100 Million tokens each. NEO currently has a supply of about 70 million, while gas has a supply of about 10 million. + +NEO 3.0 is about to launch, which will bring some improvements to the protocol. + +The NEO network is several orders of magnitude below its competitors despite actually have a working product that scales well. (literally 100 times cheaper than EOS and 4700 times cheaper than Ethereum) + +If NEO can even get 5% of the users that Ethereum CURRENTLY has, GAS would increase in price by 235 times! The risk-reward ratio is massively skewed. If NEO would reach their Tx/s limit just like ethereum, gas would increase in value by a staggering 313,000 times. A potential upside of 313 THOUSAND times, that's insane value. And that's not even considering scaling in the future. That's just assuming at some point NEO would reach the limits of what it CURRENTLY supports. + +As long as NEO gets even a fraction of the users that Ethereum has, which is not so hard to believe since NEO is one of the few competitors to Ethereum that ACTUALLY have a functioning product RIGHT NOW, and Ethereum right now has fees in the double or triple digits, the price of GAS and NEO will absolutely skyrocket. + +# NEO/GAS, which one should I buy? + +***NOTE: NEO is not divisible, while most exchanges allow you to buy fractional NEO, you can NOT send a fractional NEO to your wallet, and you WONT be able to vote with a fractional NEO, although some exchanges do give you your share of GAS for fractional NEO. GAS is divisible.*** + +Buy NEO when either of the below is true: + +* You believe in the Neo network and believe it will be more popular +* You intent to personally use the Neo network a lot in the future, and want to have a passive source of GAS to pay fees with +* You want to speculate on the price of NEO + +Buy GAS when: + +* You actually intent to use the neo network right now, but aren't sure you want to continue using it a lot in the future. +* You can't afford a full NEO (note NEO isn't divisible, but GAS is) +* You want to deploy a smart contract on NEO (note, you might be able to save on GAS costs by using MCT) +* You want to speculate on the price of GAS +* You are worried NEO being counted as a security and therefore prefer holding GAS if you're not legally allowed to hold securities. + +Market caps of competitors: + +|Name|Market cap (in billions)| +|:-|:-| +|GAS (native NEO fee token)|$0.047| +|Ethereum|$221| +|BNB (Binance Smart Chain)|$40| +|Polkadot|$29.5| +|Cardano|$28.8| +|EOS|$4.9| +|TRON|$4.3| + + +edit: some clarifications +Here is what I have come up with + +* new monthly budget +* better emergency fund calculations +* do a will +* check energy suppliers for savings +* sign up to a bunch of contender banks to check them out +* research investing options, funds, risks, bonds + +What else are people doing during lockdown they perhaps put off? +Hello Superstonk! It is me, your unknown, loyal updooter and supporter since early march 2021. I have probably read 90% of the DD ever written and spent hours each day on this sub. Today is the first day I am able to contribute and write. + +First of all, this ride has been absolutely insane these months (year). This amount of dedication for a stock is truly unprecedented in the history of mankind. And I am going to be honest, I though that 135$ was the absolute floor for this stock since a while back, so it caught me by suprise to see it go this low. I always intended to hold, it is not that. But maybe since the price was so low, I expected to see atleast SOME worry or doubt on this sub. Well I have never been more proud. + +ALL i am seeing is my good apes being SUPER BULLISH. + +Apes BUYING THE DIP + +Apes posting DD, TA etc that is just super positive and optimistic + +I always believed in you but now, I truly feel that this is for real. Never in history has diamond hands been this strong. + +THANK YOU! +Any tips on best and most financially sensible way to buy a car? + +I’m looking for a smaller runaround in the suburbs (20-100 miles per week). + +Have enough cash on hand to buy a used car outright, but are lease deals sometimes better, or trial months where I can try out cars for a bit? + +Many thanks! + +Edit: I’m happy to spend 10k, up to 15 if necessary. Only real criteria are Auto, with decent tech e.g parking sensors. Will hopefully keep for a while. +Today in NYTIMES: + +The company is intent on trying to fend off the billionaire’s bid to buy it in a deal that could be worth more than $40 billion. + +Twitter unveiled its counterattack against Elon Musk on Friday, using a strategy invented to repel corporate raiders in an attempt to block a takeover bid by the world’s richest man. + +The strategy, known as a poison pill, would flood the market with new shares if Mr. Musk, or any other individual or group working together, bought 15 percent or more of Twitter’s shares. That would immediately reduce Mr. Musk’s stake and make it significantly more difficult to buy up a sizable potion of the company. Mr. Musk currently owns more than 9 percent of the company’s stock. + +The goal is to force anyone trying to acquire the company to negotiate directly with the board. Investors rarely try to break through a poison pill threshold, securities experts say, with the caveat that Mr. Musk rarely abides by precedent. + +Companies are often wary of using poison pills because they do not want to be seen as unfriendly to shareholders. Still, some critics, like Institutional Shareholder Services, an influential advisory group, have indicated that they are open to the tactic in certain circumstances. + +Twitter said the mechanism would not stop the company from holding talks about a sale with any potential buyer and would give it more time to negotiate a deal that offers a sufficient premium. + +The pill “does not mean that the company is going to be independent forever,” said Drew Pascarella, a senior lecturer of finance at Cornell University. “It just means that they can effectively fend off Elon.” + +Mr. Musk announced his intention to acquire the social media service on Thursday, making public an unsolicited bid worth more than $40 billion. In an interview later that day, he took issue with Twitter’s moderation policies, calling Twitter the “de facto town square” and saying that “it’s really important that people have the reality and the perception that they are able to speak freely within the bounds of the law.” + +He also said he had a Plan B if the board rejected his offer, though he did not share it. + +Analysts have said that Mr. Musk’s bid — which offers significantly more per share than the current stock price but is well below its peak last year — may undervalue the company. They have also raised concerns about Mr. Musk’s ability to cobble together financing. If the board negotiated a deal with Mr. Musk, it could include a sizable breakup fee that might assuage concerns about his volatile nature conflicting with the ability of the deal to close, some securities lawyers said + +Twitter attempted to wrangle the world’s wealthiest man in recent weeks as he snapped up its shares. Last week, Twitter offered Mr. Musk a board seat, but he soured on the arrangement when it became clear that he would no longer be able to freely criticize the company. He rejected the role on Saturday and informed Twitter on Wednesday evening of his acquisition plans. + +Twitter said in a statement that its poison pill plan, which will remain in effect until April of next year, “is similar to other plans adopted by publicly held companies in comparable circumstances.” + +Twitter’s other top shareholders, according to FactSet, include the investment giant Vanguard Group, the largest, with a 10.3 percent stake; Morgan Stanley Investment Management, with an 8 percent stake; and BlackRock Fund Advisors, with a 4.6 percent stake. + +Ark Investment Management, led by Cathie Wood, a star of the Reddit investing community who has previously bet on Mr. Musk, has a 2.15 percent stake. One of Twitter’s founders, Jack Dorsey, who is friendly with Mr. Musk, has a 2.2 percent stake. Twitter’s board, which includes Mr. Dorsey, voted unanimously to approve the poison pill. + +Mr. Musk seemed to be girding for a protracted fight on Thursday. “Taking Twitter private at $54.20 should be up to shareholders, not the board,” he tweeted, alongside a Yes/No poll. + +Mr. Musk’s initial, bare-bones offer left open significant questions. Mr. Musk has hired Morgan Stanley to advise on the bid, although the investment bank is not known for financing large-scale deals on its own. And Twitter shareholders seemed wary: Twitter’s stock fell almost 2 percent on Thursday, closing at $45.08 — significantly below Mr. Musk’s offer. Stock markets in the U.S. were closed Friday for the Good Friday holiday. + +Prince Al Waleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia, who described himself as one of Twitter’s largest and most long-term shareholders, said on Thursday that Twitter should reject Mr. Musk’s offer because its was not high enough to reflect the company’s “intrinsic value.” Analysts also suggested that Mr. Musk’s price was too low and did not reflect Twitter’s recent performance. + +Mr. Musk argued that taking Twitter private would allow more free speech to flow on the platform. “My strong intuitive sense is that having a public platform that is maximally trusted and broadly inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilization,” he said in an interview at the TED conference on Thursday. + +He also insisted that the algorithm Twitter uses to rank its content, deciding what hundreds of millions of users see on the service every day, should be public for users to audit. + +Mr. Musk’s concerns are shared by many executives at Twitter, who have also pressed for more transparency about its algorithms. The company has published internal research about bias in its algorithms and funded an effort to create an open, transparent standard for social media services. + +But Twitter balked at Mr. Musk’s hardball tactics. After a Thursday morning board meeting, the company began exploring options to block Mr. Musk, including the poison pill and the possibility of courting another buyer. + +During an all-hands meeting on Thursday, Twitter’s chief executive, Parag Agrawal, sought to reassure employees about the potential shake-up. Although he declined to share details about the board’s plans, he encouraged employees to stay focused and not allow themselves to be distracted by Mr. Musk. + +This is a developing story. Check back for updates. + +https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/15/business/dealbook/twitter-poison-pill-elon-musk.html +What are some of your tips for keeping grocery costs down? I have a family of 4 and we shop at Aldi. I haven’t done the math on it, but I know our grocery costs have gone up significantly over the past few months. +So there were customers from eastern europe (poland or Czech republic, unsure) and they were allowed to purchase clothes tax free in holland. I dont want to name the retailer, but appearently the retailer had a form to fill in. This form was then sent to the government (either the dutch or the eastern european government, unsure) to recieve the tax back. So they were able to pay less, and the shop had to get the money back. + +I googled, a lot. But i found nothing on that. I´d like some more info on that cause it sounds crazy. Maybe someone here can enlighten me. + +Edit: I just saw that this subreddit has established a "no-bacon" rule. I do not approve. May the internet gods hear my opinion. +U.S. equity valuations have become a "total nightmare" fueled by "young and dumb" investors, according to Cole Smead, president and portfolio manager at Smead Capital Management. + +At present, investors are paying 22 times forward earnings to purchase stocks on the S&P 500, 50% higher than the 10-year average valuations across the index. + +The forward price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio divides the current share price of a company by its estimated future earnings per share (EPS). + +Much of the market rally which took the U.S. benchmark from correction territory in March to an all-time high in August was driven by tech megastocks and a bullish options market. + +"The buying that went on in August and September is a 10-year phenomenon the likes of which we have never seen, among millennials and in the risk-taking among people that don't want to own bonds and want to own overpriced U.S. quality businesses, it is of record proportions," Smead told CNBC's "Squawk Box Europe" on Thursday. + +He added that current valuations were an example of "stock market failure" driven by millennials speculating in the stock market for the first time. Smead projected that markets could be in for a nosedive since despite its monetary policy shoring up credit markets, the Federal Reserve "can't save a stock market." + +"They are buying bullish call options that expire inside two weeks. There was ($500 billion) of bullish call options bought in a four-week stretch by small retail traders," Smead said. + +A call option is a contract between the buyer and seller of the call to exchange a security, in this case a stock, at an agreed price. + +"In '99 it was $100 billion, in '07, it was $100 billion. That is what young, dumb investors are doing and when the market makers see those (call buying) out there, they sell that call to that person and they buy the stock," Smead added. + +He suggested that the willingness of wealthy investors and the baby boomer generation to "ride the index to a fault" and overpay for stalwart American businesses such as Costco and Microsoft was also detrimental. + +"Microsoft is a wonderful company, but at 40 times earnings, there is a 0% chance of that producing wealth for someone over the next 10 years that will meet their needs." + +Despite a sharp tech sell-off in early September, Microsoft shares remain 40% higher since the turn of the year, while fellow tech titans Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook and Netflix have all been on a tear since March's crash. + +[Source](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/15/smead-nightmare-us-stock-valuations-driven-by-young-dumb-investors.html) +Ok, so i’m a 32 year old divorced father with a 3 yr old, joint custody with child support every month. I have a bachelors degree in biology with no current student loan debt or credit card debt, and around 1600 in medical bills. My car is paid off and I live with my girlfriend in a 600 a month apt. + +I lost my 25k a year job recently and have been trying to find a better career all while my gf has kept me up. Nurse @65k a yr. with a champagne taste and beer wallet with over 25k in credit card debt and 4k in student loan debt. Her car is paid off as well and we have been living barely month to month on her income. + +Goal? To be married to this girl, debt free and being able to save for both college and retirement. + +The plan: (my education is too old for any PA program or master programs without having to go back and spend money on school) I recently got accepted into nursing school which starts in July of this year. This career is one that I know is short 2 years and one that can help the effort of getting on track. This particular school is expensive putting the needed loans at around 45k total trust me when I say its all that I could get into and at this point i’m running out of time. + +I’ve never taken out a student loan and understand that with the inability to get financial aid due to having a bachelors i’ll have to do a personal loan (sallie mae) I recently got a 10hr full time job to help save some money to put towards some expenses coming up like (tires, brakes an engagement ring within reasonable limits) depending on my school schedule i’ll have to dump the job in around 3 months or keep it if I can do it and school. + +Any advice to help while grinding out the two years ? + + + + +Lrs bag holder here from way back, averaged at .08 currently sitting at 48% profit. Apparently they have found a “significant site”? Also hearing a lot of chatter with people expecting it to rocket. I’ve never bought into a mining/explore company before. + +Previously reported1 drilling intersected high-grade lithium bearing pegmatites at Northwest Alto, including: +○ LCRC004: 3.0m @ 2.98% Li2O from 90m +○ LCRC002: 4.0m @ 2.3% Li2O from 30m +○ LCRC001: 6.0m @ 1.62% L12O from 18m + + +I’m no expert but these numbers are fucking great right? +So I got into investing in pennies in early2021 and made a bit of money and reinvested it, held everything for a bit and it went red.... slightly... then more... then more... now my portfolio is basically 50% down and I'm not sure what to do, part of me says that I should hold until at least one bangs and I can write off all the losses. But what if I'm just holding everything to 0? Should I walk away thousands of dollars down or hodl for another year? +ADN- Mineral exploration- Trading at 0.195. [https://www.andromet.com.au/resources/what-is-halloysite](https://www.andromet.com.au/resources/what-is-halloysite) . Found a piece of dirt with this lit shit called Kaolin halloysite. What is it you may ask? Well its a clay mineral, and extremely sparse. They have the Great white kaolin Project, a JV with MEP. ADN holds a 75% stake. Also another project at Camel Lake. + +They have additional projects in gold and copper, however less lucrative in my opinion than kaolin right now and a tertiary focus. Kaolin is an highly in demand but low global supply resource that is continually dwindling. + +They intend to be the worlds largest supplier of the good stuff. The science wizards still don't know how it forms but it does. In any case andromeda found a large deposit with assay's concluding a high-grade purity, high enough for nano tube application. Uses include concrete additives all the way to nano tube tech, porcelain, pesticides, food and drugs (medicine) and battery applications. From a recent announcement today "Ultra-high purity kaolin (non-halloysite type) from Great White and Mount Hope has shown exceptional results for coating and polymer applications". + +In terms of mining, its a simple process and is more of an open cut mine rather than large drilling wells, which overall reduced operation costs as this stuff rests just below the surface. Furthermore time to mine is reduced in comparison to gold and copper allowing for quicker revenue streams. + +Additionally they already are in the licensing process and have good feedback from the government, as wells as the locals in WA who are also keen on this project and show no signs of being commies. + +Currently waiting out on a DFS for the halloysite mine however all indicators looking good for success everything remaining extant. + +They currently hold about 3.6 million in cash liquidity with about 1.7 long-term liability last time I checked. So well positioned for growth. + +Recently appointed a senior marketing advisor from Hong Kong, so they're getting ahead of the 8ball in regards to clients. + +Management is extremely transparent and driven by all observations. Already heavily networking in China, the ME and USA connecting with buyers, whom from James Marshes (managing director) own words. are extremely interested and would buy by the Ton as soon as they can produce it and refine it. China is expected to be a large consumer of this stuff, and have a lot of refining plants for halloysite that are doing fuck all apparently because they ran out of it lol. + +Personal Evaluation- Next 2-5 years this thing should be trading above 1$ easily, on the hella conservative side. That's not finding gold or copper deposits withstanding. Well undervalued in my opinion given its position in comparison to competitors. + +Side Note: + +MEP is trading at about 0.110, they hold a 25% share in the JV Great white lake and seem to parallel ADN's up takes quite well. Also have their own gold and copper projects. If you want to de-risk they are a good option, or if you want a cheaper buy in. CBF doing a write up though. + +DYOR, this is not financial advice, thanks for your time fellow autists. +**Not financial advice** ... Just some observations and an estimate (a very, very conservative estimate) about U.S. retail ownership. + +I'm re-posting this because several Chicago-based interns gave me grief about using the word "proof" in my prior title. I'm providing links (some might call this proof) for ownership of at least \~125MM shares. I have to base the retail ownership number on guesstimates of two number (% of U.S. direct investors holding $GME and average number of shares held) because this is the only available approach at this time. + +\*\*\*Especially note the area highlighted in Yellow ... none of these shares are accounted for in what I present, and these buckets of shares could number in the tens of millions. If I've missed anything in that group, please bring it to my attention and I will update.\*\*\* + +[Click to Enlarge](https://preview.redd.it/vmq63bcjxu371.png?width=2290&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecf5675f89359e373451b381dc4edfd31fc17073) + +If anybody sees anything off, please shoot some holes it this. I will adjust as needed. Would love to discuss this with anyone interested. Seems pretty straight forward to me, but always welcome input. + +Here are all the links as they appear in the image: + +[https://www.infoplease.com/us/census/demographic-statistics](https://www.infoplease.com/us/census/demographic-statistics) + +[https://news.gallup.com/poll/266807/percentage-americans-owns-stock.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/266807/percentage-americans-owns-stock.aspx) + +[https://news.gallup.com/poll/266807/percentage-americans-owns-stock.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/266807/percentage-americans-owns-stock.aspx) + +[https://usafacts.org/articles/what-percentage-of-americans-own-stock/](https://usafacts.org/articles/what-percentage-of-americans-own-stock/) + +[https://www.etf.com/stock/GME](https://www.etf.com/stock/GME) + +[https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/evaluate/fundamentals/ownership.jhtml?stockspage=insidertransactions&symbols=GME](https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/evaluate/fundamentals/ownership.jhtml?stockspage=insidertransactions&symbols=GME) + +[https://whalewisdom.com/stock/gme](https://whalewisdom.com/stock/gme) + +[https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/evaluate/fundamentals/ownership.jhtml?sto%20ckspage=ownership&symbols=GME](https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/evaluate/fundamentals/ownership.jhtml?sto%20ckspage=ownership&symbols=GME) + +[https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/evaluate/fundamentals/ownership.jhtml?stockspage=ownership&symbols=GME](https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/evaluate/fundamentals/ownership.jhtml?stockspage=ownership&symbols=GME) + +Edit #1: + +This post has only been up for 34 minutes, and it's already received 22% downvote. I have gained a lot of followers over the last few weeks, and I think many are shills who track and downvote my content as I post. + +**If you find this post interesting/valuable, please try to share it (even outside of Reddit) and comment for visibility. Let's fix this broken system!!!!** + +To the hedge fund lackeys and shills ... + +[S.E.C. Whistleblower Money is Honest Money.](https://preview.redd.it/kt5x7yg56v371.jpg?width=613&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=687c4f49389583edc127a9ba28e0a23d3587b07a) + +For everyone else ... + +[GameStop.com ... They've got everything now!!!!](https://preview.redd.it/23ojeszb6v371.jpg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b09e803a99a58b8beaffaf070e22c7756f33f95f) + +Edit #2: + +I think this comment is worth reading up front: + +https://preview.redd.it/xfe6hxrgdv371.png?width=1388&format=png&auto=webp&s=4484f120f87b6d3279015086eb2d1246d3425f72 + +Edit #3: + +This seems like it might be relevant in understanding where the 66-76MM shares went that were sold by large investors and institutional mutual funds between Q4 '20 and Q1 '21 F13 filings, but it's unclear who the buyer was of these shares. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nuhsy0/finra\_rule\_5150\_superseded\_by\_finra\_rule\_6183/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nuhsy0/finra_rule_5150_superseded_by_finra_rule_6183/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Quote from the link: + +"Oh shit. If an exemption is granted, is there a very real possibility that some very large whales have purchased significant shares of GME, and due to FINRA rule 6183, they requested to not report this trade to protect their investors? Obviously, I'm nowhere near qualified to interpret this rule. Someone, help! lol." +So I've got a bit of an odd situation here. + +Recently signed a contract on an apartment ($525k), I like it but it's got a slightly quirky shape which doesn't bother me all that much. +Yesterday another unit in the same building just popped up, I'm assuming someone couldn't get finance so it's back on the market. That unit is 2 floors higher on the top floor and has more of a square shape with a bigger balcony (Asking $570k but I think no problem getting it down to $550k ish)... + +Honestly both have their pros and cons, but the more expensive one does have a better floorplan and being on the top floor may be a pro (??)... But I'm really torn, I know 30k really isn't much in real estate terms especially over the life of the loan, but it also feels like a fair bit of money... + +Both brand new apartments so I'm buying from the developer. I'm within the cooling off period also. +Literally I'm comparing the two units that I liked best from the whole building so I'm in a pretty good position. +Hey guys I know it might not be completely related to this group, but I wanted to know if any of you have any experience as a real estate agent? And if so what should you be expecting? +For example, I've been in a out of town job for about 3 months now. I took a job that was needed to be filled immediately, basically no training or decent on boarding. + +Everything was fine and superintendent/supervisor and coworkers were fine for around 2-3 weeks, then as I was becoming more comfortable within the team the superintendent started joking/taking digs at me some casual stuff... maybe to see what I'm like? I really don't know, I'm all for some casual trash talk or having a joke even if it's at my expense, I don't get embarrassed easily or feel ashamed if I make mistakes or look like a fool! + +But he takes it too far, everyday, every chance he gets, almost none of our conversations (even work related) are serious, or if they are.. he will throw in a joke of some sort aimed at me, it's made it extremely difficult to keep a professional working relationship with him. + +As well as the fact he keeps reminding me and what feels like holding it over my head that's he's giving me a great opportunity for success and can get me ahead through this job. + +I'm going to leave, I have two interviews next week for jobs local to my area. + +I'm not dealing with it, I'm not going to tell him I'm leaving because of him, the culture he's created or the lack of training provided. I was told I'm the 3rd person to fill that position within a year, red flag immediately and have also had conversations with him where he has told me about the previous workers and how terrible they were. + +I'll be losing about 50-60k per year but honestly it doesn't seem worth it. + +Sorry for the long and somewhat detailed example but i am curious if this would be a common decision to make? + +Management & coworkers being dicks and deciding its not worth the 100k+. +I mean buying houses to not live in but to earn rental income from or get capital gains. Looking at the fact that negative gearing is allowed for investment property income/loss, I'd presume the government sees this as a good thing for the economy. + +Naturally the buying of houses increases their price and prices out buyers who then have to rent. It puts money in an asset which generates little economic activity. If you argue that it promotes: + +- indirect financing of dwellings for people who cannot afford homes otherwise, then this can be addressed by the government by providing schemes to remove barriers for low income earners rather than promoting private finance into an unproductive asset. + +- a boost in construction industry thereby providing jobs then it takes out a lot of investment which could have gone in other, more productive businesses. Thereby the benefit is neutralised or at least lowered. + +- self financing for elders as a retirement asset then it means we're just kicking the ball to the next generation. Millennials cannot afford houses so they would be in a far worse situation because they won't even have a principal place of residence, let alone a retirement property in 30 years. + +I don't see how promoting or subsidising investment in property beyond a residence is good for the economy in general. And I am not suggesting anything drastic to discourage it, but perhaps not encouraging it, by taking out the tax breaks, would be a good start? I'm (clearly) not an economist so would like to hear how it is explained. + +p.s. hope this isn't against the sub rules. +with the market yet to bottom out negative gearing changes will only accelerate this. + +Same house with a $350000 loss [368 Merrylands Road Merrylands NSW 2160](https://www.domain.com.au/property-profile/368-merrylands-road-merrylands-nsw-2160) + +2019 - 1600000 + +2015 - 1950000 + +house next door [366 Merrylands Road, Merrylands NSW 2160](https://www.domain.com.au/property-profile/366-merrylands-road-merrylands-nsw-2160) + +2013 - $660000 + +2008 - $380000 + +1983 - $50000 +Many people including those who sell online Forex courses claim that they that they make money constantly through Forex trading but when you ask them to share the financial reports of their past results they fail to show up. I'm wondering if some Forex traders in this sub can share some past financial result of their Forex account. I'm looking for inspiration. +I'm currently using OandA for my demo account, didn't like [Forex.com](https://Forex.com) much at all, and just had the thought of checking out Thinkorswim by TD Ameritrade. + +&#x200B; + +I couldn't find much info on their website about forex, so I called and asked them questions. Here's what I found out: + +* They don't have commissions, but they build in their cost into the spread (like many others) +* No charge to deposit or withdraw money (Nice, much better than OandA's $20 fee for withdrawing my gains) +* No other fees +* Custom scripting available in their charting software, which is built in + +I forgot to ask about minimum lot size, but I can call back and get that info. + +&#x200B; + +# Has anyone traded forex with them? How'd it go? +Hey everyone! + +Since a lot of new people have started joining the sub I'm guessing they're fairly new to Forex trading. + +I thought it would be good to highlight major mistakes people have made in the past, so that new traders don't do the same! + +Here are my 3 in no particular order: +1. Creating a solid trading plan which fits into my lifestyle (longer term trading works out better for me because I don't need to stare at charts all day with other obligations) + +2. Not re-entering trades +(My stop should always be in a place where my hypothesis is no longer correct so re-entering is invalid) + +3. Not learning the impact fundamentals can have not only in the long term but to use it as a filtration tool so that I know which trades are higher odds. + +Thought maybe everyone could share their own experiences and mistakes so people can note them for future reference! +Hey everyone, I've recently got into ftmo, and on my first try, I passed the stage 1 of ftmo, onto stage 2,its a different story, I've been quite unlucky, ad after a series of trades I'm now down 9.6% and I've almost failed the challenge, I'm not sure how to get out of this but I might need some advice, do I carry on with my strategy and hopefully get 2 wins in a row or do I risk it all with one trade with Nas? Not sure what to do +This post is aimed more toward the **intermediate/advanced** traders. + +My argument - + +Why do we need to have a mechanical set of rules to enter and exit a trade? + +Can we not just look at the chart and trade what ever the market is telling us. Regardless of, for example: "RSI must be below x, or price must be above x period moving average". + +You don't need me to tell you, but we all know the amount of times price continues to go up when "oversold" , or rip through a moving average, or completely ignore a MACD buy signal. + +Personally, I have a risk management plan which I always adhere too, but in terms of entry and exit parameters, I am very flexible. I don't use any indicators and if the PA /trend is obviously bullish or at a key level of SR, I will be a buyer, visa versa. Simple. + +Are we not just complicating things by adhering to a strict set of mechanical rules? + + +I completely agree and in fact, emphatically believe, that discipline and psychology is the most important aspect of trading. But my argument is, we don't need a list of 10 commandments to achieve the required mindset to be successful. + +Curious to hear peoples opinions on this. + +&#x200B; + +Cheers! +This post is aimed more toward the **intermediate/advanced** traders. + +My argument - + +Why do we need to have a mechanical set of rules to enter and exit a trade? + +Can we not just look at the chart and trade what ever the market is telling us. Regardless of, for example: "RSI must be below x, or price must be above x period moving average". + +You don't need me to tell you, but we all know the amount of times price continues to go up when "oversold" , or rip through a moving average, or completely ignore a MACD buy signal. + +Personally, I have a risk management plan which I always adhere too, but in terms of entry and exit parameters, I am very flexible. I don't use any indicators and if the PA /trend is obviously bullish or at a key level of SR, I will be a buyer, visa versa. Simple. + +Are we not just complicating things by adhering to a strict set of mechanical rules? + + +I completely agree and in fact, emphatically believe, that discipline and psychology is the most important aspect of trading. But my argument is, we don't need a list of 10 commandments to achieve the required mindset to be successful. + +Curious to hear peoples opinions on this. + +&#x200B; + +Cheers! +Because of upcoming exams, I couldn't focus on charts and trading for the last two weeks. This allowed me to back off from forex trading and be more open to other markets, which I checked out of curiosity - whereas before, forex was the only one I thought viable. + +My interest was caught by the cryptocurrencies market, because of the high volatility and relatively straightforward price action. Also, cryptos' fundamental analysis requires way less variables compared to forex's. + +I was also intrigued by the futures market. I couldn't tell you why though, probably because of the COT report which makes me think they are easier to trade. I know I'm most likely wrong, but I'm curious nontheless. + +So, why have you chosen Forex? Have you considered other markets and decided Forex was the best one? If so, what made you shy away from those markets? + +Thank you, and have a nice weekend. +Im very interested in trading forex, despite it being very volatile. And to fully understand how the market works, i want a source of information that will definetly help me understand the financial instrument. +Opened up a short position this morning on TOS (think or swim) and already up 2% or $5k. pair: USD/TRY + +yeah the spreads are wide and the fees are high but it's worth it. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +the country is gonna default eventually and the lira will fall to 10-1 easily. The central bank cannot raise interest rates fast enough to offset this. The carry cost is trivial compared to how much this will fall. + +&#x200B; + +Don't waste your time with Eu, JPY, CA pairs. This is like betting against Enron before it dies but knowing beforehand. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Good luck +Many people including those who sell online Forex courses claim that they that they make money constantly through Forex trading but when you ask them to share the financial reports of their past results they fail to show up. I'm wondering if some Forex traders in this sub can share some past financial result of their Forex account. I'm looking for inspiration. +> Meta Platforms, the parent of Facebook, reported mixed fourth-quarter 2021 results. Revenue was slightly ahead of expectations but the firm missed on the bottom line. We have slightly lowered our revenue growth assumptions for Meta, resulting in a $400 fair value estimate. + +> Total fourth-quarter revenue came in at $33.7 billion, up 20% year over year. Advertising revenue increased 25% as businesses continued to allocate their ad dollars to Meta’s platforms. The family monthly active people count increased to 3.59 billion during the quarter, from 3.58 billion in the previous quarter and 3.3 billion the year before. Average revenue generated per person increased 9% from last year and 15% from the prior quarter, indicative of healthy advertising demand. With increase in investments in metaverse and the firm’s advertising offerings, operating margin declined nearly five percentage points to around 33% during the quarter. + + +FWIW. + +I'm starting to nibble, personally. Buying initial position in 1/3rds (starting today @ 219/share), then possibly slowly adding more depending on how other individual stocks do, affecting my cash position. + +- Core ETF holdings: SCHD, SCHY, SCHB, SCHA + +- Individual holdings: AAPL, CRM, GOOGL, FB, DIS +Disclaimer: I'm not trying to wave a banner or anything. This is more me just not having anyone to talk to about this outside of reddit. I don't care what anyone else does. I am not trying to rally people to do this or that. That is 100% ur decision. Me personally I like the stock, I'm proud of the current company leadership, and I believe the future of the company is nearly limitless. I'm just so fucking fed up with how the world is and I really think this is my chance to try to make things change and then continue to make positive changes after the dust settles. Make a real positive difference.. + +TLDR: I'm fed up. I know many others are too. +This isn't only about money for me. It's almost a financial civil war of the poor vs the rich and even after MOASS I will continue to fight the good fight. A big chunk of my post tax gains will go towords removing the corrupt from power. My current position will be sold. Any additional purchases will go to my children when I die. +Too many memes on here these days and it seems many have forgotten why we're here. + +I made up my mind today. Really I made it up in late January but today was the straw that broke this camels back. I'm so fuckin drained and just sick of the bullshit. Every single time GME gets great news it tanks. Any other stock on the same news would have significant price increases. THE STOCK MARKET IS LITERALLY DESIGNED FOR PRICE DISCOVERY!!!! Yet the price absolutely does not reflect the market. +I'm gonna go ahead and say the whole market is this way. +Stocks that are absolutely bubbly huge are probably held mostly by the rich. Whereas retail investors, (aka the fucking people) are left to be shit on by wallstreet and it's government affiliates. +This is a slap in the face to not just every American investor but every single investor across the world. +Not just to investors but to every day workers just trying to provide to their families. These evil money hungry "smart money" fucks have brought companies to it's knees forcing mass layoffs of normal citizens across the world. +Not today! You got caught! RIP MORON! + +Not gonna post any x,xx,xxx or xxxx to show how big my tits are Because why???? I may be retarded but I'm not stupid.. +Not gonna make myself a target. +I may own 1 share or 1000! That's the beauty of this. We see their reported positions. Albeit vague and hidden. +They have no idea what I'm holding because I have a broker that isn't a giant fart. + +Every share I own today will be sold because yeah I don't want to do manual labor my whole life. I'm an Army combat vet. Post military, I went into a back breaking industry after, that is designed to make rich people more wealthy. I'm fucking sick of it. Was injured more than once in the military and I just don't know how much I have left in me so yeah... during MOASS I will sell every share I own at this moment so I don't have to work 60-80 hrs/week and be able to take time for my family and my own physical and mental health. Not just that but so I also have some big nip $ to fight the corruption. +I have never really been able to take care of myself it seems because I'm always working. + +However, every share I purchase from here on out will sit until the day I die. This shit needs to change. I will not let my baby boy become a man in the same environment I did. (I turned 18 during the 2008 crisis.) Had no money for college, couldn't find a job because people with a bachelor's degree took the fast food job I was trying to get, and my parents lost everything. I felt forced to join the military and go fight a war designed to make the rich more wealthy. My parents lost absolutely everything. They turned to drugs and I have zero relationship with them today. I love them unconditionally but I just can't let those people around my family. + +I have this sickening feeling that if we the people don't force a significant overhaul of this evil and corrupt system we will be doomed to repeat history yet again. I'm Terrified that in 2036-7-8 when my son is becoming an adult he will face the same hardships my generation did. +No fucking way. + + +I've been in on this since early January and lurking/doing research for months before that. I didn't buy at first because of my naivety of the market and capitalism as a whole. + +I have gained so many wrinkles that you couldn't tell my brain from my ballsack at this point. +I see what's going on. BETTER YET I FUCKING UNDERSTAND IT! It makes me sick. +Even with all the bad publicity and public knowledge of what's going on, they still do the same old shit. In broad daylight. + +The system is either going to change and adapt or it will fail completely and be revamped. The people in power that shouldn't be there will be removed. 100% I think I was meant to go through my entire entire chaotic life to give me leather skin so I could fight this fight. After MOASS I will dedicate my life to help my fellow man by fighting corruption. These idiots created a pretty stubborn and competent enemy. + +This system is absolutely broken. Our government is even at the mercy of the banks and prime brokers. +It's not even greed at this point. No doubt these rich tucks have threatened numerous politicians over the decades to get their way. + +I started out trying to make a quick buck. Pay off some debt. Then I switched to making a big buck. Paying off all debt and never working again + +These days I'm here to stand up to the bullies and let them know that this is war and my children will not grow up in a world they control. I may not break my back for industry after this but I will work hard to end corruption in this world. + +The biggest transfer of wealth in history to date is the covid epidemic. (So far) +So many regular people lost while many millionaires became billionaires and many billionaires became multi billionaires. + +I'm ready this time. I stand to gain at their loss. +The next biggest transfer of wealth in human history will simultaneously be the biggest transfer of power. + + +END RANT! +Here is the post I made that got upvoted. + +"Level 2 data has been down on TDA for weeks. It's come up at a few points momentarily. I mentioned the outage in a popular, heavily-awarded post in DoubleU Ess Bee. It turned back on in less than 45 seconds after being down for days and then I was trolled/attacked for being a conspiracy theorist. It went down again the next trading day and has been mostly down since. + +I really couldn't even approximate the number of times I've called out their outages in daily GME threads only for it to pop back on for like 30 minutes or whatever." + + +Level 2 TDA data has been important to me because I watch it every time there is f*ckery. I've been taking screenshots since April 14, 2021. + +The first gallery is 50 images, second is 43. + +Lots of 0.0001 cent shares (10/20/2021), $10,000 shares, $20,000 shares.. $30,000 shares. $2 shares when it's $200, etc. + +Check it out. + +https://imgur.com/a/fDUqbyQ + +https://imgur.com/a/9mupm6l + +"They" obviously have something to hide but I'm not smart enough to put it all together. They also really seem to care about people not seeing this stuff. So it only made sense to post everything I had. +I've seen many posts like this before so I'm assuming it's kosher. + +Our story: + + +On May 14th, I made a bet with /u/AceBullApe that AMC would finish under $13 the following Friday, which it did. He is obligated to give $1000 to a charitable organization of my choice. + +Archive proof: https://archive.is/Yi1Qz + +He asked until June to get the money together, which is fine, but when I approached him today he immediately deleted most of his recent comments. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/npqenw/daily_discussion_thread_for_june_01_2021/h07drfy/?context=3 + +If he simply needed more time that would have been fine. But I do believe he's ducking me. + +Mods? + +#EDIT - PLS DON'T ABUSE THE GUY. HE HAS RESPONDED AND MY CHOICE HAS BEEN MADE. MEALS ON WHEELS WILL RECEIVE THE DONATION SOMETIME THIS MONTH. I WILL ASK HIM FOR PROOF BY JULY. + +--- + +#EDIT 2 - June 10th - AceBullApe has informed me he has been banned. I assume because he vowed to never post anything with "Metadata" which would include screenshots for proof of bet fulfillment. I think he's a paranoid weirdo and this is unfortunate. But rules is rules. +Everyone has said we’re not at the bottom yet cause we haven’t had a 40 plus VIX day and all the selling is orderly. + +Has there been any discussion about the role of algos in this downturn, contributing to the orderly sell off and keeping the VIX muted? So no capitulation ever coming? +Hey Reddit Fam, + +I would really appreciate it if you could take the time to read this post and my thoughts. I want to see the good of Reddit come out + +So I know each and every one of us is looking for the next Safemoon, Elongate, etc. + +The issue is 95% of coins now are entire pump and dumps or die within a few days because of lack of dedication and involvement of the community. Sure we can all go into a group and scream buy buy buy, but then it all crashes. + +So for me i'm speaking as someone who found Only1Token (O1T) a few days ago. I personally wasn’t in from the very beginning, but I’ve personally become very involved in the project. + +For awhile, with many Tokens, I often sat by and just hoped that a token/coin price would go up.  + +Then I started to realize that I can personally help. Yes it takes some time, but I (like you) can have an actual impact on how well a project does. I (also like you) can also have an impact on how poorly a project does.  + +So I ask you guys, how much do you want to get into a token that truly can be around for a long long time. + + In this day and age marketing and being different from every other token is what is key. We have that. We fucking have that!! + +There are a ton of people at O1T behind the scenes working on big picture things like TikTok, listings, CMC, CG, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit. Literally every avenue you can think of.  + +While many of these things take time, we also have a community that is super involved in spreading our community organically + +We all know new holder acquisition is virtual to any project, as whales will come and go. We need new holders to bring in new money and eat dips.  + +Sorry for the long messages but I wanted to share my opinion, as someone who wasn’t here from the start, but personally believe in this project big time. + +I hope many many many of your will join me + +MUST WATCH - https://twitter.com/OnlyOneToken/status/1386769823355576324?s=20 + +Here is all the info. We are still V1 + +New video - [https://www.reddit.com/r/only1token/comments/mz4vq0/there\_is\_only\_1\_token\_can\_you\_afford\_to\_miss\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/only1token/comments/mz4vq0/there_is_only_1_token_can_you_afford_to_miss_it/) + +Giveaways - Meme, TikTok & Twitter Contests to win BNB + +They've also applied for CMC and CG. Have some YouTube videos with around 50k views. Are finalizing deal with a TikTok person with over 4M followers. + +Long term picture is a new portfolio: Must Read [https://only1token.medium.com/only-1-token-the-10k-portfolio-giveaway-e8bc4a4e0eb3](https://only1token.medium.com/only-1-token-the-10k-portfolio-giveaway-e8bc4a4e0eb3) + +&#x200B; + +**Tokenomics:** + +Total supply - 1 + +Max Buy/Sell - 0.01 + +Tx fee - 10% + +Liquidity - 5% + +To holders - 5% + +&#x200B; + +* Telegram: [https://t.me/only1token](https://t.me/only1token) +* Website:[ https://www.Only1Token.com](https://www.only1token.com/) +* Twitter: [https://twitter.com/OnlyOneToken](https://twitter.com/OnlyOneToken) +* PancakeSwap V1 - [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x6cFeb2d07623fd884f525e7c33B6FC97147c4F41](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x6cFeb2d07623fd884f525e7c33B6FC97147c4F41) +* Locked Liquidity -[ https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=0&add=0x1B0BC89da91F9C8b483D7249c0b3b6B012EbE81a&type=lplock&chain=BSC](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=0&add=0x1B0BC89da91F9C8b483D7249c0b3b6B012EbE81a&type=lplock&chain=BSC) +* Ownership Renounced -[ https://bscscan.com/tx/0x91d377a8cfe22e31bd0476933d1db3c9ffde205b5b8c81c8ba94aad499ae8d8c](https://bscscan.com/tx/0x91d377a8cfe22e31bd0476933d1db3c9ffde205b5b8c81c8ba94aad499ae8d8c) +* Coin Info -[ https://bscscan.com/token/0x6cFeb2d07623fd884f525e7c33B6FC97147c4F41](https://bscscan.com/token/0x6cFeb2d07623fd884f525e7c33B6FC97147c4F41) +* Chart-[ https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x6cFeb2d07623fd884f525e7c33B6FC97147c4F41](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x6cFeb2d07623fd884f525e7c33B6FC97147c4F41) +This gem has been under the radar for far too long! Check out MobiePay! A universal payments and rewards ecosystem where you can spend or send fiat/crypto assets anywhere instantly from your phone. Its token, MobieCoin or MBX, is built on the Stellar blockchain, making it very fast and cheap. This incentivises many business owners, small or large to use it as a payment ecosystem as it is even cheaper than what Paypal, Mastercard and Visa offer!. With cryptocurrencies becoming more prominent in institutions and thus is very well becoming regulated, Brandon Burgason and his team are focused on being very compliant within existing and new laws of the financial sector. His team is currently working on replacing decades-old payment systems by introducing the “MobiePay” protocol. This protocol includes a digital wallet that will be able to access your fiat or cryptocurrency in real time as well as allow for cashless or cardless transactions. Tired of chargebacks or fraud? This protocol will create a system that will remove chargebacks as well as reduce fraud. The problem with current payment solutions is that they are also very expensive and inefficient for businesses, retailers, service providers, etc. Mobie can either replace or integrate POS systems on major businesses essentially having the Mobie ecosystem within the backdoor of the POS systems. This can create a lot of revenue considering that this world is becoming cashless as digital payments are on the rise. It is also very cheap and fast for businesses (70% less than other payment options) because it is on the Stellar blockchain, essentially making businesses adopt Mobie. This is just a small piece of the pie and to figure out more, check out: + +https://mobiepay.io/ + +The whitepaper, roadmap, tokenomics and other information can also be found on the website. + +Let’s talk more about the crypto aspect of this moonshot. Currently the coin has a 20m market cap with 7 billion tokens and 3 billion in circulation. The rest of the tokens are locked and are set for release in small amounts until 2026 (you can check the Mobie Website). The team behind Mobie are also very talented with many connections (check this picture) +https://gyazo.com/b12d4c285db85c803b7030ffdc0aa959 One of the team members, Brian O’Neill is a former SEC officer so any trouble with laws and regulations regarding the crypto aspect is covered. + +It is currently listed on 2 Centralized exchanges (Bithumb Global and Bitrue, more to come) as well as 3 decentralized exchanges, (Uniswap, Pancakeswap, Sushiswap). The coin is one of the first coins to bridge Stellar to Ethereum effectively. It also has a bridge with the Binance Smart Chain. The MobiePay app, which is currently in beta, is set to come out in Q4 of 2021 as per roadmap. The company also has a banking license to operate in all fifty states of America. They are also planning on expanding their business worldwide. + +They are partnered with major retailers that have signed up for the beta of the vendor application. This includes many big names such as: Sephora, Landry’s, Xbox, Nintendo, Playstation, Jamba Juice, and many many more. There are also about 500 small businesses that have signed up for the beta retailers when the CEO and the Head of Marketing went to crypto events. The CEO stated that with these partnerships, Mobie is projected to produce 13 million dollars in the first month of the app rollout. As always, DYOR before investing! This coin is not a pump and dump project but certainly a project that can change the crypto space! + +More Info: + +Latest updates: +https://mobiepay.medium.com/july-update-mobie-monday-vol-36-884c82d73427 + +Contracts/Links: + +We are proud to announce that the new bridge.mobie.io release is live! + +Please make sure when using bridge.mobie.io that the top left reads v1.1.8 or higher to be on the latest release + +As with the ETH side of the bridge release, we strongly recommend adding the bMBX token to your wallet in advance; the contract address for both the ETH and BSC wrapped MBX tokens are also within the pinned post below: + +Our guide for how to set up your wallet and then use the BSC Bridge for MBX < > bMBX is here: + +https://mbx.life/bsc-bridge + +The bMBX bep20 address: + +0x064c8e55aa484adbd58ca2d43343ef50137473b7 + +By placing the above into your bep20 compatible wallet (eg. Metamask) it should auto populate the below: + +Token Symbol: + +bMBX + +Decimals: + +18 + +How to add custom tokens to METAMASK ( ETH ) +https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489031-How-to-View-See-Your-Tokens-and-Custom-Tokens-in-Metamask + +The wMBX erc20 address: + +0x71ba91dc68c6a206db0a6a92b4b1de3f9271432d + +Token Symbol: + +wMBX + +Decimals: + +18 + +MBX Bridge (Beta) is LIVE! + +https://mbx.life/mbx-bridge-live + +http://bridge.mobie.io + + +You can find the wrapped bMBX on Pancakeswap + +https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x064c8e55aa484adbd58ca2d43343ef50137473b7 + +You can find the Wrapped wMBX on Uniswap + +https://v2.info.uniswap.org/token/0x71ba91dc68c6a206db0a6a92b4b1de3f9271432d **( https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x71ba91dc68c6a206db0a6a92b4b1de3f9271432d&use=V2 )** + +You can find us on Bithumb Global : + +https://www.bithumb.pro/en-us/exchange/professional?q=MBX-USDT + +Join the telegram group for a hands on community that helps answer questions. + +Telegram: +https://t.me/mobiepaycommunity +The Mello Casino's exclusive NFTS are dropping tomorrow 30th September 2021! + +**The presale will start tomorrow at 10AM PST** 🔥 +**The public sale will start shortly after, at 12PM PST** + +More instructions will be provided closer to the sale time! + +🎰 ONE TIME 1M Club NFT Airdrop for 1 Million+ token holders -. There will ever be only a few of these, which provide huge benefits in the app, so this is a unique opportunity. + +🎰 Sale of Exclusive Limited NFT Collection will start shortly - These give great benefits within the app, and as a result their resale price will be enormous! + +🎰 Profits from the NFT sale will be reinvested back into Mello, part as a 250 BNB buyback of the token, part to strengthen the liquidity pool, and 500 BNB will be used for marketing. This is going to have a huge impact! + +🎰 Big Marketing campaign will take place before the app launch on October 8th and massive community casino events, giveaways, and contests will happen 24/7! + +**As always, keep it Mello! 🚀** + +🟨 SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS 🗳 TG : https://t.me/mellotoken 💻 Website : http://mellotoken.com 🟨 +I read everywhere online that Vanguard has an expense ratio of 0.03% - 0.05% but when looking at the ETF on Etoro it says it has an 0.50% expense ratio? is this normal, if so, why is this? + +By the way I am a novice in the stock market and am looking to invest in ETF's for the long run! +Hi there! + +I'm a Portuguese tax resident that got a freelancer contract for a US company for 6k$ a month. + +In portugal I need to pay ~40% of my income in taxes. + +I was thinking about opening a Bulgarian Company to bill the US company while living in portugal and then in a few years for now, go get a Bulgarian visa and cash out the money from the company and pay taxes there. + +In the meantime, I would get a Visa/Mastercard to pay for some basic expenses. + +Is this possible to do ? Does anybody recommend any other jurisdictions ? + + +Edit: I truly believe in paying taxes. I'm the outcome of a system and I want to contribute to that system in the form of taxes. However, 40% of my income in not a taxation... its theft! I never asked how to avoid taxes. Just how to lower/postpone them. +I have some money aside and was planning to invest it soon in buying an apartment to rent out. Medium-sized city in Europe, 8% yearly ROI, low rent, rented to local workers. Soon means within 3-4 months. + +However, lots of indicators point to a crisis happening in the next year. Of course nothing is certain and things can change; but would it make sense to wait until the end of the year and then find a better deal once the crisis hits and the offer increases? + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/vndiv5) +Hi, + +I'm fairly new to the ETF world and spent the past few weeks reading reddit and other sources to educate myself. Now, I arrived to the point where I'd like to receive constructive feedback and advice from people with more experience. + +Basics: living in Germany, bank account at ING, buying distr. ETF until reaching 801€/year in dividends then switch to acc, investing first 10K€ lump sum then add to it on a monthly/qtrly basis at least for 10yrs, considering to buy 2 max 3 ETFs at first. + +&#x200B; + +1. Target ETFs: FTSE All-World, iShares Global Clean Energy UCITS, iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS + +Opinions? Anything to add/remove? How shall I split the money bw them? + +&#x200B; + +2. Considered ETFs: Vanguard S&P 500, iShares Core DAX, iShares Nasdaq 100, Xtrackers DAX 1C + +Opinions? + +&#x200B; + +Can someone suggest ETFs for: Electric vehicles, Cloud computing, Plant based meat (e.g. Beyond Meat), Recreational drugs (Cannabis, MDMA) + +&#x200B; + +Any opinions/tips are highly appreciated! +Hello Reddit, + +I'll start by saying that i'm a complete ignorant on financial matters, but i'd like to hear an opinion regarding my situation: + +* 27 years old +* Going to move from Italy to Spain in 3 months with my GF to live there permanently, i hope +* No kids planned, i hope +* No plan for a house at the moment + +So...as I am quite good with budgets and savings, I've managed to put aside some cash in my account. I have around 20'000€ that i'd like to **preserve** (not invest) for 10-20 years: + +The thing is, i'm kind of scared of EU' situation...I don't trust banks, nor companies, nor the € or any other FIAT currency for that matter. +So what's a good way to secure my savings from a possible *(as ignorant as i might be, this is what i perceive)* EU downfall? What's a good way to keep my spending power in case of a crisis and € devaluation? + +I'm skeptical about storing 20'000€ in BitCoins, so i'd like to buy Gold/Silver and have it delivered to me once i move to Spain. + +Pros of Gold/Silver + +* Physical goods in my hands + +* 20'000€ would be around 20 1oz gold coins...it's not an impracticale weight to move/hide + +* kinda stable currency + + + + +Cons of Gold/Silver + +* I don't know if i'll need to pay taxes for owning gold/silver or fill any other documents beside my income papers + +* I'm scared of confiscation in case i inform authorities and the time of crisis hits us. + +* Theft from burglars + + +Which ideas or advices could you give me? Do you have any personal stories in which your gold stack helped you in dire situations? + +Sorry for my english, not my 1st lang. + +**TL;DR Which precautions should i get in order to guard my savings from a € crisis similiar to Venezuela' situation nowadays?** + +Thanks +As a resident of the Netherlands I was automatically assigned to the IBKR Central Europe branch on registration. I was told that I can't make a choice here. + +Are there any hidden risks that an investor is taking by having an account in the Hungarian branch? +[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-commission-real-estate-lawsuit-decision-1.6433370](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-commission-real-estate-lawsuit-decision-1.6433370) +What would be your first investment property of choice (apartment, condo, townhome, multiplex, SF)? Older or newer build, LLC or not, biggest mistake.... +Long story short, we bought a house we could easily afford. Work started get outsourced overseas, income decreased and my husband got cancer. Medical bills stacked up, I couldn’t find work, we started spending our savings to live. We moved into a smaller house we also own (one we can actually afford) but can’t sell the large house. We owe close to $330k, Zillow claims it’s worth $475k and cash buyers say they can only give high 200s. Do I have any other options? Foreclosure in Michigan can apparently result in the sale of all your assets, even those you don’t own. I have two children under two and I’m terrified. I just want out from underneath it, I don’t care about making money. +I'm a Realtor, so I thought this was common knowledge, but I was in a thread recently where people assumed Appreciation was random. With all due respect to those individuals **LOL HELL NO!** So I thought it'd be helpful to punch out a quick post on the subject. + +*Note: For the purposes of this discussion I'm not going to get into Cap Ex and I'm only briefly going to touch on what causes an area to appreciate. I would be here all day if I went into all the specifics. If you want to know more talk to a local Realtor or Property Manager WHO HAS EXPERIENCE WITH INVESTING! Actually, local Mortgage Underwriters are good sources too.* + +&#x200B; + +**Appreciation in a shell-nut** + +Barring outside circumstances like the 2008 housing crash & extreme low-income housing, it is very difficult for Real Estate to depreciate. This is the core reason why Buy & Hold is the prevailing strategy for Real Estate. Nationally, Real Estate appreciates between about 3-5% yearly. Since this includes hot markets, it follows that some areas are going to be in the 1-2% range, and some are going to be 6-7%. + + +My area for example appreciated at 4.3% last year, but for 3 years prior it appreciated at about 6.5%. There was one specific neighborhood driving that boost pulling in about 13%, but that's a White Whale, don't go chasing that number you'll drive yourself insane. My area only saw this rapid growth for 3-4 years. Over a 10 year period, the number was much closer to the National Average. Beverly Hills is a great counter point. That area appreciated 5.52% over a 10 year period. This puts Beverly Hills in the top 10% of markets nationwide. The only way to get higher is to time an expanding market, which is what happened in my city when we added a ton of medical research positions. + + +Enough percentages, let's do an example. Let's take $200,000 for easy math. At the 10 year Average for my city, your home is going to appreciate about $6,300 that first year. This is where I have to remind some of you; Real Estate Value is of course a very fluid concept. A simple thing like Red Shutters instead of Black can cost you a buyer. No one, not even the best Appraiser can determine value within $500. So while the value does compound over time, I can't promise you your home will go up $6,300 one year, then $6,498.45 the next year. But it does compound. An area that has appreciated 36.39% over 10 years appreciated annually 3.15%, not 3.639%. **Over 10 years, your home has appreciated $72,800 with no Cap Ex.** By itself that's a down payment on another home if you do a Cash-Out Refi. Or you could update the home with new systems to improve your rents. + + +>Yeah yeah, the national average is nice, but I want to hunt that 5.5% appreciation. + +I don't blame you. The examples above were mid market, city-wide averages. Most cities have areas of high appreciation & low appreciation, and everywhere in between. **Changing the numbers from the average in my area, to the high, we find that $72,800 over 10 years becomes $142,300.** That's nearly double. + + +So the question becomes... + +&#x200B; + +**How do we find areas of high appreciation?** + +The answer to this is *find comparable sales.* Most Realtors can do this for you free of cost. But not all Realtors are created equal, and the Best Realtors limit their time with persnickety buyers to keep their volume high. So sometimes you want to do it yourself. + + +* Use a market aggregate site. MLS is preferred due to it's highly regulated flow of information, but tax records, Zillow, [Realtor.com](https://Realtor.com), etc. can all yield similar results. +* Keep your search consistent with the type of home you want to buy. + * Same # of bedrooms & baths + * Same square footage + * Similar age of home + * Carpet vs. Hardwood + * Updated vs. Dated + * etc. +* The more consistent the comps, the more accurate your appreciation will be. +* Look at homes that sold in years past and compare the prices to get your appreciation percentage +* KEEP YOUR SEARCH IN THE SAME MONTH! Most markets are seasonal. Even the difference between August & September is huge in my area. + + +>But Janitor! Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. + + + +While it's technically true that performance doesn’t guarantee future results, this is the main method we use to speculate on future performance. By looking at the history of performance you can get a great estimate of how well a city is managed and calculate an educated estimation of future performance. + +For example. Which area appreciates more Beverly Hills CA or Buford Wyoming? We can’t ***guarantee*** the answer will always stay the same, but come on, be serious. You know which one has the better track record and you would need to see unprecedented cultural & economic shifts before these two become equivalent. + + +**Other Factors in Appreciation** + +Obviously location is the primary factor, but what goes into a good location. [It's important to know what goes into appraisals.](https://berkshirehathawayhs.tomieraines.com/Blog/ID/272/13-Factors-That-Determine-Your-Home-Appraisal-Value) But I'll summarize below. + +* Job Market +* Walkable +* Proximity to Hospital, Fire Dept, Airport, Police, Etc. +* Good Schools +* Low Crime +* Quality of the land (ever try building on a swamp or red clay? It's possible, but Ugh) +* Interests Rates & Lending guidelines creating more buyers +* Aesthetic or "curb" appeal + +Again I could spend all day on this, but I need to wrap up. I'll be active in the comments for a while to answer any questions. +Is there a reason for people listing abandoned houses in my area for higher than or equal to most of the houses selling in my town? Could it be to avoid town legal action requiring them to fix them or tear them down? I've seen a bunch get listed recently and I can't think of another reason +A few thoughts/questions, I am an amateur investor but like to follow the financial news and try to piece things together. Would love to hear thoughts from people more coherent/intelligent than me: + +- Today the 10-year Treasury rate shot higher, to a level comparable to the panic last March when people were dumping everything they could to raise cash. + +- This has matched a melt-up in equities and crypto-currencies, as well as the SPAC craze. + +- Treasury yields are rising despite the fact that the Fed is apparently still buying bonds at a massive rate from primary dealers + +- Inflation expectations rising rapidly, Fed has said it will go over 3 percent + +- Washington continues to deficit spend like nobody's business + +- It's always trendy to talk about the "bond bubble" but I haven't seen any of these articles in awhile even though the reasons for owning bonds at these yields defy logic + +Potential Risks: + +- (Perennial) - China dumping U.S. Treasuries + +- Higher Treasury rate = higher mortgage rates, decrease in home values + many delinquent mortgages due to pandemic + +- Does increasing yield on treasuries mean that Washington is increasingly going to be paying out higher amounts of interest on its deficit spending? Could this lead to a credit downgrade? We know a low rate is good for stocks and real estate, but is it also good for a government that's unable to dig itself out of a fiscal hole and in fact keeps digging deeper? + +IDK what I'm talking about really, these are just a few random thoughts that I can't piece together very smoothly. +I always feel like we're unable to communicate because we're starting with such different priors and have such different terminologies. Whenever people link to sources explaining theories (at mises.org, for instance) the arguments made there are always being pitched for people who are basically unfamiliar with economics, orthodox or heterodox. + +Anyone have a good, neutral source going through the differences between disciplines? Is anyone here a lapsed Keynesian or former Austrian that has a good feel for both? +1. The money supply needs to grow with the economy. ~ If the economy doubles but the money supply stays the same, everyone needs to take a 50% pay cut. A gold standard creates deflation which makes it much more difficult for economic coordination to occur. + +2. The Gold Standard doesn't solve the problem of trust. ~ Unless you're paying for your snickers bar with a bar of gold, all paper money requires trust in the issuing institution. In all of history all gold-standard based paper money has eventually had it's convertibility ratio changed. Governments, banks, and all issuing institutions can and have modified how much gold a given bill converts to up to and including going off the gold standard entirely. + +3. Tying currency to any physical asset means changes in the use-value of the asset creates large economic disruptions. ~ If someone invents a new way to mine gold, the inflation rate shoots through the roof. If someone invents a new use for gold (not unthinkable, it's already used in electronics) then deflation will occur as gold is taken out of the money supply for use. + +4. Economic forces already ensure that fiat money supplies will be as reliable as any other financial investment (including gold). ~ If you fear US inflation you can always use your money to buy Euros, Yuan, or even gold. Countries compete for stable currencies in the open market. + +5. US dollars are backed by something more valuable than gold: The taxing power of the US government. ~ Since the government requires taxes be paid in dollars, that ensures that dollars will always be sought after for that purpose. + +6. The gold standard is often seen as a way to ensure that governments won't try to inflate away their debt. But that doesn't fix the origins of the problem: governments taking on debts they can't pay. ~ If governments can't inflate away their debt they'll still have to pay it off. This means crippling taxes. As unpopular as inflation is, it's not clear that correspondingly high taxes are any better. If you want to improve government, look into improving government institutions to strengthen democratic accountability. The gold standard is not going to help. +My partner and I just moved into a small unit in Victoria. We just got our one-month electrcity and gas bill and I am panicking. + +We are both very frugal people. We make sure to have thick socks, thermals, and at least two jumpers on before we even think of putting the heating on and have quick showers. + +I am with AGL. + +Electricity was $74 for the month which isn't too bad. + +But the gas... $167. Is this what it costs to occasionally heat a well insulated tiny unit every so often and to have a warm shower?? + +I have a disability so I can only work part time. I am on the DSP so fortunately I get a small discount on electricity and winter gas usage. So our real gas bill they are charging is $150 ($167 minus $17 discount). + +It said we used 6000MJ, and the meter read was 'estimate'. Does this mean I can request them to do an actual read? + +I'm just freaking out because I am worried I'm not going to be able to afford to live with my partner. I hate that I have a disability and am not able to earn more money to pay these bills. + +Does anyone have any advice for the gas bill? Will it help to contact AGL? +So I'm in my 30s and decided to put some of my savings into stocks in 2020 (right before covid) through a reputable stockbroking firm. My shares were doing well but for the last year they have just gone down again and again, and now I'm down almost $30,000. My advisor tells me not to worry, and I have a diverse portfolio, but almost all of my stocks are in the red and have been so for a long time. I know the market fluctuates but it feels like they'll never go back up. Advice? +Walt Disney said subscribers to its sports network ESPN have fallen to 92 million as of Oct. 3, down from 95 million seen in fiscal year 2014. + +DIS stock is falling on the news. Looks like a good pre-Star Wars gift. +After not having a job for almost an entire year, I finally got a job near the end of the year. I wanted to make sure I can hit the maximum 401K contribution. I'm aware that 401K's can sometimes take a while to set up and I'm not ending up in a situation where I don't hit the maximum because timing was a little bit off. + +I elected to contribute the maximum (90%) of my paycheck in the plan. I was pretty sure weird things would happen. I was not disappointed. + +My next paystub came with a negative number. After 90% of the gross pay went to my 401K, there wasn't enough left over to cover taxes, social security, medical and transportation. Despite having a negative paystub, there was also a positive amount (around $90 or so) that was deposited into my checking account. + +A few days later, HR called me to let me know that "something weird" happened. They informed me that I should expect to see a double charge of medical insurance on my next paystub. She was not able to explain what exactly happened (not her job anyway, it's accounting's job). From what I can tell, company was not able to take out the medical insurance because that would require withdrawing funds from my checking account. Instead, they charged me twice on the next paystub. The negative amount was me owing the company for the extra medical premium. + +Oh.... the weird things that bring me joy. +First I want to take a moment and say... I care about you. Whether you are a stubborn bull or gay bear, a complete stranger (me), cares about your well being. + +If for any reason you’re struggling to cope with life and it’s processes, there are people who are willing to help. If you want to shoot me a DM, I’m all for it. + +National Suicide Prevention Hotline + +1-800-273-8255 + +www.GamblersAnonymous.org + +Many of us are new on this specific sub. Taking a moment to think, I cannot figure one sub on all of Reddit like it. This sub is so unique and so powerful. It brings together the very poor and the very wealthy. The risk takers and the risk adverse. Nuclear physicists and cocaine dealers. Old and young, of all races, shapes, and sizes. +Wall Street Bets and the market have zero biases. The intelligent can lose everything, the autists can make extraordinary gains. + +We see it week after week. + +10k to 100k +50k to 800k +I just saw a post where a guy said $60 took him to 90k in 2 months and one where a guy took $900 to 18k in 15 minutes. + +We are living in a time where a near infinite amount of money is changing hands at an unfathomable pace. + +We can make life-changing gains in what feels like a few revolutions of the Earth on its axis. + +With that being said... + +Where there are huge gains, there are going to be huge losses. Most of you on this thread are losing money. By most, I would estimate 75%-85%. Some of you are new here, some of you have been here a while and can’t figure it out. + +I want to say, from my own great and tragic experience... it’s okay. Some of life’s most peaceful moments don’t require anything but a desire. It does not require money to go sit down by the creek and listen to the water pour through the rock bed. You don’t need money to go out into the woods and listen to nature speak specifically to you. + +You have the choice from this very moment forward to due your diligence and learn why some people are making thousands of dollars each trade, over and over again, 60%+ of the time. + +Some of you coming from a sports betting background, a poker background, a bartering background. You wouldn’t go into a game or a trade without knowing who’s playing, or what the value of each item was worth would you? Use your ability to scan a valuable situation to your advantage. + +Some of you come from a mathematical, engineering, or physics background. You wouldn’t try to solve a problem with no tools, history basis, or outside sources would you? Use your ability to problem solve and reverse engineer to figure out where we are, how we got here, and how it appears we are going to move forward. + +We have artists, and dancers, and musicians, and tradesmen. Use your precision for the technical aspects in your everyday trading. + +Most importantly, be as patient as a tiger stalking its prey. Some people will get super lucky. Most will not. This is not free and you will most likely, not get a free pass. + +I share this in an attempt to grab the focus of a group of people who see this as a possibility to leave a life of financial troubles behind, and those who want to build on a profitable future. + +I am not providing you with any financial advice, or technical analysis. I will see the respect in those of you who call me a fellow autist or ask for me to get banned. At first I didn’t understand the humor here, but I have found myself laughing profusely at this forum and I love it. But with the humor, you have to find the moments to be serious and that is when your hard earned money and your priceless time is involved. + +If anyone is looking for a mentee, I’m looking for a mentor or group of like minded people who want to discuss both financials, and overcoming challenges on a daily basis. Drop me a line. + +For the rest of you, happy trading, stay safe, and figure good fortunes for yourself. + +Positions: + +Spy $220p 5/15 + + +Edit: To everyone who has reached out to show support, to want to join a discord, to invite me into your discord... thank you. You’re the reason I made the post. I now spend hours studying the market, it’s potential, and how I can make my situation and situation of others better because of it. I knew this wouldn’t go over well with everyone but they are not why I’m here. I look forward to learning more and sharing what I can along the way. +I'm currently earning £65k and about to enter renumeration discussions (they take place early Q3 in my company). + +I've been sacrificing additional % to my pension (salary sacrifice) to keep myself from paying the higher rate tax (plus child benefit - High Income Child Benefit Tax Charge is crap). + +I'm already adding nearly £20k to my pension annually (including company contributions) - I'm wondering whether it's worth asking for a company car in favour of a salary increase; business has been good this year so I can expect a salary rise of somewhere between 10-15%. + +- Is this a poor financial choice? (I think not due to the fact I might hit the pension lifetime allowance - I'm 32). + +- Has anyone requested something similar? I'm not a customer facing employee (and honestly have no business need for a company car - is this even allowable?) +Today I stumbled upon this tweet of the World Economic Forum (https://twitter.com/wef/status/799632174043561984). Ignoring political opinions about it, I would tend to think it's a realistic scenario, given the source. + +How do you prepare financially for a world where everything is rented? +Does anyone here live in a HCOL city and have a big family that they support. I'm trying to work out what the budget needs to be, and at the moment it's looking a bit terrifying. + +4 kids in private school - $50k a year each if you include other costs. + +Care for elderly mother (she has no funds of her own), $100k for either a live-in carer or a care home. + +Housekeeper (cleaner), nanny, personal assistant - $100k if they're all part-time, more if they're full time. + +And then usual household and family costs at $200k. + +So $600k post tax, or $1m pre tax. So $30m in assets to be able to FIRE. That's a pretty damn high number. + +Now I know everyone's answer is going to be "but you don't need to spend $50k on a school" and "you don't need a housekeeper, nanny and PA", but that's not what I'm looking for. I'm just very interested if someone on here is actually living this kind of lifestyle, and is happy to share some insights into their budget - especially if there are any additional costs I have thought of, or if there are some interesting reductions they've been able to make without changing the lifestyle. +First post - I’m thankful for the wealth of info and advices this group has provided. I’m impressed that the super fat fire subset live quite humbly and monitor/ minimize their expenses in the posts I read. + +40 yo, subspecialty MDs, saw several non- medicine, especially tech peers of the same age group are far far ahead in term of net worth. We started working at later age after college, med school, and almost a decade of residency and fellowship trainings. Our compensations have been exactly the same after fellowship. The work is hard but I love the part of medicine of saving lives and improving quality of lives. We are in extremely competitive subspecialties and after all these years of extremely hard work, I truly felt deflated and defeated. The weather here doesn’t help. I can’t get used to PNW winter weather. + +Our largest expenses are supporting parents and in laws, childcare, and mortgage. We have a small house mortgage, avoiding jumbo loan. Like elsewhere in VHCOL, the house appreciated by 1 mil since we purchased few years ago. We lost ~ 100 k and another 100 k in SO lost wages in failed startups that my SO cofounded in this past 2 years. Family travel expenses usually < 15 k/ year: Econ direct flights, mid range hotels (Hilton, hyatt, etc), Hawaii and mid range MX all inclusive. We went to Europe and Asia pre pandemic; the kids are thriving when they travel with us exploring the world or just relaxing at the pool. We usually go to 1 big trip (2 weeks) and 1 Hawaii trip (2 weeks) per year. + +I saw my partners buying 5 mil houses, boats, luxury cars, ski vacation, and all the toys. I feel that we are doing our best in minimizing our expenses. + +We are thinking of moving to Bay Area, San Diego, LA (Irvine). Bay Area would be #1 choice. My MD spouse is in tech as well and Bay area would offer more opportunities. I still regret our decisions not to take jobs there few years ago. + +I’m worried that we won’t find jobs there. Maybe it’s my limiting belief. Our subspecialty is extremely taxing: calls, extremely long hours without sleep, highly acute work. I transitioned into a less taxing job with pay cut few years ago; I believe this was the reason I could carry our youngest baby to term after several mc in my old job. My SO makes more than double my salary (same subspecialty). I’m worried I can’t find a similar practice to my current job. + +Advice? Anyone in medicine in this group and any advice/ encouragement? + +Side note: Our oldest (10) wants to be a politician; none of our kids want to be MD. My older sibling is a cardiac surgeon and all his 3 kids are in med school. My brother in law is MD turned hedge fund manager. +I am currently on £75K with a 1 month notice period and a 1 year non-compete clause. The company wants to increase these to 3 months of notice period and 3 years of non-compete clause. + +None of my coworkers have been in this situation and I don't know what is an appropriate increase in salary is justified for those adjustments. + +Anyone with experience negotiating this sort of thing? + +Thanks +Living costs are going up, house costs are going up and salary rises are shit. There is not too much I can do about that personally but one thing I can change is the amount I consume. I definitely consume more than my mum or nan when they were my age. I bought so many things new before September and in 2019 that was unnecessary to buy new: five pairs of jeans, Nintendo controller, PC monitor, Moto phone, books, comics, shredder, keyboard, mouse, piano stool, game of thrones figure. And those are just the things I remember... + +So from the 1st of September to September 2021 I am going to reduce physical consumption in general and get everything I do want used and see how I get on. Anything I cannot get second hand or in the freecycle market I will simply not buy (as painful as that may be). My only exclusions are sanitary (underwear, mattress etc. doubt I'll need a mattress in this year anyway) and consumables (food etc.). + +I started earlier this month so when my mum's dictionary from the 90s finally breathed its last breath last weekend instead of buying it from Waterstones which I would have done (£16.99) I bought it used from ebay (£2.80). Obviously it is early days, I am still in the honeymoon period of consuming pre-loved things. + +But for the people who have now been doing this longer has the affect on your finances been as massive as you would have hoped? Or has it ended up the same because the used thing broke down quicker (my concern)? +Hey guys, just wanted to vent somewhere...trying to keep myself distracted, not sure if i can keep doing this. + +I have been defending Bitgrail and bomber being naive because he kept doing what he said he would (albeit after weeks of waiting). But i did not for-see what happened today. I feel like an idiot and absolutely should have taken the coins off when i had the chance. I got into XRB pretty early because i really loved the team and saw how much faster the technology was. I researched and bought in. + +I wanted to share this because i dont want anyone to repeat my mistakes. ALWAYS take your coins off exchanges, especially shady ones. I thought i was good with 2fa etc etc but its just not enough. + +I dont know what to do, I kept adding to my investment until december and i am completely ruined now. I wanted to help my dad start a retirement fund, pay for my parents health expenses, etc. I dont know what to tell them...I was just waiting for the withdrawals to open to cash out a bit. + +I hope i am a learning lesson for the rest of you and newcomers. I feel nothing right now, just shocked and dont know where to begin again. + +Thank you to this community for teaching me a lot of things over the past months. I will miss it. I am not sure if i will ever get back anything from BG but i will hope for the best. +**Not a trading advise.** + +Hey there folks and congratulations if you haven’t blown up your account last week. Thanks to TA, mine **barely** survived. It is messy out there, making it very difficult to trade. Honestly, if you’re down, that’s understandable because these are not normal conditions. We just had a 12 month flash course on market behavior. What we’ve witnessed in this short time happens in the span of 3+ years, not months. + +Bright side is, we learned a lot. Through pain and punishment. Turns out those lessons are the most kept. It’s like we are little puppies. + +**So, what do we do?** + +We do what seasoned traders have been doing for decades. We understand the basics of charts and practice technical analysis. It’s gonna be a long Sunday read but I promise, it’ll be an eye-opening one for most of you. Don’t worry. Basics are super simple and I won’t confuse you with pattern terminology. + +If you’re not using these methods already, this post is going to improve the way you trade exponentially while minimizing losses if your trade begins going south. You'll be able to apply these methods on short and long term positions. + +I received a PM from a fellow Redditor yesterday, saying his puts lost half the value. I’m sure those losses would not have been this big if TA was involved. We will get it back my dude. Read on. + +**Resistance and support**. Two simple, magical words we’re going to cover today. + +You’re gonna love the story behind this trade. Perfect example of how powerful technical analysis can be. Below is a **$7K buy-in, 0tde SPY 390 call** I traded on Friday. One hundred percent based on a known pattern. + +I'd like for you to pay attention to time of entrance (**at support**) and exit (**at resistance**) then match those with order execution times which you will find on top. + +https://preview.redd.it/d2nrriswrgo61.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78703c09cfc24458b1d63ddde0c022038dd1f72f + +**Back story**. Folks, I can't make this shit up if I want to. I'm two inches away from my screen, glued. Watching green candles pile up over support, printing...On the way to 390 resistance. I know if it breaks, we're going 391 easy..Last I saw was 389...Goddam power flickered, caused a reset on my modem. Panic sunk in. + +About 45 seconds later, connection came back. I remember I kept saying please be above 390...please be above 390....I knew as a fact, when it hits that major resistance at 390, there's a fat chance of rejection, sending my greens to red in matter of fifteen seconds. + +I saw 390.12 on screen. Smashed sell. Could've been a good trade gone wrong. My original plan was to sell half at resistance and sell the other half after a possible break out. Slightly above 391, those contracts were going for $1.50 per. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/d0f493b8sgo61.jpg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61db8ae9c9f115ae33f5aacfbfd8f24e7cc3ddda + +Let’s step away from day trading, apply support and resistance basics on longer term charts. After all, you need to be mentally unstable in some way to even consider day trading. + +We’re gonna take General Electric as example. Starting with it’s 6 month chart, then zoom into weekly. + +On **October 10th 2018**, GE closed at what seems to be a random, insignificant price. $13.28. + +On **February 12th 2020**, it hit $13.26. Failing to close above $13.30 once again. Think about it. After millions of trading volume and after 16 months, it touched the same number and traded down the following days. Crazy accuracy, couple cents. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3tumqvxssgo61.jpg?width=1532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06512087a5ea457dabb354960c24c5d548f495e2 + +Clearly, what seemed to be chaotic, random price action is not chaotic and random. It follows rules and order of it's own. Just like everything else around us. + +Stay with me. + +**Drawing bearish and bullish channels** + +Here's the GE weekly chart. Each candle represents one hour. + +https://preview.redd.it/pwxrsx91ugo61.jpg?width=1532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b6361605df5fe66cfdac3d6c6cbe2c15b1a44b + +Super simplified. You take the bottom of the **lowest candle** (**A**) and draw a line until it touches the bottom part of another candle that's trending up **(B).** + +Now, we repeat that on top portion. This time, starting a line at the top of candle **(C)** and ending at another candle that is trending up **(D).** Bullish channel is complete. + +Using same principals, you can also draw a bearish channel. In that case, instead of pointing up, channel will be pointing down. + +Next, we’re going to add to our chart what’s proven to be the resistance at $13.2x. Purple horizontal line. + +Guess what price GE closed on Friday. 🤯 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ssi2kllbvgo61.jpg?width=1529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e6ac7bbb85f40bd35a4232c794b39f8f4d54cfc + +**So, buying short expiry puts Monday on GE is free money? It failed to break resistance again and again.** + +No. Analyze the chart below. Area I highlighted shows it actually did break the resistance intraday and held all the way to closing bell. There’s a big possibility that resistance is now a potential support. What we’re seeing on the highlighted portion could be the back test of said support, closing at $13.2x and not below it. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/kma6obvoxgo61.jpg?width=1529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a7be213dc070bc178a35316600bfa84a8f77ea4 + +&#x200B; + +**As a case study, what do we look for Monday eod?** + +We look for confirmation. If we see a strong green candle close above $13.50, in my book that’s a long buy (calls). Likely 13.2x resistance becoming support. + +If we see a strong red candle finish below 13, breaking down our bullish channel, that signals resistance held once again and it will most likely continue to go down, once again. Puts galore. + +**Here’s the part that matters for you the most.** + +Do not buy calls near major resistance. Period. Buy the confirmed support. Sell the confirmed resistance. + +We see paper handing comments all the time. “If I were to hold two more days, I could’ve doubled my money”. + +Why would you sell when you see green candles making higher highs inside a bullish channel? Sell when it’s close to resistance. + +**What about red candles inside the channel?** + +It's okay. Take a look back at the **0tde SPY 390c** chart. If I were to see red candles getting close to support, I would’ve sold and worst case scenario lose 10-15%. + +**Buy at support, sell at resistance. Buy at support, sell at resistance and don’t look back.** + +Apply these principals to your weeks, months out expiry contracts. Pull charts that each candle represents 4 hours minimum, one day candles ideally. TA is much easier and accurate when it's based on longer time frames. **I'm telling ya, damn thing closed at 13.2x two years ago!** + +**Minimizing losses when trade goes south.** + +This is the hardest part to execute. Denial, hope, what ifs... I lost $24K two weeks ago by not practicing what I'm about to preach. + +I added red candles on our GE Chart to simulate a support break. Each candle represents four hours. Take a look. + +https://preview.redd.it/hzjczrif3ho61.jpg?width=1529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d1495016c42c920d0cf0754011f7d8a142cb5e6 + +At this point, it's pretty much gg. Even though we see a green candle at the end, due to time decay, calls are destroyed. Basically, it needs 3 perfect green candles just to get back inside and 3 more candles to start trending up in the channel. 4 hour candles, by the time that happens, 30-50% poofed. In this scenario, I bet bears would buy puts at first sight of support break which I wouldn't blame and definitely participate. + +**I'd like to point this out again. Some charts I showed you guys as examples are short time-framed. You're better off applying these basics on charts that each candle represents one day, assuming your position is not expiring in 48 hours. Remember this as beginners, longer expiration, more data, better TA. More gains, less losses.** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +I’m anxious to see how next week is going to play out. We’re stuck, yo-yoing between support and resistance on pretty much all indexes and big caps. It’s simply not possible for me as an apprentice trader to speculate. + +What I know is this. I’m not touching TSLA. I’m not touching AAPL or SPY or QQQ or any ticker that has been chopping up and down between support and resistance. Bunch of noise. Time decay. Not good for option contracts. + +I want to see resistance break and hold for calls. + +I want to see support fail for puts. + +Don't know about you but I like my money. Not going to close my eyes, open a position and hope for the best. Buying based on gut feeling, selling on gut feeling. That’s gambling not trading. + +I get the biggest kick when I see my people after Friday close saying, “Shit...What am I gonna do now for 48 hours?” + +Well sir...You pull out crayons, draw some lines, look for opportunities. Add more layers to charts. Moving averages, bullish cross overs, RSI...It’s a treasure hunt. + +This is the way. + +Cheers. +I'm thinking of buying solar panels with the news about the rise of energy costs. + +Is it worth buying them and having them installed ASAP? + +To anyone who's had them installed, have you had a significant price decrease in energy bills? Or any problems where the panels didn't work? Who would be the best/reliable company to buy from? + +Financing them is not much of an issue. + +Just looking at all options before the price increase kicks in. +For talking sake, let’s say there’s a 10k car. I have that amount available on one cc, and I was looking at some 22 month 0% balance transfer cards with a bank who my mortgage is with but no other account (which means I’d get access to the special offer). + +Plan was just to get a 5 year personal loan, but (assuming I got approved for a balance transfer cc with a big enough limit), would it be sensible to buy the car on my current card, then transfer the balance and pay the minimum payment for 22 months? Assuming that’s 1%, it’d be roughly half vs a loan. + +Then, at the end of the 22 months, either pay off completely, convert to a loan, or do another transfer. + +Does that seem sensible or am I missing anything obvious?? +Any help here would be appreciated. If the post is not appropriate then please remove. + +For some time I’ve know this but I’ve come to face to over the past few days. +Background: M29 Making £31k base salary and commission on top (work as a BDM). Became debt free Dec 2018. Have £1k saved in as an emergency fund. £300 in a S&S ISA (this is new and a start of investing). Saving into a NEST pension with work for the national minimum. I have a budget in place and it leaves me around £400 a month left over. I normally put about £100 into the ISA and the rest would go to the emergency fund. + +I would say (and so would friends and family) day that I live a frugal life. However, I am always worried about money. I feel like I don’t have enough, that I need to be doing more. +Recently was in a car accident which reduced my emergency fund by £500 and will reduce it again as I go to buy a new car. Which is putting me on edge. + +There are some days where I am checking the budget constantly to make sure that the numbers make sense and that I have everything in place. There are days where I am checking online banking just to make sure nothing unusual has gone out. + +I’m just looking for some tips, direction, resources or words of encouragement of what I can do to rid myself of this feeling. +Just curious about what the apes think about the housing market? I work for a high end ($1m+) general contractor and I think you'd have to be brain dead to build or buy right now. + + +Housing is through the roof because money is cheap, but if you think there were TP and gas shortages, try to buy land right now. Then check insulation prices. Then check lumber. Then check literally everything else. You're 30% over the 10yr average for same home. + + +Why are homes flying off the shelf when they shouldn't be? Talk to anyone you know in construction, we are over balls deep in work and we can't sustain demand. Housing is in a state of emergency and when this bitch corrects itself it'll reverberate like it's 2008. + + +GME is/was cool and all, but US housing is about to remind the world what real movement looks like. + +Edit: not saying we're repeating 2008, just that in 08' the US housing market swong a golf club at the world's ballsack/markets and we're winding up again. Maybe this time we'll use a lead pipe or a baseball bat, who knows. Won't be 2x4 though because they're too expensive. +Just curious about what the apes think about the housing market? I work for a high end ($1m+) general contractor and I think you'd have to be brain dead to build or buy right now. + + +Housing is through the roof because money is cheap, but if you think there were TP and gas shortages, try to buy land right now. Then check insulation prices. Then check lumber. Then check literally everything else. You're 30% over the 10yr average for same home. + + +Why are homes flying off the shelf when they shouldn't be? Talk to anyone you know in construction, we are over balls deep in work and we can't sustain demand. Housing is in a state of emergency and when this bitch corrects itself it'll reverberate like it's 2008. + + +GME is/was cool and all, but US housing is about to remind the world what real movement looks like. + +Edit: not saying we're repeating 2008, just that in 08' the US housing market swong a golf club at the world's ballsack/markets and we're winding up again. Maybe this time we'll use a lead pipe or a baseball bat, who knows. Won't be 2x4 though because they're too expensive. +"C'mon everyone, ignore Gox! Remove Gox from all charts! Pretend it doesn't exist!" + +No. That's not how this works. If someone in your small town gets robbed, you don't go "let's pretend this didn't happen so that our town will still be thought of as safe!" + +Well hey, actually in real life that does happen. Politicians and governments everywhere - the exact people you hate and bitch about all the time in this community - do that sort of shit as a means of propaganda to make themselves seem better than they really are to everyone else. + +This Gox situation is very real. Lots of people are losing a ton of money because of this. Moreover, they're losing their trust in bitcoin. The drop in price at Gox is EXACTLY what people are afraid of when they buy bitcoin, though the general thought is that it'd be more of a flash crash down to nothing, which is probably in Gox's future but it's been more of a slow death since people still have hope. + +I'm seeing a lot of people that have absolutely no sympathy for those who are getting screwed - focusing entirely on either "yay Gox is dead" or "oh crap, don't let this affect my holdings at my other exchange or overall confidence in bitcoin", lots of the usual "this isn't BAD news it's GREAT news" that goes on here anytime actual bad news happens. + +Don't ignore this, because I guarantee you people in the non-bitcoin world won't be. This is a microcosm of what many people feel will eventually happen to bitcoin, so trying to ignore this or sweep it under a rug is going to immediately alienate anyone who had any doubts about bitcoin after seeing this news. + +Stop thinking of yourself for once in your life. There are a lot of people incredibly affected by this, and a massive amount more that are not affected by this but see this as a huge issue with bitcoin, that this sort of thing can happen and there's nothing anyone can do because no regulation. Care about those people and their concerns - don't ignore them. Unless you want to see your holdings torpedo regardless of where it is because confidence in bitcoin shoots down while you all have your heads in the sands worrying only about yourselves. +I am sure some astroturfers will try to defend the IPO going through. logically though... you would think the IPO would be at LEAST delayed if not scrapped after the crimes they committed and court cases resolved. + +that's how I knew gayry cumsler drinks hedgie hog yogurt for sustenance. + +SEC Chicago needs FBI attention as well after their public threat to interfere further with securities trading. +Hi guys! + +Before you all jump down my throat, yes I've read the flowchart and various other resources, they're very helpful! These, combined with all of your generous contributions to discussions on the subreddit, have really helped me get started on my savings journey, so thank you for that. I just need some curated advice from this point, which I'd really appreciate. + +**Current situation:** +24, in a very stable job with room to grow, 30K annual salary & £6000-ish total savings. + +No debt (bar student loan), living with parents but will soon move out, own a car which was bought outright. I take in £1866 a month, and save £1250 a month - though often more because I budgeted pretty generously for my expenses.Expenses are pots for car maintenance and insurance, petrol, O2 bill, spotify bill, rent (slightly less than what I expect to pay when I move out) and food and groceries. Then a small "fun" budget for weekly takeaways and enough to buy a videogame roughly once a month, for example. + +I'm also working on a sidle hustle at the minute too, with a hope that it can make me some money down the road too. Nothing to write home about just yet, but hopefully I can eventually spin it off into a semi-reliable source of income. + +**Portfolio:** +*NS&I Premium Bonds - Emergency Fund:* £5000 (target is £5598, aka 3 months of my net salary) + +*MoneyBox LISA:* £10 (after my emergency fund is filled this payslip, I'll be looking to max the 4k contribution before April / the new tax year, and then spreading a 4k investment over the next 12 months). + +*Pension:* It's employer sponsored to some degree, need to figure out more about it as I'm a bit clueless. I know they're contributing £300ish a month on their side, which I assume is being matched with some sort of contribution on my side. Just can't find the exact value! Will ask about this at work. + +*Current Account:* Just under £1000 (used to pay off my credit card, which I use for all purchases to build up some credit.). + +**Where I want to be:** +I want to buy a house in the short term, preferably within the next 2-4 years.I want to retire as early as possible, not so much because I dislike working, but I have a slightly peculiar goal of being very aware of my own mortality (perhaps it's from losing my hair at such a young age!) and want to enjoy life as much as possible without stress. + +**So where do I go from here?** + +Once my LISA is maxed before and after the beginning of the next financial year, I'm a bit puzzled as to where to put my money to achieve my goals. I've heard of the vanguard all cap fund, and it tickles my fancy even if it's a bit of a longer term pitch. Or is my pension something I should seek to max out instead? Or should I just plain wack my savings into the best savings account I can find? + +Any help is greatly appreciated - I only started my savings journey 3-4 months ago, when previously I'd have spent most of my paycheck at the end of every month and only had the one current account. You guys really helped smarten me up, so for that I say thank you! +Since Hedgies can see PFOF they can see retail's general average cost. That's why they haven't dropped it under 120. + +I'm in a position where I am all in. However if gme would drop under 100. I would sell my car, collectibles, electronics and would probably take a side job to get as much cash to throw at it. + +I've read comments here and there where apes feel the same. + +So I believe that they know our average costs and that's why they don't want to drop it under certain threshold because they know we would gobble it up. They drop it enough to live another day. +Our generation is getting the shaft. We are prospected to be the generation that is going to be worst off than their parents. The system is tuned for a generation that is not us. So how do we change it around? + + +Bitcoin. It's anti-establishment. It will disrupt the few who have gamed the system. + + +Let's devalue the horde of wealth they sit on. +So, a small amount of backstory. Long story short, I graduated highschool 2 years ago, immediately got a full time job, and saved up ~$3,000. After that, I moved out with my girlfriend to support her with her education. I don't know how it all went downhill so fast, but 7 months later and i have $197 left in my savings and im struggling to afford my rent. + +Initially, when I moved, I took a job doing roofing at $18/hr. I moved around through a few trades and things were alright, but then I took a job as an electrical apprentice at $16/hr. The thought process was that if I could tough that out financially, I could be making good money down the line. + +However this absolutely isn't working. My girlfriend lost her job dud to covid (worked at a theater), my rent is $1,087, plus wifi (essential for schoolwork as everything is online), and my car insurance/payments. I struggle to cook meals because when I get home I have no energy so I spend way too much on fast food. I'm looking for another job that pays at least $17.50 an hour, and I plan to get a part time job on top of that, but i still have a very poor idea of budgeting and financial responsibility. Please help. Thanks! + +Edit: i just want to say thank you to overwhelming amount of support this has received, I've gotten a lot of great advice and I currently working on making a tighter budget, working towards higher education/more potential for higher income, and my girlfriend is looking for jobs in the area. Thanks to everyone who's replied! :) +this is not related to the alleged inside trading a few days ago -- its much much more serious. + +On CNBC + +>**report that it’s facing SEC’s probe into whether the platform is offering unregistered securities.** +> +>This SEC probe reportedly happened before and was separate from Coinbase’s alleged insider trading scheme that led to the fraud charges against an ex-Coinbase product manager and two other people Thursday. But SEC also filed a complaint the same day, claiming that nine of the **25 tokens allegedly traded in the scheme were securities.** +> +>“I’m happy to say it again and again: we are confident that our rigorous diligence process — a process the SEC has already reviewed — keeps securities off our platform,” said Coinbase’s chief legal officer Paul Grewal on Twitter. “We look forward to engaging with the SEC on the matter.” + +&#x200B; + +This is on top of the 70% drop this year for Coinbase. Not sure what this could lead to but coinbase is going to fight this all big time. + +edit: there were a few rumors going on but this is more legitimate and the market is reacting to it accordingly. + +source, [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/26/coinbase-shares-tumble-after-report-that-its-facing-sec-probe.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/26/coinbase-shares-tumble-after-report-that-its-facing-sec-probe.html) + +&#x200B; + +>CNBC has confirmed with a source. The news was earlier reported by Bloomberg. + +&#x200B; + +addendum: closing price -21.08% drop and still sliding after hours. + +&#x200B; +I'd like to direct your attention to this interview with one of the founders of Peak6. These guys run Apex clearing. + +[**https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001834518/000119312521122823/d105381dex991.htm**](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001834518/000119312521122823/d105381dex991.htm) + +Go ahead and search for "GameStop" on the page, and you will find this exchange between Matt Hulsizer, co-founder of Peak6 and an interviewer. + +"So, there was this little tiny event called GameStop that happened in January. And I’m sure most of our viewers here heard have something about it. If they haven’t, you know, we’ll have a movie and a book, not us, but there will be one, I’m sure, very shortly about the whole ...Kristin Kallergis Rowland: I think they’re already starting to make it. I think you’re spot on.Jenny Just: Yes.Kristin Kallergis Rowland: So, January 21 happens. + +Jenny Just: Yes. And Apex, that week we opened over a million accounts. I mean, crazy town. And for us, right, this is an offensive opportunity. It’s a pivot. However, it’s an incredibly important time to think defensively as well, so. + +Matt Hulsizer: Yes, I think - I mean, and we know - we saw what happened with Robinhood. Vlad, gave us a call, hey, 3 billion bucks in four hours, like that’s a lot of money. And so, for us, how do we protect our customers who are growing and all of these new customers coming on? And so the fastest and most certain way of raising money is a SPAC. And when you - in that spot, that’s when it was - we should call up Jon and Joanna." + +Then the interview veers off topic. I'd love to know what was said during this conversation. Vladdy calls up Matt and says what? + +TIME FOR SOME SUBPOENAS. TALK IS CHEAP GARY. + +But what do I know, I'm just dumb money right....? + +Edit: lol dafuq, [https://peak6.com/evil-geniuses/](https://peak6.com/evil-geniuses/) I'd smash these guys, make a GME Esports team Pappa Ryan. I want in. +Hey AusFinance, + +Just looking for some advice here, I recently started a job at the end of last year - it was my dream job and so I was pretty quick to accept the offer without really pushing for anything. + +I got offered $77k, it was slightly less than what I was making as a contractor but it came with sick and annual leave. + +I was told it wasn’t a job of normal hours and was okay with that. + +However, after nearly 3 months here - I work a considerable about of overtime, like 10 hours or so a week. + +I found out that the guy in the role before me was paid higher despite me coming in with a wider skill set and I’ve also been given some slightly additional input that he wasn’t privy too. + +I’m pretty certain I’m the least paid in my team despite not being junior in any regard. + +My results have been pretty fantastic - like 300% up on certain KPI’s compared to the previous person. + +My 3 month review is in a couple of weeks and I’m thinking of pushing for $83-85k. Is this unreasonable? + +It’s just not that I’ve worked the role for this period of time, while I’m okay with the demands - I expect the pay to reflect it. + +Cheers. + +Hey all, +Hope Monday is treating you well. +I’ve Just signed up to spaceship on the universe portfolio. With the balance being under 5k there are no fees but what I dont get is how do they get paid? Are those with more essentially subsidising those with low balances? +Good morning all, + +We're in a bear market. Shit sucks. But that doesn't mean we can't still have some fun right? + +For those that were around at the beginning of the year, you might remember that I created this. The FOLIO OF HATE. I invested (yolo'd?) $100 into this subs most hated coins. Some coins are hated because of utility, some because of corruption, some because of the the shills. Whatever the reason, I decided to act on the theory that this sub can actually pick winners by investing into the ones that we all hate the most. + +So, $100 was invested on the same day to each of the ten coins/tokens. Here is how it has fared. + +[Folio of Hate](https://preview.redd.it/mll6gghpcue91.png?width=979&format=png&auto=webp&s=1af27826e7183ea80040397286f7986ea196a335) + +**Down 60% or $600 in eight months.** + +What about the individual results? Surely they're not all bad? Right? + +**Best performer:** USDT -0.06 % + +**Worst performer:** LRC -81.05 % + +**Surprise Performer:** BNB -46.23% + +[ Folio of Hate Individual Performance](https://preview.redd.it/xjc4bfzucue91.png?width=945&format=png&auto=webp&s=386dc9f14842095519d45d27091836d26b5b77a5) + +Despite the savagery of the capitulation and bear market, there are some interesting observations. + +Personal points of interest: + +* Binance is the best none-stablecoin performer. This could be connected to the collapse of other exchanges/lenders. +* Investing in Dogecoin - was a better investment than top guns Solana and Cardano. +* Solana performed equally as bad as Safemoon +* Tether - FUCKING TETHER - was the folios best performer. Props to [u/entschida](https://www.reddit.com/u/entschida/) for getting that one right. + +I am aware that perceptions and opinions shift over time, so it is of course possible that we hate these coins more than ever. + +Finally, the sentiment for crypto.com (or Cronos) has drastically shifted over the past eight months. If I were to create this folio today, CDC would definitely have a place in it. + +Original [post for reference](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/rng996/here_it_is_the_subs_most_despised_coins_combined/). +The last post about this topic got removed by the mods, not sure why. Possibly I have used some wrong language, I will try to fix that with this post. In any case, this is important news for all AMC holders: + +AMC has issued almost all of their shares (they've got only 46,124 shares left). And they will NOT issue any additional shares in 2021, according to them. This is good news, as it can certainly help the stock price to move higher. + +They issued some shares today, and raised cash. For the company this is a good thing. They are well capitalized now. They asked for permission to issue 25 Million shares sometimes in 2022 - But we can talk about that when it is important, in 2022 their business could be a 110% again, and issuing new shares won't be necessary anymore. + +This is the important part of their statement: + +"As of today, in our efforts to best position AMC for a successful recovery from the pandemic, we have issued or reserved substantially all but 46,124 of the shares that were previously authorized. " + +Full statement:[https://investor.amctheatres.com/newsroom/news-details/2021/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc.-Files-Preliminary-Proxy-Statement-Voting-to-Begin-June-16-2021/default.aspx](https://investor.amctheatres.com/newsroom/news-details/2021/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc.-Files-Preliminary-Proxy-Statement-Voting-to-Begin-June-16-2021/default.aspx) +My gran passed away last year. Suddenly this week my mum (as the executor of the will) got a call from the council. She expected a battle to explain they already paid all that was owed, but turns out the council owes money to my gran’s estate. + +Something I’d never thought to do, the new buyer successfully challenged the council tax band on the property. The council therefore had to refund years worth of overpayments that my gran had made. Over £6000 was added to her estate. + +Obviously think carefully is there’s a risk your band could go up. But worth looking into if there’s a chance it’s too high. +Hello , people who know more about finance than I!! + +For the first time in my life, I am receiving a sizeable bonus, 20% of my salary (salary is £26.5k) . Still a bit in shock tbh! Obviously it'll be taxed etc. It's being paid in two installments (October and February) as per the terms of the bonus being met. + +So ..firstly, how much should I expect to get taxed and how will this impact my monthly pay? I've read conflicting information on Google, so I figured real people would be able to break it down for me. + +Secondly, what to do with it??. I've never had this amount of money coming to me. I've a HTB ISA with £11 in it (opened with big intentions, then life....happpened), and roughly 6k in debt that is all UTD and being repaid regularly and on time. Do I put it in a savings account? A LISA? I'm 32 and would like to buy one day soon. Throw it all at debts or continue paying them as scheduled? + +I'm over my head guys, any help appreciated ! + +Thanks +Hey everyone; + +I'll keep this succinct. + +I'm a British graduate who's been living and working in Latvia for the past 2 years in a nice little tech marketing job. I take home exactly 1000 euro's a month, (gross is something like 1430). + +This may sound like a terrible wage considering how much I'd earn back in the UK, but it's actually not that bad when you consider the cost of renting here. I pay 200 a month + utilities to share a lovely apartment with my GF in the center of the capital. + +Now, this is good and all, and I've kind of convinced myself that I couldn't afford to live a similar lifestyle with a similar job back in the UK. But lately, I'm reconsidering this. + +I would earn approximately 3 times more for the same job in a major UK city, but of course, the cost of living would be higher. But what else am I forgetting about? + +Of course, higher real wages allow for investments on the side and purchasing power abroad. But is there a really strong argument for why it's better to earn more and pay more for rent/utilities etc, rather than examining the ratio of: real wage/cost of living? + +Btw, it's not all rosy over here, 6 euros for a tub of Ben & Jerry's is considered a steal. (Groceries in Latvia is very expensive compared to say; UK Lidl) + +Anyway, just wanted some opinions on the pro's & con's of each situation. Thanks! + +EDIT: I should add that I am indeed British, not Latvian :) Gf is Latvian. +I’m not sure if this has been rolled out to everyone or not, but in the Monzo Labs section of the app there is now an option to allow you to set your own contactless limit anywhere from £0 to £100. + +You’re also able to adjust how much spending is required before a chip and pin transaction is required. +I just bought a home and work as a self employed freelancer earning £70K+ per year. Everything is going great and I’m generally happy with my finances. +I am just concerned that with what’s going on right now, there are possibilities that I get sick and won’t be able to work for some time. I have emergency funds but not sure if it is enough. I’m in my early thirties and in good health. + +I’m wondering whether I’d be better off with income protection or life insurance? Is there any consultation that you guys can recommend? +Thank you for looking. Thank you for seeing the Deep Fucking Value of GameStop. Thank you for relentlessly sharing your thesis in your streams, and for your courage during the hearing. Thank you for putting your money where your mouth is, and thank you for your nodded silence. It is truly resounding. +When you short a stock, you borrow the stock from another party and immediately sell it, hoping the price will drop and you can buy it back, pocket the difference, and return the share. + +Every day that you don’t buy back the share, you have to pay interest (borrow fee). This fee has been increasing drastically, as you can tell by the recent posts. + +The smaller players either don’t have the capital / criminal resources to sustain shorting, or have calculated that with the current fees and price action, it won’t be profitable to keep those positions open, so they are closing their shorts. + +The bigger players, most of which who have _huge_ short positions, CAN survive these fees in the short term - or have (illegal) resources to avoid / defer them altogether. + +Additionally, even if they wanted to, they CAN’T close their short positions because even _starting_ to do so would create too much buying pressure and start MOASS, preventing them from having enough money to close the remainder of their shorts. + +TLDR: Today’s mini run-up coincides with the recent higher borrow fees. One possible explanation is that smaller hedge funds are closing their shorts while they can, since borrowing is getting too expensive. +I’ve been crypto for about 5 months, so I’m not a veteran by any means but I have seen a few pretty major dips. + +When the price falls a lot panic is a natural response, but as long as you have done the proper research and you truly believe in bitcoin you should be able to subside that panic relatively easily. If you have not done the research then start doing it right now. + +Here are a few major things to remember: + +- Bitcoin is secure. + +Bitcoin is still the most secure network in the world. The price doesn’t change that. Government regulations don’t change that. Exchange hacks don’t change that. At this point there is very little that could change this fact. + +- Bitcoin is valuable + +Bitcoin is humanity’s first trustless currency without any central authority. This is valuable! It doesn’t matter that you can’t physically hold it. Anyone who claims that bitcoin has no value because it’s “not backed by anything” is someone who does not understand how this works. It is backed by mathematics. I personally trust math much more than any current centralized authority. + +- Bitcoin is scarce + +There will only ever be 21 million bitcoin. Guaranteed. When an asset is scarce and valuable the price goes up in the long run. Adoption of cryptocurrencies is looking more and more likely. As more and more people start using bitcoin the price will go up. This is also guaranteed due to supply and demand. + +- Bitcoin will continue to be relevant + +Bitcoin is not the AOL of crypto. It is the only blockchain that is working to solve scalability without sacrificing security or decentralization. I repeat.... there is not one other blockchain any where near solving the scalability issues without making security and decentralization sacrifices!There is a lot of misinformation floating around regarding the scalability solutions currently in the works. With proper research you will find that there is a lot to be excited for when it comes to bitcoin scalability. Patience will continue to be important here. These solutions need to be flawless before a mainnet release. + +There are many more reasons to remain confident in bitcoin, but these feel the most important to me. Feel free to add your own. Try not to panic and try to be patient and you’ll be happy in the long run. + + +I have been expecting my new office chair, a Herman Miller Embody ($1600.00 after taxes). this morning, I received a text from fed-ex letting my know that my package was delivered and signed for by none-other than myself. The package never arrived at my home, and I never signed for a damn thing. + +I paid for the package with my checking account, but the charge is still pending. Should I reach out to my bank and put the charge on hold until I receive the package in acceptable condition? I'm not really sure how to protect myself here. + +Thanks! + +# Edit 1: I've already reached out to FedEx and started a trace on the package. + +# Edit 2: The person who received my package found me on facebook and has volunteered to bring it to me. I proposed that I come get it myself, but they said it probably wouldn't fit in my car (camry). All is well. +✅ Just launched for 3 days and the price is at dip with only 450k market cap. (Circulating supply) + +✅ This is not a meme coin project, and there are a lot of rooms to grow. + +**Website:** [**pyxis.network**](https://pyxis.network/) + +&#x200B; + +🔥 500k USD worth of liquidity is locked forever. (100 years +) + +[https://bscscan.com/tx/0xad5e3f933283cf18b135eba756111ac0ebe96200a20b744b7ad93f7a1b9658f1](https://bscscan.com/tx/0xad5e3f933283cf18b135eba756111ac0ebe96200a20b744b7ad93f7a1b9658f1) + +[https://bscscan.com/tx/0xc20317eefa4cfd73f34cf70490e2f3394222498e37173cc57b4d54d186a480d5](https://bscscan.com/tx/0xc20317eefa4cfd73f34cf70490e2f3394222498e37173cc57b4d54d186a480d5) + +🥇 Got 2 legit audits. + +💪 The most transparent staking platform on BSC, you can see all of the staking stats here: [https://dapp.pyxis.network/stats](https://dapp.pyxis.network/stats) + +&#x200B; + +✅ Buy & Stake in one transaction + +[https://dapp.pyxis.network/bnb-staking](https://dapp.pyxis.network/bnb-staking) + +✅ PancakeSwap: + +[https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x3ebb316D8c387ef235BAa38978cbB9B97C8C3017\&amp;inputCurrency=BNB](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x3ebb316D8c387ef235BAa38978cbB9B97C8C3017&inputCurrency=BNB) + +🗒 White paper: + +[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FIq8wFIC0muN-rIwAwN1uuMdAoFZxQ3n/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FIq8wFIC0muN-rIwAwN1uuMdAoFZxQ3n/view) + +&#x200B; + +**To check if the project is valid. Please follow these steps:** + +1. Read the **white paper** + +\- [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FIq8wFIC0muN-rIwAwN1uuMdAoFZxQ3n/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FIq8wFIC0muN-rIwAwN1uuMdAoFZxQ3n/view) + +2. Check if the **smart contracts do what mentioned** in the white paper + +\- [https://github.com/pyxiscto/pyxis-smartcontracts](https://github.com/pyxiscto/pyxis-smartcontracts) + +3. Check if the smart contracts have been **audited**. + +\- Audited by Callisto Network + +[https://callisto.network/pyxis-network-pyx-security-audit/](https://callisto.network/pyxis-network-pyx-security-audit/) + +[https://twitter.com/Callisto/\_Audits/status/1372979972290326533](https://twitter.com/Callisto/_Audits/status/1372979972290326533) + +\- Audited by [MythX.io](https://mythx.io/) + +[https://www.pyxis.network/reports/mythx-report.pdf](https://www.pyxis.network/reports/mythx-report.pdf) + +4. Do **more research** by yourself. + +&#x200B; + +**Featured Video:** [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_MhqQgOUu6E**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MhqQgOUu6E) + +**Website:** [**pyxis.network**](https://pyxis.network/) +Edit: But honestly guys, just set several price targets, and sell on the way down. Don’t worry, we will have PLENTY of time to make our damn minds. Several days AT LEAST. See you guys at the moon! 🌝🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +I'm a manual click trader, and have reached the point where I need some custom algos to execute my futures trades. It shouldn't be too complicated, what I'm looking to do is a variation of a TWAP algo. Also need to manage simultaneous orders to 2 brokers (with different APIs) through the one interface. + +My programming skills are very rudimentary. I've had a look at the sample code for the Interactive Brokers API and understanding it is way beyond my current skill set. + +I have no problem paying a professional to do this, but there is the issue of trusting code from a 3rd party when I put it into production. Ideally I would like to learn this myself, and be able to upgrade my algos over time. But don't want to go down the rabbit hole and spend months frustrated. + +Anyone else start from almost zero knowledge, and got their own algo up and running without too much difficulty? +I'm thinking about having more than 1 model for predicting symbols that will have high returns. If I did split it into 2 different models, and merged the predictions together, what if one model has lower accuracy and incorrectly scores a bunch of symbols at 1.00 while the 2nd model has better accuracy but scores the symbols at 0.95. When choosing the top n symbols, I would choose the symbols from the model with lower accuracy since they are 1.00, and would result in worse performance. Is there any common solution to this type of problem? Is weighting prediction scores a correct solution? +The majority leader’s announcement that the House would not vote this week on a bill to curb trading by members of Congress punted the issue until after the midterm elections and reflected a rough road ahead. + +Legislation to limit stock trading by members of Congress has stalled amid resistance from members of both parties to more tightly regulating their financial activities, raising doubt about the prospects of a bid to ensure that public officials are not profiting off their positions. + +Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California and initially a skeptic of such a measure, embraced the effort in recent months after pressure from rank-and-file lawmakers. She said that the House would take up the issue this month, before adjourning for the midterm elections. But on Thursday, Representative Steny H. Hoyer, Democrat of Maryland and the majority leader, told reporters that the legislation was on hold, at least until after the balloting in November. + +“It’s an important issue,” Mr. Hoyer said. But members of the House, he said, “need time to look at it and make sure that when we do something, we do it right.” + +The delay was a potentially permanent setback to efforts to rein in stock trading by members in response to a surge of anger among voters and scrutiny by watchdog groups about lawmakers’ virtually unlimited ability to buy and sell financial instruments. + +Full article: [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/30/us/politics/stock-trading-vote-congress.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/30/us/politics/stock-trading-vote-congress.html) + +Nancy Pelosi says they're still working on the votes for lawmaker stock trading ban bill. She was recently on the spotlight for taking Nvidia (NVDA) trades just before voting on the $52B CHIPS+ bill. Do you really think this bill is going to pass in congress? +I loved reading this quick article on John Urschel, a published Mathematician and 303 lb NFL guard. + +http://espn.go.com/blog/baltimore-ravens/post/_/id/20934/ravens-guard-john-urschel-is-living-big-in-a-tiny-car + +Received a $144K signing bonus when he was drafted and decided to buy a $9,000 Nissan Versa with 30,000 miles because it was a "good deal". + +Goes to show that no matter how successful you are, the right mindset on money, budgeting, and knowing where to spend your money that gives you the most enjoyment is what matters. + +P.S. there's a funny picture of his car next to this teammates in the article. +Critics argue that stock splits are non-events, that splitting a $400 stock 4:1 results in 4 shares trading at $100 each. Research shows splits add value. An Aug 2003 study at the Univ Illinois found that stocks that split beat the market by 8% in Yr 1, and by 12% in Yr 3. + +Why do stock splits work? +- Draws attention to the stock’s past success (momentum) +- Tend to be followed by increased earnings and dividends (signaling) +- Attracts new investors who couldn’t afford (broadens base) + +I continue to buy AAPL in front of its 4:1 split on August 31, up to $480. +With all the developments, opportunities and ways to make money and live and behave. I sometimes feel that i am running out of time. + +I’m only 19 i know but everyone seems to be getting rich. I have deleted tik tok and all social media. I’m trying to get an internship after doing a commerce diploma and i just feel like i’m doing something wrong that no one else is. + +People seem to be going out making friends and here i am not doing as much. But i’m trying my best i know that and i try to improve and progress. + +but this anxiety of feeling left out, how does one combat it. +I am the best-selling author of [101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax - Legally!](https://www.wiley.com/en-au/101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax Legally%21 2020 2021-p-9780730384632) (now in its 10th edition) and am widely sought by the media for my views on tax, superannuation and financial issues. Under my [Mr Taxman](https://www.mrtaxman.com.au/) moniker I run a COVID-19 proof, award-winning accounting practice remotely in Melbourne after learning my craft originally at Deloitte and Pannell Kerr Forster some 30 years ago. + +Following the tragic passing of our daughter ~Sophie Cleo~ in 2008, I left practice to spend a decade in academia and was an Associate Professor at Deakin University as the course director for their financial planning programs and the inaugural director of Professional & Executive Education (Domestic) at the Deakin Business School. I am the former chair of the Association of Independently Owned Financial Professionals (AIOFP) and of the Financial Planning Academics Forum (FPAF) and had a [number of research articles](https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=tZJOKsIAAAAJ) on audit, tax and superannuation published in some of the world’s top academic journals. + +Although I have more letters after my name than the alphabet (B.Bus, CPA, CTA, FCA, FIPA FFA, F Fin, GAICD, MBA, PhD), academia is not something that I am passionate about hence my return to tax & business consulting last year. In December 2021 I will become the new General Manager of [AFL Masters](http://aflmasters.com.au/), a part-time role that I would be in now if not for COVID19. This follows a lifetime in the sport including being lucky enough to play in 6 Tests for the Australian AFL Masters team against my family’s native Ireland and I still rub my eyes in getting to play in one EJ Whitten Legends match back in 2009. I am a GWS Giants fan and a passionate Rabbitoh. A quick Google search & you will find see that my alter ego is one of the [top SuperFans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikxkEj-meww&feature=youtu.be) in world cricket. + +For the past 12 years I have devoted my life to raising much needed funds for my charity [Bears of Hope Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Inc](https://www.bearsofhope.org.au/people/adrian-raftery/) to help the 2000+ families each year when they need help the most. My fundraising over the years has seen some fun challenges such as running the Sydney marathon in a leprechaun outfit to growing a big bushy [Beard of Hope](http://www.beardsofhope.com.au/) to [trekking Kokoda](https://www.bearsofhope.org.au/events/kokoda-trek-2020/). I would love for you to join me in our virtual [Choosing Hope Walk](https://choosinghope.com.au/) during this month. + +In short, I am an accountant with a personality! + +Thanks for joining into this AMA. Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question so ask away if something is burning inside you that you want answered. + +Feel free to make contact with me via [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/MrTaxman/), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/MisterTaxman) and [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/MisterTaxman/). +Howdy. + +At this point, at least in Brisbane, the unit glut is starting to hit quite badly. After a talk with my wonderful real estate yesterday, we were offered $50 per week off our rent for our next rental period, as a way to have us consider not moving out. + +What I noted most about this conversation we had, was a change of mood between us and the realtor. We've had the same one for 4 years now, so we've already got a good relationship with them, but it was always about us trying to satisfy the landlord. Now, its definitely the other way around. She even offered us a look at some new properties coming onto the market, because she knew she could get us a better deal (and possibly pay more rent for something nicer haha). + +Its so bad its started to affect their housing rental listings too, but not so much housing sales. People are desperately trying to offload these units. Places that were $550 a week last year are $480 now. + +I'd honestly say consider renegotiation if you're keen and in Brisbane. Go into it with an open mind, and you'll end up saving yourself some money. + +Edit: Ima make this clear that its for Brisbane and Perth (Maybe adelaide) only. Because if you do this in Melbs you'll probably be laughed out the door. +UPDATE (6/1): You may notice some changes in the feature with the new iOS app release. We're working closely with Apple and will share updates as available. + +\*\*\* + +**TL;DR: Moons are a new way for people to be rewarded for their contributions to** r/CryptoCurrency. **Claim your Moons in the new** [**Vault**](http://www.reddit.com/vault) **section of the Reddit iOS or Android app! They represent ownership in the subreddit, they are tokens on the Ethereum blockchain controlled entirely by you, and they can be freely transferred, tipped, and spent in** r/CryptoCurrency. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7dabft1uply41.png?width=1198&format=png&auto=webp&s=6eae6a0bb2a0caa71f76b8badf78bb0abfebbf9e + +Today we’re launching a new feature in limited communities called [Community Points](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/). Community Points are a way for users to be rewarded for their contributions with a unit of ownership in their subreddit. Community Points can be earned, tipped, won, collected, and spent on unique items within a community. Each subreddit has its own stylization of Community Points, and the ones in r/CryptoCurrency are called Moons. + +[A Moon](https://preview.redd.it/5bjxciruply41.png?width=60&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b9ae32722eb51d06495355c537b7372c430d3f2) + +# How do you get Moons? + +Moons are distributed monthly based on individual contributions (comments, posts, etc.) that people make in r/CryptoCurrency. Reddit karma provides a basis for measuring people’s contribution, but the final decision is up to the community. + +Initially, 50 million Moons will be distributed based on karma earned in the subreddit to date. The amount distributed each following month will start at 5 million and decrease by 2.5% every cycle, so that the total number of Moons distributed over time will approach a maximum cap of 250 million. + +&#x200B; + +[Distribution Schedule](https://preview.redd.it/545uptt0qly41.png?width=1320&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f7a886c71047d161615e0f1cfe8fef2fd822f38) + +# What can you do with Moons? + +Moons can be traded freely and used for any number of purposes within the community. At this time, they can be used to display reputation within the subreddit, unlock exclusive features like badges and GIFs in comments with a Special Membership, and add weight to votes in polls. + +&#x200B; + +[New Special Membership](https://i.redd.it/k2qwvmqzvly41.gif) + +# On the Blockchain + +Moons exist as ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, where they are managed by a suite of smart contracts that handle balances, transfers, distribution/claiming, and purchasing Special Memberships. The smart contracts and mobile apps have been reviewed and audited by Trail of Bits, an independent security firm with blockchain expertise. + +As blockchain tokens, Moons are independent of Reddit. Once you’ve earned them, neither Reddit nor moderators can take your Moons away or decide what you do with them. They’re all yours. + +Community Points are currently on the **Rinkeby testnet** (through summer 2020). We plan to migrate Community Points to the Ethereum mainnet, and Points balances will be carried over. + +**Note:** If you send Moons to outside non-Reddit wallets or contracts, you are sending them to *testnet* addresses. These tokens will not show up in outside software (e.g. wallet apps, Etherscan) unless you switch to Rinkeby and use the testnet Moons contract address (0xDF82c9014F127243CE1305DFE54151647d74B27A). + +# How to get started with your Reddit Vault + +The first Moons will soon be distributed to every active contributor in the subreddit with at least 100 karma. You can get started by claiming your Moons in the new [Vault](https://www.reddit.com/vault/) section of the Reddit mobile app, which includes more details on the start-up process and how Moons work. + +**Please note that you will need to set up your Vault the first time you access it, and you will need to be on the latest version of the Reddit app (2020.17.0 or later).** We will be rolling the Vault out over the course of the day, so if you don’t see it now, please check back later. + +[**See the inspiration for Community Points and get started**](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) + +# Thank you r/CryptoCurrency + +We are launching Community Points today in a couple of subreddits that have opted into this experiment and with whom we will be working closely. We are very excited to have you join us in this new beginning and we’re looking forward to seeing what ideas you have for Community Points. We’ll be sticking around to answer any questions you have, so please ask away in the comments below. Thank you! +Early December holder here, I quit my job today. I couldn’t handle the stress and demand. In my time working there I had seen over 20 other co-workers come and go. Countless mental break downs, chronic pain, the stress of working 45+ hour weeks just to barely make it by. I’m tired of it, and to show how much I believe in GME I quit. + +I also plan to start documenting my accounts of this saga so far. I’ve been through every event, every fud attack, every sub, every dip, and every rip. My blood sweat and tears are with this stock, I have a deep connection with this company that I know we all have. No matter what happens I just really LOVE this STONK + +For my fellow silverbacks, TOO THE FUCKING MOON 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +(Back in the old days when we had positive news this is what we said, I want to bring it back) + +Edit: pretty sure I’m being down voted a lot not sure why + What up Apes, + +Its your boy [u/Dan\_Bren](https://www.reddit.com/u/Dan_Bren/) back with the mid-week update. Today there was a huge wave of DEEP OTM Puts purchased from a multitude of exchanges with many returning from last weeks purchases. + +[GME Biggest Options Trades 6-23-21](https://preview.redd.it/jua6a8cbh4771.png?width=1131&format=png&auto=webp&s=bef305027a8629df21ef6d76debcb3ebffc66962) + +As you can see from the data set above there was a massive wave of Puts purchased between 11am-12pm today. The main strikes we saw action on were the $20, $25, and $30 Puts. We even saw a familiar trade type out of MRX (Nasdaq) with the SingLegAuctNonISO (this is the same rare trade type we saw on the DEEP ITM Calls out of PHLX a couple months ago.) I'm going to drop the data from Monday and Tuesday below as well even though there wasn't nearly the same activity. + +[GME Biggest Options Trades 6-22-21](https://preview.redd.it/r5rg9sfch4771.png?width=1131&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fdccb6fe0a23c50415cbbf607e6d64b62c46e31) + +[GME Biggest Options Trades 6-21-21](https://preview.redd.it/hdlunb1eh4771.png?width=1031&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b7c3abb0f2e0354e8f504bed6ad3f51662c30fa) + +Definitely a more diverse group of options were purchased on Monday and Tuesday but Wednesday's trades are definitely something of note. As always I will continue to monitor the data to see how this shakes out. See you soon + +Red crayons taste the best; change my mind. 💎🙌 +Don’t be an idiot, buy the underlying asset on none leverage. + +Apes dumb, but not that dumb! Remember that any shares bought on leverage have an automatic stop loss and take profit. Any shares bought at current price means your stop loss is around 112$ and take profit is set to 900$ per share. +Soooooo I graduated high school and was so excited to GTFO I am renting a room in the town I'll be going to college in this fall. Well, poor planning becuase everything is more expensive than I thought and I'm broke 😭 I'm so stressed. + +&#x200B; + +I have a job coming up that will hopefully help but until then what are your top tips. I've never lived on my own so I'm sure I'm doing it all wrong but from what I can tell I'm buying the cheapest stuff I can. +I see many advertisements and stories which imply you don’t have enough saved up for retirement. It is to the industry’s advantage to play upon this fear. The implication is that as soon as the money in your 401k or IRA runs out, you will be homeless. I have heard little about people running out of money in retirement. What actually happens? Is this a common occurrence? If you are truly destitute, does Medicaid save you? + +Edit: I mentioned Medicaid because of nursing homes. I made an assumption (perhaps in error) that most people would have chronic health problems which would qualify them. + +Edit2: I grateful for all the personal experiences and information. I’m getting an education. Is anyone aware of statistics or studies which relate to my question? +Last year my wife and I wanted to retire in one year. +(https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/9jb3bn/one_more_year/) +But plans changed. But just a little bit. + +In my current project I have to take care of a legacy sales system which should have been replaced by the new system end of this year. But they have some major problems with the new system and the old system will be online until end of 2020. And they asked me to conitnue. +I agreed even before I asked my wife. I think I am a little bit afraid of the next step. + +Anyway we already bought a condo in Thailand which made my wife very happy. 2 bedroom and 2.5 bathroom. She is now totally occupied renovating and decorating it. The owners before were russians and they had a little bit different taste in such things. + +So all in all it is not so bad to work another year when you already see the light at the end of the tunnel. +Apes, I've seen enough. I've heard enough. I can no longer be silent. Chances are this post will not get enough attention, and for good reason. By the end of this I intend to upend humanity as we know it (yep, take the red pill). I believe that people are so focused on the price of GME that they fail to understand what is actually happening here. This will be a long read, and I encourage you to read the entire post. + +By popular request TLDR: The price cannot actually be calculated and any attempt at such is wrong. The true situation is that each share of any stock is a blank check if someone sells it short and is unable to buy it back. We just aren't taught to look at it like that or believe it. We are taught to guesstimate value based on what we hear and learn from other people. + +Let's start off with the basics. What is an asset? + +[keyword: with the EXPECTATION](https://preview.redd.it/cm3fwbxc3eu61.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=97f4f086cc0a0312fc5fc83787fbad7f201ff0f6) + +What is an expectation? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qqq32ocm3eu61.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=86a3ea1db1a0f0c8d277bbb124261b47fc8cfd12 + + Ok so lets go back to our first definition of what is an asset and plug in our definition for expectation. The definition would read as such: An asset is a resource with economic value that an individual, corporation, or country owns or controls with a strong BELIEF that something will happen or be the case in the future that it will provide a future benefit. + +So what that tells me is that in order to have an asset you actually need **more than just the resource itself!** You need the "resource" AND you need BELIEF. Well apes, I've never heard about belief being possible without person/people being involved. This is where your mind should get blown. **THE ONLY TRUE ASSETS IN THIS WORLD ARE PEOPLE BECAUSE WITHOUT PEOPLE NO RESOURCE THAT YOU CAN ACQUIRE CAN BE AN ASSET BECAUSE THERE IS NO BELIEF!** + +Now I know at this point some people are going to say "Well it is my belief that my time is worth 1 million an hour and I only make $10.85 what gives?" Well, what gives is that it takes two to tango! If you can get someone to BELIEVE your time is worth that price then it is. You need to believe and you need to get someone else to believe when it is not mandatory for your time to be purchased. + +Let's look at the definition of price: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9lilo5z04eu61.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=930b3200418fbddfc5f8356c594924a1069852bd + +Well that's kind of interesting isn't it? Price has 3 different definitions inside of it's single definition. + +Those 3 definitions are: + +* Expected: regarded as likely; anticipated. +* Required: officially compulsory, or otherwise considered essential; indispensable. +* Given: freely transferred the possession of (something) to (someone); handed over to. + +Think about assets like this. So let's say I own 100 bars of gold. Let's also say I mined them all by myself. So I took my time/effort/energy (productivity), and I got these 100 bars of gold. If I cannot find anyone else that is willing to pay any amount for them then they are not an asset. Of course skeptics will say "But gold bars can be used for all kinds of stuff and obviously they have value." Yes they do have value, but only because OTHER PEOPLE VALUE THEM. You see over time humans have found uses for resources that they have found. Sometimes in raw form, and sometimes they must be worked into something more usable, but in any case HUMANS (plural) have to be involved to give anything **value**. + +Along the way people realized that just because they had something that was useful to someone it didn't mean that they could get what they considered useful for it in return. Think if I'm a fisherman and I want furs, but the fur trader does not want fish. ENTER MONEY: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/i3af7m755eu61.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ad77a2b707def344d6b1d7fd5a6fb62cce0d3f1 + + You see money is NOT an asset. It is a placeholder for an asset that was assigned value by your belief and purchased for a price that lined up with someone else's belief (possibly even less than). You in turn will then take that money and exchange it for an asset that you want. + +So now you're sitting there reading thinking "Does this guy think I'm a moron?" NOPE! I sure don't. I think you're exactly as confused as you're supposed to be at this point. You see, the key to defining an asset is BELIEF. That's right, it's not square footage, or the material that it's made out of. Those are simply things that tell a story to get you to BELIEVE!!! You see without people to believe then assets CANNOT EXIST; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/wb9e274g5eu61.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac7515f65b76e0a29bddc517a028bb4bfdb77a3f + +therefore value of a resource is 0 unless people believe in it. + +Now lets go a step further with a hypothetical situation to try and connect some dots of what I'm talking about. What would happen if tomorrow every single person BELIEVED (and I mean truly believed not just "Oh yea I saw something on CNBC about that") that EV's were the worst thing to ever happen to the planet? I'll tell you exactly what would happen. There wouldn't be a single EV company or anything to do with EV company left. The common response I get to that question is "well no shit sherlock you aren't breaking any ground there". I admit, it's a pretty wild hypothetical to base anything on, but just tickle my fancy here and go on this trail with me. WHY would all the companies disappear? HOW would it happen? Well, it's pretty simple. If there was no belief anymore then no ASSETS in that space could be PRODUCED which in turn would mean no VALUE would be found and ultimately PRODUCTIVITY WOULD GO TO 0. No more miners, no more assemblers, no more manufacturing plants for the pieces and parts required to assemble the vehicles, no more sales people to sell the vehicles, and last but not least, no more buyers of the vehicles! You could throw all the money in the world at marketing and advertising and it wouldn't make a difference BECAUSE MONEY IS NOT AN ASSET, and any idea will fail without the belief of PEOPLE. + +Don't believe me still? Let's look at our recently lost Bernie Madoff (or any Ponzi scheme for that matter) You see Bernie had to know nothing about the stock market in order to make a fortune. Bernie only had to know how to make other people BELIEVE that he did. Enron same story. They just made people believe. As long as people were willing to believe they were soaring. Then tragedy strikes and someone questions the story that these guys are telling, and wouldn't you know it, It's all a lie. So what happened? PEOPLE STOPPED BELIEVING IN THEM. + +Now let's zoom out from those two specific cases where you could technically say "Well I'm not dumb enough to fall for a Ponzi scheme." It is my belief that you already have. WE ALL ALREADY HAVE. I love definitions so lets have a couple more: + + What is the stock market? + +&#x200B; + +[ Wherever there is buying and selling there is at the root just a battle between human beliefs with money as the medium of exchange.](https://preview.redd.it/49cu2mg06eu61.png?width=503&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e66968c2e4c227522caa5820ccb681b8514e154) + +What is a stock? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/79wkfhpf6eu61.png?width=545&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb48f14f95d892fd48fc11595a95a0cc0bca566b + +Did you catch it? I'll highlight it for the slower apes: This entitles the owner of the stock to a proportion of the corporation's \*\*\*assets\*\*\* + +Again I'm going to ask you to do something that no 1%'ers wants a large majority of people to do and that is ZOOM OUT. Quit focusing on the ticker or the pretty little lines and charts and numbers you can see. Quit focusing on what the price could be "realistically". Think about the situation as a whole! At one point in time it is a fact that GME was shorted by at least 140% (we can't know how much for sure and honestly we don't need to). + +&#x200B; + +[So you would short sell if you BELIEVED the price was too high.](https://preview.redd.it/a8ebj50t6eu61.png?width=547&format=png&auto=webp&s=7856ddf55936df332cc1e4eba40476bebc42ce45) + +Did anyone catch that risk of short selling??? The risk of loss on a short sale is theoretically unlimited since the price of any asset can climb to infinity. DID YOU CATCH IT THAT TIME?! DID YOU SEE IT?! I'll highlight again. The risk of loss on a short sale is theoretically unlimited since the price of any \*\*\*asset\*\*\* can climb to infinity. + + Well wait a minute... 1 SINGLE SHORT SALE can equal unlimited losses (We're talking fucking infinity here). An ASSET is equal to some resource (doesn't matter what resource) + HUMAN BELIEF. PRICE is the amount of money expected, REQUIRED, or given in payment. What that implies for short selling (you have to return what you borrowed at some point or another) is HUGE!!! + +***ASSET + OWNER BELIEF = PRICE*** + +Why do you think that news stories create massive swings in stock prices? It all boils down to BELIEF. + +I know all of this seems very out of the ordinary and that's kind of the purpose if you think about it. Human belief has been shaped for a long time, and the majority of people grow up and learn/believe things from people they don't really know at all. What you're "supposed" to do when you grow up, what you "should" eat, how much money a profession can earn you. It's all belief based. For longer than anyone of us has been alive we have been fed a story, or multiple stories all to shape what we BELIEVE. Because if you can control what people BELIEVE, and/or you know in detail what humans believe ***you can*** ***actually shape human reality***. Now I'm not talking about things like humans need food/water/sleep. I'm talking about things that are FHBH (For Humans by Humans). If enough people believed that houses should be shaped like circles then we would all live in circle shaped houses. Go back to the EV example, but look at the current world. More and more people belief that they are the future, and I don't know about you, but I see more and more of them on the road. The stock market is no different. It is designed to give you tons of options for things to BELIEVE in and use your PRODUCTIVITY to support. Then you have corporations who literally profit off of your PRODUCTIVITY. Think about it. If you look at Bezos at least it makes a little more sense. People are willing to support the Amazon because well... people like getting whatever they want delivered to their door in 2 days or less. In order for that to happen a lot of people work a lot of hours (Productivity) to make it happen. People believe in/ support McDonalds because McDoubles are freaking delicious to a lot of people (guilty pleasure). In turn this causes a lot of people to have to work (produce) around the clock. Now why the fuck is Ken Griffin one of the richest men in the US when his ENTIRE profession is skimming money from other people. Why are bankers so filthy rich when all they do is use other peoples money (PRODUCTIVITY)? If you control belief then you control the money then you control the productivity then you control the people. It's insanity and it's the world we live in because people choose to believe it. Well, we are in a very unique situation that I BELIEVE can change that. + +OK man, you've been going on for a long time and I only care about GME. Alright let's get it. Why is there DEEPFUCKINGVALUE in GME? It's simple, and technically it could be any stock, but the fact of the matter is because at some undetermined point in time someone HAS TO BUY shares because the stock has been short sold. There is no question of it. Either they will purchase them on their own, or they eventually will be forced to purchase them. The catalyst for this belief is the story that is being told with the new leadership, and store transformations, and ecommerce transitions! Those things make us BELIEVE that the price will go up. The jet fuel to the price is that we have a ton of apes (PEOPLE!!!!) that BELIEVE the price will go up such that people have been buying and NOT SELLING their shares for a very very long time and a very very large amount of shares. , and since belief is the true key to any asset we are sitting on a massive opportunity. The best part about this is that lets say hypothetically that Ryan Cohen does not transform Gamestop at all. IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE IF WE HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE THAT BELIEVE THE PRICE WILL GO UP THE PRICE HAS TO GO UP BECAUSE AT SOME POINT IN TIME SOMEONE HAS TO BUY BECAUSE THE STOCK IS SOLD SHORT. So, the MINUTE that a buyer has to buy our ASSET we get to set the PRICE. Let's simplify our earlier definition into. + +***RESOURCE + OWNER BELIEF = THE REQUIRED PAYMENT FOR SOMETHING*** + +The resource is a constant. It's a share of GME. The only thing that changes the actual Required Payment is the variable: OWNER BELIEF + +Now the only thing that this does not cover is "What if there aren't that many shorts?". It's true, I do not know how many shorts truly need to cover. Personally I believe that a lot of shares owned currently by retail are naked shorts that will need to be covered. Even without that the fact of the matter is that the price will be set by the BELIEF of the people who own the assets. The variable that changes is how many people would get to sell their shares for a ridiculous price. + +Why do you think shills exist? They want to lower your BELIEF. Why does the news shit on GME? They only care about your BELIEF. Want to know a true exit strategy? Sell 1 share. Wait and wait and wait until the price you want for all your shares is the price you get for 1 share. This lowers the possibility of anyone being left out by someone dumping way too many shares cheaper than other people want. Now I'm well aware that the world is not a perfect place, and a lot of my theory will not succeed in this world. I only wrote this to hopefully convince some people that are focused way way way too much on the details to back up and understand their situation. + +That's it, That's the end. I may potentially dive in a bit more specifically, but I believe this squeeze will happen. I also believe that a lot of apes will become very rich from it, and the only goal at this point in time is to stop the apes from getting as much value as they can be by trying to alter their beliefs and pit them against each other. If Apes get to a point where we control a large portion of money supply then WE get to decide what things are ASSETS in this world, and what has no right to exist any longer. + +The best part is that even if this does not happen and it is somehow explained away or avoided it still proves that my theory holds weight. HUMAN BELIEF SHAPES HUMAN REALITY. **NOW THAT'S DEEPFUCKINGVALUE**, and that is exactly what the people that currently control the money supply (with no actual productivity behind them) are afraid of. +I fucked up... this whole thing was fucked up. + + +I jumped the BBBY train at 14$, sold shortly after to move to a top mover of that day to get my portfolio out of the negative. + + +After i was even i jumped on BBBY again at 17$. At 26$ i could have realised 10k profit but i believed in the hype, so i did hold all i had. Then the first big dip down to 19$ happened. I put in my last 3k of liquidity i had left and bought more shares. + +The next day everything went total downhill. +I sold at around 10$ to use momentum of another stock to regain some of that loss. Later bought back in to BBBY at 11$. + +In total i invested 18k into this and i am now almost 10k down. I lost hope BBBY will recover near 20$ from this.. + +I set up my stop loss at 8,50$ for BBBY so i can at least get my absolute emergency savings out before i am left with 2k in cash. I saved hard for that money the last 2 years and its all gone in 2 days. +I feel like i got a kick to my stomach and realized no possible gain from that gamble is worth that feeling. +I knew what i was getting into, but it was promising and really tempting for success. + + +I want to be honest with you guys, i may be searching for some words of comfort, but in the end this is WSB and most of you might call me pussy or an idiot. + + +I wish you all the best! +(No suicide hotline suggestions please, i love my life) +I just ordered The Intelligent Investor and plan on beginning my research. What determines how long it takes to receive any kind of yield from what I invest? +Sitting at work and I've got not much to do for the next hour, I figured some people on here would find it interesting to compare this plan with the US ones, if not to pass time! Reading up about the IRAs and 401k plans seemed interesting to me, so I thought i'd reciprocate. + +Kiwisaver is a retirement fund that all registered employers must offer to staff. Once you as an employee join Kiwisaver, there is an 8 week period where you can cancel and pull any money you've put in to date. After this 2 month~ period, you're in it for life! although there are contribution holidays up to 5 years you can apply for, where you don't make any wage deductions. Because they're applied for however, you could be denied if you attempt to stop paying into it by regularly apply for holidays. + +The fund is broken down into three parts: + +Personal contributions! Exactly how it sounds, this money is money that you either have deducted from your wages, or money you put a lump sum into. It should be noted you can only choose 3%, 4% or 8% deductions, although a recent letter I wrote to our finance minister stated they are looking to change it to 3%, 4%, 6%, 8% or 10%. Because there are no tax exemptions (except MTC, more later) there's no difference between a higher deduction rate above employee match, or paying lump sums. if you paid an 8% deduction, $8 would be paid into it, but you'd still pay the full income tax rate, just there would be less take home pay. + +Employer contributions: Employers must legally match at least 3% deductions if you're paying into the scheme. This is also taxed, so at a 33% tax rate (the highest income tax rate in NZ) it would be in reality a 2.5% match after the progressive tax system (outside the scope of this post). + +The Government: Yep! one cool quality of this system is that the government will step in and pay us for paying into the plan. For every $1 we put into our plan, the government will give us 50 cents tax free, for the first $1,042.86 we annually put in ($521 given all up). This money is refferred to as Member Tax Credits (MTC). In reality, this isn't a lot to a higher paid worker, however for the younger people, it is seen as a good idea to pay lump sums in, to reach this goal, if your total income isn't going to reach this amount. Up until a few years ago the govt also did a $1k kick start for when you joined, noting it here because it's govt money as well. + +Access to your money: Kiwisaver has a withdrawal age of 65. There has been political discussion of raising it, and by the time that I (19) am 65, it would likely be over 70. There are ways to withdraw it early too, i'll cover the main ones: + +Bankruptcy/Financial Hardship: Lumping these two together. Essentially it can be entirely withdrawn (except MTC) to prevent going bankrupt, or in the case of bankruptcy, it will be used to pay creditors. It is not a bankruptcy proof asset, this is to avoid tactical bankruptcies as there's no limit on voluntary contributions, unlike the US limits. + +Serious medical illness: Can withdraw the lot. This is designed for people wanting to retire early for medical issues, as well as to pay for treatment if it is a financial problem. + +Moving Overseas: If you move out of the country, you can withdraw the lot except MTC. The exception being Australia, where you can transfer your scheme and merge with your Aus super, although you cannot withdraw this NZ portion until NZ's preservation age, currently 5 years higher than Australia. This is due to our special relationship with the men down under. Fun fact, we're in the Australian constitution as a state! (seriously though, something like 30% of NZ born people live in Australia) + +First Home: You can withdraw all of your Kiwisaver, including the $1000 and MTC. Designed for first home buyers to help with deposits. Because it is up to your provider(usually a bank, or another business specializing in investing it) to accept or deny applications for early access, you could previously buy a first home overseas with this option under some providers, but some would deny it. The law has since been changed to NZ only homes. Oh, they also give you up to $5000 extra too, $1k per year in the scheme. If you're building a new house, this amount doubles! +You must leave $1k in your account however. For most people they just consider this the $1k kick start given, if lucky enough to get. Cannot be used for investment property as you must live in it for 6 months or more after construction/purchase. + +I know this isn't relevant to 99% of this sub, but I figured some of you would be interested, if nothing else just to compare how good the IRA and 401k is. Personally, I'm in it, because it's free money, but as somebody moving to Australia it's quite restrictive to access, especially as somebody wanting to retire early. Speaking of that, I've read up on the Australian super too (Girlfriend's parents run one, actually!), if people are interested, I could write up that plan too! +This is to help newbies. Lets tell them what we all could have been doing better. + +My biggest issue that has cost me lots of gains is not trusting my Due Diligence. Second guessing sometimes gets me selling way too soon or jumping to new tickers because I am being impatient. I know hard not to be with Pennies since it can move so fast it gets boring when things are not going. I will say I have sold several big wins right before they took off. I have gotten in the habit of closing my trading program on days like today when the market is a sea of red so I don't panic sell. I do pretty thorough DD and if you do too then trust it. ( Also set stop losses in case you are wrong... ) +Quoting article from [Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-04/stagflation-etf-launches-as-fed-attempts-to-tame-sky-high-prices) ([non-paywall link here](https://archive.ph/4XBbP)) + +>Traders worried about the Federal Reserve’s ability to tamp down ultra-hot inflation without sacrificing economic growth now have an exchange-traded fund to fall back on. +> +>The Merk Stagflation ETF (ticker [STGF](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/STGF)) tracks a portfolio divided between 55%-85% U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities and between 5%-15% real estate, gold and oil. The ETF charges a 0.45% expense ratio and will rebalance as needed to keep those weightings. +> +>Trading in STGF kicks off hours before the Fed is widely expected to raise interest rates by 50 basis points -- the biggest move since 2000 -- with at least two more supersized hikes priced in this year. While the hottest inflation prints in four decades fueled the Fed’s hawkish pivot, it’s a difficult needle to thread as the pace of growth cools and recession warnings ring louder. That’s fanned fears about stagflation -- a toxic mix of rising costs, falling employment and slow growth -- though the labor market remains hot and the American consumer has been resilient. +> +>While the launch is well-timed, ETF Think Tank’s Cinthia Murphy questioned why it doesn’t have a higher weighting to commodities. +> +>“As a general thought, the idea of a stagflation ETF is cool -- it’s first of a kind and it offers advisors and investors the ability to access four different assets they might not own otherwise in one single wrapper,” said Murphy, director of research at ETF Think Tank. “I find it somewhat surprising that this ETF would not have a broader allocation to commodities.” +> +> +> +>The Schwab U.S. TIPS ETF (SCHP), which STGF holds for TIPS exposure, has declined roughly 7.6% so far in 2022 even as price pressures surge. That’s outperformed the S&P 500’s more than 12% drop and the 20% plunge in the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT), but that lags other inflation-hedging strategies. +> +>But while there is interest-rate risk, TIPS still are the “most direct instrument to help keep up with inflation over time,” according to STGF portfolio manager Axel Merk. +> +>“There are of course other choices one could have made,” Merk, chief investment officer at Merk Investments, wrote in an email. “Our goal is to provide a focused tool for investors to have in their tool-kit as they navigate what may be a stagflationary environment. Our goal was not to provide a kitchen sink.” +> +>But if the U.S. truly enters a stagflationary period, there won’t be any investing opportunities, Christopher Ailman of the California State Teachers’ Retirement System told Bloomberg Television on Tuesday. Though such an environment is still a low risk, it’s one worth watching as wages rise and supply chains remain clogged. +> +>“I’m not going to say the word stagflation,” Ailman, chief investment officer of second-largest U.S. pension fund, said in an interview at the Milken Institute Global Conference. “It’s still a low risk, but it’s got to be in the vocabulary for next year. There is nothing you can invest in, there is no opportunity when you’re in a stagflation environment.” +This is part question, part rant and part baffled buffoon, so just keep that in mind. + +I just read the post of someone in Sydney on 85k contemplating moving to SEA due to 85k not being enough to move out of home, but this isnt exactly a new topic here, can't move out because of X or Y, can never buy property etc. + +My experience is a little different, and the above mentioned post rings true since 85k is exactly what I've made this last financial year, and is in the ballpark of what i've made over the last 5, my partner also made 27k, but a few mitigating factors I think make up for that are that I have 3, soon to be 4 children next month, and pay child support for two of them at $800ish a month (absolutely no bitch there, its needed, get over that if you think different), my partner and I live in semi rural VIC about 90 minutes from Melbourne's CBD, we have two houses, a rental and our PPOR, we had nothing 5 years ago, we went from collectively being 120k in total debt (including super) to in the green on net worth by a few hundred grand now, the big reason I see for that is living within our means and both of us being willing to travel for work, live in a cheap area and travel to where the money is. + +But what exactly is keeping people in area's that have massive cost of living? is it connivance since they're not willing to commute? is it the comfort of knowing that mum and dad's place is a safe haven, and not being willing to downgrade in the living conditions and commute to start they're own thing? + +If you are in a situation where you feel trapped because of house prices, why? why is moving further away and traveling in for work not an option for you? what is stopping you from working further from a major city centre, for Melbourne, think Pakenham, Dandenong etc, a good hour from the CBD in normal peak hour, and living another hour out from that? even if it means income is less, cost of living is down massively in that case, and most industries still have business in suburbs that far out. +Anyone here dropped from working full time to improve their work life balance and to spend time on activities they enjoy? + +What did you do to get there? + +How much do you earn? + +Can it be done on not a huge wage? + +What's your cost of living? +looking at the weekends sales data in Melbourne in some of the interest suburbs, i see a treed of majority as private sale and all those price withheld... whats the reason for this and how to understand the trend of property current value? any thought? +We found out last week that my wife is pregnant! Great news! Obviously very early days. Financially we have no idea how much we need to save up in advance just to buy stuff to get ready. We both have good salaries and she has a decent maternity pay scheme (NHS). + +I've heard people say that things can be as cheap or as expensive as you want them to be, but neither of us have any family or friends who have had a child in the last 20 years, so we have no idea what things we'll need or how much they cost, and mild panic is setting in! What are the absolute minimum things you need to buy for a baby and how much do they cost roughly? + +Edit: worth mentioning that due to some breast surgery my wife had, it's very unlikely she'll be able to breastfeed. +Who is getting married? Loopring and GameStop. He put a ring on it, finally. Ryan is getting ready for his wedding night with Loopring. They're going to register at ComputerShare and we're all invited to the wedding. The reception is going to be lit. I hope he gets MO-ASS on his wedding night. + +edit: this is also a penis-related post, so bullish. +http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324904004578539443761846024.html + +At the age of 22, Tracy Britt was accepted into Harvard Business School. As soon as she graduated at 24, she became Buffett's assistant. Now at the age of 28, she's chair of four multibillion dollar corporations. + +And what exactly are her responsibilities? + +>With an office next to Mr. Buffett's at Berkshire's headquarters, Ms. Britt helps with financial research, accompanies Mr. Buffett to meetings and occasionally drives him around town. + +>Ms. Britt "takes care of all kinds of things that come up," Mr. Buffett told college students in Omaha last month. + +>Ms. Britt and Mr. Buffett declined to comment on her role at the company. + +Becky Quick, Alice Schroeder, and now Tracy Britt, I'm starting to see a pattern here. +I'm 60 years old, broke ass bartender for 40 years. Been in Crypto, buying what I can afford on my shit wage and tips for 3 years. Haven't sold any but occasionally swing trade some alts for BTC. Got an OK bag now, although I've taken a haircut like most lately...but it has basically doubled my compulsory Superannuation savings ( Australia). My plan is not to cash out but set up a crypto based pension by staking with a reputable platform like Blockfi etc. and then move to a cheaper country with a good lifestyle to offer. +Any other Boomers out there with similar ideas, plans or advice? +[M 24 ]. I am a complete fucking idiot. gambled everything I had away. I had 10k in my bank account that I have had saved up these past 10 months of hard work at my shit job. All blown away in 7 days because I could not stop and was chasing the loses of me being a fucking loser. I can’t bring myself to tell anyone because I honestly can’t live with the lies and loneliness that gambling has given me. + +I’m not asking for handouts. +I just have no where to vent as I’ve promised people that I would not gamble. And I can not bring myself to tell my family, gf, friends as they have all told me to stop but I just couldn’t, it always comes back around some how. + +I work 9-5 for $18 an hour, 40 hours a week. I am looking for possible tips to help earn money on the side, as I lost everything I have. And want to use this as a turning stone. + +Edit: As someone commented that I did not list my job or anything. I am a graphic designer who is working a shitty production job in screen printing business. I want to get out but have had no luck in doing so. I do sometimes do freelance but that can get draining after working a 9-5. Would picking up a 2nd job 5-10 allow me to repair things or would it kill me in the long run. + +Edit 2: thank you for all the comments. I will read them all when I wake up. Thank you. + +I know I’m ducking stupid. +Thank you for reading. +Hello kind folks, + +I was due to pay off my car loan in October, 2016. With some extra funds available, I paid off my loan early (Jan. 2016). All payments to this point were on-time (automatic bank withdrawal). Total loan amount was around $23K at origin. + +I was very surprised to see that my VantageScore took a *twenty-five* point drop after paying off the loan. I can't recall ever having a movement on my score of more than a few ticks here or there. + +I save a few hundred dollars in interest and I don't need to open new accounts, not buying a house, etc, so the score isn't an immediate issue, but I'm wondering if I was +1) penalized for pre-paying the loan +2) penalized because the account is now closed +3) dropped for something else I'm not considering + +Credit is otherwise fine; mortgage/credit cards/small student loan with no late payments, no hard inquiries past two years, etc. + +I'd appreciate your thoughts on what's going on with the score. + +*EDIT:* Wow, for my first post in this sub, this was an amazing response. Thank you so much to everyone who added comments. This sub is a great resource for people like me who don't know the "ins and outs" of how things like VantageScore (and credit scores in general) work. + +A few points: +-The credit card in question was used for unexpected car repairs. Prior to that, I had a zero balance on the card, so those that pointed out utilization ratio were spot-on, as it's a low limit card. + +-I've had the card for about ten years and typically only use it for things like emergencies. Some pointed out that I should ask for credit limit increase, as the limit is only $1,100. Since I don't carry a balance, I never thought to ask for the increase. Thanks for the info on utilization! + +-Some pointed out that 25 points movement on a VantageScore is nothing. I wasn't familiar with the difference in that score vs. FICO, etc. I appreciate the education on that front. + +As I stated in the comments, I'll post an update in a month or two. Again, though, thank you all; you really do have a great sub here. +Full disclosure: I'm not a stock market guy (50yr old, have made a couple mil off of tech inventions, real estate, and hard sweat equity). + +I heared about AMC in may, bought $1500 in stock (robinhood), but got in 'high' (around 12 ish). rode it up to $35, jumped.. let it come down again to $15, jumped on again with $2k (put the rest into TSLA), rode it back up to $60 and jumped. now I've converted $1500 into almost $10k, between making $6k off AMC and $2500 off of TSLA. + +But i've made mistakes as well.. saw everybody talking about CLOV, so I dropped $1200 in it.. lost $200 when I jumped out around $12 at a loss.. mayby I shoulda stayed in? maybe not.. so I lost a few here and there, but am still up $6500-7K from an initial $1500 investment. + +So how do you keep from losing your shirt, without betting the farm either? I've made a hard rule for myself that i'm only willing to risk the $1500 I first put in the market (which is now $8k), so I'm not going to dip into my other bank accounts, as i've got a longer term real estate business going on the side and am investing heavily in it. + +So now I've got $8k to put to work in stocks. + +I'm interested in what works. + +Do you do splits (keep a portion in 'blue chip', put all else in a single bet)? + +or what? + +&#x200B; + +I don't wnat to be glued to a screen all day, so i need to be able to be strategic. +Hey all! Question for more experienced Theta gang soldiers out there. My degree and google have failed me here, and I joined this sub with this burning question in mind. + +When seeing credit spreads, I frequently see positions with very wide strike prices. From some number crunching it would seem as though the way to maximize return would be to make the spread as narrow as possible and buy multiple contracts, rather than a wider spread with fewer contracts. I also think this might be less risky, owing to the closer long strike. So, where is the error in my thinking? + +Most trades I see, and strategies I read, detail wider spreads. What am I not seeing? +I don't think it matters, but for most people here, you're ahead of the pack. The site has net worth, income and countingor not counting primary residence. + +https://dqydj.com/net-worth-by-age-calculator-united-states/ +My parents have been talking about retiring to Portugal for the longest time and the tax benefits for non-habitual residents were part of the appeal. One of my parents was recently diagnosed with skin cancer and now they are re-thinking those plans. + +What other locations have relatively low taxes, a lower UV index, and a nice walkable/urban environment? Which of these countries have easy immigration policies for fat, but not morbidly obese, people? +[**GameStop Wallet Support**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412111751955-Getting-Started) + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2ff5r/drscomputershare_megathread_062022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for help with user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +As the title says. This seems pretty crazy to me. Good buy? + +http://microsoft-news.com/microsoft-stock-price-down-more-than-10-since-morning-losing-30-billion-in-market-value/ + + +https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-com-daimler-electric-vehicles/amazon-orders-1800-mercedes-benz-electric-vans-for-european-deliveries-idUSKBN25O0TC + +(Reuters) - Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O) said on Friday it had ordered 1,800 electric vans from Mercedes-Benz for its European delivery fleet, as part of the online retailer's plans to run a carbon neutral business by 2040. + +A majority of the electric vehicles from Daimler AG's (DAIGn.DE) car and vans division will go into service this year, the company said, adding that it had ordered 1,200 of Mercedes-Benz's larger eSprinter models and 600 of the midsize eVitos. + +The order is the largest for Mercedes-Benz's electric vehicles to date and includes 800 vans for Germany and 500 for the United Kingdom. +So my Mom is most likely in her last days (COPD is not pretty) and I need some help as to what to do when that happens. I already have PoA, am Executor, already on her bank accounts as the PoA/ToD, and Mom has a clear cut and dry Will. (Dad passed away years ago, so no other parent to take into consideration, this is it) + +I need help with all the other things. Her recurring bills (Utilities and such) Any services (lifeline) her ambulance and hospital bills, and any thing else I can't think of because I'm a gibbering mess of a person right now. I know I'll need death certificates (Hoping the hospital can make copies for me) for some things. But I know I'll need some help with this because right now my brain looks like the inside of Homer Simpson's brain, and I sure as heck can't figure stuff out right now. + +If any grammar/spelling errors or I have repeated myself in here, I apologize, but the screen is a bit blurry and my brain is having a heck of a time focusing. + +Thank you all in advance, and wish me luck. +I need suggestions - top upvoted comment will be the charity - You heard that right if GME hits 100k a share I will record all of it on YouTube for you all to watch too. Monkey army. +🚩Get in super early on this wealth creation saving project and secure your passive Binance-Peg BUSD income! +BankersDream team consists of German financial experts paired with a software developer. The goal is to build an asset with an ecosystem fuelling the volume for the rewards to consistently secure your passive income. +🚩BankersDream is highly community driven and the team wants to work with the community to make this into the next big reward token. +↪️ Always feel free to enquire in their socials, the team will answer any question ! +Buy on PancakeSwap +📜Contract address: 0x966f75a3A48BD6133220Bf83A62429bf04Adf29f +📊 Tokenomics +- 8% Reflected in PEG BUSD-T to all holders +- 1,5% Liquidity +- 2% Buyback and burn wallet +- 4% Marketing +- Anti-whale mechanism, no wallet can hold more than 8% +📌BankersWhale +- The first community idea which will be implemented into the system is BankersWhale. +- 1,5% of the marketing tax will be used as a community investment fund. The BankersDream team will use this money with community suggestions to invest in various altcoins and meme coins. +- New projects can also reach out to BankersWhale to apply for an AMA with the BankersDream community, in which they can present the idea and receive an early investment from our fund. +- 75% of the yield generated by the fund will be distributed to holders, applying the same logic as for the BUSD rewards. +- 25% of the yield will be kept for further development costs of the ecosystem. +- The BankersWhale fund is a risk-free way for their community to generate another form of income. +- Only BankersDream Holders will receive the participation in the yield! +Visit and learn more at www.bankersdream.org or Join our Subreddit r/Bankers_Dream. +Daily AMAs at 3PM EST in our TG. +🚩Get in super early on this wealth creation saving project and secure your passive Binance-Peg BUSD income! +BankersDream team consists of German financial experts paired with a software developer. The goal is to build an asset with an ecosystem fuelling the volume for the rewards to consistently secure your passive income. +🚩BankersDream is highly community driven and the team wants to work with the community to make this into the next big reward token. +↪️ Always feel free to enquire in their socials, the team will answer any question ! +Buy on PancakeSwap +📜Contract address: 0x966f75a3A48BD6133220Bf83A62429bf04Adf29f +📊 Tokenomics +- 8% Reflected in PEG BUSD-T to all holders +- 1,5% Liquidity +- 2% Buyback and burn wallet +- 4% Marketing +- Anti-whale mechanism, no wallet can hold more than 8% +📌BankersWhale +- The first community idea which will be implemented into the system is BankersWhale. +- 1,5% of the marketing tax will be used as a community investment fund. The BankersDream team will use this money with community suggestions to invest in various altcoins and meme coins. +- New projects can also reach out to BankersWhale to apply for an AMA with the BankersDream community, in which they can present the idea and receive an early investment from our fund. +- 75% of the yield generated by the fund will be distributed to holders, applying the same logic as for the BUSD rewards. +- 25% of the yield will be kept for further development costs of the ecosystem. +- The BankersWhale fund is a risk-free way for their community to generate another form of income. +- Only BankersDream Holders will receive the participation in the yield! +Visit and learn more at www.bankersdream.org or Join our Subreddit r/Bankers_Dream. +Daily AMAs at 3PM EST in our TG. +In short Anystake will allow you to stake (almost) any ERC20 token with native tokens. This means the end of needing LP tokens. This is a huge first mover. The release has been long-delayed which explains why the price is so ridiculously low right now at ~$1.50, after initially being driven to $30 on hype and speculation months ago. But with internal testing conducted last weekend and only one more testnet round to go, we're in "any day now" territory. + +Circulating supply is 216k, which puts the marketcap at only $350k with a bottomed out chart. + +The only real red flag is anon devs, but they have a history of releases (2nd chance) and numerous updates, have been around for awhile including during wild price fluctuations, and are pushing code to github constantly. Liquidity is locked. If this was a rug they would be long gone by now. + +Here's the most recent Medium update explaining the Anystake rewards model, including how the token economics will create buy pressure for DFT: defiat.medium.com/dear-defiat-community-9464a896f8cb + +Preview shot: i.imgur.com/xQUz5P3.jpg + +github.com/defiat-crypto + +dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xe2a1d215d03d7e9fa0ed66355c86678561e4940a +Airbnb, we all know it, we all have used it in the past (when it was cool). But now, if you have traveled any within the last year or two, you know that fees are tearing this company apart. It used to be cheaper to rent an airbnb compared to a hotel for the longest time. No one liked going to hotels and they were actually disrupting the hotel industry. But now, with all of the service fees, and CLEANING fees which are sometimes 100-110% of the nightly rate. + +For example, here is a nightly rental in Scottsdale, AZ. For $151 a night, I pay $139 cleaning fee and $41 service fee. So after fees, you are paying effectively a 119% premium on your rental just to stay somewhere other than a hotel. Who would do that? and why? Not to mention you have to clean the place yourself, and basically do the home maker's job, because if you don't your rep gets hit. Its an absolute joke of a company now. + +https://preview.redd.it/hd3muojqm6x91.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=e59b111482ca40e835e93f16c70bbb87b5866ab2 + +So then after looking into maybe I am just biased because I hate paying these people to make me clean, I did a simple google trends search. Searches for "airbnb" on google actually peaked the first week of this previous quarter in July. And since then have been plummeting to nearly Dec lows. So maybe its inflation, maybe its fees, who knows but this can't be good for bookings. + +[YTD chart of \\"airbnb\\" searches](https://preview.redd.it/4a5ti97kn6x91.png?width=2308&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f1e6193e6036377ee98f4b39f041c9eaa642ac1) + +[5 year chart of \\"airbnb\\" searches. Headed back to covid lows.](https://preview.redd.it/93bq5lbwo6x91.png?width=2298&format=png&auto=webp&s=d96b7e3ec6a780a92e0984f5b53d765746cdde34) + +But then I do some more searching and I find this. Hosts are obv struggling to get bookings. Maybe its because your fees are insane! + +https://preview.redd.it/prndr35wn6x91.png?width=2032&format=png&auto=webp&s=d93c341f44fad279542269b1fd4f172ac39b98ab + +So then I started I got my crayola crayons out and started looking at the chart. The chart has been in an obvious downturn since November 2021. We are in a pretty significant downtrend, and have been consolidating since the drop in December. Looking at this chart I would expect this flag we are in currently to snap to the downside and make a new leg down which would put us near $80 a share again. Which I feel is an appropriate value given the environment we are in. + +https://preview.redd.it/647nse4dp6x91.png?width=1269&format=png&auto=webp&s=1da4d592f19da06b579ada7ba0e479753a2e0739 + +Once I put my crayons up, I wanted to check and see what company directors and insiders have been doing with the stock considering we are near all time lows. You would think if the market for bookings and travel was expected to "pick up" given countries opening back up (Japan, Canada, etc.) that these insiders would be picking up stock at these cheap prices. Well... was I surprised. Joseph Gebbia (co founder of Airbnb) was holding 2.75M shares at the beginning of Q3. He has no sold off 1.5M shares since the start of Q3, effectively cutting his position in half. FIFTY percent less than he had at the start. Sounds like someone has a confidence issue in his company's ability to disrupt the hotel industry. + +https://preview.redd.it/f02i8nfup6x91.png?width=2778&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c7fd40a034d34b56a77c6188dbef9a64349b3a9 + +Airbnb has been unable to manage fees like they have promised. They promised to "look into it". Nothing has changed, inflation has been destroying lower income families preventing people from taking vacations, and when they do, they are forced to go the cheaper hotel route option again. Which at the end of the day, you have less expectations as a guest, no cleaning, and sometimes even free breakfast. I am taking puts for these earnings tomorrow after close. + +I am holding $90 P 11/4 and $80 P 11/4. Wish me luck fellow regards. I have convinced myself this is the beginning of the end of Airbnb. Good bye. + + +Edited: Earnings tomorrow after close, not AM +Apple just announced via CNBC that they are splitting their shares 4:1 to "make them more accessible to a broader base of investors". Anyone else loading up? +Figured the community could use some good news: there are really smart people in really important positions around the world thinking through really important issues because they *know* blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are positioned to set the world ablaze. + +Ignore today's dip and give Clayton's testimony a read: https://www.banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/?ID=D8EC44B1-F141-4778-A042-584E0F3B9D39 +My annual tax return includes maybe ten components - income from rental property as well as associated costs, interest, early stage tech investments which carry tax benefits, some crypto, etc. + +I've tried a couple of accountants and have found that I have to stay totally on top of them myself to make sure that they don't miss anything. By this I mean I keep a full spreadsheet ledger of every relevant transaction, split by category, by property, etc. I then keep a folder of all supporting documents all neatly organised and named. So basically all the work is done and they just take the numbers from my spreadsheet and turn it into a tax return. + +That's a whole bunch of work for me and it feels like what they're supposed to be doing. And yet if I don't do it, I find they will miss stuff and make mistakes as they just don't learn the details of my personal finances as much as I do. + +Does everyone else here do the same thing? Do you meticulously track and record every relevant transaction yourself? Or do you just send a bunch of documents to your accountant and tell them to tell you how much tax you owe? +I'm curious to see everyone's insight into their own field/sector and how replicable it is for fatFIRE. + +&#x200B; + +I'm talking about, if you had a child about to enter high school, what would be your recommended career for them to achieve fatFIRE in the least 'riskiest' (low probability of lay off/termination), highest 'return (income)', and guaranteed (high probability) fashion? + +Kind of like what pathway gives you the best "Sharpe ratio" career for fatFIRE. + +&#x200B; + +In my mind, that means recommending things like "join a start up" or "start your own business" might not apply here, as I assume that would be taking on a lot of risk and huge uncertainty. Of course, if you think that's wrong I'm interested to hear why. + +&#x200B; + +N=1 but I believe one of the physician pathways produces the best low risk/high income job (in America at least) + +For me, I entered a combined 2 year college, 4 year medical school program straight out of high school. I earned my MD at age 24, and then completed a 3 year emergency medicine residency at age 27. (Most people do 4 year college, then apply to 4 year medical school though). + +Since finishing residency, I have been working within a hospital system earning 275/hr (roughly 18 shifts a month at 9 hours each shift) and make 550K/year. Excluding that base hourly rate I also get employer 401K contributions, benefits, bonus etc. + +I feel I have good job security and do not ever fear recessions, and also high income security (barring major political changes of course) + +I think what I did is very replicable for anyone with similar work ethic at a young age. It feels low risk in the sense that once you get accepted to the program, the high income/high job stability is nearly guaranteed (you don't even have to do ER necessarily, many residency specialties are also 3 or 4 years long and can produce as high income). + +I don't know much about the finance/business/law world but seems like you can't just waltz into a 500K job after completing any run of the mill MBA, or after any mid-tier law school, yet for medical school you certainly can (i.e you don't have to be a Harvard Medical school grad, as long as you get in somewhere and finish) + +&#x200B; + +So what about for your own experience? I know very little about "Tech" careers but seems that's extremely popular on here, ditto for Finance, Law, Consulting, etc. + +So how does your 'Sharpe ratio' stack up for getting to where you are today? +These are the [top 100 Highest-Paying Jobs](https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/top-100-highest-paying-jobs) in the United States as of April 7, 2021. + +The full retirement age is 67. Retirement benefits starts at 59.5 age. Folks planning to FIRE before 59, have you seen anyone achieving fatFIRE as an employee doing a regular job? If so, what did they do to achieve fatFIRE? + +To add clarity someone who don't own a business or inheritance and is an employee in some company is referred to as regular job. + +Here, Fat FIRE assumes you’re going to be living on $150,000 per year or more as of 2020 year. This also assumes [average annual year-on-year inflation rate](https://www.statista.com/statistics/244983/projected-inflation-rate-in-the-united-states/) of 2.25% +I hope this is the right subreddit for it. + +There is lots of talk right now that Greece should leave the Euro zone because of the debt crisis. Lot's of people talk about the various benefits from it, but I don't really understand them, and I would be happy if some knowledgeable person can provide some insight. Links to in depth articles about this also welcome. + +* The debt won't disappear magically just because they leave the zone and introduce their own currency. And things like dept cut plans and bancrupty should be possible regardless of which currency they use, shouldn't it? + +* Some people say Greece should leave the Euro because tax payers shouldn't pay for their faults. But isn't the money already spent anyway? Banks, pension funds and various other institutions bought greek bonds, so the money is already lost either way, isn't it? + +* Some politicians here in germany claim that when they have their own currency, it would devaluate and would make them more competitive again. But all their debt is in €. Won't devaluation mean the dept automatically becomes larger and much more difficult to pay back, only this time without any rescue from the european central bank? + + +TL;DR: What makes people thing Greece won't become another Argentinia when leaving the Euro? +As the title says this is actually the worst time for you to sell your alt coins for bitcoin. BTC has pumped almost 24% in the past week. Bitcoin dominance has jumped too, currently sitting at 42.62%. If we look at the past trends, when bitcoin makes a move, usually alts dump on their BTC pairs while maintaining the USD value or sometimes dumping on that pair too. Once Bitcoin is done moving, it stabilizes at a certain range and lets alts run. The first alt coin which usually moves is ETH and all the others follow it. So if you're thinking about selling your alts for BTC in hopes of catching a further 5% pump, think again. ALT/BTC pairs are currently bottoming and have way much more room to run. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +Watching that wonderful rise and seeing it ripped out from under us and then the aftermath of "regulators" threatening Redditors made me realize just how F'd the stock market is. It's not a free market. + +I'm so angry about it but also I'm pissed at the government for letting them do it. + +Meanwhile they keep printing dollars as if it doesn't mean anything. + +From now on my free cash goes into Bitcoin. I don't believe in the stock market or the dollar. + +When the Market crashes due to fraud and greed again and when the dollar collapses as a result we'll be sitting here with bitcoin which will skyrocket. + +The first trillionaire will not be Elon Musk. It will be Satoshi Nakamoto. +Products are shrinking, gas and groceries bills are increasing every day. People don’t think it’s a big deal but we all of sudden all got a pay cut... like you are making 60k well not anymore your are only making 56k now. But the prices are now more. Let’s say you spend $500 a month on groceries but now to buy the same amount you’d be spending $527. And that goes everywhere. I feel like people are not seeing it and I am the only one really stressing about it. Like we did get that stimulus money but now we are much poorer for it for a longer term and business just increase prices even those most of stimulus money went to them. +The amount pre approved for, interest rates and monthly repayments were told to me over the phone but the lending manager could not provide these numbers via email not sure if this is normal or a ref flag +I think I’m going to be sued upwards of 100k.. So in 2018 I signed a contract for an off the plan block of land. This block of land is due to settle next month.. A lot has changed since I signed and because of corona I have lost my job. The future looks grim. I haven’t even been approved for finances yet as my mortgage broker can’t do anything until he can value the land, which should be this week. It’s highly likely that I won’t be able to get financed and even if I could, I don’t think I could pay it. + +The contract is not subject to finance, I cannot get a nominee and I must build a house on it within a year. The future of the property market looks grim and my land price has already dropped significantly.. I don’t think land prices will be going up anytime soon. + +The vendor rejected my proposal for a mutual recession. So if I cannot settle, I lose my deposit and can be sued the difference in price if they sell it in future for lower. This is looking to be around 100k of a loss or more. How can I get out of this without going bankrupt? I’ve worked so hard and saved up a decent amount of money to be able to finally afford a home and now it’s looking like I’ll be going bankrupt because of this. I’m going from being well off to broke because this one stupid decision paired with coronavirus and a looming depression, if I can’t escape it is going to cost me all that I have. + +I’d love to exit the contract and just lose my deposit but it’s the being sued part that scares me. I don’t know what to do :( +GST on ALL overseas purchases starts tomorrow. + +So, that means that if you buy different products of less than $1000 during the year with a combined value of $5400 you will end up paying $540 in GST that you didn't pay before (GST is 10%). But don't feel bad for paying more in GST, because this country is giving tax cuts of "up to" $530 this year. +He submitted the tax forms online without even talking to me 😑 and I looked at them today to see what the error was, and he did NOT claim himself as a dependent. He says he thought he could skip that question. 😐 + +I'm assuming he needs to file an amended return and return the $1400? + +Kid likes to do everything on his own, but I said "don't mess with IRS forms, always let me look at them before you hit submit." + +Sigh. + +ETA: here's the big question that nobody's answered. When and how will they request the money back from my son? If like to put it into a separate account for safekeeping. I assume he will get a letter? In like....the next 36 months? 😂 +Charles Payne is not our friend. + +As awesome as it was to hear paper hand portnoy be called a little bitch on national tv, it didn’t feel natural. + +It felt like theater + +You know who would love to hear Portnoy be called a lil bitch? Apes + +I know the real apes out there don’t buy the bullshit but to the young apes Charles Payne is not and will never be our friend. + +That theater that we witnessed was just a chess move to move closer to apes hearts so we can be manipulated on another date. + +So even if it seemed awesome can we stop giving C-Payne love? +Here's something to keep some of you entertained over the weekend. I went all in on apple puts on Friday. Hoping all hell breaks lose at the foxconn plant this weekend. +After showing you how the [Federal Reserve & FDIC are crying to Wall St for help](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yc0jcv/jacked_the_fed_fdic_are_crying_for_help/) on whether or not they should handle big banks failures by [selling crappy destined-to-fail bonds to bagholders](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yed0dv/fed_to_wall_st_should_we_find_suckers_and/), this post is about **what the Fed & FDIC are prioritizing** and **how the scam works**. + +# Preserving "Franchise Value" + +The Federal Reserve & FDIC proposal on how to [enhance regulators’ ability to resolve large banks in an orderly way should they fail](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/bcreg20221014a.htm) \[[PDF](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/files/bcreg20221014a1.pdf)\] highlights an interesting goal to **preserve franchise value:** + +https://preview.redd.it/j5z4baaur0x91.png?width=3120&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5cd1fbb843b1f1a8aeda5e95e0e0740650d8f6f + +There's a 1996 paper titled "[Banks with Something to Lose: The Disciplinary Role of Franchise Value](https://www.newyorkfed.org/research/epr/96v02n2/9610dems.html)" \[[PDF](https://www.newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/media/research/epr/96v02n2/9610dems.pdf)\] with the Federal Reserve Bank of NY which explains that **Franchise Value** is the stream of profits a bank is expected to earn. + +[Banks with Something to Lose pg 1](https://preview.redd.it/4f4wtvx1x0x91.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=554b57ffa930bd70473d96ce620a717bdcc4b9bb) + +Basically, the Federal Reserve & FDIC wants to **keep banks profitable**. This is not very surprising considering that the Fed is basically run by people from banks and banks are insured by the FDIC which, as an insurance company, isn't too keen on covering people for losses from a bank failure. + +Notably, franchise value comes from (1) "access to markets protected from competition" and (2) "valuable lending relationships" which are just fancy words for saying (1) regulations to keep others out of their game and (2) making money on loans. + +The interesting thing about Franchise Value is economists and the Fed ***stupidly*** see **profitable banks** as a way of reducing risk ("Franchise value can help reduce excessive risk taking because banks with high franchise value have much to lose if a risky business strategy leads to insolvency."). + +The basic idea behind focusing on Franchise Value is: + +* Someone with nothing to lose (low/zero Franchise Value) is more likely willing to take on a lot of risk to try and make it big. +* Someone with a lot of money & assets (high Franchise Value), has a lot to lose so they will likely take fewer risks. + +Seems pretty reasonable, right? + +***Except*** there are federal safety nets for banks screwing up (e.g., [Federal Reserve discount window](https://www.newyorkfed.org/banking/discountwindow) and [Federal Reserve Overnight Reverse Repurchase Agreements](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RRPONTSYD)) which help banks buffer and avoid insolvency when they make bad investment choices. These safety nets allow banks to take on more risk knowing that the US Government (and, thus, all of the taxpayers) have got their backs which creates a "moral hazard problem". + +[Banks with Something to Lose pg 3](https://preview.redd.it/95gw6ahc01x91.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0f5744fae99a49d0070f8ac2ebffe7057c864aa) + +The powers that be made this "moral hazard problem" much worse after 2008 when *big banks* were [Too Big To Fail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Too_big_to_fail) *leading to taxpayer bail outs* \[[Too Big to Fail Banks: Where Are They Now? (Investopedia)](https://www.investopedia.com/insights/too-big-fail-banks-where-are-they-now/)\]. + +So instead of the simple Franchise Value consideration above, the safety nets created a moral hazard problem so that: + +* Someone with nothing to lose (low/zero Franchise Value) is more likely willing to take on a lot of risk to try and make it big. +* Anyone big but not big enough (moderate Franchise Value) is going to make a run for TBTF to get the safety nets. +* Those who made it to TBTF with a lot of money & assets (high Franchise Value) are backed by the Federal Reserve, FDIC, US Government, and taxpayers so these financial institutions can take *more risks trying to make even more money because* ***nobody will let them fail***. + +Here's a dumb ape chart of what this looks like: + +https://preview.redd.it/5su8ypalc1x91.png?width=2572&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffb2017798751054837b07c0cfedc837cb1d6317 + +This is why we saw in [JACKED: The Fed & FDIC are crying for help](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yc0jcv/jacked_the_fed_fdic_are_crying_for_help/) the Fed proposal said large banks took more risks with more uninsured deposits and international operations. **TBTF banks took on more risks and set themselves up so that letting them fail screws everyone.** + +https://preview.redd.it/an00whg4d1x91.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=f172eb813153c4d64eae50ff525b97c29ed2599f + +# Who Will Be The Bag Holders? + +As covered in more detail in [Fed to Wall St: Should we find suckers and bagholders for our failing banks?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yed0dv/fed_to_wall_st_should_we_find_suckers_and/), **the Federal Reserve & FDIC are not asking financial institutions how to shoulder their losses**. + +Instead, the Federal Reserve & FDIC are asking Wall St financial institutions if they should require **"maintain\[ing\] long-term debt capable of absorbing losses in resolution" (aka bankruptcy).** + +[Resolution-Related Resource Requirements for Large Banking Organizations pg 13](https://preview.redd.it/r1k1cmafg1x91.png?width=2296&format=png&auto=webp&s=1862185d098f153ba7e2836bb2f2738405215772) + +Where the fine print says, if the financial institutions fail, the long-term debt (bond) holders eat it. + +[Resolution-Related Resource Requirements for Large Banking Organizations pg 19](https://preview.redd.it/tfnz1vnsg1x91.png?width=2304&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bd40f5a62fc6baec6ae762c1d5ebb6bcb2970bc) + +If you look at who buys bonds, Wall St pitches bonds to **risk-averse investors:** + +[https:\/\/www.investopedia.com\/ask\/answers\/041015\/what-kind-securities-should-riskaverse-investor-buy.asp](https://preview.redd.it/48qx7wksh1x91.png?width=1074&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f41bf9448e585f82b059d1ea518c9108d383afe) + +That's right! **Risk Averse Investors,** who want safe investments, should buy **Bank Products** and **Corporate Bonds.** + +Guess where the risk averse investors are? [Investors Risk-Averse When It Comes to **Retirement Savings**](https://news.gallup.com/poll/168197/investors-risk-averse-comes-retirement-savings.aspx). ***Retirements.*** + +So the Federal Reserve & FDIC proposal is asking Wall St if they should sell crappy destined-to-fail bonds to people investing their retirement savings where, if/when a bank fails, the bonds become worthless and retirements get wrecked. Remember when [Ken Griffin said teacher **pensions** are going to get wrecked](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ut71as/ken_takes_zero_accountability_again_puts_all_the/)? + +# Quick TADR Recap + +1. Big TBTF Wall St financial institutions have no fear of failure so they take on *extra risk* to try and make more money. Because greed. +2. Degenerate gamblers at TBTF financial institutions inevitably lose money in risky investments (in this case, to apes though it doesn't really matter). As these degenerate gamblers lose money, they have less to lose so they're *more willing to take on more risk*. +3. Federal Reserve & FDIC propose these near insolvent TBTF financial institutions sell bonds ("long term debt") which are mainly targeted to **risk averse investors** who want a safe place for their **retirement savings**. +4. If a TBTF financial institution goes under, the bonds become worthless and **retirements get wrecked**. +5. In order to prevent retirements from getting wrecked, Wall St (including the Fed & FDIC) is selling the idea of "**preserving franchise value**" meaning keep the TBTF financial institution(s) profitable. + +This is how Wall St ensures heads they win and tails you lose. + +# The Scam Revealed + +The entire problem is **TBTF financial institutions are never at risk** of failing. This leads to every financial institution being *incentivized* to achieve TBTF status so they can take advantage of all the safety nets and backing by taxpayers. + +Even now, the [Fed & FDIC proposal](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/bcreg20221014a.htm) \[[PDF](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/files/bcreg20221014a1.pdf)\] for handling big bank failures is simply using bonds to shift losses away from the banks who made bad bets to investors looking for a safe investment for retirement. This forces taxpayers into a standoff where the banks either get bailed out again or retirements get wrecked. + +TBTF institutions need to be held accountable for their losses just like everyone else. + +# Next Up - Commenting to the Federal Reserve + +Stay tuned for how to comment to the Federal Reserve. + +Please feel free to suggest any thoughts you might have on how the Federal Reserve should manage and prevent TBTF bank failures without screwing over taxpayers. A few of us (including u/Conscious_Student_37, u/Klone211, and u/dmurrieta72) are looking at this and would appreciate ideas and help. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Minor readability edits soon after posting. Sorry! + +EDIT #2: It's actually more insidious. The proposal is to use forecasts and predictions ("ex ante") to decide if the long-term debt bonds need to be sold. If a large bank is **predicted** to eat it, then the bank would need to sell these bonds. + +[Resolution-Related Resource Requirements for Large Banking Organizations pg 11](https://preview.redd.it/i2k0ddiag2x91.png?width=2296&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce35604c84468443336a1962c94e6db5d72cad9d) + +These bonds are only required if a bank is predicted to run into trouble specifically for the purpose of taking on losses first; solely to throw investors under the bus to save the bank. + +Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 10:33:18 -0700 +From: Jeff Garzik <jgarzik@gmail.com> +To: Pieter Wuille <pieter.wuille@gmail.com> +Cc: bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org +Subject: Re: [bitcoin-dev] Bitcoin Core and hard forks +Message-ID: + <CADm_WcbnQQGZoQ92twfUvbzqGwu__xLn+BYOkHPZY_YT1pFrbA@mail.gmail.com> +Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" + +On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Pieter Wuille via bitcoin-dev < +bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote: + +> Some people have called the prospect of limited block space and the +> development of a fee market a change in policy compared to the past. I +> respectfully disagree with that. Bitcoin Core is not running the Bitcoin +> economy, and its developers have no authority to set its rules. Change in +> economics is always happening, and should be expected. Worse, intervening +> in consensus changes would make the ecosystem more dependent on the group +> taking that decision, not less. +> +> +This completely ignores *reality*, what users have experienced for the past +~6 years. + +"Change in economics is always happening" does not begin to approach the +scale of the change. + +For the entirety of bitcoin's history, absent long blocks and traffic +bursts, fee pressure has been largely absent. + +Moving to a new economic policy where fee pressure is consistently present +is radically different from what users, markets, and software have +experienced and *lived.* + +Analysis such as [1][2] and more shows that users will hit a "painful" +"wall" and market disruption will occur - eventually settling to a new +equilibrium after a period of chaos - when blocks are consistently full. + +[1] http://hashingit.com/analysis/34-bitcoin-traffic-bulletin +[2] http://gavinandresen.ninja/why-increasing-the-max-block-size-is-urgent + +First, users & market are forced through this period of chaos by "let a fee +market develop" as the whole market changes to a radically different +economic policy, once the network has never seen before. + +Next, when blocks are consistently full, the past consensus was that block +size limit will be increased eventually. What happens at that point? + +Answer - Users & market are forced through a second period of chaos and +disruption as the fee market is rebooted *again* by changing the block size +limit. + +The average user hears a lot of noise on both sides of the block size +debate, and really has no idea that the new "let a fee market develop" +Bitcoin Core policy is going to *raise fees* on them. + +It is clear that +- "let the fee market develop, Right Now" has not been thought through +- Users are not prepared for a brand new economic policy +- Users are unaware that a brand new economic policy will be foisted upon +them + + + +> So to point out what I consider obvious: if Bitcoin requires central +> control over its rules by a group of developers, it is completely +> uninteresting to me. Consensus changes should be done using consensus, and +> the default in case of controversy is no change. +> + +False. + +All that has to do be done to change bitcoin to a new economic policy - not +seen in the entire 6 year history of bitcoin - is to stonewall work on +block size. + +Closing size increase PRs and failing to participate in planning for a +block size increase accomplishes your stated goal of changing bitcoin to a +new economic policy. + +"no [code] change"... changes bitcoin to a brand new economic policy, +picking economic winners & losers. Some businesses will be priced out of +bitcoin, etc. + +Stonewalling size increase changes is just as much as a Ben Bernanke/FOMC +move as increasing the hard limit by hard fork. + + + +> My personal opinion is that we - as a community - should indeed let a fee +> market develop, and rather sooner than later, and that "kicking the can +> down the road" is an incredibly dangerous precedent: if we are willing to +> go through the risk of a hard fork because of a fear of change of +> economics, then I believe that community is not ready to deal with change +> at all. And some change is inevitable, at any block size. Again, this does +> not mean the block size needs to be fixed forever, but its intent should be +> growing with the evolution of technology, not a panic reaction because a +> fear of change. +> +> But I am not in any position to force this view. I only hope that people +> don't think a fear of economic change is reason to give up consensus. +> + +Actually you are. + +When size increase progress gets frozen out of Bitcoin Core, that just +*increases* the chances that progress must be made through a contentious +hard fork. + +Further, it increases the market disruption users will experience, as +described above. + +Think about the users. Please. +So you want to begin buying stocks? I’m 33 years old, and begin investing during college (more than 10 years ago). I’ve learned a ton, and built a substantial portfolio over the 13ish years since I began. I’ve also done a lot of dumb stuff over the years, and learned a lot of expensive lessons. To me, this is the roadmap to begin investing. + + + +***Step 1) Be sure you’re financially ready to begin investing.*** +In my view, building an investment portfolio is like framing a house. This is an incredibly important step in your financial security, but needs to be done after you’ve laid the foundation. I highly recommend Dave Ramsey’s baby steps (I consider my stock account baby step 4). Read this and watch his youtube. Bonus points if you can answer callers questions before Dave does on his radio show. Another great resource is /r/financialindependence . your stock portfolio should not be money you need in the next 5 years, preferably 20 years. Put it in there, and don’t take it out. + + +***Step 2) understand your goals the first year (Year 0-1)*** +In the first year of investing you have three main goals. + + +• **Don’t chicken out.** Pulling the trigger is the hardest part. You make your first buy then you open your account 30 times the same day to see how it’s performing. You’re probably doing this not because you’re afraid of losing money, but you’re afraid of failure or looking stupid. You might tell yourself, if I learn to do research I can increase my chances of being right. This is dumb. The most important thing is to start the trip. Think to yourself, if you need to travel across the country by road and your options are to take the minivan you have now, or wait 3 days until you can get a sports car. Which is a smarter move? Get your ass in the minivan. + +• **Don’t commit a financial blunder.** For any of you who play any competitive video game with a ladder you know there is a commonality across all of them. To climb out of the bottom 50% of any ladder, all you have to do is not commit blunders. You don’t have to do anything fancy, you don’t have to be flashy, just don’t fuck up. This is 100% true in the stock market as well. This means you don’t have to do any financial analysis your first year. Keep everything as simple as you can to start. There is still plenty to learn from investing in an ETF the first year, and the third bullet will take enormous amounts of energy. + +• **Learn to manage your emotions.** The first year is an emotional whirlwind no matter how much you’re investing. Your primary goal above everything else is to learn to act calmly. If you check your account value every day, you’re training your brain to inject dopamine every time your account goes up. This is really, really bad. You’re going to have a bad day in the market, and your brain doesn’t get the dopamine hit that It’s used to. This leads to panic selling and grief. If you learn this skill early, I’m 100% convinced your set for life. The rest is easy. +The other part of this bullet is Reddit is the Instagram of stock market gains. People only post what they want you to see. Only the best get upvoted. This gives us a warped sense of reality, and what our expectations should be in investing. Don’t get caught in the hype. Don’t YOLO. + +***Step 3) what do I do after that? (Year 2-5)*** +Holy shit, if you make it here, the fun begins. If you can master your emotions you can then begin to nurture this hobby. Continue regular contributions to your account. Once it’s in the stock account, don’t think of it as spending money anymore, it’s now investment money. Find elements of the stock market that interest you and learn more about it. + +If I were to give one thing that you should begin learning now and have down cold it would be “What changes a stock’s price and how does that relate to the value of a company?” + +-understand what market capitalization is, an how it relates to a stock price. What financial tricks can a company play, and how will that affect the stock price, but not the market cap? To me, this is critical to understand. + +-be able to know the rough market cap if any major public company you come in contact with on a regular basis. + +-Time value of money. You don’t need to know the math, just the concept. How this relates to opportunity cost. + +-understand how earnings and earnings calls actually affect stock price. You don’t need to actually monitor these, but just understand how earnings and earnings expectations relate. + +Once you get that down you’ll find other areas of stocks/ finance that interest you. Do you like to do financial analysis? Learn that. Do you like to think big picture? Invest your time there. + +***Become an investor, not a trader. Investors are “good business collectors”.*** + +As you contribute more money into your account, begin picking up individual companies. Your contributions should be retentively small compared to your overall portfolio. If it’s not, then contribute more to your ETF. For the next 5 years, commit to having no more than ½ of your portfolio in individual companies. This will mitigate risk, and allow you to learn about individual companies and how to look at them. My suggested method for finding your first few individual companies are “What industries are coming in the 3-5 years, and what companies are the best positioned to be there”. Only do that for industries you understand (unless you’re a doctor don’t mess with bio-tech). Some of the meme stocks, are actually great for small individual stock pickups in this stage. Don’t invest in penny stocks (or anything with a market cap under $2B) until you know what you’re doing. I’ve lost way more money in shit like this than anything. Also, don’t fall for value traps (moderate or shitty companies selling for a deep discount). It might work every once in awhile, but that’s not our game. + +At the end of the day, keep this as simple as possible. If something doesn't feel right, dont do it. I hope this gives you the push you need to get started, and help someone out there. +It has been 1 year now since fully adopting the FI mindset. I've always been somewhat frugal, but this year I took my expenses very seriously, often deciding to forgo altogether. I did all I could to cut large expenses and tried to convince my GF to see the value in cutting some of her large expenses. The result: ~65% savings rate... meaning we could potentially retire in ~10 years. + +**My situation:** + +- 24 and living with my GF + +- I earn $66k per year and work remotely + +- GF earns $62k per year and works in office + +- Our combined expenses last year were $37k + +- $20k combined NW (-60k in student loans and 80k in investments) + +- Savings rate is ~65% after taxes + +**What I've learned (in no particular order):** + +**1.) Size of house/apartment matters a lot!** I feel fortunate to have realized this early in life. Smaller spaces come with many benefits. They are cheaper. They cost less to maintain and heat. There is less space for "stuff", which increases your rationalizing ability when contemplating an unnecessary purchases. We rent an 800 sqft apartment at $1000 a month ($500 each), saving ~$700 per month compared to peers in the area. And when we were looking at houses to buy, it's amazing what great deals exist if you are willing to buy in the 500 - 750sqft range. We see houses in good areas at $85k, with PITI costs of $500 a month. The way I see it, you can buy a shed for $3k, and throw your extra crap in there. My parents in NJ pay $900 a month in property tax and insurance alone (and that's excluding maintenance on a 1800sqft house). Completely unnecessary. + +**2.) Sharing a car isn't bad!** Made the decision to get rid of one car this year, saving me $720 a year in car insurance. Throughout the whole year, only about 2 or 3 times where I really wanted a car. As it turns out, most places I go, I go with my GF. And when I want to go out the the casino (I am a poker player), she's already home from work, no longer needing the car. Uber ride 3 times a year if needed is much cheaper. + +**3.) Cooking your own food!** I know everyone says you gotta stop eating out, but this is so true. I started making meal preps on Sundays. One of my favorites being broccoli, quinoa, and chicken (make 10 of them - provides lunch for both of us during the work week), and this is what really helped me stop eating out. Having one meal planned in advance makes figuring out the dinner meal not so daunting. + +**4.) Camp on your vacations!** First time camping this year, and it was a blast. I found that sleeping underneath the stars for $20 a night is a great way to avoid the disappointment of a $100 hotel that you only use for 8 hours of sleep. We bought a $30 queen air mattress to make this sufficiently comfortable. + +**5.) Limit yourself to 1 or 2 drinks at a bar!** Social obligations may require you to go out sometimes, but you don't need to rack up a $50 tab and hangover to have fun. + +**6.) Schedule your week in advance!** I get ready for work / work from 7AM - 6PM most days. I started scheduling 6-7, 7-8, 8-9, and 9-10PM with activities, and I find myself more productive and less prone to boredom. I often spend unnecessary money when I'm bored, so this has helped me out tremendously. It also has helped me achieve things I've been meaning to do for years. When you block off an hour to work on business, read a book, or sign up for weekend volunteering (or whatever you do), it's amazing how much quicker things get done. + +**7.) Embrace your inexpensive hobbies!** On the hippy side of the spectrum, I've done much more hiking, exercising, growing plants, borrowing library books, and cooking. I've also been recording more music, working with wood, attending free local events / meetups, and volunteering in house construction. Compared to last year, I would've done much more expensive things like jet-ski rentals, ATV riding, local dinner cruises, and traveling across the ocean just to partake in some poorly researched agenda involving tourist traps and expensive food. + +**8.) Track your expenses!** You may think you spend $X in $Y category, but you don't know until you see it for yourself. After a year, you'll start seeing how one-time expenses affect what you thought you spend (most of us underestimate our expenses). I do an expense reconciliation once a month. For fun, I also calculate how much progress I made towards retirement (usually 0.5% - 1%) per month. + +I know this post may come off as overly frugal, but I did experience luxury in many other ways. Here are some of the things I've accumulated: $800 king sized mattress, $300 worth of music recording equipment, $900 of domestic flights, $900 laptop, $500 squat rack with weights and bench, $500 worth of clothes, $800 of dining out (looking to cut this next year), and there is a lot more when you consider $10 - $100 purchases not worth mentioning. + +My main takeaway from the year is that resisting temptation to spend has provided me with great sense of freedom and hope for my future. Many services and items that I used to purchase had a low (value added) / ($ spent ratio). I felt disappointed with almost every purchase I made, always thinking "yeah, it's ok, but not worth the money". + +This year, my investment account provided me with $5k in returns, and I've only been contributing to it for 2 years now. Can feel the snowball starting to grow and it's exciting! Granted, student loans are still a large burden on life, but they're gonna be gone in two years. + +I would love to hear any other tips the community has for making progress in FIRE, without disproportionately sacrificing quality of life. +Can't afford to lose my job, but alas! i have no control over my general nature. i'm a loner and don't interact much with people, I don't look happy, I rarely smile, not a day goes by when i don't wish that i'd never been born at all. + +I can't even fake being happy; i look miserable all day at work(i'm good at my job, but i'm awfully sad all the time at job). + +Needless to say in corporate world you can't survive on your job skills alone, your general nature matters way too much. + +Boss told me to get fucked, and that i'm bringing down the whole environment of the company with my chronic sadness. + +Is there any medicine that could help alleviate some of the sadness and atleast make me bearable in company. i need the job don't even have $100 saved up. +Use SSO as an example (a 2x leveraged index). It has a high expense ratio and it's susceptible to leveraged decay. But the long-term numbers speak for themselves: [https://stockcharts.com/freecharts/perf.php?SSO,SPY](https://stockcharts.com/freecharts/perf.php?SSO,SPY) + +Let's suppose you you invest at the worst possible time in the past 20 years, September of 2007 (that's actually worse than summer of 08), and that you held until the last couple years. + +If you look at the charts (link above) which take into account fees and leveraged decay, you'll see that after 10 years it outperforms the index. More specifically, you'll see that after the crash it took the normal S&P index (SPY) 4 years to get back to 0% return, whereas it took SSO an extra 1-1.5 years (about 5-6 years from the crash), about another year (about 7 years from the crash) to catch back up to the the SPY yield, and another 4-6 more years to get close to 2x-ing the SPY (got close in 2017 and currently it's close again). Keep in mind those comparisons take as a given that you invested in the worst possible time (right before the 2008 crash) and also that the market goes up (as it did) 50% over the course of the 7 years after the crash (that's about a 6% annual average return). + +The argument, then, is that this bet makes sense given time horizons of 20-30 years. I'm willing to make the bet that on average, over the course of say 25 years, the stock market will (1) probably have a 2008 style crash (2) and then, if that happens, it would go up at least 6% annually for 7 years after the crash (if it takes more years that's fine too). + +And of course that's all absolutely worse case scenario. I expect it to do significantly better. If you'd have bought in, say, 2010, it was doubling the S&P pretty consistently over time and after 2 years (2010 onward) it was significantly above 2x maintained until the current day (because of the compounding effect). + +So IT SEEMS TO ME the downsides of a 2x leveraged investment are offset over long periods of time even when those long periods of time include huge stock market crashes (i.e. 2008). +Engrave a private key on a metal plate, put some Bitcoin in the associated address, and launch it to the Moon. At some point as the value of Bitcoin rises and the cost of launch comes down, it will be worth it to send a mission to retrieve it. + +Anyone who wants to add to the bounty can send coins to the address. + +Following the latest statement released by Danny Brewster, CEO of Neo & Bee Ltd, we, the personnel involved at an executive level within Neo and Bee, feel it is appropriate and justified to make the following statement regarding the mistruths and outright lies being fed to investors, creditors and the public. In the interests of preserving the potential that the company can be turned around, we had remained silent on the matter up to this point. + +The senior management team would like to extend their deepest regrets for the events that have transpired with Neo & Bee. Every member of the team was wholly devoted to the cause of making the company a success and dedicated their every hour to this cause. We equally regret our inability to rectify the situation and protect the profit shareholders and actual shareholders (Danny Brewster). We were misled and the truth was obfuscated from us under so many layers, that combined with our workload, proved enough to allow the CEO to run rampant, without accountability and with full control of all the bitcoins, until it was too late. + +After a lot of silence, and possibly after he was informed by the media of the arrest warrant, he posted the “full” picture on Reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/232v5n/the_full_picture_from_danny_brewster/) + +The following are the facts witnessed and attestable by senior management at Neo & Bee Ltd. It is most of what some of us have personally testified with all existing documentation, to the local authorities. Anyone willing to verify these should please contact them. + +Danny Brewster is the sole Director, shareholder and CEO of the group of companies. He was solely responsible for raising approximately 9.400 bitcoins prior to hiring any employees through crowdfunding on multiple platforms. Once we assumed our duties, we repeatedly made requests regarding transparency of bitcoins in the company’s possession so that the CFO could perform his duties. The CEO never divulged specific documented information regarding the IPVO bitcoins and amounts. To this date, and unless further information is revealed by Danny Brewster, the CFO is unable to account for the majority of bitcoins allegedly expended. Danny Brewster was the sole custodian of funds raised from the IPVO and despite repeated requests from both the CFO and Compliance and Risk Management Officer, he consistently deflected and delayed any attempts to have the coins witnessed or accounted for - increasing concerns leading up to the events of March 19th. + +Tuesday 18th of March Mr. Brewster told a member of the management team that the company had 5000 Bitcoins remaining. This directly goes against what was said the following day. + +Mr. Brewster called a meeting for all of the senior management team on the 19th of March in which he informed us that the company was down to its last 140 bitcoins. Mr. Brewster proceeded to give a very rough and incoherent breakdown of where the funds had been spent. After revealing the lack of funds to his employees he went on to raise the possibility of selling more “profit shares” to increase liquidity. All employees sternly objected to this and the idea has since not been raised since. In defence of the sudden announcement on the 19th of March that the company only had 140 bitcoins remaining, Mr. Brewster stated in front of the same people that he had mis-accounted for 5000 of his own bitcoins, bitcoins he thought he owned but after “checking” a wallet, realised had actually spent them all. + +How Mr. Brewster’s personal finances are relevant to the financial situation the company found itself in is highly questionable. Should Mr. Brewster still have owned these 5000 bitcoins, the company would nonetheless be in the same situation, albeit with a potential credit line. Mr. Brewster claims varying amounts between 1400 and 1700 of the company’s bitcoins were lost in We-exchange/Bitfunder. Mr. Brewster’s claims that none of the company’s coins were lost in Mt. Gox directly contradict information given on the 19th of March to the whole of the management team, that we in fact lost 2480 bitcoins in Mt. Gox. We are aware Mr. Brewster now claims 369 of his own funds were lost in Mt. Gox, but again this has no relevance on the company’s finances. + +His personal investment in the company (claimed in an older newspaper interview) varied upwards to 6 million (assuming Euro). There is no logical trace of this investment or where it was spent. At the same time, it appears to us, that he customarily made payments through his Bitstamp account to creditors, and many of us have multiple indications that he was trading there and in every other major exchange. When asked, he always replied that it was his personal holdings. There are conflicting statements from him, which indicate that he never separated the company funds from his personal. Bitcoins lost in the exchanges were at some points reported to be his, and at other the company’s. + +Mr. Brewster came to the office for one hour on Thursday the 20th and one hour on Friday the 21st. On Thursday the 20th it was made very clear to him that the whole of the management team wished Danny to be removed as the CEO. Danny agreed to step down after transferring control of the company to investors. He claimed he was flying to the UK to speak with investors the following week. After leaving on Monday the 24th, no one was able to get in contact with him until the 28th when he wrote to us that due to threats against his daughter’s life he should remain silent, and in England (despite his daughter being in Cyprus). The supposed threat email is dated 26th of March, while Mr. Brewster has been out of contact long before that. We mentioned this claimed threat to the local authorities here on the 28th as well, since any potential threat of any form should not be taken lightly. They said that this was the first time they heard of it, from us. + +Danny claims this alleged threat also caused him to decide to transfer the company to an administrator for restructuring or liquidation. Despite considering this before leaving, as he said to us, he only settled on it after said threat. On the 31st, we sent him a demand letter requesting he returns and give explanations regarding his absence in the face of dire problems with the company, and the brand decomposing each day he is away and the company is unfunded. The deadline expired on 18:30 Cyprus time, April the 2nd, Wednesday. + +He posted his reply on the morning of the same day, causing an outrage of the personnel and management that were in the office, still waiting for any sort of coherent response and a way forward. No documentation regarding the bitcoins he supposedly has accounted, has reached the personnel of the company, despite the numerous demands from us, and claims from him that they “are all accounted for”. + +Claiming that the threats may have originated within the company is simply adding insult to injury. The people that worked ceaselessly and tirelessly over long hours and weekends, the same people that said they would go unpaid for months when he said he had no more bitcoins, the same people that tried to save his brand, willingly working for an increasingly unlikely wage while he was away, were suspect for threats in his books. For all of the above reasons, upon reading his last response, everyone in the company filed our resignations to be forwarded to the local Registrar of Companies, in absence of the CEO. + +A recommendation to halt trading was sent to Mr. Brewster on the 27th. The recommendation was sent to hinder any insider trading activity, considering that it was unlikely that the information about the financial situation of the company could be contained, if he remained in hiding. We were not contacted before trading reinitiated on Havelock on the 4th. + +Mr. Brewster has personally sold bitcoins to local Cypriots and staff, and remained the personal custodian of these bitcoins. These bitcoins are now unaccounted for, and the management team was left to face these creditors who we didn’t even know had bought bitcoins from Mr. Brewster. We invite any more that have a documented sale of bitcoins from Mr. Brewster and placed under his custody, to present said evidence to the authorities. + +Also, contrary to Mr. Brewster’s claims that he left the island with none of the company’s money, he did in fact and still does hold the company’s remaining 140 Bitcoins (if that’s what’s left).The 140 BTC were never delivered to cover any debt or running expenses despite him being asked and confirming this verbally to all present. His claim later on, was that his lawyer had advised him not to send the coins. To this day we can only assume he is still in possession of these remaining coins. + +He is also in possession of personal bitcoins of two employees (~50 bitcoins), as well as at least the bitcoins of multiple other people who bought from him as mentioned above, and entrusted their coins to him for safekeeping. While we now know that one of his cars has changed owners Mercedes and the Bentley is in a car dealer with other plates (probably sold as well), he has remained silent, despite having clearly said that potential funds from selling the cars would go to paying salaries and creditors. + +Which brings us here. We will remain in contact with the community and authorities to clear this situation out to its full extent. This was the doing of one person in full control of a business’ funds, not technology and certainly not Bitcoin’s. What we face, is in its core, a corporate governance failure, pervasive in conventional businesses even more often than it is in Bitcoin businesses. Contrary to conventional businesses, where regulation is the only response, the tools are available here, to ensure in the future that these things don’t happen. + +- George Papageorgiou, former COO +- Øystein Aaby, former Compliance and Risk Management Officer + +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yjawq7) + +*gobble gobble'n up those shares* 🎃🦃 + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🎁 [Very GMErry Holidays returns for more cheer!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ylyszu/very_gmerry_holidays_returns_for_more_cheer_wont/) + +>Superstonk held a toy drive for Toys for Tots (TFT) last year and we raised over $103,000 in money and toys! +> +>We even had a way for Apes to shop GameStop.com and ship it directly to a TFT site that was super close to a GameStop distribution center in Grapevine, TX. +> +>We had a huge positive impact! And we’re doing it again. + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yuarvq/how_to_get_a_userflair_on_superstonk_new_emojis) +Link [here](https://www.npr.org/2019/06/19/734095998/putting-a-price-on-chat-slack-is-going-public-at-16-billion-value?t=1561029952531). + +Do you guys think it's worth $16 billion? Or is it another part of the profitless unicorn bubble? +Billionaires have had a day and a half of new advantages afforded to them so far. Brokerage firms put stop to your ability to buy new positions on GME AMC NOK BB but allowed people to keep selling. They seem to be deflecting when asking why the option to sell was still available by making it seem as if it was the perk they allowed us to keep. In doing so many people sold and were unable to buy back causing the stocks to plummet. This was a fabricated demand shortage 📈 with which brokerages were allowed enough time to call on other multi-billion dollar institutions to help cover their positions. + +Now things are at the point where it seems that on most if not all platforms you can only make limited purchases but still unlimited sales. This seems to be the same tactic from yesterday but on a smaller scale. It’s a fabricated demand shortage effectively slowing momentum. These brokerage firms have also begun limiting people’s instant deposit availability. + +All of these tactics don’t amount to anything if people stay the course. Keep your eyes on the moon and beyond 🚀 🌕🪐👩‍🚀 + +AMC GME NOK BB to the 🌕🪐🚀👩‍🚀 + +I encourage you all to contribute any ideas you all have, make corrections, or outright disagree with me if you see fit. After all...what do I know, I’m just a retard with an opinion protected by the constitution 🤷🏻‍♂️ +Hey, anyone speak solar here ? I am getting some quotes to get a solar system installed at my place and torn between getting a 7.7 or 10 kw system. + +I am inclined towards 10 kw system as the cost difference isn't much. +Is there anything I should know in terms going for a higher capacity system. Like is there any disadvantage to it? + +May be in future when they start charging you for supplying power to grid ? + +Is it the case that its always good to go for higher capacity if you can. + +My quarterly bill is around 400 something + + +Thanks +ANZ did a major resign (can’t remember when, believe a year or two ago) probably one of the worse apps for a bank I had used, it has now become the best IMO, wondering about others. +Last night, 60 Minutes aired an extraordinary story about Australia's property market. In it, they speak to Jonathan Tepper, who predicts a catastrophic housing collapse in Australia. ([The story is available here.](https://www.9now.com.au/60-minutes/2016/episode-3) Starts at ~21 minutes.) + +This is all fairly run of the mill, but some of the statistics mentioned in the story were quite frankly shocking. + +* Nearly half of all new mortgages are interest only +* Tepper and John Hempton, a well-known fund manager, pretended to be a gay couple and went mortgage shopping. [They were offered a 95LVR mortgage at 10x income](https://twitter.com/John_Hempton/status/701295668304842752), which raises doubts about the supposed "crackdown" on lending by the banks. They claim a mortgage broker told him that there "were very few checks by the banks" +* Tepper says interest-only loans have enabled the high price-to-income ratios of houses in capital cities like Sydney — houses he says that lenders can't really afford +* Tepper — who, according to the story, made similar predictions about the US, Ireland and Spain and profited from short-selling — says: "I've never seen anything like this in my entire life. This is truly crazy" + +I live in Melbourne. I'm in my late 20s. Through my own dealings and talking to friends, I've had a number of "red flag" moments. + +* Most recently, one of my partner's friends — who is a single, self-employed mother — took out a interest-only loan to buy an apartment for over $550,000 in Clifton Hill after seeing a mortgage broker. She told me the broker told her there was no need to pay off the principal and she could continue to refinance. She thought it was a good idea because she was told it would be cheaper than her current rent. +* I currently rent in Melbourne's inner north. The two-bedroom house I live in, going by recent sales, would be worth $700,000, which is about 31 times annual rent. This seems insane to me. +* Two couples I know have taken out huge loans to buy houses in inner-north Melbourne. In both situations, there is only one full-time wage earner -- the other two are working and doing post-graduate study. (In one of them, the earner is on a temporary contract.) Both couples used a mortgage broker after being knocked back by the banks. Both used gifted money in their deposits. It seems to me that they are both over leveraged. + +I must say the story crystallised my own views — I believe that there will be a point in the future where Australian homeowners will struggle to service their mortgages. What happens after that is anyone's guess. Does anyone really think these million dollar loans for average properties in Western Sydney, etc., are ever going to be paid off in full? I can't say I do. + + +Let's get a bit of discussion going — I'd be particularly interested in hearing the experiences of people who have recently seen a mortgage broker or applied for a home loan in Sydney or Melbourne. +Title pretty much explains it all. + +I was driving through Pennsylvania and had a panic attack. I pulled over and walked into a hotel lobby to try to settle down. The guy behind the counter saw me and called emergency services. The EMTs showed up for a half hour and all they did was check my blood pressure and pulse. + +A month later I get hit with a bill for $461 which my insurance is rejecting. The bill is itemized as follows: + +Control gloves - qty 2 - unit price $1 - amount $2 +Bls treatment no transport - qty 1 - unit price $459 - amount $459. + +I didn't even call the EMTs, they didn't do anything other than check my pulse and bp, and they want almost $500 for this. That is ridiculous in my book. Are the EMTs making $500 an hour? + +I'd just like to know they best way to go about handling this bill as I'm very tempted just not to pay it. I don't want the hit to my credit though. +https://www.ft.com/ + +GBP down 1.65% as of 10:30pm GMT + +https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/quote/GBPUSD%3DX?p=GBPUSD%3DX + + 11:22pm: Lab 2 ¦ Con 0 ¦ SNP 0 ¦ LD 0 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 63.5% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2781 + +[apparently Corbyn has been given more \(new\) security on the exit poll](https://twitter.com/JasonFarrellSky/status/872946888147914754) + + 12:00am: Lab 5 ¦ Con 1 ¦ SNP 0 ¦ LD 0 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 64.2% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2784 + 12:20am: Lab 6 ¦ Con 1 ¦ SNP 0 ¦ LD 0 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 65.4% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2775 + 12:30am: Lab 6 ¦ Con 2 ¦ SNP 0 ¦ LD 0 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 65.9% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2758 + +Keep in mind that brexit talks are supposed to start 11 days after the election (according to May). Hard to see how that would stay on track + + 12:40am: Lab 6 ¦ Con 4 ¦ SNP 0 ¦ LD 0 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 65.8% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2747 + 12:45am: Lab 8 ¦ Con 5 ¦ SNP 0 ¦ LD 0 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 65.5% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2745 + 01:00am: Lab 10 ¦ Con 5 ¦ SNP 0 ¦ LD 0 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 64.3% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2725 + 01:23am: Lab 17 ¦ Con 8 ¦ SNP 0 ¦ LD 0 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 65.0% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2732 + +[Stock markets are set to open higher in Japan, Australia and Hong Kong as early election results trickle in from the UK.](http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/election-2017-40171454?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=5939e86ae4b0831b6702ffb7%26Asian%20markets%20react%20to%20UK%20election%26&ns_fee=0#post_5939e86ae4b0831b6702ffb7) + +speculation now abounds that [Boris Johnson may become the new PM](http://www.marketwatch.com/story/boris-johnson-as-new-uk-prime-minister-bookies-are-already-increasing-the-odds-2017-06-08) as May is expected to resign...say it ain't so. The world cannot have 2 national leaders with troll doll hair. + + 01:33am: Lab 22 ¦ Con 10 ¦ SNP 1 ¦ LD 0 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 65.4% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2700 + 01:50am: Lab 28 ¦ Con 15 ¦ SNP 2 ¦ LD 0 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 65.4% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2721 + 02:02am: Lab 40 ¦ Con 25 ¦ SNP 5 ¦ LD 0 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 66.3% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2735 + +Far as I can tell by observing the shift in number of votes by constituency, UKIP voters are splitting 50/50 between torys and labour. However, Labour is also getting the benefit of SNP voters flipping to labour while the lib dems are flat so far + + 03:01am: Lab 129 ¦ Con 106 ¦ SNP 17 ¦ LD 2 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 67.6% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2791 + +so far the tory's have lost 4 seats. Labour have won 12 and SNP have lost 8 + + 03:20am: Lab 155 ¦ Con 139 ¦ SNP 24 ¦ LD 3 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 67.7% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2758 + +[Corbyn says May should resign](https://twitter.com/Laura_K_Hughes/status/873000897156087809?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fpolitics%2Flive%2F2017%2Fjun%2F08%2Fgeneral-election-results-2017-uk-live-labour-tories-corbyn-may-election-results-live-news-line%3Fpage%3Dwith%253Ablock-593a042ae4b0bdd87e2f4d3d) + +[Corbyn wins Islington North by the largest majority ever](http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics/constituencies/E14000763) + + 03:33am: Lab 177 ¦ Con 164 ¦ SNP 25 ¦ LD 6 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 67.9% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2760 + 04:15am: Lab 229 ¦ Con 222 ¦ SNP 32 ¦ LD 10 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 68.3% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2748 + +now it gets interesting. Labour are projected to get a max of 266 seats, let's see if they shoot past that mark + + 04:37am: Lab 238 ¦ Con 263 ¦ SNP 33 ¦ LD 10 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 68.4% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2768 + 04:37am: Lab 245 ¦ Con 285 ¦ SNP 33 ¦ LD 10 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 68.5% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2757 + 04:37am: Lab 250 ¦ Con 290 ¦ SNP 34 ¦ LD 11 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 68.6% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2752 + +I counted 5 recounts underway in the south-west region. All were tory ridings and in all cases it's the tory's who seem to have demanded the recount. + +Also, it seems safe to say that turnout will end up higher than in 2015. We are already 2% above the 2015 level of 66% + + 05:15am: Lab 251 ¦ Con 294 ¦ SNP 34 ¦ LD 11 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 68.6% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2751 + +39 seats remain to be called. Tory's need 32 to have a majority in the Commons and 20 to match the exit poll. Labour needs 15 to match the exit poll. + +SNP, despite having lost a few seats, has still won the majority in Scotland. Nicola Sturgeon already put out a salvo for coalitioin with Labour if they are in a position to form a coalition + + 05:42am: Lab 256 ¦ Con 302 ¦ SNP 34 ¦ LD 12 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 68.6% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2754 + +apparently [Fife North East](http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics/constituencies/S14000049) is on its 3rd recount with the difference being as close as 1 vote! + + 05:55am: Lab 257 ¦ Con 309 ¦ SNP 34 ¦ LD 12 ¦ Green 0 ¦ Turnout 68.6% ¦ GBPUSD 1.2770 + +a tory majority is still a possibility but only a theoretical one. Some of the remaining seats are snp/libdem/labour strong holds + +Finally tally is in and we have a hung parliament. The maths is not in favour of a Labour coalition and given the politics at play it seems unlikely the Tory's will manage to cobble together one. What happens now is the horse trading we all so love and admire about Westminster. I expect to see at least one person toss their tea. +Good evening everyone, just coming here with a conversation I had with a friend earlier today. + +If you were given $100 a month to make investments with what would you do? Do you even believe that would he enough to put towards anything that would see a solid return over time? + +We were trying to look at it from both sides and never really were able to come up with a solid idea. What are your thoughts? +So after an 8 year relationship I went into a nose dive in my life. Trying to drink myself to death. I wound up moving back into my mom's. This year I addressed it head on. I got a secured card from my bank that I use only a few times a month for small purchases and have built my credit score back up. I invested in more tools so I can capitalize on my Trade to bring my finances up. I at a minimum now make $25 an hour and at most $250. I started paying my bills on time. Unfortunately being able to save money is still a problem as I am having to fix 6 years of my life that where ruled by depression 4 with her and 2 getting over her +I get the reasons why it’s almost always better to invest rather than overpay a mortgage, but I’m interested in situations where it does make sense. + +For instance, if ISAs and Pensions are maxed out, and bigger future home is being saved for - does it make sense? +[https://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=3&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PTXT&s1=Loopring&OS=Loopring&RS=Loopring](https://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=3&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PTXT&s1=Loopring&OS=Loopring&RS=Loopring) +Hi quite simply I checked my statement today and my card has been used on an online gambling site. Is it possible that my card details have been leaked somewhere online? + +I have called the bank and explained the situation. Is there a chance they will be able to track this guy? Can they trace his IP oir get his name from the gambling company? + +Thanks +Hi, I'm 25 and live with parents in Greater London. Salary between £30-40k. + +Currently I have \~£50k saved (mostly thanks to living with parents and working from home). + +**House Deposit** + +* £4k in cash lisa (+£1k bonus) (Moneybox) +* £10k in low interest savings account (will move £4k of this into lisa tomorrow when tax year starts) +* £20k in cash ISA + +**Investments** + +* £16k in s&s isa. (vanguard - global all cap) (long-term investment) + +I can therefore afford a property on my own of \~£220k. In Greater London this is well below the average house price for a 1-bed flat. + +My main concern is I have a lot of money in low interest savings and cash lisa/isa which will be losing a LOT to inflation each year. + +So assuming I wan't to stay in London, what do you think is the most appropriate way forward? + +1. Buy a property asap (within 1-3 years) in a cheaper area of London further out - This will move my savings into property so it's not sitting in a bank doing nothing. (move low interest savings to premium bonds for the time being?) +2. Don't worry about buying a property so soon (7-10+ years depending on the markets). Rent for the time being. Wait for both my salary and savings to increase. Invest the house deposit into low risk investments (eg. lifestrategy20) and move the cash lisa to a low risk s&s lisa to protect against inflation. Also, don't aim for sole ownership but wait to buy with a potential partner in the future. +3. Same as option 2. but don't invest the house deposit - just suck it up and accept the loss to inflation over the next 7-10 years. +4. Get a shared ownership property, which will allow me to afford an average property price now. +5. A superior recommendation by the clever people in this subreddit. +So my dad bought a timeshare either before I was born or mid 1990s. It got yearly use at first but as we grew up it's become a big financial burden for him. + +He has been attempting to get rid of it for a long time but it seems to result in more trouble. So hes just been paying it for 20+ years. + +Recently hes been trying again to get rid of it again as he gets closer to retirement and has realised he cant afford to keep paying for it with no retirement savings. + +For example, last year he went to visit some timeshare specialist "lawyers" in Southampton. They pressured him into a 1k payment up front for the consultation. I checked out the company and its reviews and many others had been pressured into making multiple payments to retain these so called professionals with 0 results. + +Today, he told me some Spanish lawyer firm have contacted him to help him with the timeshare on a no win no fee basis. Sounds bloody dodgy again lol. + +He has been threatened that the contract passes over to me or my siblings once he dies which is why I think hes suddenly ramped up efforts to get rid of it before that happens. I have assured him they cant do that unless we accept it from his estate, which we dont do. + +So my question is, is there any legit way to get out of a timeshare or is he wasting his time? +It seems like selling it or giving it back to the timeshare company if they accept is the only possible route? Not sure who else would buy a timeshare these days.. +Yesterday Algorand processed 2.3 Million transactions causing a massive spike in TPS. With that said, Algorand still has the bandwidth to do 240x more(eventually 1800x). + +&#x200B; + +[Algorand processed 2.3M Transactions yesterday](https://preview.redd.it/htjbv0t226w91.png?width=431&format=png&auto=webp&s=368d9fb2db2b171c5dad57fb5e0a655e1ace07a7) + +&#x200B; + +[Algorand sitting at around 24 TPS](https://preview.redd.it/u45pme2526w91.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f61884b1f865a726b23f831bbf5845a570a4df1) + +&#x200B; + +Over the last 7 days, Algorand has added over 800k+ new addresses. + +&#x200B; + +[Over 800k new addresses in 7 days](https://preview.redd.it/pfajegj726w91.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e9aa40fa936e8df9448323e49a0ee75e846c687) + +&#x200B; + +There are almost 100k Algorand addresses with 1k+ ALGO. Look at that nice linear growth line. This is great for decentralization and means Algorand is becoming more decentralized over time. Pure Proof of Stake is amazing because ANYONE can run a participation node and participate in consensus with only ONE ALGO. + +&#x200B; + +[Almost 100k addresses with 1k+ ALGO](https://preview.redd.it/z3haw47a26w91.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b44760a4a1aa2dab660d157879eaaa87fa16c3c) + +&#x200B; + +Algorand AGAIN broke it's record for Total Value Locked, breaking $300 Million. This is almost 4.3x that of Cardano TVL and yet Algorand is sitting at #30 market cap while Cardano is sitting at #8. Algorand seems to be MASSIVELY undervalued(NFA). + +&#x200B; + +[Record TVL ](https://preview.redd.it/u2drfbhc26w91.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a0b095df670e8e1509af34b6270cbaddf2ec08a) + +&#x200B; + +We're seeing more and more real world use case and usage on the Algorand blockchain. FIFA just launched its marketplace on Algorand called FIFA Plus Collect and with the World Cup coming up in November, it could easily become the biggest NFT marketplace in the world. Time will tell. + +&#x200B; + +[FIFA Plus Collect Marketplace on Algorand](https://preview.redd.it/nixdkuo036w91.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c9e2a18dc3fa36adda9a95e77aea3fc5b26d15e) + +&#x200B; + +You can only buy FIFA Collect packs with either USD(US Dollar) or USDC on Algorand. Interestingly both FTX and Binance both added support for USDCa in the last week, this comes right before the world cup. + +Overall, Algorand metrics are looking phenomenal and 2022 has seen HUGE growth through out the ecosystem and protocol. In September, Algorand saw a 5x performance boost to 6,000 TPS and a \~10% decrease in round times to <4s. With the release of Algorand State Proofs that allow for a new interoperability standard that can securely connect all Proof of Stake chains, Algorand is proving to be a leader with their cutting-edge technology. +Three of Tesla’s electric cars – the Model Y, Model 3, and Model S – claimed the title of best-selling cars in their segments in California’s car market in the first half of 2022, with the Model Y claiming best selling vehicle overall. + +The latest figures from the California New Car Dealer’s Association (CNCDA) showed the wider auto market suffered amid new car supply shortages that saw new car registrations fall by 18% in the first half. + +Q3 is going to be insane. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thedriven.io/2022/08/10/tesla-model-y-model-3-and-model-s-all-top-sellers-in-california-as-ice-sales-fall/amp/ +Houses, stocks, crypto. Every market is on fire and minting new millionaires and billionaires left and right. Doesn’t it feel like your FI number needs to increase as well? +this is in some ways impressive + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/k1l46i9w0hz31.jpg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c70bf7f47668fa3cc09de53234307205152ffe2 +XX hodler for GME, XXX hodler for AMC. The money was just sitting there, I’d rather it sit somewhere else and make a hedgie cry and potentially become financially free at the same time? Sold. We deserve this guys! This is our winning lottery ticket. Good things can happen to you, remember that! Believe. Buy, hodl, vote. All shorts MUST cover. + +Edit 1: pls stop the whole amc vs gme fud, were both apes fighting the same war. Apes together strong. + +Have a beautiful night apes🦍🚀 + + +Edit 1: pls stop the whole amc vs gme fud, were both apes fighting the same war. Apes together strong. +Hello, + +My significant other and I are separating amicably, our house is almost paid off and we have the ability to pay it off if it makes the process easier, but I cannot cash out her interest in the property without somehow re-mortgaging to give her the money I would owe her. Should we pay off the house so the deed is a clean slate? And how do I go about getting a loan to purchase a property that I already own part of? +It is no secret that Sun Tzu's *The Art of War* is a popular book amongst the Wall Street elite. So if I were a depraved, worthless hedge fund manager stuck in the unenviable position of being forced to purchase the millions of counterfeit shares I had created in my efforts to deliberately bankrupt a viable company and walk away with tax free profits, what would I do? My only hope at this point is to make retail investors anxious or frightened or uncertain, thus causing them to sell their shares at prices that are *astronomically* lower than their actual value. Otherwise I will not survive and I won't be able to continue my acts of financial terrorism that have allowed me to steal literally hundreds of trillions of dollars from honest, hard working people over the past few decades. + +**“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”** + +How might I attempt to create FUD that could potentially weaken the apes' morale? Well, they are rather jubilant and many seem to be convinced of imminent victory given everything happening at the moment. + +**“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”** + +Or as Sun Tzu more simply stated: + +**“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”** + +Perhaps it's time for me to unleash a massive FUD campaign or create another colossal dip in an effort to shake some apes off the tree? + +**"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."** + +So for the real me, the "dumb money" retail investor: + +I must continue to guard against overconfidence and a mercurial temperament. + +**"Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared."** + +While I am certainly happy with my investment in GME, I am not celebrating anything yet. I am not concerned with dates or timelines. + +**“Wheels of justice grind slow but grind fine.”** + +I do not care about what anyone else thinks I should do with my portfolio or when I should do it. + +**“You have to believe in yourself.”** + +I am a simple investor. I like GME. I purchased my first shares a long time ago because I believed in Ryan Cohen and the company, but also because I saw that financial institutions had put themselves in a precarious situation because of their greed, wickedness, and the knowledge that they would not be held accountable by any regulatory agency (because they've never been held accountable before). + +**“Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will.”** + +Despite the constant FUD and deception perpetuated by the mainstream media, I have continued to purchase shares because the more time that passes, the more I learn, and the more that I learn, the more confident I am in GameStop and in my investment. + +**“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”** + +I will continue to BUY and HODL shares of the company indefinitely. Every additional share I own enhances my ability to obtain financial freedom, contribute to efforts that will improve society, and force changes in our corrupt, fraudulent financial system. + +**“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”** + +But the entities on the opposite side of my investment have proven themselves to be immoral, unethical, and criminally ruthless, so I must not lose focus. + +**"The enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution."** + +This is why no matter what happens, I will simply continue to BUY and HODL. I believe that is an unbeatable strategy. Everything else is just noise. + +💎🙌🦍🚀 + +**Edit:** I just realized that it seems like this... + +**"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."** + +...is what Ryan Cohen has been doing to perfection, consistently outmaneuvering the short sellers, as well as everyone else currently acting in opposition to his rapidly transforming company that sits at the center of the juggernaut that is the global gaming industry. +This was it, the was the first shot fired in a brewing war. + +Standing side by the great and still very powerful Carl Icahn we see the passing of the torch. This is the signal that we are not, and in fact have never been, fighting alone. The writing on the wall is clear for all elite to see, those that smear it in lies for personal gain and those that see a responsibility to usher the ever evolving human condition to greater heights with each successive generation. + +Soon the world will be swept into this war, it’ll be a period of great change, of chaos and opportunity, of weakening centralized power structures, of self expression, of independence protected within community, of transparency, access to financial autonomy, of the rise of the players. + +One might say the best time to be alive in human history is now. +Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/a6zvbn/my_employer_has_promoted_me_but_my_salary_will_be/?st=JPWQDQVJ&sh=d8ad5aa0 + +Since so many of you helped me out after I posted about my promotion (with a low salary increase), I wanted to provide an update and say thank you to those who advised me on here! + +Since my direct boss said that salary negotiation was not possible, I decided to discuss the matter politely with my boss’s boss. I sent an email explaining that I am delighted to take the next step, but was expecting to be compensated in line with others on the next level, and asking if my salary could please be reconsidered. + +I sat at my desk (running on pure adrenaline) for about an hour until I got a reply - a congratulatory email and asking if I could pop to their office. They said that they completely understood the disappointment and that they have no idea why the Finance dep have not taken on board their recommendation - essentially, the salary I had been offered was not the one my department had put forward. She assured me she would take this up again with them and update me in due course. + +Today I have received an amended contract with a further small increase in salary (now 25.5k instead of 25k), but have been assured in writing that the wage is the official starting salary for this next-level position where I work, and annual pay reviews will take place in a year’s time. I feel reassured now and am glad that I acted quickly and politely, and that they did adjust it, even if slightly. + +This has all been topped off by a company wide email announcing my promotion and listing my achievements! I’m pleased to say my morale has increased and I’ll definitely remain here for the foreseeable future. + +Thanks again to all who listed my options and helped! +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) + +NFT Marketplace [https://nft.gamestop.com](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +&#x200B; + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How do I [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/)? Get a [user flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yuarvq/how_to_get_a_userflair_on_superstonk_new_emojis)? Hide [post flairs and find old posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/)? + +[Reddit & Superstonk Moderation FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/reddit-faq/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +&#x200B; + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yjawq7) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🏆 [Computershare AMA #3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z16nw3/superstonks_3rd_ama_with_paul_conn_president_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +# 💎🤝 [Help Revise Superstonk's Subreddit Rules - Start Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z1fs86/help_revise_superstonks_subreddit_rules_start_here/) + +>Based on feedback from the most recent revision to Rule 2, we're asking for comments on all of our rules for the sub, some of which will contain our proposal for discussion on revisions. + +# 🎁 [Very GMErry Holidays returns for more cheer!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ylyszu/very_gmerry_holidays_returns_for_more_cheer_wont/) + +>Superstonk held a toy drive for Toys for Tots (TFT) last year and we raised over $103,000 in money and toys! +> +>We even had a way for Apes to shop GameStop.com and ship it directly to a TFT site that was super close to a GameStop distribution center in Grapevine, TX. +> +>We had a huge positive impact! And we’re doing it again. + +# 🚀 [GameStop Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread/?sort=new) + +>Need some guidance with the Wallet, Activation, Buying/Sending/Receiving NFTS, or getting a cool wallet address? Join us here! + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! +I have noticed Americans have access to privacy.com - a service that lets you create/cancel virtual debit cards. I saw Apple pay and Monzo bank in the UK also offer similar facilities. + +I imagine this is massively useful for managing subscriptions as you can generate a debit card per subscription service and cancel them as required. + +Is there such a service available to Australians? +This sub is full of advice - some great; some not so great. + +Would love to hear your experience, preferably if it wasn't the best advice to follow in hindsight. +My husband sold a 2003 VW Golf on Craigslist for $600. It has 323,000km on the odometer. He babied it, rarely if ever took it to 100kph. He disclosed to the new owner that it did drink oil. The new owner called five days later to say that a gasket blew and he wants his money back. Knowing my husband, he likely didn't write 'as is' on the receipt. Point of note - within a day, the new owner posted the car for resale for $2000. Does the new owner have any recourse? We are located in BC Canada... +I’m not saying that this is indeed the big bad bear market yet, but this is how the 2018 bear felt at the beginning. Many “experts” predicting very high price points for Bitcoin and Ethereum after ATHs were recently hit. + +Many common investors made some quick cash and thought they were geniuses and thought the green would never end and there was a long road for the foreseeable future because crypto was here to stay and it was truly different. + +Then the run just stopped. There was no one event you could point to and say “that’s the cause of the end”. Price just kept going steadily down and with every smaller relief rally, hope and interest started to diminish. + +I’m just saying this as someone who experienced this once before to consider the possibility that this run up could be in the rear view and have a strategy for both bull and bear markets. + +TLDR: there doesn’t have to be one catastrophic event to go from bull to bear. Sometimes it just happens abruptly without any single culprit +EDIT: Dropped it $17 more dollars this am in 24 mins. I want change. + +True story. I bought a low float COVID biotech stock 17 months ago and have been waiting the whole time for today. Why today? Because the company was almost dead. Never brought a product to market. Had to sell shit and do a reverse split to stay alive. Citadel, Susquehanna and that crowd are short on it. And today, the company received EUA approval from the EU and also the WHO for their protein COVID shot. I woke up at 6 am to check for the announcement and couldn’t get back to sleep. Finally, right? + +Stock was up $30 or some shit premarket and I thought, after all this bullshit the time for the stock to shine has finally come. Reward me for taking the risk and diamond handing no matter what. + +But it didn’t. Shit actually crashed down $40 after the bell and MM talked about one of the competitors all day. So my work is not done yet. No biggie. + +Anyways, if you think or expect this stock to moon after they announce the marketplace, I can assure you that Citadel and friends would like nothing better than to rig the fucking game on that day too. And they will try. So don’t be sad is all I’m saying. Embrace that shit and do what you’ve always done. Changing the world isn’t easy. 🍻 +[https://mpcapital.ai/news/FB/uber-visa-paypal-and-mastercard-among-big-investors-in-facebooks-blockchain-2019-06-14](https://mpcapital.ai/news/FB/uber-visa-paypal-and-mastercard-among-big-investors-in-facebooks-blockchain-2019-06-14) + +&#x200B; + +>Facebook is expected to announce more details of it’s blockchain project, dubbed Libra, next week, and some big names, including Uber, Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal, are betting big on the social network’s move into digital payment. Each company will be investing $10 million into the project. Yahoo Finance’s Alexis Christoforous, Brian Sozzi, and Dan Howley break down what this means for digital payments, and Cameron Chell, chair and co-founder of ICOx Innovations, joins Sozzi and Christoforous to discuss Facebook’s stablecoin. + +&#x200B; + +I recommend start watching at 3:20. + +&#x200B; + +I think this is a very smart move for FB. A stablecoin could be used for purchases on Facebook. Although I think its true value is sending money between friends. Imagine having a "send money" option on WhatsApp, Instagram and/or Messanger. For me, having a simple solution for something like dividing costs after organising a dinner would be amazing. I know there are apps for this, but it's unlikely everyone is going to have that app, having the option on FB or WhatsApp could be a real game changer. +I'm definitively long on FB. It's currently a 3.7% of my entire portfolio. +So a year ago I asked if it would be worth putting a decent chunk of money into Premium bonds... It's now been a full year, so lets find out! The amount I've had in there has steadily increased over the year, starting at around 25k, and ending up at around 40k. However the average holdings has been 33k.. Which has given me a return of £250. (In the following order, if anybody is interested) + +25, 25, **0**, 25, **0** 25, 50, **0 0 0** 50*,*25, 25 + +Which is about 0.75% interest + +Which isn't amazing, however for the extra £100 or so I would get in a savings account, I definately think the excitement of premium bonds is worth it. + +Whats your returns looking like? +As above, if I have a SIPP and a private workplace pension, can future governments mess about with the age at which I could access them? Ie at the moment it's 57 but could this rise? +Thanks. +Don't care, downvote me again if you don't care about being someone of integrity. This section is in need of a wake up call. The WU bashing is completely over the top. It is a disgrace and injustice to the bitcoin community. I am as big of a bitcoin supporter as anyone else, but this is making me hate their supporters. I can't even post in this section anymore. The fact that the mods allow an entire front section to be covered with posts smearing a company is beyond ridiculous. I have to believe this place is full of immature 19 year olds. That's really the only way I can believe it's possible for this much stupidity to be going on. Time to grow up. +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xxh13d) 🎃🐦 + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +Posted this to tifu, got removed because nothing significantly bad happened, so I'll put it here. A couple of years ago, when I was an undergrad, I worked retail on the side. One busyish day, as I was ringing up a guy for his purchase, he asked me if I was a student and what my major was. Figuring he was just trying to make small talk, I told him I was a pre-med student. Right away, he started telling me he worked for a company where he worked with a lot of doctors and that it helped a lot of undergrads get high-paying jobs right out of college. He was really talkative and strangely enthusiastic for someone promoting a company to a stranger he just started talking to. + +He made it sound like a company that set people up with internships and jobs for pre-med people and then told me about one of the company's orientations that was taking place at a nearby hotel a couple of days later. Without even asking him the name of the company, I decided it was worth a shot, so he gave me the address and suggested that I wear business casual clothes. For reasons I can't remember, my parents had to drop me off. This gets relevant later. I decided to go all out and wear a suit and paid good money to get it dry cleaned and pressed. I thought it was a sure thing. + +When I got to the hotel and the orientation started, holy fuckbuckets, it wasn't what I thought it would be. The main speaker at the orientation talked about how a person can make boatloads of money without even really trying, showing us a slideshow that looked like it belonged in a child's school project. The speaker didn't mention how a person that joined the company was supposed to make any of this money at all. At this point, I still thought it was a potentially lucrative offer, so I kept listening. + +After the speech ended, he called on a bunch of slightly creepy, wide-eyed people to talk about their individual experiences with the company. They used the same nebulous tone the speaker gave, but again, I still had dollar signs in my eyes. After they were done talking, the guy who invited me to the orientation came up to me and started introducing me to the aforementioned creepy people, and as they talked to me about their supposed success stories, all I could think while I was nodding my head pretending to listen was, "What kind of creepy ass cult meeting did I get dragged in to?" But just like before, I kept listening for more info instead of noping out of there. + + After talking with a bunch of people, the guy who invited me came with me to the lobby of the hotel and gave me a bunch of promotional materials with an Amway logo on them. I had zero idea what Amway was or what it did, no thanks to the orientation speech. The guy then brought out some registration forms and asked me, "So how would you like to pay for your registration? Cash? Check?" I was still open to the possibility of joining, but decided to give the decision more time and told him as much. He was really insistent about my joining and gave me his number and asked to call him back later when I've made up my mind. + +When my dad came to pick me up, the guy came outside with me and talked to my dad for a little while. He didn't mention Amway to my dad. On the ride back, as soon as I mentioned the word "Amway," my dad said, "Oh shit, do you know what you just got yourself into?" He then told me that Amway is a company where employees are expected to buy products from the company and sell them door-to-door. Employees are also supposed to recruit new employees and make commission based off of what the recruits sell. They actively go out and talk to random strangers, a lot of the times young college-aged people, trying to recruit them into their business like they did with me. My dad then told me that when he and my mom were just married, they were recruited by Amway similarly to how I was and lost a lot of money because of the registration fee and because they weren't able to sell enough stuff. Some of my parent's relatives and friends also lost money joining Amway. Obviously, I decided not to join. The kicker is that if my dad didn't have to drive me, I'm not sure I would have mentioned the word Amway to my parents until I'd already joined, and at that point, getting out probably would have been a lot harder. In the end, I still lost money on getting the suit cleaned for nothing, but I think I dodged a bullet. + +TL;DR - Didn't listen to my gut several times, almost joined fucking Amway. + +Edit - Thanks for the gold, kind stranger! +**THIRD QUARTER OVERVIEW** + +* Net sales were $1.297 billion for the quarter, compared to $1.005 billion in the prior year’s third quarter. +* Sales attributable to new and expanded brand relationships, such as Samsung, LG, Razer, Vizio and others, contributed to the Company's growth in the quarter. +* Inventory was $1.141 billion at the close of the quarter, compared to $861 million at the close of the prior year’s third quarter, reflecting the Company’s focus on front-loading investments in inventory to meet increased customer demand and mitigate supply chain issues. +* Ended the period with cash and cash equivalents of $1.413 billion as well as no debt other than a $46.2 million low-interest, unsecured term loan associated with the French government’s response to COVID-19. +* Established new offices in Seattle, Washington and Boston, Massachusetts, which are technology hubs with established talent markets. +* Secured a new $500 million ABL facility, which closed in November just after the end of the third quarter, with improved liquidity and terms, including reduced borrowing costs, lighter covenants and additional flexibility. + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.stocktitan.net/news/GME/game-stop-reports-financial-results-for-q3-osxks3mypany.html](https://www.stocktitan.net/news/GME/game-stop-reports-financial-results-for-q3-osxks3mypany.html) +There are trends that catch up like fire here. There's the "X coin ATH", which I think is a completely useless kind of post. Little effort, plainly insightless (as u/rexfordays has very lucidly pointed out). As if most, if not all, of the members of this sub were not already checking quotations every moment they feel like it. But another trend that I have noticed recently are sob stories. Specifically, those sob stories created by ***allegedly*** Brazilians. Yes, I live in Brazil, and this is a shitty country. We have a president intent on opening street stores and all office businesses regardless of the pandemic death rate, and it would be alright if he had acquired vaccines in 2020 (he snubbed the offers instead). Yes, the *closures* have caused an enormous economic crisis, and millions of families now face starvation. But I didn't know this were a sub where people are welcome to pan handle. If a Brazilian knows English and has money in crypto, they are part of the (Brazilian) 1%. Stop rewarding con artists. They'll just tell each other and come here for more + +edit (EST 20:40): typos; credit to u/rexfordays; bold and italics here and there to point out details. This post was meant as a PSA, never expected it to get so controversial. I've joined this community (r/cryptocurrency) to learn, find insightful comments, and contribute in a constructive way. Yes I'm a noob here and didn't know the rules a little time ago, but I can see BS from a mile away and it makes me mad when I see people being taken for a ride. Satoshi's original white paper emphasizes trustlessness and I think that it should be applied to reddit and, specially, here. Are you sure OP is Brazilian? Or even me? The fact is that there is a veiled request in those sob posts. If you disagree with my POV, don't comment, because it will only bring this post closer to the sub's front page. To all: trust no one, be smart. Stay safe and hodl! Blockchain is the scaffolding of the future world. Wealth is a consequence for the early adopters +Refuting [this post](https://reddit.com/r/investing/comments/seossw/there_have_only_been_four_months_since_2001_where/), if we define a month as 22 trading days, this correction [doesn’t even rank in the top 500 of one month corrections](https://maximumtheta.com/?num_results=500&trading_days=22&start_price=open&end_price=close&next_trading_days=1&next_end_price=close&sort=asc&use_vix=0&vix_limit=100.0&start_vix=open&end_vix=close) (since 1927). +- will RE as of 1/1/22 at 38, ~$16M NW +- currently on work's Blue Cross PPO +- am looking for health insurance plans after +- options are: COBRA and keep Blue Cross PPO (not sure on costs yet); go through Covered California; and a [third option](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/oqcayz/post_fatfire_health_insurance/h6dwji2/) I found while searching +- I have an LLC which is that my rental property triplex is under (AirBNBing) and it will generate about $125k this year and next year may be the same depending on Omicron. Is it beneficial to purchase through this LLC which is just me or are there resources for getting this? +Hello /r/fatfire, + +I'm extraordinarily fortunate enough to have about $1mm in assets as a college student. Most are held in trusts that will transfer in a set amount of years, but a significant portion is fairly accessible to me. I also have worked quite hard in school and at various internships and will very likely be starting at \~200k, depending on how well I negotiate counter offers in my industry (tech/finance). My point just being that I understand I am lucky and have no intention of "blowing through" this $1mm - I have quite a bit of personal savings from internships, and have no intention of ever pulling from the principal until I am retired. + +I know that other subs often say the best thing to do at a young age is invest in yourself, but they rarely go beyond "get an education". I'm wondering what things /r/fatfire might have spent money on in their early 20s to increase the quality of their life if they had significant capital. Some examples of things I already am doing: + +* Therapy +* Eating better / healthier foods / taking care of body +* Buying relevant books / other forms of media + +I understand none of these are particularly FAT, I'm more interested in this communities perspective of what things are important for putting oneself on the right trajectory. +do not worry about the alt. you must not forget human soul are greedy want big return. Btc not enough return for greed and alt fomo must follow. the sky god say patients will reward and destiny are become true in past. some alt will die but good project will live and are make us rich for money and rich soul. bless you bull family . we are going and will be rich if you are powerful patient. if you are not buy right now you will cry 2019 very strong bull whale assembly cannot be defeat by poor bears. Fomo greed are very powerful mind. thank you +Governments have always known exactly what they are doing by the early reclassification of Cryptocurrencies to nothing but Cryptoassets. + +A move to protect idea that in Bitcoin should be anyway considered a rival to the Dollar, Euro, Pound etc and disadvantage it with taxation. + +No matter what side of a fork you sit on I'm sure everyone would agree, Satoshi's end game was not to create a digital asset... it was to create a p2p electronic cash system. + +Can never forget or stop fighting for that cause. +Since it just happened to me about 30 minutes ago, I wanted to warn others. So, about an hour ago I get a call from a number I don't recognize. I always screen numbers I don't recognize, so I let it go to voicemail. It is a representative from one of my credit cards saying it is very important I get in contact with them as soon as possible. When I got the chance, I pulled out my card and notice that the number the rep left is completely different from the number on the back of my card. I call the number on the card and speak to a rep. They tell me that there is no issue with my account and that it was almost certainly a scam call. I just wanted to share this in the hopes that it may save someone else the grief of getting caught up in a scam call. +Edit for missing word. +Apparently a body is required too. So, I appreciate the much more grounded-in-reality, not-just-loss-porn-and-photoshopped-gainz approach over here. + +[https://imgur.com/a/GyFWqlw](https://imgur.com/a/GyFWqlw) + +Edit: positions i put my 401k on naked calls SPY 350c 15 May yolo to the mooooooooon +So I’m at a crossroads. I’m basically ready to buy my first property/investment but I’m not sure if to go now or wait it out to see what the market and general economy does? Obviously you can’t time the market and this would be a long term hold investment, but I don’t want to sign up for a big investment if the property and economic world is about turn upside down. e.g what I’m thinking through is, if I wait for the market to come down further, I’m also letting interest rates go up and my borrowing capacity go down, so where’s the equilibrium. + +For context, I’m looking at buying an apartment in north syd, live in first 6 months to avoid stamp duty then rent out for 1-2 years before moving in myself. +I am generally skeptical of life insurance products but got pitched something that is so super-charged, it piqued my interest and would like to get this sub’s opinions. Here’s how it works. + +You sign paperwork that includes a fairly large life insurance policy (think $50m) and a loan agreement with a bank that lends you enough to make premium over the next twenty years. The cash value can be invested in a limited but attractive group of indexed choices, some with growth multipliers and some with floors. + +The idea is that you super-size the policy using leverage (assuming you have borrowing capacity), your cash value grows tax advantaged at equity-like rates, you borrow tax-free against this cash value later in life, and the death benefit is big enough to cover the loan repayment and inevitable estate taxes. + +Many of my alarm bells are ringing, but would like to hear if any of you have bought or entertained this type of product. + +EDIT: a summary for newcomers. +This is not that uncommon. It has elements of: + +PREMIUM FINANCING: where you borrow to make premium +cash balance payments, with the death benefit as collateral. + +INDEXING: rather than a boring blend of bonds that the typical life insurance product provides, the investments here use equities and derivatives to create a floor, but also to juice returns. + +TAX-FREE WITHDRAWALS: as with any cash balance insurance product, you can borrow against the policy and not pay cap gains. There is a limit to such draws. But the death benefit eventually pays off such withdrawals. + +PROS: you borrow at low simple interest and let the money compound at equity-like rates inside a tax-advantaged account. + +CONS: you borrow to invest in equities. So, you run market risk. Simulations never run volatile scenarios. These plans are also expensive products with huge commissions to the brokers. When you take an expensive product and scale it up with leverage, your costs are exponentially higher. +This was brought up in a conversation with a coworker today. I feel like I am 40 years older than I actually am because I still reads newspapers. I am actually baffled people think they can replace their news source with social media or some other form that has zero quality control or commitment to inform the truth. + +Anyways got curious what this selected group of individuals read, if anything. I personally subscribe to the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and a major newspaper from my home country. +Using a throwaway for this one; some people know my main. + +I couldn’t find an appropriate place to post this; I’m happy to remove if inappropriate. + +I (early 30s/male/married, no kids) travelled a lot for work pre-COVID. This worked well for me, as I need a lot of alone time (mostly to focus on work, but also because I’m introverted). + +COVID put the kibosh on that. Consequently, I haven’t seen the inside of an airport since March. + +While working from home has been fine (especially with our two-bed apartment), getting the alone time I used to have has been very difficult. This has made me more irritable. + +After spending some time going through my options (I even considered moving us into a three-bedroom apartment, which is feasible in this MCOL city), I landed on renting a private office. This not only helps me stay focused during work hours, but it also gives me almost an entire working day of alone time. It also gives me a commute, which I actually missed. It was also well within my budget, so doing this wasn’t a financial strain at all. + +My first week doing this has been splendid, but I can’t find any posts on Reddit from others doing the same thing. This has got me wondering: am I crazy for doing this? +I have read quite a bit on here and elsewhere on the 4% rule but very little about how is it done is practical terms? If it is explained elsewhere I can't find it. + +**Assumptions** + +* I have hit my FIRE figure, quit my job and now ready to live solely on my investment income. + +* My portfolio is USD 1,500,000 fully invested in one index fund (VTI) and dividends have been reinvested. + +* Income Tax in 40% and Capital Gains is 30% (For simplicitys sake) + +**Questions** + +1. Do I stop my automatic dividend reinvestment? (presuming yes) + +2. How do I take out the 4% from my portfolio in practice? + +3. How will I be taxed (CGT & Income Tax)? + +Hi apes! I'm not a financial whatever, I know close to nothing about money, stocks and even less about cr1pt0. I like one stock. Also, apologies for some dates but the theory requires it. Finally, maybe I’m high on all this $200+ vibe, but hear me out and PLEASE correct any mistake you see. THANKS! + +**🚀 Gamestop Token** + +By now we all know about the [NFT subdomain](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nkxrhe/umm_guys_i_think_i_just_found_something/) ([u/bcuzyouknow](https://www.reddit.com/user/bcuzyouknow/)'s post) and the [Gamestop Token](https://etherscan.io/token/0x13374200c29C757FDCc72F15Da98fb94f286d71e) (etherscan link). ~~Apparently the tokens to be issued are in pretty much the~~ ~~same quantity as the float available~~ ~~(~~[~~u/Smartch~~](https://www.reddit.com/user/Smartch/)~~'s post).~~ THIS WAS NOT THE OFFICIAL GAMESTOP COIN. + +There is also an issue date of 7/14 for the Gamestop Token. You can check it here [https://etherscan.io/address/0x13374200c29C757FDCc72F15Da98fb94f286d71e#code](https://etherscan.io/address/0x13374200c29C757FDCc72F15Da98fb94f286d71e#code) by searching for 'launchDate' in the 'Contract Source Code'. That will show you a number 1626261600 which is the Unix Timestamp of 'Wed Jul 14 2021 11:20:00 GMT+0000'. + +**🚀 Ex Dividend** + +If GameStop intends to distribute the Gamestop Token, as a dividend, by July 14th, to all its shareholders (at least the official number…) they should have an [ex-dividend date](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/ex-dividend.asp) (Investopedia link). This ex-dividend means pretty much what 4/16 meant for voting: if you don't own shares by that date, you didn't get to vote. If you don't own shares by the ex-date you don't get the dividend. + +Now, I looked at past dividends from $GME and this ex-date is usually 2 or 3 weeks before the distribution date. If the distribution date is around 7/14, the ex-date would be by late June. + +**🚀 Token Dividend** + +There is speculation (lol...) that the float is shorted many many many times over, which means that a lot more than 58M people expect to get that dividend. If we were talking about a cash dividend it'd be no problem, because the shorts could just pay from their own pocket, cash is cash right? But if we are talking about a token, they can't make that up... they must cover! + +**🚀 MOASS Implications** + +Ok, putting 2 and 2 together. If all shorts need to cover by late June, the MOASS - which a lot of DD tell us it will not be a 15min thing - would have to start weeks before that. + +So my hypothesis here is: during the annual meeting GameStop will announce the token as a dividend. This will give shorts around 2 or 3 weeks to cover in time for the ex-date. + +**🚀 BONUS** + +If this in fact becomes true, how many apes will actually want to keep one of these early Gamestop tokens forever? I know I do! You know how you do that? You keep at least one $GME share. You don't sell it during the MOASS == **💎✋**. Not selling all the shares is not new, and by now we are all diamond head to toe, BUT we now have an external incentive to do so. Something to keep as a token from this whole saga, a collectible! And this means more fuel to the rocket. + +**🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀** + +**TL;DR: If there is a crypto dividend by July 14th, the MOASS would have to occur sometime before that.** + +**🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀** + +See you on the moon! + +Edit 1: added the TL;DR. + +Edit 2: Fixed the coin address. Thanks u/plzdontgetcaught. Apparently, there is a GameStop coin which is not the official one. This 'fake' one is also the one that has the Max Total Supply of 58M, so forget about that. The core of the theory still stands though. + +Edit 3: Added source of the 7/14 date. + +Edit 4: Thanks for the Platinum 🙏🏻 +&lt;speculation&gt;I believe GameStop went on the offensive to flex before Cohen spoke with the SEC (based on the tweet of the GameStop location nearest their headquarters). They promised him his pound of flesh and GameStop is hodling until it’s time. &lt;\speculation&gt; + +This is the longest break they have gone between press releases this year. For a while, every week they launched bullish news in a release. Even this week, apes across the world can now access the GameStop web page. No release. They are hodling things in until it’s time. Bullish as fuck. +Alright this is kind of a crazy story, but I was curious if this has ever happened to anyone before. + +So I went and test drove a '20 Tacoma TRD Off-Road 6sp MT 4x4 for my buddy about 2 months ago now. He moved to Maine recently and he wanted this exact truck, but was having trouble because the 6sp MT's have been back ordered. I looked at it and went over it with a fine tooth comb and advised him to purchase it, it had 10k miles on it and was practically brand new. + +So he gets it shipped to Maine and buys it and trades in his car for $14k and puts some money down. I can't find the text of what he financed, but the asking price of the car was $36k and lets say he put $8k down so $16k was what he financed (It is around this amount. The math comes out to $14k, I was tired when I typed this out.) + +Well fast forward to a few days ago, he gets a notice from his bank that the loan has been paid in full and they will be sending him the title of the vehicle. He contacts his bank and they inform him, "Yep, CarMax disbursed a check for the remainder on the loan and the car is paid in full. You are good to go." So he contacts CarMax to see what's going on and they basically tell him that it shows in their system that the vehicle has been paid in full and all of their numbers in their system check out. The credit issued for the trade-in was $14k in their system and the down payment was $8k, etc. + +His brother is a VP at a bank and told him to keep records of all of the convos, but told him just to let it go and see what happens. His thought is that if nothing comes up by the end of 2021, they will probably just write it off as a loss. + +His bank told him he should have the title in hand in 15 days or so. Has anyone heard of this happening? + +\*EDIT\* + +I wanted to confirm a few details. + +His trade-in was paid off. + +He didn't finance through CarMax, he financed with a loan through his own bank. + +After thinking about it a bit more, I am thinking that CarMax imputed the agreed purchase price of the vehicle incorrectly - potentially leaving the price that they bought it for in their system - probably around $26k (my coworker just traded in a 2016 Tacoma with the same package and 60k miles and got $23k for it, so I would think this would be around $26k to $28k and with a sale price of $36k to $37k, that is right on the money for maintaining a 35% margin. They could never tell me if it was bought at auction or it was a trade, but the vehicle was a local one. + + +Update 20210412: Title was issued to USAA by the state of Maine on Saturday. + +Buddy talked to the same guy at CarMax to get the title info. He said everything still checked out on their end. +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +&#x200B; + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yjawq7) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🏆 [Computershare AMA #3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z16nw3/superstonks_3rd_ama_with_paul_conn_president_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +# 💎🤝 [Help Revise Superstonk's Subreddit Rules - Start Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z1fs86/help_revise_superstonks_subreddit_rules_start_here/) + +>Based on feedback from the most recent revision to Rule 2, we're asking for comments on all of our rules for the sub, some of which will contain our proposal for discussion on revisions. + +# 🎁 [Very GMErry Holidays returns for more cheer!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ylyszu/very_gmerry_holidays_returns_for_more_cheer_wont/) + +>Superstonk held a toy drive for Toys for Tots (TFT) last year and we raised over $103,000 in money and toys! +> +>We even had a way for Apes to shop GameStop.com and ship it directly to a TFT site that was super close to a GameStop distribution center in Grapevine, TX. +> +>We had a huge positive impact! And we’re doing it again. + +# 🚀 [GameStop Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread/?sort=new) + +>Need some guidance with the Wallet, Activation, Buying/Sending/Receiving NFTS, or getting a cool wallet address? Join us here! + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yuarvq/how_to_get_a_userflair_on_superstonk_new_emojis) +I work in the food industry at a chain restaurant. My boss has had a pretty rocky history with managers. Since he bought our store, he has went through 2 managers (both who worked for him before and still work for him) and both haven't done a good job, leading to him sending them to other stores. Since then, another worker and myself have been taking on the responsibilities of managers, i.e. managing the money, changing the "face" of the store every month, ordering product, etc... until the our boss finds someone who can effectively fill the position. + +Here is the issue though. I recently asked him if he found anyone to fill the position, and he told me that the store is running well, and he doesn't want to push anyone into the position, which I understand, but this isn't what we agreed. I am in college, and looking for internships as I have less than a year left. Already, these extra responsibilities are taking time out of my schoolwork and my life. Even yesterday, I had to stay late because a coworker didn't show up for work, and I lost a day on a paper I have to write. I was also at the store on both of my days off this week to help co-workers fix a problem that they caused with the money in the cash register. Long story short, I feel I can't keep doing this without a raise and I want to ask for one, but I don't know how. I would also be okay with splitting a raise with the coworker who is helping me with these responsibilities, because he deserves one too. I just need something to make this worth it. +I got a season job with Amazon. Thankfully, they are paying better and this extra money from a part-time job will bring huge blessings to my family! + +Just wanted to share since I've been here looking up every way I could save money and cut corners for the lack of funds I have had in the past few months. I'm very thankful for this group. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +**edit:** Just to clarify the title, I don't mean it to come pretentious. I just googled "average wedding cost" which says the average wedding costs $26K. Since it's more or less what I spent, I thought it'd make a good title. + +I just got married. I know there are people who can pull off a wedding for $4K or maybe even for $500. Well, that wasn't us. + +I wanted to give you guys a rough list of our expenses to show why weddings are so expensive even when you're trying to control costs. I hope this post will be useful for some of you in some way. + +**July 2014:** + +* $2700 (20%) deposit for the engagement ring. Financially, I'm doing pretty well but even for me the ring she liked had a steep price tag. But I decided I wasn't going to cheap out on the ring and got the ring she liked. + +**December:** + +* Well, she thought about it and decided she doesn't want the expensive ring. So we returned it. We got a much cheaper ring. While we were there, I went ahead and bought our wedding bands too. Paid another $3700 for all 3 rings. Total ring cost: $6400. + +**February:** + +* $1300 deposit for the venue. +* $600 deposit for the DJ. He was a recommendation from a friend whose wedding I had been to. A band would have cost more, I assume. +* $2000 for the bride's dress. There were many purchases and returns in this month from bridal shops. I don't understand the process so I can't quite comment on it. My understanding is $2000 is not a terrible price. We also paid $100 or so in shipping. +* $250 for the bride's shoes. + +**March:** + +* First makeup trial: $120. She didn't like it. +* Florist deposit: $850. This is insane. I was thinking "They're just flowers! How can they cost so much?" Well, there is more to it apparently. There's the design, colors, blah blah, and of course, it's a wedding. Everything costs 10x of what they should. +* Catering deposit: $4300. At this point we expected about 100 people. Not a big wedding really. **edit:** I went back and looked what's included. The price includes the cake, linens, food, beer/wine, apps for the cocktail hour, and the dance floor. I paid a little extra for the beer/wine since we had craft beer choices and not the usual domestics. The venue required a dance floor to be installed since it's a historic venue. So, not quite $100/plate as I quoted elsewhere. +* Second makeup trial: $160. She didn't like it. +* Dress alterations round one: $60 + +**April:** + +* Photographer deposit: $550. She's a friend so she gave us a good rate. Yep, that's half of a good rate. +* More wedding dress stuff: $330. I have no idea why so much. +* Third makeup trial: $120. And we found THE ONE before the makeup trials bankrupted us! + +**May:** + +* Groom's suit: $200. I also bought shoes for $350 but I didn't quite include it in the wedding cost since I'll wear those shoes for the next 10 years (I hope!) + +**June:** + +* Venue second payment: $1100. We had a Friday wedding so it was $1000 cheaper. Well, that's good I guess. +* Photographer second payment: $500. +* Marriage license: $60 +* Cash to tip the DJ, venue people, catering people: $540. These people worked hard and they deserved it. +* Venue late-night cleanup fee: $200. We wouldn't have to pay this if we could do the cleanup the next morning but the timing didn't work. +* DJ second payment: $980 +* Florist second payment: $1000 +* Catering second payment: $4600 (90 people) + +**July:** + +* Nails, pedicure, makeup, and all that jazz: $460 +* Hotel for the newly weds: $410 +* Hotel for one guest who couldn't pay her own: $220 +* Officiant: $100 - was a friend who gave us a deal. The fees I've seen here go between $200-$400. + +When all is said and done, we ended up spending $28K or so -- $22K if you exclude the rings. Definitely not the cheapest wedding. Definitely could have saved more money somewhere. But everything worked really well with no incidents or crisis. The bride never got into the bridezilla mode. I also found out that things just add up. I was hoping for a $15K wedding (excluding the rings), we blew that budget by about 50% and not because we were careless. + +The biggest costs, as you can see, are the rings and the catering. We went with the buffet style to save money but it's still about $100/plate. I'm sure smaller towns have it cheaper. We also went with a caterer we know -- and to their credit, the food was really really good, and the service was excellent -- and didn't really too many options anyway since the venue gave us a few caterers they prefer and have worked with before. + +My wife's second choice of a wedding dress was considerably cheaper (about $800) but she liked the primary one so much we stayed with it. You know what, she looked incredible in that dress so I'm glad. + +Anyway, I hope you guys don't ridicule me for over-spending :) The good news is it's a once in a lifetime thing (hopefully!) so I won't be spending this much on a wedding again! +Questioning this for the directional traders - doesn't theta just eat into profits? Or is the key to success holding for short durations? It would seem like futures are an easier way to get leverage. +I’m not someone who thinks you have to make no more than $25,000/year to be on this sub. I completely understand high salaries in high COL cities may still be tight. This isn’t about anyone’s financial situation. It’s about the recent types of comments/posts. + +For example, someone recently gave the advice to “pay yourself first” when the OP was barely scraping by. Others echoed the sentiment of “make your future like another bill”. People are here because they CAN’T do that. Another post talked about how they started “saving without even realizing they were” and encouraged others to get in the habit of saving money and not allow themselves to touch it. That’s great and all but again, poverty finance normally doesn’t describe people who have the luxury of “not realizing” when they put away $50 a month or whatever. + +I’ve been seeing these kind of things more and more often and making me no longer find this sub to be a “safe place” because the same poor people don’t do/try/plan enough is so prelevant. Is anyone else noticing this or feeling this way? +A penny for your thot: really, ByteDance byte (sorry) the bullet and rejected [WMT + MSFT](https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/13/tech/microsoft-tiktok-bytedance/index.html). Previously, the news reacted well with calls performing for both WMT and MSFT. + +But why was it rejected? ORCL is still running for TikTok, but more importantly, the deadline for TikTok to sell operation is coming as early as this Tuesday. + +What does that mean? A shutdown for 100M monthly users, with FB's copycat Reels possible pulling in the users as a result. + +Prediction for this week: puts on MSFT. ORCL $63 calls. +Use these 3 indicators to "time the market". In other words, when these all crossed bearish, I went mostly cash. I am waiting for these to turn bullish again before putting any serious cash back into this shitshow. + +**NYSE A/D** (https://imgur.com/a/k7XhFwx) remains in sell signal after that bounce faded right off the buy signal line (https://schrts.co/veDHgjfA) + + +**NYSI** (https://imgur.com/a/8gsuNXU) remains firmly in a sell signal (https://schrts.co/nyPTCeNN) + +**Weekly MACD** (https://imgur.com/a/4P8FScx) on SPY almost neared a move to a positive bullish signal a few weeks ago but failed and remains in a sell signal mode (https://tos.mx/h8MR7UU) + + +EDIT: added new links that maybe show it a little better + + + +Anyone of those is a pretty strong indicator and can help you time entries exits. But I cant stress enough that those three indicators are what me and my team rely on for a long bias and until then, day-trades only (long side), sell into the rips, and have the patience to preserve capital. + +I have been looking at a few names to sell some puts on, 3 months out while IV remains elevated but won't deploy majority of cash until all three of the above fire green +I'm mid 30's, single, renting, currently work FT in an "average wage" job and like many of my colleagues I'm burnt out to hell and ridiculously unhappy. I've posted and commented around here before so a few of you know I've been in the market to buy property and have a deposit (>20%) as well as a decent 'emergency fund' and some investments here and there. I can afford to quit. + +Originally the plan was to get the property bit sorted and then switch jobs (I've evaluated what I'd need to service the loan) but I'm reaching the point where I can barely make it to lunch each day let alone hold on another few months until I get a mortgage. + +I'm single and rent by myself so no partner/roommate/bank of mum+dad to fall back on. Everything I do I support on my own expense. While I'll be comfortable on the savings I have, I'm worried about depleting them too much before I eventually go back to work. It's always easier (and faster) to spend than to save. + +I'm looking at taking an extended break before going back to work, a few months is preferable. I also am very seriously considering the possibility of retraining altogether, which would mean making the decision to forego the house and savings while I am studying/earning qualifications. This could be for 6 months or it could be for 2-3 years, depending on how far I wanted to go or if I went full-pelt back to uni. + +So I did the sums and I'd be ok for about a year and a half (if I made zero changes to my lifestyle) on the savings that I have, however more realistically I'd live a bit more 'tightly' and likely work part time if I were studying. + +I really don't want to deplete my savings too much, I just need a freaking break from work at the moment. +I guess what I'm really asking is the title of this post, and how to 'future proof' this decision to get the best out of my money without it going up in my face or perhaps there's something that I haven't thought of in this scenario. + +TL;DR: How do I make the most out of my money (without denting my savings too much) for an extended time if I were to quit for a while? +Recently settled on an OTP property and it's been over a month where the builder has not properly responded to a defects list that needs rectifying. + +There are certain items that I paid for (electrical variances) that were not installed and was told that they will be done in the three months post-settlement as that's usually the builders warranty period to fix up any issues. + +I've contacted Consumer affairs and VCAT but I've heard nothing back as yet. What are my options? Conveyancers have sent the list to the Vendors solicitors but no reply has been forthcoming. + +Has anybody dealt with this before? Getting quite fed up with lack of communication from the builder. +&#x200B; + +[I believe in the apes](https://preview.redd.it/wm9yphariln61.png?width=527&format=png&auto=webp&s=99c70b7678fe5f9097fb10f89fca5c7b89c0ade4) +I am approaching 30 units and have a property manager handling my rentals. I started out managing my own rentals but being accessible all of the time and having to deal with rental stuff when I tried to take a vacation were really wearing me down so I hired a PM at about 12 units. Currently, I’m on my second PM and I’m not impressed with their sense of urgency and definitely not impressed with the prices that they pay for, often, shoddy work to be done. I’d like to bring management, and maybe maintenance, in house at some point so I have better quality control. At what point did that make sense financially for you? +I’m in the process of buying my first multi family which is gonna have a $300k mortgage after my down payment. The tenants have been there for years and are still employed. The cash flow is going to be around $2k/month. + +My question is even though I have debt on one property and am going to have debt on this property but they are both cash flowing, when should I be worried about being over-leveraged? + +I could be completely wrong, but it seems to me even if you have a 50 door portfolio with mortgage debt on all 50 doors, does it matter if they’re cash flowing? +A builder I have discussed a few deals with approached me with a project. I couldn’t make a new construction deal work so he is going to fund the construction of a new duplex that I design (I pick the floor plans/all cabinet/countertops/floors/fixtures/etc), and then when it’s done I will take an FHA loan out and live in one side of the duplex. Rent the other. + +Cost of duplex will be $185-$195k including the lot (there is also room for one more duplex in the future). Rent for both sides combined will be $1700 when I’m not living there. Rental properties are in very high demand due to the town growing like crazy. Also a college town. + +I’ve read what seems like a million articles and probably 15-17 books on real estate. Am I being too optimistic and ignoring the 1% rule for this deal? +Hello everyone. Me and my spouse have $200k in cash, located in Metro Atl, GA. We do not currently own any real estate. I want to put $100k down on a small multi family property and $100k down on the primary residence. I have a few questions: + +Which one should I buy first? Primary residence or investment property? I have found potential houses for both. + +Should I only put me on one mortgage and only spouse on the other (both have good income and credit)? In hopes of getting better debt-to-income ratio for each property or does this not matter? + +Should I use the same real estate and mortgage broker on both properties? + +Thank you in advance for your time and answers. +**Pretty much done, folks, although I'll check back occasionally. Thanks again for the interest. We hope to see your "I made it!" posts appearing in this sub very soon.** + + +First off, thanks for the interest. My wife and I are passionate about FI/ER and hope somebody will find this AMA helpful. Although our approach is conventional, the conventions exist because they flat-out *work.* + +I apologize for the wall of text, here, but for a while now I've been meaning to write down the specifics of our FI/ER plan as a review exercise. It might be presumptuous of me, but this AMA seems like a good excuse to do it. So here’s our take on seven of the major elements in our plan: mindset, debt management, mortgages, investing, landlording, LBYM, and what to do after making it. Take what you find useful; disregard the rest. I realize some of it’s redundant to what the group already knows. And again, apologies for the length. + +**Our background** + +We FI/ER'd 9.5 years ago, at 36, after 12.5-year corporate careers, on ~$1.2 million in investments plus the value of our house, cars, and daughter’s 529 ($40K at the time.) Our current net assets are ~$2.2 million, including house, cars, and 529 (now ~$61K.) [Verification of investments from our Morgan Stanley account.](http://imgur.com/roL7JeD) We’ve withdrawn ~$500K since ER. + +Edit: I've said elsewhere in this sub that I dislike 529s because in our experience they're substandard investments both for their returns and the lack of control over your money they give you. But /u/bpg609 has done some good work on my head on this subject, and I'd like to say that after studying market-wide returns and the proliferation of better vehicle options since I first opened my daughter's 529, I'VE BEEN WRONG about this. 529's are better than I thought. Mistake made; thinking adjusted. + +We live on $48K a year, own our house outright, don't incur federal income tax liability, and don't owe social security. $48K started at ~4% of our portfolio and is now ~2.7%; roughly the same as an $80K salary, skimmed 20% for taxes, and decreased by a $1.5K/month mortgage payment. ~40% of that $48K comes from dividends/interest. We've haven't adjusted that $48K for inflation since we ER'd. Haven't felt the need to. + +We're NOT debt-free just now, but I'd argue that what we're doing is more like a temporary liquidity swap. Explanation to follow. + +Getting here was hard but we got some lucky breaks. That luck wasn't exclusive to us, though. Others can engineer it. + +First, we were lucky to live in a major city with a high cost of living where we earned salaries that were good compared to cheaper places but more like middle-class in ours. At the peak of our income mine was $150K-ish with a decent bonus; my wife's was $65K. We also bought, rented, and condo-converted a three-apartment building. + +Second, we were lucky to learn frugality early on. My grandparents as kids damn near starved to death in the Great Depression. They knew how to get by on nothing and they handed that knowledge down. + +Frugality enabled us to bank a bunch of our income. And when we'd we'd made the nut, we split for a cheaper region. The appreciation on the real estate we sold in Metropolis paid entirely for the house we bought in Podunk. Geographic arbitrage is a beautiful thing. + +And third, I think we were INCREDIBLY lucky to be conceiving our FI/ER plans in the mid-nineties just as laptops and spreadsheets were becoming widespread and FI/ER methodology was proliferating across the internet. That made it easier for us to learn strategies and tactics, collect data, come up with plans, test them, adjust them, and build contingencies around them. Otherwise we'd have been dancing in the dark. People just now entering this lifestyle may not realize what a colossal advantage technology has given them. + +Unfortunately I have to split this into several pieces to conform with Reddit's post length requirements. I linked them together into a sort of ToC. + +* [Mindset](http://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/2sf7q4/fier_10_years_ago_at_36ama/cnovdpf) +* [Debt management](http://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/2sf7q4/fier_10_years_ago_at_36ama/cnove2o) +* [Mortgages](http://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/2sf7q4/fier_10_years_ago_at_36ama/cnovec7) +* [Investing](http://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/2sf7q4/fier_10_years_ago_at_36ama/cnoveqv) +* [Landlording](http://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/2sf7q4/fier_10_years_ago_at_36ama/cnovfb9) +* [LBYM](http://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/2sf7q4/fier_10_years_ago_at_36ama/cnovfpl) +* [After FI/ER](http://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/2sf7q4/fier_10_years_ago_at_36ama/cnovg48) + +Questions? Again, thanks for the interest and apologies for the wall of text. + +**TL;DR: you can FI/ER if you'll keep certain principles in mind and act on them. This is our take on what those principles are.** + +Edits: assembling that ToC. + +Edit Edit: am I the only one here who swears? Sorry, I'll try to tone it down. +I'm sure that you all are aware of this phenomenon, it seems that whenever ARK fund manager Cathie Wood invests in something, the individual ticker will always take off upon the release of daily trade notification reports. + +One recent example would be PLTR - when PLTR was down about 2.27% on 14 Jan. After the trade notification report of ARKW's 497k shares purchase in PLTR was released after trading hours, reddit/stocktwit community immediately started to share about the news and it further amplified the news to a huge extent, where it popped 11% the next day after opening before inching back down. + +Or another one would be the recent announcement to start a ARK Space ETF - and space related stocks were soaring on the very next day. + +This phenomenon almost seems like the Midas Touch, where she has the ability to touch (or invest) anything into gold due to her almighty influence. Honestly, the best play I would reckon would be just to invest in her ETFs given the self-fulfilling nature and you never know when she will dump the stock (since a sell-off will inevitably follow thereafter). + +Any thoughts about this? +I'm just wondering if this is a accurate way to calculate my risk, for my spreadsheet I do + +((Entry - Sl) × (lot size × 100,000)) × quote currency to account currency exchange rate = risk + +Then figure out % in a separate sum as I think its best to see the amount in currency in a cell to itself. + +Just to show a real world example of the maths ( not of the trade ), if I trade AUDNZD and my account is gbp it would look like this conveniently nzd to gbp is roughly 0.50500 so I will use that + +((1.13500 - 1.13450) × (0.5 × 100,000)) × 0.50500 = 12.62 + +This has always lined up with my trades in the past but i just want to check as im still relatively new to trading started in January 2022. + +If my maths is wrong please let me know and if there are any changes you would recommend i'd love to hear them +I think we can all agree [this](https://www.forex4noobs.com/forex-trading-strategy/), which gets deeply explained [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHBNCZHFcZU&t=2601s), [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d2S7Nj1wUk&t=1867s) and [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_MSGfBUhMM&t=2727s), is rather attractive for someone, like me, who is just getting started. The strategy is as simple as it can get, requires no further knowledge outside of candlesticks and support/resistance zones, and can be learned pretty quickly. You can read the strategy in a few minutes and then go over the webinars in less than a single day. + +On the other hand, I can't help but smell snake oil on this one. I hope I am wrong, but I'm always skeptical of these stuff. If you can be profitable learning something so simple, why would traders ever consider using a more complex approach that requires more time to learn? Why would you look for the perfect combination of indicators, when this guy makes money without using them? + +I highly doubt traders who use more complex strategies don't know any better. + +Should I trust this? +Greed got the better of me. I was sticking to my plan, then one day I caught some good profits on news. I went for another move today during news to try to finish up the challenge, then I took a huge hit and lost the account in 30 mins. That's what I get for being an idiot. Don't deviate from the plan boys. +Today was a great day. + +Yesterday I planned my entry points for both senarios, for a short and a long on USDJPY and as expected, it went down. + +This morning I could not enter the short position I wanted to take, BUT, I didn't went emotional and enter without MY confluences and conditions. I missed a nice move of 70+ pips and sited on my hands, but still, It was a nice day because it was a disciplined one :) + +I just wanted to share it! +Why don't people share their live account results or FTMO progress after they pass their challenge? I understand privacy concerns for many but how is one suppose to know whether people’s results/returns are legit or attainable? + +I’m sure I’m not the only one who would find value from either a long time FTMO trader or someone with a Myfxbook linked to a regulated/reputable broker and live continuous trading history of over 6months to share his/her progress. + +I know this community isn’t about sharing screenshots of $$, this isn’t what I’m asking for - I care about the % returns some traders(incl. youtube gurus/messiahs) are claiming on live trading accounts or FTMO accounts without showing any verified proof? (even if it’s a weekly/monthly snapshot) + +And before you say 'If they were profitable they wouldn't be lurking on reddit' Yes, but out of 189K members surely there must be one? + +I'm just a guy trying to shed some light on a long standing taboo subject within the FX retail industry - I would love to be proven wrong… + +Context: I've been trading on and off since 2009(Full time for 2 years of my life) I won a lot and lost a lot but in the end I failed. + +***facts & figures > everything*** +I think we can all agree [this](https://www.forex4noobs.com/forex-trading-strategy/), which gets deeply explained [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHBNCZHFcZU&t=2601s), [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d2S7Nj1wUk&t=1867s) and [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_MSGfBUhMM&t=2727s), is rather attractive for someone, like me, who is just getting started. The strategy is as simple as it can get, requires no further knowledge outside of candlesticks and support/resistance zones, and can be learned pretty quickly. You can read the strategy in a few minutes and then go over the webinars in less than a single day. + +On the other hand, I can't help but smell snake oil on this one. I hope I am wrong, but I'm always skeptical of these stuff. If you can be profitable learning something so simple, why would traders ever consider using a more complex approach that requires more time to learn? Why would you look for the perfect combination of indicators, when this guy makes money without using them? + +I highly doubt traders who use more complex strategies don't know any better. + +Should I trust this? +Two major catalysts playing out for semis right now: + +* Fed raising rates. +* Russia sanctions and possible invasion [cutting off key semiconductor materials](https://www.reuters.com/technology/white-house-tells-chip-industry-brace-russian-supply-disruptions-2022-02-11/). + +In the next few months, these will play out and really pummel the semi stocks. But the good news is these are temporary events. After 1-2 years, we'll find a way around Russian chokehold on these key materials, and inflation will probably be slowed. While that's happening, covid is still subsiding and innovation continue it's relentless march of driving productivity forward. + +To be clear, **I'm not saying to buy the dip right now.** But I'm tempted to start a "eat ramen", "get a third job", "cancel Netflix" regime for myself to start preparing as much as possible to start buying mid or later this year. + +These semi stocks are becoming the new FANGS, and this upcoming dip this year might be the best chance to buy them before they rocket into FANG status. + +OK here's the cons in my theory: + +* China could still be a ticking time bomb. Most experts say their lockdown strategy is not viable for Omicron. Could be their supply chain is a lot more broken than we realize. Plus that real estate problem is still ongoing and their president is kinda insane. + +* The Fed could freak out and raise rates too quickly, putting us into a recession. + +* Some industry reports say oversupply of semiconductors could happen as early as 2023. + +(Disclosure not investment advice and I'm long on NVDA AMD QCOMM MRVL TSM and maybe Int) +**Does money make you happy?** + +Richard Easterlin (1974) wrote about the [Easterlin Paradox](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780122050503500087), where he concluded that within a country there was a positive correlation between income and happiness (one of the first economic papers on the subject) + +Is this the same for you? As your income has risen, has your happiness also? + +There are *many* conflicting ideas and papers on this subject (I wrote my uni diss on this topic). Some include: money brings you happiness up to $10,000 (basic needs), money brings you happiness up to £70,000, money doesn't bring happiness at all: it's all genetic and social etc. etc. + +For me I have seen in my life that when I have been happiest I have been the most successful. With the relationship being mainly happiness = success, not success = happiness. With my "happiness" coming from: + +* Spending time with friends +* Spending time with family (sometimes) +* Spending time on hobbies, feeling engaged in multiple things, work + hobbies +* Strong connections with people and my community + +I can imagine when my responsibilities add up (I'm only 24) having money will decrease stress and allow me to work on "life problems" and less so on "money problems". But that happiness isn't derived from how much I earn? + +**What do you think?** +My family recently moved to London and whilst it's nice I cannot get over how expensive everything is. From houses to music lessons and tution for the children. Our rent is paid for by my wife's employer for the duration of our stay. But how do people families in particular manage to live in London. Some of the parents at our children's school have 5 children, with only one parent working in a store or taxi driver but they seem to be doing ok.. +I’ve been living in Korea for the past \~2 years (and am Korean-American) and over the past few months have been using Coupang to order products and food. I was mainly using it as part of my due diligence for the upcoming IPO but now I’m a loyal customer. Here’s my DD on what’s known as the “Amazon of Korea” (which I think is a well-justified title). + +All information + data is from the [company’s latest S-1 filing](https://www.bamsec.com/filing/162828021004212?cik=1834584) \+ from my own experiences. Company is set to IPO this week (latest [report](https://investorplace.com/2021/03/coupang-ipo-when-will-coupang-go-public-what-is-the-cpng-price-range/) I saw was Thursday, 3/11/21) + +**A Brief History of Coupang** + +* Coupang was founded in 2010 by Bom Kim, a Harvard business school dropout +* The company started off as a daily-deal Groupon type business but pivoted into an EBay-style third party marketplace that reached over $1 billion in sales within 3 years +* Coupang almost went public with that business model but decided to pull out of the IPO because Bom felt like Coupang was one that customers *liked* but not one they *loved* (pretty ballsy move imo) +* As a result, Coupang completely reinvented itself into an end-to-end eCommerce company and with the help of a $2 billion investment from Softbank in 2018, the company has now become a dominant force in Korea + +**What Does Coupang Do?** + +* Let me first set the stage by providing the 3 key values that drive everything that Coupang does: **service, selection, and price.** These values pervade all of Coupang’s business divisions, and I’ll be discussing the company within the framework of these 3 values. +* **First off is in my opinion the most impressive, and that is the company’s service** + * What separates Coupang from its competitors in Korea is that the company has invested billions of dollars in **both technology and infrastructure** **to own the entire customer experience** from desktop to delivery + * This is in contrast to some of the company’s competitors like GMarket and Naver which mainly offers a platform for merchants to sell items + * Competitors are quickly adapting to Coupang’s business model but as of now, Coupang’s model combined with its scale is unique in Korea + * The company owns the **largest logistics footprint in the country with 70% of the population living with 7 miles** of a Coupang logistics center + * This allows the company to offer the **fastest delivery service in the country through Rocket Delivery** which offers the following services: + * First, millions of items are available for either **same day delivery** if ordered in the morning or **Dawn delivery,** which delivers products to you by 7AM if you order by midnight + * Second, **nearly 100% of orders are delivered either by the next day or faster** 365 days a year even before holidays like Christmas + * Third, the company has been able to **eliminate cardboard boxes in over 75% of its orders** which saves the company both costs and in storage space + * Fourth are **frictionless returns.** Instead of having to drop off your items, you simply leave them outside your door and initiate a return on the app which is super convenient +* **The second value to discuss for Coupang is selection, which I’ve also found to be very impressive** + * Put simply, Coupang offers **more items than any other Ecommerce player in Korea** both for products and for groceries + * I’ve personally ordered a range of items from Coupang like pens, strawberries, and tape but you can also buy things like TVs, clothes, and Apple products +* **The third last but not least important value is price** + * First of all, Coupang offers all of the great services like Rocket Delivery and same day shipping through its **Wow Membership (akin to Amazon Prime) for an insanely low rate of 2900 won a month which roughly equates to $2.50** + * Second, the company is **constantly offering deals for products** even for things like cell phones and Apple products + * Coupang’s **goal is to offer the lowest possible prices** to customers and the scary thing is that as the company scales, its competitive advantage on this front will grow more and more +* **Other business divisions** + * Coupang Eats is basically like UberEats and Doordash and it’s a separate app where you can order food + * I get ads for Coupang all the time and from speaking with my Korean friends, it sounds like this is one area where Coupang has a lot of mindshare amongst customers but faces a lot of stiff competition compared to its dominance in eCommerce + * As an investor, it’ll be important to see if this part of the business has a path to profitability and is gaining market share or is just bleeding money since margins are likely very slim + * Merchant Services, which is similar to fulfillment by Amazon. Merchants can send their items to Coupang fulfillment centers so that they don’t need to handle inventory themselves + * Merchants can also pay to advertise on Coupang which is another revenue driver for the company + * Coupang Play is a streaming service + * Coupang Travel which is like a Kayak or Expedia and offers travel deals + * There’s even more the company is working on, but basically what you need to know is that Coupang has a lot of potential growth beyond just eCommerce + +**The Korean Market** + +* I wanted to provide some context about Korea itself from having lived here the past 2 years that is relevant to Coupang + * **First off, Korea is incredibly tech savvy** + * There’s free wifi everywhere even on buses and basically everyone in the country has a smartphone including my grandma + * As a small example, Koreans were using their smartphones to pay many, many years before Apple Pay even existed + * This is obviously important for Coupang because all orders come from online + * **Second, as a baseline, Koreans work incredibly hard** + * Korea was a 3rd world country after the Korean War in the 1950s and since then has become the 4th largest economy in Asia and 12th in the world + * A lot of Korean students literally study from 8am to midnight from elementary school to high school and a lot of my friends who work in corporate work super long hours even without great pay + * I bring this up to say that Coupang is constantly employing a workforce that from a general perspective has an incredibly high work ethic + * **The third is that because Korea’s land is so small, cities are incredibly dense** + * This is what allows for Coupang to operate so efficiently and probably much moreso than is possible in bigger countries like China and the US +* **Addressable Market** + * As of 2019, Korea’s eCommerce market was **$128 billion** and that’s expected to grow to **$206 billion by 2024,** which represents a 10% annual growth rate + * In addition to that, eCommerce spend on a per buyer basis is expected to grow from **$2600** in 2019 to **$4300** in 2024 + * These numbers are great, but what’s really astonishing is that even with Coupang’s massive scale, it currently **only owns about a 4% market share,** which means the company has a lot of room to grow + +**The Bull Case** + +* **First, let’s talk about the company’s scale** + * In the entire country, Coupang is the largest e-commerce player, has the fastest delivery service, owns the largest logistics footprint with over 100 centers across 30 cities, provides the largest selection of products, and largest fleet of drivers with over 15,000 employed + * Coupang was able to grow to its scale today after raising **$3.4 billion, 3 of which came from Softbank,** which has the largest fund in the world and it’s going to be hard for another competitor to come in with that kind of funding (though it is possible) +* **Second is Coupang’s tech because at the end of the day, Coupang is actually a technology and logistics company** + * All that money from Softbank didn’t go only into capital expenditures but also a really sophisticated tech infrastructure that predicts and assigns the fastest and most efficient path for every order + * Each order shifts through 100s of millions of options for inventory, processing, and delivery options all within seconds +* **Third is an extremely loyal and growing customer base** + * Some tech companies provide something called cohort math which is where you see how the same group of people have increased or decreased their spending of a company’s products over time + * If you take a look at this [table](https://content.bamsec.com/0001628280-21-004212/cohort11a.jpg), 2016 customers took 5 years to triple their spending, while it took 2017 customers 4 years, and 2018 customers only 3 years + * From using Coupang myself, I can totally see why this is the case. I went from ordering from multiple sites to pretty much only using Coupang now because it’s so convenient +* **Fourth is the company’s management team** + * Bom Kim (CEO) - The company is founder-led, which I think is usually a good thing because they know the ins and outs of the business + * Thuan Pham (CTO) - Former CTO of Uber (really great hire since Coupang is a logistics company) + * Gaurav Anand (CFO) - Lots of finance experience from Flipkart and Amazon + +**The Bear Case** + +* **First off, the company is unprofitable and may continue to invest in new businesses that could cause severe losses just as when Uber tried to enter China** + * The company points out as a risk factor in its S-1 that it may expand into other countries and I would pay really close attention to this since this could take away the company’s focus and cause losses +* **Second is the lack of shareholder voting rights** + * Coupang’s CEO Bom Kim owns about **77% of the company’s voting rights** and also acts as Chairman of the board, so this guy has a ton of influence over the company + * If Bom Kim starts underperforming for whatever reason or there’s some kind of scandal (abnormally frequent in Korea where there’s a lot of bribery and fraud), this could be something to watch out for +* **Third is Coupang’s valuation** + * As with most IPOs, there will likely be a frenzy and the company’s valuation could get stretched very quickly, so this is just something to watch out for + * At the top end of its range of $34 per share, the company’s valuation will be at about $58BN + + * With LTM sales of \~$12BN, the company’s EV / LTM Sales multiple will by 4.8x (which actually would be a good price in my opinion) + * BUT, there will likely be a pop and I wouldn’t be surprised if shares reach $100, giving the company a \~$100BN valuation and that’s where valuation will be a bit stretched (though long term, still may be okay) + * Will be posting more about Coupang’s valuation after its IPO +* **Fourth, is competition which is a potential issue even for Coupang** + * In November 2020, Amazon invested a 30% stake in competitor 11Street, which is majority owned by SK Telecom which is one of the largest companies in Korea + * The industry Coupang competes in is very lucrative market so there will always be some stiff competition with deep pockets + * I do plan to make another post in the future about Coupang after interviewing my Korean friends some more and will include a competitive landscape analysis when I do + +**Financial Overview** + +* **Revenue** + * From 2019 to 2020, Coupang’s revenue grew from $6.3BN to $12BN, **nearly a 100% increase** (COVID did have a factor in this so can’t expect a similar growth rate moving forward) + * Coupang has been able to grow its quarterly revenue from $0.8 billion in Quarter 1 of 2018 to $3.8 billion in Q4 2020 + * This was driven by a 27% annual increase in number of customers from **9.2 million to 14.8 million** from 2018 to 2020 + * There was also a 42% annual increase in spend per active customer from $127 to $256 from 2018 to 2020 +* **Margins** + * As the company has scaled, it has been able to improve its **gross margins from 4.7% to 16.6%** from 2018 to 2020 + * Coupang also increased its **EBITDA margin from negative 24% to negative 2%** from 2018 to 2020 + * Due to the increase in the company’s scale, the company is spending less on operating expenses as a percentage of revenue and what’s most fascinating to me is that Coupang **only spent 1% of its revenue on marketing in 2020** +* **Cash Flow Statement** + * Company actually posted positive operating cash flow of $300 million (not much) but still, means the company’s core business is not losing money + * With negative $484 million in capital expenditures, the company has negative free cash flow of \~$180 million but that’s essentially breakeven for a $11 billion revenue business +* **Balance Sheet** + * Won’t go into this much because balance sheet will look very different after IPO + * But, the company has $1.2BN in cash and around $1.1BN in debt. Company is raising around $4BN in cash from the IPO so balance sheet is healthy + +**TLDR:** Coupang is the Amazon of Korea. Growing like crazy and at the right valuation, a great way to get exposure to the South Korean eCommerce market which has a lot of tailwinds. Personally from using the service myself over the past few months, I don't see the need to use basically any other eCommerce platform for products or groceries. IPO reported to be this week on Thursday so good one to watch for. +Does anyone have any websites or tools they use to see what stocks are providing the best premium? I've been manually calculating, for example, AMC 30 strike put 12/23 gives me 115 risking 3000 so about 3.8% which would be on the higher end of premium return. +If I want to start a position in a stock I'm very bullish on, does it make more sense to sell ATM CSPs or should I just buy the stock outright and then sell OTM CCs. Thanks. +This is for the scenario where you are happy with the underlying stock that you are selling options for. My belief is selling puts is a better strategy than wheeling for these reasons: + +\- If the underlying stock you are trading drops significantly, you can make more by selling OTM puts vs OTM calls. + +\- It's harder to lose money on a position you are selling on when it dips, because you don't have to lower your strike to generate sufficient income. If you were selling covered calls, the share price can reverse and you might have your shares called away below your original price. + +\- Brokers don't charge interest on the margin room used by selling puts (if you get assigned shares on margin you will be paying interest). + +The only downside I see is if the stock moves upward past your strike price, you miss out on upward movement, however, if you were selling covered calls you'd experience the same drawback since your shares will get called away anyways. + +Is there something that I am not seeing that makes wheeling a better strategy than selling puts if your main goal is to wheel the stock rather than own the shares? +So I had this call credit spread in MARA, long Call aug/19 10usd and short Call aug/19 5usd. + +I received 250usd credit for it so my max loss was another 250usd. (Or so i though) + +I wake up to the short leg being assigned. + +My portfolio has now 100 short stocks (-100) of MARA, with a cost of -500 and a value of -1320 an -826 unrealized p&l. + +How has my max loss changed from now? + +What would you guys recommed? + +&#x200B; +Wondering if anyone has any stories on how a trade went sideways? Some examples that come to mind are VIAC fiasco dropping from 100ish to 40. TTD dropping 25% after earnings, GME, AMC or even Covid last year in February with the sharp drops we had. +Before the weekend I made [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/lj2257/update_on_gme_wheel_where_premiums_are_still_phat/) update on my recent Gamestop wheel. This morning I managed to collect some decent premium. I was assigned my 400 shares of GME at $60 which I am very happy about. My cost basis on these shares is $50.42 which is right about where it's trading at as I'm typing this. + +I want to keep some shares so I only sold 2 calls exp 2/19 strike $60. Each sold for $2.51 so I collected just a hair over $500 in premiums. + +I'm also willing to increase my position from here as the price drops, so I also sold 2 puts exp 2/19 strike $50. These sold for $3.25 each, yielding $650 in premium. + +If GME trades sideways this week, all the premium is mine. If it goes down, I buy more, If it goes up, I sell out half of my current position. + +This is an absolute win in my book. + +Total premium collected on GME since I started 2/5: $6481.22 + +Total collateral has been upped to $34,000 with the new 10k at risk with the puts sold today. + +\*disclaimer if you're new: This is a very high risk wheel. GME is still very much in meme stock territory, and while premiums are high, there is a reason for that. An expectation of high volatility. That doesn't mean it will be highly volatile, but let's be honest, this rollercoaster ride ain't over yet.\* + +P.S. Some of you may shit on my accounting method because \*technically I used the premium to buy the shares at the high assigned strike!\* well, not in by book, because I'm not selling the shares below my assignment strike price. $60 or nothing for my current shares, take it or leave it. I won't miss the capital so I'm not selling at a loss when I fundamentally value the company far above its current market cap. +Have shares of a company with a cost basis of $45 and it’s currently trading at $31. To sell calls is minimal profit as any strike price over $45 is merely worth pennies. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +So as of late, I have been looking into selling CCs. I've been doing a lot of research and have even sold a few offers the last few months, securing a small profit. The issue I am having is actually knowing what stock to pick. I have watched and read lots about CCs but this topic is usually brushed over by saying "The underlying stock should be something you are willing to own but not worried about losing to assignment." + +*Ok, that's great. but I can't drop $25,000 on 100 shares of NVDA.* + +How can I find cheaper stocks($10-$40) that aren't absolute crap that I can sell CCs on? What are some technicals or fundamentals I should be looking for? + +Thanks. + +*Edit, bonus question: What are your thoughts on buying shares on margin to sell CCs on? I've got a whole load of margin that I have never touched. Is it wise or stupid?* +Hello all, + +Last time I asked a question about when the best time to roll CC's was I received some interesting feedback. I have decided to run some numbers on a couple various underlyings to see what I could determine from using just data. I am still trying to determine best how to utilize this data, but I figured I would share the results with you all so we can all benefit. I set out to answer some of my own questions. + +So first question: When do I get the most delta benefit from rolling covered calls? + + + +https://preview.redd.it/txruy1tb16r61.png?width=1191&format=png&auto=webp&s=02cc9dc1e501fe7fd8ded3965c3a40eb3b059a23 + +The above graph confirms what most of us know based on intrinsic and extrinsic value. As you get closer to expiration the amount of delta you can increase your covered call by rolling 2 weeks (assuming no change in premium) increases. This graph also shows us an interesting trend, as you pass the 0.7 delta region the amount of return you get from rolling is less and less as you get further ITM. Basically you are fighting a losing battle and it will be harder to roll out of the money over time as you get deeper in the 0.7 region. So from this what I gather is that it is normally best to wait as long as possible to let the theta decay do its thing but if you approach 0.7 delta and it appears that it might keep climbing you should probably roll before you get less delta return from your roll. + +&#x200B; + +Second Question: When is the best time to roll to push increase my strike price the most (very similar to the first question, just looking at a different variable). + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jgw4l2em26r61.png?width=1002&format=png&auto=webp&s=1459d57c76671b24adda3764f8d96bf309f7b9f0 + +Again it is as expected. As you get closer to expiration you will get more bang for your buck by rolling. Interestingly though, as you get closer to ATM/ITM you approach a linear relationship, showing there is no peak delta to roll from (other than being way OTM and you have already let the CC burn off its extrinsic value). So what I really think you need to be worried about is the amount of delta you can gain by rolling vice the raw strike price you increase it by. + +&#x200B; + +Question 3: If we assume the best time to roll is 7 days or closer to expiration, how does IV affect the increase in delta when rolling? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/07q4sgil36r61.png?width=1084&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bcdfed188b88d5c39cc974eeb07a340c8032f22 + +This one is a bit messier and also a bit less expected. The three underlyings I used were SPY, ARKK, and PLTR. As they had fairly decent liquidity and ranged from conservative, moderate and high IV. We can see that rolling lower IV stocks actually will be easier to do for consistant gains as you get more delta returned from your roll then higher IV stocks. I admit that PLTR's data is a bit all over the place but it never exceeds SPY except when it is <0.3 and only barely. I may crunch some numbers on other 70% IV stocks and plug them in and see where they stand to confirm data here. This also has some implications for opening Diagonal or Calander Spreads, but since I dont really do that kind of option play except for the brief moment I roll I wont spend too much time investigating that one. + +Now I know there are some other discussions to be had on how far to roll. But I think that has to be determined for each roll. Did the underlying just moon because of some unusual event? Is it sitting high in channel? etc. I think there has been enough studies on theta decay for the 0.2-0.3 delta from 45-30 days region being the best so I wont beat a dead horse on that one. + +If anyone has different opinions on what the data is saying or has other insights on rolling CCs I would love to hear it. +Hi, as we all know it is widely accepted to roll / close positions at 50% Max Profit to take risk off the table, however I've been theorizing about a different approach: + +Closing / Rolling when your profit % is greater than the % of total DTE Elapsed. To avoid closing trades super early you would also wait until you have a tleast 50% profit or some other percentage, say 30%. + +With this approach you are only closing positions if the value of them being open is greater than what would be expected at an expiration max profit scenario. + +I realize that with this system you would risk a profitable trade going against you closer to expiration but then again there is always a risk of loss, and this way you optimize returns on both your capital and your time. + +I'd love to discuss this idea with you guys and see what you think. + +EDIT: +I've done another revision to the strategy, I don't base it on %time Elapsed, rather a logarithmic curve. + +We know theta accelerates closer to expiration, so the value of an otm contract is a downward logarithmic curve. I've got a spreadsheet set up so that if my trade has netted more P/L, decayed more, than expected from my current DTE, I'll take profits, as long as it has a P/L higher than 20-30%. This optimizes returns, reduces risk, improves win rate. + +There likely is some drawbacks, I'm still risking $xx to make somewhat of a lower return on capital , but I imagine the higher hit rate will offset that somewhat. + +I'll try this out for the time being and see how it affects my portfolio. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +After having read many many posts on here I’ve noticed people have their own favorite way of trading. + +Anyone have success stories in trading and how did you find consistency in your style? + +I have tried scalping but have only broke even. I use iron condors occasionally and am positive on those but I’m picking up pennies with that strategy cause I lack capital and experience. Thanks all! I have learned a lot on this sub and hope to learn much more. + +Also I do understand this is the theta gang lol. +So as of late, I have been looking into selling CCs. I've been doing a lot of research and have even sold a few offers the last few months, securing a small profit. The issue I am having is actually knowing what stock to pick. I have watched and read lots about CCs but this topic is usually brushed over by saying "The underlying stock should be something you are willing to own but not worried about losing to assignment." + +*Ok, that's great. but I can't drop $25,000 on 100 shares of NVDA.* + +How can I find cheaper stocks($10-$40) that aren't absolute crap that I can sell CCs on? What are some technicals or fundamentals I should be looking for? + +Thanks. + +*Edit, bonus question: What are your thoughts on buying shares on margin to sell CCs on? I've got a whole load of margin that I have never touched. Is it wise or stupid?* +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-11/coinbase-ceo-says-no-risk-of-bankruptcy-amid-black-swan-event?srnd=premium](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-11/coinbase-ceo-says-no-risk-of-bankruptcy-amid-black-swan-event?srnd=premium) + +>A filing late Tuesday by Coinbase included a “new risk factor” based on recent Securities and Exchange Commission requirement for public companies that hold cr\*pto assets for third parties.“Because custodially held cr\*pto assets may be considered to be the property of a bankruptcy estate, in the event of a bankruptcy, the cr\*pto assets we hold in custody on behalf of our customers could be subject to bankruptcy proceedings and such customers could be treated as our general unsecured creditors,” Coinbase wrote in the filing. Coinbase will take additional steps to ensure that it offers protection for its retail customers that match those offered to Prime and Custody consumers, Armstrong said in Twitter thread late Tuesday. “We should have updated our retail terms sooner, and we didn’t communicate proactively when this risk disclosure was added,” Armstrong wrote. “My deepest apologies.”Shares in the company [fell 16%](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-10/coinbase-plunges-after-first-quarter-revenue-misses-estimate) after regular trading as first-quarter revenue missed analyst estimates. + +See CEO's Twitter thread [here](https://twitter.com/brian_armstrong/status/1524233480040710144?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1524233480040710144%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bloomberg.com%2Fnews%2Farticles%2F2022-05-11%2Fcoinbase-ceo-says-no-risk-of-bankruptcy-amid-black-swan-event). + +>This disclosure makes sense in that **these legal protections have not been tested in court for cr\*pto assets specifically, and it is possible, however unlikely, that a court would decide to consider customer assets as part of the company in bankruptcy proceedings**... + +(Emphasis added.) + +I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/udyyg5/what_is_going_on_with_coin/) last week about COIN asking for opinions because it was trading with a deep margin of safety based on DCF. The stock is down another 54% in the last 13 days since my post following an earnings miss on the top and bottom lines. + +I listened to the earnings call yesterday and thought management had a good strategy and plan for execution. However, this news is making me think of the CEO's response to a question from an investor about COIN's moat. Long story short, COIN doesn't really have a moat, but the CEO claims consumer "trust" in COIN is like a moat because it allows COIN to sell people who come to their platform to buy or trade cr\*pto new services like NFTs, staking, DeFi, *etc.* They really made a big thing about how much their consumers trust them and how big a competitive advantage that is in a space like cr\*pto where people coming into the market for the first time will generally get into the game through the most trusted name. I think this news — that your assets held by COIN, including their custody business, could be seized in the event of COIN's bankruptcy — should undermine customer trust in COIN. Failing to disclose such a significant risk in a timely manner is a huge red flag for me as a potential investor and attorney. + +If there's enough interest from COIN bag-holders, I can do a preliminary legal analysis of the bankruptcy issues to assess the CEO's claim it is "unlikely" a court would allow the seizure of Coinbase's customers' cr\*pto. The fact the claim is untested in court is enough for me not to trust the CEO's conclusory opinion. + +I personally would not hold my cr\*pto on COIN until there is legal certainty the assets are safe in the case of bankruptcy. Consequently, I have a negative outlook on COIN's custody business; therefore, I have a negative outlook on COIN's so-called moat and ability to upsell new customer's into more products. If people start using COIN for best-price execution only and begin moving their coins to another platform to hold and use their cr\*pto, then COIN's ceiling is a cr\*pto trading platform, not the all-service cr\*pto platform management is selling to investors. +Imagine the SI is 300% (not even that crazy a thought anymore) of the float. If all apes sold at exactly 20M and every short covered at that price, assuming no non-float share is sold, the bill would be just shy of 20 times the fucking ***WORLD GDP OF 80 TRILLIONS***. Can I just draw attention to that number for one second? Now I don't care if you believe that floor is realistic or not, even a 1 million floor would take the world economy for a wild ride. In 2021 usd, the 2008 crash cost the US 10 trillion and pales in comparison to potential in GME. + +Any bill that reaches such prices, from a fuck-up that could have been avoided, will set in motion events that will change everything and impact just about every human on planet earth, save maybe a few uncontacted tribes here and there. On top of that, 2021 is in the age of social media, and Wall St has made sure to let AT LEAST 300 thousand apes get to know the ins&outs of financial corruption, with months long data gathering, documentation, and evidence beyond reasonable doubt. A platform for experts and professors in financial fraud has been created, blowing entire circus wide open to reveal the unthinkably asymmetric bet GME to such a degree, I'm positively convinced that the only reason the entire world isn't FOMO'ing in is because real investigative journalism is just not as profitable as rage clickbait content, media lies, and "too good to be true, must be a scam, but what if retail sells for \[low number here\]?" attitude. Any lies about this will be BTFO of the water by a swarm of pissed off apes armed with months worth of DD, and other media sites that, at the very least, just presents the data as is. This is not rich short guy vs rich company owner, it's literally flesh and bones Wall St dudes with names vs the abstract concept of global retail investors. Kenny risks getting spit in the face by the janitor at Costco and refused entrance to the bar where he wanted to drink his future depression away, assuming he somehow escapes 5 prison-for-life sentences, simply because THAT'S RETAIL. How can you defend yourself against that? You can't. Call me optimistic, but I seriously doubt anyone is gonna have just a second of success with any blame shifted onto retail. + +That said, pure speculation, but I can imagine we're already in the middle of an economic paradigm shift. World currencies going to shit, crypto losing proportionally little value compared to hyperinflating dollars, stocks tanking, markets imploding, the great depression of the 21st century. The Fed is, as far as I understand, already out of ammo, because what are those chumps gone' do? Lower interest rate again? Yeah, it's already pedal to the fucking metal low, coking up the market until it falls over into the dirt and has to spent years in rehab, until debt is settled, institutions and companies are liquidated, and enough people have their lives destroyed because Wall St and the Fed once again had to go and prove holding in a sneeze is as dangerous as your mom told you. + +IMO, the red thread here is the destruction of supply and demand. What do I mean? For just about everything in this world, the price is determined by supply and demand. The fabled regulating "law of markets" that determines the real price of something. With enough market competition between individual actors, a more-or-less fair value emerges. Sounds good, seems to work better than other ways to determine value, by far... But it kinda sucks that we can't just "create value" out of nothing... you know, let's take this concept and just yeet it out of this universe when it comes to currencies, loans, baking, and certain financial assets (like shares), and let's just make the "supply" line infinite, as long as don't lose control of it, we're gonna be fiiiiine, we'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiine. It's not like fiat currencies (that is, currencies backed by nothing but the good will of the Governments issuing them) all have a thousand year long historic value that **ENDS** **IN 0, FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE**. You might as well consider the value of a nation's fiat currency a sort of timer like "once this gets close enough to zero, we're gonna do something REALLY stupid and drastic to see if it fixes the issue". That's what I mean, and how this entire economic school of thought of just purebred new-synthesis lunacy is gonna survive the storm is beyond me. Austrian economists LMAOing at us poor sods from their graves right about now. + +I write in hyperbole to create a bit of drama in my text, but I really mean it when I claim that the world is on the possible tipping point of changing forever, like Cuban Missile Crisis levels of serious. I'm not thinking that we're living in crypto-land Type 1 civilization shit by Autumn, but this could potentially undermine the very idea upon which our entire world economy is built. It's kinda breathtaking to know that we have the privilege of seizing this moment, and I'd be happy to hear you beautiful primates' opinion on this topic of the "post-MOASS" world, whether you share my sentiment or not. + +Edit: Some spelling errors because I can't spell +Money will come and go. Opportunities to make a mass impact do not come often. I will stand by this even if it burns down. I am so sick of greed. If I have even the tiniest chance to break the cycle of greed, I will take it and stand by that decision even if it costs me everything. I don’t care. I am here to break them. + + + +We will not break before they do. Good luck, Ken. +Those who got reactively mad at Tesla for selling Bitcoin totally missed the point that it was to prove that it can actually bring profits to a company. Tesla didn't purchase Bitcoin *that* cheap yet they were able to make **$100 million** in profit while still maintaining the strong majority of their holdings. + +This is likely to create FOMO both in individuals and especially other companies. + +In other words: Bullish! +Does ETH need to be at like $10,000+ in order to be a "world computer" or would ETH at $10 make the Ethereum network just as secure? + +Under Proof of Stake (PoS), if there's slashing penalties where your ether gets taken away if a staker attacks ETH, then why would ETH price need to be high? +That's right, we're talking of Ks (thousands), not Ms (millions). +You don't need $50m to start a software startup! + +As a community, we should demand multi-phase fundraises, where funds are allocated to startups in phases, and are released only when milestones have been achieved. + +Do we have such a platform yet? If not, we should demand multiple, smaller, funding rounds, instead of a huge, jackpot one. +I'm holding XEQT, its a great ETF. Though, this morning I was messing around with PortfolioVisualizer, and running some numbers. + +Portfolio #1 - 100% XEQT + +Portfolio #2 - 20% each (ITOT, [XIC.TO](https://XIC.TO), [XEF.TO](https://XEF.TO), IEMG, IEFA) + +[Link to Portfolio Numbers](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=4&startYear=2020&firstMonth=1&endYear=2022&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=1000&annualOperation=0&annualAdjustment=0&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=4&rebalanceType=0&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&leverageType=0&leverageRatio=0.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=0.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&reinvestDividends=false&showYield=true&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&portfolioNames=true&portfolioName1=XEQT&portfolioName2=Seperate&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=ITOT&allocation1_2=20&symbol2=XIC.TO&allocation2_2=20&symbol3=XEF.TO&allocation3_2=20&symbol4=IEMG&allocation4_2=20&symbol5=IEFA&allocation5_2=20&symbol6=XEQT.TO&allocation6_1=100) + +The dividend yield is much better in portfolio #2, though took on more drawdown for the date ranges I set as opposed to Portfolio #1. + +If one was looking for more dividends, Is it safe to assume that Portfolio #2 would be better? Or am I missing something? I imagine the difference is more considering the MER on XEQT. +I am deep into MRS, and have averaged down 5 times now including today. I can still do it one more time before I have to transfer cash into the account, but I've bought in at $.60, .45,.35 and now .21 . So my average price is down to .245 a share, but now I'm feeling pretty undiversified as it's 85% of my entire fuck around account. I went into this okay with losing a bunch of money gambling on the market, but I actually would rather not now. Overall I'm still up 15% on the year thanks to BB and NGD but I don't know if I can just leave all that money in there while there's other stocks I'd like to throw in on. + +Anyways, I'm out 15% of my initial cash, but still up on the year if I pull out tomorrow. WWYD. +The Charitas Fund Team has an AMA planned for Sunday at 8:00 pm UTC on their YouTube Live channel: + +https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0r55fwt0nFAOwA5NspMwpQ + +Submit questions for the team in the comments below! 👇🏽 + +CHARITAS: The Charity Token: + ⁃ Community votes on where donations go 🗣 + ⁃ On pace to donate over one MILLION dollars this year 🤩 + ⁃ Transparent, Doxxed, Audited, Weekly live AMAs 💫 + ⁃ Organic holder and community growth 🌳 + ⁃ Proof of Donations (Let's fill up this Map!) 🗺: + +https://charitas.fund/donations.html + +Coming up this weekend: + +🥊 Our collaboration with UFC former number one contender, Bellator champion, and current PFL welterweight fighter Rory MacDonald takes off this week with donations going to Feed the Hungry 🥊 + + +LISTED ON +🔥 CoinMarketCap +🔥 Coingecko + +👨‍👩‍👧‍👧Growing recorded holders every day 👯‍♀️ + +🌎Marketing Push Imminent🌍 +Marketing budget increased 2-3x + +🤝Partners and Collabs with influencers, athletes and Artists🤝 + +👀 Only 2.7M market cap 🤤 + +Enough with the shilling. The difference between this project and similar tokens is the structure and framework. Being run like a business, steady, organic growth. Constantly raising awareness. & THIS is creating a sustainable base of holders that believe in the vision AND participate in the long-term objectives. + +- Holders voting on charity allocation +- Team vetting on onboarding charities +- Collective creation and publication +- Outreach and partnerships with causes that matter to you + +What does that mean? — If you believe in this vision and you have real time to spare (not just time to shill) - you can reach out to the team and participate in planning, outreach and execution. We all have a vested interest in this. It’s for the world and it brings joy. + +Let’s not sell this sincerely good project short. The plan is to band together and funnel our resources to create a better world. + +Links: + +Website: https://charitas.fund + +CMC: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/charitas/ + +Telegram: https://t.me/charitasfund + +Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/charitasfund + +Discord: https://discord.gg/we9hAMpBhc + +LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/charitas-fund + +Medium: https://link.medium.com/o04eRnhiifbh +I recently got into algo trading and now know how to pull pricing data from Alpaca and Polygon. I'm storing the historical data in a local database and am ready to do some testing. + +Alpaca returns the VWAP in their response so I thought I'd start there. But I can't seem to come up with a profitable strategy using that alone. + +I'm not necessarily looking for the perfect algo or strategy, just a simple starting point and perhaps a historical example that I can apply it to and actually see a back test return a decent profit over a fixed time period. Basically I need a meaningful Hello, World style example, ideally catered to intra day trading with minute or hourly granularity. A lot of the examples I see are operating on daily close prices, which isn't ideal for me. + +Anyways, do you have any suggestions for a good starting point, and additionally a symbol / time frame to test it on? Or could you point me to a resource / blog post / etc that you think would provide a good example? I've gone through a couple of tutorials now, only to get to the end and only see very slim profits. +How do you properly detect minimums and maximums on graph? And I'm not talking about every local min and max but just the significant ones that are not caused by noise. +I recently got into algo trading and now know how to pull pricing data from Alpaca and Polygon. I'm storing the historical data in a local database and am ready to do some testing. + +Alpaca returns the VWAP in their response so I thought I'd start there. But I can't seem to come up with a profitable strategy using that alone. + +I'm not necessarily looking for the perfect algo or strategy, just a simple starting point and perhaps a historical example that I can apply it to and actually see a back test return a decent profit over a fixed time period. Basically I need a meaningful Hello, World style example, ideally catered to intra day trading with minute or hourly granularity. A lot of the examples I see are operating on daily close prices, which isn't ideal for me. + +Anyways, do you have any suggestions for a good starting point, and additionally a symbol / time frame to test it on? Or could you point me to a resource / blog post / etc that you think would provide a good example? I've gone through a couple of tutorials now, only to get to the end and only see very slim profits. +probably stupid questions but i'd like some input. + +i know that lower frames exhibit more noise and traditionally larger time frames are therefore easier to predict, since the signals are more clear. would this mean that a good plan of action is to start by making an algo that works well with weekly or daily data, then to test on lower and lower time frames until it becomes unprofitable? + +&#x200B; + +disregarding HFT and arbitrage, would it make more sense to start with the above and continually drill down to lower time frames, tweaking and adjusting the algo along the way until it can work with tick data? or are they such different ball games that it's a waste of time and it would be more productive to just dive straight into working with tick data from the beginning? because say a tick data algo looks at the orderbook, where as a daily or weekly data algo doesn't consider that at all. are algos so vastly different that either approach could work? + +&#x200B; +So assume there is a low volume marketplace and I place a large market sell order literally filling out a good chunk of the buy orders. How would the sell orders (assume all normal behaviour by rationale market players etc. in this scenario) react? Would there be any change? + +&#x200B; + +e.g. Order book: + +|Buy (Price)|Sell (Price)| +|:-|:-| +|95|105| +|90|110| +|85|115| + +Let us say I full fill all the visible Buy orders and we have... + +&#x200B; + +|Buy (Price)|Sell (Price)| +|:-|:-| +|80|105| +|75|110| +|70|115| + +&#x200B; + +Will any market forces act to change the sell orders or will they stay put and look like the second table.... are the two sides in any way related? Or are buy and sell sides independent under normal circumstances.... I am not sure if I am expressing the thoughts in my mind.... hopefully some will get it. +Hey im a newbie here and im trying to get some help. + +I want to get into algotrading to make some pocketmoney, but i dunno where to start. + +Any good platforms or tutorials out there? +I have been working for one of these four. I think , as an individual trader, there is no way that I could go solo and compete against these established players. + +As an individual trader, without all the coloation and volume-based-fee-decution, it is impossible to trade any microstructure-derived signals for exchange-traded-products. If we trade longer term alpha, such as momentum or reversion, the Sharpe will be very low and it is hard to run as a sustainable business without outside capital. + +The only exception I can think of is crypto, where slow transaction introduce some sort of 'speed bump' similar to IEX. That , to some extent, make the game fair. But I have never traded crypto so I don't know if there is a catch + +I am really keen to hear some thoughts regarding trading as a one-man or 2-men shop. How could it become possible? +Seems to be a recurring theme, which was last experienced in May, that once the *real* projects peak and top ATHs, the **meme coin casino** opens up. + +Some prominent stars of the club currently include our beloved Shiba, but thanks to this sub more than anything inadvertently pumping it, I’ve noticed Dogelon Mars Rover 5000 also has cracked the top 100 for some unknown reason (I might have the name slightly wrong, perhaps intentionally). + +There’s nothing wrong with entering the meme mania, but you have to acknowledge that these bets are purely gambling. You aren’t investing, and while it’s okay to gamble (I mean, I’ve been to casinos before), please check yourselves if you have a past history with gambling that could cause you issues - because this isn’t any different. + +For anyone keen to maintain investing strategies, don’t feel pressured to have to hit the cas. + +The solid tangible projects began this rush, and they’ll sustain it long after the thousands of baseless upstarts (e.g dogetesla galactic pumpkin) come and go - they are great places to have your money and you shouldn’t feel pressured to join that craze. + +TL:DR - Meme coins are a casino based on pure gambling mentality, be aware of this if gambling has been a problem for you in the past. Proper projects began this rush, will maintain it, and will endure after it. +I think for many of us, whether it is our own parents, our in-laws or an uncle or auntie - We all know someone older we care about who through poor financial choices, poor partner/relationship choices, injuries, disability or just plain bad luck has ended up with next to no financial assets and at an age where they don't have any time to meaningfully change things around. + +I think the usual scenario is as follows: + +\-Pension or disability welfare +\-Renting (No PPOR) +\-No/Very little Super + +I have had the idea to buy a shitter apartment ($300k) somewhere in a low cost of living area ($300 per week) which should in theory be possible to service on the aged pension - At market rates and also positively geared. That way we have a stable tenant who is free from landlords/property managers etc. (Has not been fun moving a 62 yr old hoarders belongings every 2 years lately). + +I know that doing business with family is generally a bad idea however, I think trying to incorporate water/gas/electricity (utilities) into the rental payment to make things as easy as possible so this person can't fuck it up is also a recipe for disaster with laziness and claiming things back from a tax perspective. + +Wealth creation isn't really a possibility, that avenue has been tried and they just don't have the discipline/blow it all on shit they see on infomercials. Its all about stability and trying to help someone before the inevitable retirement home which at this point in my case is probably 10-15 years away (still a long period of time) + +I think a lot of us have these 50-65 yr olds in our life that we just don't know what to do with to help - Interested in what ideas people have that have worked. +This might be more of an eli5, but I don’t see the fuss or benefit of negative gearing? +I have an investment property, that was our ppor and we moved interstate. It currently intakes about a 5k net profit annually after expenses and after paying principal and interest. Yes we pay tax on that net income, but it’s still more money right? + +Why would I be better off with it being negative geared and yes not paying tax on an income, but ultimately not getting any income at all that way? + +I’m just a little confused why it seems to be pushed so hard that you should have negative geared investments. +I contacted my broker Commsec (Aus) today to request the transfer process to CS and he cracked up when I asked. + +He mentioned there has been a massive spike in DRS requests ,where as before they did like 1 per month, they are now doing 24 per week. Apparently they have a competition between colleagues with who will receive the most . + +He also mentioned there has been a huge spike in international accounts opened since the whole GME saga last year/this year. + +Needless to say my tits are jacked. Aussie apes piling into GME and DRSing. + +For anyone with Commsec looking to transfer, it's actually a super simple form you can email. Not the complicated CS one you need to send by mail. He did mention they are taking a little longer on their end to process due to the volumes. Like 10 days so not too bad +A lot of you may be new here, or maybe you've been here for a long time. + +But either way, I'd like to bet that aside from knowing that "hedge funds and shorters got too greedy and we're going to get them for it!", **you don't really have any idea how the GME rocket started.** + +So let me do the honours of giving you all a quick run-down on what is currently happening with GME. + +# It all started when hedge funds and shorters shorted GME into oblivion. + +With COVID-19 impacting the world the way it did, GameStop was set to become the next Blockbuster and go out of business for good. + +Hedge funds, who love to make money off shorting companies into bankruptcy, saw this as a perfect opportunity to make some easy money by **shorting more shares of GameStop than there were actual GameStop shares.** + +While some were able to figure this out before anyone else, pointing this out would have meant nothing if there was no reason for GME to go up... + +# Then all of a sudden GME had reasons to go up. + +People like Michael Burry and Keith "Roaring Kitty" Gill pointed out that the fundamentals for GME at the time (mid-2020) were not reflected accurately in GME's current price ($3-4 USD). What Michael Burry found out, in particular, was that not a single GameStop was in the red; they were all making profit to some degree. + +After GME starting showing positive trends, people like Ryan Cohen and companies like Microsoft invested in the company as well. With these investors in the company, there was hope for GameStop to not go bankrupt and actually adapt with the rise of eCommerce. + +Finally, to really help GME go along, Microsoft and Sony announced that their latest consoles (the XBOX One X and PS5) were still going to support physical disc copies of games. This further gave reason to believe that full-digital wasn't the future just yet, and that there was still hope and profit to be had in physical products/locations. + +# And as GME started going up to most people's surprise, people started noticing how screwed shorters suddenly were... + +But before we continue, I need to briefly explain what a *"short squeeze"* and *"gamma squeeze"* is. **If you already know, you can skip below.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**A "short squeeze" is when lots of people "short" shares, yet the price of the stock they shorted continues to go up, and eventually they're forced to cover their positions.** + +**This allows those with shares to sell the shares back to them at ridiculously high prices because, well, they have to buy them back.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**A "gamma squeeze" happens when many people make lots of "call" options with market makers for prices that are very high to reach (ex. a $100 call for a stock worth $10).** + +**They do this in hopes that not only will the stock attain that set price or higher, but more importantly that the market makers don't actually have the shares to give to them if/when the call options can be exercised.** + +**If this high volume of "call" options does get exercised, and market makers don't have the shares for them, that means that they'll be forced to buy the shares. Those with shares can then make them buy these required shares at much higher prices.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# SKIP POINT + +**People online began to communicate with one another about GME, and pointed out that is was going up despite what shorters wanted to happen.** + +# It was then that they theorized that with all the shares being shorted, and with the stock continuing to go up, that they could buy lots of GME shares and create many highly priced call options to create a short squeeze as well as numerous gamma squeezes. + +# But they weren't going to accomplish this alone... + +**Other big players on Wall Street also saw what GME was capable of, and provided the high volume required to send GME to the moon. And they provided the high volume indeed...** + +# And thus began the GME Gamma Squeeze of January 2021 + +What was once a $3-4/share company destined for bankruptcy suddenly sky-rocketed to a max of $480+ essentially overnight, and shorters and bears suddenly found themselves in billions worth of losses. + +# But we all know that big guys don't play nice. + +Before more call options could be filled and the price of GME could go up any further, numerous brokers halted buying GME all together. This gave plenty of time for numerous "call" options to become worthless, and for shorters to regroup and recover their losses. + +After all, the DTCC gives a 21 day grace period for investors in huge debt to cover their positions, so these shorters were going to do everything they could within these 21 days to get the price of GME back down. This way, they could not only minimize their losses, but even get back into the green and continue to bankrupt GameStop. + +In less than a month, GME plummeted to $40/share, and all seemed lost. Hedge funds would win once again, and retail traders were given a grim reminder that they don't play by the same rules as the big players... + +# Yet this is not how GME ends. + +Just a few weeks ago, more hope was given that GME would rocket once again. + +Keith "Roaring Kitty" Gill proved that not only did he still hold all his original shares in GME, he also doubled down on his position right after he announced that he would still buy GME during a Congress Hearing. + +During the same Congress Hearing, Melvin Capital (a hedge fund that lost 53% of its value because of the GME Gamma Squeeze) admitted that there was no short squeeze, and that the rise of GME to $400+ was a result of a gamma squeeze. + +**In other words, a "short squeeze" hasn't happened yet.** + +People found that shorts theoretically didn't all cover as shorters continued to be greedy and likely held on to their shorts as they thought they could still bankrupt GME like they originally planned. + +They found that while short interest was seemingly much lower that there were still very few GME shares left to short and that shorters were still losing millions every time GME spiked to new level highs. + +Not only that, but that shorters likely continued to short as GME went down during the gamma squeeze; putting them in an even bigger short position than the last. + +Ryan Cohen made it official that he would be heading GameStop's eCommerce division (because of course he is)... + +There were meme tweets of ice cream, frogs, and 1980-90's games/movies... + +People began exercising call options once more, and now... + +# The GME rocket rises once again... + +# TL;DR: Shorters and Market Makers are currently in desperate positions where they need A LOT of shares of GME to cover their shorts and fulfill their "call" options, and retail investors (but most importantly big players) are buying and holding all the shares they can to make GME the Big Squeeze of the 21st Century. + +# NONE OF THIS IS FINANCIAL ADVICE, AND PURELY FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. I JUST LIKE THE STOCK. + +**EDIT: Some grammar changes.** +My parents took out Parent Plus Loans for my brother and I when we went to college and now they are in $120,000 of debt in student loans. These loans were consolidated so my parents are paying an absurd amount of money each month. My father just retired this year after 30 years of being a firefighter and he is also disabled Vietnam Veteran. My brother and I try our best to contribute to these payments, but I wanted to see if there are any strategies or help we can receive for these loans? Any helpful tips would be greatly appreciated! +I base my claims on multiple indices but for simplicity would list 3 of them(which are readily available) here. The Markets have reached pretty high and seems to have created an euphoria, but if analysed carefully the present valuations are unrealistic and it seems there would be a correction for sure. + +Lets look at few indicators: + +1) Buffet Ratio: Market cap to GDP ratio. The basis for using this ratio is to see that companies are not valued more than the GDP itself. The valuation of all companies in an economy should not exceed the total GDP of the economy thus a market cap to GDP ratio of more than 1 would signal a red flag. + +[Here is the link for Buffet ratio](http://www.vectorgrader.com/indicators/market-cap-gdp) + +Take a look at the points when it went beyond 1. Both of those periods were bubbles (2000 and 2008). So the present ratio of 1.27 is clearly in the red region. + +2) The Shiller PE ratio for S&P 500 (CAPE)(P/E 10): It is a valuation measure, generally applied to broad equity indices (in this case S&P 500), that uses real per-share earnings over a 10-year period. It uses smoothed real earnings to eliminate the fluctuations in net income caused by variations in profit margins over a typical business cycle. +Looking at the last twenty years the only 2 peaks above the present CAPE ratios are both bubbles. Again an indicator that present valuations are unrealistic. + +[Here is the link for Shiller PE ratio](http://www.multpl.com/shiller-pe/) + +3) NYSE margin debt: Margin debt levels, and their rate of change, are sometimes used as an indicator of investor sentiment because margin debt rises when investors feel good about the prospects in the stock markets. In the past, margin debt levels have peaked at the same time market indexes reached relative peaks. When markets decline in a hurry, a large number of margin calls will usually come due, which can add to already heightened selling pressure. + +[Here is an article on NYSE margin debt](http://advisorperspectives.com/dshort/updates/NYSE-Margin-Debt-and-the-SPX.php) + +Lets discuss the above points first. Would be adding the other indicators later on if people are really interested in the discussion. + +NOTE: Though it cannot be predicted when it would happen, it can happen next week, next month or even next year but one thing is for sure that the present trend cannot go on and a fall is inevitable. +Maybe 5 months wasn't long enough but it was a little reality check/experiment to have a taste of how the future might look like. + +Back in the beginning of the year before all the craze started, I was kinda on the edge of pulling the trigger or not pulling the trigger... This sub's readers really think I should keep going for a little while longer given that a large share of my assets tie to real estate. And you know how much we all hate real estate in our folio lol! Ok, long story short, I didn't quit cold turkey but opted for an unpaid leave. I left my desk in mid March, then everything shut down days later. Damn!! So my little unpaid leave became a near half year sabbatical. + +The next two months, I was on the edge since my real estate income took a hit. So I worked really hard on my own stuff.. + +Lesson #1: When you work full time for Corp America, it's kinda draining... But when you work for yourself, you have the urge to get up the next day and do it all over again without feeling tired. Yes, the stomach still turns, but it feels different. + +Things turned around at the beginning of the summer and I finally slowed down to the pace of "whatever"... Kids were out of school so I started planning lots of summer getaway to embrace nature and stay away from Rona. + +Lesson #2: Camping trips on Tuesday to Thursdays were the easiest to score + +Lesson #3: Driving back home on Friday seeing all the ppl trying to leave the city in a jammed traffic was quite amusing. I am sorry, I shouldn't have said that. + +Anyway, the summer was super busy with short road trips filling the weekdays with the children. Mother Nature is marvelous for your body and soul. This was the only summer which I didn't leave my home state and it was the best in my memory. it brought the family closer too. No one cared if it were Tuesday or Wednesday... No school, no work. Just endless tress, creeks and birds. It was great. + +Well it didn't last long.. Aug came too quick and I had to get back to work. I was about 75% ready to work again. Another 25% wished I could have another month or two. + +Now I am back at work and about to get my first paycheck. It is a massive one since I don't make small amount. Does it have any effect on my quality of life? Well, other than the insurance coverage, not really. But it does buy me a sense of security in some strange way. I don't hate my job so I think I will keep grinding just a little longer. + +So while I was out of work, I did sell some real estate holding and held the funds in fixed income and growth equity. I know how this sub feels about real estate. I am not going to lie. While I exchanged house equity into equity market, I did feel better with a little bit more security because I can see the number. It's totally psychological but it does have an affect. + +Another thing I noticed during my absence from Corp America is that the banks don't like passive income ppl. I tried to refi and got rejected cuz I don't have W-2. The bankers told me to call them back once I receive my paycheck again. Heck, don't you guys see my stock holdings can pay off the entire house??? What are you morons?? Well, they didn't care about how much holdings I had and told me to get lost. + +Thanks for listening to me mumbling.. So in short, a job still has its place if you are not too desperate. After 5 months, I feel a sense of renewal and I actually find some joy with my job. Maybe sometimes you just need a real long break to do some silly things. +This will probably be downvoted to infinity, because "he's spreading FUD", and everyone wants crypto to "moon" (as do I), but I think this is a major development in the world economy where it would be naive to think it won't affect us crypto investors. So, bracing for downvotes, here goes: + +**There are crucial events unfolding in China right now, with one of the largest real estate developers in the world (Evergrande) being unable to meet its debt obligations partly due today, partly due on thursday. All in all, it's created a debt monster of 300 BILLION that it is unable to pay off. The stock was trading at $30 four years ago, $20 a year ago, and today it's trading at $2.** + +I guess crypto isn't the only place for 93% drops, huh? + +Because of this, there's significant uncertainty in the markets, and this could well affect crypto. This might've even been the cause of the recent dip we just had. + +**So, how can the bankrupcy of a Chinese real estate developer affect crypto?** + +* Since Evergrande won't be able to make its debt payments, the holders of this debt (banks) lose a lot of money, and they'll likely cover by selling other assets, which will drop in the price as a result. This could mean a whole variety of assets - bonds, stocks, etc. Who will be hurt? Institutions. The very same institutions that are heavily invested in crypto right now. It could be that institutions are dumping crypto right now in preparation to deal with the fallout that'll come from Evergrande. If they're not dumping right now, they may start when the fallout hits. +* Re-enter Tether FUD - we all know they're not mostly backed by US dollars, but to a very large extent (around 50%) by unspecified commercial paper - the very same paper that'll likely be hit significantly by the fallout from Evergrande. This could drop the value of Tether, and we all know how massively the whole crypto market relies on Tether. + +So will a massive crash happen? I don't know. My crystal ball is as good as yours. But I think it's worth being careful and rational. I would advise you to keep an eye on how the Evergrande situation develops. + +What do you think? Did I miss something? + +EDITS: + +1. $300 billion may not seem like a lot, but to put this in perspective, Lehman Brothers which triggered the 2008 crisis was 620 billion in debt, and 640 billion in assets. The question is how much of a cascade effect this loss of $300 billion will create in the markets through leveraged traders getting liquidated, as well as the whole derivatives market being affected by it. I don't think it'll be a repeat of 2008, and someone rightly said 600 billion was a lot 13 years ago, but it's naive to think 300 billion at this day and age is nothing. Big stock indexes are dropping. Look at SPX for example. Why is SPX getting affected by it, if "300 billion is a drop in the bucket"? No, this will probably be not a repeat of 2008, but it will most likely significantly affect the markets (it already HAS), as well as crypto. +2. Thank you for the awards. It makes me happy that others see value in my writing. +3. Holy shit. That's a lot of awards :O + + +As you all well know, Michael Burry is a retarded genius with dead eyes who basically prints money. After daddy Burry gave us GameStop when he initiated a very large position in early 2020, he also gave us another brilliant undercover idea in Q3 2020: CVS. + +Take a look at Scion Asset Managements 13F disclosure showing daddy Burry degenerately buying CVS Call Options. The fact Burry is holding shit tons of calls in addition to shares indicates a high level of conviction to me. + +https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1649339/000156761920019679/xslForm13F\_X01/form13fInfoTable.xml + +Similarly to Gamestop, CVS is a shitty looking chain of seedy feeling stores, where you go in to pick up your Chlamydia medication and leave sad. It is however undervalued!!! + +So what does Burry know? The general outlook for healthcare spending is positive and on an accelerating curve, with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimating US healthcare spending reached nearly $3.5T in 2017, a dollar increase of 4.6% from 2016 levels. CMS is projecting healthcare spending to continue to grow at an even faster pace over the next decade, drive by expanding insurance coverage, an aging population, and increasing prescription drug costs. Specifically, CMS is expecting an annual growth per year of 5.5% between 2017 and 2026, with HC spending projected to reach 19.7% of GDP in 2026. + +The CVS acquisition of Aetna closed in November 2018, with the goal of creating an integrated healthcare platform to better position CVS from competitive threats. The concept is unproven and will take time to develop. From a cost perspective, management sees cost savings totaling at least $750m by 2020, with $350m coming in 2019. + +Let’s look at the money. Most of you morons prefer companies that lose money yet have fancypants PowerPoint presentations, so please avert your eyes looking at a cashflow positive balance sheet: + + Percentage of revenues: + +| | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +| Pharmacy | 76.7% | 76.4% | 75.0% | +| Front store and other | 23.3% | 23.6% | 25.0% | +|| 100% | 100% | 100% | + +2019 Earnings: + +&#x200B; + +| In millions (except stores) |2019 |2018|2017| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +| Total revenues | 256,776 | 194,579 | 184,786 | +| Operating income | 11,987 | 4,021 | 9,538 | +| Income (loss) from Ops | 6,631 | (596) | 6,631 | +| Net income (loss) to CVS | 6,634 | (594) | 6,622 | +| Number of Stores | 9,941 | 9,967 | 9,846 | + + + +CVS basically does $6 billion in net income a year, and has a market cap of $97 billion, so it trades a Price/Ebitda of about 15 and an Enterprise Value/Ebitda of about 10 -- which in this market is FUCKING CHEAP. CVS is massively accelerating its rollout of minute clinics, and will continue to absorb all the fallout from private doctors and hospitals closing in the wake of Covid19. + +This is a list of over 500 rural hospitals that are facing closure due to Covid. CVS will absorb a lot of the demand for primary care that hospitals meet – remember most Americans are retarded and treat hospitals like primary care doctors. + [https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/state-by-state-breakdown-of-897-hospitals-at-risk-of-closing.html](https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/state-by-state-breakdown-of-897-hospitals-at-risk-of-closing.html) + +Additionally, the complete and total death of most retail stores, and the decimation of mom & pop stores, will only be a tailwind to CVS. This is sad but true. + +Lastly, the implied volatility on CVS options is CHEAP!! Basically, this is not a stock that generally makes sharp moves, nor does the market expect it to – meaning that you can buy options very very cheap. And IF the market or WSB figures out that daddy Burry wants us to buy this too – expect these options to EXPlODE!!! + +TLDR: Buy Feb. 19 $90 Strike Calls +I have a credit card that I haven't used for a while: balance is thus $0. My roommate is saying that I'll still need to make a minimum payment every month, but this doesn't seem correct. Do you still need to make a minimum payment when balance is $0? +Here's some sauce + +Location: [https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/oversight-enforcement/finra-disciplinary-actions?search=UBS%20Securities%20LLC&firms=&individuals=&field\_fda\_case\_id\_txt=&field\_core\_official\_dt%5Bmin%5D=&field\_core\_official\_dt%5Bmax%5D=&field\_fda\_document\_type\_tax=All&token=nFDRKuG2VBehKZksQo\_-TkicIHTSQjANJITn42U-SeM](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/oversight-enforcement/finra-disciplinary-actions?search=UBS%20Securities%20LLC&firms=&individuals=&field_fda_case_id_txt=&field_core_official_dt%5Bmin%5D=&field_core_official_dt%5Bmax%5D=&field_fda_document_type_tax=All&token=nFDRKuG2VBehKZksQo_-TkicIHTSQjANJITn42U-SeM) + +&#x200B; + +Overview from each and cost of crime. + +AWC 1 + +[https:\/\/www.finra.org\/sites\/default\/files\/fda\_documents\/2016050211701&#37;20UBS&#37;20Securities&#37;20LLC&#37;20CRD&#37;207654&#37;20AWC&#37;20Final&#37;20geg.pdf](https://preview.redd.it/ne2jmvy37rr91.png?width=1342&format=png&auto=webp&s=7330d9dc163c46139524f7571cf921ec8470ddcc) + +Cost of crime: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/l3u4tv4n7rr91.png?width=1052&format=png&auto=webp&s=66e334b643709df6d96a5cd0acdecaae5d0f642f + +AWC 2 + +[https:\/\/www.finra.org\/sites\/default\/files\/fda\_documents\/2017053779201&#37;20UBS&#37;20Securities&#37;20LLC&#37;20CRD&#37;207654&#37;20AWC&#37;20geg.pdf](https://preview.redd.it/py194vy37rr91.png?width=1642&format=png&auto=webp&s=18cc3223bf639dd3499b7fac0d16014af64e273e) + +Cost of Crime: + +https://preview.redd.it/6ne0rtms7rr91.png?width=1684&format=png&auto=webp&s=61b602ff8a2c90369dfe1dc3d4f6ccd6d0565e21 + +TL;DR - Title of post & apparently now FINRA owes us money. +Taken from SEC Commission order: + +[https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/34-47978.htm](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/34-47978.htm) + +The use of certificates can result in significant delays and expenses in processing securities transactions and can raise safety concerns associated with lost, stolen, and forged certificates. **The concerns associated with lost certificates was dramatically demonstrated during the September 11, 2001, tragedy when tens of thousand of certificates maintained in broker-dealers' vaults either were destroyed or were unavailable for transfer.** + +Accordingly, **for the reasons stated above** the Commission finds that the **rule change**, **which clarifies that DTC's rules only permit it to honor its participants' requests to withdraw securities**, **is consistent with Section 17A of the Act.** + +&#x200B; + +Recalling shares could protect retail from "naked short" selling. DTC doesn't want issuers to be able to withdraw shares from their depository. + +&#x200B; + +**Arguments supporting shares recall:** + +Commenters stated that **issuers should have the right to withdraw** their securities from DTC in order **to protect their shareholders** and their share price from the alleged negative consequences of **naked short selling** by broker-dealers + +Eight commenters took issue with the fact that **DTC does not effectively work to protect the interest of the issuer or the issuer's shareholders but rather works in the interest of its participants, the same entities** that profit from **naked short selling**. One of these commenters suggested that this conflict of interest should disqualify DTC from deciding whether an issuer could withdraw its securities. + +A majority of the forty-seven commenters opposed to DTC's filing believe that approval of the proposed rule change would allow DTC to continue to facilitate, either directly or indirectly, **short selling** in the over-the-counter securities market in violation of DTC's obligation to promote the prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions. Seven of these commenters characterized DTC's current settlement process as aiding and abetting illegal short selling or as creating an environment that permits unregistered securities offerings. + +At least twenty-six commenters contended that an issuer should have a choice as to whether the company's securities are eligible for deposit at DTC, particularly, as some of these commenters argued, when making the securities eligible for deposit at DTC requires the issuer's consent. Most of the twenty-six commenters stated that issuers should have the right to withdraw their securities from DTC in order to protect their shareholders and their share price from the alleged negative consequences of **naked short selling** by broker-dealers. These commenters believe that by requiring certification and by prohibiting ownership by nominees, including depositories, issuers will better be able to track, address, or preclude **naked short selling**. + +&#x200B; + +**Current Rules:** + +DTC's current rules and procedures **do not provide for DTC to comply with a** **withdrawal request from an issuer** without also receiving instructions from its participants. + +DTC's proposed rule change provides that **upon receipt of a withdrawal request from an issuer**, DTC will take the following actions: + +(1) **DTC will issue an Important Notice notifying its participants of the receipt of the withdrawal request from the issuer** and reminding participants that they can utilize DTC's withdrawal procedures if they wish to withdraw their securities from DTC; and + +(2) DTC will process withdrawal requests submitted by participants in the ordinary course of business but **will not effectuate withdrawals based upon a request from the issuer.** + +&#x200B; + +**Naked Short Sale:** + +A short sale is generally a **sale of a security that the seller does not own** or as effectuated by the delivery of borrowed securities within the required settlement timeframe. Although the Commission notes that a **"naked short sale"** is not a defined term, it generally refers to where a **seller sells a security without owning or borrowing the security and does not deliver when delivery is due.** + +&#x200B; + +**DTC denies responsibility for naked short selling:** + +Furthermore, the **issues surrounding naked short selling are not germane to the manner in which DTC operates as a depository registered as a clearing agency.** **Decisions to engage in such transactions are made by parties other than DTC**. **DTC does not allow its participants to establish short positions resulting from their failure to deliver securities at settlement.** While the Commission appreciates commenters' concerns about manipulative activity, those concerns must be addressed by other means. + +&#x200B; + +**DTC allowed few issuers to withdraw shares in the past:** + +Several commenters claim that **DTC is acting arbitrarily by permitting some issuers to withdraw their securities while prohibiting others from withdrawing** their securities because **DTC did accommodate a few earlier requests from issuers in the belief that they were unusual circumstances.** However, **DTC only withdrew these securities based upon instructions made by participants pursuant to DTC's rules and procedures.** DTC bore the substantial expense resulting from coordinating the communications and actions among DTC participants, the transfer agent, and the issuer in order to accommodate each issuer's request. When it became clear to DTC that **many more issuers intended to attempt to withdraw their securities from DTC**, it decided that it would no longer bear the substantial additional cost and expense of time in accommodating such requests. In none of the situations where DTC assisted an issuer in having its securities withdrawn did DTC act on an issuer's instructions. **DTC facilitated the issuer by having DTC participants issue instructions to withdraw the securities.** + +&#x200B; + +**Poor DTC can't do anything about it, eventhough they reallyyyyyy want to, because of the rules... which they regulate themselves:** + +Furthermore, **DTC can only act in accordance with its rules.** DTC has adopted rules that permit deposits of securities into DTC by participants and rules that permit withdrawals from DTC by participants and pledgees. **However, DTC has not adopted rules that permit issuers to withdraw securities from DTC.** Accordingly, a procedure allowing issuers to withdraw securities from DTC would have to be filed and approved by the Commission. **DTC has not filed such a rule change.** + +EDIT: + +Added content and improved highlights. +The time to flip bitcoin and take the throne is right now. If the true bulls of Ethereum want it to ever flip Bitcoin. The time is right now. It's up to the people to decide. +My employer makes a contract with me to pay X amount of dollars for the work I do. I figure out that there was a mistake in the contract that allows me to manipulate it and drain the son of a bitch's bank account. Now here is the point that trolls are missing here: INTENT. When a judge (or public) looks at a contractual agreement between two parties, intent plays a big factor. Did the employer knowingly allow this attack vector so that he could have his funds stolen? No. It was an obvious manipulation and theft. Deception and fraud. A contract is not like a game of "HAHA, I found a loophole so I legitamately win free money!", you trolling idiots. Lets see how this democracy plays out. I am sure that 90% of these trolls who are against the forks are none other than the attacker himself. +* Japanese companies are working to entice younger investors +* New investment offering to start in first half of next year +* [https://bloom.bg/2ZlA58G](https://bloom.bg/2ZlA58G) +I sent my green card, SSN, and a signed w4 form to a scammer, what can they do with it? + +I added a credit fraud alert, is that enough? + +edit: I freeze all 3 credit agencies, thanks guys! +I remember my dad talking to his broker when I was growing up, he’d always say something like “Fucking Clay, he gets paid if he’s right or wrong.” When he was done talking to him. + +Trading options would have blown dad’s mind, he always bought blue chip stocks. He passed away 13 years ago, I miss him every day. + +Thanks for the silver https://old.reddit.com/u/Charles_Himself_ + +Holy shit, I’ve been Platinumed, Blown, Tendied, and Silveredx 3, thanks WSB Bro’s 🍆💦 + +Can I have a custom title from the CIS gendered, hetero mod if there is one? + +I’d like to be known as “Gordon Gekko” or whatever the fuck you want to flair me with. +I’m pretty upset. My fiancé and I got engaged last year, but due to COVID we never went ring shopping. We went to Kay’s and I know my budget, but the lady said “We’ll give you 2 years no interest”. I declined, but she kept talking about incentives and cash back. Finally she said “Let’s just see what you’re pre-approved for, but we won’t actually sign you up”. + +I agree (dumb, I know) and give her my info. She tells me I’m pre-approved for like 25k and we go about our business. I ended up buying a bridal set at a local jewelers for cash and never thought twice. + +I just received the Kay’s card in the mail and I am PISSED. It popped up on Credit Karma as a hard inquiry, even though she said it wouldn’t. I don’t plan on activating my card and I don’t want the inquiry on my report. + +Do I have any recourse? +I really hope this takes off because I would love to hear everyone's input. There is always a lot talk on this thread about what to buy or sell, but I want to hear about people's "ah-ha!" moments. + +I'll never forget mine: 11th grade economics class. The teachers asks the class, "if you had $1000 and you could buy 1 stock for $1000 or 10 stocks for $100 each, and you know you are going to get 5% return for both options, which will make you more money?" Smartass high school me answers the 10 stocks. He happily uses me as an example on how many investors think when it comes to stocks. + +A close second: a college professor asks how much money we would need to make a year to be happy. A student says $200,000. He then explains that all you need is $10 million to invest in safe bonds that yield roughly a 2% return to live happily ever after. Of course, you need $10 million, but it really opened my eyes to how the rich are able to get richer sometimes effortlessly. + +I am hoping to hear some of your stories, theories, equations, etc. + +I think a lot of people think that since they don’t get a bill from the IRS that they are in the clear from past trades and gains. I am self employed construction worker so I know first hand they are ruthless and will find your past trades and not only tax you but add penalties and interest. I see YouTubers recommending to trade btc or eth for this other project that will pump but once you trade an asset for another that is a taxable event when you had gains on the original crypto that you traded. Just please everyone don’t mess with the IRS, If I didn’t have my back tax issues I know I would be trading and think they will never know but they will find out eventually +I'm at the point where I'm being hit by the medicare levy surcharge. + +I'm trying to pick a health insurance to cover me and my partner. But it's broken into three tiers, with 20 or so options stacked on top. Confusing. + +Putting together something useful costs roughly double the surcharge, through these filthy comparison sites run by meerkat mascots. I don't trust them. + +My partner recently had to have surgery, and the public system worked perfectly for free. A friend of mine had a difficult child birth at a private hospital, and the baby just ended up getting put across the street in a public hospital because it had more resources. I don't ever want to be at a second rate hospital because it has nice carpets and fancy beds. + +The system feels obfuscated by complexity. How do I get through that and evaluate it properly for myself and my partner? + +Nurses and doctors are lovely people and I'm priveleged to make more than average. I'm tempted to just pay the surcharge and be done with it. +My current strategy is to fill my TFSA with Canadian blue chip, long term hold Dividend Growth stocks, and DRIP them for 40 years with the ultimate goal of living off the dividend income. For my RRSP, I want to hold ETF's to give me international exposure outside of Canada. + +If I want to own something like XAW, or the Canadian Couch Potato combo (XUU + XEF + XEC), would I not run the risk of over diversification? Having a diversified portfolio helps to reduce risk, but having too much diversification will put a drag on returns. + +Would I be better off with just an S&P500 ETF in the RRSP, and nothing else? It's already very well diversified and has a lot of global exposure, as the companies in the S&P generate about half their revenue internationally. Buffet advocates for this strategy for most people also. + +Thoughts? + +Edit: Adding this article which inspired this post for more context on my concern [http://www.arborinvestmentplanner.com/over-diversification/](http://www.arborinvestmentplanner.com/over-diversification/) + +&#x200B; +Hey, so grateful I've found this community. + +Random question but I'm curious as to the history of this magnificent field! + +I imagine an old timey guy smoking and drinking as he calls another guy in a basement to tell him to sell stock. Or better yet writes a letter? + +Curious as to the attitudes and mentalities of investors in the past. + +Thanks! +shop caught my attention for obvious reasons. + +upon wanting to short it, noticed one year options on both the long and short side costs a whopping 33%, which means we're banking on it going bankrupt in less than 6 years. This is not logical, cannot be shorted. shorting actual shares would be ludicrous due to these erratic movements. + +shop is a terrible investment for these reasons: + +1. canadian, every canadian success story eventually dies, except the bank and telecom, canada goose and lululemon. +2. 1.5 billion rev and 60 billion stock price means 40x p/s ratio which is ok because (lets assume best case scenario here) when one day it gets to a ratio where we have 40p/e, such as let's say something like 10b rev and 1.5b income. Competitors will pop and undercut like bamboo shoots. Which leads to my next point. +3. It is a glorified website designer that used to cost $500 a pop, now streamlined and nothing of its technology is proprietary, unique or protected in any way shape or form. See [staples.ca](https://staples.ca), anybody can make a website like that, and most people can make a page that designs website like that and charge substantially less than whatever a profitable going rate would be for shopify. + +Now it is not prudent to short the stock, because one cannot say with high conviction that it will bankrupt within six years, but you can't fool me, you are a terrible company riding on the easy money of this tech wave. + +Lastly, give me less than one billion, and I can make a company that makes sure both it and shopify never makes a dollar, ever. This cannot be said of for example, amazon. +The only ETF I currently hold is XEQT, but would like to add a small amount of one of the two ETFs listed. Any preferences? Is the overlap for one of them bigger when it comes to xeqt holdings? + + +Hi Everyone, + +So I was looking into RRSP. I was looking to contribute via a loan and take as long amortization period as possible. I know CIBC goes up to 10 years. So I am gonna shoot for that. Idea is to borrow max contribution every year for 10 years(or 5 if amortization on loan is 5) and reinvest the refund. Stop borrowing money after 10 years and only pay off the acquired loans, All loan will be paid in 20 years kinda along the lines with my mortgage. I have made a spreadsheet of the plan. + +A little background + +20 years old, credit score : 788 , Annual income: $60k, Loan is around the lines of 2.45-3% but it doesn't matter if I can get 10 years term. At that rate inflation will also eat up my loan as it it close to 5% this year and it won't go down if govt is still owing a ton of money. so with 3% interest and 5% inflation that's already a guaranteed 2% return over normal return for these first couple years. + +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ppuxSO1Qwt2-sOmkNyxbpGOKXn9NjZsDdaio8H6sD\_w/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ppuxSO1Qwt2-sOmkNyxbpGOKXn9NjZsDdaio8H6sD_w/edit?usp=sharing) + +I think this might be loophole but not sure. Will try it regardless though. + +Any opinion if anybody have done it? +[https://www.straight.com/news/canada-real-estate-rbc-economics-predicts-home-prices-to-increase-in-near-term](https://www.straight.com/news/canada-real-estate-rbc-economics-predicts-home-prices-to-increase-in-near-term) + +&#x200B; + +Prices in BC have always been thought of as a bubble but even with the recent foreign taxes that cooled the market, BC had a soft landing with only a slight decrease in prices which was what they needed. Pent up demand and low mortgage rates are causing the market to heat back up. Cancelled new condo starts due to the softened demand has also created thoughts that in 3-5 years, the prices will boom again with so little inventory coming on the market. BC's economy also relies more heavily on real estate than AB does on oil so it is in the gov't interest in keeping the real estate booming here. + +Is BC going to be a real estate bubble like many have thought or is BC just where too many people want to live and the prices reflect that and will continue to rise? +Banned for posting alot? What? Kidding me? If the posts were shit then yeah, but most of them are beautiful. No need to pull a twitter and censor people in this sub especially ones with hyped intentions. + +Free u/welp007 + +Thanks +u/captain-fan you agree? + + + +Text text text text text textbtext text Text text text text text textbtext text Text text text text text textbtext text Text text text text text textbtext text Text text text text text textbtext text Text text text text text textbtext text +I owe about 5 grand on the car still but insurance isn't going to cover the cost to fix my engine. At this point it's going to cost more to fix than what I owe. + +Edit: to everyone wondering I've got a 2014 for fusion. The car was over heating and leaking coolant, not too sure from where. And the it wouldn't start after shutting it off. + +Edit 2: it sounds like my best option at this point is to call a couple mechanics and get quotes on engine replacement. See what my financing options are and go fom there. +Today is the official release of a new product that aims to make using Compound Finance with Dai easier than ever. + +Multi.Supply is a new interface with native Ledger support to use Dai and other tokens on Compound Finance. + +The combination of the MakerDAO CDP System and the Compound Protocol allow for an amazing reality in the dapp world. + +Check it out today. + +MultiSupply - https://multi.supply/ +Hello, based on England. + +I own about a 25% share in a house that was my late fathers. The remaining 75% is owned by my siblings. One of my siblings enjoys a lifetime right to live in the house, rent free, so long as he chooses. The right is non transferable and can only be revoked by him. + +I’m in the process of selling my current home and finding a new one. Is there a way to unlock any of the value I have in the inherited property? Or is there a way to utilise my part ownership in order to get a better mortgage rate or something? + +I’ve worked on the assumption that I have illiquid asset that I will one day be able to either pass on or perhaps utilise, but in the meantime has no value to me. I want to sense check if I’m talking nonsense… +I was thinking about this the other day - given that sequence of returns risk is the greatest risk by far in determining how "safe" a 4% withdrawal rate is, has anyone backtested a strategy with some sort of systematic rules for drawing expenses from a rotating debt instrument like a home equity line of credit or a pledged asset loan? + +So for example - your conditions might be: + +- Secure a PAL or fixed HELOC at a relatively low rate (say 3-5%) + +- If at any point, you experience a drawdown from your portfolio balance of more than X% (10? 15?), then you stop withdrawals from your portfolio and start withdrawing your expenses from the debt facility + +- Once the market is on the way back up (say up X% from a recent low, or within X% of a previous high), you revert back to drawing from your portfolio and start paying down the debt balance over time + +Intuitively, I ***think*** this would greatly reduce your risk in situations like retiring right before the dot com bust or GFC, but I think it would also smooth out some of the general ups and downs and perhaps reduce some of the heartburn associated with watching your hard earned nest egg get drawn down. + +The big questions for me would be - what are the right values for the parameters that dictate switching in to and out of the debt draw, and what is the best option with regards to the specific type of debt to facilitate this strategy. + +Anyway - has anybody looked at this or know of any backtests that have been done? I can probably put together a decent model for it with a bit of time, but no sense in reinventing the wheel if it's already been done. + +EDIT: here's a very quick and dirty profiling of this strategy over the GFC vs. a portfolio of 100% SPY, feedback welcome. + +https://imgur.com/O5amqQ4 +I'm an American citizen living abroad and looking into buying investment properties in Europe for vacation homes / short-term rentals. This would be my first real estate purchase. + +I know each country is different, but in general, is there anything to look out for? Where would you find experts to help navigate the purchase? Would it generally be better to start a business in the country of purchase and buy it under the company? Would I be getting a loan locally, or from my US bank? I'm just not really sure the best place to start. +Getting really close to buying my first duplex, just getting nervous that I could have overlooked something. How can I cover all my bases and make sure I don't lose money on this venture. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks! +--UPDATES WILL BE MADE ON MY PERSONAL REDDIT, AS TO NOT SPAM THE SUB-- + +As the title says. + +This is the current version (still updating massively): [https://imgur.com/a/YyN99vx](https://imgur.com/a/YyN99vx) + +But before I continue i would like some advice, what would you like to see? What do you consider important. All the terms and ratios currently selected is what i consider important. the cells will ColorCode red/green/blue/orange when excel autmaticallt detects an interesting value. + +You have to manually edit the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow. All the other numbers are generated automatically. + +The company that is currently being used is Lennox International. +I'm 34M and just joined a new job (£75K) and am being asked what % of my salary I'd like to sacrifice as pension contributions. The employer will double whatever I contribute up to 5%. So If I contribute 5% of my salary they will add an extra 10%, but if I contribute 10% their contribution will still be 10%. + +My question is: **how much I should sacrifice?** My monthly outgoings are low so I don't really need much cash, so I could go up to 50%, which would lower my income tax below higher rate and avoid me paying 40%. + +Are there any limits on pension contributions? + +What would you do? +Is it worth the hassle of buying and renting out a property these days? I have £150k to do \*something\* with but I'm wondering (hate for landlords aside) if house prices, regulation, agency fees plus property overheads and the risks associated with letting a property make it less attractive than it was even 5 years ago? I mean, broadly, is investing in this manner every worth it any more? +As good red blooded American capitalists, we like to believe that if a business is successful, it's because it has innovated and done a better job than the competition? + +But how true is that? + +Let's start with some examples, shall we? + +- It seems as though the entire finance industry was making a killing the past 5 years by selling subprime mortgages and saying they were prime. + +- The mortgage lending industry profited by selling mortgages to people who couldn't afford them, because they used the power of government to have Fannie/Freddie buy the mortgages, so the banks didn't care if people actually paid it back...risk free money. + +- There's a multi billion dollar education industry in America that induces kids to take out student loans on the promise it will lead to a lucrative career, when many wind up waiting tables. + +- The entire 401k/investment industry runs on hidden fees that people would never pay if they knew or understood. E.g., there is no reason on the face of the earth for a person to ever pay a sales load on a mutual fund, yet the industry is fueled by them. + +- Manufacturers/retailers increase their margins by having goods made in 3rd world countries that are flimsy and even dangerous. + +- Every industry on the face of the earth plays "gotcha" games. For example, I recently signed up for a free trial with Intuit Websites. I wanted to cancel before I was billed, and was told I had to call to cancel, and then had to wait 30 minutes before I got a hold of someone. Hey, that's one way of reducing cancellations! + +- The entire credit card industry is based on hidden fees. + +- The entire insurance industry is based on confusing the hell out of you and wiggling out of as many payments as possible you thought they had agreed to pay. + +Historically it was even worse. The Kennedy's were criminals, the Whitney's in New York got rich with their subway monopoly, and on and on... + +I'm beginning to wonder if bullshit is part and parcel to successful enterprise. I'm not talking about anything patently illegal, but just bending the truth and playing games to create profit. Playing in the grey area, if you will. + +If I didn't know better, I'd think it's impossible to turn a profit being completely transparent. + +Thoughts? +Just a few days ago I was introduced to this man via the movie "Collapse", and have since watched a few of his lectures on Youtube. + +What do you folks make of this guy? He seems like any other conspiracy theorist, only he appears to do an especially good job of straddling the boundary of believability (at least for me, someone who is inherently skeptical). + +His stuff on peak oil has really got me thinking as well. Nobody can deny that there is a finite amount of fossil fuels on Earth, and that modern civilization is extremely dependent on them. Is there any way of knowing whether Earth's recoverable oil reserves are dwindling or not? + +His predictions are pretty catastrophic. Is there anyone out there able to shed some light on this fellow? Reddit users seem to be pretty good at spotting bullshit and absurd claims... is there a major flaw in this man's thinking? + + + +We've decided to move out of state, but based on work, family, and financial reasons, we won't be able to do that until March or April. I told my dad my plan and coincidentally, he informed me he will be retiring, selling his home in the exact neighborhood we're looking to move, and would offer it to me for fair market value at right of first refusal if we want it. The problem is, he wants to take advantage of the hot (and likely cooling off) market and sell now. I told him we can't move now, but would be able to sell our house and then buy his next spring, the house is definitely one we'd love to buy. He thinks the market will cool significantly by then, and maybe even enter a recession, so he's unwilling to wait to sell. He offered to draft up a contract of sorts where we agree on a price now, he'll wait a few months to retire, and we'll do the deal when we are ready. + +If we do the deal and the market cools off, we'll be bound to overpay on his house while not getting what we could now on our house and potentially not even being able to afford his house. Now, he's my dad, so he's not going to sue me, but he is very much not ok with me backing out of the deal on those circumstances because that fear is the whole reason he wants the contract in the first place. + +If we don't do the deal and the market stays hot, we'll be competing in the crazy atmosphere and potentially unable to afford that neighborhood anymore (without tapping into our savings) by entering a bidding war and will 100% regret not having that plan in place. + +As kind of a middle-ground for the risk we're taking, he's willing to discount the sales price slightly (also because it'll be offsetting his realtor fees and cost of moving twice, renting, etc. that he'd go through selling right now), but I'm still nervous binding myself to a sales price 7 months out and opening up to that risk. + +I imagine the right answer is "yes, that's the risk you have to take, be a grown up and make a decision" , but in case anyone had been in a similar situation, or has wise words of advice (or a crystal ball around this looming recession), I thought I'd ask. + +Thanks for the time and responses +So lemme tell you about Moonboys finance. It's a new token that's been out for about a week or so and it has made significant progress already. Rapidly increasing holders as well as a growing telegram group (linked below). + +A good part of the team is also involved in one of the biggest coins right now in the DeFi space. To be honest I feel so good about Moonboys that it's one of my biggest bags right now (next to Feg!). They've already donated to cancer research and made another donation to a dolphin foundation as well (all this in less than a week!). Already listed in coingecko and coinmarketcap as well. + +If you feel like you've already missed out, this is the perfect time to buy on a discount (as we all know yesterday's news had a significant impact on the market). + +Great community too. Admin and dev team are very active on telegram if people have questions. + +Obviously, still need to DYOR if you do decide to invest. Providing info below. + +P.S. growth might be a little slow right now due to Pancakeswap having issues but with all the marketing projects in the coming weeks I have doubt that this project will be going to the moon 🚀🚀🚀 + + +💠 Project: MoonBoys Finance + + 💠 Website: https://moonboys.finance/ + +💠 Contract address: 0xe361344013cC906c56bbA111bDE00C421852c73b + +💠 BSCScan: https://bscscan.com/token/0xe361344013cC906c56bbA111bDE00C421852c73b + + 🥞 Purchase Link: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xe361344013cC906c56bbA111bDE00C421852c73b (Click the ⚙️ and set slippage to 11%) + + 📊 Tokenomics 📊 + +● 1,000,000,000,000,000 total supply + +● 25% burned before launch + +● 30% distributed in presale + +● 25% added for initial PancakeSwap liquidity + +● 20% held in the Dev wallet for “milestone burns" (Dev wallet will be on a multisig with a trusted 3rd party). + + +❓How is our tax redistributed❓ + +☄️ 6% redistributed proportionately to each holder as our “thank you” for being an investor + +☄️ 4% locked as liquidity to alleviate the potential for serious liquidity issues in the future + +📈 Charts 📈 + + ● Poocoin: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xe361344013cC906c56bbA111bDE00C421852c73b + + ● Bogged: https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xe361344013cc906c56bba111bde00c421852c73b + + ❇️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MoonBoysFinance + +❇️ Telegram: t.me/moonboysofficial +I inherited a house after my dad died. It's in Southern California and worth somewhere around $450k. + +My goal is to not have to work a 9-5. I'm considering relocating to countries with low cost-of-living like Croatia or the Philippines. I would require at least $1500 per month. + +So what's the best move? + +Rent out the house? I can probably rent it out for $2200 to $2400 per month but I'd have to deal with renters while living thousands of miles away and I'd still be responsible for the property tax, HOA fees, insurance, and property management fees. I'd pocket about $1250 per month after expenses and that's not counting major potential expenses for home repairs. That's not quite enough. + +Sell it and invest the money? This appeals to me because I wouldn't have any hassle dealing with the renters but I'm not sure losing the house as an asset is smart. Also not sure that the returns I'd be getting could support my lifestyle. +I know, we see all those weird memecoins surging and you feel like you are missing every pump going on and always choose the wrong coin. + +You invested in ADA, ALGO and MATIC. All solid coins, but basically stablecoins right now. + +BTC & ETH? Sitting idly by sucking their thumbs and eating glue. + +Your coin has not mooned yet, and that is fine. It will. + +You will need the most important thing in the crypto space there is: Patience. Good things come to those who wait. It is tempting to sell your position and go for Elon's Cum or whatever coin is en vogue right now, but as soon as you sell, your old coin will pump. Just wait your turn and reap the rewards. +DGX token. + +&#x200B; + +ERC 20 token that is backed by physical gold kept in vaults ( and they claim its audited ) + +&#x200B; + +1 DGX = 1 gm of gold spot price , so a trader can get exposure to gold price *without* buying physical gold + +&#x200B; + + [https://digix.global/dgx/](https://digix.global/dgx/) + +\^\^ this is their website + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +has anyone bought it ? is this company legit ? +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +My 90 year old grandmother came to Australia after WW2 as a teenage refugee with nothing to her name. She then had to start her life over again in her early 50s after my alcoholic grandfather drained their bank accounts and died. This included learning how to do her own personal finances. She's a very smart, resilient and resourceful lady and I recently found out that within 10 years of my grandfather's death she'd managed to spin up a stock portfolio and buy an investment property which set her up for retirement and is paying for the very nice nursing home she's currently in. I think it's pretty amazing that a middle-aged widowed immigrant woman managed to sort this out in the 1980s, but I'm trying to figure out the ins and outs how of how she did it beyond selling the family home and moving into a small suburban unit. + +So, Boomers and Xers of the sub (if you're out there) -- how did people find things like investment properties and research and buy shares before the internet? Word of mouth? Paying middle-men? + +Side note, if you have grandparents you enjoy spending time with, ask them things before they forget! My granny is still alive and good company but the ins and outs of her personal finance decisions aren't lodged in her memory. Fortunately we got all the important stories of her youth and time in the war out of her before her memory started to fade. +We're building a platform that removes property managers from the owner/tenant relationship. + +instead, all services performed by a PM (maintenance requests, access to approved tradespeople, inspections, re-leasing, collecting signatures, and rent payment etc) will be managed in an end-to-end encypted app on phone/tablet or desktop. + +This can save most property investors between 4% and 6% annually, over the life of their investment. + +Would you use it, or prefer to pay the money to have a middle man (PM)? +Rallying global equity markets in the face of rising COVID-19 infections are "totally irrational", says private investor and former Vocus boss James Spenceley, who made millions betting against Wall Street in the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak. + +Despite hospitals in the US warning they are reaching capacity and signs of a second wave of COVID-19 arriving in major economies, Wall Street futures indicated US stocks were set to open more than 1 per cent higher after returning from the July 4 holiday. The S&P 500 is up 39 per cent from its 2020 bottom. + +Asian stocks soared on Monday, with the Shanghai Composite rising 5.7 per cent, for its biggest rally since 2015, attributed to ample liquidity, recovering activity and boosting by state media. Hong Kong's Hang Seng added 4.2 per cent. + +The US is clearly completely screwed, we're coming into a second wave here and the travel stocks are either flat or up. + +— James Spenceley, Spenceley Investments + +Mr Spenceley said it was hard to believe the market was being so optimistic in the face of what he believed to be a severe second wave, echoing the events of February when shares hit record levels before a pandemic was declared. + +"It was amazing to see the market making all time highs as the pandemic was spreading. Back then it was clearly mispricing risk and we're seeing the same now," said Mr Spenceley. "I think it's just totally irrational." + + +Advertisement +In February, Wall Street was soaring while COVID-19 infections were rapidly expanding beyond China, leading Mr Spenceley to cancel Valentine's Day plans with his wife and take out $15 million worth of face valuation puts against the S&P 500. + +Investors flying blind +Evidence of new infections and weakened protection measures as economies reopen has failed to trouble US investors. The S&P/ASX 200 Index ended Monday's session 0.7 per cent lower at 6014.6, after trading in the green most of the day. + +The rise in US futures ahead of the reopening of trading comes despite a number of hospitals in US states, such as Arizona and Texas, reporting they are near capacity to treat COVID-19 cases. + +The Nasdaq Composite was on track to hit another record high on Monday, with the tech heavy index delivering the strongest returns amid the pandemic. + +"I'd much rather be underinvested in this market," said Mr Spenceley. + +"If you take a step back and you look at this without the emotion of sitting out, at these levels, is this really a time to be invested?" + +The reimplementation of lockdowns across Melbourne and the closure of the border between New South Wales and Victoria have thrown fresh doubts on the ability of Australia to flatten the curve after successfully suppressing the coronavirus. + +Victoria recorded 127 new cases of COVID-19 on Sunday, its largest ever daily increase. + + +UniSuper chief investment officer John Pearce. Supplied + +"Suffice to say that it’s a setback, particularly for the travel and tourism sectors," said UniSuper chief investment officer John Pearce. + +"[But] we still need to put things in perspective. Relative to the rest of the world, Australia is in great shape as far as the health crisis is concerned." + +The closure of the NSW-Victoria border has also thrown doubt on whether domestic tourism and travel will be able to resume as quickly as anticipated. Losses in domestic travel stocks were limited in response to the news. + +Corporate Travel Management dipped 1 per cent to $10.31 and Qantas fell 0.8 per cent to $3.79. Webjet rose 2.1 per cent to $3.41 and Flight Centre advanced 0.4 per cent to $11.44. + +"The US is clearly completely screwed, we're coming into a second wave here and the travel stocks are either flat or up," said Mr Spenceley. + +"No one wants to admit it but this is going to hang around for a long time." + +Many investors are largely flying blind when it comes to assessing the earnings impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and are trying to determine which areas of the economy are likely to counter the pain. + +Defensives such as Telstra and Spark Infrastructure were among the market leaders on Monday, ahead of what is set to be a tough earnings season for most companies. + +"For this market to be rational, you'd have to have a good idea of what earnings are going be like and really, you have no basis," said Mr Spenceley. + +Transurban, which owns Melbourne's CityLink tollroad, fell 2.4 per cent to $14.27 as more Victorian local government areas were added to the lockdown list on the weekend. Those restrictions do not yet extend to the central business district but active cases have been detected in the city. + +The latest quarterly business outlook from Deloitte Access Economics warned Victoria would feel the economic pain for longer than the rest of Australia. + +"Victoria has had the strongest COVID restrictions across the country and now, with the prospect of a second wave returning and the reintroduction of restrictions, the state is likely to see some prolonged misery in particularly hard-hit sectors," Deloitte partner Chris Richardson wrote. + +https://www.afr.com/markets/equity-markets/totally-irrational-global-stocks-rise-defying-second-wave-20200706-p559by +Many customers of challenger bank Tandem Bank threatened to close their accounts after the start-up announced that it would introduce a £5.99 monthly fee. + +The banking start-up, which has signed up more than 500,000 customers, told customers on Wednesday that it would implement a charge for its cashback card. + +Chief executive Ricky Knox said the decision to start charging all customers was made in order to offer a “sustainable” service. + +Tandem stopped allowing customers to sign up for a free card at the end of 2019, and will close the service down on March 9. + +The £5.99 per month card will include 0pc interest on purchases and cash, no FX charges on foreign transactions, 1.5pc AER on savings and 0.5pc cashback. + +Many Tandem customers publicly announced on Twitter that they would quit the start-up following the changes. + +One customer wrote: “Looks like it's time to cut up my @Tandem_Bank card. It was fun whilst it lasted.” + +Another said: “So disappointed that @Tandem_Bank are changing their cashback card, it's been great over the past few years! But cannot justify spending £5.99 a month to keep it. Bound to lose a lot of customers.” + +A spokesman for Tandem said the launch of the new membership tier to users of its free card is a “test” before offering the paid scheme to the wider market. + +The start-up has raised more than £74m in funding from investors including eBay founder Pierre Omidyar and QED Investors. + +House of Fraser pulled out of a £35m funding commitment in 2017 after investing just £6m of the planned amount. + +Many banking start-ups have grappled with the cost of offering current accounts to customers for free. Rival banks including Monzo, Revolut and N26 have launched similar membership schemes with monthly charges in order to offset the cost of offering the accounts. + +Sarah Kocianski, the head of research at financial technology consultancy 11:FS, said: "To offer people rewards for free and then suddenly switch to charging people makes me think the full credit strategy hadn't been fully thought out." + +"Killing a free membership tier to make a company sustainable is understandable if the paid-for product is superior," Ms Kocianski said, "but in this case, I would have thought it was clear that a reason people had adopted the card was the free rewards." + + +https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2020/01/08/customers-threaten-leave-tandem-bank-announcement-new-6-monthly/ +Hi Fellow Apes – I am sure you have been hearing a lot about Loopring and their LRC Coin but it may be fuzzy as to how they COULD fit into the picture. I am hoping to help by digging a bit deeper than surface layer exploring. If this looks too long and you want to skip to the Meat, jump down to Ethereum Layer 2 Ecosystem. You will want to read that one. Also, I like using a single data source and feel that Coin98 does a nice job, by no means is this a plug of their service. None of this is Financial advise, my black lab is my Financial Advisor. +