diff --git "a/toc_dataset(95k).csv" "b/toc_dataset(95k).csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/toc_dataset(95k).csv" @@ -0,0 +1,94041 @@ +text,label +"architectural, functional, design, or performance requirements in the fPRD or as Statement of ",9 +. — The Director of,9 +"COUNTRY, ORDAIN1NG FOR THIS",7 +and participating VFR aircraft.,3 +Serve as a means of relating the lesson to the objectives ,3 +Bundesministerium der Finanzen:,9 +"prescribed in Article 30-13, paragraph (1) of the Act to provide information ",3 +meet the minimum,6 +", That notwithstanding section ",9 +Variation of the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +which is shown in ,9 +Anlage 4 (zu § 1 Abs. 4 des Gesetzes),7 +Levy on Alcoholic Beverages Fund ,7 +price of the contract [excluding travel expenses]].,9 +any conflict with or breach the terms of any easement and/or other legal or land interest of Cadent ,9 +supplement AC 91,9 +RITERES DE SELECTION,7 +ENROLLED IN PATIENT ENROLLMENT SYSTEM OF DEPART-,7 +COMPLIANCE WITH TENDER SPECIFICATION AND MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ,7 +II.23.3 Interest on late payment ,7 +関し相当の経験を有する医師、歯科医師、薬剤師、看護師、歯科衛生士、臨床検査,3 +not more than four persons may be appointed as Minister or Assistant Minister from ,3 +Windshield Surface Seal Coating,7 +a bad bounce since airspeed diminishes very rapidly in the ,9 +"If the generator cannot maintain the required voltage level, ",9 +paper versions ,7 +"Article 2 With regard to export of goods conducted, as permitted, by a person ",3 +The NOT Gate,7 +Article 7 - ,7 +Accomplishing a constant radius ground track requires ,9 + are listed in the EU ,9 +⦁ $_{Time after completion of group tasks for learners to systematically reflect upon how they worked together as }$,3 +Check the reservoir level of two-stroke engines with oil ,9 +approach clearance.,9 +Personen),9 +Fully Articulated Rotor System,7 +Collaborating with ANG on all aspects of NextGen Integrated Safety Management to,3 +direction of the initial loss of lift and con- ,9 +Kostenermittlung und Umlagepflicht im Aufgabenbereich Banken und sonstige,3 +instrument approach procedure (IAP) chart provides ,9 +hold more than one office unless expressly so provided by law. But this section,9 +REARWARD FLIGHT,7 +Constitution of offices,7 +Allowances payable to members of a combined fire and rescue authority ,7 +certificate of English proving at least a B2 level. ,9 +OFF SCHED,6 +Rolling friction is created ,9 +with the autopilot. Pilots must be aware of the mode ,3 +Notice that a further increase ,9 +Pre-cast units for kerbs and surface drainage ,7 +this engagement in accordance with the IFAC standards and ethics set out in these ToR. ,3 +Reference is to be made to service conditions above for the rating of components and equipment to be installed ,9 +Annex 6. Financial offer form,7 +Rigger check number 1. ,3 +"around? Subtracting 200 from 305 and adding 20, ",3 +of the Vice President and the Office of the Chaplain ,9 +die Auszubildenden zur Ausübung einer qualifizierten beruflichen Tätigkeit im Sinne des § 1 Abs. 2 des,9 +designed with straight threads to receive flared tube ,9 +office of a person who engages in foreign exchange business or other person ,3 +(highlighted in green in the example above) begins at the MAP and continues until the desig-,3 +incl. identification & briefing,7 +II.4.1.10 Certificate of conformity ,7 +sod or runway texture. Focus direct central vision at a ,9 +Motor routine 1 ,7 +"Materials: Nylon supertack, 3-ring housings of the ",3 +that allows a metered amount of oxygen to continuously ,9 +during touchdown and maintain directional control,9 +Improper mixing of materials. ,3 + Type-7 Webbing.,0 +在地及び代表者の氏名),9 +transformer establishes a magnetic field. When the breaker ,9 +a collective control to change the pitch of the rotor,9 +organisations participating in EU calls for tenders ,9 +range of ,9 +Air conditioning inlet,6 +Monitor (PRM) Approaches ,7 +ARRANGEMENT/COORDINATION OF INTERVIEWS ,7 +"Many aircraft are affected to some degree by this characteristic, ",9 +Manual Opening: ,8 +contractors.,9 +Appropriate for 47 mm membrane filter ,3 +payments or payment of the balance. Where the payment of the balance takes the form of a ,9 +Igor Sikorsky designed the VS-300 helicopter ,0 +"configuration, there are two options how to do this:",3 +signed by both parties. ,9 +"by the lifting. Conversely, it is possible for dry heated air ",9 +由空気中の空気カーマ率(以下「空気カーマ率」という。)になるようにしやへい,3 +ratios are a carbon fiber material or,9 +safeguard night vision.,9 +Minimum Factors ,7 +るおそれのある部分がロの(1)及び(2)に掲げる要件を満たしているこ,3 +control of FMD in Botswana between financial years 2010 and 2014. ,9 +Shipment Type 1,7 +the ‘European,9 +Additional ,6 +Shear strength—10 kilopounds,6 +"Within protected distance and altitude range, but ",6 +Cultivation of Ground ,7 +II.25 SÉCURITÉ ,7 +Figure 4-15. RNAV RNP approach procedure with curved flight tracks. ,0 +[1698-1.],9 +"houses; to prohibit the printing, sale, or exhibition of immoral",3 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +provided for in ,3 +Station identifier ...................................................13-6,8 +"Tie knots, overhand, square, clove hitch, double half hitch, slip loop, bowline, surgeon’s & locking.",3 +"an inside pattern at 40 knots (that is half the distance), then ",9 +Effective Translational Lift (ETL),7 +with research,3 +Control of phase orders ,3 +. ECHA may also perform audits ,9 +Stages of Skill Acquisition ,7 +Schallimmissionsschutz,7 +repay the contracting authority the amount in question. ,3 +A crystal in an electronic oscillator circuit is used to ,0 +professional conflicting ,3 +Installation of Aircraft Antenna Systems...................11-75,8 +Lift/Drag Devices,7 +II.25 SÉCURITÉ ,7 +Spiral Dives,7 +Glide ratio. ,9 +the pilot to fly selected lateral and vertical modes of ,3 +Implementation of landscaping ,7 + the WSC aircraft is establishing an ,9 +liability is caused by the contractor during or as a consequence of the ,9 +cautioned to review Canadian Air Regulations.,9 +Departures From Airports Without an ,7 +"thousand pesos, fifty centavos.",3 +The distance between the brake disc and the ,0 +The surface ,9 +desired. The engine must be retrimmed after a fuel control ,9 +"inside the cabin, expressed in feet per minute (fpm) ",3 +"variations),",9 +reduces the turbine inlet temperature. The ,9 +"Pilots who are already certificated conduct most of their flights without an instructor present. As an instructor, you should encourage ",9 +remuneration only for the services actually provided. ,3 +"Evaluating each new landing site thoroughly, obtaining",9 +"otherwise, the appropriate",9 +FACTURATION ,7 +(COMDTINSTM 16672.2B) is available for a fee,9 +States and Alaska; and designated international,9 +the minutes of its proceedings.,9 +ge incurred or deterioration suffered by such,9 +based information to benefit from the attributes of both systems ,9 +"and their annexes will not be taken into account during the FWC execution, for the ",3 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of February 1, 1973. ",3 +"should be maintained, and the bank should be changing ",9 +〔昭和三十四年十月三十日政令第三百二十七号〕,7 +"However, the condition of ",9 +", sauf si cette situation est la ",9 +Regulations remain in force. ,9 +IMS-IPR-S3.1-FRM-0001-IT ,5 +"Facilitate the development of new/complementary tools and methods, and uptake of ",3 +Use of Checklists,7 +User-Defined Waypoints ,7 +they can affect the options available should the pilot need to ,9 +Pitot-Static Systems ,7 +This document is entitled,9 +Unterkünfte im Baugelände ,7 +"established the principles of flight, including the existence of ",9 +Overall management,7 +offices provide information and services for the aviation ,9 +"the same information, which would result without an ATIS ",9 +Dry type transformers ,7 +The threshold crossing height (TCH) used to,9 +Tracking a radial in a crosswind. ,0 +during the first 90° of the upwind turn in order to establish a ,9 +Warranted Provision,7 + Oil normally ,9 +A safety relief and fill port,3 +of Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the ,3 +tender specifications. This includes compliance with applicable obligations under ,3 + The contracting authority and the European Anti-Fraud Office may check or require an ,3 +cooling. The final fuel/air mixture curves take into account ,9 +"maintain, anything in, on or under land or in the air-space above its surface. ",9 +ATC Frequency Change Procedures.,7 +Separation Service for VFR Aircraft in a TRSA).,7 +"the upwind, the airplane’s ",9 +"Full power and adequate airspeed are maintained until reaching 1,000 feet AGL. ",3 +"components, with the following features: ",9 +their lead. The balloon pilot should remember to fly his or ,9 +Summary election appeal: parties ,7 +two of the aircraft’s three axes: movement about the vertical ,9 +the problem rather than determining liability. ,3 +ARTICLE 7: GUARANTEES ,7 +le pouvoir adjudicateur a des observations à formuler sur les documents ou éléments livrables ,3 +Position of the aircraft with reference to some,9 +balloon should be noted in the maintenance records to ensure ,9 +to permit movement of the turbine blade when the ,9 +to learn how to coordinate muscles with visual and tactile senses. Learning to perform various aircraft maintenance skills or flight ,9 +Reporting Responsibility.,9 +Align the handle end of the housings and secure as ,3 +is based upon direct or indirect experience and education. ,9 +Specific tendering information for this procedure ,7 +Evaluation of tenders on the basis of the award criteria,7 +bot vorzulegen: ,6 +"use or storage (referred to as ""Development, etc."" in (b) and item (iii)) of ",3 +all or part of the existing products in the FWC666 at the moment of starting the activity ,9 +〔平成二十四年九月十四日政令第二百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +"device. When the squib is activated, it fires a slug through ",9 +Route pull-up cord through grommet in bottom flap. Pull up closing loop and reinsert temporary ,3 +Moral rights of creators ,7 +Ground-based Facilities,7 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Final Piston Moving Down,7 +"fuel becomes so hot it vaporizes in the fuel line, not allowing ",9 +Airport Markings and Signs ,7 +to verify the timeliness and source of the weather information ,9 +and type of certificate held by the person performing the ,9 +(amendments,3 +directly or,9 +Contract number: ,5 +Secrétariat,3 +If the rich limit of fuel-air ratio is exceeded ,9 +if the altitude is held constant.,3 +"State for Transport acting jointly on a reference to them by the Authority or the Agency, after ",9 +"The Agency shall assist the Commission, in",3 +"gear extension. Activated from the flight deck, when the ",9 +but they may re-form over the warmer land surface. As an ,9 +shall consist of the President and a ,9 +"crew as promptly as possible. If the wait is likely to be long, ",9 +campaigns,9 +über die Teilnahme an einer Überprüfung der praktischen Fähigkeiten.,9 +Réclamations et responsabilité ,7 +flight plan. ,9 +Name des Auftragnehmers; ,3 + A valve in the ,9 +End Voltage Level: ,9 +る貨物(別表第二の一、三六、三九から四一まで及び四三から四五までの項の中欄に,3 +", due in month 13 of the contract. ",3 + Engine Instruments ,7 +"zuletzt durch Artikel 13 des Gesetzes vom 17. Dezember 2018 (BGBl. I S. 2549) geändert worden ist""",9 +Article II-22 ,7 +"the period of time since any such compensation was paid, and ",3 +の四各号に掲げる事項を行わなければならない。,3 +"Using excessive power combined with a level attitude, ",3 +of the withdrawal of its intention to reduce payment; or,3 +II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +JET ACFT ,6 +auf Verlangen,3 +European Food Safety ,6 +(四)海洋功能区划,是指依据海洋自然属性和社会属性,以及自然资源,9 +"drilled holes. Hex, close-tolerance, and internal wrenching ",9 +"whatever upon goods and merchandise carried into the township, or out of the",9 +Tools and Maintenance Equipment ,7 +anything done under the authority of a licence issued by the Governor under this paragraph. ,9 +法第六十九条の六第二項第二号に規定する政令で定める貨物は、別表第一の,3 +"[1407-4; 1679-1 (Bur. Civ. Serv.); Comp., 681.]",9 +The Services shall be provided from the [Ef,3 +instrument head.,9 +APPROPRIATE ATS AUTHORITY [ICAO]- The ,9 +ischarge the functions of his or her ,9 +This is possible on aircraft with V–tail ,9 +effective dose limit and the equivalent dose limit specified in Article 30-27: ,3 +"of the proper judge of first instance, be sufficient ground for the revocation of his",9 +found in communications and navigation avionics. In-depth ,9 +"I.16 and II.18 of the FWC, if the contractor fails to meet his obligations, ",3 +"aggiunta di nuovi elementi, paragrafi, titoli, cappelli, grassetti, legende, indici, sunti, ",3 +should be withdrawn at intervals to relieve chip packing and ,9 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +ROUNDS FOR REJECTION FROM THIS PROCEDURE,7 +define certain requirements of lateral control ,9 +[Figure 3-21],9 +Rigging Fixtures,7 +Glide Slope/Glide Path,7 +.......................................................................................... ,3 +Perceive the given set of circumstances for a flight ,3 +Article I-15 ,7 +"setting the stop, tighten the setscrew and complete the bend. ",9 +"Inspect exhaust for cracks, security of mounting, ",3 +Article II-10 ,7 +accelerating on,9 +in main longitudinal bars at 12 m nominal intervals. Joints in adjacent bars shall be staggered at least 1 ,9 +Bauvorhaben …………………………………………,7 +"Paved, level, dry surface ",6 +ARTICLE 9: PLACE OF PERFORMANCE,7 +II.15.3 Claims and liability ,7 +Normal Reactions to Stress ,7 +I.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA ,7 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +only capable of receiving broadcasts from 1090ES-,9 +Figure 9-56,9 +Distance and direction with respect to a,9 +the determination of the panel is (subject to assessment by a health care professional of ,3 +Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/Sustainer ,7 +Analyzing Procedures ,7 +from the branch of the serv,9 +proposals for future improvements.,9 +If the contractor repeatedly refuses to sign the specific contracts or repeatedly fails to send ,9 +Bekanntmachungstext ,7 +Incorrect valve clearances,3 +Duration of the contract ,7 +Verordnung über die Berufsausbildung zum,10 +Licensing Team within 24 hours of issue; ,3 +Contracting Authority ,7 +Air Data Attitude and Heading Reference System ,9 +the exhaust gases as they enter the tail pipe after ,3 +8_Vol3_d4 3_Section 8 electrical works_en_GIR rev6.doc ,4 +Hi-Tigue$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +slope information. Disregard all glide slope signal,9 +(一)海洋环境污染损害,是指直接或者间接地把物质或者能量引入海洋,9 +специально установленных мест.,9 +If necessary for,6 +"‘‘(d) In this section, the term ‘qualifying position’ means a ",9 +international ancillary sportspersons involved in that elite sports event; ,3 +Vortex Behavior,7 +"5,718 feet. Next, locate the outside air temperature on the ",9 +Length (threads flush with ends of barrel),6 +number of batches wasted or rejected ,3 +surface in the transition from hovering to forward ,3 +entitled to late-payment interest at the rate and for the period mentioned in the ,3 +integrity of the aircraft if control of the pressurization system ,9 +病院であるときは、病床数,3 +several other publications are available to the user. Almost ,9 +The glide slope transmitter is located between,9 +Failure to cross-check all available instruments.,3 +repair station when work is required. Reports of anti-skid ,9 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +II.19.2. Fatturazione elettronica ,7 +“Hydraulic Load” derived commitment for the plant components: ,7 +Schedule must be referred to and settled by arbitration under article 62 (arbitration). ,9 +"or who knowingly aids or abets in the conduct of such business, shall in addition to",9 +Mandatory criteria ,9 +航空機は、核兵器又は軍用の化学製剤若しくは細菌製剤若しくはこれらの散布のため,3 +The width of the crack is less than ,3 +with weight changes and adhere to the ,9 +Landescode und Nummer des Stammzertifikates;,3 +that law); ,3 +polarity~ ,9 +"adequate way to manipulate the aircraft’s control surfaces. Later in training, when they need to divert their attention away from the ",9 +Malfunctions,7 +Der Ausbildende hat unter Zugrundelegung des Ausbildungsrahmenplans für den Auszubildenden einen,9 +Standards and rules ,7 +"be printed in blue. Magnetic reference courses will be shown originating from a waypoint, fix/reporting point or NAVAID. ",9 +Die §§ 5 bis 8 des Pflegezeitgesetzes gelten entsprechend.,9 +"heat-treated condition, welding should not be done unless ",9 +ELETTRONICA ,7 +国又は地方公共団体が資本金、基本金その他これらに準ずるものの二分の一以上,3 +TYPE OF IDENTITY DOCUMENT,6 +In the table below the minimum service level requirements (SLRs) listed are accompanied by a penalty scheme to be activated in case of ,9 +Figure 4-6. ,3 +FAA Guidance ,7 +Program Safety Requirements for Decommissioning and Disposal,3 +ISD Executive Secretariat ,7 +"the many years of gyroplane development, a wide",9 +Losflansch mit Bund DN 250 ,7 +Ring Release Housing Replacement,7 +Compliance ,3 +(reference No. …. of ,9 +inspection room; ,3 +the same province. The duties of these officers shall in general be such as are,9 + does not pay by the due date and if the amount cannot be offset in accordance ,3 +"velocity shows the variation of induced, para- ",9 +Implementation of the framework contract ,7 +Handling of errors: ,7 +"machines capable of shearing, squaring, and trimming ",9 +Departure Procedures,7 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +"For example, if an airplane in steady flight is ",9 +"the wing, interrupting or spoiling the airflow over the wings. ",9 +§ 5 Ausbildungsplan,7 +"insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung der Betriebsorganisation, der betrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildung,",3 +An electrohydraulic tire bead breaker (left) used on large tires and a manual tire bead breaker (right) used on small tires.,0 +others as follows: ,3 +Figure 16-89. ,0 +provides a relative indication of that at the inlet. Although ,9 +установленным,9 +ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 1,7 +Takeoff Charts ,7 +"shows the variation of induced, parasite, and ",9 +be direct replacements for the Hi-Lok$^{®}$ and lockbolt. Many ,9 +the United States burial corps when acting under the authority of the laws and,9 +Weather Conditions,7 +prepared bond surfaces. ,9 +the enhancement of existing DCns already configured to address collected ,3 +Secretariat services ,7 +Verification of non-exclusion of tenderers on the basis of the exclusion criteria ,3 +Article 3 - ,7 +"during takeoff, flight, and landing, what feelings and ",9 +施行日前に消費生活用製品安全法第四十条第一項、第四十一条第一項又は第四,3 +Check the stitching and corner reinforcing.,3 +Amendment to the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 ,7 +$^{ }$Common Paint Troubles,7 +"[355-246; Cooley's Blackstone, p. 241.]",9 +scaling changes to linear instead of continuing to,9 +: May not be used with main parachute breakaway device”.,9 +"hereinafter: the """,9 +"the supplies, or shall pay any balance still due to the contractor.",3 +. — There,9 +sealed can be charged and capacity checked in the same area. ,9 +"Ensure control lines run free through proper slider grommets, and then through proper control line ",3 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Sport Piggyback System,7 +[Figure 6-1],9 +請求をしようとする情報の概要,3 +Northerly Turning Errors ,7 +Fuel Storage Tanks ,7 +stitching. Note that there is a second row of stitching ,3 +"extra costs for ECHA. In this regard, basic start-up activities are foreseen to take place for ",9 +the total. ,9 +Evaluation of tenders,7 +integration activities and a Scientific Data Warehouse (SDWH) to address data needs in ,9 +Piston forced down,6 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +the action’s emissions are within the ,9 +a common-collector amplifier in the active mode when amplifying ,0 +and liquid nitrogen. A Dewar bottle has an inner and an outer ,9 +AUTOROTATION IN FORWARD FLIGHT,7 +"blades, and feather (rotate about the pitch axis to change lift). ",9 +Chart Symbology - Helicopter Charts,5 +"entity or a prior concession contract, which led to early termination of that prior contract, ",6 +"runways: visual, nonprecision instrument, and",9 +Adequate ventilation shall be ensured and permanent lighting shall be provided through the galleries. ,9 +一月前までに(法第六条の十五第一項の指定を受けた日の属する事業年度にあつては、,3 +Above the tropopause lies the stratosphere. Temperature ,9 +Self-Launching Glider Electrical System ,7 +number of onsite and off-site days. ,3 +by striking the item relating to subchapter III ,9 +Comply with the VFR visibility and distance-from-,3 +Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI),7 +withheld.,9 +Basting and temporary tacking should be made using thread that is of a contrasting color to the ,3 +Description ,7 +MKS-Kabelbahn,8 +Bulk materials required to manufacture items are listed in the Bulk Material group of this manual. NSNs ,9 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +において「将来の病床数の必要量」という。)に達していないものに係る医療を提供,9 +"18"" Station",6 +Claims and liability ,7 +"zuletzt durch Artikel 412 der Verordnung vom 31. August 2015 (BGBl. I S. 1474) geändert worden ist""",9 +radio phone-ins ,3 +bestanden ist oder,3 +"is carried on, and all the right, title and interest of such person in the lot or tract of",9 +Chart Supplement U.S. (formerly Airport/Facility Directory). ,9 +"and consistency of the snow, evaluating surface condi-",9 +Performing Ignition System Checks,7 +"§ 5 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Berufsausbildung und Mitarbeiterführung""",7 +Any person charged by law,9 +First-stage centrifugal compressor,6 +The franchise ,7 +and always review the manufacturer’s documentation to ,9 +Supplement. Service volume restrictions do not,9 +The method and outcome of inspection of records on medical care and the ,3 +CONDITIONS.) ,9 +of those intentions. It also promotes accountability and transparency. ,9 +high end glider flight computer. ,9 +SRM is a formalized approach to integrated system safety. It both informs decision-makers ,9 +II.21.6. Interim payments and payment of the balance ,7 +"and row 43 to row 45 of Appended Table 2) to North Korea"" in Article 2, ",3 +For the Contracting Authority: ,7 +Successful tenderer’s Helpdesk shall be available in English via phone and/or email during ,3 +Anti-Skid System Maintenance,7 +Acquisition of land ,7 +Scientific data management ,7 +"ply full power and check the wing is LOC (lines free, ",9 +would a pilot turn right or left for the shortest way ,3 +〔昭和五十五年五月二十六日政令第百三十八号〕〔抄〕,7 +"""Zweite Verordnung zur Durchführung des Finanzausgleichsgesetzes im Ausgleichsjahr 2015 vom 5. Februar",9 +und Wissenschaft:,9 +"by regulation under the provisions of 14 CFR part 99, and ",9 +in a crab during takeoff acceleration. On glaze ice an,9 +RESOURCE ALLOCATION ,7 +Tender Evaluation Session ,7 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +Center patch material over prepared hole. ,3 +"Even if the contracting authority authorises subcontracting, the contractor remains ",3 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +HUMAN RESOURCE AND ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Safety Standards for a special purpose lens. This lens can be ,9 +Preparation ,7 +any necessary briefings. ,3 +SRM Document Approval ,3 +The ability ,9 +project manager ,3 +規定の適用については、次に定めるところによる。,3 +expected readings. ,3 + [Figure 16-15] ,9 +Two or three standard burns in a row from equilibrium ,9 +"failure, the cause must be found, corrected, and all affected tests repeated.",9 +Delamination,6 +Taxi fares are not reimbursed. ,3 +Matt Liknaitzky of MGL Avionics,9 +the inspection and proper testing of all provincial and municipal standards of,9 +removed from the bus. The reverse current sensing function ,9 +Proper material and size compatible with specifications and dimensions of goods shall be offered by Contractor and approved by Contracting Authority.,3 +Shall serve ECHA in the provision of ,3 +headgear.,0 +Environmental Quality.” [42 USC § 4321 -,9 +"MARKING, STOWAGE CONTAINER - OPERATING LIMITS:",7 +"zweifelsfrei feststeht. Hat der Sachverständige oder Prüfer den Führerschein ausgehändigt, teilt er dies",9 +"various push-pull rods and tubes. Secure all locknuts, cotter ",9 +with automatic altitude reporting capability and,9 +205). Published RNAV routes are RNAV,9 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,7 +focal points and partners at national level ,7 +descend to hold the visual reference line on the pylon. As ,9 +Assessment by a health care professional ,7 +The maximum hydraulic load on the wastewater treatment plant will not exceed the pre-,3 +The following topics must be addressed in the PSP: ,9 +Achieve Goals,7 +90° the rate of closure with the road increases rapidly. ,9 +"each power of attorney to perform any act whatsoever, except",3 +Figure 4-6. ,0 +access and sewing.,3 +the dashboard unless required to be reached by the instructor ,9 +Holding in Lieu of Procedure Turn,7 +These Regulations impose restrictions on flying in the airspace above central London during the ,9 +[1964-2.],9 +FLIGHT AT SLOW AIRSPEEDS,7 +make a report to the Board of the assessed degree of permanent disablement and the ,3 +Distress and Urgency,7 +in the title,9 +position. Leave the throttle until the engine has stopped ,9 +Der Antrag ist binnen zwei Wochen nach Wegfall des Hindernisses zu stellen; bei Versäumung der Frist zur,9 +which are mentioned below will be able to be used.,3 +Analytical Decision-Making,7 +"Prohibited Areas, 3",9 +"frequencies assigned by ATC are preferable, the",9 +Verordnung über die Meisterprüfung in den Teilen I und II,10 +for the situations referred to in points (c) to (h) above the person is subject ,6 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +"the skidding force, wind, and weathervaning as the",9 +change to terminal (,9 +Efficiency AC/AC: min 90%,3 +Page 10 of 23 ,4 +charging ammeter means the electrical load is,9 +"manufactured by Scotch Brite™, and the surface inspected ",9 +Photographer ,7 +Education Act 1996. ,1 + shows the fuel vent system of a Boeing 737.,9 + the services of the collecting officer or his,9 +Regulations 2021. Those remaining provisions are required for the purposes of those savings. ,9 +that the condition inspection be recorded in the aircraft ,9 +II.5. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +the plugs aid in diagnosing problems within the cylinder. ,9 +mitigation strategies and safety-enhancing measures to preclude similar events in the future. ,9 +been recovered and P301 015 written off. As commented on in ,9 +"h (1)(b), for “over the age of 18” substitute “aged 18 or over”;",3 +—disadvantaged business enterprise ,9 +"Die Kosten des erfolgreichen Wiederaufnahmeverfahrens können der Staatskasse auferlegt werden, soweit",9 +ltimeter can also indicate the pitch attitude in a climb ,9 +simultaneous rudder input to maintain runway alignment.,9 +"control system. Many historians, and most importantly the ",9 +Capabilities.,7 +"settles to the ground. A roundout that is too fast, or ballooning ",9 +"including,",9 +continuous ignition is used for some extended period of time. ,9 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +で定める特定製品の区分をいう。次項において同じ。)に属する特定製品の製造の事,3 +proposing to provide; ,3 +Remarks: .......................... Rain is heavy,8 +"etc.), using a minimum of 100 feet of clearance for each knot ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 157 of June 10, 1960]",7 +CONFLICTING INTERESTS ,7 +does not decrease or eliminate the inspection of any other ,9 +airplane flight characteristics. A planform is the shape of the ,9 +impartiale et objective ,9 +"Kenntnisse der berufsbezogenen Chemie und Physik,",3 +"195,75 – 196,15 GHz,",9 +edge when installed on a runway equipped with a ,9 +die Aufzeichnungen nach § 5 Absatz 2 Nummer 6 aus dem Gerät auszulesen. Sie muss die Aufzeichnungen,9 +In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council ,7 +tablecloths; ,3 +Wings Level,6 +form basic wing leveling to increased capability. ,9 +CENTRO COMUNE DI RICERCA ,5 +Approach Light Systems (ALS),7 +has been previously approved in any other application ,9 +Tracking With VOR ,7 +input voltage.,9 +address risk. ,9 + Start at the lower ,3 +and allows the exchange of standardised electronic messages and documents between the ,9 +"durch Funkstellen anderer Funkdienste, denen diese Frequenzbereiche zugewiesen sind, werden alle",9 +amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency ,9 +It is important to understand that though the ATO uses SRM as a formal safety and risk ,9 +medical certifi cate issued.,9 +modification to condition C21 ,7 +balanced traffic flows among high density terminals. ,9 +The shipment of Goods under shall include three (3) types of delivery: ,9 +FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION ,7 + Center of Gravity (CG),7 +Cold Cylinder Check,7 +safety of the glider. The driver should always stay alert for ,9 +Simplified Directional Facility,7 +"information, both financial and non-financial, in support of the Financial Report. ",3 +Maßnahmen.,9 +Class C airspace.,9 + ..........5-38,8 +"with afterburner, ",9 +Vision Under Dim and Bright Illumination,7 +working environments present different practice opportunities. ,9 +"warning clearly visible to passing pilots, install a",9 +Address additional rulings made by the approval authority and any deviations from the ,3 +"participates in the provincial share, only so much of their population",3 +"copie, reproduction en tout ou en partie et en un nombre illimité d'exemplaires;] ",3 +"If a price revision index is provided in Article I.4.2, this Article applies to it.",9 +which all the moments trying to rotate it during fl ight are ,9 +Open assembly time.,9 +contracting authority may refrain from concluding the contract. ,9 +"Authority, its contractors, agents or employees whilst engaged upon the work. ",9 +is to streamline the flow of air around the engine and to help ,9 +Interview partner to be identified ,7 +AFT STORAGE TANKS WHILE FEEDING ,6 +Continental/TCM Fuel-Injection System,7 +will come back into view. ,3 +exceptional circumstances or ,3 +"contractant est compromise pour des motifs familiaux, affectifs, d'affinité politique ou nationale, ",9 +"however, you must maintain separation between yourself ",9 +procedures that provide lateral and vertical guidance ,9 +NAVWEPS DCI-ROT-RD ,5 +PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal ,7 +Example of a rectangular course. ,0 +A #40 twist drill laid next to the brake lining ,0 +"hinaus stillliegt,",3 +[COMPANY NAME] ,7 +Recommendations,9 +"Vorschriften weiter anzuwenden, es sei denn, die Vertragsparteien vereinbaren die Anwendung der Vorschriften",9 +im Einvernehmen mit dem Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung:,9 +"5, Instrument Approach Procedure",9 +〔昭和二十七年十二月二十六日政令第五百号〕,7 +"‘‘State, unit of general local government, or Indian tribe (as such ",9 +"(xi) goods for public use sent to embassies, legations, consulates and other ",3 +(PIC) must become familiar with all available information ,9 +Règlement des litiges ,7 +"aircraft. Flight plan filing, en route weather, weather",9 +Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures,7 +period as reasonably required for the purpose of contractual implementation and discharge of ,3 +Improper balance of a helicopter’s load can result in,9 +device to ensure brakes apply and release via the anti-skid ,9 +Abschnitt 2,7 +are appropriate; ,3 +reduction improves the acceleration of the ,9 +international ancillary sportspersons involved in that elite sports event; ,3 +und Forstwirtschaft möglichst rasch herbeizuführen oder um notwendige Maßnahmen des Naturschutzes und,9 +"Route System, 5",9 +"new flap in place, make sure that the side flap is sewn ",9 +redundant hydraulic systems. This makes emergency ,9 +Abschnitt 3,7 +gem. §2 BaustellV,7 +"(ii) the designated officer, where that officer is the authority to which paym ent is ",3 +construction identifiable with a particular ship begins; and ,3 +"Sortimentsgestaltung und Präsentation von Waren und Dienstleistungen,",3 +Turn indicator ,3 +Using the VOR MON.,7 +(See ALTITUDE.) ,9 +Updated text ,7 +Quality standards ,7 +Internal Quality Control (QC) ,7 +"The Director of the Bureau of Science shall conduct,",9 +High Reconnaissance,7 +Bezeichnung des Herkunftsgebietes,8 +Departures from:,7 +Restrictor valve—Since the turn needle of the turn and bank ,9 +No Active Leg,6 + The contracting authority reimburses travel expenses as follows: ,3 +Delegation of the European Union ,7 +High Round Out,7 +of display and interpretation. ,9 +"a specified temperature, usually red hot, and allowed to cool ",9 +by using the formula found in ,9 +"thereof, undertakes Performance Audits on the public sector bodies and submits ",9 +"Insular Auditor, and a District Au",9 + Start at the lower ,3 +Fly-over (FO) Waypoint. A waypoint that precludes any turn ,9 +GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ,7 +change the planform of a wing and both will affect the ,9 +by such purchaser or purchasers:,3 +Betreiber von Kinos müssen sie jeweils die Mitwirkung an mindestens drei oder die Verwertung von mindestens,9 +Betrieb und die Entwicklung des Flugnavigationsfunkdienstes beeinträchtigen.,3 +Other Wing Features,7 +mary radar equipment used to determine the position ,9 +is less than 10 liters per minute) ,3 +"departure, arrival, or approach environments. ",9 +"common belief, but it is true. Furthermore, knowledge ",9 +event of glide slope equipment failure either in the aircraft ,9 +without danger of overheating or detonation. This leaning ,9 +patch or telephone.,9 +aesthetically acceptable taking the most unobtrusive routes possible. Single hole plastic fixing cleats only shall ,9 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +"care of, such as instructing the chase crew and stowing all ",9 +"2, paragraph (3) of the Foreign Exchange Control Order after the revision ",3 +Figure 3-27,9 +Shipment Type 1,7 +to the mooring.,9 +"For hybrid, ""online +""",7 +"Tenderers must prove their legal, regulatory, economic, financial, technical and professional capacity to ",9 +low level wind shear ....................................................4-23,8 +bearing the barbed wires bend 30 degree from vertical to the WWTP site. ,9 +"Silica Gel,",6 +Emissions Mitigation and Offsetting ,7 +Airplane Flying Handbook,10 +square weave.,6 +. — The territory within the,9 +⦁ $_{Drive. }$,3 +"ground handling, so exercise care during these conditions.",9 +Service operational ,8 +the Republic of Turkey,3 +"Appended Table 2, the provisions revising Appended Table 5, and the ",9 +"Statements, saying for instance:",9 +blanket method and monitoring requirements in cases where ,9 +You must use the latest weight and balance data for,9 +"make contact with emergency response personnel, with other ",9 +affect the determination of RVSM capability and,9 +authority and the contractor during the ,3 +I.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +proximate air traffic. The actual avionics capability of,9 +Cabin Air Pressure Regulator and Outflow Valve,7 +§ 5 Durchführung der Berufsausbildung,7 +werden. Gestattet sind lediglich,9 +"on tubeless tires, is dependent on the condition and integrity ",9 +"or, subject to the provisions of any Act of Parliament, by the President.",9 +control with the proper visual indicator necessary to,9 +"limitations or requirements noted on en route charts,",9 +"low-voltage (DC) electrical power source: the aircraft battery, ",9 +"In the upcoming years, exciting new technologies will ",9 +Dry type transformers ,7 +vertical approach slope guidance to aircraft during ,9 +"LNAV, LNAV/VNAV and Circling Minimums ",7 +Airframe technicians use the throatless shear to cut aluminum ,9 +§ 6 Meldepflicht der Inhaber einer Fahrlehrerlaubnis zur vorübergehenden und gelegentlichen,7 +troid of any cross section of the pile shall not deviate by more than 12 mm from the straight line con-,9 +Key to Schedule 2 ,7 +Chapter IV-2 Basic Policy ,7 + The state of confusion due to ,9 +connections where most leaks occur. Audible and visual ,9 +The variation of specific ,9 +CFR Section 61.94.,9 +contract. It,6 +the selector valve into the appropriate reservoir tank. Fuel ,9 +S T A T U T O R Y I N S T R U M E N T S,5 +recommendations for engine starting using a GPU. ,9 +"entgegen Artikel 34 Absatz 1 Satz 3 ein Schaublatt oder eine Fahrerkarte verwendet,",3 +"NEPA review. Upon finalization, a federal agency must make available comments and responses ",9 +disclosed? ,7 +Baumpflege und Baumsanierung vom 29. Juni 1993 (BGBl. I S. 1114) zu Ende zu führen.,9 +"A pulsating, or spitting, fan pattern may be caused by ",3 +purchaser or other p,9 +Contacts during the procurement procedure ,7 +cutlery and crockery; ,3 +"Errata as of September 11, 2013 ",7 +: document produit par le pouvoir adjudicateur demandant aux contractants ,9 +community. FSDO phone numbers are listed in the telephone ,9 +"purposes, noise abatement considerations, when an",9 +"(ii) the manufacturer's name, type, and number of the X-ray units; ",3 +The National Weather Service operates a,9 +Requesting offers,7 +referred to other hospitals or clinics by the number of patients seen for the ,3 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +) or the European co-,3 +Auftragnehmer (oder,9 +See section 37 of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (c.2). ,1 +"the tail rotor disk. As discussed in the previous paragraph, an ",9 +Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/Sustainer ,7 +IPA II assistance. ,3 +"charts with times of operation, altitudes affected, and the ",9 +I.5.2. Interim payments ,7 +roundabout junction with Canning Road and entrance to East Suffolk Council offices in a ,9 +ITUATIONS OF EXCLUSION CONCERNING NATURAL OR LEGAL PERSONS ASSUMING UNLIMITED ,7 +Location and Obstacles,7 +http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2020/185 ,9 +Publication Ref: EuropeAid/140639/IH/SUP/TR ,7 +relevé d’identité bancaire,9 +"the missed approach scaling, at approximately the",9 +Approach Light Systems (ALS),7 +make pitch or bank corrections while still looking inside the ,9 +Radio Communications Phraseology,4 +Gas Cylinders,7 +found to be sufficiently accurate,9 +LAND OF WHICH TEMPORARY POSSESSION MAY BE TAKEN ,7 +"“(1) Items 1 to 7 do not include plans or drawings for industrial, architectural, ",9 +with regard to export of goods set forth in row 2 (xii) of appended table 1 of the ,3 +"savings clubs, ",3 +Valve Controls ,3 +"Soweit ein Rechtsstreit dadurch erledigt wird, dass dem Antrag des Steuerpflichtigen durch Rücknahme oder",9 +"airspeed, true airspeed, and Mach number. The output ",9 +accident because he or she failed to wear a seat belt. ,9 +Low Reconnaissance,7 +emergency landing area within gliding distance. ,3 +where P is an international elite sportsperson— ,3 +The principle parts of the electrical resistance thermometer ,9 +in subparagraph (F) (as redesignated by paragraph ,9 +Ausbildungsplan,3 +recognize and capitalize on “teachable moments” in aviation training. An instructor can find or create teachable moments in flight ,9 +Substitute airway routes ,3 +to initiating an instrument approach. Pilots should also ,9 +"also involves gathering information about activities organised by EU-OSHA and its network partners, ",9 +aileron into the wind is needed to keep the upwind wing,9 +material from interfering with the bend allowance area of the ,9 +Cruising altitude,6 +(iii) The following standard operation manuals are always available and made ,3 +Mr. Tom Allensworth (www.avsim.com) for image used in Chapter 1,9 +"pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (2) of the New Ministerial Order as applied ",3 +Alternators have several advantages over generators. ,9 +that is required for some time. Follow the manufacturer’s ,9 +Power of attorney (mandate in case of joint tender) ,3 +"4.) Pilots, in all",9 +前款规定的罚款数额按照直接损失的百分之三十计算,但最高不得超过三,9 +Pre-cast units for kerbs and surface drainage ,7 +"is given in the cockpit. Should a loss of oil pressure occur, ",9 +"mize costly, repetitive runs, and reduce the burden on",9 +1.b) 2. Zwischenzahlung – Nach endgültiger Montage und Umschluß der ,7 +system (of a particular brand) from etching to primers and ,9 +with straight or helical flutes. ,9 +"TS 11565 EN 969 Ductile iron pipes, fitting, accessories and their joints for gas pipelines-",3 +"verpflichtet, die entsprechenden Unterlagen vom Kontoinhaber zu beschaffen.",9 +§ 1 Gegenstand,7 +"MODALITÉS EN MATIÈRE D’ÉTABLISSEMENT DES PRIX, COMMANDES ET DE ",7 +A nitrogen pressure charge or mechanical spring in the ,6 +Amendment of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowance) (England) Regulations 2003 ,7 +Fahreignungs-Bewertungssystem,3 +of operation of the augmentation systems and the ,3 +Financial Results,7 +I.6.4. Garanzia di esecuzione ,7 +place in accordance with the national legislation of the state of the contracting authority and ,9 +Once the pilot completes the 3P decision process and selects ,9 +"buildings), must exercise those powers so as not to obstruct or render less convenient the access to ",9 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +Identifying personal attitudes hazardous to safe flight. ,3 +Obtaining Emergency Assistance,7 +of 0.063 inch of aluminum alloy. Use powered squaring ,9 +the combustion chamber. ,9 +"cleanliness and organization, the cost is high, and your car ",9 +"of this title, a disease specified in subsection (b) that becomes ",9 +known traffic. ATC will not beproviding a cold temperature ,9 +Off-Field Landing With Injury,7 +Voltage regulator ,3 +Deliverable:,3 +esearchers’ interest in regulatory ERA and science. ,3 +Secretariat services ,7 +"TASKS, DELIVERABLES, TIMELINE AND PAYMENTS ",7 +provision as to compensation for injurious affection) of the 1965 Act; and ,3 +"IT Master Plan (ECHA DMS, under activity 15) ",3 +“Hydraulic Load” derived commitment for the plant components: ,7 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +Managing payment based on real costs ,7 +"stitches per inch. If a zig-zag sewing machine is used, use thread, nylon, size FF, 20 stitches per ",3 +Motor routine 1 ,7 +[2468-6.],9 +information will be penalised. ,9 +nozzles. Carbonization occurs because combustion chamber ,9 +A procedure turn is not required when an,9 +"Kontrollfunktion sowie zur Beurteilung und Überwachung der Geschäfte, die das Unternehmen betreibt,",9 +flow conditions may require special geometric ,9 +I.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority .............................................. 8 ,8 +adoption agencies must take steps. ,9 +"the Secretary in section 314.3 of title 21, Code of Fed-",9 +Managing payment based on real costs ,7 +Chapter 7—Takeoffs and Departure ,7 +Mail sent to the contracting authority is deemed to have been received by the contracting authority ,9 +Records on strategic management of services and of the service portfolio: ,9 +Le pouvoir adjudicateur doit ,9 +直近に終了した会計年度の貸借対照表に計上する当該医療法人の保有する資産の総額,3 +"or sideslip, ",9 +point. ECHA is in charge of ensuring that IT ,9 +"entgegen Artikel 34 Absatz 1 Satz 3 ein Schaublatt oder eine Fahrerkarte verwendet,",3 +damage or restoring the supply; and ,3 +EFVS Pilot Requirements. ,9 +"Annex 1 to Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the ",9 +The scope of the above services could be extended if required to meet and serve the ,9 +the United States of America? ,6 +COLLABORATION WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS ,7 +rearward toward the pilot as the aircraft loses altitude. This is ,9 +An Explanatory Memorandum is published alongside this instrument on www.legislation.gov.uk ,9 +PRIMARY ACTUATION DEVICE/RIPCORD TEST:,7 +"In an FMD outbreak, quarantine and movement control are critical activities for ",9 +submission) ,3 +Some of these seamless changes will be invisible to ,9 +online tutorials derived from the webinars should also be provided. These indicators shall ,9 +or landing at an intermediate spot before reaching GPT. The ,9 +Figure 7-11. COPTER RNAV (GPS) 291° at Indianapolis Downtown Heliport. ,0 +"Gegenstand, Dauer und",7 +explanations reflect the most commonly used practices and principles. Occasionally the word “must” or similar language ,9 +Operating Control Tower ,7 +taken as extending 0.2 of maximum radius from axis of the shaft. ,3 +humankind out of Earth’s orbit and to the Moon; ,3 +Relative wind is created by the motion of an airfoil,9 +Landescode und Nummer des Stammzertifikates;,3 +They are available for low-level significant weather from the ,9 +A Tax Information and Impact Note covering this instrument will be published on the HMRC ,9 +causing any part of the structure to fail.,9 +"then make a smooth, positive rotation to leave the ground.",9 +"‘‘(4) coordinate with, and improve, public-private partner-",9 +Informationen zur Erhebung von personenbezogenen Daten nach Artikel 13 und 14 der Verordnung ,7 +Ministerial Order as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34 of the ,3 +propriation ordinances:,9 +Air Quality Assessment Process ,3 +"and Industry No. 39 of March 27, 1997] [Extract] ",7 +"cornice brake can do, as well as several things the cornice ",9 +part of the beam. The light units are arranged so that,9 +Airport/Runway Information ,7 +registering Your Aircraft ,7 +Withdrawal ,3 +the wings’ trailing edges adjacent to the fuselage. Leading ,9 +EVALUATION OF TENDERS,7 + A propeller installed on an aircraft ,9 +BUY THROUGH THIS PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE? ,7 +Authority under paragraph 12A— ,9 +Three stage axial turbine,6 +INVITATION TO TENDER ,10 +"the Department of Defense (DOD) to create, in the interest ",9 +Obligation to notify EFSA of changes,7 +[Figure 5-34] ,9 +Figure 11-22.,0 +"For instance, there have been a few reports of pilots soaring ",9 +(weggefallen),7 +§ 1 Ziel der Prüfung,7 +Warranted Provision,7 +"The special conditions must indicate the procedure used, if necessary, by the contracting ",3 +public opening. ,9 +Article 2 – DURATION AND TERMINATION ,7 +long-term care facilities,7 +"that show no visible distortion, by drilling off the head and ",9 +DP Responsibilities ,7 +LAND OF WHICH ONLY TEMPORARY POSSESSION MAY BE ,7 +B.2.4.2 Emission Factors ,7 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +peace or auxiliary justice of the peace.,9 +ようとするときは、その休止し、又は廃止しようとする日の二週間前までに、次に掲,9 +"location of the airport. At military airports, the ",9 +Article 13 - ,7 +The source of deice boot operating air on turbine engine ,9 +VOT- A ground facility which emits a test signal to ,9 +power ranges.,9 +Les prestations de maintenance et de dépannages sont payées au forfait. Ce forfait est basé ,9 +Figure 11-34,9 +Please note that a request for supporting documents by the ,7 +Replacing wheels for which no weight and balance ,3 +"30.12.1995, S. 15, L 168 vom 3.7.1999, S. 35, L 138 vom 9.6.2000, S. 31), die zuletzt durch die Verordnung",3 +control units must be shielded type cable that is available in the market and equipment must be able to operate ,9 +"Number of persons aboard, number killed,",9 +функционально не связанных с деятельностью хозяйствующего субъекта не,9 +Updated text: ,7 +ATC Instructions,7 +in Geld zu entschädigen ist. Die Anfechtung der Entscheidung richtet sich nach dem für das Unternehmen,9 +ense shall be known as a,9 +FACTURATION ,7 +or from the alternator’s rotor is transferred using magnetic ,9 +The sensitive element in a sensitive altimeter is a stack of ,9 +Article 5 – Price ,7 +"before the definition of “spacecraft”, insert— ",3 +Chapter 21—Gyroplane Emergencies,7 +causes an indication of the rising and falling vapor pressure ,9 +"to say hello, dragging the field, or giving people a thrill by ",9 +to be made by them in connection with their supervision of such,3 +Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Helideck/Heliport,7 +accomplished,9 +". — When the owner, importer, or consignee of any imported",9 +has elapsed since the ,9 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +", pre-existing Europol ",3 +"setting, and fuel burn based on the forecast temperatures ",9 +The contractor is responsible for managing delivery risks; reporting to ECHA is via the ,9 +supplier ,9 +but observed or expected weather conditions ,3 +may negatively ,6 +can control during flight. ,9 +shall be thoroughly cleaned.,9 +for onsite activities) ,7 +"in pitch, or a heading change.",9 +werden. Die Teilunterbrechungen müssen innerhalb der Lenkzeit von höchstens viereinhalb Stunden oder,3 +Upper combustion chamber,6 +in all of the weather and operational conditions reasonably anticipated to be applicable to that ,9 +Amendment of article 19 ,7 +Criterion 5.3.3.b): Manpower. ,7 +"on the first day of the month in which the time-limit expired, plus seven percentage points. The interest ",9 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +contracting authority upon ,3 +"emission rates (estimated using either EPA’s MOVES or California’s EMFAC). Additionally, it ",9 +DC Alternators and Controls,7 +"where the supplies are to be delivered and shall ensure that its personnel, their ",3 +Two-stroke engines require special two-stroke oil to be mixed ,9 +final approach fix (FAF) and then to the missed,9 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +"Secretary of the Interior, without any objection having been received from him, the",9 +Protective shroud,6 +Maintenance instructions stating maintenance routines and intervals; ,3 +Warranted Provision,7 +": any infringement of a contract provision resulting from an act or omission, ",9 +"awareness, seriously influencing a pilot’s ability to make ",9 +I.5. ZAHLUNGSMODALITÄTEN ,7 +"inland waters resources, the national and local governments are to endeavor to ",3 +§ 4 Ausbildungsplan,7 +of the maximum quality points),6 +"to damage the doors, walls or partitions crash. For clean water, the trolley will be equipped ",9 +tatement:’Exonération de la,6 +Exhaust Systems,7 +"(A1117), Normanston Drive (A1117), Peto Way (C970), Normanston Drive (A1144) and Fir Lane ",9 +pitch and bank,6 +airports to prevent nuisance alerts. ,9 +"controllers’ are in the FAA Order JO 7110.65,",9 +"with the in-and-out movement of the control yoke, they act ",9 +Recognizing Hazardous Attitudes ,7 +Verwenden eines Lieferscheines oder vergleichbarer Bescheinigungen für eine Sendung von Fischen,3 +Tender Specifications ,7 +Objective evidence showing that the software project adheres to its approved software ,3 +place before,9 +perform the contract; ,9 +II.23.4$_{ }$Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +of Education as to the condition of the schools of the town and to,3 +Compliance ,3 +aircraft to the SDF offset position rather than along,9 +signal PAN,9 +"II.19. FATTURE, IMPOSTA SUL VALORE AGGIUNTO E FATTURAZIONE ",7 +"same Act (Arrangement on Business)"" and ""(referred to as a 'certified foreign ",9 +available on the EFSA’s website,9 +проведение,9 +placed in a receiving vault awaiting transportation from the Philippine Islands.,9 +"Event assistant(s) to run cloakroom, registration process on-site, handing out material ",7 +"information, such as the radiotelephony (call sign)",9 +"letters “KGGG,” K being the country designation and GGG being the airport identifier. In ",3 +The angle of bank is indicated by the pointer on the,9 +Travaux d'adaptation,7 +"course, taken into account. Sometimes the mixture must be ",9 +- any other locations where Europol hosts or will host one or more of its racks. ,3 +Step 5—Adjust for Specific Conditions,7 +"during certain operations, such as during instrument",9 +"The larger and smoother the relief hole is, the less likely it ",9 +A reduction in price may be imposed together with liquidated damages under the conditions of ,9 +Die nach § 1 Satz 2 festgesetzten Festbeträge sowie die nach § 1 Satz 3 errechneten Festbeträge sind,9 +Dealing in Articles Subject to Specific Tax,7 +"strong odor of “rotten eggs” is detected, immediately",9 +この政令は、平成十五年一月六日から施行する。,9 +"involving the counting, inspecting, gathering, and inventorying of physical and tangible assets, ",9 +one or two pilots. Certain equipment is required to be ,9 +MELDUNG DER,7 +endgültige Ausgleichsbeiträge:,9 +UNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL,7 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +I.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA ,7 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +enjoyable,9 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +essential to load the aircraft within the allowable center-,9 +"measurement, or quantity, a surcharge may be imposed upon the importer of",9 +"wear seat belts outside the norm, but this group may learn to ",9 +"website (www.iso.org) or at ISO Central Secretariat, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1 rue de ",1 +before it stops. Otherwise it may slide backward down,9 +the contractor shall consult with ,3 +An irrigation system for the entire plant area shall be established as part of the Contract. Service water ,9 +"horse races; and saloons, bars, or drinking ",3 +FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT-,7 +〔平成二十四年七月十九日政令第百九十三号〕,7 +Explanation Phase ,7 +Endverbraucher - oder,3 +flap deflection is of primary importance in ,9 +提出しなければならない。,3 +AK Deggendorf,8 +drag and thrust ,3 +"or for free circulation, or for circulation at nominal rates.",9 + Flight Deck Inspection,7 +lingue utilizzate all'interno dell'UE; ,3 +"(iii) of the Tribal Land Regulations, ",3 +Remove the remaining adhesive by wiping with a cloth ,9 +Capacity of exchange unit shall be at least 6/40. ,9 +Transmission Lines,7 +How To Use a Training Syllabus,7 +AUTOROTATION,7 +an extreme deviation from neutral. Flight controls must move ,9 +"intersection of two straight paths, with the transition from ",9 +II.5.5. Authorised persons in e-PRIOR ,7 +The oil selected for aircraft engine lubrication must be light ,9 +Radio Equipment ,7 +repairs or alterations must be recorded by a certified,9 +Landing—Stuck Neutral or Right Pedal ,7 +Image rights and sound recordings,7 +LOG ELEV ,6 +als nachgeordnete Unternehmen im Sinne des § 18 Absatz 1 der gemischten Finanzholding-Gesellschaft.,9 +PROFILE VIEW,7 +"on summary conviction, to custody for a term not exceeding 12 months or to a fine ",3 +if the aircraft is not in good working order or when operating ,9 +pay compensation to Cadent for any loss sustained by it; and ,3 +"Meeting minutes are approved by default unless an objection, stating clearly ",3 +domestic elite sportspersons or international elite sportspersons who are competing ,3 +FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ,7 +(iv) buildings and equipment concerning the prevention of X-ray damage ,3 +Tag numbering ,7 +with the relevant authorities to ensure that the supplies and services required for ,9 +climbing.,9 +would see the traffic at 10 o’clock.,9 +〔昭和五十九年二月十五日通商産業省令第九号〕,7 +Annex II — Financial tender,7 +Panel factory test ,7 +"(K-3 thru K-8 A1rships).""See page 59. ",3 +crankshaft at the prescribed number of degrees ahead of true ,9 + Provides for approach to a height ,3 +propose a solution different from the one imposed; ,3 +Article 1 - ,7 +"care of unaccompanied alien children, and that are executed under ",9 +§ 10a Stellenzulage,7 +"The following electrical functions shall be tested, and shall be verified to be in accordance with the ",9 +ロに掲げる標準作業書において血清分離に関する事項を記載することを要しない。,9 +"to weld aluminum for the first time, become familiar with ",9 +AFROELASTIC EFFECTS ,7 +II.23.4. Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +display a synthetic vision image of the external scene topography to the ,0 +"a health care professional has made a request under paragraph (3), and ",3 +verstehen ,9 +Distribution Chamber for Primary Clarifiers,7 +Margin Identification,7 +Handling of Help functions: ,7 +"review and approval for such countermeasure, qualified ",9 +"""Familienpflegezeitgesetz vom 6. Dezember 2011 (BGBl. I S. 2564), das zuletzt durch Artikel 6 des Gesetzes vom",9 +II.4.1.11 Conformity of the delivered supplies with the FWC ,7 +The obligation to submit supporting evidence does not apply to international organisations.,9 +their participation in providing the services does not result in any employment or ,3 +Electrical Equipment Installation,7 +called special shape balloons. ,9 +Consent to prosecutions ,7 +Maintenance Work,7 +Allgemeine Bestimmungen bezüglich der Lieferungen ,7 +scrutiny to achieve full operational readiness. Additional specific criteria for achieving the IOC are defined in the,1 +"A request that the software plans identified in RTCA DO-278A, Section 4.3, be provided; ",3 +"runway incursion, it is important to remain extremely cautious ",9 +If the clearance limit is not a fix from which an ,3 +disbursed therefrom in such and no other manner as shall be,9 +PARKING/POSTFLIGHT,7 +can be of great help when planning a flight because a pilot can ,9 +Requirements for Service Level Agreement (SLA) ,7 +Launch Site,7 +"on your behalf and, in turn, relay your clearance from ATC. ",9 +- Seite 3 von 36 -,4 +OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ,7 +Subcontracting ,7 +The test operator shall: ,9 +the relevant planning authority for the RRRF and given reference number 16/02167/FUL; ,9 +installation or change in the underlying computing infrastructure. [Note that this ,3 + An INS in which the accelerometers ,9 +Using faulty trim technique.,3 +pressure on the bellows also increases. At a predetermined ,9 +for the compass course of 190°. ,9 +前項第一号トに規定する遊休財産額は、当該医療法人の業務のために現に使用され,3 +VFA analysis set (one complete set) ,3 +President from among Members of the National Assembly:,9 +Certification of Private Surveyor. ,9 +The Service Provider shall issue a lump-sum invoice upon written approval by the [Bank/Fund]of the ,3 +"aircraft, engine, components, the aircraft’s attitude in the sky, ",9 +Accept risk when benefits outweigh dangers (costs).,3 +Fees for the issuing of certificates of ownership of large cattle and of,3 +"discuss or evaluate the pilot’s ability to address any potential new risk management issues. For example, a pilot usually operates ",9 +"Fahr- und Betriebsplanung,",3 +"pressure was exerted, this pressure is either slightly relaxed or ",9 +Relying on the capacities of other entities is only necessary when the capacity of the ,9 +by striking paragraph (2) and inserting the fol-,9 +duly appointed depositaries as may be designated by the Insular Treasurer.,9 +within the other LOBs and accepted by AOV.,3 +Attitude Indicator,7 +"configuration, there are two options how to do this:",3 +Information Datenschutz ,7 +"liable to internal-revenue taxes, and the manner in which their lists",3 +"likely at high altitudes because of the lower air pressure, ",9 +the round out/flare is initiated. ,9 +"advantageous under certain circumstances; also, each has ",9 +〔平成二十九年三月二十三日政令第四十号〕〔抄〕,7 +"where the provision of a joint in a pipe or cable is agreed, or is determined to be ",3 +Turbo-Propeller Assembly,7 +"If areas of excavation are not accessible for earthmoving equipment due to limited working space, traf-",9 +産業大臣から許可の申請をすべき旨の通知を受けたとき。,3 +style harness. This harness configuration has seven points of ,9 + Without prejudice to the requirements as detailed in the description of the expected activities and ,1 +Municipal Budget,7 +can be accessed at http://faacharts.faa.gov. ,9 +oil-gas mixture to dilute the oil with gasoline.,3 +Appointment to Civil Service,7 +"Errata as of September 11, 2013 ",7 +⦁ $_{icing conditions or at altitudes above the freezing level }$,3 +with the VDA. Pilots must be aware that the,9 +"Philippine Constabulary, or who sha",9 +"deployment/ integration services in this project using the resources of Consultants, ",3 +"completion of a turn, the miniature aircraft is level and",9 +"the remaining runway, landing off field, or returning to the ",9 +"device, appropriate for the pressure being measured or ",9 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL ,7 +gauges. Traditional pressurization data is presented in digital format at the bottom of the page.,0 +Normes de qualité ,7 +Bei dem Arbeitsprojekt soll der Prüfungsteilnehmer eine komplexe Aufgabe in einem forstwirtschaftlichen,9 +improperly or the leg straps to come unthreaded and the user ,9 +VAT are fulfilled. Reception of ,3 +strategy for accessing and managing the information available ,9 +第九十条 造成海洋环境污染损害的责任者,应当排除危害,并赔偿损失;,9 +hydrophobic coating that is on the outside of the pilot’s/,9 +Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) in ,9 +person has ,3 +"ou de dépannage. La valeur considérée est celle de la facture du fournisseur, prix net, ",9 +– Situations of exclusion concerning the person,7 +Holding pattern,6 +Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Size,7 +These Regulations apply in relation to England only. ,9 +RAL 6024).,9 +Angle of attack (AOA).,9 +the proper control positions. Locations having a need ,9 +Hi-Lok$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +Presolo Knowledge Tests (page 10-19) ,7 +"fine, or to both. ",3 +a breach of a restriction as to the user of land arising by virtue of a contract. ,3 +VORTAC- A navigation aid providing VOR ,9 +solely on instruments inside the basket. The pilot should ,9 +SEC. 3. PRESUMPTION OF HERBICIDE EXPOSURE FOR CERTAIN VET-,7 +The best landing technique for light wind conditions is with ,9 +§ 84 Verwendung,7 +– Erfahrungsaustausch für Fahranfänger,3 +The closing flap of the bag is pulled so that the ,0 +Figure 8-8. ,0 +tender) has,3 +of less than ,9 +question with a rag wet with MEK. The MEK picks up ,9 +Opening of tenders ,7 +mathematical method generally used to calculate heat lost (or gained) in a substance; it is the ratio of energy ,9 +any British overseas territory other than the Territory.” ,3 +Obtaining Emergency Assistance,7 +stiffener and a skin. Adhesive film is frequently placed into ,9 +Testing restore functionality of backups: Ensure that restore of data and ,3 +SCHEDULE 12 ,7 +characteristics of a fuel.,9 +необходимо,9 +"of the Regional Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry having jurisdiction ",3 +Variation of the Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +"СанПиН 2.4.7/1.1.2651-10» (зарегистрировано Минюстом России 22.07.2010,",9 +"as the ""basic policy""). ",3 +"Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade Control Order prior to the revision ",3 +it is important to always check current publications for ,9 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +can be made in the planning and execution of an emergency ,9 +within the two years immediately pr,9 +Normally this area is 20 NM from the primary Class C,9 +"cross-check might progress as follows: attitude indicator, altimeter, attitude indicator, VSI, attitude",0 +CONTACT PERSON (for this tender) ,7 +TOGETHER WITH A LEGIBLE PHOTOCOPY OF THE IDENTITY DOCUMENT,7 +as the party required disclosing the information provides the other party with ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 77 of April 10, 1954] ",7 +airflow. The outer ribs and alternating ribs through the canopy (eight) have load distributing ,3 +"a spring-loaded regulating valve that maintains a constant, ",9 +president,9 +of aircraft are available for the interested pilot and can be ,9 +Once behind the display screens on an advanced avionics ,9 +When determining if your helicopter is within the,9 +Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems ,7 +Handling of Help functions: ,7 +with the same interval. The WSC pilot must determine ,9 +could lead to a premature termination of the tow.,9 +"geändert worden ist, in Verbindung mit Artikel 56 des Zuständigkeitsanpassungs-Gesetzes vom 18. März",9 +(ii) The name ,3 +sequence. If an arriving aircraft does not want radar,9 +Chapter 2. Aeronautical Lighting and ,7 +"Station 144""",6 +Interest on late payment ,7 +"30, 50, 75 and 100 pax event: 1 conference assistant ",3 +. — Any notary public who upon taking the acknowledgment to,9 +Inbound Leg Away from NAVAID,0 +decision making is influenced by preconceived ideas about ,9 +Private Pilot Certificate and have a minimum of 200 hours PIC time. ,9 +前二号に掲げるものの性質を有する財産上の利益,3 +En cas de difficulté personnelle ,7 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +"time, on site weather data no forecast or briefer can provide. ",9 +placement agency established in a Member State (“hiring out of workers” as defined ,3 +the pilot to have an emergency plan in the event that full ,9 +LSAs can be flown by holders of a Sport Pilot ,3 +COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +Learning Is a Result of Experience ,7 +Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) to support Field and Sustainment ,3 +Portfolio Safety Strategy ,7 +Article 7 Prior provisions continue to govern the application of penal provisions ,3 +The contractor shall notify the contracting authority without delay of any legally binding ,9 +productive,9 +the municipality and provide for their burial in such proper place and,3 +Weather Regulatory Requirements ,7 +"of them up to 800 words, based on the topics agreed in the above-mentioned editorial calendar ",3 +coe5cient is termed the “force divergence” ,9 +" to the public, by sale or otherwise; ",3 +In accordance,6 +The Councils and Secretary,7 +"Angaben über den Zweck der baulichen Anlage oder des Auftrages, wenn auch Planungsleistungen",3 +Step 4—Assemble and Evaluate,7 +the build-up and radiation of unwanted electrical charges. ,9 +pouvoir adjudicateur de ,7 +"(зарегистрировано Минюстом России 05.11.2009,",9 +System Servicing,7 +"the United States, in so far as such provisions pertain to the",9 +"time emergency landings. If available, turn on the land-",9 +"This handbook may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office (GPO), ",9 +(see section 3 of that Act). ,9 +"claim under the performance guarantee, the contracting authority shall notify the ",3 +"Kenntnisse über Stempelfarben, Flexodruckfarben, Lösemittel, Stempelwaren und Stempelzubehör,",3 +§ 3 Flugsicherungsausrüstung für Flüge nach Instrumentenflugregeln,7 +The level off from a constant airspeed climb must be started ,9 +"X-ray technicians who are engaged in X-ray examination, and their ",3 +Wind speed ,6 +Northerly Turning Errors,7 +"to think ahead and determine how the decision could affect other phases of the flight. As the flight progresses, the pilot should ",9 +Tender report.,7 +—direct altitude and identity readout ,9 +PRELIMINARY,7 +projects/actions. ,9 +inches from the end of the webbing on the bottom of ,3 +more advanced analog panel with a user radio and GPS ,9 +...........,9 +"contractor, who has 30 days following the date of receipt to submit observations. The ",3 +Operating Limits and Charts ,7 +"financial assistance from the Insular Treasury, they shall, as a preliminary step,",9 +V287 MOCA *3400,6 +Intellectual property rights,7 +"conditions occur on a swept wing. planform, ",9 +inform them immediately by using the word “UNABLE.” ,9 +"tration advisory committee prior to such approval, provide in ",9 +functional and performance requirements for FAA systems that provide air traffic control services. All operational,1 +Commercial,6 +Machinery type and serial no. (all in one chart); ,3 +connector link with an overhand knot. ,3 +Determine if an ODP or SID is available for the ,3 +Elements of Descent Planning Calculations,7 +Turbine Oil Filters,7 +Annex 6. Financial offer form,7 +" In regulation 35 (time limit for proceedings for summary offences), omit paragraph (4). ",9 +FACTURATION ,7 +Electronic Flight Display...................................6-15,8 +protective equipment and safety procedures.,9 +"challenge, as the Departments do not submit reconciliation ",9 +he marine waters included,3 +engine typically,9 +Die Familienpflegezeit wird auf Berufsbildungszeiten nicht angerechnet.,9 +outwardly by centrifugal action. The axial-flow compressor ,9 +of the Order; ,3 +the manner in which they should be filed. ,9 +line leads from the instrument case to the vacuum source. ,9 +necessary for air traffic control. ,9 +SPECIAL INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCE-,7 +Routes but may be listed as such as they do ,9 +specifications and the terms of its tender. ,3 +speed above critical Mach number sufhcient ,9 +The amount varies with the specifi c manufacturer’s design ,9 +Evaluation of requests to participate,7 +mehr als 5 Arbeitstagen im Kontrollbereich in der Regel ca. 7 Wochen. Der Auftragnehmer ,9 +"navigation capability, High Altitude Redesign ",3 +"activity, but may or may not indicate the presence of",9 +should have. A full-service loft has the following areas:,9 +Monoplane (left) and biplane (right). ,0 +"§ 34 Rücknahme und Widerruf der Fahrschulerlaubnis, Widerruf der Zweigstellenerlaubnis",7 +any change in pitch or bank attitude. After the new atti-,9 +to the approach chart. The reformatted approach chart,9 +Classes of concrete ,7 +"03.03.01 Прикладные математика и физика, утвержденного приказом",9 +Processing of personal data by EFSA as contracting authority ,7 +"and pilots of participating aircraft, as well as pilots transiting ",9 +Identify Initial Operating Capability Safety Requirements ,7 +to turn in the opposite direction of the main rotor rotation. ,9 +項(同項第十四号に掲げる事項については、前項ただし書に規定するときに係るもの,3 +—DITCO automated bulletin board system ,9 +"sind die Unterlagen nach § 5 Absatz 4 und 5 Satz 1 beizufügen, soweit sich wesentliche Änderungen gegenüber",9 +Tie-downs,6 +II.13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ,7 +§ 1 Bau und Finanzierung durch Private,7 +"In addition, a thorough review of an airport’s current ",9 +AR = ASPECT RATIO ,6 +GA System Operation,7 +landing. ,9 +Signature of the Certificate of Conformity shall constitute final acceptance of the Goods. No Certificate ,9 +"In these conditions, the WSC aircraft can be fl own into ",9 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +Satz 3 gilt auch für die Übertragung nach § 3 Abs. 5 Satz 8 und 9 des Ausgleichsleistungsgesetzes.,9 +"$^{16}$ Interviews with DVS Technical staff, DVS Fence Strategy ",1 +"Los Angeles Intl. Airport, CA",9 +“(k) Sealed transit bag,9 +ILS Function,7 +Figure 4-142. ,0 +connection with amendments made to the Act by those Regulations. As a result of these two sets ,9 +vice versa. ,3 +Gliederung der Berufsausbildung,7 +の装置を運搬することができるロケット又は無人航空機であつて、その射程又は航続,3 +Inspection of Retained Trees ,7 +leader in a joint tender must sign and date the declaration on Selection criteria. ,3 +⦁ $_{Capitalizes on the nuances of the local environment. }$,3 +"Der Untersuchungsführer, die Untersuchungsfachkräfte und die Beauftragten für Unfalluntersuchung sind zur",9 +ventilation allows the parachute to properly dry before packing. ,9 +Remove and incorporate into the new repair any ,3 +"Einbruchschutz vorzusehen. Die Widerstandszeitwerte für Mauerwerk, Türen und Fenster sind",3 +an expected response. A novice pilot often has a tendency ,9 +"For local changes, the SRM document is signed one level above the Air Traffic",3 +“natural ,9 +(EU) 2016/679 vom 27. April 2016 – Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) ,7 +im Zentralen Fahrzeugregister,7 +Mr. Tony Bingelis and the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) for images used throughout Chapter 2,9 +"airplane of figure 2.1, (,L/D),, ",9 +geophysical investigations (where required by Code for Infrastructure Works in Disaster Are-,3 +curve for a water-injection engine. The dotted portion of the ,9 +§ 19 Entscheidungen zu Sperrfristen,7 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT,7 +flight and engine controls for proper operation.,3 +PROFILE VIEW,7 +"the Eastern Caribbean States, the OECS and CARICOM/CARIFORUM. ",3 +Cable Inspection,7 +suffering from spina bifida under such subchapter. ,9 +[Figure 14-40] ,3 +II.23.3. Interest on late payment ,7 +"Column 6, QTY.",9 +transponder equipment requirement must be submitted to,9 +________________________,6 +is reasonably necessary to secure the safety of the vessel or the health and safety of any ,3 +PFD on the right.,0 +"respect to loans described in subclauses (I), (II), or ",9 +Concerning [,7 +d to as much as 15 NM to ,9 +"Unterschrift, anzubringen.",3 +requested a performance guarantee. ,9 +Transmit airway or jet route numbers as follows.,3 +Vorbemerkungen ,7 +Ground Resonance,7 +carry out data protection impact assessments and prior consultations as necessary. ,3 +account of the existing items in stock available for use. ,9 +"altitude. Thus, with an increase in bank and a greater",9 +Inspection of Retained Trees ,7 +- Seite 13 von 36 -,4 +is all that matters when you need that canopy over your head.,9 +an airport to notify you of the frequency and proper usage. ,9 +the Insular Treasury; and ,9 +print_providers/.,9 +attack for the rotating blade with a subsequent ,9 +"Appended Table 2 (Re: Articles, 2, 4 and 12) ",7 +necessarily show on the suction gauge.,9 +safe construction is shown in ,9 +"sonstige Daten, die für die Abwicklung der durch Rechtsverordnung nach Absatz 6 zugelassenen",3 +line should be inspected as follows:,9 +"separate tower controller for each runway, a PRM tower ",9 +"389/2013, which relates to maintaining a registry for the purposes of greenhouse gas emissions ",9 +"out, not inspect it. ",9 +Figure 1-13. ,0 +"reverse direction because chips can be forced into the surface, ",9 +TURN INDICATOR,7 +erreicht werden.,9 +National Environmental Policy Act ,7 +"in paragraph (5)(b), for “United Kingdom”, in both places it occurs, substitute “Isle of ",3 +Contracting Parties.,9 +disposition du public des ,3 +implementation of the tasks for the approval of the project manager. The programme shall ,3 + A flight instructor authorized by the FAA to provide ,9 +Beleuchtung der Verkehrswege ,8 + WSC and Air Traffi c Control,7 +"their arms over the side, not holding on. The pilot should ",9 +"meldepflichtiges Konto betrachten, es sei denn, es entscheidet sich für die Anwendung von § 11 Absatz 3 und",9 +airspeed used in determining the strength requirements for the glider and its control ,3 +"course to be flown, adherence to ATC clearance, etc.).",3 +Contractor to provide an additional “Statement by the creator (or right holder)” following ,9 +"TDZE (14 CFR § 91.176(b))must have an OpSpec,",9 +"Citation, commencement and interpretation ",7 +"Inspect engine and gearbox for loose or missing nuts, ",3 +"shears off during installation, leaving the lower portion of ",9 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +Canning Road ,7 +divulgation auprès du personnel du pouvoir adjudicateur; ,3 +I.1.2. Currency ,7 +"the person belongs, or by having engaged in any wrongful conduct which has ",6 +Children Act 1989 representations ,7 +"annexed to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, compensation under a Contract ",3 +"reserve steering toggles, reserve closing loop, and ",3 +"temperature (ITT), and turbine outlet temperature (TOT) are ",9 +NAVWEPS 00-801-80 ,7 +Placing the Special Registration,7 +recovery (if turn is prolonged). ,3 +This is a combination of the drop feed and needle feed along ,9 +Workload Management,7 +The CPDLC Message Elements for the,9 +The amount of reflective surface of an aircraft ,3 +while dividing attention between the fl ightpath and ,3 +"$^{2}$ If the request to participate/tender is submitted by a group of economic operators, this form should be ",1 +particles or foreign matter; exhaust stacks and mufflers ,3 +", which correspond to the order for defined sub-",3 +Section 2. Emergency Services Available to Pilots,7 +position with the cyclic produces straight flight. A,9 +"patrols through weekly visits to the fences, and ultimately report monthly on ",9 +Poor coordination creating variations in airspeeds.,3 +the words “flight level” followed by the separate,3 +sachdienliche Information durch ungehinderte Einsichtnahme in die sachbezogenen schriftlichen Unterlagen,3 +Stima dei costi di Sicurezza da Interferenze ,7 +"If the contractor fails to notify within 30 days period after receipt thereof, he shall be ",3 +readjusting the pitch attitude to the normal glide attitude. If ,9 +remarkably similar results within the limits of their,9 +The PIR also seeks to provide lessons learned with regard to the original program business ,9 +her balloon and let the other pilots fly theirs. ,9 +Weather and Obstructions to Vision.,3 +Transferred,9 +§ 33 Übermittlung von Daten an das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt,7 +"(""obligations inexécutées""), ou s'il ne fournit pas les services conformément aux normes de qualité ",9 +– Älteren Fahrern,3 +Request clarification of clearances. ,3 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +П. Общие требования,7 +"controllo qualità (ad esempio controllo dimensionale) sulle stesse, nel rispetto della ",3 +", That funds provided in the second previous proviso ",9 + Previously called European Commission authentication system (ECAS) ,1 +pilots at a rate higher than that of GA as a whole. The review ,9 +trictions as may be prescribed by law; but vessels,9 +"other aircraft. For example, two aircraft making approaches ",9 +"pilots. Others will entail learning new procedures, aircraft ",9 + A maneuver conducted by a pilot when an ,9 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Two-Pin Piggyback ,7 +stretching,9 +"on the other part, ",9 + Other (please provide details of other types of processing): ,3 +silvery appearance and should not be confused with the coarse-,9 +A minimum performance standard ,9 +"may extend to around 60,000 feet. This oblong nature of the ",9 +ICAO AIRCRAFT ADDRESS CODE FOR N401RZ - 50999999,6 +"available. If possible, check to see that the system ",3 +"completed. Meetings shall be open to the public, unless otherwise ordered by an",9 +Preparation ,7 + If further change ,9 +"to enter the fuel system and cause vapor lock, which makes ",9 +Article 33 - ,7 +Termination by either party: ,7 +and disposal of the bodies of animals dying from any such di,9 +Marker Board ,7 +"changes in status of navigational aids, and other information ",9 +Incorrect reducer (fast drying) being used.,3 +"Once straight-and-level flight is obtained, the pilot should ",9 +"The photographer should also add captions to all the photos indicating, names, ",3 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +Compass Roses are orientated to Magnetic North of the NAVAID which may not be adjusted to the charted isogonic values.,9 +Figure 2-19. ,0 +"flight plan and checks weather conditions at the new destination. As she proceeds to the airport, she continues to monitor ",9 +omit paragraph (5); ,3 +果时,职务技术成果的完成人享有以同等条件优先受让的权利。 ,9 +& fuel flow data,6 +emergency harness,6 +SRM document to the ATO Chief Safety Engineer for approval.,3 +"to be very reliable with a TBO of 2,400 hours. The initial ",9 +Ignition System ,7 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 +"Hat der Schuldner die Mautgebühr nicht oder nicht in voller Höhe entrichtet, darf der Private die Kontrolldaten",9 +Composition of National Assembly ,7 +"activities, including rapid response to public health ",9 +"connection,",3 +Trailing Edge and Transition Area Patch Repairs,7 +Dewatering building ,7 +Summe Pos. 8.13 (Liefern + Montieren) ,7 +the direction of displacement. An increase in pitch angle,9 +LOT 1 – DATA COMMUNICATIONS ,7 +EMEDIAL MEASURES,7 +"recorded on a new form, the old record is marked with",9 +§ 3 Inanspruchnahme von Fremddienstleistern,7 +"signed [a certified digital signature is acceptable, but a photographic image of the hand ",3 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +"(and better than ILS, which is less sensitive far from",9 +helicopter types are more likely to encounter LTE due to the ,9 +Deadline for ,8 +Preflight Weather Briefing,7 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 6, 1959. ",9 +[2259-28.],9 +Partial revocation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 ,7 +§ 1 Stammzertifikate,7 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +Amendment of Schedule 4 ,7 +Split-rocker switch.,9 +HYDROGRAPHY,7 +Acceleration Error,7 +"navigating with GPS, the pilot and ATC may both",9 +"Bridle Assembly, Pilot Chute (Item 2, WP 0065 00) ",9 +〔昭和五十五年五月二十六日政令第百三十八号〕〔抄〕,7 +terms of this Agreement. ,9 +"If a facility does not have a Support Manager, the District Manager or General Manager of",3 +10.10.Koordinationsbesprechungen,7 +" The publications listed in Items 1 to 3 when supplied electronically, but excluding ",9 +"qualificato allegando Curriculum Vita, in grado di proporre e seguire la ",3 +deck area. A careful consideration must be made considering ,9 +"undertaker or embalmer, or for the transfer or removal of bodies that have been",9 +"Pass opposite end of bridle line and deployment bag through bridle line loop and pull tight, forming a ",3 +"information by a rote memorization process. Of course, rote memorization is subject to imperfections in both the duration of recall ",9 +"Repairs, Alterations, and ",7 +"rotor blades) in response. In addition, during this period, the ",9 +"use or storage (referred to as ""Development, etc."" in (b) and item (iii)) of ",3 +of advanced avionics accidents cited in this study shows the ,9 +Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers,7 + Turn resulting from a degree of bank ,9 +approach system that normally consists of the following ,9 +"aircraft and vehicular traffic, and to present the entire image ",9 +European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – EU-OSHA ,4 +"in the constituency in which he or she has his or her residence, or if he or she has ",3 +hardened and tempered. Generally classified as solid or ,9 +"canopies,",9 +Another important influence of the induced ,9 +Fuel Selectors ,7 +The work log for maintenance and management of examination ,3 +For the submission of invoices ,6 +in the immediate vicinity of the wing. ,9 +SPECIAL INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCE-,7 +outside and instrument references.,3 +damages or other comparable sanctions?,6 +Sampling Equipment ,7 +§ 5 Durchführung der Berufsausbildung,7 +Reverse Current Sensing,7 +Financial Results,7 +in the FAA Contact Information appendix on pages ,9 +Improper technique in correcting altitude ,3 +"If flying to control tower airports or through Class B, C, or ",9 +"fuel, relay this information to the facility to whom",9 +0018 00-3/(4 Blank) ,4 +Unterabschnitt 1,7 +zu verwenden. Die §§ 63 und 64 gelten entsprechend.,9 +fees payable to the Contractor in relation to acquisition of ownership of the results and rights by ,3 +Teledyne Continental 0-200 Engine,7 +Air flow to vacuum pump,6 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +Ground Reconnaissance,7 +"EFSA data collection tools configuration for new data collections (DCs),",3 +Achieving an ISD ,7 +to proceed via VOR,9 +Close-in turn maintain:,6 +電磁的記録の作成がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む。次項において,3 +focal points and partners at national level ,7 +Responsibilities,7 +"with different privileges as described in 14 CFR part 65, ",9 +Solid-State Devices,7 +Excessive deviation from desired heading during,3 +accept a clearance into RVSM airspace unless:,9 +Area Navigation (RNAV) Routes.,7 +QuickGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +Differential Voltage,7 + For article 6 substitute— ,9 +"⦁ $_{Learner perception of targeted objectives as their own, personal objectives }$",3 +Prior provisions continue to govern the application of penal provisions to acts ,3 +§ 2 Meisterprüfungsberufsbild,7 + See microwave landing system.,9 +chin cup attached thereto. ,9 +TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-$_{ }$,7 +TRSA Service (Radar Sequencing and,7 +(+++ Textnachweis Geltung ab: 1.1.1964 +++),9 + under Article II.18.1(f) or (j). ,3 +"of any medication, consult an AME before flying.",9 +"canopy, creating instability. The addition of stabilizer panels to each side helps reduce turbulent ",3 +"), other than a laboratory which processes tests provided by the test provider for ",3 +management and operation of the hospital ,3 +Controls and Auxiliaries ,3 +〔平成二十五年四月十日政令第百二十号〕,7 +Conditions and Controls ,7 +AFROELASTIC EFFECTS ,7 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +unwary pilot to slide into the complacent role of passenger ,9 +cybersecurity issues identified by an SRM panel to the appropriate authority for possible ,9 +NAVWEPS 00-8OT-RO ,7 +"Zulassungs-Ordnung oder der Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung, kann die die nach Landesrecht zuständige",9 +"to stop any drift, and use rudder to maintain a straight",9 +Blocked Static System,7 +: DVS Files (Administration Division),9 +"aware of potential risks in flying, how to identify those ",9 +〔平成二十四年九月十四日政令第二百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +Normal Takeoff from the Surface,7 +component) ,3 +"ice of President shall receive such pension or, upon the ",9 +NAVWEPS OO-SOT-80 ,5 +"Das Gericht kann Sitzungen auch außerhalb des Gerichtssitzes abhalten, wenn dies zur sachdienlichen",9 +I.5. ZAHLUNGSMODALITÄTEN ,7 +"GPS does. Second, when the first leg of the missed",9 +"Any personal data included in or relating to the FWC, including its implementation, shall be ",9 +that is influenced by surroundings. The ability to pick out an ,9 +"density altitude in thousands of feet is 7,700 feet. ",9 +"and Industry No. 92 of December 10, 1983] ",7 +"For example, Beverly enters a steep turn after increasing power by a prescribed amount and adjusting the pitch trim. She fixates on ",9 +Funding & tender opportunities portal ,7 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +"measures taken or proposed to be taken to address the breach, including, where appropriate, ",3 +Leading edge,6 +as Joint Stock Company on 31,9 +"a limit of detection of less than or equal to 1000 SARS-CoV-2 copies per millilitre, ",3 +Minister while Parliament is dissolved a person who was a Member of the Assembly ,3 +the frequency of the AC voltage within limits. Aircraft AC ,9 +Analog Electronics,7 +Points of steepest bank,6 +though the reported visibility or the visibility,9 +request for disclosure of the personal data processed on behalf of the contracting authority ,9 +§ 11 Eignung,7 +rather than the stoichiometric value. ,9 +- pour les bâtiments Europa et Lex: ,9 +Compliance periods and timeline ,7 +"and Industry No. 25 of May 30, 1986] ",7 +Equipment Setup,7 +the recommendation of the prov,9 +of the adequacy of the received signal. ,9 +stiffeners. Vacuum bags are used to apply the bonding and ,9 +the compressor rotor hub. This is usually accomplished by ,9 +* Chemical dosing pipe systems ,3 +"located on the nose, it is called a nosewheel, and the design ",9 +[Figure 4-24],9 +ODALS- Omnidirectional Approach Light-,9 +The starter generator internal circuit has four field windings: ,9 +the proper amount of oil for mixing. ,9 +Driving piles ,7 +Zulassungsverfahren,7 +"Angaben über den Zweck der baulichen Anlage oder des Auftrages, wenn auch Planungsleistungen",3 +of money or for the due execution or performance of the duties of,3 +"INSTALLATION OF AR2 POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY, MAIN ",7 +Resultant roll moments about CG,6 +end and the ripcord pocket or mount at the other end. Most ,9 +This means that incorrect idle mixture adjustments can easily ,9 +Audio-visual material production,7 +How To Form an N-Number,7 +elusive. A typical situation is the pilot descending to land at an ,9 +Terminal Arrival Area (TAA),7 +Type 2: Two-Stow Diaper or Half Diaper ,7 +integrity desired. The remainder of the division is the CRC ,9 +Figure 4-62E,9 +from a loader onto,9 +PERFORMANCE AUDIT,7 +approach course than the similar Simplified,9 +crossing the heat blanket power cord to prevent ,3 +Anti-Skid System Maintenance,7 +Round Out (Flare),7 +In the opinion of the auditors: ,7 +"date. The last four digits are the time of the METAR/SPECI, which is always given in ",3 +of Aircraft Registration ,7 +Pilots transitioning to more advanced aircraft will encounter additional types of risk associated with such aircraft. These include more ,9 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 +sen/vhb/z5_vergabe_bauauftraege_formblatt_124_eigenerklaerung.pdf,9 +"coded, it must be continually updated and maintained. ",9 +"A table used in packing parachutes, normally ",9 +A hollow-mill collar cutter can be used in a power hand ,3 +Tension plate. ,9 +II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS ,10 +Warranted Provision ,7 +TIS provides ground,9 +"Provision of expertise in Public Affairs and Media scenarios for cyber exercises, ",7 +pump supplies pressurized fuel to the fuel control. The fuel ,9 +"exchange business, etc. pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph ",3 +add reinforcing rivets spaced ,6 +(一)不按照规定申报,甚至拒报污染物排放有关事项,或者在申报时弄,3 +Methodological framework defined by ECHA ,7 +10.26.Erstellung und Prüfung der Werk- und Montageplanung ,7 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +Price and Estimated budget breakdown ,7 +Figure 6-7. ,0 +"1048 Bruxelles, Belgique ",9 +Resin Injection Repairs,7 +Fire fighting water ,7 +"descent stops, the lift will be zero, leaving the land-",9 +The final monitor controller has override capability on ,9 +at specific altitudes as dictated by the approach procedure. ,9 +"various models. In the 1970s, skydiving systems began to ",9 +exploration,3 +"пунктов, а также изолированные (транзитные) тепловые сети, которыми",9 +Evaluation of requests to participate,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 378 of December 19, 1986] ",7 +and cause ,9 +the S-mode transponder and altitude encoder to improve the ,9 +"placed in other positions, the valve opens a passage leading ",9 +Price — 30 % ,3 +instrument approaches at alternate airports when the ,9 +Registry; and ,3 +specific contract ,9 +von Fischen und Fischereierzeugnissen nach den Artikeln 35 bis 39 der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1379/2013 des,9 +amended by striking ‘‘State or subdivision thereof’’ and inserting ,9 +In EU Cyber crisis collaboration (Blueprint) ENISA is planning a number of projects for the coming years ,9 +3.13. В палаточных лагерях должны соблюдаться следующие требования:,9 +Overall Summary of ECHA ICT Governance ,7 +"maturen (zu § 14, Absatz 5) der baulichen Erweiterung",7 +Certain Fees Collectible Upon Commercial Documents,9 +Summary election appeal: determination ,7 +Controllo tecnico e collaudi non distruttivi di materiale meccanico (liquidi ,9 +Article 31 Provisional acceptance ,7 +承揽人在工作期间,应当接受定作人必要的监督检验。定作人,9 +Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake),7 +医療用放射性汚染物を保管廃棄する場合(次号に規定する場合を除く。)には、,3 +inoperative instruments or equipment may be,9 +"Rahmenplan für den klassenspezifischen Zusatzstoff in den Klassen A, A2, A1 (4 Doppelstunden), in",7 +zweiter Halbsatz übermittelt;,9 +Latitude and Longitude (Meridians and ,7 +Matt Hancock ,9 +-420-R-09-,9 +Airway/Route Depiction ,7 +When avionics manufacturers develop a piece of ,9 +straight threads on the tubing end and external pipe threads ,9 +"adopter approval process, to enable information that currently has to be collected during stage 1 of ",9 +problem is su&ciently varied that no general ,9 +Conditions and Controls ,7 +and are designated with three classes of,9 +Stall Speed Performance Charts ,7 +High-Wing Twin,7 +Termination by the contractor ,7 +Types of Charts Available,4 +necessary ,9 +"exclusion situations as declared, according to Article 137 (1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1046. ",3 +this basically high airspeed can create an im- ,9 +无效的合同或者被撤销的合同自始没有法律约束力。合同部分,9 +"the Constabulary who whips, maltreats, abuses, subjects to physical violence, or",9 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +The engine’s oil is the life blood of the engine and it is very ,9 +"Open-center selector valves are installed in series, and when ",9 +level measuring shall be,9 +paper format and/or by electronic means. The contractor must send back to the contracting ,9 +"energy is included with the water flow, no ",9 +of correctly entering waypoints into database-driven ,9 +Decreasing angle of attack,6 +médicaux liés à l'exécution d'une fonction de sécurité et au travail en hauteur. ,3 +"the approach procedure, unless that level of service",9 +"Naguilian, Rosario, San Fernando (the capital of the province), San Juan, Santo",9 +Annex 1. Title ,7 +GPS Familiarization,7 +Automatic Response Stage ,7 +integrity of the helicopter and adversely affects per-,9 +other real property held by the Government of the Philippine Islands upon special,9 +with termination of the ,3 +Hierbei sind:,3 +keeping it wet and allowing it to contact the surface for between ,9 +Loss of orientation.,3 +Induced drag. ,9 +adequate for ,3 +tion will be the intermittent “bang” ,9 +Single ignition engines: check operation of ignition ,3 +and keep on the outside of the bui,9 + If the keel does ,9 +The production of the video clip might include the following: ,9 +"“street authority”, in relation to a street, has the same meaning as in Part 3 of the 1991 Act; ",9 +sections of the report. ,9 +the weight of the seaplane is supported mostly by hydrodynamic lift.,0 +MOAs consist of airspace with defined vertical and lateral ,9 +"controlled airspace, which is normally Class E airspace ",9 +eingrenzen und Ursachen feststellen sowie,8 +"7a above, including",9 +Lieferungen,7 +"off-runway terrain, as well as the similarity of appearance of ",9 +Bank account contract ,3 +Power of Municipality to Acquire Land for Cemetery,9 +short period of time. Check the aircraft operation manual and ,9 +gemeinsamen Angeboten – dem federführenden Mitglied) vor und setzt die Zahlungsfrist ,9 +conductors reduces the resistance and therefore the I2 ,3 +ture and drop in BMEP or torque pressure. ,9 +journalists’ visits ,3 +a radio phone-in ,7 +tort or buckle during driving. Concrete casing shall be driven on the pile shoe using a mandrel. ,9 +"Signature of the consignment note by the contracting authority, as provided for in point (c) of Article II.4.1.9 is ",9 +"l’IVA. Nessuna esenzione è concessa invece per quanto riguarda le imposte, tasse e diritti che ",9 +of the FWC.,9 +法第八条ただし書の主務省令で定める軽微な変更は、届出事業者が法人である,3 +"surface, such as wood or blotter paper.",3 +"carburetor must discharge fuel at a point of low pressure, the ",9 +between minor irregularities and well-defined peaks.,9 +Liste détaillée des modes d'exploitation des résultats ,7 +Article 2 – DURATION AND TERMINATION ,7 +‘Interface control document’,9 +Fuselage......................................................................3-3,8 +and reduce an overall situational awareness of the flight. A contributing factor in many accidents is a ,9 +of 14 CFR Part 91 (generally primary airports within,9 +Drill Bushing Holder Types,7 +action and is responsible for follow-up to determine that the assigned actions are completed in a ,9 +〔平成十七年七月二十一日政令第二百四十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +"conditions; however, all the reports are north of the route ",9 +Sky cover/cloud layers ,8 +(external report).,8 +Verordnung über die Satzung der Bundesanstalt für,10 +may be given subject to reasonable conditions for any purpose mentioned in sub-,3 +"embody a summary of such reports for each province of his district, together with",9 +receivers use menus where the pilot selects the,9 +Philippine Islands is needed for school purposes or other proper governmental use,9 +payment of compensation— ,9 +the pilot to “broadcast in the blind” when 10 miles from the airport. This initial radio call will also ,9 +any drain or works vested in Thames Water under the Water Industry Act 1991; and ,3 +the provisions then in force remain applicable. ,3 +APR. Moves the cursor into the Approach section and ,3 +aircraft slows. ,9 +Small Multiengine (Reciprocating) Aircraft Fuel ,7 +"Conditions, ",3 +§ 13 Sorgfaltspflichten bei Neukonten natürlicher Personen,7 +"the amount of power being transmitted, whereas a ",3 +ROUTINE FENCE MAINTENANCE AND PICKET PATROLS ,7 +into the wheel well.,9 +point out the possible error in the position of this,9 +THE RECRIPROCATING ENGINE ,7 +the canopy models. Measuring canopy volumes has proven ,9 +$_{............ }$V184 ZIGGI JFK 210 JFK V229 BDR (T,6 +may disturb the signal for aircraft on the approach.,3 +Removal of Rivets,7 +§ 2 Kennzeichnung von forstlichem Vermehrungsgut,7 +Figure 4. Main Canopy ,0 +"PHILIPPINES"" AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES",7 +U.S. Department of Transportation,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 346 of November 7, 2016] ",7 +it is lifting the suspension; or ,3 +Electrical Resistance Thermometer,7 +imposed under them. The amendments are being made in order to assist the children’s social care ,9 +Section 6: Preparing an Emissions Inventory ,3 +" Any surface, such as a wing or propeller, which ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 135 of May 30, 1960]",7 +the fabric tight. ,9 +Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +alternate static system source. Ice tolerant antennas are also ,9 +Section 9 (2) of the Fund Order establishing the Fund requires that ,9 +doing the thing in question would be in the interests of the prevention or detection ,3 +Improved rotor efficiency resulting from directional flight is ,9 +minimum threshold 50% = 5 points),3 +Article 1 - ,7 +Contractor’s tender,7 +altimeter is the most important flight instrument and should ,9 +Article 4 - ,7 +Abschnitt 3,7 +au sein de l'institution. ,9 +Airport Pavement Markings,7 +$^{1 }$Being “,1 +"and Industry No. 5 of March 19, 1991] ",7 +Zeitpunkt des Kaufvertrages ein für mindestens sechs Jahre abgeschlossener Pachtvertrag über von der,9 +im Zentralen Fahrzeugregister,7 +"automatic, highlighting the need for proper training in emergency operations prior to an actual emergency. The affected individual ",9 +"state of the art in the industry and the provisions of this contract, in particular the ",3 +Bauvorhaben …………………………………………,7 +rejoining of the needles. The manufacturer often ,9 +It is the general practice of the agency to adver-,9 +Liabilities and insurance ,7 +"sampling, failure in sludge disposal, extreme weather, etc. has not occurred. ",3 +configurations of the engine are also available. ,9 +of an IAP that has a published VDA/TCH. When the,9 + A condition in the installation of a propeller ,9 +pilot for accuracy. (To be valid for separation purposes by,9 +"Gefährdung, Einrichtung:",7 +cost of risks from hazards against the possible benefits of ,9 +tion than the engineering formula from both the momentum and ,9 +dismissing an application on the ground that it is frivolous or vexatious.,9 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +[Figure 5-33],9 +Flight Director Functions,7 +"Magdalena, and Sorsogon (the capita",9 +Jet transport fuel systems can be regarded as a handful of ,9 + A mixture of clear ice and rime ice.,9 +Throttle Control,7 +Acquisition of land ,7 +I.5.1. Vorfinanzierung ,7 +or auditing,3 +Stationary Combustion Sources ,7 +Part 1: Administrative specifications ,10 +Technical and professional capacity,7 +Abschnitt 8,7 +SEC. 3. PRESUMPTION OF HERBICIDE EXPOSURE FOR CERTAIN VET-,7 +or substantially modify the conditions under which the contract was ,9 +"addition to risk management, other SRM skills such as automation management, task and workload management, and maintaining ",9 +"Cameras, domes ",3 +Negotiable,9 +or daytime visual signals when required. [Figure 6-8],9 +"the procurement documents, shall be contacted by ECDC to provide the missing information or clarify supporting ",9 +sending a ,9 +"bureau, a housing advice centre, a law centre or a solicitor.",3 +ROTOR DISC REGIONS,7 +Fahrschülerausbildung nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2,7 +Санитарные правила,7 +Napo performance,7 +Central standard time ,6 +Beurteilung der Eignung,7 +was already,9 +likely consequences of the breach; ,3 +(ii) basic matters concerning the recovery of inland waters resources; ,3 +service needs of the customers. The PIR seeks to validate the original program business case.,9 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 +would produce a load factor increment of 1.61. ,9 +"knots and downdrafts as strong as 6,000 feet per minute.",9 +"A gage, in the form of a thin metal rod, used to ",9 +Connector Link ,6 +I.9. DATA CONTROLLER ,7 +related to the team delivering the service remain fulfilled. ,9 + See inertial navigation system.,9 +is preferable to side-skipping.,9 +"von Unternehmen der Umlagegruppe mit vergleichbarer Größe entsprechend heranzuziehen. Bei Unternehmen,",9 +the end of the compression ,9 +relating to the accident or incident as they appeared.,9 +interview partner ,7 +Work No. 1D ,3 +prevenire i danni e annullare o ridurre i propri impegni.,9 +"Clear ice, under certain conditions, can be extremely",9 +evolves and the speeds of aircraft continue to increase into ,9 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +oints for profile “Junior expert”,3 +"normal conditions, during an engine start, and to indicate an ",9 +Cemetery Exempt from Taxation or Legal Process. —,9 +Figure 1-9. ,0 +of high induced drag at low flight speeds. ,9 +such action that will assure a safe departure.,9 +benefits compared to non-precision approaches. The WAAS ,9 +dual controls.................................................................. 1-2,8 +efforts for achieving international peace and makes it difficult to attain the ,3 +"ground power units (GPUs), baggage tugs, belt loaders, fuel or hydrant trucks, catering trucks, ",9 +Abschnitt 1,7 +terrain features. ,3 +ARTICLE 30. FINANCIAL GUARANTEE ,7 +Centrifugal-Flow Compressors,7 +Forfeiture of Goods Illegally Stored or Removed. — ,9 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,7 +grade or Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) rating be ,9 +necessary to take measures for the promotion of inland waters fishery. ,3 +climb at maximum weight while in a clean configuration ,9 +Crossflow IO-360 series,6 +partial maintenance actions or a list of numerical references ,9 +(and thus more fuel) as it is tasked with assuming the ,3 +tive differences between the observer and the,9 +pour l'utilisation d'élévateurs à nacelle. ,3 +RESERVE RIPCORD HOUSING ,7 +"compresses. With this compression, known as adiabatic ",9 +"Angabe, ob der Bewerber auf das Ausstellen eines Vorläufigen Nachweises der Fahrerlaubnis verzichtet",3 +Anforderungen und Regelwerke,7 +Straight Descents (Constant Airspeed ,7 +"drainable oil, if applicable, and payload.",9 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +acts connected with the collection of claims due from or accruing to,3 +"the case of minors, by the persons exercising parental authority) giving their permission ",9 +Bauvorhaben …………………………………………,7 +rests on the cam. Hold the folding blade in this position and ,9 +the typology described above at the same time; ,3 +Severity of an Event ,7 +"Auf die Angestellten, Arbeiter und Auszubildenden der Bundesanstalt sind die für Arbeitnehmer und",9 +the surface (or in some instances higher) up to but not,9 +"of any of the kinds named herein, nor create more than the one",9 +"in the definition of “frozen funds or economic resources” in paragraph 1, for “the ",3 +responsibilities of the proposed team and of the economic operators (in case of ,3 +airspace below FL180.,9 +occur in an error-tolerant system. ,9 +"motion of the air. Under these circumstances, the airspeed ",9 +"As the airplane lifts off the surface, the pitch attitude to hold ",9 +"(ii) in sub-paragraph (a), after “of those Regulations” insert “(as they have effect in the ",3 +Adjustment in respect of past compensation ,7 +"and vice versa, and words in the masculine shall be deemed to include the feminine and ",3 +at the bottom end of the spring. Make sure that the ,3 +"-420-R-09-901],",9 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +"$_{, /F}$, /G only) ",6 +"von Vorgängen, Abhängigkeiten, geplante bzw. vorhandene Kapazitäten). ",9 +Contracting Authority of the final phase or part of the services. Final payment shall be made only after ,3 +Operating Control Tower ,7 +–100 –80 –60 –40 –20 ,6 +〔平成二十五年六月二十六日政令第百九十一号〕〔抄〕,7 +Welche Quellen und Daten nutzen wir? ,7 +do not have active transponders. Another limitation of TCAS ,9 +During the purchase period: includes maintenance of the new and existing racks and related ,9 +skill and experience can all contribute to safety and,9 +airplane to continue settling slowly as forward speed decreases.,9 + Waiver Renewals ,3 +"I.1.5. Pre-financing, performance and money retention guarantees ",7 +whose amplitude incres.ses con›,9 +or incomplete combustion within the cylinder. This must ,9 +TRAITEMENT DES DONNÉES À CARACTÈRE PERSONNEL ,7 +HIGH RATE OF DESCENT,7 +Maximum Performance Takeoff,7 +aircraft requires more preparation time than a new paint job ,9 +"When flying in Canadian airspace, pilots are",9 +relevant for the purpose of the ,3 +A Brief History of Aircraft Structures,7 + (ss 42-46) ,7 +accorciamento;,3 +"Maximum gross weight of 1,320 pounds (1,430 pounds for seaplanes)",6 +Flight Director,7 +square foot.,9 +LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ,7 +II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +A piece of fabric sewn to the upper lateral band ,9 +Vehicular emissions factors for individual modes of operation. For ,9 +communications)”. ,3 +エックス線診療に従事する医師、歯科医師、診療放射線技師又は診療エックス線,3 +Detonation is not necessarily confined to. a ,9 +Accelerating System ,7 +"revolution of the alternator, the unit produces three separate ",9 +ECSC to become one of the key incubators of cybersecurity entrepreneurships in Europe. ,9 +derlying programme document adopted by the Commission; ,3 +http://www.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/ch13/final/c13s04.pdf. ,1 +Participant Register ,7 +Idle Mixture,7 +holder pressure ,9 +Acceleration Error,7 +Renewed annually. The renewal fee is $10 each ,3 +the financial guarantee is provided by a bank or a financial institution approved by the ,3 +Preparing the O&SHA,7 +...........................................................,6 +pending modification or relocation of these sites. See,9 +CLARIFICATION No: 2,7 +Pitch link,6 +transferred from STM to LTM. This process involves encoding or consolidation of information into LTM where it can then be ,9 +the effect of the wind and make the track of the aircraft ,9 +Article 30-18 (1) The manager of a hospital or clinic shall take any of the ,3 +the land in question.,9 +Aircraft Log Books,7 +to the upper surface of a wing. ,9 + Yaw Stability and Moments,7 +"технологического и холодильного оборудования, которые создают угрозу",9 +Software Planning Review ,7 +interested,9 +"Die Verarbeitung der Vordrucke in der Druckerei (Herstellung der Eindrucke, schneiden, zählen und",3 +"Der Projektleiter des Auftragnehmers muss in der Lage sein, in ",9 +INSPECTION CODE OF THE,7 +for Examination,9 +a private pilot certificate:,9 +"rate of climb, and speed. It may even be the cause of failure ",9 +II.23.2. Recovery procedure ,7 +The Event Review Committee may direct skill enhancement or system corrective ,9 +satisfied. ,3 +A typical turbofan intake section. ,0 +establish,9 +mit Wirksamwerden der jeweiligen Ausflaggungsgenehmigung. Das Beenden eines Ausbildungsverhältnisses,9 +an opportunity to make representations as to the claim or demand. ,9 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +"AC signal with a common-base amplifier circuit, the input ",9 +the information or documents remain confidential unless:,3 +keeping with a standard shape balloon. To be designated ,9 +"ensuring the systems set forth in the items of Article 1-11, paragraph (1) ",3 +"it reaches design limits, and the pilot may find the airplane ",9 +the parachutist. ,9 +agreement (the,3 +recording (it is not expected that full professional recording equipment or a TV studio ,3 +II.4.1.12 Remedy ,7 +Marker Beacons,7 +The tenderer’s,9 +"the effects of the blood loss are slight at ground level, there ",9 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +"vermieden werden. Verpackungen, Paletten usw. und der Inhalt dürfen zusammen nicht mehr ",9 +sale shall proceed and shall be held either at the main entrance of the municipal,9 +Split (wood defect). ,9 +chart. The first chart is a four-panel chart that includes 12- and ,9 +"CoW J551, Restricted Category Civil Aircraft Operating Limitations, in accordance with § 91.313(e). ",9 +show no effects.,9 +Chapter IV-2 Basic Policy ,7 +are for use only in an FAA Flight Plan,9 +Automatic Activation Devices (AADs) and ,7 +In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council ,7 +Disassembly,7 +"If the tenderer already submitted such evidence for the purpose of another procedure, its issuing date does ",9 +"navigation capability, High Altitude Redesign ",3 +The FAA wishes you safe landings as you embark on your own aviation journey.,9 +Bergung und Erste-Hilfe-Maßnahmen an Verletzten möglichst unter gleichzeitiger schriftlicher und bildlicher,3 +It was not uncommon for earlier grades of oil to become ,9 +赠与的财产有瑕疵的,赠与人不承担责任。附义务的赠与,,9 +Analyzing Procedures ,7 +"PHILIPPINES"" AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES",7 +"GPS. For example, these restrictions would apply",9 +"Each crewmember, if physically able at the",9 +"ward speed is decreased, and the force on the landing ",9 +separate unit. Many air transport category aircraft have an ,9 +from the Bureau of Forestry must comply with the regulations of the Bureau of,9 +"§ 4 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +"necessary to present complex situations, which require detailed analysis. By allowing learners to make decisions about typical issues ",9 +open circuit voltage. ,9 +" A flat, disk-shaped valve used to control ",9 +responsible for ensuring the conduct of Integrated Safety Management within their portfolio.,9 +SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION PLAN ,7 +"Murcia, Talisay, and Valladoli",9 +STRAIGHT-IN AUTOROTATION,7 +"prospection et/ou un appel au marché, sur base d'une liste de sociétés établie ",3 +one multilobe cam and one single-lobe cam. At the same ,9 +An example of a wing fabric ironing procedure designed to evenly taughten the fabric.,0 +provincial,9 +of patients to other hospitals or clinics ,3 +Flight Manual.,9 +Cracked or broken sections caused by crushing or ,3 +At officially designated landing sites; or,3 +compensation for their services.,9 +"operations, such as an instrument approach below ",3 +Intellectual property rights,7 +"Recurrent Training, Flight Reviews, and Instrument Proficiency Checks ",7 +"For example, if an airplane in steady level flight ",9 +Learning how to recognize and cope with stress.,3 +Duration of the contract ,7 +". — Fees for tuition in institutions of instruction, other",3 +Electrical Resistance Thermometer,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ",7 +Conducting an IFR Flight,7 + is the activity code under which the service was operational ,3 +"the Revised Act (November 25, 2014). ",3 +"Prior to soliciting contractor proposals, the PSP must once again be updated (if needed) and ",9 +administrative sanctions (exclusion or financial penalty) if any of the declarations or ,9 +~----------,6 +Shipment Type 3,7 +§ 49a Übergangsregelungen,7 +"dieser Verordnung vorbehaltlich der §§ 16 und 16a, soweit dies von dem ausländischen Staat zugelassen ist, mit",9 +which enhance fatigue. ,9 +whenever it is brought to his knowledge that any city officer or employee is guilty,9 +Developing risk assessment skills. ,3 +"Where there are two or more schools in the town, to adopt rules,",3 +resistance and adhesion for most epoxy and urethane surfaces ,9 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +"If the NAS change is a waiver/renewal, how could other waivers in effect interact with it?",3 +services are to be provided.,3 +‘‘(5) GAO REPORT.—Not later than 4 years after the date ,9 +The wastewater treatment plant site shall be covered with fire hydrants in a number and location that ,9 +a variation in line current and a consequent variation ,3 +might not be obvious. Any time a tire is involved in an aborted ,9 +Background and objectives ,7 +ter “C” enclosed in a box following the airport name.,9 +Conducting an IFR Flight,7 + Basic Pilot Eligibility,7 +Long-Term Memory (LTM) ,7 +an extract of corporate registration. ,3 +" Access to Knime software, ",3 +The Province of Iloilo,9 +"Airports marked ""Pvt"" immediately following the airport name are not for public use, but otherwise meet the criteria for ",9 +the lower end of the main riser cover is unstitched ,9 +"avionics safely: information, automation, and risk. ",9 +downwind wing to rise and the downwind main wheel to lift ,9 +"eines Finanzkonglomerats, den Mitgliedern ihres Vorstandes sowie sonstigen Geschäftsleitern oder",9 +An airspeed at which any ,9 +attitude manually. Attitude retention may be a SAS ,3 +Article 15 In order to secure water quality that contributes to the growth of ,3 +Operation and functional analyses. ,3 +occur from some ,9 +WORKS PROVISIONS ,7 +Examples of contact surface conditions.,0 +"boundary Animal Diseases.” The report further highlighted that, “It is possible ",9 +§ 5 Durchführung der Berufsausbildung,7 +Satzung der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht,7 +"ископаемых,",9 +"—(1) In Rule 57 (enrolment appeals), in paragraph (4)— ",9 +"selection of a cruising altitude, particularly at higher altitudes, ",9 +engines are designed to use auto gas with various octane ratings ,9 +"void time. After the clearance void time, your reserved space ",9 +changed significantly.,9 +elektronisch,3 +Fuel/Oil/Air mixture ,6 +The fact that the agency under one particular,9 +of the Senate); and ,9 +Financial sanctions licences ,7 +—contact ,9 +Suspension lines and line attachments,3 +"to overcome the tendency of the nose to rise. At position 4, ",9 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +Antiservo tab ,6 +general purpose “digital computers” with installed “software” specified by ,9 +in flight inspection/certification of NAVAIDs and,9 +Remove connector links and control lines from line organizing card and loosely connect ,3 +[Figure 11-23],9 +possible or appropriate in the circumstances (including due to statutory or regulatory changes) to ,9 +dot combinations per minute and a white marker beacon light. ,9 +altitude because lift is lost as thrust is diverted forward. ,9 +"of the processing of personal data, as indicated in the ",3 +of the aircraft is very strong as compared to the effect of its ,9 +"the pilot mechanically cranks the gear into position, are ",9 +The DECIDE Model ,7 +stainless,9 +Notify the Applicant ,7 +"turbines,",9 +of construction results in a decrease in weight and bulk and a higher level of safety. 13-airfoil section ,3 +continuous ,9 +Annex II — Financial tender,7 +propeller. The nearer the speed of the aircraft is to the speed of ,9 +Training Location ,7 +other data and position; ,3 +"Absatz 1 Nummer 5 Buchstabe b Doppelbuchstabe bb, Nummer 7 Buchstabe b, Nummer 8 Buchstabe b, Nummer",9 +"use of an air manifold, these nozzles are vented to the injector ",9 +public health needs and emergency medical personnel ,9 +System Servicing,7 +"seaplane begins to slow, it can sometimes feel similar",9 +"blades are realigned, a second shock could move the blades ",9 +of the Advisory Committee on the Prerogative of Mercy; and after obtaining the advice of the ,9 +between metal parts. ,9 +"airship of 195,000-cubic-foot capacity is to be ",9 +tenderers may launch an action for its annulment. Any request tenderers may make and ,9 +- Seite 7 von 14 -,4 +"the drill at a 90° angle. Do not drill too deeply, as the ",3 +Compass Course ± Deviation = Magnetic Course ± Variation ,9 +"turbo prop aircraft, the boots are installed in sections along ",9 +Softstarter Protection ,7 +signments) to,9 +"low climb rates, 500 fpm is appropriate. In helicopters capable ",9 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +Semiconductors,7 +Materials/ Parts ,7 +Lot 3: Organisation of corporate events ,7 +of the damage or loss. ,3 +Impact ice is formed either from water present in the ,9 +"of the duplicate certificate, AFS-750 may, if ",9 +angular distance from the equator to the pole is one-fourth ,9 +(iii) the construction of an abutment and pier supporting the new bridge deck; ,3 +Index of form e:fficiency.-,9 +"over the location of offices, factories, workplaces, stores or warehouses of the ",3 +Settlement of Estates of Deceased Employees,9 +ing any other portion of the traffic pattern.,3 +Berufsgenossenschaft (BG) ................................................................................ ,3 +合による識別を含む。次項において同じ。)ができないように加工した報告書を提出,3 + The contractor must ,3 +"agriculture, and waste management activities. ",9 +Deliverables ,7 +"condition, of good moral character, and not less than seventeen years of age. He",9 + shows the fuel system of a DC-3. A selector ,9 +#[reference]) ,9 +of the coatings present. ,9 +desired heading depends on the degree of bank used in the ,9 +"Analysieren und Bewerten von Wertschöpfungsketten unter betriebswirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten,",3 +Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union,9 +power setting. ,9 +Turbine Engine Bleed Air,7 +"them, or from any other available source.",9 +Transportwege ,7 +Altitude capture.,9 +Figure 5-59.,0 +"training for an Olympic or Paralympic event, ",3 +raise the collective or apply aft cyclic. The throttle may be ,9 +limitations. ,9 +技术秘密转让合同的让与人应当按照约定提供技术资料,进,9 +Blocked Static System,7 +ILS Function,7 +"Berechnung der Gesamtdauer nicht berücksichtigt. Durch Tarifvertrag kann vereinbart werden, dass",3 +Authorizations (excluding the provisions revising the Appended Table of the ,9 +Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan,7 +MOVEMENT CONTROLS ,7 +Travaux d'adaptation,7 +II.4. DELIVERY OF SUPPLIES ,7 +Packing and Inspection Area,7 +"America on Long Island, New York. By 1911, Orville Wright ",9 +INTRODUCTION ,7 +minor variations that are different for each wing and can be ,9 +II.5. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +"Failure in the delivery of electricity, water, chemicals etc., failure in analyses and ",3 +"Certified Auditors, who were appointed by the Board in terms of ",9 +Methodology ,7 +Folding a Box,7 +procedures are especially important prior to entering a high-,9 +acts connected with the collection of claims due from or accruing to,3 +Annex I to FR ,7 +"does not know the idiosyncrasies of the airport, requesting ",9 +Teilnahme ausländischer Fahrzeuge am Straßenverkehr,7 +elle les a déjà présentés aux fins ,9 +direction of the desired radial or track.,9 +"$_{10 }$and PM$_{2.5}$) concentrations, respectively, at sensitive receptor ",9 +100 120 °F ,6 +и высшего образования Российской Федерации от 7 августа 2020 г. № 912,9 +TRAITEMENT DES DONNÉES À CARACTÈRE PERSONNEL ,7 +Predicted Residual Risk.,9 +"concept, pilots should not become complacent about",9 +How To Use a Training Syllabus,7 +" aircraft C, D, and E.)",9 +der. The first stroke of the operating cycle is ,9 +employ ADM.,9 +all policies of insurance or other instruments by whatever name,3 +Reciprocating Engine Lubricants,7 +Common-Base Amplifier ,7 +INHALTSVERZEICHNIS ,7 +センチメートル未満のもので車輪にベアリングを用いていないものを除く。)の項,3 +basically rectangular in shape with the long dimension of the ,9 +illation ,9 +"cabin outflow valve opens, closes, or modulates to establish ",9 +indicated in the ,9 +SPECIAL CONDITIONS ,7 +provisional.,9 +Verhalten gegenüber Sonderfahrzeugen,3 +die Vorprüfunterlagen zu dem Gutachter zur Abnahme gesendet. Falls der Gutachter ,3 +Landing—Stuck Left Pedal,7 +severally liable ,9 +143. В пункте 3.3 федерального государственного образовательного,9 +flap retraction,6 +. A certificate issued by the ,9 +(四)因发生事故或者其他突发性事件,造成海洋���境污染事故,不立即,3 +"of the plate the air is under an increased pressure, while behind the ",9 +BORN WITH SPINA BIFIDA’’; ,7 +"In addition, a pilot should listen to ATIS, Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS), or ",9 +Article 13 - ,7 +approximate depth of the head.,3 +investigate.,9 +increase in operating expenses. ,9 +an expected clearance to “cross 40 DME West of Brown VOR ,9 +"meteorological formation (layer). Rather, it permits operation ",9 +expansion in the turbine section and extract ,9 +er appointment; ,3 +Faulty mixture ratios caused by improper ,3 +The pilot’s fitness to fly must ,6 +of interpreters offering accurate simultaneous interpretation and thereby guaranteeing the possibility of ,9 +Quill shaft.,9 +Amendment of the Regulated Activities Order ,7 + One end of each wire is connected to ,9 +"Criminal Finances Act 2017 (c. 22), section 51(1); the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018, section 59(4) and ",1 +"For entry ML2.c., substitute— ",9 +APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM-,7 +"organised onsite, purely online or as hybrid activities (i.e. onsite and online or as ‘online + online ",9 +"similar diplomas under the Spanish Government, were cons",9 +successful,9 +systems. These connectors enable a cable length to be quickly ,9 +covers all territories ,3 +Significant reductions in expenditure were noted in cost of sale of ,9 +Takeoff and Climb,7 +—continuous wave ,9 +distance from the listed navigation facility.,9 +weather information sources indicate that existing ,9 +Article 3 - ,7 +"Feuerkrieg Division, insert the following entry— ",9 +departure or arrival point is not listed in the Chart ,9 +I.1.2. Currency ,7 +(Refer to En Route Charts.) ,9 +that indicates engine power.,9 +Select Dispersion Models ,7 +Air Mass Thunderstorms,7 +Pfaff 3334,6 +roughly equal to a descent of 340 feet per minute. Within a ,9 +"1,115 + 1,230 ",2 +$^{1}$ imposed or administered by:,6 +dem Gebiet des Strahlenschutzes voraus. Innerhalb von 8 Wochen nach Arbeitsaufnahme ,9 +Specific objectives: ,7 +Provisions: the date of promulgation. ,3 +"separation, and sidewall cord exposure all require that the ",9 +who receive the Confidential ,9 +Approving Safety Requirements,3 +features. Introductory descriptions of each are given in the ,9 +sie nicht durch das Verschulden eines Beteiligten entstanden sind.,9 +"derived from Mode C reports, if appropriately",9 +An aircraft flying the LOC/GS course at a constant ,3 +"of the Regional Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry having jurisdiction ",3 +Intellectual Property Right (IPR) ,7 +Sub-criterion 2.2: Appropriateness of the allocation of time and resources to ,3 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR ,7 +"регистрационный М 59403),",9 +that the person is in breach of its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or ,6 +Beurteilung der Eignung,7 +Endurance at full and half power. ,9 +"and its amendments,",9 +are listed in the Chart Supplement U.S. If a flight is ,9 +前号に掲げる場合のほか、前任の病院の管理者が不在となることが予期しなかつ,3 +"or 24-volt systems respectively, check the operation of ",9 +関し相当の経験を有する医師、歯科医師、薬剤師、看護師、歯科衛生士、臨床検査,3 +Vacuum Systems,7 +Page 11 of 18 ,4 +Example of a large aircraft hydraulic nose wheel steering system with hydraulic and mechanical units.,0 +Leaking intake pipes,3 +these systems as required by 14 CFR part 23 for IFR flight ,9 +"more on the altimeter for primary pitch information, ",9 +"During a grace period of 2 months, following the signature of the framework contract, the penalties will not be applied. ",7 +A type of mineral oil with metallic-ash-,9 +"the final progress report and a final statement, identified as such, shall have been submitted by the ",3 +is based and used primarily in the United States,3 +II.20.3. Umrechnung ,7 +How to Identify Fixation or Inattention Problems ,7 +[2617-3.],9 +A prompter: for speakers to read their speeches while looking at the camera (for hybrid and ,3 +report the audit was still in progress. ,9 +outline of the preventive measures; and ,3 +The methodological report expected within 30 days of the conclusion of the contract ,9 +all relative temperatures used to monitor the temperature of ,9 +Remove bridle line from loop at bottom end of pilot chute. ,3 +"column. It reads “–165.” Therefore, it is necessary to subtract ",9 +"Fitness im Fahrdienst, Stressbewältigung.",3 + such as platforms ,9 +Methodology - Loading and Unloading of Material Piles ,7 +"The box and pan brake is used to form boxes, pans, and ",9 +Identifying Hazards,7 +for tipped or loose rivet heads. If the heads are tipped or if ,9 +"expectations that can drive a “get-there” mentality, Gayle can: ",6 +Article premier ,7 +as from the date of the acquisition of the right or the benefit of the restrictive covenant by ,3 +"Unterbrechungen kommt, muss eventuell mit einem verstärkten Einsatz gearbeitet werden, ",9 +Shipment Type 3,3 +"the Advisory Services, will act as Contracting Authority and will be responsible for managing this ",9 + and any person who has the power to represent the ,3 +"and Industry No. 9 of February 15, 1984] ",7 +. — For use in the testing of weights and measures,9 +deformation or failure ,9 +Schallimmissionsschutz,7 +"elements: one for feed and five for scavenge. In each case, ",9 +merges and the wingtip contacts the water when the,9 +altogether,9 +Pr = Po x ( — ) ,2 +"For hybrid, ""online +""",7 +"Location: .......................... 25 NM out on the 090° radial, ",8 +against FMD. This will encourage future participation of farmers in the ,3 +Decision-Making ,7 +Bank Control,8 +Non-Moving Advances ,7 +produce a satisfactory weld. This preparation is especially ,9 +ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CAPACITY$^{3}$ ,7 +Bonded composite doublers have the ability to slow or stop ,9 +while holding a straight course with rudder. This cre-,9 +zur Auszahlung der Förderhilfe nachholen.,9 +Consignment note ,7 +helicopters that utilize a tail rotor. The design of main and ,9 +"RID I: (General Compliance, Economic and Financial Capacity Compliance) ",7 +Documentation),3 +Operational Hazard Warning(s)/Procedures,7 +Spring-Back,7 +Precautionary checks to be performed by the crew ,3 +"date of collection, to the township treasurer, together with an itemized statement",9 +Fachrichtung,7 +"5 июля 2017 г.,",9 +"not available, business class. ",3 +Chapter IV-2-2 Medical Care Plans ,7 +CherryBUCK$^{®}$ 95 KSI One-Piece Shear Pin ,7 +For the Contractor: ,7 +Layup Process (Typical Laminated Wet Layup),7 +use continuous fibers. Fiberglass molded mats are not used ,9 +Preparation ,7 +of the parasite drag and velocity. ,9 +Specific maintenance instructions; ,3 +Suspension by the contractor ,7 +"and Industry No. 92 of December 10, 1983] ",7 +The ISD Executive Secretariat facilitates the AMS policy for deployment planning and ,9 +0013 00-19 ,4 +Sperrfrist nach § 55 Absatz 1 und 3 kann nur mit Zustimmung der Vertreterin oder des Vertreters der Kinos,9 +"(Diseases specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as ",9 +some aid from the lift of the ram-air wing must sup-,9 + the mayor or Board upon any,9 +реализуемых,9 +as battery temperature moves away from the 60 °F ,3 +Most transport category aircraft fuel systems are very much ,9 +"(ii) in sub-paragraph (a), after “of those Regulations” insert “(as they have effect in the ",3 +period will be calculated by multiplying the daily prices onsite and off-site with the ,3 +. — The receipt for the fee charged for the sealing of weights and,9 +°F and 100 °F. ,9 +the drain pipes of the cleaning equipment referred to in 3. are connected ,3 +narily favor selection of a runway for a ,9 +Signal-to-noise ratio.,9 +Organisation of the work [,3 +evidence of leaks; studs and nuts for improper torque ,3 +fuel flow indicator tapped off of the distribution manifold ,9 +MARKING REQUIREMENTS:,7 +increasing nose-down force on the glider due to the increasing ,9 +Briefing the photographer: ,3 +within the permissions of the user roles that the contracting authority has assigned to them. ,9 +"müssen Störungen, die durch diese Anwendungen verursacht werden, hinnehmen.",3 +"bureau, a housing advice centre, a law centre or a solicitor.",3 +Figure 13-10.,0 +Social Media Communication Plan ,7 +themselves when the opening control is released. ,9 +LOT 1 – DATA COMMUNICATIONS ,7 +essential,9 +Financial evaluation).,7 +a registered nurse; ,3 +Philippine Law Encyclopedia 2011,4 +"соблюдение гигиенических нормативов и обеспечивать доступность услуг,",9 +In addition to accident investigation and the enforcement of ,9 +“Shadow authorities ,7 +States civilian aviation by conveying safety principles and ,9 +Non-Moving Advances,7 +The scenario in the table is only meant for evaluation purposes and does not constitute a commitment on the part of ECDC to request this volume of services.,9 +Operating procedures ,7 +Unusual attitudes are some of the most hazardous situations ,9 +Section 5. Pilot/Controller Roles and Responsibilities,7 +Table of Contents,7 +エックス線管の容器及び照射筒は、利用線錐以外のエックス線量が次に掲げる自,3 +altitude large fl ight instruments are along ,9 +the chief executive of the township. As such he shall have the following powers,9 +Table 6.4: Signatures for SRM Document Approval for Proposed NAS Changes Only ,7 +reduce radio receiver interference. This interference is ,9 +tail. This causes the tip-path plane to tilt to the rear and is,9 +gage allowed in a baggage compartment located,3 +grommets meet the rubber bands. You should not have to stretch ,0 +rate is preferred to test wind direction and detect subtle wind ,9 +第一号の報告に係る法第六条の十六第一項第一号の規定による整理及び分析結果,3 +Fremdgeräusche der Betrieb von Baumaschinen nicht zu Belästigungen führt.,9 +Communal Forests,7 +The movement of the power lines either up or down in ,0 +"2.2.5. Расположение на собственной террито��ии построек и сооружений,",9 +"as a lawful appropriation, and the same shall be forthwith returned by him, with the",9 +"and Industry No. 25 of May 30, 1986] ",7 +Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA),7 +Reserve Static Lines (RSLs) ,7 +The exposed part of the pile shall be in good condition without damage or distortion. ,3 +have been moved into the area of warm frontal weather by ,9 +"CCTV, fire, ",8 +Positive Pitch,6 +Teledyne Continental 0-200 Engine,7 +Amounts of fixed penalties ,7 +"regulatory guidance material, including pertinent sections of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),",9 +keep a record of all officers and employees in the permanent,3 +и лабораторных,9 +"environmental effects of their actions prior to its implementation. Importantly, the agency must ",9 +and declaration,7 +"met their objectives in terms of format, content and interaction. The evaluation shall be on ",9 +"that the results be adapted, provided that this is done in a manner which is not prejudicial to ",3 +engine. This pump draws fuel from the selected tank and ,9 +"SW-1,18AUG2016to15SEP2016",6 +NoPT is shown on the approach course. The,9 +—consolidated uniform payroll system ,9 +processes,1 +"shall be plainly marked so as to show the name, age, nationality of the deceased",9 +geltenden aktuellen Stand der Technik entsprechen. Das Luftfahrt-Bundesamt kann ergänzende Anforderungen,9 +congiunta),9 +Definitions,7 +terrain features. ,3 +Opening of tenders,7 +or other surfacing and all surplus material shall be disposed of offsite.,9 +your annual accounts,9 +FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR,5 +interfere with any apparatus or construct any part of the authorised development; or ,3 +I.4. PREIS ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 409 of December 26, 1994] ",7 +If the results are not fully created for the purpose of the contract this shall be clearly pointed out by the ,9 +自然人之间的借款合同对支付利息没有约定或者约定不明确,9 +another by welding. Small holes are drilled in the outer tube ,9 +"Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau); provided, however, that it does not ",3 +fix bugs and security vulnerabilities. ,3 + An elastic cord made of small strips of rubber ,9 +〔平成二十五年六月二十六日政令第百九十一号〕〔抄〕,7 +Class E Airspace,7 +Improvement Plans ,7 +内水面水産資源の回復に関する基本的事項,3 +Verify security of propeller mounting.,3 +reviewing and commenting on all formal reports; ,3 +] sent to the Service Provider the Assignment Terms of Reference attached ,3 +or desired. Consider the operation of a microphone when ,9 +Lesson Plans ,7 +it is important to note that this technique is to air the canopy ,9 +"After the battery is charged, the ammeter should sta-",9 +performance number than is specified for the engine.,9 +operates in VFR conditions on top of an undercast.,9 +the machine. Start the metal between the rolls by rotating the ,9 +Exclusion criteria documentation ,7 +"contractor, who has 30 days following the date of receipt to submit observations. The ",3 +Vortex Behavior,7 +Schuldners ist eine Quittung zu erteilen.,9 +"destination airport are reporting clear conditions, but a low ",9 +"Prior provisions continue to govern service transactions for which a person, ",3 +"diabetes, and mental diseases. ",3 + ou des copies de ceux-ci; ,3 +Regulation 19(1)(a) ,7 +riggers agree that these independent test methods are useful ,9 +and the diffuser. Although the diffuser is a separate unit and is ,9 +within a period specified by Ministry of Finance Order. ,3 +the system when packing and to be extracted by the pilot ,9 +"$^{3}$ To submit a new version, the tenderer must create a new tender in e-Submission and include all the information ",1 +(See MINIMUM IFR ALTITUDE.) ,9 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) and online at www. ,9 +overnight stay related to the tasks executed. Accommodation must be arranged and paid ,3 +Regulations 2013 (“TPP Regulations”). This instrument defers the payment of some instalments of ,9 +やすい箇所に容易に消えない方法で表示を付,8 +pressure (psi) = cabin differential pressure (psid or ,3 +§ 33 Übermittlung von Daten an das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt,7 +"financial institutions, etc. prescribed in Article 22-2, paragraph (1) of the ",3 +determined by engine rpm with a minimum pressure at idling ,9 +"controversy shall be decided by the provincial board, from whose",3 +to them individually. For the criteria applicable to the tenderer as a whole the tenderer (sole tenderer or ,9 +or certified retreader for clarification on damage to a tire.,9 +Course Reversal Elements in Plan View and ,7 +Long-Term Memory (LTM) ,7 +II.5.2 Date of communications by mail and email ,7 +"Objectives, the target group and channels to be used, as well as necessary justifications. ",3 +Incorrect temperature (below 60 °F or above 95 °F). ,3 +I.14.4 Declarations of interest ,7 +Afterlanding Off Field ,7 +[Figure 11-9] ,9 +MOVES and EMFAC to generate the emission factors necessary to complete the analysis,9 +Figure 7-28.,0 +wenn sie einen pflegebedürftigen nahen Angehörigen in häuslicher Umgebung pflegen (Familienpflegezeit).,9 +Неотапливаемые,9 +autopilot system. The autopilot uses rate information on ,9 +evenly distributed over several available arrival fixes ,9 +"UL 746C, UL 94 ",3 +"an effect on existing hazards or how they are controlled. For example, a particular function may ",9 +touchdown.,0 +10.26.Erstellung und Prüfung der Werk- und Montageplanung ,7 +traffic nearby. It can be difficult to spot floating hazards,9 +esearchers’ interest in regulatory ERA and science. ,3 +other similar shaped objects. If these shapes were formed ,9 +"Using the acronym “DECIDE,” the six-step process DECIDE ",9 +They are compatible with two-part epoxy primers and ,9 +Installation of Rivets,7 +Formula: 70 * lowest daily rate offered among the tenderers who passed the ,3 +additional safety requirements may be identified via a PIR or other means that could result in ,9 +operation for Accreditation (“EA”) Multilateral Agreement(,3 +to 10 percent. ,9 +"aircraft, these modes are takeoff, climbout, approach and taxi. ",9 +There must be a clear difference between patch cables labelled with number 6 and number 9. Same ,9 +ting such assessment and fund; to,9 +Anforderungen und Regelwerke,7 +yielding the desired flightpath or may couple the ,3 +Crew Responsibilities ,7 +is in violation of operating limitations. ,9 +"the order in which the contractor proposes to perform the contract including design, ",3 +"In order to incorporate the effects from thermal action, shrinkage and creep, the Contractor shall make ",9 +"province), and Victoria.",9 +accordance with any of the following: ,3 +placing advertisements — based on real costs. ,3 +Identifying Emissions in the SIP ,7 +Sample Problem 2 ,7 +Article 2 - ,7 +to EPA’s ,9 +Napo performance,7 +"Balungao, Bani, Bautista, Bayambang, Binalonan, Binmaley, Bolinao, Burgos,",9 +in minimums may be published where,9 +Reverse-flow annular combustion chamber,6 +§ 11 Eignung,7 +be developed and implemented to help ease air traffic ,9 +MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ,7 +expenses and income and set forth in detail in each application the expenditure to,9 + The contracting authority is not liable for any loss or damage caused to the contractor ,3 +"Fahrzeugtechnik,",3 +limited in scope and in time to fulfilment of Contractor’s contractual obligations ,3 +including touchup of defects in baked enamel coatings.,3 +Vortex Behavior,7 +into one chart to compensate for multiple conditions of ,9 +Российской Федерации,9 +"municipal court shall keep its seal and affix it to all orders, judgments, certificates,",9 +3. Пункты 2 и 3 статьи 4 настоящего Федерального закона вступают,9 + a sample of the said sugar for its classification.,9 +packing and maintenance on parachutes.,9 +This is illustrated in figure 6.1 where the power ,9 +The provisions set out in the special conditions take precedence over those in the other ,3 +"Tatsachen vorliegen, aus denen sich ergibt, dass eine Person, die dem Kontrollorgan der gemischten",9 +R\`c /8 ?cc^\d\`e\j€,9 +Autorisations pour certains travaux ,3 +indicates “TO.” If the needle centers with a “FROM” ,9 +"by the Revised Act (hereinafter referred to as the ""Old Act""); hereinafter the ",3 +Continental/TCM Fuel-Injection System,7 +engine running. The battery is also a valuable source,9 +layer at the vertical tail location. The decay of ,9 +INSTRUMENT INTERPRETATION,7 +Aircraft Metal Structural Repair,7 +[Figure 12-12],9 +Fresh air,6 +bustion chamber increases the mass flow and ,9 +Effective Translational Lift (ETL),7 +Numbers must be printed in length of the patch cable. ,9 +Digital Building Blocks,7 +into the locking grooves to ,6 +Statement of Losses of Public Monies and Stores – (Statement No. 22),7 +proves to have been subject to ,3 +of the julian-date.,9 +rod is used when making this joint to obtain a strong weld. ,9 +the rotor r.p.m. within the established range for your,9 +"As the remaining 180° of turn continues, the wind becomes ",9 +greatly weakening or completely eliminating the ,3 +"verlangen, soweit dies zur Festsetzung der Umlage und der Umlagevorauszahlung erforderlich ist.",9 +to the launch path to create a hazard. It is important ,3 +BMM follow-up meeting usually the day after the BMM to handle all escalations ,3 +"must be followed, except when RADAR VECTORING to ",9 +in the surge tanks (if present) or vent overboard. Venting must ,9 +BUY THROUGH THIS PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE? ,7 +following Order: ,9 +that meets the air as the propeller rotates.,9 +"If the contractor fails to notify within 30 days period after receipt thereof, he shall be ",3 +"all necessary equipment, documents, checklists, and ",9 +hold short,9 +frequency range up to 135.975 MHz and the 760 reaching ,9 +〔昭和三十五年五月三十日政令第百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +established.,9 +Termination by either party: ,7 +transport wake horizontally and vertically.,9 +TENDER SPECIFICATIONS ,7 +the No. 8 grommet after the canopy repairs have been completed. ,9 +"milliseconds (in the case of Helmets for Mopeds, etc., no more ",9 +Lot 3: Organisation of corporate events ,7 +Provided basic radar services beyond the,9 +standard.,9 +téléphoner au n° (+32 2 281) ,3 +determines the rate of airflow through the restrictor.,9 +the need for a firm but uniform deceleration process in very ,9 +"Judicial Power, Embracing Courts of Superior Jurisdiction, Justices of the Peace,",7 +and advisory,3 +"of fittings, antennas, and lights; for “smoking rivets” ",3 +"Repairs, Alterations, and ",7 + In regulation 1(2) of the Customs Tariff (Establishment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020(,9 +"Gefährdung, Einrichtung: Unzureichende oder nicht vorh. Beleuchtung in Gebäuden",7 +Altitudes and Flight Levels,7 +AIRPORT DATA DEPICTION,7 +Because of the decreasing groundspeed and rate of closure ,9 +"more meaningful. A long, detailed explanation is confusing before the learner begins performing, whereas specific comments are ",9 +Tag numbering ,7 +Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +"As a rule of thumb, use 10 percent of the vertical velocity ",9 +- Seite 14 von 15 -,4 +That more than one contract should be signed if the joint offer is successful,3 +§ 88 Auszahlung,7 +and the attitude indicator usually becomes the support-,9 +SCHEDULE 9 ,7 +Revocation ,7 +TABLE OF SECTIONS.—The table of sections at the begin-,9 +The National ,7 +Subject: Supply of Equipment for Advanced Prototype Station (APS),7 +"returned to stock. In the year under review, no recoveries were made ",9 + A type of patch ,9 +Rotor Configurations,7 +http://www.epa.gov/oms/stateresources/transconf/policy/420b10041.pdf. ,1 +ou parties de ,3 +Umgang mit konfliktträchtigen Situationen;,3 +"Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and of any Act of Parliament, power to specify ",9 +Any aspect of the tender is contractually binding.,3 +shall be set by the zone in which it is found appropriate to aim to secure a ,3 +"undertakes that any further Confidential Information, which may come to its ",3 +[Figure 4-11],9 +Quantitative,9 +Information to be filled in ,7 +§ 1 Beschränkung des ordentlichen Holzeinschlags,7 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 1),7 +documents or deliverables if the contracting authority requires it.,9 +"mounted on the belly band. Today, the primary location is an ",9 +the tender. ,3 +Instrument Departures,7 +Europol Public Information,7 +Partial revocation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 ,7 +signal lists.,3 +Tender Specifications ,7 +Application of Part 1 of the 1965 Act ,7 +Figure 10-126. ,0 +up to 136.975 MHz. VHF radios are limited to line of sight ,9 +§ 3 Inanspruchnahme von Fremddienstleistern,7 +" cybersecurity, and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) ",9 +Electric Power Consumption Commitments ,7 +[Figure 3-8] ,9 +Prelaunch Check,7 +II.20.7 Suspension du délai de paiement ,7 +stop after engine shutdown.,9 +APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM-,7 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +"ing two years, or both.",9 +necessary to remove contamination are provided; ,3 +AN ACT STRENGTHENING ,7 +"suppress gambling houses, houses of ill fame and other disorderly",3 +National Assembly. ,9 +Interaction between the Software Review Process and the Software Lifecycle ,7 +Prüfungsbereich Fischereiliche Nutzung,3 +〔平成二十四年四月六日政令第百十六号〕,7 +"based, legacy naviga-",9 +"over the location of offices, factories, workplaces, stores or warehouses of the ",3 +local FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO). ,9 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +"[156-2, 3; 607-1 (",9 +I.4.2. Price revision index ,7 +"Commission, that",9 +"requires its disclosure. Unless there is an overriding public interest in disclosure$^{10}$, the ",3 +特定製品の区分並びに構造、材質及び性能の概要,3 +the helicopter about its longitudi-,9 +Dewatering building ,7 +"shall focus on the existence of relevant help, on clear language, on relevant link(s) to more help ",3 +"""Domestic ownership"", as used in this section, means ownership vested in",9 +"less than the power required, the deficiency of ",9 +"in the horizontal position during straight taxiing, or ",3 +If the question of removing the Secretary from office has been referred to a tribunal ,9 +occur at a speed ,9 +"in subsequent fiscal years, as such term is defined in sections ",9 +"Nevertheless, the OAG recognises the collaborative efforts between the DVS and ",9 +landing conditions. ,9 +法第五十五条の三第五項の規定による報告をした者は、財務省令で定めるところに,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 63 of March 25, 1998] ",7 +"pattern. (If there is no segmented circle installed at the airport, ",9 +established for helicopters. Operating above the maxi-,9 +operation. The red range indicates the maximum or minimum ,9 +Botswana Housing Corporation ,7 +system).’’. ,9 +the bank angle so the semi-circle is completed at 90° ,3 +fasteners incidental to operations,3 +REOUIRED ,6 +Needle fold (reserve bridles),3 +and Training Requirements.,3 +Strength:,6 +is called a ducted fan and the core airflow and fan ,3 +Section 5.1 ,7 +Floating Waypoints ,7 +This gear moves against ,9 +Rotate engine by hand and listen for unusual noises ,3 +Table 8-2. ,3 +D01.01-ED-21,7 +"surface of a wing to destroy, or spoil, lift. Flight spoilers are ",9 +or auditing,3 +ARRANGEMENT/COORDINATION OF INTERVIEWS ,7 +Crab into wind,6 +Introduction/Explanation,7 +"his notarial register being filled, and also within fifteen days after the expiration of",9 +attaching nuts and bolts are correctly safetied.,9 +"""Article 21, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2)"" in Article 17, paragraph (1), ",3 +risk of re-starting the ,9 +Rechtsstellung der Mitglieder des Direktoriums,3 +with lift. ,9 +§ 32 Speicherung der Halterdaten in den Fahrzeugregistern,7 +The parties,3 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +to maintain the wheels one to two inches above the runway ,9 +Reciprocating Engine Lubricants,7 +the miniature aircraft and the horizon bar of the attitude,9 +unit meters the fuel according to engine rpm and mixture ,9 +Amendment of article 3 ,7 +". — The Attorney-General, the Solicitor-General, the assistant attorneys",9 +"bereitgestellt werden, wenn ihr Gewicht die in § 9 oder ihre Länge oder ihre Fläche die in § 28 Absatz 1 bis 3 und",9 +the GPS outage or land at a MON airport or at another,9 +"and thrust equals drag. If lift exceeds weight, the helicopter ",9 +The contractor must obtain any permit or licence required in the State where the ,3 +municipality,3 +The Maintenance part: ,7 +Square Canopy—Rib Repair,7 +capacity during periods of low visibility by providing ,9 +gilt in der Regel 3 Jahre; nach Erreichen des 50. Lebensjahres jährlich.,9 +TS EN 10246 Non-destructive testing of steel tubes ,3 +down on the corresponding surface of the trailing ,9 +indicator becomes primary for power. ,9 +quality standard.,9 +roll tendencies are usually equipped with gyro-stabilized yaw ,9 +"simplest terms, it is a decrease from wing root to wingtip in ",9 +locks on the glider’s flight controls.,9 +eration is low through the flap retraction ,9 +MOVEMENT CONTROLS ,7 +Area Navigation (RNAV) Routes.,7 +Speeds greater than the ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 291 of October 1, 1973] ",7 +AD ABN OTS ,8 +safety effort as it applies to ,9 +pitch attitude appropriate to that airspeed in level flight. ,9 +"anerkannten Sachverständigen, Prüfers für den Kraftfahrzeugverkehr oder Prüfingenieurs einer amtlich",3 +pitch position,3 +incial treasurer of any province within his district; and during,9 +2021-2023 period ,7 +SNET and organisation of the BRIDGE operational meetings; ,3 +Retained apparatus: protection ,7 +) 2018 c. 16. Paragraph 21 of Schedule 7 was amended by paragraph 53 of Schedule 5 to the European Union (Withdrawal ,1 +Installation of cables ,7 +shall be authorised by two justices”; ,9 +"zwei Empfangsgeräten für die Signale von UKW-Drehfunkfeuern (VOR-Navigations-Empfangsanlagen), die",3 +"the beginning pilot, not being familiar with the intricacies ",9 +format for preservation or new use purposes;,3 +are normally ground to a bevel of 45° ± 5°.,9 +used in Chapter 3,9 +une facture sont les suivants: ,9 +Scoping Process ,7 +§ 20 Ständige Förderkommissionen,7 +Standard Terminal Arrival Routes,7 +RNAV and RNP Operations,7 +the purposes of this Schedule or is owned by the test provider or the device manufacturer. ,3 +reference.,9 +conditions. If the power available from the ,9 +Alert Areas ,7 +[2325-1.],9 +Operational Errors,7 +value not exceeding seventy-five pesos.,3 +informative items concerning everyday circum-,9 +focal points and partners at national level ,7 +"has accepted, ",3 +referred to as,3 +"for damage incurred by the contracting authority as a result of the termination of the contract, ",9 +Audio-visual material production,7 +A list of review participants with contact information; ,3 +eligible registrants,7 +">, I confirm that the latter will benefit from the above-mentioned resources of the ",9 +Ram-Air Reserve Canopy,8 +〔平成十八年五月二十四日政令第二百号〕〔抄〕,7 +prosecutions enjoined by law upon provincial fiscals.,9 +High output coil,6 +Fuel-Injection Pump,7 +aircraft). Use a measuring cup if necessary. Shake the ,3 +"First, locate the correct flap and gear configuration. The ",9 +special registration number,7 +"—(1) Except where otherwise indicated, the main point of contact with the MMO and the ",9 +attached to the parachute. The word “parachute” is formed ,9 +the inbound heading until the CDI moves off center. Drift ,9 +Indicate the ply orientation of each ply on the trace sheet. ,9 +making each set an individual pumping unit consisting of ,9 +excessive vibration during warm up (indicates ,3 +generator.,9 +Electronic Flight Computers,7 +当該医療事故に係る医療を受けた者に関する性別、年齢その他の情報,3 +and a database of terrain and obstructions to provide true ,9 +"Geltendmachung des in Satz 2 bezeichneten Anspruchs beginnt erst in dem Zeitpunkt, in dem die",3 +The technical constraints posed by the tools on which EFSA relies for these ,3 +Inoperative components.,9 +"CRIMINAL LAW, ENGLAND AND WALES ",10 +"Российской Федерации 10 октября 2017 г., регистрационный № 48494),",9 +Termination by the contractor ,7 +granting of the privilege of fisheries shall be referred by each,3 +Variation of the Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +"Vaccine Effectiveness, Burden and Impact ",10 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +top and duplicate.,9 +Special instrument approach procedure changes ,3 +Registration in the Participant Register ,7 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +airplane forward. Engines may be turned around to be pushers ,9 +load. The obvious remedy is to reduce either current ,3 +Bank Control,7 +Since aircraft are affected by the wind during takeoffs and ,9 +Direction of Flight,7 +and elaborate 5-10 questions and developing answer possibilities linked to the decided topic; ,3 +The attitude indicator shows any change in bank attitude ,9 +House thermal. ,9 +of the body tissues to use oxygen. Four forms of hypoxia ,9 +Indian Reservation,8 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +"overvoltage protection, ",9 +describing airships. ,9 +"divide the altitude needed to be lost by 300. For example, ",9 +adhere to airway and route protected airspace by leading turns early before a fix. The turn area provides obstacle ,3 +connected to the power source.,9 +observed by using an EFVS is not less than what is,9 +addition to his other functions shall act as secretary of the council.,9 +raffic information issued to aircraft “B” would,9 +Nachprüfung behaupteter Verstöße,7 +operating under an approved TSA aviation security,9 +"Betrieb gesetzt werden, wenn sie zudem ein gültiges Versicherungskennzeichen nach § 26 führen. Besteht keine",9 +とするときは、左に掲げる事項を記載した申請書を、病院又は診療所所在地の都道府,3 +Section 3. En Route Procedures,7 +"and more comfortable. If there is no packing table, then there ",9 +"Figure 16-31,",9 +setting in accordance with 14 CFR Section 97.20. CPDLC,9 +to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations. ,1 +"out the benefit of snow, it is better to land with the",9 +"fasteners during disassembly and, with a few exceptions ",9 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,7 +Liabilities and insurance ,7 +Commission DG ENER. Executive Committee members of the ETIP SNET may be invited as ,9 +As the piston reverses direction from the down stroke to the up ,9 +balanced. The most obvious difference in the CG for a WSC ,9 +LSA Synopsis,7 +Removal of Rivets,7 +"ground, maintain operating revolutions per minute (rpm) ",9 +", and any other alteration of ",3 +they are all relative to the temperature of the gases entering ,9 +"appropriate to the operations being conducted, assigning ",9 +(iv) The method of systematically managing records on medical care and the ,3 +angle of attack of the rotor blades required to maintain,9 +Defining the System / NAS Change ,7 +year; also an itemized statement of the extraordinary expenditures,9 +"Before any aircraft electrical load is increased, the associated ",9 +conduit may be used where it is impractical to use rigid ,9 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 +Abschnitt II,7 +Porpoising can also be caused by improper airspeed control. ,9 +[Figure 7-32],9 +less coordinated. The symptoms of hypoxia vary with the ,9 +and dated in paper format and/or by electronic,9 +hydrostatic measuring principle,9 +"providing target services with respect to a specified business, as permitted ",3 +subsection (2)(,3 +"Citation, commencement and interpretation ",7 +tangled in the landing gear of the glider. The glider may then ,9 +FischDNKVtr,9 +– Eignung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Fahrens motorisierter Zweiräder,3 +others as follows: ,3 +Updated text ,7 +submission) ,3 +"and the driver of the tow vehicle function as a team, alert ",9 +system pitch command provides the required cues ,3 +"the input to the line, any variation in the load on the line ",9 +this system is losing the handle due to it being dislodged while ,9 +", et toute autre altération des ",3 +"not available, business class. ",3 +Measurement of winding resistance. ,3 + (equipment access control); ,3 +"number followed by a slant, then the visual range in feet. For example, when the RVR is ",3 +plunger and very slowly remove your hand from under the weight to allow the weight to be slowly ,3 +the vicinity of the airport. ,3 +total pressure to airstream total pressure ,9 +(基準適合義務に係る例外の届出等),9 +elettronica.,9 +peut être formulée doivent être présentées dans un délai de deux mois à compter de la date de ,9 +the invoice) and the remaining 50% after successful integration of the e-learning in the ,3 +THIS TASK COVERS: ,7 +Invoices and value added tax ,7 +Sanitäranlagen bereitstellen und ,8 +toute modification de la situation déclarée. ,7 +date of its entry into force.,3 +§ 2a Inanspruchnahme der Familienpflegezeit,7 +Number on Your Aircraft,7 +Mode S systems that are paired with ASR,9 +"Allen, Almagro, Balangiga, Basey, Bobon, Borongan, Calbayog, Calbiga,",9 +Shuttle weave,8 +〔昭和五十八年一月六日通商産業省令第一号〕,7 +When an aircraft declares a state of minimum,9 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +cylinders and to ensure even propeller loading during ,9 +AC Synchro Systems,7 +Diese Rechtsverordnung dient der Umsetzung der Richtlinie 1999/105/EG des Rates vom 22. Dezember 1999,9 +法第七条第一項の規定により分割によつて届出事業者の地位を承継した法人にあ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ",7 +=velocity of motion in miles per hour. ,3 +"separation, it is not required to describe matters pertaining to serum ",3 +subparagraph (A)— ,9 +und 19a des Bundesfernstraßengesetzes.,9 +Creep conditions are most critical at high ,9 +allowed to connect the generator to the load bus. ,9 +"Parks, and Forest Service Areas",7 +and the practical ,3 +使海洋环境监督管理权的部门予以警告,或者处以罚款: ,9 +Oversight and Control over Certain Subsidiaries ,7 +"affects its ability to provide the services. The report must describe the problem, state ",3 +listed in the middle column of row 1 of Appended Table 1: ,3 +performing the agreed-upon,3 + under the ,3 +wind becomes less horizontal. Since AOA is determined,9 +planning review should take place at this time. Typical criteria for completion of the software ,9 +technical and financial tenders against the pre-defined award criteria.,3 +installed,9 +with the propeller at the rear. ,9 +profile. Every autopilot displays which autopilot modes are ,9 +action had been ,3 +SEVERABILITY ,7 +Obligation to notify EFSA of changes,7 +(1)(b) which is in excess of the amount of exempted compensation. ,9 +Information flow can also be managed for a specific ,9 +given is not less than one thousand pesos nor more than three,3 +Secondary Bonding,7 +Experience playing or developing CTFs or Cyber Exercises,3 +icing conditions.,9 +〔平成十七年七月二十一日政令第二百四十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +Installation of Rivets,7 +〔平成十七年七月二十一日政令第二百四十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +及び同表第三号」と、同条第三項中「適用しない」とあるのは「適用しない。ただし、,3 +following minimum requirements: ,9 +planning for improving general conditions of movement control gates. There was ,9 +Mischfuttermittel unter Verwendung von Vormischungen mit Futtermittelzusatzstoffen der Kategorie,3 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT,7 +protection ,3 +〔昭和五十五年十月十一日政令第二百六十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +at the altitudes specified on the appropriate approach ,3 +lsA registration,7 +Dewatering building ,7 +Lieferdatum; ,3 +made gradually over a length equal to 3 times the width. ,3 +Private rights over land ,7 +"undertaker which, if it withholds such consent, has the sole conduct of any settlement or ",9 +"must seek consent from the owners or copyright holders of this content. This applies, e.g., for ",9 +"industrial, commercial, and compact residential account for 50 percent or more of the total area, ",9 +技术转让合同的受让人应当按照约定的范围和期限,对让与人,9 +Departures from:,7 +DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ,7 +modification to condition C21 ,7 +"the municipality, specially on the property benefited, or on all the",9 +Controlled Firing Areas (CFAs) ,7 +torque and control heading in a hover.,0 +"Therefore, any leaning out gives a mixture that is leaner ",9 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,7 +affecting the other half. Split-rocker switches are used as ,9 +"hergestellte raffinierte Öle in den Verkehr bringen,",3 +during use. ,9 +Mitsubishi DB-130$_{Single Needle}$,6 +(See CRUISING ALTITUDE.) ,9 +and specific procedures ,9 +"The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (""the Centre"" or (‘the contracting ",9 +$^{ }$[Or] ,9 +CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE ,7 +Holzartengruppe voraussichtlich mindestens 40 vom Hundert des ungekürzten Einschlagsprogramms des,3 +"comma 3 dell'articolo 26 del D.Lgs N°81 del 9 aprile 2008, a seguito della ",3 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +〔昭和五十六年六月一日通商産業省令第三十二号〕,7 +personal data unless Union or national law requires a longer storage of personal data.,9 +Figure 5-14.,0 +A - Project management and quality assurance/lot 3 ,7 +Overall management ,7 +"Minister of State, ",9 +"of the pilot, and it is the responsibility of the pilot to",9 +GROUND REFERENCE MANEUVERS,7 +"before the definition of “use”, insert— ",3 +"tanks. Because water is heavier than fuel, it tends to collect ",9 + The future impact of a hazard that is not eliminated ,9 +Minimum Fuel Advisory,7 +manager shall issue the contractor a final acceptance certificate and a copy thereof to the ,3 +TA issed ,6 +aircraft is in a position to continue the approach and,9 +"material, nor taken away. If a container of gas is compressed, ",9 +recording (it is not expected that full professional recording equipment or a TV studio ,3 +the ground. Steep bank angles just before touchdown should ,9 +"Informationen, die für die Durchführung der Kontrollen und Audits erforderlich sind. ",3 +breaker contacts must be replaced. ,9 +make suggestions in respect thereto as may seem to it expedient.,3 +] concluded between the contracting authority and [,7 +Aircraft Instrument ,7 +"points, minimum threshold 60% = 12 points",3 +"§ 34 Rücknahme und Widerruf der Fahrschulerlaubnis, Widerruf der Zweigstellenerlaubnis",7 +Shipment Type 1,7 +Generators ,7 +"FOR THE PROVISION OF ICT RACKS, CABLING AND OTHER ",7 +"The contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender) must send an invoice for interim payment, ",9 +WEST VIRGINIA ,6 +II.4.1.10 Certificate of conformity ,7 +Principle of Operation,7 +measuring range shall be suitable max. 30 m. Measuring principle shall be operating based on the time-of-flight ,9 +"is essential in helicopter operations, a proportionate change ",9 +"burner combustion, begins. As a result, the ",9 +Article 55-9 of the Act; ,3 +area where it is taking place. Increasing the angle of,9 +of Application Management service that would be consumed in this consumption ,3 +"during cruise, it becomes difficult to keep the cylinder head ",9 +Die Stammzertifikate für Vermehrungsgut von,9 +of said city are established and prescribed as follows: Beginning at point marked,9 +while maintaining safe tow plane flying speed. When towing ,9 +in accordance with the,9 +"I.1.5. Pre-financing, performance and money retention guarantees ",7 +ANGLE OF ATTACK,7 +"mit seinem Vornamen, Namen und Wohnort oder der Bezeichnung seiner Firma und deren Sitz kennzeichnen;",9 +"tenderers believe that there is maladministration, they may lodge a complaint to the ",9 +in Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) and then with the,9 +gaps and suggest corrective action to be taken to improve efficiency ,9 +La personne susmentionnée est susceptible d'être rejetée de la présente procédure et ,7 +"decreases, the angle of attack must increase, in turn increasing ",9 +"smoking, because the aluminum dust quickly forms a dark, ",9 +Excavation for structures ,7 +determined by the DME or ATD readout. The holding,9 +"selection criteria applicable to it individually, if any; ",3 +Primary flight display (PFD).,9 +[Figure 2-22],9 +るおそれのある部分がロの(1)及び(2)に掲げる要件を満たしているこ,3 +(See AIRCRAFT CLASSES.) ,9 +Amendment of the Regulated Activities Order ,7 +accelerates vertically until the forces are in balance; if thrust ,9 +Event/conference assistant (half/full day) ,7 +be converted into torque to drive a propeller or a system of ,9 +travel by boat or rail: up to the maximum cost of a first class ticket; ,3 +"Class E airspace below 14,500 feet",9 +the launch site prior to the flight. It is important for the pilot ,9 +certified inspection body pertaining to Additional Special Specified Products ,3 +"Generally, that airspace from",9 +"For the purpose of Article II.10, if part or all of the processing of personal data is subcontracted to a ",9 +Amendments to the 2012 Regulations ,7 +SCHEDULE 12 ,7 +Sensory Memory ,7 +WEIGHT LIMITATIONS,7 +for the purpose of disapplying a prohibition in that jurisdiction which corresponds ,3 +"Welfare as provided in Article 7, paragraph (5) of the Act shall be the provision ",3 +law to be done on behalf of the Insular Government,3 +Wet or Dry Grinder,7 +病院、診療所及び助産所の開設,7 +法第三十条の四第二項第七号に規定する厚生労働省令で定める,3 +"instrument, the same turn takes two widths deflection of the ",9 +"in paragraph (5)(b), for “United Kingdom”, in both places it occurs, substitute “Isle of ",3 +calculating ,9 +Several national competent authorities have reported the availability of chemical occurrence ,3 +aviation incident or accident; ,3 +Filters are an important part of the lubrication system ,9 +VIDENCE UPON REQUEST,7 +Parlaments und des Rates zur Harmonisierung bestimmter Sozialvorschriften im Straßenverkehr (ABl. L 60,3 + the contracting authority in writing as soon as possible of ,3 +) The Scheme is set out in the Schedule to the Nottinghamshire Fire Services (Combination Scheme) Order 1997 (S.I. ,1 +vapor is also returned to tanks by the pump. The fuel control ,9 +"events organisation, the clarity and usefulness of reports delivered, the quality of the ",9 +APPENDICES: ,7 +) is varied in accordance with ,9 +"example, consider a turbojet engine capable ",9 +In lighter than air practice the letter ,9 +Taxiway Markings.,3 +соблюдаться следующие требования:,9 +allows the airplane to leave the ground under more positive ,9 +"ture, wind, and precipitation accumulation, both the",9 +and key messages); ,3 +performance military aircraft operations and are not intended for civilian use.,9 +"pressure, as needed, to prevent weathervaning.",9 +Approach Light Systems (ALS),7 +Return of Officers — Disposition of Proceeds,9 +Standard holding pattern.,9 +LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE,7 +the CG may fall is called the “CG range.” The exac,9 +Preliminary Pages,7 +Figure 1-46.,0 +particularly in crowded or rally situations. ,9 +Alternate Types of Wings ,7 +"Angabe, ob der Bewerber auf das Ausstellen eines Vorläufigen Nachweises der Fahrerlaubnis verzichtet",3 +"In order to be able to verify the prices of the services falling within this category, the contractor shall ",9 +"services that are required, but do not involve",9 +"by the peel ply weave which, if they fracture, create cracks ",9 +"Helicopter system limitations (generators, inverters, ",3 +"nature of the personal data breach including where possible, the categories and approximate ",3 +Restricted airspace ,7 +Pilot/Controller Glossary Term,9 +übertragen.,9 +Abschnitt IV,7 +Content and any diagrams. Any page above these limits will not be taken into account ,3 +Blocks of Learning ,7 +"Treuhandanstalt zu privatisierende landwirtschaftliche Flächen ungekündigt besteht. Berechtigt ist nicht,",9 +The technical constraints posed by the tools on which EFSA relies for these ,3 +is gentler. Wind shear is often associated with the passage of ,9 + Basic Pilot Eligibility,7 +Deployment/ integration services - the tenderer shall give a total cost of all projected ,3 +VERTICAL AUTOROTATION,6 +strength of the joint may be weakened and the replacement ,9 +生产安全事故的应急救援与调查处理 ,7 +Additional information on airport traffic pattern operations ,9 +Article I-15 ,7 +Improper technique in correcting altitude ,3 +SYSTEM.) ,9 +Exemption /,6 +"national security, or ",3 +提出しなければならない。,3 +Der ehrenamtliche Richter muss Deutscher sein. Er soll das 25. Lebensjahr vollendet und seinen Wohnsitz oder,9 +up-to-date,9 +conjunction with the APT soft key. A green arrow ,3 +Refold the original seam with the three panel edges and ,3 +"I.1.5. Pre-financing, performance and money retention guarantees ",7 +Power to override easements and other rights ,7 +http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2021/585 ,9 +send a notification of the commencement of works to the UK Hydrographic Office at ,3 +tender) for value,9 +and forth at high frequency around an axis perpendicular ,9 +boost pumps are used to prime and start the engine.,9 +"Provision of expertise in Public Affairs and Media scenarios for cyber exercises, ",7 +" Of course, ",9 +Gliding flight,9 +right or restriction in question is vested or belongs. ,3 +Is independently developed by the recipient after that date without using the ,3 +the price offer is made within the maximum budget for financial offers indicated ,3 +"to the canopy, allowing the parachute to deploy even in situations of pilot chute entanglement with the ",3 +"Die in dieser Verordnung genannten Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten sollen so vermittelt werden,",9 +"relevant observations, must ",9 +Abschnitt 7,7 +"waters fishery, the national and local governments are to endeavor to develop ",3 +one airport to another enhances safety and improves,9 +PRICE REVISION ,7 +them on a bulletin board for easy reference.,9 +realigned with the relative wind. As the wing corrects the ,9 +"PUBLIC LAW 116–34—JULY 29, 2019 ",5 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ,7 +Transmission Lines,7 +all runway “,9 +opportunities,3 +psychologischen Testverfahren und -geräten,7 +Definitions and Acronyms ,5 +Figure 11-24. ,0 +Software will be able to display all reports with text types and colors which can be identified by user.,9 +Anlage (zu § 1),7 +"of the Director of Public Works, publication hereunder may be made in two",9 +"operations, especially at an unfamiliar strip. ",9 +must take all appropriate,9 +] concluded between the contracting authority and [,7 +the ailerons is increased. This makes the resistance felt when ,9 +П. Общие требования,7 +"shall not be occurred in some days of OPEX monitoring period in DNP, the data of ",3 +"to the system, increasing the magnitude (amplitude) of the ",9 +Schutzcharakter,9 +"Source: EPA, ",9 +Comply with the VFR visibility and distance-from-,3 +Heat Transfer,7 +Ref. Ares(2021)2862196 - 29/04/2021,5 +the tenderer still fulfils the selection criteria and the new subcontractor fulfils the ,3 +operating from airports located in or near highly populated ,9 +Trattandosi di,9 +been used,9 +"being operated in a position around the 40° of latitude, the ",9 +Components ,7 +or controlled.,9 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +Санитарные правила,7 +International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ,7 +Cost breakdown ,3 +Where to File the Reports.,7 +"In my previous annual reports, I had commented on the necessity of ",9 +Three Glass Cylinder (1 Litre) ,3 +"collective. As the helicopter leaves the ground, use the ",9 +processed on behalf of the controller and the copies thereof or shall effectively delete all ,9 +engine so that it faces the rear of the aircraft. Thrust from the ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 105 of March 31, 2005]",7 +reduced in the case of changing the matters set forth in item (xiv) of the same ,3 +continually loses heat by terrestrial radiation. Warming ,9 +case of deviations. ,9 +or inattention by reducing the bank angle slightly to fly ,9 +Analytical Decision-Making,7 +basis to ensure all assets that are still in use are properly valued. ,9 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 +Sludge pipes,8 +Main drainage pumping station,8 +you running late? Have you checked the destination weather yet? ,0 +This table does not apply to Second-Level Engineering.,9 +DIN EN ISO 10456:2010-05,9 +Differences may exist between PBN,9 +a significant amount of refrigerant over time. Because of the ,9 +大臣に届け出なければならない。,3 +"station includes all pumps, level meters, and automatic control) ",9 +"lems on landing and takeoff. The overflow is water, in",9 +A control which limits the maximum rotational ,9 +NAVIGATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION (Continued),7 +It is represented by a line drawn,9 +Federal grants,9 +Evaporator,6 +"atmospheric pressure, temperature, fuel vaporization, and ",9 +The insurance will be arranged via a framework contract with an insurance company through ,3 +Cabin-heat outlet,6 +") (powers of entry) of the 1965 Act is modified so as to secure that, where the ",9 +"airspeed climb. For training purposes, a constant rate climb is ",9 +"ADC (airspeed and altitude), magnetic heading reference ",9 +Figure 16-25. ,0 +The depicted ground track associated with the,9 +INTL airport is now reporting 700 overcast with 3 miles ,9 +NAVWEPS OD-80T-80 ,5 +Bauleitung des Auftraggebers abgestimmt werden.,9 +aircraft or for future use. This number may not ,9 +How to Submit your Tender in e-Submission ,7 +Class B Airspace,7 +Other Routing,7 +"of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), part 47, section ",3 +Position Orientation. ,7 +§ 5 Inkrafttreten,7 +Mode d'établissement des prix ,7 +and winds all on one chart. Because of the vast amount of ,9 +High Round Out,7 +cancellation of a tender procedure even if the contracting authority has been advised of ,9 +Where to Fly ......................................................5-2,8 +(一)造成对方人身伤害的; ,9 +"urban areas; however, the immediate area is often characterized by large areas of pavement, low ",9 +moving a hand back and forth across the throat.,3 +"Any additional considerations (per RTCA DO-278A, Section 12). ",3 +failure of the notary to make the proper entry or entries in his,3 +is the name of the service ,3 +"its stalling speed and is settling, this added back-elevator ",9 +Turns Around a Point,7 +distance to an otherwise straight course.,9 +Fault finding instructions; ,3 +WEIGHT LIMITATIONS,7 +ITUATIONS OF EXCLUSION CONCERNING NATURAL OR LEGAL PERSONS ASSUMING UNLIMITED ,7 +"anzusetzen ist,",3 +tinue. Using the “I’M SAFE” checklist is a smart way ,9 +which makes it easier for the electricity to jump air gaps. ,9 +"verursacht eine Vertragspartei eine nochmalige Überweisung, trägt sie die Gebühren ",3 +regulations; to adopt such other measures to prevent the introduction,3 +provision of sections one thousand and ninety-one to one thousand one hundred,9 +m deep below final ground level shall be excavated in each case. These shall be filled with sweet and ,9 +Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) ,7 +"Article 18-3, paragraph (2); ",3 +непрерывного,9 +"assisting facilities, and alert the appropriate search",9 +metal must be fed. ,9 +[Figure 8-36],9 +"Dear Madam/Sir, ",9 +computer software.,3 +EU-OSHA’s national partner to suggest possible interview partner including provision of ,3 +light comes on.,9 +Use of Resources,7 + See wind correction angle.,9 +"evaluating the department’s overall performance in the long term. Instead, the ",9 +toute modification de la situation déclarée. ,7 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +References ,7 +of the 90° turn. The final ,9 +To identify and extract,9 +Koll sman Compass Light . ,9 +"among capital transactions, etc. designated by a public notice based on the ",3 +Ground Support Equipment Emission Inventory for Criteria Pollutants,9 +of the Special Conditions of the FWC,9 +analgesics and anesthetics. Analgesics are drugs that reduce ,9 +〔昭和三十五年五月三十日政令第百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +No management response. ,7 +—disabled ,9 +Wing Blowing Over After Touchdown,7 +Crosswind Considerations During Takeoffs,7 +Unterabschnitt 2,7 +them to use outside visual references for aircraft control. ,9 +Kontrollieren einschließt. Die in Satz 1 beschriebene Befähigung ist in den Prüfungen nach den §§ 6 bis 13,9 +wird durch die Mitarbeiter des Strahlenschutzes (AGS) des JRC Karlsruhe eine mündliche ,9 +"], the Service Provider submitted",3 +the existing text becomes paragraph (1); ,3 +. — The public-school,9 +Submission of requests to participate and tenders. ,7 +Control Unit,7 +Full account number including bank codes:,9 +The Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) is the official ,9 +"building and technical assistance, including assistance on con-",9 +特定臨床研究に係る金銭そ��他の利益の収受及びその管理の方法が妥当である,3 +the safety of personnel. ,9 +"national logo of EU-OSHA, any other relevant logo and the EU-OSHA’s national partner's ",3 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +Solution.-Using ,9 +電磁的記録の作成がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む。次項において,3 +new things is more effective than attempting to memorize ,9 +Figure 5-113. ,0 +otherwise before a court-martial or in any ext,9 +"improvements, whether public or private, by reason of any such work",9 +"racter, such appropriations to be made only from",9 +particular where these have prevented fair competition; ,3 +of the assembly. They must be inspected for use the same as ,9 +reported visibility. Even,9 +In-Flight Test ,7 +is considered as equivalent to a paper document;,3 +for each parameter measured. The parameters checked can ,9 +The NOZ between the final approach courses varies in ,9 +available,6 +"use; condition U, R, and Ecco are ",6 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +which is judged necessary may also be provided. ,9 +"Même institution, agence, organe ou organisme de l’UE.",1 +Damage Removal,7 +Contractor’s tender,7 +authority's contractual obligation commences only when the contract with the successful ,9 +runway. This would occur because the AOA is decreased ,9 +unless there is a specific reason to turn the long way ,3 +"If the contractor does not accept the order, fails to observe the deadline for submission of ",9 +"flow control, air traffic, and aircrew advisories. By nature of ",9 +Wing Structure,7 +Specific Contract(s),3 +and a forecast of marginal VFR.,9 +Figure 1-17.,0 +Article 3 – PRICE ,7 +"aircraft with reciprocating engines. In normal flight, all of the ",9 +favorable headwind at landing. ,9 +One time during ,8 +Figure 11-59. ,0 +propeller blades should feather every time an engine is shut ,9 +Functions of Generator Control Systems,7 +Information Management ,7 +Wire Size Selection,7 +"Required tasks, the human-machine environment, interpersonal interactions, and the ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 327 of October 30, 1959] ",7 +responsibilities for you and for ATC. Upon receiving ,9 +operations. A typical GCU is shown ,9 +"tinue on to the next one. Similarly, you may find yourself",9 +"traduction, insertion de sous-titres, doublage dans différentes versions linguistiques: ",3 +Specific provision related to reimbursement of expenses for shipment of Goods ,7 +Fahrlehrergesetzes muss mindestens folgende Lehrkräfte mit folgender Qualifikation einsetzen:,9 +Figure 2-67. ,0 +Airspace System,7 +and engine cowling for cracks and defects.,3 +"only, because their RNAV/GPS/GNSS navigation",9 +"Typically,",9 +supporting documents,6 +"Simulator Test above. If the system fails a second time, it must be tagged and removed from service ",3 +maintenance and possible future circuit expansion by ,9 +The recommended speed ,9 +§ 1 Anwendungsbereich,7 +based on the health security needs of the United States. ,9 +SENIOR DEVELOPER PROFILE ,7 +E-invoicing ,7 +Contractor’s compliance,9 +Figure E-1. Steps for Using MOVES in Project-Level CO Analysis ,0 +of the tail rotor blades. [Figure 4-5] . The main purpose,9 +The contractor is not entitled to compensation for any loss resulting from the termination of the FWC or ,9 +Notwithstanding the temporary stopping up or diversion of any highway under the powers of ,9 +Overall management,7 +rotor hubs are made of fiber-composite materials. The ,9 + and state when the contractor expects to resume the provision ,9 +Repair Material Selection,7 +is free of die marks and splits and is not out of round. ,3 +Electrical - General ,7 +"(e.g. EuroMix, Human Exposome Project, HBM4EU and FOODSAFETY4EU). These projects ",3 +allowing the solution to dry on the surface. Continue this ,9 +and the date are ALWAYS mandatory.,3 +"systems when operating on, or transitioning to,",9 +The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (“the 2015 Regulations”) set out detailed requirements ,9 +(This note is not part of the Regulations) ,7 +conduct official business with the United Kingdom. ,3 +"V$_{1}$, and I will move my hand from thrust to yoke.",6 +of the Treaty on the,9 +the thrust of the turbojet engine must be ac- ,9 +economic operators which will perform part of the contract on its behalf. The contractor ,9 +after the date of enforcement of this Cabinet Order. ,3 +AC Forms 8050-1 and 8050-2 can be obtained from,9 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +Санитарные правила,7 +lower angle of attack. [Figure 16-3],9 +"Schedule No 8: Roads, Landscaping and Fences",7 +flow oxygen system regulates the flow by a calibrated orifice ,9 +Schallimmissionsschutz,7 +The signature of this contract by the contracting authority is conditional on the receipt of all eligibility ,9 +réserve pour indexation contractuelle éventuelle et pour prise en charge d'éventuels ,9 +"clarification requests, notifications, etc., that may be received during the evaluation, award ",9 +TATISTIQUE CONCERNANT LES ,7 +"Eine gemischte Finanzholding-Gesellschaft, die an der Spitze eines Finanzkonglomerats steht, hat der",9 +FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION,6 +"Radar Traffic Information Service, 4",9 +effects of wind drift and varying of the bank angle ,9 +marginal and considerable stick displacement must be applied ,9 +Kingdom)”; ,3 +"Misamis: First district — Composed of the municipalities of Balingasag,",9 +other geospatial data can be combined with d,9 +Supplementary details of security settings used ,9 + until this consent will have been granted. ,9 +Amendment of article 3 ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 358 of December 2, 2005] ",7 +councils shall have one vote on all questions coming or arising before the shadow authority. ,9 +"if possible, turn to the localizer course heading ",3 +of the cyclic right or left causes the,9 +norma esente,9 +http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2021/504 ,9 +the jet thrust is a small amount of the output ,9 +applicable legal,9 +Manner of Notification.,7 +The changes that require AOV approval are listed in FAA Order 1100.161.,3 +Supplementary Provisions ,7 +Effective Translational Lift (ETL),7 +Allgemeine Regelungen,7 +0005 00-17 ,4 +I.4.2. Preisanpassungsindex ,7 +"Each parking garage should be treated as one area source per garage level, which is stacked to ",9 +English and the impact the advertisement where possible (e.g. in terms of clicks and follow-up) ,3 +tools and web-services/APIs consuming tools. ,9 +dBW beträgt und die ihren Funkverkehr nur innerhalb der deutschen Grenzen abwickeln.,3 +beginning of th,9 +© Crown copyright 2020 ,1 +Subject of the Engagement ,7 +der Werte der Verkehrsfähigkeit bei einzelnen oder bei allen Fertigpackungen vorgenommen werden.,9 +Order of precedence of contract documents ,7 +and its spare parts; ,3 +circumstance that could lead to or contribute to an ,3 +"fails to remedy a defect or damage within the time limit stipulated in the notification, the ",9 +the AMS process.,1 +that the seaplane will not be left aground during low,9 +what procedure to use in teaching the material of a lesson. ,9 +subject to the jurisdiction of the quarantine service.,3 +within the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS):,9 +103. В федеральном государственном образовательном стандарте,9 +increase or decrease exhaust flow during afterburn. ,0 +wenn die Landabfindungen aller Teilnehmer unanfechtbar feststehen. Die Frist für eine gerichtliche,3 +inside the propeller hub.,9 +"in the definition of “frozen funds or economic resources” in paragraph 1, for “the ",3 +Cognitive Stage ,7 +directly ,9 +drafting and maintaining social media communication calendar;,3 +Performing Ignition System Checks,7 +the maneuver. ,3 +Bereiche vor den Türen der Fluchtwege ,8 +Submission of requests to participate phase,7 +"declarations on honour are signed by hand, a scanned copy must be attached to the tender ",9 +Left Main Riser ,6 +VORTICES- Circular patterns of air created by the ,9 +Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Size,7 +million and P20.21 million of the accumulated dividend paid in ,9 +OH&S POLICY STATEMENT ,7 +ENROLLED IN PATIENT ENROLLMENT SYSTEM OF DEPART-,7 +NAVWEPS 00-BOT-BO ,7 +〔昭和二十七年八月二十六日政令第三百六十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +[Figure 5-20A],9 +annually.,9 +Invitation template has to be made available by Contractor headquarters. Final invitations should ,3 +between outside visual references to the natural horizon and ,9 +Application of the Midland Metro Acts ,3 +sua approvazione,9 +当該医療事故が発生した日時、場所及び診療科名,3 +For the Contracting Authority: ,7 +AIRCRAFT TYPE/,6 + The fact that any work or thing has been executed or done by the Authority in accordance ,9 +ISBN 978-0-11-119338-9,6 +doit immédiatement informer le,7 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +.374/.295,6 +APPENDICE B: SEGNALAZIONE DI INFORTUNIO (FACSIMILE) ,7 +located (in the case where the office is located within the jurisdictional district ,3 +"werden, wenn der Antragsteller nachweist, dass er die durch den Flaggenwechsel hervorgerufenen Nachteile",9 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT-,7 +において、病室の病床数を減少させようとするときは、許可を受けることを要しない。,3 +the verification and testing of all functionalities offered. ,3 +"Slips, falls and excess excavations ",7 +PROFESSIONAL ,7 +"Also, in case of a GPS outage, pilots",9 +all technically acceptable tenders exceed the financial resources available; ,3 +"instrument, if the needle is one needle width either side of ",9 +"land mass directly adjacent to a large body of water, such as an ",9 +ARRANGEMENT/COORDINATION OF INTERVIEWS ,7 +Cold Cylinder Check,7 +interferenziali,9 +The parties identified above and hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘the Contractor’ shall ,9 +"The address and name of the organizer (if the organizer is a juridical person, ",3 +format if the conditions regarding electronic signature specified by Directive 2006/112/EC on ,3 +assessment ,9 +and judgment errors are inevitable; the most important ,3 +Reserve Static Lines (RSLs) ,7 +", That, notwithstanding ",9 +"sowie Wirkungsweise von Schmerzmitteln und Isofluran,",3 +rivets and probably tipped in the same direction. If heads that ,9 +"ToR, and for submitting a report of factual findings to the Contractor. ‘",3 +"регистрационный № 50363),",9 +"where P is an asylum seeker, accommodation provided or arranged under section 4, 95 or ",3 +"Wills Wing, Inc.",9 +agencies ,9 +The VASI is a system of lights so arranged to,9 +Pneumatic Deice Boot System for GA Aircraft,7 +Cylinder Compression Stroke—Piston Moving Up,7 +Cyber Exercises Platform ,3 +PERSONNEL'S OBLIGATIONS ,7 +基づき、社会医療法人の要件に係る事項として申請書に記載すべき事項は、次に掲げ,3 +Is the economic operator the subject of a current Exclusion Decision issued by the EIB which ,6 +can be locked in position; uses interchangeable ,3 +Reported During the Year Under Review ,7 +speed should be no faster than a brisk walk. When towing a ,9 +"disseminate post-event information to the attending journalists, such as thank you ",3 +may provide enough directional control to allow the pilot to ,9 +high as 4.5 degrees to give proper obstacle clearance.,9 +регистрационный № 17378);,9 +Standards and rules ,7 +Piston Reverses Direction From Down Stroke to Up ,7 +NAVWEPS 00-BOT-BO ,7 +FAA actions. It provides an overview of the various NEPA documents. ,3 +by time synchronization command over NTP server.,3 +obligations without requiring that the contracting authority has recourse against the principal ,3 +applicable ,3 +", outdoor gyms and outdoor ",3 +"requires no heat treatment, is fairly soft and strong, and is ",9 +estimate of the revenues of the city from all sources for the ensuing,9 +"Label shall be coloured, readable, visible and durable. ",3 +discussing aerodynamic effects on the main rotor between ,9 +responsibilities and estimated efforts (person-days) per profile ,3 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +position.,9 +application of coating in a different direction to facilitate even ,9 +"(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2020, 1899 – 1901)",9 +assisting the Consultant with information and documentation; ,3 +Requirements ,7 +Glider Engine While Airborne,7 +volves four strokes of the piston to complete ,9 +otherwise advised by ATC. All aircraft with latitude and ,9 +"Circular (AC) 00-45, Aviation Weather Services, and in the ",9 +"under Article 17-2, paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange Control Order prior ",3 +者財産形成年金貯蓄契約及び同条第四項に規定する勤労者財産形成住宅貯蓄契約を,3 +placed under this ,3 +decision an appeal may be taken to the department governor.,3 +SRM: Proactive and Reactive Hazard and Risk Reduction ,7 +heading prior to stopping the turn. The same rule of 15° plus ,9 +Pilots operating on a VFR-on-top clearance should advise ,9 +Tire Inspection Off of the Aircraft,7 +exceed two pixels. Digital,9 +Instrument panels vary greatly from the basic to the complex. ,9 +"because the surface is more yielding, there is less sur-",9 +Page 8 of 15 ,4 +electrical,9 +delivery notes ,3 +Chapter 10: Aeronautical Decision-Making and Judgment ,7 +"S. 1474) geändert worden ist, verordnet das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie im Einvernehmen",9 +Once the award notice is published in the Official Journal of the European Union unsuccessful ,9 +"MARKING, CANOPY - STATEMENT OF USE:",7 +chest and leg straps.,9 +or if the GPS receiver shuts down for any reason. Use the ,9 +Form 1: Candidate/tenderer general information,7 +Components of a centrifugal-flow compressor; (B) Air outlet elbow with turning vanes for reducing air pressure losses.,0 +I.5.2. Zwischenzahlung ,7 +Open and Closed Bends,7 +once the approach has been activated. If only the,9 +"отечественного производства, и использовать их при решении задач",9 +pump through a vacuum relief valve and through a check ,9 +The stationary swash plate is mounted around the main rotor ,9 +Opening of tenders,7 +"Strahlenschutz, Strahlenpass ",7 +§ 25 Übergangsvorschriften,7 +Remove bridle line from loop at bottom end of pilot chute. ,3 +II.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority,7 +The ratio between distance traveled and altitude ,9 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +"the respective EU-OSHA's national partner’s logo when applicable. (E.g., for journalists’ visits ",3 +applicant and the approval authority assures both parties that the software development is ,9 +To manage the risk associated with hazy conditions and ,6 +In den Unterrichtsräumen müssen während des theoretischen Unterrichts Lehrmittel zur Gestaltung des,9 +has already been provided and confirm that no changes have occurred in its situation.,9 +passation ,9 +"A beamer, a screen, the sound system, plus two (2) table microphones and two (2) roving ",7 +This chapter provided general guidance and recommended ,9 +referred to in the preceding item; and ,3 +Recognizing Hazardous Attitudes ,7 +TRSA Service (Radar Sequencing and,7 +Upper flange,6 +importance is placed on the magnitude of the vacuum ,9 + Confusing runway/runway intersection. ,0 +"of the New Act, deeming that they might cause a situation that hinders ",3 +Figure 1-61,9 +INSPECTION CODE OF THE,7 +"addition, a 45° angle of observation generally allows the best ",9 +Abschnitt 1,7 +SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +ACCOUNT HOLDER'S DATA,7 +distinguish between minor and major repairs. This ensures ,9 +The MFD is another means of viewing the nearest airports.,0 +die Vorprüfunterlagen zu dem Gutachter zur Abnahme gesendet. Falls der Gutachter ,3 +used as the low reference in measuring the anti-detonation ,9 +Sequence for Painting a Single-Engine or ,7 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Final Piston Moving Down,7 +detector and ,9 +"der Berufsausbildung anzurechnen ist, beginnen die betriebliche Ausbildung im zweiten Ausbildungsjahr.",9 +"all policies of annuities, or other instruments by whatever name",3 + A standard airway beacon tower. ,0 +"Article 25 The notification under Article 15, paragraph (3) of the Act in cases ",3 +Scientific data management ,7 +FMD CONTROL MEASURES,7 +"establisher or manager of a sickbed function reporting hospital, etc. as ",3 +this chapter. ,9 +responses may be the normal products of a complex learning situation but they also can be indicative of psychological abnormalities ,9 +I.3. ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF THE FWC ,7 +page 16 of 25 ,4 +Carburetor Icing,7 +VELOCITY ,6 +if that delay or failure is a ,3 +"the contract. However, if the damage or loss is caused by the gross negligence or wilful ",3 +the return of electrical energy stored in the capacitance of the ,9 +Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan,7 +[183-54; 2200-1.],9 +during the approach to the runway. A pilot on the correct ,9 +separation in the work log set forth in (b). ,3 +good practice exchange visits (MSEs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)) to large ,3 +Northeast U.S. (Eastern) ,6 +registration process.,9 +Check Valves,7 +Internal Revenue in regard,9 +"allowed to accelerate and then slow down, the glider may ",9 +mediately after a high gross weight takeoff ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 369 of November 20, 1998]",7 +"Bildwiedergabe, Lernziele d und e,",3 +utilization of all or a substantial part of the contents of the database by the distribution of ,3 +https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6087 ,1 +Aufenthaltsgesetzes § 14a des Berufsqualifikationsfeststellungsgesetzes Anwendung.,9 +II. General Conditions for the service contract ,7 +system. A review of the Pilot/Controller Glossary contained ,9 +seconds is incorporated into the maneuver to allow the banner to reach its ,3 +Overexcitation Protection,7 +Township revenue,9 +"assess the degree of permanent disablement so far as it is possible, and ",3 +"Private Partnership is targeting China, cofinancing and coordinating campaigns, initiatives ",9 +gemäß ihrem sachlichen Geltungsbereich für den Betrieb von Baumaschinen auf,9 +"fuel flow cause rapid, immediate ",9 +"contractor, the ",9 +"(move back and forth in plane), flap (move up and down ",9 +Rotary Machine,7 +Friction from metal-to-metal contact,6 +– Situations of exclusion concerning the person,7 +‘‘(A) the development of medical countermeasure ,9 +lawfully used or conveyed.,9 +"Control Act (November 10, 1987). ",3 +Gara d’appalto JRC/IPR/2019/OP/0139 ,9 +"horse, arms, ammunition, clothing, or accouterments; or behaves himself with",9 +PIA-TS-108.1,7 +Other uses.,3 +ATC Instructions ,7 +Uncontrolled copy once printed. Ensure that the right version is in use. ,4 +immediate advantage in that it prevents fouling ,9 +authorised by a licence or other authorisation which is issued— ,9 +Model for specific contracts ,3 +"of the same or similar nature will be advertised, nor,",9 +Publication Ref: EuropeAid/140639/IH/SUP/TR ,7 +Fixed-Price contract for project work ,7 +Abschnitt IV,7 +High Round Out,7 +ENISA F-COD-20-T03,3 +horizontal bar,9 +"When the true consideration, or value received or contracted",3 +"turn is too great for the angle of bank, pulling the aircraft to ",9 +II.5. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +Cloud height indicator (one or possibly,9 +"departure, confirm that the climb restriction for the departure ",9 +"corridor in Ukraine, as well as it is in compliance with the maritime port’s development strategy of ",9 + Pressure referenced from zero pressure ,9 +into the wind. Also evaluate the shape of the area so that a path ,9 +Note that the junction of the side flap and riser cover ,3 +Figure 2-41.,0 +"When a strength test of the supporting device is conducted, ",9 +"induce major temperature changes. Wet soil, such as that ",9 +"(viii) ensuring a system for public relations and enlightenment, and for ",3 +OSH related background information relevant for the main topic of the round table; ,3 +The general objectives of this tender are to:,9 +Turbo-Propeller Assembly,7 +Improper Wing Flaps Setting,7 +Requirements for Service Level Agreement (SLA) ,7 +the relationship between lifecycle datasets as well as their relationships to other data ,3 +The second point in applying the 5P check is just ,0 +Drag that is the consequence of developing ,9 +Aircraft Battery Ratings by Specification,7 +"to the side of the seaplane, one farther away than the",9 +analysis and implementation step. ,3 +Flight Director Functions,7 +"Inspect rivets known to have been critically loaded, but ",9 +"and Industry No. 9 of February 15, 1984] ",7 +hereby established for the respective provinces of the Department of Mindanao and,9 +" In a case where, during the relevant period, the responsible authority — ",9 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 + of termination.,9 +Height Above Touchdown (HAT). The height of the DA ,9 +"helicopter that lists a licensed empty weight, be sure to",9 +Outflow valve,6 +"по специальности 17.05.03 Проектирование, производство и испытание",9 +B Out equipment at and,9 +User-Defined Waypoints ,7 +"traffic pattern. After ATC approval of the option, the",9 +they typically form an agreement with a database provider ,9 +ÉVACUATION ,7 +The difficulties center around acclimatization and orientation. ,9 +", unless the contracting authority has already terminated the FWC or the ",9 +le deuxième pour les travaux d'adaptations.,3 +Information Management ,7 +Lieferungen,7 + of a deceased person intended for shipment by sea,9 +II.13.1. Ownership of the rights in the results ,7 +Maintain heading with the antitorque pedals. Care must,9 +of operation of the augmentation systems and the ,3 +as that pilot is probably unable to see the balloon above.,0 +professionnels ,6 +Other Countries and Territories from which a licence may have been ,7 +"Government,",3 +the accident analysis business without delay unless there are reasonable ,3 +The forward slip is a slip in which the glider’s direction of ,9 +Guidelines for effective instructional aids. ,0 +"for action, and the sending of the register to the chief of the division of archives,",9 +"under radar control, monitor instruments to ensure continuous ",9 +"with wheels; however, for off-airport landings,",9 +another type of system. ,9 +"and amusements licensed by the city, or in any business of the city, or in the",9 +Visibility.,3 +LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF A GROUP ,7 +the generator possible. This oil level is critical and typically ,9 +"chamois filter, and funnel bonded to the aircraft. If a can is ",9 +Departures From Airports Without an ,7 +Equipment Condition ,7 +Drill Bushing Holder Types,7 +Transportation Conformity ,7 +Compliance periods and timeline ,7 +-inch fold under on each edge of patch material and pin patch material in position.,3 +§ 5 Identifizierungs- und Sorgfaltspflichten,7 +(ii) the undertaker’s appropriation of it; ,3 +Service Request fulfilment: The Contractor shall process service requests from ,3 +"Chicago O’Hare Intl. Airport, IL",9 +Registration in the Participant Register ,7 +Written confirmation issued by the bank ,3 +Emission Source Release Characteristics ,7 +Overall management incl.,7 +"However, review of documents revealed that the DVS lacked a clear guideline on ",9 +ou sur les droits du pouvoir adjudicateur en vertu de l'article II.18. ,9 +Overexcitation Protection,7 +Environmental and Health Factors ,7 +Harness Work Table,6 +"separate manifests, in triplicate, shall be presented by each carrier.",9 +Departures From Tower-Controlled Airports ,7 +"part 61, ",9 +the alternator to maintain a constant 400-Hz AC output. ,9 +"authority, except where otherwise provided in this FWC, to publish the ",3 +"""Forstschäden-Ausgleichsgesetz in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 26. August 1985 (BGBl. I S. 1756), das",9 +Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012. ,9 +Annex 6. Financial offer form,7 +attitude manually. Attitude retention may be a SAS ,3 +damage or destroy the landing gear and skiplane. The,9 +from lightweight materials with vertical stiffeners employed ,9 +(CPDLC) is a system that supplements air/ground,9 + Instrument Panel Arrangements,7 +repair that may need to be performed.,9 +Figure 3-6. ,0 +Operating procedures ,7 +tors and Aeronautical or Marine NDBs) are shown in brown.,9 +PLANNING IN FMD CONTROL ,7 +and west) are parallels of latitude. They are used to measure ,9 +Stellung nehmen ,3 +duplicate AC Form 8050-64 should be carried in the ,9 +Traffic Data Systems Using Onboard Sensing ,7 +"Properly operating points have a fine-grained, frosted, or ",9 +consider the possibility of a GPS outage.,9 +activities and deliverables with the Quality Objectives and with the FWC666 Standards and ,9 +Second repair ply,6 +‘‘(i) that is in any committee of the Senate ,9 +th?’U8t.-Distance which propeller would have ,3 +How do we manage the events that may affect the achievement of the ,3 +Warning Areas ,7 +Make sure that there are no twists in the lines.,3 +法第四十二条の二第一項第五号の厚生労働大臣が定める基準に係る会計年度につ,3 +Cognitive Stage ,7 +Characteristics of Learning ,7 +valve is used for manual operation. ,0 +"will need to be developed. This is the challenge for engineers, ",9 +"Article 9 (1) The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is to establish a ",3 +reports and proposed solutions.,9 +aid for developing public airports;,9 +"tests, and refrigerant level and oil level checks may be all ",9 +"sometimes extend up to 2,500 feet AGL. Therefore, pilots of ",9 +airport because there is no assurance that the information ,9 +"surface of the water, much like a water ski. When the tires ",9 +Fünfter Teil,7 +consent in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.,9 +"referred to as ""examination services""). However, in the case of a hospital, etc. ",3 +integrating motion graphics and effects (if required); ,3 +terminated upon completion of the approach.,9 +allow for service conditions.,3 +Heat exchanger,6 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +"condition, visibility and present weather), while the",9 +"at the control position, immediately upon the bilge water reaching the relevant level; ",3 +"In the following example, a timing light is used for timing the ",9 + invoices in standard format (pdf) or email is not ,3 +关键信息基础设施的运行安全,7 +changes the dates by which billing authorities must make and certify end-of-year calculations ,9 +Figure 5-13.,0 +and lending and international balance of trade based on the provisions of ,3 +Wing in position and carriage chocked to lift the ,0 +Specific objectives: ,7 +Participant Register ,7 +CONTACT PERSON (for this tender) ,7 +Common oceanographic terminology.,7 +oversight emanated from consideration that there was already a Ministerial ,9 +"As both main wheels leave the runway, the airplane begins to ",9 +Please insert the information requested ,9 +In the event that the relevant authority considers such further information to be necessary ,9 +alarms signal the presence of refrigerant. A detector specified ,9 +"Ein Ausgleich im Sinne des Absatzes 1 Satz 2 ist erbracht, wenn der Antragsteller sich für jedes",9 +Cables exposed to direct sunlight shall be able to withstand exposure. ,9 +"webinars, including the programming process in collaboration with the ETIP ",3 +condition when precoated and dried. There is sufficient ,9 +EMSA – European Maritime Safety Agency,9 +Publication Ref: EuropeAid/140639/IH/SUP/TR ,7 +remain in force. ,9 +"canopy to equalize parachute pressurization. During descent, air enters the cell openings at the ",3 +CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DU CONTRAT-CADRE DE SERVICES ,7 +"parked, taxiing, taking off, or landing. The most common type ",9 +Lockbolt Removal,7 +eine der in jenem Absatz genannten Ausnahmen trifft auf dieses Konto zu.,9 +"investigations related to Hurricanes Florence, Lane, and Michael, ",9 +Risk Management (RM) ,7 +"the balloon pilot, generally dissipate as the air mixes with ",9 +(ii) matters concerning the preservation of documents and books on the ,3 +五日以下拘留,可以并处一万元以上十万元以下罚款;情节较重的,处五日以上十五日以,9 +SPEED CORRESPONDING ,6 +if signed using an advanced electronic signature based on a qualified certificate: by e-,9 +域における医療の質の向上若しくはその環境の整備に資する事業を行う病院とする。,3 +four areas:,9 +true to the best of his knowledge and belief.,9 +"and can be developed from prospective and retrospective data collection, as agreed with ECDC and as ",9 +Cornice brake.,9 +kV/0.4 kV voltage,9 +occurred through ,3 +Identification of subject matter for Professional article ,7 +Unsachgemäße Errichtung elektrischer Anlagen/Betriebsmittel,7 +"sowie Wirkungsweise von Schmerzmitteln und Isofluran,",3 +"the parachute to not deploy, resulting in serious injury or death of ",9 +Emissions Mitigation and Offsetting ,7 +assembly heavy enough that the vertical component of the ,9 +Governor/Correlator ,7 +und vollständig beim JRC Karlsruhe eingehen. ,9 +LOT 1 – DATA COMMUNICATIONS ,7 +"relevant. Accordingly, FWC phase-in entails: ",9 +Firmly hold stroke simulator adjacent to the AR2 pocket in a vertical orientation (i.e. stroke simulator ,3 +flow to the duplex fuel nozzles. It is not unusual for units ,9 +Instrument Training ,7 +is aligned with them (within 5°).,3 +liminate the risk by canceling the trip. ,6 +"The more experience a pilot has in VFR and IFR flight, ",9 +rows of 5 racks including hot or cold aisles (same structure) and space ,3 +"springs, and piston rings (among others) make rebuilds easy",9 +Amendment of Group 3 of Schedule 8 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994 ,7 +い。これを変更しようとするときも、同様とする。,3 +Amendment of Schedule 3 ,7 +Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI).,9 +to the contracting authority;,3 +The responsibilities of the pilot and the,9 +nylontape fastener.,9 + As the time limit for submitting the above-mentioned documentation is in ,9 +Travail en hauteur par un élévateur à nacelle ,7 +"must provide evidence covering all taxes and social security contributions for which the tenderer is liable, ",9 +PHENOMENA OF TRANSONIC FLIGHT. ,7 +Parallel Generator Operations,7 +on summary conviction— ,3 +Scientific data management ,7 +and inexpensive. ,9 +Installing a 6-inch patch in F-111,3 +"the Consultant, suspend in whole or in part, payments due to the Consultant under the Contract: ",3 +thereunto,9 +"Contrary to popular opinion, good judgment can be taught. Tradition held that good judgment was a ",9 +end of the barrel with the left-hand threads can usually be ,9 +"For the purpose of paragraph c, “VOR” includes VOR,",9 +indicates the corresponding fuel quantity. ,9 +sorting during the next assembly. ,9 +Article 33 ,9 +Summary. ,9 +Except for the ,9 +any payment made under the National Health Service (Scotland) (Injury Benefits) ,3 +while rental income increased by P13.41 million (or 7.6%) during ,9 +II.3. SEVERABILITY ,7 +Direction of Flight,7 +"For hybrid, ""online +""",7 +This section provides general procedures and safety ,9 +INFORMATIONEN ZUR AUSSCHREIBUNG ,7 +Compliance periods and timeline ,7 +dissolution were Members of the Assembly. ,9 +"subject to any appeal, dispose of the case in accordance with that deci",9 +Informationen zur Erhebung von personenbezogenen Daten nach Artikel 13 und 14 der Verordnung ,7 +Article 3 – PRICE ,7 +ts symbol is ,3 +§ 6 Abschlussprüfung,7 +Any additional,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 427 of December 15, 1972] ",7 +Triple stainless steel system ,3 +"entities working for it or cooperating with it, including contractors and subcontractors, ",3 +ish to attempt a landing from a bad bounce since the ,9 +and in words] ,9 +Reciprocating Engine Exhaust Systems,7 +II.13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ,7 +doublers have been used on a variety of structural geometries ,9 +if applicable in accordance with the subject matter of the ,3 ++++ Wegen nicht darstellbarer Textteile Anlage nicht aufgenommen +++,9 +EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS ,7 +Level Off,8 +イに規定する委員会に係る事務を行う者を配置すること。,3 +Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) by the amount ,3 +pouvoir adjudicateur de ,7 +"requirements, ",3 +"As the performance capabilities of the aircraft are learned, ",9 +by approximately 2 inches using the double needle ,3 +Einrede der Vorausklage gegen den Hauptschuldner (den Auftragnehmer). ,3 +directions.,3 +Abnahmeprotokoll ,3 +"exchange transactions conducted by a bank, etc. (which refers to a bank, etc. ",3 +authority is the State of Registry. ,9 +"operation, performance standards, and emergency extension ",9 +Tan rcaclhın.. Winrhrerawa,6 +Distraint,9 +trim. Regardless of the type of elevator trim installed in the ,9 +setting is the primary control ,9 +"point, the decimal point is spoken as “POINT.”",3 +Claims and liability ,7 +VFR Flights.,7 +) is incorporated in ,9 +des Infrastrukturgesellschaftserrichtungsgesetzes die Anlagen auf seine Kosten zu ändern und alle Kosten zu,9 +effective tail rotor relies on a stable and relatively undisturbed ,9 +Non-Moving Advances,7 +"(2b) Zum Nachweis, dass die Gründe für die Entziehung nach Absatz 2a nicht mehr bestehen, hat der Bewerber",9 +専属の薬剤師を置かない理由,3 +the desired power.,9 +be shortened by mutual ,3 +The HFM also identifies other specific limitations associated ,9 +Abnormal Reactions to Stress ,7 +Reconnaissance Procedures,7 +"Article 30-28 Diseases specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and ",3 +Abschnitt 5,7 +SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO FUR-,7 +Nature des dommages-intérêts ,7 +Baustrom / Bauwasser ,7 +Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast ,8 +water boils (°F),8 +"registered office is at 2 Coldbath Square, London, EC1R 5HL together with its successors in ",9 +"has an overview of the total operation, he or she is not fixated on one perceived significant factor. Not ",9 +Paul Hamilton of Adventure Productions,9 +Manual Descent Calculations,7 +Such texts must be written in British English (see ,9 +"to single engine airplanes, but it may also appear as part of a ",9 +service and repairs at its own cost. ,3 +Advantageous:,7 +susmentionnée,7 +Use of results,7 +"Contractor’s national partner to arrange an effective transportation of 15, 30 or 50 pax (e.g. ",3 +In-Flight Test ,7 +restrictive covenant. ,9 +Modifications to licences granted to authorised transmitters: ,7 +Motor and Load Protection ,7 +blades angled back from the hub to increase the effects of ,9 +II.24 CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +Organization of Bureau,7 +volume and flow. ATC will radar monitor each flight; ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of September 1, 1959] ",7 +Figure 3-25.,0 +Fire fighting water ,7 +Please note that the tenderer shall provide information with regards its situation and on the natural or legal ,9 +Professionalism requires that the individual instructor ,3 +Stretch Forming,7 +Figure 10-1,9 +$_{Figure 8-13.}$ ,0 +Visual Flight Rules (VFR).,9 +"Subject to a minimum travelling distance condition specified at paragraph (1) above, the Contractor ",3 +"and Industry No. 5 of March 19, 1991] ",7 +Submission of requests to participate and tenders. ,7 +Development ,8 +regulations; to adopt such other measures to prevent the introduction,3 +"Objectives 1 and 2 of RTCA DO-278A, Annex A, Table A-1 and Table A-10 have been ",3 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of October 1, 2015; provided, however, ",3 +"for paragraph 33, substitute",3 +them before your next flight. ,3 +Electrical Load Limits,7 +"деятельности,",8 +Article 12 - ,7 +Administrative Provisions Regulating Business of Persons ,7 +drugs shall keep their records relating to the same.,3 +-inch in thickness. A filler ,9 +In this scenario rack SNL-3-1 is connected to the SNL office spaces with copper cables. ,9 +exhaust to the ambient air going to the cabin.,0 +without undue delay,3 +"For hybrid, ""online +""",7 +"that might be in use, or while at a safe height above pattern ",9 +doit immédiatement informer le,7 +way that the B lines are connected to the A lines. This cascaded method of construction ,3 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +Economic operators may submit one tender. In case an economic operator submits more than ,9 +Napo performance,7 +kits containing the event materials and handing out them to participants; professional security ,3 +Consent to prosecutions ,7 +wäre. Über die Anfrage und die Antwort entscheidet der jeweilige Senat durch Beschluss in der für Urteile,9 + signed by the authorised ,9 +Initial Climb,7 +The wastewater treatment plant has been operated in accordance with Contractor's ,3 +Article 2 – DURATION AND TERMINATION ,7 +be made in writing in paper or electronic format in the language of the contract;,3 +Title of Chapter,7 +entsprechend dem in Anlage I Abschnitt V des Abkommens beschriebenen Verfahren eingehalten werden.,3 +"sports event or the support of a domestic elite sportsperson, ",3 +Cavitation. ,9 +II.2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT TENDER ,7 + - HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OFFER USING e-SUBMISSION ,7 +"Full power and adequate airspeed are maintained until reaching 1,000 feet AGL. ",3 +object in order for the object to be seen. ,6 +NOTAM Composition ,7 +– Jungen Fahrern,3 +Hardware and software needs regular updates to ,3 +"Part 73, within which the flight of aircraft, while not ",9 +"is restored quickly following a donation, normal levels of ",9 +Concerning [,7 +199 pounds. The engine is provided with four integral rear ,9 +as battery temperature moves away from the 60 °F ,3 + Terminal Radar Service Areas (TRSA),7 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +When the Special Conditions (or exceptionally the provisions of a particular ,3 +II.24 POLITIQUE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ,7 +(iii) at all times when P is not self-isolating P remains in isolation with domestic elite ,3 +I.4.1. Preis des Vertrags und Höchstbetrag ,7 +"specifying the assessed degree of permanent disablement, and ",3 +The overall value (cost) of the offer shall be broken down by requested tasks ,3 +Examples of canopy markings ,7 +Chapter 22—Gyroplane Aeronautical Decision,7 +If the manufacturer can provide evidence covering impulse voltage withstand tests for transformers of ,3 +"TASKS, DELIVERABLES, TIMELINE AND PAYMENTS ",7 +133 STAT. 895 ,5 +"superior. Sulfur has an affinity for steel, which aids in holding ",9 +adequate for ,3 +"the municipality or other local division, by resolution, to authorize the conveyance",9 +satisfy the criteria discussed in AC 90,9 +disclosed? ,7 +"to keep people away from the plane of the fan, and please do ",9 +Attendance,9 +a reasonable forecast of the total units of electricity to be supplied within Great ,9 +Récipients sous pression ,7 +prevent the oil in the tank from draining down into the engine ,9 +https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/general-secretariat/corporate-policies/data-protection/search/. ,3 +good practice exchange visits (MSEs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)) to large ,3 +following sources:,9 +SECTION 1. CONGRESSMAN BILL CARNEY POST OFFICE. ,7 +the enhancement of existing DCns already configured to address collected ,3 +TREES SUBJECT TO TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS ,7 +(See DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT.) ,9 +hazardous levels. The autopilot suddenly disconnects when ,9 +Significant Weather Prognostic Charts,7 +"(33 U.S.C. 701n), for necessary expenses to prepare for flood, hurri-",9 +MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL ,7 +Motor Overload Protection: ,9 +"The dewatering building shall include mechanical thickeners, centrifuges, polymer preparation units, ",9 + Different types of wing planforms. ,0 +Documents to be signed and dated while creating your Tender ,7 +results of these analyses. ,3 +"the adjacent surface. This is called fretting corrosion, or ",9 +DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +Annex I to FR ,7 +Emission Source Release Characteristics ,7 +Manual Descent Calculations,7 +SIDEWARD FLIGHT,7 +past 30’ to 33’ do not create the same rate of ,9 +The lift decreases rapidly as the aircraft’s forward speed is ,9 +Abschnitt IV,7 +of careless maintenance is removal and replacement of the ,9 +Anlage 3 (zu § 1 Abs. 2),7 +section hereof.,9 +– MOTIVI DI RIGETTO NELL'AMBITO DELLA PRESENTE PROCEDURA ,7 +conductors reduces the resistance and therefore the I2 ,3 +USC 1116B. ,9 +"development mentioned above, ancillary or related development which does not give rise ",3 +Contractor’s national partner to prepare press kit folders for attending media. Content to be ,3 +Sport Pilot Certificate,7 +§ 85 Besondere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten,7 +Where the franchise is for a steam railroad or marine railway,3 +secondary,9 +more meaningful and useful after the skill has been partially mastered. ,9 +Longitudinal stabi I i ,8 +The addressable fire warning buttons shall be activated by a plastic film covered breakable glass on ,9 +attachment points on the wing down to a set of ,3 +"Europol, including all forms of exploitation and use of such results and rights. The acquisition of ",3 +Finger-trap suspension line to a finished length by calculating shrinkage of traped area,3 +Aircraft Log Books,7 +Drive the remaining rivet shank out with a drift punch ,3 +Abwasserstationsanlage,7 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +photographer; ,3 +Flugsicherungsverfahren notwendigen Flugsicherungsausrüstung nach den Vorschriften dieser Verordnung,9 +reaching the metal and keeps it from corroding.,9 +"environment, all pilots should become familiar with and ",9 +"Contractor’s national partner to arrange an effective transportation of 15, 30 or 50 pax (e.g. ",3 +at www.faasafety.gov. ,9 +内水面における漁場環境の再生に関する施策,7 +Figure 5-15. ,0 +the spoilers/dive brakes are allowed to open during takeoff ,9 +‘‘(4) CERTAIN APPOINTMENTS.— ,9 +Anti-Icing/Deicing,7 +project manager ,3 +〔平成十七年三月三十一日政令第百五号〕〔抄〕,7 +interfere with the landing or do the wrong thing and ,3 +department shall consist of the fiscal of the city and such number of assistants as,9 +Performance Charts ,7 +Table D-1. Surface Roughness Lengths (m) for Various Land Uses ,0 +that are available and recommended to conduct a,3 +"looking without seeing, which is dangerous. Searching out ",9 +特定機能病院の開設者は、法第十条の二第一項に規定する管理者の選,3 +Induced Flow,7 +area to be repaired. Substructure existing in the repair zone ,9 +characteristic is used for attitude gyro instruments.,9 +The learner needs to be prompted to identify risks and make decisions. ,3 +Thrust reversers.,0 +main canopies,3 +"When shutting down the engine, note any abnormal ",9 +Safety Requirements ,7 +Landing parallel to the major swell,6 +"in all accommodation spaces, if the alarm has not been switched off at the control ",3 +"active flight plan, provided they have received and",9 +than best power.,9 +increase in pressure rise. ,9 +Bourdon tube.,9 +putting an engine on their best glider design.,9 +"Subject to a minimum travelling distance condition specified at paragraph (1) above, the Contractor ",3 +"taxiways, areas not intended for use by aircraft",9 +[Figure 2-43] ,9 +added. Directional control remains very good while,9 +statement made before an administrative authority or a qualified professional body in its country of ,9 +"Intersection. Typically, the point at which two VOR radial ",9 +"MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, JUSTICE AND SECURITY ",7 +R$_{B }$20K,6 +Organization of Bureau,7 +Rigger check number 3. ,3 +BOTH SHEETS (Financial tender and Financial evaluation).,7 +"vernment or province, as the case may be;",9 +"наноэлектроника,",9 +"wildfires, $36,040,000, to remain available until expended: ",9 +For the Contractor: ,7 +"and rotate in time to take off and clear an obstacle, the ",9 +ATC Instructions,7 +Figure 5-33.,0 +Pack tray. ,9 +shortly after launch if the winds aloft are different from the ,9 +Deliverables ,7 +"in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who were interested ",9 +the proper landing attitude is attained and the airplane is ,9 +Venturi Tube Systems,7 +EIB will appoint an evaluation committee of at least 3 (three) persons guaranteeing the absence of ,9 +Operational Errors,7 +used for the safe arrival and departure or navigation of aircrafts and parts ,3 +provides for the ,9 +"two pin, externally-mounted reserve pilot chute or Pop-",9 +Incorrect valve clearances,3 +"are wholly or predominantly devoted to advertising, or ",3 +"Next, check the identifiers to verify that the desired VOR ",9 +Price and Estimated budget breakdown ,7 +- Seite 23 von 36 -,4 +⦁ $_{night conditions }$,3 +The maximum hydraulic load on the wastewater treatment plant will not exceed the pre-,3 +Use of Checklists,7 +(ii) has been validated no more than 18 months before the test is administered or ,3 +copy of the permission to the contracting authority. The contractor must take the necessary ,9 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 +Der Inhaber einer Fahrlehrerlaubnis zur vorübergehenden und gelegentlichen Fahrschülerausbildung nach § 3,9 +"section 65.107, but both ratings authorize the repairman to ",9 +Emissions Mitigation and Offsetting ,7 +conversation or perform other tasks while performing the skill. The learner makes far fewer adjustments during his or her ,9 +with the cone beginning at the launch site. The two legs will ,9 +"№ 50186),",9 +", including any action for alleged breach of intellectual ",3 +"aircraft, or a report is received from a pilot or a flight",9 +prescribing the means and precautions to be employed on land or in,3 +valutazione,9 +with all battery operated equipment running. ,9 +NISH COVID–19 VACCINE TO CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS NOT ,7 +"воспитания,",9 +Gefahrstoffe in der abzubrechenden Bausubstanz,7 +drugs shall keep their records relating to the same.,3 +information on the international airports for use by,9 +診療用放射性同位元素使用室、陽電子断層撮影診療用放射性同位元素使用室、貯,3 +"From an approach and departure standpoint, the risk is ",9 +〔昭和四十八年八月二十七日政令第二百四十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +Baustrom / Bauwasser ,7 +Pressurization Terms,7 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 +chute is compressed directly onto the floor of the container ,9 +des Fünften Buches Sozialgesetzbuch neu bestimmt; die in der Anlage Teil 2 aufgeführte Arzneimittel-,9 +Sicherheiten ,6 +"than one component is inoperative, each minimum is raised ",9 +[Figure 1-21],9 +The third step is to further adjust the amount calculated under step 1 to reflect the time value ,9 +Schlußformel ,7 +"contractor until the supplies are completed. After the supplies are completed, the ",3 +are the same lengths. Objects are easily misinterpreted in ,9 +TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-$_{ }$,7 +Information Management ,7 +pronouncing each digit.,3 +〔平成二十四年三月三十日政令第九十六号〕〔抄〕,7 +RADIO PHONE-IN ,7 +e nella lettera d’ordine corrispondente. ,9 +"Formulartext,",3 +rent method,9 +or above the designated floors while within the lateral,9 +FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Low pressure,6 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +Seams should be folded correctly and thread tension ,3 +"improved performance, the instructor asks “What are you doing differently?” The learner seems unsure and says, “I have developed a ",9 +"Attached to the rear, or trailing edges, of the wings are two ",9 +"’General Administrative and Submission Clauses’ is published), the VIF shall be submitted as ",9 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +"Fundstelle des Originaltextes: Anlageband zum BGBl. I Nr. 8 v. 27.2.2003 I 238, S. 3 - 13",9 +able to produce the additional thrust demanded by the pilot.,9 +Declaration of Honour (DoH) ,7 +l'ensemble,6 +[Figure 5-20B],9 +Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ,9 +Hypoxic Hypoxia,7 +sulla base della ,9 +Functions of Engine Oil,7 +"remaining thickness of the pad, and no difficulty in ",9 +by 14 CFR Section 91.3(b).,9 +Electrical Resistance Thermometer,7 +部门分别编制并组织实施本行业、本领域的关键信息基础设施安全规划,指导和监督关键,9 +§ 11 Eignung,7 +Emergency control ,7 +"conditions, even at relative humidity well below 100 percent. ",9 +the RNAV procedure authorizes a properly certified,9 +contractor may not give such access without the prior written authorisation of the contracting ,9 +could include part replacement in the case of break-fix (replaced equipment must be ,3 +"to fly faster with a tailwind or slower with a headwind, or to ",9 +Cable Connectors,7 +"Direkteinstellung, mindestens jedoch arbeitstäglich im Wege der Dateienübertragung. Ausführungsregeln zur",9 +Reference,6 +"Varembé, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland. ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of ",1 +§ 5 Identifizierungs- und Sorgfaltspflichten,7 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,9 +Page 20 of 79 ,4 +46(1)(b) of the 2020 Regulations provided that the 2020 Regulations did not limit the application of the 2012 Regulations so ,1 +"Code for buildings to be built in disaster areas, 2007, Ministry of Public Works and Settlement ",9 +"over-reliance in their avionics and the aircraft, believing ",9 +"In addition to winds, your “comfort level” inventory should ",9 +ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CAPACITY$^{3}$ ,7 +Amendment of the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013 ,7 +Description: Replacement of damaged or missing ,3 +within one year) ,8 +the helicopter about the roll and pitch axes (cyclic ,3 +Reverse Current Sensing,7 +"capacity, shall be:",9 +administratives ,7 +Protection of Pre,7 +"economical to increase the speed due to the excessive weight""s involved. ",9 +[Figure 11-52] ,9 +Adjusting the Fuel Control,7 +The Councils and Secretary,7 +II.20.3. Umrechnung ,7 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +Depth from ground level to toe of pile ,3 +Article 4 – TERMS OF PAYMENT,7 +‘the parties’) may conclude ,3 +занятий должны,9 +(Use with safety analyses with unacceptable [high] predicted residual risk) (1) (2) (3) ,7 +retary shall provide updates on the number of vacant or ,9 +EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +contained in the PSAA regarding such considerations. References should be made to ,3 +"respect to the classification of any sugar, any one of them may send to a sugar",9 +polarities and current direction. ,0 +where the supplies are to be delivered which may affect the contractor in the performance ,3 +disclosed? ,7 +(See SPECIAL VFR OPERATIONS.) ,9 +"or discontinue whole or part of its accident analysis business, notify the ",3 +"and maintenance in a sanitary condition of morgues,",3 +"bekannt, kann die Fahrschule bis zum Ablauf von sechs Monaten auf Rechnung des Ehegatten oder",9 +"Monitoring, sampling and analyses ",7 +"Nation’s airspace, by military as well as civil",9 +Square Canopy—Crossport Repair,7 +participant's ,9 +"and (ii) biological, toxicological and mechanistic information. Analogue and category ",9 +"Gas Emissions from Airport Sources, ",9 +"(14 CFR) part 91, § 91.311 to conduct banner towing operations when signed by the Responsible Person ",9 +Anforderungen und Regelwerke,7 +the invoice. ,6 +Allgemeine Bestimmungen bezüglich der Lieferungen ,7 +ground air and electrical power is available for that ,3 +excellent tool for quickly removing corners from sheet metal ,9 +"to submit comments and provide suggestions on the overall scope of the assessment, including ",9 +〔昭和二十七年十二月二十六日政令第五百号〕,7 +and that no gas is being lost when flying near pressure ,9 +wastewater treatment plant. ,9 +Loft drawing.,0 +Heat adjustment for each compartment ,3 +"procurement procedure. The procurement documents consist of the contract notice, this ",9 +Bei unterschiedlichen wöchentlichen Arbeitszeiten oder einer unterschiedlichen Verteilung der wöchentlichen,9 +紹介率が百分の五十を下回る病院にあつては、おおむね五年間に紹介率を百分,3 +mit Isolier- oder Doppelverglasung auszuführen.,9 +other relying on traffic information transmitted from ground ,9 +"the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), during the period beginning ",9 +置若しくは手術の用に供する衣類その他の繊維製品(以下「繊維製品」という。)の,3 +release planning of the Programmes.,9 +water that mixes with contaminants to cause an extremely ,9 +when shaking out a carpet.,9 +Collector may deliver merchandise aboard vessels for export.,9 +Europol would like to stress that it is not free to disclose any information where such disclosure ,9 +notarial register touching his notarial acts in the manner required by,3 +A high-performance glider.,9 +Figure 7-15.,0 +Methodological framework defined by ECHA ,7 +Chain of Ownership,7 +Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Operation,7 +"pertaining to flight including, but not limited to, changes ",9 +“below path” if red/red. Some airports serving large ,9 +"MINISTRY OF TERTIARY EDUCATION RESEARCH, SCIENCE AND ",7 +fixés dans le CC. ,9 +"Immediately upon completion of a repair, remove previously made basting or temporary tacking. ",3 +"Failure in the delivery of electricity, water, chemicals etc., failure in analyses and ",3 +"is 15 years or above, it must be white and set on a pink coloured circular ",3 +degrees Celsius. Used in conjunction with other,9 +importation,3 +"after the definition of “user-accessible programmability”, insert— ",3 +approach procedure.,9 +"To ensure accuracy, take frequent face alignment and angle ",9 +A normal takeoff from a hover is an orderly transition to ,9 +responsibilities of operating the centers and continued to ,9 +ARTCC Communications,7 +"risoluzione,",9 +IFR operations and should be updated for all other,9 +Les réclamations de dommages-intérêts n'ont pas d'incidence sur la responsabilité réelle ou ,9 +§ 4 Ausbildungsplan,7 +fabric and ,9 +Pump grease in here,6 +the edges of the tape and down the center to secure it. ,3 +should be able to see the edges of the selected field,9 +Marker Beacons,7 +Ground-based Facilities,7 +can be seen outside the aircraft. It is a pilot’s decision to ,9 +it is advisable to map related damage found on a chart ,9 +The valves should close by ,9 +I.4. PREIS ,7 +is more useful than the bar folder because its design allows ,9 +is locked with a straight locking pin attached to a short lanyard ,9 +The point on the total ,9 +a high angle of attack inboard to a lower angle of,9 + Roundout ( Flare),7 +Article 6 – Terms of Payment ,7 +Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan,7 +departure from an initial approach fix on an outbound,9 +(FSDO) for interpretation.,9 +minimum of a third-class medical.,3 +doit immédiatement informer le,7 +"Angaben zur theoretischen Prüfung,",3 +〔平成二十五年四月十日政令第百二十号〕,7 +la personne susmentionnée satisfait,6 +"water of the Gulf Stream heating the surface air, while the ",9 +"However, the decision to land or go around must be made ",9 +contradiction,9 +discontinuity,6 +desired _to transfer ,6 +master file is used only to support the conditional approval ,9 +decisions,9 +"le Secrétariat. Leur choix doit être approuvé par le Secrétariat. Si, suite à la ",3 +"Upon arriving at a prospective landing site, a pass",9 +Checking and Safetying the System,7 +approach is executed. ,9 +"vertical lift component increases during the roll-out, ",3 +"Korea""; the term ""goods listed in Appended Table 5, item (ii) and item (iii)"" in ",3 +a designated person for the purposes of Part 3 (Finance) as defined in regulation 10 ,3 +Principle of Operation,7 +sportsperson returning to England having been involved in the running of an elite ,3 +いう。以下この項、附則第五条及び附則第六条において同じ。)に係るものであると,3 +The passage of fuel through a chamois increases the charge ,9 +same distance from the edge of the field. Upon comple-,9 +"Programme, and ",3 +be deemed to authorize the conveyance of unreserved publ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 3 of January 25, 1973]",7 +as one hour after. The continued cooling after sunrise is one ,9 +This was accomplished by sandwiching the harness between ,9 +conducts EFVS operations to touchdown and rollout,9 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of September 1, 1973. ",3 +"same length, whose opposite sides are parallel, and whose ",9 +Tapes should be straight.,3 +required is eight times the original ,9 +or and approved by the Governor-General.,9 +$^{APPLICABLE TO ST}$A$_{TE AIRCRAF}$$_{T BUT}$,6 +result in engine damage.,9 +[1825-1; 1966-1.],9 +Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan,7 +n from holding office and may suspend him from,9 +tion is idealized by the area BCDE on the ,9 +[Figure 7-8B] ,9 +"time crewing, they should be briefed before each flight. ",9 +Submission of tenders. ,7 +Section 2. Emergency Services Available to Pilots,7 +0018 00-1 ,4 +the right to authorise the reuse of the documents in conformity with the ,3 +Civil Remedies for Collection of Municipal Revenue,7 +SPECIAL INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCE-,7 +"order to maintain unaccelerated flight, the pilot must not ",9 +in the tender specifications and; ,3 +von 80 Prozent der Zulage nach Vorbemerkung Nummer 7 der Anlage I (Bundesbesoldungsordnungen A und B),9 +理のための体制を確保しなければならない(ただし、第二号については、病院、患者,3 +Abschnitt 4,7 +Layout Method,7 +Telephone System ,7 +"main or sewer outfall and any manholes, ventilating shafts, pumps or other accessories ",3 +) applies as it ,3 +of Application Management service that would be consumed in this consumption ,3 +In the event a very slight bounce is encountered while landing ,9 +number of records in the database to accommodate the ,9 +financières applicables au budget général de l'Union: ,9 +of the city.,9 +speed for maximum endurance require increas- ,9 +AN ACT STRENGTHENING ,7 +Primary Sludge Pumping Station,7 + Collision Avoidance,7 +Specific provisions related to insurance ,7 + Center of Gravity (CG),7 +Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approaches (SOIA) and ,9 +Visual approach slope indicator (VASI).,9 +replacement of the bag. The following procedure deals with ,9 +emerging technologies like the ones listed in Section 4 above. ,3 +"striker, adjusting the flame to a bright yellow bushy flame ",9 +II.18.2. Grounds for termination by the contractor ,7 +COLLABORATION WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS ,7 +"alert algorithms providing the target predictors, a ",9 +changes (a reroute for instance) while hand flying the aircraft. ,9 +W Series Test Event ,9 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 +080 OVC/WX FV04SM RA/TA 05/WV 270030KT/TB,9 + (ss 42-46) ,7 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +II.5.1 Form and means of communication ,7 +"[insert title of procedure and, if applicable lot number]",6 +electricity from the wire when it has a high potential. The ,9 +Санитарные правила,7 +with the candidate/ tenderer. It is the candidate/tenderer’s responsibility to provide a valid e-,9 +straight-in landing minimums are authorized. ,9 +vom Ausbildungsrahmenplan abweichende sachliche und zeitliche Gliederung des Ausbildungsinhaltes ist,9 +in any other case at a place described in paragraph (4)(a) to (c). ,3 +parts shaded in grey indicate options to choose: they should be included when applicable. All ,9 +ARTICLE 30. FINANCIAL GUARANTEE ,7 +Injection nozzles,6 +Excessively high air pressure at the spray gun.,3 +Digital Electronics ,7 +and Mountain Wave Activity (MWA),7 +The decrease in cylinder head temperature with a leaner ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 63 of March 25, 1998] ",7 +Artikel I.6 ,9 +to the airborne GPS receiver.,9 +tanks from which it is ,6 +"information that can be extracted from this type of chart, it ",9 +"Provision of expertise in Public Affairs and Media scenarios for cyber exercises, ",7 +loss of altitude prior to attaining translational lift.,3 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +nach dem für das Unternehmen geltenden Gesetz offen. Der Anspruch auf die Geldentschädigung,3 +Windshield Surface Seal Coating,7 +IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:,7 +Key to Schedule 2 ,7 +Pilot outlet,6 +10.24.Vertragsstrafe ,7 +Hand propping. ,9 +"§ 11 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +Variation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +auf DN300. ,9 +duty wire in bundles at various temperature ratings. ,9 +There are many examples of the detrimental ,9 +in the area,3 +from the contracting authority. ,9 +The two pointers are driven by any two combinations of a ,9 +inside row for reinforcement.,3 +The reimbursement of accommodation is based on the actual costs of accommodation on ,3 +Absatz 1 Satz 2 hat der nach Landesrecht zuständigen Behörde jährlich formlos Meldung nach Maßgabe des,9 + J . Demonstrations (continued),7 +Managing Safety Risk in a System of Systems ,5 +The curves of figure 2.1 ,9 +§ 3 Berufsfeldbreite Grundbildung und Zielsetzung der Berufsausbildung,7 +"TRANSPORT, ENGLAND ",10 +für die vorgeschriebene Dauer vermerkt.,3 +Helicopter Flight Manual Limitations ,7 +fuel for a given airspeed than it does for the same speed ,9 +regulation 29 or otherwise in the possession of the Board. ,3 +Reserve Pilot ,6 +"вод, палатки устанавливаются на настил.",9 +"mit hinzukommender, zusammenhängender Nutzfläche von mehr als 50 m² gene-",9 +provide static pressure should the primary static source ,9 +based tutorials or,9 +PERFORMANCE AUDIT,7 +Pneumatic Deice Boot System for GA Aircraft,7 +$^{ }$Tachometer ,7 +"hot/cold savoury and/or sweet dishes, 15 pieces per person), three-course dinners (starter, ",3 +with the instructions provided.,0 +MOVEMENT CONTROLS ,7 +" are exempt from taxes and duties, including VAT. ",9 +survive without bending an airplane. As shown in ,9 +"§ 4 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +stepdown fixes or manually calculating rates of descent. A ,9 +Straight-and-Level Flight,7 +No body or remains,9 +"and exhaust events all take place at the same time, but in ",9 +crossing the heat blanket power cord to prevent ,3 +Departures from:,7 +latter to comply with its obligations under the applicable legislative framework and under the ,9 +Shutoff valve,6 +Voltage Drop in Aircraft Wire and Cable,7 +ARTCC Communications,7 +State to have significant adverse effects in relation to the pension payable to or in respect of ,9 +not recommended.,9 +that the person has committed an irregularity within the meaning of ,6 +aircraft may be extremely hazardous to small aircraft.,9 +The PIR Team must develop a PIR Strategy during the Final IA phase. The strategy identifies ,9 +OPERATIONS ,7 +"signal strength, course quality, and freedom from",9 +underside of the fuselage. Initial contact with the buoy,9 +Lower Leg Strap Shortening,7 +pressure changes. Stacking several aneroids increases the ,9 +“(2) Each representative appointed by a constituent authority under sub-paragraph (1) ,9 +The fulfillment of process performance covers only conditions that the Contractor is able to control ,9 + A fire-detection ,9 +«САНИТАРНО-ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К,7 +постановление,9 +Flight Instrument Malfunctions,7 +"seconds of inflation, they are deflated back to their normal ",9 +OR PARTS - LONG DELAY,6 +Density Altitude Charts ,7 +II.17.2. Suspension by the contracting authority ,7 +Methodology ,7 +be corrected if best operation and power conditions are to ,9 +Instrument Departures,7 +"consisting of VOR (low victor airways, high jet routes), ",9 +northerly direction for a distance of 236 metres and then in a generally easterly direction towards ,9 +Approaches and Landings ,7 +SPECIAL INFORMATION ,7 +facilities.,9 +"tighter the turn and the heavier the gross weight, the",9 +"the Botswana Police Service had given rise to some audit observations, ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of September 1, 1959] ",7 +"EARTH WORKS, PIPE WORKS AND GROUND IMPROVEMENT",7 +Materials/Parts ,7 +"concerned. In the United States, the “appropriate ATS ",9 +AOA is the primary control of increasing and decreasing ,9 +Combined Sources of Updrafts,7 +"indemnify SGN for any other expenses, loss, demands, proceedings, damages, claims, ",3 +する責任者を定めること。,3 +Airport Markings and Signs ,7 +Piston moves up,6 +Ground Reconnaissance,7 +is less than 10 liters per minute) ,3 + Landing distance graph.,0 +WARNING: It is extremely dangerous to store or service ,9 +flap extension tends to cause the airplane to ,9 +Allgemeine Bestimmungen bezüglich der Lieferungen ,7 +The earliest harness was nothing more than a swing seat ,9 +handover to the Contractor in Lot 2. Please refer also to section 6.1 on extension orders. ,9 +Special Fabric Fasteners .........................................3-6,8 +Anti-Skid System Maintenance,7 +prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of economic operators or might distort ,3 +Tender Specifications ,7 +1991 (of Tynwald)(,3 + Draft contract and annexes,3 +distance chart. ,9 +"$^{9}$ OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39",1 +CONTROLLED AIRSPACE,7 +a moving vehicle. Many pilots recommend the chase crew ,9 +advantageous tender. The minimum requirements and the criteria defined in the procurement ,9 +Nitrous Oxide during,9 +Opening of requests to participate,7 +"the Hi-Lok$^{®}$ fastener, but the Hi-Lite$^{®}$ fastener has a shorter ",9 +consuming systems of the data platform. ,3 +Article 30-18 (1) The manager of a hospital or clinic shall take any of the ,3 +Amendment of Schedule 4 ,7 +when the interests declared on the occasion of signature of the contract have substantially changed ,9 +"Satz 2 mitzuteilenden Daten des Erwerbers sowie die dem Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt nach § 26 Absatz 3, auch in",9 +back office,9 +направления в хозяйствующий субъект.,9 +Baustein „Individuelle Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +§ 21 Vorschläge für die Besetzung der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +surfaces. ,9 +Airport Surface Detection Equipment,7 +surface on the aircraft. ,3 +"and momentarily close the generator cutout contacts, making ",9 +Ntlo ya Dikgosi ,7 +"residence (or if he or she has more than one residence, his or her principal residence) in ",9 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 01.08.1994,9 +condition for which the fuel control meters fuel to the engine. ,9 +"each lease, agreement, memorandum, or contract for the hire, use,",3 +alternators should produce a frequency of approximately ,9 +I.6.4. Garanzia di esecuzione ,7 +"the right of access and rectification of data subjects, the right of recourse to the ",3 +"issued, and",3 +"a fairlead; or any section where the cable is flexed, rubbed, ",9 +"Fragen bezüglich der Gefährlichkeit und der Verhaltensweise, der Verantwortlichkeit des ",9 +the lines stowed in the container. Examples of this method ,9 +Sample Problem 2 ,7 +Drain water from fuel tank sump and/or water trap ,3 + Showers ,8 +Differential Pressure Tester,7 +such damage or interruption or SGN becoming liable to any third party as aforesaid other ,3 +AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE ,7 +GENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURES ,7 +sophisticated ,9 +pitch of each blade as a function of where it is in the plane,9 +"matters sufficient to identify customers, etc. (which refer to customers, etc. ",3 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +Cabin Air Pressure Regulator and Outflow Valve,7 +"of a dive, it is the force that the seat exerts on the pilot to ",9 +медицинских работников на спортивных соревнованиях и на занятиях в,9 +Alloy—2024 aluminum,6 +Temperature Variations in Repair Zone,7 +Additional administrative documentation,7 +"The Earth receives heat during the day by insolation, but ",9 +AERMOD for aviation-related sources is summarized as follows: ,9 +LSA Synopsis,7 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +"to a specific tax and the manner in which the labeling, branding, or",3 +CLARIFICATION No: 1,7 +Launch Equipment Inspection,7 +(vii) referring patients to other hospitals or clinics in accordance with the ,3 +Including ,9 +"on conviction on information, to custody for a term not exceeding 7 years or to a ",3 +minimum of a third-class medical.,3 +II.20. ZAHLUNGEN UND SICHERHEITSLEISTUNGEN ,7 +From this relationship it is appreciated that ,9 +active participation by the participants. ,9 +is correlated to the bank angle.,3 + (ss 57-94),7 +NAVWEPS 00-8OT-RO ,7 +"ed for the first entry, whatever the amount of the capital may be, is",9 +"decision or determination, or (where paragraph 2(3) applies) expiry of the decision period ",3 +clinical trial; and ,3 +The criterion is applied to: ,7 +ぞれ同表の技術上の基準の欄に掲げる技術上の基準への適合を確認するために適切と,3 +be a candidate for office in any ,9 +The velocity of the air rushing through a venturi can create ,9 +the balloon so it flies over the chase vehicle. If the balloon is ,9 +Concept of radio-call in to be elaborated in agreement between EU-OSHA's national partner ,3 +Fixed-Price contract for project work ,7 +Fuel inlet port,6 +"Reserved for 1 year. Upon reservation, the ",3 +Leave of Judges,7 +COCKPIT TEMP,6 +The criterion is applied to:,7 +"Федерации 12 марта 2021 г., регистрационный № 62740), признать утратившим",9 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +"The shortening of the leg strap, while a relatively ",9 +"zwei UKW-(VHF-)Sende-/Empfangsgeräten (einstellbarer Frequenzbereich: 118,000-136,975 MHz) für den",3 +shall be payable for the time elapsed between the expiry of the payment deadline and the date on ,9 +"966/2012 (OJ L 193 of 30.07.2018, p.1).",1 +instrument-rated pilot to fly the trip under IFR. ,6 +encounters,9 +zusammenhängenden Minuten oder drei Teilunterbrechungen von jeweils mindestens 15 Minuten ersetzt,3 +climb speed is established. Relaxation of any back-elevator ,9 +"in two basic head styles. For shear applications, the pin is ",9 +Press kits prepared with all relevant press information for dissemination just before the online ,7 +Tire Repair and Retreading,7 +"beantragte Fahrerlaubnisklassen,",3 +"d by law, or who shall fail to comply with the",9 +"slow airspeeds, as well as gain an understanding of how",9 +section 61.57(b). ,9 +low and medium temperatures in the –70 °C to 150 °C range.,9 +nicht vor dem 30. September 1998 in die Nähe der Betriebsstätte verlegen und dort für die Dauer von 15,9 +must not be less than that prescribed in the IAP; the,9 +"in paragraph (2)(b), for “six months” substitute “one month”; and ",3 + [Figure 4-55] ,9 +being applied too soon.,3 +The Councils and Secretary,7 +"(iv) incorporated administrative agencies prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) ",3 +"States Code, is amended— ",9 +doit immédiatement informer le,7 +Hospitation,8 +A marker on the heading indicator that can ,9 +$^{3}$ The same institution or agency.,1 +. The learner is an active decision maker. ,3 +cylinder. Note any outstandingly low (cold) values. Compare ,9 +"oder von entsprechenden Proben,",3 +continually measuring the atmosphere at a point near the,8 +I.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA ,7 +Section 11A was inserted by section 186(3) of the Housing and Planning Act 2016. ,1 +Instructor Responsibilities,7 +Intellectual property rights,7 +The satisfactory performance of an aircraft requires continuous ,9 +"For onsite, hybrid, ""online +"" for the onsite part:",7 +Workload Management,7 + with the fines and costs adjudged or collected in accordance,9 +Driving RegionGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +a large dihedral effect at high lift coefficients. ,9 +Il Contraente emetterà le corrispondenti fatture senza I.V.A. come stabilito ,9 +must be installed between the towing aircraft and towrope ,9 +EU login. ,9 +Temperature Variations with Topography,7 +Technical equipment and Technician (for both onsite and ,7 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +The amount of solar radiation (insolation) received by any ,9 +with ATC; and,9 +Prony brake.,9 +wave forms at the leading edge and ,9 +abrupt control movement can be used without overstressing ,9 +is threatened; and ,3 +Initiate the Request for a New Waiver or Waiver Renewal ,3 +Safety Requirements ,7 +Drain water from fuel tank sump and/or water trap ,3 +Determine what actions allow for a safe departure ,3 +that the valves ,3 +" In Schedule 2, in paragraph 2— ",9 +II.7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND PROFESSIONAL CONFLICTING ,7 +AN ACT STRENGTHENING ,7 +"there has been an inheritance or merger of the organizer of a birthing center, ",3 +"manufacturers, a well-balanced tire and wheel assembly helps ",9 +without obstruction.,9 +"always accompanied by a shock wave and, ",9 +"Gerona, Moncada, Paniqui, Pura, San Clemente, San Manuel, and Santa Ignacia.",9 +Sub-criterion 1.5: Approach to knowledge management through an online ,3 +Opportunities:,7 +Brochures including all components accompanied with names and addresses of suppliers; ,3 +The ability of report status and flag issues to the ENISA Project/Product Manager. ,3 +II.20.1. Zahlungsdatum ,7 +32.05.01 Медико-профилактическоес,9 +るおそれのある部分がロの(1)及び(2)に掲げる要件を満たしているこ,3 +"you are going to cross a wake, reduce power to idle",9 +Sample Problem 2 ,7 +Department for International Trade ,9 +Cockpit Management,7 +"Voruntersuchung und Vorbehandlung, Maßnahmen zur Stressminderung und Nachsorge,",3 +"resources and the spread thereof, the national and local governments are to ",3 +purpose of these Regulations is the same as Greenwich Mean Time. ,9 +Weighing the Aircraft and Determining the ,7 +if occasion arises for making an appointment to the office of a Minister or an Assistant ,3 +and position error.,9 +heading that use such funds to supplement Federal assistance ,9 +DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: - Approved for public release; distribution is ,9 +The Maintenance part: ,7 +Chapter Summary,7 +"II.19. FATTURE, IMPOSTA SUL VALORE AGGIUNTO E FATTURAZIONE ",7 +Fire Bottle Discharge,7 +altitude control requires special burner techniques. Another ,9 +united in terms of structure and which circulate water exclusively for ,3 +"size and scale convenient for navigation (1:1,000,000) by ",9 +shall provide a document providing evidence of this commitment.,9 +"multi-engine airplanes, turbopropeller-powered multi-engine ",9 +"riaga, Maria, San Juan, Siaton, Siquijor, Tolong,",9 +"the Eastern Caribbean States, the OECS and CARICOM/CARIFORUM. ",3 +an Sachsen,9 +advances concerning the speed and altitude capability of jet ,9 +the repetitive blows of a gravity-drop hammer or a power-,9 +Placement of advertisements ,7 +The instrument approach chart is divided into six main ,9 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of January 7, 2017; provided, however, ",3 +"services for all IT products in the portfolio including those that, originated under ",3 +Factors Affecting ,7 +регистрационный № 61121).,1 +where Rv=air resistance due to pressure difference. ,9 +Energy storing trip mechanism for automatic opening after HRC ,8 +"Health, Labour and Welfare. ",3 +保持装置の強さ試験を行つたとき、動的伸びが35ミリメート,9 +"Project / Release, ",3 +– Describes the recommended methods for ,3 +leaving property in sai,9 +"Citation, commencement and interpretation ",7 +"Flying too close to a house (a friend’s house, for example) ",9 +Automatic Ripcord Release ,6 +audit firms based in an EU member state),3 +"digitale Infrastruktur wird ermächtigt, durch Rechtsverordnung ohne Zustimmung des Bundesrates für",9 +‘Supplier portal’,9 +"the contracting authority, to obtain confidential information that may confer upon it undue ",6 +(“Contractor’s Personnel”) and where verification of ,3 +"tenders in any respect, is indicated under Heading IV.2.6 of the contract notice.",9 +Time for Payment of Forest Charges,9 +approach chart with the altitude value underscored. Aircraft are ,9 +"Die Frequenzbereiche 9 400 – 9 500 kHz, 11 600 – 11 650 kHz, 12 050 – 12 100 kHz, 15 600 – 15 800 kHz,",3 +an IAP. The DA/DH or MDA and the visibility value,9 +aircraft gas turbine or reciprocating engines to drive AC ,9 +"mechanical condition, Gayle can: ",6 +Wire Substitutions,7 +"in a [make and model aircraft]. Signature, Certificate #, Date Note: additional 90-day ",9 +"(5 points, ",3 +Gemeinsame Angebote ,7 +these Regulations remain in force. ,9 +frequency on your VOR receiver. With the Course,9 +G deceleration,6 +machine might not sew at all. Using the wrong needle can ,9 +Several factors must be considered in selecting the size of ,9 +copter maintains a constant heading in level flight.,9 +The communities/stakeholders to be serviced by the contractor may include: ,9 +Restrictors,7 +Octave Chanute gathered and published all of the ,0 +"bank decreases, the elevator pressure should be relaxed, as ",9 +CONTROLLED AIRSPACE,7 +failures ,9 +§ 2 Mautgebührenerhebung durch Private; Verordnungsermächtigung,7 +〔昭和三十五年五月三十日政令第百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +PIA-T-6134,6 +"9 января 2018 г.,",9 +The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to the ,3 +FUEL ON BOARD,6 +specify what EFSA will buy under the contract resulting from this procurement ,3 +on the sides,9 +Pin the rib to the pin board.,3 +Failure to remember the heading to which the aircraft ,3 +of international air navigation and to promote development ,9 +Compressor housing,6 +$_{WPT }$_ _ _ _ _ _$_{ DIS }$_ _ ._ $_{NM}$,6 +Allgemeine Ausbildungsgrundsätze,3 +The User will reimburse travel and accommodation expenses,3 +Introduction ,3 +Testing application functionality after changes: Performing pre-agreed test cases ,3 +Patch Bonded to Aluminum Structure,7 +aircraft and flight controls. Normal category aircraft may not ,9 +"Verify fuel pump mounting for security, and inspect ",3 +flying “behind the power curve.” At,9 +"Once all information and documents have been encoded and uploaded in the e-Submission application and you consider that the tender is complete, the application will require you to ",9 +"the wing spars reflex downward, lofting the fuselage higher. ",9 +租赁合同是出租人将租赁物交付承租人使用、收益,承租人,9 +The evidence pertains to: ,7 +PM Emissions Modeling ,7 +"), which includes several recommendations for future methodological developments. ",3 +Original damaged web area,6 +Anlage 1 (weggefallen),7 +tailor the DIDs as necessary. ,9 +書又は収支予算書の変更の認可を受けようとするときは、あらかじめ、変更の内容及,3 +"Fitness im Fahrdienst, Stressbewältigung.",3 +APPROACH AND LANDING,7 +Lieferungen,7 +Provision of teams of interpreters for onsite and hybrid/online events ,7 +shall provide a monthly report directly to the Committees on Appro-,9 +Definitions ,7 +"or driving region, creates a total",9 +material—same as ,6 +riassunto; ,3 +Manifests for Transit Cargo,9 +identical independent ignition units operating from a common ,9 +"Pass opposite end of bridle line and deployment bag through bridle line loop and pull tight, forming a ",3 +This exercise demonstrates a practical method for determining ,9 +vapor cycle system and can be seen when they are forced ,9 +No person shall be held to be guilty of a criminal offence on account of any act or ,9 +ILS categories.,9 +Management letter,7 +The primary components of most flight computer systems ,9 +The Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 ,7 +"Consistent with the foregoing, it is the policy of the",9 +認銀行」という。)」を加え、同項第二号を次のように改める。,9 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +other electrically sensitive equipment. ,9 +"building or on the premises, to ",9 +The soft keys and functions are as follows: Scroll through ,9 +"within 15 miles of the terminal area, TWIP products",9 +was founded in 1953 by a group of individuals ,9 +plane must have adequate directional control ,9 +Fences and Gates ,7 +results in an increase in lag time.,9 +Protection of Retained Trees ,7 +date of delivery. Non-conformity shall be notified in writing. Certificate of Conformity shall be delivered ,9 +"registration as a voter, ",3 +Anlage 1 (zu § 5),7 +Other Wing Features,7 +This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation. ,3 +the observed or forecast significant weather phenomena at ,9 +[Figure 11-13],9 +rejection without being given feedback on the non-assessed content of the tender. ,9 +"adjudicateur, notamment: ",9 +"cyclic, as necessary, to begin forward movement as altitude ",9 +Sensory Memory ,7 +and Constant Rate),7 +"bulletins, and their use by pilots minimizes flight ",9 +the standard protection strips ,3 +Available resources,7 +Missed approach.,9 + - HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OFFER USING e-SUBMISSION ,7 +of runway available for landings. The portion of runway ,9 +"rights have to be clearly marked (source publication including date and place, creator, number, full title etc.) in ",9 +"may range from 10 to 30 feet. For the pilot, this means ",9 +Learning Is Multifaceted ,7 +", the following aspects: ",9 +10.11.Haftung ,7 +“C” – Low Potential.,3 +Project/Process code: ,7 +"the needle is displaced to the left, the helicopter is",9 +The Contractor’s network partner to arrange technician with in-house service or external provider;,3 +CHAPTER VII ,7 +"A full impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as no, or no significant, impact ",9 +issued certificate that permits student pilots to ,3 +滅菌消毒業務を行う場合は、この限りでない。,3 +Curtiss Jenny (Curtiss JN4-D).,9 +does not result in obtaining lower minima with,9 +Terms of Reference (LOT 2) ,3 +"For this flight, the radar depicts precipitation along the route, ",9 +"would hinder the application of the law, be contrary to public interest, harm the legitimate ",9 +is not registered under the law of a country outside the Isle of Man but is wholly ,3 +Dataplate specifications. ,9 +AR = b/c ,6 +through a four- way “beep” switch or by actuating a ,3 +unless otherwise advised by ATC.,9 +Fenwal sensing element.,0 +person aboard it; or ,3 +"Except in duly justified cases, candidates who have failed to submit evidence or to make ",9 +normal shock to subsonic could be quite weak. ,9 +", lying on the south of Laguna de Bay, in Luzon,",9 +Aeration; and,3 +Methodology - Loading and Unloading of Material Piles ,7 +of the same item in the conceptual area provided in the medical care plan ,3 +Pressurization and Flexibility,7 +fasteners incidental to operations,3 +"condition, the upwind wing is receiving a greater force ",9 +Hydrostatic Level Measurement ,7 +"aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for ",9 +号ロ中「百分の五十」とあるのは「百分の八十」と、同項第七号ロ中「百分の四十」,3 +Thrust Vectoring ,7 +– Fahreignungsseminare (Fahreignungs-Bewertungssystem),3 +"area charts, and any bearing, distance, time, and fuel ",9 +Area Navigation (RNAV) Routes.,7 +"Because every flight has some level of risk, it is critical that pilots can differentiate, in advance, between a low risk flight and a high-",9 +an absorbent material saturated with liquid acetone. If the ,9 +‘Irregularity’,9 +AOV Approval and Acceptance ,3 +"the vertical stabilizer and rudder, as well as the horizontal ",9 +Common oceanographic terminology.,7 +ведущих к туалетам.,9 +essary measures to ensure: ,3 +Termination by Europol: ,7 +"nachzuweisen. Hat der Schuldner im Voraus die Mautgebühr entrichtet und hierüber Belege erhalten, so hat",9 +FDC NOTAMs are issued by the National Flight Data ,9 +energy. The magneto must produce enough energy to charge ,9 +"Sondernutzungen der Bundesfernstraßen eine Gebührenordnung zu erlassen, soweit dem Bund die Verwaltung",9 +Secured sections on the websites may be realized on the Europa domain through a wiki.For ,9 +three pesos upon each sledge with runners less than two and one-half inches in,9 +"Inspect exhaust attachment to engine, and EGT senders. ",9 +[Figure 11-10],9 +marking shall be effected.,3 +"software plans, standards, and the PSAA not covered elsewhere in the SAS. ",3 +"ending on May 7, 1975.’’. ",9 +Qualifications for membership of ,7 +Fuel gauges ,3 +ARTICLE 10: EXPLOITATION OF THE RESULTS,7 +piece of forged rigid titanium.,0 +Round Out (Flare),7 +TAIL SURFACES,7 +"now from the left, the airplane should be banked at a left ",9 +be used to scrub off the invisible aluminum oxide film just ,9 +SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +According to the report on the review of the FMD strategies in Botswana by the ,9 +"Cyber Crisis Collaboration (EU cybersecurity Blueprint), Trainings, Awareness raising and Exercises.",9 +"pages. Additional information may be found in Chapter 2, ",9 +"Die Fahrschulerlaubnis ist zurückzunehmen, wenn bei ihrer Erteilung eine der Voraussetzungen des § 18 nicht",9 +important for the engine to perform its function and to extend ,9 +Citation and commencement ,7 +The linkage of ,9 +Additional guidance: ,7 +Wind Direction Indicators ,7 +provide a methodology for the organisation of interactive online and hybrid activities; ,3 +Initiate the Request for a New Waiver or Waiver Renewal ,3 +"To transport gasoline, clear gas cans are preferable because ",9 +"NM. However, at some locations, the glide slope",9 +Order of precedence of contract documents ,7 +Flight Instrument Malfunctions,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 409 of December 26, 1994] ",7 +"in paragraph (1), for “regulation 21 (Treasury licences: written notice)” substitute ",3 +maintenance,9 +Anti-Icing/Deicing,7 +Normal Operation ,7 +"For example, while on final approach several deer cross the runway. Bill capitalizes on this teachable moment to stress the ",9 +Auftragsvergabe geschlossen,9 +Bei jedem Gericht wird eine Geschäftsstelle eingerichtet. Sie wird mit der erforderlichen Anzahl von,9 +Reattach the bottom of the pilot chute to the spring ,3 +"technologischer sowie gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen, insbesondere digitaler Technologien,",3 +Cornice Brake,7 +Schedule; and ,3 +"paragraph) for the business year, and keep them in its office for five years. ",3 +Section 5. Pilot/Controller Roles and Responsibilities,7 +Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Operation,7 +the entity denomination ,3 +"no highly stressed, rotating members in the ",9 +machines. The Singer 31-15 and Mitsubishi DB-130 are two ,9 +and at equilibrium a change in the lift coefficient must be ,9 +The airplane which exhibirs large ,9 +"INSTALLATION OF AR2 POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY, MAIN ",7 +period for launching an action for annulment.,9 +interested party may make the following requests at any time during the ,3 +Annex 6. Financial offer form,7 +Power to execute street works ,3 +Records and Documents ,7 +vests (when not inflated) provides maximum,9 +Weighing the Aircraft and Determining the ,7 +"(except life, marine, inland, and fire insurance), and on all bonds,",3 +§ 1 Gegenstand,7 +"cable assembly IAW this technical manual, WP 0047 00 and TM 10-1670-305-23&P, WP 0019 00. If ",3 +jurisdiction of the city for police purposes only shall extend over the barrios of San,9 +Right Main Riser ,6 +may carry out on-site inspection or questioning of the head office or principal ,3 +"This publication, while not regulatory, pro-",9 +Terminal Procedures Publications,7 +equivalent delegates of foreign countries dispatched to Japan and staff of ,3 +in the axle. The means of keeping contamination out of the ,9 +"par quelque moyen (mécanique, numérique ou autre) et sous ",3 +Communication/Broadcast Procedures ,7 +tenders electronically. The e-Tendering is the starting point for launching the e-Submission ,9 +PACKING METHOD: ,7 +the carburetor functions as a unit. The fact that one system ,9 +"“force trim” switch on the cyclic, which sets the desired ",3 +passage of two successive crests at the same spot in,9 +Typical forces in climbing flight.,0 +§ 3 Zielsetzung der Berufsausbildung,7 +: costs shall be based on ,9 +"Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, Friedrichstr. 71, 10117 Berlin ",9 +"prescribed in Article 17, paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign ",3 +WORKS PROVISIONS ,7 +Supporting Publications 2011:215. [438 pp.]. Available online: www.efsa.europa.eu,1 +I.4. PREIS ,7 +Cable Tension,7 +"necessitano interventi, presso i laboratori del sito JRC di Ispra. Inoltre dovrà essere ",3 +this paragraph shall not be available for costs that are reimbursed ,9 +"c:::., .... ",6 +"avoid obstacles in the departure path. In these situations, ",9 +'s contact point for the contract's administrative or ,9 +"If indicated in the request for services, the contractor shall send the invitations by email, ",3 +conducting inspections on light sport aircraft. There are two ,9 +Risk Management (RM) ,7 +ACTUAL (Z),6 +horizontal tail surface pivots and is moved as a unit.,9 +Fixed shaft turboprop engine.,0 +aircraft use thrust vectoring as takeoff thrust and then change ,9 +tapes and attachment loops for suspension line attachment. ,3 +fingers of the brake are adjusted so the folded-up sides ride ,9 +(iv) the construction of piles and pile caps supporting the piers; and ,3 +контактов с больными инфекционными заболеваниями!?. Указанные сведения,9 +"may be empowered by law to do so in the interests of defence, public safety, public ",3 +may sometimes be difficult because the storm clouds are ,9 +"If shutdown on a helideck, request the",9 +Other Cockpit Information System Features ...............5‑17,8 +"stagnant hypoxia, and histotoxic hypoxia.",9 +THEORY OF OPERATION ,7 +PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal ,7 +Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems ,7 +Empfehlungen an den sommerlichen Wärmeschutz/baulichen Sonnenschutz,7 +Figure 3-19.,0 +"The tendency of a mass at rest to remain at rest or, ",9 +Distribution Chamber for Primary Clarifiers,7 +Cahier des charges ,4 +"unless otherwise specified in the Special Conditions, the ",3 +How high you need to be to glide there,3 +"authorizations and rights to use, reproduce and share the publications provided ",3 +The insurance will be arranged via a framework contract with an insurance company through ,3 +i.e. is not registered in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce as a provider of (temporary) workers; ,3 +of gas turbine com- ,9 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +Other communication activities ,7 +Landing Gear,6 +"practices; however, this effort is worth spending since typically the cost of any of the risks ",9 +"PUBLIC LAW 116–22—JUNE 24, 2019 ",5 +to 400 feet above airport elevation before turning; and climbs ,9 +receiver.,9 +"minus subscript, is used to ",9 +Parachute rigger. ,9 +These Regulations amend the Personal Injuries (NHS Charges) (Amounts) Regulations 2015 (S.I. ,9 +technischen Einrichtungen zur Mautgebührenerhebung ordnungsgemäß zu benutzen und die für die,9 +minimizes interference from static electricity charges.,9 +"relativo verbale di sopralluogo congiunto.. Come indicato nel contratto, i costi della ",3 +Skin friction drag. ,9 +ing instrument.,9 +"tube pulls air through the instruments, spins the gyros, and ",9 +location and proper use of available PFDs prior to,9 +"2002, other than solely by virtue of regulation 39(2) of those Regulations, ",3 +ARTICLE 9: PLACE OF PERFORMANCE,7 +Personalgewinnungszuschlag,3 +§ 11 Untersuchungsbefugnisse,7 +This is not true ,9 +level should not be understated. Precise mastery of straight-,9 +Obtaining Assistance from the FAA ,7 +and the amount which it is expected to expend during the ensuing,9 +Recency of Experience,7 +"deren Vermarktung; Erfassen und Bewerten des Betriebserfolgs; Betriebsvergleich,",3 +"In a two-seat WSC aircraft, the second seat is typically behind ",9 +sources are ,9 +related to fuel flow and thus to the power produced. It must ,9 +Risk Management ,7 +Risk Management ,7 + some RNAV equipment was designed without the fly-over ,9 +REAUTHORIZING THE NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ,9 +法第三十条の四第八項に規定する区域の設定に関する基準は、次の,3 +weeks prior to the scheduled date of the suspension or discontinuance: ,3 + the various ports of entry under the conditions,9 +"manufacture, or use of goods listed in row 1, (v), (vi), and (x) to (xii) of ",3 +", the contracting authority may accept ",9 +Authorized repairmen: FAA Master Parachute Rigger ,3 +provide a comprehensive monitoring and reporting methodology to cover all activities ,3 +しくは合併があつたときは、当該助産所を譲り受けた者又は相続人若しくは合併後存,3 +Only No. 6 Stainless Steel Connector Links Are Authorized. ,9 +Houghton Lane ,8 +[Figure 14-38],9 +BOTTOM SKIN,7 +"Valves, regulators, and switches in the cockpit are used to ",9 +"borne release of external stores; e.g., tiptanks,",9 +Ground Support Equipment ,7 + Ground Effect,7 +"Please provide all unit prices in the table below (fill in grey cells), and print/upload BOTH SHEETS (Financial tender and ",7 +"rise freely (the level of free convection). For example, an air ",9 +Preparation of Ground ,7 +NAVWEPS 00-30T-30 ,5 +An=change in load factor due to gust ,9 +"name and domicile or residence of a reporter (for a corporation, its name, ",3 +relatively clean air,6 +Contracting Authority,1 +Contractor’s national partner to negotiate technical equipment with in-house service or external ,3 +"is assembled, the wing is rolled over so the control frame is ",9 +INHALTSVERZEICHNIS ,7 +Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61 requires the satisfactory ,9 +"of the contract. This does not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of any other ",9 +in the EU with the organization or support to different types of exercises from large-scale involving in ,9 +"as AVGAS. The engine features dual CDI spark ignition, ",9 +Article 36.1 of the General Conditions. ,9 +Stages of Skill Acquisition ,7 +Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate ,9 +wear pin indicators on different aircraft are read correctly. ,9 +"/16"" thick, with yellow tracer thread ",6 +Belt Sander,7 +"Participating in safety assessments and SCT-directed safety analyses, as requested;",3 +E-invoicing and ,3 +JRC Executive Secretariat ,3 +Documentation: ,3 +Tender Specifications (LOT 2) ,3 +Public communication expertise ,3 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 +Areas where ,9 +"Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, Gebäude 811 ",9 +条第一項第二号の承認の申請については第四条第二項及び第三項の規定を準用する。,3 +"indicator (such as in partial panel flight), the ASI tape, the ",9 +File this sheet in front of the manual for reference. ,3 +"engine, required by the Code of Federal Regulations, to be ",9 +Figure 4-108. ,0 +des § 1 Absatz 1 und 2 oder,3 +"released by the Contracting Authority in accordance with Article 30.5 or Article 30.6, as appropriate. ",3 +Transitional provision ,7 +collects as ice on the low pressure side. Throttle ice tends ,9 +"these sources depend on the type and quantity of the fuel used, operating times, and the existence ",9 +"repair, it is essential to cure these materials within the ",9 +omit paragraph (2); ,3 +a certain amount of energy of ,9 +(四)拒报或者谎报船舶载运污染危害性货物申报事项的。 ,3 +"первый - четвертый), 2.2.2 (абзацы первый и четвертый), 2.2.3 (абзацы первый и",9 +for many local ,9 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +Points for profile “Junior expert”,9 +in line with the document management ,3 +Any court or other adjudicating authority prescribed by law for the determination of the ,9 +the air were .conducted by Eiffel. ,9 +Spring-Back,7 +Verbindungsart ,9 +One other check is accomplished prior to engine shutdown.,9 +NSN: 1670-01-306-2100 ,7 +CAN PROCEED SHORTLY,6 +MainGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +PIA-W-4088,6 +"do, in what order to do it, and what procedure to use in teaching the material of a lesson. Lesson plans should be prepared for each ",9 +", whatever its form or nature, ",9 + are presented to the ,3 +require- ,9 +"volume than on a cold day, and consequently the pressure ",9 +Criteria related to tenderers ,7 +Fire EXT APU,6 +Obtaining Weather Information,7 +identifying needs for further monitoring data in this area. This will need to be considered ,3 +〔平成二十四年四月六日政令第百十六号〕,7 +The table below is automatically filled in from the first sheet. It is not editable.,9 +set it to the correct value.,9 +In the Annex— ,3 +ate destruction of the powerplant. ,9 +ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 1,7 +Electrical Equipment Installation,7 +Vacuum Systems,7 +133 STAT. 973 ,5 +north. Used as the basis for navigation in the National ,9 +Protective works to buildings ,7 +検査を行つた特定製品の数量,3 +"and Industry No. 39 of March 27, 1997] [Extract] ",7 +The operator must file the appropriate equipment,9 +the supply of the services is connected with a supply of goods or services; and ,3 +[Figure 11-15],9 +and maintain operation.,9 +invalid. ,9 +Rigging the helicopter coordinates the movements of the ,9 +The radios and electronic equipment for improper ,3 +canopy or pack.,9 +"perform this,",9 +"медицинской документации, используемых в медицинских организациях, оказывающих медицинскую помощь в",1 +requester. A renewal notice will also be,3 +fuel must be discharged at low pressure leads to incomplete ,9 +normal. The typical modern automobile may ,9 +"buzzing houses, some people may think the pilot is having ",9 +Article II.18.1(c),9 +a laboratory which is accredited by UKAS to ISO standard 15189 or ISO/IEC standard ,3 +not fit one of the four lift types discussed probably exist. ,9 +The miniature aircraft should be placed in the proper position ,9 +"At the contracting authority’s reasoned request, the contractor must replace any member ",3 +Wing front span,6 +TRAFFIC PATTERN INDICATORS—Ground ,3 +in the flight deck that is connected through a mechanical ,9 +の患者をいう。以下同じ。)に対し請求する金額が、社会保険診療報酬と同一の,3 +............................................. ,8 +Check Valves,7 +Small Multiengine (Reciprocating) Aircraft Fuel ,7 +das Saatgut auf Grund des sich aus dem Begleitschein ergebenden Bestandes zweifelsfrei diesem,3 +"Judicial Power, Embracing Courts of Superior Jurisdiction, Justices of the Peace,",7 +Defective spark plugs,3 +"the runway); 2) close to the runway threshold, the",9 +Satzung der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht,7 +"momentum,",9 +The aircraft is not registered in the U.S.; or,9 +Operable ADS,9 +Droits exclusifs ,7 +demnächst im amtlichen Teil des Bundesanzeigers veröffentlicht.,9 +Same material and thickness,6 +ACCOUNT HOLDER'S DATA,7 +analysis and implementation step. ,3 +条第一項第二号の承認の申請については第四条第二項及び第三項の規定を準用する。,3 +Personnel Required ,7 +"in the project area. For example, information on ",3 +General electrical requirements ,7 +shaft. [Figure 1-6],9 +1.b) 2. Zwischenzahlung – Nach endgültiger Montage und Umschluß der ,7 +LNAV minimums [Figure 4-17] than vertically-guided ,9 +"sate for this decreased vertical lift, the angle of attack of",9 +Российской,9 +landing gear struts. Shock load transfer to the airframe is direct ,9 +can be safely experienced under professional supervision at the ,9 +horizontal component of lift ,9 +Schedule of Payments ,7 +Selection criteria ,7 +"Article 4 (1) The provisions of Article 48, paragraph (1) of the Act do not apply in ",3 +"fraction of a second, the aircraft must be slowed from this ",9 +radiation generators; ,3 +and contractors of lots 1 and 3 is essential to maximise the promotion of EU-OSHA partners’ activities ,9 +Flight Standards Service,9 +"Errata as of September 11, 2013 ",7 +correction angle on the upwind side of the circle ,3 +within 12 weeks of completion of a licensed activity in Lake Lothing which involves ,3 +’;’ .is the dynamic pressure per unit of area or the velocity head of ,9 +Resin Injection Repairs,7 +Figure 4-28. ,0 +] delivered as part of the Framework contract ,7 +amount which can be paid to the Service Provider under the Contract shall not exceed EUR [,3 +Selection phase ,7 +Conversions,7 +enough to require special consideration to ensure safety of ,9 +enough to provide the proper oil film at engine operating ,9 +Verify safety wiring of gearbox drain and level plugs.,3 +Tender Specifications ,7 +"communiquer votre nom et l'adresse du bureau (bâtiment, niveau, couloir, numéro du ",3 +"pproved by the Secretary of Finance and Justice, in his",9 +" durchführt, einen d",9 +consideration of the operating strength limits. ,9 +simply translate and interpret weather reports and forecasts ,9 +"unverzüglich nach Eingang des Antrags auf Erteilung einer Fahrlehrerlaubnis, die zur Niederlassung im Inland",9 +проводятся,9 +expressly authorized by law.,9 +"“the proper officer”, in relation to any purpose and any council, means the officer appointed ",9 +"=> 15.000 €: une offre valable doit être présentée, ceci n'excluant pas la ",3 +computers,9 +north of the peak of the warm sector. ,9 +and compliance with data ,3 +"witnesses in his own behalf, and to cross-examine the opposing witnesses.",9 +II.5.2 Date of communications by mail and email ,7 +snug fit. The shoulder harness must be worn at least ,9 +"sufficiently to the left to offset this drift. In other words, if ",9 +II.1. DEFINITIONS ,7 +value is added to the true course. A ground,9 +Article 2 – DURATION AND TERMINATION ,7 +Children’s homes: deprivation of liberty ,7 +"nuclear weapons, CW agents or military bacterial agents or devices for ",3 +"mentioned, results primarily from the transfer of contact ",9 +bei Fahrzeugen mit Versicherungskennzeichen oder Versicherungsplakette und,3 +Crosswind Considerations During Takeoffs,7 +is matched to the type of brake system. Brakes are bled by ,9 +Stellenplan im besonderen Maße die Grundsätze der Wirtschaftlichkeit und Sparsamkeit. Die Erforderlichkeit der im,9 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +Safety Requirements Planned for Implementation ,3 +System (EDES) if the tenderer is in one of the situations mentioned in Article 136 FR,9 +"holds the speed of the generator, and the frequency of the ",9 +"dedicated staff to assist with last-minute changes, adapt to ad hoc requests; ",3 +FMD in Botswana. ,9 +List of Appendices ,7 +Удельная стоимость предельного пассажирооборота в одном направлении,9 +厚生労働大臣は、法第三十条の三の二の規定により、法第三十,3 +of more than 25 NM from the centerline of an aircraft’s ,9 +"At low speeds and in light winds, make turns using the",9 +Air is one of the poorest conductors of heat in comparison ,9 +エックス線装置等の防護,7 +〔平成十四年十二月六日政令第三百六十三号〕〔抄〕,7 +"cyclic movements cause an increase in rotor r.p.m.,",9 +"8.2.2005, S. 1, L 50 vom 23.2.2008, S. 71), die zuletzt durch die Verordnung (EU) 2015/1905 (ABl. L 278",3 +Reinforcement plate,6 +Chain of Ownership,7 +Flying Experience,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 500 of December 26, 1952] ",7 +Lycoming 0-233 Series Light-Sport Aircraft Engine,7 +" Erasing data, including destruction and deletion ",3 +II.24 POLITIQUE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ,7 +provide published and online reference material to further ,9 +赠与人故意不告知瑕疵或者保证无瑕疵,造成受赠人损失的,应当承担损害赔,9 +EU-OSHA’s national partner and Contractor’s national partner to agree in first meeting if ,3 +Temperature (capacity and voltage levels decrease ,3 +Registration in the Participant Register ,7 +constituting a ,9 +CGGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +must be conducted under the provisions of a waiver. Should ,9 +"termination, provision at no cost to the contracting authority of the blueprints, ",3 +Achieve Goals,7 +находящимся,9 +Axis-of-Rotation—The imaginary,9 +項を記載することを要しない。,3 +Please print/upload,7 +tender specifications. ,3 +COMPONENT ,6 +"information of a public character, or devoted to literature, the",3 +"The data source provides as a service, events that signal when the data has been ",9 + subject in other respects to the same regulations and,9 +床数」という。)は、次の各号に定める区分ごとに当該各号に定める数とする。,3 +Radio Navigation,7 +provisions of Article 10 of the Act on Consolidation and Streamlining of ,9 +vorzusehen sowie ein Zugangskontrollsystem mit Dokumentationseinrichtung. Die Entnahme und,3 +Fachrichtung,7 +rectional stability. ,9 +The contractor (or leader in the case ,9 +Left hand side rolled up and secured with wing tie. ,0 +Importance of Flight Plan Equipment Suffixes.,9 +"13 форма № 079/у «Медицинская справка о состоянии здоровья ребенка, отъезжающего в организацию отдыха детей и их",1 +Idle Mixture,7 +The dolly and packing if any shall be in sound condition. ,3 +"Class E airspace. As a general rule, if all extensions",9 +also apply to co-financing provided by Turkey and natural and/or legal persons that receive ,3 +control environment and lack of strategic alignment between ,9 +possible statutory obligations applying to the coverage are complied with. ,9 +Metal Versus Plastic Fuel Containers ,7 +wider and longer than inside measurements of prepared hole. ,3 +Theoretischer Unterricht,3 +"$^{4}$ If this application is submitted by a consortium, the data",1 +Training Location ,7 +Anticipated direction of flight,3 +including full engine oil. Some helicopters might use,9 +書又は収支予算書の変更の認可を受けようとするときは、あらかじめ、変更の内容及,3 +yielding the desired flightpath or may couple the ,3 +"by a low frequency vibration, pitching up of the nose, and ",9 +Strainers,6 +CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVICES PROGRAMS ,7 +manufacturer’s recommended emergency procedures take ,9 +Section 5. Pilot/Controller Roles and Responsibilities,7 +Ground Reconnaissance,7 +correcting,9 +Risk: Taking Off Without Entering a Flight Plan,7 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 6),7 +Press kits prepared with all relevant press information for dissemination just before the online ,7 +TO SPECIFIC PROBLEMS OF FLYING ,7 +damaged section to table with pushup pins. Do not pin damaged area of section. ,3 +direction ,9 +before the date of their request by the contracting authority and must still be valid at that date.,9 +these machines come in manual or powered versions. ,9 +Amendments to the 2012 Regulations ,7 +allow them to do it. ,9 +toute modification de la situation déclarée. ,7 +Confidentiality of tenders: what information and under what conditions can be ,7 +Variation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +II.13.9. Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +Fahrerassistenzsysteme.,8 +E-mail: [complete] ,6 + An aircraft engine which consists of an ,9 +MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ,7 +Section 5.1 ,7 +Social Media Communication Plan ,7 +"Transmitter and Receiver Inoperative, 4",9 +"is not available, and include the fee. The fee for a ",9 +"EARTH WORKS, PIPE WORKS AND GROUND IMPROVEMENT",7 +"Then, rotate the azimuth dial to the course selector until the ",9 +desirable:,9 +Propeller. ,9 +supplementari,9 +Runway Location Sign,0 +centerline,6 +by a pilot with a Sport Pilot certificate.,3 +operate with faster aircraft. Both aircraft are going around ,9 +—(1) The Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008(,9 +"Ensure control lines run free through proper slider grommets, and then through proper control line ",3 +the affected facility shall designate an SRM document approver.,3 +"to the extent that the contractor may invoke moral rights, the right for the contracting ",3 +7e) are authorized to transit U.S.,9 +sequencing purposes.,9 +correction to Minimum Vectoring Altitudes (MVA). Pilots ,9 +measures to mitigate its possible adverse effects. ,3 +"Tow plane ready—prior to takeoff, carefully look at ",3 +FAA Order 5050.4 and,3 +shell or free electrons may exist ,9 +interception. The autopilot shown in ,9 +bleed open (percent N$_{1}$),3 +ALTIMETER ,6 +have continuous access. ,3 +PROCÉDURE D’EVACUATION ,7 +TIS will initially be provided by the terminal,9 +required by the contracting authority at the time of submission as set out in the procurement ,9 +oxygen system is typically aluminum. Flexible plastic hosing ,9 +Check propeller shaft bearing for clearance by ,3 +PM emissions from airport cooling towers ,9 +is also referred to as wake turbulence. Vortices from heavy ,9 +Concerning [,7 +Rough engine operation,3 +Lärmminderung angeordnet werden sollen.,9 +Center of pressure,6 +The FAASTeam has replaced the Aviation Safety Program ,9 +and safety alerts to pilots believed to be within an unsafe ,9 +ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ,7 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +Beurteilung der Eignung,7 +"Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data ",1 +. If the contractor is unable to fulfil ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 358 of December 2, 2005] ",7 +"tively w&m fuel then flown to high altitude, ",9 +"is rich or lean. If the throttle is suddenly opened wide, the ",9 +driver’s license or a current third-class medical certifi cate ,9 +"fers from fixation in that you are using other instruments,",9 +engine operates with airflows greatly in excess ,9 +SRM Panel Deliberations ,7 +Council and West Northamptonshire Council (as the case may be) until the end of the ,9 +Tracking With VOR ,7 +tests as required.,9 +Business application (maximum two representatives per tender). For organisational and ,9 +staff absenteeism). ,3 +RECOMMENDATIONS,7 +performance numbers. Compute the performance of the ,9 +The DECIDE Model ,7 +To generator,6 +boundaries. TAAs are primarily used on RNAV,9 +abrupt changes in governed fuel flow are ,9 +Isolating the orange square from surrounding influences ,9 +"the case may be, the amount which apart from this sub-paragraph would be payable to SGN by ",9 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +"Amendment of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations ",7 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Sport Piggyback System,7 +"Qualitätssicherungssystem, soweit der Berater nicht bereits in ein anderes, vergleichbares",3 +Mark out the damaged area as you would a standard ,3 +Stall Speed Performance Charts ,7 +"requirements according to the timeline in Table 1, where applicable. ",9 +in the tender specifications and; ,3 +"entities, regardless of the legal nature of the links it has with them. It must in that case prove ",9 +circulating,9 +Anwendersoftware,8 +Purchase Order. Acceptance ,3 +Pratt & Whitney 150 turboprop engine. ,0 +wenn die Landabfindungen aller Teilnehmer unanfechtbar feststehen. Die Frist für eine gerichtliche,3 +"attempted above this speed, structural damage or structural ",9 +blade pitch position. If the propeller blades cannot be properly ,9 +airport charts and instrument approach charts with other ,9 +その管理する病院について、他の病院又は診療所に紹介した患者の数を初診の,3 +Not inconveniencing his relatives waiting on the ,3 +(weggefallen),7 +transmitter,9 +"heaters, ",9 +и высшего образования Российской Федерации от 7 августа 2020 г. № 920,9 +discharge is greater when smaller diameter wire is used than ,9 +Conveyance of Municipal Property to Other Branches of,9 +II.20.1. Zahlungsdatum ,7 +contract. ,9 +and recommend to him or her whether the member ought to be removed under ,3 +〔昭和三十五年四月二十五日政令第百八号〕,7 +Phase Reversal: ,9 +attitude by reference to the natural horizon.,9 +Airborne Equipment and Ground Facilities,7 +"event is taking place, and ",3 +151 24 Maroussi | Attiki | Greece ,5 +techniques because improper repair techniques can pose an ,9 +Folding a Box,7 +"of Article 1, paragraph (2), and Article 2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Export ",3 +"encouraged, to the extent possible, to operate at",9 +The increase in compressor power required ,9 +(vi) The treatment method of polluted water to be discharged ,3 +domain after that date ,3 +good flying technique for all ordinary flying ,9 +high-pitch and feather positions. The counterweights,6 +"Failure to establish a constant, level altitude prior to ",3 +in the cabin much more than with other rotor head designs.,9 +still in operation. They are mostly carbureted and share many ,9 +the air pressure inside the cabin and the air pressure ,3 +The members of the shadow authority for North Northamptonshire are the persons ,9 +économiques,6 +"DRAFT CONTRACT AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS, ",7 +"Teilsysteme zu montieren, zu demontieren und zu verbinden,",3 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +a year in each environment. ,3 +containers.,9 +NAVWEPS 00-BOT-BO ,7 +"However, changes in airspeed will necessitate ",9 +"exceptional cases, the contract could be signed before the receipt of those documents. In such case, ",9 +北朝鮮を仕向地とする貨物については、この限りでない」と、別表第二の二中「第二,3 +"to a third party, the contractor shall pass on the obligations referred to in Articles I.9.2 and II.9.2 ",9 +- This section provides information pertaining to regulatory conditions ,3 +"and subscribe an oath, in such form as shall be prescribed in the civil-service rules,",9 +Square Canopy—Rib Repair,7 +"prior to decelerating below effective translational lift (ETL), ",9 +übermittelt ,9 +) (counter-notice requiring purchase of land not in notice to treat)— ,9 +"Council, as amended.",4 +treated as if it also had been agreed or had been so determined. ,3 +§ 227 Abs. 3 Satz 1 der Zivilprozeßordnung ist nicht anzuwenden.,9 +area with a minimum airspeed for directional control. The ,9 +services for the,9 +"Unless specified otherwise in the Special Conditions and/or Tender Specifications, any results and/or ",3 +Expansion Joints ,7 +Kaufmännische Betriebsführung:,3 +Registered address: ,6 +mittent disaster response within such system. The Sec-,9 +"possibility of static electricity igniting fuel fumes, a ground ",9 +Common-Base Amplifier ,7 +"nicht zu befolgen, sofern es keine gesellschaftsrechtlichen Möglichkeiten gibt, die Personen abzuberufen, die",9 +controlled by ATC if the controller is aware the,9 +The Service Provider undertakes,3 +to their location. For instance:,9 +and alternate airports. ,3 +Procedure Turns,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 346 of November 7, 2016] ",7 +[Figures 5-115 ,9 +"1247/2002/EC, ",1 +Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Act revised by the Revised Act ,3 +The 5Ps are applied to various modes prior to and during the flight.,0 +"contractor fail to provide a new guarantee, the contracting authority may terminate the ",3 + A form of reciprocating ,9 +"strong, the boundary layer may not have ",9 +Ignition Harness,7 +Surface water drainage ,7 +Evaluation phase (after the opening of tenders) ,7 +If it is impossible to,3 +Cultivation of Ground ,7 +条において「支援団体」という。)は、法第六条の十一第三項の規定による支援(以,3 +Takeoffs and landings should not be attempted under,9 +authority and the contractor during the ,3 +the scheme for the recovery of NHS charges in cases where an injured person who receives a ,9 +Allgemeines,7 +Boots are inflated symmetrically on each side of the fuselage ,9 +Figure 14-69.,0 +Table L.1: Data Availability 1 for Software Planning Review,0 +Precautionary checks to be performed by the crew ,3 +"options in the event of an emergency, but also makes",9 +and outward from the aft fuselage in a “V” configuration. ,9 +regulation. Regulation of any kind requires the regulation ,9 +one would normally choose for the same thickness in a steel ,9 +is not strong enough to cause spearation or ,9 +Investigations into Quality of Philippine Sugars and,9 +SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +vided further,9 +"concernant la définition de micro, petite et moyenne entreprises: ",6 +It is easier to see obstacles on lakes and rivers that are,9 +with tank capacities.,9 +for onsite activities) ,7 +and respective estimated person-days per profile for each task.,3 +"systems are intense and intersect each others, and technical channels shall be installed for the remaining units. ",9 +"The gerotor pump, like the gear pump, usually contains ",9 +Press work: copywriting in national language of a press ,7 +"or discontinue whole or part of its accident analysis business, notify the ",3 +Magnetic Compass Overview,8 +upon direct or indirect experience and education. The ,9 +"Hand sewing and tacking (comfort pads, connector links, cones, reserve cable housing, eyelets)",3 +align the nose for touchdown. The decision to land or go ,9 +"nications staff, and individuals with other areas of expertise, as ",9 +Incorporation of the St. Ives Harbour Act and Orders ,3 +Reciprocating Engine Exhaust Systems,7 +a= wing angle of attack ,9 +Généralités ,7 +Reattach the MLW to the backpad as needed.,3 +"Kundenberatung, Lernziel f,",3 +SK-1-5953 ,9 +[Figure 12-11],9 +"Up until February 14, 1985, the term ""all regions"" in the provisions of row ",3 +the collar seated with the proper torque without additional ,9 +from the system.,3 +journalists and experts ,7 +Differential Voltage,7 +"Citation, commencement, extent and application ",7 +ticket No. 24/4 cotton thread. ,3 +Photographer ,7 +"FIGURE 4-1. SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF WAIVER J550, BANNER TOWING ",7 +SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION PLAN ,7 +The function of the throttle is to regulate engine rpm. If ,9 +"accordance with any directions or award of an arbitrator, does not relieve the Authority from any ",9 +that is either lying flat on the ground or packed into ,9 +Using Proper Radio Procedures ,7 +. — Under the supervision of the Director of,9 +of blood from a blood donation. While the volume of blood ,9 +"property is situated, it shall be competent for the Governor-General to execute to",9 +roll must be raised or lowered before inserting the sheet of ,9 +the rug and carpet formula in the blue can. After the rig is ,9 +A_SRMGSA_202003,4 +Distress and Urgency,7 +"Vice-President or a Minister, if he or she ceases to be the Vice",3 +"Die Regelung gemäß Absatz 1 gilt sinngemäß für Schüler, Studenten und Auszubildende evangelischen,",9 +Budget Line: ,7 +"""online +"" activities) ",3 +paiement et le montant calculé correspondant. ,9 +"around? Subtracting 200 from 305 and adding 20, ",3 +UZ will be the Promoter and the main recipient. The Promoter will assign a Project Manager who will ,9 +Event/conference assistant (half/full day) ,7 +during the day and often times higher. ,9 +に特別に支出する費用に係る支出に充てるために保有する資金,3 +through the ,6 +"the estimated mass of all structural material, whichever is the less. ",3 +the Damage Requiring Core Replacement and Repair to One ,9 +same model of helicopter because of differences in,9 +—(1) A ship that does not meet the requirements of regulation 4 is liable to be detained until it ,9 +Associative Stage ,7 +(§ 3 Absatz 2 Abschnitt A,8 +Возможность проведения занятий физической культурой и спортом на,9 +be in square brackets in the text. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vancouver_system,9 +Nachprüfung behaupteter Verstöße,7 +Section 3. Airport Marking Aids and Signs,7 +ciated with the vertical and horizontal velocity ,9 +Implementation of the FWC,3 +chest straps. The standard harness configuration is equipped ,9 +I.1.4. Costs of transfer ,7 +"the start of the takeoff roll, the thrust levers smoothly advanced ",9 +Turnbuckles,7 + Roll Stability Summary,7 +‘Fraud’: ,9 +EU-OSHA’s national partner and Contractor’s national partner to agree in first meeting on ,3 +process addresses all aspects of decision-making and identifies the steps involved in good decision-,9 +Spiral Instability ,7 +Neugefasst durch Bek. v. 26.8.1985 I 1756;,3 +"maintaining the frequency of specified clinical trials, and endeavoring to ",3 +"knob, the pilot is able to scroll through all 25 nearest airports. ",9 +Variation of the Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +§ 7 Teil 1 der Abschlussprüfung,7 +orient you during an ILS approach if there is a locator ,3 +[Figure 7-1] ,9 +that allows the pilot to capture and track any VOR radial or ,9 +Specific provisions related to the supply of goods ,7 +INFORMATION ,7 +Anlage 2 (zu § 3),7 +Contractor’s tender,7 +"determined, the pilot should then proceed to a point clear of ",9 +Summe Pos. 8.13 (Liefern + Montieren) ,7 +critical Mach number the shock wave formed ,9 +anchor dragging. A permanent mooring installation,9 +"documents included in the tender, to be signed by the tenderer or the group leader in ",3 +Chemical Rain Repellant,7 +"broadcasts, and estimated times of arrival are all based on ",9 +"pilots are familiar with traffic patterns, radio procedures, and radio phraseology. ",9 +Orders and Notices,1 +Typical wooden wing spar cross-sections. ,0 +accumulation pension savings contract prescribed in paragraph (2) of the ,3 +pulling the crossbar back into position. This may require ,9 +The duty of the crown line crewmember is to hold the end of ,9 +Lift/Drag Devices,7 +instructions. ,9 +"because enough side force can lead to capsizing. Also,",9 +§ 21 Vorschläge für die Besetzung der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +I.5.2. Interim payments ,7 +Contracting Authority,9 +besonderes,9 +paragraph (5) or (7); and ,3 +Safety Oversight Standards,9 +EVALUATION AND AWARD ,7 +Traffic Information Service (TIS),0 +Abschnitt 4,7 +Governor/Correlator ,7 +This restriction does not apply to RNAV systems,9 +and hence are more objectionable. High-frequency noise ,9 +Understanding Communication on a Common Frequency ,7 +indicate the filter is in the bypass mode. This indication is ,9 +"Direct Communications, Controllers and",7 +below a certain value. When electrical conductors are ,3 +jrc-ptt-procurement@ec.europa.eu. ,9 +"Upon approval, an LSA manufacturer is permitted to sell ",9 +Lockbolt Removal,7 +"configuration, ",3 +L'élévateur est utilisé conformément aux instructions et directives telles que figurant ,3 +"residual risk. If not, the resultant risk rating may be as high as the initial risk rating determined ",9 +"Than One Pilot Flight Crewmember, and 14 CFR",9 +Until one month has elapsed from the day of enforcement of this Ministerial ,3 +"mayor from the city or his disability for any reason, discharge the duties of his",9 +Not inconveniencing his relatives waiting on the ,3 +The QTY (quantity per figure column) indicates the quantity of the item used in the ,9 +means of navigation that is based upon the use of,9 + is required to notify the travel plans to the Europol contract manager named in the ,3 +"normal rotation, the magneto can be installed on the engine. ",9 +"control inputs in more than one axis at a time at any speed, even below V$_{a}$.” ",3 +"организации отдыха и досуга детей. Продолжительность смен в осенние, зимние",9 +Hi-Tigue$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +"incursion, land and hold short operations, controlled flight into terrain, and human factors issues also are included. ",9 +Tenders will be opened in public at the time and place indicated under Heading IV.2.7 of the contract notice. A ,9 +"district auditor may, with the prior approval of the Insular Auditor, himself make",9 +Principle of Operation,7 +various members of the helicopter community to improve ,9 +Propeller Gearbox,7 +Initial TEMP ,7 +"by constructing a wind triangle, which is explained later in ",9 +Pilots System (TWIP).,7 +"of this Act, the agencies receiving funds appropriated by this title ",9 +companies as a rescue device. These devices use the 406 ,9 +flight and engine controls for proper operation.,3 +special circuits where a substance with high conductivity is ,9 +http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/informatics/supplier_portal/doc/um_supplier_portal_overview.pdf,9 +press forming. ,9 +engineer by general laws.,9 +"altimeter indicates a loss of altitude, the pitch attitude must ",9 +"the outlet of the selector valve, fuel flows to the strainer. On ",9 +used by ATC or FSS for transmitting instructions/in-,9 +pour les matériels non retenus par le Secrétariat au stock de réserve ou ceux pour ,9 +Operating procedures ,7 +Implementation of the framework contract ,7 +already made and the conditi,9 +assessment will be carried out.,9 +Chart Limits,7 +each page to be initialled separately. ,9 +"Si ricorda che, qualora vi fosse la necessità di sv",9 +than as an indicator of landing direction. At airports with ,9 +"in der Luft befindlichen Funkstellen, 50,2 – 50,4 GHz, 52,6 – 54,25 GHz, 86 – 92 GHz, 100 – 102 GHz,",3 +the aircraft much more maneuverable in flight. ,9 +Gemäß § 1 Satz 3 der Verordnung ist für die Festbetragsgruppe nach § 35a Abs. 3 Satz 1 Nr. 2 SGB V folgende,9 +"To prevent freezing damage, maintain each cell’s specific ",9 +(ii) the object of claim and facts needed to specify the claim. ,3 +I.4.2. Price revision index ,7 +pilots can monitor hazardous inflight weather advisory ,9 +User Manual.),3 +"obstacles, especially powerlines and traffic, and not rely ",9 +"nership where each individual is a U.S. citizen, or",3 +Crew can confirm the quality of a landing site. From ,3 +3.3_SMSM_201509,4 +Bureaus and Offices Pertaining to Department of Interior,7 +development tasks ,3 +В организациях дополнительного образования и физкультурно-,9 +goal. The GPS-enabled flight computer aids in navigation ,9 +with heading corrections no greater than 2°.,9 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +TIMETABLE FOR TENDER PROCEDURE ,7 +a pilot interprets the instrument indications appropriately ,9 +Table 6: Resource Allocation at selected Veterinary Districts,0 +Managing payment based on real costs ,7 +Conventional wisdom indicates three types of approaches ,9 +completely re-,9 +"in the section heading, by striking ‘‘",9 +"expenditures, and balances in all municipal accounts.",9 +Date and time of report—depicted in a six-digit group (161753Z). The first two digits are the ,3 +Article I-11 ,7 +"facilities with an operating control tower, this information is ",9 +Amendment of the Customs Tariff (Establishment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 ,7 +SEC. 207. IMPROVING ALL-HAZARDS PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE ,7 +logged outside ,8 +Contractor’s national partner to prepare press kit folders for attending media. Content to be ,3 +and adjustment is a necessity ,9 +Article II-22 ,7 +accumulation pension savings contract prescribed in paragraph (2) of the ,3 +by making quick snap-shots of the flight instruments. ,3 +Preventing this is a small pin in the pitch changing mechanism ,9 +"to wheels; sometimes referred to as the fuselage, cockpit, ",9 +ITUATIONS OF EXCLUSION CONCERNING NATURAL OR LEGAL PERSONS ASSUMING UNLIMITED ,7 +"The ILS and its components are subject to certain errors, ",9 +Regulations 2012(,9 +Hydroplaning,7 +"and row 43 to row 45 of Appended Table 2) to North Korea"" in Article 2, ",3 +COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +t-mentioned case the appointment shall continue only until such,9 +放射性同位元素を経口摂取するおそれのある場所での飲食又は喫煙を禁止するこ,3 +The pilot should monitor the airplane’s performance ,3 +require the vertical member to be either single or double-,9 +Service ceiling. ,9 +The Province of Zambales,9 +decrease ,9 +"oder eine Unterschrift nicht oder nicht rechtzeitig anbringt,",3 +"provided, when conducting a timed approach, or when the ",9 +Radio Communications ,7 +which is currently at EU level the most comprehensive open-access repository of ,3 +Dynamic Rollover,7 +Rotary Machine,7 +matters set forth in items (v) and (vi) that have not been changed. ,3 +Exemptions ,7 +"Entwickeln logistischer Konzepte,",3 +findings/results for objectives 1 and 6 ,8 +Sideward Flight,7 +Since any degree of dark adaptation is lost within a few ,9 +Europol Public Information,7 +Tools and Maintenance Equipment ,7 +instructors can glance at a learner’s eyes to try to determine where they are looking. Learners who appear to look at one instrument ,9 +or permit under the preceding proviso or the activity or project ,9 +"55,000–65,000 feet",6 +CONTROLLED AIRSPACE,7 +"defined in section 319F–2), qualified countermeasures (as ",9 +Electronic Fire Warning Siren Flasher; ,7 +Legal effects of the invitation to tender and submission of a request to ,7 +138. В пункте 3.3 федерального государственного образовательного,9 + pertaining to the preceding year.,9 +capacity in excess of the total load of the circuit they supply. ,9 +jetted to this high ,9 + in full or ,3 +"be turned over by the provincial treasurer or his deputies, within one month of the",9 +would be required for the same engine if distribution were ,9 +folgenden Konten auszunehmen:,9 +the procedure by which the contracting authority may order supplies and/or services from the ,3 +(三)对重要系统和数据库进行容灾备份;,9 +Further information and consultation ,7 +"an assumed name, or upon enlistment therein shall make any willfully and",9 +Rotate smoothly,6 +forth when the wind is gusting. Wind tees and tetrahedrons ,9 +during World War II to power jet-propelled missiles. Fuel ,9 +of the moving pieces can propagate a crack. If a rivet is ,9 +Obtaining Weather Information,7 +The high operating temperatures ,9 +Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System,7 +"Ј№ 61703), дополнить новой",9 +"предпринимателей, осуществляющих деятельность по производству готовых",9 +Some of the above functions will likely be combined into,9 +"be considered in the context of specific airplane, weather ",9 +(iii) the construction of piers supporting the new bridge deck; ,3 +The provisions set out in the FWC take precedence over those in the specific ,3 +compute the landing distance assuming a 10-knot crosswind ,9 +"In case of high or highest access categories, also a security governance model shall be set ",9 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +maximum operation of 24 hours/day. A frequency converter and dry running protection system shall ,9 +Additional information..................................................................................................7 ,8 +completeness and correctness of the declarations and of the information they contain. ,9 +strip to be used to apply pressure to a glued joint in the skin.,9 +Hold Short” ,7 +is travelling between different locations where any activity described in ,3 +INFORMATION ,7 +Adhesive film,6 +"gliderports,",9 +"emphasize academic achievement, cognitive abilities, or physical skills, but the instructor should use clear and specific objectives to ",9 +to the inlet of the pump. The pump picks up air instead of ,9 +Management structure ,7 +data records concerned; ,3 +", sous réserve du respect des droits moraux des auteurs, le cas échéant; ",3 +incorporate the use of hydraulic actuators,9 +possible in the hostile environment of the upper atmosphere. ,9 +Consultation,9 +Great Plains Aircraft Volkswagen (VW),7 +The majority of all airplane flight is ,9 +comprehensive long-term departmental strategic plan. Such a plan could provide ,9 +"frequency noise energy. Instead of radiating into space, the ",9 +Heater and defroster air controls,6 +Sequence for construction ,7 +on pilot request. Pilots will be advised as to what the,9 +Damaged or suspected damaged areas of the tire should be ,9 +shall be considered in making the division as is found in the,3 +When a change in the ,3 +Small Multiengine (Reciprocating) Aircraft Fuel ,7 +make excessive attitude corrections and end up “chasing the ,9 +Safety of excavation and adjacent structures ,7 +"or freezing to the surface. Place tree boughs, wood",9 +〔昭和四十八年四月二十七日政令第百十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +"An approval authority entry briefing, ",3 +shall not be taken into account in calculating any pe,9 +vorgesehen. Jede Kiste muss mit einem gut leserlichen Aufkleber mit folgenden Angaben ,9 +Renewal of the FWC,7 +Preparation of Ground ,7 +Unterabschnitt 2,7 +be changed. ,9 + font l'objet de licences accordées à l'Union dès la livraison des ,9 +"submitting an application for review may, where the Secretary ",9 +Open and Closed Bends,7 +送信するパルス幅が一〇〇ナノ秒以下のレーダー,8 +Mai 1967 (GBl. II Nr. 38 S. 237) in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 31. Mai 1979 (GBl. I Nr. 19 S. 164),9 +Throatless Shear ,7 +MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +Gebühren für gesonderte individuell zurechenbare öffentliche Leistungen,3 +140. В пункте 3.3 федерального государственного образовательного,9 +brakes for condition and adjustment.,3 +"landing, inspect your landing gear, tires, and structure ",9 +"to the aircraft electrical loads, as shown by the dotted lines. ",9 +Evaluation Committee ,7 +"be made or taken against, recovered from, or incurred by, the Agency by reason of— ",9 +REPAIR PARTS LIST ,7 +Common Error: Skipping the Preflight Weather ,7 +"гражданства, за исключением лиц, указанных в подпунктах 3, 6 - 8, 12, 13,",9 +"Code for infrastructure to be built in disaster areas, 2007, Ministry of Public Works and Settlement ",9 +r into contracts with employees for the use,9 +cones. The wheel is free to rotate. The heavy side moves to ,9 +"ja, Angebote sind möglich",6 +Touchdown Zone Lighting- Two rows of ,9 + Basic Pilot Eligibility,7 +extraction of all or a substantial part of the contents of the database to another medium by ,3 +"OJ L 94 of 28.03.2014, p. 65 ",1 +Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems ,7 +reference number],6 +PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ,7 +Ensure approved protective air packs,9 +cyber security or ICT architecture design or data protection or operational experience or ,3 +bearbeiten:,9 +Enrolment appeals ,7 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +systems’ capabilities are traceable to specific requirements in the NAS Requirements Document. This document,1 +contacting the ground with a hard impact.,9 +Treasury by the Secretary of State further to section 8(6) of that Act. ,9 +II.20.3. Umrechnung ,7 +Identification number:,9 +—expanded inward access features ,9 +United Kingdom. Seven western European countries and the ,9 +physician and shall be appointed by the Governor-General on nomination of the,9 +Bauvorhaben …………………………………………,7 +Chapter 21—Gyroplane Emergencies,7 +Rib thread.,9 +setting to hold altitude. ,9 + System Development Assurance ,7 +The thermocouples installed around the perimeter ,3 +Templates for signage and brandings are provided by the Contractor. (Templates and ,3 +be jointly and severally liable vis-à-vis the contracting authority for the performance of this ,9 +TailGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +OPERATING STRENGTH LIMITATIONS ,7 +Dynamic Lift ,9 +to ground decreases. The fire detection control unit monitors ,9 +"SIDESLIP ANGLE, /3 ",6 +§ 2 Ausbildungsdauer,7 +前項の規定は、郵政官署又は本邦において新法第二十二条の三第一項に規定する両,3 +Ensures acknowledgement by the pilot for,9 +terrain simply because of the inherent processing experience.,9 +CONTROLLED AIRSPACE,7 +Förderkommissionen,7 +OH&S POLICY STATEMENT ,7 +ing the trailing edge of the wing and tucking it under ,9 +in each and every such ordinance provision shall be made for notice,9 +larger aircraft sink at a rate of several hundred feet per,9 +"UNSTABLE 7, ",6 +gas velocity and jet thrust. ,9 +Wheel Speed Sensor,7 +"пределами территории Российской Федерации,",9 +Amendment of article 18 ,7 +rom among the members of the council other than the,9 +"operated by or on behalf of, the representative, ",3 +Festbetragsgruppe wird gemäß § 35a Abs. 3 Satz 1 Nr. 3 des Fünften Buches Sozialgesetzbuch neu bestimmt.,9 +original platinum is left on the contact surface. The danger ,9 +"may be empowered by law to do so in the interests of defence, public safety, public ",3 + are or include know-how: the right to use such know-how as is necessary ,3 +"of the aircraft (e.g., advanced RNAV, transponder",9 +ENISA F-COD-20-T03 ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 363 of December 6, 2002]",7 +segment altitude corrected for temperature. Pilots are ,9 +Community law,9 +SGN must give the undertaker reasonable notice of any such third party claim or demand ,9 +"Strahlenschutz, Strahlenpass ",7 +1000 OU inside the buildings and at max. 1 m distance to the tanks and other odor sources. ,9 +"had obtained, prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, permission under ",3 +Maggie Throup ,9 +for recording. ,9 +"Anao, Bamban, Camiling, Capas, Concepcion, Gerona, La Paz, Moncada,",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 409 of December 26, 1994] ",7 +mined level of precipitation or wind shear is detected,9 +performed by a properly equipped facility.,9 +Remove the side flap.,3 +Bewertungsmaßstab für die Leistungen,7 +The mass of the helmet is appropriate so that it does not ,9 +format for preservation or new use purposes;,3 +"subcontracting, but only up to an amount not exceeding three times the total amount of ",3 +Zulassungsverfahren,7 +procedure turn altitude begins after the aircraft is established ,9 +Implement ,6 +Friteuse 1 cuve,8 +of the crystal. Oscillation is maintained as long as power is ,9 +rester dans votre bureau ou entrer dans un bureau et fermer la porte et les fenêtres ,3 +EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS ,7 +upwind wing rises sufficiently to cause the downwind wing ,9 +Jet stream,6 +Landing Gear ,7 +The next element is the severity or consequence of a pilot’s action(s). It can relate to injury and/or damage. If the individual in the ,9 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 +特定機能病院の開設者は、次に掲げる事項を記載した業務に関する報,3 +"Auf Grund des § 12 des Finanzausgleichsgesetzes, der durch Artikel 2 Nummer 12 des Gesetzes vom 14. August",9 +Provision of teams of interpreters for onsite and hybrid/online events ,7 +"Shown in Figure 2-21, under the second column, the word ",9 +must visually avoid any obstacles below the MDA.,9 +Transition Training ,7 +"potential risks to quality, time or resources via proper planning and risk management ",9 +altitudes for IFR flight above the minimum IFR altitudes for ,9 +"hundred pesos for a native horse, such loan to be repaid to the Government in",9 +"Please provide all unit prices in the table below (fill in grey cells), and print/upload BOTH SHEETS (Financial tender and ",7 +"If the meeting takes place on EU-OSHA or European Commission premises, or premises with ",3 +Off-Field Landing Without Injury,7 +publish 300 WAAS approach procedures per year to provide ,9 +assistance desired. ,9 +検査機器保守管理標準作業書,3 +Burned or warped valves,3 +third shell begins to increase again until a maximum of 18 is ,9 +determine whether their use is feasible in the training environment and whether they are appropriate for the learners. See the figure for ,9 +Four Risk Elements,7 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 +Gemeinsame Angebote ,7 +II.20.6. Interim payments and payment of the balance ,7 +regulating the amount of air that flows out of the cabin. A ,9 +on aircraft operated on the surface and in flight from,9 +before its ,9 +"Under conditions of dim illumination, aeronautical charts and ",9 +nach Ablauf der Frist für die Abgabe einer Stellungnahme übermittelt. ,3 +"on the compass card need to be interpreted. Therefore, to ",9 +be taken for a very thorough inspection of the parachute ,9 +"If, as provided for in Article I.6, a financial guarantee is required for the payment of pre-",9 +the number of blows required to produce a penetration of 25 mm. When a final set is being measured ,9 +"comfortable with the risk present in a night IFR flight, the ",9 +are neither necessary nor expected by ATC. If pilots elect ,9 +in still air to room temperature.,9 +Anlage 2.1 (zu § 4),7 +I.3. ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF THE FWC ,7 +mount receivers and hand,9 +"UL 746C, UL 94 ",3 +"the whole, or any part of the amount of damages and expenses",9 +"Terminal ATMs, this is the District Manager or General Manager; and for Technical",3 +Flight Director,7 +N H A L T S V E R Z E I C H N I S,7 +"Depending on the specifications of the request for services, all or some of the official languages of the ",9 +participate/tender. ,7 +140 at 21 knots gusting to 26. Visibility is ¾ statute mile. ,9 +Management,6 +The propeller group and system components for torque ,3 +for knowledge and practical tests. ,9 +Timing circuit,6 +An important step in any preflight is to check for water and ,9 +Fire fighting water ,7 +Further information on the processing of personal data in the context of procurement ,9 +Digital Building Blocks,7 +Der AN erhält nach einer Beauftragung einen Zugang zum Projektablageraum dem sog. „PPM-Raum“ ,9 +Der Lehrgang muss mindestens die Sachgebiete des Musterplans nach Anlage 1a umfassen. Die tägliche,9 +"of neighboring rivets. In doing so, it may be necessary to ",9 +"of navigation facility, maintenance of clear zones",3 +airspeed back to the desired indication. ,9 +"In a basic aircraft, you must rely on manual calculations to ",9 +"appropriate site, but miscalculating the winds below and the ",9 +Quality control and risk management [,3 +assigning a full-time person who performs operations related to the ,3 +§ 4 Ausbildungsrahmenplan,7 +standardmäßig mit Flachflanschen gemäß DIN 24154.,9 +ownership of results and rights by Europol under this ,3 +some assets were not reviewed as required by International ,9 +"locations. There is no mechanism in place, such as",9 +Description ,7 +used to maintain the track of the airplane along the runway ,9 +Step 5—Adjust for Specific Conditions,7 +"sheets, for each component used. Before starting to spray, ",9 +Any other dereliction or act which shall appear to the judge to,3 +"DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: All Rights Reserved. No Part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission from Parachute Industry Association. PIA Headquarters, Parachute Certification St andards Committee, 3833 West Oakton Street, Skokie, IL 60076 Phone: 847-674-9742 Fax: 847-674-9743 or ",9 +mécanique,6 +この政令の施行前にした行為に対する罰則の適用については、なお従前の例による。,3 +"– Discusses the objectives, benefits, and methods ",3 +Thrust Vectoring ,7 +"standard practice in the industry. Upon request, the contractor must provide evidence ",9 +TED eTendering,7 +APPENDIX E$_{ }$,5 +). The Platform may be used to exchange electronic documents (e-documents) ,9 +flow of oil to lubricate the engine. Always use the same type ,9 +Article I.4. All deliveries must be made at the agreed place of delivery during the hours indicated in Article I.4. ,9 +EU-China Tourism Year by funding additional B2B (Business-to-Business) matchmaking ,9 +assigning the pupils of the town to the several schools.,3 +"the flight, pay close attention to the weather forecast and ",9 +equipment is required.,9 +"when the wheels are within 2 or 3 feet off the ground, the ",9 +Other Airport Visual Aids,7 +"provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1), Article 15, paragraph (1), or Article ",3 +Rotary Machine,7 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +Aeronautical Knowledge accurately states the CG is generally ,9 +"but does not decide that the election as a whole is void, the judge must give whatever ",9 +(ii) matters concerning the preservation of documents and books on the ,3 +COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +Data Protection ,7 +—Defense Information Technology Contracting ,9 +It is worth noting that the above observations were reiterated by the Report on ,9 +minutes of reserve. Check the level in the fuel tank plus the ,9 +The following standards shall apply for the pipes: ,9 +"United States of America, or an Order of the Prime Minister's Office or Order ",9 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +increase in pitch attitude (slowing of the WSC) must be made ,9 +貨物(別表第二の一、一九から二一の三まで、二五、三〇、三三、三五から四一まで,3 +VOR Receiver Check,7 +"authorised representative, stating that they are not in one of the situations of exclusion listed in that ",9 +satellite navigational signal. This is especially true,9 +Per accettazione della presente ,9 +"the effect of the crosswind. The yoke, having been initially ",9 +"treasurer for approval, accompanied by the statement",9 +effectiveness,8 +techniques.,9 +ARRANGEMENT/COORDINATION OF INTERVIEWS ,7 +"1) временно приостановить прием документов, оформление и выдачу",9 +LAKES AND RIVERS,7 +"section may be monitored by an N$_{2}$ gauge, while triple spool ",9 +and what the record must contain. All time recorded on the ,9 +Parish of Lidlington ,8 +Identifying Hazards,7 +Abschnitt 2,7 +"eingehalten werden, wobei an Stelle des in Abschnitt II Unterabschnitt E Nummer 1 Satz 1 genannten 31.",3 +"Angaben zur theoretischen Prüfung,",3 +the pilot is subsequently forced to make changes with the ,9 +Weather Regulatory Requirements ,7 +nights when wind is light. The ground radiates and cools ,9 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 +"carried by all contractors, (e.g. account management and horizontal activities at ",3 +Non-Moving Advances ,7 +INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENTS ,7 +Pipe Velocities,7 +Time to answer technical questions: 2 business days; ,3 +I.5. ZAHLUNGSMODALITÄTEN ,7 +Abschnitt III,7 +Stopping up of streets ,3 +"(LPI) procedure. Etch, rinse, dry, and then immerse the ",9 +Portfolio Stakeholders Governing Body ,3 +"Article 1 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of January 6, 2003. ",9 +", pre-existing Europol ",3 +tire sidewall or around the valves stem.,9 +II.4.1.11 Conformity of the delivered supplies with the FWC ,7 +—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Video Recordings (Labelling) (Amendment) ,9 +of min. 300 dpi); ,3 +Abschnitt II,7 +The pressure switch gives flight deck indications when bottle ,9 +Moment arm.,9 +- Seite 14 von 100 -,4 +ECHA shall supervise and control that IT Contractor maintains compliance with the rules ,9 +in an official gazette. ,9 +Methodological framework defined by ECHA ,7 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,3 +airspeed indicators in some gliders may have considerable ,9 +step-by-step procedures for many repairs and alterations that ,9 +descent are required to change frequency when ,9 +Invitations ,7 +II.20.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +There are three types of markings for,9 +website (http://www.faa.gov/training_testing/ training/ ,9 +corresponding balance. ,3 +- Seite 1 von 12 -,4 +[Figure 5-20] ,9 +"Fläche des Zuteilungsgebietes in km$^{2}$, die der Siedlungs- und Verkehrsfläche zuzuordnen ist;",3 +шумоизолирующие,9 +under a scheme established under a statutory provision. ,3 +journalists and experts ,7 +bearing selector,9 +"Holzsorten zu beschränken, wenn und soweit dies erforderlich ist, um erhebliche und überregionale Störungen",9 +If the contractor does not honour the obligation to pay the amount due by the date set by the ,9 +der Ausführung des Flurbereinigungsplanes ausgezahlt werden; § 52 Abs. 3 und § 53 Abs. 2 gelten sinngemäß.,9 +Mt. Everest,6 +Military operations area (MOA).,9 + by each ,9 +"serve as both the structure and outer aircraft covering, with the ",9 +The contractor shall in particular subscribe a products and after delivery insurance. ,9 +109. Public Service Commission,7 +Раздевалки для верхней одежды размещают на первом или цокольном,9 + - HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OFFER USING e-SUBMISSION ,7 +Twin-Engine Aircraft Vacuum System Operation,7 +Direction of Flight,7 +Traffic Data Systems,7 +"developed for military or aerospace applications, the slider is ",9 +Canning Road ,7 +and the date are ALWAYS mandatory.,3 +Audio-visual material production,7 +"fence and making the cut, one edge at a time, until all edges ",9 +Wire Substitutions,7 +with wheel-type landing gear) can send a shockwave to ,9 +CRUISING LEVEL-,7 +"Qualitätssichernde Maßnahmen, Lernziel a,",3 +D01.01-ED-21,7 +"festgesetzt worden ist, Carotinoide und Xanthophylle, Enzyme, Mikroorganismen, Kokzidiostatika oder",3 +"For flight and communicating with a control tower, the WSC ",9 +a corresponding increase in energy available to the turbine. ,9 +"unverzüglich alle Angaben zu machen, die zur Steuerung des Projektes erforderlich sind (z.B. Dauer ",9 +AUTOROTATION,7 +Failure to establish appropriate bank on entry.,3 +" An international version, containing parallel ",9 +Figure 1-79,9 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +weather conditions are below these minimums. The 600­,9 +Launch Equipment Inspection,7 +Linings worn beyond limits usually require the brake ,9 +Evaluation of requests to participate,7 +"LEGAL AID AND ADVICE, ENGLAND AND WALES ",10 +"nozzles, limiting afterfires and carbonization of the fuel ",9 +"or become subject to legal disability and any of his relatives, or his legal",9 +a clear picture of the progress the learner is ,9 +beacon system. ,9 +English sport national governing body of P’s status as a domestic ancillary ,3 +conducted at the airport. A basic VFR runway may only ,9 +) (entry on warrant in the event of ,9 +how much (or how little) information to display. Pilots can ,9 +the indications of the VSI can prevent any significant change ,9 +Round all square corners.,3 +. — With the prior approval of the Governor-General or proper,9 +doit immédiatement informer le,7 +with Articles,6 +〔昭和四十八年八月二十七日政令第二百四十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +Solid-State Devices,7 +Distress and Urgency,7 +II.20.7 Suspension du délai de paiement ,7 +provide shimmy free operation and reduces wear on brake ,9 +Controller will have capability to increase programming memory of CPU is necessary and will ,3 +critical pressure and temperature of the fuel. Detonation may ,9 +"700 MHz, 10,68 – 10,7 GHz, 15,35 – 15,4 GHz, 23,6 – 24 GHz, 31,3 – 31,5 GHz, 48,94 – 49,04 GHz von",3 +If the e-document is dispatched through the ,3 +LANDING GEAR,7 +When installing additional electrical equipment that ,9 +failure of the notary to keep a notarial register.,3 +Great Plains Aircraft Volkswagen (VW),7 +correction should be established accurately enough on a well-,9 +Федерации от 23 августа 2017 г. № 828 (зарегистрирован Министерством,9 +Submission of requests to participate phase,7 +—clearway ,9 +"may request the contractor forthwith, either to provide a subcontractor with qualifications ",3 +"authority, except where otherwise provided in this FWC, to publish the ",3 +of that air is sometimes considered part of the distribution ,9 +financière),7 +Engine Oil Pressure Indicator,7 +人体が放射線に被ばくする時間を短くすること。,3 +the dynamic elongation is no more than 35 millimeters and the ,9 +The table below illustrates the state of arrears of the Ministry relative to ,9 +"generator engines, ",9 +manufactured/fabricated. Detailed manufacturing instructions for items source coded to be manufactured ,9 +entire airway into your route.,6 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 +Section 6. National Security and Interception Procedures,7 +"In accordance with section 3(5) of that Act, these Regulations are made with the consent of the ",9 +appropriate airborne and ground based equipment. ,9 +Special events generating a high degree of interest ,3 +5305-01-574-1467,6 +"combination of atmospheric pressure differences, Coriolis ",9 +wird. Sie kann auf den Grundbesitz oder Teile des Grundbesitzes bestimmter Eigentümer beschränkt werden.,9 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +from a natural human inclination to observe a specific,9 +"if possible, turn to the localizer course heading ",3 +An advanced avionics safety issue identified by the FAA ,9 +Brief description of the required services/ supplies ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 373 of November 5, 1987]",7 +Traffic regulation ,3 +II.18.2. Grounds for termination by the contractor ,7 +"it comes to fall under Article 12-3, item (i) or (iii); ",3 +Innerhalb des schriftlichen Teils der Prüfung sind die Prüfungsbereiche wie folgt zu gewichten:,9 +"as operating the gear and flaps, and the voltmeter remains at ",9 +Summe Pos. 8.13 (Liefern + Montieren) ,7 +"all drawings, specifications and other contract documents. ",3 +"forklifts, tractors, air-conditioning units, ",9 +Resultant force,6 +Information Management ,7 +to the drainage equipment; and ,3 +Zeitrahmen 6: Funktionsprüfungen und Einstellarbeiten,7 +estimated/actual groundspeed to find a target rate of,9 +Warning Areas ,7 +Wiley Online Library. ,9 +Flight Procedures.,7 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +Select Dispersion Models ,7 +Management Letter,7 +Use of Aircraft Lights,7 +will be announced; ,9 +written accident report submitted by an advanced treatment hospital or an ,3 +Main Canopy,6 +Contracting authority,3 +Cement grout and adhesives shall not be used at joints. ,9 +more and with an energy less than 1 megaelectron volt; hereinafter referred to ,9 +See vertical speed indicator.,9 +and bearings for condition; tires for wear and cuts; and ,3 +"the penetrant, rinse them again and blow dry. Then, apply ",9 +years with one contractor.,9 +"A flat, narrow piece of metal or wood ",9 +attitude must be adjusted downward to stop the climb and ,9 +"Calculation of the costs (incl. travel, overheads, consumables and any other related costs) ",7 +- Seite 32 von 36 -,4 +an abraidable rub strip that allows the fan blades to rub for ,9 +〔平成十八年五月二十四日政令第二百号〕〔抄〕,7 +Introduction,7 +"simply “GPS,” are being converted to the newer",9 +Information are both advised of and agree to be bound by the confidentiality and use ,9 +Indicated airspeed (IAS). ,9 +Tender submission: how many tenders may an economic operator ,7 +Panel factory test ,7 +Sicherheitstraining,3 +"Landover, MD 20785; fax: (301) 386",9 +altitude and airspeed.,9 +Bureau of Civil Service,7 +"The matters specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 55-3, ",3 +Salt and Sand Piles ,7 +basic flight controls. They are the cyclic pitch control;,9 +"service, served offshore of the Republic of Vietnam during the ",9 +"operated at twice as great a speed, the parasite ",9 +Organise transport (,7 +upper and lower rolls and the distance between the lower front ,9 +Sample Problem 13 ,7 +Page 12 of 49 ,4 +ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CAPACITY$^{3}$ ,7 +speed give stretch forming an advantage over hand formed ,9 +Replacement Certificate ,7 +§ 2 Zulassungsvoraussetzungen,7 +"prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, the provisions then in force ",3 +performance of services under the ,3 +Special safety eyewear must also be used to protect the ,9 +"в Республике Белоруссия для работы вахтовым методом, указанных",9 +"formance, increased storage capacity, and increased",9 +Governance and contract management (WP 1) ,7 +for onsite activities) ,7 +II.15.3 Claims and liability ,7 +Boundaries and Make New Subdivisions,9 +"renewed upon property of any description, including rents or profits,",3 +According to National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) ,9 +"activity areas around aircraft engines. Their location, together ",9 +something drop from the basket to gauge the winds below or ,9 +side flap. Remove the side flap.,3 +Bundesanstalt und der Deutschen Bundesbank einmal jährlich die konglomeratsangehörigen Unternehmen,9 +"The Usable on Code title appears in the lower right corner of column (5), Description. Usable on codes ",9 +"loop(s), ",9 +Summary.-a. From study of the formulas it appears that ,9 +Pack round reserve with vertical full stow diaper,3 +indicator must be checked to see that it functions correctly. ,9 +Provincial Treasurer,9 +Overall management incl.,7 +power setting and high altitudes. ,9 +WORKS PROVISIONS ,7 +Eine erhebliche und überregionale Marktstörung durch Kalamitätsnutzungen im Sinne des Absatzes 1 ist in,9 +"making selections from lists or certified eligibles furnished by the Director,",9 +one two two point one,9 +"IUPAC name, and molecular and structural formulae. Note that there could be ",3 +zur IT-Sicherheit und zum Datenschutz einhalten,8 +Abschnitt 9,7 +helicopter is banked a little over 10° to the right.,0 +"Verhalten in besonderen Situationen, Folgen von Verstößen gegen Verkehrsvorschriften",7 +"Aushändigung des Führerscheins oder, wenn der Führerschein nicht vorliegt, ersatzweise durch eine nur im",9 +ILS Category I:,3 +"wing and/or WSC aircraft rotating forward into the ground, ",9 +Pilot RVSM Operating Practices and,7 +engine and rotor r.p.m. needles. ,9 +Straight-and-level flight is flight in which heading and altitude ,9 +"Realistically, pilots will not always follow the risk management procedures discussed in this chapter. Instructors should encourage ",9 + Award and notification of the outcomes of the procurement procedure ,7 +", Santa Rosa, and Siniloan. ",9 +travel by air: up to the maximum cost of an economy class ticket at the time of the ,3 +shall be fixed by the pro,9 +air inlet pressure.,9 +than for agriculture. Such assignments shall be preferably made from land in the,9 +inspection record and check against the minimum acceptable ,9 +weltweiter Basis dem Betrieb und der Entwicklung elektronischer Flugnavigationshilfen an Bord von,3 +the temperature readings to determine which cylinders are ,9 +Problem UJrU1 solution. ,9 +Digital Building Blocks,7 +to perform the ,9 +coverage limits. If an ARTCC does not respond when,9 +the contracting authority bears the costs of dispatch charged by its bank; ,3 +SEC. 305. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES ON DISASTERS. ,7 + WSC Operations,7 +Operating Control Tower ,7 +several safety features to include temperature sensors that ,9 +(and thus more fuel) as it is tasked with assuming the ,3 +LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ,7 +伪造、冒用、盗用他人的电子签名,构成犯罪,9 +The airport diagram also includes the latitude/longitude ,9 +bleed open (percent N$_{1}$),3 +probed to check for depth and extent of damage below the ,9 +Appendix A. ,3 +capable of maintaining the climb gradient outlined,3 +aft to maintain altitude. Maintain coordinated flight,9 +Thermocouples,7 +II.5.1. Form and means of communication ,7 +別表第二(第二条、第四条、第十二条関係),7 +"suspended from the rotor, changing the center of grav-",9 +above the AR2 padded pocket. ,3 +"date on which a copy of any such resolution, or ordinance, was forwarded to the",9 +English sport national governing body of P’s status as a domestic ancillary ,3 +"the loads caused by wing bending, with the caps providing a",9 +““equivalent ,9 +divert decision. Rather than give her family a specific ETA that ,6 +Motor and Load Protection ,7 +Unpowered Ultralight Vehicle Towing: Experience ,3 +Specific provisions related to the supply of goods ,7 +I.9.1. Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +descent and the forward speed are decreased. Trim tabs are used to change the glide angle of the ,3 +Parallel Generator Operations,7 +Offenses Relative to Assessment of Real Property,7 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +Composition,7 +partially in,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 266 of July 29, 2016] ",7 +The parties must sign any specific contract before the FWC expires. ,3 +year. The Institute also generated revenue from sale of services ,9 +"S’assurer que la plate-forme n’est pas glissante, et y marcher en toute sécurité. ",3 +"12 марта 2021 г., регистрационный № 62736):",9 +"prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, the provisions then in force ",3 + A standard series ,9 +controls during the ,3 +(INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST) ,7 +beanspruchen. Der Navigationsfunkdienst über Satelliten im Frequenzbereich 1 215 – 1 300 MHz darf,3 +practicable notify the applicant in writing of— ,9 +- Seite 14 von 24 -,4 +deemed acceptable.,9 +where P is a domestic ancillary sportsperson— ,3 +Airspace System has long been in need of a means of,9 +therewith; also the books to be kept by storekeepers and the ,3 +" is a ""document"" such as a report or a study, and it is meant to be published, the ",3 +to the diameter ,3 +"and Industry No. 92 of December 10, 1983] ",7 +Zulieferung ,3 +Level crossings ,3 +"solid lines, MVFR areas are enclosed by scalloped lines, and ",9 +"ist sicherzustellen, dass nicht nur die von der Bundesdruckerei angelieferten Vordrucke, sondern",3 +"together with the final programme, to the invitees approved in the list mentioned above, within ",3 +"respect to the main rotor blade, explaining that the more ",9 +"three different ways: a 45°/180° procedure turn, a holding ",9 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +Current situation in the sector ,7 +enhances the fatigue performance of the structure making ,9 +"§ 4 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Betriebs- und Unternehmensführung""",7 +Locate lines 1D and 8D. ,3 +"hours a day, call 1-866-TELL-FAA (1-866-835-5322). To ",9 +Means of redress. ,7 +Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to ,1 +ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CAPACITY$^{3}$ ,7 +Instrument Training ,7 +ARTCC Communications,7 +ein von ihr bestimmter Nachweis über die Vorschriftsmäßigkeit oder ein Gutachten eines amtlich,3 +Within 1 month from ,8 +due to physical shape differences ,9 +Unusual Attitude Recovery Protection,7 +"gases out of the engine and afterburner. Usually, the nozzle ",9 +Monthly Service Reports (MSR) and the Quarterly Portfolio Report (QPR). Risk ,9 +Concerning [,7 +"obtained through observation, measurement, test, or other means. ",9 +for that elite sports event or with domestic ancillary sportspersons or international ,3 +Für die Zwischenzahlung reicht der Auftragnehmer (oder – bei gemeinsamen Angeboten – ,9 +importer in accordance with Clauses 4(d) and 5(c) (or document/legislation attached): ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 247 of July 21, 2005]",7 +Analyse des documents de contrôle obligatoire (4x/an) et entretien du véhicule. ,3 +as low as 200 feet at qualifying airports. Actual minimums ,9 +flight is temporarily restricted or prohibited. ,3 +Limitations on the powers under this Order ,3 +to be provided. ,9 +electronic communications code by a direction under section 106 of the 2003 Act; and ,3 +Enrolment appeals ,7 + In paragraph 16 of that Scheme— ,9 +Price — 30 % ,3 +"Haushaltsplan, Rechnungslegung, Deckung des Verwaltungsaufwands",7 +i.e. is not registered in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce as a provider of (temporary) workers; ,3 +airship whose hull has a length of 200 feet and a major diameter ,9 +Information about the Service Contract,7 +〔昭和五十九年二月十五日通商産業省令第九号〕,7 +"can be measured in degrees, in a clockwise direction from ",9 +Abschnitt A Nr. 5 ,3 +"Errata as of October 21, 2013 ",7 + A physical change that takes place ,9 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le contractant ,7 +comprised,9 +§ 2 Meisterprüfungsberufsbild,7 +Main procedure,6 +well as underneath. This made possible the extended wing ,9 +Auto Brakes,7 +Fences and Gates ,7 +Article 2 - ,7 +altitude. This permits them to select an altitude or flight level ,9 +to bend the other two sides. ,9 +§ 5 Berichtsheft,7 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 +material to stretch and wrap to the contour of the form block. ,9 +provisional ,9 +indications when making a localizer back course,9 +"4) граждан Российской Федерации, являющихся военнослужащими,",9 +"can concentrate on repeating, paraphrasing, or summarizing the speaker’s words. Doing so uses the extra time to reinforce the$_{ }$",9 +U.S. Government charting corrections ,3 +"may suspend, and, with the consent of the Board, remove, any appointive city",9 +The bank attitude of an airplane is the angle between the ,9 +profile view. The normal procedure turn distance is,9 +"Evidence of ownership (such as a bill of sale), and",3 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +"body, including tranquilizers, motion sickness medication, ",9 +thermal survey identifies these problem areas and allows the ,9 +Turning fixes requiring a higher MTA are charted with a flag along with accompanying text describing the MTA ,3 +office and exercise all his po,9 +" the peace, or his legal representative in case of his death,",9 +"that the balloon should always be flown at legal, safe, and ",9 +Taxiway Markings.,3 +bank angle to the number of degrees to be turned. Bank,9 +Secondary Bonding,7 +the FAA website at www.faa.gov. ,3 +Control of wiring numbers,3 + A self-contained engine-driven unit that supplies ,9 +any damage to any drainage work so as to impair its efficiency for the purposes of flood ,3 +destination. VFR cloud clearance requirements would be ,9 +"Verbindung mit § 29a Absatz 2, mitzuteilenden Halterdaten sind zu speichern",9 +Risk Management (RM) ,7 +For the Contracting Authority: ,7 +various phases of flight. Not only does a full understanding ,9 +) 1964 c.81. ,1 +検体保管・返却・廃棄処理台帳,3 +to the new pitch position.,9 +not more than one thousand pesos or be imprisoned for no,9 +日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议通过),9 +Twin-Engine Aircraft Vacuum System Operation,7 +Mautgebühr wird vom Privaten nach Maßgabe der Absätze 2 bis 4 als Gebühr auf der Grundlage einer,9 +and many ASR have the capability to interrogate Mode ,3 +other language; and nothing herein shall be ,9 +着用している物の表面の放射性同位元素による汚染の検査を行う室をいう。),3 +in a straight line across to the second dark reference line. ,9 +Loosen bridle line girth hitch enough so that pilot chute can be passed through loop in end of bridle ,3 +Section 317F (42 U.S.C. Sec. 247b–7) is amended— ,9 +broadcast. The use of ATIS broadcasts at departure and arrival ,9 +ärztliche Kontrollen,8 +each year. Flying into a volcanic ash cloud can be,9 +"relocated, it closes not only a set portion of the approach ",9 +altitude specified in the clearance. The pilot may ,9 +Figure 4-1. ,3 +extended position under the force created by gravity acting ,9 +された事項を紙面又は出力装置の映像面に表示する方法により表示したものの閲覧,3 +"control tab. Shown here on a stabilator, it desensitizes the pitch ",0 +"available, called “square weave.”",6 +sure in the combustion chamber. ,9 +characteristics but with the ability to accomplish the same ,9 +Large Reciprocating-Engine Aircraft Fuel Systems,7 +"Breite 35 mm, Höhe 25 mm, Eckradien 1 mm.",3 +"If a decision is made to complete the approach, terminate ",9 +upon the order of a superior court in the course of appeal or review proceedings relating to th,9 +"In addition to main and auxiliary fuel tanks, surge tanks may ",9 +Si invita il contraente a leggere attentamente l'articolo II.19 del presente contratto. ,9 + This feature allows great ,9 +"(d), (e),",9 +Digital logic is based on the binary number system. There are ,9 +"Einem Beteiligten können die Kosten ganz oder teilweise auch dann auferlegt werden, wenn er obsiegt hat,",9 +Specific provision related to reimbursement of expenses for shipment of Goods ,7 +precast pile shall deviate by more than 6 mm from a straight edge 3 m long laid on the face. The cen-,9 +"Fahrtenschreiber im Straßenverkehr, zur Aufhebung der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 3821/85 des Rates über das",3 +connection. This lets pilots obtain an instrument clearance ,9 +Interview partner to be identified ,7 +"Article 32-3 A method specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and ",3 +circuitous route than flying GPS,9 +Obtaining Emergency Assistance,7 +"bankrupt,",6 +"by the boards or councils of said cities; and in the case of the provinces,",9 +diagonal cut at each corner of formed hole to permit a foldback of each raw edge. ,3 +Signage: important for awareness of travelers needed for facilitating cooperation ,3 +specifications.,3 +"§ 34 Rücknahme und Widerruf der Fahrschulerlaubnis, Widerruf der Zweigstellenerlaubnis",7 +"from the passage of each business year, prepare an inventory of assets, a ",3 +or XML message for each,3 + A factor in aeronautical decision making where ,9 +Verify spark plug connectors for security.,3 +varies between manufacturers. Before attempting to repair ,9 +Within and outside EU Member States and/or EFTA countries,9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 18 of 18 ",7 +" Basically, these units do the ",9 +"Planung und Steuerung von Arbeitsabläufen, Lernziele b und c,",3 +and takeoffs when conditions at the airport warrant its use. ,9 +Airspace changes in general ,3 +Fully Articulated Rotor System,7 +LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS ,7 +Performance and quality requirements ,7 +"equal intervals up to 1,500 feet from the threshold. ",9 +sum meets the overall training objectives. ,9 +Equipment.,9 +"Court, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7YH; Tel. – 0300 123 1032, Fax – 0191 376 2681, ",3 +approach area a distance of 2400,9 +a minimum of 5 NM where ,9 +The operator must file a report on NTSB,9 +3-ring release housings,3 +Security requirements for ECHA,7 +Radio Navigation,7 +Marine pollution contingency plan ,7 +Der Minister für Arbeit und Soziales,7 +Technician ,7 +Figure 10-5. ,0 +Margin Identification,7 +§ 84 Verwendung,7 +Then the subsequent ,9 +"Where, on an appeal under Rule 58A(1)(a) or (b) or (4), the judge allows the appeal ",9 +", au pouvoir adjudicateur ainsi qu'à tout tiers; ",9 +2003 c.21 ,1 +"fishing boat and net, not exceeding the total value of twenty-five",3 +"Usual transport document (e.g. bill of lading, airway bill/CMR/seaway bill, ",3 +"Si vous assistez à une réunion avec des délégués ou si vous accueillez des visiteurs, ",9 +alternate airport weather minimums using:,9 +limitations will be defined by the combina- ,9 +cockpit or cabin which rarely provides a clear view,9 +Executive Director). ,3 +Hinged portion of the trailing edge between the ,9 +Intellectual property rights ,7 +expected readings. ,3 +irculation published in any province. In the discretion,9 +helideck closure.,9 +See pilot report.,9 +V$_{bias}$,6 +chute d'objets. ,3 +Altitudes and Flight Levels,7 +A good leak detector is sensitive enough to detect leaks that ,9 +[Omitted] ,9 +都道府県知事は、法第十二条の二第二項の規定により、第一項の報告書の内容をイ,3 +Draft Framework Service contract ,3 +"houses; to prohibit the printing, sale, or exhibition of immoral",3 +Communal Forests,7 +under normal operating conditions while using average ,9 +MANIFOLD ,6 +exclusion criteria and selection criteria ,7 +Rubber stripping inside a turbofan engine inlet allows ,0 +ground-based navigation equipment at the airport. ,9 +"This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of May 1, 1984. ",9 +night. PAPIs radiate a directional pattern of high ,9 +retrieval can take many hours if the landing was made in ,9 +have decided advantages over the informal procedure,9 +three-fifths,3 +I.13.2. DUVRI – Documento unico di valutazione rischi interferenziali ,7 +contract notice where local time shall be understood as local time at the contracting authority's ,9 +No errors occur during the installation procedure. ,3 +Total Phosphorous/BOD$_{5 }$,8 +In considering the rate of import duty that ought to apply to goods in a standard case(,9 +"enforcement), that requirement does not apply if— ",9 +flows out floor-level vents. The air then flows aft through ,9 + or any person that assumes unlimited liability for the debts of the ,3 +Construction of Giresun Waste Water Treatment Plant,9 +"Even if the contracting authority authorises subcontracting, the contractor remains ",3 +Figure 3ilO. Compressibility Drag Rise ,0 +"comma 3 dell'articolo 26 del D.Lgs N°81 del 9 aprile 2008, a seguito della ",3 +II.20.7 Suspension du délai de paiement ,7 +The confidentiality obligations set out in this Article are binding on the contracting ,3 +TO SPECIFIC PROBLEMS OF FLYING ,7 +headquarters. EU-OSHA’s national partner to provide the Contractor’s national partner with ,3 +hardware and webbing has resulted in a dramatic reduction ,9 +airspace unless the pilot,9 +To voltage regulator,6 +"to full operating pressure. Then, it is completely deflated. ",9 +"hot/cold savoury and/or sweet dishes, 15 pieces per person), three-course dinners (starter, ",3 +"Identification, invitation and briefing of journalists/experts ",7 +The licence holder must not commence the construction activities until the MMO has ,9 +Route the AR2 power cable through the lower open end of the AR2 power cable sleeve located ,3 +"springs, and hooks for breakage and wear, and verify ",3 +the typology described above at the same time; ,3 +"Physical Security, Information Security, Cybersecurity, and Occupational Safety and ",7 +maintained by the municipality.,9 +перевозок,9 +certification are prescribed in the appropriate WSC practical test standard.,9 +Understanding Communication on a Common Frequency ,7 +Characteristics of a Well-Planned Lesson,7 +"is reduced. If the elevator trim is set incorrectly, however, ",9 +Invoices must indicate the place of taxation of the contractor (or leader in the case of a joint ,9 +otherwise in the possession of the Board. ,9 +"REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, map, regulation, ",9 +厚生労働大臣は、法第三十条の三の二の規定により、法第三十,3 +proposed operation. A request for a deviation from the,9 +Tracking With VOR ,7 +Liste détaillée des modes d'exploitation des résultats ,7 +measuring each characteristic. ,3 +"SAS data integration for data integration processes, ",3 +"zutreffend oder unglaubwürdig ist, so darf es sich nicht auf die ursprüngliche Selbstauskunft verlassen und muss",9 +aircraft electronics are constructed of vacuum tubes. Only ,9 +§ 10b Personalgewinnungszuschlag,7 +"- 20 Sondierungen mit der Schweren Rammsonde,",3 + At the contracting au,3 +⦁ $_{Has a clear set of objectives. }$,3 +(iv) it violates an order under Article 12-11 or 12-12; or ,3 + If a party is affected by ,3 +Any written communication relating to this contract between the contracting authority or ,3 +", That up to ",9 +1983 c. 2. ,1 +"Lieferungen vor, sind diese entsprechend zu erbringen. ",9 +include airport ,9 +"*, as indicated in ",6 +characteristics of the helicopter they fly and be particularly ,9 +Semiconductors,7 +"goods listed in the middle column of row1, row 19 to row 21-3, row 25, row 30, ",3 +appropriate CPDLC avionics equipment in order to,9 +forwarder/logistics partner. ,9 +Procedural Notes ,7 +compensation payment in respect of their injury has received NHS hospital treatment or ,9 +"aircraft is given on AC Form 8050-64, Assignment of",9 +"is 6,000 pounds tensile. Type 13 harness webbing is 7,000 ",9 +Assessment by a health care professional ,7 +第七十四条 违反本法有关规定,有下列行为之一的,由依照本法规定行,9 +empennage. When these two surfaces are moved together ,9 +The VSI shows a momentary climb and then stabilizes ,3 +"g, levying, and",9 +"Kleinkraftrad nach § 4 Absatz 1 Satz 2 Nummer 1b mitgenommen, muss der Fahrzeugführer mindestens 16 Jahre",9 +§ 88 Auszahlung,7 +JRC Executive Secretariat ,3 +fit does not exceed 0.002-inch. This avoids build up of ,9 +leader in ,6 +The certificate of provisional acceptance must be issued using the template in Annex C11. ,9 +"Union on the privileges and immunities of the European Union, particularly as regards the inviolability ",9 +A type of small gas turbine ,9 +"terminal area and just prior to the final approach fix, or if ",9 +used for higher temperatures.,9 +capacitor is connected to the spark igniter through the ,9 + In regulation 75 (notices)— ,9 +"Wavelength 400-700 nm, single phototube ",3 +Single phase failure trip ,3 +Chapter Summary ,7 +The members of the Public Service Commissio,9 +Other Wing Features,7 +"to the ground station, due to line-of-sight transmission of the ",9 +cone of the flame roughly three to four metal thicknesses in ,9 +"horizon, or familiar landmarks teaches a pilot to trust the ",9 +"process, the next step is to apply Alodine® or another type of ",9 +"navigation products, such as charts, Chart Supplements (including the Airport/Facility Directory), and other publications ",9 +for inability to perform the functions of his or her office or for misbehaviour.,3 +National and regional media should be approached to ensure broad and sufficient media ,3 +Assistance with local regulations ,7 +sowie für,9 +§ 87 Begonnene Maßnahmen,7 +Folding a Box,7 +MARYLAND ,6 +quality plans are adhered to and consistently applied across all activities. ,9 +situational awareness. Without a well-planned information ,9 +"appertaining thereto; the construction of wharves, docks, jetties,",3 +Number on Your Aircraft,7 +together and/or to the container. Remove the housings ,3 +or 100 knots. ,9 +"STM is not only time-limited, it also has limited capacity, usually about seven bits or chunks of information. A seven-digit ",9 +in the direction of the localizer front course. The term,9 +〔平成十八年五月二十四日政令第二百号〕〔抄〕,7 +Haushaltsplans unverzüglich vorzulegen. Der Haushaltsplan wird durch den Verwaltungsrat festgestellt.,9 +USC 1821 ,9 +Financial Evaluation ,7 +Semiconductors,7 +. This may be carried out either by OLAF’s ,3 +"algorithm based on aircraft position, or by adding the",9 +transferring from one compartment in the shock strut into ,9 +この政令は、昭和二十八年一月一日から施行する。,9 +trol rotor head and utilizing a wing to ,9 +Besides the purpose limitation and data ,3 +elongated target. ,9 +Working Capital,7 + Modern aircraft that use ,9 +"in a recognisable manner, the contractor must obtain a statement by these persons (or, in ",9 +"Fahrer/Beifahrer, Fahrzeug",7 +which record ,6 +ASSUMONO LA RESPONSABILITÀ ILLIMITATA PER I DEBITI DELLA PERSONA GIURIDICA ,7 +"19 мая 1995 года № 81-Ф3З ""О государственных пособиях гражданам,",9 +"Es steht den meldenden deutschen Finanzinstituten frei, von der Überprüfung und Identifizierung die",9 +type of conductor insulation being used.,3 +Marine pollution contingency plan ,7 +seine Stelle.,9 +Figure 4-26. ,0 +Im Sinne dieses Gesetzes sind,9 +relevant authority designated by the State responsible ,9 +Types of Instructional Aids ,7 +Flight Information Publication Policy,4 +(+++ § 10a Abs. 1: Zur Anwendung vgl. § 22 F. 2012-11-28 +++),9 +admissible as ,3 +密度が第三十条の二十六第六項に定める表面密度限度を超えないようにすること。,3 +whether performing a practice autorotation or in the,9 +depicts weather phenomena that are in the airport vicinity. The notation “VC” indicates a ,3 +"S= WING AREA, SO. FT. ",6 +"larger than the collector or emitter current. As such, the ",9 +Ricerca di Ispra della Commissione europea è ,9 +jet travel becoming critical to the world economy. Soaring ,9 +Expiry date and time:,3 +PLANNING IN FMD CONTROL ,7 +first sentence should be changed to: “Maneuvering speed (V$_{a) }$– a structural design ,3 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 2 ",7 +II.24 POLITIQUE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ,7 +connections. Tubing-to-component fittings usually have ,9 +"§ 4 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +Introduction/Explanation,7 +Achieving an ISD ,7 +water. This can be pontoons or a boat configuration.,9 +facilitate public participation in the process. If,9 +The range of pitch a propeller governor ,9 +"section number or title, or both. The emergency procedures ",9 +altre lingue; ,3 +contractors under a Union contract. The Republic of Turkey shall ensure that the imports ,3 +Location and Obstacles,7 +paragraph (1) ,3 +IAP inoperative components table.,0 +"pictures, books, or publications of any description.",3 +§ 26 (weggefallen),7 +"the Secretary regarding research, advanced research, ",9 +Minimum Factors ,7 +Development of roadmaps for action on: ,7 +"facility, disposal facility, or radiation therapy sickroom not exceeding the ",3 +Section 8: Conformity ,3 +"the signed, stamped and dated VIF in image file or .pdf, as a scan of the original document ",3 +"223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No ",1 +or descent at this airspeed. While the angle ,9 +flight by a transient induced aerodynamic vibration and increased ,0 +The particular pleasures of contour flying can best be enjoyed ,9 +"inlet condition, and reducing altitude if high ",9 +SCHEDULE 12 ,7 +Development of roadmaps for action on: ,7 +to the proper attitude.,9 +Differenz zwischen Umlagebetrag und Vorauszahlung,3 +Protection of Retained Trees ,7 +Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Operation,7 +Control of loose connections ,3 +days following the date of receipt to submit observations. The contractor must receive the ,3 +Turbine Oil Filters,7 +Mit der Aushändigung oder Zustellung des Anwärterscheins oder des Fahrlehrerscheins sind die Inhaber,9 + The contracting authority and the European Anti-Fraud Office may check or require an ,3 +Shell or Orbit Number,8 +Weigh-off. ,3 +supplementari relative al ,3 +That one of the partners of the joint offer will be responsible$^{2}$ for only one part of the contract and ,3 +Opportunities:,7 +change is also necessary. ,9 +"Satz 2 festgelegtes Bundesfernstraßenprojekt, soweit dem Bund die Verwaltung einer Bundesfernstraße zusteht,",9 +"In every such case the body or remains, after being disinfected, must be",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 244 of August 27, 1973]",7 +quickest way to return to the horizon. Situational awareness ,9 + National Security Areas (NSAs),7 +electrical components from overload. A circuit breaker,9 +die nach § 4 Absatz 1 Nummer 18 gewählten Wahlqualifikationseinheiten zu berücksichtigen. Für den,9 +Exclusion criteria and conflict of interest ,7 +Cooperation (“ILAC”) Mutual Recognition Arrangement(,3 +respective resources. ,9 +the address and name of that representative director; and ,3 +Special Registration Numbers. When the number ,9 +prohibit the burial of the dead within the centers of population of,3 +"registered office is at Clearwater Court, Vastern Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 8DB and any ",9 + (ss 57-94),7 +Group control ,7 +Flight Instrument Malfunctions,7 +ELECTION CRITERIA,7 +"in the case where the provisions of the same paragraph are applied, deeming ",3 +"are expensive frills, especially in-flight instruction, and detract from, rather than assist in, the completion of the final objective. ",9 +Evaluation phase (after the opening of tenders) ,7 +radio to a telephone connection. This lets pilots obtain an ,9 +"and environmentally friendly mode, reducing emissions.",9 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +Coming into force in accordance with paragraph 1 ,9 +A reduction in induced drag for the same ,9 + Extramuros ,9 +CARE Checklist: Review Hazards and,8 +since it provides a better description for the WSC landing ,9 +per second the turn will not approach the lead point ,3 +Softstarter Protection ,7 +"place after replacing the flap. A slower method, ",3 +"skill is rapid and smooth. The learner devotes much less deliberate attention to performance, and may be able to carry on a ",9 +"remain on track, the actual position of the traffic issued",9 +determined by the suspended weight as well as the angle of the parachute with respect to the ground ,3 +"die zuletzt durch Artikel 289 der Verordnung vom 31. Oktober 2006 (BGBl. I S. 2407) geändert worden sind,",3 +Anlage 16 (zu § 11 Absatz 1),7 +personnel,9 +under his or her hand; ,3 +OIL PRESS,6 +signalized,9 +"new that may have been missed at a higher altitude, such as ",9 +Pilots on IFR flight plans operating in VFR weather ,9 +"In March of 1997, the International Civil Aviation Organization ",9 +commonplace at nontowered airports where WSC aircraft ,9 +документов (копий документов) российской образовательной организации,9 +"cables called risers, which connect to the PPC cart.",3 +Opening of requests to participate,7 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +"particularly via aerotow. As the tow pilot applies full power, ",9 +detonation is usually a corollary of preigniticn. ,9 +Conditions ,7 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 6),7 +"Where any question is referred to the High Court in pursuance of this section, the High ",9 +Tenure of office of Ministers and Assistant Ministers ,7 +any situation,3 +OPERATING STRENGTH LIMITATIONS ,7 +Explanation of VFR Flight Plan Items.,7 +Scientific and technical support of production of regular ESAC-Net outputs on antimicrobial ,9 +Unsachgemäße Errichtung elektrischer Anlagen/Betriebsmittel,7 +"from the Export Control Organisation, 3 Whitehall Place, London SW1A 2AW and, also, is ",9 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +$_{Figure 7-10}$ ,0 +Федерации от 26 июля 2017 г. № 700 (зарегистрирован Министерством юстиции,9 +fall upon the,3 +"Ort und Zeit der mautgebührenpflichtigen Benutzung der Strecke,",3 +The combustion of fuel in the after- ,9 + See instrument flight rules.,9 +ance with manufacturer’s cutout instructions. ,9 +Safety Team (FAASTeam) exemplifies this commitment. ,9 +National Environmental Policy Act ,7 +"the approved term, Pilot's Operating Handbook.",9 + ...............................,8 +"is always parallel, equal, and opposite in direction to",9 +Subject of the Engagement ,7 +English sport national governing body of P’s status as a domestic ancillary ,3 +the throttle valve and at a point where engine heat tends ,9 +"of thumb updates should be applied in flight. For example, ",9 +following conditions:,9 +Order 2021 and comes into force on the day after the day on which it is made. ,9 +"Descriptions of the interaction of the system with other systems, the system ",3 +ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS,7 +propeller to move toward high-pitch.,6 +"Legislature,",3 +Institutional declaration of interests,9 +"assistance to the contractor, at its request, for its application for any visas and permits ",3 +"if fueling at a pump. Nylon, Dacron, and wool clothing are ",9 +Workload or Task Management,7 +", Vertriebs- und Videoförderung.",9 +during this evaluation. Besides determining the best departure ,9 +An instrument that ,9 +—(1) A person may appeal to the Board against— ,9 +Pressurization Issues,7 +the go/no-go decision. Evaluating each of these risk elements ,9 +"в пунктах 2, 2' и 5 распоряжения Правительства Российской Федерации",9 +FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ,7 +��昭和三十四年三月三十一日政令第七十七号〕,7 +six months from,3 +DEVELOPMENT ,7 +The FAA issues AC Form ,0 +“the company” means Network Rail; ,9 +success of the implemented social media actions. ,3 +10.25.Vervielfältigungen: AG-seitige Ausführungsunterlagen und AN-seitige W+M Planungen,7 +Aufgabenbereich Versicherungen,3 +quire the set to be revised to take into account the reduction in the effectiveness of the hammer blow. ,9 +generated. The temperature of the wire rises until the ,3 +Separation Service for VFR Aircraft in a TRSA).,7 +LOT 1 – DATA COMMUNICATIONS ,7 +AFROELASTIC EFFECTS ,7 +"Nachfrist nicht, ist die Bauleitung nach Ablauf der Nachfrist berechtigt, eine Fremdfirma mit der ",9 +"in row 1C_a of the table in Section 1, for “Member State” substitute “part of Great ",3 +Requesting offers,7 +Stima dei costi di Sicurezza da Interferenze ,7 +EG) Nr. 2185/96,3 +Center of hub,6 +the construction of fendering within Lake Lothing; ,3 +Declaration of Honour (DoH) ,7 +for a therapeutic X-ray unit with a rated tube voltage exceeding 50 ,3 + The embodiment of personal traits and ,9 +"сообщения,",9 +Firma:_____________________ ,6 +frequency from the beginning of the approach to ,9 +Building IT is a complex endeavour. There is a wide range of expertise required to turn ,3 +appropriate—what learners are to do as evidence of their mastery of targeted content and skills ,3 +A summary of self-assessment results (if performed); and,3 +the runway is contaminated. ,9 +" prévus par le CC, et le droit ",3 +"Numbers above 9,900 must be spoken by",3 +Gas Temperature (EGT)—the temperature ,3 +Civil Aircraft Operations Transiting,7 +crosswind component across ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 264 of October 11, 1980]",7 +it. This additional fuel supplements the flow from the main ,9 +"thousand five hundred pesos in value, the Attorney-General shall, if no regular",9 +PRIMARY ACTUATION DEVICE/RIPCORD TEST:,7 +"Within 60 days of the date of termination, the contractor must submit any report, deliverable ",9 +Indicators for training material/tutorials and customised coaching ,3 +には第二十一条第一項又は第二項の規定により許可を受ける義務が課された資本取,3 +"Data Unit (PDU), door locking mechanism, cameras, Keyboard/Video/Mouse KVM switches and ",9 +Pressurization Issues,7 +consultancy,3 +Image rights and sound recordings,7 +Propulsive efficiency.,9 +"month in the case of a horse, or thirty pesos per month in the case of motor",9 +Chapter 22—Gyroplane Aeronautical Decision,7 +ATC the capability to monitor simultaneous close parallel ,9 +"ing airspace classifications of A, B, C, D, & E.",9 +"determine direction and speed of the wind, a touchdown ",9 +The tenderer shall describe at least the following: ,6 +extensive gathering and distortion of the fabric. Before ,3 +of the rotor disc that create the forces neces-,9 +The power required curve is again a ,9 +collective pitch movement.,9 +Assembly complete (square),3 +Sport Pilot Certificate,7 +) it has been established by a final judgment or final ,6 +increases the effort required to raise the nose. Not enough ,9 +Overvoltage Protection,7 +"the helicopter to climb, nor should it be moved so",9 +the miniature aircraft must be lowered slightly to maintain ,9 +dans le manuel d'utilisation de l'appareil. ,3 +is threatened; and ,3 +"each lease, agreement, memorandum, or contract for the hire, use,",3 +The press release should draw a connection between national developments and EU-OSHA’s ,3 +Frequenzgebührenverordnung (FGebV),10 +The Crew Briefing,7 +performance.,0 +whether it is “required””; ,3 +NAVIGATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION (Continued),7 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 2 ,7 +high Mach number ,3 +石油給湯機(灯油の消費量が七十キロワット以下のものであつて、熱交換器容量,3 +"Elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr, Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme,",3 +"Kommission für Verleih-, Vertriebs- und Videoförderung",7 +on securely.,3 +Reference: ,7 +This notice is the first step requiring you to give up possession of your home. You should read it very carefully.,3 +次に掲げる特定臨床研究に係る知的財産の適切な管理及び技術の移転の推進のた,3 +To mitigate the risk of emotional pressure from family ,6 +Partial revocation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 ,7 +in the combustion chamber. ,9 +"to the idle reverse position, then dropping it fully back to ",9 +Figure 4-31. ,0 +BOTTOM SKIN,7 +nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des installations. ,7 +Assistance with local regulations ,7 +notification,9 +The tenderers are also required to provide the evidence mentioned below. This requirement applies to ,9 +by offsetting them against any amounts owed to the contractor by the Union or by the ,3 +définitive,6 +§ 31 Anforderungen an Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +the lowest authorized decision height (DH) specified,9 +- Atomgesetz (AtG) §12b,3 +"If YES, please provide business data and attach copies of official ",6 +the brakes are applied (dimension L). The manufacturer’s ,9 +– Erfahrungsaustausch für Fahranfänger,3 +to clear ,6 +replacement tape.,3 +Where provision is made by law limiting the time within which proceedings of any ,9 +regardless of any provision to the contrary in the contractor’s documents. ,9 +shall have a legal residence therein for one year prior to the election.,9 +‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Each incorporation of data or informa-,9 +the approach chart and the PBN system avionics’,9 +the ground track of the gyroplane is equidistant from,9 +настоящего,9 +"part 65, section 65.129(f) states, “No certificated parachute ",9 +SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +completely cooled,9 +2.04.03-85 ,9 +a planetary gear reduction. ,9 +the throttle and maintain the touchdown attitude until,9 +"§ 51 Inkrafttreten, Übergangsregelungen",7 +Article 1 – SUBJECT MATTER; PERFORMANCE ,7 +"current aeronautical products; for example, Chart",9 +See Code of Federal Regulations.,9 +the execution of the FWC666 and validated by ECHA. ,9 +Equipment Setup,7 +"track aircraft in close to real time, with visual and aural alerts ",9 +Introduction ,7 +Ambient temperature: OAT = 12 °F,3 +150 psi compressed air supply. ,3 +"False courses. In addition to the desired course, GS ",3 +Such decay in directional ,9 +10.23.Arbeitszeit ,7 +"transponder (Mode A, C or S). All altitude",9 +airspace.,9 +How To Use a Training Syllabus,7 +"Industry No. 99 of March 29, 2001] [Extract] ",7 +"Article 9 (1) The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is to establish a ",3 +until all cells are flaked and all line groups are clearly separated and tight. ,3 +changement n'est intervenu dans sa situation:,9 +Key to Schedule 2 ,7 +OH&S POLICY STATEMENT ,7 +"Schedule 5 to, the Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 2006 (No. 1), sections 186(2), 187(2) and 188 ",1 +manufacture to minimize stress concentrations ,9 +other branch of the Government; and the procur,3 +TENDER SPECIFICATIONS ,7 +The drop hammer forming process produces shapes by the ,9 +§ 1 Bau und Finanzierung durch Private,7 +concentrations,9 +Supporting document(s)/evidence requested: ,7 +signal tests with GPS.,9 +The tender(s) ranked first after applying the formula will be awarded the contract.,7 +§ 2 Meisterprüfungsberufsbild,7 +Heading. ,9 +on its behalf;,9 +"computing other quantities in a specific geographic region, ",9 +N H A L T S V E R Z E I C H N I S,7 +Remove damaged material so that the edges of the ,3 +Hydrostatic Level Measurement ,7 +‘‘(4) REVIEW.—Not later than 2 years after the date of ,9 +in the vertical center of the fuselage. The same is true for the ,9 +"authority must release the guarantee fully after final approval of the supply, as provided ",9 +Histotoxic Hypoxia,7 +Figures 13-35,9 +away from the container walls.,9 +Public communication expertise ,3 +Ntlo ya Dikgosi ,7 +Turboprop Powerplant Removal and ,7 +Liste détaillée des modes d'exploitation des résultats ,7 +MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ,7 +Schedule 1; ,9 +and 5191): ,9 +Civil Aircraft Operations Transiting,7 +"the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness (e.g. the price proposed by the ",3 +"33,000 foot-pounds per minute. ",9 +II.4.1.12 Remedy ,7 +Award of the contract ,7 +"Pave the way for the transition to next generation, system-based ERA that addresses new ",3 +manager shall issue the contractor a final acceptance certificate and a copy thereof to the ,3 +traffic pathways in a terminal area that brings incoming ,9 +Both right and left sets of breaker points should open at the ,9 +cult to identify snowdrifts and hazards. Glare can also,9 +pressions,6 +satisfied. ,3 +ont été fournies pour participer à la présente procédure. ,7 +"3,5 bis 4,4",8 +procedures that may apply to light single-engine airplanes ,9 +in figure 3.20 and illustrates this principle. ,9 +"best results, the lacquers must be applied over fresh, ",3 +Conduct the Review ,7 +"assessment by the flight instructor. The purpose of the self-assessment is to stimulate growth in the learner’s thought processes and, in$_{ }$",9 +Pass bridle line through loop at bottom end of pilot chute.,3 +Lands shall find that any certificated private surveyor is incompetent or that any,9 +SEC. 403. STRATEGIC NATIONAL STOCKPILE. ,7 +for a $10 renewal fee.,9 +Lead-acid battery electrolyte freezing points.,0 +Tow Rope Strength Requirements,7 +"Wrights themselves, pointed out that their game plan was to ",9 +"""What is hull resistance at 60 miles per hour in standard atmos›",9 +(ii) has been validated no more than 18 months before the test is administered or ,3 +"differential. Also, as the upwind wing rises, there is an ",9 +Make sure that there are no twists in the lines.,3 +Variation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +蔵施設、廃棄施設又は放射線治療病室内の人が触れるものの放射性同位元素の表面,3 +die Anbringung eines Etiketts oder sonstigen Kennzeichnung an einen oder mehrere Fische oder,3 +Records and Documents ,7 +the following: ,9 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Initial Piston Moving ,7 +106. Appeal to Court of Appeal ,7 +"provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1), Article 15, paragraph (1), or Article ",3 +such damage or interruption. ,9 +"breach of its intellectual property rights, the contractor is liable for the whole amount ",3 +maintaining,9 +developments. ,3 +and medical care pertaining to other sickbeds than long-term care beds and ,3 +Force Majeure,3 +has either resided in Botswana for a continuous period of at least 12 months immediately ,3 +protrusion,6 +"boundaries described in the next succeeding section, and the inhabitants thereof,",9 +authority to have recourse against the principal debtor (the contractor). ,3 +(Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) ,9 +соглашениями Российской Федерации,9 +Cable management ,3 +な意見の交換を行うものとする。,3 +(See ICAO term PRECISION APPROACH ,9 +PRICE AWARD CRITERION (200 points) ,7 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 +Abschnitt 3,7 +Common Use:,6 +helicopter design bureau. ,9 +Anlage 3 (zu § 1 Abs. 2),7 +§ 21 Vorschläge für die Besetzung der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +Temperature Variations in Repair Zone,7 +Das G wurde als Artikel 1 G v. 6.12.2011 I 2564 vom Bundestag beschlossen. Es ist gem. Art. 4 dieses G am,9 +available on the NTSB website at ,0 +Single ignition engines: check operation of ignition ,3 +"airspace without, or in violation of, the terms of an",9 +" ""4. МВД России",9 +and Systems,7 +"consent is required, and associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) of the 2008 ",9 +Benefits Of WAAS In The Airport Environment ,7 +"groundspeed, aircraft performance, and weather conditions to ensure no additional steps need to be taken to guarantee the safety of ",9 +Data Protection ,7 +federal regulations require pilots to gather weather reports ,9 +The wastewater treatment plant has completed its period of tests after completion. A ,3 +demand in daily life and traffic conditions; and ,3 +Marinus STROOSNIJDER ,6 +or exercising any franchise or public privilege from the city has failed to comply,9 +AUTOROTATION,7 +Offenses Relative to Assessment of Real Property,7 +"The 3P model offers three good reasons for its use. First, it ",9 +Figure 6-73. ,0 +the system. Anti-skid components are normally not repaired ,9 +"the contract, including loss of anticipated profits, unless the loss was caused by the situation ",9 +"Physical Security, Information Security, Cybersecurity, and Occupational Safety and ",7 +or final approach course. Components of the required ,9 +point are as follows:,9 +"AMs, holds precedence.",9 +to patrol fences along the Botswana Zimbabwe border line in the Zone 6 and 7 ,9 +"officer or employee not appointed by the Governor-General, a",9 +WING ILLUSTRATED BY TUFT-GRID PHOTOGRAPHS ,7 +importer in accordance with Clauses 4(d) and 5(c) (or document/legislation attached): ,7 + or their voice or any other private element is recorded in a ,9 +§ 1 Erheben von Gebühren,7 +events and developing training materials to help the sector preparing for Chinese travellers.,9 +[Figure 14-40] ,3 +"), nor in any other way in relation to ",9 +reduction amounts at least to the extra allowance paid. ,3 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of January 1, 2006. ",3 +Replacing any cowling not requiring removal of the ,3 +speed of a device.,9 +"The back-course marker (BCM), where installed, is identified ",9 +Suspension par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +aircraft on a level surface and check to ensure the amount ,9 +"of the land, which provides heat to the air, thereby resulting in ",9 +"Die Abzugsposten nach Satz 1 sind von der Bundesanstalt nur zu berücksichtigen, wenn sie in der",9 +", including (1) the system under review; (2) the software lifecycle ",3 +Composition of National Assembly ,7 +"access to other ECHA IT systems from the target systems, particularly to prevent the IT ",9 +SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO FUR-,7 +vorgelegt oder,3 +"begins to settle into the plowing attitude, apply full",9 +"to work its way out of the assembly, typically through the ",9 +"note, the pre-financing guarantee must remain in force for three months after the debit note is sent ",9 +"gross weight, density altitude, and tempera- ",9 +"and adjust the cyclic and antitorque pedals, as necessary, to ",9 +Strahlenschutzbelehrung / Gefahrstoffbelehrung ,7 +Anlage 2.1 (zu § 4),7 +Publication Ref: EuropeAid/140639/IH/SUP/TR ,7 +Definitions ,7 +Variation of the Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +", a DC voltage with a specific polarity ",9 +Control rods,6 +An exclamation point (!) ,3 +Using the VOR MON.,7 +Exhaust Gas Temperature Indicator (EGT),7 +August 2020 ,4 +Article 5 – Price ,7 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +"to the landing, simply add power to make a go-around and ",9 +"installation handling of these wires (e.g., vibration, flexing, ",9 +专利实施许可合同的受让人应当按照约定实施专利,不得许,9 +inception report,3 +"the contracting authority,",9 +"pilot technique, the most important factor is vertical speed. ",9 +für die Feststellung der Fahreignung sowie Ärzte mit der Gebietsbezeichnung „Arbeitsmedizin“ oder der,9 +the identifier ISGF. The localizer includes a voice feature on ,9 +Nonprecision FAF,6 +alphabet. ,9 +Risk Management,7 +tubular structures. The plain tee joint is suitable for most ,9 +fuel quantities.,9 +New Access Road ,7 +Step 4—Assemble and Evaluate,7 +documents are signed by this party. ,9 +"matters, with a curriculum vitae of a person to be that representative director: ",3 +TATISTIQUE CONCERNANT LES ,7 +barometric vertical navigation (baro-VNAV) equip-,9 +Abschnitt 2,7 +In-Flight Test ,7 +The following factors to observe during the inspection are: ,9 +Fabrikat : ................................... ,6 +to the main container first and then the riser cover on ,9 +the remand in custody or on bail of any person charged with such an offence.” ,3 +of airflow from supersonic to subsonic is ,9 +"MINISTRY OF YOUTH EMPOWERMENT, SPORT AND CULTURE ",7 + J . Demonstrations (continued),7 +The contractor must comply with the minimum requirements provided for in the ,3 +MELDUNG DER,7 +Recommended Practices,7 +"aircraft engine run-up, which is the engine check before ",9 +ways to avoid unlighted obstructions or equipment.,9 +FDC NOTAMs ,7 +Originally published July 2016 ,4 +"so on. If the flight manual is published in looseleaf form, each ",9 +Provided further,9 +"To improve control, some pilots use a double crown line ",9 +When the powered parachute contacts the ground dur-,9 +"Article 29, paragraph (2) of the Act), the term ""two weeks"" in Article 29, ",3 +The contractor must pass on all the relevant obligations in writing to: ,3 + ,3 +"preignition, spark timing, etc., can affect the ",9 +bar or fid.,9 +A high-tension ignition harness. ,0 +person paying to the delivery of the ,9 +SCHEDULE 9 ,7 +II.6. LIABILITY ,7 +Make certain that due consideration is given to each ,3 +including any damage or loss to third parties during or as a consequence of ,3 +"he chief of a Bureau or Office may,",9 +Absolute pressure.,9 +Schlußformel ,7 +generator output and controls power to the aircraft loads as ,9 +system of providing medical care pertaining to hospitalization in hospitals ,3 +ECDC will assess these criteria in no particular order. The successful tenderer(s) must pass all criteria to be ,9 +. This may be carried out either by OLAF’s ,3 +system which is being used should always be determined. ,9 +(including ,3 +and Mountain Wave Activity (MWA),7 +advance the ATC facilities. ATC has come a long way from ,9 +The Crew Briefing,7 +"Transport of Ukraine,",9 +Specific provision related to reimbursement of expenses for shipment of Goods ,7 +Direct Service Changes ,7 +deformation of the aircraft structure. ,9 +Provision of pictures ,7 +Annual inspection ,3 +I.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA ,7 +die Nennfüllmenge die Anforderungen nach § 32 erfüllt.,3 +is within gliding range and flight cannot be sustained without ,9 + Aluminum alloy tubing used to house electrical ,9 +List of Figures ,7 +standard patch. ,3 +Static longitudinal stability.,9 +"airports is accomplished by turning the outer FMS knob, ",9 +この政令は、昭和四十八年一月一日から施行する。ただし、別表第一の二九、四二、,9 +Tlokweng in the South East District;,3 +– Evidence for selection,7 +"сооружениям),",9 +Preferences in Selection from Lists of Eligibles.,9 +"engine will be shut down. Finally, emergency proce-",9 +by such purchaser or purchasers:,3 +"basic system extends 3,000 feet along the runway. ",9 +前号の事故等報告書に係る事故等事案の概要,3 +Das Formblatt „Eigenerklärung zur Eignung“ ist erhältlich unter ,6 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +is zero and the airplane is in steady level flight. ,9 + Flight controls that are raised up from the upper ,9 +instruments with a consistent technique appropriate ,3 +bleed closed inc (%N1) is 63.5 ±0.5 %N1,3 +Ground resonance. ,0 +"guarded by military towers, most civil towers, and",9 +alternate dash-dot-dash line (display).,9 +"“permanent”, in relation to disablement, means where, following appropriate clinical ",9 +Common errors during a turn include:,9 +"operation manual set forth in (b), and in the case of a hospital, etc. which ",3 +VOLUNTEER MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS.— ,9 +"altitude, heading, or other items are correct. If",9 +Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +"Manila: First district — Composed of the districts of Binondo, Intramuros,",9 +Stunden innerhalb jeweils von zwei Jahren.,3 +NOTE: This method uses either the corners of the box (above) or ,9 +a double clamp or hand tacking. ,3 +Achieve Goals,7 +MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL ,7 +amount in figures and,9 +Operating Limits and Charts ,7 +Lieutenant-Governors in Mountain Province,9 +"sciences, arts, or some special industry, and have a legitimate list of",3 +Handbook is required reading. Commercial pilots who wish ,9 +working days of ,9 +"von Fahrzeugen, die zu Reparatur- oder Wartungszwecken in gewerbliche Fahrzeugwerkstätten verbracht",3 +électroniques tels que les factures électroniques; ,9 +Student Pilot Applicant Requirements (SPAR) ,7 +Remarks—the remarks section always begins with the ,3 +Separate facilities for storing and/or servicing flooded ,9 +"the period of time since any such compensation was paid, and ",3 +"Whereas in July of 1960, NASA announced the creation of the ",3 +and instructional guides.,9 +"Additional communication, navigation, and surveillance systems and/or automation",3 +Quality of the Tender,7 +Identification of subject matter for interview,7 +当該臨床研究中核病院において、当該特定臨床研究の実施に関する業務を統括,3 +Plays an active role in supporting the Secretariat during preparations for ,3 +I.5. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS ,7 +Fuel Selectors ,7 +Bottom of ripcord pocket,6 +Description of the services LOT 3: COVID-19 vaccine-related studies in ,7 +to the revision with regard to transactions for the purpose of providing ,3 +oil. This is particularly important in gas turbines as very ,9 +Upon the expiration of one year from the date whereon delinquency in the payment,9 +ROUTINE FENCE MAINTENANCE AND PICKET PATROLS ,7 +II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +"Farrand, Lowell ............................................................. 1-1",8 +User-Defined Waypoints ,7 +Safety and Security Issue Reporting ,7 +—(1) The Secretary of State may grant exemptions from all or any of the requirements of ,9 +Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake),7 +"sites at which the review will be conducted, when the review is expected to occur, any ",9 +An overview of the system;,3 +Федерации в целях исполнения международно-правовых обязательств,9 +cally establishes data link contact with a succeeding,9 +earns a livelihood.,3 +COMMON ERRORS,7 +within 300 feet of pattern altitude. ,3 +Proof Load:,6 +In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council ,7 +The Civil Proceedings Fees (Amendment) Order 2021 ,9 +Electronically signed on 31/08/2020 21:13 (UTC+02) in accordance with article 4.2 (Validity of electronic documents) of Commission Decision 2004/563,4 +used on sandwich honeycomb structure to repair a facesheet ,9 +"Cyanosis (blue fingernails and lips),",3 +"lost or shut down,",9 +Record of concreting ,7 +PERSONAL DATA AND CONFIDENTIALITY ,7 +FUND ACT ,10 +to the natural horizon. The airplane’s attitude and ,9 +Sequence for construction ,7 +Sample captain’s briefing.,0 +State/local air quality governance agrees to revise the SIP to accommodate the action’s ,3 +further-clearance time if one has been received. If an ,3 +procedure turn maneuver to ensure containment,9 +particular relation to flight operating strength ,9 +"when P is travelling to or from, or attending the location of an elite sports event in ",3 +Other Airspace Areas ,7 +The contractor must obtain any permit or licence required in the State where the ,3 +§ 24a (weggefallen),7 +weeks prior to the scheduled date of the suspension or discontinuance: ,3 +§ 3 Unterrichtsräume,7 +Procedures or Maintenance Procedures. The MEL will ,9 +"The steep, low power approach leads to an ",9 +pilots was ,3 +"390 172,78 Euro",9 +"640(a)(7)(A), 641A(h)(1)(B), or 645(d)(3) of the Head Start Act: ",9 +The force which imparts a change in the velocity of a ,9 +"authority, except where otherwise provided in this FWC, to publish the ",3 +"Die Waren sind in widerstandsfähige Kisten oder auf andere Art so zu verpacken, dass die ",9 +minimums a bit later. ,9 +accordance with the following items: ,3 +"Alloy code—E, [KE*] *Boeing code",6 +Temperature Variations with Topography,7 +Ice that forms on the wings and control surfaces ,9 +"Preflight, Preparation, 5",9 +"cabin, the altitude on a standard day that has the ",3 +"in the form of command bars, which show the pitch and roll ",9 +encountered by aircraft.,9 +Development of roadmaps for action on: ,7 +"aircraft maintenance instructor who uses it in the shop to teach welding, and the flight instructor who uses it in teaching piloting skills. ",9 +ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CAPACITY$^{3}$ ,7 + transmissions.,9 +この政令は、公布の日から施行する。,3 +Provision of evidence does not release the contractor from its responsibilities if it is found that ,9 +prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of economic operators or might distort ,3 + (Declaration on honor on exclusion ,9 +Electronic Fire Warning Siren Flasher; ,7 +so much of an electronic communications network or infrastructure system provided by ,3 +transponder,6 +Vacuum Tubes,7 +Αριθμός Εγγραφής,8 +"create sideslip, balance unsymmetrical power, ",9 +Departure and Arrival .............................................5‑7,8 +Europol’s Premises,3 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 2 ",7 +pumps. This ,9 +"ground personnel from such forces, the FAA",9 +表第一の一の項の中欄に掲げる貨物については、この限りでない。,3 +ground by using too much back-elevator pressure before ,9 +des interventions d’autres corps de métier relèvent des missions du Contractant.,9 +localizer to runway 32 is out of service until further notice ,9 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +LIABILITY FOR THE DEBTS OF THE LEGAL PERSON,7 +make modifications to the ,3 +bulk is likely to be much easier to locate from the air than ,9 +VC DVDs are updated,9 +Risk Management ,7 +. — Any officer or member of the Philippine Constabulary found,9 +in this paragraph shall not be available for costs that are ,9 +Pilot RVSM Operating Practices and,7 +"left port. Thus, a pneumatic check valve is a one-direction ",9 +Traffic Data Systems Using Onboard Sensing ,7 +в) в пункте 17:,9 +emission inventory for these sources include: (i) the amount of fuel consumed ,9 +Modern runways are designed to drain water rapidly ,9 +lsA registration,7 +"such statement contained in a joint offer, and reserves the right to reject such offers without further ",9 +"“Aircraft calling Dulles approach control, standby.”",9 +"the financial year ended 31 March 2018, I addressed my observations ",9 +Bottom. (verb),9 +USTIFICATIFS AUX FINS DE LA SELECTION,7 +element of risk in every flight. That is why SRM calls it risk ,9 +always evaluate the area for the possibility of an ava-,9 +Initial TEMP ,7 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR ,7 +. — There shall be a mayor who shall be a,9 +) as a Member of the ,9 +it obtains the registration referred to in Article 12 by wrongful means. ,3 +Intellectual property rights ,7 +非居住者の本邦にある外国為替公認銀行に対する本邦通貨をもつて表示される,3 +in the provision of,3 +ADEMPIMENTO DELLE NORME DI SICUREZZA,7 +der Klasse AM (2 Doppelstunden),7 +Transverse Flow Effect,7 +Lycoming 0-233 Series Light-Sport Aircraft Engine,7 +Preisblatt - Anbieter:,9 +"and under EU data protection legislation, and in relation to which the particular contractual ",3 +"Group’s hosting platform and LMS, in case of e-learning courses developed ",3 +"for you to know the meanings of the signs, markings, and lights ",9 +"completed and sent to the National Assembly for tabling, which were; ",9 +on final approach upon completion of the penetration,9 +"Der Vorstand kann auf Antrag des Herstellers im Sinne des § 41 Absatz 1 Nummer 1 auch gestatten, dass bis",9 +Charger OK ,3 +Gutachter fertig zu stellen. ,9 +Normalizing.,9 + shows an example ,9 +In his written submission to the last meeting of the Public Accounts ,9 +"Furthermore, despite animals particularly elephants and buffaloes creating ",9 +"of people or resources affected (exposure), the extent ",9 +amount of guaranty entitlement available to the veteran shall be ,9 +"balloon flight. There are many resources available, both ",9 +"28 августа 2020 г., регистрационный № 59544):",9 +Radio Communication ...............................................11-30,8 +"removal of apparatus, including but not limited to the payment of costs and expenses relating to ",9 +assigned altitudes or when flying on radar vectors in lieu ,9 +"(K-3 thru K-8 A1rships).""See page 59. ",3 +Alternate Types of Wings ,7 +Functions of Engine Oil,7 +A global positioning system (GPS) is typically used as a ,9 +for damage and leaks.,3 +"Monitoring, sampling and analyses ",7 +"observed in the high reconnaissance, and check for anything ",9 +Abschnitt 1,7 +Gust-Induced Oscillations,7 +"the heading change if it continues, and retrim. ",3 +Learner Emotional Reactions ,7 +or nitrogen,9 +"necessary, to maintain airspeed.",9 +〔平成二十五年六月二十六日政令第百九十一号〕〔抄〕,7 +thereby blocking out aircraft at the same range and ,3 +Invitation’s branding should respect EU-OSHA's campaign/project design and includes the ,3 +arrange safe delivery of the Goods to Europol Premises or to a warehouse/storage,3 +"Sachg. H Abschn. I Nr. 19 EinigVtr v. 31.8.1990 iVm Art. 1 G v. 23.9.1990 II 885, 1058",9 +"cash points, and ",3 +speed (V$_{a) }$– a structural design airspeed used in determining the strength requirements ,3 +[1397-18 (,9 +a manner which ensures,9 +suffix and/or adding “NON-RVSM” in the NOTES or,9 +Great Plains Aircraft Volkswagen (VW),7 +"in aviation: the pilot, the aircraft, the environment, and the ",9 +procedures with LP and LNAV minima the receiver,9 +Powered heavier-than-air aviation grew from the Wright ,9 +erroneous readings to occur.,3 +"corner must be closed, or a slightly longer flange is necessary, ",9 +consider weather information as a planning tool for fuel ,9 +and scanning for outside hazards and instrument ,3 +II.20.3. Umrechnung ,7 +II.1. DEFINITIONS ,7 +Europol Public Information ,7 +"because of a leak or bottle discharge, the switch closes an ",9 +GENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURES ,7 +"contracting authority, the contractor must provide a document providing evidence of ",3 +"item), and endeavoring to increase the maintained reverse referral rate; ",3 +MINIMUM ALTITUDE-,9 +electric components and ignition systems dissipates radio ,9 +flange to allow for fine timing of the magneto to the engine. ,9 +"nicht zu Beginn der dort genannten Zeiten betätigt,",3 +Abschnitt 3,7 +"machine, type of thread, the stitch range, and the stitch pattern (if ",9 +Rhuiples of Ropellerr ,0 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,7 +AD (ashless dispersant) oil. ,9 + the contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender) that its invoice cannot be ,9 +TIMETABLE FOR TENDER PROCEDURE ,7 +Figure 9-76,9 +that the results be divulged or not after they have been delivered in their final version to the ,3 +The price considered for evaluation will be the total price of the tender presented in the financial model ,9 +days because variations in the headwind component have a ,9 +Controls rpm,6 +stesura del DUVRI e gli eventuali costi di sicurezza da interferenze sono a carico ,3 + Immediate indication of the direction of aircraft ,9 +Operations in Other Countries ,7 +"full up to full down deflection), the needle is very sensitive ",9 + shows cabin air pressure ,9 +including fees,9 +supplementing or replacing Article I.10 of the Special Conditions of the FWC],9 +hazard to safety (14 CFR Section 91.209).,9 +Amendment of the Northamptonshire (Structural Changes) Order 2020 ,7 +Welche Quellen und Daten nutzen wir? ,7 +"Therefore, you need to start your descent 20 NM out and ",9 +" The skills of coordination, timing, control ",9 +It is essential for persons using this handbook also to become familiar with and apply the pertinent parts of 14 CFR and ,9 +"including 18,000 feet MSL. T",9 +Zugangskontrollsystem mit Dokumentationseinrichtung zu installieren.,3 +107 of 124 ,5 +MSL. This four,9 +from aircraft,6 +"flutes, equally spaced along a portion of the pin thread area. ",9 +Stop engine/release tow line—this signal is given by ,3 +Project management ,7 +The most significant responsibilities of the FWC666 contractors for this WP are described ,9 +(рублей) ,9 +"and ending September 30, 2019, with respect to pay-",9 +Pilots are not required to advise ATC if correcting on the ,9 +Glider or Sailplane?,7 +GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ,7 +ELETTRONICA ,7 +Aerodynamics of Flight,7 +10.23.Arbeitszeit ,7 +"The supported browsers, file types, size of attachments and other system requirements can be consulted at: ",1 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Two-Pin Piggyback ,7 +"operation of the engine. Thus, the thrust of the engine and ",9 +(exclusion ,7 +"⦁ $_{Learner perception of targeted objectives as their own, personal objectives }$",3 +Master call,6 +Air Distribution,7 +assemblies. These types of common wear/damage pattern ,9 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 +PRIMARY ACTUATION DEVICE/RIPCORD TEST:,7 +The process of witnessing an organization’s process. It differs from a physical ,9 +While RFMs may appear similar for the same make and ,9 +Briefing the photographer: ,3 +the controller for the processing of personal data carried out within the Commission is the head ,3 +spreading infection.,3 +"date of completion, the flight instructor’s signature, and time flown. The lesson plan can also have a notation section for flight ",9 +equipped with an operable radar beacon transponder,9 +a dry weight of 213 pounds (including the fuel pump) and ,9 +of officers elected at the f,9 +TCAS II is a more sophisticated system. It is required ,9 +Subject of the Engagement ,7 +Weighing the Aircraft and Determining the ,7 +Conformity of the supplies delivered must be evidenced by the signature of a certificate to this effect by the ,9 +Euro on the first working day of the month in which the payment is made. ,3 +"provisions of Article 16-3, paragraph (2) of the Act and make a summary of the ",3 +Deployment brakes lock down the trailing edge of the parachute using the control lines during ,3 +EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS ,7 +CHAPTER VII ,7 +"nership where each individual is a U.S. citizen, or",3 +なく、事故等分析事業を行わなければならない。,3 +"to Federal, State, local, Tribal, and territorial public health ",9 +II.6. LIABILITY ,7 +§ 11 Untersuchungsbefugnisse,7 +kennzeichnen.,8 +"(ii) in the definition of “maintained school”, in paragraph (a) for “Part 2” substitute “this ",3 +Taper sand,6 +Verhalten gegenüber Sonderfahrzeugen,3 +91.225 for ADS,9 +"from flying, rather than by continuously citing the unhappy consequences of faulty performances. Safe flying practices should be ",9 +operations inside HIPNA to BEEAR” ,9 +Fuel-flow instruments indicate the fuel flow in pounds per ,9 +Aircraft in Alaska may only operate on GNSS Q-routes,9 +provided that can be adjusted to any degree of bend within ,9 +Stationary Combustion Sources ,7 +Short breaks ,7 +aircraft completing the pattern at the same interval.,9 +in no way implies that the tenderer has been successful.,7 +特定機能病院の管理者は、適切に病院の管理及び運営を行うために、前項で定める,3 +Dual ignition engines: check operation of both ,3 +Submission of tenders phase ,7 +much faster than the overlying air. Air in contact with the ,9 +$_{WPT }$______$_{ DIS }$__._ $_{NM DTK }$___$_{° TRK 360°}$,6 +A decrease in section lift coefficient ,9 +aircraft’s heading is changing from a downwind heading ,9 +Scuba Diving,7 +Carburetor Icing,7 +the extremities become less responsive and flying becomes ,9 +Vertical Gusts During High-Speed Cruise,7 +at the same time. [Figure 6-2] If the nose is much,9 +tenderers and will not be reimbursed.,9 +"44.03.03 Специальное (дефектологическое) образование, утвержденном",9 +§ 26 (weggefallen),7 +Report any unexpected error during all tests in order to verify robustness. ,3 +"ECHA specifies the requirements in the service request, notably the work items, ",9 +Protokolle und,3 +Mit Einverständnis der Beteiligten kann das Gericht ohne mündliche Verhandlung entscheiden.,9 +Airspace changes in general ,3 +Shall serve ECHA for activities aimed at developing capabilities that augment ,3 + The lowest published ,9 +https://ec.europa.eu/info/data-protection-public-,9 +§ 19 Fahrten zur dauerhaften Verbringung eines Fahrzeugs in das Ausland,7 +All landings should consist of evaluating the wind and ,9 +Landing approaches put the balloon at its closest to ,3 +that must be emphasized by the flight instructor and adhered ,9 +II.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority,7 +AFROELASTIC EFFECTS ,7 +Wing Blowing Over After Touchdown,7 +TABLE OF CONTENT ,7 +the condition inspection on any of these aircraft. The ,9 +"springs, and hooks for breakage and wear, and verify ",3 +Für den Bescheid über die Zuerkennung der Förderhilfen gilt § 67 Absatz 1 in Verbindung mit Absatz 10 für,9 +LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF A GROUP ,7 +"airport is necessary, the pilot shall make the letdown ",9 +Moral rights of the authors ,7 +MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +Traffic Advisory (TA),6 +compromise or of any proceedings necessary to resist the claim or demand. ,9 +is better,9 +Constant power plus constant pitch equals constant airspeed. ,6 +"and updates information contained in the FAA-H-8083-15B, Instrument Flying Handbook, and introduces advanced ",9 +exhaustive list):,9 +Spray the top and sides of the fuselage down to the point ,9 +Teilnahme ausländischer Fahrzeuge am Straßenverkehr,7 +Tenderers shall list in their offers the names of the core members of the project team ,9 +organs to become impaired. One noteworthy attribute of ,9 + Flight Instruments ,7 + the padding is made specifically for the control ,9 +" The airspace below 1,500 feet above the",9 +Quality standards ,7 +"Secure the end of the AR2 power cable to the reserve base plate assembly, using the clamp, ",3 +"Industry No. 99 of March 29, 2001] [Extract] ",7 +"Finanzierung eines Films verwendet werden, an dem die Beteiligung des Herstellers nach § 41 Absatz 1 Nummer",9 +should advise the tower that it will conduct an,9 +Authorized repairmen: FAA Senior or Master ,3 +CTF. Centrifugal twisting force. ,9 +"Personen vorschlagen können. Hinsichtlich des Verbands der Filmverleiher e. V. gilt Satz 1 mit der Maßgabe, dass",9 +or continuity of the services. The parties may agree to draw up a transition plan detailing the ,9 +Inspect engine and gearbox for oil leaks.,3 +VFR Waypoints,7 +"When looking directly at an object, the image is focused ",9 +"in paragraph (b), omit the words from “7th” (the first time it appears) to “with”; ",3 +of the vertical tail is reduced ,9 +The altitude range in which the thermals are ,9 +⦁ $_{Recognition and rewards for group success }$,3 +SYSTEM IN THE ,7 +"deren Vermarktung; Erfassen und Bewerten des Betriebserfolgs; Betriebsvergleich,",3 +EVALUATION OF TENDERS,7 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY ,7 +Blocks of Learning ,7 +Cancellation of the tender procedure ,7 +VFR Departures ,7 +adding captions in English; ,3 +"region (published by AeroNav Products), the TPP includes ",9 +compliant. The technically compliant tenders are evaluated in order to award the contract to ,9 +"torque of the main rotor during cruise flight, so the heli-",9 +Submission of tenders. ,7 +"“force trim” switch on the cyclic, which sets the desired ",3 +List of Appendices ,7 +Voltage Drop in Aircraft Wire and Cable,7 +pressure too long.,6 +are treated individually. The impeller is usually made from ,9 +tranquilising of animals.”. ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 172 of April 3, 2015] ",7 +"existing laws, rules and regulations of Turkey",3 +"shell contains eight electrons, the number of electrons in the ",9 +"control, but also increases drag. Care must be taken not to ",9 +"водоснабжения,",9 +"to a specific tax and the manner in which the labeling, branding, or",3 +as if it had contained the substitute provision as from its entry into force. ,9 +unless there is a specific reason to turn the long way ,3 +insert title and number,7 +"used, it should be connected to either the grounding post or ",9 +Notwithstanding the provisions of section 77(1)(,9 +angle of bank. Correction of a skidding turn thus involves a ,9 +(iv) date of conducting capital transactions; ,3 +communications,3 +Night Vision ,7 +atmospheric ,9 +and TSO-C196() equipped users (GPS users) whose,9 +and Constant Rate),7 +Customer bleed air.,9 +SCHEDULE 12 ,7 +"undertakings,",9 +for the purposes of invoicing. ,3 +SALARIES AND EXPENSES ,7 +"for adjacent structure and equipment, ",9 +Anlage 1 (zu § 5),7 +Non-Moving Advances,7 +"Property Tax Law, in force in the department.",3 +II.2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT TENDER ,7 +the contractor shall consult with ,3 +"prescribed altitude, additional circuits of the holding pattern ",9 +Figure 11-159. ,0 +"no manual input available, would be announced as",9 +Generator Controls for High Output Generators,7 +" The long block engine kits, which are the ",9 +Department for Transport ,9 +beforethe dissolution may be appointed as a Minister or an Assistant Minister. ,3 +§ 5 Lehrfahrzeuge für Fahrschüler,7 +Function To Cross-Check Calculations,7 +II.20.1. Zahlungsdatum ,7 +die Nummer der Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil II und einen Hinweis über deren Verbleib.,3 +"years, preparing a concrete annual plan for increasing it, and submitting ",3 +The blocks of learning identified during the planning and management of a training activity should be fairly consistent in scope. They ,9 +". — Fees for tuition in institutions of instruction, other",3 +The change proponent must ensure that the SRM documents are entered into the ATO,3 +"the parts, allowing them to rust or corrode.",9 +cambiamento,3 +Approaches and Landings ,7 +Experience playing or developing CTFs or Cyber Exercises,3 +"on, any major changes to be implemented and related impact, and the benefit to Business ",9 +in the direction of rotation and then in the opposite direction. ,9 +BLADE PITCH ANGLE,7 +for the first fold of the webbing. Fold one more time ,3 +The altimeter’s static pressure inlet must be ,6 +"– Aufbauseminare, besondere Aufbauseminare und verkehrspsychologische Beratungsgespräche",3 +"to recover the amount it claims, specifying the amount due and the reasons for recovery and ",9 +[Figure 4-49],9 +for all intended points of landing and alternate airports. ,9 +Wing loading,9 +The fostering of personal accountability and corporate self-regulation in safety matters.,3 +of electricity with pneumatic operation have all-pneumatic ,9 + Drag caused by the same factors that produce ,9 +entsprechenden Versorgungsunternehmen.,9 +"La Paz, Tarlac, and Victo",9 +DOWNWASH FLOW FIELD 8EHlNO A SWEPT TAPERED ,7 +des Wertpapierhandelsgesetzes in einem Umlagejahr angefallen sind. Wertpapiere im Sinne von Satz 1 sind,9 +Figure 4-75. ,0 +"of training, the rigger candidate learns to identify those ",9 +"feet MSL) to which descent is authorized on final approach, ",9 +measure the level of liquid in a reservoir. The dipstick is ,9 +notify a personal data breach to the European Data Protection Supervisor; ,3 +Security requirements for ECHA,7 +[2468-9.],9 +carriage front tube. Secure the control bar to the front tube ,9 +PRELIMINARY ,7 +"§ 4 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +Hi-Lite$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +Personnel Required ,7 +a double clamp or hand tacking. ,3 +"Direct Communications, Controllers and",7 +payments or payment of the balance. Where the payment of the balance takes the form of a debit ,9 +a metal requiring special care (such as aluminum) is being ,9 +The contractor shall maintain a list of registrations of all participants who have confirmed their ,3 +委員を選定し、委員名簿及び委員の選定理由を公表すること。,3 +〔平成二十四年九月十四日政令第二百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +) is derived from the type of navigational facility ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 105 of March 31, 2005]",7 +TO SIDESLIP ,6 +shaving foam from an aerosol can or a small piece of rolled ,9 +Common oceanographic terminology.,7 +Coordinating Calculations with Aeronautical ,7 +Time & Means contracts,3 +Figure 5-66. ,0 +"For the past several decades, research into how people actually make decisions has revealed that ",9 +"the necessary protection from ultraviolet, infrared, blue light, ",9 +"for requirements related to fair housing, nondiscrimination, labor ",9 +fix bugs and security vulnerabilities. ,3 +Fasten around the leading edge with sail ties. ,9 +That more than one contract should be signed if the joint offer is successful,3 +"water separating funnel, ensure the funnel is grounded ",3 +area selected should be well away from other air traf-,9 +"The salary of the president, during the period when the vice-president shall",9 +Maintenance Work,7 +from outside signals.,9 +Intermediate Approach,3 +"(rotor), a diffuser (stator), and a compressor manifold. ",9 +Was available to the public before that date or was in the public domain; ,3 +"EARTH WORKS, PIPE WORKS AND GROUND IMPROVEMENT",7 +Temporary flight restriction (TFR) ,3 +"in accordance with regulation 24 of the 2010 Regulations, the responsible authority must ",9 +Rigging Fixtures,7 +beteiligt,9 +furnish discharge at a pressure equal to the ,9 +Corner Joints,7 +GA System Operation,7 +Wegen der Höhe der Geldentschädigungen steht nur der Rechtsweg vor den ordentlichen Gerichten,3 +exclusion criteria and selection criteria ,7 +clamps and be grouped with at least three other wires. They ,9 +"each bond for indemnifying any person, firm, or corporation who",3 +Pitot/Static Instruments,7 +Significant Weather Prognostic Charts,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 387 of December 25, 1997] ",7 +Der Hersteller hat die Förderhilfen spätestens bis zum Ablauf von drei Jahren nach Erlass des jeweiligen,9 +has either resided in Botswana for a continuous period of at least 12 months immediately ,3 +operational cycle. It is used to ignite the fuel in the combustor ,9 +factors leading to retreating blade stall.,3 +"If airspeed is higher than descending airspeed, and a constant ",9 +rapport notifiant l'autorisation d'introduire et d'utiliser ces produits sur le site. Le contractant ,9 +"The Auditor General is the head of the Office of the Auditor General, appointed under ",9 +"), and final reports and final outputs should be of a quality (content and format) ",9 +Po = price in the tender; ,9 +"With assistance from another individual, carefully attach a 33-pound weight to the stroke simulator ",3 +Российской Федерации от,9 +—Department of Transportation Computer Center ,9 +AC Synchro Systems,7 +Introduction/Explanation,7 +is in operation does not necessarily prevent another from ,9 +that provides both horizontal and vertical guidance to a ,9 +of heading change desired. Rolling into a 20° bank ,3 +It is both the tow pilot and glider pilots responsibility ,0 +as it applies to a compulsory purchase to which the Acquisition of Land Act 1981(,3 +"Für die Räume, in denen die Vordrucke gelagert werden, ist ein erhöhter mechanischer",3 +Schlussvorschriften,7 +The maximum awarding score achievable with the proposed service level requirement values is equal to ,9 +Start to Increase,6 +official weather observation is a ceiling of less than,9 +must not be used. Consideration should be given to the use ,9 +Assessing SRM Skills ,7 +(See FINAL APPROACH COURSE.) ,9 +Shipment Type 1,7 +The declaration on honour(s) must be converted to PDF format and then signed ,3 +II.25 SÉCURITÉ ,7 +Engine Fire Switches,7 +Table of contents ,7 +loads may be imposed on the structure. Improper recovery ,9 +Latitude and Longitude (Meridians and ,7 +a detector that has transmitter and ,9 +airplane control by deviating as little as possible from ,9 +ublication Ref: NEAR/ANK/2020/EA-OP/0056 ,7 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +of Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the ,3 +how they effect the ASI.,9 +Improperly changing an aircraft equipment,9 +Technique.,9 +Amendment of the Customs Tariff (Establishment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 ,7 +Besprechungsräume für Baustellen-Jour Fixe etc. zur Verfügung gestellt.,9 +"Barbados,",9 +Partial inversion. ,9 +V$_{2}$+10 knots,6 +Anti-Skid System Tests,7 +List of Figures ,7 +Flight Information Publication Policy,7 +the submission. ,9 +this electrical logic every time. (The gate or circuit would also ,9 +2.10.3. Расписание занятий составляются с учетом дневной и недельной,9 +Governance and contract management (WP 1) ,7 +center wire conductor surrounded by a semirigid insulator. ,9 +A route of approximately 1.0 kilometres in ,9 +Spring-Back,7 +SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO FUR-,7 +Exercise extreme caution whenever a person is assist-,9 +. Based on ,3 +"cabin trucks, deicer trucks, water trucks, lavatory trucks, and cargo loaders, among others. ",9 +Zwischenprüfung,7 +administrative decision that the person has been created with the intent ,6 +rotor mast. Both swash plates tilt and slide up and down as ,9 +check or money order made payable to the Treasury ,9 +Modifier—denotes that the METAR/SPECI came from an automated source or that the report ,3 +agreed by the detailing components. ,9 +surnames and job titles of people.,3 +"goals, targets and indicators; ",3 +Social media communication plan ,7 +title and number of the service contract,9 +Delegation of the European Union ,7 +Functions of Generator Control Systems,7 +] concluded between the contracting authority and [,7 +Europol’s obligations under its financial legal regime.,3 +area. This could result in damaging the fabric being tested.,9 +on receipt of a request for further information pursuant to paragraph 3 the undertaker ,3 +Aluminum Welding,7 +"in Annex B],",3 +circuit can control the frequency more accurately. A crystal ,9 +In many aircraft the effect of intermediate ,9 +Packing hook. ,9 +Restoration of streets if street tramway discontinued ,3 +That more than one contract should be signed if the joint offer is successful,3 +The tenders are evaluated in order to award the contract to the tender offering the lowest ,9 +so the wrong flap is not damaged. Proceed ,3 +Softstarter Protection ,7 +"In cases where medium or low safety risk and/or controls go outside of the ATO, the",3 +they can visually follow a preceding departure out of,9 +Loss of orientation.,3 +for onsite activities) ,7 +change in,9 +Enrolment appeals ,7 +Replacement Certificate ,7 +aural alerts are: “Climb! Climb!” and “Descend! Descend!”,9 +generated. The temperature of the wire rises until the ,3 +NOTIFICATION OF SHORTAGE.—Section 2812(c) (42 U.S.C. ,9 +approved as a local authority foster carer for a temporary period (not just a person who is a ,9 +Make certain that due consideration is given to each ,3 +minimum of a third-class medical.,3 +§ 12 Unfallstelle,7 +released within 60 days of the issuing of the signed final acceptance certificate for its total ,3 +"institutions or places of detention within the city because of sickness,",3 +EU-OSHA's national partner should provide its own logo in high-resolution vector file – 4 weeks ,3 +and for adjusting cable tension. One of the terminals has ,9 +Use of Suitable Area Navigation,7 +the details stipulated in the special conditions. The contractor shall undertake to carry out ,3 +Mr. John Bailey (www.knots2u.com) for image used in Chapter 1,9 +REPAIR PARTS LIST ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 135 of May 30, 1960]",7 +sulla gestione dei diritti; aggiunta di misure tecnologiche di protezione; ,3 +"attachment point known as the hang point, and the propeller ",9 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +"(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 1989, 1546)",9 +"of touchdown, the force of contact with the ground may be ",9 +recording (it is not expected that full professional recording equipment or a TV studio ,3 +Perform the compression test as soon as possible after ,3 +warranted provisions. ,9 +the flow of fluid in a round pipe or tube. When the butterfly ,9 +"example, since the attitude indicator is the only instru-",9 + Navigation Instruments ,7 +the contractor might be requested to produce a short video clip (up to 2 minutes long) ,3 +Reverse-Current Relay,7 +Offenses Against Provisions of Notarial Law,7 +NATURAL PERSON,7 +Amendment of the Northamptonshire (Structural Changes) Order 2020 ,7 +"and using altitude to regain airspeed. For this reason, it is",9 + Thrust Required for Increases in Speed,7 +§ 3 Abschlusszahlungen für 2015,7 +Management Letter,7 +Number on Your Aircraft,7 +"available), the intended turnoff taxiway, and the route of ",9 +that leads to a personal injury. An indirect learning ,9 +Center Weather Advisories (CWA) ,7 +экономические решения,8 +PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ,7 +LEVEL FLIGHT,7 +the remarks section to indicate the equipment needs,3 +procedure. The system must be able to retrieve the,9 +this contract and from the intention of the parties; ,3 +and notify the suspected source field of the hazard.,9 +"NM, and 150 knots at 15 NM until gear and flap speeds ",9 +Marker Board ,7 +Fences and Gates ,7 +Exchange ,1 + The acute angle between the chord ,9 +of obstacle clearance for emergency use within a specified ,9 +"and leaves a hole in the metal. Now repeat the operation, ",9 +"Verify coolant hoses for security, and inspect for leaks ",3 +Security requirements for ECHA,7 +‘MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS’.’’. ,9 +Marking Colors.,9 +безопасных,9 +administratives ,7 +work alongside the Consultant and will be responsible for: ,9 +document ,9 +provide that health care professional with any relevant information obtained under ,3 +exercises to help develop a division of attention between ,9 +Variation of the Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +Scope of the services in LOT 3 ,7 + A defined point on the final ,9 +Social Media Communication Plan ,7 +Low-Wing Twin,7 +Supplemental Study Materials for Aircraft Weight and Balance,7 +] delivered as part of the Framework contract ,7 +TRIM FOR ,6 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 +V$_{2}$+20 knots,6 +practices and from internal or external causes. An example ,9 +wind shear PIREPs.,9 +"the most critical maneuvers. In ballooning, landing ",3 +für Wirtschaft:,9 +"quality of the market intelligence/educational material, customised coaching, tutorials and ",9 +Overall management including development of concept for ,7 +Ground Access Vehicles ,7 + Working days according to ECDC’s holiday calendar ,1 +is aligned with the rules and principles under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) ,9 +Appendix A3 ,9 +"are modified so as to secure that, as against persons with interests in the land which are expressed ",9 +Pflegezeit und Familienpflegezeit dürfen gemeinsam 24 Monate je pflegebedürftigem nahen Angehörigen,9 + I/Os should be accessed for diagnostic and maintenance purposes over web browser(internet ,3 +the approach and landing. ,9 +"engine at each of these speeds, and perform a cold cylinder ",9 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) ,7 +AFCS mode,6 +means the amount of work a horse could do in one second. ,9 +The force acting about ,9 +non-control information broadcast on a local frequency in a ,9 +PRELIMINARY ,7 +lights do not indicate breaker point opening. ,9 +are: General Information; Operating Limitations; Emergency ,9 +always be 180 degrees different from the course,9 +〔昭和四十八年十月一日政令第二百九十一号〕,7 +"chaotic. Nearby obstacles, such as hangars, groves or lines ",9 +(ARFF) and ATC services),3 +airport that may have an appropriate approach or may,9 +examples of “compound feed” machines.,9 +VIRGINIA ,6 +"are in IMC, false sensations can cause the pilot to quickly ",9 + Traffic ,9 +"On every mortgage or pledge of lands, estate, or property, real or",3 +REARWARD FLIGHT,7 +Common Errors,7 +"Except when necessary for takeoff and landing, all flights will be conducted at or above ",3 +Overvoltage Protection,7 +designated by the Secretary of State as a ,9 +als Werkstattinhaber vorsätzlich oder fahrlässig entgegen Artikel 23 Absatz 4 Satz 1 der Verordnung (EU) Nr.,9 +The hardened concrete shall be watered continuously for 1 hour prior to casting the adjacent concrete. ,9 +approved under Technical Standard Order (TSO),9 +II.15.3 Claims and liability ,7 +Support to project documentation ,3 +regulations. The contractor shall indemnify the contracting authority against any claims ,3 +"over the road, the first turn should be started immediately. ",9 +"harness, and container system, and any item that has ",9 +"movements are necessary to achieve the flight change, ",9 +" for the purpose of verification, specified at Article II-4 (5) ",3 +ublication Ref: NEAR/ANK/2020/EA-OP/0056 ,7 +定する特殊な医療並びに療養病床及び一般病床以外の病床に係る医療を除く。)を,3 +Article premier ,7 +Amendment of Schedule 4 ,7 +国及び地方公共団体は、内水面における豊かな水量が内水面水産資源の保全,3 +from the localizer and glidepath centerlines.,9 +Betäubung bei der Ferkelkastration ordnungsgemäß gezeigt hat. Die sachkundige Person erhält einen Nachweis,9 +Fault-finding chart; and ,3 +"regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and ",9 +Private fostering: notifications ,7 +hazard within 34 seconds. This alert may be visual,9 +. — At any time after delinquency,9 +イからハまでに掲げるエックス線装置以外のエックス線装置にあつては、エッ,3 +. Scrolling through the ,9 +"corrective et les dépannages: au début de chaque année civile, le Secrétariat émettra un bon ",9 +innovation projects.,3 +"time requirements, in comparison to other pilot certificates, ",9 +similarly to those mentioned above. Some sort of sensing ,9 +[Figure 7-8C],9 +a waving motion of the arms above the head.,3 +and managing money and other benefits related to specified clinical trials ,3 +and expenditures,9 +turbulence can also be avoided by flying in the relatively ,9 +that occurs when one or more gore sections near the skirt ,9 +Specific contract types ,7 +installing a panel,9 +"consignee, the description of the goods to be transported, the quantity for each ",3 +"operation manual set forth in (b), and in the case of a hospital, etc. which ",3 +a distance of 3 times the width of the pile measured from each end of the pile the volume of ,3 +Landing on the face and back of swell,6 +Transfer/Exhaust—Piston,7 +Figure 4-19. ,0 +Section 91.3.,9 +"Arbeitsunterbrechungen von mindestens acht Minuten berücksichtigt werden können, wenn ein Ausgleich",3 +Service contract conditions of December 2018 ,5 +Current situation in the sector ,7 +стандарта,9 +"not served by an approach control facility, the ",9 +the wing producing lift. ,9 +calculations that have been performed on paper.,9 +"parking, or maintenance. With regard to seaplanes, a ",9 +Private rights over land ,7 +Das Formblatt „Eigenerklärung zur Eignung“ ist erhältlich unter: ,9 +"Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, an",9 +Failure to maintain straight-and-level cross-check ,3 +zustehen. Bei Bemessung der Gebühren sind Art und Ausmaß der Einwirkung auf die Straße und den,9 +‘Personnel’,9 +Teil der Meisterprüfung für das Flexografen-Handwerk,10 +"RID I: (General Compliance, Economic and Financial Capacity Compliance) ",7 +compensate for a change in the distance between the center ,9 +foreseen by Article II.13.2.;,3 +corresponding increase of good judgment was assumed. Building upon the foundation of conventional ,9 +contractor’s personnel used by the Contractor; ,3 +B.2.4.2 Emission Factors ,7 +"brief period during the engine-starting cycle, they are, as a ",9 +Parallel Generator Operations,7 +"In addition, the contracting authority reimburses travel outside Union territory if it has given ",9 +Factors Affecting Selection of Conductor Material,7 +by the manufacturer with a portable GPS added in the ,9 +importation,3 +zusammenhängenden Minuten oder drei Teilunterbrechungen von jeweils mindestens 15 Minuten ersetzt,3 +the station to be called will normally be the air traffic,9 +modes. Roadways,9 +"there is any interruption in the supply of the service provided by an operator, ",3 +"TS 11565 EN 969 Ductile iron pipes, fitting, accessories and their joints for gas pipelines-",3 +declare that [I have received full remuneration] [I agreed to receive remuneration by [,9 +Ply locating template,6 +Various types of lens and colors were tried for periods of time ,9 +Composition of National Assembly ,7 +Wing Structure,7 +"If it is clearly unsafe to stay with the glider, move to a nearby ",9 +and security. Turning on the main electrical power to verify proper ,0 +For the contracting authority ,6 +"the means necessary to reach it. With every complex human endeavor, it is necessary to master the basics if the whole task is to be ",9 +the transistor in the active mode throughout the full AC ,9 +II.4.1.12 Remedy ,7 +Relative range information in 1/8 NM to,9 +takeoff power because the skiplane may settle into soft,9 +Zeitrahmen 6: Funktionsprüfungen und Einstellarbeiten,7 +accordance with the following: ,3 +"(vertical visibility) (BKN008 OVC012CB, VV003).",3 +Step 5—Adjust for Specific Conditions,7 +"Consequently, the bank angle and rate of turn must be",9 +upward-blowing,9 +FINAL MONITOR AID- A high resolution color ,9 +"Once a pilot begins to suffer a loss of energy, he or she ",9 +30/06/2020 ,5 +Interazioni tra i rischi elencati nel paragrafo 7.2 e le attività del Contraente elencate nel pa,3 +"power, while remaining near takeoff speed for",9 +Bleed Air Heating Systems ,7 +parachutes ,9 +Interview partner to be identified ,7 +caused by externally induced stress.,9 +"Hoheitliche Befugnisse gehen auf den Privaten nicht über, soweit dieses Gesetz nichts anderes bestimmt.",9 +"beantragte Fahrerlaubnisklassen,",3 +"inspect, repair, or overhaul the gearbox in accordance with ",9 +representation of the Governor-General. Such reports shall be printed in English,9 +"Kunden- und dienstleistungsorientiertes Verhalten, Lernziele b und c,",3 +ing items secured so they don’t get sucked through the ,9 +"Fahrtunterbrechungen auch Arbeitsunterbrechungen ausreichend, soweit diese nach den Dienst- und",3 +variable resistance signal from the tank unit. They convert ,9 +); 1150-13; 1760-1 to 8.],9 +fight against the FMD. ,3 +except the ignition system. Equipment that commonly uses ,9 +HEADING INDICATOR,7 +Operating Limits for ,3 +the action letter on the application for the drug or biological ,9 +Sandwich material.,9 +In addition to the President the National Assembly shall consist of,9 +: ad hoc web highlights will be drafted and uploaded to the HWC website. The ,3 +Article II.21.7. ,9 +Pilots should not rely upon the stall warning devices for ,9 +IFR and certain icing conditions. ,3 +bürgerlichen oder öffentlichen Rechts für den Gegenstand des Verfahrens als geschäftsfähig anerkannt,3 +nates is less than 30 seconds and the closest approach,9 +thermocouples used for temperature control should be placed ,9 +Указанные сведения вносятся в справку не ранее чем за 3 рабочих дня до,9 +When flight crews transition from the U.S. NAS to another ,9 +Ministry of Justice ,9 +неинфекционных,9 +Types of Friction ,7 +Unless otherwise authorized,9 +TENDER SPECIFICATIONS ,7 +the New Ministerial Order (including the cases where applied mutatis ,3 +References ,7 +programmes ,9 +Schriftlicher Ausbildungsnachweis,3 +"ist sicherzustellen, dass nicht nur die von der Bundesdruckerei angelieferten Vordrucke, sondern",3 +(Refer to 14 CFR Part 71.) ,9 +"is the important consideration, since it is the most critical ",9 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 3 ,7 +Factors Affecting ,7 +"respect, the lift on the wing has a component ",9 +Chapter 2$_{ }$,7 +in the United states,7 +Equation B-8 ,9 +"and Industry No. 43 of September 30, 1986] ",7 +Travaux d'adaptation,7 +The risk management activities must adhere to ECHA Risk Management methodology (see,9 +Email –marine.consents@marinemanagement.org.uk; ,3 +An increase in the section drag coeffi- ,9 +"Schedule No 8: Roads, Landscaping and Fences",7 +geringen Teil unterlegen ist.,9 +User-Defined Waypoints ,7 +[1407-18 (,9 +Ministry of Public,3 +"on its control frame. After the wing is tensioned, the nose is ",9 +別表第二(第二条、第四条、第十二条関係),7 +ARTCC Communications,7 +II.20.8 Intérêts de retard ,7 +REARWARD FLIGHT,7 +"the ailerons as desired.) But, as greater deflection is requested, ",9 +Consultant and approved as satisfactory by the Contracting Authority. ,3 +Highway in the Sky (HITS). A graphically intuitive pilot ,9 +The control is ,9 +Comply with the VFR visibility and distance-from-,3 +but with a bubble in it. When the device in which the tube is ,9 +Figure 16-4,9 +Pack round reserve with 2 stow diaper,3 +"also have poorer mechanical properties, requiring the use of ",9 +Flap-type pneumatic check valve.,0 +should consult with the local Flight Service District Offi ce ,9 + and any invoice required for services that were provided before the date of termination.,9 +divisions thereby affected shall be made in such manner as may be recommended,9 +"multi-function display (MFD), or the nearest function on the ",9 +communications,3 +of adjustment must be determined by experimentation. If the ,9 +"tion, and request Class C service. Radio contact",9 +S.I. 2020/114. ,1 +"This handbook is available for download, in PDF format, from the FAA’s Regulations and Policies website at: ",9 +by calling in a financial guarantee if the contractor has submitted one to the ,3 +accordance with the following items: ,3 +Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +The operator of a turbine-powered helicopter can elect to have ,9 +Bearbeitungsunterlagen.............................................................................3,8 +II.5.5. In e-PRIOR berechtigte Personen.................................................................... 18$_{ }$,8 +Tire Inspection Off of the Aircraft,7 +"ty has been committed in the keeping of the register, he shall",9 +the Contracting Authority will proceed with the payment. ,6 +provided the documents were issued not more than one year before the date of their request by ECDC ,9 +national ,9 +show the alignment of landing strips. ,9 +able to successfully submit the e-document without any error messages. The generated ,3 +"By submitting a tender,",9 +Verification of non-exclusion ,7 +TAIL SURFACES,7 +einschließlich Kontrollen ,3 +Nei luoghi della Commissione in cui il contraente svolgerà le attività oggetto del presente ,3 +Common oceanographic terminology.,7 +Empfehlungen an den sommerlichen Wärmeschutz/baulichen Sonnenschutz,7 +It should be noted that the terms “roundout” and “fl are” are ,9 +Requesting a Special Registration Number,7 +"Verfügung gestellt. Die Ausführungspläne werden zudem in der ersten Fassung (Übergabefassung), ",9 +claim the full amount to the company indicated as,3 +"subsistence expenses, including meals, local transport including transport to and from ",3 +the dotted line in ,9 +meeting several objectives: ,9 +"Nothing in this article shall be construed as authorizing the sale, gift, or other",9 +Pricing Model Details ,7 +Stretch Forming,7 +understanding towards meeting the goals of the assessment and help to avoid unnecessary delays ,9 +toute modification de la situation déclarée. ,7 +This Appendix forms part of the Clauses and must be completed by the parties.,9 +Data protection. ,7 +that voltage. Electrical power is produced when there is both ,9 +and installation.,3 +Private rights over land ,7 +accommodation facilitated by the Secretary of State for the purposes of P’s self-isolation; ,3 +mehr als 10 Kilogramm oder mehr als 10 Liter,7 +Large Reciprocating-Engine Aircraft Fuel Systems,7 +"used for that purpose by the debtor, such as the debtor may select, of",3 +Prüfungsbereich Warenwirtschaft und Produktion von Fleisch- und Wurstwaren,8 + [Figure 12-10] ,9 +Special Operations,4 +"§ 10 Angestellte, Arbeiter und Auszubildende",7 +Figure 13-7. ,0 +risoluzione.,9 +Restricted airspace ,7 +AIRSPACE INFORMATION,7 +crossing restrictions from the departure end of,9 +related to the significant rise in aliens at the southwest border ,9 +expenditure are shared between subventions to parastatals under the ,9 +compass. If the pilot wants to fly a magnetic heading of ,9 +Drinking water ,7 +"the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, the provisions then in force remain ",3 +"der Prüfling sich innerhalb von zwei Jahren, gerechnet vom Tag der Feststellung des Ergebnisses der nicht",3 +substitute “Section 179(3)”. ,9 +"Procedure (clarification, corrigenda) are considered by the Agency as confidential.",3 +"increases, and rotor rpm decreases. Decreasing pitch angle ",9 +SCHEME TO BE REVOKED ,7 +CRITICAL ,6 +Section 08: Electrical Works ,5 +Removal of Decals ,7 +Upon approval by the provincial treasurer the budget shall become effective,9 +"in paragraph (6), for “£5,000” substitute “£450”. ",3 +identification and invitation of ,7 +"MODALITÉS EN MATIÈRE D’ÉTABLISSEMENT DES PRIX, COMMANDES ET DE ",7 +take an inventory of the materials supplied and unused. A statement shall also be drawn ,3 +Class A airspace is not specifically,9 +Rods active ,6 +EXPLANATORY NOTE ,7 +Contracting authority: who is the buyer? ,7 +11th February 2020 ,9 +(See MINIMUM VECTORING ALTITUDE.) ,9 +Rolle eines,9 +three or more main rotor blades) are subject to ground ,9 +OPEN CALL FOR TENDERS ,10 +"are planning a night cross-country to an unfamiliar airport, ",9 +précédente,9 +‘‘(3) REFERENCE BY AN AUTHORIZED PERSON.—A person ,9 +ublication Ref: NEAR/ANK/2020/EA-OP/0056 ,7 +Generator Controls for High Output Generators,7 +Information to be filled in ,7 +einer Gruppe von,9 +definition or progress-reporting purposes and is defined in ,9 +in the EU.,9 +受託業務の責任者として、滅菌消毒の業務(以下「滅菌消毒業務」という。)に,3 +"Cabangan,",9 +"For most metals, electrical resistance changes as the ",9 +"P87.75 million, compared to a surplus of P48.50 million in the ",9 +delay the aircraft.,9 +has assumed unsatisfactory handling characteristics.,9 +§ 5 Lehrfahrzeuge für Fahrschüler,7 +"Documentation, Review, and Approval Process for Waivers to ",3 + Waiver Approval,3 +Emergency Services Available to Pilots,4 +RESOURCE ALLOCATION ,7 +of this type can be dangerous. Suitable guards should be ,9 +Curriculum vitae of the proposed contract manager. The contractor shall inform EMSA in advance ,3 +項(同項第十四号に掲げる事項については、前項ただし書に規定するときに係るもの,3 +Figure 10-1 ,9 +nuove parti,3 +"francese, inglese, tedesco; ",3 +"similar type and design, Type Test certificates will be acceptable. ",3 +to delays. ,9 +Transportwege ,7 +https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/general-secretariat/corporate-policies/data-protection/search/. ,3 +Constabulary,9 +characterize each source. ,3 +unanfechtbar.,9 +Marker Board ,7 +エックス線診療に従事する医師、歯科医師、診療放射線技師又は診療エックス線,3 +dissolved,9 +Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie durch Rechtsverordnung mit Zustimmung des Bundesrates den,9 + to the contrary at least three (3) months before the end ,9 +Intermeshing Rotors,7 +range minimum.,3 +"traffic pattern, the wind causes the gyroplane to drift",9 +ransacted within their respective,3 +"temporarily be deferred, operation or dispatch of an aircraft ",9 +visual interception point indicates an increase in altitude and ,9 +available for departure;,9 +"within 30 NM surrounding the terminal area, and",9 +the amount of compensation referred to in sub-paragraph (b) which is in excess of the ,3 +name of the ,7 +"which are also listed alphabetically. When flight planning, ",9 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +[Figure 4-7],9 +Section 3 Measures for Revitalization of Fishing Ground Environment in ,7 +water in which the vessel in question may engage in business as aforesaid.,9 +punching the rivet head.,9 +of the bound vortex and the tip vortices in- ,9 +"Replacing bulbs, reflectors, and lenses of position and ",3 +im Falle nicht vorverpackter Fische oder Fischereierzeugnisse auf der Stufe des Einzelhandels,3 +Diese Verordnung tritt am 1. Mai 2002 in Kraft.,9 +office is located within the jurisdictional district of the Fukuoka Local Finance ,3 +interview partner ,7 +"soon as practicable, be made the basis of all public-school instruction.",9 +shall proceed to settle the same and to dispose of the assets in accordance herewith.,9 +down first so that little or no weight is on the nose wheel. ,9 +Minimum Factors ,7 +"At this point, the tow pilot must remain extra alert. The tail ",9 +on. The ELT broadcasts continuous emergency signals on ,9 +Quality of the Tender,7 +次に定めるところにより、保管廃棄設備を設けること。,3 +intention to commence construction of any specified work and notice in writing of its completion ,9 +"on receipt of any further information requested, the relevant authority notifies the ",3 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +attività del contratto. Verrà redatto il relativo verbale di sopralluogo congiunto.,9 +Amendment of the School Information (England) Regulations 2008 ,7 +Provide a safe environment for the operation of ,3 +Chapter 1: Aircraft Owner Responsibilities,5 +authority as FAA Form 7711-1 (7-74) and will be issued in lieu of that form for banner towing operations. ,9 +"the contractor, its staff, its subcontractors and any person for which the contractor is ",9 +specifying the,9 +aircraft about the combinations of loads that can safely be ,9 +done by checking and adjusting the ignition points to open ,9 +laying on the ground turned into a flying wing. Since ,9 +RITERES DE SELECTION,7 +placard is issued and an entry made in the aircraft MEL ,9 +"setting forth the facts, conditions, and circumstances",9 +Moral rights of creators ,7 +after paragraph (1) insert— ,3 +BOTH SHEETS (Financial tender and Financial evaluation).,7 +Documentation: ,3 +Tenders that do not comply with the tender specifications will be rejected if they: ,9 +undertaking the work described in that paragraph if P is travelling with another ,3 +全生产管理人员或者本单位负责人报告;接到报告的人员应当及时予以处理。 ,9 +designed to alert others to the potential hazard. Since,9 +It is generally a nowcast for conditions beginning in the ,9 +"position, especially acetylene cylinders, because they contain ",9 +container. ,3 +TECHNICAL MANUAL ,7 +"a gas turbine engine, a nozzle directs the flow of hot exhaust ",9 +"STM retention makes information available long enough for it to be rehearsed. For example, if the learner repeats the number to ",9 +Establishing the Contractual Requirement ,7 +This activity covers also the effort required to complete the review cycle of deliverables: ,9 +"area-wide or local air quality modeling, and it will not increase the frequency or severity ",3 +Providing adequate instruction,6 +spreading infection.,3 +"As current flows to the loads, the current coil is energized ",9 +§ 11 Verschwiegenheitspflicht,7 +Excessive variations of altitude and heading,3 +to the point where the side flap stops. Trim ,3 +"influenced by the cooling requirements on fuel/air mixture, ",9 +Panel factory test ,7 +Compressor Types,7 +into flight training teaches aspiring pilots how to be more ,9 +"airfoil shapes to minimize yaw, some wings utilize vertical ",9 +"wer Flächen auf Grund eines Unterpachtvertrages bewirtschaftet. Über Kaufanträge von Berechtigten, die",9 +Airway and Route System ,7 +Abweichend von den Nummern 7 und 9 der Tabelle in Satz 1 beträgt im Inland das Mindestalter für das Führen,9 +—difference in depth of modulation ,9 +Detonation. ,9 +"in paragraph (2), after “2019 Regulations” insert “(as it has effect in the United ",3 +"darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Ausübung der Fahrlehrerlaubnis nur in Verbindung mit einer Fahrschulerlaubnis",9 +Attitude Retention Systems (ATT) return the ,3 +"Ausgenommen hiervon sind Kosten für den Eigenbedarf des AN (Containerheizung, Containerstrom ",9 +TABLE OF CONTENT ,7 +"Actual airspeed, determined by applying a ",9 +"49, United States Code, $10,542,000 to remain available until ",9 +"the fabric is common. Depending on the process, wrinkles ",9 +Figure E-2. Steps for Using MOVES in a Quantitative PM Hot-spot Analysis ,0 +width of the runway just prior to the threshold bar. ,9 +observer. These definitions apply regardless of the,9 +Within one month ,8 +II.21.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +when the airship is traveling against adverse winds. ,9 +"By the diagram of figure 2.21, the ",9 +flight procedures. Flight check aircraft fly preplanned,9 +"vacation of the Supreme Court, the judges not assigned to vacation duty shall be",9 +Work No.108,9 +Bridle and pilot chute ,3 +§ 1 Ziel des Gesetzes,7 +"brake system from the bottom up, a pressure pot is used. ",9 +"In order to have access to e-Submission, you will need to ""Subscribe to call for tenders"" ",9 +"of a surface area and two or more layers, and is designed to ",9 +[Figure 13-38],9 +"Runways that are not hard-surfaced have a small letter ""s"" following the runway length, indicating a soft surface.",9 +"(niveau jaune et au-dessus), ",9 +Auxiliary Power Units ,7 +Descent Advisor ,9 +"fiscal of the province — and in the city of Manila, to the prosecuting attorney —",9 +accordance with Chapter 2 of Part 3 of this ,8 +The normal operating ,9 +or at a later ,3 +and on consistent use of terms. ,3 +Common Errors,7 +These general effects should point out the possible danger ,9 +§ 1 Berufsbild,7 +Use a hot knife to melt the stitching that holds ,3 +Breech handle,6 +"§ 26 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +upon the same principle.,9 +navigational signal coverage and meets obstacle clearance ,9 +可约定以外的第三人实施该专利;并按照约定支付使用费。 ,9 +Restriction Upon Measures Relative to Sanitation. —,9 +Form 1: Candidate/tenderer general information,7 +"of the same, as required in section one thousand and",9 +advantageous one on the basis of the award criteria set out in Annex I (section 3.7 of the ,9 +Alle Gerichte und Verwaltungsbehörden leisten den Gerichten der Finanzgerichtsbarkeit Rechts- und Amtshilfe.,9 +"penalties as to time and interest, as an",9 +[1458-9.],9 + - the date on which the last party signs the ,3 +Full official address: ,6 +elements are all driven by a common shaft. The pressure is ,9 +Relief Hole Location,7 +"approximately 170 °F, the solder that seals the nozzles melt ",9 +for safety on the part of the controller. But the pilot must not ,9 +Levy on Alcoholic Beverages Fund ,7 +Oriental Negros: First district — Composed of the municipalities of,9 +Lesson Plans ,7 +The Nursing and Midwifery (European Qualifications) ,9 +ROUTE OF FLIGHT,6 +number of non-towered airports in the area. For non-towered airports that do not have a UNICOM ,9 +Technical and professional capacity,7 +are used to move the blades on a controllable pitch propeller. ,9 +"- Si, dans le domaine concerné, des sociétés représentant d'autres métiers sont liées ",3 +estimates,9 +Substance ,8 +There are several reasons how›,9 +occasionally,9 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of February 1, 1973. ",3 +"the common language and frame of reference, required to ",8 +"Physical Security, Information Security, Cybersecurity, and Occupational Safety and ",7 +"beyond affairs set forth in the preceding items, affairs necessary for the ",3 +AFROELASTIC EFFECTS ,7 +"presentazione,",3 +Leg Strap ,6 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,7 +"options, and contingencies may be recognized to reorganize solution development into phases. ",9 +"Figure 3-14,",9 +Step 4—Assemble and Evaluate,7 +II.14. FORCE MAJEURE ,7 +"to as a ""branch office, etc."") may be exercised by the director-general of the ",3 +acrylic if the old coating is softened using acrylic ,3 +"Direct Communications, Controllers and",7 +Suspension par le contractant ,7 +performing that task. Mental habits are also learned through practice. If learners are to use sound judgment and develop decision-,9 +当該医療法人が開設する病院、診療所、介護老人保健施設又は介護医療院の業務,3 +certified inspection body pertaining to Additional Special Specified Products ,3 +various components of the engine where accumulated fuel ,9 +"PUBLIC LAW 117–10—APR. 23, 2021 ",5 +Bungee Cord,7 +Technician ,7 +"two rear connector links, and the D lines are attached to their associated C lines in the same ",3 +Determines which control movements are required to ,3 + whether antecedent,9 +NAVWRPS DD-807-80 ,5 +wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit bei gleichzeitiger Neuregelung der Arbeitszeit in einigen Wochen mit Feiertagen vom,9 +simulations of their receivers that pilots can use to,9 +Figure 16-53. ,0 +Engine Oil Temperature Indicator,7 +contrattuali o nei rischi presenti nelle aree dell'amministrazione aggiudicatrice ove le ,3 +"FOR THE PROVISION OF ICT RACKS, CABLING AND OTHER ",7 +modern avionics. A brief look at various electron control ,9 +Welche Quellen und Daten nutzen wir? ,7 +Displaced Threshold ,7 +That if any part of the reprogramming described in the notification ,9 +voluntary basis. ,9 +Conduct the Slack Checker Test (WP 0011 00) and Stroke Simulator Test (WP 0013 00). ,3 +Input signal,6 +is in good condition. Acrylic lacquer finishes do not ,3 +Für die Festlegung der Immissionsrichtwerte nach Ziffer 3 der AVV Baulärm ist die,9 +SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCUREMENT ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 373 of November 5, 1987]",7 +"to street venders or peddlers, and no ""first-class bar",9 +A person certified by the FAA to perform ,9 +Übersicht über forstliche Herkunftsgebiete,7 +systems and the charted magnetic courses on,9 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Final Piston Moving Down,7 +desired airspeed while maintaining straight-and-level flight. ,9 +under adverse conditions. Always consider the necessity to ,9 +flight rules (IFR).,9 +§ 6 Meldepflicht der Inhaber einer Fahrlehrerlaubnis zur vorübergehenden und gelegentlichen,7 +Thermocouples,7 +Altitude trend data (level within 500 fpm,9 +which aircraft remain during normal approach operations. ,9 +pitch position,3 +Calibration reports for analogue signal circuits; ,3 +suivre les instructions données ,3 +sa décision finale de réduire le paiement et le montant correspondant. ,3 +flying a gyroplane on the backside of the power curve,9 +analysis for a transportation plan or TIP. ,9 +前各号に掲げるもののほか、事故等分析事業の実施に関し必要な事項,3 +Verordnung zur Neubestimmung von Arzneimittel-,10 +of the data platform ,3 +2009/1307.,1 +Table A – Losses of Cash,7 +verfasste ,9 +the time limits to submit additional information or corrections or a new version of the ,9 +"quick computations for heading changes. For example, ",3 +"the start function, the GCU must energize the series ",9 +Departures From Airports Without an ,7 +Participant Register ,7 +Disturbance: <10% ,3 +contractor or to its carrier. ,9 +requirements have been met to conduct this IFR flight ,9 +§ 3 Flugsicherungsausrüstung für Flüge nach Instrumentenflugregeln,7 +135 STAT. 247 ,5 +appropriate pitch attitude for level flight with a simultaneous ,9 +"Subject to the provisions of this article, all private rights over land of which the undertaker ",9 +www.efsa.europa.eu,1 +have minimum 1 MB memory.,3 +DISCHARGE,6 +conditions permit and it will be applied as follows:,9 +распоряжения Правительства Российской Федерации от 16 марта 2020 г.,9 +Large flap deflections ,9 +Equipment Setup,7 +〔昭和五十八年十月二十八日通商産業省令第六十六号〕,7 +"rule, more trouble-free than the typical reciprocating engine ",9 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +Suspension par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +[Figure 6-4],9 +LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ,7 +decreases until the control bar is full forward and the back ,9 +precedence over those in the other annexes.,3 +Cooperative or Group Learning Method ,7 +The yellow pointer is indicating the course to a VOR or GPS ,9 +open the main line until at maximum flow the secondary line ,9 +PLANNING IN FMD CONTROL ,7 +per Local Energy ,9 +"authority may also refer to publicly available information, in particular evidence that it can access ",9 +Invoices and value added tax ,7 +Ignition Harness,7 +Nadine Dorries ,9 +Betrieb und die Entwicklung des Flugnavigationsfunkdienstes beeinträchtigen.,3 +"Regelung zur Vermittlung der Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten nach Verordnung (EU) Nr.",7 +Article 1 – SUBJECT MATTER; PERFORMANCE ,7 +open at a predetermined pressure differential. It allows air to ,9 +Wheel Speed Sensor,7 +LOT 1 – DATA COMMUNICATIONS ,7 +Direction of Flight,7 +Forward Slip,7 +"[CATEXes],",9 +Chapter 21—Gyroplane Emergencies,7 +Performance guarantees cover compliance with substantial contractual obligations until ,9 +providers; ,3 +"rate, unless otherwise prescribed by law, shall be fixed at cost or in excess of cost",9 +increase aircraft visibility in low light conditions.,3 +specificato di seguito: ,3 +thousands of NASA civilian and military staff and partners who ,3 + Repair layup process.,0 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 +COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ,9 +Sample Problem 2 ,7 +"Per Safety Management System policy, a high predicted residual risk is unacceptable and",3 +circumstances brought about by the selected course of action ,9 +"eventually the entire contact surface takes on a burned, black, ",9 +transparent window on the front of the ,6 +[1903-1; 1979-1 (,9 +Composition,7 +"all chemical salts from the surface. Depending on the brand, ",9 +"taxes, customs and import duties and levies and/or charges having",3 +An unfeathering accumulator is a device that permits starting ,9 +Airport/Runway Information ,7 +нарушений,9 +Anticollision lights ,3 +Affecting Pilot Performance,7 +following type.,9 +THEORY OF OPERATION ,7 +illustrates the procedure. ,9 +"high altitude, high temperature, and high humidity con-",9 +"Berechtigte im Sinne des § 3 Abs. 2 des Ausgleichsleistungsgesetzes müssen, soweit dies nicht bereits",9 +are caused by dirt and impurities on the contact surfaces. If ,9 +for aerodynamic braking and to hold the nose wheel off ,9 +FINAL CONTROLLER- The controller providing ,9 +"MINISTRY OF YOUTH EMPOWERMENT, SPORT AND CULTURE ",7 +II.20.2. Währung ,7 +and 135.293.,9 +"A hydrocarbon, C$_{7}$H$_{16}$, with a very ",9 +two or more generators and adjust the voltage regulation ,9 +entered from climb airspeed. Use the rate appropriate for the ,9 +The most important sign and marking on the airport is the ,9 +peller combination. ,9 +NAVWEPS OD-BOT-BO ,7 +内水面漁業の健全な発展に関する基本的事項,3 +"For the purpose of this FWC, communications must be sent to the following addresses: ",6 +Teaching decision-making skills has become an integral part of flight training. The word “decision” is used several times in each ACS ,9 +able to successfully submit the e-document without any error messages. The generated ,3 +allows for the attitude indicator to be in view during all ,9 +"landing phase, one realm of flight that still does not involve ",9 +and recovery. If 5 seconds are required to roll into a ,3 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,7 +"§ 51 Inkrafttreten, Übergangsregelungen",7 +Branding & Sign posting ,9 +will call when she arrives. ,6 +"function, yet no warning placard is required. Another source ",9 +on the date of entry on the land by the undertaker under section 11(1) (powers of entry) of ,3 +induced drag at low speeds ,9 +how many months of each type of Application Management service shall be ,3 +"two rear connector links, and the D lines are attached to their associated C lines in the same ",3 +and cross‑check them against one another in order to reduce ,9 +expressly stated in the Special Conditions.,3 +Stages of Skill Acquisition ,7 +from hot gases leaving the core engine.,9 +by small foreign inputs. There is either voltage or no voltage. ,9 +Dynamic lift under specified conditions. ,9 +number of electrons remain the rule of ,9 +PROCÉDURE D’EVACUATION ,7 +unit to act like a motor. ,9 +"worked. For all experts, their time input must be rounded to the nearest whole number of days worked ",3 + at the end of this ,9 +assess the applicant’s degree of permanent disablement in accordance with regulation ,3 +"job, they may invest in a full-time loft. In colder climates, ",9 +"currency, and flight experience.",6 +S T A T U T O R Y,5 +municipality,3 +mounting or attaching parts are drilled.,9 +"of general local government’’ and inserting ‘‘State, unit of general ",9 +The sum of all quality award criteria (1 ,7 +responsibilities are in the CFRs and the air traffic,9 +Angebote von Bietergemeinschaften ,7 +I.9. DATA CONTROLLER ,7 +noticeable. It is important to understand that variations in ,9 +"Bundeszentralregistergesetzes sowie eine vergleichbare Bescheinigung der zuständigen Behörde des Staates,",9 + — The council of hygiene shall,9 +A “loaded” rib or one with support tapes for the line ,3 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +the lien of such taxes and penalties.,9 +connaître les procédures d'évacuation. ,9 +performance of this ,3 +Article I-16 ,7 +Airspace.,9 +to call ATC and the need to depart into marginal conditions ,9 +"Servicing, and Maintenance Supplements; and Safety ",9 +Continuous-duty solenoid. ,9 +"supplying aquatic products and multiple functions, and that it plays an ",3 +of Federal Regulations (or any successor regulations)) ,9 +Wind and Currents ,7 +"condition with intermittent sunlight. Hills, valleys, and",9 +guidelines have also been given in this section. Nearly all ,9 +with the harness machine. ,3 +measures torque applied to a shaft turned by the gas generator ,9 +comes to an end in accordance with section 50(7)(b) of the Police Reform and ,3 +"person is referred to as a ""person who engages in foreign exchange business, ",3 +Wheel Speed Sensor,7 +"Course Changes, 5",9 +TRSA Service (Radar Sequencing and,7 +Article II-13 ,7 +Provision of pictures ,7 +Der Vorsitzende hat die Streitsache mit den Beteiligten tatsächlich und rechtlich zu erörtern.,9 +Liste détaillée des modes d'exploitation des résultats ,7 +"executed approach to permit completion of the approach, ",9 +slowly converging flightpaths may be considered low potential collision risks.,3 +operating using two pilots. ,3 +Rivet Length ,7 +Distribution of cabin air on pressurized aircraft is managed ,9 +"Betriebsleitsysteme und Kommunikationseinrichtungen,",3 +Certain illegal drugs can have hallucinatory effects that occur ,9 +"Die Pläne, Details, Unterlagen werden im PDF-Format übergeben - nach Erfordernis und nach ",9 +Other Airspace Areas ,7 +Abschnitt B Nr. 1.2 ,3 +catering on event premises and off-site; ,3 +END OF WORK PACKAGE ,9 +The Approach,7 +"against peril by sea or on inland waters, or by fire or",3 +Service Volume (SSV) localizer. All charted,9 +"Le fatture devono riportare gli estremi del contraente (o capofila in caso di offerta congiunta), ",9 +"Bulvarı, (Eskişehir Yolu 7.Km), 2151.Cadde, ",6 +"runway touchdown point may be commenced, provided the ",9 +FAA Reference Material ,7 +"von Einsatzfahrzeugen der Feuerwehr, der Polizei, der nach Landesrecht anerkannten Rettungsdienste,",3 +Steeper descent angle,6 +abrupt maneuvers have on the float action and the fact that its ,9 +analysis of the area. There are several factors to consider ,9 +"ognizable airfoil shape; and (2) deflated, it is a ",9 +Pilot RVSM Operating Practices and,7 +"Conduite/Inspection, Maintenance préventive, corrective et dépannages ",7 +Anlage 17 (zu § 10 Absatz 1 und § 11 Absatz 1),7 +condition of the helicopter is indicated by the position ,9 +"spinning. The propeller region, or driven region, gen-",9 +the balloon. ,9 +Arrears of Revenue ,7 +§ 24a (weggefallen),7 +"operation of vacuum systems are actually negative pressures, ",9 +"and indicators, if any, should be in place and functioning. It ",9 +"Departure, 5",9 +维护网络安全的需要,不得用于其他用途。,9 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +"Abbruchmaterialien sind sortiert zu lagern. Der Abfalltransport erfolgt, nach Freigabe ",9 +centerline (final approach course) without execut-,3 +" INVOICES, VALUE ADDED TAX AND E-INVOICING ",7 +VOR Receiver Check,7 +"The current inspection status of the aircraft, including ",3 +Specific provisions related to insurance ,7 +United States Parachute Association. ,9 +91. В федеральном государственном образовательном стандарте,9 +High wing,6 +to a constant stress ,9 +"If the contractor does not pay by the due date, the contracting authority may, after informing ",9 +"открытом воздухе, а также подвижных игр, определяется по совокупности",9 +be acquired ,8 +Methodological framework defined by ECHA ,7 +that is when the greatest lift differential exists between the ,9 +Refer to figure 11-1 (position 1). From level flight at,9 +to solve problems they have not seen before. ,9 +Non-Moving Advances,7 +Published VFR Routes .............................................15-6,8 +Civil Remedies for Collection of Municipal Revenue,7 +"launch operations, they occur less often than during aerotow ",9 +Figure 5-37.,0 +$^{5}$ Last year=last accounting year for which the entity's accounts have been closed. ,1 +edge of the aileron is sealed to allow controlled airflow in and out ,0 +(See AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT ,9 +Le Contractant met en œuvre les moyens supplémentaires en ressources humaines et en ,9 +VFR Over-The-Top,7 +data and path definition ,6 +tenderer is not sufficient to fulfil the required minimum levels of capacity. Abstract ,9 +for the performance of the contract as a whole.,9 + A preplanned ,9 +Records of IT DPB Meetings including proposed IT Investment Visions and meeting ,3 +"constellation of satellites, and receivers, that enables receiver locations to be calculated ",9 +assigning a person who performs affairs related to the committee ,3 +Die Übertragung ist unter Bezugnahme auf diese Vorschrift unwiderruflich und öffentlich beglaubigt zu erklären.,9 +Hold Short” ,7 +Fixed Assets Register Not Updated Residual Values ,7 +"), after paragraph (1), insert— ",9 + An aircraft with the horizontal stabilizer mounted on ,9 +"Fahrer/Beifahrer, Fahrzeug",7 +Flächen nur in dem sich aus § 3 Abs. 3 des Ausgleichsleistungsgesetzes ergebenden Umfang nach Maßgabe,9 +Figure 10-21. ,0 +No person may conduct any operation pursuant to the authority of this CoW except in accordance ,9 +Judicial Committee,7 +病院、診療所及び助産所の管理,7 +"RNAV or RNP procedure (instrument approach,",9 +(iii) The method of discharging polluted water ,3 +Cable Tension,7 +per second the turn will not approach the lead point ,3 +maintaining proficiency with VOR navigation.,9 +preceding two items. ,3 +GPS Familiarization,7 +Any partial payment,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 427 of December 15, 1972] ",7 +workload and increase pilot situational awareness. While ,9 +lations in force in Turkey and with the relevant EU regulations. ,9 +Emission Factors for Boilers and Heaters,9 +"the rivet hole’s original size and shape. If removed correctly, ",9 +lights should be turned up to help prevent loss of night vision ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of July 31, 2015] ",7 +Führung des Betriebes wesentlichen Entscheidungen selbst trifft. Der Vorrang des Pächters gemäß § 3 Abs. 5,9 +my honour or reputation.],3 +Auxiliary Power Units ,7 +Protective works to buildings ,7 +Prüfungsbereich Warenwirtschaft und Produktion von Fleisch- und Wurstwaren,8 +in the center.,9 +passmark g3d mark score. ,8 +PERFORMANCE AUDIT,7 +be found and declared to be due as and for such assessment as,9 +"the proper wind correction angle to correct for wind drift, ",9 +immune to outside alteration once established. If a signal is ,9 +cylinder indicator.,9 +LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE,7 +"tenderer in dealings with third parties and in legal proceedings, or a copy of the publication of such ",9 +glide paths. The lower glide path is provided by the,9 +Verschwiegenheitspflicht,3 +Coaxial rotors are a pair of rotors turning in opposite ,9 +combustion section. A stage in a compressor is considered ,9 +Locked Rotor Protection: ,9 +Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures,7 +Opportunities:,7 +"A beamer, a screen, the sound system, plus two (2) table microphones and two (2) roving ",7 +Smoke canister projectors; ,3 +Medium-banked turn.,9 +"личность,",9 +of flight by interpreting the position and anticollision,9 +Square reserve pro pack,3 +EU/EEA countries. The vaccine effectiveness studies will build on previous initiatives and protocols of ECDC ,9 +Wind Patterns ,7 +"nondestructive inspection of the precured laminate, it has ",9 +Transition Training ,7 +"does not carry out serum separation, it is not required to describe matters ",3 +"Up until April 13, 2021, the term ""goods listed in Appended Table 2-2 ",3 +section 102(4) (adoption of sewers and disposal works) of the Water Industry Act 1991 or ,3 +Gesellschaft privaten Rechts im Sinne des Infrastrukturgesellschaftserrichtungsgesetzes zu hören. Die von dieser,9 +Overall management,7 +SINGLE-PILOTED AIRCRAFT- A military ,9 +Article I-15 ,7 +PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal ,7 +course reversal. The absence of the procedure turn barbed ,9 +the conditions for maximum ,9 +Article II-10 ,7 +"transmissions; therefore, aircraft at higher altitudes are able ",9 +"in paragraph 1, omit sub-paragraph (5); ",3 +Authorized repairmen: FAA Master Parachute ,3 +Allgemeine Regelungen,7 +"Die Herstellung, die Lagerung und der Versand von Rohmaterialien und Vordrucken muss so erfolgen, dass",9 +Workload Management,7 +§ 33 Übermittlung von Daten an das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt,7 +der Stimmrechte überträgt. Der Treuhänder hat bei der Ausübung der Stimmrechte den Interessen einer soliden,9 +Anlage 2 (zu § 3),7 +ou parties de ,3 +Tracking With VOR ,7 +"Si le contractant présente des observations, le pouvoir adjudicateur doit lui ",9 +"Per l'amministrazione aggiudicatrice, ",6 +and Administration of Justice of P901 400 which were attributed to ,9 +"By simply complying with DPs in their entirety as published, ",9 +Experimental Aircraft Association,7 +prop power required) versus velocity. ,9 +"1"", 4,000 lb",6 +"B Out requirements. However, 14 CFR ",9 +Minimum Fuel Advisory,7 +Article 1 – SUBJECT MATTER; PERFORMANCE ,7 +besonderen internationalen Vorgaben.,3 +appointed as leader of the group.,9 +The tenderers (and each member of the group in case of joint tender) and subcontractors whose capacity ,9 +Name of the bank,3 +APPENDICE B: SEGNALAZIONE DI INFORTUNIO (FACSIMILE) ,7 +from any person with whom they were travelling when they arrived in England and who ,3 +"of the work. Therefore, it is not a simple extract from the issue-tracking tool. ",9 +instrument approach procedure. When a pilot reaches,9 +No more than 10 percent of the pilot’s attention should be inside the flight deck.,6 +Is independently developed by the recipient after that date without using the ,3 +Complete inspection (round reserve),3 +Head marking—Raised dot,6 +technical and financial tenders against the pre-defined award criteria.,3 +Interior cabin lights ,3 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +Lieferungen,7 +specified otherwise in the Special Conditions or a ,3 +LEMAC = station 144,2 +requirements of this Part of this Schedule or (if the undertaker so elects and the Agency in writing ,9 +Acceptance (1) (2) (3) ,7 +Anlage 3 (zu § 1 Abs. 2),7 +percent thrust change decal (EPR),3 +adjusted by a vacuum relief valve located in the supply line.,9 +Northerly Turning Errors,7 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +such that they can send E-mail.,3 +医療事故調査・支援センターは、法第六条の十九第一項後段の規定により事業計画,3 +tire. The sidewall is more flexible in this area than a bias ply ,9 +Position and duties during inflation,3 +"shall take care that the laws of the Philippine Islands, the",3 +Power to construct and maintain works ,3 +乗車用ヘルメット(自動二輪車又は原動機付自転車乗車用のものに限る。),3 +médicaux liés à l'exécution d'une fonction de sécurité et au travail en hauteur. ,3 +"Light Sport Aviation Branch, AFS-610 ",7 +"introduced the first ram-air reserve canopy, which utilized ",9 +Maximum Performance Takeoff,7 +В середине урока организуется перерыв для проведения комплекса,9 +participate/tender. ,7 +"Philippine Legislature or by the Philippine Commission shall, in the absence of",9 +Common oceanographic terminology.,7 +make modifications to the ,3 +on the cooling ability of the engine. As higher powers are ,9 +“Hydraulic Load” derived commitment for the plant components: ,7 +"bequests, or, when necessary, by condemnation by judicial",9 +Installing a 6-inch patch in F-111,3 +shape and design of a wing is dependent upon the type of ,9 +strike a balance between a reconnaissance conducted too high ,9 +The LDA is not aligned with the runway.,9 +[Figure 16-3] ,9 +"takeoff), is also used to judge when the wheels are just a few ",9 +"execution time), memory margins, resource limitations, and the means used for ",3 +"moved from the excavation, and the additional backfilling that may be required is to be carried out ",9 +"correct length, heat shrink tubing - ½ inch diameter, ",3 +ADDRESS OF BANK BRANCH,7 +tions and limitations for specific RNP eligibilities.,9 +"Recurrent Training, Flight Reviews, and Instrument Proficiency Checks ",7 +Power section ,7 +regarding such public health emergency or potential public ,9 +Identifying Hazards,7 +‘Confidential information or document’,9 +horizontal harness ,9 +Amendment of Group 3 of Schedule 8 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994 ,7 +Einrede der Vorausklage gegen den Hauptschuldner (den Auftragnehmer). ,3 +The maneuvers are required when it is necessary to reverse ,9 +of interest. ,9 +regarding,9 +Other Wing Features,7 +together so it fits into the bag. ,9 +"2.1.1, 2.1.2 (абзацы первый, второй, четвертый, пятый), 2.1.3, 2.2.1 (абзацы",9 +being considered non-airworthy and dangerous. In the course ,9 +One technique sometimes used to compensate for,9 +"(WAAS users). For further WAAS guidance, see",9 +insert name of contractor or other intermediary right holder,9 +あらかじめ、次に掲げる事項を記載した届出書を提出することによつて行うものとす,3 +project impossible; ,3 +determines appropriate and that permits the review of such ,9 +An antiservo tab tied through the control linkage creates an ,9 +[1458-8.],9 +"be explained that in the case of a rollover, the pas-",9 +Abweichend von Absatz 1 in Verbindung mit Artikel 7 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 561/2006 haben Fahrer von,9 +Lesson plans make excellent recordkeeping forms that can become a permanent part of a pilot’s training record. They can be ,9 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,7 +The contractor shall duly notify the contracting authority of details of the supplies so that ,3 +demonstrate experience in social media strategy and campaigns. ,3 +"development mentioned above, ancillary or related development which does not give rise ",3 +Non-collapsible slider and B) collapsible slider. ,0 +II.17 SUSPENSION DE L'EXÉCUTION DU CC ,7 +"mitgeteilt hat, daß die Landabfindungen aller Teilnehmer unanfechtbar sind.",3 +Safety Alert,7 +"PUBLIC HEALTH, ENGLAND ",10 +当該医療法人が開設する病院、診療所、介護老人保健施設又は介護医療院の業務,3 +"The center A and B lines are continuous (lines 4A, 4B, 5A, and 5B). They run directly from ",3 +Analytical Decision-Making,7 +Figure 2-21,9 +Voltage regulator,6 +"conditions (VMC), turbulence index, cross-wind ",3 +"transmission, which then transfers power directly to the",9 +The Eddie-Bolt$^{®}$ 2 Pin Fastening System ,7 +"MARKING, STOWAGE CONTAINER - OPERATING LIMITS:",7 +ary of the Interior.,9 +The criterion is applied to: ,7 +ILS Category IIIC:,3 +(ii) reporting the reasons for the extension and the interim assessment. ,3 +Figure 4-6. ,3 +1149/2011 Anhang III (Teil 66),7 +already contains much of the essential information that is ,9 +New Act)) are deemed to be acts with identified customers prescribed in Article ,3 +time. A healthier approach requires the pilot to assume that ,9 +"§ 5 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Berufsausbildung und Mitarbeiterführung""",7 +NM. This may be reduced to ,9 +"changes made due to failures affecting safety, and identify any changes in / ",3 +Telephone Number ,6 +Salary and allowances of President ,7 +Information Management ,7 +that govern procedures for conducting flights in ,9 +It is important to read every chart and understand how to ,9 +Anforderungen an den Auftragnehmer ,7 +完成技术成果的个人可以就该项非职务技术成果订立技术合同。 ,9 +a predetermined point near the wide-open position. ,9 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +§ 4 Ausbildungsplan,7 +"изменениями, внесенными",9 +十条第二項第三号に規定する厚生労働省令で定める財産は、当該地域医療連携推進法,3 + Airspace (airports with an operating control tower) are depicted as open area (white) with a letter ,9 +ATC Instructions ,7 +"(Inhalt: nicht darstellbare Karte,",9 +邦にある同法第十一条(業務上の取極)に規定する外国為替公認銀行(以下この条及,9 +and minimum airspeed should be 1.2 times the stall speed. Full power should be ,3 +Anchoring is the easiest way to secure a seaplane on,9 +wood formed principally during the first part of the growing ,9 +"compared with the surface analysis of the same time frame, ",9 +Directional control can be more difficult on water,9 +託業務の責任者とすることができる。,3 +diving moment; shock formation at the wing ,9 +Replacement Certificate ,7 +"direction. Repeat, if necessary, until the desired value is ",9 +"For the remainder of this chapter, it should be understood that ",9 +イに規定する委員会が行う審査に係る規程及び手順書を定めること。,3 +Die Berufsausbildung ist entsprechend dem Ausbildungsrahmenplan (Anlage) während einer Dauer von 32 bis,9 +two-stroke oil reservoir is properly fi lled.,9 +them before your next flight. ,3 +"in paragraph (5)(b), for “United Kingdom”, in both places it occurs, substitute “Isle of ",3 +Amendment to the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 ,7 +§ 8 Teil 2 der Abschlussprüfung in der Fachrichtung Instandhaltungstechnik,7 +natürlichen,9 + The characteristic of an aircraft that allows ,9 +Non-Moving Advances ,7 +propeller. The primary function of the engine is to provide ,9 +of Health within ten days after such applications are filed.,9 +No specific certifica-,9 +"Article 14 Goods specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 69-6, ",3 +no voltage. Small variations or modifications from undesired ,9 +be signed by or on behalf of the claimant; ,3 +"Unterscheidungszeichen nach Absatz 10 führen oder deren Wirkung beeinträchtigen können, dürfen an",9 +Rotary Machine,7 +Technical Note: ,9 +Aerodynamics of Flight,7 +referral rate; and ,9 +"The tenderer may rely on the capacities of other entities, regardless of the legal nature of the ",9 +"However, if the pilot is impetuous, these circumstances ",9 +downburst,6 +Adequate lightening: to avoid shadows on speakers and ensure good image quality (for hybrid ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 420 of December 20, 1995]",7 +SIGNATURES ,7 +Rivet Strength,7 +Ground Reconnaissance,7 +Hi-Lite$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +Übersicht über forstliche Herkunftsgebiete,7 +Abwassersammelstation ,5 +Reference: ,7 +localizer approach except the SDF course may not be,9 +", Transponder and ADS",9 +A program undergoing legacy system changes needs to comply with all aspects of the AMS and ,9 +overexcitation circuit often works in conjunction with the ,9 +Summe Pos. 8.13 (Liefern + Montieren) ,7 +Achieve Goals,7 +two pesos.,9 +The takeoff is done by advancing the throttle smoothly and ,9 +Level-off airspeed higher than descent airspeed. ,0 +RECOMMENDATIONS,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 358 of December 2, 2005] ",7 +SEVERABILITY ,7 +and aluminum. Each has characteristics that make its use ,9 +The fact that any act or thing may have been done by SGN on behalf of the undertaker or in ,9 +provided by the Internet sites to ensure the information is up ,9 +standards set down by the Code of Federal Regulations.,9 +"Incident, Problem and Change Management: The Contractor shall resolve incidents ",3 +angle of attack for the airplane which exhibits ,9 +indication. ,9 +DL 4.2.2 Pilot protocol and pilot study. Theprotocol and associated study documents will bepilot tested in a minimum ,8 +takeoff roll.,3 +small pulse of current is produced through the piezoelectric ,9 +qui occupent moins,6 +Engineer (8) must sign the document.,3 +received/rendered on the Draft within 30 days of issuing the Final Conformity Determination. ,9 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +SALARIES AND EXPENSES ,7 +"Kenntnisse der berufsbezogenen Chemie und Physik,",3 +"and a carefree feeling. With increased oxygen starvation, ",9 +Because of the variation of required power ,9 +"Catarman, Gingoog, Mambajao, Sagay, Tagoloan, and Talisayan. Second district",9 +The Contractor shall provide support necessary to ensure the stability of the excavation and adjacent ,9 +published bearing between two waypoints on an,9 +complete repair of the joint may require replacement of the ,9 +In addi- ,9 +Groundspeed 140 knots ,6 +cross the waypoint. [Figure 2-53] ,9 +including by electronic means;,9 +"synchronized flashing lights, one on each side of the ",9 +"other, and then to the middle, is more likely to evenly draw ",9 +tilted sideward resulting in lift being separated into two,9 +"flight rules (VFR)” visual segment, or on approaches",9 +original configuration.,3 +Article 12-7 A registered analytical laboratory shall notify the Minister of ,3 +"receipt of traffic information, request a vector (heading) to",9 +Planungsdokumente,3 +"alternate airport, but not at both locations. At the",9 +The approach charts reflect the criteria associated with the ,9 +friction. ,0 +§ 24a (weggefallen),7 +"the runway threshold, at a lateral distance of 40 feet ",9 +Opening of tenders ,7 +discharge can support combustion of large ,9 +NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES ,7 +telephone panel to the telephone exchange unit. ,9 +"approved a person as a local authority foster parent, ",3 +Round Out (Flare),7 +dig into the water. Touching down on the step keeps,9 +substitute “Territory”. ,3 +Teilnahme ausländischer Fahrzeuge am Straßenverkehr,7 +use in avionics. ,9 +platform and other means.,3 +Section 284 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995(,9 +エックス線装置等の防護,7 +[Figure 1-4] ,9 +Fold leading edge over canopy so cell openings are even with A lines. Keep lines taut. ,3 +magenta flag symbols. VFR waypoints collocated,9 +lowest altitude and visibility requirements for the approach.,9 +"turbulence. For example, clouds with vertical development ",9 +who work under the ,3 +The structural inadequacies of disease control gates was attributable to lack of ,9 +send copies of the notifications required under paragraph (c) to the MMO Marine ,3 +examination,9 +viation-related,3 +dark areas in ,9 +"These include the Severe Weather Warning (WW), SIGMET ",9 +"flotation gear also contains a water-activated,",9 +Cylinder Compression Tests,7 +"Ratio, polarity and phase relationship. ",3 +"effect diminishes as airspeed is reduced. Also, more altitude is ",9 +(AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) ,7 +cleared before initiating. This is a most important concept ,9 +information are also available on EU-OSHA’s online collaborative tool and on a restricted ,3 +の防止を図るため、必要な情報の提供、内水面水産資源に係る移動の制限その他必要,3 +an authorized prefectural governor an application form stating the following ,3 +"claim under the performance guarantee, the contracting authority shall notify the ",3 +"obvious examples of how the lungs can be deprived of oxygen, ",9 +the dip stick is located to check the oil.,0 +out the other hole. Resin injection repairs are sometimes ,9 +Stabilator.,9 +changes in the data source in terms of the need to refactor the consuming systems ,3 +Free Directional Oscillations (Dutch Roll) ,7 +aerodynamic and centrifugal twisting forces. This propeller ,9 +HV switchgear unit shall be communicated with SCADA system via Ethernet for energy consumption.,9 +control. Refer to the applicable manufacturer’s instructions ,9 +"to advances in rocketry, spaceflight, avionics, telecommunications, ",3 +actions and proceedings.,3 +" Sharing data, including disclosure, dissemination, allowing access or otherwise making available",3 +"significant challenges in the control of FMD, it transpired from interviews with ",9 +"‘‘(c) HERBICIDE AGENT.—For purposes of this section, the term ",9 +Press kits prepared with all relevant press information for dissemination just before the online ,7 +Marker Board ,7 +approach to analyzing changes that occur during a flight ,9 +Since the normal command of ,9 +APPROACH SPEED-,9 +法第四十二条の二第一項第一号から第四号まで及び第六号に掲げる要件に該当す,3 +"diese Verfahren erneut durchzuführen, abgesehen von der Nachfrage beim Kundenbetreuer nach Absatz 1 Satz",9 +(16 °C) to 90 °F (32 °C) range toward the high and ,3 +Administration ,9 +Introduction,7 +Summary election appeal: parties ,7 +DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +providing information to the flight deck via data link using ,9 +course deviation needle centers and the TO-FROM indicator ,9 +[Figure 11-60],9 +other construction regulations and the working rules of any industry appertaining to all work ,9 +ELECTION CRITERIA,7 +high-bypass engines. The air that passes through the inner ,9 +Concluding with: ,10 +at which altitude is gained or lost. Pitch attitude is used only ,9 +"""Fotografenmeisterverordnung vom 30. September 2019 (BGBl. I S. 1404)""",9 +TIMETABLE FOR TENDER PROCEDURE ,7 +"an den nächsten, sich aus den §§ 2 und 3 der Arzneimittelpreisverordnung vom 14. November 1980",9 +These Regulations amend Form No. 3 in the Schedule to the principal Regulations to insert a ,9 +250 pax event: 3 conference assistants,3 +potential for the loss of a portion of a head. ,3 +use the daylight to remove all items necessary for darkness ,9 +(iv) buildings and equipment concerning the prevention of radiation damage ,3 +[Figure 2-21],9 +in such matters in his stead.,9 +(iii) matters concerning costs related to the requests referred to in Article 12-,3 +Means of redress. ,7 +"(ix) affairs pertaining to permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 6-2, ",3 +und die Wärmeleitfähigkeit des Dämmmaterials sind die in Regeln der Technik,9 +Scuba Diving,7 +labels. Those shall have white digits.,9 +adequate notice,9 +Authorized Pilots. The operator must only use the pilots authorized as listed on the approved ,9 +the SMTS User Manual. ,9 +"squeezing between inspection plates, cowl panels, or ",3 +Project/Process code: ,7 +"ts shown by the same, and also an",9 +病院、診療所及び助産所の開設,7 +AIRMANE Pl?RFORMANCE ,5 +antique aircraft retain radios with these devices due to their ,9 +EVALUATION OF TENDERS,7 +Kommission zum Schutz der finanziellen Interessen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften ,3 +"As mentioned, an action’s direct and indirect emissions must be fully offset to zero if emissions ",9 +The pressure side of the pump supplies air to inflate the deice ,9 +The retrospective provision contained in these Regulations does not appear to the Secretary of ,9 +"recruited from abroad. Only in such cases, and subject to prior agreement with EU-OSHA, may travel ",9 +Chain of Ownership,7 +Figure 1-8.,0 +[1458-25.],9 +Accept risk when benefits outweigh dangers (costs).,3 +operation. The pilot has the ability to prioritize information ,9 +oversight body in a third country and this register is subject to principles of public oversight as set ,3 +direct thrust other than parallel to the vehicle’s longitudinal ,9 +written accident report referred to in item (i). ,3 +"symmetrically left and right of the runway centerline, ",9 +and Constant Rate),7 +alloys. Always consult the maintenance manual for correct ,9 +due to the slow response rate of the main metering system. ,9 +Ablauf der Angebotsfrist am ,6 +Pilot induced moments about wing/carriage hang point ,0 +Runway Markings,7 +relays that information to the appropriate surveil-,9 +", pre-existing Europol ",3 +Preflight,9 +Acceleration Error ,7 +"ground obstacles, mountains, etc.; or screened by high ",3 +"runway, the roundout is started about 10 to 15 feet high and ",9 +Antworten zu unseren Vergabeverfahren). ,9 +WEIGHT LIMITATIONS,7 +Table 6-7. ,3 +(16 °C) to 90 °F (32 °C) range toward the high and ,3 +Propeller Gearbox,7 +"“accommodation space” means a space used as a public space, corridor, lavatory, cabin, ",9 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +Lesson plans should be prepared for each training period ,9 +s'il est établi que de fausses déclarations ont été faites ou que de fausses informations ,7 +Zahlungsverjährung,3 +"aircraft are in the traffic pattern, the tower will issue",9 +"expected to taxi up to, but not cross any part of the runway ",9 +maintained at all times by each person operating an aircraft. ,9 +display for a specific operation include: ,9 +Article 5 – Price ,7 +at every year-end. ,9 +Simultaneous Independent Approaches ,7 +Maintenance of authorised development ,3 +To guard against engine failure resulting from inadequate ,9 +services and ,3 +varies with fuel/air ratio must be considered. This variation is ,9 +internal components of the alternator. The oil used for ,9 +large horsepower output. The engine drives the main,9 +Parallel Generator Operations,7 +is the maximum level that may be reached before the buoyancy and stability of the ship ,3 +The purpose of this test is to verify correct and logical handling of errors. ,9 +"managers. For all the other profiles, the DoI will be requested at contract ",9 +special registration number,7 +Four-stroke engine showing the oil reservoir where ,0 +"In consideration for performing an Assignment, the Service Provider shall be paid by the User in ",3 +Simplified Directional Facility,7 +Translucent fuel containers with premixed oil (right) ,0 +werGLYPH<.notdef>,6 + of receipts and expenditures,9 +Dewatering building ,7 +"piston compression process, the crankcase vacuum intake ",9 +"As a general practice on any surface being painted, spray each ",9 +duced drag.,3 +indicated airspeed slowly drops to zero. If the pitot tube ram ,9 +§ 13 Sorgfaltspflichten bei Neukonten natürlicher Personen,7 +Recognizing Hazardous Attitudes ,7 +[1397-65; 1772-2.],9 +Rotation ,6 +Schlußformel ,7 +BUY THROUGH THIS PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE? ,7 +"standard version of the engine is carbureted, but fuel injected ",9 +Thermocouples,7 +"$^{7}$/$_{16}$-inch open-end wrench, tighten barrel nut on connector links ¼ turn past hand tight. ",3 +"slipping,",9 +"provisions of Article 55 of the Act, Article 55-3, Article 55-4, Article 55-7, or ",3 +"row 33, row 35 to row 41, and row 43 to row 45 of Appended Table 2-1) to North ",3 +当該廃棄作業室に気体状の医療用放射性汚染物の広がりを防止するフー,3 +"(ii) in sub-paragraph (5), omit the words from “and” to the end; ",3 +drafting and maintaining social media communication calendar;,3 +has been certified for an extended service volume,9 +Register in the Participant Register (see ,3 +"False courses. In addition to the desired course, GS ",3 +Student Pilot Applicant Requirements (SPAR) ,7 +fan rotates also.,9 +Preparing/Revising the Safety Requirements Verification Table ,7 +a faulty system.,9 +Serrated disk,6 +There will be a maximum design landing ,9 +"arrangement, compilation, assemblage, extraction; ",3 +mWv 3.10.1990 bis zum Inkrafttreten landesrechtlicher Regelungen zur Sonn- und Feiertagsruhe.,9 +"The conditions under which opium may be imported, the manner of",3 +l of the province).,9 +Replacement of Damaged Trees ,7 +"reference, inability to control the aircraft by reference to ",9 +Licensing Team within 5 days of the date of these notifications; and ,3 +Requirements and Characteristics of ,7 +"indicator. Similarly, a deviation from a desired bank angle, ",9 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +"published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C series, where payments are in euro; ",3 +"zwei Empfangsgeräten für die Signale von UKW-Drehfunkfeuern (VOR-Navigations-Empfangsanlagen), die",3 +indicated on the instrument approach procedure chart when ,9 +It is recommended that pilots encountering an,9 +UNDERTAKING,7 +agreement between the User and the national authorities in the country of establishment of the ,3 +according to the,9 +Acceptance:,3 +Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System,7 +proposed area of flight. One way to check is to visit the FAA ,9 +station equipment including warranty and associated maintenance services. ,9 +"track, arrive at specified points on assigned headings, and ",9 +Request for offer: 5 business days; ,3 +von Ordnungswidrigkeiten weiter anzuwenden.,9 + shall identify whether any expenses under this Article are ,3 +Folding a Box,7 +Position the 3-ring at the mark on the main lift web ,3 +The tender must include the proportion of the contract that the tenderer intends to subcontract. ,9 +CONTACT PERSON (for this tender) ,7 +that are available and recommended to conduct a,3 +medium sized aircraft. It is a heat source independent from ,9 +Thermocouple Placement,7 +"electrical needs must be drawn from the battery, which can ",9 +I.14.5 Signature of contracts pending receipt of eligibility documents,7 +ATC before any altitude change to ensure the exchange of ,9 +aerodynamic characteristics of the wing. The first is to effect ,9 +"specified in Article II.18.1(j), (k) or (l) or in Article II.18.2. The contracting authority may claim ",9 +when the aircraft is established on the inbound course after ,9 +JET ROUTE- A route designed to serve aircraft ,9 +with no flaps or with a specific flap configuration. A pilot can ,9 +conditions. Degradation of all flight characteristics and large ,9 +Group of economic operators information,7 +(iii) at all times when P is not self-isolating P remains in isolation with any other ,3 +and fast moving cold fronts are good indicators of turbulence.,9 +Obtaining Assistance from the FAA ,7 +"mounted is level, the bubble will be in the center of the tube.",9 +Its symbol is ,3 +of the course of training.,3 +1149/2011 Anhang III (Teil 66),7 +Economizer System,7 +tests on such samples. ,9 +Figure 1-77. ,0 +Tow Rope Strength Requirements,7 +they are specifically authorized users using approved,9 +Much of the anti-skid system testing originates from testing ,9 +〔平成二十五年六月二十六日政令第百九十一号〕〔抄〕,7 +II.7. CONFLICT ,7 +Great Plains Aircraft Volkswagen (VW),7 +to avoid any stretched areas and thinning of the tube. The ,9 +Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) ,7 +"However, as previously mentioned, a syllabus should not ",9 +rural coefficients are,9 +DIRECTIONAL CONTROL ,7 +Auftraggeber die Zahlungsanweisung ausstellt.,9 +"provided, be awarded by the Direct",9 +The document may be laid-out in WORD or a comparable format and laminated. ,3 +higher the r.p.m.,9 +"carry out dredging, which may include such dredging works as may be ",3 +flight rules in 14 CFR part 91 set forth the concept of “see ,9 +"days, or is a special FAA-assigned temporary",9 +The Maintenance part: ,7 +"Unter der Bedingung, dass keine Störungen beim Rundfunkdienst verursacht werden, dürfen",3 +indicator operates on less vacuum than that required by the ,9 +Travaux d'adaptation,7 +Bleeding Master Cylinder Brake Systems,7 +two hundred and fifty-four,9 +l'obligation d'une mise en concurrence plus large imposée par le Secrétariat. Le ,3 +valves are used to sense and manipulate cabin and ambient ,9 +HYDROGRAPHY,7 +Shown on the dial of the ,9 +Landfunkdienst auf sekundärer Basis für Funkverkehr innerhalb der deutschen Grenzen zugewiesen.,3 +$^{AND PRACTICES IS ENCOURAGED}$. ,6 +Member under subsection (2) of this section or of each selecting two regional Members under ,9 +We regularly backup our data,3 +Development of roadmaps for action on: ,7 +"formation over the water is destroyed. By day, the storms ",9 +. — Immediately upon,9 +electrically bonded to a structural member of the aircraft to ,9 +Primer and Paint,7 +"speed, even below V$_{a}$.” ",3 +I.14.5 Signature of contracts pending receipt of eligibility documents,7 +The criterion is applied to: ,7 +in the driving region. Drag is the major aerodynamic,0 +sident in respect of legal proceedings,7 +Launch Site,7 +DeHaviland DH-4. ,9 +"Islands prior to June first, nineteen hundred and nine, shall be exempt from the",9 +in attempting takeoff prior to achieving the recommended ,9 +"Article 9 (1) The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is to establish a ",3 +Uncontrolled copy when downloaded ,4 +Page 41 of 79 ,4 +contract to the successful contractor for its signature in paper format and/or by electronic ,9 +Parlaments und des Rates vom 12. Januar 2005 mit Vorschriften für die Futtermittelhygiene (ABl. L 35 vom,3 +Characteristics of Learning ,7 +malfunction occurs.,9 +SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION PLAN ,7 +the option to activate the approach or just load it into ,3 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +sites located throughout the United States. The WRS-88 is ,9 +Concerning [,7 +aircraft are positioned while on approach or awaiting ,9 +mentioned previously. ,9 +"wedding cakes), and is designed to contain all",9 +人格のない社団又は財団,3 +prescribing the means and precautions to be employed on land or in,3 +aggravated if the pilot holds ,6 +この省令は、外国事業者による型式承認等の取得���円滑化のための関係法律の一部を,9 +report annually to the municipal council the amount of money,3 +Do not solely rely on GPS for VFR,9 +term is defined in section 102 of the Housing and Community ,9 +Unterkünfte im Baugelände ,7 +These tests shall be maintained consecutive 12 days and minimum 10 days shall conform to ,9 +new combination of existing functions to the legacy system. New technologies may also have ,9 +fiberglass prepreg),6 +"Informationen, die im Einklang mit den Rechtsvorschriften, die für die in die zusätzliche Beaufsichtigung",9 +Empfehlungen an den sommerlichen Wärmeschutz/baulichen Sonnenschutz,7 +performed competently and safely. The instructor can correct learner impatience by presenting the necessary preliminary training one ,9 +Stimme des Vorsitzenden den Ausschlag.,9 +function of the defunct generator.,3 +Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Size,7 +Determination of Control Movements Required To ,7 +Losflansch mit Bund DN 250 ,7 +that purports to be signed by or on behalf of,3 +"cruise, and landing performance of an aircraft. These charts, ",9 +Significant Weather Prognostic Charts,7 +"the period of time since any such compensation was paid, and ",3 +"for current carrying purposes, a resistance of 0.01 ohm is ",9 +The contractor warrants that the exclusive rights and the modes of exploitation may be exercised ,9 +—electrowriter ,9 +via the relative wind airflow being rammed into the ,9 +pressure during the trimming process. If a hydromechanical ,9 +Airplanes with a standard airworthiness type ,3 +gravity is typically behind the main skis and the tail ski,9 +Type of turbulence caused by ,9 +Weight (fabric). ,9 + The part of the decision-making process ,9 +Service Portfolio,9 +selection criteria for which a consolidated assessment will be carried out.,9 +"does not bounce like a rubber ball. Instead, it rebounds into ",9 +The contractor may terminate,9 +Benefits Of WAAS In The Airport Environment ,7 +"imperative that the instructor understand that he or she, ",9 +", That such ",9 +NAV1 108.00,6 +[The guarantee is constituted by deduction of this amount on payments. It will be ,9 +entièrement définies dans le CC; ,9 +This page intentionally left blank. ,9 +"all aircraft to operate in the area, and all aircraft that",9 +can be traced to leaky valves. ,9 +difficulty.,9 +"crankshafts and connecting rods, which are subject to shock-",9 +in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) (Z). If,9 +The forks push the pitch-change pin of each blade toward ,6 +ment change in load factor due to the vertical ,9 +"it, does not benefit from a decision-making process; the issue ",9 +"by inserting after subparagraph (D), the following: ",9 +The Public Service,7 +contract by [,9 +Fences and Gates ,7 +with excessive forward pressure on the control stick increases ,9 +"processing systems, considering the specific software component constraints ",3 +Final Business Case ,7 +any person to whom a notification is given under Rule 60A(1)(c); ,3 +provisions related to checks and audits.,6 +"direction, or landings from the opposite direction. A ten feet ",9 +"each other, there would be substantial compressive stresses ",9 +録、貸借対照表及び損益計算書又は収支計算書並びに事業報告書(その作成に代えて,3 +GENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURES ,7 +torial addition of the gust velocity to the air- ,9 +complete rotation of 360°. Since the day is divided into 24 ,9 +Figure 9-7.,0 +"force, friction, and temperature differences of the air near ",9 +mum steady-state ,9 +six months from,3 +Figure 7-67.,0 +Betriebsfunk (mobile,8 +Other Wing Features,7 +the contractor bears the costs of receipt charged by its bank; ,3 +the right to license to third parties any of the exclusive rights or of the modes of ,3 +Other communication activities ,7 +"At this time, the starter-",9 +Development & support of infrastructure & services related to EU Cyber Crisis ,9 +Aluminum surfaces are the most common on a typical ,9 +waiver or alternative requirement would not be inconsistent with ,9 +Program map scale settings for en route versus ,3 +CLARIFICATION No: 1,7 +"Europol, including all forms of exploitation and use of such results and rights. The acquisition of ",3 +floors of the Class B airspace.,9 +Portfolio structure. ,3 +" In a case where, during the relevant period, a child has been placed in short breaks in ",9 +des Kontoinhabers hervorgeht oder hervorgehen.,9 +Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen an folgende Adresse: ,9 +darzustellen:,3 +of center tank fuel unmistakably decreases the aircraft ,3 +Chapter 6—Basic Flight Maneuvers,7 +Orientation.,9 +chafing (rotary valve gear lubrication system and oil ,3 +Any aspect of the tender is contractually binding.,3 +en deux exemplaires en français. ,9 +provincial emp,9 +Article 28 Delayed payments ,7 +While the j7ameout ,9 +Abs. 1 Satz 3 Halbsatz 2 innerhalb der gesetzten Frist dem außergerichtlichen Rechtsbehelf stattgegeben oder,9 +These prices will become part of the framework contract and will be used for the purpose of specific contracts/order forms. ,9 +Thermocouples,7 +EFSA procurement calls. ,9 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +to pass between the membranes in the respiratory system. ,9 +"listed to the right, if observed.",8 +control tower. Two-way radio communications must,9 +"defendant, the charge against him, the name of the prosecuting witness, the date of",9 +"Einzelfuttermittels oder Mischfuttermittels unter direkter Einwirkung der Verbrennungsgase trocknen, müssen",9 +Takeoff and Climb,7 +"Mit der Lagerung und Verarbeitung dürfen nur zuverlässige Personen betraut werden, die eine",3 +The service folders (collecting all key information and documents concerning,3 +processed solely for evaluation purposes under the call for tenders by INEA.H.H01 - Energy ,9 +specified shall be a close fit where they pass through boards. Joints in boards shall be taped to prevent ,9 +contracting authority and tenderers,9 +"Verhalten in besonderen Situationen, Folgen von Verstößen gegen Verkehrsvorschriften",7 +〔昭和三十五年六月二十日政令第百六十三号〕,7 +[Figure 13-159],9 +The runway condition must be con- ,9 +"year calculations for the transitional protection payment regime to 31st July, starting in relation to ",9 +"strength. For example, a joint that is too weak cannot be tolerated, ",9 +Ein Mangel infolge unsachgemäßer Installierung der Waren wird der Vertragswidrigkeit der ,9 +"ist ausdrücklich verpflichtet dafür zu sorgen, dass die erforderlichen Dokumente rechtzeitig ",9 +this handbook.,9 +assessment and the evaluation procedures are described in the chapter ,9 +the construction of new private means of access as shown on sheet 1 of the rights of ,3 +Selection phase ,7 +Figure 3-30. ,0 +Full address of branch:,6 +WING ILLUSTRATED BY TUFT-GRID PHOTOGRAPHS ,7 +133 STAT. 1022 ,5 +Specific objectives: ,7 +The examination requirement shall not be enforced in case the appointee is,9 +第九十二条 完全属于下列情形之一,经过及时采取合理措施,仍然不能,9 +Hard contact with the ground on one corner (and usually ,9 +With the Group leader or ,8 +$^{ }$Tachometer ,7 +Night Vision ,7 +indemnity for loss suffered. ,3 +"Material und Geräten sowie Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz von Auszubildenden,",3 +§ 24 Wiederholung der Prüfung,7 +の医療の需要の動向並びに医療従事者及び医療提供施設の配置の状況の見通しその他,3 +– ELEMENTI DI PROVA SU RICHIESTA ,7 +"Unless otherwise coordinated through Flight Standards,",9 +Accounts and Accounting,7 +Instrument Training ,7 +conflicting interests,6 +"nuclear weapons, CW agents or military bacterial agents or devices for ",3 +"All components shall function properly within a supply tolerance of -10 % to +10 % on the 400/230 V and -2,5 ",9 +[Figures 3-85 ,9 +Nummer 2.2 der Fahrerlaubnis-Verordnung entsprechen. Abweichend von Anlage 7 Nummer 2.2.4 der,9 +(Instrument,9 +executing the appropriate entry. If cleared for the approach ,9 +Electric pump ,6 +assigned is below the MEA. ,9 +substitute— ,9 +§ 1 Berufsbild,7 +"The first decision is whether to go or not to go on the flight, ",9 +box or enclosure. ,9 +"a visual reference line that has moved ahead. With practice, ",9 +advanced treatment hospitals that provide advanced and specialized medical ,3 +A146 Normanston Drive ,7 +a chain or cable to a floating buoy with provisions for,9 +[Figure 14-3],9 +Participate in the review meeting(s) to clarify the author's replies to review ,3 +令改正,可以根据情节单处或者并处警告、没收违法所得、处违法所得一倍以上十倍以下,9 +Anlage 2 (zu § 6 Absatz 1),7 +of a DC alternator is used to automatically regulate alternator ,9 +Additional guidance: ,7 +"the province in question, the newspaper publication herein required may be",9 +"be capable of 60,000 to l~,OOO miles of normal ",9 +⦁ $_{Sufficient time for learning }$,3 +"boots, which breaks up ice that has formed on the wing and ",9 +Capacity building is considered an essential part of this lot. The contractor shall ensure that by the end of the project all sites will build enough capacity to ,8 +burner brings additional increase in tempera- ,9 +"[355-100, 269; 536-1.]",9 +"and Aircraft List (ACL), the controller who has track",9 +Was available to the public before that date or was in the public domain; ,3 +"Gegenstand, Dauer und",7 +The FWC enters into force on the date on which the last party signs it. ,3 +The Contractor’s national partner provides signage for registration and cloakroom in ,3 +Class B Airspace,7 +that operate at higher altitudes. Flashover becomes more ,9 +Types of Friction ,7 +Traffic Alert Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). ,9 +"WASHINGTON, DC, 31 AUGUST 2005",9 +assigning the pupils of the town to the several schools.,3 +Roles and Responsibilities ,7 +“Shadow authorities ,7 +"and an emitter, both of which are made of N-type material.",9 +Center and contain information that is regulatory in nature ,9 +"in accordance with this provision is lower than or equal to EUR 200, it shall be paid to the consultant ",9 +"As the aircraft ascends during flight, the percentage of each ",9 +part of the system become inoperative. An inoperative ,9 +"Wirtschaftlichkeit, Kosten und Erträge,",3 +municipal authorities.,3 +information required. ,9 +"landing is if the pilot cannot land the balloon without help, he ",9 +Where to File the Reports.,7 +wing sections will be of low thickness ratio ,9 +Alternative guidance can be used with approval from the ATO Chief Safety Engineer.,1 +II.25 SÉCURITÉ ,7 +Weighing the Aircraft and Determining the ,7 +It is the responsi-,9 +Maximum rpm value: 70 rpm or higher. ,8 +Troubleshooting anti-skid system faults is either performed ,9 +such liquor except as herein prescribed.,9 +ashamed to question the glider pilot. Better to be a bit ,3 +"This current induces a high-voltage in the secondary, which ",9 +compensate for this instability is difficult to achieve as,9 +"any other provisions of the contract, which continue in full force and effect. The illegal, ",9 +Manufacture,7 +Functional requirements for pipe systems ,7 +the left hand container is just auto fuel and the right hand container ,0 +the onset of GPS interference. Pilots may find,9 +increased (position 1). During the turn onto the cross-,9 +"oxygen, inadequate transportation of oxygen, or the inability ",9 +- Seite 1 von 9 -,4 +Lesson Plans ,7 +"At and above 18,000 feet MSL (FL 180), state",3 +Gratuitous Conveyance of Government Property for Certain Purposes,9 +"In case of the failure of a province to supply such office and service, the",9 +The Councils and Secretary,7 +methodological ,3 +[Figure 4-62],9 +"at 6,000” and then apply rules of thumb for slowing down ",9 +"distance between waypoints, and differences in",9 +Angebote von Bietergemeinschaften ,7 +meteorological,3 +Thermosphere,6 +"to the bank being used, since the glider is yawed toward the ",9 +legitimate trade and is entitled to have or retain the certificate of Philippine,9 +true course desired.,9 +"Provision of expertise in Public Affairs and Media scenarios for cyber exercises, ",7 +"Eine Prüfung, die nicht bestanden wurde, kann zweimal wiederholt werden.",9 +I.4.3. Reimbursement of expenses ,7 +Anlage (zu § 1),7 +rapidly and eventually assumes the displacement or,9 +30.06.2021 - 30.11.2021,6 +limits of Class B airspace.,9 +§ 4 Erhebungsstandards,7 +the shore.,9 +"Technol., July 2011, Volume 45, pp. 7075-7082]. As a result, the EPA published that: “…m",9 +No specific requirements.,9 +HIGH ENROUTE,6 +"supplying aquatic products and multiple functions, and that it plays an ",3 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +hoose a desirable outcome for the flight. Selecting a ,9 +damage (if any) to be sustained by the owner of the land by reason of its severance from ,9 +(add any relevant details):,9 +"in one position, but when weight is on the gear, the oleo ",9 +—snowbank(s) caused by wind action ,9 +別表第二(第二条、第四条、第十二条関係),7 +. — The certificate or receipt showing payment of tax issued to a person,9 +Airport Dispersion Modeling,9 +Kick off meeting ,8 +I.5. ZAHLUNGSMODALITÄTEN ,7 +"Slips, falls and excess excavations ",7 +"points, minimum threshold 60% = 18 points",3 +Hygiene und Desinfektion,3 +"mounting, and check ignition leads and all electrical ",3 +Scuba Diving,7 +"works, including without limitation works carried out by the undertaker under this Part of this ",9 +composite materials. The air accelerated by the outer part of ,9 +Electron Control Valves,7 +the aircraft has turned 180° at the time it reaches the road. ,9 +computers. ,9 +magnetic force is too weak to tilt it significantly out of the ,9 +turboprop engine removal and installation are similar to those ,9 +up Reports.,7 +conditions under which alcohol intended for use in the arts and,3 +N H A L T S V E R Z E I C H N I S,7 +Submission of a request to participate/tender implies acceptance of all the terms and ,9 +and B.) Back course signals should not be used for an approach ,9 +"This table applies to national-level NAS changes only. For local changes, refer to",3 +133 STAT. 1029 ,5 +Class B and Class C Airspace consist of controlled airspace extending upward from the surface or a des-,9 +[Figure 10-15],9 +VOR Receiver Check,7 +It seems clear enough that the learning of a physical skill requires actual experience in performing that skill. Pilots in training learn to ,9 +twisting force. This is accomplished through a variable ,9 +"call on emergency frequency 121.5 MHz. Also, try any other ",9 +navigation techniques to verify position. Be,9 +排出しようとする汚水の量,3 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +Defective spark plug lead,3 +Restriction as to Use of Carts and Sledges. — ,9 +Temperature Variations in Repair Zone,7 +"message on an operable two-way radio at 121.5 MHz, turn ",9 +"heading, simultaneously checking that the ball is cen-",9 +Appointment to Civil Service,7 +Kraftfahrzeuge nach § 3 Absatz 2 Satz 1 Nummer 1 Buchstabe a und b mit einer bauartbedingten,9 +. — When transit cargo from,9 +"Repairs, Alterations, and ",7 +Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit den Lieferungen ,7 +II.12. ASSIGNMENT,7 +Jurisdiction and Powers,7 +Pull test (using scale check pull tension on reserve ripcord),3 +Diese Durchführungsbestimmung tritt mit ihrer Veröffentlichung in Kraft.,9 +"During a grace period of 2 months, following the signature of the framework contract, the penalties will not be applied. ",7 +Project management ,7 +ERANS WHO SERVED IN KOREA. ,7 +the contract,6 +Objective of the initiative ,7 +Anlage 2 (zu § 6 Absatz 1),7 +Near Midair Collision Reporting,7 +", which correspond to the order for defined sub-",3 +tip clearance.,9 +"based references, manipulating of the flight controls, ",3 +turbine to extract suflicient power to operate ,9 +protection ,3 +"(Technology That Is Especially Likely to Be Used for the Development, etc. of ",3 +Definitions,7 +Teilnahme ausländischer Fahrzeuge am Straßenverkehr,7 +SYSTEM IN THE ,7 +A governor is a sensing device that senses rotor and engine ,9 +Briefing needs to be agreed with the EU-OSHA's national partner in advance; ,3 +This condition is also referred ,9 +Prüfungsbereiche,3 +AFS-610 manages and provides oversight of the SP,9 +Zum Ausgleich der Unterschiede zwischen den vorläufig gezahlten und den endgültig festgestellten,9 +"disc comes up, and the back of the disc goes down. This",9 +Transfer/Exhaust—Piston,7 +added as an additional contribution to direc- ,9 +operation of air conditioning and pressurization systems. ,9 +Agency’).,9 +Appointments to the office of Minister or Assistant Minister shall be made by the ,9 +to provide step-by-step taxi instructions. ,9 +[Figure 11-50],9 +indication showing “from” or the omni,9 +CG AFT OF AFT LIMIT,7 +の医療の需要の動向並びに医療従事者及び医療提供施設の配置の状況の見通しその他,3 +Quality of the Tender,7 +advisory” or “proximate” intruder.,9 +RELATIVE WIND,7 +SURVEILLANCE-BROADCAST OUT.) ,9 +"issuance of radar safety alerts, second priority to other",9 +November 1965,10 +"§ 4 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +ground. When an airplane’s wing is under the influence of ,9 +Route the AR2 power cable through the lower open end of the AR2 power cable sleeve located ,3 +in any particular case or class of case compliance with such requirement or ,3 +proper performance of avionics in the aircraft.,9 +"the resources necessary for performance of the contract, for example by producing an undertaking ",9 +", reference must be ",9 +SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +airport and is located no closer than 5 NM from the landing ,9 +omit sub-paragraph (4); ,3 +Glass Top ,6 +Autopilot Systems (APs) provide for “hands off” ,3 +Beschleunigtes Zusammenlegungsverfahren,7 +Profile prices LOT 1:,3 +Statement of Losses of Public Monies and Stores – (Statement No. 22),7 +Figure 4-7. ,3 +and is a prerequisite to this section on flight instruments. The ,9 +instrument,9 +"Denver Tower, United 1153, Request Autoland/Coupled",9 +"disablement, and ",3 +The electrical device used to provide the spark ,9 +§ 1 Ziel des Gesetzes,7 +closing control of gas valves from t ime to time. ,3 +"progress in EU projects and technologies, the investment in a new electrolysis test station also ",9 +A characteristic of the turboprop is that changes in power are ,9 +Windshield Surface Seal Coating,7 +is normally operated by an ac motor controlled by a pressure ,0 +Simultaneous Close Parallel Precision Runway ,7 +rights of people whose personal data is processed and requests for access to personal data by ,9 +Prüfungsbereiche,3 +the continue/divert decision. ,6 +formal agreements or guidelines for shared responsibilities in the fight ,3 +"and Industry No. 39 of March 27, 1997] [Extract] ",7 +Cell Openings ,6 +EXPLANATORY NOTE ,7 +"correct common frequency. The acronym CTAF, which stands for Common Traffic Advisory ",9 +protection from the elements by crawling into the fuselage or ,9 +"Nitrocellulose coatings adhere to acrylic finishes, but ",3 +or municipalities,3 +Pilots must be alert when approaching the,9 +"redacting the parts (if any) that contain confidential information, the disclosure of ",3 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +ADEMPIMENTO DELLE NORME DI SICUREZZA,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 77 of March 31, 1959] ",7 +SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCUREMENT ,7 +corresponding balance. ,3 +The separate digits of the Mach Number preceded by,9 +Placement of advertisements ,7 +109. Public Service Commission,7 +" Flight Over Charted U.S. Wildlife Refuges, ",7 +All goods required for completing the scenario – the tenderer provides a breakdown of ,3 +Die zuständige Stelle kann berufliche Fortbildungsprüfungen zum Geprüften Fachwirt für Logistiksysteme und,9 +" or subcontractors, as well as in the case ",3 +conditions provide,9 +‘‘(1) a disease specified in paragraph (2) of subsection (a) ,9 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +"etc."" in the following paragraph through paragraph (5)) (in the case where the ",3 +Failure to clear turn.,3 +to as vertical velocity indicator or rate-of-climb indicator) ,9 +to a minimum by inflating only short sections on each wing ,9 + Turns Around a Point,7 +not the same as Experimental Amateur-Built. E-LSA ,3 +pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency ,9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +Reported During the Year Under Review ,7 +forward cargo compartment,6 +APU RMT fire indicator/auto discharge arm,6 +Abschnitt II,7 +"provided on a Europol template, as further detailed in a ",3 +aircraft weight and configuration. ,9 +Reciprocating Engine Lubricants,7 +of the helicopter to a more level attitude. ,9 +〔昭和五十四年十二月七日通商産業省令第百十三号〕,7 +approach system operating in the microwave spectrum which ,9 +Bleed Air Heating Systems ,7 +similar to compressor blade attachment. The most satisfactory ,9 +"is 29.70 ""Hg and falling rapidly. ",9 +"cocktails and dinners: simple cocktails (drinks, crisps, dried fruit), pre-dinner cocktails (drinks, ",3 +Qualifications for membership of ,7 +"Über die Klage wird, soweit nichts anderes bestimmt ist, durch Urteil entschieden.",9 +前二号に掲げるものの性質を有する財産上の利益,3 +"AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) ""T"" ROUTE SYSTEM",7 +"Ghanzi District, ",3 +FREQ. Moves the cursor into the Frequencies section ,3 +connector links and control lines to proper riser. ,3 +"wind leg, which is the equivalent of the base leg in a",9 +"a dump valve, and a check valve. It may also include a ",9 +Obligation to notify EFSA of changes,7 +Supply of documents ,7 +"die theoretische Prüfung nicht innerhalb von zwölf Monaten nach Eingang des Prüfauftrags bestanden ist,",3 +conditions when flying skiplanes. They are flat,9 +Install the magneto attaching nuts on the studs and tighten ,9 +before engine rpm decays below approximately 800. On one ,9 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 6),7 +"indicator. With this configuration, the pilot no longer needs ",9 +Article 9-2-2 (1) The organizer of an advanced treatment hospital must submit a ,3 +VHF ATC channels experienced in western Europe and in the ,9 +"Le rôle, les responsabilités et la composition du comité directeur ""Environnement"" ainsi que le rôle ",9 +im Rahmen einer dreijährigen freiberuflichen verkehrspsychologischen Tätigkeit mit Zertifizierung als,3 +language concerning the occurrence or expected occurrence ,9 +"tion 3), begin the flare with aft cyclic control to reduce",9 +Bureaus and Offices Pertaining to Department of Interior,7 +pattern (depicted) ,6 +"pressure,",9 +lead. This capacitance energy is discharged as fire across the ,9 +"Dans le cadre de votre éventuelle mission au sein de l'institution, il est probable que vous ",9 +Figure 4-5. Antitorque pedals compensate for changes in,0 +"5.82, абзаца первого пункта 5.83, пунктов 5.84, 5.87, 5.89, абзацев второго",9 +electrical power for the aircraft. Either the magnetic field ,9 +a sign is attached to indicate that the room is a waste work room; ,3 +components,9 +Accessed: 28-March_2018,4 +"references to other sections elsewhere in their tender, the tenderer shall use their best ",3 +"site and remote), as well as any other activity related to Data Centre design, building, and support including ",9 +BORN WITH SPINA BIFIDA’’; ,7 +down into the following three major steps: ,9 +Retained apparatus: protection ,7 +The HORIZON,3 +deviation status should displayed based upon request of user.,9 +welded and left in a strained condition. The steel is heated to ,9 +number of data subjects concerned and the categories and approximate number of personal ,3 +"§ 11 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +"(§ 105) zu zahlen, der durch Bereitstellung der zugeteilten Flächen und Ausführung der durch",3 +Details of licensed marine activities ,7 +the phenomenon entirely. Translational lift is obtained by ,9 +Annex I to FR ,7 +Flight Instrument Malfunctions,7 +LANDING GEAR,7 +Use of Checklists,7 +to get the greatest volume from the. least surface area as this ,9 +their responsibilities to the fullest.,9 +is formed by attaching five cascaded lines from the trailing edge of the canopy into one main ,3 +Vacuum Tubes,7 +ing gear. These characteristics require that ,9 +is the shaft shear section that causes the shaft to shear if the ,9 +"of aluminum, the fence is a fixed structure most common ",9 +rate (well in excess of 500 feet per minute (fpm)) on a ,9 +"Sachverhalten zu analysieren, zu bewerten und Lösungswege darzustellen. Bei der Aufgabenstellung sind",9 +"the main gear door actuators. As the doors open, sequence ",9 +"this Article and Article 28),"" and the terms ""prescribed in Article 11 of the ",9 +"A propeller must be capable of withstanding severe stresses, ",9 +specifica,9 +"$^{®}$, and graphite epoxy materials have ",9 +Stops the engine,3 +TAIL SURFACES,7 +Ripcord Release,6 +"of any Act of Parliament, the powers of ",9 +": If the Motor Overload Protection is tripping, the softstarter shall not allow a ",9 +2012/2013,8 +times of between 10 minutes and 2 hours are achievable with ,9 +Exercise of Administrative Discretion,9 +The Principal Public Relations Officer ,9 +[Figure 16-60],9 +implementation of the tasks for the approval of the project manager. The programme shall ,3 +Finanzinstituten.,9 +airspace fixes at a point in space not directly associated ,9 +"cabin. Each evaporator assembly contains the evaporator, a blower, a thermal expansion valve and the temperature feedback line fromthe ",0 +can download,3 +Model for order forms ,3 +and covering the vent; also known as a vent patch.,9 +A VFR departure dramatically changes the takeoff ,9 +Anti-Skid System Tests,7 +"an assembly. A “V” appearing in the column, in lieu of a quantity, indicates that the quantity is variable ",9 +waypoint. Note that there is no requirement for a pilot to ,9 +over the surfaces of a WSC aircraft in flight and by the ,9 +Identification of Paint Finishes,7 +[Figure 11-5] ,9 +ADEMPIMENTO DELLE NORME DI SICUREZZA,7 +Windshield Surface Seal Coating,7 +when it started and what action the contractor is taking to resolve it. ,3 +APPLICATION OF AERODYNAMICS ,7 +"the United States, or of any State thereof, or of the Philippine Islands, provided",9 +will produce a deficiency in power and result ,9 +Air inlet holes,6 +Contractor partner to arrange on-site technician with in-house service or external provider; ,3 +the engine can be started again for better positioning.,9 +"Annex 7. Questionnaire related to award criteria AW1, AW2 and ",7 +the aircraft which are required to be overhauled on a ,3 +Local Implementation,3 +Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers,7 +Compressor,6 +"MARKING, STOWAGE CONTAINER - OPERATING LIMITS:",7 +Alloy—2017 aluminum,6 +Visibility into the methodologies being used to comply with requirements and supporting ,3 +Aspect ratio. ,9 +chord line and the reference plane containing the rotor,9 +Variation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +содержания:,9 +updating and ,3 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +tools are generally model specific and range from massive ,9 +Wer ist für die Datenverarbeitung verantwortlich und an wen können Sie sich wenden? ,7 +"During your preflight planning, it is recommended that",9 +The contracting authority shall notify the contractor of the name and address of the ,3 +"enregistrés comme marque: le droit d'enregistrer ce logo ou cet objet comme marque, de ",3 +a radio phone-in ,7 +Master/battery switch ,3 +"die Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung,",3 +Tag numbering ,7 +of the tail rotor is to counteract the torque effect of the,9 +"data, receptor",9 +"Российской Федерации 19 августа 2020 г.,",9 +The Crew Briefing,7 +execute any filling around any apparatus (where the apparatus is laid in a trench) within ,3 +and the evaluation of award criteria of the originally submitted tender is not modified. ,3 +themselves,1 +each engine. The squib is an electrically operated explosive ,9 +"regelmäßiges Führen einer standardisierten Beratungsdokumentation über jede Beratungssitzung,",3 +Tapes should be straight.,3 +Wing Structure,7 +wire for transmitting and distributing electric power.,9 +"Verordnung (EU,",3 +Urteile und andere Entscheidungen,7 +CLOSING CONTAINER ,7 +mary control of rate of climb or descent”. ,9 +Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Operation,7 +"tasks and duties to keep them busy and involved. If, upon a ",9 +"density traffic area, such as Class B airspace.",9 +double entry. The principal differences between the two ,9 +in food. These,3 +"the successor of the birthing center, the heir, the juridical person surviving a ",3 +Climb! Climb! Climb!,6 +THERMAL—A buoyant plume or bubble of rising ,3 +the outside of the turn. The rate of turn is too great for the ,9 +"II.19. FATTURE, IMPOSTA SUL VALORE AGGIUNTO E FATTURAZIONE ",7 +port as the pressure may damage the lead and cause ,3 +"failure of a notary to make report, within a reasonable time, to",3 +Figure 4-62. ,0 +to show where it is to be cut. A scribe should only be used ,9 +Testing restore functionality of backups: Ensure that restore of data and ,3 +and the pressure against the diaphragm is sufficient to hold ,9 +periods of significant and fast changing weather ,9 +" Ring, quick fit.",0 +ISBN 978-0-34-822372-9,6 +faa.gov. ,9 +ELENCO ATTREZZATURA MINIMA ,7 +"ground, such as the finish line in a race or the airport ",3 +Saatgutquellen und Erntebeständen;,3 +Power levers,6 +recognize certain stimuli and immediately transmit them to the STM for action. The process is called precoding. An example of ,9 +Transportwege ,7 +Risk Management (RM) ,7 +"Manuel, San Nicolas, San Quintin, Santa Maria, Tayug, and Umingan.",9 +Stima dei costi di Sicurezza da Interferenze ,7 +Secondary or Auxiliary Control Surfaces ,7 +at grade.,9 +Article 12 - ,7 +Targets displayed,6 +"changes, but should continue to scan outside to adjust the ",9 +either side until the head comes off.,3 +operable ADS,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 3 of January 25, 1973]",7 +une grande vigilance. Les bouteilles de gaz vides doivent être évacuées de la zone de travail ,3 +CSFs thus enabling an accurate measurement of performance when delivering ,3 +Assembling the Reserve System,7 +"at two different, airspeeds. As shown on the ",9 +des Bundesbesoldungsgesetzes abweichen.,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 163 of June 20, 1960] ",7 +"№ 48171),",9 +AUTHORISED DEVELOPMENT ,7 +Excessively high air pressure at the spray gun.,3 +V595 MRA 9300,6 +provide accurate and reliable information. Visual cues ,9 +FWC Phase-in,7 +The contractor or any other person whose personal data is processed by the data controller in ,9 +〔昭和二十七年十二月二十六日政令第五百号〕,7 +"(BGBl. I S. 1270), verordnet das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung im Einvernehmen",3 +I.5.1. Vorfinanzierung ,7 +"of Manila, the judge of the Court of First Instance of the district shall forward to",9 +Lower lateral bands for round ,6 +Quality standards ,7 +"Geschäftsverteilungsplanes mit der Rechtsfrage nicht mehr befasst werden, tritt der Senat an seine Stelle, der",9 +"cases, the term “NoPT” is used with the appropriate",9 + current flow within the conductor. ,9 +are available through a network of FAA approved,9 +Napo performance,7 +the possibility of debris being ingested by the engine.,9 +"The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020(",9 +Explanation Phase ,7 +Self-Launch Takeoff Emergency ,7 +"and Industry No. 92 of December 10, 1983] ",7 +"These Regulations extend to England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. ",3 +"altitude at airports, during cruise, and provides other aircraft ",9 +病院、診療所及び助産所の開設,7 +: the service-oriented communication platform that provides a series of web services ,9 +"lesson, the instructor should identify the most important learning outcomes. Next, explain and demonstrate the steps involved in ",9 + Center of Gravity (CG),7 +Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation,7 +drain the gas and use fresh gas. For engines designed for auto ,9 +will advance the thrust levers.,6 +Wide area augmentation system (WAAS).,9 +s regulation,3 +TAXI—The movement of an aircraft under its own ,3 +Induced Flow,7 +(法第四十九条の二において読み替えて準用する一般社団法人及び一般財団法人に関,9 +air pressure at the compressor inlet so that it is the same as ,9 +l'avis relatif à la protection des données est disponible à l'adresse suivante: ,3 +"от 16 марта 2020 г. № 635-р. "".",9 +aircraft until the new Certificate of Registration is ,9 +"those prescribed in section two thousand six hundred and eleven hereof, from the",9 +for evaluation purposes,9 +is causing the stress and take necessary corrective action. ,9 +Inspection Process,7 +"devices, switching devices, ignition systems, propeller ",9 +Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Werbung;,3 +When the temperature in the waste compartment reaches ,9 +in nose up attitude without the appro- ,9 +Materials having moisture content greater than the maximum permitted for such materials. ,3 +"the names and residences of the persons who are lawfully entitled to the estate, and",9 +all movable surfaces the ,9 +された事項を紙面又は出力装置の映像面に表示する方法により表示したものの閲覧,3 +Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October ,1 +Performing Ignition System Checks,7 +"At higher power settings, cylinder temperatures are higher ",9 +Effects of Flight Conditions,7 +Unterdrücke ,9 +"№ 49576), с изменениями, внесенными приказом Министерства науки",9 +Software Planning Review ,7 +"maturen (zu § 14, Absatz 5) der baulichen Erweiterung",7 +equipped regarding the ,9 +Please note that pricing information must not be included in the replies to the ,3 +"Using a seam ripper, unpick the tape ",3 +Safety Requirements ,7 +Outside WAAS coverage or when WAAS is not,9 +the average relative wind. ,9 +form annex 1 of the contract resulting from this procurement procedure and be ,3 + Omit regulation 38 (revocations) (including the heading). ,9 +Conduct the Review ,7 +"Gegenstand, Dauer und",7 +Description: what do we want to buy through this call for tenders? ,7 +days in advance to: inea-h2020-energy@ec.europa.eu. The representatives will be required to ,9 +holding it together. All springs must be secure. Inspect ,9 +liable to the lice,9 +"When filling in this table, tenderers shall fill in in column 5 the same unit prices as tendered ",9 +"2,9 W/(m²K)",9 +Where a tribunal appointed under subsection (9) advises the President that the ,9 +Explanation Phase ,7 +Failure to upload the following documents in eSubmission will lead to rejection of the tender.,7 +Temperature Variations,7 +hygienebezogenen sowie,3 +JRC R.9 - IMS-JRC-S3.1-TMP-0048 - v.1.0 17/02/2020 M(EN) ,1 +Abwasserstationsanlage,7 +Unsachgemäße Errichtung elektrischer Anlagen/Betriebsmittel,7 +"Schaublatt verfälscht, verschleiert, unterdrückt oder vernichtet oder Speicherinhalte des Fahrtenschreibers",9 +DÉFINITIONS ,7 +"Löschmaßnahmen, möglichst ohne die Lage der in Satz 1 genannten Gegenstände zu verändern,",3 +by the Chief of Constabulary or an Assistant Chief of Constabulary or by the senior,9 +electronic communications code by a direction under section 106 of the 2003 Act; and ,3 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +Thrust required ,6 +Except where designated at a,9 +After sub-paragraph (iii) insert— ,3 +Supplement U.S. or appropriate supplement.,9 +Article 13 - ,7 +依照有关民事法律尚有获得赔偿的权利的,有权向本单位提出赔偿要求。 ,9 +"Auf Grund des § 4 Absatz 1 des Berufsbildungsgesetzes, der zuletzt durch Artikel 436 Nummer 1 der Verordnung",9 +a 1030 MHz signal. Interrogated aircraft transponders ,9 +assigned transponder,9 +applied to the service foreseen in this tender specification concerning the ,3 +"professional equipment, required for the execution of the underlying contract, subject to ",3 +II.21 PAYMENTS AND GUARANTEES ,7 +Wind Patterns ,7 +User-Defined Waypoints ,7 +") Condition C21 was inserted into the standard conditions of licences of authorised transmitters by article 8 of, and Schedule ",1 +“this Order” means the Riverside Energy Park Order 2020 as defined in article 1 of this Order ,9 +speed will incur very high induced drag and ,9 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +有前款第(一)、(三)项行为之一的,处三万元以上二十万元以下的罚,9 +Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: ,9 +"completing the SRM document. For ARTCC ATMs, this is the Service Area Director of",3 + (ss 108-116),7 +depends on the airspeed at the moment of contact and the ,9 +"Part 1 of the 1965 Act, as applied by paragraph (1), has effect subject to the following ",9 +including VAT and amounts including VAT. ,9 +Using all resources. ,3 +"and nineteen, inclusive, of this Code sh",9 +のを除く。)に関する事務,9 +Marker Beacons,7 +parties that prevents either of them from fulfilling any of their obligations under the contract. ,9 +Parish of Waddesdon ,8 +Helicopters. ,9 +Table E-5 ,9 +Page 30 of 49 ,4 +"harnesses, etc.",9 +Section 5.1 ,7 +abschließende Bericht,3 +" against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental ",3 +discharge the agent.,9 +regulations,9 +Work No.100,9 +leader in a joint tender must sign and date the declaration on Selection criteria. ,3 +Decision-Making,7 +"In accordance with section 92(5) and (6) of the 2003 Act, the Lord Chancellor has consulted the ",9 +on stand-up.,0 +"to or clarify the objective, content, or standards. A lesson ",9 +diritti preesistenti,9 +IFR flight plan is closed. ,9 +- Seite 4 von 11 -,4 +requirements of this crucial system.,9 +"The quality of the concrete surface course, tiled pavement, kerbs and units for surface drainage shall ",9 +Chapter 6—Basic Flight Maneuvers,7 +Zeitrahmen 6: Funktionsprüfungen und Einstellarbeiten,7 +Open and Closed Bends,7 +to the changes in lift. ,3 +classification.,9 +abgeschlossene,9 +‘‘(I) that contains no active moiety (as defined by ,9 +Miscellaneous Provisions,7 +"2011, for another person to attend a meeting of the Authority on the ",3 +Softstarter Protection ,7 +screw until the torch blows a light puff at a two-inch distance. ,9 +Confidentiality of tenders: what information and under what conditions can be ,7 +"be turned off without turning off the battery, but the battery ",9 +Self-Launching Glider Propeller Malfunctions,7 +"), or through a web application (the ",9 +said clerk's office a certificate of such appointment,9 +Approving the scope of NextGen safety assessments conducted in the pre-investment,3 +paper versions ,7 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +bearings. The surfaces are not completely flat or smooth and ,9 +Tender Specifications ,7 +efficient than DC generators. DC alternators and their related ,9 +"seatbelt and, if installed, shoulder harness. This pas-",9 +could be heard overhead was a preview of what electronic ,9 +"Rahmenlehrplan zu vermittelnden Lehrstoff, soweit er für die Berufsausbildung wesentlich ist.",9 +or as a backup when a GPS system is used. ,9 +unanfechtbar zurückgenommen oder widerrufen worden ist oder die Fahrerlaubnis auf andere Weise,3 +Ground Reconnaissance,7 +〔平成十七年十二月二日政令第三百五十八号〕,7 +foreign countries; ,3 +Release Management ,7 + are available in the DID Library. The PO may ,9 +instruments or electrical circuit breakers. According to 14 ,9 +be practiced because these situations are hazardous and can ,9 +"Kgatleng District, ",3 +authorized,9 +the unit is out of adjustment and should be reset in accord›,9 +Procurement Documents of the Europol procurement procedure [reference].,1 +"province, municipality, or other public body or organization, and on",3 +"ABS, BV, DNV, GL, LR, RINA, RMRS ",3 +indirectly,9 + Omit regulation 67 (application of Chapter 1 of Part 2 of the Serious Organised Crime and ,9 +Briefing needs to be agreed with the EU-OSHA's national partner in advance; ,3 +"essential to planned en route, terminal, or landing operations. ",9 +"Lower the collective to the full down position, and reduce ",9 +paper versions ,7 +Anti-Skid System Maintenance,7 +Information Datenschutz ,7 +precision and attention to detail. Strict adherence to rigging ,9 +verwahrt werden.,3 +An antidrain check valve is incorporated into the assembly to ,9 +"For hybrid, ""online +""",7 +Interest on late payment ,7 +supporting documents as to the actual price of a first class rail ticket for the journey in question ,3 +or parts of the ,3 +structure and content of the Professional article ,3 +aufweisen.,9 +The starting point for,9 +a combined landing distance graph and allows compensation ,9 +Teledyne Continental 0-200 Engine,7 +"a VFR departure, fly over the top of the undercast in VFR ",9 +pilot not trained to ask for an approach clearance and safely ,9 +Technical standard order. ,9 +"certification and surveillance of air carriers, air operators, ",9 +Radar Limitations,7 +Information Datenschutz ,7 +Sources of Operating Air,7 +The Maintenance part: ,7 +Liquid line (high pressure),6 +Trade and Industry based on the Cabinet Order Concerning Temporary Special ,9 +faire autant que nécessaire pour utiliser au maximum les ,3 +Processing of personal data by EFSA as contracting authority ,7 +Turnbuckles,7 + must declare that the opinions ,9 +"be cancer, strokes, cardiovascular diseases, such as myocardial infarction, ",3 +written undertaking,9 +électriques,6 +A typical vibrating regulator found on an aircraft would ,9 +"exchange transactions conducted by a bank, etc. (which refers to a bank, etc. ",3 +NAVWEPS 00-8OT-RO ,7 +Marker Board ,7 +病院であるときは、病床数,3 +Recognizing Interference or Spoofing,7 +materials. ,9 +Article I-11 ,7 +Two Magnetic Stirrer ,3 +"follows: cognitive, associative, and automaticity. An instructor needs to recognize each stage in learner performance in order to assess ",9 +smaller than size #20 should be provided with additional ,9 +" a financial guarantee is required for the payment of pre-financing, as ",9 +the suction gauge. Each instrument is also provided with ,9 +"www.faa.gov, Light Sport Aircraft (multiple electronic documents)",3 +"equipment installed, these changes must be reflected in",9 +anchored at the IF/IAF and depicted on U.S.,9 +only the fan air portion. Blocking doors in the shroud ,9 +"SAS and R for data analysis, ",3 +RNAV and RNP Operations,7 +Marker Board ,7 +Europol Public Information,7 +außerhalb der Arbeitszeit auch alle Halb- und Zwischenerzeugnisse in diesem gesicherten Lager,3 +How To Form an N-Number,7 +"A simplified system on a high-wing, twin-engine aircraft that ",9 +they are “bent” by abnormal atmospheric phenomena ,3 +"municipality, or where fresh-water or tidal streams form boundaries",3 +"sample and measure the ambient environment, derive",9 +[Figure 3-37],3 +"There are some pilots who do not, for whatever reason, record ",9 +and serviced at the,9 +All goods required for completing the scenario – the tenderer provides a breakdown of ,3 +Time for Planting ,7 +implementation of the SDGs and evaluation of performance against the ,3 +oversight body in a third country and this register is subject to principles of public oversight as set ,3 +Scientific data management ,7 +Declaration and evidence ,7 +Corps and oversee the activities of the Corps chapters that ,9 +"The province contains the following municipalities: Alabat, Atimonan,",9 +§ 1 Ziel der Prüfung,7 +A further safety device is the nose wheel centering device ,9 +How To Form an N-Number,7 +Group members must appoint a ,9 +"In a bounced landing that is improperly recovered, the airplane ",9 +Once the ,9 +The criterion is applied to:,7 +from 0-30,9 +FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ,7 +定作人应当按照约定的期限支付报酬。对支付报酬的期限没,9 +liaise with non EU Member States in order to obtain the necessary permissions to ,3 +of Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the ,3 +"application for any consent, agreement or approval required or contemplated by any of ",3 +"the VAT code (circular 2/1978), provided the invoice includes the ",6 +with due diligence;,3 +Chapter V Penal Provisions (Articles 36 to 40) ,3 +Many components of an aircraft are possible sources of ,9 +landing uphill reduces the stopping distance and landing ,9 +Fly at the appropriate VFR altitude as prescribed in ,3 +"Kundenorientierte Kommunikation,",3 +"for leaks, cracks, and missing hardware; cooling ",3 +LIEFERVERTRAG.............................................................................................................. 1$_{ }$,8 +the vent space in the main and auxiliary tanks. Fuel pressure ,9 +Incorporation of the St. Ives Harbour Act and Orders ,3 +Begin by tacking the pieces. The tacks should be applied ,9 +"Vorschriften des Steuerberatungsgesetzes zur geschäftsmäßigen Hilfeleistung in Steuersachen befugt ist,",9 +Metal Versus Plastic Fuel Containers ,7 +craft in the Flight Handbook. ,9 +[2339-133.],9 +minus 10 degrees of the extended runway centerline,9 +"a human body or an article worn by a human body, such as work clothing, ",3 +would be correct. Since the radar controller can only,9 +" protected by copyright may exist, the contractor must ",9 +and Foreign Trade Control Act (Act No. 65 of 1979). ,3 +Tiled pavements ,7 +"for damages resulting from an accident caused by a motor vehicle belonging to, or ",3 +Thermocouple Placement,7 +Figure 12-74,9 +Arbeitsschutzes für die sichere Arbeitsdurchführung und Verhütung von Unfällen ,3 +Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System,7 +decision-making,9 +in the line. If the source maintains a constant voltage at ,9 +OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ,7 +maximum limits vary with gyro system design. If the desired ,9 +Article premier ,7 +"above the balloon, the pilot instructs the crew, “weight off,” ",9 +when landing a landplane: to minimize sideways drift,9 +the pilot to fly selected lateral and vertical modes of ,3 +Overall management,7 +Inland Waters ,7 +I.1. ORDER OF PRIORITY OF PROVISIONS ,7 +(二)、(四)项行为之一的,处五万元以下的罚款。 ,9 +adhere to airway and route protected airspace by leading turns early before a fix. The turn area provides obstacle ,3 +The placing of,9 +[Figure 13-158],9 +) is amended as follows— ,9 +AN ACT STRENGTHENING ,7 +and settlements are situated to try crimes and misdemeanors committed therein.,9 +up Reports.,7 +The time-limit for receipt of tenders is indicated under Heading IV.2.2 of the contract notice ,9 +Figure 12-73 ,9 +turns into the barrel. It is also essential that all turnbuckle ,9 +Handling of errors: ,7 +or fabricated are found in this manual. ,9 +Treat Risk,6 +clean. Also inspect the surrounding members for evidence ,9 +Candidates will be notified of the outcome of the first step (evaluation of requests to ,9 +§ 2 Kennzeichnung von forstlichem Vermehrungsgut,7 +amount of exempted compensation; ,3 +the construction of new private means of access as shown on sheet 1 of the rights of ,3 +V165 (odd),6 +The signatory declares that the above-mentioned person is able to provide the necessary ,9 +applied immediately.,3 +"Kundenorientierte Kommunikation,",3 +The software performs a ,6 +CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVICES PROGRAMS ,7 +configuration is in lift-equal-to-weight flight ,9 +この省令は、公布の日から施行する。,9 +disposition du public des ,3 +pilots and ATC will need to coordinate the best,9 +bidder after publication extending over a period of at least ten days.,9 +up of monies due to the contractor and of monies owed by the contractor to the ,3 +Anforderungen zur Begrenzung der Wärmeabgabe von neuen Wärmeverteilungs-,7 +"Some drugs, which can be classified as neither stimulants ",9 +"approval, an NTZ must be established to ensure proper flight ",9 +appliances that are installed.,9 +"If possible, visually check engine and exhaust for ",3 +variances occur due to humidity at the time the test is ,9 +II.17.2. Suspension by the contracting authority ,7 +The contractor shall assist the controller for the fulfilment of its obligations pursuant to ,9 +"This verification should be done by testers not involved in writing the procedures. Additionally, a ",9 +Contacts during the procurement procedure. ,7 +Judicial Committee,7 +(Bicester to Bedford Improvements) Order 2020”. ,9 +airspace actions.,9 +) 2014 c. 12. ,1 +LIABILITY FOR THE DEBTS OF THE LEGAL PERSON,7 +no-go decision based on all the information available. The ,9 +II. General Conditions for the service contract ,7 +The Contractor’s national partner provides signage for registration and cloakroom in ,3 +Gas Cylinders,7 +and number seriously injured.,9 +weather risk mitigation strategy. The most direct route would ,6 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +rity monitoring (RAIM) prediction function;,9 +Unpublished RNAV routes are direct,9 +(ii) the prevention or detection of serious crime in the United Kingdom or ,3 +Air Traffic Clearance,7 +and a more favorable climb configuration. As the helicopter ,9 +Fahrzeugregisters jede Änderung der Daten und das Datum der Änderung sowie die Löschung der Daten und das,9 +Special use airspace.,9 +mounted horizontally or vertically with the transmis-,9 +LIGHTING CAPABILITY ,8 +metal and both nitrocellulose and epoxy finishes. For ,3 +第八による届出書を経済産業大臣に提出しなければならない。,3 +"New York La Guardia Airport, NY",9 +"spokespersons, agenda, address of venue/e-platform, contact details etc.; ",3 +U.S. Territorial Airspace,7 +"Der Frequenzbereich 1 087,7 – 1 092,3 MHz ist zusätzlich dem mobilen Flugfunkdienst (R) über",3 +Any other dereliction or act which shall appear to the judge to,3 +barometric,9 +all invoices for Services provided to the EIF shall be addressed to the to the following address: ,9 +"eingehalten werden, wobei an Stelle des in Abschnitt II Unterabschnitt E Nummer 1 Satz 1 genannten 31.",3 +"The engine and seats, attached by a structure ",9 +Zimbabwe ,9 +Cam-ground piston.,9 +"oder, sofern der Zugriff im Unterrichtsraum gesichert ist, in elektronischer Form vorliegen.",9 +Hygiene und Desinfektion,3 +Facilities to be provided by the EIB and/or other parties ,7 +LateralGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +TECHNOLOGY ,7 +periodically reverse their direction.,9 +Atmospheric vent ports,6 +needs of individual students.,9 +products are generated and stored in the form of text,9 +международного,9 +"in section 524(a)(4) (21 U.S.C. 360n(a)(4)), by amending ",9 +Table 6.2: Signatures for Second-Level Engineering SRM Document Approval and Risk ,7 +Pyrotechnics projectors. ,3 +"under the laws administered by the Secretary, the Secretary shall— ",9 +The fuel/air mixture should be leaned only in accordance with ,9 +"of aluminum alloy, corrosion-resistant steel, or alloy steel. ",9 +In case the IT,9 +Swash Plate Assembly,7 +"Development of effectively placed warning and caution notes, as necessary; ",3 +"callsign) standby,” radio communications have been",9 +II.1. DEFINITIONS ,7 +"navigation capability, High Altitude Redesign ",3 +necessary for the implementation of the underlying contract and the application of ,3 +Abschnitt 4,7 +such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emer-,9 +. — The clerk of the,9 +Aircraft Battery Ratings by Specification,7 +the float hardware is primarily designed to take vertical,9 +Figure 1-6. ,0 +pressure inside the tank. They may be vented through the ,9 +Table 6.2: Signatures for Second-Level Engineering SRM Document Approval and Risk ,7 +"The contractor may, by giving 14 days' notice to the contracting authority, terminate the ",3 +Skew-T Plots,7 +Vertrag erfüllt,3 +Angebote von Bietergemeinschaften ,7 +weight and,9 +Contacts during the procurement procedure. ,7 +validity of such a document ,3 +concurrence that the procedure complies with local traffic ,9 +Cockpit Management,7 +"technological understanding of any decade to that point, leading ",3 +Operating Limits for Wright Engine ,3 +"routes, based on area navigation capability, between",9 +Berufsausbildung abgeschlossen,8 +"directional Range (VOR),",9 +Centrifugal,6 +authorized under subpart 1 of part B of title IV of the Social ,9 +As in the case ,9 +Award criteria ,7 +[Figure 13-115],9 +No consideration needs to be given to the placement ,3 +著しく聴力を損ねることのない構造を有すること。,9 +The landing minimums published on IAP charts are based on ,9 +Sub-criterion 2.1: Distribution and complementarity of the roles and ,3 +causes the airplane’s nose to gradually rise toward the desired ,9 +Anlage 16 (zu § 11 Absatz 1),7 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,7 +"the first humans to set foot on the surface of the Moon, forever ",3 +pouvoir adjudicateur de ,7 +Voltage Drop in Aircraft Wire and Cable,7 +gives a maximum possible total of ,7 +体との間に適当な距離を設けること。,3 +two-thirds of the board of directors are U.S. ,3 +could be used by a sailplane to gain altitude by making a ,9 +as determined under paragraph 2(1); ,3 +at lower altitudes.,9 +VFR Over-The-Top,7 +conductors. Poor conductors are considered to be insulators. ,9 +"Fahrtunterbrechungen auch Arbeitsunterbrechungen ausreichend, soweit diese nach den Dienst- und",3 +CONFLICTING INTERESTS ,7 +General obligations ,7 +II.2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT TENDER ,7 +Centrifugal-Flow Compressors,7 +Always approach while keeping the buoy to the out-,9 +oneself in relation to a specific reference point.,9 +(receiver and installation) prior to attempting flight,9 +"purchaser, and setting out the exact amount of all public taxes, penalties, and",9 +Monitor (PRM) Approaches ,7 +Российский Федерации от 28.01.2003 № 2 «О введении в действие санитарно-,9 +この政令は、平成十七年四月一日から施行する。,9 +Tutti i rischi sono compresi nelle schede in Appendice A. ,9 +facility for arriving and departing VFR/IFR aircraft ,9 +designated by Union law,3 +aircraft and all IFR aircraft operating within the,9 +ILS Category I:,3 +One of the most important items of climb ,9 +Other Considerations ,7 +Annex 1. Title ,7 +Automatic Activation Devices (AADs) and ,7 +manufacturer may require instrumentation to monitor engine ,9 +"If no correction is applied, it is possible that the upwind ",9 +Leveling Off,7 +only this time hold the torch at an angle of about 30° to the ,9 +Figure 16-80. ,0 +(iv) the construction of piles and pile caps supporting the piers; and ,3 +Traffic Data Systems,7 +out is still be executed at a rate proportionate to the airplane’s ,9 +sort of terminology to be assigned to specific ,9 +can use to return the parachute to service. These ,9 +information is required; ,3 + Roundout ( Flare),7 +Normal Reactions to Stress ,7 +no later than,3 +parachute warm promotes efficient work habits. Good lighting ,9 +listening skills. ,9 +Characteristics of a Well-Planned Lesson,7 +Ignition System ,7 +"genaue Unterlagen über die Lage aller Leitungen, Kabel etc. zu beschaffen und bei den ",9 +A fast ascent rate from launch is only to avoid ground ,9 +Normal Takeoff from the Surface,7 +Student Pilot Applicant Requirements (SPAR) ,7 +FWC666. The contractor must keep in mind the mandatory methodology for all services in ,9 +INITIAL SETUP: ,7 +Main Canopy Ripcord ,6 +Emergency Procedures,7 +endgültige Ausgleichszuweisungen:,3 +"Fahrtenschreiber im Straßenverkehr, zur Aufhebung der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 3821/85 des Rates über das",3 +Takeoff Roll,7 +reach the coding phase prior to its cutoff date (the date that ,9 +"Ripcord Release Pocket, AR2.........................................................................................................0046 00-1 ",8 +"enough, the main concern is usually with getting enough ",9 +The engine-driven fuel pump is an assembly that also ,9 +"Bildaufnahme,",3 +tacking with heat shrink tubing. Place a length of ,3 +The branch of science that deals with the ,9 +Propeller end.,9 +or on the part of the subcontractors and must prove to be inevitable despite their exercising due ,9 +warning area is to warn nonparticipating pilots of the ,9 +Synthetic Vision System (SVS) ,7 + A split metal pin used to safety a castellated or ,9 +individual fuel injector in each cylinder.,9 +as fuel. ,9 +experiences in terms of real-world applications. ,9 +Teilnahmen an den regelmäßigen Besprechungen werden nicht gesondert vergütet.,9 +European Atomic Energy Community,3 +amount of heading change desired. ,3 +Figure 11-13.,0 +display that is equipped with the controller alert ,9 +envisaged,9 +Air Traffic Clearance,7 +accounting or auditing body or institution ,3 +DME/DME/IRU or VOR) useful to mitigate this,9 +"18, paragraph (3) of the New Order as on the date of enforcement, capital ",3 +Chapter 5—Preflight and Ground,7 +eligible registrants,7 +Designation,8 +pc. Analytical Balance,3 +Information Management ,7 +"permit, and contact the controlling authority to request ",9 +known to persons engaged in services of specimen examination (hereinafter ,3 +Level and 1500 ft. Altitude. See pages 63 & 64 ,3 +"example, the air mass weather that exists in Florida combines ",9 +Unpowered Ultralight Vehicle Towing: Experience ,3 +Carbon particles between the face and the seat of the ,3 +"rating such as 80/87, the first number is its anti-detonating ",9 +Durchführungsverordnung beschränkt wurden.,9 +"of the die set need not be cycled with each part, rapid forming ",9 +CRUISING LEVEL-,7 +Compliance periods and timeline ,7 +introduce each procedure or maneuver in one flight lesson ,9 +with very little distortion. The hydrophobic windshield ,9 +—data entry and display system ,9 +relatively small weight penalty. ,9 +(INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST) ,7 +Specific maintenance instructions; ,3 +Standpipe.,9 +the lift of the wings must supply whatever force is needed ,9 +"grantor, execute a deed conveying to the purchaser so much of the property against",9 +室の放射線障害の防止に関する構造設備及び予防措置の概要,3 +厚生労働大臣に提出すること。,3 +"Article 4 (1) The provisions of Article 48, paragraph (1) of the Act do not apply in ",3 +"in einem Zeitraum von fünf Jahren nicht mehr als 500 000 Euro, im Interesse der Strukturverbesserung des",9 +廃棄作業室である旨を示す標識が付されていること。,3 +Damage Removal,7 +Reduction Gear Assembly,7 +TEMPLATE: Restricted procedure - Tender specifications Part 1 Administrative Specifications ,1 +Electronic Fire Warning Siren Flasher; ,7 +Gusty headwinds can induce pitch oscillations because the ,9 +of the total ,9 +maximum heat release ,9 + National Security Areas (NSAs),7 +line and effectively higher airflow (airspeed) that generates ,9 +engines after such an encounter and a B747,9 +convenient manner. ,3 +"following items, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may rescind the ",3 +Interest on late payment ,7 +Section 2: Regulatory Framework ,3 +(ii) reporting the reasons for the extension and the interim assessment. ,3 +the Consultant defaults in the implementation of the tasks; ,3 +" In instrument flight, any turn greater than standard ",9 +Pitch of propeller: ,9 +) S.I. 2013/2356. ,1 +Each officer and,9 +the public;,3 +法第五十五条の三第二項に規定する政令で定める事項は、次に掲げる事項とする。,3 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +to fixate on the airplane’s pitch attitude and/or the airspeed ,9 +"minute valve leakages can be detected, making possible the ",9 +IFR clearances are issued on the basis of these routes ,9 +らの部分品又は航空機用の高度計,8 +ficiency of various types of diffusers is shown ,9 +Figure 7-69.,0 +"When current is drawn through the conductor, heat is ",3 +Maintenance Work,7 +mail sent before the deadline for receipt of tenders to the contracting authority's e-mail ,9 +"erfolgreich ablegen, muss er das JRC Karlsruhe verlassen und durch einen neuen ",9 +a sign is attached to indicate that the room is a waste work room; ,3 +"gas, aviation gasoline (AVGAS) 100LL can be mixed and used ",9 +当該医療事故に係る死亡した者又は死産した胎児の死亡時画像診断,3 +The trim out is often tangent to the radius and perpendicular ,9 +(AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) ,7 +“RESUME APPROPRIATE VFR ALTITUDES.”,9 +"of bend for this dimension, provided it is not less than the ",9 +be signed by the depositor in the presence of a subscribing witness (other than the,9 +дипломатических,9 +Never use fewer than three thermocouples to monitor ,3 +Acquisition of land ,7 +provided with the satellites. Antennae not providing,9 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +angle causes the point of visual interception with ,9 +"or are in use: NAS-804, AS-8015A, and AS-8015B.",9 +Interpolation ,7 +Chairman ,6 +Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union,9 +algorithm called FDE. In most cases this operation,9 + website;,9 +boss and that swept by root of the blade. This portion is usually ,3 +"example, a Cessna 172P is equipped with a 160-horsepower ",9 +When forced to land due to an emergency beyond the ,3 +определенным международными соглашениями Российской Федерации в,9 +more susceptible to hypoxia.,9 +Foreign Exchange Stabilisation Fund ,7 +President and Secretary of Council. — ,9 +§ 5 Beschränkung und Untersagung des Betriebs von Fahrzeugen,7 +Registration of Chattel Mortgages and Fees Collectible,9 +the overall purpose of title I of the Housing and Community ,9 +Time Zones ,7 +TABLE OF CONTENT ,7 +"the Revised Act (November 25, 2014). ",3 +Corrosion is the gradual deterioration of metal due to a ,9 +"If the takeoff is made during crosswind conditions, the ",9 +Residual risk.,9 +"visitors, etc.). It should include a detailed plan of action on how the contractor intends to ",9 +废弃物或者其他物质的行为,但船舶、平台或者其他人工构造物正常操作中,所附,9 +"level. Also, source locations are to be provided",3 +SEC. 3. PRESUMPTION OF HERBICIDE EXPOSURE FOR CERTAIN VET-,7 +"type landing gear, since the rubber tires' resonant frequency ",9 +responsibilities.,9 +Incorrect valve clearances,3 +"Verhalten in besonderen Situationen, Folgen von Verstößen gegen Verkehrsvorschriften",7 +fluid pressure and unlock. The main gear cylinder actuators ,9 +"L-2968 Luxembourg"" ",9 +Figure 5-57.,0 +2021-2023 period ,7 +case the wind is reported with six digits. The first three digits indicate the direction the true ,3 +itself remains virtually stationary. Waves are simply,9 +"control, placing the mixture control in idle cutoff seats the ",9 +Tender Specifications ,7 +enters the airspace. An ATC clearance is required for,9 +"The weathervaning tendency is more evident in seaplanes,",9 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +Fuel Pressurizing and Dump Valves,7 +it sneaks up on the unwary and steals the first line of sensory ,9 +"planerischen, technologischen und mathematischen und",3 +"Berufsbildung, arbeits- und sozialrechtliche Vorschriften, Personaleinsatz, Lernziel",3 +"Juni 2016 tritt,",3 +Repair Layout,7 +approaches. ,9 +Grabmannstraße 9,5 +"Industrial use, and",3 +the Secretary of State; ,3 +Wingtip vortices.,9 +"restore the communication within two working days, one party ",3 +Oversight and Control over Certain Subsidiaries ,7 +—Data Multiplexing Network ,9 +"in the horizontal position during straight taxiing, or ",3 +collapse a ram-air wing. It would be extremely fool-,9 +No management response. ,7 +"airworthiness certificate, should be presented to an ",9 +"Glue the chest strap in place. In this instance, do not ",3 +"Article 4 (1) The provisions of Article 48, paragraph (1) of the Act do not apply in ",3 +включать различные формы двигательной активности.,9 +Wire Size Selection,7 +The Contract shall enter into force as soon as it has been signed by both Parties (the “,3 +“the relevant planning authority” means the authority as defined in article 2 of this Order ,9 +modi di sfruttamento possono essere definiti più dettagliatamente nel contratto specifico.,9 +section is usually marked with a divider tab indicating the ,9 +shows the recommended maximum voltage drop in the load ,9 +"DOD, MEDEVAC, certification/development or",9 +"r who causes such whipping, maltreatment, abuse, or",9 +document is mandatory. Only references submitted on these forms will ,8 +") 2018 c. 16. Section 8 was amended by section 27 of the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020 (c. 1), and ",1 + that have been properly embalmed by an,9 +"(Technology That Is Especially Likely to Be Used for the Development, etc. of ",3 +convenient manner. ,3 +control surface travel. ,9 +temperature li,9 +SIDEWARD FLIGHT,7 +strong splice because the joint is made along the side of the ,9 +"suspected of being defective, this residue may be removed ",9 +"The bank account identification statement is to be signed, stamped and dated by the successful ",9 + Carriage Moments,7 +Glide Slope/Glide Path,7 +RNAV and RNP Operations,7 +committente,9 +aufgeh. durch Art. 4 Abs. 100 G v. 18.7.2016 I 1666 mWv 1.10.2021,7 +"presiding, the regular judge shall receive ",9 +and shall stay in this position until a new glass is installed. The button shall be testable by a test switch ,9 +200 knots (IAS) should be observed from first,9 +passing the final approach fix inbound on an,9 +General requirements ,7 +– (g/kg T),8 +by an Island person; ,3 +A third factor is the current carrying ability of the conductor. ,9 +La fattura dovrà indicare separatamente l'importo,9 +Successful tenderer’s Helpdesk shall be available in English via phone and/or email during ,3 +V$_{NE}$—the speed that should ,9 +Tampa Bay Aerosports,9 +"— Composed of the municipalities of Alcala, Bautista, Binal",9 +"airspeed eventually stabilizes During this transitional phase, ",9 +are authorized to transit U.S. territorial airspace if in,9 +le retrait de son intention de réduire le paiement; ou ,3 +"gegebenenfalls mit Anhänger, der beantragten Klasse befähigt ist. Der Sachverständige oder Prüfer oder",9 +Navigational and Procedural Information (Continued),7 +"touchdown is made on flat, open terrain, an excessive nose-",9 +"After the FID, the ISPD may only be modified if the program returns to the JRC to rebaseline the ",9 +"off; however, varying conditions may make a difference in the ",9 +in series with the AC signal in the input circuit keeps ,9 +Wheel Speed Sensor,7 +2018/1725$^{3}$. ,3 +is aligned with them (within 5°).,3 +Private rights over land ,7 +Lesson Plans,7 +Pilots are cautioned that vehicular traffic not,9 +Committee he or she shall decide whether to exercise any of his or her powers under section 53 of ,9 +"are many variables, but start by completing the chart with ",9 +Personality or Those Specified by Cabinet Order) ,3 + See Military operations Area.,9 +"sary stress on the floats and struts, and can cause the",9 +beads that cover only a portion of the glass and the area ,9 +in order to verify whether presumed breach of payment of ,3 +Tow Rope Strength Requirements,7 +の改正規定並びに別表第七の改正規定,3 +GLYPH<0>L,6 +Portfolio Safety Strategy ,7 +for onsite activities) ,7 +nawm 5). Section 537 was amended by S.I. 2010/1158. “Prescribed” and “regulations” are defined in section 579(1) of the ,1 +is perpendicular to the rotor mast.,0 +END OF WORK PACKAGE ,6 +held GPS for VFR operations is not limited by,9 +der Klasse AM (2 Doppelstunden),7 +EVALUATION AND AWARD ,7 +of appointing and,9 +3-ring harness ring,6 +Procedural Notes ,7 +Ntlo ya Dikgosi,3 +loss represents electrical energy converted into heat. The ,9 +Aircraft trajectories are constantly tested against the ,9 +a radio phone-in ,7 +Altimeter. ,9 +"CHP with auxiliary equipment and local control panels, the local ",9 +"The special conditions must indicate the procedure used, if necessary, by the contracting ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 157 of June 10, 1960]",7 +"area, followed by successively smaller layers, and then is ",9 + The contractor must keep all original documents stored on,3 +prior to the proper entry. It is also necessary to know what ,9 +滅菌消毒作業室の機器及び設備は、作業工程順に置かれていること。,3 +"referred to in Article II.24.2. Upon expiry of this period, the contractor shall, at the choice of ",9 +the surface. The rotation is continued as the speed bleeds off ,9 +proficient with all aspects of their equipment,9 +a recess. The wrenching flats are used to install the collar. ,9 +"Marinduque,",9 +"July 5, 2019 ",9 +"17, 18, 23 - 25 и 27 - 33 и 35 пункта 2 настоящего распоряжения, а также",9 +"effected, if advisable, through the medium of a Manila daily of general circulation",9 +"an outer race and an inner race with balls, or steel spheres, ",9 +Advisory Circular (AC) 43-13-1 gives general guidelines ,9 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +potential resulting from its favourable geographical location of the country is not fully exploited. These ,9 +"Betriebe, die aus Fetten pflanzlichen oder tierischen Ursprungs, Ölen pflanzlichen oder tierischen Ursprungs",9 +PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +); 2270-1.],9 +Communal Forests,7 +value indicates that the airflow is not spinning the gyros fast ,9 +Scenarios 1 and 2 – Creation of a new SNL ,7 +Controlling cabin pressurization is accomplished through ,9 +Public Works,9 +"kilovolts, 10 milligray or less per hour at a distance of 1 meter from the ",3 +"distinctive noise, often mistaken for exhaust noise. The ",9 +“medical member” means a member of the Board appointed under paragraph 3(1)(b) of ,9 + the contracting authority in writing as soon as possible of any ,3 +Operational Hazard Warning(s)/Procedures,7 +Updated text ,7 +регистрационный № 9610);,9 +its present usage such as: ,9 +"die in Anlage I Abschnitt III Unterabschnitt A des Abkommens aufgeführten Neukonten natürlicher Personen,",3 +conditions may occur at low speed while the ,9 +instrument flight procedures. ,9 +Replace Slider ,8 +Intellectual property rights,7 +a person to be a defendant; and ,3 +Article 31 Provisional acceptance ,7 +PROFESSIONAL,9 +Rivet spacer.,0 +"Rules on taxes, customs duties and Other Fiscal Charges ",7 +"a health care professional has made a request under paragraph (3), and ",3 +MOVEMENT CONTROLS ,7 +Distance to planned destination,3 +[Figure 5-33] ,9 + The change in rotor blade velocity to ,9 +the time limits within which submission and approval of the drawings are required; ,3 +Anything less than a sincere performance is quickly ,3 +"monthly accounting exchange rate, as established by the European Commission and published on the ",9 +Software plans and standards have been internally reviewed based on ,3 +the Shetland p/kWh tariff that will apply in the relevant year; ,3 +Performing Ignition System Checks,7 +Insurance,6 +Aviation Safety Reporting Program as described in,9 +"shall have occurred, but not later than the expiration of ninety full days from the",9 +"Calculation of the costs (incl. travel, overheads, consumables and any other related costs) ",7 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +normal or if a hazard appears. Do not attempt to land,9 +an outdated database should verify waypoints using,9 +jedes einzelnen Vordrucks anhand der von der Bundesdruckerei angebrachten Nummerierung,3 +vorläufiger,3 +applicable. ,3 +La personne susmentionnée est susceptible d'être rejetée de la présente procédure et ,7 +Flight Inspection/‘Flight Check’,7 +The ignition point for any substances is lower in pure oxygen ,9 +alerting),6 +(iv) buildings and equipment concerning the prevention of radiation damage ,3 +and reliability of avionics components. Rotating electrical ,9 +kann gemäß Artikel II.20.6 eine Zwischenzahlung in Höhe von ,9 +navigational device. ,9 +design of WWTP units.,9 +and preservation in a sanitary condition of the harbor of,3 +assigning the pupils of the town to the several schools.,3 +are very likely to cause engine damage. Be- ,9 +lines. Keep lines taut. ,3 +All communication materials should be ,9 +イに規定する委員会が行う審査に係る規程及び手順書を定めること。,3 +"receiving your IFR clearance. Likewise, a VFR departure ",9 +to fly the helicopter beyond the limits of his or her abilities or ,9 +обслуживание,9 +"hereinbelow provided, the charges for forest products shall be payable at the time",9 +treasury and one-half shall be paid into the provincial trea,9 +"website, www.tfr.faa.gov, and verify that there is not a TFR ",9 +"after’’ and inserting ‘‘Not later than March 15, 2020, and ",9 +voltage and carried through processing stages. It is relatively ,9 +for maneuverability.,9 +personnel employed or used by the ,3 +DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +formally notify,9 +Nothing in this paragraph imposes any liability on the undertaker with respect to any damage ,9 +"stay within the confines of the basket, and, above all, to obey ",9 +selector valves are arranged in series with each other. Fluid ,9 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 +"improvement of its finances, as he shall deem",9 +Automatic Decision-Making ,7 +"contractor fail to provide a new guarantee, the contracting authority may terminate the ",3 +Coordination of SRM Documentation ,3 +Figure 13-115. ,0 +"дождливые, ветреные и морозные дни занятия физической культурой должны",9 +"and Foreign Trade Control Act (hereinafter referred to as the ""Revised Act"") ",3 +"il peut s'agir d'un droit de propriété, d'un droit de licence et/ou d'un droit d'utilisation appartenant au ",9 +AUTOROTATION IN FORWARD FLIGHT,7 +Stationary Combustion Sources ,7 +APPENDICE B: SEGNALAZIONE DI INFORTUNIO (FACSIMILE) ,7 +VFR Over-The-Top,7 +"be conducted in accordance with regulations, without waiver, ",9 +Four mounting lugs ,3 +"measured in feet per second, is decreased by a force during ",9 +"Rahmenplan für den klassenspezifischen Zusatzstoff in den Klassen A, A2, A1 (4 Doppelstunden), in",7 +A request to participate/tender failing to pass a given category of criteria will not be evaluated ,9 +Introduction/Explanation,7 +Zur Vermeidung von elektromagnetischen Störungen und von unnötiger Funkfeldbelastung kann der,9 +"Canning Road, along both the northbound and southbound carriageways, commencing from the ",9 +"EARTH WORKS, PIPE WORKS AND GROUND IMPROVEMENT",7 +"029 740 798,52 Euro",9 +The tender report (a document generated by e-Submission and listing all the ,3 +Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) ,7 +Internet-Adresse:,9 +Inspection Process,7 +"Errata as of September 17, 2013 ",7 +"pollutant only if such trades are allowed by local regulation, are technically justified, and have a ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of September 1, 1959] ",7 +affect the performance or flying characteristics of an ,3 +requested a performance guarantee.,9 +performance charts based on the behavior of the aircraft ,9 +The fuel control unit of the typical turbofan on older aircraft ,9 +"in proceedings on a claim, ",3 +Conditions ,7 +"and Industry No. 25 of May 30, 1986] ",7 +Specification of corrosion protection; and ,3 +Manager (ATM) at the facility completing the SRM document. For Air Route Traffic,3 +times the shank diameter.,3 +" requires adaptations, the contractor ",3 +Proof of enrolment in a relevant trade or professional register to be submitted in ,3 +"a decision is a decision. Under SRM and the 5 Ps, even the ",9 +The tolls set out in this Part shall take effect from 17 May 2021 until 16 May 2022 inclusive. ,9 +(Prevention of Infectious Diseases Relating to Inland Waters Resources) ,9 +FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ,7 +" In Schedule 1 to the principal Regulations (amount of NHS charges), for the table in that ",9 +"conformity certificates, test certificates, certificates of origin, as specified in the ",3 +"military operations, and alert areas.",9 +GENERAL DIRECTIONS AND SPECIAL DIRECTIONS ,7 +Assistance with local regulations ,7 +NATURAL PERSON,7 +Closing the Container,8 +Directive 2006/43 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on statutory audits of annual accounts and ,1 +"SIGMET, or AIRMET. ",3 +Assigns altitudes in IFR clearances that are at,9 +states and Alaska; excluding:,9 +in the horizontal direction. Swells move primarily in,9 +Figure 11-159,9 +The project safeguards and develops Ukraine’s export and transit freight flows by modernising lines. ,9 +he marine waters included,3 +Construction Joints ,7 +Figure 1-47.,0 +Interim meeting #3: via teleconference ,8 +Thrust Vectoring ,7 +Tender submission: how many tenders may an economic operator ,7 +"paragraphs 2(3) and 7(2) of Schedule 4 (common land), ",3 +quirements and test methods,3 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +administer an oath in th,9 +beginning in 2020 only. ,9 +"TASKS, DELIVERABLES, TIMELINE AND PAYMENTS ",7 +Parlaments und des Rates vom 12. Januar 2005 mit Vorschriften für die Futtermittelhygiene (ABl. L 35 vom,3 +in the tender specifications and; ,3 +"During a grace period of 2 months, following the signature of the framework contract, the penalties will not be applied. ",7 +Variation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +preparation of this Statement. The maintenance of these accounts is ,9 +"Family, and other VIPs, the Civil Aviation Authority and the Department for Transport agree that ",9 +Broadcast Operations,9 +for the mechanical device on the opposite side to close the ,9 +Lower crankcase chamber,6 +property within any stated area or district within the bounds of said,9 +"Overcontrolling, resulting in overbanking upon turn ",3 +mm) of the,9 +Self-Launch Takeoff Emergency ,7 +led to three months' leave in lieu of court vacation.,9 +Anlage 2 (zu § 6 Absatz 1),7 +services prior to delivery to ECHA to ensure that all quality criteria are complied with ,9 +"in this section may include wind data, variable",3 +deemed advisable.,3 +"At overhaul facilities, a gauge is used to measure the ",9 +NAVAID IFP applies the facility magnetic variation,9 +boats in the harbor of Manila or within the city limits not within or,3 +ground effect (OGE) power exists. The pilot is also aware ,9 +"owners or possessors of such lands, premises, or improvements shall",9 +Immediately follow break out instructions as soon,3 +for Partial Revision of Relevant Acts for Facilitating Acquisition of Approval for ,9 +Snow conditions affecting glide slope operation ,3 +II.23. RECOVERY ,7 +turbulence.,0 +"condition is gone, the resistance of the core material increases ",9 +Rivet Length ,7 +system when viewed from above.,9 +DA is about to conduct a high reconnaissance prior to a ,9 +on runway 27 that at about 3 miles out they can expect a ,9 +Empty-Field Myopia ,7 +Anti-Skid System Maintenance,7 +highway but nothing in this paragraph affects any right of the undertaker or of Cadent to require ,9 +"tetrahedron, or wind tee. These are usually located in a central ",9 +133 STAT. 926 ,5 +of hookup.,9 +Procurement procedure: ,7 +Separation Service for VFR Aircraft in a TRSA).,7 +return to its original flight condition after it has been disturbed.,9 +"limitations to the review, products of the review, and participating organizations and their ",9 +Section 4. Two‐way Radio Communications Failure,7 +"side. On containers without dual fittings, the container must be ",0 +"be exercised by the Director-General of the Regional Bureau of Economy, Trade ",9 +Parallel Generator Operations,7 +handle the balloon and trouble are most likely to be ,3 +issued under 14 CFR part 67. In addition to a valid driver’s ,9 +system is that pilots do not need to premix any oil into the ,9 +it is necessary to minimize radio interference. Flexible ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 172 of April 3, 2015] ",7 +Financial Offer form ,3 +Anforderungen und Regelwerke,7 +"winds, weathervaning forces may make it difficult to turn",9 +Incorporation of the St. Ives Harbour Act and Orders ,3 +〔平成二十四年三月三十日政令第九十六号〕〔抄〕,7 +act but not required to do,9 +hat operate successfully every day without the benefit of ,9 +"which causes a vertical climb, unless needed for ",3 +suivre les instructions données,3 +MAIN CANOPY ,7 +dieser Verordnung erwerben.,9 +rudder to become less effective. The dynamic pressure,9 +"§ 73 oder § 76 zuerkannten Förderhilfen bis zu 75 Prozent, in jedem Fall aber bis zu 100 000 Euro, für besonders",9 +Award and signature of the contract with the successful tenderer ,7 +“(2A) Item 7 does not include services in circumstances where— ,9 +pattern and when flying a route or sector labeled,9 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +the round out is continued to establish the proper landing ,9 +Autosyn systems are further distinguished by the fact that ,9 +” is available after logging in with ,9 +Should slip snugly ,6 +procedure from which normal descent from the MDA to the ,9 +"be stored topped off. However, fuel does deteriorate a little ",9 +Transmission Lines,7 +VOR Receiver Check,7 +service. Its main objective is to determine whether the program is achieving expected ,9 +switch against the discharge stop for one second. This fires ,9 +Audio-visual material production,7 +windings are used. The unit is similar to a direct cranking ,9 +GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ,7 + Wing components. ,0 +"""bon de commande""",9 +Primary Swell.,9 +"such as cash, plants, equipment, and parameters. ",9 +Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems ,7 +"Kommission für Verleih-, Vertriebs- und Videoförderung",7 +"Where the context so permits, words in the singular shall be deemed to include the plural ",3 +"for obstacles, wind, and any other factor that may affect the ",9 +" or subcontractors, as well as in ",3 +the system. It is the rigger’s responsibility during inspections ,9 +bis vierstelligen Zahl und einem nachfolgenden Buchstaben. Das Kennzeichenschild enthält außerdem,3 +"minimum may be 10° or less over water, near a shore line, ",9 +"cases, it may be necessary to advance the throttle slightly to ",9 +"the engine is operating at maximum power, the blade tip ",9 +Abschnitt 9,7 +AIRPORT DATA DEPICTION,7 +Submission of requests to participate and tenders. ,7 +II.13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ,7 +Services to be performed weekly,8 +§ 50 Weitere Anwendung von Vorschriften,7 +[Figure 1-14],9 +pattern by interception of the extended runway ,3 +Provisions come into effect as of the date of promulgation. ,9 +"intoxicating liquor in the public markets, kiosks, booths, or stands situated in the",9 +Altimeter Setting.,3 +be adhered to so stringently that it becomes inflexible or ,9 +Helicopter configuration limitations (such as door ,3 +transportation,9 +Emergency control ,7 +为了保障网络安全,维护网络空间主权和国家安全、社会公共利益,保护,9 +Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures,7 +eceive per diems at the rate of,9 +ときの、法人の代表者の氏名の変更とする。,3 +"had obtained, prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, permission under ",3 +Tire Inspection Off of the Aircraft,7 +obscuring phenomena. The amount of sky coverage is ,3 +Responsible Person for flight operations accepts responsibility for ensuring compliance with the stated ,9 +II.7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND PROFESSIONAL CONFLICTING ,7 +electrical system is a continuous-duty solenoid. Current flows ,9 +II.11. AMENDMENTS ,7 +"With the approval of the Governor-General, the provincial board may",9 +aft of the rotor mast.,3 +of this title.’’. ,9 +проводятся.,9 +Perfection in straight-and-level flight comes only as a result of ,9 +edges of the field should be the same regardless of,9 +“interim assessment” has the meaning given by regulation 14(1)(b); ,9 +An additional technical equipment and technician services will cover online aspects of the online ,3 +認められる方法による検査を行わなければならない。,3 +connections at the site. ,9 +"efficient, and systematic way to identify hazards, assess risk, ",9 +不正の手段により第十二条の登録を受けたとき。,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 119 of June 1, 1954] ",7 +Requirements ,7 +END OF WORK PACKAGE ,7 +Automatic Activation Devices (AADs) and ,7 +"diagram. As airspeed increases (position 5), place the aircraft ",9 +TECHNOLOGY ,7 +Minor assemblies may be designed and constructed for wall installation. All cables must enter or exit ,9 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +pilot to conduct flight at any altitude from the ,9 +- Seite 14 von 16 -,4 +第十二条の三第一号又は第三号に該当するに至つたとき。,3 +"conduit, such as areas that have motion between conduit ends ",9 +Cylinder Compression Stroke—Piston Moving Up,7 +Equipment Condition,7 +Workload or Task Management,7 +Children’s homes: deprivation of liberty ,7 +I.1. ORDER OF PRIORITY OF PROVISIONS ,7 +. In case ,9 +Hi-Lok$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +500 ml stainless steel holding capacity ,3 +point c). ,9 +eliminate air from the fuel. It returns a small amount of ,9 +Thermal Survey of Repair Area,7 +APPROPRIATE OBSTACLE CLEARANCE ,9 +"the future, which may feature NoSQL, relational, unstructured data stores ",3 +(and thus more fuel) as it is tasked with assuming the ,3 +Reduction Gear Assembly,7 +automatically become compulsory reporting points unless ,9 +both the VFR and IFR blocks if composite VFR/IFR.,9 +"antitorque thrust, causing the nose of the aircraft to yaw left ",9 +Charter of the City of Baguio.,9 +Authority to Close Thoroughfare. — ,9 +frequency or Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) to get a good idea of what traffic ,9 +Entities on whose capacities the tenderer relies to fulfil the selection criteria ,7 +項を記載することを要しない。,3 +To prohibit and provide for the punishment of cruelty to animals.,3 +"23,07 – 23,12 GHz,",9 +"continental United States and significant portions of Alaska, ",9 +the existing text becomes paragraph (1); ,3 +"использованием растворов или салфеток на спиртовой основе, содержащих не",9 +equipment of public buildings and public improvements directed by,3 +"the course narrows. By the time you reach the OM, your drift ",9 +piece of information. It might be helpful to remember these ,9 +Fixed-Price contracts ,7 +"der Betriebsorganisation,",3 +inlet air temperature reduces the specific fuel ,9 +"For hybrid, ""online +""",7 +Adjustment slot,6 + The contracting authority and the European Anti-,3 +vermindertem Stichprobenumfang,3 +from the air conditioning system is the air that is used to ,9 +"cycle in that the intake, compression, combustion, expansion, ",9 +Chart Limits,7 +"remedy the defect or the damage itself, or employ someone else to carry out the ",3 +and unidentified risk. This is the total risk passed on to the ,9 +Cylinder Compression Tests,7 +SRM: Proactive and Reactive Hazard and Risk Reduction ,7 +び第二十八条において「外国為替公認銀行」という。)に対する本邦通貨をもつて表,9 +"In consultation with relevant stakeholders (including farmers), develop ",3 +"state-owned companies and other governmental institutions, which are involved or are ",3 +(in horsepower) of,9 +KVM switches ,3 +where there are reasonable grounds to believe that ,3 +brakes for condition and adjustment.,3 +Surface water drainage ,7 +Enhanced Situational Awareness ,7 +Final date of delivery or performance: ,6 +original documents,9 +"to the reasonable satisfaction of the Agency, ",3 +特定機能病院、事故等報告病院その他の利害関係人は、登録分析機関の業務時間内,3 +Loss of orientation.,3 +"superintendent,",3 +push the elevator control forward. If too much back-elevator ,9 +reporting on results) and payments.,3 +by the action of the pitch change arm. Nearly all bearingless ,9 +Incompatibility of the topcoat with the primer. ,3 +special registration number,7 +項の規定による許可に関する事務,3 +Control of loose connections ,3 +assigned frequency. If the station addressed does not,9 +Tender specifications purpose,7 +the final approach course 10 miles from the facility.,9 +Tangled round,3 +matters prescribed in the preceding paragraph with a council based on the ,3 +requirements. On procedures with both PBN,9 +gers are aware of the hazards and risks of a moving ,9 +in the balloon pilot’s study of the air mass.,9 +From the northwest at 20 knots,6 +---............._ ,6 +The dolly and packing if any shall be in sound condition. ,3 +may use the negotiated procedure under point 11.1.e of ,9 +"of the aircraft operating environment. However, they do ",9 +been imaged onto the blind spot of your right eye. ,3 +at a time. ,9 +自費患者(社会保険診療に係る患者又は労働者災害補償保険法に係る患者以外,3 +Internal ,9 +– The construction of pedestrian crossing facilities across the new A585 Dual ,9 +under Part 1 of the 1961 Act. ,9 +Temperature Variations with Topography,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 358 of December 2, 2005] ",7 +") Section 11(1) was amended by section 34(1) of, and Schedule 4 to, the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 (c. 67), section 14 of, ",1 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +I.4.3. Reimbursement of expenses ,7 +Lift/Drag Devices,7 +EXPLANATORY NOTE ,7 +Contractor partner to arrange on-site technician with in-house service or external provider; ,3 +Connect the compression tester assembly to a 100 to ,3 +Pack round reserve with vertical full stow diaper parallelto bottom of pack tray,3 +locator”includes locator outer marker and locator middle,9 +HARNESS/CONTAINER ,7 +tubes. Semiconductors used in transistors and integrated ,9 +A common technique to making a smooth touchdown is to ,9 +"of pilot skill, experience, condition, and proficiency; aircraft ",9 +in the SLA (refer to Annex 16),3 +and display altitude information to the controller ,3 +The technical constraints posed by the tools on which EFSA relies for these ,3 +substituted and inserted by section 15 of the Mines (Working Facilities and Support) Act ,9 +following: ,9 +Seychelles ,9 +assembly. ,9 + TM 10-1670-287-23&P ,5 +"AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) ""T"" ROUTE SYSTEM",7 +"Der Auftragnehmer garantiert, dass er alle für die Herstellung und den Verkauf der Waren ",9 +third country). ,3 +"Auflagen und Beschränkungen zu den beantragten Fahrerlaubnisklassen,",3 +any other bilateral or multilateral agreement or arrangements for assistance and technical co-,3 +of the Order pursuant to section 156 (benefit of order granting development consent) of ,3 +"sludge and varnish buildup. Used in automotive engines, it ",9 +Air defense emergencies ,3 +2009/1307. ,1 +the next larger size.,9 +England— ,9 +All members of a joint ,3 +"a signal is received and indicated (e.g., audibly, and visually ",9 +§ 3 Inanspruchnahme von Fremddienstleistern,7 +mental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.): ,9 +Mode of Application for Permit. — ,9 +Recognizing Interference or Spoofing,7 +"Pasig, Pililla, San Mateo, Tanay, and Taytay.",9 +"Europol, including all forms of exploitation and use of such results and rights. The acquisition of ",3 +developing and implementing PSPs. Refer to Appendix B for a description of the SSPP that the ,9 +"of any error, ",9 +"of the engine, and it is the design speed at which most power ",9 +"be electronic. The accuracy of the level measuring system shall, as a minimum be 2 mm of the full scale. The ",9 +удостоверений;,9 +Select terrain data ,3 +period of time due to usage and ultraviolet (UV) exposure from ,9 +(ASDE)- Surveillance equipment specifically de-,9 +plate bearing tests ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 409 of December 26, 1994] ",7 +Transitioning across lots: Handover (WP 4) ,7 +II.23.4. Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +sheet and 37). ,8 +closest approach in vertical and horizontal coordi-,9 +WIR£ }~ :::: ~,6 +make modifications to the ,3 +"For more information, see the EU login help. ",9 +e-document for one year,3 +Controls the engine fire extinguishing system,3 +Amendment to the Environment Act 1995 ,7 +NAS en route computer and appears as an EDCT. In ,9 +"row 146-2, row 151, row 155 and row 159 of Appended Table 1 come into effect ",3 +Europol’s obligations under its financial legal regime.,3 +Figure 3-77.,0 +"""demande de services""",9 +[As specified in Article I.10 ,9 +Aircraft ,6 +An engine can operate with just its boost pump running in the ,9 +Three Glass Cylinder (1 Litre) ,3 +Primary Sludge Pumping Station,7 +specific to the aircraft in question. ,9 +Project Description ,3 +immediately following said fifteenth of Novem,9 +A prompter: for speakers to read their speeches while looking at the camera (for hybrid and ,3 +〔昭和二十七年八月二十六日政令第三百六十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +II.13.7. Moral rights of creators ,7 +traffic may require flightpaths different than faster traffi c. ,9 +"altitude, if known, of the observed traffic). The altitude may",9 +ILS Function,7 +"FWC is implemented and to all the information, including information in electronic format, ",3 +"Gegebenenfalls, erfolgt im Anschluss die Einweisung/Belehrung zum Umgang mit ",9 +leg will be determined by the ATD. Some GPS,9 +"The Contractor’s national partner to provide selected photos (up to 15, showing the branding ",3 +laws and regulations in force in the township.,3 +Inability to direct attention outside the powered ,3 +[1492-2.],9 +"besonderer Schadensereignisse, insbesondere Windwurf und Windbruch, Schnee- und Eisbruch, Pilzbefall,",9 +"inadequate water quality in any watercourse or in any groundwater, ",3 +Die Bundesanstalt kann einer gemischten Finanzholding-Gesellschaft an der Spitze eines Finanzkonglomerats,9 +conspicuous to ATC and other aircraft on approach.,9 +contracting authority as at the date of termination of the contract. ,3 +Aerodromes: The airport beacon is out of service. ,8 +"For onsite, hybrid, ""online +"" for the onsite part:",7 +weather briefing. Many reports and forecasts are available to ,9 +Northamptonshire councils and the West Northamptonshire councils on that date.,9 +(14 CFR § 91.176(a)); and,9 +[Figure 8-8],9 +changes during takeoffs or landings. When the seat ,9 +Force Majeure,3 +must look right and clear the area before initiating any turn ,9 +"Regardless of the type of fuel selector in use, fuel ",9 + [Figure 14-70] ,9 +Slaving torque ,6 +Power section ,7 +CI-lt\PTER I,7 +Transitional provision ,7 +Perform proper needle fold,3 +authorises ,6 +operation room sufficient ventilation and natural lighting shall be made. ,9 +were flying a helicopter with a maximum gross weight of ,9 +otherwise in,3 +lines of the approach chart as S,9 +All contractors,9 +§ 2 Familienpflegezeit,7 +профессиональной,8 +Vertragslaufzeit / Termine ,7 +NISH COVID–19 VACCINE TO CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS NOT ,7 +"Replacing bulbs, reflectors, and lenses of position and ",3 +OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ,7 + of the contractor access to its premises by means of an access card. The access card ,9 +cates a bank in the direction the helicopter is turning.,9 +on a national database free of charge. ,9 +compensation under those sections where— ,3 +"Upon request, ECDC may provide additional information solely for the purpose of clarifying the procurement ",9 +"million and current liabilities of P235.79 million, resulting in net ",9 +submission) ,3 +traitants. ,9 +IFR operations and participating VFR aircraft. ,9 +"Gefährdung, Einrichtung: Unzureichende oder nicht vorh. Beleuchtung in Gebäuden",7 +corporations,9 +"defects to the surface. Under an ultraviolet inspection lamp, ",9 +"pilot is not communicating and receiving services,",9 +All ARTCC radar in the conterminous United States ,3 +these false courses occurs at approximately 9°– 12°. ,3 +erminal Procedures Publication (TPP) - Symbols,5 +make the operator of the airport aware of the problem.,9 +Figure 4-141. ,0 +accelerate the airplane and increase the lift to reduce the sink ,9 +Identification of Paint Finishes,7 +〔平成二十四年九月十四日政令第二百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +Heading indicator. ,9 +"As you work through the ADM cycle, it is important to remember the four fundamental principles of ",9 +Common Errors in Turns,7 +and/or textual form.,9 +ridurre al,9 +"their PRM frequency. In that way, if the common tower ",9 +RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION,7 +VFR waypoint names (for computer,9 +FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ,7 +exact amount of oil into the intake of the engine depending ,9 +attention should be given to the mechanical strength and ,9 +the weather outside is clearly VFR. It may be that you can ,9 +"In any branch of aviation, takeoff and landing are ",3 +Recommended Traffic Advisory Practices ,7 +"Standards Service created the FAASTeam, which is devoted ",9 +Procedures and Routes,7 +Turbo-Propeller Assembly,7 +where the lines are stowed.,9 +"Change Advisory Board, manages changes within its scope ",8 +Points with normal irregularities. ,0 +家庭用の圧力なべ及び圧力がま(内容積が十リットル以下のものであつて、九・,3 +"expiration of his commission, as required by law.",3 +Airport/Runway Information ,7 +on the display. ,9 +"of the equipment are directly related to the weather, route, ",9 +contain at least the following: ,3 +"PILOT’S NAME, ADDRESS & TELEPHONE NUMBER & AIRCRAFT HOME BASE",6 +generating lift. As an airfoil moves through the ,9 +despite the,9 +Continuous ignition is used in case the engine were to flame ,9 +Figure 2.1 presents the thrust required and ,9 +"to recognize visually. Other kinds of deterioration, such as ",9 +might have a problem with inattention. ,9 +instructor effectiveness.,3 +LIABILITY FOR THE DEBTS OF THE LEGAL PERSON,7 +Immediately after the accomplishment of a machine sewing ,9 +Please print/upload,7 +Other uses.,3 +"developed, ",9 + (ss 57-70) ,7 +§ 3 Inanspruchnahme von Fremddienstleistern,7 +Equation B-7. HAP Emissions - Ground Access Vehicles ,9 +Auxiliary drive units (ADU).,3 +required to operate the boots. This has little effect on engine ,9 +and operating conditions allow the flameout to ,9 +当該都道府県の境界周辺の地域における医療の需給の実情に応じ、二以上の都道府,3 +Unterkünfte im Baugelände ,7 +Textual ODPs are listed by city and airport in the IFR Take-,9 +Annex Office – 500 sq. ft. ,9 +Aircraft in Terminal Areas,7 +"same as basic empty weight, except that it does not",9 +"of the Employer's Requirements, Section 2: Design Basis. ",9 +"panel members agree on the results of the safety analysis. In those cases, document the ",9 +quires additional turbine stages to continue ,9 +Lesson Plans,7 +use within three ,9 +Risk Management during Operational Flights ,7 +To prohibit and provide for the punishment of cruelty to animals.,3 +Negotiation of placement of a stand’s advertisement at the Fair (e.g. the Fair´s magazine etc.) ,7 +Der Private hat dem Schuldner die Entrichtung der Mautgebühr durch Barzahlung zu ermöglichen. Darüber,9 +Stima dei costi di Sicurezza da Interferenze ,7 +"Errata as of May 11, 2015 ",7 +tant factors in this system is that a downward ,9 +identifies the order of the entire manual by section number ,9 +Adjusting the Fuel Control,7 +"of powerlines, and making the decision to commit to the ",9 +obligation,9 +"due to increased lift. At this point, adjust the collective to ",9 +Rip Panels ,3 +"forward cyclic compensation, causing the helicopter ",3 +"da Vinci, Leonardo ........................................................ 1-1",8 +Overvoltage Protection,7 +strap is not possible.,9 +most valuable during a soaring flight with engine off during ,9 +terrain features. ,3 +Piston Reverses Direction From Down Stroke to Up ,7 +enhancing the safety and efficiency of the National,9 +a special-purpose lens.,9 +Replacement Certificate ,7 +und unterhalten. Die Abrechnung der Verbrauchskosten erfolgt direkt vom Bauherrn mit den ,9 +-inch to ,9 +Changes in the NAS environment in which the new capability is targeted to operate may evolve ,9 +to move past what he or she thinks the passengers want to ,9 +Lines of equal relative humidity.,9 +Normal takeoff from the surface is used to move the helicopter ,9 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +(ii) the Air Quality Assessment,9 +documents listed in the relevant sections of the tender specifications and which are not available electronically ,9 +existing air traffic affect the pilot’s approach and landing ,9 +Make every effort to remain on the indicated,9 +Oxidizing flame.,9 +Replacing prefabricated fuel lines,3 +aufzuerlegen.,9 +requires such high angles of attack to achieve ,9 +Types of Friction ,7 +次に掲げる要件を満たす汚染検査室(人体又は作業衣、履物、保護具等人体に,3 +Submission of requests to participate and tenders. ,7 +’s assessment to the learner’s self-assessment. ,9 +to the reference road.,3 +Any additional information will be published on the above mentioned TED e-Tendering website. The website will ,9 +"im Sinne des § 1 Absatz 1 hat, so muss das meldende Finanzinstitut die neue Anschrift als eine Änderung der",9 +Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Operation,7 +DESTINATION (Name of airport,6 +SPECIAL INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCE-,7 +Liste détaillée des modes d'exploitation des résultats ,7 +Normal trim ,6 +"In addition to directional stability, the air- ",9 +for FAA routing authorization information.),9 +〔昭和三十五年六月二十日政令第百六十三号〕,7 +Fully Depreciated Assets ,7 +Departures from:,7 +the affected facility shall designate an SRM document approver.,3 +Project team ,7 +your request to AFS-750.,9 +A lightweight pilot takes off with maximum bag-,3 +AUTOROTATION IN FORWARD FLIGHT,7 +They amend the Children’s Homes (England) Regulations 2015 to ensure that they don’t prohibit ,9 +間、これをその営む事業に係る事務所その他これに準ずるものの所在地に保存しなけ,3 +Anlage 16 (zu § 11 Absatz 1),7 +See https://ecty2018.org/. ,1 +reserved.,9 +Parallels) ,7 +"As with the other amplifier circuits, when amplifying an ",9 +SPECIAL INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCE-,7 +"Information can be obtained from the FAA by phone, ",9 +in traffic patterns and avoid these areas whenever possible. ,9 +Improper entry technique.,3 +Safety Risk Management Policy,1 +Modified zinc chromate primer does not adhere ,3 +replacements unless the shortfall is made up by using a larger ,9 +Improper cleaning and preparation of the surface to ,3 +EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT TOOL,9 +entitled to speak and to vote in all proceedings of the ,9 +disinfection at night as well as for security of staff manning the gates. ,3 +In no case shall the collection of township taxes be let to any person.,9 +- The locations at which concentrations are estimated are ,3 +Figure 9-12,9 + ............................................................................................ 18 ,8 +those cases was pilot related and loss of control was also a ,9 +TABLE OF CONTENTS ,7 +facilitate transition between takeoff and en route operations.,9 +AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE ,7 +side of the vapor cycle system. The fitting controlled by the red ,0 + The cyclic is held into the wind a ,9 +Allowances payable to members of a combined fire and rescue authority ,7 +Secondary or Auxiliary Control Surfaces ,7 +SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCUREMENT ,7 +Crosswind Considerations During Takeoffs,7 +"still in the firing position, the magnetos should be timed by ",9 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +§ 33 Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter,7 +shown on Sheet 2 of the Works Plans. ,9 +good starting point. After getting a check of possible traffic ,9 +. — Each summary,9 +10.26.Erstellung und Prüfung der Werk- und Montageplanung ,7 +or a fire. The resistance decreases more quickly with an ,9 +reliable outside visual references after you are airborne.,9 +"All of its components, such as compressors and turbines, are ",9 +I.4. PREIS ,7 +Initial run-up provides an assessment to the condition of the ,9 +all'esecuzione,9 +CLOSING CONTAINER ,7 +TED eTendering,7 +the directors-general of custom-houses: ,3 +runway when the transition occurs so that the approach and ,9 +and Systems,7 +Principal powers ,7 +Reduction Gear Assembly,7 +"Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy ",9 +Relief Hole Location,7 +The aircraft is registered in the U.S. and its,9 +Non-Moving Advances,7 +Suspension by the contractor ,7 +Within ten days after the passage of the ordinance by the council for the,9 +promulgated by its duly constituted authorities,9 +interpreted from the appended soil investigations or supplementary investigations made by the Con-,9 +can be intensified by an out-of-balance rotor. The unbalanced ,9 +"Using an authorized marking aid of contrasting color, mark damaged area. Mark the ",3 +"[Figure 9-6, position 2 to 3, ",9 +Article II-10 ,7 +proceedings.,9 +must be understood and ,9 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,7 +on the raster image using commonly available,9 +"fuselage/carriage and, since most of the weight is centered ",9 +TABLE WITH CORRESPONDING FIELD DENOMINATION BY COUNTRY,7 +be chaired by a senior government official appointed by the Minister responsible for local ,3 +zone must be,9 +Framework Contract),3 +and the IT Contractor. ,9 +Article 9 - ,7 +called translational lift. The efficiency of the hovering rotor ,9 +Article I-15 ,7 +"), other than a laboratory which processes tests provided by the test provider for ",3 +"issues and record them in the SRM document as well as treat, track, and monitor them as safety ",9 +"precision both on the ground and in the air, and the exercise ",9 +donne impérativement lieu à une commande écrite du Secrétariat. ,9 +Another tendency is to focus too much on the landing,9 +Aerodynamics of Flight,7 +"is replaced by ATIS Bravo. The next hour, ATIS Charlie is ",9 +of friction. The skiplane also needs more area for turns,9 +successive coatings of wash primer and modified zinc ,3 +Folgende ständige Förderkommissionen werden eingerichtet:,9 +Figure 2-19,9 +"pressure. The minus sign is usually not presented, as the ",9 +path of an aircraft. ,9 +They amend the Adoption Agencies Regulations 2005 which set out the process for assessing the ,9 +misinterpretation of features on the ground associated ,9 +ministry as provided for in Article 6 of the Act; the same applies in the ,3 +Sew the rolled stop end according to ,3 +"the Agency from all claims, demands, proceedings, costs, damages, expenses or loss, which may ",9 +Contractor or Contractor’s national partner to brief photographer including objectives ,3 +направления,9 +and all disorderly conduct; to make and enforce all necessary police,3 +stakeholder. This will enhance and strengthen their contribution towards ,9 +"on an engine-driven shaft and that, when rotated, produces by ",9 +generally been made. This discussion also allows the pilot ,9 +Luftfahrzeugen sowie der zugehörigen Einrichtungen am Boden vorbehalten.,3 +between two conducting plates separated by a dielectric. Lead ,9 +Volume and value of the contract ,7 +zuständige Technische Prüfstelle für den Kraftfahrzeugverkehr mit der Prüfung zu beauftragen und ihr den,9 +Section 5.1 ,7 +"line” symbol, and is part of the instrument appr",9 +FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) ,7 +Abschnitt B Nr. 2.1 ,3 +operational advantage will be realized by the pilot or,9 +inexperienced. The pilot did not mean to swoop down to buzz ,9 +"tion. (3) In a PPC, the tendency of the aircraft to ",3 +crankcase,9 +ATC Instructions,7 +roll-in and roll-out.,3 +ABOUT ENISA ,7 +Article 39-27 (1) When a medical corporation intends to obtain authorization for ,3 +submission receipt generated by e-Submission and to sign an attendance sheet. ECDC reserves the right to refuse ,9 +Checking the security of the air inlet filter and the ,0 +Abschnitt 2,7 +Standard Terminal Arrival Routes,7 + WSC Operations,7 + The boundary layer between the troposphere ,9 +[Figure 2-10],9 +"die theoretische Prüfung nicht innerhalb von zwölf Monaten nach Eingang des Prüfauftrags bestanden ist,",3 +", pre-existing Europol ",3 +FINANCIAL IDENTIFICATION,10 +stowage container (pack) in such a location as to be readily available to the user during donning ,9 +The criterion is applied to:,7 +Figure 11-49. ,0 +: Shipment of Goods with in-house transport at the delivery destination,3 +the pitch attitude,9 +PRINCIPAL POWERS ,7 +Maintenance instructions stating maintenance routines and intervals; ,3 +"to protect the insulation from too much heat, the ",3 +and following an outline to be sent by the contractor and approved by EU-OSHA.,3 +altitudes above or below the Class B airspace or,9 +the tips on each side. Insert the washout strut into the leading ,9 +handbook material must be consulted prior to using,9 +and routing of power cable assembly. ,9 +PROCÉDURE D’EVACUATION ,7 +s'il est établi que de fausses déclarations ont été faites ou que de fausses informations ,7 +"the opinion of the Contracting Authority, interferes, or threatens to interfere, with the successful ",3 +"Versicherungspflicht, müssen sie ein Kennzeichen nach § 8 führen. Im Falle des Satzes 2 finden auf die Zuteilung",9 +Communication and presentation ,3 +351 of the Public Health Service Act; or ,9 +Poor coordination creating variations in airspeeds.,3 +A device hooked into the connector links in ,9 +. — When real property belonging to any province is needed for,9 +Lieferdatum; ,3 +I.4.2. Preisanpassungsindex ,7 +electrolyte is 1.244.,9 +—(1) Proceedings for an offence under these Regulations must not be instituted in ,9 +ECDC may decide to give a zero mark for the relevant quality award criteria. ,9 +also provides the low resistance return path for single-,9 +Operational Errors,7 +Using Proper Radio Procedures ,7 +"with local traffic patterns, terrain, and obstruction",9 +—(1) The Civil Aviation (Aerial Advertising) Regulations 1995(,9 +"Figure 3-28,",9 +in a Foreign Country,7 +preceding the date on which he or she applies for registration as a voter or was born in ,3 +Statement by the creator (or right holder) ,7 +is conducted by slowly applying a test load equal to ,3 +ELETTRONICA ,7 +Forward Slip,7 +"European Commission, “Complete statistics on short-stay visas issued by the Schengen States” ",1 +〔昭和五十六年六月一日通商産業省令第三十二号〕,7 +Turbine Engine Bleed Air,7 +Flux valve,6 +Piston Reverses Direction From Down Stroke to Up ,7 +"Instructional aids should appeal to the learner and be based on sound principles of instructional design. When practical, they should ",9 +Article 8 - ,7 +Monitor (PRM) Approaches ,7 +APPLICATION OF AERODYNAMICS ,7 +Characteristics of Learning ,7 +INITIAL SETUP: ,7 +requirements set in the technical specifications. ,9 +Torch Lighters,7 +the construction of new highway comprising carriageway and cycleway and forming ,3 +the brakes are released or the power increased further. This ,9 +to 60 knots,6 +election but the appeal should nonetheless in all the circumstances be dismissed; ,3 +sources and receptors. ,3 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 1),7 +assessed to be medium. There is only one viable approach ,9 +PROCÉDURE D’EVACUATION ,7 +in any other case at a place described in paragraph (4)(a) to (c). ,3 +smoothly adding power and slowly moving the cyclic,9 +"altitude. Although the climb is stopped, the aircraft may remain in a nose-high ",3 +Preparing the O&SHA,7 +Inspection,9 +LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE,7 +departure path and generally into the wind.,9 +discriminator,6 +entity denomination,9 +"in the shortest direction to reach a given heading, ",3 +that my name be mentioned or not mentioned when the results are presented to the public;,3 +relationships between the aircraft and the runway.,9 +し、厚生労働大臣に提出すること。,3 +which involves the addition of ,9 +"Ist die Montage der gelieferten Waren in den Spezifikationen der Ausschreibung vorgesehen, ",9 +的条件及び日常生活の需要の充足状況、交通事情等の社会的条件を考慮して、一体,3 +In-Flight Test ,7 +"Bildwiedergabe, Lernziele a bis c,",3 +paragraph (5) or (7); and ,3 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 +§ 6 Abschlussprüfung,7 +"The best way to prepare the learner to perform a task is to provide a clear, step-by-step example. Having a model to follow permits ",9 +СанПиН»,9 + To adjust the aerodynamic forces on the control ,9 +PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ,7 +CONTROLLED AIRSPACE,7 +Explanation:,9 +本邦に派遣された外国の大使、公使その他これに準ずる使節及び本邦にある外国,3 +movement of the magneto assembly when the magneto ,9 +"aviation regulations, the FSDO is also responsible for the ",9 +Copyright and Neighbouring Rights (Levy on Technical Devices) ,7 +"53.03.05 Дирижирование,",9 +as is reasonably practicable and a plan of those works and must— ,9 +commandé correspondra à un montant annuel estimé. Ce bon de commande couvrira des ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 367 of August 26, 1952]",7 +Cultivation of Ground ,7 +該医療事故に係る医療従事者等の識別ができないようにしたものに限る。)とする。,3 +[Figure 2-17] ,9 +provide for a higher degree of accuracy in control of,9 +Torch Lighters,7 +Grabmannstraße 9,9 +any previous errors made in ,9 +Hydrostatic Level Measurement ,7 +Turn more than 90°,6 +"published on approach charts (e.g., 3.00°, 3.20°, etc.). GPA ",9 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 +Checking the flight deck instruments for readability ,0 +REPAIR COTTON REINFORCEMENT AROUND PILOT PARACHTUE ATTACHING RING ,7 +"Auditor may require the depositary to deposit such balance, or any part thereof, in",9 +ATC Frequency Change Procedures.,7 +Internal Revenue shall be,9 +Figure 2-78,9 +"Tierkörper, -hälften, -viertel und Fleischteilstücke nach Handelsklassen beurteilen, zur Verarbeitung und",3 +In this remit EFSA has developed and is maintaining a set of controlled terminologies.,9 +Zeichen „℮“ nach § 11 gekennzeichnet sind,3 +I.9. DATA CONTROLLER ,7 +bleed open inc (%N1) 60.4 ±0.5 %N1,3 +Landings ..............................................................20-13,8 +INFORMATION ,7 +of this section)— ,9 +Examples of canopy markings ,7 +Dewatering building ,7 +Aufgaben und Verpflichtungen,7 +of Finance Order within a period specified by Ministry of Finance Order. ,3 +"160,000 ft",6 +Chart Limits,7 +Ermächtigung durch Rechtsverordnung auf das Fernstraßen-Bundesamt übertragen. Die Mautgebühr dient,9 +Terminal Procedures Publications,7 +in possession of sufficient means to defray t,9 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 2 ",7 +Obligation to notify EFSA of changes,7 +necessary information which effectively allow such modifications to be made in a ,3 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +"by the letter “K.” For example, Gregg County Airport in Longview, Texas, is identified by the ",3 +damage is a result of a termination,9 +Übereinstimmung mit dem anerkannten Luftfahrtstandard betrieben werden. Empfangsfunkstellen,3 +Communication and presentation ,3 +dew point are always given in degrees Celsius (C) or,3 +"MARKING, CANOPY - STATEMENT OF USE:",7 +"regulation, the records which shall be kept by manufacturers of articles subject to",9 +Analogue Addressed Fire Warning Button;,7 +aliphatic naphtha and peeling the decal from the adhering ,9 +Initial Climb .................................................7-5,8 +about improvement in this area of work. ,9 +I.14.5 Signature of contracts pending receipt of eligibility documents,7 +be made to the Board ,3 +ARRANGEMENT/COORDINATION OF INTERVIEWS ,7 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 +Article 37 - ,7 +important role in stabilizing and improving the lives of the citizenry as well as ,3 +"and Industry No. 58 of June 27, 1995] ",7 +"For the purpose of this section, the",9 +List of Appendices ,7 +National Assembly in accordance with Section 20 (1) of the Public ,3 +offers continuous power ratings up to 115 hp at 2800 rpm. ,9 +at the occasion the person is participating in. ,3 +"that is currently registered in a foreign country, you ",9 +"higher than the breaker capacity, and the time/current tripping characteristics shall be chosen and set with due ",9 +metal made of aluminum alloys is used in airframe sections that ,9 +for all matters linked to the framework contract and shall guarantee efficient and on-demand responses ,9 +Chapter Summary,7 +“the WIA 1991” means the Water Industry Act 1991 ,9 +"mounting, and restricted movement.",3 +Small slot,6 +the sudden resistance as the floats contact the water,9 +the total drag is at a minimum and the induced ,9 +Recommended Practices,7 +CG FORWARD OF FORWARD LIMIT,7 +Article 37 - ,7 +the abbreviation for Precision Approach Radar. ,9 +Unterabschnitt 2,7 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +European Chemicals Agency ,9 +You should be especially vigilant if another aircraft has a ,9 +Please note that the signature of the contract between EIB and the successful Tenderer will be ,9 +Sport Pilot Certificate,7 +below the applicable minimum IFR altitude nor does ,9 +Three-unit regulator,6 +"A chordwise barrier on the upper surface of the wing, called ",9 +to successfully complete this exam assists the pilot/instructor ,9 +"flight. Turning vents help a pilot align the basket for landing, ",9 +"oil, free air temperatures, and more. They are used to measure ",9 +Voltage Regulation,7 +Änderung des angefochtenen Verwaltungsakts stattgegeben oder dass im Fall der Untätigkeitsklage gemäß § 46,9 +請求をしようとする情報の概要,3 +[Figures 6-11 ,9 +"$720,271,000, to remain available through September 30, 2022, ",9 +to handle. For repairs on aircraft in very cold or very hot ,9 + Carriage Moments,7 +Aircraft Instrument ,7 +Irrigation system ,7 +Annex 1. Title ,7 +in continuous icing conditions.,9 +‘INQUIRIES AND INVESTIGATIONS’ or ‘JOINT ECONOMIC ,9 +pressure as during a waveoff. ,9 +An autopilot function that enables ,9 +Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter oder,7 +- Minimum turning altitude (MTA) is a charted altitude providing vertical and ,3 +"10,6 – 10,68 GHz,",9 +"With speed and altitude, the pilot will have the time to set ",9 +Sequence diagrams. ,3 +Composition,7 +The order of precedence of the contract documents shall be stated in the contract. ,3 +"to conduct a GPS-based IAP, may file based on a",9 +"distress,",9 +flexing gear assembly to take up the loads and return them to ,9 +components; uses commercial bushings and self-,3 +" be adapted, provided that this is done in a manner which is not prejudicial ",3 +Place of delivery or performance: ,6 +Der Ministerrat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik,7 +FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts,5 +TURN INDICATOR,7 +separate board compartments. ,9 +compliance with the relevant provisions governing the exchange of ,1 +"for journeys of less than 200 km for a return trip, no subsistence allowance is payable; ",3 +the right to store and archive the ,3 +(The separate Excel Tables that shall be filled in by the tenderer) ,9 + to the contractor who is ranked first ,9 +Learning Is a Result of Experience ,7 +and people on the ground may not only think the pilot is ,9 +wings level starting the S-turn maneuver.,0 +‘‘(II) The term ‘Freddie Mac conforming loan limit’ means ,9 +"selbständig planen, dokumentieren und umsetzen sowie Sicherheit, Gesundheitsschutz und Hygiene bei der",9 +"departures, ATC is responsible for specifying the direction ",9 +terrain perspective and to changes in the size of familiar objects ,9 +curred and the average relative wind is in- ,9 +Obligation to notify EFSA of changes,7 +Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/Sustainer ,7 +emission sources being modeled. This information includes the source emission rates (including ,9 +Faulty entry technique.,3 +"Arbeitsunterbrechungen von mindestens acht Minuten berücksichtigt werden können, wenn ein Ausgleich",3 +"thinks rationally, acts rapidly, and is extremely sensitive to all aspects of the surroundings. ",9 +The purpose of the swash plate is to transmit control inputs ,9 +"Die Fahrzeuge der Klassen C1, C, D1 und D müssen mit einem Fahrtenschreiber, der den Vorgaben",9 +Check Valves,7 +91.175 requirements that the pilot have distinctly visible,9 +metal mesh of about 25–35 microns.,9 +das Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur. Die Zeichen ,9 +from only one side with tubing clusters. Tight fitment of the ,9 +and the type and rate of turn is left to the discretion of the ,9 +is intended to be used only as a ground operational tool. A ,9 +pictures and 15 high quality pictures including metadata need to be provided (size ,3 +maintain VFR-on-top.,9 +Fixed-Price contracts ,7 +per Telefax weiterzuleiten. ,9 +Compressor discharge air,6 +"in Anlage I Abschnitt IV des Abkommens beschriebenen Verfahren eingehalten werden, wobei an Stelle des",3 +I.1.3. Conversion ,7 +新材料及其系统的研究开发所订立的合同。 ,9 +ATC Instructions,7 +The general availability of the contractor for this coordination must be as follows:,9 +Figure 4-3,9 +Flight Instrument Malfunctions,7 +treasurer may seize and distrain any pe,9 +in the SLA (refer to Annex 16),3 +suivre les instructions données,3 +of spare parts. The special conditions may specify that the contractor must provide any or ,3 +First-site Initial Operating Capability (IOC) occurs when the operational capability is declared ,9 +CG FORWARD OF FORWARD LIMIT,7 +I.5.1. Pre-financing,7 +National Stock Number (NSN) Index.,7 +Warranted Provision,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 387 of December 25, 1997] ",7 +associated with the creation of a poor judgment chain are:,9 +parachutist or a “horseshoe” malfunction. ,3 +Fully Depreciated Assets ,7 +Project/Process code: ,7 +Friction may be defined as the rubbing of one object or ,9 +load factors as great as the positive load factors. ,9 +Improper use of the controls during crosswind ,3 +margin of altitude for safety in the original estimate of the ,9 +Alternator Drive ,7 +"Typical values for specific fuel consumption, c, ",9 +"operation manual set forth in (b), and in the case of a hospital, etc. which ",3 +and records of taxable persons and taxable objects ,3 +Section 2.2,9 +"July, two thousand three.",9 +Check the cable for slippage at the masking tape and ,3 +infringement,9 +[the European Investment,9 +contractant devrait reprendre la fourniture des services. ,9 +報告者の名称、主たる事務所の所在地及び代表者の氏名,3 +"as the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum (NASM), ",3 +[1813-1; 1890.],9 +—(1) Regardless of any provision in this Order or anything shown on the land plans or ,9 +finishes. It may be overcoated with wash primers if it ,3 +BOTH SHEETS (Financial tender and Financial evaluation).,7 +airport precautionary landing can be made. If there is,9 +Restriction,9 +Crosswind After-Landing Roll.................................8-16,8 +"Calculation of the costs (incl. travel, overheads, consumables and any other related costs) ",7 +Twisting a rotor blade causes it to produce a more even,9 +"regulated, and then sent to the exciter field windings. The ",9 +§ 5 Ausbildungsplan,7 +Procurement procedure: ,7 +information and contact details about the interviewee; ,3 +Civil Aircraft Operations Transiting,7 +eines positiven Bescheides wird der Zutritt zum JRC Karlsruhe durch den Lokalen ,9 +"to the extent that the contractor may invoke moral rights, the right for the contracting ",3 +Hawaii Area Forecast Locations,0 +Rivet Strength,7 +Requesting offers,7 +Financial evaluation).,7 +"ambulance, firefighting, law enforcement, search and",9 +"lateral obstruction clearance based on turn criteria over certain fixes, NAVAIDs, waypoints, and on charted route ",3 +II.13.6. Quotation of works in the result ,7 +", including in the event of ",3 +当該医療事故に係る医療の提供に使用された医薬品、医療機器、設備その他の物,3 +"Anwendungen bestimmt. Funkdienste, die innerhalb dieser Frequenzbereiche wahrgenommen werden,",3 +"premises,",9 +N S T R U M E N T S,5 +"coordinates, degree",9 +"kits with press release, speech and information ",7 +Where impact piling is required as part of a construction method statement approved by the ,9 +it is important to watch for evidence of corrosion on both the ,9 +Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten aufzeigen kann.,9 +high to low pressure is deflected to the right and produces ,9 +§ 18 Zulassung,7 +error noted above.,3 +"paiement et, au plus tard, la date du paiement telle que définie à l'article II.20.1. ",9 +regulations ................................................................11-8,8 +Specific contract types ,7 +Service Provider],9 +in paragrap,3 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +pad the area underneath where the control frame is attached ,9 +(iii) date of conducting capital transactions; ,3 +"critical landing loads, arresting loads, or ",9 +Only visitors with two negative test results (two (2) negative Covid-19 PCR tests taken at least 96 ,3 +clearance between tips of the compressor and turbine blades ,9 +use of clamps. ,9 +attached in ,9 +Provisions Relative to Salaries of Township Officers. —,9 +Table B – Losses of Stores ,7 +existence of ,3 +The centrifugal-flow compressor consists of an impeller ,9 +Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake),7 +wake location and thereby take avoidance precau-,9 +understand what is happening. ,9 +"precipitation accumulation, both the automated system ",9 +the speed desired. As the attitude indicator shows the pitch ,9 +security. ,9 +§ 3 Abschlusszahlungen für 2015,7 +", due in month 25 of the contract. ",3 +the affected ,9 +are connected and operate in coordination with each other. ,9 +INFORMATIONEN ZUR AUSSCHREIBUNG ,7 +proceedings shall not be invalidated by the presence or participation of any person no,9 +The end of the crankshaft features a ½-inch fine thread versus ,9 +Prüfungsbereich Fischereiliche Nutzung,3 +Zone of confusion.,9 +betrieben werden.,3 +Municipal Budget,7 +Initial TEMP ,7 +flight routes. ,9 +faut vérifier si la vanne est bien fermée. ,3 +to the proper spark plug. The ignition harness leads serve a ,9 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 3 ",7 +separation. The high resolution color monitoring ,9 +Niederlassung in,9 +Abschnitt III,7 +der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz zu berücksichtigen:,9 +"Ducted fan, which uses closed ducts all the way to the ",3 +Governance and contract management (WP 1) ,7 +horizontal plane. The compass can then work effectively at ,9 +recommends using urban,9 +"each section with the cursor, then press enter to accept the ",9 +Ground Support Equipment ,7 +"ally, high engine airflow and fuel-air ratios for ",9 +"final monitor controllers for each runway monitor separation, ",9 +"an application has been made in a case where regulation 10 applies, and ",3 +Article I.4.3.,3 +first priority to the separation of aircraft and to the,9 +Vérification,6 +"at startup,",9 +Holding in Lieu of Procedure Turn,7 +scanning should be taught to a student pilot at the very ,9 +pressurized Halon 1301 or equivalent fire extinguishing agent. ,9 +plate there is an area of reduced pressure. ,9 +drains and proper ventilation reduce the tendency of flashover ,9 +Power distribution ,3 +by the engine exhaust. ,9 +Führerschein ausfertigen zu lassen und auszuhändigen.,9 +"$^{4}$ EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), 2020b. Scientific report on the cumulative dietary risk characterisation of pesticides ",1 +An important consideration to make during your flight ,9 +consists of a heavy weight on the bottom connected by,9 +certified,9 +"ords, whether of raw materials received into the factory or",9 +Reciprocating Engine Lubricants,7 +PropFan engine.,9 +European Atomic Energy Community,3 +"distance from cloud,",9 +resulting,0 +air to flow out the outlet port.,9 +Section 6. National Security and Interception Procedures,7 +Small angle of attack,6 +汚水を排出しようとする場所,3 +municipal authorities.,3 +is followed by the five-digit julian-date of the last chart ,9 +Figure 4-104. ,0 +"Geomet,rical.-Distance ",3 +subset of the NAS. ,9 +Functional requirements for pipe systems ,7 +"to comply with its obligations, in particular the obligation to provide the information needed for the ",9 +FL 430 or above in accordance with Para-,9 +"Article 32-4 A method specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and ",3 + in the text) apply: ,9 +"DME, is a specified course or radial and distances are",9 +Programming and flying the ap-,9 +must be equipped with an operable two-way radio,9 +increases the reliability of navigation.,9 +(iv) promotes a gradual approximation towards operating standards and policies comparable to those ,9 +Night Blind Spot ,7 +and the Service Provider hereinafter also called a “,9 +"through FSSs, company radio, or appropriate military",9 +Figure 13-161. ,0 +Inspection of riveted joints...........................................4-92,8 +fibre optics technology without contention”. This service must be operational by 25 April 2020 at the ,3 +Full throttle prior to brake release,6 +II.13.9. Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +attitude of the aircraft or the quantity of fuel on board. This ,9 +"National Assembly, which shall be a charge on the Consolidated Fund.",9 +equipment and an ample supply of water for curing shall be ready on site before any concreting starts. ,9 +request for services. ,3 +"markedly within a few hundred feet of the ground, the pilot ",9 +focal points and partners at national level ,7 +"With no formal training, enthusiastic crew might ",3 +stattgegeben werden. Satz 2 gilt auch für Entscheidungen im Widerspruchsverfahren.,9 +control closing mechanism,6 +"of the 2010 Regulations, the responsible authority may proceed as if the amendments made by ",9 +Exclusion criteria documentation ,7 +Fabrikat : AerSystems Lufttechnik GmbH ,9 +process is usually called coding or chunking. A key limitation of STM is that it takes 5–10 seconds to properly code information and ,9 +"North East District, and",3 +Washing water shall be connected to both the suction and discharge lines of the sludge,9 +and the proviso to item (iv) of the same paragraph of the Export Trade ,3 +"the flight instruments, if available, to maintain a con-",9 +the verification and testing of all functionalities offered. ,3 +* Energy distribution cables ,3 +"er code, or if unknown, the name of the airport.",9 +RNAV (RNP) approach charts. The charted temperature ,9 +[Figure 4-47] Certain PRM approaches are referred to as ,9 +Digitales Tachographensystem im Straßenverkehr,7 +"data items applicable to these matters, such as contractual agreements or special ",3 +な事情があるときは、当該都道府県の区域内に二以上の当該区域を設定し、また、,3 +the relative wind.,9 +time. The coating of oil preventing corrosion will not last on ,9 +einer Tierärztin und mindestens einem weiteren geeigneten Mitglied; er wird von der zuständigen Behörde,9 +网络运营者、网络产品或者服务的提供者违反本法第二十二条第三款、,9 +register.,9 +"a sectional or topographic map. This plot will form a “V,” ",9 +"may be expected, i.e., coastal areas, lake areas,",9 +The DECIDE Model ,7 +also serve as a basis for endorsements and recommendations ,9 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 2 ",7 +name shall have perpetual suc,9 +instructor.,3 +within one week of the notification being first issued; ,3 +The CG of the airplane is located at 27.4 percent MAC.,9 +that could hit the ground or an obstacle and hurt their ,9 +Semiconductors,7 +the wheels a few inches above the runway until ,9 +authority the specific contract duly signed and dated in paper format and/or by electronic ,9 +An approved official business of the Federal ,3 +Form 5: Committment letter by identified subcontractor ,7 +Article 1 - ,7 +"aviation. For example, a person performs SRM each time he or she crosses the street. The ",9 +altitude preferred routes are listed in the Airport/Facility ,9 +Set climb,6 +exclusion,9 +Datum der Löschung im örtlichen Fahrzeugregister zu übermitteln.,9 +るおそれのある部分がロの(1)及び(2)に掲げる要件を満たしているこ,3 +Lycoming 0-233 Series Light-Sport Aircraft Engine,7 +sector press) but can also be used by broader national media outlets where appropriate.,9 +Evaluation phase (after the opening of tenders) ,7 +(ti) A malfunctioning fuel control or gov- ,9 +Replacing wheels for which no weight and balance ,3 +airport maintaining visual contact with the ground.,9 +back to the reservoir through the other selector valves. When ,9 +more information about SSPPs). The PSP supports the FID and is completed and approved ,9 +rim. Inspect the bead area closely as it is where the heat is ,9 +"modulation circuit deteriorates, it is possible for it to",9 +Contractor ,9 +the request,9 +in the event of an emergency.,9 +Weighing the Aircraft and Determining the ,7 +"""regionally-significant""",9 +the Botswana Police Service and the Botswana Defence Force deployed officers ,9 +Contracting authority: who is the buyer? ,7 +"deemed to have obtained permission set forth in Article 1, paragraph (1). ",3 +conditions that are less than those required for basic ,9 +--OIL INLET TO ENGINE ,6 +Normal Reactions to Stress ,7 +sichtbaren Markierung mit der Aufschrift „Nur für internetbasierte Zulassungsverfahren freilegen. Dokument,9 +Other Requirements ,7 +i.e. is not registered in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce as a provider of (temporary) workers; ,3 +self-launching,9 +"shielding radiation by using shields, such as shielding walls; ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 500 of December 26, 1952] ",7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 363 of December 6, 2002]",7 +Pneumatic Deice Boot System for GA Aircraft,7 +) Citizens of the United,9 +Figure 4-144. ,0 +altitude while in flight in order to maintain the flight within ,9 +"the edges of the metal together, if they are touching, or by ",9 +Sequence for construction ,7 +gem. §2 BaustellV,7 +ice from forming on certain protected surfaces. Anti-icing ,9 +"and spread of disease as may, from time to time, be ",3 +[Figure 5-32] ,9 +"end-user rights, for all uses by the Union or by subcontractors which result from ",3 +"planned descent speed of 180 knots, you will cover 3 NM ",9 +Where the franchise is for an electric or tramway line operating in,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 108 of April 25, 1960] ",7 +"Gelangt das Angebot in die engere Wahl, sind die Eigenerklärungen (auch die der Nachunternehmen) auf",9 +Allgemeine Bestimmungen bezüglich der Lieferungen ,7 +proved life vests are inflatable designs as compared,9 +Obtaining Assistance from the FAA ,7 +amount of consequential loss or damages caused to EFSA as a consequence of an absent or incorrect ,9 +and the conditions under which terminal RAIM is,9 +Chapter V Penal Provisions (Articles 36 to 40) ,3 +"characteristics is defined either as occurrence of sludge particles of a size (<10 µm), which ",3 +interface control ,3 +im Bereich,9 +исключением,9 +"Responses must be clear, precise and specific to the question, as well as coherent, ",3 +make modifications to the ,3 +утверждении,9 +information prior to initiating an instrument approach. ,9 +Arrears of Revenue ,7 +plus either side of the proposed patch) allows easier ,3 +продолжительность,9 +c4d_specialconditions_en.doc ,4 +Large Reciprocating-Engine Aircraft Fuel Systems,7 +EAA is an excellent resource for light sport aircraft ,9 +allows you to call ground control or clearance delivery no ,9 + Template of June 2018,5 +Regulated pressure gauge,6 +contains a vapor separator and a pressure regulating valve ,9 +Route. The abbreviation “PAR” is used primarily ,9 +Pressurization Issues,7 +across the joint. ,9 +customers prior to enforcement (which refer to acts falling under those with ,3 +Central blind spot.......................................................17-21,8 +The FAA Light Sport Aviation Branch (AFS-610) or ,9 +The handover will take place in line with the handover plan created and updated during ,9 +High-Wing Twin,7 +"the annual plan to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare; ",3 +Damage to the bridle portion of the free bag is ,9 +"remedy the defect or the damage itself, or employ someone else to carry out the ",3 +"assistance to the contractor, at its request, for its application for any visas and permits ",3 +keep a record of all officers and employees in the permanent,3 +water itself is not moving sideways. To detect side,9 +FAA Chart Users’ Guide - Introduction,5 +Figure 3-5. ,0 +II. General Conditions for the service contract ,7 +Ground-based Facilities,7 +"Die Trägerfrequenzen 8 291 kHz, 12 290 kHz und 16 420 kHz werden für Not- und",3 +Bureau of Civil Service,7 +Operation of the inlet at flight condi- ,9 +Use of results,7 +"ivileges secured by the giving of the bond, but such action shall be",9 +"measures taken or proposed to be taken to address the breach, including, where appropriate, ",3 +Supplemental Study Materials for Aircraft Weight and Balance,7 +II.25 SÉCURITÉ ,7 +Chapter II Basic Policy ,7 +Cognitive Stage ,7 +SALARIES AND EXPENSES ,7 +Procedures and Routes,7 +"autres adaptations dont les parties pourraient convenir ultérieurement. Dans ce cas, le ",9 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +Sampling Equipment ,7 +定作人中途变更承揽工作的要求,造成承揽人损失的,应当,9 +[Figure 16-26],9 +Kidde Continuous-Loop System,7 +an offset,9 +well in advance of need help reduce workload as a flight ,9 +section 4. Annexes,9 +located within an area under the jurisdiction of only one Regional Bureau of ,3 +Audio-visual material production,7 +§ 1 Anwendungsbereich,7 +"for paragraph 33, substitute",3 +activities and functions of the human body. ,9 +CherryBUCK$^{®}$ 95 KSI One-Piece Shear Pin ,7 +"authority of the provincial treasurer, and in no case shall an overdraft in excess of",9 +令で定める期間内に、財務省令で定める手続により、しなければならない。,3 +must submit an application form stating the following matters to the ,3 +Arrears of Revenue ,7 +injection pump is shown in ,9 +"(WP3) to all products and services that, during their lifetime, transition from one lot to ",9 +reserves. ,9 +Sequence for construction ,7 +Besondere Risikofaktoren bei,3 +Digitales Tachographensystem im Straßenverkehr,7 +"Stainless Steel, No. 2 ",8 +Area Navigation (RNAV) Instrument,9 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +Condenser,6 +"Angaben zur theoretischen Prüfung,",3 +"require spacers. The automotive-based bearings, valves, valve ",9 +the time over designated checkpoints.,9 +down in Article II.23.2.,9 +"an authorised representative, stating that they are not in one of the situations of exclusion listed ",9 +Figure 13-6.,0 +Yaw momentum of the ,6 +A scribe is a pointed instrument used to mark or score metal ,9 +"Arbeitsaufnahme vorzulegen ist. Dies setzt voraus, dass der Auftragnehmer die ",9 +guaranteeing,3 +Page 53 of 76 ,4 +to draw up a transition plan detailing the contractor’s assistance unless such plan is already detailed in ,9 +The main longitudinal reinforcing bars in piles not exceeding 12 m length shall be in one continuous ,9 +best kept either empty or full of fuel to leave no room for ,9 +Identify Initial Operating Capability Safety Requirements ,7 +Secretariat services ,7 +RADIO PHONE-IN ,7 +§ 2 Meisterprüfungsberufsbild,7 +se l'amministrazione,9 + There are four fundamental risk elements ,9 +"Juli 2011 (BGBl. I S. 1341) geändert worden ist, verordnet das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie",9 +The procedure for the removal of countersunk rivets is the ,9 +[Figure 6-28] Pilots must be aware of their individual ,9 +I.1. ORDER OF PRIORITY OF PROVISIONS ,7 +Electrical power for starting is usually supplied by an on-board ,9 +The condition may or may not work out or may become a ,9 +Night Vision ,7 +"Qualitätssichernde Maßnahmen, Lernziele b und c,",3 +Checklist of Pages,7 +Standing lenticular clouds lack vertical development but ,9 +as customs duties on material used ,9 +Surface water drainage ,7 +CI-lt\PTER I,7 +"obtaining reliable weather information. Fortunately, pilots ",9 +II.23.2. Recovery procedure ,7 +"ial title is supplied for a particular statute, it may",9 +ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT ,7 +"Floating waypoints, or reporting points, represent ",9 +istics is noted. A detailed record of driving resistance over the full length of the nearest available pile ,9 +the most important aspects,9 +and continuous manner.,3 +"Altitude, airspeed, and flight pattern for a high reconnaissance ",9 +Internal Quality Control (QC) ,7 +⦁ $_{Has a clear set of objectives. }$,3 +Expansion Joints ,7 +r private capacity.,9 +Accept risk when benefits outweigh dangers (costs).,3 +supports an ILS missed approach procedure at an,9 +The peening method of blade retention is used frequently ,9 +"facility, disposal facility, or radiation therapy sickroom not exceeding the ",3 +"Using an authorized marking aid of contrasting color, mark damaged area. Mark the ",3 +"[the European Investment Bank, having its seat at 98-",9 +the rate of turn is faster.,9 +TIMETABLE FOR TENDER PROCEDURE ,7 +"coordinated. For example, if the vertical speed is correct, but ",9 +(rate of climb/descent) is the power setting. ,9 +der Refinanzierung der dem Privaten im Zusammenhang mit der Erfüllung der nach § 1 Abs. 2 übernommenen,9 +"the accompanying AAUP page, which outlines pilot, aircraft, ",9 +"then on each two hundred pesos, or fractional part thereof, of",3 +Software Status:,3 +thus increasing any obstacle clearance. Monitor your,9 +"descent rate. However, if the approach is conducted ",3 +sufficient reduction of hydrogen sulphide to meet the demands of the combined heat and power (CHP) ,9 +"As is the character of any device or object, use and physical ",9 +"whether in writing or by any other means,",3 +"Disorientation on the localizer course, due to the first ",3 +dashed arrow indicating the visual flight path will be,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 163 of June 20, 1960] ",7 +Figure 5-32.,0 +Most modern high output generators are found on turbine-,9 +"genannten Zeit übereinstimmt,",3 +forward flight and let the vertical fin stop the yawing rotation. ,9 +"(to which 14 CFR Part 125 is not applicable), turbojet ",9 +Meisterprüfungsberufsbild sowie die Prüfung in den Teilen I und II der Meisterprüfung im Fleischer-Handwerk.,9 +"Verhalten in besonderen Situationen, Folgen von Verstößen gegen Verkehrsvorschriften",7 +technical offer will only result in a very low score. ,9 +Risk management training is vital during instruction for the instrument rating because of the potential hazards related to IMC. ,9 +hand course. The distance of the ground track from the,9 +chute d'objets. ,3 +法第三十条の四第二項第十四号に規定する区域については、地理的条件等の自然,3 +"intermediate courses shall cover all elementary instruction, while the secondary",9 + accepts to bear any additional costs resulting from this change. Europol ,3 +requirement will necessitate breaking ,9 +Drill Bushing Holder Types,7 +ing into account the wind velocity and groundspeed ,9 +General Manager.,3 +copter’s weight.,9 +"Tender Specifications) When doing so, the contracting authority shall take into account any ",9 +implementation of the FWC,3 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +Wheel Speed Sensor,7 +FLIGHT AT SLOW AIRSPEEDS,7 +by keeping relevant ground,9 +exhaust exits,6 +How will the change be used/function in the NAS?,3 +velocity. The major components of the after- ,9 +CR.D.12.6,8 +28th April 2021 ,9 +l'obligation d'une mise en concurrence plus large imposée par le Secrétariat. Le ,3 +Flexible aluminum conduit is widely available in two types: ,9 +transiting the area are equally responsible for ,9 +press conference starts ,7 +operation at maximum power. The power enrichment system ,9 +on a radar indicator console in the control tower. It is used ,9 +The VOR MON is a reversionary,9 +"beyond affairs set forth in the preceding items, affairs necessary for the ",3 +that the Secretary administers pursuant to title I of the Housing ,9 +Municipal Budget,7 +Language of the contract ,7 +Contractor partner to arrange on-site technician with in-house service or external provider; ,3 +"northern border assignment, the northern border ports from which ",9 +travel expense incurred in going to his permanent station or place where he is,9 +United States or foreign manufacturers can be ,3 +る貨物(別表第二の一、三六、三九から四一まで及び四三から四五までの項の中欄に,3 + A strong and sudden shift in wind speed or ,9 +"load. Any other assumptions, figures and factors shall NOT be used unless clearly stated.",9 +an airport. (See 14 CFR Part 101.),9 +Security is a centralised process in EFSA therefore should be added as an ,3 +"лет – 30 минут; компьютера - для детей 1-2 классов – 20 минут, 3-4 классов – 25",9 +"all fuel hose connections (filters, primer bulbs, and ",3 +$^{1}$ Subscription to the call for tenders at the above link allows interested economic operators to receive e-mail ,1 +Figure 2-77,9 +THIS TASK COVERS: ,7 +Elements of Descent Planning Calculations,7 +a preference ,9 +Declaration and evidence ,7 +all contractors at signature of the FWC and to be followed via regular updates where ,9 +changes in the data source in terms of the need to refactor the consuming systems ,3 +of any period that applies by virtue of paragraph 2 or 3 of Schedule 8; ,3 +procedures. The database is updated every 28 days.,9 +Powered Parachute Wing,7 +Gust-Induced Oscillations,7 +location of the ash cloud and use that information to,9 +accordance with this waiver. ,3 +accordance with a standard takeoff and departure profile ,9 +so that the light on the right side of the box represents the ,9 +awareness is increased by the introduction of the large ,9 +Lower Leg Strap Shortening,7 +ILS Category I:,3 +ing any other portion of the traffic pattern.,3 +Section 3. Airport Marking Aids and Signs,7 +"processing, and slow motor and reaction responses. There are ",9 +Waist Band ,6 +Abschnitt A Nr. 2.4 ,3 + An imaginary flow of electricity that ,9 +plane with a lift curve slope m=O.OB and wing ,9 +Miscellaneous Provisions,7 +Date concreted and date driven ,3 +satisfactory. ,9 +sources constitutes an appreciable part of the total ,3 +"material certificates, ",3 +(civil) or IFF/SIF (military):,9 +ATC Instructions ,7 +"Figure 9-38,",9 +"distress or urgency communications, if necessary or",9 +EFFECT OF ELEVATOR DEFLECTION ,6 +Grant account and P250 731 504 under the Reemployment ,9 +visual reference line. Attempting to correct pivotal altitude ,9 +"with a general purpose abrasive hand pad, such as those ",9 +instrument error. Manufacturers use this airspeed as the basis ,9 +Updated text: ,7 +Electrical Load Limits,7 +implementation of the FWC,9 +§ 2a Inanspruchnahme der Familienpflegezeit,7 +For an additional amount for ‘‘National Institute of Environ-,9 +Exhaust Outlet,6 +deploying square reserve canopies.,9 +attitude of the helicopter. When the needle is dis-,9 + — No applicant shall be admitted to examination who is not a citizen,9 +FWC conditions of October 2018 ,5 +to create certain vertical velocity components ,9 +Section 3. En Route Procedures,7 +days after the date of enactment of this Act. ,9 +"requirements of 14 CFR Sections 91.131, 91.215, and",9 +Contractor’s national partner (depending on country-specific media landscape) to email/upload ,3 +standard/special instrument approach procedure. The ,9 +in the IR drop in the line. A wide variation in the IR ,3 +One exception to the arbitrary time standard ,9 +maintain alignment with the runway while accelerating to ,9 +"business rule engine application, an Extract-Transform-Load(ETL) process for data ",9 +"the justice, or may recommend to the Governor-General his removal from office,",9 +"aufgenommen hat. Selbstbewirtschaftung liegt insbesondere vor, wenn dem Pächter das wirtschaftliche",9 +the data protection notice is available at:,3 +間の連携協力体制の整備に努めるものとする。,3 +Excessive deviation from desired heading during,3 +Scenario 1 – SNL with 10 racks and 1 office ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 363 of December 6, 2002]",7 +contractor’s assistance unless such plan is already detailed in other contractual documents or in ,9 +Supplementary Provisions ,7 +Anticollision lights ,3 +"location of the offices, workplaces, stores or warehouses. ",3 +Aircraft Instrument ,7 +for maintaining control of the balloon and navigating to the ,9 +II.5.2 Date of communications by mail and email ,7 +Improper Elevator Trim Setting,7 +lsA registration,7 +Proscribed organisation ,7 +regulating valve in the turn and bank vacuum supply line. ,9 +latitude and longitude to define turning points. ,9 +II.5.5. Authorised persons in e-PRIOR ,7 +PROJEKTBETEILIGTEN ,7 +year. An online renewal program is available on ,3 +for the time being of both the county council and any of the West Northamptonshire ,9 +low-temperature (200 °F or lower) co-cured patch as ,3 +Landing—Stuck Neutral or Right Pedal ,7 +Checking and Safetying the System,7 +Parallel Generator Operations,7 +"low speed flight, this can maintain proper chordwise airflow ",9 +including by intervening in,3 +Static Discharge Wicks,7 +control of the operator;,3 +"the glider radio, if operable, to broadcast a Mayday distress ",9 +§ 1 Erheben von Gebühren,7 +Subcontracting ,7 +to meet the minimum levels required for the procurement procedure ,6 +"gebracht oder sonst auf dem Markt bereitgestellt werden, wenn zum Zeitpunkt der Herstellung die",9 +"Kundenberatung, Lernziel f,",3 +Methodology - Loading and Unloading of Material Piles ,7 +. — Any person who shall enlist,9 +Airplanes under the E-LSA certification may be used ,3 +clauses updated by implementing decision of the European Commission for the transfer of ,9 +AIR FORCE TECHNICAL ORDER FORMS,7 +"resonance, a destructive vibration phenomenon that occurs ",9 +prolongation of the original order based on the initial request. Please refer to section 1.6 ,9 +"§ 51 Inkrafttreten, Übergangsregelungen",7 +"from State, local, Tribal, and territorial public health depart-",9 +утвержденного,9 +Reverse thrust is much more effective at high airplane speed ,9 +Programme of implementation of the tasks ,7 +article 3 of this Order is concerned in terrorism(,9 +cyclic control to flare properly for the landing.,9 +blades to be increased or decreased.,9 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +"Figure 4-7. On the step. The attitude is nearly level, and",0 +a reduction of drag coeffi- ,9 +pressure indicator usually shows the engine oil pump ,9 +"nuclear weapons, CW agents or military bacterial agents or devices for ",3 +"Redevance annuelle forfaitaire pour la conduite/inspection, la maintenance préventive, ",9 +Safety Incident and Accident Reporting and Analysis ,7 +§ 71a Träger von unabhängigen Stellen für die Bestätigung der Eignung von eingesetzten,7 +Zustand auf Kosten des Pflichtigen beseitigen oder beseitigen lassen.,9 +Overall management,7 +heating and those of which the maximum flow of water that can be circulated ,3 + The speed not ,9 +In-Flight Test ,7 +) 1845 c. 20. ,1 + Engine Instruments ,7 +and the induced and parasite power are ,9 +affected sources. ,1 +Victor airways and charted IFR altitudes.,0 +"supplies altitude, airspeed and temperature data, heading ",9 +Use of Resources,7 +zugelassen,6 +waive this obligation in writing or provide the text of the disclaimer.,9 +"pilots put knots in their line, or attach flags or other objects. ",9 +starts—rudder,3 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 + Preventive and risk-based approach to management (PRO-0079)). ,9 +evidence in judicial proceedings. ,9 +consumption data,3 +I.13. SERVICE PROVIDED ON THE PREMISES OF THE CONTRACTING ,7 +Pre-flight Checks,7 +Allgemeines Wohngebiet (WA),7 +management and operation of the hospital ,3 +commandé excepté pour les heures de prestation en régie totale.,9 +. — The granting of privilege of,3 +"the overall length and width, and the diameter of the rotor ",9 +"if any apparatus, such as a hood or glove box, has been installed in the ",3 +"of excess power available; that is, the difference between the ",9 +"draw ordinances, contracts, bonds, leases and other documents involving any",9 +at the altitudes specified on the appropriate approach ,3 +Reviewing the Flight Route,7 +[2447-1.],9 +"Unless specified otherwise in the Special Conditions and/or Tender Specifications, all rights are ",3 +the rotor is laterally level and torque is properly com-,9 +controllable rotating nozzle.,0 +"Contractor’s national partner to arrange an effective transportation of 15, 30 or 50 pax (e.g. ",3 +Directors or any other organisational entity which alone or ,3 +these activities are conducted. Permanent MOAs are ,9 +"Die Ausbildung im ersten Ausbildungsjahr vermittelt eine berufsfeldbreite Grundbildung, wenn",9 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Initial Piston Moving ,7 +construction joints or contraction joints in accordance with this Employer’s Requirements. The Con-,9 +"consisting of land preparation, environmental surveys and monitoring, investigations for the ",9 +Restricted airspace ,7 +The effect of the ,9 +types of control surfaces referred to as ailerons and flaps. ,9 +Pylon and nacelle control,6 +Intermediate segment: “Require 10600 ft. for cold ,9 +§ 1 Ziel des Gesetzes,7 +be calculated with the help of equation (e.g. if the actual flow rate measured is 60% of the Stage 1 ,9 +Amendment of the Northamptonshire (Structural Changes) Order 2020 ,7 +[Figure 2-45] ,9 +"Protect the President, Vice President, or other public ",3 +Termination by Europol: ,7 +"pilot, whether in flight training or general flight operations.",9 +§ 5 Beschränkung und Untersagung des Betriebs von Fahrzeugen,7 +"from other portions of the jet stream, noise from this portion ",9 +"forward, increase the collective, as necessary, to prevent the ",9 +"While determining the overall training objectives is a necessary first step in the planning process, early identification of the ",9 +"published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C series, where payments are in euro; ",3 +potentielle du contractant ou sur les droits du pouvoir adjudicateur en vertu de l'article II.18. ,9 +", including: ",3 +Materials/ Parts ,7 +"signed to detect aircraft, vehicular traffic, and other ",9 +taries’’ for necessary expenses to address emergency situations at ,9 +"officer of the Philippine Health Service detailed thereto, which latter officer in",9 +§ 3 Berufsfeldbreite Grundbildung und Zielsetzung der Berufsausbildung,7 +modèles mis à disposition par le Secrétariat et sont approuvés par le Secrétariat avant ,3 +CROSSWIND LANDING,7 +Static Discharge Wicks,7 +INDUCED DRAG ,7 +Introduction/Explanation,7 +which he shall forward as soon as possible after the close of the fiscal year to the,9 +"reporting, ",9 +II.4.1.11 Conformity of the delivered supplies with the FWC ,7 +direct control,9 +〔昭和二十九年六月一日政令第百十九号〕,7 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +Transfer/Exhaust—Piston,7 +PRELIMINARY ,7 +declaration on honour.,9 +"conditions set out in the procurement documents and, where appropriate, waiver of the ",9 +ground air and electrical power is available for that ,3 +discussed at the beginning of the chapter.,9 +Materials/Parts ,7 +"placed inside and bolted to the manifold, the entire assembly ",9 +Provision of teams of interpreters for onsite and hybrid/online events ,7 +Filler boards in expansion joints shall be of approved material securely fixed at right angles to the sur-,9 +ENISA F-COD-20-T03 ,7 +designed to close tank fueling valves before the tanks overfill ,9 +Gravity-feed system ,6 +applicable for MC-4s or Harness/Containers (spare parts) that were ,9 +MAIN PILOT CHUTE BRIDLE LINE OR DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +Risk Management (RM) ,7 +Initial Capabilities rollout are contained in,9 +zu tragen.,9 +"Many sport, military, and pilot emergency rigs feature the ",9 +anti-skid system can be shut off without affecting normal ,9 +Provide EFSA with feedback:,7 +"after the termination of his authority to act as such, shall affix his seal or official",9 +crosswind component will be defined for the ,9 +"collaboration in resource utilisation, particularly transport, despite the DVS’ ",9 +"end-user rights, for all uses by the Union or by subcontractors which result from ",3 +Responsibilities,7 +•fully charged battery resulting in li ,9 +Organisation of four B2B events and four educational conferences; ,3 +will indicate “LP available” or “LNAV available”,9 +Maximum Performance Takeoff,7 +"[183-12, 44; 267-1; 612-2; 1546-1.]",9 +"is not centered, the airplane may be in a slipping or ",3 +"- For legal persons, a legible copy of the notice of appointment of the persons authorised to represent the ",9 +Determining Fabric Condition—Repair or Recover? ....3-9,8 +sound the areas of supersonic flow enlarge and ,9 +National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Act 2002(,3 +or within 1 foot of a swaged-on fitting. Close inspection in ,9 +"General Conformity Guidance for Airports: Questions and Answers, ",1 +"interface with the users, other systems, or sub-systems.",9 +Expansion Joints ,7 +AREAS OF EXPERTISE,7 +control line on the right riser and compare lengths to ensure control line is 15-inches (+ 1-inch) ,3 +санитарного,9 +embalming or burial of the dead.,3 +"classification of beds"") in the conceptual area that includes the location of the ",3 +ROTOR DISC REGIONS,7 +The social media communication plan should describe the following aspects in a minimum of 1200 ,9 +150 psi compressed air supply. ,3 +[insérer le nom de l'unité et le nom de l'ordonnateur compétent],9 +lieu au montant forfaitaire annuel (appelé également redevance forfaitaire annuelle de ,9 +General obligations ,7 +II.21 PAYMENTS AND GUARANTEES ,7 +animals. ,9 +Candidates/tenderers will be simultaneously and individually notified by e-mail as soon as ,9 +contact between the applicant and the approval authority. Regular contact between the ,9 + unit prices for services provided on the contractor’s premises and in the study sites must also include travel and accommodation costs,9 +"PO should hold an SSM (and consult with the ATO Chief Safety Engineer, as necessary) to ",9 +Procedures to follow in the event the banner does not properly release. ,3 +The Change Manager prepares a High-Level Maintenance Plans describing the Maintenance ,9 +"tem Center, is commonly referred to as the pilot",9 +Shear strength—30 KSI,6 +without proper planning and an understanding of the winds ,9 +maneuvering.,9 +struts are generally made from steel. Many struts and their,9 +欄に掲げるものを除く。),8 +The report shall be submitted in English,8 +Total thrust,6 +Zu vermittelnde,8 +Sensitive Altimeter,7 +"Einsetzen des Aushändigungsdatums aus. Er darf nur ausgehändigt werden, wenn die Identität des Bewerbers",9 +focal points and partners at national level ,7 +§ 24 Wiederholung der Prüfung,7 +an das Saarland,9 +ondition and recency of experience. Hazardous attitudes contribute to poor pilot judgment and affect the quality of decisions. ,9 +"event a leak would develop in the combustion chamber, the ",9 +Permission to place the special number on your ,9 +仮に陸揚げした貨物のうち、本邦以外の地域を仕向地とする船荷証券(航空貨物,3 +II. General Conditions for the service contract ,7 +General obligations ,7 +"Except with the agreement of all the parties thereto, all proceedings of every court ",9 +Exclusion criteria and conflict of interest ,7 +SIGNATURES ,7 +"Der Vorsitzende hat jedem Mitglied des Gerichts auf Verlangen zu gestatten, Fragen zu stellen. Wird eine",9 +診療用高エネルギー放射線発生装置の定格出力,3 +residents,9 +contractor must be notified in writing at the latest by the deadline for conformity. ,9 +Trim check data (Boeing). ,0 +and would normally be included in the modeling of a metropolitan area’s transportation network. ,9 +91.309—Towing:,3 +spring to make correction in the system only when the cable ,9 +Retarder (finishing system component).,9 +"form part of, or are related to, the authorised development; and ",3 +[Figure 3-1],9 +Scope of the services in LOT 3 ,7 +EGT (bottom). ,9 +the right to license to third parties any of the exclusive rights or of the modes of ,3 + FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ORDER FORM,7 +"rivet. For example, a rivet of 2024-T4 aluminum alloy should ",9 + Flight Instruments ,7 +accordance with Article II.8.3. ,3 +Beförderung bestandesweise in Partien getrennt gehalten wurde.,3 +"in command (PIC) time, and instruction time, which are ",9 +"Versorgungsfläche entsteht durch Addition von hinreichend kleinen Flächenelementen, in denen die",9 +Metal Versus Plastic Fuel Containers ,7 +in control surface effectiveness. Conventional ,9 +expressly forbidden. ,9 +"Identification, invitation and briefing of journalists/experts ",7 +toute modification de la situation déclarée. ,7 +a price revision,9 + Roundout ( Flare),7 +"Rahmenplan für den klassenspezifischen Zusatzstoff in den Klassen A, A2, A1 (4 Doppelstunden), in",7 +all restrictions on that driver’s license are also upheld. A ,9 +Kurse zur umweltschonenden Fahrweise.,3 +the aerodynamics of the PPC do not start until the ,9 +The Common Seal of the Lancashire County ,9 +performance is the maximum rate of climb. ,9 +pilot to apply right pedal (decreasing the AOA in the tail ,9 +EUROPEAN UNION ,9 +BIC or SWIFT code for countries with no IBAN code. ,1 +l'obligation d'une mise en concurrence plus large imposée par le Secrétariat. Le ,3 +metal and both nitrocellulose and epoxy finishes. For ,3 +Pile shoes ,7 +Information to be filled in ,7 +or administered by the competent authorities described in this sub-section (b). ,1 +comply with,9 +a change of power setting may not cause a ,9 +"Starting with high points on cell 1, pull out seam and smooth cell from leading edge to trailing edge. ",3 +tion appendix on pages A1–A2 of this handbook. ,9 +wing’s structure sealed to enable its use as a fuel tank. Center ,9 +MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ,7 +"регистрационный Ј№ 62740), признать утратившим силу.",9 +The inlet should provide the highest ,9 +"Operation of a restricted category civil aircraft over a densely populated area, in a congested ",9 +Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA),7 +Figure 11-22,9 +another compartment through a metering orifice. The shocks ,9 +do not exceed the design parameters).,3 +Flight Risk Assessment Tools ,7 +horizontal movement. ,9 +separate Equipment Requirements box will list,9 +of the components used. Use of a crystal in an oscillator ,9 +required to operate in accordance with current IFR,9 +"through zero, the transistor turns off because the minimum ",9 +The contractor bears the cost of providing such guarantee. ,9 +written acceptance by the User of the deliverable in case of design or development of ,3 +Sample Problem 1 ,7 +(‘unperformed obligations’) or if it fails to provide the service in accordance with the expected ,9 +"denied, revoked, withdrawn, or suspended by the FAA, are ",9 +The contractor must obtain any permit or licence required in the State where the ,3 +That more than one contract should be signed if the joint offer is successful,3 +Student Pilot Applicant Requirements (SPAR) ,7 +add the weight of the oil to your computations.,9 +just 40 miles away was visual flight rules (VFR). At this ,9 +"500 to 700 feet AGL, and heading into the wind,",9 +"acquisition category. The AJI Safety Case Lead (SCL), PIR Quality Officer, and PO should ",9 +Duration of the contract ,7 +"investigation, conducted by said Executive or",9 +", That not more than ",9 +Anlieferungszeiten des Lagers ,7 +it imply that ATC is exercising control over aircraft ,9 +I.5.1. Pre-financing,7 +that are available and recommended to conduct a,3 +"flare must be, especially in helicopters with low inertia",9 +(See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT ,9 +the 200 FPNM or the FPNM specified in the DP is required.,9 +"weight computations is the basic empty weight, which",9 +the CT message can be manually entered by the TMC ,9 +same descriptors and abbreviations as the METAR report. ,9 +of back-elevator control pressure. ,3 +maximum potential voltage from the magneto.,3 +"formal reference, be denominated Acts and may be identified by their respective",9 +I.1.1. Date of payment ,7 +[Figure 5-23],9 +ELENCO ATTREZZATURA MINIMA ,7 +"tion. (3) In a PPC, the tendency of the aircraft to ",3 +Most civilian aviation takes place in the troposphere in ,9 +"and-level flight, the heading indicator is the primary",9 +Using faulty trim technique.,3 +The FWC is concluded for a period of twelve 4 years (12) months with effect from the ,3 +propeller was received. As you disassemble and clean the ,9 +- Seite 10 von 32 -,4 +One full rotation of the AC alternator,6 +standard patch. ,3 +inventories,3 +"(i.e., DESCEND). The computer is programmed such that the ",9 +Hi-Lite$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +"will have a tail-low attitude, and you will need exces-",9 +without establishing the proper landing attitude. The airplane ,9 + Any change in mode or system ,9 +Contractor’s national partner to make follow-up calls within two days of the press release ,3 +Outillage et équipement ,3 +Elektronentheorie,8 +A 30 pound R134a refrigerant container with dual ,0 +"a foreign port or other local ports is forwarded from the port of importation,",9 +(vi) The method and outcome of inspection of records on medical care and the ,3 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +CLARIFICATION No: 1,7 +to verify that the applications functionalities are available to end users after a ,3 +Automatic flow proportional samplers are required as defined in the herewith Employer’s Require-,9 +or obstructions before any maneuver is performed. As an ,9 +Auftragsbekanntmachung National ,10 +Bottle discharged,6 +OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ,7 +loadfactor while the ,9 +submitted by the Missions. ,3 +Moral rights of the authors ,7 +Wing Structure,7 +turbofan engine caused by the increase of velocity of air ,9 +incorporate multiple vertical stabilizers and rudders to,9 +counterbore at the base to accommodate variations in ,9 +Deliverables ,7 +Satz 3 dem Bewerber einen Vorläufigen Nachweis der Fahrerlaubnis nach Anlage 8a unter Einsetzen des,9 +"Also, there are ",9 +Information may be contained in a table format and ,9 +Tender Specifications ,7 +"pitch, antitorque rotor or tail rotor. This is the design that ",9 +System Servicing,7 +The principal object of the approach is to determine in advance ,9 + .....................................................................5-11,8 +Swash Plate Assembly,7 +Airframe cracking is not necessarily caused by defective ,9 +Role of the Avionics Manufacturer ,7 +suspension lines to risers. ,3 +"Strahlenschutz, Strahlenpass ",7 +This paragraph does not apply in relation to— ,9 +The overall value (cost) of the offer shall be broken down by requested tasks ,3 +Induction icing.,9 +The vacuum value required for instrument operation is usually ,9 +"thority’s reasoned request, the contractor must replace any member of ",3 +"Whereas Congress enacted the Act of August 12, 1946 (60 Stat. ",3 +Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) ,7 +mitigation,9 +Differential Voltage,7 +"Entrée dans la nacelle, en veillant à accrocher le harnais via un dispositif anti-chute à la ",3 +Implementation of the framework contract ,7 +to extremities. ,9 +"pesos, the property of any fisherman, by the lawful use of which he",3 + Center of Gravity (CG),7 +"takeoff roll in a nose-wheel type airplane, the pilot should ",9 +for ground operations. ,9 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ,7 +in the Participant Register shall reuse their existing PICs,9 +"Name, Vorname, Geburtsdatum, Anschrift, Geburtsort, Geschlecht, Staatsangehörigkeit, Art des",3 +thunderstorms are indicated on a surface weather map by an ,9 +ARTICLE 98. Interim rules and regulations promulgated by the Council shall continue to have binding force and,9 +all manufacturer’s instructions when performing this ,9 +En raison du contexte sécuritaire à Bruxelles et tant que le niveau d'alerte restera moyen ou élevé ,9 +"is travelling to or from, or attending the location of, any place in which P ",3 +Information to be filled in ,7 +One of the great advantages of the self-launching glider is,9 +(NAV/COM) equipment for the proposed IFR flight. ,9 +Die Bundesanstalt weist die in ihrem Verwaltungsbereich voraussichtlich zu erwartenden Einnahmen und,9 +designated category of aircraft.,9 +Disassembly: Mesh Repair,7 +magnet shaft in a magneto to push upward on the insulated ,9 +and a low-viscosity resin is injected in one hole until it flows ,9 +position for bending.,9 +must obtain the consent of ,9 +(See RESTRICTED AREA.),9 +II.13.1. Ownership of the rights in the results ,7 +that is line-of-sight reception only. The newer EPIRBs have ,9 +"Service, National Wildlife Refuges, Big Game Refuges, ",9 +Role of the Database Provider ,7 +"– dispersants@marinemanagement.org.uk, or such replacement contact details notified to the ",9 +are the early Strong 26' Lo-Po and the Pioneer “K” series ,9 +Order of precedence of contract documents ,7 +"for damage. An effective seal without slippage, especially ",9 +gases from several cylinders of a reciprocating engine. ,9 +issued certificate that permits student pilots to ,3 +wires are tied together in bundles and clamped to the aircraft ,9 +TAIL SURFACES,7 +RADIO PHONE-IN ,7 +innovative tools and methods for the further advancement of ERA within the context of ,3 +based approaches. Pilots flying GPS,9 + consists of territory in the northeastern part of the,9 +Launch Equipment Inspection,7 +Fuel Selectors ,7 +" is used as set out in Article I.10.1, with the following disclaimer: ",9 +Kostenermittlung und Umlagepflicht im Aufgabenbereich Wertpapierhandel,3 +"chart. First, find the correct temperature on the bottom left ",9 +Operation,6 +る届出書を経済産業大臣に提出しなければならない。,3 +Annex 1. Title ,7 +the separate digits of the thousands plus the hundreds,3 +"on a table, but there must be access to the canopy from both ",9 +electrical output of an alternator is more constant throughout ,9 +in the area,3 +Gesetz zu dem Abkommen vom 29. Mai 1958 zwischen der,10 +"roll it up, and tuck the sail into the leading edge stiffener. ",9 +§ 7 Teil 1 der Abschlussprüfung,7 +(due to billowing) and shifting (through the change of the ,9 +"published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C series, where payments are in euro; ",3 +subject to licensing not compatible with EUPL,9 +§ 5 Inkrafttreten,7 +Characteristics of a Well-Planned Lesson,7 +tenderer's own general or specific terms and conditions. The submitted tender is binding on ,9 +this section by the Senator or other head of the office in which ,9 + does not pay by the due date and if the amount cannot be offset in accordance ,3 +"safe landing. Thirdly, radio reception is improved, par-",9 +court hearing as well as the grounds set out in section 3.,3 +quick-opening,9 +"Materials: E thread; fabric—type and color to match, ",3 +to the right (unless for left-handed deployment).,3 +. The contractor must immediately take ,3 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +by means of receipt information as prescribed in paragraph (iii) of the said ,3 +leaving ground effect will:,9 +engagement effectively depends upon the Contractor providing full and free access to Contractor's ,3 +"Die Zulassung ist auf die Dauer der nach Nummer 1 nachgewiesenen Haftpflichtversicherung, längstens auf",3 +Personnel Required ,7 +section 77(1)(,9 +Flight Rules versus Instrument Flight Rules,3 +Evaluation phase (after the opening of tenders) ,7 +Verkehrsanlagen;,3 +Quality requirements,7 +"possibly in conjunction with an accompanying packing slip, the content of the ",9 +", in accordance with Article II-18 (“Force Majeure”) above. ",3 +be shortened by mutual ,3 +"and row 43 to row 45 of Appended Table 2) to North Korea"" in Article 2, ",3 +Reducing Radio Interference,7 +"and far bars, is normally ",9 +に係る事務所、事業場、店舗又は倉庫が一の経済産業局の管轄区域内のみにある届出,3 +during the defects notification period shall be incorporated into the final versions in the form of ,9 +"Verordnung (EU,",3 +STRAIGHT-IN AUTOROTATION,7 +Incorporation of the St. Ives Harbour Act and Orders ,3 +used to actuate the three-ring release system and to disengage the risers from the harness. ,3 +must specify separately amounts,9 +Standards and Framework Act 1998(,9 +boosting social media posts — based on real costs; ,3 +The standard operation manual for maintenance and management of ,3 +SERVICE-BROADCAST.) ,9 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of October 6, 1986. ",9 +is categorically excluded from review under the National Environ-,9 +You must depart the airport before the clearance void time; ,9 +"Short-term memory is the part of the memory system where information is stored for roughly 30 seconds, after which it may rapidly ",9 +carriage mast. This position is unique to each manufacturer ,9 +Implementation Dates in SMTS ,3 +"products, refer to the current version of the FAA Advisory ",9 +Amendment of article 3 ,7 +Figure 16-38. ,0 +Common Errors in Turns,7 +NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES ,7 +Hypemic Hypoxia,7 +"data, the amount, the currency and the date, as well as the contract reference. ",9 +on the upwind side of the volcano.,9 + Thrust Required for Increases in Speed,7 +"useful life, and that useful lives and residual values be reviewed ",9 +Allowances payable to members of a combined fire and rescue authority ,7 +The variation of power or thrust required ,9 +"enters the airspace. For all aircraft, an ATC clearance is ",9 +c4c_contract_en.doc ,4 +The Terminal Weather Information for,7 +Jon P. Thornburgh,9 +Data Protection ,7 +out using modern methods,9 +En cas de difficulté personnelle ,7 +"lower end. Depending on the direction turned, the needle ",9 +Technician ,7 +I.4.2. Price revision index ,7 +) and subsections (2) and (4)(,9 +Verification of non-exclusion ,7 +"(iv) in the goods vehicle or a hotel, hostel or bed and breakfast accommodation while not ",3 +certain altitudes) ,3 +Festsetzungsverjährung,3 +Transfer of License Must be Authorized — Fee,9 +distributes U.S. Government Civil Aeronautical Charts and ,9 +"avoidance, and positive transfer of controls.",9 +"authorities must ensure that for accounts relating to a financial year beginning in 2020 or 2021, the ",9 +Schlussformel ,7 +Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems ,7 +the provisions of Article 32-2 of the Act is to be exercised by the Director of the ,3 +functioning of all IT processes and the related contract management processes in ,3 +variable and remarks should be able to be retrieved from CPUs after connection is made by ,3 +An 800 foot wide by 200 foot long area centered on ,9 +European Commission and other EU bodies. ,9 +"night time operations (14 CFR part 91, section 91.209). If ",9 +interim payments or payment of the balance. Where the payment of the balance takes the ,9 +〔平成十七年三月三十一日政令第百五号〕〔抄〕,7 +Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Planning ,7 +Award and signature of the contract with the successful tenderer ,7 +of human resource/ administration functions as a support function. ,9 +—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases (Amendment) ,9 +reciprocating engine since this factor controls ,9 + Page 17 of 35 ,4 +§ 1 Bau und Finanzierung durch Private,7 +speeds greater than the speed for minimum ,9 +legal requirements etc.,3 +im Rahmen der Gesamtdauer nach Absatz 2 möglich. Absatz 1 Satz 2 bis 4 und die Absätze 2 bis 4 gelten,9 +Contractor ,3 +"landing gear, the oleo piston is extended and the switch is ",9 +"‘‘(ii) a biological product, no active ingredient of ",9 +Digital Electronics ,7 +modification to condition C21 ,7 +"sidewalk, trail, park, waterworks, or water mains, or any cemetery,",9 +Walking Foot,6 +SCHEDULE 14 ,7 +SCHEDULE 9 ,7 +and dragging its anchor along the bottom. The nautical,9 +of the adverse effects on trimming accuracy. To obtain the ,9 +"Before granting remote access for an IT Contractor, ECHA shall assess the IT ",9 +Installation of cables ,7 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 +order the aircraft with long-range auxiliary tanks. These ,9 +waypoints. VFR waypoints collocated with visual,9 +Annexe I au cahier des charges ,10 +109. Public Service Commission,7 +"The term ""free-yen"" in the caption of Article 23 is revised to ""non-resident ",9 +authority and the contractor during the ,3 +Control of Foot and Mouth Disease by Department of Veterinary ,3 +lost during non-powered flight. ,9 +Ground Communication Outlet ,7 +[1792-56.],9 +Details of licensed marine activities ,7 +“traffic authority” has the same meaning as in section 121A of the Road Traffic Regulation ,9 +TRSA Service (Radar Sequencing and,7 +window decodes the airport identifier. Scroll through ,3 +integrated ,9 +Generators ,7 +"moved forward, the angle of attack decreases as the rotor",9 +range is depicted by a green arc. A blue or a red cross-hatched ,9 +"""World bridge tourism"" whose aim was to attract more Chinese tourists in Europe, notably on ",9 +[Figure 3-14],9 +Construction materials shall not be stored close to or within the branch spread of any tree or shrub. ,9 +"possibilité pour le contractant de demander une offre à plusieurs sociétés, ni ",3 +行の日(以下「施行日」という。)前に行われた資本取引(改正法による改正前の外,3 +"pounds, and cemeteries.",3 +Medical certificate.,9 +"Physical Security, Information Security, Cybersecurity, and Occupational Safety and ",7 +Operating Control Tower ,7 +Poor Adhesion,7 +"bodies, offices and agencies in developing policies in network and information security, so, including ",9 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 +NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES ,7 +Warning Areas ,7 +Figure 1-30.,9 +and costs of the seizure and sale. The purchaser at such sale shall acquire an,9 +Duration of Training ,7 +. — It shall,9 +Siehe EVM Blätter. ,9 + the contractor (or leader in the case of joint tender) as ,9 +"delinquency, and require him to eject ",9 +"Provision of expertise in Public Affairs and Media scenarios for cyber exercises, ",7 +Ultralight Vehicles.,9 +I.9.1. Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +"altitude in the block, he/she may not return to that ",9 +: The maximum pack opening speed and minimum and maximum weight markings shall ,9 +Unterabschnitt 2,7 +at the ends of the conduit. Suitable fittings are affixed to ,9 +"head temperature, rapid drop in BMEP, and ",9 +дезинфицировать их в соответствии с рекомендациями производителя либо с,9 +"flow separation, any means of delaying or ",9 + Wing Rising After Touchdown,7 +Wastewater system ,7 +Figure 4-7. ,3 +"might make Gayle feel pressured to meet the schedule, she ",6 +"proper tax upon the reduced assessment, without penalty. But upon his failure to",9 +Visual Glideslope Indicators,7 +Countersinking.,9 +(連携協力体制の整備),9 +Factors Affecting Selection of Conductor Material,7 +EN-c4f_annexiitechspeciiitechoffer_en.docx ,4 +Pitch correction using the attitude indicator.,0 +investment program against baseline expectations 6 to 24 months after it goes into operational ,9 +"shall receive no compensation, their offices being honorary.",9 +[Figure 4-19],9 +Aviation Administration (FAA) requirement of inspection.,9 +Assessment by a health care professional ,7 +"Persons triable before a summary court shall, if in confinement, be brought",9 +"Collector of Customs, and a",9 +Emergency control ,7 +Airplanes under the S-LSA certification may be used ,3 +is the removal of pollution plume components by the action of rain. ,1 +name of the ,7 +Convex surface.,9 +Figure 3-1D.,0 +into a coupling device between the compressor and turbine ,9 +Purchase Order,9 +Variable Restrictor,7 +Consequently should this contract be awarded to the Firm/Consortium of which <,9 +The basic design of the RNAV procedure,9 + Considerations when Defining the System,7 +European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – EU-OSHA ,5 +TRSA Service (Radar Sequencing and,7 +press conference starts ,7 +until all air bubbles are removed.,3 +"it, and lastly, how to correct it once it is encountered. We ",9 +AFT evaporator,6 +the e-Submission. ,9 +visual contact with that aircraft.,9 +"decision-making, ADM enhances the process to decrease the probability of human error and increase ",9 +"W/S= wing loading, psf ",9 +Shipment Type 2,7 +En cas de remplacements multiples d’un élément identique d’une valeur inférieure à ces ,9 +with avionics equipment is bonding. Charges flowing in ,9 +nates at low speeds. When the airplane is ,9 +Recommended standard left-hand traffic ,6 +"oath, from all applicants for examination and from persons in the service full",9 +"and vice versa, and words in the masculine shall be deemed to include the feminine and ",3 +"Secrétaire Général du Conseil, restent inchangés, tels qu'exposés dans les annexes II et III.",9 +"landing area, such as fences, bushes, trees, hangars, and ",9 +doit immédiatement informer le,7 +ATC Instructions,7 +"approach, it is realized that ithe airplane is ",9 +"adhesive is still tacky, with only one edge contacting ",3 +pedal to feel spongy. The air can be removed by bleeding to ,9 +"Power to alter layout, etc., of streets ",3 +Amendment of Schedule 4 ,7 +any other system with one exception: oxygen system shutoff ,9 +"Unterrichts und zur Visualisierung vorhanden sein. Zur Darstellung des Lehrstoffes müssen wahlweise Modelle,",9 +using a direct,3 +to feather once rpm drops below approximately 800. The ,9 +法第三十条の四第二項第十五号に規定する区域については、都道府県の区域を単,3 +"all other factors are constant, the parasite drag ",9 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,7 +Flight Inspection/‘Flight Check’,7 +[1963-1.],9 +Safety shutoff valve,6 +ordinary household iron that the technician calibrates before ,9 +Cylinder Compression Stroke—Piston Moving Up,7 +and stores to the value of P13 090 were written off. ,9 +Corner Joints,7 +le retrait de son intention de réduire le paiement; ou ,3 +A professional article is covering a specific topic and is tailored towards special interest press (e.g. ,9 +"In addition, the tail rotor becomes more aerodynamically ",9 +PAN should be used in the same manner,9 +send copies of the notifications required under paragraph (g) to the MMO Marine ,3 +$^{®}$ and grommets play a major part in ,9 +Standards and rules ,7 +is responsible for the ,3 +特定臨床研究に係る金銭その他の利益の収受及びその管理の方法が妥当である,3 +Obligation to notify EFSA of changes,7 +Page 8 of 8,4 +higher speeds.,9 +Abkommen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und dem,10 +"15 сентября 2017 г., регистрационный № 48195), с изменениями, внесенными",9 +shape upon the resistance offered the motion of solids through ,9 +"electrical system. During operations at low engine rpm, the ",9 +TAXI—The movement of an aircraft under its own ,3 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +or stop carburetor fuel flow. ,9 +determination of actions that may be needed as set forth in ,9 +The GCO should help relieve the need to use the telephone ,9 +§ 11 Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I,7 +for Application Management. ,9 +enforceable ,9 +boss provides additional strength to the part where holes for ,9 +"If CHP (if any) unit is connected to HV line, the Contractor shall provide additional switchgear for CHP unit. ",9 +Requirements and Characteristics of ,7 +Kidde Continuous-Loop System,7 +bearing and distance are provided to the selected,9 +Sample Problem 13 ,7 +contracting authority any problem,3 +Figure 4-19.,0 +fire alarm,6 +"the method of recording it in a file, etc. as prescribed in the said paragraph or ",3 +into the operational environment and occurs after demonstration of the IOC,9 +diagram of figure 2.15. Dur- ,9 +"After the main wheels make initial contact with the ground, ",9 +§ 1 Geltungsbereich,7 +of the course of training.,3 +inside row for reinforcement.,3 +Must have an FAA registration and N-number.,3 +"When the page is about 16–18 inches from you, the ",3 +written acceptance by the User of the deliverable in case of design or development of ,3 +HUMAN RESOURCE AND ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Installation,7 +"3.13.2. Перед открытием палаточного лагеря на территории, на которой",9 +"remains 120 knots, but the GS is determined by combining ",9 +(CTAF) to get a good idea of what traffic conditions to ,9 +"gyroplane parallel to and at a uniform distance, about",9 +arrange importation to the end destination (for non-EU states) including payment of all ,3 +Wind and Currents ,7 +"der Verleih- und Vertriebswirtschaft, der Videowirtschaft und der Fernsehwirtschaft sein. Mindestens einer der",9 +eindeutig festlegen:,9 +"previous year, representing an increase of 81%. ",9 +500 feet vertical separation.,9 +"importance of accuracy in these instruments, part of the ",9 +"sensor, such as sealant or a hub cap, should be in place and in ",9 +and declaration,7 +that distance based on various groundspeeds. ,9 +is a citizen of Botswana; and,3 +Subject of the Engagement ,7 +Layout Method,7 +Hot knifed edge of the crossport must be smooth ,3 +Botswana Housing Corporation ,7 +"than 500 feet below B757 aircraft, and",9 +The Committee may act notwithstanding any vacancy in its membership and its ,9 +comparatively weak dihedral lags in restoring the lateral ,9 +separation is necessary. ,9 +Anti-skid components require little maintenance. ,9 +outflow and redirect some component of the thrust forward.,9 +Combined VFR & IFR,6 +Acceleration Error ,7 +примечания ,9 +"vessels in port at Manila, to minimize their number and preven",3 +Experimental Aircraft Association,7 +"the Europol Executive Director, Europol Deputy Executive ",3 +Data Protection ,7 +"instruments, lights, heat and air conditioning, and other equipment ",9 +Facilities for Contractor's Personnel ,7 +the obligations of the parties during and after the duration of the FWC. ,3 +“regulation 21(6) (financial sanctions licences: written notice)”; ,3 +MAIN CANOPY ,7 +§ 5 Ausbildungsplan,7 +High Round Out,7 +officer or agent of the township.,3 +alarm limit while the approach is active.,9 +ANTITORQUE PEDALS,7 +"the groundspeed is 120 knots, that means the aircraft is ",9 +§ 26 (weggefallen),7 +ANTITORQUE PEDALS,7 +[COMPANY NAME] ,7 +"Moreover,",9 +Tow Rope Strength Requirements,7 +Lockbolt/Collar Acceptance Criteria,6 +Figure 11-60. ,0 +consumption is obtained at relatively high ,9 +Fahrtunterbrechungen und Ruhezeiten vorzunehmen. Die Aufzeichnungen des laufenden Tages und der,9 +Introduction,1 +English sport national governing body of P’s status as an international elite ,3 +Tiled pavements ,7 +is lost. A cabin air safety valve is a pressure relief valve set to ,9 +taken is compromised by inflating a balloon and taking off ,9 +Sample Problem 13 ,7 +"NAVAIDs: Terminal (T), Low (L), and High (H). The",9 +"Standardpackung entsprechen, ergibt sich der Festbetrag in Euro durch Multiplikation des Festbetrages der",9 +"in der Luft befindlichen Funkstellen, 50,2 – 50,4 GHz, 52,6 – 54,25 GHz, 86 – 92 GHz, 100 – 102 GHz,",3 +________________________________________________ ,6 + The pilot responsible for the ,9 +"Stabilizer Panels. During parachute descent, turbulent air can be produced at each side of the ",3 +The installation of anti-ice/deice equipment on airplanes ,9 +other key relevant indications.,9 +"through (xiv). However, when the number of beds in the hospital room is ",3 +"with air inside the chamber and is ignited by the spark plug, ",9 +"Die Frequenzbereiche 9 – 10 kHz, 13 553 – 13 567 kHz, 26 957 – 27 283 kHz, 40,66 – 40,70 MHz,",3 +Glide Slope/Glide Path,7 +General obligations ,7 +〔平成二十四年三月三十日政令第九十六号〕〔抄〕,7 +The instrumentation. ,3 +"RSL, if desired.",3 +"in a few seconds, thereby losing their adaptation to the dark. ",9 +Schlussvorschriften,7 +(ii) reporting the reasons for the extension and the interim assessment. ,3 +"animazione, ",3 +Resin Injection Repairs,7 +pcs of electrical set with bag including full of set etc. ,3 +"his commission, unless reappointed, the notary public shall forward his notarial",9 +I.2. SUBJECT MATTER ,7 +aircraft. Many aircraft have both a rotating beacon,9 +OBJECTIVES ,7 +Section 3 Measures for Revitalization of Fishing Ground Environment in ,7 +continuously records the rate at which an aircraft climbs or ,9 +"to the Insular Government, one-fifth to the province or provinces",3 +Vorbemerkungen ,7 +“ordinary day of election of councillors” has the meaning given by section 37 of the ,9 +Cylinder Compression Tests,7 +Participant Register ,7 +the relatively high airspeed at lift-off translates into a very ,9 +under the call for tenders,9 +track of excessive radius.,9 +by the authorised representatives with advanced electronic signature based on ,3 +convenient manner. ,3 +pilot or autopilot control inputs along a selected and computed ,9 +a yellowish color on white fabric or excessive fading to ,9 +The Brother B-791 is an example of a “needle feed” machine.,9 +II.13.6. Quotation of works in the result ,7 + Another name for a turbofan engine. See ,9 +"hinaus stillliegt,",3 +contracting authority to the European Commission: ,9 +"broken down into smaller blocks of instruction, each on its own is more manageable. Humans learn from the simple to the complex. ",9 +"any facility renovated, repaired, or rebuilt with funds appropriated ",9 +emergency plans for any type of failure that might occur. ,9 +Quality requirements,7 +with 5-down (closed on or after Janu-,8 +"a landing gear motor, or other similar devices that may place ",9 +for the request referred to in item (ii) or (iv): ,3 +GPS Nearest Airport Function,7 +Small Multiengine (Reciprocating) Aircraft Fuel ,7 +Contracts without reference letters shall not be included in the list of the contracts as ,9 +Kontrollgerät im Straßenverkehr und zur Änderung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 561/2006 des Europäischen,3 +Description ,7 +FWC Phase-in,7 +10.10.Koordinationsbesprechungen,7 +Automatic Activation Devices (AADs) and ,7 +Sampling Equipment ,7 +"is weakened more rapidly than low-frequency noise, both ",9 +is confirmed by excess altitude when nearing the boundary of ,9 +controlled by a time delay module meters the repellent to a ,9 +collection and processing units.,9 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 1),7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 115 of April 27, 1973]",7 +Convective Currents ,7 +§ 14 Sorgfaltspflichten bei bestehenden Konten von Rechtsträgern,7 +"measures taken or proposed to be taken to address the breach, including, where appropriate, ",3 +"to the remoted participants (for hybrid and ""online +"" activities) ",3 +adjustable delivery nozzle at each passenger station. An inline ,9 +Identify Post-Implementation Review Safety Requirements ,7 +"Schedule No 8: Roads, Landscaping and Fences",7 +any water from the low point in the system. ,9 +formatted for quick reference by the pilot or flight,9 +during the time that he shall act at the same rate as the regular judge unless he be,9 +chafer is acceptable and can be repaired when the tire is ,9 +shaft twisting.,9 +Composition,7 +and the large numbers of rpm would make it very confusing. ,9 +"shall focus on the existence of relevant help, on clear language, on relevant link(s) to more help ",3 +hereby declared ,9 +5-6-11. FAA Flight Routing Authorizations,8 +vorgelegt oder,3 +essary for helicopter performance information. This dif-,9 +"name of the deceased, place of death, cause of death, and the point to which such",9 +Reimbursements ,7 +Responsibilities,7 +"649 804,91 Euro.",9 +Records and Documents ,7 +Existing trees ,7 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +data records concerned; ,3 +funzionamento ,9 +Pitch correction using the altimeter.,0 +Specifiche tecniche ,5 +Mask storage box with mask/,6 +National Environmental Policy Act ,7 +Schätzgleichungen zur Berechnung des Energiegehaltes von Mischfuttermitteln,7 +"DECIDE means to Detect, Estimate, Choose a course of ",9 +Mode d'établissement des prix ,7 +"positions: LEFT, RIGHT, BOTH, and OFF. Selecting the ",9 +may make their initial takeoff roll with spoilers ,3 +⦁ $_{aircraft with a single alternator or a single radio and navigation system }$,3 +"ensure compliance with its data protection obligations regarding the security of the processing, ",3 +provider. The Money Advice Service provides guidance on finding a debt advisor on its website.,3 +всех категорий виз;,9 +"emergency, ordnance, and portable equipment. ",9 +sections for the installation of the,9 +repay the contracting authority the amount in question. ,3 +この政令による改正後の消費生活用製品安全法施行令別表第一第十号に掲げる,3 +remain applicable. ,3 +"the external scene by use of an imaging sensor, such as ",9 +"DRAFT CONTRACT AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS, ",7 +"small positive pitch angle. The farther it is forward, the",9 +– Unfallrisiken und,8 +to fully repay those amounts: ,9 +date of its entry into force.,3 +"government department or public body in a European Union Member State - may, within two months ",3 +“Single Harness Emergency Parachute Canopy”,3 +of the CG from LEMAC.,9 +perspective,9 +"The FAA has created new low altitude area navigation (RNAV) ""T"" routes for the enroute and terminal environments. The ",9 +"paragraphs (k) and (m) of P.D. No. 813, R.A. 2056; Section 90, C.A. 137; and,",9 +Superflite for images used throughout Chapter 3,9 +$^{ato}$r $_{Str}$,6 +transmitted back to the releasing station; the radiosondes are ,9 +Reporting System (ACARS) data link services.,9 +momentum produced by the single large rotor. Tandem ,9 +effectiveness and allows for unrestricted movement.,9 +Existing ground levels shall be maintained. ,9 +Airspace System wherein limitations may be ,9 +CG AFT OF AFT LIMIT,7 +〔平成二十五年四月十日政令第百二十号〕,7 +Understanding Communication on a Common Frequency ,7 +List of consumables. ,3 +The Terminal Weather Information for,7 +PIA-TS-108.1,5 +the relevant authority and any requirement consultee must submit written representations ,3 +procedures allowed at airports equipped with the following ,9 +104(g)(2) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 ,9 + Navigation Instruments ,7 + Omit regulation 78 (revocation of the Burma (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019) ,9 +a rolling ,9 +The National ,7 +The contractor is not entitled to compensation for any loss resulting from the termination of the ,9 +Components ,7 +to exceed except in smooth air; the upper limit of the green ,9 +"provided in the form of a bank guarantee, a banker's draft, a certified cheque, a bond provided by an ",3 +This means that a loose rivet would not necessarily overload ,9 +"2.2.3. На собственной территории должна быть оборудована площадка,",9 +"goods are likely to be used for the Development, etc. of Nuclear Weapons, ",3 +pilots of participating aircraft as well as pilots ,9 +The impatient learner fails to understand the need for preliminary training and seeks only the ultimate objective without considering ,9 +registration number,7 +Operators/aircraft that file ICAO flight plans,9 +"each bond for indemnifying any person, firm, or corporation who",3 +Checking and Safetying the System,7 +"33,000 is the factor converting horsepower ",9 +"If the slope angle of the landing area is very steep,",9 +CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVICES PROGRAMS ,7 +"For hybrid, ""online +""",7 +reduction in accordance with Article II-11 (“,3 +ANGLE OF ATTACK,7 +Margin Identification,7 +erating cycle is represented ,9 +"alcohol in it to boost the octane. Alcohol absorbs water, ",9 +Vertragsbedingungen von Dezember 2015 ,5 +such changes would cause the helicopter to climb or descend. ,9 +Figure 13-5. ,0 +zuzuordnen,9 +TENDER SPECIFICATIONS ,10 +"‘Glossary of terms’, Annex A1a to the practical guide, which forms an integral part of the ",3 + Waiver Renewals ,3 +La facturation se fera selon les modalités suivantes :,9 +reference to the legal protections offered by virtue of the Moratorium Regulations into that Form. ,9 +Automatic Response Stage ,7 +order to avoid costly damage to equipment and compromising ,9 +"‘‘(2) A veteran described in this paragraph is a veteran who, ",9 +This is done ,9 +"in a nose-up or nose-down attitude, caused by a rapid ",9 +"management, to manage change properly, to provide the frame for IT work and to give ",9 +ual’s weight and balance limitations.,9 +Reported During the Year Under Review ,7 +"Verhalten in besonderen Situationen, Folgen von Verstößen gegen Verkehrsvorschriften",7 +"control three axes of the aircraft: roll, pitch, and yaw. Most ",9 +Emissions Mitigation and Offsetting ,7 +"stabilizer, the input to the control surface can be too sensitive. ",9 +"rather than a lack of inhaled oxygen, and can be caused by a ",9 +Determine the extent of the damaged area and unpick ,3 +距離が三百キロメートル以上のものとする。,3 +"Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, ",9 +"Fahrer/Beifahrer, Fahrzeug",7 +Figure 16-13. ,0 +"provisions of Article 16-3, paragraph (2) of the Act and make a summary of the ",3 +LOT 1 and LOT 2 ,7 +"If bonding a precured patch, place the thermocouple ",3 +Desiccant/Moisture Separator,7 +Common Error: Skipping the Preflight Weather ,7 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 +Initial TEMP ,7 +Invoices and value added tax ,7 +Bewertungsmaßstab für die Leistungen,7 +$^{1}$ This art 3.1 will be used when the contract is made on a fixed price basis including expenses.,1 +LSA Synopsis,7 +Deliverables ,7 +if the above-mentioned person is the ,6 +Installation,7 +"bereinigten Fassung""",9 +‘‘(2) REFERENCE BY A MASTER FILE HOLDER.—A master file ,9 +notes on how to adapt the information for flight conditions. ,9 +by the liquid.,9 +"control tower, and thereafter as instructed by ATC",9 +"The validity period of the tender, during which tenderers may not unilaterally modify the ",9 +术秘密的范围,但不得限制技术竞争和技术发展。 ,9 +"FINAL APPROACH POINT- The point, applicable ",9 +transporting these with a range or flight range of 300km or longer ,3 +"The language of the contract and of all communications between the contractor, ",3 +TED eTendering,7 +heat sinks (substructure for instance) exist in the repair area). ,9 +[Figure 10-1] ,9 +Figure 3-35. ,0 +emissions. ,3 +vorgelegt oder,3 +Elaboration of a social media communication plan ,7 +– MOTIVI DI RIGETTO NELL'AMBITO DELLA PRESENTE PROCEDURA ,7 +generally reached whereby the voltage variation at ,3 +for cut and broken wire strands.,3 +command an autopilot to fly that heading. ,9 +The verification of the balances of these facilities remains a ,9 +implementation of the tasks for the approval of the project manager. The programme shall ,3 +"for measures for the promotion of inland waters fishery, and thereby to develop ",3 +backgrounds concerning X-ray examination. ,3 +higher MEA after passing a point beyond which the higher MEA applies. The same protected enroute area vertical ,3 +when the pilot is purposefully operating in the vicinity of ,9 +Other types of machines and options not included in the Contract are not allowed in the ,9 +if the wires are moving down in the pilot’s field of vision (as ,9 +extension of the gear to prevent impact damage.,9 +Perform follow-up procedures IAW WP 0005 00. ,3 +"box with the frequencies, TACAN channel numbers, identification letters, or Morse Code Identifications of the different ",9 +having funds in their hands for disbursement shall deposit them only with such,9 +to 0.128-inch thickness. The most common method of ,9 +A constant-rate descent has many safety advantages over ,9 +Single Row Stitching ¼-IN. Seam ,6 +Time Zones ,7 +"research, rulemaking, and regulatory actions, certifications, licensing, and permitting. ",9 +float bows underwater and capsizing the seaplane.,9 +Retreating blade.,9 +That the Secretary shall publish via notice in the Federal Register ,9 +emissions,9 +Primary Sludge Pumping Station,7 +次に掲げるいずれの場合にも該当しないときに限る。)。,3 +Sky Condition.,3 +"decision-making, ADM enhances the process to decrease ",9 +which includes,3 +"contracting authority consider necessary, as well as residence permits for their families. ",3 +http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2020/168 ,9 +ii.non-final judgments or non-final administrative decisions which may ,6 + Collision Avoidance,7 +"separate group of numbers, separated by a “V,” will indicate the extremes of the wind ",3 +"ruler, and hot knife",3 +[74-14; 477-2 (,9 +"the following cases; provided, however, that this is not limited to the goods ",3 +"for structural repair applications, but could be used for non-",9 +General requirements ,7 +farther out from the nucleus. This third shell is filled with ,9 +An analog signal displayed on an oscilloscope is a ,0 +палаточных,9 +"Thus, preparation for the landing must in- ",9 +shown that atmospheric turbulence hastens wake,9 +not necessary to operate the engine prior to accomplishing ,9 +of the contract,9 +ground and may be either conventional or tricycle.,9 +content. For the “objective” elements such as,9 +Types of Friction ,7 +Inspection Process,7 +"many areas. These drugs lower blood pressure, reduce mental ",9 +highway comprising— ,9 +"stops can be made from tubing, fiber rod, or hard rubber.",9 +specification for parachute ,9 +Regulation 19(1)(a) ,7 +вставшим на учет,9 +particularly alert for NOTAMs which could affect,9 +judgement to ensure that references are pertinent and precise. ,3 +"low temperatures of high altitudes, it is imperative that the ",9 +“section 36 consent” means the consent granted by the Secretary of State pursuant to section ,9 +Ground Access Vehicles ,7 +"analogie aux dispositions prévues par le Règlement Financier (Règlement (UE, EURATOM) ",9 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +"Additionally, some aircraft are steered by differential braking. ",9 +Catching Errors: Using the FMS Flight Planning ,7 +Fuel Pressurizing and Dump Valves,7 +Using Proper Radio Procedures ,7 +simply lower the helicopter to the surface. If the nose of the ,9 +TSA aviation security program information) or are,9 +35.04.03 Агрохимия,9 +opening into the main metering system or the carburetor ,9 +Obtaining Assistance from the FAA ,7 +"of, any superior authority in the Constabulary with intent to usurp, subvert, or",9 +E-invoicing ,7 +obstructions or other aircraft are in the immediate vicinity. ,9 +probably be more complex.,9 +"Der Versand der Vordrucke an die Zulassungsbehörden muss so erfolgen, dass jederzeit eine",3 +"divergence. In addition, various methods of ",9 +procedure turn is not authorized. Pilots should contact the ,9 +einem genehmigten Typ nach Absatz 1 nicht entspricht oder eine Einzelgenehmigung nach Absatz 1 nicht,3 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +multilaterale,9 +dans le texte) sont ,9 +"(5 points, minimum threshold 50% = 2.5 points)",3 +II.13.10 Visibility of Centre funding and disclaimer ,7 +Carriage. ,9 +The Maintenance part: ,7 +combustion chamber. The maximum flame ,9 +See single-pilot resource management.,9 +Exhibition,9 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +MOVEMENT CONTROLS ,7 +PRM procedures are the most efficient method of increasing ,9 +prestations sur site et il informera le Secrétariat en cas de changement de celui-ci en cours de ,9 +Chapter Summary ,7 +"and Industry No. 9 of February 15, 1984] ",7 +emission source(s). ,3 +"When current is drawn through the conductor, heat is ",3 +"Schedule No 8: Roads, Landscaping and Fences",7 +1500 Ft. Altitude. ,3 +Wind Direction Indicators ,7 +Contracting Authority ,7 +The Program Management Organization’s process for approving vendor-submitted ,3 +Invitations ,7 +II.17. SUSPENSION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FWC ,7 +Niederlausitz,8 +Pilots System (TWIP).,7 +graph a(1) must be filed only as requested by an,9 +not rely solely on the rotating beacon as an indication,9 +determine the effect of ,9 +the propeller blade angle to be increased to maintain the ,9 +Overall management and drafting of a social media communication plan ,9 +surface with standing water deeper than the tread depth of ,9 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 157 of June 10, 1960]",7 +of the time.,9 +system be capable of supplying a high heat intensity spark. ,9 +Direct Service Changes ,7 +before swaging. Then apply ,6 +"e — If you require advice on problem debt, including rent arrears, you can contact a professional debt advice",3 +C129() in the initial portion of the missed,9 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +"and a course reversal is required, this type turn must",9 +Deployment Types,7 + The contracting authority and the European Anti-,3 +"distance of 18 NM from the antenna to an altitude of 4,500 ",9 +Abschnitt B Nr. 2.1 ,3 +"ward. When the helicopter is banked, the rotor disc is",9 +the bight. ,0 +indicated by a symbol ,9 +"sensory precoding is recognition of a fire alarm. No matter what is happening at the time, when the sensory register detects a fire ",9 +throughout the U.S. Although they may be several,9 +10.11.Haftung ,7 +Leveling Off,7 +"Directions, 4",9 +"dadurch die öffentliche Sicherheit oder Ordnung, insbesondere die Sicherheit des Luftverkehrs und seine flüssige",9 +"Phonetic Alphabet, 4",9 +Gliders are generally equipped with simple flaps and these ,9 +"procurement documents and, where appropriate, waiver of the tenderer's own general or ",9 +12th February 2020 ,9 +total drag are obtained at a speed of 160 knots. ,9 +"disablement, and ",3 +each task in view of the proposed task objective and to the project as a whole; ,3 +"One horsepower equals 550 foot-pounds per second, or ",9 +Koordinierung mit dem Auftraggeber,8 +advantage,9 +two different directions (clockwise or counter-clockwise ,9 +“the Winslow Station works” means works at Winslow Station permitted by a grant of ,9 +"methods used to conduct the evaluation, summary of findings, discussion, ",8 +Defining the System / NAS Change ,7 + to whom the criterion applies individually. ,9 +Ftgure 7.33. Staff Patterns (sheet 6 of 8) ,0 +In what environment will the system or NAS change operate?,3 +I.4. PREIS ,7 +"oder nicht mehr vorliegen. Der Halter darf die Inbetriebnahme eines Fahrzeugs nicht anordnen oder zulassen,",9 +Accounting Standard 16. ,9 +ROUTINE FENCE MAINTENANCE AND PICKET PATROLS ,7 +The collective pitch control is located on the left side of the ,9 +cyclic. The throttle may be decreased as well if it is not ,9 + in the tender documentation per award criterion ,3 +" A Part 121, 125, or 135",9 +"Pulsating Visual Approach Slope Indicator, 2",9 +. — Rents and profits from,3 +Top. The Pop-Top closes use adjustable closing loops that ,9 + or the machine-to-machine connection is ,3 +Section 5. Pilot/Controller Roles and Responsibilities,7 +"File and are on an active flight plan (IFR,",9 +Overall management,7 +"personnel. If possible, include a clear description of",9 +Operational Errors,7 +"List of components indicating manufacture, type, component numbers, ordering numbers, ",3 +promoted by the chief of police to a position in the second class. ,9 +and aids in prevention of overshooting the desired takeoff ,9 +Not radar identified,7 +Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11A) Addendum: ,7 +alignment. ,9 +human body in such a way as using a remote controller or forceps; ,3 +"Once the actual process of rounding out is started, do not ",9 +‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A master file under this section may ,9 +copies de ceux-ci; ,3 +Vorbemerkungen ,7 +Aborted Landings,7 +starter. An accumulator is any device that stores a reserve ,9 +Amendments to the Wassenaar Arrangement munitions list were most recently agreed in ,9 +II.13.1. Ownership of the rights in the results ,7 +aft panel can be reached from the aft door. ,9 +Normes de qualité ,7 +certification is based on an approved S-LSA airplane.,3 +This function of a control system is designed to ensure all ,9 +Cornice Brake,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 500 of December 26, 1952] ",7 +〔昭和三十四年九月一日政令第二百八十四号〕,7 +Abschnitt III,7 +the predetermined levels for inclement versus good,9 +Items Requiring AOV Approval ,3 +I.6.5. Trattenuta di garanzia ,7 +capable of communicating with ATC on appropriate,9 +"recognisable manner, the contractor must obtain a statement by these persons (or, in the case of ",9 +Level and 1500 ft. Altitude. See pages 63 & 64 ,3 +SEC. 403. STRATEGIC NATIONAL STOCKPILE. ,7 +"The wing and center section assembly for condition, ",3 +[2224-6.],9 + Shipment from the place of production of the Goods or the (sub-)Contractor’s locations to the front door of the place of ,1 +Safety and Security Issue Reporting ,3 +"engine change, or excessive throttle stagger.",9 +important. If a receiver’s Automatic Gain Control or,9 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +"and Industry No. 67 of November 5, 1987] ",7 +I.4.3. Reimbursement of expenses ,7 +may coordinate with ATC and elect to continue,9 +"capacity. In this kind of complex environment, it takes effort to foresee and manage ",9 +"Chief Safety Engineer, if necessary (particularly if extensive documentation tailoring is planned).",9 +(Use with safety analyses with unacceptable [high] predicted residual risk) (1) (2) (3) ,7 +Regulatory supervision to validate the development of a defined system and verify ,9 +"content. For the objective elements, such as pressure, ",9 +plowing position. If the nose is held only slightly,9 +The turbofan engine produces thrust directly; the turboprop ,9 +acting on,9 +Die Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I wird nach den Vorgaben der Anlage 5 ausgefertigt. Sie ist mit einer,9 +Economic operators must submit requests to participate and tenders exclusively by email to ,9 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +〔昭和五十五年五月二十六日政令第百三十八号〕〔抄〕,7 +"from the actual heading; therefore, the method ",3 +downwind side of the parachute to strike the ground. ,9 +"fluctuate near zero. In such conditions, the average of the ",9 +the minimum recommended time between scuba diving on ,9 +Option 2: replacement tape method. With this ,3 +国家对公共通信和信息服务、能源、交通、水利、金融、公共服务、,9 +"fabric, applying a wet bed of cement, and pressing the fabric ",9 +the canopy in a tubular chamber and compressing it with ,9 +the reservation may be extended on an annual basis ,9 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +of the European Union (OJEU) ,8 +Temperature Correction,7 +The specific contract or order form will set out the specific conditions for performing the ,9 +Stagnant Hypoxia,7 +Invitation to tender OJ/2021/DPR/12924 ,1 +capability than their landplane counterparts.,9 +Livestock raising,3 +height of a,9 +compartments.,9 +I.6.4. Garanzia di esecuzione ,7 +"Whereas Congress enacted the Act of July 29, 1958 (commonly ",3 +OFF-AIRPORT LANDING SITES,7 +"Für den Auftraggeber gilt eine Frist von 30 Tagen nach Eingang der Rechnung, um die ",9 +Manual Descent Calculations,7 +guide. It should be understood that they do not have general ,9 +bound by its contractual obligations and is solely responsible for the ,3 +own staff or by any outside body authorised to do so on its behalf.,3 + An indication of signal strength ,9 +producing a commitment letter in the model attached in ,9 +area the offence is alleged to have been committed (“the relevant local authority”),3 +generating aircraft. (See FIG 7,9 +Incorrect reducer (fast drying) being used.,3 +Pilots are expected to maintain a speed of plus or ,9 +of pesticides,3 +"Contractant,",7 +lance facility. The currently deployed SBA system is ,9 +entitled to demand and receive for purposes of such investigations or autopsies the,9 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 +The TAA provides a transition from the en,9 +functions of the office of Vice,9 +Drinking water ,7 +Flight Information Publication Policy,7 +Internet) ,9 +"be entitled to claim in addition to sums owed to it for work already performed, an ",3 +aircraft not having specific RNP eligibility state-,9 +"straps or reserve ripcord housings. If necessary, draw ",3 +pilots’ jobs safer and more efficient. Available in booklets by ,9 +suppression to prevent interference. This involves separating ,9 +"ISO standards are published in Geneva by the International Organisation for Standardisation, and are available on their ",1 +§ 18 Fahrten im internationalen Verkehr,7 +"with a snap, disconnect the “V” ring from the snap. ",3 +"Fold left stabilizer panels, then right stabilizer panels over slider. ",3 +Evaluation phase (after the opening of tenders) ,7 +performed by the holding company over certain subsidiaries as ,9 +法第十五条の三第二項の規定による医療機器又は医学的処置若しくは手術,3 +Termination by either party: ,7 +at home; excluding those where the water suction port and jetting port are ,3 +* Chemical dosing pipe systems ,3 +Quality requirements,7 +requirements of that airspace. ,9 +$^{4}$ this article will be included if the terms of payment are different from the ones listed in the Agreement.,1 +"initial heading to be flown, obtains pilot’s concur-",9 +Air Mass Thunderstorms,7 +at a pressure well above atmospheric. This results in better ,9 +glide slope will see red lights over white lights.,9 +診療用放射性同位元素使用室、陽電子断層撮影診療用放射性同位元素使用室、貯,3 +Fuel Storage Tanks ,7 +"‘‘(B) submit to the Committee on Health, Education, ",9 +Aufgaben und Verpflichtungen,7 +Situation (b) above (breach in payment of taxes or social security contributions) ,6 +judges of the Court of First Instance of the Ninth Judicial District to be thereunto,9 +NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES ,7 +Visual to Airport” segment.,9 +See Fig. III for dynamic lift ,9 +OPERATING ,9 +The cross-sectional dimensions of the pile shall not be less than those proposed by the Contractor nor ,9 +DEVELOPMENT ,7 +"of experience, and as pilots continued to log accident-free ",9 +all other factors that affect combustion.,9 +Chapter 22—Gyroplane Aeronautical Decision,7 +Requirements and Characteristics of ,7 +"the notice of appeal and any accompanying written submissions, and ",3 + SSAR ,3 +with hand tacking.,3 +"Printed and published in the UK by The Stationery Office Limited under the authority and superintendence of Jeff James, ",9 +特定臨床研究の実施件数を維持し、当該維持された実施件数を増加させるよう,3 +to continue flying just above the runway as forward speed ,9 +II.19.2. Fatturazione elettronica ,7 +projects ,9 +sections 78 to 85E(,9 +Fuselage. ,9 +members of the county council for the time being for the West Northamptonshire electoral ,9 +oil-gas mixture to dilute the oil with gasoline.,3 +(vi) publications to be used by the National Diet Library for the purpose of ,3 +"The Chart Supplement U.S., the Chart",9 +"of the Export Trade Control Order with respect to export of goods to Iran, ",3 +Check Valves,7 +avoid such traffic. The vector will be provided to the extent,9 +project manager. ,3 +portray the main speakers/guests in professional though original settings. ,3 +activities take place in the “time-critical” timeframe for ,9 +Low-Wing Twin,7 +and award criteria are assessed in compliance with the terms and conditions specified in ,9 +Minimum vectoring altitude (MVA).,9 +Bank Control,7 +Fiberglass Molded Mat Repairs,7 +"services is voluntary; however, pilots operating under VFR ",9 +or induced power required predominates in ,9 +", That not less than $866,000,000 of ",9 +"""Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this _________",9 +"Fait à Bruxelles, le 8 février 2017",9 +"Typically, the operating limitations issued to these aircraft ",9 +The filters generally discussed are used as main oil filters; ,9 +Square reserve side pack,3 +CORDON FENCES ,7 +TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-$_{ }$,7 +origin point of the lateral splay for the angular portion,9 +GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ,7 +"in paragraph (6), for “£5,000” substitute “£450”. ",3 +coatings (dried less than 6 hours).,3 +II.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority,7 +therefore relieving traffic and congestion in the corridor and reducing transit time. It will also lower ,9 +typical effects on an airfoil section are as ,9 +The contracting authority must not request a retention money guarantee where it has requested ,9 +Pack round reserve with vertical full stow diaper,3 +"confusion, dizziness, headaches, nausea, and vision problems. ",9 +"to drift to the right, so the track falls to the right of the desired ",9 +PIA-TS-108.1,7 +"Construction and maintenance of new, altered or diverted highways ",3 +Available resources,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 420 of December 20, 1995]",7 +Install the replacement housings into their respective ,3 +"directional Beacon (NDB), or",9 +the regulators to ensure the adjusting screws are turned ,9 +Operational Policy/Procedures for Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) in the,4 +Lockbolt Inspection,7 +(iii) the undertaker’s entry onto it; or ,3 +Autopilot Systems (APs) provide for “hands off” ,3 +8 февраля 2021г. № 84,9 +DEVELOPMENT ,7 +VAT are fulfilled. Reception of ,3 +"clear the obstacle! Next, consider how the obstacle affects the ",9 +crimping tool (optional),3 +な措置を講ずるよう努めるものとする。,3 +OFF-AIRPORT LANDING SITES,7 +other liens of every kind and nature whatsoever,9 +§ 21 Vorschläge für die Besetzung der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +. — Upon registration of a,9 +Evaluation phase (after the opening of tenders) ,7 +"In this regulation, “responsible officer” means a person in the service of the Crown or ",9 +Tourism is one of the few sectors where the EU has a trade surplus with China (around EUR 4 ,9 +Tender Specifications ,7 +Learning Is a Result of Experience ,7 +международными,9 +"social media policy and strategy (if applicable), for the promotion on one specific topic/project (as for ",9 +Concerning [,7 +with turbosuperchargers must use shrouded nozzles. By the ,9 +ated NAVAID frequency.,9 +"depart VFR, but you need to get an IFR clearance shortly ",9 +Legal effects of the invitation to tender and submission of a request to ,7 +"packaging, transport, shipping (including export shipping), storage and insurance services in ",6 +O-OU Landshut,8 +Figure 8-14. ,0 +oriented north/south,6 +plunger and very slowly remove your hand from under the weight to allow the weight to be slowly ,3 +Collective,6 +accordance with Schedule 18. ,9 +" or subcontractors, as well as in ",3 +Terminal Arrival Area (TAA),7 +Converging duct.,9 +Can-annular combustor.,9 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +to P76.88 million in the year under review. Significant increases ,9 +The learner needs to be prompted to identify risks and make decisions. ,3 +"In most cases, restitching the rib to the top and bottom ",3 +"such as Chinese, Japanese or Arabic). ",9 +エックス線装置は、次に掲げる障害防止の方法を講じたものでなければなら,3 +valve moves the sharp point either into or out of a small ,9 +"do not wear seat belts outside the norm, but this group ",9 +(Signature.),9 +THE SCHEDULE TO THE SCHEME ,7 +滅菌消毒作業室は、受託業務を適切に行うことができる十分な広さ及び構造を有,3 +⦁ $_{single-engine aircraft or over terrain higher than the single-engine service ceiling of a multiengine aircraft }$,3 +Cylinder Compression Stroke—Piston Moving Up,7 +measured this way.,9 +"election, he shall be incompetent to act with the",9 +". As the balloon approaches the wires, the pilot ",9 +authority. ,9 +certificated private pilot was not injured. The private pilot ,9 +"of approximately 10""Hg at engine speeds above 1,000 rpm ",9 +Anlage 3 (zu § 1 Abs. 2),7 +of the propeller hub that does not allow the propeller blades ,9 +"The FAA has a voluntary pilot safety program,",9 +or withdraw it and replace it with a,9 +CI-lt\PTER I,7 +normal combustion values and ,9 +- 14 Grundwassermessstellen,3 +Flight Inspection/‘Flight Check’,7 +environment,9 +the force resisting control tab and aileron movement becomes ,9 +increase in power setting can cause a rate of ,9 +the helicopter’s unique capabilities to fly and land in more ,9 +ramp is used for access to the apron from the water. ,9 +subsection (4)(,9 +The criterion is applied to:,7 +protection,9 +"for the erection, preservation, or removal of mo",9 +Section 11B was inserted by section 187(2) of the Housing and Planning Act 2016. ,1 +", be they created by the contractor or consisting of ",9 +Wing Blowing Over After Touchdown,7 +"If indicated in the request for services, the contractor shall send the invitations by email, ",3 +Many states now have laws prohibiting people from fi lling ,9 +"the provisions of Article 6, Article 7, paragraph (2), Articles 8 through 10, and ",3 + Centrifugal compressors have a high pressure ,9 +This Certificate of Waiver (CoW) does not waive any state law or local ordinance. Should the ,9 +obligations once finished providing,9 +Landing—Stuck Left Pedal,7 +Variation of the Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +Sensing Element,7 +"§ 10 Angestellte, Arbeiter und Auszubildende",7 +"For this reason, ",9 +A pilot in any ,9 +"ist sicherzustellen, dass nicht nur die von der Bundesdruckerei angelieferten Vordrucke, sondern",3 +risers attached to the main harness using a three-ring release system. A single-point release can be ,3 +Spezifikationen,9 +Organisation of the work [,3 +a lightweight oil to lubricate and seal the unit. The oil is ,9 +Translational Lift,7 +Safety and Security Issue Reporting ,7 +Decision-Making ,7 +"the aircraft’s engine(s), although it does use fuel from ",9 +Cold cylinder indicator. ,0 +LSA owners and operators.,9 +"The authority of the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry pursuant to ",3 +3-ring release housings,3 +Identify Post-Implementation Review Safety Requirements ,7 +lective pitch is raised due to the reduction in rotor,9 +регистрационный № 12085);,9 +"percent is life sustaining atmospheric oxygen. At sea level, ",9 +Standard atmospheric density. ,9 +§ 1 Beschränkung des ordentlichen Holzeinschlags,7 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +"(EU funded projects, academic ",3 +aircraft within Class B airspace unless:,9 +"According to our market research, majority of manufacturers produce systems in ",8 +"is slowed down, but not to a subsonic speed, and its static ",9 +§ 1 Beschränkung des ordentlichen Holzeinschlags,7 +"landing when a constant-rate descent is used. Additionally, ",9 +"the Agreement, including any renewals pursuant to Article 3.4. ",3 +backgrounds concerning X-ray examination. ,3 +〔昭和四十八年四月二十七日政令第百十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +—direct inward dial ,9 +Chapter I General Provisions ,7 +"time that starts automatically upon takeoff, a stop watch, and ",9 +"is reached, reduce power to the normal cruise power",9 +Permeability. ,9 +No multiengine airplane is approved for flight into severe ,9 +§ 33 Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter,7 +⦁ $_{Recognition and rewards for group success }$,3 +"localizer course, the assumption is sometimes made ",3 +Abschnitt 5,7 +assembly to be removed for replacement.,9 +"stronger signals, transmit longer, and are monitored by the ",9 +утвержденного приказом Министерства науки и высшего образования,9 +suitability of people to adopt a child and the suitability of children to be adopted. They remove the ,9 +Abwasserstationsanlage,7 +RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION,7 +by 120°. ,9 +keep in mind that the risks of night flying are different than ,9 +Hard Landing,7 +allows for the controlled release of hot air. It is covered by ,9 +"coordinates, degree-distance fixes, or offsets from established ",9 +VFR Over-The-Top,7 +"le premier pour les travaux de conduite/inspection, de maintenance préventive, ",3 +Industrial Wind Erosion ,1 +"If the Tenderer is a legal person, information on the natural persons with power of representation, ",9 +engine start.,9 +everyone in the group to participate. ,9 +"Nettoerträge aus dem Außenhandelsgeschäft,",3 +"cylinders or as structural stops; the other, at the flight deck ",9 +Description of the technical and organisational security measures implemented by the data ,7 +participation containing information on participants in an electronic format (MS Excel and/or ,3 +and in other available models and put it to good use. ,9 +"management, not risk elimination. While a pilot may feel ",9 + A device for determining direction ,9 +"Judicial Power, Embracing Courts of Superior Jurisdiction, Justices of the Peace,",7 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +. The contractor must immediately take action to ,3 +Communications ,7 +La personne susmentionnée est susceptible d'être rejetée de la présente procédure et ,7 +образовательного,9 +Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of International Trade ,7 +have one (or three) electrons. ,0 +identifying needs for further monitoring data in this area. This will need to be considered ,3 +the full ownership of a specific product or service can transition from one contractor ,3 +"the range of movement of the control surface, the controls ",9 +the public;,3 +Contract is,3 +Verkehrssicherheit durch Weiterbildung,3 +Turbine Engine Bleed Air,7 +"aircraft, usually at a constant power setting, resulting ",9 +Rascagoula ,6 +eingereicht,9 +by the WAAS LPV (Localizer Performance with,9 +"the endpoints,",9 +Transitional provision ,7 +II.7. CONFLICT ,7 +oder Fischereierzeugnissen auf jeder Handelsstufe - ausgenommen im Falle der Abgabe an den,3 +stylesheets) and STX (Stream Transformation XML) transformations. ,9 +stack diameter and stack height above ground; ,3 +http://bookstore.gpo.gov,9 +accordance with this waiver. ,3 +"rotate the blade to a low-pitch angle. As the propeller rotates, ",9 +CALL FOR TENDERS ,9 +133 STAT. 880 ,5 +"internal auditor, or any other check, audit or control performed under ",6 +Out equipment.,9 +Selection of a ground reference where there is no,3 +"connection with alleged breach of intellectual property rights, the contractor will be liable for the whole ",9 +"Ausweisdokumentes sowie, soweit angegeben, die E-Mail-Adresse,",3 +DOWNWASH FLOW FIELD 8EHlNO A SWEPT TAPERED ,7 +Appendice 4 de l'Annexe VII ,5 +national and EU/EEA ,8 +" A sudden, drastic shift in wind speed, direction, ",9 +The direction ,9 +Relief Hole Location,7 +values shall be,9 +"and Industry No. 25 of May 30, 1986] ",7 +Travaux d'adaptation,7 +FAA Guidance ,7 +Specific objectives: ,7 +"clothing, food, and water issues. The pilot should make every ",9 +Flaggenzertifikat erteilt ist;,3 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +(FSDO) well in advance of the event.,9 +Figure 8-32. ,0 +forecasts,9 +activities are the following at present: ,3 +(This note is not part of the Regulations) ,9 +authority to have recourse against the principal debtor (the contractor). ,3 +FINAL APPROACH-IFR- The flight path of an ,9 +"manuals (AFM) explicitly prohibit using the moving map, ",9 +each preflight and rechecked with each refueling. Four-,9 +are for a characteristic propeller powerplant ,9 +caused by one or a combination of the fol- ,9 +and hybrid events) ,7 +Abschnitt A Nr. 2.3 ,3 +Botswana Housing Corporation ,7 +requested to use these frequencies strictly for,9 +Renewal of the FWC,7 +Northerly Turning Errors,7 +Stage 2 should be isolated by an appropriate material/construction assuring the isolation until ,9 +Directional gyro,6 +meets other criteria. ,9 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +the stacking process by hand. This usually means tak-,9 +II.10 SUBCONTRACTING ,7 + The force in curvilinear motion acting ,9 +§ 7 Teil 1 der Abschlussprüfung,7 +"increases the fuel flow at high power, the power enrichment ",9 +the elimination of close in obstacles in the early part,9 +overnment of its title to the property in question,9 +generated by the passage of current through the line. If the ,9 +Tracking With VOR ,7 +eines medizinisch-psychologischen Gutachtens nachzuweisen.,9 +Minimum requirements for the organisation of awareness-raising support to ,7 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 2 ",7 +Begutachtungsstelle für Fahreignung,3 +Lockbolt Inspection,7 +probable total connected electrical load can exceed the output ,9 +must assist,3 +Understanding Communication on a Common Frequency ,7 +"of a strategic plan, which could serve as a blue print of the DVS commitment to ",9 +d'exclusion ,9 +essary measures to ensure: ,3 +“electronic communications code operator” means a person in whose case the electronic ,9 +Wind component ,6 +[COMPANY NAME] ,7 +Aeronautical Information Manual will not contain,9 +may be weak or strong depending on the properties of the ,9 +a hyphen (-) is no longer used in U.S. registration ,9 +"European Maritime Safety Agency, Invoice Registration (IR), Unit A.2 – Legal and Financial Affairs, Praça Europa 4, 1249-206 LISBOA, Portugal ",9 +"other factors remain constant, the induced ",9 +"also used to make certain that the gas valves are closed, ",9 +Emergency Procedures,7 +Overvoltage Protection,7 +"d’autre part, il s’agisse uniquement d’opérations de maintenance préventive ou curative ",9 +"controversy shall be decided by the provincial board, from whose",3 +deliverable,9 +"shall be those pertaining to the matter set forth in Article 70-17, item (vi) of ",3 +contractor,9 +Landing Gear Safety Devices,7 +These large variations in inlet flow ,9 +orderly manner and to take the remains of the deceased into churches or other,9 +". — For services not required by law to be rendered without charge, for",9 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +and pressures at various altitudes in the atmosphere. ,9 +delivering terminal weather information to the,9 +(ii) the reason for appointment. ,3 +victims’ payments. ,3 +computers have two transistors that alternate being in the ,9 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +delivery of each Assignment in case of classroom training; ,3 +—drop and insert point ,9 +FischDNKVtrG,9 +pressurization of the aircraft cabin. They open at a preset ,9 +Photographer………………………………………………………………………………………….21 ,8 +Facilities for Contractor's Personnel ,7 +still exist and result in a procedure not being available. For,9 +"""Frequenzgebührenverordnung vom 21. Mai 1997 (BGBl. I S. 1226), die zuletzt durch Artikel 1 der Verordnung",9 +within its scope and are not excluded by any of its provisions; for the sake of this ,3 +is normal. Pump capacity and pump size vary in different ,9 +contractor must replace any ,3 +"Article 1 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1998. ",9 +withdrawal) ,3 +Security requirements for ECHA,7 +pouvoir adjudicateur de ,7 +"the runway,",9 +to make available (any part of) the tender to its staff and the staff of other Union ,3 +AIRCRAFT.,9 +CFR part 139 certificated airport condition changes ,3 +"the increased back cyclic control pressure, which",9 +und Werkzeuge des Auftragnehmers. Die Ausfuhr ist rechtzeitig (mind. 4 Std. im Voraus) ,9 +I.2. SUBJECT MATTER ,7 +Quality requirements,7 +"Arayat, Candaba, Mabalacat, Magalan, ",9 +"to set up, and the altitude gain for the glider is just a fraction ",9 +dual purpose IF/IAF serves as an IAF during the entry,9 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +"NAVAIDs, such as VORTACs and tactical air navigation ",9 +Please print/upload,7 +possible as determined by the controller provided the,9 +Navigational and Procedural Information (Continued),7 +Position Orientation. ,7 + If the contractor is composed of two or more economic operators (i.e. who submitted a ,3 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +"mail and are to be used by the receivers for private purposes, or similar ",9 +guidance in fulfilling the PO's SRM obligations for the anticipated AMS milestone. The AJI ,9 +"Unternehmen verfügt über die volle Autorität, die Gruppe und ihre einzelnen Mitglieder während ",9 +respect of both fees and expenses shall not exceed EUR [,3 +承揽人交付的工作成果不符合质量要求的,定作人可以要求,9 +This translates as occasional lightning in the clouds,3 +"representative, ",3 +‘‘(C) A position— ,9 +Airworthiness Representatives: Amateur-Built ,3 +"to protect the insulation from too much heat, the ",3 +Schlußformel ,7 +Eingangsformel ,7 +safe landing at a MON airport or another suitable,9 +inspection body pertaining to the Special Specified Products listed in the left ,3 +dies erfordert. Die Leichenöffnung und die Ausgrabung einer beerdigten Leiche werden vom Richter beim,9 +"propeller, and each rotor.",3 +Open angle.,9 +"on an appeal under Rule 58A(4), any person to whom a notification is given under ",3 +"inaccuracy,",9 +"in the kW scale. Currently, JRC.C.1 has capability to perform electrolysis testing on single ",9 +"to Corps of Engineers projects, caused by natural disasters, ",9 +"balloons are also equipped with turning vents, which allow ",9 +contains a wealth of information that should be used when ,9 +nicht innerhalb von zwei Wochen seit Zustellung des die Erledigungserklärung enthaltenden Schriftsatzes,9 +Brief description of the required services/ supplies ,7 +Mounting a tube type tire with the tube valve stem ,0 +susmentionnée,7 +"the contracting authority. In such cases, the contractor must provide the contracting ",3 +"P20.21 million, compared to P27.20 million (2015/2016: P6.99 ",9 +particles in suspension and allows the filter to trap them as the ,9 +"acceptance of notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, ",3 +"limitation relocation, diversion, decommissioning, construction and maintenance of apparatus or ",9 +の改正規定並びに別表第七の改正規定,3 +"Doppler, 1",9 +"In this context, EFSA is seeking the support of a contractor for scientific data management ",9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 18 of 18 ",7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 163 of June 20, 1960] ",7 +Spring-Back,7 +shock absorbing devices for leaks and fluid levels; ,3 +Pilot RVSM Operating Practices and,7 +service and that ATC may not always be able to issue ,3 +can be placed on a Schweizer type tow hitch (with the great ,9 +§ 33 Übermittlung von Daten an das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt,7 +(Name and address of contractor) ,6 +Runway Markings,7 +登録分析機関は、事故等分析事業の全部又は一部を休止し、又は廃止し,3 +left rudder.,6 +binding tape is left undamaged and sewn back in ,3 +aufgeh. durch Art. 4 Abs. 100 G v. 18.7.2016 I 1666 mWv 1.10.2021,7 +Zweites Ausbildungsjahr,7 +and the inner tube is welded to it around the circumference ,9 +"(Technology That Is Especially Likely to Be Used for the Development, etc. of ",3 +"Cedergreen N, Hardy A, Laskowski R, Leblanc JC, Kortenkamp A, Ragas A, Posthuma L, Svendsen C, Solecki R, Testai E, ",1 +MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ,7 +other contractual documents or in the tender specifications. The contractor must provide such ,9 +the length between overhauls.,9 +RESERVE RIPCORD HOUSING ,7 +"Fahrer/Beifahrer, Fahrzeug",7 +"on a compulsory acquisition under this Order of that land, but taking into account only the extent ",9 +Outlet port,6 +making or manufacturing of cloth on a loom by interlacing ,9 +the aircraft is moving. When an aircraft is flying ,3 +MAP-TRAFFICMAP,6 +sufficient to address ISPD requirements and development of T&E requirements for any proposal ,9 +A fuselage design made up of supporting structural ,9 +Cylinder Start of Compression Stroke—Piston ,7 +"Recommendations for changes in hardware, software, or procedures to achieve an ",3 +continuous assessment and evaluation of the impact of chosen ,9 +to the accident.,9 +clearance prior to entering Class B airspace and must,9 +– MOTIVI DI RIGETTO NELL'AMBITO DELLA PRESENTE PROCEDURA ,7 +Schweizer tow ring and a Tost tow ring. ,0 +BY PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY VOLUNTEERS. ,7 +Bauvorhaben …………………………………………,7 +"FIGURE 4-1. SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF WAIVER J550, BANNER TOWING ",7 +Lesson Plans,7 +Rotor Configurations,7 +or a declaration ,3 +Shear strength—41 KSI,6 +consult Canadian,8 +"arrival in England, a United Kingdom Government Department has provided written ",3 +Допускается использование иных специальных закрытых конструкций для,9 +Retained apparatus: protection ,7 +ADDRESS OF BANK BRANCH,7 +binding tape with new. Stitch down the loose end of ,3 +Panel factory test ,7 +II.7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND PROFESSIONAL CONFLICTING ,7 +"621 856 618,15 Euro",9 +landing sites located in sparsely populated areas. To,9 +advance in one revolution if it were moving along a helix of ,3 +Detailed preflight planning must be a vital part of Gayle’s ,6 +communication ability. Frequently associated with pilot ,9 +II.5.1. Form and means of communication ,7 +(医療事故調査等支援団体による協議会の組織),9 +Rotary Actuators.................................................12-34,8 +under the other categories and the candidate/tenderer will be informed of the ground for ,9 +BACK SIDE,6 +Figure 10-90. ,0 +"When any settled account appears to be infected with fraud, collusion, or",9 +〔平成二十九年三月二十三日政令第四十号〕〔抄〕,7 +Contract CC ,5 +"Therefore, in coordinated flight, when the heading indi-",9 +electronic circuits. They used vacuum tubes that functioned ,9 +audit firms based in an EU member state),3 +"the airplane. It is important, then, to hold the correct attitude ",9 + stipulate ,3 +"Capo di Dipartimento R.I, Direzione R ",6 +Koordinators Folge zu leisten. Die Verantwortung erstreckt sich auf die Baustelle und die ,9 +notification,3 +The portion of the airfoil where the airflow ,9 +mast. This allows the rotor and fuselage to move together ,9 +the site to be sure a safe departure will be possible.,9 +well-defined basis. ,3 +System Servicing,7 +significant when operating using two pilots. Pilots,9 +of hardened steel with a recess the shape of the rivet head in ,9 +Performance,9 +Minimum capacity level:,7 +: over the years ECHA has developed a quality system that prescribes the ,3 +successor in statutory function; ,9 +Bypass ratio. ,9 +0.1875 hex socket,6 +Moral rights of the authors ,7 +with MEK on the decal and scraping with a plastic scraper. ,9 +—decision height ,9 +a vessel operated by or in support of Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom; ,3 +any place of public ass,9 +"can be released on one end, permitting the formed sheet to ",9 +Account number (IBAN) ,3 +Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families ,9 +§ 4 Ausbildungsrahmenplan,7 +the outside of the turn.,9 +Vacuum Tubes,7 +",-VELOCITY ",6 +keinen Schutz verlangen.,3 +"insulator; but if it is exposed to a fire, the thermistor changes ",9 +The stop end must be sewn and oriented correctly.,3 +§ 2a Durchführung des Lehrgangs Fahrschulbetriebswirtschaft,7 +dispersion,9 +及び栄養塩類の海への円滑な流入による海洋水産資源の保全に資することに鑑み、内,3 +resulting in towering cumulus or thunderstorm activity. ,9 +CRUISING ALTITUDE- An altitude or flight level ,9 +"semicircle, so that the wind correction angle is removed ",9 +[Figure 7-14],9 +The pilot should become familiar with the relationship ,9 +development) of this Order; ,9 +Les documents de mise en concurrence sont établis par le contractant sur base des ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 420 of December 20, 1995]",7 +MARKING REQUIREMENTS:,7 +"In practice, the hosting of the platform and websites will arranged by the European ",9 +"phenomenon (+TSRA BR). First, the qualifiers of intensity, proximity, and the descriptor of the ",3 +Anlage 2 (zu § 1 Abs. 1 Forstsaat-Herkunftsgebietsverordnung),7 +Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZ) land and ,3 +in accordance with the requirements set by the ,9 +gaps in public health preparedness and response related ,9 +"Article 30-27-2 The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall request the ",3 +hover. Continued acceleration causes an even larger increase ,9 +Amendment of the Regulated Activities Order ,7 +Rischi per la Salute e la Sicurezza dei Lavoratori ,7 +mechanic to ensure compliance with the regulation,9 +Excellent knowledge on Data Visualization ,3 +23rd April 2021 ,9 +"diese mit der Nennfüllmenge unter Beachtung des § 3 Absatz 1 und Absatz 3 Satz 1 gekennzeichnet sind,",3 +II.11. AMENDMENTS ,7 +Amendments to the 2012 Regulations ,7 +"an die antragstellende Person aus, sobald nachgewiesen ist, dass die Förderhilfen eine den Bestimmungen",9 +Effective Translational Lift (ETL),7 + These Regulations may be cited as the Civil Aviation (Aerial Advertising) (Amendment) ,9 +Current situation in the sector ,7 +Award phase,9 +ing any other portion of the traffic pattern.,3 +jurisdiction over the location of the head office or principal office of the ,3 +"passenger seat. Therefore, the CG location does not change ",9 +d'équipements,7 +"followed by a number (e.g., A-211) to inform nonparticipating ",9 +Power to deviate ,3 +Example of a Chart Note,0 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 +: exécution de tâches et prestation par le contractant des ,9 +supervises operations related to the implementation of the specified ,3 +Helicopter Flight Manual Limitations ,7 +Start turn,6 +flight reduce ,9 +"percent of the time, the pilot’s attention should be outside the flight deck.",6 +Solenoid air valve,6 +"manufacture, delivery to place of receipt, installation, testing and commissioning; ",3 +In the opinion of the auditors: ,7 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +—(1) The amendments made by regulation 2 do not apply in relation to any supply or offer to ,9 +"Government, whereby any lands, tenements, or other realty sold shall",3 +distant from the opposite shores of the respective municipalities.,3 +Equipment Condition,7 +heaviness and head wind. ,9 +(See FIG 9,9 +exécution de bons ,9 +Variation of the Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +Landing—Stuck Left Pedal,7 +Digital Electronics ,7 ++90 312 201 69 69 ,6 +by an Island person; ,3 +2811(d) (42 U.S.C. 300hh–10(d)) is amended— ,9 +Northerly and southerly turning errors. ,0 +"§ 12 Haushaltsplan, Rechnungslegung",7 +"(ii) the outline of the accident, etc. related to the written accident report ",3 +elevator or stabilator trim can result in a nose low contact ,9 +Salt and Sand Piles ,7 +"Group’s hosting platform and LMS, in case of e-learning courses developed ",3 +"method, the binding tape is destroyed during the ",3 +ou des normes de déontologie de la profession à laquelle appartient un contractant ou une personne ,9 +Introduction,7 +DC. Direct current.,9 +besichtigen; das Grundrecht der Unverletzlichkeit der Wohnung (Artikel 13 Grundgesetz) wird insoweit,3 +authority with the identity of the intended assignee. ,3 +(iii) where the age specified in the classification certificate is less than 15 years but ,3 +propeller,9 +metal through the rolls again. Repeat this procedure until ,9 +Bleeding Master Cylinder Brake Systems,7 +Runway Markings,7 +above TED eTendering website.,9 +THE SCHEDULE TO THE SCHEME ,7 +Acquisition,6 +professional,8 +d'équipements,7 +leg of the pattern. The controller or the instrument,9 +СанПиН»,9 +encountered in individual maneuvers and increase the risk ,9 +"Economy, Trade and Industry is to be exercised by the Director-General of the ",3 +"down, it was necessary to add additional straps to secure ",9 +Dewatering building ,7 +foundation depths and ,9 +the contracting authority can obtain the requisite permits or import licences. ,3 +Stima dei costi di Sicurezza da Interferenze ,7 +"authority’), represented for the purposes of signing this framework contract by Andrea Ammon, ",9 +"When the true consideration, or value received or contracted",3 +Voltage Drop in Aircraft Wire and Cable,7 +occur in the lower troposphere. To take advantage of these ,9 +"the generator or alternator can deliver, a voltmeter can be ",9 +be entitled. ,3 +Figure 5-42.,0 +"Правила являются обязательными для исполнения гражданами,",9 + and in all technological solutions ,9 +"Kundenorientierte Kommunikation,",3 +the guarantee shall have the effect of making the bank or financial institution or the third party ,3 +Where to File the Reports.,7 +II.4.1.10 Certificate of conformity ,7 +welding should be accomplished in a systematic and definite ,9 +parachute manufacture. The use of ,9 +contract manager; ,3 +"a designated airworthiness representative, completes the ",9 +"(xii) goods imported to Japan and then exported from Japan without charge, ",3 +Analog Electronics,7 +focus on the retina.,6 +Submission phase (before the time-limit for receipt of tenders) ,7 +Reducing Radio Interference,7 +Blocks of Learning ,7 +I.5.1. Vorfinanzierung ,7 +(+++ § 32 Abs. 1: Zur Geltung vgl. § 17 Abs. 4 +++),9 +II.21.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +landings using the term roundout instead of fl are. ,9 +When observed or developing weather conditions ,3 +the exercise of any power authorised by this Order; or ,3 +is used to position the outflow valve open or closed to control ,9 +"FL 600 (25,000 to 60,000 feet). This discussion involves the ",9 +RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION,7 +REARWARD FLIGHT,7 +"if the President, by instrument in w",3 +number of strands in the wire or cable.,9 +of such Act: ,9 +The chairman of the board of tax appeals shall be designated in the,9 +"is being received. As soon as the VOR is properly tuned, ",9 +eine Fachkraft für Betriebswirtschaft (Betriebswirt) und,3 +" INVOICES, VALUE ADDED TAX AND E-INVOICING ",7 +in Satz 1 genannten Daten gewähren. Bei der Schätzung hat die Bundesanstalt im Regelfall Ertragsdaten des,9 +Professionalism demands a code of ethics. Professionals ,3 +“Visual Segment – Obstacles.”,9 +"Verify fuel pump impulse hose for secure connections, ",3 +Other Wing Features,7 +"air, static air, and temperature information from sensors, and ",9 +OBJECTIVES ,7 +Summe Pos. 8.13 (Liefern + Montieren) ,7 +Operational temperature,8 +"existing content that should be published through the websites, the knowledge management ",9 +Euro on the first working day of the month in which the payment is made. ,3 +Restricted airspace ,7 +recommended temperature range. Failure to cure at the correct ,9 +forward-elevator pressure toward level flight attitude for ,9 +engagement. This is critical in boosting stakeholders’ understanding of ,3 +Amendment of Schedule 3 ,7 +slightly smaller than the shank diameter. ,3 +Invoices and value added tax ,7 +The solution proposed should employ appropriate security mechanisms to ensure ,3 +fuel metering system.,9 +(air cooled engines).,3 +No management response. ,7 +II.26.2 Médiation ,7 +QA process when delivering the services. ,9 +circuitous routing. Preferential routes are usually ,9 +Air cooled—rotate the propeller and ensure that the cooling ,9 +disclaimer.,9 +The auxiliary rotor,3 +Upward AirflowGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +interest on said purchase price at the rate of fifteen per centum per annum from the,9 +by an authorised representative.,9 +Bridle Line Loop ,6 +at the bottom end of the spring. Make sure that the ,3 +valves used on aircraft follows.,9 +induction system consists of an updraft intake manifold with ,9 +completely closed.,3 +Organise transport (,7 +Appendix D,9 +jurisdiction over the airspace. A warning area is airspace of ,9 +Kit Malthouse ,9 +"Evidence of ownership (such as a bill of sale), and",3 +Increased Airspeed,6 +entsprechend. Beschäftigte können diesen Anspruch wahlweise statt des Anspruchs auf Familienpflegezeit nach,9 +completion of a presolo knowledge test prior to solo flight. The presolo knowledge test is ,9 +bring about a ,9 +I.9. DATA CONTROLLER ,7 +"Erkennung und Behandlung von Narkosezwischenfällen,",3 +standard configuration methods. All configurations which are present in certain configuration medium ,9 +contract and the grounds for termination.,9 +for piloting WSC aircraft. It introduces pilots to the broad spectrum of knowledge that is needed as they progress in their ,9 +with solid aluminum or copper material where a short flexible ,9 +"AC 43.13-1, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices—Aircraft Inspection and Repair",3 +Figure 5-56.,0 +Calibration reports for analogue signal circuits; ,3 +Figure 9-7,9 +"and deenergized by the pressure switch. When deenergized, ",9 +connection pipelines.,3 +"The technique of following learner eye movements is useful, but has limitations since looking in the same direction is not the same as ",9 +Electrical Load Limits,7 + (ss 42-46) ,7 +deemed advisable.,3 +Invitation to Tender and Tender Specifications (Europol ref. ,9 +Rigging Fixtures,7 +when they are found. The entire aircraft should be inspected ,9 +is cti~n&zti~e ,9 +II.13.9. Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +charged with the duty of disbursing all moneys drawn from the Insular Treasury,9 +Quality control and risk management [,3 +office is located within the jurisdictional district of the Fukuoka Local Finance ,3 +Figure 9-38,9 +impedance of the transmission line should be equal to the ,9 +Article 30-18 (1) The manager of a hospital or clinic shall take any of the ,3 +"регистрационный № 61682),",9 +Otto Lilienthal in flight.,0 +The total time in service and the current status of ,3 +Inspection for Corrosion,7 +the glider battery or batteries. The battery is usually a 12- or ,9 +make use of it. This impairment of cellular respiration can ,9 +"Approach Control, 5",9 +II.20.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +Communications ,7 +Bilateral monthly meetings,3 +Amendment of Group 3 of Schedule 8 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994 ,7 +"on conviction on information, to custody for a term not exceeding 10 years or to a ",3 +"Maßnahmen zur Abwehr einer unmittelbar drohenden Gefahr,",3 +Citation and commencement ,7 +Functions of Engine Oil,7 +"close fitting so that when the user inhales, low pressure is created in the regulator, which allows oxygen to flow. Exhaled air escapes ",0 +that my name be mentioned or not mentioned when the results are presented to the public;,3 +a 20 mm thread found on the standard automotive crank. ,9 +"means including keyboard input, and even electronic map ",9 +and the items of Article 9-25; and ,3 +"Errata as of September 17, 2013 ",7 +the downstroke of the piston with the intake ,9 +II.20.3. Umrechnung ,7 +"des Rohholzmarktes durch außerordentliche Holznutzungen zu vermeiden, die infolge eines oder mehrerer",9 +VFR Waypoints,7 +"Betriebe im Sinne des Satzes 1 sind Betriebe, die",9 +dew point are always given in degrees Celsius (C) or,3 +Workload Management,7 +weight of the loaded helicopter while at rest.,9 +being connected to the load bus. If the output is not within ,9 +"in the latest submission, tenderers will not be able to refer to earlier submissions and may be ",9 +Approving Safety Requirements,3 +is common over rocky or sandy deserts.,9 +"forth in (b), and in the case of a hospital, etc. which does not carry out serum ",3 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +Acknowledgments,7 +This Article does not apply to services performed at the ,9 +situations:,9 +System Servicing,7 +"effect on endurance, the use of the afterburner ",9 +Uniforms ...................................................................................................................................... 16 ,8 +where the ideal torque is set up using the soft starter parameters. The objective of the torque control feature ,9 +other related materials and services. ,3 +Bureaus and Offices Pertaining to Department of Interior,7 +的,视为不支付利息。 ,9 + National Security Areas (NSAs),7 +"to ensure the lubricant reaches the point. As a general rule, if ",9 +Fuel Pressurizing and Dump Valves,7 +SRM: Proactive and Reactive Hazard and Risk Reduction ,7 +"maturen (zu § 14, Absatz 5) der baulichen Erweiterung",7 +ments shall remain subject to the national legislation of Turkey. ,9 +the use of air ground voice communications.,9 +Shipment Type 3,7 +paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Act (Act No. ,3 + 36- (top) and 48-hour (bottom) surface prognostic chart. ,0 +Margin Identification,7 +How to Submit your Tender in e-Submission ,7 +следующих для,9 +ED/03/2015 ,8 +Solid-State Devices,7 +third country). ,3 +2度の温度を維持する,8 +) provides the necessary steps for applying the MOVES ,9 +an inner and an outer element. The small star-shaped inner ,9 +"frequency is blocked, the monitor controller’s instructions ",9 +TRAFFICMODE,6 +"Materials: E thread; fabric—type and color to match, ",3 +The contracting authority may suspend the payment periods specified in Article I.6 at any ,9 +SCHEME TO BE REVOKED ,7 +Wer ist für die Datenverarbeitung verantwortlich und an wen können Sie sich wenden? ,7 +I.8. COMMUNICATION DETAILS ,7 +": the e-PRIOR portal, which allows the contractor to exchange electronic ",9 +Summe Pos. 8.14 (Liefern + Montieren),7 +Figure 16-39,9 +Thermocouple Placement,7 +PRICE REVISION ,7 +Maximum Performance Takeoff,7 +American Samoa. ,9 +bus to the generator. A typical three-unit regulator for aircraft ,9 +Two control lines controlled at the risers are used to maneuver the canopy. Each control line ,3 +Ausbildungseinheiten zu 45 Minuten.,9 + Pilot knowledge of where the aircraft ,9 +"in quickly locating the damage, and answer questions that ",9 +"paragraph 20, for “and outdoor gyms” substitute “",3 +Ethernet based.,3 +factor is the allowable power loss (PR loss) in the line. This ,9 +"contracting authority, by a third party; and ",3 +Abrupt temperature differences develop along lake and ocean ,9 +II.17. SUSPENSION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FWC ,7 +der Feststellung der Einhaltung der Verkehrsfähigkeitsgrenze.,3 +When using the attitude indicator in applying pitch attitude ,9 +エックス線装置は、次に掲げる障害防止の方法を講じたものでなければなら,3 +bestellt. Mindestens ein Mitglied des Prüfungsausschusses darf nicht in einer persönlichen oder wirtschaftlichen,9 + The contractor,3 +The reciprocating engine exhaust system is fundamentally ,9 +—en route maintenance processor system ,9 +Der Auftragnehmer stellt bis zur Fertigstellung der Vertragsleistungen den verantwortlichen Bauleiter ,9 +A system used with ,9 +Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter oder,7 +maximum certificated takeoff weight. ,9 +influence on the habits and actions of the student as a pilot. ,9 +"The CAL3QHCR is the refined, yet independent version of CAL3QHC that has the capability to ",9 +Albedo for Various Land Uses,9 +"When an impact absorption test is conducted, the maximum ",9 +A tender received after the deadline indicated ,9 +director may be contacted as notified. ,9 +(AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) ,7 +"water injection. This leaning is possible because water, rather ",9 +Chapter 22—Gyroplane Aeronautical Decision,7 +Lift the wing into position and lock the ,9 +"Tenders must be written in a clear and concise manner, with continuous page numbering. Since ",9 +It is best to stay with the glider if at all possible. The glider ,9 +Components ,7 +creates a skidding force that tends to push the down-,9 +"of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, all of which are effective ",9 +The account manager/event coordinator will have knowledge in the field of work of the framework ,9 +[Figure 1-7],9 +Annex I to FR ,7 +Criteria related to tenderers ,7 +confirmation of the correction by the candidate.,9 +"of the landing run, in terms of both time and distance.",9 +REFUGEE AND ENTRANT ASSISTANCE ,7 +pour aborder des questions spécifiques relatives aux risques professionnels. ,9 +предпринимателями,9 +"prevails, ",9 +Lots: is this call for tenders divided into lots? ,7 +would a pilot turn right or left for the shortest way ,3 +The St. Ives (G7 Summit 2021) Harbour Revision Order 2021 ,9 +Amendment of the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013 ,7 +to be installed in the input circuit of an affected component.,9 +Maximum Performance Takeoff,7 +listen to the other aircraft on the CTAF (Common Traffi c ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 157 of June 10, 1960]",7 +percent takeoff thrust (EPR),3 +CPU will allow to make digital signals 1/0 over program and should support to give ,3 +Oxygen Plumbing and Valves,7 +constant after rotation or lift-off.,9 +QECA stand and secure it prior to removing the engine sling.,9 +made of reinforced concrete. The penstocks or valves shall be electrical actuator in accordance with ,9 +SRM: Proactive and Reactive Hazard and Risk Reduction ,7 +Baustrom / Bauwasser ,7 +perceptual skills used to control a specific aircraft or its ,9 +Approvisionnements ,7 +ground. It is true airspeed adjusted for wind. Groundspeed ,9 +II.5. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +The statement END OF FIGURE appears just below the last item description in Column 5 for a given ,3 +between gravity and centrifugal force in a turn. ,9 +Definitions ,7 +direct current (DC) with current that drops to zero in between ,9 +Learning Is a Result of Experience ,7 +crimping tool (optional),3 +Control of all power circuits ,3 +New spark plug wiring harness,8 +reduces the amount of air available for combustion. The most ,9 +RADIO PHONE-IN ,7 +the application of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 and its principles laid down in Article ,3 +Construction Joints ,7 +"may use, modify, publish, assign or transfer them as it sees fit, without geographical or other ",3 +ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS,7 +Scientific data management: ,3 +NOTES:.f. ,9 +transmit it ,6 +ServoGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +interference are verified by the FAA prior to the,9 +- Seite 2 von 40 -,4 +Welche Quellen und Daten nutzen wir? ,7 +- Wärme- und feuchtetechnische Eigenschaften,9 +(centripetal force),9 +The balloon below has the right of way while ascending.,0 +that an e-document,3 +музыкально-прикладное,9 +Area Navigation (RNAV) Routes.,7 +Botswana Energy Regulatory Authority (BERA) ,7 +"shall, in either case, be dealt with ",9 +Following ECHA technology roadmap: The Contractor's technology choices for ,3 +"In most types, the impeller is fabricated from a single forging. ",9 +"“heading up.” Another tactic is to decide, when possible, ",9 +"of Finance Order, books and documents prescribed in the same paragraph and ",3 +or endanger the parachute user. The basic rule for repairs is ,9 +CORDON FENCES ,7 +Legal and regulatory capacity ,7 +line of that street extended to the Estero de San Jac,9 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +PIA-W-5625,6 +RNAV and RNP Operations,7 +"subprovince of Benguet, at ",9 +Instrument Departures,7 +"регистрационный № 47640),",9 +"turning in opposite directions, with each rotor mast mounted ",9 +"Zweck, im Falle der Kategorie ""Quellengesichert"" zusätzlich der Hinweis ""nicht für forstliche Zwecke"";",3 +PRELIMINARY,7 +Each copper and fiber patch cable shall be labelled on both ends with the same number followed by the ,9 +"thirty kilograms, sixty centavos.",3 +Center Weather Advisories (CWA) ,7 +Legal effects of the invitation to tender and submission of a request to ,7 +"PUBLIC LAW 116–24—JUNE 25, 2019 ",5 +Pointed tip wing ,6 +Gate check valve used to prevent vacuum system ,0 +contraente prima della firma del contratto.,9 +PRINCIPAL POWERS ,7 +PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +ironment ,9 +"be run at this speed. Another curve might be run at 700 rpm, ",9 +Section 4. Two‐way Radio Communications Failure,7 +"power, an emergency off-airport landing has to be made.",9 +〔昭和四十八年八月二十七日政令第二百四十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +"as may be, a single proposition of enactment.",9 +for the flight controls must be correct. To determine the ,9 +Appointment of constables ,3 +"diaphragm. Upon starting the engine, oil pressure increases ",9 +or intersections); used to establish a known route for en route ,9 +the sodium in the flux to give off a brilliant yellow-orange ,9 +"Abschnitt B: berufsprofilgebende Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in der Fachrichtung",7 +increases angle of attack; a decrease in pitch angle,9 +Aviation Digital Data Services (ADDS).,3 +and misunderstood practices can sometimes be very fine.,9 +page airport diagram is published. ,9 +Le contractant fait part de ses observations dans les trente jours qui suivent la date de réception. À ,9 +and protect the system. These functions include ,9 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +Transition Training ,7 +decision-making process involves an evaluation of each of ,9 +a case-by-case assessment that will ensure respect for Europol’s obligations under its Regulation ,3 +thereof; and ,3 +REGION 0~ REVERSED COMMAND ,7 +Scuba Diving,7 +§ 4 Erhebungsstandards,7 +not more than four persons may be appointed as Minister or Assistant Minister from ,3 +The HORIZON,3 +LowerGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +airport boundary will,9 +if the Vice-President ceases to perform the functions of the office of President.,3 +The use of the aforementioned visibility reports and ,9 +Record of concreting ,7 +Table 6.2: Signatures for Second-Level Engineering SRM Document Approval and Risk ,7 +TURN INDICATOR,7 +designed to indicate the aircraft’s attitude in the form of ,9 +in the provision of,3 +blade angle to create sufficient propeller thrust to provide ,9 +エックス線診療に従事する医師、歯科医師、診療放射線技師又は診療エックス線,3 +Straight leading and,6 +since these drugs may cause side effects such as mental ,9 +airspace that is flown. A local flight may be close to the fi eld ,9 +(ASOS)/Automated Weather Observing System,9 +"Dokumentation von zehn Therapiemaßnahmen für verkehrsauffällige Kraftfahrer, die mit einer",3 +flight and I have about 2 hours of fuel on board. From ,9 +finished with an extra outer layer or two extending over the ,9 +must submit an application form stating the following matters to the ,3 +"such bill of exchange or letter of credit, or the Philippine equivalent",9 +"factors that affect landings, types of landings, and aspects ",9 +is deemed to be the original of the document; ,3 +Pilot-Induced Roll Oscillations During Launch,7 +calendar years specifying whether the services have been carried out in a ,3 +"Grundlagen der Schmerzausschaltung, Kennzeichen der erfolgten Schmerzausschaltung,",3 +salary as the board may fix.,9 +Landing—Stuck Neutral or Right Pedal ,7 +should never be trimmed when icing conditions exist because ,9 +the functions of the office ,3 +cool the engine by ducting air around the cylinders. ,9 +"Prüfungsbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde kommen Aufgaben, die sich auf praxisbezogene Fälle beziehen",9 +of incidence on each blade. With a change in angle of ,9 +—environmental impact statement ,9 +第六の改正規定については、公布の日から起算して一月を経過する日から施行する。,9 +Combustion Heaters,7 +connected or disconnected from a system. ,9 +"from a direction that could drift the airplane into the course, ",9 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +Electrical Resistance Thermometer,7 +TREES SUBJECT TO TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS ,7 +Hard Landing,7 +Sequence for construction ,7 +"Figure 1-6. Typically, the engine drives the main rotor through",0 +"very few inches above, the runway. When the airplane, in a ",9 +User-Defined Waypoints ,7 +with the runway and a porpoise develops.,9 +Verbesserungen einzuarbeiten und die Unterlagen zu aktualisieren. Danach werden ,3 +toute modification de la situation déclarée. ,7 +be used even when using a stronger alloy.,9 +Joggles in removed rivet shanks indicate partial shear failure. ,9 +"technology set forth in row 2 (ii) of the appended table of the same Order, ",3 +shows a typical method of using supertack to secure ,3 +Center head,6 +se is operated in,3 +Article 4 – TERMS OF PAYMENT,7 +Sicherheitsbeauftragten (LSO) verweigert. ,9 +Personal data,3 +assists Member,9 +carried in bulk packages or metal containers on board the helicopter when operating in ,3 +"and Industry No. 25 of May 30, 1986] ",7 +accomplish any of these with or without an attitude indicator. ,9 +runway surface. A tire with a locked brake during viscous ,9 +D\ejk\ie*,9 +Reserve Static Lines (RSLs) ,7 +"cluding a Kgosi, which shall— ",9 +described in Article,9 +night and early morning. They frequently occur offshore ,9 +"the top of the vertical stabilizer, forming a T. ",9 +diplomatic establishments of foreign countries located in Japan (which ,3 +ELETTRONICA ,7 +"yaws to the left (opposite direction of the tail rotor thrust), ",9 +"however, the United States government does not have sole ",9 +the Earth’s surface. As this energy warms the Earth’s surface ,9 +Connector Links. Four barrel-nut style stainless steel connector links are used to connect the ,3 + Collision Avoidance,7 +"Aircraft Equipped with Turbofan, Turbojet, and Turboprop Engines (Version 1.0), May 2009 [EPA",9 +municipalities concerned; and where more than one province or,3 +THRUST AUGMENTATION. ,9 +Rolling off the throttle and entering an autorotation only ,9 +die Gesamtdauer der Arbeitsunterbrechungen mindestens ein Sechstel der vorgesehenen Lenkzeit,3 +Synthetic Vision System (SVS) ,7 +"necessarily in the order listed, to obtain assistance:",9 +Formal Notice. ,3 +"of fittings, antennas, and lights; for “smoking rivets” ",3 + refers to the entity that is receiving the funds for the services and that has signed the ,9 +angles greater than these require more skill and preci-,9 +Interview partner to be identified ,7 +Off-Field Landing Without Injury,7 +Spiral Instability ,7 +available as on that date. Although there were transactions in ,3 +C970 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout northern arm (to/from Denmark ,7 +"19, CPDLC Message",9 +Zwischenprüfung,7 +PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS ,7 +risks. Risk management is an important component of ,9 +Verbleibsermittlung möglich ist und der Empfänger innerhalb der Zulassungsbehörde registriert wird.,3 +sense for other pilots to follow the same rules.,9 +Post-Implementation Review,9 +Group of economic operators information,7 +§ 2 Erwerbsmöglichkeit des Pächters landwirtschaftlicher Flächen,7 +The provisions set out in the FWC take precedence over those in the specific ,3 +This poses somewhat of a problem ,9 +"In this regulation, “the UK Registry” has the meaning given in regulation 3 of the ",9 +"conditions, the requisite permits or import licences within a reasonable period, taking ",3 +actuator and extends it. Fluid also flows to the open side of ,9 +Function: ,6 +"DRAFT CONTRACT AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS, ",7 +as a result of providing,9 +Pr = Po x ( ,2 +"—(1) On a summary election appeal, each of the following is a party to the appeal ",9 +and the provision of the Order governing or requiring the application does not specify that ,9 +willing to submit a tender must be registered in the Participant ,9 +"in the definition of “frozen funds or economic resources” in paragraph 1, for “the ",3 +"whose offices, workplaces, stores or warehouses pertaining to the business of ",3 +〔昭和四十八年八月二十七日政令第二百四十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +Northern ,9 +an outstanding query regarding past payments which had been ,3 +Scenarios 1 and 2 – Creation of a new SNL ,7 +"), the National Health Service (Scotland) Act ",3 +OPERATIONS ,7 +Pressure switch,6 + Pointing the nose of an aircraft into the wind to ,9 +foreseen by Article II.13.2.;,3 +werden. Die Teilunterbrechungen müssen innerhalb der Lenkzeit von höchstens viereinhalb Stunden oder,3 +A common-collector amplifier circuit with a PNP ,0 +“Prescribed” and “regulations” are defined in section 142 of the School Standards and Framework Act 2008. ,1 +"The body or remains of any such deceased person, upon exhumation, shall",9 +which case the economic operator shall provide the ,1 +"published, hence no published departure procedure,",9 +Opening of requests to participate,7 +AC Form 8050-1 may also be used to report a change ,9 +before any maneuver is performed.,9 +SRM: Proactive and Reactive Hazard and Risk Reduction ,7 +Telephone System ,7 +"D airspace, determine if the WSC meets all of the equipment ",9 +Exhaust Systems,7 +Ministry had shown poor performance in the collection of those ,9 +"navigation, positioning, timing and aircraft depen-",9 +Scenario-Based Training (SBT) ,7 +To guarantee a certain level of quality standard the compulsory visibility given to the projects and the ,9 +see sections 3.9 and 3.10 for further information on related governance boards and roles ,9 +"is travelling to or from, or attending the location of, any place in which P’s ",3 +Only visitors with two negative test results (two (2) negative Covid-19 PCR tests taken at least 96 ,3 +should be aware that multiple issues are involved ,9 +"Struktur der Berufsausbildung, Ausbildungsberufsbild",3 +"higher or lower, the excessive water drag puts unneces-",9 +based lies primarily within the type of sensors used. In order ,9 +moments required to return the aircraft to the equilibrium ,9 +に限る。)並びに第二項各号に掲げる事項(病院に係るものに限る。)とする。,3 +Decreased Pitch,6 +When entering the departure runway for takeoff,9 +der Fahrerlaubnisbehörde unter Angabe des Aushändigungsdatums mit. Die Fahrerlaubnis wird durch die,9 +Reviewing the Flight Route,7 +this procedure avoids imposing excessive side-loads on the ,9 +communications)”. ,3 +II.23.2. Recovery procedure ,7 +is actually a dual system designed to fire two igniter plugs. ,9 +specifications and other contract documents. The contractor may purchase additional ,3 +or at a later ,3 +Fuel control unit. ,9 +adaptation: the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any modification of the ,3 +"property, real and personal, belonging to th",9 +Straight-and-Level Flight,7 +Instrument Departures,7 +"better what it is not capable of doing. For example, if you ",9 +location and reattach as per original.,3 +SIDEWARD FLIGHT,7 +kompetenten Vertreter zu entsenden. ,9 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +regardless of their nationality or place of establishment; ,3 +Composition,7 +Angaben gemäß § 18 Absatz 4 Satz 2 oder § 18 Absatz 4 Satz 2 in Verbindung mit § 23 Absatz 3 Satz 2,9 +consumption,9 +rotor thrust and is usually caused by a stuck or broken control ,9 +Anforderungen,7 +"knowledge as a result of such visit, shall be kept strictly confidential and will not be ",3 +the date that these Regulations come into force; ,3 +prevent the Minister of Finance from exercising the authority per se. ,3 +area the offence is alleged to have been committed (“the relevant local authority”),3 +flare. The greater the degree of flare and the longer it is,9 +protection legal ,9 +staff absenteeism). ,3 +the President whether the Secretary ought to be,3 +Lot 2: Provision of infrastructure for Operational Cooperation and exercises ,10 +"approval, clearance, licensure, or authorization of a security ",9 +provides reasonable time for persons on board the ship to take action to prevent the ,3 +characteristics and susceptibility of LTE but will not nullify ,9 +Where the franchise is for a steam railroad or marine railway,3 +を記載した帳簿を備え、これを最終の記載の日から三年間保存しなければならない。,3 +Stitching and Restitching,3 +Use of Suitable Area Navigation,7 +Drill Stops,7 +Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April ,1 +plate and the rotating swash plate.,9 +corners of the field boundaries. The bank normally,9 +Abnormal Reactions to Stress ,7 +Наименование,8 +Auftraggeber überprüft,9 +to the extent practicable based on the current national supply ,9 +the fuel is visible through the container and allows a pilot to ,9 +" may, in addition to materials produced ",9 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +zones. The primary purpose of these fences is to separate livestock populations ,9 +magnetic variation application. Variations in,9 +"[As creator, I also confirm that I do not object to the following:",9 +Inner net height of galleries shall be taken as 2.10 m and inner width shall be taken as 1.60 m after considering ,9 +(See PAR.) ,9 +"to some degree, with some different manufacturer’s make/",9 +оформления,9 +"For small holes, turn the mesh inside out and zigzag ",3 +shall be set by the zone in which it is found appropriate to aim to secure a ,3 +Flow divider. ,0 +Section 9: Coordination Best Practices ,3 +The Powerplant ,7 +visual and can only be seen by inspecting the engine directly. ,9 +Navigational and Procedural Information (Continued),7 +Transportation Conformity Guidance for Quantitative Hot-spot Analyses in PM$_{2.5 }$and PM$_{10 }$Non-,1 +"manufacture, or use of goods listed in row 1, (v), (vi), and (x) to (xii) of ",3 +the airplane co sink more below the desired ,9 +DÉFINITIONS ,7 +ignition are able to accomplish the combus- ,9 +Class B Airspace.,9 +Warning area.,9 +"Die Landesregierung des Landes Schleswig-Holstein wird ermächtigt, durch Rechtsverordnungen die Vorschriften",9 +rocker is split so one half of the switch can be opened without ,9 +Fiberglass Molded Mat Repairs,7 +"$^{17}$ FMD Contingency plans for Botswana, Review of FMD Control Strategies in Botswana ",1 +"column, IFR flights may be planned to satellite airports in ",9 +Exceptions ,7 +Pre-cast units for kerbs and surface drainage ,7 +OFF-AIRPORT LANDING SITES,7 +flight in autorotation. [Figure 16-4] The,9 +"shall cause the ordinances of the township to be executed, and",3 +seeing the terrain below. Voice radio transmission from ,9 +(highlighted in purple in examples above) is the segment between the initial approach fix (IAF) ,3 +Gliederung der Berufsausbildung,7 +Publication Ref: EuropeAid/140639/IH/SUP/TR ,7 +Cylinder Start of Compression Stroke—Piston ,7 +Trade Act revised by the Act on the Partial Revision of the Foreign Exchange ,3 + Any amendment must not make changes to the contract that might alter the initial ,3 +"movement and displays heading based on a 360º azimuth, ",9 +"ods of time, use a heavier anchor and be sure to comply",9 +Rivet Strength,7 +become inverted during deployment and form a small pocket ,9 + (ss 57-70) ,7 +Obstacles to Maintaining Situational Awareness,7 +I.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +"referred to as ""Additional Special Specified Products"") makes a notification as ",3 +"advanced electronic signature based on a qualified certificate, by an authorised representative ",9 +procedure.,9 +DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,7 +‘‘(i) that is in the office of a Senator; and ,9 +in the SLA (refer to Annex 16),3 +applicazione,9 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +133 STAT. 892 ,5 +200 lost all four,9 +"In article 5(2)(a), for “1.2” substitute “1.1”. ",9 +EU-OSHA / EU-OSHA's national partner will produce the general idea/background information ,3 +in so far as may be necessary to secure a sanitary output and to safeguard the,9 +he estimates to be necessary to make the landing. On arrival at the ,9 +SRM: Proactive and Reactive Hazard and Risk Reduction ,7 +person charged with a cri,3 +3.5.12. При реализации образовательных программ с использованием,9 +aggiudicatrice. ,7 +Auditing Districts and Assignment of District Auditors.,9 +a double clamp or hand tacking. ,3 +additional services ordered directly by the EU-OSHA’s national partners at their own costs. The ,3 +Simplified Directional Facility (SDF),7 +", including (1) the system under review; (2) the software lifecycle ",3 +B VFR aircraft.,9 +conjointe,6 +Thrust Vectoring ,7 +District Engineer in Capacity of Sanitary Engineer,9 +"Close ripcord pin protective flap, cable housing protective flap, and riser protective covers. ",3 +"experience and training in disability assessment medicine, and ",3 +"ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯМ ВОСПИТАНИЯ И ОБУЧЕНИЯ, ОТДЫХА И",7 +Earth fault trip ,3 +Data collection activities: ,3 +Interest on late payment ,7 +effective tool for predicting,9 +Existing trees ,7 +level. Remembering how the system is organized helps the ,9 +equals greater induced voltage),3 +"Article 2 (1) With regard to the case where payment, etc. (which refers to ",3 +fuel-air mixture along AB of the pressure- ,9 +de licence adéquat. Cette utilisation par le contractant n'entraîne aucun transfert de droits au ,9 +"Zulassung vermerkt ist, ausgestellt werden. Nach Ablauf der Gültigkeitsdauer der Zulassung darf das",3 +In the event of a joint tender submitted by a group of economic operators and where the ,9 +the financial guarantee is provided by a bank or a financial institution approved by the ,3 +Preparation of Ground ,7 +same brand are used for the entire project. The complete ,9 +instructions at all times when inspecting or attempting to ,9 +for self-quarantine at the time of travel to The Netherlands; ,3 +Aircraft Previously registered ,7 +service and repairs at its own cost. ,3 +300X550X0.60X0.40 ),2 +Why Should I Use a FRAT? ,7 +einschließt. Diese Befähigung ist auch in den Prüfungen nach den §§ 9 und 10 nachzuweisen.,9 +] days after the final approval of the services.] ,9 +"San Nicolas, and Tondo. Second district — Composed of the districts of Ermita,",9 +Volume and value of the contract ,7 +parties once an ,3 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +"more toward the horizontal, thus causing the rate of turn",9 +receipt of the ,3 +Tender evaluation,7 +administrative sanctions (exclusion or financial penalties) on the entity providing the false ,9 +"Fahrzeugtechnik,",3 +Fiberglass Molded Mat Repairs,7 +"Any enlisted man who willfully or through neglect wastes, loses, or spoils his",9 +"during the Final Investment Analysis and must include appropriate safety considerations, which ",9 +balance sheet and a profit and loss statement or an income and expenditure ,3 +(+++ Textnachweis ab: 1.8.2016 +++),9 +II.5.5. Authorised persons in e-PRIOR ,7 +This work package also covers the management of all administrative procedures related ,9 +‘‘(2) INPUT.—In carrying out subparagraphs (B) and (C) ,9 +Welche Quellen und Daten nutzen wir? ,7 +How will the change be used/function in the NAS?,3 +〔平成十七年七月二十一日政令第二百四十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +Reduction Gear Assembly,7 +WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT ,7 +carefully review approach procedures to identify,9 +"CFR § 91.176(a) or (b), a pilot must make a",9 +What to do if this notice is served on you,7 +"kinds of cable, cable sizes, and cable tensions. ",9 +The Service Provider shall issue a lump-sum invoice upon written approval by the [Bank/Fund]of the ,3 +"Rechte wie der Auftraggeber, insbesondere das Zugangsrecht. ",3 +is an appropriate example for pilots. Although the percentage ,9 +"proach, landing, etc. A clear understanding ",9 +Minimum Factors ,7 +Communication and promotion (online newsroom and social media support) ,7 +Foster parents: temporary approval ,7 +an assist from the electric starter may be necessary to initiate ,9 +"eighth of a turn at a time, allowing sufficient time for the rpm ",9 +"§ 34 Rücknahme und Widerruf der Fahrschulerlaubnis, Widerruf der Zweigstellenerlaubnis",7 +индивидуальными,9 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +"SRM panels should strive to reach consensus, but there may be instances in which not all SRM ",9 +"in accordance with clearances within Class B, C, D, ",9 +Standstill Period ,7 +"information that it assesses as being confidential, in particular where its release would ",3 +"consolidated accounts, amending Council Directives 78/660/EEC and 83/349/EEC and repealing Council Directive 84/253 ",1 +Sub-criterion 1.3: Methodology for progress mapping in energy system ,3 +"shall accrue to the Insular Government, one-fif",3 +Bridle and pilot chute ,3 +"Schedule No 8: Roads, Landscaping and Fences",7 +shall have all the powers of th,9 +Provoke a number of errors and verify that the system responds to these errors as described in the ,3 +Medical Summary— “The Bottom Line”,7 +Unit price at ,8 +"Verhalten in besonderen Situationen, Folgen von Verstößen gegen Verkehrsvorschriften",7 +high power at low airspeed ,3 +guidance for FAA procedures for processing NEPA documents for airport actions under ,3 +"Using a seam ripper, unpick the two rows of ",3 +"On registering each participant obtains a Participant Identification Code (PIC, 9 - digit ",9 +"valuta e la data,",9 +Disassembly,7 +Density Altitude.,3 +The Terminal Weather Information for,7 +Transfer/Exhaust—Piston,7 +"and Industry No. 5 of March 19, 1991] ",7 +"being formed by the rolling operation. On some material, ",9 +(Goods That Are Especially Likely to Be Used for the Development of Nuclear ,3 +the flight paths of any aircraft using the call sign,9 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +works or part thereof would cause greater damage than compliance with the written notice. ,9 +Contractor’s initials: ,9 +"Préparation du matériel (produits, EPI et accessoires). ",3 +grounds for any decision to not award the contract or to cancel the procedure. ,9 +its subcontractors and any person for which the contractor is answerable. ,9 +The courts of Barbados have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute regarding the ,3 +duties imposed by said law upon provincial treasurers and municipal secretaries,9 +of activities with the expansion of current tasks and the addition of new Operational ones in the fields of ,9 +Recommended Traffic Advisory Practices ,7 +charts and listed in the Chart Supplement U.S.,9 +The ASIs administer and enforce safety regulations and ,9 +10° to 15° ,6 +Althoughplottingcanbecontinuedaslongasthepibalremainsin ,9 +imposition of restrictive covenants over or affecting the land; ,3 +Die Anlieferungszeiten des Lagers sind von 08:00 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr und von 13:00 bis ,9 +"Bei Materialien mit anderen Wärmeleitfähigkeiten als 0,035 W/(mK) sind die Min-",9 +Entities on whose capacities the tenderer relies to fulfil the selection criteria ,7 +wirtschaftlichen Beziehung zum Prüfling stehen darf. Der Prüfling erhält einen Nachweis über eine erfolgreich,9 +ISSUING COUNTRY,6 +Objectives ,7 +The Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH)/Aircraft Flight ,9 +but also include the mental mastery of the EFD. Three key ,9 +"Regulations, the local authority may proceed as if the amendments made by these Regulations ",9 +"use of their image, voice or private element and, on request, submit a copy of the permission to ",9 +AIRCRAFT.) ,9 +review agenda. ,3 +eligible registrants,7 +"Pozorrubio, San Jacinto, Santo Tomas, Urdaneta, and Villasis. Fifth district —",9 +Available resources,7 +Precipitation/Obstruction to vision,8 +"descent point, which is the point at which, if you begin the ",9 +Military Operations Area (MOA). ,9 +are to be operated or increased to as much as 15 miles,9 +Packing paddle. ,9 +the edges together.,3 +"which the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (1) of the same Order after the ",3 +Analyses that are capable of being carried out with the analytical equipment provided under the Con-,9 +"⦁ $_{Practice—the learner is able to identify, understand, and apply SRM principles to the actual flight situation. }$",3 +"ing night approaches, there is an inherent disadvantage.",9 +equipped with afterburner is a variable nozzle ,9 +direction of rotation. The result is a tendency for the helicopter to ,9 +buoyancy and stability of that ship being compromised; ,3 +) and further discussed in this section. ,9 +"cue mode,",9 +Specific provisions related to the supply of goods ,7 +a contamination inspection room (meaning a room in which the surface of ,3 +were previously involved in the preparation of procurement documents used in the award procedure ,3 +"of the aircraft. Since turns at or after fix passage may exceed airway and route boundaries, pilots are expected to ",3 +法第七条第一項の規定によつて助産所開設の許可を受けようとする者は、次に,3 +"number (e.g., R-4401) and are depicted on the en route ",9 +WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT ,7 +The aim of this lot is to conduct COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness studies in long-term care facilities in ,9 +administratives ,7 +nose attachment. ,9 +procedures for RVSM. Operators must incorporate,9 +shall be used to reverse such reprogramming: ,9 +continued to the runway. THE ATC INSTRUCTION,9 +"are coaxial cable, also known as coax. Coax consists of a ",9 +Desiccant/Moisture Separator,7 +"vector an aircraft off a previously assigned DP; however, ",9 +usually provide a holder for spare fuses in the event one,9 +Article 6 – Terms of Payment ,7 +beyond the third parties already mentioned in its tender without prior written authorisation ,3 +) 2013 c.25. See section 28 of the Act which provides for regulations made under section 7 of the Superannuation Act 1972 ,1 +内水面における漁場環境の再生に関する施策,7 +"N = Vehicle-miles-traveled, expressed as miles (mi) ",9 +II.5.5. Authorised persons in e-PRIOR ,7 +ruled” to approach that of some optimum ,9 +"Auf Grund des § 53 Absatz 1 in Verbindung mit Absatz 2 und des § 30 Absatz 5 des Berufsbildungsgesetzes, von",9 +Straight-and-Level Flight,7 +contractor of the action taken. ,3 +"Numbers above 9,900 must be spoken by",3 +belt. The wet grinder has a pump to supply a flow of water ,9 +"pertanto, assicurarne la disponibilità. ",3 +"and Industry No. 5 of March 19, 1991] ",7 +"Calculation of the costs (incl. travel, overheads, consumables and any other related costs) ",7 +Rime ice. ,9 +personal data to processors established in third countries under Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the ,4 +Location and Obstacles,7 +"Property Accumulation (Act No. 92 of 1971), the workers' property ",3 +"Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade Control Order prior to the revision ",3 +Recommended Practices,7 +because it is somehow attached to something significant. A person may remember the color of the clothing of the recipient of a ,9 +the seaplane can swing around the anchor without strik-,9 +Exhaust Systems,7 +participate/tender. ,7 +II.24 CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +The purpose of the test of the normal operation of the SCADA system is to make sure that it is ,9 +"Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport (GPT), Gulfport, ",9 +and is deflected to create a counterclockwise or cyclonic ,9 +Form 5: Committment letter by identified subcontractor ,7 +"Fernsehen (DVB-T) und den digitalen terrestrischen Hörfunk (DAB) zur Anwendung kommt, mindert sich bei",9 +"(10 points, minimum ",3 +positively and completely to ensure adequate travel of the AR2 ,9 +Entity Form:,9 +The contracting authority reimburses subsistence expenses on the basis of a daily subsistence ,3 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +Weather Requirements and Part 91 Operators ,7 +The presence of a black residue around the rivets is not an ,9 +RNAV routes are depicted in blue on aeronautical,9 +"in the event a wing starts to rise during the landing roll, the ",9 +GENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURES ,7 +"the situation being discussed, the pilot looks at success as ",9 +"leather, or other substantial binding, such as distinguish printed",3 +Identification of Paint Finishes,7 +"percent of the vertical speed shown (500 fpm/ 50-foot lead, ",9 +from the environment. Wires for these applications often ,9 +issuing date of the declaration does not exceed one year. ,9 +Aufgaben und Verpflichtungen,7 +[2339-94.],9 +an alternative clearance if VFR-on-top is not reached by a ,9 +In order to fulfil the selection criteria a tenderer may also rely on the capacities of other ,9 +"hazards by using the CARE checklist of: Consequences, ",9 +"200 feet or RVR less than 2,000 feet, do not authorize",9 +The amount of reflective surface of an aircraft ,3 +Recognizing Hazardous Attitudes ,7 +Exemptions ,7 +II.13.10. Visibility of Agency funding and disclaimer ,7 +ment plants with the staff as stated in Section 11.1.,9 +Dashboards are as varied as the manufacturers and the ,9 +"helicopter is in forward flight, the relative wind is a",9 +elevator pressure is not held to maintain the correct takeoff ,9 +"in paragraph (6), for “£5,000” substitute “£450”. ",3 +Teledyne Continental 0-200 Engine,7 +PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +"§ 11 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +TAIL SURFACES,7 +Stall Speed Performance Charts ,7 +Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/Sustainer ,7 +Prelaunch Check,7 +Off-Field Landing With Injury,7 +"accompanying documents, to the municipal treasurer, through the president.",9 +DRAWING NUMBER,6 +imprisonment for not less than one year and not more than ten years.,9 +"Manila on official business, not to exceed in the case of any individual the sum of",9 +"FOR THE PROVISION OF ICT RACKS, CABLING AND OTHER ",7 +Instrument Approach Procedure Charts ,7 +Continuous Airworthiness Inspection Program.,9 +Modifications to licences granted to authorised transmitters: ,7 +Ausschreibung,9 +Improper Elevator Trim Setting,7 +Chapter 2$_{ }$,7 +Common oceanographic terminology.,7 +Foster parents: temporary approval ,7 +in England and Wales by a fine; or ,3 +shall be controlled by means of the weir type penstock. Overflow penstock shall be channel type weir ,9 +Baustrom / Bauwasser ,7 + See weight-shift control.,9 +"It must be sent by the publisher thereof, and from the office of",3 +"paragraph (aa) or (bb) is taking place, and ",3 +and/or recommended safety requirements are performing as intended/designed. Refer to ,9 +"of reliability under widely varying conditions of altitude, ",9 +different flight levels that may affect the operation of aircraft. ,9 +functioning of all IT processes and the related contract management processes in ,3 +At 9.49 a.m. on 9th April 2020 ,9 +High Access,9 +"phone coverage is available, dial 911 to contact emergency ",9 +the Secretary of State; ,3 +"Objectives 1 and 2 of RTCA DO-278A, Annex A, Table A-1 and Table A-10 have been ",3 +"For entries of dowries, articles of marriage, or paraphernal property, ten",9 +Rotor Configurations,7 +"manifold to the nose gear uplock, which unlocks the nose ",9 +the relevant authority refuses (including a deemed refusal pursuant to paragraph 2(3)) an ,3 +Warranted Provision ,7 +Catching Errors: Using the FMS Flight Planning ,7 +edge lines on left side when viewed from riser end. ,3 +Cable Tension,7 +to procedures that are identified as not authorized (NA),9 +Taxi lights ,3 +predictability of the upcoming terrain and obstacles. ,9 +профилактики,9 +regard to the,9 +sent prior to the expiration date. An online ,3 +Transverse Flow Effect,7 +ENISA F-COD-20-T03 ,7 +operational check of the pitot heat during preflight and to take ,9 +MAIN CANOPY ,7 +Declaration of honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria ,3 +"17, Global Positioning System (GPS)",9 +Formula for determining the CG in inches from the ,0 +INDUCED DRAG ,7 +nothing specific to focus on outside the aircraft. This causes ,9 +of the heavens; and ,3 +"degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius, rather than psi, provides a ",9 +Weather Requirements and Part 91 Operators ,7 +"areas included are: airspeed, altitude, rotor, and powerplant ",9 +according,9 +tested from source to ,3 +"officer to enforce the provisions of this chapter or any law or ordinance, or the",9 +"other space in which bilge water is likely to accumulate, and for those detectors to sound an ",9 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +Abschnitt A Nr. 7.2 ,3 +select terrain features or other objects to aid in maintaining ,9 +of cabin altitude change. ,3 +emergency operations with the clear understanding that the ,9 +"Wird die Fahrschulerlaubnis zurückgenommen oder widerrufen, erlischt auch die Erlaubnis zum",9 +EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +§ 1 Ziel der Prüfung,7 +[1896-4.],9 +"When planning for a departure, pilots should: ",9 +NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH ,7 +of taxiing are taken up by a cushion of compressed air.,9 +"the 1965 Act, ",3 +"pad is not utilized when taking it down and transporting, there ",9 +"reduced G-load, accompanied perhaps by a head bang against ",9 +"point, the decimal point is spoken as “POINT.”",3 +each relevant person. ,3 +ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CAPACITY$^{3}$ ,7 +Weather Regulatory Requirements ,7 +] concluded between the contracting authority and [,7 +"by a person other than the owner, the payment shall constitute a lien upon the",9 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +[355-275.],9 +Existing trees ,7 +RANDALL Z. BLACKHAWK,6 +out gives an increase in power. The water does not alter the ,9 +to fly an aircraft.,9 +"response from the glider shortens. As acceleration continues, ",9 +and control. ,9 +or Municipality,9 +Specific objectives: ,7 +Symptoms of Hypoxia,7 +After-Landing Roll .....................................................8-8,8 +Amendment of Schedule 1 to the principal Regulations ,7 +The rear roll must be adjusted to give the proper curvature ,9 +"Article 25 The notification under Article 15, paragraph (3) of the Act in cases ",3 +Methodological framework defined by ECHA ,7 +pressure meets or exceeds a preset level designed into the ,9 +Leave of Absence of Judges of Supreme Court. — ,9 +〔平成十七年七月二十一日政令第二百四十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +Mixing Equipment,7 +of the total thrust output. ,9 +Development of roadmaps for action on: ,7 +~ TRANSrER ,6 +Aircraft Battery Ratings by Specification,7 +monthly installments of not less than ten per centum of the amount loaned.,9 +in areas that may be corroded or indicate a fatigue failure by ,9 +"СанПиН 2.2.2/2.4.2198-07» (зарегистрировано Минюстом России 07.06.2007,",9 +presence or absence of a VDA/TCH and associated,9 +"shuttles,",9 +security requirements and operational roles ,7 +cyclic redundancy check (CRC). A CRC is an error detection ,9 +"can occur during cruising flight, even when cruising at high ",9 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +procedure will be available to all selected candidates and only to them.,9 +"the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the ",1 +Without heating ,3 +Trainings Platforms ,3 +Automatic Decision-Making ,7 +CIVIL AVIATION ,10 +"items specified in the Contract), on a continuous basis (24 hours).",9 +"connected to each end of the conductor under test, and if the ",9 +[2244-1.],9 +consisting of two threaded terminals and a threaded barrel. ,9 +Thermocouples,7 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +Nummer 1),8 +ILS Category II:,3 +"airport, ",9 +"und ihrer Anhänger (VkBl. 2003 S. 229) gekennzeichnet sein, die an der Fahrzeugrückseite oben anzubringen ist.",9 +opposite of normal operation. It can be thought of as a reverse ,9 +Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI),7 +Reporting Standards. ,9 +electronic aid caused pilot evasive action. A “potential” risk is a situation in which a,3 +[2339-91.],9 +Form 5: Committment letter by identified subcontractor ,7 +"The White Planes Picture Company (www.whiteplanes.com), for images used in Chapter 4",9 +Name der Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit ........................................................... ,3 +消毒のみを委託する場合にあつては、第十三号に掲げる基準とする。,3 +"entgegen Artikel 34 Absatz 3 Unterabsatz 1, Absatz 4 Unterabsatz 2 oder Absatz 6 Buchstabe e eine",3 +operate to divest the provincial g,9 +back of the U.S. Terminal Procedures Publication.,9 +that section); and ,9 + This is the approach path to the selected ,9 +Highest density altitude,6 +"However, this same automobile may encounter ",9 +非居住者の本邦にある外国為替公認銀行に対する本邦通貨をもつて表示される,3 +unenforceable to,9 +Facilities for Staff and Labor ,7 +the gearbox. The propeller brake is designed to prevent the ,9 +– Evidence for selection,7 +Personnel Required ,7 +"selective, checking only what needs to be checked at ",3 +Bestimmungen über Art und Umfang der Verarbeitung der Daten nach Absatz 3 für die vom Privaten jeweils,9 +法第四条の三第一項第六号に規定する厚生労働省令で定める数は四百,3 +ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 1,7 +Wer ist für die Datenverarbeitung verantwortlich und an wen können Sie sich wenden? ,7 +(See INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) ,9 +Communications,7 +OFF-AIRPORT LANDING SITES,7 +"weather, cabin environment, navigation, and communication. ",9 +エックス線高電圧発生装置の定格出力,3 +therefore erected a network of double cordon fences (5 meters apart) country ,9 +long as it is placed on top of a thin metallic sheet to ,3 +High taper wing ,6 +Rückgriff auf Dritte,9 +soft-field landing with a stable approach. Then per-,9 +wing depend upon the immediate airstream in ,9 +) the following legal person:,6 +"opening speed of any component (canopy, harness, etc.) shall be marked on the outside of the ",9 +"nearby aircraft. However, each aircraft must have operational ",9 +〔昭和五十五年十月十一日政令第二百六十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +"attachment points, or ",3 +"it is equipped with a series of steel fingers of varying widths, ",9 +"среднемесячной температуре воздуха в январе от -5°С до +2°С, средней",9 +Wind shear. ,9 +provide the requested services. ,9 +in the interests of the prevention or detection of serious crime in the Territory. ,3 +Preparation ,7 +Runway Boundary Sign,0 +listed in the FAA Notices To Airmen Publication (NTAP) ,9 +(ii) the undertaker’s appropriation of it; ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 119 of June 1, 1954] ",7 +Role of the Avionics Manufacturer ,7 +"Industry No. 99 of March 29, 2001] [Extract] ",7 +Moral rights of creators ,7 +On float carburetors equipped with needle-type mixture ,9 +Aircraft Log Books,7 +"their fl ying proficiency and aeronautical knowledge, and commercial WSC pilots teaching WSC students how to fl y should ",9 +"Jahren beibehalten. Sofern Berechtigte dies gegenüber der Privatisierungsstelle nachweisen, wird auf die",9 +a report on the supplies delivered and the incidental siting or installation p,3 +the details stipulated in the special conditions. The contractor shall undertake to carry out ,3 +"RID I: (General Compliance, Economic and Financial Capacity Compliance) ",7 +required. ,9 +Stationary and rotating swash plate. ,0 +Combustion Drain Valves,7 +and calculation of information can be performed.,9 +One to four numbers followed by one letter ,3 +§ 6 Abschlussprüfung,7 +"Another training maneuver to use is the S-turn, which helps ",9 +"gives 125° as the reciprocal of 305°; therefore, execute ",3 +may make their initial takeoff roll with spoilers ,3 +"variations in atmospheric density, installation error, or ",9 +Preparation ,7 +Interviewee should possess a certain media potential to optimise coverage; ,3 +- This section provides information pertaining to regulatory conditions ,3 +Hot gas nozzles,6 +Southerly Turning Errors,7 +Methodology ,7 +so much of an electronic communications network or infrastructure system provided by ,3 +alle Informationen über die Rechtmäßigkeit der Niederlassung des Bewerbers anfordern sowie Informationen,9 +II.16.3. Claims and liability ,7 +be part of the RAID assessment;,3 +" Flight Over Charted U.S. Wildlife Refuges, ",7 +"keystrokes, knob functions, and displays that are",9 +Tiled pavements ,7 +their participation in providing the services does not result in any employment or ,3 +facilities capable of performing these services.,9 +Contractor’s,9 +business in a fair manner. ,3 +SIGNALMAN,6 +"estimate, as some of the tasks/services described above will have to be implemented only ",9 +Facilities for Staff and Labor ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 163 of June 20, 1960] ",7 +"concerning payment and claims)"" in the same Article is revised to ""account ",9 +Aircraft in Terminal Areas,7 +The Lord Chancellor makes these Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by sections ,9 +"Exceptionally, ECHA may reimburse travel and subsistence expenses only ",3 +Requirements and Characteristics of ,7 +"temperature conditions, the thermistor material is an ",9 +"for the receipt of the communication. In any event, the sender shall take all the necessary ",3 +"exchange transactions conducted by a bank, etc. (which refers to a bank, etc. ",3 +ECHA or to a third party designated by ECHA (e.g. a taking over Contractor); ,3 + Report of meteorological phenomena ,9 +"sports event, ",3 +"608 – 614 MHz,",9 +the outside. The downwind half of the turn around ,9 +oscillator in an electronic device depends on the exact type ,9 +Examining Committees and Special Examiners.,9 +view type. The list shall be appropriate for correct reordering of the complete component ,3 +- Seite 45 von 120 -,4 +Northerly Turning Errors ,7 +activities for the ETIP SNET and BRIDGE; ,3 +“appeal panel” means a panel appointed by the President of the Board under regulation 35(1); ,9 +Parallels) ,7 +"(actually decreasing the left pedal). This, in turn, decreases ",9 +the construction of a mooring within Lake Lothing; ,3 +stability is essentially unaffected by the varia- ,9 +"aircraft must, at a minimum, have an operating",9 +corresponding to the left and right sides of the operator when ,9 +CARICOM/CARIFORUM,9 +exterior lights should be illuminated when taxiing on,9 +Maintenance of authorised development ,3 +Nature des dommages-intérêts ,7 +"upwind half, the nose is progressively turned toward ",9 +online type of events) ,7 +Primer and Paint,7 +Economizer System,7 +Fault finding details for rectification of basic faults; ,3 +pilot must have in order to operate according to these rules. ,9 +Relief holes must touch the intersection of the inside bend ,9 +digits of the flight level.,3 +"регистрационный № 49933),",9 +"topography, terrain awareness, traffic, and weather datalink ",9 +FIA World Endurance Championship Prologue and Round 1 Silverstone ,9 +Conferred,9 +Section 3: Plant Description ,5 +eral elements. ,3 +"Copies of the forms prescribed by 14 CFR part 43, ",3 +クス線管焦点から一メートルの距離において十ミリグレイ毎時以下かつエックス,3 +病院等の管理者に対する支援団体の紹介,3 +Acceptance (1) (2) (3) ,7 +Lockbolt Inspection,7 +OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ,7 +"light units. VASI installations consisting of 2, 4, or",9 +check to pick out all the dead or intermittently operating ,9 +Warranted Provision,7 +"Gefährdung, Einrichtung: Unzureichende oder nicht vorh. Beleuchtung in Gebäuden",7 +ved by virtue,3 +the same area.,9 +Tire Inspection Off of the Aircraft,7 +Volume and value of the contract ,7 +"check the attitude indicator and heading indicator, stop ",3 +"characteristics is defined either as occurrence of sludge particles of a size (<10 µm), which ",3 +Contracting ,3 +Over voltage protection ,3 +"Bauteile zu formen,",3 +this activity relates to the configuration (for ,3 +the start of an operational suitability demonstration during which solution performance is evaluated under intense,1 +"Normally, air enters the inlet, circulates around the cellulose ",9 +Harness and container inspection locate and verify defects,3 +"of each year, standard samples of sugars number one, number two, number three,",9 +drag and does not define the point of minimum ,9 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +Inhaltsverzeichnis ,7 +reinforcing. ,3 +"apparatus placed had been of the existing type, capacity or dimensions, or at the existing depth, as ",9 +"the vicinity of a non-towered airport, safety in the National Airspace System requires that remote ",9 +shall conduct new soil investigations,9 +procédure,9 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of January 1, 2006. ",3 +Class E Airspace,7 +Simultaneous Close Parallel Precision Runway ,7 +Amounts of fixed penalties ,7 +Press kits prepared with all relevant press information for dissemination just before the online ,7 +"Unless specified otherwise in the Special Conditions, either party may terminate the ",3 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +box covers for flatness; re-surface them if necessary. After ,9 +", conformity shall be ",9 +aufgeh. durch § 20 Satz 2 V 806-22-1-131 v. 13.10.2020 I 2166 mWv 1.8.2021,7 +the execution of the FWC666 the Contractor shall flag any deviation of application ,3 +"опасными условиями труда, при выполнении которых запрещается применение",9 +affected instrument procedure or route.,9 +Pull Out and ,6 +Contractor’s national partner should quote those additional services requested by the EU-,3 +weltweiter Basis dem Betrieb und der Entwicklung elektronischer Flugnavigationshilfen an Bord von,3 +"pitch change, jump takeoffs can be accomplished.",9 +TRAITEMENT DES DONNÉES À CARACTÈRE PERSONNEL ,7 +National Forest,8 +ARTCC Communications,7 +are rigged in such a way that they decrease the pitch angle,9 +Finanzierung gesonderter Aufgaben,3 +Use of Aircraft Lights,7 +Types of Instructional Aids ,7 +are in response to last minute changes of the approach (and ,9 +"Chasing the CDI and glidepath needles, especially ",3 +Bildbearbeitung und Bildübertragung,3 +定め、公表しなければならない。,3 +Functional requirements for pipe systems ,7 +"[J. R. 3, First Legislature.] ",9 +through an approved prediction program.,9 +and trend period. Each trend will be specified with certain line in monochrome printers (for example ,9 +Stops the engine,3 +"sofortige Spurenaufnahme und Entnahme von Trümmern, Bauteilen und Bestandteilen der Ladung zu",3 +Ground Reconnaissance,7 +For the Contractor: ,7 +The tasks should be completed within ,9 +"some soaring sites, it is sometimes difficult to classify the ",9 +"straight-and-level flightpath, the wings of the airplane are ",9 +relatively straight to bring forward a lagging visual reference ,9 +Serrated adjustment sleeve,6 +Igor Sikorsky settled on for his VS-300 helicopter shown ,9 +"to, collision avoidance procedures including proper scanning ",9 +and welding along the outside of the seam formed by the two ,9 +Since most of the dificulties of transonic ,9 +The operating limitations issued to the aircraft also require ,9 +"the suitability of an operations area for themselves, as well ",9 +"were vehicle baths whereby knapsack sprayers were used instead. However, it ",9 +H_SRMGSA_202003,4 +keep himself info,9 +Figure 4-27. ,0 +managers (The European Commission and Member States) as stated in the EFSA Founding ,9 +Fonte utilizzata per la stima dei costi di sicurezza da interferenze ,3 +undertake the matters set forth in the items of Article 16-4 of the Act in ,3 +means a broad classification of aircraft. Examples include: ,9 +High Reconnaissance,7 +Air conditioning,6 +$_{1}$1497 ,6 +法第四十九条の二において読み替えて準用する一般社団法人及び一般,3 +Departures from:,7 +Shipment Type 1,7 +federführende ,9 +of position far enough to permit turning the magneto drive ,9 +einstellen,8 +2006 c. 42. ,1 +This is an important habit for any student for safety purposes ,9 +"remise fournisseur déduite, hors TVA, hors frais de port et hors coefficient de majoration ",9 +not more than four persons may be appointed as Minister or Assistant Minister from ,3 +Soft iron,6 +248 – 250,8 +Wer ist für die Datenverarbeitung verantwortlich und an wen können Sie sich wenden? ,7 +idle and recheck the idle rpm.,9 +over the runway threshold may not be satisfactory.,9 +EDI messages,9 +specifications,9 + requires to store and use for the performance ,3 +"(ii) the manufacturer's name, type, and number of the X-ray units; ",3 +e-Tendering website$^{1}$:,9 +Remove old pages and insert new pages as indicated below: ,3 +"and Industry No. 67 of November 5, 1987] ",7 +"This design has the pilot chute packed in the container, which ",9 +"AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) ""T"" ROUTE SYSTEM",7 +packing includes,9 +connector link with an overhand knot. ,3 +"the arrest, the appearance of the defendant, the date of the trial, and the nature of",9 +800-WX-BRIEF during the prefl ight briefi ng.,9 +The actual volumes will depend on the quantities that the ,9 +"CWFR = circulating water flow rate, expressed in gallons per minute. ",9 +"37B, avenue J.F. Kennedy ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 247 of July 21, 2005]",7 +bleed closed inc (%N1) is 63.5 ±0.5 %N1,3 +I.13. SERVICE PROVIDED ON THE PREMISES OF THE CONTRACTING ,7 +PHENOMENA OF TRANSONIC FLIGHT. ,7 +The Maintenance part: ,7 +§ 4 Erhebungsstandards,7 +- Seite 10 von 27 -,4 +A person guilty of an offence under regulation 50(6) or 54 (information offences in ,9 +permanent installations to save weight. ,9 +"person is referred to as a ""person who engages in foreign exchange business, ",3 +National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Act 2002(,3 +専属の薬剤師を置かない理由,3 +TCAS II computer issues a Resolution Advisory (RA). This is ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 3 of January 25, 1973]",7 +Layers of the atmosphere.,0 +Approach Light Systems (ALS),7 +other aircraft complying with local air traffic control permission. This has been agreed with the ,9 +Available resources,7 +efficient during the transition from hover to forward flight. ,9 +Organise transport (,7 +стандарта высшего образования —– бакалавриат по направлению подготовки,9 +DP Responsibilities ,7 +Stages of Skill Acquisition ,7 +foreign material.,9 +Continuous-flow oxygen system.,9 +"Repairs, Alterations, and ",7 +Fully Articulated Rotor System,7 +for checking oil with dip stick,6 + who carry out the services and exercises ,3 +DC Alternators and Controls,7 +"before the definition of “use”, insert— ",3 +Additional guidance: ,7 +limitations. The maximum allowable operating ,3 +"phases of operation/support. In addition, the following are some of the other possible inputs for ",9 +measurement device level indicator. The,9 +gemeinsamen,9 +$^{3}$ SME – as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC. ,1 +cause structural damage to the powered parachute. ,9 +"housing, which ensures the minimum tip clearance between ",9 +any other factor the Board considers relevant. ,3 +Article I-11 ,7 +[1793-1 (77).],9 +"is extracted to turn the air compressor, and the remainder ",9 +Procedure Turns,7 + The ability ,9 +already have arisen. ,3 +Proper material and size compatible with specifications and dimensions of goods shall be offered by Contractor and approved by Contracting Authority.,3 +"15 августа 2017 г,",9 +", per quanto attiene agli obblighi di cui al ",3 +Note: Precision approach radars are designed to ,9 +"moment, the G-loading in the cabin is significantly greater ",9 +V$_{1 }$15V,6 +objectives/ deliverables of the services in scope;,3 +"and ""online +"" activities); ",3 +is established along the final approach course 1 NM from ,9 +substantial,9 +Entering Procedures,7 +under the tail. The tricycle configuration also uses two,9 +PIA-TS-108.1,7 +running late after conducting business meetings early in the ,9 +disk area causing the rotor blade to flap down. Because the ,9 +than by reason of a ,3 +"dieser Person die Fahrerlaubnis rechtskräftig oder unanfechtbar entzogen, die Fahrlehrerlaubnis",3 +PIR Strategy ,7 +or other Union or Member State data ,9 +Zugangskontrollsystem mit Dokumentationseinrichtung zu installieren.,3 +Electronic Fire Warning Siren Flasher; ,7 +Relocated Runway Threshold ,7 +定格管電圧が百二十五キロボルト以下の口内法撮影用エックス線装置にあつて,3 +Swaged terminal,6 +display. This method of inspection can detect flaws that are ,9 +A resident alien,3 +Recognizing Interference or Spoofing,7 +DOES NOT AUTHORIZE THE PILOT TO,9 +and the windscreen. In addition to showing primary flight ,9 +в зависимости от количества пассажирских мест на воздушном судне и протяженности маршрута ,9 +為替及び外国貿易管理法の一部を改正する法律(平成九年法律第五十九号。以下こ,3 +"If the contract is signed by a group (joint tender), the group is jointly and severally liable under the ",9 +provide a comprehensive monitoring and reporting methodology to cover all activities ,3 +Incorrect reducer (fast drying) being used.,3 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +Remove the binding from the tongue area by unpicking ,3 +AJI Participation in System Acquisition Safety Analyses ,3 +tions. The term “Zulu” may be used to denote UTC.,3 +"The center A and B lines are continuous (lines 4A, 4B, 5A, and 5B). They run directly from ",3 +"MINISTRY OF YOUTH EMPOWERMENT, SPORT AND CULTURE ",7 +Drinking water ,7 +Inland Waters ,7 +Anti-Skid System Maintenance,7 +découlant d'un AMI (Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt) auprès du Secrétariat.,3 +«САНИТАРНО-ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К,7 +overrun the tow line. This may result in the tow line becoming ,9 +language. The FAA Practical Test Standards (PTS) establish ,9 +Bridle and pilot chute ,3 +EXPLOITATION DES RÉSULTATS DU CC ,7 +Workload or Task Management,7 +Article 13 - ,7 +"paragraph 20, for “and outdoor gyms” substitute “",3 +Radiation is the transfer of heat by electromagnetic waves. ,9 +Bei einachsigen Zugmaschinen nach § 3 Absatz 2 Satz 1 Nummer 1 Buchstabe b und Anhängern nach,9 +"conductivity of copper, it is used extensively. Its light weight ",9 +"in the flange connecting the generator and drive assemblies, ",9 +"misinterpreting the heading indicator, or to confusion ",3 +high speed collectors. It will not be necessary to make programming in controller subsystems. ,9 +"(xii) goods imported to Japan and then exported from Japan without charge, ",3 +feature).,9 +"relative wind, resulting in lower effective airflow (airspeed) ",9 +"in Botswana are drawn from the OIE standards. In addition, the Diseases of ",9 +Manufacture,7 +Flight Director,7 +"separate group of numbers, separated by a “V,” will indicate the extremes of the wind ",3 +alteration by phenomenon that are not the intended modifier ,9 +For the Contracting Authority: ,7 +) (powers of entry) in a case where the notice to treat relates only to the ,9 +to level flight. An effective practice is to lead the altitude by ,9 +Supplementary details of how software and devices are kept up to date ,9 +"Repairs, Alterations, and ",7 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +online conference training ,3 +Elements of Descent Planning Calculations,7 +verification. ,3 +on-top must avoid such airspace.,9 +The condition of the surface that is the,9 +"Zugang zu sonstigen Aufzeichnungen und deren Auswertung,",3 +Main Canopy ,6 +Moral rights of the authors ,7 +"Fischerei in der Flensburger Innenförde vom 29. Mai 1958 (BGBl. 1959 II S. 1073)""",9 +PRELIMINARY,7 +", due in month 2 of the contract",3 +§ 6 Abschlussprüfung,7 +"ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯМ ВОСПИТАНИЯ И ОБУЧЕНИЯ, ОТДЫХА И",7 +214.H Teil 2 ,5 +"state-owned companies and other governmental institutions, which are involved or are ",3 +Equation A5-2 ,9 +"termination, provision at no cost to the contracting authority of the blueprints, ",3 +User-Defined Waypoints ,7 +"extent results in a power loss, both power and economy must ",9 +"numents, fences or other structure",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 77 of March 31, 1959] ",7 +Figure 2-19.,0 +Authority,8 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ",7 +specify the date on which it takes effect; and ,3 +Increase the distance by 10% for each 60 °F temperature increase above standard. ,8 +Placing the Special Registration,7 +"CFR Section 71.33, Sections 91.167 through",9 +Fire fighting water ,7 +This enables him or her to warn passengers that the weather ,9 +I.9. DATA CONTROLLER ,7 +They amend the Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011 which set out the process for ,9 +momentarily,9 +nearest airports. The white arrow indicates which ,3 +include current weather reports and terminal forecasts ,9 +Direction of Flight,7 +Selective availability (SA).,9 +"Europäischen Union, einem anderen Vertragsstaat des Abkommens über den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum",3 +"Unless specified otherwise in the Special Conditions and/or Tender Specifications, Europol shall not ",3 +information. Once information flow exceeds the person’s ,9 +"in paragraph (2), for “England and Wales or Northern Ireland” substitute “the Isle of ",3 +"Additional discussion includes integral topics such as, the ",9 +system are contained in several documents. Pilot,9 +"forename, surname, function of legal representative and name of ",9 +just enough to counteract the crosswind effect. To prevent ,9 + Roll Stability Summary,7 +which calculates,9 +STEEP TURNS,7 +Kundenorientiertes Fahren;,3 +"shows level flight, the airplane is turning. If the ball ",3 +Anforderungen gemäß Energieeinsparverordnung 2016,7 +The payment of the price includes any fees payable to the contractor about the acquisition of ,9 +by FAA-cetificated rigger or the manufacturer) as airframe ,9 +"Enter the designator for the aircraft,",9 +"is a false southerly turn indication. The compass card, or float ",9 +lutions of propeller ,3 +Figure 9-115,9 +Final acceptance ,7 +machine and tape binder. ,3 +by the licensee on the payment dates in relation to the relevant year ,3 +authorized to fly in RVSM airspace.,9 +following provisions of this Part.,9 +Einweisung in den Fahrbetrieb:,3 +"airspace from 18,000 Mean Sea Level (MSL) to FL600.",9 +Article 8 - ,7 +Conduct the Review ,7 +. — The Speaker of the Assembly shall be considered the department,9 +Updated text ,7 +The Crew Briefing,7 +"pressure and temperature changes in altitude. Thus, adequate ",9 +"nique, i.e., ",9 + (ss 42-46) ,7 +. Information on EPA’s recommended ,9 +(All Cones),6 +Coordinating Calculations with Aeronautical ,7 +—(1) Notice of a full election appeal— ,9 +Components ,7 +characterize each source. ,3 +captured by the inlet should match that ,9 +HIGH RATE OF DESCENT,7 +Classes of concrete ,7 +Fahrschüler-Ausbildungsordnung,10 +Turboprops are usually fitted with a torquemeter that ,9 +facilities).,9 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 2 ",7 +〔昭和五十八年七月三十日通商産業省令第三十九号〕,7 +Additional Powers and Duties of Officers,9 +to position the collective as well as attitude (roll ,3 +notices essential to air navigation. These publications,9 +Eingang dazu,3 +Short-Term Memory (STM) ,7 +Monter dans le camion en veillant à ne pas se hâter pour ne pas tomber. ,3 +Principal powers ,7 +List of Appendices ,7 +Personen oder Stellen bedienen.,9 +"Schedule 23 to, the Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 (c. 15).",1 +ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT ,7 +infrastructures of operational cooperation in the ENISA 2020-2022 Work Programme: ,9 +tool manufacturer or a micrometer and swaging ,3 +representatives to such extent as the court or other authority,9 +Cylinder Start of Compression Stroke—Piston ,7 +UP/DOWN—commands cabin altitude to climb/descend,6 +based on these four lift categories. Sources of lift that do ,9 +Daily Maintenance Checks,7 +Figure 2-21.,0 +ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 1,7 +Grundstücks-Personenruf (Netze,8 +当該医療事故に係る医療を受けた者に関する性別、年齢その他の情報,3 +One major automobile manufacturer adver- ,9 += True Course,9 +"loading, (W/S)=60 psf. ",9 +When the approach procedure involves a,9 +is usually made with a boat hook or a person standing,9 +"of the Regional Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry having jurisdiction ",3 +SPECIAL CONDITIONS ,7 + in respect of such areas,3 +— The following fees shall be paid for the registration and entry of each,9 +"to medical needs and contacting rescue personnel, attend to ",9 +"On multiengine aircraft, a paralleling feature must be ",9 +tionship provides the basis for an important ,9 +Electrical Load Limits,7 +"Fournitures,",7 +desired location with the proper airspeed. ,9 +necessary to make use of the ,3 +permit and provided the requirements of 14 CFR,9 +in a straight line. ,3 +"d'une offre conjointe) dès que possible, en la motivant. Dans les cas b) et c) susmentionnés, le ",9 +[2120-1; 2123-1.],9 +Use a hot knife to melt the stitching that holds ,3 +impinges on surfaces that are at temperatures below 32 °F. ,9 +Table 6.2: Signatures for Second-Level Engineering SRM Document Approval and Risk ,7 +The pumps shall be positive displacement or progressive cavity pumps. The capacity of the primary ,9 +"Monitoring, sampling and analyses ",7 +SPECIAL CONDITIONS ,7 +FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION ,7 +"11,000 feet to meet a crossing restriction at 3,000 feet. Since ",9 +ist auch in den Prüfungen nach den §§ 8 und 9 nachzuweisen.,9 +ondary surveillance radar system. The transponder ,3 + This Part of this Schedule does not apply to— ,9 +Holding in Lieu of Procedure Turn,7 +ECHA shall have technical preventive controls in place to restrict the IT ,9 +RotationalGLYPH<.notdef>,6 + A positive-displacement air ,9 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 3 ,7 +abgestimmt werden. Lärmintensive Arbeiten sind in den Ruhezeiten (Klinik) von 12.00-13.00 Uhr ,9 +Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs) -,9 +the beginning of the Intermediate Segment. See,9 +fendering; ,3 +"6) граждан Российской Федерации, являющихся членами экипажей",9 +Article premier ,7 +Volume and value of the contract ,7 +cleaning and waste disposal; ,3 +given to the effect of the inclined average rela- ,9 +〔昭和五十四年十二月七日通商産業省令第百十三号〕,7 +Ground Access Vehicles ,7 +Order No. 328 of 1946) prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order is to be ,3 +Botswana Housing Corporation ,7 +Chapter I General Provisions ,7 +"aus dem Bereich der Filmverwertung müssen jeweils sechs Personen aus den Bereichen der Kinowirtschaft,",9 +for a particular helicopter shows the normal load to,9 +Integrated Flight Control System ,7 +ENISA F-COD-20-T03,3 +flight. Because of abnormal stresses placed upon the structure ,9 +accordance with the best professional practice. ,3 +病院又は診療所の開設者が、法第十八条ただし書の規定による許可を受けよう,3 +"[Figure 9-6, position 1 ",9 +A fuselage design that includes a ,9 +proceed to a fix from which an approach begins and ,3 +are a few special considerations and techniques that,9 +This is a learned skill that must be acquired early in flight ,9 +"pregiudizio al suo onore e alla sua reputazione, violando così i suoi diritti morali. ",9 +the airspeed. A roundout started excessively high must be ,9 +a balloon. ,9 +OPERATING STRENGTH LIMITATIONS ,7 +organisations internationales doit satisfaire pleinement aux exigences du chapitre V du règlement ,9 +Determines whether an obstacle departure,9 +"Kenntnisse der berufsbezogenen Chemie und Physik,",3 +"them back on time, the contractor may be considered in breach of its obligations under ",9 +regulatory science; ,3 +Description of the articulation of the work ,3 +and processes what is determined by the individual to be relevant. This is a selective process where the sensory register is set to ,9 +the United Kingdom Accreditation Service(,3 +"its intended removal for the purposes of those works), or other property of an operator; or ",3 +"evidence has already been provided in a previous procurement procedure, indicate the reference of the ",9 +Article 34 ,9 +Chapter 2$_{ }$,7 +§ 1 Anwendungsbereich,7 +法第四十二条の二第一項に規定する収益業務の用に供する財産,3 +department governor whose decision sha,3 +Further information and consultation ,7 +available.,9 +through a stand tube. This fitting is connected to the system high ,0 +"Informationen, die für die Durchführung der Kontrollen und Audits erforderlich sind. ",3 +manufacture,9 +Article I-11 ,7 +"§ 11 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +AREAS OF EXPERTISE,7 +"Fahr- und Betriebsplanung,",3 +limit where permanent set takes place with a minimum ,9 +Layout Method,7 +"shall examine and inspect the books, records, and papers of every",3 +oil supply to critical areas must be monitored. The oil ,9 +Excessive deviation from desired heading during,3 +EVALUATION AND AWARD ,7 +in the United states,7 +"Angaben zum Vorbesitz von Fahrerlaubnisklassen,",3 +valve open. This stroke draws in a charge of ,9 +"Best used for the mastery of mental or physical skills that require practice, the demonstration-performance method is based on the ",9 +TIS traffic data is displayed.,9 +other national security requirements in paragraph,9 +"adjudicateur, le contractant est tenu de la respecter et d'en informer son ",9 +only if it has given its prior written approval for the expense. ,3 +[355-311.],9 +are built so that no external bracing is needed. They are ,9 +[Figure 16-31],9 +Office of NextGen (ANG) needs to rely on the input of ,9 +the idle mixture adjustment is changed. ,9 +TM Technologies developed and patented a new green glass ,9 +"за пределами Российской Федерации, а также членами семей указанных",9 +susmentionnée,7 +Use of Suitable Area Navigation,7 +longer a factor. ,9 +"one method, the shaft is welded to the disk, which has a ",9 +ground references.,3 +"alternative apparatus) or in consequence of the construction, use, maintenance or failure of any of ",9 +than those listed in Appended Table 3): ,3 +forth in each item of paragraph (2) (limited to those pertaining to hospitals). ,3 +的从业人员的权利,并应当履行本法规定的从业人员的义务。 ,9 +"With a control cable properly rigged, the flight control should ",9 +"configuration, ",3 +The ADM process addresses all aspects of decision-making ,9 +adjusted to 3 degrees above horizontal so that it,9 +"rivets), secure attachment, and component operation ",3 +the following new item: ,9 +Follow-up,6 +Handling of errors: ,7 +such damage or interruption or SGN becoming liable to any third party as aforesaid other ,3 +"Kgatleng District, ",3 +Developing further awareness that the radius of a turn ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 420 of December 20, 1995]",7 +"ganze Jahr umlagepflichtig waren, ist abweichend von den Absätzen 1 und 2 der Bruchteil der ermittelten Erträge",9 +completing,9 +登録分析機関は、事故等分析事業の業務の開始前に、次に掲げる事項を,3 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +Electron Control Valves,7 +thrust line is typically designed to be near the vertical position ,9 +recommends that air carriers and commercial,9 +the top and bottom seams to access the rib. ,3 +"receipt for overhaul, prepare a document that tracks the ",9 +"business in one or more municipalities, one-fifth of the franchise tax",3 +"During a grace period of 2 months, following the signature of the framework contract, the penalties will not be applied. ",7 +GA System Operation,7 +These four demonstration points are further explained as follows. ,9 +"S-LSA an airspeed indicator is usually required, and engine ",9 +"Sämtliche Arbeitskräfte, die im Kontrollbereich des JRC Karlsruhe zum Einsatz kommen, ",9 +"Where an interim period is extended, paragraph (3) applies at the end of the interim period as ",9 +hold sufficient aileron pressure into the wind not only to keep ,9 +Description of the services LOT 3: COVID-19 vaccine-related studies in ,7 +U.S.C. 9660(a)) and section 126(g) of the Superfund Amendments ,9 +force in the Republic of Turkey; ,3 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +The altitude at this time should be approximately 8 to,9 +The learner needs to be prompted to identify risks and make decisions. ,3 +"not disclose, directly or indirectly, ",3 +200 pax event: 2 conference assistants,3 +Financial Evaluation ,7 +Condition levers,6 +coordination with Air Traffic Facilities. Data from,9 +DA to be raised.,9 +Abschlussprüfung,7 +"), the Health and Personal Social Services (Injury Benefits) ",3 +(二)内水,是指我国领海基线向内陆一侧的所有海域。 ,9 +High-Wing Twin,7 +Rigging Fixtures,7 +promotion of persons already in the civil se,9 +Chapter 7—Takeoffs and Departure ,7 +363 cubic inch. Canopy volume charts can be found on the ,9 +BANKING DETAILS,7 +justice is unfit fo,9 +"In einem Zeitraum von insgesamt drei bis fünf Monaten sind schwerpunktmäßig die Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse",9 +Epoxy sanding primers have been developed that provide ,9 +operation; ,3 +"internal temperatures, ambient conditions, and other factors. ",9 +NOTAM system. The NOTAM information could affect your ,9 +communications code. ,9 +DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ,7 +based benchmarks and objective standards applicable to sec-,9 +Objectives ,7 +PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ,7 +practices of those areas.,9 +Situational Awareness,7 +"participates in the provincial share, only so much of their population",3 +INTERPRETATION ,7 +course of action.,9 +§ 93a (weggefallen),7 +A student’s medical becomes their student pilot ,3 +персоналом,9 +ha precedentemente partecipato alla preparazione dei documenti utilizzati nella ,8 +rigid the wing. The cell openings are designed to be ,9 +adhere to airway and route protected airspace by leading turns early before a fix. The turn area provides obstacle ,3 + See coefficient of lift.,9 +Preflight Weather Briefing,7 +the sentence shall be approved by the Chief or by an Assistant Chief.,9 +. If the contractor is unable to fulfil ,3 +Explanation Phase ,7 +II.5.3. Übermittlung elektronischer Dokumente über e-PRIOR ................................ 17$_{ }$,8 +(Refer to AIM.) ,9 +using a direct,3 +tract shall be performed at the plant by the operational staff. All other analyses shall be carried out by ,9 +"The Contractor shall keep accurate and up to date records of concreting, showing for each day when ",9 +the vetting of Trusted Traveler Program applications and operations ,9 +Recognizing Interference or Spoofing,7 +touchdown occurs.,9 +"In the invitation, the contractor shall give the name of the contact person from its staff, ",3 +(See RADAR APPROACH.) ,9 +metal is stretched by moving a ram that carries the form block ,9 +compressed air. When oil is pumped into the other ,9 +Pre-sales and Support: ,7 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +"the proper actions can be accomplished, and then the checklist ",9 +10.10.Koordinationsbesprechungen,7 +in command. ,9 +"RNP 0.3 DA on an RNAV (RNP) IAP, if",9 +"information of a public character, or devoted to literature, the",3 +flight to the next waypoint. ,9 +Contracting authority: who is the buyer? ,7 +"event is taking place, and ",3 +importance of integrating available resources and learning ,9 +valutazione dei rischi presenti nelle aree dell'amministrazione aggiudicatrice e dei ,3 +created. ,9 +pilot certificate. This regulation also states the pilot applicant ,9 +"vom 28.2.2014, S. 1) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung oder",3 +Air emissions resulting from the ,9 +thermals ,9 +Fire fighting water ,7 +Rechtsprechung erforderlich ist.,9 +"yellow border, as shown in FIG 2",9 +Figure 2-7. ,0 +flightpath. ,9 +NAVAID ID,6 +voltage to a reference voltage. The overvoltage protection ,9 +"its Chief Justice, or, in case of his death, absence, or disability, by the Associate",9 +the contributions,9 +"approach procedure for that airport, or ",9 +(iii) The outcome of training on advanced medical care ,3 +Maintenance: ,7 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +Prohibition on arrival of vessels into England ,7 +"Place vinyl film, adhesive side up, on a clean porous ",3 +Obligation to notify EFSA of changes,7 +a manner that does not utilize the SIP motor vehicle emissions budget. These instances require ,9 +ENROLLED IN PATIENT ENROLLMENT SYSTEM OF DEPART-,7 +"Markt und Marketing, insbesondere Angebot, Nachfrage, Preisgestaltung und Werbung;",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 369 of November 20, 1998]",7 +ヘルメットは、帽体、衝撃吸収ライナ及び保持装置を備え,9 +is charted where holding is frequently required prior to,9 +Workload or Task Management,7 +Battery Freezing,7 +CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE ,7 +"Monitoring, sampling and analyses ",7 +Installation,7 +party without the other's prior written consent. ,3 +The rotary machine is used on cylindrical and flat sheet ,9 +outside of the turning flightpath. The glider is banked too much ,9 +"In the Northern Hemisphere, the flow of air from areas of ",9 + Ground Effect,7 +the pilot sees more red than white lights. ,9 +Pricing Model Details ,7 + [Figure 7-13] ,9 +around a point may be compared to the upwind side ,9 +Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake),7 +Software Port-Log,8 +"cabin and/or cockpit, containing seats for the occupants and ",9 +"fractional part thereof, of the amount insured by any such ",3 +Active flight plan check—the active flight plan ,3 +The frequency of the AC oscillating in the Hartley oscillator ,9 +General requirements ,7 +"height, but may also be used for other atmospheric variables.",9 +法第三十条の四第二項第十四号に規定する区域については、地理的条件等の自然,3 +Do not place the thermocouple under the vacuum ,3 +II.4.1.12 Remedy ,7 +Bouncing During Touchdown ..................................8-31,8 +"Physical Security, Information Security, Cybersecurity, and Occupational Safety and ",7 +and pressure instrumentation. A fitting is provided at the ,9 +POH. An ice light on the left engine nacelle allows the pilot ,9 +Equipment Setup,7 +"frequency, identification, channel, geographic coor-",9 +Contractor’s national partner to negotiate technical equipment with in-house service or external ,3 +PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ,7 +"Response, shall conduct a review of the Fund under this section ",9 +Availability of facilities;,3 +section may have a red tab for quick identification and ,9 +"Salt Lake Approach, United 621, “minimum fuel.”",9 +"Apply flux either to the material, the filler, or both if needed. ",9 +Extract of the bank account ,3 +"strands should be intact, and the line should be free ",3 +"(ii) the manufacturer's name, type, and number of the medical high-energy ",3 +Gefahrstoffe in der abzubrechenden Bausubstanz,7 +personal data by third parties. ,9 +contracting authority ,3 +Several national competent authorities have reported the availability of chemical occurrence ,3 +of the drill slipping off and tracking across the metal. ,9 +passengers. ,9 +"will be that a crack will form in the corner. Generally, the ",9 +Министерства,9 +ublication Ref: NEAR/ANK/2020/EA-OP/0056 ,7 +Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan,5 +"(iv) the undertaker’s taking temporary possession of it, ",3 +Light Twin Airplane,7 +reciprocating engine aircraft fuel systems. A series of vent ,9 +that regulation continues to have effect as if the amendment made by these Regulations remains in ,9 +The Programming ,7 +"selbst hergestellt haben, als Einzelfuttermittel lose in den Verkehr bringen, müssen von der zuständigen Behörde",9 +are no extra parts in helicopters. The respect and discipline ,9 +NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH ,7 +Tender Specifications ,7 +Standard or straight reamer.,3 +as other crewmembers and air traffic control personnel.,9 +"Bei Tätigkeiten, die nicht in den Tabellen 1a und 1b aufgeführt sind,",9 +Ground tests vary slightly from aircraft to aircraft. Consult ,9 +accordance with paragraphs (23) to (25). ,9 +the construction of new highway comprising carriageway and cycleway and forming ,3 +flaps and perform the after-landing checklist.,9 +priations of the House of Representatives and the Senate detailing ,9 +"goods listed in the middle column of row1, row 19 to row 21-3, row 25, row 30, ",3 +Evaluation of tenders,7 +rectional effects ,9 +Registrierung bestimmter Betriebe und zwischengeschalteter Personen des Futtermittelsektors sowie,3 +"Frequenzen in den Frequenzbereichen 9 775 – 9 900 kHz, 11 650 – 11 700 kHz und 11 975 – 12 050 kHz",3 +radar contact/communication with approach control,9 +Anzahl der Monate des Umlagejahres entspricht.,9 +"foregoing subsections, the duty of burial shall devolve upon the",3 +Information Management ,7 +"Identification, invitation and briefing of journalists/experts ",7 +MAC is known.,9 +the harness/container is being worn in the normal fashion. ,3 +"VSI tape, and the altimeter tape shows changing values until ",9 +Acknowledgments,7 +"action, the more wing surface is exposed to the force of the ",9 +Inspection for Corrosion,7 +"also responsible for collecting, connecting, collating, analysing and summarising relevant ",9 +Malfunctions,7 +Overall management ,7 +Moist valley breeze,6 +"Weather-related information can be found on the Internet, ",9 +APPROPRIATE TERRAIN CLEARANCE,9 +APPENDIX A6. ,3 + définis dans le ,9 +in a situation of conflicting interests that may negatively affect the ,9 +Moral rights of creators ,7 +slowly deteriorates with continuing rain impingement. This ,9 +Санитарные правила,7 +Exemptions ,7 +Bureau of Civil Service,7 +riferimento,9 +Canning Road ,7 +facts which form the basis for the complaint (see https://www.ombudsman.europa.eu).,9 +Self-Launch Takeoff Emergency ,7 +tained high powers is the case of the after- ,9 +shall be conducted may be specified therein or otherwise determined by the,9 +Figure 4-7. ,3 +"After the banner is released, the pilot should be prepared to hold the controls in ",3 +business continuity solution. The systems must guarantee maximum reliability and very ,9 +уборки с применением дезинфицирующих средств и санитарной обработки,9 +I.1.4. Costs of transfer ,7 +plane velocity causes the change in angle of ,9 +section 69(1) of this Constitution:,9 +Tender report.,7 +"The General Synod, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 7 of the Synodical Government ",9 +"directions. Once the area has been cleared, roll the",9 +"intended touchdown point. If the helicopter is not turning, ",9 +made in accordance with the provisions and restrictions of the Real,3 +DIRECTIONAL CONTROL ,7 +proportionately in,9 +more prone to sweating when going from cool to warm ,9 +DESIGNATION.—The facility of the United States Postal ,9 +"by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry by public notice); ",3 +curve shows how the fuel-air mixture is leaned out during ,9 +o be made each successive year. A person,9 +conditions of the procurement procedure or result in unequal treatment of tenderers. ,3 +the President whether the Secretary ought to be,3 +", the brushless alternator actually ",9 +automatically calculate the overall cost for the RUN service over the 12-months ,3 +drop in temperature reduces the turbine power ,9 +Two of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury ,9 +Poor Adhesion,7 +"Group’s hosting platform and LMS, in case of e-learning courses developed ",3 +Safety Incident and Accident Reporting and Analysis ,7 +“Ceiling one thousand overcast ... visibility three ...,9 +MKS-Kabelbahn,8 +Article II-10 ,7 + The contractor must take all the necessary measures to prevent any situation of ,3 +maintenance program approved for certain large airplanes ,9 +recommended entry procedures will ensure the,9 +and minute pits or pocks in or near the center of the contact ,9 +for reporting the results of these analyses. ,3 +whose capacity is necessary to fulfil the selection criteria. ,9 +ADDRESS OF BANK BRANCH,7 +(‘the person’) ,6 +group as a whole. ,9 +Northamptonshire ,9 +"In a jet engine, each major rotating section usually has a ",9 +The sum of all quality award criteria (1 ,7 +shock waves if the surface is smooth and the ,9 +"required takeoff technique. A rough field, a smooth field, a ",9 +"sensors employed at the automated station. When the modifier “COR” is used, it identifies a ",3 +electronic aid caused pilot evasive action. A “potential” risk is a situation in which a,3 +Supporting document(s)/evidence requested: ,7 +NOTE: The rivet head often breaks away and climbs ,9 +paiement restant reprend à compter de la date de réception des informations demandées ou des ,9 +LAND OF WHICH ONLY TEMPORARY POSSESSION MAY BE ,7 +避免对海洋环境造成污染损害的,造成污染损害的有关责任者免予承担责任: ,9 +until the aircraft reaches the published decision altitude (DA)/,9 +high Mach number ,3 +heading. ,9 +Chapter 21—Gyroplane Emergencies,7 +Fuel Pressurizing and Dump Valves,7 +Protection of Retained Trees ,7 +jet velocity with the corresponding increase ,9 +examples of bonding connectors. Jumpers should be as short ,9 +INFORMATIONEN ZUR AUSSCHREIBUNG ,7 +ACCOUNT HOLDER'S DATA,7 +"Contractant,",7 +Definitions ,7 +pitch attitude. Regardless of individual differences in ,9 +Current procedure ,6 +"Amendment of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations ",7 +I.5. ZAHLUNGSMODALITÄTEN ,7 +basket. Immediately compensate for the additional weight ,9 +a contamination inspection room (meaning a room in which the surface of ,3 +"treasurer shall not be removed from the township by the provincial treasurer, but",9 +indicator frequently is provided to show the temperature ,9 +aircraft conducting the offset approach is utilized. ,9 +“interim period” has the meaning given by regulation 14(1)(a); ,9 +on the localizer course.,3 +Airway and Route System ,7 +Requesting a Special Registration Number,7 +"and vice versa, and words in the masculine shall be deemed to include the feminine and ",3 +atom to atom or,9 +Working Capital,7 +"judgment to be a safe pilot. The ability to make effective decisions as PIC depends on a number of factors. Some circumstances, such ",9 +the autopilot has the task of carrying out those control ,9 +personnel in the event of cable failure. If a proper test fixture ,9 +capable of maintaining the climb gradient outlined,3 +soon as possible to the contracting authority for verification.,9 +superimposed over a full-screen representation of the attitude ,9 +территориальным,9 +respect of both fees and expenses shall not exceed EUR [,3 +Use of workers posted to the contractor by another company owned by the same group ,3 +"behavioral pediatrician, and may also include behavioral scientists, ",9 +Description ,7 +Program map scale settings for en route versus ,3 +II.20.3. Umrechnung ,7 +"[1397-40, 41, 42, 44.]",9 +前三号の業務を行うために保有する財産(前三号に掲げる財産を除く。),3 +flight in the atmosphere and in outer space; ,3 +more information. Instructors can vastly improve retention of information by making certain their learners have the best possible ,9 +"d'être transmis aux candidats. Plus particulièrement, la description des besoins ",3 +the stamp of the bank and the signature of the bank's representative are not required. The signature of the account-holder ,3 +Risk management processing can take place in any of three timeframes. ,0 +with the ,9 +"VOR/DME, Non",9 +"of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, the authority is exercised by the ",3 +track to or from the station regardless of crosswind conditions. ,9 +"bulb lights up, there is continuity. If it does not light up, the ",9 +Procedure Turns,7 +Further requirements for the use of applications and online tools,7 +Low Reconnaissance,7 +II.20.2. Währung ,7 +terminal or en route purposes as described in this,9 +Lebenspartners fortgeführt werden. Nach Ablauf von sechs Monaten nach Bekanntwerden des Mangels,9 +the same nearly catastrophic experience. Piston,9 +"fins de la présente disposition, les termes «réutilisation» et «document» ont la signification qui leur ",9 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +Two control lines controlled at the risers are used to maneuver the canopy. Each control line ,3 +"of all related components, which are listed below. Related ",9 +begin ironing over structure and move to spanned fabric or ,9 +"improper routing, insecure mounting, and obvious ",3 +Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan,7 +Controls the engine fire extinguishing system,3 +Figure 9-6.,0 +Adjusting field current controls generator output. ,9 +established by the mean ILS glideslope or MLS glidepath. ,9 +"and call Flight Watch to get weather updates en route. Finally, ",6 +Fahrtunterbrechungen und,3 +Remove the side flap.,3 +Article I-15 ,7 +propeller. Inspect propeller attachment to the gearbox and ,9 +Figure 7-35.,0 +"applied to the gears can be extreme, so the lubricant must be ",9 +municipalities: ,9 +Quality requirement: ,9 +"2, paragraph (3) of the Foreign Exchange Control Order after the revision ",3 +"Provision of expertise in Public Affairs and Media scenarios for cyber exercises, ",7 +Improper Elevator Trim Setting,7 +"In others, the housings are routed under or over back ",3 +such that the required degree ,9 +Contractual conditions..................................................................................................4 ,8 +Tandem Rotor ,7 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 06.12.2011,9 +"This is accomplished with the throttle control or governor, ",9 +The wastewater treatment plant has completed its period of tests after completion. A ,3 +II.15. Preisabzug ............................................................................................................. 24$_{ }$,8 +t and reformation of,3 +from the system.,3 +Position EFSA and other PERA partners as important partners for the implementation of next ,3 +"Carriageway at Poulton Junction, approximately 93 metres in length, as shown on Sheet 2 of the ",9 +required by the Agency under this Schedule. ,3 +[Figure 4-50],9 +transistor has the same characteristics as that of a common-,0 +CAUTION: An aircraft may not be registered in ,9 +"vertical speed, and wind direction and velocity to other ",9 +"As the piston starts to move up, covering the transfer port, ",9 +"Parks, and Forest Service Areas",7 +development of lesson plans. A well constructed syllabus ,9 +Aufgaben und Verpflichtungen,7 +"Holding Position Markings, 2",9 +a particular repair job can be determined by referring to the ,9 +"), which includes several recommendations for future methodological developments. ",3 +assisting the Consultant with information and documentation; ,3 +vertically,9 +“bilge water” means any water or other liquids that collect in the bilge; ,9 +"and Industry No. 43 of September 30, 1986] ",7 +intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of ,9 + http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/press/news/190117 and https://zenodo.org/communities/efsa-,1 +"Airport Route Surveillance Radar, 4",9 +High-Wing Twin,7 +with flat or pointed co-axial shoes of cast iron if driving is liable,9 +II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +Claims and liability ,7 +Step 1: Determine the Magnetic Course,9 +§ 6 Meldepflicht der Inhaber einer Fahrlehrerlaubnis zur vorübergehenden und gelegentlichen,7 +System Description,6 +For the Contracting Authority: ,7 +approaches will be assessed. This objective should provide an analysis of the parameters ,9 +classified as line,9 +Isopropyl Alcohol ,8 +II.21.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +pumps. A ,9 +http://www.epa.gov/otaq/stateresources/transconf/policy/420b13053-sec.pdf. ,1 +Rotor Configurations,7 +Other Airport Visual Aids,7 +その貨物が核兵器、軍用の化学製剤若しくは細菌製剤若しくはこれらの散布の,3 +the prevention or treatment of a rare pediatric disease; ,9 +investigation within the competency of th,9 +Records and Documents ,7 +"position, differential pressure builds up on one side of the ",9 +Flight Inspection/‘Flight Check’,7 +in the Terminal Procedures Publication (TPP) and are ,9 +Name der Ersthelfer ,3 +"Director of Health therefor, and the Director of Health shall thereupon furnish the",9 +All deliverables should be drafted ,3 +the tab must be replaced. Make sure that the line/tab ,3 +Management letter,7 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +– MISURE CORRETTIVE ,7 +"slopes, and small crevices. If the pilot determines that the ",9 +unanfechtbar zurückgenommen oder widerrufen worden ist oder die Fahrerlaubnis auf andere Weise,3 +Amendment of Group 3 of Schedule 8 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994 ,7 +Install to airworthy standards around reserve,3 +"sailor, or marine of the Unit",9 +"carefully punching out the shank. If, upon examination, the ",9 +if that person is notified to the Secretary of State by the sovereign Power concerned as having ,9 +"without filler rod. Then, try welding a butt joint using flux ",9 +Historical Analysis ,7 +Contacts during the procurement procedure ,7 +つては、様式第七の二による書面及びその法人の登記事項証明書,3 +if the aircraft is being operated in a position near 30 degrees ,9 +support and corrective maintenance) for a,3 +BUY THROUGH THIS PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE? ,7 +Common problems that may occur during the painting ,9 +The reagent management ledger ,3 +signal it is measuring.,9 +Acknowledges receipt and understanding of,9 +ont été fournies pour participer à la présente procédure. ,7 +for a therapeutic X-ray unit with a rated tube voltage of 50 kilovolts or ,3 +"progressing, smooth out the fabric to reshape the rib ",3 +For the Contractor: ,7 +"billion). In 2016 the value of EU travel services exported to China was close to EUR 7 billion, ",9 +Der ehrenamtliche Richter wirkt bei der mündlichen Verhandlung und der Urteilsfindung mit gleichen Rechten,9 +"aligned with the runway centerline, additional",9 +from above.,9 +ECHA expects that general tasks for governance and contract management to be ,3 +Primary Disposition of Township Revenue. — ,9 +in any other case at a place described in paragraph (4)(a) to (c). ,3 +Media channels to be identified ,7 +gemeinsames,9 +legally binding on,3 +After the closing of the tendering procedure and in order to improve the quality of tenders and ,9 +Flight crew,6 +собственной,9 +antenna (required for TCAS II installations) will be ,9 +Welche Quellen und Daten nutzen wir? ,7 +"Ausflaggungsgenehmigung darf erst erteilt werden, wenn die Zahlung des Ablösebetrages nachgewiesen ist.",9 +CLOSING CONTAINER ,7 +empirical shape coefficient. ,9 +carburizing secondary cone. By alternately turning in each of ,9 +quantity indication. ,9 +[Figure 5-44],9 +within/below/outside controlled airspace and with-,9 +feet above 5000 feet) and simultaneous close parallel ,9 +manufacturer’s instructions when installing transmission ,9 +"experiences; therefore, learning and knowledge cannot exist apart from a person. A person’s knowledge is a result of experience, and ",9 +"Calculation of the costs (incl. travel, overheads, consumables and any other related costs) ",7 +office (whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause) or for misbehaviour.,9 +Instrument Markings,7 +"for the student, as well as the advanced civil aviation pilot. ",9 +energy is utilized to provide the high exhaust ,9 +"Nettoerträge aus dem Zahlungsverkehr,",3 +Power to override easements and other rights ,7 +THE SCHEDULE TO THE SCHEME ,7 +"in Annex B],",3 +Produce a reduction in,3 +"Descriptions of the interaction of the system with other systems, the system ",3 +"Hubschrauber mit Turbinentriebwerk,",3 +ministerial act which may be lawfully done by any officer may be performed by,9 +the compensation is to be estimated in connection with a purchase under that Act; or ,3 +control surface input.,9 +and an overview of packing a ram-air canopy into a sport ,9 +appear to be tipped are not in groups and are not tipped in ,9 + The countries or territories referred to in paragraph 3(1) are— ,9 +Information Datenschutz ,7 +"des Umweltschutzes,",3 +を受けようとするときは、その休止し、又は廃止しようとする日の二週間前までに、,3 +"tread. In general, damage that does not exceed 40 percent ",9 +load must be safely controlled or managed within the rated ,9 +"(N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW). This method must be",9 +"for specified articles, such as materials, parts, processes, or ",9 +and to suppress all brackets. ,9 +conductor heating. Allowance must be made for ,3 +Vacuum created in ,6 +"If requested in the tender specifications, the tenderer and all ",3 +LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF A GROUP ,7 +moment. For more ,9 +"находящихся на одной собственной территории, должны предусматриваться",9 +Principle of Operation,7 +under a newly defined category of approaches called,9 +The parasite power required is a function ,9 +" In regulation 61(4) (liability of officers of bodies corporate etc.), for “Section 171(4)” ",9 +longed unusual attitudes could starve the flows ,9 +BLADE PITCH ANGLE,7 +Steering cylinder “A”,6 +Failure to execute turns with accurate timing.,3 +"Prüfauftragsart (Ersterteilung, Erweiterung, Umschreibung, Neuerteilung),",3 +"In short, the exciter permanent magnet and armature starts the ",9 +"15.001 € => 60.000 €: au moins trois candidats doivent être consultés, ceci ",3 +busiest airports in terms of IFR operations or,9 +"the purpose of evaluation, work such as room partitioning and telecom provider infrastructure are ",9 +be provided in accordance with the applicable basis,9 +"or enhance aluminum, steel, and titanium components. ",9 +das übergeordnete Unternehmen eines Finanzkonglomerats die für die Erfüllung der Pflichten nach den §§ 17 bis,9 +Some turnbuckles are manufactured and designed to ,9 +The following documents must be signed and dated during the creation of your tender in ,9 +standards” ,9 +Minimum altitude.,9 +"is approximately 42° N latitude, 88° W longitude. ",9 +derive from the above and ,3 +"""three days."" ",3 +"prescribed in Article 30-13, paragraph (1) of the Act to provide information ",3 +II.16.3. Claims and liability ,7 +Personnel Required ,7 +Deployment Types,7 +Light Sport Aircraft and Aircraft Certificated as ,7 +The copper patch cables shall have white labels with black digits. ,9 +) 1984 c. 22. Part 2A was inserted by section 129 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (c. 14).,1 +Tools and Maintenance Equipment ,7 +II.2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT TENDER ,7 +Fuel Pressurizing and Dump Valves,7 +Requirements for Scenarios ,7 +"prior to, or in the initial phases of vaccine roll-out. ",8 +"nature of the personal data breach including where possible, the categories and approximate ",3 +at the FAA Home Page http://www.faa.gov. Information regarding the purchase of FAA subscription aeronautical ,9 +requisites would suggest that purchases at any time should take ,9 +Piles of rectangular cross section shall have a minimum of 4 No. longitudinal reinforcement bars and ,9 +Dynamic Rollover,7 +"(see section 59 of the 2011 Act) before the end of that term, the commissioner ceases to be ",9 +ограниченными,9 +understanding,9 +be at an 11 o’clock position. ,9 +ity to do any notarial act beyond the limits of his jurisdiction.,9 +Botswana Housing Corporation ,7 +The first step in blade overhaul is the precise measurement ,9 +not equipped with GPS may plan to fly and land using,9 +Self-launching,9 +of power and climbing flight would be pro- ,9 +"successfully, but it requires some practice and the appropriate ",9 +Electron Control Valves,7 +the transmitter and indicator rotors used are electro-magnets ,9 +"of all or a substantial part of the contents of the database by the distribution of copies, by ",3 +Chapter 1,10 +The contracting authority orders services by sending the contractor a specific contract in ,9 +procurement,6 +service and that ATC may not always be able to issue ,3 +Secondary or Auxiliary Control Surfaces ,7 +(position change over time). ,9 +as override stops to prevent stretching of cables and damage ,9 +constant while the speed of its input shaft caries. The CSD ,9 +developed by the operator to mitigate the loss of ,3 +この政令は、昭和四十八年九月一日から施行する。,3 +accuracy of the,9 +BOTH SHEETS (Financial tender and Financial evaluation).,7 +vapor cycle air conditioning system. This reduces the boiling point of ,0 +Brake Inspection and Service,7 +On initial contact the term “minimum fuel”,9 +条において「支援団体」という。)は、法第六条の十一第三項の規定による支援(以,3 +Submission of requests to participate phase,7 +Reviewing the Flight Route,7 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +Distress and Urgency Procedures,4 +ELENCO ATTREZZATURA MINIMA ,7 +it must be de,9 +information within such master file without necessitating ,9 +关键信息基础设施的运行安全,7 +"layout, frequencies) for these alternate airports. To further ",6 +DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +Governor/Correlator ,7 +CG FORWARD OF FORWARD LIMIT,7 +Instructors should consider using scenarios to evaluate pilot risk management proficiency. The scenario should be constructed in a ,9 +Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness (LTE),7 +information becomes unattended or displaces other tasks ,9 +"interconnected to produce full-span flaperons. In either case, ",9 +the purposes of signing this specific contract by [,9 +of the output ,9 +Briefing needs to be agreed with the EU-OSHA's national partner in advance; ,3 +roll-in and roll-out.,3 +Wind and Currents ,7 +who work under the ,3 +examples of problems with interpretation that make vigilance ,9 +A helicopter is a collection of compromises. Compare the ,9 +"Rahmenplan für den klassenspezifischen Zusatzstoff in den Klassen A, A2, A1 (4 Doppelstunden), in",7 +as the party required disclosing the information provides the other party with ,3 +"The potential weight of the pilot, ",9 +"To level off from a climb and maintain an altitude, it is ",9 +methods used to demonstrate compliance with criteria specified in the software plans.,3 +and key moments of the event) to the Contractor who will upload them to EU-OSHA’s online ,3 +will be understood by the Contracting Authority as confirmation ,6 +Information to be filled in ,7 +Open type,6 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +"turn coordinator, and attitude indicator must be interpreted. ",9 +"balance. Due to this yaw, the wing on the outside of the ",9 +"626 734 787,04 Euro",9 +Amendment to the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 ,7 +always preceded by the letter “A.” Rising or falling,3 +"Of course, this same factor ",9 +Solid-State Devices,7 +for registering that aircraft. ,3 +used in most medium to heavy lift helicopters due to its,9 +Enroute Low Altitude charts.,9 +Regulations 2020 ,9 +Measure 1969(,9 +Other Routing,7 +"harmonised, well-structured (i.e. ",3 +services to the Agency.,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ",7 +CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DU CONTRAT-CADRE DE SERVICES ,7 +"For onsite, hybrid, ""online +"" for the onsite part:",7 +"consultation des candidats, une seule offre valable sur le plan technique et ",3 +Flaps 10°,6 +dimensions of the helicopter since they often must decide ,9 +Type of report—there are two types of METAR reports. The first is the routine METAR report ,3 +Torquemeter.,9 +"be sent by mail, email or, for the documents specified in the special conditions, via ",3 +Type 1: Canopy First Deployment ,7 +"latitude, the turn should be stopped 15+15+30 degrees after ",9 +exemptions than those usually granted to other international or expatriate staff employed ,3 +[Figures 2-69 ,3 +Class B Airspace,7 +When a static system becomes blocked but the pitot tube ,9 +Travaux d'adaptation,7 +し、厚生労働大臣に提出すること。,3 +contribute,9 +of movement in the collective lever determines the amount ,9 +"MODALITÉS EN MATIÈRE D’ÉTABLISSEMENT DES PRIX, COMMANDES ET DE ",7 +"(ii) the manufacturer's name, type, and number of the medical high-energy ",3 +Article 27 (1) Rockets or unmanned aerial vehicles specified by Cabinet Order as ,3 +aircraft instruments with minimal dependence upon what ,9 +attitude is being established. The rate of rounding out must ,9 +II.6. LIABILITY ,7 +осуществляющим,9 +charts published specifically for visual navigation. If,9 +"often allow for mission accomplishment (the reason most pilots fly). By effectively mitigating known risks to acceptable levels, pilots ",9 +BLADE PITCH ANGLE,7 +"with the prior approval of the proper head of Department, be loaned from the same",9 +recovery (if turn is prolonged). ,3 +Knowledge Junction repository of EFSA runs on the EU-funded Zenodo research-sharing ,9 +accommodate. The 720 and 760 use .025 MHz (25 kilohertz ,9 +wirtschaftlicher und terminlicher Vorgaben,8 +Le stockage des bouteilles pleines doit se faire verticalement et protégé contre les chutes ,3 +"At least six weeks prior to the review, the approval authority must notify the applicant in writing ",9 +"In many cases, flying using the MON may involve a more",9 +Pressure altitude (feet) ,6 +"In particular, the information specified as non-public in the procurement documents, ",3 +"determined, make the landing into the wind. If landing",9 +"in person, in the constituency in which he or she last resided, or in which he or she was ",3 +measures set forth in items (i) through (iii) and the measures set forth in items ,3 +Gas welding of certain aluminum alloys can be accomplished ,9 +the maximum steady climb angle can ,9 +and to check this email regularly.,9 +repairs may have been made using material from several ,9 +VOR Receiver Check,7 +"such as pneumatic power, to unlatch the gear.",9 +Anlage 4 (zu § 1 Abs. 4 des Gesetzes),7 +"must conduct an SSM (consulting with the ATO Chief Safety Engineer, as necessary) to identify ",9 +to return to the level pitch attitude.,9 +Straight Descents (Constant Airspeed ,7 +Parachutes,9 +Figure 4-146. ,0 +Figure 9-6. Turns around a point. ,0 +AJI Audits and Assessments Group ,3 +"In some small aircraft, the design configuration makes ",9 +most large aircraft are listed in ,9 +Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan,7 +"identified in Schedule 14 to the Order, and certified by the Secretary of State as the scheme-",9 +"each power of attorney to perform any act whatsoever, except",3 +Article I-16 ,7 +RS – Realignment of street ,9 +"aircraft, there are two descent planning methods available: ",9 +himself or herself ,6 +"is necessary to fulfil the selection criteria must provide the declaration on honour (see section 4. Annexes), ",9 +Anlage 4 (zu § 1 Abs. 4 des Gesetzes),7 +step on the treadle while holding the sheet securely in place. ,9 +Checking and Safetying the System,7 +"[Figure 9-33],",9 +"before the definition of “use”, insert— ",3 +they may not accept any direct instructions from the contracting authority; and ,3 +high-speed,9 +(See CERTIFIED TOWER RADAR DISPLAY.) ,9 +Failure to maintain selected altitude or airspeed.,3 +Actual current (motors with frequency and soft starter) ,3 +"decides on an appeal under Rule 58(2) that a nomination is not valid, the judge must— ",9 +written report on services that includes the following matters to the Minister of ,3 +Le signataire déclare que la personne a déjà fourni les preuves documentaires aux fins d'une ,9 +is yawed in the opposite direction from the bank should be ,9 +allowable operating temperature of insulated conductors ,9 +software. For analogue signals range and scale shall be verified. For level transmitters offset and ,3 +"documents and files, to allow the contracting authority to",9 +Zulassungsverfahren,7 +on receipt of a request for further information pursuant to paragraph 3 the undertaker ,3 +DP Responsibilities ,7 +“The rotating work table of the machine (C axis) shall be direct driven with torque ,8 +La manipulation des récipients sous pression (bouteilles à gaz ou autres) doit se faire avec ,3 +Figure 1-11. ,0 +Enrolment appeals ,7 +Figure 2-17.,9 +"is no longer present, the spark continues to follow the carbon ",9 +"able to recall in the classroom, but amidst the excitement, has forgotten a few things. He uses the same scenario at a different airport ",9 +Throttle Control,7 +unaccompanied luggage if it has given prior written approval for the expense. ,3 +"systems for coordination and cooperation between the national government, ",3 +The director-general of the local finance bureau or the Director-General of the ,3 +Unsachgemäße Errichtung elektrischer Anlagen/Betriebsmittel,7 +Page 6 of 8,4 +particulate,9 +"of Article 1, paragraph (2), and Article 2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Export ",3 +"be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, including its ",9 +§ 4 Ausbildungsplan,7 +only that necessary ,9 +"protected airspace. As in the procedure turn, the",9 +high moisture content and some type of lifting action. Lifting ,9 +Rents and profits — Municipal property,3 +of Particular Conditions of Contract. ,3 +B.2.4.2 Emission Factors ,7 +"Contractant,",7 +Financial sanctions licences ,7 +the tow assembly.,3 +Flight Director,7 +T-7A chest pack or the B-12 back parachute. ,9 +Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Size,7 +"Planung der Betriebsentwicklung, Wirtschaftsplanerstellung und -vollzug, Investition und Finanzierung,",3 +"at the rate applied by the European Central Bank to its main refinancing transactions in euro, as ",3 +within 2 [two],9 +"natural gas), or tons (for coal) ",9 +For detailed instructions on how to withdraw a tender please consult the above referred e-Submission Quick ,1 +(weggefallen),7 +Introduction/Explanation,7 +Initial Climb,7 +(Standards for setting zones) ,9 +use of VASI angles in excess of 3.5 degrees may cause,9 +HUD. This rule change provides “operational credit” for EV ,9 +"In this case, the airplane would be more sensi- ",9 +Gas Temperature (EGT)—the temperature ,3 +SALARIES AND EXPENSES ,7 +"Prüfungsbereich Maschinen und Geräte, Be- und Verarbeitung",3 +Режим двигательной активности детей в течение дня организуется с учетом,9 +Subject: Supply of Equipment for Final Stop Before Climbing the Ladder: Mantar Cultivation and Technology Commercialization ,7 +Institution (including an EU agency) is considered a different client.,8 +Rotate the wing bag so the zipper is facing up.,9 +"Breite 35 mm, Höhe 25 mm, Eckradien 1 mm.",3 +section 9(4) (failure by owners to convey); ,3 +"10_Vol3_d4.3_Section 10 roads, landscaping and fences_en_GIR_rev6.docx ",4 +Anlage (zu § 1),7 +"476 339 096,51 Euro",9 +volume of air in order to slow the descent of a falling load ,9 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 +If the contracting authority’s liability towards the third party is established and that such ,9 +Wake Ends,6 +Chapter 5$_{ }$,7 +with the brakes on is one. This is mitigated on aircraft with ,9 +2016 abgeschlossen sein.,9 +"For entry ML1.d.3, substitute— ",9 +higher MEA after passing a point beyond which the higher MEA applies. The same protected enroute area vertical ,3 +The road should be approached from the upwind side at the ,9 +by these Regulations. ,9 +Driven Region,6 +Bauvorhaben …………………………………………,7 +Declaration and evidence ,7 +final editing and definition/conceptualisation of a promotion action plan to make the ,3 +All payments made by the Contracting Authority into the bank account specified in the contract will ,3 +"touches in a room for using radioisotopes for medical care, room for using ",3 +250 negative clinical samples against a laboratory-based RT-PCR test that is itself within the ,9 +"patents, copyrights, and trade-",9 +for paragraph (3)(b) substitute— ,3 +filter that allows the conflict notification function to ,9 +"reasons, the tenderer must provide the full name, ID or passport number of the representatives",9 +The engine fire switch has four functions: ,9 +Hypoxia means “reduced oxygen” or “not enough oxygen.” ,9 +cause weather changes. ,9 +COLLABORATION WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS ,7 +[1793-1.],9 +Tender submission: how many tenders may an economic operator ,7 +"and knowledge of the learners. In teaching a skill, the instructor conveys to the learners the precise actions they are to perform. In ",9 +describing ,3 +Technician to be available for set-up/testing prior to event and remain available during the event.,3 +mentioned in the Special Conditions and subsequently ordered via a ,3 +system to counteract main rotor torque and prevent spinning ,9 + Conditions notes chart. ,0 +Table 6.4: Signatures for SRM Document Approval for Proposed NAS Changes Only ,7 +"Ein meldendes Finanzinstitut muss Verfahren einrichten, mit denen sichergestellt wird, dass die",9 +Failing to maintain a straight flightpath over the ,3 +§ 5 Lehrfahrzeuge für Fahrschüler,7 +the wind’s effect on the ability to maneuver. In stronger,9 +and torque control have to be made as the airspeed increases. ,9 +MELDUNG DER,7 +arrangements. ,3 +"Some of the most common and economical aids are marker boards and supplemental print materials, including charts, diagrams, and ",9 +operation of various systems and components are discussed.,9 +that is required for shortening and mark accordingly. ,3 +Air Quality Assessment Protocol ,7 +Termination ,7 +Operational requirements dictate the sophistication,9 +should be checked by comparing the aeronautical ,3 +"Catbalogan, Gandara, Santa Rita, Santo Niño, Tarangnan, Villareal, Wright and",9 +Airborne Equipment and Ground Facilities,7 +or the ground). An example of a restriction on the use of a ,9 +Pagina 6 di 6 ,5 +APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY-,7 +"Designators, 2",9 +Mountain standard time ,6 +Attempting to prevent the glider from ballooning high above ,9 + See primary flight display.,9 +Launch Site,7 +Insert as many lines as necessary.,6 +advance of the sum of fifty-two pesos. Such lic,9 +"penalties so due and the time and place of sale, the name of the taxpayer against",9 +The average height of the surface ,9 +so much of an electronic communications network or infrastructure system provided by ,3 +. If the contractor is unable ,3 +"inland waters resources, the national and local governments are to endeavor to ",3 +the float secure one end of a short line to the bottom of,9 +plug gap after each firing of the plug. Reversing the polarity ,9 +Meetings of the Project Steering Committee ,7 +"the three-cue mode (lateral, vertical, and collective ",3 + of the termination of ,9 +"period not to exceed twenty years and not more than ten hectares in area, except so",9 +Solid-State Devices,7 +Ergebnis des landwirtschaftlichen Betriebes unmittelbar zum Vor- oder Nachteil gereicht und er die für die,9 +Der Ministerrat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik,7 +contratto ,9 +"depending on the amount of sweepback, but the contribution ",9 +which can be read from the inclinometer. ,9 +Cylinder Compression Tests,7 +“Fly Visual to Airport” segment should be flown as,9 +CORDON FENCES ,7 +TO SPECIFIC PROBLEMS OF FLYING ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 266 of July 29, 2016] ",7 + Considerations when Defining the System,7 +"(Technology That Is Especially Likely to Be Used for the Development, etc. of ",9 +ていること。なお、保持装置にはチンカップを取り付けてはならな,9 +needed. The two most generally used conductors are copper ,9 +provided under a letter of agreement to military ,9 +pilots make grave errors. Instead of selecting the course of ,9 +“Shadow authorities ,7 +"affects its ability to provide the services. The report must describe the problem, state ",3 +Air Distribution,7 +Obligation to notify EFSA of changes,7 +Financial sanctions licences ,7 +"name and domicile or residence of a reporter (for a corporation, its name, ",3 +ATC when determining the appropriate air traffic ,9 +Effective Translational Lift (ETL),7 +disposed symmetrically about the runway centerline in the ,9 +"MHz satellite signal, and global positioning system (GPS) ",9 +available on EFSA’s website. ,9 +eligible registrants,7 +the contract and within the deadline given by EMSA. This requirement applies to each member of the group in ,9 +Effects of Flight Conditions,7 +bis 19.00 Uhr,9 +nach Satz 1 an den Betriebsinhaber oder die Betriebsinhaberin des jeweiligen landwirtschaftlichen Betriebes,9 +made with the engine idling and the airplane at minimum ,9 +〔昭和三十四年三月三十一日政令第七十七号〕,7 +I.2. SUBJECT MATTER ,7 +"For each maneuver, learn what performance to expect and ",9 +[Figure 8-13],3 +hereinafter contained.,9 +"nuclear weapons, CW agents or military bacterial agents or devices for ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 358 of December 2, 2005] ",7 +(二)定期对从业人员进行网络安全教育、技术培训和技能考核;,9 +facilities normal operating hours. Always check NOTAMs ,9 +"appear to the remoted participants (for hybrid and ""online +"" activities); ",3 +assignment. ,9 +Resulting IPR:,7 +. — Annual licenses authorizing,9 +sheets up to 0.063 inches. This shear takes its name from the ,9 +abgegeben haben.,3 +duced drag is one-fourth the original value but ,9 +debit note first to the leader of the group.,9 +гражданским,9 +are also used on some aircraft landing gear. ,9 +"performed by other international stakeholders, such as the EMA and the European Commission. ",9 +II.4.1.10 Certificate of conformity ,7 +follows: ,9 +and respective estimated person-days per profile for each task.,3 +that sample to a known reference. If the generator’s output ,9 +a 75-foot-wide runway on flat terrain is most likely going to ,9 +Tag numbering ,7 +"II.19. FATTURE, IMPOSTA SUL VALORE AGGIUNTO E FATTURAZIONE ",7 +Flight instructors should carefully consider this list. Failing to ,9 +"bonder, oven, or other type of controller that regulates the ",9 +"turn, check the pitch instruments as bank pressures ",3 +A bonding jumper is used to ground an equipment ,0 +Gefahrstoffe in der abzubrechenden Bausubstanz,7 +"tion and obligation of these funds, beginning not later than 60 ",9 +letters should be 24 inches high and 12 inches wide.,9 +Reposition the canopy over the spring. Grasp the skirt ,3 +Baustrom / Bauwasser ,7 +Exceeding manufacturer’s recommended maxi-,3 +~~~W,6 +Responsible body ,7 +Glide-slope receiver,0 +滅菌消毒作業室の機器及び設備は、作業工程順に置かれていること。,3 +Unsuitable material shall e.g. include: ,9 +"move over the Earth’s surface. Airspeed, the rate at which an ",0 +Brief description of the required services/ supplies ,7 +"and to revert the same in the original owner, but where such redemption is effected",9 +back-elevator pressure would only result in an excessively ,9 +Généralités ,7 +SPECIAL VFR OPERATIONS- Aircraft operating ,9 +http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2021/548 ,9 +satisfied; ,3 + days before the ,9 +"Die schallschutztechnischen Anforderungen resultieren aus der AVV Baulärm, die",9 +carrying rated current or the battery is being discharged at a ,9 +down in front of the aircraft. Continually cross-check,9 +Other Routing,7 +Electrical switches are used to select electrical compo-,9 +Wet or Dry Grinder,7 +to” mark for the first fold. Make two additional folds ,3 +Position Orientation. ,7 +"CFR Part 91, section 91.15—Dropping Objects",3 +COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +"the turn, the crosswind ground track continues to be the",9 +"In relation to regulation 3, the term ‘aircraft’ includes aircraft as classified by Part 1 of Schedule 4 ",9 +Blocks of Learning ,7 +valve has an opening arid a closing control. ,9 +Anlage (zu § 1),7 +Article II.21.8. Interest on late payments will cover the period starting on the day after the due date ,9 +liabilities of P12.30 million resulting in a net current assets position ,9 +"members of the staff of the Bureau of Science or, in t",9 +The manner in which persons authorized to have and keep prohibited,3 +from navigation databases. The VFR waypoint,9 +publicizing materials concerning the implementation status of specified ,3 +"appliance, etc."" in this paragraph) or in operations incidental thereto and ",3 +where all of the aircraft’s weight is considered to be,9 +accommodation is reimbursed on receipt of supporting documents proving the ,3 +and declaration,7 +etc.) Diese sind vom AN zu tragen. Ein entsprechender Zwischenzähler für die Container wird vom AG ,9 +savoir‑faire: le droit d'utiliser ce savoir,3 +in the Republic of Turkey,3 +conditions only: ,9 +"either side. Although adequate area exists for maneuvering, ",9 +"sollen, insbesondere aus folgendem Gebiet „Allgemeine wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Zusammenhänge",9 +"purposes of flight planning, any required alternate",9 +when planning to use GPS equipment as a substitute,9 +Placement of advertisements ,7 +§ 3 Inanspruchnahme von Fremddienstleistern,7 +of the Order pursuant to section 156 (benefit of order granting development consent) of ,3 +and developments in NAS operations during the years it takes to field the new system. ,9 +Rischi per la Salute e la Sicurezza dei Lavoratori ,7 +maintained visually or that the departure procedure,9 +AFROELASTIC EFFECTS ,7 +II.20.4. Überweisungskosten ,7 +"In consideration for performing an Assignment, the Service Provider shall be paid by the User in ",3 +Construction Joints ,7 +through and out of the magneto housing. By providing ,9 +channel spacings in the Aeronautical Mobile Service. The ,9 +Annex 6. Financial offer form,7 +Handbook. ,9 +in the fuel. ,9 +institution) ,9 +完成的工作成果享有留置权,但当事人另有约定的除外。 ,9 +operations; ,3 +Electronic exchange system: can exchanges under the contract be automated? ,7 + regarding the granting or waiver of the relevant moral ,9 +carburetors. It occurs less frequently in systems in which the ,9 +"PHILIPPINES"" AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES",7 +deficiencies have been resolved. ,3 +Weather Regulatory Requirements ,7 +"the full identification of the work and its author, developer, ",3 +support and corrective maintenance) for a,3 +position information for the safety of all. ,9 +"thermostat reaches its preset temperature, it turns off the fuel ",9 +e first quarter during which the use of the cart or sledge was begun.,9 +to the control system during violent maneuvers. When rigging ,9 +Amendment of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowance) (England) Regulations 2003 ,7 +Authority to Accept Safety Risk ,3 +Excessive variations of altitude and heading,3 + WSC Operations,7 +NAS Change Proposal ,3 +", the contracting authority as well as to any other third parties; ",9 +Anforderungen an Betriebe,7 +"agrees with the pilot’s clearance, the en route and terminal ",9 +Annex II — Financial tender,7 + may suspend him or her from performing the ,9 +"die nach dem bürgerlichen Recht Geschäftsfähigen,",3 +PERFORMANCE AUDIT,7 +regulatory science; ,3 +specified in the IAP. An EFVS simply provides,9 +acquired by Europol from the moment the results are accepted by Europol. ,3 +§ 5 Beschränkung und Untersagung des Betriebs von Fahrzeugen,7 +Pilot RVSM Operating Practices and,7 +Emergency control ,7 +Transfer/Exhaust—Piston,7 +primary of the triggering transformer. The spark rate at the ,9 +Special registration numbers may be:,9 +must have regard in particular to — ,9 +Estimated intruder ground track in,9 +battery bus,6 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +the terms of the Framework Contract or modify them insubstantially. ,9 +Article II-10 ,7 +技术开发合同是指当事人之间就新技术、新产品、新工艺或者,9 +"unless otherwise agreed by Cadent, and it will be the responsibility of the undertaker to procure ",9 +Zwischenprüfung,7 +Vacuum Systems,7 +"exchange transactions conducted by a bank, etc. (which refers to a bank, etc. ",3 +effective,9 +bevel the edges so that the heat from the torch can completely ,9 +Open and Closed Bends,7 +(+++ Textnachweis ab: 1.1.2012 +++),9 +above the runway threshold at which the aircraft’s glideslope ,9 +Dual ignition engines: check operation of both ,3 + The control system ,9 +rivet and rotate the chuck several revolutions by hand ,9 +Knowledge,9 +TORQUE—(1) A resistance to turning or twisting. ,3 +and the highest pressure recovery. ,9 +Subcontracting ,7 +"Game Ranges, and Wildlife Ranges administered by the U.S. ",9 +Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System,7 +"Paletten gelten als Einwegverpackung und werden nicht zurückgesandt, es sei denn, in den ",9 +Larger area,6 +is a considerable distance from the takeoff ,9 +in part in the following circumstances:,3 +う。)を経由して、同項に規定するファイル等に記録する方法又は同条第三項に規定,3 +folding of the canopy of a parachute during the packing ,9 +Bilateral monthly meetings,3 +"conductors, initiating a fire warning.",9 +"The Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Sywell, Flying ",9 +Sample Problem 13 ,7 +"organisational and personnel measures to prevent further occurrence, compensation of damage or payment ",9 +"eines Elektrokleinstfahrzeugs nach § 4 Absatz 1 Satz 2 Nummer 1a,",3 +President by instrument i,3 +document to the Director of Air Traffic Operations (Service Area) before submitting the,3 +Preparing/Revising the Safety Requirements Verification Table ,7 +"the full identification of the work and its author, developer, ",3 +"directly and instantly and is, therefore, a direct indicator. On ",9 +AC Synchro Systems,7 +endurance. Increased speed beyond the con- ,9 +beneficiaries which would ensure the retrieval into stock of tents ,9 +"beginning at 700 or 1,200 feet and established to transition to/",9 +their departure from England; or ,3 +contracted,9 +登山用ロープ(身体確保用のものに限る。),3 +voltage. A very small fluctuation in base voltage in the input ,9 +with dashed lines.,9 +96(9) of the Value Added Tax Act 1994(,9 +"Warenwirtschaft und Produktion von Fleisch- und Wurstwaren sowie küchenfertigen Erzeugnissen,",3 +designation of that person for the purpose of that regulation” substitute “that person being ,3 +"approved a person as a local authority foster parent, ",3 +the event of a communication failure between the ,9 +Suspension shall take effect on the day the ,3 +The Stacked (or Accordion) Method,7 +Carefully bring the wings in towards the keel and pull the sail ,9 +computation is involved,3 +Wire is manufactured in sizes according to a standard ,9 +II.19.1. Fatture e imposta sul valore aggiunto ,7 +Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA),7 +of less than ¼-inch can also be repaired and retreaded. A ,9 +Heat Transfer,7 +Gastrointestinal problems ,8 +Auxiliary drive units (ADU).,3 +"integrazione, anche mediante rifilatura e taglio, dei ",3 +"Find a clean, approved container. Pour some gas into ",3 +I.4. PREIS ,7 +Reserve Static Line ,6 +Performing Ignition System Checks,7 +responsibilities for some commonly used procedures,9 +training.,9 +wing as viewed from directly above and deals with airflow ,9 +"having to apply the brakes heavily, can cause overheating or ",9 +OH&S POLICY STATEMENT ,7 +contractor in the cascade (Lot 1 and Lot 2) may be engaged in service delivery at any ,9 +"time the points open. This, together with the oxygen in the ",9 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +tives and the Senate a report regarding claims for disability com-,9 +Information about the Service Contract,7 +Figure 7-8.,0 +Normes de qualité ,7 +Provision of pictures ,7 +"powered parachute, airplane, rotorcraft, glider, lighter-than-",9 +contract.,9 +FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT-,7 +Contracting authority: who is the buyer? ,7 + A type of ice in the induction system that ,9 +The voltage drop in the main power cables from the aircraft ,9 +"the builder of an amateur-built aircraft, which authorizes ",9 +Certificato di qualifica (Patentino) che abilita il saldatore/i ad ottenere una saldatura ,9 +VOR Receiver Check,7 +power typical of a reciprocating engine-pro- ,9 +minima cannot be provided due to terrain and,9 +Quality requirements,7 +indicate 180 degrees on any omni,9 +may not resist side movement. Keep the skiplane,9 +Filling of Vacancy in Office of Justice of Peace,9 +"caused by several factors, including an insufficient supply of ",9 +国為替管理令第十七条第二項の規定により許可を受けた者又は輸出貿易管理令若しく,3 +Table 1 – Responsible Person ,0 +https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/general-secretariat/corporate-policies/data-protection/search/. ,3 +zu den relevanten Verzeichnissen für den Download von Unterlagen sowie für den Upload von seinen ,9 +II.4.1.11 Conformity of the delivered supplies with the FWC ,7 +office is located within the jurisdictional district of the Fukuoka Local Finance ,3 + Attitude and Sink Rate Control,7 +section 5.2.5,9 +Contracting authority,3 +Margin Identification,7 +Runway slope of ordinary values will ordi- ,9 +"Andrews AFB, MD",8 +and explain how to control the intercom. Show them ,9 +chute is receiving a force that wants to push it down-,9 +enforcement of the Act and this Cabinet Order. ,3 +The contractor must immediately inform the Contracting authority of any changes in the ,3 +cui alla lettera d) della presente dichiarazione. ,9 +"Heading indicator: Before takeoff, recheck the heading ",3 +Tenure of office of Ministers and Assistant Ministers ,7 +汚水が浸透しないものをいう。)であること。,3 +"this would, in reality create a dynamic thrust on the tail surfaces. ",9 +"When parked directly on ice or snow, skis may freeze",9 +permit to disinter after a shorter period when in his opinion the public health will,9 +Exclusion criteria and conflict of interest ,7 +"§ 34 Rücknahme und Widerruf der Fahrschulerlaubnis, Widerruf der Zweigstellenerlaubnis",7 +"assistance to the contractor, at its request, for its application for any visas and permits ",3 +.324/.161,6 +Obtaining Assistance from the FAA ,7 +Square Canopy—Rib Repair,7 +wind combines with induced flow to form the resultant ,9 +inspect these additional components in accordance with ,9 +28th April 2020 ,9 +viously transferred for wildland fire suppression in fiscal year 2018 ,9 +"municipal stables, markets, slaughterhouses, bath houses, laundries,",3 +the exemption is subject to such conditions and limitations as will provide a level of ,3 +$_{............ }$V1 JFK V229 HFD CL,6 +Methodology - Loading and Unloading of Material Piles ,7 += 600). It was determined in the previous example that a ,9 +Leistungen. Sie,9 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +"transportation of person and essential baggage, together with a per",3 +and orderly manner and to reduce expenditure to a minimum.,3 +"den Fall, dass die Förderhilfe zur Herstellung eines neuen programmfüllenden Films verwendet wird, der neue",9 +Total price,8 +is the maximum level that may be reached before the buoyancy and stability of the ship ,3 +", as provided for in Article II.13.4;",3 +Use of Resources,7 +"As the flame front is propagated, the ",9 +"[286-9, 11.]",9 +"which involves the interpretation of this Constitution, other than a decision of the High Court under ",9 +other meteorological formation and then either cancel their ,9 +Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake),7 +DEVELOPMENT ,7 +The idle mixture curve shows how the mixture changes when ,9 +"employed. For example, during an ILS approach",9 +"Bangued, Bantay, Bucay, Cabugao, Candon, Caoayan, Dolores, La Paz,",9 +Commutating,6 +"For clarity, throughout this handbook, all examples use a ",9 +ont été fournies pour participer à la présente procédure. ,7 +any such place.” ,3 +Section 4: Air Quality Assessment Process ,3 +any turbine engine.,9 +"Schedule 7, paragraph 77; the Crime and Courts Act 2013 (c. 22), section 15 and Schedule 8, paragraphs 157 and 159; the ",1 +The tender report (a document generated by e-Submission and listing all the ,3 +A hollow-mill collar cutter can be used in a power hand ,3 +issue a notice to mariners at least 5 days prior to the commencement of the first ,3 +workload permitting basis. Pilots of such aircraft,9 +"San Narciso, Santa Cruz, Torrijos, and Unisan.",9 +“the shadow period” means the period beginning with the fourth day after the 2020 election ,9 +"System testing requirements (many avionics and AFCS, ",3 +case of resource performance issues or evidence of mismatch. The contractor shall be in ,9 +Rotary Machine,7 +"edges of all surfaces. Spray the landing gear and wheel wells, ",9 +Specific contract types ,7 +トル毎秒毎秒以下であり、かつ、1470メートル毎秒毎秒以上の,9 +shake the first cell.,3 +"possibility of delay and diversion, and involve them ",3 +this article; and with,9 +will receive traffic information on a controller,9 +House of Representatives and the Senate within 72 hours of con-,9 +PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ,7 +"For hybrid, ""online +""",7 +"person is referred to as a ""person who engages in foreign exchange business, ",3 +line conductors is not excessive.,3 +horizontal or thrust component now acts sideward with,9 +ongoing flight cannot be completed. ,9 +Surface water drainage ,7 +"by the Insular Collector, and it shall show that the vessel is engaged in legitimate",9 +Position: ,6 +The information provided will be scored under criterion number 8 of the quality award criteria ,6 +"that it is Logic 0, since there are only two conditions in the ",9 +Wind Patterns ,7 +Drill into the exact center of the rivet head to the ,3 +connexions,6 +rotorcraft must be complied with.,9 +"fine, or to both. ",3 +upper air is cooling by radiation to space. This heating from ,9 +Overall management,7 +Governor/Correlator ,7 +"Using excessive power combined with a level attitude, ",3 +"leadership and vision of Museum Director, NASA astronaut, and ",3 +a predetermined attitude. The airspeed eventually stabilizes ,9 +pertaining to serum separation in the standard operation manual set forth in ,3 +Risk Management (RM) ,7 +protettive in collaborazione con il personale JRC di Ispra in fase di lavoro critico. ,3 +", including any action for alleged breach of intellectual ",3 +"air compressor, a combustion section, and a turbine. Thrust ",9 +Figure 9-3. ,0 +одного туалета.,9 +Fuel-Flow Indicator,7 +[1963-2.],9 +"sections as “PRESRR” or “PRESFR,” respectively.",3 +法第十五条の三第二項の規定による医療機器又は医学的処置若しくは手術,3 +a registered medical practitioner; ,3 +Repair Layout,7 +with Article I.8 of the Framework Contract. ,3 +"float carburetor, however, is its icing tendency. Since the float ",9 +Article premier ,7 +propeller driven airplane is at low air+ceds ,9 +who held certificates prior to the introduction of the ACS may not have been exposed to formal risk management training or ,9 +(AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) ,7 +request these or other similar services from the Contractor. ,9 +GLYPH<0>R,6 +Identification of Paint Finishes,7 +Instrument Housings and Handling,7 +SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION PLAN ,7 + The contracting authority is not liable for any loss or damage caused to the contractor ,3 +供者签订安全保密协议,明确安全和保密义务与责任。,9 +Consideration should be given in replacing the tow ,3 +regular protruding head styles are available.,9 +‘Professional conflicting interest’,9 +If any such drainage work which the undertaker is liable to maintain is not maintained to the ,9 +"Monitoring, sampling and analyses ",7 +Slideslip,6 +on the one part and ,9 +"wind is blowing from in tens of degrees. If the wind is variable, it is reported as “VRB.” The ",3 +Auf der Basis der oben genannten Ausbreitungskurven wird für eine Sendefunkanlage eine,9 +The assumptions on which the curves are based are ,9 +Figure 15-2. ,0 +identified,9 +§ 3 Flugsicherungsausrüstung für Flüge nach Instrumentenflugregeln,7 +the tower frequency or Common Traffic Advisory Frequency ,9 +"weather phenomena (e.g., thunderstorms, turbulence, icing, ",9 +seconds is incorporated into the maneuver to allow the banner to reach its ,3 +"Japan and the United States of America, or an Order of the Ministry of ",9 +intra-corporate transfer) . ,3 +Digitales Tachographensystem im Straßenverkehr,7 +"acceptance of notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, ",3 +EMEDIAL MEASURES,7 +‘‘(C) is for— ,9 +Turbine nozzle vane assembly with welded vanes,6 +will also be able to perform actions on,3 +when the control tower is not in operation. Tower instructions ,9 +facing the rear of the aircraft. Thrust produced by the ,9 +It is the intersection of the inside bend tangent lines that index ,9 +crew member stating that a collision hazard existed,9 +Die Druckstücknummer ist nach Nummer 5 darzustellen.,3 +"its identification system. For instance, at Atlanta Hartsfield, ",9 +Severity of an Event ,7 +§ 6 Abschlussprüfung,7 +proper ventilation,9 +Dewatering building ,7 +Transportation Conformity ,7 +submitted within two,3 +"im Rahmen einer mindestens fünfjährigen freiberuflichen verkehrspsychologischen Tätigkeit, welche",3 +"Die in dieser Verordnung genannten Fertigkeiten und Kenntnisse sollen so vermittelt werden, daß",9 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +müssen wie die Identifizierung und Untersuchung der Opfer und die Aufzeichnungsanlagen.,9 +"mountainous terrain, Gayle can: ",6 +"jurisdiction to which he was appointed, or when his office shall in any way become",9 +If the contractor is affected by ,9 +The Contractor accepts that the ability of the Auditor to perform the procedures required by this ,3 +"high/low altitude flight patterns such as grids, orbits,",9 +SCHEDULE 1 ,7 +case the pilot or passengers need assistance. This is a good ,9 +The corrections for variation and deviation must be applied ,9 +Amendment of the Northamptonshire (Structural Changes) Order 2020 ,7 +"few inches above, the runway. When the aircraft, in a normal ",9 +the particular province.,3 +Award and signature of the contract with the successful tenderer ,7 +"stability (i.e., surface roughness, albedo, and",9 +AUTHORISED DEVELOPMENT ,7 +FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ,7 +submission only if such application is supplemented by addi-,9 +continuously monitor the anti-skid system and provide ,9 +" above, EIB shall not sign the above threshold contract with the successful Tenderer ",9 +When an in-flight advisory has not been issued ,3 +In non-turbulent conditions with a constant power setting and ,9 +"pilot training. This handbook is for student pilots, as well as those pursuing more advanced pilot certifi cates.",9 +Fixed Assets Register Not Updated Residual Values ,7 +"related topics and EU-OSHA’s available resources. Once approved by EU-OSHA, the editorial ",9 +possible to the estimated time of arrival as calculated ,3 +overstress ,9 +The Falkland Islands ,9 +Departures from:,7 +"Hubschrauber mit Turbinentriebwerk,",3 +) of this section to the extent that the law in question prohibits ,3 +) AT 15 of 1991. ,1 +абзац пятый изложить в следующей редакции:,9 +Safety Alert,7 +happens when there is liquid water under the skis that,9 +ublication Ref: NEAR/ANK/2020/EA-OP/0056 ,7 +"des Satzes 5 und auch keine entsprechenden Daten für die nachfolgenden Geschäftsjahre vor, sind die Daten",9 +(+++ Zur Anwendung d. §§ 2 u. 2a vgl. § 9 F. 2020-05-19 +++),9 +fuel consumption= ,9 +tapes and attachment loops for suspension line attachment. ,3 +"In the case of air quality, scoping provides an opportunity for reviewing agencies and the public ",9 +_’AUG£ LINE ,6 +parachute control.,3 +Information Management ,7 +"Inserting a DP into the flight plan,",9 +instruments with a consistent technique appropriate ,3 +into their design. This is common on some corporate jets ,9 +landing lights,3 +Overvoltage Protection,7 +D01.01-ED-21,7 +its name and the location of its principal office) ,3 +"Qualitätssichernde Maßnahmen, Lernziele b und c,",3 +concentration,6 +Air Traffic Clearance,7 +Technician to be available for set-up/testing prior to press conference and remain available ,3 +as well as successful manned gliders later in that century. He ,9 +airflow over the struts. The wheel assemblies mate with seals to provide aerodynamic flow without doors.,0 +Selection criteria. ,3 +“free bag”,9 +", it may suspend the provision of the services under ",9 +(iii) matters concerning costs related to the requests referred to in Article 12-,3 +lack of responsibility ,8 +modifications. ,9 +Elements of Descent Planning Calculations,7 +security requirements and operational roles ,7 +contract refers to the date when the communication was sent. ,9 +English summary. ,8 +The Auditor and/or the,3 +Therefore,9 +"In between camps, there are pickets manned by picketers. ",9 +"components, such as radios and lights, without the",9 +civil-service examination if the officer making the appointment shall so direct.,9 +out the work ,9 +"transportation of person and essential baggage, together with a per",3 +Types of butt joints.,0 +"main rotor and its controls, and between the tail rotor and its ",9 +"497 805 893,72 Euro",9 + and the resulting contracts is as follows:,9 +the services to be delivered and materials to be developed. ,9 +the rear. As soon as the pressure inside the combustion chamber ,9 +allowing those risks from hazards to stand unmitigated. It ,9 +Minimum descent altitude (MDA).,9 +these risk elements to achieve an accurate perception of the ,9 +07.03.03 Дизайн,9 +"of the circle, the powered parachute’s nose is progres-",9 +Cherry Aerospace (www.cherryaerospace.com) for images used in Chapters 4 and 7,9 +avoid collision and/or situations where little or no time is available to recognize the threat,3 +PROJEKTBETEILIGTEN ,7 +"On page 1-3, the caption under Figure 1-5 should read, ""A DG Flugzeugbau GmbH DG-",3 +own staff or by any outside body authorised to do so on its behalf.,3 +Abschnitt A Nr. 2.2 ,3 +Nettoerträge aus sonstigen Bearbeitungsentgelten.,3 +"festhält. Kann der Senat, von dessen Entscheidung abgewichen werden soll, wegen einer Änderung des",9 +aircraft master switches. The battery can be turned on without ,9 +Cockpit Management,7 +A balance sheet account that represents the,1 +"werden, und",3 +"responsible for, and is the final authority as to the safe",9 +"or less, the taking of a certificate of ownership shall be optional",9 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 3 ",7 +within the engine and the ability of the engine to cool. ,9 +applicable)),3 +particularly responsive to being taught something. ,9 +Recognizing Interference or Spoofing,7 +that personnel taking part in the implementation of IPA II assistance and members of ,3 +"into the flight plan. When the APR soft key is selected, ",3 +combination of the motion of the aircraft and the motion of ,9 +and determine if the runway length is adequate to allow ,9 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +Coordination Best Practices ,7 +от 7 августа 2020 г. № 923 (зарегистрирован Министерством юстиции,9 +variable blade pitch control system. To perform an air-driven ,9 +for ducting and circulating cooling air to electronics ,9 +Location and Obstacles,7 +The engine and attached components for visual ,3 +"you will need 3 NM for every 1,000 feet of descent. You ",9 +"Settlement,",3 +§ 50 Weitere Anwendung von Vorschriften,7 +En Route Operations ,7 +The wind sock is a good source of information since it not ,9 +Functions of Generator Control Systems,7 +Each party must: ,3 +"ambient temperature, dew point temperature, wind, and ",9 +and airspeed changes should be avoided.,9 +Current situation in the sector ,7 +Foster parents: temporary approval ,7 +Minimum requirements for the organisation of awareness-raising support to ,7 +7.5_SMSM_201509,4 +"authorization may contain a clearance limit, routing, and ",9 +experienced painter with a second spray gun help with the ,9 +vortices are the most predominant parts of aircraft ,9 +"mitgeteilt hat, daß die Landabfindungen aller Teilnehmer unanfechtbar sind.",3 +II.4.1.10 Certificate of conformity ,7 +"battery should last a minimum of 5 minutes in an emergency, ",9 +the signal being received is canceled in the two sides of the ,9 +services to the extent possible.,9 + Tender specifications and annexes,3 +"the center alignment mark, the turn is 3° per second and the ",9 +axiom of flight technique: “For the conditions ,9 +"ht,MACH NUMBER ",6 +"including digitised originals if authorised under national law, for a period of five years ",3 +Maßnahmen ergreift. Darüber hinaus ist der SiGe-Plan zu beachten und den Weisungen des SiGe-,9 +Project management skills and experience as team leader;,3 +Corner Joints,7 +Format übergeben werden.,3 +aircraft.,9 +and complete before continuing the safety analysis. Questions to consider include: ,9 +"If you require advice on problem debt including rent arrears, you can contact a professional debt advice",3 +U.S. Military IAPs are established and published by the ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 157 of June 10, 1960]",7 +"PricewaterhouseCoopers, Certified Auditors, who were appointed by ",9 +‘herbicide agent’ means a chemical in a herbicide used in support ,9 +in British English,3 +Number on Your Aircraft,7 +Outillage et équipement ,3 +"to 500 feet for a large rigid, depending in some measure on gustiness ",9 +"“N1234, failure of GPS system, unable RNAV,",9 +Communal Forests,7 +exits available to pilots and passengers. Life vests,9 +CLOSING CONTAINER ,7 +Unterabschnitt 1,7 +The Provinces,9 +Article 3 – PRICE ,7 +APU fire switch,6 +temperatures. Since lubricants vary in properties and since ,9 +Effective Translational Lift (ETL),7 +"A resistance to complacency,",3 +regulatory Guidance,7 +instrument approach procedure has been highlighted. ,3 +in the line causes poor voltage regulation at the load. The ,9 + or the machine-to-machine connection is ,3 +the buoy. The free end of the line can then be secured,9 +Property Leases – Botswana Police Service ,7 +"die Marke des Fahrzeugs,",3 +"disk metal, which is “flowed” into it by a small punch-mark ",9 +"airspeed is low, lower the miniature aircraft slightly and note ",9 +Cognitive Stage ,7 +Ehrenamtliche Richter,7 +Electrical - General ,7 +"the award is not in compliance with sound financial management, i.e. does not respect ",3 +〔平成二十四年三月三十日政令第九十六号〕〔抄〕,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 63 of March 25, 1998] ",7 +participating pilots can receive additional radar services. The ,9 +Fuel injection metering unit,6 +Spiral Instability ,7 + - HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OFFER USING e-SUBMISSION ,7 +whose free flight does not depend principally on an engine. ,9 +Propeller Gearbox,7 +"gross weight, which refers to the weight of the helicopter",9 +perform its obligations under the FWC or a specific contract without the prior ,3 +Centro Comune di Ricerca ,6 +Section 91.131 are met. Such VFR aircraft are,9 +Fees for the issuing of certificates of ownership of large cattle and of,3 +has caused disruption at the premises of the contracting authority. ,3 +such collaboration between the DVS and the DWNP. ,9 +"ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯМ ВОСПИТАНИЯ И ОБУЧЕНИЯ, ОТДЫХА И",7 +IMPLEMENTATION,9 +operator documents containing RVSM operational,9 +(certificated),9 +Abschnitt 9,7 +Article 6 – Terms of Payment ,7 +- Seite 9 von 26 -,4 +the problem rather than determining liability. ,3 +"2015/6 security incidents. In 2017, the situation started to recover, reaching almost 2.3 million ",9 +equivalent” for such an emergency. It makes good practical ,9 +"requirements are addressed in 14 CFR §§ 61.66,",9 +normal climb speeds permit significant ice accumulations on ,9 +"be as light as possible. If weight were not a critical factor, repairs ",9 +management strategy consists solely of following the ,9 +Amendment of Schedule 4 ,7 +"provide for the recording of births, marriages, and deaths.",3 +User-Defined Waypoints ,7 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +Continuity tester.,9 +Night blind spot. ,0 +Endorsing Implementation of Safety Requirements ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 200 of May 24, 2006]",7 +Article 31 Provisional acceptance ,7 +threshold. ,9 +当該代表理事の住所及び氏名,3 +"entry) of the 1965 Act, ",3 +II.23.3. Interest on late payment ,7 +"As a result, after a quick opening of the throttle, the fuel/air ",9 +appropriated under this heading: ,9 +Pilots should always consult the GFM and know what the ,9 +The average load of substances on the wastewater treatment plant will not exceed the pre-,3 +Hi-Loks$^{®}$ cannot be replaced with Hi-Lites$^{®}$. ,9 +RELATIVE WIND,7 +The Vice-Mayor,9 +laid out more or less in a straight line. The glider pilot must ,9 +"abandoned, and the water shall thereupon be available for disposition as unappropriated waters in accordance",9 +" be unknown,",3 +acceleration or deceleration while in flight situations that ,9 +Senior Developer,9 +Performance Test Requirements for Component Qualification ,8 +"and Industry No. 66 of October 28, 1983] ",7 +"Nicolas, San Quintin, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Santo Tomas, Sual, Tayug,",9 +Pre-flight Checks,7 +preesistenti,9 +"a portion of a runway is closed, the runway threshold is ",9 +More Than Two Tracks,8 +and information already being processed. Once this situation ,9 +drift right or left with a crosswind. ,9 +) Paragraphs 5(7) and (8) of Schedule 7 to the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. ,1 +in the explanations of aerodynamic theories and principles. This handbook adopts a selective method and concept to fl ying ,9 +Following Communications Center at least one mile,9 +This translates as occasional lightning in the clouds,3 +tive wind is created by the motion of the rotor blades,9 +"When compounds form, valence shells ",9 +Compressor impeller,6 +"joint effort of the NWS, the FAA and the Department",9 +Fuel Storage Tanks ,7 +I.5. ZAHLUNGSMODALITÄTEN ,7 +New Order after the date of enforcement. ,3 +aggiuntivi,9 +of Representatives on policies to improve such Fund for the ,9 +that the glider is ready and the briefed departure path ,3 +additional weather limitations.] ,9 +Presolo Knowledge Tests (page 10-19) ,7 +oriented east/west,6 +via marker beacon lights).,9 +On-site attendance of 1 Contractor’s national partner is obligatory for all event formats but for ,3 +本邦に来遊した外国の元首及びその家族並びにその従者に属する貨物,3 +gearbox only).,3 +Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/Sustainer ,7 +safety culture places a pervasive emphasis on safety and promotes:,9 +Prescribes standardized methods for use in designing ,9 +Communal Forests,7 +allows the pilot to review approaches and load them ,3 +Flight speeds ,9 +OBJECTIVES ,7 +Capabilities.,7 +"ro""~''""' ",6 +"Nettoerträge für Electronic Banking Services,",3 +Extent of Supervision Over Establishments Producing,9 +Prohibition on arrival of vessels into England ,7 +Flight Procedures.,7 +"kits with press release, speech and information ",7 +instructor.,3 +and helps move the material. This is a medium-duty machine. ,9 +"below 5,000 feet, or visibility is at or below five miles, ATC ",9 +"joint tenders, including subcontractors if applicable) to successfully execute ",3 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +a block of data. The CRC algorithm treats a data block as ,9 +(核兵器等の開発等に用いられるおそれが特に大きい技術等),9 +"such as provide information, run scripts, manage user accounts or delete data. ",3 +"are submitted as variants, when the specifications do not authorise them; ",3 +specialize in conducting inspections of various aspects of the ,9 +Fish and Wildlife Service and wilderness and primitive areas ,9 +PRELIMINARY,7 +II.21.6. Interim payments and payment of the balance ,7 +I.13.2. DUVRI – Documento unico di valutazione rischi interferenziali ,7 +to fly VFR altitudes. VFR over-the-top is strictly a VFR ,9 + by the proximity of the other; one in which the course of the aircraft,3 +Select a drill about 0.003-inch smaller than the rivet ,3 +mum holding pattern airspeeds apply.,9 +Proficiency at,3 +the guarantor stands as first-call guarantor and does not require the contracting ,3 +simulation values for analog signals.,3 +Some charts require interpolation to find the information for ,9 +(VSI) is affected and reads somewhat in error. A correction ,9 +"Precision Approach Systems, 1",9 +Alert Areas ,7 +Tow Ring Inspection,7 +and traffic separation may be shared between pilots and ,9 +areas/altitudes specifically authorized in the Chart,9 +paragraph (2) of the Act are the following matters: ,3 +Office of District Auditor at Provincial Capital.,9 +should be stopped 15° + 15° + 30° after passing the desired ,9 +Composition of National Assembly ,7 +Methoprotryne (841-06-5) ,8 +Protective works to buildings ,7 +2021-2023 period ,7 +The following alterations and/or corrections are made to the Tender Dossier: ,9 +"longitudinal stability. By building sweepback into the wings, ",9 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +believe and trust that this approach will go some way in bringing ,9 +Figure 4-6. Tail,0 +Common oceanographic terminology.,7 +the applicable SCI and SECI. Detailed information regarding configuration identifiers ,3 +advisories take the form of an aural alert: “Traffic! Traffic!”,9 +Airport Pavement Markings,7 +Motor and Load Protection ,7 +Act 1949 (c.101) and section 46 of the Criminal Justice Act 1982 (c. 48). ,1 +"shown. A curve is run for each of several engine speeds. If, ",9 +"such data, in order to: ",3 +airframe. It provides a low-impedance ground return which ,9 +the flow of current through the primary winding of the ,9 +"approximately 47° pitch up. From this point on, the brown ",9 +vacuum is needed to boil off and remove any water in the vapor ,0 +"design phase of the solutions, during the execution of specific contracts/order forms. The ",9 +"defoggers, and heated stall warning lift detectors. On many ",9 +Advil) have few side effects when taken in the correct dosage. ,9 +также разрешения,9 +Impatience ,7 +hardship payment made on or after the day on which these Regulations come into force. ,9 +"§ 4 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +10.24.Vertragsstrafe ,7 +aerodynamic controls become ineffective due to the,9 +from carburetor,6 +" [([collectively] ‘the contractor’), represented for the purposes of the signature of this ",9 +"(ii) P travels directly to, and remains in any place where P is self-isolating, apart from ",3 +Commission shall become vacant- ,9 +American Samoa shall each submit a plan to the Secretary ,9 +) of section seven hundred and,9 +"clearance for a VFR departure, you are cleared to depart; ",9 +Electrical System ,7 +"PHILIPPINES"" AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES",7 +Requesting a Special Registration Number,7 +"unmanned aerial vehicles capable of transporting nuclear weapons, CW agents ",3 +—direct user access terminal ,9 +Comparison of Secondary and Fundamental Standards,9 +"traduction, insertion de sous-titres, doublage dans différentes versions linguistiques: ",3 +aeronautical decision-making (ADM).,9 +control. It may be included in an Instrument ,9 +"HAP emissions from fuel storage tanks vary by fuel type and vapor pressure; containment vessel, ",9 +which a fixed privilege tax is imposed without paying such tax as required by law,9 +"$^{7}$ The gross inflow of economic benefits (cash, receivables, other assets) arising from the ordinary operating ",1 +Pre-sales and Support: ,7 +airports is not only a sound practice but a wise decision. ,9 +§ 2 Zulassungsvoraussetzungen,7 +Verwenden eines Lieferscheines oder vergleichbarer Bescheinigungen für eine Sendung von Fischen,3 +isdiction.,9 +below the point that is 100 feet less than the decision,9 +airspeed.,6 +えないようにすること。,3 +Register in the Participant Register (see ,3 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +Mixing Equipment,7 +"Zugang zu den Ergebnissen einer Untersuchung der Opfer (Tote, Verletzte) oder von entsprechenden",3 +Surveillance Plan as well as the Annual Disease Surveillance Plan October 2014-,9 +Temperature Variations in Repair Zone,7 +provided Europol has given its prior written authorisation: ,3 +II.20. REVISIONE DEI PREZZI ,7 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +- The height of the completely mixed portion of atmosphere that begins at the ,9 + Special shape balloons.,0 +Procurement procedure: ,7 +": to complement the press conference and media actions above, ",3 +velocity imparted to the airstream (2~). ,9 +Centralized manifolds from which air can be distributed are ,9 +Figure 4.27. Static Lateral Stability ,0 +means to reduce safety risk must be approved by the designated management officials,3 +Compiling and maintaining a worldwide airborne ,9 +ou la création d'œuvres dérivées sur la base des ,3 +"Mr. Aaron Novak, contributing engineer, for charts used in Chapter 5",9 +sample. A suitable portion of each sam,9 +Example: ,9 +guarantee for the performance of the contract. ,9 +techniques yield remarkably similar results within the limits ,9 +"allowed by the airplane’s operating limitations, and ",3 +"Verbot anderer Nationalflaggen, Ausnahmen",7 +"use the airport magnetic variation of record, while",9 +Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan,7 +"high combustion pressure and temperature, ",9 +the End Date of the Agreement is [,3 +"the tack coat and subsequent top coats in opposite directions, ",9 +reversers on my command.,6 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 21.01.2003,9 +delivered in a timely manner. The SOW should also account for the review of the documents by ,9 +- Seite 34 von 52 -,4 +"800B glider."" ",3 +"turn, the holding pattern must be followed, except",9 +1991 (of Tynwald)(,3 +Management of Human-Wildlife Conflict by the Department of ,3 +Subject of the Engagement ,7 +TRANSPONDER—The airborne portion of the sec-,3 +Award criteria ,7 +(ii) riding helmets (limited to those for riding a two-wheeled motor vehicle or ,3 +"does not comply with applicable obligations in the fields of environmental, social and labour law.",9 +Effective Translational Lift (ETL),7 +The thermocouples installed around the perimeter ,3 +The antitorque rotor is driven from the transmission.,0 +By agreeing these ToR the Auditor confirms that he/she meets at least one of the following conditions,9 +"Depending on the instructions in the request for services, the contractor may have to arrange ",3 +wing to drop. If a wingtip begins to drop toward the ground ,9 +"§ 4 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +paiement du forfait. Le coefficient de majoration pour la sous-traitance n'est pas applicable. ,9 +Spring-Back,7 +"03.03.03 Радиофизика, утвержденного приказом Министерства науки",9 +"airspeed. When flying at slow airspeeds, it is important",9 +the general conditions,6 +ANTITORQUE PEDALS,7 +§ 5 Identifizierungs- und Sorgfaltspflichten,7 +"This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1991. ",3 +(ii) name or denomination and domicile or residence of parties to capital ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +MONCTON FIR,6 +conditioned or collectively at the end of the work.,9 +"fit for steel, titanium, and composite materials.",9 +"Island of Luzon, comprises the following municipalities:",9 +Ground Access Vehicles ,7 +"To maintain situational awareness, an accurate ",6 +Other spray pattern problems may be a result of ,3 +Article I-15 ,7 + A length of new highway proposed to be constructed and to be unclassified from a point on ,9 +Centrifugal-Flow Compressors,7 +altitude correction at any airport with a runway length of ,9 +Portfolio Safety Strategy ,7 +This is the “fold to” mark ,3 +TURBlElE ,6 +ness and Response and’’ after ‘‘collaboration with’’; ,9 +When the power available is greater than the ,9 +Amendment to the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 ,7 +journey of maximum 300 kilometres). ,3 +After-sales service ,7 +"Furthermore, once the passengers have disembarked, more ",9 +operating in the low altitude structure as follows: ,9 +overheat indication. If the resistance decreases more to the ,9 +Power Settings,8 +of interviewee in due time (6 weeks in advance); ,3 +the flight. ,9 + should begin with the signal,9 +"European Union on the privileges and immunities of the European Union, particularly as ",9 +"limitations of the human eye, and the use of proper visual ",9 +efficiency in subsonic flight by having the pro- ,9 +the seaplane begins to come off the step. Once it,9 +§ 5 Lehrfahrzeuge für Fahrschüler,7 +Compliance periods and timeline ,7 +removal process and replaced with new. A faster ,3 +E-invoicing ,7 +that acts as both a stabilizer and an elevator. The entire ,9 +which this is done depending on the size and complexity of ,9 +Zeitrahmen 6: Funktionsprüfungen und Einstellarbeiten,7 +test signal which provides users a convenient means,9 +"""Fischetikettierungsgesetz vom 1. August 2002 (BGBl. I S. 2980), das zuletzt durch Artikel 1 des Gesetzes vom",9 +nearby terrain. If a full power takeoff or climb is interrupted ,9 +"row 33, row 35 to row 41, and row 43 to row 45 of Appended Table 2-1) to North ",3 +Development of roadmaps for action on: ,7 +"for the alteration or otherwise for the protection of the apparatus, or for securing access to it, and ",9 +"District was allocated relatively the most resources. Conversely, Shakawe ",9 +Criterion 5.3.3.b): Manpower. ,7 +and display altitude information to the controller ,3 +なく、事故等分析事業を行わなければならない。,3 +Der Frequenzbereich 608 – 614 MHz ist zusätzlich dem Radioastronomiefunkdienst auf sekundärer,3 +Control Specialist assigned to radar monitor the ,9 +"goods listed in the middle column of row1, row 19 to row 21-3, row 25, row 30, ",3 +"Article 27 and 28 from the Framework Agreement$^{1}$, signed on 11$^{th}$ of February 2015 ",7 +satisfied; ,3 +Altitude ,6 +"in paragraph (6), in the definition of “registered company”, for “in force in the United ",3 +Communications,7 +craft within controlled airspace for separation,9 +The ability of report status and flag issues to the ENISA Project/Product Manager. ,3 +"unmanned aerial vehicles capable of transporting nuclear weapons, CW agents ",3 +rotor designs from different manufacturers rotate in one of ,9 +Poor Adhesion,7 +in an average rela- ,9 +"erforderlich – personenbezogene Daten, die wir aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen (Handels- und ",9 +" For this trip, a Cessna 182 with ",9 +up for an autorotative approach and set the power control ,9 +Equipment and interface drawings. ,3 +及び四三から四五までの項の中欄に掲げる貨物を除く。)の」と、第四条第二項第二,3 +does not need clamps because the glue assumes a tacky ,9 +"risk management guidance that will allow pilots to think of risk management intuitively, as a part of the preparation for every flight ",9 +医療診療(社会保険診療、労働者災害補償保険法に係る診療及び自費患者に係,3 +personal property seized for the non-payment of taxes hereunder may redeem the,9 +"the valence shell has the maximum number of electrons, it ",9 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +Course Reversal Elements in Plan View and ,7 +II.13.2. Licensing rights on pre-existing materials ,7 +"Deactivation, Removal, or Decommissioning of NAS Equipment ",3 +Social Media Communication Plan ,7 +RITERES DE SELECTION,7 +Using a Traffic Data System on the Ground,8 +Page 5 of 18 ,4 +水面における水量の確保を図るため、雨水を地下に浸透させる機能を有する施設の普,3 +Zulassungsverfahren,7 +up or down to increase flight maneuverability. ,0 +to the risks inherent with the ,3 +calendar days from the receipt of the ,8 +Press kits prepared with all relevant press information for dissemination just before the online ,7 +jointly with others determines the purposes and the means ,3 +them popular for powering light-sport aircraft and ,3 +Specific tendering information for this procedure ,7 +use in amateur built gyroplanes.,9 +§ 2 Begriffsbestimmungen,7 +"30-26, paragraph (2); ",3 +all times exercise supervision over the notaries public within his district and shall,9 +Safety of excavation and adjacent structures ,7 +"IN GENERAL.—Chapter 11 of title 38, United States Code, ",9 +and the bearingless system is that the bearingless system has ,9 +II.16.3. Claims and liability ,7 +Enhanced Situational Awareness ,7 +MELDUNG DER,7 +"are negligible. For the subjective elements; however, ",9 +"Light Sport Aviation Branch, AFS-610 ",7 +"offerta congiunta,",9 +Moral rights of creators ,7 +Guidance on Severe Turbulence,7 +to be made by submitting a written notification stating the following matters ,9 +Pilots need to maintain position awareness,9 +FORCE DIVERGENCE. ,9 +TCAS computer to display the position and altitude of each ,9 +Safety and Security Issue Reporting ,3 +—precision distance measuring equipment ,9 +process by submitting the required paperwork to the FAA. ,9 +via a wear pin. The distance between the disc and a portion of ,9 +Restricted category civil aircraft. ,9 +located on the bottom of each frame. The two most common ,9 +"as the ""basic policy""). ",3 +Fences and Gates ,7 +a couple of times during the inflation to make sure you are ,9 +"3.13.1. Хозяйствующие субъекты в срок не позднее, чем за один месяц до",9 +Cylinder Start of Compression Stroke—Piston ,7 +‘‘(6) carry out other duties related to preparedness and ,9 +angle-of-bank turn while,9 +seine gewerbliche oder berufliche Niederlassung innerhalb des Gerichtsbezirks haben.,9 +percent increase in thrust. ,9 +"no more than 25 percent greater, and not greater than twice the ",9 +and under the following conditions only: ,9 +wirksam informiert werden. Weitere Anforderungen an die Dokumentation bzw. der W+M Planung sind ,9 +"After the eyes have adapted to the dark, the entire process ",9 +Liste détaillée des modes d'exploitation des résultats ,7 +Layup Techniques,7 +Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации,9 +"is directed into the open end, which causes the elliptical ",9 +Control Lines ,6 +Abschnitt A Nr. 7.1 ,3 + The lowest altitude ,9 +These may snag in trees and cause problems. Lines tied to ,9 +"airflow, thus stabilizing the canopy. ",3 +that do not include the printed or typed name of the ,9 +"When basting, do not tie knots at any point in the thread length. Also, the sewing should be made ",3 +INDUCED DRAG ,7 +often leads to a loss of altitude through poor pitch and bank,9 +"/4"", 400 lb; C. 1"", ",6 +engine fire panel,6 +an aircraft is observed by the controller to proceed outside ,9 +"guarantor shall, without delay, pay those sums upon demand from the contracting ",3 +Landing—Stuck Neutral or Right Pedal ,7 +"Once the contracting authority has opened the requests to participate, they shall become its ",9 +Chapter II Basic Policy ,7 +Miscellaneous Provisions,7 +risers attached to the main harness using a three-ring release system. A single-point release can be ,3 +A metal trim tab on a control ,9 +"For flight planning purposes, TSO-C129()",9 +Limits of deviation ,3 +through the expansion along line DE. ,9 +"can be an effective tool for recordkeeping. Enhanced syllabi, ",9 +“Hydraulic Load” derived commitment for the plant components: ,7 +Terminal Arrivals (STARs) ,3 +Background and objectives ,7 +pilots was ,3 +Circuit breakers shall be foreseen for inlet and transformer outlets. Protection relay shall ,9 +UNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL,7 +cold. It is,9 +§ 13 Sorgfaltspflichten bei Neukonten natürlicher Personen,7 +Gemeinsame Angebote ,7 +engine was calibrated. This data includes the engine serial ,9 +In relation to any ,3 +Auftraggeber (AG) dem Auftragnehmer (AN) digital über das Projektablageraum (PPM-Raum) zur ,9 +"Ferrous rods include carbon and alloy steel rods, as well as ",9 +Overall rigidity of the mount. ,3 +STARBOARD ENGINE ,6 +"If indicated in the request for services, the contractor shall send the invitations by email, ",3 +Margin Identification,7 +"aircraft, must have the capability of visualizing the winds ",9 +Article 13 - ,7 +Enhanced Situational Awareness ,7 +any damage to any drainage work so as to impair its efficiency for the purposes of flood ,3 +Disassembly,7 +"is appointed as a member of the Authority, and ",3 +thrust augmentation without increase ,9 +Sheet 1 of the Works Plans. ,9 +Time scale (lifetime),6 +delivery notes ,3 +aviation industry. Most are similar to the description that ,9 +publications which— ,9 +"If possible, visually check engine and exhaust for ",3 +"$10,000,000, to remain available until expended, for audits and ",9 +Weight-Shift Control—Land (WSCL). ,9 +with red “NO RADIO” warning indicating,9 +At the beginning of the second and every following year of the,9 +ensure that the nose does not continue yawing to the right. If ,9 +N$_{1}$ gauge that monitors the low-pressure compressor section ,9 +"conference” chapter above, the others are described in the text below. ",9 +Einrichtungen und Ausrüstungen Nummer 10 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 183/2005 des Europäischen,3 +Twin-Engine Aircraft Vacuum System Operation,7 +SHORELINES,8 +results from the magnetic dip causes the float assembly to ,9 +"as possible. To obtain comparative temperature values, a firm ",9 +the disposal of officers at these entities. I am required to submit my ,3 +Table of Contents,7 + The total pressure at the ,9 +"(EG) Nr. 806/2003 (ABl. L 122 vom 16.5.2003, S. 1) geändert worden ist, erfüllen.",3 +其他组织的物质技术条件所完成的技术成果。 ,9 +select a Member to the ,3 +insert name of other ,9 +BANKING DETAILS,7 +(七)油性混合物,是指任何含有油份的混合物。 ,9 +"Die Prüfung ist bestanden, wenn im praktischen Teil der Prüfung und im schriftlichen Teil der Prüfung",9 +Income comprised: ,9 +Collaborating with ANG on all aspects of NextGen Integrated Safety Management to,3 +8EariON IV ,7 +centerline (final approach course) without execut-,3 +Blocked Static System,7 +Le montant forfaitaire mentionné au bordereau financier couvrira: ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 369 of November 20, 1998]",7 +Article II-10 ,7 +"involved in the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies, testing laboratories, and medical testing ",1 +paper versions ,7 +provide a declaration on honour signed by an authorised representative. ,9 +"flight conditions, particularly at a high angle of attack with ",9 +"between municipalities, disputes which may arise as to the waters",3 +§ 3 Berufsfeldbreite Grundbildung und Zielsetzung der Berufsausbildung,7 +interview partner ,7 +and gyros are permanently “strapped down” or aligned with ,9 +and allow the blades to rephase themselves automatically. ,9 +PROFILE VIEW,7 +website will be updated regularly and it is the economic operator's responsibility to check for ,9 +restricted areas are airspace designated under 14 CFR ,9 +attitude. This procedure is only used when there is adequate ,9 +The horizontal distance in inches from the reference ,9 +"thicknesses of metal used in aircraft, but heavier thicknesses ",9 +"the appropriate identification box or stacked in pairs, GNSS and Victor. On joint routes, RNAV specific information will be ",9 +Федерации,9 +Determine if an ODP or SID is available for the ,3 +Departing from a tower-controlled airport is relatively ,9 +Motorway.,9 +Air Mass Thunderstorms,7 +stimate the need to counter or react to the change. As the ,9 +§ 2 Begriffsbestimmungen,7 +"Aufträge durchführen, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung von Herstellungsverfahren, Rezepturen und",3 +SCHEME TO BE REVOKED ,7 +"cleaning equipment and dressing equipment are installed, and a ",3 +Propeller Gearbox,7 +Emergency,9 +and duties:,9 +Installation of cables ,7 +Electrical Resistance Thermometer,7 +"towers are calculated using the methodology presented in Chapter 13.4, ",9 +"Die Einschlagsbeschränkung kann für das Forstwirtschaftsjahr (1. Oktober bis 30. September), in dem die",9 +оформляются,9 +A fuel distribution manifold for a fuel-injected engine.,0 +Although some people are allergic to certain analgesics or ,9 +"item (iv), item (vi), item (xiv), and item (xv) (with regard to the matters set ",3 +recognised by one or more Wassenaar Arrangement “participating states” and ,9 +enabled vertically guided approach procedures are called ,9 +Financial tender,3 +Contraction Joints ,7 +"Der Rechtsstreit ist auch in der Hauptsache erledigt, wenn der Beklagte der Erledigungserklärung des Klägers",9 +GENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURES ,7 +"Currently,",9 +"and well lighted areas, only adds a little more time and",9 +acquisition of rights or the imposition of restrictive covenants under this Order are extinguished in ,9 +"fair competition between them. Such information may include, without being limited ",3 +§ 24a (weggefallen),7 +HIGH RATE OF DESCENT,7 +Stiffness and resiliency of the material; and ,3 +"failure of a notary to make report, within a reasonable time, to",3 +"components, transfer system, and fuel jettison or dump ",9 +“REMARKS” are announced in the,9 +Audit Opinion,7 +mais sorties du côté où la nacelle est levée. ,3 +on the approach charts for the ,9 +Purchase Orders,3 +with Pa=% ,9 +Wheel Speed Sensor,7 +faces the runway and is visible to the pilot exiting the,9 +to applying the brakes in a landplane. ,9 +Reviewing and approving Safety Risk Management (SRM) documents for NextGen,3 +METAR KGGG 161753Z COR).,3 +"one Mode S sensor to another, the transfer of TIS is",9 +controlling ATC facility when it is not being utilized ,9 +соответствии с требованиями санитарного законодательства.,9 +in the exercise of authority over matters of sanitation shall not be inconsistent with,9 +pylon even in strong winds. The pilot may make corrections ,9 +"Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Chapter 12, ",9 +"that promote learning. This process can be quite complex because, among other things, an individual’s background strongly$_{ }$",9 +specifico.,9 +in a Foreign Country,7 +II.24 CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +operations.,3 +Compliance periods and timeline ,7 +Negotiation of placement of a stand’s advertisement at the Fair (e.g. the Fair´s magazine etc.) ,7 +The waypoint being used by the ,9 +cylinders prevents a complete engine change because of ,9 +morning. He and his family departed one hour later than ,9 +traffic information from ATC on other pertinent IFR or ,9 +Other Airspace Areas ,7 +the prevention of midair collisions. ,9 +Supporting document(s)/evidence requested: ,7 +Criteria related to tenderers ,7 +Autopilot Systems (APs) provide for “hands off” ,3 +"The ripcord, including all joints, shall not fail under a straight tension test load of 300-lbf ",3 +—Department of Interior ,9 +Anlage 3 (zu § 4 Absatz 1),7 +At locations without airport traffic control,9 +PACKING METHOD: ,7 +"deformity, imbecility, poverty, insanity, or other affliction, and",3 +Centrifugal twisting force is sometimes used to move the ,9 +the effect of the occurrence.,9 +*Use gauges in kit for checking diameters.,9 +of Aircraft Registration ,7 +"antitorque thrust is produced, the nose of the helicopter ",9 +"179 079,31 Euro",9 +Secrétariat. ,9 +(See CONTROLLED TIME OF ARRIVAL.) ,9 +"pounds, and cemeteries.",3 +amount of lift along its span. This is necessary because,9 +should be familiar with the visual scanning and collision ,9 +pesticides ,1 +"and Industry as being likely to be used for the development, manufacture, ",3 +ously on the attitude indicator. Even though the miniature,9 +Table A – Losses of Cash,7 +Battery Freezing,7 +示される勘定」に改め、「同法第十一条(業務上の取決め)に規定する」及び「(第,9 +"including claims for payments or factoring, without prior written authorisation from ",3 +Dès qu'il est en mesure de reprendre l',9 +(Important matters) ,9 +RA issued ,6 +concept. Pilots are encouraged to turn on their landing,9 +but good if the rigger does not have the necessary ,3 +"ensure compliance with its data protection obligations regarding the security of the processing, ",3 +evaluated. The balloon actually responds to a burn 6 to 15 ,9 +has a much lower frequency. As the energy of the jet stream ,9 +same direction. These are referred to as parallel runways and ,9 +cemeteries and governing funerals and the disposal of the dead.,3 +shock wave forms as the boundary between ,9 +safety issues can have fatal results.,9 +"DELTA, AR=4.0,X=O ",7 +II.20.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +Thrust line.,9 +法第六条、第七条第二項、第八条から第十条まで及び第十一条第一項第一号の規定,3 +or shells. The closest shell to the nucleus can only contain ,9 +LCD Display Screens .............................................10-87,8 +(diffuser and manifold) is often referred to as the diffuser. ,9 +RVSM Airspace Without Intermediate Level Off.,9 +the fuel and sends it to an injector in each cylinder. A fuel ,9 +"Aufträge durchführen, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung von Herstellungsverfahren, Rezepturen und",3 +caso di mancata ricezione da parte dell'amministrazione aggiudicatrice della lettera ,9 +", in accordance with Article II-18 (“Force Majeure”) above. ",3 +§ 25 Übergangsvorschriften,7 +touching down. The term “roundout” is used in this handbook ,9 +subcontractors must sign and date the declaration on Exclusion criteria. Only the ,3 +"288 metres, including associated embankments, as shown on Sheet 2 of the Works Plans. ",9 +SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION PLAN ,7 +Überschrift: IdF d. Art. 2 Nr. 1 V v. 21.8.2014 I 1459 mWv 29.8.2014,9 +"Dans les autres cas, la sélection des fournisseurs/prestataires tiers est à organiser par ",9 +(国、地方公共団体、人格のない社団又は財団その他の政令で定めるもの),9 +i.e. is not registered in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce as a provider of (temporary) workers; ,3 +well as displaying a ten-second projected position to the ,9 +"highest),",9 +ECHA or to a third party designated by ECHA (e.g. a taking over Contractor); ,3 +advised that any of the following would be,9 +for the MC-4 Ram Air Free-Fall Personnel Parachute System - continued ,0 +forward motion of the aircraft. Ram air pressure is the same ,9 +Short-Term Memory (STM) ,7 +axial-flow compressor blades constructed so that it will ,9 +MARINE CORPS FORMS ,7 +Figure 3-17.,0 +mate load factors may be seriously reduced. ,9 +"Demand Operations, Subpart E,",9 +An added benefit is the opportunity to broaden her flying ,6 +Marker Board ,7 +to be removed. Recheck all of the disconnect points to make ,9 +Anlage 2 (zu § 6 Absatz 1),7 +Turbo-Propeller Assembly,7 +"Hand sew ripcord housing, tack comfort pad, Hand sew cone and eyelet",3 +Termination by Europol: ,7 +von viereinhalb Stunden eine Fahrtunterbrechung von mindestens 30 zusammenhängenden Minuten,3 +Proper material and size compatible with specifications and dimensions of goods shall be offered by Contractor and approved by Contracting Authority.,3 +"Formulartext,",3 +tinuously until an attitude is reached from which there is no ,9 +"the greater fluid friction, nozzle and flame- ",9 +The condition of the surface which,9 +without measuring and marking each one separately.,9 +General obligations ,7 +"of any defects in the supplies. The supply may include, as an incidental matter, siting and ",3 +Informationen zur Erhebung von personenbezogenen Daten nach Artikel 13 und 14 der Verordnung ,7 +"steep, power-off approaches can then produce ",9 +ANTITORQUE PEDALS,7 +"aircraft. They are produced at a scale of 1:1,000,000 (1 inch = ",9 +Regulations without meeting the requirements of paragraph 3 of Schedule 7 to the European ,9 +disinfection at night as well as for security of staff manning the gates. ,3 +Ehrenamtliche Richter,7 +nose or tail gear is free to swivel as the helicopter is,9 +Anti-virus products can regularly scan ,3 +See the Table Lot 3 / Technical annex C summarising the type of tasks and the related deliverables ,9 +"Be aware this is not an emergency situation,",9 +humankind out of Earth’s orbit and to the Moon; ,3 +"From there, the air is vented overboard. Either a venturi or a ",9 +ancillary sportspersons involved in that elite sports event; ,3 + A differential ,9 +The speed of flame front propagation is a ,9 +payment of the balance of the last specific contract issued under this FWC.,3 +(FAF/stepdown) used to compute the VDA. If no,9 + (es.: codice sorgente) in vista di modifiche; ,3 +Page 11/17 ,5 +Step 5—Adjust for Specific Conditions,7 +REGION 0~ REVERSED COMMAND ,7 +(Bicester to Bedford Improvements) Order 2020.” ,9 +"including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, in any way connected with the ",9 +"deck gauge. As soon as the propeller has ceased rotating, ",9 +"instrument pilot, these difficulties are magnified.",9 + Intramuros + 2. Points ,9 +for receipt of tenders. ,9 +"roll off, allowing the flight crew to see through the windshield ",9 +of thrust augmentation and the principal fea- ,9 +Quiz/e-interaction with participants – 2 formats: online and ,7 +Analyzing Procedures ,7 +Cartridge/pneumatic starter schematic. ,0 +II.1. DEFINITIONS ,7 +Remove all distorted skin and structure in ,3 +Crew Responsibilities ,7 +"Федерации, при условии предъявления документов, подтверждающих",9 +Bank Control,7 +八キロパスカル以上のゲージ圧力で使用するように設計したものに限る。),3 +"result in aircraft damage or human fatalities. At the very least, ",9 +Approach Control Area,6 +the aircraft and the pilot must determine how to best,9 +gear scissors on the oleo strut. When no weight is on the ,9 +communications and departure delays. DPs are published in ,9 +not reliant upon the use of GPS must be available.,9 +(ii) basic matters concerning the recovery of inland waters resources; ,3 +CAUTION: An aircraft may be registered only by ,9 +flight is temporarily restricted or prohibited. ,3 +procedures is provided in the Privacy Statement ,9 +During the operational period the Contractor shall manage together with the End Recipient staff in-,9 +"on the circuit output is direct, so the output voltage phase is ",9 +Stiffness and resiliency of the material; and ,3 +"The process of inspecting, repairing, ",9 +Responsibilities,7 +decisions on its behalf;,9 +Electronic exchange system: can exchanges under the contract be automated? ,7 +"forward slowly, the fuel seeps past it back into the float ",9 +"The contractor must take all appropriate measures to minimise costs, prevent damage and cancel ",9 +applicable) required to accomplish a sewing procedure will be ,9 +OC/EFSA/ED/2020/01 ,7 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +For the Contracting Authority: ,7 +"reference line. Once again, follow the lines in a diagonal ",9 +The evidence must,9 +"system, tail surfaces, and landing gear. [Figure 15-2] An",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 119 of June 1, 1954] ",7 +Airspace System,7 +EVALUATION OF TENDERS,7 +valves to extend the gear. Fluid from each main gear cylinder ,9 +10.11.Haftung ,7 +"PRO-0013 Integrated Planning, Monitoring and Reporting (IMS) ",3 +"§ 12 Haushaltsplan, Rechnungslegung",7 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +"the responsibility of an authorising officer of an EU institution, of a ",6 +calibrated at intervals to assure its accuracy. ,9 +регистрационный,9 +The contractor must ensure that their organisational structure allows a proper interaction ,9 +"portal)$^{3}$, Tenders submitted in any other way (e.g. e-mail or by letter) will be disregarded. ",9 +third party any of the Confidential Information disclosed by the other and not to ,3 +increased by a force during each second it is acted upon by ,9 +〔昭和五十六年六月一日通商産業省令第三十二号〕,7 +Maximum approach angle.,9 +A draft of these Regulations was notified on 2nd October 2020 to the European Commission in ,9 +METAR KGGG 161753Z COR).,3 +Supplementary Provisions [Extract] ,7 + Risk left over after system safety efforts ,9 +instructor.,3 +on the basis of signals received from the satellites. It includes global navigation satellite ,9 +Synthetic Vision System (SVS) ,7 +An example of a Netto variometer system.,0 +Communication and promotion (online newsroom and social media support) ,7 +longitudinal axis.,9 +II.23.3 Interest on late payment ,7 +Removal of Decals ,7 +Developing further awareness that the radius of a turn ,3 +and Mountain Wave Activity (MWA),7 +Sedona Airport is one of the many airports that operate ,0 +s regulation,3 +and may contribute to PIO. ,9 +does not have the expertise required to provide the services; or ,3 +See terminal instrument approach procedure. ,9 +the shortest itinerary and the minimum number of nights necessary for overnight stay ,3 +Technical equipment and Technician (for both onsite and ,7 +indefinite period of time. The battery contactor in an aircraft ,9 +Specific Contract,3 +If there is a break in the chain of ownership of the ,9 +"FWC or a specific contract, including loss of anticipated profits, unless the loss was caused by ",9 +Electrical - General ,7 +INFORMATION ,7 +provided to P; ,3 +ming to balance the nose down moment ,9 +"crew at the top of the chart. This portion of the chart,",9 +Risk Acceptance Outside of the Air Traffic Organization ,3 +lsA registration,7 +Figure 16-98. ,0 +"paper element, while others use a very fine stainless steel ",9 +Responsibilities of the Parties to the Engagement ,7 +"navigational aids (NAVAIDs), attempting radio contact with ",9 +II.23. RECOVERY ,7 +last two digits indicate the speed of the wind in knots unless the wind is greater than 99 ,3 +required equipment or the level of augmentation for,9 +Schlussvorschriften,7 +"architecture or major changes in ECHA’s IT systems are considered. Thus, ECHA’s IT change ",9 +Telephone System ,7 +court shall keep a record in which shall be entered all cases heard and determined,9 +Automatic Activation Device (AAD) Junction Plate and an existing ,9 +DIRECTIONAL CONTROL ,7 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +§ 1 Bau und Finanzierung durch Private,7 +Funding & tender opportunities portal ,7 +is being established. The rate of rounding ,9 +"strikes the surface, the unbalanced condition could be further ",9 +Chart Supplement U.S. Geographic Areas,0 +Minimum number of grit classifiers ,8 +—Department of Defense ,9 +eligible registrants,7 +the wing producing lift by the deflection of an ,9 +"The contractor shall have an adequate organisation, expected ",9 +II.13.10. Visibility of Agency funding and disclaimer ,7 +"In mountainous terrain, it is possible for all four lift types ",9 +Page 17 of 76 ,4 +capability. This effect ,9 +Date Accessed: 05-Mar-2015 ,4 +"give reasons for its decision to agree to or refuse the request, and ",3 +"Reserve Parachute Characteristics, Table 1 ................................................................................0002 00-14 ",8 +Specifications. ,1 +Through Rotor,6 +"annexed to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, compensation under a Contract ",3 +shall fail to give notice ,9 +Secretariat services ,7 +or series of area sources. Volume,9 +"‘‘(G) Not later than September 30, 2019, Guam and ",9 +"leadership and vision of Museum Director, NASA astronaut, and ",3 +As used with respect to the ,9 +of marine waters between them the third line shall be a line equally,3 +Velocity Indicator (VVI) in order to use the VDA as,9 +- Seite 2 von 14 -,4 +"per i servizi che entrano nella categoria/tipologia l, da un elenco dei servizi eseguiti, ",9 +Constant-speed drive. A component used with either ,9 +"urt has been committed within the township, such",9 +電磁的記録の作成がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む。次項において,3 +he FAA (in cooperation with ,9 +horizontal stabilizer for that direction of flight. Increased ,9 +against the principal amount. ,9 +doit-être présente sur le lieu de travail à disposition des travailleurs. ,9 +Loosen bridle line girth hitch enough so that pilot chute can be passed through loop in end of bridle ,3 +along with detailed maps depicting approaches and ,9 +Temperature variations are also induced by water and terrain. ,9 +auto-rich mixture in the power range during dry operation is ,9 +Radial bearing load.,9 +GPT 12/008 GPT MIRL RWY 18/36 OS UFN,9 +it nor appreciate it for what it represents. Unfortunately in ,9 +21040624. йос,4 +to the CG location.,9 +"zig-zag sewing machine. If a Bartack sewing machine is used, use thread, nylon, size E, 42 to 48 ",3 +Mode C transponder. ,9 +early aviators benefited from this knowledge.,0 +"COUNTRY, ORDAIN1NG FOR THIS",7 +Removal of Decals ,7 +Engine Oil Pressure Indicator,7 +"RC,,= 33,ooo pa;pr ",2 +б) дополнить пунктом 2! следующего содержания:,9 +rémunérations dues au contractant au titre de l'octroi à l'Union de licences sur les ,9 +INFORMATIONEN ZUR AUSSCHREIBUNG ,7 +Acceleration,6 +This means it is conducted after the CSA is approved and before the FID. The SRM document ,9 +"The provisions of the Spanish Law on Waters of August 3, 1866, the Civil Code of Spain of 1889 and the",9 +"Double-wrap and single safety wire methods for nuts, ",0 +“Shadow authorities ,7 +"approximately 20 to 30 feet, depending on the type of",9 +Conformity would be demonstrated by securing statements of concurrence from the state/local ,9 +cycle. The cutoff date for aeronautical databases is typically ,9 +"surface area. However, if any one extension is greater",9 +Aircraft in Terminal Areas,7 +be performed in mild conditions. Higher energy and greater ,9 +helicopter into the wind. ,0 +"The FWC is renewed automatically three (3) times for twelve (12) months each, unless one of ",9 +retitled LNAV (lateral navigation). Circling minima,9 +effective dose limit and the equivalent dose limit specified in Article 30-27: ,3 + Additional power ,9 +"Calculation of the costs (incl. travel, overheads, consumables and any other related costs) ",7 +"is IMC at the time of departure, Gayle needs to establish that ",6 +Materials/ Parts ,7 +TABLE OF CONTENTS ,7 +Small power corrections are usually sufficient to bring the ,9 +"Article 27 and 28 from the Framework Agreement$^{1}$, signed on 11$^{th}$ of February 2015 ",7 +生产安全事故的应急救援与调查处理 ,7 +Performance Charts ,7 +municipal council shall make such endorsements thereon as it may deem proper,9 +control requirements.,9 +Amendment of article 19 ,7 +"accompanied by a dangerous communicable disease, such body shall until buried",9 +and accomplish all appropriate checklist items.,3 +estimating emissions from material,9 +The weight must completely withdraw the ripcord pins within the available stroke. ,3 +appropriate budgetary arrangements can be made in advance. ,3 +interprets,9 +WING ILLUSTRATED BY TUFT-GRID PHOTOGRAPHS ,7 +"eingesetzt werden können,",3 +Für die Feststellung des nach § 3 Abs. 3 Satz 4 des Ausgleichsleistungsgesetzes maßgeblichen,9 +I.6.5. Trattenuta di garanzia ,7 +"is not in operation, the PIC must notify the FAA flight ",9 +"in judgment, such as landing too far down the runway and ",9 +consultation after the activity by the participants.,3 +or of any paper of general c,9 +Airport Markings and Signs ,7 +to capital transactions (which refer to capital transactions prescribed in Article ,3 +"one person from each of the following areas, which person for the time being performs ",3 +Associative Stage ,7 +Improper correction for wind drift.,3 +drugs shall keep their records relating to the same.,3 +"my services for the Agency,",9 +FACTURATION ,7 +"Indications of errors must be reasonable, and the user shall be able to continue the work on a ",3 +Europol Public Information,7 +(400 ft. FAA maintain),6 +"divulgation après des autres institutions, des agences et des organismes de l'Union ainsi ",3 +Hold pitch constant and allow the aircraft to stabilize. During ,9 +"d’ordine firmata per accettazione, si applicano le disposizioni all'articolo I.4.3 del contratto ",9 +"the owner, the up",9 +application of air pressure to the cylinder being tested with ,9 +"nuclear weapons, CW agents or military bacterial agents or devices for ",3 +EPA’s Technology Transfer Network (TTN) Support Center for Regulatory Atmospheric Modeling website at: ,1 +NISH COVID–19 VACCINE TO CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS NOT ,7 +Further information and consultation ,7 +Tenderers are expected to have expertise and knowledge in the following areas: ,9 +Abschnitt 3,7 +MAIN CANOPY ,7 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +“Hydraulic Load” derived commitment for the plant components: ,7 +treated as if it also had been agreed or had been so determined. ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 387 of December 25, 1997] ",7 +"Der Halter darf die Inbetriebnahme eines Fahrzeugs auf öffentlichen Straßen nicht anordnen oder zulassen,",9 +with the performance of the aircraft. The airspeed indicator ,9 +AERMOD Model Inputs and Data Requirements ,3 +Developing the ability to compensate for drift in ,3 +Electronic exchange system: can exchanges under the contract be automated? ,7 +"Straight leading edge, ",6 +purchased after June 2002 have been manufactured with a modified ,9 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +threats of arrest or actual arrest or intended ,9 +mum weight limitation compromises the structural,9 +Anlage 2.1 (zu § 4),7 +maneuver the aircraft within the circling area in order,9 +Supply of documents ,7 +技术秘密转让合同的受让人应当按照约定使用技术,支付使,9 +Antrag eines Beteiligten muß mündlich verhandelt werden. Das Gericht entscheidet über die Klage durch Urteil; §,9 +"(K-3 thru K-8 A1rships).""See page 59. ",3 +"in drag. It should be noted, however, that with an increase in ",9 +level in each tank to ensure that there is sufficient fuel for ,9 +The provinces and territories of Canada ,9 +of tqe ’:JIqilippines ,10 +effective hours will be one ,8 +Ministers of Ukraine on 16,9 +汚水を排出しようとする場所,3 +FROM NACA TN 2674 ,6 +ticket No. 24/4 cotton thread. ,3 +"contracting authority or, at the request of the contractor and with the agreement of the ",3 +書及び収支決算書を毎事業年度終了後三月以内に貸借対照表を添えて厚生労働大臣に,3 +I.9. DATA CONTROLLER ,7 +Wing Structure,7 +means within 2 [two] working days of receipt.,9 +"thereafter for 2 years, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall submit ",9 +engine rpm. [Figure 3-2],9 +pedal trim. ,9 +— The comparison of the secondary and fundamental standards shall be made in,9 +lieu of procedure turn is depicted by a,9 +"possibility of delay and diversion, and involve them ",3 +not later than 7 days after the date on which it is completed. ,9 +Optional equipment includes a digital,9 +Vorbemerkungen ,7 +ranging from thin (leaf) to plate (pieces thicker than 6 mm or 0.25 ,9 +listed country prior to entering U.S. territorial,9 +temperature refrigerant received from the compressor. A fan ,9 +"During very hot weather conditions, the Contractor may be required to cool formwork containing con-",9 +[Figure 10-73],9 +Article 2 - ,7 +"and underlying structure in the repair zone. For these reasons, ",9 + is entitled ,3 +airport lighting facility providing vertical visual ,9 +〔平成二十四年九月十四日政令第二百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +"are 2 miles or less, they remain part of the Class D",9 +〔平成二十五年四月十日政令第百二十号〕,7 +Interpretation Act 1978 (c. 30). ,1 +engine aircraft typically use a dedicated engine-driven air ,9 +SCREEN FLANGE ,6 +position or the location where the aircraft is to stop so as not to ,9 +"snow mounds take on varying shades of white, and may",9 +"which carries out serum separation only, it is not required to prepare the ",3 +Cable Inspection,7 +Manual (AIM) for expanded MON Airport guidance.,9 +Prelaunch Check,7 +Construction Joints ,7 +Records and Documents ,7 +"As mentioned earlier in the chapter, when a threat is recognized or imagined, the brain alerts the body. The adrenal gland activates ",9 +manufactured by an ISO 9001 quality certificated manufacturer. ,9 +GA System Operation,7 +above cumulus cloud layers. ,9 +the contracting authority can obtain the requisite permits or import licences. ,3 + are or include know-how: the right to use such know-how as is necessary ,3 +II.5. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +and hybrid events) ,7 +"called ""experimental mean pitch."" Its symbol is ",3 +Subject: Supply of Equipment for Final Stop Before Climbing the Ladder: Mantar Cultivation and Technology Commercialization ,7 +resh-water lakes are not included within the limits of any one,3 +(一)向海域排放本法禁止排放的污染物或者其他物质的; ,3 +CI-lt\PTER I,7 +keine Haftung für auf der Baustelle gelagerte Materialien des Auftragnehmers. ,9 +"30, 50, 75 and 100 pax event: 1 conference assistant ",3 +Spiral Instability ,7 +Warranted Provision ,7 +"angle of climb, the turbojet ",9 +performance specification of the target product profile published by the Medicines and Healthcare ,9 +Install the replacement housings into their respective ,3 +Minimum requirements for the organisation of awareness-raising support to ,7 +of 14 CFR Section 61.101; or,9 +pump gears should seize up and not turn.,9 +There is no license requirement for a pilot operating in the ,9 +Suspension of the payment period as provided for in Article II.21.7 is not considered as ,9 +Paint System Compatibility,7 +医師、歯科医師、薬剤師、看護師及び准看護師、管理栄養士その他の従業者の員,3 +boats in the harbor of Manila or within the city limits not within or,3 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +Economizer System,7 +Table 6.2: Signatures for Second-Level Engineering SRM Document Approval and Risk ,7 +"variable surface winds often speed up, slow down, ",3 +"aircraft, but it does prompt the operator to verify that ",3 +the rate of pay for the individual shall be the individual rate ,9 +is also common. ,9 +"Recommendations for special equipment, such as personal protective clothing or ",3 +Center of gravity (CG).,9 +"""exécution du CC""",9 +Procedure Turns,7 +(ix) Deleted ,8 +foreseen by Article II.13.2.;,3 +cormorants (meaning wildlife belonging to birds or mammals) (hereinafter ,9 +"ruler, pin board, straight pins, and patching square",3 +increase in comfort and flexibility. One of the most innovative ,9 +command holds at least a,9 +Satzung der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht,7 +controlled or eliminated. It is the possibility of loss ,9 +Cooperative or Group Learning Method ,7 +"Welfare as provided in Article 7, paragraph (5) of the Act shall be the provision ",3 +sure it is in a secure and safe position.,9 +"Where a report pursuant to the provisions of Article 55-3, paragraph (5) of the ",3 +to that for a pilot of a Cessna 172 with a vantage point at 6 ,9 +contracting authority the appropriate,3 +Minamata Convention on Mercury comes into effect in Japan. ,3 +from the brightness. The brain creates these illusions ,9 +Exceptions ,7 +strut compresses and the switch changes its position. Squat ,9 +Why Should I Use a FRAT? ,7 +Legal Entity & Financial ID Forms ,3 +"pounds, by the total area of the wing, in square feet. ",9 +Allgemeines Wohngebiet (WA),7 +Page 11 of 21 ,4 +"mayor or Board may require, and shall have such powers and perform such other",9 +Instrument Approach Procedure Stepdown Fixes,0 +The contractor must,9 +displayed on a dial calibrated in gallons per hour.,9 +FM1700 23010KT 4SM –RA OVC030 ,9 +", as provided for in Article II.13.4;]",3 +"cement, or pavement out of the wind. Inside a large hangar ",9 +Zero wind ,6 +ein von ihr bestimmter Nachweis über die Vorschriftsmäßigkeit oder ein Gutachten eines amtlich,3 +Air Quality Assessment Process ,3 +wiring for secure connections and chafing.,3 +"in the constituency in which he or she has his or her residence, or if he or she has ",3 +temperatures ,9 +o’clock. T,9 +§ 2 Erwerbsmöglichkeit des Pächters landwirtschaftlicher Flächen,7 +MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ,7 +The criterion is applied to:,7 +as the actual procedure and subsequent pain.,9 +import filter requiring regular maintenance. Clogging of the ,9 +restriction,9 +Wire Substitutions,7 +by inserting ‘‘or preparedness and response ,9 +recognized by the mound of metal that has been transferred ,9 +Tag numbering ,7 +"slight movements, deflecting the control tab at the trailing ",9 +dettagliate per ciascun rischio sono riportate nelle schede specifiche in appendice A): ,3 +Location and Obstacles,7 +Vision Under Dim and Bright Illumination,7 +"aggiudicatrice è esente da ogni imposta, tassa e tributo, compresa l'IVA. ",9 +the tenderer to whom the contract is awarded for the duration of the contract. ,9 +"bei Fahrzeugen, denen ein Kennzeichen nach § 8 zugeteilt ist,",3 +"contractor”), without the tasks of the self-employed persons being particular well-",3 +PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal ,7 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +or refueling valves depending upon the manufacturer’s ,9 +Reductions in rapid descent rates are made through ,9 +Revising an SRM Document ,3 +"wind sock for wind information, if one is available. ",9 +Mixing Equipment,7 +Durch die Einführung der Familienpflegezeit werden die Möglichkeiten zur Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und familiärer,9 +Fuel Selectors ,7 +Landing Gear..............................................................3-7,8 +Diese Verordnung tritt am 1. Januar 2014 in Kraft.,9 +II.13.2. Licensing rights on pre-existing materials ,7 +"pressure, and cylinder head and oil temperatures. After the ",9 +"It must be issued at stated intervals, as frequently as four times a",3 +Registrierung bestimmter Betriebe und zwischengeschalteter Personen des Futtermittelsektors sowie,3 +the webbing.,3 +rotor systems.,9 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +The act of gathering physical evidence. It is a substantive test ,9 +Data protection. ,7 +Manual Descent Calculations,7 +"8,000 feet MSL, with increasing severity as altitude increases. ",9 +Combined Sources of Updrafts,7 +GUST LOAD FACTORS. Gusts are asso- ,9 +concise and,9 +"ratio can be either in planform or thickness, or both. In its ",9 +"framework applicable to EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, including EFSA and ",9 +(Amendment) Regulations 2021 and come into force on 20th May 2021. ,9 +and the ADI fluid absorbs excessive heat when it vaporizes.,9 +tions 5334 and 5338(f)(2) of such title and shall be in addition ,9 +to actuate the ailerons.,9 +a spoken sentence or a string of digits. ,9 +tender specifications. This includes compliance with applicable obligations under ,3 +reference to the aircraft and terrain most typical for the kind ,9 +construction identifiable with a particular ship begins; and ,3 +conditions. ,9 +the metal until the desired fold is made. When the handle is ,9 +"The Secretary of State may, on giving reasonable notice, alter or cancel an exemption that is ",9 +"planerischen, technologischen und mathematischen und",3 +wider and longer than inside measurements of prepared hole. ,3 + An auxiliary control mounted on a primary control ,9 +"lished sooner. In addition, operating below minimum",9 +Requirements:,7 +Figure 6-13.,0 +Joint Resolution ,10 +information are provided to the next active,9 +Approvisionnements ,7 + Official recognition that the design and ,9 + This wave pattern is similar to those ,9 +This contract shall be automatically terminated if it has not given rise to any payment in ,3 +Declaration on honour on ,7 +FLIGHT CONTROLS,7 +attitude information. Whether the pilot decides to regard ,9 +"upon the approval of the proper head of Department, charge and collect the cost of",9 +"Locate correct information for compatability, assembly and inspection of a sport rig and reserve",3 +directional control.,9 +: any information or document received by either ,9 +range minimum.,3 +применением,8 +assistance,9 +should be consistent with how fast the groundspeed changes ,9 +Work No.98,9 + Attitude and Sink Rate Control,7 +whose assessment is so reduced and he shall be furnished a nontransferable,9 + shows an antiservo tab in ,9 +Software Planning Review ,7 +will disregard general statements that the whole tender or ,9 +nuove parti,3 +"[Figure 9-6, position 5]",9 +Holding in Lieu of Procedure Turn,7 +II.19.1. Fatture e imposta sul valore aggiunto ,7 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 1),7 +and navigational devices that were constructed with analog ,9 +equivalent effect are not ,3 +Moderation of cybersecurity exercises (Political/ Operational/Technical EU level) ,3 +blades becomes the primary airstream. ,0 +Risk Management Training for Experienced Pilots ,7 +"substance/substance mixtures/compositions, by means of identifiers that ",3 +financial,9 +"16-3. Moving outboard on the rotor blade, the rotational velocity increasingly exceeds the upward component of airflow,",0 +"(project management, quality control, training of the contractor's staff, support resources, etc.) and ",9 +Prelaunch Check,7 +Requirements for special training information for personnel who will carry out the ,3 +"approved by the Contracting Authority, shall be in the format provided for in the contract and may be ",3 +Gemeinsame Angebote ,7 +"downwind and crosswind descriptions, the pilot must increase ",9 +Differential Pressure Tester,7 +Responsibilities of the Parties to the Engagement ,7 +Please note that a request for supporting documents by the ,7 +"and Industry No. 25 of May 30, 1986] ",7 +been found to be the most effective means of ensuring ,9 +PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ,7 +stage typically requires all the learner’s attention; distractions introduced by an instructor often cause performance to deteriorate or ,9 +Class E Airspace,7 +"Offline, including 500-1000 copies. ",3 +The contractor submits a request for each person who needs to be assigned the role of ‘user’ ,9 +defined parts of the contract. ,3 +narrow range between that appropriate for ground ,9 +section 61 (company to make sufficient approaches and fences to highways crossing on ,9 +Cylinder Compression Tests,7 +$_{Figure 8-1.}$ ,0 +point 1.7,9 +内水面における漁場環境の再生に関する基本的事項,3 +services under this FWC; ,9 +available to the public,3 +for the Motor Overload Protection. In order to protect both the load and motor the Soft starter shall be provided ,9 +the construction of new highway comprising carriageway and cycleway; ,3 +Achieve Goals,7 +Use a drill bit one size smaller than the rivet shank to ,3 +Development of roadmaps for action on: ,7 +"Sinait, Tayum, and Vigan (the cap",9 +"(FAA). There are different ways of teaching, as well as performing flight procedures and maneuvers, and many variations ",9 +Für den Prüfungsbereich Montagearbeiten bestehen folgende Vorgaben:,9 +teils innerhalb dieser Zeit und teils unmittelbar danach liegen.,3 +mechanical indicators in modern aircraft. Most of these units ,9 +ons under which such credit may be applied as above,9 +FLIGHT CONTROLS,7 +Gas Cylinders,7 +"MAYDAY, preferably repeated three times. The",9 +いて同号の要件に該当する旨を説明する書類,3 +"Anwenden einer Fremdsprache bei Fachaufgaben, Lernziel c,",3 +Differential Voltage,7 +Restitch the corner of the main container as per the ,3 +"provisions of Article 18, paragraph (1) or Article 22-2, paragraph (1) of the New ",3 +property on the ground. ,9 +компетентных,9 +PRESSURE GAUGE LIN£ ,6 +"construction, on or after the date on which these Regulations come into force; ",9 +Set the gauge bar the desired distance from the cutting blade ,9 +fails to carry out and execute the works properly with due care and attention and in a skilful and ,9 +copy of the drawings prepared for the implementation of the tasks and a copy of the ,3 +Storm water drainage; ,3 +"For the purposes of this discussion, ",9 + Power recovery turbine. A turbine driven by exhaust ,9 +Desert Scrubland ,8 +Declaration of Honour (DoH) ,7 +Time Zones ,7 +"effect. Placed in the feedback loop, the pulses from the ",9 +new designs possible. ,9 +Weather and Obstructions to Vision.,3 +besonderen internationalen Vorgaben.,3 +[Figure 1-46],9 +Relief Hole Location,7 +.604/.507,6 +Rigger check number 4. ,3 +Deficit Control Act of 1985. ,9 +instrument interpretation and aircraft control within the ILS ,9 +—dew point temperature ,9 +(INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) ,7 +Dokumentierung ihrer Lage auf der Unfallstelle oder im Verhältnis zur Unfallstelle.,3 +PERSONAL DATA AND CONFIDENTIALITY ,7 +action are subject to a General Conformity Determination. It is preferable that this comparison be ,9 +EVALUATION OF TENDERS,7 +"available expertise for the ERA of specific groups of regulated substances/compounds, or ",3 +"unit time, that is, the speed aircraft would ",3 +"Paragraph (9) applies if, at the end of an interim period of 4 years, a health care professional ",9 +Additional administrative documentation,7 +", That the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works ",9 +by approximately 2 inches using the double needle ,3 +of the runway.,9 +AUDITING FOR BOTSWANA GOVERNMENT ,7 +intelligently appreciated since it is not uncom- ,9 +techniques. Be aware that the skiplane may be sliding,9 +SEC. 305. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made ,9 +Overall management incl.,7 +better weather?” Most observers view this approach as not ,9 +Amendment to the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 ,7 +the gate at night and poor visibility (as a result of lack of lighting) could result in ,9 +microphones for audience questions ,7 +Weather Radar Services,7 +Where to File the Reports.,7 +"at 50 mph groundspeed, the required stopping distance is ",9 +Overcontrolling pitch and bank during corrections.,3 +Piston Reverses Direction From Down Stroke to Up ,7 +by requiring the supporting documents listed in the declaration of honour.,9 +"To establish, maintain, and regulate a city prison.",3 +"– The construction of an environmental bund (false cutting), approximately 298 ",9 +10.23.Arbeitszeit ,7 +hover following a vertical takeoff. The helicopter will,9 +"Für rechtsfähige und nichtrechtsfähige Personenvereinigungen, für Personen, die geschäftsunfähig oder in",9 +The wing Producing lift applies ,9 +[2339-171.],9 +Chapter 6. Emergency Procedures,7 +The thermocouples installed around the perimeter ,3 +tude. The actual technique may vary depending on what,9 +Amendment of the School Information (England) Regulations 2008 ,7 +CE-labelling and declaration of conformity; ,3 +"), make the ",9 +Brief description of the required services/ supplies ,7 +Cylinder.,9 +"Despite their many advantages, TCAS and traffic advisory ",9 +The most important part of any painting project is the ,9 +compensation des dommages causés par la non-fourniture des services dans les délais applicables ,9 +Criteria related to tenderers ,7 +UNIT MAINTENANCE ,7 +"general 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the notification of the contract award, we strongly ",9 +"Developed specifically for light aircraft, the 0-200-D engine ",9 +"applicable to the contracting authority, including digitisation or converting the format ",3 +and resultant CG rolling moment. ,0 +relay and disconnects the generator from the bus. ,9 +aircraft. The manuals are written for safety and reliability. ,9 +coordinated universal time (UTC). A “Z” is appended to the end of the time to denote the ,3 +"Errata as of October 21, 2013 ",7 +onveyed to the,3 +Pressurization Issues,7 +"under the course index. When inbound on the front course, or ",9 +Propeller Gearbox,7 +Functions of Engine Oil,7 +" State the EOC size, timing margins (including worst-case ",3 +Technical engineer and Assistance in system configuration and integration. The tenderer ,3 + The corner joint shown in ,9 +"creation of DC tools and pipelines to address collected requirements, ",3 +Audit of Accounts – Department of Lands,7 +Governance and contract management (WP 1) ,7 +standard and oversized shank diameters. The collars are made ,9 +"The municipal treasurer shall keep in his office, open at all times to the",9 +tures will exceed ,9 +Flight Procedures.,7 +in this chapter to address the specific aspects of balloon ,9 +[Figure 4-108],9 +Control units should be securely mounted. Test switches ,9 +"my weather briefing and the pibal, I should travel in a ",9 +validity of such a document ,3 +abbinata una WPS - Specifica di procedura di saldatura.,9 +Packing and Inspection Area,7 +II.5.4. Validity and date of e-documents ,7 +Amendment to the Environment Act 1995 ,7 +Provoke a number of errors and verify that the system responds to these errors as described in the ,3 +Wide Area Augmentation System ,7 +Signature of the contract with the successful Tenderer ,7 +The bank must be steepest when beginning the turn on the ,9 +to justify the continued suspension.,9 +Primary Sludge Pumping Station,7 +Preparing the O&SHA,7 +Control of conductor colours ,3 +Specific Contract,3 +Rivet Length ,7 +Other Airport Visual Aids,7 +"During this time, the landing gear together with some aid from ",9 +検査を行つた特定製品の数量,3 +Abschnitt 9,7 +"article outline to EU-OSHA. After the necessary rounds for comments/validation, the contractor ",9 + displays the ,9 +dissimilar coefficients of expansion,6 +"a continuous loop of perceiving, processing, and performing.",9 +procurement-procedures_en. ,9 +Chapter 5—Preflight and Ground,7 +[Figure 11-8],3 +Diese Verordnung tritt am siebenten Tag nach der Verkündung in Kraft. Gleichzeitig tritt die Erste Verordnung zur,9 +lowestoft@marinemanagement.org.uk. ,3 +Vor Arbeitsaufnahme muss die mit dem Auftrag betraute Firma dem JRC Karlsruhe eine ,9 +and the Halon is discharged. Weighing the bottle is often ,9 +A downward slant from root to tip of an aircraft’s ,9 +ALLEGATO VII AL CONTRATTO: CLAUSOLE CONTRATTUALI DI SICUREZZA ,5 +Expansion Joints ,7 +for paragraph (1) substitute— ,3 +"include information technology services and support, an indi-",9 +"allow the line to pull him or her towards the basket, putting ",9 +Figure 11-4. ,0 +duly paid.,9 +"“Patricia, you will be the crew chief for today’s flight, as ",9 +§ 10 Übergangsregelung,7 +大臣に届け出なければならない。,3 +temperature. ,3 +ELECTION CRITERIA,7 +Instrument Weather Flying,7 + Condition C21 (assistance for areas with high distribution costs scheme: payments ,9 +zur IT-Sicherheit und zum Datenschutz einhalten,8 +datenschutz@autobahn.de ,9 +CRUISING LEVEL-,7 +proach course.,3 +Areas Designated as Severe Wind and Moisture ,7 +"MARKING, STOWAGE CONTAINER - OPERATING LIMITS:",7 +"False courses. In addition to the desired course, GS ",3 +"718,8 – 1 722,2 MHz,",9 +Sequence for construction ,7 +Figure 5-19. ,0 +das Ergebnis der mündlichen Prüfung ist ein Protokoll zu erstellen. Der Prüfling erhält einen Nachweis über eine,9 +"Done in English in three (3) originals, one original being for the contracting authority, one original ",9 +Foster parents: temporary approval ,7 +Übersicht über forstliche Herkunftsgebiete,7 +TotalGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +purposes of Part 1 of the Self-Isolation Regulations (see regulations 3 and 5 of those Regulations). ,9 +10.24.Vertragsstrafe ,7 +"Beträgt der durchschnittliche Haltestellenabstand mehr als drei Kilometer, so ist nach einer Lenkzeit",3 +Marine pollution contingency plan ,7 +"Schedule 7 to, the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (c. 16) in order to address failures of ",9 +Licensing Team within 5 days of the date of these notifications. ,3 +Cylinder Compression Tests,7 +〔平成二十四年七月十九日政令第百九十三号〕,7 +"be returned, unopened, to the tenderers. ",9 + Two rows of transverse light bars ,9 +"négligence de l'une des parties ou d'un sous-traitant, et doit se révéler inévitable en dépit de toute la ",9 +Application of Part 1 of the 1965 Act ,7 +"] / the rates set out in Annex B], inclusive of expenses and exclusive of VAT. The total ",3 +Stima dei costi di Sicurezza da Interferenze ,7 +Departure Procedures,7 +Failure to execute turns with accurate timing.,3 +"das meldende Finanzinstitut das Konto für jeden meldepflichtigen Staat, für den ein Indiz festgestellt wird, als",9 +have characteristics more like a tapered wing. ,9 +"approach begins, leave the clearance limit at the ",3 +Deicing equipment is generally limited to pneumatic boots on ,9 +medium to super aircraft can be of extremely high ,9 +by those with the experience and equipment to do so. Most ,9 +obscuring phenomena. The amount of sky coverage is ,3 +tions procedures are prescribed by the International,9 +Beschleunigtes Zusammenlegungsverfahren,7 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +Contract Title:,9 +Light Twin Airplane,7 +of how pressure switches are employed. It is installed in ,9 +The common data store should be able to accommodate additional data sources in ,3 +"at high forward airspeeds. As altitude is increased, higher ",9 +tion or if he is satisfied that the suspension of driving was beyond the control of the Contractor. ,9 +section 102(4) (adoption of sewers and disposal works) of the Water Industry Act 1991 or ,3 +Opening of tenders,7 +Simplified directional facility (SDF).,9 +"An approval authority entry briefing, ",3 +A summary of self-assessment results (if performed); and,3 +- Seite 6 von 12 -,4 +Abschnitt II,7 +Aluminum Welding,7 +engage the pull grooves of ,6 +Collective Pitch Control,7 +"The term ""bow ",9 +"mission and strategic direction of the Agency, investment proposals have to be well ",9 +Formal Notification,3 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY ,7 +Guideline,9 +Identifizierungs- und Sorgfaltspflichten,7 +Add new stiffener if stiffener ,6 +External Pressures ,6 +"visibility meets the minimum prescribed for the approach, ",9 +3000 Poberezny Rd ,9 +"sea level altitude, C= 1.000 ",9 +In studying relative efficiency ,9 +become fixated on the other balloon(s) and attempt to follow ,9 +Risk Management Training for Experienced Pilots ,7 +Air Quality Assessment Protocol ,7 +contracting authority]. ,9 +acceptance certificate has been signed or is deemed to have been signed by the project ,3 +"customary law (beingproceedings against any person who, under that law, is subject to ",3 +Inhaltsverzeichnis ,7 +schutztechnischen Nenn-,9 +Identification of subject matter for interview,7 + Firm and positive use of the rudder ,9 +Removal of Rivets,7 +permanent magnet rotors such as those found in the DC ,9 +"demnation of the same according to law, for any of the",9 +a registered nurse; ,3 +Place hand on canopy approximately 10-inches from suspension lines. Grasp canopy at suspension ,3 +Specific on-site delivery requirement may apply and differ per site. ,9 +Technician to be available for set-up/testing prior to event and remain available during the event.,3 +Consider the type of terrain and other obstructions in ,3 +Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Planning ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 115 of April 27, 1973]",7 +"total power required. As before, induced ",9 +"SRM practices, establishes peer review process guidelines, and ensures that the proceedings ",9 +Remove the most accessible spark plug from the ,3 +Automatic Activation Devices ,7 +sion during the power stroke represents ,9 +the data controller is the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (the ,3 +Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures,7 +"dedicated staff to assist with last-minute changes, adapt to ad hoc requests; ",3 +" If required by the relevant applicable legislation, the contractor must take out an ",3 +preceding two items. ,3 +"VASI installations may consist of either 2, 4,",9 +"parts with large radii of curvature and shallow depth, such as ",9 +Figure 11-23,9 +Revmaster R-2300 engine. ,0 +"Catanauan,",9 +The retraction of flaps requires an ,9 +in no way implies that the tenderer has been successful.,7 +applicable)),3 +braided conductive shielding guides unwanted current flows ,9 +", That $5,000,000 shall ",9 +"way until it stops to seat the upper packing. Now, barely ",9 +§ 25 Übergangsvorschriften,7 +maneuvering will be required compared to an ILS,9 +"of them up to 800 words, based on the topics agreed in the above-mentioned editorial calendar ",3 +sind. Der Träger des Unternehmens hat auf die von ihm zu zahlenden Geldentschädigungen in der von,9 +II.20. REVISIONE DEI PREZZI ,7 +the pilot must execute a missed approach regardless of the ,9 +proper and convenient means of access to any apparatus. ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 291 of October 1, 1973] ",7 +Mobile source,9 +(iii) shortening time during which a human body is exposed to radiation; ,3 +Landing Gear ,7 +Pumpe P03 für Kleingebindeentleerung B05,8 +Route the AR2 power cable through the lower open end of the AR2 power cable sleeve located ,3 +"translation: the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any translation, adaptation, ",3 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +"security of splices, and general condition.",3 +Photographer ,7 +Vierter Abschnitt,7 +"Kundenschulung,",3 +authority must reimburse expenses directly connected with the provision of the ,3 +(for both onsite and online types of event),9 +grenzenden schutzbedürftigen Raumes nach DIN 4109.,9 +Updated text: ,7 +suffix in the equipment block of the FAA Flight Plan,9 +"If injured, tend to critical injuries first. At the first opportunity, ",9 +"Die Nutzung der Frequenzbereiche 1 340 – 1 350 MHz, 2 700 – 2 900 MHz und 9 000 – 9 200",3 +zero (Pa-Pr=O ,9 +Manual Descent Calculations,7 +Effects of termination ,7 +"to, the 2005 Order. ",1 +Figure 2-70. ,0 +I.13.2. DUVRI – Documento unico di valutazione rischi interferenziali ,7 +"23) граждан Российской Федерации, выезжающих из Российской",9 +Specifications for repair of all painted/coated surfaces. ,3 +Figure 5-43,9 +Ehrenamtliche Richter,7 +that my name be mentioned or not mentioned when the results are presented to the public;,3 +Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC),9 +Unternehmen nicht die für die Beaufsichtigung auf Konglomeratsebene nach den §§ 17 bis 24 erforderlichen,9 +"nose to pitch down, allowing the bows of the floats to",9 +Hand tack each riser at connector link with one turn double tape lacing and tying below the ,3 +is considered as equivalent to a paper document;,3 +Revisions to FAA Order 1050.1 are forthcoming along with a Desk Reference; visit ,1 +separated with a thermistor-type insulation. Under normal ,9 +"China Business-to-Business matchmaking meetings, the gathering and production of ",9 +Artikel 6,8 +Stretch Forming,7 +"When the true consideration, or value received or contracted",3 + Left tank,6 +to the possession of other persons similarly authorized.,3 +"Where the person concerned travels by car, travel expenses are reimbursed on the basis of ",3 +cause exists for the waiver or alternative requirement and such ,9 +"be made as may be fixed in particular cases by the Director of Forestry, with the",9 +—elevation ,9 +ROUNDS FOR REJECTION FROM THIS PROCEDURE,7 +lead editor ,3 +"exceeding five hundred pesos, or both.",9 +Personnel Required ,7 +monsoon circulation,6 +ply a glow ignition spot and begin a flame ,9 +"TASKS, DELIVERABLES, TIMELINE AND PAYMENTS ",7 +"insurance covering its obligations under this contract, the contractor shall ensure that all ",9 +To manage the risk associated with her inexperience and lack ,6 +"with a snap, disconnect the “V” ring from the snap. ",3 +any warranty obligations under the contract; ,3 +property was seized.,9 +pounds (slightly less than 13 gallons) of fuel to reduce its ,9 +Oxygen Plumbing and Valves,7 +"porous, and lighter than the summerwood.",9 +〔昭和二十九年四月十日政令第七十七号〕,7 +"a recognized independent laboratory, as agreed with the Employer. In this regards, the Contractor shall ",9 +естественное освещение и искусственное общее и местное на рабочем столе.,9 +"infringes Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, Regulation (EU) 2016/679, or other Union or Member ",9 +"Vaccine Effectiveness, Burden and Impact Studies (VEBIS) of COVID-19 and Influenza – Tender Specifications – Lot 2 OJ/2021/DPR/12924 ",9 +"before the glider achieves significant speed, aileron control is ",9 +guise of an unreasonable cha,9 +"You can try the same thing again, except this time with ",3 +Aircraft Battery Ratings by Specification,7 +"their position, altitude, radar beacon code, destina-",9 +"Stabilizer Panels. During parachute descent, turbulent air can be produced at each side of the ",3 +glidepath interception. False courses and reverse,9 +Allgemeine Regelungen,7 +"https://www.gov.uk or in hard copy from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency at Spring Place, ",9 +Short breaks ,7 +location: le droit exclusif d'autoriser ou d'interdire la location ou le prêt des ,3 +mode on the pressurization control panel. A separate switch ,9 + Thrust Required for Increases in Speed,7 +Detach stroke simulator from power cable. ,3 +"always precluded while using prescription analgesics, such ",9 +Amendment of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1191/2014 ,7 +I.5.2. Interim payments ,7 +Facilities for Contractor's Personnel ,7 +II.7. CONFLICT ,7 +Square Canopy—Rib Repair,7 +Emergency Extension Systems,7 +The Crew Briefing,7 +программ и видом спорта.,9 +than low rates).,3 +Governance and contract management (WP 1) ,7 +"FAA Order 1370.121, in conjunction with the FAA Cybersecurity Steering Committee, applies.",1 +"(3), exercise any of the maritime enforcement powers in relation to a relevant ship in ",9 +heading and adjusts the compensating magnets to minimize ,9 +150 psi compressed air supply. ,3 +Flight Safety Practices,7 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +How To Use a Training Syllabus,7 +"flat, similar in appearance to tape, but stronger and hollow ",9 +Tow Rope Inspection,7 +"any introduction of new hazards), the standard SRM activities documented in the SMS Manual ",9 +AIRSPACE INFORMATION,7 +"whatsoever, shall be punished by imprisonment a",9 +tion 319F–2(a). ,9 +An autosyn remote-indicating system utilizes the ,0 + refers to the audit ,3 +Sideward Flight,7 +packing table is preferable as it makes the rigger’s job easier ,9 +accordance with the following: ,3 +Work No. 1C ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 105 of March 31, 2005]",7 +"Normally, APUs are turned off after the main engines have been started, prior to takeoff. ",9 +The pilot should monitor the airplane’s performance ,3 +Do not place thermocouple wires adjacent to or ,3 +copilot’s windshield. ,9 +"An after-sales service, if required by the contract, shall be provided in accordance with ",3 +Artikel 10 Abs. 2 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 561/2006 findet entsprechende Anwendung.,9 +Significant Weather Prognostic Charts,7 +in the Chart Supplement U.S. (formerly Airport/Facility ,9 +to low cruise on engines equipped with float-type carburetors. ,9 +operations. ,3 +operates as the primary and the other as a secondary. Both ,9 +Rates of Climb & Descent at Full Throttle,6 +replacement personnel possess the professional qualifications and experience required ,3 +理のための体制を確保しなければならない(ただし、第二号については、病院、患者,3 +Rotor Configurations,7 +"complex systems and avionics, enhanced performance, and expanded abnormal and emergency procedures. Pilots transitioning to ",9 +INITIAL SETUP: ,7 +Satzung der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht,7 +of the sides of the points. The lack of effective condenser ,9 +Tire Repair and Retreading,7 +Generic Or ,8 +合による識別を含む。次項において同じ。)ができないように加工した報告書を提出,3 +Restricted Airport” is mutually exclusive from the charted ,9 +Aircraft Log Books,7 +Technical documentation/operating instructions and all necessary documents ,3 +make available the resources,6 +area must be controlled to increase as after- ,9 +Carburetor Types,7 +I.5.2. Interim payments ,7 +grommets to match the original type and size,3 +in the English system. One Btu is the amount of heat energy ,9 +仮に陸揚げした貨物のうち、本邦以外の地域を仕向地とする船荷証券(航空貨物,3 +ENISA F-COD-20-T03 ,7 +": any unforeseeable, exceptional situation or event beyond the control of the ",9 +Operations and maintenance instructions. ,3 +Check the cable for slippage at the masking tape and ,3 +that many students become “clones” of their instructor.,9 +than a clinically trained physician or clinically trained dentist who has ,3 +241 – 250 GHz und,9 +Role of the Avionics Manufacturer ,7 +The pilot must be careful in application of recovery controls ,9 +"ip, nativity, age, education, physical qualifications,",9 +refer the drug or biological product to an advisory committee ,9 +risers attached to the main harness using a three-ring release system. A single-point release can be ,3 +"where the person has completed a Passenger Locator Form, at an intended place of self-",3 +I.13.2. DUVRI – Documento unico di valutazione rischi interferenziali ,7 +minimize aeroelastic influences in the normal ,9 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +"MODALITÉS EN MATIÈRE D’ÉTABLISSEMENT DES PRIX, COMMANDES ET DE ",7 +Induced Error in Position of Traffic,0 +Processing of personal data related to this tender procedure by the contracting authority takes ,9 +"arrival in England, a United Kingdom Government Department has provided written ",3 +longitudinal axis of the WSC carriage. The angle of incidence ,9 +"governments, foreign central banks or international organizations of which ",3 +Gemeinsame Angebote ,7 +"a surface report. Pilot reports are easily decoded, and most ",9 +Prevailing wind is also a factor in temperature control. In ,9 +using all available means.,9 +approximately one kilometer,9 + constituent ou contiennent un objet brevetable: le droit d'enregistrer cet ,3 +Strahlenschutzbelehrung / Gefahrstoffbelehrung ,7 +Transportwege ,7 +attracts a body toward its axis of,9 +including the,3 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +151(1) (interpretation of Chapter I) of the Communications Act 2003(,9 +"Dezember 2014 der 30. Juni 2015 tritt,",3 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +間の連携協力体制の整備に努めるものとする。,3 +"surface during cruising flight. When extended, the flaps move ",9 +Turbo-Propeller Assembly,7 +§ 5 Ausbildungsplan,7 +[Figure 2-20A and B] ,9 +this capability in order to be certificated. ,9 +"reports to be made to the Collector of Internal Revenue, and the signs",3 +ing Impact on EFVS Operations.,9 +"fund, as shown by the approved budget, be ",9 +Normes de qualité ,7 + (ss 57-70) ,7 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +girth hitch. ,3 +The Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 ,7 +lapse and a new notice must be served before possession can be sought. If a breathing space started after,3 +Quality requirements,7 +EU-OSHA’s national partner to suggest possible media channels ; ,3 +Add gasoline until the 50:1 ratio is reached. If using a ,3 +Environmental and Health Factors ,7 +that their names be mentioned or not mentioned when the ,3 +les qualifications nécessaires exigées en fonction de la nature des travaux demandés.,9 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 14.01.1948,9 +Quality requirements,7 +"adjust the information to individual experiences. This is when actual learning begins to take place. Therefore, recoding may be ",9 +外国政府、外国の政府機関、外国の地方公共団体、外国の中央銀行又は我が国が,3 +II. General Conditions for the service contract ,7 +Work No.109,9 +“Manx ship” means a ship which— ,9 +"where notice has been made by the Minister of Economy, Trade and ",3 +Existing trees ,7 +Implementation of landscaping ,7 +the option of receiving a pre-taxi clearance. This program ,9 +Nom complet,9 +approach point (MAP). The two base leg IAFs are,9 +Since the wing ,9 +in settlement of a claim (whether or not proceedings on the claim were brought before a ,3 +Facturation ,7 +The advanced avionics aircraft adds an entirely new ,9 +Cylinder Compression Tests,7 +"information and services; rules, regulations and procedures, ",9 +cient at that lift ,9 +system is common practice. ,9 +Zuerkennungsbescheids vorrangig für die Herstellung neuer programmfüllender Filme im Sinne der §§ 41 bis 48,9 +Final ISPD ,7 +How to Identify Fixation or Inattention Problems ,7 +ATC radar. The pilot must rely on reports from air,9 +metering elements of the carburetor may upset fuel metering ,9 +punished by a fine of one hundred pesos.,9 +"night, use the same procedure recommended for day-",9 +"pin. Typically, the exposed pin length decreases as the ",9 +reasonably incurred by it in doing so. ,9 +Cable Connectors,7 +⦁ $_{Time after completion of group tasks for learners to systematically reflect upon how they worked together as }$,3 +「財務諸表等」という。)を作成し、五年間事務所に備えて置かなければならない。,3 +das Kennzeichen und einen Hinweis über dessen Entstempelung und bei einem Wechselkennzeichen einen,3 +very low forward airspeeds. This maneuver may be,9 +Minister while Parliament is dissolved a person who was a Member of the Assembly ,3 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,7 +Square Canopy—Rib Repair,7 +[Figure 4-107] ,9 +VDA does not change any nonprecision approach,9 +Vacuum Systems,7 +positioned between the rigid airframe structure and the ,9 +reduction amounts at least to the extra allowance paid. ,3 +conduit ends in such a manner that a smooth surface comes in ,9 +Off-Field Landing With Injury,7 +manufacturer should be compared with the electrical loads ,9 +Operating procedures ,7 +comprensivo di gestione progettazione e gestione della commessa per quanto meglio ,3 +Threshold crossing height (TCH). ,9 +Governance and contract management (WP 1) ,7 +The effect of the Order is that the specified persons are entitled to claim refunds of value added ,9 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +Exponent des Wirkstärkenvergleichsfaktors als Ergebnis der Regressionsanalyse,3 +Functions of Generator Control Systems,7 +Designation of works ,3 +modification to condition C21 ,7 +"layup the repair plies, curing and post inspection. A typical ",9 +Captain’s Briefing,6 +(adhesive film or,6 +power is required to maintain level flight. At the point,9 +"may aid in VFR search and rescue, such as planned",9 +Elaboration of a social media communication plan ,7 +and pipelines.,3 +Supplemental Study Materials for Aircraft Weight and Balance,7 +updating and ,3 +"permanent stains, and fading of the trim colors. One of the ",9 +"Continue to flake canopy by pulling out seams, one by one, on each remaining cell. Smooth each cell ",3 +Powered Parachute Wing,7 +第十二条の三第一号又は第三号に該当するに至つたとき。,3 +§ 2 Familienpflegezeit,7 +Advanced avionics systems are generally evidenced by visual ,9 +Departure procedure (DP).,0 +Pull test (using scale check pull tension on reserve ripcord),3 +Cancellation of the tender procedure ,7 +"Upon reaching the drop zone, full power is applied prior to releasing the banner ",3 +Turns Around a Point,7 +and Training Requirements.,3 +incapable,9 +§ 4 Berufsausbildung in überbetrieblichen Ausbildungsstätten,7 +for another award ,9 +"Director, ",9 +Consignment note ,7 +facilities inherently produce additional courses at ,3 +Auxiliary Power Units ,7 + This Order may be cited as the Value Added Tax (Extension of Zero-Rating to Electronically ,9 +NAV1108.00,6 +Deployment Type,8 +"Washington, DC 20402-9325, or from GPO's website.",9 +0006 00-25/(26 Blank) ,4 +Amendments to the 2012 Regulations ,7 +dem von der Europäischen Kommission ermittelten und auf der untengenannten Website ,9 +factor for carbon,9 +structural repair is complicated by the requirement that an aircraft ,9 +Wing tip ,6 +impact on,9 +Carbon Tetrachloride ,8 +"and documents required in the procurement documents with the submission of a tender, even if some of them ",1 +並列に取り付けたものに限るものとし、くつが装着される部分の最大の長さが十八,3 +deposit showed balances of P551 016 500 under the Support ,9 +found on turbofan engines and are often designed to reverse ,9 +Entities on whose capacities the tenderer relies to fulfil the selection criteria ,7 +This Locked Rotor Protection shall be possible to turn on and off. When active (On) ,9 +§ 22 Bestellung der Mitglieder der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +RECTANGULAR COURSE,7 +The PO conducts the PHA after the JRC has selected a single alternative as the best option.,9 +"matters, with a curriculum vitae of a person to be that representative director: ",3 +disclosed? ,7 +registration number,7 +Assembly complete (square),3 +〔平成二十五年九月十三日政令第二百六十七号〕,7 +Solid-State Devices,7 +Repairs to the cotton reinforcement are limited to re-stitching and darning only. ,3 +"Nettoerträge aus Nachlassbearbeitungen,",3 +"Remote Airport Information Service (RAIS), 3",9 +the authorised works. ,9 +waypoint values are ATDs computed to,9 +TOUCHDOWN POINT—The point or intended ,3 +"« — If you need advice about this notice, and what you should do about it, take it immediately to a citizens’ advice",3 +They may be ,9 +Poor coordination creating variations in airspeeds.,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 108 of April 25, 1960] ",7 +materials constrain,9 +"For onsite, hybrid, ""online +"" for the onsite part:",7 +mass. This force is measured in pounds but has no element of ,9 +Scoping Process ,7 +", including (1) the system under review; (2) the software lifecycle ",3 +"In these areas, pilots use the existing (Victor and Jet)",9 +II.17 SUSPENSION DE L'EXÉCUTION DU CC ,7 +executed more slowly than one from a lower height to allow ,9 +"of the aircraft and legal authority to sign on behalf of the operator. By signing this document, the ",9 +Provides air traffic controllers ,9 +"life-limited parts of the airframe, each engine, each ",3 +Nr. 883/2013,3 +contratto quadro.,9 +NATURAL PERSON,7 +very slight and there is no extreme change in the airplane’s ,9 +relieve stresses in the metal as it is bent and prevent the metal ,9 +can be used. The most common method involves placing ,9 +wide written scheme of investigation for the purposes of the Order; ,9 +"permission under Article 17, paragraph (2) of the Foreign Exchange Control ",3 +made visually.,9 +leader in a joint tender must sign and date the declaration on Selection criteria. ,3 +"Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006 (c. 33), sections 26(2) and 30(2) and Schedules 3 and 5; the Bribery Act 2010 ",1 +(代表理事の選定等の認可の申請),9 +of the fuel in a special test engine. When a fuel is given a dual ,9 +"contracting authority, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) or the ",6 +" in difficulty, it will attempt to contact the",9 +folgende Bewertungsmaßstab anzuwenden.,9 +they may block passage through the relatively narrow,9 +return to the ground reference.,9 +Commission Decision of 12 December 2011 on the reuse of Commission ,3 +mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34 of the New Ministerial Order) when a ,3 +parameters. ,9 +qualifications to determine if the minimum pilot requirements ,9 +Termination by either party: ,7 +"mobilité réduite…) est présente, vous devez: ",9 +around. Study the compass rose and visualize at least ,3 +intermediate fix to the final approach fix. In such,9 +Richard Tilbrook ,9 +requirements of the applicable data protection legislation and ensures the protection of the rights ,3 +表第三に掲げる地域以外の地域を仕向地として輸出しようとする場合にあつては、,3 +CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE ,7 +Общая продолжительность использования ЭСО на уроке не должна,9 +Glider Flying Handbook ,10 +being applied too soon.,3 +higher glide path is intended for use only by high,9 +the regulations of the bank.,9 +obstacle clearance when operating within the TAA,9 +"abschließen. Wird das Konto aufgrund dieser Überprüfung als meldepflichtiges Konto identifiziert, so muss das",9 +"phenomenon, pressure information, and various other ",3 + See military training route.,9 +Oxygen Plumbing and Valves,7 +über maßgebliche und aktuelle Praxiserfahrung in der Film- und Kinowirtschaft verfügen. Mit Ausnahme der,9 +sustain the typical load spectrum rhrough the ,9 +"""Verordnung über die Flugsicherungsausrüstung der Luftfahrzeuge vom 26. November 2004 (BGBl. I S. 3093), die",9 +) Citizens or native,9 +instruments equivalent to bills of landing) designating a region other than ,3 +Article 33 - ,7 +)) (including the heading). ,9 +"of the Export Trade Control Order with respect to export of goods to Iran, ",3 +traffic. You can determine another aircraft’s direction,9 +Entering Procedures,7 +and forwarded with a bill of landing (including airway bills and other ,3 +[1876-2; 2066-1.],9 +(HP) engine. A Robinson R-44 with a comparably sized tail ,9 +Article 2 - ,7 +Secondary,9 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 3 ,7 +theory.-Figure 5 shows the motion of the ,9 +"precisa che durante l'esecuzione delle attività delcontraente, in presenza di fonti di potenziali rischi ",3 +Britain during the relevant year.”. ,9 +Guidance on Severe Turbulence,7 +Pipe Velocities,7 +of heat to build up peak pressure ,9 +instead of relying on a combination of instruments nec-,9 +Der erkennende Senat kann eine Frage von grundsätzlicher Bedeutung dem Großen Senat zur Entscheidung,9 +Contract conditions of December 2015 ,5 +"consumed for the scenario. Based on this consumption scenario, the Excel sheet ",3 +a higher altitude should be used to provide adequate terrain ,9 +Oath to be Taken by Members of Board of Tax Appeals,9 +to their associated A lines at a point below the canopy. The C lines run directly to one of the ,3 +ADEMPIMENTO DELLE NORME DI SICUREZZA,7 +in the TPP following the approach procedures for the airport. ,9 +Figure 5-42 ,9 +flying technique are the principles of steady ,9 +a commercially operated vessel carrying no passengers; ,3 +MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL ,7 +its plane of rotation. It includes control components normally ,9 +website in,9 +clamping forces are less than that of a Hi-Lok$^{®}$ fastener. ,9 +with more than SO percent of its gross weight ,9 +"AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) ""T"" ROUTE SYSTEM",7 +Controls and indicators,6 +. — When a Government employee is transferred from one,9 +Aircraft in Terminal Areas,7 +Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids,7 +"values, stop the engine by moving the mixture control to ",9 +equipment suffix informs ATC:,9 +three (3) elliptical crossports cut into it. These crossports allow air to flow spanwise through the ,3 +Inhaltsverzeichnis ,7 +"during the setup and takedown. However, when setting up ",9 +法第五十五条の三第二項の規定による報告は、財務省令で定める期間内に、財務省,3 +"The Hague, [date] 2020 ",5 +Evaluation of tenders,7 +"contractor, who has 30 days following the date of receipt to submit observations. The ",3 +The EIB is the Contracting Authority.,9 +generator should,9 +moved into place. This allows the handle to be moved ,9 +Opening of tenders ,7 +") and Schedules 1 to 3 (minerals under railways), as respectively ",9 +Die erfolgreich abgelegte Prüfung führt zum anerkannten Fortbildungsabschluss „Geprüfter Fachwirt für,9 +which an element of a propeller would ,3 +I.4.2. Price revision index ,7 +eine Fachkraft für Betriebswirtschaft (Betriebswirt) und,3 +the time limits within which submission and approval of the drawings are required; ,3 +(ii) omit paragraph (c). ,3 +Ausbildung der Fahrschüler notwendigen aktuellen straßenverkehrsrechtlichen Bestimmungen in schriftlicher,9 +(iii) content of capital transactions; ,3 +§ 22 Bestellung der Mitglieder der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +to the proper clerk of court.,3 +Altitude alerting system. ,9 +"Annex 5.2,",9 +by color coding and on placards or graphs in the aircraft. A ,9 +II.17. SUSPENSION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FWC ,7 +PRIMARY ACTUATION DEVICE/RIPCORD TEST:,7 +These routes are generally found on VFR terminal area ,9 +Für Sondernutzungen können Sondernutzungsgebühren erhoben werden. Sie stehen in Ortsdurchfahrten,9 +"The FWC shall be implemented through specific contracts, either on a fixed price, ",9 +gyroplane into a 40°,9 +The Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook (FAA-H-8083-1B) was produced by the Federal Aviation Administration ,9 +by offsetting them against any amounts owed to the contractor by the Union or by the ,3 +Excessive variations of altitude and heading,3 +Acknowledgments,7 +rotating compressor blades differs from that ,9 +term gain and steady state conditions will pre- ,9 +Abschnitt 3,7 +"FAA, Aeronautical Information Services publishes and ",9 + removed from office under this section ,3 +National Environmental Policy Act ,7 +Vierter Abschnitt,7 +methods. Visibly deteriorated hoses should be replaced.,9 +Additional guidance: ,7 +The weight of fuel-air mixture will ,9 +"been reached, is unable to take the measures required, the contracting authority or the ",3 +electric starter for an air restart are unable to resume flight ,9 +Juni 1993 (BGBl. I S. 1114) ab.,9 +Financial sanctions licences ,7 +taxied on the ground.,9 +missed approach portion of the procedure. That,9 +Interpretation ,7 +"omit the “and” after sub-paragraph (a), and ",3 +Contour Flying Cautions,7 +"Die der Leistungsbeschreibung beiliegenden Pläne, Details, Unterlagen sind nicht zur Ausführung ",9 +MAIN CANOPY ,7 +FESTER FUNKDIENST ÜBER SATELLITEN,8 + the contractor of the suspension and the reasons for it. ,9 +"maneuver. In the same sense, this airplane ",9 +of malfunction. In the unlikely event that the heater fuel ,9 +以後これらの規定により市長が行うこととなる事務に係るものは、それぞれこれらの,3 +The material to be welded must be free of oil or grease. It ,9 +"other turbulent air currents. In this case, the pilot should allow ",9 + Most flight training ,9 +Table 6.2: Signatures for Second-Level Engineering SRM Document Approval and Risk ,7 +also apply to co-financing provided by Turkey and natural and/or legal persons that receive ,3 +configuration.,9 +"expectations of performance. For example, many years of adequate specification performance ",9 +of P18.29 million. ,9 +"sequence of button pushes, pulls, and turns. A far better ",9 + FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ORDER FORM,7 +Special directions ,3 +"specified for visual meteorological conditions, requiring ",9 +"by the same officials, in the same manner and under the same",9 +The Eddie-Bolt$^{®}$ 2 Pin Fastening System ,7 +The overall value (cost) of the offer shall be broken down by requested tasks ,3 +(四)拒报或者谎报船舶载运污染危害性货物申报事项的。 ,3 +"Piñas, Makati, Malabon, Navotas, Parañaque, Pasay, Pateros, San Felipe Neri, San",9 +for three months.,3 +Other Airport Visual Aids,7 +would exist and a rate of descent would be in- ,9 +Availability of facilities;,3 +II.13.2. Licensing rights on pre-existing materials ,7 +for the purpose of disapplying a prohibition in that jurisdiction which corresponds ,3 +0020 00-2 ,4 +working days in advance to: procurement@ecdc.europa.eu. The representatives will be required to present the ,9 +might cause a situation that hinders Japan's contribution to international ,3 +The criterion is applied to: ,7 +change of Cs- but do cause greater changes in ,9 +Establishing the Contractual Requirement ,7 +"an RNAV or RNP procedure, pilots must advise air",9 +Contractor’s national partners to book actor(s) to perform Napo character (2 actors). ,3 +"For journeys of less than 200 km for a return trip, no subsistence allowance is payable. ",3 +If any such agreement as is referred to in paragraph (7)(b)— ,9 +Curriculum vitae of the proposed contract manager. The contractor shall inform EMSA in advance ,3 +composition of fuel at some critical combina- ,9 +up Reports.,7 +"строениям,",9 +through the engine. ,9 +Instrument approach procedures (IAP).,9 +" Sharing data, including disclosure, dissemination, allowing access or otherwise making available",3 +Cutting to a line,3 +"tube, housing a glass ball, and damped with a fluid similar ",9 +E-invoicing ,7 +usually prevail over false sensations from other sensory ,9 +the right to license to third parties any of the exclusive rights or of the modes of ,3 +"relation to the horizon. During all turns, aileron, rudder, and ",9 +Article 7 - ,7 +SPECIAL INFORMATION ,7 +propeller out of balance).,3 +Initial contact is a safety validation,9 +"1982 c. 36, amended by S.I. 2010/902, regulations 3 and 9(b) and the Civil Aviation Act 2012, section 78(6) and paragraphs ",1 +contractor may be provided in specific contracts.,9 +with a different temperature restrictions. The warmest ,9 +Parachute Industry Association (PIA). ,9 +DÉFINITIONS ,7 +Programme of implementation of the tasks ,7 +"the ground. For some tricycle-gear airplanes, a slightly ",3 +"Section 05: Earth Works, Pipe Works and Ground Improvement ",5 +" Summarize how the software lifecycle has unfolded, and explain ",3 +The typical ,9 +Cooperation (“ILAC”) Mutual Recognition Arrangement(,3 +Supply of documents ,7 +cutting is done on the end of the reamer. The cutting edges ,9 +Bergung und Erste-Hilfe-Maßnahmen an Verletzten möglichst unter gleichzeitiger schriftlicher und bildlicher,3 +operations in the area may be authorized by the ,9 +Capabilities.,7 +"charged, two centavos.",3 +AIR FORCE TECHNICAL ORDER FORMS,7 +Round Out (Flare),7 +"rivets, and the like, usually indicate damaged rivets, and the ",9 +Placing the control surfaces in a specific reference ,3 +Final acceptance ,7 +Full election appeal: notice of appeal ,7 +"chip, crack, burr, etc. that affects its use. ",9 +(See PREFERRED IFR ROUTES.) ,9 +You must submit your tender electronically via the e-Submission application available from ,9 +"nachzuweisen, dass er seine Verpflichtung nach Satz 1 erfüllt oder erfüllt hat. Die Aufzeichnungen und",9 +Emergency Procedures,7 +s'il est établi que de fausses déclarations ont été faites ou que de fausses informations ,7 +"GA aircraft, especially twin-engine models, are commonly ",9 +"Wirtschaftsteilnehmers,",9 +ABOUT ENISA ,7 +"Environmental conditions (icing, thunderstorms, ",3 +SPECIAL INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCE-,7 +"Pilots can find definitions, abbreviations, explanations of ",9 +the miniature aircraft should be moved to a position that ,9 +Citation and commencement ,7 +Extreme caution and alertness must be exercised any time a ,9 +Centrifugal-Flow Compressors,7 +airplane’s groundspeed begi,9 +«САНИТАРНО-ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К,7 +location in EU/EEA ,9 +Exhaust Systems,7 +velocity (220) is imparted to the airstream by ,9 +" Access to SAS and SAS Data integration software, ",3 +Offence and penalties ,7 +Inland Waters ,7 +manufacturer.,9 +"tional funds provided under subparagraph (A), the Sec-",9 +professional conflicting ,3 +in writing from his superior officer; or fails to r,9 +with cables up to 60 meters. Material process connection shall be PVDF. Antenna diameter shall be in 40 mm ,9 +"summary includes a description of each unresolved problem and any associated errors, ",3 +modèles mis à disposition par le Secrétariat et sont approuvés par le Secrétariat avant ,3 +) (enforcing detention of a ship) applies to ,9 +signature to any ,9 +Public communication expertise ,3 +Role of the Database Provider ,7 +"dimensions,",9 +share the electrons in their valence shells and form a ,9 +accordance with the requirements stated in the Tender Specifications.,9 +Über die Zulässigkeit der Klage kann durch Zwischenurteil vorab entschieden werden.,9 +"(for onsite events, onsite, “online +” and hybrid events) ",9 +Chapter 5—Preflight and Ground,7 +edges are lower than the center.,9 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +Gas welding eye shield attached to adjustable ,0 +use of the autopilot masks trim and handling changes that ,9 +Fahrschülerausbildung nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2,7 +mirrors the transmitter rotor position. ,9 + Airspace of defined vertical ,9 +Tire Repair and Retreading,7 +if the vessel does not take a certificate of Philippine register. If such vessel is of,9 +"criteria, ",6 +all taxes,9 +which increases lift. At some point as the forward speed ,9 +Standard nozzle,6 +Risk Management during Operational Flights ,7 +shall not retain Federal interest after a period of 10 years in ,9 +und liegt den Vergabeunterlagen bei ,9 + Roundout ( Flare),7 +"pour les marchés en deçà de 60 000 €, la réception par courrier électronique (dans ",3 +residues caused by application in dry weather or very light ,9 +Other systems use a combination of both position and rate-,9 +Page 1 of 16 ,4 +Publication Ref: EuropeAid/140639/IH/SUP/TR ,7 +reduced or even eliminated. The ability to make good decisions ,9 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Sport Piggyback System,7 +the flight plan.,3 +Flight Safety Practices,7 +"Für die Bewertung der Leistungen in der Prüfung, den Prüfungsteilen und den Prüfungsbestandteilen ist der",9 +"As the nose-wheel raises off of the runway, the pilot should ",9 +protective ,6 +"fair competition between them. Such information may include, without being limited ",3 +Generator Controls for High Output Generators,7 +Description of the technical and organisational security measures implemented by the data ,7 +ahead is recommended or even possible. The descent,9 +an Schleswig-Holstein,9 +"life-limited parts of the airframe, each engine, each ",3 +PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +in relation to flying in general; those will be discussed later ,9 +"Behind the wing, the coupled action ",9 +length. The resistance of the sensing element is a function of ,9 +TABLE WITH CORRESPONDING FIELD DENOMINATION BY COUNTRY,7 +reaching an altitude of at least 500 feet above the surrounding ,9 +"as the horizontal stabilizer, are more prone to icing than the ",9 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +enriches the mixture. An example of a cutaway accelerator ,9 +Peripherals and displays.,3 +〔昭和三十五年四月二十五日政令第百八号〕,7 +Packing and Inspection Area,7 +The low efficiency of the afterburner is illus- ,9 +requirements apply to EFVS operations. These,9 +der betreffenden Holzartengruppe voraussichtlich mindestens 30 vom Hundert des ungekürzten,3 +no feathering bearing—the material inside the cuff is twisted ,9 +"In addition to the AeroNav Products, other governmental ",9 +Certified,9 +Identify Post-Implementation Review Safety Requirements ,7 +"anzusetzen ist,",3 +Amendment to the Environment Act 1995 ,7 +d'informations sur le régime des droits; ajout de mesures technologiques de protection; ,3 + (ss 57-70) ,7 +Chapter I General Provisions ,7 +"The tender procedure and the contract relate to an external action funded by the EU, ",9 +depending on the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic). EU-OSHA will arrange a 1-day or 2 half-day ,9 +all policies of insurance or bonds or obligations of the nature of,3 +"of assessing a learner’s SRM skills. As a reminder, collaborative assessment includes two parts: learner self-assessment and a detailed ",9 +II.21 PAYMENTS AND GUARANTEES ,7 +The evaluation committee then checks the capacity of the Tenderer to perform the contract against ,9 + Install the ,9 +", That a State, unit ",9 +"references to other sections elsewhere in their tender, the tenderer shall use their best ",3 +"approved a person as a local authority foster parent, ",3 +"possible to set between 0,2 - 1,0 times the set rated current value. ",9 +Make sure that there are no twists in the lines.,3 +and records of taxable persons and taxable objects ,3 +VFR Over-The-Top,7 +1. Область применения,7 +BRANCH CODE ,6 +Preparation ,7 +and include only Class G and Class E airspace. Minimum ,9 +"and the C-D line). That angle, added to the original azimuth ",9 +"""Gesetz zu dem Internationalen Fernmeldevertrag vom 12. November 1965 vom 19. November 1968 (BGBl. 1968",9 +propeller in the form of torque. The increased torque forces ,9 +tween the airfoil chord line and the avcragc ,9 +against the rotor vanes turns the rotor at high speed. The ,9 +Near Midair Collision Reporting,7 +"An inversion often develops near the ground on clear, cool ",9 +"points, producing the coarse, crystalline, or frosted appearance. ",9 +"Rates vom 12. Januar 2005 mit Vorschriften für die Futtermittelhygiene (ABl. L 35 vom 8.2.2005, S. 1, L 50 vom",9 +"should also have additional support at terminations, such ",9 +installation and tacking of the housings are important to ,9 +any appeal by the undertaker must be made within 42 days of the date of the notice of the ,3 +§ 1 Gegenstand,7 +The (Product / Service) CAB is the governance body for Maintenance work. The work can ,9 +Insbesondere bei Transport und Einbau ,8 +Failure to clear turn.,3 +hereinafter referred to as,9 +psychologischen Testverfahren und -geräten,7 +The exposed part of the pile shall be in good condition without damage or distortion. ,3 +BANKING DETAILS,7 +decreasing,6 +Disorientation during transition to the ILS due to poor ,3 +Radio Navigation,7 +Duration of the contract ,7 +Fahreignungs-Bewertungssystem,3 +Criterion 5.3.3.b): Manpower. ,7 +Access controls ,3 +in various ways. One of the most common applications of ,9 +"authorizations and rights to use, reproduce and share the publications provided ",3 +provide the following documentation to the FAA ,9 +〔昭和五十八年一月六日通商産業省令第一号〕,7 +Bow-Tie Model. It is important to note that the OSA and CSA may not have been performed if ,9 +FACTURATION ,7 +nom du signataire du présent formulaire,9 +The Services shall be provided from the [Ef,3 + A satellite technology permitting ,9 +SALARIES AND EXPENSES ,7 +"storage capacity of the manufacturer’s new product, which ",9 +CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. ,9 +BLADE PITCH ANGLE,7 +ranging from fuselage frames to door cutouts to blade ,9 +guide to basic flight information and ATC procedures for the ,9 +Adjustable and nonadjustable stops (whichever the case ,9 +Presolo Knowledge Tests (page 10-19) ,7 +and require sharp leading edges. ,9 + Hard Landing,7 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +Im Zentralen und im örtlichen Fahrzeugregister sind die Daten der früheren Halter und die Anzahl der,9 +Quality standards ,7 +the President whether the Secretary ought to be,3 +The purpose of this section is to clarify the content of the price elements as detailed in the ,9 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +INCLUDING ANNEXES,7 +respect to the visibility or the DA/DH or MDA,9 +Deputy Head of Civil Justice and the Civil Justice Council. ,9 +No procedure turn,6 +〔昭和二十九年六月一日政令第百十九号〕,7 +fermez la/les fenêtre(s) et porte(s) du local ,3 +perforating operations should take the following,9 +Quality requirements,7 +П. Общие требования,7 +Solid-State Devices,7 +appropriately. ,3 +Rapid and abrupt pitch attitude changes executed at high ,9 +RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION,7 +Abschnitt 2,7 +What are the boundaries and external interfaces of the NAS change or system?,3 +prevents its axis of rotation tilting as the earth rotates. This ,9 +"authorized for RVSM, but are in one of the limited",9 +"lower than point 2, a deficiency of power 1 ",9 +II.13.9. Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +[Figure 11-51],9 +"balancing hold, aerodynamics or crosswind could cause a ",9 +"controllers. Today, most PRM operations are conducted ",9 + It has the same characteristics as the ,9 +Both lateral and vertical scaling for the,9 +Kleinkrafträder,8 +gem. §2 BaustellV,7 +United States must be translated into English so it may be ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 63 of March 25, 1998] ",7 +distribution: the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any form of distribution of ,3 +"One to five numbers (N12345),",3 +segment remains visible to show the pilot the quickest way ,9 +"in sub-paragraph (3), in the definition of “transit place”, omit the words from “or in an ",3 +"the arrest, or the issue or execution of a warrant for the arrest, of any person in ",3 +"and Industry No. 92 of December 10, 1983] ",7 +the housings together.,3 +Radio Equipment ,7 +flying in and out of non-towered airports with the capability ,9 +Telephone System ,7 +document to the Director of Air Traffic Operations (Service Area) before submitting the,3 +Irrigation system ,7 +while operating in Class C airspace.,9 +§ 2 Gebührenbefreiungen,7 +"estimate of the height of barriers, the presence of obstacles, ",9 +Telefonnummer und E-Mail-Adresse und IP). Wir speichern Personen bezogene Daten z.B. im ,9 +instructor or the date on which the lesson is given.,3 +Il contraente non ha diritto al risarcimento delle eventuali perdite derivanti dalla risoluzione ,9 + Figures 5-11 ,9 +be considered to define the density altitude. ,9 +glidepath may not be suitable for navigation below,9 +"The following, while not intended to be all",9 +et leur approbation par le pouvoir adjudicateur. ,9 +pilot might expend many precious moments searching for ,9 +Other communication activities ,7 +CONVERGENT ,6 +"fisheyes, sanding scratches, wrinkling, and spray dust. ",9 +"dem Betreiben der Verkehrszeichen und Verkehrseinrichtungen nach Maßgabe der Absätze 3 bis 5, zu beleihen.",9 +statutes passed by the Philippine Legislature shall be: ,9 +no circumstances be disconnected or disabled when the integrated by-pass contactors are used.,9 +"presentazione,",3 + Basic Pilot Eligibility,7 +directions.,3 +"cleaning equipment and dressing equipment are installed, and a ",3 +"Conduite/Inspection, Maintenance préventive, corrective et dépannages ",7 +"to manage the wide-area population of designated invasive alien species, etc., ",9 +The Terminal Weather Information for,7 +"fatigue life. After drilling, deburr the edge of the hole to allow ",9 +Director of Lands the names of such number of students as may be provided for in,9 +engine shutdown to provide uniform lubrication of ,3 +and practice. You may find that you can control the hel-,9 +AA-000799-002 Terms of reference ,4 +and repair manuals have been handed over. ,9 +子认证许可证书的,应当予以公告并通知工商行政管理部门。 ,9 +II.20.6 Paiements intermédiaires et paiement du solde ,7 +Singapore ,9 +"taxis/limos,",9 +"waypoint, not to a fixed navigation aid. Receivers",9 + shows one of the earliest custom systems called ,9 +diplomatischer Vertretungen und „CC“ für Fahrzeuge von Angehörigen konsularischer Vertretungen entscheidet,9 +Handling of Help functions: ,7 +VFR/MVFR/IFR/LIFR; it only deals with precipita-,9 +II.13.10. Visibility of Agency funding and disclaimer ,7 +Do not continue on a track that penetrates the departure ,3 +Appendix E: Log Book Endorsement Formats (page E-1) ,7 +Identifying Emissions in the SIP ,7 +NAVWEPS DD-8OT-80 ,5 +deeds of consent and variations upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed between Cadent ,9 +Schematische Abbildungen:,3 +(iii) the undertaker’s entry onto it; or ,3 +“Shadow authorities ,7 +Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +COMMON ERRORS DURING BASIC FLIGHT,7 +Emergency Extension Systems,7 +Turbine Engine Bleed Air,7 +"is absorbed in the separators and porous plates, it cannot ",9 +Most reserve free bag designs,9 +"""online +"" activities); ",3 +Glider Engine While Airborne,7 +Contractor’s national partner to prepare press kit folders for attending media. Content to be ,3 +§ 93a (weggefallen),7 +"четвертый,",9 +and classifications for ,9 +Nothing in this section contained shall be so construed as to admit to the,9 +Branded polish for wooden and marble floors ,8 +"in the metal, and provide an alternate load path around the ",9 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +Subcontracting ,7 +flight along specified lateral and vertical paths. The ,3 +"by Directive 2006/112/EC on VAT are fulfilled, i.e. using a qualified electronic signature or ",9 +§ 18 Fahrten im internationalen Verkehr,7 +The order establishes the NEPA ,3 +Figure 1-8. ,0 +"may be wider than a standard ILS localizer, resulting in less ",9 +"Prior to making a flight, it is important to inspect the condition ",9 +Important advices and information on how to get technical support ,3 +Section 3. Airport Marking Aids and Signs,7 +that the parachutist sat on and then held onto the risers ,9 +"a turn, you may have a tendency to watch only the turn-and-",9 +"years, fifty centavos.",3 +A GS receiver indication and aircraft displacement. An analog system is on the left and the same indication on the Garmin ,0 +indication of position and should be used during an approach. ,9 +Link) Special Road Scheme 1985 ,9 +when the tail rotor has reached translational thrust. As more ,9 +rather than water. ,9 +organisation having legal capacity. ,3 +E-invoicing ,7 +Füllstand Behälter B02 ,8 +stream of air. ,9 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +Dutch roll is a coupled lateral/directional oscillation that is ,9 +I.2. SUBJECT MATTER ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 3 of January 25, 1973]",7 +Alternativ,9 +"Done at Bridgetown, Barbados on [",9 +vermindertem Stichprobenumfang,3 +(Including Satellites),6 +by reference to the latest statement titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of ,9 +"Contractor’s national partner and the EU-OSHA’s national partner set the objectives, the target ",3 +The UPS system for the treatment plant shall fulfil the following requirements: ,9 +Economizer System,7 +links which it has with them. It must in that case prove to ECDC that it will have at its disposal ,9 +Figure 4-33. ,0 +ordnungsgemäßer Umgang mit und Entsorgung von Tierarzneimitteln nach den §§ 3 und 4 Absatz 1,3 +Figure 4-2. ,3 +"a part of preflight planning, pilots",9 +"airplanes, ",9 +is called a ducted fan and the core airflow and fan ,3 +surface caused by the local winds.,9 +Contractor’s national partner to adapt/translate the quiz and to produce it. This means finding a ,3 +specifications and other contract documents. The contractor may purchase additional ,3 +Eights along a road.,0 +conductor heating. Allowance must be made for ,3 +and/or affects the provisions of any enactment or agreement regulating the relations between ,9 +expect to find air traffic at any time or place. At or,9 +for an attitude change is developed. During the ,3 +〔平成十七年七月二十一日政令第二百四十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +Maximum time ,8 +line where lift is considered to be concentrated.,9 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,7 +"first curve of figure 6.2, one given power setting ",9 +Contractor’s national partner and the EU-OSHA’s national partner to discuss subject/content of ,3 +In the event of impact ice accumulating over normal engine ,9 +"requirements, and finally it allows more flexibility",9 +Invitation to Tender & Tender Specifications ,4 +Risk Management,7 +bottle to extinguish fires in the waste compartment. The fire ,9 +継続時間が6ミリセコンド以下(原付等用ヘルメットにあつては4,9 +Salary and allowances of President ,7 +"Act for Partial Revision of the Commercial Code, etc. and the Act on ",3 +through the core. A heat exchange occurs to keep the ,9 +"(BGBl. I S. 1270), verordnet das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung im Einvernehmen",3 +"In paragraph (7)(c), “period of self-isolation” and “R” have the meanings given for the ",9 +"Repeat step 3., for B, C, and D line groups. ",3 +experimental non-certified version of its 233 series light-,9 +place first and then the horizontal back strap second. ,3 +Berufsschulunterricht zu vermittelnden Lehrstoff vertraut ist. Die Ausbildungsordnung ist zugrunde zu legen.,9 +forget the housing loop.,3 +Turbocharger components,6 +Items Requiring AOV Acceptance ,3 +"by an economic operator, which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the Centre’s ",9 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT,7 +"[1792-23, 29, 63.]",9 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +"Fleischeigenschaften und -reifung prüfen und für die Herstellung von Fleischerzeugnissen beurteilen,",3 +"signature copy-pasted on the document is not: if not digital, the signature should be made ",3 +conducting atmospheric dispersion,3 +"statutory compensation scheme, without first consulting the undertaker and giving the undertaker ",9 +for FAA/TSA,9 +"During night flights in the vicinity of lightning, flight deck ",9 +assigned heading of 270°. The heading knob is used to ,9 +" INVOICES, VALUE ADDED TAX AND E-INVOICING ",7 +airplane decelerates enough to again start descending. Then ,9 +"Incendie, évacuation et premiers soins ",3 +GLYPH<.notdef>,6 +"Operations; for Terminal ATMs, this is the District Manager or General Manager; and for",3 +Duration of the contract ,7 +Oath of Applicant for Examination.,9 +each other. This movement occurs along the drag hinge and ,9 +Recommended Traffic Advisory Practices ,7 +authorized for RVSM operations or the aircraft is not,9 +5-minute rate. The 5-minute rate in this case means that the ,9 +be flown “hands off” indefinitely. ,9 +16-inch behind the inside ,9 +is the immediate result. ,9 +The Lord Chancellor has had regard to the matters referred to in section 92(3) of the 2003 Act and ,9 +Mindestnutzfeldstärke erreicht ist. Daraus kann für jeden der 36 10°-Schritte ein Flächenelement A,9 +but he asks her to think more about before her next lesson. On her next lesson he gives her the same exercise. This time her answers ,9 +Static Discharge Wicks,7 +"In some instances, the fuel manifolds are drained by an ",9 +FAA Publications ,7 +E$_{PM }$= total particulate matter emissions from a single cooling tower over a given time ,9 +臨床研究中核病院の管理者は、次に掲げるところにより、法第十六条,3 +proposed ,8 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +Replacement Certificate ,7 +SCHEME TO BE REVOKED ,7 +"перевозка лиц, указанных в настоящем пункте, и не допускается перевозка",9 +a5f_additional_information_contract_notice_en 1 ,4 +the safety of helicopter operations.,9 +location: le droit exclusif d'autoriser ou d'interdire la location ou le prêt des ,3 +"systems utilizing flat panel displays, the computer’s internal ",9 +Conditions ,7 +Capabilities.,7 +"and Airspace Regulation Group, on telephone number 03301 383216. ",9 +Safety Alert,7 +a truck. ,9 +Straight-and-Level Flight,7 +SEC. 305. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES ON DISASTERS. ,7 +"For hybrid, ""online +""",7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 315 of September 30, 1986] ",7 +so the wrong flap is not damaged. Proceed ,3 +Township President,7 +For an apothecary balance or other balance of precision the charge shall be,9 +Festsetzungsverjährung,3 +"Light Sport Aviation Branch, AFS-610 ",7 +"Service telephone numbers, Air Route Traffic",9 +CMSsystem until the object is reset or as long as the fault is active. ,9 +PERSONNEL'S OBLIGATIONS ,7 +Failure to Declare Baggage,9 +"quelque forme que ce soit, en tout ou en partie; ",3 +" Flight Over Charted U.S. Wildlife Refuges, ",7 +Contacts during the procurement procedure ,7 +Manual extension access door,6 +Other Requirements ,7 +that has counterweights around the blade shanks and the ,9 +knowing exactly what information you are seeking.,9 +"the erection, construction or maintenance of any part of the authorised development; ",3 +starting the engine and a limited supply of electrical power ,9 +current flows through the coil. ,9 +MAYDAY commands radio silence on the frequency,9 +service setup ,8 +"the Mykolaiv - Kolosivka section of the railway network in the southern part of Ukraine, together with ",9 +II.23.4$_{ }$Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI).,9 + European Food Safety Authority; The food classification and description system FoodEx 2 (draft revision 1). ,1 +X-ray tube; and ,3 +Weather Radar Services,7 +"3.5.14. При использовании электронного оборудования, в том числе",9 +ic retrimming which is programmed with ,9 + Summarize any PRs unresolved at the time of approval. The PR ,3 +次に掲げるところにより、他の病院又は診療所に対する患者紹介を行うこと。,3 +II.21 PAYMENTS AND GUARANTEES ,7 +oil/air mixture pushes the exhaust out of the exhaust port. ,9 +"(fretting). The residue, which is aluminum oxide, is formed ",9 +NAVWEPS 00-8OT-RO ,7 +thermal convection. Relatively cool air flowing over a warmer ,9 +Special electrical tools are tools or instruments that are specifically used for testing of electrical ,9 +Minute taking ,3 +"THIS ""LEGAL ENTITY"" SHEET MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED, AND SUBMITTED ",7 +"GHz, 30 – 31,3 MHz, 49,7 – 50,2 GHz, 50,4 – 50,9 GHz, 51,4 – 52,6 GHz, 81 – 86 GHz und 92 – 94 GHz",3 +"At the EIB, the Projects Directorate (PJ) and the Directorate for Lending Operations (OPS) are ",9 +"As just described, a loss of oil pressure from the propeller ",9 +den Ausarbeitung in Kombination mit der Verordnung zur Änderung der Energieeinsparver-,9 +NAVWEPS 00-807-80 ,5 +required by the Agency under this Schedule. ,3 +法第六十九条の六第二項第二号に規定する政令で定める貨物は、別表第一の,3 +"""three days."" ",3 +§ 22a Abweichendes Verfahren bei Elektronischem Prüfauftrag und Vorläufigem Nachweis der,7 +基本方針は、次に掲げる事項について定めるものとする。,3 +Procedures and Routes,7 +"airspace itself, and other airspace as appropriate. (This",9 +Blocked Static System,7 +the data protection notice is available at: ,3 +и высшего образования Российской Федерации от 25 ноября 2020 г.,9 + A measure of the effectiveness with ,9 +this Order. ,9 +Failure to maintain proper rpm.,3 +should also be raised as necessary to prevent the airspeed ,9 +Work (SOW) tasks with deliverables. These safety items must be uniquely identified and any ,9 +"Anwenden einer Fremdsprache bei Fachaufgaben,",3 +section angle of attack. ,9 +DIRECTIONAL CONTROL ,7 +"loud, expensive noises are evidence of detona- ",9 +"to the pin. The mass of metal used in the wrist pin boss, ",9 +replacement ,3 +Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Landing,9 +"Identification, invitation and briefing of journalists/experts ",7 +of intended landing at the end of a cross-country flight,3 +"Nachfolgend wird versucht, eine möglichst umfassende Antwort darauf zu geben, wobei ",9 +and maintain situational awareness (SA). When instructed to ,9 +〔昭和二十九年六月一日政令第百十九号〕,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 157 of June 10, 1960]",7 +any other factor the Board considers relevant. ,3 +between that line and any other line is ½-inch. ,3 +for delivery of clearances at non-towered airports are being ,9 +Differential control system,6 +slope flag alarm to disappear and present unreliable glide,9 +"transportation of person and essential baggage, together with a per",3 +of fuel located aft of the rotor mast.,3 +fasteners incidental to operations,3 +appropriate.’’. ,9 +voice communications from ATC. The National,9 +"Therefore, if the right pedal is displaced forward of",9 +(INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) ,7 +Die Nutzung des Frequenzbereichs 470 – 694 MHz durch den mobilen Landfunkdienst ist auf,3 +"strands should be intact, and the line should be free ",3 + Turns Around a Point,7 +C970 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout northern arm (to/from Denmark ,7 +List of drawings attached ,7 +ARTICLE 10: EXPLOITATION OF THE RESULTS,7 +It shall include indication of: ,9 +Transportation Conformity ,7 +"Economy, Trade and Industry is to be exercised by the Director-General of the ",3 +weather information. The information may be,9 +Machine sewing 1 (build shot bags using templates and perform sewingpractise drills),3 +consumed. ,9 +"navigate from point to point, using available lift sources to ",9 +Arm—used when drilling critical structure; ,3 +"MINISTRY OF YOUTH EMPOWERMENT, SPORT AND CULTURE ",7 +Airway/Route Depiction ,7 +"configurations. Often, in a two-pilot operation, this level of ",9 +ash for PM emission factor; ignore for other pollutants). ,9 +Das Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie kann in den Fällen,9 +Gebietseinstufung der Immissionsorte im Umfeld maßgebend.,9 +"plans for public buildings by means of public competition, when",3 +How To Use a Training Syllabus,7 +corrections: ,9 +and Constant Rate),7 +Flight Operations in Volcanic Ash,7 +paragraphs 2 to 17 in relation to the offences described in each paragraph. ,9 +Reserve Free Bag Repair—Grommet Pullout,7 +The SRM process provides the framework to track a NAS change after it has been ,9 +"), or the Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972(",3 +APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM-,7 +Updated text ,7 +Termination ,7 +alleviating the shock induced separation will ,9 +maintenance.,3 +The Maintenance part: ,7 +Standard Weights .......................................................3-4,8 +Kidde Continuous-Loop System,7 +airspeed during instrument approach.,9 +I.13.2. DUVRI – Documento unico di valutazione rischi interferenziali ,7 +Synthetic Vision System (SVS) ,7 +FAA uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),3 +"lower (for example, in mountainous terrain higher",9 +Disassembly: Mesh Repair,7 +"For all operations, a two-way radio",9 + An imaginary line passing through the center of ,9 +only for information purpose. The,9 +Successful professionals understand the price of excellence is ,9 +pitch control. This slows the helicopter. As the helicopter ,9 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,7 + pilot sighting the traffic without,3 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +Peripherals and displays.,3 +Figure 5-115. ,0 +angle at which the pilot’s central vision intersects the ,9 +II.4.1.11 Conformity of the delivered supplies with the FWC ,7 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +Crew racing to every potential landing site may drive ,3 +"pages, fifty centavos each.",9 +zu überprüfen. Dabei sind insbesondere Art und Umfang der Aufgabenerledigung zu überprüfen.,9 +How To Form an N-Number,7 + Flight Instruments ,7 +Packing and Inspection Area,7 +§ 11 Verschwiegenheitspflicht,7 +Adjustment in respect of past compensation ,7 +"marker (OM), or the fix used in lieu of the OM, unless",9 +§ 3 Unterrichtsräume,7 +material being worked. ,3 +"Werden Fahrzeuge nach § 3 Absatz 2 Satz 1 Nummer 1 Buchstabe a bis f und Nummer 2, für die",9 +"Meldende deutsche Finanzinstitute können zur Erfüllung der Verpflichtungen, die ihnen durch diese Verordnung",9 +Synthetic Vision System (SVS) ,7 +定格管電圧が百二十五キロボルト以下の口内法撮影用エックス線装置にあつて,3 +"Income reduced by P167.46 million, representing 29% reduction, ",9 +Learner Emotional Reactions ,7 +it has shown significant deficiencies in complying with the main ,6 +and declaration,7 +structure and content of the Professional article ,3 +the interface between the stiffener and the skin to increase ,9 +〔昭和三十五年五月三十日政令第百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter oder,7 +Annex I to FR ,7 +current sent to the exciter field provides the voltage regulation ,9 + This Order extends to the United Kingdom. ,9 +Characteristics of Learning ,7 +The Hi-Lite$^{®}$ fastener is similar in design and principle to ,9 +- Seite 23 von 35 -,4 +THIS TASK COVERS: ,7 +"To be visible to the TIS client, the intruder",9 +amount determined by applying the Shetland p/kWh tariff determined in accordance ,9 +Descents ............................................................20-7,8 +Article 37 - ,7 +PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ,7 +adding oil. ,9 +Techncial and Support Office,9 +Set takeoff thrust prior ,6 +each blade.,6 + au titre du CC est valable pour le monde ,9 +Chapter I General Provisions ,7 +The ASOS/AWOS sensors perform the,9 +EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +Test the cable by proof-loading locally fabricated ,3 + A sound practice is to write down taxi instructions ,0 +but good if the rigger does not have the necessary ,3 +CAUTION: ,9 +Figure 4-17. ,0 +Bei der stichprobenweisen Prüfung der Fertigpackungen muss es sich um eine Zufallsstichprobe handeln.,3 +conducting atmospheric dispersion,3 +when the balloon is first made buoyant and lasts until the ,9 +stable for the pilot. ,9 +"FWC level such as participating in general or ad hoc governance meeting, ",3 +"row 33, row 35 to row 41, and row 43 to row 45 of Appended Table 2-1) to North ",3 + A single-component starter and generator ,9 +gemischten Finanzholding-Gesellschaft verlangen. Benötigt die Bundesanstalt oder die Deutsche Bundesbank,9 +"with ample time, at a sufficient altitude above terrain, ",9 +ARTICLE 30. FINANCIAL GUARANTEE ,7 +metres where the diameter of the apparatus is between 150 and 450 millimetres; ,3 +"holding it in position with pins, clamps, or jigs, then ",3 +GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ,7 +Foreign Exchange Stabilisation Fund ,7 +the Planning Act 2008 or article 9 (consent to transfer benefit of order) subject to the ,3 +"Experience running research projects and teams, as well as research collaborations on ",3 +The Contractor accepts that the ability of the Auditor to perform the procedures required by this ,3 +accordance with this waiver. ,3 +"opposite plate of capacitor C$_{1}$ is fully charged, it discharges, ",9 +faster grinding while it continuously cools the edge of the ,9 +may be charg,9 +"Article 27 and 28 from the Framework Agreement$^{1}$, signed on 11$^{th}$ of February 2015 ",7 +placing the receiver in the non-sequencing mode.,9 +En Route Operations ,7 +"2016/679 (GDPR), applicable in the European Union. ",9 +"battery compartments, lavatories, and wheel wells. These are ",9 +biogas engine,9 +..............,8 +Eingang dazu,3 +für Bremen,8 +Transformation,9 +consumption for building services and heating. ,9 +the data protection notice is available at:,3 +PRIMARY ACTUATION DEVICE/RIPCORD TEST:,7 +resonance is to close the throttle immediately and fully lower ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 135 of May 30, 1960]",7 +除く。以下この条において同じ。)について、別表第一の特定製品の区分ごとにそれ,3 +paragraph (2) of the Act are the following matters: ,3 +Bemessungsgrundlagen der Umlage im Aufgabenbereich Wertpapierhandel,3 +exchangers,9 +"and sharing platform, or other channels of the ",9 +a factor in preventing lateral movement. To minimize this ,9 +单位负责人接到事故报告后,应当迅速采取有效措施,组织抢救,防止事故扩,9 +private or voluntary sectors is foreseen. ,9 +arrange safe delivery of the Goods to Europol Premises or to a warehouse/storage,3 +greatest initial benefit. The remaining terminal,9 +) or the National Health Service (Injury Benefits) ,3 +being first obtained. Imported top soil shall be used if the existing top soil is insufficient or unsuitable. ,9 +limitation ,9 +Elements of Descent Planning Calculations,7 +aircraft attitude. The pilot must have an understanding of ,9 +"sonstige Daten, die für die Abwicklung der durch Rechtsverordnung nach Absatz 6 zugelassenen",3 +(十)から(十二)までに掲げる貨物並びに核兵器等の設計、製造又は使用に係る技,3 +available in the “General Guidance on Europol Procurement Procedures”.,1 +"Required Navigation Performance (RNP), 5",9 +"straight during the runout, and be ready to use a burst of",9 +Fire Detection System Maintenance,7 +REGION 0~ REVERSED COMMAND ,7 +CFR Section 91.159. When the altitude assign-,9 +spongy or whenever the brake system has been opened.,9 +"§ 11 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +ng the nose and further increasing the AOA. ,9 +pilot of aircraft “C” as 2 o’clock. The actual position of the,9 +"VO (EG) 2135/98 und VO (EG) 1360/2002 beteiligten Stellen, soweit diese den Gültigkeitsbereich der D-",9 +published according to the individual country’s publication ,9 +inches off the ground as long as possible using the elevators ,9 +"municipal stables, markets, slaughterhouses, bath houses, laundries,",3 +cc to 2276 cc engines is a 82 mm crankshaft made from a ,9 +outside and inside. Corrosion on the inside is most likely to ,9 +"(VOR)/distance measuring equipment (DME), and RNAV ",9 +"If executed for a period of more than three years, one peso.",3 +Capacity assessment.,9 +Legislature,9 +Dezember 2015 oder zum 31. Dezember eines Folgejahres Konten von hohem Wert im Sinne der Anlage I,3 +this authorisation to another representative not indicated in the official appointment must be evidenced. ,9 +tentional high rate of descent can also occur as a result,9 +Traffic Data Systems Receiving Information From ,7 +are spaced at intervals around the perimeter of the engine ,9 +Throatless Shear ,7 +Reciprocating Engine Lubricants,7 += C x D x F x H ,2 +Bungee Cord,7 +[Figure 4-77],9 +Trailing edge. ,9 +Drittes Ausbildungsjahr,7 +BACKGROUND INFORMATION ,7 +10.24.Vertragsstrafe ,7 +CONTROLLED AIRSPACE,7 +at very low operating weights below that of ,9 +Replace Rib Half ,8 +be registered in the Early Detection and Exclusion ,9 +An aircraft flying the LOC/GS course at a constant ,3 +Trim instruments.,0 +Amendment of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowance) (England) Regulations 2003 ,7 +NOT AUTHORIZE THE PILOT TO COMPLY,9 +In the opinion of the auditors: ,7 +"7a, including operating under an",9 +crosswind correction prior to lift-off by applying aileron ,9 +Regulation 19(1)(a) ,7 +Rahmenbedingungen forstwirtschaftlicher Produktion und Dienstleistungen; wirtschafts- und,3 +Flight Instructor Characteristics and ,7 +"appropriate landing gear height, reduce the throttle as ",9 +"takeoff, fly a profile that avoids the cross-hatched or shaded ",9 +"the security policy of the contracting authority to ensure integrity, confidentiality and ",3 +Air in the Brake System,7 +Reported in Previous Years,7 +法第四十二条の二第一項に規定する収益業務の用に供する財産,3 +action. A high-pressure area is formed at the back of the ,9 +"shaped and box-shaped parts, curved sections, and contoured ",9 +Learning Is Multifaceted ,7 +"⦁ $_{Severe anger directed toward the flight instructor, service personnel, and others. }$",3 +END OF WORK PACKAGE ,7 +validity of such a document ,3 +недвижимое,9 +recognize the fact that there are limitations to radar ,3 +to accommodate high performance aircraft.,9 +lighting needed for disinfection throughout the night. Interviews with Principal ,9 +"National Airspace System (NAS), the FAA",9 +Blind Bolts,7 +Figure 7-31. ,0 +the runway to move progressively rearward as the airplane ,9 +"designed,",9 +"the arrest, or the issue or execution of a warrant for the arrest, of any person in ",3 +point. Its purpose is to permit an aircraft to reverse,9 +Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL)- Two ,9 +"Image file or .pdf, as a scan of the original document signed, stamped and dated (amounts ",3 +U.S. Coast Guard for image used in Chapter 1,9 +"short term loan providers, ",3 +SIGMET and AIRMET Locations ,0 +the computer.,9 +judging the returning rate and,9 +The databases and connections of the EU-OSHA’s national partner are additional sources ,3 +scuff sanding removes high resin peak impressions produced ,9 +Der Ministerrat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik,7 +be finished.,3 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +Corner Joints,7 +Emergency procedures. ,3 +には第二十一条第一項又は第二項の規定により許可を受ける義務が課された資本取,3 +II.23.3. Interest on late payment ,7 +obstacles in the visual segment during transition to landing. ,9 +obstructions to flight. A high reconnaissance should be flown ,9 +in part in the following circumstances:,3 +"third country outside of the EU or of the EEA, the parties acknowledge that this will be done on the ",3 +for oxy-acetylene welding. This material adds not only ,9 +terminated with this advisory unless specifically,9 +滅菌消毒作業室の機器及び設備は、作業工程順に置かれていること。,3 +equivalent must be used to denote local when local,3 +"§ 11 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +without mentioning the ,3 +2-inches apart. Tacks are done hot and fast by melting ,9 +Runway Guard Lights.........................................14-19,8 +Terms of Reference (LOT 2) ,3 +the instrument panel. Changes to the current flowing through ,9 +"einzugehen, einen Ablösebetrag an eine vom Verband Deutscher Reeder errichtete und vom Bundesamt für",9 +Regulation 20(4)(c) ,9 +"Once the contracting authority has opened the tender, it shall become its property and will ",9 +Francistown ,8 +lutions of propeller ,3 +(See VFR MILITARY TRAINING ROUTES.) ,9 +motion of the rotor blades through the air. When the,9 +"An impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument no, or no significant, impact on ",9 +dimensions of active areas and alerts issued to the ,9 +The following flow velocities for the each individual media shall be used. ,9 +EMEDIAL MEASURES,7 +Refund of Customs Duties on Material for Public Works.,9 +that an assessment of real property was erroneous and unjust when made and the,9 +Simultaneous Close Parallel Precision Runway ,7 +mum limit if not controlled by use of collective. The,9 +Recency of Experience,7 +information,9 +"RID I: (General Compliance, Economic and Financial Capacity Compliance) ",7 +Variation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +Profile View,7 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 6),7 +Additional Counsel to Assist Attorney-General.,9 +Atlantic City ,6 +1.a) 1. Zwischenzahlung – Nach Abgabe und Genehmigung der Projektierungsun-,7 +by the contracting authority the appropriate right of access to sites and premises where the ,3 +"Act, comprising— ",9 +Les intérêts de retard portent sur la période comprise entre le jour qui suit la date d'exigibilité du ,9 +valve is opened further and additional fuel flows through ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 420 of December 20, 1995]",7 +stability can have a profound effect on the re- ,9 +(八)排放,是指把污染物排入海洋的行为,包括泵出、溢出、泄出、喷,9 +定格管電圧が百二十五キロボルト以下の口内法撮影用エックス線装置にあつて,3 +133 STAT. 898 ,5 +"oppure eventuali condizioni di installazione, o di visionare situazioni già esistenti che ",3 +methodology,9 +aufgeh. durch § 20 Satz 2 V 806-22-1-131 v. 13.10.2020 I 2166 mWv 1.8.2021,7 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +"Au début du contrat, le Contractant présente l'organigramme de l'équipe qui sera mise en ",9 +"formed, the rolls must be clean and free of imperfections.",9 +practical efficiency. The ratio of recovered ,9 +Proscribed organisation ,7 +TS 9937 Polypropylene pipes general purpose ,3 +to start the engine while airborne. This procedure would be ,9 +GA System Operation,7 +(See SYSTEM STRATEGIC NAVIGATION.) ,9 +Verify engine to airframe mounting for security and ,3 +landing may be completed by visual reference to the ground.,9 +engine is designed to operate for its entire life at 100 percent. ,9 +"time, the pilot should have assessed several factors to include ",9 +Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten der Berufsbildpositionen aus,9 +opportunities ,3 +Hard Landing,7 +LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS ,7 +により事業計画書及び収支予算書の認可を受けようとするときは、毎事業年度開始の,3 +Equation B-7 ,9 +Other Airport Visual Aids,7 +Only visitors with two negative test results (two (2) negative Covid-19 PCR tests taken at least 96 ,3 +护、保养,保证正常运转。 ,9 +be made using the relevant communication details set out in Article I.8; and ,3 +landing of the aircraft.,9 +ONFLICT OF ,7 +Cylinder Compression Tests,7 +бытовая; административно-хозяйственная; физкультурно-оздоровительная.,9 +Attitude Indicators,8 +Die Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I ist auf die Ausfuhr des Fahrzeugs zu beschränken und mit dem,3 +"[2408-18; Ex. Or. 71 (1914), 3 (1915).]",9 +frequently ,9 +Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Operation,7 +and descents. ,9 +(PIC). To learn how to obtain a PIC in the ,9 +Fold the top portion of canopy over approximately 10-inches. This fold should be even with base of ,3 +"ality could be,assumed that the airplane con- ",9 +Open wiring.,9 +beforethe dissolution may be appointed as a Minister or an Assistant Minister. ,3 +water break free. This means that there are no beads or breaks ,9 +"low, on, or near the aft pressure bulkhead. The flow of air is ",9 +"intensity, and movement of precipitation. The",9 +Travaux d'adaptation,7 +erformed and ,3 +(iii) associations or foundations without legal personality; ,3 +The contractor shall at its own cost make good the defect or damage within the ,3 +of the operating cycle is reduced. ,9 +"Article 27 and 28 from the Framework Agreement$^{1}$, signed on 11$^{th}$ of February 2015 ",7 +Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘the,9 +maintain the same lift coefficient;,3 +"inability to be overtorqued. The pins, made from alloy steel, ",9 +applying for a Certificate of Aircraft Registration. ,9 +"partie accepte par écrit, les parties doivent désigner conjointement un médiateur mutuellement ",9 +In the City of Birmingham— ,9 +oder wahlweise nach Maßgabe der Nummer 1 Buchstabe a dieses Abschnitts wie folgt:,9 +"1½"", 1,500 lb",6 +Contacts during the procurement procedure ,7 +"которым оформляются дипломатические,",9 +Automatic Activation Devices ,7 +The participants will receive instructions how to participate in the opening and an invitation at ,9 +92R (10) Parachute Rigger,9 +When the aileron is moved from the neutral ,9 +mast. The only time they coincide is when the tip-path plane,0 +Abschnitt A Nr. 2.3 ,3 +"a hand-held global positioning system (GPS) is used, ",9 +Command Profi-,9 +Accelerating system. ,0 +DUVRI- Documento Unico di Valutazione dei Rischi da Interferenza ,5 +“degree of disablement” means the degree of disablement assessed in accordance with ,9 +"etect a change or hazard. In the case at hand, the pilot was ",9 +constructed in much the same manner as the main canopy ,9 +in order to achieve adequate assurance of the IT ,9 +Runway Markings,7 +II.5. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +Key to Schedule 2 ,7 +ensure the protection of such ,3 +plus either side of the proposed patch) allows easier ,3 +Non-Moving Advances ,7 +prevalent,9 +Figure 10-89. ,0 +between two opposing pressures.,9 +exce.rsive ,9 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM),7 +antitorque depends on the position at which the controls jam or ,9 +proposed operations conflict with any state law or local ordinance or require permission of local ,9 +with the owner.,9 +"the pressure on the rudder is released abruptly, the nose swings ",9 +the duties of any office or ,3 +Abschnitt B Nr. 1.2 ,3 + (ss 57-70) ,7 +effects. The combination which produces the ,9 +somewhat like a single burner can combustion chamber. ,9 +Resin injection repairs are used on lightly loaded structures ,9 +a double clamp or hand tacking. ,3 +requirements.,3 +remove the glider,9 +section 68 (accommodation works by company); ,9 +[2231-1.],9 +You can find the Travel advice from the Dutch authorities at the following link: ,3 +Cable Tension,7 +remote free stream wind. ,9 +using thermocouples:,9 +"twice the maximum strength, a safety link is required between ",9 +Amendment of article 3 ,7 +rope after a period of time due to usage and ultraviolet ,3 +8EariON IV ,7 +"shall not be occurred in some days of OPEX monitoring period in DNP, the data of ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 420 of December 20, 1995]",7 +relation to the main metering valve and anti-skid valves in ,9 +DEFINITIONS.—In this section: ,9 +"type, and",9 +Controller.,7 +協議会は、前項の情報の共有及び意見の交換の結果に基づき、次に掲げる事項を行,3 +Anlehnung ,9 +the development of electrical potential build-up. Bonding ,9 +Selection phase ,7 +eliminates unwanted portions of the viewed area and allows ,9 +U.S.C. 6311); and ,9 +"Approved June 25, 2019. ",9 +EFSA (external report).,8 +Statement by the creator (or right holder) ,7 +Evaluating the effectiveness of one’s ADM skills. ,3 +"crack. As a structural enhancement or blendout filler, the ",9 +committed prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order. ,3 +a silicone insulator material that is surrounded by a metal ,9 +Operator interface will have functions to be used for these purposes and triggering will not be required ,9 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +"une boîte fonctionnelle du service compétent [Projets, GT ou autre]) est acceptée, ",3 +to the relevant prohibition. ,3 +identification and invitation of ,7 +horizon or a populated area for a landing field. Vertigo is ,9 +--FROM TEMP. REGULATOR ,6 +date] (the “Start,3 +"standards, and the environment), if the Secretary finds that good ",9 +Requirements for Scenarios ,7 +results of the air quality assessment can be included. ,3 +Proceedings,9 +"furniture, as shown on Sheet 1 of the Works Plans. ",9 +To issue or deny clearance into RVSM,9 +Transverse Flow Effect,7 +"régularité, ni du caractère authentique, complet ou exact des déclarations et informations qui y sont ",9 +The definitions of the terms used throughout these general conditions are laid down in the ,3 +MAXIMUM GROSS WEIGHT,9 +Scoping Process ,7 +electricity can permanently damage the sensitive solid-state ,9 +accordance with a plan approved by SGN or in accordance with any requirement of SGN or under ,9 +Other communication activities ,7 +(ii) an accreditation body that is a signatory to the International Laboratory Accreditation ,3 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT,7 +halo around the full moon; the entire moon itself will seem ,9 +Beurteilung der Eignung,7 +is not to be treated as a member of the Authority for any purpose.”. ,3 +" Sharing data, including disclosure, dissemination, allowing access or otherwise making available",3 +Reserve Free Bag Repair—Grommet Pullout,7 +Dokumentierung ihrer Lage auf der Unfallstelle oder im Verhältnis zur Unfallstelle.,3 + which are only ,3 +Such a combination of the weakest possible ,9 +registering Your Aircraft ,7 + are inserted in the ,9 +in aircraft today.,9 +usable distance of the NAVAID depends on the,9 +Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +"aneroid capsule expands, moving the",6 +"obstruction. In general, the effect of an upwind obstacle is to ",9 +перед началом каждой смены с применением моющих и дезинфицирующих,9 +range while perhaps excluding it from operating too ,3 +POWER AVAILABLE ,6 +Figure 4-66,9 +perceptive instructor can help by using common sense and discussing the problem with the learner. The main objective should be to ,9 +in the takeoff runway will make it necessary to get ,9 +Zweites Ausbildungsjahr,7 +"administered by the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and ",9 +"cannot be determined, start timing when turn to",9 +〔昭和五十八年十二月十日通商産業省令第九十二号〕,7 +Storm water drainage; ,3 +There are variations in mixture requirements between ,9 +"§ 4 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +control of the operator;,3 +Objective 2:,9 +THE RECRIPROCATING ENGINE ,7 +analysed and provide a sound financial manner of fulfilling the business needs. ,9 +Failure to execute turns with accurate timing.,3 +NOTAM Composition ,7 +and even sod or runway texture. The pilot should direct central ,9 +Materials/Parts ,7 +"at 800 feet, overcast at 1,200 feet with cumulonimbus clouds.",9 +Scuba Diving,7 +the study ,8 +Chapter 5—Preflight and Ground,7 +delivery. ,1 +"Regulations (14 CFR) part 61, Certification: Pilots, Flight ",9 +QUADRO DI SERVIZI ,5 +Social media communication plan ,7 +"accordingly. For example, if a pilot at high weight and high ",9 +The hole shall be prepared so that the maximum interference ,9 +HEADING CONTROL,7 +Special routes developed ,9 +(+++ Textnachweis Geltung ab: 1.1.1977 +++),9 +"and greater, ",9 +air traffic controllers when a FAA aircraft is engaged,9 +"in level flight, use this indication as the zero position. ",9 +I.1.1. Date of payment ,7 +"EPA, AP-42, Chapter 1.3, ",1 +—en route communications ,9 +application to conduct operations in accordance with this CoW. ,9 +especially in the landing gear area indicating the ,3 +"[Figure 9-6, position 4]",9 +Cooperative or Group Learning Method ,7 +into the relative wind,6 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 30.09.2019,9 +CFR requires pilots to comply with specific weather ,9 +implementation. The Contractor shall provide evidence of having in place a back-up and a ,9 +〔平成二十九年三月二十三日政令第四十号〕〔抄〕,7 +"However, if “Pilot’s Operating Handbook” is used as the main ",9 +the data protection notice is available at: ,3 +is relatively complex. ,9 +As a result of the knowledge of condition of the airship derived from ,9 +PRICE REVISION ,7 +"AP, and FD systems incorporate a self-test feature) ",3 +VAT registration number,9 +PASSENGERS,6 +TRANSFERRING FUEL FROM FORWARD TO ,6 +"Within 10 working days of a specific contract being sent by EU-OSHA to the contractor, EU-OSHA ",9 +Payment of the final balance shall be subject to performance by the Consultant of all its obligations ,3 +Township President,7 +In diesem Vertrag sind Preisanpassungen nicht vorgesehen. ,9 +前各号に掲げるもののほか、事故等分析事業の実施に関し必要な事項,3 +of an airport with an instrument approach that is not,9 +repair of the joint may require replacement of the rivets with ,9 +in mind and taking appropriate precautions should help ,9 +The work log for measurement ,3 +"fuel control is not within limits, turn the INC. MAX screw ",9 +"response activities for children, as the Secretary determines ",9 +"INSTALLATION OF AR2 POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY, MAIN ",7 +must prove that they,9 +Motor routine 1 ,7 +of the withdrawal of its intention to reduce payment; or ,3 +Tenderers,9 +Cracked or broken sections caused by crushing or ,3 +提供する体制の確保を図ることが相当であると認められるものを単位として設定す,3 +the Contractor; ,3 +undertaker. ,9 +pressor. The reduced stall margins increase ,9 +"A camera and camera operator (for hybrid and ""online +"" activities); ",3 +FLAG- A warning device incorporated in certain ,9 +long-term care facilities,7 +"authorized Category II or III operation, the operator",9 +"control in level flight, for example? This question should ",9 +A lightweight pilot takes off solo with a full load,3 +these aircraft as a part of the Special Airworthiness Certificate ,9 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +Abnahme der ,3 +up foreign particles and carrying them to a filter where they ,9 +these investigations are transmitted to FAA Head-,9 +Compliance Statement:,3 +Replacing prefabricated fuel lines,3 +Step 5—Adjust for Specific Conditions,7 +biodiversity); ,3 +"storia in pittogrammi, sequenza di diapositive, presentazione pubblica; ",3 +"emission control device, fuel throughput volumes, and local meteorological conditions. ",9 +as the aircraft’s airworthiness. [Figure 1-5],9 +during the ,3 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +"Microphones, sound, Laptop/PC, beamer ",7 +psychologischen Testverfahren und -geräten,7 +carry VOR avionics. These users do not have the,9 +"Verhalten in besonderen Situationen, Folgen von Verstößen gegen Verkehrsvorschriften",7 +letters “RMK.” Comments may or may not appear in,3 +an aid to flying a stabilized descent. No special,9 +SPECIAL INFORMATION ,7 +Specified in paragraph applicable to the ,9 +authorizations),3 +"V= true airspeed, knots ",9 +or a declaration ,3 +Testing the propeller flange is not normal maintenance but ,9 +ownership of rights by the Union including for all modes of exploitation and of use of the ,9 +Modifications to licences granted to authorised transmitters: ,7 +Figure 2-8. ,0 + The major component in a gage-pressure ,9 +Every IFR‑capable FMS offers a menu of published ,9 +$^{ }$Common Paint Troubles,7 +“relevant planning authority” means the London Borough of Bexley and any successor to its ,9 +control valves to the deice boot. When the system reaches 17 ,9 +designed to reduce the drag created by wing tip vortices in ,9 +Softstarter Protection ,7 +heating systems should contain a carbon monoxide detection ,9 +Twin-Engine Aircraft Vacuum System Operation,7 +a meeting ,9 +毒物及び劇物取締法(昭和二十五年法律第三百,8 +other instruments. A typical,0 +"12"" Station",6 +Europol Public Information ,7 +MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +engaged in business in the Philippine Islands.,9 +"регистрационный № 62740), признать утратившим силу.",9 +Center Weather Advisories (CWA) ,7 +exportation in bond and appraisement made.,9 +Auftragnehmer kostenersatzpflichtig.,9 +"of these headings, the compass indicates a turn toward ",9 +"negates the marketability of such a balloon. Additionally, an ",9 +Risk Management ,7 +Method of repair by covering a hole or tear in a ,9 +Anforderungen und Regelwerke,7 +Die Filmförderungsanstalt zahlt die Förderhilfen nach den §§ 73 und 76 bedarfsgerecht in bis zu drei Raten,9 +"specified EPR is attained. When trimming the engine, the ",9 +§ 2 Zulassungsvoraussetzungen,7 +Payments due from the Contracting Authority shall be made into the bank account notified by the ,3 +"length and area through which the refrigerant is lost, this type ",9 +. A set of ,9 +The contractor is not entitled to compensation for any loss resulting from the termination of ,9 +Full name,9 +Bureau of Civil Service,7 +(exercise of maritime enforcement powers). ,9 +one in a diagonal manner to the correct obstacle height. This ,9 +Wer ist für die Datenverarbeitung verantwortlich und an wen können Sie sich wenden? ,7 +Packing and Inspection Area,7 +Article 28 Delayed payments ,7 +"flight, and is independent of the rotor system while in",9 +Documentation: ,3 +main entrance of the provincial building and of all municipal buildings and in a,9 +indicated that CH$_{4 }$emissions are consumed over the full emission flight envelope [Reference: ,9 +The information on basic surface winds and winds aloft ,9 +tension voltage to the spark plug. It also serves as a shield ,9 +法第十五条の三第一項第二号の前条の施設(施設告示第四号に定める施設に限,3 +point are:,9 +Gemeinsame Angebote ,7 +Visual Glideslope Indicators,7 +Additional Considerations:,3 +"§ 4 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Betriebs- und Unternehmensführung""",7 +adequately repaired or replaced. In cases where repairs may ,9 +Rescue Coordination Center,9 +Use of Aircraft Lights,7 +"Chicago, IL; Denver, CO; Fort Worth, TX;",9 +Propeller Overhaul,7 +Downgraded instrument flight rule (IFR) landing minima,3 +Centrifugal force is a physical force that tends to ,9 +"135.159(f),",9 +"members of those schemes. Accordingly, the procedures set out in section 23 of the Public Service ",9 +Brochures including all components accompanied with names and addresses of suppliers; ,3 +"the rivet has failed in shear. In that case, determine what ",9 +A special registration number is an N-number of your ,9 +landing area within reach whenever possible.,9 +I.2. SUBJECT MATTER ,7 +"Council, ",9 +"During a grace period of 2 months, following the signature of the framework contract, the penalties will not be applied. ",7 +to the appointed person in respect of the appeal within ten business days of the start date ,3 +the most thorough training experience possible. It can be said ,9 +provided in paragraph (1) using the Internet or by other appropriate means ,3 +more sensitive to light. This process is called dark adaptation. ,9 +"subject, where ",3 +": to complement the press conference and media actions above, ",3 +Zahlungsbedingungen ,6 + This inflation and deflation ,9 +Page 5 of 15,4 +while in flight,3 +Other Airspace Areas ,7 +Five types of valves are commonly found in high-pressure ,9 +"Im Zentralen und im örtlichen Fahrzeugregister sind über beruflich selbstständige Halter, denen ein",9 +Pilot-Induced Roll Oscillations During Launch,7 +groups for the interview.,3 +Fabric Heat Shrinking,7 +Judicial Committee,7 +Examples of canopy markings ,7 +REIMBURSEMENTS ,7 +Officers Not to Engage in Certain Transactions,9 +conditions below VMC. ,9 +"accordance with the price contained in its Proposal, which shall be calculated not exceeding the ",3 +Folgende Daten über Hauptuntersuchungen und Sicherheitsprüfungen sind im Zentralen Fahrzeugregister zu,9 +Telephone System ,7 +" or subcontractors, as well as in ",3 +Conduct the Review ,7 +[Figure 5-58],3 +"(зарегистрировано Минюстом России 26.05.2010,",9 +Secondary,6 +sibilities. Such information serves the aviation,9 +Interpolation ,7 +Technical and professional capacity,7 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +material with the hot knife. ,3 +Mautgebührenerhebung maßgeblichen Tatsachen anzugeben.,9 +The following checklist should be performed for all pre-,9 +opposite side. ,9 +après le dernier jour du mois concerné pour les prestations facturées.,9 +obligation earlier;,3 +e qualsiasi,9 +"CFR Section 61.58, Pilot",9 +Supplied Books etc.) (Coronavirus) Order 2020 and comes into force on 1st May 2020. ,9 +I.6.4. Garanzia di esecuzione ,7 + The two movable surfaces on a V-tail ,9 +"example, OiRA) in the national language.",9 +"routing, surrounding terrain, traffic, weather, fuel, etc. ",9 + haben als vorläufigen Nachweis der Eignung mit dem Angebot das,9 +vorbereiteten Führerschein (§ 25) ohne Angabe des Datums der Erteilung der beantragten Klasse unmittelbar,9 +Low-Wing Twin,7 +Statement by the creator (or right holder) ,7 +"Prüfauftragsart (Ersterteilung, Erweiterung, Umschreibung, Neuerteilung),",3 +Identify Initial Operating Capability Safety Requirements ,7 +WAAS is a navigation service using a combination of GPS ,9 +"as the ideal size, are shown in ",9 +"a horizontal line from 3,027 pounds in the left-vertical index. ",9 +replacement ,3 +"rules applicable to the contracting authority, including digitisation or converting the ",3 +"by default, actively and passively contributes to the future ",9 +"branch offices, etc. for which the on-site inspection or questions were carried ",3 +院を管理させることについてやむを得ない事情があると当該病院の所在地の都道府,3 +§ 19 Entscheidungen zu Sperrfristen,7 +to pursue the professional activity,9 +of the break from spraying the underside of the fuselage. ,9 +The force exerted by an aircraft from the pull of ,9 +TRAITEMENT DES DONNÉES À CARACTÈRE PERSONNEL ,7 +The ASI presents an indirect indication of the pitch attitude. ,9 +security restricted area under section 11A of the ,9 +signal would support LPV. If flying an existing,9 +fit in any other category would be: OCNL LTGICCG. ,3 +Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI),7 +"To continue to taxi on the step instead of taking off,",9 +jurisdiction of the township co,9 +prime areas for corrosion. Special attention should be given to ,9 +interface control ,3 +the forward wing increases and it acquires more drag than ,9 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) ,7 +"For mobile sources, link length and width; and ",3 +"commensurate with the cable size and weight. All cable tray, ladder and trunkings routes must be complete ",9 +für Wirtschaft und Arbeit im Einvernehmen mit dem Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung:,9 +"II.19. FATTURE, IMPOSTA SUL VALORE AGGIUNTO E FATTURAZIONE ",7 +résultats,9 +when turning from a crosswind position to an upwind or ,9 +rods become more sensitive. Looking off center can help ,9 +"Errata as of October 21, 2013 ",7 +"that the greatest effect is at idling speeds. However, there ",9 +final report within 60 days following the expiry of the deadline to submit observations. ,3 +AIR FORCE TECHNICAL ORDER FORMS,7 +Sample Problem 1 ,7 +jurisdiction of the controller.,9 +ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT ,7 +Maintenance of Retained Trees ,7 +"to mark the beginning of the intermediate segment, it",9 +"may use, modify, publish, assign or transfer them as it sees fit, without geographical or other ",3 +and contains operating procedures and limitations.,9 +"large engines. Consequently, temperature thermocouples ",9 +Repair Layout,7 +"present, turbulence can be implied by the intensity of",9 +"MINISTRY OF YOUTH EMPOWERMENT, SPORT AND CULTURE ",7 +"The contractor is responsible as well for preparing the handover plan, which will include ",9 +I.6.4. Garanzia di esecuzione ,7 +Transitional provision ,7 +lf-assessments and audits ,9 +from 250 knots. These might include planning airspeed at 25 ,9 +Anti-virus products can regularly scan ,3 +The exposed part of the pile shall be in good condition without damage or distortion. ,3 +Flight Inspection/‘Flight Check’,7 +ailerons by side-to-side movement and the elevators by fore-,9 +The Hi-Tigue$^{®}$ fastener offers all of the benefits of the Hi-,9 +the aircraft; and,9 +Patch Bonded to Aluminum Structure,7 +Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +defective mounts should be replaced with the proper type. ,9 +"(4a) Die Anerkennung ist außerdem zurückzunehmen, wenn die persönliche Zuverlässigkeit nach § 2a",9 +Training Location ,7 +UK202002211013,9 +[1627-32.],9 +Definitions,7 +Close coordination between EU-OSHA’s stakeholder management actions (described later in this lot) ,9 +Voltage Regulation,7 +document can be finally approved. RTCA DO-278A requires that all documentation be correct.,9 +Number on Your Aircraft,7 +"Shape coefficient, ",9 +Interpretation ,7 +for in the contract.,9 +conforming ,9 +cumulative assessment groups. The Commission and EFSA will develop an action plan by ,3 +Sequence for construction ,7 + If a subcontractor provides the whole or a very large part of the financial capacity OR executes the whole or a ,1 +"Wirtschaftlichkeit, Kosten und Erträge,",3 +TURN INDICATOR,7 +Color-coded tape used to identify oxygen tubing.,0 +"contracting, basic reporting etc.) and which shall be at no extra cost for ECHA. ",3 +Brief description of the required services/ supplies ,7 +"exploitation set out in this contract; however, for ",3 +Figure 16-31.,0 +"Government,",9 + at the end of this chapter is a sample,9 +Санитарные правила,7 +Coaxial rotors. ,0 +"control valves in the late 1950s. Their long life, reliability, ",9 +repairman certificates can be issued to individuals for ,9 +"List of components indicating manufacture, type, component numbers, ordering numbers, ",3 +Subcontracting ,7 +"Registration Application, ",3 +destination airport if the flight is a cross-country. A pilot may ,9 +Utilization of a compass rose aids compensation for ,0 +Insulation resistance. ,3 +[2066-1.],9 +водителями,9 +comply with the operational requirements of 14 CFR,9 +and accessible on the Funding and Tenders Opportunities portal (F&T ,9 +ECHA uses a sizable proportion of its financial resources on IT. The ,3 +Buchprüfer oder Buchprüfungsgesellschaften vorgenommen werden. Liegen die Daten nach Satz 1 am 1. Juli,9 +turbulence and gusts. This provides a measure of protection ,9 + Bureau or Office having control of the,9 +Legal and regulatory capacity ,7 +and react appropriately. Encounters of less than 100 feet separation are considered to,3 +"existing reporting points, enhanced navigation in and",9 +has been made available to finance the supervision services. ,9 +"If a proper crosswind correction is applied, the aircraft will ",9 +in the case of a person who does not have a residence in Botswana but is able to register ,3 +§ 3 Ermächtigungen,7 +Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan,7 +II.17 SUSPENSION DE L'EXÉCUTION DU CC ,7 +"IAF)”. Hayden, CO (example below).",9 +"emergency procedures, and the glider’s fight characteristics ",9 +different than the linear scaling of basic GPS. When,9 +When entering the traffic pattern at an airport without an ,9 +"a resident of the Philippine Islands, not already in the Government service, is",9 +"In Figure 7-34 on page 7-35, the label pointing to the rudder should read, “Rudder ",3 +климатических условиях:,9 +医療診療(社会保険診療、労働者災害補償保険法に係る診療及び自費患者に係,3 +request and proposed direction of flight.,9 +Holding at the same fix may also be depicted on the en route,9 +Demand valve,6 +FWC Phase-in,7 +Invitation template has to be made available by Contractor headquarters. Final invitations should ,3 +blunt object moving through the air at the speed of sound. The ,9 +Defective fuel-injection nozzle ,3 +Learning Is Purposeful ,7 +"period, expressed in pounds per hour. ",9 +"No harmful substances (heavy metals, toxins, etc.) are conveyed to the inlet in ",3 +(INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) ,7 +II.13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ,7 +a “Dead Reckoning” course. When executing the,9 +Cargo fire/engine control panel (P5),6 +to the revision with regard to transactions for the purpose of providing ,3 +Manual by means of an operating handle. ,8 +Figure 8-31. ,0 +TIS. A maximum of eight (8) intruder aircraft may be,9 +is expected to be within 500 feet vertically and,9 +The contracting authority may correct obvious clerical errors in the request to participate after ,9 +"Find a clean, approved container. Pour some gas into ",3 +Night Vision ,7 + the use of such a ,9 +diagonal cut at each corner of formed hole to permit a foldback of each raw edge. ,3 +following matters or provision of those matters by electronic or magnetic ,3 +Excessive variations of altitude and heading,3 +SSV. Service volume restrictions are first published,9 +CG FORWARD OF FORWARD LIMIT,7 +内水面における漁場環境の再生に関する施策,7 + (highlighted in yellow in examples above) is the segment between the intermediate fix or ,3 +DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,7 +"Continue to grasp high point of each cell and extend outward, smoothing out each cell and aligning all ",3 +"unenforceable provision must be replaced by a legal, valid and enforceable substitute ",9 +for purpose of performing the services at the outside location:,3 +Declaration on honour on ,7 +Alert Areas ,7 +Page 4 of 4 ,4 +vanes. Even though these temperatures are taken at different ,9 +pneumatic system that allows unrestricted flow in one ,9 +"contrôles sur place. Si la période de suspension est supérieure à deux mois, le contractant (ou chef ",9 +"the Island of Polillo, the Island of Jomalig, and other islands forming a part of the",9 +Surface water drainage ,7 +Nonstandard pressure and temperature. ,0 +"disseminate post-event information to the attending journalists, such as thank you ",3 +arrangements for assistance and technical co-operation; ,3 +"during the turn. Remember, when turning from an upwind or ",9 +drag and thrust ,3 +ACCOMMODATION CROSSINGS FOR WHICH NO SUBSTITUTE IS TO BE ,7 +Napo performance……………………………………………………………………………………30 ,8 +Capabilities.,7 +II.25 SÉCURITÉ ,7 +") S.I. 2013/435, to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations. ",1 +"data items applicable to these matters, such as contractual agreements or special ",3 +it is expected that work effort and budget will be proportionally decreased in the total ,9 +"MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, JUSTICE AND SECURITY ",7 +"service, when necessary, specifies direction of",9 +power varies as the cube of velocity. ,9 +Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) by the amount ,3 +Only 10 to 15 percent of the thrust produced by a turboprop ,9 +are metal in permanent installations. High-pressure lines are ,9 +legal persons which assume unlimited liability for the debt of the tenderer:,9 +Direct Service Changes ,7 +"literature and other sources (e.g. Tox21, ToxCast, etc) that will reduce uncertainty in the ",9 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 +"When submitted to EFSA, scientific ",9 +aerodynamically efficient during the transition from hover ,9 +"No harmful substances (heavy metals, toxins, etc.) are conveyed to the inlet in ",3 +II.16.3. Claims and liability ,7 +- Seite 17 von 40 -,4 +known traffic and known physical airport condi-,3 +"control improves as acceleration increases, operations that ",9 +performing the contract and any future ,3 + The load on a bearing perpendicular ,9 +Requirements:,7 +water based and need for Defense VFR (DVFR) flight ,3 +time input of the experts. A minimum of 7 hours worked are deemed to be equivalent to one day ,3 +THRUST—The force which imparts a change in the ,3 +within United Kingdom waters and not exercising the right of innocent passage or transit passage ,9 +ATC Instructions,7 +structured. ,3 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT,7 +alphabetical listing of the NAVAIDs in the Chart,9 +to its output shaft. The amount of torque applied to the brake ,9 +be provided by electrically actuated devices.,9 +Safety of excavation and adjacent structures ,7 +Loss of tail rotor effectiveness (LTE) or an unanticipated ,9 + under this contract.,9 +Cockpit Management,7 +GLYPH<129>@Xljkf]]\ le[ @Xlgif[lbk\,9 +"MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, JUSTICE AND SECURITY ",7 +11-1-3591-1,8 +〔平成二十四年九月十四日政令第二百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +Hi-Lite$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +"movement, most seaplanes can be turned within a",9 +Light Twin Airplane,7 +operated by one pilot is considered single-piloted by ,9 +FAA Publications ,7 +Request for offer: 5 business days; ,3 +"During the test of the normal user operation, the test operator shall: ",9 +experienced,9 +(Notification of Medical High-energy Radiation Generators) ,9 +Anbietername eingeben,7 +operating using two pilots. ,3 +planning and reliance on one receiver instead of on all ,3 +Self-Launching Glider Electrical System ,7 +consideration during the inspection process. ,9 +Piston Reverses Direction From Down Stroke to Up ,7 +", due in month 13 of the contract. ",3 +Publication reference: ,9 +"grade, or detonation will severely damage the engine in a very ",9 +"are concentrated near the fovea, the rods are also responsible ",9 +Air Quality Assessment Protocol ,7 +Folding a Box,7 +a splined shaft for connection to the accessory drive system of ,9 +provide traffic pattern information. ,9 +"Primary among these are material type, material thickness, ",9 +Control rod,6 +"Luftfahrzeuge, die im deutschen Luftraum betrieben werden, müssen mit der für die sichere Durchführung der",9 +insert name of the relevant result,7 +TRAILING EDGE ,6 +New Section,6 +previously used entitlement under this chapter and for whom ,9 +within 300 feet of pattern altitude. ,3 +"hands-on experience in ICT/software development, deployment and implementation in at ",3 +The Contractor accepts that the ability of the Auditor to perform the procedures required by this ,3 +susmentionnée,7 +"gestalterischen Aspekten, berufsbezogenen rechtlichen Vorschriften, auch für Lebensmittel, Personal-",3 +I.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +Datum des Ablaufs der Gültigkeitsdauer der Zulassung zu versehen. Zusätzlich kann ein Internationaler,3 +Deciduous Forest ,8 +§ 4 Verhinderung der Umgehung der Meldepflicht,7 +~~ ~~\2fUT~,6 +dettagliate per ciascun rischio sono riportate nelle schede specifiche in appendice A): ,3 +plane to present a danger of upset.,9 +same. The results of such investigations shall from,9 +"21, Code of Federal Regulations (or any successor regulations))’’; ",9 +"Health, Labour and Welfare of any change in the matters set forth in Article ",3 +"before departing alone. Use extreme caution, as just a",9 +§ 8 Teil 2 der Abschlussprüfung in der Fachrichtung Instandhaltungstechnik,7 +—delay or delayed ,9 +Preparation ,7 +remaining payment period resumes from the date on which the requested information or ,9 +Pile shoes ,7 +it possible to gain altitude and travel distances using these ,9 +Simplified Directional Facility,7 +within the same period the Executive Secretary shall prepare an annual report in,9 +less and the rate of departure from the road decreases. ,9 +Control panels; ,3 +Switch from side to side,6 +festgesetzt.,3 +normally travel in a continuous straight line unless ,3 +directional. (See ,9 +Approvisionnements ,7 +An offence under paragraph (1) is punishable— ,9 +into the system. The FSS/AFSS briefer can also supply more ,9 +Use of workers hired out to the contractor by a temporary employment undertaking or ,3 +Facilities to be provided by the EIB and/or other parties ,7 +Any personnel schedule constraints;,3 +Departure ,6 +"concept, and society needs, ",3 +LSA Synopsis,7 +Aircraft configuration limitations (such as,9 +Figure 5-13.,6 +"school teachers, and music teachers, not exceeding five hundred",3 +of the combustion and turbine sections are not exceeded. The ,9 +window decodes the airport identifier. Scroll through ,3 +safety to the airframe and the occupants of the aircraft. The ,9 +The objectives of S-turns across a road are to develop ,9 +"ist sicherzustellen, dass nicht nur die von der Bundesdruckerei angelieferten Vordrucke, sondern",3 +", due in month 25 of the contract. ",3 +800-2 rule applies to airports with precision and non-,9 +applies to similar numbers. ,9 +with the judgment. He shall have power to administer oaths.,9 +the opposite side to prevent elongation of the hole.,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 327 of October 30, 1959] ",7 +Installation of cables ,7 +of the towline/towrope. The glider pilot is primarily responsible ,9 +possiblility that the Tost tow ring will become stuck in the ,9 +(二)不可抗拒的自然灾害; ,9 +MHz durch den Flugnavigationsfunkdienst ist auf Radaranlagen am Boden und auf diejenigen,3 +"with no heat energy added to or taken from it, the gas will ",9 +Article premier ,7 +For employees of the city of Manila the time allowance and disbursements,9 +Air Mass Thunderstorms,7 +shifted so that it acts as a generator.,9 +less severe. High airspeeds tend to streamline the helicopter ,9 +Initial TEMP ,7 +Four Corner Post Configuration. An arrangement of air ,9 +winglets can be designed to optimize performance at a desired ,9 +cross when proceeding in the direction of a higher minimum enroute IFR altitude. MCAs are established in all ,3 +"), the number of persons referred to ",9 +Construction Emission Inventory for Criteria Pollutants ,3 +social security contributions in accordance with the applicable law; ,6 +"top, or spring top. ",9 +Revocation ,7 +"sports event, ",3 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 29.08.1969,9 +implementation,9 +patent and to further exploit such patent to the fullest extent; ,3 +Overexcitation Protection,7 +Profile View,7 +XPND$^{Modify}$,6 +§ 50 Weitere Anwendung von Vorschriften,7 +considering any relevant information provided by the applicant or the Board; ,3 +"the future, which may feature NoSQL, relational, unstructured data stores ",3 +A wing dolly (left) ready for attachment and a tail dolly (right) being used for glider transport.,0 +"maneuvers requires practice. Another benefit of practice is that as the learner gains proficiency in a skill, verbal instructions become ",9 +"airspeeds in wings-level flight, the flaps can sometimes be ",9 +"pressure and low pressure spools, are generally referred to as ",9 +by effects of water injection. ,9 +due to the excessive Kollsman window setting ,9 +"applicant attends for, or submits to, an examination. ",9 +Cognitive Stage ,7 +eral elements. ,3 +a sequence that avoids work overload. As a pilot gains ,9 +都道府県知事は、法第十二条の二第二項の規定により、第一項の報告書の内容をイ,3 +früheren Halter eines Fahrzeugs zu speichern.,9 +"zu können, ist auf Antrag zuzulassen, dass der Antragsteller, statt eine Verpflichtung nach Absatz 2",9 +least one domain listed in Section 4 above; ,3 +Participating pilots operating VFR in a,9 +Gliederung der Berufsausbildung,7 +Angaben für die jeweils frequenzabhängige Mindestnutzfeldstärke sind für TV-analog der ITU‑R BT.417,9 +§ 32 Speicherung der Halterdaten in den Fahrzeugregistern,7 +of information about existing meteorological ,3 +FIGURE 2-4. EXAMPLES OF A MULTIPLE GRAPPLE HOOK INSTALLATION ,0 +当該廃棄作業室に気体状の医療用放射性汚染物の広がりを防止するフー,3 +International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ,7 +between that line and any other line is ½-inch. ,3 +運送証その他船荷証券に準ずるものを含む。)により運送されたもの(第三号及び,3 +"Station 206""",6 +Shipment Type 3,7 +This service has been implemented at certain,9 +Operational ,6 +CHAPTER VII ,7 +section 145(,9 +piles of circular cross section shall have a minimum of 6 No. longitudinal reinforcement bars. Bars ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of September 1, 1959] ",7 +committee of Congress; and ,9 +feeding drills.,3 +"When Controller Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDLC) exists for an ARTCC, the text CPDLC (LOGON KUSA) will be ",9 +"Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade Control Order prior to the revision ",3 + After Item 6 insert— ,9 +in the interests of— ,3 +Zulassungsbedürftige Betriebe nach § 17 Absatz 2 werden auf Antrag für die beabsichtigte Tätigkeit von der,9 +The president of,9 +"fast ascent rate, the pilot should set up for the lift off by having ",9 +"through the air. If the helicopter is hovering in a wind,",9 +Template used to ,5 +to fall out during opening.,9 +JURISDICTION AND FUNCTIONS ,7 +Roles and Responsibilities ,7 +"normal idling speed, but not high enough to cause",9 +"province), Naguilian, Palanan, Reina Mercedes, San Pablo, Santa Maria, Santiago,",9 +Helpdesk (see contact details in the above referred e-Submission Quick Guide) as soon as possible. ,1 +COMPLY WITH ANY ATC CLEARANCE OR,9 +location or within 100km ,9 + Usually ,9 +REPAIR PARTS LIST ,7 +"Figure 16-7,",9 +adding filler to the melting edges when there is a gap. Tacking ,9 +II.24 POLITIQUE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ,7 +of any part of the authorised works (or in such other timeframe as may be agreed between Cadent ,9 +that gives the most pertinent information for a particular ,9 +"in the shoulder note, for “Regulation 21(3)” substitute “Regulation 21”; ",3 +"on conviction on information, to custody for a term not exceeding 2 years or to a ",3 +terrain features.,3 +次に掲げる要件を満たす汚染検査室(人体又は作業衣、履物、保護具等人体に,3 +The expendable part of the load of the airplane. ,9 +screen and metering elements. The most dangerous impact ice ,9 +or parts of the ,3 +auch bei den anderen Kategorien anzugeben;,3 +vidual may only serve in the qualifying position and 1 or more ,9 +INSPECTION CODE OF THE,7 +"LNAV, LNAV/VNAV and Circling Minimums ",7 +〔平成二十五年九月十三日政令第二百六十七号〕,7 +Differential Voltage,7 +Exhaust Gas Temperature Indicator (EGT),7 +Figure 7-13.,0 +"pesos, the property of any fisherman, by the lawful use of which he",3 +[Figure 5-24],9 +crack open the acetylene cylinder valve until the needle on ,9 +"of neglect or misconduct in office, or that any person, firm ",9 +through short ducts directly behind the fan.,0 +Article II.18.2. The ,9 +consume Application Management services across a 12-month period. It explains ,3 +SIDEWARD FLIGHT,7 +Fahrschülerausbildung nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2,7 +"entgegen Artikel 34 Absatz 1 Satz 3 ein Schaublatt oder eine Fahrerkarte verwendet,",3 +Obstacles to Maintaining Situational Awareness,7 +"Schedule No 8: Roads, Landscaping and Fences",7 +applying sufficient power to cushion the subsequent ,9 +This determines the width of the flats and the bend allowance. ,9 +Alternate Types of Wings ,7 +—dynamic simulator ,9 +Rechtsform),9 +"flight schools/training centers, and airmen including pilots ",9 +"the adjustment factor for each one. For example, suppose you ",9 +Vierter Abschnitt,7 +II.21.6. Interim payments and payment of the balance ,7 +APs typically have a control panel for mode selection ,3 +Two discharge assemblies,3 +"proposed by the undertaker, reasonably requires the removal of any apparatus and gives written ",9 +the calculated times. ,9 + In regulation 69 (exercise of maritime enforcement powers)— ,9 +Work No.97,9 +Figure 2-10. ,0 +That more than one contract should be signed if the joint offer is successful,3 +"not equipped with flaps, or if the spoilers are inoperative. ",9 +"setting, and aircraft configuration in order to develop a ",9 +"with the final zero omitted. The heading indicator, also called ",9 +"from entering a unit, because the magneto is subject to ",9 +"matters, with a curriculum vitae of a person to be that representative director: ",3 +Quiz/e-interaction with participants – 2 formats: online and ,7 +Deployment Type,8 +", reference must be inserted ",9 +Ground Reconnaissance,7 +can cause a helicopter to self-destruct in a matter of seconds. ,9 +エックス線装置及びエックス線診療室のエックス線障害の防止に関する構造設備,3 +Meßstellenliste 02_05_2012.xls,4 +"vector, the vectoring nozzle up and down by 20°. This makes ",9 +JET BLAST- The rapid air movement produced by ,9 +"necessary for course alignment and/or descent, the",9 +"type, which controls fuel flow to match engine airflow. The ",9 +Transition to Visual Flight,7 +nal which shall consist of a Chairman and not less than two ,3 +The presolo stage or phase of private pilot training is comprised of several basic building blocks. These blocks of ,0 +Installation,7 +"area, direction of the wind, and surface conditions. Surface ",9 +医療に係る安全管理のための委員会(以下「医療安全管理委員会」という。)を,3 +"New buildings shall not be used for sanitary accommodation, mess-rooms or other accommodation ",9 +incl. identification & briefing,7 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 +The optimum airspeed,3 +Our VFR emergency procedure is to.............................,6 +1.9. При нахождении детей и молодежи на объектах более 4 часов,9 +showing the ,9 +Ignition System ,7 + Change 2 ,4 +power/high pitch altitude),6 +On a regular basis an updated of the initial list provided by ECDC will be provided ,8 +イからハまでに掲げるエックス線装置以外のエックス線装置にあつては、エッ,3 +Operations and maintenance instructions. ,3 +the contract.,3 +Interpolation ,7 +Concept to be elaborated including a structure and agenda of the roundtable with suggestions ,3 +such investigations by taking oral evidence of reputed,9 +STRATEGIC PLANNING ,7 +Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake),7 + consists of territory in north-central Luzon and,9 +"respect of an offence under these Regulations, or ",3 +ending with the date of the determination of the person’s entitlement to victims’ ,3 +"main parachutes, and related components, which can be ",9 +importing specified products that belong to one classification of notification are ,3 +め、下水道、浄化槽その他の排水処理施設の整備その他必要な措置を講ずるよう努め,3 +Frigo SR 600 AC3,8 +"the profiles foreseen in the FWC666,",3 +"The initial communication, and if considered",9 +the pitch attitude that allows it to accelerate to V$_{Y}$. This is ,9 +Empfehlungen an den sommerlichen Wärmeschutz/baulichen Sonnenschutz,7 +flight from the termination point of a departure procedure ,9 +"airframes. Plastic cans also do not sweat, and do not need to ",9 +toutes les langues officielles de l'Union européenne; ,3 +terms of the contract. ,6 +Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) or a Preferred IFR ,9 +within 10 days from placing the new registration ,9 +completed repair match existing structure and aircraft ,3 +Supplemental Study Materials for Aircraft Weight and Balance,7 +Airport Pavement Markings,7 +Reciprocating Engine Lubricants,7 +§ 4 Berufsausbildung in überbetrieblichen Ausbildungsstätten,7 +Scarf joint.,9 +" requires adaptations, the contractor ",3 +Lebenslanges Lernen,7 +"During the process of electromagnetic induction, the value of ",9 +"This handbook supersedes FAA-H-8261-16A, Instrument Procedures Handbook, dated 2015. It is designed as a technical ",9 +"when occasion arises, and such justices of the peace shall apply to him and not the",9 +designator transmitted at frequent regular intervals. The ILS ,9 +tire at an approved repair station and return it to service. A ,9 +binding tape with new. Stitch down the loose end of ,3 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 3 ,7 +CG inches from datum = LEMAC + ,6 +centerline. The pilot must then apply rudder pressure firmly ,9 +ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ,10 +"at an altitude high enough that, if a malfunction occurs, there ",9 +"oder nicht vor Fahrtantritt vornimmt,",3 +Rischi per la Salute e la Sicurezza dei Lavoratori ,7 +Characteristics of a Well-Planned Lesson,7 +(INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST) ,7 +developed for the particular make and model airplane. ,9 +or other types of swaged cable ends that are satisfactory. A ,9 +Air flow from vacuum pump,6 +whether it is “required””; ,3 +Reported in Previous Years,7 +CONTROLLED AIRSPACE,7 +er as the Governor-General shall,9 +Bridgeport,6 +Anlieferungszeiten des Lagers ,7 +CherryBUCK$^{®}$ 95 KSI One-Piece Shear Pin ,7 +components in the deice system are de-energized. Discharge ,9 +RESOURCE ALLOCATION ,7 +Specific tendering information for this procedure ,7 +Source: http://www.gov.cn/banshi/2005-07/11/content_13695.htm,9 +amounts of additional fuel. ,9 +"Repairs, Alterations, and ",7 +[Figure 5-1],9 +",",9 +"correction angle, as necessary. The remainder of the climb ",9 +of information,3 +and the deflate valve energizes and closes. Pressurized air ,9 +"accessories, or structural members.",3 +able to withstand the loads.,9 +Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers,7 +"multifaceted, and involve an active process. ",9 +the aircraft’s attitude and sink rate at touchdown. When the ,9 + Describe how supplier processes and outputs comply with system ,3 +"‘‘(A) conduct a review of the Fund under this section, ",9 +Animal Act (1977) is used to manage and control livestock diseases including ,9 +Crew racing to every potential landing site may drive ,3 +"Commission, they will be processed solely for the purposes of the monitoring of the ",9 +"company-specified criteria, and all deficiencies have been resolved. ",3 +"(iii) it refuses requests under the items of Article 12-10, paragraph (2) without ",3 +までの項の中欄に掲げる貨物(核兵器等を除く。)とする。,3 +"permitted by the manufacturer, replace with new components. ",9 +QUARANTINES ,7 +§ 3 Abschlusszahlungen für 2015,7 +Reciprocating Engine Exhaust Systems,7 +utilize a power source from another radio in the avionics ,9 +and VSI. Trapped static pressure causes the altimeter to ,9 +Class C airspace areas have a procedural Outer Area.,9 +PERSONAL DATA AND CONFIDENTIALITY ,7 +Flying Experience,7 +〔昭和三十五年六月二十日政令第百六十三号〕,7 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +Helping students learn,6 +motion is reduced simply through the increased area of the ,9 +Spring-Back,7 +training and carried through the pilot’s entire flying career. ,9 +FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Weather and Obstructions to Vision.,3 +The exposed part of the pile shall be in good condition without damage or distortion. ,3 +" Flight Over Charted U.S. Wildlife Refuges, ",7 +Mesosphere,6 +"function, and a description is included here as a foundation for ",9 +is evidenced by a rise in cylinder head tempera- ,9 +potentially,9 +ただし、経済産業大臣が自らその権限を行うことを妨げない。,3 +that reimbursements are possible and to the extent that they are expressly permitted. ,9 +A situation which would probably have resulted in a collision if no,3 +Square Canopy—Rib Repair,7 +"widely in many types of aircraft to measure carburetor air, ",9 +"slats, or other materials under the skis to help prevent",9 +contractant en collaboration avec le service du Secrétariat qui gère le contrat-cadre (ci-,3 +Use of Aircraft Lights,7 +контейнеры,9 +the pilot must establish and maintain the proper amount of ,9 +had set a world duration record of flying his motorless craft ,9 +or licence required,3 +freeze at the altitude where the blockage occurred. In the case ,9 +einem geeigneten ,3 +takeoff distance graph. It takes into consideration pressure ,9 +made to the aircraft flightpath and speed.,9 +travel by car: at the rate of one first class rail ticket for the same journey and on the ,3 +Manual (AFM) contains any corrections that must be applied ,9 +bold terms defined in the Agreement have the same meaning when used in this Contract; ,3 +challenges and other activities ,7 +Inventory,9 +neither the purpose nor the effect of suspending the time-limit for launching an action for ,9 +"darüber, dass keine berufsbezogenen verwaltungsrechtlichen und strafrechtlichen Sanktionen gegen den",9 +Details of licensed marine activities ,7 +"Halbsatz, Nummer 2, 3 und 6 und Absatz 2 genannten Voraussetzungen weggefallen ist.",9 +Stabilator components. ,0 +"the balloon below has the right of way, the higher balloon ",9 +"be for a pilot to forget the first day he or she soloed. This is a significant day in any pilot’s training, so when the information was ",9 +f either selecting one ,9 +ANGLE OF ATTACK,7 +there is evidence that dredging has previously been undertaken to that level (or lower) ,3 +"way to the launch site, but most crew briefings are done at ",9 +la fourniture de pièces et/ou d'équipements dont la valeur unitaire est inférieure ou égale ,3 +Crew oxygen cylinder located in ,6 +Capacity flask,6 +time of tender. The costs to be charged in making such seizure and sale shall only,9 +not insure that the ,9 +weight of conductors required. A compromise is ,3 +[2120-1.],9 +PARKING/POSTFLIGHT,7 +WEIGHT LIMITATIONS,7 +determine,9 +] delivered as part of the Framework contract ,7 +II.20.8 Intérêts de retard ,7 +after the definition of “the North Northamptonshire Councils” insert— ,3 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +"a simple temperature reading device, or connected to a hot ",9 +Fuel Selectors ,7 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +gewerblichen ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 346 of November 7, 2016] ",7 +Operating procedures ,7 +deice is required. Larger aircraft with more complex ,9 +final approach course. The gate will be established ,9 +and Notaries Public,7 +"der Regel zu erwarten, wenn die Höhe der Kalamitätsnutzung",9 +using the winds aloft forecast and considering Pensacola ,9 +collision incidents occur in good visual flight rules (VFR) ,9 +the relative wind like a dart. The unique design of the WSC ,9 +Airspeed Indicator (ASI),7 +necessary duties and taxes,3 +Active clearance control. A system for controlling the ,9 +"basket. It is imperative that the crew clears the basket, and ",9 +Conducting ,9 +visual interception with the runway to move progressively ,9 +Umlagefähige Kosten; Umlagejahr,3 +Article 33 - ,7 +is a special report that can be given at any time to update the METAR for rapidly changing ,3 +in cases where two or more EU Member States have been affected. This work also contributes to the ,9 +the proposed Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout and extending in a north-easterly ,9 +High altitude flying can place a pilot in danger of becoming ,9 +"taxi to the parking area, are all important briefing items. ",9 +"Regulations are proportionate to what they seek to achieve, which is a public health response to ",9 +в следующей редакции:,9 +"rate of speed, and ground track, but the collective and pedals ",9 +ATC Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) ................14-24,8 +"the rubber, yet allows it to stretch. The energy in a stretched ",9 +"nature of the personal data breach including where possible, the categories and approximate ",3 +"(ix) affairs pertaining to permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 6-2, ",3 +Magnetos cannot be hermetically sealed to prevent moisture ,9 +"insurance and/or bonding company, an irrevocable letter of credit or a cash deposit made with the ",3 +is not sufficient to fulfil the required minimum levels of capacity. Abstract commitments that ,9 +Gas turbine engine speeds are measured by the engines ,9 +attached to the outside of the parachute stowage container (pack). The marking/placard may ,9 +"complete engine kits that are assembled, in the field or can ",9 +"Thorough knowledge of aircraft performance data, normal ",9 +II.26 LOI APPLICABLE ET RÈGLEMENT DES LITIGES ,7 +level of protection as its own ,3 +Europol Public Information,7 +of the coils in the indicator. This alters the magnetic field ,9 +the documentary evidence for selection criteria. ,3 +it is perfectly round.,9 +The Terminal Weather Information for,7 +I.1.4. Costs of transfer ,7 +"obstacles or to pass quickly through an adverse wind, and ",9 +Feststellung über die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung der Vermögenszuordnung gemäß den §§ 44ff. des,9 +II.4.1.10 Certificate of conformity ,7 +Zulassungsverfahren,7 +[175-19.],9 +Mode d'établissement des prix ,7 +Abschnitt 1,7 +"(except life, marine, inland, and fire insurance), and on all bonds,",3 +Not inconveniencing his relatives waiting on the ,3 +Protection of Retained Trees ,7 +APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM-,7 +Discussion.,9 +"this reaction is not their primary function. In some cases, ",9 +Reattach the bottom of the pilot chute to the spring ,3 +Airport Surface Detection Equipment,7 +of the RFM. Examples include reduced V$_{NE}$ when doors are ,9 +invitations/submissions) ,3 +§ 50 Weitere Anwendung von Vorschriften,7 +Transmission Lines,7 +"again turns the fuel solenoid on, the burner starts again. ",9 +GitHub or other public code repository under EUPL. ,9 +Understanding Communication on a Common Frequency ,7 +собственности,9 +draw a line on the chart from the point of departure to the ,9 +FDs may use a “two cue” presentation known as a ,3 +one of the official languages,9 +"now at its second version and hereinafter referred to as SSD2, complemented by the ",9 +subcontractors must sign and date the declaration on Exclusion criteria. Only the ,3 +during the first ,9 +be made within the period of 12 months beginning with the date on which the worsening ,3 +Group control ,7 +satisfied; ,3 +"гражданство либо вид на жительство или иной действительный документ,",9 +The freight forwarder/logistics partner will not become Europol’s contractor. It is the responsibility of the ,9 +augment engine cooling flow (ejector exhaust) ,9 +of the variation of power required with ,9 +forget the housing loop.,3 +"“north up,” “track up,” “DTK” (desired track up), and ",9 +Under the engineering system the formula is-,9 +repair to the surface substrate. Touchup may also be used to ,9 +"statements as required in the procurement documents, shall be contacted by the contracting ",9 +electrical current at low engine rpm to operate the entire ,9 +Turbine rotor,6 +thereof; and ,3 +ENLARGEMENT AREA,8 +a subsequent fill-and-fair operation. Co-cured skins may ,9 +(See CENTER TRACON AUTOMATION ,9 +газопроводы,9 +forward speed of the helicopter.,9 +locking pin. ,3 +"2002, other than solely by virtue of regulation 39(2) of those Regulations, ",3 +GA System Operation,7 +Figure E-2 ,9 +Nicht-zerstörende Prüfung: normale Einfach-Stichprobenprüfung,3 +Erstattung überzahlter Umlagebeträge,3 +of connecting the shaft to the turbine disk vary. ,9 +Initial TEMP ,7 +Allgemeines Wohngebiet (WA),7 +to the horizon bar for the particular airplane while on ,3 +"by reference to the other bank instruments, then center",9 +The packing method must be specified and the identical packing method must be used for all of ,9 +the tenderer still fulfils the selection criteria and the new subcontractor fulfils the ,3 +FDC NOTAMs ,7 +Exemptions ,7 +Record of concreting ,7 +in the middle. ,9 +Award of the contract ,7 +beneficial to the independent instructor.,9 +entgegen Artikel 34 Absatz 1 Satz 1 ein Schaublatt oder eine Fahrerkarte nicht oder nicht rechtzeitig,3 +copies of the ,3 +ties include: safety regulations; airspace management,9 +Sie können diese Ermächtigung durch Rechtsverordnung auf die oberste Landesstraßenbaubehörde übertragen.,9 + (here after referred to as FoodEx2). ,9 +the specific part of the ICT Governance that is excepted. Often this takes ,3 +Improper loading decreases the effic ency and performance of ,9 +Pay particular attention to the ring area to which the ,3 +Bureau of Science.,9 +Detailed description; ,3 +to the office of prov,9 +well-defined basis. ,3 +The NOT Gate,7 +"Lands, be given a certificate authorizing him to make surveys as contemplated in",9 +"Einrichtungen des Navigationsfunkdienstes über Satelliten (Richtung Weltraum – Weltraum), die in den",3 +Republic. ,9 +Java and Knime for data reporting tools. ,3 +"Zweck, im Falle der Kategorie ""Quellengesichert"" zusätzlich der Hinweis ""nicht für forstliche Zwecke"";",3 +Abschnitt 5,7 +permanently resident in the United Kingdom. ,3 +Figure 5-42,9 +"Should any unforeseen event, action or omission directly or indirectly hamper ",3 +Généralités ,7 +The contractor must ensure that the ,3 +warranty must,9 +Une réduction des prix peut être imposée avec des dommages-intérêts dans les conditions de ,9 +Holding in Lieu of Procedure Turn,7 +厚生労働大臣は、登録分析機関が次の各号のいずれかに該当するとき,3 +control valves or brake metering valves and use a separate ,9 +"necessario, quest'ultimo chiede a sua volta il consenso del ",9 +Il presente paragrafo è compilato dalla Commissione in fase di gara e i contenuti verificati dal ,9 +Jurisdiction ,3 +User-Defined Waypoints ,7 +the supplies provided by the contractor to the contracting authority as a sample or model; ,3 +gauge heavier.,6 +ratio configuration at an excessively low air- ,9 +The Contractor’s network partner to arrange technician with in-house service or external provider;,3 +Declaration on honour on ,7 +"verhältnismäßig zu teilen. Sind die Kosten gegeneinander aufgehoben, so fallen die Gerichtskosten jedem Teil",9 +"execute the placing, installation, bedding, packing, removal, connection or disconnection ",3 +proper training from a certificated and properly rated rigger ,9 +"levels are raised. For example, the pressure level at which ",9 +value not exceeding seventy-five pesos.,3 +"identifier code, or if unknown, the airport name.",9 +May be operated at night if the aircraft is equipped per ,3 +"system meeting the requirements of Article 148 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the ",9 +"established by Union law, national law and collective agreements or by the ",3 +DISPOSIZIONI FISCALI: Il Centro Comune di Ricerca della Commissione Europea ,3 +challenges and other activities ,7 +Contractor’s security contact point has adequate,9 +II.1. DEFINITIONS ,7 +Wind Patterns ,7 +Piston moves down,6 +"country, unless the operator holds valid FAA Part 129",9 +movement of the flight deck controls.,9 +", ",9 +When two-way radio,9 +The main disadvantage with this method is that the press only ,9 +"is a factor in a successful flare, but the visual cues ",9 + – The construction of flood mitigation area (3) with a perimeter of approximately ,9 + (film) of ,6 +"VFR, or DVFR) that enters U.S. territorial airspace",9 +judgment decisions. Professionals cannot limit ,3 +Rischi per la Salute e la Sicurezza dei Lavoratori ,7 +Instance of said Province,9 +"Upper and lower skins of canopy, all load and non-load ",3 +compensate for wind drift.,9 +Produits dangereux ,3 +"Frequenzbereichen 1 215 – 1 300 MHz und 1 559 – 1 610 MHz betrieben werden, können gegenüber",3 +should check the ground track frequently and adjust the wind ,9 +"Unternehmen, auf das ein Ausschlussgrund zutrifft oder das ein maßgebliches Auswahlkriterium ",9 +"As Table 5 indicates, most check points were deficient in many aspects, from a ",9 +[Figure 13-6],3 +No management response. ,7 +percent thrust change decal (EPR),3 +information is listed in the Inoperative Components Table found ,9 +these devices swirl downward assisting maintenance of the ,9 +Terminal Procedures Publications,7 +(Taxes and other public charges decided after rescission of authorization for ,9 +power circuit breaker shall clear the fault.,9 +should be stable and not allow ,9 +is a decrease in power when the mixture control is moved ,9 +Public Law 116–28 ,10 +Accounts and Accounting,7 +‘‘SUBCHAPTER III—CHILDREN OF CERTAIN KOREA AND THAILAND SERVICE VETERANS ,7 +"In Figure 7-34 on page 7-35, the label pointing to the rudder should read, “Rudder ",3 + Draft contract and annexes,3 +This improvement allows the pilot to always know the ,9 +thoroughness of the preflight planning. The evening before ,9 +crystallization,9 +requires the pilot(s) to obtain and maintain a high,9 +"S.I. 2002/253, amended by S.I. 2019/593. S.I. 2019/593 was amended by S.I. 2020/1394; there are other amending ",1 +results from the reduction in air density. Bad weather and ,9 +Pressure change in past 3 hours: ,6 +The Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 ,7 + Engine Instruments ,7 +protective pads must be put in the proper place so that no ,9 +"less, 1.0 milligray or less per hour at a distance of 5 centimeters from the ",3 +Botswana Energy Regulatory Authority (BERA) ,7 +"require the turn to be completed at a constant radius, the pilot ",9 +clearance between the rolls to prevent flattening the fold. If ,9 +safety program requirements and engineering architecture artifacts.,3 +Other Requirements ,7 +drag and thrust ,3 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +jets and turboprop aircraft employ a generator and starter ,9 +Opportunities:,7 +"A closing control is provided, however, to force the ",9 +"31 августа 2020 г., регистрационный № 59598), абзац четвертый изложить",9 +FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT [ICAO]- That ,9 +The Councils and Secretary,7 +Taxi lights ,3 +disclosed? ,7 +Verfahrenshandlungen vorzunehmen. Die Verhandlung wird zeitgleich in Bild und Ton an diesen Ort und in das,9 +Handel zugelassen oder in den Freiverkehr einbezogen sind. Bei der Bemessung des Umlagebetrages ist,9 +in the event gates happen to be unmanned (due to bad weather conditions and ,3 +"and Industry No. 39 of July 30, 1983] ",7 +—control ,9 +⦁ $_{Cancel the flight. }$,3 +あらかじめ、次に掲げる事項を記載した届出書を提出することによつて行うものとす,3 +有关规定支付逾期利息。 ,9 +Time (UTC) which places the entire world on one time ,9 +"flight. While on the ground, the engine may be used as",9 +Satelliten (passiv) auf sekundärer Basis zugewiesen.,3 +to the edge. ,9 +(AFS-750): ,9 +length between brackets; example: 156 (2m). ,9 +Financial Evaluation ,7 +[82-79; 1791-19.],9 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +"water separating funnel, ensure the funnel is grounded ",3 +ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 1,7 +Normal shock wave. ,9 +Description of the services LOT 3: COVID-19 vaccine-related studies in ,7 + who being present does not use his utmost endeavor to,9 +the use of electricity. Outflow valves that combine the use ,9 +conductors reduces the resistance and therefore the I2 ,3 +"angle, keeping it under control with some effort, and completes the turn 80 feet higher than started. ",9 +"wobei als Stichtag für die Qualifizierung als Neukonto der 1. Juli 2014 anzusetzen ist, sowie",3 +the reinforcing tread or protector ply is penetrated. The same ,9 +I.5.1. Vorfinanzierung ,7 +COMMON ERRORS,7 +The associated lines and components for each pump are ,9 +Vibrazioni ,8 +"typically can match that of the spinning rotor, unlike the ",9 +any sewer which is so vested or is the subject of a notice of intention to adopt given under ,3 +Remove the clamps securing the bleed-air ducts at the firewall. ,9 +Rigger—mains ,3 +lieutenant-governors in the Mountain Province shall not be in excess of four,9 + in the tender documentation per award criterion ,3 +Setting the maximum range of travel of the various ,3 +Lay the leg strap out flat.,3 +〔昭和二十九年四月十日政令第七十七号〕,7 +assigned to the southwest border. ,9 +Maximum Performance Takeoff,7 +LAV call light/,6 +"If uninjured,",9 +journalists and experts ,7 +"Acquisition strategies vary among investment programs. As a result, the SRM documentation ",9 +Enter the destination airport,9 +"manufacturer, ",3 +until all air bubbles are removed.,3 +letters “PA” and Hawaii identifiers always begin with the letters “PH.” Station identifiers can ,3 +Aborted Landings,7 +FAA Reference Material ,7 +adherence to specific procedures. ,9 +"= 10,500 lbs./hr. ",9 +approach segment. ,9 +We use firewalls to protect our internet connection,3 +[Figure 10-20],9 +Rechts im Sinne des Infrastrukturgesellschaftserrichtungsgesetzes. Der Erlaubnisnehmer hat auf Verlangen der,9 +an intercept maneuver of the next flight segment or direct ,9 +Section 2: Regulatory Framework ,3 +Security requirements for ECHA,7 +事業者に関するものは、その事務所、事業場、店舗又は倉庫の所在地を管轄する経済,3 +"selsyn system. Usually, the transmitter magnet is larger than ",9 +" Pressure of air that is still, or not moving, ",9 +repair nationwide. A mistake during landing often ,3 +В федеральном государственном,9 +and reserve static line (RSL) systems. These devices allow ,9 +engine oil cooler.,9 +Combustion Drain Valves,7 +"damage (end fittings, outer casing, and kinks).",3 +"totalmente esente da diritti, imposte e tasse in applicazione delle disposizioni della Legge 1 ",9 + ATO Audit and Assessment Programs ,5 +The contracting authority must notify the contractor (or leader in case of a joint tender) as soon as possible of ,9 +There is nothing wrong with telling a controller that you are ,9 +"Für Umlagepflichtige der Gruppe Wertpapierdienstleistungsunternehmen und Anlageverwalter, die nicht das",9 +processor and surface/upper air data from the nearest representative monitoring station. ,3 +anticipated service life without the occurrence ,9 +"location. If the glider is in a precarious position, secure it, if ",9 +secured to the posts at 0.30 m intervals along the height of the posts and the chain link fence shall be ,9 +"Kenntnisse der Nachbearbeitung der Druckplatten,",3 +reviewing,9 +what sometimes appears to be total darkness. A takeoff,9 +〔昭和五十八年十二月十日通商産業省令第九十二号〕,7 +Temporary stopping up and restriction of use of streets ,3 +the climb rate performance with the curves of ,9 +another. Since the movement of electrons is called electric ,9 +that revising provisions set forth in the following items come into effect as of ,3 +the electrical system for its source of energy includes: ,9 +Explanation Phase ,7 +Wind direction.,9 +"by a “single cue,” commonly known as a “vee bar,” ",3 +Organise transport (,7 + Ground Effect,7 +Enhanced Situational Awareness ,7 +specifications and other contract documents. The contractor may purchase additional ,3 +A decrease ,9 +movement of the control system.,3 +"relazione, ",9 +Miscellaneous Provisions,7 +the Republic of Turkey,3 +understand,9 +II.13.7. Moral rights of creators ,7 +Königreich Dänemark über die gemeinsame Fischerei in der,10 +You may reserve a special N-number from the List of ,9 +"(closed and hazardous areas), and holding positions",9 +Assessment by a health care professional ,7 +provided Europol has given its prior written authorisation: ,3 + A length of new highway proposed to be constructed and to be unclassified and known as ,9 +“SFA” in the DOD FLIP IFR Supplement under ,9 +peller operate on a much greater mass flow. ,9 +or damaged. ,3 +and privilege taxes for which they shall have become liable.,9 +"in the case where the provisions of the same paragraph are applied, deeming ",3 +Termination ,7 +Cables individually run and direct mounted on walls or ceilings must only be installed after building trades and ,9 +"contract, the provisions then in force remain applicable. ",9 +Describe the System and the NAS Change ,7 +situation,6 +of intended landing at the end of a cross-country flight,3 +regulatory Guidance,7 +Informationen zur Erhebung von personenbezogenen Daten nach Artikel 13 und 14 der Verordnung ,7 +Abwasserstationsanlage,7 +§ 1 Berufsbild,7 + See instrument landing system.,9 +の患者をいう。以下同じ。)に対し請求する金額が、社会保険診療報酬と同一の,3 +CSA 22.2 N 142 ,3 +The NOT Gate,7 +Additional travel costs such as costs for local public transport and/or taxi will be covered by the ,3 +There are advantages to using both metal and plastic ,9 +業務を適正に行う能力のある者の基準は、次のとおりとする。ただし、クリーニング,3 +"available through a remote communication outlet (RCO), or ",9 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +"non-resident prescribed in Article 6, paragraph (1), item (vi) (Definitions) ",9 +) for which ,9 +"as shaft power. In this sense, the turboprop ",9 +Assessments,9 +Meetings of the Project Steering Committee ,7 +engine mass flow is given a large increase in ,9 +"3, 16 - 23 и 25 - 29 пункта 2",9 +then in force remain applicable. ,3 +in percent of mean aerodynamic chord (MAC). The location ,9 +"⦁ $_{Critical—severe injury, major damage }$",3 +von Bedeutung ist. Bei der Auswahl der Aufgabe sollen Vorschläge des Prüfungsteilnehmers berücksichtigt,9 +– optisch-variables Element in Form eines Kinegrams (Motiv: „Sonne 40“ – gesetzlich geschützt für,3 +provisional,3 +独立行政法人通則法(平成十一年法律第百三号)第二条第一項に規定する独立行,3 +) is amended as ,9 +[Figure 4-31],9 +"centerline. Because of this, the angle of convergence",9 +Salary and allowances of President ,7 +Lesson Plans ,7 +a descent speed. The ultimate goal is to calculate a top‑of‑,9 +"shall be a member of the city council, and who shall, during the absence of the",9 +Airplane Attitude Instrument Flying Using an ,8 +Intellectual Property Right (IPR) ,7 +Anlage 4 (zu § 1 Abs. 4 des Gesetzes),7 +Organise transport (,7 +accurate weather information are the NWS website located at,9 +"For mechanical installations, the manual shall further as a minimum include: ",9 +Sky Condition.,3 +upper part of the beam and red segment in the lower,9 +"at a constant value. Meanwhile, the only flight instrument ",9 +the topic.,9 +High Reconnaissance,7 +input from an ADC and a flight data computer. The ADC ,9 +a distance of 3 times the width of the pile measured from each end of the pile the volume of ,3 +〔平成二十五年四月十日政令第百二十号〕,7 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +—Draft Environmental Impact Statement ,9 +"to the remoted participants (for hybrid and ""online +"" activities) ",3 +begin the outbound turn immediately after passing,9 +[Figure 15-5] ,9 +engine kits. Also included are how to determine service and ,9 +rotation and completely unfeather the propeller.) If fuel and ,9 +Source: http://www.gov.cn/banshi/2005-07/11/content_13695.htm,4 +〔平成二十四年七月十九日政令第百九十三号〕,7 +Failing to maintain proper airspeed during the climb.,3 +"at the rate applied by the European Central Bank to its main refinancing transactions in euro, as ",3 +"all conveyances, deeds, instruments, or writings, other than",3 +Communal Forests,7 +An die Stelle des Kennzeichens tritt das Ausfuhrkennzeichen. Es besteht aus dem Unterscheidungszeichen,3 +"other words, to derive highest efficiency and ",9 +M_SRMGSA_202003 ,4 +With the prior,9 +‘‘(c) DUTIES.—The team described in subsection (a) may— ,9 +[Figure 13-6],3 +Checking and Safetying the System,7 +autorotative,9 +"2(1) and 3 of, and paragraph 3(a) of Schedule 2 and paragraph 9 of Schedule 3 to, the Public ",9 +propeller is electrically controlled. It may also result in the ,9 +"Figure 16-13,",9 +ROLLING MOMENT COEFFICIENT ,6 +case/package,9 +surveillance capabilities. ,9 +of such master file are updated during the time such master ,9 +"quantities of not less than one bottle, and of such liquors as are kept in bulk, to sell",9 +Figure 14-16,9 +Generator Controls for High Output Generators,7 +Use of Checklists,7 +[Figure 5-57],9 +the oil pressure flow. This action makes the oil pressure ,9 +"training experiences might stimulate forgetfulness or avoidance. When presented correctly, SBT provides immediate positive ",9 +II.13.9. Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +aircraft manufacturer’s maintenance handbook. Insulation or ,9 +and the possibility of a ,9 +§ 2 Erwerbsmöglichkeit des Pächters landwirtschaftlicher Flächen,7 +by manipulating electric signals through the logic gates. ,9 +"(altitude permitting), and reverse course in order to",9 +maximum of two representatives per tender may attend the opening session. For organisational and security ,9 +Section 3 ,5 +travel by car: at the rate of one first class rail ticket for the same journey and on the ,3 +Handling of all payment procedures ,9 +The ripcord housing must be reinstalled and tacked.,3 +Figure 8-5. ,0 +the thickness of the plywood. A splayed patch is not ,9 +Warning Areas ,7 +action to rectify the situation.,3 +" to the full extent provided for by this contract, and ",3 +procurement ,9 +be replaced.,9 +"programs, including making payments under the Head Start Act: ",9 +of touchdown may easily be three or four times the actual ,9 +PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +Submission phase (before the time-limit for receipt of tenders) ,7 +Inducing a current flow.,0 +RevId J4mwy 1ws ,4 +affirmative vote of a majority of its members. It shall keep a record of its,9 +permits convenient ducting directly to the impeller eye ,9 +Article 14 In order to prevent infectious diseases relating to inland waters ,3 +the traffic as seen by the pilot of aircraft “A” would be,9 +"Auszubildende ausbilden und Mitarbeiter führen kann sowie über entsprechende fachliche, methodische und",9 +§ 33 Übermittlung von Daten an das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt,7 +- verification that each tender has been submitted in accordance with the submission ,9 +The cylindrical parts of most straight reamers are not cutting ,9 +Anti-Skid System Maintenance,7 +"box. Two opposite sides of the box are bent first. Then, the ",9 +"that no matter how skilled you become with the avionics, ",9 +Short-Term Memory (STM) ,7 +metal and composite wing spars retain the I-beam concept ,9 +Perform dryrun reserve inspection and repack to airworthy standards meeting all FAA requirements,3 +TWIP Image of Convective Weather ,0 +спортивных,9 +doit immédiatement informer le,7 +Project team ,7 +SEC. 207. IMPROVING ALL-HAZARDS PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE ,7 +Declaration(s) on honour. ,3 +"business in one or more municipalities, one-fifth of the franchise tax",3 +inserting ‘‘same active moiety’’; ,9 +Title of Chapter,7 +for sub-paragraph (g) substitute— ,3 +“cross pointer system.” These two presentations ,3 +psychological problems. The following learner reactions are indicative of abnormal reactions to stress. None of them provides an ,9 +flying should be restricted in the vicinity of the event for reasons of public safety and security. ,9 +Abschnitt A Nr. 1.4 ,3 +Minimum Factors ,7 +issued to an authorised supplier pursuant to paragraph 3 must also include a separate ,9 +Identification:,6 +Airports (Continued),7 +Where the contractor is a public body the obligation for a financial guarantee may be waived,3 +"radar coverage, and within which domestic procedures are ",9 +SCHEDULE 12 ,7 +qualified,9 +The touchdown is the gentle settling of the airplane onto the ,9 +"MINISTRY OF YOUTH EMPOWERMENT, SPORT AND CULTURE ",7 +〔平成二十九年三月二十三日政令第四十号〕〔抄〕,7 +tised his product as “guaranteed to provide ,9 +three-digit number in hundreds of feet AGL. Clouds,3 +Modifications to licences granted to authorised transmitters: ,7 +§ 65 gilt im Rahmen der Referenzfilmförderung entsprechend.,9 +"a British citizen, a British overseas territories citizen, a British Overseas citizen, a British ",3 +Selection criteria. ,3 +"transition gradual. However, the transition ",9 +"ballast to the wings. Adding ballast increases mass, which ",9 +the European Union,6 +instructions and use only the weights specified for the wheel ,9 +PRIVATE PHONE,6 +Materials/Parts ,7 +Establishing the Contractual Requirement ,7 +bring them closer than required standard separation; a situation where whether or not,3 +© Crown copyright 2021 ,1 +of the Boeing 757 brake system with the auto brake valve in ,9 +Definitions,7 +Figure 4-4. ,0 +"large scale atmospheric circulation, it does not take into account ",9 +Constitution of offices,7 +responding to consultations from subjects of specified clinical trials and ,3 +Anlage 3 (zu § 1 Abs. 2),7 +linings must be replaced. Caution must be used as different ,9 +its variation from the fundamental standard. If the variation is of sufficient,9 +Transverse Flow Effect,7 +certificated,9 +alone impossible or impractical. Force of some kind must ,9 +Requesting a Special Registration Number,7 +"approach, stop",9 +"financial year ended 31 March 2018 were audited by Messrs KPMG, ",9 +direction to establish the aircraft inbound on an intermediate ,9 +Documentation: ,3 +Basic weather minimums for WSC operations in the different classes of airspace.,0 +glide path. ,9 +zusammenhängenden Minuten oder drei Teilunterbrechungen von jeweils mindestens 15 Minuten ersetzt,3 +items of interest to pilots concerning health and,9 +〔平成十八年五月二十四日政令第二百号〕〔抄〕,7 +"of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, the authority is exercised by the ",3 +capacity rating ,9 +Adding power too rapidly at the beginning of the ,3 +Work No.107,9 +"to include antiques, classics, warbirds, aerobatic ",9 +Bleed Air Heating Systems ,7 +"attendues prévues dans le cahier des charges (""livraison de faible qualité""), le pouvoir adjudicateur ",9 +Bryant #4618 for Bryant Base #9446. ,9 +provided for in (a); and ,3 +"Rules on taxes, customs duties and Other Fiscal Charges ",7 +turbine temperatures ,9 +make any changes in power or in cyclic movement. Any ,9 +an act or omission committed in order to make an unlawful gain for the perpetrator or ,9 +accumulation pension savings contract prescribed in paragraph (2) of the ,3 +"are trail, down or negative. ",9 +"8.123, 8.125 - 8.127,",9 +of emission control equipment. ,9 +binnen drei Monaten eine andere Person nach den Vorschriften dieses Gesetzes zur verantwortlichen Leitung des,9 +"Antipolo, Binangonan, C",9 +susmentionnée,9 +Pontevedra.,9 +Retained topsoil may be used as filled to final ground level subject to the approval of the Engineer,9 +"Remote Airport Advisory (RAA), 3",9 +Pressurization Issues,7 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT NUMBER — ,9 +Low Reconnaissance,7 +"fair competition between them. Such information may include, without being limited ",3 +the right. [Figure 4-6],9 +Jurisdiction and Powers,7 +Contacts during the procurement procedure. ,7 +Tender evaluation,7 +II.13.6. Quotation of works in the result ,7 +"nature of the personal data breach including where possible, the categories and ",3 +"the VDA between MDA and touchdown, the",9 +Reconnaissance Procedures,7 +testing and instrument flight training. Other Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) publications should be consulted for ,9 +Anlage 3 (zu § 4 Absatz 1),7 +produces lift by flapping its wings. No practical ornithopter ,9 +—(1) The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012(,9 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +In regulation 21 (hardship payments)— ,3 +title of that part of the Order land identified in the book of reference; ,9 +"mind that during the takeoff phase of flight, ground effect ",9 +Accounts and Accounting,7 +Social media communication plan ,7 +Reviewing and Approving the O&SHA ,7 +same applies in (a) of the following item) (hereinafter referred to as the ,9 +"From the 9 ½-inch mark, measure up 1 ¾-inches and mark. Remove the stitching to construct an ",3 +still in use that require different techniques. The rigger must ,9 +the necessary information needed for a successful recovery.,9 +"programmer’s adage, “Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO).”)",9 +"by the Insular Collector, when the ",9 +Details of licensed marine activities ,7 +which is mounted on the airframe. The engine can be,9 +Transfer/Exhaust—Piston,7 +Kontaminationskontrolle ,7 +required power setting until some minimum ,9 +"can rotate so that it always faces into the wind, this",9 +Free Directional Oscillations (Dutch Roll) ,7 +also be employed. The,9 +which are mentioned below will be able to be used.,3 +Tender report.,7 +Participant Register ,7 +Some things to consider while formulating a takeoff plan ,9 +Narkoseüberwachung und Beurteilung der Narkosetiefe beim Ferkel und,3 +AC Form 8050-2 does not need to be notarized.,9 +Airspace System,7 +pcs of electrical set with bag including full of set etc. ,3 +konfessionellen Spezifik die erforderlichen Durchführungsbestimmungen zu erlassen.,9 +"During operation, the tubes are inflated and deflated in an ",9 +APPROACH CONTROL FACILITY- A terminal ,9 +most important factors affecting this relation- ,9 +", lying to the south of Lingayen Gulf, on the",9 +"When traveling by water transportation, the actual travel expenses",3 +"personalwirtschaftliche Entscheidungen treffen und begründen, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung",3 +entry will include the aircraft’s total time-in-service (cycles ,9 +Philippine,9 +Absichern liegen gebliebener Fahrzeuge,3 +"The recent pilot assessments on cumulative risk assessment for pesticides (EFSA, 2020a",3 +while loading and unloading passengers and freight at an airport. The types of GSE and their use ,9 +Gas Temperature (EGT)—the temperature ,3 +"(iii) of the Tribal Land Regulations, ",3 +10.27.Leitungen ,7 +"possibility of delay and diversion, and involve them ",3 +regulations as to the mode in wh,9 +a point in space (PinS) followed by a “proceed visual,9 +Final Business Case ,7 +предусматривается,9 +is reasonably necessary to secure the safety of the vessel or the health and safety of any ,3 +"triangulation station known as ""center""; and N. 86° 12' W., 4,010.6 meters to the",9 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +Recommenda- ,9 +condition of a rigid landing gear.,9 +Incorrect reducer (fast drying) being used.,3 +—(1) This Resolution may be cited as the Church Representation Rules (Amendment) ,9 +"it is effective in respect of the persons so deriving title, whether the title was derived before or ",9 +that personnel taking part in the implementation of IPA II assistance and members of ,3 +speed. This speed is known as the 100 percent rated speed ,9 +Council Directive 2006/112/EC’ should be added on ,6 +manager shall issue the contractor a final acceptance certificate and a copy thereof to the ,3 +The airplane approaches the designated drop zone at 300 feet AGL. ,3 +brake cannot do.,9 +Reference: ,7 +"Welfare as prescribed in Article 30-4, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act shall ",3 +Stopping distance vs. groundspeed.,0 +Remarks—the remarks section always begins with the ,3 +Unterabschnitt 2,7 +Further information and consultation ,7 +ATC Instructions,7 +electrical loads. ,9 +(iv) the construction of a building to accommodate electrical plant and the installation of ,3 +Operating the Jet Engine,7 +éventuels,6 +values could be reliably and independently obtained as the ,9 +Normal angle of attack,6 +Communication and promotion (online newsroom and social media support) ,7 +Then the exhaust begins by the initial rejection ,9 +the load is within tolerable limits and the weight of ,3 +rotor is certified for normal flight conditions. Environmental ,9 +rooms hosting 25 staff each. Rooms similarly equipped. ,3 +A lightweight pilot takes off solo with a full load,3 +"e-Tendering, as specified in the Invitation Letter. ",9 +"renewed upon any life or lives, on each two hundred pesos, or",3 +or to become due from such taxpayer upon the same property or other real property,9 +True airspeed. ,9 +but observed or expected weather conditions ,3 +D01.01-ED-21,7 +from the airplane settling back to the runway while drifting.,9 +II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +because it is not always obvious. It may be thick,9 +involved in certain emergency situations. The information ,9 +Flight Operations in Volcanic Ash,7 +oses of elections of Elected Members of the ,9 +Tow Rope Inspection,7 +True track at 450 feet,6 +Flight Risk Assessment Tools ,7 +properly and keep moving. Do not stop before adding,9 +transit the Class B airspace when traffic conditions,9 +"the torch valves a little bit, the flame setting can be lowered ",9 +" ""2', Положения пункта 1",9 +II.20.1. Zahlungsdatum ,7 +exposed to airflow and begins a quick inflation.,9 +the propeller shaft and piston rod. The propeller control,6 +"übergeordneten Unternehmens des Finanzkonglomerats einen Treuhänder zu bestellen, auf den es die Ausübung",9 +inventories.,9 +"and Industry No. 9 of February 15, 1984] ",7 +ational pilot certificate and has met the requirements,9 +Every helicopter design requires some type of antitorque ,9 +The franchise ,7 +least 96 hours after the first test in the Netherlands) can get medical clearance from the Europol ,3 +a channel for lubricant to reach the cutting edge. Actual ,9 +"mass of air is moving westward at 20 knots, the airspeed of ",9 +"During flight instruction, instructors are normally the only ones who can observe learners when they are under pressure. Instructors, ",9 +"assemblies; to punish and prevent intoxication, fighting, quarreling,",3 +"und größere wasserwirtschaftliche Maßnahmen zunächst nicht erforderlich sind, eine Zusammenlegung nach",9 +Airport pavement markings and signs provide,9 +Alert areas are depicted on aeronautical charts with an “A” ,9 +categorize them as either direct or indirect. They also identify factors that may have lessened ,9 +In establishing the detailed engine requirements regarding ,9 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 + Carriage Moments,7 +information is,9 +Lockbolt Inspection,7 +SCALES NTS,6 +Amendment of the Customs Tariff (Establishment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 ,7 +after the touchdown and proper technique must ,9 +Crosswind Considerations During Takeoffs,7 +Voltage Drop in Aircraft Wire and Cable,7 +The WAAS scaling is also different than GPS,9 +"by the Secretary in section 314.3 of title 21, Code ",9 +Information Management ,7 +for paragraphs 1(2) and 14(2) substitute— ,3 + o altro detentore del diritto ,9 +front of the hub opposes the oil pressure and causes the ,6 +Twin-Engine Aircraft Vacuum System Operation,7 +"linked that when it is placed in the “idle cutoff” position, ",9 +of section 1116 of this title that becomes manifest as specified ,9 +$^{2}$ Only if the Service Provider is ,1 +hurricane ,6 +The pressure regulating mechanism can also be found as a ,9 +"adjusted, then the propeller will not deliver enough torque to ",9 +System Servicing,7 + — In case of a,9 +Two control lines controlled at the risers are used to maneuver the canopy. Each control line ,3 +shall be set by the zone in which it is found appropriate to aim to secure a ,3 +from being induced into the aircraft electrical system. The ,9 +II.7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND PROFESSIONAL CONFLICTING ,7 +Turbine ignition system components. ,0 +Handlung zum ,3 +"conditions, etc.)",9 +Checking and Safetying the System,7 +Die Wärmeabgabe von in der baulichen Erweiterung installierten Wärmevertei-,9 +control document,3 +Schedule No 4: Concrete and Steel Works,7 +three rows of barbed wire above the steel mesh. Height of steel wire mesh shall be 2.40 m and the,9 +Media channels to be identified ,7 +surfaces and fixed surfaces. Paint the leading and trailing ,9 +chauffant,6 +Motorsport UK – Master Historic F1 / Sports Cars and Support Series ,9 +Flight Director Functions,7 +components until the aircraft lands. When the WOW switch ,9 +ergebenden Apothekenabgabepreis einschließlich Umsatzsteuer anzugleichen. Bei gleicher Differenz zu zwei,9 +give the pilot unprecedented information for enhanced ,9 +"the profiles foreseen in the FWC666,",3 +service station (FSS).,9 +Coming into force in accordance with article 1 ,9 +Publication Ref: EuropeAid/140639/IH/SUP/TR ,7 + The hex tip of an ,9 +"other regions of the world, including Alaska and Hawaii, the first two letters of the four-letter ",3 +二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による業務規程の届出についても、同様,3 +by fuel injection systems and have limited use on modern ,9 +Navigational and Procedural Information (Continued),7 +subcontractors. ,9 +"(ii) the outline of the accident, etc. related to the written accident report ",3 +publications which are available via separate,9 +Additional Considerations:,3 +"When inspecting a tire removed from the aircraft, pay special ",9 +Conduct the Assessment ,3 +coordination in support of the airport air quality assessment process. Such coordination between ,9 +"In addition to natural expiry, the exception can be revoked by the Executive Director or ",9 +"- 67 Erkundungsbohrungen,",3 +air. Good weather is typically associated with high-pressure ,9 +MMO under condition 4 the licence holder must— ,9 +に限る。)並びに第二項各号に掲げる事項(病院に係るものに限る。)とする。,3 +background border strip. ,9 +Place the helicopter in a stationary position on the surface. ,9 +〔平成二十四年四月六日政令第百十六号〕,7 +⦁ $_{low IMC }$,3 +Exemptions ,7 +Governor-General shall approve a greater allowance.,3 +decision on undertaking or ,6 +"metres in length, running along the north side of the new A585 dual carriageway, as shown on ",9 +"возникновения и распространения инфекционных заболеваний и отравлений,",9 +"intellectual or industrial property rights, to any of the ",9 +"sell, give away,",9 +judgement to ensure that references are pertinent and precise. ,3 +JURISDICTION AND FUNCTIONS ,7 +range of not less than 700 feet.,3 +good condition. The wiring to the sensor is subject to harsh ,9 +Teilnahme ausländischer Fahrzeuge am Straßenverkehr,7 +"volonté des parties, qui empêche l'une d'entre elles d'exécuter une ou plusieurs de ses obligations ",9 +of the National Aeronautic Association (NAA) that governs ,9 +Change 2 ,4 +POSITIVE ,6 +GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ,7 +intentions and goals. Some may be shared by other learners. Learners learn from any activity that tends to further their goals. Their ,9 +up a flange equal to the thickness of the metal. This type of ,9 +"Recommendations for changes in hardware, software, or procedures to achieve an ",3 +service life. ,9 +"(ii) in sub-paragraph (a), after “of those Regulations” insert “(as they have effect in the ",3 +carburetor. ,0 +"result of lack of proper management of stores, such as stores not being ",9 +Flight Director Functions,7 +"as soon as is practicable following receipt of the appeal documentation, the Secretary of ",3 +gefordert werden:,3 +Maintenance Work,7 +swaying or moving too fast. Release the tension slowly after ,9 +"‘‘(ii) for the period beginning January 1, 2019, ",9 +surnames and job titles of people.,3 +(iii) baby beds (limited to those designed to be used for the sleeping or caring of ,3 +PRINCIPAL POWERS ,7 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +system maintenance is performed both while the brakes are ,9 +Article 4 - ,7 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +illustrates one type of cable connector in use.,9 +—expect further clearance ,9 +headwind or tailwind velocity. ,9 +"a single, main rotor system, the tendency of the helicopter ",9 +"The Agency shall assist the European Commission and EU Member States (EU MS), and in ",9 +itigate the risk by managing family expectations and ,6 +"route navigation, such as proceeding direct to or",9 +"Wing cover bag unzipped, showing unique padding ",0 +increase in pitch attitude must be made at a ,9 +Electronic exchange system: can exchanges under the contract be automated? ,7 +As the ppoject shall provide the missing link of the electrified comprehensive extended TEN-T railway ,9 +Europol Public Information,7 +"The contractor must take all appropriate measures to minimise costs, prevent damage and cancel or ",9 +Acquisition of land ,7 +supplied. ,9 +Baustromversorgungs- und Bauwasserversorgungsanlagen werden durch den Auftraggeber erstellt ,9 +"Die Bundesanstalt und die Deutsche Bundesbank sind befugt, von beaufsichtigten Unternehmen",9 +any change in the rules: ,3 +remote access solution must be configured to allow connections only from IT Contra,9 +Abschlussprüfung,7 +§ 11 Untersuchungsbefugnisse,7 +Declaration on honour on ,7 +Following ECHA technology roadmap: The Contractor's technology choices for ,3 +"einer Buchprüfungsgesellschaft, eines genossenschaftlichen Prüfungsverbandes oder einer Prüfungsstelle der",9 +"in transonic and supersonic flight, the gross ",9 +ARTICLE 7: GUARANTEES ,7 +Short-Term Memory (STM) ,7 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +II.20.8 Intérêts de retard ,7 +"manufacturer, ",3 +STRATEGIC PLANNING ,7 +tail rotor and not caused from a mechanical failure. Some ,9 +Internal Quality Control (QC) ,7 +(ii) reporting the reasons for the extension and the interim assessment. ,3 +Emergency control ,7 +"tension leads. Thus, as a safety factor, the ignition system ",9 +"In the interest of safety and good habit pattern formation, ",9 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +FT FLYING,10 +きは、次の事項を記載した申請書を認定都道府県知事に提出しなければならない。,3 +"symbols, visible from the ground, through the release of smoke”. ",3 +common on all turbine helicopters (as it is a function of the ,9 +exploitation à des fins internes: ,9 +"FIGURE 4-1. SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF WAIVER J550, BANNER TOWING ",7 +Square Canopy—Crossport Repair,7 +"rpm is set, the governor keeps the rpm constant, and there ",9 +"and for which such owner or possessor should be compensated, or",9 +II.15.3 Claims and liability ,7 +by the use of a resistor in the spark plug.,9 +"look, and read. Pilots new to advanced avionics often become ",9 +(See APPROACH CONTROL SERVICE.) ,9 +What issue is necessitating the NAS change?,3 +§ 11 Verschwiegenheitspflicht,7 +AUTOROTATION,7 +Resin injection repair.,0 +Use of Checklists,7 +II.20. REVISIONE DEI PREZZI ,7 +identifying needs for further monitoring data in this area. This will need to be considered ,3 +indicate that the pilot is “on path” if the pilot sees an ,9 +Criterion 5.3.3.b): Manpower. ,7 +Article I-11 ,7 +and proceedings for the determination of the existence or extent of any civil right or obligation ,9 +Lifting the wing up into position.,0 +(trenta) giorni,9 +Secondary or Auxiliary Control Surfaces ,7 +accordance with Article II.7 of the General Conditions of the FWC. This ,3 +"proper rate of descent, and adjust power to maintain proper ",9 +"controls to other tasks, they realize the importance of trim. ",9 +Technical equipment and Technician (for both onsite and ,7 +"repair thereof, as hereinafter provided.",3 +component as long as all of the pertinent information is permanently marked. ,9 +"vom 16. November 2020 (BGBl. I S. 2704) geändert worden ist""",9 +needed to make an offset in the cable between two hardened ,9 +in the inspection of the construction of the specified works or any protective works ,3 +or maximum turbine section temperature. ,9 +"The conditions under which opium may be imported, the manner of",3 +flow control valve.,9 +rester dans votre bureau ou entrer dans un bureau et fermer la porte et les fenêtres ,3 +concerné en cours en procédant à une ,9 +"Contractant,",7 +"The circuit breaker may be reset by pushing it back in,",9 +"the weather conditions appear to be improving, a flight plan ",9 +DIRECTIONAL CONTROL ,7 +Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) by the amount ,3 +member of the police force shall be required to pay for his own uniform.,9 +Scenario-Based Training (SBT) ,7 +"financed under IPA II, in accordance with the foreign exchange control regulations in ",3 +Sport Pilot Certificate,7 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 +The signatory declares that the person has already provided the documentary evidence for a ,9 +and Systems,7 +person operating a large turbine engine-powered,9 +in any particular case or class of case compliance with such requirement or ,3 +Name and address of landlord/licensor*.,3 +GLYPH<0>E,6 +Article 2 - ,7 +Most midair collision accidents and reported near midair ,9 +mehr als 10 Kilogramm oder mehr als 10 Liter,7 +"Citation, commencement and extent ",7 +AUTOROTATION IN FORWARD FLIGHT,7 +usually the left. Where the installation consists of,9 +transistor to maintain oscillation whenever power is applied. ,0 +"prioritairement à ces sociétés (co-traitance), qui établiront leurs offres sur base des ",3 +Öffentliche Ausschreibung (VOB/A),3 +Figure 9-6,9 +CG in inches from the datum when its location in percent ,9 +Variation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Operation,7 +«САНИТАРНО-ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К,7 +Limitations on Procedure Turns,7 +SCHEDULE 7 ,7 +. PM Intersection Hot-Spot Results ,3 +"fuel-injection engines, fuel is metered by the fuel injector ",9 +Benefit of Order ,3 +Contracting Authority ,7 +self-induced psychological pressure to get the airplane on the ,9 +"(BGBl. I S. 1270), verordnet das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung im Einvernehmen",3 +to be displayed in the business or by the person for whom such,3 +Military Operation Areas (MOAs) ,7 +"projects caused by, natural disasters, $908,000,000, to remain avail-",9 +you are in one of the situations mentioned in Article 136 of the Financial Regulation. For ,9 +certain altitudes) ,3 +insert name of the relevant result,7 +Infrastructure/Software ,3 +門的な医療を提供する特定機能病院に関する前項の規定の適用については、同項第六,3 +"emergency, exercise the powers conferred by sub-paragraph (5) until the dispute has been finally ",9 +as appropriate.,9 +An English designed observation ,9 +"knots and possibly encounter turbulence. Additionally, the ",9 +in percent MAC is ,9 +requirements described in paragraph 5,9 +to be the most critical period in transitioning from the,9 +CONTACT PERSON (for this tender) ,7 +"of the clearance, contact ATC immediately for clarification. ",9 +(INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) ,7 +Allowances payable to members of a combined fire and rescue authority ,7 +II.23.3. Interest on late payment ,7 +"25,000–30,000 feet",6 +poor decisions. One consistent theme in many of the fatal ,9 +Reserve Free Bag Repair—Grommet Pullout,7 +Roles and Responsibilities ,7 +Article 5 – Price ,7 +if applicable in accordance with the subject matter of the ,3 +which exceeds 10 NM.,9 +Historical Analysis ,7 +"nal maximum gross weight, which refers to the weight",9 +Electron Control Valves,7 +"bodies, and the predominately communal land system means that zoning is not ",9 +into the air passing through the engine and burned. Heat from ,9 +passeront en revue les fiches de données de sécurité (SDS) avec leur conseiller en prévention ,9 +(electricity). ,9 +General obligations ,7 +Initial TEMP ,7 +Coaxial Rotors ,7 +The Need for ICT Governance,7 +and adequate lateral control ,9 +sensor shall be converted into a level-proportional electrical signal. The sensor shall be suitable for installation ,9 +"General circulation, ",6 +It is not necessary to start the pack process over again if the same ,9 +ist fortzuschreiben. § 12 Absatz 5 ist entsprechend anzuwenden. Die Absätze 1 bis 3 sind entsprechend,9 +4-line release systems,3 +http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2020/179 ,9 +Tropopause,6 +speeds and descent rates. Calculating a descent is a simple ,9 +Technical Specifications,5 +Bergung und Erste-Hilfe-Maßnahmen an Verletzten möglichst unter gleichzeitiger schriftlicher und bildlicher,3 +Application of the collective that is too abrupt when ,3 +[Figure 8-7] ,9 +Most important is to avoid any encounter with,9 +"performance rules under 14 CFR part 43, section 43.15, for ",9 +agreed standard; ,9 +confirmation as to whether an update of published nautical charts and marine safety ,3 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT,7 +22nd April 2021 ,9 +"Schedule No 8: Roads, Landscaping and Fences",7 +Conditions and Controls ,7 +Adjusting the bank angle during turns to correct for ,3 +transporteur privé ou un dépôt au quai de déchargement sont,3 +"), the Health and Personal Social Services (Injury Benefits) ",3 +order to put tension on the canopy while packing.,9 +§ 85 Besondere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten,7 +to accumulate in a restricted passage. The occurrence of a ,9 +determines whether any such proceedings as are mentioned in subsection (1) of this section may ,9 +UNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL,7 +Checklist of Pages,7 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +"During flight, the propeller maintains a constant engine ",9 +AIRSPACE INFORMATION,7 +Funding & tender opportunities portal ,7 +speed type ,9 +Partners in a joint offer assume ,9 +contractor remains solely responsible and liable for obtaining all necessary ,3 +Confidentiality of tenders: what information and under what conditions can be ,7 +"In addition, AJI and the PO work with the ANG NextGen Investment Portfolio leads to identify ",9 +in landing operations below DA/DH or,9 +Drill Stops,7 +"temperatures are lowered, and the fuel is not completely ",9 +Differential Pressure Tester,7 +All activities within an Alert Area are conducted in ,9 +USTIFICATIFS AUX FINS DE LA SELECTION,7 +Submission of tenders. ,7 +approximate depth of the head.,3 +MOVEMENT CONTROLS ,7 +The following Harness/Container modification procedures are ,9 +personal data,9 +Whereas this momentous event was watched in wonder by hundreds ,3 +course quality standards throughout the published,9 +At this basic configura- ,9 +Controlled Firing Areas (CFAs) ,7 +fueled reciprocating internal combustion engines. ,9 +Performance Charts ,7 +the tire. Beads on tube-type and tubeless tires are broken free ,9 +2020 No. 472 ,10 +above the horizon.,9 +Any additional information will be published on the above TED eTendering website. The ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 327 of October 30, 1959] ",7 +"allowed by the airplane’s operating limitations, and ",3 +Fully articulated rotor systems allow each blade to lead/lag ,9 +"of navigation facility, maintenance of clear zones",3 +Weather briefers do not actually predict the weather; they ,9 +Children Act 1989 representations ,7 +times of low workload. ,9 +Figure 1-5.,9 +Climb at full throttle unless otherwise required by the POH. ,9 +common way for the relocated threshold to be marked is ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 244 of August 27, 1973]",7 +All tasks are expected to be performed at the contractor’s premises and on the long term care facility/country ,9 +a service) for withdrawn services are in format ,3 +Retained apparatus: protection ,7 +Transportation Conformity Guidance for Quantitative Hot-spot Analyses in PM$_{2.5 }$and PM$_{10 }$Non-,9 +Appendix A1 ,9 +years and are depicted on the en route low and high chart ,9 +of true top dead center on the compression stroke and with ,9 +FAA will mail a confirmation notice to the ,3 +Short-Term Memory (STM) ,7 +"such other experience and training as the Board considers appropriate, ",9 +other rights mentioned in this Article: ,3 +be operated by engine oil pressure metered through a valve ,9 +Revocation ,7 +effettivamente,9 +Each judge of the Supreme Court shall also be entitled to additional leave,9 +Cadent and the undertaker in respect of any apparatus laid or erected in land belonging to or ,9 +enhanced flight visibility is necessary to ensure the,9 +Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter oder,7 +ance turning area extends the primary and secondary obstacle clearance areas to accommodate the turn radius ,3 +Schätzgleichungen zur Berechnung des Energiegehaltes von Mischfuttermitteln,7 +Proximity Intruder Traffic,6 +"– 94 GHz,",9 +quickly restored in the event of disaster or ransomware infection. ,3 +Submission of tenders. ,7 +"point adjustment, which must be correct to obtain ",3 +Pilots should query ATC when vectors to an intermediate ,9 +(核兵器等の開発等に用いられるおそれが特に大きい貨物),9 +"WSC aircraft. The discussions and explanations reflect the most commonly used practices and principles. Occasionally, ",9 +ou ses sous-traitants ne respectent pas les règles énoncées à ,9 +[1748-1.],9 +When the Special Conditions (or exceptionally the provisions of a particular ,3 +Ground Support Equipment Emission Inventory for Criteria Pollutants ,3 +"beantragte Fahrerlaubnisklassen,",3 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +"to as the ""New Act""); the same applies hereinafter) with its customers pertains ",3 +any other bilateral or multilateral agreement or arrangements for assistance and technical co-,3 +the entire lifecycle of a system or product. This framework is made formal in the Program ,9 +SALARIES AND EXPENSES ,7 +with bank statement balance as the bank statement was not ,3 +Control Unit,7 +To perform the above-mentioned activities with the most up-to-date information EFSA is ,9 +the EU Validation Services),9 +"valve is across the tube, the flow is shut off, and when it is ",9 +Zumarraga.,9 +в следуюшей редакции:,9 +$^{ }$Common Paint Troubles,7 +DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ,7 +"limitations include, but are not limited to:",9 +restrictors in the orifice check valves. The restrictors slow the ,9 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +Data controller:,3 +A146 Normanston Drive ,7 +the ground when they adversely affect ground,9 +Der Auftraggeber nimmt Umrechnungen zwischen EUR und einer anderen Währung zu dem ,9 +" for the purpose of verification, specified at Article II-4 (5) ",3 +This allows fuel to expand with increases in temperature ,9 +Measurement of Direction ,7 +after departing the airport. A VFR departure can be used as ,9 +Pressurization and Flexibility,7 +The President may consult with ,9 +"a TC of 065°, whereas the return trip (called the reciprocal) ",9 +"assembly, should be allowed to pass the desired heading prior ",9 +"of producing 10,000 lbs. of thrust which can ",9 +Achieve Goals,7 +SCHEDULE 7 ,7 +because ice falls may exist and provide rough and,9 +checking the accuracy of the system prior to flight. ,9 +exciter armature is three phase and mounted on the rotor shaft. ,9 +(42 U.S.C. 300hh–15(i)) is amended by striking ‘‘2014 through ,9 +While a syllabus is designed to provide a road map showing ,9 +§ 71a Träger von unabhängigen Stellen für die Bestätigung der Eignung von eingesetzten,7 +In-Flight Test ,7 +"knowledge as a result of such visit, shall be kept strictly confidential and will not be ",3 +"§ 5 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Berufsausbildung und Mitarbeiterführung""",7 +cleaning services.,9 +возможностями,9 +The more important gusts are the vertical gusts ,9 +§ 5 Identifizierungs- und Sorgfaltspflichten,7 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +indicator rotor magnet and pointer remains the same. It aligns ,9 +[Figure 2-43],9 +three cell openings on each side with center cell split. ,3 +I.9. DATA CONTROLLER ,7 +§ 12 Unfallstelle,7 +"off speed to (L/D), ",9 +befinden hat.,9 +contracting authority may claim compensation for such damage. ,9 +"by the pilot. As in any gas turbine engine, exceeding ",9 +a copy of the licence to use the product or of the agreement granting the relevant rights ,3 +"judgment, places the aircraft in unsafe proximity to",9 +weight or measure inaccurate. Such receipt shall be preserved by the owner and,9 +Symptoms of Hypoxia,7 +Section 4: Air Quality Assessment Process ,3 +Quality of the Tender,7 +dependants of such laws and regulations.,3 +"The final step in risk management is mitigation, which is the payoff for accomplishing the entire risk management process and will ",9 +Bring the leading edges to the keel ,9 +"altering, adapting or modifying the results, reproducing in an unlimited amount of copies and of further ",9 +Airport Markings and Signs ,7 +circle visual indicator system,9 +направлены,9 +Nothing in paragraph (1) prevents— ,9 +setup page as shown in ,9 +§ 4 Verhinderung der Umgehung der Meldepflicht,7 +"Picketers patrol allocated fence sections, carry out minor repairs to the fence and ",9 +提供个人信息,尚不构成犯罪的,由公安机关没收违法所得,并处违法所得一倍以上十倍,9 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +) “Standard case” is defined by section 8(8) of the Act. ,1 +"creation of DC tools and pipelines to address collected requirements, ",3 +12 августа 2020 г. № 956 (зарегистрирован,9 +Reduction Gear Assembly,7 +EFSAProcurement@efsa.europa.eu,9 +Rigger check number 1. ,3 +Rv=K a:AV2 ,2 +"the Insular Auditor, temporarily deposit collections received by them, pending",9 +ration and altitude. ,9 +this system may vary. ,9 +of wind. ,9 +Selection phase ,7 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 + The contractor must grant the,3 +‘‘(D) A position— ,9 +Use of Resources,7 +be overemphasized; there are many National Transportation ,9 +Invoices and value added tax ,7 +I.13. SERVICE PROVIDED ON THE PREMISES OF THE CONTRACTING ,7 +RESOURCE ALLOCATION ,7 +before attempting to assemble and pack these systems.,9 +to verify that the applications functionalities are available to end users after a ,3 +and are not necessarily listed in order of importance:,9 +The line of sight boundary between the earth and ,9 +"It must be issued at stated intervals, as frequently as four times a",3 +Prior to takeoff—ensure that the RNAV system is ,3 +structure and content of the Professional article ,3 +light to the magneto and breaker points. With the light and ,9 +TRANSFERRING FUEL FROM AF’I’ TO ,6 +"Recurrent Training, Flight Reviews, and Instrument Proficiency Checks ",7 +"when a roller or sphere rolls over another surface, such as ",9 +http://www.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/ch01/final/c01s03.pdf. ,1 +"), which includes several recommendations for future methodological developments. ",3 +AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE ,7 +Rivet formed head dimensions. ,0 +seven hundred and twenty pesos in any one year.,9 +exceeding one thousand pesos or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six,9 +Records of IT DPB Meetings including proposed IT Investment Visions and meeting ,3 +control line. Each control line then runs directly to the back of the rear risers. ,3 +"verantwortliche Leitung des Ausbildungsbetriebs wiederholt die Pflichten gröblich verletzt hat, die ihr nach",3 +are not subject to the allocation requirements of section 640(a) ,9 +Early or late valve timing,3 +my honour or reputation.],3 +"—(1) Subject to the licence conditions in Part 2, this licence authorises the licence holder (and ",9 +Improper use of the controls during crosswind ,3 +Common Errors,7 +Figure 4-1,9 +Night Vision ,7 +part–time Class D surface areas that revert to Class E,9 +sequence of operating/support steps will not create an unacceptable safety risk to NAS ,3 +EMEDIAL MEASURES,7 +aircraft than any other factor. Since the airspeed in the spiral ,9 +Historical Analysis ,7 +I.1.3. Conversion ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 63 of March 25, 1998] ",7 +Agreement) Act 2020 (c.1). ,1 +and provide good traction for tires in wet conditions. A ,9 +Dealing in Articles Subject to Specific Tax,7 +and the Contractor’s network partner. ,3 +Article 2 – DURATION AND TERMINATION ,7 +a scavenging system that collects and disposes of the high ,9 +"improperly,",9 +Specific tendering information for this procedure ,7 +necessary to remove contamination are provided; ,3 +"furnished,",9 +"It must be issued at stated intervals, as frequently as four times a",3 +the harness machine.,3 +: any industrial and intellectual property right on ,9 +Equipment layout diagrams. ,3 +TAS 100KT,6 +fonctionnement simples ou combinés) à approuver au préalable par le Secrétariat. Chaque ,9 +"by two American astronauts, the first humans to ever make ",3 +"determined by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Secretary of ",9 +The contractor must take all the necessary measures to prevent any situation of ,3 +Species (Act No. 78 of 2004)) and by birds and animals such as great ,9 +"not redeem the property as above provided, the provincial treasurer shall, as",9 +mately 5 to 10 percent. ,9 +cockpit systems.,9 +"field, and control the ",9 +Luftfahrzeugs dürfen bis zur Freigabe (§ 13) durch den Untersuchungsführer nicht berührt oder verändert,9 +"Apr. 30, considered and passed House. ",1 +Bauvorhaben …………………………………………,7 +Off-Field Landing Without Injury,7 +"the desired stabilator movement, it increases the required ",9 + Wing Rising After Touchdown,7 +- Seite 35 von 52 -,4 +Further requirements for the use of applications and online tools,7 +of descent ,9 +offer and/or contract value. The ,3 +High Round Out,7 +〔昭和二十九年四月十日政令第七十七号〕,7 +Amendment of the Northamptonshire (Structural Changes) Order 2020 ,7 +Collective Pitch Control,7 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +CORDON FENCES ,7 +active ingredient)’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘active ,9 +The tenderer will have to propose reliable (quantitative and qualitative) indicators to evaluate ,9 + and a single point of contact authorised to act ,9 +registration number,7 +Data collection configuration may require the creation/enhancement of XSLT (XML ,9 +の医療の需要の動向並びに医療従事者及び医療提供施設の配置の状況の見通しその他,3 +ANTITORQUE PEDALS,7 +Every instructor should recognize the importance of learner performance in the process. Early in demonstration and performance ,9 +"presented in the section of this chapter for turbojet engines, ",9 +Composite materials can,9 +issue a notice to mariners at least 5 days prior to the commencement of the first ,3 +Aborted Landings,7 +implementation of the accident analysis business. ,3 + The principles are the ,9 +The evaluation is based solely on the information provided in the submitted tender. It involves the ,9 +in static directional stability can be ,9 +Maintenance: ,7 +way to understand the yaw stability is to see that any yawing ,9 +The contracting authority reimburses the cost of shipment of equipment or ,3 +endgültige Ausgleichsbeiträge:,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 264 of October 11, 1980]",7 +変更しようとする年月日,3 +of the trees; another is to look for any smoke in the area. If ,9 +AUTOROTATION IN FORWARD FLIGHT,7 +Conducting an IFR Flight,7 +"minima, titled “S",9 +"battery is continuously charged in flight, except when short ",9 +oder fahrlässig entgegen Artikel 32 Absatz 3 der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 165/2014 Aufzeichnungen auf dem,9 +HIGH RATE OF DESCENT,7 +SRM: Proactive and Reactive Hazard and Risk Reduction ,7 +"the resultant numbers, most container manufacturers and ",9 +"Sie z.B. über Webformulare oder per E-Mail an uns senden, Daten aus der Erfüllung unserer ",9 +Seams should be folded correctly and thread tension ,3 +Regulatory Framework ,7 +for in Annex A – financial tender. Tenderers will carefully calculate the total in column 6. ,9 +The most diffic•lit ,9 +Updated text: ,7 +"In terms of timing, ",9 + The vertical distance of the airplane above ,9 +"sewage disposal works, at future date) of that Act, and includes a sludge main, disposal ",3 +angle of attack to account for the inclination of ,9 +approach path are 70–80 feet in height. With the size of the ,9 +"Der Auftragnehmer verpflichtet sich, die Baustelle während der gesamten Bauzeit mit einem, der ",9 +Electrical - General ,7 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +"Consider automobile seat belt use. In just two decades, seat ",9 +Navigation Aids,4 +discharged,9 +associated,9 +the pilot using the VASIs during an approach will see,9 +Appendix B ,9 +Common Errors in Turns,7 +Total drag.,9 +La personne susmentionnée est susceptible d'être rejetée de la présente procédure et ,7 +Canning Road ,7 +is expressed to have effect also for the benefit of those deriving title from or under that ,3 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 +recognition of system malfunction much more difficult for the ,9 +used to model any source that has an area and height element such as fuel storage facilities. ,9 +"Unterabschnitt D des Abkommens beschriebenen Verfahren eingehalten werden,",3 +「障害福祉サービス等に係る収入金額」という。)の合計額が、全収入金額の百,9 +other accessories. A propeller brake is often incorporated into ,9 +recovery (if turn is prolonged). ,3 +"and Sexmoan. Second district — Composed of the municipalities of Apalit,",9 +Notify the Applicant ,7 +altitude with no turns. The speed at touchdown and the,9 + Pilot knowledge of where the ,9 +inflight weather phenomena. ,9 +any change in the rules: ,3 +degree increments.,9 +insert title and number,7 +performing,9 +the NAS change in question must not be implemented. The SMTS submitter is,3 +"Tatsachen vorliegen, aus denen sich ergibt, dass eine Person, die die Geschäfte der gemischten",9 +Recommended Practices,7 +II.3. SEVERABILITY ,7 +"⦁ $_{Practice—the learner is able to identify, understand, and apply SRM principles to the actual flight situation. }$",3 +Position the 3-ring at the mark on the main lift web ,3 +Class B airspace. Radar service is not automatically,9 +glance at the airspeed indicator to verify if the new attitude ,9 +send a notification of the commencement of works to the UK Hydrographic Office at ,3 +"hazardous. Should a go-around become necessary, ",9 +accompanying Desk Reference ,3 +〔昭和五十八年十二月十日通商産業省令第九十二号〕,7 +ARTCC Communications,7 +Scientific data management ,7 +inside of a sheet without cutting through to the edge. ,9 +"an officer designated by the Secretary of State, or by the relevant local authority, ",3 +Philippine Health Service,7 +The work log for measurement ,3 +under any of the following: ,3 + Figure 9-7],9 +and feathered edges on metal surfaces ,9 +"open. Know your gliders and if in doubt, do not be ",3 +Le Secrétariat se réserve la possibilité de convoquer des réunions impliquant les responsables ,9 +"PHILIPPINES"" AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES",7 +"measures taken or proposed to be taken to address the breach, including, where appropriate, ",3 +"wind, slope, and terrain.",9 +the emerging ,3 +"dependants, and its local employees also respect and abide by all such laws and ",3 +(gemeinsames,9 +Procedures; Normal Procedures; Performance; Weight ,9 +Floating Waypoints ,7 +(+++ Amtlicher Hinweis des Normgebers auf EG-Recht:,9 +"failure of the notary to forward his notarial register, when filled,",3 +"propeller drive belt or drive gear failure, or failure of the ",9 +shall have the right to off-set these costs against any existing or future invoices under the ,3 +ILAC is an international organisation which coordinates the work of its signatory national accreditation bodies which are ,1 +密度が第三十条の二十六第六項に定める表面密度限度を超えないようにすること。,3 +"by tilting the rotor disc and, on",9 +Placing the Special Registration,7 +ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS,7 +of Aircraft Registration ,7 +constitutes,3 +II.23.2. Recovery procedure ,7 +Time Zones ,7 +inspection under 14 CFR part 91 on a rotorcraft shall ,9 +ground during maintenance. The operator selects the manual ,9 +abgegeben haben.,3 +Restrictors,7 +(the location indicated under Heading I.1 of the contract notice).,9 +II.15.3 Claims and liability ,7 +Evaluation phase (after the opening of tenders) ,7 +ensure proper maintenance. ,9 +dependants of such laws and regulations.,3 +VOR Receiver Check,7 +"neutral position. Its center opens, and fluid from the pump ",9 +"Protect the President, Vice President, or other public ",3 +in the IR drop in the line. A wide variation in the IR ,3 +and shall be firmly bedded on the underlying course and shall be laid against each other. Upon,9 +VOR Receiver Check,7 +Республики,9 +epoxy finishes. A new second coat of wash primer ,3 +"of lubrication. Since these passages are usually rather small, ",9 +area. The thermal survey is especially useful for determining ,9 +Work No.104,9 +sind die Maßnahmen der Expositionskategorie E3 anzuwenden,9 +⦁ $_{Book commercial flight/transfer the risk to the airlines. }$,3 +FAA Publications ,7 +Figure 5-67. ,0 +На территории размещения палаточного лагеря предусматриваются зоны:,9 +Data Protection ,7 +shaped background;”. ,3 +with a supplementary tool to assist with position,9 +turbulence/wind,9 +handeln die nach dem bürgerlichen Recht dazu befugten Personen. §§ 53 bis 58 der Zivilprozessordnung gelten,9 +The VSI shows a momentary climb and then stabilizes ,3 +Details of licensed marine activities ,7 +collective lever; and the antitorque pedals. The col-,9 +Lack of compression,3 +"PUBLIC LAW 116–23—JUNE 25, 2019 ",5 +sections of the works were concreted. These records shall include: ,9 +Japan prescribed in Article 11 of the same Act (Arrangement on Business) for a ,9 +The Powerplant ,7 +[1792-59.],9 +The sum of the basic empty weight,9 +Schedule of Payments ,7 +Erfüllung des Vertrags,9 +Semiconductors,7 +Note: For the purpose of PL9009.a. “aircraft” includes “UAVs”.,9 +the work order regarding the general condition in which the ,9 + to the removal of such timber and shall submit on the,9 +that the valves ,3 +extraction of all or a substantial part of the contents of the database to another medium by ,3 +Center of gravity position has a relatively ,9 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 +area is clear. Install an engine trim gauge to the T-fitting in the ,9 +there is a 200‑knot speed restriction while approaching the ,9 +EVALUATION AND AWARD ,7 +to accelerate the airplane to increase lift without increasing ,9 +minimum airspeed is one that keeps the nose from continuing ,9 +Warranted Provision ,7 +Details of compliance timeline for 2021-2023 period ,0 +THE SCHEDULE TO THE SCHEME ,7 +Manner of Notification.,7 +0064 00-6 ,4 +Hard Landing,7 +. — A position designated in an Appropriation Act as belonging to a,9 +"contract, performing audits, benchmarking, etc., the ",3 +unstable helicopter especially vulnerable.,9 +Regulation 19(1)(a) ,7 +the procedure turn fix. The procedure turn maneuver,9 +"The current volume of the new data source is ~ 500GB, and is expected to grow ",9 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +§ 49a Übergangsregelungen,7 +temperature restriction published for “uncompensated ,9 +RELATIVE WIND,7 +Contract is,3 +"important to include appropriate references. Similarly, it would be informative to include references to ",9 +runway environment is clearly visible to the pilot.,9 +wastewater quality will not be the responsibility of the Contractor. ,3 +Article I-16 ,7 +An N-number may not begin with zero. You must ,9 +ресурсосберегающие,9 +acceptable level of safety risk in the NAS operational environment; ,3 +ARRANGEMENT/COORDINATION OF INTERVIEWS ,7 +NAVIGATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION (Continued),7 +Award of the contract ,7 +Any member of the shadow authority for North Northamptonshire who is a member ,9 +Article I-15 ,7 +of the core. One conductor has a ground connection to the ,9 +manufacturer. Standard capacities of this machine are from ,9 +"wholesale without such license, or having obtained such license, to ",9 +Straight-and-Level Flight,7 +temporary tacking actions: ,9 +Operating the Jet Engine,7 +"feet long.” Technically,",9 +Specifications for repair of all painted/coated surfaces. ,3 +"date. The last four digits are the time of the METAR/SPECI, which is always given in ",3 +"attainment/nonattainment designations, ",3 +preceding the date on which he or she applies for registration as a voter or was born in ,3 +If `yes` then please provide names of the Group members in the below table and ensure that ,9 +established a clinic must obtain permission from the prefectural governor ,3 +Define the route of flight by using,9 +"control logic and functions in use. For example, on an ",3 +or reduce its commitments.,9 +", should fly the",9 +VFR Waypoints,7 +accumulation pension savings contract prescribed in paragraph (2) of the ,3 +The contractor must not subcontract and have the contract performed by third parties ,3 +DESTINATION CONTACT/TELEPHONE (OPTIONAL),6 +be established by observing the relative position of the,9 +MARINE CORPS FORMS ,7 +such decision must be substantiated and candidates or tenderers notified. ,9 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,7 +"Forstwirte, die nicht zur Buchführung verpflichtet sind, können in der Rechtsverordnung von der",9 +I.4. PREIS ,7 +than ever before.,9 +"weighing of the aircraft, the maintaining of the weight and ",9 +FMD CONTROL MEASURES,7 +Amendment of article 18 ,7 +Class E Airspace,7 +Deployment/ integration services - the tenderer shall give a total cost of all projected ,3 +Auftraggeber. ,9 +single-needle machine. Backstitch at the corners for ,3 +Budget Line: ,7 +"an experienced, regular crew), or a long, detailed discourse ",9 +those identified in the context of the future Framework Contract(s) replacing this. ,9 +decreases ,9 +[The Judicial Committee was abolished by the Judicial Committee (Abolition of Appeals) ,3 +only indicates wind direction but allows the pilot to estimate ,9 +property whatsoever in trust or to be sold or otherwise converted into,3 +"Der Private hat die Rechte und Pflichten des Trägers der Straßenbaulast nach den §§ 7a, 16a Abs. 3, §§ 18f,",9 +"www.faa.gov, Light Sport Aircraft (multiple electronic documents)",3 +Montage an der Wand: angeflanscht.,9 +excessive descent gradient necessitates. The descent,9 +§ 1 Ziel des Gesetzes,7 +Service Commission under subsection (6,9 +The difference between CFAs and other special use airspace ,9 +Zwischenprüfung,7 +§ 8 Dokumentation,7 +последнего абзаца,9 +"occurs, substitute “Great Britain”. ",3 +10.27.Leitungen ,7 +appropriate,3 +The soft starter shall be totally insensitive for Phase Reversal and shall be able to start in all ,9 +“Price of tender X” is the “Reference price of the LOT” for the relevant lot in the Financial tender (see ,9 +Approaches and Landings ,7 +[Figure 8-36A] ,9 +"business in one or more municipalities, one-fifth of the franchise tax",3 +The squib drives a cutter into the seal in the container to ,9 +"the rotor mast, the helicopter hangs horizontal; if the",9 +"New York Kennedy Airport, NY",9 +"As the angle of bank increases, the total lift force is tilted",9 +Identifying national handles and hashtags to be included in the posts; ,3 +schriftlich oder elektronisch belehrt worden ist.,9 +important to integrate them into a comprehensive Departmental plan in the form ,9 +Pneumatic starting of engines; and,3 +thereby blocking out aircraft at the same range and ,3 +〔昭和六十一年五月三十日通商産業省令第二十五号〕,7 +model to predict ambient concentrations of air pollutants and the comparison of these results to ,9 +Overexcitation Protection,7 +"Integral parts of a total system ATC procedures, and ",9 +comprehensive pretakeoff checklist and set the elevator trim ,9 +[1780-20.],9 +circuit breaker system.,9 +Connect stroke simulator to power cable assembly in place of the AR2. ,3 +Instruments are inoperative or otherwise not ,9 +"controller,",3 +Panel factory test ,7 +IEC/EN 61131-2 ,3 +convergence. ,9 +first 50 percent of flap deflection causes mwc ,9 +"defense. He shall also have the right to be heard by himself or counsel, to produce",9 +is hereby the policy of the,9 +"Für Frequenzzuteilungen auf Grund von Anträgen, die vor dem 1. Januar 2003 bei der Bundesnetzagentur",9 +Störungen beim Rundfunkdienst verursachen. Frequenzen aus dem Frequenzbereich 7 350 – 7 450 kHz,3 +Tandem Rotor ,7 +Drop Hammer,7 +"date of enforcement of the Revised Act (hereinafter referred to as the ""date of ",3 +Identifying Hazards,7 +Article II-22 ,7 +The contractor is liable for damage incurred by the contracting authority as a ,9 +from any person with whom they were travelling when they arrived in England and who ,3 +违反本法第四十四条规定,窃取或者以其他非法方式获取、非法出售或者非法向他人,9 +FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT-,7 +"Gegenstand, Dauer und",7 +"ICT Racks, cabling and other infrastructure elements ",7 +die Bundesflagge nach § 10 oder § 11 führen dürfen und für die ein Flaggenschein oder ein Flaggenzertifikat,3 +"Perceive, Process, Perform (3P) Model ",7 +Minimum Fuel Advisory,7 +"as timing, budget availability/cost-benefits assessments, synergies, technical/ ",3 +council. A provincial bo,9 +"Das Bundesministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft verordnet",9 +obtain the consent of ,9 +Lower Leg Strap Shortening,7 +generally reached whereby the voltage variation at ,3 +"Control Act (November 10, 1987). ",3 +section 180(3) of the 2014 Act. ,9 +Tire Inspection Off of the Aircraft,7 +"Article 2 With regard to the valid period of permission under Article 48, ",3 +"Der Gerichtsbescheid wirkt als Urteil; wird rechtzeitig mündliche Verhandlung beantragt, gilt er als nicht",9 +Venturi Tube Systems,7 +Schedule of Payments ,7 +What to do if this notice is served on you,7 +"préventif,",6 +page 6 of 32 ,4 +heat and causes ,9 +"atmospheric conditions, but since they often operate in the ",9 +〔昭和二十七年八月二十六日政令第三百六十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +Height band. ,9 +Developing further awareness that the radius of a turn ,3 +Tow Rope Strength Requirements,7 +The high-sensitivity position provides an earlier warning that ,9 +MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL ,7 +of starting the engine and flying home safely is ideal under ,9 +Effective Aeronautical ,7 +Reference: ,7 +locate nearby aircraft and provide alerts and advisories. Both ,9 +Make sure that there are no twists in the lines.,3 +"Angaben zur praktischen Prüfung,",3 +blank seating plans; ,3 +"MARKING, STOWAGE CONTAINER - OPERATING LIMITS:",7 +airplane to or from a primary airport must operate at,9 +that there are no pre-existing rights within the deliverable and ,6 +"For example, Bill is introducing Beverly to a low-fuel emergency. His objective at this early stage is to simply enable Beverly to ",9 +"Commission, the controller for the processing of personal data carried out within the ",9 +écrite préalable du pouvoir adjudicateur;,9 +The Cabinet,7 +"If you apply your full concentration to a single instrument,",7 +Connect stroke simulator to power cable assembly in place of the AR2. ,3 +"hereof, the owner or his l",9 +in food. These,3 +Marker Board ,7 +use it. Read the instructions provided by the manufacturer. ,9 +lift increases slightly and the drag decreases signifi cantly. ,9 +"kann sich an den Mitgliedstaat, der die Bescheinigung nach Satz 1 Nummer 2 ausgestellt hat, wenden und",9 +SERVICE LEVEL A,8 +participate/tender. ,7 +Multi-function display (MFD).,0 +"based on their causes are: hypoxic hypoxia, hypemic hypoxia, ",9 +§ 17 Zulassungsbedürftige Betriebe,7 +Contractor’s tender,7 +authorized.,3 +the award criteria 1 to 4 (for both Lots),9 +Common Errors in Turns,7 +"shall, when",9 +Communication/Broadcast Procedures ,7 +Maintenance of Retained Trees ,7 +"Verbot anderer Nationalflaggen, Ausnahmen",7 +Fees for the issuing of certificates of ownership of large cattle and of,3 +"Generally, most electrical or engine controls are located on ",9 +in The Netherlands at least 2 days before the start date of the Demonstration of Conformity; ,3 +Proscribed organisation ,7 +"openings were in any way uneven, it could be very precarious ",9 +importer in accordance with Clauses 4(d) and 5(c) (or document/legislation attached): ,7 +Many airports store salt and sand piles on-,9 +Angestelltenversicherungs-Neuregelungsgesetzes (Fremdrenten-,10 +AIRSPACE INFORMATION,7 +0002 00-6 ,4 +FMD CONTROL MEASURES,7 +An exemption granted under paragraph (1) and alteration or cancellation under paragraph (2) ,9 +"was renamed the Bureau of Air Commerce on July 1, 1934. The ",0 +der einzelne Beschäftigte tätig geworden ist. Satz 1 gilt für die Mitglieder des Verwaltungsrats und der Beiräte,9 +"Capul, Catarman, Catbalogan (the capital of the province), Catubig, Dolores,",9 +"leave from his superior officer; or fails, except when prevented by sickness or",9 +Eingangsformel ,7 +"D,=paraSite drag, lbs. ",9 +Impatience ,7 +Consent to transfer benefit of Order ,3 +Assure a wise selection of material and the elimination ,3 +ower required (horsepower),6 +Exhaust Gas Temperature Indicator (EGT),7 +Hypemic hypoxia occurs when the blood is not able to take ,9 +"Any person who has made a report pursuant to the provisions of Article 55-3, ",3 +Tangled round,3 +Ministers and Assistant Ministers,7 +alla presente dichiarazione devono essere fornite le pertinenti prove documentali a ,9 +Use of Suitable Area Navigation,7 +"certificate (i.e., a Piper J-2 or J-3) that continue to ",3 +Spring-Back,7 +time and date when the next action is required. ,3 +"harmonised, well-structured (i.e. ",3 +an Nordrhein-Westfalen,9 +"– объекты), должны соблюдаться требования Правил, установленные пунктами",9 +"série de pictogrammes, de diaporama, de présentation publique; ",3 +through a careful consideration of all the risk factors present. ,9 +necessary,6 +measuring system shall as a minimum be (±0.2%) of the full scale. The full scale shall be selected according to ,9 +Environmental,9 +temperature will be indicated on Airport IAPs next to a ,9 +NOTE: The pilot should always fly to a point at pickup. This will allow the ,9 +for that month. The contractor establishes the new price on this basis and communicates it as ,9 +"equipped aircraft, and not from those equipped with ",9 +"where notice has been made by the Minister of Economy, Trade and ",3 +〔昭和二十七年八月二十六日政令第三百六十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +PRINCIPAL POWERS ,7 +"hours) – 0300 200 2024, Tel. (outside office hours) – 07770 977 825 or 0845 051 8486 and Email ",9 +Role of the Database Provider ,7 +1.a) 1. Zwischenzahlung – Nach Abgabe und Genehmigung der Projektierungsun-,7 +light off but with rpm remaining at some low value rather than ,9 +patterns apply. The holding pattern maneuver is completed ,9 +Supporting document(s)/evidence requested: ,7 +TAXI—The movement of an aircraft under its own ,3 +"sheet metal, composite, or simply tubes bolted",9 +"In difficult situations, flight instructors should carefully examine learner responses and their own responses to the learners. These ",9 +provides descent information for navigation down to,9 +LSA Synopsis,7 +is applied.,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 63 of March 25, 1998] ",7 + (Lot number) ,9 +Suspension par le contractant ,7 +specificato di seguito: ,3 +Objectives & Pricing ,7 +Figure 11-93. ,0 +available to the public,3 +Achieving an ISD ,7 +straight trailing edge,6 +in the minimum landing distance. ,9 +Flight Risk Assessment Tools ,7 +wing section or fuselage tanks are also common. These may ,9 +"change are consistent, a sense of the time required ",3 +collision would probably occur eventually if no action is taken by either pilot. Situations,3 +"’s premises, based on ",3 +"one-fourth to one-half mile, from the field boundaries,",9 +of the downwind vortex. Thus a light wind with a cross runway component of 1 to 5 knots could result in the upwind vortex remaining in ,0 +produce undesirable control forces. ,9 +C970 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout northern arm (to/from Denmark ,7 +§ 8 Dokumentation,7 +places the entire world on one time standard.,3 +The provisions set out in the tender specifications (Annex I) take precedence over ,3 +Swell Period.,9 +operates like an altimeter as the aircraft climbs and descends. ,9 +desirable for the aircraft to have “spiral instability” than ,9 +regulatory Guidance,7 +"application of appropriate stress assessment tools, ",3 +Interior cabin lights ,3 +any other bilateral or multilateral agreement or arrangements for assistance and technical co-,3 +temperature of insulated conductors varies with the ,3 +pilot tries to force it on the runway when the airplane still ,9 +General electrical requirements ,7 +action to rectify the situation.,3 +Absichern und Hilfeleistung für Verletzte,3 +maintenance of aircraft structural integrity. It is important that ,9 +Recommended Traffic Advisory Practices ,7 +be gained by flying in terminal areas with high traffic ,9 +insert title and number,7 +§ 11 Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I,7 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +WING ILLUSTRATED BY TUFT-GRID PHOTOGRAPHS ,7 +only one declaration covering both aspects should be provided by each concerned entity.,9 +the procurement procedure ,6 +the time when the sun is directly above a meridian; to the ,9 +) 1984 (c. 39). Section 8 was repealed and revived by section 1 of the Video Recordings Act 2010 (c. 1); subsections 8(2) and ,1 +decision height minimum and without runway visual ,3 +"In the e-Submission application, fill in and upload all necessary fields and documents as ",9 +令第四条の七第四号に規定する厚生労働省令で定める医療機器は、医,3 +Kommission zum Schutz der finanziellen Interessen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften ,3 +- Digital elevation data is used to determine elevations for sources and ,3 +to predict the gross effect of service loads. ,9 +circuit is used to open the relay that controls the field ,9 +つては、様式第七の二による書面及びその法人の登記事項証明書,3 +Suspension by the contractor ,7 +額を控除した額に、純資産の額(貸借対照表上の資産の額から負債の額を控除して得,3 +Types of Instructional Aids ,7 +ANGLE OF ATTACK,7 +"necessary for the implementation, management and monitoring of the FWC. The Contractor must ",3 +Figure 16-90. ,0 +"stick to the epoxy surface. In some instances, air-",3 +Gemeinschaft über die Etikettierung von Fischen und,10 +II.13.8. Image rights and sound recordings,7 +between the final approach courses in which flight is not ,9 +Normal Operation ,7 +Fuel evaporation ice or refrigeration ice is formed because of ,9 +least one domain listed in Section 4 above; ,3 +TAS 116KT ,6 +einschließt. Diese Befähigung ist auch in den Prüfungen nach den §§ 7 und 8 nachzuweisen.,9 +地域における医療の確保のために当該病院を管理することが適当と認められる者,3 +Incident reporting prompts the ATO to conduct investigations. ATO employees who conduct the ,9 +required to use FAA certificated engines. The cost of a,9 +The Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution ,9 +shall receive the approval of the division superintendent of ,9 +"CC, y compris le cahier des charges, ceux-ci peuvent être utilisés pour l'un des modes d'exploitation ",9 +human use as opposed to cargo drops or aircraft deceleration.,9 +"preferred routes, Flight Service Station/Weather",9 +Microscale ,9 +Near Midair Collision Reporting,7 +autopilot should not be used in icing conditions. Continuous ,9 +[Figure 8-5];,9 +The Programming ,7 +the torque effect of the main rotor during cruise flight.,9 +Centering cams,6 +"), or the Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972(",3 +Sito di Ispra ,7 +"to exercise the privileges of a sport pilot certifi cate, then ",9 +having its seat,9 +"assessment, and ",3 +so it does not rotate/windmill during transport. ,9 +inexécutées ou de la livraison de faible qualité. Il s'agit en particulier des cas où le pouvoir ,9 +from T able 1=0.0136 at 60 ,2 +run. Drilling burrs should be carefully removed from ,3 +Section 1. General,7 +Hypoxic Hypoxia,7 +Smoke canister projectors; ,3 +"Where a ship is fitted with more than one bilge water level detector, there must be a visual ",9 +〔昭和二十七年十二月二十六日政令第五百号〕,7 +AUTOROTATION IN FORWARD FLIGHT,7 +Orientation and Navigation..........................................10-7,8 +and elaborate 5-10 questions and developing answer possibilities linked to the decided topic; ,3 +"sonst die Fahrerlaubnisbehörde händigt, wenn die Prüfung bestanden ist, den Führerschein nach dem",9 +§ 4 Ausbildungsrahmenplan,7 +contracting authority’s,3 +"Advisory Circular 61-91, the WINGS program is available ",9 +contractual obligation commences only when the contract with the successful tenderer is ,9 +II.23.3 Interest on late payment ,7 +II.21.6. Interim payments and payment of the balance ,7 +be made to the Board ,3 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +Heat adjustment for each compartment ,3 +"of the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, the provisions then in force remain ",3 +releasing a flight and for beginning or continuing an,9 +Using the VOR MON.,7 +authority and may not raise any objection for any reason whatsoever. Prior to making any ,3 +dentify actions that can successfully control the change. In ,9 +PRICE AWARD CRITERION (200 points) ,7 +II.5.5. Authorised persons in e-PRIOR ,7 +for onsite activities) ,7 +ts symbol is ,3 +"Bridles, static lines",6 +and inserting the following: ,9 +rolling between the moving parts or races. Another type of ,9 +The Cabinet,7 +Contour flying requires somewhat shorter burns than ,9 +Urteile und andere Entscheidungen,7 +into a multi-operator framework ,3 +designed to protect aircraft flying precision ,9 +にした行為に対する罰則���適用については、なお従前の例による。,3 +Common Error: Skipping the Preflight Weather ,7 +PM Emissions Modeling ,7 +"the Governor, with the consent of the Secretary of State, has determined would be ",3 +transistor becomes reversed biased and cuts off. When the ,9 +considering the report of another health care professional who has considered any ,3 +"In der Abschlussprüfung soll der Prüfling nachweisen, dass er die dafür erforderlichen beruflichen",9 +Page 53 of 79 ,4 +assembly (if available),3 +au moment qu'il choisit individuellement; ce droit comprend également la communication et ,3 +(b) Your landlord cannot make you leave your home without an order for possession issued by a court. By issuing,3 +"программы, пригодные для практического применения.».",9 +Analyse des documents de contrôle obligatoire (4x/an) et entretien du véhicule. ,3 +Short Delay,0 +"persons only), company tax (legal persons only) and social security contributions. Where any document ",9 +〔昭和三十五年四月二十五日政令第百八号〕,7 + Navigation Instruments ,7 +Traitement,8 +"certificate (i.e., a Piper J-2 or J-3) that continue to ",3 +"-inch, it may be necessary to ",9 +Control Unit,7 +ficate holder. Send the request and fee to AFS-750.,9 +applications or component IT systems. ,3 + ,8 +"Student Pilots, 4",9 +Consignment note ,7 +published on a separate chart and the GLS minima,9 +Rivet Length ,7 +location and reattach as per original.,3 +"auf den Satelliten-Empfang von Automatic-Dependent-Surveillance-Broadcast-Aussendungen, die in",3 +regulatory Guidance,7 +Perceive the given set of circumstances for a flight ,3 +"Zusammenhang mit Bedarfserhebungen, Beschaffungsaufträgen, Angeboten, Ihren Fragen welche ",9 +figure in which their parts are listed as repair parts. ,9 +"expelled, or excluded from said Islands or repatriated to his own country by the",9 +Check Valves,7 +The direct instrument reading ,9 +contain all the information and ,9 +all policies of insurance or bonds or obligations of the nature of,3 +The location of the CG,9 +This contract shall be automatically terminated if it has not given rise to any payment in ,3 +“KNOTS” when using speed adjustment procedures;,9 +"achieve a greater speed, the regime of flight ",9 +to the point where the visual reference line aligns with the ,9 +The EIB shall exclude an economic operator from participation in a procurement procedure under ,9 +‘‘(B)(i) is for such a drug— ,9 +generators can become overexcited and tends to carry more ,9 +include data or information to support— ,9 +Collective Pitch Control,7 +"e — If you require advice on problem debt, including rent arrears, you can contact a professional debt advice",3 +§ 1 Bau und Finanzierung durch Private,7 +"unplanned or undesired event, such as an accident. ",3 +The average distance ,9 +Losflansch mit Bund DN 250 ,7 +"Teachable moments present opportunities to convey information in a way that is relevant, effective, and memorable to the learner. ",9 +ambiguity or error. Completeness means that nothing has been omitted and that everything ,9 +domain after that date ,3 +"whose offices, workplaces, stores or warehouses pertaining to the business of ",3 +necessary in view of its intended removal for the purposes of the authorised works) or property of ,9 +European ,9 +Europol staff obtained during the performance of this,9 +A lightweight pilot takes off with a combination,3 +"implemented, and ",3 +(See SEE AND AVOID.) ,9 +of intended landing at the end of a cross-country flight,3 +II. BUSINESS DATA,6 + See standard terminal arrival route.,9 +Article 8 - ,7 +Exemptions ,7 +REPAIR PARTS LIST ,7 +but good if the rigger does not have the necessary ,3 +VDA does not guarantee obstacle protection below,9 +に含まれる放射性同位元素の濃度が第三十条の二十六第二項に定める濃度限度を超,3 +spections at regular intervals and maintenance works as described in the Operation and Maintenance ,9 +"Grundlagen der Schmerzausschaltung, Kennzeichen der erfolgten Schmerzausschaltung,",3 +Abschnitt B Nr. 2.1 ,3 +a breach of a restriction as to the user of land arising by virtue of a contract. ,3 +" OJ L 94 of 28.03.2014, p. 65 ",1 +"EU can be covered (including sign language and, for the deaf and hard of hearing, a speech to text’ ",9 +Raised floor/ramps ,3 +language; or (ii) at least 3 year of work/study in an English speaking environment; or (iii) ,9 +"available for acceleration, recovery from minimum level",9 +and operate these systems throughout the U.S. is a,9 +"current collaboration of the four (4) Ministries of Agriculture, Defence, Justice ",9 +"Warenwirtschaft und Produktion von Fleisch- und Wurstwaren sowie küchenfertigen Erzeugnissen,",3 +〔平成十七年十二月二日政令第三百五十八号〕,7 +"For further information, please contact: ",9 +Where you have been,3 +"Every time there is a need for a service/activity, EFSA will request to the contractor an ",9 +(Note: Tenderers are required to fill in the blank spaces in this Appendix) ,9 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 +"The importance of, and the proper techniques for, visual ",9 +SEC. 3. PRESUMPTION OF HERBICIDE EXPOSURE FOR CERTAIN VET-,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 315 of September 30, 1986] ",7 +§ 1 Berufsbild,7 +rischia di,9 +routes and data are depicted in aeronautical blue. ,9 +the control surfaces.,9 +to make the approach at Craig despite 100 feet ceilings with ,9 +maintain equilibrium. ,9 +〔昭和四十七年十二月十五日政令第四百二十七号〕,7 +"called heading. Its actual path over the ground, which is a ",9 +Both arms horizontal,6 +" Where, on the 25th September 2020, a child is being deprived of their liberty in a children’s ",9 +to the tank circuit to compensate for resistance losses. As C$_{2}$ ,9 +Miscellaneous Provisions,7 +"airports,",9 +The ASOS/AWOS will provide continuous minute-,9 +ARTICLE 7: GUARANTEES ,7 +and hybrid events) ,7 +antitorque pedal to maintain heading. Maintain a straight ,9 +"Export Trade Control Order or Import Trade Control Order, the provisions ",3 +matters set forth in items (v) and (vi) that have not been changed. ,3 +ADDRESS OF BANK BRANCH,7 +Fuel Oil Combustion ,9 +Safety Requirements ,7 +Motorsport UK – GT World Challenge Europe Sprint Cup and Support Series ,9 +Emergency procedures. ,3 +"amounts shall in each and all cases and upon and after such filing, be",9 +"to the reasonable satisfaction of the Agency, ",3 +RNAV and RNP Operations,7 +those in the assembly procedure except after the control bar ,9 +rating tests. Instructors may find this handbook a valuable training aid as it includes basic reference material for knowledge ,9 +Amendment of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowance) (England) Regulations 2003 ,7 +and pressure against the surface. Warm skis could thaw,9 +a dried film of acrylic nitrocellulose lacquer.,3 +"the reserve pilot chute and free bag, reserve ripcord, ",3 +pressure because air always seeks out lower pressure. The ,9 +The center of gravity of the float assembly is located lower ,9 +"This list shall include the names of the participants, the organisations represented by the ",3 +d4w_finoffer_4.2_en.doc,4 +Route the AR2 power cable through the lower open end of the AR2 power cable sleeve located ,3 +and hybrid events) ,7 +makes them ineligible for the award of contracts by the EIB?,6 +and other officials respecting the institution and conduct of legal,3 +Square Canopy—Rib Repair,7 +Verification of non-exclusion ,7 +speed KIAS ,6 +model more than others. The higher performance wings ,9 +- announcement of the tenders received: the names of the tenderers (all members in the case of a joint tender) ,9 +result of precipitation static. Corona occurs in short pulses ,9 +Assessing SRM Skills ,7 +constant altitude and should not be confused with a ,9 +Drill bushings.,0 +"the enlarged area around the wrist pin hole, expands when ",9 +"Informationen, die für die Durchführung der Kontrollen und Audits erforderlich sind. ",3 +increased situational awareness to the pilot by replacing the ,9 +Fee of Examining Lawyer,9 +shows the auto fuel is premixed with oil for a two-stroke engine.,0 +Shallowest Bank,6 +Amendments to the 2012 Regulations ,7 +"paragraph 21, after “except for” ",3 +contractor must inform its ,3 +Conditions and Controls ,7 +their landing lights when operating below,9 +Glide Slope/Glide Path,7 +"radiation care worker, etc. breathes in a room for using radioisotopes for ",3 +SUBCHAPTER HEADING.—The heading for subchapter III ,9 +"If no expect-further-clearance time has been received, ",3 +Pilot-Induced Roll Oscillations During Launch,7 +必须立即作出处理。 ,9 +La fattura dovrà indicare il numero di,9 +"to the Insular Government, one-fifth to the province or provinces",3 +fault is very likely if a cross-check is slow and rate ,3 +domain after that date ,3 +entgegen Artikel 35 Absatz 2 einen Ausdruck nicht oder nicht rechtzeitig fertigt oder eine dort genannte,3 +Media channels to be identified ,7 +"including distortion of competition, that cannot be remedied otherwise.",6 +Kontrollbereich und der Vorlage des amtlichen (firmeneigenen) Dosimeters erhält der ,9 +"Nutrients are available in sufficient quantities, i.e. in incoming wastewater: ",3 +Receptors,9 +increased as well if it is not in the full open position. To turn ,9 +Abschnitt III,7 +The most expeditious method of notification,9 +Registration of participants ,7 +Controlling or Monitoring the Electrical Load,7 +内水面における漁場環境の再生に関する施策,7 +based reference point. ,9 +Digitales Tachographensystem im Straßenverkehr,7 +The CG of this airplane is located at station 160.9 inches aft ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 358 of December 2, 2005] ",7 +Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) ,7 +Crane used for one person to lift 110-pound wing on ,0 +Turnbuckles,7 +"power required, the excess ",9 +Automatic Activation Devices (AADs) and ,7 +‘‘(I) The term ‘covered veteran’ means a veteran who has ,9 +earlier autogyros.,9 +ILS Function,7 +This clearance must be requested by the pilot on an IFR flight ,9 +of all kinds and the architectural features of public works and,3 +Instructors should particularly emphasize risk management during any kind of recurrent training or proficiency event. Many pilots ,9 +Portfolio Stakeholders Governing Body ,3 +it is lifting the suspension; or ,3 +their mutual rights,3 +RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION,7 +" In Schedule 1, in the heading, after “Sellers”, insert “for the purposes of Schedule 3”. ",9 +Obtaining Assistance from the FAA ,7 +for a therapeutic X-ray unit with a rated tube voltage of 50 kilovolts or ,3 +Aircraft Battery Ratings by Specification,7 +specific contracts. ,9 +"webinars, including the programming process in collaboration with the ETIP ",3 +background,9 +"or proposals in order to apply the ""once only"" ",9 +Kurse zur umweltschonenden Fahrweise.,3 +by such purchaser or purchasers:,3 +Experimental ,7 +"limited route assignments, including airborne",9 +Facturation ,7 +“the 2011 Act” means the Localism Act 2011(,9 +§ 2a Inanspruchnahme der Familienpflegezeit,7 +from which an instrument approach can be conducted. If a ,9 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +"houses; to prohibit the printing, sale, or exhibition of immoral",3 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +"Commencement of bank before the nose starts turning, ",3 +FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Functional requirements for pipe systems ,7 +Procedures and Routes,7 +Reflection. Surface vehicles and even other aircraft ,3 +"goods are likely to be used for the Development, etc. of Nuclear Weapons, ",3 +"The wing is a significant factor in the design of yaw stability, ",9 +Regulations 2021 ,9 +Assessing risk may be the most difficult part of risk management and applying the terms described above to specific risks takes some ,9 + Turns Around a Point,7 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +"route) procedures, contingency procedures and post",9 +Engine Shut Down,7 +Mask/regulator (first observer’s station),6 +образовательной,9 +opening 1 ¾-inches in length. ,3 +"signed by a group (joint tender),",9 +"Betriebsfunk auf Frequenzen,",8 + Turns Around a Point,7 +Cleaning or replacing fuel and oil strainers or filter ,3 +Arrival at the landing party. ,3 +section 74 (exemption specified by order) of the 2009 Act. ,3 +Select Dispersion Models ,7 + The line that activates the cooling vent.,9 +Civil Remedies for Collection of Municipal Revenue,7 +before and during each flight lesson. This ability helps a flight instructor develop and use appropriate techniques for instruction yet to ,9 +Article II-13 ,7 +"performing steep turns is to develop smoothness, coor-",9 +成海洋环境污染损害的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 ,9 +Arrears of Revenue ,7 +rpm of each rotating spool. Most turbofan engines have ,9 +"name and domicile or residence of a reporter (for a corporation, its name, ",3 +speed at which the air passes through the rotating blades of ,9 +UNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL,7 +to monitor wing ice accumulation at night.,9 +"vertraglichen Verpflichtungen (z.B. Zahlungsverkehr), Dokumentationsdaten (z.B. über Fragen und ",9 +___________________________,9 +"offset from the chosen approach path, creating a 15–20° ",9 +Blocked Static System,7 +§ 1 Ziel der Prüfung,7 +"flaps, throttle, and pitch to control the glidepath and",9 +"The margin identification at the top, bottom, and sides of the chart provides information about the airport location, proce",9 +specifying the interim period and the interim assessment; ,3 +"rating with a lean fuel-air mixture, and the higher number is ",9 +Improper bank and power coordination during,3 +Lesson Plans ,7 +"the altimeter needle moves more slowly, and the airspeed ",9 +"(IPCC 2006), the FAA does not calculate CH",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 291 of October 1, 1973] ",7 +"Evidence of ownership (such as a bill of sale), and",3 +"If cellular service is available, use a cell phone to call 911 ",9 +project manager. ,3 +discharged battery shows a specific gravity reading of ,9 +. — Every Act shall be,9 +The Provincial Governments,9 +gegen die Pflichten aus der Anerkennung oder gegen Auflagen gröblich verstoßen hat.,9 +〔昭和三十五年六月二十日政令第百六十三号〕,7 +as the Regional Electoral College may agree.,3 +Pack round reserve with full stow diaper,3 +"powered), M (turbo props/special, cruise speed 190 knots ",9 +"oppure eventuali condizioni di installazione, o di visionare situazioni già esistenti che ",3 +There will be minimum 30 phone terminal and 1 main switchboard console. ,9 +"label, tag, or seal and shall be accompanied by a certificate showing the amount of",9 +National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) -,9 +"A total of 24 NM is needed to descend 8,000 feet (3 NM × ",9 +FMS and/or GPS navigational equipment. The TAA contains ,9 +Merkblatt Fundmunition 2174_Staatsministerium ,4 +"European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten, Westerduinweg 3, 1755 LE Petten, Netherlands ",4 +"positiven Begutachtung abgeschlossen wurden, erbracht werden kann, oder",3 +accurate level of service supported by the combina-,9 +Angebote von Bietergemeinschaften ,7 +"FSS/AFSS weather briefer, it is possible to get a better overall ",9 +interview partner ,7 +a determination under regulation 12(3)(b); ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 115 of April 27, 1973]",7 +MARINE CORPS FORMS ,7 +Statements,9 +– MISURE CORRETTIVE ,7 +"required by ATC, the pilot in charge (PIC) must notify ",9 + The contractor must grant the,3 +AIR FORCE TECHNICAL ORDER FORMS,7 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 + shows a basic military ,9 +"35.03.08 Водные биоресурсы и аквакультура, утвержденном приказом",9 +他の病院又は診療所と共同して特定臨床研究を実施する場合にあつては、次のい,3 +the Board must determine the amount of victims’ payments payable to the applicant in ,3 +Combustion,6 +Commissione,9 +"Gefährdung, Einrichtung: Unzureichende oder nicht vorh. Beleuchtung in Gebäuden",7 +"entgegen Artikel 34 Absatz 7 Unterabsatz 1 Satz 1 ein Symbol nicht, nicht richtig oder nicht rechtzeitig",3 +"Der Unternehmer hat dafür zu sorgen, dass die Vorschriften über die Lenkzeiten, die Fahrtunterbrechungen",9 +Further information and consultation ,7 +Functions of Engine Oil,7 +– des § 2 Nummer 1 des Fahrpersonalgesetzes in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 19. Februar 1987,3 +” means the economic operator (i) being listed on a sanctions ,1 +or corporation holding,9 +"modifica del contenuto, delle dimensioni; ",3 +to expand and rotate the needle.,6 +Translational Lift,7 +"Löschmaßnahmen, möglichst ohne die Lage der in Satz 1 genannten Gegenstände zu verändern,",3 +Throttle System,7 + WSC Operations,7 + instruction and other instruction above the,9 +Safety Alert,7 +the magneto distributor block and the other end is connected ,9 +Approved by both Houses of Parliament ,9 +strong lift source may be worth returning to after rounding ,9 +"side, as in airplane roll control. ",3 +Section 3. Airport Marking Aids and Signs,7 +part of the Programme Plan.,9 +"cause a written report of the case from the trial judge, together with such other information derived ",9 +At least 3 years of experience in Machine Learning Algorithms and Advanced Machine ,3 +severed from the ,9 +Registration in the Participant Register ,7 +"AirBorne Windsports Pty Ltd., for weight-shift control sample weight and loading data sheet used in Chapter 4",9 +releases the uplocks and allows the gear to free-fall to the ,9 +"Community Services Block Grant Act, with such funds allocated ",9 +The pilot must have a mental picture of what he or she ,9 +the Wasserkuppe in Germany. ,9 +have more time to set up for a landing and the gliding,9 +Operating Limits for ,3 +"of the rotor head was perfected,",9 +retrieve data streams from external providers or creation of data ,3 +"list of the names of the persons whose business, if continued, would render them",9 +for submitting ,9 +Amendment of Schedule 3 ,7 +" Flight Over Charted U.S. Wildlife Refuges, ",7 +"Turning in the wrong direction, due to misreading or ",3 +and the term of office of the appointee. A record shall be kept of all such,9 +Thrust vectoring is the ability of an aircraft’s main engines to ,9 +yellow background with a black inscription with a,9 +"United States airspace: air navigation facilities, equipment, ",9 +of conventional current flow.,9 +feet ’vith the hull offsets those of the ,9 +new transition method for arriving aircraft equipped with ,9 +started or when the ground-power unit is connected.,9 +国家加强生产安全事故应急能力建设,在重点行业、领域建立应,9 +Semiconductors,7 +Original Lamp by Equipment manufacturer. ,9 +An integrated flight instrument system that ,9 +Chapter Summary ,7 + (ss 108-116),7 +moving a hand back and forth across the throat.,3 +relation to the ground. ,9 +"speeds, shallow bank angles for slower groundspeeds.",3 +勘定に係る預金その他の債務(次条第三号において「非居住者円勘定に係る債,3 +"In order to provide a higher margin of safety, it is rec-",9 +method utilizes the fir-tree design. ,9 +SIGNATURE,6 +Reconnaissance Procedures,7 +"from the engines can be used for lift, whereas a single rotor ",9 +"Der Prüfling soll nachweisen, dass er Zusammenhänge der Berufsbildung und Mitarbeiterführung erkennen,",9 +and helps push the gear into the down-and-locked position.,9 +Any written communication relating to,3 +auquel elles se rapportent et devront parvenir au Secrétariat endéans les 10 jours calendrier ,9 +Absolute .....................................................................2-3,8 +"For hybrid, ""online +""",7 +PROCÉDURE D’EVACUATION ,7 +医師少数区域等所在病院等に対して医師を派遣し、又は医師の確保を特に図るべき区,3 +产监督管理职责的部门,不得隐瞒不报、谎报或者迟报,不得故意破坏事故现场、,9 +Night blind spot ,6 +shall be 12 mm diameter minimum. The main longitudinal bars shall be level at the top of the pile and ,9 + are or include a database: the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit the ,3 +consignes d'invacuation. ,3 +Fuel Selectors ,7 +Vacuum Tubes,7 +procedures as prescribed and anticipate any alternative actions users might take. ,9 +NAVIGATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION (Continued),7 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +Risk elements.,9 +ALL OK-DO NOT WAIT,6 +in British English,3 +from the binding tape due to overstressing during packing. ,9 +2021 No. 572 ,10 +colored fabric.,9 +Square Canopy—Rib Repair,7 +identification and invitation of ,7 +"change are consistent, a sense of the time required ",3 +A party is not liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under the FWC ,3 +create or increase illusions. The illusions seem very real and ,9 +navigation system that tracks the movement of an aircraft ,9 +will occur. At speeds only slightly beyond ,9 +airline transport pilot (ATP) received minor injuries and the ,9 +compass errors when accelerating and decelerating on Easterly ,9 +"typically selectable by microphone clicks, on the UNICOM frequency. Availability of the automated ",9 +General requirements ,7 +Audit of Accounts – Department of Lands,7 +"investigation reports, 2005 ",3 +A crossport is damaged and needs to be repaired ,3 +Rotor Speed:,6 +(Basic Policy) ,9 +Employees,9 +electrical system.,9 +Drill Stops,7 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +contribute toward increasing the roll moment for the carriage. ,9 +name of the ,7 +оздоровления с круглосуточным пребыванием включает: спальные комнаты;,9 +Constitution of offices,7 +"Auf Berufsausbildungsverhältnisse, die bei Inkrafttreten dieser Verordnung bestehen, sind die bisherigen",9 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +atmospheric,9 +"It is sometimes necessary, due to construction or runway ",9 +" These Regulations may be cited as the Criminal Legal Aid (Coronavirus, Remuneration) ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 363 of December 6, 2002]",7 +or his removal and disqualificatio,9 +placing. ,9 +You can recognize the aft CG condition when coming,9 +speed that is maintained by the governing section of the ,9 +"Tape, Lacing and Tying (Item 33, WP 0076 00)",9 +for reducing air pressure losses,6 +psychologischen Testverfahren und -geräte nach dem allgemein anerkannten Stand der Wissenschaft und nach,9 +電磁的記録の作成がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む。次項において,3 +"Werden die Fertigpackungen unmittelbar nach Abschluss des Herstellungsvorgangs geprüft, so entspricht",3 +im Zentralen Fahrzeugregister,7 +pilots only.,9 +"listed in Appended Table 5, item (ii), which are exported to North Korea, and ",3 +"Dutch roll tendencies, most aircraft are designed with that ",9 +ransfer the risk of VFR in these conditions by asking an ,6 +propeller out of balance).,3 +"When an aircraft is on the ground, operating the engines or ",9 +"Fundstelle des Originaltextes: BGBl. I 2003, 94 - 95",9 +start the engine and one used for the generation of electrical ,9 +"himself, it can be transferred to some sort of longer term storage. To retain information for extended periods of time, it needs to be ",9 +It handles the following input signals or communication: ,9 +"stop, the heading can be controlled with a combination of ",9 +"[Civil Service Rules, III, 6.]",9 +Syerston air-ground service may be contacted as notified. ,9 +"Inspect engine and gearbox for loose or missing nuts, ",3 +consists of the following basic indicators. ,9 +FAA Publications ,7 +certain they are all disconnected prior to moving the engine. ,9 +The Powerplant ,7 +Permanent stopping up and restriction of use of streets and private means of access ,3 +dieser Verordnung.,9 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +Several pilot reports have been submitted for light icing ,9 +§ 17 Zulassungsbedürftige Betriebe,7 +"Check the entire length of the tow line for abrasions, ",3 +NOTE: The horizon line starts moving upward at ,9 +Identification of subject matter for Professional article ,7 +субъектом видом деятельности при условии соблюдения Правил.,9 +Copyright and Neighbouring Rights (Levy on Technical Devices) ,7 +Straight shank terminal dimensions.,0 +II.13.6. Quotation of works in the result ,7 +and corporate entities produce approach procedures. The ,9 +Regulation 19(1)(a) ,7 +INITIAL SETUP: ,7 +TREES SUBJECT TO TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS ,7 +chute is then packed on top of the internal flaps. The rigger ,9 +Motor routine 1 ,7 +The third unit of a three-unit regulator is used to prevent ,9 +sufficient altitude to regain airspeed and initiate a climb,9 +Use of workers temporarily transferred to the contractor from an undertaking ,3 +"Composite materials can be used to structurally repair, restore, ",9 +pilot’s evasive act or action. Situations where large evasive maneuvers are necessary to,3 +Aisle (hot and/or cold aisles…) ,3 +REGION 0~ REVERSED COMMAND ,7 +"the oil, the level of which can be checked and adjusted by the ",9 +After Landing and Securing ................................20-15,8 +The Eddie-Bolt$^{®}$ 2 Pin Fastening System ,7 +Piston ported inlet cycles for a two-stroke engine.,0 +Figure 7-42. ,0 +"""region A."" ",3 +"the helicopter’s controls to satisfy these commands, ",3 +applications. Its broad scope allows for the identification of issues that may require more ,9 +based on its assigned priority. If the information does not ,9 +Pressurization Terms,7 +Article 37 - ,7 +inception report,3 +Propeller Gearbox,7 +In-Flight Test ,7 +on the date on which the department responsible referred to in Article I.8 registers it. ,9 +Common Error: Skipping the Preflight Weather ,7 +nur auf Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen in der Vergangenheit zurückgegriffen werden ,9 +nachgewiesen werden müssen. Zulassungsvoraussetzung für die Prüfung ist der Nachweis über die erfolgreich,9 +Common oceanographic terminology.,7 +and hybrid events) ,7 +"responsibility for containment, deployment, or operation of ",9 +The pressure of the air inside the altimeter’s ,6 +INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENTS ,7 +Kidde Continuous-Loop System,7 +high lifr coefficients. ,9 +"follows, to be paid from the fund",9 +nose-low attitude on the ground gives a level flight ,3 +十条第二項第三号に規定する厚生労働省令で定める財産は、当該地域医療連携推進法,3 +at all times to land into the wind in case of engine failure. In ,9 +without the prior written authorisation of the contracting authority. ,9 +combustion products along line EB. ,9 +Amendment of article 3 ,7 +DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,7 +"of heading, for example, leave the heading indicator ",3 +дней. Во время заезда проводится бесконтактная термометрия каждого ребенка,9 +to condense the water in the air. It usually forms when the ,9 +"— The Philippine Islands shall be divided into as many auditing districts,",9 +Supports the initiatives around national policies reconciliation with the ,3 +interface control document,3 +PIA-TS-108.1,7 +die Höhe der zu entrichtenden Mautgebühr;,3 +Einvernehmen mit dem Bundesministerium der Finanzen:,3 +toute modification de la situation déclarée. ,7 +Moral rights of the authors ,7 +of treatment ,6 +"valve, opens into the float chamber. When the valve is ",9 +Botswana Housing Corporation ,7 +Other communication activities ,7 +"approved by a resolution of, each House of Parliament. ",9 +"and alternate planning. Because this information is critical, ",9 +– Eignung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Fahrens motorisierter Zweiräder,3 +Tender Specifications ,7 +Disease Programmes,9 +Figure 10-54. ,0 +be used for this ,9 +times the stall speed of the aircraft. ,3 +"Slider. The slider, used for reefing, is made of Type I nylon, is dome shaped, and measures 27 ",3 +"tonnage. Some of these attributes are free text data types, but the information is ",3 +the edges together.,3 +Teilnahme ausländischer Fahrzeuge am Straßenverkehr,7 +Article 4 – TERMS OF PAYMENT,7 +"contract, performing audits, benchmarking, etc., the ",3 +AFSS via very high frequency (VHF) radio to a telephone ,9 +Civil Aircraft Operations Transiting,7 +CRUISING LEVEL-,7 +Dispersion Modeling,9 +"riting under his or her hand, so directs.",3 +The following check procedure of the valves is ,9 +company in the case of a joint tender,9 +outcome of the flight is successful. ,9 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +well-defined basis. ,3 +for the purposes of thi,3 +descends. Usually measured in FPM. A required instrument ,9 +The Lome Sysmin account with a General Ledger balance of ,3 +Operations in international airspace demand that pilots ,9 +amended as follows. ,9 +discovered,9 +"learn, providing adequate instruction, demanding adequate ",9 +Section 1. General,7 +This causes the aircraft’s ,9 +"sites for fence maintenance staff comprising fence erectors, gate keepers, store ",9 +"technological understanding of any decade to that point, leading ",3 +Temperature 18 °C and dew point 17 °C. Barometric pressure,9 +Fully Articulated Rotor System,7 +Deportation of Subject of Foreign Power,9 +Die Übertragung wird nicht aufgezeichnet. Entscheidungen nach Absatz 1 Satz 1 und Absatz 2 Satz 1 sind,9 +Cleaning or replacing fuel and oil strainers or filter ,3 +event the original flight cannot be accomplished as planned.,9 +explain this effect is—the wind is drifting the airplane ,9 +Symptoms of Hypoxia,7 +"atmosphere in sustained flight, an area of area of low ",9 +leaf brakes.,9 +Manner of Notification.,7 +FDC NOTAMs ,7 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +"technologischer sowie gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen, insbesondere digitaler Technologien,",3 +approach course similar to the ILS localizer. The SDF course ,9 +"or in the case of commercial balloons, align the balloon’s ",9 +enforceable,9 +hub. [Figure 2-4] You control the pitch angle of the blades,9 +surfaces. The structural design requirements do not cover multiple inputs in one axis or ,3 +Der dauerhafte Einsatz im JRC Karlsruhe setzt das Ablegen einer Befähigungsprüfung auf ,9 +approval or permit: ,9 +methodologies,3 +Variation of the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +attachment point. ,3 +"When a vacancy occurs in the office of any justice of the peace, except in the city",9 +a claim is made under a nomination executed by a depositor in the manner above,9 +Pressure sensors (two sensors at small,9 +Terminal radar service areas (TRSA). ,9 +STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE TENDER ,7 +AUTOROTATION IN FORWARD FLIGHT,7 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Sport Piggyback System,7 +"reply or appearance, may certify thereon a new balance. A district auditor may",9 +"idling propellers, as ",9 +be done on initial radio contact with the ATC issuing ,9 +"average flow rate, then “x” shall be 0.60 and Tenderer’s committed figure shall be calculated with the ",9 +Gefahrstoffe in der abzubrechenden Bausubstanz,7 +remembers the persistent altitude control problem and glances at the altimeter. Noticing that the aircraft has descended almost 100 ,9 +constructeur,6 +on at such place ,3 +Commerce and the Committee on Appropriations of the House ,9 +II.23.4$_{ }$Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +published instrument procedures once an aircraft,9 +Technical and professional capacity,7 +Abwasserstationsanlage,7 +"and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, OJ L 119, ",1 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +Institutional and Individual DoIs do not need to be provided with your offer. The ,9 +from the system.,3 +Rates vom 22. Dezember 1995 zur Festlegung der Bedingungen und Einzelheiten für die Zulassung und,3 +⦁ $_{Recognition and rewards for group success }$,3 +traffic pattern; to the right when in a right-hand traffic ,3 +the tasks are executed. This amount covers all expenses at the place where the tasks related ,3 +system. The deployment bag is packed in the bottom compartment of the container assembly with ,3 +"Fortunately, good streamlined shapes usually ",9 +Récipients sous pression ,7 +around a point and has a good understanding of the ,9 +Reimbursements ,7 +"I+;,= induced power required corresponding to ",9 +基本方針は、次に掲げる事項について定めるものとする。,3 +"obtained from the airspeed indicator, uncorrected for ",9 +„Kokzidiostatika und Histomonostatika“,3 +operating near those areas.,9 +recommend that the Tenderer starts gathering the requested documents (especially in case of joint ,9 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +"quantity of air as the double-entry type. This, of course, ",9 +Dieses Gesetz tritt am Tage nach seiner Verkündung in Kraft.,9 +of low aspect ratio with sweepback to delay ,9 +"improper air pressure, improper reducing of the ",3 +Thermocouples,7 +SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +"distribution: le droit exclusif d'autoriser ou d'interdire toute forme de distribution au public, ",3 +. — When the Director of,9 +for all speeds. This best power curve establishes the rich ,9 +AUTHORISED DEVELOPMENT ,7 +The engine cylinders have an overhead valve design ,9 +Reviewing and Approving the O&SHA ,7 +"from the “On-the Job” training course together with 3$^{rd}$ Course, which shall have the same duration as ",9 +Coordinating Calculations with Aeronautical ,7 +C970 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout northern arm (to/from Denmark ,7 +attitude ,0 +available as a vertical or horizontal unit. The tension and ,9 +"erfüllt wird, ist für die Zeit ab dem Beginn der Wirksamkeit der Ausflaggungsgenehmigung der Ablösebetrag",9 +Payment provisions: ,6 +especially if the pre-calculated takeoff performance shows ,9 +"The commitment for power consumption is provided as the yearly maximum consumption, excluding ",9 +adhere to this material.,3 +Personal ,9 +is transferred using magnetic flux energy and the process ,9 +Standard Rivet Alloy Code Markings,6 +Council; ,9 +feature of the turbojet engine ,9 +Anlage (zu § 1),7 +the rivet does not need to be replaced with one of the next ,9 +advisory (TA) systems use onboard sensing equipment to ,9 +primary airport may obtain an ATC clearance to,9 +The filtering element interior is made of varying materials ,9 +can swing freely and align themselves with the wind direction. ,9 +"and violations of city ordinances, in the Court of First Instance and the municipal",9 +Management Letter,7 +following matters or provision of those matters by electronic or magnetic ,3 +groundspeed changes in order to maintain a constant ,3 +MAP - NAVIGATION MAP,6 +Takeoff Charts ,7 +Zuschlagskriterien ,6 +I.4.2. Price revision index ,7 +. — The publication,9 +Equipment Condition ,7 +Currency as an instrument pilot is an equally important ,9 +Minimum Fuel Advisory,7 +"выделенных местах), устроенных в торговых, культурно-досуговых центрах,",9 + Attitude and Sink Rate Control,7 +Description and Overview of the System Safety Program Plan,9 +Describe the System and the NAS Change ,7 +Pressurization and Flexibility,7 +to make additional circuits to lose excessive altitude or to ,9 +SEC. 305. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES ON DISASTERS. ,7 +or other heavy abuse still stains and/or damages the rig ,9 +Straight Descents (Constant Airspeed ,7 +Technical equipment and Technician (for both onsite and ,7 +"effective. In these cases, there are approved repair techniques ",9 +in the work packages below,9 +Durch Missbrauch von Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten des Rechts können die Verpflichtungen aus dieser Verordnung,9 +"The provisions of Article 18, paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange Control ",3 +"Airspeed, MPH",6 +delivery notes ,3 +〔昭和二十七年十二月二十六日政令第五百号〕,7 +"media posts and content, visuals and HWC newsletters. ",3 +"Dividing attention between the flightpath, ground-",3 +INTRODUCTION ,7 +performance of the specific contract,9 +Article 37 - ,7 +due to temperature change. Calibration of the dial face in ,9 +Semiconductors,7 +"in neuer Rechtsform fortbestehen, oder ihre Rechtsnachfolger die Erwerbsmöglichkeit wahrnehmen",9 +"veil provided the aircraft remains outside Class A, B",9 +Conditions ,7 +Production of video clips,3 +Obtaining Emergency Assistance,7 +"special conditions, in the General Terms and Conditions for Information Technology Contracts or in the ",9 +airfoil from the leading edge to the trailing edge.,9 +"§ 4 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Betriebs- und Unternehmensführung""",7 +does a full understanding of the system modes,9 +"For an additional amount for ‘‘Refugee and Entrant Assistance’’, ",9 +die dafür relevanten Inhalte des Absatzes 2. Das Prüfungsgespräch soll für jeden Prüfungsteilnehmer nicht länger,9 +Gara d'appalto JRC/IPR/2019/OP/0139 ,5 +"another by causing a loss to the Union's financial interests, and relating to: i) the use or ",9 +" in a terminal area, pilots should take",9 +Amplifier,6 +break the poor judgment chain before it can cause an accident ,9 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +altitude en route charts and which are normally flown ,9 +and Taft.,9 + Provides for approach without ,3 +Contractor or Contractor’s national partner to brief photographer including objectives ,3 +"Only the originals of the declaration on honour and the tender report are to be sent by letter, ",9 +"Markt und Marketing, insbesondere Angebot, Nachfrage, Preisgestaltung und Werbung;",3 +Identification of subject matter for interview,7 +structured. ,3 +Audio-visual material production,7 +Instrument Weather Flying,7 +"Monitoring of Instrument Approaches, 5",9 +次に定めるところにより、保管廃棄設備を設けること。,3 +geophysical investigations (where required by Code for Infrastructure Works in Disaster Are-,3 +"electronic transfer, from computer to computer, of commercial and administrative data using an ",9 +Disassembly,7 +"price. In other words, the contract is awarded to the lowest tender that satisfies the minimum ",9 +ELETTRONICA ,7 +Control Valve,7 +Sites in The ,8 +the analysis encompasses all services provided within an entire Air Route Traffic Control ,9 +Mixing Equipment,7 +Flight Operations in Volcanic Ash,7 +"by a rivet of the same size, its ability to carry its share of the ",9 +En route low,9 +segment of an instrument approach procedure in ,9 +embalming or burial of the dead.,3 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,5 +"In addition, the Helicopter Flight Manual (HFM) defines ",9 +the pilot need not change eye focus to view the relatively ,9 +PROJEKTBETEILIGTEN ,7 +The pilot of the glider should establish a position directly ,9 +"and pressure, such as the example in ",9 +The contractor must immediately inform the Contracting authority of any changes in the ,3 +Article II-10 ,7 +PROCÉDURE D’EVACUATION ,7 +A learner’s performance is often assessed only on a technical level. The instructor determines whether maneuvers are technically ,9 +exercising constant vigilance in the vicinity of airports even ,9 +typically aligned in a straight-line perpendicular to,9 +Audit Act of 2012. With respect to performance audit reports of Local ,3 +or any other,9 +"execution; take, purchase, receive, hold, lease, convey, and dispose of real and",9 +Paint System Compatibility,7 +"temperature alarm, overcurrent, short circuit and I$^{2}$t thermo). ",9 +acknowledge the IC mismatch/time,9 +Figure 5-51.,0 +contracting authority. The retention money guarantee must not exceed 10 % of the total ,9 +VIDENCE UPON REQUEST,7 +"corrosion-resistant steel, or titanium alloy, come in many ",9 +"cables called risers, which connect to the PPC cart.",3 +Figure 5-14. A synthetic vision system (SVS) is an electronic means to ,0 + Engine Instruments ,7 +"of translational thrust. At this point, the tail rotor becomes ",9 +[Figure 9-39],9 +readings gathered by this method can be used by a pilot ,9 +"begins at 1,200 AGL over the United States, including that ",9 +"Recommendations for special equipment, such as personal protective clothing or ",3 +having jurisdiction by regulation or special expertise is usually initiated at this point as well. ,9 +E-mail: [,9 +(See VOT.) ,9 +In the case of a radar initial approach to a final,9 +www.legislation.gov.uk. ,9 +Article 3 - ,7 +"a “W” followed by a number (e.g., W-237). ",9 +Facilities to be provided by the EIB and/or other parties ,7 +"For the contracting authority, ",9 +The Agency shall provide assistance and deliver advice to the Commission and EU MS on issues ,3 +"monitored, is matched with an indicating display system. If ",9 +with different expertise profiles need to work together in the right way at the right ,3 + Basic Pilot Eligibility,7 +Webbing. ,9 +Gayle chooses to mitigate the major risk by hiring a CFI to ,6 +List of Figures ,7 +"the air because the wing’s AOA was abruptly increased, ",9 +for use in light-sport aircraft. The 0-200-A/B is a four-,9 +call to AFSS) provides all the information readily available ,9 +"Formstück als Übergang, Zuluftöffnung 610x610mm ",9 +for cut and broken wire strands.,3 +от 12 августа 2020 г. № 953 (зарегистрирован Министерством юстиции,9 +2) временно приостановить оформление иностранным гражданам,9 +"especially that of disease control interest, such as damage to the fence and cattle ",9 +STRATEGIC PLANNING ,7 +in aligned procedure may be,9 +Sensitive Altimeter,7 +signatory.,9 +- Digital elevation data is used to determine elevations for sources and ,3 +messages. During good weather (below the predeter-,9 +Spouse Act’’ or the ‘‘SAVE LIVES Act’’. ,9 +overcome high control forces. [Figure 5-13] A typi-,9 +"In the cases referred to in points (a) to (d), (g) to (i), (k) to(n) of Article II.18.1 and in Article II.18.2, the ",9 +§ 3 Ermächtigungen,7 +minimum threshold 50% = 5 points),3 +Preparing/Revising the Safety Requirements Verification Table ,7 +scretion of the proper authority.,9 +of the shank ,3 +Minimum requirements for the organisation of awareness-raising support to ,7 +[Figure 7-8D] ,9 +Rods active,6 +"traffic, ",9 +TRAFFIC PATTERN—The traffic flow that is pre-,3 +locations as per the original installation. Usually the ,3 +"section 4. Annexes), signed and dated by an authorised representative, stating that they fulfil the ",9 +FIX BALANCING- A process whereby aircraft are ,9 +for compliance with,3 +operational control tower and will be subject to ATC,9 +waypoint and the receiver will not sequence to the,9 +that is required for shortening and mark accordingly. ,3 +determining the condition of the pad exists. But at line ,9 +Figure 11-1. Straight-in autorotation.,0 +Turns Around a Point,7 +your latest ,9 +. It must also take out supplementary insurance as reasonably required by ,3 +dell'impresa,6 +Brake alignment by comparing test strips. ,0 +"with the state of the art in the industry and the provisions of this FWC, in particular the tender ",3 +components.,9 +COMMISSIONE EUROPEA ,5 +Public Instruction in General ,7 +Terminal Procedures Publications,7 +Fahrschulerlaubnis ersetzt wird.,9 + Published VFR Routes,7 +Pensions Act 2013 are not applicable in respect of these Regulations. ,9 +Gefahrstoffe in der abzubrechenden Bausubstanz,7 +"a vessel operated by or in support of a foreign country or territory where, prior to its ",3 +Direct Control—The capacity for,9 +or the packing may be leaking around the needle.,3 +vary as you make power changes. Always check the,9 +Start contactor ,3 +"and proceedings arising from any infringement by the contractor, its employees and their ",3 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +procedure can be very beneficial in a training,9 +station causes the needle to deviate.,9 +to contact ATC and AFSS via very high frequency (VHF) ,9 +final editing and definition/conceptualisation of a promotion action plan to make the ,3 +proceeds of the real-property tax.,3 +Target or Clamshell Reverser,6 +Pneumatic operation of outflow valves is common. It is ,9 +measures to obtain such consent in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.,9 +DÉFINITIONS ,7 +Steering emergency release switch,6 +Lower Leg Strap Shortening,7 +L&R Systems,6 +fuel and any vapor present back to the main fuel tank. The ,9 +"submissions to support the approval, licensure, classifica-",9 +of fluorescent iron oxide powder and solvent is spread over ,9 +"engine controls for defects, operation, and safetying; ",3 +flight speed requires lowering the nose of the gyroplane,9 +is an example of interpolating information from a takeoff ,9 +FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) ,7 +the type of powerplant installed on the aircraft. Reciprocating ,9 +ANNEX B. List of Spare Parts ,9 +"Please, also refer to the Framework Agreement (accessible via http://www.qib.qov.tr/uluslararasi mevzuat ), and the Communique ",1 +"architecture, the software architecture, and the software lifecycle model (including ",3 +Office’’. ,9 +Combustion Drain Valves,7 +This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the day of enforcement of the Act ,9 +continuous-flow system. The simplest form of continuous-,9 +"scale along the bottom of the graph. From 70°, draw a line up ",9 +Beschleunigtes Zusammenlegungsverfahren,7 +Normal Takeoff from a Hover,7 +Quality standards ,7 +Irrigation system ,7 +"modified so as to enable the acquiring authority, in circumstances corresponding to those referred ",9 +Dieses Gesetz dient der Durchführung der Vorschriften zur Verbraucherinformation und Etikettierung,9 +Amendment of article 19 ,7 +"§ 10 Angestellte, Arbeiter und Auszubildende",7 +Санитарные правила,7 +these corrections may become slight enough to be barely ,9 +security requirements and operational roles ,7 +operations (ETOPS)),3 +Electronic exchange system: can exchanges under the contract be automated? ,7 +A gas flare with a capacity suitable for burning the maximum amount of produced gas at Stage 2 from ,9 +"functions of his or her office, and any such suspension may at any time be revoked by the ",9 +compulsory insurances are subscribed in compliance with the laws and regulations in ,9 +Rivet Length ,7 +I.14.3 Liability for alleged breach of intellectual property rights ,7 +The contractor shall comply with administrative orders given by the project manager. ,3 +SPECIALIST,6 +type of clerical,9 +MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL ,7 +Variation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +An impact assessment of the effect this instrument will have on the costs of business and the ,9 +"Instructors, and Ground Instructors,”and 14 CFR Part 91, ",9 +The number of such claims granted. ,9 +"On all policies of insurance, or other instruments by whatever name",3 +"Because meridians converge toward the poles, course ",9 +stakeholders,9 +"appointments,",9 +Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA),7 +"Unless designated at a lower altitude, Class E airspace ",9 +out to the dimensions listed in the applicable aircraft manual ,9 +Such report shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the Court of First,9 +"a variety of tensiometers, each type designed for different ",9 +section are compensated in a manner corresponding to that in which they would be compensated ,9 +than 28 days beginning with the date on which a notice in respect of any drainage work is served ,9 +Tenders which passed the quality thresholds will be further assessed to ensure: ,9 +is at the end of this handbook.,9 +has met the requirements of 14 CFR section 61.87(p) and is competent to make safe solo flights ,9 +Multiple Framework contracts with ‘re-opening of competition’ ,10 +so authorized.,9 +the enhancement of existing DCns already configured to address collected ,3 +Abschnitt III,7 +CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVICES PROGRAMS ,7 +Oversight and Control over Certain Subsidiaries ,7 +though the airplane may descend and another bounce may be ,9 +"shall cause the ordinances of the township to be executed, and",3 +the back wing. The additional drag on the forward wing pulls ,9 +Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids,7 +an interference with an interest or right to which this article applies; or ,3 +"entgegen Artikel 37 Absatz 2 eine dort genannte Angabe nicht, nicht richtig, nicht vollständig oder nicht",3 +FMVtr1965G,9 +Helicopter,6 +550 series crossflow,6 +Abschnitt B Nr. 2.2 ,3 +"Fahrplänen in der Arbeitsschicht enthalten sind (z. B. Wendezeiten). Voraussetzung hierfür ist, dass",3 +the documentary evidence for selection criteria. ,3 +"Decreased reaction time,",3 +"secondary site(s), if expressly specified in the Special Conditions and/or the Tender Specifications. ",9 +当該医療事故に係る医療を受けた者に関する性別、年齢その他の情報,3 +La même institution ou agence.,6 +current to the electrical system. They also maintain a ,9 +"absolute indication, but the presence of any of them under conditions of stress is reason for careful instructor evaluation. ",9 +altimeter becomes primary for pitch. Adjust the pitch attitude ,9 +Symbology on the constant pressure analysis chart is ,9 +delivery notes ,3 +– Jungen Fahrern,3 +"The third head of the Aeronautics Branch, Eugene ",0 +also the time rate of change of position.,9 +facility or to another end/final destination; ,3 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +трансграничных объектов инфраструктуры;,9 +"- Remote Sites in Non-European States,",3 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 +"cure temperatures throughout the repair. In general, the ",9 +Controlling or Monitoring the Electrical Load,7 +payable by Europol and shall indicate the maximum liability of Europol in this regard to ensure that ,3 +trimmed to maintain that pitch attitude without excessive ,9 +anything that you can do to recognize and minimize potential ,9 +Subcontracting ,7 +against the edges of the other panels that formed the ,3 +duration and foreseeable ,3 +and Mitigating Risk,7 + Turnbuckles are fitted in the cable assembly ,9 +on the throttle setting. An advantage of an oil injection ,9 +"‘‘(C) facilitate and accelerate, as applicable, advanced ",9 +How To Use a Training Syllabus,7 +decided in liaison with EU-OSHA’s national partner; ,3 +Stop engine/release tow line—this signal is given by ,3 +"Goodyear brake described above, the wear pin is measured ",9 +letters “PA” and Hawaii identifiers always begin with the letters “PH.” Station identifiers can ,3 +Contracting Authority for performance of the contract as a whole.,9 +Al presente CQ non si applica la garanzia di esecuzione. ,9 +"torque motor, spinner, deice timer, beta feedback assembly, ",9 +federal agency to,9 +ew in or at the place where the business is,9 +separation of aircraft and third priority to additional,9 +"In preparation for the cold cylinder check, head the aircraft ",9 + Cooling Systems ,7 +Responsible body ,7 +providing a degree of redundancy. Should one or the,9 +従事者として、滅菌消毒の処理に使用する機器の取扱いその他の受託業務を行う,3 +"Arbeits- und Geschäftsprozesse vermittelt werden. Diese Qualifikationen sollen so vermittelt werden, dass",9 +Alternate Types of Wings ,7 +Resin Injection Repairs,7 +of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) with an aim to ensure sustainable ,9 +Zuständig für die Rücknahme und den Widerruf der Anerkennung der verkehrspsychologischen Berater,9 +solution. These bubbles can cause a painful and potentially ,9 +oil-gas mixture to dilute the oil with gasoline.,3 +Relocated Runway Threshold ,7 +"portion of the airspace system, requires that an aircraft have two-",9 +WATERPROOF ,9 +Surface water drainage ,7 +Crew Responsibilities ,7 +Operations in Other Countries ,7 +"outcomes. The learner no longer performs a series of memorized steps, but is able to assess his or her progress along the way and ",9 +Bewertungsmaßstab für die Leistungen,7 +[Company name] ,9 +The opening of the received requests to participate is not public. ,9 +for oxy-acetylene welding of aluminum. This method has ,9 +Approach Speed,6 +Environmental and Health Factors ,7 +commercial jet or military bomber.,3 +niedergeschrieben. Der Auftragnehmer,3 +Not radar identified,7 +Kilometerstände der benutzten Fahrzeuge bei Fahrtbeginn und Fahrtende.,3 +Regulations 2020 and come into force on 20th March 2020 but have effect from 14th May 2018. ,9 +"renting, by on-line or other forms of transmission; ",3 +Figure 16-97. ,0 +IV. Vor dem 1. Juni 1982 ausgestellte Fahrerlaubnisscheine,9 +"bestimmen, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung tierschutzrechtlicher Vorschriften,",3 +Data leaflets; ,3 +a need for additional investigations.,9 +northeastern Luzon and comprises the following municipalities:,9 +"verursacht eine Vertragspartei eine nochmalige Überweisung, trägt sie die Gebühren ",3 +deliberation known to employees in order to manage and operate the hospital ,3 +Instrument Approach Procedure Charts ,7 +Abnahmeprotokoll ,3 +known traffic and known physical airport condi-,3 +Cultivation of Ground ,7 +- any other locations where Europol hosts or will host one or more of its racks. ,3 +and landing gear.,9 +TATISTIQUE CONCERNANT LES ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ",7 +Dauer der Berufsausbildung,3 +Suriname ,9 +APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM-,7 +Fire Bottle Discharge,7 +for the assessment.,3 +The fuel-metering device used on a turbine ,9 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +Release Management ,7 +ice to the person concerned and after a reasonable time for his,9 +"rotating component is driven by a mechanical device, such ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 105 of March 31, 2005]",7 +reduced vacuum for the turn-and-bank indicator.,9 +"No occurrence of sludge with poor settling characteristics, which can result in non-",3 +"If the tenderer intends to subcontract part of the service, they shall indicate in their offer which part will ",9 +"battens into the batten pockets, starting at the root and work ",9 +There are several variations of the basic three rotor head ,9 +Abschnitt 4,7 +downwind to crosswind.,0 +engineered to be receivable to a maximum of 25 NM,9 + Where an offence under these Regulations is committed outside the Isle of Man— ,9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +II.11. AMENDMENTS ,7 +Xenon lamp and shall be visible even from long distances. The protection class of the siren flasher ,9 +"such data, in order to: ",3 +"Kenntnisse der verschiedenen Maßsysteme für die Satzherstellung sowie der Schriftarten,",3 +Irrigation system ,7 +Verkehrsanlagen;,3 +includes an instructor’s public image.,9 +document to the Director of Air Traffic Operations (Service Area) before submitting the,3 +‘‘(A) is for a drug or biological product that is for ,9 +"in person, in the constituency in which he or she last resided, or in which he or she was ",3 +TABLE OF CONTENTS ,7 +Anti-Icing/Deicing,7 +Exceptions ,7 +Type 1 deployment in a pilot emergency rig.,0 +"If you require advice on problem debt including rent arrears, you can contact a professional debt advice",3 +Programme of implementation of the tasks ,7 +置若しくは手術の用に供する衣類その他の繊維製品(以下「繊維製品」という。)の,3 +supplies the pressurization controller with the parameters ,9 +"Monitoring, sampling and analyses ",7 +einem geeigneten ,3 +WORKS PROVISIONS ,7 +RNWY. Moves the cursor into the Runways section ,3 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +of entry too rapid. The error occurs during the turn ,3 +"the services,",9 +Cockpit Management,7 +Système Informatique du Répertoire des Entreprises (SIRENE) ,8 +Component of weight ,6 +"Of course, all components of the aircraft ",9 +II.7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND PROFESSIONAL CONFLICTING ,7 +Excessively nose-down trim requires the pilot to hold back ,9 +chart note will indicate if the VGSI is not coincident,9 +or copies of the ,3 +U.S.-manufactured lead-acid batteries are considered fully ,9 +v= velocity of motion in feet per second. ,9 +"original owner, or if he be a lessee, he may retain the amount from any rent owing",9 +free and clear so the wing can be lifted freely into position. ,9 += 0.250 (,6 +〔昭和三十五年六月十日政令第百五十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +might cause a situation that hinders Japan's contribution to international ,3 +"Identification, invitation and briefing of journalists/experts ",7 +a Super 80 or a Boeing 737 to a maximum operating ,3 +"to a horizontal break, such as a seam line. Paint the underside ",9 +evaporate,9 +a desired event. ,0 +is turned directly by the engine through the accessory gear ,9 +Weather Radar Services,7 +must perform all the functions ,9 +"ponents. A sixth,",0 +sized Enterprise (SME),6 +FLIGHT AT SLOW AIRSPEEDS,7 +respective capabilities.,9 +an outstanding query regarding past payments which had been ,3 +weld. The Tost tow ring is also made of high grade steel and ,9 +inserting ‘‘2 years’’; and ,9 +Failure to maintain heading.,3 +The contractor shall respect and abide by all laws and regulations in force in the country ,3 +"example above is not an instrument flight rules (IFR) pilot, what are the consequences of encountering inadvertent IMC? In this case, ",9 +"radioisotopes for positron computerized tomography examination, storage ",3 +generally not repairable nor allowed by most manufacturers. ,9 +電磁的記録の作成がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む。次項において,3 +"Capabilities, 4",9 +richiede. ,9 +other factors. Attitude changes must be detected and ,9 +distance on either side. The brakes should be held while ,9 +first sentence should be changed to: “Maneuvering speed (V$_{a) }$– a structural design ,3 +"limit is exceeded on an LP approach, a missed approach",9 +Contractor’s national partner and the EU-OSHA’s national partner set the objectives and the ,3 +progress on a flight. They may or may not be actually ,9 +Information Management ,7 +where the supplies are to be delivered which may affect the contractor in the performance ,3 +system hardware/software used to monitor the no ,9 +current through the conductor must be maintained ,3 +Figure 15-19. ,0 +Altitudes and Flight Levels,7 +I.5.1. Vorfinanzierung ,7 +service or deliverable(s) is allowed only if expressly specified ,3 +divulged to any third party and will not be made use of in any way by the visiting ,3 +produce an observation quite similar in form and,9 +Any written communication relating to this contract between the contracting authority or ,3 +Amendment of Schedule 2 ,7 +Short breaks ,7 +Auf Grund des § 45 der Handwerksordnung in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 28. Dezember 1965 (BGBl.,9 +The President shall receive such salary and allowances as may be prescribed by ,9 +ENISA F-COD-20-T03 ,7 +Some type of external lifting action is necessary to bring ,9 +without unreasonable delay in accordance with the plans approved under this Part of this ,3 +“requirements” means those matters set out in Schedule 2 to this Order; ,9 +Presolo Knowledge Tests (page 10-19) ,7 +Figure 7-46. ,0 +CRUISING LEVEL-,7 +"minimisation principles, personal data processed must be accurate and kept up to ",3 +NAV2108.00 110.60,6 +HIGH RATE OF DESCENT,7 +Identifying national handles and hashtags to be included in the posts; ,3 +"the injured person is provided with NHS ambulance services, the charge will be £224 (compared ",9 +Layup Process (Typical Laminated Wet Layup),7 +Evaluation of tenders on the basis of the award criteria,7 +Unpowered Ultralight Vehicle Towing: Experience ,3 +Executive Director). ,3 +True Course (180°) ± Variation (+10°) = Magnetic Course (190°),9 +Sequence for Painting a Single-Engine or ,7 +of the attitude and guidance inputs required to safely fly ,9 +Confidentiality of tenders: what information and under what conditions can be ,7 +Alert Areas ,7 +PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +"Design Basis, 2.6.2. The procedure of acceptance test shall be as follow: ",9 +"Fahrer/Beifahrer, Fahrzeug",7 +segments of a federal airway.,9 +Section 3. En Route Procedures,7 +as the Regional Electoral College may agree.,3 +Reconnaissance Procedures,7 +"indicate strong mountain wave turbulence. While en route, ",9 +(This note is not part of the Regulations) ,7 +Tension Regulators,7 +Acquisition of land ,7 +geschützt zu werden. Die Nutzung der Frequenzbereiche 9 305 – 9 355 kHz und 16 100 – 16 200 kHz,3 +limits of the affected components of the aircraft’s power-,9 +be held until the airplane lifts off. Rudder control should be ,9 +online.” ,9 +Darüber hinaus hat der Bieter zum Nachweis seiner Eignung folgende weitere Unterlagen mit dem Ange-,6 +"Air Traffic Control, and supplemental FAA direc-",9 +to dislodge the landing gear. ,9 +"insulation requirements, as well as TC locations for the repair ",9 +Pilotage.,9 +trical malfunction. A fuse simply burns out when it is,9 +These princi- ,9 +Subject: what is this call for tenders about? ,7 +"much of the essential information that is required in a lesson plan, including objectives, content, and completion standards. ",9 +Weighing the Aircraft and Determining the ,7 +is reversed when entering a lighted room. The eyes are fi rst ,9 +under the FWC; and,3 +is closed by the mechanical action of the single-lobe cam. ,9 +Learning behavior modification techniques.,3 +Storing and Servicing Facilities,7 +Vorschriften des § 88 sind sinngemäß anzuwenden.,9 +These routes,9 +preparazione,3 +"Dallas/Fort Worth Intl. Airport, TX",9 +SALARIES AND EXPENSES ,7 +supports vertically-guided instrument approaches to all ,9 +The Auditor,3 +"103 910,32 Euro",9 +"nucleus of combt .,on is maintained through- ",9 +Offence and penalties ,7 +name of the Contractor,9 +"parks, monuments, seashores, lakeshores, recreation areas, ",9 +"Fahrerlaubnis-Verordnung dürfen für die Ausbildung der Klasse B alle Personenkraftwagen verwendet werden,",9 +Volcanic ash clouds are not displayed on airborne or,9 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT,7 +"crisps, dried fruit, hot and cold hors d’oeuvres), cocktail dinners (drinks, selection of small ",3 +б) дополнить новыми строками следующего содержания:,9 +erfolgen.,9 +prior to entry. The technique is determined by the type of ,9 +as is known; and,9 +"above 10,000 feet MSL within the 48 contiguous",9 +Chapter IV-2-2 Medical Care Plans ,7 +trade-marks of the Executive Bureau. In case the judge finds that irregularities,9 +"without formal notice thereof, apply as of right the sanction for breach of contract ",3 +Air Distribution,7 +"619 metres, including associated embankments, as shown on Sheets 1 and 2 of the Works Plans. ",9 +Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11A) Addendum: ,7 +equipment,6 +§ 2 Familienpflegezeit,7 +ground air and electrical power is available for that ,3 +ROUTINE FENCE MAINTENANCE AND PICKET PATROLS ,7 +FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS ,10 +"The cases under points (e), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n) and (p) may refer also to ",9 +"A typical inspection following a checklist, on a small single-",9 +"calculators, all tools",3 +Lok$^{®}$ fastening system along with a unique bead design that ,9 +生产安全事故的应急救援与调查处理 ,7 +the bound vortex when circulation is induced ,9 +legally issued or sent when the contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender) is ,3 +ERANS WHO SERVED IN KOREA. ,7 +ATC replies with:,9 +(Company Number 10867315).”. ,9 +The Public Service,7 +[Figure 5-6],9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 3 of January 25, 1973]",7 +v.decisions of the Commission relating to the infringement of Union ,6 +Aluminium-Steckrohr,8 +Automatic Response Stage ,7 +TENDER SPECIFICATIONS,10 +"proportionate changes in the effects of torque, thus making ",9 +__WITHDRAWN,3 +"in the case of the first fixed penalty notice, £500; ",3 +"In addition, if your situation involves more than one special ",9 +folgende ,9 +in the area,3 +Organization of Bureau,7 +end of the audible range. The lower the frequency of the ,9 +Selector valve—In twin-engine aircraft having vacuum ,9 +the Attorney-General; and ,3 +Concept of radio-call in to be elaborated in agreement between EU-OSHA's national partner ,3 + die Aufgabe des ,9 +Payments due from the Contracting Authority shall be made into the bank account notified by the ,3 +"paragraph (aa) or (bb) is taking place, and ",3 +“transport assessment” means the document of that description referred to in Schedule 11 ,9 +(financial offer template); ,3 +"higher as the No. 1 person clears the suspension lines of debris and removes entanglements, when ",3 +proper aviation training. ,9 +Identifying Emissions in the SIP ,7 +own staff or by any outside body authorised to do so on its behalf.,3 +Flight Operations in Volcanic Ash,7 +"choosing a landing site. Before landing, evaluate",9 +Species of Township Revenue. — ,9 +PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ,7 +a list of all ,3 +診療用高エネルギー放射線発生装置及び診療用高エネルギー放射線発生装置使用,3 +The contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender) must complete the necessary formalities ,9 +angle of attack during the ap- ,9 +Normal Operation ,7 +Operating the Jet Engine,7 +also be a valuable source of additional information. ,9 +I.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA ,7 +PACKING METHOD: ,7 +produce identical airloads at various gross ,9 +since part of the lining is usually exposed. The diameter ,9 +"houses; to prohibit the printing, sale, or exhibition of immoral",3 +FACILITY.) ,9 +"третий), 2.2.5, 2.2.6, 2.3.1, 2.3.2 (абзацы первый и третий), 2.3.3, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3",9 +Obtaining Emergency Assistance,7 +second interim Technical report,3 +"Overload, 1 min.: 150% ",3 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +法第四十九条の二において読み替えて準用する一般社団法人及び一般,3 +information on the rotorcraft and the powerplant. In some ,9 +"No cargo may be carried, nor may any dispensing materials be carried in the hopper, or ",3 +The change proponent must ensure that the SRM documents are entered into the ATO,3 +from P587.52 million in the previous year to P420.08 million in the ,9 +"Additionally, some aircraft are equipped with flaperons. ",9 +is now available directly to the cockpit at 43 airports,9 +Unteraufträgen,9 +"Errata as of September 11, 2013 ",7 +"standard required, such as buildings and motor vehicles. Other ",9 +movement. An ADF receiver is an excellent aid to ,3 +rendered under a specific contract) will be contracted with the respective contractor ,3 +Pressurization and Flexibility,7 +"today: one using onboard sensors to detect nearby aircraft, the ",9 +принимающих,9 +individual filters. In systems with no master filter that rely ,9 +"to verify the assigned altitude of the aircraft, and",9 +Absatz 1 geltend machen.,9 +il Centro,9 +Stall Speed Performance Charts ,7 +"If you apply your full concentration to a single instrument,",7 +The insurance will be arranged via a framework contract with an insurance company through ,3 +"regulation, reverse current sensing, differential ",9 +"Vorliegen der Voraussetzungen durch Vorlage geeigneter Unterlagen nachgewiesen hat; Tatsachen, die verspätet",9 +"construction of sewers, waterworks, irrigation systems and other",3 +"II.20.5. Vorfinanzierungsgarantie, Erfüllungsgarantie und Gewährleistungseinbehalt ",7 +(ii) by striking ‘‘or in the case’’ and all that follows ,9 +〔昭和三十五年四月二十五日政令第百八号〕,7 +substitute “Territory”. ,3 +MA-1 pilot chute and B) high-drag pilot chute with large hole mesh. ,0 +companies,9 +AIRSPACE INFORMATION,7 +Visual Glideslope Indicators,7 +of the artificial horizons and directional gyro. In the other ,9 +2021 No. 563 ,10 +§ 87 Begonnene Maßnahmen,7 +Depth from ground level to toe of pile ,3 +Variation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +travel over the ground at the instant of touchdown. Failure ,9 +Civil Remedies for Collection of Municipal Revenue,7 +Versorgungsflächen verschiedener Sender nicht mehrfach veranschlagt.,9 +La personne susmentionnée est susceptible d'être rejetée de la présente procédure et ,7 +MB depending on the number and type of endpoint data included. ,9 +Other Wing Features,7 +II.19.1. Fatture e imposta sul valore aggiunto ,7 +"meldepflichtiges Konto identifiziert wird, und für die Folgejahre jährlich melden, es sei denn, der Kontoinhaber ist",9 +nicht in den Geltungsbereich der AVV Baulärm.,9 +shall inform the beneficiary at least 48 hours in advance of his intervention. ,9 +and the grounds for termination.,9 +balance panel. This differential pressure acts on the balance ,9 +This declaration is part of the declaration used for exclusion criteria (see section 3.3.2 Award criteria) so ,9 +The project manager shall have authority to issue to the contractor administrative orders ,3 +of the engine airflow is used in the combustion ,9 +factor at a time. ,3 +Nearest Airports Using the PFD,7 +Article 3 With regard to the application of penal provision to acts committed ,3 +"example, previous experience or different rates of learning ",9 +to provide separation between all IFR operations ,3 +Nomination of Beneficiary,9 +Explanation Phase ,7 +Constant power plus constant pitch equals constant ,6 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +accordance with — ,9 +"as the ""basic policy""). ",3 +that it continually requires active participation in the learning process. ,9 +Retained apparatus: protection ,7 + (ss 57-94),7 +"Slips, falls and excess excavations ",7 +(for onsite ,7 +PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS ,7 +Statement of Losses of Public Monies and Stores – (Statement No. 22),7 +contractant en collaboration avec le service du Secrétariat qui gère le contrat-cadre (ci-,3 +for any purpose funded under such heading in such law: ,9 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +"444, RW-8",6 +"parameters, the eight “most significant” intruders are",9 +by the Wrights using wood and fabric with wires and struts ,9 +Available N-numbers for immediate use on a specific ,9 +long as it is placed on top of a thin metallic sheet to ,3 +im Bundesgebiet bei allen Holzartengruppen voraussichtlich mindestens 20 vom Hundert oder bei,3 +for nonprecision instrument approaches. The final approach ,9 +represented ,9 +sident in respect of legal proceedings,7 +Class E Airspace,7 +"On some gyroplanes, especially those with an enclosed",9 +die eine durch die Bauart bestimmte Höchstgeschwindigkeit von mindestens 130 km/h erreichen. Bei der Klasse,9 +Drill Stops,7 +从业人员在作业过程中,应当严格遵守本单位的安全生产规章制,9 +facilities are required to solicit PIREPs from pilots in the area. ,9 +Development of roadmaps for action on: ,7 +including the airspace overlying the waters within,9 +"going down the chart, Margin Identification Information is organized in the following way.",9 +All metal parts of the aircraft should be bonded to prevent ,9 +Leveling Off,7 +sustained operation past a time limit may cause ,9 +"If the leader does not pay by the due date the whole amount, and if the amount due cannot be ",9 +"by nongovernment organizations, as well as other",9 +"⦁ $_{Practice—the learner is able to identify, understand, and apply SRM principles to the actual flight situation. }$",3 +greatly weakening or completely eliminating the ,3 +pilots of areas that may contain a high volume of pilot training ,9 +Safety Alert,7 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +Cultivation of Ground ,7 + [Name & Office address of the contract manager] ,9 +Legal effects of the invitation to tender and submission of a tender. ,7 +Flight Operations in Volcanic Ash,7 +§ 2 Kennzeichnung von forstlichem Vermehrungsgut,7 +presentare,9 +through linkage by the throttle control and a passageway ,9 +Die Identifizierung meldepflichtiger Konten unter den bestehenden Konten von Rechtsträgern richtet sich,9 +complied ,9 +Further requirements for the use of applications and online tools,7 +Figure 3-79.,0 +wings at high wing loading will have rela- ,9 +In still air the higher the speed the less economical the fuel ,9 +obligations in the performance of a contract or an agreement financed by ,6 +"Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau); provided, however, that it does not ",3 +runway. This permits steering with the nose wheel. At the ,9 +financière),7 +minimum performance and safety standards for certificating ,9 +"engine or t,= 2.1 when the afterburner is in ",9 +to commemorate and memorialize the American story of human ,3 +indemnify the contracting authority from all consequences resulting therefrom. ,9 +Operating Limitations (Section 2),7 +operations listed in Table 1. The Responsible Person for flight operations may be either a person who is a ,9 +118.000 COM2,6 +"by using the air rudder and the ailerons, always main-",9 +accordance with any of the following: ,3 +должен составлять не менее одних суток.,9 +databases;,9 +"and Industry No. 92 of December 10, 1983] ",7 +"quality of the deliverables, the language quality check, and continuity of the ",3 +Information Management ,7 +cautioned to ensure the pilot,9 +"314.3 of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (or any ",9 +and Plazas Prohibited.,9 +"approved, as provided for in the specific contract. ",9 +", qualifies as an ",3 +"in der Luft befindlichen Funkstellen, 50,2 – 50,4 GHz, 52,6 – 54,25 GHz, 86 – 92 GHz, 100 – 102 GHz,",3 +ROTATING CYLINDER ,6 +Abschnitt 2,7 +shall not disclose in any manner to any,9 +Forces acting on a rotating propeller. ,0 +inlet is that the optimum shape is variable with ,9 +metal to shape the edge or to form a bead along the edge. ,9 +over-excavation shall be filled with suitable material and compacted to the satisfaction of the Engi-,9 +High Round Out,7 +travel and subsistence costs in accordance with Article II.22 of the draft ,3 +conducts according to the permission and to which the provisions of Article 17-,3 +"(spécifications fonctionnelles et techniques), les modalités d'évaluation des offres, les ",3 +pump mounted on the accessory drive gear box of the engine. ,9 +implementation of the accident analysis business. ,3 +and in summarizing how the flight is going. When strong lift ,9 +"Until control technique is very smooth, frequent cross-check ",9 +I.1.1. Date of payment ,7 +"Zugang zu den Ergebnissen einer Untersuchung der Opfer (Tote, Verletzte) oder von entsprechenden",3 +Die Auszubildenden haben ein Berichtsheft in Form eines Ausbildungsnachweises zu führen. Ihnen ist,9 +стационарных,9 +"airways, off-airway routes, or route segments, which meets ",9 +acceptable level of safety risk in the NAS operational environment; ,3 +made up of one kind ,9 +[2339-99.],9 +Diese Immissionsrichtwerte sind an den Immissionsorten einzuhalten. Die Immis-,9 +Minimum Crossing Altitude (MCA),3 +recommended to use a moving map with an outdated,9 +"ative, or zero. A positive pitch angle tends to move the tail",9 +Specific objectives: ,7 +can be spread evenly over the available distance. This concept ,9 +equipment suffix information are:,9 +"(Standards specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as ",9 +drogue chute.................................................................. 7-7,8 +"Babatngon, Dulag, Palo, San Miguel, Tacloban, Tanauan, and Tolosa.",9 +of encounters of less than 500 feet separation may be considered potential risk.,3 +proach and landing implies that the airplane is ,9 +Infrastructure/Software ,3 +provision,9 +and evaluation makes the pilot less prepared for an actual ,9 +"consignee, the description of the goods to be transported, the quantity for each ",3 + J . Demonstrations (continued),7 +"The required odor level to be fulfilled is stated in Volume 3: Employer's Requirements, Section 2: ",9 +occur along the airway are automatically inserted into the ,9 +a pitch attitude adjustment may require a movement of the ,9 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +Durchführung der,9 +(See AIRSPEED.) ,9 +II.25 SÉCURITÉ ,7 +payable by Europol and shall indicate the maximum liability of Europol in this regard to ensure that ,3 +pursuant to the budget may be made from any municipal funds in the hands of the,9 +Pulsating DC.,9 +Program map scale settings for en route versus ,3 +§ 93a (weggefallen),7 +Anforderungen gemäß Energieeinsparverordnung 2016,7 +(+++ Textnachweis ab: 9.8.2002 +++),9 +10.24.Vertragsstrafe ,7 +Lubricating bearing in this area,6 +Warning Areas ,7 +the ground run. The slower the speed desired at touch-,9 +Level D plus augmentation and backup by a human,8 +"aircraft is the vertical position compared to an airplane, as ",9 +the APU compartment. Verify that the APU bottle discharge ,9 +"""I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will well and truly hear and",9 +Inbound Toward NAVAID,0 +of static electricity and the danger of sparks.,9 +barred from so doing. Execution of the administrative order shall not be suspended ,3 +собственная,9 +turn to the crosswind leg. Since you have a tailwind on,9 +Position the 3-ring at the mark on the main lift web ,3 +to ensure that the records are correctly maintained. ,9 +may be obtained at the written request of the certi- ,9 +る事項(当該許可の申請が一般病床のみに係るものである場合においては、第三号に,3 +Subject: Supply of Equipment for Final Stop Before Climbing the Ladder: Mantar Cultivation and Technology Commercialization ,7 +"pressure. The more pressure is needed, the more likely it is ",9 +"give directions for the appointment of a new period for voting in the election, and ",3 +uses insert-type bushings.,3 +"Islands or other person, o",9 +"two rear connector links, and the D lines are attached to their associated C lines in the same ",3 +Submission of requests to participate and tenders. ,7 +"aircraft, or any other source of identifiable assistance. Use ",9 +If the contacts ,9 +II.20.6. Interim payments and payment of the balance ,7 +contract.],9 +"Act 1989 Representations Procedure (England) Regulations 2006, the Education and Inspections ",9 +П. Общие требования,7 +II.24 POLITIQUE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ,7 +"landing, but it is available for taxi. When a threshold is ",9 +Turbine discharge pressure.,9 +"parts. Also, the condition of the material is more uniform ",9 +Defroster valve,6 +"CFR Part 61, section 61.23—Medical Certificates: ",3 +movement. An ADF receiver is an excellent aid to ,3 +the chances of damaging the area to be tested.,9 +-gesundheit,8 +Sweepback wing ,6 +Ram drag.,9 +radial tapes run directly from the bottom to the cap ,3 +The weight must completely withdraw the ripcord pins within the available stroke. ,3 +Weather Radar Services,7 +"de sélection qui lui sont applicables à titre individuel, tels que ",6 +"short term loan providers, ",3 +Figure 2-66. ,0 +"applicables,",6 +Figure 2-15.,0 +"desired altitude. When the proper lead altitude is reached, the ",9 +"network and information security, thereby ensuring the smooth functioning of the Internal Market. As ",9 +system & ELMS,6 +"иностранных граждан и лиц без гражданства, граждан Республики",9 +II.17 SUSPENSION DE L'EXÉCUTION DU CC ,7 +"Derivatives, Treasury, portfolio",3 +DOWNWASH FLOW FIELD 8EHlNO A SWEPT TAPERED ,7 +selected according to the,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 115 of April 27, 1973]",7 +"shows level flight, the airplane is turning. If the ball ",3 +"§ 10 Angestellte, Arbeiter und Auszubildende",7 +LNAV minima if the rules under which the flight is,9 +action’s ,9 +accordance with the applicable legal provisions and be ready to provide documentary evidence ,9 +List of consumables. ,3 +"identify,",9 +Cable management ,3 +"to allow the military to conduct low-altitude, high-speed ",9 +"should they exceed them by more than 0.015 x B (B = pile dimension, diameter or side). No face of a ",9 +) 2018 c. 12; section 3 is amended by S.I. 2019/419. ,1 +the speed. ,9 +It could also have no stiffeners but might contain flanged ,9 +"the pilot (counter-clockwise), increases engine rpm; rotating ",9 +"near the landing area such as fences, bushes, trees, hangars, ",9 +MAGNUS EFFECT BY ,6 +TABLE OF CONTENT ,7 +of interest,3 +"coastal harbors and channels, and for inland harbors shall be ",9 +"DUVRI, sono presenti rischi di cui tabella precedente, in particolare il personale del contraente ",3 +"nachgeordneten Unternehmen des Finanzkonglomerats untersagen, wenn",9 +Article 30 (1) An X-ray unit must be that for which the following damage ,3 +Projektterminplanes (Architekt) ein detaillierter Terminplan vorzulegen. Die terminliche Abwicklung und ,9 +Municipal Budget,7 +flow into the mask. A rebreather-type mask is used with a ,9 +NTSB Field Office nearest the accident or incident,9 +"Einrichtungen des Navigationsfunkdienstes über Satelliten (Richtung Weltraum – Weltraum), die in den",3 +über Satelliten darf weder schädliche Störungen beim Flugnavigationsfunkdienst hervorrufen noch den,3 +Powered Parachute Wing,7 +Spanwise reinforcing tape should be straight and sewn.,3 +GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ,7 +DOWNWASH FLOW FIELD 8EHlNO A SWEPT TAPERED ,7 +of serious crime in the Territory. ,3 +TAIL SURFACES,7 +concerning <,9 +Vertical Gusts During High-Speed Cruise,7 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +obligations without requiring that the contracting authority has recourse against the principal ,3 +II.7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND PROFESSIONAL CONFLICTING ,7 +Aborted Landings,7 +expressly waive,3 +TOUCH AND GO—An operation by an aircraft that ,3 +initial deflections of the flap cause noticeable ,9 +dell'inizio,9 +transmitters and receivers. These sites are located,9 +A146 Normanston Drive ,7 +contact points close and the current is then allowed to flow ,9 +in place by using the appropriate toggle. The control line remains locked in place until manually ,3 +"volts (=5%), check the DC voltage output and readjust to ",9 +"otherwise than in accordance with the requirements of this Part of this Schedule, the Agency may ",9 +General obligations ,7 +借款人提前偿还借款的,除当事人另有约定的以外,应当按照,9 +Der Führer eines Kraftfahrzeugs hat die Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I nach Absatz 1 Nummer 4 mitzuführen,9 +"Das Mindestalter für das Führen eines Kraftfahrzeugs, für das eine Fahrerlaubnis nicht erforderlich ist, beträgt",9 +Figure 9-16. ,0 +"Tenderers and, if applicable, group members and subcontractors shall provide a dated and duly ",9 +Gefahrstoffe in der abzubrechenden Bausubstanz,7 +"invoices without the prepayment of charges, when the same are shipped by sea in",9 + Summarize any specific considerations that may warrant ,3 +"cause is low rotor rpm, then increase the rpm.",9 +"published in Official Gazette no: 29393, dated 22 June 2015. ",1 +II.17.1. Suspension by the contractor ,7 +§ 1 Beschränkung des ordentlichen Holzeinschlags,7 +cognitive work result in mental fatigue.,9 +understanding that learning knob-and-dial procedures is not ,9 +REARWARD FLIGHT,7 +WAAS minima will also be published on this chart,9 +Dangerous,9 +will cause a large increase in the rate of creep ,9 +NAVWEPS OD-BOT-BO ,7 +Instrument Training ,7 +Model for specific contracts ,3 +The auditors noted that the Institute had fully depreciated assets ,9 +SLASH- A radar beacon reply displayed as an ,9 +"the number of degrees of change is small, limit the",9 +WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT ,7 +Peripherals and displays.,3 + Quarter bag.,0 +Application of the collective that is too abrupt when ,3 +"for solo, the knowledge and skills necessary for solo cross-country flight, and the knowledge and skills appropriate for obtaining a ",9 +with the reason for the required action. Discard all threaded ,9 +Licenses for Sale of Liquor in Certain Places — Streets,9 +Dynamic stability. ,9 +Cockpit Management,7 +Equipment layout diagrams. ,3 +Strategic ,8 +"shall be set by the district of a prefecture; provide, however, that, when the ",3 +emissions. ,3 +Cattle grid: important for stopping cattle from straying into other zones especially ,3 +〔昭和三十五年六月二十日政令第百六十三号〕,7 +"Welfare as referred to in Article 278, paragraph (1) of the Act on General ",3 +PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE ,7 +The Contractor must be aware that any defect in its quality system will result in a quality ,9 +establishments where articles subject to a specific tax are made and to prescribe,9 +routes are available for use by RNAV,9 +air can form ice in this area. It frequently occurs in those ,9 +(ii) for sub-paragraph (c) substitute— ,3 +rivets. It is common practice in the industry to size rivet ,9 +Section 2 Protection of X-ray Units ,7 +“Single Harness Emergency/Reserve Parachute Canopy”,3 +the greater the pressure inside the wing and the more ,9 +Abnormal Reactions to Stress ,7 +The Programming ,7 +estimation,9 +"enhancing thermals, thermal waves, and wave and slope lift. ",9 + (Power of Attorney) and ,9 +Inspection for Corrosion,7 +Low-Wing Twin,7 +TED eTendering,7 +The static ports are located in a position where the air at ,9 +the consultation undertaken at the same time as submitting the marine pollution contingency plan ,9 +"Procedures (TERPs), which prescribes standardized methods ",9 +indicates ,9 +keep the skiplane moving while taxiing to a suitable,9 +from any upcoming invoice to be issued. ,8 +Licensee to Surrender Firearm,9 +Beschleunigtes Zusammenlegungsverfahren,7 +Areas Designated as Severe Wind and Moisture ,7 +providing a positive attitude reference is the attitude indicator. ,9 +(AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) ,7 +by inserting ‘‘the Assistant Secretary for Prepared-,9 +TWO-STROKE ENGINE—A simple form of ,3 +"upper and lower surfaces of the flap, making the trailing edge ",9 +Duration of Training ,7 +"is emitted by modern engines.” “Current scientific understanding does not allow other gases (e.g., N$_{2}$O and CH$_{4}$) ",9 +plunger pointing down). ,3 +counterclockwise. Raise or lower the rear roll and roll the ,9 +consume Application Management services across a 12-month period. It explains ,3 +"shall, as soon as practicable after the first day of January of each",3 +and capacity. They normally extend through one or ,9 +(vii) affairs pertaining to acceptance (excluding those pertaining to the request ,3 +Gas generator. ,9 +Electrical Load Limits,7 +財務諸表等が電磁的記録をもつて作成されているときは、当該電磁的記録に記録,3 +Video production ,3 +in Schedule 11 certified by the Secretary of State as the REP and RRRF Application ,9 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +temperature. ,3 +the overall frame of governance in order to understand the larger context ,3 +[Figure 9-26],9 + does not pay by the due date and if the amount cannot be offset in accordance ,3 +Communications ,7 +〔昭和五十五年十月十一日政令第二百六十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +"aircraft (i.e., if it is not being purchased from the ",9 +Near Midair Collision Reporting,7 +左右及び上下の視界が十分とれること。,9 +https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/digit/opsys/esubmission/assets/documents/manual/quickGuide_en.pdf. ,1 +to support skiplanes. Avoid tundra unless the area is,9 +size and inability to withstand the harsh vibration and shock ,9 +に関するロッテルダム条約附属書III上欄に掲げる化,8 +Cleansing and preservation in a sanitary condition of vessels and,3 +generally shall apply to the department.,3 +Installation of Rivets,7 +rows of 5 racks and space for 5 racks for external provided services; ,3 +performance ,3 +in the valence shell to ,9 +correction for pressure altitude and temperature to the CAS. ,9 +"the wing does not inflate properly, or does not inflate ",9 +that transactions necessary for carrying out contracts financed under IPA II will be ,3 +turbine discharge pressure line. Start the engine and allow it ,9 +retary shall increase the Federal medical assistance ,9 +"balance. As the helicopter moves forward, it begins to lose ",9 +Use the nearest airports inset on the PFD at night or ,3 +"into geographic or regulatory disaster, if the straight-line GPS ",9 +decision was made? Did the learner maintain situational awareness in the traffic pattern? Was workload managed effectively during a ,9 +"license"", ""second-class bar license"", or ""theater liquor license"" shall be issued for",9 +Facilities for Staff and Labor ,7 +Complete inspection (square reserve),3 +direction at certain airports.,3 +management. ,9 +subscriptions to any conterminous U.S. Set Low (Full,9 +Registration in the Participant Register ,7 +Bridle and pilot chute ,3 +Voltage Regulation,7 +The contractor submits an offer meeting the requirements that includes at least: ,9 +Maintenance Work,7 +"the flight controls. If the pitch angle is increased, the",9 +", the contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender) ",3 +There will be power analyzer / protection relay with Ethernet/bus Communication in medium voltage cubicles. ,9 +Al Shaqab Lockinge Day horse-racing ,9 +Requirements:,7 +ihre land- und forstwirtschaftliche Nutzung ausgeschlossen ist oder ausgeschlossen werden soll.,3 +DC Alternators and Controls,7 +"350 625 517,44 Euro",9 +II.8. CONFIDENTIALITY ,7 +landings occur twice as often as damage to equipment ,3 +Mixing brands is a risk that may ruin the entire project. ,9 +§ 3 Abschlusszahlungen für 2015,7 +"ist sicherzustellen, dass nicht nur die von der Bundesdruckerei angelieferten Vordrucke, sondern",3 +"In general aviation, the most common types of radios are ",9 +ACCOUNT HOLDER'S DATA,7 + A table depicted on an instrument ,9 +"Replace these rivets with the next larger size. Also, if the ",9 +the sheet describes a scenario for RUN activity (service ,3 +報告及び医療事故調査の状況並びに支援団体が行う支援の状況の情報の共有及び必要,3 +"W=gross weight, Ibs. ",9 +mitigations must be approved by the designated management officials within the other,3 +Differential Pressure Tester,7 +Engine Oil Temperature Indicator,7 +pitch control in order to fly the helicopter. ,9 +§ 5 Ausbildungsplan,7 +Depending on ,9 +(LNAV) with computed positive vertical guidance based ,9 +Gull wing,6 +"System (DUATS), and the Internet. In addition, a multitude ",9 +"nay, Pagbilao, Pitogo, Polillo,",9 +ADDRESS OF BANK BRANCH,7 +Visual descent point (VDP).,9 + Shipment from the place of production of the Goods or the (sub-)Contractor’s locations to a specific location inside the place of ,1 +EXTENT OF REVOCATION ,7 +The number of claims filed under such section. ,9 +VAT are fulfilled. Reception of ,3 +Temperature Variations in Repair Zone,7 +Designation and selection of Members to ,9 +according to,9 +"38, United States Code, is amended by striking the loan fee table ",9 +The gauges can be made by cutting a piece of material to ,9 +descent and the forward speed are decreased. Trim tabs are used to change the glide angle of the ,3 +to percentage limitations in subsections (a) or (e) in section 424 ,9 +Defective fuel-injection nozzle ,3 +Invitation template has to be made available by Contractor headquarters. Final invitations should ,3 +关键信息基础设施的运行安全,7 +PERSONAL DATA AND CONFIDENTIALITY ,7 +"(ii) the outline of the accident, etc. related to the written accident report ",3 +Anlage 3 (zu § 1 Abs. 2),7 +. — Every city,9 +NORMAL LANDING,7 +“Hydraulic Load” derived commitment for the plant components: ,7 +Article 3 – PRICE ,7 +Anträge können nur bis zum 31. Dezember 1995 gestellt werden.,9 +"gerotor elements. For example, the pressure element may ",9 +The Committee shall not be summoned except by the authority of the President who ,9 +E-Mail-Adresse:,9 +"shall, as soon as practicable after the first day of January of each",3 +reporting on results) and payments.,3 +Tire Inspection Off of the Aircraft,7 +"endeavor to provide necessary information, restrict the movement of inland ",3 +Electric Power Consumption Commitments ,7 +The primary control of airspeed during ,9 +"directement au Secrétariat par d'autres contrats, le contractant devrait faire appel ",3 +"When the text box opens, the flashing cursor is located over ",9 +"bei Konten von Rechtsträgern, die zum 30. Juni 2014 bestehen, muss die Sorgfaltspflicht entsprechend dem",3 +the power lever position. When the power lever is moved below ,9 +du cahier des charges et qui ne sont pas disponibles sous forme électronique. ,9 +waste work room to prevent the spread of gaseous medical radioactive ,3 +Just thinking about this task may not consider the actual risk exposure. We may allow our personal desires to manipulate our risk ,9 +Page 1 of 4 ,4 +Article 33 After-sales service ,7 +いう。第十一条の四において同じ。)を締結する勤労者,3 +次に掲げる要件を満たす汚染検査室(人体又は作業衣、履物、保護具等人体に,3 +is 1.04 EPR,3 +"accustomed to thinking of the approach in vertical terms, but ",9 +"implement the T&E program; however, it must contain estimates of the testing scope that are ",9 +treatment systems) ,3 +§ 10b Personalgewinnungszuschlag,7 +) 1969 No.2. Section 7 has been amended by section 1(2) of the Church Representation and Ministers Measure 2019 (No. 1). ,1 +and guidance for the implementation of the quality throughout the whole duration of the ,9 +This Order amends the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 (S.I. 2018/212) ,9 +inhabitants of the Philippine Islands; (,9 + National Security Areas (NSAs),7 +Overall management incl.,7 +"method, the binding tape is destroyed during the ",3 + A sound acquaintance with the principles of ,9 +"The AFM/POH, placards, and even the manufacturer should ",9 +Atmospheric circulation...............................................12-3,8 +One of the most versatile tapes ,6 +Remedies.,9 +Risk is the future impact of a hazard that is not ,3 +Proscribed organisation ,7 +For the purpose of selecting the Members under section 77(1)(,9 +"bis 7, in Verbindung mit Anlage 4 Abschnitt 1 und 8 auszugestalten und anzubringen. Fahrzeuge mit",3 +"including digitised originals if authorised under national law, for a period of five years ",3 + You must use an original AC Form 8050-1 when ,9 +Municipal Budget,7 +of departure from the road is rapid; the roll into the steep ,9 +"oceanic operations. For example, RNP",9 +Section 5.1 ,7 +"contract with each member of the group separately on the basis of points (d), (e) or (g) of ",9 +Air Quality Assessment Protocol ,7 +"Also, the Regulatory Guidance Index at the end of this handbook locates within each chapter the relevant ",9 +Class B Airspace,7 +LGT/RM HVY RAIN,9 +Wing Structure,7 +"should determine the overall approach and concept of the round table (including its focus, topic ",3 +"the corresponding weight line. From the intersection of 2,600 ",9 +formance are the factors which affect the rate of ,9 +as found on piston-engine airplanes.,9 +Framework Contact,3 +るものは、その工場又は事業場の所在地を管轄する経済産業局長が行うものとする。,3 +that the primary static source becomes blocked. In non-,9 +診療用高エネルギー放射線発生装置及び診療用高エネルギー放射線発生装置使用,3 +The reserve deployment system allows reserve canopy deployment even if the reserve pilot chute ,3 +Facilities to be provided by the EIB and/or other parties ,7 +needed to raise the temperature of one pound of pure water ,9 +Reference Line,6 +Pin protrusion must be within limits.,3 +Supplemental Study Materials for Aircraft Weight and Balance,7 +flight. No other input is needed from the crew.,9 +establishing rules and procedures for operations related to the ,3 +"equipment correctly, before leaving the ground. ",9 +"point 4, a tripod on a wooded ridge; N. 7° 35' W., 3,920 meters to point 5; N. 1,478",9 +"number 1 through 9. For example, N01Z is not valid. ",9 +(RCAG) sites comprised of both VHF and UHF,9 +Tire Balancing ,7 +II.5.2 Date of communications by mail and email ,7 +"Adjusting the power lever, or throttle lever, sets up a thrust ",9 +Granting of facilities for the implementation of programmes and execution of contracts,7 +"Juni 2014 tritt, an Stelle des in Abschnitt IV Unterabschnitt E Nummer 1 genannten 31. Dezember 2015",3 +transparent thermoplastic material. Crazing appears as a series ,9 +and prevent the drill chuck from marring the surface. Drill ,9 +Schlachtverfahren unter Berücksichtigung von Tierarten und Tierschutz bestimmen; Schlachttiere,3 +II.2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT TENDER ,7 +because as fuel burns the weight located aft of the rotor,9 +waypoint is a waypoint that must be crossed vertically by ,9 +Key to Schedule 2 ,7 +Facilities for Staff and Labor ,7 +be discharged in either of two ways:,9 +〔平成二十五年六月二十六日政令第百九十一号〕〔抄〕,7 +"Finanzinstitut keine Selbstauskunft oder Belege beschaffen, muss es das Konto dem Bundeszentralamt für",9 +Work a roller across the decal with overlapping strokes ,3 +"runway, is located adjacent to the holding position",9 +For the purposes of this section a person shall be deemed to be or to have been ,9 + This is very important.,3 +rotor disk vibrates at the same frequency (or multiple thereof) ,9 +Ground Reconnaissance,7 +"hold it for long periods of time. To avoid this phenomenon, ",9 +Right and wrong methods of correction for low final approach.,0 +System Description.,7 +TAA provides minimum altitudes with standard,9 +Positive rate of climb,6 +must be flown as depicted and the specified leg,9 +air navigation purposes. They are the Federal airway ,9 +acceleration of the body. ,9 +Storing and Servicing Facilities,7 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +"Berechnung der Gesamtdauer nicht berücksichtigt. Durch Tarifvertrag kann vereinbart werden, dass",3 +Controllability.,9 +Strahlenschutzbelehrung / Gefahrstoffbelehrung ,7 +Communication ,9 +"elsewhere, or ",3 +specify what EFSA will buy under the contract resulting from this procurement ,3 +"Regardless of weather conditions, an",9 +Durch den Minister für Arbeit und Soziales sind bis zur Bildung von Ländern unter Beachtung der territorialen und,9 +The primary benefits of the flight computer can easily be ,9 +materials.,9 +emissions for PM hot-spot analyses outside of California. ,9 +in Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (this applies to auditors and ,3 +"shall be treated as registration in the constituency in which he or she last resided, or in ",3 +can be unscrewed using special tooling. This fastening system ,9 +Security requirements for ECHA,7 +Management structure ,7 +Lay out on packing table or other ,9 +"of the tax and penalty, ",9 +Contraction Joints ,7 +et des occupants du bâtiment. Aucun flacon de produit dangereux ne peut être à aucun ,9 +to a hover following a vertical takeoff. The helicopter,9 +WUSMA and outside the CONUS are being retained.,9 +lternative Aviation Fuel,9 +"Für Fahrzeuge, für die ein Kennzeichen zugeteilt ist, wird auf Antrag ein Internationaler Zulassungsschein nach",9 +Award of the contract ,7 +c=lbs. per hr. ,9 +Computational methods and modeling techniques for assessing GSE emissions are discussed in ,9 +"sollen. Kosten, die durch Verschulden eines Beteiligten entstanden sind, können diesem auferlegt werden.",9 +"At position 2, adjust attitude with cyclic control to",9 +"a confined area. Usually, there are no knots in the crown ",9 +отапливаемые,9 +Convergence induced by flow around topography.,0 +"contracting authority consider necessary, as well as residence permits for their families. ",3 +sachlichen und zeitlichen Gliederung der Berufsausbildung (Ausbildungsrahmenplan) vermittelt werden. Eine,9 +contractor is answerable comply with the same insurance requirements imposed to it ,9 +Amendment to the Environment Act 1995 ,7 +"), covering all the requirements set out in the tender specifications. ",9 +NM SSV have been through the approval process,9 +Experience and comfort level assessment for wind and ,0 +"ruler, pin board, straight pins, and patching square",3 +Drill Bushing Holder Types,7 +Decision-Making,7 +MACH NUMBER ,6 +[The Judicial Committee was abolished by the Judicial Committee (Abolition of Appeals) ,3 +"in paragraph (1), for “regulation 21 (Treasury licences: written notice)” substitute ",3 +Common errors in the performance of S-turns across a road ,9 +新法第十七条第一項第二号中「第二十一条第一項又は第二項」とあるのは「外国,3 +Abschnitt 4,7 +TED eTendering,7 +Private fostering: notifications ,7 +area the offence is alleged to have been committed (“the relevant local authority”),3 +направленном,9 +may not). The RNAV chart includes information,9 +financières ne peuvent être invoqués comme cas de ,9 +This is the most dominant force on the ,9 +the pilot’s field of vision can indicate whether or not the balloon ,0 +"exhaust gas temperatures (EGT), water temperatures, and ",9 +"Article 18-3, paragraph (2); ",3 +conditions) ,9 +Annex 6. Financial offer form,7 +the wheels of which have tires less than two and,9 +of proceedings for the con,9 +Off-Field Landing Without Injury,7 +without undue delay,3 +II.20.1. Zahlungsdatum ,7 +"II.19. FATTURE, IMPOSTA SUL VALORE AGGIUNTO E FATTURAZIONE ",7 +Grasp high points of each cell and flip canopy toward trailing edge. Canopy shall lie flat with trailing ,3 +法第七条第三項の規定によつて病床の設置の許可を受けようとする者は、次に掲げ,3 +Wing Blowing Over After Touchdown,7 +APPENDIX C. ,3 +"unter unverhältnismäßigem Aufwand möglich oder nicht erfolgversprechend, so kann sie den rechtswidrigen",9 +ОЗДОРОВЛЕНИЯ ДЕТЕЙ И МОЛОДЕЖИ»,7 +19.04.2010,9 +imported from other manufacturers in other countries may ,9 +Abschnitt 5,7 +ENROLLED IN PATIENT ENROLLMENT SYSTEM OF DEPART-,7 +Begutachtungsleitlinien,8 +make modifications to the ,3 +A quick check of the logbooks indicates all airworthiness ,9 +c4l_tenderform_en.doc ,4 +The reimbursement of accommodation is based on the actual costs of accommodation on ,3 +[Figure 5-37] ,9 +"and install the tip battens, continuing to move from the root to ",9 +Amendment of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowance) (England) Regulations 2003 ,7 +"Class A airspace. Consequently, IFR flights operating VFR-",9 +"request for offer,",9 +"образовательной деятельности, оказания услуг по воспитанию и обучению,",9 +"Das Gericht kann den Beteiligten, ihren Bevollmächtigten und Beiständen auf Antrag oder von Amts",9 +Article 3 - ,7 +"However, a bulge caused by tread separation from the tire ",9 + See standard service volume.,9 +all the flight instruments on one screen. Each instrument is ,9 +"Option 1: salvage method. With this method, the ",3 +Negotiation of placement of a stand’s advertisement at the Fair (e.g. the Fair´s magazine etc.) ,7 +LIABILITY FOR THE DEBTS OF THE LEGAL PERSON,7 +included in this lot: ,7 +Foster parents: temporary approval ,7 +attached with glue to the leading edges of the wings and ,9 +"should specify quantitative targets for each type of activity (number of readers, listeners, ",9 +Sew the rolled stop end according to ,3 +transmit money (or any representation of money) by any means or cash cheques ,3 +Minimum Factors ,7 +", determine the density ",9 +"The contracting authority may,",9 +Miscellaneous Provisions,7 +Vierter Abschnitt,7 +qualified certificates or by hand.,3 +by the authorised representatives with advanced electronic signature based on ,3 +director ,9 +"Health, shall have be",9 +embalming or burial of the dead.,3 + Considerations when Defining the System,7 +Figure 10-50. ,0 +法第四十九条の二において読み替えて準用する一般社団法人及び一般,3 +The blades are retained in their respective grooves by a ,9 +If the President considers that the question of removing a member of the Public ,9 +(iv) The amount of polluted water to be discharged ,3 +"Vitamin A, Vitamin D oder Kupfer- oder Selenverbindungen oder",3 +In the tender all quotations or information originating from other sources and to which third parties may claim ,9 +nozzle. This means that the drop in temperature due to fuel ,9 +Parallels) ,7 +Technical and professional capacity,7 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +Schätzgleichungen zur Berechnung des Energiegehaltes von Mischfuttermitteln,7 +Per i servizi di categoria/tipologia 2,3 +"said Director may cancel the certificate of such surveyor; but the latter may, within",9 +Reported During the Year Under Review ,7 +Where the contractor is a public body the obligation for a financial guarantee may be waived,3 +Blocks of Learning ,7 +別表第一及び別表第六中ローラスケート(前部及び後部にそれぞれ二個の車輪を,3 +"can sometimes be added to the paint mixture, and then the ",9 +the landing approach can be deceiving. Wave motion,9 +"TASKS, DELIVERABLES, TIMELINE AND PAYMENTS ",7 +domain after that date ,3 + as well ,9 +PERSONNEL'S OBLIGATIONS ,7 +"In order to find the percent MAC, firs determine the distance ",9 +追加特定製品に係る法第十二条第一項の登録を受けようとする者は、この政令の施,3 +Хозяйствующим субъектом,9 +power condition and a hard landing. ,9 +"considerations for, and the specific needs of, children before, during, ",9 +"Since learning is an individual process, the instructor cannot do it for the learner. The learner can learn only from personal ",9 +opposite engine if desired. The selector valves can also direct ,9 +(Refer to 14 CFR Part 73.) ,9 +zusätzlich,9 +Application of the Midland Metro Acts ,3 +"unit, perform a preliminary inspection on all related parts. ",9 +Each of these blade motions is related,9 +Drill bushing types:,9 +ATO manages safety risk. ,9 +Minusabweichung von der Nennfüllmenge die in § 28 Absatz 3 festgelegten Werte nicht überschreitet.,9 +工会对生产经营单位违反安全生产法律、法规,侵犯从业人员合法权益的行为,,9 +показателей,9 +Learning Is Purposeful ,7 +This article is subject to articles 25 (power to acquire new rights) and 28 (temporary use of ,9 +"each consecutive cell until all suspension lines are held in the left hand, and all cells are free of ",3 +Other communication activities ,7 +Development of roadmaps for action on: ,7 +"Identification, invitation and briefing of journalists/experts ",7 +All payments made by the Contracting Authority into the bank account specified in the contract will ,3 +machine and is generally a medium-duty to heavy-duty ,9 +"affects its ability to provide the services. The report must describe the problem, state ",3 +Performance Charts ,7 +northern side of a low-pressure system. An added advantage ,9 +Ice accumulates unevenly on the airplane. It adds weight ,9 +Photographer to be available for half/full day: ,3 +"speed of 393 feet per second, or 267 m.p.h. The",9 +"Amendment of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations ",7 +concerned; and where more than one province participates the same,3 +GLYPH<129>Utid\k\Z_e‘jZ_\j,9 +embalming or burial of the dead.,3 +Geltungsbereich der Verträge sowie internationalen Organisationen offen.,9 +Pilots System (TWIP).,7 +"Mit Antragstellung ist nachzuweisen, dass der Referenzfilm die jeweils geltenden Voraussetzungen der §§ 41",9 +Exhaust port,6 +Just as S-turns require that the powered parachute be ,9 +THE SCHEDULE TO THE SCHEME ,7 +der Genehmigung durch geeignete Aufzeichnungen und Unterlagen jährlich zum Ende eines Kalenderjahres,9 +Additional guidance: ,7 +submission.,3 +"wie oben beschrieben, komplett mit Zubehör.",9 +"so zu wählen, dass auch beim Einsatz üblicher maschinenbewegter Werkzeuge ausreichend Zeit",3 +présentée,9 +Light Twin Airplane,7 +’--::----------,6 +of competitiveness is partially linked to (1) visa facilitation granted to Chinese by our main ,9 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +Rotor Configurations,7 +I.5. ZAHLUNGSMODALITÄTEN ,7 +and is energized any time the generator output reaches its ,9 +described. ,9 +Die Überprüfung bestehender Konten von hohem Wert natürlicher Personen muss bis zum 31. Dezember,9 +speed and rate of the crosswind component. A crosswind ,9 +die Kommission für Kinoförderung.,3 +前二号に掲げるものの性質を有する財産上の利益,3 +performance of the contract ,9 +"east 30 minutes in advance. During your planning phase, ",9 +Preparing the O&SHA,7 +"Also, have a pilot in the cockpit, with the spoilers deployed, ",9 +An antiservo tab moves in the same direction as the ,0 +"in their use of fuel, but their simplicity makes ",3 +"electronic format,",3 +slipstream produced by the increased engine power.,9 +"To avoid confusion with the numbers one and zero, ",9 +APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY-,7 +with Article I.8 of the Framework Contract. ,3 + A World War I training ,9 +stationary),9 +"geometries, traffic",9 +prendre en charge,9 +Learning Is Purposeful ,7 +"in this section may include wind data, variable",3 +Press work: copywriting in national language of a press ,7 +Secretariat services ,7 +(Bekanntmachung Öffentliche Ausschreibung) ,5 +"Wie vor, jedoch 4 x 1,5 mm² ",8 +a given cable tension automatically. The unit consists of a ,9 +showing forecast significant weather. ,9 +communicating,3 +"service (HIWAS) broadcast for updated weather advisories, ",9 +Definitions ,7 +associated with Class E airspace ,9 +traitée. Les motifs que le pouvoir adjudicateur peut invoquer pour justifier son incapacité à traiter ,9 +"aircraft, the pilot’s goal is to meter, manage, and prioritize ",9 +Beschleunigtes Zusammenlegungsverfahren,7 +groups for the interview.,3 +Praktischer Unterricht,3 +A main oil strainer filter element is shown in ,9 +"Juni 2014 tritt, an Stelle des in Abschnitt IV Unterabschnitt E Nummer 1 genannten 31. Dezember 2015",3 +Inhaltsverzeichnis ,7 +drainage work is constructed under the powers conferred by this Order or is already in existence. ,9 +the back of the pressure plate and the brake housing. ,9 +timely prior notice of such a requirement. ,3 +Marker Beacons,7 +十条の三十三の六第二項に規定する受託者(以下この条において「受託者」とい,3 +"markings, color coding, and basic placards. Some of the ",9 +the following paragraph through paragraph (4) of the Supplementary ,3 +Tenderer 's Identification Form ,3 +must not apply cold temperature compensation to ATC ,9 +usually dynamically stable but is unsafe in an aircraft because ,9 +provides typical surface roughness lengths for a variety of land,9 +Weise für die Vorbereitung eines neuen programmfüllenden Films im Sinne der §§ 41 bis 48 verwendet werden.,9 +"sharp, explosive increase ",9 +turn takes 2 minutes to execute a 360° turn. In a 4 minute ,9 +"INSTALLATION OF AR2 POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY, MAIN ",7 +BANKING DETAILS,7 +lowing items: ,9 +What is the purpose of the NAS change?,3 +Unusual Attitude Recovery Protection,7 +"does not have legal personality or legal capacity, one member of the group is appointed as ",9 +Cockpit Management,7 +of the flight.,9 +and inspect for chafing and kinks.,3 +Marker Beacons,7 +genießen keinen Schutz vor Störungen durch Funkstellen des Flugnavigationsfunkdienstes im,3 +Invoices and value added tax ,7 +"From the 5 ½-inch mark, measure up 1 ¾-inches and mark. Remove the stitching to construct an ",3 +[1793-1; 2257-5.],9 +"128,33 – 128,59 GHz,",9 +but observed or expected weather conditions ,3 +used to produce a great amount of drag to slow the airplane ,9 +additional equipment is required for single-pilot operation. ,9 +number 3076190. ,1 +Guideline on Air Quality Models,1 +Der Auftragnehmer nimmt Umrechnungen zwischen EUR und einer anderen Währung zu ,9 +Following ECHA technology roadmap: The Contractor's technology choices for ,3 +automatically maintains a relatively constant rpm for any ,9 +"ereon, free from any claim on the part of",9 +"meldende Finanzinstitut die erforderlichen kontobezogenen Informationen für das Jahr, in dem das Konto als",9 +licenses pre-existing ,3 +〔昭和二十七年八月二十六日政令第三百六十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +Minimum idle (percent N$_{2}$),3 +requires no action from the pilot.,9 +One arm horizontal,6 +Safety Recommendations ,3 +Betrifft ein Einwilligungsvorbehalt nach § 1903 des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs den Gegenstand des,9 +Cotter pin.,9 +VFR weather conditions. You cannot fly in IMC without first ,9 +Defining the System / NAS Change ,7 +next waypoint in the route until placed back in the,9 +APT. Allows the user access to scroll through the ,3 +"called dragging, and as the nose pulls down and the",9 +Table A – Losses of Cash,7 +委員の数は五人以上とし、委員のうち複数の者は、当該病院と特別の関係がある,3 +reaching pattern altitude. ,3 +Amendment to the Environment Act 1995 ,7 +"and Industry No. 58 of June 27, 1995] ",7 +préexistant,9 +pilot must remain clear of clouds and proceed to the,9 +"Für die eigenen Tagesunterkünfte hat sich der AN selbst zu sorgen, die zur Verfügung stehenden ",9 +declaration on honour before signature of the contract and within a deadline given by ECDC. This ,9 +and good judgment to reduce risks associated with each ,9 +PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE ,7 +waterproof covering is set around the braided shield to protect ,9 +Regulation 4 requires bilge water level detectors to be installed in any engine room and in any ,9 +into the combustion chamber of the cylinder. ,9 +binnen zwei Monaten nach Behebung der Schwierigkeiten.,9 +Responsible body ,7 +sure sustained on the piston. ,9 +Maximum speed in level flight with maximum ,6 +gradually ,9 +"holding office under the Crown in the United Kingdom, acting in the course of that person’s ",9 +"Western competitors (USA, Australia, Russia); (2) their targeted awareness raising campaigns ",9 +Amendment of the Northamptonshire (Structural Changes) Order 2020 ,7 +cybersecurity certification schemes’ that serve,9 +maneuver. ,9 +aspects of flight in: ,9 +$_{............ }$V1 JFK V229 HFD HFD053 DREEM (Single ,6 +Weather Regulatory Requirements ,7 +Arrears of Revenue ,7 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +受けようとするときは、次の事項を記載した申請書に、当該代表理事となるべき者の,3 +. — Each city,9 +that end may employ,9 +"Kundenschulung,",3 +Each type of automated station has different levels of ,9 +"only in LSA aircraft. A pilot that already holds a recreational, ",9 +Main Parachute Assembly. The main parachute assembly consists of a pilot chute connected by a ,3 +impact NAS operations; ,3 +MAIN PILOT CHUTE BRIDLE LINE OR DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +relief valve is provided. The relief valve diaphragm chamber ,9 +les données à caractère personnel doivent être traitées exclusivement sur le territoire de l'Union ,9 +the tuned exhaust bounces a pressure wave at the precise time ,9 +"section 105 (carriage of dangerous goods on railway), except for the words from “and if ",9 +contractual ,3 +Displaced Threshold ,7 +Fuel-Injection Pump,7 +available to the public,3 +your aircraft. ,3 +at home; excluding those where the water suction port and jetting port are ,3 +Die gebührenpflichtigen Tatbestände und die Höhe der Gebühren bestimmen sich nach der Anlage. Auslagen,9 +the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). Performance standards for demonstrating competence required for pilot ,9 +in all flight conditions.,9 +critères ,6 +APPENDIX C. ,3 +特定機能病院、事故等報告病院その他の利害関係人は、登録分析機関の業務時間内,3 +профессиональной деятельности.».,9 +select a Member to the ,3 +"), makes the following Order: ",9 +[1748-2; Comp. 343.],9 +$_{Figure6-15.}$ ,0 +and the overall objectives. ,3 +Center housing,6 +" Accepted only for Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Canada, United States and Australia.",3 +Panel factory test ,7 +"Quand le travail est terminé, remettre la nacelle dans l’emplacement prévu à cet effet ",3 +Swell Velocity.,9 +footway (including provisions for cyclists and pedestrians). ,9 +of the withdrawal of its intention to reduce payment; or,3 +Automatic Activation Devices (AADs) and ,7 +interpretation by instantaneously indicating the rate of climb ,9 +crosswind leg .............................................................. 10-6,8 +the serial number and registration on the title page to identify ,9 +" If provided for in the special conditions or in the tender specifications, the contracting ",3 +"any of the streets, alleys, or passageways lying between Calle San Vicente and the",9 +of rearward cyclic control as you consume fuel. You also,9 +"in the bold heading to Section 6, for “EU market” substitute “market”; ",3 +" message, provide",9 +"aircraft taxiing,",9 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +—(1) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1191/2014 determining the format and ,9 +"rivets are loose, they show up in groups of several consecutive ",9 +"in the event of termination of production of the spare parts, advance notification to the ",3 +At or above ceil-,9 +Controller.,7 +point (Single Electronic Data Interchange Area) ,9 +months period by multiplying the monthly prices entered by the tenderer for each ,3 +" to the full extent provided for by this FWC, and the right to make ",3 +"A flight management system (FMS) integrates numerous engine, aircraft, and navigational systems to provide overall ",0 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +The problem ,9 +Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan,7 +"pouvoir adjudicateur doit consulter le contractant. Si nécessaire, ce dernier doit demander à ",9 +§ 1 Stammzertifikate,7 +"conditions, once",3 +Minimum controllable airspeed. ,9 +against him or her in respect of anything done or omitted to be done in his or he,9 +"from a climb or descent, you may concentrate on pitch",9 +Communal Forests,7 +permitted within a segment of an IAP.,9 +international exchange; ,3 +Chapter 10: Aeronautical Decision-Making and Judgment ,7 +Financial Evaluation ,7 +GROUND REFERENCE MANEUVERS,7 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +to and from a VOR station using a CDI. ,9 +Compressor Types,7 +Functions of Engine Oil,7 +"eingetragen wird, wobei die Einmaligkeit der Nummer sicherzustellen ist.",3 +are discussed in depth later in this chapter. ,9 +The helmet has a structure that does not substantially ,9 +Manner of Notification.,7 +"area of coverage of station‑referenced navigation aids (e.g., ",9 +Technical Specifications (Europol ref. #[reference]) ,9 +Salary and allowances of President ,7 +"abrade, or wear away, upon contact with the compressor ",9 +" travel by car, Europol will reimburse the costs of travel at a rate of the ",3 +seat movement during acceleration or pitch attitude ,9 +"Another example is an offset phantom waypoint, which is ",9 +competition,9 + Wing Rising After Touchdown,7 +System and Equipment Malfunctions,7 +Rigid conduit.,9 +Les demandes d'offres doivent être envoyées en même temps à toutes les sociétés ,3 +250 kg/m$^{3}$ ,8 +§ 84 Verwendung,7 +of the powerplant for airflow. The airflow ,9 +in any particular case or class of case compliance with such requirement or ,3 +26.03.01 Управление,9 +submission) ,3 +Root Wing Chord,6 +PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS ,7 +Chapter IV-2-2 Medical Care Plans ,7 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +Ammeter. ,9 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +(Purpose) ,9 +Date de la déclaration ,6 +may be less than desired because both the primary and backup ,9 +§ 1 Beschränkung des ordentlichen Holzeinschlags,7 +Chapter IV-2-2 Medical Care Plans ,7 +imported top soil. Prior to replacing topsoil areas of the Site which are to be prepared for grass,9 +"There are many good reasons to fly at night, but pilots must ",9 +TRAFFIC PATTERN—The traffic flow that is pre-,3 +A straight-in autorotation implies an autorotation from,9 +airspace. (See 14 CFR Part 103.),9 +The t&Z surfaces ,9 +Figure 12-6.,0 +"EFSA data connection tools configuration for new data connections (DCns),",3 +if occasion arises for making an appointment to the office of a Minister or an Assistant ,3 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +fuel flow = (thrust) (specific fuel consump- ,9 +for a therapeutic X-ray unit with a rated tube voltage of 50 kilovolts or ,3 +Control of loose connections ,3 +under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 to: ,9 +Requirements ,7 +to excel at the instruction process may consider taking the ,9 +where P is a person described in paragraph 9(1) of Schedule 10 to the Immigration Act ,3 +Retread. ,9 +OH&S POLICY STATEMENT ,7 +"Article 12-10 (1) A registered analytical laboratory shall, within three months ",3 +psychologischen Testverfahren und -geräten,7 +via test circuitry or can be accomplished through isolation ,9 +"season, the spring of the year. Springwood is softer, more ",9 +§ 85 Besondere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten,7 +to impair functions of the brain and other organs.,9 +Anlage 2.1 (zu § 4),7 +toute modification de la situation déclarée. ,7 + A type of composite structural material ,9 +Time to answer technical questions: 2 business days; ,3 +"that hazard. For example, simply connecting the two factors as shown in ",9 +"‘‘, from a surviving spouse’’; and ",9 +Tow Rope Strength Requirements,7 +"are caused by pilot error, the human factor. Many of ",9 +is used deliver oxygen to the masks; its use is increasing in ,9 +Gust-Induced Oscillations,7 +maintenance effort during the project lifetime will be much higher. ,9 +against the,3 +Updated text: ,7 +Zusammenhang von Fahrphysik und Fahrerverhalten,8 +"If a slip is used during the last portion of a final approach, ",9 +another airport. ,6 +Technician ,7 +A low reconnaissance is accomplished during the approach to ,9 +contractions used in the reports are self-explanatory.,9 +"31,5 – 31,8 GHz,",9 +manufacturers’ SBs for incorporation during the overhaul ,9 +horsepower.,9 +$_{1}$1652 ,6 +extensive gathering and distortion of the fabric. Before ,3 +Laser activity ,3 +Converter shaft,6 +Für Umlagepflichtige der Gruppe Emittenten ist der Umlagebetrag nach den Umsätzen von Wertpapieren,9 +is flying is moving or is stationary. A pilot flying in a 70- ,9 +period shall be 365 days. The warranty period shall commence on the date of provisional ,3 +II.1. DEFINITIONS ,7 +environmental control systems to support flight. Understanding ,9 +Communications,7 +faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgSAIB.nsf/,9 +Transport- und Anschlagmittel sowie Hebezeuge,8 +"Recommendations for changes in hardware, software, or procedures to achieve an ",3 +[Figure 8-19],9 +Fahrzeug auf öffentlichen Straßen nicht mehr in Betrieb gesetzt werden. Der Halter darf im Falle des Satzes,3 +The Maintenance part: ,7 +obligation earlier;,3 +ABOUT ENISA ,7 +Site Implementation,3 +.” (IPCC 1999). ,9 +continue to evaluate the outcome of the decision to ensure that it is producing the desired result. ,9 +"ld as may be necessary to satisfy the tax, penalty,",9 +No error ,6 +Landing—Stuck Left Pedal,7 +MOVEMENT CONTROLS ,7 +aus der Berufs- und Arbeitswelt“ in Betracht.,9 +provision must be made in accordance with Article II.11. The contract must be interpreted ,9 +Amendment of Schedule 3 ,7 +automatically (automatically by-pass,3 +including warranty and associated maintenance services ,10 +PAGAMENTO: Il pagamento sarà effettuato in virtù di quanto previsto all'articolo I.6 ,3 +Figure 10-1. ,0 +項を記載した書面を経済産業大臣に提出しなければならない。,3 +"11-5, paragraph (2) after the revision. ",3 +"unicipalities of Alangalang,",9 +instrument approach procedures with “or GPS” ,9 +Adjustment in respect of past compensation ,7 +"duquel le délai de paiement prend fin, tel que publié au ",9 +Drain tube,6 +Oversight and Control over Certain Subsidiaries ,7 +"feet, and the intensity may be controlled or preset. ",9 +its flight path. ,9 +will divert if either becomes uncomfortable with flight conditions. ,6 +and control features allow testing of the system components ,9 +Significant Weather Prognostic Charts,7 +toute entreprise ou autre personne intervenant dans l'élaboration ou l'exécution de travaux ,9 +"Heading indicator: Before takeoff, recheck the heading ",3 +to receive a visual and/or auditory alert when the airplane ,9 +及时通知定作人。因定作人怠于答复等原因造成承揽人损失的,应当赔偿损失。 ,9 +I.5.2. Interim payments ,7 +Negotiation of placement of a stand’s advertisement at the Fair (e.g. the Fair´s magazine etc.) ,7 +given is not less than one thousand pesos nor more than three,3 +Position ,9 +The third type of machine is a “compound feed” machine. ,9 +смены экипажей морских,9 +statement ,9 +speed (V$_{a) }$– a structural design airspeed used in determining the strength requirements ,3 +Locate the seven high points of the nose. Ensure each cell opening is completely exposed. Place ,3 +A safety alert will be issued to pilots of aircraft being,9 +Figure 4-50. ,0 +TENDER SPECIFICATIONS ,7 +press conference starts ,7 +"ECDC may, on its own initiative, inform interested parties of any error, inaccuracy, omission or any other type of ",9 +https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/general-secretariat/corporate-policies/data-protection/search/. ,3 +Lave vaisselle à tunnel,8 +Annex 1. Title ,7 +§ 24a (weggefallen),7 +106. Appeal to Court of Appeal ,7 +Movement Protocol Boards: needed for awareness to travelers crucial for ensuring ,3 +Flight Instrument Malfunctions,7 +Lösungsvorschläge erstellen und umsetzen kann. Der Verlauf der Bearbeitung und die Ergebnisse sind zu,9 +Vierter Abschnitt,7 +"Locate correct information for compatability, assembly and inspection of a sport rig and reserve",3 +the purposes of the said paragraph (,9 +"rudder, and then move to the top of the horizontal stabilizer. ",9 +"customary law (beingproceedings against any person who, under that law, is subject to ",3 +"requirements of section two hundred and eighty-one of this Code, shall be",9 +(für Territorien mit überwiegend katholischer Bevölkerung),9 +Overall management ,7 +(for onsite ,7 +The ability of the engine oil to lubricate and cool depends ,9 +Chapter IV-2 Basic Policy ,7 +mit dem Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales:,3 +Floating Waypoints ,7 +which has been approved in any other application ,9 +accomplished by the WAAS correction information.,9 + labeled “Longitude” ,9 +the Vice-President or a Minister appointed by the President by instrument in writing ,3 +typical year. The Excel sheet will ,3 +cloud criteria in 14 CFR part 91.,3 +determine that individual’s acceptable level of risk.,9 +Engine Oil Temperature Indicator,7 +the exit nozzle area must increase to accom- ,9 +Ammeter/loadmeter ,3 +system or brake assemblies. Ensure brake assemblies are bled ,9 +Cooperation and Exercises,10 +GROUND REFERENCE MANEUVERS,7 +in weight of modern systems. Along with this has been an ,9 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM),7 +wing is level and the control bar is in front of the front wheel ,9 +gradient (stronger shock wave) will be neces- ,9 +disturbed & undisturbed sampling and laboratory tests,3 +Pilot RVSM Operating Practices and,7 +"that may place the pilot and passengers at risk. Conversely, ",9 +- Seite 34 von 37 -,4 +Marine pollution contingency plan ,7 +Stall Speed Performance Charts ,7 +Student Pilot Applicant Requirements (SPAR) ,7 +§ 2 Begriffsbestimmungen,7 +〔昭和二十九年四月十日政令第七十七号〕,7 +High Mach ntrmbers ,9 +contractor must inform its ,3 +FOLDING CANOPY ,7 +10.25.Vervielfältigungen: AG-seitige Ausführungsunterlagen und AN-seitige W+M Planungen,7 +Allgemeine Bestimmungen bezüglich der Lieferungen ,7 +drive out the pin. The collar can be removed with a special ,9 +(for onsite ,7 +shall fix and the provincial board approve. The salary of the township treasurer,9 +Amendment of Schedule 2 ,7 +(iii) an economic benefit which has any of the natures of those set forth in the ,3 +Anforderungen an Betriebe,7 +Registration of participants ,7 +secure attachment of a tinned copper wire braid from the ,9 +"to make an early solo flight, or to set out on cross-country flights before the basic elements of flight have been learned. ",9 +"for a hospital whose reverse referral rate is lower than forty percent, ",3 +level measuring. Device shall have,9 +Using Proper Radio Procedures ,7 +OC/EFSA/ED/2020/01 ,7 +(内水面に係る水量の確保),9 +Using values that reflect slightly more adverse conditions ,9 +necessary to remove contamination are provided; ,3 +"An after-sales service, if required by the contract, shall be provided in accordance with ",3 +"request for public access to documents, or in other cases where the applicable law ",3 +Other Grounds ,6 +"A single harness, dual parachute system used ",9 +ÉVACUATION ,7 +within the obstruction clearance area. Pilots should,9 +Inspection for Corrosion,7 +vertical guidance (APV) are non-precision approaches ,9 +"S.I. 2008/3093; relevant amending instruments are S.I. 2012/8, 2012/979, 2012/1124, S.I. 2013/758, and S.I. 2017/37. ",1 +"electrical equipment and components. Electrical load limits, ",9 +Solid-State Devices,7 +Gratuitous License,9 +significantly with a passenger. Fuel tanks are typically located ,9 +"diameter. Therefore, to obtain the inside diameter, subtract ",9 +Weigh-off. ,3 +drahtlosen Produktion beschränkt.,3 +clearance. This causes the blade root to fit ,9 +"altitudes, position reporting, radio communications, ",3 +Most insulators used in ,0 +pursuant to the Agreement]; ,3 +instrument approach procedure chart. This angle is,9 +A software developer’s briefing,3 +generators. The speed of the output shaft of the CSD is held ,9 +Achieve Goals,7 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +hereto as Annex A; and ,3 +Drop Hammer,7 +Sensing Element,7 +range distances,9 +Initial Climb,7 +"organized, and well-designed loft can inspire customer ",9 +Marker Board ,7 +environment compare,9 +"For the purposes of Article II-3 of the general conditions, where delivery is arranged via an approved ",9 +It shall not be in the power of the council to impose a tax in any form,9 +nach § 21 Satz 2 in Verbindung mit § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2 nicht mehr in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat der,3 +least one domain listed in Section 4 above; ,3 +SolenoidGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +inside of a turbine engine.,9 +Contractor’s tender,7 +"Flugzeuge mit Kolbentriebwerk,",3 +The contractor licenses the ,9 +) The Church Representation Rules are contained in Schedule 3 to the Synodical Government Measure 1969. ,1 +II.17.2. Suspension by the contracting authority ,7 +threat. TCAS will issue a vertical avoidance ,6 +The body ,9 +requested to prepare and design a,9 +See page 60 ,3 +"States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that",9 +Contractor’s national partner should quote those additional services requested by the EU-,3 +"one,” and not as part of a group environment.",9 +Provision of pictures ,7 +There are hundreds of airports across the United States ,9 +"wollen, können sie dies nur, wenn die zuständige Landesbehörde der Privatisierungsstelle ihre",9 +Roles and Responsibilities ,7 +Transitioning across lots: Handover (WP 4) ,7 +Cable Connectors,7 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +The wastewater treatment plant has been operated in accordance with Contractor's ,3 +come into conflict. ,9 +Single-fastener application • Double-twist method,6 +microphones for audience questions ,7 +BY PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY VOLUNTEERS. ,7 +type of lift. This should not be a problem. Simply work the ,9 +operating using two pilots. ,3 +added margin of airspeed. Sudden and large configuration ,9 +electrical system to connect the battery to the main bus.,9 +operation for two days. ,3 +psychologischen Testverfahren und -geräten,7 +and decrease the bank angle as the airplane reaches the ,9 +"Hands on experience on DevOps and/or Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery ",3 +At locations with airport traffic control,9 +特定機能病院の開設者は、法第十条の二第一項に規定する管理者の選,3 +without disrupting the teaching process or completely ,9 +loss (probability).,9 +The conduct of SRM maintains or improves the safety of the NAS by identifying the safety risk ,9 +§ 71a Träger von unabhängigen Stellen für die Bestätigung der Eignung von eingesetzten,7 +Pressurization Issues,7 +Types of Instructional Aids ,7 +land up the slope or hill. This situation will allow the,9 +electric motor to sand down metal parts much like the disk ,9 +calculates emissions based,9 +oversight body in a third country and this register is subject to principles of public oversight as set ,3 +Contracting Authority and issued by financial institution with a minimum investment grade rating issued ,3 +Left turn ,6 + FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ORDER FORM,7 +conductors,0 +obligations ,3 +"percent. During ground operation, the rpm may be reduced ",9 +Operating procedures ,7 +"Recurrent Training, Flight Reviews, and Instrument Proficiency Checks ",7 +[Figure 2-8] ,9 +Transmitter,6 +collision would probably occur eventually if no action is taken by either pilot. Situations,3 +) 2011 c. 20. ,1 +if he or she ceases to be a Member of the Assembly otherwise ,3 +стандарте,9 +Legal effects of the invitation to tender and submission of a request to ,7 +" be unknown,",3 +"markings are painted on the surface, whereas some signs are ",9 +Handling of errors: ,7 +In this regulation “in writing” includes the provision of such communication by electronic ,9 +is a term associated with the total ,9 +Idle Mixture,7 +"Fatigue, stress, and work overload can cause a pilot to fixate on a single perceived important item ",9 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +insurance coverage to the contracting authority. ,3 +Bypass engine.,9 +Festsetzung der Umlage und der Umlagevorauszahlung über die Umsätze nach Satz 1 Auskunft zu erteilen und,9 +why the engine should not be shut down for long periods of ,9 +of the tow pilot to confirm that the tow line selected meets the ,9 +causes the case to shrink enough to decrease the tip clearance. ,9 +Identification of subject matter for interview,7 +"The contractor (or leader in case of a joint tender) must send an invoice for interim payment, as provided for ",9 +Controlling or Monitoring the Electrical Load,7 +course guidance for navigation and a means of checking ,9 +"Formal Notification,",3 +parties without the prior written agreement of the other party. ,3 +Select Dispersion Models ,7 +Administration (FAA) with the assistance of Safety Research Corporation of America (SRCA). The FAA wishes to ,9 +Tubing-to-tubing fittings in oxygen systems are often ,9 +approach.,9 +punished by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or by a fine not,9 +date of the change. ,3 +Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake),7 +of mechanically operated sequence valves. This controls ,9 +Light Twin Airplane,7 +"und benennt dem Auftraggeber vor Arbeitsbeginn eine hierfür geeignete Person, die nicht ohne ",9 +"becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable to any extent, it must be severed from the remainder ",9 +Motorsport UK – Ferrari Challenge UK and Support ,9 +Subject to the provisions of the laws and regulations on foreign labour of the country in ,3 +PERFORMANCE AUDIT,7 +"Labrador, Lingayen, Salasa, and Sual. Second district — Composed of the",9 +FWC Phase-in,7 +"des Technischen Hilfswerks und sonstiger Einheiten des Katastrophenschutzes, sofern diese Fahrzeuge",3 +A146 Normanston Drive ,7 +learner can master the segments or blocks individually and can progressively combine these with other related segments until their ,9 +Discharge line (high pressure),6 +"presence of the contractor or his representatives or having duly summoned them, draw up ",3 +Chapter Summary ,7 +Landing strip indicators are installed in pairs and are used to ,9 +"of blade width, thickness, face alignment, blade angles, ",9 +CONTACT PERSON (for this tender) ,7 +Verify spark plug connectors for security.,3 +the process of any repair.,9 +Aircraft Battery Ratings by Specification,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 135 of May 30, 1960]",7 +must be distinctly visible and identifiable to the,9 +"(i.e. 2012-3 Russia-China Tourism year, 2016 US-China Tourism year & 2017 Australia-",9 +"million, representing 39% reduction, from P539.04 million in the ",9 +There are several types and locations of filters used for ,9 +Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11A) Addendum: ,7 +(including all regulations and codes of practice made or approved there under) and comply with all ,9 +necessary information which effectively allow such modifications to be made in a ,3 +GROSS WEIGHT,9 +Wing spar repair. ,0 +"in the next update), it is held out of revision until the next ",9 +Annex I to FR ,7 +power. Reverse is cancelled by closing the reverse lever ,9 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +", That the ",9 +"if the coding process is interrupted, that information is easily lost since it is stored for only 30 seconds. The goal of the STM is to put ",9 +their likely,3 +I.8. COMMUNICATION DETAILS ,7 +"growth, replace lost structural area due ",9 +Simultaneous Close Parallel Precision Runway ,7 +"with their small size, increases the chance of damage to the ",9 +"Betriebswirtschaftliche Kontrolle und Bewertung von Produktion und Dienstleistungen, einschließlich",3 +System and Equipment Malfunctions,7 +without causing damage to the balloon or injury to the ,9 +Initial Climb,7 +When the Special Conditions (or exceptionally the provisions of a particular ,3 +minimum descent altitude (MDA);,9 +From the Funding & Tenders portal participants ,9 +passing the desired heading). ,9 +"Industry No. 99 of March 29, 2001] [Extract] ",7 +detect L/R,6 +Effects of termination ,7 +The insurance will be arranged via a framework contract with an insurance company through ,3 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +attention to the bead area since it must provide an air tight ,9 +"however, navigation on the random RNAV route is the ",9 +weather conditions and during the hours of daylight. Most of ,9 +to the exhaust. gases producing increased jet ,9 +"ARTICLE 100. The following laws, parts and/or provisions of laws are hereby repealed:",9 +normal circumstances. If the airplane is forced to leave the ,9 +Airspace System,7 +"analyses of obstructions, terrain features, and navigational ",9 +of the purposes of the Election Law in the election of public officers for the city of,9 +Auftraggeber,3 +pull the operating handle toward the body. As the handle ,9 +tooling and precision measuring equipment permit pitch ,9 +individual,9 +PARKING/POSTFLIGHT,7 +n writing under his or her hand.,3 +Role of the Database Provider ,7 +unless instructed to do otherwise.,9 +Mode d'établissement des prix ,7 +"DC.All component installed in assemblies shall be CE-labelled, and must be capable of withstanding the ",9 +"of all available satellites. Consequently, signal losses",9 +using a particular system in the three,9 +climb for this aircraft will occur at some speed ,9 +II.26 LOI APPLICABLE ET RÈGLEMENT DES LITIGES ,7 +controllers. ,9 +attitude is increased toward 90° nose-up or nose-down. ,9 +Separation Service for VFR Aircraft in a TRSA).,7 +Normal Operation ,7 +Figure 3-21. ,0 +Flight Rules versus Instrument Flight Rules,3 +maintenance information must be consulted to ensure brake ,9 +Throttle Control,7 +höchstens auf 70 vom Hundert des Nutzungssatzes im Sinne des § 68 Absatz 1 der Einkommensteuer-,9 +time to plan for a safe landing. If there is no landable area ,9 +tive pitch control. Avoid a large collective pitch,9 +ENISA F-COD-20-T03 ,7 +"раковинами,",9 +queuing algorithm should not be used.,9 +§ 2 Beschaffenheit und Betriebstüchtigkeit der Flugsicherungsausrüstung,7 +toward the gun. This allows ,6 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ",7 +training aid are that it enables an instructor or,9 +Examples of metal wing spar shapes. ,0 +Radio Equipment ,7 +"in sub-paragraph (3), in the definition of “transit place”, omit the words from “or in an ",3 +"At the beginning of each school year, the Director of Education shall certify to the",9 +"and which is disclosed or given to the other party either directly or indirectly, ",3 +SCHEDULE 12 ,7 +"pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (2) of the New Ministerial Order as applied ",3 +should never intentionally exceed the load limits for,9 +Install to airworthy standards a square reserve,3 +measured perpendicular to the surface of the aircraft.,9 +"the Revised Act (November 25, 2014). ",3 +"of 180° turns of uniform radius in opposite directions, ",9 +you have to again lower the collective. Always keep,9 +VFR Departures ,7 +Governor/Correlator ,7 +Electronic Fire Warning Siren Flasher; ,7 +Excessive wear of piston rings and cylinder walls,3 +"An after-sales service, if required by the contract, shall be provided in accordance with ",3 +"A curved glass tube partially filled with a liquid, ",9 +"outward toward the tip, and move in opposite directions to ",9 +Philippine Health Service,7 +portion where the airflow over the upper surface joins,9 +Table D - 2 ,9 +"to victims’ payments from the date of the relevant incident, by multiplying together— ",9 +touchdown. Flare cues are primarily dependent on ,9 +"Anwenden einer Fremdsprache bei Fachaufgaben, Lernziel c,",3 +If the source maintains a constant voltage at the input ,3 +The contractor must not present itself as a representative of the contracting authority ,3 +"When the aircraft contacts the ground during landings, its ",9 +"possibility of delay and diversion, and involve them ",3 +"lead to tragedy, the margin for error in aviation is narrow. ",9 +Ordnung nach dem Ablauf der Zulassung gemäß Nummer 2 liegt; ansonsten ist eine solche Untersuchung,3 +"Anhänger nach § 3 Absatz 2 Satz 1 Nummer 2 Buchstabe a bis c, f und g sowie Anhänger nach § 3 Absatz 2",9 +acts as the pressure regulator. The controller positions the ,9 +Overall management incl.,7 +Delta wing,6 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +and others) and will liaise with the respective entity providing the space for advertisement; ,3 +Termination by Europol: ,7 +operating skiplanes near hilly terrain. When flat,9 +all facts and information coming,9 +TWIP products include descriptions and,9 +Hydraulic force,6 +a slow change of airspeed indicates a small pitch change. ,9 +"a member of the National Assembly, and shall be ",9 +stitch and also the most aggravation. The use of the correct ,9 +〔平成十四年十二月六日政令第三百六十三号〕〔抄〕,7 +as provided for in Article II.7. The contracting authority will award and send the specific ,9 +"The levels of safety, quality and efficiency of passenger and freight transportation as well as energy ",9 +"shaft. Then, install the magneto in position again and repeat ",9 +県の区域にわたる区域を設定することができる。,3 +the helicopter to a stop. In the event of engine failure and,9 +"tomography examination, storage facility, disposal facility, or radiation ",3 +angle of attack may cause the ,9 +Secondary or Auxiliary Control Surfaces ,7 +"Branch Bureau, the authority is delegated to the Director-General of the ",3 +"switches are used in antiskid brake systems, landing gear ",9 +FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ,7 +of each wing. The flaps are normally flush with the wing’s ,9 +Remove the harness stitching from the rolled end of ,3 +II.18.3. Procedure for termination ,7 +judgment decisions. Professionals cannot limit ,3 +Military approaches are organized by airport name first.,9 +"reported as R17L/1400FT, it translates to a visual range of 1,400 feet on runway 17 left.",3 +Corner Joints,7 +Aménagement du chantier ,3 +Abschnitt A Nr. 6 ,3 +The contracting authority may correct obvious clerical errors in the tender after confirmation ,9 +Connect the compression tester assembly to a 100 to ,3 +AC synchro systems are wired differently than DC systems. ,9 +"von jüdischen Zwangsnamen) in der im Bundesgesetzblatt Teil III, Gliederungsnummer 401-1b, veröffentlichten",9 +l'article II.15. ,9 +aux critères ,6 +"decades, the organization expanded its mission ",9 +Drill Bushing Holder Types,7 +Tire Inspection Off of the Aircraft,7 +control line. Each control line then runs directly to the back of the rear risers. ,3 +"Control, Powered Parachute, and Flight Instructor.",0 +The leading factor in accidents is wind. Highly ,3 +crosswind leg beyond the departure end of the runway ,3 +"Depending on the make and model, a jet engine may have an ",9 +"the chief finance officer of the relevant localauthority, where the authority to ",3 +"night, insolation ceases, but terrestrial radiation continues ",9 +"which, as so ascertained, will be incurred in and about any such work",9 +"practices, the inherent risk in a flight is reduced or even ",9 +Check Valves,7 +Article 6 – Terms of Payment ,7 +approach below certain altitudes).,9 +Discontinuing the slip is accomplished by leveling the wings ,9 +paragraph (3) of the Act are the following: ,3 +Environmental and Health Factors ,7 +Power setting is the primary control ,9 +Ground Test,7 +positioned to pass through the outboard wheel half.,0 +"Angabe oder eine dort genannte Zeit nicht, nicht richtig, nicht vollständig oder nicht rechtzeitig einträgt",3 +stall may occur with ,9 +"Appended Table 2 (Re: Articles, 2, 4 and 12) ",7 +firm is a member of a national,3 +Communication/Broadcast Procedures ,7 +allowed during the simultaneous operation. [Figure 4-46] ,9 +materiali ,9 +"gross weight, W= 15,000 Ibs. ",9 +"altitude of about 10,000 feet, but for some people impairment ",9 +⦁ $_{Cancel the flight. }$,3 +based visual indicators that identify traffic pattern ,3 +) S.I. 2001/544. ,1 +"course selector, 350° in this example. ",9 +guards against significant pilot delay in recognizing,9 +Automated “REMARKS.”,3 +2021 No. 543 ,10 +Declaration on honour on ,7 +(horizontal motion). Currents and winds are important as ,9 +Ground resonance is a mechanical design issue that results ,9 +and loading calculations.,9 +LNAV/VNAV and LPV approach procedures are,9 +"all policies of annuities, or other instruments by whatever name",3 +in power setting will result in a rate of climb ,9 +Scale effect.-a. One great reason why so much difficulty is ,9 +Evaluation of tenders,7 +"are an electric variometer, a coupled GPS receiver, and a ",9 +Change 1 ,4 +anniversary date,9 +offerta congiunta),9 +fSTR A:NERS I ,6 + The noise produced by ,9 +are regulated by the provisions of Part 3 (street works in England and Wales) of the 1991 ,3 + System Development Assurance ,7 +entrained by the refrigerant and circulates with it around the ,9 +A tender received after the time-limit for receipt of tenders will be rejected. The tender ,9 +EU Validation Services,7 +"municipalities of Binmaley, Dagupan, M",9 +"smaller particles, which bond quickly together to form",9 +"In trainings, ENISA is broadening its scope of activities by initiating a collaboration with other EU entities ",9 +Hypoxic hypoxia is a result of insufficient oxygen available ,9 +"Regional Airport as an alternate airport. With full tanks, the ",9 +"(ii) the designated officer, where that officer is the authority to which paym ent is ",3 +Northern Mariana Islands’’; ,9 +altitude between radio fixes that ensures acceptable ,9 +weaker signal areas exist. The likelihood of this,9 +Low Reconnaissance,7 +recommended,9 +"In Figure 7-2 on page 7-3, the upper center and upper right labels regarding towing are ",3 +These topographical influences are both diurnal and seasonal. ,9 +Points for profile “Senior expert”,3 +"Payment of the invoice and approval of documents does not imply recognition of the regularity, ",9 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 +Reviewing and Approving the O&SHA ,7 +ont été fournies pour participer à la présente procédure. ,7 +easily defined geographical point.,9 +TED eTendering,7 +"shall issue orders relating to the police or to public safety, and",3 +〔昭和三十四年十月三十日政令第三百二十七号〕,7 +Assembling the Reserve System,7 +Act 2007 (c. 28). Part 1A and Schedule A1 were inserted by Schedule 2 to the Localism Act 2011 (c.20). ,1 +Communicable Disease. — ,9 +"certified (for example, a WAAS equipped aircraft",9 +observations has elapsed.,9 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 +"eine digitale Kopie des Lichtbildes für den Führerschein,",3 +"follows the wind speed (G26KT). After the letter “G,” the peak gust recorded is provided. If ",3 +RITERES DE SELECTION,7 +prior to welding but after cleaning with alcohol. Always ,9 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +limits established for the purpose of separating certain ,9 +Référence complète de la précédente procédure ,6 +city are duly observed and enforced within the jurisdiction of the,3 +II.5.5. Authorised persons in e-PRIOR ,7 +SRM Panel Deliberations ,7 +A follower (long dolly) shall not be used except with the approval of the Engineer who will then re-,9 +§ 5 Inkrafttreten,7 +to submit a tender.,1 +For the Contracting Authority: ,7 +ground. This is not preferable because the sail is susceptible to ,9 +The person is not required to submit the evidence,9 +Establishing the Contractual Requirement ,7 +"stitches, usually made on a sewing machine that moves the ",9 +how many months of each type of Application Management service shall be ,3 +Steering wheel,6 +just to achieve radio contact. GCO information is listed on ,9 +addressed in the repair section later in this chapter.,9 +"Where a person’s conduct in a relevant country would, in the absence of this ",9 +FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Ground Resonance,7 +Another benefit of using a syllabus is that it helps in ,9 +sound discretion to be exercised for the good of the service and benefit of the,9 +STUDENT PILOT CERTIFICATE— An FAA- ,3 +(Basic Principles) ,9 +quantities.,9 +Long-Term Memory (LTM) ,7 +Rip Panels ,3 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +Radio Navigation,7 +"genannten Zeit übereinstimmt,",3 +"place of construction,",9 +"ICT racks with related copper and/or fiber backbone/patch cabling, active and passive ",9 +The current requirements for visitors attending meetings at Europol Premises are as follows: ,9 +The contractor,9 +及び四三から四五までの項の中欄に掲げる貨物を除く。)の」と、第四条第二項第二,3 +The Programming ,7 +Proper material and size compatible with specifications and dimensions of goods shall be offered by Contractor and approved by Contracting Authority.,3 +usually the ones in closest proximity and/or the,9 +Throttle Control,7 +completely ,9 +- die Bestimmungen für das im JRC Karlsruhe tätige Personal von Fremdfirmen ,3 +"For hybrid, ""online +""",7 +"tering the maneuver while heading directly downwind, ",9 +"variations in angle of attack, sideslip angle, ",9 +actually occurred.,3 +"and Industry No. 66 of October 28, 1983] ",7 +on latitude. ,9 +Weather Conditions,7 +Modifications to licences granted to authorised transmitters: ,7 +GROUND REFERENCE MANEUVERS,7 +Nicht-zerstörende Prüfung: normale Einfach-Stichprobenprüfung,3 +serious control problems. The allowable range in which,9 +ANTITORQUE PEDALS,7 +Step 4—Assemble and Evaluate,7 +Label shall be designed in accordance with the following sign without any distortion.,3 +Cylinder Start of Compression Stroke—Piston ,7 +"Upon request and within the time limit set by EMSA, the tenderer shall provide the following evidence ",9 +Identifizierungs- und Sorgfaltspflichten,7 +Unsachgemäße Errichtung elektrischer Anlagen/Betriebsmittel,7 +"high temperatures cause the material to begin curing, and ",9 +Student Pilot Applicant Requirements (SPAR) ,7 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +"Mach number and, for most airfoils, usually ",9 +"the gauge jumps up, then open one-quarter turn more. Check ",9 +"Because of this, tandem helicopters make up some of the ",9 +a 3.88-inch stroke. The dry weight of the engine is 170.18 ,9 +Victor Route (with RNAV/GPS MEA shown in blue),0 +dead (cold cylinders) or are operating intermittently.,9 +ALTERNATE AIRPORT(S),6 +(iii) the construction of an abutment and pier supporting the new bridge deck; ,3 +provided it is within instrument procedure criteria. A,9 +Municipal Budget,7 +be terminated immediately to prevent engine damage. ,9 +wings that are capable of almost completely unload-,9 +Now you have some useful numbers to use in establishing ,9 +domain after that date ,3 +"speed. With a coordinated reduction in pitch and power, there ",9 +"Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade Control Order prior to the revision ",3 +"characteristics of the aircraft, loss of life and destruction of ",9 +reduction in power to a setting that maintains the desired ,9 +Satzung der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht,7 +stabilizers similar to these in airplanes and others use tip fi ns. ,9 +linkages and rotating the display needle(s).,6 +"Weapon sights and weapon sight mounts, specially designed for military use; ",3 +"work in respect of which notice has been served under that sub-paragraph, or as to the ",9 +"operational. For example, if equipped with a suitable",9 +"shear should not be confused with normal wind change, which ",9 +environmental,9 +weld can be performed. ,9 +or another while on the ground to apply trim forces to the ,9 +Berufsbefähigung nach § 38 des Berufsbildungsgesetzes erforderlich ist.,9 +"If you considered applying to this call for tenders but finally decided not to, please provide ",9 +http://www.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/ch13/final/c13s0204.pdf. ,1 +indicate nel DUVRI e/o,9 +When an approach procedure is selected and,9 +"applies pressure in one direction, and hence, it is difficult to ",9 +It handles the following output: ,3 +between two lines drawn perpendicular to the general coast line from,3 +Install to airworthy standards a square reserve,3 +Vertrag erfüllt,3 +than during the day. This is potentially dangerous as,9 +certification is based on an approved S-LSA airplane.,3 +Supervision of Judges of First Instance Over Justices of,9 +"Manila, as the case may be, wherein he exercises his office, who shall examine the",9 +Cadent is entitled to watch and inspect the execution of those works. ,9 +IN GENERAL.—Section 2813(a) (42 U.S.C. 42 U.S.C. ,9 +termination of the FWC or a specific contract including the cost of appointing another ,9 +Approach idle (%N2) is 67.6 ±0.5 %N2,3 + the planned ,9 +the use of any land within the Order limits (including the temporary use of land). ,3 +of chapter 18 of such title is amended by inserting ‘‘AND ,9 +matter of looking up the descent ratio for your target descent ,9 +Types of Instructional Aids ,7 +provisions of Article 12; ,3 +obstacle clearance is guaranteed. Depending on the type ,9 +II.20.7 Suspension du délai de paiement ,7 +slightly as a preventive measure to avoid it from lifting. But ,9 +Apprentice and Junior Surveyors,7 +Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11A) Addendum: ,7 +equipped with area navigation receivers. VFR,9 +"atively undisturbed water. At higher speeds, the stern",9 +Clean holes smooth,6 +"operating variables into some other form. Diaphragms, ",9 +acceptable level of safety risk in the NAS operational environment; ,3 +"Gefährdung, Einrichtung:",7 +supported internally by structural members assisted by the ,9 +ds the senior commission.,9 +SCHEDULE 7 ,7 +compensation. ,3 +образовательном,9 +by any of international credit rating agencies. This financial guarantee must remain valid until it is ,3 +that involve interactions between the four risk elements—the ,9 +"Zutrittsgenehmigung, ausgestellt durch die zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde, nach: ",9 +Stability. ,9 +Special directions ,3 +Contactor (electrical component).,9 +"However, 65 to 70 percent of maximum power is a",9 +RECOMMENDATIONS,7 +"supplied by its manufacturer, but does not include main and ",9 +LDA course usually provides a more precise,9 +basis to identify all requirements for further guidance and methodological development. All ,3 +VERTICAL SPEED ,6 +always flow in the same direction.,9 +Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +Lebenslanges Lernen,7 +betrieben werden.,3 +Abschnitt A Nr. 1.3 ,3 +rights as stipulated in this contract. The Union acquires all the rights as from the moment the ,9 +MOVEMENT CONTROLS ,7 +"The Eddie-Bolt$^{®}$ 2 looks similar to the Hi-Lok$^{®}$, but has five ",9 +aufgeh. durch Art. 4 Abs. 100 G v. 18.7.2016 I 1666 mWv 1.10.2021,7 +as it moves through the engine. The Brayton cycle is an open ,9 +認められる方法による検査を行わなければならない。,3 +The tender(s) ranked first after applying the formula will be awarded the contract.,7 +Incorporation of the Railway Clauses Acts ,7 +demonstrate,3 +ENISA is dedicated to enhancing the level of cybersecurity preparedness,9 +Direct Service Changes ,7 +forward acting forces generated by the driving region.,9 +stores or warehouses. ,9 +subject of the importation.,9 +aircrafts present position has been entered correctly. ,3 +Tender data.,7 +II.20. REVISIONE DEI PREZZI ,7 +Seite 44 von 76,4 +教育研修・技能評価記録台帳,3 +法第三十条の四第二項第十七号に規定する基準病床数(以下「基準病,3 +[Figure 5-5],9 +"inconsiderately and even recklessly, endangering ",3 +"in the form of torque. The propeller, in order to absorb the ",9 +Primary power,6 +refineries and chemical,9 +civil receiver's ability to acquire and track GNSS ,9 +Acceleration Error ,7 +"""third-class wholesale liquor license"", and it shall be unlawful for any person or",9 +упражнения,9 +previously,9 +request to participate for the candidate (group leader in case of a joint tender). The same e-,9 +an Rheinland-Pfalz,9 +approach gate is an imaginary point used by ATC to vector ,9 +Control of all power circuits ,3 +"well as the driver. The keys to the van are in the ignition, ",9 +The flight instruments together give a picture of what,9 +expliquer pourquoi cette personne n'est pas en mesure d'invacuer ,3 +" For the purpose of the implementation of this provision, if the purchase price of the freight forwarder/logistics partner is not ",1 +Flight Information Publication Policy,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 369 of November 20, 1998]",7 +performing the agreed-upon,3 +"craft. For proper interpretations of this instrument, you",9 +Airport Surface Detection Equipment,7 +The language used shall be English. ,3 +II.20.7 Suspension du délai de paiement ,7 +authority and may not raise any objection for any reason whatsoever. Prior to making any ,3 +pliance with this provision is impracticable the,9 +"Российской Федерации 25 августа 2020 г.,",9 +"Technology specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 69-6, ",3 +Flight Procedures.,7 +Each of the following is a relevant person— ,9 +"collective agreements or by the international environmental, social and labour law ",3 +its prior written approval for the expenses. ,9 +"expiry of the latest period, and when all defects or damage have been rectified, the project ",3 +Verification of non-exclusion ,7 +BINATION. ,9 +II.13.9. Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +Mindestnutzfeldstärkekontur gemäß den jeweils gültigen internationalen Abkommen errechnet. Hieraus,9 +the information or documents remain confidential unless:,3 +dent functions. ,9 +Fuel test equipment ,8 +"Typhoon Yutu, and wildfires and earthquakes occurring in calendar ",9 +Identifying Emissions in the SIP ,7 +"ultralight vehicle within Class A, Class B, Class C, or",9 +"114, Automatic Dependent Surveillance",9 +components shared jointly with the military. The system’s ,9 +until that time has elapsed. Make the cross-check ,3 +Self-Launching Glider Electrical System ,7 +TOWER EN ROUTE CONTROL (TEC) ,6 +provides safe obstruction clearance within plus or,9 +Award and signature of the contract with the successful tenderer ,7 +does not ,9 +edge. Each manufacturer has its own washout strut systems ,9 +END OF WORK PACKAGE ,7 +"Island of Mindanao, including the islands of Dinagat, Siargao, and Bucas Grande,",9 +overcome the effects of oxygen deprivation. ,9 +"also be given as 12 o’clock, but in this case, the pilot of “B”",9 +flight controls and establishes the relationship between the ,9 +"expiry of the latest period, and when all defects or damage have been rectified, the project ",3 +to be borne by the candidates or tenderers and will not be reimbursed.,9 +wenn die Landabfindungen aller Teilnehmer unanfechtbar feststehen. Die Frist für eine gerichtliche,3 +The tender report (a document generated by e-Submission and listing all the ,3 +"onset as a fully integrated system comprised of the airframe, ",9 +AUDITING FOR BOTSWANA GOVERNMENT ,7 +"MARKING, CANOPY - STATEMENT OF USE:",7 +validity or legality of any bonds or other obligations issued by any,3 +the new flight path direction. ,9 +"are distinguished by a letter added to the runway number (e.g., ",9 +every 28 days and are available by subscription only.,9 +be on every WSC aircraft. It is used to maintain the proper ,9 +"similar type and design, Type Test certificates will be acceptable. ",3 +网信部门和有关部门在履行网络安全保护职责中获取的信息,只能用于,9 +section (a) are designated by the Congress as being for an emergency ,9 +from the said property all tenants or,9 +many hidden hazards.,9 +Rivet Length ,7 +ForwardGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +Fahrschülerausbildung nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2,7 +"improper air pressure, improper reducing of the ",3 +report annually to the municipal council the amount of money,3 +shores included within the city limits.,3 +implementation ,3 +"Center, that Center can be considered a subset of a larger body of airspace, which in turn is a ",9 +"Der Auftragnehmer hat zu den Baustellenbesprechungen, die ",9 +specified in the profile view must be observed. For a,9 +thereby blocking out aircraft at the same range and ,3 +"hazard identification, is easy to use, and can visually depict risk. It is a tool many pilots use to make better go/no-go decisions. ",9 +Moderate Bank,6 +"§ 26 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +Consistency with the Implementation Strategy and Planning Document ,3 +– Parte 1.2),9 +"the wing yaws to the side, then the front would have more ",9 +command holds a sport pilot,9 +"and is correctly rigged, it should be thoroughly inspected to ",9 +Compliance periods and timeline ,7 +"l'application du CC et ne pouvant être réglé à l'amiable, les parties peuvent convenir de soumettre le ",9 +the invoice) and the remaining 50% after successful integration of the e-learning in the ,3 +go/no-go decision is constantly reevaluated during the flight. ,9 +radio communication with ATC. This includes monitoring ,9 +in the driven region and forward of the axis of rota-,0 +Mittelbare Änderung durch Art. 9 G v. 29.3.2021 I 370 ist berücksichtigt,9 +〔平成十七年七月二十一日政令第二百四十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +"Even if the contracting authority authorises subcontracting, the contractor remains ",3 +‘‘SUBCHAPTER III—CHILDREN OF CERTAIN KOREA AND THAILAND SERVICE VETERANS ,7 +Instructor Responsibilities,7 +surface. Work in a well-ventilated area.,9 +Improper Elevator Trim Setting,7 +"eeping of the register, he shall refer the matter to the",9 +A rough ice that forms on aircraft flying through ,9 +Inspect throttle choke and oil pump lever cables for ,3 +"Journal of the European Union,",9 +"sofortiger Zugang zu Aufzeichnungsanlagen, Aufzeichnungsträgern und sonstigen Aufzeichnungen aus",3 +Raise control lines and walk them down (ensuring there are no twists) to ensure they run free from ,3 +and ending on the,9 +SCHEDULE 12 ,7 +Definitions,7 +bankments. ,9 +Communications ,7 +the prepared surface.,3 +Acceptance ,3 +"Schwierigkeiten auftreten, die zu einer Verzögerung der Entscheidung führen könnten, so unterrichtet die nach",9 +Commission,9 +missed because of the dirt. ,9 +Materials: E thread—color to match; fabric—type and ,3 +医療事故調査・支援センターは、法第六条の二十の規定により許可,3 +Engine Po,6 +"Services: include but not be limited to installation of goods, implementation/deployment and ",9 +Figure 4-6. ,3 +rain can cause staining or minor corrosion of the aircraft ,9 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of January 1, 1987. ",9 +for that aircraft must first be reviewed to determine if the ,9 +"If smoke or the smell of smoke is present, make no attempt ",9 +Numero del contratto: [,5 +[Figure 1-75] ,9 +retrieved. ,9 +Retained apparatus: protection ,7 +The outer most orbital shell of any atom’s electrons is called ,9 +to use this equipment to fly complex flightpaths in the ,9 +iv. le contractant n'est pas autorisé à modifier le lieu du traitement des données sans l'autorisation ,9 +propeller to the torque horsepower of the shaft turning the ,9 +The landing gear group for condition and attachment; ,3 +is 60 percent. ,9 +“the Department” means the Department designated under paragraph 2(1) of Schedule 1; ,9 +(highlighted in purple in examples above) is the segment between the initial approach fix (IAF) ,3 +PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +Information to be filled in ,7 +Tire Inspection Off of the Aircraft,7 +〔昭和六十一年五月三十日通商産業省令第二十五号〕,7 +"Mexico, Minalin, San Fernando, San Luis,",9 +§ 33 Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter,7 +and how these changes might affect a flight’s safe outcome. ,9 +readings when located at greater distances where,9 +Remove the engine mount bolts. The QECA is then ready ,9 +Section 7: Conducting Dispersion Modeling ,3 +Require an increase in the angle of attack (AOA) to ,3 +"after that sub-paragraph, insert— ",3 +$^{ }$Common Paint Troubles,7 +[Figure 5-27],9 +"are quite common in aircraft construction, particularly in ",9 +II.13.8. Image rights and sound recordings,7 +period on the basis of the prices entered by the tenderer for the respective load ,3 +Die nach Absatz 1 vorgeschlagenen Personen müssen auf dem Gebiet des Filmwesens sachkundig sein sowie,9 +of balances and movements mentioned on the bank statements may for privacy reasons be ,3 +technical or trade secrets$^{9}$.,3 +for an autopilot to possess the capability of controlling an ,9 +er is smaller. ,9 +Light Sport Standardization Board ,3 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +common types of damage seen are the pulling out of the ,9 +indicator ,9 +Situational Awareness ,7 +region of command does not imply that a ,9 +"Detonation results from a sudden, unstable de- ",9 +Gesetz zur Neuregelung des Fremdrenten- und,10 +must take the,9 +"before the definition of “spacecraft”, insert— ",3 +Operational Errors,7 +for 9 minutes and 45 seconds.,9 +"Kenntnisse der chemischen Funktionen und Reaktionen der Entwickler und Zusatzlösungen,",3 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +Establishing the Contractual Requirement ,7 +"Landwirtschaftsanpassungsgesetzes mitgeteilt hat. Das gleiche gilt für Unternehmen, die aus oder im",9 +Procedures and Routes,7 +runway. Displacement of a threshold reduces the length ,9 +damage or restoring the supply; and ,3 +Marine pollution contingency plan ,7 +"Existing pilots, including previous student pilots, who have ",9 +"At the instant the road is being crossed at 90° to it, a turn in ",9 +Auto Brakes,7 +more at night. The visual glide path of the VASI,9 +Annexes to the invitation to tender: ,9 +"and Industry No. 58 of June 27, 1995] ",7 +Machines: Heavy-duty harness machine—Singer 7–33 ,3 +the combination of lights shown below.,9 +"spokespersons, agenda, address of venue/e-platform, contact details etc.; ",3 +Rotary Machine,7 +Supplementary Provisions ,7 +"Lot 1, have matured into standard IT",3 +wing opposite from dihedral.,9 +execute the missed approach on every approach. This keeps ,9 +the rotor. When the center of gravity is directly under,9 +"case of non-compliance, be guilty of an offence. ",9 +hacksaw to minimize fraying of the braid.,9 +mixture and drives the piston down as the power stroke of ,9 +"image quality (for hybrid and ""online +"" activities) ",3 +controls during the ,3 +the wing-low ,9 +Figure 8-3. ,0 +and procedure requirements necessary to participate in ,9 +"Of course, ",9 +Temperature,6 +"1,470 meters per second per second or more is no more than 6 ",9 + Relying on the capacities of other entities is only necessary when the capacity of the ,9 +The odor shall be measured at a height of 2 meters above the ground and at a lateral distance of 1.5 ,9 +физических упражнений к общему времени занятия физической культурой,9 +"of its final decision to reduce payment and the corresponding amount,.",3 +Wind direction ,6 +Informationen zur Erhebung von personenbezogenen Daten nach Artikel 13 und 14 der Verordnung ,7 +Straight-and-Level Flight,7 +Flight Information Publication Policy,7 +Figure 3-51. ,0 +II.4. DELIVERY OF SUPPLIES ,7 +the generic illustrations,9 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +"han ten thousand pesos, conditioned that the",9 +"""Fischwirtausbildungsverordnung vom 26. Februar 2016 (BGBl. I S. 312)""",9 +Standard Terminal Arrival Routes,7 +Facilities to be provided by the EIB and/or other parties ,7 +"Deployment bag (freebag, safety stow)",3 +Legal and regulatory capacity ,7 +"to-metal contact, reducing friction",6 +Latitude and Longitude (Meridians and ,7 +"to as the ""New Act""); the same applies hereinafter) with its customers pertains ",3 +別表第一及び別表第六中金属製バット(野球用又はソフトボール用のものに限,3 +"high stress, the joints shall be made with an approved water stop.",9 +Require an increase in the angle of attack (AOA) to ,3 +referred to as tailwheel airplanes. When the third wheel is ,9 +"suppress all such opposition, resistance, or defiance, or who, having knowledge of",9 +GPS Familiarization,7 +Expansion Joints ,7 +"(ii) in sub-paragraph (a), after “of those Regulations” insert “(as they have effect in the ",3 +heading; a large angle of bank is indicated by a rapid,9 +Class E Airspace,7 +personnes concernées ont le droit de consulter une personne de confiance nommée au sein ,9 +"traffic rules, unless otherwise authorized by air traffic ",9 +"active modes on the front of the unit, just above the controls. ",9 +combination of switch positions and indicator lights are used ,9 +"MINISTRY OF TERTIARY EDUCATION RESEARCH, SCIENCE AND ",7 +structural ,9 +procedures. Most local anesthetics used for minor dental and ,9 +〔昭和四十七年十二月十五日政令第四百二十七号〕,7 +"area in the NAS, described in 14 CFR Part 93, ",9 +Non-Moving Advances ,7 +seconds after the burner is used. ,9 +systems Path and Terminator handling characteristics ,9 +"the stall as aft cyclic produces a flare effect, thus increasing ",9 +Empty-Field Myopia ,7 + TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - WHAT DOES EFSA NEED TO ,7 +"valve as needed. On transports, often AC motors are used ",9 +Computations are done more quickly using multiples ,3 +Automatic Decision-Making ,7 +PERSONNEL'S OBLIGATIONS ,7 +Non-Moving Advances ,7 +procedure turn.,9 +a value not exceeding seventy-five pesos.,3 +Conduct the Review ,7 +authorised to sign on behalf of each member by a power of attorney annexed to the tender.,9 +"""three days."" ",3 +empirically determined constant depending on the ,3 +groundspeed is decreasing,9 +Helicopters are certificated for IFR operations with either ,9 +Achieving an ISD ,7 +"speed approaches the desired rate. At this time, the VSI ",9 +Another important tool—overlooked by many pilots— ,3 +A bay and river license shall specify the particular port or other body of,9 +metal structural repairs be made according to the best available ,9 +"navigation under IFR conditions below 18,000 feet",9 +the reservoir is indicated by the amount of the dipstick wet ,9 +"– The construction of an environmental bund (false cutting), approximately 667 ",9 +"postage, fold within any regular issue a supplement; but in all cases the added",9 +Paint System Compatibility,7 + Landing gear employing a third wheel located ,9 +create significant variations in the aerody- ,9 +"Such recommendations shall be informed by, when avail-",9 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 +off the throttle. If the helicopter has enough forward airspeed ,9 +the specifications given in Section 7.8.8 and 7.8.18. The operation status of the penstocks should be ,9 +Article 3 With regard to export of goods that is deemed to have been approved ,3 +"terrain and obstruction clearance, as well as remaining in ",9 +Holes that do not exceed ¾-inch can be darned. ,3 + [Figure 5-11] ,9 +separation ,9 +Hour meter,6 +capable of communications with ATC on appropriate,9 +an aluminum conversion coating. This coating is also applied ,9 + the sheet describes a consumption scenario with a number ,3 +It handles the following output: ,3 +"only provide attitude information. A third system, ",3 +Kelly Tolhurst,9 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 6),7 +assessment in order to meet personal goals. A formal process using pen and paper gives a perspective on the entire risk picture and is ,9 +"but follows the numbering of the articles of the general conditions. In exceptional cases, and ",9 +GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ,7 +More than one address may be specified as the place at which P intends to self-isolate in the ,9 +Model version of 31-08-2020,5 +services either when the contractor provides it with supporting documents or on the ,3 +the bend radius is ,9 +"is at a rate proportionate to the pitch change, airspeed will ",9 +COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 + Flight Instruments ,7 +"the Wright 1902 glider off the east slope of the Big Hill, Kill Devil ",0 +"informed decisions regarding fuel management, diversions, ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 163 of June 20, 1960] ",7 +The contracting authority shall demand payment from the guarantee of all sums for which ,3 +automatic power unit (APU) usage or potential fuel ,3 +"(ii) the manufacturer's name, type, and number of the X-ray units; ",3 +Sub-criterion 1.3: Methodology for progress mapping in energy system ,3 +NAS Change Proposal ,3 +Checklist of Pages,7 +"review basic information (e.g., traffic pattern altitude, runway ",6 +manner is the best protection for flying at night.,9 +FACTURATION ,7 +Généralités ,7 +Simultaneous Independent Approaches ,7 + GCU must disconnect ,9 +§ 1 Bau und Finanzierung durch Private,7 +between the datum and the CG.,9 +PROFILE VIEW,7 +"who is a civilian employee of the United States in the Philippine Islands shall die,",9 +"of: Transfer, Eliminate, Accept, or Mitigate. ",9 +any invoice required,9 +登録分析機関は、毎事業年度経過後三月以内に、その事業年度の財産目,3 +"References in this Order to rights over land include references to rights to do, or to place and ",9 +"the others, there is no burning or oxidation in the process ",9 +determined by the suspended weight as well as the angle of the parachute with respect to the ground ,3 +"houses the piston, valves, and spark plugs and forms the ",9 +"without formal notice thereof, apply as of right the sanction for breach of contract ",3 +"as soon as is practicable following receipt of the appeal documentation, the Secretary of ",3 +"procedure NA during simultaneous operations”. Likewise, for ",9 +II.18.3. Procedure for termination ,7 +"its storage and removal for use, as well as the manner in which the",3 +"diese mit der Angabe nach § 8 Absatz 1 Satz 1 gekennzeichnet sind,",3 +The FAA recommends that seaplane owners and,9 +Quick Guide,9 +Corner Joints,7 +APPROACH AND LANDING,7 +"and Industry No. 25 of May 30, 1986] ",7 +as possible as to the cause and situation that created the ,9 +"II.19. FATTURE, IMPOSTA SUL VALORE AGGIUNTO E FATTURAZIONE ",7 +"development mentioned above, ancillary or related development which does not give rise ",3 +RELATIVE WIND,7 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +"lean to rich, the power output of the engine increases until ",9 +Use of workers temporarily transferred to the contractor from an undertaking ,3 +endurance produce required power settings ,9 +CAUTION: The FAA will return any applications ,9 +Antamok and Bituan Creeks. Within the aforementioned barrios and settlements,9 +in the table above,1 +Wochen wie folgt in überbetrieblichen Ausbildungsstätten zu ergänzen und zu vertiefen:,9 +"in or training for an elite sports event, ",3 +from the aircraft engine. ,9 +to approval of the Engineer. ,9 +Free Directional Oscillations (Dutch Roll) ,7 +tion to the surroundings. Obstructions may also be dif-,9 +The reagent management ledger ,3 +the melted tape at this point.,3 +lsA registration,7 +"March 2018, and of its financial performance and cash flows for ",9 +accurate alignment.,3 +"§ 34 Rücknahme und Widerruf der Fahrschulerlaubnis, Widerruf der Zweigstellenerlaubnis",7 +"where altitude is gained during the landing, is a common ",9 +certificate once it is endorsed by their flight,3 +汚染検査室である旨を示す標識が付されていること。,3 +"of a single airfoil section in a free airstream, ",9 +water entrained in the air stream and carried out of the tower through the induced draft fan stack) ,9 +(exclusion ,7 +call sign. This gives ATC the opportunity to clarify any ,9 +"intermediate information. However, pilots sometimes round ",9 +loading distribution; and flight limitations.,9 +which in turn is member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). ,3 +"FWC level such as participating in general or ad hoc governance meeting, ",3 +these false courses results in either confusion (reversed ,3 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +NAVIGATION,6 +93. Пункт 3.3,9 +Permanent stopping up and restriction of use of streets and private means of access ,3 +Private fostering: notifications ,7 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM),7 +Fuel manifold body,6 +PRM operations. [Figure 4-48] Pilots need to be aware ,9 +for onsite activities) ,7 +ELETTRONICA ,7 +Decision-Making,7 +. A regulatory notice sent ,9 +Do not locate conduit where it can be used as a ,3 +"Rechte wie der Auftraggeber, insbesondere das Zugangsrecht. ",3 +traffic when it is necessary for a pilot to apply drift,9 +approach unless a glide slope is specified on the approach,9 +designed to a specific landing site using a “proceed,9 +approach and landing. ,9 +Chapter IV-2 Basic Policy ,7 +name of the ,7 +The PHA is a common hazard identification and analysis tool used in nearly all SMS ,9 +are contained within the SIP and that the action conforms per the General Conformity Rule. ,9 +system varies greatly by helicopter model. ,9 +Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Planning ,7 +liability under the provisions of this Schedule. ,9 +kick-off meeting for the key staff identified as being part of the core teams in the call for tender. ,9 +"shall be deemed guilty of fraudulent enlistment, and ",9 +Incompatibility of the topcoat with the primer. ,3 +[Figure 10-2],9 +[Figure 16-55] ,9 +"(vi), and (x) to (xii)) of Appended Table 1 and those listed in the middle column ",3 +The SDF transmits signals within the range of,9 +updates and modifications during the submission period$^{1}$.,9 +durch Seeschiffe im öffentlichen Dienst.,9 +A synthetic vision system (SVS) is an electronic means ,9 +surface area,6 +"For clarification during compressor familiarization, the units ",9 +The engine is usually timed by using the No. 1 cylinder ,3 +Safety Incident and Accident Reporting and Analysis ,7 +the bank angle to correct for,9 +PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 + établi; ,9 +incl. identification & briefing,7 +Specific Contracts,3 +"- Model options include averaging periods, pollutant types, urba",3 +Specific provisions related to insurance ,7 +Page 1 of 3 ,4 +an authorized prefectural governor an application form stating the following ,3 +REolYLRED ,6 +an O&SHA: ,9 +three ways for pilots to communicate their intention and obtain airport/traffic information when ,9 +Common Error: Skipping the Preflight Weather ,7 +automatic power unit (APU) usage or potential fuel ,3 +Updated text: ,7 +"A beamer, a screen, the sound system, plus two (2) table microphones and two (2) roving ",7 +International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ,7 +necessary to start the level off before reaching the desired ,9 +Using Proper Radio Procedures ,7 +"then, while observing the timing light, move the propeller ",9 +"joints that require high strength. Sometimes, these bolts can ",9 +Safety Planning for Acquisitions ,7 +Annex I to FR ,7 +Hypemic Hypoxia,7 +Moral rights of the authors ,7 +is the name of the service ,3 +Parte 1 – Specifiche tecniche,10 + Flight Deck Inspection,7 +by 28-inches. All sides are reinforced with Type XII webbing. No. 8 grommets are installed at ,3 +supplementary or emergency power. These generators are likely powered by gasoline or diesel,9 +and Pr=& ,9 +and-level flight is the result of repetition and effective practice. ,9 +Benefits Of WAAS In The Airport Environment ,7 +Airspeed Indicator (ASI),7 +Loss of orientation.,3 +"technologischer sowie gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen, insbesondere digitaler Technologien,",3 +TAIL SURFACES,7 +Telephone System ,7 +to 12 feet. The bending capacity of the brake is determined by ,9 +NOTE: Intermediate magnetic courses between those listed ,9 +Hard Landing,7 +"in row 1C_a of the table in Section 1, for “Member State” substitute “part of Great ",3 +Protective works to buildings ,7 +Initially Moving Up,7 +"Air box, cabin-heat control valve",6 +Round Out (Flare),7 +Article 7 - ,7 +Aerodynamic force,6 +as a result of the exclusion in section 3702(b) of this title. ,9 +Media channels to be identified ,7 +Article 30 (1) An X-ray unit must be that for which the following damage ,3 +and the reserve ripcord pin protector flap. ,3 +Audit Opinion,7 +Psychologen e. V. alle zwei Jahre eine Bescheinigung über die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Qualitätssicherung,9 +Electrical Equipment Installation,7 +"II.20.5. Vorfinanzierungsgarantie, Erfüllungsgarantie und Gewährleistungseinbehalt ",7 +Key to Schedule 2 ,7 +funds are expended. ,9 + in line with the document management rules ,3 +II.10 SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +ÉVACUATION ,7 +principal residence; or,3 +TWISTING ,6 +or enhance aluminu,9 +encountered in determining prior to construction the resistance o£ the ,9 +the group,9 +Temperature Variations with Topography,7 +Please print/upload,7 +modification to condition C21 ,7 +"is centered, the attitude gyro has precessed; if the ball ",3 +displays a complete blue or brown segment when the pitch ,9 +Wohngebiet,9 +Radio Communications ,7 +"external influences. Both individually and in combination, ",9 +for a period equivalent to one-twelfth of the time of his service on the court.,9 +2.4.7/1.1.1286-03»,9 +unlimited. ,9 +greatest height from trough to crest.,9 +together at the nose and connects the carriage to the wing.,9 +"in clause (i), by striking ‘‘section 1821 of this title’’ ",9 +simulation values for analog signals.,3 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,7 +the airplane and comparison with the runway ,9 +I.5.2. Zwischenzahlung ,7 +Rotary-Wing Aircraft Assembly and Rigging,7 +Criteria related to the tenderers ,7 +"arrangement, compilation, assemblage, extraction; ",3 +"when the oxygen-rich blood in the lungs is not moving, for ",9 +Fixed-Price contracts ,7 +appropriate—what learners are to do as evidence of their mastery of targeted content and skills ,3 +滅菌消毒作業室の機器及び設備は、作業工程順に置かれていること。,3 +ELECTION CRITERIA,7 +"figuration, the load factor limits will be al- ",9 +document to the Director of Air Traffic Operations (Service Area) before submitting the,3 +Effects of termination ,7 +The Regulations also include a number of savings provisions to ensure that some amendments ,9 +PLACEMENT OF ADVERTISEMENTS – based on real costs ,7 +wind correction angle. Both increase or decrease as the ,9 +required for any part of the flight.,9 +of mass of the rotor blade and the axis rotation of the blade ,9 +757 is only restricted to FL350. ,3 +"MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, JUSTICE AND SECURITY ",7 +"Teamarbeit und Kooperation, Lernziele a und b,",3 +short lanyard that is tucked up under the side flap. .,9 +"As soon as possible after an award decision has been made by the Bank, all Tenderers will be ",9 +"Strahlenschutz, Strahlenpass ",7 +"of interest to pilots, such as health and medical facts, flight ",9 +plan to operate VFR in this airspace ,3 +Submission of requests to participate and tenders. ,7 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Final Piston Moving Down,7 +“cross pointer system.” These two presentations ,3 +II.5.1 Form and means of communication ,7 +Aircraft Metal Structural Repair,7 +tested for correct volume and quality in the actual environment in which they will be used. Visual aids should be visible to the entire ,9 +and gives a slight margin of safety. The following illustration ,9 +Inserting an airway into a flight route.,0 +(vii) goods which belong to the heads of foreign countries visiting Japan and ,3 +systems in which fuel is injected into the air upstream ,9 +"also refer to publicly available information, in particular evidence that it can access on a ",9 +Affecting Pilot Performance,7 +"out: livestock gathered under a tree, standing water, ",3 +Common oceanographic terminology.,7 +ECHA shall have controls in place to have adequate traceability of IT ,9 +Induced Flow,7 +parts of an aircraft to prevent variable resistance in the ,9 +Southerly Turning Errors ,7 +Normal Reactions to Stress ,7 +Instrument Weather Flying,7 +Role of the Database Provider ,7 +and Systems,7 +1st April 2014 ,8 +of the Earth. Circles parallel to the equator (lines running east ,9 +Visual Glideslope Indicators,7 +The applicant or the applicant’s SME must make the software plans and standards (shown in ,9 +規定により当該市長が行った報告の徴収その他の行為とみなす。,3 +Regulation 19(1)(a) ,7 +Parallel Generator Operations,7 +nder oath before the fiscal,9 +"Verbot anderer Nationalflaggen, Ausnahmen",7 +transparent film is formed that causes the water to behave ,9 +"Inspect the harness stitching for correct stitch length, ",3 +Sampling Equipment ,7 +"conditions (VMC), turbulence index, cross-wind ",3 +"the performance, success, barriers, outcomes and possible improvements for each Work ",9 +Anlage 17 (zu § 10 Absatz 1 und § 11 Absatz 1),7 +"With no formal training, enthusiastic crew might ",3 +tips first moves the center of pressure ,9 +the pile or into,9 +"flying below 5,000 feet above ground level (AGL) ",3 +"as hanger space, landing pad, and ground handling needs.",9 +s'il est établi que de fausses déclarations ont été faites ou que de fausses informations ,7 +II.11. AMENDMENTS ,7 +Integrated Safety Management by participating in safety assessments and Safety Collaboration ,9 +additional services ordered directly by the EU-OSHA’s national partners at their own costs. The ,3 +Figure 6-12.,0 +inhabitants from harmful UV rays. Some civilian flights ,9 +ACCOMMODATION CROSSINGS FOR WHICH NO SUBSTITUTE IS TO BE ,7 +Acquisition of land ,7 +Secondary board ,8 +at various forward speeds. ,9 +complete refinishing of the affected area.,9 +Low-Wing Twin,7 +because they remove foreign particles that may be in the ,9 +Declaration on the list of pre-,9 +Quiz/e-interaction with participants – 2 formats: online and ,7 +Chapter 6—Basic Flight Maneuvers,7 +the standstill period. In case of suspension all the Tenderers shall be informed with 3 (three) working ,9 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +control) but may also include yaw axis (pedal control) ,3 +Restricted airspace ,7 +psychologischen Testverfahren und -geräten,7 +§ 10a Stellenzulage,7 +"Zulassungsschein nach Maßgabe des § 18, auf dem das Datum des Ablaufs der Gültigkeitsdauer der",3 +Table 7-1. ,3 +PRO-0027.06 ,9 +"measures taken or proposed to be taken to address the breach, including, where ",3 +位として設定すること。ただし、当該都道府県の区域が著しく広いことその他特別,3 +sufficient suction to spin instrument gyros. A line is run from ,9 +immediately upon the first indication of needle ,3 +interpretation ,9 +waren. Bis zur fristgerechten Begründung des Hauptwohnsitzes oder Betriebssitzes bleibt der Vorrang des,9 +Chief Safety Engineer,8 +"INSTALLATION OF AR2 POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY, MAIN ",7 +Descriptors are used to describe certain types of precipitation and obscurations. Weather ,3 +should be equal to that in the remainder of the cell.,3 +"DRAFT CONTRACT AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS, ",7 +II.13.10 Visibility of Centre funding and disclaimer ,7 +"[2468-7, 8.]",9 +all areas described in 14 CFR Part 93. ,9 +"continues to climb and accelerate to best rate-of-climb, apply ",9 +the contract.,3 +置若しくは手術の用に供する衣類その他の繊維製品(以下「繊維製品」という。)の,3 +The Contractor shall maintain a complete record of all piling works which shall include the following ,9 +Overrunning sprag clutch,6 +Schedule 16 to the Housing and Planning Act 2016. ,1 +"than the arrival location DA (6,000 feet) and that several ",9 +being made on that one main wheel. This is acceptable and ,9 +LAKES AND RIVERS,7 +interference by the contracting ,3 +Article 9-24 The administrator of a core clinical research hospital shall ,3 +"high-frequency noise. This noise is caused by violent, ",9 +“legal member” means a member of the Board appointed under paragraph 3(1)(a) of Schedule ,9 +"imposte e tasse,",9 +side away from the fan. Pat will show you what needs to be ,9 +of flying you do most. ,9 +Data collection and processing units.,3 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +Inspect rubber coupling for damage and aging (C type ,3 +法第五十五条の九の規定に基づく対外の貸借及び国際収支に関する統計の作成に,3 +"The contractor shall immediately inform the data controller if, in its opinion, an instruction ",9 +"of heat; whereas, water, trees, and other areas of vegetation ",9 +Remuneration,3 +number of batches wasted or rejected ,3 +on the handle allowing it to be pulled from his or her hand. ,9 +corresponding increase in energy available at the turbine. The ,9 +"blood diseases, such as anemia. More often it is because ",9 +Digital Building Blocks,7 +of the contract as a whole. ,9 +Flight Information Publication Policy,7 +следующих,9 + A fixed device employed on the leading edge ,9 +with “Handle,9 +operators ,9 +"to be met. However, a radio to communicate to the airport ",9 +Reference: ,7 +"(10 points, minimum threshold ",3 +"that the results be adapted, provided that this is done in a manner which is not prejudicial to ",3 +‘‘(a) PRESUMPTION OF SERVICE-CONNECTION.—(1) For the pur-,9 +procedure as described in paragraph 5,9 +viation-related,3 +usually a twist grip control located on the end of the,9 +selected on the HSI (or PFD/multi-function display (MFD)/,9 +"Prüfauftragsart (Ersterteilung, Erweiterung, Umschreibung, Neuerteilung),",3 +"On receipt of an application under paragraph (1), the Board must— ",9 +during changes of airspeed. When accelerating on either ,9 +"instead of from front-to-rear, the size of each cell is not limited to the width of the cloth. This method ",3 +Two control lines controlled at the risers are used to maneuver the canopy. Each control line ,3 +Moral rights of the authors ,7 +"current. If this condition is sensed, the overexcited generator ",9 +Bewertungsmaßstab für die Leistungen,7 +makes separation with standard sedimentation impossible or as occurrence of extraordinary ,3 +Finanzierung gesonderter Aufgaben,9 +"gencies’’, as authorized by section 5 of the Act of August 18, 1941 ",9 +"the period of time since any such compensation was paid, and ",3 +material with the hot knife. ,3 +Section 2 Protection of X-ray Units ,7 +Operating Limits and Charts ,7 +"Luxembourg, ",9 +Malfunctions,7 +The National ,7 +Organisieren der Berufsausbildung.,3 +"and Industry No. 43 of September 30, 1986] ",7 +ground. When using the timing light to check a magneto in a ,9 +"Perceive, Process, Perform (3P) Model ",7 +time (in hours) to the specified end voltage. ,9 +software and made capable by the AHRS. In the case of a nose-,9 +are actuated by the multilobe cam.,9 +"tion of the WAAS signal, the receiver, and the",9 +proceed to a fix from which an approach begins and ,3 +termination.,9 +Social media communication plan ,7 +"Nettoerträge aus der Vermittlung von Kredit-, Spar-, Bauspar- und Versicherungsverträgen,",3 +normal certification thrust produced by having a tail rotor ,9 +cross-hatched or shaded areas of the height-velocity,9 +"Aeronautical Center (AC) Form 8050-1, Aircraft ",3 +foreign countries; ,3 +exercise the right of eminent domain over property and to authorize the institution,9 +Another component of the Conformity Rule is called Transportation Conformity. Transportation ,9 +locations adjacent to highway and roadway intersections,9 +whenever a sergeant or patrolman of the latter class shall have acquired a fair,9 +der Schiffsmechaniker-Ausbildungsverordnung oder,3 +Data protection. ,7 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 +§ 1 Stammzertifikate,7 +"power lines, trees, buildings, and the ground. Potential ",3 +employed to ensure all generators operate within limits. In ,9 +"on instrument interpretation and aircraft control, a pilot ",9 +and their authorization to conduct EFVS,9 +Variable phase,6 +"generator, but generally consists of the compressor, diffuser, ",9 +Anlage 2 (zu § 1 Abs. 1 Forstsaat-Herkunftsgebietsverordnung),7 +"inspection, and then compare it with the corresponding fuel ",9 +Brief description of the required services/ supplies ,7 +Blocks of Learning ,7 +"person who, after being removed from real property forfeited for the nonpayment",9 +Motor routine 1 ,7 +near-surface,9 +There shall be a Parliament of Botswana which ,9 +"The current version of FAA Order 8040.4, ",1 +Southerly Turning Errors ,7 +Approaches and Landings ,7 +3.11.4. Минимальный набор помещений организаций отдыха детей и их,9 +(pounds) ,6 +"of the aircraft. Since turns at or after fix passage may exceed airway and route boundaries, pilots are expected to ",3 +Requesting the Secretary of the Interior to authorize unique and one-time arrange-,3 +These visitors have to be tested twice (with a COVID-19 PCR test) with a negative outcome. ,3 +Cabin-air exhaust,6 +Concerning [,7 +one or more municipalities one-fifth of the franchise tax shall accrue,3 +subscribers.,3 +(Delegation of Authority) ,9 +The criterion is applied to:,7 +II.20.1. Zahlungsdatum ,7 +Reserve Elastic Safety ,6 +Conveyance of Provincial Property to Other Branches of,9 +The Service Provider shall issue a lump-sum invoice upon written approval by the [Bank/Fund]of the ,3 +"Das Urteil darf nur auf Tatsachen und Beweisergebnisse gestützt werden, zu denen die Beteiligten sich",9 +"Physical Security, Information Security, Cybersecurity, and Occupational Safety and ",7 +retrieval crew or rescue personnel. It is a good idea to write ,9 +online type of events) ,7 +while performing emergency gear extension techniques. ,9 +An instrument consisting of a curved glass ,9 +Pitot-Static Systems ,7 +Rentals of privileges,3 +"localizer course, the assumption is sometimes made ",3 +slaughtering of domestic animals; or ,3 +strength.,9 +"ein Kennzeichen nach Absatz 2 Satz 1, Absatz 3 Satz 2 oder ein Versicherungskennzeichen nach Absatz 3",3 +Obtaining Weather Information,7 +visibility. ,9 +"prioritizing, and sequencing tasks to avoid work overload. As experience is gained, a pilot learns ",9 +threats to your safety will make you a better pilot. ,9 +Teil 1 der Abschlussprüfung besteht aus dem Prüfungsbereich Montagearbeiten.,9 +detected aircraft. Traffic data systems coupled with MFDs can ,9 +ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT ,7 +parasite drag on fixed gear aircraft. ,0 +Powered Parachute Wing,7 +Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +§ 17 Zulassungsbedürftige Betriebe,7 +Elliptical,6 + The amendments made by these Regulations apply only in respect of applications for a ,9 +Foreign Exchange Stabilisation Fund ,7 +im Rahmen einer dreijährigen freiberuflichen verkehrspsychologischen Tätigkeit mit Zertifizierung als,3 +"Power to make general directions as to use of harbour, etc. ",3 +generati come segnalato precedentemente verranno attuate apposite misure preventive e ,3 +Procedure Turns,7 +prevent leakage of the gases from the combustion chamber.,9 +conditions. ,3 +の体制を確保すること。,3 +so much of an electronic communications network or infrastructure system provided by ,3 +$_{4 }$emissions for either the ,9 +and works closely with ILAC.,1 +$^{9}$ For the definition of trade secrets please see Article 2 (1) of DIRECTIVE (EU) 2016/943 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and ,1 +Tubular nylon.,9 +Air filter—A master air filter screens foreign matter from the ,9 +Control stick.,9 +number of obstacles. Wind causes snow to form into,9 +"and reversing (beta range), the propeller can be operated ",9 +found at the URL above. Pilots operating into an airport ,9 +occurred during some previous installation.,9 +established and the pilot can enter the Class C airspace.,9 +"shall, as far as is practicable, attend and preside at all meetings of the Committee, and, in the ",9 +study assignment for the next lesson. Both ground and flight ,9 +USC 1701 ,9 +experimental category are issued a Special Airworthiness ,9 +(chaîne ou autre moyen solide) et à l'abri du soleil ou toute source de chaleur. Les ,3 +GENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURES ,7 +"Under certain conditions, it may be desirable to continue ",9 +APPENDICE B: SEGNALAZIONE DI INFORTUNIO (FACSIMILE) ,7 +条において「支援団体」という。)は、法第六条の十一第三項の規定による支援(以,3 +"CDI ignition with eight coil spark to eight spark plugs, dual ",9 +PRIMARY ACTUATION DEVICE/RIPCORD TEST:,7 +service life of the aircraft must be anticipated ,9 +"in paragraph (10), for sub-paragraph (a), substitute",3 +Foster parents: temporary approval ,7 +"the arrest, or the issue or execution of a warrant for the arrest, of any person in ",3 +the VOR or VOT and display out,9 +Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids,7 +"instruments. In a vacuum system, a stream of air directed ",9 +〔平成二十五年六月二十六日政令第百九十一号〕〔抄〕,7 +"Academia, Research centres and industries. ",9 +Pilots should practice GPS approaches in visual,9 +sident in respect of legal proceedings,7 +Traffic Data Systems Using Onboard Sensing ,7 +security requirements and operational roles ,7 +specific contract.,9 +Powerplant,0 +"weather are given. The intensity may be light (–), moderate ( ), or heavy (+). Proximity only ",3 +particular type of aircraft at the designated destination ,3 +Elaboration of a social media communication plan ,7 +a constant rate climb is accomplished in the same manner as ,9 +"Auf Sachverhalte, die vor dem 24. Dezember 2020 entstanden sind, sind die §§ 2 und 4 Absatz 1, § 40 Absatz",9 +Cockpit Management,7 +"cause damage. For these reasons, water rudders should",9 +visual reference for airspeed and rate of closure may,9 +"Liegen alle Voraussetzungen für die Erteilung der Fahrerlaubnis vor, hat die Fahrerlaubnisbehörde den",9 +Gliederung der Berufsausbildung,7 +自費患者(社会保険診療に係る患者又は労働者災害補償保険法に係る患者以外,3 +Risk Management during Operational Flights ,7 +VFR Waypoints,7 +of how pilot performance is influenced by such issues as the ,9 +GPS Familiarization,7 +returning to England from competing in an elite sports event or participating in ,3 +"coming into force of the Moratorium Regulations, a full impact assessment was produced for those ",9 +obstacle height. Begin by finding the correct OAT on the ,9 +Publication in such case shall be effected by advertisement in a paper of,9 +The tow pilot should understand that these are maximum ,9 +a large hangar so no wind gusts can affect the takedown. If ,9 +Special Shape Balloons,7 +"et leur service médical (fiche SDS, conformément à la législation belge et Directive ",9 +the undertaker must submit the appeal documentation to the Secretary of State and must ,3 +ÉVACUATION ,7 +The Federal Aviation Administration is responsible,9 +High Round Out,7 +Inclinometer. ,9 +surface layer shall be,9 +in einem Land bei allen Holzartengruppen voraussichtlich mindestens 45 vom Hundert oder bei einer,3 +[Figure 3-52],9 +Emergency Extension Systems,7 +NSN: 1670-01-306-2100 ,7 +Replacement Certificate ,7 +"interpretation) of the Water Industry Act 1991) or works, and any structure in which ",3 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +Any aspect of the tender is contractually binding.,3 +"or to “line up and wait,” all lights, except for landing",9 +"Those with a capacity not greater than thirty kilograms, thirty",3 +MDA under IFR to heliports or platforms. An EFVS,9 +139. В пункте 3.3 федерального государственного образовательного,9 +The air that passes through the inner part of the fan ,0 +CFR 91.225;,9 +Disassembly: Mesh Repair,7 +The event assistant(s) will receive a briefing on responsibilities from the Contractor’s national ,3 +Number on Your Aircraft,7 +Figure 14-18,9 +von Fahrzeugen der Klasse C 18 Jahre und der Klasse D 21 Jahre im Falle,9 +traffic within the ARTCC area of responsibility. ,9 +"cult. Besides the obvious danger of collision, other",9 +velocity of a mass. A forward force which propels ,3 +FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ,7 +I.5. ZAHLUNGSMODALITÄTEN ,7 +in abbreviated forms on IFR Enroute Low Altitude Charts. A general note adjacent to Class B airspace ,9 +PROFILE VIEW,7 +illustrates a flap-type pneumatic check ,9 +イからハまでに掲げるエックス線装置以外のエックス線装置にあつては、エッ,3 +Air Data Computer (ADC).,9 +times greater than normal combustion1 ,9 +LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF A GROUP ,7 +"identifiable and separable from the rest, that they do not correspond to substantial elements of ",9 +"date. The last four digits are the time of the METAR/SPECI, which is always given in ",3 +"the canopy was built with. For example, sometimes a 150 ",9 +degrees either side of the course centerline.,9 +The Mayor,9 +Emergency control ,7 +"Prior to submission to the provincial treasurer, the allotment for school purposes",9 +Appendice 3 au Cahier des Charges,4 +airspace overlying the waters within 12 NM of the coast of ,9 +§ 32 Speicherung der Halterdaten in den Fahrzeugregistern,7 +either by hand or by applying a qualified or an advanced electronic signature based on a ,9 +of electromagnetic induction requires a rotating machine. ,9 +"available in Alaska only, providing continuously updated ",9 +in the blood after scuba diving.,9 +aircraft lights does enhance the ,9 +Selection criteria ,7 +"building societies, ",3 +Distress and Urgency,7 +obstruction avoidance. One option may be a Visual,9 +"von Funkstellen des festen Funkdienstes benutzt werden, deren Gesamtstrahlungsleistung höchstens",3 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +"reports that will be requested, as stated in Article I.6 of the Model of Framework Contract. ",9 +the binding tape that attaches the side flap to ,3 +"Fleischeigenschaften und -reifung prüfen und für die Herstellung von Fleischerzeugnissen beurteilen,",3 +WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT ,7 +against FMD. This will encourage future participation of farmers in the ,3 +an estimate of the,9 +"obligations,",3 +the landing to a hover in order to check the landing point ,9 +major contributing factor in 33 percent of the cases. While ,9 +"information that is useful to a pilot during takeoff,",9 +"yen,"" the term ""Non-resident Free-yen Account specified by Cabinet Order ",9 +"able and practicable, the National Health Security Strategy ",9 +"Fitness im Fahrdienst, Stressbewältigung.",3 +"which the Contracting Authority’s account is debited. By way of exception, when the interest calculated ",9 +"network, i.e. ",9 +Maintenance: ,7 +(for onsite ,7 +Chocolate ,8 +the circulation causes upslope motion. From the windward ,9 +исключительно временный характер;,9 +⦁ $_{Sufficient time for learning }$,3 +at an altitude of 300 to 500 feet above the surface. A general ,9 +local soaring flights. Items that must be considered during cross-,9 +Chemical Rain Repellant,7 +"percent of rated power. This system, like the accelerating ",9 +"ordinary expenses for the ensuing year, with a statement opposite",9 +Determination of Control Movements Required To ,7 +Control Valve,7 +a decision height minimum and with runway visual ,3 +aircraft toward the inside of the turn. ,9 +II.21.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +end and hailstone size are also listed in the “Remarks” ,9 +the feather position to release the accumulator pressure. The ,9 +particularly critical at higher speeds where the excessive ,9 +performance of this ,3 +"Geldentschädigung bereits angefochten werden, sobald sie ergangen ist. Die Geldentschädigung kann schon vor",9 +Vertical Gusts During High-Speed Cruise,7 +sein; der untere Rand darf nicht weniger als 200 mm über der Fahrbahn liegen und die sonst vorhandene,9 +Centrifugal force.,9 +U.S. Territorial Airspace,7 +The attitude indicator may show small misrepresenta-,9 +Der Minister für Arbeit und Soziales,7 +"als Vertreter des Herstellers durch die zuständige Behörde zugelassen worden sind oder,",3 +gross concrete area (cast in-situ and precast concrete piles) : ,3 +II.5. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +"aircraft that senses pitot pressure, static pressure, and total air ",9 +"When the airplane is established on the up-line, a delay of approximately ",3 +"In the case of joint tenders, the contracting authority may terminate the FWC or a specific ",9 +Wärmedurchgangskoeffizienten,9 +registration number,7 +"If the person declares one of the situations of exclusion listed above, it must indicate measures it has taken to ",9 +possibility of structural movement or hidden failure.,3 +"points, minimum threshold 60% = 30 points",3 +when the mass density of the air is standard (0.00237 ,9 +symptoms. This training is important because the brain is the ,9 +"linkage to the gear uplocks. When the handle is operated, it ",9 +crowds. As soon as the crew is sure they are clear of other ,9 +speed (groundspeed) and stopping distance. The most critical ,9 +Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter oder,7 +[Figure 14-5A ,9 +Fault-finding chart; and ,3 +"inattention is difficult to eliminate through training and practice. For example, it is well known that humans perform poorly when ",9 +and reduce cowl drag. ,9 +"same applies in this paragraph, Article 5 of the Supplementary Provisions and ",3 +Data controller:,3 +sites will require additional development of TIS,9 +"and Balance; Aircraft and Systems Description; Handling, ",9 +is overstitched and reinforced as needed.,3 +"percent of the Freddie Mac conforming loan limit, reduced by ",9 +"fifty-five of this Code, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand",9 +Indicated altitude. ,9 +material thickness. At the opposite end of the collar is a ,9 +object—lines may be observed moving up and down the ,9 +палаточный,9 +correction angle is at the maximum when the aircraft is ,9 +"Documentation, Review, and Approval Process for Waivers to ",3 +current through the conductor must be maintained ,3 +Amendment of Schedule 1 ,7 +The ripcord housing must be reinstalled and tacked.,3 +Reciprocating Engine Exhaust Systems,7 +§ 24 Wiederholung der Prüfung,7 +Student Pilot Applicant Requirements (SPAR) ,7 +road/rail transport). ,3 +angle of the rotor blade approximately 90° after it passes,9 +Reduction Gear Assembly,7 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 +that the pilot overcontrols the glider.,9 +water reaching the relevant level. ,9 +Bemessungsgrundlagen der Umlage im Aufgabenbereich Banken und sonstige,3 +Amendment of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowance) (England) Regulations 2003 ,7 +enough away that they may be easily observed. You,9 +If a rigger were to receive a damaged sport main canopy for ,9 +APPENDICE B: SEGNALAZIONE DI INFORTUNIO (FACSIMILE) ,7 +"by a “single cue,” commonly known as a “vee bar,” ",3 +"d likewise, on land, imported goods on",9 +"the collective pitch control is raised, there is a simultaneous ",9 +"data dissemination,",3 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Initial Piston Moving ,7 +Runway markings vary depending on the type of operations ,9 +parachutist grasps the handle and pulls the locking pin from ,9 +or even power line strikes. This trend clearly identifies ,3 +Inability to visualize the half circle ground track.,3 +"following purposes: the construction or extension of roads, streets, sidewalks,",9 +effective dose limit and the equivalent dose limit specified in Article 30-27: ,3 +—Defense Base Closure and Realignment ,9 +The responsible ARTCC Center names are shown adjacent and parallel to the boundary line. ARTCC sector frequencies ,9 +constitute good cause for removal.,3 +"participants, and the participants’ titles and contact details. ",3 +"vertical lift component increases during the roll-out, ",3 +Normal Takeoff from a Hover,7 +Radio magnetic indicator. ,0 +"turbine assembly furnishes torque to a propeller, producing ",9 +for triggering.,9 +Carriage keel. ,9 +The Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 ,7 +hesitator,9 +– Aktive Mitarbeit,8 +"one or more security countermeasures, qualified counter-",9 +or at least in contact with the fuel container.,3 +"will be collected, prioritised and potential ",3 +ashamed to question the glider pilot. Better to be a bit ,3 +2) в пункте 3.2:,9 +The contractor must obtain any permit or licence required in the State where the ,3 +‘‘SEC. 319D–1. CHILDREN’S PREPAREDNESS UNIT. ,7 +helicopter from sinking and adjust the throttle to maintain ,9 +lines and the letters “SFC” (surface) indicate freezing levels ,9 +Vertical Gusts During High-Speed Cruise,7 +Preparation of Ground ,7 +Blind Bolts,7 +"In accordance with section 21 of that Act, the Secretary of State has consulted such persons, and ",9 +IDENTIFICATION,6 + Award and notification of the outcomes of the procurement procedure ,7 +velocity (A). ,9 +Identifying Emissions in the SIP ,7 +THREE WAY VALVE ,6 +it is possible to hold the visual reference line directly on the ,9 +Pneumatic systems are protected against dirt by means of ,9 +A cross-section of a typical propeller blade is shown in ,9 +CONFLICTING INTERESTS ,7 +"Rahmenplan für den klassenspezifischen Zusatzstoff in den Klassen A, A2, A1 (4 Doppelstunden), in",7 +alleiniger,9 +"days, or both.",9 +Fully Depreciated Assets ,7 +Free Fall,6 +"prospection et/ou un appel au marché, sur base d'une liste de sociétés établie ",3 +Heated air,6 +there may be a finger screen filter that is sometimes used ,9 +follows : ,9 +AJI Audits and Assessments Group ,3 +"Gesetzlich vorgesehene Gebühren und Auslagen eines Bevollmächtigten oder Beistands, der nach den",9 +Sicherheitsregeln laut JRC Karlsruhe-Handbuch. ,9 +coordinator are used to change heading a definite number ,9 +Perform by implementing the best course of action ,3 +possibility of losing track of the heat being created. Precise ,9 +lines empty into lakes. The ice is likely to be very thin,9 +"Kundenberatung, Lernziel f,",3 +which value for money has been achieved in the use of resources at ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 387 of December 25, 1997] ",7 +and Systems,7 +ENISA F-COD-20-T03 ,7 +"Si le contractant, son ",9 +autopilot by Century.,9 +Zur Verstärkung von Investitionen in das Bundesfernstraßennetz können Private Aufgaben des Neu- und,9 +whose factories or workplaces pertaining to the business of manufacturing ,3 +forcing the pilot to correct with right pedal application ,9 +BORN WITH SPINA BIFIDA’’; ,7 +〔昭和二十九年四月十日政令第七十七号〕,7 +закрывающимися крышками.,9 +Pre-cast units for kerbs and surface drainage ,7 +Learning behavior modification techniques. ,3 +Motor and Load Protection ,7 +Stationary Combustion Sources ,7 +"Building on national and EU efforts, the Agency shall develop a high level of expertise. ",3 +Verlust des Versicherungsschutzes,3 +requirements of the applicable data protection legislation and ensures the protection of the rights ,3 +Medical Summary— “The Bottom Line”,7 +required to provide side slopes or otherwise secure the dredged area against ,3 +performance ,9 +Normal Takeoff from a Hover,7 +established and the pilot may not enter the Class C,9 +建立应急救援组织,但应当指定兼职的应急救援人员。 ,9 +on the head within a circle having a maximum ,3 +Vorstand nach Maßgabe der Haushaltslage der Filmförderungsanstalt bis zu 70 Prozent des Referenzwertes des,9 +journalists and experts ,7 +aggiudicatrice deve dare la,9 + Omit regulation 68 (monetary penalties) (including the heading). ,9 +Target resolution (a process to ensure that,9 +"Gesetzes vom 27. Juli 2001 (BGBl. I S. 1948) eingefügt worden ist, jeweils in Verbindung mit § 1 des",9 +Figure 2-15,9 +of the fault to one of the three main operating components of ,9 +Figure 13-88,9 +to catch any fabric during the process. ,3 +"airspeeds. To simplify the situation, a gener- ",9 + It is preferable to attach a copy of RECENT bank statement. Please note that the bank statement has to confirm all the,3 +End voltage level shall be adjustable from 20-60% of line voltage. The end voltage shall ,9 +録、貸借対照表及び損益計算書又は収支計算書並びに事業報告書(その作成に代えて,3 +Bank and heading errors result from the following faults:,9 +(See TRAFFIC PATTERN.) ,9 +elevators and gives the tail a positive lift. At the same time the trim ,9 +pile. The transition between the close spacing near the ends and the maximum spacing shall be ,3 +STRATEGIC PLANNING ,7 +〔昭和三十四年九月一日政令第二百八十四号〕,7 +"the reverse order (bag on, flip wing over, and disassemble ",9 +[Figure 9-8],9 +oder Drehbuchautor oder hauptberufliche Dramaturgin oder hauptberuflicher Dramaturg sein. Von den Personen,9 +diagonal cut at each corner of formed hole to permit a foldback of each raw edge. ,3 +and changes in hinge moments may ,9 +«САНИТАРНО-ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К,7 +"way compositions (materials) constitute a hard-surfaced runway: asphalt, bitumen, chip seal, concrete, and tar macadam. ",9 +which allows the combustion of additional fuel ,9 +See page 68. ,3 +should be equal to that in the remainder of the cell.,3 +"Light Sport Aviation Branch, AFS-610 ",7 +adding a magnetic variation calculated with an,9 +"costi interferenziali,",9 +"Die Fahrschulerlaubnis ist zu widerrufen, wenn nachträglich eine der in § 18 Absatz 1 Nummer 1 zweiter",9 +汚水を排出しようとする場所,3 +We keep our software and devices up-to-date,3 +"SIGMET, or AIRMET. ",3 +Auxiliary Power Units ,7 +angle between the FAF/stepdown fix and the Circling,9 +Third repair ply,6 +"In 1928, Austrian Robert Kronfeld proved that thermal lift ",9 +[Figure 8-13],9 +Ministers and Assistant Ministers,7 +narrower than the localizer course (approximately 1.4° from ,9 +CAL3QHC and CAL3QHCR Model Input Data,9 +". J. Appl. Meteor., ",1 +Abschnitt 1,7 +of a mountain if conditionally unstable air is lifted above the ,9 +Intellectual property rights,7 +in the United states,7 +"30.12.1995, S. 15, L 168 vom 3.7.1999, S. 35, L 138 vom 9.6.2000, S. 31), die zuletzt durch die Verordnung",3 +the full amount of entitlement so used has not been restored ,9 +дополнительной общеобразовательной программой. Занятия проводятся по,9 +Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of ,9 +Tracking With VOR ,7 +Denotation offers the possibility of immedi- ,9 +squib. This releases the Halon through the discharge port. ,9 +"examination hereinabove required, ex",9 +methods for,9 +ELEVATOR ,6 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 3 ",7 +Aree di transito interne ,8 +Manual Descent Calculations,7 +der in Absatz 1 Nr. 2 genannten Fahrzeuge nicht zur Einlegung einer wöchentlichen Ruhezeit nach höchstens,9 +"No cargo may be carried, nor may any dispensing materials be carried in the hopper, or ",3 +support full integration of RNAV procedures into the,9 +interested party may make the following requests at any time during the ,3 +reduced especially when flying over a sparsely popu-,9 +for intentional parachute jumping where both parachutes are ,9 +"When the aircraft is on the glidepath, the needle is horizontal, ",9 +"tubing (i.e., aluminum or steel). Flared and flareless fittings ",9 +§ 17 Zulassungsbedürftige Betriebe,7 +the aircraft. Some aircraft have an emergency release handle ,9 +Article 34 - ,7 +"If the crewmember is incapacitated, a statement must",9 +– SITUAZIONI DI ESCLUSIONE RIGUARDANTI LE PERSONE FISICHE O GIURIDICHE CHE SI ,7 +"(WS), Convective SIGMET (WST), AIRMET (WA), Severe ",9 +Airspeed Indicator (ASI),7 +"Slips, falls and excess excavations ",7 +Class D airspace area at an indicated airspeed of more,9 +Main Parachute Assembly. The main parachute assembly consists of a pilot chute connected by a ,3 +to an appropriate quality standard.,9 +"$^{10}$ See Article 4 (2) of the REGULATION (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission ",1 +that tenderers and applicants can submit their bids/applications/proposals without encountering ,3 +Select Dispersion Models ,7 +mandated on aircraft with 10 to 30 seats. ,9 +Feststellung der Losgröße,3 +Allgemeine Regelungen,7 +CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +Actual current (motors with frequency and soft starter) ,3 +the following names or acronyms: ,9 +actuators. The width of the overflow weir shall be designed and constructed by considering the second ,9 +条の二十七に定める実効線量限度及び等価線量限度を超えないようにしなければなら,9 +Offenses Against Various Administrative Laws,7 +Check fuel content.,3 +"branch of the service in the Islands to another, he shall be entitled to receive from",9 +analysis and,9 +to the proper clerk of court.,3 + Airspace in which flight activities are ,9 +confluence of airways,6 +Sky condition—always reported in the sequence of,3 +Another configuration of the altimeter is the drum-type. ,9 +shown in figure 3.10. ,9 +Requirements ,7 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +provisional,3 +Salary and allowances of President ,7 +rotor has a medium positive pitch angle. In medium pos-,9 +consideration must then be given whether to continue. Pilots ,9 +to land safely.,9 +Intellectual property rights,7 +until all cells are flaked and all line groups are clearly separated and tight. ,3 +Specific contract types ,7 +"Works to which this paragraph applies must only be executed in accordance with the plan, ",9 +〔平成二十四年三月三十日政令第九十六号〕〔抄〕,7 +не должно иметь дефектов.,9 +the method to descend and land safely in low visibility ,9 +Non-Moving Advances,7 +第十二条の十第二項第二号及び第四号の請求に係る費用に関する事項,3 +"oder der Schweiz rechtmäßig niedergelassen ist,",3 +"by any law, to be registered as a voter for the purp",9 +Mindestnutzfeldstärke erreicht wird.,9 +Flensburger Innenförde,10 +while IFR installations ensure a clear view is,9 +Traffic Data Systems,7 +is the maximum level that may be reached before the buoyancy and stability of the ship ,3 +号)第六条第一項に規定する勤労者財産形成貯蓄契約、同条第二項に規定する勤労,3 +The reference calendar for the calculation of the working days (including the business hours for a working day) will be agreed at the kick-,9 +plant etc.; ,3 +Motorsport UK – HSCC Formula 2 Championship Masters Historic Race Weekend ,9 +"and vice versa, and words in the masculine shall be deemed to include the feminine and ",3 +Identification of Paint Finishes,7 +Light sport airplane. ,0 +It handles the following output: ,3 +and inserting the following new item: ,9 +correspondantes ,9 +of directional stability with Mach number. ,9 +"officers shall be the same in substance as that prescribed for municipal officers,",9 +If the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator indicates a ,9 +Crew Responsibilities ,7 +"different characteristics and requirements for transportation, loading, unloading ",9 +"harmonised, well-structured (i.e. ",3 +"is required, an additional correction of not more than one-half ",9 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +"endeavor to provide necessary information, restrict the movement of inland ",3 +"After takeoff and departure, turning from the crosswind to the downwind leg while climbing to pattern altitude.",0 +had to make an emergency takeoff. While the point of the ,9 +Positioning the glider for the tow vehicle.,0 +"Ist der Betrag für eine internationale Koproduktion zuerkannt worden, bei der die Beteiligung des Herstellers",9 +"engine airplane may include in part, as applicable:",9 +"branch offices, etc. for which the on-site inspection or questions were carried ",3 +Controlled Airspace,4 +Preparing the O&SHA,7 +taking into consideration specific technical and/or security requirements of the (end) destination site. ,9 +construction identifiable with a particular ship begins; and ,3 +I.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +than arising from any default of SGN. ,3 +The casing of the siren flasher shall be durable and resistant to heat. The siren flasher shall have a ,9 +unable to safely comply with the clearance. ,9 +"h (1)(b), for “over the age of 18” substitute “aged 18 or over”;",3 + WSC and Air Traffi c Control,7 +NTSB Regional Offices.,0 +Soft starter protection shall be provided to maintain reliability of both the driven equipment and the electrical ,9 +Restricted airspace ,7 +"An approval authority entry briefing, ",3 +At least two of these forces acting on the propellers blades ,9 +Conditions and Controls ,7 +as from the date of the acquisition of the right or the benefit of the restrictive covenant by ,3 +Inspect carburetor float chamber for water and dirt.,3 + shall be filled in by the Group Leader. ,9 +in the area,3 +"and issued wind, runway information, and the time or",9 +maneuvers must be appreciated because ,9 +Lot 3: Organisation of corporate events ,7 +marking shall be effected.,3 +"safety, night operations from unlighted airstrips are",9 +II.13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ,7 +has either resided in Botswana for a continuous period of at least 12 months immediately ,3 +Registration in the Participant Register ,7 +Obtaining Emergency Assistance,7 +〔昭和五十八年十二月十日通商産業省令第九十二号〕,7 +outlet of the grit and grease removal tank can be considered at this chamber. The structure shall be ,9 + are or include know-how: the right to use such know-how as is necessary ,3 +"may not be available, and ground contact may be",9 +sparverordnung vom 18. November 2013 unter Berücksichtigung der zum 1. Januar 2016 in,9 +II.1. DEFINITIONS ,7 +607 901 as at 1 March 2018. ,3 +Amendment of Schedule 4 ,7 +Fonte utilizzata per la stima dei costi di sicurezza da interferenze ,3 +"information, clarification or confirmation shall not substantially change the tender. ",9 + The Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme(,9 +the attention of the approval authority. Explain any differences from the proposals ,3 +"inconsiderately and even recklessly, endangering ",3 +members in the project team or updated individual declarations for those team members whose ,9 +marking shall be effected.,3 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY ,7 +(WAAS) are developed and deployed. In order to,9 +"in writing by mail or email, which provides the sender with compelling evidence that the message ",9 +tip assists in the correction about the vertical axis. A simple ,9 +Acceleration Error ,7 +Verkehrsanlagen;,3 +Premature takeoffs and PIOs.,0 +I.5. ZAHLUNGSMODALITÄTEN ,7 +"leaned to allow the engine to develop its maximum power, ",9 +"runway or even to stall. On the other hand, if sufficient back-",9 +Access controls ,3 +exclusion criteria and selection criteria ,7 +(tapered) on the other end for attachment to the component. ,9 +visually” visual segment.,9 +"in paragraph (5)(b), for “United Kingdom”, in both places it occurs, substitute “Isle of ",3 +"limitations, equipment, and ",6 +Township President,7 +"However, the point at which the turn may be commenced, ",9 +country or territory listed in paragraph 5 to moor at a port in England unless mooring at a port in ,9 +Two moving surfaces in direct contact create excessive ,0 + Setting Up the WSC Aircraft ,7 +Symptoms of Hypoxia,7 +"Vorbereitung des Ferkels auf den Eingriff, einschließlich Anwendung eines schmerzstillenden",3 +without AFM/POH approval for flight into icing conditions ,9 +wind conditions. What effect will the headwind have on the glide? ,9 +«САНИТАРНО-ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К,7 +sensing elements during maintenance. General maintenance ,9 +Following ECHA technology roadmap: The Contractor's technology choices for ,3 +Figure 4-46. ,0 +Reinforced,8 +"schlachten,",3 +"security contributions. Where any document described above is not issued in the country concerned, it may ",9 +to the contractor or a reference to this licence;,3 +opportunities,3 +"pesos or imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both.",9 +Aircraft Log Books,7 +Communications,7 +"duties properly, or if complaints are made which, if true, would indicate that the",9 +WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT ,7 +Current text: ,7 +"separate group of numbers, separated by a “V,” will indicate the extremes of the wind ",3 +当該臨床研究中核病院において、当該特定臨床研究の実施に関する業務を統括,3 +any Integrated Safety Management gaps that may exist within a portfolio.,9 +vertical guidance path from a horizontal plane that passes ,9 +Der Ministerrat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik,7 +UK202002261001,9 +prepare document ,5 +hygienebezogenen sowie,3 +The contractor must analyse any risk and effects of any failures of the system. The automation shall ,9 +deice control valves. The deflate valve is open connecting the ,9 +Table B – Losses of Stores ,7 +provides essential support to a domestic elite sportsperson who is competing ,3 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +ROTOR SYSTEM,7 +"905 071,19 Euro",9 +school purposes.,3 +'Financial tender',8 +Figure 7-16,9 +(air cooled engines).,3 +All payments made by the Contracting Authority into the bank account specified in the contract will ,3 +techniques form an important part of the rigger’s store of ,9 +Determine if obstacle clearance can be maintained ,3 +is responsible for the ,3 +Current situation in the sector ,7 +"Ct = TIP CHORD, FT ",6 +"Der Fahrer eines in Absatz 1 Nr. 1 genannten Fahrzeugs hat, sofern dieses Fahrzeug nicht nach Absatz 2",9 +Poor inlet conditions are typical at ,9 +Drain water from fuel tank sump and/or water trap ,3 +"appropriate, a properly rated pressure switch is installed in the ",9 +selected altitude on a downwind heading. When directly ,9 +just described was simplified for explanation purposes. ,9 +to provide for the ,9 +Landing—Stuck Left Pedal,7 +"Ausschreibung angegeben, ",9 +"to advances in rocketry, spaceflight, avionics, telecommunications, ",3 +"variable geometry inlet design, ",9 +Gerry Charlebois of Birds in Paradise,9 +"424 specification, each manufacturer determines how ",9 +rule to follow is to ensure that sufficient altitude is available ,9 +pre-existing rights,9 +pin senses a lack of centrifugal force from propeller rotation ,9 +Acceleration Error,7 +but not a skiplane.,9 +§ 3 Flugsicherungsausrüstung für Flüge nach Instrumentenflugregeln,7 +Unattended,6 +it eventually begins to draw current instead of providing it. ,9 +"steady, level flight at both points 1 and 2. At ",9 +—(1) Not less than 56 days (or such time period as may be agreed between Cadent and the ,9 +"point in time of the FWC duration. Whereas under re-opening of competition, an ECHA ",9 +lbs./hr. of fuel ,9 +runway and glideslope,6 +One necessary ,9 +"Dans les deux semaines qui suivent la date de notification de la proposition par le médiateur, les ",9 +valves to prevent a loss of compressor bleed air when ,9 +from the charted STAR pilots might plan a descent based on ,9 +"Routing options (extended overwater, reduced ",3 +Inadequate visual lookout for other aircraft.,3 +altitude at certain fixes an aircraft must cross when proceeding ,9 +"Perceive, Process, Perform (3P) Model ",7 + In article 2 (interpretation)— ,9 +Pilots System (TWIP).,7 +Methane (CH$_{4}$) may,9 +The Terminal Weather Information for,7 +departure procedure as charted. ,9 +departure end of the runway or when the pilot selects,9 +§ 1 Gegenstand,7 +"pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (2) of the New Ministerial Order as applied ",3 +"power setting and, the stall speed (or minimum ",9 +Continental/TCM Fuel-Injection System,7 +within the anticipated service life. ,9 +Preparing/Revising the Safety Requirements Verification Table ,7 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +"Orientierung gemäß DIN 4108-2 unter den Werten der nachfolgenden Tabelle, so",9 +"Upon reaching the drop zone, full power is applied prior to releasing the banner ",3 +"Stabilizer Panels. During parachute descent, turbulent air can be produced at each side of the ",3 +Administrative procedures ,7 +IMS-JRC-S3.1-TMP-0048,9 +$^{ }$Tachometer ,7 +the right to make it available to contractors or subcontractors acting on behalf of the ,3 +Creating too small of a radius/too high of a banked ,3 +Examination of Books and Accounts of Auditor and,9 +This outflow valve on a transport category aircraft ,0 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +mechanical turbulence.,9 +Shipment Type 2,7 +procedure with the successful tenderer in accordance with the provisions of point 11.1 (e) of Annex I to the ,9 +used (N100AA).,9 +Pneumatic Deice Boot System for GA Aircraft,7 +fi ~-'-' ,6 +"numerically, 1 through 8. ",3 +thermal register retained,9 +" (BMM), planned in advance",3 +Approaches and Landings ,7 +waste work room to prevent the spread of gaseous medical radioactive ,3 +Holding in Lieu of Procedure Turn,7 +Anforderungen an den Auftragnehmer ,7 +AN ACT STRENGTHENING ,7 +Document ,6 +Gem. § 2 Abs. 2 BerG nur Überschrift aufgenommen,9 +を入院させるための施設を有する診療所及び入所施設を有する助産所に限る。)。,3 +fermez la/les fenêtre(s) et porte(s) du local ,3 +Military Operation Areas (MOAs) ,7 +"the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, the provisions then in force remain ",3 +landing-takeoff (LTO) cycle,9 +treated as if it also had been agreed or had been so determined. ,3 +CG AFT OF AFT LIMIT,7 +in the process of flying are critical go/no-go points on each ,9 +Fully Articulated Rotor System,7 +"to offset it. Thus, the danger of fuel vaporization icing is ",9 +heat for the pilot and passengers. ,9 +present to the council a certified and detailed statement of all municipal receipts,9 +Amendment of Schedule 3 ,7 +"Related to the over-reliance is the role of ADM, which is ",9 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 + An explosive device in the discharge valve of a ,9 +https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/customs-vat-and-excise-uk-transition-legislation-from-1-january-2021. ,1 +II.15.3 Claims and liability ,7 +appropriate,3 +"""1"", being a point on a large rock in the center of the Irisan River in the",9 +part of the pre-landing checklist so that the pilot is aware of ,9 +"[355-117, 119, 120.]",9 +tubing over the housing ends and shrink using the heat ,3 +Discrete inputs,6 +time to get in front of the balloon. The direction of flight is ,9 +Flight Instrument Malfunctions,7 +Number of hours the airport operates and number of aircraft controlled under Visual,3 +changing the pitch attitude as the vertical lift ,3 +Terminal aerodrome forecast (TAF).,9 +formation to pilots. ,9 +torque inspection. This shear-off point occurs when a ,9 +Amendment of Schedule 4 ,7 +Figure 7-8,9 +Financial Results,7 +Slaved gyro control,6 +No critical area protective action is,9 +Smooth out any abrasions and/or dents.,3 +ment that provides instant and direct aircraft attitude,9 +"In this regime of flight, ",9 +"maintenance training, the instructor provides the demonstration, emphasizing the steps and techniques. During classroom instruction, ",9 + Contractor’,9 +"of airspace, operating procedures, and restrictions is found ",9 +The table consists of the following sheets: ,9 +is parked,9 +Normal Operation ,7 +Article 70(1) ,9 +Berechnungsdaten:,3 +proposals and awards a score against the pre-defined award criteria.,9 +limits of controlled airspace; VHF NAVAIDs with,9 +into the fuel before entering the engine to provide lubrication. ,9 +Removal of Rivets,7 +Battery Freezing,7 +approach gate for non-flight management system (FMS) ,9 +Amendment of Schedule 3 ,7 +Use of results,7 +"It must be formed of printed paper sheets, without board, cloth,",3 +"172,31 – 172,65 GHz,",9 +"(e.g., acts, laws, policies, standards, etc.) that stipulate or drive the need for an air quality ",3 +Les réductions de prix n'ont pas d'incidence sur la responsabilité réelle ou potentielle du contractant ,9 +traffic controllers and other pilots to determine the,9 +these Regulations (as may be specified in the exemption) for individual cases or classes of case on ,9 +vous devez les ,9 +CONTROLLED AIRSPACE,7 +Mean sea level (MSL). ,9 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +adhere to this material.,3 +Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) with,9 +indicated altitude of the aircraft. The pilot may upon,9 +Auf Grund des § 48 Abs. 1 Satz 2 des Telekommunikationsgesetzes vom 25. Juli 1996 (BGBl. I S. 1120) in,9 +Determine if obstacle clearance can be maintained ,3 +criteria and whose tender is in conformity with the requirements set out in Procurement Documents ,9 +may result. Maintain the proper attitude during the,9 +the condition of exhaust system for cracks and attachment ,9 +FMontAusbV,9 +"creation of DCns pipelines to address requirements collected, ",3 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +erson shall have obtained the necessary license therefor. Any,9 +Figure 5-30.,0 +Experimental Aircraft Association,7 +Fully Articulated Rotor System,7 +"Whereas in July of 1960, NASA announced the creation of the ",3 +A prompter: for speakers to read their speeches while looking at the camera (for hybrid and ,3 +Tree Felling ,7 +седьмым следующего содержания:,9 +conditions. The FAA establishes an IAP after thorough ,9 +internationally in aircraft with more than 30 seats or weighing ,9 +Suspension par le contractant ,7 +Isobaric control system,6 +§ 85 Besondere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten,7 +Ring Release Housing Replacement,7 +Service contract conditions of December 2018,5 +Variation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +Fire Bottle Discharge,7 +Lateral navigation (LNAV) or circling,9 +Identifying Hazards,7 +Coaxial Rotors ,7 +paint line wet. The ideal scenario would be to have another ,9 +several hours before the deadline,9 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +"the United States of America in Congress assembled, ",9 +Appointment to Civil Service,7 +eine Fachkraft für Betriebswirtschaft (Betriebswirt) und,3 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +"and row 43 to row 45 of Appended Table 2) to North Korea"" in Article 2, ",3 +V$_{MINI}$ (minimum speed—IFR) [Figure 7-2] ,3 +hinaus darf er die Mautgebühr im Einzugs- oder automatisierten Verfahren erheben. Auf Verlangen des,9 +contract manager; ,3 +"anything therein specified, and on all obligations guaranteeing the",3 +because they do not meet the International Civil Aviation ,9 +Anlage 16 (zu § 11 Absatz 1),7 +II.23.4$_{ }$Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +eral layout and hydraulic profile of the plant structures in the contractor's detailed design. ,9 +Controlling or Monitoring the Electrical Load,7 +"text and/or charted graphic form. Regardless of the format, all ",9 +る貨物(別表第二の一、三六、三九から四一まで及び四三から四五までの項の中欄に,3 +Award of the contract ,7 +"groups, surveys, questionnaire/s, revisions of literature, data quality ",8 +edge lines on left side when viewed from riser end. ,3 +A “loaded” rib or one with support tapes for the line ,3 +‘‘§ 1116B. Presumption of herbicide exposure for certain vet-,7 +REPAIR COTTON REINFORCEMENT AROUND PILOT PARACHTUE ATTACHING RING ,7 +STRAIGHT-IN AUTOROTATION,7 +The Programming ,7 +"load limits of the generator(s) or alternator(s), the load should ",9 +: Desk reviews may be performed instead of or in addition to in-person reviews.,9 +"on the private, voluntary or public sector is foreseen. ",9 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 +[Figure 4-104],9 +lines and antenna. Correct installation is critical to radio and ,9 +current and,9 +"aspect ratio there is an increase in the length of span, with a ",9 +(indicating &,6 +§ 9 Entrichtung der Mautgebühr,7 +"абзаце третьем слова ""единовременное пособие женщинам,",9 +(五)违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定。 ,9 +weather is before the pilot and passengers walk out the door ,9 +ARTCC Remoted Sites with ,9 +"men präqualifiziert, reicht die Angabe der Nummer, unter der diese in der Liste des Vereins für die Präqua-",9 +"The air from the fan exhaust, which is ducted overboard, may ",9 +and ensures that the nose remains to the right.,9 +that any or all of those paragraphs do not apply to any right specified in the notice; and ,9 +Type 2: Two-Stow Diaper or Half Diaper ,7 +Supplemental Study Materials for Aircraft Weight and Balance,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 247 of July 21, 2005]",7 +The operator of an aircraft must file with the,9 +Tender Specifications ,7 +approaches or deviates from a preselected altitude.,9 +Governor-General shall otherwise direct; and,9 +laterally. A deviation from the desired heading indi-,9 +Section 6. National Security and Interception Procedures,7 +"présences aux réunion et à l'établissement de rapports, de plannings, etc. ",3 +encountered when an airplane is operating very close to the ,9 +Reattach the MLW to the backpad as needed.,3 +a radio phone-in ,7 +A Hartley oscillator uses a tank circuit and a ,0 +Hypemic Hypoxia,7 +also in line with the requirements of the Registrar of Government ,9 +Price — 30 % ,3 +types of insulation. The chart in ,9 +[Figure 7-31] ,9 +days following the date of receipt to submit observations. The contractor must receive the ,3 +"EPA, AP-42, Chapter 13.4, ",1 +How to Submit your Tender in e-Submission ,7 +technical experts ,3 +receiving late payment. ,3 +"appointed to a position which necessitates a change of residence, he shall receive",9 +the following order: ,9 +II.17 SUSPENSION DE L'EXÉCUTION DU CC ,7 +"is not centered, the airplane may be in a slipping or ",3 +UNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL,7 +BLADE PITCH ANGLE,7 +township council.,3 +Other Routing,7 +LOADED RIB,6 +Variation of the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +"$^{10}$ Department of Veterinary Services-FENCE STRATEGY, FMD Contingency Plans for Botswana ",1 +compass errors when accelerating and decelerating on ,9 +boss and that swept by root of the blade. This portion is usually ,3 +Number on Your Aircraft,7 +secure the ,9 +The vertical speed indicator (VSI) is one tool to assist the pilot ,9 +locking pin. ,3 +other data and position; ,3 +AUTHORISED DEVELOPMENT ,7 +(financial offer template); ,3 +technician. Valves exist on some compressor installations that ,9 +Directive 2014/24/EU,3 +"Organization (ICAO). In the 48 contiguous states, a unique three-letter identifier is preceded ",3 +Preisanpassungen) beläuft sich auf [,9 +viation-related air quality assessments. ,3 +Tenderers must give an indication of the proportion of the contract that they intend to subcontract. ,9 +airspeeds slightly above translational lift may be helpful to ,9 +"the lesson plan and know what to do in conducting the same period of instruction. Written out, the lesson plan can be analyzed for ",9 +with the provisions of the respective financing agreement. ,9 + Roundout ( Flare),7 +Article II-10 ,7 +UNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL,7 + A report established ,9 +Until one month has elapsed from the day of enforcement of this Ministerial ,3 +Electron Control Valves,7 +shall give his opinion in writing when requested by,9 +"In the repair parts list, some items are indented to show that they are components of the item under which ",9 +Turboprop Powerplant Removal and ,7 +VFR waypoints provide VFR pilots,9 +"material by means of the arc as the points separate. But, unlike ",9 +II.13.10. Visibility of Agency funding and disclaimer ,7 +for payment and ending on the date when the contracting authority receives the full amount owed.,9 +N° d’immatriculation à la TVA:,8 +"schließt mit einer Prüfung ab, in der praktische Fähigkeiten auf den Gebieten",9 +Technical equipment and Technician (for both onsite and ,7 ++TSRA BR BKN008 OVC012CB 18/17 A2970 RMK ,9 +"that follows the National Target Program on Railway Reform 2010-2019, approved by the Cabinet of ",9 +"‘‘(2) REQUIRED UPDATES.—The Secretary may require, as ",9 +die Nennfüllmenge die Anforderungen nach § 32 erfüllt.,3 +to exercise the privileges of a WSC private pilot certifi cate. ,9 +The common data store should collect appropriate metadata on the data source and ,3 +"in subsection (1)(a), after “land” insert “under that provision”; ",3 +or equivalent 5–7 SPI,3 +COMMON ERRORS,7 +To prepare a damaged area for repair: ,9 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ,7 +disclosure” ,9 +Placement of advertisement ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 387 of December 25, 1997] ",7 +The Powerplant ,7 +"Ort des Fahrtbeginns,",3 +press conference starts ,7 +Updated November 2018 ,5 +The turbojet engine utilizes the ,9 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 3 ,7 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le contractant ,7 +construction of the specified works maintain in good repair and condition and free from ,9 +publications,9 +Work No.102,9 +Weighing the Aircraft and Determining the ,7 +Under its own responsibility and without prejudice to the obligation to take out all ,9 +Fahrsituationen,8 +"pattern) beyond the departure end of the runway, after ",3 +event of an in-flight engine failure. This reduces the,9 +The rotor system provides lift and control for the gyro-,9 +Die Bundesanstalt kann durch Beschluss des Direktoriums mit Zustimmung des Verwaltungsrats von § 43 Absatz,9 +"subsection, but no ordinance shall provide for more than one project",9 +"increase the bank angle, since the groundspeed is increasing, ",9 +of the airspace are met. If the minimum aircraft and/or pilot ,9 +transporting these with a range or flight range of 300km or longer ,3 + For article 13(6) (approved qualifications) of the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001(,9 +maintenance services ,10 +I.14.3 Liability for alleged breach of intellectual property rights ,7 +"airspeed. Simultaneously, the altimeter must be checked ",9 +Ntlo ya Dikgosi,9 +deemed for ,9 +Safety and Security Issue Reporting ,7 +Tire Balancing ,7 + ‘the Auditor’ to perform an expenditure verification and to ,9 +"Barolong Farms in the Southern District,",3 +authorize an EFVS operational credit dispatching or,9 +the main parachute and deployed on each jump in sport use. ,9 +この政令は、昭和三十四年十一月二日から施行する。,9 +Reference: ,7 +Hubschrauber mit Kolbentriebwerk.,3 +§ 6 Abschlussprüfung,7 +SRM: Proactive and Reactive Hazard and Risk Reduction ,7 +The advertisement shall contain a statement of the amount of the taxes and,9 +are very similar to those previously described for a constant ,9 +Tire Inspection Off of the Aircraft,7 +"‘‘(1) served in the active military, naval, or air service ",9 +ABOUT ENISA ,7 +Daily Maintenance Checks,7 +necessarie,9 +without absorption. Typical values range from 0.10 for thick deciduous forests to 0.90 for fresh ,9 +"B, C, D, and E surface areas in metrological ",9 +then separates.,9 +"hazards by using the PAVE checklist of: Pilot, Aircraft, ",9 +"Article 12-10 (1) A registered analytical laboratory shall, within three months ",3 +This is the rate of discharge a battery can endure for 30 ,9 +component has no effect on the aerodynamic principles,9 +"no hinges to help absorb the larger loads, vibrations are felt ",9 +regard must be had not only to the extent (if any) to which the value of the land over which ,9 +"not stiff enough, it may allow prolonged vibration following ",9 +referred to as,3 +[Figure 5-21],9 +Output signal,6 +COMPLIANCE WITH TENDER SPECIFICATION AND MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ,7 +"expeditious progress towards their implementation, the Agency may do what is necessary for such ",9 +"learning, the goals are of paramount significance. To be effective, aviation instructors need to find ways to relate new learning to the ",9 +other end is not recommended. Skipping from one end to the ,9 +required alternate airport must have an approved,9 +: a document from the contracting authority requesting that the ,9 +especially in the landing gear area indicating the ,3 +signal variations for aircraft conducting the ILS,9 +には第二十一条第一項又は第二項の規定により許可を受ける義務が課された資本取,3 +"Learning involves the formation of connections, and connections are strengthened or weakened according to the law of effect. The ",9 +ATC and a clearance is received to execute a,9 +"debit note, the pre-financing guarantee must remain in force for three months after the debit ",9 +"Single, reciprocating engine",6 +"RID I: (General Compliance, Economic and Financial Capacity Compliance) ",7 +in the United states,7 +Proscribed organisation ,7 +Additional Weather Information ,7 +Altitude criterion,6 +moist air.,9 +"VFR corridor, Class B airspace, VFR transition route, and ",9 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +donnant lieu à un retard de paiement. ,9 +loss of drag,6 +Children’s homes: deprivation of liberty ,7 +the appropriate time. ,3 +tutte le lingue ufficiali dell'UE; ,3 +into the route.,6 +path for one revolution of propeller. ,3 +girth hitch. ,3 +"par quelque moyen (mécanique, numérique ou autre) et sous ",3 +advisory symbols appear only when an advanced TCAS II ,9 +supervisor in charge provide a briefing on location of,9 +"Upon receiving this statement, the",9 +and their staff provided that they are bound by an obligation of confidentiality. ,9 +"under the same paragraph or as approved, permitted or certified under the ",3 +Unzweifelhaft Tote und ihre Überreste sind bis zur Freigabe durch den Untersuchungsführer unverändert liegen,9 +"through (xiv). However, when the number of beds in the hospital room is ",3 +"emergency, a pilot should remember the phrase “aviate, ",9 +nance and Justice.,9 +"Verhalten in besonderen Situationen, Folgen von Verstößen gegen Verkehrsvorschriften",7 +and SID terminating points joining the en route structure. ,9 +"of TCAS I, but also analyzes the projected flightpath of ",9 +II.20.2. Währung ,7 +to stabilize between adjustments. Retard the power lever to ,9 +"should determine the overall approach and concept of the radio call-in (including its focus, topic, ",3 +Baustellenbereiche in den einzelnen ,8 +No management response. ,7 +Characteristics of Learning ,7 +Role of the Avionics Manufacturer ,7 +"requirements for, any provision of any statute or regulation that ",9 +Supplier’s Instructions.). ,9 +法第三十条の四第八項に規定する区域の設定に関する基準は、次の,3 +10.26.Erstellung und Prüfung der Werk- und Montageplanung ,7 +"(iv) the undertaker’s taking temporary possession of it, ",3 +Self-Launch Takeoff Emergency ,7 +"ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯМ ВОСПИТАНИЯ И ОБУЧЕНИЯ, ОТДЫХА И",7 +Definitions ,7 += Mass of HAP of interest (kg) ,9 +Sample Problem 1 ,7 +Direct Service Changes ,7 +Figure 7-26.,0 +Heat isolation will be built accordingly with climate conditions for all pipes and any kind of equipment which ,9 +Planungsdokumente,3 +A series of mistakes that may lead ,9 +"footwear, or personal protective equipment, is inspected for contamination ",3 +referenced for the specific WSC aircraft. ,9 +Turnbuckles,7 +(exclusion ,7 +Raise control lines and walk them down (ensuring there are no twists) to ensure they run free from ,3 + of a termination in ,9 +"pertanto, assicurarne la disponibilità. ",3 +cockpit aircraft to provide a sufficient threshold,9 +"NOTAMs, refer back to Chapter 1, “Pilot and Aeronautical ",9 +"shank. Where A is total rivet length, B is grip length, and ",9 +"addition, unless specifically prescribed by a physician, do not ",9 +ticket No. 24/4 cotton thread. ,3 +"anderen Funkdiensten, die in Übereinstimmung mit der Frequenzzuweisungstabelle betrieben werden,",3 +"m, steel, and titanium components. ",9 +einzulegen. Diese Fahrtunterbrechung kann durch zwei Teilunterbrechungen von jeweils mindestens 20,3 +aeration tank shall be in stainless steel and rest of air pipe shall be HDPE 100 PN 16 considering the ,9 +due to curvature of the Earth.,3 +Variable Restrictor,7 +have been fully employed. It is not necessarily the same as ,9 +Section 1. General,7 +§ 3 Inanspruchnahme von Fremddienstleistern,7 +"see and understand the hazard, yet makes a decision to ignore ",9 +The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the operation of the complete treatment works includ-,9 +"which a resistance thermometer operates. Typically, the ",9 +Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Size,7 +"the right of access and rectification of data subjects, the right of recourse to the ",3 +Transitional provision ,7 +TATISTIQUE CONCERNANT LES ,7 +No 18 of 2012 and Section 32 ,3 +"Therefore, if a propeller is to be feathered, it must be done ",9 +(Führerschein auf Probe),3 +"course, strict proportions of the mixture are ",9 +"composed of the Governor-General, the jud",9 +Existing trees ,7 +Inspect ignition system wires to spark plugs. ,3 +"parachute, which pulls the pilot chute out of the pack and ",9 +"system is actually a fuel saving device. Without this system, ",9 +Ehrenamtliche Richter,7 +tasks or perform all tasks at a less than optimal level. Like ,9 +the SRM requirements as soon as practicable. Each legacy system change varies in its ,9 +previous procedure and confirms that there has been no change in its situation:,9 +"overrunning the mooring, shut down the engine early",9 +Page 11 of 18,4 +and Training Requirements.,3 + Flight Deck Inspection,7 +Time for Planting ,7 +Requirements ,7 +"possibility of delay and diversion, and involve them ",3 +При размещении объектов хозяйствующим субъектом должны,9 +each rib. The lines attached to the leading edge are identified as the A lines. The lines ,3 +Controls pressurization in manual mode,6 +top center of the balloon where they are sewn into a load ,9 +"When the charge on the capacitor has built up, the contactor ",9 +"Printed and published in the UK by The Stationery Office Limited under the authority and superintendence of Jeff James, ",1 +NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES ,7 +journey of maximum 300 kilometres). ,3 +"lightweight, high fatigue resistance, high strength, and its ",9 +TREES SUBJECT TO TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS ,7 +comparatively well-lighted airport or heliport into,9 +the navigation database is current and verify that the ,3 +Liste détaillée des modes d'exploitation des résultats ,7 +"Turning in the wrong direction, due to misreading or ",3 +make a report to the Board of the assessed degree of permanent disablement and the ,3 +Hand Signals,7 +Facturation ,7 +診療用高エネルギー放射線発生装置の定格出力,3 +Appel d’offres UCA 21/013 ,10 +Amendments to the 2012 Regulations ,7 +Chapter 6—Basic Flight Maneuvers,7 +within a period of a few minutes. Acrylic and epoxy finishes ,9 +"weather conditions, aircraft mishaps, or other critical information.",3 +DATE OF BIRTH,6 +An FD is an extremely useful aid that displays cues to guide ,9 +which runway they are on.,9 +"amperes, required to support the essential bus for 30 minutes. ",9 +and container ,3 +II.17 SUSPENSION DE L'EXÉCUTION DU CC ,7 +been flight-checked by the FAA and are operational. The ,9 +"inspection. Oil in the system can be forced out of a leak, ",9 +Remove reserve parachute from container. ,3 +Dive brake,6 +must be subjected to an accelerated fatigue ,9 +Figure 6-33,9 +"In the Final IA phase, the Final Business Case thoroughly analyzes the alternative selected at ",9 +Endorsed for financing by the European Union,6 +Aus dem Kontrollbereich auszuführende Teile müssen durch die Mitarbeiter des ,9 +Private rights over land ,7 +Parallel Generator Operations,7 +"fractional part thereof, of the amount insured by any such ",3 +"interpretation) remain in place, subject to savings made by the Registration of Marriages ",9 +[1698-7.],9 +" In article 3, for “5”, substitute “10”. ",9 +of rotating blades and stationary vanes that can range in ,9 +the quantity of X-rays other than usable beams becomes equal to the ,3 +increase in lateral drift may be seen on takeoff.,9 +Approach Light Systems (ALS),7 +"Entstehung der Umlageforderung, Festsetzung des Umlagebetrages und Fälligkeit",3 +joint and several liability ,9 +Diese Verordnung regelt das Meisterprüfungsberufsbild sowie die in der Prüfung in den Teilen I und II der,9 +should be initiated far enough from the Class C,9 +"“1.3, dated 27th April 2021”(",9 +"By pressurizing the interior of the magneto, the normal air ",9 +Ntlo ya Dikgosi ,7 +"with regard to the hospital under the management of the administrator, ",3 +Zusammenarbeit mit der zuständigen Strafverfolgungsbehörde zu erfolgen. Dies gilt insbesondere für solche,9 +(ii) the undertaker’s appropriation of it; ,3 +oints for profile “Senior expert”,3 +"rapid change in airspeed indicates a large pitch change, and ",9 +"C, VERSUS ELEVATOR DEFLECTION ",6 +the point may be compared to the downwind side of ,9 +long-term care facilities,7 +Ist nach den Vorschriften des Straßenverkehrsrechts eine Erlaubnis für eine übermäßige Straßenbenutzung,9 +equivalent).,9 +Article II-22 ,7 +Conduct the Review ,7 +System Servicing,7 +Figure 8-13. ,0 +and reserve parachutes. This design was soon followed by ,9 + Taking Down the WSC Aircraft ,7 +Additional guidance: ,7 +П. Общие требования,7 +respective stops.,9 +"property of any private individual, and in t",3 +(GPWS) would require alternate procedures to be ,3 +〔平成十七年七月二十一日政令第二百四十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +法第七条第三項の規定によつて病床の設置の許可を受けようとする者は、次に掲げ,3 +L-2950 Luxembourg; and,9 +Abnormal Reactions to Stress ,7 +the flight speed exceeds the speed of sound ,9 +stone or earth taken from the public forests and forest reserves such charges shall,9 +"Assuming the glider is originally in straight flight, the wing ",9 +senses ventilation air temperature) turns on the fuel solenoid ,9 +provide the documentary evidence for exclusion criteria.,3 +SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCUREMENT ,7 +"115AC, or its permanent magnet generator. The generator ",9 +§ 33 Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter,7 +"охрану здоровья детей и молодежи, предотвращение инфекционных, массовых",9 +"II.20.5. Vorfinanzierungsgarantie, Erfüllungsgarantie und Gewährleistungseinbehalt ",7 +"transmitting very high frequency navigation signals, ",9 +"If indicated in the request for services, the contractor shall send the invitations by email, ",3 + Hard Landing,7 +Corner Joints,7 +Moderate taper wing ,6 +"COMMITTEE’, or a heading relating to a Joint Congres-",9 +Vertical Gusts During High-Speed Cruise,7 +Functions of Generator Control Systems,7 +П. Общие требования,7 + Shipment from the place of production of the Goods or the (sub-)Contractor’s locations to a specific location inside the place ,1 +copy of the consignment note must be countersigned by the contracting authority and returned to the ,9 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +fournisseurs de recevoir au préalable les fiches techniques et les Safety Data Sheets (SDS).,9 +Wire Size Selection,7 +Launch Equipment Inspection,7 +loadmeter to indicate zero.,9 +bei Fahrzeugen mit Versicherungskennzeichen oder Versicherungsplakette und,3 +оздоровления» утверждена приказом Минздрава России от 15.12.2014 № 834н «Об утверждении унифицированных форм,1 +highway or,9 +Abschnitt III,7 +New Access Road ,7 +Aircraft in Terminal Areas,7 +Straight Descents (Constant Airspeed ,7 +Unterabschnitt 1,7 +Bei einer Losgröße von weniger als 100 Fertigpackungen erstreckt sich die nicht-zerstörende Prüfung,9 +"operation manual set forth in (b), and in the case of a hospital, etc. which ",3 +"to turn from a heading of 305° to a heading of 110°, ",3 +〔平成二十九年三月二十三日政令第四十号〕〔抄〕,7 +a copy of the agreement or extract from the employment contract granting the relevant ,3 +"Haushaltsplan, Rechnungslegung, Deckung des Verwaltungsaufwands",7 +the term “flight instructor” is meant to define those individuals ,9 +air unless absolutely necessary for safe flight. Resetting a ,9 +"the controller, transfers of personal data, security breaches, responses to requests for ",9 +Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Transport ,9 +misconduct of the contractor or of its ,3 +Significant Weather Prognostic Charts,7 +Box and pan brake.,0 +présenter,9 +The Eddie-Bolt$^{®}$ 2 Pin Fastening System ,7 +single-needle machine. Backstitch at the corners for ,3 +"the spark plug, so the cylinder does not fire. ",9 +Bungee Cord,7 +"finish. Apply a coating of engine oil (MIL SPEC, MIL-",9 +I.4.2. Preisanpassungsindex ,7 +Reverse Current Sensing,7 +"demolition,",8 +"when taxiing. If the surface has little or no friction, con-",9 +or Government institutions on foreign exchange transactions to ,9 +Group control ,7 +Landing Gear ,7 +scribed for aircraft landing at or taking off from an ,3 +Scoping Process ,7 +gust can be determined from the following ,9 +Activities) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Order 2020. ,9 +tion of the afterburner is most common to the ,9 +A NAVAID used ,9 +"Kanalstück, geschweißt, mit angeformten Flanschen.",9 +on aircraft design. When the glider is cruising at moderate ,9 +Inkrafttreten,9 +§ 32 Speicherung der Halterdaten in den Fahrzeugregistern,7 +Other Countries and Territories from which a licence may have been ,7 +TREES SUBJECT TO TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS ,7 +The effect of power on the stall speed of an ,9 +Alternate Types of Wings ,7 +humankind out of Earth’s orbit and to the Moon; ,3 +印紙税法施行令(昭和四十二年政令第百八号)の一部を次のように改正する。,3 +HARNESS/CONTAINER ,7 +Warning Areas ,7 +"associated with certain types of flight operations and maneuvers. Instructors should introduce these maneuvers with care, so that ",9 +A type of air-breathing reaction engine used ,9 +"дипломатической связи, владельцами дипломатических и служебных",9 +Vacuum suction gauge. ,0 +Obligation to notify EFSA of changes,7 +Motor and Load Protection shall be integrated with the soft starter and all the protection functions shall under ,9 +号ハ中「及び第三号」とあるのは「に掲げる貨物のうち、北朝鮮を仕向地とするもの,3 +"property subsequently to the date of original assessment, the taxpayer shall be",9 +"55.05.05 Киноведение, утвержденном приказом Министерства образования",9 +Group control ,7 +Portfolio Safety Strategy ,7 +Elements of Descent Planning Calculations,7 +"perception must be attained of how the pilot, helicopter, ",6 +date by the Contractor from ,8 +$^{2}$ this art 3.1 will be used when the contract is made on a time and material basis including expenses.,1 +Conditions and Controls ,7 +personal safety or the environment may result. It cannot ,9 +Locate the new BOC pocket on the container at the ,3 +at a lower altitude. This is due to decreased drag that ,9 +TOTAL PRICE SCORE: 1. P,9 +"documents (2011/833/EU), to the extent it is applicable and the documents fall ",3 +operator (other than apparatus the repair of which is not reasonably necessary in view of ,3 +Visual Glideslope Indicators,7 +frequency likely to elicit a response. Some gliders have an ,9 +successor regulations))’’; and ,9 +(vi) The method and outcome of inspection of records on medical care and the ,3 +Operations in Other Countries ,7 +REGISTRATION NUMBER,6 +Tender report.,7 +"there is a body of water in the area, look to see which way the ",9 +Scuba Diving,7 +"a 3 to 1 glide ratio, and excellent maneuverability. In an emergency, the ram air system uses a single ",9 +Cumulated participation of 600 Tourism operators in B2B matchmaking events (the ,3 +NAVWEPS 00-801-80 ,5 +"Boards, in terms of Section 68 (11 & 12) of the Local Government Act, ",3 +For detailed instruction and guidance on how to compute GSE emissions refer to ,9 +"close of business on the last day of every fiscal year, render a report to the Auditor",9 +業務を適正に行う能力のある者の基準は、次のとおりとする。ただし、クリーニング,3 +"cambered sections. For this reason, certain surfaces, such ",9 +Financial Evaluation ,7 +subjected to a load spectrum more severe than ,9 +Anlage 4 (zu § 1 Abs. 4 des Gesetzes),7 +In accordance with Article II.13.1 of the contract (section 4. Annexes) whereby ECDC acquires ownership ,9 +"(зарегистрировано Минюстом России 11.02.2003, регистрационный № 4204);",9 +significant effort for some wings. Secure the tensioning ,9 +of the differences associated with this type of approach. ,9 +Manual Descent Calculations,7 +a small number of systems/components certified under this ,9 +flight instruction must realize that they have a significant ,9 +"skidding turn. Center the ball with rudder pressure, ",3 +submission) ,3 +*1 MARD installation shall not degrade strength or tensile loads on any reserve deployment devices or subassemblies on which ,8 +temporal/geographic ,9 +"flight, the ability to operate an airplane with competence and ",9 +developed by the operator to mitigate the loss of ,3 +clear weather. Cumulonimbus cloud formations require a ,9 +"contains parallel information, as well as specific",9 +Relief valve,6 +Fixed landing gear (repositionable landing gear for seaplanes),6 +the generator cutout contacts. ,9 + communications have priority over,9 +[Figure 1-17] ,9 +次に掲げるところにより、他の病院又は診療所に対する患者��介を行うこと。,3 +THOUSAND FT PER MIN ,6 +"from an act or omission by an economic operator, which has, or would have, the effect of ",9 +not airplanes and therefore old very high frequency (VHF) ,9 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 119 of June 1, 1954] ",7 +Figure 9-15. ,0 +"may be empowered by law to do so in the interests of defence, public safety, public ",3 +Award criteria ,7 +acceleration error is the word “ANDS” (Acceleration-,9 +hydrauliques,6 +Losflansch mit Bund DN 250 ,7 +この政令施行前に貿易等臨時措置令(昭和二十一年勅令第三百二十八号)に基く命,3 +which are dangerous when flying. ,9 +"attainment/nonattainment designations, ",3 +erläutern. Das Prüfungsgespräch soll für jeden Prüfungsteilnehmer nicht länger als 30 Minuten dauern.,9 +) 1989 c. 42. ,1 +(temporary use of land for maintenance of works) of the Network Rail (East West Rail) ,9 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,7 +and High NAVAIDs.,9 +Operating Limits and Charts ,7 +Corner Joints,7 +"the method of venting employed, the vent bleeds or valves ",9 +THEORY OF OPERATION ,7 +"warm suffice, aircraft pressurization and air conditioning ",9 +"or to a relay, which in turn provides power to the ",9 +application is provided with the procurement documents,9 +Downwind ,6 +V$_{NEI}$ (never exceed speed—IFR) ,3 +- Seite 6 von 22 -,4 +RotorGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +vehicles or aircraft operations in or over the area,9 +CLP et REACH) ne donne pas lieu à une exposition excessive des travailleurs des entreprises ,9 +Lower Leg Strap Shortening,7 +Unterabschnitt 1,7 +Altimeter settings will also be uplinked automatically,9 +Qualitätssicherungssystem einbezogen ist. Erforderlich sind mindestens:,3 + A VFR operation in which an aircraft ,9 +and the reserve ripcord pin protector flap. ,3 +Welding rods are manufactured in standard 36-inch lengths ,9 +[2339-127.],9 +request for services. ,3 +Actual residual risk may be higher or lower depending on the sum total of all outside influences ,9 +will help to draw the line ,9 +properly on launch.,3 +ARTICLE 7: GUARANTEES ,7 +Bleeding Master Cylinder Brake Systems,7 +The Stacked (or Accordion) Method,7 +"year-end was P31 523 038, representing 4% of the warranted provision. ",9 +FEATURES OF FLIGHT IN THE NOR- ,9 +(ii) reporting the reasons for the extension and the interim assessment. ,3 +nachts (20.00 Uhr bis 7.00 Uhr),8 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 29.05.1958,9 +An autopilot is a mechanical means to control an aircraft ,9 +Interview partner to be identified ,7 +Subject: Supply of Equipment for Advanced Prototype Station (APS),7 +Drill Stops,7 +"(температуры,",9 +второго пункта,9 +"650 – 6 675,2 MHz,",9 +"of an improperly loaded aircraft, or because of changed fly ng ",9 +II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +in the IR drop in the line. A wide variation in the IR drop ,9 +than one cabin pressurization safety valve. ,9 +of the 5 to 10 mile shelf during an instrument or visual,9 +A straight,9 +Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) ,7 +helicopter to a selected attitude after a disturbance. ,3 +. — The enacting clause of all,9 +What is the best speed to fly in sink between thermals?,9 +"certification of products, processes and services that support the delivery of the Digital Single Market. ",9 +Ort der Ausführung:,3 +exhaust pressure ,9 +Waiver Development Guidance: Identify Appropriate ,3 +project manager. ,3 + is a functional schematic diagram of a typical ,9 +1.7. Проведение всех видов ремонтных работ в присутствии детей не,9 +PLANNING IN FMD CONTROL ,7 +side of the,9 +II.13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ,7 +Title of Chapter,7 +are captured in meeting minutes. The SSM should be conducted in consultation with the ATO ,9 +(FEE-BASED) - EXTERNAL ACTIONS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION ,10 +junction with Bull Street. ,8 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +Electric Power Consumption Commitments ,7 +officer shall in addition to the powers and duties in this chapter expressly imposed,9 + The Personal Injuries (NHS Charges) (Amounts) (Amendment) Regulations 2019(,9 +27th April 2021 ,9 +panel selectors according to predetermined pressurization ,9 +first sentence should be changed to: “Maneuvering speed (V$_{a) }$– a structural design ,3 +twisting force,6 +Synthetic Vision System (SVS) ,7 +Head-Up Display (HUD). See head-up guidance system ,9 +Figure 1-75. ,0 + FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ORDER FORM,7 + is used on heavier ,9 +deficiencies have been resolved. ,3 +of the curve is cut at an angle toward the relief holes to allow ,9 +routes are depicted on,9 +Ground test valve,6 +or licence required,3 +"together into a series of triangular shapes, called trusses. ",9 +Flightpath,6 +““Unmanned Aerial Vehicle” (or “UAV”) means any “aircraft” capable of initiating ,9 +"toxicity of multiple chemicals, however, structured data are still limited. To ensure a better ",3 +were noted in staff costs of P7.46 million and legal fees of P3.25 ,9 +Power section ,7 +each second it is acted upon by that force. Deceleration is ,9 +operation allowed while the yellow range indicates a caution ,9 +The auditors noted that the useful lives and residual values of ,9 +MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +Thermal Capacity Reset Level,9 +“the Executive Office” means the Executive Office in Northern Ireland; ,9 +Risk Acceptance Outside of the Air Traffic Organization ,3 +Control of tightening moments ,3 +Praktischer Unterricht,3 +$^{3}$ https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/home ,1 +Page 3 of 16 ,4 +and take other necessary measures. ,9 + constitutes ,3 +Pilots encountering wind shear are encouraged to pass along ,9 +Crosswind Considerations During Takeoffs,7 +Pre-sales and Support: ,7 +better visibility during heavy rain.,9 +Flurbereinigungsbehörde setzt den Anteil nach Anhörung des Trägers des Unternehmens fest. Dem Träger,3 +"Payments are made in euros, unless another currency is provided for in Article I.7.",9 +§ 5 Beschränkung und Untersagung des Betriebs von Fahrzeugen,7 +PRINCIPAL POWERS ,7 +specific contract by [,9 +significantly as sunset approaches. One advantage of this ,9 +least the certification of the harness. Type 7 harness webbing ,9 +"of the work was normally the most desirable. However, when ",9 +Auftraggeber geleistete Zahlungen im Einklang mit Artikel II.21 ganz oder teilweise ,9 +Words designating persons or parties shall include firms and companies and any ,3 +Règlement des litiges ,7 +) citizens of the United States residing in,9 +AIRPLANE PERFORMAPJCE ,5 +Qualifications for membership of ,7 +A fuel metering system used on some aircraft ,9 +"und Arbeitshygiene, technischen Normen sowie der allgemein anerkannten Regeln der Technik, Personal,",3 +The prefectural governor shall make public the details of the written report ,3 +explained in-depth in Chapter 5—Main Rotor System.,9 +"in the combustion chamber, the flame will ",9 +stacle clearance after takeoff. ,9 +Promptly comply with ATC requests. Advise ATC,3 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 1,7 +Place withdrawal hook around ripcord locking pin. ,3 +procedure ,6 +SALARIES AND EXPENSES ,7 +Tenure of office of Ministers and Assistant Ministers ,7 +Military Operation Areas (MOAs) ,7 +business in a fair manner. ,3 +subsequent stages of the evaluation process.,9 +"– Textfarbe dunkelgrün (unter UV-Licht grün fluoreszierend), Integration von Mikroschriftelementen im",3 +"personale volte a evitare il ripetersi della situazione, oppure un risarcimento o il pagamento di ",9 +on the parts surface immediately align themselves with the ,9 +Various materials are used to protect the inner workings of ,9 +and Support Series ,9 +"MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, JUSTICE AND SECURITY ",7 +Telephone System ,7 +they are “bent” by abnormal atmospheric phenomena ,3 +Workload or Task Management,7 +⦁ $_{Depart a day early from the Pacific Northwest to avoid an incoming low-pressure area that will bring low }$,3 +Data collection and data connection; ,3 +"(vi) foreign governments, foreign governmental institutions, foreign local ",3 +"electrothermal boots or alcohol slingers, windshields with ",9 +system containing the above components. A pump capacity ,9 +"rate and groundspeed, and multiplying the descent ratio by ",9 +"during servicing by rotating the plugs to new locations, the ",9 +: Shipment of Goods with in-house transport at the delivery destination,3 +本邦に来遊した外国の元首及びその家族並びにその従者に属する貨物,3 +逆紹介率が百分の四十を下回る病院にあつては、おおむね五年間に逆紹介率を,3 +"several proprietary coatings, makes repair of damaged and ",9 +involved and is not meant as an interpretation of the,9 +91.309—Towing:,3 +Other specific conditions applying to the contract ,3 +A vector quantity that includes both magnitude ,9 +"or inland waters, and other persons concerned. ",3 +"the end of the period of implementation of the tasks, unless the contract is terminated in accordance with ",9 +"item), and endeavoring to increase the maintained reverse referral rate; ",3 +cancelled. Informal research shows that while these are useful ,9 +Failure to adequately clear the area.,3 +SCHEME TO BE REVOKED ,7 +§ 17 Zulassungsbedürftige Betriebe,7 +[1792-39.],9 +"(position 5). Increase collective pitch, as necessary, to",9 +is greater than critical Mach number some ,9 +your attitude reference. ,9 +Requirements ,7 +flight handbook. ,9 +specifico,9 +should be limited to short periods of time. ,9 +"than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Govern-",9 +Make a one-inch stitch (backstitch) on both sides of the 1 ¾-inch hole utilizing either a bartack or ,3 +in the combustion and turbine section. The control system ,9 +Fassadenmonteurin,10 +"needs time to climb out of the way, if necessary. Pilots must ",9 +and roller bearings would become damaged quite rapidly ,9 +Class B Airspace,7 +(iii) the construction of piers within the watercourse supporting the new bridge deck; ,3 +authority to have recourse against the principal debtor (the contractor). ,3 +atmospheric pressure is great enough to support normal ,9 +The albedo is the fraction of total incident solar radiation reflected by the surface back to space ,9 +"Rechtsanwälte erstattet werden. Soweit ein Vorverfahren geschwebt hat, sind die Gebühren und Auslagen",9 + Center of Gravity (CG),7 +REFUGEE AND ENTRANT ASSISTANCE ,7 +PERSONNEL'S OBLIGATIONS ,7 +and preparation made for visual transition to land or for a ,9 +Audit Opinion,7 +Fahrerlaubnis,7 +"Cancellation may occur, for example, if: ",9 +confined area operation where rolling into a steep turn causes ,9 +prior to the commencement of a licensed activity in Lake Lothing which involves impact ,3 +evidence of,3 +"MARKING, STOWAGE CONTAINER - OPERATING LIMITS:",7 +Chord Line,6 +A relatively low volume of air on an intermittent basis is ,9 +Pressure tendency ,6 +Effects of Flight Conditions,7 +Mode d'établissement des prix ,7 +"ATC, the accuracy of Mode C readouts must be verified.",9 +"In addition, the contracting authority reimburses travel outside Union territory if it has given its prior written ",9 +The responses to anxiety range from a hesitancy to act to the impulse to do something even if it’s wrong. Some people affected by ,9 +Alternator Drive ,7 +Fire Detection System Maintenance,7 +Mooring a seaplane eliminates the problem of the,9 +arrow in the plan view indicates that a procedure turn is ,9 +the treasury; (2) a statement of the liabilities of the city; (3) an,9 +withdrawal) ,3 +〔昭和五十八年一月六日通商産業省令第一号〕,7 + - An MCA is the lowest altitude at certain fixes at which the aircraft must ,3 +〔昭和四十八年八月二十七日政令第二百四十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +List of drawings attached ,7 +Equipment Condition ,7 +in wastewater/sludge and the sensor house shall be made of 316 L or similar material. The housing shall be in ,9 +structure and to avoid stressing its end fittings.,3 +八キロパスカル以上のゲージ圧力で使用するように設計したものに限る。),3 +Indicating magnesyn,6 +complete crossport area and then re-cut the crossport ,9 +where there are reasonable grounds to believe that ,3 +that the valves ,3 +法第三十条の四第二項第十七号に規定する基準病床数(以下「基準病,3 +Terminology...................................................................1-2,8 +power to be coupled to the crankshaft (turbo- ,9 +complicated than a single-engine aircraft but contains many ,9 +Register in the Participant Register (see ,3 +the tender procedure is cancelled before the tender opening session the sealed envelopes will ,9 +"to include in the database for their system. In some cases, ",9 +"During the year under review, 20 cases of losses of stores were reported ",9 +– mit Demontage/Montage von weniger als 20 m,8 + Stabilized climb at constant rate.,0 +from the co-cure process are excellent fit between bonded ,9 +exceeding limitations will increase the costs of maintenance ,9 +Series field,6 +Experimental ,7 +out a standard/special instrument approach ,9 +"and Industry No. 58 of June 27, 1995] ",7 +"meteorological obstruction. It is imperative pilots understand, ",9 +AFROELASTIC EFFECTS ,7 +beforethe dissolution may be appointed as a Minister or an Assistant Minister. ,3 +"Kosten, die durch einen Antrag auf Wiedereinsetzung in den vorigen Stand entstehen, fallen dem",9 +is heading eastward at 120 knots and the air mass moving ,9 +"arrange for the applicant to be assessed by a health care professional, and ",3 +Information Management ,7 +"downwind position to a crosswind position, the groundspeed ",9 +Eingangsformel ,7 +"12-10. In most situations, the cross-check pattern includes the attitude indicator between the cross-check of each of the",0 +pressure may be required to hold this attitude until the proper ,9 +The airflow sepa- ,9 +"a series field (C field), a shunt field, a compensating field, ",9 +"6.24, 6.26,",9 +Drittes Ausbildungsjahr,7 +Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter oder,7 +CLOSE VFR FLIGHT PLAN WITH _________________ FSS ON ARRIVAL,6 +Note that the junction of the side flap and riser cover ,3 +Flight Instrument Malfunctions,7 +media channels.,9 +"in the definition of “required”, omit “and the intended use of “technology” is irrelevant to ",3 +Reattach the bottom of the pilot chute to the spring ,3 +ensure compliance with its data protection obligations regarding the security of the ,3 +adjustment made by the pilot to compensate for nonstandard ,9 +Spike knot.,9 +notification,3 +This is a good time to assess self and fatigue. Are ,0 +Temperature Correction,7 +§ 26 (weggefallen),7 +tract so warrants. This right shall be acquired only after the procedure has been launched and shall ,3 +"used less and less as they require more crew, are more difficult ",9 +All AC alternators must rotate at a specific rpm to keep ,9 +"Inc. should read, “www.ssa.org.” ",3 +"analytical reports, graphs and maps,",3 +The estimated maximum budget for the maximum duration of this contract is: ,9 +"The helmet includes the helmet body, an impact absorbing ",9 +use a particular resource and the impact its use will have upon the safety of flight. ,9 +Standards,9 +request amended clearance.”,9 +. — The hours,9 +Upon the changing of the limits of political divisions in pursuance of the,9 +§ 5 Berichtsheft,7 +Senate has approved the arrangement. ,9 +METAR status flags. ,3 +establishing rules and procedures for reviews to be conducted by the ,3 +Fixed-Price contract for project work ,7 +Правила не распространяются на проведение экскурсионных мероприятий и,9 +performing the contract and any future ,3 +counter-clockwise rotating main rotor system when viewed ,9 +“Ukrainian ,9 +comprensivo di gestione progettazione e gestione della commessa per quanto meglio ,3 +Table D-2. Albedo for Various Land Uses ,0 +Operating Limitations (Section 2),7 +nozzles) directly behind the fan. ,3 +lines between the plotted points as shown in ,9 +Communal Forests,7 +"interest to the pilot. In addition, clear air turbulence (CAT) ",9 +holes for reducing weight but maintaining strength. Some ,9 +The following components are necessary to assemble the ,9 +ILS Function,7 +Step 5—Adjust for Specific Conditions,7 +special handling from ATC. Pilot patience and,9 +(See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) ,9 +Preliminary Pages,7 +"in threshold lights, taxiway edge lights, taxiway",9 +"Aguilar, Alaminos, Anda, Balincaguin, Bani, Bolinao, Burgos, Dasol, Infanta,",9 +Official ,9 +in order to support the achievement of measurable evidence- ,9 +[Figure A],9 +The PO must update the PMP as necessary before the FID. ,9 +FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ,7 +supervises operations related to the implementation of the specified ,3 +FAA” link at the bottom of the FAA home page. Letters can ,9 +"Haushaltsplan, Rechnungslegung, Deckung des Verwaltungsaufwands",9 +Initially Moving Up,7 +"replacement of terms, shall be the submission of a document stating the ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of September 1, 1959] ",7 +Section 3 Measures for Revitalization of Fishing Ground Environment in ,7 +Security is a centralised process in EFSA therefore should be added as an ,3 +ARRANGEMENT/COORDINATION OF INTERVIEWS ,7 +"has gained maximum heating from the sun. If cool, moist, ",9 +supporting documents as to the actual price of a first class rail ticket for the journey in question ,3 +"et les responsabilités du coordinateur ""Environnement"", établies par la décision 28/2013 du ",9 +Fixed Assets Register Not Updated Residual Values ,7 +"(BGBl. I S. 1270), verordnet das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung im Einvernehmen",3 +larger airports have taxiways designed for large transport ,9 +DH. Advisory course and glidepath information is furnished ,9 +GPS Familiarization,7 +Sample Problem 1 ,7 +and requirements in the security model. This is primarily done by requesting and regularly ,9 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +- Seite 39 von 56 -,4 +) (counter-notice requiring possession to be taken on specified ,9 +specific ,9 +earlier to control ,9 +Seditious Practices,9 +The contractor must obtain from any natural person with the power to represent it or ,3 +Initially Moving Up,7 +E-invoicing ,7 +〔平成二十五年六月二十六日政令第百九十一号〕〔抄〕,7 +109. Public Service Commission,7 +法第十八条第三項に規定する政令で定めるものは、次に掲げるものとする。,3 +"streets, and permanent constructions and improvements of a public",3 +listed in the front of the Aeronautical Information Services ,9 +limitation. ,3 +Proposed SQIs shall become integral part of the relevant section ,3 +of the S-turn across a road.,9 +the airplane to stay on the ground longer to attain more speed; ,9 +Transmit airway or jet route numbers as follows.,3 +"lights (if equipped). To signal intent to other pilots,",9 +prioritize the vaccination of veterans who are enrolled ,9 +Requesting offers,7 +The written report provided in the preceding paragraph shall be submitted to ,3 +Early or late valve timing,3 +"Article 39-26 Important matters specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, ",3 +the ICAO 3LD of a company in a country listed as a,9 +Over voltage protection ,3 +"charge to drive the blades to feather. Logically then, the ",9 +Auftragnehmer benutzt werden kann. Für die Sicherung des Raumes hat der Auftragnehmer ,9 +contracting authority any problem,3 +"posting notice at the main entrance of the provincial building, if the work is to be",9 +Revising an SRM Document ,3 +one end of the situational awareness spectrum is a pilot who ,9 +Citation and commencement ,7 +keeping the surface density of radioisotopes on a thing which a person ,3 +The following conditions and controls are useful for cooperative learning: ,9 +It will communicate with SCADA system via Ethernet. ,9 +DP Responsibilities ,7 +dossier.” ,9 +Geldwäsche und Kundensorgfaltspflichten (AML/KYC – Anti-Money Laundering/Know-your-Customer) erfassten,9 +Malfunctions,7 +Glider design was spurred on by developments in Germany ,9 +"situational awareness, controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) ",9 +Reference: ,7 +Code of Federal Regulations. ,9 +Common Error: Skipping the Preflight Weather ,7 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +ОЗДОРОВЛЕНИЯ ДЕТЕЙ И МОЛОДЕЖИ»,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 105 of March 31, 2005]",7 +"the fan blades forms a secondary airstream, which is ducted ",9 +§ 18 Zulassung,7 +the powers conferred by article 44(1) (subsidiary works and operations in Lake Lothing) ,3 +"place after replacing the flap. A slower method, ",3 +Apprentice and Junior Surveyors,7 +dependent territory). ,3 +Takeoff and Climb,7 +SID with a published lateral path to a waypoint and,9 +Examples of canopy markings ,7 +similar sounding call sign so there is no mistake about who ,9 +FischEtikettG,9 +Monter dans le camion en veillant à ne pas se hâter pour ne pas tomber. ,3 +of such title is amended— ,9 +"with nitrogen. If the pressure in the bottle becomes too high, ",9 +TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-$_{ }$,7 +RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION,7 +send copies of the notifications required under paragraph (g) to the MMO Marine ,3 +control aircraft is highly swept in an effort to reduce drag ,9 +engaged in the coastwise trade and vessels plying between Philippine ports shall,9 +Coaxial Rotors ,7 +I.3. ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF THE FWC ,7 +⦁ $_{Individual accountability }$,3 +a measure of safety the township share of the revenue collected by the township,9 +", or at a later date if the ",9 +Fixed Assets Register Not Updated Residual Values ,7 +cambiamenti,9 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT,7 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Two-Pin Piggyback ,7 +Figure 4-1. ,3 +единых электронных виз;,9 +I.5.1. Pre-financing,7 +"landing. After that, the primary focus becomes making ",9 +adjusting the various linkages to fit the immobilized ,3 + WSC and Air Traffi c Control,7 +fatigue and peel resistance. Principal advantages derived ,9 +Application of Part 1 of the 1965 Act ,7 +minimum threshold 50% = 5 points),3 +"the Civil Service Law, the mayor shall appoint a disbursing officer, who shall be",9 +Forward movement of the aircraft through the air mass ,3 +II.4. DELIVERY OF SUPPLIES ,7 +authority to cause to be amended the listing and valu,9 +Glider Engine While Airborne,7 +ont été fournies pour participer à la présente procédure. ,7 +Interest on late payment ,7 +"MINISTRY OF TERTIARY EDUCATION RESEARCH, SCIENCE AND ",7 +decision. Emergency options may include landing ahead on ,9 +"Using excessive power combined with a level attitude, ",3 +BLADE PITCH ANGLE,7 +(all equipment included in one chart); ,3 +and hybrid events) ,7 +Hi-Tigue$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +(+++ § 5 Abs. 6 u. 7: Zur Anwendung vgl. § 24 Abs. 7 +++),9 +Controller.,7 +has sufficient obstacle clearance.,0 +used for the safe arrival and departure or navigation of aircrafts and parts ,3 +U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION,6 +tend to more slowly absorb heat and give off heat. The ,9 +Risk Management,7 +available through most glider supply companies.,9 +"While in the city of Manila, a per diem of six pesos, which shall",3 +be finished.,3 +"Recommendations for special equipment, such as personal protective clothing or ",3 +financière),7 +its authority over its ,3 +sort of navigation system needed to be developed.,9 +pilots was ,3 +oversight body in a third country and this register is subject to principles of public oversight as set ,3 +INFORMATION ,7 +"your baseline personal minimums. Consequently, you need ",9 +"in the outlet to the mask, but most systems use either a manual ",9 +Outillage et équipement ,3 +__________________ ,6 +ARC- The track over the ground of an aircraft flying ,9 +operations. ,3 +placed in neutral and air speed reduced to as low a speed as possible. ,9 +Procedura n. JRC/IPR/2019/OP/0139 ,5 +"kits with press release, speech and information ",7 +" the pilot has determined the winds below, and ",9 +validity or legality of any bonds or other obligations issued by any,3 +"reference to the ground, however, the aircraft would appear ",9 +Identifying personal attitudes hazardous to safe flight.,3 +[Figure 11-9],9 + (s 107: repealed) ,7 +"Welfare as referred to in Article 278, paragraph (1) of the Act on General ",3 +safety record of the industry. This section addresses the ,9 +Ground adjustable trim tab. ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 105 of March 31, 2005]",7 +〔昭和五十九年二月十五日通商産業省令第九号〕,7 +Rotation about the vertical axis of an aircraft.,9 +slowed to a subsonic speed and its static pressure is increased.,9 +"A typical small helicopter has a reciprocating engine,",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 291 of October 1, 1973] ",7 +Fire fighting water ,7 +in the text and listed in this section in numerical order. Each reference is only listed once. Numbers should ,9 +del contratto quadro.,3 +"A in the diet, and prolonged exposure to bright sunlight.",9 +resembling a vertical stabilizer. It is an aerodynamic device ,9 +"whether in writing or by any other means,",3 +Pipe Velocities,7 +Excellent knowledge of Big Data Processing Frameworks,3 +future Assignments concerning the provision of Banking and Financial Skills training services (Lot 1,3 +未经许可提供电子认证服务的,由国务院信息产,9 +Flight Instructor Characteristics and ,7 +"if any apparatus, such as a hood or glove box, has been installed in the ",3 +responsible for monitoring the operation of slot ,9 +Information to be filled in ,7 +relaxed. ,9 +ROUTINE FENCE MAINTENANCE AND PICKET PATROLS ,7 +Wind Patterns ,7 +SALARIES AND EXPENSES ,7 +Cattle grid: important for stopping cattle from straying into other zones especially ,3 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +(厚生労働大臣による情報提供の求め),9 +"PURPOSE A ""MEAT ",7 +Obtaining Assistance from the FAA ,7 +П. Общие требования,7 +Simplified Directional Facility,7 +Lines other than the forward center lines are cascaded to points beneath the canopy. The A ,3 +法第十四条及び第十五条の規定に基づく経済産業大臣の権限は、届出事業者の事務,3 +"Consider automotive seat belt use. In just two decades, ",9 +§ 13 Sorgfaltspflichten bei Neukonten natürlicher Personen,7 +"AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) ""T"" ROUTE SYSTEM",7 +"Housing and Urban Development may waive, or specify alternative ",9 +Airport Surface Detection Equipment,7 +TRAFFIC PATTERN INDICATORS—Ground ,3 +submission.,3 +置若しくは手術の用に供する衣類その他の繊維製品(以下「繊維製品」という。)の,3 +No separation,9 +"with the principles of attitude flying, the pilot should first ",9 +rings in the cylinder barrel.,9 +§ 1 Erheben von Gebühren,7 +"Also called ""nominal pitch."" Its symbol is ",3 +国及び地方公共団体は、内水面における豊かな水量が内水面水産資源の保全,3 +. — For the effectuation,9 +should be able to be customized by each user online by using drag and leave method or by using ,9 +von 90 Minuten.,3 +township council.,3 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +The contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender) must send an invoice for payment of ,9 +(六)油类,是指任何类型的油及其炼制品。 ,9 + Supplementary information ,9 +Generator Controls for High Output Generators,7 +"compound to compound, the substance is ",9 +病院、診療所及び助産所の開設,7 +airspeeds. Plan to fly at a speed slower than the maximum ,9 +command that instructs you how to fly the aircraft in order ,9 +Control units must have independent balancing features between zero and certain interval and its output must be ,9 +international exchange; ,3 +"If a line attachment has been removed for the repair, ",3 +is possible. An understanding of aerodynamics and how it ,9 +"If you apply your full concentration to a single instrument,",7 +mixing of aerobic,9 +Figure 10-45. ,0 +be fit for the purposes for which supplies of the same type are normally used; ,3 +numerical or geometrical quantity or set of such quantities ,9 +Pour les interventions de garde en dehors des heures ouvrées le contractant informera ,9 +. — Property seized upon,9 +"with proper rudder pedal pressure. Throughout the turn,",9 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +Requesting a Special Registration Number,7 +EMSA may at a later stage exercise the option to increase the estimated value of the contract via negotiated ,9 +Acknowledge receipt and understanding of an ATC ,3 +AOV Approval and Acceptance ,3 +"Special Airworthiness Certificate, and its associated operating limitations. ",9 +Subject: what is this call for tenders about? ,7 +Description of the services LOT 3: COVID-19 vaccine-related studies in ,7 +control document,3 +Sky cover,8 +TEMPLATE: Restricted procedure - Tender specifications Part 1 Administrative Specifications ,4 +Failure to clear turn.,3 +d'équipements,7 +"In case of emergency, where the contractor cannot be reached immediately or, having ",3 +location are critical areas of concern.,9 +Section 145 was amended by the Statute Law Revision Act 1892 and Part 2 of Schedule 12 to the Transport Act 1962 ,1 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ",7 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 + A measurement of force used to produce movement.,9 +Troposphere,6 +Nose-gear centering cam. ,9 +"To attach the fabric to the airframe, first pre-apply two ",9 +Identification of subject matter for interview,7 +Corner Joints,7 +"airspace at and below 2,500 feet above the surface,",9 +Emergency Procedures,7 +Using Proper Radio Procedures ,7 +Wire Substitutions,7 +"combustion chamber pressure. As a result, a ",9 +"The tail, fuselage, nacelles, canopy, etc. and ",9 +Vertragslaufzeit / Termine ,7 +"Abschnitt 8.4, auch ein dynamisches Nachweisverfahren, welches mit standardi-",9 +Vacuum/Pressure Pump ,3 +前号に掲げる場合のほか、前任の病院の管理者が不在となることが予期しなかつ,3 + Presents four panels ,9 +"divided into sections, each of which shall be numbered and shall contain, as nearly",9 +OC/EFSA/ED/2020/01 ,7 +Fünfter Teil,7 +suggested above may save time and confusion. ,3 +While the stall phenomenon of a series of ,9 +is also no station license requirement for most general ,9 +るおそれのある部分がロの(1)及び(2)に掲げる要件を満たしているこ,3 +for purpose of performing the services at the outside location:,3 +"tomography examination, storage facility, disposal facility, or radiation ",3 +restriction.,3 +under ATC control and cannot be seen on radar.,3 +Shipment Type 1,7 +CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DU CONTRAT-CADRE DE SERVICES ,7 +Section 2. Emergency Services Available to Pilots,7 +prevent any surface movement. Continue to apply upward ,9 +Independence policy,9 +Unterkünfte im Baugelände ,7 +weight the ram-air wing must support. Wing loading ,9 +NAVWEPS OD-BOT-BO ,7 +Hypoxia. ,9 +"— Composed of the municipalities of Baliangao, Cagayan, Initao, Jimenez,",9 +shows the strength of some ropes that are typically used. If ,9 +length needed to lift an aircraft with a single set of wings. ,9 +RESERVE RIPCORD HOUSING ,7 +enabled RNAV. ,9 +"As a gyroplane moves forward through the air, the for-",9 +reduction in line resistance increases the size and ,3 +"If the leader does not pay by the due date the whole amount, and if the amount due cannot be offset ",9 +"first time (hereinafter referred to as the ""reverse referral rate"" in this ",3 +"manage public cemeteries, twenty centavos.",9 +"available. Upon final acceptance, the contractor shall return to the contracting authority ",3 +- Seite 19 von 28 -,4 +"The Declarations on honour on exclusion and selection criteria shall be dated and signed, ",9 +Abschnitt 5,7 +[Figure 4-5] ,9 +"Macht der Antragsteller geltend, der Verpflichtung nach Absatz 2 nicht oder nicht vollständig nachkommen",9 +no evidence (budget and plans) availed during the audit that could indicate that ,9 +Trim tabs and other tabs should be checked in a manner ,9 +was considered in design or fatigue failures ,9 +International,9 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +Differential link,6 +"One coffee break/still and sparkling water/juices salty and sweet snacks and seasonal fruits, ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 369 of November 20, 1998]",7 +"the end of the 10th day after the day on which they arrived in England or, if later, the end ",3 +"группам, подгруппам или индивидуально.",9 +"cases, the holding pattern is established over an intermediate ",9 +I.5.1. Pre-financing,7 +blank seating plans; ,3 +基準により計算されること。,3 +SCHEDULE 5 ,7 +"AAD, if desired.",3 +The Need for ICT Governance,7 +handhold or footstep.,3 +The Law Department and the Courts,9 +"per minute. Thus, in 8 minutes, you will cover 24 NM. Once ",9 +"with the ignition switch on both, run the engine at the speed ",9 +"Duly completed table of the ""Request to participate form"". ",9 +provides for increased charges in respect of injuries which occur on or after 1st April 2020. Where ,9 +Duration of the contract ,7 +Force Majeure,3 +"temperature of 80 °F. However, to determine precise specific ",9 +"Analysieren und Bewerten von Wertschöpfungsketten unter betriebswirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten,",3 +known to the agency will be advertised.,9 +"Einwände,",9 +those connected supplies are made by different suppliers.”. ,3 +is the function of the pitot-static system.,9 +Iloilo Laboratory. — ,9 +(iii) at all times when P is not self-isolating P remains in isolation with domestic elite ,3 +acceptance certificate has been signed or is deemed to have been signed by the project ,3 +"Die Landesregierungen werden ermächtigt, einen Privaten, der sich vertraglich zur Übernahme von Aufgaben",9 +"spray the hardware, housings, and clear vinyl CYPRES",9 +"Verfahrens, so ist ein geschäftsfähiger Betreuter nur insoweit zur Vornahme von Verfahrenshandlungen fähig,",9 +Project Description ,3 +imposé au contractant. ,3 +format if the conditions regarding electronic signature specified by Directive 2006/112/EC on ,3 +Centrifugal-Flow Compressors,7 +§ 26 (weggefallen),7 +Übereinkommen ,9 +"Results of all concrete tests, including identification of which part of works the sampled mate-",3 +Manual Input “REMARKS.”,3 +Anforderungen zur Begrenzung der Wärmeabgabe von neuen Wärmeverteilungs-,7 +conditions.,9 +Control Unit,7 +(timestamp) constitutes proof of compliance with the time-limit for receipt of tenders$^{4}$.,9 +pin while the collar is being installed. The pin is designed ,9 +"aircraft’s CG). For example, the wing of the weight-shift ",9 +self-induced pressure from the pilot. ,9 +"them against their natural springiness, which tries to expand ",9 +International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ,7 +or fraction thereof in excess of the first ten thousand; but the maximum fee which,9 +submission.,3 +"With respect to position reporting,",9 +of the energy is converted into noise. The noise generated ,9 +"breaches of the agreed minimum requirements / service levels. While the table reports the minimum required performance (column C), the ",9 +"une boîte fonctionnelle du service comp��tent [Projets, GT ou autre]) est acceptée, ",3 +Fahrschülerausbildung nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2,7 +Specific provisions related to the supply of goods ,7 +借款人未按照约定的期限返还借款的,应当按照约定或者国家,9 +"GCO is an unstaffed, remote controlled ground-to-ground ",9 +Rivet Length ,7 +the construction of an opening section of bridge and associated barriers and signage; ,3 +"When pressed, selects manual pressurization",6 +"nach § 22a StVZO vom 5. Juli 1973 (VkBl. 1973 S. 558), die zuletzt durch die Bekanntmachung vom 21. Juli 2006",9 +than an Island person that would constitute a contravention of a relevant prohibition if ,9 +II.5.2 Date of communications by mail and email ,7 +Reverse-Current Relay,7 +Parallel ,6 +"control tower. The CTAF may be a UNICOM, MULTICOM, FSS, or tower frequency and is identified in ",9 +joint is usually made without the use of a filler rod.,9 +an electronic communications code operator as is not excluded from the application of the ,3 +quickly changing orientations.,3 +and additional precautions/procedures should be researched for ,9 +Figure 3-7.,0 +(令和二年四月一日以降に臨床研修を開始した医師以外の医師に限る。)に病院を,3 +Temperature Variation with Altitude,7 +Your offer will be assessed for compliance with the tender specifications,9 +of an airship which when at rest in still air ,9 +and lands on land. This can be wheels or ski equipped.,9 +LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 828: ,1 +Radio Communication Procedures ,5 +"Erratic rates of bank change on entry and recovery, ",3 +giuridica con l'intento di eludere obblighi giuridici) ,8 +"quarters in Washington, DC, where they are compiled",9 +"Chart Supplement (CS). At some airports, you may have ",9 +"transportation, which per diem shall not exceed two pesos ",3 +Abschnitt A Nr. 5 ,3 +arranging interviews ,3 +Supplementary Provisions [Extract] ,7 +[Function] ,6 +Article 37 - ,7 +"contract, each price may be ",9 +Compulsory Reporting,8 +the maximum certificated gross weight at takeoff. ,9 +Mixing Equipment,7 +Flight Director Functions,7 +relative wind on rotor blades in autorotation shifts,9 +"last registered owner), you are required to submit ",9 +Testing and commissioning ,7 +fuel consumption with ,9 +"Kgalagadi District, ",3 +Layup Techniques,7 +The cockpit equipment functionality required,9 +Flight Procedures.,7 +"Deployment Brakes. Without deployment brakes, the parachute deployment becomes unreliable.",3 +Article 6 – Terms of Payment ,7 +and obvious defects; engine mount and vibration ,3 +Resultant,6 +математическое,9 +testimony elicited from a witness by such examination u,9 +"Power loss during takeoff roll or climb are serious problems, ",9 +such as the latitude and longitude of a point. ,9 +§ 1 Bau und Finanzierung durch Private,7 +fails to pay the contractor the amounts due under any certificate issued by the project ,3 +NAVWEPS 00-8OT-RO ,7 +затраченного на непосредственное выполнение,9 +Introduction/Explanation,7 +Airspeed Indicator (ASI),7 +II.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority,7 +Each type of airplane has a best pitch attitude for normal lift-,9 +"the correct combination of rpm, fuel flow, and propeller ",9 +System Description.,7 +CLARIFICATION No: 1,7 +Storing and Servicing Facilities,7 +An alternate static source is provided in some aircraft to ,9 +"When cutting to a line, place the sheet on the bed of the shears ",9 +time to give the crew a final briefing regarding the expected ,9 +Protective works to buildings ,7 +franchise tax shall accrue in ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 369 of November 20, 1998]",7 +"flight planning, preflight procedures at the aircraft,",9 +Ambient air pressure,6 +"Calasiao,",9 +.............................................................................................................................. ,9 +Decision-Making,7 +“effective date” means— ,9 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +Types of lift/drag devices.,0 +II.23.4. Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +BASIC AERODYNAMICS ,5 +Förderkommissionen,7 +Maximum Performance Takeoff,7 +context of this procurement procedure. ,9 +"Crewmember Testing Requirements, as appropriate.",9 +Identifying Emissions in the SIP ,7 +“(ii) where the age specified in the classification certificate is less than 18 years but ,3 +"the main gear actuators. When the doors are fully open, the ",9 +Abschnitt A Nr. 3 ,3 +pressure from the relative wind is converted to static ,9 +"communication au public: le droit exclusif d'autoriser ou d'interdire toute présentation, ",3 +"(within 1,000 feet) or 500",9 +Tender submission: how many tenders may an economic operator ,7 +the right to request such reasonable further information from the undertaker as is necessary to ,9 +"of Binalbagan, Cauayan, Himamaylan, Hinigaran, Ilog, Isabela, Kabankalan, and",9 +Contractor’s national partner and the EU-OSHA’s national partner to discuss subject/content of ,3 +"Ausweisdokumentes sowie, soweit angegeben, die E-Mail-Adresse,",3 +is a rotating airfoil that produces thrust through aerodynamic ,9 +"architecture, the software architecture, and the software lifecycle model (including ",3 +to increase because more lift is acting horizontally. Since,9 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +and 'off-site' ,3 +aster response personnel under section 2812 and the Med-,9 +the piston to a crankshaft by the connecting ,9 +Article 2 – DURATION AND TERMINATION ,7 +left hand turn or a right hand turn to go in either direction. ,9 +and departure path. Given the size of the confined area ,9 +This system should only be used in very wet conditions. ,9 +installation and commissioning) at the delivery destination,3 +VOR Minimum Operational Network (MON) Airports Designator,7 +TOGETHER WITH A LEGIBLE PHOTOCOPY OF THE IDENTITY DOCUMENT,7 +soar to the vicinity of an airport and land safely. If no airport ,9 +jedes einzelnen Vordrucks anhand der von der Bundesdruckerei angebrachten Nummerierung,3 +"configuration, there are two options how to do this:",3 +Valve Controls ,3 +He shall thereupon proceed to ascertain by the best means within his power,9 +Roles and Responsibilities ,7 +石油給湯機(灯油の消費量が七十キロワット以下のものであつて、熱交換器容量,3 +the guarantee shall have the effect of making the bank or financial institution or the third party ,3 +"During performance of a maneuver, you may sometimes",9 +and maintained by FAA standards (inspection and repaired ,9 +shows how ,9 +Secretary of State. ,9 +〔昭和三十五年五月三十日政令第百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +Virgin Islands with a maximum certificated takeoff,9 +partial panel,3 +Mean camber line,6 +The advantages of Hi-Lok$^{®}$ two-piece fastener include its ,9 +Abschnitt IV,7 +Requirements and Characteristics of ,7 +[Figure 4-76],9 +procedures is to identify the appropriate frequencies. Most non-towered airports will have a ,9 +Control of conductor dimensions ,3 +"Citation, commencement, extent and application ",7 +an Thüringen,9 +$^{7}$ Working days at the contracting authority's location indicated under Heading I.1 of the contract notice. ,1 +Airport Markings and Signs ,7 +"flightpath with ground references, follow an assigned ground ",9 +TIMETABLE FOR TENDER PROCEDURE ,7 +"28 февраля 2018 г,",9 +touchdown and smoothly adjusting the pitch to the proper ,9 +kilometers (km) of the source. The land use typing is based on the classification method defined ,9 + Center of Gravity (CG),7 +all gliders,9 +"If used, radios should be turned on and secured. The pilot ",9 +HUMAN RESOURCE AND ADMINISTRATION ,7 +"Funkdiensten, denen dieser Frequenzbereich zugewiesen ist, nicht aus und begründet keinen Vorrang",3 +LEVEL FLIGHT,7 +The Contractor shall give,9 +Rentals of privileges,3 +"42"" Station",6 +§ 3 Inanspruchnahme von Fremddienstleistern,7 +"ocean, large lake, or other appreciable area of water. During ",9 +registration duties or special charges or any other charge having equivalent effect in accordance with the ,9 +aimed at boosting European competitiveness and increase the number of travellers off track ,9 +designs adopted in recent years is the “articulated” harness. ,9 +provide traffic alerts and advisories.,9 +should imagine being in the miniature aircraft. If the,9 +"facility, or an en route position appropriate to the departure ",9 + A display that provides ,9 +Travaux d'adaptation,7 +〔昭和三十五年四月二十五日政令第百八号〕,7 +"entsprechender Kopien,",3 +during the transition is important since changes are being ,9 +financière),7 +fera une analyse de risques et établira une méthode de travail en conséquence. La fiche SDS ,9 +"reflective of the fuel ash content of the fuel. This may be obtained from the fuel supplier, airport ",9 +Quality award criteria thresholds: ,9 +European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the ,9 +"(including the related maintenance contracts) used by the FWC666, but of which ECHA is ",9 +bond. A covalent bond is the method by which atoms ,9 +I.1. ORDER OF PRIORITY OF PROVISIONS ,7 +SCHEDULE 7 ,7 +To make the necessary arrangements enabling EFSA to reproduce and make ,3 +object movement analysis and tracking ,8 +"configuration, there are two options how to do this:",3 +der Ausführung des Auftrags zu verpflichten.,9 +E-invoicing ,7 +Flight Instrument Malfunctions,7 +The contracting authority may exploit and use the acquired ,9 +aircraft have three-bar VASIs which provide two ,9 +results of the air quality assessment can be included. ,3 +"of urgency, it is necessary to make this instrument without a draft having been laid before, and ",9 +The rate of change of resistance identifies an electrical short ,9 +Acknowledgments,7 +Forward Slip,7 +"falling under Article 24, item (i) is to be made by submitting a written ",3 +the provisions of Article 32-2 of the Act is to be exercised by the Director of the ,3 +法第四十九条の二において読み替えて準用する一般社団法人及び一般,3 +⦁ $_{Change the date of the event to accommodate weather. }$,3 +"another at 800 rpm, and so on, in 100-rpm increments, up to ",9 +theories and principles. This handbook adopts selected methods and concepts for instrument flying. The discussion and ,9 +airport must have an available instrument approach,9 +required to lift weight,6 +European Union Agency for Cybersecurity ,5 +"The requirements for the drainage, foul air collection and clean water supply system stated in Section ",9 +Chapter 2. Aeronautical Lighting and ,7 +dependants of such laws and regulations.,3 +schriftliche und deutlich sichtbare Angaben für den Verbraucher am Ort der Abgabe;,3 +Trade Control Order after the revision apply. ,3 +Article 33 - ,7 +II.4.1.12 Remedy ,7 +Philippine Health Service,7 +Fixed-Price contracts ,7 +If the deceased left no spouse or kindred possessed of sufficient,3 +"997; ch. 955, 1), to establish a National Air Museum, later known ",3 +Storing and Servicing Facilities,7 +"the offending person. Should the licensee, upon receiving notice of the seizure,",9 +transmissions on a discrete VHF radio frequency are,9 +isolate in accordance with those Regulations from the moment the notification is given. Regulations 2A and 2B were ,1 +shall vest in thePresident. ,9 +TAKEOFF CLEARANCE—ATC authorization for ,3 +traffic pattern; to the right when in a right-hand traffic ,3 +Technical equipment list should be agreed with EU-OSHA’s national partner (necessity of ,3 +(This note is not part of the Regulations) ,7 +Traffic Data Systems,7 +(GPS) and altitude information (variometer) integrated into ,9 +"stream is termed the induced angle of attack, ",9 +in place by using the appropriate toggle. The control line remains locked in place until manually ,3 +New Access Road ,7 +Securing both leading edges together so the wing ,0 +Basting and temporary tacking should be made using thread that is of a contrasting color to the ,3 +Exercise of Power of Eminent Domain.,9 +"easement, liberty, privilege, right or advantage annexed to land and adversely affecting other land, ",9 +"instruction. First, the material presented can be erased, allowing the surface to be used again and again; and second, the boards serve ",9 +compte desdites observations: ,9 +Improper coordination of flight controls.,3 +Autopilot Systems..........................................................7-8,8 +つてその射程若しくは航続距離が三百キロメートル以上のもの(ロ、第三号及び,3 +"software planning reviews, software development reviews, software verification reviews, and ",9 +§ 11 Untersuchungsbefugnisse,7 +aus der Anerkennung oder gegen Auflagen gröblich verstoßen wird.,9 +Gemäß der AVV Baulärm sind somit folgende Immissionsrichtwerte einzuhalten:,9 +検査を実施した者の氏名,3 +Contracts for Public Works,7 +into suspension and distributed evenly throughout the paint. ,9 +"‘‘(B) the manufacture of security countermeasures, ",9 +pilot in numerous configurable ways. Often an MFD will be ,9 +"negligence of said officers while enforcing or attempting to enforce the same, shall",9 +The GPS-coupled flight computer can provide the following ,9 +etc. A runway should be marked in accordance with ,9 +de commun accord entre le contractant et le Secrétariat. ,3 +GPS Nearest Airport Function,7 +"unverified altitude information, the controller will issue the",9 +(See PREFERENTIAL ROUTES.) ,9 +For the option of a paper version of the quiz between 500 and 1000 copies should be printed ,3 +ease Control and Prevention (referred to in this subsection as the ,9 +IAF / TRAN: D130N,6 +Definitions,7 +ための装置又はこれらを運搬することができるロケット若しくは無人航空機であ,3 + Rivets made ,9 +Reserve Static Line,6 +tool for pilots is the personal locator device offered by several ,9 +"reference should include as appropriate, the following: name of the author, title of the work, ",9 +The fabric should be positioned in all areas before undertaking ,9 +perform the descent planning task. In an advanced avionics ,9 +research the subject as it is defined by the objective. Once ,9 +"meters fuel flow based upon revolutions per minute (rpm), ",9 +turns when there is a variation from the normal left traffic ,9 +für Einsatzfahrten oder vom Vorgesetzten angeordnete Übungsfahrten sowie Schulungsfahrten eingesetzt,3 +SIDEWARD FLIGHT,7 +authority during the procedure. If any of the declarations or information provided proves to be ,9 +compensation. ,3 +COMMON ERRORS DURING BASIC FLIGHT,7 +material that is parallel to the length of the strips of material ,9 +Moral rights of the authors ,7 +from the bottom side of the assembly.,9 +Durchführung der Ferkelkastration unter Isoflurannarkose unter Berücksichtigung von,3 +injected into the combustion chamber. The power controls ,9 +Règlement des litiges ,7 +The exempted amount of compensation is calculated by taking the following three steps. ,9 +in position. Accidents have occurred as the result of ,9 +User shall be,3 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +"and maintenance in a sanitary condition of morgues,",3 +"precision approaches, respectively. Approaches with ",9 +"(iii) the outline of the results of analysis of the accident, etc. related to the ",3 +period of time. ,9 +"are wholly or predominantly devoted to advertising, or ",3 +and Systems,7 +Appendix E: Log Book Endorsement Formats (page E-1) ,7 +unavoidable-conse- ,9 +General. — ,9 +communicable,3 + The input for computer processing in the form of ,9 +Mozambique ,9 +Section 1: Introduction and Background ,3 +Existing trees ,7 +nosewheel to gradually rise to the desired landing attitude. ,9 +"Before issuing clearance, ascertain that the",9 +the forming operation must be performed by passing the ,9 +2021 No. 570 ,10 + A joint in a wood structure in which the ends to ,9 +The machine shall have a built-in motor ,8 +II.21 PAYMENTS AND GUARANTEES ,7 +Monitor (PRM) Approaches ,7 +Each learner sees a learning situation from a different viewpoint. Each learner is a unique individual whose past experiences affect ,9 +"If the field selected has obstacles on the final approach path, ",9 +on figure 1.19. As the configuration is altered ,9 +Introduction/Explanation,7 +"helicopter is properly trimmed and the rotor tilts, a turn",9 +components of each of these two types of compressor have ,9 +"Please provide all unit prices in the table below (fill in grey cells), and print/upload BOTH SHEETS (Financial tender and ",7 +"In case of subcontracting, all subcontractors whose capacity is necessary to fulfil the selection ",9 +"When lining up to depart, have the skiplane configured",9 +"= 24 NM), and must, therefore, begin the descent 24 NM ",9 +Reduction Gear Assembly,7 +conditions to expect. ,9 +engines have a 201 cubic inch displacement achieved by ,9 +"eingrenzen, Fehlerbeseitigung einleiten",8 +"building, if ",8 +周知しなければならない。,3 +thread-thru,3 +ECHA’s capacity has t,9 +a second coat after the first has dried. Do not intentionally ,9 +"etc."" in the following paragraph through paragraph (5)) (in the case where the ",3 +contractor's,9 +be found on the fuselage and empennage. ,9 +"Ministerial Order, with regard to the application of Article 29, paragraph (1) of ",3 +sofern auf eine Frequenzzuteilung desselben Funkdienstes für analoge Übertragungstechnik verzichtet wird. Es,9 +I.6.5. Trattenuta di garanzia ,7 + (ss 57-70) ,7 +The curve of power required versus velocity ,9 + WSC Operations,7 +", including background technology, which exists prior to ",3 +"ajout de métadonnées, aux fins de l'exploration de textes et de données; ajout ",3 +The hammer blow shall be in line with the pile axis and the impact surfaces shall be flat and at ,3 +Negative or LowGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +Be alert for any occurrence which might,9 +and compliance with data ,3 +retrieve data streams from external providers or creation of data ,3 +Figure 9-55. ,0 +on IAPs that are flown to a runway. Instrument,9 +Pin and Cherry E-Z Buck$^{®}$ Shear Pin made by Cherry$^{®}$ ,9 +"thereto, may in like manner be effected from time to time during the year by",9 +"Geschäftsvorgänge,",3 +In addition to financial audits which I am required to undertake on the ,3 +assessment. ,3 +and Systems,7 +"When discussing professionalism, most conversations omit ",9 +Other Routing,7 +] % of the price ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of July 31, 2015] ",7 +Reported in Previous Years,7 +"do not comply with applicable obligations under environmental, social and labour law ",3 +compensation as shall be allowed by current appropriations. The other appointive,9 +"the Stroke Simulator Test, then a complete re-pack of the reserve ",9 +"Fläche des Zuteilungsgebietes in km$^{2}$, die der Siedlungs- und Verkehrsfläche zuzuordnen ist;",3 +une grande vigilance. Les bouteilles de gaz vides doivent être évacuées de la zone de travail ,3 +difficult to see on primary radar than a large ,3 +Risk Management,7 +"the propeller usually begins to windmill. (On some airplanes, ",9 +. If point loading occurs on ,9 +TATISTIQUE CONCERNANT LES ,7 +II.21.6. Interim payments and payment of the balance ,7 +a semipermanent high pressure system off the southeastern ,9 +they are “bent” by abnormal atmospheric phenomena ,3 +Monitor (PRM) Approaches ,7 +Catching Errors: Using the FMS Flight Planning ,7 +aft disk area. These differences in lift between the fore and ,9 +§ 5 Inkrafttreten,7 +Corrosive action on the stomach lining ,8 +Landing—Stuck Left Pedal,7 +"antimicrobial consumption (summaries, ",8 +Centrifugal-Flow Compressors,7 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +Failure to manipulate the flight controls in a smooth ,3 +" is a ""document"" such as a report or a study, and it is meant to be published, the ",3 +Performance Charts ,7 +Verschleißteile an Maschinen und technischen,8 +of Article II.18.1,9 +Ground Support Equipment ,7 +the position of the aircraft at the end of 1 hour. The GS can ,9 +propeller components throughout the overhaul process. ,9 +"member of a firm, to engage in any business transaction with the city, or with any",9 +the Secretary administers in connection with the obligation by ,9 +issued certificate that permits student pilots to ,3 +covering disbursements from ,9 + illustrates the temperatures ,9 +"in subsection (1)(a), after “land” insert “under that provision”; ",3 +"retracting and locking mechanism for defects, damage, ",3 +Fuel nozzle,6 +changing bank angles.,3 +Glider Engine While Airborne,7 +besondere Verpflichtungserklärung im sorgfältigen und kontrollierten Umgang mit den Vordrucken,3 +training courses; ,3 +[Figure 12-1] ,9 +〔平成十七年七月二十一日政令第二百四十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +shall possess author,9 +Figure 9-114. ,0 +hypoxic. Oxygen starvation causes the brain and other vital ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 367 of August 26, 1952]",7 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +よる許可又は輸出貿易管理令若しくは輸入貿易管理令の規定による承認、許可若しく,3 +ending with the date of the determination of the person’s entitlement to victims’ ,3 +bis vierstelligen Zahl und einem nachfolgenden Buchstaben. Das Kennzeichenschild enthält außerdem,3 +"von Funkstellen des festen Funkdienstes benutzt werden, deren Gesamtstrahlungsleistung höchstens",3 +instructor with these qualities in mind commands recognition ,9 +"Procedure (clarification, corrigenda) are considered by the Agency as confidential.",3 +"персоналом,",9 +"Learners best acquire new knowledge when they see a clear reason for doing so, often show a strong interest in learning what they ",9 +Self-Launch Takeoff Emergency ,7 +radiotelephony. Items of a personal nature are not,9 +"Court, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7YH; Tel. – 0300 123 1032, Fax – 0191 376 2681, ",3 +Center of lift. ,9 +"экстрадиции,",9 +Microburts. ,9 +Article 34 - ,7 +NISH COVID–19 VACCINE TO CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS NOT ,7 +formal agreement for the two security organs to share information with the DVS ,9 +A method of navigation that ,9 +I.5. ZAHLUNGSMODALITÄTEN ,7 +"In all circumstances, in the event",9 +Circuit breakers or fuses are used to protect various,9 +ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ,7 +and high temperature since both factors ,9 +Integrated Flight Control System ,7 +Temperature Variation with Altitude,7 +TOGETHER WITH A LEGIBLE PHOTOCOPY OF THE IDENTITY DOCUMENT,7 +For an additional amount for ‘‘Mississippi River and Tribu-,9 +Special SRM Efforts/Considerations ,3 +risers attached to the main harness using a three-ring release system. A single-point release can be ,3 +eed and rate,6 +PRICE REVISION ,7 +"technique is to treat fears as a normal reaction, rather than ignoring them. Keep in mind that anxiety for learner pilots is usually ",9 +"experience and training in disability assessment medicine, and ",3 +An additional screen for the speakers so they can follow their presentations and check how they ,3 +Patch Bonded to Aluminum Structure,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 358 of December 2, 2005] ",7 +Intermeshing Rotors,7 +Minimum reception altitude (MRA).,9 +Contractor’s national partner and the EU-OSHA’s national partner to discuss subject/content of ,3 +"accordance with the terms of this Order, notwithstanding that it involves— ",9 +accident analysis business which contain the following matters and notify the ,3 +"account of being immaterial, not reliable and independent.",9 +The purchase of adequate insurances by the contractor shall in no case exempt it from its ,9 +Special directions ,3 +PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal ,7 +necessary to taxi the takeoff path again to pack the,9 +"Rules on taxes, customs duties and Other Fiscal Charges ",7 +consideration,9 +"The POH should specify what pads go where. Overall, ",9 +§ 29 Auskünfte und Prüfungen,7 +"des Technischen Hilfswerks und sonstiger Einheiten des Katastrophenschutzes, sofern diese Fahrzeuge",3 +NORMAL LANDING,7 +embalming or burial of the dead.,3 +"may refuse to provide full access to the submitted tender, ",3 +"EFSA, 2020b",3 +中华人民共和国合同法,5 +feeding drills.,3 +"sanatoria, residences, or for camps, fish ponds, pastures, or other lawful uses, for a",9 +charts. LNAV/VNAV (lateral navigation/vertical,9 +"990 – 5 000 MHz,",9 +Inadequate visual lookout for other aircraft.,3 +. — The granting of privilege of,3 +IFR operations and participating VFR aircraft.,9 +represented in a string of binary code. A series of ones and ,9 +Certificates and documents required to be onboard ,9 +Missed approach obstacle clearance is,9 +"Daniela Tramacere, Head of Delegation",9 +the time limits within which submission and approval of the drawings are required; ,3 +ter the deceased shall have been buried for a,9 +are thus incompatible with the principle of joint and several liability. The Agency will disregard any ,9 +SRM grades are based on these four components: ,9 +"⦁ $_{Marginal—minor injury, minor damage }$",3 +この省令は、昭和五十九年五月一日から施行する。,9 +design. Inventors and fledgling aviators began building their ,9 +www.gesetze-im-internet.de,5 +"down, the pilot may exert considerable back pressure on the ",9 +"slides summarising the methodology, and ",8 +Typical turbine nozzle vane assemblies.,0 +"supervision, labour and facilities required for the implementation of the tasks.",3 + Award and notification of the outcomes of the procurement procedure ,7 +Skidding turn.,0 +advantages in the procurement procedure or to negligently provide misleading information ,6 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +of erosion or wear called frosting. This condition results from ,9 +especially in the landing gear area indicating the ,3 +SP Examiner Initial Training Seminar ,3 +Interrupt,6 +Article 8 - ,7 +"does not carry out serum separation, it is not required to describe matters ",3 +management that the Department had not yet devised formal inter-ministerial ,9 +"Copies of the forms prescribed by 14 CFR part 43, ",3 +holding one squared end of the sheet against the squaring ,9 +Decision-Making ,7 +All the deliverables resulting from the QA activities shall be stored in ECHA knowledge ,9 +published where this alignment exceeds 30 degrees.,9 +results in sufficient convection to produce thunderstorms. ,9 +of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Act prior to the revision ,3 +Management structure ,7 +to register only once ,9 +RNAV and RNP Operations,7 +Government’s,9 +"turbulence from a taxiing towplane, to cause the canopy to ",9 +lightweight alternator with integral voltage regulator. It has ,9 +ensure that appropriate communications are established when ,9 +size as the one established on the downwind side.,9 +registration number,7 +Traffic Data Systems Using Onboard Sensing ,7 +", qualifies as an ",3 +"bead, or a kinked bead are examples of bead area damage ",9 +"contracts,",9 +s'il est établi que de fausses déclarations ont été faites ou que de fausses informations ,7 +of the House of Representatives and the Senate detailing the alloca-,9 +Sitzungszimmer übertragen.,9 +"techniques, les normes de messagerie, les normes de sécurité, les règles syntaxiques et sémantiques, ",9 +the helicopter experiences effective translational lift (ETL). ,9 +Raising the kingpost and spreading the wings as needed ,0 +Image rights and sound recordings,7 +it has been established by a final judgment or final administrative decision ,6 +"Government, or to any person or persons, t",9 +establishing rules and procedures for reviews to be conducted by the ,3 +"province), Macalelon, Mauban, Mogpog, Mula",9 +FMD CONTROL MEASURES,7 +Label when necessary for,8 +II.13.9. Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +"architecture, the software architecture, and the software lifecycle model (including ",3 +rivet type and material. The type of rivet head to select for ,9 +TRAFFIC PATTERN INDICATORS—Ground ,3 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,7 +n is 0.0136. ,9 +посредством,9 +"Service Catalogue (ECHA Intranet, under ICT pages) ",3 +This order establishes specific ,3 +"added at a later date. If this is done, you will be told about it so you can discuss the additional grounds at the",3 +possibilità di identificare e quantificare in un secondo momento ogni rischio interferenziale al ,9 +The program is able to start up normally. ,3 +IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:,7 +auto sequence mode or the pilot selects a different,9 +as the nature of the underlying contract so justifies; ,3 +Invitations ,7 +the right to refuse it. ,9 +"Welfare as provided in Article 7, paragraph (5) of the Act shall be the provision ",3 +desired pitch attitude during launch and climb-out. If the trim ,9 +"citizen, lawfully organized under the laws of the ",3 +"When branding alone is applied, it should include EU-OSHA logo, the project design as well as ",3 +Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of International Trade ,7 +Ram-recovery speed.,9 +Compressor wheel assembly,6 +not the same as Experimental Amateur-Built. E-LSA ,3 +APPENDIX A3. ,3 +"(hereinafter referred to as the ""Act"") (including a notification of change as set ",3 +Anforderungen und Regelwerke,7 +Current coil,6 +LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS ,7 +How high you need to be to glide there,3 +"Drowsiness,",3 +", including in the event of ",3 +securing mooring lines. Approach a mooring at a very,9 +anzuzeigen. Veränderungen im Bestand konglomeratsangehöriger Unternehmen sind der Bundesanstalt und der,9 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +"environmental, social and labour law established by Union law, national law and ",3 +Brief them again on behavior in the basket. Advise passengers ,9 +I.13.2. DUVRI – Documento unico di valutazione rischi interferenziali ,7 +"Drittel der Rückseite und dort in der unteren Hälfte rechts, oberhalb der Behördenbezeichnung und",3 +" Sharing data, including disclosure, dissemination, allowing access or otherwise making available",3 +applicable for Intermediate ,6 +TAILWIND—Wind blowing in the same direction ,3 +"installations, pressurization of the internal components of ",9 +"end for different uses. For example, it is used to drive bolts ",9 +Regulatory Framework ,7 +03/08/2016 ,5 +Use of Suitable Area Navigation,7 +Lockbolt Inspection,7 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +- Seite 34 von 56 -,4 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +OC/EFSA/ED/2020/01 ,7 +Drinking water ,7 +underlying contract has been fully executed; ,3 +Borough Council and South Northamptonshire District Council. ,9 +Reaction to control ,8 +"depth perception is a factor in a successful roundout, but the ",9 +"by removing all necessary inspection plates, access doors, ",9 +"Technique, 4",9 +the gearbox attachment to the engine.,9 +"Due to the minimum airspeed, the flight controls are not as ",9 +Erstattung überzahlter Umlagebeträge,3 +"this consumption scenario, the overall price for the profiles across a 12-months ",3 +"all correspondence for that person’s attention must be sent, the date of such notification ",3 +": toute situation ou tout événement imprévisible et exceptionnel, indépendant de la ",9 +the overflow drain. ,9 +Financial evaluation).,7 +"durch die AGS durch Aushändigen des Abfallscheins, zum Abfallcontainer im Erdgeschoss ",9 +also e-mail an FAA representative at a local FSDO office by ,9 +scatter type,9 +holder that is the sponsor of a medical countermeasure submis-,9 +FORCE DIVERGENCE ,6 +oder Rechtsverteidigung notwendigen Aufwendungen der Beteiligten einschließlich der Kosten des,9 +"any other condition for which the Consultant is responsible under the contract and which, in ",3 +The Councils and Secretary,7 +" As the pitch attitude rises, airspeed ",9 +Figure 10-7. ,0 +Selection criteria ,7 +exploration,3 +"§ 10 Angestellte, Arbeiter und Auszubildende",7 +-inch. The diameter of the ,9 +MAIN CANOPY ,7 +"country’s airspace, they should be aware of differences not ",9 +The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) defines a glider ,9 +§ 32 Speicherung der Halterdaten in den Fahrzeugregistern,7 +Evaluierung,3 +passenger is a safe passenger and one that will enjoy ,9 +hearing within a reasonable time.,9 +aircraft. The surface should be scrubbed with Scotch-Brite$^{®}$ ,9 +Advise ATC of your minimum fuel status,9 +"To establish, maintain, and regulate a city prison.",3 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +operation. Part 91 operators (other than 91K,9 +the point where a circle-to-land maneuver or a missed ,9 + — This chapter shall be known as the,9 +Task 2: Preparation and implementation of a vaccine effectiveness study in a cohort of healthcare workers ,9 +the platform being approached or to the Flight,9 +inserting ‘‘The Secretary may appoint a Director to head the ,9 +Botswana ,9 +Inspection Process,7 +features for the inlet surfaces ,9 +ACCOUNT HOLDER,6 +"AFS-750 by the manufacturer, ",3 +The written report provided in the preceding paragraph shall be submitted to ,3 +плавательных бассейнах.,9 +Traffic Data Systems Using Onboard Sensing ,7 +ll be entitled to recover it from the,9 +provide a good opportunity to identify most recent methodological developments in this area ,3 +Signature reduction devices; ,3 +Appendices ,3 +financially acceptable tender has been received or there has been no valid response at ,3 +"ision, and increase or diminish the",9 +TRSA Service (Radar Sequencing and,7 +turbulence of a coarser type begins. Compared with noise ,9 +conflict of interest,3 +"check or audit and, if so requested, that information is handed over in an appropriate ",3 +psychologischen Testverfahren und -geräten,7 + Omit regulation 73 (restrictions on exercise of maritime enforcement powers) (including the ,9 +Remove the most accessible spark plug from the No. 1 ,9 +§ 31 Anforderungen an Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +Technician to be available for set-up/testing prior to event and remain available during the event.,3 +Turbo-Propeller Assembly,7 +. It must also take out supplementary insurance as reasonably required by ,3 +converted into ,1 +Replacement Certificate ,7 +Operator (from operator station) ,3 +or institution. ,3 +supporting documents on legal existence and status [and financial capacity].,9 +Reducing Radio Interference,7 +"countersink or dimple, indicating either sheet bearing failure ",9 +airport to provide ,9 +§ 87 Begonnene Maßnahmen,7 +A four-sided plane figure whose sides are all the ,9 +"⦁ $_{Severe anger directed toward the flight instructor, service personnel, and others. }$",3 +"MAXIMUM WEIGHT 2,400 LB",6 +Departures From Tower-Controlled Airports ,7 +organisation needs to be submitted only once.,9 +requirements. ,9 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +er’s recommendations for operation of landing lights,9 +Vertical limits.,9 +prior to event. ,3 +II.24 POLITIQUE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ,7 +"dell'attività, come",9 +Construction Joints ,7 +Vorverfahrens.,9 +ing roll. This is due to the fact that the wing is flexibly ,9 +の五十まで高めるよう努めるものとし、そのための具体的な年次計画を作成し、,3 +management and operation of the hospital ,3 +ARTICLE 30. FINANCIAL GUARANTEE ,7 +§ 26 (weggefallen),7 +5325-01-506-9030,8 +send a notification of the commencement of works to the UK Hydrographic Office at ,3 +", including (1) the system under review; (2) the software lifecycle ",3 + (page 4 of 9).,0 +recommended for use on plywood less than ,9 +Traffic Data Systems Receiving Information From ,7 +"heat flows into the ground. Similarly, the weight of",9 +Ministers and Assistant Ministers,7 +Application of Part 1 of the 1965 Act ,7 +Figure 4-7. ,0 +II.26 LOI APPLICABLE ET RÈGLEMENT DES LITIGES ,7 +"Calculation of the costs (incl. travel, overheads, consumables and any other related costs) ",7 +* Chemical dosing pipe systems ,3 +"piggyback system, it is imperative that the rigger receive ",9 +"so zu wählen, dass auch beim Einsatz üblicher maschinenbewegter Werkzeuge ausreichend Zeit",3 +Reamers. ,0 +helicopter as it makes a transition from one flight ,9 +Amendment of the Regulated Activities Order ,7 +STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE TENDER ,7 +.75 inch longer than the desired finished length. Most ,9 +The NOT Gate,7 +in the fight against FMD. ,3 +service and repairs at its own cost. ,3 +"in the case of a new ship, the date that these Regulations come into force; and ",3 +(ii) the object of claim and facts needed to specify the claim. ,3 +"Most weather information is derived from radiosondes, or ",9 +"the runway, the pilot may exert considerable forward pressure ",9 +"smooth to a required size, are made in many styles. They ",9 +are not exempt from requiring a marine licence by virtue of any provision made under ,3 +Use of a suitable RNAV system as a,9 +Chart Supplement U.S. The purpose of this service is,9 +FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Unlawful Reentry Upon Forfeited Property,9 +第十四条において「核兵器等」という。)の開発、製造、使用又は貯蔵(ロ及び,3 +Prior provisions continue to govern the application of penal provisions to acts ,3 +(See VOR.) ,9 +Article 31 Provisional acceptance ,7 +FMD CONTROL MEASURES,7 +Figure 3-9,9 +"section 43.15, requiring that each person performing an ",9 +square of the velocity. ,9 +container. ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 157 of June 10, 1960]",7 +Bekanntmachungstext ,7 +б) дополнить абзацем девятым следующего содержания:,9 +Financial Evaluation ,7 +The Programming ,7 +die Gesamtdauer der Arbeitsunterbrechungen mindestens ein Sechstel der vorgesehenen Lenkzeit,3 +electrical energy to all the electrical equipment circuits ,9 +ECDC. Additional studies to assess the effect of vaccination in these settings (e.g. vaccination impact ,9 +microphones for audience questions ,7 +Open Center Hydraulic Systems ..............................12-6,8 +Opening of requests to participate,7 +. — The failure of any city,9 +§ 8 Dokumentation,7 +Open call (Article 164(1) (a) of the Financial Regulation),7 +rows of 5 racks and space for 5 racks for external provided services; ,3 +Provisions: the date of promulgation. ,3 +Page 38 of 79 ,4 +и компьютерные,9 +A MULTICOM frequency of 122.9 will be used at an airport that is non-towered and does not have a ,9 +Apprentice and Junior Surveyors,7 +Further information related to requirements and procedures concerning shipment of Goods can be found ,9 +Economizer System,7 +above the AR2 padded pocket. ,3 +"point, the problem is essentially that of a long ",9 +The documents that may be requested by ,9 +- Seite 12 von 12 -,4 +The confirmation of wear or damage is critical in the ,9 +Le contractant s'assurera que des produits interdits par la loi ne sont pas utilisés dans les ,9 +Kostenermittlung und Umlagepflicht im Aufgabenbereich Banken und sonstige,3 +many engines have a mechanical indicator that pops out to ,9 +Article I-16 ,7 +Aufgaben und Verpflichtungen,7 +Definitions ,7 +with a lower than normal lift off speed may result in very ,9 +"AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) ""T"" ROUTE SYSTEM",7 +Award phase,7 +Cyber Challenge,3 +least in written and,3 +Ground Access Vehicles ,7 +"STAR origination points leaving the en route structure, ",9 +"the pylon places the airplane in uncoordinated flight, at low ",9 +The study of ,9 +"saves fuel, allows unhurried use of the autopilot, and is less ",9 +visual cues used most are those related to changes in runway or ,9 +"approach point, which is slightly different than to the ",9 +" However, if the damage ",3 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +pause and require more conservative planning and decisions. ,9 +the cruise range is very near the best power mixture ratio. ,9 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of June 2, 1980. ",3 +ACCOUNT HOLDER'S DATA,7 +"until it strikes the stop. If other bends are to be made, the ",9 +Generators ,7 +Step 4—Assemble and Evaluate,7 +SCHEDULE 14 ,7 +makes separation with standard sedimentation impossible or as occurrence of extraordinary ,3 +the option to activate the approach or just load it into ,3 +Placing the Special Registration,7 +Achieve Goals,7 +Appendix E: Log Book Endorsement Formats (page E-1) ,7 +as from the date of the acquisition of the right or the benefit of the restrictive covenant by ,3 +Specific provisions related to the supply of goods ,7 +Administrative procedures ,7 +"Pass opposite end of bridle line and deployment bag through bridle line loop and pull tight, forming a ",3 +Section 2: Regulatory Framework ,3 +УТВЕРЖДЕНЫ,9 +"If the gear still fails to extend, some sort of unlatching device ",9 +Sicherheit für die Vertragserfüllung in Höhe von 5 v.H. der Auftragssumme ,6 +Betriebssicherheit und Einsatzbereitschaft der Fahrzeuge und Anlagen:,3 +phenomenon are ignored. ,9 +"However, when wear advances to a point where the slight, ",9 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +Claims and liability ,7 +engines at 50:1 mixing ratio (check the engine ,3 +assisting the Consultant with information and documentation; ,3 +commonly occurs with the previous error. ,3 +Sanctioned Country,1 +a given configuration. This type of chart typically takes ,9 +the desired departure path. Bank angle should be limited to ,9 +control: one for flight and one for ground operation. For ,9 +Hypemic Hypoxia,7 +VFR Waypoints,7 +"municipalities of Aroroy, Bulan, Catain",9 +"Die Fahrzeuge der Klassen B, C1, C, D1 und D müssen mit einer Doppelbedienungseinrichtung ausgestattet sein,",9 +Safety Requirements Planned for Implementation ,3 +The slip roll former in ,9 +Leave Law.,9 +"differences. For example, the added weight of the appendage ",9 +and make appropriate changes in the helicopter’s atti-,9 +operation for Accreditation (“EA”) Multilateral Agreement(,3 +"tail rotor consumes 50 HP, only 195 HP remains to drive ",9 +Venturi Tube Systems,7 +Contour Flying Cautions,7 +"– Aufbauseminare, besondere Aufbauseminare und verkehrspsychologische Beratungsgespräche",3 +Figure 5-43A ,9 +", this refers to the use of an air quality ",9 +identifies and cues the pilot what collective control ,3 +of the postal savings bank division satisfactory evidence of the depositor's death,9 +takes place at low pressures ,9 +Glider Engine While Airborne,7 +Flight Director,7 +Regulation 19(1)(a) ,7 +TOUCH AND GO—An operation by an aircraft that ,3 +Top-of-descent point,6 +The FAA advanced avionics aircraft safety study found that ,9 +produces more antitorque thrust. The pilot can determine ,9 +§ 8 Dokumentation,7 +the15-pax event where attendance of a Contractor’s national partner is only necessary if the ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 358 of December 2, 2005] ",7 +Airspeed limitations are shown on the airspeed indicator ,9 +taxiway leading directly to a runway. They depict the holding ,9 +the preferred method of reefing ram-air canopies. Without this ,9 +detailed description of cross-country soaring using ridge or wave ,9 +"respect to the needs of children, including providing such tech-",9 +"Nutrients are available in sufficient quantities, i.e. in incoming wastewater: ",3 +Verifica di rispondenza alle normative applicabili ,9 +applied to the service foreseen in this tender specification concerning the ,3 +"appended table of the Foreign Exchange Control Order in Article 1, the part ",3 +in The Netherlands at least 2 days before the start date of the Demonstration of Conformity; ,3 +Achieve Goals,7 +entsprechend.,9 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +Simplified Directional Facility (SDF),7 +II.24 POLITIQUE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ,7 +Daily Maintenance Checks,7 +since the signature of the,9 +Übergangstück rechteckig auf rund,7 +Tension Regulators,7 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation,7 +nicht zugelassen ,6 +suddetto verbale di sopralluogo.,9 +"tude for touchdown. As the floats contact the water,",9 +Visual separation is used when prevailing,9 +conductor heating. Allowance must be made for ,3 +weißes Licht nach hinten abstrahlen oder,3 +Torque Control:,9 +emissions. ,3 +dual purpose. It provides the conductor path for the high-,9 +"cloud, and ceiling meeting or exceeding the minimums ",9 +LEVEL FLIGHT,7 +"DRAFT CONTRACT AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS, ",7 +Private rights over land ,7 +"The following ledgers are prepared. However, in the case of a hospital, etc. ",3 +school purposes or other proper governmental use by the Government of the,9 +weeks. They also increase the length of time a foster carer can be approved as an emergency foster ,9 + Setting Up the WSC Aircraft ,7 +For regulation 13(1)(c)(ii) substitute— ,3 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +use by the Government of the,9 +Figure 13-14.,0 +I.14.4 Declarations of interest ,7 +Standard.-Geometrical pitch taken at two-thirds of thE’ radius. ,3 +experienced when flying at lower altitudes during warmer ,9 +"arrival in England, a United Kingdom Government Department has provided written ",3 +conflict of interest,3 +Option 2: replacement tape method. With this ,3 +Neubestimmungsverordnung - FGNV),10 +additional costs due to a change of these travel plans at a later stage shall be borne as follows: ,3 +Launch Site,7 +Duration of Training ,7 +"if no one is around the glider. This prevents the wind, or ",9 +"emergencies, including pursuant to section 319C–3; and ",9 +consecutively.,9 +"described. In some instances, the container system needs ",9 +"attached aft of the A lines are the B lines, and so on to the D lines. The lines attached to the ",3 +Amendment of Schedule 1 to the principal Regulations ,7 +The following provisions shall apply: ,3 +"of victor airways, jet routes, and RNAV, but some low/ ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 291 of October 1, 1973] ",7 +fabric with grommets or rings at the corners through which ,9 +number of onsite and off-site days. ,3 +"[1458-10, 12.]",9 +Any operator who,9 +Since only 15 to 30 percent ,9 +Transverse Flow Effect,7 +actions during use result in damage. Certain parts or areas of ,9 +other factors dictate otherwise. Preferred IFR Routes ,9 +"convective thunderstorms form as individual cells, they may ",9 +journalists and experts ,7 +bond conditioned for the monthly payment of the charges due upon the output of,9 +"it shall be possible to set between 0,5 – 7 times the set Ie value. ",9 +"Vaccine Effectiveness, Burden and Impact Studies (VEBIS) of COVID-19 and Influenza – Tender Specifications OJ/2021/DPR/12924 ",9 +art. 42 § 3.3 du code TVA ,6 +DOWNWASH FLOW FIELD 8EHlNO A SWEPT TAPERED ,7 += compass heading (CH) is followed to arrive at compass ,9 +any appeal by the undertaker must be made within 42 days of the date of the notice of the ,3 +an attempt to take the information contained in those sheets ,9 +related to preparation and deployment of intermittent dis-,9 +entering the engine. Ram drag is the difference between gross ,9 +"Errata as of October 21, 2013 ",7 +unauthorised person any document,9 +a vessel operated by or in support of Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom; ,3 +command of an aircraft is directly,9 +constructed,9 +"With these translucent containers, it can be noted that ",0 +Alternate Navigation Planning,7 +§ 2 Gebührenbefreiungen,7 +"RID I: (General Compliance, Economic and Financial Capacity Compliance) ",7 +only furnish vaccines for COVID–19 to covered individ-,9 +be chaired by a senior government official appointed by the Minister responsible for local ,3 +of the wings when taken to the extremes of the flight envelope ,9 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +"maturen (zu § 14, Absatz 5) der baulichen Erweiterung",7 +CONTRATTO ,5 +costi relativi ai rischi interferenziali saranno sostenuti dall'amministrazione ,7 +Evaporator blower,6 +temperatures have stabilized.,9 +"on the surface, but each is an integral and necessary part of the structure. Thus, the various blocks are not isolated subjects, but ",9 +"a clear direction for the department’s FMD control efforts, identifying objectives ",9 +L’élévateur doit contenir les fiches d’instructions relatives à l’utilisation de la nacelle. ,3 +Non-Moving Advances,7 +ability or requirement to use the VOR MON. Prudent,9 +"knowledge of the English language, and is otherwise competent, he may be",9 +tion of pressure ,9 +pressure area to replace rising air. This air usually brings ,9 +"Save where otherwise provided in the special conditions, within 30 days of the signing of ",3 +perpendicular to the sheet and bring the tip of the inner ,9 +– Evidence for selection,7 +‘‘(ii) the pay of which is disbursed by the Secretary ,9 +go-around.,9 +may occur due to aircraft structure blocking satellite,9 +Sample Problem 1 ,7 +"If the special conditions so require, the contractor shall submit a programme of ",3 +cross-check reveals definite trends during specific,9 +§ 11 Eignung,7 +Figure 7-6. ,0 +The Programming ,7 +"mounting, the aft end of the compass card is tilted upward ",9 +case for application on future business cases. A PIR strategy is developed in the AMS lifecycle ,9 +II.21.6. Interim payments and payment of the balance ,7 +The National ,7 +Aufgaben entstehenden Aufwendungen zuzüglich eines projektangemessenen Unternehmergewinns. Die,9 +Pasadena-the original owner of ALL used cars ,9 +is to be used,9 +"be used to structurally repair, restore, ",9 +of medical care in beds pertaining to the application in which the number of ,3 +A good understanding of high- and low-pressure wind patterns ,9 +"instrumentation, including",9 +Determining whether a design is position based and/or rate ,9 +Suspension par le contractant ,7 +on/near offshore helidecks. When operating in,9 +GENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURES ,7 +"cable, the entire franchise tax shall accrue to the Insular Government.",3 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 +"conditions, then complete a VFR descent and landing at the ",9 +COMMON ERRORS DURING BASIC FLIGHT,7 +Ort des Fahrtendes und,3 +Anforderungen gemäß Energieeinsparverordnung 2016,7 +necessary to remove contamination are provided; ,3 +316 L or similar material. The housing shall be in protection class IP68. Common communication protocols and ,9 +Minimum Fuel Advisory,7 +Direct Service Changes are the ones that are not implemented via Project or Maintenance ,9 +https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/orders_notices/ for updates to FAA Orders and Notices. ,1 +〔平成二十四年九月十四日政令第二百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +"tions as cruise, climb, descent, takeoff, ap- ",9 + Taking Down the WSC Aircraft ,7 +International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ,7 +"PA/APV IAP is established to the same runway, the",9 +"технологий,",9 +VIDEO RECORDINGS ,10 +- Seite 4 von 20 -,4 +MOVEMENT CONTROLS ,7 +orientation to the route specified in the clearance and record ,9 +The distance to cover should be maximum 150 kilometres away from the departing city (return ,3 +misconduct of the contractor or of its ,3 +"out while the glider is still rolling down the runway, unable ",9 +adaptation: le droit exclusif d'autoriser ou d'interdire toute modification des ,3 +The contractor must not present itself as a representative of the contracting authority ,3 +"change are consistent, a sense of the time required ",3 +"the main rotor. With a small positive pitch angle, the",9 +subsequently freezes. If both the surface and the skis,9 +"cap is the problem. If it stays the same, the fluid tip ",3 +Cockpit Management,7 +make modifications to the ,3 +に特別に支出する費用に係る支出に充てるために保有する資金,3 +toward a low blade angle.,9 +Background and objectives ,7 +"on behalf of said Government by the Governor-General, unless authority to",9 +от 7 августа 2020 г. № 890 (зарегистрирован Министерством юстиции,9 +therapy sickroom not exceeding the concentration limit specified in Article ,3 +Igniter plug (2 locations),6 +"person, association, company, or corporation transacting the business",3 +Tire Balancing ,7 +"PRO-0013 Integrated Planning, Monitoring and Reporting (IMS) ",3 +"In relation to any work to which sub-paragraph (1) or (2) applies, Cadent may require such ",9 +染の検査を行うのに最も適した場所に設けられていること。,3 +Progress against previous action items or issue papers (if appropriate);,3 +Compass Roses,7 +databases/vto/.,1 +Repair time,8 +Deployment Types,7 +"befugt, alle Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, insbesondere",9 +«САНИТАРНО-ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К,7 +"cleanliness,",9 +"A stout, closewoven tape used for straps, belts, ",9 +department head for the Supreme Court and its subordinates shall be exercised by,9 +"MARKING, CANOPY - STATEMENT OF USE:",7 +"of these types of events as a way of promote and attract talent to cybersecurity, but also as a way of ",9 +Engineer (8) must sign the document.,3 +Histotoxic Hypoxia,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 77 of March 31, 1959] ",7 +Radio Communication ...............................................11-30,8 +Thermocouples,7 +"Slips, falls and excess excavations ",7 +Equipment Condition ,7 +responsibilities and estimated efforts (person-days) per profile ,3 +"Terri Sipantzi of Precision Windsports, for the weight-shift control sample weight and loading diagram used in Chapter 4",9 +"point, the decimal point is spoken as “POINT.”",3 +djusted downward to stop the climb. ,9 +Voltage Drop in Aircraft Wire and Cable,7 +entry due to a mechanical and premature application ,3 +Safety switch ,3 +e il riferimento,9 +"Limitations, 5",9 +including a tenth section on safety and operational tips and ,9 +about one-eighth turn in the appropriate ,9 +"airborne, specify the actual or proposed departure",9 +") ISO standards are published in Geneva by the International Organisation for Standardisation, and are available on their ",1 +shape of the solid and the mass density of the air. ,3 +in the tender specifications and; ,3 + shall be entitled to invoice Europol for the Purchase Order / Specific Contract amount due. ,9 +"The provisions of R.A. 6395, otherwise known as the Revised Charter of National Power Corporation,",9 +the earth cause two kinds of atmospheric motion: convective ,9 +Contracting ,9 +"consists of the pressure fueling components, defueling ",9 +"The latest available bank statement was for July 2017, with a ",9 +〔平成二十四年九月十四日政令第二百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +"is thoroughly dry, the primer should be applied as soon as ",9 +can be put into service in accordance with Part 4 of the Medical Devices Regulations ,3 +Sequence diagrams. ,3 +make it a good conductor. ,9 +"""droit préexistant""",9 +Inspection of Retained Trees ,7 +content and meaning. ,9 +Other Considerations ,7 +into the drive shaft and the other end splines into the device ,9 +Rotorcraft Controls,7 +““the Kyoto Protocol Registry” means the registry administered on behalf of the United ,9 +CG location and range are specified in the rotorcraft,9 +ATC Instructions,7 +Article 2 – DURATION AND TERMINATION ,7 +Wind Movement,6 +s'il est établi que de fausses déclarations ont été faites ou que de fausses informations ,7 +Common oceanographic terminology.,7 +The Programme Board approves the High-Level Maintenance Plan. Often it is approved as ,9 +differences in handling between the types of rotor system ,9 +Information Datenschutz ,7 +be signed by or on behalf of the claimant; ,3 +Oberflächen für das Auftragen von,8 +locations on taxiways in the approach or departure ,9 +"Vi preghiamo di volerci restituire questa lettera d'ordine, debitamente firmata per ",9 +Afterlanding Off Field ,7 +Economizer System,7 +"""_________________________""",9 +§ 13 Sorgfaltspflichten bei Neukonten natürlicher Personen,7 +In case a preventive maintenance session has to be executed then the contractor ,9 +the purpose of the signature hereof represented by,9 +Stops the engine,3 +Check if the program can start up normally.,3 +two locations].,9 +Perform by implementing the best course of action ,3 +"documentation of applications, component systems, connections and integration ",3 +pilots are swayed from taking best courses of action when ,9 +Disposition des Fahrbetriebes;,3 +shortcoming before flight.,9 +end of the tube is sealed and connected to an arm that moves ,9 +The landing gear group for condition and attachment; ,3 +"Anerkennung ist zu widerrufen, wenn nachträglich eine der Voraussetzungen nach Absatz 2 weggefallen ist, die",9 +Article 33 - ,7 +Medical Service to enter Europol Premises. Visitors are not allowed to report to Europol Premises ,3 +nents. Power may be supplied directly to the component,9 +flowing back into the nacelle area. Cooling is important when ,9 +"Of more importance, and a point frequently missed by ",9 +Equipment Condition,7 +Image rights and sound recordings,7 +should be disregarded.,9 +"the promotion of inland waters fishery, as well as establishing basic matters ",3 +and therefore the Civil Aviation Authority and Department for Transport agree that flying should ,9 +"Produktionsanlagen feststellen,",8 +primary current is needed to fire the plug with the shielded ,9 +for the purpose of disapplying a prohibition in that jurisdiction which corresponds ,3 +still not considered a threat.,6 +"ions accruing to such fund, except upon written",9 +Retained apparatus: protection ,7 +"(iii) the outline of the results of analysis of the accident, etc. related to the ",3 +"the Consultant, suspend in whole or in part, payments due to the Consultant under the Contract: ",3 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +or incident.,9 +consideration of those representations by a panel may proceed as if the amendments made by these ,9 +"‘SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES’. ",9 +Delegation of the European Union ,7 +FLOOD CONTROL AND COASTAL EMERGENCIES ,7 +AJI Safety Engineering Team Manager ,3 +"the wing back, turning the aircraft back to its original path. ",9 +"сухостоя и валежника, очистка от колючих кустарников и растительности с",9 +"Microphones, sound, Laptop/PC, beamer ",7 +"ity, within or without its corporate limits;",9 +such units exist — one each for the forward glass of the pilot ,9 +barrel has matching right- and left-hand internal threads. The ,9 +behind the wave. ,9 +Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake),7 +"You should place the special registration number on your aircraft, and then notify the FAA in accordance ",0 +visibility and cloud clearance may be the only requirements ,9 +Average annual approaches to each runway,3 +contains certain additives that slow its rate of evaporation ,9 +"zero one two zero pacific or local,",9 +Requirements and Characteristics of ,7 +PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal ,7 +SCHEDULE 9 ,7 +—departure procedures ,9 +Trailing Edge and Transition Area Patch Repairs,7 +"8.2.2005, S. 1, L 50 vom 23.2.2008, S. 71), die zuletzt durch die Verordnung (EU) 2015/1905 (ABl. L 278",3 +at the desired indication. ,9 +an alternate means of navigation onboard if the computer ,9 +The ignition lead directs the electrical energy from the ,9 +"landing, the more the throttle reduction will be. A coordinated ",9 +Smoke canister projectors; ,3 +Classes of concrete ,7 +§ 10a Stellenzulage,7 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 +"been reached, is unable to take the measures required, the contracting authority or the ",3 +[Figure 5-17],9 +"the helicopter is hovering in a no-wind condition, rela-",9 +"Depending on the nature of the contractor's obligations, the contracting authority may ",9 +"Citation, commencement, extent and application ",7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +Oxygen Plumbing and Valves,7 +attività ,9 +"area-wide or local air quality modeling, and it will not increase the frequency or severity ",3 +‘‘(II) that is the subject of an application submitted ,9 +"compartments,",9 +"objects. Again, the pilot should look where he or she is going, ",9 +Objectives ,7 +Hardware failure modes.,3 +aufgeh. durch § 20 Satz 2 V 806-22-1-131 v. 13.10.2020 I 2166 mWv 1.8.2021,7 +activity is undertaken by the undertaker or by any person deriving title from the undertaker or by ,9 +as funds appropriated in Public Law 115–245 ‘‘for carrying out ,9 +Southerly Turning Errors ,7 +Die Fahrerlaubnisbehörde übermittelt der zuständigen Technischen Prüfstelle für den Kraftfahrzeugverkehr,9 +$_{t}$tack,6 +Off-Field Landing Without Injury,7 +"fail while in flight. At the same time, the unavailability ",3 +"169 73 Solna, Sweden ",6 +Alternate Navigation Planning,7 +be valid at that date.,9 +"forth in (b), and in the case of a hospital, etc. which does not carry out serum ",3 +GENERAL DIRECTIONS AND SPECIAL DIRECTIONS ,7 +necessary to screw both of the terminals an equal number of ,9 +satellite,9 +data is checked by reapplying the CRC algorithm prior to ,9 +Swell Face.,9 +обыкновенные,9 +does not relieve the pilot of any responsibility to,9 +[Function],9 +ended 31 March 2018 is indicated below:- ,9 +Using the receiver autonomous integ-,9 +"Article 39-26 Important matters specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, ",3 +places for the sale of,3 +Übersicht über forstliche Herkunftsgebiete,7 +durchgeführt werden. ,9 +"pencil, 6-inch ruler, hand tacking needle, heat gun, ",3 +Table 7-1. ,3 +"By using the meridians, direction from one point to another ",9 +"In a crosswind, the windward wing should be lowered ",9 +Assembling the Reserve System,7 +Indicators for training material/tutorials and customised coaching ,3 +lorsque les ,3 +bear and pay on demand the cost reasonably incurred by SGN in making good such ,3 +ernal-revenue officer.,9 +in no way implies that the tenderer has been successful.,7 +"breach of its intellectual property rights, the contractor is liable for the whole amount ",3 +§ 2a Inanspruchnahme der Familienpflegezeit,7 +A prompter: for speakers to read their speeches while looking at the camera (for hybrid and ,3 +Other Wing Features,7 +Analog Electronics,7 +drift toward or away from a line parallel to the intended,9 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Initial Piston Moving ,7 +"verpflichtet, durch Rechtsverordnung ohne Zustimmung des Bundesrates mit den Befugnissen, die für den",9 +being driven. Torsional vibrations are absorbed by the quill ,9 +Layout Method,7 +by striking the period at the end and inserting ,9 +adequately,9 +for propeller-driven aircraft generally extend from 600 feet ,9 +omitted to be done by him or her either in his or her official capacity or in his or her private capacity ,9 +"and computers, on which the American public still relies today; ",3 +to restrict pilots to operating only above an obscuring ,9 +cannot be turned off without also turning off the alternator.,9 +Central conductor,6 +Establishing and adjusting the wind correction angle ,3 +CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DU CONTRAT-CADRE DE SERVICES ,7 +of the tow plane may be lifted if the glider climbs too high. ,9 +the wing neatly packed and organized into the bag. After the ,9 +(See WAKE TURBULENCE.) ,9 +Instruction that integrates Single-Pilot Resource Management ,9 +"rudders to swing up or retract, and the pounding can",9 +notification stating the following matters in advance: ,3 +"available market information, Europol may ask the contractor for one or more additional offer(s) or to ",9 +soweit sie ihren Sitz in einem Vertragsstaat haben nach Feststellung dieses Vertragsstaates als Vertreter,3 +VISIBILITY ,6 +Simultaneous Close Parallel Precision Runway ,7 +possibility of structural movement or hidden failure.,3 +The pilot ,9 +resulting in a balance of control forces. ,9 +Figure 17-24. ,0 +towards Europol.,3 +〔昭和三十五年五月三十日政令第百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +"by any national public authority, including an authority from a third country. The contractor ",9 +"June 20, considered and passed Senate. ",1 +Ground tests and in-flight tests are used. Built-in test circuits ,9 +capacity of the balloon is contained within the appendage. ,9 +attitude by the instruments other than the attitude indicator.,9 +dwelling house; but when com,9 +"aerodynamics can be found at bookstores, libraries, and ",9 +Transitional provision ,7 +of the fuel nozzle and spray pattern as well as ,9 +"aircraft instruments, as well as to enhance the performance ",9 +der entsprechenden Leistungsverzeichnis-Position zu entnehmen. ,9 +Chord length,6 +Chart Limits,7 +"speaker’s words, allowing the learner to retain more of the information.$_{ }$",9 +Paint Touchup,7 +Objective of the initiative ,7 +zugelassen worden sein. Satz 1 gilt nicht,9 +"MARKING, CANOPY - STATEMENT OF USE:",7 +""": le(s) système(s) interne(s) utilisé(s) par les parties pour traiter les factures ",9 +mail address together with contact details in the request to participate/ tender and to check this ,9 +the compensation is to be estimated in connection with a purchase under that Act; or ,3 +Beleuchtung der Verkehrswege ,8 +Safety Planning for Acquisitions ,7 +Adjustment of wavelength for 5 nm sensitivity ,3 +properties stipulated are those that are best suited for storing ,9 +〔平成十七年十二月二日政令第三百五十八号〕,7 +Blind Bolts,7 +Resolution advisory (RA),6 +left eye. Move the page in closer and the airplane will ,3 +for a 12 volt lead-acid battery.,9 +(Transitional Measures Concerning Penal Provision) ,9 +Departures From Airports Without an ,7 +"tacts the water, creating more drag. This condition is",9 +To manage risk associated with any doubts about the aircraft’s ,6 +"revision date. If the AD involves recurring action, the ",3 +the entity denomination ,3 +issued operational approval including special condi-,9 +appropriate budgetary arrangements can be made in advance. ,3 +Continental/TCM Fuel-Injection System,7 +condition,9 +Tools and Maintenance Equipment ,7 +Shipment Type 3,7 +I.9. DATA CONTROLLER ,7 +"1,000 fpm/100-foot lead). ",9 +"relevant local governments, Fisheries Cooperative Association relating to sea ",3 +"Larry Jackson of Jackson Aircraft Weighing Service, for content and photographs used in Chapter 3",9 +demonstrate experience in social media strategy and campaigns. ,3 +Ignition lead capacitance increases the electrical energy ,9 +performance of the contract,9 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le contractant ,7 +の区域として病院及び診療所における入院に係る医療(第三十条の二十八の七に規,3 +MAIN PILOT CHUTE BRIDLE LINE OR DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 + Small wing-like horizontal surfaces mounted on ,9 +Protective plastic covering,6 +"day of __________, 191___.",9 +"Il/La firmatario/a dichiara che la suddetta persona è in grado di fornire, su richiesta e senza ",9 +Amendment to the Environment Act 1995 ,7 +Article 1 - ,7 +of temperature and humidity at various pressure altitudes are ,9 +Maintenance Work,7 +FLOOD CONTROL AND COASTAL EMERGENCIES ,7 +Add gasoline until the 50:1 ratio is reached. If using a ,3 +directional control and lowering the nose to a safe climb ,9 +Technical ,9 +The Cabinet,7 +Marine pollution contingency plan ,7 +"(ii) the outline of the accident, etc. related to the written accident report ",3 +Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA),7 +rotors for a helicopter. ,9 +SEC. 305. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES ON DISASTERS. ,7 +"RNAV (GPS) approaches, use of LNAV procedures are often ",9 +Airport Surface Detection Equipment,7 +DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,7 +database in and around critical airspace. Pilots using,9 +"holding fix, and the aircraft is at the prescribed",9 +"Public Works, there shall be detailed to the department a senior supervising",9 +BENDING LEAF,6 +Anlage 2 (zu § 1 Abs. 1 Forstsaat-Herkunftsgebietsverordnung),7 +"Periodic inspection of the shock mounts is required, and ",9 +accommodate special locking devices. A typical unit is shown ,9 +Scope of the services in LOT 3 ,7 +"If option 2 was used, it is necessary to replace the ",3 +Multiplikationsfaktor als Ergebnis der Regressionsanalyse,3 +Remove any tackings or clamps that hold the housings ,3 +"approach clearance is received, the pilot so advises",9 +Responsible body ,7 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +A piece of plywood glued to an aircraft ,9 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +Additional Weather Information ,7 +the lowest altitude.” Anyone can land from one foot above ,9 +Price and Estimated budget breakdown ,7 +operations).,9 +"RTCA DO-278A is process-oriented guidance, the review process must be integrated ",9 +reduction of rate of descent and may even in- ,9 +Blocked Static System,7 +"by the Revised Act (hereinafter referred to as the ""Old Act""); hereinafter the ",3 +Automatic Response Stage ,7 +site for use in maintaining roads and runways during ,9 +withdrawal) ,3 +Rahmenbedingungen forstwirtschaftlicher Produktion und Dienstleistungen; wirtschafts- und,3 +"DRAFT CONTRACT AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS, ",7 +the form of bypassing certain steps in the ICT Governance.,3 +CONFLICTING INTERESTS ,7 +system (FMS). The controllers process the information and ,9 +Ignition System ,7 +—(1) The Regulated Activities Order is amended as follows. ,9 +2020 No. 179 ,10 +Verpackung: ,3 +Balance sheet ,8 +"gas is stored for more than 3 weeks, octane value may fall ",9 +punished by a fine not exceeding ten thousand pesos or by imprisonment for a term,9 +State is to appoint a person to determine the appeal (“the appointed person”) and must ,3 +II.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA,7 +"aufgeführten Konten, wobei als Stichtag abweichend vom genannten 31. Dezember 2013 der 30. Juni 2014",3 +Responsibilities of the Parties to the Engagement ,7 +"and which are 24 metres or more in length, wherever they might be, and to non-United Kingdom ",9 +by any of international credit rating agencies. This financial guarantee must remain valid until it is ,3 +promotion,9 +法第三十条の四第二項第十七号に規定する基準病床数(以下「基準病,3 +II.26.2 Médiation ,7 +"""Article 21, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2)"" in Article 17, paragraph (1), ",3 +Description of the services LOT 3: COVID-19 vaccine-related studies in ,7 +under the FWC; and,3 +Ignition Harness,7 +the magnetos and other various parts of the ignition system ,9 +Convective Currents ,7 +reference is not safe. IFR flight depends upon flying by ,9 +I.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +"With the advancements in electronic databases, diverting to ",9 +Flächen sind der Anlage Baustelleneinrichtungsplan ersichtlich.,9 +voltages. The sine waves for these voltages are separated ,9 +Aerodromes: The airport beacon is out of service. ,8 +"Marine Management Organisation, MMO Lowestoft, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, ",3 + Setting Up the WSC Aircraft ,7 +that there is no significant weather within the,9 +"Bulletin,",9 +"the work. When the metal is started into the machine, the ",9 +RA Region (TCAS II only),6 +Российской Федерации от 16 ноября 2017 г. № 1116,9 +meaningful only if they understand them well enough to apply them correctly to real situations. If an experience challenges the ,9 +"Entscheidungen des Gerichts, die nicht Urteile sind, können ohne mündliche Verhandlung ergehen.",9 +is/are held to ,9 +"servicing of damaged sections, containment of loose material ",9 +zero indication.,9 +"Cadent a plan or plans and, if reasonably required by Cadent, a ground monitoring scheme in ",9 +crosswind with a steady 10-knot wind. The pilot also takes ,9 +"law, a statement of the date on which their commissions expire.",9 +pursuant to the Agreement]; ,3 +Modifier—denotes that the METAR/SPECI came from an automated source or that the report ,3 +Gemeinsame Angebote ,7 +En cas de difficulté personnelle ,7 +Presolo Knowledge Tests (page 10-19) ,7 +II.5.5. Authorised persons in e-PRIOR ,7 +"regions, as listed in the Second Schedule to this Constitution, the boundaries of which shall be ",9 +must not be used to indicate a flight is Non-RVSM.,9 +The tender(s) ranked first after applying the formula will be awarded the contract.,7 +"term for when two objects appear directly in line, one",9 +"of the New Act, deeming that they might cause a situation that hinders ",3 +of these forming machines are the slip roll former and the ,9 +"due to take place in accordance with the United Kingdom’s G7 Presidency, which commenced on ",9 +Edge Joints,7 +Lycoming 0-233 Series Light-Sport Aircraft Engine,7 +AUTONOMUS PASSIVE ACOUSTIC RECORDING SYSTEM ,8 +that threat.,9 +an airplane on the ground. ,9 +Additional guidance: ,7 +"head of Department, a vacancy in a position of any grade may be filled by the",9 +restrict the tow plane from towing duties and repair ,3 +Haftpflichtversicherung für ausländische Kraftfahrzeuge und Kraftfahrzeuganhänger besteht und wenn,3 +"der Feststellung der Einhaltung der zulässigen Minusabweichungen,",3 +generation source or the battery to the bus should not exceed ,9 +perception,9 +the particular make/model of engine for primary use. ,9 +Small Multiengine (Reciprocating) Aircraft Fuel ,7 +Decision-Making ,7 +off values from charts to a more conservative figure. ,9 +being in the sun and exposed to the elements. ,9 +II.13.7. Moral rights of creators ,7 +le deuxième pour les travaux d'adaptations.,3 +Opening of tenders,7 +drahtlosen Produktion beschränkt.,3 +ensure that their submitted tenders,9 +produce the required directional stability at ,9 +Airport Surface Detection Equipment,7 +"Thus, pressure ",9 +"contract manager, who has to fulfil the same experience requirements. ",3 +"After a while, the crew should proceed to a point estimated ",9 +"In fact, the rate of climb ",9 +"environment, and operation combine to affect the flight.",6 +Responsibilities of the Parties to the Engagement ,7 +Sources of Operating Air,7 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +für Hamburg,8 +Der Ministerrat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik,7 +"not extend out, then support the aft end of the keel to lift the ",9 +" Summarize how the software lifecycle has unfolded, and explain ",3 +for course reversal in some procedures. ,9 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +"while solution development takes place. Setting baselines of requirements, design, production, ",9 +Of the amounts made available for ‘‘Federal Aviation Adminis-,9 +FAA’s automated web authorization tool at least one hour,9 +"planning purposes, while published landing minimums ",9 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +"taxes, customs and import duties and levies and/or charges having",3 +FLIGHT CONTROLS,7 +Digital Electronics ,7 +completely closed.,3 +"In consideration for performing the Services, the Service Provider shall be paid at [a daily/hourly rate ",3 +post above. ,9 +"Prüfauftragsart (Ersterteilung, Erweiterung, Umschreibung, Neuerteilung),",3 +"communication radios, this is noticeable as audible noise. ",9 +"flying into Canada as depicted in Figure 2-67, notice the ",9 +in airspeed. ,9 +Suspension by the contractor ,7 +Regulations specify minimum equipment for filing an IFR ,9 +is superimposed on the attitude indicator. Other ,3 +SCHEDULE 7 ,7 +How will the change be used/function in the NAS?,3 +"If any of the declarations or information provided proves to be false, EFSA may impose ",9 +"needs (including any regulatory challenges), and support ",9 +langues des pays candidats; ,3 +to supply the database for that new avionics platform. It ,9 +together with activities planned under the umbrella of environmental risk assessment. ,3 +ELECTION CRITERIA,7 +] concluded between the contracting authority and [,7 +"A duplicate AC Form 8050-64, together with your ",9 +cycle system.,0 + Carriage Moments,7 +(三)滨海湿地,是指低潮时水深浅于六米的水域及其沿岸浸湿地带,包,9 +"The operator, [Name], is authorized in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations ",9 +APPENDIX D$_{ }$,5 +User-Defined Waypoints ,7 +those connected supplies are made by different suppliers.”. ,3 +Rigger—mains ,3 +Some aviation facilities offer dynamic balancing of aircraft ,9 +"and Industry No. 43 of September 30, 1986] ",7 +considered complete when the associated initial transition criteria are satisfied. The software ,9 +Electronic Flight Computers,7 +Flight Instructor Characteristics and ,7 +"Joint Rescue, Hawaii, 6",9 +be thoroughly mixed. This is done so that any pigment that ,9 +"Direct Communications, Controllers and",7 +"If bonding a precured patch, place the thermocouple ",3 +Responsibilities of the Parties to the Engagement ,7 +(Mehrfachnennung,8 +II.13.10 Visibility of Centre funding and disclaimer ,7 +This manual contains the fundamentals required in,9 +Taking of Forest Products by Unlicensed Person to,9 +This Order confers power on NHS trusts to scrutinise any deaths in England (whether or not the ,9 + National Security Areas (NSAs),7 +Zweites Ausbildungsjahr,7 +"of the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, the provisions then in force remain ",3 +Efficiency AC/AC: min 90%,3 +"moment to reflect upon your current medical, physi",9 +Runway Marking Elements,0 +"missed approach, vehicles and aircraft are not",9 +up pressure bleeding. Brakes are bled when the pedals feel ,9 +the different types of canopy deployment devices were ,9 +is sprayed into the combustion chamber and ignited. As the ,9 +beantragen. Die bisherige Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I ist einzuziehen. Die Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil,9 +607 901 as at 1 March 2018. ,3 +Procedure Turns,7 +obligatoires. Une ,3 +time and manner in which provincial treasurers shall canvass,3 +ambulance services. ,9 +direction.,9 +becomes airborne.,9 +"fine, or to both. ",3 +sees more white than red lights; and “below path” if ,9 +(iii) at all times when P is not self-isolating P remains in isolation with domestic elite ,3 +"Calculation of the costs (incl. travel, overheads, consumables and any other related costs) ",7 +information,3 +and pipelines.,3 +Article 31 Provisional acceptance ,7 +Poor Adhesion,7 +Förderkommissionen,7 +"As the helicopter accelerates in forward flight, induced flow ",9 +Article 33 to 41 under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 to: ,9 +Principal powers ,7 +UNDERTAKING,7 +be shortened by mutual ,3 +§ 11 Untersuchungsbefugnisse,7 +"Article 30-28 Diseases specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and ",3 +"[1698-15, 27.]",9 +sideslip and increasing airspeed to improve ,9 +Two control lines controlled at the risers are used to maneuver the canopy. Each control line ,3 +pproach. Major federal ,9 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +Citation and commencement ,3 +"площадок,",9 +Shipping Act 1995. ,3 +Blocks of Learning ,7 + Thrust Required for Increases in Speed,7 +Area Chart (TAC). [Figure 2-24A and B] ,9 +acceptable means of controlling or monitoring electrical ,9 +"have powers of representation, decision or control, including legal and natural persons within the ownership ",9 +TIMETABLE FOR TENDER PROCEDURE ,7 +any drain or works vested in Thames Water under the Water Industry Act 1991; and ,3 +"benevolent, or educational cha",9 +Zeitrahmen 6: Funktionsprüfungen und Einstellarbeiten,7 +durch Private (Fernstraßenbauprivatfinanzierungsgesetz -,10 +"Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare of the rules before commencing ",3 +Square Canopy,6 +Chromium standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Cr in nitric ,8 +Specific provision related to reimbursement of expenses for shipment of Goods ,7 +Availability and reliability of both hardware and software,3 +"Disposer d’un moyen de communication (GSM, Talkie Walkie, etc…) pour avertir les ",3 +requirement,6 +each end.,0 +Requirements for Scenarios ,7 +should fly a compass heading of 123°.,9 +SCHEME TO BE REVOKED ,7 +accompanied by all the applications presented by persons desirous of appointment.,9 +for Economic Operators where you will find: ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 108 of April 25, 1960] ",7 +"Ministerial Order"") does not apply for three months from the day of ",9 +to conduct inspections for contamination with radioisotopes; ,3 +Specific tendering information for this procedure ,7 +Continuous ,8 +Date concreted and date driven ,3 +及び四三から四五までの項の中欄に掲げる貨物を除く。)の」と、第四条第二項第二,3 +moderate speed aircraft. Topographic information includes ,9 +"Fournitures,",7 +"The judge, in deciding the matter at issue, may consider only— ",9 +"In the wastewater treatment plant, the number of vertical test borings shall be a minimum of 10 and ",9 +"ein Verlust oder ein unberechtigter Zugriff ausgeschlossen ist. Zu diesem Zweck müssen Papierhersteller,",9 +"is not understanding decision-making, but one of attitude.",9 +Changing the pitch attitude before it is necessary. This ,3 +Parliament; ,3 +operating in the performance realm on the chart that is,9 +Propeller Overhaul,7 +KSI When re-heat treated,6 +II.13.8. Image rights and sound recordings,7 +STARs depict prescribed routes to transition the instrument ,9 +Early or late valve timing,3 +Instrument Weather Flying,7 +regulations. The contractor shall indemnify the contracting authority against any claims ,3 +The criterion is applied to: ,7 +Übersicht über forstliche Herkunftsgebiete,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 264 of October 11, 1980]",7 +Gravitational force on a mass.,9 +percent of the regulated voltage when the generator is ,9 +EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 + A process of strain-relieving steel that has been ,9 +metres where the diameter of the apparatus is between 451 and 750 millimetres; and ,3 +Gas Cylinders,7 +Selection phase ,7 +"Airspeed, vertical speed ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of September 1, 1959] ",7 +bleed open (percent N$_{1}$),3 +"Rahmenplan für den klassenspezifischen Zusatzstoff in den Klassen A, A2, A1 (4 Doppelstunden), in",7 +the Government of th,9 +riguarda la ,9 +cemeteries and governing funerals and the disposal of the dead.,3 +Tools and Maintenance Equipment ,7 +"and the approving authority. At the bottom center, the ",9 +"pertain, and time shall be allowed for the performance of such duties during office",9 +"contractors' activities, their internal ",9 +Anlage 2 (zu § 1 Abs. 1 Forstsaat-Herkunftsgebietsverordnung),7 +lingue dei paesi candidati; ,3 +"Zugang zu sonstigen Aufzeichnungen und deren Auswertung,",3 +etc. pour faciliter la connexion de machine à machine. Ce document est mis à jour régulièrement; ,9 +"out: livestock gathered under a tree, standing water, ",3 +Botswana Housing Corporation ,7 +portion of flight in which the most injuries occur. ,9 +"In the Acknowledgements (page v), the web address for the Soaring Society of America, ",3 +EN-c4f_annexiitechspeciiitechoffer_en.docx,4 +"the right of access and rectification of data subjects, the right of recourse to the ",3 +Since she finds no problems with the aircraft’s mechanical ,6 +"on the edge). Then, the remaining edges are squared by ",9 +"flight, then airway instructions are listed.",9 +and precision distance measuring equipment.,9 +speichern:,9 +information bravo and request radar traffic information.,9 +separating certain military training activity from IFR ,9 +"Die Anerkennung ist zurückzunehmen, wenn eine der Voraussetzungen im Zeitpunkt ihrer Bestätigung",9 +In-Flight Test ,7 +Beschleunigtes Zusammenlegungsverfahren,7 +"turn, the bank angle should be shallow with no ",9 +No person who shows that he or she has been tried by a competent court for a criminal ,9 +0066 00-3/(4 Blank) ,4 +Reserve Static Lines (RSLs) ,7 +up-side flows to the hydraulic system return manifold through ,9 +"DELTA, AR=4.0,X=O ",7 +PRICE REVISION ,7 +RPM adjustment,6 +downwind side of the road and must be shallowed gradually ,9 +lever”) is located on the left side of the pilot’s seat and is ,9 +rod artist and freeway Grand Prix contender ,9 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +multiengine aircraft. Some of the functions listed below are ,9 +die Inbetriebnahme eines Fahrzeugs nicht anordnen oder zulassen.,3 +especially in flat lighting situations. ,9 +"the manner of their construction or renewal including details of excavation, positioning of ",3 +and the action taken thereon.,9 +elementary.,9 +indicators can be read.,9 +Award criteria ,7 +Floating Waypoints ,7 +Quality standards ,7 +Forecast sky condition ..........................................13-9,8 +は、エックス線管焦点から一メートルの距離において、〇・二五ミリグレイ毎時,3 +Title of Chapter,7 +"as added by subsection (a). Each report shall include, with respect ",9 +Points for profile “Senior expert”,3 +Перерыв между сменами в летнее время для проведения генеральной,9 +Staged adjustment for stirring and temperature ,3 +SPACE-BASED ADS-B (SBA)- A constellation of ,9 +SEVERABILITY ,7 +"detected by the radar. However, when echoes are",9 +a plate or a truss as shown in ,9 +to yaw to the right.,9 +"This table applies to national-level NAS changes only. For local changes, refer to",3 +Introduction ,7 +"rear of the engine, where it is exhausted to the outside ",3 +instrumentation in a fixed shaft turboprop ,9 +"the prefectural governor pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (1) ",3 +Article 3 With regard to the application of penal provision to acts committed ,9 + nur für alle Lose (alle Lose müssen angeboten werden) ,6 +Ground-based Facilities,7 +"Nachunternehmen ist auf gesondertes Verlangen nachzuweisen, dass diese präqualifiziert sind oder die",9 +"Parks, and Forest Service Areas",7 +"Soweit Wärmeverteilungs- und Warmwasserleitungen an Außenluft grenzen, sind",9 += conversion factor from minutes to hours. ,9 +Common-Base Amplifier ,7 +Section 3 Measures for Revitalization of Fishing Ground Environment in ,7 +Nearest Airports Using the PFD,7 +expense incurred in reaching his new permanent station or place where he is,9 +"гуманитарные,",9 +Radio equipment ,3 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 +Final Business Case ,7 +Sequence for construction ,7 +Standard Terminal Arrival Routes,7 +Suspension par le contractant ,7 +access to all the lifecycle data as well as a schedule to ensure the necessary documents are ,9 +Botswana and is domiciled in Botswana on the date on which he or she applies for ,3 +Feststellungen,3 +a summary of the desired qualities of instructional aids. ,9 +the unique vortex generators on a Symphony SA-160 wing.,9 +surfaces and can result in a repair failure during service. A ,9 +Specific Contract(s),3 +insert title and number,7 +"As you continue to look at the airplane, keep moving ",3 +"the aerodynamic principles and explain how stalls affect flight characteristics. Then, carefully describe the physical sensations to be ",9 +"Where the distance by rail exceeds 400 km, or where the route includes a sea crossing, the ",3 +concentration of air traffic.,9 +equipage. No such credit exists for SV. ,9 +"Hierzu kann der Bau, die Erhaltung, der Betrieb und die Finanzierung von Bundesfernstraßen Privaten zur",9 +§ 22a Abweichendes Verfahren bei Elektronischem Prüfauftrag und Vorläufigem Nachweis der,7 +Ground Support Equipment ,7 +An inherent quality of rotating ,9 +of the engine. Specific engine instruments are discussed in ,9 +I.1.2. Currency ,7 +five tons gross ,9 +CLARIFICATION No: 1,7 +attempt to conserve energy.,9 +erfolgen Warenlieferungen frei Haus,9 +Air Quality Assessment Protocol ,7 +in paragrap,3 +[1397-18.],9 +Manager or General Manager ,8 +Submission phase (before the time-limit for receipt of tenders) ,7 +Media channels to be identified ,7 +"cleared by security information (e.g. name/address of servers, passwords), is published in ",9 +Use of Power,7 +"and Police, may either let the contract to a private contractor or proceed to execute",9 +between the aircraft’s glide slope antenna and the,9 +this contract and from the intention of the parties; ,3 +verified.,9 +Checklist of Pages,7 +Vertical Gusts During High-Speed Cruise,7 +AIRPORT ROTATING BEACON- A visual ,9 +Abschnitt 9,7 +"canopy failure, and inadvertent encounter with instrument ",9 +training on a regular basis. The FAA has approximately ,9 +toute modification de la situation déclarée. ,7 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +"inflated, it is a",9 +"Cet échange se fait au moyen de services web, avec une connexion de machine à machine entre les ",9 +"d person, which shall be in accord with his efficiency and",9 +Contacts during the procurement procedure. ,7 +When a VFR flight is positioned behind a,9 +diameter from less than 84 inches to more than 112 inches. ,9 +Subject of the Engagement ,7 +Instrument Housings and Handling,7 +NAV WPN CEN or NAV ,8 +Delegation of the European Union ,7 +for the township treasurer.,9 +Pitot/Static Instruments,7 + Direct current whose voltage periodically ,9 +initiated and will take the aircraft off a previously,9 +"bolts, and screws, and verify security of gearbox to",3 +"however, they are not normally used in areas of heavy",9 +controller has the pilot copy the entire text of the procedure.,9 +Responsibilities,7 +‘‘(2) REFERENCE OF CERTAIN MASTER FILES.—In the case ,9 +ELETTRONICA ,7 +Southerly Turning Errors,7 +vinces of Lepanto and Amburayan in,9 +Partial revocation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 ,7 +V520 (even),6 +Fuel/Oil/Air,6 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL ,7 +be further defined in this FWC as a deliverable. A ,9 +—digital facsimile ,9 +"When, after 7 days, an overdue aircraft is",9 +"For example, Beverly enters the steep turn and again struggles to achieve the desired bank angle. Still working on the bank angle, she ",9 +"and Industry as being likely to be used for the development, manufacture, ",3 +A146 Normanston Drive ,7 +of entry too rapid. The error occurs during the turn ,3 +"оборудования,",9 +"helicopter operators or bases, and nearby manned",9 +two surfaces within the vacuum are silvered to reflect heat ,9 +"Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System, 4",9 +repair area. Prepare the prepreg repair plies in a controlled-,9 + .................................................2-17,8 +abschließenden,9 +"при осуществлении деятельности, предусмотренной пунктом 1.1 Правил (далее",9 +because it does not comply with the FWC; ,3 +"Regulation (EU) 2016/679,",9 +Vertragslaufzeit / Termine ,7 +diritto di autorizzare o dare in licenza a terzi i modi di sfruttamento di cui alle lettere ,9 +II.17.2. Suspension by the contracting authority ,7 +Page 4 of 18,4 +I.5.2. Interim payments ,7 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +Figure 9-76. ,0 +by means of receipt information as prescribed in paragraph (iii) of the said ,3 +§ 14 Sorgfaltspflichten bei bestehenden Konten von Rechtsträgern,7 +Le contractant (ou chef de file dans le cas d'une offre conjointe) doit présenter une facture pour ,9 +tending the flaps will cause these. changes to ,9 +Square Canopy—Crossport Repair,7 +and the oscillation is in progress. The transistor base becomes ,9 +Warning Areas ,7 +Radio Equipment ,7 +"trade organization composed of parachute manufacturers, ",9 +required with increased velocity. ,9 +(3)の洗浄設備の排水管が排水設備に連結していること。,3 +Replacement of the 3-ring housings may be necessary due ,9 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +"the aircraft, can alter fuel management logistics in addition ",9 +PROCÉDURE D’EVACUATION ,7 +"course, contact the FAA Accident Prevention Specialist for ",9 +"Comments regarding this publication should be sent, in email form, to the following address: 9-AWA-AFS400-Coord@ ",9 +Perfect the ability to control the aircraft subconsciously ,3 +"The tenderer may rely on the capacities of other entities, regardless of the legal nature of the links which ",9 +bank—controlling the total attitude instead of one ,3 +Pressure-differenoe ,9 +"Image file or .pdf, as a scan of the original document signed, stamped and dated (amounts ",3 +être approuvé par le Secrétariat.,3 +"of flow, thus avoiding the energy loss caused by turns. The ",9 +"fairings, and cowling. The entire aircraft must then be cleaned ",9 +"cables, or protection devices.",9 +The Councils and Secretary,7 +are subject to plate damage due to freezing of the electrolyte. ,9 +Throttle Control,7 +– ELEMENTI DI PROVA AI FINI DELLA SELEZIONE ,7 +Other Wing Features,7 +§ 11 Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I,7 +Amendment of the School Information (England) Regulations 2008 ,7 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Sport Piggyback System,7 +Downgraded instrument flight rule (IFR) landing minima,3 +I.13.2. DUVRI – Documento unico di valutazione rischi interferenziali ,7 +been placed in the Libraries of both Houses of Parliament. ,9 +"configuration of software, consultancy, project management, training, transport, storage and support (on-",9 +"Commission,",3 +Legacy System SRM,3 +the recommendations of the coating manufacturer. ,9 +Rigging fixtures and templates are special tools (gauges) ,9 +Capacitance afterfiring. ,9 +Floating Waypoints ,7 +Conditions ,7 +Sample Problem 1 ,7 +turn during the start of the maneuver.,3 +Panel factory test ,7 +vehicles (compared to vehicle baths) and were subject to improper application by ,9 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +imposed in order to: ,9 +- verification,9 +"place after replacing the flap. A slower method, ",3 +Additional travel costs such as costs for local public transport and/or taxi will be covered by the ,3 +precautionary measures:,9 +"When a roll-off test is conducted, the helmet does not come off ",9 +"runway visual range of not less than 1,800 feet.",3 +prior to the JRC Secretariat’s cut-off date for the FID. ,9 +"nur möglichen Maßnahmen getroffen, um den Radioastronomiefunkdienst vor Störungen zu schützen.",9 +municipal funds shall be made by the municipal treasurer upon properly executed,9 +die Informationen,3 +nontrajectory altering uplink messages.,9 +Subject: Supply of Equipment for Final Stop Before Climbing the Ladder: Mantar Cultivation and Technology Commercialization ,7 +systems. They are the airmanship abilities that are gained ,9 +は、がん、脳卒中、心筋梗塞等の心血管疾患、糖尿病及び精神疾患とする。,3 +This Order amends the Export Control Order 2008 (S.I. 2008/3231) (“the 2008 Order”). ,9 +Night Blind Spot ,7 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +or municipalities,3 +II.4.1.10 Certificate of conformity ,7 +contravention of a relevant prohibition; ,9 +Reducing Radio Interference,7 +rotor system.,9 +port as the pressure may damage the lead and cause ,3 +"Composed of the municipalities of Asingan, Balungao, Natividad, Rosales, San",9 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +Figure 6-2. ,0 +the aircraft stabilizes at a constant airspeed and constant rate ,9 +RELATIVE WIND,7 +equipment to produce a successful weld. Before attempting ,9 +to create a unified effort against accidents and tip the safety ,9 +"the bag. When setting up the wing, pay close attention to ",9 +"when cleared to do so by ATC, descent below the",9 +@\i\Z_ele^ [\j Utid\[liZ_^Xe^jbf\]]`q`\ek\e€,9 +Airway/Route Depiction ,7 +use of his site employees. The Contractor shall ensure that his employees do not at any time loiter ,9 +"io, Plaza Moraga, Plaza Cervantes, and that",9 +Anti-icing/deicing equipment is frequently installed on ,9 +PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal ,7 +incorporate tricycle landing gear. As with fixed wing,9 +"media posts and content, visuals and HWC newsletters. ",3 +エックス線装置等の防護,7 +The blower building shall be provided,9 +oscillation increases because the engine is adding power ,9 +Peace — Annual Report of Justice,9 +and hosts PRM training materials for download or viewing ,9 +Verify ignition coils/electronic boxes for secure ,3 +instrument approach or entering downwind for a VFR,9 +"section 180(1) of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014(",9 +accordance with ECHA’s Integrated Management System (IMS) (see,3 +other aircraft in close proximity. The TCAS computer alerts the pilot as to the presence of an intruder aircraft and displays the aircraft on ,0 +Warranted Provision ,7 +〔平成十七年十二月二日政令第三百五十八号〕,7 +The entity should explain when and in which conditions the support would apply.,9 +Quality of the Tender,7 +"penstock is open, otherwise it shall work as overflow. Operation of the penstocks shall be controlled ",9 +an approved (certificated) parachute and are a critical part ,9 +Drill Bushings and Guides,7 +Idle Mixture,7 +appropriate—what learners are to do as evidence of their mastery of targeted content and skills ,3 +The price score will be calculated according to the below formulas: ,9 +“true” must be added when it applies.,9 +enforcement of the Act and this Cabinet Order. ,3 +technique is that the balloon can be kept stable in fairly gusty ,9 +"from the record of the case or elsewhere as he or she may require, to be considered at ",9 +Zugang zu den Ergebnissen von Untersuchungen der am Betrieb des Luftfahrzeugs beteiligten Personen,3 +with the runway surface is lost. This is known as dynamic ,9 +FWC Phase-in,7 +Manual Descent Calculations,7 +identify the,9 +"In plain language, the controller is advising aircraft arriving ",9 +of any existing violation; or ,3 +Coaxial cable is used as the transmission line between an antenna and its transmitters and/or receiver. ,0 +the decision becomes enforceable the day after the time limit for submitting observations has ,9 +Schätzgleichungen zur Berechnung des Energiegehaltes von Mischfuttermitteln,7 +Brake alignment with two test strips bent at 90°. ,0 +Pre-cast units for kerbs and surface drainage ,7 +"By determining the amount of drift, the pilot can counteract ",9 +descent may be commenced. The FAP serves as the ,9 +an Bord des ausgeflaggten Seeschiffes ständig besetzt zu halten. Der in Satz 1 maßgebliche Zeitraum beginnt,9 +Defective fuel-injection nozzle ,3 +"following paragraphs, ten pesos.",9 +AC Synchro Systems,7 +in the case of a person who does not have a residence in Botswana but is able to register ,3 +* Water distribution pipes (including fire water distribution) ,3 +Place hand on canopy approximately 10-inches from suspension lines. Grasp canopy at suspension ,3 +Kettering and Wellingborough; ,9 +during landing. ,9 +L'Union acquiert les droits exclusifs suivants: ,9 +Ensure that fingers and loose clothing are clear of the rolls ,9 +"II.18.2, the",9 +eindeutig angegeben werden und es muss ein Rechtsträger (das „federführende Unternehmen“) als ,9 + Basic Pilot Eligibility,7 +Non-approved or non-certificated parachutes are generally ,9 +As the pilot becomes experienced in performing turns ,9 +determine ,9 +II.20.4. Überweisungskosten ,7 +e Philippine Health Service.,9 +"of the data subject. In respect of automated data processing, the ",3 +PROPOSED (Z),6 + Der Rechnungshof verfügt für die Zwecke von Kontrollen und Audits über dieselben ,3 +Our IFR emergency procedure is to..............................,6 +〔平成二十九年三月二十三日政令第四十号〕〔抄〕,7 +stream is very fine grain turbulence and produces relatively ,9 +Details of licensed marine activities ,7 +"Aug. 21, 2019 ",9 +will be no closer than 5 miles from the landing ,9 +An ARTCC is divided into sectors. Each,9 +"A tenderer (or a member of the group in case of joint tender, or a subcontractor) is not required to submit ",9 +briefing.,9 +"For an engine to develop maximum power at full throttle, the ",9 +EFVS Operations in Rotorcraft. ,9 +"witnesses, and for this purpose may, by subpoena, summon witnesses to appear",9 +"and Industry No. 92 of December 10, 1983] ",7 +] delivered as part of the Framework contract ,7 +планшета. Освещение не должно создавать бликов на поверхности экрана.,9 +Open call for tender (with three (3) Lots) ,3 +(Effective Date) ,9 +Remove the binding from the tongue area by unpicking ,3 +"From the manifold, flexible hoses connect the vacuum-",9 +Engine control,6 +detected by closely cross-checking the other bank,9 +"than a wingspan apart, drifting with the wind, at",9 +Anti-Skid System Maintenance,7 +the primary sludge pump. A means of control on sludge suction from the each individual clarifier shall ,9 +standard IAP being used. ATC provides the pilot with the ,9 +"Kundenorientierte Kommunikation,",3 +ing light seems higher than the dark area surrounding,9 +of the removal of the same from the forest.,9 +REPAIR PARTS LIST ,7 +Annex 1. Title ,7 +found in most airframe repair shops. It can be used to ,9 +of the troposphere is the tropopause. It is characterized as a ,9 +Chemical Rain Repellant,7 +REMARKS section (Field 18) while not removing,9 +Dispersion Modeling Methods ,7 +"no salary, except such as he may be",9 +rotational relative wind. This airflow is characterized as ,9 +Other Considerations ,7 +Landing—Stuck Neutral or Right Pedal ,7 +evaluate and,9 +"the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). The CFR, AIM, this handbook, AC 00-2.15, Advisory Circular Checklist, which ",9 +"larger size. Also, if the rivet is not removed properly, the ",9 +radio communication during the final stages of the ,9 +Remove pushpins securing canopy to repair table and secure patch by stitching according to the ,3 +Page 31 of 76 ,4 +PROCÉDURE D’EVACUATION ,7 +"metrically near the wing root, a decrease ",9 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +Deadlines. ,9 +"remedies under the contract, be entitled to recover from the contractor any loss it has ",3 +химической,9 +geltenden Gesetz.,9 +powers and duties of its members.,3 + Ground Effect,7 +for tire inspection and repair. Tires must only be repaired ,9 +Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation,7 +"certificates of deposit, except t",9 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 363 of December 6, 2002]",7 +operating conditions is similar to that of the ,9 +time for the airspeed to change. If the pitch attitude has been ,9 +"the way of moving vessels, and in water deep enough",9 +inputs and outputs to successfully engage in the tasks and services to be provided. ,9 +Determine the extent of the damaged area and unpick ,3 + Navigation Instruments ,7 +Warning Areas ,7 +I.14.3 Liability for alleged breach of intellectual property rights ,7 +Shipment Type 2,3 +the ball with pedal trim. Torque correction pressures,9 +The changes that require AOV approval are listed in FAA Order 1100.161.,3 +ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT ,7 +共同で協議会(以下この条において単に「協議会」という。)を組織することができ,3 +to check it regularly. ,9 +"provides information such as altitude, indicated airspeed, ",9 +GPS Familiarization,7 +Minimum Factors ,7 +THROUGH DISC ,6 +"Cross-port openings are placed in the ribs of each cell, ",9 +him and he shall be allowed not less than three,9 +"800B glider."" ",3 +USTIFICATIFS AUX FINS DE LA SELECTION,7 +other than a laboratory which processes tests provided by the test provider for the ,9 +"When the work involves the construction or repair of a lighthouse, or of a",9 +"Procedure for giving, amending or revoking general directions ",3 +"First, a higher altitude gives you more clearance",9 +Федерации от 6 декабря 2017 г. № 1181 (зарегистрирован Министерством,9 +"green, red, and yellow ranges for the safe operation of the ",9 +-36 192 424 ,8 +及び四三から四五までの項の中欄に掲げる貨物を除く。)の」と、第四条第二項第二,3 +"SNL (Scenarios 1 and 2). The presented solutions must include a breakdown of costs, to be provided as an ",9 +Contracts for Public Works,7 +Article 1 – SUBJECT MATTER; PERFORMANCE ,7 +〔平成十七年十二月二日政令第三百五十八号〕,7 +is sometimes called an economizer or a power compensator.,9 +ILS localizer and the additional factors listed below,9 +"are submitted as variants, when the specifications do not authorise them; ",3 +ンターネットの利用その他適切な方法により公表するものとする。,3 +"acetaldehyde, acrolein, polycyclic organic matter (POM), naphthalene, and diesel PM. ",9 +has met the requirements of 14 CFR Section 61.95.,9 +fan controlled from the cockpit supplies a steady stream of ,9 +contract.,6 +"examination, failed to obtain a rating of fifty per centum therein. ""Surveyors",9 +[Annex to be completed by the Contractor] ,9 +Group leader,9 +volcanic ash. Every attempt should be made to remain,9 +taken as extending 0.2 of maximum radius from axis of the shaft. ,3 +Wind direction and velocity are assessed as a medium risk ,9 +VFR and IFR. ,0 +"pencil, 6-inch ruler, pin board, straight pins, patching ",3 +"simple and straightforward, unlike the analog instruments ",9 +Transportation Conformity ,7 +"Guardhouse, Mechanical and Electrical Workshops, MCC rooms etc. Handset receivers shall also be ",9 +(iv) the construction of piles and pile caps supporting the abutment and pier; and ,3 +and also provides subject matter experts for FAA,9 +Final ISPD ,7 +Limitations on Procedure Turns,7 +Règlement des litiges ,7 +生产安全事故的应急救援与调查处理 ,7 +Amendment of Schedule 3 ,7 +"of appeal referred under Rule 60A(1), must decide whether the grounds of the appeal are ",9 +diesem Gesetz oder den auf ihm beruhenden Rechtsverordnungen obliegen.,3 +if he or she ceases to be a Member of the Assembly otherwise ,3 +eedles maintain a constant indication of altitude. If the ,9 +La zone de travail doit être délimitée par un balisage afin de protéger les tiers contre la ,3 +"and Industry No. 67 of November 5, 1987] ",7 +Requirement g),3 +the FAA website at www.faa.gov. ,3 +oder Fischereierzeugnissen auf jeder Handelsstufe - ausgenommen im Falle der Abgabe an den,3 +=88.4 feet per second=60.3 miles per hour. ,2 +Placing the Special Registration,7 +Salt and Sand Piles ,7 +surface. The round out is executed at a rate ,9 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +verwahrt werden.,3 +They should be no less than ,9 +Troubleshooting and repairing broken circuits,3 +Conduct the Review ,7 +"party provide irrevocable collateral security, or stand as first-call guarantor of the ",3 +"depend on the aircraft type and the designated category of an aircraft operation (e.g., passenger, ",9 +Obtaining Weather Information,7 +Reciprocating Engine Exhaust Systems,7 +United Arab Emirates. ,3 +Its symbol is ,3 +Application of Part 1 of the 1965 Act ,7 +Old type zinc chromate primer may be used directly for ,3 +Figure 4-77. ,0 +7-4$^{Tip section}$,4 +Check Valves,7 +of 300 feet or more. If flight in these conditions cannot be ,9 +Installation of cables ,7 +© VHB Bayern - Stand Dezember 2019 ,4 +Takeoff (EPR) is 1.50 +0.01/−0.00 EPR,3 +Technical galleries and technical channels shall be reinforced concrete and shall be designed and constructed in ,9 +Baustrom / Bauwasser ,7 +Specific provisions related to the supply of goods ,7 +Principle of Operation,7 +K-3 thru K-10 ,6 +Weather Conditions,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 346 of November 7, 2016] ",7 +plete its work and adjourn on or before the,9 +Runway Location Sign.,9 +protection class IP68. The level transmitter shall provide the PLC with a 4-20 mA level proportional signal and ,9 +to the applied torque. ,9 +0050 00-10 ,4 +Power to override easements and other rights ,7 +"die Bundesflagge nach § 2 führen dürfen und für die ein Schiffszertifikat, Schiffsvorzertifikat oder",3 +wind correction angle.,9 +"relevant local governments, Fisheries Cooperative Association relating to sea ",3 +Parachute,9 +Reformationstag,9 +In-Flight Test ,7 +"railways” (Ukrzaliznytsia),",9 +由依照本法规定行使海洋环境监督管理权的部门代表国家对责任者提出损害赔偿要,9 + — Subject to the,9 +flying can result in life-threatening errors. Hypoxia can be ,9 +"(10 points, minimum threshold ",3 +病院、診療所及び助産所の開設,7 +An approved official business of the Federal ,3 +placed on a chip to create the digital logic landscape through ,9 +"Without prejudice to Article 32 (warranty obligations) and Article 38 (force majeure), the ",9 +List of consumables. ,3 +"risk management: Perceive, Process, Perform with the PAVE, ",9 +Starting an engine by rotating the propeller ,9 +Compliance ,3 +法第五十五条の三第二項に規定する政令で定める事項は、次に掲げる事項とする。,3 +"Seattle, WA.",9 +failed to supply that information; ,3 +Airspeed Indicator (ASI),7 +"allows part of the tank to be used as a reserve, or standby, ",9 +Communications,7 +speed of sound. If it encounters an obstruction (a valve ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 244 of August 27, 1973]",7 +the straight-line ground,9 +Earth’s Horizontal Plane,6 +procedure turn altitude should not be made until the,9 +flight crews of different parameters. Instrument systems ,9 +"well as aggravated pitch, airspeed, and trim errors. ",3 +the procedure by which the contracting authority may order supplies and/or services from the ,3 +"which consists of the flight deck, propulsion system, and ",9 +Chapter I General Provisions ,7 +$_{Figure 10-1.}$ ,0 +personnel employed or used by the ,3 +costs to be charged in making such seizure and sale shall only embrace the actual,9 +function of the defunct generator.,3 +allowable. The underlying NAVAID must be operational,9 +Opportunities:,7 +Explanation Phase ,7 +(exclusion ,7 +"and keep the sail pulled out over the top of the leading edge, ",9 +to the Project,9 +"is more symmetrical about the shank than the shop head, and ",9 +The fmelagc and naceller will ,9 +visual glide path to accommodate high cockpit,9 +"himself to examination, or to answer any material question propounded at such",9 +The ratio of reflected radiation from the surface to incident radiation upon it or reflecting power of a surface. ,9 +maneuver which confronts the pilot is the ,9 +Ramp Type for stop: ,9 +Management structure ,7 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +Tube—hand-held in an existing hole,3 +Footpath ADD/11/1 ,8 +date on which the termination takes effect must be specified in the ,9 +Internal Quality Control (QC) ,7 +Salt and Sand Piles ,7 +The document may be laid-out in WORD or a comparable format and laminated. ,3 +the equal and opposite force to the airstream ,9 +Copyright and Neighbouring Rights (Levy on Technical Devices) ,7 +or decrease lift to change lift vectors to affect turns.,0 +Regulatory Setting ,3 +Observation.,9 +法第六十九条の六第二項第二号に規定する政令で定める貨物は、別表第一の,3 +resulting in consistent gain in altitude on recovery ,3 +Article 2 – DURATION AND TERMINATION ,7 +Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids,7 +‘‘SUBCHAPTER III—CHILDREN OF CERTAIN KOREA AND THAILAND SERVICE VETERANS ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 378 of December 19, 1986] ",7 +109. Public Service Commission,7 +provides.,9 +Check Valves,7 +Consent Order 2020 ,9 +and allows the user to scroll through the available ,3 +"the rotating force of the engine into thrust, a forward acting ",9 +[Figure 5-26],9 +WEIGHT LIMITATIONS,7 +Replacing wheels for which no weight and balance ,3 +Wrong (dragging it in with high ,6 +Course Reversal Elements in Plan View and ,7 +"monitor the mechanical integrity of the turbines, as well as to ",9 +"performance airplanes. On the other hand, a reasonably ",9 +"turbulence, freezing levels, and IFR or MVFR weather. Areas ",9 +and submitted for each partner and for each,9 +Election Law. The council shall fix th,9 +Paint System Compatibility,7 +"tasks assigned to the former subcontractor are taken over by another involved entity, ",3 +Lesson Plans,7 +Vertical Gusts During High-Speed Cruise,7 +Medical Summary— “The Bottom Line”,7 +Emergency Procedures,7 +individual thermocouples. ,9 +arrival route from an appropriate en route point to an ,9 +The path of an aircraft relative to the ground ,9 +gauge numbers become larger. Typical wire sizes range from ,9 +Glide Slope/Glide Path,7 +PRINCIPAL POWERS ,7 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +Twin-Engine Aircraft Vacuum System Operation,7 + .............................................................6-18,8 +support and training be in place for technicians and air traffic specialists. The PSP must include ,9 +"of the 1991 Act, together with land on the verge of a street or between two carriageways, and ",9 +This operation may ,9 +Figure 5-13. A typical,0 +References,9 +ex-officio ,9 +"47.2, a U.S. citizen can be an individual, or part-",3 +any appeal by the undertaker must be made within 42 days of the date of the notice of the ,3 +ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS,7 +"without the need for high update rate radar, so long as all ",9 +Placement of advertisement ,7 +"Currently, most manufactured aircraft have wing spars ",9 +Napo performance,7 +Nach Angabe des Landratsamts Eichstätt sind im Umfeld der Klinikerweiterung,9 +"00121 HELSINKI, Finland ",9 +control of the operator;,3 +Performing Ignition System Checks,7 +Transportation Conformity ,7 +a single unit is fairly common. ,9 +"In establishing the final curve for engine operation, the ",9 + at the key site.,9 +"and landing gear components, such as torque links. ",9 +"not be available, especially when landing in an",9 +k of the Court of First Instance of the province or of the city of,9 +déclare que la personne susmentionnée est une PME selon la définition de ,6 +in detail in Chapter 4—Flight Controls. [Figure 1-7],9 +Standards and rules ,7 +Using Advanced Weather Data Systems..................5‑12,8 +will be gone. This demonstrates to you the extent ,3 +and inserting ‘‘2-year period’’. ,9 +"Page numbers reflect the section being read, 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, and ",9 +Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures,7 +land which can be predisposing factors to outbreaks of FMD and others Trans-,9 +https://www.stmb.bayern.de/assets/stmi/buw/bauthemen/vergabeundvertragswe-,9 +Combined Sources of Updrafts,7 +forward airspeed may impose structural damage on the ,9 +〔昭和五十五年五月二十六日政令第百三十八号〕〔抄〕,7 +"rotor blades simultaneously, or collectively, as the name ",9 +Excellent knowledge on Data Visualization ,3 +"Procedure for giving, amending or revoking general directions ",3 +suspension lines stretched out as far as possible to the ,9 +“Shadow authorities ,7 +Besides the purpose limitation and data ,3 +Visibility mark:,9 +Procedures and Routes,7 +accomplishment of the purpose last above stated he shall make application to the,9 +規定により当該市長が行った報告の徴収その他の行為とみなす。,3 +in Europe and their metabolites and/or degradation products from EFSA conclusions and ,9 +"landing heading, roll the throttle toward flight idle, which is ",9 +in this situation from one atom valence shell to that of ,9 +"Notes of the same table, and the provisions revising row 5 of Appended Table 3 ",9 +"In the process of stretch forming, a sheet of metal is shaped ",9 +all produce potential damaging fields. Shielding wires to ,9 +"Payment of the invoice and approval of documents does not imply recognition of the regularity, authenticity, ",9 +destination and measure the angle that this line forms with ,9 +II.19.1. Fatture e imposta sul valore aggiunto ,7 +ECHA change management procedures shall be applied to any changes needed in ,3 +CG may occur when:,9 + is the activity code under which the service was operational ,3 +Wastewater system ,7 +airspace. The remaining portion of the TRSA overlies other ,9 +be removed from the machine without distortion.,9 +OH&S POLICY STATEMENT ,7 +The document may be laid-out in WORD or a comparable format and laminated. ,3 +price and packaging with the FWC and the relevant specific contract. ,9 +"* Sport pilots are not authorized to fly above 10,000 feet MSL.",9 +§ 4 Ausbildungsplan,7 +Other Routing,7 +the work himself.,9 +Sea level pressure: ,6 +"AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) ""T"" ROUTE SYSTEM",7 +PRIMARY ACTUATION DEVICE/RIPCORD TEST:,7 +"design, but also the wing twist and airfoil shape from root to ",9 +NAVWEPS OD-BOT-BO ,7 +Contracting ,3 +Reverse Current Sensing,7 +Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) ,7 +to practice selected maneuvers in a minimum of instruction ,9 +Identity management;,3 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +orientation can be helpful in rolling out on the proper,9 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +‘Related person’,9 +unless otherwise specified by one of the parties or in ,3 +person which is actionable at the suit of any person on any grounds other than such an interference ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 409 of December 26, 1994] ",7 +tender documents,9 +any purpose for which other real property belonging to the municipality might be,9 +"every 1,000 feet of increase in altitude. The upper boundary ",9 +Charge rate (higher charge rates generally yield greater ,3 +Small airplane.,9 +There is no limit as to how many crossports may be repaired ,9 +Blind Bolts,7 + (ss 57-94),7 +Assessment of the Department’s resource allocation during the audit revealed ,9 +Manner of Effecting Publication,9 +"who begins, excites, causes, or joins in any opposition or resistance to, or defiance",9 +BARİYERİ”,9 +Implementation of the FWC,3 +the surface metal to melt without forming a hole. Practice ,9 +"Die Frist für einen Rechtsbehelf beginnt nur zu laufen, wenn der Beteiligte über den Rechtsbehelf, die",9 +"including those described in other parts of this call for tender, and creating a buzz and interest around ",9 +may be drowning in information but unable to find a specific ,9 +"cross-check technique, all pilots should use the instruments ",9 +manner of operation could not be considered ,9 +"water separating funnel, ensure the funnel is grounded ",3 +APPENDIX A4. ,3 +TEMPLATE: Tender specifications Part 1 Administrative Annex high value open DE ,4 +"Calculation of the costs (incl. travel, overheads, consumables and any other related costs) ",7 +"the turn 15 degrees plus half of the latitude (i.e., if the aircraft ",9 +Facilities for Contractor's Personnel ,7 +"baseline personal minimums. Combining these numbers, the ",9 +held in closed session and its recommendations are collective. The members of the evaluation ,9 +"are the attitude indicator, the heading indicator, and the ",9 +ican Bicentennial in July 1976 as a birthday gift to the country ,3 +All costs incurred for the preparation and submission of tenders are to be borne by,9 +Teledyne Continental 0-200 Engine,7 +"environments. In the case of general aviation, it is the study ",9 +"Futtermittelverordnung in der bis zum 23. März 2007 geltenden Fassung, sofern diese",3 +EU Validation Services,7 +Boxes containing the bodies or remains shall be plainly m,9 +Igniter plugs. ,9 +Understanding Communication on a Common Frequency ,7 +The grades of Concrete to be used in the works are shown in the following table: ,9 +"The type of review (e.g., planning, development, verification, final, or other); ",3 +treatment hospital or an accident reporting hospital pursuant to the ,3 +Equipment Setup,7 +concerning pilot certification (and/or requests for other ,9 +Signalez les travaux et le déplacement de l'engin. ,3 +от 8 февраля 2021 г. № 82 (зарегистрирован Министерством юстиции Российской,9 +amount of fuel to the fuel manifold. The manifold divides ,9 +th to the province or,3 +Tenure of office of Ministers and Assistant Ministers ,7 +“operator” means the operator of an electronic communications code network. ,9 +the DVS and the Security Officers deployed along the border fence as well as ,9 +"Although a decision may be reached and a course of action implemented, the decision-making process is not complete. It is important ",9 +ironed out. The Stewart System calls for heat activation of ,9 +PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY MEDICAL COUNTERMEASURES ,9 +required. These,9 +Regulation 2 amends the TPP Regulations. It brings forward the “normal” deadline for end-of-,9 +signal to the base must include a DC source to forward bias ,9 +by the Insular Audit,9 +Paint Touchup,7 +Often wings are of full cantilever design. This means they ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 135 of May 30, 1960]",7 +services to their contractors abroad through banks or financial institutions operating in ,3 +法第十八条第三項に規定する政令で定めるものは、次に掲げるものとする。,3 +A health care professional must assess the degree of relevant disablement by doing one or ,9 +until all air bubbles are removed.,3 +Latitude and Longitude coordinates are provided for those ,9 +Holzartengruppe voraussichtlich mindestens 75 vom Hundert des ungekürzten Einschlagsprogramms,3 +affect people in different ways. These symptoms range from ,9 +PitchGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +. — When any,9 +learner tells - learner does ,8 +Baustein „Individuelle Fahrkarriere und Sicherheitsverantwortung“,7 +"SAS data integration for data integration processes, ",3 +Do not place the thermocouple under the vacuum ,3 + Any amendment must not make changes to the contract that might alter the initial ,3 +"should be selected, then the area checked to ensure that no ",9 +"SIGMET, or AIRMET. ",3 +(十一)倾倒,是指通过船舶、航空器、平台或者其他载运工具,向海洋,9 +which total rotor thrust acts so that the helicopter’s for-,9 +за исключением загородных,9 +of minima are included on these charts. Ground,9 +Nature des dommages-intérêts ,7 +is not authorized unless assigned by Air Traffic Control.,9 +PRICE AWARD CRITERION (200 points) ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 163 of June 20, 1960] ",7 +Amendment of Group 3 of Schedule 8 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994 ,7 +in place by using the appropriate toggle. The control line remains locked in place until manually ,3 +power stroke . ,9 +I.1.3. Conversion ,7 +the press release; ,3 +contractor remains solely responsible and liable for obtaining all necessary ,3 +contact information is in the FAA Contact Informa-,9 +the bank angle as the airplane reaches the downwind position ,9 +"attack is increased further, it becomes more difficult for",9 +METAR KGGG 161753Z COR).,3 +. The contractor must immediately take action to ,3 +"diese mit der Nennfüllmenge unter Beachtung des § 3 Absatz 1 und Absatz 3 Satz 1 gekennzeichnet sind,",3 +Satellitenfunknetz,8 +Article 33 After-sales service ,7 +Identification of subject matter for Professional article ,7 +"of the left aileron increases the effective camber, resulting ",9 +Contractor’s tender,7 +the front seat.”,9 +"Typically, flaps can extend up to 45–50°. ",9 +of the airplane’s electrical system. Normally there are two ,9 +GROUND REFERENCE MANEUVERS,7 +"of the Order shall be the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (i), item (ii), ",3 +Low Reconnaissance,7 +"The No. 1 person will grasp any two-consecutive suspension lines, one in each hand, and vigorously ",3 +"(ii) keeping an adequate distance between an X-ray appliance, etc. and a ",3 +‘Conflict of interest’,9 +[Figure 10-21],9 +"Throttle ice is formed on the rear side of the throttle, usually ",9 +be initiated. Pilots that follow the previously,9 +"or mishap. This chapter focuses on the approach to landing, ",9 +HIGH RATE OF DESCENT,7 + or the machine-to-machine connection is ,3 +Chapter 5—Preflight and Ground,7 +Compass Roses,7 +Negotiation of placement of a stand’s advertisement at the Fair (e.g. the Fair´s magazine etc.) ,7 +Links or sources related to the proposed topics need to be identified in advance and added to ,9 +Anlage 16 (zu § 11 Absatz 1),7 +[Figure 14-51] ,9 +that the provisions listed as follows come into effect as of the date specified in ,3 +Maintenance: ,7 +$^{ature I}$ndi,6 +Vertragslaufzeit / Termine ,7 +Reducing Radio Interference,7 +When observed or developing weather conditions ,3 +"Further, in light of the disruption caused by the spread of coronavirus, regulation 3 amends the ",9 +Der Träger der Lehrgänge über Fahrschulbetriebswirtschaft nach § 18 Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 5 des,9 +Glider or Sailplane?,7 +GPS Familiarization,7 +Software Lifecycle:,3 +airplane is determined by many factors. ,9 +〔平成十八年五月二十四日政令第二百号〕〔抄〕,7 +次に定めるところにより、保管廃棄設備を設けること。,3 +und Einrichtungen nach Absatz 11 Satz 1 am Fahrzeug angebracht sind. Der Halter darf die Inbetriebnahme,9 +"they close the circuit to the low oil pressure indicator, usually ",9 +ponents of the helicopter.,9 +"Dujardin B, Kass GEN, Manini P, Jeddi MZ , Dorne J-LCM and Hogstrand C, 2019. Guidance on harmonised methodologies for ",1 +"Fahrer/Beifahrer, Fahrzeug",7 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +Gericht setzt auf Antrag des Treuhänders die Auslagen und die Vergütung fest; die Rechtsbeschwerde gegen,9 +"and let the seaplane coast to the mooring. If necessary,",9 +"local limitations, or the VASI may be offset from the",9 +in and out,6 +practically eliminated. The effects of rapid maneuvers and ,9 +rate of ascent or descent of the air mass itself.,9 +important role in stabilizing and improving the lives of the citizenry as well as ,3 +three cell openings on each side with center cell split. ,3 +II.23.3 Interest on late payment ,7 +The guarantee must be released [,9 +feel of the flight controls.,9 +Verify security and condition of intake silencer and ,3 +Instrument Approach Waypoint. Fixes used in defining ,9 +continue turning at normal r.p.m. During practice,9 +I.9. DATA CONTROLLER ,7 +"planen, bei Abweichungen von der Planung",8 +"организаций,",9 +"the horizon reference. Disorientation may occur, leading to ",9 +II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +terminal area operation. ,3 +may have chosen to give a different name to its bank account.,3 +A helicopter’s weight and balance records contain,9 +"by a person who has obtained, prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, ",3 +"the beta range of the throttle quadrant, the propeller blade angle ",9 +"building expertise related to availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of stored or transmitted ",9 +process. When the slack has been removed from all ,9 +"-,",9 +"If you have been served this notice and a breathing space has started, you should inform your debt advisor.",3 +Sample Problem 1 ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 63 of March 25, 1998] ",7 +in the service. Such persons sha,9 +"a distance, a pilot cannot see what may rule the site ",3 +the IID including procurement alternatives.,9 +Early or late valve timing,3 +583-2019 Sanierung und Erweiterung der Klinik Eichstätt 2. BA,5 +Amendment of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1191/2014 ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 266 of July 29, 2016] ",7 +соблюдением санитарных правил и гигиенических нормативов.,9 +or existing slabs.,9 +"THIS ""LEGAL ENTITY"" SHEET MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED, AND SUBMITTED ",7 +limitations required by regulation or that are necessary for ,9 +Anlage 3 (zu § 4 Absatz 1),7 +"contract, in accordance with the terms of the guarantee and up to the value thereof. The ",3 +ATC Instructions ,7 +"and Industry No. 92 of December 10, 1983] ",7 +speed (V$_{a) }$– a structural design airspeed used in determining the strength requirements ,3 +Summary election appeal: determination ,7 +of standby or emergency electrical power in the event,9 +II.20.8 Intérêts de retard ,7 +" as an example, if the airplane is ",9 +"dependants, and its local employees also respect and abide by all such laws and ",3 +"same applies in this paragraph, Article 5 of the Supplementary Provisions and ",3 +This is the “fold to” mark ,3 +AC Synchro Systems,7 +the commissioner. ,9 +Marine pollution contingency plan ,7 +"15.001 € => 60.000 €: au moins trois candidats doivent être consultés, ceci ",3 +Evaluation of requests to participate,7 +Analyzing Procedures ,7 +NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES ,7 +Requirements for Service Level Agreement (SLA) ,7 +Dipstick. ,9 +теоретического,8 +II.14. FORCE MAJEURE ,7 +Head marking—Dimple,6 +DC generator,6 +Throatless Shear ,7 +List of Appendices ,7 +Approach) soft key must be pressed once the desired ,3 +Figure 2-33.,0 +Citation and commencement ,3 +"cooled engine, the manufacturer’s requirement may be EGT, ",9 +flight range of 300km or longer. ,3 +and aircraft displacement. ,0 +related to cybersecurity falling within its competencies as set out in the Regulation. ,3 +does not apply in relation to a civil action brought against a representative by a third party ,3 +"president shall direct the arrest of the alleged offender, shall make a preliminary",9 +and southerly turning errors. ,9 +"There are two methodologies to calculate emissions from generators: (i) EPA’s AP-42 method, ",9 +of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agency (Act No. ,3 +in place by using the appropriate toggle. The control line remains locked in place until manually ,3 +Requirement as to Notation of Payment of Cedula Tax,9 +Re-inflate the tire/tube assembly a second time to the ,9 +Drinking water ,7 +Tensiometer.,0 +range shall be related to fix points in the construction. ,3 +Type of aircraft.,3 +"certificate or higher level pilot certificate (recreational, ",3 +is exempt from VAT. ,3 +PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS ,7 +"Für die Räume, in denen die Vordrucke gelagert werden, ist ein erhöhter mechanischer",3 +водонепроницаемым твердым покрытием для сбора отходов. Размеры площадки,9 +accepted.,9 +The operator station including all connected equipment ,3 +Image rights and sound recordings,7 +" prévus par le CC, et le droit ",3 +Technician to be available for set-up/testing prior to event and remain available during the event.,3 +Materials/Parts ,7 +второго - четвертого ,9 +d4e_techofferquestion_en.doc ,4 +"services, comme le prévoit l'article I.6, le cahier des charges ou le ",9 +Занятия начинаются не ранее 8.00 часов утра и заканчиваются не позднее,9 +thus CAL3QHCR,9 +compensation under those sections where— ,3 +〔昭和六十一年五月三十日通商産業省令第二十五号〕,7 +"British protected person under the meaning of that Act, or ",3 +contact has a corresponding pit or hole. This pit is more ,9 +"starter is engaged. The engine begins to windmill, start, ",9 +"2016/391, 2016/770, 2016/1238, 2017/1325, 2019/406, 2019/1446, 2020/200 and 2020/743. ",1 +SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +coordinating with other institutions and local authorities regarding the Project; ,3 +Provided Class C services within the Class C,9 +"by the dynamic reaction of the air against its lifting surfaces, ",9 +Figure 6-13. ,0 +the contract. The CPCM Division is ,9 +The increase in drag requires a higher ,9 +cylinders.,9 +Traffic Patterns ,7 +"от -15°С до +6°С,",9 +§ 10a Stellenzulage,7 +The Powerplant ,7 +Figure 4-60,9 +In-flight testing of the anti-skid system is desirable and ,9 +"particular grade, without indication of any specific salary, shall carry the minimum",9 +"Flächen unterverpachtet haben, kann erst entschieden werden, wenn der Pächter die Selbstbewirtschaftung",9 +Vierter Abschnitt,7 +ERANS WHO SERVED IN KOREA. ,7 +FOLLOW THE PRECEDING AIRCRAFT DOES,9 +"makes possible long spans, and its relatively large diameter ",9 +It is vital to comply with weight and balance limits,9 +"each, the method of compliance, the AD number, and ",3 +Language of the contract ,7 +into the wind while trimming or checking the trim on an ,9 +"which lowers the pivotal altitude. As a result, the pilot must ",9 +- Seite 4 von 5 -,4 +instrumentation may be receiving signal data input from the ,9 +du pouvoir adjudicateur. ,9 +"earliest opportunity. After application, the repellant film ",9 +campaigning,9 +Conduct the Review ,7 +"remove moisture from the damaged area, and it is difficult to ",9 +Basis zugewiesen.,3 +Semiconductors,7 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 +"whether legal or natural persons, but only for the purpose of their mission for the Union;",3 +forecast as below approach minimums (due to fog) at the ,9 +Specific provisions related to insurance ,7 +"container, and the space between them forms a vacuum. The ",9 +内水面における漁場環境の再生に関する基本的事項,3 +Although these quarantine camps are not used to achieve a higher health status ,9 +searching for the pilot’s exact location. To transmit a voice ,9 +owned by persons each of whom has an Isle of Man connection; ,3 +(印紙税法施行令の一部改正),9 +Wire Substitutions,7 +(iv) buildings and equipment concerning the prevention of radiation damage ,3 +"Tätigkeit bekannt geworden sind, bestimmt sich nach den aufsichtsrechtlichen Bestimmungen, auf Grund deren",9 +electronic aid caused pilot evasive action. A “potential” risk is a situation in which a,3 +Chapter 3a: Aviation Weather Sources ,5 +Number of hours the airport operates and number of aircraft controlled under Visual,3 +"If your request is approved, you will be notified that ",9 +"vorzulegen. Die Sektion hat der nach Absatz 5 zuständigen Behörde oder Stelle unverzüglich mitzuteilen, wenn",9 +COMMON ERRORS,7 +", it may suspend the provision of the services under a ",9 +Amendment of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1191/2014 ,7 +http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2021/592 ,9 +shall be considered in making the division as is found in the,3 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +or escape route will be in line with the selected approach/,9 +Scroll Shears,7 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +Strategic documents: ,9 +"officer charged with the duty of assessing real property, who shall willfully fail to",9 +WP 0062 00 ,8 +equipment of public buildings and public improvements directed by,3 +"the contract, the contracting authority shall provide the contractor, free of charge, with a ",3 +le chiffre d'affaires annuel n'excède pas 50 millions d'euros ou dont le total du ,6 +reduced visibility and in areas where flocks of birds,9 +Bauvorhaben …………………………………………,7 +Regulatory Framework ,7 +基準は、同項第十四号に規定する区域を基本として、人口構造の変化の見通しその他,3 +The minimum and maximum operating limits in Table 1 shall be marked/placarded on or ,9 +"Starting with high points on cell 1, pull out seam and smooth cell from leading edge to trailing edge. ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 135 of May 30, 1960]",7 +obligations ,6 +be fit for the purposes for which supplies of the same type are normally used; ,3 +"airplane has a steeper than required bank angle, its rate ",9 +price catalogue (Annex 12 to the Tender Specifications). ,9 +2019 in those areas for which a major disaster or emergency has ,9 +Paved level runway ,6 +techniques ,6 +Maintenance of Retained Trees ,7 +concerning a flight prior to departure. Included in this ,9 +Deployment ,6 +übernimmt ,9 +"the drill, which is a signal to withdraw the drill.",9 +using smooth and corrosion-inhibiting materials impermeable to gas or ,9 +"lagging error, the aircraft should be allowed to pass the desired ",9 +Article 2 - ,7 +starting from the payment of the balance.,3 +"Version 1, September 2, 2009, ",9 +nach §15 StrlSchV besitzt und dass das im JRC Karlsruhe eingesetzte Personal sich jährlich ,9 +The FWC sets out: ,9 +performing the agreed-upon,3 +Air mixture transferred,6 +Turboprop Powerplant Removal and ,7 +"spokespersons, agenda, address of venue/e-platform, contact details etc.; ",3 +"altitude, temperature, weight, wind, and obstacles all on one ",9 +of his proceedings and a memorandum thereof shall be entered by the provincial,9 +Pilot RVSM Operating Practices and,7 +The best way to remove a lockbolt is to remove the collar and ,9 +While accelerating through effective translational lift (position ,9 +"the pointer across the instrument dial, and the open end is ",9 +Kidde Continuous-Loop System,7 +"In nearly all cases, the",9 +be unable to release. Accelerate to liftoff speed keeping in ,9 +EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS ,7 +Übersicht über forstliche Herkunftsgebiete,7 +Differential Voltage,7 +as the blades flap in flight.,9 +"Navigation (TACAN), VOR/TACAN (VORTAC),",9 +Cast-in-situ driven piles with steel casing shall be bottom driven by using a casing which shall not dis-,9 +Page 14 of 49 ,4 + Trailing edge repair.,0 +Landing Gear Safety Devices,7 + In regulation 64 (time limit for proceedings for summary offences)— ,9 +"term ending on the first day of January, anno Domini nineteen hundred and",9 +Chapter 21—Gyroplane Emergencies,7 +participation containing information on participants in an electronic format (MS Excel and/or ,3 +"two fundamental flight skills, instrument cross-check and ",9 +Operating Control Tower ,7 +§ 1 Erheben von Gebühren,7 +Determine if obstacle clearance can be maintained ,3 +"With this type, the needle bar moves in addition to the feed dog ",9 +"for as long as they continue in deep water, regardless",9 +have power to assist in recovery. Caution should be exercised as to not exceed ,3 +Pilots are requested to maintain a minimum altitude of ,9 +REFUGEE AND ENTRANT ASSISTANCE ,7 +deployment. They are set by pulling each control line down through the guide ring and locking each ,3 +U.S. registration prefix letter “N.” These characters ,9 +"and including FL 600, including the airspace overlying the ",9 +The criterion is applied to:,7 +circuits in the anti-skid control unit. Built-in test circuits ,9 +IP type telephone system shall be provided. ,9 +и сопровождающих его взрослых с фиксированием результатов в журнале.,9 +II.23.4$_{ }$Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +the entire body) to gauge altitude and to detect or confirm ,9 +container manufacturers do not publish numbers per se; ,9 +"DME arcs, and tracks, including low passes along the",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 266 of July 29, 2016] ",7 +Model for order forms ,3 +"the order in which the contractor proposes to perform the contract including design, ",3 +II.20.4. Überweisungskosten ,7 +and/or secure the consent and entering into of such deeds and variations by all other third parties ,9 +ATC Instructions,7 +contains pilot practices and,9 +‘‘SEC. 319D–1. CHILDREN’S PREPAREDNESS UNIT. ,7 +JET STREAM- A migrating stream of high-speed ,9 +need for a tail rotor. It has high stability and powerful lifting ,9 +ending with the date of the determination of the person’s entitlement to victims’ ,3 +geschützt zu werden. Die Nutzung der Frequenzbereiche 9 305 – 9 355 kHz und 16 100 – 16 200 kHz,3 +"Gegenstand, Dauer und",7 +Ziel und Zeitpunkt,3 +to the fluid or area in which temperature needs to be ,9 +Tow Rope Strength Requirements,7 +existenceor extent of any civil right or obligation shall be established or recognized by law and ,9 +When the switch shown in ,9 +Updated text: ,7 +equipped with two .engines developing a total of 300 horsepower. ,9 +Shipment Type 2,7 +not more than four persons may be appointed as Minister or Assistant Minister from ,3 +High Round Out,7 +placed in a suitable and hermetically sealed container.,9 +auto brake control valve to provide this function. In addition ,9 +Maintenance: ,7 +operations while on the ground. Most aircraft are steered by ,9 +an offence in connection with the elections or on the grounds of his or her having been reported ,9 +палатке площадью не менее 4 м2. Для изоляции заболевших детей используются,9 +Control of measurement transformers ,3 +fuel to reach the cylinders. ,9 +Anlage 2 (zu § 3),7 +Abbildung 1: Bemaßung der Stempelplakette,9 +the extinguished,9 +"has been adjusted, test each end of the machine separately ",9 +certificated weight of the glider. If the towrope is more than ,9 +"the helicopter’s controls to satisfy these commands, ",3 +WORKS PROVISIONS ,7 +and avoid other aircraft.,9 +requirements may also vary. The PO should contact AJI to schedule a Safety Strategy ,9 +Remove the tackings used to secure the base of the ,3 + contains the following information from each Service:,9 +Analyse des documents de contrôle obligatoire (4x/an) et entretien du véhicule. ,3 +mast and connected to the cyclic and collective controls ,9 +"MODALITÉS EN MATIÈRE D’ÉTABLISSEMENT DES PRIX, COMMANDES ET DE ",7 +Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Size,7 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +"the water, measured in seconds.",9 +"an effective gust of 30 ft. per sec., the gust ",9 +the form of a checklist that helps the pilot examine areas of ,9 +"as in (a) above, specify the direction from an aircraft’s",9 +length/timing must not be exceeded. Maximum,9 +Obligation to notify EFSA of changes,7 +Instrument Weather Flying,7 +downloadable format. Commercial aviation publishers also ,9 +⦁ $_{Not Observed—any event not accomplished or required. }$,3 +loop and the signal strength is the weakest.,9 +Straßenbaulast angemessene Vorschüsse und Sicherheiten verlangen.,9 +1975 (BGBl. I S. 705) und dem Organisationserlaß vom 27. Oktober 1998 (BGBl. I S. 3288) verordnet das,9 +TRAITEMENT DES DONNÉES À CARACTÈRE PERSONNEL ,7 +Effects of Flight Conditions,7 +"Qualitätssichernde Maßnahmen, Lernziele b und c,",3 +"is not required. If a procedure turn is desired, and",9 +lorsque les ,3 +" For each relevant year beginning on or after 1 April 2021, the licensee shall ",9 +discharge light for each fire bottle. ,9 +A connection of breakcord or ,9 +Overall management,7 +Explanation Phase ,7 +under the FWC; and,3 +"the inside bend tangent lines. These holes, called relief holes ",9 +payment of Government’s contribution to the Gaborone City ,3 +ply whatever force is needed to counteract the force ,9 +Minimum capacity level:,7 +ISD Executive Secretariat ,7 +LEVEL FLIGHT,7 +Tree Felling ,7 +“Hydraulic Load” derived commitment for the plant components: ,7 +"National Emissions Inventory Regulations 2005 (S.I. 2005/2903), which relate to projects for ",9 +") S.I. 2018/212, amended by S.I. 2018/1277. ",1 +expecting to use an aircraft on transoceanic flights may ,9 +"all materials are pure elements, that is, substances ",9 + The point at which an aircraft would ,9 +restriction.,3 +See Part 2 – Technical Specifications document.,9 +chromate. They also adhere to freshly applied epoxy ,3 +the two-stroke engine. ,9 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +"days of the end of the period of provision of the supplies/service, as provided for in Article I.6, in the tender ",9 +Bungee Cord,7 +The interim/final deliverables and related invoices must be,6 +The ASOS/AWOS is the primary surface,9 +that those requirements are satisfied.,9 +be noted that inasmuch as the approach course,9 +Use of Resources,7 +Please note that a request for supporting documents by the ,7 +est donnée par la décision de la Commission du 12 décembre 2011 relative à la réutilisation des ,9 +and an interpole or commutating winding. ,9 +"investigation reports, 2005 ",3 +"shall, as soon as practicable after the first day of January of each",3 +II.20.4. Überweisungskosten ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 409 of December 26, 1994] ",7 +Expansion Joints ,7 +Report. This report is also generated by a vertical separation ,9 +Profile prices LOT 2:,3 +"indicates that learners completing cooperative learning group tasks tend to have better test scores, higher self-esteem, improved social ",9 +"Conditions,",3 +Allgemeines,7 +contractant en collaboration avec le service du Secrétariat qui gère le contrat-cadre (ci-,3 +The propeller group and system components for torque ,3 +Terminal Procedures Publications,7 +"Next, check the surface analysis chart, which shows where ",9 +mit dem Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung:,9 +In installations where the ammeter is in the battery lead ,9 +AC Synchro Systems,7 +(17 m.p.h. or 25 f.p.s.),6 +of oil during normal operation. If consumption grows or ,9 +TOGETHER WITH A LEGIBLE PHOTOCOPY OF THE IDENTITY DOCUMENT,7 +fective Date,3 +Ground Test,7 +must read back the entire clearance and “,9 +Cold Cylinder Check,7 +High-Wing Twin,7 +air aloft overrunning cold air near the surface produces an ,9 +NAVWEPS 00-801-80 ,7 +separation services within the airspace. ,9 +develops from the continuous flow reversal. ,9 +"each power of attorney to perform any act whatsoever, except",3 +Figure 2-5. Planform view of a PPC inflated wing: ,0 +"becomes flyable and airborne, the wing that is upwind will ",9 +(Use with safety analyses with unacceptable [high] predicted residual risk) (1) (2) (3) ,7 +"urations, for the most part the basic components are the",9 +and AFCS/AP/FD systems incorporate a self,9 +Installation of Rivets,7 +the contractor shall affix on each invoice the following words: ,6 +memory until the,9 +Edge Lines ,6 +Wegen der Höhe der Geldentschädigungen steht nur der Rechtsweg vor den ordentlichen Gerichten,3 +Tow Rope Inspection,7 +changes or a revision page to track changes to the manual. ,9 +TOGETHER WITH A LEGIBLE PHOTOCOPY OF THE IDENTITY DOCUMENT,7 +the cruise setting. The amount of lead depends upon the rate ,9 +- Tabellierte Bemessungswerte und Verfahren zur Bestimmung der wärme-,9 +Objectives ,7 +"fence condition to DVS headquarters. During disease outbreaks, fence patrols ",9 +Combined Sources of Updrafts,7 +"(ii) the construction of a new roundabout, together with related approach roads and ",3 +"media posts and content, visuals and HWC newsletters. ",3 +A student’s medical becomes their student pilot ,3 +"], inclusive of expenses and exclusive of VAT.",3 +"Where the landlord is seeking possession on ground 14 (with or without other grounds other than ground 7A),",3 +using the approach. ,9 +without snow cover. Thin ice also creates a problem,9 +"memory or the ability to hold sounds in STM. Of the two, acoustic memory can be held longer than iconic memory. Working memory ",9 +"58, row 60, row 65, row 74, row 75, row 105, row 148-2, row 152, row 159, and ",9 +Skew-T Plots,7 +case of consortium,6 +находящееся,9 +体が行う支援の円滑な実施のための研修の実施,3 +various aircraft with flaps in the extended position.,9 +Operations.,9 +Establishment of Standard Samples by Sugar Chemist of,9 + shows four common ,9 +Emergency control ,7 +"in paragraph 23, at the end, insert “(except for livestock auctions)”;",3 +Density Altitude.,3 +Fähig zur Vornahme von Verfahrenshandlungen sind,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 500 of December 26, 1952] ",7 +Figure 14-20,9 +control is transferred from the air route traffic control ,9 +mit verknüpften,9 +"approved by the Contracting Authority, shall be in the format provided for in the contract and may be ",3 +Types of tee joints showing filler penetration.,0 +"INSTALLATION OF AR2 POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY, MAIN ",7 +white. Markings defining the landing area on a,9 +For the purpose of protecting,9 +It is a pilot’s inherent responsibility to be alert,9 +Verfahren Nr.: JRC/KRU/2018/G.1/0020/OC,5 +Scientific data management ,7 +"capital of the province), and Tandag.",9 +bimetallic thermometer that calibrates the temperature of an ,9 +Subcontracting is permitted in the tender but the contractor will retain full liability towards the ,9 +Form 5: Committment letter by identified subcontractor ,7 +section is insufficient to address a public health emergency ,9 +"Subject to a minimum travelling distance condition specified at paragraph (1) above, the Contractor ",3 +Protocollo,9 +used as the zero line from which measurements are made in ,9 +Registry”; ,3 +"computerized tomography examination (hereinafter referred to as ""X-ray ",3 + illustrates key components ,9 +II.20.6 Paiements intermédiaires et paiement du solde ,7 +address indicated under Heading I.1 of the contract notice; ,9 +both an intermediate fix and an initial approach fix.,9 +(ii) when conducting a specified clinical trial jointly with other hospitals or ,3 +Temperature Variation with Altitude,7 +The first-site IOC occurs when operational capability is declared ready for conditional or limited use by site,1 +The Province of Samar,9 +which lists the persons that may be made responsible for the monitoring of individuals under ,9 +firma elettronica qualificata o mediante la trasmissione elettronica dei dati.,9 +"greater than twice the operating weight. Also, a safety link ",9 +Packing and Inspection Area,7 +Functional requirements for pipe systems ,7 +important role in stabilizing and improving the lives of the citizenry as well as ,3 +In straight-and-level (constant heading and at a constant ,9 +Fuel Consumption of Pratt-Whitney Engines. ,3 +I.14.4 Declarations of interest ,7 +"verursacht eine Vertragspartei eine nochmalige Überweisung, trägt sie die Gebühren ",3 +Schedule No 4: Concrete and Steel Works,7 +specific weather phenomenon is in the vicinity of five to ten miles from the airport. ,3 +"A sharp, uncontrolled change of direction of ",9 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +CG – LEMAC = Distance from LEMAC,2 +may encounter obstacles in the visual segment. Pilots,9 +INSTRUMENT INTERPRETATION,7 +‘‘SEC. 319D–1. CHILDREN’S PREPAREDNESS UNIT. ,7 +particular runway.,9 +SEC. 305. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES ON DISASTERS. ,7 +Consent to prosecutions ,7 +) is amended as follows. ,9 +feet of air through one square foot per minute at ,9 +SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +Vacuum/Pressure Pump ,3 +"When flying close to pressure height, pull ",3 +adjusting the various linkages to fit the immobilized ,3 +その管理する病院について、他の病院又は診療所に紹介した患者の数を初診の,3 +final approach (IFR) to an airport is executed and ,9 +"precautionary pre-flight checks, partial repairs prior to ",9 +System and Equipment Malfunctions,7 +A person guilty of an offence under any provision of Part 5 (Trade) is liable— ,9 +doit immédiatement informer le,7 +sopralluogo,9 +and glidepath needle indications and aircraft displacement ,9 +aufgeh. durch Art. 4 Abs. 100 G v. 18.7.2016 I 1666 mWv 1.10.2021,7 +Amendment of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1191/2014 ,7 +Route pull-up cord through grommet in bottom flap. Pull up closing loop and reinsert temporary ,3 +Applying slight cyclic control opposite the direction of yaw ,9 +during advanced stages of this spiral condition or excessive ,9 +Auxiliary Power Units ,7 +"controlled by pilot input, if needed. ",9 + — The permanent,9 +"of solid, bulky material. Such USCG PFDs are",9 +https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/general-secretariat/corporate-policies/data-protection/search/. ,3 +boiler system shall be able to heat all the digesters in the plant. The burner in the boiler shall be a dual ,9 +Laser activity ,3 +Figure 9-29. ,0 +Framework Contact,3 +Obstacles to Maintaining Situational Awareness,7 +Sachkundigen,8 +the Agency may reasonably incur or have to pay or which it may sustain— ,9 +the supplies provided by the contractor to the contracting authority as a sample or model; ,3 +"working with the AJI SCL, may have to reconvene SRM panels to analyze and assess these ",9 +be sealed free of charge. For each extra weight the charge shall be five centavos.,9 +SCHEME TO BE REVOKED ,7 +of the Supplementary Provisions come into effect as of the date of promulgation. ,9 +"II.20.5. Vorfinanzierungsgarantie, Erfüllungsgarantie und Gewährleistungseinbehalt ",7 +. — Any member of the Constabulary,9 +services either when the contractor provides it with supporting documents or on the ,3 +gemeinsamen Angeboten,9 +"jurisdiction of its registered office, central administration or principal ",6 +"(excluding those listed in the preceding item, the following item and item ",3 +600 meter plastic housing for CTD and SBE 5P plastic pump ,8 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +he case shall be given a fair ,9 +The NOT Gate,7 +"fuselage enabled the wings to be supported from above, as ",9 +crete by spraying with water. This shall be carried out where directed notwithstanding and whatever ,9 +s'il est établi que de fausses déclarations ont été faites ou que de fausses informations ,7 +§ 9 Entrichtung der Mautgebühr,7 +"during all phases of flight. To use it, the pilot will: ",9 +This type of magneto is used with turbocharged engines ,9 +and Mountain Wave Activity (MWA),7 +necessary to make use of the ,3 +を入院させるための施設を有する診療所及び入所施設を有する助産所に限る。)。,3 +Particulate Matter Emissions for Cooling Towers,9 +body which processes personal data on behalf of the ,3 +proper location. ,3 +Distribution Chamber for Primary Clarifiers,7 +special fire resistant material to keep the flame from igniting ,9 +ECHA expects that general tasks for governance and contract management to be ,3 +Thermal Faults ,3 +"Therefore, if terrain or obstacle clearance is a factor in the ",9 +panel may be installed to show the malfunction of,9 +"6 февраля 2018 г., регистрационный № 49935), с изменениями, внесенными",9 +II.5.1. Form and means of communication ,7 +usable for navigation.,9 +10.10.Koordinationsbesprechungen,7 +Defective spark plug lead,3 +"(hereinafter referred to simply as ""medical care plan""); the same applies ",3 +"Once the cell shaking process is completed, the No. 2 person will slowly raise the suspended canopy ",3 +Provide EFSA with feedback:,7 +SKYSPOTTER-,9 +"to advances in rocketry, spaceflight, avionics, telecommunications, ",3 +"PURPOSE A ""MEAT ",7 +Additional guidance: ,7 +The final roadmap report (max. ,8 +"for sale on board a vessel as saloon stores or supplies, are dutiable, but all sea",9 +Rigger —mains and reserves; FAA Senior Parachute ,3 +"outbound on the back course, the course indication remains ",9 +manufacturers derive their numbers in different ways. Some ,9 +been selected to secure efficient management of the integration and the maximum ,9 +Veterinary Officers in the visited districts attributed such structural deficiencies ,9 +The number and authority to repair crossports on a reserve ,9 +COLLISION AVOIDANCE AT NIGHT,7 +needle gradually moves to the right of center or indicates the ,9 +RECOMMENDATIONS,7 +»,9 +Associative Stage ,7 +Abschnitt 9,7 +clean to prevent damage to the pump.,0 +§ 5 Ausbildungsplan,7 +of the rotor blade approximately 90° before it reaches the,9 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +niedergeschrieben. Der Auftragnehmer,3 +ALTITUDE.) ,9 +the structure. ,9 +acquisition program baseline.,1 +drag acting to the opposite side. [Figure 3-17],9 +Providing specific advice for the data ,8 +§ 12 Unfallstelle,7 +36C (variation of consents under section 36) of that Act and given reference number ,9 +(AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) ,7 +"of a foreign power residing in the Philippine Islands shall not be deported,",9 +nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des installations. ,7 +is travelling between different locations where any activity described in ,3 +Pilot error.,9 +Tow Rope Inspection,7 +vessels engaged in the coastwise trade to secure the carriage of freight and,9 +shall be the presiding officer of the township court and of the,3 +"been formed. When using the slip roll former, the lower front ",9 +and to increase the time in which the powered para-,9 +"processing are determined by European law, the Data ",3 +"will produce a lower airspeed. To be sure, ",9 +—(1) The prohibitions in regulations 11 to 15 (asset-freeze etc.) do not apply to ,9 +"again, the skis become stuck.",9 +"is in regard to location, air traffic control, weather, regulations, ",9 +Please print/upload,7 +"Unless the special conditions provide otherwise, the performance guarantee shall be ",3 +"Reading before pushing, pulling, or twisting can often save ",9 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 +FAA Publications ,7 +Lebenslanges Lernen,7 +Definitions,7 +Liabilities and insurance ,7 +‘‘(3) NOTIFICATION.—Not later than 30 days after the date ,9 +"propulsive power. Ordinarily, the jet thrust ",9 +"management includes the preparation, support and monitoring of activities in one or more dedicated ",9 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 +Radar Limitations,7 +forget the housing loop.,3 +Factors Affecting Selection of Conductor Material,7 +The needle is one of the smallest parts of the machine but is ,9 +Pin protrusion must be within limits.,3 +"departments,",9 +Wire Size Selection,7 +Point of steepest bank,6 +Ausführungsplanungen seitens AG ,7 +Of greater general interest in climb per- ,9 +Récipients sous pression ,7 +versed command. ” ,9 +treatment and nature of the personal data.,3 +and special aviation-oriented announcements. ,9 +se is operated in,3 +The contractor will be required to register ,3 +by an Island person; ,3 +AUTOROTATION,7 +Ground reference maneuvers may be used as training ,9 +individual. The standard piggyback harness configuration of ,9 +危险物品的生产、经营、储存、运输单位以及矿山、金属冶炼、城市轨道交通,9 +Such checks and audits may be initiated at any moment during the provision of the services ,9 +DP Responsibilities ,7 + (See FIG 5,9 +Ministries and their Departments develop strategic plans which articulate what ,9 +"After a system has been adjusted, the full and synchronized ",9 +Signature: ,6 +to avoid the threat. An aural alert is issued that instructs the ,9 +"1,000 feet) and will not land on the deck if the X is",9 +The common data store should employ mechanisms to minimise the impact of ,3 +Private rights over land ,7 +any representations or explanation made in accordance with Rule 60A(5). ,3 +"treasurer, to enable him more readily to detect persons failing to pay the licenses",9 +submitted with the invoice.,3 +Schlußformel ,7 +Overall management including development of concept for ,7 +II.13.10. Visibility of Agency funding and disclaimer ,7 +point 9.1,9 +paper versions ,7 +Cable Connectors,7 +"established, unpublished airspace fixes that are designated ",9 +ACCOUNT HOLDER'S DATA,7 +the stall speed and maximum engine power is applied. ,3 +different degrees of grit or coarseness. The belt sander is ,9 +ResultantGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +§ 10b Personalgewinnungszuschlag,7 +be sent to: ,9 +Citation and commencement ,7 +until all air bubbles are removed.,3 +http://ec.europa.eu/budget/explained/management/protecting/protect_en.cfm#BDCE. ,9 +"Provision of expertise in Public Affairs and Media scenarios for cyber exercises, ",7 +AFS630comments@faa.gov,9 +nonprecision runway. Five lights are located on the ,9 +resides in the Philippine Isl,9 +"Strahlenschutz, Strahlenpass ",7 +Contractor. ,3 +industry for slowing the aircraft during final approach and ,9 +"well as aggravated pitch, airspeed, and trim errors. ",3 +after the debit note is sent to the contractor. The contracting authority must release the ,9 +Nachprüfung behaupteter Verstöße,7 +The change in angle ,9 +"flaws. After completely removing all stress risers and faults, ",9 +leader in a joint tender must sign and date the declaration on Selection criteria. ,3 +Einrichtungen und Ausrüstungen Nummer 10 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 183/2005 des Europäischen,3 +flare is applied before touchdown.,9 +A main part of the loft layout is a suitable packing area. ,9 +IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:,7 +type used within the surrounding area by the manufacturer. ,9 +die Bundesdruckerei) auf der Rückseite des Dokuments einschließlich eines maschinell prüfbaren,3 +"Verhandlung beantragen. Hat das Finanzgericht in dem Gerichtsbescheid die Revision zugelassen, können sie",9 +特定臨床研究の実施件数を維持し、当該維持された実施件数を増加させるよう,3 +most efficient when operated at or near the rpm design point.,9 +"If still not identified, wipe a small area of the surface in ",9 +Flight Instructor Characteristics and ,7 +Empty-Field Myopia ,7 +"For less than 1,000 mb, prefix a “9” to the 3 digits ",6 +Hi-Lite$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +and to visibility conditions sufficient to accommodate ,9 +Many aircraft wheels have provisions for securing the ,9 +reporting on results) and payments.,3 +until that time has elapsed. Make the cross-check ,3 +ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 1,7 +Pump delivery,6 +drying enamels may be used for touchup of epoxy ,3 +Fixed Assets Register Not Updated Residual Values ,7 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +"encountered. Even with AFM/POH approval, the prudent ",9 +"Scuba diving subjects the body to increased pressure, which ",9 +Zwischenprüfung,7 +whose decision shall be final.,3 +by the wing-runner. After the wing-runner releases his or her ,9 += D x N x 1/1000 ,2 +Most filters are located close to the pressure pump and consist ,9 +"Additionally, the pilot is most likely under considerable ",9 +ungeschützten,8 +单位有前款行为的,由公安机关处十万元以上五十万元以下罚款,并对直接负责的主,9 +or lift-off attitude. This is the “rotation” for lift off and climb. ,9 +dim red flight deck lighting.,9 +Service name,3 +planning purposes which represents the height above,9 +OIL SYSTEM ,6 +substances to be studied will be analysed for RAx using (i) chemical structure determinants ,9 +"advertisement, be exposed for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, and so",9 +"ditions, which result in a high density altitude. ",9 +Produktionsmethode:,3 +performance losses can be expected with ice accumulations. ,9 +"another one for the rest, or",3 +Beilage zum Bundesanzeiger veröffentlicht.,9 +"Nutrients are available in sufficient quantities, i.e. in incoming wastewater: ",3 +SENIOR DEVELOPER PROFILE ,7 +are encouraged to contact the radar approach control and take ,9 +"turbulence, pilots must learn methods of avoidance, as well as ",9 +Tenderers are required to identify all subcontractors. ,9 +"onset of RBS, the recovery is to roll out of the turn. If the ",9 +specific flight. ,9 +Cordon Fences are a cornerstone of the FMD control strategy in Botswana,9 +Nature does not know that it must only produce rising air ,9 +Briefing the photographer: ,3 +various flight parameters.,9 + Hard Landing,7 +the applicable law requires the disclosure of the ,3 +procedures employed in the en route phase of flight are ,9 +- Seite 33 von 52 -,4 +making alternative arrangements in the event of diversion to ,6 +For the Contracting Authority: ,7 +Full name ,9 +and tempera- ,9 +"belt use has become the norm, placing those who do not ",9 +Communications ,7 +is free of die marks and splits and is not out of round. ,3 +Airway/Route Depiction ,7 +"the Agreement, including any renewals pursuant to Article 3.4. ",3 +reports that come from the NWS or other approved ,9 +(starting with the origin of the requirement) and must include requirements proposed in the ,9 +the ATC facility having jurisdiction over that,9 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +When ATC issues a “,9 +洗浄設備及び更衣設備が設けられ、汚染の検査のための放射線測定器及,3 +Software Planning Review ,7 +Achieving an ISD ,7 +List of spare parts giving part numbers in relation to a drawing preferably of the exploded ,3 +Where the franchise is for the operation of a public service plant or,3 +nonparticipating aircraft. The purpose of such ,9 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +its authority over its ,3 +in terms of the attitude of the aircraft. If the pitch attitude ,9 +The ability to learn is one of the most outstanding human characteristics. Learning occurs continuously throughout a person’s$_{ }$,9 +Recommended Practices,7 +"""three days."" ",3 +Figure 1-14.,0 +Per i servizi di categoria/tipologia 1,3 +minimum technical capacity,9 +Supporting document(s)/evidence requested: ,7 +II.20.1. Zahlungsdatum ,7 +agency’s responsibility to the aviation community;,9 +Operational Hazard Warning(s)/Procedures,7 + An instrument used with some of the larger ,9 +Pressurization Terms,7 +d'exclusion,9 +frequency from being overtaken by the constant relay of ,9 + which are only ,3 +and was found to be in a condition for safe operation.” The ,9 +only two meetings (see table with deliverables) could be held either at ECDC or in a location in EU/EEA. ,9 +the fuel lines. The normal operating pressure can be found ,9 +Im Fall der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung müssen 24 Personen aus dem Bereich der,9 +"phases of flight, must remain vigilant of possible",9 +"as the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum (NASM), ",3 +"separation, it is not required to describe matters pertaining to serum ",3 +Tank resistor,6 +(Specific Quality Indicators ,3 +that runs through an electric motor or a pulley operated by a ,9 +What are we doing to achieve the objectives: ,3 +for the intended route of flight. This review should ,9 +〔平成二十九年三月二十三日政令第四十号〕〔抄〕,7 +Schlußformel ,7 +"(Technology That Is Especially Likely to Be Used for the Development, etc. of ",3 +UNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL,7 +a determination under regulation 12(3)(b); ,3 +"learance, or if you think that you have missed a portion ",9 +safe operation of civil aircraft.,9 +Transitioning across lots: Handover (WP 4) ,7 +Cumulated participation of 600 Tourism operators in B2B matchmaking events (the ,3 +法规定行使海洋环境监督管理权的部门根据所造成的危害和损失处以罚款;负有直,9 +Launch Site,7 +Aborted Landings,7 +"For a literal certificate of entries, first page, one peso; and subsequent",9 +Teilnahme ausländischer Fahrzeuge am Straßenverkehr,7 +lorsque les ,3 +"municipality, township, or other political subdiv",9 +Cable Connectors,7 +Ammeter/loadmeter ,3 +When the surfaces are completely dry from the previous ,9 +Baustein Hausaufgabe „Darstellung der individuellen Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +conduct that would constitute a contravention of a relevant prohibition if the conduct had ,9 +the template below.,9 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +Legal Entity & Financial ID Forms ,3 +Remove the tackings used to secure the base of the ,3 +Minimum Turning Altitude (MTA) ,3 +maximum prices/rates quoted in the Tender.,3 +Instrument Housings and Handling,7 +§ 11 Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I,7 +Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +"Behörde oder das Gericht, bei denen der Rechtsbehelf anzubringen ist, den Sitz und die einzuhaltende Frist",9 +Auftragnehmer. ,3 +Safety Incident and Accident Reporting and Analysis ,7 +DEVELOPMENT ,7 +self-employed etc.) and you ,6 +Operational Errors,7 +Has the economic operator undertaken to unduly influence the decision-making process of ,6 +factors leading to retreating blade stall.,3 +The Contractor shall ensure that all on site analysis is carried out in a safe manner and that all waste ,9 +の体制を確保すること。,3 +The oil pressure moves the piston toward the front of the,6 +or more different type,9 +valve. Pitot pressure pushes minute quantities of air through ,9 +Safety of excavation and adjacent structures ,7 +Instrument Housings and Handling,7 +Finanzholding-Gesellschaften bleiben unberührt.,9 +Exclusion criteria documentation ,7 +attributed to an oversight of management on the need for it (strategic plan). This ,9 +un prix unitaire est demandé. La somme des prix unitaires multipliés par les quantités donnera ,9 +APU fire shutdown,6 +les rassemblements de larges groupes de personnes dans les ,9 +Tow Ring Inspection,7 +poisoning. Hypemic hypoxia can also be caused by the loss ,9 +- Seite 15 von 120 -,4 +Equipment Setup,7 +Performance,6 +with EU budget implementation tasks; ,6 +structure recognizes only load. ,9 +"January 1, 1999. Accordingly, aircraft operating in the airspace ",9 +engine only) ,6 +GLYPH<0>T,6 +"of the contents of a medical countermeasure master file, if ",9 +"werden, und",3 +and attitude indicator provide the necessary information. If ,9 +"notifying ground control, or where applicable,",9 +"of oxygen in the atmosphere is constant, its partial pressure ",9 +maintaining the wheels a few inches above the runway until ,9 +it. The desired radius of a bend is obtained by the rear roll. ,9 +Methodology ,7 +the level at which these are proposed to be constructed or renewed; ,3 +FAA Guidance ,7 +A bilge water level detector referred to in paragraph (1) must sound an audible alarm which ,9 +"Die Trägerfrequenzen 8 291 kHz, 12 290 kHz und 16 420 kHz werden für Not- und",3 +"independent,",9 +increase aircraft visibility in low light conditions.,3 +and books on the specific system used are of great value. ,9 +Safety Planning for Acquisitions ,7 +"around Class B and Class C airspace, and enhanced",9 +authorized.,3 +Pilots are not authorized to fly a published,9 +ROTOR SYSTEM,7 +WING ILLUSTRATED BY TUFT-GRID PHOTOGRAPHS ,7 +be sealed structure or bladder type. Jet transport aircraft carry ,9 +the only instrument that displays an accurate indication of ,9 +II.25 SÉCURITÉ ,7 +"The validity period of the tender, during which tenderers may not modify the terms of their ",9 +"of departure used, responsibility for terrain clearance ",9 +Lockbolt Inspection,7 +transmissions.,9 +equipped with Area Navigation (RNAV) systems. A,9 +I.5.1. Vorfinanzierung ,7 +Shove the canopy down into the bag filling the corners.,0 +"Physical Security, Information Security, Cybersecurity, and Occupational Safety and ",7 +Remove the harness stitching from the rolled end of ,3 +"For example, the learner smoothly increases power, adds back pressure on the yoke, and trims the aircraft as a turn is entered. During ",9 +- Seite 14 von 78 -,4 +able to support the airplane and the airplane ,9 +length for tacking. (Example: .063 aluminum sheet = ,9 +(基準病床数の算定),9 +Area Navigation (RNAV) Routes.,7 +non-commissioned officer or g,9 +of the glue and the assembly of the joint components.,9 +Jurisdiction,9 +Anytime a powered parachute is rolling on the ground ,9 +COLLISION AVOIDANCE AT NIGHT,7 +be offset against gains on those transactions. ,9 +Positions,9 +"Coast Guard, 6",9 +"Ir = Index für den Monat, in dem der Antrag auf Preisanpassung eingeht. ",9 +§ 4 Ausbildungsplan,7 +Simplified Directional Facility (SDF),7 +"Whichever grounds are set out in section 3 of this form, the court may allow any of the other grounds to be",3 +Article 30-18 (1) The manager of a hospital or clinic shall take any of the ,3 +Salary and allowances of President ,7 +service providing continuously updated automated telephone ,9 +send a notification of the commencement of works to the UK Hydrographic Office at ,3 +The methodology for obtaining the appropriate emission factors is expressed by ,9 +"through ‘‘subparagraph (C)),’’; and ",9 +Schedule No 4: Concrete and Steel Works,7 + Attitude and Sink Rate Control,7 +Terminal instrument approach procedure (TERP). ,9 +"При наличии нескольких зданий, функционально связанных между собой,",9 +Safety switch ,3 +be inspected for condition. It may be possible to retread the ,9 +Table B – Losses of Stores ,7 +Provision of teams of interpreters for onsite and hybrid/online events ,7 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 2 ,7 +I.4.2. Preisanpassungsindex ,7 +SRM Panel Deliberations ,7 +10.25.Vervielfältigungen: AG-seitige Ausführungsunterlagen und AN-seitige W+M Planungen,7 +"juristischen Personen des Privatrechts der Betriebssitz, in der Nähe der Betriebsstätte nachgewiesen ist.",9 +contractual,3 +(財政上の措置等),9 + Hydraulic brakes whose pedal has a spongy ,9 +The contractor (or leader in case of a joint tender) must send an invoice for payment of the balance within 60 ,9 +"savings bank division, upon being ",9 +A stitch formation of alternating left and right throw,9 +Contracting Authority ,7 +"10,000 feet MSL. Unless otherwise authorized by",9 +[Figure 10-73] ,9 +the event. ,3 +DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 + No Radio,0 +Gas Cylinders,7 +CRUISING LEVEL-,7 +"directions, but mounted on a mast, with the same axis of ",9 +Abwasserstationsanlage,7 +"person, association, company, or corporation transacting the business",3 +"bei Konten natürlicher Personen, die zum 30. Juni 2014 bestehen und die zu diesem Tag Konten von",3 +法第七十条の十九第一項の規定により、代表理事の選定の認可を,3 +the black X is gone or else it reappears. Keep staring ,3 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +Die Druckstücknummer ist nach Nummer 5 darzustellen.,3 +[1780-25.],9 +DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ,7 +3000 feet for,9 +On-site attendance of 1 Contractor’s national partner is obligatory for all event formats but for ,3 +"waren, bescheinigten Situation ergeben. § 5 Absatz 5 Satz 2 gilt entsprechend. In dem Jahr der Erteilung der",9 +propeller out of balance).,3 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 1),7 +tification boxes are shown adjacent to each other. Magnetic reference courses are not shown. MEAs are charted above ,9 +Figure 14-49.,0 +Java and Knime for data reporting tools. ,3 +Baustein „Individuelle Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +LANDING GEAR,7 +the manufacturer’s instructions for continued airworthiness. ,9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 18 of 18 ",7 +Auditor General’s reports are available from the Government’s Department of Printing ,9 +"event. Depending on the size and relevance of the event, the contractor shall send the final ",3 +Margin Identification,7 +"Any communication is deemed to have been made when the receiving party receives it, unless ",9 +The payment obligations of the European Commission under this contract shall cease at most 18 months after ,9 +abgenommen.,3 +rotor include a reduction in the weight and drag of the rotor ,9 +"Change of legal entity, and also in case of new name, or where the change of legal entity ",3 +"surface quality, which is prevented by using a secondary ",9 +"Reference, please remember to delete this paragraph, any other text with yellow highlighting, ",9 +(iii) associations or foundations without legal personality; ,3 +Rotorcraft Controls,7 +I.4.2. Preisanpassungsindex ,7 +atGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +Audio-visual material production,7 +The fluid injected into the combustion cham- ,9 +"forth in item (xiv) of the same paragraph, limited to those pertaining to the ",3 +"For example, ",9 +services by the contractor to the contracting authority;,9 +service or deliverable(s) is allowed only if expressly specified ,3 +based NAVAID instrument flight procedures,9 +"restricted areas, obstructions and other pertinent data.",9 +"form more geotechnical or topographical surveys and site investigations, such costs shall be deemed to ",9 +installed with an associated FD. APs typically control ,3 +"documentation of applications, component systems, connections and integration ",3 +ntitled to the protection and flag of the United States.,9 +[Figure 1-13],9 +consists of a Data Collection Framework (DCF) to collect and validate data through a ,9 +"tower PRM frequency, but maintain listening watch on the ",9 +Declaration of Honour (DoH) ,7 +"For the calculation of the blower capacities, the minimum required O$_{2}$ concentration in the tanks, peak ",9 +§ 93a (weggefallen),7 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Two-Pin Piggyback ,7 +- Seite 23 von 27 -,4 +"is operated at.twice as great a speed, the in- ",9 +strap has an adjustable “V” ring used in conjunction ,3 +Prior laws continue to govern the application of penal provisions to acts ,3 +(See INSTRUMENT APPROACH ,9 +rate-of-climb airspeed will produce a 100-feet-per-minute ,9 +託業務の責任者とすることができる。,3 +Article 13 - ,7 +Figure 5-114. ,0 +Means of redress. ,7 +The Secretary of State makes these Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by section ,9 +Nachprüfung behaupteter Verstöße,7 +"forward the same to the chief of the division of archives, patents, copyrights, and",9 +coefficient. This drag ,9 +"SEC. 306. The personnel, supplies, or equipment of any compo-",9 +must learn to identify conditions that may be unsafe and learn ,9 +International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ,7 +system developer submits.) The SRMGSA follows systems engineering principles to achieve ,9 +Contractor or Contractor’s national partner to identify and order a professional ,3 +Prelaunch Check,7 +or C airspace; and below the altitude of the ceiling of,9 +(AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) ,7 +"Nettoerträge für Electronic Banking Services,",3 +"province), Malasiqui, Manaoag, Mangalda",9 +adjacent rivets to the point of cracking.,9 +any means or in any form; and the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit the re-utilization ,3 +"of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), part 47, section ",3 +Twin-engine aircraft vacuum systems are more complicated. ,9 +Premature takeoff resulting from mismanagement of elevator trim setting or wing flap position setting. Low airspeed ,6 +[183-40; 267-10; 612-2.],9 +unit called a constant-speed drive (CSD) is used to ensure ,9 +Connector Links. Four barrel-nut style stainless steel connector links are used to connect the ,3 +Visual Glideslope Indicators,7 +より同項に定める帳簿書類を作成し、当該報告に係る資本取引が行われた日から五年,3 +other aircraft provided that the pilot can maintain,9 +Pilots are not required to calculate a cold temperature ,9 +"injection process, resulting in a seized engine. Additionally, ",9 +beinhaltet eine Demonstration der ordnungsgemäßen Durchführung der Ferkelkastration unter,3 +"dry does not only cause the engine to stop, but running for ",9 +applying. Feedback will be treated confidentially and will only be used for improving future ,9 +Ignition Harness,7 +"Generally, the use of afterburner at least will ",9 +Salary and allowances of President ,7 +"auszuflaggende Seeschiff verpflichtet, während eines in der Anlage in Abhängigkeit von der Größe der Seeschiffe",9 +Consent to prosecutions ,7 +Layup Techniques,7 +Offenses Relative to Assessment of Real Property,7 +Certificate (without an instrument rating) and at least a valid second-class medical certificate. For flights ,9 +the rights to receive both the source code and the object code; ,3 +the guarantor is liable under the guarantee due to the contractor's default under the ,3 +Areas of longitudinal reinforcement of 12 mm diameter minimum shall be at least 1% of the ,3 +below a minimum weight could adversely affect the,9 +carrying out airport advisory practices while operating to or from an airport without an operating ,9 +if that delay or failure is a ,3 +Ausbildungsnachweis genannten Ausstellungsbehörde oder -stelle die Echtheit der vorgelegten Bescheinigungen,9 +"Education Act 1997 (c. 44), paragraph 152 of Schedule 30 and Schedule 31 to the School Standards and Framework Act ",1 +"out in the Special Conditions, under ",3 +書及び収支決算書を毎事業年度終了後三月以内に貸借対照表を添えて厚生労働大臣に,3 +ein von ihr bestimmter Nachweis über die Vorschriftsmäßigkeit oder ein Gutachten eines amtlich,3 +punishment imposed by a summary court shall not exceed confinement at labor for,9 +Straight-and-Level Flight,7 + The obligation to provide the supporting evidence will be waived in the following situations: ,1 +des Kennzeichens die Bestimmungen über die Kennzeichenzuteilung im Zulassungsverfahren mit Ausnahme der,9 +Stationary Combustion Sources ,7 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +"Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL; Parsippany, NJ;",9 +For detailed instructions on how to submit a tender please consult the e-Submission Quick Guide available at: ,1 +der Garantiegeber leistet die Sicherheit auf erste Anforderung und verzichtet auf die ,3 +[355-309.],9 +__WITHDRAWN,3 +§ 5 Ausbildungsplan,7 +Digital Electronics ,7 +Genehmigung für Tätigkeiten und Beschäftigung in fremden Anlagen oder Einrichtungen ,9 +requester. A renewal notice will also be,3 +ведомственный,9 +Operating procedures ,7 +VFR Waypoints,7 +Constitution of offices,7 +"published descent angle, provided by the RNAV",9 +third country). ,3 +Anforderungen und Regelwerke,7 +OSH expert,9 +"credit unions, ",3 +"itigate the risk by careful preflight planning, filing a VFR ",6 +Für das Protokoll gelten die §§ 159 bis 165 der Zivilprozessordnung entsprechend.,9 +"Objectives 1 and 2 of RTCA DO-278A, Annex A, Table A-1 and Table A-10 have been ",3 +office of a person who engages in foreign exchange business or other person ,3 +: any infringement of a provision of Union law resulting from an act or omission ,9 +0014 00-9 ,4 +same e-mail address will be used by the contracting authority for all other communications ,9 +"aircraft location; rather, it is an overall assessment of each ",9 +Departure Procedures (DPs) and Standard ,3 +Verwendete Abkürzungen,9 +... wind calm ... altimeter three zero zero one.”,9 +article 60C(4A).”. ,9 +cracks in other locations. ,9 +terminal areas at a large scale. They are included with,9 +"the relevant year beginning in 2020. However, in light of the disruption to billing authorities ",9 +"D = THC emission index, expressed in pounds per gallon (lbs/gal) for liquid fuels, pounds ",9 +services to their contractors abroad through banks or financial institutions operating in ,3 +"movement,",9 +A magneto is a high frequency radiation emanating (radio ,9 +Forfeiture to Government for Want of Bidder,9 +The criterion is applied to: ,7 +施行前本人確認済み行為(当該確認を本人確認(新法第十八条第一項及び第二十二条,9 +Regulatory Framework ,7 +simultaneous close parallel PRM NTZ monitoring ,9 +Pilots System (TWIP).,7 +Latitude and Longitude (Meridians and ,7 +cockpit. It is also common for beginner pilots to fixate on the ,9 +comes to an end in accordance with section 50(7)(b) of the Police Reform and ,3 +Chain of Ownership,7 +If a person in such service is killed or dies of injuries received in line of,9 +HUMAN RESOURCE AND ADMINISTRATION ,7 +"topographic maps of the area. If the Auer land use types of heavy industrial, light",9 +(+++ § 33: Zur Anwendung vgl. § 27 Abs. 3 +++),9 +HUMAN RESOURCE AND ADMINISTRATION ,7 + during the ,3 +Für den schriftlichen Teil der Prüfung ist von folgenden zeitlichen Höchstwerten auszugehen:,9 +Increased steadily or unsteadily by 2.8 mb ,6 +"of the PHEMCE do not agree upon a recommendation, ",9 +"MARKING, STOWAGE CONTAINER - OPERATING LIMITS:",7 +"Citation, commencement, duration and extent ",3 +Evaluation of requests to participate,7 +"assumptions,",3 + The layer of the atmosphere extending from ,9 +Rigidity in space.,9 +"to the cyclic pitch control. If the cyclic is moved forward,",9 +precipitation discriminator) in the “Remarks” section to indicate the type of precipitation ,3 +"(FAA-H-8083-25), ",9 +"Upon request, the contracting authority may provide additional information solely for the ",9 +5-6-14. Law Enforcement Operations by Civil and Military Organizations,8 +Great Plains Aircraft Volkswagen (VW),7 +the control tower. If a control tower does not exist or ,9 +"forth in (b), and in the case of a hospital, etc. which does not carry out serum ",3 +ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS,7 +"traduzione, inserimento di sottotitoli, doppiaggio in diverse versioni linguistiche: ",3 + constituent ou contiennent un objet brevetable: le droit d'enregistrer cet ,3 +declarations/information. ,9 +ATC authorization to “maintain VFR-on-top” is not intended ,9 +when preparing tenders,9 +Napo performance,7 +frequencies for that area; and,9 +quarantine camps to control animal movement into higher animal health status ,9 +Where the landlord proposes to rely on condition 2: within 12 months of the court's finding that the,3 +"moved forward of the neutral position, the positive pitch",9 +Financial Results,7 +vorgesehen. ,9 +Specific provisions related to the supply of goods ,7 +令で定める期間内に、財務省令で定める手続により、しなければならない。,3 +Réclamations et responsabilité ,7 +"Any medication that depresses the nervous system, such as ",9 +"DUVRI, sono presenti rischi di cui tabella precedente, in particolare il personale del contraente ",3 +Untangle square reserve using proper technique,3 +The warranty must remain valid for one year after provisional acceptance. ,3 + See Automated Surface Observing System.,9 +ionizes the gap at the spark igniter.,9 +"personnes physiques à l'égard du traitement des données à caractère personnel par les institutions, organes et ",1 + .....................8-5,8 +I.6.4. Garanzia di esecuzione ,7 +Identify Initial Operating Capability Safety Requirements ,7 +"safety circuits, and cabin pressurization systems.",9 +entry and rollout.,3 +Qualifications for membership of ,7 +Cognitive Stage ,7 +the position or heading of the aircraft. Rotating the OBS has ,9 +type airship envelope. ,9 +"two options for laying out the leading edge. Generally, ",9 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) ,7 +"This handbook is available for download, in PDF format, from the FAA website, www.faa.gov.",9 +Public Law 117–4 ,10 +Measure the required distance from the end of the strap ,3 +Parachute pack. ,9 +potential for the loss of a portion of a head. ,3 +"Center weather advisories (CWAs) are unscheduled inflight, ",9 +Synthetic Vision System (SVS) ,7 +Remove old pages and insert new pages as indicated below: ,3 +"updrafts are likely to occur over pavement or barren places, ",9 +provide visual representations of surrounding traffic. Most ,9 +detection,6 +"mindestens zwei Wochen, beim Bundesfinanzhof von mindestens vier Wochen, zu laden. In dringenden Fällen",9 +"impact on the private, voluntary or public sector is foreseen. ",9 +Autopilot Systems,7 +THE RECRIPROCATING ENGINE ,7 +participate/tender. ,7 +transition from hovering to forward flight without ,3 +II.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority,7 +Wake begins ,6 +Developing a single ATO safety strategy to support NextGen concepts and implementation,3 +edge of the aileron is easy enough to not require significant ,9 +[Figure 16-53],9 +Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan,7 +LIABILITY FOR THE DEBTS OF THE LEGAL PERSON,7 +"equivalent to the scope and detail of an annual inspection, ",9 +Allen wrench engages the recess to prevent rotation of the ,9 +“Hydraulic Load” derived commitment for the plant components: ,7 +CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +Acceleration causes an ,9 +Identification of subject matter for Professional article ,7 +Irrigation system ,7 +Technical engineer and Assistance in system configuration and integration. The tenderer ,3 +namic forces created by the airfoil sections of a ,9 +When the weather conditions are such that the pilot can not ,9 +Winch or automobile tows are being ,9 +"Instructors can take two steps to keep their learners in a state of readiness to learn. First, instructors should communicate a clear set of ",9 +n'excluant pas la possibilité pour le contractant de demander une offre à un nombre ,3 +"representation, decision or control and beneficial owners.",9 +"defense against this type of inattention is to alert the learner to the problem, and to help develop habits that keep their attention ",9 +from the undertaker. ,9 +ministry as provided for in Article 6 of the Act; the same applies in the ,3 +on the collective and readily available. Faced with the loss ,9 +"capable of running on unleaded automotive fuels, as well ",9 +order to reach the ground reference at the ,9 +RELATIVE WIND,7 +"party provide irrevocable collateral security, or stand as first-call guarantor of the ",3 +modèles mis à disposition par le Secrétariat et sont approuvés par le Secrétariat avant ,3 +accurate navigational database,9 +was assumed. Building upon the foundation of conventional ,9 +"inventory thereof, and file the same ",9 +"about the potential hazards, safety risks, and ways to reduce risk associated with a particular ",9 +lingue utilizzate all'interno dell'UE; ,3 +"presente, indicare la fonte alternativa utilizzata. ",3 +Understanding Communication on a Common Frequency ,7 +"6,000 feet. ",9 +of financial data,9 + insert contract title ,9 +"§ 5 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Berufsausbildung und Mitarbeiterführung""",7 +Figure 9-4. ,0 +determines the amount of blade pitch change. ,9 +A DC biasing current is used to keep the transistor of ,0 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 358 of December 2, 2005] ",7 +surface cleanliness prior to bonding. When the peel ply is ,9 +人格のない社団又は財団,3 +Informationen zur Erhebung von personenbezogenen Daten nach Artikel 13 und 14 der Verordnung ,7 +List of drawings attached ,7 +Verification of non-exclusion ,7 +Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR).,9 +"that fits a machined surface on the disk face. Then, the bolts ",9 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT FOR SERVICES ,10 +Abschnitt 3,7 +"progresses from one sector to another, the pilot is",9 +"contracting authority shall recover from the contractor the extra costs, if any, of providing ",3 +public health emergency. ,9 +finances the ,9 +"safety equipment. In the case of necessity in manual use, by-pass line shall be built to gas flare. ",9 +placement agency established in a Member State (“hiring out of workers” as defined ,3 +The first decision point is during the preflight planning.,0 +The courts of Barbados have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute regarding the ,3 +Traffic Display Symbology,6 +"the indicator magnet, but the electromagnetic response of the ",9 +The dynamic lift of an airship is the lift which de›,9 +High Reconnaissance,7 +long-term care facilities,7 +ministry as provided for in Article 6 of the Act; the same applies in the ,3 +Updated text ,7 +109. Public Service Commission,7 +Standards and rules ,7 +See the POH for wing details. Insert battens from the root ,9 +pronouncing each digit.,3 +Objective of the initiative ,7 +次に掲げる台帳が作成されていること。ただし、血清分離のみを行う病院等にあ,3 +"[Figure 2-18],",9 +"provides real-time, accurate, predictive and strategic weather ",9 +Dante Festival horse-racing ,9 +Anlage 1 (weggefallen),7 +"ing a wing. In most airplanes, left turns are somewhat",9 +"current year or past year, please ",9 +Identify Initial Operating Capability Safety Requirements ,7 +surface at the equator than it does at the poles.,0 +Amendment of Schedule 4 ,7 +the starting edge is determined by the diameter of the part ,9 +"10, paragraph (2), items (ii) and (iv); and ",3 +date] (the “Start,3 +the pressure vessel through the outflow valve(s) mounted ,9 +"champagne or other sparkling wines, or to sell, give away, or otherwise dispose of",9 +Pitot-Static Systems ,7 +"Safety, Accident, and Hazard Reports",4 +Abschnitt 4,7 +Annex 1. Title ,7 + Attitude and Sink Rate Control,7 +"contractor, it being understood that this choice shall not release the contractor from ",3 +operated instruments into the system. To reduce the vacuum ,9 +information useful to helicopter pilots navigating in,9 +properly. ,9 +电子认证服务提供者暂停或者终止电子认证服务,,9 +"provides a list of activities, and the associated date by which the activities must be completed. ",9 +results of the air quality assessment can be included. ,3 +systems to overcome extreme temperature and pressure ,9 +one unit. The rotating swash plate is connected to the pitch ,9 +"worked. For all experts, their time input must be rounded to the nearest whole number of days worked ",3 +Warranted Provision,7 +"aviation, for promoting safety in air commerce, for",9 +Project team ,7 +I.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +Economizer opening,6 +Voltage Regulation,7 +AÇMAYINIZ,9 +process and WSC students are more successful learning ,9 +"For 1,000 mb or greater, prefix a “10” to the 3 digits ",6 +"anemometer (wind meter), and a stop watch. They were ",9 +Normal Takeoff from the Surface,7 +Form 1: Candidate/tenderer general information,7 +"takeoff, severe braking, or the thermal plug in the wheel has ",9 +Achieving an ISD ,7 +Aufgaben und Verpflichtungen,7 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +Anlage 17 (zu § 10 Absatz 1 und § 11 Absatz 1),7 +two-way radio communications and radar contact are,9 +§ 8 Teil 2 der Abschlussprüfung in der Fachrichtung Instandhaltungstechnik,7 +without a separate legal ,6 + following the airport identifier indicates Class C or ,8 +the primary control to provide an aerodynamic assist in the ,9 +Außerdem hat die Zulassungsbehörde dem Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt zur Aktualisierung des Zentralen,9 +approach fix on the side away from the airport and ,9 +A compass correction card shows the deviation,0 +Procedure Turns,7 +retains full liability towards the ,9 +line is to be used only for GBAS. ATC clearance for,9 +Компьютерная,8 +statistical importance.,3 +through the reference datum point (RDP). This angle is ,9 +of a finite wing pro- ,9 +Schlußformel ,7 +Turboprop Powerplant Removal and ,7 +Conducting an IFR Flight,7 +are in breach of ,3 +service or deliverable(s) is allowed only if expressly specified ,3 +PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 77 of March 31, 1959] ",7 +§ 26 (weggefallen),7 +Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Size,7 +前項の報告書は、毎年十月五日までに都道府県知事に提出するものとする。,3 +"etc."" in the following paragraph through paragraph (5)) (in the case where the ",3 +decided in liaison with EU-OSHA’s national partner; ,3 +Reverse-Current Relay,7 +Kontaminationskontrolle ,7 +"of the actuators, independent of the power pack. Pressure ",9 +Hemispherical combustion chamber within the ,0 +"(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2014, 2344)",9 +"sleeping on such duty, shall be fined not exceeding one thousand pesos or",9 +I.4.2. Price revision index ,7 +"prior to departure, or special techniques to be applied ",3 +Reconnaissance Procedures,7 +"resources,",9 +decelerate immediately as the pitch is changed. It takes a little ,9 +That the first proviso under this heading in the Supplemental ,9 +Figure 3-80.,0 +Patching. ,9 +the software / planning decisions not satisfying RTCA DO-278A objectives. Beginning the ,9 +fuel adds energy to compressed air and accelerates the air ,9 +"in the definition of “assistance amount” after “pursuant to” insert “paragraph 1 of”, ",3 +"as the depth of its jaws. Thus, any bend formed on a bar folder ",9 +Radial engine (static radial).,9 +taking into account any public statements on the specific characteristics of the supplies made by the ,3 +Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter oder,7 +Compensator,6 +quired power setting with ,9 +basis to identify all requirements for further guidance and methodological development. All ,3 +out at a leak. Many of these are made to be visible under UV ,9 +"assumes a charge, up to a maximum of approximately 4 ",9 +"und Warmwasserleitungen, Kälteverteilungs- und Kaltwasserleitungen sowie Ar-",7 +candidates/award of the contract.,9 +"Riverside Road, for a distance of 158 metres to a point where it joins the western end of the ",9 +chanical failure.” ,9 +accident. ,9 +Materials/ Parts ,7 +"nse or tax, and they shall transmit such list at once to the provincial",9 +Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA),7 +"vorlegen, wenn das nach seiner Auffassung zur Fortbildung des Rechts oder zur Sicherung einer einheitlichen",9 +"This situation occurs, for example, if a generator fails. When ",9 +Flow divider cutaway.,0 +Claims and liability ,7 +solely for the ,9 +modate the increased combustion products. ,9 +"Beraten von internen und externen Kunden bei der Gestaltung logistischer Prozesse,",3 +II.26.2 Médiation ,7 +in no way implies that the tenderer has been successful.,7 +Abschnitt A Nr. 3 ,3 +TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-$_{ }$,7 +ADEMPIMENTO DELLE NORME DI SICUREZZA,7 +Dispersion Modeling Methods ,7 +approach airspeed. The techniques for glidepath con-,9 +to preclude a stall.,9 +Declaration of honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria ,3 +") of this section ought to be investigated, then",9 +expected weather that will impact airport operations.,9 +(hereinafter such Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Act is referred ,3 + Taking Down the WSC Aircraft ,7 +"one person from each of the following areas, which person for the time being performs ",3 +"performing the skill being taught. Then, allow learners time to practice each step, so they can increase their ability to perform the ",9 +§ 3 Flugsicherungsausrüstung für Flüge nach Instrumentenflugregeln,7 +JRC/PTT/2021/CPN/0763 ,10 +"state devices. Today, digital electronic circuits dominate ",9 +§ 18 Zulassung,7 +"assumptions,",3 +copyright licenses to reproduce any publications provided to EFSA. The ,3 +as entitled to practice the said profession in the Philippine Islands.,9 +"operations, such as an instrument approach below ",3 +$^{26}$ For the definition of trade secrets please see Article 2 (1) of DIRECTIVE (EU) 2016/943 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and ,1 +Article 9 - ,7 +"been gathered from test flights conducted in a new aircraft, ",9 +"prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, the provisions then in force ",3 +Following the report made under paragraph (4)(b) or (in a case where paragraph (5) applies) ,9 +information is required; ,3 +uncoordinated use,3 +Preignition ,9 +", maintenance of the ",9 +Event/conference assistant (half/full day) ,7 +An aircraft flying the LOC/GS course at a constant ,3 +are regulated by the provisions of Part 3 (street works in England and Wales) of the 1991 ,3 +Festbetragsgruppe: (§ 35a Abs.,9 +during the early portion of the takeoff roll and during the ,9 +The powered parachute has two distinctive modes: (1) ,9 +Acceptance (1) (2) (3) ,7 +Transfer of communications automati-,9 +high-purity,6 +(other than the United Kingdom) for the purposes of the G7 Summit and G7 ministerial meetings ,9 +Bauvorhaben …………………………………………,7 +generally reached whereby the voltage variation at the load ,9 +"The sensing element consists, essentially, of an infinite ",9 +Blocks of Learning ,7 +APR. Moves the cursor into the Approach section and ,3 +Supervision of Judges of First Instance Over Notaries,9 +"medical facts, factors affecting flight safety, a",9 +"heated, and when the piston is at its operating temperature, ",9 +may serve in an additional qualifying position only if— ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +notification required above must contain the,9 +units. Biological scrubber type desulphurization unit shall be used. ,9 +FDs may use a “two cue” presentation known as a ,3 +Page 2 of 17 ,4 +contracting authority any problem,3 +§ 25 Übergangsvorschriften,7 +designed to be glued to the wheel rim are also in use. ,9 +"The course may be an out-and-return course, a triangle, a ",9 +maintained.,3 +prepreg tape with an epoxy resin is most often used for this ,9 +"ace, notary public, or",9 +"concepts of risk management, workload or task management, ",9 +赠与的财产依法需要办理登记等手续的,应当办理有关手续。,9 +Using all resources.,3 +"feet. Therefore, at the midpoint of the flight, the pilot should ",9 +Leveling Off,7 +insurance policies taken out by the contractor with its contractual and/or statutory ,9 +"conductor is insulated, the heat generated in the conductor is ",9 +PERSONNEL'S OBLIGATIONS ,7 +"liabilities of P371.66 million, resulting in net current assets position ",9 +Übereinkommen,9 +Vertical Guidance) minima on most RNAV (GPS),9 +"in command (PIC) and unplanned circumstances arise, the ",9 +Development consent etc. granted by the Order ,3 +" For each relevant year beginning on or after 1 April 2021, each invoice ",9 +Specific provisions related to insurance ,7 +This handbook conforms to pilot training and certification concepts established by the FAA. There are different ways of ,9 +threads match the threads of the pins and have been formed ,9 +Nachweis der Teilnahme an einer Fortbildungsveranstaltung oder Praxisberatung von mindestens 16,3 +durchlasswiderstand von,9 +" If applicable, include a summary of software changes with attention to ",3 +. — The revenues of the municipality shall be,9 +Article 4 - ,7 +Figure 1-60. ,0 +idling rpm typically increase with an increase in altitude. ,9 +на въезд в Российскую Федерацию иностранным гражданам и лицам без,9 +Signature:,9 +with Paragraph 4,9 +randomly distributed throughout the air mass. ,9 +VENT !NUT ,6 +A bag which is intended to be used to carry ,9 +information,3 +the position of all apparatus; ,3 +who can develop and implement risk controls. ,3 + Attitude and Sink Rate Control,7 +tered. The following data illustrate this fact ,9 +"Bildaufnahme,",3 +das Unternehmen nötig gewordenen gemeinschaftlichen Anlagen verursacht ist. Die obere,3 +format to be agreed between EU-OSHA ,9 +inches and the temperature is 60° ,9 +AIRSPACE INFORMATION,7 +Anlage 3 (zu § 1 Abs. 2),7 +a radio phone-in ,7 +"Inspect exhaust for cracks, security of mounting, ",3 +National Stock Number (NSN) Index.,7 +visually acquire and avoid obstacles in the “Fly,9 +– MISURE CORRETTIVE ,7 +Evaluation of tenders on the basis of the award criteria ,3 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +Latitude and Longitude (Meridians and ,7 +All flight instructor applicants must be proficient in spins. ,9 +FAA Chart Users’ Guide - IFR Enroute Terms,5 +"solenoid, located at the heater, remains open or the control ",9 +LAKES AND RIVERS,7 +Since air entering the inlet port must pass through this ,9 +本邦に派遣された外国の大使、公使その他これに準ずる使節及び本邦にある外国,3 +SEC. 207. IMPROVING ALL-HAZARDS PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE ,7 +Threshold Lights- Fixed green lights arranged ,9 +воспитанниками,9 +Criteria related to tenderers ,7 +II.26 LOI APPLICABLE ET RÈGLEMENT DES LITIGES ,7 +"The wing will be of low aspect ratio, ",9 +"Kenntnisse der Nachbearbeitung der Druckplatten,",3 +"auf öffentlichen Straßen nur geführt werden, wenn die Berechtigung in der Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I",9 +Contour Flying Cautions,7 +The oath of township,9 +European Commission ,9 +"10‑knot headwind component, groundspeed in the descent is ",9 +In regulation 21 (hardship payments)— ,3 +Selection criteria ,7 +power required varies inversely with velocity ,9 +Airport Surface Detection Equipment,7 +Summary election appeal: parties ,7 +room hosting 25 staff. ,3 +helicopter is flown in a slip during the early stages of the ,9 +the flight characteristics and operational limitations of the make and model aircraft to be flown. ,9 +points where the boundary lines of the municipality touch the sea at,3 +Corporate,9 +above the mesosphere and gradually fades away into space. ,9 +straight-in landing under the right conditions. The type of ,9 +weight specified for each airpIane and this ,9 +AIRPORT DATA DEPICTION,7 +joints are usually made by bending the edges of one or both ,9 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +"welding, lock tabs, and riveting. ",9 +Final TEMP ,3 +for that purpose by that council; ,9 +физкультминутки).,9 +[2468-4.],9 +entspricht. Die antragstellende Person kann die Erfüllung der Voraussetzungen nach § 67 Absatz 2 bis 11 bis,9 + See single-pilot resource management.,9 +The contractor must obtain any permit or licence required in the State where the ,3 +minima (taking it out of Category II or Category III ,3 +Opening of tenders ,7 +Anlage 2 (zu § 6 Absatz 1),7 +it applies loads between the connecting rod bearing and ,9 + Thrust Required for Increases in Speed,7 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +operation for the aircraft. ,9 +"Parks, and Forest Service Areas",7 +Instrument Markings,7 +de commande reprenant un montant provisionnel. Le montant correspondra au montant ,9 +`Administrative forms for EIB tenders`).,9 +Amendment of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1191/2014 ,7 +"integrazione, anche mediante rifilatura e taglio, dei ",3 +"earthquakes, and volcano eruptions, and other disasters declared ",9 +"to cold soak, low battery output due to low temperatures or ",9 +Festbetragsgruppen (Festbetragsgruppen-,10 +necessitate ,9 +Current text: ,7 +Curbs shall not be laid until the 28 day strength of the pre-cast unit is attained. Kerb sections shall be ,9 +Failure to cross-check all available instruments.,3 +"laughter or singing, and very rapid changes in emotions. ",3 +"to such review, as applicable.’’; and ",9 +令和三年四月十三日までの間は、第二条第一項第一号の二中「別表第二の二に掲げ,3 +dures discussed in the following paragraphs relate to,9 +"die Kommission für Verleih-, Vertriebs- und Videoförderung und",3 +"representative, ",3 +(amendments,3 +"Beträgt der durchschnittliche Haltestellenabstand mehr als drei Kilometer, so ist nach einer Lenkzeit",3 +"On an instrument approach, the trained instrument pilot ",9 +hold aileron pressure into the wind. This may cause the ,9 +high angles of attack and sideslip. These ,9 +Situation,6 +the minima lines of the selected approach procedure.,9 + Thrust Required for Increases in Speed,7 +(FAA USE ONLY),6 +"entgegen Artikel 36 Absatz 1 oder 2 ein Schaublatt, die Fahrerkarte, einen Ausdruck oder eine",3 +The confidentiality obligations set out in this Article are binding on the contracting ,3 +"technologischer sowie gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen, insbesondere digitaler Technologien,",3 +Fixed-Price contracts ,7 +"Strahlenschutz, Strahlenpass ",7 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +Advanced avionics information system.,9 +the Secretary of State; ,3 +an online register of organisations participating in EU calls for tenders or proposals. On registering ,9 +for an acceptable replacement.,9 +"2011, for another person to attend a meeting of the Authority on the ",3 +"factor, c= ,827 ",9 +the exhaust gases as they enter the tail pipe after ,3 +accumulator has two compartments separated by a flexible ,9 +2) таблицу пункта 3.3 изложить в следующей редакции:,9 +requirements,9 +"Receiver Inoperative, 4",9 +ashamed to question the glider pilot. Better to be a bit ,3 +Variable Restrictor,7 +"bei Fahrzeugen, denen ein Ausfuhrkennzeichen zugeteilt ist,",3 +前二号に掲げるものの性質を有する財産上の利益,3 +isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. A stainless toothbrush should ,9 +"installed in a spanwise line or lines, the vortices created by ",9 +Annex I to FR ,7 + Airspace is depicted as open area (white) on the IFR Enroute Low Altitude Charts. It consists of ,9 +Use of workers posted to the contractor by another company owned by the same group ,3 +"societies, as provided in section twelve hundred and thirty-nine, not in excess of",9 +害海水使用素质和减损环境质量等有害影响。 ,9 +unintentional descent. Make sure all ground business is taken ,9 +8EariON IV ,7 +"The amount the velocity of an object, ",9 +"purchaser or purchasers, or to any other person or persons designated",3 +"through all intervening owners, including yourself,",9 +or double-bevel type or single or double-V type. A filler ,9 +a sea-breeze front.,9 +Motor routine 1 ,7 +"of the ailerons, and can be used to increase lift, drag, and ",9 + The wind ,9 +"cleared route, which generates an Oceanic Navigation Error ",9 +Figure 13-14. ,0 +"or green, but some brands are colorless. When the surface ",9 +II.20.4. Überweisungskosten ,7 +Turnbuckles,7 +(NAS) of the United States. An international version,9 +reduction amounts at least to the extra allowance paid. ,3 +Padding the keel and kingpost with the right hand sail ,0 +the drain pipes of the cleaning equipment referred to in 3. are connected ,3 +und aufsichtskonformen Führung der betroffenen Unternehmen Rechnung zu tragen. Die Bundesanstalt kann,9 +Carburetor Types,7 +Page 5 of 6 ,4 +"runway. However, because the force of a crosswind may vary ",9 +privilegi,9 +Manual (from local panel) ,3 +the powerplant section. ,9 +"in the project area. For example, information on ",3 +must be assumed to commence at a point 10 miles,9 +Instrument Housings and Handling,7 +"100,000 miles of normal driving without me- ",9 +"weather briefing. As a simple example, when talking to an ",9 +"Visitors travelling from/within The Netherlands shall be provided, before the visit takes place, with a Health ",9 +ty ---------------- --- ----------- ---------------------,8 +Use of workers temporarily transferred to the contractor from an undertaking ,3 +"DA/DH or MDA, the pilot conducts the EFVS",9 +"mystery lift as needed, then ponder its nature after the flight.",9 +AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—Section 2812(g) ,9 +国は、内水面漁業の振興に関する施策を実施するために必要な財政上の措置そ,3 +"could be made with a large margin of safety. In actual practice, ",9 +IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:,7 +Authorized areas of operation (clearly defined ,3 +". Normally, air going into the ",9 +......................................................,8 +"8,000 feet at the planned descent rate of 1,000 fpm. At your ",9 +", which correspond to the order of a number of person-days ",3 +§ 1 Berufsbild,7 +Telephone System ,7 +"superintendent,",3 +beyond power-off gliding distance from shore.,9 +"eingesetzt werden können,",3 +[Figure 4-58],9 +fuel gauges .................................................................. 4-11,8 +than 4 milliseconds). ,9 +NAVWEPS 00-BOT-BO ,7 +of general finishes with special proprietary coatings.,9 +Remission of Tax by Provincial Board.,9 +precursor,9 +Phonetic Alphabet.,9 +"Directory (A/FD). To use a preferred route, reference the ",9 +be free from such irrelevant matters as might be contained in the manufacturer's general literature. ,9 +assemblies through a glanding plate provided with the appropriate sizes and types of cable glands (bushings) ,9 +", which correspond to the order of defined project work or ",3 +Precautionary checks to be performed by the crew ,3 +"tract are exempt from taxes, customs, import duties, levies and/or taxes of equivalent effect, and stamp or ",9 +deice systems. Flight at high angles of attack (AOA) or even ,9 +(Use with safety analyses with unacceptable [high] predicted residual risk) (1) (2) (3) ,7 +"129,23 – 129,49 GHz,",9 +station equipment including warranty and associated ,10 +Duties of the Fiscal of the City — Assistants,9 +Thermal Memory: ,9 +Air in the Brake System,7 +«САНИТАРНО-ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К,7 +spark ignition apparatus and combustion takes ,9 +"Ordinances, regulations, and orders enacted or promulgated by a municipal council",9 +Fahrschülerausbildung nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2,7 +after the making of the agreement. ,9 +a minimum of 2 inches on each end.,3 +Opening of tenders ,7 +does not include potential blockage from terrain or,9 +expliquer pourquoi cette personne n'est pas en mesure d'invacuer ,3 +Pressure gauges for various components or systems work ,9 +The effect of the vertical velocities in the ,9 +REARWARD FLIGHT,7 +propeller pushes rather than pulls the aircraft.,9 +Article 6 – Terms of Payment ,7 +in determining the three dimensional characteristics of the ,9 +Schätzgleichungen zur Berechnung des Energiegehaltes von Mischfuttermitteln,7 +"and Industry No. 58 of June 27, 1995] ",7 +– ELEMENTI DI PROVA AI FINI DELLA SELEZIONE ,7 +Pulse-jet engine. ,9 +Requirements for special training information for personnel who will carry out the ,3 +Fixed-Price contract for project work ,7 +of Axis ofGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +the New Act) and the record as a record of identity confirmation (which refers ,3 +to direct the thrust in varied directions. Vertical takeoff ,9 +contractor must ensure that the information is readily available at the moment of the ,3 +to each blade by a piston rod. This rod is attached to forks,6 +"regulation 42 of the 2011 Regulations, ",3 +"“Runway 27 arrival, wind shear alert, 20 knot loss 3 ",9 +Workshops/Conferences ,3 +Chapter IV-2 Basic Policy ,7 +Radar Limitations,7 +e sulle immunità,9 +Application of Part 1 of the 1965 Act ,7 +by making quick snap-shots of the flight instruments. ,3 +In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council ,7 +you will reach the assigned altitude at the designated bottom‑,9 +Unterkünfte im Baugelände ,7 +message is updated every 10 minutes. These products,9 +" so provides. As soon as possible, Europol shall either ",3 +"warehouses shall be conveyed thither, their manner of storage, and",3 +GENERAL DIRECTIONS AND SPECIAL DIRECTIONS ,7 +NAVWEPS 00-801-80 ,7 +Section 5.1 ,7 +"§ 12 Haushaltsplan, Rechnungslegung",7 +Figure 2-19. Tower En Route Control (TEC) Northeast U.S. (Eastern). ,0 +Maßgabe der folgenden Vorschriften einzuhalten:,9 +"the turn progresses on the upwind side of the pylon, the wind ",9 +Baustrom / Bauwasser ,7 +assembly. The AC output of the pilot exciter armature is ,9 +APU bottle discharge,6 +Rotational AirflowGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +Abschnitt 9,7 +of the entity] ,6 +landing light wiring circuits,3 +. If the contractor is unable ,3 +included in this lot: ,7 +ensure the protection of such ,3 +Model Inputs ,8 +lamps are being replaced with LEDs at some airports,9 +"the approval process to be collected during stage 2, and relax some timescales within which ",9 +being provided. If any station becomes aware that the,9 +Reserve Free Bag Repair—Grommet Pullout,7 +medical care plan specified by the prefecture of the location of the hospital or ,3 +COUNTRY OF BIRTH,6 +Limitations on the powers under this Order ,3 +"Europol, including all forms of exploitation and use of such results and rights. The acquisition of ",3 +CG@20% MAC ,6 +ROUTINE FENCE MAINTENANCE AND PICKET PATROLS ,7 +NAVWEPS 00-801-80 ,7 +"nicht vor, schätzt die Bundesanstalt die Erträge und setzt den Umlagebetrag anhand der geschätzten Daten fest.",9 +Air Quality Assessment Examples ,3 +Whereas the National Air and Space Museum opened on the Amer-,3 +Termination shall be without prejudice to any other rights or powers under the contract of ,3 +Power to override easements and other rights ,7 +someone on the ground to the pilot indicating that the aircraft ,9 +"all drawings, specifications and other contract documents. ",3 +Any written communication relating to this contract between the contracting authority or ,3 +"the misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds or assets from the Union budget, ii) the non-",9 +"movements are necessary (e.g., left or right turn). To do so, ",9 +devices is performed only by certified repair stations and ,9 +Transition Training ,7 +Most metals have a tendency to return to their normal ,9 +Fremdrentengesetz,8 +Sample Problem 2 ,7 +"proviso that once such works become apparatus (“new apparatus”), any authorised works ",3 +Place hand on canopy approximately 10-inches from suspension lines. Grasp canopy at suspension ,3 +"Corrective actions can enhance safety at all levels, from national to local. They can include: ",9 +Articles 35 and 36.,3 +distinct generators. ,9 + will disregard any variants described in a tender. ,9 +"character throughout the Islands, whether pertaining to the Insular or",3 + the contracting authority of the suspension. The ,9 +§ 3 Flugsicherungsausrüstung für Flüge nach Instrumentenflugregeln,7 +collision light system are required to operate,9 +FLIGHT AT SLOW AIRSPEEDS,7 +what airports are acceptable for their aircraft requirements ,9 +Catching Errors: Using the FMS Flight Planning ,7 +"use is authorized, the name of the ATC controlling ",9 +monitored and controlled by the SCADA system. Chambers designed and constructed for the needs of ,9 +繊維製品の保管室が区分されていること。,3 +"level. Also, source locations are to be provided",3 +cameras or equipment are secure. A passenger should ,9 +Figure 13-114. ,0 +"The Contracting Authority will make payments in euro or in the national currency, in accordance with ",3 +information or the submission receipt are not provided as required.,9 +"kennzeichenpflichtiges Kraftfahrzeug, dem kein Kennzeichen zugeteilt ist, mit eigener Triebkraft oder ein",9 +How Autopilot Functions Work,7 +"In addition to the published routes, a random RNAV route ",9 +the expectation that they will land out of the approach every ,9 +The contracting authority is subject to Protocol 7 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European ,9 +"attainment and Maintenance Areas, ",1 +. — Rents and profits from,3 +Used in verbal communications ,9 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 +never-exceed speed (V$_{NE}$) and its development can be felt ,9 +"Event assistant(s) to run cloakroom, registration process on-site, handing out material ",7 +OJ/2021/DPR/12924 ,9 +Spring-Back,7 +be submitted in an electronic format in accordance with sections ,9 +Unterkünfte im Baugelände ,7 +SCHEDULE 12 ,7 +"follow the flight profile entered by the pilot, and ",3 +for financial and,6 +supplementari relative al ,3 +respect of ,3 +at the airplane.) ,3 +"pressure, ambient temperature, dew point tempera-",9 +"takeoff roll to V$_{R}$, rotate and establish V$_{2}$ climb speed. I will ",6 +clamping bar is lifted and the sheet is moved to the correct ,9 +〔昭和五十八年一月六日通商産業省令第一号〕,7 +GLYPH<0>FGLYPH<0>T,6 +"weather are given. The intensity may be light (–), moderate ( ), or heavy (+). Proximity only ",3 +BREATHING,6 +This Order confers immunities and privileges upon the representatives of the sovereign Powers ,9 +weiter anzuwenden.,9 +Chemical Rain Repellant,7 +A recordkeeping function may be facilitated by boxes or ,9 +Anlage 3 (zu § 4 Absatz 1),7 +how the metal reacts under the welding flame.,9 +第一号から第三号までに定める業務を行うための財産の取得又は改良に充てるた,3 +"forward cyclic compensation, causing the helicopter ",3 +Ensures that readbacks by the pilot of,9 +DISPOSIZIONI FISCALI: Il Centro Comune di Ricerca della Commissione Europea ,3 +Die Schwierigkeiten werden binnen eines Monats nach dieser Mitteilung behoben und die Entscheidung ergeht,9 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +Management of Human-Wildlife Conflict by the Department of ,3 +Auszubildende des Bundes jeweils geltenden Tarifverträge und sonstigen Bestimmungen anzuwenden.,9 +system. The deployment bag is packed in the bottom compartment of the container assembly with ,3 +"amount of P14 887 353), which has still to be resolved. ",9 +"Florida, is alphabetically listed under “O” for Orlando. ",9 +located upstream of the strainer is used to prime the system for ,9 +function or may be the basic “hands off” autopilot ,3 +"if meanwhile the examinee has held the office of justice of the peace, auxiliary",9 +Open Floor Space ,8 +outcome of the flight is successful.,9 +Without prejudice to the contracting authority’s other rights under Articles ,3 +Taper sanded repair,6 +the price offer is made within the maximum budget for financial offers indicated ,3 +Drill Bushings and Guides,7 +service level. These changes are either implemented as part of a Project or in Change ,9 +with the flight controls. The collective pitch changes each,9 +Identifying Emissions in the SIP ,7 +"If the Authority receives a request from a relevant police and crime commissioner, it ",9 +the contractor bears the costs of receipt charged by its bank; ,3 +"Prior to any flight, pilots should check for any NOTAMs that ",9 + Layout drawings; ,3 +ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ,7 +Article 8 - ,7 +"check the attitude indicator and heading indicator, stop ",3 +"152 710 373,19 Euro",9 +Wolfgang Klemperer broke the Wright Brothers 1911 soaring ,9 +"Overcontrolling, resulting in overbanking upon turn ",3 +AUTOROTATION,7 +"of Representatives and the Senate on May 16, 2019 has been ",9 +Unusual Attitude Recovery Protection,7 +"reduced, the angle of attack is reduced. [Figure 2-6]",9 +established “…to declare,9 +"rate; in visual flight, anything greater than a 45° bank.",9 +Light Twin Airplane,7 +"Prior to departing an unfamiliar location, make a detailed ",9 +II.20.7 Suspension du délai de paiement ,7 +This instrument amends regulation 15 of the 2015 Regulations by providing that regulation 15(6) ,9 +Travaux d'adaptation,7 +"landing into a headwind with a 25 mph groundspeed, the ",9 +"During starting, the C field, compensating, and commutating ",9 +tasked to,9 +Separation Service for VFR Aircraft in a TRSA).,7 +except for those systems related to the turboprop propeller.,9 +[Figure 2-23] ,9 +Wheel Speed Sensor,7 +hazards and reduce air traffic controller workload.,9 +REIMBURSEMENTS ,7 +By derogation,3 +Recognizing that the brain and eyes can play tricks in this ,9 +Name der Ersthelfer ,3 +中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法,5 +and useful load.,9 +adequate for ,3 +Offenses Relative to Assessment of Real Property,7 +treated as if it also had been agreed or had been so determined. ,3 +INTRODUCTION ,7 +"von Einsatzfahrzeugen der Feuerwehr, der Polizei, der nach Landesrecht anerkannten Rettungsdienste,",3 +Zweites Ausbildungsjahr,7 +addition to the procedure prescribed in section twenty-four hundred and sixty-six,9 +turbo/boosted ,8 +landing strip indicators and used to indicate the direction of ,9 +Chapter Summary ........................................................6-13,8 +main gear cylinders back into the hydraulic system return ,9 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +developed,9 +heading indicator is not affected by the forces that make the ,9 +электронного,9 +"have high prismatic coefficients, but of course some shapes are r.nore ",9 +Traffic Data Systems Receiving Information From ,7 +"COUNTRY, ORDAIN1NG FOR THIS",7 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +受赠人有下列情形之一的,赠与人可以撤销赠与: ,9 +"PIR’s main objective is to assess an investment program, determining whether the program is ",9 +Wind Patterns ,7 +ROUNDS FOR REJECTION FROM THIS PROCEDURE,7 +Transition Training ,7 +"are painted every 30°, as shown in ",9 +§ 4 Berufsausbildung in überbetrieblichen Ausbildungsstätten,7 +Gas canister projectors; ,3 +compounds.,9 +contractor must ensure that the information is readily available at the moment of the ,3 +EU Validation Services,7 +coordinated flight). The instruments used for bank control ,9 +to transition from one instrument to another.,9 +process and to aid in closing the container; also known as a ,9 +(b) Your landlord cannot make you leave your home without an order for possession issued by a court. By issuing,3 +from the contracting authority. ,3 +"contractor, it being understood that this choice shall not release the contractor from ",3 +Weather Regulatory Requirements ,7 +"rvice, except as otherwise specially provided.",9 +"on conviction on information, to custody for a term not exceeding 7 years or to a ",3 +heavy-duty electrical switch. Contactors are used in an aircraft ,9 +2021 Work Programme for grants and operational ,9 +" , by serving at least 3 (three) months ",3 +financière),7 +Installation of Rivets,7 +with sufficient heat to regain equilibrium. The passengers ,9 + Attitude and Sink Rate Control,7 +"the surface to a height of 20,000 to 60,000 feet, depending ",9 +provided to P; ,3 +Workload or Task Management,7 +休止又は廃止しようとする調査等業務の範囲,3 +"Microphones, sound, Laptop/PC, beamer ",7 +be provided for each pump.,9 +taining a precise planing attitude with elevator. The,9 +in the area. Another resource is to ask the flight briefer at ,9 +Use a density altitude chart to figure the density altitude at the ,9 +depicts the airport location and procedure identification. ,9 +The Tenderer hereby commits that the consumption of power is less or equal to the specified below: ,9 +Headings are ,9 +Replacement of Damaged Trees ,7 +"Chasing the CDI and glidepath needles, especially ",3 +"e times and places for its regular meetings,",9 +final editing and definition/conceptualisation of a promotion action plan to make the ,3 + without interference by the contracting authority. The ,3 +The franchise ,7 +"tion of high temperature and pressure. Thus, ",9 +‘the parties’) may conclude ,3 +"Coded Departure Route, 4",9 +"the local authority (or as the case may be, any of the local authorities) in whose ",3 +"Prepare damaged area hole by cutting along marks made in step c., above. Also make a ",3 +(EU) 2016/679 vom 27. April 2016 – Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) ,7 +"from Houston, Texas to Jacksonville, Florida in a Merlin ",9 +location of its principal office and name of its representative); ,3 +PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE ,7 +through a four- way “beep” switch or by actuating a ,3 +Specific provisions related to insurance ,7 +oil mixture thoroughly.,3 +"project, and activity, to the Committees on Appropriations: ",9 +the pilot alert to conditions that may increase risk and threaten ,9 +in the case of a person who is not resident in Botswana and is unable to register in ,3 +extraction of all or a substantial part of the contents of the database to another medium by ,3 +"§ 10 Angestellte, Arbeiter und Auszubildende",7 +§ 17 Zulassungsbedürftige Betriebe,7 +"helicopters,",9 +Possible options for handling emergencies are influenced by ,9 +"spraying the agents, or rockets or unmanned aerial vehicles capable of ",3 +Ground Communication Outlet ,7 +Identifizierungs- und Sorgfaltspflichten,7 +"Marine Management Organisation, Marine Licensing Team, Lancaster House, Hampshire ",3 +AUDITING FOR BOTSWANA GOVERNMENT ,7 +onto the active runway.,3 +are prohibited throughout,9 +"Plowed ground, rocks, sand, and barren land absorb solar ",9 + Navigation Instruments ,7 +"⦁ $_{Negligible—less than minor injury, less than minor system damage }$",3 +Sequence for Painting a Single-Engine or ,7 +INITIAL SETUP: ,7 +can be locked in position; uses interchangeable ,3 +"cepting those who, having taken the said",9 +and declaration,7 +apparatus or alternative apparatus (other than apparatus the repair of which is not reasonably ,9 +"security, which includes personal data held on behalf of the contracting authority in the premises of ",9 +) (refusal to quit carriage at destination); ,9 +acceptable for use.,9 + Hard Landing,7 +To the outside air through short ducts (dual exhaust ,3 +"the reason for the suspension or discontinuance, and the scheduled date ",3 +"chamber, the large excess air in the turbine ",9 + System Development Assurance ,7 +"of an aircraft during final approach, in terms of lateral ",9 +peratures ,9 +Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness (LTE),7 +appropriation for Courts of First Ins,9 +prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of economic operators or might distort ,3 +The stacked method of laying out a wing involves ,9 +Auskunfteien) ,9 +loss in the operating cycle because of the re- ,9 +Paint stripping is discussed in another section of this chapter. ,9 +Attitude Indicator,7 +tank and distribution chamber of the primary clarifier tank to prevent and/or remove the surface ,9 +", and that, should the need arise, satisfactory replacement solutions exist, at no ",9 +the speed of an airship is proportional to the cube root of the horse›,9 +Procedures and Routes,7 +§ 3 Ermächtigungen,7 +"airspace waiver information), if:",9 +insulated wire for each cylinder that the magneto serves in the ,9 +Primer and Paint,7 +Registry”; ,3 +National Disaster Medical System as necessary.’’. ,9 +When flying in the local area and communication with ,9 +Maximum up to 2000 g and maxımum up to 200 g capacity ,3 +obviously concerned about the aircraft’s engine and the ,9 +⦁ $_{single-engine aircraft or over terrain higher than the single-engine service ceiling of a multiengine aircraft }$,3 +"Pr,=parasite power required, h.p. ",9 +"through web services, with a machine-to-machine connection ",9 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +"when P is travelling to or from, or attending the location of the specified competition ",3 +Establishing the Contractual Requirement ,7 +(Inkrafttreten; Außerkrafttreten bisheriger Vorschriften),9 +〔平成十八年五月二十四日政令第二百号〕〔抄〕,7 +or contact the nearest FSS or En Route Flight Advisory ,9 +Venue (half/full day)………………………………………………..………………………………...18 ,8 +"by Europol from the Dutch Tax authorities. If required, the ",9 +"Online, including the provision of at least two tablets for filling out the quiz at the stand ",3 +is important when learning about wing performance and ,9 +Figure 14-36.,0 +"deliverable it commissioned. As needed,",3 +II.7. CONFLICT ,7 +Europol Public Information,7 +1. Область применения,7 +accountability location) ,3 +Approvisionnements ,7 +Table 6.4: Signatures for SRM Document Approval for Proposed NAS Changes Only ,7 +entgegen Artikel 34 Absatz 1 Satz 1 ein Schaublatt oder eine Fahrerkarte nicht oder nicht rechtzeitig,3 +impact NAS operations; ,3 +"accordance with regulations 18(2) to (5), 19 and 20 by reference to the further ",3 +Guidance (APV). LDA minima for with and without,9 +Kick-off meeting between the EU-OSHA’s national partner and the Contractor’s national partner ,3 +COMMON ERRORS,7 +"AC 120-27, Aircraft Weight and Balance Control",3 +minimum of a third-class medical.,3 +and Metal,6 +Year before last ,8 +"goods, software and technology. The new text amends these national controls to provide further ",9 +which have been revised. ,9 +検査を実施した者の氏名,3 + Flight Deck Inspection,7 +A lesson plan is an organized outline for a single instructional ,9 +Means of Improving Same. — ,9 +correspondingly,9 +Partial revocation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 ,7 +1. Область применения,7 +"=> 15.000 €: une offre valable doit être présentée, ceci n'excluant pas la ",3 +"approximately 600 to 800 feet, and then initiating a",9 +"nership where each individual is a U.S. citizen, or",3 +and will also support EFSA in the identification of possible future developments,3 +"with a runway length less than 2,500 feet, may make a ",9 +file is referenced for a medical countermeasure submission. ,9 +Make sure you submit your tender on time: you are advised to start completing ,9 +to verify that the applications functionalities are available to end users after a ,3 +improve the aerodynamic characteristics. An ,9 +die Ergebnisse des Arbeitsprojekts sind zu dokumentieren und in einem Prüfungsgespräch vorzustellen und zu,9 +前各号に掲げるもののほか、事故等分析事業の実施に関し必要な事項,3 +(iv) climbing ropes (limited to those for ensuring bodily safety) ,3 +cooperation with DVS personnel at check points. ,3 +Air Quality standards established by the ,9 +Suspension par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +cruise speed. This is to make sure that the attitude indicator ,9 +"Préparation du matériel (produits, EPI et accessoires). ",3 +"with the Secretary of Defense, during the period beginning ",9 +acknowledge a ,9 +という。)による改正後の外国為替及び外国貿易法(以下「新法」という。)第十七,3 +for online surveys or for e-learning and training shall be agreed upon by EFSA prior to ,9 + (es.: codice sorgente) in vista di modifiche; ,3 +Organization of Bureau,7 +Entering Procedures,7 +Identification of subject matter for interview,7 + Carriage Moments,7 +particular the,9 +confirmation as to whether an update of published nautical charts and marine safety ,3 +Controls and Auxiliaries ,3 +Written deliverables should be of a high standard of English (minimum C1 ,9 +"A light, single-engine aircraft can be equipped with a ",9 +I.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA ,7 +engine produces thrust indirectly because the compressor and ,9 + System Development Assurance ,7 +which identifies the beginning of the final approach ,9 +disregarded. ,9 +Situational Awareness ,7 +system and compare it to the actual RMI reading of that ,9 +Meetings of the Project Steering Committee ,7 +Improper Wing Flaps Setting,7 +"consumes electrical power in an aircraft, the total electrical ",9 +airplanes. A vertical stick in the flight deck controls the ,9 +the angular scaling of an ILS. There are two differ-,9 +lacks the solid upper jaw of the cornice brake. ,9 +For the purpose of this ,9 +The suspension lines are connected to alternate ribs at four chordwise attachment points on ,3 +"111 in Smithtown, New York, as the ‘‘Congressman Bill Carney Post Office’’. ",9 +II.20.7 Suspension du délai de paiement ,7 +type system. ,9 +Control Order prior to the revision that has already been obtained at the time ,3 +regulatory science; ,3 +Further requirements for the use of applications and online tools,7 +"weather, runways in use, specific ATC procedures, and any ",9 +Bewertungsmaßstab für die Leistungen,7 +Reimbursements ,7 +"die Geschäfte der gemischten Finanzholding-Gesellschaft tatsächlich führen. Das Gleiche gilt, wenn solche",9 +has a dry weight with installed accessories of approximately ,9 +専ら加熱のために水を循環させるもの及び循環させることができる水の最大の流量,3 +"slips, such as a landing approach over obstacles and short-",9 +"par la vente ou autrement, des ",3 +"and Industry No. 43 of September 30, 1986] ",7 +and its operation could be useful and lead to safer flight. ,9 +"forward cyclic compensation, causing the helicopter ",3 +before and as a condition of contract signature. Please refer to ,9 +has probably contributed to more fatalities in general aviation ,9 +should be aligned in the center of the runway allowing equal ,9 +Baustein Hausaufgabe „Darstellung der individuellen Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +"When the threshold is relocated, the closed portion of the ",9 +accounting or auditing body or institution ,3 +damaged by a deep scratch or gouge. Metal piled at the edge ,9 +[Figure 11-25],9 +is essential to maintain a higher absolute pressure inside the ,9 +"adding drag. Once any of these changes have been made, the ",9 +SELECT TRIM TARGETS FOR THE FOLLOWING,7 +Rosette weld.,9 +Rotary-Wing Aircraft Assembly and Rigging,7 +"situation strikes them as familiar. Rather than comparing the pros and cons of different approaches, ",9 +"If the Tenderer relies on other entities to meet the selection criteria, a ",9 +Table A – Losses of Cash,7 +§ 2 Mautgebührenerhebung durch Private; Verordnungsermächtigung,7 +"Verbot anderer Nationalflaggen, Ausnahmen",7 +compatible for use with refrigerant can be injected into the ,9 +The Continental fuel-injection system injects fuel into the ,9 +Aircraft Battery Ratings by Specification,7 +you don't have an EU,9 +Latitude and Longitude (Meridians and ,7 +"bei der Zuteilung von roten Kennzeichen,",3 +"Das Gericht entscheidet, soweit nichts anderes bestimmt ist, auf Grund mündlicher Verhandlung.",9 +present in approved project of technical galleries and channels and water which may leak into galleries and ,9 +Leading and trailing edge wing locations are common for ,9 +Lesson Plans,7 +第七十六条 违反本法规定,造成珊瑚礁、红树林等海洋生态系统及海洋,9 +In-Flight Test ,7 +"At night, the outside visual references are greatly",9 +"Citation, commencement and extent ",7 +Spring-Back,7 +Lift/Drag Devices,7 +due to curvature of the Earth.,3 +"Impatience can result from instruction keyed to the pace of a slow learner when it is applied to a motivated, fast learner. It is just as ",9 +added to cover specific situations. ,9 +white to the left of the red; “above path” if the pilot ,9 +Irrigation system ,7 +"and Industry No. 92 of December 10, 1983] ",7 +"Abschnitt B: berufsprofilgebende Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in der Fachrichtung",7 +accurate alignment.,3 +"$27,000,000 shall be available for the purposes of adding shelter ",9 +いて血清分離に関する事項以外の事項を、血清分離を行わない病院等にあつては、,9 +services are to be provided.,3 +"(“intra-corporate transfer” as defined by Article 3, (b) of Directive 2014/66/EU on the ",3 +perform maintenance on these units. ,9 +steep bank (position 2).,9 +Act on Promotion of Inland Waters Fishery ,10 +chase away livestock from the cordon fence. Each patrol by a picketer is about 5 ,9 +Stability Build-up and Effect of C.G. Positim ,0 +ausländischen Recht erlaubt ist (Ausflaggungsgenehmigung). Die Ausflaggungsgenehmigung darf nur erteilt,9 +The SRM panel facilitator must mediate and assist SRM panel members in working through ,9 +Inverted gull,6 +certification tests for an aircraft is a check of position error ,9 +Visual Glideslope Indicators,7 +regulatory science; ,3 +easily removable from the dummy head after the test. ,9 +airports; three sensors at large airports).,9 +"radio, you can request your departure clearance. However, ",9 +この政令は、昭和四十八年五月八日から施行する。,3 +〔昭和三十四年三月三十一日政令第七十七号〕,7 +“G” loads....................................................................... 6-2,8 +Radio Equipment ,7 +Quality of the Tender,7 +"⦁ $_{Critical—severe injury, major damage }$",3 +"den in der Anlage zu § 1 Abs. 1 der Frequenzgebührenverordnung vom 21. Mai 1997 (BGBl. I S. 1226), geändert",9 +then rises at a fairly rapid ascent rate. The pilot must be aware ,9 +"Auditors,",9 +Electrical - General ,7 +members of a joint tender including subcontractors ,3 +system different from those specified above and the same is doing,3 +to provide separation between all IFR operations ,3 +research and innovation; ,3 +Allowable power loss (I2 R loss) in the line represents ,3 +DEVELOPMENT ,7 +recovery from unusual flight attitudes. The PFD displays ,9 +динамики умственной работоспособности обучающихся и шкалой трудности,9 +"MODALITÉS EN MATIÈRE D’ÉTABLISSEMENT DES PRIX, COMMANDES ET DE ",7 +the words “flight level” followed by the separate,3 + Runway End Identifier Lights,9 +"Article 29, paragraph (1) of the New Ministerial Order is deemed to be replaced ",3 +the ELT switch to OFF for the voice message to be heard. ,9 +(vi) The treatment method of polluted water to be discharged ,3 +joules. (Note: 1 joule per second equals 1 watt.) The storage ,9 +"Affidavit, or its equivalent, completed by the LSA ",3 +Aborted Landings,7 +required pilot/air traffic control interface for aircraft,9 +the pilot realizes there are physical boundaries and that ,9 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +"The quality of the tender will be evaluated regarding the project management and quality assurance, ",9 +to gain excessive altitude before acquiring airspeed.,3 +Transportwege ,7 +No recirculation,6 +the previous check for point opening. ,9 +Time Zones ,7 +"When flying low or into the sun, a pilot may not ",3 +請求をしようとする情報の概要,3 +paragraph 2(3) of Schedule 2 (absent and untraced owners); and ,3 +Remove main pilot chute bridle line or deployment bag as follows: ,9 +automated system and the human may differ in their,9 +Specific provision related to reimbursement of expenses for shipment of Goods ,7 +aircraft. Only an A&P technician holding an Inspection ,9 +Für das gesamte Bauteil in Skelettbauart muss zusätzlich im Mittel ein Wärme-,9 +nach den folgenden Absätzen.,9 +Figure 14-52 ,9 +Figure 12-11. ,0 +"For onsite, hybrid, ""online +"" for the onsite part:",7 +"technique, the numbers and types of tools needed to pack ",9 +"in the satellites, resulting in a navigation error. ",9 +"environmental, social and labour law established by Union law, national law and ",3 +Metal Versus Plastic Fuel Containers ,7 +Kontaminationskontrolle ,7 +various thicknesses of mild steel and aluminum. This is an ,9 +When recovering from a retreating blade stall condition ,9 +The common data store should employ mechanisms to minimise the impact of ,3 +their entirety using the symbol below.,9 +"the scope of pre-existing materials, their source and when and how the rights to these ",9 +"17, 636–643 http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/pdf/10.1175/1520-",1 +Normal Takeoff,6 +II.13.7. Moral rights of creators ,7 +appointed to assist the committee as observers provided it is ensured these experts have no conflicts ,9 +"any appropriate medium, ",3 +The NOT gate is the simplest of all gates. If the input to the ,9 +"municipal board; and in the case of employees of a provincial government, upon",9 +this conversion of pressure ,9 +further reduction in airspeed is possible without initiat-,9 +and visibility).,9 +held against the contractor or from both; or ,3 +"To perform the trial landing, plan and configure for a",9 +Fees for the issuing of certificates of ownership of large cattle and of,3 +"conditions. Several thermocouples are usually used, that ",9 +Objective of the initiative ,7 +"Analysieren und Bewerten von Wertschöpfungsketten unter betriebswirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten,",3 +DV-FahrlG,8 +The area EFB represents a basic loss in the ,9 +TURN INDICATOR,7 +see a need for crew to be present have some solid reasons.,9 +Failing to transition to a level crab to maintain ground ,3 +responsible for,9 +of insufficient heating from the,9 +England Hockey Pro League ,9 +"Propeller failures include propeller damage and disintegration, ",9 +Der Umfang sonstiger Prüfungen richtet sich nach Nummer 5.,9 +"Auflagen und Beschränkungen zu den beantragten Fahrerlaubnisklassen,",3 +Temperature (capacity and voltage levels decrease ,3 +TATISTIQUE CONCERNANT LES ,7 +Power distribution ,3 +Die Vergabeunterlagen werden ausschließlich in elektronischer Form auf der Vergabeplattform ,6 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +maximum (Pa- Pr). ,9 +SIGNATURES ,7 +§ 2a Durchführung des Lehrgangs Fahrschulbetriebswirtschaft,7 +The Powerplant ,7 +NM or approximately 16 SM). These charts are similar to ,9 +to the vote on passage. ,9 +] delivered as part of the Framework contract ,7 +"ward speed slows, but can be corrected with cyclic input.",9 +Standards and rules ,7 +lsA registration,7 +binding tape is left undamaged and sewn back in ,3 +Principle of Operation,7 +Figure 4-29,9 + Turns Around a Point,7 +Risk Management (RM) ,7 +the pieces to be welded. ,9 +"decreases, air enters through the shutter valve and more fuel is ",9 +Experience has shown that modern AFCS/AP/,9 +“REP and RRRF Application Boundaries Plan” means the plan of that description referred to ,9 +〔昭和四十八年八月二十七日政令第二百四十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +is essential that wiring to the control unit is secure. A wide ,9 +* Energy distribution cables ,3 +Tension Regulators,7 +Sorgfaltspflicht entsprechend den in Anlage I Abschnitt II Unterabschnitt B des Abkommens und Anlage,3 +No medium of transfer is required between the radiator ,9 +〔平成十七年十二月二日政令第三百五十八号〕,7 +Class A Airspace,7 +SALARIES AND EXPENSES ,7 +Procedures d'urgence ,3 +of address by the aircraft owner. The FAA issues,9 +Reduction Gear Assembly,7 +flexibility in what shapes can be cut because the metal can ,9 +in the field,3 +"death takes place in a NHS trust’s area), where the Coroner has no duty to investigate, or there is ",9 +Deployment Type,7 +"These Regulations extend to England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. ",3 +"for a CoW, at least 45 days prior to the expiration date, to the responsible Flight Standards District ",9 +"Keder-, Raff-, Stummel-, Kapp- und",8 +Wing keel.,9 +Abrechnungsdaten:,3 +"expenses, if incurred, and such compensation as shall be stipulated for.",9 +Normal Operation ,7 +management and operation of the hospital ,3 +Sensitive altimeter.,9 +"around? Subtracting 200 from 305 and adding 20, ",3 +Overexcitation Protection,7 +〔昭和三十四年九月一日政令第二百八十四号〕,7 +de minimis ,3 +for the information of th,9 +§ 2 Begriffsbestimmungen,7 +read the sheets. If the manufacturer’s recommendations are ,9 +"Beträgt der durchschnittliche Haltestellenabstand nicht mehr als drei Kilometer, sind als",3 +"Article 30-28 Diseases specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and ",3 +Summary election appeal: parties ,7 +II.23.4. Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +"Directorate C– Energy, Transport and Climate",9 +is damaged.,6 +full scale,9 +Rivet Strength,7 +"in subsection (u)(1), in the matter preceding ",9 +everyone on the road and creating a poor impression ,3 +In the opinion of the auditors: ,7 +Conducting an IFR Flight,7 +"For local changes, the SRM document is signed one level above the ATM at the facility",3 +Wet or Dry Grinder,7 +Fünfter Teil,7 +Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +FAA Flight Plan,0 +INDUCED DRAG ,7 +Marine pollution contingency plan ,7 +"method, but new tape is required.",3 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of May 8, 1973. ",3 +"For mobile sources, link length and width; and ",3 +communiquera l'état de consommation du bon de commande (prestations/travaux à prix fixes ,9 +CoV-2) in England. ,9 +a good decision. This time can be used to complete the ,9 +Situational Awareness ,7 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,7 +Reducing the pressure too quickly allows small bubbles of ,9 +Effects of termination ,7 +Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/Sustainer ,7 +bold terms defined in the Agreement have the same meaning when used in this Contract; ,3 +"damage (end fittings, outer casing, and kinks).",3 +AIRPORT DATA DEPICTION,7 +"network of radar sites for detecting coverage,",9 +Die Ermittlungen,9 +Satzung der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht,7 +Frequency,9 +I.6.1. Disposizioni sull'IVA ,7 +otherwise provided for emergency response.’’. ,9 +〔昭和三十五年四月二十五日政令第百八号〕,7 +Tender Specifications ,7 + Considerations when Defining the System,7 +"space System. To utilize these routes aircraft are required to be equipped with IFR approved GNSS. In Alaska, TSO-145a ",9 +Zuerkennung nach § 82 Absatz 2 begonnen wurde. Eine Verwendung der Förderhilfen für bereits abgeschlossene,9 +aircraft manufacturer and approved by the FAA. It is specific ,9 +by direct reading and interpolation methods. Every chart ,9 +"however, it must be at or above the minimum IFR ",9 +to the Committees on Appropriations every 60 days until all such ,9 +Ziel und Zeitpunkt,3 +Capacitance is the ability to store an electrostatic charge ,9 +Annex I to FR ,7 +Additional guidance: ,7 +rivets is of primary importance. ,9 +Amendment of the School Information (England) Regulations 2008 ,7 +improving weather conditions can lead to increased risk ,9 +aviation safety inspector (ASI) from your local FSDO ,9 +"motion. Simply stated, heat and, therefore, temperature ",9 +The very low power and directional antenna of the marker ,9 +with Section 5.4 and 5.5. If the Contractor finds it necessary for the execution of the Contract to per-,9 +The United States received the “N” as its nationality ,9 +"is centered, the attitude gyro has precessed; if the ball ",3 +"of 0.08 and, thus, maximum power output for ",9 +FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ,7 +"each bond for indemnifying any person, firm, or corporation who",3 +Arrears of Revenue ,7 + The movable column on which an airplane ,9 +"Bed levels of drains shall not be higher, (tolerance 0), or more than 200 mm lower than the correct ",9 +Various wing design shapes yield different performance. ,0 +"To establish, regulate, and maintain city departments and prescribe",3 +Risk Management during Operational Flights ,7 +Tender submission: how many tenders may an economic operator ,7 +"these dangers,",9 +and the contractor (hereinafter also collectively,3 +"preflight inspection, the learner should be allowed to initially determine the action to be taken. Then the effectiveness of the learner’s$_{ }$",9 +Section 4. Two‐way Radio Communications Failure,7 + communications have absolute priority,9 +Aircraft Instrument ,7 +"beyond some critical value, stall will occur. ",9 +The contracting authority must ,9 +Risk Management,7 +signify a deep-seated problem. ,9 +adhesive. Film adhesive is often used to improve peel ,9 +Maintenance of Retained Trees ,7 +amount which can be paid to the Service Provider under the Contract shall not exceed EUR [,3 +別表第7(第22条関係),9 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +systems equipped with a 3-ring release system,3 +"pitch attitude, a follow-up landing may be executed by ",9 +〔昭和三十四年三月三十一日政令第七十七号〕,7 +The Contractor’s network partner to negotiate technical equipment with in-house service or ,3 +II.19.1. Fatture e imposta sul valore aggiunto ,7 +Overall Summary of ECHA ICT Governance ,7 +submitted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the ,9 +section 59(1) of the 2011 Act as occurring. ,9 +"Once the deadline referred to above has expired, the Consultant – unless the consultant is a ",3 +diesem Gesetz oder den auf ihm beruhenden Rechtsverordnungen obliegen.,3 +Safety Planning for Acquisitions ,7 +Bungee Cord,7 +II.26 LOI APPLICABLE ET RÈGLEMENT DES LITIGES ,7 +: toute personne physique qui contribue à la production du ,9 +Article II-13 ,7 +§ 85 Besondere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten,7 +powered aircraft are less likely to lose power but,9 +"Figure 4-23. Orlando Executive Airport, Orlando, Florida, ILS RWY 7. ",0 +The contractor is responsible for the ,3 +minute instructions. If other balloons are launching from the ,9 +"reported as R17L/1400FT, it translates to a visual range of 1,400 feet on runway 17 left.",3 +the offence may for all incidental purposes be treated as having been committed in ,3 +"For IFR operations, an operable VOR or",9 +and near midair collisions. The general operating and ,9 +"berechtigt, den Empfang der Unterlagen und teilt mit, welche Unterlagen fehlen. Das Verfahren für die Prüfung",9 +The fuel pressurizing valve is usually required on engines ,9 +autopilots in general aviation control roll and pitch. ,9 +and Spanish and shall be distributed in such mann,9 +Welche Quellen und Daten nutzen wir? ,7 +"the early controllers using maps, chalkboards, and performing ",9 +the offence may for all incidental purposes be treated as having been committed at ,3 +"field of registration, cloakroom attendance, distribution of material etc.; ",3 +international ,9 +Application of Part 1 of the 1965 Act ,7 +PROFESSIONAL ,7 +"From Table I, ",9 +of interviewee in due time (6 weeks in advance); ,3 +Pile shoes ,7 +Risk Management ,7 +statement which describes— ,9 +"en route, terminal, and approach procedures; and operations ",9 +of this Chapter,9 +Protective works to buildings ,7 +or similar location.,9 +ctor of Health may grant a,9 +COMMON ERRORS DURING STRAIGHT-AND-,7 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +described as a process of relating incoming information to concepts or knowledge already in memory. ,9 +erating performance conditions may require ,9 +landing site for this pilot. Most pilots presume that this ,9 +Impatience ,7 +Packing and Inspection Area,7 +"control the heading of the helicopter, except during por-",9 +vorgeschlagenen Personen regelt die Satzung.,9 +Proceedings Before Board of Tax Appeals and Executive,9 +101.3isthefactorconvertingknocstof.p.m. ,9 +"the method of recording it in a file, etc. as prescribed in the said paragraph or ",3 +2.2.6. На собственной территории должно быть обеспечено отсутствие,9 +Legal Entity & Financial ID Forms ,3 +charts and are identified by the letter “Q” or “T”,9 +Geographic Information System software. Data such,9 +"‘approve’ or ‘decide’ shall be construed accordingly. Any such consent, approval, ",3 +charts for the information of nonparticipating pilots. ,9 +"Aufträge durchführen, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung von Herstellungsverfahren, Rezepturen und",3 +generated ,9 +" to the public, by sale or otherwise; ",3 +blades. It consists of two main parts: the stationary swash ,9 +Machines: 301 straight stitch—medium duty 7–11 SPI,3 +Financial evaluation).,7 +Normal heptane. ,9 +is less with the best-economy setting (auto-lean) than with ,9 +composites and the combining of materials should make ,9 +"in exit area, the mass flow ",9 +Explanation Phase ,7 +bi-directional setting of this measure,9 +General Conformity Guidance for Airports: Questions and Answers.,3 +Performing Ignition System Checks,7 +"has served, or has taken all reasonable steps to serve, a copy of this notice on the partner who has left the",3 +for free and full movement.,3 +"Also the other web based activities (like newsletters, meeting registration or webinars) that ",9 +"“ attests that the delivered goods are new, in ",9 +GPS Nearest Airport Function,7 +"busy: attention may drift when they become bored or think that a task does not deserve their attention. In some cases, this type of ",9 +This causes lift to decrease again and ,9 +haut-parleurs. Les sirènes peuvent être précédées d’une annonce par haut-parleurs. Toutes les ,9 +"Even if the contracting authority authorises subcontracting, the contractor remains ",3 +disclose the potential ,9 +должна составлять не менее 70%.,9 +"the skiplane places pressure on the skis, and pressure",9 +over the top of the leading edge.,0 +業法(昭和二十五年法律第二百七号)第三条第三項第五号の規定により行う医学的処,3 +Welche Quellen und Daten nutzen wir? ,7 +Classes of concrete ,7 +"days or weeks after the drug is taken. Obviously, these drugs ",9 +"after the definition of “user-accessible programmability”, insert— ",3 +Drill Bushings and Guides,7 +"exposure to cabin pressure altitudes above 5,000 feet, carbon ",9 +"ensure compliance with its data protection obligations regarding the security of the processing, ",3 +de le mettre à la disposition des contractants ou sous-traitants agissant au nom du pouvoir ,3 +SEC. 3. PRESUMPTION OF HERBICIDE EXPOSURE FOR CERTAIN VET-,7 +and specific versions of software lifecycle data are provided in the SCI. ,3 +Separation is provided,9 +"radioisotopes for positron computerized tomography examination, storage ",3 +"corrective et de dépannage,",3 +"enforcement""), the application of the provisions of Article 17 of the New Act ",3 +"и третьего пункта 5.90, пунктов 5.96, 5.97), 6 (за исключением пунктов 6.4, ",9 +§ 2 Ausbildungsdauer,7 +ARTCC provides limited approach control service. ,9 + Describe how supplier processes and outputs comply with system ,3 +NDB (low or medium frequency) and the RNAV route ,9 +Adjustment in respect of past compensation ,7 +to the changes in lift. ,3 +which all the lift forces produced by the airfoil are considered ,9 +[Figure 5-25],9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 163 of June 20, 1960] ",7 +"the selection criteria. If one of the relevant criteria is not met, its tender will not be further evaluated. ",9 +" Nothing in paragraphs 4(4), 5(3) and 6 authorises the Agency to execute works on or affecting ",9 +A report on an incident for which,9 +be aired by S folding and hanging it from a simple hook. ,9 +commonly occurs with the previous error. ,3 +powerplant is adjusted LO equal the power ,9 +Chapter 22—Gyroplane Aeronautical Decision,7 + Turns Around a Point,7 +Specific provisions related to the supply of goods ,7 +LAKES AND RIVERS,7 +"15.001 € => 60.000 €: au moins trois candidats doivent être consultés, ceci ",3 +"Equipment: Scissors, seam ripper or scalpel, marking ",3 +The DECIDE model has been recognized worldwide. Its application is illustrated in column A while automatic/naturalistic ,0 +"tions associated with IFR flight. Typically, these",9 +necting the centroids of the ends. ,9 +during the current year.,9 +Use trans£er ,6 +and/or fan speed in turbofan engines. The gas generator ,9 +"The ripcord, including all joints, shall not fail under a straight tension test load of 300-lbf ",3 +Verordnung über die Prüfung zum anerkannten Abschluss Geprüfter Fachagrarwirt/Geprüfte Fachagrarwirtin –,9 +AntitorqueGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +Functions of Generator Control Systems,7 +Financial evaluation).,7 +"by striking ‘‘title XIX, during’’ and inserting ‘‘title ",9 +to contract out additional / specific insurance policy to the ,3 +and filler rod. Practice and experience provides the visual ,9 +the loss of lift. ,9 +までの項の中欄に掲げる貨物(核兵器等を除く。)とする。,3 +down. It is important to add enough power to prevent,9 +nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des installations. ,7 +"negotiation, competitive dialogue) where exclusion criteria documentation has already been ",9 +Procurement procedure: ,7 +conflict of interest under guarantee of impartiality and confidentiality. Outside experts may be ,9 + If a party is affected by ,3 +pertinent to the clarification of other flight plan,9 +Weather Radar Services,7 +knot gale would be totally unaware of any wind (except for ,9 +margin of the page. ,3 +THE RECRIPROCATING ENGINE ,7 +§ 8 Dokumentation,7 +be consulted for specific determination of approvals and ,9 +Paint manufacturers use different formulas for aircraft and ,9 +under which the aircraft and its appliances are ,3 +in Jtcady ,9 +本邦に派遣された外国の大使、公使その他これに準ずる使節及び本邦にある外国,3 + A type of combustor used in some ,9 +"in a case where an interim assessment has been made, the degree of disablement of a ",3 +"verdecken, dass die darunterliegende Markierung und der Sicherheitscode nur durch Freilegung unumkehrbar",9 +"inspection until the work is repeated, or for 1 year after the ",9 +"and Industry No. 5 of March 19, 1991] ",7 +Characteristics of Learning ,7 +Funding & tender opportunities portal ,7 +Abschnitt 2,7 +the vapor cycle system while oil servicing takes place. ,9 +procedure design to ensure compliance with ,9 +Rahmen wirtschaftlicher Unternehmungen Verwendung finden (vergleiche Ziffer 1,9 +Suspension par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +to maintain control in flight while deicing occurs. Distributor ,9 +"building societies, ",3 +The pilot should make a request for this procedure,9 +demonstrate,3 +enters stall.,9 +difference between the control surface and some fixed ,3 +Mischungen;,3 +provided to maintain,9 +TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-$_{ }$,7 +"005], http://www.epa.gov/scram001/guidance/guide/coguide.pdf. ",1 +Air Traffic Clearance,7 +A lightweight pilot takes off solo with a full load,3 +"On page G-4 of the glossary, the following definition should be added: “Maneuvering ",3 +Der Wärmedurchlasswiderstand des nichttransparenten Teils der Ausfachungen,9 +〔昭和五十五年十月十一日政令第二百六十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +The total investment costs are expected to be approximately EUR 306 million including contingencies ,9 + Engine Instruments ,7 +"Kennzeichen hinter einer durchsichtigen, lichtleitenden Abschlussscheibe befindet,",9 + The notcher consists of a top and ,9 +Takeoff Charts ,7 +Dokumentierung ihrer Lage auf der Unfallstelle oder im Verhältnis zur Unfallstelle.,3 + The direction in a piece of honeycomb ,9 +Schriftlicher Ausbildungsnachweis,3 +être augmenté en cas de nécessité. ,9 +TOGETHER WITH A LEGIBLE PHOTOCOPY OF THE IDENTITY DOCUMENT,7 +"the death of the depositor, the identity of the nominee, and the legality of his claim,",9 +I.13. SERVICE PROVIDED ON THE PREMISES OF THE CONTRACTING ,7 +to respond to some things and to ignore others. ,9 +plans are provided to the Committees: ,9 +Staged adjustment for stirring and temperature ,3 + must upload the signed and ,3 +абзаца пятого пункта,9 +How Fabric Breaking Strength is Determined .........3-10,8 +"or dents. Like the tow hitch assembly, there are two types of ",9 +send a copy of the notification required under paragraph (e) to the MMO Licensing Team ,3 +mounted on the back of the jumper.,9 +ADJUSTMENT OF LOAN FEES.—Section 3729(b)(2) of title ,9 +informazioni,9 +A handle for removal and installation,3 +Children Act 1989 representations ,7 +"exhaust system can perform many useful functions, but its ",9 +"rotate the air cap 180°. If the pattern reverses, the air ",3 +Fly-by waypoint ,6 +Nicht-zerstörende Prüfung: normale Einfach-Stichprobenprüfung,3 +“the article 22 functions” means the functions referred to in article 22; ,9 +"wedding proposal. The color of the clothing plays no important role, but is attached to the memory of the experience. ",9 +made in accordance with the provisions and restrictions of the Real,3 +zero. Unless provisions are made to slow this vertical ,9 +wing chord or wing thickness. Sweepback is the rearward ,9 +Conduct the Review ,7 +"II.20.5. Vorfinanzierungsgarantie, Erfüllungsgarantie und Gewährleistungseinbehalt ",7 +"effective elevator, and ballooning may occur as a result of the ",9 +Spiral Instability ,7 +Layout Method,7 +"flight, with no cyclic pitch control needed except for",9 +"particular helicopter being flown. Normally, in helicopters with ",9 +"Yawed to the left, the wing ",6 +than-normal conditions are discussed later in this chapter.,9 +"oder gewerblichen Unternehmungen, Gesellschaften oder Anstalten Zeugnis begehrt wird, ist das Ersuchen,",9 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY ,7 +別表第一(第一条、第六条関係),9 +necessary locations within the plant by the Contractor considering the locations and requirements of the units.,9 +Although all airports are not listed under the destination ,9 +new name more accurately reflected the status of the organization ,0 +results of these analyses. ,3 +"held GPS receivers. Typically,",9 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 +DME signal. ,9 +energy quickly and can therefore give off a large amount ,9 +than those listed in Appended Table 3): ,3 +or ground lead must be attached to the engine or an effective ,9 +Where to File the Reports.,7 +Ground Support Equipment Emission Inventory for Criteria Pollutants ,3 +Tracking With VOR ,7 +Pneumatic Deice Boot System for GA Aircraft,7 +Unusual Attitude Recovery Protection,7 +"easily accessible to pilots. In addition, at airports that have ",9 +"technological understanding of any decade to that point, leading ",3 +the same overall volume (decibels) at their source.,9 +§ 5 Beschränkung und Untersagung des Betriebs von Fahrzeugen,7 +The nor- ,9 +from the en route terminal environment. TRSAs are depicted ,9 +green arc with throttle. Coordinate the collective move-,9 +Software Planning Review ,7 +distribution: the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any form of distribution of ,3 +the instructor should recommend that the learner use the services of a professional counselor. ,9 +"cylinder, moving the piston rod and forks forward.",6 +"Abschnitt B: berufsprofilgebende Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in der Fachrichtung",7 +infringement of Union or national competition law; or ,6 +Übergangstück rechteckig auf rund,7 +Chapter 22—Gyroplane Aeronautical Decision,7 +All the special tools shall be available and fully functional at the plant before issuing of the Taking ,9 +accuracy to enhance pilot awareness of weather,9 +previous repairs joining the area of the new repair.,3 +in a similar manner.,9 +"PHILIPPINES"" AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES",7 +Electrical - General ,7 + See initial approach fix.,9 +Managing payment based on real costs ,7 +‘‘(ii) is for such a biological product— ,9 +rate-of-descent (ROD) to use. ,9 +Emergency control ,7 +in the tables is there for informational purposes only.,9 +performed for someone or for the common good.,3 +"auszubildenden Fahrlehrer beobachten, bewerten und",8 +Fuel/Oil/Air ignited,6 +is difficult,9 +Specific objectives: ,7 +法第七十条の十九第一項の規定により、代表理事の解職の認可を受けようとすると,3 +"canopy fabric is clear of spring, grommets and closing loops. Canopy fabric will be distributed to left ",3 +retary has reviewed and relied upon specified data or informa-,9 +Bewertungsmaßstab für die Leistungen,7 +Intermeshing Rotors,7 +"Power to alter layout, etc., of streets ",3 +procedure designer using a different magnetic,9 +Figure 2-32.,0 +"Find a suitable area to take down the wing, preferably grass, ",9 +APPENDIX C. ,3 +Temperature Correction,7 +TED eTendering,7 +Acceptance of LSA Repairman courses ,3 +w•hat is total volume of ,9 +"While the Ministry does not lease Government properties on credit, the ",9 +Lockbolt Removal,7 +the top and bottom seams to access the rib. ,3 +the correlator or governor system does not maintain the ,9 +§ 22a Abweichendes Verfahren bei Elektronischem Prüfauftrag und Vorläufigem Nachweis der,7 +Weather-ReIated Information ,7 +Measure lining wear here,6 +"local air flows or winds, which may become a consideration ",9 +"adjustable, it is important to ensure the seat is locked ",9 +up tissue could have alerted the pilot of the different wind ,9 +hence economic benefits were still being derived from them. ,9 +Amendment to the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 ,7 +PAGAMENTO: Il pagamento sarà effettuato in virtù di quanto previsto all'articolo I.6 ,3 +HYDROGRAPHY,7 +space activities designed for the benefit of humankind and to ,3 +operation,9 +Qualifications.,9 +onsite and hybrid events). ,3 +" be adapted, provided that this is done in a manner which is not prejudicial ",3 +correction angle on the downwind side of the ,3 +is placed in the area needing to have temperature measured. ,9 +antenna(s) via conductive wire. These transmission lines ,9 +metal and both nitrocellulose and epoxy finishes. For ,3 +"Third district — Composed of the municipalities of Alava, Bayambang, Calasiao,",9 +contractor’s (or sub-contractor’s) locations and/or storage facilities. Further information related to ,9 +Conduct the Slack Checker Test (WP 0011 00) and Stroke Simulator Test (WP 0013 00). ,3 +"pounds, and cemeteries.",3 +ground water table and ground water quality determination ,3 +mean square error of the transformation will not,9 +been pardoned for that offence.,9 +"responsible for installation, maintenance, inspection, and ",9 +paragraph 2.”. ,9 +the NAS change in question must not be implemented. The SMTS submitter is,3 +Fabric Heat Shrinking,7 +could affect their intended flight. For more information on ,9 +contractor must ensure that the information is readily available at the moment of the ,3 +"helicopter, crew, passengers, cargo, and fuel. Although",9 +Helicopters with articulating rotors (usually designs with ,9 +Convective Currents ,7 +2020 No. 447 ,10 +dimensions. These are explained below: ,9 +I.1.2. Currency ,7 +Without heating ,3 +pilots of nearby aircraft are not able to see the self-launching ,9 +aggiudicatrice lo ,9 +Schedule of Payments ,7 +QUALIFICATION TESTS: ,7 +ADDRESS OF BANK BRANCH,7 +In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council ,7 +Philippi~es in Congress assembled:,9 +"be due to any person or persons entitled thereto; to provide, when the",9 +Voltage induced in a loop.,0 +"In the definition of “relevant non-IOM conduct” in paragraph (3), the reference to ",9 +"in the contribution of the vertical tail, fuselage, ",9 +composite patches to restore damaged metallic ,9 +Satzung der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht,7 +病院、診療所及び助産所の開設,7 +Unsachgemäße Errichtung elektrischer Anlagen/Betriebsmittel,7 +Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Planning ,7 +EUR6 million,9 +Histotoxic Hypoxia,7 +Appendix 2 to the Standard Contractual Clauses,9 +IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:,7 +(if applicable),6 +System Servicing,7 +or exit with a 45° turn (to the left when in a left-hand ,3 +Purchase Order. Acceptance ,3 +"activity. (Rehearsal, testing etc.) ",3 +10.11.Haftung ,7 +The squaring shear performs three distinctly different ,9 +"telephone the night before, or in the chase vehicle on the ",9 +Any technical solution proposed by the Contractor to deliver services ,9 +figure 1.19 causes ,9 +Replacement of Damaged Trees ,7 +Zeitrahmen 6: Funktionsprüfungen und Einstellarbeiten,7 +"Governor-General,",9 +seconds is incorporated into the maneuver to allow the banner to reach its ,3 +Contractor’s national partner must ensure that pictures are provided in a timely manner in digital ,3 +present traffic information. ,9 +The instrumentation. ,3 +Assessment by a health care professional ,7 +"in welchem er niedergelassen ist, beizufügen, die bei Antragstellung nicht älter als drei Monate sind. Weist ein",9 +own staff or by any outside body authorised to do so on its behalf.,3 +Risk: Taking Off Without Entering a Flight Plan,7 +time an approach is activated.,9 +Poor Adhesion,7 +to glideslope deviations. The need to be aware of the ,3 +"теплоснабжения,",9 +"means any nut, bolt, turnbuckle, etc., on the aircraft so that ",9 +and all disorderly conduct; to make and enforce all necessary police,3 +Social media communication plan ,7 +action to rectify the situation.,3 +related factors and their future impact on the flight. When a pilot understands what is going on and ,9 +FAA Publications ,7 +Control of measurement transformers ,3 +"discussed in Chapter 5, Aerodynamics of Flight, which ",9 +Where the landlord proposes to rely on condition 4: within 3 months of the closure order (or if the order,3 +If the wind and/or the forward motion of the powered ,9 +Responsibility for the safe execution of DPs rests on the ,9 +with an alternating presser foot. This is a more positive feed ,9 + A surface that is curved outward. The outer ,9 +applied to the service foreseen in this tender specification concerning the ,3 +lowest usable flight level is the flight level equivalent of ,9 +Turn indicator ,3 +certificate or decision shall not unreasonably be withheld or delayed.,3 +Sample Problem 1 ,7 +Initial TEMP ,7 +Regular and Acting Judges of Municipal Court,9 +"burglar, elevator, automatic sprinkler, or other branch of insurance",3 + A series of circumferential grooves cut into the ,9 +"fishery productivity in inland waters, and also to contribute to stabilizing and ",3 +during installation.,9 +edge of the wing when the flap is in the retracted position. ,9 +The contracting authority shall not be obliged to make any further payments to the ,3 +current manufacturer’s ,9 +stress areas. Eddy-current testing passes an electrical current ,9 +PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +§ 8 Dokumentation,7 +when a land breeze is blowing toward the water. The cool ,9 +these factors can compress the safety buffer provided by ,9 +This Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of ten (10) years from the date on ,9 +Partial revocation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 ,7 +per hour and be employed as a flowmeter. Engines modified ,9 +“fire and rescue authority” means an authority of a description in regulation 3(1)(e); ,9 +account of public litigation,9 +§ 2 Mautgebührenerhebung durch Private; Verordnungsermächtigung,7 +The major source of PM emissions during “loading and unloading” of piles occurs as material is ,9 +of the e-documents,3 +Remains constant,6 +taking into account any public statements on the specific characteristics of the supplies made by the ,3 +Wing ready to tension.,0 +All deliverables should be drafted ,3 +outlining the steps each such territory shall take to collect ,9 +"§ 5 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Berufsausbildung und Mitarbeiterführung""",7 +existence of ,3 +Article 31 Provisional acceptance ,7 +– ELEMENTI DI PROVA SU RICHIESTA ,7 +Philippine Health Service,7 +Acquisition of land ,7 +The Approach,7 +—Environmental Protection Agency ,9 +Waiver authority. ,9 +"shock wave formation, there will be a loss of ",9 +Other Considerations ,7 +exclusion by requiring the supporting documents listed in the declaration of honour.,9 +fendering; ,3 +SPECIAL ACTIVITY AIRSPACE (SAA)- Any ,9 +format if the conditions regarding electronic signature specified by Directive 2006/112/EC on ,3 +journalists and experts ,7 +Drill Bushings and Guides,7 +"400 mesh particle size, form- powder, 1kg ",6 +against multiple full control inputs in one axis or full control ,9 +"Cadiz, Escalante, Manapla, Sagay, San Carlos, Saravia, Silay, and Victorias.",9 +personnel to monitor progress. ,9 +can remain in tissue fluids for several hours after a diver ,9 +weather systems. ,9 +Summary election appeal: determination ,7 +different from the free stream velocity depend- ,9 +Die Garantiefrist bei Herstellungs- und Materialschäden beträgt zwei Jahre ab dem Datum der ,9 +Tandem rotor helicopters. ,0 +final adhesion. Final adhesion often involves lifting the ,9 +the capacitance caused by the ignition lead and have enough ,9 +aircraft by one of the following:,9 +) S.I. 2020/156. ,1 +suspended as this service is dependent on radar. The,9 +Folding a Box,7 +Special Conditions at least 15 (fifteen) days in advance of the proposed days of travel. Any ,3 +assembly of that ship has commenced comprising at least 50 tonnes or one per cent of ,3 +§ 33 Übermittlung von Daten an das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt,7 +"require 50 HP for the tail rotor, the resulting engine overload ",9 +– Evidence for selection,7 +"AC 43.13-1, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices—Aircraft Inspection and Repair",3 +Article 4 – TERMS OF PAYMENT,7 +国务院安全生产监督管理部门建立全国统一的生产安全事故应急救援信息系统,,9 +"Contact Procedures, 4",9 +and does not have ,9 +Abschnitt A Nr. 1.3 ,3 +Organise transport (,7 +"water in the system, which vaporizes and is drawn out by the pump.",0 + The arm on a control surface to which the ,9 +Provider entered,3 +"zulassen, wenn die Voraussetzungen nach Satz 3 vorliegen.",9 +from the system.,3 +"niture, and janitor service, the adequacy of which shall be",9 +An example of a variable area exhaust nozzle used to ,0 +〔昭和五十五年五月二十六日政令第百三十八号〕〔抄〕,7 +an experienced glacier pilot and become comfortable,9 +the elements of a PIREP form. Item numbers 1 through 5 are ,9 +Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures,4 +"ATC radar display, as well as software that can autonomously ",9 +"line. If the conductor is insulated, the heat generated ",3 +The difference between the gross,9 +relevant period for a Category 1 or Category 2 authority to commence on or before the first ,9 +"solid-state gates, significant memorization, manipulation, ",9 +PRIMARY ACTUATION DEVICE/RIPCORD TEST:,7 +§ 14 Sorgfaltspflichten bei bestehenden Konten von Rechtsträgern,7 +Primary Sludge Pumping Station,7 +The contractor shall notify relevant personal data breaches to the controller without undue delay ,9 +"In relation to the permission mentioned in regulation in regulation 3(2)b, the Royal Air Force ",9 +designated by Union law,3 + Rollout:,6 +require each aircraft to have an onboard sensor that locates ,9 +Address additional rulings made by the approval authority and any deviations from the ,3 +by the manufacturer. Extreme caution should be used,9 +II.16.3. Claims and liability ,7 +GENERAL DIRECTIONS AND SPECIAL DIRECTIONS ,7 +Removal of Rivets,7 +Updated text: ,7 +"distance fixes, or offsets from",9 +"(BGBl. I S. 640), § 2 Nummer 1 zuletzt geändert durch Artikel 1 Nummer 1 des Gesetzes vom 6. Juli 2007",3 +Table of contents ,7 +provision of sanitary accommodations for pers,3 +airports are,9 +since its fuel chambers remain filled under all operating ,9 +unless they stem directly from a relevant case of ,9 +center runway may be reduced to 3000 feet. ,9 +The activities the vendor’s Software Quality Assurance (SQA) will conduct on the ,3 +"yaw to one side, the opposite wing presents a longer leading ",9 +When it shall come to the knowledge of the president of any township,9 +CONTACT PERSON (for this tender) ,7 +" is situated outside the EU as established in the Special Conditions, those standards refer to the ",1 +the NAS change in question must not be implemented. The SMTS submitter is,3 +"6151 can also be welded, but since these alloys are in the ",9 +to be a rise in pressure.,9 +"methodologies (NAM) data) for the substances identified in Objective 1, from the open ",9 +"beispielsweise benachrichtigt, dass der Kontoinhaber eine neue Postanschrift in einem meldepflichtigen Staat",9 +"policy, ten",3 +"deliverable(s),",3 +on the head within a circle having a maximum ,3 +"ponent, which may exceed the capacity of the switch.",9 +board;”. ,9 +"(ETA), but the extra time is a small price to pay for avoiding ",6 +Apprentice and Junior Surveyors,7 +tenderer (group leader in case of a joint tender) under the section ,9 +Electron Control Valves,7 +"metal-to-metal contact in the bearing. Also, as oil circulates ",9 +and auto gas only (left).,0 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +Lower flange,6 + Guide lines not,6 +: over the years ECHA has developed a quality system that prescribes the ,3 +Ir = index for the month in which the request to revise prices is received. ,9 +"sampling, failure in sludge disposal, extreme weather, etc. has not occurred. ",3 +Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 6 G v. 29.3.2021 I 370,9 +which the soaring conditions have weakened. The prospect ,9 + or any part of it: ,9 +standards for designs of disease control gates as well as inadequate resource ,9 +voltage causes a pulse of current to flow into the storage ,9 +or movable partition with one compartment containing ,9 +necessary for the implementation of the underlying contract and the application of ,3 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 19.05.1999,9 +Engine-driven alternators or generators supply electric ,9 +imposed for any criminal offence that is severer ,9 +"228 of 1949) or approval under Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade ",3 +"18, paragraph (3) of the New Order as on the date of enforcement, capital ",3 +out by the FAA to the registered owner of an aircraft ,9 +TED eTendering,7 +Section 6. National Security and Interception Procedures,7 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +"Receipt team, UK Hydrographic Office, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2DN (Email: ",3 +Contrôles,6 +Information about the Service Contract,7 +II.16.3. Claims and liability ,7 +bond delivered to such carrier and that all ,9 +"Those with a capacity not greater than thirty kilograms, thirty",3 +"Reserve Parachute Characteristics, Table 1 ................................................................................0002 00-14 ",8 +"achieving expected performance and benefit targets, meeting the service needs of customers, ",9 +spreading infection.,3 +Pressurization Issues,7 +Drop Hammer,7 +Anlage 16 (zu § 11 Absatz 1),7 +"In your written request, list up to five numbers in ",9 +Pre-cast units for kerbs and surface drainage ,7 +WORKS PROVISIONS ,7 +from knots (knots in the tow line reduces its strength ,3 +in this region can be difficult because both the skins and the ,9 +DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ,7 +nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des installations. ,7 +"II.20.5. Vorfinanzierungsgarantie, Erfüllungsgarantie und Gewährleistungseinbehalt ",7 +Figure 16-40,9 +"UNICOM frequency, which is usually 122.8; however, you should always check the Cart Supplements ",9 +Kraftfahrzeuge nach § 3 Absatz 2 Satz 1 Nummer 1 Buchstabe d bis f dürfen auf öffentlichen Straßen nur in,9 +"between (4-20 mA) as proportional with the level. General accuracy of the measurement device, must not be ",9 +coatings if edges of damaged areas are abraded with ,3 +Amendment of Schedule 1 to the principal Regulations ,7 +has a second advantage. Since regulations require you to have ,9 +"Zweigstellenerlaubnis verlangen, dass die Erlaubnis für eine nach § 27 Absatz 2 zulässige Zweigstelle durch eine",9 +Primary Sludge Pumping Station,7 +immediately before such temporary stopping up or diversion in respect of any apparatus which at ,9 +Liabilities and insurance ,7 +ADEMPIMENTO DELLE NORME DI SICUREZZA,7 +List of Figures ,7 +Dispersion Modeling Methods ,7 +I.1.4. Costs of transfer ,7 +The standard rule of thumb for the sum of these ,9 +"One coffee break/still and sparkling water/juices salty and sweet snacks and seasonal fruits, ",3 +higher level of augmentation. ,9 +"Fahrzeugtechnik,",3 +Hot knifed edge of the crossport must be smooth ,3 +"avionics manual, or a supplement. Operators of",9 +alternating cycle.,9 +Common Error: Skipping the Preflight Weather ,7 +Vortex Behavior,7 +The Province of Leyte,9 +"For this reason, it is apparenr. that pomr ",9 +Bodenfreiheit des Fahrzeugs nicht verringern. Vorderes und hinteres Kennzeichen müssen in einem,9 +"On every mortgage or pledge of lands, estate, or property, real or",3 +cannot maintain a standard climb gradient or the,3 +The contracting authority shall demand payment from the guarantee of all sums for which ,3 +that pilot safe to fly?,9 +Dry type transformers ,7 +A forward CG will not be as obvious when hovering into,9 +is responsible,9 +instructor effectiveness.,3 +"mode on an ILS, the FD horizontal bar cue responds ",3 +Prior to takeoff—ensure that the RNAV system is ,3 +idx?SID=e6a5b817b94abf58460f48c032d9a39c&node=40: ,1 +BACKGROUND INFORMATION ,7 +discharge of the low-pressure turbine in a dual-turbine axial-,9 +⦁ $_{Drive. }$,3 +II.7. CONFLICT ,7 +"component, across the mount, to the aircraft structure as ",9 +STEEP TURNS,7 +"the effects of alcohol and drugs, anxiety, and excess nitrogen ",9 +Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Operation,7 +Presolo Knowledge Tests (page 10-19) ,7 +cabin pressure. The switch is visible in ,9 +Administrative Provisions Regulating Business of Persons ,7 +"apply to approaches at night. For example, when land-",9 +including those relating to the environment. Defective equipment will be replaced within the ,9 +Abschnitt 7,7 +the FAA/EPA documents: ,9 +ド、グローブボックス等の装置が設けられているときは、その装置が排気設,3 +"etc."" in the following paragraph through paragraph (5)) (in the case where the ",3 +Contractor’s national partner to prepare press kit folders for attending media. Content to be ,3 +"Project / Release, ",3 +"mentioned, it can be used as a checklist to ensure that required ",9 +"Weather Outlook (AC), Center Weather Advisory (CWA), ",9 +"On every mortgage or pledge of lands, estate, or property, real or",3 +Initial TEMP ,7 +[Additional weather limitations.] ,9 +usually provides a volume chart of their systems stating ,9 +the appropriate rate. ,3 +Consequential amendments ,7 +the two years following its signing by both parties.,3 +Means of redress. ,7 +flowing parallel and opposite the rotor’s plane of rotation ,9 +prohibit the burial of the dead within the centers of population of,3 +Identifying Hazards,7 +how many months of each type of Application Management service shall be ,3 +HARNESS/CONTAINER ,7 +§ 88 Auszahlung,7 +Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit den Lieferungen ,7 +Anti-Icing/Deicing,7 +"States to prevent, to address, and to respond to cybersecurity issues and threats. ",3 +"Contractor’s access belongs to the category “Basic” or “Increased”, it is ",9 +"not read discharge, except for short intermittent loads such ",9 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT,7 +Role of the Database Provider ,7 +etc. The principal source of directional con- ,9 +Engine Noise Suppression,7 +Contract title: Supply of Equipment for Advanced Prototype Station (APS)” ,10 +Finger-trap suspension line to a finished length by calculating shrinkage of traped area,3 +Authority at the beginning of the Assignment.,9 + - HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OFFER USING e-SUBMISSION ,7 +recalcitrant witness may be enforced by a,9 +正当な理由がないのに、第十二条の十第二項各号の規定による請求を拒んだとき。,3 +ENGINE OPERATING CONOITIONS ,6 +have water in the fuel tanks because auto gas typically has ,9 +further a wing is allowed to rise before taking corrective ,9 +Hand Signals,7 +WSC that takes of the ,9 +and Notaries Public,7 +vince contains the following municipalities:,9 +"associated with a designator filed in Block 2, if the",9 +Figure 15-3. The CarterCopter uses wings to enhance,0 +province unless the Governor-General sha,9 +"public authority, including an authority from a third country. The contractor may not give such access ",9 +and carefully zip up the bag while tucking everything in so ,9 +Translational Lift,7 +categories:,9 +"""Dritte Verordnung zum Gesetz über die Änderung von Familiennamen und Vornamen (Löschung und Änderung",9 +Nach Erörterung der Streitsache erklärt der Vorsitzende die mündliche Verhandlung für geschlossen. Das,9 +Supplemental Study Materials for Aircraft Weight and Balance,7 +attachment(s) to the ,3 +ОЗДОРОВЛЕНИЯ ДЕТЕЙ И М��ЛОДЕЖИ»,7 +and safe installation.,9 +"functional modes may include heading, altitude, ",3 +"presente contratto quadro, il numero ",9 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +to be discarded.,9 +"up outside, align the wing perpendicular to the wind. ",9 +所、工場、事業場、店舗又は倉庫の所在地を管轄する経済産業局長が行うものとする。,3 +the runway as displayed on the radar scope. ,9 +of bubbles indicating a leak. Special leak detection dyes ,9 +perpendicular to the relative wind to achieve maxi-,9 +stabilized approach can be maintained from the FAF to the ,9 +"is designed into the arresting gear on aircraft carriers, and ",9 +example provided by the manufacturer for that specific chart. ,9 +and Mountain Wave Activity (MWA),7 +"Departure Clearance Procedures, 5",9 +Funding & tender opportunities portal ,7 +Pilots of departing VFR aircraft are,9 +"stream. Thus, VOC emissions from airport cooling towers are uncommon. ",9 +"National Competent Authorities in the Member States and other European countries, ",9 +The contracting authority reimburses subsistence expenses on the basis of a daily ,3 +Specific provisions related to insurance ,7 + may use an electronic exchange ,9 +gear and imparts violent ground looping tendencies.,9 +It is the candidate's responsibility to provide a valid e-mail address and to check it regularly. ,9 +Chart Limits,7 +"of the turn, and then choose an appropriate bank angle, ",9 +responsiveness,9 +"complex runway/taxiway configurations, a separate full-",9 +eingetragen ist. Der Halter darf die Inbetriebnahme eines Fahrzeugs auf öffentlichen Straßen nur anordnen oder,9 +"relativo verbale di sopralluogo congiunto.. Come indicato nel contratto, i costi della ",3 + requires to store and use for the performance ,3 +Pitch change links,6 +"Low altitude RNAV only routes are identified by the prefix ""T"", and the prefix ""TK"" for RNAV helicopter routes followed by a ",9 +municipal authorities.,3 +temperature. Teflon-insulated wire is generally good for ,9 +Serve as a means of relating the lesson to the objectives ,3 +All costs incurred for the preparation and submission of requests to participate or tenders are ,9 +"Two selector valves are required on twin-engine aircraft, ",9 +"tendency to return toward the original attitude, the motion becom- . ",9 +shall be on the same footing in regard to the allowance of travel expense as other,9 +〔昭和三十四年九月一日政令第二百八十四号〕,7 +von mindestens 45 Minuten erforderlich. Arbeitsunterbrechungen unter zehn Minuten werden bei der,3 +改正規定及び次項の規定は、公布の日から施行する。,3 +"der Betriebsorganisation,",3 +Officers to Devote Time to Official Duties,9 +Schätzgleichungen zur Berechnung des Energiegehaltes von Mischfuttermitteln,7 +the rear of the carriage keel and the top of the front tube. The ,9 +required by Section 7 (2) of the Public Audit Act (No 15 of the 2012) to ,3 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 16.05.1990,9 +"The unit rates for hydraulic load shall be provided for 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% flow of the average ",9 +directive is the fundamental basis for pilots to review ,9 +City Not Liable for Damages,9 +Records and Documents ,7 +to contact a FSS if one is located nearby. Some airports ,9 +"Very early break: land straight ahead. Tow vehicle, if used, should clear runway to make way for the glider.",6 +I.5.2. Interim payments ,7 +have already been included in the replaced tender.,1 +beginning of flight training. The competent fl ight instructor ,9 +Schlachtverfahren unter Berücksichtigung von Tierarten und Tierschutz bestimmen; Schlachttiere,3 +病院等の管理者が行う法第六条の十第一項の報告及び医療事故調査並びに支援団,3 + Carriage Moments,7 +"Early decision-making on agenda and distribution of roles for all parties is necessary, including ",3 +Language of the contract ,7 +II.8. CONFIDENTIALITY ,7 +Improper Elevator Trim Setting,7 +pressure (psi) = cabin differential pressure (psid or ,3 +- Seite 3 von 3 -,4 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +Transcribed Weather Broadcast (TWEB).,9 +on the FAA website at www.faa.gov. ,3 +"San Antonio, San Julian, Santa Margarita,",9 + Overview ,7 +Award of the contract ,7 +matters other than those pertaining to serum separation in the work log set ,3 +Cross-section of a propeller blade.,0 +"over a given time period, (ii) a THC emission index, (iii) a THC-to-TOG conversion factor, and ",9 +Management structure ,7 +Power section ,7 +European Ombudsman within two years of the date from which they become aware of the ,9 +issued free of charge to all known recipients of that Statutory Instrument. ,5 +FINAL MONITOR CONTROLLER- Air Traffic ,9 +EU-OSHA aims to increase and strengthen its relationships with its various stakeholders and involve ,9 +www.enisa.europa.eu,5 +§ 71a Träger von unabhängigen Stellen für die Bestätigung der Eignung von eingesetzten,7 +property rights and exploitation of the results and I confirm that I transferred all the relevant rights ,9 +Replacing any cowling not requiring removal of the ,3 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +Departures From Airports Without an ,7 +0059 00-4 ,4 +applicables: ,9 +to complicating the fuel system.,9 +"The line between contour flying and unsafe, inconsiderate, ",9 +"a limit of detection of less than or equal to 1000 SARS-CoV-2 copies per millilitre, ",3 +Maintenance instructions stating maintenance routines and intervals; ,3 +NISH COVID–19 VACCINE TO CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS NOT ,7 +"Upon termination of the contract or when it has received notice thereof, the contractor ",3 +RWY IN USE ,6 +SCHEDULE 9 ,7 +number of onsite and off-site days. ,3 +dots and dashes at the rate of 95 dot/dash combinations per ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 427 of December 15, 1972] ",7 +for-consumption IT services and products. This requires that a large number of actors ,3 +Functions of Advisory Committee on Prerogative of Mercy ,7 +airspace and new ,8 +current from leaving the battery and feeding the generator. ,9 +Cattle grid: important for stopping cattle from straying into other zones especially ,3 +"responsibility to the appropriate service organization; and approves the fPRD, final Business ",9 +Anti-Icing/Deicing,7 +Digitales Tachographensystem im Straßenverkehr,7 +Moral rights of the authors ,7 +Venturi Tube Systems,7 +von Fensterwänden und Fenstertüren muss mindestens,9 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +including during the contract liability period and until its final approval by the contracting ,9 +"[Civil Service Rules, II.]",9 +take advantage of beneficial tailwinds. ,9 +sa décision finale de réduire le paiement et le montant correspondant. ,3 +Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +Aborted Landings,7 +Listing of the ,6 +Thermal Survey of Repair Area,7 +"Article 7-3 Those specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 18, ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 200 of May 24, 2006]",7 +replacement housings are routed correctly.,3 +that helps the user to understand why this ,3 +Vapor cycle air conditioning systems can give many hours of ,9 +in a straight line. ,3 +appoint candidates directly to personnel positions for inter-,9 + travel plans. The ,3 +"and Industry No. 66 of October 28, 1983] ",7 +The contracting authority shall not bear any liability for the assessment and adequacy of ,9 +exposure. This will support EFSA in reviewing availability of relevant occurrence data and ,3 +"supervision. For avoidance of doubt, this includes any sub-",3 +a service) for withdrawn services are in format ,3 +Data protection. ,7 +the rear of the main riser when the 3-ring release is ,3 +[2204-1.],9 +Budget Line: ,6 +Group control ,7 +plans and procedures; and ,3 +a heating cycle. ,3 +"aircraft operation, aircraft airworthiness, and cabin safety. ",9 +Both types of DPs provide ,9 +gas welding based on the brightness of flame emitting from ,9 +In case of a joint offer ,3 +Warranted Provision ,7 +tions of crosswind takeoffs and approaches. Instead they,9 +aggravated,9 +Annex 6. Financial offer form,7 +Interest on late payment ,7 +Operational Hazard Warning(s)/Procedures,7 +"power available and power required, i.e., ",9 +"practically solid in cold weather, increasing drag and making ",9 +cross-reference visual cues outside the gyroplane with,9 +“(1A) But a fire and rescue authority may not make any provision in such a scheme for ,9 +"Source layout, including location and height; ",3 +in engine speed ,9 +registration number,7 +〔昭和二十九年六月一日政令第百十九号〕,7 +Route the AR2 power cable through the lower open end of the AR2 power cable sleeve located ,3 +"ordinances, with the view to the confinemen",3 +The Mayor and Vice-Mayor,9 +Normes de qualité ,7 +"exclusion situations as declared, according to Article 137 (1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1046. ",3 +"Thus, retreating blade stall is encountered at a lower forward ",9 +Procedure Publication. The ICON will be added to the TPPs ,9 +specified in Article II.18.2.,9 +AeroNav Products booklets.,9 +and many ASR have the capability to interrogate Mode ,3 +by a series of pushrods. It is restrained from rotating by an ,9 +annotated “Fly Visual to Airport” or “Fly Visual.” A,9 +The geotechnical assessment is subject to change according to the plant structures and layout in the ,9 +"seen in Advisory Circular (AC) 43.13-1b, Chapter 11, ",9 +Airport Markings and Signs ,7 +FAA Order 1050.1 and accompanying Desk Reference,3 +transitions between the domestic route structure and the ,9 +Locate lines 1D and 8D. ,3 +Profile View,7 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +flow) through the engine itself. ,9 +Der Schuldner hat bei der Mautgebührenerhebung nach Maßgabe des § 10 mitzuwirken. Er hat die,9 +"März 1999 (BGBl. I S. 550), der durch Artikel 285 Nr. 7 Buchstabe c der Verordnung vom 29. Oktober 2001 (BGBl.",9 +provide pilots with another visual cue which they can,9 +had grown into a diverse and interesting sport. Modern high ,9 +Bank Control,7 +Class E airspace is controlled,9 +Tree Felling ,7 +ITUATIONS OF EXCLUSION CONCERNING NATURAL OR LEGAL PERSONS ASSUMING UNLIMITED ,7 +Use of Power,7 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of September 1, 1952. ",3 +§ 2 Beschaffenheit und Betriebstüchtigkeit der Flugsicherungsausrüstung,7 +instrument clearance or close a VFR/IFR flight plan. You can ,9 +"(hereinafter referred to as ""the Contractor""), represented for the purposes of the signing of this ",9 +the first ,9 +"avoided, the general rule during takeoff is to achieve a faster-",9 + an aircraft flying eastward at ,9 +contractor has the opportunity to propose better values (in the column F).,9 +Summary timetable comments ,7 +decreased and the force on the landing gear increases by the ,9 +pplication to the municipal court or the,9 +Contract for Transportation Equipment Belonging to,9 +and shall consult with district health officers regarding sanitary improvements,9 +a unique situation should be advertised and not to,9 +available flat and open field for an emergency landing. ,9 +hard landing. ,9 +"If the total exceeds a certain level, the flight is altered or ",9 +LOT 1 and LOT 2 ,7 +subject to ATC may cause momentary deviation to,9 +SCHEDULE 7 ,7 +§ 1 Ziel der Prüfung,7 +"out), when finding it necessary to carry out on-site inspection or questioning of ",3 +separate the structure into sections equal to a size which easily can be cast. In critical sections with a ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 115 of April 27, 1973]",7 +Supplementary Provisions ,7 +"navigation, communications, and other flight deck duties. ",9 +"and Industry No. 92 of December 10, 1983] ",7 +"relation to the relevant year, together with details of the payments payable ",3 +schedules. Signals are sent to electric motors to move the ,9 +. It must also take out supplementary insurance as reasonably required by ,3 +acceptance criteria.,9 +"areas to be tested. Do not use a ballpoint pen, pencils or similar items to mark the test",9 +Starting System,7 +disk is cold. ,9 +management of intellectual property and the transfer of technology; and ,3 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +"the airport or station, insurance and sundries; ",3 +angle of attack from the root to the tip.,9 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +in subsection (a)— ,9 +restriction for uncompensated baro-VNAV systems is ,9 +fly aircraft only if their experiences include flying an aircraft; AMTs in training learn to overhaul power plants only by actually ,9 +Small punctures with a diameter on the tire inner surface ,9 +条第一項第二号の承認の申請については第四条第二項及び第三項の規定を準用する。,3 +Reported in Previous Years,7 +"Citation, commencement and extent ",7 +pre-existing,3 +accumulator stores a small reserve of engine oil under ,9 +for purpose of performing the services at the outside location:,3 +"$575,000,000, to remain available until expended: ",9 +Tender report.,7 +"- Model options include averaging periods, pollutant types, urba",3 +(Development of Coordination and Cooperation System) ,9 +There are three fixed route systems established for ,9 +eligible registrants,7 +that imports carried out under IPA II will be exempted from all charges; ,3 +"face friction than on land, and seaplanes lack brakes.",9 +specified in section two thousand and sixty-four hereof. Their offices shall be,9 +"Verbot anderer Nationalflaggen, Ausnahmen",7 +that the results be divulged or not after they have been delivered in their final version to the ,3 +Observers often misinterpret aborted landings on the ground ,9 +Convective Currents ,7 +control tower. It is imperative that the pilot form the habit of ,9 +hospital fees of the injured person. Absence in the case contemplated shall be,9 +(121 °C) cure are used routinely to bond the doublers to the ,9 +weight and the basic empty weight is referred to as,9 +Determinations. ,9 +"under Article 17-2, paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange Control Order prior ",3 +Heat adjustment for each compartment ,3 +modifications necessary to secure that persons with such interests in land as are mentioned in that ,9 +(EU) 2016/679 vom 27. April 2016 – Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) ,7 +"mounting, and check ignition leads and all electrical ",3 +Consent to prosecutions ,7 +"Event assistant(s) to run cloakroom, registration process on-site, handing out material ",7 +"AC 90-89, Amateur-Built Aircraft and Ultralight Flight Testing Handbook",3 +"- Model options include averaging periods, pollutant types, urba",3 +before reaching the ground.,9 +to the shaft on which the bearing is mounted. Centrifugal ,9 +"oint another person to make a deposit in, or withdrawal",9 +"touchdown, roll out, and stopping the glider. If an obstacle ",9 +Automated ,9 +архитектурной,9 +5_Vol3_d4.3_Section 5 Earth and pipe works_en_GIR_rev6.docx ,4 +the aircraft.,9 +ELENCO ATTREZZATURA MINIMA ,7 +とあるのは「百分の六十」とする。,3 +"provision of Class C services, the controller will inform the",9 +"event the engine-driven injection pump fails. Typically, the ",9 +"alter, clean, modify, dismantle, refurbish, reconstruct, remove, relocate or ",3 + must upload the signed and ,3 +and hybrid events) ,7 +〔昭和三十四年十月三十日政令第三百二十七号〕,7 +Risk Management,7 +the control surfaces. During the checking of control surface ,9 +Figure 13-12. ,0 +"Bildaufnahme,",3 +the aircraft in a safe manner. If using a valid driver’s license ,9 +supply a video work which was first placed on the market before 6th April 2020. ,9 +II.21.6. Interim payments and payment of the balance ,7 +"47.2, a U.S. citizen can be an individual, or part-",3 +"clock, or a GPS clock, can be used with a digital time readout ",9 +judgement to ensure that references are pertinent and precise. ,3 +Construction Joints ,7 +"to and released from ceiling vents, where it circulates and ",9 +the material with masking tape and then mark on the tape.,9 +MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL ,7 +II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +Ausführung von Geotechnischen Erkundungen,3 +", That funds appropriated in ",9 +"types, a combination of two or more types, or combinations ",9 +Verordnung über die Meisterprüfung in den Teilen I und II im,10 +because of this notice. ,3 +"Ground Communication Outlets (GCO), have been ",9 +hard steel burnishing tool.,9 +AN ACT STRENGTHENING ,7 +Disassembly: Mesh Repair,7 +"When specifying unpublished waypoints in a flight plan, ",9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +previous year to P333.34 million during the same period. ,9 +then in force remain applicable. ,3 +Invoices and value added tax ,7 +No person shall be tried for a criminal offence if he or she shows that he or she has ,9 +support to provide lift.,9 +Set climb thrust,6 +the published path.,9 +When the flaps are lowered for landing essen- ,9 +"dangerous communicable diseases,",9 +Approvisionnements ,7 + ..................,8 +"Industry No. 99 of March 29, 2001] [Extract] ",7 +grundsätzlich eine Ortung z.B. über Suchschlitze durchzuführen. Im Abstand von 50 cm und weniger ,9 +combustion chamber.,9 +dissimilar metals that are joined at one end. Heating the ,9 +places of detention,9 +"exceeding twenty thousand pesos or imprisoned not exceeding ten years, or both.",9 +Processing of personal data in the context of this contract shall comply with Regulation ,9 +SUN TIL 0707300100 ,8 +ScupperGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +Waypoint.,9 +U.S. or sectional chart for the correct frequency. This frequency can vary when there are a large ,9 +control and a waterloop. If the downwind float sub-,9 +properly on launch.,3 +reasons. ,9 +Article 2 - ,7 +value not exceeding seventy-five pesos.,3 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +SEVERABILITY ,7 +"Weather Limitations. Banner towing operations are limited to day, visual flight rules (VFR)-only ",9 +"be suspended, and the action of said committee shall be f",9 +Anlage 1 (zu § 5),7 +"and Industry No. 67 of November 5, 1987] ",7 +and software will need some level of set-up and configuration in order to provide effective protection.,3 +materials,8 +表第三に掲げる地域以外の地域を仕向地として輸出しようとする場合にあつては、,3 +"from the runway edge, or 75 feet from the runway ",9 +PAN warns other stations not to interfere,9 +WING ILLUSTRATED BY TUFT-GRID PHOTOGRAPHS ,7 +DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +"Descriptions of the interaction of the system with other systems, the system ",3 +sident in respect of legal proceedings,7 +", le contractant doit en ",9 +traffic as seen by the pilot of aircraft “C” would be,9 +to pick a path over shorter obstacles than to take off directly ,9 +01.03.03 Механика,9 +Pilot RVSM Operating Practices and,7 + (relative to true north) ,6 +[Bank/Fund] ,9 +PLANNING IN FMD CONTROL ,7 +Persönliche Voraussetzungen,3 +§ 31 Anforderungen an Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +Means of redress. ,7 +"contraction of the concrete. Partial contraction joints provide some restraint, but are intended to ac-",9 +Documentation),3 + (ss 57-94),7 +advanced treatment hospitals that provide advanced and specialized medical ,3 +dation of Non,9 +Property Leases – Botswana Police Service ,7 + (s 107: repealed) ,7 +"if any apparatus, such as a hood or glove box, has been installed in the ",3 +Summary election appeal: parties ,7 +"ICT Racks, cabling and other infrastructure elements ",7 +"приостановить прием документов, оформление и выдачу приглашений",9 +begin to rise. Under certain conditions of ,9 +EMC: VDE 871-B/0875-E ,3 +to be of a specific configuration to accommodate a certain ,9 +propeller. Power changes are made by increasing fuel flow ,9 +not cause the city t,9 +PRINCIPAL POWERS ,7 +bank must be fairly rapid to attain the proper wind correction ,9 +CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DU CONTRAT-CADRE DE SERVICES ,7 +Die Bundesanstalt kann auf Antrag eine angemessene Nachfrist von bis zu einem Monat zur Einreichung der,9 +rendition. Any component so certified would not be able to ,9 +", the wire diameters become smaller as the ",9 +as a request to reduce speech rate. ,9 +"which they operate, consideration must be ",9 +のに限るものとし���水の吸入口と噴出口とが構造上一体となつているものであつて,3 +"If the special conditions so require, the contractor shall submit a programme of ",3 +"can begin, you should seek advice on your individual circumstances.",3 +"Unless provided otherwise in the special conditions, the Union does not acquire ownership of ",9 +All payments made by the Contracting Authority into the bank account specified in the contract will ,3 +Flight Operations in Volcanic Ash,7 +工会有权依法参加事故调查,向有关部门提出处理意见,并要求追究有关人员,9 +"del CQ o di un contratto specifico, inclusa la perdita dei profitti previsti, a meno che la perdita ",9 +–20 0 20 ,6 +Any oral instructions or orders shall be confirmed in writing. ,3 +10.26.Erstellung und Prüfung der Werk- und Montageplanung ,7 +Ausführungsplanungen seitens AG ,7 +Rischi per la Salute e la Sicurezza dei Lavoratori ,7 +freeze to the surface when they eventually cool.,9 +provides testing capacity to future water electrolysis projects in Horizon Europe and for the ,9 +Passengers,8 +n shall be appointed by the President.,9 +required navigation performance (RNP) availability,9 +Figure 11-3. ,0 +removal tank and distribute it evenly to the primary clarifiers. A bypass system as described at the ,9 +"To fuel with pressure refueling, a hose nozzle is attached ",9 +§ 2 Ausbildungsdauer,7 +: delegation-turkey@eeas.europa.eu -- www.avrupa.info.tr,4 +(Use with safety analyses with unacceptable [high] predicted residual risk) (1) (2) (3) ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 3 of January 25, 1973]",7 +Aktualisierung des Zentralen Fahrzeugregisters zu übermitteln:,9 +- Seite 17 von 31 -,4 +la facture n'est pas conforme aux dispositions du CC; ,3 +GLYPH<129>D\ejk\i le[ Rvi\e,9 +in the interests of— ,3 +Centrifugal-Flow Compressors,7 +responsible for hearing annulment procedures is indicated under Heading VI.4.1 of the ,9 +TATISTIQUE CONCERNANT LES ,7 +formal agreements or guidelines for shared responsibilities in the fight ,3 +thrust. The power lever is also used to provide ,9 +"follow the flight profile entered by the pilot, and ",3 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +The Stacked (or Accordion) Method,7 +Maintaining situational awareness requires an understanding of the relative significance of all flight ,9 +HYDROGRAPHY,7 +Registration of participants ,7 +"Judicial Power, Embracing Courts of Superior Jurisdiction, Justices of the Peace,",7 +"times, and AD status must be retained and transferred with ",9 +Inspection Process,7 +"das Ablaufdatum der Zulassung. Das Kennzeichen ist nach § 10, ausgenommen Absatz 3 Satz 2, 3 und",3 +"returned to its original position, the jaw and blade return to ",9 +of days per profile across a 12-months period and their respective distribution (%) ,3 +Opening of tenders ,7 + The exercise of the powers of article 35 (statutory undertakers and utilities) is subject to Part ,9 +"fully loaded helicopters, center of gravity deviations as",9 +[Figure 13-14],9 +purpose of the New Act; ,3 +"wear, corrosion, and distortion, are not easily seen. Special ",9 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +"using more epoxy, since neither of the lacquer finishes ",3 +"décision n° 1247/2002/CE, JO L 295 du 21.11.2018, p. 39",1 +function or may be the basic “hands off” autopilot ,3 +"[1458-31, 32.]",9 +II.17. SUSPENSION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FWC ,7 +"following the determination made under paragraph (5)(a), the Board must as soon as reasonably ",9 +similar to that of the ILS localizer. It does not provide,9 + WSC and Air Traffi c Control,7 +years after,9 +or mitigation measures used to demonstrate conformity,9 +road/rail transport). ,3 +Date Accessed: 16-Feb-2015 ,4 +who is receiving a vaccine for COVID–19 furnished by the ,9 +"As the tail rotor works in less turbulent air, it reaches a point ",9 +Alternator Drive ,7 +or one twenty AM,9 +Title of Chapter,7 +coordination and to assure that flight data is posted at ,9 +The team structure in terms,3 +"“force trim” switch on the cyclic, which sets the desired ",3 +and Unpowered Ultralight Vehicles ,3 +The pilot reviews the 3P process for each hazard. The pilot ,9 +"flying too low over a gathering are examples of buzzing, ",9 +including the following items within minimum thresholds: ,9 +"In addition, runway conditions should be discussed. The ",9 +оказываемых для инвалидов и лицам с ограниченными возможностями здоровья.,9 +Irrigation system ,7 +supplying the electrical needs of the system. A dis-,9 +particular ,3 +entering the maneuver.,3 +the ECHA’s ticketing ,9 +"other balloons, particularly at lower altitudes, it is easy to ",9 +of the course rather than at the point of departure. The course ,9 +the flight.,9 +clearance delivery position of their intended altitude,9 +include such information as the President of the Board may from time to time determine. ,3 +Fuel pressurizing valves usually trap fuel forward of the ,9 +of the groundspeed ,9 +Geschäfts- oder Betriebsgeheimnisses oder Schaden für ihre geschäftliche Tätigkeit zu befürchten ist.,9 +uplocks and prevent fluid from reaching the down side of ,9 +PRELIMINARY ,7 +"Thus, for maxi- ",9 +Traffic Patterns ,7 +offshore areas that have been identified to have,9 +based navigation equipment. To conform to international ,9 +"treated confidentially, subject to the following: ",9 +Cold Cylinder Check,7 +MAIN CANOPY ,7 +provide the ,9 +combined into an easy-to-remember 3P model for practical ,9 +排出しようとする汚水の処理の方法,3 +paragraph (3) of the Act; ,3 +equipment delivered.,9 +Si le cahier des charges contient une annexe concernant la politique environnementale du pouvoir ,9 +Scientific data management: ,3 +Functional requirements for pipe systems ,7 +time a seaplane operates on or near water. 14 CFR,9 +Signature:_____________________ ,9 +councils shall have one vote on all questions coming or arising before the shadow authority.,9 +sport aircraft engine. ,9 +- Seite 24 von 28 -,4 +registration number,7 +Ground Communication Outlet ,7 +AIR FORCE TECHNICAL ORDER FORMS,7 +indicating circuit.,9 +"in direction of flight (powerlines, buildings, towers, etc.), ",9 +PM$_{10 }$ and are the result,9 +Weather Regulatory Requirements ,7 +"The contractor shall, in accordance with the provisions of the contract, supply (deliver, ",3 +СП 2.4. 52 «2-20,7 +Non-Moving Advances,7 +"or rent of any lands or tenements, or portions thereof:",3 +Flight in the region of re- ,9 +accompanying Desk Reference ,3 +current page group is indicated by highlighting the specific group ,0 +Tow Rope Strength Requirements,7 +Airplane structures can be subject to high ,9 +configuration. ,9 +Amendment of Schedule 2 ,7 +side of the parachute will rise sufficiently to cause the ,9 +content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32018R1725&from=EN ,1 +The troposphere extends higher above the earth,0 +before the actual forming operation is started. Rotate the ,9 +Transitioning across lots: Handover (WP 4) ,7 +Chapter 2$_{ }$,7 +which are dangerous when flying.,9 +"supported by fixing to 3 wires strung from post to post. Furthermore, the steel mesh and posts shall be ",9 +Fire Detection System Maintenance,7 +"Court shall give its decision upon the question and the court in which the question arose shall, ",9 +supply additional power to the electrical system during flight ,9 +The Stacked (or Accordion) Method,7 +"the change does not make the tender non-compliant with the Tender specifications, ",3 +EFTA$^{1}$ Member States and EU Institutions. The new mandate of the Agency provides a broader scope ,9 +replace any work or structure (including lake walls); ,3 +gates that are used. By combining any number of these tiny ,9 +"outward from the coast of the United States, that ",9 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +§ 84 Verwendung,7 +Maximum Performance Takeoff,7 +". The impeller, ",9 +A gyroplane will descend at a high rate when flown at,9 +en obtained.,9 +test to verify the resistance to repeated loads. ,9 +‘‘(3) improve the utilization of methods to incorporate the ,9 +drying enamels may be used for touchup of epoxy ,3 +that depict the aircraft’s current position and velocity as ,9 +nimmt. Wartezeiten aufgrund verspäteter Anmeldung werden nicht vergütet. ,9 +Use of Resources,7 +"purposes, ",9 +boîte fonctionnelle,9 +equal treatment among tenderers or applicants unless such requirements are enshrined in an un-,3 + The contractor is liable for any loss or damage caused to the contracting authority during ,3 +Identity management;,3 +108. Power to specify qualifications for certain offices ,7 +Vacuum Tubes,7 +United States Burial Corps Not Restricted by Provisions,9 +control. The duties so,9 +Sulfuric acid temperature correction.,0 +"flows from the pump through the center of the selector valves, ",9 +fall upon the,3 +Rotate deployment bag up and over main parachute compartment. Line stowage pocket will face up.,3 +Centrifugal-Flow Compressors,7 +Appendice,4 +The purpose of the meeting is to discuss/review the interim report ,8 +108. Power to specify qualifications for certain offices ,7 +Personnel Required ,7 +highway vehicles and nonroad equipment which are known or suspected to cause cancer or other ,9 +an up-and-down motion of the water surface—the,9 +Article 1 – SUBJECT MATTER; PERFORMANCE ,7 +Orographic thunderstorms will form on the windward side ,9 +"Citation, commencement and interpretation ",7 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +Chart Supplement U.S. and/or applicable notices to,9 +Förderkommissionen,7 +British Para Athletics Sprint Meet ,9 +contractor.,9 +第八による届出書を経済産業大臣に提出しなければならない。,3 +contract including during the contract liability period and until its final approval by the ,9 + Wing Rising After Touchdown,7 +than ceiling 800 feet and/or visibility 2 miles.,9 +от 15 июня 2017 г. № 552,9 +The Contractor reports to EU-OSHA on the impact of the advertisement with a summary in ,3 +systems because there is considerable difference in ,9 +the crossport shape in the exposed edge of the patch ,3 +"Operating Handbook (POH), a document developed by the ",9 +"SGN, its officers, servants, contractors or agents; and ",3 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +an imaginary straight line drawn from the leading to,9 +Article I-15 ,7 +and address of the,3 +Departures from:,7 +des § 2 Absatz 1 und 2,3 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +当該医療事故に係る死亡した者又は死産した胎児の解剖,3 +"121.549(b), the FAA requires that commercial and airline ",9 +documents. ,9 +Exhaust Systems,7 +AUTOROTATION IN FORWARD FLIGHT,7 +II.14. FORCE MAJEURE ,7 +I.1.3. Conversion ,7 +Safety Requirements Planned for Implementation ,3 +TIMETABLE FOR TENDER PROCEDURE ,7 +Page 9 of 16 ,4 +the attitude indicator as she attempts to achieve the desired bank angle. The bank angle exceeds tolerances as she struggles to correct ,9 +Glider or Sailplane?,7 +be shortened by mutual ,3 +Source: http://www.npc.gov.cn/npc/xinwen/2016-11/07/content_2001605.htm ,4 +temperature of the metal changes. This is the principle upon ,9 +Decision-Making,7 +Der Auftraggeber trägt die von seiner Bank in Rechnung gestellten Gebühren für ,3 +show the variation of the ,9 +safely to the ground.,9 +of a float in the tank moves a connecting arm to the wiper on ,9 +Opportunities:,7 +Responsible body ,7 +domestic radio navigational signal or ATC radar,9 +Night Blind Spot ,7 +" In article 18, in paragraph (2), after “5th October 2020,” insert “and afterwards at intervals not ",9 +for the non-Christian people.,9 +Amendment of Schedule 3 ,7 +"the research is complete, the instructor must determine the ",9 +"fatigue, dehydration, and heatstroke. Other subjects include ",9 +“fly-right” indication (CDI needle fully deflected to the right). ,9 +sowie die zur Ausstellung der Zulassungsbescheinigung erforderlichen Fahrzeugdaten und bei,9 +The contracting authority is not bound to reply to requests for additional information received ,9 +of the framework contract please refer to section 1.4 of these tender specifications. ,9 +Basting and temporary tacking should be made using thread that is of a contrasting color to the ,3 +Gebührenbescheids verarbeiten.,9 +is liable to pay compensation by virtue of paragraph (4); and ,3 +most common cause of hypemic hypoxia is carbon monoxide ,9 +"exchange business, etc. (other branch offices, etc. refer to those other than the ",3 +in a balloon.,9 +Effective Aeronautical ,7 +the exercise of the right in question. ,9 +Compression tester and adapter. ,0 +Harness and container inspection locate and verify defects,3 +Article 4 - ,7 += 0.063 (,6 +position with the assistance of a vacuum. The pilot monitors ,9 +Amendment of Group 3 of Schedule 8 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994 ,7 +ausgehende Überweisungen; ,3 +Area Navigation (RNAV) Routes.,7 +Launch Equipment Inspection,7 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 2 ,7 +"—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), between 1200 hours and 2000 hours on 10th and 11th July ",9 +www.eaa.org,9 +develop its own proposal: ,9 +Terminal Arrival Area (TAA),7 +reservation,9 +"gen zuständiger Stellen zu bestätigen. Bescheinigungen, die nicht in deutscher Sprache abgefasst sind,",9 +the basic configuration would experience ,9 +"give directions for the appointment of a new period for voting in the election, and ",3 +"be reduced when VORs are eliminated, and that most",9 +"перемещения детей (молодежи) по улице,",9 +"values in the past, however the practice was not accepted on ",9 +während einer Vernehmung an einem anderen Ort aufhält. Die Vernehmung wird zeitgleich in Bild und Ton an,9 +prior to takeoff.,3 +"positiven Begutachtung abgeschlossen wurden, erbracht werden kann, oder",3 +necessary cowling and the most accessible spark plug from ,9 +Distress and Urgency,7 +microwave links. Since IFR operations are expedited,9 +delivery of the purchased ,9 +Contratto n. JRC/IPR/2019/OP/0139 ,5 +"the runway. Additionally, the tow pilot should ensure ",3 +Spiral Instability ,7 +"fixes, used to define an RNAV route or the flight path of ",9 +II.2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT TENDER ,7 +配备相应的应急救援装备和物资,提高应急救援的专业化水平。 ,9 +"für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen vollständig vorlagen, werden Gebühren nach",9 +"Dabei sollen Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten, die bereits Gegenstand von Teil 1 der Abschlussprüfung",9 +about the approver’s expectations in the software review. The following information should be ,9 +"should determine the overall approach and concept of the radio call-in (including its focus, topic, ",3 +Under bright sun conditions and without brush or trees,9 +"bureau, a housing advice centre, a law centre or a solicitor.",3 +balance system commonly,9 +〔昭和四十八年十月一日政令第二百九十一号〕,7 +height. An increase in temperature with altitude is defined ,9 +Electrical Resistance Thermometer,7 + Setting Up the WSC Aircraft ,7 +tion 1831(1) of such title is amended— ,9 +Weather Requirements and Part 91 Operators ,7 +"deployment/maintenance/development, ",3 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 1),7 +An additional technical equipment and technician services will cover online aspects of the online ,3 +Tire Balancing ,7 +of the signatory:,9 +DEC 2010 to 13 JAN 2011,6 +(This note is not part of the Regulations) ,7 +equate to cyclic and collective con-,9 +LSA Synopsis,7 +that are exerted on it.,9 +Carburetor Icing,7 +modification to condition C21 ,7 +deflected left.” ,3 +Assessing SRM Skills ,7 +Materials/ Parts ,7 +their eyes outside of the flight deck rather than have to ,9 +Controller.,7 +Amendment of the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013 ,7 +Regarding flight over other than the high seas: ,9 +can sup- ,9 +Expansion Joints ,7 +PM$_{10 }$ emissions,9 +locations as per the original installation. Usually the ,3 +Figure 9-62,9 +shall guarantee to provide technical support services at beneficiary’s cost for 5 ,9 +learners the assignment of learning certain inspection procedures. One learner may catch on quickly and be able to competently ,9 +specific tenders or specific contracts are granted only upon submission of supporting documents ,9 +§ 6 Meldepflicht der Inhaber einer Fahrlehrerlaubnis zur vorübergehenden und gelegentlichen,7 +parachutist.,9 +"The new data source is volatile in the sense that it is subject to changes in data structure, ",9 +The portion of the container or deployment device ,9 +Transmission Lines,7 +"a slightly different technique, as will smooth air in contrast to ",9 +Brochures including all components accompanied with names and addresses of suppliers; ,3 +Oxygen Plumbing and Valves,7 +inflight advisories. ,9 +a heating cycle. ,3 +"diseases, the regulation of imports and exports, the movement of animals and ",9 +course followed by a turn toward and intercepting the,9 +"communication system should be for Ethernet (TCP/IP) / analogue 4-20 mA , and for digital signals 24 V ",9 +a dried film of acrylic nitrocellulose lacquer.,3 +previously issued altitude crossing restriction.,9 +Adjustment in respect of past compensation ,7 +Photographer ,7 + for the purposes of this call for tenders. ,9 +реализации проектов строительства объектов критически важных,9 +A lesson plan is an organized outline for a single instructional period. It is a necessary guide for the instructor because it tells what to ,9 +grounds that,3 +should be placed as close as practical to the area that needs ,9 +calls for tenders. ,9 +name of the Tenderer,9 +cancellation at any time upon notice by the Administrator or his authorized representative. The CoW ,9 +Tender report.,7 +a hexagonal shaped recess. ,9 +Power section ,7 +the navigation aid to be indicated. The pointer indicates the ,9 +подготовки и аттестации с допуском к работе.,9 +stiffener at original location. ,6 +One to four numbers followed by one letter ,3 +and run as oil pressure moves the blades out of feather. As ,9 +"identification, radio communications have not been",9 +combustion characteristics of the mixture. Fuel added to the ,9 +Figure 1.28. Description of Wing Planform ,0 +Pricing Model Details ,7 +abgelegte Prüfung.,9 +is a decision-making process designed to identify hazards ,9 +components—this adjustment limits the physical ,3 +"After all mitigating steps have been completed, you may confront the possibility that a flight cannot be made or continued for a ",9 +have received),9 +- Atomgesetz (AtG) §12b,3 +inch or less. The edges are prepared for welding by turning ,9 +(TRSA). Pilot participation is urged but is not,9 +oncoming air. [Figure 2-3] The trailing edge is the aft,9 +"expressed do not represent the contracting authority’s official position. Moreover, for any pre-",9 +Cart and Sledge Tax,9 +systems and functions that are required to be in operation ,9 +the tab is in its extreme positions. ,9 +Flügel E. Das Ein- und Ausschleusen erfolgt über das Hauptlager. ,9 +éventuelle) quels que soient la qualification ou la société à laquelle appartient le ,3 +"streamline its work, based on identified operational and managerial ",9 +"instalments of the central share of non-domestic rating income, in relation to the relevant year ",9 +"necessary, the consequential provision of a jointing chamber or of a manhole must be ",3 +Straight climbout:,6 +VFR Over-The-Top,7 +INSPECTION CODE OF THE,7 +"seldom exists. In fact, temperature sometimes increases with ",9 +"contractor until the supplies are completed. After the supplies are completed, the ",3 +The sum of all quality award criteria (1 ,7 +Separation Service for VFR Aircraft in a TRSA).,7 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +Alert Areas ,7 +indications that the Contractor is non-compliant with Article II-4(4) (“Contractor’s Personnel”) ,3 +the information or documents remain confidential unless:,3 +"and Industry No. 39 of March 27, 1997] [Extract] ",7 +Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Planning ,7 +surfacing material co-cured in the standard cure cycle or ,9 +the APU from the airplane systems.,9 +Figure 12-10. ,0 +Signature reduction devices; ,3 +the following requirements shall be met: ,9 +Test routing and installation of the power cable assembly in the parachute harness/container while ,3 +AUTOROTATION,7 +Telephone System ,7 +Mitgliedsnummer in der BG ................................................................................ ,3 +Instrument lights ,3 +"difficult thermals, using steeper bank angles and more speed ",9 +competition. ,9 +the first level sub folders under the Project’s ,9 +system different from those specified above and the same is doing,3 +§ 5 Berichtsheft,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 105 of March 31, 2005]",7 +any warranty obligations under the contract; ,3 +vector at maximum lift. ,9 +Übergangstück rechteckig auf rund,7 +Non-Moving Advances,7 +installed on the aircraft and when the brakes are removed. ,9 +This may allow for a more accurate control of the ,3 +"AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) ""T"" ROUTE SYSTEM",7 +"seat at Praça Europa 4, 1249-206 Lisbon, Portugal, VAT registration n° 507 685 326, represented for ",9 +"incidental expenditure, actual expenditure shall be converted into euro at the rate published on the ",3 +Wet or Dry Grinder,7 +operations to be conducted under IFR.,9 +"conditionally unstable air is passing over this land area, ",9 +Preliminary Pages,7 +are addressed: (i) the Scoping,9 +(§§15/31der Strahlenschutzordnung) (wird bei Arbeitsbeginn ausgehändigt) ,3 +die Verordnung (EU) Nr. 165/2014 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 4. Februar 2014 über,3 +The FAA has approximately 80 FSDOs. ,9 +Submission of tenders phase ,7 +"Hank Ascuitto. During this time period, the deployment bag ",9 +"The photographer should also add captions to all the photos indicating, names, ",3 +Figure 14-50.,0 +II.14. FORCE MAJEURE ,7 +material that has been sewn. ,9 +Amendment of the School Information (England) Regulations 2008 ,7 +Original Standard Service Volumes,0 +水产资源、海洋保护区破坏的,由依照本法规定行使海洋环境监督管理权的部门责,9 +The SSM can be held at any time per the request of the PO from project inception through the ,9 +Inadequate bank angle and/or excessive wind ,3 +Daily Maintenance Checks,7 +Leveling Off,7 +II.17. SUSPENSION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FWC ,7 +Failure to upload the following documents in eSubmission will lead to rejection of the tender.,7 +10.1.13$_{ }$,8 +"mild disorientation to total incapacitation, depending on ",9 +Helicopter Flight Manual Limitations ,7 +Obstacles to Maintaining Situational Awareness,7 +conductor or magnet can be moving or stationary. When a ,9 +Chief Officials of Bureau of Civil Service.,9 +Chart Limits,7 +"If you cannot safely comply with any of ATC’s instructions, ",9 +Strategy to 2020 prepared with support from an EU-financed technical assistance programme. It is ,9 +I.4.2. Preisanpassungsindex ,7 + shows a typical ,9 +"Dem Beigeladenen können Kosten nur auferlegt werden, soweit er Anträge gestellt oder Rechtsmittel",9 +"Regelung zur Vermittlung der Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten nach Verordnung (EU) Nr.",7 +Damage to epoxy finishes can best be repaired by ,3 +II.7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND PROFESSIONAL CONFLICTING ,7 +PRIMARY ACTUATION DEVICE/RIPCORD TEST:,7 +connection pipelines.,3 +"bestimmen, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung tierschutzrechtlicher Vorschriften,",3 +climbing airspeed and a commensurate gain in altitude so that ,9 +methodologies,3 +"амбулаторных условиях, и порядков по их заполнению» (зарегистрирован Минюстом России 20.02.2015, регистрационный",1 +Impatience ,7 +Chapter Summary ,7 +Prediction and used to prepare national radar,9 +"vertical lift component increases during the roll-out, ",3 +EPR adjustments),3 +same is reduced more than twenty-five per centum because of such error or,9 +steel blocks called anvils. A riser or plunger is pressed against ,9 +Temperature Variations,7 + Airspace is depicted as screened blue area with a dashed line encompassing the area with a let-,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 63 of March 25, 1998] ",7 +in order to evidence the Declaration on Honour.,9 +[Figures 8-3 ,9 +II.4. DELIVERY OF SUPPLIES ,7 +and judgment errors are inevitable; the most important ,3 +INCLUDING ANNEXES,7 +Lesson Plans ,7 +AIRPORT MARKING AIDS- Markings used on ,9 +the use of an electronic vertical path produced by onboard ,9 +types of reamers:,9 +"ZADROGA, RAY PFEIFER, AND LUIS ALVAREZ ",10 +Boeing 747.,0 +Data protection. ,7 +waypoint. Pilots should use this bearing as a reference,9 +- Atomgesetz (AtG) §12b,3 +Note: ML2.b. does not control signal pistols.,9 +"Close ripcord pin protective flap, cable housing protective flap, and riser protective covers. ",3 +informed by email of the result of the evaluation. Tenderers who have submitted admissible tenders ,9 +Bleeding Master Cylinder Brake Systems,7 +Form 1: Candidate/tenderer general information,7 +"During takeoffs in a strong, gusty wind, it is advisable that ",9 +Induced Flow,7 +Allgemeine Bestimmungen bezüglich der Lieferungen ,7 +"technological understanding of any decade to that point, leading ",3 +Clay with a liquid limit exceeding 80 and having a plasticity index exceeding 55; and ,3 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM THEORY OF OPERATION,7 +(iv) the construction of a building to accommodate electrical plant and the installation of ,3 +"Abschnitt II Unterabschnitt C des Abkommens beschriebenen Verfahren eingehalten werden, wobei an",3 +"facilities, and certain special notices and procedures.",9 +rod or cable. While the tail rotor is still producing antitorque ,9 +〔平成十七年十二月二日政令第三百五十八号〕,7 +is as follows:,9 +履歴書を添えて認定都道府県知事に提出しなければならない。,3 +meet SIGMET/AIRMET criteria based on current ,3 +The corrective action for a bounce is the same as for ,9 +Driven Rivet Standards,6 +"some duly authorized officer thereof, or the managing agent or master of the vessel",9 +"Herkunftsgebietsverordnung im Falle der Kategorien ""Quellengesichert"" und ""Ausgewählt"", soweit möglich",3 +chart series which shows current aeronautical,9 +"region varies with the time of day, with seasons, and with ",9 +TS 9937 Polypropylene pipes general purpose ,3 +I.8. COMMUNICATION DETAILS ,6 +double-wrap safety wire method is preferred.,9 +"diagram, the output of the ",9 +"Dezember 2014 der 30. Juni 2015 tritt,",3 +"is placed on your aircraft, sign and return the original",9 +"in paragraph (2), after “2019 Regulations” insert “(as it has effect in the United ",3 +Strahlenschutzes (AGS) des JRC Karlsruhe auf mögliche Kontamination geprüft werden ,9 +rectangular course and S-turns across a road. The maneuver ,9 +Elements of Descent Planning Calculations,7 +solid ridges. These ridges can be so rough that they can,9 +Whereas this momentous event was watched in wonder by hundreds ,3 +thereof. The sub-paragraphs of this Article below only apply where the Special Conditions indicate ,9 +"location of the offices, workplaces, stores or warehouses. ",3 +participate) by e-mail. The notification will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the ,9 +the raw material and the project files — should be provided to EU-OSHA at the end of the ,9 +Figure 2-40.,0 +1st January 2021 and shall cease on 31st December 2021. The ministerial meetings linked to the ,9 +"notifying enterprise; provided, however, that this does not preclude the ",3 +economical choices in budget implementation.,3 +Flight Risk Assessment Tools ,7 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +"reimbursed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, under ",9 +" To be completed with Region, State or Province by non EU countries only, excluding EFTA and candidate countries.",3 +"parties peuvent conclure un accord écrit, dûment signé par les deux parties, fondé sur la proposition. ",9 +CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +"§ 11 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +Other Airspace Areas ,7 +portion of the bow wave moves closer to the ,9 +die Gesamtdauer der Arbeitsunterbrechungen mindestens ein Sechstel der vorgesehenen Lenkzeit,3 +place to contact the tower. Traffic information will be,9 +agrees to engage <,9 +Atmospheric pressure,6 +marks of the Executive Bureau shall be deferred,9 +of the ignition lead is the high-voltage carrier surrounded by ,9 +Die Wiedereinsetzung ist unanfechtbar.,9 +The contractor must coordinate efforts with ECHA on regular (monthly) and on ad-hoc ,9 +Verkaufseinheiten ohne Umhüllung dürfen nur in den Verkehr gebracht oder sonst auf dem Markt,9 +tips off of the ground. ,9 +"and the minimum is 4.6 inches, a reading below the latter ",9 +to as the “drag divergence” or “drag rise.” ,9 +FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT-,7 +Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI),7 +The FAA also operates en route Mode S radars (not,9 +"(EU funded projects, academic ",3 +"onan, Manaoag,",9 +Mode d'établissement des prix ,7 +"all, upon conviction, be punished by a fine",9 +chemicals and containers are disposed of in a proper fashion. ,9 +この政令による改正後の消費生活用製品安全法施行令別表第一第十号に掲げる,3 +Pile shoes ,7 +The contracting authority shall demand payment from the guarantee of all sums for which ,3 +Principle of Operation,7 +Figure 14-15. ,0 +containing the body or remains,9 +system malfunction are sometimes malfunctions of the brake ,9 +position. Pressurized hydraulic fluid flows from the hydraulic ,9 +DETERMINING EMPTY WEIGHT,7 +The pilot should also give particular consideration to forced ,9 +corrosion. ,9 +Die Benutzung des Frequenzbereichs 23 200 – 23 350 kHz durch den festen Funkdienst ist auf,3 +and emergency diesel generator building for relevant cabling and piping. ,9 +TRSA Service (Radar Sequencing and,7 +Technology Refreshment Portfolio ,3 +vehicle to prevent sudden jerking of the glider. The towing ,9 +Section 5 Permission for Designated Aquaculture and Notification of Notified ,3 +"and Industry No. 39 of March 27, 1997] [Extract] ",7 +[83-20; 2249-2.],9 +“Shadow authorities ,7 +” and together the “,9 +"kits with press release, speech and information ",7 +combustion,9 +corrective rudder ,6 +Application of Article. — ,9 +accident analysis business; ,3 +Vortex Behavior,7 +der betreffenden Holzartengruppe voraussichtlich mindestens 30 vom Hundert des ungekürzten,3 +efficiency by reducing the distance between tracks,9 +Salt and Sand Piles ,7 +dimensions established at locations where there is a ,9 +Piston Reverses Direction From Down Stroke to Up ,7 +Instrument Departures,7 +correzioni ovvero,9 +(cruise power).,0 +〔昭和四十八年一月二十五日政令第十三号〕〔抄〕,7 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 3 ,7 +in this chapter.,9 +a chamber where it is mixed with ambient or re-circulated ,9 +"with ball or roller bearings, also referred to as antifriction ",9 +Der Vorsitzende eröffnet und leitet die mündliche Verhandlung.,9 +collision lights should be,9 +since most of the above hazards can exist. Tundra is,9 +"selsyn system, except that AC power is used. Thus, they ",9 +measuring each characteristic. ,3 +from Article,3 +indicates that over 45 percent of all general aviation accidents ,9 +Impulse voltage withstand. ,3 +airport’s latitude and longitude coordinates are provided. If ,9 +default of Cadent or its contractors or workmen; and Cadent will give to the undertaker reasonable ,9 +obligations,3 +top. VFR-on-top is an IFR clearance that allows the pilot ,9 +calendar should be reviewed and updated following the latest developments. ,9 +"protection, the sense that something is wrong. The human ",9 +goal. This latest technology has proven to be an incredibly ,9 +biennially thereafter’’; and ,9 +特大生产安全事故应急救援预案,建立应急救援体系。 ,9 +the navigation database is current and verify that the ,3 +VFR Over-The-Top,7 +change in moment; and,3 +II.13.6. Quotation of works in the result ,7 +"Fence poles per 3.00 m shall be galvanized iron pipe Ø 100 mm, t = 6 mm. The steel mesh shall be ",9 +VHF navigator screens seem to offer too much information ,9 +released within 60 days of the issuing of the signed final acceptance certificate for its total ,3 +Declaration on honour on ,7 +the tow pilot has a responsibility to ensure that the towrope ,9 +Außer dem Kennzeichen darf nur das Unterscheidungszeichen für den Zulassungsstaat nach Artikel 37 in,9 +and velocity may change during the approach. The pilot’s ,9 +"the actuation is completed, the selector valve is placed in its ",9 +publishing of the instrument procedure or route.,9 +facing it) to pump any oil from the engine back into the oil ,9 +European Atomic Energy Community,3 +members who hold or have held high judicial office;,3 +Follow-up inquiries with Departmental officers had elicited that ,3 +establish a stabilized approach at the recommended,9 +DL 2.2.7 Regular descriptiveand analytical report on results of thestudy,8 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 +Anti-Skid System Maintenance,7 +The provisions set out in the special conditions take precedence over those in the other ,3 +performance of the ,9 +は、がん、脳卒中、心筋梗塞等の心血管疾患、糖尿病及び精神疾患とする。,3 +§ 32 Speicherung der Halterdaten in den Fahrzeugregistern,7 +(INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST) ,7 +the instrument housing. The narrow diameter of the capillary ,9 +Explanation Phase ,7 +conditions laid down in Article II.21.5. ,9 +Opening of tenders,7 +constant speed. Turbine temperature is a very important ,9 +"Article 68, paragraph (1) of the Act, the authority under the jurisdiction of the ",3 +Night Blind Spot ,7 +Range criterion,6 +I.5.2. Zwischenzahlung ,7 +the strength of some ropes typically used. ,9 +II.23.4. Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +CONTACT PERSON (for this tender) ,7 +Largeaircraftweightand balancecalculationdiagram.,0 +Great Plains Aircraft Volkswagen (VW),7 +Contracting authority,3 +"unit to analyze “Dry solid content, DS%, of dewatered sludge prior to drying process” and “Dry ",9 +Contractor’s national partner to inform the EU-OSHA's national partner about the final ,3 +Landing—Stuck Neutral or Right Pedal ,7 +appointing a responsible person in the core clinical research hospital who ,3 +PROJEKTBETEILIGTEN ,7 +"program information) or operating with, and in",9 +How To Form an N-Number,7 +des Ausbildungsbetriebs bestellt wird; für diese gilt § 18 Absatz 1 Nummer 1 bis 5 und Absatz 2 Satz 2.,9 +Im Fall der Untersagung nach Absatz 1 hat auf Antrag der Bundesanstalt das Gericht des Sitzes des,9 +performance of such duties they shall be under his exclusive ,9 +The applica- ,9 +application. ,3 +Regulatory Framework ,7 +II.5. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +the procedure due to student error or pilot proficiency,9 +the Service Provider,3 +Definitions,7 +—depart/departure ,9 +"all latitudes without specific compensation for dip. However, ",9 +Determine if an ODP or SID is available for the ,3 +tives. Additional and supplemental information for,9 +discussed in the next section of this chapter.,9 +"thrust, it cannot be controlled by the pilot. The amount of ",9 +Class A Airspace,7 +interoperability of the rail system within the Union. ,9 +weight is transferred toward the front of the floats and,9 +"carry out excavations and clearance, deepening, scouring, cleansing, dumping ",3 +FDs may use a “two cue” presentation known as a ,3 +amount of fuel used for a given amount of power produced ,9 +applicable). ,9 +Maintaining the same viewing angle causes the point of ,9 +PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +is the evening before the scheduled flight. A good pilot ,9 +Although the software planning process may continue throughout the software lifecycle and ,9 +"and Industry No. 1 of January 6, 1983] ",7 +Shipment Type 2,7 +§ 28 Gemischte Finanzholding-Gesellschaften,7 +emergency extension of the gear by gravity and air loads ,9 +〔昭和三十四年十月三十日政令第三百二十七号〕,7 +The Service Provider shall issue a lump-sum invoice upon written approval by the [Bank/Fund]of the ,3 +Ministers and Assistant Ministers,7 +The contractor must ,9 +"Article 7-3 Those specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 18, ",3 +"very large part of the tasks, EFSA may demand the subcontractor to sign the contract. ",1 +The size of relief holes varies with thickness of the material. ,9 +"LNAV, LNAV/VNAV and Circling Minimums ",7 +CLERICAL AMENDMENTS.— ,9 +incorporating the tail rotor into the design. ,0 +English sport national governing body of P’s status as a domestic elite sportsperson ,3 +based visual indicators that identify traffic pattern ,3 +"surfaces, skis warm up a few degrees from the friction",9 +"of employment, and the salary accruing during the period thereof shall not be",9 +Criteria related to the tenderers ,7 +AUTHORISED DEVELOPMENT ,7 +Failure to maintain heading.,3 +plan. The subsequent visit to the flight planning room (or ,9 +Benefits Of WAAS In The Airport Environment ,7 +gem. §2 BaustellV,7 +from Article,3 +"disseminate post-event information to the attending journalists, such as thank you ",3 +[2339-169; 2432.],9 +by letter at the latest on the first working day following the electronic submission of tender. ,9 + or any person that assumes unlimited liability for the debts of the ,3 +The component of atmospheric ,9 +§ 2 Gebührenbefreiungen,7 +Any claim not registered within said period shall be considered waived and the use of the water deemed,9 +aufgeh. durch § 20 Satz 2 V 806-22-1-131 v. 13.10.2020 I 2166 mWv 1.8.2021,7 +The curve of drag or thrust required versus ,9 +accordance,9 +Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake),7 +Chapter Summary ........................................................6-13,8 +Approach) soft key must be pressed once the desired ,3 +Article 9 - ,7 +leader in the case of a joint tender) may request the contracting authority to justify the ,9 +amount of current to forward bias the transistor is not ,9 +Page 3 of 4 ,4 +Kontrollgerät im Straßenverkehr und zur Änderung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 561/2006 des Europäischen,3 + A precision instrument ,9 +FAA Publications ,7 +"some original speed, Vi ",9 +long-term care facilities,7 +to be more skillful and aware of the capabilities of the glider. ,9 +"produce poor stitching and may damage the material, or the ",9 +this FWC as set out in Article II.18.1 (c). ,9 +the construction of an opening section of bridge and associated barriers and signage; ,3 +"information to support the approval, classification, conditional ",9 +Transfer/Exhaust—Piston,7 +"and contaminate the regulator, hose, and torch, fuel starvation ",9 +"European Union, either autonomously or pursuant to the sanctions decided by the United Nations Security Council on ",1 +"intentionally false representation as to his nationality, age, parents, or guardian,",9 +buoyancy and stability of that ship being compromised; ,3 +"l'annexe VI, le pouvoir adjudicateur peut, sans préjudice de l'indemnisation que le contractant lui ",9 +based equipment and/or airport specific,9 +§ 10a Stellenzulage,7 +power circuit breakers. The power circuit breaker closest to a fault shall clear the fault. If it fails the upstream ,9 +Decision-Making ,7 +niedergeschrieben. Der Auftragnehmer,3 +железнодорожным транспортом.,9 +IFR En Route Low Altitude Charts,9 +"23(1)), it has power, exercisable in the equivalent circumstances and subject to the equivalent ",9 +envelope. (2) An envelope opening that will automatically ,9 +Electrical Equipment Installation,7 +manually send an altimeter setting message.,9 +"the Europol Executive Director, Europol Deputy Executive ",3 +Launch Site,7 +Urkundsbeamten besetzt.,9 +"document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility ",9 +references to control the airplane’s attitude.,3 +Disassembly,7 +Fixed phase,6 +of the Tender dossier. This statement must use the following wording: ,3 +Drill Bushings and Guides,7 +"aircraft, as well as the complexity of microchip and satellite-",9 +failed to use the decision-making process correctly and to ,9 +Instrument Approach Procedure Charts ,7 +FIX- A geographical position determined by visual ,9 +full operation of all components and visual aids associated ,9 +date where the ,3 +inches of mercury. The desired vacuum and the minimum and ,9 +Inventory for Criteria,9 +two-thirds of the board of directors are U.S. ,3 +"When bent into a coil, cooling or heating causes the dissimilar metal ",0 +the speed at which the gyroplane will fly in level flight,9 +displays the result as a guidance cue for head-up viewing ,9 +[1458-23.],9 +"Some marker beacon receivers, to decrease weight and cost, ",9 +Instrument Departures,7 +Controlling or Monitoring the Electrical Load,7 +133 STAT. 969 ,5 +"by the contractor is compromised for reasons involving family, emotional life, political or national ",9 +"while the power is smoothly reduced to idle. In most cases, ",9 +CG AFT OF AFT LIMIT,7 +"only upon individual filters, clogging of a filter does not ",9 +(ECHA’s premises) ,3 +"historical data and information supporting the services provided, the hardware and COTS ",9 +– ELEMENTI DI PROVA SU RICHIESTA ,7 +Turbulence,6 +Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of International Trade ,7 +Bay and River License,9 +Botswana Housing Corporation ,7 +"Although the various systems have been discussed separately, ",9 +II.5.2 Date of communications by mail and email ,7 +Light passes through the ,6 +"vs. rural setting, receptor layout, and data output format. ",3 +or Category III operations) may now operate below the ,9 +Account number (IBAN) ,3 +Amendment to the Environment Act 1995 ,7 +"and time, but with the surface properly prepared, the results ",9 +im Bundesgebiet bei allen Holzartengruppen voraussichtlich mindestens 25 vom Hundert oder bei einer,3 +of such declaration when the deliverable and invoice is received ,6 +partner beforehand and on-site; ,3 +44-46 bis 900 m,8 +Work No. 1C ,3 +Procurement procedure: ,7 +"Article 27 and 28 from the Framework Agreement$^{1}$, signed on 11$^{th}$ of February 2015 ",7 +The Programming ,7 +(EU) 2016/679 vom 27. April 2016 – Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) ,7 +(1) The helmet has a structure that fits the wearer's head ,9 +be produced by forward flight or from the wind while in a ,9 +"cal, and psychological condition. It is in this reflective ",9 +§ 33 Übermittlung von Daten an das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt,7 +Airport/Runway Information ,7 +Suspension by the contractor ,7 +maintenance records.,9 +Anlage 2.1 (zu § 4),7 +change in moment; and,3 +Intellectual Property Right (IPR) ,7 +Contour Flying Cautions,7 +(chaîne ou autre moyen solide) et à l'abri du soleil ou toute source de chaleur. Les ,3 +"court), or ",3 +in Annex I (Section 6 of the “Technical Specifications”). The specific contract may precise ,9 +"Entrée dans la nacelle, en veillant à accrocher le harnais via un dispositif anti-chute à la ",3 +di sopralluogo congiunto da redigere prima dell'inizio delle attività all'interno di tali zone classif,9 +than the outside top and bottom because the dynamic ,9 +Gas Cylinders,7 +"Descriptions (DIDs) for a PSAA, SCI, and SAS",9 +Règlement des litiges ,7 +"Slips, falls and excess excavations ",7 +[1493-10 (,9 +"spars are storing elastic energy in the downward direction, and ",9 +the revenues collected. ,9 +same shall be taken to be approved.,9 +bilize near zero since the alternator or generator is,9 +“fly-left” (CDI needle fully deflected to the left) and a full ,9 +by an increased ,9 +"declare, prevent, and abate nuisances.",3 +available to ECHA upon request. ,9 +"absence of a MM, ",9 +Afterlanding Off Field ,7 +"be cancer, strokes, cardiovascular diseases, such as myocardial infarction, ",3 +of atom. Compounds occur when two ,9 +Open outlet ,6 +"15(2) to (8), and ",3 +particular,6 +Brother B791,6 +The ‘List of services’ in ,9 +The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s approval details regarding the suitability efficiency and ,9 +REPAIR PARTS LIST ,7 +この政令の施行前に特定事業についての対象役務契約又は対象役務の提供につき外,3 +- Seite 5 von 6 -,4 +Flight Instructor Characteristics and ,7 +the main container. ,3 +ENISA F-COD-20-T03 ,10 +requirements.,9 +matter supplied in ,9 +Maintenance. ,3 +"loss or unauthorised disclosure, alteration and access or any other unauthorised form of processing.",3 +Flaps T.O. & Appr.,6 +"Additional communication, navigation, and surveillance systems and/or automation",3 +error in the beginning can lead to a large error at the end. ,9 +Common-Base Amplifier ,7 +"municipality participates, the apportionment shall be in proportion to",3 +"""Article 21, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2)"" in Article 17, paragraph (1), ",3 +GA System Operation,7 +", se essi sono dati in licenza solo all'Unione, tranne come previsto dalla clausola ",9 +Angebote von Bietergemeinschaften ,7 +course or TC.,9 +Retention Money Guarantee ,3 +speed configurations will ,9 +normally spring loaded closed with 4 to 6 psi needed to open it.,9 +Appendix ,9 +ancillary sportspersons involved in that elite sports event; ,3 +"Article 39-26 Important matters specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, ",3 +These volumes are estimates only and there is no commitment as to the exact quantities to be ordered. ,9 +position in relation to a specific reference point.,9 +滅菌消毒作業室、繊維製品の洗濯包装作業室、滅菌又は消毒済みの医療機器又は,3 +Electron Control Valves,7 +picture of the weather system and pilot reports not yet entered ,9 +Baustein „Individuelle Fahrkarriere und Sicherheitsverantwortung“,7 +Protractor head,6 +Conditions ,7 +Takeoff and Climb,7 +at a constant bank.,9 +"Last point of departure, and point of intended",9 +establishing a committee for reviewing whether the methods of receiving ,3 +"of the induced flow, the angle between ",9 +"For the newly transitioning pilot, the PFD, MFD, and GPS/ ",9 +The parties,3 +"method, but new tape is required.",3 +oversight body in a third country and this register is subject to principles of public oversight as set ,3 +of the airplane is located at 27.4 percent MAC.,9 +not defined in a written law and the penalty therefor is not so prescribed.,9 +"leader or the instructor serves as a coach or facilitator who interacts with the group, as necessary, to keep it on track or to encourage ",9 +be thoroughly familiar with the operation and maintenance ,9 + Attitude and Sink Rate Control,7 +Flights using jet routes will report over these points,9 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,3 +Flight Inspection/‘Flight Check’,7 +ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS,7 +other number as Parliament may from time to time provide) as may be established by Parliament ,9 +Cages/walls ,3 +"perforation operations are underway, pilots will avoid",9 +"aircraft is in regard to location, air traffic control, weather, ",9 +verify that the contractor’s action is appropriate;,3 + Collision Avoidance,7 +"Das Gericht entscheidet nach seiner freien, aus dem Gesamtergebnis des Verfahrens gewonnenen",9 +3x USB 2.0 ,8 +Remarks—the remarks section always begins with the ,3 +"the Consultant, suspend in whole or in part, payments due to the Consultant under the Contract: ",3 +COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +"tend to focus on a single point or instrument, making",9 +Temporary Locking Pin ,6 +Acceleration. ,9 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR ,7 + A component in a hydraulic or ,9 +"In particular, the information specified as non-public in the procurement documents, ",3 +auxiliary rotors or rotating airfoils of engines.,9 +poor terrain enables the pilot to select touchdown conditions ,9 +〔昭和二十七年十二月二十六日政令第五百号〕,7 +Capabilities.,7 +Alternate Navigation Planning,7 +"travel, ensure that chains, cables, etc., have not reached ",9 + An area containing hazards to any aircraft ,9 +School Year and School Holidays,9 +"a course of instruction and education in surveying, for a term of five years, under",9 +"Prüfzeugnisse, ",9 +автомобильного,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 363 of December 6, 2002]",7 +Council was hereunto affixed this 10th day ,9 +short” instructions. ,3 +"Die vom Auftragnehmer (AN) angeforderten und erhaltenen Pläne, Details, Unterlagen müssen den ",9 +are authorized for use at designated airports that have ,9 +maneuver. It is usually the one that should be held at a ,9 +manufacturer specified at what distance the linings should ,9 +Organise transport (,7 +法第十四条及び第十五条の規定に基づく経済産業大臣の権限は、届出事業者の事務,3 +"forth in item (xiv) of the same paragraph, limited to those pertaining to the ",3 +Zerstörende Prüfung,3 +Other RNP Applications Outside the U.S.,9 +Award phase,7 +unchangeable. It must be flexible enough to adapt to special ,9 +ture are high. ,9 +"Atlanta Hartsfield Airport, GA",9 +"on swept wings, which have a natural spanwise tending ",9 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 +companies. ,9 +Die Praxisphase beginnt frühestens nach der erfolgreich abgelegten Prüfung der theoretischen Kenntnisse,9 +including the obligation for the Contractor only to act on the instruction of EFSA as ,3 +$^{ }$[If the services are to be performed at both contracting authority’s and ,9 +RESOURCE ALLOCATION ,7 +Article 34 - ,7 +"to be overridden by the deed, the right which is to be compulsorily acquired is vested absolutely in ",9 +Verify oil content for rotary valve gear lubrication and ,3 +Power circuit breakers rated switching capacity shall be at least equal to the total load of the circuit they supply. ,9 +ered when operating from glaciers. There can be,9 +—environmental management system ,9 +Solid-State Devices,7 + A procedure to provide a ,9 +"freigegeben. Zur Ausführung freigegebene Pläne, Details, Unterlagen hat der AN unmittelbar nach ",9 +Règlement des litiges ,7 +"ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯМ ВОСПИТАНИЯ И ОБУЧЕНИЯ, ОТДЫХА И",7 +Specific provisions related to the supply of goods ,7 +The Powerplant ,7 +National Environmental Policy Act ,7 +"chamber. If pressure leakage is excessive, the cylinder ",9 +Amendment of the Regulated Activities Order ,7 +temperature. ,3 +wind shear condition that will decrease their airspeed by 20 ,9 +vom JRC Karlsruhe gestellt. Das hierfür eingesetzte Personal benötigt eine ärztliche ,9 +Coaxial Rotors ,7 +Budget Line: ,7 + Runway Entrance Lights (REL). ,0 +terms of this Part of this Schedule including this paragraph 114. ,3 +1989 c.29,1 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +II.6. LIABILITY ,7 +flight instructor,9 +or shallowness based on the winds. It is also important to ,9 +"collision and handling, as well as to lightning strike. Repairs ",9 +Fuel-Injection Pump,7 +"There are almost an infinite number of actions you can take, depending on the nature of the hazard or risk. For example, the pilot ",9 +Analyzing Procedures ,7 +"authority, except where otherwise provided in this FWC, to publish the ",3 +vary with the capabilities of the display.,9 +"stations, together with— ",9 +interface control ,3 +"improper air pressure, improper reducing of the ",3 +Describe the System and the NAS Change ,7 +The quality of polluted water to be discharged ,3 +should the pilot feel any assessed parameter is being exceeded. ,9 +"Vergütungsgruppe in einem außertariflichen Angestelltenverhältnis beschäftigt werden, soweit dies für",9 +turning or bending the edges of sheet metal. The cornice brake ,9 +that there is no accidental firing of the engine. Remove ,9 +Many riggers who do not ,9 +INTERPRETATION ,7 +confusing markings or signs on an airport should,9 +"pressure, and exhaust gas temperature with the position of ",9 +"recognized by the Director of Health, the body of the deceased shall not be taken to",9 +"copter has equipment removed, replaced, or additional",9 +obvious remedy is to reduce either current or resistance. A ,9 +bureau who governs the area in which is located the head office or principal ,3 +desirable consequences ,9 +Segments of jet routes in Alaska are based on L/MF,9 +movement of the controls should be checked. When checking ,9 +Project management – the tenderer shall give the number of hours assigned to the Senior ,3 +Distance to planned destination,3 +NATURAL PERSON,7 +GENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURES ,7 +Прием детей осуществляется при наличии справки о состоянии здоровья,9 +ou la création d'œuvres dérivées sur la base des ,3 +"the lender provides the borrower with credit of £25,000 or less, ",3 +Offence and penalties ,7 +"eine Rechnung über e-PRIOR ein, der Folgendes beigefügt ist:",9 +Rotary Machine,7 +that the glider is ready and the briefed departure path ,3 +Edge Joints,7 +Equipment layout diagrams. ,3 +"each consecutive cell until all suspension lines are held in the left hand, and all cells are free of ",3 +Supplementary strobe lights should be turned off on,9 +Vision Under Dim and Bright Illumination,7 +Township President,7 +concentrations ,3 +Estates of Government Employees,9 +by the pilot was the cause or a contributing factor that led ,9 +Alert Areas ,7 +"or data relating to the Procedure that is marked as confidential by any of the parties, ",3 +height (feet),6 +bushing anchored in a holder. ,9 +frequency buffet may ,9 +"Place canopy inside out on a repair table, smooth fabric around damaged area, and secure ",3 +into the bed. An additional coat of cement over the top of ,9 +PRELIMINARY ,7 +Great Plains Aircraft Volkswagen (VW),7 +Is received by the recipient from a third party not bound to the disclosing ,3 +II.20.2. Währung ,7 +computation is located in Appendix B.,9 +"pencil, 6-inch ruler, pin board, straight pins, patching ",3 +"100 percent oxygen, even stainless steel can ignite. ",9 +Use of workers temporarily transferred to the contractor from an undertaking ,3 +descent and the forward speed are decreased. Trim tabs are used to change the glide angle of the ,3 +Identifizierung schließt eine Nutzung dieses Frequenzbereichs durch andere Funkstellen von,3 +Supplementary details of how access to your system is controlled ,9 +transmitted over a discrete VHF radio frequency or,9 +maintain safe altitudes and airspeeds and keep a forced ,9 +With the action of tip ,9 +SCHEDULE 5 ,7 +sludge pumps shall be calculated according to the settleable solids amounts at the maximum flow and ,9 +Snow-covered frozen lakes and rivers can provide a,9 +are factors in planform design that are very important to the ,9 +mal combustion process is initiated by the ,9 +opportunities ,3 +MAC (NEUTRAL pOlNn ,6 +Wide Area Augmentation System ,7 +Europäische Amt,3 +Chord line,6 +stress and vibrations generated.,9 + that it is proceeding ,3 +Übersicht über forstliche Herkunftsgebiete,7 +VOR fix. ,9 +Figure 1-4. ,0 +the primary control of airspeed is not the ,9 +Pressurization Issues,7 +flight conditions. ,9 + consists of territory on the China Sea in the,9 +Mark out the damaged area as you would a standard ,3 +"integrazione, anche mediante rifilatura e taglio, dei ",3 +Personal data ,9 +over the territory being overflown. ,9 +on Consumer ,9 +Wide Area Augmentation System ,7 +of the glider is higher than the indicated altitude. ,9 +Factors such as weather and ,6 +"tortures by the so-called ""water cure"" or otherwise, any native of the Philippine",9 +Figure 11-21.,0 +"on the engine side of the throttle valve, is incorporated. (See ",9 +primary reason other types of engines are selected for,9 +Amendment of the Customs Tariff (Establishment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 ,7 +MAIN CANOPY ,7 +enough. Learning more about how advanced avionics systems ,9 +prevent the Minister of Finance from exercising the authority per se. ,3 +"DUVRI, sono presenti rischi di cui tabella precedente, in particolare il personale del contraente ",3 +Type 1: Canopy First Deployment ,7 +that my name be mentioned or not mentioned when the results are presented to the public;,3 +Guidance on Severe Turbulence,7 +Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System,7 +harness and container to the ram-air reserve:,9 +Where to File the Reports.,7 +for a therapeutic X-ray unit with a rated tube voltage exceeding 50 ,3 +CONFLICTING INTERESTS ,7 +engagement effectively depends upon the Contractor providing full and free access to Contractor's ,3 +"физкультурно-оздоровительная, хозяйственная.",9 +Crosswind Considerations During Takeoffs,7 +Title of Chapter,7 +Accelerating System ,7 +PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ,6 +When an in-flight advisory has not been issued ,3 +are illustrated in ,9 +Abwasserstationsanlage,7 +Figure 5-15.,0 +performance with fixed wing cruise speeds. [Figure,9 +identification. Use part numbers to identify these fasteners.,9 +Fahrerlaubnis-Verordnung,3 +"operating conditions. Remember that at cruising speeds, a ",9 +PIR Report ,3 +nach § 30 zu speichernden Fahrzeugdaten sowie die nach § 32 zu speichernden Halterdaten zu übermitteln.,9 +deteriorated areas particularly difficult. Paint finishes are not ,9 +Chapter 5$_{ }$,7 +OpenCSAM Platform ,3 +flaps or with inoperative spoilers.,9 +"e-document,",3 +Experiment,9 +Determination of Control Movements Required To ,7 +canopy patch. ,9 +CROSSWIND LANDING,7 +Mittelbare Änderung durch Art. 8 Nr. 2 G v. 29.11.2018 I 2237 berücksichtigt,9 +congiunto. ,9 +against the law or which infringe upon the rights of others.,9 +"zutreffend,",9 +Figure 16-18. ,0 +北朝鮮を仕向地とする貨物については、この限りでない」と、別表第二の二中「第二,3 +geographical regions),3 +Performance and quality requirements ,7 +provision of services). ,3 +Baustein „Individuelle Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +"electrical system, even at slower engine speeds, by producing ",9 + Page 4 of 35 ,4 +change the efficiency of the rotor disk. Rotational relative ,9 +visual references required in 14 CFR § 91.176(a) or,9 +"to advances in rocketry, spaceflight, avionics, telecommunications, ",3 +cruising in some high efficiency gliders. When the flap is ,9 +"Please provide all unit prices in the table below (fill in grey cells), and print/upload BOTH SHEETS (Financial tender and ",7 +"A person specified in paragraph (1) shall enjoy, while exercising their functions as ",9 +"international environmental, social and labour law provisions listed in Annex X to ",3 +技术开发合同包括委托开发合同和合作开发合同。 ,9 +Quality of the proposed work - [,3 +opening to decrease or increase the size of the opening. ,9 +II.13.8. Image rights and sound recordings,7 +based on a ,3 +Gust-Induced Oscillations,7 +Reverse-current relay,6 +Acceleration Error,7 +terms of latitude/longitude coordinates.,9 +specific weather phenomenon is in the vicinity of five to ten miles from the airport. ,3 +ANTITORQUE PEDALS,7 +"by the province, city, municipality, ",9 +Terminal and En Route Area Navigation (RNAV),9 +Fischwirtin (Fischwirtausbildungsverordnung - FischwAusbV),10 +en route point where there is no further need for flow ,9 +overheading the course reversal IAF through the,9 +Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Size,7 +"If you have been served this notice and a breathing space has started, you should inform your debt advisor.",3 +The Stroke Simulator must be able to pull both reserve ripcord pins ,9 +as Class E airspace. For part–time Class D surface,9 +"that arise throughout the course of training, such as their fitness to fly, weather conditions, and equipment problems, instructors can ",9 +may be assigned by ATC. When a NAVAID or intersection ,9 +) and section 92 of the School ,9 +use it only where optimum outside night vision capability is ,9 +"copies, by renting, by on-line or other forms of transmission; ",3 +"coefficient, meaning their resistance varies significantly ",9 +Exhaust Gas Temperature Indicator (EGT),7 +I.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA ,7 +The resistance of the current return path through the aircraft ,9 +10.27.Leitungen ,7 +fuel mixture must be richer than for cruise. The additional ,9 +calculations against your own. (Remember the old computer ,9 +Airspeed Indicator (ASI),7 +"opens, the flow of current stops, and the collapse of the field ",9 +alloy unless the next larger size is used. ,9 +定款又は寄附行為の写し,3 +"company-specified criteria, and all deficiencies have been resolved. ",3 +Layup Process (Typical Laminated Wet Layup),7 +le deuxième pour les travaux d'adaptations.,3 + pilot sighting the traffic without,3 +to the contractor using it for the production of a ,9 +"of an airport, or any safe landing site, as much of the",9 +trimming or forcing the airplane onto the runway.,9 +Service (EFAS) for the latest turbulence-related PIREPs.,9 +BMM follow-up meeting usually the day after the BMM to handle all escalations ,3 +in homebuilt gyroplanes. This system may also employ,9 +"to allow a direct, year-on-year comparison to be",9 +manipulate information. There are a handful of common logic ,9 +adhere to this material.,3 +of a report by the director-general of the local finance bureau or the Director-,3 +"Generally, that airspace from the",9 +in speed. Since ,9 +Satz 5 nicht vorliegen.,3 +Signature of the contract with the successful Tenderer ,7 + Super swooper harness.,0 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +Crosswind ,6 +" be adapted, provided that this is done in a manner which is not ",3 +"tion to be conducted, or being conducted, in",9 +"When the declaration(s) on honour and/or the tender report are signed by hand, a scanned ",9 +PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ,7 +しくは合併があつたときは、当該助産所を譲り受けた者又は相続人若しくは合併後存,3 +"prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as ",9 +and character graphic messages. Software has been,9 +Consignment note ,7 +Control Valve,7 +§ 11 Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 3 of January 25, 1973]",7 +Cable Connectors,7 +RECTANGULAR COURSE,7 +Fünfter Teil,7 +a landing sequence.,9 +to the right. A negative pitch angle moves the tail to the,9 +"II.19. FATTURE, IMPOSTA SUL VALORE AGGIUNTO E FATTURAZIONE ",7 +the quality of ride in turbulent or gusty air. Because there are ,9 +The latter equals one and a half times the diameter of the rivet ,9 +"gemäß EnEV 2016, Anlage 3, Tabelle 1, einzuhalten, sofern mindestens 10 % der",9 +Visibility—the prevailing visibility (¾ SM) is reported in statute miles as denoted by the letters ,3 +"the contractor in writing, recover the amounts due: ",9 +水中において磁場又は電場を検知する装置,8 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +An additional screen for the speakers so they can follow their presentations and how they appear ,3 +Signed by authority of the Secretary of State ,9 +"1421, 1423 ",8 +current FAA third-class medical certificate must be obtained ,9 +A mental outline of a lesson is not a lesson plan. A lesson plan ,9 +In case the IT ,9 +Performance,4 +for providing air traffic services in the airspace ,9 +provide your latest estimates in the columns marked with **. Figures in all columns must be calculated on ,9 +Digital signals are a series of voltage or no voltage that represent ,0 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +"rescue, or emergency evacuation are authorized to",9 +Statement of Losses of Public Monies and Stores – (Statement No. 22),7 +Declaration of Honour (DoH) ,7 +provide a good opportunity to identify most recent methodological developments in this area ,3 +désignation d'un médiateur. ,9 +contraction of the concrete. Expansion joints are allowed in the works. ,9 +moment à portée de main des enfants. ,9 +berechnet werden:,9 +Analytical decision-making is a form of decision-making that ,9 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,7 +"einmalig, 2-fach in Papierform zur Verfügung gestellt. Auf Wunsch des AN von darüber ",9 +tal VFR charts are geo,9 +Lingfield Derby/Oaks Trials Day horse-racing ,9 +Fund. Following the award of the tender I have duly appointed ,9 +I.6. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS........................................................................................ 5 ,8 +§ 4 Berufsausbildung in überbetrieblichen Ausbildungsstätten,7 +Thrust bending force is the ,9 +PRICE REVISION ,7 +QUALIFICATION TESTS: ,7 +quirements,9 +SALARIES AND EXPENSES ,7 +Glider Engine While Airborne,7 +A handle for removal and installation,3 +§ 2 Ausbildungsdauer,7 +kann der Vorsitzende die Frist abkürzen.,9 +Restrictors,7 +the enhancement of existing DCs and DCs tools already configured to ,3 +Flight Director Functions,7 +AUDITING FOR BOTSWANA GOVERNMENT ,7 +inspection ,9 +Санитарные правила,7 +FD mode of operation is particularly significant when ,3 +"differential. In the U.S., permeability is measured in cubic ",9 +Article 33 After-sales service ,7 +of the flight control system that was developed from the ,9 +"available navigational resources to locate and arrive at the airport. Upon returning home, Bill attempts to generalize her new abilities ",9 +"is driven, it is usually a piston type pump. It requires use of ",9 +"wirtschaftlicher, technischer, ökologischer und zeitlicher Vorgaben im Hinblick auf Kundenerwartungen",9 +Ruddervator,6 +"This will allow reducing the time line to sign the awarded contract with EIB. However, as mentioned ",9 +"necessary to specify direction of takeoff, turn, or",9 +Suspension par le contractant ,7 +厚生労働大臣は、法第三十条の三の二の規定により、法第三十,3 +alternating white and green flashes indicate the ,9 +concentrations ,3 +Technical Standard Order (TSO) standards. They are used ,9 +"office supplies, fur",9 +Article 2 – DURATION AND TERMINATION ,7 +"the Ministry of Finance (the MoF) thereto for further information, especially for exemption scope and implementation procedure,",1 +同时投入生产和使用进行监督,提出意见。 ,9 +"European 10,000m Cup (incorporating the British 10,000 Olympic Trial) ",9 +ただし、経済産業大臣が自らその権限を行うことを妨げない。,3 +Article 34 - ,7 +"If an electrical system failure occurs during night operations, ",9 +"warehouses shall be conveyed thither, their manner of storage, and",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +Public Instruction in General ,7 +Children’s homes: deprivation of liberty ,7 +all knowingly come into possession of any,9 +carrying out an examination of the applicant; ,3 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 18 of 18 ",7 +Termination by either party: ,7 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) and pertain to flight ,9 +divulgation auprès des personnes et des organismes qui travaillent pour le pouvoir ,3 +"14). Accordingly, pilots are advised to",9 +Open and closed bends present unique problems that require ,9 +Equipment Condition ,7 +this regime to produce the increased power ,9 +Air Distribution,7 +Means of redress. ,7 +[290-1; 2136-1.],9 +Fences and Gates ,7 + diagrams the temperature variations in different ,9 +"each three thousand pesos, or fractional part thereof, in",3 +Branded toilet naphthalene (for all toilets) ,8 +http://www.epa.gov/otaq/aviation.htm].,9 +Conversions,7 +"GPS outage. Specifically, flying to a MON airport as",9 +with the corresponding data block. The integrity of the ,9 +"Fournitures,",7 +The Treasury make the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 30(4) and ,9 +system that uses a continuous loop of two conductors ,9 +render normal implementation of the ,3 +"weather conditions, aircraft mishaps, or other critical information.",3 +"the “Plan, the Plane, the Pilot, the Passengers, and the ",9 + Surface area arrival extensions are effective,9 +Propeller Overhaul,7 +"alcohol) mixture is a better coolant than extra fuel. Therefore, ",9 +工会有权对建设项目的安全设施与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、,9 +Wind Patterns ,7 +document with intent to impart the appearance of notarial,9 +Objective of the initiative ,7 +The unit shown in ,9 +Turkey shall ensure full co-operation of all relevant authorities. It will also ensure access to ,3 +Généralités ,7 + shows an airliner fueling station ,9 +"and other parts are still freshly lubricated. However, it is ",9 +Dynamic Rollover,7 +the crossing restriction.,9 +The fuel flow during operation would be ,9 + It occurs when moisture is trapped in the paint. ,9 +"Assigned to a new home-built, import, or ",3 +services and spare,3 +Social media communication plan ,7 +climb (or lower rate of descent) and an in- ,9 +which use a red “H” on a white cross. Markings for,9 +System Servicing,7 +airplane can be safely maneuvered in case of an engine failure ,9 +"the pressure inside the cabin is 10.92 psi, it can be ",3 +if you are more than 300 feet off your assigned flight level. ,9 +" if installed, is designed to ",9 +Summe mehr als ein Fünftel des gesamten Provisionsergebnisses betragen und der Umlagepflichtige die,9 +Administrative Provisions Regulating Business of Persons ,7 +The VSI shows a momentary climb and then stabilizes ,3 +See page 60 ,3 +"fastened, and this coffin, case, or box shall be placed in an outside box which shall",9 +surface that is not adjustable in flight. Bent in one direction ,9 + A tool used to drive aircraft solid rivets. It is a piece ,9 +0002 00-2 ,4 +Prüfungsbereiche,3 +"complete inversion (i.e., the canopy turns completely inside-",9 +http://www.epa.gov/ttn/caaa/conform/airport_qa.pdf. ,1 +paper versions ,7 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +pouvoir adjudicateur de ,7 +of Particular Conditions of Contract. ,3 +appropriate,9 +Where the contractor considers that the requirement of an administrative order goes ,3 +moiety (as defined by the Secretary in section 314.3 of title ,9 +areas. Several types of noise suppressor are used. A common ,9 +1.a) 1. Zwischenzahlung – Nach Abgabe und Genehmigung der Projektierungsun-,7 +"Goo Tawana in the North West District,",3 +"economic operators and/or in case of subcontracting, such declaration will need to ",9 +will be wear on components with cosmetic and/or structural ,9 +(highlighted in purple in examples above) is the segment between the initial approach fix (IAF) ,3 +Aviation Security Act 1982(,9 +Obstacles to Maintaining Situational Awareness,7 +The Services shall be provided from the [Ef,3 +List of drawings attached ,7 +Formal Notification,3 +abgenommen.,3 +Direction of Flight,7 +"Subject to a minimum travelling distance condition specified at paragraph (1) above, the Contractor ",3 +The method,9 +Thermal overload trip ,3 +[five] working days of,9 + J . Demonstrations (continued),7 +"in subsection (6)(a), for “a trading scheme registry” substitute “the Kyoto Protocol ",3 +"and are not tipped in the same direction, tipping may have ",9 +specifically for the EIB Group. ,3 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +"of Communications (TOC), Initial Contact (IC), and",9 +itself to,6 +justificatifs,9 +circuit. It allows current to flow during half of the AC cycle ,9 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +Machines: Heavy-duty harness machine—Singer 7–33 ,3 +Article I-11 ,7 +data to support a variety of needs. The file resolution,9 +LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ,7 +downwind leg flying an inside pattern. ,9 +Abschnitt A Nr. 3 ,3 +commercial,9 +Start roundout about 15 feet above ground,6 +procedure. Such a clearance is NOT AUTHORIZA-,9 +use of the afterburner due to critical heating ,9 +Equestrian Eventing - Belsay International ,9 +Cable management ,3 +Figure 12-7,9 +Selection phase ,7 +In the future no person shall be appointed justice of the peace or auxiliary,9 +has caused disruption at the premises of the contracting authority. ,3 +Preservation Order 1999 (No. 269) dated 20 ,8 +A weight of 70/30 is given to quality and price ,9 +Funkstellen des nichtnavigatorischen Ortungsfunkdienstes dürfen bei Funkstellen des festen,3 +"contract, performing audits, benchmarking, etc., the ",3 +available for necessary expenses related to the consequences of ,9 +The purpose of the review; ,3 +the supplies are verified. ,9 +The varying current flows through the transmitter and indicator ,9 +Emergency metering control,6 +"indication, the azimuth should be rotated 180° because, in ",9 +"of the Class B airspace on initial contact,",9 +"10,000 feet, day or night, especially when operating",9 +Variation in head temperature with fuel/air mixture ,0 +prior written approval of the Contracting Authority.,9 +structures changed to take advantage of the benefits. As ,9 +"Labour and Welfare as prescribed in Article 70-18, paragraph (2) of the Act ",3 +depicted on the enroute high altitude charts.,9 +"provided under section 402, 403, 404, 406, 407, 408(c)(4), or 502 ",9 +the following oath before a justice of the peace or some other officer authorized to,9 +Air Traffic Safety Oversight,3 +"carry out excavations and clearance, deepening, scouring, cleansing, dumping ",3 +inertia forces produced by various load factors; ,9 +EU-OSHA's national partner should provide its own logo in high-resolution vector file – 4 weeks ,3 +those subsidiaries were allowed to operate independently from ,9 +zu vermitteln.,9 + with your feedback on the call and reasons for not ,9 +"error, it also impairs coordination and degrades situational ",9 +approach segments have differing required obstacle ,9 +Chapter IV-2-2 Medical Care Plans ,7 +Improvement Plans ,7 +"t, in which he shall record in a summary manner the name of the",9 +maintien de la suspension. ,9 +II.5.1. Form and means of communication ,7 +depending upon the class of work for which they are to be ,9 +etc. (meaning the workers' property accumulation savings contract ,3 + A length of existing highway along both the northbound and southbound carriageways ,9 +equipment they are operating. Pilots should be aware that,9 +This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation. ,3 +"magnetic record; referred to as ""financial statements, etc."" in the following ",3 +contracting authority in,3 +医師少数区域等所在病院等に対して医師を派遣し、又は医師の確保を特に図るべき区,3 +Scope and objectives ....................................................................................................8 ,8 +protection of wires and cables. It is available in metallic and ,9 +peratures can incur highly ,9 +See center of gravity.,9 +zusammenhängenden Minuten oder drei Teilunterbrechungen von jeweils mindestens 15 Minuten ersetzt,3 +do and find out what they actually want to do. This removes ,9 +Great Plains Aircraft Volkswagen (VW),7 +aviation are compounds of two or more ,0 +§ 5 Berichtsheft,7 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +Email: [to be completed] ,9 +detectors,6 +"damage (end fittings, outer casing, and kinks).",3 +powers conferred by this or the special Act.” ,9 +"United States; however, a pilot who operates internationally ",9 +even when flying from the western edge to the eastern edge ,9 +Tender specifications purpose,7 +"cyclic pitch control, and antitorque pedals or tail rotor control. ",9 +clearance area may be reduced by narrowing the,9 +rial to the approval of the Engineer. ,9 +inserted.,9 +"health emergency, including the systems under section ",9 +Prior to takeoff—ensure that the RNAV system is ,3 +Section 2. Emergency Services Available to Pilots,7 +provided through a Minimum Equipment List (see,9 +Photographer ,7 +flight controls.,9 +with updraft intake inlets and downdraft exhaust outlets ,9 +a standard amount of weight for a set time. The displaced ,9 +„Medianwert für die minimale äquivalente Feldstärke“). In Gleichwellennetzen werden theoretische,9 +Ignition exciters ,6 +A nonprofit division ,9 +"Kenntnisse der berufsbezogenen Geräte, Maschinen, Anlagen und Systeme der Satz-, Repro-, Stempel-",3 +Teilnahme an einem vom Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e. V. anerkannten,3 +obtain the existing type of apparatus at the same capacity and dimensions or place at the existing ,9 +air pollution ,9 +Figure 7-14.,6 +tapes and attachment loops for suspension line attachment. ,3 +judgement to ensure that references are pertinent and precise. ,3 +ethane is no longer ,9 +slide on inclines or sloping surfaces. Park perpendicu-,9 +when it started and what action the contractor is taking to resolve it. ,3 +The box and pan brake can be used to do everything that the ,9 +a list of all ,3 +"with paragraph (2) (iii, a) above Europol may claim the full amount from any other member of ",3 +診療用高エネルギー放射線発生装置及び診療用高エネルギー放射線発生装置使用,3 +Contract Date:,3 + (ss 42-46) ,7 +for Property Sold or Service Rendered —,9 +The ripcord housing must be reinstalled and tacked.,3 +General Information (Section 1),7 +Moderators……………………………………………………………………………………………27 ,8 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,7 +direction,9 +Study Guide ,10 +(See Class A AIRSPACE.) ,9 +"control inputs. Without the complex hinges, the rotor system ",9 +AC Form 8050-64. ,9 +"activates when certain parameters are met, such as localizer ",9 +"Up until April 13, 2021, the term ""goods listed in Appended Table 2-2 ",3 + Fuel Remaining.,9 +PRESSURE CHANGE ,6 +"acceptable, provided it is issued by the bank and duly signed, such as: ",9 +Definitions ,7 +The Contractor shall accordingly complete the necessary formalities with the relevant authorities to ensure ,9 +DIN EN ISO 12631:2013-01,9 +技師又は臨床工学技士を有すること。ただし、病院、診療所又は助産所の施設で滅,3 +"conditions (VMC), turbulence index, cross-wind ",3 +II.17.2. Suspension by the contracting authority ,7 +"or, failing",9 +GPS Familiarization,7 +"authorizations and rights to use, reproduce and share the publications provided ",3 +§ 4 Ausbildungsplan,7 +AOV Approval and Acceptance ,3 +う。)を経由して、同項に規定するファイル等に記録する方法又は同条第三項に規定,3 +mais sorties du côté où la nacelle est levée. ,3 +sheets. If a previously opened container is found to have a ,9 +[Figure 4-51],3 +S’assurer que le matériel est arrimé. ,3 +II.13.9. Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +through a four- way “beep” switch or by actuating a ,3 +Implementation of landscaping ,7 +A knob or webbing loop at the end of the steering ,9 +Evaluation phase (after the opening of tenders) ,7 + In these Regulations— ,9 +– Evidence for selection,7 +Improper bank and power coordination during,3 +"shape, the rear roll should be set so that the rolls are closer ",9 +Composition of National Assembly ,7 +"will remain active, what the landing possibilities are, which airport ",9 +"where maximum power available is being used, no ",9 + the contractor of its intention to reduce payment ,9 +Instrument Departures,7 +"spokespersons, agenda, address of venue/e-platform, contact details etc.; ",3 +Skidding turn.,9 +"it comes to fall under Article 12-3, item (i) or (iii); ",3 +Übergangstück rechteckig auf rund,7 + A diagram showing the relationship between ,9 +are spliced together to form the spar. If either section of this ,9 +"runway visual range of not less than 1,800 feet.",3 +of the runway centerline. This type of approach allows a ,9 +ransfer the risk by having her co-pilot act as PIC and make ,6 +"(States, Local Governments, Associations or Foundations without Legal ",3 +"cruise range of both curves. Because of this spread, there ",9 +Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems ,7 +the window dry. ,9 +outflow valve(s). ,9 +Instrument Departures,7 +three primary factors. In order of importance they are:,9 + Airways based on a centerline that extends ,9 +"terrain, obstructions or other aircraft. The provision",9 +Project management skills and experience as team leader;,3 +"finance, in agreeing with my contention on the matter, has undertaken ",9 +Spongy brakes.,9 +payment or receipt of payment; the same applies hereinafter) pertaining to ,3 +riassunto; ,3 +the airplane and maintaining proper orientation with ,3 +"[FONSIs],",9 +substantial parts of it contain confidential information. Tenderers need to mark clearly the ,9 +(6a) Für das Verfahren und die Fristen des Absatzes 6 Sätze 1 bis 4 findet im Fall des § 81a des,9 +receiving late payment. ,3 + For regulation 43 (exception for acts done for purposes of national security or prevention of ,9 +Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/Sustainer ,7 +‘Pre-existing right’,9 +doit immédiatement informer le,7 +INFORMATION ,7 +Within five days after the sale a return of the proceedings shall be entered,9 +balloon contacts with ground obstacles because the pilot was ,9 +which is then controlled by a small increase in collec-,9 +technician to develop the heat and insulation setup required ,9 +Page 17/17 ,5 +control component. ,3 +"company contacts, company site information and geographic locations. This ",3 +替業務を行う者について準用する。,3 +"Most helicopters have a single, main rotor but require a ",9 +Paragraph 21 of Schedule 7 was amended by Schedule 5 to that Act. ,1 +http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2020/186 ,9 +The following table presents an estimated timetable for the accomplishment of the tasks foreseen in ,9 +Spring-Back,7 +Aménagement du chantier ,3 +"Lavori di finitura (sbavatura, aggiustaggio, palinatura, ecc.). ",9 +advanced avionics is to understand the system at a conceptual ,9 +Assistance with local regulations ,7 +"information, ",9 +Intellectual Property Right (IPR) ,7 +Figure 10-19.,0 +sufficient and detailed description of the proposed approach and methodology to meet the ,9 +Differential Voltage,7 +"территории иностранного государства, в которое осуществляется выезд;",9 +PENNSYLVANIA ,6 +NAVWEPS 00-801-80 ,7 +Characteristics of Learning ,7 +Risk: Taking Off Without Entering a Flight Plan,7 +the excess ,9 +Fixation on a single bank instrument. On a 90° change ,3 +probably best the guaranteed mileage ,9 +STREETS SUBJECT TO ALTERATION OF LAYOUT ,7 +"Section 13 was amended by sections 62(3), 139(4) to (9) and 146 of, and paragraphs 27 and 28 of Schedule 13 and Part 3 of ",1 +Lockbolt inspection.,0 +"Operator Interface will perform creating report, planning and management activities internally and ",9 +Bekanntmachungstext ,7 +"secured. This is not a common practice, and the POH should ",9 +"hours, the Earth revolves at the rate of 15° an hour. Noon is ",9 +"ward, the section lift is inclined aft, by the ",9 +Step 5—Adjust for Specific Conditions,7 +LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ,7 +"of longitudinal static stability, ",9 +prejudice to any right already accr,9 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +"Once an aircraft tire is mounted, inflated, and accepted for ",9 +wenn die abgestrahlte Leistung den Wert von 24 dBW nicht überschreitet.,3 +Requirements:,7 +(iii) baby beds (limited to those designed to be used for the sleeping or caring of ,3 +PERFORMANCE AUDIT,7 +Electrical Resistance Thermometer,7 +The tender(s) ranked first after applying the formula will be awarded the contract.,7 +"value, classification, or disposition of the me",9 +Requirements and Characteristics of ,7 +[2041-2.],9 +cross-country decision-making. Shown in ,9 +INTERPRETATION ,7 +"Pave the way for the transition to next generation, system-based ERA that addresses new ",3 +外国政府、外国の政府機関、外国の地方公共団体、外国の中央銀行又は我が国が,3 +lead editor ,3 +"Repairs, Alterations, and ",7 +System and Equipment Malfunctions,7 +Lower Leg Strap Shortening,7 +"ll be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand pesos, or",9 +schedules fuel flow to produce specific temperatures and to ,9 +fournisseurs,9 +"montants, quelle que soit la période considérée, le cumul du montant de ces ",9 +(18/17). Temperatures below 0 °C are preceded by,3 +Rip Panels ,3 +"with a snap, disconnect the “V” ring from the snap. ",3 +nécessaires,9 +ert “livestock markets,3 +"vavienne LED illumination, CCTV system, gas detection, warning and ventilation. ",9 +application to ensure the material is thoroughly mixed. Use ,9 +Operate the engine on its roughest magneto at a speed between ,9 +design limitations.,9 +Abschnitt 1,7 +"manifold, and a fuel discharge nozzle. It is a continuous-flow ",9 +の他の措置を講ずるものとする。,3 +for the pilot to turn the balloon on its vertical axis while in ,9 +Article 3 – PRICE ,7 +Article 14); ,3 +select between,9 +Oil feed pressure bearing,6 +in cascade,9 +In the opinion of the auditors: ,7 +navigation database and conforms to the charted,9 +Static Discharge Wicks,7 +"occurs, substitute “Great Britain”. ",3 +Angle of attack is the primary control ,9 +"Beschwerdemanagement,",3 +し、厚生労働大臣に提出すること。,3 +Any of the following: ,9 +applicable; ,3 +"coordinates of the point are latitude, longitude, and altitude. ",9 +the production of lift. Induced drag increases with a decrease ,9 +Exhaust Systems,7 +Special Shape Balloons,7 +Vorbemerkungen ,7 +Section 5.1 ,7 +of the prolonged uncontrolled spiral are inflight structural ,9 +less detail due to the smaller scale. ,9 +Figure 9-62. ,0 +Improper use of the controls during crosswind ,3 +maintenance préventive. ,9 +APPLICATION OF AERODYNAMICS ,7 +"reimportation, be reimpor",9 +where there are reasonable grounds to believe that ,3 +Abnormal Reactions to Stress ,7 +Most DC generators do not produce a sufficient amount of ,9 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +APPENDICE B: SEGNALAZIONE DI INFORTUNIO (FACSIMILE) ,7 +Verify the grommet is secure.,3 +generator. A starter-generator has the advantage of combining ,9 +advance. ,9 +under re-opening of competition and the second and third ,9 +SEC. 3. PRESUMPTION OF HERBICIDE EXPOSURE FOR CERTAIN VET-,7 +relevant authority is not necessary for consideration of the application; or ,3 +to increase the referral rate to fifty percent within approximately five ,3 +If an excessive pressure rise is required ,9 +ground air and electrical power is available for that ,3 +width of the reinforced seam. ,3 +"After the banner is released, the pilot should be prepared to hold the controls in ",3 +dampers. Manufacturers try to reach a midpoint between too ,9 +Ground Reconnaissance,7 +"flight planning, by these WAAS",9 +"In case of emergency, where the contractor cannot be reached immediately or, having ",3 +emergency procedures may be found in the GFM/POH for ,9 +and the principal changes in rate of ,9 +Flight Instrument Malfunctions,7 +[Figure 2-18],9 +Article II-13 ,7 +Lockbolt Removal,7 +Wind and Currents ,7 +under regulation 2A or 2B of the Self-Isolation Regulations(,3 +opening 1 ¾-inches in length. ,3 +Scuba Diving,7 +personnel. ,9 +mehr als 10 Kilogramm oder mehr als 10 Liter,7 +Operational Errors,7 +simple wood truss structures to the sleek aerodynamic flying ,9 +Creating banked turns too high to complete the ,3 +Supports the initiatives around national policies reconciliation with the ,3 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +"The photographer should also add captions to all the photos indicating, names, ",3 +"When using 100LL Avgas, water tends to accumulate in ",9 +the ground system. When the TIS display information,9 +Learning Is a Result of Experience ,7 +"Impaired judgment,",3 +The Internal Quality Control staff of the contractor shall check the compliance of all ,9 + communica-,9 +SYSTEM IN THE ,7 +"power units (APU). The procedures, pressures, temperatures, ",9 + Roll Stability Summary,7 +Personenkraftwagen die vom Hersteller aufgebrachte Farbe des Fahrzeugs mitzuteilen und auf Verlangen,9 +"entgegen Artikel 37 Absatz 2 eine dort genannte Angabe nicht, nicht richtig, nicht vollständig oder nicht",3 +to the proper clerk of court.,3 +The lead shielding is a metal mesh braid that surrounds the ,9 +Spring-Back,7 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +relative to resources allocated (in terms of both manpower and vehicles) Maun ,9 +"to Europol on a non-exclusive, ",3 +Vasilissis Sofias Str 1 ,5 +Explanation Phase ,7 +simultaneous and equal increase in pitch angle of all main ,9 +guarded by direction finding stations and some,9 +must have:,9 +"Nuclear Weapons, etc.) ",3 +"injustice, and not by reason of dama",9 +Traffic collision and avoidance system (TCAS) uses an aircraft’s transponder to interrogate and receive replies from ,0 +Class B Airspace,7 +] concluded between the contracting authority and [,7 +finder (ADF) bearing information. ,9 +as to the successful outcome of any landing.,9 +LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF A GROUP ,7 +and risk management into flight training instruction of ,9 +Approaches and Landings ,7 +"climb gradient specified in an ODP, you must wait",3 +direction sensing device (usually this is a flux valve or flux ,9 +The subject matter of the FWC is cleaning services for the Delegation of the European Union ,9 +Tiled pavements ,7 +Contracts for Public Works,7 +Sport Pilot Certificate,7 +authorized by the FAA to provide flight instruction in ,9 +"plans within controlled airspace, particularly during the enroute phase of flight. Boundaries of the ARTCCs are shown in ",9 +a need to improve safety at the end of every flight.,3 +"be inspected for condition. Solid, donut-type rubber cushions ",9 +"and, on occasion, en route aircraft. At some airports ",9 +and audits.,3 +provided for in point (g). ,6 +Figure 16-91. ,0 +The overall severity of a deceleration process is governed by ,9 +Facilities for Staff and Labor ,7 +capacity of the candidate/tenderer to perform the contract against the selection criteria; ,3 +d'autoriser ou d'interdire l'extraction de tout ou partie substantielle du contenu de la base de ,3 +"and clouds form. These cloud layers, however, will be ",9 +Scientific data management ,7 +Disturbance: <10% ,3 +"British protected person under the meaning of that Act, or ",3 +〔昭和二十九年四月十日政令第七十七号〕,7 +Construction of Giresun Wastewater Treatment Plant,5 +"the route, and the fourth shows the destination airport, ",9 +"and Industry No. 58 of June 27, 1995] ",7 +the Isle of Man.” ,3 +) 1994 c. 23. ,1 +"In order to evaluate tenderers, Europol has created six (6) simulation scenarios based on possible ",9 +Thrust Vectoring ,7 +"However, there are several AIRMETs, one for IFR ",9 +ス線装置の接触可能表面から五センチメートルの距離において、一・〇ミリグレ,3 +an aircraft to depart a runway. It is predicated on ,3 +Turnbuckles,7 +Records and Documents ,7 +which two or more aircraft are cleared to approach to ,9 +due to curvature of the Earth.,3 +price as provided in the tender specifications.,3 +"hypoxia can also result from shock, the heart failing to pump ",9 +"and under EU data protection legislation, and in relation to which the particular contractual ",3 +"obstacles and therefore, no LPV or LNAV/VNAV",9 +"of recent flight time, Gayle can: ",6 +ELETTRONICA ,7 +OH&S POLICY STATEMENT ,7 +portions of the scan.,9 +II.20.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +Tape fastener. ,9 +- Seite 2 von 3 -,4 +State is to appoint a person to determine the appeal (“the appointed person”) and must ,3 +"the documented collection of requirements for the data connection, ",3 +distant from the opposite shores of the respective municipalities.,3 +resources or environments. ,9 +Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) or DME; or the,9 +Alloy—2117 aluminum,6 +"MMO, at least 13 weeks prior to the commencement of any construction activity. ",9 +The Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 ,7 +No change of salaries by the council shall affect that of an officer then,9 +"error of calculation, or when new and material evidence is discovered, the Insular",9 +Selection criteria. ,3 +You are required to contact ATC if you are unable to,3 +"reverse only fan air, because they do not affect the engine ",9 +Termination ,7 +minimum 100 dB / 1 m sound intensity and 32 different tones. The minimum flashing energy of the ,9 +"again, you must start the descent 24 NM prior to ECA to meet ",9 +[Figure 2-20],9 +от 19 сентября 2017 г. № 915,9 +SB = 0.313 (,6 +PDARs are not synonymous with Preferred IFR ,9 +"As an example, ",9 +Quality of the Tender,7 +abschließende Bericht,3 +"), resolves to amend the Church Representation Rules(",9 +AUTHORISED DEVELOPMENT ,7 +Quiz/e-interaction with participants – 2 formats: online and ,7 +"A stuck left pedal (high power setting), which might be ",9 +the glider to ensure the glider dive brakes are closed ,3 +TED eTendering is the eProcurement platform ,9 +When the contractor retains ,9 +"pencil, 6-inch ruler, hot knife, grommet set, and ",3 +statements (if available) ,8 +Safety of excavation and adjacent structures ,7 +Originally published April 2019 ,4 +DIRECTION OF,6 +‘‘(D) Provide consultation for the development of the ,9 +"all necessary assistance,",9 +Distress and Urgency,7 +GCOs are manufactured by different companies including ,9 +autoclaves and pressure cookers for household use (limited to those with an ,3 +consecutive grab samples shall be taken out from the mechanical dewatering unit and drying ,9 +Installation of cables ,7 +Engine Noise Suppression,7 +qualitätssichernden,8 +Maintenance,6 +U.S. Standard RNP Levels,0 +II. General Conditions for the service contract ,7 +(ii) A deposit or other debts pertaining to an account displayed in Japanese ,3 +protection ,3 +climb. The vertical velocity of an airplane ,9 +〔平成二十五年四月十日政令第百二十号〕,7 +No 2018/1046 du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du 18 juillet 2018 relatif aux règles ,9 +Course Reversal Elements in Plan View and ,7 +A thermal that forms frequently in the same ,9 +FahrzIAAusbV,9 +change to 0.3 NM linear sensitivity until the turn,9 +contains the same information. ,9 +§ 2 Mautgebührenerhebung durch Private; Verordnungsermächtigung,7 +"nondecompression stop dives and flying is 12 hours, while ",9 +on-screen (TCAS I & II),6 +Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV) described in,9 +Europol’s obligations under its financial legal regime.,3 +"opening before reaching the outlet port, this adjustment also ",9 +leave some extra room so that you are at pattern altitude ,9 +"социальных услуг для детей, а также к условиям проведения спортивных,",9 +Lower camber,6 +We regularly backup our data,3 +Factors Affecting Selection of Conductor Material,7 +Floating Waypoints ,7 +DEVELOPMENT ,7 +Capabilities.,7 +Über Widersprüche gegen sonstige Entscheidungen des Vorstands entscheidet der Vorstand.,3 +or phases of flight. More detailed explanations are,9 +direction at certain airports.,3 +must provide an original signed paper version of the communication as soon as possible. ,9 +unwanted electrical charges which may damage or interfere ,9 +durch die Dritte Verordnung zur Änderung der Frequenzgebührenverordnung vom 13. Dezember 2001 (BGBl. I S.,9 +may carry out on-site inspection or questioning of the head office or principal ,3 +PACKING METHOD: ,7 +"Magallanes,",9 +paper versions ,7 +points. The Contractor will keep this documentation up to date and develop it as ,3 +provisions of the next paragraph and paragraph (3) of the Supplementary ,9 +has clear airflow and that nothing is blocking it.,9 +hold sign and hold marking. These are located on a stub ,9 +these stations. ,9 +6). This format avoids unnecessary,9 +Contractor’s national partner to prepare press kit folders for attending media. Content to be ,3 +(+++ Zur Anwendung vgl. §§ 1 u. 3 FortbVenÄndV6AnwV +++),9 +"gunnery exercises, or special weapons testing.",9 +Zeitrahmen 6: Funktionsprüfungen und Einstellarbeiten,7 +the powers conferred by article 44(1) (subsidiary works and operations in Lake Lothing) ,3 +not yet available,9 +the sewing pattern in ,3 +vorausgegangenen 28 Kalendertage sind vom Fahrer mitzuführen und den zuständigen Personen auf Verlangen,9 +Selbstbewirtschaftung im Sinne des Satzes 4 noch nicht aufgenommen hat.,9 +APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY-,7 +highly corrosion resistant when used with most types of ,9 +disadvantage during his or her period of office.,9 +Enhanced Situational Awareness ,7 +Attorney-General.,9 +§ 1 Ziel der Prüfung,7 +Appendix W to Part 51 – ,1 +visibility variable between one and two ... wind direction,9 +having a capacity of not over three hundred but more than,3 +"In the field of railway transport, Ukraine shall, for instance, implement the provisions of Directive ",9 +Chapter Summary ,7 +potential,9 +Shipment Type 2,3 +happen if the wind shifts. Allow enough room so that,9 +Aircraft on approach receiving an alert may elect to ,9 +Social media communication plan ,7 +Kombinationen von Hydrochlorothiazid mit ACE-Hemmern,9 +Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Size,7 +inside airport pattern turning from crosswind to downwind. ,9 +damaging creep ,9 +§ 11 Verschwiegenheitspflicht,7 + Engine Instruments ,7 +"Conveyance of Government Property to Province, City,",9 +Non-Moving Advances ,7 +basket loads to load tapes which in turn support the load. ,9 +of Education as to the condition of the schools of the town and to,3 +before fitting the parts into the structure.,9 +tool manufacturer or a micrometer and swaging ,3 +land. It is important to understand that using an EFVS,9 +SPECIAL INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCE-,7 +bear and pay on demand the cost reasonably incurred by SGN in making good such ,3 +The reserve pilot chute is constructed to provide a maximum amount of drag during a low speed ,3 +"linked to flying. Some are minor, while others are important ",9 +ROTOR DISC REGIONS,7 +. Occasional bonding is accomplished ,9 +and equal increase in pitch angle of all main rotor blades; ,9 +§ 85 Besondere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten,7 +"and grasps the next consecutive suspension line, in the right hand. The No. 1 person will shake out ",3 +L’élévateur doit contenir les fiches d’instructions relatives à l’utilisation de la nacelle. ,3 +different locations within the engine.,9 +of power within,9 +looking in another direction.,9 +Where the contractor is a public body the obligation for a financial guarantee may be waived,3 +HUMAN RESOURCE AND ADMINISTRATION ,7 +$^{2}$/g ,6 +"commissioner who is appointed, in that capacity, as a member of that authority.” ",9 +Cognitive Stage ,7 +for purpose of performing the services at the outside location:,3 +"visit the FAA’s website, go to www.faa.gov. Individuals can ",9 +"toute une série de produits, qu'ils soient inflammables, nocifs pour la santé ou encore ",9 +"develop sewage systems, septic tanks, and other wastewater treatment ",3 +Technical equipment list should be agreed with EU-OSHA’s national partner (necessity of ,3 +(21 m.p.h. or 31 f.p.s.),6 +Recognizing Interference or Spoofing,7 +"(NWS) telephone briefers, the Direct User Access Terminal ",9 +(reference titles could also be listed ) ,3 +is called a ducted fan and the core airflow and fan ,3 +A section that describes the party owning and/or using the chemical substance. ,3 +"Die Unfallstelle, die Unfallspuren sowie sämtliche Wrackteile, Trümmerstücke und sonstiger Inhalt des",9 +Deployment Type,7 +"the contract, the contracting authority shall provide the contractor, free of charge, with a ",3 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,7 +Table 8-1. ,3 +The branch circuits shall be protected by means of circuit breakers. Fuses may not be used. ,9 +. — Mailable,9 +following order of priority:,9 +it is removed and visually inspected. The level of liquid in ,9 +"For the thread-thru configuration, place a mark at 3.50 ",3 +Operational Hazard Warning(s)/Procedures,7 +Status information ,6 +MC-4 canopy.,3 +"input, the choice is not only flawed but also reinforced by ",9 +I.4.2. Price revision index ,7 +$^{ }$Tachometer ,7 +aggiudicatrice. ,7 +"shall cover at least: security incident response procedures, communication between ",9 +Removal of Rivets,7 +Injection gun,6 +"persons that are members of the administrative, management or supervisory body or that have powers of ",9 +ungültig gemacht worden ist.,9 +for a fixed period of time: ,3 +⦁ $_{Capitalizes on the nuances of the local environment. }$,3 +"jurisdiction of only one Regional Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry is to ",9 +Procedures.,9 +must provide,9 +Step 5—Adjust for Specific Conditions,7 +"transmissions are also emitted by aircraft radar,",9 +[2432-23.],9 +"Schedule, substitute the following table— ",9 +"Warranty: 3 years, free pickup and return a defective",8 +crew or pilot to manage all resources effectively to ensure ,9 +template reporting on social media and OiRA tool’s statistics to facilitate the evaluation of the ,3 +Start Maneuver,6 +"case of the crosswind, the component of ",9 +persons convicted of violating any city ordinance.,3 +"not less than two liters not to be drunk upon the premises, upon payment in",9 +reduction in accordance with Article II-11 (“,3 +Fully Articulated Rotor System,7 +"und Vorbehandlung gemäß § 4 Absatz 1, des Umgangs mit und der Dosierung von Tierarzneimitteln im",3 +The wings of an aircraft are designed to lift it into the air. ,9 +sibility the more usual cause of a flameout is ,9 +and clinics (except for the special medical care prescribed in Article 30-28-7 ,3 +following matters or provision of those matters by electronic or magnetic ,3 +"Zulassungsbehörde nachzuweisen, dass die Gründe für die Beschränkung oder Untersagung des Betriebs nicht",9 +A clearance to land means that appropriate separation on,9 +§ 49a Übergangsregelungen,7 +The Crew Briefing,7 +parachutist or a “horseshoe” malfunction. ,3 +resources such as Flight Watch. ,6 +educational materials$^{5}$. It also invited and helped ETC / Visit Europe to set up a 'Joint ,9 +10.10.Koordinationsbesprechungen,7 +entitled to late-payment interest at the rate and for the period mentioned in the ,3 +RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION,7 +combined with an automatic drive mechanism. The automatic ,9 +Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. ,9 +for the ambient conditions. ,9 +Table 6.4: Signatures for SRM Document Approval for Proposed NAS Changes Only ,7 +Fire Detection System Maintenance,7 +"Source layout, including location and height; ",3 +“the Order” means the Lake Lothing (Lowestoft) Third Crossing Order 2020; and ,9 +II.13.6. Quotation of works in the result ,7 +"accordance with the submission modalities, who have access to procurement, who are ",3 +Preferential Departure and Arrival Route ,9 +Ukrainian trade and ,9 +shall be performed by the city secretary. If any member of the city council should,9 +passenger emergency oxygen use in airliners. ,9 +"any other condition for which the Consultant is responsible under the contract and which, in ",3 +Financial Evaluation ,7 +precipitation discriminator) in the “Remarks” section to indicate the type of precipitation ,3 +APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM-,7 +"2, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein nicht dokumentiertes Konto, bei dem das meldende Finanzinstitut diese",9 +TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-$_{ }$,7 +"bilan annuel n'excède pas 43 millions d'euros.."" ",6 +"A section providing information about the substance, that we describe as ",3 +" A submitted tender can be withdrawn directly in the ""Procurement/My Submission(s)"" area in the F&T Portal. ",1 +Fahrschülerausbildung nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2,7 +These analyses may be facilitated by examination of the legacy system’s Concept of ,9 +"eration, the intake pressure ",9 +"моделирование,",9 +by displaying bearing/range to a VOR/DME on the RNAV ,9 +compound engine) or to be used in operating a ,9 +"Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt Aufgaben und Verpflichtungen der an der Umsetzung der VO (EG) 3821/85,",9 +and force the wing and reference line forward or backward to ,9 +air to cool the air to a useable temperature. The air mixture ,9 +orders and regulations which may come to their knowledge.,9 +Continue routing the AR2 power cable from bottom of AR2 power cable sleeve to top of AR2 ,3 +"township,",9 +commencement of the Contract and a list of trees to be retained shall be agreed. Any tree found to be ,9 +Light Twin Airplane,7 +"attachment points, or ",3 +A vacuum pump is used to lower the pressure in the ,0 +control line on the right riser and compare lengths to ensure control line is 15-inches (+ 1-inch) ,3 +Introduction ,7 +"or ductility can be secured in a weld. Similarly, the proper rod ",9 +"Errata as of September 11, 2013 ",7 +the standards for the knowledge and skills necessary for the ,9 +", including subcontractors.",3 +including by intervening in,3 +apportate ,9 +Teledyne Continental 0-200 Engine,7 +A typical co-cure application is the simultaneous cure of a ,9 +"When several pieces must be cut to the same dimensions, use ",9 +ILS Function,7 +at the immediate control of the pilot. ,9 +Class A Airspace,7 +职务技术成果是执行法人或者其他组织的工作任务,或者主要是利用法人或者,9 +in the event the banner does not release and snags an object. The pilot would then ,3 +– ELEMENTI DI PROVA SU RICHIESTA ,7 +Improper thinning of the coating material or selection ,3 +BLADE PITCH ANGLE,7 +‘‘(b) SPINA BIFIDA CONDITIONS COVERED.—This section applies ,9 +"In consideration for performing an Assignment, the Service Provider shall be paid by the User in ",3 +organisation having legal capacity. ,3 +is performed during the engine run-up check list. ,9 +1.a) 1. Zwischenzahlung – Nach Abgabe und Genehmigung der Projektierungsun-,7 +Placing the Special Registration,7 +"guarantor shall, without delay, pay those sums upon demand from the contracting ",3 +内水面漁業の振興に関する基本的方向,3 +der Zustimmung der Straßenbaubehörde oder auf Bundesautobahnen der Zustimmung der Gesellschaft privaten,9 +"If a line attachment has been removed for the repair, ",3 +shortcomings in the laws and policies have affected the achievement ,9 +the approach to a lighted runway and then use the taxi-,9 +the pilot account for the variation of optimum ,9 +Equipment Setup,7 +CONFIDENTIALITY AND,10 +Thermocouples,7 +§ 1 Beschränkung des ordentlichen Holzeinschlags,7 + Handbooks specific to most categories ,9 +"If indicated in the request for services, the contractor must organise the provision of one or more teams ",9 +Used only when life is at stake,6 +"d'être transmis aux candidats. Plus particulièrement, la description des besoins ",3 +"personal property, for the benefit of the c",9 +Research and practical experience have demonstrated the usefulness of practicing in realistic scenarios—ones that resemble the ,9 +"oder eine Ausnahmegenehmigung erforderlich, so bedarf es keiner Erlaubnis nach Absatz 1. Vor ihrer",9 +Off-Field Landing With Injury,7 +0-200 Continental Engine.,0 +case the wind is reported with six digits. The first three digits indicate the direction the true ,3 +altitude),6 +are shown in ,9 +全生产知识,提高安全生产技能,增强事故预防和应急处理能力。 ,9 +air pollution,9 +guarantee for,9 +Schedule of Payments ,7 +Ukraine is undertaking a project,9 +ELENCO ATTREZZATURA MINIMA ,7 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ,7 +Inspection Process,7 +"Amendment of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations ",7 +risers attached to the main harness using a three-ring release system. A single-point release can be ,3 +"MINISTRY OF TERTIARY EDUCATION RESEARCH, SCIENCE AND ",7 +Exhaust Systems,7 +considerations. ,9 +"the preceding fiscal year, unless the ",9 +Effective Translational Lift (ETL),7 +install and operate. Installations of these types of outlets ,9 +large turbine aircraft. Fuel flow is of interest in monitoring ,9 +"On expiry of the payment periods specified in Article I.5, the contractor (or leader in the case ",9 +DC alternators (like generators) change mechanical energy ,9 +Ausbildungsberufsbildes,8 +OPERATIONS ,7 +エックス線管の容器及び照射筒は、利用線錐以外のエックス線量が次に掲げる自,3 +Work plans ,3 +"Kundenwünsche ermitteln, Kunden beraten, Serviceleistungen anbieten, Auftragsverhandlungen führen",3 +6-3-5. Fuel Dumping,8 +‘‘(d) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF AND RELIANCE UPON A MASTER FILE ,9 +The headings and titles in these general conditions shall not be taken as part thereof or be ,3 +Check Valves,7 +"ceases to be such, a district auditor shall be ineligible for permanent appointment",9 +10.11.Haftung ,7 +implementation of the FWC,3 +"service is not always available. To help identify position, ",9 +Dewatering building ,7 +"outboard, the lift generated has a higher forward",9 +flat side of the propeller blade. The chord line is an imaginary ,9 +pushed into the reservoir until it contacts a built-in stop; then ,9 +"manufacturer of the equipment being inspected, or one ",9 +shock first moves ,9 +Figure 1-7. ,0 +flanges touch. ,9 + the areas referred to in ,9 +The rotor disc tilts in the direction that pressure is applied,9 +"(10 points, ",3 +Release Management ,7 +Wind and Currents ,7 +The default soft key Menu that is displayed on the,0 +Losflansch mit Bund DN 250 ,7 +Scuba Diving,7 +consists of four main components:,9 +Reciprocating Engine Exhaust Systems,7 +verpacken) darf nur in Räumlichkeiten mit eingeschränkter Zugangsberechtigung erfolgen. Es ist ein,3 +rack and avionics chassis around the non-conductive shock mount ,0 +amendments on 25th September 2020. ,9 +(iv) keeping the concentration of radioisotopes contained in air which a ,3 +Temperature Variations,7 +"третьего и четвертого),",9 +installed and functional for two-pilot operations and ,9 +Evaluation of tenders,7 +knots or if the headwind is approximately 20 knots.,9 +LIABILITY FOR THE DEBTS OF THE LEGAL PERSON,7 +"set forth in Article 22, paragraph (1) of the Consumer Product Safety Act ",3 +become more common because the system is fundamentally ,9 +"wing is completely inflated, this chapter will assume ",9 +and landing can be completed. A trial landing should,9 +Experimental ,7 +are designed without their own power supply. These units ,9 +"creditors, its business activities are suspended or it is in any analogous situation ",6 +Tension Regulators,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 363 of December 6, 2002]",7 +navigation) was added to support both WAAS,9 +immediately if unable to comply with a clearance. ,3 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 +with the manufacturer’s instructions. Accessing the wheel ,9 +"equal number of white lights and red lights, with ",9 +susmentionnée,7 +on target groups for the Professional article,3 +the runway centerline adjacent to the threshold ,9 +"Save where otherwise provided in the special conditions, the duration of the warranty ",3 +main longitudinal reinforcement. ,9 +All direct and indirect emissions (not just the portion exceeding ,3 +" tires and axles, and an annual tax of",9 +of the system by determining position error from the GPS ,9 +AFTO 392 ,8 +Organise transport (,7 +be computed by the time required to fly between two points a ,9 +Gate check valve open,6 +INSPECTION CODE OF THE,7 +Changing the pitch angle on the blades changes the angle ,9 +Minimum requirements for the organisation of awareness-raising support to ,7 +Departures from:,7 +the ground crew put their weight on the basket by hanging ,9 +opportunities,9 +How Radio Waves Propagate,8 +"meteorological conditions (IMC), while reducing ",9 +The Powerplant ,7 +pattern indicators are arranged in pairs in conjunction with ,9 +to replace the applicable manufacturer’s instructions.,9 +close coordination with the MPO to ensure the action’s emissions could then be accommodated. ,9 +Invoices and value added tax ,7 +Torch lighters are called friction lighters or flint strikers. The ,9 +(See VOICE SWITCHING AND CONTROL ,9 +Irrigation system ,7 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +"in den einzelnen Prüfungsbereichen durch eine mündliche Prüfung zu ergänzen, wenn diese für das Bestehen",9 +〔昭和五十六年六月一日通商産業省令第三十二号〕,7 +followed. The following is a generalized description of ,9 +(iii) an economic benefit which has any of the natures of those set forth in the ,3 +been issued no more than one year before the date of their request by the ,1 +"Pass opposite end of bridle line and deployment bag through bridle line loop and pull tight, forming a ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 409 of December 26, 1994] ",7 +"procurement documents consist of the contract notice, this invitation letter, the draft contract(s) and ",9 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 6),7 +than 200 knots (230 mph).,9 +Parish of Husborne Crawley ,8 +Engine Oil Pressure Indicator,7 +"atmospheric disturbances. A deep-voiced, low-frequency ",9 +temperatures on humid days. Metal cans and gas tanks are ,9 +a control tower. While a tower is certainly beneficial when ,9 +Contact Information appendix on pages A1–A2 of ,9 +"To illustrate some of the concepts introduced in this chapter, ",9 +"e — If you require advice on problem debt, including rent arrears, you can contact a professional debt advice",3 +Inability to visualize the half circle ground track.,3 +einen zuverlässigen Betrieb gewährleisten und nach international anerkannten Standards als Luftfahrtgerät,9 +Electrical - General ,7 +the Director of the Information Systems Directorate at any time with a similar written ,9 +Im Fall des § 3 Absatz 3 hat die nach Landesrecht zuständige Behörde abweichend von Absatz 7 Satz 2 die,9 +and hybrid events) ,7 +Die Nutzung des Frequenzbereichs 960 – 1 215 MHz durch den Flugnavigationsfunkdienst ist auf,3 +Information Management ,7 +大,减少人员伤亡和财产损失,并按照国家有关规定立即如实报告当地负有安全生,9 +Levy on Alcoholic Beverages Fund ,7 +〔平成二十四年七月十九日政令第百九十三号〕,7 +WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT ,7 +flow divider and fuel-injection nozzles.,9 +according to the actual situation of supply of and demand for medical care in ,3 +Distance aft of LEMAC × 100,6 +A condition that exists in a fluid pump when ,9 +service in Thailand were a child of a Vietnam veteran who is ,9 +ref to documentation ,8 +coordinates,9 +CROSSWIND LANDING,7 +with water injection,6 +"120 plus 20 or a GS of 140 knots. On the other hand, if the ",9 +TWIP products are generated using,9 +Instrument Departures,7 +"Calculation of the costs (incl. travel, overheads, consumables and any other related costs) ",7 +rules nor is it intended to extend or diminish,9 +"], the Service Provider submitted",3 +", http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-",1 +"shall be treated as registration in the constituency in which he or she last resided, or in ",3 +Remove the side flap.,3 +") Section 284 was amended by the Merchant Shipping and Maritime Security Act 1997 (c. 28), Schedule 1, paragraph 5, and ",1 +Direct Service Changes ,7 +"these terms of reference. Based on this recommendation and prior experience, the Consultant should ",9 +may jam the throttles and cause them to become inoperable. ,9 +"Errata as of September 11, 2013 ",7 +Fahrerlaubnis,7 +““North Northamptonshire electoral division” means an electoral division of the county ,9 +[Figure 7-46],9 +known as a conductor. ,9 +short instant to make ,3 +The contractor is liable for damage incurred by the contracting authority as a result of the ,9 +"conduction, and convection.",9 +Min-Screw ,8 +"navigation log, which is the next step in planning an IFR ",9 +Fuel gauges ,3 +der für alle Umlagepflichtigen gemeldeten Umsätze zu setzen. Die Handelsplätze haben der Bundesanstalt zur,9 +"“(6) In this Part, “a relevant ship” means, in relation to the Territory, a Territory ship.” ",9 +THE SCHEDULE TO THE SCHEME ,7 +coherently their data with the ones of the proposed data model. ,9 +Air Traffic Clearance,7 +Recommended Practices,7 +tide. The holding characteristics of the bottom are,9 +"Usually, if an approach is too fast, the airplane floats and the ",9 +"shrill, high-frequency whistle, even though both may have ",9 +"Herkunftsgebietsverordnung im Falle der Kategorien ""Quellengesichert"" und ""Ausgewählt"", soweit möglich",3 +Contracting authority: who is the buyer? ,7 +INSTRUMENT INTERPRETATION,7 +") 2018 c. 22 (“the Act”). Part 1 of the Act is amended by the Taxation (Post-transition Period) Act 2020 (c. 26), section 2 and ",1 +machinery. ,9 +Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1725,3 +Governor-General except upon prior ,9 +"ICT Racks, cabling and other infrastructure elements ",7 +§ 10a Stellenzulage,7 +ARTCC Communications,7 +(crabbing). ,9 +Anlage 3 (zu § 4 Absatz 1),7 +II.18.3. Procedure for termination ,7 +検査機器保守管理標準作業書,3 +§ 6 Meldepflicht der Inhaber einer Fahrlehrerlaubnis zur vorübergehenden und gelegentlichen,7 +"combination of conditionally unstable air, some type of lifting ",9 +Municipal Budget,7 +"This table applies to national-level NAS changes only. For local changes, refer to",3 +Restrict access to your system to users ,3 +request pilots to adjust aircraft speed to a specific ,9 +the authorised works by or on behalf of the undertaker or in consequence of any act or default of ,9 +Normes de qualité ,7 +Insurance – Specific issues ,3 +"partir de la transmission de la demande sauf pour les projets complexes, pour lesquels des ",9 +Safety Requirements ,7 +“the 1972 Act” means the Local Government Act 1972(,9 +must not be unreasonably withheld. ,3 +"icing static ports and fuel vents, propeller blades with ",9 +as buzzing or rude flying. Sometimes landing sites seem to be ,9 +(This note is not part of the Regulations) ,7 +column of Row 1 in Appended Table 2 of the Order for Enforcement of the ,3 +Other Considerations ,7 +used in conjunction with the ailerons to decrease lift and ,9 +"Also, the ",9 +"where this entails a breach of the principle of equality of treatment, including distortion of competition ",3 +Supplementary Provisions ,7 +"turned into the wind, can be relaxed to the extent necessary ",9 +penetration tests (S.P.T. and/or C.P.T.) ,3 +and without VAT. The Promoter intends to finance this project using the proceeds of the loans from ,9 +"compared to its Western competitors (i.e. USA, Australia and the UK after Brexit). The loss ",9 +エックス線装置の製作者名、型式及び台数,3 +"Health, Labour and Welfare of any change in the matters set forth in Article ",3 +Figure 3-20.,0 +Flight Procedures.,7 +"in the Isle of Man, or ",3 +Union on the privileges and immunities of the European Union. ,9 +‘‘SUBCHAPTER III—CHILDREN OF CERTAIN KOREA AND THAILAND SERVICE VETERANS ,7 +L'endroit où vous devez vous rendre après avoir évacué un bâtiment ne dépend pas de l'endroit où ,9 +"Differential corrections, integrity ",6 +Instead of;,9 +бакалавриат,9 +An die Stelle des Kennzeichens tritt das Ausfuhrkennzeichen. Es besteht aus dem Unterscheidungszeichen,3 +"limit, and the fact of compliance, the date of compliance, and ",9 +tion heat release and pressure ,9 +"intégration, y compris en les rognant et en les coupant, des ",3 +"to report upon reaching VFR-on-top. Additionally, the ATC ",9 +Amendment of the Regulated Activities Order ,7 +"prioritairement à ces sociétés (co-traitance), qui établiront leurs offres sur base des ",3 +of the sea for all stages of tide. A number preceding MSL ,9 +"Number of aircraft controlled (ground, pattern, and transitions)",3 +"from a group of economic operators, such declaration should be completed by ",3 +Chapter 10: Aeronautical Decision-Making and Judgment ,7 +"exist at the State, local, Tribal, and territorial levels.’’. ",9 +provides the following data on each intruder aircraft:,9 +—(1) This Order may be cited as the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated ,9 +dry. The fabric is then spread over the surface and clamped ,9 +"facilities, and to take other necessary measures. ",3 +(windshields). The coatings cause raindrops to bead up and ,9 +"From the 5 ½-inch mark, measure up 1 ¾-inches and mark. Remove the stitching to construct an ",3 +Ground Track,6 +"If option 2 was used, it is necessary to replace the ",3 +rights mentioned in this Article: ,3 +"If you have been served this notice and a breathing space has started, you should inform your debt advisor.",3 +statements in the ,9 +Figure 2-37,9 +"PHILIPPINES"" AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES",7 +"EARTH WORKS, PIPE WORKS AND GROUND IMPROVEMENT",7 +Preliminary Pages,7 +Operating Limits and Charts ,7 +older style capacitor-type turbine ignition system. A 24-volt ,9 +"care”, “Right side up”, etc. together with international symbols according to the ",9 +essential to practice slow flight at altitudes that allow,9 +is being turned. This fault is likely when rushing ,3 +"departure, approach, and airport charts, as well as the ",9 +QUARANTINES ,7 +"establishments,",3 +Tension Regulators,7 +"office at Baguio, in the subprovince of Benguet. He shall receive compensation at",9 + Engine Instruments ,7 +II.24 CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +region (TCAS II only),6 +communicating,3 +"insbesondere zulässig, soweit betriebspraktische Besonderheiten die Abweichung erfordern.",9 +"bolts, and screws, and verify security of gearbox to",3 +Baustein „Individuelle Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +Bimetallic temperature gauge ,6 +"location of the offices, workplaces, stores or warehouses. ",3 +"exact nor invariable, but they are on the safe side, ",9 +Annex 6. Financial offer form,7 +"pressure, resulting in slips and skids.",3 +of information about existing meteorological ,3 +together. A combination,9 +APPROACH CONTROL SERVICE [ICAO]- Air ,9 +arrangements. ,3 +conclusively presumed to be published on the day indicated therein as the date of,9 +Static port,6 +wake turbulence and their rotational force is ,9 +Flyweight,6 +", the contractor must clearly point out all quotations of existing works. The complete ",9 +"surface density limit specified in Article 30-26, paragraph (6); and ",3 +gültigen nationalen Richtlinien (zurzeit 176 TR 22 bzw. 5 R 22 vom März 1992).,9 +and lending and international balance of trade based on the provisions of ,3 +value is reached.at ,9 +FAA Order 5050.4 and,3 +"between obstacles, especially those that are difficult to",9 +Lighting systems. ,3 +Firmly hold stroke simulator adjacent to the AR2 pocket in a vertical orientation (i.e. stroke simulator ,3 +responsibilities as pilot-in-command. Be prepared before ,9 +Identification of Paint Finishes,7 +Identify Post-Implementation Review Safety Requirements ,7 +Bundesrepublik Deutschland und dem Königreich Dänemark über,10 +The evaluation protocol will clearly identify and describe the attributes to be ,8 +any infringement of a,9 +Tender submission: how many tenders may an economic operator ,7 +"contaminants, the apparatus is connected to the exhaust equipment; ",3 +) are a solid basis for the future implementation in this area. Based on this ,3 +II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +Sensing Element,7 +"verantwortliche Leitung des Ausbildungsbetriebs wiederholt die Pflichten gröblich verletzt hat, die ihr nach",3 +CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVICES PROGRAMS ,7 +"other, but are adjusted to a definite clearance when the ",9 +importation,3 +Stabilator pivot point ,6 +"Elements, below.",9 +ELENCO ATTREZZATURA MINIMA ,7 +"service, it can be balanced to improve performance. Vibration ",9 +to elicit a response from the glider’s ailerons. As the glider ,9 +Tapes should be straight.,3 +The explanation given for the non-payment was that there was ,3 +person for contempt ofitself notwithstanding that the act or omission constituting the contempt is ,9 +CG AFT OF AFT LIMIT,7 +district of that prefecture is extremely large or when there are other special ,3 +LOT 1 – DATA COMMUNICATIONS ,7 +aileron to deflect downward. The upward deflection of the ,9 +Translational thrust occurs when the tail rotor becomes more ,9 +does not apply in so far as any immunity or privilege is waived by the Government of a ,3 +– MOTIVI DI RIGETTO NELL'AMBITO DELLA PRESENTE PROCEDURA ,7 +Functions and Jurisdiction of District Auditors,9 +"leading edges of the aircraft structure. Under some conditions, ",9 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of January 1, 1973; provided, however, ",9 +: over the years ECHA has developed a quality system that prescribes the ,3 +PressureGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +research has,3 +EU-OSHA’s national partner to suggest possible media channels ; ,3 +This section gives an overview of the initial activities ECHA expects the Contractors to ,9 +"However, it must be understood that unauthorized",9 +Gate check valve closed,6 +"winds, even if held on the ground for an extended period of ",9 +PRELIMINARY,7 +more detailed information on related topics.,9 +"and Industry No. 67 of November 5, 1987] ",7 +SPECIAL EQUIPMENT,6 +〔昭和四十八年十月一日政令第二百九十一号〕,7 +directs the aircraft forward and down to the surface. In certain ,9 +power required for a specific airplane configu- ,9 +Chapter Summary,7 +Drill Stops,7 + are presented to the ,3 +their departure from England; or ,3 +is travelling between different locations where any activity described in ,3 +and the proviso to item (iv) of the same paragraph of the Export Trade ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 172 of April 3, 2015] ",7 +Situational Awareness ,7 +"to an enactment in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, at an intended place of self-",3 +good instrument flying technique as well as ,9 +Contractor or Contractor’s national partner to identify and order a professional ,3 +"a stall fence, is used to halt the spanwise flow of air. During ",9 +on a limited basis but the lead in this is not good for the engine ,9 +rod is used to add strength and reinforcement to the weld. ,9 +Instrument landing system (ILS).,9 +Irrigation system ,7 +Transverse flow effect is recognized by increased vibrations ,9 +"Annex 7. Questionnaire related to award criteria AW1, AW2 and ",7 +Die Markierungen mit dem verdeckten Sicherheitscode nach § 11 Absatz 1 Satz 2 bis 4 sind im linken,3 +Analogue Addressed Fire Warning Button;,7 +Throttle System,7 +II.19.2. Fatturazione elettronica ,7 +〔昭和五十八年一月六日通商産業省令第一号〕,7 +valves is also common. A distributor valve is a multi-,9 +das Bundesministerium für Post und Telekommunikation im Einvernehmen mit dem Bundesministerium des,9 +rise in a shorter ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ",7 +"and such conveyance may be made without consideration, if the council shall so",9 +"FAF (such as an on airport VOR), where the aircraft ",9 +"see the evolving hazard. On the other hand, a pilot who does ",9 +number of onsite and off-site days.,3 +from vapor to liquid tends to make the air more unstable. ,9 +and GS warning flag as the aircraft passed through the ,3 +System Servicing,7 +Figure 1-13.,0 +Turbo-Propeller Assembly,7 +Airport/Runway Information ,7 +without damage to the tank itself. If the tanks have been ,9 +"airport, as appropriate. Nearly all VORs inside of the",9 +flight visibility is a separate action from that of,9 +Thresholds in Maintenance Areas ,3 +The contribution of the wing to static directional stability is ,9 +ublication Ref: NEAR/ANK/2020/EA-OP/0056 ,7 +air flowing through all the gyro instruments. It is an extremely ,9 +A force that causes or tries to cause an object to ,9 +Order No. 328 of 1946) prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order is to be ,3 +Kontaminationskontrolle ,7 +"pensation under section 1116A of title 38, United States Code, ",9 +Welche Quellen und Daten nutzen wir? ,7 +property that include facilities to be used as hard-sided dormitories ,9 +should be diligent to maintain proficiency in VOR and ILS,9 +extremely high rates of descent ,9 +Property Leases – Botswana Police Service ,7 +The addition of the fluid directly into the com- ,9 +Die Meisterprüfung besteht aus vier selbstständigen Prüfungsteilen. Diese Verordnung regelt das,9 +the blade and the housing. ,9 +Pressurization safety valves are used to prevent the over ,9 +retrimming to balance the nose up moment ,9 +Amendment of the School Information (England) Regulations 2008 ,7 +"San Simon, and Santa Ana.",9 +"Einfach-Stichprobenprüfung mit vermindertem Stichprobenumfang für Fertigpackungen, die mit dem",3 +"traduction, insertion de sous-titres, doublage dans différentes versions linguistiques: ",3 +"For operation on a dry, grass runway, increase distances (both “ground roll” and “total to clear 50 ft obstacle”) by 20% of the “total to clear 50 ft obstacle” figure.",8 +"Citation, commencement and interpretation ",7 +Tag numbers must be unique and matching main station software as well as in electrical installations ,9 +Verordnung über die Berufsausbildung zum Fassadenmonteur/zur,10 +Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018(,9 +exterior areas that may have a harsh environment. Wires ,9 +vorbehaltlich des § 8 Absatz 3 sowie das Geburtsdatum enthalten.,9 +§ 8 Teil 2 der Abschlussprüfung in der Fachrichtung Instandhaltungstechnik,7 +Induced Flow,7 +SCHEME TO BE REVOKED ,7 +"course, consideration for the possibility of a GPS",9 +[Figure 3-35],9 +INCLUDING ANNEXES,7 +Preparing the O&SHA,7 +The likelihood of PIOs increases if the wing flaps are not ,9 +a harsh sensation from the fully closed valves because the ,9 +§ 9 Entrichtung der Mautgebühr,7 +Manager. ,9 +"Rechte wie der Auftraggeber, insbesondere das Zugangsrecht. ",3 +Zeichen „℮“ nach § 11 gekennzeichnet sind,3 +der vom Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur zur Ausführung der Schiffsoffizier-,3 +"should be secured with a light, breakaway tie.",9 +STARs are listed alphabetically at the beginning of the ,9 +rotor disk. This downwash or induced flow can significantly ,9 +SIGNATURES ,7 +Other Requirements ,7 +Power versus fuel/air mixture curve. ,0 +Inertial navigation system (INS).,9 +SENIOR DEVELOPER PROFILE ,7 +There is a slight amount of adverse yaw similar to an ,9 +Hand Signals,7 +Figure 11-9.,0 +Sie erreichen unsere(n) Datenschutzbeauftragte(n) unter:,9 +the qualifications and disqualifications for holding such public offices as he or she may constitute ,9 +EAA Aviation Center ,9 +"should see on the compass/HSI/RMI, etc., when",9 +COMMAND. ,9 +assessment of each criterion: in case of a consolidated assessment ,9 +stabilizers. These boots have a series of inflatable tubes. ,9 +"b= SPAN, FT ",6 +"hereinbelow prescribed; and except as otherwise expressly provided, no vessel",9 +no settlement or compromise may be made without the agreement of the Authority which ,9 +Conditions and Controls ,7 +"- Model options include averaging periods, pollutant types, urba",3 +primarily concerned with instruction and learner reactions. ,9 +should the contractor fail to submit all required eligibility documents within 2 months of the contract ,9 +", due in month 2 of the contract",3 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +Figure 3-2,9 +EDI message,3 +Turbine engine.,9 +Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland beschlossene Rahmenlehrplan für die Berufsschule werden,9 +from lifting.,9 +descent speed and rate indicate a ratio of 3.0. This means that ,9 +Fahrschülerausbildung nach § 21 Satz 2 in Verbindung mit § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2 handelt. In den Fällen der,9 +to conduct inspections for contamination with radioisotopes; ,3 +"Unless specified otherwise in the Special Conditions and/or Tender Specifications, any results and/or ",3 +with a qualified pilot or instructor pilot before attempting ,9 +und Maßnahmen zu deren Beseitigung ergreifen,8 +— In case of death due to dangerous communicable disease or due to any epidemic,9 +reasonable grounds; ,3 +"pressurizing valve. It is used, as the name implies, to divide ",9 +Terminal Procedures Publications,7 +conflict of interest,6 +Hi-Lok$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +Verification of compliance with the minimum requirements set out in these tender specifications ,3 +DPs provide a way to depart the airport and transition to the ,9 +Turboprop Powerplant Removal and ,7 +Statutory Instruments ,5 +Sanitär- ,9 +SALARIES AND EXPENSES ,7 +"type mounting, the aft end of the compass card is tilted ",9 +amplifier. The transistor must stay on or in the active mode ,9 +and any invoice required for services that were provided before the date of termination.,9 +Area navigation (RNAV) routes have been established in ,9 +subsequently seek compensation for its possible resulting damage.,9 +PART 2 – TERMS OF REFERENCE for LOT 3 ,5 +current through the conductor must be maintained ,3 +Deterioration of the shock-absorbing material; ,3 +alternator output voltage is too high.,9 +- Minimum turning altitude (MTA) is a charted altitude providing vertical and ,3 +announced during the public opening. ,9 +Lateral reinforcement shall be in the form of hoops or links not less than 6 mm diameter. Over ,3 +"Repairs, Alterations, and ",7 +preceding columns of the same row. ,1 +WSC that takes off ,9 +elektronisch,3 +"by Article 1, 3, (c) of Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the ",3 +FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ,7 +committed prior to the enforcement of this Ministerial Order. ,3 +may have settled to the bottom of the container is brought ,9 +Combined Sources of Updrafts,7 +relevant authority is not necessary for consideration of the application; or ,3 +Incorporation of the Railway Clauses Acts ,7 +Manual Input “REMARKS.”,3 +and specific versions of software lifecycle data are provided in the SCI. ,3 +Chapter IV-2 Basic Policy ,7 +Suspension by the contractor ,7 +in gallons or pounds. Aircraft certification rules require ,9 +Learning Is Purposeful ,7 +misconduct of the contractor or of its ,3 +"right angles to the fuselage, the center of pressure would not ",9 +insert title and number,7 +dener Nutzer verlegt werden,8 +"Separation, 4",9 +the rights to decompile or disassemble the software; ,3 +adequacy and completeness. ,9 +Award criteria ,7 +Special directions ,3 +You can create an eTendering account using your ,9 +GENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURES ,7 +heading. This tendency is ,6 +"Obviously, induced drag ",9 +Normal Takeoff from a Hover,7 +; and the enacting clause of,9 +〔昭和五十九年二月十五日通商産業省令第九号〕,7 +"Refer to Chapter 1, Departures, of this manual, as well as ",9 +"Prior provisions continue to govern export of goods for which a person, who ",3 +"conclude any other contract with a third party, at the contractor's own expense. The ",3 +that is controlled by a helical ring gear that moves in response ,9 +"shall be superior to all other liens, mortgages, or incumbrances of any kind",9 +"delivered to an auto transformer. When the breaker closes, ",9 +airplane’s attitude in relation to the horizon. In accordance ,9 +through the FAA’s knowledge testing program. While not a ,9 +law states that behaviors that lead to satisfying outcomes are likely to be repeated whereas behaviors that lead to undesired outcomes ,9 +außertariflichen Leistungen entsprechend.,9 +II.19.2. Fatturazione elettronica ,7 +"compensate for the lack of outside references, use the",9 +"maneuvering, exercising good judgment, and using only a ",9 +Maintenance’’ for necessary expenses related to the consequences ,9 +"When a helicopter is delivered from the factory, the basic",9 +journalists and experts ,7 +"Alaminos, Bay, Biñan, Cabuyao, Calamba, Calauan, Cavinti, Famy, Lilio,",9 +Article 4 – TERMS OF PAYMENT,7 +to function as desired. ,9 +Specific contract types ,7 +"ungehinderter Zugang zum Ort des Unfalls oder der Störung sowie zum Luftfahrzeug, zu seiner Ladung,",3 +者以其所代表的人的名义实施电子签名的人; ,9 +"die Entscheidung aber auf Tatsachen beruht, die er früher hätte geltend machen oder beweisen können und",9 +Les niveaux de criticité par équipement sont repris dans l'inventaire des équipements en ,9 +following ,9 +piston powered helicopters.,9 +Date Accessed: 16-Feb-2015 ,9 +Baffle plate,6 +Airway/Route Depiction ,7 +Weather-ReIated Information ,7 +II.19.2. Fatturazione elettronica ,7 +"the degree of permanent disablement, or ",3 +"cable, the entire franchise tax shall accrue to the Insular Government.",3 +be raised. ,9 +"TCAS will issue an aural warning (e.g., ",6 +The language used shall be English. ,3 +Municipal Budget,7 +term of the original appointee.,9 +この政令の施行の日から九月間は、消費生活用製品安全法(以下「法」という。)第,3 +"fine, or to both. ",3 +Provision of pictures ,7 +beträgt. Nach einer ununterbrochenen Lenkzeit von viereinhalb Stunden ist eine Fahrtunterbrechung,3 +Interest on late payment ,7 +[136-85.],9 +"indemnity for loss, damage, or liability made or renewed by any",3 +(iv) the construction of piles and pile caps within the watercourse supporting the piers ,3 +"responsibility the aircraft is operating, stating the",9 +"If bonding a precured patch, place the thermocouple ",3 +Common oceanographic terminology.,7 +Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR). ,9 +the date of enactment of this Act. ,9 +法第四十二条の二第一項第五号の厚生労働大臣が定める基準に係る会計年度につ,3 +"sowie Wirkungsweise von Schmerzmitteln und Isofluran,",3 +before conducting any towing operations.,9 +contractual relationship with the contracting authority. ,3 +validity or legality of any bonds or other obligations issued by any,3 +"a loose nozzle, clogged vent hole on the supply cup, ",3 +91.309—Towing:,3 +PROFESSIONAL ,7 +"be completed safely. For visual flight rules (VFR) flights, ",9 +in the tender specifications. ,3 +法第三十条の四第二項第十五号に規定する区域については、都道府県の区域を単,3 +effect on the aircraft’s performance must be considered if ,9 +across the gap in a shielded spark plug after the fuel-air ,9 +[please tick the box(es) which apply] ,6 +Installation of Rivets,7 +On a regular basis an updated of the initial list provided by ECDC will be provided ,8 +above-mentioned,6 +increases the AOA to the critical angle. This results in the ,9 +evasive action immediately should even light icing conditions ,9 +provided Europol has given its prior written authorisation: ,3 +ity changes the angle at which the aircraft hangs from,9 +Electronic Fire Warning Siren Flasher; ,7 +NOTAM Composition ,7 +damage can occur while skidding on ice.,9 +(PDAR). A route between two terminals which are ,9 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +Sensing chamber,6 +"by any person before such a court or other adjudicating authority, t",9 +Gibraltar ,9 +Some airborne systems use Estimated Position Uncertain-,9 +aircraft must be equipped as follows:,9 +is “teaming” up with individuals and the aviation industry ,9 +many times the stall speed will require due ,9 +Some pilots try to force or fly the airplane onto the ground ,9 +against the,3 +"and escalated up to the FWC666 governance when needed. On escalated risks, ECHA ",9 +Audit Opinion,7 +"Obviously, nor- ",9 +"President of the Family Division, the Chancellor of the High Court, the Head of Civil Justice, the ",9 +Généralités ,7 +"Air Force’s method,",9 +[The Judicial Committee was abolished by the Judicial Committee (Abolition of Appeals) ,3 +turn before it has had time to ,9 +specific flight conditions. Interpolating information means ,9 +the aft portion of the airfoil surface. The ,9 +conclusion of this tender procedure upon signature of framework contracts with all selected contractors. ,9 +shall be made and,3 +"VFR flight, an IFR pilot must consider the effects of other ",9 +Risk Management during Operational Flights ,7 +Management and Pollution Control. ,3 +Profile prices LOT 2:,3 +um Termine einzuhalten. Hieraus kann der Bieter keine zusätzlichen Ansprüche herleiten. ,9 +Description: Shortening of the lower leg straps,3 +.280/.208,6 +§ 29 Auskünfte und Prüfungen,7 +"Leuchtenträger zulässig sind, darf das hintere Kennzeichen auf dem Leuchtenträger angebracht sein.",9 +(unit rate,9 +Einvernehmen mit dem Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit:,9 +Aufgabenbereich Abwicklung,3 +Pre-sales and Support: ,7 +Figure 6-6. ,0 +top is the carriage attachment the wing. ,9 +Final ISPD ,7 +VFR Flights.,7 +How to Submit your Tender in e-Submission ,7 +Decision-Making ,7 +adequacy of the aircraft and navigation/communication ,9 +ARINC Aircraft Communications Addressing and,9 +IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:,7 +Acceleration Error ,7 +"For a complete definition of NAS services, refer to the NAS Requirements Document. This is the source of",1 +reading is stabilized. If engine roughness is encountered ,9 +"eastward at 20 knots, the airspeed of the aircraft is not ",9 +may contact the participant and ask for ,9 +"mesh, or shielding, covered with a thin silicone rubber coating ",9 +the NAS change in question must not be implemented. The SMTS submitter is,3 +"The new data source is to be made available through a common data store, which ",3 +then continue the turn the same way the corresponding turn was ,9 +"instrument procedures, such as departures, arrivals, and ",9 +Interim IFR flight procedures: ,3 +§ 2 Kennzeichnung von forstlichem Vermehrungsgut,7 +in order to verify whether presumed breach of payment of ,3 +savoir‑faire: le droit d'utiliser ce savoir,3 +", shall be owned solely by Europol, which ",3 +Air Quality Assessment Process ,3 +State is to appoint a person to determine the appeal (“the appointed person”) and must ,3 +genannten Angaben gekennzeichnet sind und,3 +〔昭和三十四年十月三十日政令第三百二十七号〕,7 +mutandis pursuant to paragraph (2) of the same Article) when a certified ,3 +Hebebänder),8 +countries: costs shall be based on actual expenses plus XX% charges; ,9 +"procedure, or explain how to perform the skill. ",9 +use gentle back pressure on the elevator control to,9 +Transition to Visual Flight,7 +"Red Arrows, which are due to take place there between 17th and 20th March 2020. In order to ",9 +SENIOR COURTS OF ENGLAND AND WALES ,10 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +Situation (a) above (bankruptcy) ,6 +SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION PLAN ,7 +with an operating control tower when weather or,9 +"provisions of Article 55 of the Act, Article 55-3, Article 55-4, Article 55-7, or ",3 +Must have an FAA registration and N-number.,3 +öffentlichen,9 +Figure 2.2: SRM / Safety Assurance Process Flow ,0 +– Jungen Fahrern,3 +"Two or three of these swoops over a sparsely populated area, ",9 +– Situations of exclusion concerning the person,7 +Amendment of article 18 ,7 +Entity (Company): ,6 +"lowest safe speed manageable. After touchdown, use the wheel ",9 +Napo mascot’s costume has been produced and could be used to attract visitors to Info ,3 +Figure 3-11.,0 +"variety of methods, the more common of which are peening, ",9 +Left inboard,6 +Summary election appeal: parties ,7 +are revised annually except several Alaskan charts and the ,9 +MOVEMENT CONTROLS ,7 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 3 ",7 +Environmental and Health Factors ,7 +"Failure in the delivery of electricity, water, chemicals etc., failure in analyses and ",3 +PDF and XML document for the e-document are considered as a proof of receipt by ,3 +The second easiest point in the flight to make a critical ,9 +"areas to inspect such as engine, cabin, wing, empennage ",9 +шестого пункта,9 +laws pertaining to his Bureau and shall pass on the,9 +"and materials continue to improve, rigid rotor systems may ",9 +Assembly design is to be of a modular type allowing the assembly to be broken down into sections for ease of ,9 +MELDUNG DER,7 +Chapter 10: Aeronautical Decision-Making and Judgment ,7 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +"12- to 22-gauge sheet metal, and bending lengths are from 3 ",9 +rester dans votre bureau ou entrer dans un bureau et fermer la porte et les fenêtres ,3 +A faulty fuel pump in the center tank may lower the ,3 +Die Nutzung des Frequenzbereichs 960 – 1 215 MHz durch den Flugnavigationsfunkdienst ist auf,3 +also use for fuel system venting.,9 +[Figure 3-19],9 +"Fahrschulerlaubnis zurückzunehmen oder zu widerrufen, wenn eine andere Person als verantwortliche Leitung",9 +canopy deployment. The reserve pilot chute is connected to an 18-foot bridle line with deployment ,3 +must be considered. ,9 +administration,9 +Financial Results,7 +"helical gears or roller gear cam, without the use of worm gears or transmission ",8 +Economizer System,7 +preceding item; ,3 +increase in the static pressure of the airstream ,9 +Chapter II Basic Policy (Articles 9 and 10) ,3 +Belt Sander,7 +Was lawfully in the recipient party's possession at the time the information ,3 +fatigue and low altitude hypoxia serve to rob the pilot of ,9 +Thermocouple Placement,7 +one of these two or perhaps a combination. ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ",7 +Restrictors are a type of control valve used in pneumatic ,9 +"the metal being welded is known, set the length of the inner ",9 +festgesetzt oder einstweilig gesichert sind oder das Unterschutzstellungsverfahren förmlich eingeleitet ist,3 +Conditions and Controls ,7 +and Mountain Wave Activity (MWA),7 +end and then welded like a plain butt joint using filler rod. ,9 +"well as aggravated pitch, airspeed, and trim errors. ",3 +written agreement of the other party;,3 +着用している物の表面の放射性同位元素による汚染の検査を行う室をいう。),3 +must not exceed 24 calendar-months. The operator may renew this CoW by submitting an application ,9 + A system mode or function that is set to become ,9 +version to the contracting authority;,3 +Paragraph (2)— ,9 +shall be supplied. The treated,9 +Pilot/Controller Glossary ,5 +Altitudes and Flight Levels,7 +"information. Therefore, manufacturers are required to include ",9 +objectives/ deliverables of the services in scope;,3 +Control Unit,7 +and the provisions of the 1965 Act in their application in relation to the compulsory acquisition ,9 +recommendation. ,3 +responsibilities. All investment programs are potentially reviewed based on their assigned ,9 +"Depending on the instructions in the request for services, the contractor may have to arrange ",3 +Money Exchanger (Cabinet Order No. 377 of 1949); ,3 +serve written notice requiring the undertaker to cease all or part of the specified works and the ,9 +"Management System (SMS), referring to the ATO SMS Manual and the SRMGSA as governing ",9 +should take,9 +Provided that- ,9 +Selection criteria ,7 +"style, as this content will be the major vehicle for engaging users and the audience and informing them ",9 +用人頭模型に接触しないこと。,9 +Aircraft position lights are required to be lighted,9 +"Contract, signed by the Parties before the End Date. ",3 +"design of cockpits, the function of the organs of the body, the ",9 +change until the airplane decelerates to a constant airspeed at ,9 +"AAD, if desired.",3 +the ground references.,3 +"ungehinderter Zugang zum Ort des Unfalls oder der Störung sowie zum Luftfahrzeug, zu seiner Ladung,",3 +airmen vigilant for wings spars made from a variety of ,9 +Non-Moving Advances ,7 +"this case, the instructor should address the operating requirements, such as Mode “C” and ADS-B, and the environmental risk factors ",9 +Pilots System (TWIP).,7 +"total times and current status of life-limited parts, overhaul ",9 +TIMETABLE FOR TENDER PROCEDURE ,7 +[1943-4.],9 +"Verkehr gebracht oder sonst auf dem Markt bereitgestellt werden, wenn zum Zeitpunkt der Herstellung die",9 +Wave one arm overhead,6 +A change in section pitching moment ,9 +"out), when finding it necessary to carry out on-site inspection or questioning of ",3 +Public Instruction in General ,7 +Unterabschnitt 2,7 +evidence in judicial proceedings.,3 +"electronic format,",3 +Amendment of Schedule 1 to the principal Regulations ,7 +emissions within the approved SIP budget for years that the direct and indirect emissions of the ,9 +district of that prefecture is extremely large or when there are other special ,3 +part of the lesson.,3 +have legal capacity,9 +dimension to the way GA aircraft are flown. The electronic ,9 +nozzles) directly behind the fan. ,3 +replace any work or structure (including lake walls); ,3 +"R is required,",6 +"building societies, ",3 +"to FL 450, and are depicted on high-altitude en route charts. ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 367 of August 26, 1952]",7 +“I certify that this aircraft has been inspected on [insert ,9 +"and Industry No. 43 of September 30, 1986] ",7 +BACKGROUND INFORMATION ,7 +Section 5 Permission for Designated Aquaculture and Notification of Notified ,3 +Highest obstacle,6 +Helicopter charts have a longer life span than other,9 +Form 5: Committment letter by identified subcontractor ,7 +qu'aucun ,9 +procurement procedure? ,6 +measuring equipment (DME) at one site. ,9 +malfunction or become inoperative. A means for preventing ,9 +Generators ,7 +"Article 12-10 (1) A registered analytical laboratory shall, within three months ",3 +person’s service on or after 1st April 2014 to have effect as a scheme made under section 1 of the Act. ,1 +"made available in this title by State and Territory, and by program, ",9 +"Satz 1 Nummer 2 Buchstabe d und e, die ein eigenes Kennzeichen nach § 4 nicht führen müssen, haben an der",9 +following table,9 +"court), or ",3 +that revising provisions set forth in the following items come into effect as of ,3 +Figure 2-14.,0 +Sub-criterion 1.3: Methodology for progress mapping in energy system ,3 +A reciprocating engine with axial cylinders ,9 +Supply of documents ,7 +attendance is absolutely necessary. Af,9 +condition observed. The wheel rim must also be inspected ,9 +Manufacture,7 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +Appendix A. ,3 +imposed upon aircraft operations that are not a part of ,9 +"time, it must be stored in the upright position for at least twice ",9 +"Weiterhin wird in dieser Ziffer ausgeführt, dass von Maßnahmen zur Lärmminde-",9 +control surface that can be adjusted during flight to a position ,9 +"an area where prevailing winds are from large water bodies, ",9 +Evaluation of requests to participate,7 +available,9 +"Inoperative Transmitter, 4",9 +‘‘SEC. 319D–1. CHILDREN’S PREPAREDNESS UNIT. ,7 +increasing to the normal idle rpm This is often the result of ,9 +Experience and comfort level assessment for combined ,0 +"and grasps the next consecutive suspension line, in the right hand. The No. 1 person will shake out ",3 +dihedral in maintaining lateral equilibrium. When the lateral ,9 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +Surface water drainage ,7 +the long process of adapting to the darkness.,9 +"tender, including subcontractors ",3 +Cable Inspection,7 +exceed one-half the bar width. ,9 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +procedure without tenderers being entitled to claim any compensation. Any such decision ,9 +The reserve pilot chute is constructed to provide a maximum amount of drag during a low speed ,3 +Pilot Chute ,6 +traction changes the wing pitching moment ,9 +the coastline of the United States out to 12 nautical,9 +Article 28 Delayed payments ,7 +maximum number of pages,3 +"The slower the aircraft is, the tighter the pattern is, as shown ",9 +applicable; ,3 +advanced treatment hospitals that provide advanced and specialized medical ,3 +action of the collector that the failure to mention or,9 +An aircraft with an engine of ,9 +[Figure 8-37] ,9 +any amount of clean air through the main rotor disk. Chapter ,9 +Chapter 10: Aeronautical Decision-Making and Judgment ,7 +How Autopilot Functions Work,7 +"Федерации,",9 +Oxygen Plumbing and Valves,7 +〔昭和三十五年四月二十五日政令第百八号〕,7 +accordance with this waiver. ,3 +〔平成十七年十二月二日政令第三百五十八号〕,7 +spatially,9 +Automated Surface Observing System,9 +"Pilot action requirements (for example, the pilot must ",3 +Input Sensitivity shall be:,8 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +Risk Management (RM) ,7 +Property thus withdrawn from public servitude may be used or conveyed for,9 +Article 33 - ,7 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +requirements between those fixes.,9 +"forename, surname, function, department",9 +"MINISTRY OF YOUTH EMPOWERMENT, SPORT AND CULTURE ",7 +Pitot-Static Systems ,7 +sufficient electrical charge in the battery. Electrical energy ,9 +SRM Panel Deliberations ,7 +FWC Phase-in,7 +representative thereof; ,3 +framework contract by [,9 +Inability to judge closure rates to the road and adjust ,3 +is planning to award the contract resulting from the above ,9 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +All cylinders should be stored and transported in the upright ,9 +work subject to this call for tenders. The tenderer (including each member of the group in case of joint ,9 +organisation having legal capacity. ,3 +immediately upon the first indication of needle ,3 +"submit details of the expected location, start and end dates of impact pile driving to ",3 +II.23.2. Recovery procedure ,7 +vergleichbare Verkaufseinheiten ohne Umhüllung.,3 +行技术指导,保证技术的实用性、可靠性,承担保密义务。 ,9 +"Microphones, sound, Laptop/PC, beamer ",7 +利,交付实施专利有关的技术资料,提供必要的技术指导。 ,9 +and a resultant flashback in the system could result. If an ,9 +rchandise in question and deemed,9 +Primary Actuation Devic,8 +"Behind the step, the floats are essentially clear of the water.",0 +"Abschlussprüfung ist festzustellen, ob der Prüfling die berufliche Handlungsfähigkeit erworben hat.",9 +Line item entries for repair part kits and sets appear as the last entries in the repair part listing for the ,9 +period of one hour a public funeral may be held at the grave or in a place of public,9 +Communal Forests,7 +"referred to as ""Additional Special Specified Products"") makes a notification as ",3 +"the seaplane headed into the wind, allow the seaplane",9 +"specific runway, used to execute a precision instrument ",9 +the daily subsistence allowance is payable only on receipt of supporting documents ,3 + EIB Exclusion Policy ,6 +"take decisions on its behalf, as well as from third parties involved in the ",3 +"process is happening simultaneously, as described earlier. ",9 +Head marking—Raised ring,6 +information is required; ,3 +"3i, 4a, 4c",8 +医療用放射性汚染物を保管廃棄する場合(次号に規定する場合を除く。)には、,3 +"instead of from front-to-rear, the size of each cell is not limited to the width of the cloth. This method ",3 +demand in daily life and traffic conditions; and ,3 +Intermeshing Rotors,7 +Responsibilities,7 +generator voltage values are within a close tolerance before ,9 +have been,9 +Overall management incl.,7 +内水面における漁場環境の再生に関する施策,7 +"Wenn ein Beteiligter teils obsiegt, teils unterliegt, so sind die Kosten gegeneinander aufzuheben oder",9 +"Qualitätssichernde Maßnahmen, Lernziele b und c,",3 +Ground launch towline break.,0 +"TASKS, DELIVERABLES, TIMELINE AND PAYMENTS ",7 +"close abruptly, which could damage the canopy frame or ",9 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 +DÉFINITIONS ,7 +"Citation, commencement, duration and extent ",3 +Short breaks ,7 +tout transfert de données à caractère personnel au titre du CC vers des pays tiers ou des ,9 +Produits dangereux ,3 +in&ease the power setting required for steady ,9 +Event/conference assistant (half/full day) ,7 +"termination of the FWC or a specific contract, including the additional cost of appointing and ",9 +Placement of advertisements ,7 +light(s) to determine system integrity. A test is first done ,9 +Machines: None,3 +contract ,9 +course. Magnetic courses on PBN procedures are,9 +permanent disablement resulting from the relevant incident. ,3 +〔平成二十五年四月十日政令第百二十号〕,7 +up Reports.,7 +a number of ASR do not have Mode C display ,3 +Safety Planning for Acquisitions ,7 +valve(s) to prevent further pressurization. The outflow valves ,9 +Verantwortlicher:,9 +(iii) the construction of piers supporting the new bridge deck; ,3 +CROSSWIND LANDING,7 +"Deceleration Control shall be built in and be selectable with the following adjustments, all of which shall be ",9 +FleiMstrV,9 +Chapter 21—Gyroplane Emergencies,7 +and soft-field landings. A helicopter pilot should be proficient in running landings before the instructor introduces a no hydraulics ,9 +" Accepted only for Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Canada, United States and Australia.",3 +prestazioni ,3 +Aircraft Previously registered ,7 +"in paragraph 6(b)(ii) (pre-existing judicial decisions etc.), for “United Kingdom” ",3 +GPS Along,9 +〔昭和二十九年四月十日政令第七十七号〕,7 +the Secretary of State; ,3 + The contracting authority and the European Anti-Fraud Office may check or require an ,3 +"The convenience of the FMS, especially the “direct to” ",9 +Qualifications for membership of ,7 +the duties of any office or ,3 +"AAD, if desired.",3 +Amendment of article 18 ,7 +brakes for condition and adjustment.,3 +Alert Areas ,7 +Program the weather datalink set to show echoes and ,3 +f interest and importance relative to the administration of justice,9 +"Nettoerträge aus dem Außenhandelsgeschäft,",3 +rights of redemption and repurchas,9 +Offers via e-Submission portal ,9 +Statement by the creator (or right holder) ,7 +operations:,9 +“N.” All five characters may be numbers (N11111) or ,9 +CRITICAL CONDITIONS. ,9 +"certificate from the said treasurer that he has thus redeemed the property, and the",9 +“marine pollution contingency plan” means the plan as required by condition 8 of this licence; ,9 +Airway/Route Depiction ,7 +Unterkünfte im Baugelände ,7 +Die Markierungen müssen gemäß nachfolgender Abbildung nach vorgegebenen Maßen und farblicher,9 +"any other thing into, within, or from any such quarantined building,",9 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 +alternator control unit and then sent back to the exciter field. ,9 +for the 5 statute mile radius around an airport. Utilizes the ,9 +The replacement of the tread rubber on an aircraft tire.,9 +number of data subjects concerned and the categories and approximate number of personal ,3 +менее 70% спирта.,9 +arm. Moments are expressed in pound-inches (lb-in). Total ,9 +PRINCIPAL POWERS ,7 +"revising row 166 of the same table, the provisions revising item (ii) of ",9 +deve prendere tutti i,9 +"Each delivery must be accompanied by a consignment note in duplicate, duly signed and dated by the ",9 + travel plans. The ,3 +- Atomrechtliche Zuverlässigkeitsüberprüfungsverordnung (AtZüV) ,3 +Tools and Maintenance Equipment ,7 +I.14.5 Signature of contracts pending receipt of eligibility documents,7 +defined parts of the contract. ,3 +PHENOMENA OF TRANSONIC FLIGHT. ,7 +placard is affixed by maintenance personnel or the flight ,9 +square feet. ,3 +Rib Bracing.............................................................3-5,8 +[1963-5; 2305-2.],9 +Subcontracting ,7 +"Rückseite ein Kennzeichen zu führen, das der Halter des Zugfahrzeugs für eines seiner Zugfahrzeuge verwenden",9 +responsibilities and estimated efforts (person-days) per profile ,3 +"aircraft are not in the pattern, then traffic indicators on the ",9 +resulting from this contract may be published (at EFSA’s discretion) on the ,9 +ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ,7 +II.14. FORCE MAJEURE ,7 +current (DC) electrical system. A basic aircraft electrical ,9 +combined into one unit. This unit is referred to as a starter-,9 +and pitch) cues. The collective control cue system ,3 +letters “PA” and Hawaii identifiers always begin with the letters “PH.” Station identifiers can ,3 +Lots: is this call for tenders divided into lots? ,7 +GDBC/003/00001C–06; ,9 +Operation of the Treatment Plant ,7 +oper customs official before whom such entry was made by,9 +Basic Radio Principles,8 +"voltage. If the signal is close to zero, it is considered to be ",9 +bleed closed (percent N$_{1}$),3 +Crosswind component,6 +ground—normally during takeoffs and landings. More details ,9 +(INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST) ,7 +"Save where otherwise provided in the special conditions, within 30 days of the signing of ",3 +container in such a manner as to not place undue stress on ,9 +copyright licenses to reproduce any publications provided to EFSA. The ,3 +connection activities. ,9 +Digital Electronics ,7 +pops out when its respective component is overloaded.,9 +"Development Sup, ort Tea | ae N FASER tad",6 +Key to Schedule 2 ,7 +and functioning normally without leaks before attempting to ,9 +PERFORMANCE AUDIT,7 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +bearings. The amount of friction created by rolling friction is ,9 +the contractor’s,9 +Indicators for the B2B part ,3 +エックス線装置等の防護,7 +"the circuit breaker continues to pop, indicating an elec-",9 +and radio communications equipment and procedures. ,9 +"bei Konten natürlicher Personen, die zum 30. Juni 2014 bestehen und die zu diesem Tag Konten von",3 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +the tab must be replaced. Make sure that the line/tab ,3 +Low-Wing Twin,7 +"toward the axis of rotation. For instance, when pulling out ",9 +located (in the case where the office is located within the jurisdictional district ,3 +"undertakes that any further Confidential Information, which may come to its ",3 +"interest of the city, and inspect and pass upon all such documents already drawn;",9 +of rotation of the engine and propeller. (4) In helicopters with ,9 +"used on land; that is, by lowering the upwind wing",9 +Final ISPD ,7 +National Steering Committee (NSC) quarterly meetings and other events ,3 +"in advanced avionics computers is to stop, look, and read. ",9 +shall be ,9 +small as three inches can dramatically change a heli-,9 +Kraftfahrzeug ein,8 +permits operations along any desired flightpath within the ,9 +Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System ,8 +"(referred to as ""debts pertaining to non-resident free-yen account"" in item ",3 +Conduct the Review ,7 +Sales of housing units income declined by P212.84 million (or 75%) ,9 +appealable,9 +connector links and control lines to proper riser. ,3 +keeping it wet for 2 to 5 minutes without letting it dry. It ,9 +Einklang mit,3 +shall be capped to the contract value. ,9 +existence of ,3 +Reserve Deployment System. The reserve deployment system consists of the items shown below,3 +and judgment errors are inevitable; the most important ,3 + Cooling Systems ,7 +mehr als 10 Kilogramm oder mehr als 10 Liter,7 +"[619-11; Comp., 1249.]",9 +Operations in Other Countries ,7 +data or information was incorporated by reference if the Sec-,9 +Hand Signals,7 +"If you require advice on problem debt including rent arrears, you can contact a professional debt advice",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +«САНИТАРНО-ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К,7 +Interrupt alarm,6 +Most pilots instinctively—and correctly—look for the largest ,9 +"in sub-paragraph (b), after “of those Regulations” insert “(as it has effect in the ",3 +Unterabschnitt 2,7 +"Judicial Power, Embracing Courts of Superior Jurisdiction, Justices of the Peace,",7 +mixture holds true only through the normal cruise range. ,9 +круглосуточным,9 +third country). ,3 +"manifold, giving a positive cutoff. This cutoff prevents ",9 +number on your aircraft. The ASI will issue a revised ,9 +Time & Means contracts,3 +begin planning the flight.,9 +receipt of tenders will be indicated in the above TED eTendering website when the selected ,9 +General electrical requirements ,7 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +Turns Around a Point,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 346 of November 7, 2016] ",7 +SCHEDULE 14 ,7 +"Unless specified otherwise in the Special Conditions and/or Tender Specifications, Europol shall not ",3 +Drag generated between air molecules ,9 +edge on the wing which banks the PPC into a turn.,9 +"For small holes, turn the mesh inside out and zigzag ",3 +security requirements and operational roles ,7 +Venturi Tube Systems,7 +Floating Waypoints ,7 +For the Contracting Authority: ,7 +effective mid-2007.,9 +Layup Process (Typical Laminated Wet Layup),7 +"“slaved to,” or continuously corrected to bring its direction ",9 +"rivets), secure attachment, and component operation ",3 +Irrigation system ,7 +meteorological,3 +The criterion is applied to: ,7 +Umgang mit Störungen im Fahrbetrieb:,3 + of the `Administrative forms for EIB tenders` (if ,9 +Specific provision related to reimbursement of expenses for shipment of Goods ,7 +[Figure 11-94],9 +the direction of the Bureau of Lands.,9 +"2020;18(4):6087, ",1 +(ii) The outcome of development and evaluation of advanced medical technology ,3 +METAR status flags. ,3 +applied as follows:,9 +Facilities for Contractor's Personnel ,7 +"which embraces the islands of Masbate, Ticao, Burias, and all the small adjacent",9 +all sides of a selected rectangular area on the ground.,9 +prefix (except the Q-routes in the Gulf of Mexico) and low ,9 +lates the power or thrust the pilot wants the engine ,3 +- Offerta specifica n. …..… del ../../ .. ,9 +nicht überschreiten (Gesamtdauer).,9 +I.5.2. Interim payments ,7 +"request for public access to documents, or in other cases where the applicable law ",3 +CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +"Section 24 (3) of Botswana Housing Corporation Act, (Cap 74:03). ",9 +Such oaths shall be filed in the office of the secretary.,9 +er deutschen Sprache in Wort ,9 +reserves the right of evaluating mitigation plans and ask for changes. ,9 +Generator Controls for High Output Generators,7 +FAA routing authorization. (See paragraph 5,9 +per second the turn will not approach the lead point ,3 +these critical fatigue areas can be performed by rubbing a rag ,9 +par le Secrétariat. Les candidats peuvent être présentés par le contractant ou par ,3 +〔昭和五十八年一月六日通商産業省令第一号〕,7 +$_{Figure 6-5.}$ ,0 +properly.,9 +dampened with a dry-cleaning solvent.,9 +"reinforcement to the weld area, but also desired properties to ",9 +"not available, business class. ",3 +COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +of the technical specifications. ,9 +Equipment Condition ,7 +Baustein Hausaufgabe „Darstellung der individuellen Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +lift and drag curves of a typical airplane in the ,9 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +under this Ministry are shown below:- ,9 +"ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯМ ВОСПИТАНИЯ И ОБУЧЕНИЯ, ОТДЫХА И",7 +becomes entangled/snagged with the parachutist or equipment.,3 +II.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority,7 +A descent can be made at a variety of airspeeds and attitudes ,9 + par le pouvoir adjudicateur. Le délai de ,9 +Article 6 – Terms of Payment ,7 +"good condition, and may be used for general touchup, ",3 +The Programming ,7 +tatutory registration number or ID or passport number,9 +this section of the METAR. The information contained ,3 +TABLE DES MATIÈRES ,7 +water line,9 +as the nature of the underlying contract so justifies; ,3 +Contractor’s national partner to inform the EU-OSHA's national partner about the final ,3 +Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) ,7 +paragraph 7(2) of that code; and ,9 +Acknowledgments,7 +electronic metering of oxygen has also been developed for ,9 +Placing the Special Registration,7 +滅菌消毒作業室の機器及び設備は、作業工程順に置かれていること。,3 +"and whose diameter is approximately twice the bend radius, ",9 +"Bietergemeinschaft,",9 +"officer, except members of the Municipal Board, shall devote his time and",9 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +Transfer/Exhaust—Piston,7 +Since the aircraft’s vertical component of velocity is ,9 +Vacuum Tubes,7 +vehicles or vessels. When the nature of the official duties of any such employee,9 +prepare a plan and submit for approval to the Engineer. ,9 +[Figure 3-12],9 +should have preplanned climb out options based on,9 +Includes established departure procedures as,9 +"This list shall include the names of the participants, the organisations represented by the ",3 +DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ,7 +"business documents, such as invoices, through a graphical user interface; its main features ",9 +"metabolism,",9 +Turbo-Propeller Assembly,7 +an open-circuited condenser and is easily recognized by the ,9 +"appended table of the Foreign Exchange Control Order in Article 1, the part ",3 +psychologischen Testverfahren und -geräten,7 +"similar type and design, Type Test certificates will be acceptable. ",3 +that the provisions listed as follows come into effect as of the date specified in ,3 +"The intellectual property rights so acquired include any rights, such as copyright and other ",9 +Auto Brakes,7 +an additional soft key appears. The LD APR (Load ,3 +") S.I. 2003/1021, as amended by S.I. 2004/3168. There are other amending instruments but none is relevant. ",1 +"available on the same model airliner. For example, airlines ",9 +Floating Waypoints ,7 +the area against flooding caused by rainfall and from erosion caused by surface flows. The system may ,9 +manager after the expiry of the time limit stated in Article 28.3; or ,3 +"essential data, including a complete list of all installed",9 +"equipment, unusable fuel, and full operating fluids",9 +"During coordinated flight, the needle of the turn-and-",9 +"NOTAMs, to provide status update on individual",9 +of a joint tender) must provide a performance guarantee in the form of a financial ,9 +"of Constabulary in the province, shall be punished by a f",9 +öffentlichen Auftraggeber,9 +Its main function is to dispose of the gases with complete ,9 +includes the ,9 +SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO FUR-,7 +(エックス線装置の防護),9 +result of both waves and swells.,9 +法第十八条の厚生労働省令で定める基準は、病院又は医師が常時三人以上,3 +critical conditions for the typical supersonic ,9 +spark and beginning of flame front propaga- ,9 +must provide an adjustment to the generator field current. ,9 +the coast of North Carolina and is called Green 13 (G13). ,9 +Dispersion Modeling Methods ,7 +10.24.Vertragsstrafe ,7 +"Education, Labor, and Pensions and the Committee on Appro-",9 +Dauer der Berufsausbildung,3 +Lieferungen,7 +"). In addition, the latter two shall provide group and ",9 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +in the aircraft maintenance manual. To pressure bleed a ,9 +Bekanntmachung nicht zu wiederholen),9 +The contractor must not present itself as a representative of the contracting authority ,3 +in that paragraph; or ,9 +Aerodynamics of Flight,7 +installed equipment. If the owner or operator of a heli-,9 +"(EPIRBs),",9 +(Articles 20 to 25) ,3 +regulations ,9 +—(1) This regulation applies in a case where— ,9 +PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS ,7 +In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council ,7 +air pump. The vacuum regulator is set to supply the optimum ,9 +Article 31 Provisional acceptance ,7 +"for the current year and upon this basis shall proceed to make, by way of",9 +—(1) The Authority may appoint a relevant police and crime commissioner to be a ,9 +présente décision remplace celle indiquée par la décision 28/2013 du Secrétaire Général du Conseil.,9 +"die zuletzt durch Artikel 289 der Verordnung vom 31. Oktober 2006 (BGBl. I S. 2407) geändert worden sind,",3 +"Hence, the static directional ",9 +〔昭和三十五年五月三十日政令第百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +PRIMARY ACTUATION DEVICE/RIPCORD TEST:,7 +INDUCED DRAG ,7 +the customs authorities or at their instance by reason of such shipments shall be,9 +APPENDIX A4. ,3 +Darüber hinaus hat der Bieter zum Nachweis seiner Fachkunde folgende Angaben gemäß § 6a Abs. 3 ,9 +Foreign Exchange Stabilisation Fund ,7 +Changing angle of attack during roundout by slowly and continuously pushing forward on the control bar until ,0 +and ensure that the mechanism is functioning properly. The ,9 +Aircraft Instrument ,7 + Flight Deck Inspection,7 +requirement consultee within five business days of receipt of such a request and in any event ,9 +Screwheads • Double-twist method,6 +and is used for carrying numerous fluids under high pressure. ,9 +Figure 7-27.,0 +"government department or public body in a European Union Member State - may, within two months ",3 +ENISA F-COD-20-T03,3 +"Konto von hohem Wert durch, so ist es in den Folgejahren nicht verpflichtet, für dasselbe Konto von hohem Wert",9 +eins für die Präqualifikation von Bauunternehmen e.V. (Präqualifikationsverzeichnis). Bei Einsatz von,9 + The portion of a fluid power system ,9 +the construction of piles and pile caps within Lake Lothing supporting piers and ,3 +"manufacturer, ",3 +jedes einzelnen Vordrucks anhand der von der Bundesdruckerei angebrachten Nummerierung,3 +can be carried out if defects or cracks are suspected.,9 +LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ,7 +"wenn das zugeteilte Kennzeichen auf einem Kennzeichenschild nach Absatz 1, 2 Satz 1, 2 und 3 Halbsatz 1,",9 +"balloon, any kite weighing not more than two kilograms, any small unmanned aircraft and any ",9 +The throttle or power lever on some helicopters is not located ,9 +"punches vary in both size and point design, while hollow ",9 +"The self-locking, threaded Hi-Lok$^{®}$ collar has an internal ",9 +attrezzatura ,3 +"The involvement and accountability of management and labor, and",3 +Packing bar. ,9 +RECTANGULAR COURSE,7 +"is brought forward, the jaw automatically raises and holds ",9 +"proposé) de ces matériels n'excède pas 800,-€ HTVA (prix net, remise déduite), et que ",9 +decreases. ,9 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +"- 20 Schürfe,",3 +"inflates,",9 +Roles and Responsibilities ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +"must prevent the oil film from being squeezed out, causing ",9 +inspection is,9 +TS IMPLY SEV OR GTR TURB SEV ICE LLWS AND ,9 +"Rules on taxes, customs duties and Other Fiscal Charges ",7 +top of RV for transport.,0 +in England and Wales by a fine; or ,3 +alternative means,3 +the relevant sections. ,9 + An angle in which sheet metal is bent less than 90°.,9 + in full or ,3 +"Verbot anderer Nationalflaggen, Ausnahmen",7 +into position. It should not be pulled tighter than the relaxed ,9 +does not apply in so far as any immunity or privilege is waived by the Government of a ,3 +insurance coverage to the contracting authority. ,3 +Power lever control system. ,0 +Gefahrstoffe in der abzubrechenden Bausubstanz,7 +entitled to temporary installation and residence where the importance or the duration of the con-,3 +Internal Quality Control (QC) ,7 +contracting authority as,9 +provide a methodology for the organisation of interactive online and hybrid activities; ,3 +"alcohol. Although the regulations are quite specific, it is a ",9 +eTendering website,9 +2015/295) (“the principal Regulations”) which make provision about the charges payable under ,9 +"(excluding those listed in the preceding item, the following item and item ",3 +Details of licensed marine activities ,7 +conductor heating. Allowance must be made for ,3 +AftGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +separate and then remain parallel through the cruise and ,9 +Shipment Type 1,7 +dem AN durchzuführen. Der Auftragnehmer hat hierzu auf Anforderung den Projektleiter bzw. dessen ,9 +§ 13 Sorgfaltspflichten bei Neukonten natürlicher Personen,7 +of affected parts of the ICT Governance. ,3 +an aircraft employing RNAV. Waypoints may be a simple ,9 +balance sheet and a profit and loss statement or an income and expenditure ,3 +"induction. In general, DC alternators are lighter and more ",9 +proper edge,6 +Scroll shears are used for cutting irregular lines on the ,9 + Roundout ( Flare),7 +owned by persons each of whom has an Isle of Man connection; ,3 +Review the maintenance records of the engine being tested. ,9 +Operation of the Treatment Plant ,7 +この政令施行前に貿易等臨時措置令(昭和二十一年勅令第三百二十八号)に基く命,3 +Förderkommissionen,7 +http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/flight_info/aeronav/,9 +"For the presentation of a document, fifty centavos.",9 +Guidance on Severe Turbulence,7 +make it clear that interviews need not be conducted face-to-face. ,9 +medication can seriously impair vision. Keeping these facts ,9 +before cables are installed. ,9 +Weather-ReIated Information ,7 + Transmission and reception on the same frequency. ,9 +"areas of Ghanzi, Chobe, Kgalagadi and North East, the Members for",9 +from the contracting authority. ,3 +Further pull swages the collar ,6 +Southerly Turning Errors,7 +§ 2 Begriffsbestimmungen,7 +nach Absatz 1 unanfechtbar geworden ist. Abweichend von § 88 Nr. 7 kann die Entscheidung über die Höhe der,9 +"Responses must be clear, precise and specific to the question, as well as coherent, ",3 +List of Figures ,7 +this possibility and recognize a properly performed slip by ,9 +er appointment; ,3 +а) абзац третий изложить в следующий редакции:,9 +of the full-sized airship is attributed to scale effect. ,9 +"""(referred to as a ""certified foreign exchange bank"" in the following item)"" after ",9 +"обеспечивается контроль за осанкой, �� том числе, во время письма, рисования и",9 +weigh-off and after due consideration of existing meteorological condi›,9 +Ground Reconnaissance,7 +Weather Conditions,7 +"turn, check the pitch instruments as bank pressures ",3 +other publications.,9 +Throttle System,7 +Elaboration of a social media communication plan ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of July 31, 2015] ",7 +will necessitate ,9 +The contracting authority shall not be obliged to make any further payments to the ,3 +"AC Form 8050-1, Aircraft Registration ",3 +Used in an ATC clearance to authorize a ,9 +"Abschnitt B: berufsprofilgebende Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in der Fachrichtung",7 +on or has connived at th,9 +between side forms,9 +section 74 (exemption specified by order) of the 2009 Act. ,3 +次に定めるところにより、保管廃棄設備を設けること。,3 +Criterion 5.3.3.b): Manpower. ,7 +Primary Sludge Pumping Station,7 +will expect you to stand by on the appropriate emergency ,6 +knowledge in,9 +Article II.23.2,9 +être approuvé par le Secrétariat.,3 +enforcement of the Act and this Cabinet Order. ,3 + This leaves an open corner. If the ,9 +Air Traffic Organization (ATO) Safety Management System (SMS) Manual for SRM ,9 +should be started when your gyroplane is abeam the,9 +"Prepare damaged area hole by cutting along marks made in step c., above. Also make a ",3 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +of an atom. ,0 +Appointment to Civil Service,7 +monitors the system for a reverse current. Reverse current ,9 +SCHEDULE 12 ,7 +changing Earth’s relationship with the heavens; ,3 +"coarse, crystalline surface and the black “sooty” appearance ",9 +Another additional feature of WAAS receiv-,9 +there is less chance of damaging the rivet hole or the material ,9 +"paragraph (5) of the Act must prepare, pursuant to the provisions of Ministry ",3 +Off-Field Landing With Injury,7 +Operations in Other Countries ,7 +"A request that the responsible managers; developers; and CM, verification, and quality ",3 +"verlangt, ",9 +"In some engines, an oil injection pump is used to deliver the ",9 +of interviewee in due time (6 weeks in advance); ,3 +Tools and Maintenance Equipment ,7 +painters have finished their work. Cables may only be installed in vertical and horizontal planes and be ,9 +The criterion is applied to:,7 +the button on the transponder to identify return on the ,9 +and the balloon has no undesirable flight characteristics ,9 + For Rule 61 substitute— ,9 +ACCOUNT HOLDER'S DATA,7 +- Seite 18 von 20 -,4 +elements:,9 +10.27.Leitungen ,7 +with the request,9 +Supplementary Provisions [Extract] ,7 +Unsachgemäße Errichtung elektrischer Anlagen/Betriebsmittel,7 +BACKGROUND INFORMATION ,7 +Use of results,7 +Details of licensed marine activities ,7 +Schätzgleichungen zur Berechnung des Energiegehaltes von Mischfuttermitteln,7 +the parts can be reheat treated.,9 +instructions for inspection criteria and intervals. ,9 +within the afterburner section. The turbojet ,9 +приказом Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации,9 +The sum of all quality award criteria (1 ,7 +〔平成二十四年九月十四日政令第二百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +If the manufacturer can provide evidence covering impulse voltage withstand tests for transformers of ,3 +aircraft has operating altitude reporting capability.,9 +rather than SCORR. This emphasizes the importance ,9 +excitation current. It is typically found on more complex ,9 +Detergent oil. ,9 +AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE ,7 +advisory may cause the pilot to take action after sighting the traffic either with or without,3 +In close collaboration with national authorities and in open consultation with its ,9 +oceanic route airspace. ,9 +ensuring a system for carrying out activities relevant to public relations ,3 +"in the case of any other ship to which these Regulations apply, the first anniversary of ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 108 of April 25, 1960] ",7 +a fixed amount of power available from the engine. This,9 +Lower Leg Strap Shortening,7 +Extra care must be taken to thoroughly rinse this solution from ,9 +surface. This allows for better control of the heat and allows ,9 + Many airports have L-shaped traffi c ,9 +Amendment of the Regulated Activities Order ,7 +generally requires that emissions reductions ,9 +Figure 14-35.,0 +ANGLE OF ATTACK,7 +Tailwind ,6 +Examples of canopy markings ,7 +"crisis, the number of days the officers will be away from their ",9 +"of receipt of late payment, receive default interest: ",3 +its name and the location of its principal office) ,3 +Risk Management Training for Experienced Pilots ,7 +the shortest itinerary and the minimum number of nights necessary for overnight stay ,3 +sufficient,9 +The weight must completely withdraw the ripcord pins within the available stroke. ,3 +Règlement des litiges ,7 +LNAV/VNAV minimums. Circling procedures found on ,9 +"single direction. With repeated pulses, the storage capacitor ",9 +the principal amount. ,9 +Departure Procedures,7 +本邦に派遣された外国の大使、公使その他これに準ずる使節及び本邦にある外国,3 +Anlage 17 (zu § 10 Absatz 1 und § 11 Absatz 1),7 +"Procedure for Sale of Real Estate for Taxes, etc",9 +"322 – 328,6 MHz,",9 +Termination by either party: ,7 +A mechanical control failure limits or prevents control of tail ,9 +Distress and Urgency,7 +Event/conference assistant (half/full day) ,7 +"PIC, the aircraft, the environment, and the operation. The ",9 +Descending flight can be accomplished at various airspeeds ,9 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,7 +accordance with Article I.8 of the FWC. ,3 +Internal Quality Control (QC) ,7 +"heat radiated, or otherwise dissipated, is equal to the heat ",9 +tude limits the available area. Some gyroplane designs,9 +Correlation of Land Use and Cover with Meteorological Anomalies,1 +first part of the body to reflect a diminished oxygen supply ,9 +rivet to be tapped out of the work.,3 +сотрудниками,9 + Collision Avoidance,7 +Interim meeting #3: via teleconference ,8 +具有救灾、扶贫等社会公益、道德义务性质的赠与合同或者经过公证的赠与合,9 +"conductor current, and each case has its own specific ",3 +Pilot applicants and students flying solo must have a valid ,9 + is the end of the retention period. After this date the folder ,3 +PM Emissions Modeling ,7 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +timely prior notice of such a requirement. ,3 +RUN activities LOT 2: ,3 +age and extremely resistant to change.,9 +Duration of the contract ,7 +Please make sure all required documents and evidence are submitted with your ,7 +conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals in the framework of an ,3 +"systems. Likewise, a single-pilot operation may require a ",9 +II.5.1. Form and means of communication ,7 +tool manufacturer or a micrometer and swaging ,3 +Departures from:,7 +Adjustable needle valve,6 +EU-OSHA’s resources should be utilised and referred to. ,3 +"and pan brake, also called a finger brake, is used to bend the ",9 +Straight Descents (Constant Airspeed ,7 +"purpose of assessing ground conditions (including the making of trial boreholes), receipt and ",9 + Head directly for the nearest airport and ,9 +"Civil aircraft registered in Canada or Mexico,",9 +licenses pre-existing ,3 +" INVOICES, VALUE ADDED TAX AND E-INVOICING ",7 +"has opened a tender, it becomes its property and shall be ",9 +on current military and civilian HGS displays. ,9 +a data link transmitter. The aircraft or vehicle periodically ,9 +‘the parties’) may conclude ,3 +Identifying Hazards,7 +rate of climb specific ,9 +[Figure 9-114],9 +"an aircraft from the standpoint of altitude, maneuverability, ",9 +proximity to obstacles or aircraft. ,9 +"ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯМ ВОСПИТАНИЯ И ОБУЧЕНИЯ, ОТДЫХА И",7 +"Poor planning, orientation, and/or division of attention.",3 +Requirement e),3 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +"труда лиц моложе 18 лет, а также к уборке туалетов, душевых, умывальных,",9 +Workload Management,7 +‘‘(I) that contains no active ingredient that has ,9 +TABLE DES MATIÈRES ,7 +"country flights are how good the thermals ahead are, and if they ",9 +‘‘(E) support initial emergency operations and assets ,9 +there is ample time to take action to avoid a collision. A TIS alert or TCAS traffic,3 +Article 8 - ,7 +The audit procedure is initiated on the date of receipt of the relevant letter sent by the ,9 +Impedance voltage. ,3 +PROFESSIONAL ,7 +"Die Frequenzbereiche 9 – 10 kHz, 13 553 – 13 567 kHz, 26 957 – 27 283 kHz, 40,66 – 40,70 MHz,",3 +The Lancashire County Council (Carnforth ,9 +а) строку,9 +"More powerful engines were developed, and airframe ",9 +Autopilot Systems,7 +Die Beteiligten können innerhalb eines Monats nach Zustellung des Gerichtsbescheides mündliche,9 +Work No.101,9 +Declaration of Honour (DoH) ,7 +how it applies to airport projects and actions. ,3 +Patch Bonded to Aluminum Structure,7 +glider should correct for crosswind until the tow plane ,9 +corresponding balance. ,3 +to other news agents.,3 +§ 5 Berichtsheft,7 +permanent disablement resulting from the relevant incident. ,3 +Supporting document(s)/evidence requested: ,7 +circuits between the bus and the utilization equipment.,9 +that slide over the pitch-change pin mounted in the root of,6 +Control and Refugee Recognition Act) that they possess. ,9 +shaft may fit into a splined recess in the compressor rotor hub. ,9 +"(BGBl. I S. 1328) geändert worden ist""",9 +to overcome,6 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 157 of June 10, 1960]",7 +s of their respective provinces:,9 +The auxiliary rotor,3 +requirement to submit Institutional and Individual DoIs will be specified in the award ,9 +corrected report sent out to replace an earlier report that contained an error (for example: ,3 +Technical equipment list should be agreed with EU-OSHA’s national partner (necessity of ,3 +Aircraft in Terminal Areas,7 +hängigkeit vom maximal zulässigen Sonneneintragskennwert S$_{zul}$ der transparen-,9 +Lot 4 Legal Documentation]),9 +Opening of tenders ,7 +PRINCIPAL POWERS ,7 +Table A – Losses of Cash,7 +"(hereinafter referred to as the ""Act"") (including a notification of change as set ",3 +"preserved a record pertaining to the confirmation, acts with identified ",3 +award decision,9 +what they are to do. ,9 +Swash Plate Assembly,7 +(number).” ,9 +"Flurbereinigungsbehörde dem Entschädigungsberechtigten, dem der Rechtsweg insoweit noch offensteht,",3 +axis (roll). This combined information from a single sensor ,9 +Footpath ADD/12/2 ,8 +alcohol because the effects are often unpredictable.,9 +generally,9 +Sequence for construction ,7 +"positive switch grounding, fuel mixture check, oil and fuel ",9 +Temperature Correction,7 +supporting documents listed in the relevant sections of the tender documents and which are not ,9 +"being dissolved, be construed as references to those persons who immediately before the ",9 +rovements in general.,3 +the emerging ,3 +"If no taxes shall have been paid upon the original assessment, the taxpayer",9 +"generates power into the main AC alternator armature, also ",9 +"existing Riverside Road, ",9 +Since the net work produced during the op- ,9 + An engine installed with the propeller ,9 +(financial offer template); ,3 +"designed to promote success. Positive training experiences are more apt to lead to success and motivate the learner, while negative ",9 +The duration of the assignment shall not exceed 6 months. ,3 +"In spite of these common errors, most pilots can adapt",9 +the new bridge northern approach; ,3 +Cyber Challenge,3 +static source pressure and ,3 +TS EN 10217 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes-Technical delivery conditions ,3 +"Informations- und Kommunikationssystemen,",3 +П. Общие требования,7 +Power circuit breakers shall be provided with adjustable instantaneous short circuit and overload trips relays to ,9 +Stall Region,6 +The Crown Line,7 +and judgment errors are inevitable; the most important ,3 +moving a hand back and forth across the throat.,3 +NOTAM Composition ,7 +referred to in the preceding item; and ,3 +Exceptions ,7 +Summe Pos. 8.13 (Liefern + Montieren) ,7 +"above mean sea level (MSL). Airport, terrain, and obstacle ",9 +病院、診療所及び助産所の開設,7 +be outside the vehicle with the engine turned off.,9 + TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - WHAT DOES EFSA NEED TO ,7 +glider is quickly achieved due to the rapid acceleration. Since ,9 +"paragraph (2), for “a local” substitute “an”;",3 +"localizer course, the assumption is sometimes made ",3 +II.13.8. Image rights and sound recordings,7 +"macroscale circulations. The scales interact, with feedback ",9 +Vortex Behavior,7 +services in the National Airspace System (NAS).,9 +"скорости ветра за три зимних месяца 5 и более м/с, среднемесячной температуре",9 +The manner in which persons authorized to have and keep prohibited,3 +trail edge repair is shown in ,9 +Affecting Pilot Performance,7 +"as ""X-ray units""), the notification under Article 15, paragraph (3) of the Act is ",9 +"information,",3 +"cause wear to an item and, on occasion, misuse or improper ",9 +Reviewing the Flight Route,7 +本法中下列用语的含义: ,9 +Learning (Deep Learning),3 +INITIAL SETUP: ,7 +1.a) 1. Zwischenzahlung – Nach Abgabe und Genehmigung der Projektierungsun-,7 +Наружные ,9 +True static atmosphere connection,6 + ....................................................................,8 +Number on Your Aircraft,7 +"deviation, while the horizontal bar cue of the “cross­",3 +Marker Beacons,7 +There are two significant factors involved in the design ,9 +be requested to provide to Europol a list of all pre-existing,3 +"way radio communication capability. For this reason, a pilot ",9 +from 60 ˚F to 61˚F.,9 +maintenance ,3 +Other communication activities ,7 +Pressurized Fuel/Oil/,6 +Submission phase (before the time-limit for receipt of tenders) ,7 +Article 6 of the Supplementary Provisions) which were conducted prior to the ,3 +$^{COMPLIANCE WITH ICAO ST}$AND,6 +"3.6.1. Наличие собственной территории, набор помещений определяются",9 +sary to maintain steady level flight at various ,9 +Riser Protective ,6 +by time synchronization command over NTP server.,3 +March 2016. Such strategies lacked clear and measurable time bound objectives. ,9 +Sill beam,6 +AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—Section 2813(i) ,9 +INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENTS ,7 +Conducting an IFR Flight,7 +The Councils and Secretary,7 +Who seeks a recreational pilot or sport,9 +"rolls grip the metal and carry it to the rear roll, which curves ",9 +"weather and other elements that generate risk. For example, an instructor might suggest that a pilot consider the risk management ",9 +is published alongside that instrument at http://www.legislation.gov.uk ,9 +plate bearing tests ,3 +"tenders, the ",9 +Foreign Exchange Stabilisation Fund ,7 +supplemental budgets.,9 +simultaneously may be pursued in the di,9 +"back is the cambered or curved side of the blade, similar to ",9 +determining the diameter of a relief hole is to use the radius ,9 +Offenses Against Provisions of Notarial Law,7 +PRELIMINARY ,7 +"Article 27 and 28 from the Framework Agreement$^{1}$, signed on 11$^{th}$ of February 2015 ",7 +released from the pack.,9 +feedback from,9 +"a float strut, if one is not there already. Then taxi the",9 +第十二条の十第二項第二号及び第四号の請求に係る費用に関する事項,3 +"oder von entsprechenden Proben,",3 +I.6.5. Trattenuta di garanzia ,7 +and participating VFR aircraft.,3 +Secrétariat général ,9 +rivet shank will then turn with the drill and tear the ,3 +: HDPE (PE100) or PPRC,8 +'Grave professional misconduct': ,9 +HEADING CONTROL,7 +Property.,9 +"If the contractor enters into a subcontract without approval, the contracting authority may, ",3 +(ii) matters concerning the preservation of documents and books on the ,3 +"curred. Similarly, at speeds ",9 +"Betriebswirtschaftliches Handeln,",3 +Hi-Lok$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +"témoins,organes",6 +site' (Contractor’s premises). Based on ,3 +the FAA. This action insures that the approved/certificated ,9 +[Official address in full] ,9 +The source of operating air for deice boot systems varies with ,9 +instrument and directed at vanes on the gyro rotor. A suction ,9 +"agreement and the reform of the sector. Indeed, Ukraine is currently engaged in a sectoral reform ",9 +"Published RNAV routes, including",9 +carried out without impacting the safety of NAS operations.,3 +A complete cycle of planning usually includes several ,9 +correlati,9 +interference fit holes for aluminum structure and a clearance ,9 +"radar (MMWR). In 2004, 14 CFR part 91, section 91.175 ",9 +publications receives immediate dissemination by the ,9 +flow down through the rear of the rotor system is more horizontal. ,0 +Preliminary Pages,7 +Terminal Procedures Publications,7 +"открытия сезона информируют территориальные органы, уполномоченные на",9 +"and human resources, with the demand from internal and external stakeholders and ",3 +regarding the location of points on the compass. Turn ,3 +The misperception of being ,9 +based approaches will,9 +Figure 3-7. ,0 +installations: ,9 +"Direct Communications, Controllers and",7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 189 of April 1, 2016] ",7 +Verschiedenheit ihrer Beteiligung kann nach Ermessen des Gerichts die Beteiligung zum Maßstab genommen,9 +All pilots must be alert to the potential for midair collision ,9 +" is pushed ON, the ",9 +at an airport within Class B airspace or operate a civil,9 +the bottle squib and releases the fire extinguishing agent into ,9 +号ハ中「及び第三号」とあるのは「に掲げる貨物のうち、北朝鮮を仕向地とするもの,3 +Data connection configuration may require the creation/enhancement of scraping ,9 +Figure 2-3. Aerodynamic terms of an airfoil.,0 +been in the Isle of Man or by an Island person includes a reference to a case where— ,9 +because it highlights inputs and outputs for each process and relationships to other ,9 +"VIF filled in in Excel, and ",3 +Hygiene und Desinfektion,3 +stratosphere contains the ozone layer that protects the earth’s ,9 +"""conflit d'intérêts""",9 +the action of the air on various shapes together with the values of ,9 +LIMITATION,9 +the information or documents remain confidential unless:,3 +Such checks and audits may be initiated at any moment during the ,9 +cc up through 2276 cc. All the engine kits are built from ,9 +"This province also contains the following townships: Banayoyo, Bato,",9 +Whereas the National Air and Space Museum opened on the Amer-,3 +this article is entitled to compensation in accordance with the terms of section 152 (compensation ,9 +(Contractor’s premises),3 +Reynolds numbers and an effect ,9 +"Event assistant(s) to run cloakroom, registration process on-site, handing out material ",7 +E-invoicing ,7 +aesthetics ,9 +Aircraft Instrument ,7 +Construction Emission Inventory for Criteria Pollutants ,3 +IFR operations or passenger numbers. The configuration of ,9 +cleared through an MOA if IFR separation can be provided by ,9 +Signed declaration on Honour on Selection criteria. ,3 +Article 9-24 The administrator of a core clinical research hospital shall ,3 +Full official name,9 +the repair of a sandwich honeycomb structure discussed in ,9 +〔平成二十四年三月三十日政令第九十六号〕〔抄〕,7 +o=altitude density ratio ,9 + This spar is made ,9 +"Finanzholding-Gesellschaft tatsächlich führt, nicht zuverlässig ist oder nicht die zur Führung der Geschäfte",9 +Prüfungsbereiche,3 +Drinking water ,7 +The order establishes the NEPA ,3 +– Situations of exclusion concerning the person,7 +durch Bestätigungen von Behörden oder Begutachtungsstellen für Fahreignung oder durch die,3 +The tasks shall be executed at the premises of [the contractor] and/or [the ,9 +"you. Inputs to the cyclic should be smooth and controlled, ",9 +cause of the premature rise of pressure toward ,9 +increases angle of attack,6 +"as VOR airways, are predicated solely on VOR or",9 +The Weight-Shift Control (WSC) Aircraft Flying Handbook introduces the basic pilot knowledge and skills that are essential ,9 +ARRANGEMENT/COORDINATION OF INTERVIEWS ,7 +"approach attitude to a landing attitude, gradually rounding ",9 +programming and operation of these devices are fairly ,9 + Dope thinner that ,9 +At the aerodynamic ,9 +Delegation of the European Union ,7 +"Zugang zu sonstigen Aufzeichnungen und deren Auswertung,",3 +[Figure 16-17] ,9 +[1698-2 (,9 +"of accident, fidelity, employer's liability, pla",3 +"and Decision No 1247/2002/EC. Unless indicated otherwise, any personal data will be ",9 +Herstelleranweisungen und Montageanleitungen umsetzen zu können bzw. an das ,9 +Select emission source characteristics ,3 +" Access to Microstrategy software stack, ",3 + Ability of an aircraft to change directions ,9 +the ground until the airplane decelerates. As the airplane’s ,9 +should rely on appropriate and current aeronautical,9 +to the sensor. Device shall have an ,9 +"of an application filed under section 571, such master file ",9 +with appurtenant small islands. It contains the following municipalities: ,9 +第八による届出書を経済産業大臣に提出しなければならない。,3 +wire electrical systems. Bonding jumpers and clamps are ,9 +The first element of the flight the chase crew must know is the ,9 +Governance (WP 1.1) ,7 +"Kennzeichen oder Beleuchtungseinrichtungen, die mit dem Kennzeichen eine Einheit bilden oder bei der sich das",9 +In this scenario rack SNL-1-2 is connected to the SNL office spaces with copper cables. ,9 +SEVERABILITY ,7 +Pitot/Static Instruments,7 +Requirement d),3 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 29.04.2002,9 +"ground. The pilot must take this into account and, if possible, ",9 +Figure 3-44,9 +Transmitting magnesyn,6 +Supplementary Provisions ,7 +nozzle(s). ,9 +Wide-body transport category aircraft cabins may have more ,9 +"appropriate landing gear height, increase the collective ",9 +under sub-paragraph (1). ,9 +SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCUREMENT ,7 +§ 20 Ständige Förderkommissionen,7 +項を記載した書面を経済産業大臣に提出しなければならない。,3 +An ammeter or loadmeter is used to monitor the,9 +"grafici, sottotitoli, audio; ",3 +Satzung der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht,7 +Number on Your Aircraft,7 +de le mettre à la disposition des contractants ou sous-traitants agissant au nom du pouvoir ,3 +Data streams should employ mechanisms to minimise the impact of changes in ,3 +Shipment Type 2,7 +single-needle machine. Backstitch at the corners for ,3 +Workload or Task Management,7 +"in applicable Advisory Circulars, or by NOTAM.",9 +The “Sub folder” ,9 +This order is governed by Framework Contract No __________ ,6 +exiting the aircraft) primarily by independent CO2,9 +The contract shall not be considered to have been performed in full until the final ,3 +Note that there are optional fuel storage configurations ,9 +SINGLE DIRECTION ROUTES- Preferred IFR ,9 +This formula has more definite physical interpreta›,9 +Check seat belt attachment and seatbelt operation. ,3 +Inability to direct attention outside the powered ,3 +angle of attack.,9 +between waypoints defined in terms of latitude/longitude ,9 +A heavier-than-air flying machine that ,9 +" In case of candidates from outside the Eurozone, the amount of turnovers shall be calculated using exchange ",1 +widerspricht und er vom Gericht auf diese Folge hingewiesen worden ist.,9 +B.2.4.2 Emission Factors ,7 +Temperature Variations in Repair Zone,7 +財団法人に関する法律第二百七十八条第三項の厚生労働省令で定める方法は、次に掲,3 +can be used in either clearance or interference-fit holes.,9 +can lure you to skip the preflight weather briefing. Time ,9 + Cooling Systems ,7 +has to be replaced in flight. Caution lights on the instru-,9 +Flyer to a modern jet airliner. ,9 +"climb. The wings of aircraft are designated left and right, ",9 +"Cyanosis (blue fingernails and lips),",3 +"page a few inches backward and forward, and the black ",3 +Valve Controls ,3 +Forces that produce a twisting or rotating mo-,3 +by the type of display installed in an aircraft. Pilots can obtain ,9 +Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace (right). The photograph ,0 +Other acceptable alternatives to RTCA DO-278A exist for conducting software development assurance.,1 +is responsible,3 +" superior authority, shall be fined not",9 +Im Fall des Absatzes 4 Nummer 1 gilt Absatz 1 Satz 2 entsprechend. Im Fall des Absatzes 4 Nummer 2 sowie,9 +"reaching VFR-on-top, reclears the aircraft to",9 +The third point at which to review the 5 Ps is the midpoint ,9 +"triangle, and hot knife",3 +"used. Generally,",9 +on a splined shaft when either the front or rear cone contacts ,9 +SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO FUR-,7 +oil flows under pressure to the propeller hub and drives the ,9 +reference for bank control. ,9 +"on conviction on information, to custody for a term not exceeding 10 years or to a ",3 +Minimum requirements for the organisation of awareness-raising support to ,7 +Northerly Turning Errors,7 +– SITUAZIONI DI ESCLUSIONE RIGUARDANTI LE PERSONE FISICHE O GIURIDICHE CHE SI ,7 +Layup Techniques,7 + Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection ,1 +Final meeting,8 +Departing the surface in an attitude that is too nose-,3 +conveyances to complete the chain of ownership ,9 +"at the control position, immediately upon the bilge water reaching the relevant level; ",3 +"turning in the direction of the displacement. Thus, if",9 +の区域として病院及び診療所における入院に係る医療(第三十条の二十八の七に規,3 +MELDUNG DER,7 +Incorporation of the Railway Clauses Acts ,7 +not necessary nor expected by ATC. If pilots elect to,9 +"Geht aus der Selbstauskunft nach Absatz 2 hervor, dass der Kontoinhaber in einem meldepflichtigen Staat",9 +consumption data,3 +10.11.Haftung ,7 +"for example, the idle speed is 600 rpm, the first curve might ",9 +VFR aircraft are:,9 +"there has been an inheritance or merger of the organizer of a birthing center, ",3 +十条第二項第三号に規定する厚生労働省令で定める財産は、当該地域医療連携推進法,3 +"fortably tolerate large prolonged negative “g”, ",9 +Checklist of Pages,7 +"tion, wind shears and microbursts.",9 +Fire Detection System Maintenance,7 +Redazione del fascicolo tecnico e marchiature CE ove necessario.,9 +(See VERTEX TIME OF ARRIVAL.) ,9 +purpose and shall provid,9 +"alert cannot be mandated, but it can be expected on a",9 +SRM Panel Deliberations ,7 +OIL OUTLET ,6 +Short breaks ,7 +The Maldives; ,3 +OPERATING STRENGTH LIMITATIONS ,7 +"until the waypoint is overflown, and is followed by either ",9 +Master’s responsibility in relation to directions ,3 +the parties receives ,9 +"“watercourse” includes all rivers, streams, ditches, drains, canals, cuts, culverts, dykes, ",9 +at the occasion the person is participating in. ,3 +Annual inspection.,9 +"№ 48530), с изменениями, внесенными приказом Министерства науки",9 +double the specihtfuel consumption. As an ,9 +"unreasonably withheld or delayed and, in any event, shall be deemed to be given if not ",3 +"be further increased by $36,000,000.’’; and ",9 +Contractor’s tender,7 +Make a locking stow. ,0 +the proper landing attitude and the proper touchdown ,9 +The courts of Barbados have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute regarding the ,3 +"Identification, invitation and briefing of journalists/experts ",7 +Exemptions ,7 +registration number,7 +Pneumatic Deice Boot System for GA Aircraft,7 +the quantity of X-rays other than usable beams becomes equal to the ,3 +PM Emissions Modeling ,7 +Lot 3: Organisation of corporate events ,7 +Interpretation ,7 +400 Hz. If the frequency strays more than 10 percent from ,9 +—(1) If a ship to which these Regulations apply does not meet the requirements of regulation ,9 +Court of Auditors;,6 +"it does not hold the necessary rights, regardless of when and by whom this fact is revealed.",9 +Ranil Jayawardena,9 +It is not uncommon for the landing run from touch-,9 +wing as it rotates about its vertical axis. ,9 +of other instruments. Fixation on a single instrument usu-,9 +"wegen gestatten, sich während einer mündlichen Verhandlung an einem anderen Ort aufzuhalten und dort",9 +前三号の業務を行うために保有する財産(前三号に掲げる財産を除く。),3 +登録分析機関は、事故等分析事業を実施したときは、次に掲げる事項,3 +Strahlenschutzbelehrung / Gefahrstoffbelehrung ,7 +Target resolution.,9 +"ly accounted for, shall be transferred by the provincial",9 +The front and rear rolls are grooved to permit forming of ,9 +"For the entry of a change of any circumstance relating to a private merchant,",9 +LEFT or RIGHT position allows fuel to feed only from the ,9 +ounce of refrigerant to be lost per ,9 +power setting to maintain airspeed and ,9 +Work Nos. 40 and 42 ,8 +IAW WP 0011 00. ,3 +"subassemblies of the propeller assembly are the barrel, ",9 +厚生労働大臣は、事故等分析事業の実施のため必要な限度において、,3 +II.13.7. Moral rights of creators ,7 +Frequency,6 +Installation of Rivets,7 +responsibilities of the persons involved in implementing Parts 2 and 3 of this Order. This Schedule ,9 +"№ 36160) с изменениями, внесенными приказами Минздрава России 09.01.2018 № 2н (зарегистрирован Минюстом России",1 +the likelihood of compressor ,9 +"Turns around a point, as a training maneuver, is a logical ",9 +the date upon which the taxes became delinquent upon the original assessment.,9 +must record,3 +accommodation facilitated by the Secretary of State for the purposes of P’s self-isolation; ,3 +Chapter 5—Preflight and Ground,7 +"furniture and utensils necessary for housekeeping, and",3 +Rapid link covers (soft link covers),3 +"any contractors, servants or agents of the undertaker) is authorised by this Order if it is done in ",9 +Rotary Machine,7 +GS needle indications) or in the need for a very high ,3 +You are required to contact ATC if you are unable to,3 +and currently installed components.,3 +Frequenzbereich 960 – 1 215 MHz.,3 +is gained. Continue to accelerate. As effective translational ,9 +〔昭和二十七年十二月二十六日政令第五百号〕,7 +(一)因重大误解订立的; ,9 +Using faulty trim technique.,3 +the public health will not be endangered thereby.,9 +means to reduce safety risk must be approved by the designated management officials,3 +pay the same wit,9 +"Peat, timber and perishable material; ",3 +"enough to circulate freely at cold temperatures, yet heavy ",9 +agent or contractor responsible for carrying out any of the authorised development on behalf of the ,9 +"Number of batches produced, weight and kind of cement used, volume of concrete placed, ",3 +Accounts and Accounting,7 +Managing payment based on real costs ,7 +general budget of the Union $^{1}$. At the request of the ,9 +§ 24 Wiederholung der Prüfung,7 +the basis of transnational packages ,9 +Qualifications for membership of ,7 +Technical tender. ,3 +rate and to prevent a stall. This is done while still at a high ,9 +"may be capable of achieving steady, level flight ",9 +tion. This error,9 +operations may differ. VFR antennae are typically,9 +"Regulation (EU) 2018/1725,",9 +"426–438; 42 U.S.C. 2451 et seq.), to declare a policy of peaceful ",3 +"plan or survey made by him is defective, incorrect or substantially erroneous,",9 +"Bei der Ausbildung auf Fahrzeugen der Klassen A1, A2, A, AM und T muss eine geeignete technische",9 +Substitute Means of Navigation when a Very,9 +the number of strands in the wire or cable.,9 +in the provision of,3 +for service life. ,9 +oil since even minute amounts of oil on ignition parts result ,9 +Unusual Attitude Recovery Protection,7 +service in case of absence of the member of the team; the quality system ,3 +Octane rating. ,9 +. Note that the ,9 +Actuation line ,6 +operation of GSE vary depending on the number and type of ,9 +maintain the planing attitude immediately after touch-,9 +"In considering whether, and to what extent, to exercise the power in paragraph (3), the Board ",9 +When using combination skis to land on solid ice with-,9 +"or mail. In such a case, the sending party is not held in breach of its obligation to send such ",9 +through the turbine.,3 +"duties, by personal inspection whenever possible, from reports which he may",9 +"proceeding of any sort, such service shall be deemed to be service in regular course",9 +ISBN 978-0-34-822338-5,6 +"Repeat step 3., for B, C, and D line groups. ",3 +"Microphones, sound, Laptop/PC, beamer ",7 +Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZ) land and ,3 +Ground Access Vehicles ,7 +to continue to make follow-ups with the Accounting Officers in the ,9 +Preparation of Ground ,7 +"traduzione, inserimento di sottotitoli, doppiaggio in diverse versioni linguistiche: ",3 +any document shall fail to certify the fact of the payment of the cedula tax by the,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 266 of July 29, 2016] ",7 +measured.,9 +II.19.1. Fatture e imposta sul valore aggiunto ,7 +"Pocket, FF-2",6 +to NO$_{2 }$ (see ,9 +or - with regard to the ,3 +"service in the free wards thereof, shall have a right of priority in admission to such",9 +Radio License ,7 +§ 10b Personalgewinnungszuschlag,7 +iii. facts referred to in decisions of entities or persons being entrusted ,6 +ports make oil flow between the constant speed drive and ,9 +"EARTH WORKS, PIPE WORKS AND GROUND IMPROVEMENT",7 +Operating the Jet Engine,7 +§ 2 Mautgebührenerhebung durch Private; Verordnungsermächtigung,7 +The evidence pertains to: ,7 +minimum power required is 12 percent lower ,9 +seen for the first time (excluding those seen on holidays or at night; the ,9 +Many brake assemblies contain a built-in wear indicator ,9 +have already been included in the replaced tender. ,1 +ELENCO ATTREZZATURA MINIMA ,7 +Altitude selected to,6 +Price and Estimated budget breakdown ,7 +with an external load.,9 +" INVOICES, VALUE ADDED TAX AND E-INVOICING ",7 +“the Act” means the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000; ,9 +Abschnitt IV,7 +Abschnitt 9,7 +affect the landing distance because of the ,9 +databases to be updated for VFR navigation. It is not,9 +судоходства,9 +Intellectual property rights,7 +performance and,6 +time. This may be helpful for the pilot who may be doing ,9 +must be accompanied ,9 +"Fournitures,",7 +shall be executed if the required visual reference has not ,9 +Quality standards ,7 +approach can be made directly from a specified,9 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM),7 +"Unregelmäßigkeiten im Fahrbetrieb durch Störungen,",3 +gradually shallow the bank during the remaining 90° of the ,9 +disinfection at night as well as for security of staff manning the gates. ,3 +Losflansch mit Bund DN 250 ,7 +SRM Panel Deliberations ,7 +Nimmt eine andere als die für das Kennzeichen zuständige Zulassungsbehörde die Außerbetriebsetzung des,9 +BANK STAMP + SIGNATURE OF BANK REPRESENTATIVE ,6 +effects of visual illusions on approach and landing. Some ,9 +"control systems, AC power lines, and voltage regulators ",9 +measuring instrument to change the direction of movement ,9 +[Figure 6-15],9 +for high altitude operation. ,9 +to drive the compressor in reciprocating engine turbochargers ,9 +Crosswind climb flightpath.,0 +Hi-Lok$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +关键信息基础设施的运行安全,7 +design changes to the system. ,9 +reduction in line resistance increases the size and ,3 +The contracting authority makes any conversion between the euro and another currency at the daily ,9 +sa décision finale de réduire le paiement et le montant correspondant. ,3 +Flight Operations in Volcanic Ash,7 +"Province,",9 +the master file holder authorizes the incorporation in writing. ,9 +The FAA is dedicated to improving the safety of United ,9 +"cargo, etc.). GSE consist of aircraft tugs, air start units, ",9 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +"examinations,",9 +Omit article 1(2)(a). ,9 +Venezuela ,9 +System initialization—pilots should confirm that ,3 +a laboratory which is accredited by UKAS to ISO standard 15189 or ISO/IEC standard ,3 +security requirements and operational roles ,7 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 2 ",7 +〔昭和三十五年六月十日政令第百五十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +"until a standstill period of 10 (ten) calendar days has elapsed, running from the day after the ",9 +Property Leases – Botswana Police Service ,7 +regulation 15 and “assessed” is to be construed accordingly; ,9 +I.14.5 Signature of contracts pending receipt of eligibility documents,7 +Tandem rotor (sometimes referred to as dual rotor) helicopters ,9 +Thermocouple Placement,7 +Invoices and value added tax ,7 +Concerning [,7 +Windshield,6 +"1998 (c. 31), paragraph 60 of Schedule 9 to the Learning and Skills Act 2000 (c. 21), by paragraph 6 of Schedule 7 and ",1 +"They amend Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Fees and ",9 +General Information (Section 1),7 +Frequency ,8 +"“The following types of projectors, when specially designed or modified for ",9 +UNCONTROLLED COPY WHEN DOWNLOADED ,4 +(ii) the prevention or detection of serious crime in the United Kingdom or ,3 +For the sake of clarity: ,9 +Description of the services LOT 3: COVID-19 vaccine-related studies in ,7 +"reciprocating engine oil must possess, its viscosity is most ",9 +low-level significant weather prognostic chart. ,9 +the quantity of X-rays other than usable beams becomes equal to the ,3 +the participant's contact person indicated in the register. It is the responsibility of the ,9 +While poor decision-making in everyday life does not always ,9 +evidence of,3 +Touchdown,6 +the functions of the office ,3 +"alerts, significant precipitation, convective activity",9 +im Bundesgebiet bei allen Holzartengruppen voraussichtlich mindestens 20 vom Hundert oder bei,3 +contains three generators: the exciter generator (armature ,9 +Zahlungen werden in EUR oder in der in Artikel I.7 genannten Währung geleistet.,9 +submitted with the invoice.,3 +web highlights aim to promote activities and projects of campaign partners (national focal ,3 +"an appendaged envelope, less than 10 percent of the total ",9 +информирует территориальные органы федерального органа исполнительной,9 +Arrears of Revenue ,7 +the brake housing when the brakes are applied is sometimes ,9 +Shunt field,6 +Form 1: Candidate/tenderer general information,7 +Pilot-Induced Roll Oscillations During Launch,7 +Bei den Finanzgerichten können Richter auf Probe oder Richter kraft Auftrags verwendet werden.,9 +[Figure 3-30],9 +tions such information it may deem appropriate; in-,9 +"to corrosion grindouts,",9 +"Flugsicherheit dienen, benutzt.",3 +Fahrerlaubnis,7 +Exhaust Gas Temperature Indicator (EGT),7 +"for performance of the contract, for example by producing an undertaking on the part of those entities to ",9 +Figure 14-3. ,0 +"If the fire warnings do not go away with the switch out, ",9 +ge of the fourth branch of the Court of,9 +component that allows the gyroplane to remain aloft.,9 +Bungee Cord,7 +"When properly applied, SRM is a key component of ADM. ",9 +Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Helideck/Heliport,7 +Article II-22 ,7 +beforethe dissolution may be appointed as a Minister or an Assistant Minister. ,3 +of the powered parachute’s inertia and weight. The ,9 +Established Airspeed,8 +Amendment of the Customs Tariff (Establishment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 ,7 + Ground Effect,7 +Assessment of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among healthcare workers,9 +avoid the area directly behind and below the,9 +"In the case of motor vehicles, a motor vehicle emissions budget in the approved SIP can only be ",9 +The contracting authority shall notify the contractor of the name and address of the ,3 +"§ 12 Haushaltsplan, Rechnungslegung",7 +Europol Public Information,7 +Sampling Equipment ,7 +contractor must replace any ,3 +"angrenzenden Flächen, für die Verkehrssicherungspflicht besteht. Vom Auftragnehmer ist der ",9 +to year round work and plans to make rigging a full time ,9 +a corkscrew fashion. One wing is stalled and the other is ,9 +Page 3 of 36 ,4 +Procedural Notes ,7 +"Eventually, failure can ",9 +fuel from the auxiliary tank to the engine on the same side. ,9 +106. Appeal to Court of Appeal ,7 +APPENDICE B: SEGNALAZIONE DI INFORTUNIO (FACSIMILE) ,7 +the nose of the aircraft making a figure eight on the horizon as ,9 +Contracting Authority ,7 +"establishments,",3 +landing the cart. The cart and the parachute’s move-,9 +Attitude Indicator,7 +"Klagebegehren nicht hinausgehen, ist aber an die Fassung der Anträge nicht gebunden. In dem Urteil sind die",9 +Draft Framework Service contract ,3 +Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11A) Addendum: ,7 +innovation projects.,3 +"application, it is common practice to allow for ease in ",9 +Article 3 - ,7 +should employ scenarios that emphasize risk management aspects of operating advanced aircraft in the National Airspace System. In ,9 +ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT ,7 +(non-certificated).,9 +Contractor’s initials: ,4 +part of the learner. The instructor should always have a plan. ,0 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of January 7, 2017; provided, however, ",3 +洗浄設備及び更衣設備が設けられ、汚染の検査のための放射線測定器及,3 +by the using agency. Permanent restricted areas are ,9 +Kevlar®..........................................................................7-4,8 +can obtain the traffic pattern altitude for an airport from the ,9 +§ 18 Fahrten im internationalen Verkehr,7 +Technical Specifications (Annex II). ,3 +revised)) equipment while the aircraft remains in Air,9 +phase of flight that the principles of steady ,9 +carcass may be repairable during retread. Exposed sidewall ,9 +Voraussichtlicher Beginn der Arbeiten ............................................................... ,3 +Variable Restrictor,7 +omit paragraph (2). ,3 +the north and south poles of the magnetic field. The generator ,9 +Teledyne Continental 0-200 Engine,7 +"heat, the current through the conductor must be maintained ",9 +Facilities for Contractor's Personnel ,7 +"sequence. The NIIN consists of the last nine digits of the NSN, i.e. ",3 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +adjust the setscrews until the metal is clamped securely and ,9 + or to take ,3 +– The construction of a non-motorised user footway (including provisions for ,9 +When making use of the ,9 +"environment”,",9 +COLLISION AVOIDANCE AT NIGHT,7 +weapons status to approach information can be shown ,9 +the heater exhaust pipe. Air flowing over the outside of the ,9 +of the American people to increase humankind’s understanding ,3 +(iv) a HAPs,9 +obligatoires. Une ,3 +Electron Control Valves,7 +defined by an Act of Parliament.,9 + — Appointments to the position of chief or assistant chief of a,9 +waypoint in the route. This can be prevented by,9 +"four numbers and one suffix letter (N1000A), or one ",9 +be able to make the landing prior to the turn rate becoming ,9 +A sampling port in the lowest part of the ,9 +"importantly, currents and winds or atmospheric circulation ",9 +were provided,9 +collected by the National Center for Environmental,9 +because (for this scenario) the direction of the wind is slightly ,9 +"maturen (zu § 14, Absatz 5) der baulichen Erweiterung",7 +Specific Contract ,3 +Ground‑based Facilities............................................5‑14,8 + FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ORDER FORM,7 +Amounts of fixed penalties ,7 +SUSPENSION LINES—Lines that run from several ,3 +"Parks, and Forest Service Areas",7 +"Charts, subparagraph a7(b), Approach with Vertical",9 +Figure 16-2. ,0 +"Fitness im Fahrdienst, Stressbewältigung.",3 +Fuel-Injection Pump,7 +– SITUAZIONI DI ESCLUSIONE RIGUARDANTI LE PERSONE FISICHE O GIURIDICHE CHE SI ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 115 of April 27, 1973]",7 +"misinterpreting the heading indicator, or to confusion ",3 +CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +この政令は、第五号施行日(平成二十九年四月一日)から施行する。,9 +Authority.,9 +"gives 125° as the reciprocal of 305°; therefore, execute ",3 +Decision-Making ,7 +the safe conduct of the flight. Diverting from cruise altitude ,9 +planning and reliance on one receiver instead of on all ,3 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +Portfolio Safety Strategy ,3 +engine power controls.,0 +§ 18 Zulassung,7 +Ground Test,7 +"material,",9 +magnetic compass difficult to interpret. ,9 +Licensing of any pre-existing,3 +Chapter 3,8 +be hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft. The purpose of ,9 +"depositary was maintained, the officer having such an account shall render a report",9 +but the reduction in partial pressure of oxygen at high altitude ,9 +Figure 3-18. ,0 +administratives ,7 +"to 3.0°, the spacing between those outer runways and the ",9 +Commission to increase the budget for promotion and help the tourism sector to enhance its ,9 +Reviewing the Flight Route,7 +AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE ,7 +acknowledge the ,9 +rod to be used is governed by the thickness of the metals to ,9 +Perform proper needle fold,3 +Contractor detailed plant design. The survey is,9 +"mains, with the third wheel under the nose. Early auto-",9 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +properties of a wing from the aerodynamic ,9 +both types of convective thunderstorms. Circulation around ,9 +"En pareil cas, le signataire déclare que la personne a déjà fourni la même déclaration relative ",9 +higher than,9 +"in the bays, harbors, rivers, and inland waters navigable from the sea shall be",9 +are attached for each component of the wing. As shown in ,9 +"feature common to all units, creates the temptation to program ",9 +Quiz/e-interaction with participants – 2 formats: online and ,7 +(See FIG 10,9 +or of Public Works to the lowest responsible,9 +requirements set in Table 2-1.,9 +Folding a Box,7 +"[355-107, 158, 181, 271, 272, 274; Cooley's Blackstone, p. 315.]",9 +who are unable to accept a PRM approach may be subject ,9 +"software plans, standards, and the PSAA not covered elsewhere in the SAS. ",3 +No management response. ,7 +can be modified to avoid those causes. ,9 +费,并应当承担违约责任;实施专利或者使用技术秘密超越约定的范围的,违反约,9 +LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ,7 +Any approval of Cadent required under sub-paragraph (2)— ,9 +Möglichkeiten der beruflichen Fortbildung nennen,8 +"row 196 of Appended Table 1, the provisions revising item (i) and item (iii) of the ",9 +of balances and movements mentioned on the bank statements may for privacy reasons be ,3 +"documents révisés ou de la réalisation des vérifications complémentaires requises, notamment des ",9 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +Tender Specifications ,7 +in relation to the horizon bar or horizon line before takeoff. ,9 +обыкновенныеә,9 +"side, as in airplane roll control. ",3 +comparable ,9 +ED/53/2014,9 +Appendix E: Log Book Endorsement Formats (page E-1) ,7 +plan to adjust the descent angle accordingly if the,9 +amounts provided under this heading shall be used for the provision ,9 +that the airplane has great excess strength ,9 +continued high rate of turn would ,9 +defined parts of the contract. ,3 +"(ii) by striking ‘‘$35,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$50,000’’; ",9 +along line EC. Combustion is initiated by a ,9 +Vortex Behavior,7 +This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation. ,9 +between busier airports to increase system efficiency ,9 +Provide drain holes at the lowest point in a conduit ,3 +Manual Descent Calculations,7 +disappear. ,3 + condition.,9 +Light sport aircraft and aircraft that are certificated in the ,9 +geophysical investigations (where required by Code for Infrastructure Works in Disaster Are-,3 +Overvoltage Protection,7 +secured to the tray and ladder by means of ultra-violet stabilised tie-wraps at the necessary intervals ,9 +COLLISION AVOIDANCE AT NIGHT,7 +Pulling the ,9 +§ 10a Stellenzulage,7 +"The fuel control delivers the fuel to the distribution manifold, ",9 + Basic Pilot Eligibility,7 +the provincial buildings. The Co,9 +rivets usually eliminates the necessity of filing and center ,9 +PICKETERS ,8 +power required predominates at low speeds ,9 +Bottom Skin ,6 +the tow rope has a breaking strength more than twice the ,9 +Security requirements for ECHA,7 +Arrival at the landing party. ,3 +the final approach fix altitude (when lower) may not,9 +"gross weight greater than 100,309 pounds",9 +) See paragraph 5 of Schedule 3A (the electronic communications code) to the Communications Act 2003 (c. 21). Schedule ,1 +which a helicopter can be landed safely in the event of an ,9 +"Article 2 (1) With regard to the case where payment, etc. (which refers to ",3 +Vacuum Systems,7 +Daten durch uns und Ihre Rechte aus dem Datenschutzrecht geben. ,9 +"than one million euros, compensation for damages resulting from the contractor's liability ",9 +"Fahrer/Beifahrer, Fahrzeug",7 +(INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) ,7 +Engine fire,6 +GROUND REFERENCE MANEUVERS,7 +A lock switch circuit can be added to the basic DC selsyn synchro system when used to indicate landing gear position and ,0 +"in harmony, and achievement of safety is impossible. ",9 +that the person has created an entity under a different jurisdiction with ,6 +Workload or Task Management,7 +"of them up to 800 words, based on the topics agreed in the above-mentioned editorial calendar ",3 +"121.23, Ard-",9 +References ,7 +Machine sewing 1 (build shot bags using templates and perform sewingpractise drills),3 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +Navigation log.,0 +known perforation operation or observing the white,9 +Conduct the Slack Checker Test (WP 0011 00) and Stroke Simulator Test (WP 0013 00). ,3 +"breakup, while other atmospheric conditions can",9 +"vertical speed, navigation tracking, and approach. ",3 +tenderer to whom the contract is to be awarded is objectively disproportionate with ,3 +Ailerons extend from about the midpoint of each wing ,9 + Collision Avoidance,7 +この政令は、平成二十四年八月一日から施行する。ただし、第四条第二項第四号の,3 +外国貿易船又は航空機が自己の用に供する船用品又は航空機用品,3 +Summary election appeal: parties ,7 +Aircraft Metal Structural Repair,7 +the contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender) that its invoice ,9 +municipalities,3 +"expected, as well as the recovery procedures. ",9 +Fire Bottle Discharge,7 +"magnetos, harnesses, and spark plugs. After reaching the ",9 + It is preferable to attach a copy of RECENT bank statement. Please note that the bank statement has to confirm all the,3 +Motor routine 1 ,7 +§ 2 Erwerbsmöglichkeit des Pächters landwirtschaftlicher Flächen,7 +"For flight conditions that do not require such close clearance, ",9 +"mast, the nose tilts up. [Figure 7-1]",9 +"As the turn progresses, the tailwind component",9 +"oder eine Unterschrift nicht oder nicht rechtzeitig anbringt,",3 +Article premier ,7 +Attitude indicator: If the horizon bar fails to remain ,3 +"officer or any judicial officer, the Governor-General, with the recommendation and",9 +le pouvoir adjudicateur a des observations à formuler sur les documents ou éléments livrables ,3 +§ 2 Meisterprüfungsberufsbild,7 +"available, labour disputes, strikes and financial difficulties may not be invoked as ",9 +Intellectual property rights ,7 +(Text der Satzung siehe: FinDASa),9 +through the governance of this FWC666. ,9 +REGION 0~ REVERSED COMMAND ,7 +"than the accident rate of fixed-wing aircraft, probably due to ",9 +образования и науки Российской Федерации от 14 июля 2017 г. № 660,9 +assures the maximum altitude gained in a minimum amount ,9 +Approach (runway),9 +the mast by drive links and is allowed to rotate with the main ,9 +to procure new services from the contractor(s) up to a maximum of 50 % of the initial ,9 +pilot manage the available information. It is important to ,9 +"technical specifications,",3 +"Service Catalogue (ECHA Intranet, under ICT pages) ",3 +Figure 3-27.,0 +「血清分離」という。)のみを行う病院等にあつては、ロに掲げる標準作業書にお,9 +contract on the basis of the tenders initially received. ,9 +requirements is either impracticable or unreasonable; and ,3 +"during very windy conditions. This technique, as shown in ",9 +Class B airspace is charted on,9 +applying magnetic variation at the waypoint to the,9 +Amendment of the School Information (England) Regulations 2008 ,7 +tant factor controlling the initial rise of pres- ,9 +"173,52 – 173,85 GHz,",9 +Primer and Paint,7 +CLARIFICATION No: 2,7 +": to complement the press conference and media actions above, ",3 +Intermeshing Rotors,7 +"and Industry No. 67 of November 5, 1987] ",7 +II.20. REVISIONE DEI PREZZI ,7 +occurrences. All NMAC reports are thoroughly,9 +garages sometimes look like hospital facilities in their ,9 +Assessment by a health care professional ,7 +is required.,9 +with radioisotopes) satisfying the following requirements: ,3 +Schlußformel ,7 +Private fostering: notifications ,7 +manner as the induced drag. The only differ- ,9 +error when the glider is in a slip. The pilot must be aware of ,9 +disc to tilt forward.,9 +"ICT Racks, cabling and other infrastructure elements ",7 +Opening of requests to participate,7 +and the aviation industry concerning the SP/LSA,9 +easily fits into the bag.,0 +heat blanket’s two-inch overlap of the repair to prevent ,3 +§ 2a Durchführung des Lehrgangs Fahrschulbetriebswirtschaft,7 +Rotorcraft Flight Manual (RFM). ,9 +Those swell systems of,9 +"conditions to be observed by revenue officers, provincial fiscals,",3 +Wind and Currents ,7 +in the flight deck and identifies the steps involved in good ,9 +sensing will occur at angles considerably greater than,9 +regelmäßige Kontrollen und Auswertung der Beratungsdokumente und,3 +(+++ Textnachweis ab: 1.3.2020 +++),9 +along the course has a runway that is favorable for the prevailing ,9 +Correction for poor adhesion requires a complete removal of ,9 +"field of registration, cloakroom attendance, distribution of material etc.; ",3 +II.13.8. Image rights and sound recordings,7 +to fly down the middle of the “v.” Accuracy will depend ,9 +Blocked Static System,7 +time is given during radio and telephone communica-,3 +"particulate matter in the air, and in turn, those returns can ",9 +modify the analog curve. The digital steps are not modified ,9 +revision.,9 +NAVWEPS Oo-8OT-80 ,5 +"a result of two oscillations (roll and yaw), which, although of ",9 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +matters other than those pertaining to serum separation in the standard ,3 +further degradation of its operation in flight. The MEL ,9 +"DELTA, AR=4.0,X=O ",7 +〔昭和二十九年六月一日政令第百十九号〕,7 +on except to fly over a marker beacon transmitter and see if ,9 +force majeure,9 +Quality of the Tender,7 +"responsive, requiring more control movement to achieve ",9 +ity of the afterburner. ,9 +Ground power unit (GPU). ,9 +Table B – Losses of Stores ,7 + Flight Deck Inspection,7 +. — The owner of,9 +public accounts of the Central Government and Local Authorities ,3 +The next step is to apply an acid etch solution to the surface. ,9 +"Surveillance, 4",9 +"700 MHz, 10,68 – 10,7 GHz, 15,35 – 15,4 GHz, 23,6 – 24 GHz, 31,3 – 31,5 GHz, 48,94 – 49,04 GHz von",3 +着用者の頭部によくなじみ、かつ、頭部を傷つけるおそ,9 +procedure and provided the documents were issued not more than one year before the date of ,9 +Maintenance Work,7 +Article 9 - ,7 +Reciprocating Engine Lubricants,7 +Overall Summary of ECHA ICT Governance ,7 +〔平成十四年十二月六日政令第三百六十三号〕〔抄〕,7 +The contracting authority is not liable for any loss or damage caused to the contractor ,3 +"Case, and the final ISPD, all of which take safety into account.",9 +also be securely faste,9 +Rigger check number 1. ,3 +"distance reduction, and V$_{REF}$, takeoff V-speeds, N$_{1}$/",3 +"Aiming Point Markings, 2",9 +Zusätzlichen Technischen Vertragsbedingungen (ZTV) vom Bieter / AN zu beachten. Hat der AN ,9 +Minimum 3 years of prior experience (academic or professional) with technical aspects of ,3 +Amendment of Group 3 of Schedule 8 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994 ,7 +can also present serious hazards worth considering. ,9 +a person is determined to be entitled to victims’ payments in respect of disablement ,3 +moment will ,9 +consultancy,3 + This is very important.,3 +A steep turn is a performance maneuver used in ,9 +Evaluating the effectiveness of one’s ADM skills.,3 +"downward, it increases the effective camber and changes the ",9 +One to three numbers followed by two letters ,3 +"this notice has been served, this deadline may be different. If you are unsure about when court proceedings",3 + communications proce-,9 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 + Yaw Stability and Moments,7 +"termination,",9 +TURN INDICATOR,7 +Governance and contract management (WP 1) ,7 +for the planned flight time. Altitudes are always listed in ,9 + Turns Around a Point,7 +"Japan as the destination (referred to as ""Temporarily Landed Goods to ",3 +Temperature Variations,7 +"this speed, or slower, requires more power. While ",9 +der zuständigen Behörde auf Verlangen vorzulegen. Komplikationen bei der Narkose sind insbesondere,9 +Cabin rate of climb—the rate of change of air pressure ,3 +"Longos, Los Baños, Luisiana, Lumban, Mabitac, Magdalena, Majayjay, Nagcarlan,",9 +linear scaling is provided until two (2) NM prior to the,9 +"approaches. When you choose one of these procedures, the ",9 +coatings if edges of damaged areas are abraded with ,3 +"MODALITÉS EN MATIÈRE D’ÉTABLISSEMENT DES PRIX, COMMANDES ET DE ",7 +Significant weather prognostic charts ,9 +possible without cordon fences. The Department of Veterinary Services has ,9 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +An airport clearance limit at locations with a ,9 +ples form the basis for “attitude” ,9 +a variable resistor in the tank unit. This resistor is wired in ,9 +"contractor,",9 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +instrument readings.,0 +Regulations. ,9 +Overall management incl.,7 +"correct landing weight is reached. At 2,400 pounds, continue ",9 +computing all loading problems.,9 +"Regardless of age or condition, aircraft with exhaust shroud ",9 +the twist-grip throttle towards the pilot (clockwise) decreases ,9 +Item column. The item number identifies the item associated with the figure listed in the adjacent Fig. ,3 +"Subject to the provisions of this article, all private rights over land subject to the compulsory ",9 +Directive 2014/24/EU,3 +§ 8 Teil 2 der Abschlussprüfung in der Fachrichtung Instandhaltungstechnik,7 +"Betrieb bearbeiten, deren Inhalt für die weitere Entwicklung des Betriebes im betriebswirtschaftlichen Sinne",9 +"this consumption scenario, the overall price for the profiles across a 12-months ",3 +приказом Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации,9 +(reference timing mark for the magneto) in the middle of the ,9 +"revised to ""debts pertaining to non-resident free-yen account."" ",9 +123.800 118.000 COM2,6 +VOR Receiver Check,7 +magnetic variance used to calculate the magnetic,9 +"Stiffener, Main, Right ",8 +simple reverse-current relay shown in ,9 +Terminal Arrival Area (TAA),7 +Anbietername eingeben,7 +BOTTOM SKIN,7 +The Union acquires irrevocably worldwide ownership of the ,9 +群组,或者利用网络发布涉及实施违法犯罪活动的信息,尚不构成犯罪的,由公安机关处,9 +(airship) .-In general: ,9 +There are several other ways to receive a clearance at a non-,9 +Vertragslaufzeit / Termine ,7 +Vertragsmäßigkeit der,9 +"(k) Where the landlord is seeking possession on ground 14A, court proceedings cannot begin unless the landlord",3 +"excess of three thousand pesos, an additional tax of fifty",3 +delays and increase fuel savings. Traditionally the PRM ,9 +Collective Pitch Control,7 +is a low-power approach terminating with a running or roll-,9 +authorizations),3 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +"resident at Aeronautical Radio, Inc. (ARINC). These",9 +"Futtermittelzusatzstoffe nicht durch eine EG-Zulassungsverordnung zugelassen sind, ein Höchstgehalt",3 +Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Size,7 +U.S. Territorial Airspace,7 +Zweites Ausbildungsjahr,7 +a waggle of the tow plane rudder.,3 + consists of territory on the Island of Leyte and,9 +of said property in due form to said Go,9 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 +powered corporate-type aircraft. These small business ,9 +flashing lights located in the approach area of a ,9 +cases where obstacles intervene to prevent pilots from maintaining obstacle clearance during a normal climb to a ,3 +"municipality, or where fresh-water or tidal streams form boundaries",3 +Turbofan engine.,0 +"and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019, the Comptroller General ",9 +particular person only where the Governor considers that it is appropriate to issue the ,9 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +Duration of Training ,7 +"As the tenders will be evaluated on the basis of the quality of the services proposed, they should ",9 +pile. The transition between the close spacing near the ends and the maximum spacing shall be ,3 +traffic and an altimeter to fly at the proper airport pattern ,9 +Role of the Database Provider ,7 +"When the effects of these two factors are great enough, the ",9 +Engine fire detection system.,0 +"float valves, and multiple vent locations in the same tank. ",9 +Operating Control Tower ,7 +第九十一条 对违反本法规定,造成海洋环境污染事故的单位,由依照本,9 +"ignition are present, the engine starts and runs. For airplanes ",9 +English sport national governing body of P’s status as a domestic ancillary ,3 +the wing with the different sections operating alternately ,9 +strength (pounds),8 +can be cut and bent into a variety of shapes. ,9 +activities set forth in section 311(a) of the Comprehensive Environ-,9 +all the various components of the supersonic ,9 +Acquisition of land ,7 +website at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/tax-information-and-impact-notes-tiins. ,9 +"checks of other airborne systems (for example,",9 +"Umingan, Urbiztondo, Urdaneta, and Villasis.",9 +safe return to service; it also become the cornerstone of the ,9 +"sportsperson attending a specified competition, ",3 +"Muss der Bewerber noch die nach § 15 erforderliche Prüfung ablegen, hat die Fahrerlaubnisbehörde die",9 +Failure to maintain proper rpm.,3 +Sequence for Painting a Single-Engine or ,7 +Operational Assessments.,9 +Construction Joints ,7 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +Schedule of Payments ,7 +reported visibility.,9 +than one residence in Botswana in the constituency in which he or she has his or her ,3 +without undue delay,3 +Figure 15-18,9 +completion standards.,9 +the panel is controlled by a switch on the throttle levers. It ,9 +the private or voluntary sector is foreseen. ,9 +this line. This is the center of the hole. Drill at this point and ,9 +computation is involved,3 +"If a party requests written confirmation of an e-mail within a reasonable time, the other party must ",9 +report in connection with a European Union financed fee-based service contract for external actions ,9 +Table B – Losses of Stores ,7 +"A section providing information about the substance, that we describe as ",3 +to stepdown fixes and other points on overlay,9 +Relocated Runway Threshold ,7 +PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR 2020 ,7 +“the scheme-wide written scheme of investigation” means the document of that description as ,9 +"reacts to a welding flame, heat a piece of aluminum sheet ",9 +Analogue Addressed Fire Warning Button;,7 +The voltage coil is wired in parallel to the generator output ,9 +TRSA Service (Radar Sequencing and,7 +New Access Road ,7 +"Fahrplänen in der Arbeitsschicht enthalten sind (z. B. Wendezeiten). Voraussetzung hierfür ist, dass",3 +Hold Short” ,7 +SCHEDULE 5 ,7 +I.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA ,7 +most likely configuration. ,9 +PHENOMENA OF TRANSONIC FLIGHT. ,7 +"points straight out of the engine. The pilot can move, or ",9 +Navigational and Procedural Information (Continued),7 +"a generator fails, it becomes a load to the other operating ",9 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +"development, procurement, stockpiling, deployment, dis-",9 +Static balance is all that is required for most aircraft tires and ,9 +say when you are prepared to leave.,3 +Folding a Box,7 +missed approach guidance rather than ramping as,9 +"thermal, turbulence",6 +Margin Identification Information,7 +operating in conjunction with ATC or when using DPs under ,9 +(+++ Textnachweis ab: 1.1.2013 +++),9 +Lesson Plans ,7 +Vessels Eligible for Bay and River License,9 +Table of Contents,7 +marking on the pavement. The sign is intended to,9 +It should be repaired or replaced if damaged in accordance ,9 +zuständige Behörde oder die nach § 44 Absatz 2 des Fahrlehrergesetzes zuständige Dienststelle eingezogen oder,9 +"provisions of the Tender Specifications take precedence. In any case, aspects showing ",3 +horizon bar wide normally counteracts any deviation from ,9 +". — The Collector of Internal Revenue is authorized to prescribe, by",9 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +Automatic Decision-Making ,7 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +and the latest satellite photo confirms what the weather ,9 +heat damage to turbine blades and other components. ,9 +a slight increase in collective or aft cyclic may be used to ,9 +this section. ,9 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 +"In entry PL9009.a., before entry PL9009.a.1, insert— ",9 +infection requiring the antibiotic may prohibit flying. In ,9 +Airspace System,7 +"Отношение времени,",9 +療の提供に要する費用(投薬費を含む。)等患者のために直接必要な経費の額に,3 +Shipment Type 2,7 +COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +SCHEDULE 7 ,7 +causing faults.,3 +from the leading edge of an airfoil to the trailing edge. Both ,9 +. — Rentals for the privilege of establishing and,3 +"the annual plan to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare; ",3 +"ic land, friar land, or any",9 +Acceleration Error ,7 +"directed by such justices to be made by the company” and “or, in case of difference, as ",9 +Extortion,9 +"By the previous equation for rate of climb, ",9 +"in Annex B],",3 +ments in the AFM or avionics documents may be,9 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 1),7 +Glide Slope Critical Area.,9 +"annexed to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, compensation under a Contract ",3 +"Ordnungswidrig im Sinne des § 8 Absatz 1 Nummer 4 Buchstabe b des Fahrpersonalgesetzes handelt, wer",9 +"JRC.C - Energy, Transport and Climate (Petten) ",9 + A bipolar transistor made of a thin base of ,9 +〔昭和四十八年四月二十七日政令第百十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +electrolyte lead-acid and NiCd batteries must be maintained. ,9 +below the corrected MDA or DA/DH. Pilots must see and ,9 +meet these qualities may result in poor performance by both ,9 +den schriftlichen Ausbildungsnachweis regelmäßig durchzusehen.,9 +"published policies, procedures, and guidance documents that establishes agency procedures for ",9 +"When branding alone is applied, it should include EU-OSHA logo, the project design as well as ",3 +metadata and general business rules definition which might be integrated for each data ,9 +municipalities concerned; and where more than one province or,3 +"cases, for both single-pilot and two-pilot operations) ",3 +It is essential for persons using this handbook to also become familiar with and apply the pertinent parts of 14 CFR and ,9 +§ 10a Stellenzulage,7 +Fuel quantity,6 +patch sewn the same as a standard French fell seam ,3 +(meaning of “designated person” in Part 3)”; ,3 +"cable, the entire franchise tax shall accrue to the Insular Government.",3 +"toxicity of multiple chemicals, however, structured data are still limited. To ensure a better ",3 +Maximum rpm value: 95 rpm or higher ,8 +Re-create the leg junction. Glue the upper leg strap in ,3 +"In case of joint offers submitted by consortia and in case of subcontracting, the exclusion, selection ",9 +participation in the procurement procedure? ,6 +specifications and other contract documents. The contractor may purchase additional ,3 + Taking Down the WSC Aircraft ,7 +REPAIR PARTS LIST ,7 +insert title and number,7 +"If towline is parachute equipped, avoid parachute when lowering nose after towline break or normal release.",6 +ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT ,7 +"straps or reserve ripcord housings. If necessary, draw ",3 +"(ii) the zones prescribed in Article 30-4, paragraph (2), item (xv) of the Act ",3 +The engine fire panel has a fire switch for each engine and a ,9 +"experimental balloon may not be flown over congested areas, ",9 +PROFILE VIEW,7 +"plans for public buildings by means of public competition, when",3 +to ft-lbs/min ,9 +stimulants. Common uses of these drugs include appetite ,9 +"they are installed; however, the operation of the control ",9 +[82-75; 1791-16.],9 +"Speciated Organic Gas Emissions from Aircraft Equipped with Turbofan, Turbojet, and Turboprop Engines",9 +"Any practical training syllabus must be flexible, and should ",9 +parachute assembly and subject to a minimum of obliteration during use.,9 +Restricted airspace ,7 +Fahrtenschreiber einbaut oder repariert.,9 +capable of work with both natural and biogas.,9 +the contractor (or leader in case of a joint tender) that its invoice cannot be processed. The reasons the ,9 +"only provide attitude information. A third system, ",3 +"summary includes a description of each unresolved problem and any associated errors, ",3 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +concentrated air traffic and realize concentrations,9 +floating tendency is greatest at large angles of ,9 +90% thrust change deceleration (EPR) ,3 +Sequence for Painting a Single-Engine or ,7 +DA/DH as the minimum for an approach. Pilots must meet ,9 +A turnbuckle assembly is a mechanical screw device ,9 +oder auf Nichtanwendung der Sperrfristen nach § 56 Absatz 1. Der Vorstand hat bei grundsätzlichen Fragen zur,9 +Skew-T Plots,7 +A prompter: for speakers to read their speeches while looking at the camera (for hybrid and ,3 +vaporization and difficulty in discharging fuel into some ,9 +"creation of DCns pipelines to address requirements collected, ",3 +Procedure Turns,7 +to the ‘‘Congressman Bill Carney Post Office’’. ,9 +The date of payment is deemed to be the date on which the contracting authority's account is debited. ,9 +contracting authority or the project manager shall as soon as practicable inform the ,3 +"an officer of the United States Army or of the Philippine Government, or when",9 +by striking paragraph (1); and ,9 +VOLUNTEERS,9 +"measurement of goods listed in (vii), (viii) or (x) above ",8 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +the guarantor is liable under the guarantee due to the contractor's default under the ,3 +decreases,9 +"2,950 pounds, ",6 +Inspect ignition system wires to spark plugs. ,3 +The administrator of an advanced treatment hospital shall deliberate on the ,3 +property and the person making payment sha,9 +Airport/Runway Information ,7 +avoid obstacles when descending below the MDA. ,9 +MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ,7 +"not be negotiable, but any depositor who has an account in the bank may, subject",9 +the Executive Director on Competing Interest ,9 +"To guarantee the quality of the services provided, the interpreters selected must be members of ",9 +been previously approved in any other application ,9 +and its spare parts; ,3 +without unreasonable delay in accordance with the plans approved under this Part of this ,3 +"amount, height, and type or indefinite ceiling/height",3 +Section 2 Measures for Recovery of Inland Waters Resources (Articles 12 to ,3 +TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-$_{ }$,7 +"(vertical visibility) (BKN008 OVC012CB, VV003).",3 +of signing this,9 +otherwise stated within 28 days. ,3 +Recovery to cruise flight speed is made by lowering,9 +various false courses. Getting established on one of ,3 +Use of results,7 +skis to prevent movement.,9 +The main ones of these are summarized below- ,9 +"""Verordnung über die Prüfung zum anerkannten Fortbildungsabschluss Geprüfter Fachwirt für Logistiksysteme",9 +parachute control.,3 +APPENDICES: ,7 +Meridians of longitude are drawn from the North Pole to the ,9 +(for onsite ,7 +COLLABORATION WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS ,7 +"constant scanning of the terrain along the flightpath, and ",9 +timed-based system that provides information concerning ,9 +§ 10 Nachweis und Kontrolle der Mautgebührenentrichtung,7 +VOR Minimum Operational Network (MON) Airports Designator,7 +performing a 100-hour or annual inspection shall use a ,9 +Class E Airspace,7 +Folding a Box,7 +"Article 1 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1998 ",9 +Engine Oil Temperature Indicator,7 +Instrument Landing System (ILS). A precision instrument ,9 +“personal data” means data within the meaning of section 3(2) of the Data Protection Act 2018 ,9 +While the appendaged envelope has the same general flight ,9 +Article 12 - ,7 +"Assurance Level (AL) can have an impact on development costs, it is important to accurately ",9 +projects/actions. These guidance documents are entitled and summarized as follows,9 +"Seventy Two, ready to taxi, VFR southbound at 2,500, have",9 +Granting of facilities for the implementation of programmes and execution of contracts,7 +Changes No:1 to Tender Dossier ,10 +How to Submit your Tender in e-Submission ,7 +"receipt of tenders within the deadline, please ensure that you submit your tender ",9 +Cyber Challenge ,3 +"is 12 years or above, it must be white and set on an orange coloured circular ",3 +"these figures are based on an ideal deceleration process, ",9 +upon conviction shall be,9 +Empty-Field Myopia ,7 +Maintenance of authorised development ,3 +Parallel Generator Operations,7 +§ 31 Anforderungen an Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +государственный,9 +"Tarlac: First district — Composed of the municipalities of Anao, Camiling,",9 +ll be in excess of twenty pesos per,9 +diameter of 1,3 +"charts, departure and arrival procedures, and other ",3 +nach Satz 1 aufbewahrt und zuständigen Personen auf Verlangen zur Prüfung ausgehändigt wird.,9 +development tasks ,3 +communication within a specified deadline. ,9 +"optionally, the validity period of the exception, if granted for example for a ",3 +of control. Encounters with severe turbulence must,9 + Incandescent,9 +присутствие,9 +"which would undermine the protection of commercial interests of the tenderer, ",3 +Wire Substitutions,7 +Cable runs shall be continuous throughout. Jointing shall not be carried out in conduits or at pulling points ,9 +In any case the selection criteria must be still fulfilled by the group and the terms of the ,9 +" (BMM), planned in advance",3 +LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF A GROUP ,7 +"selected approach, using the naming conventions on",9 +"Because a pilot may cross several time zones during a flight, a ",9 +the subjects discussed in this chapter is available in the ,9 +Netherlands will be subject to prior approval. ,9 +"replacement of terms, shall be the submission of a document stating the ",3 + Roll Stability Summary,7 +10.11.Haftung ,7 +Oblique shock wave.,9 +The financial statements of Botswana Institute for Technology Research ,9 +"To remove a countersunk or flush head rivet, you must:",9 +finish. Two-part epoxy primers provide excellent corrosion ,9 +"Pampanga: First district — Composed of the municipalities of Angeles,",9 +"from the right, for instance, tends to weathervane the glider ",9 +"usually up to 30° or less. To make these determinations, the ",9 +Motion of magnet,6 +Other safety-enhancing changes.,3 +§ 3 Unterrichtsräume,7 +REGION 0~ REVERSED COMMAND ,7 +of trouble may be the “HIGH/LOW/OFF” three-position ,9 +training can and should be altered to suit the progress of ,9 +directions and assist pilots in airport operations. It is important ,9 +APPENDICES: ,7 +written acceptance by the User of the delivery of the first e-learning prototype (50% of ,3 +"traduction, insertion de sous-titres, doublage dans différentes versions linguistiques: ",3 +" Summarize how the software lifecycle has unfolded, and explain ",3 +powered parachute is headed directly downwind. By en-,9 +в 2021 году из федерального бюджета,9 +execute any filling around any apparatus (where the apparatus is laid in a trench) within ,3 +desired track and the heading of the aircraft necessary to ,9 +"The supplies delivered by the contractor to the contracting authority must be in conformity in quantity, quality, ",9 +failure of the notary to affix to acknowledgments the date of,3 +Nach Aufruf der Sache trägt der Vorsitzende oder der Berichterstatter den wesentlichen Inhalt der Akten vor.,9 +than the finished length of the part so only the insides of the ,9 +II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +magneto to the spark plug. The ignition harness contains an ,9 +"procedure titles at the same airport, which have only ",9 +when it started and what action the contractor is taking to resolve it. ,3 +Il contraente dovrà impegnarsi ed essere in grado di soddisfare le richieste della ,3 +the Vice-President or a Minister appointed by the President by instrument in writing ,3 +The 2020 UEFA European Football Championship ,9 +"and analyzed, and where safety programs and",9 +"après présentation par le contractant des informations supplémentaires demandées, de corrections ",9 +Definitions ,7 +Wer ist für die Datenverarbeitung verantwortlich und an wen können Sie sich wenden? ,7 +Provision of pictures ,7 +Air Quality Assessment Protocol ,7 +and in the legal name of its owner. ,9 +Der Auftraggeber trägt die von seiner Bank in Rechnung gestellten Gebühren für ,3 +Non-Moving Advances ,7 +"pitch input. An addition to the wing planform, twist, and ",9 +d'équipements,7 +the relationship between lifecycle datasets as well as their relationships to other data ,3 +"be sent by mail, email or, for the documents specified in the special conditions, via ",3 +hodologies,9 +"approved by the same authority. For cities, organized under",9 +held high judicial office;and ,3 +Time & Means contracts,3 +Purchase Orders,3 +Most aircraft are equipped with either a 14- or a 28-volt direct ,9 +to the keel and where the wires are attached to the rear of ,9 +approach to landing. PAPIs consist of a single row of ,9 +Reserve Static Lines (RSLs) ,7 +DEVELOPMENT ,7 +"other fail in any manner, this overlapping responsi-",9 +Revising an SRM Document ,3 +Crew Responsibilities ,7 +Subject: Supply of Equipment for Final Stop Before Climbing the Ladder: Mantar Cultivation and Technology Commercialization ,7 +The Need for ICT Governance,7 +ought not to be removedfrom office.,9 +"thing is for you to recognize, analyze, and learn from ",3 +position after 30 seconds of the bilge water reaching the relevant level. ,3 +DL 4.3.2 Annual descriptiveand analytical report,8 +Mastercard or Visa.,9 +"в списке, направленном федеральным органом исполнительной власти,",9 +Figure 5-8,9 +〔平成十七年七月二十一日政令第二百四十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +aircraft's heading at or below 1200' AGL. Departing ,9 +2.1_SMSM_201607 ,4 +municipal,9 +電磁的記録の作成がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む。次項において,3 +"after takeoff, it would need to fly long enough to burn 77 ",9 +"Offices or from the NTSB, Washington, DC, 20594:",9 +Quiz/e-interaction with participants – 2 formats: online and ,7 +$^{st}$ December 2015 and subsequently reorganised ,9 +"operation; and the control mechanism for operation, ",3 +Schedule 2A was inserted by paragraph 3 of Schedule 3 to the Housing and Planning Act 2016. ,1 +"deliverables, delivery schedule and the place of performance (see 9.3 Place of ",9 +Opening of requests to participate,7 +Visual Glideslope Indicators,7 +determine if the program should develop an SRM document per the current AMS milestone ,9 +when using a light to preserve some degree of night vision. ,9 +"Pr, POWER REOUIRED ",6 +limitation),3 +and medical care pertaining to other sickbeds than long-term care beds and ,3 +is received by the Contracting Authority. ,9 +"called dynamic pressure (q), and is determined by the ",9 +"interfaces, such as 0/4...20 mA and Ethernet or 0/4…20mA/HART shall be integrated. The compensation shall ",9 +"Once you have chosen a suitable takeoff path, select a",9 +eight electrons and then a fourth shell starts to fill if the ,9 +Recency of Experience,7 +the problem rather than determining liability. ,3 +"of difference from a position such as wings level, a change ",9 +Coordination Best Practices ,7 +(for both onsite and online press conferences) ,9 +council which comprises part of the area of one of the West Northamptonshire councils,9 +§ 28 Gemischte Finanzholding-Gesellschaften,7 +"authority, provided the situation has not changed, and that the time that",9 +Section 5.1 ,7 +for fuel burn-off ,6 +circuit they supply and,9 +eligible registrants,7 +Landwirtschaft im Einvernehmen mit dem Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung:,9 +The criteria for passing the final test will be: ,9 +"may eventually assist the glider in leaving the runway, but ",9 +"not exceed one year and it is still valid, the person shall declare on its honour that the documentary evidence ",9 +The Contractor shall relay 250 mm thick topsoil. Any deficiency in the topsoil shall be made up with ,9 +"absence of special provision, be executed, with the approval of the proper",9 +Topcoats must be applied over primers within the ,9 +特定製品の区分並びに構造、材質及び性能の概要,3 +of a sewing machine. Improper needles cause a machine to ,9 +The contractor must comply with the minimum requirements provided for in the ,3 +described,9 +minima (taking it out of Category II or Category III ,3 +Figure 3-28,9 +The entire spar can be extruded from one piece of metal ,9 +"are accurate, the heading indicator should show the ",3 +—digital bright radar indicator tower equipment ,9 +and container ,3 +профессиональной деятельности;».,9 +"contracting another contractor to provide or complete the services, except if the damage is a ",9 +Bleed Air Heating Systems ,7 +Areas Designated as Severe Wind and Moisture ,7 +〔平成十四年十二月六日政令第三百六十三号〕〔抄〕,7 +identification and invitation of ,7 +Termination by either party: ,7 +Um die in der Flurbereinigung angestrebte Verbesserung der Produktions- und Arbeitsbedingungen in der Land-,9 +bons de commande,9 +progressive wear conditions and in establishing the necessary ,9 +come in a variety of configurations and mesh sizes. Mesh ,9 +Leave of Judges,7 +wing for takeoffs and landings. ,9 +C146 WAAS equipment. For,9 +"Required tasks, the human-machine environment, interpersonal interactions, and the ",3 +remote management including related maintenance in all Europol current and future sites as well ,9 +Recency of Experience,7 +Square Canopy—Crossport Repair,7 +Specific provision related to reimbursement of expenses for shipment of Goods ,7 +Termination by either party: ,7 +allocates,9 +OPERATIONS ,7 +"(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2020, 1902 – 1904)",9 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,7 +§ 19 Fahrten zur dauerhaften Verbringung eines Fahrzeugs in das Ausland,7 +"movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1, https://eur-",1 +COMPLIANCE WITH TENDER SPECIFICATION AND MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ,7 +Overall management incl.,7 +"exposed, and the high pressure fuel/air mixture in the ",9 +if there is no wind you may want to leave the leading ,9 +ARTCCs are capable of direct communica-,9 +"Research all applicable ADs, current specifications, and ",9 +Figures 5 to 15 give ,9 +AREAS OF EXPERTISE,7 +the compass rose in ,9 +surface to be checked. Old nitrocellulose finishes soften ,9 +Goods by Europol. The contractor must be able to provide (temporary) storage of Goods in any ,9 +adapted from a readily available solution in order to comply with the mandatory requirements ,9 +SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ,7 +How fast you are going there,3 +"times it should not. Pilot familiarity with the equipment, the ",9 +Qualifications for membership of ,7 +"enregistrés comme marque: le droit d'enregistrer ce logo ou cet objet comme marque, de ",3 +Fortbildungsabschluss Geprüfter Fachwirt für Logistiksysteme und,10 +Bouncing during touchdown.,0 +responds to the initial radio call without using the aircraft,9 +"II.20.5. Vorfinanzierungsgarantie, Erfüllungsgarantie und Gewährleistungseinbehalt ",7 +内水面における漁場環境の再生に関する施策,7 +que des institutions des États membres; ,3 +Obtaining Emergency Assistance,7 +your network to prevent or detect threats. ,3 +…………………………,9 +together with activities planned under the umbrella of environmental risk assessment. ,3 + Type-4 Tape.,0 +This same canopy can be packed into ,9 + For regulation 62 (jurisdiction to try offences) substitute— ,9 +the ripcord cable. They are anchored to the container at one ,9 +本邦に輸入された後無償で輸出される貨物であつて、その輸入の際の性質及び,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 427 of December 15, 1972] ",7 +much easier to determine if the balloon is floating directly ,9 +"consists of three rolls, two housings, a base, and a handle. ",9 +"to improve aviation safety, to take a course at their online ",9 +particular time. It is essential to safety of flight that pilots ,9 +streaming’). ,9 +"[Figure 20-10] While performing the maneuver, the",9 +The contractor,3 +Flight Information Publication Policy,7 +"States to prevent, to address, and to respond to cybersecurity issues and threats. ",3 +Schallimmissionsschutz,7 +〔平成十七年三月三十一日政令第百五号〕〔抄〕,7 +Lots: is this call for tenders divided into lots? ,7 +High Reconnaissance,7 +EMEDIAL MEASURES,7 +Learning Is a Result of Experience ,7 +aircraft is pulled through the air. ,9 +By derogation,3 +"Property Tax Law, in force in the department.",3 +classification of specified products specified by the order of the competent ,3 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 20.12.2002,9 +due to possible fi re risks.,9 +本邦に輸入された後無償で輸出される貨物であつて、その輸入の際の性質及び,3 +conditions. Pressure carburetors have been replaced mostly ,9 +Air Distribution,7 +del 10/01/2006 (G.U: n. 21 del 26.01.2006)] ,6 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +"ing the engine, to include information on the proper ",9 +PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +Adresse officielle complète: ,8 +amount of throttle reduction will vary based on power applied ,9 +Operating the Jet Engine,7 +not need to be timed to spark during an exact point in the ,9 +Components ,7 +quality and competence was published in November 2012. ,1 +publicizing materials concerning the implementation status of specified ,3 +Procedures and Routes,7 +. — Within one year from the,9 +The appeal process is to be as follows— ,9 +The parties agree that any communication made by email has full legal effect and is admissible as ,9 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +"When current is drawn through the conductor, heat is ",3 +Once the FD/autopilot has determined which control ,9 +Allgemeines,7 +the fabric is in place. Follow the approved instructions for ,9 +the three-stow diaper and the piglet-style diaper invented by ,9 +"submitted under sub-paragraph (1) or as relevant sub-paragraph (4), as approved or as amended ",9 +"project, with the deliverable being formally produced at the indicated frequency. ",8 +decision to make no changes to the current plan is made ,9 +掲げる事項に限る。)を記載した申請書を当該診療所所在地の都道府県知事に提出し,3 +"‘‘(B) Identify national health security needs, including ",9 +before turning on the power. This procedure helps the ,9 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +SPECIAL INFORMATION ,7 +Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System,7 +Maintenance Work,7 +Final ISPD ,7 +(+++ Textnachweis ab: 1.5.2002 +++),9 +icing conditions and none are intended for indefinite flight ,9 +Identification of Paint Finishes,7 +"be accomplished to determine the best approach, sub-",9 +the heater’s electrical system to shut off the fuel in the case ,9 +有下列情形之一的,撤销权消灭: ,9 +the relevant authority and any requirement consultee must submit written representations ,3 +A pilot who,9 +instructor effectiveness.,3 +Non-Moving Advances,7 +terms of feet or meters above a selected pressure level.,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 200 of May 24, 2006]",7 +"Histomonostatika, Verbindungen von Spurenelementen oder Vitamine,",3 +The repair material must duplicate the strength of the original ,9 +Hinsichtlich der Überweisungskosten gilt Folgendes: ,9 +Classes of concrete ,7 +above the AR2 padded pocket. ,3 +SECTION 1. CONGRESSMAN BILL CARNEY POST OFFICE. ,7 +REPAIR COTTON REINFORCEMENT AROUND PILOT PARACHTUE ATTACHING RING ,7 +Form 1: Candidate/tenderer general information,7 +Rotary Machine,7 +LOT 2 - Provision of Infrastructure for Operational ,10 +under the authority of this section.,9 +FWC Phase-in,7 +obligations.,9 +Layup Process (Typical Laminated Wet Layup),7 +Galvanometer,6 +Variation of the Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +and/or near navigation aids.,9 +II.13.10 Visibility of Centre funding and disclaimer ,7 +should determine how the wires (or other obstacles) are moving ,9 +NEVER FORGET THE HEROES: JAMES ,10 +"Berufsbildungsgesetzes befähigt wird, die insbesondere selbständiges Planen, Durchführen und Kontrollieren",9 +"AFM/POH guidance to the contrary, anti-icing equipment ",9 + Maintaining an excessively strong grip on the control ,9 +feature of helicopters produced by the Russian Kamov ,9 +Anforderungen gemäß Energieeinsparverordnung 2016,7 +Figure 9-6. ,0 +Instrument Departures,7 +wind correction. As,9 +II.20.7 Suspension du délai de paiement ,7 +Article 9 - ,7 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +Amendment of the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013 ,7 +CALIBRATED ,6 +the land begins to lose its heat to the atmosphere. Although ,9 +II.23.2. Recovery procedure ,7 +Responsibilities,7 +fulfil the selection criteria. ,9 +"transponders, ADS",9 + After paragraph 2 insert— ,9 +requests.,9 +Until one month has elapsed from the day of enforcement of this Ministerial ,3 +国家制定并不断完善网络安全战略,明确保障网络安全的基本要求和主要,9 +Anlage 1 (zu § 5),7 +Anlage (zu § 1),7 +Title of Chapter,7 +Deployment Type,7 +Use of Checklists,7 +RNAV/GPS/GNSS route. The MRB is calculated by,9 +the chest-strap attachment. ,9 +II.19.1. Fatture e imposta sul valore aggiunto ,7 +organisational security measures with regards,3 +Amounts of fixed penalties ,7 +of air rushes through the air passage of the carburetor; the ,9 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 +"Wind—reported with five digits (14021KT) unless the speed is greater than 99 knots, in which ",3 +The change proponent must ensure that the SRM documents are entered into the ATO,3 +Schedule 4 in respect of goods comprised in the items.”. ,9 +of the wing is unaffected and its direction is ,9 +Information Management ,7 +基づき、社会医療法人の要件に係る事項として申請書に記載すべき事項は、次に掲げ,3 +valve to the vacuum four-way selector valve. The four-way ,9 +same shall be marked or labeled prior to removal.,3 +Remove the binding from the tongue area by unpicking ,3 +aircraft instruments can become unreadable unless adequate ,9 +Government,9 +[Figure 6-35],9 +"reference line. From this point, draw a line in two separate ",9 +suspending training.,9 +"matter must be germane to the publication which it supplements, that is to say,",9 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +im technischen Bereich für die Beurteilung der verschiedenen Sachverhalte allerdings ,9 +Tender report.,7 +1.a) 1. Zwischenzahlung – Nach Abgabe und Genehmigung der Projektierungsun-,7 +", which correspond to the order of defined project work or ",3 +the runway. This requires timely action to modify the slip ,9 +Teledyne Continental 0-200 Engine,7 +"resistance in the load circuit, the common-collector amplifier can ",9 +Betonkübeln,8 +horizontally in the container. Examples of this method are the ,9 +whole the tenderer (sole tenderer or leader in case of joint tender) must provide the declaration ,9 +against the sheet with the pressure from the ram causing the ,9 +"wires, cables, and circuit-protection devices, such as fuses ",9 +⦁ $_{Delay the flight. }$,3 +"portion of Calle Nueva between Calle San Vicente and the Bridge of Spain, and",9 +drahtlosen Produktion beschränkt.,3 +feeds the injectors. ,9 +Risk: Taking Off Without Entering a Flight Plan,7 +it obtains the registration referred to in Article 12 by wrongful means. ,3 +NISH COVID–19 VACCINE TO CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS NOT ,7 +"learning. For flight one, the automation management area might be a “describe” item. By flight three, it would be a “practice” ",9 +"сбора отходов, в том числе с размещением их на смежных с собственной",9 +aufgeh. durch § 20 Satz 2 V 806-22-1-131 v. 13.10.2020 I 2166 mWv 1.8.2021,7 +Reserve Static Lines (RSLs) ,7 +FAA Reference Material ,7 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +[Figure 5-60],9 +of warm air will not necessarily cause free convection. The ,9 +nach Artikel 4 Abs. 1 Satz 1 des Abkommens zu erlassen.,9 +Lower Leg Strap Shortening,7 +"shall perform such duty within forty-eight hours after death, having ability to do",9 +Maximum bank 30°,6 +vectors or assign requested routes to minimize ,9 +THE RECRIPROCATING ENGINE ,7 +"Besides counteracting torque of the main rotor, the tail",9 +LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS ,7 +Adjustment in respect of past compensation ,7 +720 or 760 depending on the number of channels it can ,9 +control surface travel.,9 +the dummy's head. ,9 +Not radar identified,7 +"vs. rural setting, receptor layout, and data output format. ",3 +Für das Ausgleichsjahr 2017 wird der Finanzausgleich unter den Ländern wie folgt festgestellt:,9 +Government in the telephone directories in the,9 +"paying to the provincial treasurer the amount of the public taxes, penalties, and",9 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +条、第四条」とあるのは「第四条」と読み替えるものとする。,3 +drag curve where the lift-to-drag ratio is the greatest. At this ,9 +Tree Felling ,7 +"512(b)(4), 571(a)(4), and 745A, as applicable, and as specified ",9 +current through the conductor must be maintained ,3 +"tab, by clicking",9 +thrust can be obtained. The amount of thrust is dictated by the ,9 +increase in the AOA which increases lift on the upwind wing ,9 +"Pri,=induced power required corresponding to ",9 +generally reached whereby the voltage variation at ,3 +Throatless shears made by the Beverly Shear Manufacturing ,9 +writing no later than,9 +VFR Waypoints,7 +that the collaboration is not fully making use of its potential contribution to the ,9 +"manual calculations, and (2) the vertical navigation ",9 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +consignor and ,3 +municipal authorities.,3 +of 100s and 10s than by adding or subtracting 180° ,3 +LA MS CSTL WTRS,9 +GA System Operation,7 +pilot with a logical way of making decisions. ,9 + for the purpose of this ,3 +"required for complete dark adaptation, a pilot can achieve a ",9 +〔昭和三十四年十月三十日政令第三百二十七号〕,7 +with masking tape.,9 +The VSI shows a momentary climb and then stabilizes ,3 +satisfactorily to bare metal. It must never be used over ,3 +Improper correction for wind drift.,3 +中华人民共和国网络安全法,10 +glide slope information. A clear understanding of the,9 +несовершеннолетних более 100 детей) размещают в помещении или отдельной,9 +public land to enable the holder of such special permit or license to get access to,9 +damage or restoring the supply; and ,3 +CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +The contracting authority reimburses travel and subsistence expenses on the basis of ,3 +identifies and cues the pilot what collective control ,3 +Children’s homes: deprivation of liberty ,7 +make available to pilots is solely for the purpose of,9 +Install to airworthy standards around reserve,3 +CORDON FENCES ,7 +"possible about the decision taken about their request to participate / tender, including the ",9 +for different segments of an approach as well as for ,9 +omit sub-paragraph (4); ,3 +"work foreseen for this FWC, taking into account the specific set up of the 2 Lots.",9 +Ntlo ya Dikgosi ,7 +技术转让合同的让与人应当保证自己是所提供的技术的合法,9 +indicates additional runways to view.,3 +"shall cause the ordinances of the township to be executed, and",3 +upplier portal,9 +Improper Elevator Trim Setting,7 +Variation of the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCUREMENT ,7 +Signed declaration on Honour on Selection criteria. ,3 +Facilities for Contractor's Personnel ,7 +"month in which the request was received, or failing that, the last provisional index available ",9 +Prüfungsanforderungen im praktischen und im fachtheoretischen,10 +switch (flick ignition off and on again at idling).,3 +has caused disruption at the premises of the contracting authority. ,3 +suspension,9 +Pre-sales and Support: ,7 +蔵施設、廃棄施設又は放射線治療病室内の人が触れるものの放射性同位元素の表面,3 +CG FORWARD OF FORWARD LIMIT,7 +automated weather stations. All reports coming from an ,9 +Typical starter generator.,0 +Learner Emotional Reactions ,7 +"The point of contact in the Civil Aviation Authority is Mr C W Scott, Principal Airspace ",9 +of electromagnetic induction. A typical large aircraft AC ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +"4, each of the owner, manager, demise charterer and master of that ship will, in respect of each ",9 +Emergency Extension Systems,7 +"diligence. Defaults of service, defects in equipment or material or delays in making them ",9 +the New Ministerial Order (including the cases where applied mutatis ,3 +List of drawings attached ,7 +sinngemäß.,9 +Margin Identification,7 +"establishing or enlarging burial grounds or cemeteries by purchase, by lease, by the",9 +Java and Knime for data reporting tools. ,3 +"The justice of the peace shall, during the first five days of the fiscal year,",9 +Requirements,6 +Pitch and power corrections must be promptly and closely ,9 +Ensure tow line strength is appropriate for the glider ,3 +dissolution of Parliament; or,3 +Plane of loop perpendicular to direction of wave travel,6 +"or to be only slightly warm, indicates lack of combustion ",9 +"⦁ $_{Negligible—less than minor injury, less than minor system damage }$",3 +by such purchaser or purchasers:,3 +minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation; ,9 +"Abstimmung können Pläne auch im dwg-Format übermittelt werden, sofern diese im dwg-Format ",9 +class. All lettering and illustrations need to be large enough to be seen easily by the learners farthest from the aids. Colors should ,9 +"Prior to installing the regulator on a gas cylinder, open the ",9 +How to Submit your Tender in e-Submission ,7 +Density Altitude.,3 +§ 2 Erwerbsmöglichkeit des Pächters landwirtschaftlicher Flächen,7 +Tender data.,7 +Figure 1-65.,0 +〔昭和三十五年四月二十五日政令第百八号〕,7 +of the helicopter at airspeeds around 12 to 15 knots and can ,9 +Maximum up to 2000 g and maxımum up to 200 g capacity ,3 +conduit is normally used instead of flexible aluminum where ,9 +[Figure 14-40] ,3 +exécution du bon de commande,9 +Zerstörende Prüfung: Einfach-Stichprobenprüfung mit vermindertem Stichprobenumfang,3 +"requirements of the airspace are not met, then the prefl ight ",9 +defining the system; and describe how the data were made available to the approval ,3 +(air cooled engines).,3 +assembly or elsewhere.,9 +für administrative und,9 +appropriate technical and organisational measures are implemented so that processing meets the ,3 +applied to understanding aerodynamic conditions. If flight ,9 +Your destination airport ,6 +vicinity of the wing is best appreciated when ,9 +I.9.1. Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +skin of the aircraft. Other aircraft wings use external struts ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 77 of April 10, 1954] ",7 +Pilots are expected to check appropriate NOTAMs during ,9 +further-clearance time if one has been received. If an ,3 +aerodynamic,9 +and the Contractor’s network partner. ,3 +"In most aviation operations, time is expressed in terms of ",9 +Der § 7 Abs. 2 Buchstabe b der Verordnung über die durchgängige 5-Tage-Arbeitswoche und die Verkürzung der,9 +identifies and cues the pilot what collective control ,3 +"regulations, aircraft status, and other factors that may affect ",9 +"court), or ",3 +"(e.g., Percodan), meperidine (e.g., Demerol), and codeine ",9 +"(sea breeze). The thunderstorms then dissipate over the water, ",9 +"Angestellte, Arbeiter und Auszubildende",3 +"improvement in helicopter accident rates for the last 20 years, ",9 +"Recurrent Training, Flight Reviews, and Instrument Proficiency Checks ",7 +tacking with heat shrink tubing. Place a length of ,3 +entsprechend dem in Anlage I Abschnitt V des Abkommens beschriebenen Verfahren eingehalten werden.,3 +provided in paragraph (1) using the Internet or by other appropriate means ,3 +implementing Framework Contract n° 20xx/…. ,9 +thunderstorms off the Florida Coast are caused by the warm ,9 +Contractor’s tender,7 +かどうかについて審査するための委員会を設置すること。,3 +"approach is certainly challenging, but it is an approach at ",9 +[183-40.],9 +service to all qualifying instrument runways within the NAS. ,9 +Amendment of Schedule 1 to the principal Regulations ,7 +is exempt from VAT. ,3 +§ 2a Inanspruchnahme der Familienpflegezeit,7 +Botswana Housing Corporation ,7 +I.9.1. Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +The system description provides information that serves as the basis for identifying all hazards ,9 +and key messages); ,3 +The current status of applicable ADs including for ,3 +(See Paragraphs 4,9 +Article 12 - ,7 +"and Industry No. 66 of October 28, 1983] ",7 +any damage to any drainage work so as to impair its efficiency for the purposes of flood ,3 +"method, the binding tape is destroyed during the ",3 +"Occasionally, a weight in the form of a patch glued to the ",9 +Identifying Emissions in the SIP ,7 +and align the glider’s longitudinal axis with its direction of ,9 +"P provides, on arrival in England, written evidence from a United Kingdom or ",3 +"In relation to the permission mentioned in regulation 3(2)(d), the Metropolitan Police Service may ",9 +Glaciers are very deceptive. It is advisable to train with,9 +particle size,6 +Airport Surface Detection Equipment,7 + Preparation of a rivet hole for a flush ,9 +You will also note the addition of several new checklists to assist you in applying the information found in ,9 +PRICE REVISION ,7 +The evidence pertains to: ,7 +"https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis/x/f6dqEg. In case of technical problems, please contact the e-Submission ",1 + Special ,9 +"in person, in the constituency in which he or she last resided, or in which he or she was ",3 +omit paragraph (2); ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 119 of June 1, 1954] ",7 +Information Management ,7 +the provisions of Article 32-2 of the Act is to be exercised by the Director of the ,3 +§ 4 Ausbildungsrahmenplan,7 +HYDROGRAPHY,7 +seconds old. This indicates a missing uplink from,9 + to resume the work suspended or inform the ,3 +operating with and in accordance with an FAA/TSA,9 +species of evidence by which to determine the amount of specific taxes due from,9 +"exceeding the output of the alternator or generator,",9 +"causes large, abrupt changes in altitude and/or",9 +Issues appropriate clearances for the opera-,9 +"party or other duty; or is guilty of any offense, disorder, or neglect to the prejudice",9 +"Secondly. Honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, and marines of the United",9 +original assessment”) does not provide a reasonable assessment of the degree of ,3 +d'oneri e non disponibili in forma elettronica. ,9 +may be relied upon to support the effectiveness of a product ,9 +must not exceed 10 % of the total price of the contract. The contracting authority must release ,9 +guaranty ceases.,9 +"For instance, a microscale thermal may be just one of many ",9 +THEORY OF OPERATION ,7 +_____________________________,6 +SCHEDULE 12 ,7 +$^{6}$ Amounts entered in the ‘Average’ column must be the mathematical average of the amounts entered in the three ,1 +", and placed in a cardholder near the ",9 +"However, when the calculated interest is EUR 200 or less, it must be paid to the contractor (or ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +II.12. ASSIGNMENT,7 +The general practice of replacing a rivet with the next larger ,9 +"flare, hiding a clear view of the weld area and causing many ",9 +"in paragraph (b), omit the words from “7th” (the first time it appears) to “with”; ",3 +"United States, the FAA sources give the database providers ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +PREFERRED IFR ROUTES- Routes established ,9 +with two buckets and a wringer. ,9 +"involving unsafe proximity to terrain, obstructions",9 +Hypoxia or oxygen starvation also robs a pilot of physical ,9 +Grundlage der,9 +open edges of the wing cells. When you start the take-,9 +蔵施設、廃棄施設又は放射線治療病室において放射線診療従事者等が呼吸する空気,3 +will be heard by the pilot on the monitor controller’s PRM ,9 +"drainage systems, cesspools, or sewage systems.",9 +Evaluation phase (after the opening of tenders) ,7 +Europol Public Information,7 +I.2. SUBJECT MATTER ,7 +various forms of afterburning or water injection ,9 +§ 88 Auszahlung,7 +LOT 1 and LOT 2 ,7 +Flight Information Publication Policy,7 +Chapter 7—Takeoffs and Departure ,7 +$^{‡}$ Sport pilots are not authorized to fly at night.,9 +ARTCC Name,6 +Aid to Insular and Provincial Charitable Institutions. —,9 +of spare parts. The special conditions may specify that the contractor must provide any or ,3 +error to be applied. The compass card must now be considered ,9 +The actual trim check would be done based on a temperature ,9 +revisit the checklist to confirm that all answers given are still negative. ,9 +final approval software reviews. ,9 +"services, airports or landing areas, aeronautical charts, ",9 +oil passes through the filter. The oil also prevents corrosion ,9 +– Evidence for selection,7 +aerodynamic force that increases the effort needed to move ,9 +"одиннадцатый - четырнадцатый), 2.4.7, 2.4.8 (абзацы первый и второй), 2.4.9,",9 +into electrical energy by the process of electromagnetic ,9 +more information). ,9 +"(ii) after sub-paragraph (1), insert— ",3 +Density Altitude Charts ,7 +", including in the event of ",3 +Figure 13-157. ,0 +特定臨床研究に係る金銭その他の利益の収受及びその管理の方法が妥当である,3 + WSC and Air Traffi c Control,7 +"accordance with, an FAA/TSA airspace waiver (see",9 +"and Industry No. 39 of March 27, 1997] [Extract] ",7 +"in some aircraft, the outflow valve(s) makes pressurizing ",9 +not itself explicitly in scope of this FWC666. An example would be OS security patch ,3 +"Kunden- und dienstleistungsorientiertes Verhalten, Lernziele b und c,",3 +" Breach of regulation 3(1), (2) (3) (5), (7) or (8) (without reasonable excuse fail to provide ",9 +systems are not used on modern aircraft.,9 +(See U. S.,9 +Failure to cross-check all available instruments.,3 +[1492-1.],9 +組織管理能力等の当該病院を管理運営する上で必要な資質及び能力,3 +Acceptance (1) (2) (3) ,7 +CFR parts 61 and 91 and on the flight characteristics and operational limitations of the make ,9 +Airport Operations,4 +Subject: Supply of Equipment for Advanced Prototype Station (APS),7 +"prescribed in Article 22-2, paragraph (1) of the New Act) pursuant to the ",3 +(Wie Aufforderung bzw. EU-Aufforderung zur Angebotsabgabe) ,9 +"optional debriefing meeting of its representatives with unsuccessful tenderers, aimed at ",9 +Kostenermittlung und Umlagepflicht im Aufgabenbereich Wertpapierhandel,3 +path of the parallel runway. ,3 +"10,000-foot",9 +LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE,7 +县级以上地方各级人民政府应当根据本行政区域内的安全生产状,9 +OPERATIONS ,7 +Irons used during the fabric covering process. ,0 +only for sport and recreation and flight instruction ,3 +Common Errors,7 +Judicial Committee,7 +/2 times rivet diameter for ,6 +The FAA Administrator retains the authority to approve,9 +Translational Lift,7 + An enlarged area in a casting or machined part. A ,9 +ADEMPIMENTO DELLE NORME DI SICUREZZA,7 +indication.,9 +"ring. Galvanized, stainless steel, or Kevlar$^{®}$ cables transfer ",9 +Kidde Continuous-Loop System,7 +executed turn. ,3 +wird jedoch mindestens die jeweilige Mindestgebühr fällig.,9 +Excellent knowledge on Data Visualization ,3 +"is 1300, and 10 p.m. is 2200. ",9 + required when the symbol “NoPT” ,9 +"recordings of area and/or route weather, airspace procedures, ",9 +settings must be used to obtain the desired curvature. The ,9 +The LDA is of comparable use and accuracy,9 +"This may be in the form of prevailing visibility, runway visual ",9 +poor decision-making seems to afflict new advanced avionics ,9 +"11536739) whose registered address is Level 5, 10 Dominion Street, London, England, EC2M ",9 +российских,9 +"—(1) The relevant judge (referred to in this Rule as “the judge”), having had a notice ",9 +Beschleunigtes Zusammenlegungsverfahren,7 +〔平成十七年三月三十一日政令第百五号〕〔抄〕,7 +"For any negative certificate, two pesos.",9 +"THIS ""LEGAL ENTITY"" SHEET MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED, AND SUBMITTED ",7 +Long-Term Memory (LTM) ,7 +transmitted as an individual report but may be appended to ,9 +speed of sound. Air passing through an oblique shock wave ,9 +"(Method specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as ",9 +would turn too quickly for the slower rate of closure and ,9 +obstructions and landing considerations.,3 +Segment- Obstacles” in the profile view of the IAP,9 +Aborted Landings,7 +amended— ,9 +the top and bottom seams to access the rib. ,3 +Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA),7 +customers constantly outpacing the available capacity. ,3 +“RRRF planning permission” means the planning permission granted under the 1990 Act by ,9 +varies with the type of conductor insulation being used.,9 +Chapter II Basic Policy ,7 +"EFSA data connection tools configuration for new data connections (DCns),",3 +wenn die Landabfindungen aller Teilnehmer unanfechtbar feststehen. Die Frist für eine gerichtliche,3 +LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF A GROUP ,7 +Flutter. ,9 +Submission phase (before the time-limit for receipt of tenders) ,7 +21st April 2020 ,8 +Emergency Procedures,7 +"characteristics is defined either as occurrence of sludge particles of a size (<10 µm), which ",3 +"nature (end-user agreements,",9 +pilot will be advised that the service is not available,9 +QUARANTINES ,7 +"delinquent may select, and necessarily used by him in his ordinary",9 +minimums for planning and execution of instrument flights ,9 +stationary swash plate by a uniball sleeve. It is connected to ,9 +The sprinkler system shall be designed and installed above the inlet channel of the primary clarifier ,9 +Compliance periods and timeline ,7 +WORKS PROVISIONS ,7 +sheet included in the FAA-Approved Rotocraft Flight,9 +"The provisions of Article 18, paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange Control ",3 +Ring Release Housing Replacement,7 +Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) on board. If the glider ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 378 of December 19, 1986] ",7 +Software Planning Review ,7 +"Satz 2 kann die Landesbehörde auf tatsächliche Erkenntnisse zurückgreifen, die an der Überprüfung der",9 +flow is the orientation of the actual lift on a ,9 +Losumfangs. In den übrigen Fällen ist die Stückzahl des Loses auf 10 000 Fertigpackungen begrenzt.,3 +"Attached to the back of the horizontal stabilizer, ",9 +direction to propel the aircraft in horizontal flight. Military ,9 +Article 13 - ,7 +Article 1 – SUBJECT MATTER; PERFORMANCE ,7 +生产安全事故的应急救援与调查处理 ,7 +Acceleration Error ,7 +A registered analytical laboratory shall conduct the accident analysis ,3 +Children Act 1989 representations ,7 +"for damages resulting from an accident caused by a motor vehicle belonging to, or ",3 +as “level flight only” and/or “both” for landings and takeoffs. ,9 +Standards and rules ,7 +The “see and avoid” concept relies on knowledge of the ,9 +material with the hot knife. ,3 +表第一の一の項の中欄に掲げる貨物については、この限りでない。,3 +attached to the cart.,9 +県の区域にわたる区域を設定することができる。,3 +"coffee breaks, lunch or dinners for internal EU-OSHA events in and outside EU-OSHA ",3 +CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DU CONTRAT-CADRE DE SERVICES ,7 +available electronically upon request and without delay. ,9 +COMMON ERRORS,7 +). For detailed instructions and guidance on how to compute aircraft engine ,9 +materials have been or will be acquired. ,9 +Engine Shut Down,7 +This work package is specific to a product or set of products and allows the Contractor to ,9 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 2 ,7 +A Brief History of Aircraft Structures,7 +"lights. In certain circumstances, the safe obstruction",9 +"communiquer votre nom et l'adresse du bureau (bâtiment, niveau, couloir, numéro du ",3 +Page 2 of 9 ,4 +"the most critical maneuvers. In ballooning, landing ",3 +An advanced avionics aircraft offers increased safety with ,9 +Source: http://www.miit.gov.cn/n11293472/n11294912/n11296092/16817369.html,4 +"Release Management is in charge of maintaining the Release Plan, which consolidates the ",9 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +Audit Opinion,7 +Philippine Health Service,7 +"Marine Management Organisation, MMO Lowestoft, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, ",3 +Amendment of article 19 ,7 +In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council ,7 +nonstructural,3 +Hands-on Development/maintenance experience of web-enabled applications. ,3 +accumulates in the combustion chamber after each shutdown ,9 +Informationen zur Erhebung von personenbezogenen Daten nach Artikel 13 und 14 der Verordnung ,7 +engine cooling and is an excellent medium to transfer the ,9 +is a special report that can be given at any time to update the METAR for rapidly changing ,3 +The plan or plans to be submitted to Cadent under sub-paragraph (1) must include a method ,9 +necessary assistance to facilitate the procedure to reclaim VAT. ,9 +"subcontractors or any person for which the contractor is answerable, the contractor shall ",9 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le contractant ,7 +FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Standards and rules ,7 +is the direction measured by reference to a meridian or true ,9 +drag is four times as great but the parasite ,9 +The inability of the cells to effectively use oxygen is defined ,9 +"provisions of Article 16-3, paragraph (2) of the Act and make a summary of the ",3 +"downstream behind the engine, the velocity of the jet stream ",9 +"generation process, and the output of the exciter armature is ",9 +contains practices and procedures for,9 +"Procedures. Furthermore, IQC is to ensure that all contractual binding documents and all ",9 +§ 10a Stellenzulage,7 +QUESTIONNAIRE ,10 +construction ,3 +the safety relief and fill port opens so the bottle does not ,9 +Setting up acetylene welding equipment in preparation for ,9 +この省令は、昭和五十五年三月一日から施行する。,9 +Temperature Variation with Altitude,7 +result in structural failure.,9 +一月前までに(法第六条の十五第一項の指定を受けた日の属する事業年度にあつては、,3 +Safety and Security Issue Reporting ,7 +lands and takes off without stopping.,3 +Scuba Diving,7 +"Identification, invitation and briefing of journalists/experts ",7 +Evaluation Committee ,7 +the cement precoats through the fabric with an iron while ,9 +Bleeding Master Cylinder Brake Systems,7 +"the manufacturer’s recommended airspeed, between",9 +during cold weather starting. Follow the manufacturer’s ,9 +strike the surface or if the skids get caught can lead to dynamic ,9 +exists between the two positions.,9 +assisting the Consultant with information and documentation; ,3 +Basting and temporary tacking should be made using thread that is of a contrasting color to the ,3 +What to do if this notice is served on you,7 +missed approach fix falls outside of the area of the planview it will be shown in a separate box in the planview.,3 +Block 10.,9 +hazard is one problem. A residual problem is the deposit of ,9 +The Need for ICT Governance,7 +Commercial—twist lock,3 +"Page groups. As the FMS outer knob is rotated, the ",0 +合同中的下列免责条款无效: ,9 +during the ,9 +"http://www.epa.gov/scram001/dispersion_prefrec.htm for latest model guidance, updates and revisions. ",1 +Base of Canopy ,6 +Short circuit trip ,3 +"child psychologists, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, health commu-",9 +Provision of pictures ,7 +appropriated from any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated.,9 +Blocks of Learning ,7 +Tow Rope Inspection,7 +"Before the development of curved spring steel landing struts, ",9 +are shown in boxes outlined by the same symbol.,9 +§ 2a Inanspruchnahme der Familienpflegezeit,7 +Organisieren der Berufsausbildung.,3 +Interpolation ,7 +Legal effects of the invitation to tender and submission of a request to ,7 +Arbeitsende,8 +Exhaust Systems,7 +"Thus, operating limitations ",9 +"positioning, navigation, and time-transfer system. ",9 +"Einfach-Stichprobenprüfung mit vermindertem Stichprobenumfang für Fertigpackungen, die mit dem",3 +"Normal individuals begin to respond rapidly and exactly, within the limits of their experience and training. Many responses are ",9 +) is amended in accordance with ,9 +bestimmten Höchstgeschwindigkeit von nicht mehr als 10 km/h durch behinderte Menschen.,3 +"eine Leistung, die den Anforderungen im Allgemeinen entspricht",8 +designed especially for aluminum oxy-fuel welding. It not ,9 +Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 ,9 +"is the same. In addition to the distributor valves, which ",9 +"$^{th}$ June 2008, as amended, on the ",9 +"squeezing between inspection plates, cowl panels, or ",3 +Retract flaps,6 +reasonable requirements as may be made in accordance with sub-paragraph (5) or (7) by Cadent ,9 +§ 3 Zielsetzung der Berufsausbildung,7 +Summary election appeal: determination ,7 +concentrated during tire operation. Surface damage to the ,9 +Lay the leg strap out flat.,3 +Die Nutzung des Frequenzbereichs 1 340 – 1 350 MHz durch Erdfunkstellen des Navigationsfunkdienstes,3 +which assume unlimited liability for the debts of the person: ,9 +If one or more pre-conditions for the verification of the process performance stated above ,3 +on the same day provide copies of the appeal documentation to the appeal parties; ,3 +DOWNWASH FLOW FIELD 8EHlNO A SWEPT TAPERED ,7 +If natural persons appear in a ,9 +Teilnahme,9 +is the maximum level that may be reached before the buoyancy and stability of the ship ,3 +Characteristics of a Well-Planned Lesson,7 + When deflected ,9 +"continues to report adequate weather conditions with 2,000 ",9 +this decreases the rate of descent. Since power normally ,9 +can be sub-licensed by the contracting authority to persons and ,3 +SEC. 3. PRESUMPTION OF HERBICIDE EXPOSURE FOR CERTAIN VET-,7 +DP Responsibilities ,7 +"2014;12(12):3945, ",1 +続する法人若しくは合併により設立された法人は、第五号及び第六号に掲げる事項の,3 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +create sufficient drag to deploy the reserve canopy successfully. The deployment bag is not attached ,3 +‘‘(1) is designated as a shared position for purposes of ,9 +Permitted but must be clearly described in the tender.,8 +Use of Power,7 +"Funkdiensten, denen dieser Frequenzbereich zugewiesen ist, nicht aus und begründet keinen Vorrang",3 +it will be affected by the vertical component of the Earth’s ,9 +variety of engine types have been adapted to the gyro-,9 +Unfallstelle nicht betreten. Über den Zutritt zur abgesperrten Unfallstelle entscheidet der Untersuchungsführer in,9 +PIR Strategy ,7 +"Removing, checking, and replacing magnetic chip ",3 +Chemical Rain Repellant,7 +"When performing this maneuver, be sure to avoid the",9 +and information created or produced by the contractor or by its subcontractor in ,9 +〔平成二十四年三月三十日政令第九十六号〕〔抄〕,7 +CHAPTER 1,8 +Not to be confused with 5038 Ty-4 ,6 +"unlikely items to lose in the normal course of use, but could only be a ",9 +Granting of facilities for the implementation of programmes and execution of contracts,7 +Vergabe von,9 +Security requirements for ECHA,7 +"und Warmwasserleitungen, Kälteverteilungs- und Kaltwasserleitungen sowie Ar-",7 +"Newark Intl. Airport, NJ",9 +Nachprüfung behaupteter Verstöße,7 +Mixing Equipment,7 +"that, although meeting certification standards, is not always ",9 +PIA-TS-108.1,7 +II.20. ZAHLUNGEN UND SICHERHEITSLEISTUNGEN ,7 +of the tax and penalty. A lien upon real estate for taxes levied for each year shall,9 +legal requirements etc.,3 +EIB Strictly Confidential ,5 +l'amministrazione ,9 +yearly flows as derived.,9 +Reverse-Current Relay,7 +oil mixture thoroughly.,3 +"91, section 91.409 (f), when selected by the owner/",3 +Review of FMD strategies in Botswana (June 2012) which stated that “The ,9 +pilot’s evasive act or action. Situations where large evasive maneuvers are necessary to,3 +relevant in connection with the study objectives. Sources of data external to those retained at the long-,9 +runways. When the complete published procedure is,9 +the modernisation of signalling and telecommunication systems in stations and on open lines. ,9 +Figure 2.9. Exhaust Nozzle Types and Engine Operating Conditions ,0 +available at,1 +STREETS SUBJECT TO ALTERATION OF LAYOUT ,7 +CPUs should support 1ms time labeled cards which can be installed over them if necessary.,3 +Airport Lighting Aids,4 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +d4m_evalgrid_en.doc ,4 +reckoning were the only navigational tools. These were ,9 +FWC and from the intention of the parties; ,3 +360° Power-Off Approach,8 +150 CESSNA ROAD,6 +of such a device. To illustrate a few principles ,9 +Failure to maintain altitude.,3 +II.14. FORCE MAJEURE ,7 +by the medical conditions for which they are taken. Many ,9 +at least two ,9 +How To Use a Training Syllabus,7 +JURISDICTION AND FUNCTIONS ,7 +Local adaption of the protocol.,8 +Contract / Agreement],5 + Overstitch ,3 +the President shall appoint a tribunal which shall consist of a Chairman and not less than ,3 +"as weather, temporary flight restrictions, obstacles, or",9 +level flight. ,9 +"reserve steering toggles, reserve closing loop, and ",3 +TURN INDICATOR,7 +"used for that purpose by the delinquent, such as he may select, of a",3 +Requirements:,7 +of insurance coverage to the contracting authority. ,9 +"Online, including the provision of at least two tablets for filling out the quiz at the stand ",3 +deutschen,9 +shall be the presiding officer of the township court and of the,3 +Ram pressure.,9 +"many of the accessories are mounted. Also, called the anti-",9 +USEFUL LOAD,9 +Article II.18.2.,9 +"sums of money, ranging from P10 000 to P80 000, had been ",3 +district level which the department could use to guide and monitor its resource ,9 +"PURPOSE A ""MEAT ",7 +The Agency shall enhance the capabilities of the cybersecurity community including EU Member ,3 +Revised materials and web content provided on the ESAC-Net website for ESAC-Net ,8 +"angle of attack, the resultant lifting force increases and",9 +See page 66 ,3 +in its original shape with a hot knife.,9 +aircraft of the attitude indicator in an airplane should not ,9 +Appendix A2 ,9 +lufttechnischen Anlagen ohne Zusatz aggressiver ,9 +"hat sie innerhalb eines Monats zu erfolgen, es sei denn, in den besonderen Bedingungen ist ",9 +"This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1991. ",3 +"constructing,",3 +pattern indicators displayed with a segmented circle adjacent ,9 +"the preceding 24 calendar months. In addition, a log on ",9 +Bis zum Eingang der Mitteilung nach Satz 1 bleibt der Vorrang des Pächters gemäß § 3 Abs. 5 Satz 8 des,9 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Sport Piggyback System,7 +Personnel parachutes. ,9 +assets without residual values. This would be done on a yearly ,9 +"indemnity for loss, damage, or liability made or renewed by any",3 +"Kenntnisse der berufsbezogenen Chemie und Physik,",3 +For an additional amount for the ‘‘Public Transportation Emer-,9 +Runway Markings,7 +provided to P; ,3 +"sowie deren Lagerung, Dosierung, bestimmungsgemäße Anwendung und mögliche Nebenwirkungen,",3 +Marinduque and the small islands immed,9 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +vertical tail to static directional stability. The ,9 +Remote Indicating Compass,8 +plant etc.; ,3 +"avoid a hard landing, fly the skiplane all the way to the",9 +Sometimes when the airplane appears to temporarily stop ,9 +flowing from the generator to the aircraft electrical loads. ,9 +Supplemental Study Materials for Aircraft Weight and Balance,7 +in the United states,7 +"public inspection, of the names of all persons paying licenses or privilege taxes,",9 +également au ,9 +Amendment of Schedule 2 ,7 +Local terrain can have a considerable effect on the wind. ,9 +[1397-16.],9 +approach angle/descent gradient. Pilots of helicopters with ,9 +Magnetic Reference Bearing (MRB) is the,9 +Reserve Static Lines (RSLs) ,7 +Resin Injection Repairs,7 +(+++ Textnachweis ab: 1.10.2013 +++),9 +§ 88 Auszahlung,7 +Conducting Dispersion Modeling,9 +Improper technique in correcting altitude ,3 +Temperature Variations with Topography,7 +installation of penstocks proposed for Stage 2.,9 +the webbing.,3 +marks of the old pocket and pin in place with T-pins. ,3 +"Teilsysteme zu montieren, zu demontieren und zu verbinden,",3 +the conduct had been— ,9 +"Errata as of October 21, 2013 ",7 + Pre-conditions for the verification of the process performance ,7 +§ 2 Kennzeichnung von forstlichem Vermehrungsgut,7 +"The other party has 30 days following the date of receipt to submit observations, including the ",9 +Stops the engine,3 +The National ,7 +Blind Bolts,7 +The auditors noted that there was no direct oversight and control ,9 +any British overseas territory other than the Territory.” ,3 +accounts relate. ,9 +[Figure 7-70],9 +committed prior to the enforcement of this Ministerial Order. ,3 +Consignment note ,7 +costi relativi ai rischi interferenziali saranno sostenuti dall'amministrazione ,7 +For the Contracting Authority: ,7 +gage allowed in a baggage compartment located,3 +various combination of incoming phase orders. ,9 +The ability of cooperate with ENISA and UI/UX designers to match visual design intent ,3 +The provisions set out in the tender specifications (Annex I) take precedence over ,3 +Procedure Turns,7 +Publication reference: EuropeAid/140639/IH/SUP/TR,10 +accountability location) ,3 +type and size of needle is most important in proper operation ,9 +with ECHA and must specify and put in place an interaction model as specified below.,9 +"rotor helicopters, however, use counter-rotating rotors, each ",9 +Unit Energy Storage ,9 +must be able to critique his or her own performance ,3 +any updated wording required in light of best practice or as a result of standard contractual ,9 +indicator are substituted for the actual helicopter and,9 +than those listed in Appended Table 3): ,3 +Schlussformel ,7 +Table of Contents,7 +Installation,7 +How Autopilot Functions Work,7 +ticket No. 24/4 cotton thread. ,3 +prohibit the burial of the dead within the centers of population of,3 +in the event gates happen to be unmanned (due to bad weather conditions and ,3 +"Identification, invitation and briefing of journalists/experts ",7 +cause structural damage. ,9 +"runway in a moving aircraft. When RVR is reported, it is shown with an R, then the runway ",3 +Marker Beacons,7 +"If wind velocity is a factor, the aircraft should be headed ",9 +ENROLLED IN PATIENT ENROLLMENT SYSTEM OF DEPART-,7 +病院等の管理者は、法第六条の十一第四項の規定による報告を行うに当たつては、,3 +channel or adjacent,9 +"Steep turns, excessively low airspeeds, and ",9 +obtain normal climb power and apply enough forward cyclic ,9 +Throttle System,7 +〔昭和五十八年七月三十日通商産業省令第三十九号〕,7 +structured. ,3 +Unlawful Possession of Firearm or Ammunition,9 +contemplated above shall not be granted except upon recommendation of the,9 +Radio License ,7 +"Erkennung und Behandlung von Narkosezwischenfällen,",3 +Contractor will be required to comply with all current Turkish health and safety regulations ,9 +Anlage 2 (zu § 1 Abs. 1 Forstsaat-Herkunftsgebietsverordnung),7 +requires greater thrust because of the increased drag created ,9 +"(ii) when suspension is intended, the scheduled period of the suspension. ",3 +Functions of Generator Control Systems,7 + au contractant (ou chef de file dans le cas d'une offre conjointe) que sa facture ne peut être ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 172 of April 3, 2015] ",7 +"declare, prevent, and abate nuisances.",3 +"providing target services with respect to a specified business, as permitted ",3 +management of intellectual property and the transfer of technology; and ,3 +to parallel runways will probably receive traffic alerts. These ,9 +Adresse officielle complète,9 +Operation of the Treatment Plant ,7 +aft cyclic control to maintain proper airspeed. Once the,9 +〔平成二十四年九月十四日政令第二百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +voluntary sector is published with the Explanatory Memorandum alongside these Regulations on ,9 +"solid content, DS%, of dried sludge”.",9 +sent by the licence holder to the MMO must be sent by email. ,9 +Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake),7 +We control who has access to your data and services,3 +Exclusion criteria documentation ,7 +"wurden, können auch elektronisch übermittelt werden. § 3a des Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetzes gilt",9 +Continuing the round out further reduces the airspeed and ,9 +Anti-Skid System Maintenance,7 +que des institutions des États membres; ,3 +(This note is not part of the Regulations) ,7 +.........,9 +自費患者(社会保険診療に係る患者又は労働者災害補償保険法に係る患者以外,3 +Anxiety is probably the most significant psychological factor affecting flight instruction. This is true because flying is a potentially ,9 +Amendment of Schedule 3 ,7 +large velocity change with a relatively small ,9 +"their flexibility. In such cases, the total area can be determined ",9 +Figure 16-52,9 +the number of intermittent disaster response personnel ,9 +Press kits prepared with all relevant press information for dissemination just before the online ,7 +BUY THROUGH THIS PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE? ,7 +Minimum drag speed (L/D$_{MAX}$). ,9 +and hybrid events) ,7 +"Once you have reached the localizer centerline, maintain ",9 +"whether in writing or by any other means,",3 +Jurisdiction and Powers,7 +whether a near midair collision did actually occur,9 +The process will begin at least 2 weeks prior to the publication date with the submission of an ,9 +controlled in the cockpit. A hand-operated wobble pump ,9 +doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2014.3945 ,1 +"action, or event.",9 +"(ii) the construction of a new roundabout, together with related approach roads and ",3 +outflow valves when the pressure in the cabin drops well ,9 +"suppression, fatigue reduction, and mood elevation. Some ",9 +which an element of a propeller would ,3 +II.23.3. Interest on late payment ,7 +Traffic collision avoidance systems (TCAS) and traffic ,9 +erteilt ist.,3 +more than half the wingspan of the glider. If one wingtip ,9 +Use of Power,7 +"of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, and the calendar year 2018 ",9 +linkages and the amount of movement in the collective lever ,9 +"the airway essentially overflies the airport, or radar vectors ",9 +‘Order form’,9 +Electric Power Consumption Commitments ,7 +Appendix E: Log Book Endorsement Formats (page E-1) ,7 +An inner ear organ that detects angular ,9 +most common signs and markings are described on the following ,9 +ublication Ref: NEAR/ANK/2020/EA-OP/0056 ,7 +that is closed at throttle settings below approximately 60–70 ,9 +"edge open on top of the stack. If it is a little windy, ",9 +Criteria related to tenderers ,7 +"misinterpreting the heading indicator, or to confusion ",3 +"increase mechanical strength. As a general practice, wires ",9 +the only clue of being along some sort of convergence line. ,9 +Battery Freezing,7 +"which divides it and provides equal, consistent fuel flow for ",9 +"Student pilots learning to fly WSC aircraft, certificated pilots preparing for additional WSC ratings or who desire to improve ",9 +System/operational design. ,3 +"demonstrated environmental benefit. For instance, if an action causes a reduction in emissions of ",9 +Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems ,7 +The fracture point has been designed to allow the wrenching ,9 +Existing High-Risk Hazards ,3 +requires) are used to limit the throw-range or travel movement ,9 +room hosting 25 staff. ,3 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 21.07.2003,9 +"about the same magnitude, are out of phase with each other. ",9 +operating using two pilots. ,3 +Figure 4-7. ,3 +Vmini (minimum speed ,9 +クス線管焦点から一メートルの距離において十ミリグレイ毎時以下かつエックス,3 +be communicated to ATC in terms of bearing and distance ,9 +Altitude on the visual flight path is at the discretion,9 +II.5.5. Authorised persons in e-PRIOR ,7 +Description: what do we want to buy through this call for tenders? ,7 +instrument clearance. You can contact the Flight Service ,9 +Includes the federal aviation regulations governing the ,9 +at which an airway intersection can be determined.,9 +Landesrecht zuständige Behörde den Bewerber binnen derselben Frist über die Gründe für diese Verzögerung.,9 +VOR Receiver Check,7 +control surface is at the full extent of its travel. These work ,9 +(See COMMON TRAFFIC ADVISORY ,9 +Crosswind,6 +Owner May Redeem Personal Property Before Sale,9 +"distance of her original destination. In addition, Gayle should ",6 +Private rights over land ,7 +"personal, heritable or movable, whatsoever, where the same shall be",3 +Guidance ,1 +"38,000 ft",6 +Ineligibility,9 +"+L, ROLLING MOMENT ",6 +II.17 SUSPENSION DE L'EXÉCUTION DU CC ,7 +Article 2 – DURATION AND TERMINATION ,7 +Chapter 10: Aeronautical Decision-Making and Judgment ,7 +"procedure,",6 +"During preflight planning, pilots should be",9 +– Erfahrungsaustausch für Fahranfänger,3 +"moving at five knots, the chase crew need drive only a short ",9 +individual airports and runways so that they may make ,9 +particular ,3 +S’assurer que le matériel est arrimé. ,3 +Directive 2014/24/EU,3 +"automatic ignition,",9 +Windshield Surface Seal Coating,7 +installed where the proximity of two or more runways,9 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 26.11.2004,9 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +Southerly Turning Errors,7 +Satzung der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht,7 +Data buses,6 +"§ 5 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Berufsausbildung und Mitarbeiterführung""",7 +“Shadow authorities ,7 +container. ,3 +weight of the helicopter. Most helicopters have an inter-,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +flight emergencies. Some important medical factors that a ,9 +Vacuum systems are very common for driving gyro ,9 +where contractors are not available or is of such character that advertising for bids,9 + An autopilot function or mode ,9 +PROCÉDURE D’EVACUATION ,7 +"would be if the conductor were not insulated. Thus, ",3 +Exclusion criteria documentation ,7 +ATC Frequency Change Procedures.,7 +machines can cut metal into angles up to 180°. Notchers ,9 +Areas Designated as Severe Wind and Moisture ,7 +"and very high frequency (VHF) transceiver, draw power from ",9 +Traffic advisory (TA) ,6 +and replacing minor parts of a parachute assembly and of ,9 +"date of delinquency to the date of sale, together with",9 +Transitioning across lots: Handover (WP 4) ,7 +the helicopter about the roll and pitch axes (cyclic ,3 +distances may also occur since PBN system,9 +"lateral movement and to keep the upwind wing from rising, ",9 +II.23.4$_{ }$Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +2021-2023 period ,7 +Санитарные правила,7 +I.6.1. Disposizioni sull'IVA ,7 +Intramuros + 4. ,9 +"designs, these free directional oscillations usually die out ",9 +"deren Vermarktung; Erfassen und Bewerten des Betriebserfolgs; Betriebsvergleich,",3 +flows through the filter element from the outside into the ,9 +sometimes,9 +Zurücknahme der Beschwerde oder des Antrags,8 +from the Government Publishing Office by facsimile,9 +"For this reason, part of the gain (due to a decrease in drag) is ",9 +"course, the landing is not completed until the ",9 +indicated under Heading I.1 of the contract notice. ,9 +"the PR loss. However, large conductors are more expensive ",9 +An all-pneumatic cabin pressure regulator and outflow valve.,0 +"If a tender procedure is cancelled, tenderers will be notified by the contracting authority. If ",9 +provided with constant information on the actual attitude ,9 +§ 32 Speicherung der Halterdaten in den Fahrzeugregistern,7 +"учащихся 1-4-х классов 10 минут, для 5-9-х классов 15 минут.",9 +"/8"", 2,250 lb; ",6 +Emergency control ,7 +workman like manner or in a manner that does not accord with the approved plan or as otherwise ,9 +to be turned on in order for the marker beacon receiver to ,9 +to be concentrated.,9 +VOR- A ground-based electronic navigation aid ,9 +〔昭和三十五年四月二十五日政令第百八号〕,7 +La zone de travail doit être délimitée par un balisage afin de protéger les tiers contre la ,3 +"Per Safety Management System policy, a high predicted residual risk is unacceptable and",3 +brake immediately and vigorously to stop the glider as soon as ,9 +"area. Warning areas may contain intensive military training, ",9 +le retrait de son intention de réduire le paiement; ou ,3 +"Tape Measure (Item 42, WP 0063 00) ",9 +pressure drop across the orifice results. ,9 +"shall cause the ordinances of the township to be executed, and",3 +Figure 10-45,9 +Tag numbering ,7 +take into consideration this visualization of the wing’s AOA ,9 +the next waypoint and the DME values published on,9 +peratures would increase rapidly. ,9 +Glide Slope/Glide Path,7 +Services to be performed daily,8 +Any flight you make involves almost infinite combinations ,9 +professional manner in compliance with the contractual terms and the amount of ,3 +occur during the ,9 +SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNT HOLDER (Obligatory),6 +pesos in value.,3 +"mining whether a critical balance condition exists, it is",9 +Enrolment appeals ,7 +Exhumation,9 +"the same direction, tipping may have occurred during some ",9 +Charger OK ,3 +(See FLIGHT INFORMATION ,9 +PERSONAL DATA AND CONFIDENTIALITY ,7 +"appropriate CFRs, ACs and similar publications. The",9 +Aircraft in Terminal Areas,7 +User-Defined Waypoints ,7 +Figure 4-29. ,0 +"are identified with a ""G"" suffix.",9 +Contract no: [complete] ,9 +"The financial statements presented fairly, in all material respects, ",9 +jacketing varies according to the environment. ,9 +are constantly maintained. The four fundamentals are in ,9 +Table of contents ,7 +Launch Equipment Inspection,7 +a spline cut on the forward end of the shaft. The spline fits ,9 + Attitude and Sink Rate Control,7 +"in full adherence to the Tender Specifications and their annexes. Therefore, any aspect ",3 +Emergency Extension Systems,7 +Documentation of application components and configurations: ECHA has ,3 +Earthquake code for infrastructure ,3 +"Islands or in the United States, and the ownership of such vessel must be vested in",9 +(二)具有撤销权的当事人知道撤销事由后明确表示或者以自己的行为放弃,9 +Executive Secretary immediately after the commission and oath of office of any,9 +"nre, CCTl,-.., ",6 +「資本取引」とあるのは「資本取引(仮に改正法の施行の日以後に行うとした場合,3 +§ 1 Ziel des Gesetzes,7 +Standard rate turn.,9 +of oil because different types of oil harden and stop the oil ,9 +Finanzdienstleistungen,3 +The contracting authority reimburses subsistence expenses on the basis of a daily subsistence ,3 +aircraft. Extremely hot compressor bleed air is ducted into ,9 +Situational Awareness,7 +procedure save in exceptional circumstances and under the following conditions only: ,9 + obligation as specified revealed an actual breach;,3 +VOR Minimum Operational Network (MON) Airports Designator,7 +"from the airport operator,",9 +is true of low-pressure areas; the air flows toward a low ,9 +Beteiligte am Verfahren sind,9 +Relocated Runway Threshold ,7 +"airliners, routinely monitor this frequency. Their great height ",9 +Safety and Security Issue Reporting ,7 +period shall be 365 days. The warranty period shall commence on the date of provisional ,3 +Paint Touchup,7 +Variation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +interception angle usually results in overshooting ,3 +"the names of physicians, dentists, medical radiology technicians, or medical ",3 +"½"", 550 lb; B. 1"", 1,000 lb; ",6 +"das Kennzeichen und das Bild des Fahrzeugs,",3 +Pressurization and Flexibility,7 +pouvoir adjudicateur de ,7 +technical and financial tenders against the pre-defined award criteria.,3 +MACH NUMBER. ,6 +"Event assistant(s) to run cloakroom, registration process on-site, handing out material ",7 +installation or change in the underlying computing infrastructure. [Note that this ,3 +"or Q (non-jet, cruise speed 189 knots or less). [Figure 2-22] ",9 +signal lists.,3 +Analyzing Procedures ,7 +"The procedural, psychomotor, and ",9 +"Generally, the WSC wing is yaw stable with ",9 +fully applicable. The numbering of the articles of the special conditions is not consecutive ,9 +§ 11 Untersuchungsbefugnisse,7 +cambiamento,3 +[Figure 5-58],3 +Section 20(,9 +Selection phase ,7 +Functions of Engine Oil,7 +flow reversal or backfire takes place. If the ,9 +APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY-,7 +(iii) the construction of earth embankments supporting the new highway; ,3 +granting of the privilege of fisheries shall be referred by each,3 +"establisher or manager of a sickbed function reporting hospital, etc. as ",3 +can be found on a sectional chart by the airport or in the Chart Supplements publication from the ,9 +FACTURATION ,7 +The FAA recognizes that non,9 +Check Valves,7 +0013 00-29 ,4 +or automatic regulator to vary the pressure across the orifice ,9 +installations,6 +in Field 10 must be removed. Entry of information in,9 +регистрационный № 15172);,9 +the greatest discretion with regard,9 +Available,6 +anzuwenden.,9 +pilot will be directed to execute a missed approach or to fly a ,9 +Powered Parachute Wing,7 +Orifice rod,6 +"Article 7.1 of the Special Conditions. Where payment is in euro, for the purposes of the Provision for ",3 +Page 2 of2,4 +Site Investigations ,7 +Civil Aviation Registry Aircraft Registration Branch ,9 +LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ,7 +Verify ignition OFF. ,3 +as sites for sawmills and,9 +traitement,6 +Feet (MSL),6 +Firmly hold stroke simulator adjacent to the AR2 pocket in a vertical orientation (i.e. stroke simulator ,3 +Are operating under an approved TSA,9 +purposes.,9 +"TS EN 545 Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water pipelines - Re-",3 +The contractor shall also deal (if needed) with the preparation of guest packs and information ,3 +through the remainder of the engine. Some of the energy ,9 +provide a comprehensive monitoring and reporting methodology to cover all activities ,3 +- pour le bâtiment Justus Lipsius: ,9 +"constructed by the DVS. However, there was no documentary evidence of a ",9 +Lebensqualität führt.,8 +"Except when necessary for takeoff and landing, all flights will be conducted at or above ",3 +Provoke a number of errors and verify that the system responds to these errors as described in the ,3 +"TM 10-1670-287-23&P, 30 July 2003, is updated as follows: ",9 +authorities when departing IFR from a non-towered airport. ,9 +environment; to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the environment and ,9 +"und Warmwasserleitungen, Kälteverteilungs- und Kaltwasserleitungen sowie Ar-",7 +sion in attaining the desired results. During straight-,9 +"sind stets erstattungsfähig. Aufwendungen für einen Bevollmächtigten oder Beistand, für den Gebühren und",9 +conditions includes an alternate induction air source and an ,9 +"Die der Ausführung zu Grunde liegenden Pläne, Details, Unterlagen, werden grundsätzlich vom ",9 +they indicate a need for special instruction to relieve the anxiety. The abnormal reactions are even more important because they may ,9 +rotor to sufficient r.p.m. prior to,9 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +представителями),9 +shall be at least IP 44. The siren flasher shall be in accordance with TS EN 54-3 and shall be ,9 +"Because of inertia effects, impact ice collects on or near a ",9 +Sequence for construction ,7 +Anforderungen gemäß Energieeinsparverordnung 2016,7 +the navigational service provided by GPS. WAAS achieved ,9 + See visual meteorological conditions.,9 +"feet above changes very little. Thus, temperature increases ",9 +Vaccine effectiveness and impact of COVID-19 vaccines through routinely collected exposure and outcome data using health registries,6 +§ 1 Stammzertifikate,7 +Constant Pitch,6 +Order of precedence of contract documents ,7 +Manufacture,7 +Meteorology,4 +"the turn, the instructor questions the learner on an unrelated topic. The learner answers the questions, while making two small ",9 +meteorological,3 +§ 1 Anwendungsbereich,7 +and 146a equipment is required.,9 +contracting authority in,3 +"Systeme aufgrund technischer, wirtschaftlicher",8 +"PUBLIC LAW 117–4—MAR. 24, 2021 ",5 +Article 2 – DURATION AND TERMINATION ,7 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +so that an excessive bank is not required later on to ,9 +Ground Test,7 +Moderation of cybersecurity exercises (Political/ Operational/Technical EU level) ,3 +ou d'une nouvelle version. ,9 +"1966 I S. 1), der zuletzt durch Artikel 24 Nr. 1 des Gesetzes vom 18. März 1975 (BGBl. I S. 705) geändert worden",9 +II. General Conditions for the service contract ,7 +of the city or his assistants under this section shall be used against such witness in,9 +"""Fernstraßenbauprivatfinanzierungsgesetz in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 6. Januar 2006 (BGBl. I S.",9 +from the electrically driven pump or from the reservoir tanks ,9 +for aircraft in general and discusses what information the ,9 +found in box-shaped spars. The spar in ,9 +Military Operation Areas (MOAs) ,7 +II.7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND PROFESSIONAL CONFLICTING ,7 +Thermal Survey of Repair Area,7 +(INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST) ,7 +means calling the insurance agent. One insurance ,3 +line is sometimes added to show the maximum autorotation ,9 +Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Planning ,7 +flight wires/control frame below and the ground wires/king ,9 +stick to arrest the descent. Severe pitching or PIOs are likely ,9 +10.24.Vertragsstrafe ,7 +fachtheoretischen Kenntnisse bezieht. Grundlage dafür sind folgende Fertigkeiten und Kenntnisse:,9 +shall be properly marked so that it can be,9 +efficiency and short periods of excessive ,9 +similar to that of airfoil sections. As a ,9 +"supervision. For avoidance of doubt, this includes any sub-",3 +General electrical requirements ,7 +paragraph 1,9 +"Tel: +351 21 1209 299, E-mail: Simone.BALBONI@emsa.europa.eu",9 +Compliance with AD notes must be within the required time ,9 +ATCSCC to regulate traffic at arrival airports. ,9 +ground crew to give direction to the pilot after a missed attempt such as 10 feet ,9 +Raising the flaps can help keep the seaplane firmly on,9 + An electrical switch actuated by the landing ,9 +"financed under IPA II, in accordance with the foreign exchange control regulations in ",3 +List of Figures ,7 +wing.” The pressure inside the wing is much higher ,9 +recordkeeping is necessary to keep both the student and the ,9 +Risk: Taking Off Without Entering a Flight Plan,7 +for onsite activities) ,7 +www.ntsb.gov.,0 +of gas tur- ,9 +person having possession of any firearm or ammunition in violation of any,9 +Data controller:,3 +"Similarly, any documentation uploaded on the TED eTendering website at this step of the ",9 + National Security Areas (NSAs),7 +becoming more popular with light-sport aircraft (LSA). ,9 +organization. The objective of an operational assessment is to determine the organization’s ,9 +Emission Source Release Characteristics ,7 +autoland operations should be especially alert in,9 +disinfection at night as well as for security of staff manning the gates. ,3 +a capacitor and has the ability to absorb and store electrical ,9 +shows a typical method of using supertack to secure ,3 +"§ 51 Inkrafttreten, Übergangsregelungen",7 + In regulation 3(1) the times referred to are Co-ordinated Universal Time(,9 +NAVWEPS OD-BOT-BO ,7 +Instructor Responsibilities,7 +Replacement of Damaged Trees ,7 +communications,3 +"the Agency under paragraph 35, must be constructed— ",9 +§ 71a Träger von unabhängigen Stellen für die Bestätigung der Eignung von eingesetzten,7 +10.10.Koordinationsbesprechungen,7 +shaped background ,3 +"4.5.2016, ",1 +Deployment Type,7 +Definitions ,7 +sind zusätzlich dem Weltraumforschungsfunkdienst (passiv) und dem Erderkundungsfunkdienst über,3 +The evidence pertains to: ,7 +AJ Bell 2021 World Triathlon Leeds ,9 +"tion of figure 2.1, the speed ",9 +"the helicopter is still turning, make a small change of",9 +the CG is expressed in the same terms.,9 +Minister of State ,9 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 +Two discharge assemblies,3 +ADEMPIMENTO DELLE NORME DI SICUREZZA,7 +"at a lower airspeed. In ground effect, a lower angle of attack ",9 +法第十五条の三第二項の規定による医療機器又は医学的処置若しくは手術,3 +"„31. Dezember eines Folgejahres“ der Begriff „31. Dezember des Jahres 2015 oder eines Folgejahres“ tritt,",3 +place first and then the horizontal back strap second. ,3 +"a strong, gusty wind. The different techniques for those other-",9 +[Figure 11-14],9 +=velocity of motion in miles per hour. ,3 +blade angles are required to maintain lift at a given airspeed. ,9 +"(ii) permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (2). ",3 + Cooling Systems ,7 +for ballooning.,3 +Phone: (305) 597-4610,8 +increases the overall diameter of the engine.,9 +over the complete power range. The mixture would then ,9 +into a steep spiral dive. Usually the rate of divergence in the ,9 +Variometer.,9 +Any communication under this specific contract shall be made in accordance ,3 +"and pedestrians) between Skippool Bridge Junction and Old Mains Lane, approximately 36 metres ",9 +"In flight at a constant altitude, the VSI (sometimes referred ",9 +ATC Instructions ,7 +Commercial—twist lock,3 +copy of the drawings prepared for the implementation of the tasks and a copy of the ,3 +Levy on Alcoholic Beverages Fund ,7 +Power circuit breakers shall be fitted with a protection system to comprise the following facilities: ,9 +Updated text: ,7 +automatic power unit (APU) usage or potential fuel ,3 +there is no stress on the zipper. ,9 +Figure 5-1. ,0 +operating in one or more municipalities five-tenths of the franchise,3 +"Soweit Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaften, die nach formwechselnder Umwandlung",9 +aircrafts present position has been entered correctly. ,3 +Standards Service,9 +While there are several important properties that satisfactory ,9 +Amendment of Schedule 1 ,7 +travaux aura les qualifications et l'expérience professionnelles requises pour ,9 +It will be used ,8 +"‘‘(C) For purposes of section 1822 of this title, an indi-",9 +"When operating within 1,000 feet of a",9 +can create large sideways forces. This is important,9 +will occur at high power and low dynamic ,9 +"the corresponding flight instrument indications. For example, ",9 + Terminal Radar Service Areas (TRSA),7 +"seaplane is moving at a significant speed, the seaplane",9 +Recognizing Hazardous Attitudes ,7 +PRELIMINARY,7 +受託業務の指導及び助言を行う者として、滅菌消毒業務に関し相当の知識及び経,3 +Pressurization Terms,7 +commercial bushings.,3 +The hash marks along the top and bottom borders of military Instrument Approach Charts indicate that the procedure ,9 +requirements of the call for tenders; ,9 +der vom Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur zur Ausführung der Schiffsoffizier-,3 +Requirements.,9 +"the surface slightly, then the surface refreezes as the",9 +"The type of review (e.g., planning, development, verification, final, or other); ",3 +"retaining walls, and all other port works; the work of reclaiming land",3 +"Up until April 13, 2021, the term ""goods listed in Appended Table 2-2 ",3 +Weather Regulatory Requirements ,7 +Engine Oil Pressure Indicator,7 +(Calculation of standard numbers of sickbeds) ,9 +"be restricted areas, prohibited areas, military ",9 +"unfamiliar, and altitude above terrain such that a “normal” ",9 +Power to override easements and other rights ,7 +the fourth B line attachment point. The fifth A and B lines run similarly from the fifth B line ,3 + Air that is tapped off a turbine engine ,9 +TUFT GRID 24 INCHES FROM ,6 +ni broj obrta (MBO) ,8 +langues des pays candidats; ,3 +Fuel heaters. ,9 +South Africa; ,3 +Abschnitt A Nr. 1.5 ,3 +"(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2020, 1908 – 1909)",9 +or failure during flight if you encounter excessive load,9 +Normes de qualité ,7 +timing window. The magneto is set to fire the No. 1 cylinder. ,9 +Parlaments und des Rates vom 12. Januar 2005 mit Vorschriften für die Futtermittelhygiene (ABl. L 35 vom,3 +engagement. This is critical in boosting stakeholders’ understanding of ,3 +Government. ,3 +"approved a person as a local authority foster parent, ",3 +Article II-22 ,7 +Schedule No 4: Concrete and Steel Works,7 +[Figure 5-56],3 +dimensions. Since the VOR receiver is used on the ,3 +I.4.2. Price revision index ,7 +tapes and attachment loops for suspension line attachment. ,3 +する責任者を定めること。,3 +Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works shall provide ,9 +Travail en hauteur par un élévateur à nacelle ,7 +EXPLOITATION DES RÉSULTATS DU CC ,7 +Terminal Arrival Area (TAA),7 +LAND OF WHICH ONLY TEMPORARY POSSESSION MAY BE ,7 +the possibility of error and help keep the pilot “in the loop.”,9 +"nineteen hundred and ___________,",9 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +Department Head for Supreme Court,9 +was seized.,9 +and collector submitted for my decision. So help me God. (In case of,9 +Whereas the National Air and Space Museum opened on the Amer-,3 +Differenz zwischen Umlagebetrag und Vorauszahlung,3 +a manner consistent with the standards applicable to such ,9 +operators obtain Advisory Circular (AC) 91,9 +Orville Wright (left) and Dan Tate (right) launching ,0 +COTS Products,3 +"As the temperature of the core increases, electrical resistance ",9 +Declaration of Honour (DoH) ,7 +smooth touchdown with some forward groundspeed. If the ,9 +"it difficult to restart the engine. On fuel-injected engines, the ",9 +10.26.Erstellung und Prüfung der Werk- und Montageplanung ,7 +Local (3) ,8 +"Direct Communications, Controllers and",7 +Fuel Selectors ,7 +One rule of thumb to correct for this leading error is to stop ,9 +outage is prudent during flight planning as is,9 +making an approach to landing. This speed will vary ,9 +"Innern, dem Bundesministerium der Finanzen, dem Bundesministerium der Justiz und dem Bundesministerium",9 +Moral rights of the authors ,7 +Language of the contract ,7 +"carried out by SGN as an assignee, transferee or lessee of the undertaker with the benefit ",3 +des § 1 Absatz 1 und 2 oder,3 +costi relativi ai rischi interferenziali saranno sostenuti dall'amministrazione ,7 +"parachutes, the accepted practice is to pack on the floor on ",9 +operators) are not required to have an LOA to conduct,9 +Hard Landing,7 +Philippine Islands or by any government of ,9 +II.13.6. Quotation of works in the result ,7 +Carburetor ,6 +begins. The turn can be stopped by leveling the miniature,9 +CONTACT PERSON (for this tender) ,7 +"TOUCHDOWN ZONE—The portion of a runway, ",3 +attendance. This list will be at the disposal of EU-OSHA at any time it is requested before the ,3 +order to adapt them to the procurement documents and in order to find the most economically ,9 +accessing the staff e-mail address available via the “Contact ,9 +topic. The ,9 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +Financial sanctions licences ,7 +Belt Sander,7 +procedural,9 +Full appeals ,7 +magneto just open. If the slots in the mounting flange of the ,9 +Request clarification of clearances. ,3 +NATURAL PERSON,7 +Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001(,3 +(ADAHRS). ,9 +smooth runway. ,9 +"standards,",9 +"The UHF glide slope transmitter, operating",9 +"Kommanditgesellschaft, bei der kein persönlich haftender Gesellschafter eine natürliche Person ist.",9 +"horizon, however, is immediate in its indications, accurate, ",9 +Pilots should have an established set of procedures and ,9 +altitude ,9 +"2.3.1. Планировка зданий, строений, сооружений должна обеспечивать",9 +Alternate Navigation Planning,7 +Blocks of Learning ,7 +Termination by Europol: ,7 +damaged side flap facing up in case you slip ,3 +относительной,9 +"This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of October 1, 1986. ",9 +vibration happens close to the same airspeed as ETL because ,9 +Department. ,9 +impossible on the ground in the automatic pressurization ,9 +"bright inner cone, perhaps a bit of the “fuel-rich” feather or ",9 +FROiiEiiGT!it ,6 +Hydroplaning,7 +Commercial—threaded,3 +Pressurization and Flexibility,7 +Chapter IV-2 Basic Policy ,7 +The Agency’s objectives are as follows:,9 +"Overcontrolling, resulting in overbanking upon turn ",3 +and no one is standing in front of the wings or so close ,3 +DETERMINING EMPTY WEIGHT,7 +Flight Procedures.,7 +a year in each environment. ,3 +"may be licensed in the future for the same business, regardless of ownership or",9 +"Also called ""nominal pitch."" Its symbol is ",3 +Loosen bridle line girth hitch enough so that pilot chute can be passed through loop in end of bridle ,3 +Accessories Plug,6 +"this type of airplane in a steep, low power ",9 +Specifications for repair of all painted/coated surfaces. ,3 +"and Terminal charts with blue segmented lines, and",9 +Battery Freezing,7 +"in terms of feet per second, per second (fps²).",9 +be grounded to the aircraft before refueling is begun and ,9 +"VTUL4, or POML3) may be used in lieu of the route of flight. ",9 +"VFR just prior to entering the traffic pattern, as preparations ",9 +the nearest airports that meet the criteria set in the systems ,9 +Fahrschülerausbildung nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2,7 +“the data protection legislation” has the same meaning as in the Data Protection Act 2018(,9 +AK Deggendorf,8 +Branch of Service,9 +"by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry by public notice); ",3 +risultato,9 +airspeed for flap extension. Excessive ,9 +and whose free flight does not depend on an engine.,9 +the qualifications required.,9 +Wird ein Kind unter sieben Jahren auf einem Mofa nach § 4 Absatz 1 Satz 2 Nummer 1 oder auf einem,9 +shall submit invoices in electronic ,3 +Protection level IP31 ,3 +"18, paragraph (3) of the New Order as on the date of enforcement, capital ",3 +causes a premature ,9 +basic function of data acquisition. They continuously,9 +Article 7 - ,7 +direction if it is other than the standard left-hand pattern. ,9 +"under Article 1, paragraph (2) of the Export Trade Control Order revised by ",3 +Governor/Correlator ,7 +All of these areas can sustain wear or damage during normal ,9 + (ss 57-70) ,7 + ...................,8 +Annex II — Financial tender,7 +§ 1 Erheben von Gebühren,7 +edge flaps are also common. They extend forward and down ,9 +OPERATING STRENGTH LIMITATIONS ,5 +examiner or designated examiner for the purpose of issuing ,9 +Title of Chapter,7 +projects shall restore such projects to the full project profile at ,9 +"the erection, construction or maintenance of any part of the authorised development; ",3 +warp and filling yarns.,9 +Schlussvorschriften,7 +the Vice-President or a Minister appointed by the President by instrument in writing ,3 +Planung und Disposition:,3 +"controller,",3 +) A body corporate established under section 232 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 (c. 7). ,1 +keep the position updated. An INS does not require any inputs ,9 +based equipment require-,9 +§ 6 Meldepflicht der Inhaber einer Fahrlehrerlaubnis zur vorübergehenden und gelegentlichen,7 +AOA on the wing and keep the WSC aircraft on the ground. ,9 +Principle of Operation,7 +and Mountain Wave Activity (MWA),7 +References in this Order to numbered plots are references to plot numbers on the deposited ,9 +"over or under corrected, the airspeed indicator will show a ",9 +of any apparatus; or ,3 +Applicable products: All harness configurations,3 +controlled flights. ,9 +in flight (alpha range). ,9 +Pilot—A pilot must continually make decisions about ,9 +Ground Access Vehicles ,7 +"might occur in the context of a press conference (providing individual statements at its conclusion), the ",9 +road/rail transport). ,3 +⦁ $_{Has a clear set of objectives. }$,3 +"health emergency, including public awareness of such methods; ",9 +Section 5. Pilot/Controller Roles and Responsibilities,7 +Variable pneumatic restrictor.,0 +Words designating persons or parties shall include firms and companies and any ,3 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ,7 +Relocated Runway Threshold ,7 +Increase angle of attack,6 + Terminal Radar Service Areas (TRSA),7 +fall upon the,3 +ADDRESS OF BANK BRANCH,7 +Wer ist für die Datenverarbeitung verantwortlich und an wen können Sie sich wenden? ,7 +Genehmigung nach § 6 Abs. 1 jeweils ergebenden Höhe spätestens bei Beginn der mautgebührenpflichtigen,9 +the airflow under the lower surface. The chord line is,9 +During this ,9 +Hi-Lok$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +System and Equipment Malfunctions,7 +Range from touchdown is given at least once each mile. If ,9 +"supervision, labour and facilities required for the implementation of the tasks.",3 +Identifying Emissions in the SIP ,7 +MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +Figure 2-44. ,0 +"Tornado, dust devil, ",6 +"Qualitätssicherungssystem, soweit der Berater nicht bereits in ein anderes, vergleichbares",3 +Einrede der Vorausklage gegen den Hauptschuldner (den Auftragnehmer). ,3 +Some alternators are cooled by circulating oil through the ,9 +speeds (lower angles of attack) for level and climbing fl ight ,9 +Defroster outlet,6 +"incorrect, distorted, or incomplete, makes corrections",9 +"Cabin pressurization, heating, and cooling;",3 +in these areas have often an exterior jacket to protect them ,9 +Simultaneous close parallel (independent) PRM approaches ,9 +on aeronautical charts and are identified by a “J” (Jet),9 +Juni 1993 (BGBl. I S. 1114) außer Kraft.,9 +successive coatings of wash primer and modified zinc ,3 +"Foreign Trade Control Act; provided, however, that the provisions of Article 3 ",9 +termination,9 +"Unterlagen sind für die Dauer von fünf Jahren, gerechnet ab dem ersten Tag des Jahres, das auf das Jahr der",9 +overshooting the desired ,6 +any of three timeframes. ,9 +additional visual references can be established.,9 +§ 33 Übermittlung von Daten an das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt,7 +"with the TC and the wind is blowing from the left, the track ",9 +system and display only traffic that exists within a specific ,9 +Repair Parts Layout ,7 +The contractor must be able to carry out several individual assignments in parallel and to ,9 +The following describes a step-by-step procedure for tracking ,9 +ATC Instructions ,7 +—direct distance dialing ,9 +"As an example, consider the case of an air- ",9 +"—(1) Subject to the provisions of this article, all private rights over land subject to ",9 +"approaching aircraft. If a collision or near miss is imminent, the ",9 +Move to the opposite side,6 +le Directeur de la Prévention et de la Sécurité ; ,3 +Round Out (Flare),7 +potential for the loss of a portion of a head. ,3 +Summary election appeal: parties ,7 +identification and invitation of ,7 +The basic policy is to establish the following matters: ,3 +The contract shall not be considered to have been performed in full until the final ,3 +II.21.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 + for that region by election or in such other manner ,3 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT,7 +"there have been breach of obligations, irregularities or frauds in the procedure, in ",3 +"monitor controller will have a dedicated PRM frequency, ",9 +providing comprehensive support to the other hospitals or clinics with ,3 +"the landing area. When flying the approach, verify what was ",9 +The contracting authority is not liable for any loss or damage caused to the contractor ,3 +The Contractor’s national partner negotiate the placement of the advertisement of the info ,3 +they may not accept any direct instructions from the contracting authority; and ,3 +whether it is “required””; ,3 +Attaching the front tube.,0 +Emergency power supply system. The external power supply shall be switched off and it shall be ,3 +Report any unexpected error during all tests in order to verify robustness. ,3 +Risk: Taking Off Without Entering a Flight Plan,7 +OPERATIONS ,7 +provides reasonable time for persons on board the ship to take action to prevent the ,3 +Io = index for the month in which the contract enters into force; ,9 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +"with ""three days."" ",3 +は、エックス線管焦点から一メートルの距離において、〇・二五ミリグレイ毎時,3 +of figure 6.2. ,9 +"The Lord Chancellor, with the consent of the Treasury, makes the following Order in exercise of ",9 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +determined.,9 +wenn das Fahrzeug,9 +select a course with the RMI. Only the selected navigation ,9 +"MARKING, CANOPY - STATEMENT OF USE:",7 +a tool that allows you to get off the ground without having ,9 +of handling qualities at ,9 +Further requirements for the use of applications and online tools,7 +"Junction left turning lane, approximately 24 metres in length, as shown on Sheet 1 of the Works ",9 +REFUGEE AND ENTRANT ASSISTANCE ,7 +Scientific data management: ,3 +BANKING DETAILS,7 +navigation systems have fault detection and,9 +Section 8: Conformity ,3 +Semicircular canal. ,9 +Leveling Off,7 +references to a “local authority” include references to a county council.”,9 +controlling agency. ,9 +"Manila, and of rivers, esteros, canals, or other waterways and their",3 +Medium voltage,9 +components and guaranteed surface cleanliness.,9 +or breach as is mentioned in paragraph (1) of this article. ,9 +Replacing or cleaning spark plugs and setting spark ,3 +rules for operations in specific areas designated in the ,9 +Saddle gusset. ,9 +Für Flüge nach Instrumentenflugregeln müssen Luftfahrzeuge ausgerüstet sein mit:,9 +parts prior to welding does not provide for a proper weldment ,9 +is a good post-flight analysis. When you have safely ,3 +"MARKING, CANOPY - STATEMENT OF USE:",7 +the power stroke is the result of the gas pres- ,9 +this knowledge to the flight crew so that operating procedures ,9 +important. The type shown in,9 +Airport Markings and Signs ,7 +"Fahrzeugtechnik,",3 +(三)未取得海洋倾倒许可证,向海洋倾倒废弃物的; ,3 +Municipal Budget,7 +runway (down the runway) and offset 250 to 650 feet,9 +Smoke detect circuit,6 +The Civil Aviation (Aerial Advertising) (Amendment) ,9 +Stationary Combustion Sources ,7 +Botswana Energy Regulatory Authority (BERA) ,7 +Gewähltes Vergabeverfahren:,3 +onto the active runway.,3 +Aviation Safety Inspector (ASI) ,7 +The Secretary of the Interior may grant free rights of way through any,9 +Existing High-Risk Hazards ,3 +Night Blind Spot ,7 +"The typical turbine engine is equipped with a capacitor-type, ",9 +"change are consistent, a sense of the time required ",3 +Pressurization Issues,7 +chart depicts three floating waypoints that have been ,9 +loss of engine rpm with fixed-pitch propellers and a loss of ,9 +"Speeds, 4",9 +Normal Operation ,7 +"light. Occasionally, a leak can be detected upon close visual ",9 +Rivet Length ,7 +Contracts for Public Works,7 +displacement of the ground. ,9 +high fineness ,9 +〔昭和五十八年七月三十日通商産業省令第三十九号〕,7 + Flight Instruments ,7 +Certificate,9 +The conditions under which prohibited drugs may be transferred,3 +the construction of fendering within Lake Lothing; ,3 +"out: livestock gathered under a tree, standing water, ",3 +II.5.2 Date of communications by mail and email ,7 +radio transmissions from or near the helideck (within,9 +"Übereinstimmungsbescheinigung, die Datenbestätigung oder die Bescheinigung über die Einzelgenehmigung",9 +resulting in a lower degree of accuracy. ,9 +"§ 4 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Betriebs- und Unternehmensführung""",7 +the left wing and decreased lift on the right wing causes the ,9 +which such burial ground,9 +acceptance,9 +convergence,9 +likely risks which could arise as a result of a spill or collision during construction and maintenance ,9 +eral elements. ,3 +the rest with their agreement.,6 +lift produced by the wing sections is perpen- ,9 +Air Traffic Clearance,7 + The period of time between the application ,9 +§ 31 Anforderungen an Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +pressure. ,0 +Terminal Arrival Area (TAA),7 +oder Halter das Fahrzeug unverzüglich nach Maßgabe des § 14 außer Betrieb setzen zu lassen oder der,9 +Effects of Flight Conditions,7 +"ядовитыми плодами, а также ее аккарицидная обработка, мероприятия по",9 +In applicazione degli articoli 3 e 4 del Protocollo sui privilegi e sulle immunità dell’Unione ,9 +"clearance delivery, on initial contact with their",9 +"документов,",9 +regulator and a relief valve. The dump valve is energized ,9 +is threatened; and ,3 +ing the rotor system and carrying the entire weight,9 +"Article 4 (1) The provisions of Article 48, paragraph (1) of the Act do not apply in ",3 +Ansprechpartner,9 +angle of bend 90°(in this case),6 +"584 723,37 Euro",9 +Official Station of District Auditor.,9 +procedures must be performed to ensure the aircraft can be ,9 +control wheel is mounted. The yoke may be moved in or out ,9 +"PRO-0013 Integrated Planning, Monitoring and Reporting (IMS) ",3 +ComplywithIFRapplicabletothisflight(minimumIFR ,3 +"tion, three important changes take place: ",9 +федеральной,9 +switch (flick ignition off and on again at idling).,3 +appropriation against which the contract would create a charge; or if there be no,9 +"§ 11 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +Sew the confluence wrap with the harness machine. ,3 +(Application for authorization for appointment of a representative director) ,9 +In regulation 21 (hardship payments)— ,3 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY ,7 +candidat peut être présenté par le contractant ou par le Secrétariat. Le choix doit ,3 +Simplified Directional Facility (SDF),7 +[1705-1.],9 +TO FOLLOW THE PRECEDING AIRCRAFT,9 +Any time an aircraft is rolling on the ground in a crosswind ,9 +"Comments regarding this publication should be sent, in email form, to the following address.",9 +"After the balloon is inflated and upright, the pilot should ",9 +works under this Part of this Schedule exceeding that which would have been involved if the ,9 +"hibitor, the stiff bonded composite ",9 +"Wavelength 400-700 nm, single phototube ",3 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +a violation of applicable laws or regulations or ethical ,9 +and one too low. It should not be flown so low that a pilot ,9 +Afterlanding Off Field ,7 +Media channels to be identified ,7 +"climb gradient specified in an ODP, you must wait",3 +Auf Grund des § 25 Abs. 1 in Verbindung mit Abs. 2 Satz 1 des Berufsbildungsgesetzes vom 14. August 1969,9 +"also be avoided, as they increase the stalling speed and the ",9 + Award and notification of the outcomes of the procurement procedure ,7 +full penetration of the weld. This is common when welding ,9 +A lack of sufficient oxygen reaching the body ,9 +flow from the cabin to prevent internal pressure from exceeding ,9 +groundspeed changes in order to maintain a constant ,3 +"may accumulate; therefore, drain holes must always be kept ",9 +"of shapes, both the resistance coefficients and the prismatic coefficients ",9 +Aircraft Log Books,7 +"Ausbildungsordnung und der damit abgestimmte, von der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der",9 +Area Navigation (RNAV) Routes.,7 +Figure 4-1 ,9 +side of the float to avoid damage to the propeller and,9 +Require an increase in the angle of attack (AOA) to ,3 +II.7. CONFLICT ,7 +in your evaluation process. ,3 +§ 19 Fahrten zur dauerhaften Verbringung eines Fahrzeugs in das Ausland,7 +Certificate of Ownership,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ",7 +"When the alternate static source pressure is used, the ",9 +Abweichend von Absatz 6 soll die nach Landesrecht zuständige Behörde in den Fällen des § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2,9 +ausgehende Überweisungen; ,3 +FIM Speedway Grand Prix World Championship - Qualifying Round ,9 +Dispersion Modeling Methods ,7 +changes to the pitch angle of the main rotor blades and does ,9 +Double Needle,6 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +"proviso that once such works become apparatus (“new apparatus”), any authorised works ",3 +airport/gliderport,9 +"a roll in the direction of the retreating blade. High weight, ",9 +"können, oder wenn die Untersuchung des Insassenschutzes vor tödlichen Verletzungen (Überlebensaspekte)",9 +be evaluated for workload and/or stress management. ,9 +should be cleaned with a solvent; the best being denatured ,9 +Common Errors in Turns,7 +"carburetor setting, the fact that the cylinder head temperature ",9 +The warranty must remain valid for one year after provisional acceptance. ,3 +while navigating. This awareness may be facilitated,9 +〔平成二十四年九月十四日政令第二百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +§ 4 Ausbildungsrahmenplan,7 +disablement. ,9 +Start engine after assuring that area is clear ,3 +Part 2 and paragraph 14 into force on 15th July 2020. ,9 +"conflicting interests, which may negatively affect the ",9 +"While it is not necessary for a flight instructor to be a certified psychologist, it is helpful to learn how to analyze learner behavior ",9 +DC Alternators and Controls,7 +altitude. The aircraft must descend to an assigned altitude ,9 +"If a mechanical stirrer is driven by a drill, the drill should be ",9 +Materials/Parts ,7 +"Executive Director, Flight Standards Service ",0 +system different from those specified above and the same is doing,3 +AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE ,7 +1.a) 1. Zwischenzahlung – Nach Abgabe und Genehmigung der Projektierungsun-,7 +propeller is illustrated in figure 1.20. The ,9 +"altitude. The steeper the angle of bank, the greater the",9 +terminated at the pilot’s request.,9 +no check drawn against a Government account after two years from date of issue,9 +revised)) equipment.,9 +within engine speed and temperature limits. ,9 +Procurement procedure: ,7 +valves are specifically designed to open slowly. ,9 +"Pozorrubio, Rosales, Salasa, San Carlos, San Fabian, San Jacinto, San Manuel, San",9 +"(ii) the zones prescribed in Article 30-4, paragraph (2), item (xv) of the Act ",3 +Combustion Heaters,7 +Weight and center of gravity (CG) limits ,3 +aircraft within the Class C airspace by any of the,9 +known taxiway or runway direction when the airplane ,3 +Wind Direction Indicators ,7 +with other atoms.,9 +"in paragraph 23, at the end, insert “(except for livestock auctions)”;",3 +Wet or Dry Grinder,7 +"sensory organs, resulting in a lack of awareness of the aircraft ",9 +"Exceptionally, ECHA may reimburse travel and subsistence expenses only ",3 +those in the tender (Annex II). ,3 +" Where, during the relevant period, the responsible authority placed a child under regulation ",9 +‘Back office’,9 +after the date of enforcement of this Cabinet Order. ,3 +"(EG) Nr. 806/2003 (ABl. L 122 vom 16.5.2003, S. 1) geändert worden ist, erfüllen.",3 +over. Control this with proper use of the elevator. ,9 +Venturi Tube Systems,7 +"it comes to fall under Article 12-3, item (i) or (iii); ",3 +Inspection of Retained Trees ,7 +Instrument Training ,7 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 1),7 +(even if they are on a runway) are yellow.,9 +§ 1 Beschränkung des ordentlichen Holzeinschlags,7 +Modifications to licences granted to authorised transmitters: ,7 +s regulation,3 +Envelope resistance is 40 percent ,9 +ed by a fine not exceeding two thousand pesos or by,9 +pilot to be able to quickly determine the aircraft’s attitude ,9 +forward and into the sky. The use of metal instead of wood ,9 +There are many circumstances requiring the use of forward ,9 +"Teamarbeit und Kooperation, Lernziel c,",3 +top. Large analog airspeed (left) and altitude (right) fl ight ,9 +Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/Sustainer ,7 +"of nighttime are obvious, and in the interest of",9 +Within three years following the signature of the contract(s) resulting from the current call for ,9 +"of a STAR, and the legend for STARs and DPs printed in ",9 +"knots, and I will disengage nosewheel steering.",6 +Tender report.,7 +Risk Management ,7 +" or cooperating with it, including contractors or subcontractors ",3 +thrust. It is the ratio of the thrust horsepower produced by a ,9 +"supervision, and evaluation. ",9 +" prévus par le CC, et le droit ",3 +commitments. Part 2 amends the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme (Amendment) and ,9 +unthread the webbing from the leg adapter. If the leg ,3 +section 74 (exemption specified by order) of the 2009 Act. ,3 +は、エックス線管焦点から一メートルの距離において、〇・二五ミリグレイ毎時,3 +Overall management ,7 +controllers the importance of taking appropriate,9 +When you are ready to place the number on your,9 +$^{3}$ La stessa istituzione o agenzia.,9 +"Judicial Power, Embracing Courts of Superior Jurisdiction, Justices of the Peace,",7 +them the primary receptors for night vision. Since the cones ,9 +Signature of the contract with the successful Tenderer ,7 +B.2.4.2 Emission Factors ,7 +"across the course from the left, the aircraft drifts to the ",9 +waste work room to prevent the spread of gaseous medical radioactive ,3 +"of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 91, section 91.155. ",9 +fuel supply could bring on this condition. ,9 +"Erkennung und Behandlung von Narkosezwischenfällen,",3 +roughness length and wind patterns ,9 +"code 7600, and use all means possible to reestablish two-way ",9 +Contractor’s national partner to agree with EU-OSHA’s national partner on subject matter and target ,3 +the 5 Ps before takeoff is to assist in making a reasoned go/,9 +être approuvé par le Secrétariat.,3 +moving a hand back and forth across the throat.,3 +particular ,9 +Figure 5-55.,0 +Information the manufacturer provides on these charts has ,9 +Instrument Markings,7 +"Errata as of September 11, 2013 ",7 +Regulation 2 amends the principal Regulations by substituting a table in Schedule 1. This table ,9 +times to take all necessary access across any such stopped up highway and/or to execute and do all ,9 +command and,9 +Responsibility,9 +of the Federal Aviation Administration Acquisition Management System (AMS);,3 +Payment of the final balance shall be subject to performance by the Consultant of all its obligations ,3 +3_Vol3_d4.3_Section 3_Plant Description_GIR_rev08 ,4 +cycle of rotation.,9 +of this title’’. ,9 +When the initial heading will take the aircraft,9 +ments should be controlled together on the ground.,9 +aircraft. ,9 +plotting method. (answers on next page),0 +"Collecting officers may, in the same manner, with the further approval of",9 +Wheel Speed Sensor,7 +分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 ,9 +"Antioxidantien, für die nach dem Anhang der jeweiligen EG-Zulassungsverordnung oder",3 +Invitations ,7 +Opening of tenders ,7 +Number on Your Aircraft,7 +"desired speed in flight and at landing, and desired rate of ",9 +"’s premises, based on ",3 +"EARTH WORKS, PIPE WORKS AND GROUND IMPROVEMENT",7 +Section 2. Emergency Services Available to Pilots,7 +Alternator Drive ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ",7 +II.20.1. Zahlungsdatum ,7 +Reference: ,7 +(四)损害社会公共利益; ,9 + by the pilot; a situation in which a Traffic Alert and Collision,3 +"ing debris, no hidden obstructions, and no other water",9 +"in addition to the above, ",9 +"under review the grant was P20.61 million, representing 77% of ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 3 of January 25, 1973]",7 +"строений, сооружений, помещений, используемых хозяйствующими субъектами",9 +§ 24 Wiederholung der Prüfung,7 +compressibility corrections neglected ,9 +LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ,7 +provide clear contrast. ,9 +"AC 43.13-1, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices—Aircraft Inspection and Repair",3 +"in subsection (7), for the definition of “trading scheme registry” substitute— ",3 +Pollutant,9 +The fieldwork to be carried out by the Contractor shall comprise: ,9 +ADDRESS OF BANK BRANCH,7 +(A601M partial revocation) Scheme 2019,6 +"data dissemination,",3 +an estimate of such extraordinary expenditures as may be necessary,9 +The powered parachute ram-air wing retains its air-,9 +Other Airport Visual Aids,7 +EDI message,3 + are documents: ,3 +"dures (DP) or diverse vector areas (DVA), where",9 +planning process include:,9 +"which, if not counteracted by the pilot, gradually increases ",9 +"of bad decisions grows, it reduces the number of subsequent ",9 +Wheel Speed Sensor,7 +compensation as the provincial board shall fix and the Executive Secretary,9 +Differential arm,6 +communicating,3 +"Marking, 2",9 +Traffic 8 miles south of the airport northeast,9 +Electronic exchange system: can exchanges under the contract be automated? ,7 +Standstill Period ,7 +R$_{load }$,6 +§ 29 Auskünfte und Prüfungen,7 +operated with the left hand. The collective is used to make ,9 +The tail group of the aircraft usually supporting ,9 +Deliverables ,7 +"1, Standards for Airport Markings.",9 +Figure 16-26. ,0 +Die Vorschrift ist gem. Art. 35 Abs. 1 Nr. 4 G v. 25.7.1991 I 1606 (RÜG) im Beitrittsgebiet mWv 1.1.1992 in Kraft,9 +a single UHF frequency during approach for landing. ,9 +mais sorties du côté où la nacelle est levée. ,3 +Baustein „Individuelle Fahrkarriere und Sicherheitsverantwortung“,7 +to keep the aircraft aligned with the runway. As the aircraft ,9 +Moral rights of creators ,7 +"ually from the pilot’s instrument panel, Fig. XI. ",9 +DP Responsibilities ,7 +Tenderers may request a copy of the opening record by email to cs-procurement@eib.org.,9 +the average relative wind is inclined down- ,9 +"should include your full address, fax number, and",9 +The CAL3QHC and CAL3QHCR model inputs and their respective parameters are provided in ,9 +"Physical Security, Information Security, Cybersecurity, and Occupational Safety and ",7 +"Ist nur ein Teil des Streitgegenstands zur Entscheidung reif, so kann das Gericht ein Teilurteil erlassen.",9 +System Servicing,7 +"angle of attack, the increased ",9 +The contractor must grant the contracting authority’s staff and outside personnel authorised ,3 +Coaxial Rotors ,7 +"satisfaction follow-up, active improvement and service level ",8 +ciates the degree of a maneuver from the ,9 +Risk: Taking Off Without Entering a Flight Plan,7 +"govern the operation of aircraft, airways, airmen, and the ",9 + The corresponding downward deflection ,9 +Area Navigation (RNAV) Routes.,7 +Prevention. ,9 +"the fourth A line attachment point down to and around the front left connector link, and up to ",3 +Each localizer facility is audibly identified by a three-letter ,9 +пребыванием.,9 +Anlage 2 (zu § 6 Absatz 1),7 +contratto,9 +not properly and fully pay to such official and at such time or times,9 +Processing of personal data by EFSA as contracting authority ,7 +水面における水量の確保を図るため、雨水を地下に浸透させる機能を有する施設の普,3 +operating using two pilots. ,3 +dependants of such laws and regulations.,3 +der Jahresfrist infolge höherer Gewalt unmöglich war oder eine schriftliche oder elektronische Belehrung dahin,9 +carry out and the deliverables to produce in the initial phase of the FWC ensuring the ,9 +Factors Affecting ,7 +"be for payments to States, territories, and tribes for activities ",9 +Automatic Response Stage ,7 +Make a subsequent reinstallation.,3 +"in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘15’’ and inserting ",9 +Machines: None,3 +"below the normal cabin altitude range, preventing a further ",9 +published VDA is for advisory information only and,9 +short-time demand loads on the battery.,9 +pilot using the EFVS. The determination of enhanced,9 +"plane. Automotive, marine, ATV, and certificated ",9 +Minimum idle (%N2) is 57.7 (+1.5/−0.5)%N2,3 +Article 5 – Price ,7 +"together in a minute. Susan, you will be on the fan. Be sure ",9 +and the negative work repre- ,9 +Généralités ,7 +"hundred miles away from the ARTCC, they are",9 +Changes in the composition of the group during the procurement procedure (after the submission ,9 +Overall management,7 +Available methods are already well described in the guidance of EFSA Scientific Committee ,3 +Remove connector links and control lines from line organizing card and loosely connect ,3 +laws and regulations in force in the township.,3 +Why Should I Use a FRAT? ,7 +designed to preserve and protect them. ,3 +Unmanned Aircraft Systems ,10 +facilities to the cockpit.,9 +"The following documents shall be dated and signed, either by hand or by applying an ",9 +the applicable law requires the disclosure of the ,3 +Many gyroplanes do not incorporate a horizontal tail ,9 +Malfunctions,7 +Learner Emotional Reactions ,7 +upwind wing may rise even though directional control is ,9 +"information transmission signals, or components ",8 +"flaps, and the throttle position. Use ",9 +"for the receipt of the communication. In any event, the sender shall take all the necessary ",3 +and Zamboanguita.,9 +The contractor must pass on all the relevant obligations in writing to: ,3 +"GHz, 30 – 31,3 MHz, 49,7 – 50,2 GHz, 50,4 – 50,9 GHz, 51,4 – 52,6 GHz, 81 – 86 GHz und 92 – 94 GHz",3 +る。)の項の改正規定並びに別表第一及び別表第六中登山用ロープ(身体確保用の,3 +indicates additional runways to view.,3 +for inability to perform the functions of his or her office or for misbehaviour.,3 +Unload—To reduce the compo-,9 +actually focus on holding the wheels of the aircraft a few ,9 +Fahrtunterbrechungen und,3 +Identification of subject matter for interview,7 +(消費生活用製品安全法施行令の一部改正に伴う経過措置),9 +Lighting systems. ,3 +assessment of the tenders on the basis of the above qualitative criteria only if they contain full ,9 + A float-type sight gauge fuel quantity indicator. ,0 +Since ADM enhances management of an aeronautical ,9 +"point opening for the No. 1 cylinder, move the magneto out ",9 +operations. ,9 +climb or descent under IFR conditions within,9 +airstream incurs a downward slant co the wind ,9 +"advice of the head of the Department having executive control of such officer,",9 +Runway Markings and Signs ,7 +§ 3 Zielsetzung der Berufsausbildung,7 +薬品医療機器等法第二条第八項に規定する特定保守管理医療機器とする。,3 +nozzle (one per cylinder),6 +Data protection. ,7 +Means of redress. ,7 +to predict helicopter performance accurately. Although,9 +ROUNDS FOR REJECTION FROM THIS PROCEDURE,7 +Amendments to the 2012 Regulations ,7 +available is ser equal to the power required at ,9 +der Ausbildungsbetrieb aus einem von dem Inhaber zu vertretenden Grunde über die Dauer eines Jahres,3 +Amendment of the Regulated Activities Order ,7 +"in den Fällen des § 18 Absatz 2, des § 28 Absatz 2 oder des § 33 Absatz 1 Satz 3 nach dem Ausscheiden der für",9 +The tender(s) ranked first after applying the formula will be awarded the contract.,7 +Figure 1-10,9 +[1334-1-3; 1529-1.],9 +"following air kerma rate in free air (hereinafter referred to as the ""air kerma ",3 +Radio Communications ,7 +Salary and allowances of President ,7 +"It is important to note that during the take down process, all ",9 +resulting in drift away from the reference point.,3 +Award phase,7 +c4b_itt_en.doc ,4 +acceptance testing and field familiarization is completed. The IOC requires satisfaction of operational requirements,1 +See and Avoid Techniques ,7 +. These checklists and any relevant FAA or other forms discussed in the chapter are located,9 +Hersteller muss bei der Herstellung eines Kinderfilms mitgewirkt haben.,9 +[Figure 14-4],9 +PROCEDURE.) ,9 +within the NAS. Detailed information on the classification ,9 +Most generator control systems perform a number of ,9 +本邦の公共的機関から外国の公共的機関に友好を目的として寄贈される貨物,3 +compressor and used for such airframe functions as the ,9 +encased in a loosely braided cloth tube that holds and protects ,9 +The provisions of § 91.119(d) are not applicable when operating under the terms of this CoW. ,9 +"Propeller efficiency, ",9 +"heading. In this maneuver, the aircraft should be rolled from ",9 +Procedure Turns,7 +Disassembly: Mesh Repair,7 +Time for Planting ,7 +the center of the,6 +"½"", 1,000 lb; B. ",6 +"Als Ausbildungsfahrzeuge sind die Fahrzeuge zu verwenden, die den Prüfungsfahrzeugen der Anlage",9 +A screen-type filter is similar to the micron filter but contains ,9 +Shipment Type 1,3 +the variable resistance into a digital display in the cockpit ,9 +Class E Airspace,7 +"Diaz, Santa Magdalena, and Sorsogon. Second district — Composed of the",9 +waive this,9 + In regulation 79 (transitional provision: prior obligations etc.)— ,9 +La personne susmentionnée est susceptible d'être rejetée de la présente procédure et ,7 +Vaccination ,9 +found on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) website ,9 +Conditions and Controls ,7 +EQUIVALENT ,6 +I.2. SUBJECT MATTER ,7 +search and rescue protection until such time as the ,9 +to provide separation between all participating VFR,9 +whose function is to pick up and accelerate the air outwardly ,9 +Analog Electronics,7 +administration,6 +during or as a consequence of ,3 +Deployment Type,7 +"Annex 7. Questionnaire related to award criteria AW1, AW2 and ",7 +of fatigue failure. ,9 +〔平成二十四年四月六日政令第百十六号〕,7 +Baustein Hausaufgabe „Darstellung der individuellen Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +participate/tender. ,7 +kHz channel plan was adopted to alleviate the shortage of ,9 +the construction of new highway comprising carriageway and cycleway and forming ,3 +Piggyback. ,9 +Amendment of Schedule 2 ,7 +PIR Strategy ,7 +jection of combustion products along line EB. ,9 +contractor’s assistance unless such plan is already detailed in other contractual documents or ,9 +"oriented before attempting an approach and landing, even if ",9 +"the index of form efficiency, ",9 +"district auditor shall examine and settle the accounts of the provincial, municipal,",9 +have several outlets to receive reliable weather reports and ,9 +The contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender) must send an invoice for interim ,9 +28th April 2021 ,8 +"Quality of proposal for Packaging, Transport, Shipping, Storage and Insurance services ",6 +ILS Category II:,3 +the maximum pressure ratio of the com- ,9 +is a specific power required to maintain these ,9 +"at some higher airspeed. However, if the ",9 +An application of the generator left-hand rule.,0 +Ring Release Housing Replacement,7 +money guarantee in the form of a financial guarantee for EUR [a,9 +I.6.1. Disposizioni sull'IVA ,7 +Property Leases – Botswana Police Service ,7 +Landing Gear Safety Devices,7 +excessive internal stresses in the work adjacent to the hole. ,9 +(九)陆地污染源(简称陆源),是指从陆地向海域排放污染物,造成或,9 +Overlap for air seal,6 +the definition of professionalism.,9 +very much like mercury on glass. The water draws up into ,9 +"Betriebs- und Arbeitsorganisation; Arbeitsgestaltung; Logistik; Informationstechnik,",3 +In making appointments from such list preference shall be given to any lawyer or,9 +anticipated to be operational and available at the,9 +"The ripcord, including all joints, shall not fail under a straight tension test load of 300-lbf ",3 +—emergency locator transmitter ,9 +DÉFINITIONS ,7 +Figure 3-30,9 +geographic locations/positions that help provide positive ,9 +cells only using an existent 500 W dual purpose fuel cell & electrolysis test station.,9 +15/01/2019 ,5 +Obtaining Assistance from the FAA ,7 +"vom 23.10.2015, S. 5) geändert worden ist, der Zulassung bedürfen.",3 +entrichten.,9 +airplane uses the vertical tail to stabilize it to fly directly into ,9 +temperatures due to aerodynamic heating at ,9 +じ。)の館員の個人的使用に供される貨物並びに外国公館が送付する貨物,3 +Gewerk / Tätigkeit,3 +width depending on the runway centerline spacing. The ,9 +[Figure 6-2],9 +"03.03.02 Физика, утвержденного приказом Министерства науки и высшего",9 +"Performance limitations, accessories, and general condition ",9 +Distress and Urgency,7 +date where the ,3 +Emissions Mitigation and Offsetting ,7 +"Ergibt die Rechnung einen Überschuss, kann dieser mit Zustimmung des Verwaltungsrats auf das folgende",9 +decision making processes within the project team; ,3 +"CFR part 91, section 91.309, requires that the strength of the ",9 +"functioning, or the electrical load is excessive. A",9 +"crew, or passengers in order to ascertain whether the vessel is engaged in",9 +some experiences involve the whole person while others may be based only on hearing and memory. Aviation instructors are faced ,9 +"installation operations. The contractor shall also provide all necessary equipment, ",3 +Additional guidance: ,7 +throughout the entire duration of the contract. ,8 +on the interior of the engine by leaving a coating of oil on ,9 +"due to water traffic in the area, obstructions on or",9 +Where to File the Reports.,7 +exclusion criteria and selection criteria ,7 +Article II-13 ,7 +folgender Maßgabe anzuwenden:,9 +Skew-T Plots,7 +Die Prüfung erstreckt sich auf folgende Inhalte:,9 +2018’’ and inserting ‘‘2019 through 2023’’. ,9 +be similar to ,9 +zur Durchführung der Prüfung folgende Daten in Bezug auf den Bewerber:,9 +"termination, provision at no cost to the contracting authority of the blueprints, ",3 +an Brandenburg,9 +skidding turn results from an excess of centrifugal force ,9 +authority to have recourse against the principal debtor (the contractor). ,3 +cutoff” and is used when stopping the engine.,9 +price of a second class train ticket. ,3 +COLLABORATION WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS ,7 +"by the applicable paragraphs of this section, into",9 +"(whether of a temporary or permanent nature) such protective works, inclusive of any measures or ",9 +TABLE WITH CORRESPONDING FIELD DENOMINATION BY COUNTRY,7 +is sufficient time to take corrective action. If the engine fails ,9 +"process of denaturing shall be effected, the bonds to",3 + or any person that assumes unlimited liability for the debts of the ,3 +exposure. This will support EFSA in reviewing availability of relevant occurrence data and ,3 +Instructor Responsibilities,7 +Arbeitszeit darf die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit im Durchschnitt eines Zeitraums von bis zu einem Jahr 15 Stunden,9 +information are also available on EU-OSHA’s online collaborative tool and on a restricted ,3 +II.13.2. Licensing rights on pre-existing materials ,7 +procedures with localizer coverage beyond the,9 +effects of density altitude on glider performance. The takeoff ,9 +"this is a fundamental change, the manual and automated ",9 +Oxygen Plumbing and Valves,7 +at an aerodrome. ,9 +tive wind which is inclined downward ,9 +under this paragraph: ,9 +non-commercial use of publications and information referred to in the final ,3 +und dort auf Anweisung eines Vorgesetzten Prüfungen auf der Straße unterzogen werden.,3 +"documents (2011/833/EU), to the extent it is applicable and the documents fall ",3 +Financial sanctions licences ,7 +recommendation. ,3 +UPWASH mSWNWASH ,6 +the latent heat of condensation released by the change of state ,9 +Secondary Bonding,7 +第六条の二第四項、第十一条の三第二項、第十六条第二項又は第十八条の三第二,3 +(See FIG 5,9 +Registration of participants ,7 +Enter the departure airport identifi-,9 +than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act. ,9 +"is being operated in a position near 40 degrees latitude, the ",9 +Tubing and fittings make up most of the oxygen system ,9 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +"1, Aviation Safety Reporting Pro-",9 +(iv) buildings and equipment concerning the prevention of radiation damage ,3 +and the Decision of,9 +Common Errors,7 +Lieferungen,7 +The development of software for a CNS/ATM system may take several months or years. Since ,9 +– Describes the various assessment models ,3 +"require a final NTZ monitor controller for each runway, a ",9 +accelerating and power enrichment systems act to add fuel to ,9 +If the contractor is composed of two or more economic operators (i.e. who submitted a ,3 +"the most critical maneuvers. In ballooning, landing ",3 +A - Project management and quality assurance/lot 3 ,7 +Marker beacon receiver sensitivity is selectable as high or low ,9 +Tools and Maintenance Equipment ,7 +condenseur,6 +DC Alternators and Controls,7 +Departure Climb,6 +生产安全事故的应急救援与调查处理 ,7 +Constitution of offices,7 +vacuum bag to prevent the thermocouple from being ,3 +Normal Takeoff from a Hover,7 +"Flight Crewmember Requirements, and Subpart G,",9 +131.8 on the horizontal index at the bottom of the chart and ,9 +PIA-TS-108.1,7 +conditions under which alcohol intended for use in the arts and,3 +third party tools (see EU Web Guide). ,9 +current year. The appropriation thus made by the council shall constitute the,9 +contracting another contractor,9 +consistently. ,9 +receipt of the ,3 +Understanding Communication on a Common Frequency ,7 +tional stability but landing clearance ,9 +OPERATIONS ,7 +"risks clearly, and how to manage them successfully. The ",9 +Lesson Plans,7 +situation:,9 + by either the airborne system or ground,9 +VFR with the intent of receiving an IFR clearance in the air ,9 +connecting the adjoining cells. These cross-ports are ,9 +"jeopardize the operation, personnel conducting",9 +Landing—Stuck Neutral or Right Pedal ,7 +§ 2a Durchführung des Lehrgangs Fahrschulbetriebswirtschaft,7 +and awareness of EU and ,9 +". CPUs should have real time clock, Controller module internal clock should be able to be ",3 +MARINE CORPS FORMS ,7 + Runway Centerline Lighting,9 +structural icing should not be a problem. Make a note to do an ,9 +"Gliederungsnummer 793-7, veröffentlichten bereinigten Fassung""",9 +exploration,3 +Reserve Free Bag Repair—Grommet Pullout,7 +certified report which shall be transmitted in each case to the person sending the,9 +ANGLE OF ATTACK,7 +special registration number,7 +Overvoltage Protection,7 +per the original installation. This may be with either ,3 +Rischi per la Salute e la Sicurezza dei Lavoratori ,7 +Terminal Arrivals (STARs) ,3 +"Planning and Procedures, ATP-1. ",9 +PRECISION RUNWAY MONITOR (PRM) ,9 +Certification of Document after Expiration of Authority,9 +. — A civil provincial government is,9 +Variable Restrictor,7 +Appointment to Civil Service,7 +"In case of lack of conformity, without prejudice to Article II.14 on liquidated damages applicable to the total ",9 +"sections 29(5), 537 and 569(4) of the Education Act 1996(",9 +"Microphones, sound, Laptop/PC, beamer ",7 +contact (an) alternative freight forwarders at no additional cost for Europol. ,9 +A permanent crane or lifting system shall be provided to carry out the maintenance works for primary ,9 +frequency.,9 +Direction of Flight,7 +der Fahrerlaubnis-Verordnung verwendet werden. Bei der Klasse A2 dürfen zu Beginn der Ausbildung Krafträder,9 +be made within the period of 12 months beginning with the date on which the worsening ,3 +Omit section 4 (which provides a time limit for compulsory purchase of land). ,9 +The use of wafer injection in the turbojet en- ,9 +"centrale européenne à ses opérations principales de refinancement en euros (taux de référence), ",9 +Wet or Dry Grinder,7 +own terms,9 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +tends to bend the propeller blades in the direction opposite ,9 +Dewatering building ,7 +consumption and the shorter the radius of action. ,9 +IBAN/ACCOUNT NUMBER ,6 +what the volumes are for the various model sizes. Container ,9 +Cockpit Management,7 +Degradation of nylon fabric ,9 +The controls will be fully powered and ir- ,9 +"license or a medical certificate, each pilot must determine ",9 +"falls nicht bestimmte Personen als Zeugen in Betracht kommen, an den Vorstand oder an die Geschäfts- oder",9 +" Flight Over Charted U.S. Wildlife Refuges, ",7 +write down all taxi instructions as soon as they are received ,9 +Treasurer,9 +Civil Remedies for Collection of Municipal Revenue,7 +Abschnitt 1,7 +ine not exceeding five,9 +How To Use a Training Syllabus,7 +"30-26, paragraph (2); ",3 +"превышать для интерактивной доски – для детей до 10 лет – 20 минут, старше 10",9 +Sensitive Altimeter,7 +understanding of the speed at which the aircraft stalls in ,9 +préventif,4 +"skin deterioration, evidence of failure (smoking ",3 +professional manner in compliance with the contractual terms and the amount of ,3 +consideration. No person may act as pilot in command of an ,9 +flow of air,6 +power lever setting are governed automatically according to a ,9 +"some forms of antibiotics can produce dangerous side effects, ",9 +WSC preflight planning should include a review of the ,9 +"three for scavenge. In some other models, pumps have six ",9 +Vent cap. ,9 +is a better understanding of what type of weather to expect ,9 +"the rotor,",9 +床数」という。)は、次の各号に定める区分ごとに当該各号に定める数とする。,3 +Analog Electronics,7 +Generator Controls for High Output Generators,7 +La suspension du délai de paiement conformément à l'article II.20.7 ne peut être considérée comme ,9 +Tire Repair and Retreading,7 +Anlage 2 (zu § 6 Absatz 1),7 +an excess of oxygen. The inner cone is pointed and often a ,9 +during the published times of the surface area. For,9 +which this Resolution is laid before Parliament. ,9 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +"brake, regular monitoring and measurement of brake wear ",9 +QUANTITY ,6 +TABLE OF CONTENT ,7 +"breaker point to separate, or open, the points when the magnet ",9 +"is discharging fuel in proportion to the airflow, the mixture ",9 +becomes entangled/snagged with the parachutist or equipment.,3 +The ASI indicates an airspeed greater than the actual ,3 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 2 ",7 +Urteile und andere Entscheidungen,7 +ACCOUNT HOLDER'S DATA,7 +"In entry ML2, for “projectors and accessories” substitute “accessories and projectors ",9 +"A turbine, similar in appearance to a ",9 +ignition circuits.,3 +"Im Anschluss an den Lehrgang ist eine Prüfung abzulegen, die die Inhalte nach Satz 1 Nummer 2 umfasst. Die",9 +RotatingGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +In the opinion of the auditors: ,7 +Bleed air is utilized in a wide variety of ways. Some of the ,9 +rately interpret small deviations from the desired,9 +NM) sensitivity. This allows,9 +The duration of processing of personal data by the contractor will not exceed the period referred to in ,9 +Runway Markings and Signs ,7 +§ 4 Ausbildungsrahmenplan,7 +while the next touchdown is made. Remember that since ,9 +"Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Operations,",9 +"may suffer from stomach irritation, flying usually is not ",9 +"As is true for other flying skills, risk management thinking ",9 +contracting authority. Audits are carried out on a confidential basis. ,9 +Social media communication plan ,7 +date on which the last party signs the ,3 +report fuel remaining in minutes.,9 +"specified, and the maximum allowable irregularly of the wearing surface below a 3 m straight edge ",9 +HIGH RATE OF DESCENT,7 +impact on other factors. This demonstrates the need for ,9 +Magneto cutaway.,0 +Follow up drum,6 +Lift/Drag Devices,7 +Power Output of Pratt-V>lhitney Engines at Sea ,3 +Elements of Descent Planning Calculations,7 +"until the low cruise range is reached. At this point, the curves ",9 +"should determine the overall approach and concept of the round table (including its focus, topic ",3 +paper versions ,7 +"suppress gambling houses, houses of ill fame and other disorderly",3 +"Settlement,",3 +"examiner and the LSA repairman-training programs,",9 +Private fostering: notifications ,7 +from a given date extends from that date until midnight of ,9 +"and cause of the sale, posted for ten days at the main entrance of the municipal",9 +Regulatory Framework ,7 +Wing flap ,6 +Auxiliary drive units (ADU).,3 +of specific instruments occurs throughout this handbook as the ,9 +Crosswinds tend to lift the upwind wing of the glider and ,9 +Intellectual property rights,7 +Why Should I Use a FRAT? ,7 +"gases may be reingested. As a practical matter, the engine ",9 +Time for Planting ,7 +in digital electronics to construct circuits that act as digital ,9 +"to conduct a go-around, if needed. The selected go-around ",9 +or fault shows as a bright fluorescent line.,9 +systems equipped with a 3-ring release system,3 +"liegenden Frequenzen senden, und zwar nur dann, wenn sie durch Radargeräte, die in demselben",3 +MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +"plans for public buildings by means of public competition, when",3 +Margin Identification Information,7 +landowner calls the police to report a “balloon in trouble.” ,9 +Cable Tension,7 +Reserve Static Lines (RSLs) ,7 +II.23.4$_{ }$Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +"1100, 3003, 4043, and 5052. Alloy numbers 6053, 6061, and ",9 +Stepdown fix.,9 +RITERES DE SELECTION,7 +Materials/Parts ,7 +contractor must pay in accordance with the provisions specified in the debit note. ,9 +廃棄作業室である旨を示す標識が付されていること。,3 +Right turn ,6 +Do not continue on a track that penetrates the departure ,3 +EFSA Scienti,1 +Evaluation of tenders on the basis of the award criteria,7 +but not exposed to excessively high temperatures that could ,9 +Autopilot systems.........................................................2-27,8 +"Internet/e-mail, or mail. To talk to the FAA toll-free 24 ",9 +Angebote von Bietergemeinschaften ,7 +] delivered as part of the Framework contract ,7 +the pilot took evasive action a collision probably would not occur; or a situation in which,3 +exercise the same power in respect to settled accounts pertaining to the branches of,9 +"operations are conducted for compensation or hire, the pilot must have at least a limited Commercial Pilot ",9 +cessione di beni,9 +vertical guidance at speeds slower than the best-,3 +"is high, and there is little mixing of the atmosphere with the jet ",9 +Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit den Lieferungen ,7 +erforderlichen Genehmigungen und Lizenzen eingeholt hat. ,9 +Published VFR routes ,3 +Vertical Gusts During High-Speed Cruise,7 +Spiral Dives,7 +Règlement des litiges ,7 +Aufgaben und Verpflichtungen,7 +"remain aligned, it means that the seaplane is drifting",9 +"Starting with high points on cell 1, pull out seam and smooth cell from leading edge to trailing edge. ",3 +の区域として病院及び診療所における入院に係る医療(第三十条の二十八の七に規,3 +$_{ }$quickly corrects minor deviations and ,3 +Voting Member ,6 +the sewing pattern in ,3 +[COMPANY NAME] ,7 +The reserve deployment system allows reserve canopy deployment even if the reserve pilot chute ,3 +the bottom. ,9 +Weather Observing Station,9 +Protection of Retained Trees ,7 +Führt ein meldendes Finanzinstitut die in Absatz 1 angeführten erweiterten Überprüfungsverfahren für ein,9 +synthetic fabrics such as ripstop nylon or Dacron$^{®}$. The ,9 +which causes or might cause a loss to the Centre’s budget. ,9 +and approach as close as possible to the expect-,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 264 of October 11, 1980]",7 +spectrum must be anticipated. ,9 +wave) device during its operation. The wave oscillations ,9 +CG FORWARD OF FORWARD LIMIT,7 +Hydrostatic Level Measurement ,7 +устанавливаются,9 +following contributors:,9 +the delivered ,3 +‘‘Secretary’’) to the Committees on Appropriations of the House ,9 +Offenses Against Provisions of Notarial Law,7 +"Some aircraft models use a surface seal coating, also called ",9 +Flight Instrument Malfunctions,7 +Static Discharge Wicks,7 +"situation and its subtleties as a hazard; otherwise, no action ",9 +high Mach number ,3 +installed in locations where the ambient temperature ,3 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +"Precision Approach Radar, 4",9 +Page 49 of 76 ,4 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 105 of March 31, 2005]",7 +higher vertical angles. The angle of the lowest of ,3 +ticket No. 24/4 cotton thread. ,3 +"⦁ $_{Explain—the learner can verbally identify, describe, and understand the risks inherent in the flight scenario. }$",3 +The heaviest demand on pilot technique occurs during ,9 +"provisions of the Tender Specifications take precedence. In any case, aspects showing ",3 +"affected by several factors, including the rotation of the",9 +or the packing may be leaking around the needle.,3 +"countermeasure, or qualified pandemic or epidemic product. ",9 +and/or vehicular movements on runways and taxiways.,9 +Northamptonshire Council shall each be a shadow authority for the purposes of the ,9 +subject to the same penalty,9 +MAIN PILOT CHUTE BRIDLE LINE OR DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +Commuter and On,9 +Human factors. ,9 +Pilots must be aware of the vertical height,9 +(ii) for sub-paragraph (c) substitute— ,3 +made in countersunk style and in a compact protruding head ,9 +Figure 1-63.,0 +"Sofern sich die Treuhandanstalt gegenüber einem Pächter bereit erklärt hat, die verpachteten Flächen an",9 +"the terms of the originally submitted tender are not altered substantially, i.e. all the ",3 +The persons responsible for the implementation of this Specific Contract are: ,3 +"All tenderers must provide a declaration on honour (see section 4. Annexes), signed and dated by an ",9 +CFR section 91.417 addresses the requirement for aircraft ,9 +"may be empowered by law to do so in the interests of defence, public safety, public ",3 +of pressurization and cabin environmental systems that ,9 +"Per quanto attiene agli obblighi di cui al comma 3 dell'articolo 26 del D.Lgs 81/08, a seguito ",9 +einer Beauftragung anzufordern (Übergabefassung). Beim Auftragnehmer liegt die Holschuld.,9 +Combustion Heaters,7 +in airflow through the rotor disk and more excess power. In ,9 += vom Hundert,8 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +关键信息基础设施的运行安全,7 +Accelerating System ,7 +VFR Flights.,7 +Initial Climb Area (ICA). An area beginning at the departure ,9 +EDOC-#1156263 – 2104/C1/R Technical Tender Form ,4 +"Qualitätssichernde Maßnahmen, Lernziele b und c,",3 +"Each of these scenarios taught Beverly something she needed to learn next, and made good use of the surroundings and available ",9 +"number, and shall be sent by post, cable, telex, facsimile transmission, e-mail or personal ",3 +"moisture,",9 +ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS,7 +“Shadow authorities ,7 +"Having said that, IT needs to retain sufficient flexibility to keep the agility to react and ",9 +The registration fee made payable to the FAA. ,3 +successful Tenderer until a standstill period of 15 (fifteen) calendar days (paper notifications) or 10 ,9 +或者间接向海洋排放污染物及其相关活动的一带区域。 ,9 +Publication of general directions ,3 +", That such amount ",9 +Fünfter Teil,7 +DP Responsibilities ,7 +"Priority, Landing, 5",9 +while the steep approach is viewed as an accelerated ,9 +sichtbar gemacht werden können.,9 +equipped with,9 +§ 8 Teil 2 der Abschlussprüfung in der Fachrichtung Instandhaltungstechnik,7 +Airplanes with conventional landing gear are sometimes ,9 +Drill Stops,7 +"comma 3 dell'articolo 26 del D.Lgs N°81 del 9 aprile 2008, a seguito della ",3 +"vision system (EFVS). Unlike EFVS, SVS requires a terrain ",9 +application.,9 +’’ and inserting ‘‘,9 +flying techniques applicable to any sort of ,9 +those areas.,9 +weldable aluminum alloys used in aircraft construction are ,9 +"aircraft, but it does prompt the operator to verify that ",3 +"and the APT WP, when required. ",9 +The acronym for Significant Meteorological ,9 +demander le paiement du solde dans les 60 jours suivant la fin de la période de fourniture des ,9 +merchandise,9 +LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE,7 +"Strahlenschutz, Strahlenpass ",7 +a honeycomb core on a damaged edge or panel are similar to ,9 +wider and longer than inside measurements of prepared hole. ,3 +RITERES DE SELECTION,7 +Signature ,6 +"подчеркнув, что они обоснованы особыми обстоятельствами и носят",9 +Takeoff and departure profile.,0 +"Excess fuel is returned to the pump, which pumps it through ",9 +remark regarding weather phenomenon that does not,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 327 of October 30, 1959] ",7 +reduced gradually to ensure that upon completion of,9 +Sicherheitsabstände beim Aufstellen von ,8 +LOT 1 – DATA COMMUNICATIONS ,7 +Departments,3 +〔昭和五十五年五月二十六日政令第百三十八号〕〔抄〕,7 +"influences the way that person learns. To be effective, the learning situation also should be purposeful, based on experience, ",9 +plunger and very slowly remove your hand from under the weight to allow the weight to be slowly ,3 +when the fire switch is pulled and turned to the DISCH 1 or ,9 +—(1) In these Regulations— ,9 +this error can be corrected by setting the altimeter ,9 +maximum potential voltage from the magneto.,3 +BLADE PITCH ANGLE,7 +"Slips, falls and excess excavations ",7 +a feathered engine in flight without the use of the electric ,9 +Zulieferung ,3 +sources. In proper cases he shall advise ,9 +WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT ,7 +"disks because there is no drag hinge. In addition, skid-type ",9 +"to the canopy, allowing the parachute to deploy even in situations of pilot chute entanglement with the ",3 +Distribution Chamber for Primary Clarifiers,7 +"If the other party submits observations, the party intending to terminate must ",9 +"skin deterioration, evidence of failure (smoking ",3 +regulatory Guidance,7 +Pilots can perform risk management by using the TEAM checklist: ,6 +Enrolment appeals ,7 +where the instrument approach procedure (IAP) begins unless ,9 +Captain Karl Eiríksson for image used in Chapter 1,9 +〔昭和四十八年四月二十七日政令第百十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +The reciprocating engine is one of the most ,9 +"seat, an elbow, a piece of contaminant, etc.), the oxygen ",9 +Service Request fulfilment: The Contractor shall process service requests from ,3 +and ownership of any aircraft and especially helicopters.,9 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 +Pilots are expected to maintain a listening watch on the,9 +"round number, as for ceiling heights, and upper wind",3 +are fairly,9 +obstacles along your approach path. ,9 +"345,8 – 3 352,5 MHz,",9 +) Section 138 was amended by section 23(1) and (4) of the Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013 (c. 27) and S.I. 2017/1285. ,1 +"Errata as of October 21, 2013 ",7 +. — A certificate of Philippine register confers upon the vessel the right to,9 +"systematically, assess the degree of risk, and determine the ",9 +Scientific data management ,7 +amount which can be paid to the Service Provider under the Contract shall not exceed EUR [,3 +conditions are questionable and they might need a backup ,9 +Improper technique in correcting altitude ,3 +§ 3 Zielsetzung der Berufsausbildung,7 +operations. ,3 +Deployment Types,7 +Military Operation Areas (MOAs) ,7 +contractorspremises(seeart I.5.3 and II.22 ofthemodel contract).,9 +by a small amount of relative motion between the rivet and ,9 +II.10 SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +First Instance for the Ninth Judicial District and a duly authorized surveyor,9 +"Oras, Palapag, Pambujan, Salcedo, ",9 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +"style. For tension applications, the MS24694 countersunk and ",9 +Specific provisions related to insurance ,7 +Allgemeines Wohngebiet (WA),7 +so that a smooth but very definite lift-off can be made. This ,9 +"Hand sew ripcord housing, tack comfort pad, Hand sew cone and eyelet",3 +Associative Stage ,7 +"subsistence expenses, including meals, local transport including transport to and from ",3 +a rapid loss of airspeed due to the high drag increases,9 +users. The Contracting Authority therefore reserves the right to issue complaints in case ,9 +Tlokweng in the South East District;,3 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +aluminum are compared in ,9 +PLACEMENT OF ADVERTISEMENTS – based on real costs ,7 +National Environmental Policy Act ,7 +"IUPAC name, and molecular and structural formulae. Note that there could be ",3 +行う為替取引に係る支払等(支払又は支払の受領をいう。以下同じ。)が改正法の施,3 +"appropriate, a scoping meeting(s) ",9 +Belt sander.,0 +idle is an engine rpm in flight at a given altitude with the ,9 +Tender report.,7 +e who may desire to transfer to another station,9 +"of flap-equipped gliders, most Glider Flight Manuals/Pilot ",9 +operator’s OpSpec or LOA for EFVS operations may,9 +Release Management ,7 +県知事に提出しなければならない。,3 +electronic (avionics) system designed to provide information ,9 +equivalent shaft horsepower ,9 + Roundout ( Flare),7 +There are numerous landing gear safety devices. The most ,9 +современных,9 +"pressure, the bellows compresses, allowing the flow divider ",9 +"the outlet port. If the cartridge becomes clogged with dirt, ",9 +"Nettoerträge aus von ausländischen Tochterunternehmen für Einlagengeschäfte erhaltenen Vergütungen,",3 + Published VFR Routes,7 +through the external circuit to its negative terminal. The ,9 +TERMINAL RADAR SERVICE AREAS (TRSA)—,3 +millimetres”. ,9 +stall-free operation. The malfunctioning is ,9 +"If primary clarifiers are out of operation, wastewater shall be directly transferred to ",3 +"upon request, upon expiry or where the application conditions are no longer met. ",9 +A146 Normanston Drive ,7 +from chamber to chamber and canopy to canopy. These ,9 +pulls the aircraft.,9 +术成果完成者的权利和取得荣誉证书、奖励的权利。 ,9 +TAOFFSCALE,6 +this chapter and not restored as a result of the exclusion in section ,9 +Temperature Indicator Strip,6 +Time for Planting ,7 +Budget Line: ,7 +service VOR that,9 +"other, each party undertakes to treat as strictly confidential and not divulge to any ",3 +"accordance with the InforEuro exchange rate of September 2020, which can be found at the ",9 +Experimental ,7 +calculated true course between two waypoints. The,9 +information ,9 +"пособия женщинам, вставшим на учет в медицинских организациях в",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 291 of October 1, 1973] ",7 + These joints ,9 +§ 2 Zulassungsvoraussetzungen,7 +should aircraft electrical power fail. ,9 +local flow velocities in the afterburner are ,9 +the gross receipts from the business t,3 +"der Umlagepflichtigen zu bemessen, die an den inländischen Handelsplätzen im Sinne von § 2 Absatz 22",9 +carrying the U.S. Mail. ,9 +plug hole until the compression air is felt. Set the engine ,9 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 3 ",7 +move your right eye to the left (and maybe slightly up or ,9 +"the nose to the left, lower the collective or apply forward ",9 +Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems ,7 +stationary,9 +ERANS WHO SERVED IN KOREA. ,7 +helicopter is turning to the right and continues beyond the ,9 +"smoothly, and accurately applied with reference ",9 +"increases. In order to maintain a constant rotor rpm, which ",9 +REIMBURSEMENTS ,7 +ground water table and ground water quality determination ,3 +: a contract implementing the FWC and specifying details of a service to be ,9 +The alternator is mounted in the engine compartment driven ,9 +"the standard attitude indicator, the angle of bank is shown ",9 +Figure 4-54,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 367 of August 26, 1952]",7 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +5$^{th}$ February 2020 ,8 +It will be possible to set/configure trend graphs in graphical display interface and to save this ,9 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +"regulation, modification of the aircraft, such as",9 +Salary and allowances of President ,7 +as an incident associated with the operation of an,9 +"manufacture, delivery to place of receipt, installation, testing and commissioning; ",3 +Failure to execute turns with accurate timing.,3 +人格のない社団又は財団,3 +conductor heating. Allowance must be made for ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 77 of April 10, 1954] ",7 +all other communications except ,9 +The pilot exciter field is mounted on the rotor shaft and is ,9 +diagonally to a point tangent on the downwind side of the ,9 +Risk Management (RM) ,7 +GROUND REFERENCE MANEUVERS,7 +"than one G. Like a compressed coil spring seeking release, ",9 +tiny dowel pin alignment devices. Dimensionally inspect ,9 +exécution,9 +[Figure 15-3] ,9 +altitudes for separation that do not conform to,9 +the helicopter about the roll and pitch axes (cyclic ,3 +on the helicopter with a slight angle to the other so that ,9 +approach operations.,9 +Engine-driven pump ,6 +Lycoming 0-233 Series Light-Sport Aircraft Engine,7 +PROFESSIONAL ,7 +that is required for shortening and mark accordingly. ,3 +FLOOD CONTROL AND COASTAL EMERGENCIES ,7 +"are reached, never to fall below approach speed. ",9 +务提供者不能证明自己无过错的,承担赔偿责任。 ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 77 of March 31, 1959] ",7 +is some effect on the mixture at airflows above idling. The ,9 +Requirements ,7 +charged. This is normal after an engine start since,9 +specificato di seguito: ,3 +Article 33 After-sales service ,7 +Stretch Forming,7 +"für alle Rundfunkdienste auf den internationalen Ausbreitungskurven der ITU‑R P.370, den internationalen",9 +What are we doing to achieve the objectives: ,3 +Teilnahme ausländischer Fahrzeuge am Straßenverkehr,7 +"such body for the purpose of burying it, except when an inquest is required by law",9 +overloaded and needs to be replaced. Manufacturers,9 +sélection/exclusion et d'attribution soient remplis. Le choix de l'offre retenue doit ,3 +in the correct sequence as shown below starting from the ,9 +Wind and Currents ,7 +"on honour stating that the tenderer, including all members of the group in case of joint tender ",9 +and temporary MOAs are airspace established ,9 +for onsite activities) ,7 +[Figure 4-32],9 +nach Absatz 2 nicht mehr vorliegen oder der Berater die Beratung nicht ordnungsgemäß durchgeführt oder sonst,9 +"hinaus stillliegt,",3 +" take the following action, not",9 +Environmental and Health Factors ,7 +Inflow UpGLYPH<.notdef>,6 + Hard Landing,7 +fit tightly into the shoe if one is used. ,9 +) (protection for interests of tenants at will etc.) of the 1965 Act applies with the ,9 +Implementation of the FWC,3 +"5, Terminal Mode S Radar Sites, for site",9 + .............................................................5-39,8 +Article 11 ,9 +concentrations ,3 +"lead and/or gum, after evaporation, in such places as fuel ",9 + The common network of ,9 +If the e-document is dispatched through the ,3 +A clear radar display (no echoes) does not mean,9 +issue a notice to mariners at least 5 days prior to the commencement of the first ,3 +of fines or of any taxes or social security contributions. The relevant documentary evidence which illustrates ,9 +I.14.5 Signature of contracts pending receipt of eligibility documents,7 +"such as speed, position, closure, drift, track, desired course, ",9 +"Although PIOs occur most commonly during launch, they ",9 +"For example, for a two-stroke liquid-cooled engine, the ",9 +Maneuvering altitude.,9 +rigetti parzialmente o integralmente i documenti o deliverable presentati. ,9 +represent,9 +Revocation ,7 +Municipal Budget,7 +国は、内水面漁業の振興に関する施策を実施するために必要な財政上の措置そ,3 +Communication/Broadcast Procedures ,7 +Ro = K DAP2 ,2 +Источник местного освещения на рабочем месте обучающегося должен,9 +After-sales service ,7 +altitude reporting capability and operable ADS,9 +appointing an independent auditor to audit the accounts of the ,9 +for approval. This step aims to increase the quality of the materials produced and avoid any ,9 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +and after public health emergencies. The Unit shall inform the ,9 +contracting authority and project manager or their representatives shall be as stated in the ,3 +Airborne Equipment and Ground Facilities,7 +and other coping mechanisms.,3 +Assigned altitude,6 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +Performance and quality requirements ,7 +Aircraft altimeter setting,6 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 105 of March 31, 2005]",7 +Mesopause,6 +Tangled round,3 +the advantage of being able to hold more weight with shorter ,9 +the ground; it takes skill to land from 100 feet. The pilot’s ,9 +sident in respect of legal proceedings,7 +"Check throttle, oil injection pump, and choke actuation ",3 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) website at:,9 +§ 28 Gemischte Finanzholding-Gesellschaften,7 +"Contract, signed by the Parties before the End Date. ",3 +"While following these procedures, set the transponder to ",9 +aufgeh. durch Art. 4 Abs. 100 G v. 18.7.2016 I 1666 mWv 1.10.2021,7 +the rate of descent at touchdown. For ,9 +PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +°F/32 °F ,6 +maintenance.,3 +There are altogether 190 Point-of-Sale facilities operated by ,3 +91.215 does not include this airspace for transponder,9 +Secretary of Fi,9 +[2339-92.],9 +of lead varies with the type of helicopter being flown and ,9 + of the several officers affected and assign such officers,9 +Ignition Harness,7 +Brayton cycle.,9 +"regulation 42 of the 2011 Regulations, ",3 +Operating the Jet Engine,7 +II.20. REVISIONE DEI PREZZI ,7 +Mixing Equipment,7 +– SITUAZIONI DI ESCLUSIONE RIGUARDANTI LE PERSONE FISICHE O GIURIDICHE CHE SI ,7 +accompagnez les délégués ou les visiteurs vers le lieu sûr en tenant compte des ,3 +Primary radar energy that strikes dense objects is ,3 +[1893-1-3.],9 +委員を選定し、委員名簿及び委員の選定理由を公表すること。,3 +"information see the EU login help. After logging in with your EU Login password, the e-",9 +exception of VOR/DME RNAV equipment) navigate,9 +were still part of the Department of Commerce but the CAB ,9 +"speeds, shallow bank angles for slower groundspeeds.",3 +"If interpreters are not available onsite, the contractor may call on non-local interpreters who need to be ",9 +"§ 51 Inkrafttreten, Übergangsregelungen",7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ",7 +"flying sparks, and accepts a variety of standard shade and ",9 +0009 00-2 ,4 +Helicopter performance is not only affected by gross,9 +"without any undue delay in a commonly agreed format, all personal data processed on behalf of the ",9 +PBN systems make a correction to true north by,9 +the same approach chart may also have lower minimums ,9 +"prévus par le cahier des charges, à savoir: ",6 +the departure path and can significantly affect aircraft ,9 +approaches but may be used on an ILS approach when,9 +Submission phase (before the time-limit for receipt of tenders) ,7 +rubber ring with a round cross section. An O-ring seals in ,9 +QUARANTINES ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 138 of May 26, 1980]",7 +"955 300,81 Euro",9 +performing rectangular courses:,9 +"Microphones, sound, Laptop/PC, beamer ",7 +it completely purges the separator reservoir and lines up to ,9 +Area Navigation (RNAV) Routes.,7 +Learning Is Purposeful ,7 +"adaptation process of the eyes. First, the eyes should be ",9 +Round Out (Flare),7 +"and Industry No. 39 of July 30, 1983] ",7 +"and equipment. It includes operating limitations, instrument ",9 +"modification of existing aircraft, the maintenance manual ",9 +"ships, such as health care coalitions pursuant to sections 319C– ",9 +APRON- A defined area on an airport or heliport ,9 +the limit of their travel when the controls are against their ,9 +– des § 2 Nummer 1 des Fahrpersonalgesetzes in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 19. Februar 1987,3 +Lesson Plans,7 +Square Canopy—Rib Repair,7 +outside the cabin. Cabin pressure (psi) – ambient ,3 +Glide Slope/Glide Path,7 +ARTICLE 7: GUARANTEES ,7 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +letter identifi-,9 +in the IR drop in the line. A wide variation in the IR ,3 +compressor ,9 +I$_{M}$$_{B}$,6 +operations.,9 +Abschnitt IV,7 +Air Traffic Clearance,7 +Methodology - Loading and Unloading of Material Piles ,7 +ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 1,7 +common in aviation. The following measuring and indication ,9 +Termination by Europol: ,7 +"the seaplane from coming off the step, but not so much",9 +ground (or runw,9 +enters the controlled zone; the same applies hereinafter) not exceeding the ,3 +High Round Out,7 +勤労者財産形成貯蓄契約等(勤労者財産形成促進法(昭和四十六年法律第九十二,3 +be finished.,3 +§ 24a (weggefallen),7 +Fünfter Abschnitt,9 +Apprentice and Junior Surveyors,7 +Components of a radar altimeter.,0 +Aviation Digital Data Services (ADDS).,3 + Turns Around a Point,7 +"substitution may be difficult, if not impossible, to find. It ",9 +References ,7 +provided TRSA service and separation as prescribed,9 +"can be straight or tapered, solid or expansive, and come ",9 +"As a precaution, an airborne engine start should be attempted ",9 +Removal of Decals ,7 +coefficients,9 +The Eddie-Bolt$^{®}$ 2 Pin Fastening System ,7 +"distance format or latitude and longitude, and they ",9 +EST. TIME ENROUTE,6 +National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006(,3 +"aloft and cruising pressure altitude. Also, compute weight-",9 +"cap is the problem. If it stays the same, the fluid tip ",3 +Bungee cord.,9 +Terminal arrival area (TAA).,9 +is expressed to have effect also for the benefit of those deriving title from or under that ,3 +nent measured in knots at 90 degrees to the ,9 +demarcates,9 +Flight Safety Practices,7 + System Development Assurance ,7 +"any waiver, or alternative requirement, to any statute or regulation ",9 +AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 111800,9 +based on a ,3 +Maintenance of Retained Trees ,7 +usually calibrated in percent rpm so that various types of ,9 +often require some alteration or repetition to fit individual ,9 +Checklists have been the foundation of pilot standardization ,9 +to ground use only.,9 +Erfüllung des Untersuchungsauftrags nach § 3 im Benehmen mit der örtlich zuständigen Strafverfolgungsbehörde,9 +the contracting authority. The contractor must take the necessary measures to obtain such ,9 +"submitted,",9 +Shipment Type 2,3 +от 19 сентября 2017 г. № 927 (зарегистрирован Министерством юстиции,9 +Airspace System,7 +that the brake will lock up and the tire will ride on the ,9 +Award and signature of the contract with the successful tenderer ,7 +Common Errors in Turns,7 +Order of the Ministry of Finance or Order of the Ministry of International ,9 +change of the cabin,6 +Areas of longitudinal reinforcement of 12 mm diameter minimum shall be at least 1% of the ,3 +Public Instruction in General ,7 +Driving piles ,7 +experience occurs when a loved one is injured during a ,9 +available; a single receiver may fail.,3 +is reported following the prevailing visibility. RVR is the distance a pilot can see down the ,3 +Risk Management during Operational Flights ,7 +QUALIFICATION TESTS: ,7 +Digital Building Blocks,7 +Anforderungen,7 +“Shadow authorities ,7 +Perform a compression test as soon as possible after the ,9 +Williams of Trafford ,9 +Management structure ,7 +Technical and professional capacity,7 +"who has obtained, prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, permission ",3 +forest product included in this section is not determined and published in the,9 +разрешений на привлечение и использование иностранных работников,9 +Inspection of Retained Trees ,7 +Pressurization Issues,7 +(INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST) ,7 +Conformity must be declared only where the conditions laid down in the FWC and in the specific contract are ,9 +The contractor may terminate the FWC or any on-going ,9 +Abnormal Reactions to Stress ,7 +there is time to focus on traffic and ATC instructions. These ,9 +this typical flow pattern is illustrated in ,9 +"to blade pitch controls, and other factors. It is important for ",9 +FinAusglG2015DV 2,9 +with terrain at a local airport in Alabama. The certificated ,9 +of Transportation ,9 +throughout the descent path to the runway threshold from a ,9 +EN ROUTE PROCEDURES,7 +診療並びに病院の管理及び運営に関する諸記録の体系的な管理方法,3 +"Article 29, paragraph (1) of the New Ministerial Order is deemed to be replaced ",3 +Check the type flight plan. Check,9 +Recency of Experience,7 +record than is used for granting an exception. ,9 +"motor. The starter engages the aircraft flywheel or gearbox, ",9 +Class A Airspace,7 +Baustrom / Bauwasser ,7 +"Verbot anderer Nationalflaggen, Ausnahmen",7 +documenti,9 +the required finished radius and comparing it to the radius ,9 +", o usando la fatturazione elettronica, conforme a quanto stabilito nel capitolato d'oneri ",9 + After paragraph 3 insert— ,9 +development tasks ,3 +Management letter,7 +§ 12 Unfallstelle,7 +danger. A warning area may be located over domestic or ,9 +Granting of facilities for the implementation of programmes and execution of contracts,7 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 +evaluation. ,9 +Communal Forests,7 +Installed oxygen tubing is usually identified with color-,9 +The current status of the development (including status accounting report or similar ,3 +SPECIAL EMERGENCY- A condition of air piracy ,9 +"An OpSpec, MSpec, or LOA authorizing",9 +II.20.6 Paiements intermédiaires et paiement du solde ,7 +stator coils are induced as the AC cycles through zero and the ,9 +Overall Summary of ECHA ICT Governance ,7 +equals greater induced voltage),3 +"keeping dogs, and for licensing public carriages, carts, and hearses",3 +area and not pay enough attention to airspeed. If too,9 +mobility not found in most helicopters.,9 +“panel” means a panel appointed by the President of the Board (other than an appeal panel); ,9 +Symptoms of Hypoxia,7 +information provided by TIS from intruder aircraft is,9 +"the blade is inserted into the disk, the notch is filled by the ",9 +§ 1 Bau und Finanzierung durch Private,7 +find this handbook helpful. This book introduces the prospective pilot to the realm of WSC flight and provides information ,9 +einem geeigneten ,3 +back offices,3 +Reserve Free Bag Repair—Grommet Pullout,7 +I.13. SERVICE PROVIDED ON THE PREMISES OF THE CONTRACTING ,7 +the electrical circuit. ,0 +follow the preceding aircraft. Radar service will be,9 +"packed, used, and repaired outside of FAA maintenance and ",9 +does not coincide with the TC. The wind causes the aircraft ,9 +"control unit, auxiliary pump, feather and unfeather valves, ",9 +Scheduled radar observations are taken hourly,9 +slight tug on the control wheel sends the airplane aloft again.,9 +Anlage 1 (weggefallen),7 +Transverse Flow Effect,7 +"appointment of a notary public shall be it writing, signed by the judge, and",9 +manager after the expiry of the time limit stated in Article 28.3; or ,3 + which the ,3 +Simultaneous Close Parallel Precision Runway ,7 +within 300 feet of pattern altitude. ,3 +Abschnitt 7,7 +Tender data.,7 +and hybrid events) ,7 +moving parts. It is also very accurate. Solid-state electronics ,9 +Article 1 – SUBJECT MATTER; PERFORMANCE ,7 +"abgenommen, der oder die von der zuständigen Behörde bestellt wird und nicht in einer persönlichen oder",9 +eine Fachkraft für Betriebswirtschaft (Betriebswirt) und,3 +wind heading. As you approach the field boundary on,9 +accompanied by a corresponding change in the car load to ,9 +"⦁ $_{Inappropriate reactions, such as extreme over-cooperation, painstaking self-control, inappropriate }$",3 +Normes de qualité ,7 +aircraft engine installation or engine exhaust nozzle. Engine ,9 +through an overheat event is all that is required for the tire ,9 +租金及其支付期限和方式、租赁物维修等条款。 ,9 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 + and has full legal effect; and ,3 +from stopping. Examples of critical flight modes that use ,9 +number of onsite and off-site days. ,3 +stop diving and flying is 24 hours. ,9 +the arriving aircraft has reported the runway in sight,9 +"der in den Unterlagen, die dem Antrag auf Erteilung der Fahrlehrerlaubnis nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2 beigefügt",9 +[Figure 8-2],9 +derive from the above and ,3 +Page 23 of 79 ,4 +accounts of the Fund. Following the award of the tender I have ,9 +Laid before Parliament ,8 +10th May 2021 ,9 +イに規定する委員会に係る事務を行う者を配置すること。,3 +Technical equipment and Technician (for both onsite and ,7 +. — Statutes passed by,9 +- Seite 1 von 20 -,4 +Repair Parts Layout ,7 +adjusting ,9 +Facilities to be provided by the EIB and/or other parties ,7 +of a turbine engine observed and recorded by the engine ,9 +§ 31 Anforderungen an Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +Nach Ende des Haushaltsjahres hat das Direktorium eine Rechnung über die Einnahmen und Ausgaben der,9 +"800B glider."" ",3 +the descent without further consideration of the lateral or ,9 +circumstance that could lead to or contribute to an ,3 +Air Mass Thunderstorms,7 +rsonal property belonging to such person or,9 +Twin-Engine Aircraft Vacuum System Operation,7 +дополнить,9 +"Area Forecast (FA), and Pilot Reports (UA or PIREPs). Since ",9 +Four Risk Elements,7 +transfers to the Consolidated Fund: ,9 +Acceptance (1) (2) (3) ,7 +[1458-33.],9 +Area of best ,6 +"second-class rate regular publications, designed primarily for advertising purposes,",9 +" Access to SAS and SAS Data integration software, ",3 +"to in Article II.24.2. Upon expiry of this period, the contractor shall, at the choice of the ",9 +stored in a battery provides a source of electrical power for ,9 +Why Should I Use a FRAT? ,7 +How high you need to be to glide there,3 +"diese mit der Nennfüllmenge unter Beachtung des § 3 Absatz 1 und Absatz 3 Satz 1 gekennzeichnet sind,",3 +The Crew Briefing,7 +この政令は、昭和三十五年七月一日から施行する。,3 +Crosswind Considerations During Takeoffs,7 +"winds may be gusting, but still within reasonable flight limits, ",9 +State data protection provisions as referred to in the tender specifications. ,9 +The width of the crack is less than ,3 +Methodology - Loading and Unloading of Material Piles ,7 +"axis of the helicopter is level, it flies straight.",9 +Floatplanes frequently have less crosswind component,9 +suivre les instructions données ,3 +rotor is also used to control the heading of the helicopter,9 +Descent from Flight Levels Above RVSM Airspace,9 +Chapter 2$_{ }$,7 +"Patch cables of different length shall be boxed in separate boxes, with a maximum of 50 patch cables in 1 ",9 +source of fluid.,9 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Sport Piggyback System,7 +or pressure bleeding methods. Follow the instructions ,9 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +An inoperative air condition (A/C) pack might restrict ,3 +acknowledge receipt of the,9 +Généralités ,7 +"(hereinafter referred to as the ""Act"") (including a notification of change as set ",3 + Draft contract and annexes,3 +Drill into the exact center of the rivet head to the ,3 +accompany her and provide dual cross-country instruction. ,6 +"prefecture, and a zone may be set over two or more districts of prefectures ",3 +‘Force majeure’,9 +"have a canopy hanger for inspection, airing, and assembling ",9 +утвержденного приказом Министерства образования,9 +Ergänzungsprüfung im Verhältnis 2:1 zu gewichten.,9 +learner preparation for a guided discussion ,8 +Erziehungsberechtigten.,9 +"The contractor shall take out all insurance necessary to cover its liability, both with regard ",9 +been involved in an accident.,9 +Should any retained tree or shrub be damaged as a result of the building operations then it shall be,9 +Hard Landing,7 + Awareness of the position of the aircraft and of ,9 + See radar attenuation.,9 +Some aircraft have receptacles to which an external ground ,9 +Simplified Directional Facility,7 +Protective works to buildings ,7 +Table A – Losses of Cash,7 +E-invoicing ,7 +cycle is illustrated in figure 2.15 by the varia- ,9 +accident that leads to a personal injury. An indirect learning ,9 +Article 55-9 of the Act; ,3 +Sample Problem 1 ,7 +contained in aircraft manuals used by pilots when ,9 +photographer; ,3 +envisaged objectives/deliverables. Proposed mitigating/contingency measures shall ,3 +and the Secretary shall develop parameters on the use of funds ,9 +of meteorological information provided to the aviation users. ,9 +"changes made due to failures affecting safety, and identify any changes in / ",3 +"—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), any specified work, and all protective works required by ",9 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +Improper thinning of the coating material or selection ,3 +Ausbildungsplan,3 +", That no such funds shall be obligated before the operating ",9 +to make a long flight. With only a few hours of sleep and ,9 +needed to conduct such checks and audits. The contractor must ensure that the information ,3 +"airspeed. Generally, the compressor stall is ",9 +Off-Field Landing Without Injury,7 +"well, and does not pose a risk of hurting the head. ",9 +Requirement e),3 +various commands. ,3 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +Latitude and Longitude (Meridians and ,7 +A reference ,9 +"normally consists of an azimuth station, elevation station, ",9 +Termination by either party: ,7 +Provision of pictures ,7 +"Techniques described in the FAA SEM may be used in performing these reviews. For example, ",9 +"the world are based on this reference. To convert to this time, ",9 +"Considering the volatile nature of the data source, the solution should be robust, ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ",7 +countries: costs shall be based on actual expenses plus XX% charges for shipment and in-,9 +Four Risk Elements,7 +Web Site (if applicable) ,6 +allows the tower controller to verify the pilot has the current ,9 +Figure 7-1. ,0 +earth's surface and extends to a few thousand feet overhead where the atmosphere becomes fairly ,9 +[Figure 5-59],9 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +§ 4 Berufsausbildung in überbetrieblichen Ausbildungsstätten,7 +"combustor, and turbine. ",9 +499 623 were reported in accordance with the requirements of ,9 +"resources or means, in which case it must provide an estimate of the costs involved and the parties will ",9 +binding tape is left undamaged and sewn back in ,3 +to displacement of the aircraft from on-path alignment. With ,9 +I.4.3. Reimbursement of expenses ,7 + be exceeded. If flight is ,9 +Why Should I Use a FRAT? ,7 +"Procedure for giving, amending or revoking general directions ",3 +(iv) the construction of piles and pile caps within the watercourse supporting the piers ,3 +ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS,7 +"Failure to adequately clear the area above, below, ",3 +proceedings and determine its rules of procedure not herein set forth. A majority,9 +Contractor’s national partner to agree with EU-OSHA’s national partner on subject matter and target ,3 +von mindestens 45 Minuten erforderlich. Arbeitsunterbrechungen unter zehn Minuten werden bei der,3 +"joint tenders, including subcontractors if applicable) to successfully execute ",3 +"under the same paragraph or as approved, permitted or certified under the ",3 +Bureau or Office and to the position of superintendent shall be made by the,9 +Redemption of Distrained Property,9 +"and proceed in numerical order around the engine, as rapidly ",9 +Do not place thermocouple wires adjacent to or ,3 +"enters service operation, care must be taken in ",9 +published by the Treasury and known as the Gross Domestic Product deflator by reference to the ,9 +Instrument Approach Procedure Charts ,7 +sections 8(1) and 22A(2) of the Video Recordings Act 1984(,9 +同号において「開発等」という。)のために用いられるおそれがある場合として,3 +Round Out (Flare),7 +MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ,7 +Property Leases – Botswana Police Service ,7 +"Ukraine, the Project has been identified as a priority investment under Ukraine’s National Transport ",9 +正当な理由がないのに、第十二条の十第二項各号の規定による請求を拒んだとき。,3 + This is a portable tank that contains a supply ,9 +Pay particular attention to the ring area to which the ,3 +that is the subject of a subsequent medical countermeasure ,9 +making equipment specific information and knowledge ,9 +"maturen (zu § 14, Absatz 5) der baulichen Erweiterung",7 +of standard procedures is of great assistance. One guide in ,9 +WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT ,7 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +"analog primary radars, will provide TIS",9 +"page a few inches backward and forward, and the black ",3 +"Mabalacat, Macabebe, Magalan, Masantol, Mexico, Minalin, Porac, San Fernando",9 +"to kerosene. It may be used to indicate inclination, as a level, ",9 +"Participant Register, please refer to this page.",9 +for the definition of “the 2020 election day” substitute— ,3 +Moral rights of creators ,7 +§ 2 Gebührenbefreiungen,7 +zontally and opposing inertia (centrifugal force) is the,9 +as the turn progresses from a downwind heading to an upwind ,9 +changes. Climbing at a slow rate is the best way to avoid ,9 +"lifted, the control frame pulled forward, and the nose wire ",9 +Dynamic Rollover,7 +ECHA shall provide and manage a secure remote access IT solution to support the IT ,9 +"16.110 - 16.119, 16.121 - 16.128). ",9 +Risk Management ,7 +The station addressed should immediately,9 +water should,9 +incorrect initial bank. ,9 +"editions, and print providers is available on the",9 +execute any filling around any apparatus (where the apparatus is laid in a trench) within ,3 +Motor routine 1-1 .................................................................................................................. 106,8 +contract and incorporated in the ,9 +"tion, clearance, conditional approval, or authorization of ",9 +CherryBUCK$^{®}$ 95 KSI One-Piece Shear Pin ,7 +"decreases with a headwind, and increases with a tailwind. ",9 +Conditions ,7 +2.10.4. Не допускается привлекать детей к работам с вредными или,9 +GENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURES ,7 +"systems for the supply of water; and the establishment of cemeteries, crematories,",9 +Airport Pavement Markings,7 +How do we manage the events that may affect the achievement of the ,3 +* Other pipe systems of process units ,3 +tuttavia che ciò,9 +"is position based. That is, the attitude gyro senses the degree ",9 +genießen keinen Schutz vor Störungen durch Funkstellen des Flugnavigationsfunkdienstes im,3 + The loss of thrust produced by a turbojet or ,9 +§ 3 Berufsfeldbreite Grundbildung und Zielsetzung der Berufsausbildung,7 +for a previous procedure and,9 +According,9 +computer software.,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 427 of December 15, 1972] ",7 + Attitude and Sink Rate Control,7 +volume and other information that allows the origin to be easily identified.,9 +vice-versa. It is important to shrink the fabric evenly. Starting ,9 +"merchandise, or the agent of either, refuses upon the citation or demand of any",9 +MAIN PILOT CHUTE BRIDLE LINE OR DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +Meetings of the Project Steering Committee ,7 +financière),7 +"parachute,",9 +"THIS ""LEGAL ENTITY"" SHEET MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED, AND SUBMITTED ",7 +"Airport, DC",9 +Stima dei costi di Sicurezza da Interferenze ,7 +"municipality, or where fresh-water or tidal streams form boundaries",3 +reached. Any increase in the angle of attack beyond this,9 +"operating limitations of an aircraft, engine, or propeller meet ",9 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +gliderport to land on an available runway. The appropriate ,9 +HARNESS/CONTAINER ,7 +Simplified Directional Facility (SDF),7 +period or as soon as any repairs ordered under Article 32 have been completed to the ,3 +Die Abschlussprüfung besteht aus den beiden zeitlich auseinanderfallenden Teilen 1 und 2. Durch die,9 +"—(1) In relation to any application to which this Schedule applies, the relevant authority has ",9 +Single phase failure trip ,3 +for the purposes of or in connection with the construction of any of the works and other ,3 +distractions. ,9 +"S’assurer que la plate-forme n’est pas glissante, et y marcher en toute sécurité. ",3 +PIREPs provide valuable information regarding the ,9 +Light Twin Airplane,7 +Determination of Control Movements Required To ,7 +Piston Reverses Direction From Down Stroke to Up ,7 +"Industry No. 99 of March 29, 2001] [Extract] ",7 +Each manufacturer designates what is included as the gas ,9 +Caribbean,9 +airplane to accelerate easily on a downslope takeoff.,9 +"to rise off the runway prematurely, perhaps even before the ",9 +landing to the airframe at a non-damaging rate. ,0 +§ 20 Ständige Förderkommissionen,7 +Amendment of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowance) (England) Regulations 2003 ,7 +"43, Appendix D; or manufacturer’s inspection procedures] ",9 +increase the time in which the aircraft’s vertical descent is ,9 +(+++ Textnachweis ab: 22.2.2018 +++),9 +pads using an alkaline aviation cleaner. The work area should ,9 +II.19.1. Fatture e imposta sul valore aggiunto ,7 +Contractor’s national partner (depending on country-specific media landscape) to email/upload ,3 +control) but may also include yaw axis (pedal control) ,3 +and sources you trust. ,3 +EUPL = European Union Public License ,1 + Overstitch ,3 +reservation; ,3 +principles as they apply to helicopters. The content relates ,9 +generate a radar reply signal upon proper interrogation; the ,9 +Citation and commencement ,7 +Warranted Provision,7 +Enforcement of directions ,3 +"richtig, nicht vollständig oder nicht rechtzeitig einträgt,",3 +Diffuser. ,9 +Drill Bushing Holder Types,7 +How Autopilot Functions Work,7 +folgende Innenabmessungen: 230 cm (H) x 230 cm (B) x 385 cm (T). Geeignete Wagen ,9 +Available resources,7 +variable ,9 +Signature of the contract with the successful Tenderer ,7 +The system states or variables that must exist for a hazard or an accident to ,9 +§ 3 Flugsicherungsausrüstung für Flüge nach Instrumentenflugregeln,7 +produce a flameout. Any interruption of the ,9 +Modern aircraft increasingly employs digital electronics in ,9 +"Thus, the wing must be given some ",9 +次に掲げるいずれの場合にも該当しないときに限る。)。,3 +Table A5-9. Specific Gravity of Common Degreasing Solvents ,0 +"signed [a certified digital signature is acceptable, but a photographic image of the hand ",3 +"Möglichkeiten zwar vorhanden sind, ihre Ausschöpfung aber erfolglos geblieben ist.",9 +Workload or Task Management,7 +of electrons is known as electric ,9 +Anesthetic drugs are commonly used for dental and surgical ,9 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +"Lieferung, Montage und",9 +8EariON IV ,7 + Overview ,7 +"first USA National Glider Contest was held in Elmira, New ",9 +"“LNAV/VNAV available,” even though the WAAS",9 +"161"" – 144"" = 17""",2 +I.13. SERVICE PROVIDED ON THE PREMISES OF THE CONTRACTING ,7 +"Erteilung der Genehmigung folgt, aufzubewahren.",9 +"oxygen to the brain, since it is particularly vulnerable to ",9 +It is also highly recommended that compatible paints of the ,9 +〔昭和三十五年五月三十日政令第百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +得,处五万元以上五十万元以下罚款,并可以责令暂停相关业务、停业整顿、关闭网站、,9 +Cylinder Start of Compression Stroke—Piston ,7 +Anlage 2 (zu § 3),7 +and propeller is one of the most efficient means ,9 +group by respectively ,9 +Tool rest,6 +transmission en ligne ou autres; ,3 +increase the maintained frequency; ,3 +Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation,7 +Wer ist für die Datenverarbeitung verantwortlich und an wen können Sie sich wenden? ,7 +signed declaration on honour (,9 +Figure 1-57.,0 +doit immédiatement informer le,7 +uplinked. These “most significant” intruders are,9 +because the contractor has not produced the appropriate documents or deliverables; or,3 +"Once the maneuver is complete, establish cruise flight ",3 +LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF A GROUP ,7 +"PURPOSE A ""MEAT ",7 +of the incoming wastewater shall be directly by-passed. ,3 +and any related communication and documentation provided by ECHA during the ,3 +〔昭和五十八年七月三十日通商産業省令第三十九号〕,7 +als 500 kg wiegen. ,9 +QUARANTINES ,7 +der vom Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur zur Ausführung der Schiffsoffizier-,3 +Contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender): ,6 +Holding in lieu of procedure turn.,0 +images provided and used throughout the handbook:,9 +Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems ,7 +to become embedded in the repair or producing indentations ,9 +"The name, telephone number or email address, street address (not a post office box), city, state, ",9 +the correct read back of instructions. Specifically related to ,9 + (ss 57-94),7 +displayed,9 +incursions. There was also no documentary evidence of formal agreement for ,9 +"Repairs, Alterations, and ",7 +Most wings set up with the same basic procedure shown ,9 +"and Industry No. 67 of November 5, 1987] ",7 +Ground Resonance,7 +weather observing system of the U.S. (See Key to,9 + Considerations when Defining the System,7 +организованных походов.,9 +insert name of the relevant result,7 +SEC. 207. IMPROVING ALL-HAZARDS PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE ,7 +alternative airport for every 25–30 nautical mile ,9 +RESERVE RIPCORD HOUSING ,7 +How To Form an N-Number,7 +"November 2013 [EPA-420-B-13-053], ",1 +"Verhalten in besonderen Situationen, Folgen von Verstößen gegen Verkehrsvorschriften",7 +other entities will put resources at the disposal of the tenderer will be disregarded. ,9 +is perpendicular to the relative wind. Because,9 +§ 1 Beschränkung des ordentlichen Holzeinschlags,7 +"in paragraph (2)(B), by striking ‘‘3 years’’ and ",9 +Power to deviate ,3 +than one residence in Botswana in the constituency in which he or she has his or her ,3 +"MODALITÉS EN MATIÈRE D’ÉTABLISSEMENT DES PRIX, COMMANDES ET DE ",7 +permanent weight to the wheel. Weights with adhesive ,9 +§ 2a Durchführung des Lehrgangs Fahrschulbetriebswirtschaft,7 +Common oceanographic terminology.,7 +Verordnung über das Berufsbild und über die,10 +"Ergibt eine Überprüfung, dass die nach Absatz 2 eingegangene Verpflichtung nicht oder nicht mehr",9 +reporting on results) and payments.,3 +Recommended Practices,7 +information to pilots. A typical wind shear alert issued to a ,9 +it to help pre-dilute the two-stroke oil.,3 +Property Leases – Botswana Police Service ,7 +"aircraft is established on the inbound course, since",9 +payment equal to ,9 +SCHEDULE 5 ,7 +Commercial—twist lock,3 +"characteristics,",9 + The following businesses,9 +"A request that the software plans identified in RTCA DO-278A, Section 4.3, be provided; ",3 +Overexcitation Protection,7 +Bureau of Civil Service,7 +Takeoff Charts ,7 +"Ausschreibungsspezifikationen, Teil 2: Technische Spezifikationen aufgelistet. ",3 +die nach gültigem internationalen Standard geforderte Störfestigkeit gegenüber UKW-Rundfunksendern,3 +coordinated universal time (UTC). A “Z” is appended to the end of the time to denote the ,3 +A person who has not continuously resided in Botswana for the period mentioned in ,9 +"a limit of detection of less than or equal to 1000 SARS-CoV-2 copies per millilitre, ",3 +Photographer to be available for half/full day: ,3 +http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2020/152 ,9 +MSL surrounding the nation’s busiest airports in terms of ,9 +"⦁ $_{Learner perception of targeted objectives as their own, personal objectives }$",3 +Autopilot Systems,7 +"Note: While in flight, continue to verify system accuracy ",9 +REPAIR COTTON REINFORCEMENT AROUND PILOT PARACHTUE ATTACHING RING ,7 +II.14.3. Funktion des pauschalierten Schadenersatzes ............................................... 23$_{ }$,8 +Coordinating Calculations with Aeronautical ,7 +SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +Die Einräumung von Rechten zur Benutzung des Eigentums der Bundesfernstraßen richtet sich nach,9 +The effect of airplane gross weight during ,9 +divide the pilot’s attention. The maneuver consists of crossing ,9 +Pilots approaching an airport with Class C service,9 +"district, and shall keep hi",9 +Class B Airspace,7 +a copy of the agreement or extract from the employment contract granting the relevant ,3 +JURISDICTION AND FUNCTIONS ,7 +Catching Errors: Using the FMS Flight Planning ,7 +be obtained,9 +) and which is ,9 +菌消毒業務を行う場合は、滅菌消毒業務に関し相当の知識及び経験を有する者を受,3 +See and Avoid Techniques ,7 +業に係る工場又は事業場が一の経済産業局の管轄区域内のみにある届出事業者に関す,3 +"top cap should be activated to release the tabs (as necessary), ",9 +use channel six on the radio. There is a county road map on ,9 +’s quality officer(s) must provide supervision ,9 +inlet would be different at each Mach number ,9 +the impact loads. ,9 +[Figure 3-12] ,9 +ublication Ref: NEAR/ANK/2020/EA-OP/0056 ,7 +APPROACH AND LANDING,7 +TECHNOLOGY ,7 +traffic control service for arriving or departing ,9 +great part to the reduction in the contribution ,9 +An alternative to ,9 +Price and Estimated budget breakdown ,7 +Paint Touchup,7 +Regulation 14 of the 2015 Regulations requires that the period for the exercise of public rights ,9 +Originally published March 2020 ,4 + It is preferable to attach a copy of RECENT bank statement. Please note that the bank statement has to confirm all the,3 +reference to distance measuring equipment (DME). ,9 +flap deflection. ,9 +Check all throttle controls for smooth operation and proper ,9 +возникновения,9 +Wings Level to,6 +done in a provin,9 +"série de pictogrammes, de diaporama, de présentation publique; ",3 +have to invert an input of Logic 0 into an output of Logic 1.),9 +Intellectual property rights ,7 +"здоровья ребенка, содержащую в том числе сведения об отсутствии в течении 21",9 +〔昭和三十五年六月十日政令第百五十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +control the flow of source air to the system.,9 +"Precision Approach Path Indicator, 2",9 +Combined Sources of Updrafts,7 +EXTENT OF REVOCATION ,7 +Landing Gear Safety Devices,7 +special registration number,7 +– MOTIVI DI RIGETTO NELL'AMBITO DELLA PRESENTE PROCEDURA ,7 +There are altogether 190 Point-of-Sale facilities operated by ,3 +Security may be used to relocate to the National Targeting Center ,9 +"inconsiderately and even recklessly, endangering ",3 +Operating Limitations (Section 2),7 +Constitution and Powers of Legislature,9 +"conditions to be observed by revenue officers, provincial fiscals,",3 +Weather Regulatory Requirements ,7 +Power Output of Pratt-V>lhitney Engines at Sea ,3 +"magnet and its field are moved through a coiled conductor, ",9 +"which payment is made is a local authority, or ",3 +Provided that a person appointed under this subsection shall cease to perform the ,9 +responsibilities and estimated efforts (person-days) per profile ,3 +"Department head, by the chief of the",9 +References ,7 +accelerates the air to produce thrust. Some of this energy can ,9 +"dazzled by the brightness, but become completely adjusted ",9 +"more difficult, still allows the pilot to plan and coordinate ",9 +partner beforehand and on-site; ,3 +The new compound molecule may either share ,9 +"thereby and cuts, gathers, or removes any forest",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 266 of July 29, 2016] ",7 +"make out and deliver to the purchaser a certificate from his records, showing the",9 + and is responsible for any delay in ,9 +Marker Beacons,7 +analyses. ,9 +Chart Limits,7 +Strong winds and gusts can cause damage to the glider during ,9 +is squared with an edge (the squaring fence is usually used ,9 +"stating the nature of the circumstances, their likely duration and foreseeable effects. ",3 +treasurer,9 +with a redundant DC motor for standby or manual operations. ,9 +put her over mountains for most of the trip. Because of the ,6 +"installation, chargement, traitement; ",3 +Section 3. En Route Procedures,7 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +advantage of the Terminal Area Chart available for,9 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +collection activities. ,9 +Historical Analysis ,7 +rate secondary surveillance data. The high update rate ,9 +"Like airplanes, gyroplanes have a specific amount of",9 +minutes. Ten minutes at 600 fpm means you will lose ,9 +"to repair and restore the work, or any part of such work, or (if the undertaker so elects and the ",9 +II.17 SUSPENSION DE L'EXÉCUTION DU CC ,7 +selector should read 180 degrees with the to/from,9 +"After approximately 50 feet of altitude is gained, make a ",9 +wheels. A balance stand typically accepts the assembly on ,9 +weak area or bubble at the surface. These may or may,9 +the equipment ,9 +in no way implies that the tenderer has been successful.,7 +"information for IFR operations. Instrument flight instructors, instrument pilots, and instrument students will also find this ",9 +Objectives & Pricing ,7 +the management,9 +A0203100200 ,8 +change has been performed. The change could also be to an application or system ,3 +Flight Director,7 +Airway/Route Depiction ,7 +Departures From Tower-Controlled Airports ,7 +the direction of rotation that must be overcome by the,9 +The heated land surface sets up an unstable lapse rate over ,9 +"appropriate, measures to mitigate its possible adverse effects. ",3 +interests declared on the occasion of signature of the contract have substantially changed during the ,9 +protocols and training capabilities of players. ,9 +consumables (electricity and chemicals) of those days shall be omitted from OPEX ,3 +INSPECTION CODE OF THE,7 +CONFLICTING INTERESTS ,7 +following address: http://ec.europa.eu/budget/graphs/inforeuro.html.,9 +Cancellation of the tender procedure ,7 +"marking, as shown in FIG 2",9 +Page 4 of 8,4 +§ 2 Meisterprüfungsberufsbild,7 +第二十四条第一号に該当する場合の法第十五条第三項の規定による届出は、,3 + It is also helpful to monitor ATC ,9 +Use of Power,7 +Re-create the leg junction. Glue the upper leg strap in ,3 +Pratt-~hitney ,3 +"Fahrtunterbrechungen auch Arbeitsunterbrechungen ausreichend, soweit diese nach den Dienst- und",3 +defined and used interchangeably throughout the aviation ,9 +"vector to final (VTF) mode is used. Under VTF, the",9 +"If you require advice on problem debt including rent arrears, you can contact a professional debt advice",3 +must be specified,9 +"aircraft, depending on the number of gyros to be operated.",9 +the standard burn. To fly at low altitudes requires half or ,9 +第二項を適用するときにおける同項に規定する本人確認済みの顧客等との間の行為に,9 +pore volume ,6 +Gerotor Pump......................................................12-17,8 +Abschnitt II,7 +Conditions and Controls ,7 +"airplane or other aircraft does, and the pilot must consider ",9 +) 1999 c. 8; there are amendments to section 60 not relevant to these Regulations. ,1 +Means of redress. ,7 +Learning how to recognize and cope with stress.,3 +wing shape affects ice accumulation; thin airfoil sections ,9 +"carburetor, while introducing the longer cylinders that do not ",9 +Distance to planned destination,3 +Repair Material Selection,7 +These could lead to cracks and failure of the blade and are ,9 + WSC Operations,7 +administrative,3 +of the `Terms of Reference` must ,9 +FEDERALAVIA,9 +"Tomas, and Tubao.",9 +Constitution of offices,7 +Reviewing and Approving the O&SHA ,7 +An umbrella-like device designed to trap a large ,9 +identifying the runway threshold. ,9 +the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). ,9 +so far as their continuance would be inconsistent with the exercise of the right or burden of the ,9 + for the purpose of this ,3 +Sensitive Altimeter,7 +System Description.,7 +runway as the roundout is initiated. ,9 +Estimating Height and Movement..............................8-5,8 +eye problems. ,9 +of fuel to the engine. It should be noted the ,9 +valid European Commission's standard contractual clauses for data protection adopted by ,3 +"contracting authority’s reasoned request,",3 +surface under the skis. Then as the temperature drops,9 +Voltage Regulation,7 +Maximum reception loop orientation,6 +Governance and contract management (WP 1) ,7 +power is ,9 +〔昭和五十五年十月十一日政令第二百六十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +Bleed Air Heating Systems ,7 +selection.,9 +coordinating effort and activities with the SPOCs nominated by the Contracting Authority.,9 +Cockpit Management,7 +"such an operation be contemplated, the WSC aircraft pilot ",9 +Vacuum Systems,7 +to the adjacent water course. ,9 +A third type of amplifier circuit using a bipolar transistor ,9 +wind along the runway will be the effective ,9 +Facilities for Contractor's Personnel ,7 +engine rotation with the throttle at low idle and the mixture ,9 +"""force majeure""",9 +BACKGROUND INFORMATION ,7 +can rotate or the conductor can rotate. ,9 +a radio phone-in ,7 +Amendment of article 18 ,7 +§ 1 Bau und Finanzierung durch Private,7 +〔昭和三十五年六月二十日政令第百六十三号〕,7 +"If the access card is not returned, the Contracting Authority may claim liquidated damages of ",9 +LOADED RIB ,6 +Programme of implementation of the tasks ,7 +"moving downward, the round out has been made too rapidly ",9 +but may also be a no-go. The key fact is that these two points ,9 +Declaration on honour on ,7 +"/32"" width, ",6 +reinforcement. ,3 +"Unternehmen des Finanzkonglomerats anordnen, Weisungen der gemischten Finanzholding-Gesellschaft",9 +"for the disinterment or exhumation of remains of persons, dying of other than",9 +and scenic riverways administered by the National Park ,9 +the control frame is disassembled and laid flat along the wing ,9 +The Secretary of State considers that the restrictions and requirements imposed by these ,9 +Ground Access Vehicles ,7 +SERVICE.) ,9 +Pumpe P06 für Sammelbehälter B11,8 +high speed (twice a second). (See FIG 2,9 +"office pending action by the Governor-General. The Governor-General may, upon",9 +“relevant non-IOM conduct” means conduct outside the Isle of Man by a person other ,9 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +"on conviction on information, to custody for a term not exceeding 7 years or to a ",3 +"e, through the Department head, an estimate of their",9 + Tender specifications and annexes,3 +Obtaining Emergency Assistance,7 +CG FORWARD OF FORWARD LIMIT,7 +the desired outcome. Early aircraft made use of vacuum tubes ,9 +General obligations ,7 +energy to mechani- ,9 +Airspace System,7 +"in section 529(a)(4) (21 U.S.C. 360ff(a)(4)), by striking ",9 +Electrical Load Limits,7 +particles or foreign matter; exhaust stacks and mufflers ,3 +Existing High-Risk Hazards ,3 +is also self-isolating in the place where P is self-isolating; ,3 +The contracting authority may claim,9 +(vi) hot water circulators for baths (limited to those designed to be used mainly ,3 +"name and terminal function) (frequency) at (time, fix, or",9 +precipitation discriminator) in the “Remarks” section to indicate the type of precipitation ,3 +upon request.,9 +"die Prüfungszeit beträgt acht Stunden, innerhalb dieser Zeit haben die schriftlichen Aufgaben einen Umfang",3 +be maintained unless otherwise required by the applicable ,9 +radar system by a comparison of the readout to pilot stated,9 +la fourniture de pièces et/ou d'équipements dont la valeur unitaire est inférieure ou égale ,3 +fendering; ,3 +Ethiopia ,9 +Zweites Ausbildungsjahr,7 +Baustein „Individuelle Fahrkarriere und Sicherheitsverantwortung“,7 +Navigational and Procedural Information (Continued),7 +In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council ,7 +"below, applicable on the date of the invoice. ",9 +An appeal shall lie as of right to the Court of Appeal from any decision of the High Court ,9 +"imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both.",9 +it provides surveillance over the engine’s internal operating ,9 +blowing over the blades creates a relative wind. When,9 +The Contractor reports to EU-OSHA on the impact of the advertisement with a summary in ,3 +〔平成二十五年九月十三日政令第二百六十七号〕,7 +окружающей среды не ниже +159С. Продолжительность смены определяется его,9 +detention,9 +Other Countries and Territories from which a licence may have been ,7 +Fuel Consumption of Wright Engine. ,3 +flight in any high performance glider.,9 +Figure 4-18. ,0 +PRELIMINARY,7 +" The top image illustrates a reduction of power and descending at 500 fpm to an altitude of 5,000 feet. The bottom image ",0 +Compliance periods and timeline ,7 +be completely removed before mixing. The material should ,9 +"proceedings for the offence may be taken in the Isle of Man, and ",3 +Hi-Lok$^{®}$. An interference fit is typically used for aluminum ,9 +Fuel Selectors ,7 +Maßnahmen ist nicht möglich.,9 +of the cross-hatched or shaded areas of the height/velocity ,9 +in flying any aircraft. Look and clear the area of any aircraft ,9 +member and permits continued operation. A spar with fail-,9 +Fahrerlaubnis,7 +Throttle Control,7 +"Die Absätze 1 bis 5 gelten nicht für Verkaufseinheiten, die ausschließlich für Endverbraucher bestimmt sind,",9 +特定製品を販売し、又は販売の目的で陳列することができる。,3 +ARTICLE 9: PLACE OF PERFORMANCE,7 +SEC. 207. IMPROVING ALL-HAZARDS PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE ,7 +"antitorque pedals. In other words, the rotor is tilted into the ",9 + A visual aid of ,9 +осуществляющего,9 +turn independently at different speeds. Tachometers are ,9 +LTE is a condition that occurs when the flow of air through ,9 +"This table applies to national-level NAS changes only. For local changes, refer to",3 +"Finanzinstitut oder, auf Ersuchen des Auftragnehmers und mit Zustimmung des ",3 +Management and placement of advertisement ,7 +the room is installed near the entrance of the disposal facilities through ,3 +"The vapor cycle air conditioning system on a Cessna Mustang has two evaporators, one for the cockpit and one for the ",0 +Takeoff and Climb,7 +Skills and procedures.,9 +section 9(4) (failure by owners to convey); ,3 +"Handlungskompetenz nachzuweisen, der sich auf Tätigkeiten seines Gewerbes und die erforderlichen",9 +plugs for operation; oil screens and filters for metal ,3 +Verification of non-exclusion ,7 +"system consists of a fuel injector pump, a control unit, a fuel ",9 +SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE- Airspace of defined ,9 +133 STAT. 936 ,5 +"receiving telephone calls, emails or texts from members of the public and having their questions raised ",9 +) are a solid basis for the future implementation in this area. Based on this ,3 +entitled to late-payment interest at the rate and for the period mentioned in the ,3 +TURN INDICATOR,7 +"you are operating off-airport, you must pay more atten-",9 +journalists and experts ,7 +A person may make an application under this regulation only once. ,9 +Für das Ausgleichsjahr 2017 werden als Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer festgestellt:,9 +ly increased limit and ultimate load factors. ,9 +Simultaneous Independent Approaches ,7 +See Aviation Medical Examiner.,9 +The fuel in turbine engines can be ignited readily in ideal ,9 +Impatience ,7 +Fixed Assets Register Not Updated Residual Values ,7 +Advantageous:,7 +Auf Grund des § 51a Absatz 2 der Handwerksordnung in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 24. September,9 +with a subsequent ,9 +NORMAL LANDING,7 +operate these systems must keep pace. ,9 +Data connection activities: ,3 +examiner to obtain the reaction of a trainee or,9 +the air without enough speed to make a controlled,9 +National Stock Number (NSN) Index.,7 +"[1943-1, 2.]",9 +[Figure 4-144] ,9 +"registered in the United States, you should immedi- ",9 +"Treasurer, and a comparison of the resul",9 +lesson plan can be analyzed from the standpoint of adequacy ,9 +S.I. 2014/525. ,1 +value all oblique portions of the waves incline ,9 +Expansion Joints ,7 +"fuel tanks from condensation, particularly in partially fi lled ",9 +"members, two of whom shall be elected in conformity with the provisions of the",9 +control line on the right riser and compare lengths to ensure control line is 15-inches (+ 1-inch) ,3 +EFSA to take decision about using or not this option. Information should be provided about ,9 +therefor;” substitute “recoilless rifles and smooth-bore weapons;”. ,9 +essere stati rilasciati in data non anteriore a un anno dalla data di richiesta da parte ,9 +medium frequency (L/MF) airways and routes are still ,9 +- Seite 1 von 7 -,4 +Full details of the Statutory Instrument will be promulgated by Aeronautical Information Circular ,9 +each member of the group in case of joint tender and to subcontractors whose capacity is necessary to ,9 +Training shall take place at the Giresun wastewater treatment plant. ,9 +Servizi di fabbricazione meccaniche ,5 +HUMAN RESOURCE AND ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Other Countries and Territories from which a licence may have been ,7 +Management and placement of advertisement ,7 +Section 2 Protection of X-ray Units ,7 +Final acceptance ,7 +through formal training.,9 +Tenderers believing that they have been harmed by an error or irregularity during the award ,9 +Forward Slip,7 +Administrative procedures ,7 +Organization of Bureau,7 +II.17 SUSPENSION DE L'EXÉCUTION DU CC ,7 +This notice is the first step requiring you to give up possession of your home. You should read it very carefully.,3 +PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR 2020 ,7 +of a propeller that impact its effectiveness. The angle of a ,9 +"V=true airspeed, knots ",9 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +"to? By doing this, the listener can relate the words to the overall concept. ",9 +together to control generator output. The regulator monitors ,9 +exercising rights of people whose personal data is processed and requests for access to ,9 +"a 135° bend examples, the material is 0.050-inch thick and ",9 +Crew briefings vary from a few last minute instructions (to ,9 +"personalwirtschaftliche Entscheidungen treffen und begründen, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung",3 +Contract number: ECHA/2020/724 ,5 +Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation,7 +Equipment and interface drawings. ,3 +Pitch control in level flight is a question of cross-check and ,9 +INSIDE CANOPY ,6 +engine determined in the manufacturer’s test cell when the ,9 +eedings persons other than the parties thereto and their legal ,9 +"log book only, not on back of the Student Pilot ",9 +Chapter IV-2-2 Medical Care Plans ,7 +weather conditions.,9 +The magneto must be timed by first adjusting or checking ,9 +the desired track during takeoff and climb out. Increase the ,9 +Personnel Conducting Perforating,9 +Handling of errors: ,7 +The DECIDE Model ,7 +documents for the above procurement,6 +COCKPIT FAN,6 +provide the turbulence to maintain combustion ,9 +[Figure 5-56],3 +These Regulations implement and supplement Recommendation 2009/141 of the Marine Accident ,9 +The FWC enters into force on the date on which the last party signs it. ,3 +"be cancer, strokes, cardiovascular diseases, such as myocardial infarction, ",3 +Information to be filled in ,7 +SCHEDULE 1 ,7 +"accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations, and ",9 +control surface. ,9 +Main RotorGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +troposphere is illustrated in ,9 +"“toxic” means poison. In this case, plenty of oxygen is being ",9 +Manual Descent Calculations,7 +On site delivery in EU+EFTA: Standard Racks and standard components 6 weeks / ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ",7 +い。これを変更しようとするときも、同様とする。,3 +Wing loading is found by dividing the weight of the ,9 +sident in respect of legal proceedings,7 +"laughter or singing, and very rapid changes in emotions. ",3 +local weather and airport information without having to ,9 +MELDUNG DER,7 +repair and/or rebalance before use.,3 +Continuous light snow ,6 +be made of such assistance.,9 +energy as an electrostatic charge. An example of electrostatic ,9 +including any damage or loss to third parties during or as a consequence of ,3 +auf sämtliche Fertigpackungen (Vollprüfung).,9 +[Figure 1-8] ,9 +acquired by Europol from the moment the results are accepted by Europol. ,3 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +projections.,9 +When a holding pattern replaces a procedure,9 +Figure 17-23. ,0 +This notice is the first step requiring you to give up possession of your home. You should read it very carefully.,3 +the quantity of X-rays other than usable beams becomes equal to the ,3 +I.6.5. Trattenuta di garanzia ,7 +landlord or licensor). If there are joint landlords each landlord or the agent must sign unless one signs on behalf of,6 +"riportare, separatamente,",9 +REPAIR PARTS LIST ,7 +damaged area; it is not necessary to replace the cotton material and ,9 +Convective Currents ,7 +Schlussformel ,7 +larger the negative pitch angle. The nearer it is to neu-,9 +"laughter or singing, and very rapid changes in emotions. ",3 +date readouts. Although wired into the aircraft’s electrical ,9 +[Figure 7-67],9 +"Verlegepläne etc.) verlangt wird, sind die hierzu vorgesehenen Regelungen in den",9 +données doivent répondre aux exigences suivantes: ,9 +"steer a true course of 180°, the pilot would follow a compass ",9 +Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). An umbrella term ,9 +"Schedule No 8: Roads, Landscaping and Fences",7 +majority are not caused by something directly related to the ,9 +Bureau of Civil Service,7 +Joint Victor/RNAV routes are charted as outlined above except as noted. The joint Victor route and the RNAV route iden-,9 +implies that all included ,9 + illustrate badly pitted points. In the early ,9 +§ 2 Meisterprüfungsberufsbild,7 +"one or more rotating beacons and/or strobe lights, be",9 +СП 2.4. 52 «2-20,7 +"to landing in ballooning—stair step, straight line, and steep ",9 +employs the principles of electromagnetic induction to create ,9 +Gemeinsame Angebote ,7 +von weniger als 10 Fertigpackungen kann eine zerstörende oder nicht zerstörende Prüfung auf Einhaltung,9 +CLARIFICATION No: 1,7 +technologies like the ones listed in Section 4 above. ,3 +1500 Ft. Altitude. ,3 +computed along a desired ground track with reference,9 +out to the tip. ,9 +§ 1 Ziel der Prüfung,7 +"......,.-JtOO ",6 + Omit regulation 76 (article 20 of the Export Control Order 2008) (including the heading). ,9 +Visibility into the methodologies being used to comply with requirements and supporting ,3 +during a significant portion of a flight. ,9 +line conductors is not excessive.,3 +GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ,7 +⦁ $_{Not Observed—any event not accomplished or required. }$,3 +If processing a reply to the invitation to tender involves the recording and processing of ,9 +das Unternehmen nötig gewordenen gemeinschaftlichen Anlagen verursacht ist. Die obere,3 +vessels to engage in the business of towing or carrying merchandise or passengers,9 +"di qualità certificata almeno sui seguenti materiali: Acciaio al carbonio, acciaio inox ",9 +des Herstellers die Voraussetzungen im Sinne des Kapitels I des Anhangs der Richtlinie 95/69/EG des,3 +especially,9 +"Untersuchungs- oder Auswertungszwecken,",3 +If this airplane were ,9 +Use a paint shaker for all coatings within 5 days of ,9 +The Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) ,9 +positioned properly.”,9 +participate/tender. ,7 +Equipment and interface drawings. ,3 +thrust is produced by creating a ,9 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +unit contains two sets of field windings. One field is used to ,9 +permanent disablement resulting from the relevant incident. ,3 + Omit regulation 77 (trade: overlapping offences) (including the heading). ,9 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +"When used concerning the traffic pattern, the ",9 +Absichern liegen gebliebener Fahrzeuge,3 +"necessary, but discouraged. When Project and Maintenance work is planned, the Release ",9 +assess the applicant’s degree of permanent disablement in accordance with regulation ,3 +"entgegen Artikel 34 Absatz 1 Satz 3 ein Schaublatt oder eine Fahrerkarte verwendet,",3 +Warning areas are similar in nature to restricted areas; ,9 +remain on their own navigation.,9 + Any amendment to the contract must be made in writing before all contractual ,3 +Sludge drying units,8 +he or she shall appoint a tribu,3 +Registration of participants ,7 +How Autopilot Functions Work,7 +or a completely ,9 +Component list for all equipment; ,3 +"minute, and no abnormality occurs to any part of the pressure ",8 +No consideration needs to be given to the placement ,3 +from the helicopter’s airframe having a natural frequency that ,9 +"high tide, and a third line parallel with the general coast line and",3 +"on how to layout, assemble, inflate, chase, recover, and pack ",9 +cues are important in flaring at the proper altitude and ,9 +dismissed or relieved; or is found one mile from his quarters or camp without leave,9 +re-inspected while the tire is off the aircraft. Cuts can be ,9 +The contractor shall maintain a record of all data processing operations carried on behalf of the ,9 +Europol Public Information ,7 +Initial Climb,7 +"A simplified schematic of a flux gate, or slaved gyro, compass system. ",0 +jede Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I nur einmal vergeben sein darf. Die sichtbare Markierung muss ferner die,9 +"one-half inches in width, and an annual tax of two pesos upon each cart the wheels",9 +"January of each year, shall hear all appeals duly transmitted to it, shall decide the",9 +Driven RegionGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +Departure control provides vectors to either a navigation ,9 +and can be performed with or without power. An unin-,9 +"(ii) it violates the provisions of Articles 12-7 through 12-9, Article 12-10, ",3 +Requirements for Scenarios ,7 +§ 6 Abschlussprüfung,7 +als 60 Minuten dauern.,9 +of this Invitation. ,8 +II.4.1.12 Remedy ,7 +COLLISION AVOIDANCE AT NIGHT,7 +"Qualitätssicherungssystem, soweit der Berater nicht bereits in ein anderes, vergleichbares",3 +developed as part of the ongoing project with ,8 +"Inc. should read, “www.ssa.org.” ",3 +Repayment of Excessive Collections,9 +"The flanged butt joint can be used in welding thin sheets, ",9 + Economic operators are encouraged to submit their questions as soon as possible and not to wait until this deadline. ,1 +"weather data (winds, temperature, icing conditions, etc.) ",9 +coordination and support activities.,8 +countries as a token of friendship; ,3 +Article 2 In view of the fact that inland waters fishery has the function of ,3 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +the date that these Regulations come into force; ,3 +Circuit breaker.,9 +control line on the right riser and compare lengths to ensure control line is 15-inches (+ 1-inch) ,3 +Scenarios 1 and 2 – Creation of a new SNL ,7 + Airspace is depicted as open area (white) on the IFR Enroute High Altitude Charts. It consists of ,9 +to the engine crankshaft. Fluttering is accompanied by a ,9 +"nor depressants, have adverse effects on flying. For example, ",9 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le contractant ,7 +", as per Article II.13.2.",9 +allowed to leave the ground. A takeoff at the normal takeoff ,9 +Drinking water ,7 +Number of turns in the conductor coil (more loops ,3 +§ 11 Eignung,7 +ticket No. 24/4 cotton thread. ,3 +STRATEGIC PLANNING ,7 +Table L.1) available to the approval authority. The supporting software data should undergo the ,9 +Partial revocation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 ,7 +"adequate transportation equipment, ente",9 +. — The function of,9 +Nose wheels tend to create the greatest disturbance in the ,9 +検査を行つた特定製品の数量,3 +"Ausstellungsdatum des Prüfauftrages,",3 +- Small scale analysis involving distances up,9 + allows for better control of the envelope when ,9 +"2/2 HB twill, ",6 +and upholding the validity of the original Business Case. The PIR process is governed by AMS ,9 +is a false northerly turn indication. Because of this lead of ,9 +Takeoff Charts ,7 +Figure 11-33.,0 +Dewatering building ,7 +Annex 6. Financial offer form,7 +MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL ,7 +特定臨床研究の実施状況に関する資料を公表すること。,3 +Normal approach path,6 +Abwasserstationsanlage,7 +"airflow, thus stabilizing the canopy. ",3 +common-base amplifier does not boost current as the other ,9 +can download,3 +bustion can be sustained with a fuel-air ratio ,9 +"institutions or places of detention within the city because of sickness,",3 +"CFR Part 61, section 61.56—Flight Review",3 +Congressional declaration of purpose,9 +STROBE—A high intensity white flashing light. ,3 +Fuel/air mixture,6 +"aircraft in sight, the pilot will be instructed by ATC to",9 +Aufgaben und Verpflichtungen,7 +Pulsed ground if,6 +Participating aircraft will need to have the,9 +element of the environment and how it affects a flight. On ,9 +Since the trim angle is measured at full inflation ,9 +including its uses and the resources available in the Fund; ,9 +"normal operating range. If the r.p.m. begins decreasing,",9 +business in a fair manner. ,3 +Internal Quality Control (QC) ,7 +* Water distribution pipes (including fire water distribution) ,3 +der Auftragnehmer trägt die von seiner Bank in Rechnung gestellten Gebühren für ,3 +Select terrain data ,3 +The suction side of the pump is used to operate the gyroscopic ,9 +Further requirements for the use of applications and online tools,7 +Recommended Traffic Advisory Practices ,7 +results of the air quality assessment can be included. ,3 +THE SCHEDULE TO THE SCHEME ,7 +Duration of the contract ,7 +"(add any relevant details, ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 138 of May 26, 1980]",7 +"each organisation obtains a Participant Identification Code (PIC, 9-digit number) which acts as its ",9 +(二)电子签名依赖方,是指基于对电子签名认证证书或者电子,9 +TRSA Service (Radar Sequencing and,7 +Dlustrative resistance problem.-a. ,9 +and engine cowling for cracks and defects.,3 +" Where, during the relevant period, a child has been placed in accordance with regulation 19 ",9 +§ 2 Familienpflegezeit,7 +"VNAV) DA, if equipped with and using approved",9 +The engine fire panel is in the flight deck on the P8 aisle stand. ,9 +insufficient power to the engine from the starter. In the event ,9 +nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des installations. ,7 +ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ,7 +END OF WORK PACKAGE ,7 +Expansion Joints ,7 +not found on light aircraft. ,9 +generating,9 +"this value, the electrical systems do not operate correctly. A ",9 +Language of the contract ,7 +lsA registration,7 +[Figure 2-36],9 +"are well below freezing, there will be no problem, but",9 +Helicopter configuration limitations (such as door ,3 +Offers must score at least the minimum level of ,9 +is “not familiar” reflects professionalism.,9 +Failure to maintain straight-and-level cross-check ,3 +Instruments; ,3 +СП 32.13330.2018 ,9 +Time Zones ,7 +"below the recommended rating. In this situation, it is best to ",9 +cloth; those which are crossed by the filling threads.,9 +Shipment Type 3,3 +public in a province shall be coextensive with the province. The jurisdiction of a,9 +than arising from any default of SGN. ,3 +to counteract the force of the aircraft’s inertia and weight. ,9 +significant deviations,9 +Allegato I al contratto ,5 +"virtue of a contract, agreement or undertaking having that effect. ",9 +indicating,9 +when marks will be removed by drilling or cutting because ,9 +"guidance,”and provide ILS equivalent approach minimums ",9 +generated does not compare in magnitude with that produced ,9 +租赁期限不得超过二十年。超过二十年的,超过部分无效。 ,9 +"INSTALLATION OF AR2 POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY, MAIN ",7 +Simplified Directional Facility (SDF),7 +"Weigh-off is made at a safe altitude (1,000 feet for large airships, ",9 +(descrivere eventuali interazioni tra i rischi indicati in tabella e le attività del Contraente) ,3 +"declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the other provisions or parts therein shall not be affected.",9 +"AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) ""T"" ROUTE SYSTEM",7 +Pre-cast units for kerbs and surface drainage ........................................................ 12$_{ }$,8 +Europol’s initials: ,9 +Signature of the contract with the successful Tenderer ,7 +starting from the payment of the balance.,3 +Figure 1 Description of Annex I(B) key management,0 +"bat, Boac, Calauag, Catanauan, Gasan,",9 +prima della data,9 +proving that the person concerned was present at the destination; ,3 +Faulty mixture ratios caused by improper ,3 +Night Vision.................................................................10-2,8 +"as possible, and in any event at least thirty (30) days before the reduction, cancellation or ",9 +"In einem Zeitraum von insgesamt fünf bis sieben Monaten sind schwerpunktmäßig die Fertigkeiten,",9 +"sous-traitants,",6 +"snow and limit acceleration. If this happens, it may be",9 +return to outside visual references. For the first several hours ,9 +Figure 16-39. ,0 +SCHEDULE 9 ,7 +Exemptions ,7 +fiscals as may be from time to time provided for in ap,9 +supplier during each period in relation to the relevant year t specified in the table in ,9 +Verordnung verlässt.,3 +Project Steering Committee,9 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +gate. APUs power the,9 +"Class B airspace areas), from the surface upward to",9 +aircraft must abide by all federal air regulations listed in the ,9 +Oversight and Control over Certain Subsidiaries ,7 +"of its final decision to reduce payment and the corresponding amount,.",3 +INTERPRETATION ,7 +廃棄作業室である旨を示す標識が付されていること。,3 +"a malfunction of the parachute and injury, or loss of life, to ",9 +The transition covers the whole of the services/deliverables and can include the live and ,9 +sources to stay abreast of current conditions and forecasts. ,9 +tracks and the altered junction with High Street. ,8 +betrieben werden.,3 +"Environmental conditions (icing, thunderstorms, ",3 +Для персонала выделяется отдельный туалет (кабина).,9 +Maximum up to 2000 g and maxımum up to 200 g capacity ,3 +threshold 50% = 5 points),3 +insert name of the relevant result,7 +"is improper airplane attitude at touchdown, sometimes caused ",9 +Final Disposition of Dockets,9 +being formed. If the edge of the part is to be flat or nearly ,9 +"other, that are aligned with each other, such as a tree on",9 +Fuel-Injection Pump,7 +The subsections below specify which selection criteria evidence must be provided with the ,9 +Control Valve,7 +"Bauguen, Danglas, Galimuyod, Lagangilang, Lagayan, Langiden, Lidlidda, Luba,",9 +B Out equipment.,9 +(vi) The method and outcome of inspection of records on medical care and the ,3 +"over land affecting land under paragraph (1) or (2), the undertaker is not required to acquire a ",9 +skill set that would allow a student to make a severe ,9 +When necessary to issue traffic advisories containing,9 +Proscribed organisation ,7 +From the altitude of weigh-off the airship is brought quickly ,9 +Generators ,7 +until Cadent has given written approval of the plan so submitted. ,9 +information that is publicly available; ,9 +standards),9 +утвержденном приказом Министерства образования и науки Российской,9 +"very little maintenance. In a brushless alternator, energy to ",9 +cabin pressure control is set.,9 +Form 1: Candidate/tenderer general information,7 +of the Order; ,3 +nated fix or waypoint. Missed Approach Procedure Track is shown as a hash marked line in the planview. If the ,3 +"ground effect, there is a reduction in upwash, downwash, and ",9 +Precision instrument. ,3 +Use of Checklists,7 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +and rate of turn must be progressively increased so that ,9 +of the new generation blind bolts are made from titanium ,9 +"apply today. From the practical side, keeping yourself and the ",9 +Paint System Compatibility,7 +peaks or hills. ,9 +soft-field landing when landing off airports.,9 +altitude and equivalent parasite area ( f) in the ,9 +have liberating effect. ,3 +chute’s vertical descent is stopped. Within a fraction ,9 +Wheel Speed Sensor,7 +‘‘(B) SUNSET.—The authority under this paragraph ,9 +innovation projects.,3 +"national security, or ",3 +Software Planning Review ,7 +Training Location ,7 +The liability rules described below are without prejudice to the possible application of ,9 +Abschnitt 4,7 +"person is referred to as a ""person who engages in foreign exchange business, ",3 +The most critical and often the most inexcusable error that ,9 +The obligations of confidence and non-use herein shall not apply to any part of the ,9 +Schlägt ein Verfassungsorgan oder eine Organisation oder eine Gruppe von Organisationen im Sinne von,9 +Fahrschülerausbildung nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2,7 +Displaced Threshold ,7 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +"is 15 years or above, it must be white and set on a pink coloured circular ",3 +informer le pouvoir adjudicateur au moyen d'une ,9 +rivet shank will then turn with the drill and tear the ,3 +own flight planning calculations is one example of how ,9 +审查或者安全审查未通过的网络产品或者服务的,由有关主管部门责令停止使用,处采购,9 + cannot start before its entry into force.,3 +Objective of the initiative ,7 +Preparation of Ground ,7 +Permitted but must be clearly described in the tender.,8 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +empennages where the traditional horizontal and vertical ,9 +Associative Stage ,7 +semirigid and fully articulated systems.,9 +"ssessments, or by virtue of legal process at the suit of the city; or",9 +"AC Form 8050-64, Assignment of Special Registration Numbers. ",0 +Background and objectives ,7 +die praktische Prüfung nicht innerhalb von zwölf Monaten nach Bestehen der theoretischen Prüfung,3 +Reducing Radio Interference,7 +hitch mechanism making tow rope release impossible).,9 +"than 2 miles, then all extensions will be Class E",9 +§ 3 Flugsicherungsausrüstung für Flüge nach Instrumentenflugregeln,7 +The learner needs to have success in order to have more success in the future. It is important for the instructor to create situations ,9 +Miller Electric Mfg. Co. (www.millerwelds.com) for images used in Chapter 5,9 +Liability for damage to supplies ,3 +distribution of 3 meters. ,9 +Amendment of Regulations ,7 +"ing on the thrust developed. Thus, when the ",9 +"special provision, take effect at the beginning of the fifteenth day after the",9 +Corps of Engineers projects and rehabilitate and repair damages ,9 +Balisage de la zone de travail à l’aide de cônes et/ou ruban. ,3 +PARKING/POSTFLIGHT,7 +politics. ,9 +—Department of Transportation ,9 +"of the denaturing material to be used, the manner in which the",3 +TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-$_{ }$,7 +"such as the equipment installed, and weight and balance ",9 +Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake),7 +"to idle or off as the situation dictates. At low altitudes, the ",9 +"Director-General of the Regional Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry ",3 +- any other locations where Europol hosts or will host one or more of its racks. ,3 +10.23.Arbeitszeit ,7 +Evaluation of tenders on the basis of the award criteria ,3 +acrylic if the old coating is softened using acrylic ,3 +"the balance within 60 days of the end of the period of provision of the supplies, as ",9 +view type. The list shall be appropriate for correct reordering of the complete component ,3 +II.13.1. Ownership of the rights in the results ,7 +Bridle Line ,6 +approximate geometric center of all usable runway ,9 +[Figure 10-49] ,9 +operable. In the event of a failure of any required,9 +Amounts of fixed penalties ,7 +dovranno essere forniti all'amministrazione aggiudicatrice. ,3 +§ 2 Begriffsbestimmungen,7 +3' × 40' Packing Table With Storage Shelving Below,6 +"which they are competing or training for an elite sports event, or travelling between ",3 +the outer marker and the airport may cause localizer,9 +einzulegen. Diese Fahrtunterbrechung kann durch zwei Teilunterbrechungen von jeweils mindestens 20,3 +Unterkünfte ,9 +6_Vol3_d4.3_Section 6 Concrete and steel works_en_GIR_rev6.docx ,4 +17th May 2021 ,9 +"eingesetzt werden können,",3 +Wind and Currents ,7 +reaching pattern altitude. ,3 +Legal Entity & Financial ID Forms ,3 +tube that is vented through its exhaust into the air stream. The ,9 +MAP WPT AUX NRST,6 +Training Location ,7 +"Civil aircraft registered in Canada, Mexico,",9 +酬;提供技术资料、原始数据;完成协作事项;接受研究开发成果。 ,9 +Turbine exhaust ring,6 +Introduction/Explanation,7 +Departures From Airports Without an ,7 +“Direct” appears as the route when radar vectors are used ,9 +court proceedings cannot begin before the date this notice is served.,3 +Ensure ignition switches are turned off.,3 +Fachrichtung,7 +Reciprocating Engine Exhaust Systems,7 +and specific contract (Annex III) take ,3 +者违法所得不足三十万元的,处十万元以上三十万元以下的罚款。 ,9 +Article 12 - ,7 +services prior to entry and thereafter maintain those,9 +RECTANGULAR COURSE,7 +特定製品を販売し、又は販売の目的で陳列することができる。,3 +at the disease control gates to financial constraints. The safety of staff manning ,9 +Deliverables ,7 +representatives and during their journeys to and from the place of the G7 Summit or the G7 ,9 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +the airflow over the upper surface rejoins the lower ,3 +登録分析機関は、事故等分析事業を実施したときは、次に掲げる事項,3 +"(e.g. EuroMix, Human Exposome Project, HBM4EU and FOODSAFETY4EU). These projects ",3 +Start moving control,6 +victims’ payments. ,3 +items of Article 6-5-3; ,3 +connected to the aircraft when needed. Similar to an aircraft-,9 +a sign is attached to indicate that the room is a waste work room; ,3 +Summary timetable comments ,7 +"A resistance to complacency,",3 +"Werden die Fertigpackungen unmittelbar nach Abschluss des Herstellungsvorgangs geprüft, so entspricht",3 +tacking with heat shrink tubing. Place a length of ,3 +constant engine rpm with added thrust.,9 +"heavier, and need more substantial support.",3 +A second factor is the permissible voltage drop (IR drop) ,9 +make the appropriate decision. Instructor intervention is not required for the safe completion of the flight. ,3 +Stationary Sources Emission Inventory for Criteria Pollutants ,3 +referred in point (d) of this declaration. ,9 +"applicable, on additional information and evidence provided at the request of the contracting ",9 +Audit of Accounts – Department of Lands,7 +" In this Schedule, references to entering on and taking possession of land do not ",9 +The Scheme is set out in the Schedule to the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority (Combination Scheme) Order ,1 +Erstattung überzahlter Umlagebeträge,3 +A point is readily reached therefore beyond which it is not ,9 +"which also are designed for recordkeeping, can be very ",9 +FWC Phase-in,7 +Variation of the Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +"For entry ML2.b., substitute— ",9 +"for the takeoff and landing, although because of the ",9 +Operation of the Treatment Plant ,7 +that influence the balance between cabin and ambient air ,9 +"8.2.2005, S. 1, L 50 vom 23.2.2008, S. 71), die zuletzt durch die Verordnung (EU) 2015/1905 (ABl. L 278",3 +A Brief History of Aircraft Structures,7 +II.11. AMENDMENTS ,7 +on the difference between the power available ,9 +"chart, check the terminal shank diameter for proper ",3 +System Servicing,7 +The Eddie-Bolt$^{®}$ 2 Pin Fastening System ,7 +blocked pitot systems along with different scenarios and ,9 +Improper Wing Flaps Setting,7 +Section 2 Protection of X-ray Units ,7 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,7 +section 58(,9 +Wet or Dry Grinder,7 +"momentum decreases, back-elevator pressure is gradually ",9 +the transistor’s base-emitter junction. This allows current ,9 +SCHEDULE 1 ,7 +electric current from the fire extinguishing circuit fires the ,9 +NON-LOADED RIB,6 +sealing groove,9 +Scenario 2 – SNL with 50 racks and 2 offices ,9 +Standstill Period ,7 +Supporting document(s)/evidence requested: ,7 +"[1792-39, 41, 44, 45.]",9 +dem Antrag nachprüfbare Unterlagen über den wirtschaftlichen Zustand ihres Unternehmens beifügen.,9 +– SITUAZIONI DI ESCLUSIONE RIGUARDANTI LE PERSONE FISICHE O GIURIDICHE CHE SI ,7 +改正する法律(昭和五十八年法律第五十七号)の施行の日(昭和五十八年八月一日)か,9 +Tests shall be conducted by the End Recipient. A representative from the Engineer shall ,3 +"are or incorporate software, including source code, object code and, ",3 +Minimum Fuel Advisory,7 +energy release of a given airflow and alter the ,9 +would a pilot turn right or left for the shortest way ,3 +maintenance records. The following or similarly worded ,9 +I.3. ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF THE FWC ,7 +Radio Communications ,7 +"entgegen Artikel 34 Absatz 5 Buchstabe a nicht darauf achtet, dass die Zeitmarkierung mit der dort",3 +"provided on a Europol template, as further detailed in a ",3 +AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE ,7 +Mr. Bruce R. Swanson for image used in Chapter 1,9 +Objectives & Pricing ,7 +Sub-criterion 1.4: Approach for the organisation of regional workshops and ,3 +Obstacles to Maintaining Situational Awareness,7 +Afterlanding Off Field ,7 +которых осуществляется,9 +Pre-flight Checks,7 +Why Should I Use a FRAT? ,7 +13$^{th}$ March 2020 at 18:00 (CET) Central European time,3 +"approval of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, employ and retain in the name of",9 +"in the definition of “assistance amount” after “pursuant to” insert “paragraph 1 of”, ",3 +Pressure switch cargo ,6 +"Rahmenplan für den klassenspezifischen Zusatzstoff in den Klassen A, A2, A1 (4 Doppelstunden), in",7 +of the parachute as it slides down the suspension lines. ,3 +"To make the fold, adjust the machine correctly and then ",9 +We protect ourselves from viruses and other malware?,3 +"Unfallverhütungsvorschriften, ",9 +10.24.Vertragsstrafe ,7 +serial numbers; but where a spec,9 +(c. 46). ,1 +A kick-off meeting to agree all contractual matters will be organised between the contractor and EU-,9 +competent staff under the supervision of a qualified Contractor’s Representative. The equipment em-,9 +Chapter 21—Gyroplane Emergencies,7 +are attained simultaneously just as the wheels ,9 +to the hydrometer indication. ,9 +RESOURCE ALLOCATION ,7 +II.4.1.12 Remedy ,7 +final controller’s PRM frequency for their specified runway. ,9 +If while flying near a helideck and the,9 +alarm at the control position which shows which of the bilge water level detectors has detected ,9 +10.1.5$_{ }$,8 +"important concept in urban meteorology as the building of tall structures, such as skyscrapers, has an effect on ",9 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 6),7 +〔昭和二十九年四月十日政令第七十七号〕,7 +"For small holes, turn the mesh inside out and zigzag ",3 +be emphasized enough to follow the manufacturer’s ,9 +"to make a sound decision, and is where communication and ",9 +Airborne Equipment and Ground Facilities,7 +"TOUCHDOWN ZONE—The portion of a runway, ",3 +Primary sludge flow from Primary Clarifiers ,8 +"endeavor to provide necessary information, restrict the movement of inland ",3 +"the work and, where removal is required, to restore the site to its former condition to such extent ",9 +"[136-82; 876-1; 2035-1 (87, par. 5), 2; 2244-1.]",9 +requester. A renewal notice will also be,3 +well known. [Figure 7-6],9 +"include methodological items/aspects such as TESSy reporting protocol, TESSy ",8 +www.wassenaar.org);”; ,9 +I.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +組立てが良好で、使用上支障のある傷、割れ、ひび、まく,9 +を受けようとするときは、その休止し、又は廃止しようとする日の二週間前までに、,3 +or resistance. A reduction in load current lowers ,3 +Please note the ,9 +www.autobahn.de ,9 +microphones for audience questions ,7 +VDA. The VDA and TCH information are charted on,9 +THERMAL—A buoyant plume or bubble of rising ,3 +as herein provided.,9 +and right sides of pilot chute. Pull closing loops up through tabs and insert temporary locking pins. ,3 +the same as the input signal but much greater in amplitude.,9 +off speed or hold the aircraft on the runway ,9 +"- Remote Sites in Non-European States,",3 +Achieving an ISD ,7 +Verify ignition OFF.,3 +Schätzgleichungen zur Berechnung des Energiegehaltes von Mischfuttermitteln,7 +edge foldback using procedures detailed in this WP. ,3 +Entering Procedures,7 +The Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 ,7 +Figure 3-18. Forces acting on the helicopter during rearward,0 +of moderate or greater turbulence are enclosed in dashed ,9 +but merely an advisory that indicates an emergency,9 +Do not place the thermocouple under the vacuum ,3 +"3624), festgelegten Gebührentatbeständen und Gebührenhöhen erhoben.",9 +It will supply all ,8 +A request that pertinent lifecycle data be made available at the time of review; ,3 +"pumps driven by both engines, the alternate pump can be ",9 +Figure 5-41. ,0 +"AC 43.13-1, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices—Aircraft Inspection and Repair",3 +fornendo gratuitamente eventuali suggerimenti per le modifiche. Il contraente può opporsi alla ,9 +stabilizer leading edges. The pump operates continuously. ,9 +Title of Chapter,7 +Management structure ,7 +Instructor Responsibilities,7 +Fold the top portion of canopy over approximately 10-inches. This fold should be even with base of ,3 +the APU to provide air for air conditioning is expensive. It ,9 +"Light Sport Aviation Branch, AFS-610 ",7 +Controlling or Monitoring the Electrical Load,7 +"médiateur, lesquels ne peuvent comprendre les autres frais éventuellement exposés par l'une des ",9 +Philippines ,9 +"As takeoff acceleration occurs, the efficiency of the up-aileron ",9 +"(iii) it refuses requests under the items of Article 12-10, paragraph (2) without ",3 +Radio Communications ,7 +located in the wing structure outboard of the main wing tanks ,9 +"A general part comprising contents, description of the installation and relevant addresses ",3 +"als Vertreter des Herstellers durch die zuständige Behörde zugelassen worden sind oder,",3 +entreprises,6 +The legal and regulatory capacity shall be proven by the evidence listed below: ,9 +The advantages of WAAS enabled LPV approaches include: ,9 +Pricing Model Details ,7 +Meetings of the Project Steering Committee ,7 +Assurance of ,9 +Use of Resources,7 +Procedure Turns,7 +PIR Report ,3 +one tender (as sole tenderer and/or as a joint tenderer in a group of tenderers) without ,9 +doublers have the ability to slow or ,9 +und zuständigen Personen auf Verlangen zur Prüfung auszuhändigen.,9 +I.1.3. Conversion ,7 +binding tape with new. Stitch down the loose end of ,3 +may be specified for course reversal in some,9 +Summary election appeal: parties ,7 +Specific operation instructions; ,3 +"The Regulations make provision for exemptions (regulation 5), offences and penalties (regulation ",9 +"100-hour inspection, when being used for compensation ",3 +"§ 26 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +a review of what makes a material an insulator or a conductor ,9 +beim Navigationsfunkdienst hervorrufen und kann gegenüber diesem keinen Schutz vor Störungen,3 +"predict 1-hour, 8-hour, 24-hour, and annual concentrations, with the use of a full year of hourly ",9 +Pratt-~hitney ,3 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +jedes einzelnen Vordrucks anhand der von der Bundesdruckerei angebrachten Nummerierung,3 +(四)因发生事故或者其他突发性事件,造成海洋环境污染事故,不立即,3 +"Die Frequenzbereiche 1 370 – 1 400 MHz, 2 640 – 2 655 MHz, 4 950 – 4 990 MHz und 15,20 – 15,35 GHz",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 157 of June 10, 1960]",7 +"third country outside of the EU or of the EEA, the parties acknowledge that this will be done on the ",3 +VDA/TCH data is furnished by FAA on,9 +been given. If the running signal is not present before the time has elapsed the object will go into fault ,9 +OFF-AIRPORT LANDING SITES,7 +track. This is called crabbing into the wind. The stronger the ,9 +"Verhalten in besonderen Situationen, Folgen von Verstößen gegen Verkehrsvorschriften",7 +climb rates are specified in the operating limitations section ,9 +"On some aircraft, especially those with a movable horizontal ",9 +Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 1 V v. 18.12.2020 I 3088,9 +the wingspan,9 +SENIOR DEVELOPER PROFILE ,7 +"(Councils and Land Boards) and selected Parastatals, I am also ",3 +"Mit der Lagerung und Verarbeitung dürfen nur zuverlässige Personen betraut werden, die eine",3 +Afterlanding Off Field ,7 +trailing vortices are a by,9 +information.,9 +Parachute Jumps.,9 +and leave learners with a need to learn the next topic. The development and use of a well-designed curriculum accomplish this goal. ,9 +"of takeoff or initial heading when necessary, obtaining pilot ",9 +pressure loss during the dumping cycle and prevents reverse ,9 +"(excluding goods listed in the middle column of row 1, row 36, row 39 to row 41, ",3 +The following are the terms of reference (‘ToR’) on which <,9 +85072 Eichstätt,9 +that follows through ‘‘Food and Drugs’’ and inserting ,9 +has already been submitted for the purposes of another award procedure of the same contracting ,9 +Learner Emotional Reactions ,7 +centerline) is paramount to keeping the aircraft parallel to the ,9 +OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ,7 +Chapter 6—Basic Flight Maneuvers,7 +level. It is estimated that only two meetings (see table with deliverables) could be held either at ECDC or in a ,9 +Baustein „Individuelle Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +Figure 9-31. ,0 +Final Report of Officer Having Account with Depositary.,9 +the oxygen encounters and a fire or explosion results. A ,9 +"The Safety Risk Management Guidance for System Acquisitions (SRMGSA) defines the scope, ",9 +Lots: is this call for tenders divided into lots? ,7 +requirement applies to each member of the group in case of joint tender and to all subcontractors ,9 +"COUNTRY, ORDAIN1NG FOR THIS",7 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +on the FAA website at www.faa.gov. ,3 +Section 2. Emergency Services Available to Pilots,7 +The President shall be ,9 + WSC Operations,7 +"Subject to the provisions of this article, all private rights over land owned by the undertaker ",9 +the Attorney-General; and ,3 +long-term care facilities,7 +Any written communication relating to this contract between the contracting authority or ,3 +pump is shown in ,9 +"case there remains an untransferred balance to the credit of such account, the",9 + is a diagram layout of a rate-based autopilot by ,9 +Time & Means contracts,3 +"When basting, do not tie knots at any point in the thread length. Also, the sewing should be made ",3 +"If the contractor enters into a subcontract without approval, the contracting authority may, ",3 +Description: what do we want to buy through this call for tenders? ,7 +inlet flow direction and Mach number. In ,9 +CG be located ahead of the center of lift of a wing. Since the ,9 +The contracting authority reimburses subsistence expenses on the basis of a daily ,3 +Termination ,7 +"The second critical information management skill is stop, ",9 +"published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C series, where payments are in euro; ",3 +Tender Evaluation Session ,7 +"Haushaltsplan, Rechnungslegung, Deckung des Verwaltungsaufwands",7 +Components ,7 +Altitudes and Flight Levels,7 +"entities working for it or cooperating with it, including contractors and subcontractors, ",3 +FamNamV BR 3,9 +or the Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate ,9 +"to the same destination, ensure that the correct route for ",9 +Wing attach points and wing dihedrals.,0 +REFUGEE AND ENTRANT ASSISTANCE ,7 +Rate of Climb,6 +Aircraft Log Books,7 +"Although an FA, FHA, and/or Bow-Tie Model is not required, they are all highly recommended ",9 +"in addition to the original print, except as herein provided, to wit: The name and",9 +"Effective Date and Expiration. This CoW is effective from [date] to [date], inclusive, and is subject to ",9 +10.25.Vervielfältigungen: AG-seitige Ausführungsunterlagen und AN-seitige W+M Planungen,7 +The angle between the ,9 +tax (VAT) purposes and,9 +Terminal Procedures Publications,7 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +disclosed? ,7 +ont été fournies pour participer à la présente procédure. ,7 +"general circulation in the province or city where the work is to be done, and by",9 +and land in accordance with applicable CFRs ,9 +"kits with press release, speech and information ",7 +Use of Checklists,7 +First repair ply,6 +" Even when packed on a table, the parachute ",9 +Part 121 and 135 operators are bound by their individual ,9 +"stable slope of the curve of C,, versus 8, ",9 +Parallels) ,7 +Pre-cast units for kerbs and surface drainage ,7 +or before descending below the barriers surrounding the ,9 +"open cockpit, it is highly recommended both pilot and ",9 +Parallel Generator Operations,7 +be the low speed ,9 +Common Error: Skipping the Preflight Weather ,7 +人格のない社団又は財団,3 +Wind Patterns ,7 +considered an unsafe practice and should be avoided under ,9 +Traffic display symbology.,0 +the direction of flight. Movement of the cyclic in the intended ,9 +The Magnetic Course (190°) is steered if there is no deviation ,9 +referred to in the preceding item; and ,3 +"Fuel placards show any limitations on fuel tank usage, such ",9 +partner/Network member………………………………………….………………………………...37 ,8 +"flight, such as Department of Defense electronic",9 +authorised representative.,9 +Hi-Lok$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +releasing,9 +Application of the 1991 Act ,3 +guilty of grave professional,6 +"Therefore, in some installations, there is no functional way ",9 +"20,000 FEET ",6 +Classes of concrete ,7 +extensive gathering and distortion of the fabric. Before ,3 +Flaschenhofstraße 55,9 +Partial revocation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 ,7 +a secondary bonding process to ensure optimal structural ,9 +Profile prices LOT 1:,3 +pcs of electrical set with bag including full of set etc. ,3 +indicates additional runways to view.,3 +"Kommission für Verleih-, Vertriebs- und Videoförderung",7 +"on all airports, seaplane bases, and heliports open to the ",9 +are reasonably expected to be,1 +Corner Joints,7 +"sportsperson attending a specified competition, ",3 +"required. In those instances, the altimeter can be set to ",9 +Glider Engine While Airborne,7 +to start your preflight before getting to the powered ,9 +"№ 48187), с изменениями, внесенными приказом Министерства науки",9 +Gear shaft,6 +Allowances payable to members of a combined fire and rescue authority ,7 +Final Approach Course,3 +Fuel-Flow Indicator,7 +mast becomes less.,9 +Safety Performance Targets and Monitoring Plans ,3 +person has ,3 +Submission of tenders phase ,7 +“crab angle” and turning maneuvers.,9 +"Fahrzeugtechnik,",3 +State government,8 +"Plain tubular, 1"" width, black line at ",6 +", rapport ou élément livrable tel que défini à l'article I.6 ",9 +Voraussichtliches Ende der Arbeiten .................................................................. ,3 +Stages of Skill Acquisition ,7 +Die in dieser Verordnung genannten Fertigkeiten und Kenntnisse (Qualifikationen) sollen bezogen auf,9 +The key to stall awareness is the pilot’s ability to visualize ,9 +list of participants to EU-OSHA in a branded and publishable format 5 working days before ,3 +The situation or event must not be attributable to error or negligence on the part of the parties ,9 +[Figures 2-69 ,3 +Die in der Anlage Teil 1 aufgeführte Arzneimittel-Festbetragsgruppe wird gemäß § 35a Abs. 3 Satz 1 Nr.,9 +"Appended Table 2 (Re: Articles, 2, 4 and 12) ",7 +Allgemeine Regelungen,7 +National Environmental Policy Act ,7 +any reference to the accountability of the instructor. An ,9 +Duration of the contract ,7 +"above 12,000 feet are not detected or reported by an",3 +"tenderer in the tender. Information shall be provided about the scope of pre-existing rights, their source and ",9 +Straight Descents (Constant Airspeed ,7 +with altitude is defined as lapse rate. The standard lapse rate ,9 +"the airplane to roll with the wind, thus exposing even more ",9 +СанПиН»,9 +for the pilot to ascertain the marker beacon receiver is actually ,9 +"management, collateral, ALM and",3 +performance,9 +Navigational and Procedural Information (Continued),7 +Overexcitation Protection,7 +618-DELBRBB-SER–FWC ,9 +and the pilot should always be aware of the tip-path plane in ,9 +tools and methods);,3 +"business shall require, be adjourned from day to day u",9 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +Generators ,7 +"environment, could be hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft. ",9 +⦁ $_{Manage/Decide—the learner can correctly gather the most important data available both within and outside }$,3 +instrument vacuum systems have positive pressure. ,9 +the accounts of the Fund had indicated that over the last 4 years ,9 +guarantee must be released [30] [60] [90] days after the final approval of the,9 +The contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender) must send an invoice for payment of the ,9 +Bank Control,7 +"Plastic fuel containers are easy to handle, inexpensive, ",9 +in the AFM/POH or on the gauge by color coding. ,9 +Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of International Trade ,7 +[Figure 10-53],9 +a person to be a defendant; and ,3 +Acknowledgments,7 +Railroad Sidings and Short Spurs,8 +(UV) exposure from being in the sun and exposed to ,3 +Responsible body ,7 +Class B Airspace,7 +inventories,3 +Secretaries,9 +Figure 7-46.,0 +" Type-1, 1"" Parachute construction tape.",0 +United States (Bermuda high) carries moist ocean air over ,9 +§ 19 Fahrten zur dauerhaften Verbringung eines Fahrzeugs in das Ausland,7 +"branch offices, etc. for which the on-site inspection or questions were carried ",3 +knowledge of ECHA’s security rules and requirements.,9 +настоящего распоряжения не применять,9 +weight is more than ,6 +"Schedule 22 to the Education Act 2002 (c. 32) (“the 2002 Act”), by paragraph 9 of Schedule 13 to the Education Act 2011 ",1 +Medical Service to enter Europol Premises. Visitors are not allowed to report to Europol Premises ,3 +installation and commissioning) at the delivery destination,3 +Alternator Drive ,7 +Citation and commencement ,3 +relaxed to allow the nose wheel to gently settle onto the ,9 +Digital signal,6 +Генеральная уборка собственной территории и всех помещений проводится,9 +INSTRUMENT INTERPRETATION,7 +Masking tape (3.0 to 4.0 wide),6 +〔昭和四十八年一月二十五日政令第十三号〕〔抄〕,7 +more ARTCC areas and are designed to achieve ,9 +", prior to payment of an invoice under a ",3 +Project team ,7 +Integrated Flight Control System ,7 +[1805-1; 2319-1 (Phil. Assembly).],9 +"parachute needed to be controlled more. In the mid 1970s, ",9 +Wind & Turbulence,6 +Bekanntmachungstext ,7 +Le paiement de la facture et l'approbation des documents n'emportent reconnaissance ni de leur ,9 +Satz 5 nicht vorliegen.,3 +developed. The actual ,9 +§ 1 Berufsbild,7 +法第三十条の四第二項第七号に規定する厚生労働省令で定める,3 +"management strategy, these tools also make it easy for an ",9 +§ 1 Ziel der Prüfung,7 +"smoothly, but firmly lower the collective pitch control",9 +Fachrichtung,7 +10.10.Koordinationsbesprechungen,7 +Step-by-step guide to help you submit your tender ,3 +und Fähigkeiten der Berufsbildpositionen aus,9 +Landing Gear Safety Devices,7 +Removal of Decals ,7 +Flight Rules Subpart B in accordance with 14 CFR,9 +made in an aircraft plywood structure in which the edges ,9 +The Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook—Airframe (FAA-H-8083-31A) was produced by the Federal Aviation ,9 +Left/right,6 +"presence is essential to the running of an elite sports event, ",3 +the holes and the edges of the patch. Distances are measured ,9 +einreichen.,9 +GROUND REFERENCE MANEUVERS,7 +airport unless that person has prior authorization from,9 +pilots prior to using the PRM procedures. The FAA PRM ,9 +spina bifida occulta. ,9 +Information Datenschutz ,7 +the address and name of a person to be the representative director; and ,3 +reporting on results) and payments.,3 +業法(昭和二十五年法律第二百七号)第三条第三項第五号の規定により行う医学的処,3 +Records and Documents ,7 +в указанных целях;,9 +tive to crosswind.s ,9 +present when the start command is zero. ,9 +percent higher than the drag at (L/D)- ,9 +shall issue an ,3 +Transportation Plan as determined by the local MPO. If the action is not specifically included in ,9 +valve clearance,3 +Reservoir,6 +"The point of contact in the Civil Aviation Authority is Mr S J Maxted, Airspace Regulator, Safety ",9 +〔昭和三十五年六月十日政令第百五十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +Safety Inspectors (ASIs) who play a key role in making the ,9 +community as a whole and not pilots individually.,9 +8 февраля 2021 г.,9 +Check Valves,7 +Equipment Condition,7 +"If bonding a precured patch, place the thermocouple ",3 +"ingly greater power settings to achieve steady, ",9 +(EU) 2016/679 vom 27. April 2016 – Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) ,7 +oder Leichtigkeit des Verkehrs verlangt.,9 +Sparkassen- und Giroverbände nachzuweisen.,9 +Unternehmens des Herstellers für eine nicht nur kurzfristige Aufstockung des Eigenkapitals verwendet werden.,9 +A majority of the members of the council of hygiene shall constitute a,9 +Wind Patterns ,7 +Europol’s activity or on the use of the ,3 +Site Investigations ,7 +point of attachment of the glider and the tow plane with the ,9 +swooper.”,9 +Some examples of possible breaker contact surface conditions ,9 +Where the franchise is for the operation of a submarine telegraphic,3 +maintenance ,3 +the upwind wing from rising but to hold that wing down so ,9 +domestic elite sportspersons or international elite sportspersons who are competing ,3 +§ 18 Zulassung,7 +SEC. 305. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES ON DISASTERS. ,7 +"Tº,nettoyage",6 +found using a variety of Internet search engines. It is important ,9 +TRAITEMENT DES DONNÉES À CARACTÈRE PERSONNEL ,7 +Procedures and Routes,7 +"Light Sport Aviation Branch, AFS-610 ",7 +in British English,3 +off-field landing in unsuitable terrain. Glider damage and ,9 +Common-Base Amplifier ,7 +com and the Parachute Labs website at www.jumpshack.,9 + This Order may be cited as the Northamptonshire (Structural Changes) Order 2020 and comes ,9 +to the origination point of an arrival procedure. The ,9 +Glide Slope/Glide Path,7 +airspeed.,0 +velocity is contrary to the normal ,9 +Oil cooling can account for up to 50 percent of the total ,9 +guide ring. ,3 +are not for use in ATC communications. On VFR,9 +the Fund had maintained steady surplus balances as shown in ,9 +"Below 10,000 feet, a striped segment is visible. Above this ",9 +"on most single-engine aircraft, it is unlikely for carbon ",9 +The reagent management ledger ,3 +cylinders. When low power output or engine vibration is ,9 +"British Speedway Premiership, Championship and National Development Leagues ",9 +A magnasysn synchro remote-indicating system uses ,0 +Chapter I General Provisions ,7 +Kontaminationskontrolle ,7 +designated in the following schedule:,9 +SIMULTANEOUS (PARALLEL) DEPENDENT ,9 +"members, (2) a restatement of the purpose of the review, and (3) an overview of the ",3 +Consent to prosecutions ,7 +下この条において単に「支援」という。)を行うに当たり必要な対策を推進するため、,3 +of Aircraft Registration ,7 +foundation blocks of learning is also essential. Training for any such complicated and involved task as piloting or maintaining an ,9 +antenna would be if the aircraft maintained the trajectory ,9 +proper amount of repellant is applied regardless of how ,9 +but not more than 24 hours before the proposed operation.,9 +"of 10,000 feet AGL. At many locations, ASOS/",9 +Zulassungsverfahren,7 +MFD in a small airplane in turbulent conditions.,9 +and a greater fuel flow is required to maintain ,9 +Number on Your Aircraft,7 +FLOOD CONTROL AND COASTAL EMERGENCIES ,7 +Identifizierungs- und Sorgfaltspflichten,7 +for most riggers who do there rigging in there basement as a ,9 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +[Figure 1-65],9 +The relation between fuel/air ratio and power is illustrated in ,9 +"good condition, and may be used for general touchup, ",3 +"who had obtained, prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, permission ",3 +"drag and, in the case of the airplane configura- ",9 +"before any other adjudicating authority, including the announcement of the decision of the court or ",9 +Special effects ,3 +rotor helicopters need a tail rotor to neutralize the twisting ,9 +and city),6 +", outdoor gyms and outdoor ",3 +Low-Wing Twin,7 +affect acquisition of rights by Europol under this paragraph.,3 +The usual range of c.g. position on any air- ,9 +right angles to the pile and hammer axis. ,3 +§ 18 Fahrten im internationalen Verkehr,7 +"destination airport, you choose a descent speed of 190 knots ",9 +"Marine Management Organisation, MMO Lowestoft, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, ",3 +"During a slip, the rotor disk is tilted into the wind. ",0 +dimostrare che questa,9 +"locations on the wing during high-angle of attack flight, ",9 +a limit load factor for symmetrical ,9 +altitude and airspeed should be held constant. The rec-,9 +" If provided for in the special conditions or in the tender specifications, the contracting ",3 +"followed by the airway number (for example, Q",9 +—(1) A relevant police and crime commissioner appointed as a member of the ,9 +compass). ,9 +"the “W” from Field 10, will not provide air traffic",9 +bodies or remains are to be shipped.,9 +does not have a twist in it. Locate it at the correct ,3 +"the Secretary of Defense, to have been exposed to a herbicide ",9 +is first drawn through a filter(s). It is then routed into the ,9 +Figure 9-9.,0 +Replacement of Damaged Trees ,7 +proceed to a fix from which an approach begins and ,3 +legally issued or sent when the contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender) is ,3 +The clauses below refer to FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build for Electrical ,9 +"bank, it skids sideways away from the center of the turn",9 +"P130 267, leaving a balance of P8 369 356, still to be followed up.",9 +l'elaborazione del,9 +Use of Aircraft Lights,7 +vidual is in compliance with each information technology standard ,9 +Procurement procedure: ,7 +may not be available to effect a safe landing at ,9 +Fold canopy as follows: ,9 +wind indicators. A pilot should check these wind indicators ,9 +(EU) 2016/679 vom 27. April 2016 – Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) ,7 +system different from those specified above and the same is doing,3 +Fuel Storage Tanks ,7 +"is the length of the material needed to form a shop head, ",9 +simple in comparison to departing from non-towered ,9 +"area. As the afterburner begins functioning, ",9 +TATISTIQUE CONCERNANT LES ,7 +"presenti specifiche tecniche, è necessaria la stesura di un Documento Unico di ",3 +Areas Designated as Severe Wind and Moisture ,7 +〔昭和四十八年一月二十五日政令第十三号〕〔抄〕,7 +or they may choose some disinteres,9 +more greatly and the detached normal shock ,9 +gicleurs.,6 +"Amtsgericht angeordnet; der Untersuchungsführer ist zu der Anordnung befugt, wenn der Untersuchungserfolg",9 +rays in to harm the fuel. It also will not develop static charges ,9 +Near Midair Collision Reporting,7 +jointly with others determines the purposes and the means ,3 +"Fahrdynamik,",3 +"The European Commission, Directorate-General for Joint Research Centre, referred to below ",9 +"aircraft is at an altitude which, in the controller’s",9 +II.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority,7 +liquid refrigerant then leaves the condenser and flows to ,9 +except that it also includes data relating to a deceased individual where the data would be ,9 +"in section 512(c)(2)(F) (21 U.S.C. 360b(c)(2)(F)), by ",9 +Improvement Plans ,7 +An O&SHA provides: ,9 +days following the suspension decision. ,9 +elastic/Spandex$^{®}$ pocket mounted on the bottom of the main ,9 +than half of the total change in Cr.- and the ,9 +troublesome on the surfaces of an aircraft include poor ,9 +should be made over the landing area to determine,9 +Für die jeweilige Standardpackung werden die in der Anlage Teil 1 und 2 ausgewiesenen Festbeträge in Euro,9 +the Engineer may permit the suspension of driving will be substantially re-established on its resump-,9 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +Pack round reserve with full stow diaper,3 +Voltage Regulation,7 +Center Weather Advisories (CWA) ,7 +Financial Results,7 +Financial sanctions licences ,7 +for the parachutist. While the sling seat worked for the ride ,9 +Dewatering building ,7 +pose a threat to proper operation. Large discharges of static ,9 +Distress and Urgency,7 +Composed of the municipalities of Ala,9 +Levy on Alcoholic Beverages Fund ,7 + Left tank ,6 +CLOSING CONTAINER ,7 +and alcohol is sprayed into the engine with the fuel when ,9 +Press kits prepared with all relevant press information for dissemination just before the online ,7 +are not exempt from requiring a marine licence by virtue of any provision made under ,3 +"a note, “LDA/Glideslope.” These procedures fall",9 +"Contractant,",7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 409 of December 26, 1994] ",7 +set at 0° for takeoff. Pilots should review their GFM/POH ,9 +"II.18.1, under the conditions set out in Article II.11.2. ",9 +The 48 Contiguous United States and the District of Columbia ,9 +"balloon down, causing an out-of-control descent. Maximum ",9 +the profile view of the IAP following the fix,9 +带发生的行为除外。 ,9 +other designated airspace areas. The dimensions of ,9 +Bauvorhaben …………………………………………,7 + shall perform ,3 +a pilot’s ability to operate safely and efficiently in the airspace ,9 +Hydroplaning. ,9 +The integrated autopilot shown in ,9 +found on most helicopters which tends to bring the nose of ,9 +hereinafter) is less than the number of beds required in the future provided in ,3 +The most usual addition of water injection de- ,9 +Safety Planning for Acquisitions ,7 +the large ring followed by the front riser.,3 +Prepreg material is temperature sensitive. Excessively ,9 +la facture n'est pas conforme aux dispositions du CC; ,3 +être approuvé par le Secrétariat.,3 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +"with a crosswind, crosswind correction must be maintained ",9 +Teilweise werden Fluchtwege aus dem ,8 +"airflow. The single-entry impeller, shown in ",9 +involved in the preparation,6 +$_{Figure 3-9.}$ ,0 +A small angle of bank is indicated by a slow change of,9 +The HORIZON,3 +Provide EFSA with feedback:,7 +engaged in a business or occupation subject to a privilege tax shall be kept,9 +Provision of reports of conferences/workshops ,3 +"system. This system consists of a source of electricity, wiring, ",9 +従事者として、滅菌消毒の処理に使用する機器の取扱いその他の受託業務を行う,3 +"coverage, and within which domestic procedures are",9 +"Service Catalogue (ECHA Intranet, under ICT pages) ",3 +pointer” responds to airspeed deviations. The same,9 +or operator provide flotation gear for occupants any,9 +The drainage pit shall be designed and constructed on the bottom of each grit removal tank. This ,9 +Interaction between the Software Review Process and the Software Lifecycle ,7 +fotografische Reproduktionen durchführen,8 +to meet the requirements of the specifications/terms of reference. ,9 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +necessary. White flight deck lighting (dim lighting) should ,9 +"Updated May 11, 2015 ",9 + Christi Himmelfahrt,9 +"), the National Health Service (Scotland) Act ",3 +ARTICLE 7: GUARANTEES ,7 +Enhanced Situational Awareness ,7 +exceptional circumstances or ,3 +Set brakes. Excess lower control line is inserted ,0 +"Die Beteiligten können Sachverständige auch ablehnen, wenn von deren Heranziehung eine Verletzung eines",9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +"vibrates at a single, consistent frequency. When flexed, a ",9 +Supplementary details of how data is backed up ,9 +"excess of three thousand pesos, an additional tax of fifty",3 +on the date of entry on the land by the undertaker under section 11(1) (powers of entry) of ,3 +"passively monitor gauges or the progress of an automated system such as a GPS navigation computer or autopilot. Furthermore, it ",9 +Missed Approach Considerations.,9 +Experience an increase in induced,3 +Auftraggeber,3 +" be adapted, provided that this is done in a manner which is not prejudicial ",3 +"ground, requiring that they drive 40 miles to meet the pilot ",9 +Assembling the Reserve System,7 +Schweizer ring,6 +"safely operated, they are categorized as either Operations ",9 +"comes into office on the date of that appointment, and ",3 +"“Fly Visual to Airport” segment, the flight visibility",9 +Airport Pavement Markings,7 +clarifying responsibilities of the national and local governments with regard to ,3 +"damage (end fittings, outer casing, and kinks).",3 +in any given maneuver. Pilots should also check the other ,9 +"17, Global Position-",9 +surface on the aircraft. ,3 +病院、診療所及び助産所の管理,7 +Fünfter Teil,7 +"condition, Gayle chooses to mitigate any remaining risk ",6 +performance of some act in the line of duty the Department head may in his,9 +the burners of the engine. It integrates the parameters of inlet ,9 +pulses. A diode tube has two active electrodes: the cathode ,9 +"same Article, and the contract on workers' property accumulation savings for ",3 +which in turn is member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). ,3 +§ 8 Teil 2 der Abschlussprüfung in der Fachrichtung Instandhaltungstechnik,7 +No management response. ,7 +enclosing the propeller and rudder has also been used.,9 +beträgt. Nach einer ununterbrochenen Lenkzeit von viereinhalb Stunden ist eine Fahrtunterbrechung,3 +"criteria, compile an ISD briefing, and provide monthly updates after the ISD. All POs seeking a ",9 +Scroll Shears,7 +Free Directional Oscillations (Dutch Roll) ,7 + the other party of its intention to terminate the FWC or a ,9 +"Air Navigation (TACANs) are shown in black, and Low Frequency/Medium Frequency (LF/MF) NAVAIDs, (Compass Loca-",9 +Experience an increase in induced,3 +"conformément au Règlement Financier de l’U.E. Dans ce cas, l'attributaire est ",3 +Time Zones ,7 +Company name,9 +"To perform these tasks EFSA has developed the Standard Sample Description data model, ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 119 of June 1, 1954] ",7 +法第七十条の十九第一項の規定により、代表理事の解職の認可を受けようとすると,3 +Entities on whose capacities the tenderer relies to fulfil the selection criteria ,7 +the relief holes extend ,9 +Special Shape Balloons,7 +engine. Since trimming accuracy decreases as windspeed ,9 +to begin planning early to determine what the group is expected to learn and to be able to do on their own. The group task may ,9 +the rise of pressure ,9 +"slowest possible speed, extend the flaps fully. Use",9 +Characteristics of a Well-Planned Lesson,7 +HEADING INDICATOR,7 +and winds. The higher the power setting used to cushion the ,9 +"et des bâtiments (en attendant leur évacuation, les bouteilles doivent être entreposées en ",3 +"Project / Release, ",3 +subparagraph 5,9 +Expansion Joints ,7 +Due Remuneration,3 +Student Pilot Applicant Requirements (SPAR) ,7 +"conjointement avec le Secrétariat, ou le cas échéant inscrites sur une liste ",3 +The fPRD contains all new and existing system safety requirements accepted by the PO. The ,9 +"treasurer, but the total disbursements from any municipal fund shall in no case be",9 +[Figure 6-89] ,9 +Catching Errors: Using the FMS Flight Planning ,7 +〔昭和二十九年四月十日政令第七十七号〕,7 +Description ,9 +Stationary Combustion Sources ,7 +"A typical ignition system includes two exciter units, two ",9 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +The Cabinet,7 +Figure 1.33. Staff Patterns (sheet 4 of 81 ,0 +coatings if edges of damaged areas are abraded with ,3 +der Regel 25 oder weniger Beschäftigten ausschließlich der zu ihrer Berufsbildung Beschäftigten.,9 +Step 5—Adjust for Specific Conditions,7 +developed a new charting format for IAPs (See,9 +"während eines Zeitraums von fünf Jahren, beginnend mit der Zahlung des Restbetrags, ",9 +a statement of the Shetland assistance amount payable by the licensee in ,3 +the General Conformity Rule ,9 +See page 67. ,3 +damage or restoring the supply; and ,3 +turning prior to/over a waypoint en route to another,9 +In this paragraph “the authorised development” means— ,9 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +"caregiver’’ means a caregiver described in subparagraph (D), ",9 +EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS ,7 +"Airports are listed by ICAO code, Airport Name, Temperature ",9 +Management Letter,7 +Figure 6-4.,0 +"include one or more pediatricians, which may be a developmental- ",9 +with termination of the ,3 +the existing portfolio in line with architectural targets. ,3 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 6),7 +Flight Director,7 +"SE-2, 16 DEC 2010 to 13 JAN 2011",6 +"tion of the turn, the gyroplane should be level and",9 +back to a more accurate level of service until the next,9 +General requirements ,7 +also be found on jet transports. These normally empty tanks ,9 +Invoices and value added tax ,7 +journalists and experts ,7 +"The Contractor’s national partner to provide selected photos (up to 15, showing the branding ",3 +guidance document was published in 2015,9 +"Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday; the twenty-eighth day of",9 +avoidance information contained in Advisory Circular ,9 +placement agency established in a Member State (“hiring out of workers” as defined ,3 +part powder to two parts clean spring or mineral water. (Do ,9 +基準は、同項第十四号に規定する区域を基本として、人口構造の変化の見通しその他,3 +Schätzgleichungen zur Berechnung des Energiegehaltes von Mischfuttermitteln,7 +Communications,7 +"DELTA, AR=4.0,X=O ",7 +Transportation Conformity ,7 +"heated air expands, it closes the one-way shutter valve in the ",9 +"PROC Page Group. From this page, the pilot is able to ",3 +Municipal Budget,7 +that the provisions listed as follows come into effect as of the date specified in ,3 +Stretch Forming,7 +Articles 2 and 4 ,9 +olgere attività all'interno di zone classificate de,9 +(DATA) unit focusing on their validation and enrichment to allow: ,9 +Meeting (SSM) to determine the appropriate documentation requirements and to receive ,9 +cemeteries and governing funerals and the disposal of the dead.,3 +¼ mile visibility.,9 +Shall serve ECHA,3 +undertake the matters set forth in the items of Article 16-4 of the Act in ,3 +II.23.4. Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +"intermediate,",9 +"for sport and recreation, flight training, and aircraft ",3 +Weather Regulatory Requirements ,7 +GENERAL DIRECTIONS AND SPECIAL DIRECTIONS ,7 +(whichever the,9 +senger should keep arms and legs inside the protected ,9 +authority has given its final approval for the supply/service. The performance guarantee must not exceed ,9 +"MINISTRY OF TERTIARY EDUCATION RESEARCH, SCIENCE AND ",7 +NOTAMs and pertinent weather reports and forecasts ,9 +"When using GPS for VFR operations,",9 +Liste détaillée des modes d'exploitation des résultats ,7 +"name and domicile or residence of a reporter (for a corporation, its name, ",3 +LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ,7 +declares that,6 +Figure 5-14.,6 +"Aroroy, Bacon, Barcelona, Bulan, Bulusan, Casiguran, Castilla, Cataingan,",9 +Schätzgleichungen zur Berechnung des Energiegehaltes von Mischfuttermitteln,7 +line vortex. The tip vortices are coupled with ,9 +will be able to be used by user for changing trend graphs while system is running. These will include ,9 +setting and principal changes in airspeed must ,9 +", the contractor warrants that the ",9 +Evaluation of tenders on the basis of the award criteria,7 + ............................,8 +deice boots to the suction side of the pump through the check ,9 +Poor judgment chain. ,9 +"While operating within a TRSA, pilots are",9 +When turbulence or rudder application causes the aircraft to ,9 +exceedingly dangerous. A B747,9 +Approaches and Landings ,7 +if applicable in accordance with the subject matter of the ,3 +"The letter “J” precedes a number to label the airway (e.g., J12).",9 +administratives ,7 +"“street” means a street within the meaning of section 48 (streets, street works and undertakers) ",9 +关键信息基础设施的运行安全,7 +Aviation weather reports..............................................13-5,8 +"is readily available at the moment of the check or audit and, if so requested, that information ",3 +“alternative apparatus” means alternative apparatus adequate to enable Thames Water to fulfil ,9 +"procedure, indicate the reference of the procedure and confirm that that there has been no change ",9 +Deflection of the GS needle indicates the position of the ,9 +in place. The stop at the right side of the brake is set for the ,9 +Supplementary Provisions [Extract] ,7 +procedure and confirms that there has been no change in its situation:,9 +Inspection for Corrosion,7 +10.27.Leitungen ,7 +" Where, during the relevant period, representations have been considered in accordance with ",9 +§ 1 Geltungsbereich,7 +I.13. SERVICE PROVIDED ON THE PREMISES OF THE CONTRACTING ,7 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +Standards and rules ,7 +Philippine Health Service,7 +Specific contract types ,7 +A crossport is damaged and needs to be repaired ,3 +Fuel efficiency. ,9 +Pitot/Static Instruments,7 +Award phase,7 +When observed or developing weather conditions ,3 +an auditor for the purpose aforesaid. At the time of writing this ,9 +Time Zones ,7 +Figure 3-19,9 +"Surrounding the wire and insulator material is a conductive, ",9 +"automated systems use a fixed location, time",9 +Shipment of goods with in-house transport (Type 2 Shipment) ,6 +"information/services, rules, regulations, procedures, technical ",9 +catering on event premises and off-site; ,3 +microprocessor shall be updated as to the motor temperature and adjusted for real time cooling while the power ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 172 of April 3, 2015] ",7 +contractors in a multiple FWC provide a specific tender for services whose terms are not ,9 +sional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. ,9 +Transportwege ,7 +the induced voltage/current depends on three basic factors: ,9 +compression is to determine whether cylinder replacement ,9 +"§ 26 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +increments.,9 +"lift, weight, thrust, and drag. It was Cayley who first stacked ",9 +Fuel Selectors ,7 +"representative, ",3 +International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ,7 +comprensivo di gestione progettazione e gestione della commessa per quanto meglio ,3 +"wird. Wenn nötig, kann die Zulassungsbehörde mehrere solcher Anordnungen treffen.",9 +Contractor’s se,9 +The criterion is applied to: ,7 +Disposition of Notarial Register,9 +"worked. For all experts, their time input must be rounded to the nearest whole number of days worked ",3 +Please note that a request for supporting documents by the ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 346 of November 7, 2016] ",7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +Gewerbezentralregister ,9 +"storia in pittogrammi, sequenza di diapositive, presentazione pubblica; ",3 +Standard Terminal Arrival Routes,7 +be made with a minimum wing flap setting (flap extension ,9 +those airports that have retained ILS and VOR instrument approach procedures for safe recovery in the event of a GPS ,9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +Turns Around a Point,7 +II.10 SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +Thrust Vectoring ,7 +"consists of two Houses, which are separate coordinate bodies, to wit, the Philippine",9 +technician uses this data as the goal.,9 +all the hidden areas that it may penetrate. It provides a source ,9 +likelihood of a wingtip strike.,9 + Regular backups of your most important data will ensure it can be ,3 +"the payment of such tax, be punished by a fine in a sum not",9 +Change in glidepath and increase in descent rate for high final approach.,0 +Consider the type of terrain and other obstructions in ,3 +generator internal circuit. ,0 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +"Consumer Product Safety Act) (June 20, 1986). ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 382 of December 23, 1986] ",7 +"No cargo may be carried, nor may any dispensing materials be carried in the hopper, or ",3 +between engine manufacturers. ,9 +Other Requirements ,7 +Article 1 - ,7 +"Citation, commencement and interpretation ",7 +expect. Loss of the alternator or generator causes the,9 +"принимаются в организации, в которых созданы условия для их пребывания.",9 +CPUs should support 1ms time labeled cards which can be installed over them if necessary.,3 +Généralités ,7 +"products contrary to the terms of said license, or attempts to remove any products",9 +"Белоруссия,",9 +Corner Joints,7 +Weather Requirements and Part 91 Operators ,7 +Supervisory Authority of Judges Over Notaries Public,9 +https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/1976/12/31/presidential-decree-no-10...,5 +(ATC) and navigation facilities; research and,9 +near the vertical CG so any difference in fuel quantity does ,9 +Analogue Addressed Fire Warning Button;,7 +Creating too small of a radius/too high of a banked ,3 +"that the causes arose from the unlawful acts or omissions of other persons, or from",9 +These Regulations extend to England and Wales. ,9 +Floating Waypoints ,7 +assembly to flex upon landing impact. Bungee cords are ,9 +Operating Limits and Charts ,7 +authority over,3 +"Fahrer/Beifahrer, Fahrzeug",7 + It has become the recognized convention for ,9 +and combining the strands.,9 +constituent ou contiennent des logos ou un objet qui pourraient être ,3 +each cylinder of the engine must be provided with the proper ,9 +Strahlenschutzbelehrung / Gefahrstoffbelehrung ,7 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +enforceability of ,9 +and uncontrolled aircraft. The issuance of a safety,9 +pumped to,9 +medical improvement; ,9 +Follow-up inquiries with Departmental officers had elicited that ,3 +Evaluation Committee ,7 +" protected by copyright may exist, the contractor ",9 +Réclamations et responsabilité ,7 +not fixate on the airspeed indicator when making these pitch ,9 +Turns around a point are a logical extension of both the ,9 +"soyez amenés à stocker et manipuler des produits dits ""dangereux"". ",9 +"If you apply your full concentration to a single instrument,",7 +"The Contracting Authority will provide the Consultant, upon request, with all information relevant to ",9 +Identifying Emissions in the SIP ,7 +§ 3 Unterrichtsräume,7 +Governor-General shall approve a greater allowance.,3 +"ENISA, EUROPOL EC3, CertEU and EDA. ",9 +"two conditions than may exist, 1 or 0. In a digital circuit, these ",9 +slick condition. This can also happen on a very smooth ,9 +Vnei (never exceed speed ,9 +"indemnity for loss, damage, or liability made or renewed by any",3 +Position EFSA and other PERA partners as important partners for the implementation of next ,3 +ed States; but the requirement of citizenship may be,9 +Hi-Tigue$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +incl. identification & briefing,7 +Licensing Team within 5 days of the date of these notifications; and ,3 +Canning Road ,7 +See pages 61 and 62 ,3 +can assist you with questions about LSA registration.,9 +for family child care homes: ,9 +successful ,9 +"Associated with the “drag rise” are buffet, ",9 +"ранние сроки беременности, "" исключить.",9 +"Die Planung,",9 +Table 6.4: Signatures for SRM Document Approval for Proposed NAS Changes Only ,7 +FORWARD STORAGE TANKS WHILE ,6 +autoclaves and pressure cookers for household use (limited to those with an ,3 +II.4. DELIVERY OF SUPPLIES ,7 +"After touchdown on soft snow, use additional power to",9 +"hubs are also eddy-current inspected around critical, high-",9 +"presente, indicare la fonte alternativa utilizzata. ",3 +audit on the ,3 +recognised international associations with certified standards. The contractor will have to inform the ,9 +Colombia ,9 +"many early aircraft were designed with rigid, welded steel ",9 +Cancellation of the tender procedure ,7 +IFR flight plan or operate VFR-on-top may request a climb ,9 +Rechtsvorschriften im Verkehr;,3 +Attitude Indicator,7 +Tender specifications purpose,7 +"coil to tighten, or unwind, moving the pointer across the temperature ",0 +Duties of Clerk of Municipal Court,9 +"visual range (RVR) reports, and selected reports from ",9 +IFR emergencies. Clearance shorthand and an integrated instrument lesson guide are also included.,9 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 + Wing Rising After Touchdown,7 +Pre-cast units for kerbs and surface drainage ,7 +(This note is not part of the Regulations) ,7 +Audio-visual material production,7 +"remedy the defect or the damage itself, or employ someone else to carry out the ",3 +It should be noted that any turn or maneuver must be ,9 +because the contracting authority has observations on the supplies/deliverables or documents ,3 +CherryBUCK$^{®}$ 95 KSI One-Piece Shear Pin ,7 +"Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, often about something that is going to happen, typically something with an ",9 +"nicht erfüllt, zu ersetzen. ",9 +Groundwater drainage (if required); ,3 +on the head within a circle having a maximum ,3 +government,9 +Data controller:,3 +"leather, or other substantial binding, such as distinguish printed",3 +"комплексы,",9 +the lowest authorized DH and any reference to,9 +II.19.2. Fatturazione elettronica ,7 +Prohibition on arrival of vessels into England ,7 +Chapter 21—Gyroplane Emergencies,7 +Existing trees ,7 +"(BGBl. I S. 1112), der zuletzt durch Artikel 35 der Verordnung vom 21. September 1997 (BGBl. I S. 2390)",9 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of October 1, 1996; provided, however, ",3 +Failure to upload the following documents in eSubmission will lead to rejection of the tender.,8 +include a description of the ,9 +for safe operation.,9 +Proolem .. -Given ,9 +"elastic, and others use a system that slips into the sail itself. ",9 +staff absenteeism). ,3 +Daily Maintenance Checks,7 +as the exhaust gases dissipate is at a frequency near the low ,9 +United Arab Emirates ,9 +"environmental, social and labour law established by Union law, national law and ",3 +Opening of tenders ,7 +II.20.2. Währung ,7 +(iii) baby beds (limited to those designed to be used for the sleeping or caring of ,3 +– Erfahrungsaustausch für Fahranfänger,3 +to an accident or incident. Two basic principles generally ,9 +"As shown,",9 +is the force pushing you down in your seat.,9 +"$^{7}$/$_{16}$-inch open-end wrench, tighten barrel nut on connector links ¼ turn past hand tight. ",3 +"turn, check the pitch instruments as bank pressures ",3 +no later than,3 +téléphoner au n° (+32 2 281) ,3 +reading other than “empty” should be verified. Do not depend ,9 +Controllers may vector air-,9 +References ,7 +Flux forward,6 +Power section ,7 +action in the opposite direction (if it is TCAS II equipped). ,9 +and the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB). Both agencies ,9 +Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) ,7 +ADM. When a pilot follows good decision-making ,9 +"Loaded aircraft moment/1,000 (lb-in)",6 +only if it has given its prior written approval for the expense. ,3 +Hydroplaning,7 + A ground facility which emits a ,9 +representative thereof; ,3 +the Secretary or the use by the recipient of these funds (except ,9 +into the wind while the engine is being trimmed.,9 +The press release should draw a connection between national developments and EU-OSHA’s ,3 +ted elector of the province to act on the council,9 +[Figure 5-17] ,9 +avoided by proper attention to the following details:,9 +tight deploy and restore times.,9 +customarily used where a finer finish and/or size is ,3 +fronts rather than one. The two sources of ,9 +metres where the diameter of the apparatus is between 150 and 450 millimetres; ,3 +able to continue to operate when the ship’s main power supply is not in operation. ,9 +TRAITEMENT DES DONNÉES À CARACTÈRE PERSONNEL ,7 +system is being turned by the action of relative wind,9 +Checking and Safetying the System,7 +streamline and reduce the contribution of the ,9 +"""_______________",9 +Page 6 of 7 ,4 +sensors for both pitot pressure and static pressure ,9 +the load is within tolerable limits and the weight of ,3 +"‘‘(i) a human drug, no active moiety (as defined ",9 +Figure 6-34,9 +"Contractant,",7 +En cas de difficulté personnelle ,7 +allows the pilot to review approaches and load them ,3 +or transition area. ,9 +and the management responses thereto: ,9 +liability towards,3 +Testing restore functionality of backups: Ensure that restore of data and ,3 +structure emphasizes the problems of fatigue. ,9 +Conduct of Elections in Baguio,9 +uncoordinated,3 +"contracting authority no later than one month after the date of delivery, unless otherwise specified in the ",9 +Pneumatic Deice Boot System for GA Aircraft,7 +"Entstehung der Umlageforderung, Festsetzung des Umlagebetrages und Fälligkeit",3 +one bad decision often leads to another; and (2) as a string ,9 +obligations have been fulfilled.,3 +Livestock raising,3 +Amendment of Regulations ,7 +RNAV and RNP Operations,7 +zusammenhängenden Minuten oder drei Teilunterbrechungen von jeweils mindestens 15 Minuten ersetzt,3 +that causes the piston to center when the strut fully extends. ,9 +"ments, the PBN requirements box will be listed first.",9 +port may be disturbed to the extent that it can cause an error ,9 +tapes and attachment loops for suspension line attachment. ,3 +Groundspeed 120 knots ,6 +Civil Aircraft Operations Transiting,7 +Mr. Andy Dawson (www.mossie.org) for images used throughout Chapter 1,9 +induce additional turbulence and gustiness in the wind. These ,9 +student is to make pitch or bank corrections while still ,9 +concentrated. If a helicopter was suspended by a cable,9 +"installed, is identified by a high-pitched tone, continuous dots ",9 +in an aircraft that can be used to display information to the ,9 +Wide Area Augmentation System ,7 +the economic or technical parameters of the project have changed fundamentally; ,3 +"diabetes, and mental diseases. ",3 +Workshops/Conferences ,3 +SPECIAL INFORMATION ,7 +and verify secure attachment.,3 +uncoordinated use,3 +§ 22a Abweichendes Verfahren bei Elektronischem Prüfauftrag und Vorläufigem Nachweis der,7 +data are managed by EFSA’s Evidence Management ,9 +LCL10:12:34 ,6 +There are several types of tools available that aid in holding ,9 +"zwei UKW-(VHF-)Sende-/Empfangsgeräten (einstellbarer Frequenzbereich: 118,000-136,975 MHz) für den",3 +Children Act 1989 representations ,7 +can depart an airport without being able to meet the ,9 +PRELIMINARY,7 +"In particular, the contractor shall provide:",9 +Article 3 ,9 +surface in the transition from hovering to forward ,3 +System Description.,7 +"A vacuum regulator, also known as a suction relief ",0 +nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des installations. ,7 +- Seite 2 von 32 -,4 +I.5.1. Pre-financing,7 +where necessary; ,3 +any sewer which is so vested or is the subject of a notice of intention to adopt given under ,3 +Article 1 – SUBJECT MATTER; PERFORMANCE ,7 +"fishery productivity in inland waters, and also to contribute to stabilizing and ",3 +"the size of the area, and the slope of the terrain. Always ",9 +of the bridle or failure of the pin to extract.,9 +to provide separation between all IFR operations ,3 +power consumption and high reliability due to the lack of ,9 +Page 12 of 36 ,4 +Provide a safe environment for space agency ,3 +⦁ $_{Cancel the flight. }$,3 +Performing Ignition System Checks,7 +Amendment of Schedule 1 to the principal Regulations ,7 +who hold a commercial pilot certificate with a free balloon ,9 +Identification of subject matter for Professional article ,7 +standard patch. ,3 +(三)不履行赠与合同约定的义务。 ,9 +an effective assignment of rights from the Contractor to Europol. The payment of the price as set ,3 +ay) ahead and slightly to the side. Proper depth ,9 +Chapter 5$_{ }$,7 +TrailingGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +the collector or other pr,9 +Exceeding manufacturer’s recommended maxi-,3 +Department,9 +and tip battens. Some manufacturers have no washout struts. ,9 +Brain research has led to the conclusion that STM resembles the control tower of a major airport and is responsible for scheduling ,9 +(iii) the undertaker’s entry onto it; or ,3 +order to fulfil the minimum levels required for technical and professional capacity],6 +Procurement procedure: ,7 +Flight Standards Service ,9 +The contracting authority shall demand payment from the guarantee of all sums for which ,3 +the contractor might be requested to produce a short video clip (up to 2 minutes long) ,3 +129. Пункт 3.3 федерального государственного образовательного,9 +The joint shown in ,9 +by time synchronization command over NTP server.,3 +Figure 3-26.,0 +takeoff to conduct navigation according to the ATC clearance ,9 +suivants: ,9 +accuracy in fuel gauges only when they read “empty.” Any ,9 +Handling of errors: ,7 +connector link with an overhand knot. ,3 +A list of review participants with contact information; ,3 +machine works best with thinner annealed materials.,9 +restrictions.,3 +Schätzgleichungen zur Berechnung des Energiegehaltes von Mischfuttermitteln,7 +tanks. A common type of selector valve contains four ,9 +"engine’s ability to cool itself at various power settings is, of ",9 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 +on landing. The approach profile can best be described as a ,9 +II.13.9. Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +811). Nach der Einfuhr werden die Materialien intern an das Hauptlager Fl. E verbracht.,9 +deadline and before contract signature) shall lead to rejection of the tender except in case of a ,9 +the Government under his jur,9 +§ 26 (weggefallen),7 +The length of the crack is confined to an area ,3 +"Informationen, die für die Durchführung der Kontrollen und Audits erforderlich sind. ",3 +A daily allowance for up to two days may be paid for extra overnight stays necessary to qualify ,3 +traffic pattern indicators. ,9 +Offence and penalties ,7 +"Citation, commencement, extent and application ",7 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +The contractor will be required to register ,3 +"affect acquisition of interests omitted from purchase), for “section 4 of this Act” substitute “article ",9 +(SAR). These SAR-equipped aircraft reduce the time spent ,9 +reduction in accordance with Article II-11 (“,3 +beings as referred to in Article 2 of Directive 2011/36/EU of the ,6 +warning radar sites augment the network by operating,9 +Il contraente dovrà impegnarsi ed essere in grado di soddisfare le richieste della ,3 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +Role of the Avionics Manufacturer ,7 +Objectives ,7 +Überschrift: IdF d. Art. 1 Nr. 1 G v. 26.8.1985 I 1753 mWv 1.9.1985,9 +Fault finding instructions; ,3 +Amendment of the School Information (England) Regulations 2008 ,7 +"length of runway, that is declared available and suitable for ",9 +Allowances payable to members of a combined fire and rescue authority ,7 +"takeoff from a hover. A second, less efficient, but acceptable, ",9 +inbound course. Where a holding pattern is,9 + shall not be entitled to ,3 +II.13.8. Image rights and sound recordings,7 +Route pull-up cord through grommet in bottom flap. Pull up closing loop and reinsert temporary ,3 +"As the airspeed approaches cruising speed, reduce power to ",9 +and severally liable under the conditions set out in Article II-5 (“Liability”). Europol will first ,3 +"Packing, ",9 +Contracting ,3 +"and Industry No. 58 of June 27, 1995] ",7 +airtight oxide or phosphate film on the surface of aluminum ,9 +с мойками для ног; душевые с раздевальными отдельно для мальчиков и,9 +Faulty correction for drift.,3 +sécurité ,6 +for the perforation operation and the temporary,9 +wide variety of instruments have been developed to inform ,9 +SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO FUR-,7 +that a wing wants to rise during the after-landing roll. This ,9 +Paragraphs (1) to (4) have effect subject to— ,9 +Funding & tender opportunities portal ,7 +"some types of stomach medication, decongestants, and ",9 +Excavation for structures ,7 +concerned and three-fifths to the municipality ,3 +D01.01-ED-21,7 +a debit note,9 +splitter or small chisel can be used. Use a backup block on ,9 +Frequenzbereich 960 – 1 215 MHz.,3 +Requirements ,7 +Unusual Attitude Recovery Protection,7 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +negligible effect on static directional stability. ,9 +"of Luzon, comprises the following municipalities:",9 +Flying cross-country using thermals is the basis of this chapter. A ,9 + An uncoordinated turn in which the aircraft ,9 +Read back any part of a clearance that contains “hold,3 +Anlage 2 (zu § 3),7 +Oleo shock absorber.,9 +Reconnaissance Procedures,7 +any appeal by the undertaker must be made within 42 days of the date of the notice of the ,3 +内水面における漁場環境の再生に関する基本的事項,3 +provides THC to TOG conversion factors for various equipment and fuel. ,9 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +"Dezember 2014 der 30. Juni 2015 tritt,",3 +"For the sake of clarity, throughout this document wherever the reference to a Lot ",9 +dependent territory). ,3 +"revolutions per minute (rpm). Additionally, for a four-",9 +Contractor’s tender,7 +Образовательный,9 +die Anbringung eines Etiketts oder sonstigen Kennzeichnung an einen oder mehrere Fische oder,3 +when ceiling is less than 250 feet or visibility is less ,9 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +crosswind leg beyond the departure end of the runway ,3 +"Relevant, Accepted, Credible for non-experts, Easy to monitor and Robust.$_{ }$",1 +Radio NAV,6 +Vorschriften anwenden oder deren Einsatz,8 +"information, manpower, and material. Included are system ",9 +"TASKS, DELIVERABLES, TIMELINE AND PAYMENTS ",7 +lands and takes off without stopping.,3 +accurate traffic information.,9 +decision-making styles of several self-confident pilots may ,9 +Flight Standards Information ,9 +authority” is the Program Director for Air Traffic ,9 +kinesthetic learners ,8 +"MARKING, STOWAGE CONTAINER - OPERATING LIMITS:",7 +WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT ,7 +enough drift correction to hold it over ,9 +It can result in the loss of the aircraft if left unchecked. It is ,9 +〔昭和三十四年十月三十日政令第三百二十七号〕,7 +Anbietername eingeben,7 +〔平成二十五年九月十三日政令第二百六十七号〕,7 +separate gauge devoted to monitoring its speed of rotation. ,9 +"Replace these rivets with the next larger size. Also, if the rivet ",9 +performing the contract and any future ,3 +Learning Is Purposeful ,7 +Current text: ,7 +Arrears of Revenue ,7 +trailing edge. The leading edge is the thick edge of the blade ,9 +"Gefährdung, Einrichtung:",7 +"EARTH WORKS, PIPE WORKS AND GROUND IMPROVEMENT",7 +Old type zinc chromate primer may be used directly for ,3 +Zwischenprüfung,7 +of such burden shifting and/or decrease in quality (see also Section 7.3). ,9 +"[1136-1, 2; 1387-2.]",9 +Directors or any other organisational entity which alone or ,3 +............ ,6 +drainage of fuel back into the main tanks. Surge tanks are ,9 +Radio Equipment ,7 +The contractor will be required to register ,3 +"in travelling waves, the source of which was not known. At ",9 + (the ‘Service Contract’). Where in these ToR the ,9 +three hundred pesos.,9 +Drop Hammer,7 +"maturen (zu § 14, Absatz 5) der baulichen Erweiterung",7 +Radar Limitations,7 +Publication Ref: EuropeAid/140639/IH/SUP/TR ,7 + dürfen an einem Fahrzeug,9 +Wind correction angle (WCA).,9 +engine is from propulsive force derived from the jet thrust ,9 +PWR MGMT panel,6 +Cable Connectors,7 + An electrical wiring installation in which the ,9 +"respective tank, while selecting the BOTH position feeds ",9 +Lycoming 0-233 Series Light-Sport Aircraft Engine,7 +"ot in excess of the same limit, to the nominee upon the",9 +Risk Management during Operational Flights ,7 +references to control the airplane’s attitude.,3 +le retrait de son intention de réduire le paiement; ou ,3 +digits of the flight level.,3 +to reducing aircraft accidents by using a coordinated effort ,9 +PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +Adjustment in respect of past compensation ,7 +"contracting authority, by a third party; ",3 +of the contract,3 +Only visitors with two negative test results (two (2) negative Covid-19 PCR tests taken at least 96 ,3 +Section 2 Protection of X-ray Units ,7 +"coordinator will follow up requests, discuss the progress of work and gather additional details related to ",9 +das Saatgut auf Grund des sich aus dem Begleitschein ergebenden Bestandes zweifelsfrei diesem,3 +Award of the contract ,7 +percent takeoff thrust (EPR),3 +Price — 30 % ,3 +VFR Waypoints,7 +already been adequately learned. ,9 +Evaluate the effects of the actions. ,9 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +(医療連携推進認定の取消しの後に確定した公租公課),9 + Waiver Renewals ,3 +and provide warnings should a particular component or ,9 +Lubrication may be applied and allowed to soak into the tire-,9 +"This list shall be modified, if necessary, and approved by EU-OSHA. ",3 +Extramuros + 3. P,9 +of the 2015 Regulations applies to Category 1 authorities only. This has the effect that Category 2 ,9 + Page 28 of 35 ,4 +correlated radar targets do not touch).,9 +Ruddervator. ,0 +and replacement.,9 +"psi, pressure switches located on the deflate valve de-energize ",9 +"(AC) 90-48, Pilot’s Role in Collision Avoidance, and the ",9 +primary airport is not authorization for turbine,9 +. — The board of tax appeals shall meet on the second Monday in,9 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +en für die ,9 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +They contain an engine-driven vacuum pump on each engine. ,9 + Overview ,7 +Pitot/Static Instruments,7 +be in writing; ,3 +"Requirements Act, 2018 (division I of Public Law 115–254) is ",9 +〔昭和三十四年十月三十日政令第三百二十七号〕,7 +ce. When there is no local paper of general circulation published in,9 +necessary. In case,9 +STROBE—A high intensity white flashing light. ,3 +AC Synchro Systems,7 +turn to be completed prematurely. Another way ,9 +Fuel-Injection Pump,7 +Release Lanyard,6 +"of repellant used, and whether windshield wipers are used.",9 +A detailed examination of the runway length (this must ,9 +法第八条の規定により事業の届出事項の変更の届出をしようとする者は、様式,3 +Bietergemeinschaft ,9 +§ 18 Fahrten im internationalen Verkehr,7 +"getting dirty. However, this method could be used for setting ",9 +Operations in Other Countries ,7 +the supplies provided by the contractor to the contracting authority as a sample or model; ,3 +Skew-T Plots,7 +aviation-related,3 +床数」という。)は、次の各号に定める区分ごとに当該各号に定める数とする。,3 +"magnesium, copper, silver, and their various alloys.",9 +"Abschnitt B: berufsprofilgebende Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in der Fachrichtung",7 +assembly of that ship has commenced comprising at least 50 tonnes or one per cent of ,3 +"quality of the snowpack, look for a gentle slope and",9 +〔昭和四十七年十二月十五日政令第四百二十七号〕,7 +Two-way radio communication must be,9 +Ground Access Vehicles ,7 +Use of Suitable Area Navigation,7 +§ 1 Stammzertifikate,7 +bers is generally a mixture of water and alco- ,9 +ENISA is ,9 +found on most helicopters which tends to bring the nose ,9 +Ausbaus von Bundesfernstraßen auf der Grundlage einer Mautgebührenfinanzierung wahrnehmen.,9 +weather services are not limited for Part 91 operators. ,9 +place to address those risks. ,9 +"should give their position, altitude, aircraft call sign,",9 +Pile type and number ,3 +Updated text: ,7 +"In the first step, the goal is to develop situational awareness ",9 +次に掲げる台帳が作成されていること。ただし、血清分離のみを行う病院等にあ,3 +The Province of Pangasinan,9 +Zweites Ausbildungsjahr,7 +the enhancement of existing DCs and DCs tools already configured to ,3 +Exclusion criteria documentation ,7 +Historical Analysis ,7 +112 of 124 ,5 +proach course.,3 +внутренних туристических потоков ,9 +TRIM AIRSPEED VS ELEVATOR DEFLECTION ,6 +) The mixture control is so ,9 +"should represent units of learning which can be measured and evaluated—not a sequence of periods of instruction. For example, the ",9 +failure of the notary to make the proper entry or entries in his,3 +"description may be brought against any person, the term of any person in the office of President ",9 +Figure 9-39.,0 +Methodological framework defined by ECHA ,7 +scratches on the blade may cause very serious consequences. ,9 +Anlage (zu § 1),7 +"operational voltage. As the voltage coil is energized, the ",9 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 +§ 9 Entrichtung der Mautgebühr,7 +of such disease during the period of such service. ,9 +Retarded to maintain ,6 +"section 61.51 is appropriate. Should questions arise, a pilot ",9 +Situational awareness.,9 +It is very easy to be distracted during launch and make an ,9 +and directional stability on hard-surfaced runways.,9 +Benefit of Order ,3 +"identifying required visual references, and is",9 +underlying procedures are slant,9 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +Representation of the People Act 1983(,9 +regulatory Guidance,7 +"card is horizontal. Once tilted out of the horizontal plane, ",9 +CherryBUCK$^{®}$ 95 KSI One-Piece Shear Pin ,7 +PRICE REVISION ,7 +ing a descent. This speed is referred to as the minimum,9 +to be applied to the control yoke. An increase in the scan rate ,9 +U.S. State Department,9 +"Regardless of whether an issue falls within the scope of the SMS, the PO is responsible for ",9 +second interim Technical report,3 +Table 6.1. Refer to Section 6.2 for a discussion on national- and local-level NAS changes.,3 +occasion of the depositor's death.,9 +requirements specified in the Federal Aviation Regulations (UHF) 71. Class B and C Airspace are shown ,9 +"ICT Racks, cabling and other infrastructure elements ",7 + cannot start before its entry into force.,3 +Preparation of Ground ,7 +of pollutants by,9 +starting the approach procedure so that detailed holding,9 + (for both onsite and online press conferences) ,9 +the power,9 +Equipment Condition,7 +§ 2 Begriffsbestimmungen,7 +Segmented circle ,6 +Consequential amendments ,7 +software application of Europol’s’ choice. Europol shall retain administrative personal and ,3 +"markets, and inspect and regulate the use of the same; to provide for",3 +Sky condition.........................................................13-7,8 +"sewer, sewer connection or connections, either on, in, or upon public",9 +l’enregistrement et la gestion des demandes d’interventions dans un système de gestion informatisé; ,9 +IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:,7 +"in Thailand, as determined by the Secretary in consultation ",9 +Summe Pos. 8.14 (Liefern + Montieren),7 +"the 1965 Act, ",3 +"actions, and high moisture content. Once a cloud has formed, ",9 +analog flight and engine instruments.,0 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,9 +to locate the top‑of‑descent point chosen on the aeronautical ,9 +"noise comes from several sources on the engine, the fan, or ",9 +Figure 13-38. ,0 +"Contract, signed by the Parties before the End Date. ",3 +the nucleus. Materials with this characteristic are chemically ,9 +"des Eigentümers, des Halters und des Herstellers des Luftfahrzeugs und seiner Teile sowie der für",3 +inside of the flight deck. Due to the venturi effect of the air ,9 +Equipment Setup,7 +Quality standards ,7 +I.1.4. Costs of transfer ,7 +Funkstellen des nichtnavigatorischen Ortungsfunkdienstes dürfen bei Funkstellen des festen,3 +II.16.3. Claims and liability ,7 +"In addition, the contractor selected as a result of the present procurement procedure shall ",9 +[appointed as the leader of the group by the members of the group that submitted the joint ,9 +133 STAT. 1066 ,5 +№ 62739):,9 +the outside of the turn. ,9 +§ 5 Durchführung der Berufsausbildung,7 +"“Atomwaffen Division (AWD), including National Socialist Order (NSO)”. ",9 +pilot should first reduce the angle of bank with coordinated ,9 + (whether from the focal point or other relevant national ,9 +"Schedule No 8: Roads, Landscaping and Fences",7 +Arrival or Through Flight Entry Require-,9 +Time for Planting ,7 +Qualitätssicherungssystem einbezogen ist. Erforderlich sind mindestens:,3 +Section 3. Airport Marking Aids and Signs,7 +Lebenslanges Lernen,7 +II.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority,7 +"the method of recording it in a file, etc. as prescribed in the said paragraph or ",3 +Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS).,9 +Anforderungen an den Auftragnehmer ,7 +A146 Normanston Drive ,7 +"Assigned to a new home-built, import, or ",3 +"approach begins, commence descent or descent ",3 +"Inspect exhaust for cracks, security of mounting, ",3 +May be operated at night if the aircraft is equipped per ,3 +when you have not sufficiently studied the approach ,3 +from which excess material may be trimmed. ,9 +should be put into writing. Another instructor should be able ,9 +Opportunities for improving decision-making abilities occur often during training. If the tower offers the learner a runway that ,9 +A handle for removal and installation,3 +(meaning of “designated person” in Part 3)”; ,3 +be controlled by changes in angle of attack. ,9 +depart Class B airspace and should advise the,9 +"a weather front, or a strong temperature inversion.",9 +This situation does not occur in rigid or semi-rigid rotor ,9 +Brake Inspection and Service,7 +в отношении:,9 +Additional Weather Information ,7 +Maximum number of electrons in each orbital shell ,0 +"time the report is submitted, must attach a statement",9 +§ 19 Fahrten zur dauerhaften Verbringung eines Fahrzeugs in das Ausland,7 +"Behind and less than 1,000 feet below",9 +"certificate, Registration certificate, Operating limitations, ",9 +Subject of the Engagement ,7 +boats in the harbor of Manila or within the city limits not within or,3 +but not all types of wire or cable can be measured accurately ,9 +"prescribed by the IAP being flown. In addition, the",9 +their tender will be eliminated.,9 +"form of a debit note, the pre-financing guarantee must remain in force for three months ",9 +responsible for criminal prosecutions. ,9 +"duct, the fan section, free power turbines, and tailpipe. ",9 +National Environmental Policy Act ,7 +Any specific geographical point can be located by reference ,9 +since they do not cause a nonparticipating aircraft to change ,9 +Unterabschnitt 2,7 +around the igniter lead and surrounds the igniter before ,9 +Not radar identified,7 +Salt and Sand Piles ,7 +pilots typically select an outcome that is convenient for both ,9 +" Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, as ",1 +reduction,9 +"oder von entsprechenden Proben,",3 +Unterabschnitt 2,7 +Maximum gross weight.,9 +"atmosphere as snow, sleet, or from liquid water which ",9 +"modifiche tecniche del contenuto (correzioni necessarie di errori tecnici), aggiunta di ",3 +The procedure for universal or protruding head rivet removal ,9 +"weight of any component in the assembly (canopy, harness, etc.) and the lowest maximum pack ",9 +errors identified by the ,3 +Cylinder Compression Tests,7 +Signature of Tenderer ,6 +"gaseous oxygen systems: filler, check, shutoff, pressure ",9 +"Overall, no instrumentation is required for E-LSA, but for ",9 +ものに限る。)の項の改正規定,3 +II. General Conditions for the service contract ,7 +Pitch control and power adjustment required to bring aircraft to level flight.,0 +(See VERTICAL TAKEOFF AND LANDING ,9 +room shall have,9 +"provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1), Article 15, paragraph (1), or Article ",3 +kept level with the horizon (assuming the airplane is in ,9 +"the series field, energize the ",9 +"Approved August 21, 2019. ",9 +Abschnitt 9,7 + Military harness. ,0 +"and make/model. In addition, the wing can yaw side to side ",9 +wird. Außerdem dürfen die Bewerber nicht erheblich oder nicht wiederholt gegen verkehrsrechtliche Vorschriften,9 +driven electrical system or that have,9 +National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Act 2002(,3 +“(b) section 32 of the Summary Jurisdiction Act 1989 (of Tynwald)(,3 +"area chosen is safe to land in, the approach can be continued. ",9 +the board of election judges.,9 +Where to File the Reports.,7 +(dieci) giorni,9 +"The contractor will deduct the penalty sum, if any, ",8 +500 ppm) can cause loss of consciousness,9 +Risk Management Training for Experienced Pilots ,7 +Type of aircraft and altitude if known.,9 + A publication of the ,9 +Accounts and Accounting,7 +gesetzt. Es ist eine halbjährliche Ablesung und Verrechnung der hier entstehenden Stromkosten mit ,9 +GPS Familiarization,7 +catégorie,6 +is 300 dots per inch and the data is 8,9 +a maximum of 15–20°.,9 +Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 + The total amount of air or gas (expressed in cubic ,9 +Invitation template has to be made available by Contractor headquarters. Final invitations should ,3 +The National ,7 +The acceptance,9 +"time, it is a good idea to secure the controls with the",9 +0013 00-5 ,4 +airship by taking weight off at launch.,9 +Presolo Knowledge Tests (page 10-19) ,7 +Time for Planting ,7 +Figure 5-53.,0 +with the aircraft at rest and then in an electrically simulated ,9 +services achetés pour le pouvoir adjudicateur; ,9 +provided.,9 +Performance and quality requirements ,7 +weeks prior to the scheduled date of the suspension or discontinuance: ,3 +§ 34 Übermittlung und Speicherung der Daten über Hauptuntersuchungen und Sicherheitsprüfungen,7 +rocking propeller. ,3 +effect of repeated overstress on service life. ,9 +Carburetor Icing,7 +"and Industry No. 92 of December 10, 1983] ",7 +point is usually taken by a plot ,9 +anerkannten Überwachungsorganisation nach Anlage VIIIb der Straßenverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung,3 +Unsachgemäße Errichtung elektrischer Anlagen/Betriebsmittel,7 +during the piston travel. ,9 +Offenses Relative to Assessment of Real Property,7 +Steuern als nicht dokumentiertes Konto melden.,9 +11.03.04 Электроника,9 +ARTICLE 9: PLACE OF PERFORMANCE,7 +CG AFT OF AFT LIMIT,7 +Abschnitt 5,7 +at Articles I-11 and I-14 of Annex 3 - draft framework contract. ,9 +For the option of a paper version of the quiz between 500 and 1000 copies should be printed ,3 +pipe and checking the springs.,0 +are randomly distributed and easily recognized. ,9 +period data or collector will be required for sending data to operator interface for reporting except for ,9 + constitutes ,3 +out to get cooler operation. The desired cooling can then be ,9 +". In this case, the contractor(s) taking over will be ",9 +Allowances payable to members of a combined fire and rescue authority ,7 +1.b) 2. Zwischenzahlung – Nach endgültiger Montage und Umschluß der ,7 +The Public Service,7 +Fire fighting water ,7 +data and send the TWIP products to a database,9 +"aggiunta di nuovi elementi, paragrafi, titoli, cappelli, grassetti, legende, indici, sunti, ",3 +im Zentralen Fahrzeugregister,3 +Courts of Superior Jurisdiction,7 +"flight in this condition, since you could rapidly run out",9 +vides information which reflects examples of oper-,9 +"LOT 1 - Building a European partnership for next generation, systems-based ",9 +Determines which control movements are required to ,3 +En Route Operations ,7 +"There are certain definitions relating to solo time, pilot ",9 +Electron control valves are an essential part of an electronic ,9 +Inspection of Retained Trees ,7 +services are to be provided. ,3 +The date and duration of the review; ,3 +Pressurization Issues,7 +When using the ,3 +that law); ,3 +"other special consumption taxes or to any other similar tax, duties or charges having ",3 +Article II-22 ,7 +Specific provisions related to the supply of goods ,7 +One is a series of dots and the other is a continuous,9 +(AIC) and Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). ,9 +capacity is necessary to fulfil the selection criteria.,9 +person sending the sample.,9 +Relocated Runway Threshold ,7 +"Funkdiensten, denen dieser Frequenzbereich zugewiesen ist, nicht aus und begründet keinen Vorrang",3 +demonstrate the high quality standards and performance which are normal in supplies of the same ,3 +Use of Resources,7 +The Video Recordings (Labelling) (Amendment) Regulations ,9 +Assessment,6 +reception confirmation provided by e-Submission with the official date and time of receipt of ,9 +この政令施行前に貿易等臨時措置令(昭和二十一年勅令第三百二十八号)に基く命,3 +Learning Is Purposeful ,7 +An example is an encounter with an abrupt updraft during ,9 +"планшетом,",9 +Main rotor blades,6 +Obligation to notify EFSA of changes,7 +" such act, the doing of the same shall be dependent on a",9 +Financial Results,7 +bound by its contractual obligations and is solely responsible for the ,3 +Bauvorhaben …………………………………………,7 +"in a cuplike device, and a replaceable flint, which when drawn ",9 +Please note that only selected candidates may request additional information at this stage. ,9 +to ensure that environmental considerations are given careful attention and appropriate weight in ,9 +The Terminal Weather Information for,7 +antenna performance.,9 +related to cybersecurity falling within its competencies as set out in the Regulation. ,3 +diverse situations than fixed-wing aircraft and pilot attempts ,9 +Flight Instructor Characteristics and ,7 +Article 2 The following Cabinet Orders are abolished: ,9 +(+++ § 5 Abs. 5 Satz 2: Zur Anwendung vgl. § 6 +++),9 +"development, the structures of “flying machines” have ",9 +be attained. ,9 +Power to keep apparatus in streets ,3 +pay compensation to Cadent for any loss sustained by it; and ,3 +calendar years specifying whether the services have been carried out in a ,3 +of Veterans Affairs. ,9 +IFR Navigation Charts.,3 +activities within Lake Lothing to— ,3 +"interpretation) of the Water Industry Act 1991) or works, and any structure in which ",3 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +NAVWEPS 00-8OT-RO ,7 + were created by its ,3 +"for the turn and bank indicators, needle valves are included ",9 +"damage (end fittings, outer casing, and kinks).",3 +"les prestations (salaires horaires, les frais de déplacement, frais de sous-traitance ",3 +communication activities; ,3 +Airport Pavement Markings,7 +that provides air traffic controllers with all voice ,9 +experienced as a feeling of dizziness and imbalance that can ,9 +(weggefallen),7 +These assets were carried at nil book values. This was in breach of ,9 +Role of the Avionics Manufacturer ,7 +PRESS CONT 2,6 +"icer; or lies out of his quarters or camp, or",9 +Short breaks ,7 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +Fully Articulated Rotor System,7 +the lateral limits of a runway. Runway lights are ,9 +"other measures the Contractor may have employed for the curing of the concrete. All materials, spray ",9 + This is very important.,3 +Slightly jiggle the exhaust system to inspect the springs ,9 +High Round Out,7 +Verification of non-exclusion of tenderers on the basis of the exclusion criteria ,3 +times will be published by NOTAM. ,9 +pattern. In ,9 +airplane’s ,9 +"navigate, and communicate.” This means that the first ",9 +High Round Out,7 +"§ 10 Angestellte, Arbeiter und Auszubildende",7 +The VSI shows a momentary climb and then stabilizes ,3 +及び同表第三号」と、同条第三項中「適用しない」とあるのは「適用しない。ただし、,3 +the room is installed near the entrance of the disposal facilities through ,3 +"operation; and the control mechanism for operation, ",3 +omit paragraph (2); ,3 +Fixed Assets Register Not Updated Residual Values ,7 +"Overcontrolling, resulting in overbanking upon turn ",3 +total destructive energy and vice versa. Even a small change ,9 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +extension less common since a different source of hydraulic ,9 +touchdown could be made.,9 +Top of the technical channels shall be covered with concrete hinged lid with fully water tight to prevent water ,9 +to the appointed person in respect of the appeal within ten business days of the start date ,3 +This manual is designed to provide the aviation,9 +pouvoir adjudicateur de ,7 +maintenance of the interior electronics on most avionics ,9 +Learning Is Multifaceted ,7 +PRICE AWARD CRITERION (200 points) ,7 +Minimum en route altitude (MEA).,9 +"handling range, referred to as the beta range, is encountered. In ",9 +Functional requirements for pipe systems ,7 +"deemed to have obtained permission set forth in Article 1, paragraph (1). ",3 +ELENCO ATTREZZATURA MINIMA ,7 +"to deduce the aircraft attitude. Individually, these gauges lack ",9 + [Figure 11-49],9 +domain after that date ,3 +OPERATING STRENGTH LIMITATIONS ,7 +of services or electronic invoices between the parties.,9 +TCAS I and TA systems can issue a TA whenever another ,9 +make additional circuits to lose excessive altitude or,9 +"Die Zusammenlegung ist ein durch die Flurbereinigungsbehörde geleitetes Verfahren, in dem innerhalb eines",9 +The abrupt change in AOA is the result of inertia instantly ,9 +special programming device connected,9 +a monthly report to the Committees on Appropriations of the House ,9 +emerging infectious diseases. In the event that members ,9 +Section 3. Airport Marking Aids and Signs,7 +"directly or indirectly, out of the resources of the city to such person or firm; or to",9 +Thermocouple Placement,7 +Materials/Parts ,7 +"botanische Art sowie gegebenenfalls Unterart, Sorte, Klon, Klonmischung;",3 +"emission factor for these events is provided in Chapter 13.2.4, ",9 +or materially different environmental effects compared to those in the environmental ,9 +and LED Implementing Regulations 2018 (of Tynwald)(,9 +Der Ministerrat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik,7 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +"landing direction, and to determine if a safe approach",9 +radiation meter for contamination inspections and instruments ,3 +“statutory undertaker” means any person falling within section 127(8) (statutory undertakers’ ,9 +each case has its own specific limitations. The maximum ,9 + Award and notification of the outcomes of the procurement procedure ,7 +Much research has gone into the development of control ,9 +The goal of risk management is to proactively identify ,9 +"slider is placed at the lower surface of the canopy. During opening, the slider controls the drag area ",3 +Headwind component. ,9 +Application of Part 1 of the 1965 Act ,7 +Repair Layout,7 +one engine and another because of the fuel distribution ,9 +"Although this organisation is not member of the IFAC, the Auditor commits him/herself to undertake ",3 +LAV smoke,6 +cient for a given section lift coe5cient. ,9 +Driving piles ,7 +GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ,7 +[Figure 10-48],9 +"Jet routes exist only in Class A airspace, from 18,000 feet MSL ",9 +Ground loop. ,9 +"der Betriebsorganisation,",3 +of time. The anesthetic itself may not limit flying so much ,9 +pad of the contact surface. It is sometimes difficult to judge ,9 +"descent rate. However, if the approach is conducted ",3 +magnetic variation coded in their navigational,9 +〔昭和三十五年五月三十日政令第百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +§ 4 Berufsausbildung in überbetrieblichen Ausbildungsstätten,7 +Sensory Memory ,7 +"for other elements of the system, the segmented circle consists ",9 +Mechanical Turbulence. ,9 +where EU institutions and bodies publish their ,9 +tips to protect them from resin flash and to protect the ,3 +tutte le lingue ufficiali dell'UE; ,3 +power can be selected if the gear does not function normally. ,9 +Management tools for active components ,3 +"the MON, as appropriate and as cleared by ATC.",9 +Airport designator at the top of the Airport,9 +Combustion Heaters,7 +Terminating a landing approach. ,9 +"to flow out the right port. But if air enters from the right, air ",9 +な意見の交換を行うものとする。,3 +be made using the relevant communication details set out in Article I.8; and ,3 +80572 Eichstätt,5 +"Labor, and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee ",9 +"power, balance, and flight controls prior to continuing flight. ",9 +eSubmission ,9 +and section 3.5.2 on change management and the workings of CABs. ,9 +These Regulations make amendments to legislation in the field of international climate change ,9 +Offenses Against Various Administrative Laws,7 +pressure for starting aircraft engines. Aground unit is ,9 +Management and placement of advertisement ,7 +Ş$_{EMASI 1/2 }$,8 +Initially Moving Up,7 +Damage Removal,7 +The contracting authority reimburses the cost of shipment of equipment or ,3 +responsibilities and undertake,9 +SLOW TAXI- To taxi a float plane at low power or ,9 +as the nature of the underlying contract so justifies; ,3 +Le contractant communiquera à l'Unité Prévention le nom et les coordonnées du conseiller en ,9 +Wastewater system ,7 +technischer/technische Offiziersassistent/-in (VkBl. 2009 S. 53),3 +provisions of Articles set out in the Framework Agreement signed between the Rebuplic of Turkey (herein-,9 +500 feet above ground level. ,3 +name of the ,7 +Figure 2-4.,0 +NAVIGATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION (Continued),7 +Available resources,7 +existence of ,3 +damaged area. The plies are usually placed using the smallest ,9 +The reference in paragraph (1)(b) to the payment of compensation is a reference to the ,9 +Collective pitch stick,6 +Identification of subject matter for Professional article ,7 +"reversed. The upper center label should read, “Towplane please turn left” and the upper ",3 +"required. Ordinarily, the point of mini- ",9 +Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) ,7 +Zulassungsverfahren,7 +"hard surface runway, or a short or soft, muddy field all call for ",9 +"and including subcontractors if applicable, complies with all the ",6 +Electrical - General ,7 +"Bau, den Betrieb und die Unterhaltung des nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2 bestimmten Bundesfernstraßenabschnitts",9 + Ground Effect,7 +"skills, and greater comprehension of the subjects they are studying. Perhaps the most significant characteristic of group learning is ",9 + Cooling Systems ,7 +exchanging feedback and suggestions for improvement in view of future procurement ,9 +"to require 215 HP from the engine, and enough left pedal to ",9 +amount of fuel that is mixed with the air is less than normal ,9 +Fig. XXVIII-i ,0 +NOZZLE TYPES ,6 +valence shells of elements that are common ,0 +fact should be made clear about the region of ,9 +based on real costs. ,9 +Finanzausgleichsgesetzes im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,10 +for the same conductance. The characteristics of copper and ,9 +регистрационный № 17481);,9 +Interpretation ,3 +aircraft first contact the runway.,3 +Deadline. ,9 +KU=equivalent sharp edged gust velocity ,9 +Existing trees ,7 +"As stated in Chapter 1 of this handbook, Regulations and ",9 +は、その登録を取り消し、又は期間を定めて事故等分析事業の全部若しくは一部の停,3 +Cutting to a line,3 +Schlussformel ,7 +Avoid landing near the shoreline where rivers or sewer,9 +provide a comprehensive monitoring and reporting methodology to cover all activities ,3 +Cascade Reverser,6 +must first understand the capabilities of the aircraft or even ,9 +. — Clerks of Courts of First Instance shall make and forward to the,9 +known to persons engaged in services of specimen examination (hereinafter ,3 +conduct EFVS operations to 100 feet above the,9 + Hard Landing,7 +§ 17 Zulassungsbedürftige Betriebe,7 +the availability of stronger powerplants to thrust the plane ,9 +) SD 2018/0145 (of Tynwald). ,1 +The tender(s) ranked first after applying the formula will be awarded the contract.,7 +Outside of protected distance and altitude range.,6 +(AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) ,7 +QUALIFICATION TESTS: ,7 +Effects of termination ,7 +CONTROLLED AIRSPACE,7 +"storia in pittogrammi, sequenza di diapositive, presentazione pubblica; ",3 +Vorbemerkungen ,7 +International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).,9 +Data controller:,3 +Terminal Arrival Area (TAA),7 +deploy the Goods outside the EU; ,3 +II.5.4. Gültigkeit und Datum von e-Dokumenten ...................................................... 17$_{ }$,8 +based on the provisions of Articles 27 through 30 (Restriction and prohibition ,9 +"Tapered leading edge, ",6 +Tube—hand-held in an existing hole,3 +drag or parasite power predominates in this ,9 +In der Wiederholungsprüfung ist der Prüfling auf Antrag von einzelnen Prüfungsteilen nach § 4 und einzelnen,9 +CSFs thus enabling an accurate measurement of performance when delivering ,3 +Date for evaluation of offers,8 +and alternate airports. ,3 +"Haushaltsplan, Rechnungslegung, Deckung des Verwaltungsaufwands",7 +Management of Human-Wildlife Conflict by the Department of ,3 +Combined Sources of Updrafts,7 +"majority of those manufactured today, there are other designs ",9 +- die Bestimmungen für das im JRC Karlsruhe tätige Personal von Fremdfirmen ,3 +moment that you should begin to evaluate your ability ,9 +〔昭和四十七年十二月十五日政令第四百二十七号〕,7 +Collective Pitch Control,7 +USTIFICATIFS AUX FINS DE LA SELECTION,7 +To make the necessary arrangements enabling EFSA to reproduce and make ,3 +"person, the cause of death, and the destination of the remains.",9 +identified by a blue line on the classification of roads plan. ,9 +Collaborating with ANG on all aspects of NextGen Integrated Safety Management to,3 +erning apparatus is a common cause. Proper ,9 +focal points and partners at national level ,7 +correct a pilot’s poor habit of fixating on instruments by forcing ,9 +§ 2 Zulassungsvoraussetzungen,7 +Aeronautical Center (AC) Form 8050-88 (as ,3 +Tow Ring Inspection,7 +that would accumulate in that corner while bending. This ,9 +ahead or behind the aircraft. Tests with larger aircraft,9 +Turns Around a Point,7 +"of 40 °F, the corrected specific gravity reading of the ",9 +provided for in Article I.5 or in the tender specifications.,9 +visual glide paths to the same runway. ,9 +or flight management system (FMS) lateral navigation ,9 +"from one point to another. Buildup, like the other conditions ",9 +boulevard ,9 +Figure 4-2. ,3 +ELECTION CRITERIA,7 +II. General Conditions for the service contract ,7 +Detection and Exclusion System) the ,9 +〔昭和二十七年十二月二十六日政令第五百号〕,7 +Verification of non-exclusion ,7 +) of this ,9 +of whatever back-elevator pressure is necessary.,9 +Reimbursements ,7 +"Using a question and answer format, this document provides information on the General ",9 +have both the fast and the slower weight-shift control (WSC) ,9 +the field elevation and either disregard the Kollsman ,9 +Identifizierungs- und Sorgfaltspflichten,7 +[1493-16 (,9 +Managing payment based on real costs ,7 +There shall be a Regional Electoral College for each region composed of paid ,9 +"the localizer course, adjust pitch attitude to maintain the ",9 +THAILAND’’ after ‘‘KOREA’’. ,9 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 6),7 +§ 3 Inanspruchnahme von Fremddienstleistern,7 +(electronic),9 +Figure 11-23. ,0 +arise in the future. ,9 +"""Festbetragsgruppen-Neubestimmungsverordnung vom 21. Januar 2003 (BGBl. I S. 93)""",9 +operator and the selection is recorded in the aircraft ,3 +§ 2a Durchführung des Lehrgangs Fahrschulbetriebswirtschaft,7 +Variation of the Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +Suspension par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +"turn on navigation, position, anti-collision, and logo",9 +be verified. ,9 +"conditions, the requisite permits or import licences within a reasonable period, taking ",3 +"As you continue to look at the airplane, keep moving ",3 +EMEDIAL MEASURES,7 +or the packing may be leaking around the needle.,3 +PROFESSIONAL ,7 +Normes de qualité ,7 +Section 2 Protection of X-ray Units ,7 +"commercial invoice,",3 +line on the ground is crossed.,9 +DIRECTIONAL CONTROL ,7 +Minimum requirements for the organisation of awareness-raising support to ,7 +Throttle Control,7 +"Auftragsabwicklungsprozesse planen, organisieren und überwachen,",3 +"a turnpoint, the flight computer can mark the location of the ",9 +do not exceed the design parameters).,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 358 of December 2, 2005] ",7 +jacent piles or the structures founded upon them or any other structure shall be measured at intervals ,9 +Hydrogen sulfide gas in higher concentrations,9 +there is ample time to take action to avoid a collision. A TIS alert or TCAS traffic,3 +Compass Roses,7 +Specific tasks (i.e. activities covered by this work package and linked to the services ,3 +TURN INDICATOR,7 +If the metal is thicker than ,9 +Figure 15-20,9 +VOLUME 2 ,5 +"Regelung zur Vermittlung der Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten nach Verordnung (EU) Nr.",7 +Renewed annually. The renewal fee is $10 each ,3 +Tender submission: how many tenders may an economic operator ,7 +Simultaneous Close Parallel Precision Runway ,7 +of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agency (Act No. ,3 +alignment of countermeasure procurement with rec-,9 +"RID I: (General Compliance, Economic and Financial Capacity Compliance) ",7 +"order, public morality, the welfare of persons under the age of 18 years or the protection ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 500 of December 26, 1952] ",7 +S.I. 2021/63 and S.I. 2021/380 and is being issued free of charge to all known recipients of those ,5 +least in written and,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 3 of January 25, 1973]",7 +Stagnation point. ,9 + An autopilot function that maintains the ,9 +a sign is attached to indicate that the room is a waste work room; ,3 +propeller. Help them to secure their helmets (if worn) ,9 +"oder der Entscheidung oder mit dem Zeitpunkt, an dem die Bekanntgabe als bewirkt gilt.",9 +procedure (ODP) and/or DP is available for,9 +Dispersion Modeling Methods ,7 +committed prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order. ,3 +"will be collected, prioritised and potential ",3 +§ 1 Anwendungsbereich,7 +Pilots may use the published angle and,9 +—Central Weather Service Unit ,9 +Restoration of streets if street tramway discontinued ,3 +"(LookupSAIBs)/CE-10-11R1?OpenDocument,",9 +technische Voraussetzungen zur Übernahme von,8 +(“the relevant period”) must be 30 continuous working days in length. For accounts relating to a ,9 +Auxiliary Power Units ,7 +〔昭和五十九年二月十五日通商産業省令第九号〕,7 +"fuel flow=(15,COO) (2.1) ",9 +flows straight through the valve.,9 +The contracting authority,9 +meldende Finanzinstitut die in Absatz 1 beschriebenen erweiterten Überprüfungsverfahren für dieses Konto,9 +"high Mach numbers. Thus, very high speed ",9 +Final Approach Course,3 +payment or receipt of payment; the same applies hereinafter) pertaining to ,3 +A ruddervator combines the action of the rudder and elevator. ,9 +"transported to the cells that need it, but they are unable to ",9 +contracting authority using the contact details under Heading I.1 of the contract notice. If ,9 +of the incoming wastewater shall be directly by-passed. ,3 +Tenure of office of Ministers and Assistant Ministers ,7 +Takeoff and Climb,7 +"area-wide or local air quality modeling, and it will not increase the frequency or severity ",3 +Verify the chest strap is the correct length.,3 +Self-Launching Glider Electrical System ,7 +The operator must comply with the following additional weather limitations: ,9 +A handle for removal and installation,3 +ARTICLE 30. FINANCIAL GUARANTEE ,7 +effect on service life of any particular load ,9 +"view of this, if persistent vortex turbulence is",9 +"misinterpreting the heading indicator, or to confusion ",3 +We keep our software and devices up-to-date,3 +propagation. With extremely low grades of ,9 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +dieser nur gemeinsam mit der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verleih e. V. Personen vorschlagen kann.,9 +strap junction. If the rigger has not done this operation ,9 +time. UTC is the time at the 0° line of longitude which passes ,9 +accompagnez les délégués ou les visiteurs vers le lieu sûr en tenant compte des ,3 +the construction of an opening section of bridge and associated barriers and signage; ,3 +Fifth step in forming a stitch.,0 +its apparatus against interference or risk of damage or for the purpose of providing or securing ,9 +Shipment Type 2,7 +Overexcitation Protection,7 +Paper decals can be removed by rubbing the decal with a cloth ,9 +Fisheries and fishing privileges,3 +Governance and contract management (WP 1) ,7 +Fahrzeugen nicht angebracht werden. Über die Anbringung der Zeichen „CD“ für Fahrzeuge von Angehörigen,9 +due to fuel vaporization takes place after the air has passed ,9 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +Ultraviolet light damage. ,9 +"and other obstacles. To avoid obstacles during a departure, ",9 +"by striking ‘‘and (D)’’ and inserting ‘‘, (D), and ",9 +paragraph (1) of the New Order after the date of enforcement. ,3 +"Unregelmäßigkeiten im Fahrbetrieb durch Störungen,",3 +Chapter 5—Preflight and Ground,7 +от 10 января 2018 г. № 10,9 +Summary election appeal: determination ,7 +Chart Limits,7 +are located across the width of the runway just prior to the ,9 +Award and signature of the contract with the successful tenderer ,7 +to the Maintenance Procedures Manual (MPM) where ,9 +tick the relevant box(es),9 +Aft CGGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +"contact, you have information Bravo.” Upon contacting the ",9 + (highlighted in yellow in examples above) is the segment between the intermediate fix or ,3 +the mixture ahead of the advancing flame front ,9 +"icials, board, agents, or attorneys, whereby money is to be paid,",9 +"compiti istituzionali,",9 +"prefecture, and a zone may be set over two or more districts of prefectures ",3 +"loading or unloading passengers or cargo, refueling, ",9 +Auxiliary Power Units ,7 +"called ""experimental mean pitch."" Its symbol is ",3 +"Nettoerträge aus dem Reisezahlungsmittelgeschäft,",3 +7mb201217-a2.pdf ,1 +"Nitrogen pressure or spring force, and counterweight action",6 +Salary and allowances of President ,7 +"proper value as instructed under ""CONTROL BOX INSPECTION.•"" ",9 +Contractor’s signature ,6 +§ 1 Stammzertifikate,7 +An example of a trim check using an electronic controlled ,9 +〔昭和五十八年十二月十日通商産業省令第九十二号〕,7 +pressure is increased.,9 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +load used to measure the amount of current flowing through ,9 +envisaged under the lot during the duration of the framework contract including estimated timelines and ,9 +of the basic engine instruments for a simple two-stroke air-,9 +of potentially hazardous en route weather phenomena that may ,9 +cannot maintain a standard climb gradient or the,3 +"to the runway threshold, visual separation by the ",9 +"are held inapplicable,",9 +—en route navigational aids ,9 +"engine in flight, the pilot moves the propeller control out of ",9 +当該医療事故が発生した日時、場所及び診療科名,3 +28.04.2007,9 +Air Distribution,7 +requirements that the legacy system traded off years ago. Years of live operational data ,9 +is the removal of gaseous or particulate material from the pollution plume by contact with the ,1 +Additional travel costs such as costs for local public transport and/or taxi will be covered by the ,3 +Ref. Ares(2021)3127833 - 10/05/2021,5 +Flight Inspection/‘Flight Check’,7 +"in Class G airspace; however, it provides a means for ",9 +"translation: the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any translation, adaptation, ",3 +"and municipal works and improvements, the letting of contracts",3 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +"route chart excerpt in the bottom example, the similar ",9 +"$^{th}$ Avenue,",9 +connexions.,6 +Warranted Provision ,7 +does it guarantee that any and all information,9 +"(пункты 8.1 - 8.4,",9 +"area resprayed. If blushing is found after the finish has dried, ",9 +Minusabweichung von der Nennfüllmenge die in der nachstehenden Tabelle festgelegten Werte nicht,9 +"straight up and weight straight down, but the horizontal or ",9 +the critical angle of attack. A stall can occur at any pitch ,9 +"ILS course or glide slope signals. Also, critical areas",9 +(iv) The method of systematically managing records on medical care and the ,3 +computer software.,3 +Differential Pressure Tester,7 +obstacle clearance protection to aircraft in instrument ,9 +and altitude into a command signal. ,9 +While this condition is a pos- ,9 +INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENTS ,7 +proof treatment. ,8 +approach would require a specific capability to fly the,9 +"and proceedings arising from any infringement by the contractor, its employees and their ",3 +agencies must take steps and remove the duty on fostering service providers to refer cases to the ,9 +Reserve Static Lines (RSLs) ,7 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +⦁ $_{Time after completion of group tasks for learners to systematically reflect upon how they worked together as }$,3 +者財産形成年金貯蓄契約及び同条第四項に規定する勤労者財産形成住宅貯蓄契約を,3 +of the other. This condition may result from excessive breaker ,9 +Guidance supporting these Regulations has been published in a Marine Guidance Note (MGN ,9 +annulment nor open a new,9 +"adjudicateur, sous réserve de la signature d'un engagement de confidentialité adéquat le cas ",3 +Preparing the O&SHA,7 +the tank unit resistor change the current flowing through one ,9 +the positions of the eight major points around the ,3 +"compartment, the partition moves over, further compressing ",9 +wheels (bottom). ,0 +it has been established by a final judgement or a final administrative decision ,6 +Temperature Correction,7 +The angle formed by the chord line ,9 +Acceleration Error,7 +system. Designed to increase flight deck awareness of ,9 +"In addition to turnbuckles, cable connectors are used in some ",9 +"who has obtained, prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, permission ",3 +"accepted, unless in accordance with Article II-26 (“Means of communication”). ",3 +conducted or occupation plied; and in case of a peddler or other person not having,9 +make a report to the Board of the assessed degree of permanent disablement and the ,3 +Belt Sander,7 +"Errata as of October 21, 2013 ",7 +Section 6. National Security and Interception Procedures,7 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +Anlage 17 (zu § 10 Absatz 1 und § 11 Absatz 1),7 +generati come segnalato precedentemente verranno attuate apposite misure preventive e ,3 +assigned to duty.,9 +"of the dead or of carcasses, fodder, litte",9 +Automatic Activation Devices ,7 +the assistance of Safety Research Corporation of America. The FAA wishes to acknowledge the following contributors for ,9 +BACKGROUND INFORMATION ,7 +To create a certain lift coefficient with the ,9 +"At airports without an operating control tower, a segmented ",9 +Reducing Radio Interference,7 +"In most cases, restitching the rib to the top and bottom ",3 +January of the year in which the appointment is made.,9 +"), or the Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972(",3 +concerns. The two main functional elements are the impeller ,9 +a single element for oil pressure and several elements for ,9 +Flaggenzertifikat erteilt ist;,3 +identification including the prefix “N” if applicable.,9 +"ein Jahr, zu befristen. Unberührt bleibt die Befugnis der Zulassungsbehörde, durch Befristung der Zulassung",3 +Flight Director,7 +A cross-country flight is defined as one in which the glider has ,9 +Article II-13 ,7 +"das Datum der Außerbetriebsetzung,",3 +to accommodate specific conditions.,9 +Sweptback wings,6 +"With a focus on aviation-related projects and/or actions, this section identifies and summarizes ",9 +A very limited number of LDA approaches,9 +Split bus.,9 +"incidental expenditure, actual expenditure shall be converted into euro at the rate published on the ",3 +actual glide path on,9 +relevanten fachlichen Hintergründe aufzeigen sowie die Vorgehensweise bei der Durchführung der Aufgaben,9 +longer than line 1D. ,3 +"With the approval of the Collector of Internal Revenue, lumber may be",9 +and LP Amusement Centre (Pty) Limited. The auditors highlighted ,9 +a revised certificate at no charge. If the certificate is ,9 +Automatic Response Stage ,7 +Charges for Storage and Labor,9 +Wind analysis also helps determine the route of takeoff. ,9 +The contractor is expected to perform the activities in close collaboration with ECDC and taking into ,9 +"indemnify SGN for any other expenses, loss, demands, proceedings, damages, claims, ",3 +"report of the Attorney-General shall, among other things, contain a statement of the",9 +"best plan is to land parallel to ridge rows, even if there",9 +firmeneigene verantwortliche Sicherheitsbeauftragte zu benennen. ,9 +Verification of non-exclusion ,7 +Amounts of fixed penalties ,7 +Data protection. ,7 +aggiudicatrice ,9 +" being thicker material, ",9 +"performed using protective clothing, rubber gloves, and ",9 +"misbehaviour, the President shall remove him or her from office. ",9 +II.13.10 Visibility of Centre funding and disclaimer ,7 +"activity. (Rehearsal, testing etc.); ",3 +on the final approach segment of an instrument approach,9 +"EARTH WORKS, PIPE WORKS AND GROUND IMPROVEMENT",7 +aufgeh. durch § 20 Satz 2 V 806-22-1-131 v. 13.10.2020 I 2166 mWv 1.8.2021,7 +Restricted ,5 +Table 6.2: Signatures for Second-Level Engineering SRM Document Approval and Risk ,7 +The technician should follow airframe and tire manufacturer ,9 +Nummer 3 entsprechend anzuwenden.,9 +Improper Wing Flaps Setting,7 +"Inspect exhaust for cracks, security of mounting, ",3 +die Nennfüllmenge die Anforderungen nach § 32 erfüllt.,3 +Underestimating the Importance of Weight and ,8 +"Good eyesight depends upon physical condition. Fatigue, ",9 +straps on Navy containers,6 +Unterauftragnehmer oder,9 +media training ,3 +(INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST) ,7 +Jurisdiction and Powers,7 +increase in NO$_{x }$emissions (also an O$_{3 }$precursor). ,9 +HIGH RATE OF DESCENT,7 +What to do if this notice is served on you,7 +"No cargo may be carried, nor may any dispensing materials be carried in the hopper, or ",3 +provide an original signed paper version of the communication as soon as possible. ,9 +almost 120 miles east of its point of departure because of its ,9 +desired to transfer ,6 +aggiudicatrice. ,7 +"communiquer le nom de la personne et la localisation (bâtiment, ",3 +"bei Konten natürlicher Personen, die am oder nach dem 1. Juli 2014 eröffnet werden, muss die",3 +l'Article 2 de l'Annexe à la Recommandation de la Commission du 6 mai 2003 ,6 +Temperature Correction,7 +"disablement, and ",3 +Sources of Operating Air,7 +"On all policies of insurance, or other instruments by whatever name",3 +Pressurization Terms,7 +the landing surface.,3 +"whose capacity the person intends to rely, or a subcontractor and concerning the natural or legal persons ",9 +Financial evaluation).,7 +fabric. Follow the instructions for the work being performed. ,9 +COMMON ERRORS DURING STRAIGHT-AND-,7 +II.20. ZAHLUNGEN UND SICHERHEITSLEISTUNGEN ,7 +determine that the system is correctly assembled and operates ,9 +Foot-operated shears have a maximum metal cutting capacity ,9 +bottle has these following components:,9 +best course of action is an important element of a safe flight. ,9 +rapidly with the propagation of two flame ,9 +Time Zones ,7 +Simply repeating the guidelines given in the specification of this invitation to tender without ,9 + The Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme(,9 +tions of steady flight predominate during a ,9 +"satellites, then transmitting the error, or corrective factors, ",9 +〔昭和五十五年五月二十六日政令第百三十八号〕〔抄〕,7 +PLACEMENT OF ADVERTISEMENTS – based on real costs ,7 +and in the interest of preventing upsets and injuries to,9 +"auferlegt werden, Fremddienstleister nach Artikel 5 Absatz 3 des Abkommens in Anspruch nehmen.",9 +by either a turbojet or propeller type power- ,9 +expenditure and reports directly resulting from the contract. ,9 +of the submitted evidence.,9 +any person to whom a notification is given under Rule 60A(1)(c); ,3 +薬品医療機器等法第二条第八項に規定する特定保守管理医療機器とする。,3 +Self-Launching Glider Propeller Malfunctions,7 +"of all the engine variables. However, it is impractical to ",9 +"§ 5 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Berufsausbildung und Mitarbeiterführung""",7 +execute the same is by law expressly vested in some other of,9 +"very quickly, storing elastic energy in the wing spars. For a ",9 +landing gear. The initial landing impact is absorbed by oil ,9 +Weather Conditions,7 +uncoordinated,3 +Temperature Correction,7 +"When performing any of the above inspections, the additional ",9 +services and ,3 +capability. This configuration is sometimes referred to as a ,9 +操作パネルの外表面又は操作部の外表面の見,8 +There are several secondary or auxiliary flight control ,9 +Maintenance. ,3 +"Reports pursuant to the provisions of Article 55-3, paragraph (2) of the Act ",3 +Operating Requirements. ,9 +anti-skid systems but can occur on other aircraft. Other errors ,9 +Budget Line: ,7 +Minimum reception loop orientation,6 +Creating banked turns too high to complete the ,3 +Signal test of all signals,3 +wing braces and wires. His J-1 also had a single set of wings ,9 +受託業務の指導及び助言を行う者として、滅菌消毒業務に関し相当の知識及び経,3 +installed in locations where the ambient temperature ,3 +"actions, and activities. Flowcharts and matrices are provided to help guide the process of ",3 +request for disclosure of the personal data processed on behalf of the contracting authority made ,9 +"issued information, clearances, or instructions.",9 +traffic pattern; to the right when in a right-hand traffic ,3 +"cator shows a constant heading, the helicopter is level",9 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +"architecture, the software architecture, and the software lifecycle model (including ",3 +allow for service conditions.,3 +Raytheon Aircraft (Structural Inspection and Repair Manual) for information used in Chapter 4,9 +professional,6 +"not round, but is ground so that its diameter parallel to the ",9 +"the engine starts, the propeller rpm should be immediately ",9 +SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO FUR-,7 +Those which back up and supplement the primary,9 +〔昭和三十五年六月十日政令第百五十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +§ 33 Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter,7 +operation. ,9 +foreseen in Article 34.,9 +"and atmosphere, some of it is or becomes heat energy. Heat ",9 +limitations and consider the effects of landing and,9 +"EDUCATION, ENGLAND ",10 +General obligations ,7 +at a rate at which the proper landing attitude and the proper ,9 +chances for obstacle clearance and enhances safety.,9 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +path for one revolution of propeller. ,3 +shall be made and,3 +Powered Parachute Wing,7 +"must have preplanned, viable alternatives available in the ",9 +"nacelles, etc. ",9 +Claims and liability ,7 +"well as grinding steel, metal objects, drill bits, and tools. ",9 +た、試験後にヘルメットを人頭模型から簡単に外すことができるこ,9 +Section 2 Protection of X-ray Units ,7 +"specified manufacturer, etc.; provided, however, that this does not preclude the ",3 +airspeed used in determining the strength requirements for the glider and its control ,3 +Abschnitt 3,7 +Evacuation et Invacuation - Resumé ,3 +Cold Cylinder Check,7 +can be designed to be slightly unstable for quick side-to-side ,9 +及び四三から四五までの項の中欄に掲げる貨物を除く。)の」と、第四条第二項第二,3 +Amendment of Schedule 4 ,7 +"Article 2 (1) In the case where financial institutions, etc. (which refer to ",3 +"therefore, this descent must be retarded by increasing back-",9 +Engaged autopilot modes shown at the top of a PFD.,0 +susmentionnée,7 +"of the aircraft. Since turns at or after fix passage may exceed airway and route boundaries, pilots are expected to ",3 +OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ,7 +Price and Estimated budget breakdown ,7 +"this reason, a moderate stabilized approach is ",9 +"required to maintain engine speed. In fact, ",9 +au moment qu'il choisit individuellement; ce droit comprend également la communication et ,3 +Officials Authorized to Execute Government Conveyances and Contracts,9 +"As the rotor continues to turn, the main AC alternator field ",9 +agent during such service in Thailand. ,9 +The use of the proper type of filler rod is very important ,9 +Automatic Response Stage ,7 +Chapter 22—Gyroplane Aeronautical Decision,7 +"When referring to ECDC’s surveillance objectives and disease-specific surveillance objectives, it is ",9 +"v.H. der Auftragssumme (inkl. Umsatzsteuer, ohne Nachträge) zu leisten, sofern die ",6 +consist wholly or predominantly of audio or video content.”. ,3 +the words “flight level” followed by the separate,3 +The ripcord housing must be reinstalled and tacked.,3 +Failure to cross-check all available instruments.,3 +"in a case where paragraph (5) applies, the amount determined under paragraph (5)(a), and ",3 +"The Contractor shall carry out monitoring, sampling and analysis in accordance with all relevant regu-",9 +〔昭和三十四年十月三十日政令第三百二十七号〕,7 +"”. In particular, under Art. 3, Tasks, d), iii), the ",9 +authority about planning decisions that may affect the software processes and product. ,9 +Reconnaissance Procedures,7 +Situational Awareness,7 +facilities. Flight in NSAs may be temporarily prohibited ,9 +Step 5—Adjust for Specific Conditions,7 +Governance and contract management (WP 1) ,7 +required by Section 7 (2) of the Public Audit Act (No 15 of the 2012) to ,3 +B equipage requirement must be submitted using the,9 +‘Breach of obligations’: ,9 +Entities on whose capacities the tenderer relies to fulfil the selection criteria ,7 +"in the case of an accommodation space, is capable of waking a sleeping person, ",3 +construction ,3 +reflects current flowing to and from the battery. A,9 +chromate. They also adhere to freshly applied epoxy ,3 +"a person qualified to practise in Botswana as a medical practitioner, appointed by the ",3 +contraction,9 +Simultaneous Independent Approaches ,7 +Starting System,7 +Additional Weather Information ,7 +(iii) the rated output of the X-ray high voltage generators; ,3 +and Alaska; and designated international airspace beyond ,9 +Conformity analysis,9 +RELATIVE WIND,7 +an outstanding query regarding past payments which had been ,3 +Cabin Air Pressure Regulator and Outflow Valve,7 +The amounts provided by the amendments made by sub-,9 +functions in relation to land in its area; ,9 +"Name, Vorname, Geburtsdatum, Anschrift, Geburtsort, Geschlecht, Staatsangehörigkeit, Art des",3 +be in writing; ,3 +manufactured or distributed by the contractor: ,3 +§ 17 Zulassungsbedürftige Betriebe,7 +Functional Schematic,6 +which the taxes have been a,9 +"after the definition of “fair access protocol”, insert— ",3 +that helps the user to understand why this ,3 +"traduzione, inserimento di sottotitoli, doppiaggio in diverse versioni linguistiche: ",3 +Bewerber um eine Fahrerlaubnis müssen die hierfür notwendigen körperlichen und geistigen Anforderungen,9 +§ 29 Auskünfte und Prüfungen,7 +gauge is also included. This gauge indicates the pressure in ,9 +"prefecture, and a zone may be set over two or more districts of prefectures ",3 +the eyes are the major orientation source and usually ,9 +actuating rod,6 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 138 of May 26, 1980]",7 +Instructors should emphasize broad risk management techniques and strategies that will allow a pilot to analyze and evaluate complex ,9 +Holding Position Markings.,3 +certification is based on an approved S-LSA airplane.,3 +LOT 1 and LOT 2 ,7 +and Mountain Wave Activity (MWA),7 +REPAIR PARTS LIST ,7 +pollutants.,9 +Group of economic operators information,7 +legally binding on,3 +notice in writing by one to the other. ,9 +pressure is maintained and the electricity or the spark is ,9 +Annex II — Financial tender,7 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +"certificate or higher level pilot certificate (recreational, ",3 +PHENOMENA OF TRANSONIC FLIGHT. ,7 +Measurement of Direction ,7 +REGION 0~ REVERSED COMMAND ,7 +terminal locations. The service is advertised in the,9 +"the aerodynamic twisting force, tends to force the blades ",9 + See wide area augmentation system.,9 +"flying below 5,000 feet above ground level (AGL) ",3 +including the following: ,9 +CENTER OF GRAVITY (CG),9 +"and Industry No. 39 of July 30, 1983] ",7 +trailing edge of each wing and move in opposite directions.,9 +(法第三十条の四第二項第七号に規定する厚生労働省令で定める基準),9 +Fuel valve assembly,6 +pitch is the attitude indicator. Without the use of the attitude ,9 +"Airspace and airport improvements,",3 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +"Event assistant(s) to run cloakroom, registration process on-site, handing out material ",7 +fielding of the system (including prior to the Initial Operating Capability being declared).,9 +Significant Weather Prognostic Charts,7 +ticket No. 24/4 cotton thread. ,3 +of the authorised development and the methods and procedures the licence holder intends to put in ,9 +required to provide a spark across the plug gap. More magneto ,9 +"skin or film formed over the primer or paint, the film must ",9 +"an Island person, or ",3 +district of that prefecture is extremely large or when there are other special ,3 +ricevimento,9 +Abschnitt 7,7 +生产经营单位使用被派遣劳动者的,被派遣劳动者享有本法规定,9 +Effect of Wing Planform ,7 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +the takeoff. The heading is maintained with the use of the ,9 +[Figure 1-64,9 +Delegation of the European Union ,7 +Model is another continuous loop process that provides the ,9 +(iii) an economic benefit which has any of the natures of those set forth in the ,3 +",",9 +from continuing to meet its conditions for airworthiness. ,9 +the wing tips so they are protected. ,9 +gine is another means of thrust augmentation ,9 +maintain one to two inches above the runway as the WSC ,9 +"All tenderers must provide a declaration on honour (see section 4. Annexes), signed and dated by ",9 +C13E contain fully inflatable compartments.,9 +[Figure 4-26] ,9 +recording of the local weather conditions and other pertinent ,9 +"das Ablaufdatum der Zulassung. Das Kennzeichen ist nach § 10, ausgenommen Absatz 3 Satz 2, 3 und",3 +"Hand written or electronic signature of the consortium leader who submits the tender is not required, ",9 +"industry, ",9 +〔昭和二十七年十二月二十六日政令第五百号〕,7 +Liegt der raumweise Fensterflächenanteil f in Abhängigkeit der Neigung und der,9 +〔昭和四十七年十二月十五日政令第四百二十七号〕,7 +Section 9: Coordination Best Practices ,3 +"the wind is from the left, the correction is made by pointing ",9 +appeler le (+32 2 281) ,3 +Wire Substitutions,7 +informazioni ,3 +"Antioxidantien, für die nach dem Anhang der jeweiligen EG-Zulassungsverordnung oder",3 +"the downwind leg, the gyroplane’s groundspeed is",9 +Private rights over land ,7 +—Differential Global Positioning Satellite (System) ,9 +Copyright and Neighbouring Rights (Levy on Technical Devices) ,7 +demonstrate the high quality standards and performance which are normal in supplies of the same ,3 + Regular backups of your most important data will ensure it can be ,3 +runway length and landing areas near the gliderport and ,9 +者(次項各号に掲げる条件を満たす者をいう。)以外から選任すること。,3 +See pages 61 and 62 ,3 +Maintenance of Retained Trees ,7 +"for a reduced transport fare through e.g. a stay over from Saturday to Sunday, provided the ",3 +failure of the notary to make the proper entry or entries in his,3 +Assistance with local regulations ,7 +Ref. Ares(2019)2725278 - 21/04/2019,5 +Compressor Inlet,6 +running it harmlessly through the system.,9 +VOLUME 4 – Schedules of Payments,5 +Identify Initial Operating Capability Safety Requirements ,7 +Rigger check number 6. ,3 +"light units are located on one side of the runway,",9 +Bushing holder,6 +Nachprüfung behaupteter Verstöße,7 +diameter of 1,3 +Pitot-Static Systems ,7 +"in paragraph (5)(b), for “United Kingdom”, in both places it occurs, substitute ",3 +Total amount received to ,8 +- Seite 10 von 12 -,4 +sicherstellt.,3 +unusable terrain.,9 +§ 85 Besondere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten,7 +Wires must have sufficient mechanical strength to ,3 +INSPECTION CODE OF THE,7 +on the part of those entities to place those resources at its disposal. ,9 +"this article while keeping these procedures as simple, reasonable and time efficient as ",3 +components are attached. ,9 + will be obliged to sign off a form by which the change of travel plans is authorised ,3 +"special conditions and limitations in its AFM,",9 +"during active military, naval, or air service, served in or near ",9 +components. Lift acting upward and opposing weight is,9 +"as antihistamines, blood pressure drugs, muscle relaxants, ",9 +Bolts are threaded fasteners that support loads through pre-,9 +"jet pumps to increase flow in certain areas of the cabin, are ",9 +There are numerous hydraulic landing gear retraction ,9 +is free of die marks and splits and is not out of round. ,3 +法第十八条第三項に規定する政令で定めるものは、次に掲げるものとする。,3 +"navigation solution, any additional or advanced",9 +Turbo-Propeller Assembly,7 +"Double plain weave, 1",6 +ECDC reserves the right to verify whether the successful tenderer(s) is in one of the situations of exclusion ,9 +"In cases where medium or low safety risk and/or controls go outside of the ATO, the",3 +treatment hospital or an accident reporting hospital pursuant to the ,3 +error is amplified with the proximity to either magnetic pole. ,9 +0013 00-35 ,4 +"U.S. citizen or a person who holds a U.S. pilot certificate, and has ongoing knowledge of the operations ",9 +contact the ground sharply. The severity of the bounce ,9 +Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of International Trade ,7 +"appropriate, that the master file holder ensure that the contents ",9 +Landing Gear ,7 +§ 4 Erhebungsstandards,7 +"crack or other flaw, causes a fluctuation on a meter or CRT ",9 +No person who is tried for a criminal offence shall be compelled to give evidence at the ,9 +Software Lifecycle Data:,3 +ensuring wingtip clearances. ,9 +Special Shape Balloons,7 +Directive 2014/24/EU,3 +from an existing or imminent flight associated hazard; ,3 +"PURPOSE A ""MEAT ",7 +short-circuit in any circuit shall be cut off by the breaker that is closest to the short. ,9 +PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ,7 +Amendment of article 3 ,7 +額を控除した額に、純資産の額(貸借対照表上の資産の額から負債の額を控除して得,3 +"RSL, if desired.",3 +"for insurance, or by self-insurance: ",9 +財務諸表等が電磁的記録をもつて作成されているときは、当該電磁的記録に記録,3 +"No harmful substances (heavy metals, toxins, etc.) are conveyed to the inlet in ",3 +TO SPECIFIC PROBLEMS OF FLYING ,7 +and continuously while the flight progresses. ,9 +customised racks and customised components 14 weeks; ,3 +modern electronics and avionics.,9 +(iii) the construction of piers within the watercourse supporting the new bridge deck; ,3 +"processing, and the confidentiality of electronic communications and directories of ",3 +"data from FMS, very high frequency omnidirectional range ",9 +"37B, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-2968 Luxembourg, for ",9 +operating control tower. Two-way radio communica-,9 +their ends are fitted with protective pads. Carts will be protected by means of rubber so as not ,9 +"dem Abkommen Wiesbaden 1995 (Pkt. 2.2.3, Tabelle 1, Position „Medianwert der Mindestfeldstärke“)",9 +. If the contractor is unable to fulfil ,3 +Select receptor site locations ,3 +"the ambient temperature is relatively high, the heat generated ",9 +statistical importance.,3 +paragraph (2) or (3) it is to be deemed to have sufficient information to consider the application ,9 +justifies the permanent assignment to him of transportation eq,9 +by the contractors and for which ECHA is the owner.,9 +journalists and experts ,7 +was observed that knapsack sprayers provided relatively limited coverage of ,9 +II.20. REVISIONE DEI PREZZI ,7 +Actual current (motors with frequency and soft starter) ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of September 1, 1959] ",7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 163 of June 20, 1960] ",7 +Final list of suggested media/journalists should be approved by the EU-OSHA’s national partner; ,3 +Notify the Applicant ,7 +PROPELLER DISC ,6 +" or subcontractors, as well as in the case ",3 +operating in one or more municipalities five-tenths of the franchise,3 +"emphasize the importance of integrating the NEPA process into early project planning, and of ",9 +that imports carried out under IPA II will be exempted from all charges; ,3 +have the room to hang a canopy at home take the canopy to ,9 +deployment.,9 +An indicative and not exhaustive list of deliverables is available in the table below. More ,9 +appointive members of the council of hygiene shall hold office for a period of five,9 +technical information; and manpower and material.,9 +"LL on the rights of way, ",8 +maximum award score value (column G). ,9 +Airports (Continued),7 +cation surface below the MDA in the visual segment,9 +1.1. Настоящие санитарные правила (далее - Правила) направлены на,9 +"a critical bit of information, instead of managing the flight. ",9 +"Entwickeln logistischer Konzepte,",3 +speeds and shorten the amount of runway required for takeoff ,9 +the accident analysis business without delay unless there are reasonable ,3 +outside of Class A airspace area to separate or ,9 +MARINE CORPS FORMS ,7 +"air induction sources, carburetor heat (carbureted engines) ",9 +regulatory Guidance,7 +"Order, with regard to the application of Article 29, paragraph (1) of the New ",3 +acceptance of gifts and ,9 +pressures during the deceleration phase because as,9 +usually the combination of several separate ,9 +"(10 points, minimum ",3 +Nothing in this paragraph precludes the undertaker from submitting at any time or from time ,9 +runways where prescribed diagonal spacing must be ,9 +"at the rate of six per second, and a white marker beacon light. ",9 +Der Minister für Arbeit und Soziales,7 +Rigger check number 6. ,3 +statutory and/or contractual liabilities.,9 +"As the aircraft approaches the desired airspeed, reduce the ",9 +Figure 2-67. Altimeter setting changes. ,0 +め、国、関係地方公共団体、海面及び内水面に係る漁業協同組合その他の関係者相互,3 +Situational Awareness ,7 +109. Public Service Commission,7 +ATC provides radar traffic information for radar-identified ,9 +including touchup of defects in baked enamel coatings.,3 +True altitude,6 +enough to prevent dope blushing.,9 +Wind Direction Indicators ,7 +parties. This is done either,9 +Improper use of the controls during crosswind ,3 +Article 13 - ,7 +is not as susceptible to freezing because no appreciable ,9 +System and Equipment Malfunctions,7 +north-easterly direction to a point where it joins the existing roundabout junction of Peto Way ,9 +a high power setting or other- ,9 +Die Nutzung des Frequenzbereichs 960 – 1 215 MHz durch den Flugnavigationsfunkdienst ist auf,3 +"other land of the owner, or injuriously affecting that other land by the exercise of the ",9 +failure indications and reversionary modes. In some,9 +. — Any member of,9 +"Vereinsregister, ",9 +"paragraph 20, for “and outdoor gyms” substitute “",3 +"Bauteile zu formen,",3 +Grabenkanten einhalten;,8 +Control panels; ,3 +ash cloud should immediately reduce thrust to idle,9 +satisfaction of the project manager. ,3 +wing and help to increase drag. ,9 + illustrates coordinated flight. ,9 +Citation and commencement ,7 + The Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme(,9 +resulting ground run depends on the rate and amount of,9 +〔平成十七年十二月二日政令第三百五十八号〕,7 +8EariON IV ,7 +Abwasserstationsanlage,7 +equilibrium of the aircraft is disturbed by a gust of air and a ,9 +ENVIRONMENTAL,6 +in the United states,7 +gives a maximum possible total of ,7 +"hours or calendar time limit, whichever occurs first. Upon ",9 +issued by the collectors of,9 +Quality control and risk management [,3 +この政令は、昭和三十五年七月一日から施行する。,3 +"contractor to provide or complete the services, except if the damage is a ",9 +"aircraft’s flight path, altering course as necessary to",9 +Since the power on the initial climb is set at the takeoff power ,9 +LEVEL FLIGHT,7 +II.5.1 Form and means of communication ,7 +baro-VNAV systems” on 14 CFR Part 97 RNAV (GPS) and ,9 +"envelopes are exceeded, the end results can be catastrophic.",9 +The Cabinet,7 +"bound, (type",9 +similar waypoint names. Notice on the high altitude en ,9 +Europol may request the contractor to provide (temporary) storage of Goods following acceptance of the ,9 +The generator or alternator output ratings prescribed by the ,9 +"to maintain a certain level of readiness throughout the duration of the FWC and, at no ",9 +Punches are usually made of carbon steel that has been ,9 +Presolo Knowledge Tests (page 10-19) ,7 +devices used to find leaks. There are many types available ,9 +what is causing the shearing stress and take the necessary ,9 +"In any branch of aviation, takeoff and landing are ",3 +Type 1: Canopy First Deployment ,7 +Arrears of Revenue ,7 +The Programming ,7 +"adhesion, blushing, pinholes, sags and/or runs, “orange peel,” ",9 +length of the anchor line should be about seven times,9 +and forwarded with a bill of landing (including airway bills and other ,3 +public health emergency under paragraph (1); ,9 +Effective Translational Lift (ETL),7 +この政令は、昭和四十八年二月一日から施行する。,3 +not authorized for that procedure. A maximum procedure ,9 +"rge for wharfage, use of bridges, or otherwise, shall",9 +Some processes avoid ironing seams while other processes ,9 +Gesetz über den Bau und die Finanzierung von Bundesfernstraßen,10 +- verification that each tender has been submitted in accordance with the submission requirements of the call for ,9 +long-term care facilities,7 +becomes unavailable. The receiver cannot change,9 +Daily Maintenance Checks,7 +§ 88 Auszahlung,7 +"During their next flight, Bill’s objective is having Beverly recall and carry out the steps that she was able to cite in the classroom. As ",9 +II.17.1. Suspension by the contractor ,7 +relating to such specific contracts must be performed no later than six (6) months after ,9 +services and spare,3 +"the nearest FSDO, and include information and ",9 +"of the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, the provisions then in force remain ",3 +法第十八条の厚生労働省令で定める基準は、病院又は医師が常時三人以上,3 +Risk Management (RM) ,7 +"Kenntnisse der verschiedenen Verfahren der Stempel- und Druckplattenherstellung,",3 +"During flight operations, pilots must be aware",9 +"Quand le travail est terminé, remettre la nacelle dans l’emplacement prévu à cet effet ",3 +United Kingdom)”; ,3 +This instrument amends the Non-Domestic Rating (Rates Retention) Regulations 2013 (“Rates ,9 +offence and either convicted or ac,9 +"the airfoil is diverted over a greater distance, resulting",9 +and subsistence expenses be paid in accordance with EU-OSHA internal rules. ,9 +bungee cord may be used to crank a large aircraft engine.,9 +"Rahmenplan für den klassenspezifischen Zusatzstoff in den Klassen A, A2, A1 (4 Doppelstunden), in",7 +Relative Wind,6 +Information about the Service Contract,7 +"die verantwortliche Leitung des Ausbildungsbetriebs bestellten Person erlischt die Fahrschulerlaubnis, wenn nicht",9 +factor to be considered in power production. It is directly ,9 +including any damage or loss to third parties during or as a consequence of ,3 +fficial legal form,9 +endgültige Ausgleichsbeiträge:,3 +beyond the capabilities of the helicopter. With no significant ,9 +for such expenses. The total amount that can be paid to the Service Provider under the Contract in ,3 +a minimum of 2 inches on each end.,3 +of force parallel to the remote free stream. ,9 +"At the start of the work and in new areas or sections, sets shall be taken at intervals during the last 3 m ",9 +rotational velocity increases toward the blade tip. The,9 +illustrates an increase in power and the initiation of leveling off.,0 +"sums of money, ranging from P10 000 to P80 000, had been ",3 +"the line, lean away from the envelope, and use body weight to ",9 +"Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, each",9 +"leadership and vision of Museum Director, NASA astronaut, and ",3 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +official position.,9 +Developing further awareness that the radius of a turn ,3 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +quickly in one motion. ,9 +"damage, but there is plenty of airflow for the air rudder.",9 + Yaw Stability and Moments,7 +proper location. ,3 +and T5 (on sheet 38). ,8 +System and Equipment Malfunctions,7 +Anforderungen,7 +fingers are secured to the upper leaf by thumbscrews. All the ,9 +"as shown, the wires are not organized. ",9 +"requires no filler rod, since the edges fuse ",9 +§ 22 Bestellung der Mitglieder der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +"r other division, as the case may",9 +"In those provisions, as incorporated in this Order— ",9 +working day in August in the financial year immediately following the financial year to which the ,9 +II.17.2. Suspension by the contracting authority ,7 +INHALTSVERZEICHNIS ,7 +the engine. ,9 +Delegation of the European Union ,7 +the separate digits of the thousands plus the hundreds,3 +EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +Allgemeine Regelungen,7 +Eingangsformel ,7 +I.1.3. Conversion ,7 +Effects of termination ,7 +Claims and liability ,7 +"A secretary shall be able to read, write, and speak intelligently a local",9 +Stretch Forming,7 +Der Erlaubnisnehmer hat gegen den Träger der Straßenbaulast keinen Ersatzanspruch bei Widerruf oder bei,9 +the documentary evidence if it has already been submitted for another procurement procedure and ,9 +"prospection et/ou un appel au marché, sur base d'une liste de sociétés établie ",3 +held high judicial office;and ,3 +Exclusion criteria documentation ,7 +seat belt when he or she is involved in a car accident ,9 +Inspection and Packing ......................................5-1,8 +"provided on a Europol template, as further detailed in a ",3 +"“tightens the turn,” increasing the load factor. The results ",9 +NAV1108.00 113.00,6 +Wer ist für die Datenverarbeitung verantwortlich und an wen können Sie sich wenden? ,7 +cylinder head temperature (CHT) and rpm instrumentation. ,9 +to limit human and structural damage should the system ,9 +not have their lights turned on. Aircraft manufactur-,9 +welder and provide a clear view through the yellow-orange ,9 +Problem.-An ,9 +I.5.1. Pre-financing,7 +The following method is used by many pilots to determine ,9 +fibre optics technology without contention”. This service must be operational by 25 April 2020 at the ,3 +"paragraph (5) of the Act must prepare, pursuant to the provisions of Ministry ",3 +The contract shall not be considered to have been performed in full until the final ,3 +entgegen Artikel 35 Absatz 2 einen Ausdruck nicht oder nicht rechtzeitig fertigt oder eine dort genannte,3 +"Generally, fuel evaporation ice tends to accumulate on the ",9 +10.23.Arbeitszeit ,7 +APUs typically remain in use,9 +table is frequently provided in the AFM/POH.,9 +cuts down electrical interference with the aircraft radio and ,9 +ing current drops down to a low value when operating with a ,9 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +Close the deck and make the radio,9 +The remote free stream well ahead ,9 +Im Übrigen bleiben die verwaltungsverfahrensrechtlichen Vorschriften über Rücknahme und Widerruf von,9 +procedure without candidates or tenderers being entitled to claim any compensation. Any ,9 +Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids,7 +Control Valve,7 +In the table in Schedule 1 (fees to be taken)— ,9 +Dynamic Rollover,7 +The Contractor’s network partner to negotiate technical equipment with in-house service or ,3 +speed (V$_{a) }$– a structural design airspeed used in determining the strength requirements ,3 + Restricted areas on a sectional chart. ,0 +Contractor’s remote ,9 +Wire Substitutions,7 +Concerning [,7 +material removed to reduce weight but retains the strength ,9 +PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE ,7 +§ 2 Ausbildungsdauer,7 +occur in the event a change in course is made at the,9 +Variation of the Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +将来の特定の事業(定款又は寄附行為に定められた事業に限る。)の実施のため,3 +lar to the incline and be prepared to block or chock the,9 +gencies or potential public health emergencies and’’ after ,9 +Materials/Parts ,7 +an Aeronautical Center (AC) Form 3150-7. ,9 +When a replacement wire is required in the repair and ,9 +then must be thoroughly rinsed with clean water to remove ,9 +strongest on any given day. Remaining with the height band ,9 +"pilot progressed to the destination, it became apparent that ",9 +indicating system should be checked for a proper reading. ,9 +Operating the Jet Engine,7 +A conical area directly above the NAVAID is generally not,9 +"attitude. An attitude indicator, if installed, can enhance",9 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +rings and is often referred to as a brushless AC alternator. ,9 +and any amplifying remarks. Items listed in this PBN,9 +North/Deceleration-South) may help you to remember the ,9 +Civil Service Law.,9 +請求をしようとする情報の概要,3 +procedure into the flight plan.,9 +"sprayed coating, causing a drop in temperature that is enough ",9 +"Assemblies shall be regular shaped and rectangular, and where possible designed and constructed for floor ",9 +"unabhängig von der Verbindung, die zwischen ihnen bestehen mag. ",9 +Sensing Element,7 +Ausfuhr aus dem JRC Karlsruhe erfolgen über das Warenübergabegebäude Fl. R (Bau ,9 +$^{ }$Common Paint Troubles,7 +Compliance periods and timeline ,7 +Confidentiality of tenders: what information and under what conditions can be ,7 +FMD CONTROL MEASURES,7 +it is necessary for P to stay overnight at an address on their arrival in England before ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 244 of August 27, 1973]",7 +"the input to the gate, there would be no output voltage. The ",9 +Seine Entscheidung ist in der vorliegenden Sache für den erkennenden Senat bindend.,9 +establishing a committee for reviewing whether the methods of receiving ,3 +(NOPAC) which has increased capacity and,9 +focused. ,9 +installed ADF or DME on an aircraft is not,9 +"stream. In this region, the turbulence within the high speed jet ",9 + When another part of the landing gear ,9 +When the amount for which the mortgage or deed of trust is,3 +"nature of the difficulty, pilot’s intentions and",9 +"During the generating mode, the",9 +needs of children in planning for and responding to a public ,9 +navigation around Special Use Airspace. VFR pilots,9 +l'amministrazione,9 +Salt and Sand Piles ,7 +the case of joint,9 +Since the turbo- ,9 +« | Системно-,8 +Using faulty trim technique.,3 +Patch Bonded to Aluminum Structure,7 +equipped aircraft that also have VOR/ILS avionics,9 +the deadline set by EU-OSHA. ,3 +Art. 1: FRG 824-2,9 +"entgegen Artikel 34 Absatz 4 Unterabsatz 1 nicht sicherstellt, dass die Fahrerkarte im richtigen Steckplatz",3 +Vorlage der Zulassungsbescheinigung und der nach § 8 zugeteilten Kennzeichen zur Entstempelung zu,9 +effective SRM skills cannot be overemphasized. Ignoring ,9 +", it has the right to ",3 +Opening of tenders ,7 +up in the cracks between the fingers when the leaf is raised ,9 + A fluid power actuator whose output is ,9 +significant lift and drag and require con- ,9 +to accomplish this imposes severe sideloads on the landing ,9 +Citizenship,9 +Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and elaboration of concept ,7 +Specific Contract ,3 +inside bend ,6 +the Attorney-General; and ,3 +National Stock Number (NSN) Index.,7 +swimming pools,3 +обеспечивающими жизнедеятельность и функционирование этих баз,9 +Figure 8-15. ,0 +the above-,9 +"conducted in the region of normal command, ",9 +and react appropriately. Encounters of less than 100 feet separation are considered to,3 +adjustment to allow fitting of most military personnel.,9 +located in ,9 +Transfer port,6 +. — Unless it shall appear by,9 +"subcontracting, but only up to an amount not exceeding three times the total amount of ",3 +"Per Safety Management System policy, a high predicted residual risk is unacceptable and",3 +Spontaneous combustion.,9 +Chemical Rain Repellant,7 +"maintain, service and unless otherwise described remove from site, on the issue of the tests on ",9 +within areas of domestic radio navigational signal or ATC ,9 +Takeoff Roll,7 +there is no person having the necessary qualifications who is willing to accept the,9 +maintained after the banner release handle is activated. This is a safety procedure ,3 +fulfil its obligation to hand over the knowledge acquired to the taking over contractors ,9 +and their maximum,9 +Article 1 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of the Item (v) date of ,3 +"clearance (ROC) values, obstacle evaluation area (OEA) ",9 +II.14. FORCE MAJEURE ,7 +I.2. SUBJECT MATTER ,7 +"directions prior to landing, which factor into landing ",3 +(Contractor’s premises),3 +Class A Airspace.,9 +for the purposes of thi,3 +cylinder head temperature reading registered on the flight ,9 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +Repair Parts Layout ,7 +"(зданиям,",9 +decrease speed,6 +High voltage tests ,3 +if such evidence can be accessed by the ,1 +Common Errors,7 +or municipalities concerned; and where more than one province,3 +to the basket or burner frame. Other pilots keep the line only ,9 +Centrifugal ,6 +Procedural Notes ,7 +in providing the services resulting from the replacement of ,9 +"the wing’s AOA in any particular circumstance, and thereby ",9 +"Within their respective districts, district engineers shall act as sanitary engineers,",9 +die Vorprüfunterlagen zu dem Gutachter zur Abnahme gesendet. Falls der Gutachter ,3 +Standard of an ultra-high-bypass turbine engine. See UHB ,9 +connector links. The terms “pack” and “container” are not ,9 +Shipment Type 3,3 +I.2. SUBJECT MATTER ,7 +"contractor to ensure that all invoices to Europol shall be issued by the contractor, and not by the freight ",9 + Pilots are able to specify ,9 +Figure 10-20. ,0 +Abschnitt 7,7 +the sport of soaring,9 +Flight Risk Assessment Tools ,7 +Service Contract which complies with the terms and conditions of the Service Contract and,3 +Functional requirements for pipe systems ,7 +"is covered by a cowling, or a nacelle, which are both types ",9 +proceed to a MON airport in case of an unforeseen,9 +reasonably limited airspace. Where no fix is available,9 +security requirements and operational roles ,7 +by the use of the altimeter is ineffective.,9 +"MINISTRY OF YOUTH EMPOWERMENT, SPORT AND CULTURE ",7 +contract and will be the single contact point for interaction with EU-OSHA. The account manager/event ,9 +Aufgaben und Verpflichtungen,7 +Wake Turbulence,4 +external events including those that are not desired called noise. ,0 +"microphones, beamer, laptop, etc.). ",3 +the DZ where space is available. A square canopy can also ,9 +DEFLECTION ,6 +evaluated in three stages by the evaluation committee. ,9 +a response to static stability.,9 +(for onsite ,7 +under the wing. The wing is assembled as if it were standing ,9 +Children Act 1989 representations ,7 +WING ILLUSTRATED BY TUFT-GRID PHOTOGRAPHS ,7 +"references to other sections elsewhere in their tender, the tenderer shall use their best ",3 +from the gear-up side of the actuators to the gear-down side ,9 +Multiple disc brakes typically are checked for lining wear ,9 +any control input. ,9 +Prelaunch Check,7 +"a Proposal, attached hereto",3 +the separate digits of the thousands plus the hundreds,3 +Belt Sander,7 +"D, E, (KE), M Rivets",6 +determined by the Secretary in consultation with the Secretary ,9 +the crossport shape in the exposed edge of the patch ,3 +Rates vom 22. Dezember 1995 zur Festlegung der Bedingungen und Einzelheiten für die Zulassung und,3 +"fails to discharge that liability, ",3 +I.5. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS ,7 +die anerkannten Regeln der Technik zu beachten. Dasselbe gilt für die internen ,9 +COMMON ERRORS DURING STRAIGHT-AND-,7 +active duty in the Republic of Vietnam’’. ,9 +" Summarize how the software lifecycle has unfolded, and explain ",3 +Gewähltes Vergabeverfahren:,3 +after paragraph (1) insert— ,3 +horns by the pitch links.,9 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 +provides information on the effect controls have on lifting ,9 +As seen in ,9 +Experimental ,7 +the alternator rotates at the correct speed to ensure a 400-,9 +2009/2010,8 +Allowances payable to members of a combined fire and rescue authority ,7 +Procurement procedure: ,7 + (ss 57-94),7 +Supply of documents ,7 +used to balance the amount of fuel remaining in each wing ,9 +office or office other than the head office or principal office of a person who ,3 +The radios and electronic equipment for improper ,3 +before receiving any benefit,9 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +"This list shall be modified, if necessary, and approved by EU-OSHA. ",3 +I.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA ,7 +clause applies throughout the term of the specific contract. ,3 +"at high angles of attack, improving the performance of the ",9 +BACKGROUND INFORMATION ,7 +"- 20 Schürfe,",3 +Tree Felling ,7 +汚染検査室である旨を示す標識が付されていること。,3 +Powered Parachute Wing,7 +those connected supplies are made by different suppliers.”. ,3 +airflow separation occurs on the wing due to ,9 +"geändert worden ist, in Verbindung mit § 1 des Zuständigkeitsanpassungsgesetzes vom 16. August 2002 (BGBl. I",9 +3729(c)(1) of such title is amended— ,9 +Learning Is Purposeful ,7 +collaborate successfully with our contractors and ,8 +"ized by law, $1,000,000,000, to remain available until expended: ",9 +Up or down nose movement when entering a bank—,3 +slotted nut on a bolt. The pin is passed through the hole in ,9 +common in general aviation.,9 +La proposition écrite du médiateur ou ses conclusions écrites constatant qu'aucune proposition ne ,9 +Preparing/Revising the Safety Requirements Verification Table ,7 +"Effective workload management ensures essential operations are accomplished by planning, ",9 +Excessively high air pressure at the spray gun.,3 +The propeller group and system components for torque ,3 +"duce the same lift coefficient is less, e.g., ",9 +"‘‘(2) is determined by the Secretary, in consultation with ",9 +Northerly Turning Errors ,7 +other Ministries and Government Departments including the DWNP and security ,9 +des § 1 Absatz 1 und 2 oder,3 +thrust to move the aircraft in the desired path. At the rear of ,9 +Pack round reserve with vertical full stow diaper,3 +conduct the annual condition inspection. ,9 +Rotary Machine,7 +must prepare in advance for the transition to visual flight. ,9 +"If the Rotax 912 oil level is low when the oil is checked, ",9 +passengers may not. A pilot employing SRM should ensure ,9 +"Pr=power required for level flight, h.p. ",9 +", declares that: ",6 +Remove reserve parachute from container. ,3 +he or she was appointed: ,9 +Overall management incl.,7 +"from the passage of each business year, prepare an inventory of assets, a ",3 +committees of the Assembly acting during recess,9 +nation’s aviation system safe. ,9 +OTORCRAFT,6 +"same Article, and the contract on workers' property accumulation savings for ",3 +"mile final, threshold wind 200 at 15”",9 +pagamento,9 +"den Referenzfilm entsprechend. Der Bescheid ist zudem mit Auflagen zu verbinden, um sicherzustellen, dass für",9 +A flat rate daily allowance as specified in Annex XVI shall be reimbursed for days during which ,3 +or where complex bends are necessary. Transparent adhesive ,9 +Always leave slack in the thermocouple wire under the ,3 + are or include know-how: the right to use such know-how as is necessary ,3 +Datenfunknetz für Fernwirk‑ und,8 +The Midland Metro (Birmingham Eastside Extension) Order ,9 +airmen (NOTAM).,9 +Prüfungsbereiche,3 +"№ 47647),",9 +rules that are set out below. Any matter not covered by the below provisions on tax and customs arrange-,9 +"Research, Auditing",3 +Stabilons.,9 +contract is given below. ,9 +VOR Minimum Operational Network (MON) Airports Designator,7 +igniters..........................................................................2-10,8 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +Fully Articulated Rotor System,7 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +"south. A mnemonic, or memory jogger, for the effect of ",9 +"the time to review the airport facility. Conversely, if a pilot ",9 +"distance reduction, and V$_{REF}$, takeoff V-speeds, N$_{1}$/",3 +job is similar to a center punch.,9 +Operator (from operator station) ,3 +INTRODUCTION ,7 +ITUATIONS OF EXCLUSION CONCERNING NATURAL OR LEGAL PERSONS ASSUMING UNLIMITED ,7 +all decisions of the federal government. The NEPA environmental review process discloses these ,9 +a reasonable distance along her route. She can refuel there and continue to her destination without a significant loss of time. ,9 +Tender specifications purpose,7 +riassunto; ,3 +Voltage Regulation,7 +CONFLICTING INTERESTS ,7 +"209 – 226 GHz,",9 +Learning how to recognize and cope with stress.,3 +Pratt & Whitney PT6 engine. ,0 +"conditions can consist of dust, sand and snow, as well as ",9 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +II.13.8. Image rights and sound recordings,7 +are inserted through holes in the shaft hub and anchored in ,9 +the information or documents remain confidential unless:,3 +- Seite 8 von 120 -,4 +This Order extends to England and Wales. ,9 +of the wing operate ,9 +§ 2 Zulassungsvoraussetzungen,7 +Der Minister für Arbeit und Soziales,7 +be kept wet and rinsed with clean water until the surface is ,9 +Tag numbering ,7 +Telegraphiefunk zwischen Seefunkstellen beschränkt.,3 +The world’s first mono-wing by Louis Bleriot. ,0 +Lesson Plans,7 +marking and sign standards described in this section.,9 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +"verantwortliche Leitung des Ausbildungsbetriebs wiederholt die Pflichten gröblich verletzt hat, die ihr nach",3 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) ,7 +should be flown or pulled to the ground right after ,9 +§ 71a Träger von unabhängigen Stellen für die Bestätigung der Eignung von eingesetzten,7 +dicular to the average relative wind. ,9 +where a Traffic Information Services (TIS) alert or ,3 +Leasing of Forest Land for Special Purposes,9 +ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CAPACITY$^{3}$ ,7 +"регистрационный № 59380), абзац пятый изложить в следующей редакции:",9 +Tender specifications purpose,7 +Temporary flight restrictions (discussed in Chapter 15): ,3 +Role of the Database Provider ,7 +"Following the checklist, the entire aircraft shall be opened ",9 +"mode. If the flight is longer than 2 hours, the 5P check should ",9 +Data link applications processor with TIS,9 +Moral rights of creators ,7 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +"board, by resolution, to authorize the governor of the province to convey the same",9 +altimeter setting,6 +3(3)(a) of the Terrorism Act 2000(,9 +Machinery type and serial no. (all in one chart); ,3 +"when accelerating, and downward when decelerating during ",9 +"ECHA and/or any other party involved in the service, on submitted deliverables; ",3 +法第七条第三項の規定によつて病床の設置の許可を受けようとする者は、次に掲げ,3 +Solid barriers shall be provided to segregate each load compartment from other compartments and the busbar ,9 +ich the processes of production shall be conducted,9 +I.1.2. Currency ,7 +Holding in Lieu of Procedure Turn,7 +remain constant. ,9 +facility energy input.,9 +Disassembly,7 +"requirements set forth in (b), 1. and 2.; ",3 +"Fortunately,",9 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 +MRB enhances situational awareness by indicating a,9 +〔昭和五十五年五月二十六日政令第百三十八号〕〔抄〕,7 +勘定に係る預金その他の債務(次条第三号において「非居住者円勘定に係る債,3 +MARKING REQUIREMENTS:,7 +第四十一条至第四十三条规定,侵害个人信息依法得到保护的权利的,由有关主管部门责,9 +at a correspondingly low rate.,9 +Risk Management Training for Experienced Pilots ,7 +surface with an overall smoky appearance. In more advanced ,9 +S-turns across a road. The objectives are to:,9 +the directors-general of custom-houses: ,3 +Repair Material Selection,7 +(16 °C) to 90 °F (32 °C) range toward the high and ,3 +specific contract,3 +A’s operations to ensure the successful ,9 +"AlR,Pl.ANE PERFORMANCE ",5 +"has a high viscosity; if it flows freely, it has a low viscosity. ",9 +Aisle (hot and/or cold aisles…) ,3 +Square Canopy—Crossport Repair,7 +Induced Flow,7 +configuration page. ,9 +prescribed limits. This is usually caused by an excessively ,9 +"including claims for payments or factoring, without prior written authorisation from ",3 +is required to produce the same amount of lift.,9 +"Agency in writing consents, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed), to remove ",9 + trailing edges,6 +次に掲げる広報及び啓発並びに特定臨床研究の対象者等からの相談に応じるため,3 +expels the air overboard through the venturi. This source of ,9 +Jurisdictions Controlling Navigable Bodies of Water,0 +августа 2017 г.,9 +tranne qualora ,9 +Figure 15-20. ,0 +A tender received after the time-limit for receipt of tenders will be rejected. The submission ,9 +only the first en route waypoint prior to takeoff and then enter ,9 +dated declaration on honour on exclusion criteria using the template available ,3 +Roles and Responsibilities ,7 +Situation (h) above (person created with the intent to circumvent legal obligations),6 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +Figure 4-5. ,0 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 +"Kenntnisse der Kopiervorlagen nach Arten, Herstellungsmethoden und Qualitäten,",3 +"pesos, the property of any fisherman, by the lawful use of which he",3 +Alternate Navigation Planning,7 +AUTHORISED DEVELOPMENT ,7 +にした行為に対する罰則の適用については、なお従前の例による。,3 +(отравлений),9 +"Normally, a CT message is automatically transferred ",9 +Provision of teams of interpreters for onsite and hybrid/online events ,7 +It is imperative that passengers are briefed on the,9 +According to the ,9 +PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR 2020 ,7 +OPERATING STRENGTH LIMITATIONS ,7 +"During installation in an interference fit hole, the radius area ",9 +"136 – 148,5 GHz,",9 +Verordnungen ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 266 of July 29, 2016] ",7 +Name of the bank,3 +Exhaust Systems,7 +Separation Service for VFR Aircraft in a TRSA).,7 +"In consideration for performing an Assignment, the Service Provider shall be paid by the User in ",3 +banking scale at the top of the instrument. [Figure 12-,9 +Secretary Area ,8 +time to allow flame front propagation and the ,9 +Parlaments und des Rates vom 12. Januar 2005 mit Vorschriften für die Futtermittelhygiene (ABl. L 35 vom,3 +Round all square corners.,3 +How the altimeter functions. ,0 +The contractor must obtain from any natural person with the power to represent it or ,3 +of any apparatus; or ,3 +Conventional current.,9 +have misrepresented the information required as a condition for participating in the procedure or have ,3 +"d'habillages,",6 +retreaded. Other damage in the bead area is usually cause ,9 +Analog Electronics,7 +0002 00-4 ,4 +医療事故調査の項目、手法及び結果,3 +"the rotor disc tilts forward; if the cyclic is moved aft, the",9 +hours apart. First test within 72 hours before departure from the destination and second test at ,3 +"б декабря 2017 г.,",9 +Contracting authority: who is the buyer? ,7 +für seine Aufwendungen haften die gemischte Finanzholding-Gesellschaft und die betroffenen Unternehmen,9 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +propagation speed occurs near a fuel-air ratio ,9 +"die zuletzt durch Artikel 289 der Verordnung vom 31. Oktober 2006 (BGBl. I S. 2407) geändert worden sind,",3 +die Vorprüfunterlagen zu dem Gutachter zur Abnahme gesendet. Falls der Gutachter ,3 +project impossible; ,3 +Pile shoes ,7 +Regulatory Framework ,7 +PRIMARY ACTUATION DEVICE/RIPCORD TEST:,7 +"the blade airfoil to remove all corrosion, scratches, and surface ",9 +"system, electronic digital clocks may include a small ",9 +〔昭和五十九年二月十五日通商産業省令第九号〕,7 +§ 50 Weitere Anwendung von Vorschriften,7 +especially if turbulence is associated ,9 +and mixture controls are changed. ,9 +matters prescribed in the preceding paragraph with a council based on the ,3 +the glider to ensure the glider dive brakes are closed ,3 +"year shall consist of not less than forty weeks, the inclusive dates of which shall be",9 +"Provision of expertise in Public Affairs and Media scenarios for cyber exercises, ",7 +User-Defined Waypoints ,7 +Page 14 of 19 ,4 +INSTRUMENT INTERPRETATION,7 +"paragraph (2), item (xvii) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as ""standard ",3 +air to different deice boots in a sequence that minimizes ,9 +processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725. Such data shall be processed solely ,9 +extended. The pilot should not completely ,9 +Bleed Air Heating Systems ,7 +"Objectives, the target group and channels to be used, as well as necessary justifications. ",3 +time required to arrive at the destination. It is important to ,9 +may contain either a step-by-step description of required ,9 +emergency). ,9 +"eine Lehrkraft mit der Befähigung zum Richteramt (Jurist),",3 +Constitution of offices,7 +Hierbei sind:,3 + Page 32 of 35 ,4 +"purchase any real estate or other property belonging to the city, or which shall be",9 +"main, left turn and bank (T&B), and right T&B. In the main ",9 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 2 ,7 +Terminal radar service area (TRSA) ,3 +"On page G-4 of the glossary, the following definition should be added: “Maneuvering ",3 +demand must,3 +PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION OF TERRORISM ,10 +Acceptance (1) (2) (3) ,7 +heating and those of which the maximum flow of water that can be circulated ,3 +Performance and quality requirements ,7 +rence that the procedure will allow the pilot to comply,9 +now exist to provide information on the condition of the ,9 +The Contractor acknowledges and agrees to the use of electronic ,3 +domain after that date ,3 +The EDPR constitutes,9 +"die Marke des Fahrzeugs,",3 +problems. ,9 +"management, collateral, ALM and",3 +approved documents that list the operating conditions for a ,9 +Ground Communication Outlet ,7 +"for your particular route of flight; without such briefing, the ",9 +barred from so doing. Execution of the administrative order shall not be suspended ,3 +"landing......................................................... 8-1, 8-9, 11-11",8 +name of the ,7 +of the other requirements to conduct such approaches ,9 +"In cases where medium or low safety risk and/or controls go outside of the ATO, the",3 +Excessive deviation from desired heading during,3 +"results of the analysis, record the opinions of the dissenters, and deliver the results to the ",9 +"airspeed indicator, altimeter, and the vertical speed indicator ",9 +susmentionnée,7 +Fuel/Oil/Air intake port,6 +"consider the request, ",3 +"contract constitute a request for VAT exemption, provided that ",6 +under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act.’’; ,9 +applicable sectors when violations are predicted. ,9 +"2,500 feet or greater that is not included in the airports list ",9 +certificate and logbook for solo ,9 +conditions under which alcohol intended for use in the arts and,3 +from the day after the simultaneous dispatch of the notifications to successful and unsuccessful ,9 +Operating procedures ,7 +II.13.10. Visibility of Agency funding and disclaimer ,7 +South Africa; ,3 +"Flight, Temporary, 3",9 +"as authorized under section 125 of title 23, United States Code, ",9 +"MINISTRY OF TERTIARY EDUCATION RESEARCH, SCIENCE AND ",7 +the rotor blades must be increased in order to maintain,9 +The following paragraphs either clarify or,9 +"Monitoring, sampling and analyses ",7 +"aircraft construction dominates modern aviation. Generally, sheet ",9 +"whether legal or natural persons, but only for the purpose of their mission for the Union;",3 +a determination under regulation 12(3)(b); ,3 +und liegt den Vergabeunterlagen bei. ,6 +research and innovation; ,3 +At least one crewmember should remain near the basket in ,9 +Social media communication plan ,7 +Flying Experience,7 +"A situation in which a collision is unlikely, however, one or both",3 +"termination, provision at no cost to the contracting authority of the blueprints, ",3 +Navigational and Procedural Information (Continued),7 +Effects of termination ,7 +rendezvous appointed by his superior officer; or goes from the same before he is,9 +Electron Control Valves,7 +– ELEMENTI DI PROVA SU RICHIESTA ,7 + Turns Around a Point,7 +pressure on the fuel in the float chamber is greatest and fuel ,9 +Centering the Wing ............................................7-6,8 +Chapter 8,8 +Windshield Surface Seal Coating,7 +"Any person who, being required by law to make a return of the amount of his",9 +of fuel located aft of the rotor mast.,3 +Nachweis der Teilnahme an einer Fortbildungsveranstaltung oder Praxisberatung von mindestens 16,3 +"life-limited parts of the airframe, each engine, each ",3 +Urteile und andere Entscheidungen,7 +〔昭和五十四年十二月七日通商産業省令第百十三号〕,7 +"Verify fuel pump impulse hose for secure connections, ",3 +Horizontal approach path as normally visualized and performed.,0 +– Fahranfängern,3 +"takeoff, which is always the most critical portion of a flight.",9 +EU-OSHA’s national partner to suggest possible media channels ; ,3 +"When current is drawn through the conductor, heat is ",3 +operations because excellent aerodynamic control of the ,9 +Image rights and sound recordings,7 +"most helicopters, rotating the twist-grip throttle away from ",9 +the fuel weight is a major factor in the aerodynamics of ,9 +Equipment and interface drawings. ,3 +relative to important features in all visibility conditions. ,9 +Long-Term Memory (LTM) ,7 +frame between the downtubes and the control bar. If every ,9 +Récipients sous pression ,7 +Overloaded parts may fail before their designed lifetime. There ,9 +"der Futtermittelverordnung in der am 30. Juli 2018 geltenden Fassung genügen, gekennzeichnet werden.",9 +properly for takeoff results in normal elevator pressures felt ,9 +Ground effect is when the wing is flying close to the ground ,9 +submission as set out in the procurement documents.,9 +I.4.2. Preisanpassungsindex ,7 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +tangent to radius,6 +Tenderers must ensure that Article II.7 of the contract (Annex IV) can be applied to subcontractors. ,9 +proven time tested components and are shipped with a Type ,9 +The total weight of a fully loaded aircraft ,9 +Within protected range and considered an immediate ,6 +Copyright 2012,4 +Warranted Provision,7 +China tourism year; and (3) security concerns linked with recurring incidents in Europe in ,9 +The pressurization panel and environmental control system page on a Bombardier CRJ200 50 passenger jet have no ,0 +STUDENT PILOT CERTIFICATE— An FAA- ,3 +vertical guidance. The VDA solely offers an aid to,9 +EGRL 105/99 (CELEX Nr: 31999L0105) +++),9 +Internal Quality Control (QC) ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 373 of November 5, 1987]",7 +of projects still ongoing only the portion completed before ,8 +承揽人交付工作成果时支付;工作成果部分交付的,定作人应当相应支付。 ,9 +Any time an aircraft breaches or is anticipated to breach the ,9 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +"pilot does not have the appropriate STAR, write “No STAR” ",9 +allowed. The ,9 +online type of events) ,7 +under section 351(a) of the Public Health Service Act;’’; ,9 +of the hinge area where the balance panel is located. ,0 +mit dem Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales:,3 +Trailing Edge and Transition Area Patch Repairs,7 +die Ausübung ihrer Stimmrechte an dem übergeordneten Unternehmen eines Finanzkonglomerats und den,9 +Nach einem Jahr seit dem Ende der versäumten Frist kann Wiedereinsetzung nicht mehr beantragt oder ohne,9 +Figure 6-74. ,0 +leaner than the lean limit of combustion will ,9 +Simplified Directional Facility,7 +The level crossing known as ,8 +Helicopter Route Charts,0 +management to monitor the performance of subsidiaries. ,9 +Figure 9-77,9 +"usually granted to other international or expatriate staff employed in the Republic of Turkey, under ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 363 of December 6, 2002]",7 +II.13.7. Moral rights of creators ,7 +contractor has created the ,9 +Abschnitt A Nr. 5 ,3 +irst election in a newly created township by members of,9 +Satz 5 nicht vorliegen.,3 +radiation meter for contamination inspections and instruments ,3 +Luftfahrzeugen sowie der zugehörigen Einrichtungen am Boden vorbehalten.,3 +"Light Sport Aviation Branch, AFS-610 ",7 +"horizon and hold the new attitude momentarily, and then ",9 +proportional to the input (bottom). The difference in amplitude ,0 +Fahrsituationen seit,8 +Cartridge,6 +"in paragraph (6), for “£5,000” substitute “£450”. ",3 +"change in behavior as a result of experience, then instruction needs to include a careful and systematic creation of those experiences ",9 +court hearing as well as the grounds set out in section 3.,3 +Article I-11 ,7 +Existing trees ,7 +and directional effects may require prescribed ,9 + If the tow plane is ,9 +that results from the difference between total and vertical lift.,9 +vorgelegten Unterlagen oder die Lieferungen zu billigen und die Zahlung zu leisten.,9 +The radios and electronic equipment for improper ,3 +"Finanzen und des Bundesministeriums des Innern, für Bau und Heimat außertariflich eine entsprechende Zulage",9 +3-Ring Release ,6 +to 10° off center of the object to be seen. This can be tried in ,9 +Oceanic/remote areas where 50 NM lateral separation is,8 +Launch Equipment Inspection,7 +"moves back, and fuel fills the cylinder. If the piston is pushed ",9 +Identification of Paint Finishes,7 +"When respective axial fan/s of a building/tank is running, the odor value shall not be more than ",9 +"The Server System, ",3 +appointed to supply an interim vacancy shall hold only until the expiration of the,9 + invoices in standard format (pdf) or email is not ,3 +field always within easy gliding range. ,9 +NASM16491,8 +"and Industry No. 1 of January 6, 1983] ",7 +for purpose of performing the services at the outside location:,3 +$^{ }$Tachometer ,7 +The table below summarises the main services: ,9 +where relevant: ,9 +Cylinder Compression Stroke—Piston Moving Up,7 +"oath is assumed voluntarily, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and",9 +"at more than one speed, or if there is an indication that a ",9 +", of EPA’s AP-42, and is based on mean wind speed, material moisture content, and cutoff ",9 +the cause and effect are essentially the same. ,9 +和环境特定条 件,界定海洋利用的主导功能和使用范畴。 ,9 +of a fire detection system typically includes the inspection and ,9 +"mediate family are accorded no less favourable benefits, privileges and exemptions than those ",3 +сооружений,9 +to the date of enactment of this Act may be charged to funds ,9 +the construction of fendering within Lake Lothing; ,3 +“Hydraulic Load” derived commitment for the plant components: ,7 +usually provide a slow departure from the ground. If there ,9 +conditions.,3 +"edges, but merely grooves cut for the full length of the reamer ",9 +Reviewing and Approving the O&SHA ,7 +monoxide poisoning to occur in combustion heaters. ,9 +results from a merge or universal succession. This excludes change of legal entity ,3 +Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System,7 +"plant including soil improvement if necessary. The foundation, ground stability should be",9 +"Documentation, Review, and Approval Process for Waivers to ",3 +valence configuration,9 +"in the case of any other ship to which these Regulations apply, the first anniversary of ",3 +a specific contract. ,9 +"is used where the desired action is deemed critical. The use of such language is not intended to add to, interpret, or relieve ",9 +Another important piece of a thorough approach briefing ,9 +How to Identify Fixation or Inattention Problems ,7 +"Measure up 5 ½-inches up from the bottom edge of the right wing flap, along the seam where the ",3 +Hi-Lite$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +Tangled round,3 +the provisions of this Order or grants it subject to conditions; ,3 +Evaluating the effectiveness of one’s ADM skills. ,3 +ФСИН России в ФСБ России;,9 +elastic energy in the wing spars. The pilot then experiences ,9 +ransacted within their respective,3 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +"without terms or conditions, they may be applied to such",9 +tubing and channels exists that connects all tanks to vent space ,9 +be subcontracted and to what extent (% of the total contract value).,9 +(iv) climbing ropes (limited to those for ensuring bodily safety) ,3 +§ 2 Meisterprüfungsberufsbild,7 +"removed is recorded on a compass correction card, like the ",9 +"und Warmwasserleitungen, Kälteverteilungs- und Kaltwasserleitungen sowie Ar-",7 +"Numbers above 9,900 must be spoken by",3 +stop fatigue crack,9 +Stima dei costi di Sicurezza da Interferenze ,7 +$_{Figure 6-6.}$ ,0 +Zahlungs- und Abrechnungsverfahren erforderlich sind;,3 +today’s sport harnesses.,9 +Near Midair Collision Reporting,7 +§ 14 Sorgfaltspflichten bei bestehenden Konten von Rechtsträgern,7 +ABOUT ENISA ,7 +Nettoerträge aus sonstigen Bearbeitungsentgelten.,3 +"of the Public Accounts Committee, the Accounting Officer had",9 +Criterion 5.3.3.b): Manpower. ,7 +Wire Substitutions,7 +slaughtering of domestic animals; or ,3 +Controls the engine fire extinguishing system,3 +paragraph 11 of Schedule 1 to the Digital Economy Act 2010 (c. 24). ,1 +support for the development of new policies and the collaboration on a roadmap of activities between ,9 +There are three major controls in a helicopter that the pilot ,9 +"any such suspension, giving the reasons for it. ",9 +erating condition which produces high com- ,9 +of the remedial action taken by the contractor to ensure full compliance with its ,3 +"course, excessive ",9 +"ECHA and/or any other party involved in the service, on submitted deliverables; ",3 +tional aids tuned and available. By utilizing this,9 +"available to the user while airborne, and others are ",9 +"Typically, a 10-second time delay is incorporated for the ",9 +EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 + (s 107: repealed) ,7 +d pesos or by imprisonment for not more than thirty,9 +Spring-Back,7 +Commercial—threaded,3 +Registry”; ,3 +Control panels,6 +PM Emissions Modeling ,7 +specialised media (national and regional); ,3 +part of the parachute assembly. It only identifies that the wear ,9 +Reliance on RNAV systems for,9 +in pitch attitude. The takeoff checklist includes a check to ,9 +Implementation of the framework contract ,7 +up of monies due to the contractor and of monies owed by the contractor to the ,3 +no later than,3 +MAIN CANOPY ,7 +completed). The IOC requires satisfaction of operational requirements and that full logistics ,9 +Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Planning ,7 +"As the table shows for instance, basing on the proportion of length of fence ",9 +TA Region,6 +LAND OF WHICH TEMPORARY POSSESSION MAY BE TAKEN ,7 +Risk Management (RM) ,7 +accurate alignment.,3 +storage piles is ,9 + A design feature of the WSC that reduces the ,9 +"Team (SCT)–directed safety analyses, as requested. AJI also provides consolidated Air Traffic ",9 +in the list will not be accepted either. ,9 +matters set forth in items (v) and (vi) that have not been changed. ,3 +Maintenance Work,7 +shoulders of both ATC and the pilot. Without the interest ,9 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 + (ss 42-46) ,7 +and which ensures acceptable navigational signal coverage ,9 +§ 1 Erheben von Gebühren,7 +care and medical services pursuant to subsection (c)(2) of section ,9 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 +"is encountered, and if the pilot believes it is likely that the ",9 +Offence and penalties ,7 +deutscher Sprache,9 +costituiscono mera remunerazione di servizi di utilità generale. ,9 +One technique that is often used is the descent rule of ,9 +Section 3 Measures for Revitalization of Fishing Ground Environment in ,7 +The launch site is selected based on surface winds and ,9 +Private rights over land ,7 +Concerning [,7 +them and whenever the amount of raw materials received into any factory exceeds,9 +does not have a twist in it. Locate it at the correct ,3 +Other Countries and Territories from which a licence may have been ,7 +"flapping of the rotor blades, and wind speed and direction. ",9 +ATC Instructions,7 +"the flightpath of the balloon, such as the power lines shown ",9 +Steps for good decision-making are:,9 +"On Cleveland brakes, lining wear can be measured directly, ",9 +the positions of the eight major points around the ,3 +Figure 1-59. ,0 +found here: https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/ ,9 +Signature,9 +Induced Flow,7 +Northerly Turning Errors ,7 +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),7 + Ground Effect,7 +"Zeichen und Einrichtungen aller Art, die zu Verwechslungen mit Kennzeichen oder dem",9 +"on the flight instruments, and use the eyes to determine the ",9 +current medical certificate is permitted to pilot LSA airplanes ,9 +is close enough to require the parts to be pushed together. A ,9 +"interest of safety, yield the right of way to the ascending balloon, ",0 +National Stock Number (NSN) Index.,7 +"and identification number, and must",3 +Departures From Tower-Controlled Airports ,7 +vorsätzlich oder fahrlässig entgegen Artikel 22 Absatz 1 der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 165/2014 einen,9 +Safety Planning for Acquisitions ,7 +"of millions of people back on Earth, including the hundreds of ",3 +Using all resources. ,3 +PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR 2020 ,7 +SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ,7 +in your evaluation process. ,3 +mixture distribution.,9 +TCAS and TA systems work by querying the transponders of ,9 +strengthened”. ,9 +H=60X15=88 feet per second. ,2 +Fixed-Price contracts ,7 +) 1998 No. 1594 (S. 84). ,1 +"At any time, the contractor shall be responsible for and shall indemnify the contracting ",9 +"school-teachers, and music teachers, not exceeding five hundred",3 +that might damage underlying structure or injure personnel ,9 +paragraph (2) of the Act are the following matters: ,3 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +Genehmigung der,9 +electronic vertical guidance and Barometric VNAV.,9 +Hi-Lok$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +"Coffee Break (for onsite, hybrid and “online +”) ",7 +equivalent effect are not ,3 +Voraussichtliches Ende der Arbeiten .................................................................. ,3 +Management structure ,7 +GROUND REFERENCE MANEUVERS,7 + It is preferable to attach a copy of RECENT bank statement. Please note that the bank statement has to confirm all the,3 +[183-26; 1869-4.],9 +to recover from this situation by applying only back elevator ,9 +—Engineered Performance Standards ,9 +§ 87 Begonnene Maßnahmen,7 +reports are issued in addition to the hourly,9 +Whereas the National Air and Space Museum opened on the Amer-,3 +separating the digits preceding the word “thousand.”,3 +ing turn should be accomplished to ensure the practice,9 +debtor (the contractor). ,3 +is considered as equivalent to a paper document;,3 +and mass of the lines is balanced to prevent line strip.,0 +convincing arguments. ,9 +wings-level,9 +"goals, targets and indicators; ",3 +"exchange bank' in Article 28, paragraph (1))"" are deleted. ",9 +"to, confidential aspects of tenders such as unit prices included in the financial offer, ",3 +High Reconnaissance,7 +‘‘(B) any identified measures to address such shortage. ,9 +Revocation ,7 +"as the time available to make a decision, may be beyond the pilot’s control. However, a pilot can learn to recognize those factors that ",9 +Technologies Division. ,9 +§ 1 Geltungsbereich,7 +"twenty pesos for each meeting attended by them, or for each day spent outside of",9 +"to as the ""New Act""); the same applies hereinafter) with its customers pertains ",3 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 +control unit.,9 +COMMON ERRORS,7 +Bottom-of-descent point,6 +"and Industry No. 1 of January 6, 1983] ",7 +Ntlo ya Dikgosi ,7 +AIRPORT SURFACE DETECTION EQUIPMENT ,9 +– SITUAZIONI DI ESCLUSIONE RIGUARDANTI LE PERSONE FISICHE O GIURIDICHE CHE SI ,7 +the basis of points,9 +the daily subsistence allowance takes the form of a flat-rate payment to cover all ,3 + This Order may be cited as the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) (Coronavirus) ,9 +"On thin metal or unsupported structures, support the sheet ",9 +to the reference road.,3 +List of Appendices ,7 +"lubrication and cooling of the various engine parts, the ",9 +(Erneuerbare-Energien-Wärmegesetz - EEWärmeG) vom 7. August 2008 mit,9 +る。)の項の改正規定並びに別表第一及び別表第六中登山用ロープ(身体確保用の,3 +should be actuated prior to flight into known or suspected ,9 +peller aircraft show a variation of propulsive ,9 +"may also be aluminum, but the use of composite structures ",9 +Allgemeines,7 +Include the city name (or even the state name) if needed for,9 +Select Dispersion Models ,7 +мастерских,9 +Tendering will then display a button ‘submit your tender’ and you will be able to access ,9 +Pflege verbessert.,9 +The availability of lifecycle data;,3 +Electron Control Valves,7 +Placing the Special Registration,7 +106. Appeal to Court of Appeal ,7 +agreement between the User and the national authorities in the country of establishment of the ,3 +Schallimmissionsschutz,7 +"government department or public body in a European Union Member State - may, within two months ",3 +the crossport area needs ,3 +overhaul specifications established by the manufacturer. ,9 +more of the following— ,9 +"Now, if the dark room is reentered, the eyes again go through ",9 +"publication, or from a news agency to actual subscribers thereto, or",3 +to distribute the current to the various electrical com-,9 +"the award is not in compliance with sound financial management, i.e. does not respect ",3 +Schallimmissionsschutz,7 +The National ,7 +Open and Closed Bends,7 +A - Project management and quality assurance/lot 3 ,7 +"model, serial number, and registration number. If ",9 +END OF WORK PACKAGE ,7 +the provisions of Article 32-2 of the Act is to be exercised by the Director of the ,3 +grounds for not doing so. ,3 +Power to deviate ,3 +deice boots tight to the aircraft when they are not inflated. ,9 +‘‘(2) any additional disease that— ,9 +Torch lighter.,0 +Square Canopy—Crossport Repair,7 +"study materials, recommended sequence of training, and ",9 +loss of altitude prior to attaining translational lift.,3 +concerned and three-fifths to the municipality ,3 +MARKING REQUIREMENTS:,7 +"held constant, depending on the degree of the error. In some ",9 +§ 4 Ausbildungsplan,7 +gency Relief Program’’ as authorized under section 5324 of title ,9 +This decrease in number of oxygen molecules at sufficient ,9 +Power to override easements and other rights ,7 +" Sleevelike weave, seamless, and pressed ",9 +Piston Reverses Direction From Down Stroke to Up ,7 +Final Business Case ,7 +Establishing the Contractual Requirement ,7 +The working capital position of the Institute as at 31 March 2018 ,9 +Engine Fire Switches,7 +Figures indicating hundreds and thousands in,3 +Electric Power Consumption Commitments ,7 +Work Load: 3850; ,6 +its groundspeed is slowing; if ,9 +down of the pile head after driving. ,9 +(iii) The outcome of training on advanced medical care ,3 +"the responsible FAA official (or representative) takes the lead in the scoping process, inviting the ",9 +SECTION 1. CONGRESSMAN BILL CARNEY POST OFFICE. ,7 +"arriving, these procedures exist to make the controllers’ and ",9 +1014.7 millibars,6 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +is commonly associated with areas of low pressure. ,9 +"Except in duly justified cases, tenderers who have failed to submit evidence or to make ",9 +automatically ,9 +The exciter armature output is rectified and sent to the pilot ,9 ++90 (312) 201 69 53 ,6 +TRAFFIC PATTERN—The traffic flow that is pre-,3 +Abschnitt 8,7 +(ii) the prevention or detection of serious crime in the United Kingdom or ,3 +Expansion Joints ,7 +Damage Removal,7 +Knowledge of the general characteristics of learning help an aviation instructor use them in a learning situation. If learning is a ,9 +runways at a specific airport that is selected in ,3 +Figure 5-17. ,0 +radial tapes run directly from the bottom to the cap ,3 +"much airspeed is lost, a settling-with-power condition",9 +power while on the ground.,3 +"Grinders are used to sharpen knives, tools, and blades as ",9 +Name der Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit ........................................................... ,3 +OIL COOLER ,6 +Fuel discharge orifice,6 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +speeds between the velocity and the atmosphere. ,9 +"establish, maintain, and regulate a police force and prescribe the",3 +The takeoff is done by smoothly and quickly advancing ,0 +rivet by beveling the edges of the holes with a cutter of the ,9 +of serious crime in the Territory. ,3 +Allgemeine Bestimmungen bezüglich der Lieferungen ,7 +force that helps move the airplane through the air. A propeller ,9 +Night vision. ,0 +HEADING CONTROL,7 +Signature of the contract with the successful Tenderer ,7 +Dielectric–Insulator,6 +"sowie Wirkungsweise von Schmerzmitteln und Isofluran,",3 +visually check the fuel level in each tank during the preflight ,9 +of days per profile across a 12-months period and their respective distribution (%) ,3 +(Partial Revision of the Order for Enforcement of the Stamp Tax Act) ,9 +Bekanntmachungstext ,7 +§ 19 Fahrten zur dauerhaften Verbringung eines Fahrzeugs in das Ausland,7 +frequently in quartersawed wood.,9 +insolation. ,9 +temperature reading with a TC monitor. Select the type of ,9 +Characteristics of Learning ,7 +〔昭和三十四年三月三十一日政令第七十七号〕,7 +"Publishers of matter of the second class may, without subjecting it to extra",9 +from the top end of the webbing. This is also the “fold ,3 +"quite high, the flameholders are necessary ",9 +The handle turns the two front rolls through a system of gears ,9 +Section 06: Concrete and Steel Works ,5 +II.23.2. Recovery procedure ,7 +torch model). Turn the acetylene regulator by adjusting the ,9 +contracting authority the appropriate,3 +Submission phase (before the time-limit for receipt of tenders) ,7 +Chapter 7—Takeoffs and Departure ,7 +"the area, and staying within the limitations of personal",9 +"However, those situated at the control surface usually perform ",9 +foot increments (from,9 +promotion of inland waters fishery by establishing basic principles and ,3 +aircrafts present position has been entered correctly. ,3 +Responsibilities of the Parties to the Engagement ,7 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) ,7 +across data domains. The first guidance on FoodEx was published in 2012,9 +accordance with established criteria.,9 +more drag,6 +"carried by all contractors, (e.g. account management and horizontal activities at ",3 +The Hi-Lite$^{®}$ collars are also different and thus are not ,9 +section should be deleted. ,9 +Four Risk Elements,7 +"Without Intermediate Level Off, for policy on limited",9 +Engine Shut Down,7 +"СП 35.13330.2011 ""СНиП 2.05.03-84* Мосты и трубы"". Разделы 5 ",9 +"called by the mayor. Any meeting, regular or special, may, in case the amount of",9 +to begin climb out at or near the take- ,9 +loss of airflow. This becomes critical in crosswind,9 +coefficients. Such a flow condition is shown ,9 +Betriebsleitung zu richten.,9 +motorized bicycle) ,3 +"After repair is made, rivet ",6 +Anti-Skid System Maintenance,7 +send copies of the notifications required under paragraph (a) to the MMO Marine ,3 +"This way a square canopy can be aired in a small space, but ",9 +First. Citizens of the Philippine Islands.,9 +Electrical Resistance Thermometer,7 +Northerly Turning Errors ,7 +a coil of resistance wire that glows red hot when electrical ,9 +Full appeals ,7 +"If the contractor fails to notify within 30 days period after receipt thereof, he shall be ",3 +"As at 30 June 2017, the working capital position of the Group ",9 +"of bases and tops of clouds, locations of wind shear and ",9 +LAND OF WHICH ONLY TEMPORARY POSSESSION MAY BE ,7 +A typical review includes the following elements: ,9 +finishes. It may be overcoated with wash primers if it ,3 +to exist on a single day. The glider pilot needs to remain ,9 +Tag numbering ,7 +each relevant person. ,3 +sensitive to CAT and fuel-air ratio in this ,9 +TOUCH AND GO—An operation by an aircraft that ,3 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +out of an airport that does not have any type of ,3 +forwarder/logistics partner and containing evidence about the price of the transportation and related ,9 +increase drag on the descending wing. Ground spoilers are ,9 +Remove the most accessible spark plug from the ,3 +Amendment of article 19 ,7 +The object is a standard motor routine handling motors with one direction.,9 +. — To be,9 +and engaged in operations for the purposes of air,9 +entgegen Artikel 35 Absatz 2 einen Ausdruck nicht oder nicht rechtzeitig fertigt oder eine dort genannte,3 +CACP/CSCP,6 +En cas de difficulté personnelle ,7 +European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control,6 +"lighter consists of a file-shaped piece of steel, usually recessed ",9 +Type certification.,9 +PRECISION OBSTACLE FREE ZONE (POFZ)-,9 +本邦に来遊した外国の元首及びその家族並びにその従者に属する貨物,3 +Initial TEMP ,7 +"etc. which carries out serum separation only, it is not required to describe ",3 +CFR part 91.,3 +高度の医療技術の開発及び評価の実績,3 +https://eeas.europa.eu/sites/eeas/files/procurement_-_privacy_statement.pdf. ,3 +§ 10 Übergangsregelung,7 +"National Airspace System (NAS), the air traffic control (ATC) system, instrument flight rules (IFR) flight procedures, and ",9 +"When holding in lieu of a procedure turn, the holding pattern ",9 +the wind velocity and/or gust factor. The wind sock extends ,9 +Data collection activities: ,3 +an important visual cue in assessing the rate of altitude loss. ,9 +II.1. DEFINITIONS ,7 +Step 4—Assemble and Evaluate,7 +advise on and supervise (re)packaging if required to ensure optimal packaging of the ,3 +"IT Enterprise Architecture (ECHA DMS, under activity 15) ",3 +Alternativ kann der Nachweis der Eignung über die Einheitliche Europäische Eigenerklärung (EEE) oder ,6 +Development of roadmaps for action on: ,7 +"devise their own scenarios by considering what each learner needs to practice, and exploiting features of the local environment that ",9 +Induced Flow,7 +〔昭和三十四年三月三十一日政令第七十七号〕,7 +assigning a person who performs affairs related to the committee ,3 +Aids Table” (printed on the inside front cover of each ,9 +The maximum hydraulic load on the wastewater treatment plant will not exceed the pre-,3 +relatively wide range of fuel-air ratios. Com- ,9 +Bonds Required of Private Persons — Duties of Bureau,9 +"Instrument Approach, 5",9 +Distribution Chamber for Primary Clarifiers,7 +"formed by escaping air from under the ice, forming a",9 +Floating Waypoints ,7 +) 1998 c. 31. Section 92 was substituted by paragraph 7 of Schedule 4 to the 2002 Act and amended by S.I. 2010/1158. ,1 +ccept the risk and fly anyway. ,6 +Programme of implementation of the tasks ,7 +sein müssen;,3 +the service.,9 +§ 6 Meldepflicht der Inhaber einer Fahrlehrerlaubnis zur vorübergehenden und gelegentlichen,7 +turn indication toward north. When decelerating on either ,9 +Balance panel,6 +PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal ,7 +in no way implies that the tenderer has been successful.,7 +the POH for maximum power. Each specific model of glider ,9 +angle attack greater than the required section ,9 +The price revision is calculated using the following formula: ,9 +Hand Signals,7 +in paragraph (1)— ,3 +Temporary ,6 +Anlage 1 (weggefallen),7 +Direction of Flight,7 + — Officers,9 +greater and augmentation from the balance tab is needed. The ,9 +REFUGEE AND ENTRANT ASSISTANCE ,7 +"activity, the instructor should also examine each block to ensure it is an integral part of the structure. Extraneous blocks of instruction ",9 +[Option 2: Retention money guarantee by financial guarantee] ,9 +Audit of Accounts – Department of Lands,7 +professional pilot should not ever exceed the certificated ,9 +Takeoff Roll,7 +amministrative (esclusione o sanzione pecuniaria) qualora una dichiarazione resa o ,9 +INSTRUMENT INTERPRETATION,7 +change in moment; and,3 +einen eigenen Detail-Baufristenplan (Terminplan) für seine Leistungen zu erstellen (gemäß Ziffer ,9 +Impact ice. ,9 +directly by the contractor. ,3 +Modern systems combine a barometric sensor with a rate ,9 +ISPD prior to the FID.,9 +including sites directed toward aviation. These sites can be ,9 +I.1.4. Costs of transfer ,7 +"Deactivation, Removal, or Decommissioning of NAS Equipment ",3 +Departure Procedures,7 +"government organizations, with various updating",9 +relieves ATC of these duties and basically requires them ,9 +"Prüfauftragsnummer,",3 +eventual touchdown. Roundout cues are dependent primarily ,9 +"that, in this scenario, the departure DA (6,500 feet) is greater ",9 +NAVWEPS 00-8OT-RO ,7 +delay in providing the services resulting from the replacement of ,9 +CG FORWARD OF FORWARD LIMIT,7 +‘‘used to’’; and ,9 +Cylinder pressure gauge,6 +SRM: Proactive and Reactive Hazard and Risk Reduction ,7 +case it must provide an estimate of,9 +GENERAL PROVISION���THIS TITLE ,7 +ture and volume and\ adds considerable energy ,9 +Property Leases – Botswana Police Service ,7 +System and Equipment Malfunctions,7 +"details in the illustrations above and below, using stitching specifics outlined in tables 1 and 2. ",3 +User Manual.),3 +Quality requirements,7 +"(42 U.S.C. 5304(g)(2)), the Secretary may, upon receipt of a request ",9 +"oppure eventuali condizioni di installazione, o di visionare situazioni già esistenti che ",3 +I.9. DATA CONTROLLER ,7 +Tighten knurled locking nut finger tight. ,3 +Learning Is a Result of Experience ,7 +"a reduction in thickness of the pavement, excluding the sub-base, by more than 15 mm from that",9 +flown. Various manufacturer and owners group websites can ,9 +Temperature Correction,7 +Scientific data management ,7 +ければならない事項は、第一項第五号、第八号、第九号及び第十一号から第十四号ま,3 +Programming the destination airport;,9 +事業者に関するものは、その事務所、事業場、店舗又は倉庫の所在地を管轄する経済,3 +Key to Schedule 2 ,7 +"Article 12-14 A registered analytical laboratory shall, when conducting the ",3 +BUY THROUGH THIS PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE? ,7 +ARTICLE 7: GUARANTEES ,7 +Figure 15-40. ,0 +tions must be established and maintained with the,9 +"A general part comprising contents, description of the installation and relevant addresses ",3 +"angle of attack is increased, if the pitch angle is",9 +interview partner ,7 +CLARIFICATION No: 1,7 +Private fostering: notifications ,7 +operation and that the crew is the pilot’s representative on ,9 +altitude would observe gyrations of both the GS needle ,3 +Common-Base Amplifier ,7 +"“Aeronautical Lighting and Other Airport Visual Aids,” of ",9 +(INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST) ,7 +Initial TEMP ,7 +and must only be installed in the proper location. ,9 +a transportation project serving regional transportation needs ,9 +kingpost and pad it top and bottom. This is also the time to ,9 +"less horizontal, AOA decreases. ",9 +possible ,9 +each House of not less than two-thirds of those present and voting. ,9 +Verpackung: ,3 +THEORY OF OPERATION ,7 +........................................................... ,6 +“Transport for London” means the body corporate established under section 154 ,9 +"microphones, beamer, laptop, etc.). ",3 +"(negligible, low, medium, or high) and whether the degree ",9 +Remove old pages and insert new pages as indicated below: ,3 +Figure 4-76,9 +purpose(s) and need(s) for conducting an air quality assessment. ,9 +- Seite 21 von 32 -,4 +Step 4—Assemble and Evaluate,7 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 +〔昭和四十八年十月一日政令第二百九十一号〕,7 +Components ,7 +arrange safe delivery of the Goods to Europol Premises or to a warehouse/storage,3 +"erfolgt ist, dass ein Rechtsbehelf nicht gegeben sei. § 56 Abs. 2 gilt für den Fall höherer Gewalt sinngemäß.",9 +Article II-13 ,7 +"communiquer votre nom et l'adresse du bureau (bâtiment, niveau, couloir, numéro du ",3 +", en tenant ",9 +A low oil pressure indication switch is a common example ,9 +"guidance. For simultaneous parallel ILS approach operations, ",9 +Figure 4-4. ,3 +"transportation, which per diem shall not exceed two pesos ",3 +"Großen Senat führt der Präsident, bei Verhinderung das dienstälteste Mitglied. Bei Stimmengleichheit gibt die",9 +"latter, Europol shall provide its reasons to the ",3 +Indications,6 +Figure 2-4. Gliding and climbing pitch angles. ,0 +Crosswind Considerations During Takeoffs,7 + (ss 57-94),7 +hardware can rub against the sail or frame during transport. ,9 +of the propeller thrust to assist the ascent. In this cas:e-e -,9 +Great Plains Aircraft is one company that offers several ,9 +tions due to creep conditions. ,9 + A knot that runs through the depth of a beam ,9 +"knots, in which case it is indicated by three digits. If the winds are gusting, the letter “G” ",3 +landing. Determine the estimated flight time and fuel burn ,9 +damaged area.,3 +Figure 5-116. ,0 +The maximum,9 +"Microstrategy as a BI tool and for creating dashboards, ",3 +(§§15/31der Strahlenschutzordnung) (wird bei Arbeitsbeginn ausgehändigt) ,3 +Figure 9-9. ,0 +§ 24 Wiederholung der Prüfung,7 +"Additionally, a buffalo fence separates the national parks from the vaccination ",9 +"some cases, a suitable rod with a lower melting point helps ",9 +‘‘(b) MEDICAL COUNTERMEASURE MASTER FILE CONTENT.— ,9 +"with a snap, disconnect the “V” ring from the snap. ",3 +L’alarme est l'ordre d'évacuation du bâtiment. Elle est donnée par les sirènes d'évacuation ou par ,9 +"of this fact can be used to advantage by flight crews. If, ",9 +and rescue coordinator if warranted. Responsibility,9 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +über einheitliche Bedingungen für die Genehmigung von Krafträdern hinsichtlich des Anbaus der Beleuchtungs-,9 +"EF = emission factor of pollutant (i.e., CO, SO$_{2}$, PM$_{10}$, PM$_{2.5}$, NO$_{x}$, or VOC), expressed in ",9 +"if lubricated with contaminated oil. Also, there are usually ",9 +其他浮动工具的行为。 ,9 +proximate aircraft and to serve as a “last line of defense” for ,9 +"proceedings for the offence may be taken in the Isle of Man, and ",3 +External snapring • Single-wire method,6 +of conducting agency coordination in support of a,3 +express provision of law.,9 +The center of gravity is defined as the theoretical point,9 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +"171,11 – 171,45 GHz,",9 +transistor terminal is the base terminal. ,9 +"execute the placing, installation, bedding, packing, removal, connection or disconnection ",3 +GPT 12/006 GPT LOC OS UFN,9 +partners in a joint offer and/or subcontractors only if the capacity of those entities is ,9 +CI-lt\PTER I,7 +Integrated Flight Control System ,7 +"(establishment) of the Greater London Authority Act 1999 of 55 Broadway, London, SW1H ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 369 of November 20, 1998]",7 +Bungee Cord,7 +"Die Nutzung der Frequenzbereiche 1 340 – 1 350 MHz, 2 700 – 2 900 MHz und 9 000 – 9 200",3 +is a citizen of Botswana; and,3 +Social Media (for both onsite and online types of event)…………………………………………37 ,8 +and forecasts only if they plan to depart the airport vicinity. ,9 +"Vitamin A, Vitamin D oder Kupfer- oder Selenverbindungen oder",3 +Distribution Chamber for Primary Clarifiers,7 +Statement by the creator (or right holder) ,7 +procedures of EFSA is available in the Privacy Statement on the EFSA website.,9 +"территория),",9 +It covers theory and application of aerodynamics for the ,9 +Not radar identified,7 +] delivered as part of the Framework contract ,7 +contracting authority and project manager or their representatives shall be as stated in the ,3 +"and crumpled appearance. Pitted points, as a general rule, ",9 +Figure 8-7. ,0 +performance are then rechecked by referring to flight ,9 +TATISTIQUE CONCERNANT LES ,7 +for urgent wildland fire suppression operations: ,9 +PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +waterproof,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ",7 +WINDS 270° AT 20 KNOTS ,6 +Failure to upload the following documents in eSubmission will lead to rejection of the tender.,7 +"set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade Control Order prior to ",9 +Drier winds,6 +“authorised development” means the development as described in Schedule 1 (authorised ,9 +Figure 6-8. Anchoring.,0 +The elevator trim control position also contributes to PIO ,9 +final report within 60 days following the expiry of the deadline to submit observations. ,3 +ATC Instructions ,7 +"Lycoming Engines, a Textron Inc. company, produces an ",9 +on at such place ,3 +"specialist: type of flight planned, whether flying VFR (Visual ",9 +"You are also allowed to depart the airport VFR, if conditions ",9 +"Rezepturen für Fleischerzeugnisse und verzehrfertige Speisen, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung",3 +"Agno, Aguilar, Alaminos, Alava, Alcala, Anda, Asingan, Balincaguin,",9 +Hypemic Hypoxia,7 +penalty that might have been imposed for that offence at the time when it was committed.,9 +Submission of requests to participate and tenders. ,7 +(standard right-hand ,6 +"The contracting authority may, on its own initiative, inform interested parties of any error, ",9 +learners commonly ignore the flight instructor’s suggestion to use the trim control. These learners believe the control yoke is an ,9 +. The size of the ,6 +part of all training events for all certificated pilots. This is especially important for pilots who have not been exposed to risk ,9 +1508.20. It,9 +TABLE DES MATIÈRES ,7 +Digital Building Blocks,7 +especially in instrument conditions or at night; and,9 +Direction of Flight,7 +Requesting offers,7 +"), are revoked. ",9 +"signed and dated by an authorised representative, stating that they fulfil the selection criteria applicable ",9 +not available); an aircraft is not equipped with an,9 +"insulation is called a dielectric, meaning it can store electrical ",9 +Wer ist für die Datenverarbeitung verantwortlich und an wen können Sie sich wenden? ,7 +requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,9 +的条件及び日常生活の需要の充足状況、交通事情等の社会的条件を考慮して、一体,3 +Lighting systems. ,3 +Typically,9 +保持性(ロールオフ)試験を行つたとき、ヘルメットが人頭模,9 +"dual navigation and communication radios, a transponder, ",9 +Guidance on Severe Turbulence,7 +expected readings. ,3 +configuration properties will beas follows: ,9 +ecclesiastics; soldiers in active service; persons receiving salaries from provincial,9 +FAA Publications ,7 +Protective works to buildings ,7 +有前款第(一)、(三)项行为之一的,处二万元以下的罚款;有前款第,9 +Abnormal Reactions to Stress ,7 +(ii) A deposit or other debts pertaining to an account displayed in Japanese ,3 +"Provide the author's replies to technical and quality review comments, given by ",3 +Obstacles may penetrate the obstacle identifi-,9 +Signature ,9 +much easier and allows the wing walkers to concentrate on ,9 +Lots: is this call for tenders divided into lots? ,7 +obtained without going to auto-rich with its costly waste of ,9 +allows you to check minimum altitudes for VOR reception ,9 +required. The manufacturer’s specification dictates certain ,9 +〔昭和二十九年六月一日政令第百十九号〕,7 +places for this purpose shall not be interfered with.,9 +Most of the early parachute systems had the harness detachable ,9 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le contractant ,7 + as above provided.,9 +subject to this call for tenders.,9 +Flufenacet (Fluthiamide) (142459-58-3) ,8 +and Systems,7 +remember that the data from the charts will not be accurate ,9 +Anti-Icing/Deicing,7 +Responsibilities of the Parties to the Engagement ,7 + as follows: the contracting authority orders services ,9 +lines. Numbers within these areas give the height of the ,9 +"will make the new data source available to the data processing systems, considering ",3 +Cyber Europe exercise ,3 +Bedingungen zu erfüllen: ,9 +throughout the procedure save in exceptional circumstances and under the following ,9 +participate. ,9 +Terminal Procedures Publications,7 +that are available and recommended to conduct a,3 +shall be the duty of the provincial board of each province to furnish the district,9 +proceed to a fix from which an approach begins and ,3 +в силу с 1 сентября 2021 года.,9 +Procedures and Routes,7 +Obstacle ,6 +The contractor must not subcontract and have the contract performed by third parties ,3 +"On runways used, or intended to be used, by international commercial transports.",9 +arine leagues. When municipalities are so,3 +"develops thrust from the propeller, which in turn pulls the ",9 +. Item A illustrates an example ,9 +drift immediately after lift-off.,9 +If the aircraft you are purchasing was previously ,9 +Softstarter Protection ,7 +Instrument Departures,7 +"Power to make general directions as to use of harbour, etc. ",3 +"principio di parità di trattamento, inclusa una distorsione della concorrenza non ",8 +[Figure 13-5] ,9 +10600 ft. on missed approach for cold temperature ,9 +"Restricted Areas, 3",9 +carrying out that in accordance with the standards provided for in the ,3 +mal combustion can be accomplished more ,9 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +operation and safety of an aircraft.,9 +"locations on the engine (each engine having one location), ",9 +Sideward Flight,7 +"any content published as part of this contract, the ",9 +Once contact has been made with outsiders to arrange for ,9 +"requirements of this section and, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce",9 +Consequential amendments ,7 +situations: ,6 +registering Your Aircraft ,7 +"in paragraph 23, at the end, insert “(except for livestock auctions)”;",3 +Anne-Marie Trevelyan,9 +such areas is to warn nonparticipating pilots of the potential ,9 +Location and Obstacles,7 +Takeoff Charts ,7 +TO SPECIFIC PROBLEMS OF FLYING ,7 +Figure 1-66,9 +Chapter 22—Gyroplane Aeronautical Decision,7 +Steering drum,6 +Заезд детей должен осуществляться в период не более двух календарных,9 +Media channels to be identified ,7 +"reported as R17L/1400FT, it translates to a visual range of 1,400 feet on runway 17 left.",3 +"coils in the indicator. Thus, the indicator pointer position ",9 +Engine Noise Suppression,7 +vermindertem Stichprobenumfang,3 +Verification of non-exclusion ,7 +"identifying objects, such as mistaking slanted clouds for the ",9 +"relevant year beginning in 2019, pushing it back to 30th November. ",9 +Tapes should be straight.,3 +certificated operating weight. The maximum strength is twice ,9 +"The 2117-T rivet is used for general repair work, since it ",9 +"ignated floor to specified altitudes, within which all aircraft and pilots are subject to the operating rules and ",9 +Operations in Other Countries ,7 +Alarm pens will display historical status in line with trend pen history in historical data screen ,9 +"seen only in large commercial aircraft, is now becoming ",9 +without a corresponding return.,3 +Where Cadent requires any protective works to be carried out by itself or by the undertaker ,9 +"Citation, commencement, extent and application ",7 +as rich as one to five or as lean as one to twenty- ,9 +Takeoff and Climb,7 +of an actuating unit.,9 +check the measurements and the resultant shrinkage.,9 +instrument approach at which a missed approach procedure ,9 +"airspeed descent is desired, reduce power to a descent ",9 +accordance with Schedule 19. ,9 +these two extremes controls the mixture. The quadrant in the ,9 +"courses / Lot 3 Derivatives, Treasury, portfolio management, collateral, ALM and pricing courses / ",9 +Table D - 1 ,9 +電磁的記録の作成がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む。次項において,3 +"website indicated below, applicable on the day when it issues the payment order.",9 +(See GLIDEPATH.) ,9 +§ 50 Weitere Anwendung von Vorschriften,7 +I.2. SUBJECT MATTER ,7 +"und Warmwasserleitungen, Kälteverteilungs- und Kaltwasserleitungen sowie Ar-",7 +"of EPA’s AP-42, and are associated with two main activities: (i) batch loading and unloading of ",9 +Mode S data link transponder with,9 +Evaluation of tenders,7 +Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System,7 +remanufacture of the parachute may not be practical or cost ,9 +Beendigung der Benutzung oder zur Erfüllung der Auflagen anordnen. Sind solche Anordnungen nicht oder nur,9 +Regulatory Framework ,7 +nautischer/nautische Offiziersassistent/-in (VkBl. 2009 S. 48) oder,3 +Edward Argar ,9 +Social Media Communication Plan ,7 +Interview partner to be identified ,7 +ROUNDS FOR REJECTION FROM THIS PROCEDURE,7 +TFR—See TEMPORARY FLIGHT RESTRIC-,3 +Operational Errors,7 +"Atmospheric pressure at 3,500 feet",6 +"customs laws, detention and removals of aliens crossing the border ",9 +made in accordance with the provisions and restrictions of the Real,3 +Shipment Type 3,7 +The FAA recommends that each seaplane owner,9 +the pilot not flying. Once the thrust levers are set for takeoff ,9 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +Abschnitt IV,7 +Nearest Airports Using the PFD,7 +provided to P; ,3 +"feet above the ground, the round out or flare is started. ",9 +reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations during ,9 +Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be ,9 +"certification, ratings, privileges, and limitations of airmen, ",9 +The Contractor’s national partner could assist EU-OSHA's national partner in identifying the ,3 +"veröffentlichten monatlichen Buchungskurs vor, der am Rechnungsdatum gilt. ",9 +conformity with the terms of a gratuitous license of the Bureau of Forestry and in,9 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +"provides a complete breakdown for assigned hours, activities and costs. ",3 +"authority, except where otherwise provided in this FWC, to publish the ",3 +disaster relief aircraft; ,3 +Aviation Digital Data Services (ADDS).,3 +action in RVSM airspace when aircraft experience,9 +land) of the 2008 Act and includes a public communications provider defined by section ,9 +"metal. If the object has a folded edge, there must be enough ",9 +and there is less chance of underspeed ,9 +Tender data.,7 +instructor.,3 +regards the inviolability of archives (including the physical location of data and services as set ,9 +Rotation of an aircraft about its ,9 +Organise transport (,7 +"""flash"" the field, remove the (A+) lead from the generator ",9 +inspected for the following:,9 +II.20.1. Zahlungsdatum ,7 +number) which acts as its unique identifier in the Participant Register. A participant needs ,9 +"traffic control as soon as possible. For example,",9 +mm shall be laid on 20 mm of sand for final leveling. All slabs shall be of approved type and design ,9 +"United 1153, Denver Tower, Roger, Critical Areas not",9 +Single Programming Document (ECHA public web site) ,3 +(ii) has been validated no more than 18 months before the test is administered or ,3 +compulsory acquisition under this Order are extinguished— ,9 +Guidance on Severe Turbulence,7 +Tenderer (name):,9 +"Bureau of Science, to fix and est",9 +Installation of cables ,7 +Motor Underload Protection: ,9 +"clean air there is going through the rotor disk, the more ",9 +installation or change in the underlying computing infrastructure. [Note that this ,3 +to support activities of the Department of Homeland Security ,9 +"FAA Acquisition Management System (AMS), Section 4.12, ",9 +"altitude chart, IFR en route high altitude chart, and Terminal ",9 +Collective Pitch Control,7 +the 360° ground track. The pilot may vary ,9 +jeweiligen landwirtschaftlichen Betriebes hat die Aufzeichnungen nach Satz 1 ab dem Zeitpunkt der jeweiligen,9 +"Dieses Gesetz gilt auch im Land Berlin, sofern das Land Berlin die Anwendung feststellt.",9 +"where consistent with government guidance on social distancing and unnecessary travel, may inspect it free of charge at ",1 +in any other case at a place described in paragraph (4)(a) to (c). ,3 +fuel temperature above the freezing point of water so that ,9 +〔昭和五十九年二月十五日通商産業省令第九号〕,7 +Einklang mit,3 +This province also contains the township of San Mariano.,9 +"produced internally by a DC alternator; however, in this case, ",9 +PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE ,7 +"of not exceeding five hundred pesos, or by imprisonment for a period not",9 +of acid electrolytes into alkaline electrolyte destroys the ,9 +SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION PLAN ,7 +Weather and radar processor (WARP). ,9 +Operational Hazard Warning(s)/Procedures,7 +altitude and temperature must ,9 +The requirements of paragraph 3(2) of Schedule 7 to that Act (relating to the appropriate ,9 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,6 +〔昭和五十八年七月三十日通商産業省令第三十九号〕,7 +"around it. To remove rivets, use hand tools, a power drill, or ",9 +EFFECT OF C.G. WsITION ,6 +a data controller is recognised under the concept of Joint controller,1 +"aviation system, such as aircraft and parts manufacturing, ",9 +Transitional provision ,7 +langues des pays candidats; ,3 +"differences of opinion. The facilitator should be able to recognize, acknowledge, and use ",9 +professional activities affect its capacity to implement the FWC or to perform a specific contract ,9 +30.09.2009,9 +air toxics are compounds emitted from ,9 +"Repairs, Alterations, and ",7 +consistent width of final for aircraft being vectored,9 +as provided for in the tender specifications. ,9 +Global position system (GPS). ,9 +"fatigue crack growth, replace lost structural area due to ",9 +Management and placement of advertisement ,7 +直近に終了した会計年度の貸借対照表に計上する当該医療法人の保有する資産の総額,3 + days for the preparation of his,9 +become so numerous over a particular geographical area that ,9 +I.13.2. DUVRI – Documento unico di valutazione rischi interferenziali ,7 +make use of any such Confidential Information without the other's prior written ,3 +with height. Inversions may also occur at any altitude when ,9 +connectors are used for coaxial cable. A variety can be ,9 +more pilot input and skill to minimize yaw instability through ,9 +RELATIVE WIND,7 +Checklist of Pages,7 +"effective on April 1, 2016. These changes will be incorporated into the handbook in the next ",9 +Language of the contract ,7 +metering jet direct to the main discharge nozzle.,9 +Airway and Route System ,7 +"notwendigen, von einem Wirtschaftsprüfer, einer Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, einem genossenschaftlichen",9 +"Article 12-9 A registered analytical laboratory shall, when intending to suspend ",3 +", That Federal interest provisions will not apply to the ren-",9 +WINGS Program.,9 +enable it to consider the application. ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 291 of October 1, 1973] ",7 +"customers’ and stakeholders’ requirements, ideas and wishe",3 +is correlated to the bank angle.,3 +Bank Control,7 +photographer; ,3 +Europol hosts or will host one or more of its racks. ,9 +Practice pibal plots. These exercises are designed to ,0 +共同で協議会(以下この条において単に「協議会」という。)を組織することができ,3 +ÉVACUATION ,7 +"Once the cell shaking process is completed, the No. 2 person will slowly raise the suspended canopy ",3 +Einrichtungen gem. §15 StrlSchV vorlegen und einen entsprechenden Abgrenzungsvertrag,9 + Award and notification of the outcomes of the procurement procedure ,7 +当該病院が実施する特定臨床研究に関し、研究の対象者又はその家族からの相,3 +Children Act 1989 representations ,7 +§ 1 Ziel des Gesetzes,7 +Operations in Other Countries ,7 +Abschnitt II,7 +"These special tools required to be supplied by the Contractor are those listed below, in addition to ",9 +Risk Management,7 +Teledyne Continental 0-200 Engine,7 +CAUTION: If a conditional sales contract is the ,9 +the procurement documents. ,9 +Schlussformel ,7 +III. Vor dem 1. April 1957 ausgestellte Führerscheine,9 +"Anschleppen, Abschleppen und Schleppen.",3 +L'octroi à l'Union de licences sur les ,9 + pending in the courts.,9 +and in accordance with the ,9 +Software Planning Review ,7 +Reciprocating Engine Exhaust Systems,7 +II.13.10 Visibility of Centre funding and disclaimer ,7 +credibity where such,6 +"the cloakroom, etc. ",3 +"objectives, including testing standard procedures, contingency and communication",9 +The Service Provider shall perform the Assignment in accordance with Annexes A and B. ,3 +Gebührenordnungen für die Sondernutzungen zu erlassen. Die Ermächtigung des Satzes 3 kann durch,9 +called the Aeronautical Information Publication,9 +Use transfer ,6 +[Figure 16-14] ,9 +FOLDING CANOPY ,7 +Tenderers. ,9 +Place hand on canopy approximately 10-inches from suspension lines. Grasp canopy at suspension ,3 +gear increases by the impact of touchdown. When the ,9 +§ 22a Abweichendes Verfahren bei Elektronischem Prüfauftrag und Vorläufigem Nachweis der,7 +side movement,6 +the receptors ,6 +zur Begründung des Antrags sind bei der Antragstellung oder im Verfahren über den Antrag glaubhaft zu,9 +"sometimes requires the installation of various check valves, ",9 +subsection (2)(,3 +Damage to epoxy finishes can best be repaired by ,3 +The weather groups are constructed by considering columns 1–5 in this table in sequence: ,9 +"they cut the rivet shank, or stem, off square.",9 +For the Contractor: ,7 +Assessing SRM Skills ,7 +provide part of the additional chemical energy ,9 +Figure 14-19,9 +prevent detonation. An economizer is essentially a valve ,9 + A type of shaft used to couple parts of an engine ,9 +Figure 5-6. ,0 +Engineer unless otherwise agreed. ,9 +Placing the control system in a specific position—,3 +s of atoms combine. They create a ,9 +placement agency established in a Member State (“hiring out of workers” as defined ,3 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 +"the page closer to you a few more inches, and the black ",3 +Avionics Block Diagram,0 +tender specifications with their respective annexes. All documents are available at the following TED ,9 +other preparatory measures to the drawing up of bids/applications/proposals. This right shall ex-,3 +catastrophic failures in a few hundred miles if ,9 +Procedural Notes ,7 +With reference to Article II.7 the contractor shall provide individual declarations of interest for new ,9 +"kits with press release, speech and information ",7 +"on their next flight, and she performs admirably. ",9 +“2020 election” means an election required by article 20(1)(a) to be held in 2020; ,9 +with the recent pilot assessments,3 +The effects of heavy ,9 +"Nettoerträge aus von ausländischen Tochterunternehmen für Einlagengeschäfte erhaltenen Vergütungen,",3 +"poses of section 1110 of this title, and subject to section 1113 ",9 + — No application,9 +Promotion Platform' aimed at promoting Europe as a single tourism destination. This Public ,9 +effect of high Mach numbers may produce the ,9 +"(ii) in sub-paragraph (5), omit the words from “and” to the end; ",3 +associated with an expired or unsatisfactory flight,9 +"X-ray technicians who are engaged in X-ray examination, and their ",3 +"World War I. After the war, surplus DH-4s were used for ",9 +Induction system icing is an operational hazard because it ,9 +Layup Process (Typical Laminated Wet Layup),7 +interaction between magnetic fields set up by electric current flow ,0 +Overvoltage Protection,7 +that occurs near the tip of the retreating blade. A retreating ,9 +Zusammenbau und Instandsetzung von Stempeln.,3 +LIABILITY FOR THE DEBTS OF THE LEGAL PERSON,7 +", by electronic means",9 +SPECIAL CONDITIONS ,7 +bonding surfaces. While the peel ply sometimes hampers ,9 +Transportation,9 +How is the system or NAS change interconnected/interdependent with other systems?,3 + is required to notify the travel plans to the Europol contract manager named in the ,3 +frequency. Pilots transmit and receive on the common ,9 +The ASI indicates an airspeed greater than the actual ,3 +particular runway and the approach is authorized by ATC.,9 +Another important fact to remember is that although there ,9 +raggruppamento,9 +& monitoring,6 +"This paragraph sets forth policy,",9 +Night Blind Spot ,7 +Testing and commissioning ,7 +Suspension by the contractor ,7 +"decreases, which decreases the groundspeed.",9 +ものに限る。)の項の改正規定,3 +NPN transistor.,9 +"example, if the needle indicates a descent of 200 fpm while ",9 +se rendre à l'atrium du Justus Lipsius,9 +von 90 Minuten.,3 +rented property. ,9 +) is varied in ,9 +Present weather: ,6 +pilot starts descent and verbally reports leaving an ,9 +"below 10 feet. At this point, if a full touchdown landing",9 +Zuerkennung nachgewiesen haben. Dem Grunde nach kann die Zuerkennung schon vorher erfolgen.,9 +"Order 8130.2, Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Product",3 +"that have chronic effects on the thyroid. EFSA Journal 2020;18(4):6088, 71 pp. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6088",1 +Establishing the Contractual Requirement ,7 +Tow Rope Inspection,7 +Gefahrstoffe in der abzubrechenden Bausubstanz,7 +Integrated Flight Control System ,7 +overlying the reference dots. Since the glidepath is much ,9 +Group control ,7 +of the American people to increase humankind’s understanding ,3 +inches Hg,6 +"invert the input signal. In other words, if there was voltage at ",9 +Adjusting the Fuel Control,7 +"consequence cooperate with the business community, in order to help them to meet the requirements of ",9 +upon the records of the provincial treasurer; and the provincial treasurer shall then,9 +Location and Obstacles,7 +non-precision approaches that require multiple level-offs at ,9 +aluminum which has a greater radiating surface than copper ,9 +"change into the proper landing attitude can be made, back-",9 +to all aircraft operating:,9 +AFROELASTIC EFFECTS ,7 +Course Reversal Elements in Plan View and ,7 +occurring or has occurred; ,9 +all technically acceptable tenders exceed the financial resources available; ,3 +Shipment Type 1,3 +decisions on its behalf,3 +"театра, утвержденном приказом Министерства образования и науки",9 +Failure to upload the following documents in eSubmission will lead to rejection of the tender.,7 +areas of a runway designated to protect landing or ,9 +"same, and any attempt to impose an import or export tax upon such goods in the",9 +"are hydroplaning, directional control and braking action ",9 +realising far exceeds the effort to avoid them.,9 + The direction the wind is coming from.,9 +finishes. ,9 +] represented for the purpose of the signature ,9 +prior to its undertaking. An example of the contents of such a protocol follows: ,9 +process for all federal agencies. In order to further ensure compliance with the requirements of ,9 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +"glider, error prevention is superior to error correction. Use a ",9 +"If option 1 was used, take the original binding tape, ",3 +Exclusion criteria documentation ,7 +Efforts to Locally ,9 +relaxed so the controls are neutralized as the glider returns to ,9 +"However, compensation for loss or damage resulting from fraud or gross negligence of ",9 +"on may be seized and,",9 +Function To Cross-Check Calculations,7 +Leveling Off,7 +"Responses must be clear, precise and specific to the question, as well as coherent, ",3 +“(4A) A credit agreement is an exempt agreement if— ,9 +DC Alternators and Controls,7 +Gaborone ,9 +"Materials: E thread; fabric—type and color to match, ",3 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +SRM document to the ATO Chief Safety Engineer for approval.,3 +"Herkunftsgebiet zugeordnet werden kann und nachweislich bei Ernte, Aufbereitung, Lagerung und",3 +Children’s homes: deprivation of liberty ,7 +Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System,7 +: ................................... ,6 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +"directed by the mayor, institute and prosecute in the city's interest a suit on any",9 +account. ,9 +"c.g. position, no significant changes take place ",9 +Specific provision related to reimbursement of expenses for shipment of Goods ,7 +Reverse-Current Relay,7 +§ 19 Fahrten zur dauerhaften Verbringung eines Fahrzeugs in das Ausland,7 +Reported in Previous Years,7 +guide tenderers in the preparation and sending of their offer; ,3 +"Arten und Eigenschaften zu verarbeitender Gewürze, Zutaten und Zusatzstoffe unterscheiden und",3 +procedure turn distance is 10 ,9 +"following services: Altimeter Setting (AS), Transfer",9 +level. How did the learner arrive at a particular decision? What resources were used? Was risk assessed accurately when a go/no-go ,9 +"Ort des Fahrtbeginns,",3 +For the Contracting Authority: ,7 +in which case the maximum area shall be two,9 +through the engine would drop and the tem- ,9 +"Light Sport Aviation Branch, AFS-610 ",7 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +"466 325,99 Euro,",9 +ARTICLE 30. FINANCIAL GUARANTEE ,7 +Please make sure all required documents and evidence are submitted with your ,7 +and other coping mechanisms.,3 +provide that health care professional with any relevant information obtained under ,3 +manufactured or distributed by the contractor: ,3 +Additional administrative documentation,7 +I.1.3. Conversion ,7 +Beschleunigtes Zusammenlegungsverfahren,7 +international exchange; ,3 +approach clearance. ATC requires this information in ,9 +Aus den nach § 21 Absatz 1 vorgeschlagenen Personen wählt und bestellt der Verwaltungsrat mit der,9 +"many good options have already been passed. Additionally, ",9 +justice of the pe,9 +"Sporty’s Pilot Shop, for image of an E6B Flight Computer used in Chapter 10",9 +A pressure-type carburetor discharges fuel into the airstream ,9 +"document monitoring plan and the safety section of the PIR Plan are complete. After the ISD, ",9 +available,1 +"behavior of semiconductors. To understand semiconductors, ",9 +"CFR Part 91, section 91.15—Dropping Objects",3 +reference bearing (no,9 +At least 3 years of experience in Machine Learning Algorithms and Advanced Machine ,3 +should never allow,9 +"to Article 3.4,",3 +ROTOR SYSTEM,7 +Legal effects of the invitation to tender and submission of a request to ,7 +"anything therein specified, and on all obligations guaranteeing the",3 +⁄4 inch in diameter. ,9 +Identification of subject matter for interview,7 +einer strahlenschutzärztlichen Untersuchung unterzieht. ,9 +AUDITING FOR BOTSWANA GOVERNMENT ,7 +sufficient kinetic energy to withstand the ,9 +The system that allows the pilot ,9 +Acceleration Error ,7 +II.17 SUSPENSION DE L'EXÉCUTION DU CC ,7 +advantage of TRSA service. Operations inside the TFR area ,9 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +"disablement, and ",3 +"tions, and looking for possible hazards. Be prepared to",9 +"if the MMO agrees in writing, request that the harbour master issues the notice of ",3 +この政令による改正後の消費生活用製品安全法施行令別表第一第十号に掲げる,3 +variations,9 +"Unregelmäßigkeiten im Fahrbetrieb durch Störungen,",3 +"Shifting weight to one side of the wing, thus warping ",3 +Although the landing light is a helpful aid when mak-,9 +cannot be performed with this test station. Beside utilization in test campaigns to verify ,9 +Head-up Guidance System (HGS). A system that projects ,9 +flight characteristics. The low aspect ratio ,9 +When forced to land due to an emergency beyond the ,3 +aufgeh. durch § 20 Satz 2 V 806-22-1-131 v. 13.10.2020 I 2166 mWv 1.8.2021,7 +"Recurrent Training, Flight Reviews, and Instrument Proficiency Checks ",7 +"an optimized oil sump, a streamlined accessory housing, ",9 +"II.20.5. Vorfinanzierungsgarantie, Erfüllungsgarantie und Gewährleistungseinbehalt ",7 +centerline until any required crab angle in level flight is ,9 +"requirements as defined in the Technical Specifications and, provided that they respect the ",9 +"of handling, and contact with other components. Knowledge ",9 +Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Werbung;,3 +position of the power lever in the cockpit and the particular ,9 +"integrazione, anche mediante rifilatura e taglio, dei ",3 +The ratio of the mass of air moved by the fan ,9 +I.9.1. Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +TABLE OF CONTENT ,7 +rooms hosting 25 staff each. Rooms similarly equipped. ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 500 of December 26, 1952] ",7 +"(Berechnungsdaten), abzurechnen (Abrechnungsdaten) und zu kontrollieren (Kontrolldaten). Es sind",9 +Approach Charts. ,9 +at 50 feet ,6 +while providing operational and airworthiness,9 +High pressure,6 +authority to continue an approach if continuation of,9 +local FSDO. ,9 +entry due to a mechanical and premature application ,3 +training and preparation.,3 +LEGAL ENTITY,10 +only within 25 statute (22 nautical) miles of a VOR.,9 +"Industry No. 99 of March 29, 2001] [Extract] ",7 +Funding & tender opportunities portal ,7 +[Figure 6-7],9 +- Luftdurchlässigkeit -,9 +audit of all assets in the fixed assets register and revalue those ,9 +the AFM and the engines allowed to stabilize. The engine ,9 + Terminal Radar Service Areas (TRSA),7 +The portion of the landing area illuminated by the land-,9 +I.2. SUBJECT MATTER ,7 +The undertaker is not required to comply with sub-paragraph (1) where it needs to carry out ,9 +Page 4 of 6 ,4 +fact that metal can be freely moved around the cutting blade ,9 +Selection of a ground reference with no suitable ,3 +remoted to the various ARTCCs by land lines or,9 +"Assigned to a new home-built, import, or ",3 +small signal from the control device and exerts a large force ,9 +前項の規定は、郵政官署又は本邦において新法第二十二条の三第一項に規定する両,3 +"AIRMET criteria (e.g., in terms of intensity or area ",3 +Nervousness ,8 +party may request,9 +"ICT Racks, cabling and other infrastructure elements ",7 +"in the fifth paragraph after the bold heading to Section 8, for “the EU”, in both places it ",3 +Invitations ,7 +nach Maßgabe des Absatzes 5.,9 +consist wholly or predominantly of audio or video content.”. ,3 +l'intento di eludere obblighi giuridici) ,8 +http://www.epa.gov/nonroad/aviation/420r09901.pdf; ,9 +Replacement of Damaged Trees ,7 +Registration numbers N1 through N99 are strictly ,9 +Valutazione dei Rischi Interferenziali (DUVRI) per valutare i rischi interferenziali e ,3 +Contracting authority,3 +Award phase,7 +Counterweights also cause the blades to move toward the ,6 +"Aufgaben der technischen, kaufmännischen und personalwirtschaftlichen Betriebsführung wahrnehmen,",3 +Deployment Types,7 +handbook.,9 +management needs to be as automatic as basic aircraft control. ,9 +ritiene necessaria,9 +Außenbauteile,9 +"ately submit evidence of ownership, an AC Form ",9 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +Bundesgebietes oder,3 +of this paragraph’’ and inserting ‘‘subparagraph (B) ,9 +Electronically Supplied Books etc.) (Coronavirus) Order 2020 ,9 +"contractor has submitted the required additional information, correction or new version.",9 +SCHEDULE 9 ,7 +in any particular case or class of case compliance with such requirement or ,3 +"conducts heat away from the repair area, resulting in a cold ",9 + — A person entitled under the rules of any Government hospital to,9 +known as the American wire gauge (AWG). As shown in ,9 +Ground Resonance,7 +"can begin, you should seek advice on your individual circumstances.",3 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +flown beyond gliding distance from the local soaring site. Cross-,9 +mitigate this risk the pilot has selected mental checkpoints ,9 +§ 93a (weggefallen),7 +the skis above the snow to prevent them from sticking,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 387 of December 25, 1997] ",7 +the rate of heat release and rate of pressure ,9 +to such payments to 100 percent.’’; and ,9 +any of the following if that person intends to export goods to a region other ,3 +Generators ,7 +The wastewater treatment plant has been operated in accordance with Contractor's ,3 +the size and weight of conductors required. A compromise is ,9 +病院又は診療所の名称及び所在地,3 +"While transitioning to forward flight at about 16–24 knots, ",9 + The WSC structural component in the longitudinal ,9 +All tasks are expected to be performed at the contractor’s premises and on the study sites. It is estimated that ,9 +"where P is an asylum seeker, accommodation provided or arranged under section 4, 95 or ",3 +is not to be treated as a member of the Authority for any purpose.”. ,3 +Using faulty trim technique.,3 +"For mobile sources, link length and width; and ",3 +the form of an I-beam. Lamination of solid wood spars is,9 +Adjusting the Fuel Control,7 +"Erzeugnisse der Fischerei und der Aquakultur, zur Änderung der Verordnungen (EG) Nr. 1184/2006 und (EG)",9 +shape of the solid and the mass density of the air. ,3 +Short breaks ,7 +CLOSING CONTAINER ,7 +V$_{MINI}$ (minimum speed—IFR) [Figure 7-2] ,3 +"it intersects the 2,000 foot altitude line. From that point, draw ",9 +Gesetz zu dem Internationalen Fernmeldevertrag vom 12.,10 +critical flight data on a display positioned between the pilot ,9 +to the contractor. The contracting authority must release the guarantee within the following month.,9 +modifiche ,9 +procedures. A clearance for a visual approach to a,9 +—eastbound ,9 +routes with numbering to identify the designated ,9 +air/ground,9 +rich text format.,9 +"“(1) A maritime enforcement officer may, for a purpose mentioned in paragraph (2) or ",9 +STRAIGHT-IN AUTOROTATION,7 +Chart Limits,7 +an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of ,9 +Annex 6. Financial offer form,7 +"approaching to land, taxiing, or crossing the runway.",9 +"vertical speed, navigation tracking, and approach. ",3 +This load should be held for at least 3 minutes. Any testing ,9 +rise in exhaust gas temperature. The pos- ,9 +Digital Electronics ,7 +Certains tarifs et coefficients en relation avec les travaux d'adaptation sont convenus dans le ,9 +maximum guaranty amount (as defined in subpara-,9 +"signed [a certified digital signature is acceptable, but a photographic image of the hand ",3 +throughout the entire course of training. Both the instructor ,9 +To 31st December 2021,8 +sociale conformément au droit applicable; ,6 +plans and standards. ,3 + shows the current ,9 +Actuator diaphragm,6 +flight and sustaining controlled flight and navigation without any human presence on ,9 +described above.,9 +Failing to use sufficient collective pitch to prevent ,3 +(weggefallen),9 +"hold the switched contacts open. When the contacts close, ",9 +When the aircraft ,9 +der Klasse AM (2 Doppelstunden),7 +EMEDIAL MEASURES,7 + - HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OFFER USING e-SUBMISSION ,7 +A term used in aviation for Coordinated Universal ,9 +" A facility consisting of two components, VOR ",9 +Based Navigation (PBN) and Area Navigation (RNAV),4 +Term of Office,9 +Sew the confluence wrap with the harness machine. ,3 +rough air on the pressure-type carburetors are negligible ,9 +REIMBURSEMENTS ,7 +Developing risk assessment skills. ,3 +"An estimation of the budget available for these projects for 2020 is up to €150,000. The ‘Requests for ",9 +"higher than the ideal planing attitude, the seaplane",9 +air filter.,3 +Documentation - as built;,3 + or any person that assumes unlimited liability for the debts of the ,3 +Conducting an IFR Flight,7 +Etikettierung:,3 +Coaxial Rotors ,7 +The contractor must be liable to the contracting authority for any lack of conformity which exists at the time ,9 +conversion. One very popular model is the front drive long ,9 +"qualified countermeasures, or qualified pandemic or epi-",9 +Canning Road ,7 +"bottom at high speed, the sudden drag is likely to flip",9 +TECHNOLOGY ,7 +Muffler and heat shroud,6 + For Note (1) substitute— ,9 +(ii) has been validated no more than 18 months before the test is administered or ,3 +"Listening for main ideas is another listening technique. Primarily a technique for listening to a lecture or formal lesson presentation, it ",9 +included in the notification letter:,9 +used to form the packed container; also known as a packing ,9 +ROTOR DISC REGIONS,7 +Risk Management,7 +include a description of the implementation of studies in a small number of study ,8 +Intermeshing Rotors,7 +Responsibilities,7 +Acceptance (1) (2) (3) ,7 +Information Datenschutz ,7 +"Change of legal entity, and also in case of new name, or where the change of legal entity ",3 +Article 1 – SUBJECT MATTER; PERFORMANCE ,7 +Effective Aeronautical ,7 +Anforderungen an den Auftragnehmer ,7 +§ 11 Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I,7 +is a citizen of Botswana or of any other country to which this section is applied by ,3 +Severe Turbulence.,9 +who commercially conducts transactions or acts governed by the Act (such ,3 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +the propeller is attached.,9 +contracting authority’s,3 +Situational Awareness ,7 +measuring each characteristic. ,3 +"choice which may be reserved, if available. ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 358 of December 2, 2005] ",7 +a helicopter’s correct flight altitude. The altitude must be sufficient for the aircraft and trailing banner to ,9 +underlying contract has been fully executed; ,3 +"application of appropriate stress assessment tools, ",3 +道交通运营、建筑施工单位应当建立应急救援组织;生产经营规模较小的,可以不,9 +"Arbeitsverhältnis stehen, kann die nach Landesrecht zuständige Behörde entsprechende Abweichungen",3 +"When a bounce is severe, the safest procedure is to execute ",9 +those in the tender (Annex II). ,3 +Ablauf der Bindefrist am ,6 +"the aircraft is below the glidepath, the needle is deflected ",9 +"Once in flight, the pressurization controller automatically ",9 +standpoint.,9 +CLARIFICATION No: 2,7 +"Werden die Förderhilfen für die Herstellung neuer Filme nach § 84 verwendet, können sie auch für bereits",9 +Pilots must then return to an altitude that conforms to,9 +"replaced cylinders. In such cases, before making the test, ",9 +inability to deploy a pod engine successfully for an air restart ,9 +careful to avoid elongation of the dimpled or the countersunk ,9 +"Recurrent Training, Flight Reviews, and Instrument Proficiency Checks ",7 +Conversions,7 +the airplane structure senses the degree of a ,9 +configuration into a file for loading again. Graphical interface will be able to transfer trend data to .csv ,9 +this eight-main wheel system.,9 +Bureaus and Offices Pertaining to Department of Interior,7 +airspace boundary to preclude entering Class C,9 +of the flight path. ,9 +§ 1 Beschränkung des ordentlichen Holzeinschlags,7 +pressure-measuring cell built-in,9 +Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures,7 +Safety Assurance,6 +"Welfare as prescribed in Article 30-4, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act shall ",3 +provided under these conditions.,9 +"sunset to sunrise. In addition, aircraft equipped with",9 +vorzusehen sowie ein Zugangskontrollsystem mit Dokumentationseinrichtung. Die Entnahme und,3 +the applicable law requires the disclosure of the ,3 +Perform dryrun reserve inspection and repack to airworthy standards meeting all FAA requirements,3 +Goods; for the storage of the Goods on the sub-contractor’s premises and/or warehouse/storage ,9 +roll at an airport without an operating control tower.,9 +the Isle of Man or by an Island person) the goods would be dealt with in ,3 +Class B Airspace,7 +right to use the pictures for all promotional (and non-commercial) aims. ,3 +During execution of works existing trees and shrubs that are to be retained shall be adequately protect-,9 +New Access Road ,7 +undertaker’s works affecting electronic communications apparatus) of the electronic ,9 +seguenti disposizioni: l'amministrazione,9 + Pre-conditions for the verification of the process performance ,7 +TAIL SURFACES,7 +thousands of feet. ATC may request that the pilot changes ,9 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +"path and identifying all hazards in the area, select a route that ",9 +Wheel Speed Sensor,7 +"(excluding those listed in the preceding item, the following item and item ",3 +that the valves ,3 +drugs shall keep their records relating to the same.,3 +amplifiers do. It attenuates current but causes a high gain in ,9 +"The high-shear pin rivet family includes fasteners, such as ",9 +Improvement Plans ,7 +"Wildlife Service, or U.S. Forest Service without authorization ",9 +(website ,9 +SIGNATURES ,7 +"for the described use of their image, voice or private element and, on request, submit a ",9 +Department for Transport. ,9 +. It must also take out supplementary insurance as reasonably required by ,3 +Bottom Flap ,6 +"revised), Light-Sport Aircraft Manufacturer’s ",3 +airspace waiver (see paragraph 5,9 +"übergeben, falls sie nicht diesem Betrieb angehört. Der Betriebsinhaber oder die Betriebsinhaberin des",9 +"from the U.S. Department of Transportation,",9 +and Unisan.,9 +"Section 4.15.1, ",9 +graphic depicting the pavement holding position,9 +§ 5 Durchführung der Berufsausbildung,7 +"For the airplane shown, a 5-g maneuver im- ",9 +"see hidden power lines, antennas, or other obstacles ",3 +Weighing the Aircraft and Determining the ,7 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +but the readings obtained by this method can offer real ,9 +means to reduce safety risk must be approved by the designated management officials,3 +"crewmember while taking any medication, unless approved to ",9 +"systems have several important limitations. For example, ",9 +"Three major areas contributing to runway incursions are communications with air traffic control (ATC), airport knowledge, ",0 +Specific provision related to reimbursement of expenses for shipment of Goods ,7 +– MOTIVI DI RIGETTO NELL'AMBITO DELLA PRESENTE PROCEDURA ,7 +Desiccant/Moisture Separator,7 +Figure 3-36. ,0 +dimension change as the pressure varies over the usable ,9 +Pneumatic Deice Boot System for GA Aircraft,7 +Aircraft Pitch—When referenced,9 +§ 10b Personalgewinnungszuschlag,7 +〔昭和四十八年一月二十五日政令第十三号〕〔抄〕,7 +"roadways, ",9 +: propose metrics ,3 +Direct Service Changes ,7 +Verkehrsanlagen;,3 +II.8. CONFIDENTIALITY ,7 +Near Midair Collision Reporting,7 +considerable extent generic and lacking clear focus on critical aspects of the ,9 +Safety Recommendations ,3 +paper versions ,7 +"The harness, container, and associated parts to include ",3 +Verify security of propeller mounting.,3 +"reflected and displayed on the operator’s scope, ",3 +Hauptwohnsitz im Sinne dieser Verordnung ist der Lebensmittelpunkt des Berechtigten.,9 +tangent lines,6 +"or point and the runway, airport, or missed approach point. ",3 +", due in month 2 of the contract",3 +to 460mm?,8 +Duration of Training ,7 +Transfer/Exhaust—Piston,7 +amount of exempted compensation; ,3 +valve is shut off and the fluid from the pump goes through ,9 +Secondary or Auxiliary Control Surfaces ,7 +expressed are those of the ,9 +Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) and other detailed information ,9 +sident in respect of legal proceedings,7 +": any material, document, technology or know-how which exists prior ",9 +the torch. The darkest shade of lens showing a clear definition ,9 +page 6 of 25 ,4 +and others) and will liaise with the respective entity providing the space for advertisement; ,3 +tended. Assume that the airplane is allowed ,9 +Leveling Off,7 +"necessary to satisfy the minimum economic, financial, technical and professional capacity ",9 +Das vordere Kennzeichen darf bis zu einem Vertikalwinkel von 30 Grad gegen die Fahrtrichtung geneigt,9 +"character throughout the Islands, whether pertaining to the Insular or",3 + Sample station model and weather chart symbols. ,0 +would a pilot turn right or left for the shortest way ,3 +II.20.8 Intérêts de retard ,7 +Vaccination Efforts to Locally Immunize All Veterans and Every ,9 +CHAPTER VII ,7 +"(EU funded projects, academic ",3 +"confidence, but the rigger’s ability to work on the parachute ",9 +"Recurrent Training, Flight Reviews, and Instrument Proficiency Checks ",7 +. This section of the AMS requires the application of a Safety ,9 +mental math calculations in order to separate aircraft along ,9 +Description of the technical and organisational security measures implemented by the data ,7 +Idle mixture curve. ,0 +Wing Structure,7 +schools established or maintained under this chapter shall be free.,9 +§ 22a Abweichendes Verfahren bei Elektronischem Prüfauftrag und Vorläufigem Nachweis der,7 +point canopy release to jettison the main canopy and deploy the reserve canopy. The reserve parachute ,9 +the Philippine Islands of the amount paid by such municipality from its own funds,9 +"stripped away, a pristine surface becomes available. Light ",9 +"facility, disposal facility, or radiation therapy sickroom not exceeding the ",3 +other related materials and services. ,3 +Gliederung der Berufsausbildung,7 +Descriptors and weather phenomena used in a typical METAR. ,0 +Metering orifice,6 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 +"Katılım öncesi Yardım Aracı, published in the Offcial G",1 +sary to produce airflow separation. ,9 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +"applied to all NAS equipment, operations, and procedures to identify safety hazards and ",9 +Select Dispersion Models ,7 +ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS,7 +direction following the surrounding lines until it intersects ,9 +"vidual, regardless of age or marital status, who— ",9 +folgendermaßen eingegliedert: ,9 +II.23.2. Recovery procedure ,7 +adding safety speed margins for takeoff in windy conditions.,9 +parachute while maintaining precise powered ,3 +Secretariat services ,7 +I.4.1. Preis des Vertrags und Höchstbetrag ,7 +operations are prohibited for any aircraft requiring an,9 +"usually may not be flown for compensation or hire, which ",9 +All primary instruction in,9 +the full ,9 +эксплуатацию,9 +"pilots to not only to understand the definition of LTE, but ",9 +Altitudes and Flight Levels,7 +of the same elements. An example system used on a low- ,9 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +much of the same shall be thus so,9 +Pointer Lock,6 +"may build up on the carburetor elbow, as well as the carburetor ",9 +"and the chairman, shall receive a compensation of ten pesos for each day on which",9 +"the tender specifications. The contractor must provide such assistance at no additional cost, ",9 +cross-sectional strength. A lighter gauge material should not ,9 +"drag increases, some seaplanes have a tendency to nose",9 +"“new ship” means a ship the keel of which is laid, or which is at a similar stage of ",9 +main canopies,3 +August 2016 ,9 +Citation and commencement ,7 +and-for the majority of airplanes-requires ,9 +II.20.7 Suspension du délai de paiement ,7 +Anlage 3 (zu § 4 Absatz 1),7 +Requirement g),3 +Eventuali,9 +a call sign of N1230A is flown. The aircraft is equipped with ,9 +"magnetic record; referred to as ""financial statements, etc."" in the following ",3 +"property has thus been redeemed, and said property th",9 +Damage Removal,7 +線装置の接触可能表面から五センチメートルの距離において三百ミリグレイ毎時,3 +Inland als Nachweis der Fahrerlaubnis geltende befristete Prüfungsbescheinigung nach Anlage 8a erteilt.,9 +LA-CO-XXXXXX ,5 +Jurisdiction ,3 +Footpath MUR/13/1 ,8 +WORKS PROVISIONS ,7 +"“apparatus” means any works, mains, pipes or other apparatus belonging to or maintained by ",9 +"public, whether so expressed in the statute giving the authority or not.",9 +In-Flight Test ,7 +Skew-T Plots,7 + benefit will,9 +establishing and publicizing clinical research guidelines; ,3 +"against peril by sea or on inland waters, or by fire or",3 +Perform follow-up procedures IAW WP 0005 00. ,3 +"Terminal ATMs, this is the District Manager or General Manager; and for Technical",3 +sentence adjudged by a summary court shall take effect until it has been approved,9 +performance). ,9 +Figure 5-44A ,9 +whichever is the earlier. ,9 +" European Free Trade Association. The member states are Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.",1 +CORDON FENCES ,7 +performance ,3 +Improper Elevator Trim Setting,7 +Consolidated data are not requested for financial ratios. ,1 +The marker board is a classroom tool for instructors. Its versatility and effectiveness provide several advantages for most types of ,9 +Appendix E: Log Book Endorsement Formats (page E-1) ,7 +проводиться,9 +updated more often when changing local conditions warrant. ,9 +to the right. This “clearing procedure” must be done before ,9 +II.17. SUSPENSION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FWC ,7 +"With this additional factor in mind, any pilot ",9 +"Der Prüfungsteilnehmer soll nachweisen, dass er wirtschaftliche, rechtliche und soziale Zusammenhänge",9 +I.9.1. Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +Recognizing Interference or Spoofing,7 +П. Общие требования,7 +them to coincide with the cylinder. Close examination of ,9 +uals under this section. ,9 +well-defined basis. ,3 +svolgimento,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 157 of June 10, 1960]",7 +CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE ,7 +"popular model of turboprop engine, the propeller blades do, ",9 +"In the early years of aviation, a compass, a map, and dead ",9 +By authority of the United,9 +: the internal system(s) used by the parties to process electronic invoices; ,9 + [Figure 6-14],9 +"be known, by means of Mode C, but not verified with the",9 +INCLUDING ANNEXES,7 +Inland Waters ,7 +(weggefallen),7 +Flight rules adopted by the ,9 +various sizes and types of conductors covered with various ,9 +"tips in excess of 5° during taxi turns, the instrument is ",3 +AFROELASTIC EFFECTS ,7 +REIMBURSEMENTS ,7 +system. Pilots should become familiar with the operational ,9 +Article 30-28-3). ,3 +Technical equipment and Technician (for both onsite and ,7 +the capacity of the machine.,9 +"23.2.2008, S. 71) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung bleibt unberührt.",9 +" INVOICES, VALUE ADDED TAX AND E-INVOICING ",7 +SINGLE FREQUENCY APPROACH- A service ,9 +"model of aircraft, each flight manual is unique since it ",9 +NAVWEPS 00-801-80 ,7 +"operations,",9 +Article 6 – Terms of Payment ,7 +Mr. Benoit Viellefon (www.johnjohn.co.uk/compare-tigermothflights/html/tigermoth_bio_aozh.html) for image ,9 +tools that are needed for glider derigging or installing gust ,9 +"After a turnbuckle is properly adjusted, it must be safetied. ",9 +0062 00-3/(4 Blank) ,4 +The airflow pattern for 1–5 knots of forward airspeed. Note how the downwind vortex is beginning to dissipate and induced ,0 +§ 3 Zielsetzung der Berufsausbildung,7 +symbol between the airport elevation and runway length means that runway lights are in operation sunset to sunrise. ,9 +"engineering to ensure the envelope is properly stressed, ",9 +ed from all operations and from animals. Small trees and shrubs generally shall be surrounded by,9 +Sludge pipes,8 +Means of redress. ,7 +copyright licenses to reproduce any publications provided to EFSA. The ,3 +Fuel-Injection Pump,7 +lead editor ,3 +"a different model of glider for the first time, obtain a briefing ",9 +Article 1 – SUBJECT MATTER; PERFORMANCE ,7 +Aggregate Handling and Storage Piles,9 +"Druckereien und Verlage Systeme der Objektsicherung und Fertigungskontrolle unterhalten, die folgenden",9 +an evaluation of any existing obstructions. The FAA plans to ,9 +CG AFT OF AFT LIMIT,7 +PROFILE VIEW,7 +"No harmful substances (heavy metals, toxins, etc.) are conveyed to the inlet in ",3 +"provisions of Article 55 of the Act, Article 55-3, Article 55-4, Article 55-7, or ",3 +straightened in its fore-and-aft position so it can be retracted ,9 +Characteristics of Learning ,7 +circuit. Control of electron flow enables the circuit to produce ,9 +receiver will operate in this mode for the duration of,9 +項(同項第十四号に掲げる事項については、前項ただし書に規定するときに係るもの,3 +[183-28.],9 +ARRANGEMENT/COORDINATION OF INTERVIEWS ,7 +precision instrument. TBL 2,9 +Three-unit regulator for variable speed generators.,0 +"stable. See also ""inversion''. ",9 +"by them, at a rental to be paid from the transportation-expense funds of the Bureau",9 +that additional thrust be provided for short ,9 +Simplified Directional Facility,7 +Inland Waters ,7 +proportional to torque being applied at the propeller shaft. ,9 +"Finanzholding-Gesellschaft angehört, nicht zuverlässig ist oder nicht die zur Wahrnehmung der",9 + illustrates an analog ,9 +Deliverables ,7 +CONTROLLED AIRSPACE,7 +"Angaben über den Zweck der baulichen Anlage oder des Auftrages, wenn auch Planungsleistungen",3 +Verify oil tank content (oil injection engines).,3 +Secondary or Auxiliary Control Surfaces ,7 +discretion authorize the payment of the necessary hospital fees.,9 +Straight-and-Level Flight,7 +with the registration process. You should contact ,9 +The most basic of the GCU functions is that of voltage ,9 +movement of the reference bar on the airplane’s attitude ,9 +rudders to provide better directional control. Raise the,9 +until the stability of the helicopter has been checked to be ,9 +"matters, with a curriculum vitae of a person to be that representative director: ",3 +Exhaust Systems,7 + Flight Deck Inspection,7 +are used to compensate for torque to put the helicopter in,9 +"such reasonable fee as may be prescribed by law, be given within a reasonable time after ",9 +"make adjustments in performance. Performing the skill still requires deliberate attention, but the learner is better able to deal with ",9 +representative,3 + These Regulations may be cited as the Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) ,9 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +Small Multiengine (Reciprocating) Aircraft Fuel ,7 +fight against the FMD. ,3 +Hi-Lok$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +Stagnant Hypoxia,7 +of Finance or Order of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry based ,9 +Signed declaration on Honour on Exclusion criteria. ,3 +longitudinal axis of the runway. ,9 +high speed shape. ,9 +B.2.4.2 Emission Factors ,7 +" On the basis of the findings made during the audit, a provisional report is drawn up. The ",3 +Aircraft Metal Structural Repair,7 +exempted from procedures requiring the transfer of the payment for goods and/or ,3 +Strahlenschutzbelehrung / Gefahrstoffbelehrung ,7 +in British English,3 +to the outboard ,9 +Significant Weather Prognostic Charts,7 +he current year; (4) an estimate of the,9 +The Powerplant ,7 +Communal Forests,7 +"Ratio, polarity and phase relationship. ",3 +procédure ,6 +procurement procedure of the same contracting authority. The documents must have been issued ,9 +If the obstacle ,9 +Capacity to deliver within a quality and security framework in compliance with ,8 +§ 2 Ausbildungsdauer,7 +Auf Leitungen aller Art ist bei den Erdarbeiten besonders zu achten. Für Beschädigungen ist der ,9 +be cleaned or replaced at the prescribed intervals. Follow ,9 +Use of Resources,7 +"Prior to performing the O&SHA, appropriate task analyses should be conducted on all pertinent ",9 +"on conviction on information, to custody for a term not exceeding 7 years or to a ",3 +The separate digits of the speed followed by the word,9 +Temperature Variations with Topography,7 +Analogue Addressed Fire Warning Button;,7 +II.20.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +法第五十五条の三第五項の規定による報告をした者は、財務省令で定めるところに,3 +needle bar alternately left and right during sewing.,9 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +Step 5—Adjust for Specific Conditions,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 189 of April 1, 2016] ",7 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +Minimum capacity level:,7 +pouvoir adjudicateur de ,7 +services and ,3 + Office may check or require an audit ,3 +"enough to support a layer of snow or other material,",9 +Napo performance,7 +it. Landing gear struts of this type made from composite ,9 +"goods are new, in working order and compliant with all technical specifications ",3 +up Reports.,7 +handbooks_manuals/aviation/,9 +"Physical Security, Information Security, Cybersecurity, and Occupational Safety and ",7 +[See 6-1; 2000-1.],9 +Risk Management,7 +ations of such Bureau.,9 +"Conduite/Inspection, Maintenance préventive, corrective et dépannages ",7 +from a main tank on either side of the aircraft and directs it ,9 +blades. With sufficient blade inertia and collective,9 +"useful load. It includes the flight crew, usable fuel,",9 +特定臨床研究に係る金銭その他の利益の収受及びその管理の方法が妥当である,3 +facility. Pilots at uncontrolled airports may contact ATC and ,9 +"Dimasalang,",9 +"12 марта 2021 г.,",9 +Desiccant/Moisture Separator,7 +"when shielding and isolation are not effective, a filter may need ",9 +Pratt-~hitney ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 138 of May 26, 1980]",7 +Buß- und Bettag,9 +bolting is more common.,9 +BANKING DETAILS,7 +"purposes of sepulture, which shall not be at least twenty-five meters from any",9 +"rischi indotti dal contraente, non si ritiene necessaria l'elaborazione del Documento ",3 +a pilot some trouble. ,9 +§ 88 Auszahlung,7 +DIN EN 12207:2017-03,9 +Controller.,7 +"[2634-1, 2.]",9 +§ 4 Berufsausbildung in überbetrieblichen Ausbildungsstätten,7 +исключения,9 +"cooling water,",9 +keep a record of all officers and employees in the permanent,3 +Failure of Notary Public to Certify Payment of Cedula,9 +Intellectual property rights,7 +and flight deck safety for years. ,9 +remains clear the ASI continues to operate but is inaccurate. ,9 +the rights to decompile or disassemble the software; ,3 +"Per Safety Management System policy, a high predicted residual risk is unacceptable and",3 +"Article 9 (1) The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is to establish a ",3 +生产安全事故的应急救援与调查处理 ,7 +ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS,7 +in pressure ,9 + [Figure 13-5],9 +Alloy code—DD,6 +verification of the absence of grounds for exclusion or the fulfilment of the selection ,6 +Ground Test,7 +temperature and pressure gauges. For a simple two-stroke air-,9 +"For acquisition programs, monitoring responsibilities end when all activities outlined in the SRM ",9 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,7 +〔昭和四十八年一月二十五日政令第十三号〕〔抄〕,7 +"Most gas turbine engines are equipped with a high-energy, ",9 +INDUCED DRAG ,7 +"FOR THE PROVISION OF ICT RACKS, CABLING AND OTHER ",7 +I.3. ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF THE FWC ,7 +(SID/STAR) charts. These differences are due to the,9 +Article II-22 ,7 +Bezeichnung und Kennziffer des Herkunftsgebiets nach der Forstvermehrungsgut-,3 +the rate of climb and the pressurization schedule require the ,9 +"organisations, coordination of joint actions and preapproved containment actions, reporting. ",9 +"of tail rotor thrust, but an autorotation is generally not required.",9 +barred from so doing. Execution of the administrative order shall not be suspended ,3 +requirements of Financial Intelligence Act. ,3 +"§ 12 Haushaltsplan, Rechnungslegung",7 +procedures and should be performed if there is any question ,9 +of Application Management service that would be consumed in this consumption ,3 +induced drag.,9 +前項の規定は、郵政官署又は本邦において新法第二十二条の三第一項に規定する両,3 +"2(3), 41(1) and (3) of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012(",9 +"if necessary. Occasionally, blade straightening is also ",9 +Article 31 Provisional acceptance ,7 +and sandy) compared to Selibi Phikwe was allocated relatively fewer resources.,9 +Touchdown zone lights.,9 +or wires to assist in supporting the wing and carrying the ,9 +Abschnitt 7,7 +医療の安全の確保のために必要な資質及び能力,3 +"Entries should be formatted with the Vancouver style, i.e. numbered consecutively in order of appearance ",9 +"are aware of, and understand the use of, the three types ",9 +guidance.,9 +"ax, the penalty, and the costs incurred up to the",9 +MONEL WIR.C ,6 +restricted areas are designated joint use and IFR/VFR ,9 +"skin. To prevent this, any concentrated repellant or residue ",9 +"quarterly installments, at the election of the licensee.",9 +указанных,9 +Class A Airspace,7 +(time limit for exercise of powers of acquisition) of the Network Rail (East West Rail) ,9 +Offenses Against Various Administrative Laws,7 +as to minimise the vertical and lateral displacement of piles already installed. Levels of the tops of ad-,9 +day is defined as the time required for the Earth to make one ,9 +terranno presso il sito di JRC di Ispra.,3 +Please consult the contract for IPR related clauses. ,9 +[2408-17.],9 +the time that charges may be affected by radio,9 +Conversions,7 +service to be applied. ,9 +"is set excessively nose up, the pilot needs to hold forward ",9 +Departure Procedures,7 +mount in figures ,9 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +II.18.3. Procedure for termination ,7 +NAVWEPS 00-BOT-BO ,7 +Aircraft Battery Ratings by Specification,7 +"zu übersenden. Der Sachverständige oder Prüfer prüft, ob der Bewerber zum Führen von Kraftfahrzeugen,",9 +Power to keep apparatus in streets ,3 +§ 10 Nachweis und Kontrolle der Mautgebührenentrichtung,7 +ll be final. In case two or,3 +Moral rights of the authors ,7 +the tree preservation order trees location plan. ,8 +Ref. Ares(2020)5475650 - 14/10/2020,5 +The function of the reduction gear assembly is to reduce ,9 +Place flash tape below and above the thermocouple ,3 +"aircraft’s attitude (i.e., roll and pitch), that system must be ",9 +Distribution Chamber for Primary Clarifiers,7 +Gear ratio approximately 435 to 1,6 +Overshooting/undershooting the desired heading.,3 +Sport Pilot Certificate,7 +travel by boat or rail: up to the maximum cost of a first class ticket; ,3 +proje~ted.-Total ,3 +to fulfil its contractual obligations,3 +"maintaining roads, bridges, culverts, and ferries shall ",3 +Qualifications,9 +a complete repair and some form of reinforcement is still ,9 +CROSSWIND LANDING,7 +solenoid and stops the flow of fuel into the burner chamber. ,9 +vice NDB.,9 +Ground-based Facilities,7 +The general information section provides the basic descriptive ,9 +flap is sewn to the container and mark. ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 135 of May 30, 1960]",7 +"provided on a Europol template, as further detailed in a ",3 +direction runway. Yellow arrow heads are placed across the ,9 +Gas turbine engine speed usually 60-70 percent ,9 +подготовки,9 +a designated person for the purposes of Part 3 (Finance) as defined in regulation 10 ,3 +"data analysis and summarisation, ",3 +"Hierauf erhalten die Beteiligten das Wort, um ihre Anträge zu stellen und zu begründen.",9 +Electronic Fire Warning Siren Flasher; ,7 +"lungs- und Warmwasserleitungen, Kälteverteilungs- und Kaltwasserleitungen so-",9 +"radioisotopes for positron computerized tomography examination, storage ",3 +edge. Movement of the ruddervators can alter the movement ,9 +Impulse voltage withstand. ,3 +State of Charge (SOC) for Sealed,8 +class are as follows:,9 +to the reference road.,3 +"360 degrees in azimuth, oriented from magnetic ",9 +алгоритмы,9 +"performance (runway limit, climb limit, usable landing ",3 +"Operations; for Terminal ATMs, this is the District Manager or General Manager; and for",3 +"application of the navigation database arise, the",9 +windows because heavy undiluted repellant restricts window ,9 +“Single Harness Emergency Parachute Canopy”,3 +"may not vote, and ",3 +"2,950 pounds before landing.",6 +airworthiness must be deter- ,6 +"documents included in the tender, to be signed by the tenderer or the group leader in ",3 +erforderlichen Besetzung.,9 +also apply to co-financing provided by Turkey and natural and/or legal persons that receive ,3 +"Authorities, these are to be tabled to respective Full Councils and Land ",3 +Tension Regulators,7 +sition from the enroute structure to the IAF. ,3 +Finance Income ,8 +Brief description of the required services/ supplies ,7 +Step 2: Determine the Compass Course,9 +Desiccant/Moisture Separator,7 +"(ii) it violates the provisions of Articles 12-7 through 12-9, Article 12-10, ",3 +downwind at the same time ,9 +Under 'Tender Data' ,8 +"observations, must ",9 +NAVIGATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION (Continued),7 +"etc. which carries out serum separation only, it is not required to describe ",3 +"oberen Luftraum (oberhalb Flugfläche 245) diese Geräte für den Betrieb im 8,33 kHz-Kanalraster geeignet",3 +Patch Bonded to Aluminum Structure,7 +Safety of excavation and adjacent structures ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 373 of November 5, 1987]",7 +Hypoxic Hypoxia,7 +drill cut a good starting spot and eliminates the chance ,9 +Operation of the Treatment Plant ,7 +"=31,500 lbs./hr. ",9 +Purchase Order ,3 +“one substance – one assessment” ,3 +有权提出解决的建议,生产经营单位应当及时研究答复;发现危及从业人员生命安,9 +coefficients; ,9 +public. Foreign country standard IAPs are established and ,9 +displayed; if more than eight aircraft match intruder,9 +"sensitivity. Usually, the “test” feature only tests to see if ",9 +"consultation to the requirement consultee within five business days of receipt of the application, ",9 +II.3. SEVERABILITY ,7 +engine has horizontally opposed air cooled cylinders. ,9 +SCHEDULE 14 ,7 +(See RADAR APPROACH CONTROL ,9 +"is complete, and the electrons tend to be bound strongly to ",9 +"compass heading: after the TC is measured, and wind ",9 +Award of the contract ,7 +to conduct inspections for contamination with radioisotopes; ,3 +provides essential support to a domestic elite sportsperson who is competing ,3 +severe turbulence and/or MWA that is of sufficient,9 +"Wright Flyer, but they did have an engine tachometer, an ",9 +"Considering the volatile nature of the data source, the solution should be robust, ",3 +airspace beyond 12 nautical miles off the coast of the,9 +to keep the kingpost upright.,0 +"Anwenden einer Fremdsprache bei Fachaufgaben,",3 +muss folgende Angaben umfassen:,9 +(vii) goods which belong to the heads of foreign countries visiting Japan and ,3 +§ 24a (weggefallen),7 +the power to turn the propeller. It also generates electrical ,9 +stationäre,8 +"parts are licensed under conditions to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control’, ",9 +II.5.2 Date of communications by mail and email ,7 +) Subsection (1B) was inserted by section 202(1) of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 (c. 22). ,1 +the powers and duties of the Director of Civil Service —,9 +Pipe Velocities,7 +§ 3 Inanspruchnahme von Fremddienstleistern,7 +institution; ,3 +Handling of Help functions: ,7 +II.20. REVISIONE DEI PREZZI ,7 +The contractor must ensure the enforcement of the SLA and trigger corrective actions in ,9 +"data dissemination,",3 +Description ,7 +ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS,7 +Analytical Decision-Making,7 +"Adresse, Telefon, email ....................................................................................... ",3 +"the methods of heating (hot air modules, heat lamps, heat ",9 +for use in designing instrument flight procedures.,9 +II.20.8 Intérêts de retard ,7 +"which are greater near the hub, caused by centrifugal force and ",9 +e-Submission ‘Tender Preparation Report’,9 +any other bilateral or multilateral agreement or arrangements for assistance and technical co-,3 +ACCOMMODATION CROSSINGS FOR WHICH NO SUBSTITUTE IS TO BE ,7 +any other outside body authorised to do so on its behalf.,3 +"MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, JUSTICE AND SECURITY ",7 +§ 4 Erhebungsstandards,7 +applicable ,3 +Article II.15. ,9 +List of spare parts giving part numbers in relation to a drawing preferably of the exploded ,3 +Construction of Giresun Wastewater Treatment Plant ,5 +ROTOR SYSTEM,7 +as those for which the obligation to obtain permission is imposed pursuant to ,3 +Requirements for Scenarios ,7 +with radioisotopes) satisfying the following requirements: ,3 +after written not,9 +"some different speed, V, ",9 +there are many other excellent publications produced,9 +avoid collision and/or situations where little or no time is available to recognize the threat,3 +movements. Every autopilot system features a collection of ,9 +Radio Equipment ,7 +"by the European Public Prosecutor's Office after its establishment, the ",6 +TORQUEMETER,6 +PACKING METHOD: ,7 +"corps de métiers. Dans ce cas, la coordination éventuelle, l’organisation, voire le suivi ",9 +in The Netherlands at least 2 days before the start date of the Demonstration of Conformity; ,3 +specified in the IAP to be flown do not change.,9 +"En Route, 5",9 +SUPERSONIC CONFIGURATIONS. ,9 +"mission on 11.02.2015, and adopted as law by Turkish Parliament (no: 6647) on 04 April 2015 and which was published in the ",1 +the removal of that apparatus under paragraph 24 of this Part of this Schedule. ,9 +to recognize future workload requirements and can prepare for high workload periods during ,9 +BANKING DETAILS,7 +ISBN 978-0-34-822282-1,6 +flight of 5.6 and an ultimate load factor of 8.4. ,9 +Landing Gear Safety Devices,7 +back-elevator pressure is held to maintain a positive AOA ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 115 of April 27, 1973]",7 +the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between ,9 +of covered housing. The purpose of the cowling or nacelle ,9 +DECLARA nON OF POLICY AND DEFINmONS,7 +80572 Eichstätt,9 +Based Thereon,9 +DOWNWASH FLOW FIELD 8EHlNO A SWEPT TAPERED ,7 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 18 of 18 ",7 +Commission's calls for tenders or proposals.,9 +toxicity studies for all active substances assessed by EFSA through the peer-review process ,9 +Although a remote pilot-in-command is not required to communicate with manned aircraft when in ,9 +"autorotations, maintain the r.p.m. in the green arc",9 +Kurse zur umweltschonenden Fahrweise.,3 +Overall management,7 +RITERES DE SELECTION,7 +Interest on special-deposit accounts shall be computed in accordance with,9 +produce a specific thrust or horsepower divided by the total ,9 +provide as such services to the ,6 +interdependencies and releasing synchronisation aspects. ,9 +10.27.Leitungen ,7 +Automated Surface Observing Station/Automated ,9 +"called dynamic rollover, when it is in contact with the surface ",9 +Prelaunch Check,7 +that the goods and/or services and/or works and/or grant activities required for performance of the Con-,9 +Full appeals ,7 +"Before recovery, the contracting authority must ",9 +data is provided as a GeoTIFF and distributed on,9 +ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ,7 +Communications ,7 +Consolidated,9 +readout being received from an aircraft on the airport.),9 +and TA systems use Mode C information from transponders ,9 +Parallel Generator Operations,7 +"landings, runways are laid out according to the local prevailing ",9 +Prelaunch Check,7 +The fuel selector valve allows selection of fuel from various ,9 +Tender specifications purpose,7 +or lift is sufficient to clear obstructions. This allows the ,9 +Smaller scale features are embedded in larger scale features. ,9 +synchronized with Operator Interface,3 +conditions. The most common error made by the beginning ,9 +the flaps,9 +visual glide path which is normally set at 3 degrees.,9 +purpose of the New Act; ,3 +Financial Results,7 +Amendment of article 19 ,7 +Wright had achieved powered flight of just over a minute by ,9 +transactions prescribed in the same paragraph are capital transactions falling ,9 +Remove damaged material so that the edges of the ,3 +DECLARA nON OF POLICY AND DEFINmONS,7 + Taking Down the WSC Aircraft ,7 +109. Public Service Commission,7 +contractor requests EFSA ex-ante authorisation and obtains from EFSA a written consent ,9 +specifications and the terms of its tender. ,3 +Power to keep apparatus in streets ,3 +accurately measure temperatures. It may be connected to ,9 +nik- und Klimakältesystemen,8 +A person shall be entitled to be registered as a voter,9 +aggiudicatrice può,9 +"A full impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument because no, or no significant, ",9 +any means or in any form; and the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit the re-,3 +Changes to legacy systems can involve the addition of new functions or the introduction of a ,9 +Management and placement of advertisement ,7 +aft and adds to the ,9 +Please note that pricing information must not be included in the replies to the ,3 +typically 2 minute or 4 minute instruments. In a 2 minute ,9 +"carrying ability, resulting in rapid wear of the moving parts.",9 +II.4.1.10 Certificate of conformity ,7 +requirements of the applicable data protection legislation and ensures the protection of the rights ,3 +Unterkünfte im Baugelände ,7 +aid of all surgeons connected with the city police force. In case the fiscal of the,9 +Strategies. ,9 +(§ 4 Absatz 3 Nummer 2),8 +(all equipment included in one chart); ,3 +administrative ,9 +INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENTS ,7 +Normes de qualité ,7 +transition area between the shank and the first load-bearing ,9 +The contractor will have to produce editorial content and visuals for EU-OSHA websites and social ,9 +The use of electricity in measuring temperature is very ,9 +"that by taking the known information, a pilot can compute ",9 +"Prepare damaged area hole by cutting along marks made in step c., above. Also make a ",3 +Step-by-step guide to help you submit your tender ,3 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +Air Traffic Control request for a pilot to push ,9 + Hard Landing,7 +Severity of an Event ,7 +The power stroke utilizes the increased ,9 +"XX,” for straight in runway XX, is",9 +raffic information issued to aircraft “D” would,9 +groundspeeds require steeper banks and slower ground speeds ,9 +INFORMATION ,7 +Design of technical gallery and channels shall correspond with project requirements and technical ,9 +An edge joint is used when two pieces of sheet metal must be ,9 +to the possibility of increased damage from exceeding the ,9 +"movement, as shown on instruments. ",9 +the contaminants and hold them in suspension until they can ,9 +Identifizierungs- und Sorgfaltspflichten,7 +"compliant, the pilot will neither request nor",9 +Connecting Rod,6 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +pour l'utilisation d'élévateurs à nacelle. ,3 +implementation of the FWC,3 +Pleasenotethat deliverables may berequested several times.,9 +further-clearance time if one has been received. If an ,3 +"to a pitch attitude lower than the level flight attitude, or ",9 +"ignition lead, capacitance increases by bringing the two ",9 +Instrument failures can result from careless maintenance ,9 +Using the FMS’s flight planning function to check your ,9 +CLARIFICATION No: 1,7 +ossia utilizzando,9 +designs. The bearingless rotor system is closely related to ,9 +Fuel Storage Tanks ,7 +Hand Signals,7 +Page 61 of 79 ,4 +"Dezember 2014 der 30. Juni 2015 tritt,",3 +especially prone to accumulate and discharge static electricity ,9 +échéant) ,6 +the fumes are recommended.,9 +direction for a distance of 25 metres to a point where it joins the existing roundabout junction of ,9 +"list, or (ii) being (directly or indirectly) 50% or more (individually or on aggregate basis) owned or controlled by, or acting ",1 +Chapter Summary ,7 +N H A L T S V E R Z E I C H N I S,7 +"system, these two conditions are called Logic 1 and Logic 0. ",9 +"ered when rapidly accelerating after takeoff, ",9 +Thermal Faults ,3 +Maintenance: ,7 +Service has been approved to be established and is under the initial service ,8 +quicker pilot response in the event of a powerplant failure ,9 +"energy for starting. These are very useful, especially ",9 +the European Investment Bank and,3 +The Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) Investment Portfolio Leads are ,9 +Dust devil. ,9 +IMT identifiziert. Diese Identifizierung schließt eine Nutzung dieses Frequenzbereichs durch andere,3 +"to in the first paragraph of this Article and the new document produced is also rejected, the ",9 +The contractor’s national partner will be requested to plan and manage the placement of advertisement ,9 +result of the wind present at the scene. The swell may,9 +deliver the same to the Director of Constabulary in Manila or to the senior officer,9 +is 1.04 EPR,3 +Salary and allowances of President ,7 +Cable Inspection,7 +"readiness to learn and understanding of the requirements involved. For example, an instructor may give two aviation maintenance ",9 +departing aircraft. These locations are identified by ,9 +"other circumstances beyond the control of the contracting authority, the contractor shall ",3 + (ss 108-116),7 +so much of an electronic communications network or infrastructure system provided by ,3 +commercial document in the office of the register of deeds:,9 +I.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA ,7 +View and respond to invitations in My ,3 +"mounts are usually electrical insulators. For this reason, ",9 +original value. ,9 +landing gear is not as prone to ground resonance as wheel-,9 +Figure 5-52.,0 +Pull test (using scale check pull tension on reserve ripcord),3 +A flow divider performs essentially the same function as a ,9 +—dynamic special use airspace ,9 +Any person upon whom the duty of burying a dead body is imposed by law,9 +litige à la médiation. ,9 +on at such place ,3 +Two discharge assemblies,3 +"seems that the more reliable the system becomes, the poorer the human performance becomes at the monitoring task. The first line of ",9 +"FIGURE 4-1. SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF WAIVER J550, BANNER TOWING ",7 +committed to adopting and using these standards to guide trade. In the ,9 +II.22. REIMBURSEMENTS ,7 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 6),7 +an occupational therapist or physiotherapist registered with a regulatory body established ,3 +weather data from the TDWR or the Integrated,9 +Idle Mixture,7 +"and Industry No. 5 of March 19, 1991] ",7 + are or include know-how: the right to use such know-how as is necessary ,3 +C970 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout northern arm (to/from Denmark ,7 +Lockbolt Removal,7 +by 90º and to amplify the amount of movement.,9 +"hold regular meetings at least once a month on call of the president, and shall hold",9 +six working,9 +"induced angle of attack, ",9 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +"‘Director’), shall maintain an internal team of experts, to be known ",9 +The objective of this call for tender is to acquire support in the following areas: ,9 +"position, a lateral directional oscillation can occur resulting in ",9 +even when information is provided on the CTAF at a given ,9 +with strong prefrontal squall lines. Pre-frontal squall line ,9 +"To register an aircraft, you must send the following ",9 +"and including subcontractors if applicable, fulfils the selection criteria for which a consolidated ",9 +Site Investigations ,7 +"n, Mangatarem, Mapandan, Natividad,",9 +The desulphurization plant shall be designed for biogas volume production for Stage 2 needs and for a ,9 +"leaving the previous waypoint, due to the PBN",9 +"pressure closes the valve, preventing a flow of air out the ",9 +des Herstellers die Voraussetzungen im Sinne des Kapitels I des Anhangs der Richtlinie 95/69/EG des,3 +AC Synchro Systems,7 +Flurbereinigungsbehörde setzt den Anteil nach Anhörung des Trägers des Unternehmens fest. Dem Träger,3 +Scroll Shears,7 +regardless of input signal polarity. When the AC cycles ,9 +ITUATIONS OF EXCLUSION CONCERNING NATURAL OR LEGAL PERSONS ASSUMING UNLIMITED ,7 +"регистрационный № 47230),",9 + may be disclosed and published. ,3 +Experimental Aircraft Association,7 +SRM Panel Deliberations ,7 +"s,, without large changes in drag ",9 +"Bei der Ladung ist darauf hinzuweisen, dass beim Ausbleiben eines Beteiligten auch ohne ihn verhandelt und",9 +Attending technical meetings between ANG and Program Offices (POs) to coordinate,3 +fuel from both tanks. The LEFT or RIGHT position may be ,9 +"Planung der Betriebsentwicklung, Wirtschaftsplanerstellung und -vollzug, Investition und Finanzierung,",3 +Available resources,7 +Manual Descent Calculations,7 +TAKEOFF DISTANCE ,6 +to the horizon bar for the particular airplane while on ,3 +Index -5 ,4 +- announcement of the tenders received: the names of the tenderers (all members in the case ,9 +. The same e-,9 +"able until expended, of which such sums as are necessary to cover ",9 +ОЗДОРОВЛЕНИЯ ДЕТЕЙ И МОЛОДЕЖИ»,7 +"paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act is the technology listed in the middle column ",3 +"the tires. When the brakes are applied, there is a possibility ",9 +: forme simplifiée de contrat par lequel le pouvoir adjudicateur commande ,9 +Figure 5-34.,0 +Exceptions ,7 +Altitude change ,6 +FLIGHT CONTROLS,7 +"seinen Verpflichtungen nicht nach, so kann die für die Erteilung der Erlaubnis zuständige Behörde oder",9 +"A reduction in the agreed payment to the Contractor (including without limitation, ",3 +Bauvorhaben …………………………………………,7 +An integrated avionics system with an autopilot.,0 +Subject: Supply of Equipment for Final Stop Before Climbing the Ladder: Mantar Cultivation and Technology Commercialization ,7 +plastic containers unless first placed on the ground. Static ,9 +changes in the WSC controlled by the pilot.,9 +automated broadcast of meteorological and aeronautical data ,9 +operated at a higher rotational speed to assure sufficient ,9 +"set, East or West sets).",9 +"building societies, ",3 +temperature desired for the cabin. The valve for mixing is ,9 +[1922-1.],9 +"AIM, Paragraph 4",9 +Secondary Bonding,7 +Figure 4-191. ,0 +on receipt of a request for further information pursuant to paragraph 3 the undertaker ,3 +Governor. ,9 +Article 8 - ,7 +"oder nicht vor Fahrtantritt vornimmt,",3 +"LPV, which stands for “localizer performance with vertical ",9 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +Anti-Skid System Tests,7 +distance between each barbed wire shall be 0.10 m. Total height of the fence 2.70 m. The poles,9 +Vision Under Dim and Bright Illumination,7 +Management and placement of advertisement ,7 +- Seite 15 von 158 -,4 +Safety and Security Issue Reporting ,7 +"oder Mängel auf, leistet der Auftragnehmer Ersatz auf eigene Kosten und innerhalb einer ",9 +"airplanes, and turbine-powered rotorcraft.",9 +documentation and fee to AFS-750:,9 +"national exchange control regulations in a non-discriminatory manner to contractors, ",3 +[Figure 7-29],9 +to do to manage or mitigate the risk. ,9 +Over voltage protection ,3 +ll authorize him to reside and have his,9 +of the one part and ,9 +Torque bending,6 +Technical equipment and Technician (for both onsite and ,7 +E-invoicing ,7 +Sampling Equipment ,7 +Rapid links (soft links),3 +The evidence pertains to: ,7 +Ausbildungsverordnung herausgegebenen Richtlinien für die Anerkennung der praktischen Ausbildung und,3 +Submission of tenders phase ,7 +$^{3}$ Natural persons have to prove their capacity in accordance with the selection criteria and by the appropriate means. ,1 + An imaginary straight line drawn through an ,9 +or needle may be damaged.,3 +INDUCED DRAG ,7 +Abschnitt 2,7 +registration number,7 +Type 2: Two-Stow Diaper or Half Diaper ,7 +high modulus fiber composites offer negligible aerodynamic ,9 +probably the most important. It is the source of the perfect ,9 +The conditions under which prohibited drugs may be transferred,3 +"to the diffuser, may be either of two types—single entry or ",9 +II.24 POLITIQUE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ,7 +Article 1 – SUBJECT MATTER; PERFORMANCE ,7 +and such other information as may reasonably be required affecting their fitness for,9 +"which shall be held once in each week, and shall hold special meetings when",9 +of ADC is usable by any of the engine or flight control ,9 +dependants of such laws and regulations.,3 +Swash Plate Assembly,7 +"it inspected under 14 CFR part 91, section 91.409:",9 +compromise exists in that crosscut runways and textured ,9 +Requirements:,7 +replacement. ,3 +Special Conditions at least 15 (fifteen) days in advance of the proposed days of travel. Any ,3 +valves closed in case they should stick. ,9 +by leading the roll-out heading by approximately 20°.,9 +"the cutting oil in place. In the case of deep drilling, the drill ",9 +Economizer System,7 +Characteristics of a Well-Planned Lesson,7 +Primer and Paint,7 +"power, or vice versa the horsepower varies directly as the cube of ",9 +injection at each gas fill-up. It is also very important to ensure ,9 +"editorial style, grammar and punctuation rules. ",9 +Elaboration of a social media communication plan ,7 +placed under this ,3 +and angle of attack of flight. ,9 + Fabric in which the warp threads pass ,9 +in its situation. ,9 +aerodynamics,9 +there exists the greatest difference between ,9 +der Klasse AM (2 Doppelstunden),7 +a municipality or other local political,9 +be treated confidentially. ,9 +Procedure Turns,7 +"is serving in such a qualifying position with an employing office, ",9 +R$_{load}$,6 +markings should never be crossed without explicit ATC ,9 +order to respond efficiently to Europol’s requests for these services. ,6 +your local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) ,9 +Figure 2-23. Low frequency airway G13. ,0 +Vacuum Systems,7 +"In most cases, restitching the rib to the top and bottom ",3 +completed hull lies in the fact that the resistance of the model cannot ,9 +RC=101.3 V ,2 +Abschnitt A Nr. 4 ,3 +or military bacterial agents or devices for spraying the agents with a range or ,3 +Function To Cross-Check Calculations,7 +"the definition of “Tariff of the United Kingdom”, for “1.2, dated 22nd March 2021”, substitute ",9 +Alternate Navigation Planning,7 + which the ,3 +adjudicateur ne peut approuver un ,9 +"magnet, an electro-magnet aligns with the direction of the ",9 +"For operation on a dry, grass runway, increase distances (both “ground roll” and “total to clear 50 ft obstacle”) by 20% of the “total to clear 50 ft obstacle” figure.",8 +change has been performed. The change could also be to an application or system ,3 +accorciamento;,3 +"damage (end fittings, outer casing, and kinks).",3 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +Anlage 4 (zu § 1 Abs. 4 des Gesetzes),7 +Detailed assembly instructions for items source coded to be assembled from component spare/repair ,9 +Tenderers not present at the opening session may send an information request to procurement@ecdc.europa.eu ,9 +"technology set forth in row 2 (ii) of the appended table of the same Order, ",3 +Four stroke with additional oil coolers—ensure the oil cooler ,9 +the throttle valve must be on the engine side of the discharge ,9 +Locking Pins ,6 +II.4.1.12 Remedy ,7 +– SITUAZIONI DI ESCLUSIONE RIGUARDANTI LE PERSONE FISICHE O GIURIDICHE CHE SI ,7 +"the shutoff valve on the compression tester closed, ",3 +may cause the overall envelope to weigh significantly more ,9 +"pounds per square foot when 1,000 pounds—a ",9 +Monitor (PRM) Approaches ,7 +Figure 2-18,9 +Swell Direction.,9 +Effect of different altitudes on pivotal altitude.,0 +sowie den Einsatz von Personen koordinieren und,8 +Article 30 (1) An X-ray unit must be that for which the following damage ,3 +such provision at the expense of the province.,9 +"Convective currents cause the bumpy, turbulent air sometimes ",9 +"Anwenden einer Fremdsprache bei Fachaufgaben,",3 +Nr. 883/2013,3 +Steep turns.,9 +Tender specifications purpose,7 +any drain or works vested in Thames Water under the Water Industry Act 1991; and ,3 +"essence a derivation of straight-and-level flight. As such, the ",9 +Device shall have minimum 4 analog ,8 +throughout the software lifecycle to be meaningful. This means that there should be regular ,9 +[2458-2.],9 +"therefrom for temporary use abroad may, if identified prior to exportation and upon",9 +External pressures ,6 +"Rechtsbeschwerde oder des Antrags vor Ablauf des Tages, an dem die",8 +Table of contents ,7 +подпункта,9 +"This protection shall be possible to turn on and off. When active, (On) it shall be ",9 +診療用高エネルギー放射線発生装置及び診療用高エネルギー放射線発生装置使用,3 +Precast concrete piles shall not be driven until the concrete has achieved the specified characteristic ,9 +The contracting authority reimburses subsistence expenses on the basis of a daily ,3 +[1458-24.],9 +and abort the takeoff if necessary. Positioning the helicopter ,9 +What to do if this notice is served on you,7 +nell’articolo I.6 del contratto quadro. ,9 +Bend relief radius,6 +et ses sous-,9 +encryption,9 +Quality standards ,7 +учебных предметов.,9 +"upwind. At this point, the bank should be gradually ",9 +for the purpose of making minor adjustments in cable length ,9 +"rate of climb, RC. ",9 +"To overcome this tendency, the carburetor is equipped with a ",9 +"(d), (g) to",9 +waypoint. The pilot may have to compute the ATD,9 +reactivated,9 +surface to the crosswind and drifting the airplane more rapidly.,9 +2.2) for Stage 1 – 2032. ,9 +others as follows: ,3 +specified with the maximum land- ,9 +approximate wind directions using items readily available ,9 +"contracts. In any case, the framework contract ceiling, i.e. the maximum amount to be spent under the ",9 +dimensions. The control of the ACC system is done by the ,9 +"inverters, etc.).",9 +to be taught.,9 +Intellectual property rights,7 +Treasurers — Testing of Same,9 +Summe Pos. 11.5 (Liefern + Verlegen + Anschließen),8 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ",7 +"autopilot, and FDS. This trend of complete integration, once ",9 +point to lines of longitude. ,9 +Facilities to be provided by the EIB and/or other parties ,7 +Normal Takeoff from the Surface,7 +Deliberate ,8 +decreases proportionately as atmospheric pressure decreases. ,9 +importance of always being ready to perform a go-around. ,9 +important relationships.,9 +Citation and commencement ,7 +mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34 of the New Ministerial Order) when a ,3 +FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Subject: what is this call for tenders about? ,7 +Specific provision related to reimbursement of expenses for shipment of Goods ,7 +"Volume 3, Section 3, Table 3.1. ",9 +majoré de huit points. Le taux de référence est le taux en vigueur le premier jour du mois au cours ,9 +entered into your navigation system could adversely affect ,9 +Example of poor adhesion. ,0 +detention of the ship under these Regulations. ,9 +Retained apparatus: protection ,7 +науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации от 8 февраля 2021 г. № 82,9 +Weather Conditions,7 +"leading edge, pressurizing each cell and giving the canopy its shape and glide characteristics. A ",3 +See air data attitude and heading reference ,9 +Financial sanctions licences ,7 +条、第四条」とあるのは「第四条」と読み替えるものとする。,3 +that no crewmembers are left hanging outside. The balloon ,9 +"Junction left turning lane, approximately 47 metres in length, as shown on Sheet 1 of the Works ",9 +"Descriptions of the interaction of the system with other systems, the system ",3 +排出しようとする汚水の量,3 +System and Equipment Malfunctions,7 +Article 8 In order to effectively implement measures for the promotion of inland ,3 +"which did not have estimated residual values but were still in use, ",9 +"(management of the firm, secretarial services, social security, salaries, etc.) incurred directly and indirectly by the contractor in performance of the ",9 +"container, and light colored panels, such as white, etc., apply ",9 +Office Space: ,3 +on the left side. This results in maximum downward,9 +Cylinder Compression Stroke—Piston Moving Up,7 +Simultaneous Independent Approaches ,7 +eligible under IPA II. The tax exemptions under the scope of,3 +interference ,8 +"acquisition of an easement or other right over land, for “3 months” substitute “1 month”. ",9 +"[619-10; Comp., 1248.]",9 +"may replace team members at any time, as long as the selection criteria ",9 +change in angle of attack or pressure rise is ,9 +be used as there are no guidelines for compatibility.,9 +"Poor preparation leads to spotty coverage, misplaced emphasis, unnecessary repetition, and a lack of confidence on the ",0 +System initialization—pilots should confirm that ,3 +Strengthening ,9 +water for speakers.,3 +: Shipment of Goods with in-house transport at the delivery destination,3 +II.17.2. Suspension by the contracting authority ,7 +transit U.S. territorial airspace within 50 NM of their,9 +"Formal Notification,",3 +are specified for each air- ,9 +frequently discount the fact that the approach is also being ,9 +relation to geographical fixes shown on local charts.,9 +Automatic Activation Devices (AADs) and ,7 +"appertaining thereto; the construction of wharves, docks, jetties,",3 +submitted with the invoice.,3 +to determine wind direction and runway in use by visual ,9 +"who has obtained, prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, permission ",3 +"the conditions for processing of personal data in the execution of the contract, ",3 +"egal representative or any person having a lien, leasehold,",9 +missed approach fix falls outside of the area of the planview it will be shown in a separate box in the planview.,3 +Checklist of Pages,7 +different type coatings. Some detailed information for ,9 +be caused by using fuel that has a lower octane rating or ,9 +must be accurate to maintain positive control. ,9 +the first graph ,9 +"After entering the cart, you should first ensure that ",9 +taken into consideration during the evaluation. This length limit includes the Table of ,3 +"Upon request,",9 +types of continuous-loop systems should include the following ,9 +[2468-5.],9 +"coverage), but current pilot reports or other ",3 +Gauging terminal shank dimension after swaging.,0 +Ground-based Facilities,7 +trade and is e,9 +large turbojet and turbofan engines. It consists of individual ,9 +and there is a spare set in the console. I would like you and ,9 +and function satisfactorily when operated from both positions. ,9 +"% to + 2,5 % on the 50 Hz frequency. ",9 +lesquels le contractant ne garantit aucun délai d’approvisionnement en accord avec le ,9 +"If possible, visually check engine and exhaust for ",3 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +below the surface of the material and not exposed to the eye. ,9 +- Seite 80 von 100 -,4 +increases the AOA of the horizontal stabilizer) and with an ,9 +"in a balloon. It is wonderful to fly at low level over the trees, ",9 +Invitations ,7 +"Power circuit breakers and disconnectors shall be three-pole types, and metal-clad draw out SF6 GAS / Vacuum ",9 +engine shutdown to provide uniform lubrication of ,3 +demonstrate the high quality standards and performance which are normal in supplies of the same ,3 +typically,9 +"to the ground (within 100 to 200 feet), they tend to",9 +von 90 Minuten.,3 +"7.118 - 7.121,",9 +"During all this phase, the contractor keeps on ensuring the services in the scope of the ",9 +notwithstanding section 423 of such Act and paid without regard ,9 +QUALIFICATION TESTS: ,7 +The Eddie-Bolt$^{®}$ 2 Pin Fastening System ,7 +"addition to the necessary steps, the instructor should describe the end result of these efforts. Before leaving this phase, the instructor ",9 +Section 2 Protection of X-ray Units ,7 +EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +methods they can use to enhance their professional image ,9 +an excellent base over composites and can be finish ,9 +"clouds, are reported with their height. Contractions",3 +with the provisions of this Code.,9 +A change in wind speed and/or wind direction ,9 +Nothing in sub-paragraph (1) imposes any liability on the undertaker in respect of— ,9 +the sky. ,9 +are then joined to obtain the best power curve of the engine ,9 +"REPORTS.—Not later than January 1, 2021, and annually ",9 +Gust-Induced Oscillations,7 +in the field,3 +Full reference to previous procedure ,6 +An additional technical equipment and technician services will cover online aspects of the online ,3 +the pilot should plan in advance when and where the ,9 +"Judicial Power, Embracing Courts of Superior Jurisdiction, Justices of the Peace,",7 +"chart, these false courses are not encountered.",3 +Brief description of the required services/ supplies ,7 +(ii) the U.S.,9 +CORDON FENCES ,7 +"or any other frequency listed, the MULTICOM frequency of 122.9 will be used. These frequencies ",9 +Amendment of Schedule 2 ,7 +"Association was founded in Detroit, Michigan; by 1930, the ",9 +The contractor ,9 +damaged area.,3 +Directors or any other organisational entity which alone or ,3 +"require better security, and after notice to the party concerned, and upon his failure",9 +的,依法追究刑事责任;给他人造成损失的,依法承担民事责任。 ,9 +proceedings shall be instituted or continued against him or her in respect of anything done or ,9 +is completed when the aircraft is established on the,9 +terms and names used by manufacturers are also included. ,9 +service and repairs at its own cost. ,3 +括水深不超过六米的永久性水域、潮间带(或洪泛地带)和沿海低地等。 ,9 +"track boundaries for all aircraft. Outside of the NTZ, normal ",9 +"zur Geprüften Fachwirtin für Logistiksysteme nach den §§ 2 bis 8 durchführen, in denen die auf einen beruflichen",9 +The specific fuel consumption of the basic ,9 +angle of the VGSI installed on the same runway,9 +shall be maintained at the port of Manila and at any other port of entry prescribed,9 +doit comprendre une description du cas de ,9 +"technique, affects the outcome of a controlled crash. It is ",9 +In-Flight Test ,7 +be completed separately,9 +pesos in value.,3 +Exponent des Wirkstärkenvergleichsfaktors als Ergebnis der Regressionsanalyse,3 +National Stock Number (NSN) Index.,7 +Basting and temporary tacking are hand-sewing methods used to temporarily hold layers of cloth fabric ,9 +115 of 124 ,5 +Springwood. ,9 +" However, if the damage ",3 +Publication of general directions ,3 +"22) граждан Российской Федерации, выезжающих из Российской",9 +"If you apply your full concentration to a single instrument,",7 +nearest airports. The white arrow indicates which ,3 +Ornithopter. ,9 +2020 No. 430 ,10 +The specific fuel consumption of the turbo- ,9 +Remove the binding from the tongue area by unpicking ,3 +Reviewing the Flight Route,7 + This is very important.,3 +Initial Climb,7 +"eine digitale Kopie des Lichtbildes für den Führerschein,",3 +Airway and Route System ,7 +accumulation pension savings contract prescribed in paragraph (2) of the ,3 +agreement must not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. ,9 +"teams of interpreters to cover non-EU languages (EEA and candidate country languages, or others ",9 +Inadequate bank angle and/or excessive wind ,3 +control. Not all areas listed in 14 CFR Part 93 are ,9 +I.4.3. Reimbursement of expenses ,7 +Pitch change forces.,0 +"specified manufacturer, etc.; provided, however, that this does not preclude the ",3 +the press release that needs to be closely related to the subject of the press conference; ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 367 of August 26, 1952]",7 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +Time zones in the conterminous United States. ,0 +"in the case of any other ship to which these Regulations apply, the first anniversary of ",3 +to be monitored. The following steps should be taken when ,9 +Technician ,7 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT,7 +Two aberrations of the combustion process ,9 +AIRMET IFR...OK TX LA AR MS AL FL,9 +"Event assistant(s) to run cloakroom, registration process on-site, handing out material ",7 +environmental risk assessment;,9 +Reported During the Year Under Review ,7 +concerned,9 +"omitted from the regular issue for want of space, time or greater convenience, and",9 +– MISURE CORRETTIVE ,7 +Mode d'établissement des prix ,7 +[Figure 5-35] ,9 +Reserve Deployment System. The reserve deployment system consists of the items shown below,3 +"VELOCITY, KNOTS ",6 +"worked. For all experts, their time input must be rounded to the nearest whole number of days worked ",3 +mariners on its behalf; and ,3 +forces. The principal forces acting on a rotating propeller ,9 +"(iii) assists Ukraine towards achievement of efficient, safe and secure transport; and",9 +] delivered as part of the Framework contract ,7 +An additional screen for the speakers so they can follow their presentations and check how they ,3 +lieutenant-governor of Amburayan and Lepanto at Cervantes.,9 +Figure 2-37. ,0 +Vehicles. ,9 +"For the professional articles, cost-free placement needs to be achieved. This includes the negotiation ",9 +exclusion criteria and selection criteria and on absence of conflict of interest’ (to be found in Form 5 ,9 +II.5.2 Date of communications by mail and email ,7 +Law for entrance into the civil service or for promotion therein shall not apply to,9 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 2 ",7 +"radial engines are no longer produced. However, many are ",9 +"yaw is defined as an uncommanded, rapid yaw towards the ",9 +"to the procurement, accounting and invoicing of all services covered by the FWC666. ",9 +the exact position of the works; ,3 +parcels sent by other means; ,9 +monitoring ,3 +Figure 17-16. ,0 +takeoff path throughout the takeoff.,9 +aviation incident or accident; ,3 +framework of the provision of services). ,3 +"are or incorporate software, including source code, object code and, ",3 +to the level flight attitude for that airspeed. Cross-check the ,9 +C970 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Northern Roundabout northern arm (to/from Denmark ,7 +focal points and partners at national level ,7 +"protection, if such operations are included in the contract. ",9 +"erection of any temporary means of enclosure, the temporary display of site notices or ",9 +§ 10 Übergangsregelung,7 +Function To Cross-Check Calculations,7 +FLIGHT CONTROLS,7 +[Figure 15-4],9 +ordnungsgemäßer Umgang mit und Entsorgung von Tierarzneimitteln nach den §§ 3 und 4 Absatz 1,3 +the southern side of the same high-pressure system or the ,9 +in place by using the appropriate toggle. The control line remains locked in place until manually ,3 +gives a maximum possible total of ,7 +PARKING/POSTFLIGHT,7 +[Figure 8-36B] ,9 +sidered as due to the difference between the pressures in front of and ,9 +confirm the conditions (if any) on which it is given. ,3 +the altimeter or the attitude indicator as primary depends ,9 +"for an X-ray unit other than those set forth in (a) through (c), 1.0 ",3 +"contaminants, the apparatus is connected to the exhaust equipment; ",3 +reported in eighths of the sky from horizon to horizon. ,3 +outer area is not charted.),9 +FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) ,7 +Repair Parts Layout ,7 +unthread the webbing from the leg adapter. If the leg ,3 +"landing. In that situation, the seaplane may stall and",9 +Канализация. ,9 +Aggiungere le righe necessarie,8 +Landing—Stuck Left Pedal,7 +DÉFINITIONS ,7 +(See VISUAL METEOROLOGICAL ,9 +immediately,9 +"Auftraggebers, von einem Dritten geleistet; ",3 +"paragraph (4), insert— ",9 +病院、診療所及び助産所の管理,7 +http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/policy_guidance/envir_policy/media/Guidance%20for%20Quantifying% ,9 +§ 1 Geltungsbereich,7 +HUMAN RESOURCE AND ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Transitioning across lots: Handover (WP 4) ,7 +tout travail. ,3 +"diligence employée. Une défaillance dans une prestation, le défaut des équipements, du matériel ou ",9 +An indicative estimate of the volumes to be ordered for each lot over the whole duration of the framework ,9 +Instrument Housings and Handling,7 +"members, (2) a restatement of the purpose of the review, and (3) an overview of the ",3 +. — Except as,9 +保育に使用することを目的として設計したものに限るものとし、揺動型のものを除,3 +Lower Leg Strap Shortening,7 +prohibit the burial of the dead within the centers of population of,3 +for engine operation. ,9 +"gle-pilot operations in some helicopters, you may have",9 +Learning Is Multifaceted ,7 +Amendment to the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 ,7 +“health care professional” means— ,9 +for the manufacturer recommendation for takeoff settings. ,9 +proportional to the altitude being flown.,9 +"down as oil pressure falls to zero. Yet, this does not occur. ",9 +"inspection of members of the municipal council, a statement of the appropriations,",9 +高度の医療の提供の実績,3 +https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=8412,9 +Hand Signals,7 +summary charts for dissemination on facsimile,9 +"is 15 years or above, it must be white and set on a pink coloured circular ",3 +launch of a national campaign/project or simply to supply background information on EU-OSHA’s ,9 +RAMP TERMINAL EAST SIDE ,8 +See and Avoid Techniques ,7 +Kingdom)”; ,3 +Preflight Weather Briefing,7 +accordance with article 37(6) and (7).,8 +gradually apply back-elevator pressure to raise the nose-,9 +"allowed by the airplane’s operating limitations, and ",3 +(Amendment) Regulations 2021 ,9 +Vorprüfunterlagen,9 +positioned to minimize the possibility of the wind lift-,9 +metering unit. The metering unit for each engine provides ,9 +and organized in a manner that makes them readily ,9 +measures to ensure timely receipt of its communication. ,3 +Classes of concrete ,7 +reduction in line resistance increases the size and ,3 +Verification of non-exclusion ,7 +"attachment points, or ",3 +The change proponent must ensure that the SRM document is entered into SMTS for,3 +Landing—Stuck Neutral or Right Pedal ,7 +"wingtip vortices. As a result of the reduced wingtip vortices, ",9 +"mandatory requirement, it is believed that the study necessary ",9 +of the Interpretation Act 2015 (of Tynwald).” ,9 +"indicator, and VSI show level flight, constant changes in pitch ",9 +hour (lb/hr) from the engine fuel control. Fuel flow in turbine ,9 +Communication/Broadcast Procedures ,7 +"reference; therefore, the pilot must decrease the bank slowly ",9 +"Berufsbildungsgesetzes befähigt werden, die insbesondere selbständiges Planen, Durchführen und Kontrollieren",9 + and are also listed in the glossary ,9 +Words designating persons or parties shall include firms and companies and any ,3 +and Notaries Public,7 +without much success. It was not until the late 1980s that ,9 +Elevator. ,9 +aerodynamic disturbances as the ice breaks of the aircraft. ,9 +under section 351(a) or 351(k) of the Public Health ,9 +Figure 11-51. ,0 +Technical and professional capacity,7 +The Wright Flyer was the first successful powered aircraft. It was made primarily of wood and fabric.,0 +Access the Submission Receipts (proof of ,3 +Salt and Sand Piles ,7 +Preliminary Pages,7 +solely on the accuracy of the fuel quantity gauges. Always ,9 +together with activities planned under the umbrella of environmental risk assessment. ,3 +Competitive procedure with Negotiation ,10 +Replace the following work packages with their revised version: ,3 +Restoration of streets if street tramway discontinued ,3 +joints are,9 +(exclusion ,7 +THEORY OF OPERATION ,7 +nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des installations. ,7 +- Seite 31 von 78 -,4 +Using a go/no-go gauge supplied by the swaging ,3 +contact with approach control.,9 +"calculators, all tools",3 +PIR Strategy ,7 +principles,9 +"/4"" as shown, maintaining ",6 +"roads and structures. The support may be made with sheet-pile walls, holding walls, open caissons or ",9 +Unless issued electronically via the Supplier Portal (not available at the time this version of the ,9 +indicates when the lining needs to be changed on a Cleveland brake. ,0 +suggestion. If your flying experience is limited or if you do ,9 +ökologischen Grundeinheiten,8 +Flight Director,7 +ASSUMONO LA RESPONSABILITÀ ILLIMITATA PER I DEBITI DELLA PERSONA GIURIDICA ,7 +Disconnects,6 +cession; have and use a common seal and alter the,9 +flight are so applicable. ,9 +Whenever perforating operations are,9 +Fixed Assets Register Not Updated Residual Values ,7 +sink rate may cause digging in of the nose wheel with the ,9 +第十二条の十一又は第十二条の十二の規定による命令に違反したとき。,3 +"As required, cut applicable stitching to remove or lay aside items that may interfere with patching ",3 +of the centre point of Kellet Road Bridge over ,9 +consumption. ,9 +I.4.1. Preis des Vertrags und Höchstbetrag ,7 +Aus Qualitätsfeinblechen für die Verwendung in ,9 +within the other LOBs and accepted by AOV.,3 +"beantragte Fahrerlaubnisklassen,",3 +The Cabinet,7 +II.23.3. Interest on late payment ,7 +die Losgröße durch die Anzahl gleich beschaffener Fertigpackungen des Lagerbestandes begrenzt.,3 +Tropopause.,9 +(See TACAN.) ,9 +ordnung vom 29. April 2009 sowie der zweiten Verordnung zur Änderung der Energieein-,9 +not the same as Experimental Amateur-Built. E-LSA ,3 +tone. Information concerning an individual test signal,9 +"or other agents. When inspecting the structure of an aircraft, ",9 +"figures; and, ",3 +"engines, power settings, amount of fuel burned, and other variables (e.g., temperature, altitude, ",9 +EXTENT OF REVOCATION ,7 +The low-level chart comes in two forms: the 12- and 24-hour ,9 +In den Prüfungsbereichen „Warenwirtschaft und Produktion von Fleisch- und Wurstwaren sowie küchenfertigen,9 + starts the turn in a left hand turn as an example.,9 +Reducing Radio Interference,7 +Monitoring Site -,9 +Margin Identification,7 +Gratuitous Licensees Subject to Regulations of Bureau of,9 + of the postal savings bank division for registration.,9 +"pressure before this time may result in the airplane settling, ",9 +Language of the contract ,7 +reduced design values.,9 +"Event assistant(s) to run cloakroom, registration process on-site, handing out material ",7 +Current situation in the sector ,7 +The contractor shall assist the controller for the fulfilment of its obligations pursuant to Article ,9 +digits of the flight level.,3 +Touchdown zone elevation (TDZE).,9 +Work Desk,6 +RAIM Capability. VFR GPS panel,9 +droits préexistants,9 +on the deck of one float.,9 +"effect, when not in conXict with the provisions of this Code.",9 +Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde.,3 +reference. Assuming that the wind ,9 +"that undergo frequent design changes, or for which there is ",9 +If either the operator is not,9 +research has,3 +"Each party shall ensure that any of their personnel (employees, agents or ",9 +Section 3. Airport Marking Aids and Signs,7 +- Seite 1 von 4 -,4 +mon to have a modern airplane configuration ,9 +") shall be selected, from their own number, to the ",9 +"and Industry No. 39 of July 30, 1983] ",7 +aircraft.,0 +Contractor's,3 +10.27.Leitungen ,7 +"sideward. In this case, the vertical or lift component is still ",9 +Empfehlungen an den sommerlichen Wärmeschutz/baulichen Sonnenschutz,7 +the outbound leg. The end of the outbound leg is,9 +municipali,9 +the aircraft. All pilots should form the habit of good ,9 +which is delivered and finally or partially approved by the contracting authority. A ,9 +§ 3 Ermächtigungen,7 +the completion of the acquisition of the land or the acquisition of the rights or the ,3 +(iii) content of capital transactions; ,3 +"below, then failure to start the engine results in an emergency ",9 +"Unless otherwise recommended in the AFM/POH, the ",9 +2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17,9 +"Appended Table 2 (Re: Articles, 2, 4 and 12) ",7 +"clarity regarding the interpretation of PL9009, particularly in relation to Unmanned Aerial ",9 +"progressing, smooth out the fabric to reshape the rib ",3 +the load is within tolerable limits and the weight of ,3 +"and Industry No. 66 of October 28, 1983] ",7 +losses and complete,9 +"""Verordnung über die Berufsausbildung zum Fahrzeuginnenausstatter/zur Fahrzeuginnenausstatterin vom 21. Juli",9 +authorisation of the,9 +are reinforced with sewn-in webbing called horizontal and ,9 +"aircraft status, and other factors that may affect flight. ",9 +"Calculation of the costs (incl. travel, overheads, consumables and any other related costs) ",7 +and amounts of HAP emitted by ,9 +that the airplane is approved for flight in icing conditions. ,9 +restraint to,9 +Nachweis einer Teilnahme an einem Einführungsseminar über Verkehrsrecht von mindestens 16,3 +"measurement,",9 +Submission of requests to participate phase,7 +senger take off without baggage or proper ballast,9 +103 of 1999); ,3 +Learning Is a Result of Experience ,7 +might cause a situation that hinders Japan's contribution to international ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 108 of April 25, 1960] ",7 +"I.1.5. Pre-financing, performance and money retention guarantees ",7 +ample airplane whose basic configuration gross ,9 +Function of all safety circuits. ,3 +supersonic ,9 +II.20.2. Währung ,7 +Terminal Area Charts.,9 +mass of the glider’s wings ,6 +and lending and international balance of trade based on the provisions of ,3 +Operating Limitations (Section 2),7 +§ 21 Vorschläge für die Besetzung der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +HEADING CONTROL,7 +1st April 2016 ,8 +TEMPORARY FLIGHT RESTRICTION (TFR)—,3 +Hi-Tigue$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +MELDUNG DER,7 +Sensory memory is the part of the memory system that receives initial stimuli from the environment and processes them according to ,9 +"stages, the pit may develop into a large, jagged crater, and ",9 +FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) ,7 +Fuel-Flow Indicator,7 +"Control Center (ARTCC) frequencies, part",9 +"voltage, overexcitation protection,",9 +tion with no warning to the pilot. While the use of a,9 +lawfully called by the provincial board.,3 +"the reserve pilot chute and free bag, reserve ripcord, ",3 +Most individuals have been to automotive garages where ,9 +maintained at cost. Management endeavoured to provide,9 +"appended table 1 of the Export Trade Control Order and nuclear weapons, etc.). ",3 +Single Needle,6 +"(vi) foreign governments, foreign governmental institutions, foreign local ",3 +Intellectual Property Right (IPR) ,7 +The relevant provisions of the Framework Agreement (the FWA) are as follows: ,9 +Section 1. General,7 +"Commissione, fornendo un servizio di produzione e fornitura a ciclo completo ",3 +Fabric Heat Shrinking,7 +Contracting Authority ,7 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of September 1, 1973. ",3 +Chapter 6. Emergency Procedures,7 +"(s)’ name(s), and the right to decide when and whether the ",3 + Lift that occurs without specific action by ,9 +High Reconnaissance,7 +Introduction,7 +in the coax shields the inner conductor from any external ,9 +to the attitude indicator to maintain the desired vertical speed. ,9 +projects a beam of light having a white segment in the,9 +is very important to use the wire type recommended in the ,9 +"Schlauchpumpen P01, P02",8 +Avoidance System (TCAS) Resolution Advisory (RA) was received and followed; or,3 +"Image file or .pdf, as a scan of the original document signed, stamped and dated (amounts ",3 +Atmospheric pressure decreases with ,6 +"Registration Application, ",3 +§ 4 Lehrmittel,7 +Failure to maintain selected altitude and airspeed. ,3 +Tracking With VOR ,7 +"Subsequent Distribution Office, SVC",9 +will give you a visual and oral signal for gear retraction and ,6 +circuits have enabled the solid-state digital electronics found ,9 +Abschnitt 8,7 +"Betriebs- und Arbeitsorganisation; Arbeitsgestaltung; Logistik; Informationstechnik,",3 +"Once an autopilot mode has been engaged, the autopilot:",9 +essary measures to ensure: ,3 +tow rope strength is eighty percent of the gliders maximum ,9 +Expansion Joints ,7 +"Das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen oder eine andere von ihm bestimmte Stelle",9 +Second-stage,6 +Skew-T Plots,7 +98. В федеральном государственном образовательном стандарте,9 +Brake Inspection and Service,7 +the reverse is not true. Acrylic nitrocellulose lacquers ,3 +Offenses Against Provisions of Notarial Law,7 +"insurance and/or bonding company, an irrevocable letter of credit or a cash deposit made with the ",3 +point produces a stall and a rapid decrease in lift.,9 +their original positions and release the metal.,9 +"occur with ice accumulation. Without this control feedback, ",9 +"Figure 16-53,",9 +Anbietername eingeben,7 +dew point are always given in degrees Celsius (C) or,3 +to stopping. Even though they are moving against cold,9 +Perfect the ability to control the aircraft subconsciously ,3 +"Verwarnung, Bußgeld, Fahrverbot, Strafe",3 +training at airspeeds in excess of 250 knots indicated airspeed ,9 +F-COD-20-T03: ,4 +"done, and I will double check you during the inflation. You ",9 +", which indicates the public interest for the topic. ",9 +possess the professional qualifications and experience required to ,3 +directions the judge thinks necessary. ,9 +"the lender provides the borrower with credit of £25,000 or less, ",3 +Aerodynamics of Flight,7 +"Российской Федерации 24 августа 2020 г.,",9 +は、その登録を取り消し、又は期間を定めて事故等分析事業の全部若しくは一部の停,3 +heliport are also white except for hospital heliports,9 +mitigations must be approved by the designated management officials within the other,3 +the type and mission of the airplane. ,9 +10.25.Vervielfältigungen: AG-seitige Ausführungsunterlagen und AN-seitige W+M Planungen,7 +made in accordance with the provisions and restrictions of the Real,3 +"demander le paiement intermédiaire, comme le prévoit l'article I.6, le cahier des charges ou le ",9 +"UNICOM operator, or by making a self-announce broadcast.",9 +One component of SRM is workload or task management. ,9 +Valutazione dei Rischi Interferenziali (DUVRI) per valutare i rischi interferenziali e ,3 +"tral, the more positive the pitch angle, and somewhere",9 +RITERES DE SELECTION,7 +the separate digits of the thousands plus the hundreds,3 +Identifying Hazards,7 +State is to appoint a person to determine the appeal (“the appointed person”) and must ,3 +"minutes with decisions taken (DMS, under activity 15.01.01).",3 +: any person who has the power to represent the contractor or to take decisions ,9 +§ 2 Gebührenbefreiungen,7 +There are a variety of status messages that are,9 +Where the contractor considers that the requirement of an administrative order goes ,3 +the original declaration on honour on exclusion criteria; declaration on honour on selection criteria or ,9 +indicates additional runways to view.,3 +The prefectural governor shall make public the details of the written report ,3 +§ 4 Lehrmittel,7 +$^{3 }$this art 3.1 will be used when the contract is made on a time and material basis excluding expenses. ,1 +of the shank under the head ,6 +long-term care facilities,7 +Fences and Gates ,7 +The engine operating procedures presented here apply ,9 +Amendment of the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013 ,7 +the Planning Act 2008 or article 9 (consent to transfer benefit of order) subject to the ,3 +TIME STARTED,6 +notifying,9 +должны превышать площадь основания контейнеров на 1 м во все стороны.,9 +reactions to hypoxia or oxygen deprivation are insidious and ,9 +Assessing SRM Skills ,7 +Typical turbine engine instruments.,0 +and must inform third parties that it is not part of the European public service. ,3 +Betriebssicherheit und Einsatzbereitschaft der Fahrzeuge und Anlagen:,3 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,7 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +en route traffic within delegated airspace between two ,9 +"I.1.5. Pre-financing, performance and money retention guarantees ",7 +assembled.,9 +illustrates an ,9 +standard separation is used between aircraft on parallel ,9 +"and N2, with each having their own indicator. The main ",9 +"power. Also, when the power available is ",9 +Crosswind Considerations During Takeoffs,7 +Traffic pattern operations—single runway. ,0 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +Cylinder Start of Compression Stroke—Piston ,7 +"For the exclusion situations described in points (a), (c), (d), (f), (g) and (h) of the Declaration of Honour, ",9 +Article 12 - ,7 +Figure 3-44.,0 +correct ground track for any loaded instrument,9 +discontinuities. ,9 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +"Es ist geplant, während der Errichtung vor Ort tägliche/wöchentliche Koordinationsbesprechungen mit ",9 +For the Contractor: ,7 +从业人员发现事故隐患或者其他不安全因素,应当立即向现场安,9 +of the Federal Aviation Administration Acquisition Management System (AMS);,3 +a contamination inspection room (meaning a room in which the surface of ,3 +Weather-ReIated Information ,7 +line or road that lies 90° to the direction of the wind ,9 +Exact denomination of account holder:,6 +"The Ministry of Customs and Trade (MoCT) thereto for further information, especially for facilities extended for customs clear-",1 +"dominate. That is, acceleration ",9 +"functional modes may include heading, altitude, ",3 +"Director of Health, provided burial grounds or cemeteries or any part thereof, or",9 +and Publishing Services Bookshops. ,9 +compensate for any tendency of the nose to drop.,9 +WND. 18Z BRK030. OTLK…MVFR CIG.,9 +Ntlo ya Dikgosi,3 +"deployment/ integration services in this project using the resources of Consultants, ",3 +chemical resistance than the automotive paint. ,9 + The fix depicted on IAP charts ,9 +present altitude of the airplane.,9 +failure may result. ,9 +the limit determined under section 305(a)(2) of the Federal ,9 +Analyzing Procedures ,7 + ‘the Contractor’ ,9 +OH&S POLICY STATEMENT ,7 +Packing and Inspection Area,7 +TURN INDICATOR,7 +"and Industry No. 66 of October 28, 1983] ",7 +"dependent upon the wing loading, gross weight, and ",9 +routes/airways at a specified distance and direction.,9 +top of the wing and the rest below the wing.,9 +matériel préexistant,9 +委員を選定し、委員名簿及び委員の選定理由を公表すること。,3 +Wer ist für die Datenverarbeitung verantwortlich und an wen können Sie sich wenden? ,7 +current assets position of P121.74 million ,9 +Centripetal Force—The force,9 +Nitrate Test Kit (1*25 Unit) ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 189 of April 1, 2016] ",7 +Electrical Load Limits,7 +a makeshift tent around the glider structure. After attending ,9 +Zweites Ausbildungsjahr,7 +Sample Problem 13 ,7 +"and Industry No. 5 of March 19, 1991] ",7 +[Figure 10-16],9 +depiction chart showed.,9 +rotor blade an equal amount of pitch no matter where it is,9 +committed prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order. ,3 +Terminal Arrivals (STARs) ,3 +"[1792-39, 42.]",9 +landing gear. ,9 +on assessed need: ,9 +AC constant as the engine speed varies through its normal ,9 +Points of shallowest bank,6 +"to the reasonable satisfaction of the Agency, ",3 +ducting a formal assessment of a facility for possible lease or ,9 +"oder Fettsäuren pflanzlichen oder tierischen Ursprungs hergestellte Fette, Öle, Fettsäuren, mit Glycerin",9 +structural damage may occur if this operation ,9 +vorzusehen sowie ein Zugangskontrollsystem mit Dokumentationseinrichtung. Die Entnahme und,3 +Flight Planning and Beginning or Continuing,9 +rotating the engine at a speed that allows the engine to start ,9 +OBJECTIVES ,7 +"anerkannten Sachverständigen, Prüfers für den Kraftfahrzeugverkehr oder Prüfingenieurs einer amtlich",3 +integrating motion graphics and effects (if required); ,3 +is responsible for the ,3 + A method of securing one metal tube inside ,9 +have a course width of 6 or 12 degrees.,9 +Cable Tension,7 +Parachute rigging. ,9 +Europol Public Information,7 +一方以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下订,9 +PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS ,7 +rich mixture in the combustor. The fuel to the engine must ,9 +Fresh-air inlet,6 +Improper Wing Flaps Setting,7 +Significant Weather Prognostic Charts,7 +"The aircraft must be properly grounded and the nozzle, ",9 +There shall be such offices of Assistant Minister (not exceeding three or such number ,9 +resources.,9 +Disassembly,7 +Minimum Turning Altitude (MTA) ,3 +" requires adaptations, the contractor ",3 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,7 +"could lead to a violent, uncontrollable oscillation. ",9 +"services to users and to develop programs, policies,",9 +will produce the critical ,9 + either on paper version or in ,3 +tender's reference and the e-Submission ID of the tender,9 + with parties outside the EU. ,1 +§ 10 Nachweis und Kontrolle der Mautgebührenentrichtung,7 +〔昭和二十九年四月十日政令第七十七号〕,7 +authority on 1st April 2021; ,9 +Final Deed to Purchaser,9 +"Tenderer’s committed figures and a trend line (polynomial, logarithmic or else whichever suits to the ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of September 1, 1959] ",7 +Drinking water ,7 +"A reduction in the agreed payment to the Contractor (including without limitation, ",3 +Endorsing Implementation of Safety Requirements ,3 +Monter dans le camion en veillant à ne pas se hâter pour ne pas tomber. ,3 +forename/surname/position,9 +Airspace System,7 +EUGA ,6 +"Also called “scratch-pad” memory, working memory is of short duration and has limited capacity. It simultaneously stores and$_{ }$",9 +mistake and should be avoided.,9 +towering cumulus (TCU) or cumulonimbus (CB),3 +during that period; ,3 +informazione fornita in quanto condizione per la partecipazione alla presente procedura ,9 +"clausola II.18.1, lettere d), e), g), m) e n) alle condizioni previste alla clausola II.11.2. ",9 +The Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 ,7 +consideration. The performance data of the blower and diffuser shall be submitted together with the ,9 +"information that it assesses as being confidential, in particular where its release would ",3 +"out of holes, loosen frozen or tight pins and keys, knock out ",9 +"For situations described in (a), (c), (d), (f), (g) and (h) production of a recent extract from the judicial record ",9 ++49 911462101,9 +Reduction Gear Assembly,7 + orders through specific ,9 +Administrative Provisions Regulating Business of Persons ,7 +"zwischenzeitlich erworben wurden. Die Fahrlehrerlaubnis nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2 gilt als erteilt, wenn sie nicht",9 +(ii) reporting the reason for the assessment. ,3 +municipality; but nothing herein shall require the charging of such,3 +"The wind direction indicator can be a wind cone, wind sock, ",9 +"Upon lift-off, the airplane should be flying at approximately ",9 +Audit Opinion,7 +OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ,7 +a commercially operated vessel carrying no passengers; ,3 +I.14.3 Liability for alleged breach of intellectual property rights ,7 +"im Betrieb und im Rahmen der Projekt- und Einsatzleitung erkennen, analysieren und bewerten sowie",9 +Operating Limits for Wright Engine ,3 +The SRMGSA embodies and contributes to the spirit of the FAA’s safety culture. A positive ,9 +the flight plan.,3 +national ,6 +"the documentation of the data flow and the data models, ",3 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +189 151 618 ,8 +"protect the display aircraft, other air traffic, and spectators, it is considered that flying should be ",9 +navigation),3 +§ 2 Begriffsbestimmungen,7 +einschließlich Kontrollen ,3 +"system included a high-update rate radar, a high resolution ",9 +Alternator/generator switch ,3 +indicates additional runways to view.,3 +AUTOROTATION,7 +[Figure 17-16],9 +TSO-C145() and TSO-C146() equipped users,9 +controls during the ,3 +Final list of suggested media/journalists should be approved by the EU-OSHA’s national partner; ,3 +jurisdiction over the airspace. (See 14 CFR Part 105.),9 +Inlet port,6 +database search for all of the ,6 +技師又は臨床工学技士を有すること。ただし、病院、診療所又は助産所の施設で滅,3 +"line, but you might find a type of loop attached to it. Some ",9 +Distribution Chamber for Primary Clarifiers,7 +Dowel Bars ,9 +the airstream velocity to produce the down- ,9 +majority ,9 +The lower center tube in the carriage that runs ,9 +torture of any native of the Philippine Islands or other person for the purpose of,9 +Section 4. Two‐way Radio Communications Failure,7 +angle of the tail rotor increases until it becomes maxi-,9 +ordnance. ,9 +Minimum Fuel Advisory,7 +After-sales service ,7 +of supersonic ,9 +Night Vision ,7 +Measurement of Direction ,7 +DEPARTURE POINT,6 +Kapazitäten ,9 +““in-year coordination scheme” has the meaning given in paragraph (6);”; ,3 +[Figure 2-22] ,9 +tain steady flight. ,9 +国立国会図書館が国際的交換の用に供する出版物,3 +Excellent knowledge on Data Visualization ,3 +"ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯМ ВОСПИТАНИЯ И ОБУЧЕНИЯ, ОТДЫХА И",7 +"reported to an entrustee prescribed in Article 30-33-6, paragraph (2) ",3 +specific aircraft.,9 +Learner Emotional Reactions ,7 +Federal Aviation Administration to furnish in-,9 +"In sideward flight, the tip-path plane is tilted in the direc-",9 +List of Appendices ,7 +Procedures do not expose personnel to any unacceptable safety hazards that may ,3 +striker does not contact the dummy head used for the test. ,9 + Operational/Safet,6 +issue a notice to mariners at least 5 days prior to the commencement of the first ,3 +Fire Detection System Maintenance,7 +other information related to the performance of the Framework Contract in its systems for a ,3 +tion systems may publish or calculate a VDA/TCH,9 +"the judgment, together",9 +GPS Nearest Airport Function,7 +Relief hole location. ,0 +"based upon the aircraft performance, approach constraints, ",9 +REPAIR COTTON REINFORCEMENT AROUND PILOT PARACHTUE ATTACHING RING ,7 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +ATC Instructions,7 +being sent by,9 +https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/what-we-do/policies/borders-and-visas/visa-policy_en.,1 +(ii) reporting the reasons for the extension and the interim assessment. ,3 +SPECIAL INFORMATION ,7 +"пункта 5.54,",9 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +"services, on the frequency in use at the time. If the",9 +Layup Techniques,7 +"CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc.",4 +available resources. Since useful tools and sources of information may not always be readily ,9 +List of drawings attached ,7 +"subparagraph (A)(i) made to a veteran not covered by clause (ii), ",9 +into the hole.,6 +The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) was established by the European Parliament ,9 +"vessels in port at Manila, to minimize their number and preven",3 +pilot applies foot pressure. Pushing either one of ,9 +implementation of the accident analysis business. ,3 +the provisions that apply to any order form or specific contract which the contracting authority ,3 +GPS receiver. The following examples are based on a popular ,9 +hours apart. First test within 72 hours before departure from the destination and second test at ,3 +" Consequently, the angle of bank ",9 +a source of power to ,9 +At airports where IAPs have not been,9 +"323 711,53 Euro",9 +Specific Contracts,3 +Radar Vectors.,9 +an Sachsen-Anhalt,9 +十条の三十三の六第二項に規定する受託者(以下この条において「受託者」とい,3 +"recommended speed; however, lifting out of ground effect ",9 +"course, if the speed were allowed to increase ",9 +Vacuum Tubes,7 +the magnitude of this pitch excursion. A series of PIOs may ,9 +Relevante ,9 +"procedures prior to RVSM airspace entry, inflight (en",9 +"the day, land heats faster than water, so the air over the land ",9 +"under Article 1, paragraph (2) of the Export Trade Control Order revised by ",3 +Unterkünfte im Baugelände ,7 +contact must be made at the same relative location on each ,9 +"Type of operations (international, extended ",3 +Achieve Goals,7 +South Africa ,9 +1-3 side of the crankcase forward of the number 3 cylinder. ,9 +that virtually all balloon flight training is performed “one on ,9 +Invoices and value added tax ,7 +a legal obligation requires P to change addresses; or ,3 +I.8. COMMUNICATION DETAILS ,7 +kj/?page=1&size=20 ,1 +Chapter Summary,7 +"If the contractor enters into a subcontract without approval, the contracting authority may, ",3 +the warm surface air to the point where it will continue to ,9 +Disposition of Proceeds of Taxes on Franchises.,9 +is updating when aircraft position is changing. ,3 +"aloft reading, while contour flying will put the balloon closer ",9 +the edges of the tape and down the center to secure it. ,3 +TECHNOLOGY ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of July 31, 2015] ",7 +"Planung und Steuerung von Arbeitsabläufen, Lernziele b und c,",3 +"[355-117, etc.]",9 +ground reference maneuvers ......................................... 9-1,8 +Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures,7 +relation to this FWC has specific rights as a data subject under Chapter III (Articles 14-25) of ,9 +biological treatment units. ,3 +on the FAA website at www.faa.gov. ,3 +La personne susmentionnée est susceptible d'être rejetée de la présente procédure et ,7 +in the country of establishment of the person showing that those requirements are satisfied.,9 +Article 4 – TERMS OF PAYMENT,7 +Starting System,7 +"specifications, case studies and each of the quality award criteria. Repetition of ",9 +cross-country flight? How does the learner handle stress and fatigue? ,9 +Landing—Stuck Left Pedal,7 +Using the VOR MON.,7 +change in moment; and,3 +high angle of sideslip ,3 +"to the full down position, maintaining r.p.m. in the",9 +"closes, allowing electricity to flow when pressure is applied beyond ",0 +those regulations continue apply to the short breaks as if the amendments made by these ,9 +"Following takeoff, the tower will advise when to contact",9 +"The English language shall, as",9 +of the tasks may not start before the contract has been signed. ,9 +Turbo-Propeller Assembly,7 +"In most cases, a shorthand or abbreviated system of the learner’s choosing should be encouraged. Notetaking is merely a method of ",9 +Turnbuckles,7 +Tow planes are the most common way that a glider obtains ,9 +For the contractor: ,9 +separation in the work log set forth in (b). ,3 + A list of procedures that provides a logical and ,9 +PRICE AWARD CRITERION (200 points) ,7 +Approaches and Landings ,7 +the Secretary of State; ,3 +Drinking water ,7 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 25.02.1960,9 +conditions prévues dans leur propre contrat. ,3 +the proper flow of fuel to the distribution manifold which ,9 +Placing the control system in a specific position—,3 +website www.pia.com for contact details. ,9 +Variable Wind Direction.,3 +"Microphones, sound, Laptop/PC, beamer ",7 +Sequence for construction ,7 +Obersten Landesbehörden erlassenen „Richtlinie zur Bestätigung der Eignung der Testverfahren und -geräte,9 +common weight for a two-seat PPC with two people ,9 +point of beginning.,9 +"IFR traffic. MOAs are depicted on sectional, VFR terminal ",9 +correct angle.,9 +verpacken) darf nur in Räumlichkeiten mit eingeschränkter Zugangsberechtigung erfolgen. Es ist ein,3 +gross concrete area (cast in-situ and precast concrete piles) : ,3 +(ii) name or denomination and domicile or residence of parties to capital ,3 +Visual Charts (d,9 +may be found at the NAS Enterprise Architecture Portal.,1 +E-invoicing ,7 +descent by how rapidly the needles move. A minor ,9 +Accelerating System ,7 +WING ILLUSTRATED BY TUFT-GRID PHOTOGRAPHS ,7 +nent of the Department of Homeland Security may be deployed ,9 +II.6. LIABILITY ,7 +procedures except that distances (nautical miles) are,9 +"When the fuselage reaches the top of this motion, the wing ",9 +reception are usually caused by the airborne receiver not ,9 +as may be prescribed by the United States Public Health Service. The outside box,9 +Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers,7 +essential to consider the wind velocity and its relation to,9 +II.13.10. Visibility of Agency funding and disclaimer ,7 +FWC Phase-in,7 +means calling the insurance agent. One insurance ,3 +Installation électrique ,3 +Assessment by a health care professional ,7 +authorised,9 +address for email and postal returns and correspondence are as follows— ,9 + Figure 13-112 ,9 +% of the price referred to in Article I.4.1 in accordance with Article II.21.6.,9 +"must be kept free of obstructions. Further, the air circulating ",9 +To small aircraft following a large aircraft,9 +Air Traffic Safety Oversight,9 +Tackings should be secure.,3 +Mise en position de l’engin et stabilisation à l’aide des béquilles qui devront être posées ,3 +Administrative procedures ,7 +"unable to clear obstacles, such as wires, poles, hangars, or ",9 +Establishing the Contractual Requirement ,7 +The General Ledger balances under the various Botswana,3 +promote capacity building in NIS among youngsters and cyber security experts in EU. ENISA expect ,9 +"not exceeding two years, or both.",9 +"Disorientation on the localizer course, due to the first ",3 +Middle Marker Beac,6 +clearance is the responsibility of the pilot when the,9 +away from the end‑of‑descent point.,9 +Significant Weather Prognostic Charts,7 +"the illegal, invalid",9 +Securities Act (Cap 56:05). In his written submission to the last meeting ,9 +Be sure to check at least four things when reviewing your ,9 +TS 9937 Polypropylene pipes general purpose ,3 +principle,6 +Media channels to be identified ,7 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +"crosswind position. Further, the rate of roll in and roll out ",9 +"therefor, and supervision over the construction, maintenance, and",3 +Instrument Departures,7 +"Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare of the rules before commencing ",3 +Canning Road ,7 +"dafür Sorge,",3 +"Une fois sorti du bâtiment, le personnel évacué devra, sauf instructions contraires:",9 +An applicant briefing,3 +DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,7 +[Figure 3-22],9 +Warranted Provision ,7 +also tailor the information displayed to suit the needs of a ,9 +which should be raised for the current year by local taxation for,3 +Throatless Shear ,7 +When the free stream ,9 +ROTOR SYSTEM,7 +Смены проводятся при установившейся ночной температуре воздуха,9 +Achieving an ISD ,7 + Quality — 70 % ,3 +Exponent der Packungsgröße als Ergebnis der Regressionsanalyse,3 +minima (taking it out of Category II or Category III ,3 +Standstill Period ,7 +DECLARA nON OF POLICY AND DEFINmONS,7 +Urgent Medical Assistance,0 +Bewusstseinstrübung oder,8 +§ 50 Weitere Anwendung von Vorschriften,7 +CRUISING LEVEL [ICAO]- A level maintained ,9 +To mix two-stroke oil:,9 +Safety Recommendations ,3 +"direction of flight causes the helicopter to move, controls the ",9 +ぞれ同表の技術上の基準の欄に掲げる技術上の基準への適合を確認するために適切と,3 +the recorded broadcast. The broadcast ends with a statement ,9 +time to time be published for the benefit of sugar producers.,9 +Contacts during the procurement procedure ,7 +Supporting document(s)/evidence requested: ,7 +Do not use excessive force and do not pull on attached ,3 +maximum. Two or more substances ,9 +組織管理能力等の当該病院を管理運営する上で必要な資質及び能力,3 +) 1981 c.61. ,1 +のいずれかに該当すると認められるものとして同法第四,8 +the original position and reduce power to maintain ,9 +"climates, the area should be protected by a tent around the ",9 +Basic requirements: ,9 +of the appeal; ,3 +An inoperative air condition (A/C) pack might restrict ,3 +VFR Departures ,7 +Anlage 17 (zu § 10 Absatz 1 und § 11 Absatz 1),7 +A flight instructor ,9 +Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11A) Addendum: ,7 +(See MINIMUM EN ROUTE IFR ALTITUDE.) ,9 +original and of ,6 +The tender(s) ranked first after applying the formula will be awarded the contract.,7 +The flight planning page can also be used to review the route ,9 +considering the report of another health care professional who has considered any ,3 +implement the FWC; ,9 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +declaration?,6 +of the ongoing duration. Renewal does not change or postpone any existing obligations. ,9 +"geological features, and other anomalies can change the wind ",9 +to provide either zero or negative thrust. The major ,9 +Scenarios 1 and 2 – Creation of a new SNL ,7 +II.16.3. Claims and liability ,7 +structural load damage that may be imposed on the aircraft ,9 +1.a) 1. Zwischenzahlung – Nach Abgabe und Genehmigung der Projektierungsun-,7 +The jet route system consists of jet routes,9 +Effects of termination ,7 +"station distributer unit, (C) command/display unit, (D) emergency bypass switch. ",0 +" However, if the damage ",3 +some manner. Safetying is defined as securing by various ,9 +$^{ }$Common Paint Troubles,7 +acceleration error.,9 +Registerzeichen (bei Mischung nach § 3 Abs. 2: Registerzeichen aller in die Mischung eingegangenen,3 +Functional requirements for pipe systems ,7 +fuel type,9 +in building their own airplanes. Through the ,9 + Provides for approach without ,3 +Pilots of high performance aircraft are cautioned that,9 +Electron Control Valves,7 +Microscale,6 +operators turn on their rotating beacons anytime their,9 +"fair competition between them. Such information may include, without being limited ",3 +GPS such as the Wide Area Augmentation System,9 +Dritte Verordnung zum Gesetz über die Änderung von,10 +TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-$_{ }$,7 +before top dead center on the compression stroke. In this ,9 +"technique, is to attempt a vertical takeoff to evaluate if power ",9 +"Sprechfunkverkehr im beweglichen Flugfunkdienst mit den Flugverkehrskontrollstellen, wobei für Flüge im",3 +Commande par une personne formée et titulaire d'une attestation en cours de validité ,3 +"cooled engine: RPM for power (top), CHT (middle) and ",9 +"(""Hg) in a four-digit number group (A2970). It is",3 + Type 1 deployment—T-7A reserve.,0 +"increases to a preset value. This, in turn, opens the outflow ",9 +Leveling Off,7 +Experience playing or developing CTFs or Cyber Exercises,3 +Leave of Judges,7 +"irrevocable basis to the Union, which may use the ",9 +"ever, then the Contractor shall further excavate all materials, which in the opinion of the Engineer has ",9 +Das Präsidium entscheidet über Anträge auf außerordentliche Verkürzung der Sperrfristen nach § 55 Absatz,9 +approximately 100m. ,8 +results of the air quality assessment can be included. ,3 +"English, Spanish, and the prevailing local dialect. Such notices shall contain the",9 +"necessary, any subsequent transmissions by an",9 +g of improvements in connection therewith;,9 +SEC. 403. STRATEGIC NATIONAL STOCKPILE. ,7 +"Fahrer/Beifahrer, Fahrzeug",7 +0014 00-26 ,4 +vaporization and permits the discharge of fuel into the ,9 +"within a reasonable time to give better security, or additional security, may",9 +which requires the pilot to reduce ,9 +conditions and deterioration. Wire or strand breakage is easy ,9 +Carburetor Types,7 +rules for coating compatibility are included for information ,9 +and keep it from spinning.,9 +1. Область применения,7 +may disturb the signal for aircraft on the approach.,3 +"collectively referred to as ""designated invasive alien species, etc."" in this ",9 +Procurement procedure:,3 +"bei Fahrzeugen, denen ein Kennzeichen nach § 8 zugeteilt ist,",3 +flux lines.,3 +"However, ",9 +The Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) thor-,9 +directions: one straight across to figure the ground roll and ,9 +transfers around the piston into the main cylinder. ,9 +a final certificate of conformity of the supplies has been delivered and/or after the services have been finally ,9 +"available. Upon final acceptance, the contractor shall return to the contracting authority ",3 +10.26.Erstellung und Prüfung der Werk- und Montageplanung ,7 +in preparation for filing with flight service. ,9 +Program is to provide information for use in,9 +the intended landing area.,9 +bustion pressures and temperatures. Gener- ,9 +§ 4 Ausbildungsplan,7 +conflicts between arriving and departing traffic. ,9 +La personne susmentionnée est susceptible d'être rejetée de la présente procédure et ,7 +Figure 4-145. ,0 +Refer to the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge ,9 +"than six centimeters high, and also giving his assessment number in figures.",9 +"Juni 2014 tritt, an Stelle des in Abschnitt IV Unterabschnitt E Nummer 1 genannten 31. Dezember 2015",3 +container. Oil should be approved for air-cooled ,3 +Termination by either party: ,7 +Normally aspirated ,8 +§ 93a (weggefallen),7 +modeling might entail creating a functional flow diagram to help depict the system and its ,9 +CIG OVC001 – OVC006. TOPS TO FL240. VIS ¼ – ¾ SM ,9 +The contracting authority is subject to Protocol 7 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the ,9 +City and at 14 cooperating military installations throughout ,9 +filler cap or through a tube extending through the surface ,9 +outpatient procedures wear off within a relatively short period ,9 +location (the location indicated under Heading I.1 of the contract notice). The time-limit for ,9 +1.a) 1. Zwischenzahlung – Nach Abgabe und Genehmigung der Projektierungsun-,7 +"signed [a certified digital signature is acceptable, but a photographic image of the hand ",3 +the bridge site over said river on the Baguio-San,9 +"nach Absatz 2 nicht vorgelegen hat; davon kann abgesehen werden, wenn der Mangel nicht mehr besteht. Die",9 +Laser activity ,3 +feet. We will talk more about safe ways to extend personal ,9 +"downhill with the skis on the surface, just touching the",9 +Layup Techniques,7 +nettoyage,6 +"Directory (A/FD). As technology improves, new methods ",9 +If the visual reference line appears to move ahead of the ,9 +TO LIMIT OF PILOT EFFORT ,6 +corrections at a minimum. ,9 +Mr. Christian Tremblay (www.zodiac640.com) for image used in Chapter 1,9 +〔平成二十四年四月六日政令第百十六号〕,7 +"Whenever a slow speed approach is noted, apply power to ",9 +"available expertise for the ERA of specific groups of regulated substances/compounds, or ",3 +to AFS-750. ,9 +"For example, if an approach is published with LPV",9 +VFR Over-The-Top,7 +GS needle indications) or in the need for a very high ,3 +Pilots System (TWIP).,7 +Spend plan. ,9 +Obtaining Assistance from the FAA ,7 +号ロ中「百分の五十」とあるのは「百分の八十」と、同項第七号ロ中「百分の四十」,3 +The Bowen ratio is used to describe the type of heat transfer in a water body. The Bowen ratio is the ,9 +Kostenermittlung und Umlagepflicht im Aufgabenbereich Banken und sonstige,3 +责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员十年内不得从事电子认证服务。吊销电,9 + Middle marker.,9 +1. Область применения,7 +§ 1 Erheben von Gebühren,7 +[1698-13.],9 +Article II-10 ,7 +"safely as in a balloon, and in no other aircraft is the flight ",9 +"Save where otherwise provided in the special conditions, within 30 days of the signing of ",3 +Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI),7 +Disposition des Fahrbetriebes;,3 + The countries or territories referred to in paragraph 2(1) are— ,9 +of the route:,9 +Radio Communications ,7 +"conventional, non",9 +Trimming.,9 +Southerly Turning Errors ,7 +Internal Revenue,9 +гимнастика для глаз. При использовании книжных учебных изданий гимнастика,9 +very important for pilots to understand that LTE is caused ,9 +AADs are devices that activate the parachute automatically. ,9 +MELDUNG DER,7 +Invitations to be sent out via e-mail by the Contractor’s national partner; ,3 + may be disclosed and published. ,3 +Figure 5-20. ,0 +Testing and commissioning ,7 +The combustion chamber drain valve drains fuel that ,9 +flying tech- ,9 +[Figure 12-75] ,9 +Management letter,7 +lsA registration,7 +Enter the appropriate VFR altitude,9 +"Wird mündliche Verhandlung beantragt, kann das Gericht in dem Urteil von einer weiteren Darstellung des",9 +may be varied within a narrow range of 96 percent to 100 ,9 +operable radar beacon transponder with automatic,9 +continued suspension.,9 +Amendment of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1191/2014 ,7 +"tural integrity of the helicopter, as well as enabling you",9 +Training Location ,7 +the thickness of the metal by using the two adjusting screws ,9 +"arrange for the applicant to be assessed by a health care professional, and ",3 +法第七条第一項の規定により分割によつて届出事業者の地位を承継した法人にあ,3 +VOICE SWITCHING AND CONTROL SYSTEM ,9 +Partial revocation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 ,7 +The airspace described in (b) is specified in 14 CFR ,9 +"Up until April 13, 2021, the term ""goods listed in Appended Table 2-2 ",3 +Partial revocation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 ,7 +committees of jurisdiction each quarter for which this ,9 +Where a person deriving title under the undertaker by whom the land in question was ,9 +���标,提出重点领域的网络安全政策、工作任务和措施。,9 +ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ,7 + See air data computer.,9 +the Vice-President or a Minister appointed by the President by instrument in writing ,3 +Distance from the aircraft in nautical,9 +Reverse-current relay.,0 +reception distance and/or altitude. While the,9 +penetration that would require a pilot to deviate from,9 +"Following the finalisation of the evaluation, a decision will be taken about the selection of ",9 +Air metering port lever,6 +Factors Affecting Selection of Conductor Material,7 +Fuel-Injection Pump,7 +The squib is installed in the discharge assembly at the bottom ,9 +and change the left hand from the front edge of the sheet to the ,9 +"cockpit, the yaw stability is marginal due to the large",9 +[Figure 1-5],9 +Motor and Load Protection ,7 +Nominal diameter or dimension and pile length ,3 +rate of the glider at every airspeed is stored in the computer ,9 +"- Remote Sites in the 27 EU Member States,",3 +preparing each lesson is well worth the effort in the long ,9 +Evaluation Committee ,7 +betrieblicher,8 +"ajout de nouveaux éléments, paragraphes, titres, chapeaux, caractères gras, légendes, ",3 +RNWY. Moves the cursor into the Runways section ,3 +Secretariat services ,7 +ments to Guam and American Samoa from the addi-,9 +approximately,3 +World Aeronautical Charts (WAC).,9 +didaktische Fähigkeiten verfügt.,9 +Directorate R– Servizi di Supporto,5 +the applicant is entitled to the amount of victims’ payments determined under sub-,3 +"of antitorque, the pilot of these models may need to achieve ",9 +amount of heat. TCs consist of a wire with two leads of ,9 +Overcontrolling pitch and bank during corrections.,3 +Retained apparatus: protection ,7 +when two outflow valves are used. One outflow valve ,9 +airflow at which the idle adjustment effect cancels out varies ,9 +た額をいう。以下同じ。)の資産の総額に対する割合を乗じて得た額とする。,3 +this engagement in accordance with the IFAC standards and ethics set out in these ToR. ,3 +ante. Figure 4.24 illustrates the difference ,9 +A surveillance system in which an aircraft or vehicle to be ,9 +Document code: ,9 +"§ 5 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Berufsausbildung und Mitarbeiterführung""",7 +The evidence pertains to: ,7 +"genügen, gekennzeichnet sind, dürfen noch in den Verkehr gebracht werden, bis die Bestände aufgebraucht",9 +weight and diffusion. ,9 +Operation and functional analyses. ,3 +Blade nut,6 +should be aware that if they descend below the base altitude,9 +"reference to instruments in the flight deck, and navigation is ",9 +(or ‘formally notify’): form of communication between the parties made ,9 +accessible by ramp refueling trucks allows all aircraft fuel ,9 +II.20. ZAHLUNGEN UND SICHERHEITSLEISTUNGEN ,7 +"HARBOURS, DOCKS, PIERS AND FERRIES ",10 +The Contractor’s national partner is responsible for securing event assistant(s) to assist in the ,3 +with no contradictions and avoiding unnecessary repetitions. If the tenderer makes ,3 +) (extension of time limit during challenge) for “section 23 of the ,9 +Liabilities and insurance ,7 +and Support Office,9 +temperature expansion of the aluminum aircraft structure ,9 +Electron Control Valves,7 +and determinants necessary for a reliable and reproducible RAx. ,9 +"This list shall include the names of the participants, the organisations represented by the ",3 +journalists and experts ,7 +magnetos per engine.,9 +"generators,",9 +"in increased lift on the left wing. Thus, the increased lift on ",9 +the target of a sanction or restrictive measure,1 +Determine if obstacle clearance can be maintained ,3 +"quality described for each criterion and sub-criterion, unless otherwise specified in the ",9 +TWO-STROKE ENGINE—A simple form of ,3 +別表第五(第二十二条関係),0 +"Geschäftsangelegenheiten zu verlangen, die für die zusätzliche Beaufsichtigung zweckdienlich sind. Übermittelt",9 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Two-Pin Piggyback ,7 +it is always lower than the wing. The Pilot’s Handbook of ,9 +from the DME station for both the inbound and,9 +APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY-,7 +rotary machine to perform these operations. The rotary ,9 +"another one for the rest, or",3 +二十八条第一項において「外国為替公認銀行」という。)」を削る。,9 +not subsequently been certified with a system,9 +that are used on airports as surface navigational aids. All airport ,9 +Begin on one end,6 +– ELEMENTI DI PROVA SU RICHIESTA ,7 +zone of relatively constant temperature of –57 °C or –69 °F.,9 +(+++ § 3 Satz 1: Zur Anwendung vgl. § 10 +++),9 +Anforderungen an den Auftragnehmer ,7 +前三号の業務を行うために保有する財産(前三号に掲げる財産を除く。),3 +"инфекционных заболеваниях, о прохождении профессиональной гигиенической",9 +materials. Examples of the training and reference materials ,9 +into a multi-operator framework ,3 +TEMPLATE: Restricted procedure - Tender specifications Part 1 Administrative Specifications ,9 +instruments but none is relevant. ,1 +"and (ii) the risk of loss and damage, whatever their cause, until the final acceptance as ",9 +APPENDIX A1. ,3 +Restricted airspace ,7 +Thermal Survey of Repair Area,7 +"the standard three-inch instrument, small angles of bank can ",9 +医療事故調査・支援センターは、法第六条の十九第二項の事業報告,3 +depicts the information at a specific pressure altitude. When ,9 +"process with selected OSH magazines, specialised media or general press at pan-European and ",9 +Strapdown system.,9 +statement is used:,9 +Horizon. ,9 +bolts are used in aircraft structural applications. Blind bolts ,9 +ground station.,9 +The tenderers (and each member of the group in case of joint tender) and subcontractors whose ,9 +"the sun rises, the heat balance necessary to maintain storm ",9 +"([Lot 1 General economic, banking and finance courses / Lot 2 Financial markets and products ",9 +Organisation of the work [,3 +"(BGBl. I S. 640), § 2 Nummer 1 zuletzt geändert durch Artikel 1 Nummer 1 des Gesetzes vom 6. Juli 2007",3 +INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………….….....….....7 ,8 +Preparing/Revising the Safety Requirements Verification Table ,7 +"Geltendmachung des in Satz 2 bezeichneten Anspruchs beginnt erst in dem Zeitpunkt, in dem die",3 +Flurbereinigungsbehörde setzt den Anteil nach Anhörung des Trägers des Unternehmens fest. Dem Träger,3 +Sample Problem 1 ,7 +"throttle to the proper rpm, and raise the collective slowly ",9 +"A propeller must also be rigid enough to prevent fluttering, ",9 +utilization of all or a substantial part of the contents of the database by the distribution of ,3 +(ICAO) amended its International Standards and Recommended ,9 +"calculators, laptop computers, or a theolodite that costs ",9 +II.19.1. Fatture e imposta sul valore aggiunto ,7 +leading edge is the first part of the airfoil to meet the,9 +been declared under section 401 or 501 of the Robert T. Stafford ,9 +required for aircraft registration may be paid by ,9 +müssen gem. §§ 15/33 der deutschen Strahlenschutzverordnung (StrlSchV) im Besitz eines ,9 +Equipment Setup,7 +"storage devices, but not a physical change in wiring or interconnections",9 +Risk: Taking Off Without Entering a Flight Plan,7 + Voltage (P = I ,9 +Must maintain an altitude when assigned,9 +The auxiliary rotor,3 +rotates at many thousands of rpm. Their gauges therefore are ,9 +an interference with an interest or right to which this article applies; or ,3 +control difficult. To reduce the risk factors associated with ,9 +Tuition fees,3 +"case, each magneto had to be timed separately.",9 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) ,7 +The distribution chamber shall receive the wastewater from the outlet structure of the grit and grease ,9 +General Information (Section 1),7 +"Thames Water for the purposes of water supply and sewerage, including sewerage pumping ",9 +of the contract ,9 +"traduzione, inserimento di sottotitoli, doppiaggio in diverse versioni linguistiche: ",3 +"Meridian,” which passes through Greenwich, England, is ",9 +The direction in which the aircraft is pointing as it flies is ,9 +0071 00-4 ,4 +Dowel bars,9 +the pilot took evasive action a collision probably would not occur; or a situation in which,3 +durch den nichtnavigatorischen Ortungsfunkdienst ist auf ozeanographische Radare begrenzt.,3 +Berichtsheft regelmäßig durchzusehen.,9 +turned off when their light output would constitute a,9 +"Label shall be coloured, readable, visible and durable. ",3 +direction in which the magnet is moved and the position of ,9 +ground references.,3 +汚水排出経路概要図(汚水処理系統を含む。),3 +a rapid spinning to the right. ,9 +which the agreement becomes effective.,9 +"less turbulent air, this improved efficiency produces more ",9 +"If the contractor submits observations, the contracting authority, taking into account the relevant ",9 +Descending,6 +expressly waive,3 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +SCHEDULE 14 ,7 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +A statute passed by the,9 +I.13.2. DUVRI – Documento unico di valutazione rischi interferenziali ,7 +The Public Service,7 +item being repaired.,9 +ENGINE BOTTLE,6 +require a much greater landing distance due to the lack,9 +RITERES DE SELECTION,7 +Authority) ,9 +is based and used primarily in the United States,3 +Special SRM Efforts/Considerations ,3 +Normal Takeoff from a Hover,7 +"Regelung zur Vermittlung der Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten nach Verordnung (EU) Nr.",7 +Carrying Out Control Movements,7 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +value of wearing a seat belt when he or she is involved in a car ,9 +TRAITEMENT DES DONNÉES À CARACTÈRE PERSONNEL ,7 +"Betriebswirtschaftliche Kontrolle und Bewertung von Produktion und Dienstleistungen, einschließlich",3 +and cooling depend on an imbalance of insolation and ,9 +The quality of planning affects the quality of results. ,9 +登録分析機関は、事故等分���事業を実施したときは、次に掲げる事項,3 +Authority of Officers to Administer Oaths and Take,9 +"Are in receipt of, and are operating in",9 +Operating Limitations (Section 2),7 +this Order which interferes with or breaches those rights. ,9 +when using GPS or WAAS. These allowances do not apply,9 +§ 33 Übermittlung von Daten an das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt,7 +operating using two pilots. ,3 +the sheet describes a scenario for RUN activity (service ,3 +療の提供に要する費用(投薬費を含む。)等患者のために直接必要な経費の額に,3 +"— Before organizing as such, the members of the board of tax appeals shall take",9 +and traffic advisory systems is that they give unwanted alerts ,9 +Figure 9-8.,0 +The SDF antenna may be offset from the runway,9 +Personnel Required ,7 +"lights during takeoff; i.e., either after takeoff",9 +"Again, the rollout must be timed so the aircraft is in straight-",9 +"den Vorschriften dieser Verordnung nicht gefordert sind, durch das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und",9 +"qualificato allegando Curriculum Vita, in grado di proporre e seguire la ",3 +Der schriftliche Teil der Prüfung ist auf Antrag des Prüflings oder nach Ermessen des Prüfungsausschusses,9 + (highlighted in blue - See Simple IAP Example on previous page) may be used to provide a tran-,3 +CABLE FLUTE,8 +anderen Unregelmäßigkeiten,3 + in the form of basic start-up activities ,3 +"a sport reserve container, but the sport rig has two internal ",9 +be signed by or on behalf of the claimant; ,3 + In regulation 63 (procedure for offences by unincorporated bodies)— ,9 +§ 5 Inkrafttreten,7 +§ 4 Verhinderung der Umgehung der Meldepflicht,7 +pilot of aircraft “A” as 12 o’clock. The actual position of,9 +Republic of Korea ,9 +spot of the X-ray tube; ,3 +"FOR THE PROVISION OF ICT RACKS, CABLING AND OTHER ",7 +Be it enacted bv the Senate and House of Representatives of,9 +The ability of cooperate with ENISA and UI/UX designers to match visual design intent ,3 +The command signal is displayed on the attitude indicator ,9 + — Before admission,9 +shake the first cell.,3 +Entretien,6 +II.11. AMENDMENTS ,7 +Lawn Tennis Association – GB Pro Series Roehampton 1 & 2 ,9 +" These Regulations may be cited as the Air Navigation (Restriction of Flying) (Sywell, Flying ",9 +"Höchstzahl der Lose, für die ein Bieter den Zuschlag erhalten kann: ",6 +The contractor must not present itself as a representative of the contracting authority ,3 +SCHEDULE 7 ,7 +IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:,7 +"kits with press release, speech and information ",7 +"also provided that present detailed ""how to"" instructions, examples and further explanation. ",9 +Contractor's liability in respect of the contracting authority ,3 +subject to their signing of adequate confidentiality undertakings where necessary; ,3 +to comply with both rules and,9 +the ground.,9 +RAIM prediction at the airport where the RNAV,9 +through the air. ,9 +PRIVATE E-MAIL,6 +TED eTendering,7 +"RNAV routes are direct routes, based on RNAV capability, ",9 +from a digital elevation model (DEM) that is stored within ,9 +Steps for good decision-making are: ,9 +"Daten nur verarbeiten, soweit dies erforderlich ist, um mautgebührenpflichtige Benutzungen zu ermöglichen",9 +control and helps it remain airborne while the pilot establishes ,9 +take place in the region of normal command. ,9 +"e same, shall be forfeited to the Government.",9 +"Upper and lower skins of canopy, all load and non-load ",3 +surfaces),1 +"Group’s hosting platform and LMS, in case of e-learning courses developed ",3 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 +For the contractor ,6 +"qualificato allegando Curriculum Vita, in grado di proporre e seguire la ",3 +"to use “see and avoid” techniques to avoid traffic, terrain, ",9 +known as receptors. Generally receptors are located where the general public is likely to ,3 +"blood effectively, or a constricted artery. Cold temperatures ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 163 of June 20, 1960] ",7 +Safety and Security Issue Reporting ,7 +to any materially new or materially different environmental effects than those assessed in ,3 +must have: “A smooth top table at least 3 feet wide by 40 ,9 +pilot reports. Refer to AIM for additional information on ,9 +Satin-weave fabric.,9 +"s, November 2013 [EPA-420-B-1013-040053]. ",9 +"Der Stichprobenumfang bemisst sich nach Tabelle a, b oder f bei zerstörungsfreier Prüfung und nach",9 +NAVWEPS OD-BOT-BO ,7 +", lying northeast of Lingayen Gulf, on the Island",9 +"insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung der Betriebsorganisation, der betrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildung,",3 +"Once a route has been entered into the FMS, the next step ",9 +представительствах и консульских учреждениях Российской Федерации,9 +NAVWEPS 00-BOT-BO ,7 +Emergency Procedures,7 +gem. §2 BaustellV,7 +page 7 of 25 ,4 +possible to the estimated time of arrival as calculated ,3 +"municipalities, townships, and settlements, by the proper provincial trea",9 +cylinder walls and rings.,3 +The Governor may issue a financial sanctions licence which authorises acts by a ,9 +Where a senior inspector is acting as the summary court,9 +is properly stowed and secured. For balloons using multiple ,9 +"low rotor rpm, high density altitude, turbulence and/or ",9 +"stimulants can produce anxiety and mood swings, both of ",9 +"Provision of expertise in Public Affairs and Media scenarios for cyber exercises, ",7 +"employee, or the wife, or minor child of such.",9 +can be put into service in accordance with Part 4 of the Medical Devices Regulations ,3 +WITH ANY ATC CLEARANCE OR INSTRUC-,9 +approach segment. This restriction does not refer to,9 +marginal initial climb performance.,9 +I.8. COMMUNICATION DETAILS ,7 +Carburetor Icing,7 +Power factor: >0.9 ,3 +"by way of detailed drawings, every alteration proposed to be made to or close to any such ",3 +"имущество,",9 +当該医療事故に係る医療を受けた者に関する性別、年齢その他の情報,3 +The contractor must not subcontract and have the contract performed by third parties ,3 +Contracting authority: ,9 +and private sectors. ,3 +on the back of the chart. ,9 +"§ 10 Angestellte, Arbeiter und Auszubildende",7 +Is the economic operator aware of any ,6 +„Kokzidiostatika und Histomonostatika“,3 +Obstacles to Maintaining Situational Awareness,7 + Turns Around a Point,7 +Remove the harness stitching from the rolled end of ,3 +the elements.,3 +and phone numbers;,3 +insert name of the relevant result,7 +"vom 28.2.2014, S. 1) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung oder",3 +transferring of the rights acquired. ,9 +the relevant authority refuses (including a deemed refusal pursuant to paragraph 2(3)) an ,3 +the contractor,9 + Any difference arising between the undertaker and the operator under this Part of this ,9 +Quality of the Tender,7 +check points on the chart will be identified by small,9 +CONTACT PERSON (for this tender) ,7 +Anti-Icing/Deicing,7 +RE:L£T Y&-Yt ,6 +"outside, align the wing perpendicular to the wind.",9 +"5,000 feet AGL through the GPS outage area or to a",9 +"References in this Order to points identified by letters with or without numbers, are ",9 +I.6.4. Garanzia di esecuzione ,7 +This rela- ,9 +HUMAN RESOURCE AND ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Sensory Memory ,7 +to be displayed in the business or by the person for whom such,3 +the exact position of the works; ,3 +Readiness to learn also involves what is called the “teachable moment” or a moment of educational opportunity when a person is ,9 +REGIONS OF NORMAL AND REVERSED ,9 +MSA-Policybetreffen.,9 +There will be USB port over controller for making programming easier.,3 +Chapter 4,9 +"of children when preparing for, and responding to, public health ",9 +DL 4.2.6 Country/sitespecific protocol and Standard Operating Procedures to ,8 +の装置を運搬することができるロケット又は無人航空機であつて、その射程又は航続,3 +cedula certificates.,3 +the daily subsistence allowance is payable only on receipt of supporting documents ,3 +Is independently developed by the recipient after that date without using the ,3 +"possible speed (position 4), move the cyclic control",9 +The traffic information service (TIS) is a second type of ,9 +a continuous model for every aeronautical decision that you ,9 +Introduction to ENISA ,3 +t and reformation of,3 +I.9. DATA CONTROLLER ,7 +"Coffee Break (for onsite, hybrid and “online +”) ",7 +small and negative margins. This technology has often ,9 +Information about the Service Contract,7 +"stroke, the process is complete. ",9 +and Systems,7 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +helicopters are very nearly the same. All helicopters have ,9 +ELECTRICAL ,6 +Accurate planning and sufficient risk controls have to be in place to reduce any waste of ,9 +Abschlussprüfung,7 +are listed below: ,9 +TRSA Service (Radar Sequencing and,7 +II.13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ,7 +Insular public work of construction or repair involves an estimated cost of three,9 +paragraph are provided to emphasize to pilots and,9 +"conditions to be observed by revenue officers, provincial fiscals,",3 +their likely,3 +事項を法第十六条の三第二項の規定に基づく合議体で審議し、審議の概要を従業者に,3 +port reduces the rate of airflow and the speed of operation ,9 +of a joint tender) will be announced.,9 +"specifications. After passing inspection, anodize aluminum ",9 +change rotor thrust. The cyclic pitch control changes the,9 +the possibility of damages. The publication of a contract notice does not commit the ,9 +非职务技术成果的使用权、转让权属于完成技术成果的个人,,9 +構造設備が安全かつ衛生的であること。,3 +Procedure Turns,7 +Use a hot knife to melt the stitching that holds ,3 +performing identical functions to have different nomenclature ,9 +"and Industry No. 1 of January 6, 1983] ",7 +an Berlin,9 +Key to Schedule 2 ,7 +service strategy into design and detailed specifications so ,8 +overview ,9 +United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Approach ,9 +NAVIGATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION (Continued),7 +Manufacture,7 +"nicht möglich ist, zu dem von der Europäischen Kommission ermittelten und auf der ",9 +of construction results in a decrease in weight and bulk and a higher level of safety. 13-airfoil section ,3 +"prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, the provisions then in force ",3 +Airworthiness Directive (AD),9 +Functions of Class E Airspace. ,9 +the contracting authority’s rights under Article II.18. ,9 +location: le droit exclusif d'autoriser ou d'interdire la location ou le prêt des ,3 +a case-by-case assessment that will ensure respect for Europol’s obligations under its Regulation ,3 +INSTRUMENT INTERPRETATION,7 +SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO FUR-,7 +We regularly backup our data,3 +"the tender procedure has been unsuccessful, namely where no suitable, qualitatively or ",3 +Minimum volume 6 litres ,9 +[Figure 1-28],9 +hereby declare that I shall,9 +Procedures and Routes,7 +Abschnitt 4,7 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +oints for profile “Junior expert”,3 +will be used; basic high-definition cameras and microphones could serve); ,3 +§ 4 Berufsausbildung in überbetrieblichen Ausbildungsstätten,7 +"start-up of the activities in scope of the FWC. To that end, all Contractors shall have in ",9 +verschiedenen Fahrschülern,8 + Instrument Panel Arrangements,7 + Roll Stability Summary,7 +(including ,3 +behördlich ,9 +"expeditiously. Before initiating a takeoff, the pilot should ",9 +"Parks, and Forest Service Areas",7 +"carrying a passenger(s), the pilot must be qualified to operate ",9 +magnetic course for publication. The type of,9 +or equal to,9 +and routed through pulleys up to the trailing edge ,3 +Position and duties during inflation,3 +steepened until the steepest bank is again attained when ,9 +___________________________,6 +"As the storage of a skill via practice continues, the learner understands how to associate individual steps in performance with likely ",9 +"the Eastern Caribbean States, the OECS and CARICOM/CARIFORUM. ",3 +TION for the pilot to descend under IFR conditions ,9 +municipality; but nothing herein shall require the charging of such,3 +Finanzierung gesonderter Aufgaben,3 +Minimum Level Flight Speed,6 +An indication of which RTCA DO-278A objectives will be assessed; ,3 +wholesale dealer in leaf tobacco or manufactured products of tobacco shall place,9 +their mutual rights,3 +Manner of Notification.,7 +Amendment of article 18 ,7 +maximum performance takeoff. This improves the,9 +EU Financial ,3 +"This list shall be modified, if necessary, and approved by EU-OSHA. ",3 +"offer/subcontracting, including the relevant documents for Group members/subcontractors as soon ",9 +"check the attitude indicator and heading indicator, stop ",3 +Sequence for Painting a Single-Engine or ,7 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +FAA actions. It provides an overview of the various NEPA documents. ,3 +the movement of the aircraft with that of the air mass. GS can ,9 +Stempelplakette nach Absatz 3 vorhanden ist und keine verwechslungsfähigen oder beeinträchtigenden Zeichen,9 +proper angle or amount of bend and the bending leaf is raised ,9 +Liability for damage to supplies ,3 +product a summary of the reasons why the Secretary did not ,9 +Landing Gear Safety Devices,7 +Minimum Factors ,7 +marking elements for each type of runway and,9 +have centerline markings and runway numbers. Refer to ,9 +a registered nurse; ,3 +shall issue an ,3 +soumissionnaire,6 +REFUGEE AND ENTRANT ASSISTANCE ,7 +consisted,9 +chart appropriate for use at the altitude or FL being flown. ,9 +Continue to evaluate each turn and determine the steepness ,9 +before any landings are performed. These should generally ,9 +"NOTE: When using a power drill, set the drill on the ",9 +Figure 8-1.,9 +THE RECRIPROCATING ENGINE ,7 +するレセプト情報による方法により受託者に報告された情報の提供を求めるものとす,3 +Direct Service Changes ,7 +"On site management, supervision of all service providers and smooth running of the event ",9 +Audit of Accounts – Department of Lands,7 +and compliance with data ,3 +"If possible, visually check engine and exhaust for ",3 +"in paragraph (1), for “regulation 21 (Treasury licences: written notice)” substitute ",3 +Power to override easements and other rights ,7 +of interviewee in due time (6 weeks in advance); ,3 +Unmanned Free Balloons.,9 +должны соблюдаться следующие требования:,9 +Placement du harnais de sécurité contrôlé annuellement par un SECT. ,3 +Turnbuckles,7 +Normal Reactions to Stress ,7 +"of rows 1 to 4 of the appended table (excluding those pertaining to the design, ",3 +Appendix C of this publication for an example of the most ,9 +Approach Light Systems (ALS),7 +how many months of each type of Application Management service shall be ,3 +Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 303 V v. 19.6.2020 I 1328,9 +surrounding metal.,3 +Air Traffic Organization (ATO) performing SRM analyses/assessments on system acquisitions ,9 +move the blades toward a low-pitch angle.,6 +you accept responsibility for terrain/obstruction clearance ,9 +(vii) goods which belong to the heads of foreign countries visiting Japan and ,3 +〔平成二十五年九月十三日政令第二百六十七号〕,7 +〔昭和五十九年二月十五日通商産業省令第九号〕,7 +The franchise ,7 +Nature des dommages-intérêts ,7 +and route of flight. ATC will normally advise VFR,9 +through the use of Remote Center Air/Ground,9 +"in the bold heading to Section 6, for “EU market” substitute “market”; ",3 +"mised, and this can cause serious consequences when",9 +service and that ATC may not always be able to issue ,3 +The equator is an imaginary circle equidistant from the poles ,9 +Anlage 3 (zu § 4 Absatz 1),7 +"page a few inches backward and forward, and the black ",3 +TRSA Service (Radar Sequencing and,7 +Die Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I ist auf die Ausfuhr des Fahrzeugs zu beschränken und mit dem,3 +PERFORMANCE AUDIT,7 +Tow Ring Inspection,7 +"lift, aspect ratio, altitude, etc., in the same ",9 +with the regulator screw. Add oxygen by slowly turning in ,9 +"Adaptation, translation and provision of an online/offline quiz ",7 +Defective spark plugs,3 +"Prior provisions continue to govern service transactions for which a person, ",3 +be fit for the purposes for which supplies of the same type are normally used; ,3 +Minimum navigation performance specifications ,3 +"Town and Country traffic, Cessna 123 Bravo Foxtrot is 10 miles south inbound for landing, ",9 +privileges. For all authorized transfers ten per,9 +CORDON FENCES ,7 +"rpm, which are also the compressor/turbine combination ",9 +considers that the condition of the person still does not allow the degree of permanent disablement ,9 +Reimbursements ,7 +of fixed-wing aircraft to initiate flow separation at chosen ,9 +"In addition to reducing friction, the oil film acts as a cushion ",9 +"caused by the spread of coronavirus, regulation 2 also modifies this deadline in relation to the ",9 +"off center, it becomes clearer and brighter. ",9 +Following the registration each organisation ,9 +Open and Closed Bends,7 +length of landing area that is actually going to be available for ,9 +Figure 16-54. ,0 +〔昭和二十七年八月二十六日政令第三百六十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +Warm front.,9 +"When flying close to pressure height, pull ",3 +should also inform the passenger as to what to expect ,9 +"A tire balancing patch (left), adhesive wheel weights (center), and a bolted wheel weight (right) are all used to balance ",0 +Moves the controls to affect tracking of the flight ,3 +Terminal Weather System (ITWS) testbed. TWIP,9 +where there are reasonable grounds to believe that ,3 +des § 2 Absatz 1 und 2,3 +Children Act 1989 representations ,7 +II.23.4. Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +the right to store and archive the ,3 +"possibilité pour le contractant de demander une offre à plusieurs sociétés, ni ",3 +Approach Light Systems (ALS),7 +"When turning in a southerly direction, the forces are such that ",9 +direction. This information is plotted to create a diagram ,9 +"Precision Approach, 5",9 +0013 00-24 ,4 +Europol Public Information ,5 +Delegation of the European Union ,7 +Prior to departure considers the type of terrain,9 +Offenses Against Provisions of Notarial Law,7 +Sometimes the pilot chooses to remain on the step after,9 +services.],9 +location and reattach as per original.,3 +Propeller Overhaul,7 +dell'inizio ,3 +USC 1822 ,9 +LANDING GEAR,7 +"Figure 6-6,",9 +The engine-driven fuel pump intakes the pressurized fuel ,9 +designed to facilitate the use of the magnetic compass. The ,9 +granted in accordance with paragraph (1). ,9 +Use of Checklists,7 +The quality of the tender will be evaluated based on the following criteria: ,9 +"Misamis, Oroquieta, and Plaridel.",9 +Minimum capacity level:,7 +in the provision of,3 +Angle of Attack,6 +Flaperons.,0 +lubrification,6 +would a pilot turn right or left for the shortest way ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 138 of May 26, 1980]",7 +Air Quality Assessment Process ,3 +GENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURES ,7 +"to-weight ratio, and inclination of the thrust ",9 +guarantee within the following month.,9 +RISK ELEMENTS,6 +and collective control servos. ,3 +are incorrectly,9 +Dry type transformers ,7 +upon request and without delay. ,9 +"""online +"" activities) ",3 +MAIN CANOPY ,7 + A length of new highway proposed to be constructed and to be classified as part of Denmark ,9 +Chapter II Basic Policy ,7 +", That, notwithstanding section ",9 +explained. Semiconductor devices are the building blocks of ,9 +VFR Flights.,7 +I.5.2. Zwischenzahlung ,7 +Helicopter Route Charts.,9 +Cornice Brake,7 +II.14. FORCE MAJEURE ,7 +§ 8 Teil 2 der Abschlussprüfung in der Fachrichtung Instandhaltungstechnik,7 +Project/Process code: ,7 +"Of course, if the ",9 + See mean sea level.,9 +Alternator Drive ,7 +-specific,9 +encouraged to self-announce corrected altitude when ,9 +the presolo knowledge test must include questions applicable to 14 CFR parts 61 and 91 and on ,9 +other rights mentioned in this Article: ,3 +"requires landing with a tailwind in order to expedite traffic, the learner can be directed to assess the risks involved and asked to ",9 +APPENDIX B$_{ }$,5 +"municipal road, street, alley, park, or square; but no such way or place aforesaid, or",9 +"propose a price above the fixed maximum set in the specifications, including Annex ",3 +the minimum ,9 +Sample Problem 13 ,7 +“Shadow authorities ,7 +Insertion of cable into terminal.,0 +Ground Communication Outlet ,7 +and impact. They meet safety standard ANSI Z87-1989 for ,9 +"period of 60 days in the case of a breathing space moratorium or, in the case of a mental health ",9 +emergencies and significant public health threats’’ after ,9 +"With assistance from another individual, carefully attach a 33-pound weight to the stroke simulator ",3 +Airplanes under the S-LSA certification may be used ,3 +cyclic control is less effective in the direction opposite,9 +Transportwege ,7 +"organizer of a birthing center has transferred the birthing center, or when ",3 +each flight and make a go/no-go determination. ,9 +general variation of required power setting ,9 +should be equal to that in the remainder of the cell.,3 +"Except in duly justified cases, tenderers who have failed to submit evidence or to make statements as required in ",9 +"approach waypoint (IAWP), the intermediate waypoint ",9 +the applicant is entitled to the amount of victims’ payments determined under sub-,3 +by a TIS client aircraft to receive the service consists,9 +generated,9 +"RID I: (General Compliance, Economic and Financial Capacity Compliance) ",7 +"architecture, the software architecture, and the software lifecycle model (including ",3 +Approach idle (percent N$_{2}$),3 +the ATO Chief Safety Engineer waived the requirement to perform those assessments.,9 +"ordinances, with the view to the confinemen",3 +Grass fields are commonly used for WSC operations but require a longer time to accelerate to takeoff speed.,0 +manual reset and automatic reset in unattended remote applications. The factory default shall be manual reset. ,9 +§ 24 Wiederholung der Prüfung,7 +"cts of public-forest land, more suitable for forest uses",9 +"Abschnitt B: berufsprofilgebende Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in der Fachrichtung",7 +procedure; ,3 +る事項(当該許可の申請が一般病床のみに係るものである場合においては、第三号に,3 +Many specialized tools and fixtures are required in the ,9 +"sovereign Power in respect of a representative, ",3 +] concluded between the contracting authority and [,7 +Vorschriften über die Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil II entsprechend Anwendung.,9 +See sections 1 and 3.1 above. ,9 +"systems for coordination and cooperation between the national government, ",3 +The landing gear group for condition and attachment; ,3 +A real-world example of how the 3P model guides decisions on a cross-country trip using the TEAM checklist. ,0 +"Repairs, Alterations, and ",7 +DC-electric arc welding in which ,9 +"with the magnetic field set up by the coils, adopting the same ",9 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 30.08.1994,9 +Brake Inspection and Service,7 +determined by the suspended weight as well as the angle of the parachute with respect to the ground ,3 +"Ghanzi District, ",3 +A condition of improved performance ,9 +passengers for the Government shall be executed by the Secretary of Commerce,9 +Straight Descents (Constant Airspeed ,7 +"ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯМ ВОСПИТАНИЯ И ОБУЧЕНИЯ, ОТДЫХА И",7 +If the deceased left no spouse or kindred possessed of sufficient,3 +"anytime, for whatever reason, airplane attitude by reference to ",9 +Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Act revised by the Revised Act ,3 +will describe at a high level the underlying causes of safety hazards and the means by which the ,9 +a decrease ,9 +II.16.3. Claims and liability ,7 +Subject to the provisions of the laws and regulations on foreign labour of the country in ,3 +‘‘(2) is one of the following: ,9 +Indirect indication.,9 +Automatic Response Stage ,7 +"respected, subject to the limitations established in this Code. Any modiacation or extension of these acts and",9 +Free Directional Oscillations (Dutch Roll) ,7 +Aerospace.,9 +Note: Temporary restricted areas are not charted. ,9 +when the specified visual aids are not functioning; this ,9 +0.125 hex socket,6 +Wastewater should be transferred to primary clarifiers at normal operational conditions ,3 +II.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA,7 +"aircraft, you should request permission by forward-",9 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +"da diritti,",9 +High Round Out,7 +Interturbine,3 + An instrument used to measure the amount of ,9 +(Address of the place of delivery) ,9 +"Länderanteilen an der Umsatzsteuer nach § 1, den vorläufig gezahlten und den endgültig festgestellten",9 +"does not apply in relation to a road traffic offence, and ",3 +"""faute professionnelle grave""",9 +except when severe weather avoidance procedures or ,9 +Personal data may be registered in the Early Detection and Exclusion System (EDES) if ,9 +the supplies with the specific contract. ,9 +motion is the same as before the slip was begun. ,9 +instrument indications.,9 +るおそれのある部分がロの(1)及び(2)に掲げる要件を満たしているこ,3 +"(TIT), turbine gas temperature (TGT), interstage turbine ",9 +"maintaining roads, bridges, culverts, and ferries shall ",3 +"be rotated to a specific heading for reference purposes, or to ",9 +"(Lot 1 or Lot 2) is not explicitly specified, the text is applicable to both Lots.",9 +Air Traffic Safety Oversight,3 +The method of systematically managing records on medical care and the ,3 +specified in the lesson objective. ,9 +FinAusglG2017DV 2,9 +Regulatory Setting ,3 +положения,9 +Use of results,7 +Cabin Air Pressure Regulator and Outflow Valve,7 +"” clearance, you are ",9 +page 3 of 3 ,4 +Call for tenders JRC/PTT/2021/CPN/0763 ,10 +historical data which were retrieved before.,9 +own staff or by any outside body authorised to do so on its behalf.,3 +Variations in air temperature also affect the altimeter.,9 +Procedures,9 +"to a particular make and model aircraft by a serial number, ",9 +cover for cracks.,3 +"""Fahrschüler-Ausbildungsordnung vom 19. Juni 2012 (BGBl. I S. 1318), die zuletzt durch Artikel 3 der Verordnung",9 +start the engine. The result is a failure to obtain an air-driven ,9 +SENIOR DEVELOPER PROFILE ,7 +Instrument Weather Flying,7 +Erstattung überzahlter Umlagebeträge,3 +自然人之间的借款合同,自贷款人提供借款时生效。 ,9 +Cracked or broken sections caused by crushing or ,3 +Fuel supply,6 +Depending on the proposal provided (column F) the tenderer can get additional award points (see column H for calculation details) up to a ,9 +II.13.2. Licensing rights on pre-existing materials ,7 +Article 13 - ,7 +Beziehung zum Prüfling stehen. Die Prüfung ist schriftlich und mündlich durchzuführen. Über den Verlauf und,9 +中华人民共和国电子签名法,5 +〔昭和五十八年十二月十日通商産業省令第九十二号〕,7 +Software Characteristics:,3 +eceding his or her appointment been actively engaged in ,9 +Prohibition on arrival of vessels into England ,7 +NOTAM Composition ,7 +Fixed-Price contract for project work ,7 +"Vice-President or a Minister, if he or she ceases to be the Vice",3 +number of onsite and off-site days. ,3 +implementing the Framework Agreement for Banking and Financial Skills Training Services,10 +contracting authority in the premises of the contractor or subcontractor. ,9 +the airfoil shape and angle of attack. When ,9 +Tube—hand-held in an existing hole,3 +§ 85 Besondere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten,7 +Cruising speed,6 +this activity relates to the configuration (for ,3 +"the environmental statement, consisting of— ",3 +accessing,9 +all components of the air distribution system. Temperature ,9 +Additional Weather Information ,7 +well as the securing of other system components to avoid ,9 +Anlage 2 (zu § 3),7 +NOTAM Composition ,7 +illuminates all the lights to confirm they are in working order.,9 +"Die Frequenzbereiche 1 370 – 1 400 MHz, 2 640 – 2 655 MHz, 4 950 – 4 990 MHz und 15,20 – 15,35 GHz",3 +Abschnitt A Nr. 4 ,3 +Figure 4-62B ,9 +Identification of Paint Finishes,7 +crimping tool (optional),3 +Appended Table 1 (Re: Articles 1 and 6) ,9 +of the American people to increase humankind’s understanding ,3 +Standard Terminal Arrival Routes,7 +ll be final. In case two or,3 +beginning with the letters “VP” and are retrievable,9 +variable selections are made on the pressurization control ,9 +Powered Parachute Wing,7 +Cabin Air Pressure Safety Valve Operation,7 +Deployment Assist ,6 +"However, the EU tourism industry is losing competitiveness on the Chinese markets ",9 +consequence,3 +becomes primary for pitch. Change pitch attitude by reference ,9 +Conversions,7 +A widely used type of seal made in the form of a ,9 +"mit einer Abschlussscheibe vor dem Kennzeichen versehen sein,",3 +geotechnical assessment report given,9 +Assessment of degree of disablement: posthumous applications ,7 +"und die Ruhezeiten gemäß den Artikeln 4, 6 bis 9 und 12 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 561/2006 eingehalten werden.",9 +ELECTION CRITERIA,7 +selection criteria for which a consolidated asseessment will be made ,6 +allow a pilot to compute the takeoff distance of the aircraft ,9 +"Citation, commencement, extent and application ",7 +§ 2 Mautgebührenerhebung durch Private; Verordnungsermächtigung,7 +wire (J or K) and the type of connector that are compatible ,9 +conductor heating. Allowance must be made for ,3 +Since power plant weights vary directly as the horse›,9 +chemical change takes place between the charged and ,9 +Konten nicht teilnehmender Finanzinstitute im Sinne von Artikel 1 Absatz 1 Buchstabe r des Abkommens.,3 +II.12. ASSIGNMENT,7 +Figure 5-19.,0 +in any particular case or class of case compliance with such requirement or ,3 +route VORTAC located between the destination airport and the ,6 +Role of the Avionics Manufacturer ,7 +"and control usage, the airplane may stall or sink rapidly, ",9 +deve presentare ogni,9 +"consisting of the X-ray units and the X-ray examination room, and the ",3 +encouraged to participate in this program which is,9 +"All explanations regarding with program should be stored in controller CPUs. All data, ",3 +"As the aircraft drifts off course, the VOR course deviation ",9 +TREES SUBJECT TO TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS ,7 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 373 of November 5, 1987]",7 +Examples of canopy markings ,7 +E-invoicing ,7 +AJI support also includes: ,9 +U seful.-Crew ,9 +General requirements ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 247 of July 21, 2005]",7 +"attached to the center-of-gravity point, it would balance",9 +be created in the ,9 +The measurement of time used by the FAA ,9 +delivery notes ,3 +Minimum crossing altitude (MCA).,9 +"Since the beginning of manned flight, it has been recognized ",9 +"Einschlagsbeschränkung ausgenommen werden, wenn das Holzaufkommen dieser Betriebe die Marktstörung",9 +at the forward end. The extreme back position is marked “idle ,9 +diese mit den Aufschriften und Zeichen nach § 4 Absatz 4 oder im Falle des § 27 Absatz 2 mit den dort,3 +Controls altitude,6 +A winglet reduces aerodynamic drag caused by air ,0 +Although exposure to total darkness for at least 30 minutes is ,9 +"in paragraph (1), for “regulation 21 (Treasury licences: written notice)” substitute ",3 +"above 3,000 feet MSL over the Gulf of Mexico from",9 +published TCH indicates the wheel crossing height,9 +Tracking With VOR ,7 +conséquence directe d'un cas de ,9 +effects on glider control change rapidly depending on the ,9 +I.5.1. Pre-financing,7 +Procedures d'invacuation ,3 +"Errata as of May 11, 2015 ",7 +レーザー応用装置の外面の見やすい箇所に容,8 +with GPS/WAAS (TSO-C145 (as revised) or TSO-C146 (as,9 +Annex II — Financial tender,7 +support snow and make ridge lines invisible. They also,9 +§ 4 Lehrmittel,7 +protection provisions as referred to in the tender specifications. ,9 +Means of redress. ,7 +"established from 18,000 feet MSL to FL 450",9 +quite sensitive to crosswind and a limiting ,9 +Computational,9 +This is done to determine that the points just opened. After ,9 +"degrees Celsius +/- 2 degrees, the ",8 +Safety Planning for Acquisitions ,7 +Protection of Pre,7 +"Italicized airports have two affected segments, each ",9 +veteran first entered service described in subsection ,9 +wenn die Fahrschulleitung der Auftrag nehmenden Fahrschule die Pflichten nach diesem Gesetz oder den,9 +"the opinion of the Contracting Authority, interferes, or threatens to interfere, with the successful ",3 +MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL ,7 +Skew-T Plots,7 +"Attn: Sabrina Bacci, Project manager ",6 +Europol Public Information ,7 +fuel (for coal). ,9 +"additional waypoints once airborne. Keep in mind, however, ",9 +"auszubildenden Fahrlehrer beobachten, bewerten und",8 +flap is sewn to the container and mark. ,3 +Contractor,9 +"post exhaust mufflers,",9 +Civil Aircraft Operations Transiting,7 +"officers are being assigned to the southwest border, and efforts ",9 +Turbine Engine Bleed Air,7 +Rapid increase in angle of attack,6 +Responsibilities of the Parties to the Engagement ,7 +operation for which an aircraft is intended and is tailored ,9 +"generally not more than 3 degrees. However, it should",9 +FAA-H-8083-13A ,10 +(to be completed and signed by the tenderer only or the lead tenderer in the case of joint bids) ,9 +The inlet should match the demands ,9 +machines of today. Combined with continuous powerplant ,9 +applies in relation to a body corporate.” ,3 +We protect ourselves from viruses and other malware?,3 +cient to the point of flap retraction indicated ,9 +"performance for variations in density altitude, weight, ",9 +Flight Inspection/‘Flight Check’,7 +Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office and Queen’s Printer of Acts of Parliament. ,9 +"tion. (3) In a PPC, the tendency of the aircraft to ",3 +Amendment of the Regulated Activities Order ,7 +"secured by the undertaker, the undertaker must as Cadent reasonably requires enter into such ",9 +All direct and indirect emissions (not just the portion exceeding ,3 +The Approach,7 +Lockbolt installation procedure.,0 +"situation,",9 +Helpdesk (see contact details in the e-Submission Quick Guide) as soon as possible. ,1 +but observed or expected weather conditions ,3 +In addition to the weather conditions that might affect a ,9 +Setting the maximum range of travel of the various ,3 +Device shall have a memory depth of at least 20 Mpoints for two ,8 +attributable to elevator trim misuse. ,9 +Exceeding manufacturer’s recommended maxi-,3 +"and Industry No. 39 of July 30, 1983] ",7 +THIS TASK COVERS: ,7 +"(Trade), that prohibition does not apply to the act if the act is one which— ",9 +"print providers. A listing of products, dates of latest",9 +between calculated and actual resistance. ,9 +"measures taken or proposed to be taken to address the breach, including, where appropriate, ",3 +on behalf of the court.,9 +"snow, as slowly as possible above stall speed. This",9 +Center Weather Advisories (CWA) ,7 +"persons to sell, give away, or otherwise dispose of fermented vinous liquors at",9 +"the opinion of the Contracting Authority, interferes, or threatens to interfere, with the successful ",3 +〔昭和五十五年五月二十六日政令第百三十八号〕〔抄〕,7 +Last updated: June 2020,4 +issuance of a pilot certificate. It is important to reference both ,9 +"the amount of power being transmitted, whereas a ",3 +Anlage 2.1 (zu § 4),7 +européenne et de l'Espace économique européen et ne quitteront pas ce territoire; ,9 +Wiedereinsetzung auch ohne Antrag gewährt werden.,9 +Pneumatic starting of engines; and,3 +"The Contractor shall establish for his own use and at his own expense fax, telephone and internet ",9 +Aircraft Battery Ratings by Specification,7 +Cylinder Compression Tests,7 +National Stock Number (NSN) Index.,7 +Offence and penalties ,7 +Public communication expertise ,3 +Brake specific fuel consumption. A measure of the ,9 +The franchise ,7 +LAND OF WHICH TEMPORARY POSSESSION MAY BE TAKEN ,7 +in the manner specified,3 +"If you apply your full concentration to a single instrument,",7 +"Exchange Control Order, or the relevant order of the competent ministry, ",9 +Driving Region,6 +Constitution of offices,7 +PRICE AWARD CRITERION (200 points) ,7 +formally notifying,9 +a vessel operated by or in support of Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom; ,3 +"system capability before landing. As with ground testing, a ",9 +"by Europol, if the change is justified by operational reasons signed off by the named Europol ",3 +magnetic field created by current flowing through the stator ,9 +$^{2}$ http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/press/news/180719 ,1 +"SE-4,16DEC2010to13JAN2011",6 + The end of a reciprocating engine on which ,9 +"Without proper ballast in the cockpit, exceeding the aft",9 +Table of contents ,7 +" or subcontractors, as well as in the case ",3 +required in the preceding section shall be made by the posting of notices at the,9 +A longitudinal crack in a piece of wood ,9 +U.S. Government charting corrections ,3 +accidents is continued VFR flight into IMC. ,9 +"d Islands, either real or personal, not exceeding one",9 +Anforderungen,7 +councils” ,9 +"instrument interpretation, that provide the smooth and ",9 +"In establishing the carburetor settings for an aircraft engine, ",9 +unterdrückt oder vernichtet oder eine Einrichtung hierfür im Fahrzeug bereithält.,9 +Restricted area information can be obtained ,9 +or injury. The level of risk is measured by the number ,9 +"As discussed, the system is always a component of some larger system. For example, even if ",9 +"contract, performing audits, benchmarking, etc., the ",3 +Special Shape Balloons,7 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 363 of December 6, 2002]",7 +Failing to maintain proper airspeed during the climb.,3 +Basting and temporary tacking should be made using thread that is of a contrasting color to the ,3 +"to provide the services, as the case may be on the basis of the selection criteria set out ",3 +"The above discussion of semiconductors, semiconductor ",9 +traditional that,9 +the steering bars move forward and back when the ,9 +Article 9 - ,7 +"However, there may be instances when landing in a crosswind ",9 +II.20. ZAHLUNGEN UND SICHERHEITSLEISTUNGEN ,7 +aircraft performance and careful preflight inspection. ,6 +"Angaben zum Vorbesitz von Fahrerlaubnisklassen,",3 +usually must roll down some incline to get from the trailer ,9 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +That ORR shall notify the Committees on Appropriations of the ,9 +Balance diaphragm,6 +Funkdienst und dem Mobilfunkdienst mit Ausnahme des mobilen Flugfunkdienstes (R) für Funkverkehr,3 +Subcontracting ,7 +abgenommen.,3 +relationship,9 +Learning Is a Result of Experience ,7 +"(vertical visibility) (BKN008 OVC012CB, VV003).",3 +—(1) The procedures specified in this Schedule summarise administrative roles and ,9 +fit. The Hi-Tigue$^{®}$ fastener assembly consists of a pin and ,9 +air quality assessment ,3 +Available resources,7 +"Die Kosten eines ohne Erfolg eingelegten Rechtsmittels fallen demjenigen zur Last, der das Rechtsmittel",9 +"systems. When these visual cues are taken away, as they ",9 +Figure 2-91. ,0 +by the current situation. It is often said that failure to make ,9 +USTIFICATIFS AUX FINS DE LA SELECTION,7 +кладовыми (шкафами).,9 +temperature environment and bring them to the repair area ,9 +"from, or “line up and wait” on that specific runway. ",9 +ARRANGEMENT/COORDINATION OF INTERVIEWS ,7 +"has a published maximum aerotow speed, and the tow pilot ",9 +Abschlussprüfung,7 +Distress and Urgency,7 +Maneuvering speed (V$_{A}$). ,9 +"traduction, insertion de sous-titres, doublage dans différentes versions linguistiques: ",3 +P;;;lW;;E ,6 +provides aerodynamic force when it interacts with a moving ,9 +Common Errors,7 +the conditions described in point V [Exclusion Effect] of the ‘Declaration on honour on exclusion ,9 +"when financial statements, etc. are prepared as written documents, a ",3 +" Summarize how the software lifecycle has unfolded, and explain ",3 +But if a vacancy arises in the office of the relevant police and crime commissioner ,9 +having a capacity of not over three hundred but more than,3 +"northerly direction until its junction with the existing Riverside Road, ",9 +"To use the VOT service, tune in the VOT",9 +and power turbines of the turbine engine. The torquemeter can ,9 +"notification must be dated, signed by the tenderer or the group leader in case of a joint tender ",9 +following emergency frequencies can be used for,9 +“electronic communications apparatus” has the same meaning as in the electronic ,9 + WSC Operations,7 +cient of the clean configuration may not be ,9 +wake effects created by other aircraft. Studies have,9 +All tests have to be planned so the Employers Representative has the possibility to comment on the ,9 +Ntlo ya Dikgosi,3 +付費並びに同法第二十四条の二十五に規定する障害児相談支援給付費及び特例障,9 +"(xi) goods for public use sent to embassies, legations, consulates and other ",3 +"To make informed decisions during flight operations, a pilot must also become aware of the ",9 +alerted to the loss of the required number of satellites,9 +running into balloons above. There is an unwritten rule in ,9 +conspicuously exhibited in plain vi,9 +I.8. COMMUNICATION DETAILS ,7 +Guidance and towing procedures can also be found in the ,9 +"and Industry No. 66 of October 28, 1983] ",7 +when tracking localizer courses and VOR radials. ,3 +Figure 1-76,9 +of the contract,3 +Objective of the initiative ,7 +SPECIAL INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCE-,7 +swing in the same direction that the float turns. The result is ,9 +The Province of La Union,9 +Abschnitt 3,7 +The account manager/event coordinator will also be responsible for delivering the contractual progress ,9 +LCL23:00:34,6 +documents required by the contracting authority at the time of submission as set out in ,9 +Übergangstück rechteckig auf rund,7 +represented,9 +The present Call for tenders aims to conclude a framework contract up to a maximum of 4 ,9 +"der Beklagte,",3 +possible to view Temporary graphs for real time tag data(instant trend) without requiring to set ,9 +Figure 1-25. ,0 +or have carried out the maintenance and repair of supplies and to provide a rapid supply ,3 +"Any communication of information, notices or documents under the contract must: ",9 +Taxiing on the step is a useful technique for covering,9 +that include flight in Domestic U.S. RVSM airspace,9 +within or immediately adjacent to one ARTCC's area. ,9 +best-power point. Although enriching the mixture to this ,9 +"the preceding proviso, recipients of funds provided under this ",9 +" INVOICES, VALUE ADDED TAX AND E-INVOICING ",7 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL ,7 +"flying level, or descending is to sight potential obstacles in ",9 +the new bridge northern approach; ,3 +(or a statement that no top report is available) and a request ,9 +ECHA’s capability to build and run IT service and products is limited in both financial ,3 +earth wherein activities must be confined because of ,9 +The temperature of turbine gases must be closely monitored ,9 +"renewed upon any life or lives, on each two hundred pesos, or",3 +extension of the principles involved in the performance of ,9 +known to persons engaged in services of specimen examination (hereinafter ,3 +Veterans and ,9 +associated engine gauges therefore have different names ,9 +"tension, and appropriate pattern.",3 +Supplementary details of firewalls used ,9 +"and implement effective risk controls. Third, practicing risk ",9 +Emissions Mitigation and Offsetting ,7 +"In this regulation, “the standard scale” means the standard scale contained in section ",9 +- Minimum turning altitude (MTA) is a charted altitude providing vertical and ,3 +system and its performance.,9 +In programming the planting work the Contractor shall take due regard of the accepted seasons for ,9 +the Contractor shall fill the voids so formed with concrete grade C8/10 or with suitable granular mate-,9 +"of each municipality, the senior supervising engineer shall fix the",3 +Deployment Type,7 +Select receptor site locations ,3 +II.20.8 Intérêts de retard ,7 +entitled to by reason of an earned leave of absence under existing law.,9 +"location of the head office or principal office of the specified manufacturer, etc. ",3 +Decision-Making ,7 +Turbine Engine Bleed Air,7 +Early aircraft were equipped with radio communication ,9 +Sea conditions and wind.,3 +DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,7 +"Depending on the lots, the tenderer shall appoint an account manager/event coordinator, under the ",9 +PLACE OF BIRTH,6 +existence of ,3 +out such certificate no private surveyor shall make any survey,9 +the harness,3 +DC Alternators and Controls,7 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Final Piston Moving Down,7 +"indemnify SGN for any other expenses, loss, demands, proceedings, damages, claims, ",3 +"Tierkörper, -hälften, -viertel und Fleischteilstücke nach Handelsklassen beurteilen, zur Verarbeitung und",3 +which produces a sharp change in the drag ,9 +"As the rotor blades rotate, they generate what is called ",9 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 2 ",7 +"attained. If the aircraft is equipped with a pressure ratio gauge, ",9 +of the oil as it enters the oil pressure pump. Oil inlet ,9 +"If departing the traffic pattern, continue straight out, ",3 +opening from the crankcase to the combustion chamber ,9 +shape—a characteristic known as spring-back. If the cornice ,9 +released within 60 days of the issuing of the signed final acceptance certificate for its total ,3 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,0 +Emissions Mitigation and Offsetting ,7 +Exhaust Gas Temperature Indicator (EGT),7 +Information ,8 +Die der Zulassungsbehörde nach § 6 Absatz 1 Satz 2 mitzuteilenden Halterdaten und die nach § 13 Absatz,9 + Elevons. ,0 +ECHA or 3rd parties according to defined SLAs. Service requests could be tasks ,3 +your EU Login password.,9 +"the requirements of which are outlined in 14 CFR part 43, ",9 +"methods of data collection and interpretation, both",9 +level flight(V$_{Y}$,6 +corrections should be small and reduced proportionately as ,9 +Identifying Hazards,7 +(Lines connecting airports ,6 +controls and surveillance.,9 +He built a successful mono-wing aircraft. The wings were ,9 +CRUISE CLIMB- A climb technique employed by ,9 +II.20.6. Interim payments and payment of the balance ,7 +"approval or permission under Article 1, paragraph (1) or Article 2, paragraph ",3 +"Except where otherwise provided for in a Sectoral Agreement or a Financing Agreement, ",3 +SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +Ministers and Assistant Ministers,7 +No-load losses and no-load current. ,3 +Technical galleries shall be rectangular sectioned underground structure and particularly shall be used for ,9 +"L'opérateur est soumis à un contrôle médical, plus particulièrement pour les risques ",3 +Verify the grommet is secure.,3 +"tively short distance from the takeoff point, ",9 +of the course of training.,3 +PROJEKTBETEILIGTEN ,7 +return for another landing.,9 +inflation/deflation cycle by pushing the switch each time ,9 +Safety considerations have led to the development of AADs ,9 +if he or she is removed from office in accordance with the provisions of subsection (6) of ,3 +"same calendar year as the emissions subject to Conformity. However, exceptions to this rule are ",9 +Wheel speed sensors must be securely and correctly mounted ,9 +"unpublished RNAV routes, except for GNSS",9 +surface of an airfoil. The air becomes turbulent and lift is lost.,9 +2) пункт 3.3 дополнить новой строкой следующего содержания:,9 +Durch Addition der 36 Flächenelemente ergibt sich die theoretische Versorgungsfläche einer Sendeanlage in,9 +final editing and definition/conceptualisation of a promotion action plan to make the ,3 +in the U.S. NAS. (See FIG 7,9 +Apollo 11 Command Module Pilot Michael Collins; ,3 +イに規定する委員会に係る事務を行う者を配置すること。,3 +Drill Stops,7 +Measurement of Direction ,7 +"determines the size of the radar return. Therefore, ",3 +A teardrop procedure or penetration turn may,9 +記載した事故等分析事業に関する規程を定め、厚生労働大臣に届け出なければならな,3 +Details of licensed marine activities ,7 +glider. Make contact with the retrieval crew or emergency ,9 +(P5.53 million) and Investment Income (P7.61 million).,9 +§ 2 Begriffsbestimmungen,7 +"2011, for another person to attend a meeting of the Authority on the ",3 +ENROLLED IN PATIENT ENROLLMENT SYSTEM OF DEPART-,7 +This contract shall be automatically terminated if it has not given rise to any payment in ,3 +"languages of the European Union. In a second step, only selected candidates will be invited to ",9 +included in this lot: ,7 +on the angle at which the pilot’s central vision intersects the ,9 +and the tower controller will have a separate common PRM ,9 +"pitch is increased to slow the gyroplane, more and more",9 +The pilot should monitor the airplane’s performance ,3 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +(or ‘notify’): form of communication between the parties made in writing ,9 +LB/KG PULL TEST:,9 +Lift/Drag Devices,7 +the covering method being used.,9 +The presence of air in the brake system fluid causes the brake ,9 +"deficient aircraft system (or related interacting systems), as ",9 +"is needed, there is more current sent to the exciter field and ",9 +have distorted plies that have dipped into the core cells. As ,9 +date and time for historical data view and all pens including alarm and trend pens will be ,9 +These digi-,9 +"Bacnotan,",9 +costi relativi ai rischi interferenziali saranno sostenuti dall'amministrazione ,7 +is primarily a power producing machine and ,9 +to date and accurate. Pilots should exercise caution when ,9 +Press work: copywriting in national language of a press ,7 +Lot 3: Organisation of corporate events ,7 +PLANNING IN FMD CONTROL ,7 +sometimes applies to hands-on situations as well. People who concentrate on remembering or recording facts might very well miss the ,9 +300hh–11(c)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ,9 +当該医療事故に係る医療の提供に使用された医薬品、医療機器、設備その他の物,3 +§ 1 Ziel des Gesetzes,7 +The final version of the operating and maintenance manual shall be submitted with four (4) copies ,9 +medical coordination promotion) ,9 +Personnel Required ,7 +The tender(s) ranked first after applying the formula will be awarded the contract.,7 +cycle in two strokes of its piston—one down and ,3 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 +するレセプト情報による方法により受託者に報告された情報の提供を求めるものとす,3 +Automatic Response Stage ,7 +Submission of requests to participate phase,7 +Article II-22 ,7 +TIS Traffic.,9 +"Meeting minutes are approved by default unless an objection, stating clearly ",3 +Stop operation or emergency—this signal is given by ,3 +to remember who is ultimately responsible for the entire ,9 +Perform proper needle fold,3 +drive controls the alternator’s rotational speed which allows ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 315 of September 30, 1986] ",7 +Chapter 21—Gyroplane Emergencies,7 +elements and ground,9 +rudder is being applied too late.,3 +A lightweight pilot takes off with maximum bag-,3 +parking area and turning the skiplane around. Taxi,9 +thousands of NASA civilian and military staff and partners who ,3 +STRESS MANAGEMENT—The personal analysis ,3 +Table 6.3: Signatures for SRM Document Approval,0 +"flow/load for the four data set for 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% flow/load case) shall be plotted for the ",9 +bleiben unberührt.,9 +producing heat. ,9 +Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and elaboration of concept ,7 +Power section ,7 +maximum certificated weight of the glider. ,9 +"109,5 – 111,8 GHz, 114,25 – 116 GHz, 148,5 – 151,5 GHz 164 – 167 GHz, 182 – 185 GHz, 190 – 191,8",3 +Technician ,7 +characteristic. ,9 +“RRRF” means the Riverside Energy from Waste Facility known as Riverside Resource ,9 +Group control ,7 +"leading edge, pressurizing each cell and giving the canopy its shape and glide characteristics. A ",3 +‘‘(A) Utilize a process to make recommendations to ,9 +pictorially by the relationship of the miniature aircraft to the ,9 +Simultaneous Close Parallel Precision Runway ,7 +attack and change in lift. ,9 +column in the table represents ,9 +"maintenance records (14 CFR part 91, section ",3 +Annex 1. Title ,7 +flying above the clouds or in a haze layer that provides ,9 +Losflansch mit Bund DN 250 ,7 +Ch 06.qxd,5 +Cascade reversers are more complex. They are normally ,9 +"same forthwith, and shall com",9 +Commencement Date ,8 +"indicator, heading indicator, attitude indicator, and so on.",0 +Article 24 Deleted. ,9 +reversers are simple clamshell doors that swivel from the ,9 +Controlled Firing Areas (CFAs) ,7 +OFF-AIRPORT LANDING SITES,7 +same from the collecting officer at any time after seizure and before sale by,9 +Upon reaching the intended touchdown area and at the ,9 +Rules and regulations ,9 +"mits, even for a very few seconds, may result in ",9 +variations create forces that drive the atmosphere in its ,9 +A person shall be qualified to be appointed under section 77(1)(,9 +Sequence diagrams. ,3 +to check that it is clear above.,9 +The following checklist should be used for daily maintenance ,9 +TEMPERATURE ,6 +"documents with which compliance is mandatory. Therefore, the SRMGSA provides the ",9 +Common Error: Skipping the Preflight Weather ,7 +Article 33 After-sales service ,7 +Renewal of the FWC,7 +required would be 122 knots. ,9 +include disciplinary measures taken by the competent supervisory ,6 +functioning,9 +) or the schemes preserved by the Local Government Pension Scheme (Transitional ,9 +Available resources,7 +Transitional provision ,7 +"Amendment of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations ",7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of September 1, 1959] ",7 +proper conduct of the customs business shall so,9 +responsible,9 +a release that permits easy removal of the metal after it has ,9 +plunger and very slowly remove your hand from under the weight to allow the weight to be slowly ,3 +respective,9 +утвержденном,9 +The president and township secretary shall receive such salaries as the council,9 +generati come segnalato precedentemente verranno attuate apposite misure preventive e ,3 +energy storage in a dielectric is the static electricity stored ,9 +out straighter in strong winds and tends to move back and ,9 +Rotatable contact,6 +紹介率が百分の五十を下回る病院にあつては、おおむね五年間に紹介率を百分,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ",7 +choice and other options that may be available can be discussed. ,9 +The collective pitch control (or simply “collective” or “thrust ,9 +Consumer Product Safety Act (Cabinet Order No. 48 of 1974) (hereinafter ,3 +Communication/Broadcast Procedures ,7 +Figure 5-10.,0 +基本方針は、次に掲げる事項について定めるものとする。,3 +ability to see an object in the center of the visual field is ,9 +INDUCED DRAG ,7 +"which causes a vertical climb, unless needed for ",3 +way and access plans. ,3 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,7 +"the Philippine Legislature or the Philippine Commission shall, for purposes of",9 +these services. The Contractor is responsible for providing sufficient and,3 +A pilot who encounters a ,9 +OIL STRAINER ,6 +"than wheels, even a small amount of drift at touchdown",9 +Minimum capacity level:,7 +"complete ignition system installed on the aircraft, the ignition ",9 +Area Navigation (RNAV) Routes.,7 +Strength and rigidity is achieved by welding the tubing ,9 +turns are made to the right.,9 +quick guide for economic operators,9 +"discharge nozzle must be located at the venturi throat, and ",9 +"holding an academic diploma"", as herein used, shall include all those who, with",9 +"wind shear, daylight, visual meteorological ",3 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +which are mentioned below will be able to be used.,3 +Article 2 – DURATION AND TERMINATION ,7 +OFF-AIRPORT LANDING SITES,7 +"the complete published procedure is flown, ",9 +II.17 SUSPENSION DE L'EXÉCUTION DU CC ,7 + to resume the work suspended or inform the ,3 +"by Europol, if the change is justified by operational reasons signed off by the named Europol ",3 +"tomography examination, storage facility, disposal facility, or radiation ",3 +smooth air above storms and convective activity that ,9 +the air stream. ,9 +顧客等との間の行為とみなす。,9 +"management of adequate duration, an injury has reached a steady or stable state at maximum ",9 +HARNESS/CONTAINER ,7 +"aufgeh. durch Art. 4 Abs. 104 G v. 7.8.2013 I 3154 mWv 14.8.2018, Art. 4 Abs. 104 G v. 7.8.2013 I 3154",9 +"о направлении на обучение в иностранной образовательной организации,",9 +international conventions on the carriage of goods. ,9 +increase in angle of attack to maintain the ,9 +wing is detensioned and the battens have been removed from ,9 +"MODALITÉS EN MATIÈRE D’ÉTABLISSEMENT DES PRIX, COMMANDES ET DE ",7 +"shall take care that the laws of the Philippine Islands, the",3 +L’élévateur doit contenir les fiches d’instructions relatives à l’utilisation de la nacelle. ,3 +requested to the contractor at the contractor's cost. ,3 +water based and need for Defense VFR (DVFR) flight ,3 +dutiable repairs procured abroad. The same rule shall be applicable to any article,9 +"for the granting of the privilege of fisheries, the privilege of",3 +Belt Sander,7 +"Reamers, used for enlarging holes and finishing them ",9 +and vertical deviations relative to a nominal approach ,9 +quickly restored in the event of disaster or ransomware infection. ,3 +make a special effort to devote enough time to scan for,9 +Fuel-Flow Indicator,7 +itself by Morse Code and may have an additional ,9 +uses insert-type bushings.,3 +require Transportation,9 +"Check throttle, oil injection pump, and choke actuation ",3 +"such province, city, municipality, or other local political division a proper",9 +R=0Dp(vol)2/3vl.86 ,2 +confirmation as to whether an update of published nautical charts and marine safety ,3 +ために必要な知識及び技能を有する者を有すること。,3 +Subject to subsection (7) of this section a member of the Public Service Commission ,9 +Contractor’s national partner to adapt/translate the quiz and to produce it. This means finding a ,3 +" Airspace from 18,000 feet MSL up to ",9 +"and identification number, and must",3 +Outside air temperature ,6 +service of the different branches of the Philippine Government,3 +DOWNWASH FLOW FIELD 8EHlNO A SWEPT TAPERED ,7 +power aircraft. New forms of lift were discovered that made ,9 +The 5 Ps.,0 +Testing and commissioning ,7 +Temperature Variations in Repair Zone,7 +"or hire (e.g., towing a glider, flight training), then it must ",9 +propeller mounted on a pusher engine pushes rather than ,9 +Using Proper Radio Procedures ,7 +"PUBLIC LAW 117–9—APR. 23, 2021 ",5 +"lines around your hand, arm, or body. I will check with you ",9 +gram. Pilots may also report these situations to the,9 +necessary,9 +SU Roles and Responsibilities ,3 +right causes the right aileron to deflect upward and the left ,9 +regulatory Guidance,7 +Management of Human-Wildlife Conflict by the Department of ,3 +"953 190,13 Euro",9 +Pack main and reserve parachute assemblies. ,3 +catering on event premises and off-site; ,3 +Vertragsnummer: [,5 + An uncoordinated turn in which the rate of ,9 +Figure 2.21 illustrates ,9 +on the day following the date on which the contractor receives ,9 +Betriebssicherheit und Einsatzbereitschaft der Fahrzeuge und Anlagen:,3 +"and LAAS minima, and the minima was always listed",9 +continuous power of 120 knots (138 mph),6 +"Ist der Rechtsstreit in der Hauptsache erledigt, so entscheidet das Gericht nach billigem Ermessen über die",9 +Unpacked. Canopy with defects recorded. Clean. ,9 +withheld for up to [30] [60] [90] days after the final approval of the service.] ,9 +"as it is lowered, there is a simultaneous and equal decrease ",9 +Rivet Length ,7 +EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS ,7 +Publication Ref: EuropeAid/140639/IH/SUP/TR ,7 +. — The salaries of the,9 +"data transfers, and data analysis, as annexes of the study protocol. ",8 +provided on a workload permitting basis.,9 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 3 ,7 +Records of previous compression checks help in determining ,9 +Operating Limitations (Section 2),7 + Do not use ,9 +Identification consists of a three,9 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +I.4.3. Reimbursement of expenses ,7 +Reverse Current Sensing,7 +Model for specific contracts ,3 +Hierbei sind:,3 +"policy targets, including the ",3 +Short breaks ,7 +内水面における漁場環境の再生に関する施策,7 +Preflight Weather Briefing,7 +R media and on the AIS website. The root,9 +PIA-TS-108.1,7 +I.4.3. Reimbursement of expenses ,7 +[Aircraft callsign] “remain outside the Class Charlie,9 +Pop-up window,6 +fuel control must take into account temperature and pressure ,9 +No person shall be convicted of a criminal offence unless that offence is defined and ,9 +The fence on concrete parapet shall surround the whole wastewater treatment plant site. ,9 +Improper correction for wind drift.,3 +the differences. ,9 +An instrument which senses airplane ,9 +The checklist ,9 +per second the turn will not approach the lead point ,3 +evidence provided by the ,3 +Diese Verordnung tritt mit ihrer Veröffentlichung in Kraft.,9 +15th April 2020 ,9 +"Forestry, with the approval of the Department head, may set aside, as communal",9 +"лиц, указанных в подпунктах",9 +CYLINDER WITHOUT CIRCULATION ,6 +"consider whether to not fly or fly only after finding ways to mitigate, eliminate, or control the risk. ",9 +is transferred through space and the Earth’s atmosphere to ,9 +Gas Cylinders,7 + (or an equivalent provision in the successor legislation);,3 +Marker Beacons,7 +Measurement of Direction ,7 +IP source restrictions to limit access only from contractor’s IP addresses or ,9 +"Not flying a course parallel to the intended area (e.g., ",3 +Control Valve,7 +same gauge or one ,6 +Some turn-and-bank indicators require a lower vacuum ,9 +Overall management including development of concept for ,7 +of the runway and displaced threshold. White arrow heads ,9 +direct flow of the fluid into the combustion ,9 +全的情况时,有权向生产经营单位建议组织从业人员撤离危险场所,生产经营单位,9 +gas. An open flame or match should never be used to light a ,9 +"deployment/maintenance/development, ",3 +stipulated in Article 31 of the General Conditions. ,9 +WORKS PROVISIONS ,7 +Launch Site,7 +or a light breeze. Water rudders are usually more effec-,9 +"enclosed in the housing. The front rolls serve as feeding, or ",9 +Review (ISR); prepares records of decisions and ISD closeout memoranda; and supports POs ,9 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +"appointed by him. Any such suspension or removal by the mayor shall, with the",9 +Operations in Other Countries ,7 +the increase in required power setting with ,9 + - HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OFFER USING e-SUBMISSION ,7 +Communal Forests,7 +action is similar to a water wheel. Air at atmospheric pressure ,9 +GPS Nearest Airport Function,7 +should coordinate with the appropriate ATC facility relating ,9 +compensate for this night blind spot. Along with the loss of ,9 +AUTOROTATION IN FORWARD FLIGHT,7 +U.S. Territorial Airspace,7 +Rotorcraft Controls,7 +the failed pump.,9 +Verify spark plug connectors for security.,3 +Professionalism requires that the individual instructor ,3 +"guarantees to contracting authorities, or (iii) appears not to be financially reliable, the ",3 +is dissolved gas forming bubbles as pressure decreases by ,9 +satisfied and the supplies are in conformity with the tender specifications. ,9 +TR Portfolio Safety Requirements ,3 +"Figure 10-3, ",9 +Rivet Strength,7 +An additional technical equipment and technician services will cover online aspects of the online ,3 +endorsements are recorded in the student’s,9 +provide an approach for successfully organising and managing a high number of activities of ,3 +gear. Fluid flows to the gear-down side of the nose gear ,9 +Drill Bushing Holder Types,7 +handle is usually attached to the bottom of the pilot chute and ,9 +providing comprehensive support to the other hospitals or clinics with ,3 +"Errata as of September 17, 2013 ",7 +2020 No. 402 ,10 +Normal Operation ,7 +"shall not apply to members of the local school board, or to other persons",9 +Ground Support Equipment ,7 +Analog Electronics,7 +The work log for maintenance and management of examination ,3 +of fuel flowing to the engine so that the desired amount of ,9 +"translation: the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any translation, adaptation, ",3 +and uses a layer of adhesive to bond two precured composite ,9 +All rights,9 +The contractor must ,3 +towered airport. If you can contact the FSS or ATC on the ,9 +§ 22 Bestellung der Mitglieder der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +Sideward Flight,7 +Anbietername eingeben,7 +greater interest in that land. ,9 +VOR instead of flying the series of headings that terminate ,9 +using TSO,9 +documenti ,9 +““the data protection legislation” has the meaning given in regulation 5(1) of the GDPR ,9 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +where a person intends to export goods which have been landed temporarily ,3 +Mark out the damaged area as you would a standard ,3 +away by the airstream. Boots used in GA aircraft typically ,9 +computers to accomplish inter/intrafacility controller ,9 +密度が第三十条の二十六第六項に定める表面密度限度を超えないようにすること。,3 +Brake inspection and service is important to keep these ,9 +traffic data systems allow you to set the sensitivity of the ,9 +sa décision finale de réduire le paiement et le montant correspondant. ,3 +magneto to the engine. The timing light is designed in such ,9 +Supporting document(s)/evidence requested: ,7 +Procedural Notes ,7 +while access is maintained for historical data. Operator will make single request for certain ,9 +The radios and electronic equipment for improper ,3 +Emission Source Release Characteristics ,7 + Determine neutral buoyancy of a gas balloon or ,9 +situations,9 +the rubber bands very far. ,0 +"time information needs to be retained. For example, copying an instrument clearance word for word is very difficult. By knowing the ",9 +altimeter and VSI to determine when level flight has been ,9 +of the atmospheric dynamics involved in weather patterns. ,9 + Landing distance table. ,0 +"Schlachttiere nach Ernährungs- und Gesundheitszustand beurteilen, auswählen sowie deren Transport",3 +Amounts of fixed penalties ,7 +inflation of the ballonets. ,9 +"Kalenderjahr. Auf Zahlungen, die Buchführung und die Rechnungslegung sind die für die bundesunmittelbaren",9 +paragraph (,9 +nonché il riferimento,9 +II.13.8. Image rights and sound recordings,7 +Requesting a Special Registration Number,7 +"ground, such as the finish line in a race or the airport ",3 +生产安全事故的应急救援与调查处理 ,7 +alerts can be distracting.,9 +Tlokweng in the South East District;,3 +stop landing. The advantages of this procedure as a,9 +be uploaded to EU-OSHA’s online collaborative tool by Contractor headquarters. ,3 +gradient and separation ,9 +The key to communications at an airport without an operating control tower is selection of the ,9 +"2010/611, 2011/108, 2012/1771, 2012/2937, 2013/1746, 2013/3172, 2014/927, 2014/1624, 2014/3189, 2015/55, 2015/959, ",1 +Auxiliary drive units (ADU).,3 +less than that created by sliding friction and this bearing uses ,9 +controllable airspeed so that the airplane touches down on ,9 +mehr als 10 Kilogramm oder mehr als 10 Liter,7 +grade (9385) ,6 +"described above is not issued in the country concerned, it may be replaced by a sworn statement made ",9 +STAFF ALLOCATION ,8 +Bank Control,7 +Communal Forests,7 +"December 2009. In particular, the Joint Stock",9 +Determination of Control Movements Required To ,7 +"date of enforcement of the Revised Act (hereinafter referred to as the ""date of ",3 +aircraft is registered in a U.S. State Department,9 +Lycoming 0-233 Series Light-Sport Aircraft Engine,7 +Die gleichzeitig mit den Bauarbeiten anfallenden Spartenarbeiten müssen im Benehmen mit der ,9 +"failure or rivet shear failure, must be removed for inspection ",9 +Concept to be elaborated including a structure and agenda of the roundtable with suggestions ,3 +§ 34 Übermittlung und Speicherung der Daten über Hauptuntersuchungen und Sicherheitsprüfungen,7 +"(s)’ name(s), and the right to decide when and whether the ",3 +"The use of several different types of paint, coupled with ",9 +"is amended by inserting after section 1116A, as added by section ",9 +"Ordnungswidrig im Sinne des § 8 Absatz 1 Nummer 1 Buchstabe b, Nummer 4 Buchstabe b des",9 +Legacy System SRM,3 +indicator and neglect bank control of the airplane. Torque ,9 +any means or in any form; and the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit the re-,3 +Fuel evaporation ice,3 + See minimum reception altitude.,9 +for onsite activities) ,7 +Scientific data management: ,3 +Conduct the Review ,7 +Cylinder Compression Stroke—Piston Moving Up,7 +Duties once the balloon has reached equilibrium,3 +PV diagram.,9 +the harness.,9 +Placards are recommended to inform crewmembers of an ,9 +Abschnitt 7,7 +"X-ray technicians who are engaged in X-ray examination, and their ",3 +ont été fournies pour participer à la présente procédure. ,7 +The aircraft surface can become highly charged with static ,9 +risk is key to preventing risk and accidents. If a pilot fails ,9 +Manner of Referring to Statutes,9 +section of the campaign website for HWC material). ,3 +European Parliament and of the Council; ,6 +Zwischenprüfung,7 +tive at slow speeds because they are acting in compar-,9 +"straightforward process, is an extremely important procedure. ",9 +Air in the Brake System,7 +Identifying Hazards,7 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 1),7 +Philippine Health Service,7 +MAN—indicates manual mode selected,6 +Full appeals ,7 +"of ______________ in said province, was, on the _______________ day",9 +Contamination of the spray equipment and/or air ,3 +heavy for landing (similar to the previous example). Because ,9 +(vi) hot water circulators for baths (limited to those designed to be used mainly ,3 +"DRAFT CONTRACT AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS, ",7 +fully extended. Since the round out is usually started at ,9 +wind float deeper into the water. The combination of,9 +"When you are comfortably seated, fasten the safety ",9 +"During contract execution, any change of a subcontractor identified in the tender will be subject to ",9 +Landing Gear Safety Devices,7 +Safety of excavation and adjacent structures ,7 +Article II-10 ,7 +"liefern. Ein Widerruf erfolgt, wenn die Unternehmen gegen einzelne Sicherheitsbestimmungen verstoßen.",9 +Labelling of patch cables: ,7 +SPECIAL CONDITIONS ,7 +法第四十二条の二第一項第五号の厚生労働大臣が定める基準に係る会計年度につ,3 +урока не должна превышать 40 минут.,9 +Release Management ,7 +"be moving into or across the local wind. Swells, once",9 +separate rotor to overcome torque which is a turning or ,9 +le retrait de son intention de réduire le paiement; ou ,3 +Figure 5-41.,0 + Pre-conditions for the verification of the process performance ,7 +ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ,7 +by a heat engine. BSFC is expressed in pounds of fuel burned ,9 +Professionalism demands a code of ethics. Professionals ,3 +How is the system or NAS change interconnected/interdependent with other systems?,3 +"4108-2:2013-02,",9 +in rich and in manual lean. The mixture remains the same ,9 +"blades to the low pitch position, while aerodynamic twisting ",9 +der Auftraggeber bzw. dessen Vertreter regelmäßig,9 +133 STAT. 889 ,5 +[Figure 6-32],9 +heating and those of which the maximum flow of water that can be circulated ,3 +"VFR, or DVFR);",9 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +The contractor shall at its own cost make good the defect or damage within the ,3 +II.18.1(j) or,9 +Require an increase in the angle of attack (AOA) to ,3 +"Auf Grund des § 12 des Finanzausgleichsgesetzes vom 20. Dezember 2001 (BGBl. I S. 3955, 3956) verordnet das",9 +be included on the title page indicating that the document ,9 +guidance in azimuth and elevation is provided to the pilot ,9 +LED readout. This device comes with the advantages of low ,9 +. — During his tenure of office and until one full year after he,9 +the purposes of this Schedule or is owned by the test provider or the device manufacturer. ,3 +aircraft and to ensure the safety of persons and ,9 +The examination of the accounts and records of leases of properties by ,9 +where P is a domestic elite sportsperson of a kind described in paragraph (c)(ii) of the ,3 +Invoices and value added tax ,7 +〔昭和五十九年二月十五日通商産業省令第九号〕,7 +Acknowledgments,7 +"However, some aircraft have ",9 +TREES SUBJECT TO TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS ,7 +"management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control ",6 +needed volume of fuel under pressure to the fuel control. ,9 +"a Proposal, attached hereto",3 +"icing or deicing, depending upon function. The presence ",9 +"devices (e.g., antistatic wrist straps and mats), that may be required for tasks to be ",3 +The contractor must not subcontract and have the contract performed by third parties ,3 +with termination of the ,3 +from the procedure turn and where the final approach ,9 +"and, if so, to initiate a NMAC report. Be specific, as",9 +Amendment of the Customs Tariff (Establishment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 ,7 +N H A L T S V E R Z E I C H N I S,7 +"systems for coordination and cooperation between the national government, ",3 +Radio Equipment ,7 +viation-related,3 +Inattention occurs when a learner fails to pay attention to a task that is important. Inattention is sometimes a natural by-product of ,9 +Air Distribution,7 +horizontal distances of 1 NM or less and vertical distances of ,9 +the nearest airport that meets the criteria set in the auxiliary ,9 +nautical miles laterally.,9 +II.14. FORCE MAJEURE ,7 +Collective Pitch Control,7 +Simultaneous Independent Approaches ,7 +is deemed to be the original of the document; ,3 +Sito di Ispra ,7 +Article 4 - ,7 +who are cautious and educated on night-flying techniques ,9 +chamber and out the exhaust. ,9 +insert name of the relevant result,7 +at the expiration of three years from the date of his or h,3 +investigated by Flight Standards Facilities in,9 +holding patterns apply. The holding pattern maneuver,9 +"landowner relations................................... 6-17, 7-16, 8-11",8 +with the duty of burying the body of a deceased person is entitled to the custody of,9 +LEVEL FLIGHT,7 +Opening of tenders ,7 +engagement effectively depends upon the Contractor providing full and free access to Contractor's ,3 +"to the atmosphere. To stop the engine with such a system, ",9 +ASSISTANCE-URGENT,6 +Security requirements for ECHA,7 +submitted by the Missions. ,3 +[Figure 5-56],3 +zu benennen.,9 +"supervision,",9 +manufacturer for proper fuel to oil ratio for the WSC ,3 +Concept to be elaborated including a structure and agenda of the roundtable with suggestions ,3 +"due to a system failure, the contact points open because ",9 +"be joined. If the rod is too small, it cannot conduct heat away ",9 +Der Minister für Arbeit und Soziales,7 +e adjusted upward to stop the descent. If the altimeter ,9 + 91.175 and related rules. It is not a function of,9 +are virtually impossible. An effective anti-skid system can ,9 +Failure in a component ,3 +Einrichtungen und Ausrüstungen Nummer 10 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 183/2005 des Europäischen,3 +fuel burner to use either biogas or natural gas. ,9 +Volume and value of the contract ,7 +"введение в режим дня физкультминуток во время занятий, гимнастики для глаз,",9 +the address and name of that representative director; and ,3 +Economizer System,7 +public accounts of the Central Government and Local Authorities ,3 +criteria described below. ,9 +Declaration on honour on ,7 +"data and the related services offered by or accessible via those networks and systems. For instance, the ",9 +It is recommended that all the following procedures be ,9 +cell openings. ,3 +Die Aufzeichnungen sind für jeden Tag getrennt zu fertigen und müssen folgende Angaben enthalten:,9 +Operating procedures ,7 +Commission ,9 +information which the undertaker considers is not necessary for consideration of the ,3 +flight in the atmosphere and in outer space; ,3 +Navigational and Procedural Information (Continued),7 +$^{9}$ A company's debts or obligations that are due within one year. Current liabilities appear on the company's balance ,1 +Fire extinguisher bottle,6 +tested from source to ,3 +Final ISPD ,7 +Claims and liability ,7 +"Rules on taxes, customs duties and Other Fiscal Charges ",7 +"nichts anderes bestimmt ist, bleiben die allgemeinen Vorschriften unberührt.",9 +- Seite 31 von 120 -,4 +"S’assurer que la plate-forme n’est pas glissante, et y marcher en toute sécurité. ",3 +"allow a parachute jump to be made from that aircraft,",9 +"party provide irrevocable collateral security, or stand as first-call guarantor of the ",3 +"ARTICLE 97. Acts and contracts under the regime of old laws, if they are valid in accordance therewith, shall be",9 +8 февраля 2021г.,9 +course that may be attributed to magnetic variation,9 +one revolution in order that the torque might be zero. ,3 +to pack the following ram-air parachute assembly using the ,9 +"choose the desired approach, the transition, and choose ",3 +to arriving or departing the terminal area. It is,9 +"20,000 FEET",6 +当事人请求变更的,人民法院或者仲裁机构不得撤销。 ,9 +〔昭和三十五年四月二十五日政令第百八号〕,7 +continues to climb at a decreasing rate throughout the transition ,9 +Abschnitt III,7 +イに規定する委員会が行う審査に係る規程及び手順書を定めること。,3 +"aufgenommen haben, entspricht der Umlagebetrag dem Mindestumlagebetrag nach Absatz 6.",9 +P310 standby power management panel,6 +"main rotor. Since torque varies with changes in power,",9 +当該汚染検査室の内部の壁、床その他放射性同位元素によつて汚染され,3 +for non-contact continuously measuring of liquid,9 +percent takeoff thrust (EPR),3 +rate of vertical descent to zero without damage.,9 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +to the diameter ,3 +Differential assembly,6 +Use the nearest airports inset on the PFD at night or ,3 +Medical Summary— “The Bottom Line”,7 +Data management ,8 +"Planung der Betriebsentwicklung, Wirtschaftsplanerstellung und -vollzug, Investition und Finanzierung,",3 +As part of the mandatory criteria Europol requires that the tenderer presents two solutions related to the ,9 +Military training route (MTR) ,3 +"sites, with data analysis and suggestions for corrective actions in anticipation of ",8 +the necessary technical and professional capacity to perform the contract.,9 + Collision Avoidance,7 + Philippine Islands or by the government of the,9 +The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) referred to below as ,9 +Normal Operation ,7 +The contractor provides services under the following types of specific contract,9 +"⦁ $_{Severe anger directed toward the flight instructor, service personnel, and others. }$",3 +"with landing, which causes a pilot to misread the spatial ",9 +Anlage 16 (zu § 11 Absatz 1),7 +"Qualitätssichernde Maßnahmen, Lernziele b und c,",3 +Zwischenprüfung,7 +closing control of gas valves from t ime to time. ,3 +Weather Condition,6 +The belt sander uses an endless abrasive belt driven by an ,9 +. Emissions Inventory for Hazardous Air Pollutants ,3 +"Following final acceptance, the Agency will issue a documented statement or certificate of ",9 +Northerly Turning Errors,7 +ARTICLE 10: EXPLOITATION OF THE RESULTS,7 +"der Bundesanstalt eingereicht worden ist. Bei Finanzdienstleistungsinstituten, deren Bilanzsumme des letzten",9 +Constant Airspeed ,6 +Thunderstorms over the ocean are most common during the ,9 +"werden soll, auf Anfrage des erkennenden Senats erklärt hat, dass er an seiner Rechtsauffassung",9 +All cards to be used in system will be able to work at 0.. 600C and will be stored at -25…..+70 ,3 +Arbeitstage. Das Prüfungsgespräch erstreckt sich auf den Verlauf und die Ergebnisse des Arbeitsprojekts sowie,9 +Anti-Skid System Maintenance,7 +accept or refuse such requests and schedule the meeting date on the basis of the particular ,9 +prevention measures by analyzing low-level indicators that may contribute to an incident or ,9 +Auftraggeber unterschreibt ein Abnahmeprotokoll der Planungsunterlage spätestens ,3 +as good insulators because they resist the flow of electrons ,9 +level flight speed. Because there is no excess power,9 +Pächters gemäß § 3 Abs. 5 Satz 8 des Ausgleichsleistungsgesetzes gewahrt.,9 +Informationen zur Erhebung von personenbezogenen Daten nach Artikel 13 und 14 der Verordnung ,7 +aircraft ,9 +The manner in which persons authorized to have and keep prohibited,3 +〔平成十四年十二月六日政令第三百六十三号〕〔抄〕,7 +Insurance and Guarantee Company (Botswana) (Pty) Limited ,9 +certificate or decision shall not unreasonably be withheld or delayed.,3 +carried out; ,9 +the airplane more difficult to control.,9 +Night Blind Spot ,7 +A146 Normanston Drive ,7 +predetermined schedule. Below the “flight idle” power lever ,9 +Installation,7 +"Finally, lift sources have been categorized into four types: ",9 +matters referred to in section 8(5) of that Act and the recommendation about the rate made to the ,9 +"If a fuel pump is installed in the fuel system, a fuel pressure ",9 +active/passive components in all above mentioned sites. ,9 +"that area, if published. The use of VFR waypoints",9 +〔昭和五十八年七月三十日通商産業省令第三十九号〕,7 +Integrated Flight Control System ,7 +"MV cubicles shall be metal clad type with 1 feeder inlet (depend on the National Electric Company’s approval), ",9 +Film den jeweils geltenden Voraussetzungen der §§ 41 bis 48 sowie den Voraussetzungen des § 67 Absatz 2 bis,9 +Welche Quellen und Daten nutzen wir? ,7 +Cleaning or replacing fuel and oil strainers or filter ,3 +fuel tank that the pilot can utilize to check for contaminants ,9 +allowance as follows: ,3 +Alternators produce sufficient current to operate the entire ,9 +then the approach may be continued to a landing. If the flight ,9 +"and testify under oath before him, and the attendance or evidence of an absent or",9 +Cages/walls ,3 +licenses pre-existing ,3 +provided in the ordinance crea,9 +risulti falsa. ,9 +Offenses Connected with Administration of Bureau of Posts,7 +Minister of Finance is delegated to the director-general of the local finance ,3 +Abschnitt III,7 +professional conflicting interest,3 +Station identifier—a four-letter code as established by the International Civil Aviation ,3 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +"219 939,31 Euro",9 +initially than small ones; they are heavier and require more ,9 +Appropriate for 47 mm membrane filter ,3 +"moment it rotates on takeoff to touchdown, since",9 +Matters for which a person who has established a hospital or a person other ,3 +by relocating the direction of the exhaust nozzle to direct the ,9 +"den Befugnissen, die für den Bau, den Betrieb und die Unterhaltung des nach § 3 Abs. 1 Satz 2 bestimmten",9 +temperature changes are rather small. Most islands enjoy ,9 +switch contacts and complete the circuit. ,9 +commitment.,9 +"endeavor to provide necessary information, restrict the movement of inland ",3 +‘‘(B) A position— ,9 +Another way to check your blind spot is to do a similar test ,9 +backward movement of the reverse lever increases engine ,9 +OC/EFSA/ED/2020/01 ,7 +Fixed Assets Register Not Updated Residual Values ,7 +Dämpfe oder verschleißfördernder Feststoffe. ,9 +"airflow. Fan air is ducted to the exciter box, and then flows ",9 +into batten pocket.,0 +airport traffic pattern.,9 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +For the contracting authority: ,9 +The assessment of whether a tenderer fulfils the selection criteria will be done on the basis ,9 +developed based on a study by the Department of,9 +Stall speed performance charts are designed to give an ,9 +lifetime to the chief,9 +"another except by the written authority of the mayor, and no transfer shall be made",9 +volume of pilot training activities or an unusual type ,9 +"extending noticeably above the surrounding surface, the ",9 +"conditions, it is extremely important that only the approved ",9 +expected to know where “spot two” is located. Landing is not ,9 +"(Act No. 103 of June 27, 2014) ",9 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +to the same extent as other Government officers.,9 +One to four numbers followed by one letter ,3 +"where the provision of a joint in a pipe or cable is agreed, or is determined to be ",3 +or equivalent 5–7 SPI,3 +or the ICAO Flight Plan. The,9 +8050-64 to give you permission to place your reserved special registration number on your aircraft.,0 +Discharge rate (high current rates yield less capacity ,3 +"of trees, hills, and ridges can have a pronounced effect on ",9 +Hands-on Development/maintenance experience of web-enabled applications. ,3 +gravitational sedimentation. ,1 +"12 марта 2021 г., регистрационный № 62739):",9 +Conditions ,7 +Statement of Losses of Public Monies and Stores – (Statement No. 22),7 +"mobilité réduite…), vous devez: ",9 +Group control ,7 +competenti le formalità necessarie affinché le forniture e i servizi richiesti per l',9 +Flight Procedures.,7 +(ii) by striking ‘‘same active ingredient’’ and ,9 +the tow plane may seem capable of takeoff well below the ,9 +Data Protection ,7 +[1792-62.],9 +"oil to be pumped to the bearings. However, this prevents the ",9 +: a situation in which the contractor’s previous or ongoing ,9 +ments may limir their size or require the fins to ,9 +"contained in other portions of this publication, the",9 +Prioritäten setzen,8 +Valve Controls ,3 +Relocated Runway Threshold ,7 +"over the location of offices, factories, workplaces, stores or warehouses of the ",3 +"sensors employed at the automated station. When the modifier “COR” is used, it identifies a ",3 +〔平成十七年七月二十一日政令第二百四十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +The first critical information management skill for flying with ,9 +Reviewing the Flight Route,7 +REPAIR PARTS LIST ,7 +Assignment No. ,5 +Preparing/Revising the Safety Requirements Verification Table ,7 +"Российской Федерации 28 февраля 2018 г., регистрационный № 50181),",9 +"Court of Auditors, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) or the ",6 +lowestoft@marinemanagement.org.uk. ,3 +. — By agreement with the president,3 +"without afterburner, ",9 +ADMINISTRATION,9 +"parachute is great enough, a rollover may result. It is ",9 +Low Reconnaissance,7 +"equal at (L/D),,. ",9 +shall be taken. ,9 +Subject of the Engagement ,7 +continuously transmit an ATC,9 +Civil Remedies for Collection of Municipal Revenue,7 +abnormal elevator pressure is felt through the control stick ,9 +"Anwenden einer Fremdsprache bei Fachaufgaben, Lernziele a und b,",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 378 of December 19, 1986] ",7 +présentés avec la facture. ,3 +properties of an airfoil section. ,9 +"organised or incorporated under the laws of a Sanctioned Country, or owned or controlled by, or acting on behalf or at ",1 +Why Should I Use a FRAT? ,7 +"Nature of the accident, or incident, the",9 +II.21.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 + I/Os should be accessed for diagnostic and maintenance purposes over web browser(internet ,3 + For regulation 60 (penalties for offences) substitute— ,9 +erteilt ist oder,3 +on those glider fitted with a simple spring system elevator ,9 +〔平成二十四年九月十四日政令第二百三十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +move in the same direction as the primary control surface. ,9 +when an aircraft receives an uplinked altitude,9 +Lubricating propeller bearings. ,0 +"Tatbestands und der Entscheidungsgründe absehen, soweit es der Begründung des Gerichtsbescheides folgt und",9 +How To Use a Training Syllabus,7 +Hi-Lite$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +Openings ,6 +3.13.4. По периметру размещения палаток оборудуется отвод для дождевых,9 +"Economy, Trade and Industry is to be exercised by the Director-General of the ",3 +Vortex Behavior,7 +Engine Fire Switches,7 +penstock with double spindle and fully watertight. It shall be proportioning and electrically driven ,9 +Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/Sustainer ,7 +Engine Shut Down,7 +Preventive and risk-based approach to management ,9 +Temporary flight restrictions (discussed in Chapter 15): ,3 +ican Bicentennial in July 1976 as a birthday gift to the country ,3 +$^{2 }$Pursuant to Chapter 2 of Title V of the Treaty on European Union or Article 215 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the ,1 + ou des copies de ceux-ci; ,3 +"not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale, or to both; ",3 +"Using excessive power combined with a level attitude, ",3 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +comparable to a cross-section of an aircraft wing. The blade ,9 +Section 2 Protection of X-ray Units ,7 +"the desired groundspeed, which is usually the slowest",9 +require shallower banks. The objectives of turns around a ,9 +The drain valves are units used for draining fuel from the ,9 +Risk Management,7 +erates a total aerodynamic force with a higher vertical,9 +"(Collectively ‘the contractor’), represented for the purposes of the signature of this framework ",9 +"TO SPECIFIC PROBLEMS OF FLYl,NG ",5 +slope equal to its blade angle. ,3 +"However, as the helicopter begins to accelerate, the rotor ",9 +"Section 10: Roads, Landscaping and Fences ",10 +LAKES AND RIVERS,7 +it clears the aircraft. Lower the QECA into position on the ,9 +エックス線装置及びエックス線診療室のエックス線障害の防止に関する構造設備,3 +Feststellungen,3 +justified by the requests or comments made by an unsuccessful or aggrieved Tenderers or by any ,9 +The meridians are also useful for designating time zones. A ,9 +and technical follow up of,9 +check the descent and cushion the landing. Additional,9 +人格のない社団又は財団,3 +を厚生労働大臣に提出しなければならない。,3 +"rung abgesehen werden kann, soweit aufgrund nicht nur gelegentlich einwirkender",9 +CI-lt\PTER I,7 +warrants that,9 +by multiplying the area of one strand (usually computed in ,9 +"and instruct them whenever requested, or",9 +Alert Areas ,7 +"therefore, are in a position to differentiate between safe and unsafe piloting actions. Instructors also may be able to detect potential ",9 +methods are illustrated in ,9 +established ,3 +engine sensors to eliminate the bleed system if the engine ,9 +to specific types of flying. These design variations are ,9 +Radar approach control area ,6 +"specifications, message standards, security standards, checks of syntax and semantics, etc. to ",9 +RESERVE RIPCORD HOUSING ,7 +and declaration,7 +of Aircraft Registration ,7 +it moves large masses of air vertically and down through the ,9 +be considered for each MV cubicle with circuit breaker.,9 +Verfahren im Allgemeinen ..........,8 +ミリセコンド以下)であること。,9 +"generators, stall fences, and gap seals are all common wing ",9 +Decision-Making ,7 +the amount of fuel ,9 +REIMBURSEMENTS ,7 +Shipment Type 2,7 +is the discussion of the airport and runway environment. ,9 +SENIOR DEVELOPER PROFILE ,7 +"possible, but do not risk further personal injury in doing so. ",9 +四条第一項の規定にかかわらず、法第十三条の規定による表示が付されていない追加,3 +"2. Статьи 1, 2, пункт 1 статьи 4 и статья 5 настоящего Федерального",9 +up of monies due to the contractor and of monies owed by the contractor to the ,3 +"taps for security, leakage, chafing and kinks).",3 +"fuel injected engines, an alternate air source is automatically ",9 +connected to the pitch change mechanism on the tail,9 +field which leads to the following discussions on northerly ,9 +which should be raised for the current year by local taxation for,3 +財団法人に関する法律第二百七十八条第一項の厚生労働省令で定める方法は、次に掲,3 +results of these analyses. ,3 +Entering Procedures,7 +– ELEMENTI DI PROVA SU RICHIESTA ,7 +"For the purposes of evaluating the tender and, if applicable, implementing the ",3 +Classes of concrete ,7 +. — The boundaries and limits of the territory,9 +Chapter I General Provisions ,7 +"as much as 10 and 20 percent, respectively.",9 +"be performed in multiple parts, for example over multiple Maintenance Releases. Please ",9 +Learning Is Purposeful ,7 +of waypoint. A waypoint is simply a point in space. The three ,9 +"Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare of the rules before commencing ",3 +Where the assessed degree of permanent disablement specified under paragraph (4)(b)(i) ,9 +Wirtschaftsteilnehmern ,9 +configuration control appropriate for the software AL. ,9 +人格のない社団又は財団,3 +Technical Specifications (Annex II). ,3 +"Article 68, paragraph (1) of the Act, the authority under the jurisdiction of the ",3 +under the altimeter heading. Read across to the second ,9 +"sand the edges of damaged area. Use a piece of thin plastic, ",9 +"hormones, which prepare the body to meet the threat or to retreat from it—the fight or flight syndrome. ",9 +", aircraft A ",9 +Initially Moving Up,7 +Contractor’s ,3 +sponse of the airplane to adverse ,9 +Suspension lines and line attachments,3 +functioning of all IT processes and the related contract management processes in ,3 +"Please take note of the Travel advice issued by the Dutch authorities, including the requirements ",3 +AIR FORCE TECHNICAL ORDER FORMS,7 +Service Unit SRM Documentation Approval or Concurrence ,3 +the provisions of Articles 14 and 15 of the Act is to be exercised by the Director ,3 +All new sections fabricated for repairing or replacing ,9 +Arm—used when drilling critical structure; ,3 +§ 29 Auskünfte und Prüfungen,7 +t and reformation of,3 +each relevant person. ,3 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +Supplementary information for Application ,9 +Figure 6-72. ,0 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 2 ",7 +within the National Disaster Medical System under this ,9 +a cyclic input to the left may be needed.,9 +and key messages); ,3 +communications while in Class C airspace. Pilots of,9 +INHALTSVERZEICHNIS ,7 +Summe Pos. 8.13 (Liefern + Montieren) ,7 +Class A Airspace,7 +Combustion Drain Valves,7 +manner until it reaches the six knot headwind mark. Follow ,9 + removed from office under this section ,3 +Oversight and Control over Certain Subsidiaries ,7 +II.20.7 Suspension du délai de paiement ,7 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +other data and position; ,3 +Ribbon direction.,9 +"evacuated, corrugated bronze aneroid capsules. ",9 +Fünfter Teil,7 +Slant range.,9 +determination that the enhanced flight visibility,9 +"No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No ",1 +The expenditures of the Departments of the Ministry are well within the ,9 +[1397-58 (,9 +登山用ロープ(身体確保用のものに限る。),3 +Slow Lift,6 +". — The provisions of law concerning public works,",3 +"investigations,",9 +typical year. The Excel sheet will ,3 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 77 of April 10, 1954] ",7 +relevant authority is not necessary for consideration of the application; or ,3 +Incorrect localizer interception angles. A large ,3 +name of the ,7 +"called ""experimental mean pitch."" Its symbol is ",3 +实际借款的期间计算利息。 ,9 +"assume many forms. For example, the web of a spar may be ",9 +forth in each item of paragraph (2) (limited to those pertaining to hospitals). ,3 +"II.20.5. Vorfinanzierungsgarantie, Erfüllungsgarantie und Gewährleistungseinbehalt ",7 +aligned in an overlying manner to facilitate transition ,9 + The contracting authority reimburses travel expenses as follows: ,3 +clearance if necessary; and once the aircraft reports,9 +POL-0016.04 ,5 +on IFR En Route Lows with a boxed [D].,9 +responsibility to so advise ATC upon receipt of their,9 +There are three general classifications of carburetor icing:,9 +Governance and contract management (WP 1) ,7 +"Wurde eine oder wurden zwei der schriftlichen Prüfungen nach den §§ 10, 14 und 18 schlechter als mit",9 +Figure 6-5. ,0 +squaring shears. The supporting rods are graduated in fractions ,9 +of a bonding device so that metal-to-metal contact exists. ,9 +invitez les délégués ou les visiteurs à suivre avec vous le chemin d'invacuation le plus ,3 +"Objectives 1 and 2 of RTCA DO-278A, Annex A, Table A-1 and Table A-10 have been ",3 +airplane is still settling too fast for a gentle touchdown; ,9 +Equipment will be,9 +otherwise stated within 28 days. ,3 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +I.1.1. Date of payment ,7 +The contractor shall make follow-up phone calls when applicable in order to confirm the receipt ,3 +"foregoing subsections, the duty of burial shall devolve upon the",3 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 04.10.2012,9 +receivers should be used in conjunction with other,9 +(iii) the rated output of the X-ray high voltage generators; ,3 +"Eigentumsanteils kommt es auf das Eigentum an landwirtschaftlich genutzter Fläche an, das in dem in § 3",9 +for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018’’ and inserting ,9 +Takeoff Charts ,7 +Insert the ,9 +Boundaries Plan for the purposes of this Order; ,9 +It must also provide the following evidence concerning the person itself and the natural or legal persons on ,9 +PRELIMINARY ,7 +Hydrostatic Level Measurement ,7 +– MOTIVI DI RIGETTO NELL'AMBITO DELLA PRESENTE PROCEDURA ,7 +This electrification,9 +limitation),3 +Spanwise reinforcing tape should be straight and sewn.,3 +"it available to contractors or subcontractors acting on behalf of the contracting authority, ",3 +various commands. ,3 +(四)制定网络安全事件应急预案,并定期进行演练;,9 + After Note (2) insert— ,9 +[Figure 2-23],3 +Round Out (Flare),7 +"year, and bear a date of issue, and be numbered consecutively.",3 +"При использовании ЭСО с демонстрацией обучающих фильмов, программ",9 +are summarized in ,9 +"transmitted at 108.1 to 111.95 MHz (odd tenths only), ",9 +26. В федеральном государственном образовательном стандарте,9 +"—(1) Subject to sub-paragraphs (2) and (3), if by reason or in consequence of the ",9 +Master/battery switch ,3 +controller.,9 +Schallimmissionsschutz,7 +of the incoming wastewater shall be directly by-passed. ,3 +"Up until April 13, 2021, the term ""goods listed in Appended Table 2-2 ",3 +Objectives ,7 +"reported to an entrustee prescribed in Article 30-33-6, paragraph (2) ",3 +aggiudicatrice. ,7 +II.19.1. Fatture e imposta sul valore aggiunto ,7 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +Introduction/Explanation,7 +"(iv) in the goods vehicle or a hotel, hostel or bed and breakfast accommodation while not ",3 +Calibration reports for analogue signal circuits; ,3 +use. A smaller iron is also used to iron in small or tight places. ,9 +velocity is created at the aerodynamic center ,9 +"die Bundesflagge nach § 2 führen dürfen und für die ein Schiffszertifikat, Schiffsvorzertifikat oder",3 +HYDROGRAPHY,7 +on without also turning on the battery. The alternator can ,9 +Contractant (ou chef de file dans le cas d'une offre conjointe): ,9 +volume diagram. The second stroke accom- ,9 +"As the airplane turns toward a downwind heading, the pilot ",9 +II.20.4. Überweisungskosten ,7 +REGION 0~ REVERSED COMMAND ,7 +Cornice Brake,7 +dimension,6 +Gericht kann die Wiedereröffnung beschließen.,9 +Common Errors in Turns,7 +A U.S. citizen (as defined in Title 14 of the Code ,3 +"shall be a lieutenant-governor for each of the subprovinces of Benguet, Ifugao,",9 +23.07.2008,9 +up Reports.,7 +"Wenn von Behörden, von Verbänden und Vertretungen von Betriebs- oder Berufszweigen, von geschäftlichen",9 +National Assembly in accordance with Section 20 (1) of the Public ,3 +vorläufiger,3 +charts contain and how to extract information from the charts ,9 +Si attira comunque l'attenzione sul documento “Clausole contrattuali di sicurezza”. ,3 +Delegation of the European Union ,7 + The contractor,3 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +法第十条第三項の厚生労働省令で定める場合は、次に掲げる場合とする。,3 +Stop engine/release tow line—this signal is given by ,3 +"coverage), but current pilot reports or other ",3 + shows a fuel/air ,9 +Methane (CH$_{4}$) ,9 +Internal Quality Control (QC) ,7 +STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE TENDER ,7 +"altitude,supercharging,etc. Mixturestrength, ",9 +information over the Mode S data link to properly,9 +because of this notice. ,3 +Operating Limitations (Section 2),7 +the greatest temperature changes.,9 +"both directions, and it can be used as a packing or a gasket.",9 +Consistency with the Implementation Strategy and Planning Document ,3 +Article 30-28-3). ,3 +glideslope deviations. This concern is particularly,9 +at .low gross weight may create the impression ,9 +Tire Repair and Retreading,7 +the banking roll rate should be slow. When the wind is from ,9 +возрастных особенностей и состояния здоровья.,9 +emailed to the IT DPB Secretariat or voiced by the end of the next IT DPB ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 420 of December 20, 1995]",7 + the information provided can be further updated or re-used by the ,9 +[Figure 1-59] ,9 +bleed closed (percent N$_{1}$),3 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ,7 +" For each relevant year beginning on or after 1 April 2021, the statement made ",9 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 3 ,7 +Nummern der einbezogenen,8 +"Der Lauf einer Frist beginnt, soweit nichts anderes bestimmt ist, mit der Bekanntgabe des Verwaltungsakts",9 +identified by a dashed green line on the classification of roads plan. ,9 +"clean split of the needles. After splitting the needles,",9 +B.2.4.2 Emission Factors ,7 +"recommended time window, or the primer may have to be ",9 +"Alaska, 6",9 +Mixed ice.,9 +Anbietername eingeben,7 +"or, as used in the turn indicators, to show the relationship ",9 +–140 –100 –60 ,6 +Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) ,7 +waived by the Governor-General.,9 +on using GPS for IFR operations.,9 +Figure 1-19. ,0 +the delivered ,3 +Die Zulassungsbehörde hat dem Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt zur Speicherung im Zentralen Fahrzeugregister die,9 +"“Redundant Internet access for the EMSA premises in Lisbon, operated via low-latency symmetric ",3 +"British protected person under the meaning of that Act, or ",3 +"may prevent touching down anywhere near the proper point, ",9 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +Airworthiness of the manufacturer concerned:,9 +one magneto would fire at a different number of degrees ,9 +aircraft in which a possibility of collision occurs as a,9 +Efficiency AC/AC: min 90%,3 +"During the year under review, four reports for Central Government were ",9 +Threading the seal thread.,0 +EVALUATION AND AWARD ,7 +Triple simultaneous independent approaches are authorized ,9 +"acceptance of notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, ",3 +aviation incident or accident; ,3 +"If the contractor submits observations, the contracting authority, taking into account the ",9 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +"Article 68, paragraph (1) of the Act, the authority under the jurisdiction of the ",3 +Blushing forms when the solvents quickly evaporate from the ,9 +on the side toward which the slip is to be made should be ,9 +those activities. Types of special use airspace are: ,9 +"the number of weeks since the relevant incident, and ",3 +Name of the pilot-in-command.,9 +"On turbine-powered aircraft, temperature-controlled air ",9 + - HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OFFER USING e-SUBMISSION ,7 +deviation from the altitude reporting equipment require-,9 +squawk an ATC assigned transponder code;,9 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +Obligation to notify EFSA of changes,7 +"Conduite/Inspection, Maintenance préventive, corrective et dépannages ",7 +formal notification,9 +assistance.,9 +En Route Operations ,7 +Margin Identification Information,7 +AC 8050-1 may be obtained from AFS-750 or your ,9 +Chapter IV-2 Basic Policy ,7 +terms of this Part of this Schedule including this paragraph 114. ,3 +Conditions ,7 +system used by a pilot to perform onboard position ,9 +Gas Cylinders,7 +"order, public morality, the welfare of persons under the age of 18 years or the protection ",3 +time and manner in which provincial treasurers shall canvass,3 +Relief Hole Location,7 +made taut by heat shrinking. This process is done with an ,9 +accordance with Article II.8.3. ,3 +SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +COLLISION AVOIDANCE AT NIGHT,7 +"rience, bad faith, or inexcusable negligence, the",9 +members of the county council for the time being for the North Northamptonshire electoral ,9 +Procedures and Routes,7 +in order to maintain the track over the ground.,3 +of the crossport. ,3 +terranno presso il sito di JRC di Ispra.,3 +non-repudiation,3 +common runway markings that are found at airports. ,9 +"former entity must be taken over by the new entity member of the group, the change must not ",9 +patch. The fourth side is open and re-cut to the shape ,3 +Overexcitation Protection,7 +at the E-gap position. The chamfered tooth should line up ,9 +Alloy code—B,6 +contracting authority.,9 +atmosfere iperbariche) ,8 +RVSM Mandate.,9 +Selection of a ground reference where there is no,3 +"the reason for the suspension or discontinuance, and the scheduled date ",3 +"etc. which carries out serum separation only, it is not required to describe ",3 +Facilities to be provided by the EIB and/or other parties ,7 +nach § 42 mindestens 50 Prozent beträgt oder größer ist als die Beteiligung jedes anderen Koproduzenten.,9 +the enhancement of existing DCns already configured to address collected ,3 +drying enamels may be used for touchup of epoxy ,3 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +"ity the aircraft is operating, on the appropriate",9 +effects of storms or other public calamities.,3 +Criterion 5.3.3.b): Manpower. ,7 +"item (ii) of the New Act is deemed to be replaced with ""Article 21, paragraph ",3 +"international environmental, social and labour law provisions listed in Annex X to ",3 +"engine speed. Thus, the mass flow is increased, ",9 +airworthiness certificate showing the new registration ,9 +"wrist pins, and locks. The direct-drive R-2300 uses a dual ",9 +The Program Management Organization’s process for approving vendor-submitted ,3 +(UE) 2018/1725,9 +"behind the pilot, or on top of the instrument panel cover, to ",9 +Portfolio Safety Strategy ,7 +See and Avoid Techniques ,7 +Experience and comfort level assessment for ,0 +called the vertical component of lift. Lift acting hori-,9 +PRINCIPAL POWERS ,7 +"corrections, and other limitations, are prescribed in the IAP. ",9 +"A section providing information about the substance, that we describe as ",3 +Other problems that may be encountered are beaver,9 +"If, during the landing ",9 +U.S. Territorial Airspace,7 +arked so as to show the,9 +following functions.,9 +Zeitrahmen 6: Funktionsprüfungen und Einstellarbeiten,7 +Old wash primer coats may be overcoated directly with ,3 +USTIFICATIFS AUX FINS DE LA SELECTION,7 +ぞれ同表の技術上の基準の欄に掲げる技術上の基準への適合を確認するために適切と,3 +ROLL .lD ,6 +"the annual plan to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare; ",3 +High Reconnaissance,7 +"During a grace period of 2 months, following the signature of the framework contract, the penalties will not be applied. ",7 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +Departures from:,7 +Normes de qualité ,7 +Since the aerody- ,9 +identifying,9 +"(ix) medals, prize cups and trophies, badges and other equivalent objects to be ",3 +to decrease the time for the propeller to come to a complete ,9 +tables and chairs/other furniture; ,3 +Pressurization Terms,7 +Convective Currents ,7 +"пояса, с мышц туловища, для укрепления мышц и связок нижних конечностей.",9 +"Each aircraft performs differently and, therefore, has different ",9 +tens of thousands of pounds of fuel on board. ,9 +"traffic, they should park in a suitable place with a good view ",9 +valve for each engine allows an engine-driven pump to ,9 +Ram-air canopy packing tools.,0 +Article 11 Part of the Order for Enforcement of the Stamp Tax Act (Cabinet ,3 +Termination ,7 +completely closed.,3 +able to successfully submit the e-document without any error messages. The generated ,3 +IT Contractors' Remote Access ,5 +configurable and extensible over time ,3 +dies in seiner Entscheidung feststellt.,9 +strict security for ECHA.,9 +"For onsite, hybrid, ""online +"" for the onsite part:",7 +F$_{AA AIR SERVICE OUTSIDE U}$$_{.S. AIRSP}$,6 +designed to promote positive laminar airflow over the ,9 +"fic or any other reason, excavation shall be carried out manually. ",9 +Twin-Engine Aircraft Vacuum System Operation,7 +sident in respect of legal proceedings,7 +to this day virtually unchanged as the preferred method of ,9 +Application Management LOT 2: ,3 +"integrated flight instrument system that provides attitude, ",9 +The Contractor’s network partner to arrange technician with in-house service or external provider;,3 +thickeners,9 +High Round Out,7 +Brake Inspection and Service,7 + (ss 57-94),7 +FACTURATION ,7 +II.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA,7 +Table E-5. CAL3QHC and CAL3QHCR Model Input Data ,0 +молодежи и определяют санитарно-противоэпидемические (профилактические),9 +a minimum of 2 inches on each end.,3 +Composition,7 +transmittals. Data contained in the reports are also,9 +Fire Bottle Discharge,7 +High Reconnaissance,7 +between that line and any other line is ½-inch. ,3 +Panel factory test ,7 +of tasks. ,9 +control) but may also include yaw axis (pedal control) ,3 +all'imposta sul,9 +international waters or both. The airspace is designated with ,9 +automatic download from the ,3 +Security requirements for ECHA,7 +functioned independently of the Secretary of Commerce. ,9 +"Part 1 of Schedule 1 to, the Housing (Consequential Provisions) Act 1985 (c. 71), section 14 of, and paragraph 12(1) of ",1 +contract if the contracting authority: ,3 +Terminal Arrival Area (TAA),7 +Pressurization and Flexibility,7 +Adjustment in respect of past compensation ,7 +critical fatigue areas. Those areas are defined as anywhere the ,9 +A winglet is an obvious vertical upturn of the wing’s tip ,9 +Ground-based Facilities,7 +Amendment to the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 ,7 +Blocked Static System,7 +Gebühren für gesonderte individuell zurechenbare öffentliche Leistungen,3 +LTE is an aerodynamic condition and is the result of a control ,9 +"of row 2 to row 4 of the same table (excluding nuclear weapons, etc.). ",3 +schedule. ,8 +minima and the receiver is only certified for,9 +"previously submitted, and having done so the provisions of this paragraph apply to and in respect ",9 +The court first taking jurisdiction of such an offense shall thereafter retain,9 +serious health and environmental effects. Mobile sources are responsible for direct emissions of ,9 +Article 1 - ,7 +Background and objectives ,7 +の他の措置を講ずるものとする。,3 +"duration, ",8 +"High-pressure systems are generally areas of dry, descending ",9 +the preferred procedure for removing universal rivets.,9 +技术开发合同应当采用书面形式。 ,9 +funds which would be available if the institution or institutions to be assisted were,9 +Regulation 19(1)(a) ,7 +Record to be Kept by Summary Court,9 +Air Traffic Services.,9 +Administrative Provisions Regulating Business of Persons ,7 +niedergeschrieben. Der Auftragnehmer,3 +allow fluid to flow one way from the gear-down side of the ,9 +Figure 1-64.,0 +operating using two pilots. ,3 +office. In this las,9 +Department of Health and Social Care ,9 +and/or ECHA. This work package applies in conjunction with the Takeover work package ,9 +Fabric Heat Shrinking,7 +opposite centrifugal force and,9 +Surface water drainage ,7 +ceable against the property whether in the possession of,9 +SP Examiner Recurrent Training Program,3 +"International Airport (BHM), Birmingham, Alabama to ",9 +"bei Konten natürlicher Personen, die zum 30. Juni 2014 bestehen und die zu diesem Tag oder zum 31.",3 +"heavier, and need more substantial support.",3 +Aircraft Previously registered ,7 +A person shall be entitled to be registered as a voter in one constituency only.,9 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +Continental/TCM Fuel-Injection System,7 +ted without the payment of import duties except upon any,9 +"in paragraph (2)(J)(v), by striking ‘‘one-year period’’ ",9 +"mounting, and restricted movement.",3 +8EariON IV ,7 +first or second class.,9 +Belt Sander,7 +within the helicopter structure and an external maximum,9 +Declaration and evidence ,7 +settlement or compromise of the claim or demand is to be made without the consent of the ,9 +Coaxial Rotors ,7 +The operation of folding the canopy and enclosing ,9 +"(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2020, 1897 – 1898)",9 +Special Conditions).,8 +"whether the helicopter is in flight or in a hover, but ultimately ",9 +"choose the desired approach, the transition, and choose ",3 +Coordination Best Practices ,7 +"aircraft, the gyroplane landing gear provides the ground",9 +Preparing the O&SHA,7 +sident in respect of legal proceedings,7 +centum of the original fee shall be collected.,9 +practice invariably leads to trouble since enough excess speed ,9 +JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE ,9 +each item of the corresponding expenses during the current year; (5),9 +"Slips, falls and excess excavations ",7 +"good condition, and may be used for general touchup, ",3 +of any existing violation; or ,3 +"if any circumstances arise that, if he or she were not a member of the Commission, ",3 +"plans and standards may change as the project progresses, the planning process is generally ",9 +MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ,7 +(十三)海上焚烧,是指以热摧毁为目的,在海上焚烧设施上,故意焚烧,9 +information directly to pilots rather than relying on,9 +Hydrostatic Level Measurement ,7 + Start at the lower ,3 +Article 33 - ,7 +sind in die Gebühren einbezogen.,9 +equipment,9 +"provisions of the Tender Specifications take precedence. In any case, aspects showing ",3 +Social media communication plan ,7 +"use the largest ply first layup sequence. In this sequence, the ",9 +rotor pitch angle and thrust in relation to pedal positions during cruising flight.,0 +"bei Fahrzeugen, denen ein Kurzzeitkennzeichen zugeteilt ist und",3 +With Metal Rings ,6 +Infor-Euro on the first working day of the month in which the invoice is dated. Where payment is in the ,3 +"valve, which has threads around the top and a point on the ",9 +parties en liaison avec la médiation. ,9 +"of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super ",9 + This cushioning effect is ,9 +"DESIGN DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING DRAWINGS ",10 +stabilator is a horizontal stabilizer that can also be rotated ,9 +several deliverables can be cross-linked among them and to the published final Report on ,9 +"calculations are made. Or, according to ICAO Annex 15, the ",9 +the proper shape and size.,3 +matters other than those pertaining to serum separation in the standard ,3 +Informationen möchten wir Ihnen einen Überblick über die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen ,9 +[Figure 9-5] ,9 +Auf Verlangen des Privaten hat der Schuldner die ordnungsgemäße Entrichtung der Mautgebühr,9 +system to adjust pressure to the brakes if required due to an ,9 +"moving the rudder pedals, whether nosewheel or tailwheel. ",9 +Reviewing and approving safety operational improvements’ functionality and,3 +Equipment,6 +Annex I to FR ,7 +may sustain damage or have an altered appearance or texture ,9 +APPROACH AND LANDING,7 +"the work and restore the site to its former condition, to such extent and within such limits as the ",9 +useful load are recorded on a weight and balance data,9 + (equipment access control); ,3 +Duration of the contract ,7 +BLADE PITCH ANGLE,7 +resource allocation in terms of manpower and vehicle allocation particularly at ,9 +zu sorgen.,9 +a responsible officer has determined that not doing the thing in question would be ,3 +"subprovinces, separate any political division other than a province, into such",9 +where to put their hands and feet and make sure any ,9 +4.12.2004 +++),9 +Aerodynamics of Flight,7 +instrument approach procedures where the pilot may not,9 +observers use a fixed time (spatial averaging technique) to ,9 +manufacturer’s equipment to another should give the pilot ,9 +Manager or General Manager ,8 +(xiii) equipment for entertainment purposes imported by visiting entertainers ,3 +- die Bestimmungen für das im JRC Karlsruhe tätige Personal von Fremdfirmen ,3 +Sport Pilot Certificate,7 +to that effect when the ,9 +eliminated simply by moving the antenna lead-in wire just ,9 +Access to works ,3 +m away from the odor removal unit at 24 hour average. ,9 +Learning Is Multifaceted ,7 +the date that these Regulations come into force; ,3 +Automatic Activation Devices (AADs) and ,7 +clearance has been received or when beginning,9 +"ein Kennzeichen nach Absatz 2 Satz 1, Absatz 3 Satz 2 oder ein Versicherungskennzeichen nach Absatz 3",3 +Takeoff Charts ,7 +"ensuring the systems set forth in the items of Article 1-11, paragraph (1) ",3 +the engine manual for the type of fuel to use. ,9 +"diabetes, and mental diseases. ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 77 of April 10, 1954] ",7 +"Microstrategy as a BI tool and for creating dashboards, ",3 +"land interest or appropriate, acquire, extinguish, interfere with or override any easement, other ",9 +§ 21 Vorschläge für die Besetzung der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +"speeds, close to Mach 25, the heated air becomes an ",9 +I.5. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS ,7 +"conceptualized, and the pilot can gain a greater understanding ",9 +"Andrews, AFB ",6 +"muss in der Lage sein, alle wesentlichen Verkehrsvorgänge hinter dem Fahrzeug über Spiegel zu beobachten.",9 +"This Statutory Instrument has been made, in part, in consequence of a defect in S.I. 2020/1430, ",5 +boilers/space,9 +acceleration. ,9 +Interpolation ,7 +"Per il contraente, ",6 +oil sump capacity is six quarts maximum. The 0-200-A/B ,9 + (s 107: repealed) ,7 +number may adjourn from time to time. The ayes and noes shall be taken and,9 +"example, one that is in a published NOTAM), pilots",9 +e balance standing to his credit with said depositary and,9 +Signature: _______________________ ,9 +EFDs have additional features to aid in recognition and ,9 +"gradually initiates pressurization during rollout. At takeoff, ",9 +unenforceable,9 +plant shall be used in the development of the operating procedures. ,9 +§ 1 Geltungsbereich,7 +"nstructions as given, and notify ATC if you are unable to ",9 +point spring tension that retards the opening of the points or ,9 +The franchise ,7 +permeability tests ,3 +N H A L T S V E R Z E I C H N I S,7 +terrain or obstacles. The combination of V$_{Y}$ and takeoff power ,9 +Description: what do we want to buy through this call for tenders? ,7 +pressure.,6 +Other Considerations ,7 +Inkraft gem. Bek. v. 19.1.1960 II 436 mWv 1.3.1960,9 +staff absenteeism). ,3 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +until the No. 1 piston is coming up on the compression stroke. ,9 +V287-495-500,6 +cone almost in contact with the metal. Observe that the ,9 +"das Kennzeichen und das Bild des Fahrzeugs,",3 +Failure to upload the following documents in eSubmission will lead to rejection of the tender.,7 + (ss 57-70) ,7 +§ 49a Übergangsregelungen,7 +P-type silicon or geranium sandwiched between a collector ,9 +"of flap management, figure 1.19 presents the ",9 + Airspace established for ,9 +ADDRESS OF BANK BRANCH,7 +They occur when a learner can clearly see how specific information or skills can be used in the real-world. ,9 +volume chamber. Slight differences in volume can be seen ,9 +Secretariat services ,7 +Power is simultaneously reduced to the setting for that ,9 +Placing the Special Registration,7 +a positive flap ,9 +the flat surface for drilling.,3 +fresh fuel/oil/air mixture pushes out the exhaust (called ,9 +Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). ,9 +[Figure 2-23],3 +to focus resources on elusive accident causes. ,9 +administrative,6 +all facilities,9 +the eyes to relax and seek a comfortable focal distance that ,9 +"Contractant,",7 +the major portion of the propulsive force that drives the ,9 +"§ 12 Haushaltsplan, Rechnungslegung",7 +the remedial measures taken must be provided in annex to this declaration. This does not apply for situations ,9 +OH&S POLICY STATEMENT ,7 +a diagram of the routing or take a picture so that the ,3 +Benutzung von Beleuchtungseinrichtungen,3 +I.6.5. Trattenuta di garanzia ,7 +"accident prevention programs focus on the collection, analysis, and investigation of incident ",9 +final report within 60 days following the expiry of the deadline to submit observations. ,3 +业主管部门责令停止违法行为;有违法所得的,没收违法所得;违法所得,9 +"balance within 60 days of the end of the period of provision of the services, as provided for in ",9 +in a plastic hair comb. When shielding is placed around the ,9 +any payment made under the National Health Service (Scotland) (Injury Benefits) ,3 +au-delà de 60.000 €: au moins cinq candidats doivent être consultés; en fonction ,3 +of any period that applies by virtue of paragraph 2 or 3 of Schedule 8; ,3 +where it protrudes through the nut of the automatic adjuster ,9 +"helicopter design, although designs do vary. Helicopter main ",9 +Blade pitch horns,6 +Contractor may also be attended to tests. ,3 +The flight director usually receives ,9 +BY PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY VOLUNTEERS. ,7 +Service Contract which complies with the terms and conditions of the Service Contract and,3 +"cost of travel by air will be reimbursed on the basis of the fare in economy class or, if that is ",3 +band overprinted with the words “BREATHING OXYGEN” ,9 +Bei der Zuteilung eines Ausfuhrkennzeichens sind der Zulassungsbehörde zur Speicherung in den,9 +"A description of any explosives, radioactive",9 +List of Figures ,7 +are shown in the right-hand margin of the description column. ,9 +"inaccuracy, omission or any other type of clerical error in the text of the procurement ",9 +26 ноября 2020 г.,9 +"waters resources, and take other necessary measures. ",3 +OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ,7 +that they are not extended beyond the specified limits when ,9 +"to ground. To prevent the build-up of electrical potential, all ",9 +"Kommission für Verleih-, Vertriebs- und Videoförderung",7 +field_offices/fsdo. ,9 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +Describe ,6 +RECTANGULAR COURSE,7 +cabin of a pressurized aircraft that controls the cabin pressure ,9 +Convective currents are particularly noticeable in areas with a ,9 +Terminal Arrival Area (TAA),7 +the onset of hypoxia is that the first symptoms are euphoria ,9 +"risks increase, and the closest first responders able to ",3 +etire to his quarters or tent at,9 +subprovince,9 +Induced drag.,9 +"beteiligten Grundstückseigentümer wirtschaftlich zusammengelegt, zweckmäßig gestaltet oder neu geordnet",9 +"pattern) beyond the departure end of the runway, after ",3 +Installation of cables ,7 +steady flight conditions is the angle of attack. ,9 +controlled by the slope of the frontal surface. Steeply sloped ,9 +used for welding and brazing all metals using an oxy-fuel torch. ,9 +NORMAL LANDING,7 +hardened steel shaft with splines on each end. One end splines ,9 +"""referral rate"" in this item), and endeavoring to increase the maintained ",9 +major factor affecting the power output of the ,9 +ignited. The thrust is produced in a series of pulses.,9 +necessary to overcome the yaw effect if the nose of the ,9 +"The price considered for evaluation will be the total price of the tender, covering all the ",9 +Abschnitt 2,7 +formation which the agency may from time to time,9 +A hand lever operates the cutting blade which is the top blade. ,9 +Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) ,7 +TR Portfolio Safety Requirements ,3 +〔平成二十五年九月十三日政令第二百六十七号〕,7 +Acceptance (1) (2) (3) ,7 +Einschlagsprogramms des Bundesgebietes erreicht.,3 +ministerial or other high official rank and that person is accepted as such by the Secretary of State. ,9 +advantages of the tender selected and the name of the successful Tenderer(s).,9 +Specific Contracts ,3 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Initial Piston Moving ,7 +to increase the referral rate to fifty percent within approximately five ,3 +"unlawfully, and investigations without reimbursement as jointly ",9 +- This section provides a general overview of the purpose and scope ,3 +used to actuate the three-ring release system and to disengage the risers from the harness. ,3 +admissible as ,3 +a display. The terrain image is based on the use of data ,9 +System Servicing,7 +ICT Governance ,9 +operate with direct current (DC) and use variable resistance in ,9 +ADDRESS OF BANK BRANCH,7 +travel and subsistence costs in accordance with Article II.22 of the draft ,3 +Cable Connectors,7 +the powered parachute through the air.,3 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 26.03.2021,9 +OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ,7 +management of the flight. ,0 +have been established in the northern Pacific,9 +"European Commission, “Tourism in focus – China Tourism 2018” https://ec.europa.eu/growth/tools-",1 +upon vacation leave; and if no court vacation is declared for any year each of the,9 +Power to override easements and other rights ,7 +Feststellungen,3 +File / form at type ,8 +General Operating and Flight Rules. The following sections ,9 +makes periodic reapplication necessary. The length of time ,9 +II.13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ,7 +"Lieferung gleichgestellt, wenn die Installierung Bestandteil des Vertrags ist und vom ",9 +associated with making NAS changes and providing that input to decision makers responsible ,9 +"ignition system, which is a variation of the simpler capacitor-",9 +Airspeed Indicator (ASI),7 +switch (flick ignition off and on again at idling).,3 +authorize any municipality of the province to exceed the foregoing percentages,9 +"equipment includes heated pitot tubes, heated or non-",9 +"institutions, bodies and agencies in establishing and implementing vulnerability disclosure policies on a ",9 +manufactured or distributed by the contractor: ,3 +– SITUAZIONI DI ESCLUSIONE RIGUARDANTI LE PERSONE FISICHE O GIURIDICHE CHE SI ,7 +Acceptance:,3 +Zerstörende Prüfung,3 +Excavation for structures ,7 +"Regelung zur Vermittlung der Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten nach Verordnung (EU) Nr.",7 +Scoping Process ,7 +COLLISION AVOIDANCE AT NIGHT,7 +"of the Philippine Islands or of the United States or an honorably discharged soldier,",9 +Uncoordinated flight control application.,3 +Scenarios 1 and 2 – Creation of a new SNL ,7 +"Inspect the harness stitching for correct stitch length, ",3 +abgelegte Prüfung der theoretischen Kenntnisse und eine Bescheinigung des anleitenden Tierarztes oder der,9 +II.20.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +title is amended by striking ‘‘section 3703(a)(1)(B) of this title’’ ,9 +BORN WITH SPINA BIFIDA’’; ,7 +The forming of a textile by interlacing yarns. The ,9 +変更しようとする年月日,3 +Describe the System and the NAS Change ,7 +条において「支援団体」という。)は、法第六条の十一第三項の規定による支援(以,3 +Amendment of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1191/2014 ,7 +Workshops/Conferences ,3 +Any payments under a Contract shall be exempt from VAT to the extent permitted under any ,3 +Pilots System (TWIP).,7 +and then clean the surface and crevices of paint remover. ,9 +the word “must” or similar language is used where the desired action is deemed critical. The use of such language is not ,9 +Implementation of the contract ,9 +>1600 °C ,6 +"electrical system, which prevents reverse flow from the load ",9 +obtained from another source. The checklist must include the ,9 +the electrons continually change their rate of flow and ,9 +nose and maximum downflapping displacement over the,9 +Centrifugal-Flow Compressors,7 +Foot-operated squaring shear. ,0 +"alter, clean, modify, dismantle, refurbish, reconstruct, remove, relocate or ",3 +proving that the authorised person is empowered to act as a legal representative of the ,9 +"28.12.2013, S. 1) und der zu seiner Durchführung erlassenen Gemeinschaftsvorschriften in der jeweils geltenden",9 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +runway and taxiway surfaces to identify a specific ,9 +"National (Overseas), a British subject under the British Nationality Act 1981(",3 +用费,承担保密义务。 ,9 +Close Container as follows: ,9 +Compatibility with Aircraft Materials......................12-4,8 +Air Mass Thunderstorms,7 +Class B Airspace,7 +Battery OK ,3 +"Parks, and Forest Service Areas",7 +forward flight and is executed to increase altitude safely and ,9 +collision avoidance. ,9 +Conditions;,3 +"[Figure 9-6, position 2]",9 +a list of checks yet outstanding and unpaid.,9 +gravity sludge,9 +Ground Access Vehicles ,7 +Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации от 26 июля 2017 г.,9 +which will give someone in problem debt the right to legal protections from their creditors for a ,9 +container (BOC). ,9 + An oxyacetylene flame in which there is ,9 +"Pilots desiring to climb through a cloud, haze, smoke, or ",9 +that supplying the pilot with information about the aircraft ,9 +Allgemeine Regelungen,7 +Ground Communication Outlet ,7 +Takeoff Charts ,7 +Restrictions,9 +filler rod since the edges can be melted down to fill the seam. ,9 +"are submitted as variants, when the specifications do not authorise them; ",3 +timing specified. (See FIG 5,9 +"General economic, banking and finance courses / Lot 2 Financial markets and products courses / Lot ",3 +$^{ }$Common Paint Troubles,7 +in one revolution in order that there might be no thrust. Also ,3 +"equipment (gas alarm,",9 +Omnidirectional VHF data broadcast (VDB) signal ,6 +Obstacles to Maintaining Situational Awareness,7 +"Shipment from the place of production of the Goods or the (sub-)Contractor’s locations and delivered, installed and ",1 +connected plus future expansions of the plant. ,9 +ILS angular splay reaches a width of ,9 +"Grundstücks-Sprechfunk,",8 +established by the Federal Aviation Administration to govern ,9 +take this into account when planning an eastbound flight. ,9 +"Health, Labour and Welfare. ",3 +Convective Currents ,7 +Fahrtunterbrechungen und,3 +Historical Analysis ,7 +Electronic exchange system: can exchanges under the contract be automated? ,7 +Oxygen Plumbing and Valves,7 +Financial Instructions and Procedures. The two largest cases occurred ,9 +AIRPLANE PERFORMAN:CE ,5 +acceptable level of safety risk in the NAS operational environment; ,3 +I.6.5. Trattenuta di garanzia ,7 +hat deposits made by charitable or benevolent,9 +drift sideways with the wind as ground friction is no longer ,9 +FAA approach charts include a runway sketch on each ,9 +“(2) But see article 26 (power to acquire subsoil or airspace only) of the Network Rail ,9 +法第三十条の四第二項第四号に規定する厚生労働省令で定める疾病,3 +という。)を定めるものとする。,3 +This province also contains the township of Artacho.,9 +reasonably required,9 +AIR FORCE TECHNICAL ORDER FORMS,7 +Retention money guarantees cover full delivery of the service in accordance with the contract ,9 +suivre les instructions données ,3 +Consultations. ,9 +Exclusion criteria and conflict of interest ,7 +In this article “authorised activity” means— ,9 +That more than one contract should be signed if the joint offer is successful,3 +in an increase of air velocity and more lift. As angle of,9 +States or the United Kingdom are normally issued Standard ,9 +savoir‑faire: le droit d'utiliser ce savoir,3 +I.14.5 Signature of contracts pending receipt of eligibility documents,7 +No management response. ,7 +Die Sicherstellung von als Nachweismittel geeigneten Spuren und Gegenständen hat in enger,9 +§ 10a Stellenzulage,7 +The flight control units located in the flight deck of all ,9 +that the glider is ready and the briefed departure path ,3 +is subject to any of the situations provided for in points (c) to (f) of ,3 +in accordance with a standard/special instrument ,9 +"of thumb, the use of a 200 foot tow line would require the ",9 +Small Multiengine (Reciprocating) Aircraft Fuel ,7 +actively engaged in politics in circumstances in which he or she would be deemed to be or to have ,9 +etwas anderes vorgesehen. ,9 +"to apply to parachutes with organic fibers in them, they still ",9 +"of the wing, the vertical velocity (2~) adds to ",9 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +〔昭和三十五年六月十日政令第百五十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +"summary includes a description of each unresolved problem and any associated errors, ",3 +Cable Tension,7 +Weight-Shift Control—Sea (WSCS). ,9 +Maintain two,9 +"element still has more electrons. However, when the fourth ",9 +"CIVIL AIRCRAFT PILOTS, FAR 91 requires you file an IFR flight plan to operate under instrument flight rules in",6 +assembly with the following additional steps provided to get ,9 +Areas Designated as Severe Wind and Moisture ,7 +"with £219, which is the charge in respect of injuries occurring on or after 1st April 2019, but no ",9 +helicopter to be returned to the takeoff position if required. ,9 +subscribers.,3 +sources. The flight data computer integrates all of the data ,9 +информационной,9 +occur somewhere around the world several times,9 +from the back side of the ,6 +Tender Dossier,5 +"to a pattern altitude of 1,000 feet. The altitude you want to ",9 +Sensing Element,7 +Licensing of any pre-existing,3 +この政令は、昭和三十四年九月七日から施行する。,9 +"bis 7, in Verbindung mit Anlage 4 Abschnitt 1 und 8 auszugestalten und anzubringen. Fahrzeuge mit",3 +"(route line, identification boxes, mileages, waypoints, waypoint names, magnetic reference courses and MEAs) will also ",9 +Philippine Legislature,9 +the more proficient a pilot becomes. VFR experience can ,9 +disruption. The FAA has not mandated that preflight,9 +§ 18 Zulassung,7 +The stop end must be sewn and oriented correctly.,3 +General requirements ,7 +—direct access; decision altitude/decision height; ,9 +accomplished every 12 calendar months on all certificated ,9 +The Cabinet,7 +deck structure depending on the design of the airframe and ,9 +Student Pilot Applicant Requirements (SPAR) ,7 +NAVWEPS OD-BOT-BO ,7 +Pilot knowledge of where the ,9 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +Sub-criterion 3.1: Quality and appropriateness of the quality control system ,3 +payment of such compensation as may be found to,9 +"Act, prior to the enforcement of the Revised Act, and have created and ",3 +Slipping turn.,9 +Instrument Departures,7 +"if possible, turn to the localizer course heading ",3 +"Surface Observing System (ASOS), or Automated Weather ",9 +mehr als 10 Kilogramm oder mehr als 10 Liter,7 +section 77 (presumption that minerals excepted from acquisition of land); ,9 +"while a pile is being installed. Driven piles driven which have risen, shall be re-driven or forced down ",9 +rotor systems are the most common. These are,9 +Schlussvorschriften,7 +"front and rear portions of the rotor system. As such, some ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 163 of June 20, 1960] ",7 + (ss 57-70) ,7 +opportunities,3 +shall at all times exercise supervision over the justices of the peace within his,9 +Other Airport Visual Aids,7 +Auftragnehmer,9 +carried in bulk packages or metal containers on board the helicopter when operating in ,3 +Participant Register ,7 +to be referred perpendicular and parallel to the ,9 +"das Datum der Außerbetriebsetzung,",3 +Anbietername eingeben,7 +Nachweis der Teilnahme an einer Fortbildungsveranstaltung oder Praxisberatung von mindestens 16,3 +requirements in accordance with the processes contained in the SMS Manual. Consideration of ,9 +"2003 (BGBl. I S. 1512)""",9 +and International Organisations - (Statement No. 18,3 +第二十八条第一項第二号中「同項第十四号に規定する外貨債権」を「同項第十三号,9 +A U.S. citizen (as defined in Title 14 of the Code ,3 +[Figure 2-42],9 +MAIN PILOT CHUTE BRIDLE LINE OR DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +Is received by the recipient from a third party not bound to the disclosing ,3 +Aluminum Welding,7 +control line on the right riser and compare lengths to ensure control line is 15-inches (+ 1-inch) ,3 +States are located between 25° and 49° N latitude. The arrows ,9 +Intellectual Property Right (IPR) ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 63 of March 25, 1998] ",7 +days from the request for offer whether they consider submitting an offer in the reopening ,9 +"but that show no visible distortion, by drilling off the head and ",9 +generators,6 +Supply of documents ,7 +[Figure 7-47] ,9 +. — No interest shall be,9 +Wing positioned for setup.,0 +STROBE—A high intensity white flashing light. ,3 +as close as possible to its original shape.,3 +aeronautical knowledge known to date in the late 1890s. Many ,0 +SEPTEMBER 11TH VICTIM COMPENSATION ,10 +この政令は、平成二十四年四月一日から施行する。,9 +Support the conduit to prevent chafing against the ,3 +entry and flight plans) consist of five letters,9 +TRAITEMENT DES DONNÉES À CARACTÈRE PERSONNEL ,7 +"battery is part of the electrical power system, ensure that the ",9 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR ,7 +"Parks, and Forest Service Areas",7 +specific terms and conditions. The submitted tender is binding on the tenderer to whom the ,9 +Anlage 1 (weggefallen),7 +Amendment of Schedule 2 ,7 +"at too high an altitude, resulting in a settling-with-",9 +parts of the FWC.,3 +This makes for a positive deployment. The main drawback to ,9 +Introduction ,7 +Door to door shipment of goods (Type 1 Shipment) ,6 +Europol’s obligations under its financial legal regime.,3 +is made with a person in or to whom the right is vested or belongs; and ,3 +Brake lining wear on a Goodyear brake is ,0 +(Use with safety analyses with unacceptable [high] predicted residual risk) (1) (2) (3) ,7 +Abschnitt B Nr. 2.1 ,3 +http://www.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/ch13/final/c13s0205.pdf. ,1 +this Order.,8 +shank diameter. ,3 +"Drafting of media scenarios, events and injects for cyber exercises ",3 +Tender specifications purpose,7 +"This is particularly useful during critical phases of flight, ",9 +Turnbuckles,7 +occurring chemicals and foods that are consumed simultaneously. Regarding the combined ,3 +correspond to the description given in the tender specifications and possess the characteristics of ,3 +used to climb,6 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 135 of May 30, 1960]",7 +Ausführungsplanungen seitens AG ,7 +Collective Pitch Control,7 +7110.65R CHG 2,5 +Tail Moves,6 +"in the case of a new ship, the date that these Regulations come into force; and ",3 +decision is usually to go with certain restrictions and changes ,9 +"maturen (zu § 14, Absatz 5) der baulichen Erweiterung",7 +the proper shape and size.,3 +prepare a HAP,9 +The biggest challenge is to control the overspray and keep the ,9 +this airspace are programmed into EDST and can be ,9 +Sequence for Painting a Single-Engine or ,7 +obligations ,3 +"two or more spools, compressor, and turbine sections that ",9 +133 STAT. 932 ,5 +Pre-cast units for kerbs and surface drainage ,7 +Amendment of Schedule 4 ,7 +置若しくは手術の用に供する衣類その他の繊維製品(以下「繊維製品」という。)の,3 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +AUTOMATED WEATHER BROADCAST SERVICES,9 +The maximum density altitude where the best ,9 +- Seite 26 von 31 -,4 +Cross-section of a pneumatic deicing boot uninflated ,0 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +This translates as occasional lightning in the clouds,3 +- Seite 20 von 100 -,4 +"popular ram-air or square canopies. In 1977, Para-Flite, Inc. ",9 +throttle setting.,9 +Shipment Type 3,7 +Radar altimeter indicator,6 +The tender(s) ranked first after applying the formula will be awarded the contract.,7 +orientation while using GPS. Distance and track,9 +Tenderer ,8 +Amendment to the Environment Act 1995 ,7 +A software developer’s briefing,3 +prop powerplant is defined as follows : ,9 +used on the other airfoils and control surfaces of a particular ,9 +"RUP, Prince2 or equivalent waterfall methodology ",8 +in English and four (4) copies in Turkish. Each of the operating and maintenance manuals shall be ,9 +Flight Operations in Volcanic Ash,7 +push the tail downwind. ,9 +hazards. It is the logical process of weighing the potential ,9 +increase in indicated airspeed.,3 +"reporting any potential OSH, information security, operational security, physical security, and ",9 +"the front course, heading corrections to on-course are made ",9 +Tender report.,7 +Tower En Route Control (TEC).,9 +Activities) Order 2001(,9 +"at the rate applied by the European Central Bank to its main refinancing transactions in euro, as ",3 +The change proponent must ensure that the SRM documents are entered into SMTS for,3 +Redemption by Delinquent,9 +Active waypoint.,9 +Single-pilot resource management (SRM).,9 +Section 1 Investigation of Habitat Status of Inland Waters Resources (Article ,3 +the Contractor and shall be approved by the Engineer. ,9 +as N/A. The GLS minima line has now been replaced,9 +person charged with a cri,3 +"erate to rotation speed. On the other hand, if the nose",9 +Block 11.,9 +ensure nothing goes through the propeller or departs ,9 +bring them closer than required standard separation; a situation where whether or not,3 +"to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean States, the OECS and CARICOM/CARIFORUM. ",9 +II.5.1 Form and means of communication ,7 +"weather balloons, that are released from over 100 stations in ",9 +II.1. DEFINITIONS ,7 +Check seat belt attachment and seatbelt operation. ,3 +"rollover. If the helicopter is heavily loaded, determine if there ",9 +in the case of a person who does not have a residence in Botswana but is able to register ,3 +"2002, other than solely by virtue of regulation 39(2) of those Regulations, ",3 +Post-Implementation Safety Assessment ,3 +"Für die Fristen gelten die Vorschriften der §§ 222, 224 Abs. 2 und 3, §§ 225 und 226 der Zivilprozessordnung.",9 +"With the exception of declarations of interest, evidence must be included in the offer for ",9 +"Prepare damaged area hole by cutting along marks made in step c., above. Also make a ",3 +power to provide airflow over the rudder to maintain,9 +] as described in Annex A.,3 +"of possible loss (severity), and the likelihood of ",9 +"still supported by wires, but a mast extending above the ",9 +the vicinity of the airport. ,3 + Pilots often wait until the ATIS ,9 +Criterion 5.3.3.b): Manpower. ,7 +Any means of augmenting ,9 +"collective agreements or by the international environmental, social and labour law ",3 +a waving motion of the arms above the head.,3 +Document to be provided:,9 +have no leakage. The differential pressure tester requires the ,9 +Direct Service Changes ,7 +installed auxiliary power unit. ,9 +FOLDING CANOPY ,7 +The characteristics of radio waves are such that they ,3 +法第十一条第二項の規定により、届出事業者は、その製造又は輸入に係る特,3 +have an adhesive layer. Co-curing often results in poor panel ,9 +"Inlet and Intermediary Pumping (if any), preliminary and primary treatment and those components not ",9 +Record of concreting ,7 +diesem Gesetz oder den auf ihm beruhenden Rechtsverordnungen obliegen.,3 +Section 7: Conducting Dispersion Modeling ,3 +Lots ............................................................................................................................... 6,8 +"referred to in Article 30-4, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act) ",9 +terrain and obstacle clearance.,9 +using a direct,3 +[1963-6.],9 +any of the following if that person intends to export goods to a region other ,3 +Mixing Equipment,7 +"documentation of applications, component systems, connections and integration ",3 +"Mit der Lagerung und Verarbeitung dürfen nur zuverlässige Personen betraut werden, die eine",3 +The Contractor’s tools and applications shall comply with the following:,9 +Legal and regulatory capacity ,7 +channels and/or loops through which they are routed. ,3 +Continued force breaks the ,6 +heater glows red hot while heating the cathode. The cathode ,9 +Stima dei costi di Sicurezza da Interferenze ,7 +High-Wing Twin,7 + Hard Landing,7 +Types of Instructional Aids ,7 +"include textbooks, video, compact disks, exams, briefings, ",9 +scavenging) as the piston is at its lowest point and the exhaust ,9 +languages is a plus) ,3 +the aircraft which are required to be overhauled on a ,3 +"электроснабжения,",9 +Use of Aircraft Lights,7 +that were no longer required. Proper management of these ,9 +"and Industry No. 25 of May 30, 1986] ",7 +Failure to maintain altitude during the maneuver.,3 +Office Space: ,3 +trailing vortices coupled with the bound or ,9 +I.4.1. Preis des Vertrags und Höchstbetrag ,7 +diagonal cut at each corner of formed hole to permit a foldback of each raw edge. ,3 +"home in accordance with regulation 20(3) of the Children’s Homes (England) Regulations 2015, ",9 +establishing and publicizing clinical research guidelines; ,3 +Ground Communication Outlet ,7 +"– Aufbauseminare, besondere Aufbauseminare und verkehrspsychologische Beratungsgespräche",3 +altri adattamenti che le parti possono concordare successivamente; in tal caso si applicano ,9 +to landing by radiating a directional pattern of high ,9 +Judicial Committee,7 +All cables terminating at equipment are to employ screwed cable glands only - the use of epoxy putty is ,9 +types of contraction,9 +Gesetz zur Förderung Erneuerbarer Energien im Wärmebereich,9 +Figure 6-15. ,0 +shall operate so as to confer any immunity or privilege on any person who is— ,9 +"food labelling (e.g. vegetarian, vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free); ",3 +"Pass pilot chute through loop at end of bridle line and pull tight, forming a girth hitch. ",3 +conditions imposed by the Agency in accordance with this Part of this Schedule the Agency may ,9 +Qualifications for membership of ,7 +– ELEMENTI DI PROVA AI FINI DELLA SELEZIONE ,7 +§ 2 Ausbildungsdauer,7 +transactions; ,3 +In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council ,7 +"joints and shielding, and replacement of damaged sensing ",9 +Weigh-off.,9 +Administrative procedures ,7 +"apparent, learning to recognize these resources is an essential part of ADM training. Resources must ",9 +passenger information)— ,9 +became the preferred method of deploying the increasingly ,9 +combination of the two changes. ,9 +folgenden Absätzen.,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 367 of August 26, 1952]",7 +tered. When making the correction to the desired head-,9 + ,9 +Defining the System / NAS Change ,7 + Clipping or paring to reduce to a neat orderly state.,9 +"Radar Sequencing and Separation, VFR Aircraft,",9 +Airspace System,7 +"project/action. Typically, ",9 +engaged in legitimate t,9 + The basic unit of heat energy ,9 +by inserting after the item relating to section 1821 ,9 +Final acceptance ,7 +"14 сентября 2017 г.,",9 +vibrations until the structure or structures fail. This condition ,9 +APPLICATION OF AERODYNAMICS ,7 +"objectives,",9 +"calculators, all tools",3 +mechanism in a single unit. They operate pneumatically in ,9 +indicator is displayed in the Full Data Block (FDB),9 +Facturation ,7 +ANTITORQUE PEDALS,7 +"and demand for ATC service. Generally, the VOR",9 +"According to 14 CFR part 91, no pilot may land when the ",9 +Information Datenschutz ,7 +"in length, including associated features such as embankments, additional structures and roadside ",9 +"runway at the displaced threshold, and white arrows are ",9 +deploy the Goods outside the EU; ,3 +geographical regions),3 + Radio magnetic indicator.,9 +of record to the true course to get the charted magnetic,9 +decision an appeal may be taken to the department governor.,3 +Figure 4-143. ,0 +"will make the new data source available to the data processing systems, considering ",3 +Name des Auftraggebers und Lieferadresse; ,3 +from IFR traffic and to identify for VFR traffic where ,9 +"a course of action, the process begins anew as the set of ",9 +TRSAs are depicted on sectional aeronautical,9 +insects or water ingress is an example of an external cause ,9 +withdrawal receipt will be provided by e-Submission as proof of withdrawal. ,9 +"control, one for each engine, responds to throttle and mixture ",9 +"Power to alter layout, etc., of streets ",3 +the harness,3 +AJM Roles and Responsibilities ,3 +"Deployment Brakes. Without deployment brakes, the parachute deployment becomes unreliable.",3 +planning should include a course around the airspace. Extra ,9 +Amendment of the School Information (England) Regulations 2008 ,7 +Examples of canopy markings ,7 +If an airplane is being flown at a particular ,9 +This common-collector circuit has high input ,0 +data can be charted in a graph format. [Figure 20-13],9 +Seite 57 von 76,4 +the horizontal tail will create a diving moment ,9 +"ground becomes cold, while the temperature a few hundred ",9 +with all technical,9 +actually occurred or where Europol is not satisfied with the explanation and/or ,3 +1985 are designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement ,9 +Security level: ,5 +"the Revised Act (November 25, 2014). ",3 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +Provided that no appeal shall lie from a determination of the High Court under this section ,9 +Composition of National Assembly ,7 +Fraudulent Enlistment,9 +‘‘(c) SPONSOR REFERENCE.— ,9 +dimensions identified by an area on the surface of the ,9 +Documentation: ,3 +The most criti- ,9 +and the rudder used to ensure coordinated flight.,9 +The atmospheric layers with temperature changes ,0 +only when it is clear above. Should circumstances require a ,9 +précédente procédure et confirme qu'aucun changement n'est intervenu dans sa situation:,9 +HARNESS/CONTAINER ,7 +Analog Electronics,7 +Qualifications for membership of ,7 +self-illuminating signal light. The fact that pilots and,9 +Two holes are drilled on the outside of the delamination area ,9 +) of subsection (1) of this section but has during the whole period retained his or her ,9 +"When the true consideration, or value received or contracted",3 +formation does not serve as a precedent of the,9 +implementation ,3 +"CF = air pollution control factor, expressed as a percentage. ",9 +Old type zinc chromate primer may be used directly for ,3 +be chaired by a senior government official appointed by the Minister responsible for local ,3 +resulting in less precision.,9 +Fixed-Price contract for project work ,7 +fuel consumption and checking engine performance. ,9 +meters for LPVs with minima below 250’.,9 +"professional equipment, required for the execution of the underlying contract, subject to ",3 +APPLICATION OF AERODYNAMICS ,7 +"If departing the traffic pattern, continue straight out, ",3 +Contractor’s tender,7 +Gravity flow ,8 +safety device. They are used to communicate to the pilot the ,9 +for strength. ,9 +the date that these Regulations come into force; ,3 +2-7 (and 2-8) ,4 +The operator station including all connected equipment ,3 +Table B – Losses of Stores ,7 +Gayle and her co-pilot choose to address this risk by agreeing ,6 +Pull-Knobs ,8 +§ 18 Zulassung,7 +[See Figure 2-21],9 +an airspeed of 120 knots in still air has a groundspeed (GS) ,9 +"fondamental de ne pas céder à la panique et de savoir comment réagir. Pour ces raisons, il est ",9 +受託業務の指導及び助言を行う者として、滅菌消毒業務に関し相当の知識及び経,3 +World Soaring Championship in 1956 in France. ,9 +the aircraft shown is in the middle of the ,9 +envisaged objectives/deliverables. Proposed mitigating/contingency measures shall ,3 +ITUATIONS OF EXCLUSION CONCERNING NATURAL OR LEGAL PERSONS ASSUMING UNLIMITED ,7 +wire for transmitting and distributing electric power. One ,9 +"financial institutions, etc. prescribed in Article 22-2, paragraph (1) of the ",3 +"functional requirements, the minimum RNP value,",9 +it can be provided according to the specification.,8 +Abschnitt 1,7 +Per i servizi di categoria/tipologia 1,3 +Opening of requests to participate,7 +§ 1 Gegenstand,7 +"Berücksichtigt das Gericht nach § 76 Abs. 3 Erklärungen und Beweismittel, die im Einspruchsverfahren nach",9 +and-level flight directly over and perpendicular to the road. ,9 +"enforcement(April 1, 2017) ",3 +Perform a normal removal of program.,3 +flights may receive a wind shear alert after they start ,9 +Authority ,6 +FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT-,7 +and the intermediate fix (IF) or the point where the aircraft is established on the intermediate course or final ap,3 +Please make sure all required documents and evidence are submitted with your ,7 +Whether or not the operator and aircraft are,9 +Specific provision related to reimbursement of expenses for shipment of Goods ,7 +such as temperature inversions; reflected or attenuated ,3 +simultaneously downward to increase the lifting force of the ,9 +The National ,7 +II.15.3 Claims and liability ,7 +Pneumatic Deice Boot System for GA Aircraft,7 +binding tape with new. Stitch down the loose end of ,3 +"Islands, which was not at the time for making entry of such baggage mentioned to",9 +"заболеваний,",9 +The treatment process is operated under normal conditions (where influent characteristics ,3 +EMEDIAL MEASURES,7 +I.1.1. Date of payment ,7 +Ausführungsplanungen seitens AG ,7 +"vis-à-vis the automation should drive when, where, and how ",9 +Maximum stall speed of 45 knots (51 mph),6 +surcharge of sixteen per centum ad valorem on the merchandise which is the,9 +"include measures such as; cordon fences, vaccination, biosecurity, movement ",9 +Signal test of all signals,3 + organisation and the coordination with ECHA. ,9 +"changes to the circulation on a local scale. Local conditions, ",9 +Spin chamber,6 +The general theory regarding expectations of crew help at ,9 +Initiation D,8 + is the activity code under which the service was operational ,3 +The criterion is applied to: ,7 +ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT ,7 +"is no magnetic interference. Lines, oriented to magnetic north, ",9 +The contracting authority and the contractor must treat with confidentiality any ,3 +Anlage 2.1 (zu § 4),7 +"r, dung, clothing, utensils, or",9 +The team structure in terms,3 +"uired, h.p. ",9 +применять,9 +Experimental ,7 +蔵施設、廃棄施設又は放射線治療病室において放射線診療従事者等が呼吸する空気,3 +or current flow. When electrons move freely from ,9 +surface that changes the direction of the airflow. This type of ice ,9 +OI;= induced angle of attack ,9 +Type 1: Canopy First Deployment ,7 +pollutants. ,9 +"Incorporated Associations and General Incorporated Foundations, as applied ",3 +"of sealing, unless deterioratio",9 +be plugged.,3 +Abschnitt III,7 +decision-making. ,9 + Hard Landing,7 +days following the date of receipt to submit observations. The contractor must receive the ,3 +(iii) where the age specified in the classification certificate is less than 15 years but ,3 +zudem mit einer Kennzeichnungstafel nach der ECE-Regelung Nummer 69 über einheitliche Bedingungen für die,9 +requires a great deal more preparation and decision-making than ,9 +construed as references to points so lettered on the deposited plans. ,9 +temperature,3 +with Article I.8 of the Framework Contract. ,3 +“electronic communications code network” means— ,9 +"amount of spring-back. To stretch the metal, the sheet is ",9 +is based and used primarily in the United States,3 +down on the ground.,9 +give whatever further directions the judge thinks necessary. ,3 +Assistance with local regulations ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 135 of May 30, 1960]",7 +B.2.4.2 Emission Factors ,7 +Procedures and Routes,7 +square foot reserve is 312 cubic inch and sometimes that ,9 +Controls the rate of,6 +Departing VFR aircraft may be asked if,9 +§ 18 Zulassung,7 +withdrawal) ,3 +Tenderers’ attention is drawn to the fact that ECDC will be in a position to make a proper ,9 +Determination of Control Movements Required To ,7 +Initial TEMP ,7 + In Schedule 3— ,9 +"unless full penetration is secured, and this is much more ",9 +"electronic glide computers to go farther, faster, and higher ",9 +shock wave is normal (perpendicular) to the air approaching ,9 +control document,3 + display ,9 +REMAINING ,6 +"(10 points, minimum threshold 50% = 5 points)",3 +—(1) The undertaker may appeal in the event that— ,9 +and trace the size of each repair ply from the damaged area. ,9 +deployment,9 +IAF and throughout the procedure turn maneuver to ensure ,9 +Overcontrolling the pitch changes. This fault ,3 +"province wherein the property is situated, it shall be competent for the council of",9 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +"basic configuration weight, the limit and ulti- ",9 +provide a comprehensive monitoring and reporting methodology to cover all activities ,3 +carrying out an examination of the applicant; ,3 +Unusual Attitude Recovery Protection,7 +reporting on results) and payments.,3 +BLADE PITCH ANGLE,7 + contains ,9 +NM of the coast of the 48 contiguous states and Alaska ,9 +"recorded a deficit of P6.54 million, compared to a deficit of",9 +Northerly Turning Errors ,7 +equivalent facilities of Japan; ,3 +次項に掲げる事項を記載した帳簿を備え、これを最終の記載の日から三年間保存しな,3 +Improper correction for wind drift.,3 +"chart, check the terminal shank diameter for proper ",3 +wheel interface. Only soapy tire solutions should be used. ,9 +Loosen bridle line girth hitch enough so that pilot chute can be passed through loop in end of bridle ,3 +implementing,9 +involve any commitment to submit a tender.,1 +“slider.” ,9 +simple pressure gauge can be calibrated in fuel flow in gallons ,9 +противоэпидемических (профилактических) мероприятий.,9 +Auto Brakes,7 +““2021 election” means an election required by article 20(1)(a) to be held in 2021”; ,9 +durch den nichtnavigatorischen Ortungsfunkdienst ist auf ozeanographische Radare begrenzt.,3 +Ministry of Public,3 +", Article II.6.3 applies.",3 +The Stacked (or Accordion) Method,7 +Award criteria ,7 +definition of that expression in sub-paragraph (2)— ,3 +VOLUME 1 ,10 +Sport harnesses,6 +FAA will mail a confirmation notice to the ,3 +wing aircraft is illustrated in ,9 +and the resulting climbing moment and tail ,9 +particular ,3 +create sufficient drag to deploy the reserve canopy successfully. The deployment bag is not attached ,3 +—(1) The 2012 Regulations are amended in accordance with this regulation. ,9 +prejudicial to the ,3 +if the altitude is held constant.,3 +Empennage. ,9 +conspicuous place in the room where the liquors are sold and the failure to do so is,9 +Attitude Indicator,7 +without breaking the glass. The button shall contain at least 1 illuminated gauge. The button shall be in ,9 +Reporting Errors and Recommending Improvements ................................................................................... i ,8 +The S-TEC/Meggit Corporation Integrated Autopilot installed in the Cirrus.,0 +Der Minister für Arbeit und Soziales,7 +The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations ,9 +publicizing materials concerning the implementation status of specified ,3 +Why Should I Use a FRAT? ,7 +VIDENCE UPON REQUEST,7 +destination airport. Believe it or not many pilots have more ,9 +"The special conditions must indicate the procedure used, if necessary, by the contracting ",3 +"in groundspeed at touchdown, resulting from wind or pilot ",9 + See angle of attack.,9 +connection pipelines.,3 +Total feet ,6 +Auftragnehmer trägt,3 +"Area, and applicable En Route Low Altitude Charts. ",9 +Tow Rope Inspection,7 +in a straight line. ,3 +Declaration(s) on honour. ,3 +Power cabling ,3 +Preflight,4 +part of those entities must be provided. This must confirm that the entity will place the resources ,9 +§ 1 Ziel der Prüfung,7 +pilot technique and the performance of the helicopter.,9 +"procedure based on a VOR, TACAN or NDB signal, is",9 +Blind Bolts,7 +airplane stalling and dropping hard onto the runway. To ,9 +"services to a new contractor or internally, without interruption or adverse effect on the quality ",9 +(Amendment) Regulations 2020 and come into force on 1st May 2020. ,9 +at the altitudes specified on the appropriate approach ,3 +shores included within the city limits.,3 +Sample Problem 2 ,7 +"each bond for indemnifying any person, firm, or corporation who",3 +after excluding the “bad” signal. This capability,9 +Restricted Area- Permanent and temporary ,9 +GUIDANCE LIGHTING SYSTEMS.) ,9 +"The other two lights are located, one on each side of ",9 +Personality.,9 +A box can be formed the same way as the U-channel described ,9 +This section includes administrative information about the company including ,3 +"in afternoon winds, knowing that winds generally decrease ",9 +(Führerschein auf Probe),3 +Many op- ,9 +"N.B. See systems, equipment or components specified in this Schedule for ",9 +Liste détaillée des modes d'exploitation des résultats ,7 +"experience gained by other European and international partners, EFSA will have a strong ",3 +Parachute standard (PS). ,9 +LANDING GEAR,7 +a gauge pressure of not less than 9.8 kilopascals) ,3 +—en route automated minimum safe altitude ,9 +Specific Contract ,3 +from the person to the funnel or nozzle. To guard against the ,9 + See Certified Flight Instructor with a Sport Pilot ,9 +are affected by compressibility in a manner ,9 +"(ii) the outline of the accident, etc. related to the written accident report ",3 +Functional requirements for pipe systems ,7 +may or may not be aligned with the runway and the course ,9 +with termination of the ,3 +Effective Translational Lift (ETL),7 +conducts EFVS operations must receive ground and,9 +"if appropriate), and the name, signature, certificate number, ",9 +in no way implies that the tenderer has been successful.,7 +the controller from trying to compensate for the lower ,3 +rotational. A hydraulic motor is a rotary actuator.,9 +NAVWEPS OD-BOT-BO ,7 +Figure 1-20. ,0 +Wegen der Höhe der Geldentschädigungen steht nur der Rechtsweg vor den ordentlichen Gerichten,3 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System,7 +"über den Untersuchungsgrundsatz und § 79a Abs. 2, § 90a über den Gerichtsbescheid bleiben unberührt.",9 +"supervision, labour and facilities required for the implementation of the tasks.",3 +II.11. AMENDMENTS ,7 +Objectives & Pricing ,7 +SCHEDULE 14 ,7 +§ 22a Abweichendes Verfahren bei Elektronischem Prüfauftrag und Vorläufigem Nachweis der,7 +Risk: Taking Off Without Entering a Flight Plan,7 +What are we doing to achieve the objectives: ,3 +SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO FUR-,7 +"(BGBl. I S. 640), § 2 Nummer 1 zuletzt geändert durch Artikel 1 Nummer 1 des Gesetzes vom 6. Juli 2007",3 +"Gefährdung, Einrichtung: Unzureichende oder nicht vorh. Beleuchtung in Gebäuden",7 +Combined Sources of Updrafts,7 +put the switch to the left or right DISCH position. Hold the ,9 +Estimated length of flight and any information that ,3 +Bonding jumper,6 +独立行政法人通則法(平成十一年法律第百三号)第二条第一項に規定する独立行,3 +PRELIMINARY,7 +Simplified Directional Facility (SDF),7 +Quality standards ,7 +Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness (LTE),7 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +"""three days."" ",3 +"minimums, and airport diagram. ",9 +environment. ,3 +II.26 LOI APPLICABLE ET RÈGLEMENT DES LITIGES ,7 +Macroscale,6 +they are indented. ,9 +Appointive,9 +operation. Ensure that the glider canopy is always closed ,9 +treasurer in his records. Any ,9 +The sum of all quality award criteria (1 ,7 +"Derivatives, Treasury, portfolio",3 +"Beträgt der durchschnittliche Haltestellenabstand nicht mehr als drei Kilometer, sind als",3 +"spark gap, providing the ignition system with a high degree ",9 +a specific fix is required. It does not prohibit the ,9 +"heading and bank angle, determine amount and direction ",9 +any representations or explanation made in accordance with Rule 60A(5). ,3 +"GHG Emissions Summary by Source, Category, and Scope ",3 +Article 9 - ,7 +"short term loan providers, ",3 +analyzed and entered into the database. Once the data is ,9 +specified,9 + This is very important.,3 +final editing and definition/conceptualisation of a promotion action plan to make the ,3 +“Operazione non imponibile ai sensi dell’articolo 9 della legge n. ,6 +Normal Reactions to Stress ,7 +"weather, and the extent of damage to the aircraft so far",9 +Baustein Hausaufgabe „Darstellung der individuellen Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +prescribed by law or or,9 +tear. The rings should not be used if they have deep scratches ,9 +"starting the engine and when full power is required, and ",9 +Oversight and Control over Certain Subsidiaries ,7 +competitiveness . It also asked in 2015 the Commission to develop a Pilot Project called ,9 +and interest,9 +Repair plies,6 +PERFORMANCE AUDIT,7 +Flight instructors should be able to spot hazardous attitudes in a learner because recognition of hazardous thoughts is the first step ,9 +II.23. RECOVERY ,7 +Reposition the canopy over the spring. Grasp the skirt ,3 +passenger enplanements. The configuration of each,9 +facilities inherently produce additional courses at ,3 +PLAN VIEW,6 +Pilots cleared by ATC for an instrument approach ,9 +"are no nearby, downwind obstacles to clear, a slow ascent ",9 +meteorological conditions (VMC) until thoroughly,9 +the audit related to these subsidiaries. The auditors advised ,9 +8.065 metres ,8 +"If indicated in the request for services, the contractor must register the participants for the ",3 +APs typically have a control panel for mode selection ,3 +and operation; hydraulic lines for leakage; electrical ,3 +"in paragraph (5)(b), for “United Kingdom”, in both places it occurs, substitute “Isle of ",3 +"that the meeting minutes should not be approved in current form, is ",3 +RITERES DE SELECTION,7 +Protective works to buildings ,7 +"Change of legal entity, and also in case of new name, or where the change of legal entity ",3 +All seams and seam fabric,3 +paragraph.,9 +an electronic communications code operator as is not excluded from the application of the ,3 +taken as extending 0.2 of maximum radius from axis of the shaft. ,3 +Auxiliary Power Units ,7 +Hd. Herrn A. García Miralles / Herrn F. Naisse ,9 +Risk Acceptance Outside of the Air Traffic Organization ,3 +uneingeschränkten Zutritt zu allen Bereichen der Anlage. Diese Prüfung kann maximal 2 ,9 +Die Frequenzbereiche 13 570 – 13 600 kHz und 13 800 – 13 870 kHz sind zusätzlich dem festen,3 +Droits exclusifs ,7 +Article 14); ,3 +toward neutralizing them. ,9 +Chapter 21—Gyroplane Emergencies,7 +北朝鮮を仕向地とする貨物については、この限りでない」と、別表第二の二中「第二,3 +Funding & tender opportunities portal ,7 +"RNAV system, a pilot may hold over an out",9 +displacing a colder air mass.,9 +Fluctuating,8 +Valutazione dei Rischi Interferenziali (DUVRI) per valutare i rischi interferenziali e ,3 +PLACEMENT OF ADVERTISEMENTS – based on real costs ,7 +Electrical Load Limits,7 +"used to indicate a change in direction, speed, or altitude ",9 +in the body. Hypemic means “not enough blood.” This type ,9 +Flaps are found on most aircraft. They are usually inboard on ,9 +agreement between the User and the national authorities in the country of establishment of the ,3 +is a memory aid and helps to ensure that critical items ,9 +"A development which, in accordance with a direction made by the Secretary of State for Transport ",9 +cedula certificates.,3 +"purpose of this handbook, the term refers to the brain’s ",9 +"katholischen und jüdischen Glaubens. Sie haben das Recht auf Freistellung vom Schulunterricht, Studium",9 +INITIAL SETUP: ,7 +the gun to preload the pin ,6 +"renewed upon property of any description, including rents or profits,",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ",7 +организованных,9 +wings and created a tri-wing glider that flew a man in 1853.,9 +"AP, and FD systems incorporate a self-test feature) ",3 +restricted in the vicinity of the airspace within which the display teams will perform. Daily display ,9 +Page 3 of 32 ,4 +Safety Planning for Acquisitions ,7 +concerned; and where more than one province participates the same,3 +Soit le contractant recevra l'autorisation du Secrétariat de procéder à une ,3 +The Regulations apply to United Kingdom ships which are cargo ships of less than 500 gross tons ,9 +Communication/Broadcast Procedures ,7 +Criteria related to the tenderers ,7 +Rotor Configurations,7 +"mail, facsimile or similar means which is capable of producing a document containing the text of ",9 +"on conviction on information, to custody for a term not exceeding 10 years or to a ",3 +LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE,7 +corresponding point was from the first pylon at the beginning ,9 +Shipment Type 1,7 + become public through other means than ,3 +(EU) 2016/679 vom 27. April 2016 – Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) ,7 +the edges of the tape and down the center to secure it. ,3 +any structure subject to creep conditions should ,9 +area and a good understanding of ,9 +"depends on the aircraft’s weight, speed, and configuration. It ",9 +control) but may also include yaw axis (pedal control) ,3 +Reverse Current Sensing,7 +II.5.4. Validity and date of e-documents ,7 +The marker should be installed during,9 +the date set forth in the respective items: ,3 +Factors Affecting Selection of Conductor Material,7 +§ 24 Wiederholung der Prüfung,7 +END OF WORK PACKAGE ,7 +Überweisungen von zahlungspflichtigen Ländern:,3 +Reserve Static Lines (RSLs) ,7 +"/32"" width, red ",6 + without interference by the contracting authority. The ,3 +3) в пункте 3.3:,9 +The course into a waypoint may not,9 +Portfolio Safety Strategy ,7 +The object can be in 3 different modes: ,9 +of the runway.) ,9 +"Contrary to popular belief, good judgment can be taught. ",9 +Temperature Correction,7 + (ss 57-94),7 +"soon as possible of any such suspension, giving the reasons for it. In cases b) and c) referred ",9 +deflected left.” ,3 +beforethe dissolution may be appointed as a Minister or an Assistant Minister. ,3 +in paragraph 3— ,3 +“B” – Potential.,3 +route structure to the terminal environment with little,9 +They often form as a thunderstorm matures and indicate the ,9 +"proceedings,",3 +be inhibited for arrival streams into single or multiple ,9 +"outbound flights depart between the fixes, thus minimizing ",9 +they are added vectorially to the airstream ,9 +them to practice effective risk management on all their flights. ,9 +ALL contractors,3 +range minimum.,3 +Financial Results,7 +tasks and specified deliverables on a basis of a number of person-days and profiles ,3 +距離が三百キロメートル以上のものとする。,3 +A battery is mainly used for starting the engine. In,9 +outage. Refer to the Aeronautical,9 +"сенсорного экрана, клавиатуры, компьютерной мыши необходимо ежедневно",9 +These differences reduce the weight of the Hi-Lite$^{®}$ fastener ,9 +compressors are limited to two stages due to efficiency ,9 +corrected,9 +A sensitive altimeter is an aneroid barometer that measures ,9 +"territory, or tribe may allocate funds to eligible entities based ",9 +metres where the diameter of the apparatus is less than 150 millimetres; ,3 +in the manner specified,3 +"straight flight. As the roll-out is being completed, attention ",9 +festgelegten Zeitraumes mindestens einen Platz zur seefahrtbezogenen Ausbildung nach Maßgabe,9 +Contractor: ,9 +Consumables ,8 +"ECHA and/or any other party involved in the service, on submitted deliverables; ",3 +With the exception of the transient conditions ,9 +"no pilot may make a procedure turn unless, when final",9 +运营、建筑施工单位应当配备必要的应急救援器材、设备和物资,并进行经常性维,9 +Profile View,7 +Figure 2-5.,0 +Adjustment in respect of past compensation ,7 +in the proper landing attitude and the main wheels touching ,9 +令で定める期間内に、財務省令で定める手続により、しなければならない。,3 +Table 6-6. ,3 +across the steel produces a shower of sparks to light the fuel ,9 +Weather Requirements and Part 91 Operators ,7 +"airport, but local conditions may limit the maximum",9 +officer conducting a sale under the preceding section shall make immediate return,9 +objective is to develop standard principles and techniques ,9 +образования размещаются,9 +shaped background ,3 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +"necessario,",9 +"example, if the bank is 30°, lead the roll-out by 15°. As the ",9 +"Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) Systems",9 +EU-OSHA’s national partner to suggest possible media channels ; ,3 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +Autorisation de travail / Permis feu ,3 +may stand alone or be collocated with the fuel tank vent. ,9 +averaging times up to several tens of minutes. ,9 +hover. This vibration happens at an airspeed just below ETL ,9 +helicopter must use some power to counter main rotor torque. ,9 +"Candelaria,",9 +stability. Gyroplanes are under development with,9 +Management tools for active components ,3 +Improvement Plans ,7 +conditions. High engine airflow is common ,9 +"if any circumstances arise that, if he or she were not a member of the Commission, ",3 +operating using two pilots. ,3 +"there is any interruption in the supply of the service provided by an operator, ",3 +"execute the placing, installation, bedding, packing, removal, connection or disconnection ",3 +Courts of Superior Jurisdiction,7 +La manipulation des récipients sous pression (bouteilles à gaz ou autres) doit se faire avec ,3 +"attention exclusively during the usual office hours to the duties of his office, and",9 +Throttle ice seldom occurs at temperatures above 38 °F.,9 +to the flow. ,9 +Invitations ,7 +Scenario-Based Training (SBT) ,7 +I.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +a better understanding of low-speed aerodynamics made ,9 +summarising the results of those actions. ,3 +Bergung und Erste-Hilfe-Maßnahmen an Verletzten möglichst unter gleichzeitiger schriftlicher und bildlicher,3 +Pilot in command (PIC).,9 +resistance and tailorable properties.,9 +Defining the System / NAS Change ,7 +pressure. Particulars of any gear system are found in the ,9 +The basic idea of the crossport repair is a three-sided ,3 +spot directly above the structure. Thin skins heat quickly ,9 +"normally form during the afternoon hours, after the Earth ",9 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +〔昭和四十八年一月二十五日政令第十三号〕〔抄〕,7 +Termination by the contractor ,7 +subscribers.,3 +entier et pour la durée de la protection des droits de propriété intellectuelle. ,9 +PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR 2020 ,7 +Tire Balancing ,7 +"regulation, to the collector of customs at the port of destination all merchandise in",9 +Determination of Control Movements Required To ,7 +"Supplement U.S., Sectional Chart, or En Route",9 +[Figure 2-40],9 +病院、診療所及び助産所の管理,7 +Principle of Operation,7 +The wearer inflates the compartments (AFTER,9 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +Dokumentation,3 +"another, name any new subdivision so created, and may change the seat of",9 +Once the FAA notifies the database provider that a change ,9 +Suspension shall take effect on the day the ,3 +"as connector grommets, strain relief clamps, shrinkable ",9 +Ein Service des Bundesministeriums der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz sowie des Bundesamts für Justiz ‒,5 +complete. Much,9 +PROFILE VIEW,7 +RITERES DE SELECTION,7 +Participant Register ,7 + hereby confirm ,6 +II.21.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +Flying Experience,7 +persons convicted of violating any city ordinance.,3 +"systems for this reason. Conversely, air flows into a low-",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 378 of December 19, 1986] ",7 +preceding aircraft and the pilot reports having that,9 +"eines Elektrokleinstfahrzeugs nach § 4 Absatz 1 Satz 2 Nummer 1a,",3 +supplementari relative al ,3 +Prelaunch Check,7 +"collective, RBS should be evaluated in light of the relevant ",9 +"sleeving, or telescoping bushings. They should not be used in ",9 +"Breite 30 mm, Höhe 20 mm, Eckradien 1 mm oder",3 +the minimum time recommended between decompression ,9 +"Impatience is a greater deterrent to learning pilot skills than is generally recognized. For a learner, this may take the form of a desire ",9 +expected readings. ,3 +. — In case the taxpayer shall,9 +holder of every license for the sale of intoxicating liquors to keep it posted in a,9 +SIGNATURES ,7 +Exclusion criteria documentation ,7 +valve(s) to achieve the settings on the cockpit pressurization ,9 +Fahrlehrerausbildungsstätten),8 +following on the basis of their moral rights under copyright:,9 +Audit of Accounts – Department of Lands,7 +" INVOICES, VALUE ADDED TAX AND E-INVOICING ",7 +aviation information or services) should be directed to the ,9 +date] per the [insert either: scope and detail of 14 CFR part ,9 +"applicable data protection legislation. If requested by Europol in writing, the ",9 +be signed by or on behalf of the claimant; ,3 +Normal Operation ,7 +"Lorsque il est envisagé de faire appel à des produits chimiques, le contractant demandera aux ",9 + are or include logos or subject-matter which could be registered as a ,3 +interchangeable bushings allows flexibility. ,3 +in figure 3.9 by the flow pattern for M=O.n. ,9 +Corner Joints,7 +‘e-PRIOR’,9 +(届出事項に係る情報の提供),9 +contracting authority may claim the amount still due to any other member or members of the ,9 +"on an appeal under Rule 58A(4), any person to whom a notification is given under ",3 +messages and news releases;,3 +Article 8 - ,7 +"adequate flying speed is attained, the wing’s AOA may ",9 +conditions permit the services to be provided.,9 +"(IFP), enroute charts, approach charts, and Standard",9 +"the fibers are cut as a result of drilling holes, it is difficult to ",9 +Hydroplaning,7 +"found in swamps and marshes, is almost as effective as ",9 +Interpretation ,3 +to be assessed. ,9 +I.3. ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF THE FWC ,7 +THEORY OF OPERATION ,7 +"exploitation set out in this contract. Unless otherwise agreed, the licence is non-transferable ",9 +registering Your Aircraft ,7 +ou la création d'œuvres dérivées sur la base des ,3 +stating that any or all of those paragraphs do not apply to any right specified in the notice; and ,9 +SCHEDULE 5 ,7 +(AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) ,7 +TFR—See TEMPORARY FLIGHT RESTRIC-,3 +Sundry Offenses Against Good Order and Discipline,9 +Available resources,7 +Development Assurance: Evidence of ,3 +Solid-State Devices,7 +Be sure that the ignition switch is in the OFF position so ,9 +Instruments; ,3 +bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch kein Prüfungsbericht über den Jahresabschluss für das letzte Geschäftsjahr bei,9 +The evaluation of a radio phone-in can be achieved by ,9 +Telephone information briefing service (TIBS).,9 +im Bundesgebiet bei allen Holzartengruppen voraussichtlich mindestens 20 vom Hundert oder bei,3 +The contracting authority may claim compensation for such damage. The contractor is liable ,9 +"response to, and repair damages to Corps of Engineers Federal ",9 +§ 2 Mautgebührenerhebung durch Private; Verordnungsermächtigung,7 +"anxiety react appropriately, adequately, and more rapidly than they would in the absence of threat. Many, on the other hand, may ",9 +werden. Die Teilunterbrechungen müssen innerhalb der Lenkzeit von höchstens viereinhalb Stunden oder,3 +"the altimeter indicates 10,000 feet is higher on a warm day ",9 +remains the property of the Contracting Authority and must be returned to the Delegation ,9 +"transport, normal, utility, acrobatic, limited, restricted, and ",9 +ditions for maximum endurance will ,9 +国务院有关部门建立健全相关行业、领域的生产安全事故应急救援信息系统。 ,9 +A long capillary tube connects the bulb to the bourdon tube in ,9 +Figure 4-54. ,0 +Submission of tenders. ,7 +on most turbojet-and turbofan-powered airplanes consist of ,9 + it either of ,9 +http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/prag/annexes.do?chapterTitleCode=A.,3 +Turbulence avoidance begins with a thorough preflight ,9 +Curriculum vitae of the proposed contract manager. The contractor shall inform EMSA in advance ,3 +Chapter 5—Preflight and Ground,7 +should not exceed 30°. ,9 +the amount of air pressure maintained in the cabin. Some ,9 +"zuständige Behörde kann von der Rücknahme absehen, wenn der Mangel nicht mehr besteht.",9 +specifically,9 +source is pointed to by the needle(s). ,9 +Documentation of application components and configurations: ECHA has ,3 +approaches in the event of a GPS outage.,9 +a tailwind and then a crosswind. Consistent with previous ,9 +Tube—hand-held in an existing hole,3 +Radio Equipment ,7 +of the Federal Aviation Administration Acquisition Management System (AMS);,3 +DISTANCE ,6 +"type of Application Management service, with the number of months of each type ",3 +"Via Carlo Magno 1A – 43126 Parma, Italy ",4 +"and are still valid at that date. In such cases, the tenderer must declare on its honour that the documentary ",9 +focal points and partners at national level ,7 +Procedural Notes ,7 +"[335-294; U.S. Tariff Act (1913), III, V.]",9 +"approach fix or position, or a timed approach from a",9 +Cable Inspection,7 +Der Minister für Arbeit und Soziales,7 +propeller or disconnection of flight controls,3 +issued by the Sywell Aerodrome flying display director. ,9 +"of assessing the degree of relevant disablement, the health care professional may request that the ",9 +"diese mit der Nennfüllmenge unter Beachtung des § 3 Absatz 1 und Absatz 3 Satz 1 gekennzeichnet sind,",3 +dans le manuel d'utilisation de l'appareil. ,3 +Fuel Selectors ,7 +five persons who shallbe appointed by the President; and,3 +I.8. COMMUNICATION DETAILS ,7 +"l'importo,",9 +and another for icing conditions that covers an area just north ,9 + Attitude and Sink Rate Control,7 +"LNAV, LNAV/VNAV and Circling Minimums ",7 +"Löschmaßnahmen, möglichst ohne die Lage der in Satz 1 genannten Gegenstände zu verändern,",3 +substitute provision which corresponds as closely as possible with the actual intent of the ,9 +STM. These include rehearsal or repetition of the information and sorting or categorization into systematic chunks. The sorting ,9 +While the en route charts provide the information necessary ,9 +plane empennage and may be comprised of a fin and,9 +of any apparatus; or ,3 +obstruction any drainage work which is situated within the limits of deviation and on land held by ,9 +With each scale or balance a complete set of weights for use therewith shall,9 +航空機は、核兵器又は軍用の化学製剤若しくは細菌製剤若しくはこれらの散布のため,3 +FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) ,7 +"tonnage. Some of these attributes are free text data types, but the information is ",3 +SCHEDULE 5 ,7 +"the walls, floor and other parts inside the contamination inspection room ",3 +poles. Water towers with checkerboard or striped markings ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 409 of December 26, 1994] ",7 +Protection level IP31 ,3 +that many fuel tanks are very sensitive to attitude. Fill the ,9 +"decrease in yaw (rudder), an increase in bank (aileron), or a ",9 +"Auftragnehmer,",3 +Subcontracting ,7 +Pipe Velocities,7 +"official use, he may, in the absence of other suitable means of transportation and",9 +way that fulfills the requirements for noise/odor control and working security. Access to the machines ,9 +"institutions, agencies and bodies, as well to other persons and entities working for the ",3 +contain all the information and documents required by the contracting authority at the time of ,9 +"drawn out, has relatively high tensile strength, and can be easily ",9 +slope equal to its blade angle. ,3 +diplomatic establishments of foreign countries located in Japan (which ,3 +Section 4. Two‐way Radio Communications Failure,7 +nose keeper.,0 +winds present at high altitudes. ,9 +"of the aircraft. Since turns at or after fix passage may exceed airway and route boundaries, pilots are expected to ",3 +"Carriageway eastbound at Skippool Bridge Junction, approximately 21 metres in length, as shown ",9 + illustrates how you ,9 +authority immediately before 1st April 2021 are to be members of North Northamptonshire ,9 +of the appeal; ,3 +STRATEGIC PLANNING ,7 +listed in the middle column of row 1 of Appended Table 1: ,3 +EU-OSHA’s national partner to suggest possible media channels ; ,3 +§ 1 Erheben von Gebühren,7 +ARTICLE 7: GUARANTEES ,7 +Tension Regulators,7 +(EPD) oxygen regulating unit.,0 +The selection,9 +") S.I. 2012/3038, amended by S.I. 2013/3135, S.I. 2019/1440 and S.I.2020/1369. There are other amendments that are not ",1 +II.22. REIMBURSEMENTS ,7 +"are submitted as variants, when the specifications do not authorise them; ",3 +arranged alphabeticall,9 +European Parliament and of the Council on fluorinated greenhouse gases(,9 +books for preservation from periodical publications.,3 +concerns pilots who apparently develop an unwarranted ,9 +switches allow electricity to flow through the switch in a circuit but ,0 +"Frage beanstandet, so entscheidet das Gericht.",9 +international,9 +公館(外国の大使館、公使館、領事館その他これに準ずる施設をいう。以下同,3 +Effective workload management ensures essential operations ,9 +⦁ $_{Cancel flight altogether. }$,3 +knowledge. To make a decision as to the confirmation for the ,9 +"(excluding goods listed in the middle column of row 1, row 36, row 39 to row 41, ",3 +A fluid power system in which the ,9 +HARNESS/CONTAINER ,7 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +Tender Evaluation Session ,7 +Fences and Gates ,7 +"Route pull-up cords through upper pilot chute grommet tabs. Compress pilot chute, ensuring that ",3 +"amount of P66 319, in terms of Supplies Regulations and Procedures.",9 +to obtain correct length. ,9 +Offence and penalties ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 266 of July 29, 2016] ",7 +Quality requirements,7 +"includes visual and radio aids to navigation, airports, airways, ",9 +"Verbot anderer Nationalflaggen, Ausnahmen",7 +eingelegt hat.,9 +Without the attitude indicator (such as during a partial panel ,9 +"(ii) the construction of a new roundabout, together with related approach roads and ",3 +"Since 2019, following the bringing into force of the Cybersecurity Act (Regulation 2019/881),",9 +"appear to move inward over the land areas, but actually ",9 +Auf Grund,9 +(3K + 3K) ,6 +zu sorgen.,8 +SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCUREMENT ,7 +Failure to understand the fundamentals of ILS ground ,3 +communicating,3 +"Marine Management Organisation, Marine Licensing Team, Lancaster House, Hampshire ",3 +representative ,9 +Der Bundestag hat mit Zustimmung des Bundesrates das folgende Gesetz beschlossen:,9 +Factors Affecting Selection of Conductor Material,7 +Lycoming 0-233 Series Light-Sport Aircraft Engine,7 +II.6. LIABILITY ,7 +"remains at zero. If the needle moves above zero, the pitch ",9 +The material is,9 +"positiven Begutachtung abgeschlossen wurden, erbracht werden kann, oder",3 +"if the same documents have already been provided in a previous award procedure of the ECHA, have ",1 +European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – EU-OSHA ,9 +Audio-visual material production,7 +ROUNDS FOR REJECTION FROM THIS PROCEDURE,7 +Midwifery ,9 +"Welfare as provided in Article 7, paragraph (5) of the Act shall be the provision ",3 +“overflow”,9 + In paragraph 9— ,9 +"that of the downwash angle. In other words, ",9 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +"system. To the extent possible, these route systems are ",9 +RESOURCE ALLOCATION ,7 +NAVWEPS 00-801-80 ,7 +Transfer/Exhaust—Piston,7 +summarized,9 +Für das Ausgleichsjahr 2015 werden als Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer festgestellt:,9 +landing lights,3 +sine wave and a digital sine wave. Any unwanted voltage will ,9 +Tender specifications purpose,7 +A Post-Implementation Review (PIR) is an evaluation tool used to assess results of an ,9 +This device consists of a piece of ,9 +Safety Incident and Accident Reporting and Analysis ,7 +§ 33 Fertigpackungen mit Füllmengen von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter,7 + – The construction of flood mitigation area (1) with a perimeter of approximately ,9 +Article 8 - ,7 +der Oberflächenbeschaffenheit und,8 +engines may have an N$_{3}$ gauge as well. Each engine section ,9 +Catching Errors: Using the FMS Flight Planning ,7 +"identify the inoperative engine, and we will both verify. I will ",6 +より同項に定める帳簿書類を作成し、当該報告に係る資本取引が行われた日から五年,3 +"for import by a certified foreign exchange bank under Article 4, paragraph (2) ",3 +inspection program that is part of a continuous airworthiness ,9 +Types of Friction ,7 +Bleed Air Heating Systems ,7 +The lift and drag of a wing must continue ,9 +Änderungen ,9 +The Province of Laguna,9 +Blind panels ,3 +that corrosive gases produced by normal arcing across the ,9 +production of an original invoice up to the ceiling as indicated in Annex XVI per necessary ,3 +Forces that produce a twisting or rotating mo-,3 +Preparation ,7 +"PHILIPPINES"" AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES",7 +げる事項を記載した書面の提出又は当該事項の電磁的方法による提供とする。,3 +dangerous communicable disease may be exhumed only after the lapse of five,9 +Statement ,9 +"Export Trade Control Order or Import Trade Control Order, the provisions ",3 +ACCOMMODATION CROSSINGS FOR WHICH NO SUBSTITUTE IS TO BE ,7 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +この政令は、平成二十五年十月十五日から施行する。,3 +"set forth in Article 22, paragraph (1) of the Consumer Product Safety Act ",3 +別表第二(第二条、第四条、第十二条関係),7 +"increased by 32.9%. In 2016, however, there was a downturn of 8.8%, possibly because of ",9 +manifold through the selector valve.,9 +The persons responsible for the implementation of this Specific Contract are: ,3 +with DVS personnel at check points and safety of personnel on the road. ,3 +de commande,9 +bottom half of the chart should be used since the gear and ,9 +No management response. ,7 +the daily subsistence allowance is payable only on receipt of supporting documents ,3 +transgression zone (NTZ) during simultaneous ,9 +The need for a comprehensive and well working ICT Governance model comes from a ,9 +FWC Phase-in,7 +Files from DVS Administration Division (Head Quarters),9 +"of these two principles will develop good, safe ",9 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +bank attitude to center the turn needle and stop the,9 +"Health, Labour and Welfare of any change in the matters set forth in Article ",3 +"feststellen kann, sowie die Plausibilität dieser Selbstauskunft anhand der vom meldenden Finanzinstitut bei",9 +plans and procedures; and ,3 +"paragraph, contravene a prohibition in any of regulations 11 to 15 or Chapters 2 to 5 of Part ",9 +"the aircraft to the left a certain number of degrees, therefore ",9 +II.4.1.10 Certificate of conformity ,7 +Transitioning across lots: Handover (WP 4) ,7 +Manner of Notification.,7 +Pilot-Induced Roll Oscillations During Launch,7 +All equipment necessary for operation of the control and monitoring system shall be fed from the UPS system ,9 +Historical Analysis ,7 +"The job of a flight instructor, or any instructor, is to teach. ",9 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +for onsite activities) ,7 +" or cooperating with it, including contractors or subcontractors ",3 +Points with well-defined peaks.,0 +that at low speeds near the stall or minimum ,9 +If the remaining usable fuel supply suggests,9 + nur für ein Los ,6 +"correction applied resulting in a TH, the sequence TH ± ",9 +induced drag is reduced. ,9 +"be turned to any angle for straight, curved, and irregular cuts. ",9 +damage the electrical components. The bus bar serves,9 +name of the ,7 +Weather Regulatory Requirements ,7 +"graphs (1) and (2), respectively. ",9 +"points are excessively pitted, a new breaker assembly must ",9 +means of regulating the quantity of fuel/air mixture delivered ,9 +Lower Leg Strap Shortening,7 +to the contractor or a reference to this licence;,3 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +"temperature. It produces an indication of altitude, indicated ",9 +CHEMICAL STANDARDS AND REFERENCE MATERIALS ,8 +"and Industry No. 43 of September 30, 1986] ",7 +Chapter 5$_{ }$,7 +"Experience running research projects and teams, as well as research collaborations on ",3 +"present. In addition to communications radios, radio",9 +the wing will blow downwind during the after-land-,9 +Information und Kommunikation.,3 +Antiservo tab,6 +setbacks.,9 +"(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2020, 1905 – 1907)",9 +British Equestrian – International Dressage Events ,9 +of the precipitation at temperatures at or below zero,9 +II.23.4. Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +"without refining flight control. By 1903, Orville and Wilbur ",9 +e is straight-and-level over ,9 +Service Contract with the Contracting Authority.,9 +in engine ,9 +"The contractor shall ensure that its staff, its subcontractors and any person for which the ",9 +II.7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND PROFESSIONAL CONFLICTING ,7 +Participant Register ,7 +II.23.4. Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +"required by the law of the country in which the supplies are to be delivered, including ",3 +HUMAN RESOURCE AND ADMINISTRATION ,7 +backing block or strip tightly against the skin to allow a nailing ,9 +provide an approach for successfully organising and managing a high number of activities of ,3 +"string is to the left of the tail, then the pilot should apply left ",9 +Emission Source Release Characteristics ,7 +of Notary,9 +5) граждан,9 +Altitudes and Flight Levels,7 +ROUNDS FOR REJECTION FROM THIS PROCEDURE,7 +"wires and their supporting structures (poles, towers, etc.), ",9 +ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CAPACITY$^{3}$ ,7 +次に掲げる広報及び啓発並びに特定臨床研究の対象者等からの相談に応じるため,3 +Head marking—None,6 +MARKING REQUIREMENTS:,7 +Landing Distance Available (LDA). ICAO defines LDA as the ,9 +"Slips, falls and excess excavations ",7 +23). The aircraft was substantially damaged during impact ,9 +the separate digits of the thousands plus the hundreds,3 +other information related to the performance of the Framework Contract in its systems for a ,3 +Java and Knime for data reporting tools. ,3 +Implementation of the framework contract ,7 +fixed and rotary-wing aircraft in motion. George Cayley ,9 +time. Participation in the WINGS program relieves a pilot ,9 +Increasing,6 +the carburetor for one point on the curve.,9 +(temporary use of land for access). ,9 +SPECIAL VFR CONDITIONS- Meteorological ,9 +"mentions, ",9 +Chapter 21—Gyroplane Emergencies,7 +"flowing around the fuselage, the air pressure inside the flight ",9 +Remove the binding from the tongue area by unpicking ,3 +and threats. ,9 +"Social Care Act 2008 (c. 14), paragraph 56(b) of Schedule 15 to the Health and Social Care Act 2012 (c. 7) and SI ",1 +"§ 34 Rücknahme und Widerruf der Fahrschulerlaubnis, Widerruf der Zweigstellenerlaubnis",7 +receipt of the ,3 +the ground above the stall speed. Go-arounds are normal ,9 +特定臨床研究の実施件数を維持し、当該維持された実施件数を増加させるよう,3 +"runway in a moving aircraft. When RVR is reported, it is shown with an R, then the runway ",3 +"if possible, turn to the localizer course heading ",3 +Light Twin Airplane,7 +"hydraulic system consists of actuators, also called",9 +Acceleration Error,7 +Miscellaneous Provisions,9 +Submission of requests to participate and tenders. ,7 +The technical constraints posed by the tools on which EFSA relies for these ,3 +"Airworthiness Certificates, but special shape balloons ",9 + by electronic means. The technical offer must meet the ,9 +in calculation due to :faulty data or bad theories are so explained away ,9 +§ 2 Mautgebührenerhebung durch Private; Verordnungsermächtigung,7 +The following terms are used when computing a heli-,9 +この政令は、昭和四十八年九月一日から施行する。,3 +FDC NOTAMs ,7 +communications code is applied by a direction under section 106 of the 2003 Act; and ,9 +Select terrain data ,3 +pilot needs should a diversion to VFR conditions be required. ,9 +frequency. Pilot training is prescribed and required for ,9 +"7d, and 5",9 +RESERVE RIPCORD HOUSING ,7 +Height (km),6 +(ii) matters concerning the preservation of documents and books on the ,3 +can download,3 +Engine Noise Suppression,7 +as back- ,9 +Fuel Storage Tanks ,7 +behind the plate. ,9 +" so provides. As soon as possible, Europol shall either ",3 +authority. ,3 +II.20.6 Paiements intermédiaires et paiement du solde ,7 +〔昭和五十八年七月三十日通商産業省令第三十九号〕,7 +"is referred to by a number, that reference is to the corresponding numbered condition on the ",9 +§ 25 Übergangsvorschriften,7 +situation or another may or may not furnish in-,9 +Preparation ,7 +Piston Reverses Direction From Down Stroke to Up ,7 +approach to land. ,9 +airspeed indicator but failure to connect the instrument ,9 +by virtue of a provision of Part 7 (Information and records) or Part 9 (Maritime ,9 +bevollmächtigtem externen ,3 +Procurement procedure:,3 +"Technology specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 69-6, ",3 +"cast-iron rods. Nonferrous rods include brass, aluminum, ",9 +Simplified illustrations of these venturi vacuum systems ,9 +to tighten all of the lines. This will begin the stacking ,9 +zuletzt geändert durch Art. 412 V v. 31.8.2015 I 1474,9 +"исследований,",9 +they give the pilot more positive control of the rate of,9 +Records and Documents ,7 +Venturi Tube Systems,7 +"Because of the location of the pitot tube and static vents, ",9 +represent the areas in which,3 +d'un CC multiple de fournir une offre spécifique de services dont les conditions ne sont pas ,9 +Significant weather prognostic.,9 +Legal and regulatory capacity ,7 +〔平成二十九年三月二十三日政令第四十号〕〔抄〕,7 +求をするには、登録分析機関の定めた費用を支払わなければならない。,3 +"air quality,",9 +a lower airspeed will require a higher power ,9 +"control towers, the tetrahedron should only be referenced ",9 +Partial revocation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 ,7 +"The emergency rate is the total essential load, measured in ",9 +корпорацией,9 +"Zugang zu den Ergebnissen einer Untersuchung der Opfer (Tote, Verletzte) oder von entsprechenden",3 +"landings with 90° turns, 180° turns, 360° turns, and circling ",9 +"a limit of detection of less than or equal to 1000 SARS-CoV-2 copies per millilitre, ",3 +"23.03.01 Технология транспортных процессов, утвержденного приказом",9 +NISH COVID–19 VACCINE TO CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS NOT ,7 +accordance with “Heating and ,9 +Transmission and reception on the same ,9 +Porter un harnais de sécurité en ordre de contrôle. ,3 +AC Synchro Systems,7 +When selecting conduit size for a specific cable bundle ,9 +Engineer to,9 +"Verbot anderer Nationalflaggen, Ausnahmen",7 +Wide Area Augmentation System ,7 +Analytical Decision-Making,7 +"the next; however, during certain maneuvers or condi-",9 +"P must, on their arrival in England, travel directly to the place at which they are to self-",9 +II.13.10. Visibility of Agency funding and disclaimer ,7 +citizen of the United States who is an employee of the Philippine Government or,9 +Power factor: >0.9 ,3 +the position of all apparatus; ,3 +Figure 9-20. ,0 +Vacuum Tubes,7 +Restitching (Unit).............................................................................................................................0015 00-2 ,8 +"may consist in a right of ownership, a licence right and/or right of use belonging to the ",9 +§ 2 Abrechnung des Finanzausgleichs unter den Ländern im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +Communication and promotion (online newsroom and social media support) ,7 +are not protected at uncontrolled airports or at airports,9 +"Europäischen Union, einem anderen Vertragsstaat des Abkommens über den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum",3 +a Drop Zone. Vertical and horizontal limits may be ,9 +"Actuator,GLYPH<.notdef>",6 +importer in accordance with Clauses 4(d) and 5(c) (or document/legislation attached): ,7 +insolation again exceeds terrestrial radiation. Minimum ,9 +Airway and Route System ,7 +The aircraft and its components ,9 +the same system when operated in the two-cue ,3 +by a high-pitched tone with two dots at a rate of 72 to 75 two-,9 +they will not be accepted. The reference letters provided for the contracts which are not ,9 +Designation of works ,3 +〔平成二十五年六月二十六日政令第百九十一号〕〔抄〕,7 +Foreign Exchange Stabilisation Fund ,7 +"radar), or any combination.",9 +the pattern at the same time with the slower WSC aircraft ,9 +Control of the airpIane must be maintained ,9 +countries; ,3 +no later than,3 +while operating in the Class D airspace.,9 +they are straight. Install the protective control frame pads ,9 +"systems, and the control logic and functions",9 +nitric oxide (NO),9 +§ 1 Anwendungsbereich,7 + will have full authority to bind ,9 +"epoxy coating. Just wipe the surface, and do not rub. Heavy ",9 +displays a true picture of pitch attitude in all maneuvers.,9 +"may refuse to provide full access to the submitted tender, ",3 +Cold Cylinder Check,7 +airplane and the ground.,3 +Warranted Provision ,7 +Ordnungswidrigkeiten,3 +Accountability Location (the identifier of the ,3 +Mode C Veil.,9 +Control surface,6 +Distress and Urgency,7 +"Ist der Betrieb eines Fahrzeugs, für das ein Kennzeichen zugeteilt ist, untersagt, hat der Eigentümer",9 +Metal Versus Plastic Fuel Containers ,7 +Replacement of Damaged Trees ,7 + Overview ,7 +Existing finishes on current aircraft may be any one of several ,9 +Multiplikationsfaktor als Ergebnis der Regressionsanalyse,3 +Adjusting the Fuel Control,7 +Manager can be consulted for preliminary timing.,9 +Abschnitt A Nr. 2.3 ,3 +(to assist the briefer in providing weather and wind,9 +If you purchased a newly manufactured LSA that is ,9 +multiengine airplanes and consists of a combination of ,9 +Measurement of Direction ,7 +of commercial venders provide custom services.,9 +"Recurrent Training, Flight Reviews, and Instrument Proficiency Checks ",7 +"power output, the mixture must be rich to obtain maximum ",9 + See National Transportation Safety Board.,9 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +The Maldives; ,3 +PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +"When the true consideration, or value received or contracted",3 +Approach Light Systems (ALS),7 +"is at a minimum, (LID),. ",9 +party must,9 +"the proper rate of descent established upon GS interception, ",9 +TEM-0013.04,4 +"the provisions of this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the ""New ",9 +Bridgeport ,6 +"(xii) goods imported to Japan and then exported from Japan without charge, ",3 +This brushless design is extremely reliable and requires ,9 +Environmental and Health Factors ,7 +"D = HAP emission index, expressed in grams per mile (g/mi) ",9 +SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO FUR-,7 +§ 1 Berufsbild,7 +may be flown under IFR if it is approved by ATC. Random ,9 +Effects of Flight Conditions,7 +Chapter 7—Takeoffs and Departure ,7 +Offenses Against Provisions of Notarial Law,7 +Nearest Airports Using the PFD,7 +Technician to be available for set-up/testing prior to event and remain available during the event.,3 +臨床研究に関する実施方針を定め、公表すること。,3 +of construction methods may,9 +engine mounting.,3 +Wind blowing over and around obstacles can be gusty and ,9 +", as provided for in Article II.13.4;",3 +propeller end.,9 +If rhe airplane were in steady ,9 +should evaluate the pilot’s risk management and other SRM proficiency under an IFR scenario.$_{ }$,9 +"Cables installed on trays, ladders and trunkings must be so arranged that there are no crossings or interlacing of ",9 +I.9.1. Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +"be eliminated, pilots can develop the skills and follow ",9 +are standard naming conventions included in the ARINC ,9 +Maintenance of Retained Trees ,7 +register or any other official document showing the registration number. ,9 +wie der Richter mit.,9 +"Amendment of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations ",7 +Provision of teams of interpreters for onsite and hybrid/online events ,7 +Wastewater should be transferred to primary clarifiers at normal operational conditions ,3 +Chapter IV-2-2 Medical Care Plans ,7 +"evaluation, because they do not comply with the tendering specifications. ",9 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +Figure 9-63. ,0 +"may only be components of the aircraft, such as fairings, ",9 +"at a particular site, if at all.",3 +Southerly Turning Errors ,7 +II.20.8 Intérêts de retard ,7 +Finger-trap suspension line to a finished length by calculating shrinkage of traped area,3 +The Crew Briefing,7 +Class E airspace locations are designed to provide approaches ,9 +" These Regulations may be cited as the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions)",9 +information region (FIR). ,9 +work 3 and numbered work 4. ,8 +Botswana Housing Corporation ,7 +Use of Suitable Area Navigation,7 +The trailing edge of the wing just forward of the leading ,0 +"revised), Light-Sport Aircraft Manufacturer’s ",3 +Key to Schedule 2 ,7 +) are amended as follows. ,9 +changes in power setting to maintain altitude ,9 +– MISURE CORRETTIVE ,7 +"general failure of crops or similar widespread disaster, the provincial board of any",9 +für den Schifffahrtsstandort nach Maßgabe der Absätze 2 und 3 ausgeglichen hat. Ist der Antragsteller nicht der,9 +assets and can leverage streamlined ,3 +made in the disk adjacent to the notch. The tool used for this ,9 +applicable documents with the map display. ,3 +DIRECTIONAL CONTROL ,7 +Direction of Flight,7 +Implementation of the framework contract ,7 +"für dort bezeichnete Betriebe, die nach Artikel 10 Nummer 3 Satz 1 in Verbindung mit Anhang II Abschnitt",3 +"Once ECDC has opened the tender, it shall become its property and will be treated confidentially. ",9 +flows defined by the rotor brushes. Magnasyn systems use ,9 +"untengenannten Website veröffentlichten monatlichen Buchungskurs für den Tag, an dem der ",9 +び駆除剤についての事前のかつ情報に基づく同意の手続,8 +Acceptance (1) (2) (3) ,7 +conditions create certain important design ,9 +Equipment Condition ,7 +" or cooperating with it, including contractors or subcontractors ",3 +"positions, the lower value of vacuum for the turn and bank ",9 +Nachprüfung behaupteter Verstöße,7 +Attending technical meetings between ANG and Program Offices (POs) to coordinate,3 +"Citation, commencement, extent and application ",7 +the cyclic forward. Blowback is more pronounced with higher,0 +"Descents can be accomplished with a constant rate, constant ",9 +§ 31 Anforderungen an Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +published visual flight path. These procedures are,9 +Environment ,6 +Combustion Heaters,7 + only by the ,9 +Declaration and evidence ,7 +Flying Experience,7 +が十リットル毎分未満のものを除く。),3 +"corresponding increase in the weight of the wing structure, ",9 +Das Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur erlässt nach Anhörung der jeweils zuständigen,9 +"withheld such information, or ",6 +"To be eligible for certification, a student must be of sound physical",9 +"or SGN becomes liable to pay any amount to any third party, the undertaker must— ",9 +"accuracy, proper terminology, grammar, spelling, basic balance, clarity, and simplicity. Instructional aids should also be reviewed to ",9 +"gross weight of 100,309 pounds (45,500 kgs) or less",9 +and chemical occurrence data,3 +The team structure in terms,3 +"earlier, excessive and rapid changes in pitch attitude result in ",9 +Placement of advertisements ,7 +Account number (IBAN) ,3 +Ground Communication Outlet ,7 +flight and engine controls for proper operation.,3 +power produces a rate of descent. ,9 +Radar equipment is specifically designed to detect all ,9 +Unusual Attitude Recovery Protection,7 +structured. ,3 +in Botswana are drawn from the OIE standards and as a member she has ,9 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +to facilitate operational approval from foreign Civil,9 +"years from burial, though in special cases the Dire",9 +ons so confined or,3 +List of Figures ,7 +〔昭和五十五年五月二十六日政令第百三十八号〕〔抄〕,7 +Ditch Heading,0 +Excessively high air pressure at the spray gun.,3 +replacement. ,3 +be issued an Experimental Airworthiness Certificate. A ,9 +Induced Flow,7 +long-term care facilities,7 +Compressor Outlet,6 +Type 1: Canopy First Deployment ,7 +rotor gearbox and allow the pitch angle on the tail rotor,9 +Typical gerotor pumping elements. ,0 +A special hook-like tool used to draw the ,9 +Interpolation ,7 +Record those revealing discrepancies requiring rework or ,9 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +"addition, it permits limited operation of electrical",9 +bzgl. der einzelnen Änderungen vgl. Fußnote),9 +Als juristische Person des Privatrechts im Sinne des § 3 des Ausgleichsleistungsgesetzes gilt auch eine,9 +FotografMstrV),10 +EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +"movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No",1 +Whereas the National Air and Space Museum opened on the Amer-,3 +"Errata as of September 17, 2013 ",7 +confirm the conditions (if any) on which it is given. ,3 +"program. In particular, it shall be verified that terms are used consistently. ",9 +〔昭和五十四年十二月七日通商産業省令第百十三号〕,7 +shall lend his assistance and give support to the provincial,3 +"who has obtained, prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, permission ",3 +"спортивной подготовке, уходу и присмотру за детьми, включая требования к",9 +by slowly opening the valve on the oxygen cylinder all the ,9 +Annex X-III,9 +Nom et prénom ,6 +called the “Basic T”). The ��T” design incorporates,9 +A faulty fuel pump in the center tank may lower the ,3 +特定製品を販売し、又は販売の目的で陳列することができる。,3 +its entirety to the Insular Government until the,9 +engine mounts. A crankcase breather port is located on the ,9 +be reduced or a circuit failure is experienced.,9 +Specific provisions related to insurance ,7 +would meet the power requirements and allow ,9 +combination of several factors. ,9 + Wing Rising After Touchdown,7 +"планируется его размещение, проводятся: уборка территории от мусора,",9 +Application of the Midland Metro Acts ,3 +ard may in its discretion abolish or reduce any fee imposed,9 +fi gures; and,3 +of the contract,3 +when you have not sufficiently studied the approach ,3 +PHENOMENA OF TRANSONIC FLIGHT. ,7 +authority and may not raise any objection for any reason whatsoever. Prior to making any ,3 +Contractor's liability in respect of the contracting authority ,3 +"that may make the wire unique; therefore, an acceptable ",9 +visual flight rules. ,9 +"Article 2(2) to (21) amends Schedule 2 to the 2008 Order which lists military goods, software and ",9 +"details in the illustrations above and below, using stitching specifics outlined in tables 1 and 2. ",3 +"instruction, to include runway identifier and your call sign. ",9 +U.S. Territorial Airspace,7 +国及び地方公共団体は、内水面漁業の振興に関する施策を効果的に実施するた,3 +ROD to fly the desired path would be 600 fpm (120 × 5 ,9 +the increase in airspeed to determine whether or not a power ,9 +Air Traffic Safety Oversight,3 +"during cyclic stressing, the useful ",9 +particular procedures ,9 +№ 1453 (зарегистрирован Министерством юстиции Российской Федерации,9 +Wake Ends/Wake Begins,0 +The Public Service,7 +"relative, friend or person connected to the child) and extend the length of that period from 16 to 24 ",9 +Motor routine 1 ,7 +type of butt joint. The crack should be stop drilled at either ,9 +variometer,9 +"crisps, dried fruit, hot and cold hors d’oeuvres), cocktail dinners (drinks, selection of small ",3 +"Previous safety analyses (e.g., PHAs, System Hazard Analyses or Sub-System Hazard ",3 +"upon carts and sledges used upon the roads in a township, an annual tax of three",9 +Lorsque l',9 +"Ausbildungsordnung und der damit abgestimmte, von der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder",9 +person has ,3 +"it is busy in the summer, and in winter, well cold. A clean, ",9 +Il contraente dovrà fornire per effettuare lavori di saldatura i seguenti documenti: ,3 +Items Requiring AOV Acceptance ,3 +Figure 2-13. ,0 +"Auftragnehmer,",3 +a change in nttitude;to.accommodate ,9 +エックス線管の容器及び照射筒は、利用線錐以外のエックス線量が次に掲げる自,3 +"side of the mountains, identification of orographic storms ",9 +"Piloted reamer, with the end reduced to provide ",3 +UNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL,7 +[1407-7.],9 +技師又は臨床工学技士を有すること。ただし、病院、診療所又は助産所の施設で滅,3 +as close as possible to its original shape.,3 +municipalities,3 +of the tire plies can be repaired when the tire is retreaded. ,9 +on-screen help function is adequate and works in accordance with the requirements and the actual ,9 +for a pilot to be in. Without proper recovery training ,9 +"Please note that since it may take 24 hours before the test result is known, it is advisable to arrive ",3 +working order. Engineers record the flight data and create ,9 +which the tenderer relies to fulfil this selection criterion) will be carried ,8 +Secondary or Auxiliary Control Surfaces ,7 +on low side gauge,8 +in subparagraph (B)— ,9 +Contour Flying Cautions,7 +"hydrocarbon material is evaporated during flashover, leaving ",9 +of the contracting authority and regardless of,9 +disposition du public des ,3 +§ 3 Ermächtigungen,7 +"surface, which automatically moves in the direction opposite ",9 +〔平成二十四年七月十九日政令第百九十三号〕,7 +The above-mentioned person may be subject to rejection from this procedure and to ,9 +there is not enough pressure in the reservoir to force fluid ,9 + A misleading visual image. For the ,9 +Article I-16 ,7 +"September 25, 2002, ",1 +inspected,9 +Effective Aeronautical ,7 +Airport/Runway Information ,7 +glide ratio of 3-feet of lateral movement to 1-foot of the descent is obtained. The rate of descent is ,3 +increase the maintained frequency; ,3 +PROFILE VIEW,7 +considered. ,9 +"Kenntnisse der Materialien für die Satz-, Repro-, Stempel- und Druckplattenherstellung,",3 +§ 5 Ausbildungsplan,7 +der Klasse A1 gemäß Anlage 7 Nummer 2.2.3 der Fahrerlaubnis-Verordnung verwendet werden.,9 +"Manabo, Nagbukel, Nueva Coveta, Peñarrubia, Sallapadan, San Quintin, Tubo,",9 +Technical equipment and Technician (for both onsite and ,7 +water surface may also produce sufficient convection to cause ,9 +85072 Eichstätt,5 +Figure 5-68. ,0 +medical care plan specified by the prefecture of the location of the hospital or ,3 +balloon with an Experimental Airworthiness Certificate ,9 +"the tail rotor blades. This pitch angle can be positive, neg-",9 +"miles visibility. The alternate, Pensacola Regional Airport, ",9 +"above the ground, the rate of descent, and ",9 +the specific self-launching glider.,9 +) AT 15 of 1989. ,1 +Vertragslaufzeit / Termine ,7 +Changing force vectors results in aircraft movement. ,0 +"surface),",9 +Semiconductors,7 +any natural person with the power to represent it or take decisions on its behalf;,3 +Management Letter,7 +Simplified Directional Facility,7 +Seite 12 von 76,4 +"The role of the CAA was to facilitate ATC, certification of ",9 +. — Where a license is issued for the taking of forest,9 +Page 41 of 49 ,4 +Solitamente,3 +"improper routing, insecure mounting, and obvious ",3 +"When a manned aircraft is inbound to a non-towered airport, the standard operating practice is for ",9 +Chapter 5—Preflight and Ground,7 +Europa Webtools should be used for such activities in order to avoid the risks that come with ,9 +Progettazione con calcolo e verifiche strutturali ,9 +displayed in Japanese currency against a certified foreign exchange bank in ,9 +heading source to correct display errors caused by,9 +under any circumstances. ,9 +the fourth B line attachment point. The fifth A and B lines run similarly from the fifth B line ,3 +国為替管理令第十七条第二項の規定により許可を受けた者又は輸出貿易管理令若しく,3 +"including digitised originals if authorised under national law, for a period of five years ",3 +第八による届出書を経済産業大臣に提出しなければならない。,3 +Install steering toggles using recognizedmethods,3 +made of a permanent magnet and two electromagnets. The ,9 +"The Secretary of State makes the following Regulations, in exercise of the powers conferred by ",9 +typical airport environment has a surface roughness length of 0.10 meters. ,9 +II.24 CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +LAND OF WHICH TEMPORARY POSSESSION MAY BE TAKEN ,7 +property or is party to any lease or,9 +pilot’s evasive act or action. Situations where large evasive maneuvers are necessary to,3 +adequate temporary fencing to safeguard trunks and foliage. Large trees shall have suitable screening ,9 +The FWC is concluded for a period of twelve 4 years (12) months with effect from the ,3 +Wohnungswesen oder eine andere von ihm bestimmte Stelle für Flüge im deutschen Luftraum untersagt werden.,9 +"To compensate for wind drift at altitude, crab the ",0 +Adobe Acrobat,8 +least 400 feet above DER elevation. ,9 +No errors occur during the installation procedure. ,3 +の他の措置を講ずるものとする。,3 +to eliminate the wheel from rotating and dropping the heavy ,9 +AUTOROTATION IN FORWARD FLIGHT,7 +engine fuel flow ,9 +Lesson Plans ,7 +§ 2 Zulassungsvoraussetzungen,7 +parachutes. There are three standards that have been used ,9 +der Klasse AM (2 Doppelstunden),7 +"the switch’s preset activation point. Normally, closed pressure ",0 +Adiabatic change.,9 +made of solid extruded aluminum or aluminum extrusions ,9 +runway just prior to touchdown so that the glider touches ,9 + See Vertical Speed Indicator.,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of July 31, 2015] ",7 +"Arten und Eigenschaften zu verarbeitender Gewürze, Zutaten und Zusatzstoffe unterscheiden und",3 +Page 3 de 6 ,4 +and obvious defects; engine mount and vibration ,3 +(wie Aufforderung zur Angebotsabgabe) ,9 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +"The distribution chamber shall be designed, constructed and equipped regarding the requirements set ",9 +(See ICAO term CONTROL AREA.) ,9 +certified inspection body pertaining to Additional Special Specified Products ,3 +through which the fluid is returned to the reservoir.,9 +Opening of tenders ,7 +power setting could simply maintain altitude ,9 +内水面における漁場環境の再生に関する基本的事項,3 +Commande par une personne formée et titulaire d'une attestation en cours de validité ,3 +repair and/or rebalance before use.,3 +Steepest Bank,6 +assist the pilot in effecting touchdown at the ,9 +"Auftragsabwicklungsprozesse planen, organisieren und überwachen,",3 +and slows down the opening. While other methods have been ,9 +〔昭和五十八年七月三十日通商産業省令第三十九号〕,7 +quality award criteria thresholds / daily rate offered for offer under evaluation,3 +"Slider. The slider, used for reefing, is made of Type I nylon, is dome shaped, and measures 27 ",3 + for that region by election or in such other manner ,3 +Communication and promotion (online newsroom and social media support) ,7 +in the fight against FMD. ,3 +power and to aid in cooling the engine cylinders. The power ,9 +Economic Development. ,3 + Navigation Instruments ,7 +"Miami Intl. Airport, FL",9 +§ 8 Teil 2 der Abschlussprüfung in der Fachrichtung Instandhaltungstechnik,7 +гражданства,9 +"Besteht Anlass zu der Annahme, dass ein Fahrzeug nicht vorschriftsmäßig nach dieser Verordnung,",9 +the first stage turbine inlet guide vanes. ,9 +contracting authority to implement the programme or project announced. ,9 +Common Errors,7 +Qualifications for membership of ,7 +"B equipment, radar altimeters,",9 +and obvious defects; engine mount and vibration ,3 +"an agreement to adopt made under section 104 (agreements to adopt sewer, drain or ",3 +Repair Material Selection,7 +the following paragraph through paragraph (4) of the Supplementary ,3 +§ 22a Abweichendes Verfahren bei Elektronischem Prüfauftrag und Vorläufigem Nachweis der,7 +Allowable power loss (I2 R loss) in the line represents ,3 +“glide path” means that portion of the glide slope that,9 +Figure 13-11. ,0 +an OF/SC within,8 +"possibility of delay and diversion, and involve them ",3 +Übersicht über forstliche Herkunftsgebiete,7 +"use by aircraft with RNAV capability, subject to any",9 +"learning center, or to join the FAASTeam, visit their website ",9 +Award criteria ,7 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 2 ",7 +"activity. (Rehearsal, testing etc.); ",3 +with an emergency. Advises ATC as soon as possible,9 +The e-Submission ID of the tender can be found on the left-hand side of the screen of the tender in e-,1 +") 2005 c. 15. Chapter 1 of Part 2 has been amended by the Terrorism Act 2006 (c. 11), section 33(2) to (4); the Northern ",1 +of any apparatus; or ,3 +DEPARTURE TIME,6 +uncoordinated use,3 +Contractor or Contractor’s national partner to brief photographer including objectives ,3 +decreasing the throttle. This causes a split of the,9 +Repair Material Selection,7 +contract is awarded for the duration of the contract. ,9 +Role of the Database Provider ,7 +or both that may occur in the horizontal or vertical plane.,9 +Central Bank for its main refinancing operations in euros (the reference rate) plus eight ,9 +Article 2 - ,7 +TECHNICAL MANUAL ,7 +being used in Alaska and one other that is located off ,9 +and operation; hydraulic lines for leakage; electrical ,3 +"Option 1: salvage method. With this method, the ",3 +Project team ,7 +"A long, flat bar of metal or wood used in the ",9 +PRELIMINARY,7 +"Das Fahrzeug darf nur zugelassen werden, wenn durch Vorlage einer Versicherungsbestätigung im Sinne",3 +"reduce fuel flow, lowering angle of attack and ",9 +Financial Results,7 +"Thus, a high-voltage is supplied to arc across a wide igniter ",9 +and is also the speed that will result in a minimum sink rate in a power-off glide.,0 +Fixed Assets Register Not Updated Residual Values ,7 +speed (speed of sound). Most reduction gear assemblies use ,9 +Castle nuts,6 +Motor-converter assembly,6 +V$_{2}$+20 minimum,6 +"higher elevation airports, that procedure may not be an ",9 +第四号において「外国向け仮陸揚げ貨物」という。)を輸出しようとするとき(別,3 +supply a combustible mixture for the leanest cylinder. If fuel ,9 +information and final approach guidance during PAR ,9 +make alternate travel plans. ,9 +Section 7 ,9 +wenn die abgestrahlte Leistung den Wert von 24 dBW nicht überschreitet.,3 +analysis of the questions raised,9 +connectivity,9 +best use of the video clip. ,3 +"brake is set for a 90° bend, the metal bent probably forms ",9 +sound financial management,3 +prohibition in regulation 9(2) (confidentiality) or any prohibition in Part 3 (Finance) or Part ,9 +"In the fixed shaft constant-speed engine, the engine rpm ",9 +Sequenced to the primary airport.,9 +refers the user to the appropriate VFR Terminal Area Chart.,9 +A normally open pressure switch positioned in an ,0 +insert title and number,7 +proje~ted.-Total ,3 +"Loaded aircraft moment/1,000 (kg-mm)",6 +Figure 10-53. ,0 +compliance and any expenditure reasonably incurred by the Agency in so doing is recoverable ,9 +[Figure 1-63A],9 +disrespect toward his superior off,9 +"prescribed in Article 17, paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign ",3 +Duration of the contract ,7 +Capabilities.,7 + Center of Gravity (CG),7 +model the dispersion of the emissions. This additional information includes the following: ,9 +§ 2 Erwerbsmöglichkeit des Pächters landwirtschaftlicher Flächen,7 +U.S. Territorial Airspace,7 +Should the surface of excavations at foundation level become deteriorated through any cause whatso-,9 + A smooth landing is of great ,9 +FAA Publications ,7 +cooling is supplied from the constant speed drive assembly ,9 +in the event the banner does not release and snags an object. The pilot would then ,3 +Fahrzeug; ,8 +"отдельные помещения или палатки не более, чем на 3 места, совместное",9 +the ground references.,3 +"a loose nozzle, clogged vent hole on the supply cup, ",3 +"contamination, and availability of aircraft ",3 +"extended final approach course similar to ILS, the",9 +ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ,7 +enforcement of the Act and this Cabinet Order. ,3 +"Inspect propeller for splits and chips. If any damage, ",3 +Evaluation phase (after the opening of tenders) ,9 +Tender data.,7 +develops and becomes ,9 +"regulation 3, 5 or 6 of the Children (Private Arrangements for Fostering) Regulations 2005 ",9 +"Where the context so permits, words in the singular shall be deemed to include the plural ",3 +maintain with the initial heading.,9 +§ 5 Lehrfahrzeuge für Fahrschüler,7 +substitute “Territory”. ,3 +Protect persons and property in the air or on the surface ,3 +District of Aylesbury ,8 +providing the services resulting from the replacement of ,9 +Loss of orientation.,3 +navigation. No design standard of accuracy or,9 +Information Datenschutz ,7 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +consumption and the lowest values of c are ob- ,9 +Lockbolt Removal,7 +"Since formats are not standardized, simply moving from one ",9 +"On the other hand, thin, swept ",9 +Histotoxic Hypoxia,7 +"R-Shiny for creating interactive visualisations, ",3 +"misdemeanors, and violations of ordinances, and have the necessary informations",9 +"Sectional Aeronautical, TAC, and Helicopter Route",9 +The oath of each member shall be recorded by the secretary of the board in,9 +"the proper amount of wind correction. More importantly, ",9 +"Upon expiry of the warranty period, or where there is more than one such period, upon ",3 +conversion,9 +"aircraft, ultralights, helicopters, light sport, and ",9 +to be driven in “T” condition,6 +The key discovery that “lift” could be created by passing ,9 +process is illustrated in figure 5.2. The vec- ,9 +§ 3 Abschlusszahlungen für 2015,7 +Fuel Selectors ,7 +II.20.3. Umrechnung ,7 +"terrestrial radiation. During the day, insolation exceeds ",9 +PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR 2020 ,7 +第一号の報告に係る法第六条の十六第一項第一号の規定による整理及び分析結果,3 +[Figure 2-5],9 +территорией контейнерных площадках жилой застройки.,9 +nose must be yawed in the opposite direction by applying ,9 +is used to release the uplocks and allow the gear to free fall. ,9 +Philippine Health Service,7 +LEVEL FLIGHT,7 +Axes of rotation..............................................................6-3,8 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 01.08.2002,9 +Emphasizing the positive,6 +"clearance should be minimum, and the ACC system sprays ",9 +Electron Control Valves,7 +of pay received from the employing office. ,9 +Risk Management Training for Experienced Pilots ,7 +"When none of these services is available, it is possible ",9 +Visibility.,3 +MEL. Such conditional requirements may be of an operational ,9 +Bureau of Civil Service,7 +Exciter-to-igniter plug cable (2 locations),6 +FMS/RNAV Pages on the MFD,8 +§ 93a (weggefallen),7 +an approach is considered by the pilot to be a safer,9 +the Engineer's and Contractor's personnel. ,9 +"issues are detected,",9 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of December 28, 1994. ",3 +第一条の十一第一項各号及び第九条の二十五各号に掲げる体制を確保すること。,3 +Blocks of Learning ,7 +continuously scan from outside to inside to view the flight ,9 +"contracting authority shall recover from the contractor the extra costs, if any, of providing ",3 +maintenance.,3 +"hours before the scheduled start of the opening session, the full name and e-mail address of ",9 +Contractor’s national partner to adapt/translate the quiz and to produce it. This means finding a ,3 +EVALUATION AND AWARD ,7 +Chapter 21—Gyroplane Emergencies,7 +already publicly,9 +" 3"" Type-4 Webbing.",0 +guidance on,9 +instruments are installed in the middle with the portable ,9 +"spar and the cap strips (extrusions, formed angles, or milled ",9 +"14,47 – 14,5 GHz,",9 +dem Reeder oder Ausrüster eines im Schiffsregister eingetragenen Seeschiffes auf seinen Antrag für einen,9 +Adjusting nut,6 +and ice or water on the ,9 + J . Demonstrations (continued),7 +even crack the canopy glass.,9 +Control (ATC) facilities along the established air routes. ,9 +Check Valves,7 +§ 1 Anwendungsbereich,7 +[2035-2.],9 +de minimis ,3 +is not to be treated as a member of the Authority for any purpose.”. ,3 + are documents: ,3 +L'élévateur est utilisé conformément aux instructions et directives telles que figurant ,3 +maneuver may be from any point. When entering the ,9 +meteorological conditions (IMC).,9 +"it available to contractors or subcontractors acting on behalf of the contracting authority, ",3 +Professional experience in Cybersecurity ,3 + A special container used to store liquid oxygen ,9 +HEADING CONTROL,7 +Initiate the Request for a New Waiver or Waiver Renewal ,3 +Urteile und andere Entscheidungen,7 +notification stating the following matters in advance: ,3 + if applicable ,3 +"pilot. Some of the options are the 45° procedure turn, the ",9 +airport or terminal area. It may be included in a ,9 +distraint shall proceed as follows: Upon the failure of the person owing any,9 +the time of the stopping up or diversion was in that highway ,9 +but observed or expected weather conditions ,3 +Figure 10-19. ,0 +assessing the total number of listeners,9 +"helicopters, other than smaller piston powered",9 +Pricing Model Details ,7 +行义务,并可以顺延履行期限;定作人逾期不履行的,承揽人可以解除合同。 ,9 +"conclusions ne lient pas les parties, qui se réservent le droit de porter le litige devant les tribunaux, ",9 +II.6. LIABILITY ,7 +system. Mixing air-conditioned air with bleed air in a duct ,9 +and specific versions of software lifecycle data are provided in the SCI. ,3 +airflow. The outer ribs and alternating ribs through the canopy (eight) have load distributing ,3 +airlines. This system identifies traffic in a 35–40 mile range ,9 +power available would create an excess of ,9 +tank for a proper measurement and recheck oil level before ,9 +"damage or interruption to the extent that it is attributable to the act, neglect or default of an ",9 +VOR Minimum Operational Network (MON) Airports Designator,7 +of the remedial action taken by the contractor to ensure full compliance with its ,3 +be configured to ensure the fuel is vented regardless of the ,9 +"Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin",9 +of the carriage. Engage the parking brake and chock the back ,9 +The reserve parachute-closing loop will be replaced at each reserve ,9 +"from engine housing are sources of some noise, but the noise ",9 +〔昭和五十五年十月十一日政令第二百六十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +Landing—Stuck Left Pedal,7 +will be published on the,9 +Turbocharge nozzle,6 +des Bundesbesoldungsgesetzes.,9 +agencies—the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) ,9 +unthread the webbing from the leg adapter. If the leg ,3 +Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 68 V v. 9.12.2019 I 2153,9 +Principal powers ,7 +An inoperative air condition (A/C) pack might restrict ,3 +The following procedure is typical of many current 1-pin ,9 +ignated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement ,9 + Roll Stability Summary,7 +Step 4—Assemble and Evaluate,7 +"3,700 inspectors located in its FSDO offices. All questions ",9 +" Access to SAS and SAS Data integration software, ",3 +"the round out, the airspeed is decreased to touchdown ",9 +il periodo,9 +at the end of the FWC666 the contractor hands over the product(s) in its scope to ,3 +discuss SMS considerations for inclusion in the PIR Strategy during an SSM.,9 +109. Public Service Commission,7 +coefficient. This feature is especially true of ,9 +commissioner may speak at that meeting but— ,9 +"$^{7}$/$_{16}$-inch open-end wrench, tighten barrel nut on connector links ¼ turn past hand tight. ",3 +The alarm must sound at a volume which— ,9 +RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION,7 +This custom made test station was purchased in 2013. Testing electrolysis stacks at kW scale ,9 +the condition of ea,9 +Gives an indication of an engine fire,3 +"2, Aerodynamics of Flight, discusses translational lift with ",9 +MAIN PILOT CHUTE BRIDLE LINE OR DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +– Eignung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Fahrens motorisierter Zweiräder,3 +Dry type transformers ,7 +"eine Bescheinigung der Stelle, welche die frühere Fahrerlaubnis im betreffenden Staat erteilt hatte, bei der nach",9 +"S. 2407) geändert worden ist, verordnet das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung nach Anhörung",9 +"through the center of, and perpen-",9 +authority terminates the contract without prejudice to any liability thereunder that may ,3 +] delivered as part of the Framework contract ,7 +The speed and direction of,9 +Form 1: Candidate/tenderer general information,7 +) (“the 2014 Act”). ,9 +"Airspace and airport improvements,",3 +Do not locate conduit where it can be used as a ,3 +〔昭和四十八年八月二十七日政令第二百四十四号〕〔抄〕,7 +—Defense Communications Agency ,9 +проводится в зале.,9 +"With regard to export of goods conducted, as approved or permitted, by a ",3 +tested from source to ,3 +"Then, make a normal touchdown. If a pilot lifts off and allows ",9 +§ 5 Inkrafttreten,7 +"Angaben zur theoretischen Prüfung,",3 +"März 2021 (BGBl. I S. 370) geändert worden ist""",9 +des mobilen Flugfunkdienstes (R) über Satelliten genießen keinen Schutz vor Störungen durch,3 +"positions, are:",9 +PowerGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +"(e.g., “Camden Ridge MOA”). ",9 +Reattach the bottom of the pilot chute to the spring ,3 +by those responsible :for the mistakes. ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 77 of April 10, 1954] ",7 +"best course of action. Once risks are identified, they must be ",9 +Address additional rulings made by the approval authority and any deviations from the ,3 +‘‘(i) that is in another office (excluding the Office ,9 +PRIMARY ACTUATION DEVICE/RIPCORD TEST:,7 +unique and pronounceable. Pilots must be careful of ,9 +Recognizing Interference or Spoofing,7 +TOGETHER WITH A LEGIBLE PHOTOCOPY OF THE IDENTITY DOCUMENT,7 +Flaperons,6 +"the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness (e.g. the price proposed by the ",3 +NAVWEPS DO-ROT-80 ,7 +"personal inspection wherever possible, or from reports which he may require from",9 +Setting the maximum range of travel of the various ,3 +the Secretary of State; ,3 +persons must operate their aircraft under IFR. (See,9 +in which a core material is bonded between face sheets of ,9 +Distance to planned destination,3 +the flight plan. This approach path is computed from the ,9 +Vision Under Dim and Bright Illumination,7 +altre lingue; ,3 +GLYPH<0>H,6 +"insurance and/or bonding company, an irrevocable letter of credit or a cash deposit made with the ",3 +"Der Auftragnehmer ist verpflichtet, sich zusätzlich zu den Angaben des Auftraggebers vor Baubeginn ",9 +prescribing the means and precautions to be employed on land or in,3 +measured on the chart is known as the true course (TC). This ,9 +Useful lift (load).,9 +Coordinating Calculations with Aeronautical ,7 +Stellung nehmen ,3 +the final approach fix (FAF) on the side away from the ,9 +but the carriage can be a large factor also. If the area in front ,9 +"Dezember 2014 der 30. Juni 2015 tritt,",3 +Analyzing Procedures ,7 +the financial guarantee is provided by a bank or a financial institution approved by the ,3 +Subject: what is this call for tenders about? ,7 +In paragraph (3)(a)(ii) “a place at which they intend to self-isolate while in England” ,9 +consists of a surface area and two or more layers,9 +Emergency stop ,3 +Anforderungen zur Begrenzung der Wärmeabgabe von neuen Wärmeverteilungs-,7 +Propeller Gearbox,7 +108. Power to specify qualifications for certain offices ,7 +"Mar. 24, 2021 ",9 +FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT-,7 +"sensors, overheat switches, and check valves are also common. ",9 +other related materials and services. ,3 +"imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or both.",9 +Abschnitt IV,7 +It handles the following output: ,3 +項の規定による許可に関する事務,3 +"TCP/IP, DHCP, DDNS, DNS, PPPoE, UPNP, NTP, ",8 +demonstrate experience in social media strategy and campaigns. ,3 +"this discussion, we will concentrate on the six basic",9 +acquired— ,9 +pcs of electrical set with bag including full of set etc. ,3 +of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5306): ,9 +Forward Slip,7 +tion for GPS receivers used for IFR and VFR,9 +readjust the throttle to keep engine r.p.m. above ,9 +remembering,9 +"if cruising altitude is 7,000 feet and you want to get down ",9 +"Disorientation on the localizer course, due to the first ",3 +wing and control surfaces. Usually made of aluminum and ,9 +illustrated in the curve shown in ,9 +experience and proficiency or competency check,9 +Criterion 5.3.3.b): Manpower. ,7 +"sources. While all OpSpecs are individually tailored, most ",9 +misunderstandings and ensure that instructions were given to ,9 +admitted to free entry; but dutiable merchandise imported and afterwards exported,9 +airspace that is designated to serve a variety of,9 +Formalities Incident to Payment to Beneficiary,9 +"developers and system integrators, for example, to assess progress of a particular product (i.e. ",9 +(berufliche Interessen; Berufswahlmotive; berufsbezogene,8 +Holding in Lieu of Procedure Turn,7 +本邦に来遊した外国の元首及びその家族並びにその従者に属する貨物,3 +The documents which have to accompany the delivery include: ,3 +"said that the cabin altitude is 8,000 feet (MSL). ",3 +Lower Leg Strap Shortening,7 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 + Pre-conditions for the verification of the process performance ,7 +"show the anticipated base, while figures above the line show ",9 +"boundary layer control, high ",9 +Metal Versus Plastic Fuel Containers ,7 +PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ,7 +Abschnitt IV,7 +§ 10 Übergangsregelung,7 +Facilities for Staff and Labor ,7 +Exclusion criteria documentation ,7 +Transitional provision ,7 + Carriage Moments,7 +The first step is to calculate the amount a person would have received had they been entitled ,9 +(Propeller),6 +activities within Lake Lothing to— ,3 + Pressure produced when a moving fluid is ,9 +Resulting IPR:,7 +other balloons) and to be clear of any possible spectator ,9 +participation,9 +the construction of a mooring within Lake Lothing; ,3 +"Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau), in addition to ",3 +the induced power required is one-half the ,9 +accordance with Article I.8 of the FWC. ,3 +or - with regard to the ,3 +any person who is a member,6 +The prevailing wind can be altered by obstructions on ,9 +"HMRC, 100 Parliament Street, London, SW1A 2BQ. ",1 +§ 2 Meisterprüfungsberufsbild,7 +§ 14 Sorgfaltspflichten bei bestehenden Konten von Rechtsträgern,7 +The order establishes the NEPA ,3 +conducted. The training must be obtained from an,9 +", in accordance with Article II-18 (“Force Majeure”) above. ",3 +test report shall be approved,9 +"it comes to fall under Article 12-3, item (i) or (iii); ",3 +Assembling the Reserve System,7 +capable of retaining information for only a very short period of time and within seconds the relevant information is passed to the ,9 +are the members for the time being of the West Northamptonshire councils and the ,9 +"either two or four lights, normally installed on the left ",9 +emerging technologies like the ones listed in Section 4 above. ,3 +length unless otherwise specified elsewhere. In piles exceeding 12 m in length joints will be permitted ,9 +Kostenermittlung und Umlagepflicht im Aufgabenbereich Banken und sonstige,3 +ensure the protection of such ,3 +Catching Errors: Using the FMS Flight Planning ,7 +bezeichneten Daten zur Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung und das Ende des Versicherungsverhältnisses,9 +a pilot is expected to understand the difference between ,9 +implementation dates in the NextGen Safety Portfolio; and,3 +for the stretching of the inside flange.,9 +"ever, why, even with proper data and theory discrepancies will•exist ",9 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of June 6, 1960. ",3 +SRM: Proactive and Reactive Hazard and Risk Reduction ,7 +Emissions Mitigation and Offsetting ,7 +country’s lack of natural barriers such as mountain ranges and permanent water ,9 +Apollo 11 Command Module Pilot Michael Collins; ,3 +"same applies in this paragraph, Article 5 of the Supplementary Provisions and ",3 +LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ,7 +awarded the contract.,9 +BOTTOM SKIN,7 +With the increase in the quantity and,9 +insert name of the signatory of this form,9 +stated by the controller.,9 +Work No. 1C ,3 +"aircraft would be operated at the speed ,for ",9 +Feinbleche durch Umformen fügen,8 +precision approach. ,9 +for onsite activities) ,7 +Surface water drainage ,7 +Mustafa ERDOĞAN - Project Manager ,6 +"contracting authority’),",9 +"but not the other half. In this manner, it creates a pulsating ",9 +"Article 30-13, paragraph (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as ""functional ",3 +Note: Temporary MOAs are not charted. ,9 +0015 00-8 ,4 +work to be performed. The High-Level Maintenance Plan focuses on the key areas to work ,9 +For supporting data reporting EFSA will provide a tool to the data providers to map ,9 +"As skydiving and the sport parachute industry has grown, ",9 +Tire Repair and Retreading,7 +"Schedule No 8: Roads, Landscaping and Fences",7 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 +If the clearance limit is not a fix from which an ,3 +PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal ,7 +Functioning of,9 +"SAS and R for data analysis, ",3 +"suction for the gyros, which is sufficient to hold the boots ",9 +possible to select between some predefined standard overload trip curves. The trip curves shall be selectable ,9 +TATISTIQUE CONCERNANT LES ,7 +provided and this line shall be connected to treated effluent discharge line. The bypass of this unit ,9 +AGRO-CLIMATIC CONDITIONS,10 +The moment a ski or any other part of the skiplane,9 +Type of aircraft.,3 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +"and DME equipment, and ELTs.",9 +A situation to consider: a pilot is called early in the morning ,9 +shears for cutting thicker metals. ,9 +broadcasts its GPS‑derived position and other information ,9 +告本单位负责人。 ,9 +bifida.’’. ,9 +Pack square reserve in Javelin-type free bag (molar),3 +the assessed degree of permanent disablement of the applicant; ,3 +PIR Report ,3 +§ 4 Ausbildungsrahmenplan,7 +[Figure 4-61],9 +Aerodynamics of Flight,7 +Capabilities.,7 +Security requirements for ECHA,7 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 +separation and sequencing of VFR aircraft will be,9 +"This list shall include the names of the participants, the organisations represented by the ",3 +"Comments regarding this publication should be sent, in email form, to the following address:",9 +"activities, it is strongly recommended that: ",9 +– Situations of exclusion concerning the person,7 + Navigation Instruments ,7 +"on unprotected areas, even with proper use of anti-ice and ",9 +"means that the pitch angle was increased too rapidly, resulting ",9 +Associative Stage ,7 +all statutes passed b,9 +Aircraft with alternating current (AC) electrical power ,9 +less by ten per centum than by ,9 +"Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare of the following matters at least two ",3 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 6),7 +"are based on an airport’s current infrastructure, as well as ",9 +Wire Size Selection,7 +The contracting authority shall co-operate with the contractor to provide information that ,3 +Testing and commissioning ,7 +"handle, releasing the glider and regaining control. As a rule ",9 +elevator pressure. Since the airplane is already close to ,9 +"tained near altitudes of 25,ooO to 3900 ",9 +Figure 9-30. ,0 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +"the SVS. With SVS, the synthetic terrain/vision image is ",9 +"In the co-bonding process, one of the detail parts is precured ",9 +"the natural horizon cannot be established and/or maintained, ",9 +"Citation, commencement and extent ",7 +equipped aircraft comes within an approximately 25‑second ,9 +further declare that I have,9 +whose systems have been impaired is often subject to limitations ,9 +Private fostering: notifications ,7 +Although the frequency in use or other,9 +Supplying,9 +Minimum requirements for the organisation of awareness-raising support to ,7 +本邦に来遊した外国の元首及びその家族並びにその従者に属する貨物,3 +Conversions,7 +the separate digits of the thousands plus the hundreds,3 +Closed Helideck Marking ,0 +Approving the scope of NextGen safety assessments conducted in the pre-investment,3 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of September 1, 1973. ",3 +II.7. CONFLICT ,7 +Anlage 2.1 (zu § 4),7 +the WSC aircraft and the airplane will fly around the pattern ,9 +Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI),7 +"Equestrian Jumping – Wellington, Heckfield ",9 + (ss 57-94),7 +If you are considering the purchase of an aircraft ,9 +Section 1. General,7 +paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Act (Act No. ,3 +"arrow), or staying stationary, then the balloon is on a descent ",9 +aircraft are equipped with lights and some pilots may,9 +"aircraft moves through the air, is not affected by air motion. ",0 +〔昭和四十八年十月一日政令第二百九十一号〕,7 +Contractor ,3 +Article 34 - ,7 +別表第二(第二条、第四条、第十二条関係),7 +"should pay a compensation, and provide for assessin",9 +Invoices must contain the contractor’s (or leader’s in the case of a joint tender) identification ,9 +(AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) ,7 +NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH ,7 +and 8(1) of Schedule 11.,1 +Thus; the turboprop as well as the turbojet has ,9 +cylinder failure. It is essential that cylinder compression tests ,9 +the clipboard indicates the VOR system has been checked ,9 +contracting,3 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +"ATC, in all forms, is responsible for issuing clearances ",9 +"Planung der Betriebsentwicklung, Wirtschaftsplanerstellung und -vollzug, Investition und Finanzierung,",3 +Serve as a means of relating the lesson to the objectives ,3 +"the aircraft to proceed to destination airport, descend, ",9 +§ 1 Stammzertifikate,7 +assigning a person who performs affairs related to the committee ,3 +"operation manual set forth in (b), and in the case of a hospital, etc. which ",3 +Checklist.,9 +"information relative to the nearest airport by using the PFD, ",9 +"Juni 2014 tritt, an Stelle des in Abschnitt IV Unterabschnitt E Nummer 1 genannten 31. Dezember 2015",3 +Assistant,9 +I.14.3 Liability for alleged breach of intellectual property rights ,7 +reduce the power as the seaplane is eased over onto the,9 +Hung start. ,9 +"be caused by alcohol and other drugs, such as narcotics and ",9 +"into account current activities and projects, and based on previous research on campaign-",9 +ADEMPIMENTO DELLE NORME DI SICUREZZA,7 +items were not included in the instructor’s plan does not prevent them from influencing the learning situation.$_{ }$,9 +Open and Closed Bends,7 +NEED MECHANICAL HELP,6 +Registerzeichen (bei Mischung nach § 3 Abs. 2: Registerzeichen aller in die Mischung eingegangenen,3 +"line. If the conductor is insulated, the heat generated ",3 +become more sensitive. The width of the final,9 +Communication/Broadcast Procedures ,7 +〔平成十四年十二月六日政令第三百六十三号〕〔抄〕,7 +the penetrant clearly identifies the flaw. Certain models of ,9 +with the above mentioned documents.,9 +that personnel taking part in the implementation of IPA II assistance and members of their im-,3 +A quantitative or mathematical representation or simulation which attempts to describe ,9 +"material, and (ii) wind erosion of the piles, respectively. ",9 +Forward slip. ,9 +enthaltenen tierschutzrechtlichen Vorgaben und deren Einhaltung nachzuweisen.,9 +Numbering and Frame of Sections,9 +§ 24a (weggefallen),7 +"(hereinafter referred to as the ""Act"") (including a notification of change as set ",3 +$^{PILO}$T,6 +period shall be 365 days. The warranty period shall commence on the date of provisional ,3 +L FUEL CONTROL R,6 +information to troubleshoot the problem: ,9 +airflow and manifold pressure. A large accumulation of ice ,9 +"NiCd batteries and vice versa. However, batteries that are ",9 +"further notices of entry), 11B(",9 +cyclic forward or aft causes the,9 +"be joined are cut in a long taper, normally about 12:1, and ",9 +The bilge water level detectors and associated alarms required by this regulation must be ,9 +Compliance ,3 +The conditions under which prohibited drugs may be transferred,3 +to advise ATC upon receipt of their approach clearance. ,9 +Common Errors,7 +"used in lieu of the OM. Additionally, whenever the",9 +"“Remarks... density altitude, two thousand five hundred ...",9 +Communication and promotion (online newsroom and social media support) ,7 +Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System,7 +used in gas turbine aircraft engines are centrifugal flow and ,9 +I.1.2. Currency ,7 +"In coordinated flight, the heading indicator gives an",9 +"Nevertheless, it is always a good idea to be familiar with ",9 +"to as high as 1,500 feet above ground level (AGL). Pilots ",9 +"materials, or other dangerous articles carried.",9 +List of Figures ,7 +Overvoltage protector. ,9 +FMD CONTROL MEASURES,7 +AIRSPACE INFORMATION,7 +limited to ground use only. ,9 +Normal Takeoff from the Surface,7 +deliverables ,8 +preceding two items. ,3 +in the direction of rotation from the point where the force ,9 +络数据,或者向境外提供网络数据的,由有关主管部门责令改正,给予警告,没收违法所,9 +include mechanisms to make this available to the consuming systems of the data ,3 +additional qualifying positions under such subsection if the indi-,9 +equipped.,9 +Services (hereafter ,9 +Two defining elements of risk management are hazard and risk.,9 +P erformance CM’I’CUJteristics ,9 +when basic principles ,9 +SRM: Proactive and Reactive Hazard and Risk Reduction ,7 +Reduction gearbox. ,0 +"cycles, questions concerning the latest or most",9 +important for a pilot to remember that the parachute ,9 +"vom 31. August 2015 (BGBl. I S. 1474) geändert worden ist, verordnet das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und",9 +Reciprocating Engine Exhaust Systems,7 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +"assessment process, its philosophy is easily understood outside of the technical realm of ",9 +can help a pilot decide whether a flight should be conducted ,9 +91.225 are met. Included among these requirements,9 +Acquisition of land ,7 +Paraguay ,9 +The purpose of the Fund is to allow losses made by Government ,9 +tangular course helps you to develop a recognition of a,9 +APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY-,7 +"change in the fuel/air ratio. Essentially, it is a valve that is ",9 +in the United states,7 +"Milagros, Pilar, Prieto Diaz, San Fernando, San Jacinto, San Pascual, Santa",9 +" message, or cannot communicate with the",9 +Engine Oil Temperature Indicator,7 +"understand this relationship, consider an ex- ",9 +Updated text ,7 +Figure 16-55. ,0 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 3 of January 25, 1973]",7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 189 of April 1, 2016] ",7 +Lockbolt Removal,7 +All cases of granted remote access shall be documented and the documentation maintained.,9 +"omit the “and” after sub-paragraph (a), and ",3 +contract management of the FWC666. It mainly relates to the management of the FWC666 ,9 +appropriate ,3 +. This type has a sealed bellows located in an ,9 +sident in respect of legal proceedings,7 +"If the head of the yaw string is to the right of the tail, then ",9 +Insurance – Specific issues ,3 +technique. The quantitative differences between the ,9 +"rigger, but of equal importance is the repair and maintenance ",9 +(INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) ,7 +Three Glass Cylinder (1 Litre) ,3 +to another under certain conditions to be established during the execution of the ,3 +"There are various ways of attaching turbine blades, some ",9 +Flight Instrument Malfunctions,7 +provision of services). ,3 +"duration, ",8 +predicted to penetrate the no transgression zone ,9 +FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ,7 + See National Aeronautical Charting Group.,9 +Sensory Memory ,7 +"shall be unlawful for any city officer, directly or indirectly, individually or as a",9 +"Ministry portfolio making 38%, and tertiary education fees with 51% of ",9 +pauses any enforcement action such as serving a notice of intention to seek possession of the ,9 +Further requirements for the use of applications and online tools,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 108 of April 25, 1960] ",7 +must be appointed from its own members.”. ,9 +““Special gun-mountings”;”. ,9 +less height than the primary swell.,9 +System alarm......................................................................................................................... 109,8 +the Earth’s field is too small to align the compass which ,9 +of the wing at the keel of a WSC and a line parallel to the ,9 +"high tide, and a third line parallel with the general coast line and",3 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ,7 +negotiate an arrangement in good faith. ,9 +Damage Removal,7 +An FID requires a final ISPD. The PO must update the ISPD as necessary before the FID.,9 +(for onsite ,7 +not be endangered thereby.,9 +"hemoglobin, the actual blood molecule that transports ",9 +fuel is injected into the air downstream from the carburetor. ,9 +"airfoil section, a certain angle must exist be- ",9 +"flaps. Flaps are secondary control surfaces on most wings, ",9 +第九条の十九第一項に規定する委員会の開催の実績,3 +Wastewater system ,7 +such conditions. ,9 +DÉFINITIONS ,7 +"For small holes, turn the mesh inside out and zigzag ",3 +"payment, as provided for in Article I.5 or in the tender specifications.",9 +capacitor discharges the remainder of its accumulated energy ,9 +Elaboration of a social media communication plan ,7 +registration number,7 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +"(or if you simply wish to fly IFR to remain proficient), but ",9 +"The maximum speed at which full, ",9 +Cold Cylinder Check,7 +Throttle System,7 +Spring-Back,7 +the overall frame of governance in order to understand the larger context ,3 +subscriptions. These publications are:,9 +"parachute. Prior to flight, assess your fitness as well ",9 +needles. The flags show when an unstable signal or receiver ,9 +to a fuel control and/or electronic engine computer that ,9 +should avoid exposing them to any bright white light that ,9 +Aircraft pressurization systems incorporate various features ,9 +facts. One explanation is repetition; people tend to remember things the more they are rehearsed. Information also ends up in LTM ,9 + Turbulent air causes the needle to ,9 +capacities are required (i.e. the latter will assume the role of subcontractors). ,9 +Social Media Communication Plan ,7 +Betäubung durch das Narkosegerät oder ab dem Zeitpunkt der Komplikation drei Jahre aufzubewahren und,9 +air through a mixed exhaust nozzle. This type engine ,3 +独立行政法人通則法(平成十一年法律第百三号)第二条第一項に規定する独立行,3 +feet above the elevation of the antenna site. ,9 +when you have not sufficiently studied the approach ,3 +"All decrees, laws, acts, parts of acts, Rules of Court, executive orders, and administrative regulations",9 +(Speed) 190,8 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +"Mindestalter,",3 +The period of execution of the Assignment may be extended only by,3 +"Court Services Act 2000 (c. 43), as required under section 62(2B) of that Act.",9 +Figure 1-4 ,9 +Please print/upload,7 +is used to make changes to the pitch angle of all the main ,9 +Clerk of the Privy Council ,9 +"digits for hundreds of feet. If not known, use UNKN: /FL095, /FL310, /FLUNKN. ",8 +Special Shape Balloons,7 +〔昭和六十一年五月三十日通商産業省令第二十五号〕,7 +Final ISPD ,7 +Conduct the Review ,7 +Turbine Oil Filters,7 +Auftraggeber unterschreibt ein Abnahmeprotokoll der Planungsunterlage spätestens ,3 +personnel. This declaration is after the capability is successfully installed and checked out at the site and site,1 +"southward at 20 knots, the aircraft at the end of 1 hour is ",9 +"When this is the case, these issues fall within the scope of the SMS. The PO must consider these ",9 +(See CROSSWIND COMPONENT.) ,9 +"Depending on the media, ppm can be on a volume or mass basis. ",9 +ELECTION CRITERIA,7 +clamping bar is then brought down to hold the sheet firmly ,9 +Night Vision ,7 +And any such person who shall make a false or fraudulent return shall be,9 +WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT ,7 +Latitude and Longitude (Meridians and ,7 +"the supplies, or shall pay any balance still due to the contractor.",3 +Scenario-Based Training (SBT) ,7 +Altitudes and Flight Levels,7 +Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Size,7 +***Other staff not directly employed by the tenderer on a permanent basis. ,9 +"the HWC community, including EU-OSHA’s national focal points, its official campaign ",3 +Skew-T Plots,7 +removed from a sawmill situated on a licensed cutting area upon the giving of a,9 +Sicherheitsvorkehrungen anwenden,8 +predict 1-hour and,9 +"ailerons and fuselage. In some gliders, ailerons and flaps are ",9 +"müssen Störungen, die durch diese Anwendungen verursacht werden, hinnehmen.",3 +following matters or provision of those matters by electronic or magnetic ,3 +паспортов;,9 +the ripcord pocket. Sew the chest strap 3-point W-W ,3 +is higher than normal for that altitude. The opposite holds ,9 +"received compared to background noise, which is a measure ",9 +wing when in a climbing attitude. ,9 +"volumes are somewhat nonsequitur; however, as container ",9 +the top of the zone of turbulence. Also shown on this panel ,9 +—direction finding indicator ,9 +"is not available to provide the current altimeter setting, ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 115 of April 27, 1973]",7 +"stances, situations, and conditions affecting the safe",9 +Renewal of the FWC,7 +Suspension par le contractant ,7 +Low Reconnaissance,7 +Reviewing the Flight Route,7 +Tel. +39 0521 036 111│ www.efsa.europa.eu ,4 +The default soft key menu that is displayed on the PFD contains a “NRST” (Nearest Airport) soft key. Pressing this soft ,0 +nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des installations. ,7 +〔昭和五十八年一月六日通商産業省令第一号〕,7 +subsistence allowance referred to in paragraph 6 (ii) below.,3 +Copyright © 2010 Parachute Industry Association. ,9 +military aircraft and some air taxi and GA aircraft. ,9 +Anforderungen,7 +Margin Identification Information,7 +675B of such Act: ,9 +の患者をいう。以下同じ。)に対し請求する金額が、社会保険診療報酬と同一の,3 +Bureau of Civil Service,7 +manufactured by a few different companies that supply the ,9 +administration and accountability. ,9 +[COMPANY NAME] ,7 +The communication network ,3 +The manual shall further for electrical equipment include but not be limited to: ,9 +Tel: +30 28 14 40 9711 ,5 +"details in the illustrations above and below, using stitching specifics outlined in tables 1 and 2. ",3 +High end flight computer system.,0 +after the definition of “the North Northamptonshire Councils” insert— ,3 +dissipate off the coast and re-form over the hot landmass. ,9 +Bureaus and Offices Pertaining to Department of Interior,7 +to oppose lift,6 +Anlage 3 (zu § 4 Absatz 1),7 +Fixed-Price contracts ,7 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +control is not moved rearward so abruptly as to cause,9 +NATURAL PERSON,7 +滅菌消毒作業室の機器及び設備は、作業工程順に置かれていること。,3 +"is almost identical in shape; however, the capacity of ",9 +dissipate more gradually.,9 +obtainable,9 +also on the priority project pipeline established in the context of the Eastern Partnership Transport ,9 +Nature des dommages-intérêts ,7 +OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ,7 +0003 00-1 ,4 +case of a joint tender) will be announced; ,9 +"In addition, at the request of the contracting authority and regardless of the grounds for ",9 +Attitude Indicator,7 +within its scope and are not excluded by any of its provisions; for the sake of this ,3 +and the directional gyro receive full vacuum. From the ,9 +vertraglich zur Übernahme von Aufgaben nach § 1 Absatz 2 für ein in der Rechtsverordnung nach § 3 Absatz 1,9 +in one revolution in order that there might be no thrust. Also ,3 +Decrease the distances shown by 10% for each 4 knots of headwind. ,8 +"amount paid, duly certified as correct by the Insular Auditor and the Insular",9 +(MDA) when using an approved EFVS shown on the pilot’s ,9 +the entire assembly from the elements. The braided cover ,9 +rental: the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit rental or lending of the ,3 +Budget Line: ,7 +Engine Oil Pressure Indicator,7 +"and under the rest of the wing, the wind will blow ",9 +the tender specifications. The contractor must provide such assistance at,9 +"permission under Article 17, paragraph (2) of the Foreign Exchange Control ",3 +consisting of the lower cap and web plate. These two sections ,9 +engine prior to performing the inspection. The run-up should ,9 +"Whereas on July 20 and 21, 1969, those brave Americans became ",3 +aviation coatings are formulated to have more flexibility and ,9 + before they are sent to EU-OSHA ,9 +contract including during the contract liability period and (in case of supplies) until a final certificate of ,9 +carried out to Cadent’s satisfaction prior to the commencement of any authorised works (or any ,9 +consideration for one year. ,9 +I.14.4 Declarations of interest ,7 +Energy extracted from exhaust gases by the turbine is ,9 +Responsibilities,7 +sident in respect of legal proceedings,7 +Table 6.4: Signatures for SRM Document Approval for Proposed NAS Changes Only ,7 +Evaluation Committee ,7 +Amendment of Schedule 1 ,7 +That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for ,9 +Article II-10 ,7 +Der Minister für Arbeit und Soziales,7 +foot increments,9 +"arrangement, creation of derivative works based on the ",3 +Other Wing Features,7 +be a continuous process slowing until the aircraft touches ,9 +near both civil and military airports and in the vicin-,9 +collective cue,9 +face all to the satisfaction of the Engineer. ,9 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +Fahrschülerausbildung nach § 3 Absatz 1 Satz 2,7 +": an average of two well-sourced news articles per month should be drafted, each ",3 + Fire/Overheat test,6 +to the full discharge of the contracting authority. ,9 +"Teamarbeit und Kooperation, Lernziel c,",3 +Mise en position de l’engin et stabilisation à l’aide des béquilles qui devront être posées ,3 +Dual and triple simultaneous independent parallel ,9 +Reimbursements ,7 +"In addition to its multi-gasoline fuel capability, it has proven ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 420 of December 20, 1995]",7 +Renewal of the FWC,7 +costi relativi ai rischi interferenziali saranno sostenuti dall'amministrazione ,7 +"of these documents to understand the knowledge, skills, and ",9 +The FAA provides a variety of important reference material ,9 +従事者に対して、適切な研修を実施していること。,3 +Approaches and Landings ,7 + This data is necessary to ensure access to ECDC premises. Details concerning the processing of personal data for visitors to ECDC are ,1 +on the ground to directly read AGL referenced to the ,9 +autoclaves and pressure cookers for household use (limited to those with an ,3 +[Figure 15-3],9 +weight and inertia force. Any time you have a hard ,9 +"the fourth A line attachment point down to and around the front left connector link, and up to ",3 +LOANS TO NATIVE AMERICAN VETERANS.—Section 3762(c) ,9 +Stewart Systems for images used throughout Chapter 3,9 +24. В федеральном государственном образовательном стандарте,9 +Preflight Weather Briefing,7 +Hypoxic Hypoxia,7 +Air Traffic Clearance,7 +"summary includes a description of each unresolved problem and any associated errors, ",3 +aft of the cargo door.,9 +Verordnung über die Flugsicherungsausrüstung der Luftfahrzeuge,10 +(INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) ,7 +§ 10b Personalgewinnungszuschlag,7 +be included in the Tender. ,9 +第十四条において「核兵器等」という。)の開発、製造、使用又は貯蔵(ロ及び,3 +удостоверяющих,9 +Article 3 – PRICE ,7 +You also can use a Remote Communications Outlet (RCO) ,9 +Российский,9 +requirements and can prepare for high workload periods ,9 +"same Article, and the contract on workers' property accumulation savings for ",3 +250 to 500 feet for smaller ones). ,9 +Section 2.2 ,8 + [Figure 12-6] ,9 +below a certain value.,9 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 + Cyclic control stick,6 +In the opinion of the auditors: ,7 +"the generator. If this occurs, the system opens the generator ",9 +Student Pilot Applicant Requirements (SPAR) ,7 +Handling of errors: ,7 +reduction in accordance with Article II-11 (“,3 +on Sheet 1 of the Works Plans. ,9 +"the same time, it results in the airplane touching the ground ",9 +"collected, transfer of ",8 +"of sufficient magnitude, the ",9 +The canopy manufacturer should provide the volumes of ,9 +Taxes. — ,9 +II.20. ZAHLUNGEN UND SICHERHEITSLEISTUNGEN ,7 +location for shelter but leave clear written instructions in a ,9 +professional conflicting ,3 +"maintenance activities, this gauge is generally unavailable. ",9 +"conditions indicate a need. Otherwise, the position of the ",9 +The operator shall perform the following tests: ,9 +aft portions of the rotor disk are called transverse flow effect. ,9 +The angle of attack required to pro- ,9 +This contract shall be automatically terminated if it has not given rise to any payment in ,3 +At less than full inflation the trim of the ship is ,9 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +Figure 4-5. ,3 +Governance (WP 1.1) ,7 +Workload Management,7 +partner/Network member………………………………………….………………………………...37 ,8 +специальности,9 +the flat surface for drilling.,3 +which is 76 percent of the speed for minimum ,9 +"sub-contractor, Delivery notes in electronic format and using standard forms of such approved sub-",9 +"3,500 feet) if the intruder aircraft has operating",9 +"and ""online +"" activities); ",3 +Protection of Retained Trees ,7 +"engages in foreign exchange business, etc. (hereinafter, such office is referred ",3 +controllers to effect a frequency change:,9 +Recognizing Hazardous Attitudes ,7 +"knowledge as a result of such visit, shall be kept strictly confidential and will not be ",3 +"lifetime. To understand how people learn, it is necessary to understand what happens to the individual during the process. In spite of ",9 +susmentionnée,7 +The ignition system check is used to check the individual ,9 +not where he or she has been. When flying in proximity to ,9 +Special SRM Efforts/Considerations ,3 +INITIAL SETUP: ,7 +Der Minister für Arbeit und Soziales,7 +der betreffenden Holzartengruppe voraussichtlich mindestens 30 vom Hundert des ungekürzten,3 +Radio Navigation,7 +knowledge and any required training and/or approval,9 +Article 8 - ,7 +S.I. 1972/1265 (N.I. 14). ,1 +Section 4 Measures for Sound Development of Inland Waters Fishery ,3 +fermez la/les fenêtre(s) et porte(s) du local ,3 +System Servicing,7 +the above-mentioned rule shall ,3 +as well as your experience and proficiency level. For,9 +"Die Erlaubnis zum Betrieb von Zweigstellen ist zu widerrufen, wenn nachträglich Tatsachen bekannt werden,",9 +Installation of cables ,7 +METAR KPNS 111150Z 21010Z 3SM BKN014 OVC025 ,9 +"As with any aerodynamic condition, it is very important for ",9 +verordnet das Bundesministerium der Finanzen:,9 +Suspension by the contractor ,7 +A registered analytical laboratory shall conduct the accident analysis ,3 +NAVWEPS 00-8OT-RO ,7 +Children’s homes: deprivation of liberty ,7 +Temperature Variations in Repair Zone,7 +SUBCONTRACTING ,7 +of this Code;,9 +"of the airframe’s resonant frequency, and the harmonic ",9 +"распоряжения,",9 +Reserve Ripcord ,6 +in connection,9 +various commands. ,3 +SCHEDULE 5 ,7 + (equipment access control); ,3 +"Kenntnisse der Kopiervorlagen nach Arten, Herstellungsmethoden und Qualitäten,",3 +own staff or by any outside body authorised to do so on its behalf.,3 +How Autopilot Functions Work,7 +with the tenderer. It is the tenderer's responsibility to provide a valid e-mail address and ,9 +"and the lines inspected, you can pull the cart forward ",9 + (ss 57-70) ,7 +Administrative procedures ,7 +7 августа 2020 г. № 915,9 +"authority. This section explicitly references, with configuration and version identifiers, ",3 +Characteristics of Learning ,7 +bility of the pilot and/or flight crew to determine,9 +formula shown in ,9 +OPERATING STRENGTH LIMITATIONS ,7 +connectors. Electrical resistance thermometers are used ,9 +A small parachute used to accelerate deployment; ,9 +Kraftomnibussen im Linienverkehr mit einer Linienlänge bis zu 50 Kilometern Fahrtunterbrechungen nach,9 +pitch to the rotor blades. These,9 +Zweites Ausbildungsjahr,7 +Ground Access Vehicles ,7 +"has more than eight electrons, they orbit in a third shell ",9 +the rear. The amount of sweepback and the position of the ,9 +natural or legal persons,9 +"about 1,400 feet above the runway elevation. The",9 +substitute “Territory”. ,3 +regelmäßige Kontrollen und Auswertung der Beratungsdokumente und,3 +modèles mis à disposition par le Secrétariat et sont approuvés par le Secrétariat avant ,3 +with a large inlet port and a small outlet port. The small outlet ,9 +data. Incident investigation is valuable because real-world occurrences are analyzed to prevent ,9 +it necessary for you to constantly check the instruments,9 +The minimum factors essential to the formation of a ,9 +"30.05.02 Медицинская биофизика, утвержденного приказом Министерства",9 +Analogue Addressed Fire Warning Button;,7 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +"Flurbereinigungsbehörde dem Entschädigungsberechtigten, dem der Rechtsweg insoweit noch offensteht,",3 + – The construction of flood mitigation area (2) with a perimeter of approximately ,9 +an engine so pressurized oil can be applied to the switch’s ,9 +capability without the purchase or installation of any ,9 +"Kenntnisse der berufsbezogenen Geräte, Maschinen, Anlagen und Systeme der Satz-, Repro-, Stempel-",3 +Transitional provision ,7 +"anerkannten Sachverständigen, Prüfers für den Kraftfahrzeugverkehr oder Prüfingenieurs einer amtlich",3 +"training activity whether it is pattern work, air work in the local practice area, cross-country, flight review, or instrument proficiency ",9 +Learning Is Purposeful ,7 + may be disclosed and published. ,3 +Weather Requirements and Part 91 Operators ,7 +"Nettoerträge für Electronic Banking Services,",3 +The charted temperature restriction must be followed ,9 +Monter dans le camion en veillant à ne pas se hâter pour ne pas tomber. ,3 +aircraft use thrust vectoring for maneuvering in flight to ,9 +length starting at a point on the B6254 Kellet ,9 +the water surface. The area selected should be out of,9 +"selective, checking only what needs to be checked at ",3 +"In addition, the SO$_{2 }$emission factors are reflective of the fuel sulfur content of the fuel, which ",9 +Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI),7 +"по направлению подготовки 04.04.02 Химия, физика и механика материалов,",9 +Accounts and Accounting,7 +carrying out an examination of the applicant; ,3 +parts when the engine is shut down. This is one of the reasons ,9 +Lift/Drag Devices,7 +Baustein „Individuelle Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +"judiciaire,",6 +1. Область применения,7 +[Figure 5-26] ,9 +width of the reinforced seam. ,3 +and turn the engine over several times to seal the piston and ,9 +LOT 1 – DATA COMMUNICATIONS ,7 +FACTURATION ,7 + Published VFR Routes,7 +is 0.6562. ,9 +"disablement, and ",3 +COMPLIANCE WITH TENDER SPECIFICATION AND MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ,7 +"court), or ",3 +of distribution. ,3 + illustrates a built-up point that can be ,9 +service or deliverable(s) is allowed only if expressly specified ,3 +"are the aircraft load, height of obstacles, the shape of the ",9 +", lying south of Cagayan, consists of territory in",9 +if it has,9 +Figure 5-16. ,0 +Large aircraft AC alternator.,0 +airplane and the ground.,3 +Wastewater system ,7 +runway is not available for use by aircraft for takeoff or ,9 +Repair of cracks by welding may be considered just another ,9 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +Subject: what is this call for tenders about? ,7 +valutazione dei rischi presenti nelle aree dell'amministrazione aggiudicatrice e dei ,3 +section 4.2.3,9 +Napo mascot’s costume has been produced and could be used to attract visitors to Info ,3 +Use of Public Buildings for Civil-Service Examinations.,9 +"Breite 30 mm, Höhe 20 mm, Eckradien 1 mm oder",3 +"Upon acceptance of the offer by Europol, the contractor may apply the uplift price indicated in the offer, ",9 +Overall rigidity of the mount. ,3 +reduction in accordance with Article II-11 (“,3 +tow rings: Schweizer and Tost. ,9 + - HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OFFER USING e-SUBMISSION ,7 +Clamping fingers,6 +should encourage learners to ask questions about any step of the procedure that they do not understand. ,9 +Si une partie au litige notifie par écrit à l'autre partie son désir d'engager une médiation et que l'autre ,9 +System and Equipment Malfunctions,7 + is at no cost to Europol unless a clear fee therefor was explicitly ,3 +Free Directional Oscillations (Dutch Roll) ,7 +"public waters and acquisitive prescription on the use of waters, which are inconsistent with the provisions",9 +pointed object moving through air at a speed greater than the ,9 +Paint Touchup,7 +на производственные объекты,9 +- Seite 1 von 1 -,4 +Governing range. ,9 +following instrument indications are observed:,9 +Insular Government. Work done in these laboratories shall be accomplished by the,9 +safety valves on a large transport category aircraft. On most ,9 +Subject of the Engagement ,7 +WORKS PROVISIONS ,7 +capabilities and limitations of the equipment. Also consider ,9 +Level transmitters shall be,9 +Prior laws continue to govern the applicability of penal provisions to acts ,3 +HVA B-StB Bekanntmachung Ausschreibung National 08-19 ,4 +Gust-Induced Oscillations,7 +SYSTEM IN THE ,7 +[tick this box if the identified subcontractor will carry out part of the tasks of the contract],6 +AirBorne Australia,9 +"through the exhaust port, resulting in the higher fuel use of ",9 +http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2021/565 ,9 +(weggefallen),7 +Section 8 of the Fund Order provides that surpluses at the end of ,9 +CT MESSAGE- An EDCT time generated by the ,9 +A program that encourages general ,9 +Histotoxic Hypoxia,7 +ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ,7 +"wing, and caution must be exercised, especially moving up and ",9 +mum. Factors which can affect performance include,9 +"7 августа 2017 г., регистрационный № 47689), с изменениями, внесенными",9 +Assembling the Reserve System,7 +contract notice.,9 +Non-Moving Advances ,7 +Provide drain holes at the lowest point in a conduit ,3 +Statement by the creator (or right holder) ,7 +and Mitigating Risk,7 +Allowances payable to members of a combined fire and rescue authority ,7 +Control Valve,7 + A patented variable-pitch propeller ,9 +"such as provide information, run scripts, manage user accounts or delete data. ",3 +definitively withdraw its,9 +"speed and cushion the impact of touchdown, the force ",9 +downward deflection of the airstream one-half ,9 +As a result of lack of clear guidelines on collaboration between the DVS and other ,9 +"school-teachers, and music teachers, not exceeding five hundred",3 +"as long before being used. Gas cylinders should be secured, ",9 +"functional modes may include heading, altitude, ",3 +application. The manufacturer’s operating instructions ,9 +II.23.2. Recovery procedure ,7 +contractor only,9 +"of altitude, i.e., rate of cl&b/descent. ",9 +"excessive. However, if the turn rate begins to increase prior ",9 +"flight, minimizing route changes, and aiding in the orderly ",9 +Controlled Firing Area- Airspace wherein ,9 +Ring Release Housing Replacement,7 +have a pumping capacity of 3.1 gallon per minute (gpm) as ,9 +"less effective than target reversers, particularly those that ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 266 of July 29, 2016] ",7 +a point-to-point basis. Navigational guidance is,9 +only for sport and recreation and flight instruction ,3 +$_{Figure 4-34.}$ ,0 +BOTH SHEETS (Financial tender and Financial evaluation).,7 +"been reached, is unable to take the measures required, the contracting authority or the ",3 +wind moving past the airfoil. The direction of this wind,9 +§ 12 Unfallstelle,7 +the incorporated material in a manner in which the Secretary ,9 +strength. ,9 +transmission en ligne ou autres; ,3 +to the mixture during high power operation. Although it ,9 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +〔昭和五十八年十月二十八日通商産業省令第六十六号〕,7 +Basic RVSM Operating Practices and,9 +—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the School Information (England) (Amendment) ,9 +engine operation. ,9 +Use of workers posted to the contractor by another company owned by the same group ,3 +This contract shall be automatically terminated if it has not given rise to any payment in ,3 +Departures From Tower-Controlled Airports ,7 +TENDER SPECIFICATIONS ,7 +"phenomenon (+TSRA BR). First, the qualifiers of intensity, proximity, and the descriptor of the ",3 +"The read out in the flight deck is normally in lb/ft of torque, ",9 +"The progression from flying at night under clear, moonlit ",9 +Loan assumption under section 3714 ,8 +", notamment toutes les formes d'exploitation et d'utilisation des ",9 +"the main oil filters, there are also secondary filters located ",9 +down to idle taxi to take as little as 5 or 6 seconds.,9 + Aircraft eligible for RNP,9 +Professionalism requires that the individual instructor ,3 +Measurement of Direction ,7 +"Remember, a carburetor setting must be rich enough to ",9 +The sum of all quality award criteria (1 ,7 +"data items applicable to these matters, such as contractual agreements or special ",3 +nvestigate the departure airport’s method for receiving an ,9 + des Auftraggebers und dem von diesem ,3 +TENDER SPECIFICATIONS ,7 +" Check to ensure all the wires are straight, not ",9 +may remain on the step but take much longer to accel-,9 +PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR 2020 ,7 +"without increasing the glider’s speed, particularly in gliders ",9 +(+++ § 5: Zur Anwendung vgl. § 9 Abs. 1 +++),9 +Telegraphiefunk zwischen Seefunkstellen beschränkt.,3 +"for determining airplane performance. Takeoff, landing, and ",9 +which are made payable to customers.,3 +Figure 3-1.,0 +(exclusion ,7 +applicable to the relevant entry;”; ,9 +(iii) The place of establishment ,3 +low because ,9 +components—this adjustment limits the physical ,3 +"Rules on taxes, customs duties and Other Fiscal Charges ",7 + Overview ,7 +CHILDREN AND DISASTERS.—Section 2811A (42 U.S.C. 300hh–10a) ,9 +operation in accordance with 14 CFR § 91.176(a) or,9 +"usually with a chain, in a permanent location or in a suitable ",9 +下列安全保护义务:,9 +can be done by both senior and master riggers. All riggers ,9 +Summe Pos. 6.3 (liefern + montieren):,8 +undertake the matters set forth in the items of Article 16-4 of the Act in ,3 +“Shadow authorities ,7 +" to the public, by sale or otherwise; ",3 +actual expenses plus XX% charges. Delivery to any Europol Premises in The Netherlands ,9 +"If you apply your full concentration to a single instrument,",7 +the voltage induced in to the conductor. ,9 +sideslip angle corrects the wing laterally before the nose is ,9 +in the United states,7 +[This contract is subject to a performance guarantee of [,9 + not to be confused with distribution of tasks among the members of the grouping ,1 +for the purposes of thi,3 +Landing Gear ,7 +means calling the insurance agent. One insurance ,3 +overlay and early stand alone procedures may have,9 +hole is enlarged. If the rivet in an elongated hole is replaced ,9 +", as provided for in Article II.13.4;",3 +with ATC;,9 + may be disclosed and published. ,3 +Suspension par le contractant ,7 +Requesting a Special Registration Number,7 +the guidance of the AMS and meet the program requirements defined in the SMS Manual and ,9 +WAIT IF PRACTICABLE,6 +SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ,7 +Weight and Balance ,10 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +Safety Incident and Accident Reporting and Analysis ,7 +"elsewhere, or ",3 +maintenance,0 +止を命ずることができる。,3 +automatically controlled,9 +the contracting authority can obtain the requisite permits or import licences. ,3 +"the selected field, slipping can dissipate the excess altitude.",9 +Analog gauges require the pilot to scan between instruments ,9 +conductivity are constructed and some of their many uses is ,9 +recalibrate the receiver to the manufacturer’s,9 +control facilities) ,6 +security requirements and operational roles ,7 +"by Europol, if the change is justified by operational reasons signed off by the named Europol ",3 +中华人民共和国安全生产法,5 + See minimum vectoring altitude.,9 +§ 11 Verschwiegenheitspflicht,7 +respective areas. It is important that flight instructors not ,9 +National Environmental Policy Act ,7 +Mixing Equipment,7 +"Third-class mail matter, which includes all matter not declared",9 +該当する行為をいう。)は、改正後の第十一条の五第二項に規定する本人確認済みの,9 +eSubmission Quick Guide for Economic Operators ,4 +in the repair. They should also be placed in strategic hot or ,9 +Carrying Out Control Movements,7 +Медицинский,9 +"(KHz) spacing (118.025, 118.050) with the 720 having a ",9 +Judicial Committee,7 +"published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C series, where payments are in euro; ",3 +article I.5.3) ,8 +– MISURE CORRETTIVE ,7 +別表第二(第二条、第四条、第十二条関係),7 +Tenderers must ensure that their submitted tenders contain all the information and documents ,9 +Defining the System / NAS Change ,7 +§ 1 Anwendungsbereich,7 +Airworthiness Certificate,9 +of the balloon’s flight manual.,9 + become public through other means than ,3 +lenses cut the sodium orange flare completely and provide ,9 +various surfaces of the aircraft must be ,9 +GROUND REFERENCE MANEUVERS,7 +proper execution of the contract and the remedying of any defects therein. ,3 +100 refers to the max points (see section 3.3.2 Award criteria) ,9 +"in paragraph (6), in the definition of “registered company”, for “in force in the United ",3 +elaborate on the fulfilment of a number of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that ,3 +Alternate types of wings are often found on aircraft. The ,9 +The duration of processing of personal data by the contractor will not exceed the period referred ,9 +"help pilots establish a continuous, stabilized descent",9 +"Routes, can be flight planned for",9 +"runway or parallel to the centerline. Unlike landing, the ",9 +Voraussetzung für die Präqualifikation erfüllen.,9 +FWC Phase-in,7 +CROSS (FIX) AT OR BELOW (ALTITUDE)-,9 +Testing application functionality after changes: Performing pre-agreed test cases ,3 +(зарегистрирован Министерством юстиции,9 +chapter is a sample AC Form 8050-2.,9 +II.5.1 Form and means of communication ,7 +interested party may make the following requests at any time during the ,3 +Improper mixing of materials. ,3 +"Fournitures,",7 +§ 5 Lehrfahrzeuge für Fahrschüler,7 +setzen oder den Betrieb des Fahrzeugs auf öffentlichen Straßen beschränken oder untersagen.,9 +of improving conditions. These charts provide information a ,9 +* Heating distribution pipes ,3 +"bei Konten von Rechtsträgern, die zum 30. Juni 2014 bestehen, muss die Sorgfaltspflicht entsprechend dem",3 +iv.information transmitted by Member States implementing Union funds; ,6 +る届出書を経済産業大臣に提出しなければならない。,3 +Benefits Of WAAS In The Airport Environment ,7 +Européenne 92/32/CE et 91/155/CE remplacée par la 2001/58/CE). L'ensemble du dossier ,9 +operating handle in a clockwise direction. A starting edge is ,9 +The hammer blow shall be in line with the pile axis and the impact surfaces shall be flat and at ,3 +in the procurement documents will be rejected.,9 +measure the reaction between the propeller reduction gears ,9 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 3 ",7 +impedance and low output impedance. ,0 +"Kgalagadi District, ",3 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +"than 1,900 mm above finished floor level. Width for terminal compartment will be minimum 400 mm in MCC ",9 +any other bilateral or multilateral agreement or arrangements for assistance and technical co-,3 +“Territory”; ,3 +Specific objectives: ,7 +その他財務省令で定める事項,3 + are or include logos or subject-matter which could be registered as a ,3 +处二万元以下的罚款。 ,9 +Full official address,9 +The initial pull draws the work ,6 +The help system shall be consulted a large number of times in different situations. The operator ,3 + Roundout ( Flare),7 +"principal features on the surface of an airport, including ",9 +Measurement of Direction ,7 +"Errata as of May 11, 2015 ",7 +Facilities for Staff and Labor ,7 +If a party is affected by ,3 +[Figure 5-41],9 +"Articles I.9.2 and II.9.2 in writing to those parties, including subcontractors. At the request of ",9 +reasonably accurate mental picture of the wing’s AOA at any ,9 +"il modo di minimizzarli. Prima dell'inizio dell'attività, come previsto nel DUVRI, ",3 +are initiated. If bank control pressure and rate of bank ,3 +"and paragraph 12(1) of Schedule 5 to, the Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 2006 (2006 No. 1) and ",1 +"serious crime), substitute— ",9 +conviction or acquittal.,9 +obligations or low quality delivery. This includes in particular cases where the contracting ,9 +PACKING METHOD: ,7 +as electron control valves. These were later replaced by solid-,9 +loadmeter displays the load placed on the alternator,9 +Figure 16-56. ,0 +"As the piston passes the exhaust port, the exhaust exits the ",9 +"série de pictogrammes, de diaporama, de présentation publique; ",3 +Scientific data management ,7 +しくは合併があつたときは、当該助産所を譲り受けた者又は相続人若しくは合併後存,3 +$^{®}$ is not harmful to today’s container ,9 +Sensitive Altimeter,7 +"omit sub-paragraphs (b), (d), (e), (f) and (h); ",3 +II.25 SÉCURITÉ ,7 +in front of the cutting blade with the cutting line even with ,9 +"streamlined or tailored compared to the original program. For legacy system changes, the PO ",9 +safety equivalent to that provided by the requirement or requirements from which the ,3 +Current also results when a complete circuit is connected to ,9 +"taps for security, leakage, chafing and kinks).",3 +With the growth of skydiving and the increased use of the ,9 +"(ii) the outline of the accident, etc. related to the written accident report ",3 +KSI When driven as received,6 +between two or more aircraft.,9 +Judicial Committee,7 +an aircraft without the permission of the using ,9 +è assoggettato,9 +"Appended Table 2 (Re: Articles, 2, 4 and 12) ",7 +PACKING METHOD: ,7 +morales ou physiques); ,3 +"частей, при условии предъявления командировочных (отпускных)",9 +recommended standards.,9 +(vii) ensuring a system for promoting the appropriate management of ,3 + Include a statement of compliance and a summary of the ,3 +"- For natural persons, if required under applicable law, a proof of registration on a professional or trade ",9 +and Light-Sport Aircraft Certification Functions ,3 +APPROACHES- An approach operation permitting ,9 +diameter of 1,3 +view type. The list shall be appropriate for correct reordering of the complete component ,3 +REPAIR COTTON REINFORCEMENT AROUND PILOT PARACHTUE ATTACHING RING ,7 +the names of fixes and procedures are displayed to the ,9 +Safety Incident and Accident Reporting and Analysis ,7 +Solid-State Devices,7 +No person may take off or land a civil aircraft,9 +Flight Inspection/‘Flight Check’,7 +Bei Neukonten natürlicher Personen muss das meldende Finanzinstitut bei Kontoeröffnung eine,9 +Types of Friction ,7 +"make a smooth, gentle landing in the best possible location ",9 +"predicted to actual performance, and to operate within the ",9 +§ 11 Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I,7 +Page 20 of 32 ,4 +is necessary to have touching flanges at the corners. The ,9 +into the extended position. ,0 +Simultaneous Close Parallel Precision Runway ,7 +II.13.9. Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +Contacts during the procurement procedure ,7 +NAVWEPS OD-BOT-BO ,7 +the tracks.,9 +Shipment Type 2,7 +function or may be the basic “hands off” autopilot ,3 +"gyroplane. When used, they provide increased per-",9 +available in the privacy statement at: https://ecdc.europa.eu/en/personal-data-protection,1 +"Inc. should read, “www.ssa.org.” ",3 +"The Consultant shall also liaise, as required, with the Delegation of the European Union in Kiev. ",9 +家庭用の圧力なべ及び圧力がま(内容積が十リットル以下のものであつて、九・,3 +A special shape envelope requires a substantial amount of ,9 +"implementation, whatever its form or nature, which is ",3 +operative Verwaltung des,9 +Cyber Exercises Platform ,3 +"approach capacity at airports with closely spaced, parallel ",9 +"when an arriving aircraft is inside the MM, or in the",9 +HEADING CONTROL,7 +alignment does not exceed 30 degrees between the,9 +"(hereinafter referred to as ""serum separation""), it is not required to describe ",3 +"If the aircraft has a right wing pushed down, the positive ",9 +abrogate the pr,9 +иностранных,9 +Interaction between the Software Review Process and the Software Lifecycle ,7 +Engine Oil Temperature Indicator,7 +Angle of attack should not be confused with pitch,9 +Ministers and Assistant Ministers,7 +"collective, cyclic and throttle. To turn the nose to the right, ",9 +〔昭和五十四年十二月七日通商産業省令第百十三号〕,7 +purposes of this Schedule or is owned by the test provider or the device manufacturer. ,9 +section 62 (Release on licence etc: electronic monitoring conditions) of the Criminal Justice and ,9 +"der Beklagte,",3 +"personally, as well as to cooperate in measures for the promotion of inland ",9 +TYPICAL GUILD-UP 0F tzci~m~ENTs ,6 +Standards and rules ,7 +minimize the effects of hydroplaning. ,9 +the intended destination. The other location (unencumbered ,9 +misleading information being sent to the brain from various ,9 +法第五十五条の三第二項の規定による報告は、財務省令で定める期間内に、財務省,3 +oil supplied to the critical areas. An oil inlet temperature ,9 +testing and calibration laboratories was published in November 2017. ,1 +Article I.5 or in the tender specifications.,9 +Airway and Route System ,7 +nonprecision approach.,9 +afterburner and very high temperatures ,9 +Additional technical information pertaining to high-speed ,9 +vacuum bag to prevent the thermocouple from being ,3 +"In practice, producing voltage/current using the process ",9 +System Description.,7 +"or more NAVAIDs in a general area have the same name, the name is usually printed only once inside an identification ",9 +Sito di Ispra ,7 +likely consequences of the breach; ,3 +"Frist nach Absatz 7 Satz 1 zweiter Halbsatz um sechs Monate zu verlängern, um dem Bewerber die Möglichkeit",9 +Great Plains Aircraft Volkswagen (VW),7 +TS EN 10217 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes-Technical delivery conditions ,3 +Figure 1-26,9 +the purposes of this Schedule or is owned by the test provider or the device manufacturer. ,3 +Press diff ,6 +"Attorney-General shall, when in his opinion the public interest requires it, upon the",9 +resolution advisory (RA) when another active transponder‑ ,9 +thoroughly,9 +Single bevel,6 +shall be established to the satisf,9 +"in this section may include wind data, variable",3 +"While many antibiotics are safe for use while flying, the ",9 + A reflection of aircraft pitch-and-bank ,9 +"The supervision over the architectural features of buildings, parks,",3 +Kidde Continuous-Loop System,7 +"that receive allocations pursuant to this heading, received disaster ",9 + Sheets of metal that have been made ,9 +decreased,9 +に係る事務所、事業場、店舗又は倉庫が一の経済産業局の管轄区域内のみにある届出,3 +inch leaving a 1 ¾-inch power cable opening. ,3 +View and respond to invitations in My ,3 +the pressure against the diaphragm becomes insufficient to ,9 +should rollout from the turn to allow the airplane to proceed ,9 +a condizione,9 +"Yours faithfully, ",9 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +areas of uncertainty,9 +der Prüfung den Ausschlag geben kann. Bei der Ermittlung der Ergebnisse für die mündlich geprüften,9 +FOLDING CANOPY ,7 +"under 14 CFR part 21, section 21.190, then you must ",9 +throughout the maneuver to relieve control pressures. ,9 +Handling of Help functions: ,7 +"each consecutive cell until all suspension lines are held in the left hand, and all cells are free of ",3 +"composite airplane, such as in an instrument panel. Sheet metal ",9 +information service.,9 +"Recurrent Training, Flight Reviews, and Instrument Proficiency Checks ",7 +WS – Widening of street by setting back kerb line ,9 +OC/EFSA/ED/2020/01 ,7 +"reporting protocol, and considering potential interaction with other vaccine ",8 +High-Wing Twin,7 +Analog Pictorial Displays,8 +between EFSA and the contractor. ,9 +place those resources at its disposal. ,9 +Propeller Gearbox,7 +§ 4 Ausbildungsrahmenplan,7 +", Santoni",9 +Description of the services LOT 3: COVID-19 vaccine-related studies in ,7 +〔平成十七年十二月二日政令第三百五十八号〕,7 +emergency messages.,9 + Navigation Instruments ,7 +全的,应当通过国家网信部门会同国务院有关部门组织的国家安全审查。,9 +prior to approval.’’; and ,9 +Entzug der Fahrerlaubnis,3 +Additional weight also improves autorotational charac-,9 +Glide Slope/Glide Path,7 +marker and locator middle marker is out,9 +Brake systems with master cylinders may be bled by gravity ,9 +side of the graph. Follow the line from 22 °C straight up until ,9 +specification. ,9 +⦁ $_{Change the date of the event to accommodate weather. }$,3 +"right-hand threads, and the other has left-hand threads. The ",9 +号ロ中「百分の五十」とあるのは「百分の八十」と、同項第七号ロ中「百分の四十」,3 +Maintenance of Retained Trees ,7 +oder gleichwertig ,9 +"may commence on the date on which implementation of the contract starts, as ",9 +INTRODUCTION ,7 +in the United States Terminal ,9 +Sky Condition.,3 +"Gegenstand, Dauer und",7 +of the pin are spread to prevent it backing out of the hole.,9 +"sections as “PRESRR” or “PRESFR,” respectively.",3 +LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF A GROUP ,7 +Some favorite sighting objects are a power pole as the near ,9 +"year under review, while expenditure also declined by P205.70 ",9 +and low altitude to prevent the water flow ,9 +EN ROUTE PROCEDURES,7 +HEADING CONTROL,7 +zulässig (Abschnitt 1.2.2).,9 +Mixing Two-Stroke Oil and Fuel,7 +downward angle from 10° to 15° toward the runway ,9 +the direction of current flow is a function of the polarity of ,9 +Unlawful.,9 +Swash Plate Assembly,7 +Square Canopy—Rib Repair,7 +Aborted Landings,7 +Electrical - General ,7 +Zwangsmittel; Bekanntgabe von Allgemeinverfügungen,3 + Flight Instruments ,7 +"established for such purposes as ATC metering fixes, ",9 +"course is similar to that of an ILS localizer; however, the ",9 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +dynamic center of a finite wing create an aver- ,9 +"with ""three days."" ",3 +Amendment of the Northamptonshire (Structural Changes) Order 2020 ,7 +Konten nicht teilnehmender Finanzinstitute im Sinne von Artikel 1 Absatz 1 Buchstabe r des Abkommens.,3 +VOR Receiver Check,7 +"management, collateral, ALM and",3 +Section 9 ,5 +〔平成二十五年九月十三日政令第二百六十七号〕,7 +"(ii) after sub-paragraph (1), insert— ",3 +Start engine after assuring that area is clear ,3 +Desiccant/Moisture Separator,7 +"Shifting weight to one side of the wing, thus warping ",3 +6_SRMGSA_202003 ,4 +Raising the collective pitch control increases the pitch angle by the same amount on all blades.,0 +"thirty kilograms, sixty centavos.",3 +Prisons & Rehab. ,8 +Adjustment in respect of past compensation ,7 +"associated with jet streams, strong winds over rough terrain, ",9 +‘‘(b) DISEASES.—A disease specified in this subsection is— ,9 +comes to an end in accordance with section 50(7)(b) of the Police Reform and ,3 +délais particuliers sont fixés de commun accord avec le Secrétariat. Tout travail d'adaptation ,9 +"Annex 7. Questionnaire related to award criteria AW1, AW2 and ",7 +will be indicated.,9 +Maintenance of Retained Trees ,7 +"attach the QECA sling, and remove slack from the cables ",9 +"the manner of their construction or renewal including details of excavation, positioning of ",3 +(iv) the construction of piles and pile caps supporting the abutment and pier; and ,3 +for such expenses. The total amount that can be paid to the Service Provider under the Contract in ,3 +of the withdrawal of its intention to reduce payment; or ,3 +in trim and allow a crab to take place to maintain ground track ,9 +求をするには、登録分析機関の定めた費用を支払わなければならない。,3 +and excretion (ADME) and toxicological information from,9 +Irrigation system ,7 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 +ratio (long and slender). The ,9 +PRINCIPAL POWERS ,7 +one for each engine. The right selector valve receives fuel ,9 +river or canal. In landing a seaplane with any degree of,9 +"During engine operation, expansion of the disk ",9 +"betrieblichen Situationen, Zusammenhänge in einem komplexen Sinne erfassen, analysieren sowie",9 +The positioning of the relief hole is important. ,9 +II.20.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +grounds for not doing so. ,3 +winds. Runway numbers are in reference to magnetic north. ,9 +avoid collision and/or situations where little or no time is available to recognize the threat,3 +sets out the frequency by which premises must be inspected. ,9 +"Einrichtung zur Verfügung stehen, die es dem Fahrlehrer ermöglicht mit seinem Fahrschüler zu kommunizieren.",9 +AUDITING FOR BOTSWANA GOVERNMENT ,7 +Abschnitt 1,7 +The Eddie-Bolt$^{®}$ 2 Pin Fastening System ,7 +Negotiation of placement of a stand’s advertisement at the Fair (e.g. the Fair´s magazine etc.) ,7 +Additional travel costs such as costs for local public transport and/or taxi will be covered by the ,3 +period will be calculated by multiplying the daily prices onsite and off-site with the ,3 +conducted and due to variation in the bulk of the fabric that ,9 +reasonably incurred by the Agency in so doing is recoverable from the undertaker. ,9 +(ii) basic matters concerning the recovery of inland waters resources; ,3 +clearance for both turn anticipation (turning prior to the fix) and flyover protection (turning after crossing the fix). ,3 +численностью,9 +If Cadent in accordance with sub-paragraph (5) or (7) and in consequence of the works ,9 +Learner Emotional Reactions ,7 +onto the landing ,9 +additional costs due to a change of these travel plans at a later stage shall be borne as follows: ,3 +the efficiency of DVS resource utilisation in FMD control.,9 +Characteristics of Learning ,7 +where P is an international elite sportsperson— ,3 +General electrical requirements ,7 +この政令は、昭和三十五年五月一日から施行す��。,9 +Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan,7 +Power section ,7 +Updated text ,7 +is passing approximately 90 percent of the fuel.,9 +Sample Problem 1 ,7 +indicates the risk is high and the pilot may ,9 +TRICYCLE GEAR CONFIGURATION—Land-,3 +Velcro$^{®}$.,9 +" Ring, harness, mini.",0 +The supplies delivered must: ,9 +Instructor Responsibilities,7 +Ignition Harness,7 +(See INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULES.) ,9 +Computational methods and modeling techniques for assessing APU emissions are discussed in ,9 +от 17 июля 2017 г. № 668,9 +die Kommission für Kinoförderung.,3 +Nebenangebote ,6 +von der zuständigen Behörde zugelassen worden sein.,9 +Inspection for Corrosion,7 +assessment against the award criteria.,9 +"e — If you have been served this notice and a breathing space has started, you should inform your debt advisor.",3 + the other party of its intention to terminate the FWC or a specific ,9 +Align Cell ,6 +"These Regulations impose restrictions on flying in airspace in the vicinity of Sywell Aerodrome, ",9 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +signals. Jamming can result in denial of GNSS ,9 +"completed. Otherwise, an overall goal, such as earning a mechanic’s certificate, may seem unobtainable. If the larger blocks are ",9 +(See ICAO term APPROACH CONTROL ,9 +altimeter with an adjustable barometric scale that allows the ,9 +"statement, as well as a business report (if, in lieu of the preparation thereof, an ",3 + (ss 57-70) ,7 + The ratio of fuel to air entering the engine’s ,9 +the daily subsistence allowance takes the form of a flat-rate payment to cover all ,3 +services/activities foreseen comprise: ,9 +Sew the rolled stop end according to ,3 +was amended to reflect that operators conducting straight-,9 +downwash behind this area is a corollary of ,9 +II.7. CONFLICT ,7 +§ 87 Begonnene Maßnahmen,7 +follow these instructions: ,9 +Kaufmännische Betriebsführung:,3 +Hi-Lite$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +Torch Lighters,7 +of a published missed approach procedure unless cleared ,9 +of the fuel mixture must begin at the proper ,9 +Notify the Applicant ,7 +contrat. ,9 +incorporated in this Order— ,9 +OPERATING STRENGTH LIMITATIONS ,7 +cumulative assessment groups. The Commission and EFSA will develop an action plan by ,3 +"the wing, is utilized on some designs.",0 +segregate certain nonhazardous military activities ,9 +§ 11 Eignung,7 +Form 5: Committment letter by identified subcontractor ,7 +Tip-Path Plane—The imaginary,9 + la suspension au pouvoir adjudicateur. La ,9 +Centrifuge equipment with 4*50 ml glass tube etc ,9 +"FOR THE PROVISION OF ICT RACKS, CABLING AND OTHER ",7 +(including the heading). ,9 + of persons affected by or who have been exposed,9 +"Skidding on a wet, icy, or dry runway is accompanied by the ",9 +"FADEC, or full-authority digital electronic control.",9 +II.23.4$_{ }$Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +"Frequency/Ultrahigh Frequency (VHF/UHF) NAVAIDs, Very high frequency Omnidirectional Radio range (VORs), Tactical ",9 +The financial statements of Botswana Housing Corporation for the ,9 +"accuracy in control of the helicopter, it is the basis for crew ",9 +Figure 1-5. ,0 +Navigational and Procedural Information (Continued),7 +assumes unlimited liability for,6 +Chapter II Basic Policy ,7 +"approximately 57 metres in length, as shown on Sheet 1 of the Works Plans. ",9 +financiers,6 +Management and placement of advertisement ,7 +UA/OV GGG 090025/TM 1450/FL 060/TP C182/SK,9 +Anforderungen an den Auftragnehmer ,7 +comes in nose first initiating a series of motions that imitate ,9 +PIR Strategy ,7 +§ 8 Dokumentation,7 +with an adjustment screw. The vapor separator helps ,9 +Describe the System and the NAS Change ,7 +AUTOROTATION IN FORWARD FLIGHT,7 +Simultaneous Close Parallel Precision Runway ,7 +"originally granted, which damages the Union's financial interests;",9 +La fattura dovrà essere inviata alla Commissione come previsto nell'articolo I.6 del ,9 +607 901 as at 1 March 2018. ,3 +II.22. REIMBURSEMENTS ,7 +Sea level pressure ,6 +System and Equipment Malfunctions,7 +causes the ice to crack and break off. The ice is then carried ,9 +", That funding utilized for authorized shore protection ",9 +[Figure 17-24],9 +§ 20 Ständige Förderkommissionen,7 +Materials/Parts ,7 +Economizer System,7 +existing altitude and temperature conditions. The balance ,9 +in subsection (c)— ,9 +connector links and control lines to proper riser. ,3 +(iii) The place of establishment ,3 +Chapter 7—Takeoffs and Departure ,7 +‘‘(iii) In this subparagraph: ,9 +Organise transport (,7 +"removing snags, dead wood and fronds, sealing cavities and irrigating as required to ensure the",9 +decision-making is shown in column B.,0 +INFORMATIONEN ZUR AUSSCHREIBUNG ,7 +respect of both fees and expenses shall not exceed EUR [,3 +ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT ,7 +a company established ,9 +Situational Awareness ,7 +multiple inputs in one axis or control inputs in more than one axis at a time at any ,3 + (highlighted in yellow in examples above) is the segment between the intermediate fix or ,3 +lifikation von Bauunternehmen e.V. (Präqualifikationsverzeichnis) geführt werden.,9 +"tently ""flashed"" in the wrong direction, or that the ",9 +知的財産の管理及び技術の移転に係る業務に関する規程及び手順書を定めるこ,3 +implementing the FWC and any future ,3 +"FAA-H-8083-30, Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook—General ",3 +the average reiative wind arid tlie remote fiCC ,9 +Fuel manifold valve assembly. ,0 +be applicable during such steady flight condi- ,9 +"As the seaplane approaches the water’s surface,",9 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,7 +all of the airways that connect to,6 +Preparing/Revising the Safety Requirements Verification Table ,7 +"emotional state, level of fatigue, and many other variables. ",9 +Offenses Against Various Administrative Laws,7 +EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ,7 +in altitude. ,9 +The signatory declares that the person has already provided the documentary evidence for a previous ,9 +Objective evidence showing that the software project adheres to its approved software ,3 +Lockbolt Inspection,7 +—Center Traffic Management Advisor ,9 +Current text: ,7 +Gas Cylinders,7 +Gebäuden bzw. bei baulichen Erweiterungen um beheizte oder gekühlte Räume,9 +carry out the work subject to this procurement procedure.,9 +Hi-Tigue$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +"of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, the authority is exercised by the ",3 +AFROELASTIC EFFECTS ,7 +乳幼児用ベッド(主として家庭において出生後二十四月以内の乳幼児の睡眠又は,3 +sludge screen to be located top of the gravity sludge thickener shall be installed on discharge line of ,9 +Chapter 6. Emergency Procedures,7 +第七十五条 违反本法第十九条第二款的规定,拒绝现场检查,或者在被,9 +before the,9 +Bei der Nutzung der Frequenzbereiche,3 +"For structural applications, the strength of the replacement ",9 +Components ,7 +allocation. Such a guide could also be used by the OAG as a yardstick to assess ,9 +aircraft and all other aircraft required to use ICAO,9 +Integrated Flight Control System ,7 +financial aspects and operational management. The ,9 +Four Risk Elements,7 +secours en cas d’incident et/ou accident. ,3 +and FIG 7,9 +病院、診療所及び助産所の開設,7 +to the left and right.,9 +main canopies,3 +necessary to remove contamination are provided; ,3 +and continuous manner.,3 +depending on the amount of crosswind and the degree of ,9 +"modification technique du contenu (correction nécessaire d'erreurs techniques), ajout de ",3 +"Aushändigungsdatums auszuhändigen. § 22 Absatz 4 Satz 4 und 5 ist mit der Maßgabe anzuwenden, dass",9 +idle or shut off.,9 +"on TED e-Tendering first. To subscribe, you will need to login with your EU Login",9 +A person who has held the off,9 +Pilot performance can be seriously degraded by both ,9 +Lycoming 0-233 Series Light-Sport Aircraft Engine,7 +any raising or lowering of the water table in land adjoining the authorised works or any ,3 +The tender(s) ranked first after applying the formula will be awarded the contract.,7 +The times mentioned in regulation 3(1) are Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) which is one hour ,9 +"justification for allowing the PR to remain open, and details of any mitigating action that ",3 +Ausführungsplanungen seitens AG ,7 +", http://www.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/ch13/final/c13s04.pdf. ",1 +"However, with familiarity and practice, the instrument",9 +(IVA) e devono,9 +"Limitations, 4",9 +Self-Launching Glider Propeller Malfunctions,7 +wie Armaturen ist gemäß der Energieeinsparverordnung 2016 durch Wärmedäm-,9 +above touchdown of not less than 100 feet and with ,3 +"heading, gives a good approximation of the winds at that ",9 +Manner of Notification.,7 +must entail reduction of throttle setting to ,9 +mehr als 10 Kilogramm oder mehr als 10 Liter,7 +Use of staff without employment contract (“self-employed persons working for the ,3 +"Bewerber nach, dass in diesem Staat keine vergleichbare Bescheinigung ausgestellt wird, kann diese durch",9 +heading in the Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief ,9 +accordance with the repair instruction in this section and in specific ,9 +ihre land- und forstwirtschaftliche Nutzung ausgeschlossen ist oder ausgeschlossen werden soll.,3 +"of external heating on the allowable conductor current, and ",9 +"Qualitätssichernde Maßnahmen, Lernziele b und c,",3 +MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL ,7 +"a light spring, forcing the check valve open and allowing air",9 +Pre-financing is not applicable to this contract. ,9 +layers of the atmosphere. ,9 +Recommended Practices,7 +Data protection. ,7 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +[2045-5.],9 +judicial authority,9 +inventories,3 +– MOTIVI DI RIGETTO NELL'AMBITO DELLA PRESENTE PROCEDURA ,7 +Improper use of the controls during crosswind ,3 +completed repair match existing structure and aircraft ,3 +around the heads may indicate shifted or loose rivets. Look ,9 +表第三に掲げる地域以外の地域を仕向地として輸出しようとする場合にあつては、,3 +Methodology - Loading and Unloading of Material Piles ,7 +in or training for that elite sports event or with domestic ancillary sportspersons or ,3 +middle. Electrical components are neatly arranged along the ,9 +remainder of the contract.,9 +§ 6 Abschlussprüfung,7 +II.5.1. Form and means of communication ,7 +Stringers ,6 +"for export, which if not exported would be subject to a specific tax,",3 +Select Dispersion Models ,7 +See page 67. ,3 +—Designated Agency Representative ,9 +intervals along its length. The tape coding consists of a green ,9 +Aufteilung in Lose ,6 +51.03.05 Режиссура,9 +Arm attach bolt,6 +NAVIGATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION (Continued),7 +Question and Answer deadlines at the TED e-tendering link above. ,9 +CE-labelling and declaration of conformity; ,3 +This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Strengthening and Amplifying ,9 +"to note, however, that some high-performance gliders ",3 +"maintenance records (commonly referred to as a log book), ",9 +operation progresses by using a circle board or radius gauge. ,9 +- Seite 8 von 10 -,4 +并承担赔偿责任。 ,9 +and pick up the random frequencies from the ignition system. ,9 +Inland Waters ,7 +"vouchers, pursuant to the budget, and with the approval of the president. Vouchers",9 +"did not assess for impact and, as a result, did not amend the ",9 +"Per Safety Management System policy, a high predicted residual risk is unacceptable and",3 +TRSA—See TERMINAL RADAR SERVICE,3 +understand the level of risk involved in flight. There is an ,9 +Miscellaneous Receipts of Bureaus and Offices,9 +APPLICATION OF AERODYNAMICS ,7 +color lenses. A clear safety glass lens is added in front of the ,9 +and declaration,7 +by an Order in Council under section 60 of the Health Act 1999(,3 +"Regulator, Safety and Airspace Regulation Group, on telephone number 03301 382997. ",9 +in the National Airspace (NAS).,9 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +Site. The removed trees place should be transported to the place by the Employer. ,9 +Preliminary Pages,7 +oints for profile “Senior expert”,3 +"corrispondenti indicati al punto I.6.3.1, sarà effettuato il pagamento entro ",9 +"sectional charts, and the symbols are the same except there is ",9 +Transverse Flow Effect,7 +Situation (i) above ,6 +[Figure 16-59],9 +§ 4 Ausbildungsrahmenplan,7 +Identification of subject matter for interview,7 +Failure to upload the following documents in eSubmission will lead to rejection of the tender.,7 +"light, it dims or disappears altogether. When looking slightly ",9 +cockpit is usually marked “lean” near the back end and “rich” ,9 +indicates,9 +Fences and Gates ,7 +"Qualitätsmanagementhandbuch,",8 +Protect persons and property in the air or on the surface ,3 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +system to allow for the,3 +§ 11 Verschwiegenheitspflicht,7 +The thrust of the tail rotor depends on the pitch angle of,9 +"2 августа 2017 г,",9 +"bei Konten von Rechtsträgern, die am oder nach dem 1. Juli 2014 eröffnet werden, muss die Sorgfaltspflicht",3 +§ 10a Stellenzulage,7 +[Figure 4-57] ,9 +including the additional cost of appointing and contracting another ,9 +"dürfen durch Funkstellen des festen Funkdienstes und des Mobilfunkdienstes nur noch genutzt werden,",3 +présentés avec la facture. ,3 +generated. The temperature of the wire rises until the ,3 +"Bus bar, fuses, and circuit breakers ",3 +"anchor is holding, watch two fixed points somewhere",9 +Table 7-3. ,3 +"Parts 91K, 121, 125, 129, and 135 operators who",9 +"active route, such as when being vectored or",9 +Tire Balancing ,7 +the contractor might be requested to produce a short video clip (up to 2 minutes long) ,3 +of salaries paid shall not be greater than the salary authorized by law for that,9 +Award of the contract ,7 +The length of the crack is confined to an area ,3 +Night Vision ,7 +"(viii) ensuring a system for public relations and enlightenment, and for ",3 +Fahrzeugregistern neben den in § 6 Absatz 1 Satz 2 bezeichneten Halterdaten die in § 6 Absatz 4 Nummer 3,9 +Improper Elevator Trim Setting,7 +ATC Instructions,7 +Autopilot Systems,7 +solely for cooling. A leaner mixture would give more power. ,9 +"the financial year shall be carried forward to the following year, ",9 +scale on the instrument dial face. ,0 +Der Ministerrat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik,7 +I.9.1. Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +Karosserieinstandhaltungstechnik,7 +§ 2a Durchführung des Lehrgangs Fahrschulbetriebswirtschaft,7 +importation,9 +bar. All the pieces can then be cut to the same dimensions ,9 +"Accept no unnecessary risk. Flying is not possible without risk, but unnecessary risk comes ",3 +"formance,” ",9 +certification is based on an approved S-LSA airplane.,3 +A computer-based ,9 +The VIF must be accompanied by two supporting documents: ,9 +control inputs from the cockpit.,9 +System (GLS) was a placeholder for future WAAS,9 +承揽人发现定作人提供的图纸或者技术要求不合理的,应当,9 +BACKGROUND INFORMATION ,7 +printed in blue.,9 +"Performance charts allow a pilot to predict the takeoff, climb, ",9 +[Figure 13-150],9 +Typical fuel control adjustments. ,0 +Spiral Dives,7 +) 1982 c. 16. Section 82 was amended by the Criminal Justice Act 1982 and the Criminal Justice Act 2003. The expression ,1 + A form of stress-caused damage that occurs in a ,9 +[Figure 9-13],9 +Carrying Handle ,6 +collections are significantly low and some revenue debts abandoned.,9 +Off-Field Landing Without Injury,7 +to a landing or to a point from which a landing may be ,9 +the leading partner using the template available here.,3 +"[268-3 (1, 2).]",9 +to the original resistance. ,9 +Article 28 Delayed payments ,7 +"Regardless of which method is used, it is always a good idea ",9 +Coordination of SRM Documentation ,3 +precisely calculated turn that flies by but does not vertically ,9 +"from a group of economic operators, such declaration should be completed by ",3 +activities are the following at present: ,3 +of this aspect should require increased or location specific ,9 +ensure that personnel authorised to process personal data have committed to confidentiality or are ,3 +other branch of the Government; and the procur,3 +Reciprocating Engine Exhaust Systems,7 +Requirements and Characteristics of ,7 +As a crack growth in,9 +Page 48 of 79 ,4 +"In entry ML2.a., for “recoilless rifles, smooth-bore weapons and signature reduction devices ",9 +ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ,7 +communications pertinent to the control of IFR,9 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Final Piston Moving Down,7 +"Experience has shown the lower figure, as determined by Prandtl ",9 +(D)(iii) Loan described in section 3710(a) ,8 +Preparation of Ground ,7 +citable. Any part of an ,9 +letter relevant to cleaning service contracts performed during the past three ,3 +acquired by Europol from the moment the results are accepted by Europol. ,3 +and call out any discrepancies or malfunctions observed prior ,6 +"construction, ",9 +"§ 10 Angestellte, Arbeiter und Auszubildende",7 +The propeller powered airplane may have such ,9 +to rise convectively without the formation of clouds. In this ,9 +"is equipped with an ELT and assistance is needed, turn it ",9 +"PAYGO Legislation’’ for this Act, submitted for printing in the ",9 +"the security policy of the contracting authority to ensure integrity, confidentiality and ",3 +for even heating of the repair area.,9 +Portfolio Safety Strategy ,7 +CONFLICTING INTERESTS ,7 +"or private property; to provide for ascertaining whether any, and",9 +the autorotation before impact.,9 +Decreased Airspeed,6 +Invoices shall be sent to the following address:,9 +"In accordance with section 45R of that Act the Secretary of State is of the opinion that, by rea son ",9 +"white, round or conical ice particles ",9 +The Eddie-Bolt$^{®}$ 2 Pin Fastening System ,7 +administrative requests. ,9 +Temperature Variation with Altitude,7 +DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,7 +"Whichever grounds are set out in section 3 of this form, the court may allow any of the other grounds to be",3 +Gefahrstoffe in der abzubrechenden Bausubstanz,7 +"detection, the Kidde continuous-loop system can supply ",9 +Squat switch.,9 +Please refer,9 +Throttle Control,7 +Abnormal Reactions to Stress ,7 +a terminal area. ,9 +Abschnitt A Nr. 2.3 ,3 +...................................,8 +anchored to the instrument case. The pressure to be measured ,9 +APPAREILS,6 +WEIGHT LIMITATIONS,7 +accurate measurement can be obtained. Adjust knot at the toggle ,9 +"land for construction of works), and does not apply to any land specified in Schedule 14 ",9 +"TS 821 EN 1916 Concrete pipes and fittings, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced",3 +"An estimation of the budget available for these projects for 2020 is up to €150,000. The ‘Request for ",9 +Provide EFSA with feedback:,7 +the main power system fails. There are numerous ways in ,9 +[Figure 9-75],9 +"Nennfüllmengenangaben hergestellt, in den Geltungsbereich des Mess- und Eichgesetzes verbracht, in den",9 +CherryBUCK$^{®}$ 95 KSI One-Piece Shear Pin ,7 +IS PRO$_{VIDED IN ACCORD}$$_{ANCE WITH}$,6 +operation for Accreditation (“EA”) Multilateral Agreement(,3 +Les documents ne doivent pas avoir été délivrés plus d'un an avant la date à laquelle ils ont ,9 +ein von ihr bestimmter Nachweis über die Vorschriftsmäßigkeit oder ein Gutachten eines amtlich,3 +Safety and Security Issue Reporting ,3 +Launch Site,7 +"and sizes, but the basic design features are fundamentally the ",9 +ensuring a system for carrying out activities relevant to public relations ,3 +"10, paragraph (2), items (ii) and (iv); and ",3 +Remote Pilot – Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Study Guide ,4 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM).,9 +及び四三から四五までの項の中欄に掲げる貨物を除く。)の」と、第四条第二項第二,3 +компьютерные,9 +"Within the same make, model and series of helicopter,",9 +line conductors is not excessive.,3 +receiving late payment. ,3 +is expressed to have effect also for the benefit of those deriving title from or under that ,3 +The history of aircraft structures underlies the history of ,9 + [Figure 9-22],9 +references have not yet been developed for,9 +Automatic Activation Devices (AADs) and ,7 +"such as cumulus, towering cumulus, and cumulonimbus are ",9 +municipal burial ground or cemetery as the council may deem advisable.,9 +臨床研究中核病院の管理者は、次に掲げるところにより、法第十六条,3 +processes. ,3 +"419 718 957,04 Euro",9 +regulatory Guidance,7 +applicable. ,3 +die Bundesflagge nach § 10 oder § 11 führen dürfen und für die ein Flaggenschein oder ein Flaggenzertifikat,3 +Authorized areas of operation (clearly defined ,3 +President,9 +Glider or Sailplane?,7 +It is recommended that takeoff power be maintained until ,9 +Common Error: Skipping the Preflight Weather ,7 +on the Cabinet Order Concerning Temporary Special Provisions of the Foreign ,9 +the edges of the tape and down the center to secure it. ,3 +"measures taken or proposed to be taken to address the breach, including, where appropriate, ",3 +I.3. ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF THE FWC ,7 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +SEC. 6. LOANS GUARANTEED UNDER HOME LOAN PROGRAM OF ,7 +" identified, and shall be transmitted to the",9 +"books and records to be kept, the entries to be made therein, the",3 +Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) ,7 +gelten § 380 der Zivilprozessordnung und § 255 der Abgabenordnung sinngemäß.,9 +bei Gebäuden (Energieeinsparverordnung - EnEV) vom 24. Juli 2007 wird in der vorliegen-,9 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +сторонних,9 +provided a crew of two pilots is used. Pilots are,9 +or that which remains trapped in the tank sumps. ,9 +"and employees of provincial governments when traveling, or when absent from",9 +"585 136 499,95 Euro.",9 +"das Kennzeichen und das Bild des Fahrzeugs,",3 +supplies and all sums due to the contractor as at the date of termination. ,3 +Tables are available that list the safe current ratings for ,9 +"completely closed, pressures on the fuel in the float chamber ",9 +[Figure 1-13] ,9 +"Section 11: Training, Operation Supervision and Maintenance ",5 +Cylinder Compression Tests,7 +Lesson Plans ,7 +"information listed above under 'ACCOUNT NAME', 'ACCOUNT NUMBER/IBAN' and 'BANK NAME'. With an attached statement,",3 +"When you begin flying a helicopter, you will use four",9 +short for ADC) and an Attitude Heading Reference System ,9 +"Technology specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 69-6, ",3 +contracting authority;,3 +holding in solution a certain small amount of ,9 +replacement personnel possess the professional qualifications and experience required ,3 +"The Secretary, acting through the Director of the Centers for Dis-",9 +progress. ,9 +"racetrack pattern, the teardrop procedure turn, or the 80°/260° ",9 +Off-Field Landing With Injury,7 +"in this paragraph. In the event of a radar outage,",9 +"], the Service Provider submitted",3 +parachute while maintaining precise powered ,3 +"learners, requires involvement with feelings, thoughts, memory of past experiences, and physical activity, it is more effective than a ",9 +For high value contracts equal to or above the Directive threshold (i.e. 139.000 € for services and ,9 +Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11A) Addendum: ,7 +Minimum navigation performance specifications ,3 +"Kenntnisse der berufsbezogenen Meß- und Prüfmethoden sowie der Meß- und Prüfgeräte,",3 +Hours of Daily Sessions of Public Schools,9 +PERFORMANCE AUDIT,7 +a presumption of service-connection by reason of having ,9 +condition of the runway will ,9 +Direct Service Changes ,7 +Suspension par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +165/2014 die Nachprüfungsberichte ab der Erstellung nicht mindestens zwei Jahre lang aufbewahrt.,9 +must have the appropriate aeronautical lighting required for ,9 +Establishing and adjusting the wind correction angle ,3 +Price and Estimated budget breakdown ,7 +"land breeze is heated by the warmer water surface, which ",9 +Unless otherwise specified no point of the surface of the completed earthwork shall be more than +/- ,9 +Infrastructure/Software ,3 +MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM THEORY OF OPERATION,7 +理のための体制を確保しなければならない(ただし、第二号については、病院、患者,3 +法第四十九条の二において読み替えて準用する一般社団法人及び一般,3 +essential to achieve the ,3 +I.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA ,7 +can also be made on the cornice brake.,9 +The Contractor is responsible for providing a Financial Report for the services financed by the ,3 +to the surface and become very difficult to free. This,9 +"Praça Europa 4, 1249-206 Lisbon, Portugal",9 +[This contract is subject to a retention money guarantee of [complete] % of the ,9 +circuitry,6 +"maneuvers in a flight lesson, much as the syllabus designed ",9 +Instrument Approach Procedure Charts ,7 +Figure 2-22. ,0 +prefectural governor an application form stating the following matters: ,3 +included in this lot: ,7 +置若しくは手術の用に供する衣類その他の繊維製品(以下「繊維製品」という。)の,3 +"especially if air from different sources is mixing, such as ",9 +"Whereas Congress enacted the Act of August 12, 1946 (60 Stat. ",3 +"The propeller, mounted on the front of the engine, translates ",9 +II.24 CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +Management and placement of advertisement ,7 +located on the nose of the aircraft.,3 +mutandis pursuant to Article 49-2 of the Act following the deemed ,9 +have design features incorporated into their construction ,9 +Emergency Procedures,7 +OBJECTIVES ,7 +needs to be overflown during the descent to flare and land. ,9 +Position risers in reserve container. Insert pull-up cords through ends of reserve closing loop and ,3 +matters set forth in items (v) and (vi) that have not been changed. ,3 +"and identification number, and must",3 +travel and locking. Also check choke and/or primer system ,9 +thirty-first day of March of each year unless its sessions for any given year are,9 +first layer of reinforcing fabric completely covers the work ,9 +Objectives & Pricing ,7 +Combustion Heaters,7 +"bounce occurs, but particularly when there is a crosswind. ",9 +Specific provisions related to insurance ,7 +FWC Phase-in,7 +airport surface winds for landing runway 27 are reported as ,9 +Dezember 2015 oder zum 31. Dezember eines Folgejahres Konten von hohem Wert im Sinne der Anlage I,3 +is most likely to present operating problems. The possibility ,9 +space activities designed for the benefit of humankind and to ,3 +Allgemeines,7 +The three original SSVs are shown in,9 +"have learned. This is challenging because different learners need to practice different things at different times, and because different ",9 +Article 6 – Terms of Payment ,7 +pressure gauge is placed between the fuel control unit outlet ,9 +necessary measures,9 +betragen.,9 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of May 1, 1960. ",9 +contracting authority may: ,9 +an authorized prefectural governor an application form stating the following ,3 +Identify ,6 +The SDF signal is fixed at either 6 degrees or,9 +"lean mixture is desirable for economy reasons, while at high ",9 + Evidence of ownership from the aircraft ,3 +return to level flight. Prompt adjustments to the changes in ,9 +above an incident; ,3 +118.000 COM1,6 +energy is imparted to the exhaust ,9 +—dedicated transmission service ,9 +(Transitional Measures) ,9 +moved with a steel brush to expose the aggregates. ,9 +feet wide by 40 feet long with a smooth top surface.,9 +Praktische Ausbildung auf Kraftfahrzeugen mit Schaltgetriebe der Klasse B gemäß § 17a der,3 +運送証その他船荷証券に準ずるものを含む。)により運送されたもの(第三号及び,3 +"In article 36H (operating an electronic system in relation to lending), at the beginning of ",9 +Rejection from the procedure ,7 +Judge of the Court of First,9 +Overvoltage Protection,7 +A146 Normanston Drive ,7 +17. В федеральном государственном образовательном стандарте,9 +Parachute. ,9 +The hand-operated wobble pumps were replaced by electric ,9 +Personnel Required ,7 + des Auftraggebers und dem von diesem ,3 +"necessary, while on customs premises. Such plants shall also handle merchandise",9 +APPROACH AND LANDING,7 +〔昭和二十九年六月一日政令第百十九号〕,7 +"Struktur und Funktionsweise des Betriebes; örtliche Bedingungen der Produktion, Dienstleistung und",3 +V$_{NEI}$ (never exceed speed—IFR) ,3 +the acetylene pressure regulator to the acetylene cylinder ,9 +border land port of entry where officers have been temporarily ,9 +on which the Secretary determines the number of intermittent ,9 +Höchstgeschwindigkeit von nicht mehr als 20 km/h muss der Halter zum Betrieb auf öffentlichen Straßen zudem,9 +PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +Republic of Botswana,6 +Management letter,7 +Voltage Regulation,7 +Zuständigkeitsanpassungsgesetzes vom 16. August 2002 (BGBl. I S. 3165) und dem Organisationserlass vom,9 +Differential Pressure Tester,7 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT,7 +newly manufactured aircraft in preparation,3 +HEADING INDICATOR,7 +"and falls into place, preventing the blades from feathering. ",9 +"published approach chart, supplemented by NOT-",9 +"Industry No. 99 of March 29, 2001] [Extract] ",7 +"and Mechanical Plant and for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Contractor, First ",9 +or no airway exists. This also indicates that a SID or STAR ,9 +New Access Road ,7 +eingesetzten Verfahren.,9 +"are closed, check ",9 +VFR over-the-top must not be confused with VFR-on-,9 +according to the actual situation of supply of and demand for medical care in ,3 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 18 of 18 ",7 +The fiscal of the city shall also cause to be investigated the causes of sudden,9 +The Need for ICT Governance,7 +airport construction activity that could affect taxi planning. ,9 +"Die Einsatzgebiete werden vom Ausbildungsbetrieb festgelegt. Andere Einsatzgebiete sind zulässig, wenn in",9 +Consequential amendments ,7 +" Accepted only for Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Canada, United States and Australia.",3 +“Dual Harness Reserve Parachute Canopy”,3 +The condenser is the final component in the vapor cycle. It ,9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 18 of 18 ",7 +Bureau of Civil Service,7 +Gefahrstoffe in der abzubrechenden Bausubstanz,7 +"(ii) P travels directly to, and remains in any place where P is self-isolating, apart from ",3 +"material, temper condition and strength, the size of the holes, ",9 +for self-quarantine at the time of travel to The Netherlands; ,3 +§ 3 Unterrichtsräume,7 +Composition of National Assembly ,7 +Article I-11 ,7 +"an overbanking tendency which, if not corrected by the pilot, ",9 +Barometric pressure = 29.0 inches of mercury,3 +See page 65 ,3 +Measurement of Direction ,7 +Human factors engineering data. ,3 +Convective Currents ,7 +индивидуальных,9 +VFR Waypoints,7 +〔昭和六十一年五月三十日通商産業省令第二十五号〕,7 +"blade, which reduces lift, and increase on the retreating blade, ",9 +"At present, the transport sector in general meets only basic demands of the economy and society. ",9 +разрабатывать,9 +"side of the runway, and have an effective visual range ",9 +Normal Takeoff from a Hover,7 +The pilot assigns a medium risk level to the selection of an ,9 +"quickly by reducing throttle setting, lowering ",9 +" However, if the damage ",3 +Präqualifizierte Unternehmen,9 +StallGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +and indication of mode status. APs may or may not be ,3 +"meldenden Finanzinstitut bekannt ist oder bekannt sein müsste, dass die ursprüngliche Selbstauskunft nicht",9 +Übergangstück rechteckig auf rund,7 + Effective translational lift is easily recognized in actual ,0 +The criterion is applied to: ,7 +"British protected person under the meaning of that Act, or ",3 +difficult terrain or in an area served by relatively few roads. ,9 +must be completed and approved prior to the JRC Secretariat’s cut-off date for the FID. The ,9 +prior to takeoff.,3 +[Figure 13-113],9 +speeds below those recommended for takeoff ,9 + A motor or other form of actuator which receives a ,9 +"die Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung,",3 +achieve complete infusion of resin. ,9 +"maßgeblich, der dem Verhältnis der Anzahl der angefangenen Monate, in denen die Umlagepflicht bestand, zur",9 +"1049 Brussels, Belgium ",9 +Methodological framework defined by ECHA ,7 +earns a livelihood.,3 +Entzug der Fahrerlaubnis,3 +Kidde Continuous-Loop System,7 +The sum of all quality award criteria (1 ,7 +The manufacturer may also recommend a minimum IFR,9 +humidity is above 80 percent. Other causes include:,9 +not considered acceptable.,9 +Figure 4-49. ,0 +or other legal or equitable interest in or upon such property may satisfy the taxes,9 +this manual as it properly belongs to the subject of navigation. ,9 +Impulse coupling,6 +Schallimmissionsschutz,7 +"Check the entire length of the tow line for abrasions, ",3 +SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION PLAN ,7 +государственной,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 172 of April 3, 2015] ",7 +Aborted Landings,7 +DEVELOPMENT ,7 +"July 30, considered and passed Senate. ",1 +"parties ne sont pas en mesure de s'entendre sur la désignation d'un médiateur dans le délai indiqué, ",9 +Event/conference assistant (half/full day) ,7 +airplane to descend to the ground while the proper ,9 +Traffic Data Systems,7 +"If the rpm is low, the only corrective action to stop ground ",9 + ..........................................5-4,8 +TO SPECIFIC PROBLEMS OF FLYING ,7 +of the incoming wastewater shall be directly by-passed. ,3 +guidance ,9 +Prüfung und die Note der mündlichen Ergänzungsprüfung im Verhältnis 2:1 zu gewichten.,9 +lated area with little or no lights. The result is that you,9 +"pins, and safety as required.",9 +Fly at the appropriate VFR altitude as prescribed in ,3 +Pile shoes ,7 +fuel subsystems as follows:,9 +Ground Communication Outlet ,7 +lack of adherence will negatively impact the evaluation of the tender.,3 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +Short breaks ,7 +", Article II.6.3 applies.",9 +Updated text ,7 +(ii) omit paragraph (c). ,3 +HARNESS/CONTAINER ,7 +emissions. ,3 +"""conditions de travail en hauteur"".",3 +falls off as the mixture is further enriched. This is because the ,9 +SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION PLAN ,7 +forcing the airplane’s tail downward when the main wheels ,9 +basis of flat rates. ,3 +activities are the following at present: ,3 +"Kunden- und dienstleistungsorientiertes Verhalten, Lernziele b und c,",3 +Private rights over land ,7 +§ 5 Identifizierungs- und Sorgfaltspflichten,7 +"guaranteeing any mercantile credits, which may be made or renewed",3 +"Number of aircraft controlled (ground, pattern, and transitions)",3 +"18, Standards for Airport Sign Systems.",9 + für ein Los oder mehrere Lose ,6 +Licensing Team within 24 hours of issue; ,3 +"based on a set of pre-defined RACER$^{19}$ indicators such as the number of users, average ",9 +encountered below this altitude.,9 +Each provision of this contract is severable and distinct from the others. If a provision is or ,9 +APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM-,7 +Twin-Engine Aircraft Vacuum System Operation,7 +"veresterte Fettsäuren, Mono- und Diglyceride von Fettsäuren oder Salze von Fettsäuren, die sie jeweils nicht",9 +事故等分析事業の実施方法,3 +Obstacles to Maintaining Situational Awareness,7 +"restore the communication within two working days, one party ",3 +Opening of tenders,7 +对造成重大海洋环境污染事故,致使公私财产遭受重大损失或者人身伤亡,9 +"360 – 13 410 kHz,",9 +degrade the material structural properties. The thermocouples ,9 +"with the problem of providing learning experiences that are meaningful, varied, and appropriate. As an example, learners can learn to ",9 +aufgeh. durch § 20 Satz 2 V 806-22-1-131 v. 13.10.2020 I 2166 mWv 1.8.2021,7 +II.25 SÉCURITÉ ,7 +Airspeed Indicator (ASI),7 +Marker Board ,7 +"Juni 2014 tritt, an Stelle des in Abschnitt IV Unterabschnitt E Nummer 1 genannten 31. Dezember 2015",3 +A form of heat engine in which burning ,9 +Санитарные правила,7 +original configuration.,3 +Umgang mit konfliktträchtigen Situationen;,3 +"for paragraph 33, substitute",3 +would probabl,9 +tion for weather avoidance and flight planning.,9 +than the actual airspeed because the trapped static pressure ,9 +static sea level thrust. ,9 +"tapped holes in the disk. Of the two connection methods, ",9 +pax: no conference assistant ,3 +VFR Departures ,7 +Inspect throttle choke and oil pump lever cables for ,3 +"Erkennung und Behandlung von Narkosezwischenfällen,",3 +"Using same type material as in original canopy construction, mark and cut a patch 2 ",3 + (s 107: repealed) ,7 +診療用高エネルギー放射線発生装置の定格出力,3 +Ntlo ya Dikgosi ,7 +"bei der Zuteilung von roten Kennzeichen,",3 +elektronisch in Textform,3 +"in three dimensions. Aspect ratio, taper ratio, and sweepback ",9 +and flight instructors. Each FSDO is staffed by Aviation ,9 +INFORMATION ,7 +1. Область применения,7 +Instrument Weather Flying,7 +"components are parts of the parachute, deployment system, ",9 +dieses Landes und,3 +indirect lighting alters depth perception. The pilot may,9 +(on sheet 29). ,8 +Glider Engine While Airborne,7 +FWC if that delay or failure is a ,3 +an outstanding query regarding past payments which had been ,3 +minimum. 300 dpi); ,3 +Visibility.,3 +following deliverables: ,3 +‘Substantial error’,9 +"pensated for by pedal pressure, the ball remains in the",9 +lowestoft@marinemanagement.org.uk. ,3 +biodiversity); ,3 +"Summary table of tasks, deliverables, quality requirements and timelines in LOT 3 ",7 +"and wind correction angle as required, entry into the ",9 +press conference starts ,7 +Main Parachute Assembly. The main parachute assembly consists of a pilot chute connected by a ,3 +"To determine the total length of a rivet to be installed, the ",9 +and the NAVAID monitored for final segment course,9 +I.5.2. Interim payments ,7 +of the correction by the tenderer.,9 +"Diplomatic Missions as at 31 March 2018 did not, in numerous ",3 +other sediment contamination. Avgas is more probable to ,9 +fire/engine control panel,6 +"for damages resulting from an accident caused by a motor vehicle belonging to, or ",3 +Die Nutzung des Frequenzbereichs 960 – 1 215 MHz durch den Flugnavigationsfunkdienst ist auf,3 +Distribution Chamber for Primary Clarifiers,7 +The last two decision points are just prior to descent into the ,9 +Guidance on Severe Turbulence,7 +Reverse-Current Relay,7 +号)第六条第一項に規定する勤労者財産形成貯蓄契約、同条第二項に規定する勤労,3 +The contractor will prepare a short report evaluating the degree to which tutorials have ,9 +occurring in calendar year 2018: ,9 +Article I-15 ,7 +"volcanic ash. The ash plume may not be visible,",9 +Safety and Technical Training (AJI) to fully assess the safety posture of any portfolio and to plan ,9 +esearchers’ interest in regulatory ERA and science. ,3 +Carburetor Icing,7 +Conduction in the atmosphere is considered to be a significant ,9 +第九十四条 海洋环境监督管理人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,造,9 +"sectioning, transformer outlets and measuring systems.",9 +"Remove reserve ripcord grip from pocket and pull, removing ripcord cable from housing. ",3 +"“disablement” means damage, disfigurement and loss of physical or mental capacity resulting ",9 +FOLDING CANOPY ,7 +A wing may consist of a single piece attached to the fuselage ,9 +seals and mounting geometry allow the differential pressure ,9 +"das Kennzeichen und das Bild des Fahrzeugs,",3 +FAA governing aircraft flight using visual references. VFR ,9 +(iii) shortening time during which a human body is exposed to radiation; ,3 +Evaluation of tenders on the basis of the award criteria ,3 +"operate according to VFR, he or she must use instrument ",9 +ALL contractors,3 +"training, it may be useful for other purposes. As already ",9 +factors result in a high share of transport costs in the delivered cost of products.,9 +Additional Weather Information ,7 +"or cooperating with it, including contractors or subcontractors ",9 +エックス線高電圧発生装置の定格出力,3 +専従の知的財産の管理及び技術の移転に係る業務を行う者を配置すること。,3 +The opportunity for the approval authority to monitor SME activities. ,3 +The new unusual attitude recovery protection allows the ,9 +that they have returned/travelled from a country with a negative travel advisory. ,3 +Abschnitt 5,7 +due to curvature of the Earth.,3 +tions if it does not conform to signal strength and,9 +CRUISING LEVEL-,7 +lateral reinforcement shall be not less than 0.4% spaced at not more than half the width of the ,3 +[Figure 3-9],9 +National security area (NSA) ,3 +poisons. Research has shown that drinking one ounce of ,9 +Number and type of airport operations,3 +Fahrerlaubnis,7 +mum with full forward displacement of the left pedal.,9 +4_Vol3_d4.3_Section 4 General Requirements_en_GIR_rev6 ,4 +Figure 7-1,9 +established,9 +Generator Controls for High Output Generators,7 +PRICE AWARD CRITERION (200 points) ,7 +application. Should significant differences between,9 +Acoustical noise: max. 55dBA. ,3 +ensure that personnel authorised to process personal data have committed to confidentiality or are ,3 +thousand pesos per annum.,9 +list of participants to EU-OSHA in a branded and publishable format 5 working days before ,3 +Fluid Spills on Composites...................................3-11,8 +осуществление федерального государственного санитарно-эпидемиологического,9 +Offence and penalties ,7 +"breakout shown on the illustration figure, which is prepared for a functional group, sub functional group, or ",9 +DECLARA nON OF POLICY AND DEFINmONS,7 +Intellectual Property Right (IPR) ,7 +chemically disposed to combine with other ,9 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +can download,3 +opportunities ,3 +aggiudicatrice ritiene necessaria affinché qualsiasi richiesta di lavorazione relativa ,3 +"water, but remains well below flying speed. At these",9 +"over the fabric, cut out the plies, and lay up the plies in the ",9 +"example, a driver learns through direct experience about the ",9 +"acquisitions. In addition, FAA Order 1100.161, ",9 +"In this case, the signatory declares that the person has already provided the same declaration on ",9 +"number, and shall be sent by post, cable, telex, facsimile transmission, e-mail or personal ",3 +"at low speeds, ",9 +"engine failure ..............................................7-7, 12-5, 12-6",8 +Schallimmissionsschutz,7 +Materials/ Parts ,7 +Inhaltsverzeichnis ,7 +the forward idle position. This last movement operates the ,9 +"JRC Ispra, eventuali integrazioni e valutazioni sui rischi interferenziali saranno riportate nel verbale ",9 +instruction sheets. ,9 +Home Office ,9 +l'exploiter et de l'utiliser; ,3 +•• If the AC voltage output is below the normal 120 ,9 +"Absatzes 1 entfallen, hat die Bundesanstalt den Widerruf der Bestellung des Treuhänders zu beantragen.",9 +Fisheries and fishing privileges,3 +cooperate with the Consultant in order to achieve the best results.,9 +Contractor’s further ,9 +Overall management ,7 +of the following (refer to FIG 4,9 +Scoping Process ,7 +no prospects of recoveries. ,9 +"(BGBl. I S. 2147), geändert durch Artikel 3 des Gesetzes vom 10. November 2001 (BGBl. I S. 2992),",9 +navigation systems. One waypoint character incorrectly ,9 +"clinics, playing a leading role in conducting the specified clinical trial in ",3 +"renewals of the same, five pesos.",9 +Working successfully in IT requires more than an in-depth kn,9 +"generators, incinerators, fire training facilities, and aircraft engine testing",9 +dell'amministrazione aggiudicatrice e devono essere ancora validi a tale data.,9 +下この条において単に「支援」という。)を行うに当たり必要な対策を推進するため、,3 +special registration number,7 +undertaking the work described in that paragraph if P is travelling with another ,3 +most are those related to changes in runway or terrain ,9 +“Isle of Man connection” if the person is— ,9 +required to maintain altitude at or above the depicted value.,9 + Basic Pilot Eligibility,7 +Secretariat services ,7 +"row 146-2, row 151, row 155 and row 159 of Appended Table 1 come into effect ",3 +"slight or moderate slip. In short-field landings, this erratic ",9 +That amounts allocated by the Secretary for costs of leases of ,9 +"gasoline, diesel, propane, electric, ",9 +30/05/2016 ,9 +"sees red/white, “above path” if white/white, and ",9 +becomes entangled/snagged with the parachutist or equipment.,3 +"is centered, the attitude gyro has precessed; if the ball ",3 +The Crown Line,7 +The FWC is concluded for a period of twelve 4 years (12) months with effect from the ,3 +drahtlosen Produktion beschränkt.,3 +Management structure ,7 +the gun loosely and pull the ,6 +§ 11 Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I,7 +Warning Areas ,7 +The statement END OF FIGURE appears just below the last item description in Column 5 for a given ,3 +"tional gear, while most of the later gyroplanes",9 +"5,200 lb, would you knowingly try to take on fuel, baggage ",9 +"of the results as defined in the tender specifications, these results may be used for any purpose. In ",9 +Article 30-18 (1) The manager of a hospital or clinic shall take any of the ,3 +"relativo verbale di sopralluogo congiunto.. Come indicato nel contratto, i costi della ",3 +(3K - 3K) ,6 +accounts ,8 +"crosswind correction as the airplane bounces, the wind causes ",9 +"All other stations, aircraft and ground, will",9 +"the pigment from an acrylic finish, but has no effect on an ",9 +Obstacles in the flight path are a consideration. As a general ,9 +"and Police, subject to such res",9 +"paragraph (2), for “a local” substitute “an”;",3 +"DVS developed several strategy documents such as the Fence Strategy, Fence ",9 +registering Your Aircraft ,7 +assistance required. He shall at all tim,9 +"components, or crystals used in laser oscillators ",8 +Risk: Taking Off Without Entering a Flight Plan,7 +Resettlement (ORR) under section 462 of the Homeland Security ,9 +shaded lens to protect it from damage. ,9 +"glideslope/path or vertical path intercept altitude, it is ",9 +"surface causes sliding friction, as found in the use of plain ",9 +lines at the center or edges,6 +affect the safety of aircraft operations. SIGMET is warning ,9 +OPERATING STRENGTH LIMITATIONS ,7 +routes. Scales vary from 1 inch = 5nm to 1 inch =,9 +submission.,3 +LAND OF WHICH TEMPORARY POSSESSION MAY BE TAKEN ,7 +at the occasion the person is participating in. ,3 +"Article, pursuant to the provisions of Article 30-3-2 of the Act. ",3 +Self-Launching Glider Propeller Malfunctions,7 +parachute and its related systems are done correctly so that the ,9 +the best-power mixture.,9 +Departures From Airports Without an ,7 +to verify that the applications functionalities are available to end users after a ,3 +"Citation, commencement, extent and application ",7 +Trailing Edge and Transition Area Patch Repairs,7 +"prevent this, the pitch attitude is held constant until the ",9 +Facilities for Staff and Labor ,7 +"CFR part 91, section 91.205, if night operations are ",3 +The Eddie-Bolt$^{®}$ 2 Pin Fastening System ,7 +to terminate becomes enforceable the day after the time limit for submitting observations has ,9 +. The data required to ,9 +ence will be the variation with speed. If all ,9 +"Fuel system failure, fuel system icing, or pro- ",9 +"This Statutory Instrument corrects errors in the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) ",5 +管部门责令限期改正;逾期未改正的,吊销电子认证许可证书,其直接负,9 +Figure 5-36.,0 +Verbleibsermittlung möglich ist und der Empfänger innerhalb der Zulassungsbehörde registriert wird.,3 +Softstarter Protection ,7 +"For Daylight Saving Time, 1 hour should be subtracted from ",9 +Terminal Arrivals (STARs) ,3 +SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION PLAN ,7 +§ 7 Teil 1 der Abschlussprüfung,7 +"Schedule No 8: Roads, Landscaping and Fences",7 +regulator ,6 +and that too excessive a climb rate may result in a condition ,9 +when it started and what action the contractor is taking to resolve it. ,3 +The Maintenance part: ,7 +Vertragslaufzeit / Termine ,7 +The effect of this vortex system is ,9 + or outlook. ,9 +characters or figures by emitting a laser beam (limited to a visible beam) ,3 +Drill Bushing Holder Types,7 +"a stepped harness, stitching may break, and the junction can ",9 +"at P4 371 034 as at 31 March 2018. Out of that amount, P710 238 had ",9 +"and (4), respectively; and ",9 +Preflight your passengers by preparing them for the ,3 +Transitioning across lots: Handover (WP 4) ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 119 of June 1, 1954] ",7 +ID or passport number:,6 +"Explanations need to be clear, pertinent to the objectives of the particular lesson to be presented, and based on the known experience ",9 +"All distances, directions and lengths referred to in this Order are approximate and distances ",9 + and to carry out the services that will be subcontracted to it in compliance with the ,6 +advice from well-qualified pilots already familiar with,9 +“similar stage of construction” means the stage at which— ,9 +firm is a member of a national,3 +PrPs=parasite ,9 +Great Plain’s Volkswagen conversion.,0 +necessary for the implementation of the underlying contract and the application of ,3 +"disponieren und zu handhaben,",3 +Lederaustauschstoffen und Bezugsstoffen,8 +are not followed during ,9 +"flights between rural airports in Class E airspace, but is soon planning to begin flying regularly to a location in Class B airspace. In ",9 +〔平成二十五年四月十日政令第百二十号〕,7 +"The wing and center section assembly for condition, ",3 +"ability to provide the services. The report must describe the problem, state when it started and ",3 +"When landing on a level surface, and the wind can be",9 +Equation B-8. HAP Emissions - Stationary Combustion Sources ,9 +March 2019 ,5 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 + Considerations when Defining the System,7 +Salt and Sand Piles ,7 +"For onsite, hybrid, ""online +"" for the onsite part:",7 +Baustein Hausaufgabe „Darstellung der individuellen Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +It is a necessary guide for the ,9 +circulation almost impossible. Other oils may become so thin at ,9 +Temperature Variation with Altitude,7 +trajectory formed by the four,9 +Zeitrahmen 6: Funktionsprüfungen und Einstellarbeiten,7 +菌消毒業務を行う場合は、滅菌消毒業務に関し相当の知識及び経験を有する者を受,3 +ensuring that this Financial Report can be reconciled to the Contractor’s accounts and records in ,3 +remark regarding weather phenomenon that does not,3 +от 8 февраля 2021 г. № 84 (зарегистрирован Министерством юстиции,9 +"§ 51 Inkrafttreten, Übergangsregelungen",7 +runway centerline normally at 100 foot intervals. The ,9 +Dokumentation,3 +NAVWEPS OD-BOT-BO ,7 +A hydraulic piston in the hub of the propeller is connected,6 +Class B airspace area is individually tailored and,9 +or test switch is used in conjunction with system indicator ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ",7 +Eingangsformel ,7 +"accurate and that procedures are performed in the right order. In SRM assessment, instructors should learn to assess on a different ",9 +Copyright and Neighbouring Rights (Levy on Technical Devices) ,7 +für Baden-Württemberg,8 +Department of Veterinary Services in collaboration with the Botswana National ,9 +Accounts and Accounting,7 +within a material in which heat energy is neither added to the ,9 +"102 – 109,5 GHz,",9 +Full floating shaft bearing assembly,6 +Information Datenschutz ,7 +of archives (including the physical location of data and services as set out in Article I.9.2) and data ,9 +essential to achieve the ,3 +operating zones (NOZ) indicate the operating zone within ,9 +Composite surfaces that need to be primed may include the ,9 +LAND OF WHICH TEMPORARY POSSESSION MAY BE TAKEN ,7 +Additional administrative documentation,7 +as possible in order to have the documents ready to be sent to EIB in case it is awarded the contract). ,9 +most critical condition is much dependent upon ,9 +Hands-on Development/maintenance experience of web-enabled applications. ,3 +for a timely display of exactly the information needed for any ,9 +The European Cybersecurity Act introduces processes that support the cybersecurity certification of ICT ,9 +official ,6 +observer ceiling estimated two thousand broken ...,9 +"appear elaborate and complete, does not necessarily mean ",9 +§ 24a (weggefallen),7 +Register - an online register of organisations and natural persons participating in European ,9 +"paragraph (aa) or (bb) is taking place, and ",3 +LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF A GROUP ,7 +"from injury, and “disabled” shall be construed accordingly; ",9 +ownership of results and rights by Europol under this ,3 +turbulence in hundreds of feet MSL. Figures below the line ,9 +Southerly Turning Errors ,7 +belonging to him in the same municipality.,9 +takeoff roll. Pilots are further encouraged to turn on,9 +Operation above FL 450 may be conducted on,9 +“Dual Harness Reserve Parachute Canopy”,3 +the oil reservoir has clear air vent holes to allow continuous ,9 +Significant Weather Prognostic Charts,7 +Sign to be Exhibited by Manufacturer of Products of,9 +changes by ,9 +(approximately 20 to 45 degrees) at which the WSC remains ,9 +Joint Research Centre ,9 +"Unless the special conditions provide otherwise, the performance guarantee shall be ",3 +Gefahrstoffen.,9 +Datenübermittlung werden vom Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt im Bundesanzeiger und zusätzlich im Verkehrsblatt,9 +"tenderers will be judged on the content of their written bids, they must make it clear that they are able ",9 +II.5.2 Date of communications by mail and email ,7 +"graphs. Other aids include projected material, video, computer-based programs, and models, mock-ups, or cut-aways. ",9 +High Altitude Charts.,9 +"o the place of parade, exercise, or other",9 +The packing manual should include a recommended tools ,9 +CONTACT PERSON (for this tender) ,7 +Driving piles ,7 +The Need for ICT Governance,7 +http://mevzuat.basbakanlik.qov.tr/Metin.Aspx?MevzuatKod=9.5.14369&MevzuatIliski=0&sourceXmlSearch=Türkive,1 +Termination by Europol: ,7 +Airspace System. Data obtained from NMAC reports,9 +distance of 5 centimeters from the accessible surface of the X-ray unit; ,3 +"affected, but the progress of the aircraft over the ground is ",9 +be encountered along the northern side of a high-pressure ,9 +"specifics), Class E airspace in the United States",9 +This manual is complemented by other operational,9 +Remove the tip bag protectors ,9 +be removed until the cylinder is put into service. ,9 +"each four pesos, or fractional part thereof, of the amount of premium",3 +Transfer/Exhaust—Piston,7 +database.,9 +Margin Identification Information,7 +Ausbildungsplan zu erstellen.,9 +"deformity, imbecility, poverty, insanity, or other affliction, and",3 +r.p.m. builds rapidly and can easily exceed the maxi-,9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +which compares the ,9 +otherwise authorized by ATC.,9 +"—(1) Where an act would, in the absence of this paragraph, be prohibited by the ",9 +au Contractant une série de bons de commande établis comme suit: ,9 + - HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OFFER USING e-SUBMISSION ,7 +susmentionnée,7 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +II.23.3. Interest on late payment ,7 +Subject: Supply of Equipment for Advanced Prototype Station (APS),7 +Start the helicopter moving by smoothly and slowly easing the ,9 +II.20.2. Währung ,7 +Approvisionnements ,7 +"the subsequent touchdown is made at a slower airspeed, the ",9 +Consignment note ,7 +"is 50 feet high, the first 500 feet or so of the landing area ",9 +регистрационный № 62736):,9 +Auditbericht,9 +FLIGHT AT SLOW AIRSPEEDS,7 +the necessary ,9 +"of the turn. In contrast, ",9 +"Article 30-28 Diseases specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and ",3 +system will fly the true course between the,9 +Transportation Conformity ,7 +much and too little directional stability. Because it is more ,9 +An obvious complication of the supersonic ,9 +обеспечивается,9 +Transitioning across lots: Handover (WP 4) ,7 + The Act provides for the prevention and control of animal ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 378 of December 19, 1986] ",7 +"r the office, he shall make such investigation of the same as the",9 +"ment with proper antitorque pedal for trim, and apply",9 +aggiudicatrice. ,7 +"translate into a hazard. Because this pilot was in a hurry, he ",9 +"approach begins, leave the clearance limit at the ",3 +cadre du présent contrat.,9 +社会医療法人の認定を受けようとする医療法人が、令第五条の五に,3 +work produced during the operating cycle. ,9 +Communal Forests,7 +Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI),7 +Table 6.4: Signatures for SRM Document Approval for Proposed NAS Changes Only ,7 +or a mixing chamber allows the crew to select the exact ,9 +Chapter 5$_{ }$,7 +Intellectual property rights,7 +Contractor’s ,3 +"appropriate, any time a clearance is not fully",9 +and structurally enhance areas with ,9 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR ,7 +"and complete coverage. After you apply the primer, apply ",9 +Guidance on Severe Turbulence,7 +and 1.300. A ,9 +〔平成二十五年九月十三日政令第二百六十七号〕,7 +Management Letter,7 +Pile shoes ,7 +"[1683-1; Comp., 1256.]",9 +"additional costs to the contracting authority. In such case, the contractor will have to clearly ",9 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 3 ,7 +CG moment envelope.,0 +specialized data centre cleaning. Services could also include project management and consultancy related ,9 +Install to airworthy standards a square reserve,3 +続する法人若しくは合併により設立された法人は、第五号及び第六号に掲げる事項の,3 +"years, fifty centavos.",3 +"From either the plowing or the step position, when",9 +Small screw in closely spaced closed ,6 +"that each pilot has a veto on continuing the flight, and that they ",6 +"approach. Accordingly, such holding is not autho-",9 +The nozzle ,9 +otherwise in,3 +providing comprehensive support to the other hospitals or clinics with ,3 +Figure 6-86,9 +article 239 of the Air Navigation Order 2016(,9 +"(armature and fields windings), and the main AC alternator ",9 +Statistical Information System (T–MSIS) (or a successor ,9 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY ,7 +Margin Identification Information,7 +Anlage 3 (zu § 1 Abs. 2),7 +and the manifold to monitor the injector-applied pressure ,9 +located downstream of the compressor. Its purpose is to ,9 +Reimbursement of expenses is not applicable to this contract. ,9 +tightened,9 +Rahmen- und örtliche Dienstanweisungen;,3 +Figure 9-5. ,0 +of the parachute and its related systems. When the parachute ,9 +"plumbed to the cabin. On pressurized airplanes, they are ",9 +property and will be treated confidentially. ,9 +instrument operations is becoming more common-,9 +Poor Adhesion,7 +of all GA accidents occurs during takeoff and initial climb. ,9 +sport parachuting activities in the U.S.,9 +"§ 26 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +"A hazard can be a real or perceived condition, event, or ",9 +I.9.1. Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +"a higher total relative wind, striking the blades at a",9 +ОЗДОРОВЛЕНИЯ ДЕТЕЙ И МОЛОДЕЖИ»,7 +"implementation, the Agency may execute the works specified in the notice and any expenditure ",9 +aircraft. Should the aircraft come within the horizontal or ,9 +no more than one year before the date of their request by the contracting authority and must still ,9 +"—(1) The undertaker, in the case of the powers conferred by article 18 (protective work to ",9 +UK202002131009,9 +and (iii) the Coordination and Review Process. ,9 +him to participate in the procurement procedure. ,9 +override automatic control. This can be used in flight or on the ,9 +"Gefährdung, Einrichtung:",7 +"upon reaching destination, you cannot accept any",9 +procédure ,9 +Internal Quality Control (QC) ,7 +", outdoor gyms and outdoor ",3 +Identification of subject matter for Professional article ,7 +Figures 7-46 ,9 +§ 5 Durchführung der Berufsausbildung,7 +"facility, disposal facility, or radiation therapy sickroom not exceeding the ",3 +PACKING METHOD: ,7 +"Ramjet engines, scramjet engines, combined cycle ",8 +"same Article, and the contract on workers' property accumulation savings for ",3 +ECHA’s capability to build and run IT service and products is limited in both financial ,3 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,7 +General background......................................................................................................7 ,8 +"corrections should be closely coordinated. To illustrate this, ",9 +NOTE: Use only approved fabric clamps. Improvised or homemade clamps may increase,9 +level flight at higher speeds. ,9 +nautical miles off the coast of the 48 contiguous,9 +manifest as specified in that subsection in a veteran described ,9 +effective management of livestock diseases particularly FMD.” ,9 +Droits exclusifs ,7 +Record of concreting ,7 +"aerodynamics, which was crucial to developing a workable ",9 +accommodate high ,9 +and is circling or side,9 +Ausführung ,9 +"flapping eliminates dissymmetry of lift, the front of the",9 +Gateway Fix. A navigational aid or fix where an aircraft ,9 +Analyzing Procedures ,7 +Overhead vent blower,6 +The primary purpose of a forward slip is to dissipate altitude ,9 +"however, this activity may form a long unbroken line of ",9 +"of a second, the powered parachute must be slowed ",9 +the contractual ,6 +", must provide ",3 +– Evidence for selection,7 +"surface is dusty or covered with loose snow, this technique ",9 + SSAR ,3 +当該維持された逆紹介率を高めるよう努めること。,3 +クス線管焦点から一メートルの距離において、一・〇ミリグレイ毎時以下,3 +airspace. The cloud clearance requirement for VFR,9 +An approval authority’s review ,3 +"S.I. 2020/1369 (the “2020 Regulations”) limited the application of S.I. 2012/2038 (the “2012 Regulations”), but regulation ",1 +Ground Communication Outlet ,7 +Unless the aircraft has reverse sensing capability and it is in ,9 +Written confirmation issued by the bank ,3 +"If you apply your full concentration to a single instrument,",7 +vacuum for the attitude and heading indicators is 5 inches ,9 +The NOT Gate,7 +in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article II.21.5. The,9 +The following procedure aids in identification of the paint ,9 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +A trial landing is very helpful in determining the depth,9 +Electrical - General ,7 +Power Distribution Units (PDU) ,3 +Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC). The goal for the following years will be to further increase the interest ,9 +alcohol or tobacco purchased in an area ,9 +[136-83.],9 +"Citation, commencement, extent and application ",7 +"to a crosswind heading, the groundspeed becomes ",9 +a self-launching,9 +государство,9 +登山用ロープ(身体確保用のものに限る。),3 +Citation and commencement ,7 +NB within the EU Europol is exempt from taxation and duties,1 +Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI),7 +ОЗДОРОВЛЕНИЯ ДЕТЕЙ И МОЛОДЕЖИ»,7 +insert name of the relevant result,7 +The ripcord housing must be reinstalled and tacked.,3 +The performance specifications ,9 +Basting and Temporary Tacking ,3 +Anlage 4 (zu § 1 Abs. 4 des Gesetzes),7 +to ensure that there are no leaks or deficiencies present. The ,9 +A - Project management and quality assurance/lot 3 ,7 +Packing and Inspection Area,7 +based upon a recently decommissioned NAVAID.,9 +deserve very serious respect since excessive ,9 +excuse the undertaker from liability under the provisions of this sub-paragraph (1) unless SGN ,9 +the following:,9 +traffic pattern; to the right when in a right-hand traffic ,3 +interpretation.,6 +The Weight-Shift Control Aircraft Flying Handbook was produced by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with ,9 +"request your clearance from ATC. Typically, when a clearance ",9 +不履行协助义务致使承揽工作不能完成的,承揽人可以催告定作人在合理期限内履,9 +"Maßnahmen zur Abwehr einer unmittelbar drohenden Gefahr,",3 +Sequence for construction ,7 +метеорологических,9 +"Upon reaching 225–250 feet AGL, maintain proper forward momentum and ",3 +the two-stow diaper was developed for use with emergency ,9 +orize the shipment of forest products under auxiliary,9 +Irrigation system ,7 +Dynamic Rollover,7 +Article 9 - ,7 +"and shall, when so paid or collected, be paid in and credited to the",9 +Anlage (zu § 1),7 +Spring-Back,7 + may be disclosed and published. ,3 +showed total current assets of P30.59 million and total current ,9 +REARWARD FLIGHT,7 +sur le poste 1 du bordereau financier qui reprend l'ensemble des équipements pour lesquels ,9 +" lightning, on",3 +"Solange die Untersagungsverfügung nach Absatz 1 vollziehbar ist, gelten die betroffenen Unternehmen nicht",9 +Definitions,7 +PERSONAL DATA AND CONFIDENTIALITY ,7 +"Nettoerträge für Electronic Banking Services,",3 +Aviation Weather Services.,9 +This is particularly the case ,9 +Amendment to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 ,7 +CYLINDER WITH CIRCULATION ,6 +Restricted airspace ,7 +in a Quantitative PM Hot-spot Analysis,9 +The differential pressure tester checks the compression ,9 +ture limitations. ,9 +Improvement Plans ,7 +RESOURCE ALLOCATION ,7 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +"of air traffic, either civil or military. The",9 +Common errors during spiral dives include: ,9 +"accordance with Article II.18.1(j), (k) or (l) or Article II.18.2. The contracting authority may claim ",9 +mined precipitation or wind shear parameters) each,9 +If one or more pre-conditions for the verification of the process performance stated above ,3 +BRG 049° ,6 +the student and the demands of special circumstances. For ,9 +Evaluation of tenders,7 +promotion material produced and the feedback from participants.,9 +病院、診療所及び助産所の管理,7 +S 210 240 W 300 330,6 +Management Letter,7 +NORMAL LANDING,7 +approach is continued beyond the MAP.,9 +departing after a full workday. If you decide to make this ,9 +Figure 15-4.,0 +marker glidepath segment.,9 +关键信息基础设施的运营者违反本法第三十七条规定,在境外存储网,9 +mode. This allows the technician to control the position of ,9 +PRINCIPAL POWERS ,7 +四九、五十、五四の三、五六、五八、六十、六五、七四、七五、一〇五、一四八の二、,9 +have a tendency to make lower approaches at night,9 +vertical tail tend to decrease ,9 +"), which includes several recommendations for future methodological developments. ",3 +" veröffentlichten EUR-Tageskurs vor oder, wenn dies ",9 +Venturi Tube Systems,7 +Dynamic Rollover,7 +"shall be a city council composed of the mayor, vice-mayor, and three other",9 +产经营单位进行严格检查。 ,9 +The team structure in terms,3 +periods of time. ,9 +Section 5.1 ,7 +helicopter.,9 +the tribunal shall enquire into and report on the facts thereof to the President and advise ,3 +"CFR part 43, part 43.15, requires that each person ",9 +IFR and certain icing conditions. ,3 +learning ,9 +(五)法律、行政法规规定的其他义务。,9 +Air in the Brake System,7 +DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +security requirements and operational roles ,7 +Fuel-Flow Indicator,7 +and the body being irradiated (receiving the radiation). ,9 +In Schedule 2A(,9 +The upper cutting blade is stationary while ,9 +Article 151 of ,6 +Supervision,9 +wherein the affia,9 +Article 28 Delayed payments ,7 +Advantages Of WAAS Enabled LPV Approaches ,7 +Electrical - General ,7 +notification will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the e-Submission application for ,9 +range of not less than 150 feet.,3 +Descriptions of weather phenomena as they begin or ,9 +(AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) ,7 +"any direction, this discussion assumes entry on a down-",9 +Sew the confluence wrap with the harness machine. ,3 +emissions based on the,9 +"blank spaces adjacent to the knowledge areas, procedures, or ",9 +Abschnitt 5,7 +a reciprocating engine. Detonation occurs when the pressure ,9 +insert name of the relevant result,7 +assembly (if available),3 +The parties agree that any communication made by email has full legal effect and is admissible ,9 +"This handbook is also available for download, in PDF format, from the Regulatory Support Division’s (AFS-600) website.",9 +external pressures that comprise any given aviation situation.,9 +Determination of Control Movements Required To ,7 +conductor heating. Allowance must be made for ,3 +once every five minutes for character graphic,9 +"DELTA, AR=4.0,X=O ",7 +FDC NOTAMs ,7 +"configuration, ",3 +Statement of Losses of Public Monies and Stores – (Statement No. 22),7 +"looking inside the cockpit. Control pressure is applied, but ",9 +Amplitude Modulation (AM) .............................11-35,8 +§ 34 Übermittlung und Speicherung der Daten über Hauptuntersuchungen und Sicherheitsprüfungen,7 +levels required for the procurement,6 +Variation of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Combination Scheme ,7 +"по направлению подготовки 35.04.05 Садоводство, утвержденного приказом",9 +"If possible, visually check engine and exhaust for ",3 +Software Lifecycle:,3 +rotation.,9 +I.1. ORDER OF PRIORITY OF PROVISIONS ,7 +Folding a Box,7 +Checklist of Pages,7 +"the countersink or dimple, indicating either sheet bearing ",9 +Apprentice and Junior Surveyors,7 +conclusion of the contract and agreed with the Commission. The report shall also include ,9 +Foreign Exchange Stabilisation Fund ,7 +Asphalt pavements................................................................................................. 7$_{ }$,8 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 367 of August 26, 1952]",7 +Restriction as to Funeral Ceremonies in Certain Cases,9 +implementation of the contract. Updated institutional declarations of interest must also be provided ,9 +financing agreement concluded between the EU and the Partner Country without prejudice to ,9 +Responsibilities,7 +at the end of the FWC666 the contractor hands over the product(s) in its scope to ,3 +This Part and Part 3 (other than paragraph 14) come into force on the day after the day on ,9 +⦁ $_{Depart a day early from the Pacific Northwest to avoid an incoming low-pressure area that will bring low }$,3 +"Any person who carries on any other business, or pursues any calling for",9 +ASIs must complete a training program at the FAA Academy ,9 +IcXjj`]`q`\ile^€,9 +Microwave landing system (MLS).,9 +Launch Site,7 + The fan blades are either hollow titanium or ,9 +) listed in point IV [Evidence upon request] of the ‘Declaration on honour on ,9 +Basting and Temporary Tacking ,3 +This type of current flow would discharge the battery and is ,9 +Air Quality Assessment Decision Flow Diagram ,3 +Suction line (low pressure),6 +interest or right and/or apparatus of Cadent otherwise than by agreement. ,9 +遠隔操作装置又は鉗子を用いることその他の方法により、エックス線装置等と人,3 +or other conditional requirements explicitly articulated in the ,9 +accounts under control. ,9 +Complex NAS changes may require a detailed system description that includes numerous ,9 +by approximately 2 inches using the double needle ,3 +Amendment of the Northamptonshire (Structural Changes) Order 2020 ,7 +"Assuming no correction is made for wind effect, if an aircraft ",9 +The criterion is applied to:,7 + For regulation 34 (procedure for offences by unincorporated bodies) substitute— ,9 +Departures From Airports Without an ,7 +damage or restoring the supply; and ,3 +"ajout de métadonnées, aux fins de l'exploration de textes et de données; ajout ",3 +"impacts, and land uses that result from federal actions. It should reflect a thorough review of all ",9 +quickly changing orientations.,3 +awarded to residents in foreign countries; ,3 +contract; ,9 +Flight Procedures.,7 +http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/instrument_procedures_handbook/ ,9 +Entities on whose capacities the tenderer relies to fulfil the selection criteria ,7 +"the reserve pilot chute and free bag, reserve ripcord, ",3 +the helicopter to a more level attitude. ,9 +NAVWEPS OD-BOT-BO ,7 +With regard to specific contracts awarded as a result of re-opening of competition under ,9 +S-turns across a road. ,0 +"Notify company aviation departments,",9 +Nicht-zerstörende Prüfung: Vollprüfung,3 +"tous les frais directs et indirects du contractant, en ce compris ceux relatifs aux ",3 +final report within 60 days following the expiry of the deadline to submit observations. ,3 +Carburetor Icing,7 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +"decreasing again in the mesosphere, which lies above it. The ",9 +Governance (WP 1.1) ,7 +Hold Short” ,7 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 19.11.1968,9 +Important information is broadcast on ATIS including ,9 +n'excluant pas la possibilité pour le contractant de demander une offre à un nombre ,3 +. — The judge of the Court of First Instance,9 +are or include know-how: the right to use such know-how as is ,3 +be measured as the distance from the point of departure to ,9 +is necessary. The detection and replacement of defective ,9 +"In article 39H (activities where a person has a connection to the agreement), after paragraph ",9 +CLARIFICATION No: 2,7 +Nearest Airports Using the PFD,7 +rischi da interferenze – DUVRI (Allegato I – Parte 1.2).,9 +"Das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft wird ermächtigt, im Einvernehmen mit dem",9 +Modifications to licences granted to authorised transmitters: ,7 +"procedures and protocols for LTWE cells, stacks and systems targeting energy storage ",9 +Supply of documents ,7 +Differential Voltage,7 +Abschnitt 5,7 +The four main responsibilities for flight instructors.,0 +E-invoicing ,7 +element has external lobes that fit within and are matched ,9 +Rischi per la Salute e la Sicurezza dei Lavoratori ,7 +Terminal Procedures Publication (TPP) enables pilots to ,9 +Turn more than 90°—roll,6 +Drittes Ausbildungsjahr,7 +"great utility, the antenna location is limited to the",9 +"sierten Randbedingungen geführt wird, zum Nachweis des baulichen Sonnen-",9 +"Article 1 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2005. ",9 +"the specified tolerance, then the generator contactor is not ",9 +section angle of attack ,9 +the S-turn across a road; the upwind half of the turn ,9 +the method of compliance must be recorded in the aircraft’s ,9 +" Flight Over Charted U.S. Wildlife Refuges, ",7 +Variable Restrictor,7 +"In construction joints, the reinforcement passes through the joint. The purpose of this type of joint is to ",9 +a member of the Authority on the date on which the vacancy in the office is regarded under ,9 +recording (it is not expected that full professional recording equipment or a TV studio ,3 +discharging public duties under the city or In,9 +CLARIFICATION No: 2,7 +Standard or straight reamer.,3 +devono essere inclusi nella richiesta di pagamento. Per il pagamento si applica l'art. I.6. ,9 +"visibility. Should the system be operated inadvertently, do ",9 +FWC if that delay or failure is a ,3 +The team structure in terms,3 +Equation A5-2. Emission Factors for Boilers and Heaters ,0 +Article 7 - ,7 +small amount of ice may cause a relatively large reduction in ,9 +Satz 1 festgelegten Minusabweichungen nicht überschreitet.,9 +conditions are usually found from the surface to an altitude ,9 +"§ 34 Rücknahme und Widerruf der Fahrschulerlaubnis, Widerruf der Zweigstellenerlaubnis",7 +§ 3 Flugsicherungsausrüstung für Flüge nach Instrumentenflugregeln,7 +System descriptions need to exhibit two essential characteristics: correctness and ,9 +ENROLLED IN PATIENT ENROLLMENT SYSTEM OF DEPART-,7 +Audit Opinion,7 +"Grundsätze des Qualitätsmanagements,",3 +§ 21 Vorschläge für die Besetzung der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +"The engine lubrication system is a wet sump, high-pressure",9 +limitations of the aircraft. ,9 +and no civil proceedings shall be instituted or continued in respect of which relief is claimed ,9 +Schlussvorschriften,7 +ation will read “LNAV available.” On lateral only,9 +the Regional FAASTeam Manager (RFM). The FAASTeam ,9 +not itself explicitly in scope of this FWC666. An example would be OS security patch ,3 +the valence shell. The number of electrons in the valence shell ,9 +Pneumatic Deice Boot System for GA Aircraft,7 +for much of the peripheral vision. The concentration of cones ,9 +down time in the aircraft by being familiar with,9 +Schallimmissionsschutz,7 +Missing/bad signal from a transmitter ,3 +: Tasks and corresponding WP 1deliverables are periodically occurring and the respective ,9 +Umlagefähige Kosten; Umlagejahr,3 +Declaration and evidence ,7 +wird aufgehoben.,9 +PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS ,7 +PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE ,7 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +Sew the rolled stop end according to ,3 +model predicted concentrations. ,3 +with navigation receivers checked and properly tuned. While ,9 +Wind and Currents ,7 +Article 4 - ,7 +be entirely different from conventional instruments making ,9 +Implementation of landscaping ,7 +Placement of advertisements ,7 +"dinamico,",9 +$_{............ }$V1 JFK V229 HFD V3 WOONS (Single engin,6 +Appointment to Civil Service,7 +Some of the most important flight instruments derive their ,9 +NOTAM Composition ,7 +Off-Field Landing Without Injury,7 +Selection phase ,7 +PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ,7 +required power setting is termed the “region ,9 +"of millions of people back on Earth, including the hundreds of ",3 +greatest threat to the TIS client.,9 +situated on opposite shores that there is less than six marine leagues,3 +Data controller:,3 +Opportunities:,7 +temperatures and stresses ,9 +"dams, houses, or other hidden obstructions that have",9 +pilot’s seat and is operated with the left hand. The collective ,9 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +Power to execute street works ,3 +air wing already in the shape of an airfoil.,9 +section 74 (exemption specified by order) of the 2009 Act. ,3 +. — A subject,9 +I.5. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS ,7 +satellites and the WAAS geostationary satellites to improve ,9 +"If more than one short video clip is to be produced from the same recording/raw material, ",9 +are risks when flying during this time.,9 +disclosed? ,7 +nonmetallic materials and in both rigid and flexible form.,9 +AIRSHIP AERODYNAMICS ,5 +the necessary economic and financial capacity to perform the contract.,9 +"and Industry No. 39 of March 27, 1997] [Extract] ",7 +security requirements and operational roles ,7 +for automatic deployment of the main or reserve parachutes ,9 +pilot avoids icing conditions to the maximum extent ,9 +to enable the,9 +correction card) = Compass Course (188°),9 +not limited to: ,9 +"mendicants,",3 + [Figure 9-29],9 +return the metal to its starting position by rotating the handle ,9 +§ 1 Bau und Finanzierung durch Private,7 +Retained trees and shrubs shall be maintained during the Contract and pruned at completion having ,9 +Amendment of Regulations ,7 +CG FORWARD OF FORWARD LIMIT,7 +Tenderers may submit any observations concerning the procurement procedure to the ,9 +transport challenges at district level. Options like joint vehicle patrols between ,9 +FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ,7 +Benefits Of WAAS In The Airport Environment ,7 +"On the fixed shaft constant-speed turboprop engine, the ",9 +Die theoretische Versorgungsfläche ist eine Berechnungsgröße zur Ermittlung des Beitrags. Sie basiert,9 +"When the predicted residual risk is unacceptable (high), AOV approval is not required.",3 +official capacity is a party; shall ,9 +Coordinating Calculations with Aeronautical ,7 +Instrument Departures,7 +caution in alert areas. All activity within an alert area shall ,9 +Tire Inspection Off of the Aircraft,7 +"command (e.g., ",6 +responsibilities of the proposed team and of the economic operators (in case of ,3 +Mechanic’s Check Chart for Pratt-Whitney ,3 +Table B – Losses of Stores ,7 +(KIAS) should be observed when turning outbound over the ,9 +Abnormal Reactions to Stress ,7 +hydrocarbon process streams as well as from chemical treatment with VOC containing material ,9 +"lower manifold pressure, interfere with fuel flow, and affect ",9 +APPENDICE B: SEGNALAZIONE DI INFORTUNIO (FACSIMILE) ,7 +and a list of discrepancies be presented to the owner. ,9 +"Provision pour prestations hors forfait: au début de chaque année civile, le Secrétariat ",9 +rovements in general.,3 +causes for pilots who get into this situation are loss of horizon ,9 +"In making ordinary bends with the cornice brake, the sheet ",9 +passengers can easily don and wear inflatable life,9 +definitions and further technical notes. ,9 +addition that will specify active/inactive/acknowledge status for alarm pen. For example high and ,9 +When the Special Conditions (or exceptionally the provisions of a particular ,3 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,7 +runway centerline extended with the first light ,9 +prominent location in the glider detailing where to find you.,9 +"funeral of such deceased person, except the adult members of the immediate family",9 +VFR Departures ,7 +Fachrichtung,7 +"nose of the helicopter is to the left of the landing heading, ",9 +s'il est établi que de fausses déclarations ont été faites ou que de fausses informations ,7 +16-4. The total aerodynamic force is aft of the axis of,0 +"makes a notification as set forth in Article 22, paragraph (1) of the Act as ",3 +familiarize themselves with the capabilities of the RNAV ,9 +the eight months’ period ended 31 March 2018 were audited by Messrs ,9 +Figure 17-17. ,0 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +fastened together by gluing. A glued scarf joint makes a ,9 +"the propeller, similar to the way lift is generated by an airfoil ",9 +Rolling right hand sail which will also be secured with wing tie.,0 +" Ring, harness, “O” 2058 Cadmium Ring. ",0 +Special Shape Balloons,7 +an IFR clearance: ,9 +Powered Parachute Wing,7 +"Arbeits- und Sozialrecht; Versicherungswesen,",3 +"inclement weather. Fugitive dust emissions occur at several points in the storage cycle, such as ",9 +"instrument carefully and accurately, often to the exclusion",9 +pilot should turn only his or her head from side to side (not ,9 +Negotiation of placement of a stand’s advertisement at the Fair (e.g. the Fair´s magazine etc.) ,7 +Ground Communication Outlet ,7 +Chief Executive of Township,9 +powered airplanes to operate below the designated,9 +The contractor is responsible for the ,3 +Pre-sales and Support: ,7 +such spare parts as the contracting authority may choose to purchase from the ,3 +Enrolment appeals ,7 +coordination structures for collaboration between the DVS and the Department ,9 +spare parts and ,8 +Training Location ,7 +Control of tightening moments ,3 +elements of the classification system developed by the ,9 +субъектом на праве собственности или ином законном основании (далее –,9 +V$_{NEI}$ (never exceed speed—IFR) ,3 +"such as ply separation, is likely. The history of having been ",9 +"representative, or any other person sh",9 +iately adjacent thereto. It also comprises,9 +the runway other than the designated beginning of the ,9 +out. This ignition could relight the fuel and keep the engine ,9 +Secondary Bonding,7 +Minimum 10 samples for each parameter shall be in compliance with the standard set out in Table ,9 +CFR part 65 prohibits pilots from performing crewmember ,9 +range shall be related to fix points in the construction. ,3 +Anforderungen,7 +USCG Navigation Rules International,9 +heat slowly and take longer to reach soak temperature. The ,9 +(meaning of “designated person” in Part 3)”; ,3 +current/voltage transformer will be confirmed by Local Electricity Supplier.,9 +Self-Launch Takeoff Emergency ,7 +Complex IAP Example with RF Legs ,0 +[Weather Limitations: Enter additional weather limitations OR enter “None” if there are no ,9 +On aircraft with fully digital computerized instrument ,9 +[Option 1: Retention money guarantee by deduction] ,9 +lack visual reference. ,9 +Principal powers ,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 378 of December 19, 1986] ",7 +"in the jet or wake, and the higher the propulsive efficiency.",9 +"aggiunta di metadati, per l'estrazione dei dati anche testuali; aggiunta di informazioni ",3 +"APRON [ICAO]- A defined area, on a land ",9 +RegulatorGLYPH<.notdef>,6 + A circuit-protecting device that opens ,9 +contract if the contracting authority: ,3 +A146 Normanston Drive ,7 +[Figure 2-8],9 +10.25.Vervielfältigungen: AG-seitige Ausführungsunterlagen und AN-seitige W+M Planungen,7 +together while a repair is being performed. The following is a list of procedures that apply to basting and ,9 +procedures; and ,3 +Workload Management,7 +pressure. ,9 +seven hereof may be subjected to examination in the discretion of the Director of,9 +When electrical conductors are installed in locations where ,9 +§ 4 Berufsausbildung in überbetrieblichen Ausbildungsstätten,7 +"licensed to the Union, the right to sub-license does not apply, except in the two cases ",3 +continues ,9 +Cast iron pile shoes shall be made from ”chill hardened” iron of the grade used for making grey iron ,9 +Manufacture,7 +imply a need for traffic priority.,9 +"June 3, considered and passed House. ",1 +citizens and 75 percent of the voting interest is ,3 +Work No. 1C ,3 +Centrifugal-Flow Compressors,7 +service and repairs at its own cost. ,3 +"Civil Code of the Philippines (R.A. 386) on ownership of waters, easements relating to waters, use of",9 +"reserve parachute, it soon became obvious that the reserve ",9 +by striking ‘‘or from a surviving spouse’’ and inserting ,9 +ponent toward the blade tips. This creates d,9 +is posed by the incidence and spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ( SARS-,9 +lettera d'ordine ,9 +Please read the ,9 +A holding pattern in lieu of a procedure turn may be specified ,9 +nautischer/nautische Offiziersassistent/-in (VkBl. 2009 S. 48) oder,3 +The contracting authority reserves the right to refuse access to its premises if the above ,9 +für Aufnahmeorte und -situationen erforderliche,8 +vorgelegt oder,3 +[Figure 10-50] ,9 +Category II or Category III operations.,9 +Main Parachute Assembly. The main parachute assembly consists of a pilot chute connected by a ,3 +Time Zones ,7 +pedal is best described as a normal-to-steep approach angle to ,9 +The warranty obligations shall be stipulated in the special conditions and technical ,3 +General requirements ,7 +Certificates,9 +"e regular judge, and shall receive compensation",9 +stage maximum flow rate. The hydraulic height of the overflow penstock shall be adjusted by ,9 +Award phase,7 +construction ,3 +not be replaced with one of 2117-T4 or 2017-T4 aluminum ,9 +II.26 LOI APPLICABLE ET RÈGLEMENT DES LITIGES ,7 +unaccompanied luggage if it has given prior written approval for the expense. ,3 +temperatures can produce weak patches and/or bonding ,9 +Government. ,3 +Attach any fairing or seats as ,9 +digester operation/control building.,9 +"Out of the 20 cases, no less than 10 related to losses of camping ",9 +during a flight.,9 +"Generally, transducer is used to transfer the oil pressure into ",9 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2015,7 +which does not require timing to the engine.,9 +last two digits indicate the speed of the wind in knots unless the wind is greater than 99 ,3 +"ing System (GPS), for requirements and restriction",9 +immediately before using them. ,9 +paragraph (5) or (7); and ,3 +für Betrugsbekämpfung Untersuchungen,3 +Deux modes d'établissement de prix sont prévus :,9 +⦁ $_{Individual accountability }$,3 +too fast and the airplane will complete the ,9 +がん、循環器疾患その他の国民の健康に重大な影響のある疾患に関し、高度かつ専,3 +mechanical situations that may be encountered:,9 +"Road (C970), along both the north-eastbound and south-westbound carriageways, commencing at ",9 +"biological, radiological, and nuclear threats, including ",9 +II.13.2. Licensing rights on pre-existing materials ,7 + if applicable ,3 +Aircraft Previously registered ,7 +propeller out of balance).,3 +Project management ,7 +"verify the wind direction, and ensure that the forecasts or ",9 +shall be made and,3 +"tain the water rudders are retracted, as they can",9 +For the Contractor: ,7 +for cut and broken wire strands.,3 +Supporting bank,6 +FLIGHT CONTROLS,7 +СП 2.4. 52 «2-20,7 +CI-lt\PTER I,7 +"SAS and R for data analysis, ",3 +Figure 9-7. ,0 +Some balloons have appendages added to the envelope. ,9 +"contractor or its carrier, giving the specific contract number and particulars of the supplies delivered. One ",9 +IEC/EN 61131-2 ,3 +II.23.4$_{ }$Recovery rules in the case of joint tender ,7 +Helicopter Route Charts are updated as requested by,9 +and a normal climb using a minimum amount of power. If the ,9 +Reserve Deployment System. The reserve deployment system consists of the items shown below,3 +"The written record can be in electronic form, for example an email. The party receiving the ",9 +with fluid injection and overspeed or over- ,9 +Performance and quality requirements ,7 +departing.,9 +"the signed, stamped and dated VIF in image file or .pdf, as a scan of the original document ",3 +" to the full extent provided for by this FWC, and the right to make ",3 +"Usually, each section also contains its own table of contents. ",9 +of slight zig-zags to stay close to suitable landing sites,9 +they quickly imagine how one or a few possible courses of action in such situations will play out. ,9 +this function. The other stops do not normally contact each ,9 +copter’s handling characteristics. Taking off in a heli-,9 +Electronic exchange system: can exchanges under the contract be automated? ,7 +feel for it.”$_{ }$,9 +pressure forces the relief valve open and allows unfiltered ,9 +6-3-2. Obtaining Emergency Assistance,8 +"Erweist sich ein Fahrzeug als nicht vorschriftsmäßig nach dieser Verordnung, der Straßenverkehrs-",9 +"When one generator in a paralleled system fails, one of the ",9 +Certificate of Appointment to be Forwarded to Executive,9 +siren flasher shall be 2.5 Joules and the flashing frequency shall be 1 Hz. The siren flasher shall have a ,9 +technologies like the ones listed in Section 4 above. ,3 +"In order to help tenderers presenting a tender, ""A request to participate form"" ",9 +compass error is amplified with the proximity to either pole. ,9 +all rearward drag forces and keeps the blades,9 +controller’s scope.,9 +babies up to 24 months from their birth mainly at home; excluding beds that ,3 +Runway Markings and Signs ,7 +inform the contracting authority before making such choice and the contracting authority has ,9 +Landing Gear Safety Devices,7 +Forstvermehrungsgut-Durchführungsverordnung (FoVDV),10 +and aggressively to keep the airplane headed straight down the ,9 +Check Valves,7 +Development consent etc. granted by the Order ,3 +Terrain awareness and warning system (TAWS). ,9 +thought or reason. ,9 +Section 3. Distress and Urgency Procedures,7 +"), which describes SSD2 transmission requirements, ",9 +Article 3 – PRICE ,7 +"particularly section 3, paragraph (f), and section 12, insofar as they relate to the appropriation of waters",9 +Figure 5-8. ,0 +Opening of requests to participate,7 +"Auditor may, within three years after original settlement, open such account, and",9 +between that line and any other line is ½-inch. ,3 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +"Certificated flight instructors (CFIs), as well as pilots ",9 +" When the altimeter, attitude ",9 +II.20.3. Umrechnung ,7 +"MARKING, STOWAGE CONTAINER - OPERATING LIMITS:",7 +"threshold, at which point the pilot is advised of any deviation ",9 +"tendered determines that higher power is needed, ",8 +The DECIDE Model ,7 +"butadiene,",9 +事故等分析事業の実施方法,3 +"the chase vehicle, the pilot and crew can communicate by ",9 +"not including 18,000 feet.",9 +I.6.1. Disposizioni sull'IVA ,7 +〔昭和六十一年五月三十日通商産業省令第二十五号〕,7 +"The Board may, to the extent that Board considers appropriate, adjust the amount of victims’ ",9 +Stima dei costi di Sicurezza da Interferenze ,7 +American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z87-1989 ,9 +"in or around said burial grounds or cemeteries, according to the terms of the grant,",9 +"FOR THE PROVISION OF ICT RACKS, CABLING AND OTHER ",7 +"have been thus fixed, shall be deposited in a glass container which shall be closed",9 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +take an inventory of the materials supplied and unused. A statement shall also be drawn ,3 +Constitution of offices,7 +Where the landlord proposes to rely on condition 4: within 3 months of the closure order (or if the order,3 +Check seat security and proper adjustment for pilot ,3 +excessive or insufficient elevator is being applied.,3 +This image is converted into a digital electronic signal that ,9 +or NDB on the inbound course.,3 +[COMPANY NAME] ,7 +incrementally each charting cycle. ,9 +"executed, such amounts provided by this Act as are necessary ",9 +The total price must be fixed and ,9 +Organise transport (,7 +Summary timetable comments ,7 +continue to apply in relation to the UK Registry(,9 +There are currently six different types of deployment ,9 +"frequencies (e.g., co",9 +Maintenance: ,7 +"to 70 percent. In flight, the engine operates at a constant ",9 +Financial evaluation).,7 +"developer, which draws any penetrant caught in cracks or ",9 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 3 ,7 +GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ,7 +Expansion Joints ,7 +続する法人若しくは合併により設立された法人は、第五号及び第六号に掲げる事項の,3 +FWC or any on-going specific contract if the,9 +"PRO-0013 Integrated Planning, Monitoring and Reporting (IMS) ",3 +erforderlichen sukzessiven Termine zur sukzessiven Freigabe der Werk- und Montageplanung. ,9 +These Regulations apply to England only. ,9 +"Mr. Scott Allen of Kalamazoo Industries, Inc. (www.kalamazooind.com) for image used in Chapter 4",9 +The combustion of fuel in the afterburner ,9 +Layout Method,7 +Maintenance Work,7 +proper charges and expenses incurred by,9 +"Angaben zur praktischen Prüfung,",3 +A series of ,9 +"Slips, falls and excess excavations ",7 +understood or considered unacceptable from a safety,9 +assemblies may vary in how the pin measured. On the ,9 +ticularly if you are using radio aids for navigation. ,9 +Out of the warranted provision of P843 846 610 the unspent balance at ,9 +PRELIMINARY,7 +Frequency of Inspections) (Children’s Homes etc) Regulations 2015 to omit regulation 27 which ,9 +Landing directly into the wind might not be practical,9 +reset switch,6 +染の検査を行うのに最も適した場所に設けられていること。,3 +"key on the PFD, pilots can access information for up to 25 of ",9 +Vorbemerkungen ,7 +Work No. 1A ,3 +firewall. Start all the bolts before torqueing. With all the ,9 +"Commission,",3 +meeting the required RTCA DO-278A objectives. The four types of recommended reviews are ,9 +" is used as set out in Article I.10.1, with the following ",9 +course. The WSC pilot must work with ATC in advising of ,9 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Two-Pin Piggyback ,7 +other rotor configurations. A disadvantage of this system is ,9 +Sequence for Painting a Single-Engine or ,7 +approximate depth of the head.,3 +утвержденного приказом Министерства образования и науки Российской,9 +Constitution of offices,7 +degli articoli,9 +FAA Guidance ,7 +distraction that diverts the pilot’s attention from monitoring the aircraft. ,9 +See and Avoid Techniques ,7 +indicators of atmospheric instability and possible turbulence. ,9 +To prohibit and provide for the punishment of cruelty to animals.,3 +Further information about ENISA can be obtained on its website: www.enisa.europa.eu. ,9 +einzelnen,9 +using a suitable hoist. The sling must be adjusted to position ,9 +Wings may or may not comprise a component of the,9 +Rigid steel landing gear is used on many early ,0 +of entry too rapid. The error occurs during the turn ,3 +data records concerned; ,3 +Minimum capacity level:,7 +Identify Post-Implementation Review Safety Requirements ,7 +Klonen und Klonmischungen,3 +"flight checks. Repair, as necessary, all discrepancies and ",9 +support for active or passive markers ,8 +Sea conditions and wind.,3 +"National Assembly, and no other person may be so registered.",9 +Nature des dommages-intérêts ,7 +I.5.2. Interim payments ,7 +る。)の項の改正規定並びに別表第一及び別表第六中登山用ロープ(身体確保用の,3 +"the exception, for example",3 + Pre-conditions for the verification of the process performance ,7 +"Gegenstand, Dauer und",7 +"Act specified by Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1) of the ",3 +(Transitional Measures Pertaining to Penal Provisions) ,9 +loss of electrical power is unlikely. ,9 +position control valve controlled by the timer. It routes ,9 + A type of selector valve that ,9 +ために必要な知識及び技能を有する者を有すること。,3 +airplanes can be subject to operating limita- ,9 +"INSTALLATION OF AR2 POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY, MAIN ",7 +Schedule No 4: Concrete and Steel Works,7 +§ 11 Untersuchungsbefugnisse,7 +Page 10 of 18 ,4 +of almost any project but are particularly noticeable and ,9 +They amend the Residential Family Centres Regulations 2002 to relax some timescales and to ,9 +"refuse to accept such products and pay said charges, the property shall be deemed",9 +Offenses Against Provisions of Notarial Law,7 +system or the southern side of a low-pressure system. On ,9 +STRAIGHT-IN AUTOROTATION,7 +федеральный,9 +If they do not ,9 +Abschnitt A Nr. 6 ,3 +"first dual instruction flight. These include, but are not limited ",9 + See Attitude Heading Reference System.,9 +"containing the ATIS code. For example, “Advise on initial ",9 +Parachute Rigger ,3 +aggiudicatrice deve consultare il contraente. Se ,9 +"request for services will be addressed to all contractors (Lot 1), the cascade will be utilised ",9 +"RNAV IAPs, including the feeder waypoint (FWP), the initial ",9 +Autothrottle,6 +deceleration,9 +Storm water drainage; ,3 +from the air.,9 +JURISDICTION AND FUNCTIONS ,7 + Cooling Systems ,7 +Public Works from adopting such additional means of publication as will secure,9 +Aluminum Welding,7 +pilot to perform a vertical avoidance maneuver. Example ,9 +Self-Launching Glider Propeller Malfunctions,7 +innovation projects.,3 +on a form prescribed by the Administrator.,9 +The basic idea of the crossport repair is a three-sided ,3 +Account holder name ,3 +Indicated airspeed (KIAS),6 +the brain for ,6 +gage allowed in a baggage compartment located,3 +The electronic management of the contract through the aforementioned system ,9 +color change alert when a target penetrates or is ,9 +"If the Framework Contract is signed by/on behalf of a group (joint tender), the group is jointly ",3 +bend tangent lines. It is good practice to use the intersection ,9 +"oder eine Unterschrift nicht oder nicht rechtzeitig anbringt,",3 +It is important to understand that if the controller,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 346 of November 7, 2016] ",7 +Parachute Industry Association (PIA) website at www.pia.,9 +GENERAL DIRECTIONS AND SPECIAL DIRECTIONS ,7 +"the other party, ",3 +"List of components indicating manufacture, type, component numbers, ordering numbers, ",3 +II.13.10 Visibility of Centre funding and disclaimer ,7 +The dangers of illegal drugs also are well documented. ,9 +"Fold left stabilizer panels, then right stabilizer panels over slider. ",3 +accordance with any of the following: ,3 +primary pitch instrument during level flight. ,9 +. — The applicant for,9 +"*ppm is defined as one part of the pollutant to one million parts of solution. In other words, one ",9 +"engine is shut down so that piston rings, cylinder walls, ",9 +Desiccant/Moisture Separator,7 +II.24. CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +and approved by resolution of each House of Parliament. ,9 +この政令の施行前にイランを仕向地とする貨物の輸出について輸出貿易管理令第一,3 +Contacts during the procurement procedure. ,7 +or institution. ,3 +V$_{MINI}$ (minimum speed—IFR) [Figure 7-2] ,3 +All of the student’s impressions and perceptions towards the ,9 +"richtig, nicht vollständig oder nicht rechtzeitig einträgt,",3 +an electrical component.,9 +spilling off of the wing tip. ,0 +"simple, reliable, and eliminates the need to convert air pressure ",9 +"MARKING, STOWAGE CONTAINER - OPERATING LIMITS:",7 +20.00 часов. Для обучающихся в возрасте 16-18 лет допускается окончание,9 +of center tank fuel unmistakably decreases the aircraft ,3 +Figure 15-3. ,0 +The Eddie-Bolt$^{®}$ 2 Pin Fastening System ,7 +"operations, such as an instrument approach below ",3 +Sport Pilot Certificate,7 +"MacCracken, Jr. ",0 +" In regulation 71(2)(c) (power to stop, board, search etc.), for “United Kingdom” substitute ",9 +referenced images of FAA,9 +法第六条の十一第四項の規定により病院等の管理者から医療事故調査の結果の報,3 +exclusion criteria and selection criteria ,7 +Figure 7-32. ,0 +BANK NAME,6 +"der Kostenstrukturen,",3 +Achieving an ISD ,7 +規定により当該市長が行った報告の徴収その他の行為とみなす。,3 +Figure 12-74. ,0 +automatically when appropriate after a Monitor TOC.,9 +CHAPTER VII ,7 +"825 – 4 835 MHz,",9 +"(iii) it refuses requests under the items of Article 12-10, paragraph (2) without ",3 +– optisch-variables Element in Form eines Kinegrams (Motiv: „Sonne 40“ – gesetzlich geschützt für,3 +unreliable. Adjust the miniature aircraft with reference ,3 +enter the runway environment. ,9 +REPAIR COTTON REINFORCEMENT AROUND PILOT PARACHTUE ATTACHING RING ,7 +Consumer Product Safety Act (Cabinet Order No. 48 of 1974) (hereinafter ,3 +firm is a member of a,3 +GPS Nearest Airport Function,7 +Contractor’s access belongs to the category ,9 +Plate—used primarily for interchangeable production ,3 +prestazioni ,3 +im ersten Ausbildungsjahr in 14 bis 16 Wochen Fertigkeiten und Kenntnisse aus den laufenden Nummern 10,3 +copies de ceux-ci; ,3 +Machines: 301 straight stitch—medium duty 7–11 SPI,3 +Anlage 2 (zu § 1 Abs. 1 Forstsaat-Herkunftsgebietsverordnung),7 +"pilot technique. If the airplane is climbing at 1,000 fpm, it ",9 +per square inch (KSI),6 +dass die Auszubildenden zur Ausübung einer qualifizierten beruflichen Tätigkeit im Sinne des § 1 Absatz 3,9 +the accident analysis business without delay unless there are reasonable ,3 +of corrosion. ,9 +" (Legal Entity Form), ",9 +Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Helideck/Heliport,7 +“Regulated Activities Order” means the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated ,9 +include sequenced flashing lights which appear to the,9 +"sea stores in vessels arriving from foreign ports, and all articles purchased abroad",9 +"high temperatures that the oil film is broken, causing a low load ",9 +"Convention, held in 1919.",9 +relative wind. ,9 +"item, or perform the checks or tests necessary to verify the ",9 +Equipment Condition ,7 +The contracting authority may do any of the following: ,9 +Vom Amt des ehrenamtlichen Richters sind ausgeschlossen,3 +be able to estimate his or her margin of safety above stall. ,9 +Role of the Avionics Manufacturer ,7 +burn in the tread. While the tire may continue in service if ,9 +Outer Marker Beacons ,6 +$^{16}$ Will be reimbursed on a lump-sum basis. ,1 +distances. There will be a crosswind if weather conditions ,9 +commercial bushings.,3 +"with a tailwind, its speed over the ground is equal ",3 +or construction as aforesaid within the bounds of said municipality;,9 +II.16.3. Claims and liability ,7 +Engineer. ,9 +main fuel tanks in the wing tips and auxiliary tanks in the ,9 +MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ,7 +speed.-Product of mean geometrical pitch by number of revo›,3 +Contacts between the contracting authority and candidates or tenderers are prohibited ,9 +Autopilot Systems,7 +discussed,9 +"requirements as already defined in the Technical Specifications, the offer shall detail, ",9 +is a slight crosswind. Another option is to find a lee area,9 +"A camera and camera operator (for hybrid and ""online +"" activities) ",3 +See Paragraph 4,9 +(Tentative translation) ,10 +the running-in period. ,9 +"governments, foreign central banks or international organizations of which ",3 +§ 2a Durchführung des Lehrgangs Fahrschulbetriebswirtschaft,7 +Cornice Brake,7 +"if possible, turn to the localizer course heading ",3 +"Then, spray the underside of the wings. Complete the job ",9 +) 2000 c. 11. Section 3 has been amended by sections 21 and 22 of the Terrorism Act 2006 (c. 11). ,1 + .......................................8-25,8 +"invitation letter, the draft contract and tender specifications with their respective annexes. All ",9 +Production of video clips,3 +の患者をいう。以下同じ。)に対し請求する金額が、社会保険診療報酬と同一の,3 +"Actually, very little stopping distance is required if the speed ",9 +"of accident, fidelity, employer's liability, pla",3 +bond of any officer ,9 +Brake Inspection and Service,7 +for landing commence. Most pilots execute approaches with ,9 +Bei der stichprobenweisen Prüfung der Fertigpackungen muss es sich um eine Zufallsstichprobe handeln.,3 +"degrees Celsius +/- 2 degrees, the ",8 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +Requirements for Scenarios ,7 +Methodology ,7 +"specifically relate to the Tenderer, i.e. to the economic operator or group submitting a tender in the ",9 +"In consultation with relevant stakeholders (including farmers), develop ",3 +"some aircraft, the strainer is built into the selector valve unit. ",9 +Minimum requirements for the organisation of awareness-raising support to ,7 +Verantwortlicher: ,9 +"airports, is also available. The AIM also contains information ",9 +II.4.1.10 Certificate of conformity ,7 +〔昭和二十九年四月十日政令第七十七号〕,7 +crosses the end of the runway at least 35 feet AGL; climbs ,9 +"departure, Gayle establishes a specific point in the trip—an en ",6 +でに掲げる事項とする。ただし、同項第十四号に掲げる事項を変更しようとする場合,3 +Contractor’s national partner must ensure that pictures are provided in a timely manner in digital ,3 +tendering to him the amount of the t,9 +衝撃吸収性試験を行つたとき、最大衝撃加速度が2940メー,9 +power available and power required versus ,9 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +Selection criteria ,7 +"worked. For all experts, their time input must be rounded to the nearest whole number of days worked ",3 +position status of each individual landing gear at any time. ,9 +"“the West Northamptonshire districts” means the districts of Daventry, Northampton and ",9 +exclusion criteria and selection criteria ,7 +"II.19. FATTURE, IMPOSTA SUL VALORE AGGIUNTO E FATTURAZIONE ",7 +"In sideward flight, the tip-path plane is tilted in the direction ",9 +"visibility, and Gulfport-Biloxi is now 400 overcast with 2 ",9 +"further increase in angle of attack, increase in load factor, or ",9 +Tender evaluation,7 +Updated text: ,7 +Resolution 2020. ,9 +"accordance with regulations 18(2) to (5), 19 and 20 by reference to the further ",3 +"transshipment of the cargo of vessels from foreign ports, which do not discharge at",9 +"When landing in a crosswind, there is a concern that ",9 +гидрографическое,9 +outage or to a landing.,9 +Other Airport Visual Aids,7 +valves are solenoid operated and incorporate the deflate valve ,9 +Enhanced Situational Awareness ,7 +supplier portal,3 +II.24 CHECKS AND AUDITS ,7 +",",9 +〔昭和四十七年十二月十五日政令第四百二十七号〕,7 +grammatical,9 +surface (ground track).,3 +required than when hovering with no wind. When deter-,9 +"of the wing. These high drag devices include spoilers, dive ",9 +[Figure 16-54] ,9 +Anhedral. ,9 +Function To Cross-Check Calculations,7 +Jurisdiction ,3 +When Laws Take Effect. — ,9 +Sideward Flight,7 +Learning Is a Result of Experience ,7 +CFR Section 91.159 as soon as practicable.,9 +Classification of Sugar in Cases of Dispute Between,9 +"INSTALLATION OF AR2 POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY, MAIN ",7 +Management and placement of advertisement ,7 +"In accordance with article II.18.i the contractor is obliged to notify EFSA of any change to their legal, ",9 +Operating the Jet Engine,7 +TAIL SURFACES,7 +maintaining the same.,3 +"– 86 GHz,",9 +Territory Included in Department of Mindanao and Sulu,9 +Analog Electronics,7 +may access them from a place and at a time individually chosen by them; this also ,9 +"Chapter 2: Airspace Classification, Operating Requirements, and Flight Restrictions",5 +"necessary clothing, and that of all his family.",3 +Conditions and Controls ,7 +"Evidence has shown that for every accident, there are many precursor events. Therefore, ",9 +installed and reviewed at the site and site acceptance testing and field familiarization are ,9 +RECTANGULAR COURSE,7 +及び同表第三号」と、同条第三項中「適用しない」とあるのは「適用しない。ただし、,3 +Principle of Operation,7 +related to cybersecurity falling within its competencies as set out in the Regulation. ,3 +escape route. The pilot is aware of the constricting terrain on ,9 +"Once the maneuver is complete, establish cruise flight ",3 +"The other party has 30 days following the date of receipt to submit observations, including the measures ",9 +that occur during a flight and how these changes might affect the safe outcome of a flight. The ADM ,9 +– Situations of exclusion concerning the person,7 +"operating satisfactorily, or ",9 +FLIGHT CONTROLS,7 +"assemblies; to punish and prevent intoxication, fighting, quarreling,",3 +"Also called ""nominal pitch."" Its symbol is ",3 +"rotate the propeller in the correct direction (counterclockwise, ",9 +pre-existing,3 +Aircraft Metal Structural Repair,7 +10.10.Koordinationsbesprechungen,7 +Notify the Applicant ,7 +pull fuel from the main tank or an auxiliary tank. The fuel ,9 +"equipment that requires an airborne navigation database, ",9 +Vollzitat:,9 +(iv) The method of systematically managing records on medical care and the ,3 +"Reimbursement of travel expenses could only be foreseen for study visit/trainings and for ad hoc consultancy services , if travel is requested by ECDC outside of ",9 +"riting under his or her hand, so directs.",3 +Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems ,7 +II.15.3 Claims and liability ,7 +Allgemeine Bestimmungen bezüglich der Lieferungen ,7 +§ 19 Fahrten zur dauerhaften Verbringung eines Fahrzeugs in das Ausland,7 +the harness,3 +"main gear in the landing configuration and, at the DH,",9 +flight conditions. These trends help you control the ,9 +Blind panels ,3 +is set to retract the compressor and streamline the fuselage ,9 +) of Schedule 8 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994 (zero-rating: books etc.) is ,9 +Supplementary principles may apply as regards delivery of Goods and the shipment process of Goods ,9 +divided into two areas: navigation assistance and performance ,9 +Transportwege ,7 +not the same as Experimental Amateur-Built. E-LSA ,3 +The Crew Briefing,7 +"Conditions, ",3 +II.6. LIABILITY ,7 +〔平成二十五年四月十日政令第百二十号〕,7 +Pick up rivets along flange—,6 +VFR Waypoints,7 +⦁ $_{icing conditions or at altitudes above the freezing level }$,3 +Corporation and the CherryBUCK$^{®}$ 95 KSI One-Piece Shear ,9 +"override the same, or",9 +§ 2 Kennzeichnung von forstlichem Vermehrungsgut,7 +Flight Instructor Characteristics and ,7 +"und -sanierung die bestehenden benachbarten, schutzbedürftigen Gebäude dem",9 +PARKING/POSTFLIGHT,7 +"forces a mass of air to the rear, behind the aircraft. ",9 +"the swell with relation to a fixed reference point,",9 +Zwischenprüfung,7 +同号において「開発等」という。)のために用いられるおそれがある場合として,3 +"the breakable disk, and nitrogen pressure inside the bottle ",9 +release of funds for an activity or project assisted under this heading ,9 +"nouvelles parties ou fonctionnalités, modification des fonctionnalités, fourniture aux ",3 +室の放射線障害の防止に関する構造設備及び予防措置の概要,3 +aircraft. Aluminum skin and structure flaps are the norm on ,9 +The contract performance shall be judged in relation to the expected results as specified in these ,9 +hide obstacles and obscure holes that may be too weak,9 +§ 17 Zulassungsbedürftige Betriebe,7 +Declaration on honour on ,7 +§ 19 Entscheidungen zu Sperrfristen,7 +"air, rapidly oxidizes and erodes the platinum surface of the ",9 +密度が第三十条の二十六第六項に定める表面密度限度を超えないようにすること。,3 +"the promotion of inland waters fishery, as well as establishing basic matters ",3 +"the flight deck, identify possible courses of action, evaluate the risk inherent in each course of action, and ",3 +possible as recommended by the manufacturer.,9 +Failure of the Acceptance of Services may result in the Agency suspending or ceasing to ,9 +U.S. Territorial Airspace,7 +"lights for both sets of points come on points open, within the ",9 +. The contractor must immediately take action to ,3 +localizer back course approach which can cause the glide,9 +- Seite 77 von 158 -,4 +nated fix or waypoint. Missed Approach Procedure Track is shown as a hash marked line in the planview. If the ,3 +flight assumes a higher power setting will ,9 +That obligations incurred for the purposes provided herein prior ,9 +Rapid rise of cylinder ,9 +technique described.,9 +A receiver/transmitter which will ,9 +Figure 13-158. ,0 +"as the aircraft establishes its climb, the nose should be turned ",9 + accepts to bear any additional costs resulting from this change. Europol ,3 +Philippine Health Service,7 +Amendment of Regulations ,7 +- Seite 1 von 3 -,4 +Displaced Threshold ,7 +The engine ,9 +"This call for tenders is launched and managed by the European Commission, Joint Research ",9 +have microscopic defects that cause friction between the two ,9 +expanded as it forms the basis of the contractor’s corresponding SSPP (refer to ,9 +"paragraph (1), Article 15, paragraph (1), or Article 18, paragraph (3) of the ",3 +The TIS display is more than,9 + The speed of an aircraft at which the ,9 +INFORMATION ,7 +Engine Noise Suppression,7 +Figure 3-18,9 +Determination. ,9 +"in row 1C_a of the table in Section 1, for “Member State” substitute “part of Great ",3 +§ 1 Feststellung der Länderanteile an der Umsatzsteuer im Ausgleichsjahr 2017,7 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 157 of June 10, 1960]",7 +and do not represent the contracting authority’s,9 +"жилая; приготовления и приема пищи, хранения продуктов питания; санитарно-",9 +Rivet Strength,7 +visibility reports given by the tower with the departure ,9 +Inadequate visual lookout for other aircraft.,3 +the tender offering the lowest price. ,9 +(+++ Zur Anwendung vgl. § 9 F. 2020-05-19 +++),9 +"interceptor, fighter, and high ",9 +The engine and attached components for visual ,3 +tracking and monitoring the status of NAS changes.,3 +§ 10a Stellenzulage,7 +"this case, it is 450 feet.",0 +Up to the signature of the contract the contracting authority may cancel the procurement ,9 +Oil film between parts preventing metal- ,6 + illustrates the ,9 +"main rotor system, as well as the tail rotor.",9 +"transactions, etc. which were specified by the public notice as one for which ",3 +Facilities for Contractor's Personnel ,7 +"respond, or if time or the situation dictates, the",9 +Abschnitt 9,7 +paragraphs applicable to the item being repaired.,9 +the autopilot to level the airplane at a selected altitude ,9 +"depends on the quality of the design, as well as the workmanship ",9 +"Abschnitt B: berufsprofilgebende Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in der Fachrichtung",7 +Learning how to recognize and cope with stress. ,3 +Scenario-Based Training (SBT) ,7 +control settings from the cockpit and supplies the proper ,9 +Reciprocating Engine Exhaust Systems,7 +"exchangers, exhaust pipe with exhaust flaps and by-pass of the waste heat exchanger, as well as the ",9 +Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung je Verwaltungsratsmitglied jeweils bis zu zwei Personen,9 +Responsibilities of the Parties to the Engagement ,7 +The distance to cover should be maximum 150 kilometres away from the departing city (return ,3 +(十二)沿海陆域,是指与海岸相连,或者通过管道、沟渠、设施,直接,9 +. — In case,9 +"Kenntnisse der Kopiervorlagen nach Arten, Herstellungsmethoden und Qualitäten,",3 +PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal ,7 +him or her to a basic skill. The learner then memorizes the steps required to perform the skill. As the learner carries out these ,9 +discrepancy between the calculated resistance and the actual resistance ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 420 of December 20, 1995]",7 +das Protokoll sind schriftlich geltend zu machen. Sind innerhalb der genannten Frist keine Einsprüche ,9 +"in subsection (7), for the definition of “trading scheme registry” substitute— ",3 +Informationen zur Erhebung von personenbezogenen Daten nach Artikel 13 und 14 der Verordnung ,7 +Historical Trend Data Analysis View ,7 +expenditure,9 +当該病院が実施する特定臨床研究に関し、研究の対象者又はその家族からの相,3 +Cabin air orifice,6 +300 pax: 3 conference assistants ,3 +Definitions,7 +"Dezember 2014 der 30. Juni 2015 tritt,",3 +judges shall become entit,9 +adversely affect the safe and efficient flow of air ,9 +Figure 10-2.,0 +"along the individual peaks of the mountains. Occasionally, ",9 +"As mentioned earlier in the discussion on translational lift, ",9 +Positioning the seal.,0 +"The project will result in increased traffic capacity and higher speed on the modernised lines, ",9 +"course to be flown, adherence to ATC clearance, etc.).",3 +understanding noise. A continuous analog voltage is modified ,9 +The Councils and Secretary,7 +Air Traffic Clearance,7 +werden. In diesem Falle erwirbt der Bergwerksunternehmer das Eigentum durch den Flurbereinigungsplan. Die,9 +a statement of the Shetland assistance amount payable by the licensee in ,3 +beyond which structural damage could occur. This is called ,9 +Stall Speed Performance Charts ,7 +Zwischenprüfung,7 +Documentation of application components and configurations: ECHA has ,3 +Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA),7 +Compliance periods and timeline ,7 +"primarily for round canopies. However, with today’s square ",9 +"which payment is made is a local authority, or ",3 +water is rippling. If wind direction is still in question revert ,9 +§ 1 Geltungsbereich,7 +Verification of non-exclusion ,7 +Mr. Ronald Lane for image used in Chapter 1,9 +〔昭和五十八年一月六日通商産業省令第一号〕,7 +also promotes both instrument proficiency and confidence. ,9 +LANDING GEAR,7 +and descent. The GPS provides position information. The ,9 +VOR Minimum Operational Network (MON) Airports Designator,7 +PHA also becomes the basis of the monitoring plan that must be followed after system ,9 +Anlage 16 (zu § 11 Absatz 1),7 +ÉVACUATION ,7 +"consultation des candidats, une seule offre valable sur le plan technique et ",3 +National Stock Number (NSN) Index.,7 +"Gauge numbers are useful in comparing the diameter of wires, ",9 +"lever is raised, power is automatically increased; when ",9 +Dispersion Modeling Methods ,7 +observations,9 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +its statutory functions in no less efficient a manner than previously; ,9 +light and variable winds,6 +used in making the repairs. The design of an aircraft metal ,9 +"end-user rights, for all uses by the Union or by subcontractors which result from ",3 +will appear in parentheses adjacent to the geographic,9 +II.13.9. Copyright notice for pre-existing rights ,7 +"visibility is less than that prescribed for the approach, then ",9 + Draft contracts can be found in the Tender Specifications. ,1 +"94,1 – 100 GHz,",9 +ration induced by shock wave formation can ,9 +quickly changing orientations.,3 +a radio phone-in ,7 +"rich. With the propeller control in a high rpm position, the ",9 +"accepted, unless in accordance with Article II-26 (“Means of communication”). ",3 +the AOA. Pushing forward on the cyclic also deepens ,9 +Atmospheric pressure at sea level,6 +The optimum airspeed,3 +"required to achieve a standard rate turn. In addition, if",9 +Turn indicator ,3 +Normal Takeoff from a Hover,7 +higher than normal. There are several reasons for this.,9 +LOW ENROUTE,6 +PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE ,7 +"to the redundancy provided, auto brakes rely on the anti-skid ",9 +tained. The cyclic control is used to change heading by,9 +The non-moving advances which were outstanding on 31 March 2018 ,9 +"adjustments using the elevators. However, the pilot should ",9 +UNDERTAKING,7 +(See METER FIX TIME/SLOT TIME.) ,9 +Communication/Broadcast Procedures ,7 +Temperature Variations with Topography,7 +piped to the various points of lubrication. In addition to ,9 +Stall Speed Performance Charts ,7 +Manufacturer’s name ,8 +"terms of harmonisation, historization and accessibility. ",9 +within its scope and are not excluded by any of its provisions; for the sake of this ,3 +Питание детей и молодежи может осуществляться,9 +"may be one developed by the person, one provided by the ",9 +outbound leg will be reached when the DME reads 15 NM.,9 +"are PM$_{10}$; however, this method is overly conservative for wet cooling towers with medium to ",9 +turbine shaft is usually fabricated from alloy steel. ,9 +I.1.4. Costs of transfer ,7 +独立行政法人通則法(平成十一年法律第百三号)第二条第一項に規定する独立行,3 +by striking ‘‘section.’’ and inserting ‘‘Act or funds ,9 +and have ATC approval to proceed on course in accordance ,9 +"Identification, invitation and briefing of journalists/experts ",7 +Definitions ,7 +расписание занятий составляется с учетом дневной и недельной динамики,9 +__WITHDRAWN,3 +Final Business Case ,7 +"only is it important for a pilot to know the aircraft’s geographical location, it is also important he or she ",9 +holding is subject to the same entry and holding,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 115 of April 27, 1973]",7 +members to sign the contract on their behalf via power of attorney drawn up in the model ,9 +conclusion of this tender procedure upon signature of contracts with all selected contractors ,9 +‘‘(i) during’’; ,9 +and engine cowling for cracks and defects.,3 + The end of a reciprocating engine to which ,9 +takeoff rpm. The points of maximum power on the curves ,9 +are also applicable:,9 +included in this lot: ,7 +", new acquisitions are required to follow ",9 +and address of the,3 +"checks. Repair, as necessary, all discrepancies before flight.",9 +Electrical Temperature Measuring Indication,7 +Torquemeter (Turboprop Engines),7 +"Évacuer, c'est quitter une zone de danger de la manière la plus rapide et la plus sûre possible. Il est ",9 +"through conventional training, are perfected, and become ",9 +Location of demand-flow oxygen components on a transport category aircraft. ,0 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +submitted,9 + The contracting authority and the European Anti-Fraud Office may check or require an ,3 +"Actually, these two motions are independent. It makes no ",9 +ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 1,7 +"received, in accordance with 14 CFR part 91, section ",9 +of the core engine. Buckets drive the fan from energy received ,9 +государства их,9 +Fisheries and fishing privileges,3 +aid the aviation pilot. ,9 +2021 No. 588 (L. 9) ,10 +endeavoring to increase the reverse referral rate to forty percent within ,3 +"as defined in section 319F–2(c), including prioritization ",9 +weltweiter Basis dem Betrieb und der Entwicklung elektronischer Flugnavigationshilfen an Bord von,3 +matters set forth in items (v) and (vi) that have not been changed. ,3 +for onsite activities) ,7 +in the United states,7 +the level); ,9 +Tenderers must use the descriptions in section 7.3 ‘Technical specifications’ for each scenario to prepare ,9 +TION ISSUED TO THE PRECEDING AIRCRAFT.,9 +"notifying enterprise; provided, however, that this does not preclude the ",3 +raw sensor data and make them available to the,9 +initiation point for the first waypoint in the missed,9 +Guidance on Severe Turbulence,7 +RNAV and RNP Operations,7 +Inland Waters ,7 +Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System,7 +of the Bureau of Justice and provincial fiscals are authorized to administer oaths in,9 +Activities) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Order 2020 ,9 +Automatic Response Stage ,7 +"Unfortunately, the viscosity of oil is affected by temperature. ",9 +DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +performance targets (including those resulting from safety requirements) and meeting the ,9 +"the cutting edge of the bed. To cut the sheet with a foot shear, ",9 +travel and subsistence costs in accordance with Article II.22 of the draft ,3 +. — The lawyer appointed by,9 +Inspect for coolant leaks.,3 +"maintained at the capitals of their respective subprovinces, ",9 +Airspeed Indicator (ASI),7 +The e-Submission application allows economic operators to respond to call for tenders by ,9 +Award criteria ,7 +present alternative actions to be taken. Perhaps the most frequent choice that has to be made during flight training is the go/no-go ,9 +The contractor shall assist the controller for the fulfilment of its obligations pursuant to Article 33 to ,9 +reaching pattern altitude. ,3 +containers. Metal cans will not allow the sun’s ultraviolet ,9 +zu lassen.,9 + shall identify whether any expenses under this Article are ,3 +ISD Executive Secretariat ,7 +§ 11 Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I,7 +"THIS ""LEGAL ENTITY"" SHEET MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED, AND SUBMITTED ",7 +"the contracting authority and the contractor. The contracting authority may, thereafter, ",3 +stant altitude and angle of bank. Anticipate the roll-out,9 +"Inc. should read, “www.ssa.org.” ",3 +"Inspect rivets that are known to have been critically loaded, ",9 +late payment,9 +"332 – 3 339 MHz,",9 +令の規定による輸出の許可を受けた者は、第一条第一項の承認を受けたものとみなす。,3 +Cable Inspection,7 + For these ,9 +VOLUME 5 ,10 +Determine if an ODP or SID is available for the ,3 +"decreasing wing camber and wing lift, then takeoff may be ",9 +– Situations of exclusion concerning the person,7 +Technical tender. ,3 +air/ground communications means.,9 +Smoking rivet.,0 +The person is not required to submit the evidence if it has already been submitted for another procurement ,9 +I.4.2. Preisanpassungsindex ,7 +printed menus; ,3 +"подрядчиками,",9 +"Regierung von Oberbayern, Maximilianstr. 39, 80535 München, vob-stelle@reg-ob.bayern.de",9 + or of any part thereof. ,3 +EXPLOITATION DES RÉSULTATS DU CC ,7 +To be specified by the Tenderer (if any),8 +Be sure to turn the skiplane crosswise to the slope,9 +Meetings of the Project Steering Committee ,7 +"During a crosswind takeoff roll, it is important that the pilot ",9 +This increment would be added to the flight ,9 +Self-Launching Glider Propeller Malfunctions,7 +some one or more of the following classes of persons: (,9 +Variation of the Lancashire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +Traffic information service (TIS). ,9 +the fuselage is sprung downward in response to the release of ,9 +II.6. LIABILITY ,7 +CAL3QHC and CAL3QHCR are the two EPA-approved mobile source dispersion models used ,9 +the rate of not to exceed three thousand five hundred pesos per annum.,9 +"When the angle of attack is increased, air flowing over",9 +Safety Planning for Acquisitions ,7 +possible and often it is the case ,9 +with termination of the ,3 +potentially fatal accident.,9 +Cabin Air Pressure Regulator and Outflow Valve,7 +a foreign country during the period it is registered in ,9 +809) am Fahrzeug angebracht werden. Für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist dies der Großbuchstabe „D“.,9 +(iv) the construction of piles and pile caps supporting the piers; and ,3 +"As the airflow and pressure changes, pressure varies ",9 +Pitot/Static Instruments,7 +"Buchstabe b, c, d, e oder f, auch in Verbindung mit Absatz 1 Satz 2 Nummer 2 erworben wird, durch Vorlage",9 +"operators are required to use ATIS information, runway ",9 +...................................................2-6,8 +Voltage Drop in Aircraft Wire and Cable,7 +"Once a tire has been removed from the wheel rim, it should ",9 +concerned and three-fifths to the municipality ,3 +OJ/2021/DPR/12924,9 +" be unknown,",3 +拥有者,并保证所提供的技术完整、无误、有效,能够达到约定的目标。 ,9 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +Reserve Free Bag Repair—Grommet Pullout,7 +Airspace System (NAS).,9 +and lift diminished to the degree where it will not support ,9 +by EFSA and agreements reached during ,8 +entry impeller must be large in diameter to deliver the same ,9 +"surfaces,",9 +Article 3 With regard to the application of penal provision to acts committed ,3 +"Tie knots, overhand, square, clove hitch, double half hitch, slip loop, bowline, surgeon’s & locking.",3 +"rising to the surface, but increased nitrogen concentrations ",9 +of the outbound leg will be reached when the DME reads 20 NM.,9 +"preclude insufficient, excessive, or uneven heating of the ",9 +with different FMD status as well as to control movement of livestock and ,9 +特定臨床研究に係る金銭その他の利益の収受及びその管理の方法が妥当である,3 +of the maneuver.,9 +by striking ‘‘subchapter III of this chapter’’ and ,9 +Europäischen,3 +"out in Article I.9.2) and data security, which includes personal data held on behalf of the ",9 +follow along on a typical IFR flight from the Birmingham ,9 +"stabilizers do not exist. Instead, two stabilizers angle upward ",9 +"(iii) of the Tribal Land Regulations, ",3 +"Nuclear Weapons, etc.) ",9 +Übergangsvorschriften,7 +than low rates).,3 +Figure 2-38. ,0 +Alloy code—A,6 +upon request. Special IAPs are approved by the FAA for ,9 +"Shifting weight to one side of the wing, thus warping ",3 +Experimental Aircraft Association,7 +"The cylinder compression test determines if the valves, piston ",9 +experimenting,9 +the funnel. Cell phones should not be used while refueling ,9 +Anlage 1 (zu § 1 Abs. 1),7 +Stages of Skill Acquisition ,7 +berechtigt ,9 +Objective Evidence.,9 +Article 4 - ,7 +Responsibilities,7 +www.vergabe.bayern.de zum Download bereitgestellt. ,6 +Learning how to recognize and cope with stress.,3 +Achieving an ISD ,7 +E-Mail and Website,4 +"patterns created by the wing. At the same angle of attack, ",9 +CABIN TEMP,6 +] concluded between the contracting authority and [,7 +Ronald Reagan Washington National,9 +"operations, such as an instrument approach below ",3 +"circumstances may seem to him to warrant, and may, for good cause, reprimand",9 +initial operating capability (IOC) in 2003. The system is ,9 +Air from the fan exhaust can be discharged overboard ,0 +=velocity of motion in miles per hour. ,3 +uch as turbulence or up and down drafts.,9 +"‘‘(E) Subject to subparagraph (F), for the period begin-",9 +Conformity ,9 +Any person who suffers loss by the extinguishment or suspension of any private right under ,9 +Characteristics of a Well-Planned Lesson,7 +Risk Management during Operational Flights ,7 +"Aileron reversal, divergence, ",9 + Turns Around a Point,7 +a potent effect on actions and the ability to learn from perceptions. ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 119 of June 1, 1954] ",7 +Deferral Record to authorize the operation for a limited time ,9 +The contracting authority shall not be obliged to make any further payments to the ,3 +Minimum safe altitude (MSA).,9 +"modifica del contenuto, delle dimensioni; ",3 + Wing Rising After Touchdown,7 +Signatory(ies) of the contract ,6 +[2387-3.],9 +Classes of concrete ,7 +Coordinated turn.,0 +"disponieren und zu handhaben,",3 +run. Drilling burrs should be carefully removed from ,3 +Designated airspace of specified dimension where ,3 +the address and name of a person to be the representative director; and ,3 +устанавливают,9 +Anforderungen zur Begrenzung der Wärmeabgabe von neuen Wärmeverteilungs-,7 +"Citation, commencement, extent and application ",7 +"congestion, add to system capacity, and enhance safety. ",9 +the locking loop and puts the pilot chute into the airstream. The ,9 +Where you have been,3 +available. The addition of a DC biasing source (battery) ,9 +"wing. With ice accumulations, landing approaches should ",9 +together on one end than on the opposite end. The amount ,9 +Table of contents ,7 +prevent cosmetic and/or structural damage occurring during ,9 +– Situations of exclusion concerning the person,7 +"While approaching the mooring, have the person on",9 +"Annex 7. Questionnaire related to award criteria AW1, AW2 and ",7 +"statistics, approximately 80 percent of all aviation accidents ",9 +"If the sender requires evidence of receipt, it shall state such requirement in its ",3 +condition is encountered. Climb out of the valley so,9 +personal data within the meaning of that section if it related to a living individual; ,9 +Liabilities and insurance ,7 +Development Act of 1974: ,9 +Nothing in sub-paragraph (1) imposes any liability on the undertaker with respect to any ,9 +"From the abrasion standpoint, the conductor is vulnerable ",9 +"Destruction of rats, mice, insects, or vermin capable of carrying or",3 +Traffic regulation ,3 +II.8. CONFIDENTIALITY ,7 +"a bank account statement, and ",3 +"contain a fuel, time, and distance to descend chart that ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 291 of October 1, 1973] ",7 +Shape coefficients.-a. The two systems in common use for ex-. ,9 +shall grant its personnel access to Europol ,3 +"Mittiges Beschriftungsfeld silbergrau mit 4 mm umlaufendem, farbigem Rand (Verkehrsgrün,",9 +Helicopter Flight Manual Limitations ,7 +Promote uniformity of instruction regardless of the ,3 +"and focusing on distant light sources, no matter how dim, ",9 +EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS ,7 +example: ,9 +"equipped to perform the approved repair. Bead damage, ply ",9 +"so zu wählen, dass auch beim Einsatz üblicher maschinenbewegter Werkzeuge ausreichend Zeit",3 +produce electrical disturbances (noise) in avionics. Bonding ,9 +Der Untersuchungsführer trifft unverzüglich die zur Erfüllung des Untersuchungszwecks notwendigen,9 +automobiles because of the environments they operate in. The ,9 +Safety of excavation and adjacent structures ,7 +ECDC is not bound to reply to requests for additional information received less than six working,9 +Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) ,7 +Center Weather Advisories (CWA) ,7 +they attend the sessions and serve as members of the board.,9 +"A beamer, a screen, the sound system, plus two (2) table microphones and two (2) roving ",7 +be rejected.,9 +"In the cases referred to in points (e), (f) and (j) of Article II.18.1, the termination takes effect ",9 +Translational Lift,7 +Coming into force 1st May 2020 ,9 +Reserve Static Lines (RSLs) ,7 +medical care plan specified by the prefecture of the location of the hospital or ,3 +a commercially operated vessel carrying no passengers; ,3 +AC (top). The output of this amplifier is in phase and directly ,0 +Impedance voltage. ,3 +"83° 58' W., 3,022 meters to point 8, on a ",9 +I.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority ,7 +Throughout the maneuver a constant altitude and airspeed ,9 +work and slip the collar on. ,6 +Standstill Period ,7 +locking pin. ,3 +angle of attack,6 +"Industry No. 99 of March 29, 2001] [Extract] ",7 +Open-center selector valve.,9 +"requires a hotter flame than welding. So, if the thickness of ",9 +"общества,",8 +Parachute jump aircraft operations ,3 +"model, the oil pump has four elements: one for oil feed and ",9 +included in this lot: ,7 +" Flight Over Charted U.S. Wildlife Refuges, ",7 +"manner whatsoever, that coverage. The insurers shall deliver this information as quickly ",9 +Trailing Edge and Transition Area Patch Repairs,7 +1.a) 1. Zwischenzahlung – Nach Abgabe und Genehmigung der Projektierungsun-,7 +) is modified as follows. ,9 +relevant ISO standards,8 +and receive your IFR clearance. A pre-departure clearance ,9 +Final Vesting of Property in Provincial Government,9 +sibility of damage is immediate with the steady ,9 +II.25 SÉCURITÉ ,7 +the melted tape at this point.,3 +There are many reasons that a self-launching glider engine ,9 +the GPWS and would likely only allow continued ,3 +All IFR radio NAVAIDs that have been flight checked and are operational are shown on all IFR Enroute Charts. Very High ,9 + Any amendment to the contract must be made in writing before all contractual ,3 +for small damages to a solid laminate due to delamination. ,9 +will be removed. ,3 +Format übergeben werden.,3 +"Quality management is a method for ensuring that all the activities necessary to design, ",9 +The operating limitations section contains only those ,9 +"figure 4.24, a high angle of attack reduces the ",9 +characters. U.S. registration numbers may not ex-,9 +This varies from 150 feet for a nonrigid ,9 +"Transportation Conformity, ",1 +Nachweis einer Teilnahme an einem Einführungsseminar über Verkehrsrecht von mindestens 16,3 +"(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2005, 1893",9 +この政令は、原子力規制委員会設置法の施行の日(平成二十四年九月十九日),3 +Risk Management,7 +A more complete discussion of the information contained ,9 +the bank angle to slow the ,9 +erence the medical countermeasure master file as a part of ,9 +"Perceive, Process, Perform (3P) Model ",7 +bounce would not be up to the task of salvaging a bad ,9 +damage. Inspection of the canopy should be as follows:,9 +"EFSA data connection tools configuration for new data connections (DCns),",3 +employees of the Department or Bureau for which the work may be done.,9 +- Seite 59 von 158 -,4 +50.03.03 История,9 +"the estimated mass of all structural material, whichever is the less. ",3 +testing and calibration laboratories was published in November 2017. ISO 15189 Medical Laboratories requirements for ,1 +affirmation the last four words to be stricken out.),9 +стандарта высшего образования – бакалавриат по направлению подготовки,9 +"contracting authority in the debit note, the amount due bears interest at the rate indicated in ",9 +Updated text: ,7 +the tolerances given in the manual. ,9 +nitrocellulose thinner before touchup.,3 +Fachrichtung,7 +Instrument Weather Flying,7 +Aufstieg abzielende Erweiterung der beruflichen Handlungsfähigkeit nachzuweisen ist.,9 +Pilot input force,6 +Type of aircraft.,3 +screen. Turning the FMS knob clockwise moves the blinking ,9 +"1499), die zuletzt durch Artikel 1 der Verordnung vom 15. Mai 2017 (BGBl. I S. 1194) geändert worden ist""",9 +"relative wind. As induced flow increases, resultant relative ",9 +is applied. ,9 +and municipal council,9 +8EariON IV ,7 +"intersection projects, its",9 +(See FINAL APPROACH POINT.) ,9 +Annex 1. Title ,7 +(+++ Text der Satzung s. FinDASa +++) ,9 +§ 32 Speicherung der Halterdaten in den Fahrzeugregistern,7 +The fault inputs will make the object go into fault. The actual fault will be indicated on the ,9 +Water cooled—check the coolant level to ensure there is ,9 +course indication above the,9 +several types of drugs that can cause a depressing effect on the ,9 +"vessel of more than five tons gross, a certificate of ownership shall be issued for it,",9 +references presented in the application form for the above-mentioned ,3 +discusses,9 +(“Contractor’s Personnel”) and where verification of ,3 +Verwenden eines Lieferscheines oder vergleichbarer Bescheinigungen für eine Sendung von Fischen,3 +"could be very near the “disaster regime,” ",9 +Steps for Using MOVES ,9 +Renewal of the FWC,7 +the takeoff minimums may include a non-standard ceiling ,9 +Figure 4-62,9 +With regard to the application of penal provision to acts committed prior to ,3 +and the rate of closure with the road becomes slower. ,9 +forms of navigation during VFR operations to ensure,9 +I.4.2. Price revision index ,7 +The Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 ,7 + Flight Deck Inspection,7 +Abschnitt 1,7 +waypoints should be used as a tool to supplement,9 +Coverage provided by a traffic information system.,0 +"are areas of VFR, IFR, and MVFR. IFR areas are enclosed by ",9 +Ensure there is clear airflow for any cooling system fan or ,9 +ROUNDS FOR REJECTION FROM THIS PROCEDURE,7 +PRECISION APPROACH RADAR [ICAO]- Pri-,9 +that is transmitted on a regular time interval. The second is the aviation selected SPECI. This ,3 +Control and measuring components (signaling system); and ,3 +Enhanced Situational Awareness ,7 +Identification of subject matter for interview,7 +MOVEMENT CONTROLS ,7 +"Participating in safety assessments and SCT-directed safety analyses, as requested;",3 +Analog signals are continuous voltage modified by all ,0 +"of rights, and removal of apparatus, of statutory undertakers etc.) of the 2008 Act or article 31 ",9 +A mineral-based lubricating oil ,9 +Fachrichtung,7 +minutes with the battery voltage at or above 1.67 volts per ,9 +"observe aircraft track (course) on the radar display, traffic",9 +the appropriate time. ,3 +following: ,3 +Figure 5-12.,0 +Maintenance Work,7 +tender specifications. ,9 +"For the purpose of Article II.10, if part or all of the processing of personal data is ",9 +tire are overlooked. Mark and record the extent of all damage. ,9 +(natürlichen,9 + Supported by the European Union ,9 +Inland Waters (Articles 15 to 19) ,3 +authorization,9 +of high-strength alloy conductors in small-gauge wires to ,9 +not have straight-in landing minimums. Examples include ,9 +"⦁ $_{Marked changes in mood on different lessons, such as excellent morale followed by deep depression. }$",3 +ОЗДОРОВЛЕНИЯ ДЕТЕЙ И МОЛОДЕЖИ»,7 +の二第一項の規定による本人確認をいう。)と、当該記録を本人確認記録(新法第十,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 247 of July 21, 2005]",7 +for the purpose of disapplying a prohibition in that jurisdiction which corresponds ,3 +over the top of the stacked wing without catching the ,9 +Anlage 2 (zu § 6 Absatz 1),7 +Un système efficace de facturation doit aller de pair avec le suivi technique des prestations. ,9 +deploy the Goods outside the EU; ,3 +Coordinated Time (UTC) and is often referred to as Zulu ,9 +Chapter IV-2 Basic Policy ,7 + The lowest allowed ,9 +"technical, ",9 +"Conditions prescribed by Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and ",3 +(ten) calendar days (notification by electronic means) has elapsed. The standstill period shall run ,9 +II.13.8. Image rights and sound recordings,7 +Non-Moving Advances ,7 +Check Valves,7 +同,不适用前款规定。 ,9 +and his family.,9 +undertake the matters set forth in the items of Article 16-4 of the Act in ,3 +"hands-on experience in ICT/software development, deployment and implementation in at ",3 +"similar type and design, Type Test certificates will be acceptable. ",3 +partial panel repair. The biggest difference comes when the ,9 +usually stainless steel. Tubing in the low-pressure parts of the ,9 + Framework Contract,9 +used to prepare aluminum skin. Film adhesives using a 250 °F ,9 +"the destination, alternate, and the reserve requirement.",9 +Square Canopy—Rib Repair,7 +the NAAQS. ,9 +butt or protrusion provided for the joint. Another method is ,9 +electrical current within the system. The ammeter,9 +Guidance on Severe Turbulence,7 +or staging flaps that compress and hold the canopy in place ,9 +"redistillation or other process any denatured alcohol or who knowingly uses, sells,",9 +TECHNOLOGY ,7 +Preparing the O&SHA,7 +〔昭和五十四年十二月七日通商産業省令第百十三号〕,7 +Stopping up of streets ,3 +"RID I: (General Compliance, Economic and Financial Capacity Compliance) ",7 +"Perceive, Process, Perform (3P) Model ",7 +from the glider pilot to ensure compliance with maximum ,9 +‘EDI message’ ,9 +Police Act 2005(,9 +Minamata Convention on Mercury comes into effect in Japan. ,3 +"The Secretary of State is of the opinion that, by reason of urgency, it is necessary to make these ",9 +Procedure Turns,7 +"one reason or another, to the tissues that need it. One form of ",9 +急救援基地和应急救援队伍,鼓励生产经营单位和其他社会力量建立应急救援队伍,,9 +Angle of incidence. ,9 +insbesondere durch,3 +An airborne system developed by the FAA that operates ,9 +Straight Descents (Constant Airspeed ,7 +[Figure 12-12] ,9 +Table 6.1. Refer to Section 6.2 for a discussion on national- and local-level NAS changes.,3 +Auf Grund des § 5 Abs. 2 und 3 des Finanzdienstleistungsaufsichtsgesetzes vom 22. April 2002 (BGBl. I S. 1310),9 +§ 1 Gegenstand,7 +"on uneven terrain, mud, or rocks can cause the tail rotor to ",9 +"RID I: (General Compliance, Economic and Financial Capacity Compliance) ",7 +Interazioni tra i rischi elencati nel paragrafo 7.2 e le attività del Contraente elencate nel pa,3 +The franchise ,7 +Open call (Article 164(1) (a) of the Financial Regulation),7 +U.S. Department,9 +Radio Communications ,7 +"main course, dessert, wines, water, soft drinks, coffee or tea); ",3 +in the water surface as it flows over the aluminum surface.,9 +ou basés sur une offre réceptionnés en cours de mois) afin que le montant d'origine puisse ,9 +Rotary Machine,7 +Preparing/Revising the Safety Requirements Verification Table ,7 +〔平成十七年十二月二日政令第三百五十八号〕,7 +", including (1) the system under review; (2) the software lifecycle ",3 +"The key components of a built-in electronic pulse demand oxygen metering system: (A) electronic regulator, (B) oxygen ",0 + Collision Avoidance,7 +"relay the GPS coordinates, if available, to ease the job for the ",9 +evidenced by the signing of a certificate to this effect by Europol no later than thirty (30) days after the ,9 +The following are the most common errors made while ,9 +Restricted airspace ,7 +generally apply to published instrument procedures,9 +coordinated universal time (UTC). A “Z” is appended to the end of the time to denote the ,3 +Tricycle gear.,9 +viation-related air quality assessments. ,3 +LOT tender,9 +limit of the airfoil. The stall region creates drag against,9 +handhold or footstep.,3 +Safety and Security Issue Reporting ,7 +that otherwise governs the operation of the defective device.,9 +Always ensure that the tow line is configured for the proper ,9 +The quality of polluted water to be discharged ,3 +wiring for secure connections and chafing.,3 +Interest on late payment ,7 +病院等の管理者に対する支援団体の紹介,3 +Figure 5-21.,0 +Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit den Lieferungen ,7 +throttle so the additional thrust and lift are removed and the ,9 +"rteenth, nineteen hundred and five; or contractors for public",9 +Ignition Harness,7 +ATC is required to obtain a read-back from the pilot of ,9 +reliability.,9 +"""a certified foreign exchange bank"" in item (i) of the same paragraph. ",9 +Motor routine 1 ,7 +§ 2 Meisterprüfungsberufsbild,7 +conducted in accordance with FAA regulation and the glider ,9 +nated fix or waypoint. Missed Approach Procedure Track is shown as a hash marked line in the planview. If the ,3 +must have his/her hands and feet on the controls,9 +Long-Term Memory (LTM) ,7 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +Mechanical conditions outlined in the MEL may require ,9 +) applies as it ,3 +EU Validation Services,7 +Enter the proposed departure time,9 +Article 33 - ,7 +〔昭和五十六年六月一日通商産業省令第三十二号〕,7 +under ATC control and cannot be seen on radar.,3 +The magnetic dip and the forces of inertia cause magnetic ,9 +Large aircraft may be divided into zones for air distribution. ,9 +⦁ $_{Change the date of the event to accommodate weather. }$,3 +“as-built” technical baseline documentation with successive modifications are sufficient for ,9 +TREES SUBJECT TO TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS ,7 +The tenderer. In case of joint tender this selection criterion will be applied to the ,9 +Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC).,9 +any question” to the end; ,9 +Weather Regulatory Requirements ,7 +"(iii) rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affected environment; (iv) ",9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 18 of 18 ",7 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY ,7 +Figure 7-13.,6 +may make its own travel arrangements for its ,3 +on the FAA website at www.faa.gov. ,3 +Within and outside EU Member States (including Europol Premises) and/or EFTA ,9 +"2 августа 2017 г.,",9 +"traffic system, it is necessary that each party fulfill",9 +the entity denomination ,3 +"of 2018 (Public Law 115–123), up to $18,000,000 shall also be ",9 +the relationship between lifecycle datasets as well as their relationships to other data ,3 +"""Zweite Verordnung zur Durchführung des Finanzausgleichsgesetzes im Ausgleichsjahr 2017 vom 26. März 2021",9 +date on which he ceased to hold such office.,9 + as one of the ,3 +your GPS receiver’s operation and by keeping eyes,9 +COLLABORATION WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS ,7 +trims with its axis inclined down by the bow. ,9 +municipality to the provincial board of the province to which it,3 +Performing Ignition System Checks,7 +"Finance or Order of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, all of ",9 +degrees of latitude north (N) or south (S) of the equator. The ,9 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +The method of systematically managing records on medical care and the ,3 +Technical equipment list should be agreed with EU-OSHA’s national partner (necessity of ,3 +Project team ,7 +clarifying the rights on the produced pictures (i.e.: confirming EU-OSHA will have the ,3 + be divulged or not after they have been delivered in their final version ,3 +time and date when the next action is required. ,3 +Maintenance Work,7 +(Protection of X-ray Units) ,9 +病院等の名称、所在地、管理者の氏名及び連絡先,3 +riassunto; ,3 +speed and maximum pressure at intermediate and maximum ,9 +The air is deflected from its course some distance in front ,9 +avionics rather than analog electronics. Transistors are used ,9 +"Upon reaching 225–250 feet AGL, maintain proper forward momentum and ",3 +Extract of the bank account ,3 +Hat der Private mit einer anderen Stelle einen Vertrag über die Be- und Abrechnung der Mautgebühr,9 +AC Synchro Systems,7 +Social Responsibility Act 2011 (“the 2011 Act”). ,3 +appendice 2. ,9 +"gyroplanes are normally operated in forward flight, the",9 +megahertz (MHz) and 136.975 MHz and is classified as ,9 +Philippine Islands is party to a deed or any instrument conveying the title of real,9 +"all private right, title, and interest in and to the property",9 +Article 6 – Terms of Payment ,7 +examination equipment ,3 +and the signal supports LPV. If the signal does not,9 +"zur Prüfung auszuhändigen. Hat der Fahrer während des in Satz 4 genannten Zeitraums ein Fahrzeug gelenkt, für",9 +"(10 points, ",3 +Resin Injection Repairs,7 +TABLE WITH CORRESPONDING FIELD DENOMINATION BY COUNTRY,7 +108. Power to specify qualifications for certain offices ,7 +AFROELASTIC EFFECTS ,7 +"selective, checking only what needs to be checked at ",3 +Take the new flap and sew it in place on the main ,3 +"the end of the 10th day after the day on which they arrived in England or, if later, the end ",3 +Active flight plan check—the active flight plan ,3 +e European Investment Bank or name of another ,9 +speed and movement until close to the ground. Outside,9 +Electron Control Valves,7 +air or gas as the case may be. ,9 +" Access to Microstrategy software stack, ",3 +ing in securing the seaplane. There have been many,9 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +‘‘(A) A position— ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 163 of June 20, 1960] ",7 +(+++ Textnachweis Geltung ab: 3.10.1990 +++),9 +ADEMPIMENTO DELLE NORME DI SICUREZZA,7 +". CPUs should have real time clock, Controller module internal clock should be able to be ",3 +until all cells are flaked and all line groups are clearly separated and tight. ,3 +" One of 4,096 four-digit discrete codes ",9 +Kostenermittlung und Umlagepflicht im Aufgabenbereich Wertpapierhandel,3 +providing the training prior to endorsing the student pilot ,9 +"same time, it decreases the AOA and reduces lift on the wings ",9 +I.9. DATA CONTROLLER ,7 +a problem and is in trouble. That is when the well-meaning ,9 +受託業務の指導及び助言を行う者として、滅菌消毒業務に関し相当の知識及び経,3 +"termination, provision at no cost to the contracting authority of the blueprints, ",3 +Displaced Threshold ,7 +Ground Reference Maneuvers,7 +(Refer to AIM) ,9 +supported by extra research by the Contractor’s national partner. ,3 +pilots at every level of experience and skill can be affected. ,9 +The requests will be made through the register's messaging system to the e-mail address of ,9 +be brought against that person.,9 +CE-labelling and declaration of conformity; ,3 +An impact assessment has been not been produced for this instrument as it is consequential on the ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ",7 +authority,9 +Powerplant (engine and propeller) control is achieved by ,9 +Management,9 +6-3-1. Distress and Urgency Communications,8 +"During a grace period of 2 months, following the signature of the framework contract, the penalties will not be applied. ",7 +available by this Act or division A of the Consolidated Appropria-,9 +Crew Responsibilities ,7 +one site.,9 +materials. Scotchgard,9 +new ENISA regulation states that ENISA should enable effective responses to information security risks ,9 +Article 4 - ,7 +Ground track. ,9 +(一)向海域排放本法禁止排放的污染物或者其他物质的; ,3 +"added at a later date. If this is done, you will be told about it so you can discuss the additional grounds at the",3 +Final list of suggested media/journalists should be approved by the EU-OSHA’s national partner; ,3 +"ments or officials, as appropriate.’’. ",9 +Vertrag erfüllt,3 +一五二、一五九及び一九六の項の改正規定、同表の備考第一号及び第三号の改正規定並,9 +towards the Agency for the performance ,9 +used for metals from ,9 +Figure 5-69. ,0 +American glider meet was sponsored by the Aero Club of ,9 +"crown line today. You have done it before, so I know that ",9 +miles. This may be reduced to a minimum of,9 +test signal to check VOR receiver accuracy. Some VOTs are ,9 +independence and the Decision of the Executive Director on Competing Interest ,9 +Fully Depreciated Assets ,7 +Article 37 - ,7 +"Interception, 5",9 +Alternate Navigation Planning,7 +"PI), the rate of climb ",9 +"is possible to do other things simultaneously, or at least do other things more comfortably. By this stage, learner performance of the ",9 +to the horizon bar for the particular airplane while on ,3 +proofread by the contractor,9 +及び同表第三号」と、同条第三項中「適用しない」とあるのは「適用しない。ただし、,3 +"transportation, which per diem shall not exceed two pesos ",3 +Fahrzeuginnenausstatter/zur Fahrzeuginnenausstatterin,10 +the maneuver. ,3 +II.19.1. Fatture e imposta sul valore aggiunto ,7 +"Ensure control lines run free through proper slider grommets, and then through proper control line ",3 +"(ii) in the definition of “privileged information”, omit “(in Scotland, to confidentiality of ",3 +to attain/maintain proper airplane pitch and bank attitude. ,9 +Electric Power Consumption Commitments ,7 +Reception of invoices by standard format (pdf) or email is not accepted.,9 +§ 24a (weggefallen),7 +for power settings after the takeoff.,6 +Aus Sicherheitsgründen kann das Arbeiten mit Atemschutz (Gasmaske mit P3-,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 200 of May 24, 2006]",7 +the house; the wind had changed. If the pilot had watched ,9 +"speed range, angle of attack must be in- ",9 +ficult to see if you are taking off from an unlighted area.,9 +capability which can cause problems for pilots attempting ,9 +sechs 24-Stunden-Zeiträumen verpflichtet. Sie können die wöchentlich einzuhaltenden Ruhezeiten auf einen,9 +Bleeding Master Cylinder Brake Systems,7 +Corner Joints,7 +"contracting authority’s reasoned request,",3 + Airspace is depicted as screened blue area with a solid line encompassing the area.,9 +ISBN 978-0-11-119340-2,6 +characteristics of each cylinder of an air-cooled engine. ,9 +that are available and recommended to conduct a,3 +ANTITORQUE PEDALS,7 +Windshield wiper assembly/installation on a transport catgory aircraft. The motor-converter is mountd under the ,0 +ADJUSTMENT OF LOAN LIMIT.— ,9 +"the first class rail fare, excluding any supplements. The person is requested to provide ",3 +National Steering Committee (NSC) quarterly meetings and other events ,3 +ates a slip into the wind to offset the drifting tendency.,9 +Sources of Operating Air,7 +(with a main rotor turning counterclockwise) and forces the ,9 +The inspection checklist provided by the manufacturer is ,9 +Contacts during the procurement procedure ,7 +"publication, or from a news agency to actual subscribers thereto, or",3 +used for the safe arrival and departure or navigation of aircrafts and parts ,3 +CONFORMING AMENDMENT TO DEFINITION OF ‘‘CHILD’’.—Sec-,9 +Workload Management,7 +LOT 1 – DATA COMMUNICATIONS ,7 +developing EU legislation in the field of cybersecurity. ,3 +Driving piles ,7 +Maximum Performance Takeoff,7 + which shall be re-chargeable to Europol; ,3 +[Figure 5-42],9 +preparazione,3 +minimum factors of safety at this load are 3.00 for the car ,9 +II.20.2. Währung ,7 +"descent, approaches within what appears to be 10 to 15 feet ",9 +black X should disappear completely because it has ,3 +. — Whenever any article,9 +"Controller, 5",9 +to verify that the applications functionalities are available to end users after a ,3 +realizes that the time and energy spent in planning and ,9 +body responsible for the verification of the application of standards of ,6 +"Differences, as compared to other simultaneous approaches, ",9 +Final acceptance ,7 +Manholes ,8 +fostering panel. ,9 +Lay out on packing table or other suitable area.,9 +Federal Aviation Administration ,9 +A diode acts as a check valve in an alternating current (AC) ,9 +The area ,9 +the elements can be controlled by varying the size of the ,9 +Dem Flexografen-Handwerk sind folgende Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten zuzurechnen:,9 +"leader in case of joint tender) must provide the declaration on honour stating that the tenderer, including ",9 +"chase crew to be at the landing site, so plan to land without ",9 +"fatigue results from sleep loss, exercise, or physical work ",9 +most challenging wind conditions you have managed to ,9 +that an e-document,3 + des in Artikel I.4.1 ,9 +"RID I: (General Compliance, Economic and Financial Capacity Compliance) ",7 +"151,5 – 158,5 GHz,",9 +nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des installations. ,7 +〔昭和二十七年十二月二十六日政令第五百号〕,7 +existing remote site. ,9 +§ 2a Inanspruchnahme der Familienpflegezeit,7 +EU-OSHA’s national partner to suggest possible media channels ; ,3 +and leads to “chasing the r.p.m.” Avoid,9 +Periodic VOR receiver calibration is most,9 +Normal Takeoff from the Surface,7 +Unterkünfte im Baugelände ,7 +the United States.,9 +vertical path intercept. ,9 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +Pb% v* 3 ,2 +under any of the following or transactions prescribed in the same paragraph ,9 +"Static dischargers, or wicks, are installed on aircraft to ",9 +"Prior to calling ATC, tune to the ATIS frequency and listen to ",9 + the contractor:,9 +借款人可以在还款期限届满之前向贷款人申请展期。贷款人同,9 +inclusive.,9 +II.20.6 Paiements intermédiaires et paiement du solde ,7 +Paint Touchup,7 +WEIGHT LIMITATIONS,7 +" Flight Over Charted U.S. Wildlife Refuges, ",7 +"This handbook is published by the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman ",9 +"Results of all concrete tests, including identification of which part of works the sampled mate-",3 +An inoperative air condition (A/C) pack might restrict ,3 +"Associations and General Incorporated Foundations, as applied mutatis ",9 +Shielding–Outer conductor,6 +記載した事故等分析事業に関する規程を定め、厚生労働大臣に届け出なければならな,3 +when RADAR VECTORING is provided or when,9 +[insert name ,6 +"in paragraph (11), after sub-paragraph (b), insert",3 +"include medical evidence that the applicant’s disablement has become worse, and ",3 +receipt provided by e-Submission with the official date and time of receipt of the submission ,9 +"hot/cold savoury and/or sweet dishes, 15 pieces per person), three-course dinners (starter, ",3 +incl. identification & briefing,7 +Option 2: replacement tape method. With this ,3 +the procedure by which the contracting authority may order supplies and/or services from the ,3 +Documentation - as built;,3 +provides reasonable time for persons on board the ship to take action to prevent the ,3 +glider two-way radio to broadcast needs on the international ,9 +how it applies to airport projects and actions. ,3 +airspace may be designated for the following,9 +Instrument Departures,7 +Landing lights should be turned on when takeoff,9 +ранние сроки,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 387 of December 25, 1997] ",7 +"be no such, then in the cust",9 +Fisheries and fishing privileges,3 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +"visibility, beginning and ending times of particular",3 +法第十五条の三第二項の規定による医療機器又は医学的処置若しくは手術,3 +"item, and by flight five, a “manage-decide” item.$_{ }$",9 +the previous waypoint in the route.,6 +the relevant authority is the State having sovereignty ,9 +"Under NEPA, “scoping” is an early and open process for determining the scope of issues to be ",9 +[Figure 3-13] ,9 +of aeronautical charts covering land areas of the world at a ,9 +"that could short detector terminals, correcting connection ",9 +Botswana and is domiciled in Botswana on the date on which he or she applies for ,3 +"Castillejos,",9 +airstream on the engine side of the throttle valve. With the ,9 +slisstream velocity behind the propeller is ,9 + removed from office under this section ,3 +"a screen in the cockpit. Additionally, TCAS II equipped aircraft receive evasive maneuver commands from the computer that calculates ",0 +Constant power plus decreased pitch equals increased airspeed.. ,6 +for the purposes of invoicing. ,3 +filled are opened. These valves are called fueling valves ,9 +Figure 9-12. ,0 +Marine pollution contingency plan ,7 +and the management response thereto: ,9 +Stow band retainer loops on main ,6 +FLIGHT PLAN,6 +or notary,9 +Bureau of Civil Service,7 +"repairs, and other activities in response to such disasters, as author-",9 +quality of terminal weather information available,9 +artificial horizon bar and by the alignment of the pointer with ,9 +It is the relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic ,9 +regionally-significant,9 +The purpose of conducting a high reconnaissance is to ,9 +"nonmailable by law or regulation, the same not being included in the",9 +"is transferred into the atmosphere in three ways: radiation, ",9 +Pusher propeller.,9 +who work under the ,3 +during the press conference. ,3 +instruments. [Figure 5-12] Collimators make the image on ,9 + Stabilized climb at constant airspeed.,0 +Demanding adequate standards of performance,6 +on many units. The low-sensitivity position gives the sharpest ,9 +structure and content of the Professional article ,3 +components or versions thereof and propose a remediation plan to re-align with ,3 +Characteristics of a Well-Planned Lesson,7 +Cages/walls ,3 +Variation of the Nottinghamshire Fire Services Combination Scheme ,7 +two people under the same main parachute.,9 +Department for Education ,9 +A recheck of NOTAMs for Gulfport confirms that the ,9 +Project management ,7 +"the damage is not too severe, it can be cause for removal if ",9 +c4f_annexiitechspeciiitechoffer_en.doc ,4 +straightened and returned to airworthy condition. Specialized ,9 +Telegraphic notification.,9 +Untersuchung nach G26/2 mit dem Nachweis einer entsprechenden Tauglichkeit. Diese ,9 +voice communications. The CPDLC’s principal,9 +details are available in Annex 10 ,9 +to-date version of any software/specifications developed/maintained ,9 + The evaluation procedure is confidential. The deliberations of the evaluation committee are ,9 +Medical Service to enter Europol Premises. Visitors are not allowed to report to Europol Premises ,3 +"16"" Type-1 Webbing.",0 +"Zumarraga. Third district — Composed of the municipalities of Balangiga,",9 +Tree Felling ,7 +approach followed by a letter identifies approaches that do ,9 +create aerodynamic forces that cause the airplane to roll. ,9 +Interpretation ,7 +Administrative Provisions Regulating Business of Persons ,7 +"directions prior to landing, which factor into landing ",3 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Final Piston Moving Down,7 +mass flow. ,9 +"the resultant lifting force acts more horizontally, the",9 +"NM from the runway threshold to be 250 knots, 200 knots at ",9 +the Union budget;,3 +"военнослужащими,",9 +and E surface areas in weather conditions less than the ,9 +Available for 4 boiling flask round bottom ,3 +"a hotel, hostel, bed and breakfast accommodation, holiday apartment or home, campsite, ",3 +The airspace within 30 nauti-,9 +"generally to turbofan, turboprop, turboshaft, and auxiliary ",9 +"среднемесячной температуре воздуха в июле от +22°С и выше, среднемесячной",9 +"When the throttle valve is opened quickly, a large volume ",9 +§ 2 Beschaffenheit und Betriebstüchtigkeit der Flugsicherungsausrüstung,7 +in the case of a person who does not have a residence in Botswana but is able to register ,3 +rotor r.p.m. during autorotations. ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 108 of April 25, 1960] ",7 +"partially, ",3 +the design engineers run a series of curves similar to the one ,9 +Declaration of Honour (DoH) ,7 +“RRRL” means Riverside Resource Recovery Limited (company number 03723386) whose ,9 +"For the aircraft to operate as it was designed, the cable tension ",9 +propose a solution different from the one imposed; ,3 +"vectors during a vertical autorotation, refer to Chapter 3—",0 +"12 марта 2021 г., регистрационный № 62740), признать утратившим силу.",9 +Drittes Ausbildungsjahr,7 +"that, for any given airflow through a fixed orifice, a constant ",9 +Section 1. General,7 +specified in standard condition C22.”. ,3 + shows a navigation unit that allows ,9 +Minimum requirements for the organisation of awareness-raising support to ,7 + A troubleshooting tool that consists ,9 +Aircraft Previously registered ,7 +"airship are designed for a total car load of 16,000 lbs. ",9 +notification will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the e-Submission application for the ,9 +point star symbol used for IFR,9 +Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids,7 +marine pollution contingency plan before submitting it to the MMO and must submit a report of ,9 +and from similar material. Some types of pilot chutes are ,9 +The amount of weight that a wing must ,9 +II.7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND PROFESSIONAL CONFLICTING ,7 +"MARKING, STOWAGE CONTAINER - OPERATING LIMITS:",7 +A lightweight pilot takes off with maximum bag-,3 +Evaluation of tenders,7 +"inland waters resources, the national and local governments are to endeavor to ",3 +"For the purpose of this FWC, communications must be sent to the following addresses: ",9 +landing light wiring circuits,3 +"upper edge of the sheet. Then, roll the remainder of the sheet ",9 +〔昭和三十五年四月二十五日政令第百八号〕,7 +‘Performance of a specific contract’,9 + and for as long as ,3 +metal thickness = tip orifice. ,9 +Anlage 1 (weggefallen),7 +"(k) Where the landlord is seeking possession on ground 14A, court proceedings cannot begin unless the landlord",3 +Section 3 Measures for Revitalization of Fishing Ground Environment in ,3 +"Aufbau, Bedienung, Lagerung, Reinigung und Wartung von Narkosegeräten,",3 +Center Weather Advisories (CWA) ,7 +Millipore ,6 +Electric Power Consumption Commitments ,7 +Conditions ,7 +Seaplanes can be landed either power-off or power-on,9 +"altitudes, position reporting, radio communications, ",3 +Locate the new BOC pocket on the container at the ,3 +described in paragraph 5,9 +Arrival at the landing party. ,3 +"some different speed, I",9 +Immediately follow break out instructions as soon,3 +Distress and Urgency,7 +The hold-off head must be ,6 +navigation and flight aid for most WSC aircraft. A magnetic ,9 +any such place.” ,3 +The contact details for the MMO Marine Pollution Response Team are Tel. (during office ,9 +altered for a given installation to compensate for the effect ,9 +Class A Airspace,7 +Amendment of the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013 ,7 +Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Helideck/Heliport,7 +Compressing the seal.,0 +published decision height (DH) or minimum descent altitude ,9 +antihistamines. The most common depressant is alcohol. ,9 +"adjudicateur, sous réserve de la signature d'un engagement de confidentialité adéquat le cas ",3 +der Schiffsmechaniker-Ausbildungsverordnung oder,3 +Figure 7-10,9 +the airplane and maintaining proper orientation with ,3 +(ii) local governments; ,3 +Visibility,6 +Landing Gear ,7 +"which relies on situational awareness, problem recognition, ",9 +the air intake and throttle mounted below the engine. Engine ,9 +Compliance ,3 +"cord or sidewall cord damage is unacceptable, and the tire ",9 + has had ,9 +top-of- descent (TOD) point down to the end-of-descent ,9 +§ 32 Minusabweichungen bei Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge,7 +precipitation discriminator) in the “Remarks” section to indicate the type of precipitation ,3 +utilization of all or a substantial part of the contents of the database by the distribution of ,3 +Economic and financial capacity,7 +TATISTIQUE CONCERNANT LES ,7 +The contractor must ensure that the ,3 +side effects that may impair the same critical functions. ,9 +Stationary Sources Emission Inventory for Criteria Pollutants ,3 +Turbo-Propeller Assembly,7 +Schlussformel ,7 +"date of enactment of this subsection, and every year there-",9 +the Bureau of Science at the instance of the Collector of Internal Revenue. When,9 +operations of the accident analysis business; the same applies in the case of ,3 +"authority for any damage caused to the contracting authority by the contractor, its staff, ",9 +endorsements are recorded in the student’s ,9 +Project team ,7 +Inspection requirements are the mainstay of the parachute ,9 +the former,9 +Attitude Indicator,7 +"$2,881,552,000, to be merged with and available for the same period ",9 +"review the layout, approaches, and the taxiway structure and ",9 +Amendment to the Electronic Monitoring (Responsible Persons) Order 2018 ,7 +yet to be executed and not falling within this sub-section 3(b) will be subject to the full ,3 +in excess of the actual collect,9 +"of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies ",1 +descent point. The next step is to choose a descent rate and ,9 +Contacts during the procurement procedure. ,7 +that of rotation. ,9 +supplies by the contractor to the contracting authority;,9 +"assistance at no additional cost, except if it can demonstrate that it requires substantial additional ",9 +Tree Felling ,7 +Fabric clamp (rubber padded/square jaw) ,6 +проживание в которых детей и персонала не допускается.,9 +Al presente CQ non si applica la trattenuta di garanzia. ,9 +be thin as a result of long service life and previous dressings.,9 +Figure 12-75. ,0 +of contact with the ground may be so great it could ,9 +a pilot should do the following: ,9 +〔昭和五十五年五月二十六日政令第百三十八号〕〔抄〕,7 +interchangeable with Hi-Lok$^{®}$ collars. Hi-Lite$^{®}$ fasteners can ,9 +Risk Management ,7 +"Tax, and so Forth",9 +Table B – Losses of Stores ,7 +"additional, separate sheet under Annex C – Financial Tender Form for: ",9 +Reported in Previous Years,7 +Reciprocating Engine Lubricants,7 +Group of economic operators information,7 +Requesting a Special Registration Number,7 +is also self-isolating in the place where P is self-isolating; ,3 +"Recurrent Training, Flight Reviews, and Instrument Proficiency Checks ",7 +Fuel Pressurizing and Dump Valves,7 +can produce higher local surface ,9 +I.4.2. Preisanpassungsindex ,7 +is called a ducted fan and the core airflow and fan ,3 + Terminal Radar Service Areas (TRSA),7 +Press work: copywriting in national language of a press ,7 +by a voice signal that results in the continuous voltage varying ,9 +déclaration,9 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT,7 +Neugefasst durch Bek. v. 6.1.2006 I 49;,3 +Fragestellungen aus den in Absatz 2 aufgeführten Inhalten und soll nicht länger als drei Stunden dauern.,9 +be fit for any specific purpose required of them by the contracting authority and made known to the ,3 +The initial TEMP is required for the FID and must be approved by the PO prior to the decision ,9 +control bar forward ,6 +) of this section to the extent that the law in question prohibits ,3 +"may use, modify, publish, assign or transfer them as it sees fit, without geographical or other ",3 +angle. Pitch angle is determined by the direction of the,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of September 1, 1959] ",7 +Recall that one of the principal effects of ,9 + travel plans. The ,3 +Stopping up of streets ,3 +Provide an outline of the teaching procedure to be ,3 +"18,000 feet MSL up to and including FL 600,",9 +Mischfuttermittel unter Verwendung von Vormischungen mit Futtermittelzusatzstoffen der Kategorie,3 +この政令の施行前に特定事業についての対象役務契約又は対象役務の提供につき外,3 +recommendation. ,9 +电子政务等重要行业和领域,以及其他一旦遭到破坏、丧失功能或者数据泄露,可能严重,9 +Peripherals and displays.,3 +This splined coupling arrangement is used almost exclusively ,9 +twenty-five per centum of the uncollected revenues and receipts accruing to any,9 +"Strahlenschutz, Strahlenpass ",7 +EXCLUSION CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE,7 +"0,73 W/(m²K)",9 +検査を行つた特定製品の数量,3 +contact with the conductor within the conduit. When fittings ,9 +the shortest itinerary and the minimum number of nights necessary for overnight stay ,3 +no signal degradation. The real-world phenomenon is ,9 +Article 3 – PRICE ,7 +"formatted for the instructor to carry in the aircraft and include a checklist for indicating what portions of the lesson were completed, ",9 +---------,6 +[Figure 12-3] ,3 +services to their contractors abroad through banks or financial institutions operating in ,3 +II.20.6. Interim payments and payment of the balance ,7 +collision would probably occur eventually if no action is taken by either pilot. Situations,3 +] delivered as part of the Framework contract ,7 +support vertical guidance on procedures with LPV,9 +way radio communications,9 +Article 13 - ,7 +INSPECTION CODE OF THE,7 +with his or her signature in the signature block. ,9 +Rischi per la Salute e la Sicurezza dei Lavoratori ,7 +Schlussvorschriften,7 +A shock wave that forms ahead of a ,9 +years or more from date of issue.,9 +"siltation, scouring or collapse; ",3 +"GPS, an ADF, and/or a VOR. The pilot has the ability to select ",9 +connector links and control lines to proper riser. ,3 +"no unit is actuated, fluid from the pump flows through the ",9 +(Specific Quality Indicators ,3 +Phone: (404) 562-1666,8 +the President whether the Secretary ought to be,3 +field that causes current to flow in the conductor. Either the ,9 +"where the goods are specified by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade ",3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 387 of December 25, 1997] ",7 +Northerly Turning Errors,7 +Contracts for Public Works,7 +Suspension par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +"an agreement to adopt made under section 104 (agreements to adopt sewer, drain or ",3 +method. The sensor shall be suitable for installation in wastewater/sludge and the sensor house shall be made of ,9 +advanced treatment hospitals that provide advanced and specialized medical ,3 +Retained apparatus: protection ,7 +laboratories. ,1 +fuel nozzles and flameholders. ,9 +"In article 60C (exempt agreements: exemptions relating to the nature of the agreement), after ",9 +"to understand, however, that PBN systems, (with the",9 +jection mixture is a preferred means of adding ,9 +"reactive in nature. Diverting from the final approach fix, while ",9 +Transverse Flow Effect,7 +Technical and professional capacity,7 +"Like flying any other IAP, the pilot must see and avoid any ",9 +Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001(,3 +"Haushaltsplan ausgebrachten Planstellen und sonstigen Stellen ist bei gegebenem Anlass, im Übrigen regelmäßig",9 +The direction in which the nose of the aircraft is ,9 +must make every effort to ensure that the other party actually receives the communication by email ,9 +be chaired by a senior government official appointed by the Minister responsible for local ,3 +Where you are,3 +For Schedule 2A to the 1965 Act substitute— ,9 +Opening of tenders,7 +performance. The study of aerodynamics is a complicated ,9 +"about EU-OSHA initiatives and related projects, and for promoting partners’ own activities in some ",9 +"Boston Logan Airport, MA",9 +Annex II — Financial tender,7 +look at the container for fuel level. ,9 +of the CG. ,9 +disaster relief aircraft; ,3 +reopening of competition,9 +information).,9 +relating to flight activities. More detailed information on ,9 +Severity of an Event ,7 +"other necessity, to repair, at the fixed time, t",9 +Hold-in-Lieu-of Procedure Turn (HILPT) is,9 +"pounds per thousand gallons (for liquid fuels), million cubic feet (for natural gas), or ton of ",9 +"In spite of its advantages, success with cooperative or group learning depends on conditions and controls. First of all, instructors need ",9 +rotor blade tips as they make a,9 +Objectives & Pricing ,7 +"(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2020, 2650)",9 +mum pressure from the relative wind. This static in-,9 +§ 8 Teil 2 der Abschlussprüfung in der Fachrichtung Instandhaltungstechnik,7 +FAA Guidance ,7 +inability to simulate certain failure modes during training ,9 +The purpose of the test of the handling of help functions (on-line or in manual) is to make sure that the ,9 +"has intersecting bend radii, it is necessary to remove material ",9 +in acquiring the knowledge necessary to plan and perform ,9 +before takeoff.,0 +of min. 300 dpi); ,3 +ECHA’s capability to build and run IT service and products is limited in both financial ,3 +Qtnngrr55,10 +2006/112/CE,9 +Areas Designated as Severe Wind and Moisture ,7 +": plateforme de communication axée sur le service, qui fournit une série de services ",9 +Overall management including development of concept for ,7 +time is given during radio and telephone communica-,3 +Quiz/e-interaction with participants – 2 formats: online and ,7 +holding airspeed limitations as set forth for all holding ,9 +The primary airport(s) within the TRSA become(s) Class D ,9 +Reducing Radio Interference,7 +a commercially operated vessel carrying no passengers; ,3 +identification and invitation of ,7 +firearms and ammunition in the possession of any such pers,9 +water for speakers.,3 +"Information Manual (AIM), Notices to Airmen,",9 +ing System consists of seven omnidirectional ,9 +How to Identify Fixation or Inattention Problems ,7 +"diese mit dem Zweifachen der Mindestdicke nach obiger Tabelle, Zeilen 1 bis 4, zu",9 +Risk Management (RM) ,7 +"Arrival, 5",9 +Office Agency ,9 +Scenario-Based Training (SBT) ,7 +the air traffic facility or other agency in whose area of,9 +QUALIFICATION TESTS: ,7 +"accident reporting hospital pursuant to the provisions of Article 12, conduct ",3 +reducing greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations ,9 +conditions may request VFR-on-top in lieu of an assigned ,9 +Controlled airspace consists of those areas where some or all aircraft are subjected to air traffic control within the follow,9 +) 2012 c.10 ,1 +Inspect the lockbolt as follows:,9 +vortex filaments which consist of the tip or ,9 +SUSPENSION,8 +"inch). The thickness of sheet metal, called gauge, ranges from 8 ",9 +feasibility ,8 +(罰則に関する経過措置),9 +Fertigpackungen mit einer Füllmenge von weniger als 5 Gramm oder 5 Milliliter dürfen ohne,9 +- Seite 94 von 120 -,4 +conformément à l'article II.26.3. ,9 +Traffic Data Systems,7 +"plan. VFR-on-top is not permitted in certain areas, such as ",9 +⦁ $_{Has a clear set of objectives. }$,3 +of the appropriate dispersion,9 +09/03 A2973 ,9 +者財産形成年金貯蓄契約及び同条第四項に規定する勤労者財産形成住宅貯蓄契約を,3 +Наименование,8 +"To be noted, ECHA may request takeover for certain products which do not fit into the ",9 +approach at the alternate airport using a substitute,9 +"Consumption Tax (SCT), Motorvehicle tax, Special communication tax, and/or taxes of equivalent effect, ",9 +nose of the helicopter to move up,9 +and striking perpendicular to the rotor blade’s leading edge. ,9 +§ 5 Identifizierungs- und Sorgfaltspflichten,7 +of unimportant details.,3 +outcome of the election and the appeal should accordingly be dismissed; ,3 +must be substantiated and tenderers notified. ,9 +"ovation or rebuilding of privately-owned family child care homes, ",9 +"belongs for settlement, subject to appeal to the department governor,",3 +Grasp high points of each cell and flip canopy toward trailing edge. Canopy shall lie flat with trailing ,3 +A decrease in aspect ratio will give a corresponding increase ,9 +Zweite Verordnung zur Durchführung des,10 +Chairman and not less than two nor more than four other members.,9 +Figure 4-5. ,3 +bürgerlichen oder öffentlichen Rechts für den Gegenstand des Verfahrens als geschäftsfähig anerkannt,3 +Responsibilities,7 +Class E Airspace,7 +Responsibilities of the Parties to the Engagement ,7 +Wire Size Selection,7 +"indicated by the green arrow), then the balloon is either in level ",9 +as mentioned earlier. Inside the inlet by the fan blade tips is ,9 +Southerly Turning Errors,7 +all valves from the cockpit panel. ,9 +—direction finder ,9 +Ausfertigungsdatum: 05.02.2018,9 +(“the further assessment”) is higher than the original assessment— ,9 +PROFILE VIEW,7 +may request to climb/descend in VFR conditions. When ,9 +The Public Service,7 +The contractor must send back to the contracting authority the specific contract duly signed ,9 +"contractor’s premises, specify how the services are to be divided between these ",9 +Funkstellen des festen Funkdienstes und des mobilen Landfunkdienstes dürfen keine schädlichen,3 +"and Industry No. 67 of November 5, 1987] ",7 +Lift/Drag Devices,7 +Код и наименование,8 +The descent planning task.,0 +"shall sign the contract with the Group leader, authorised by the other ",9 +Double crown lines forming a 90° or wider angle offer ,0 +topped with 250 mm of top soil. Sand filling shall be thoroughly mixed with 10 kg manure before ,9 +provisions listed in Annex X to Directive 2014/24/EU,3 +Identifying Emissions in the SIP ,7 +§ 2 Gebührenbefreiungen,7 +Flow divider valve,6 +erstellt. Der Auftraggeber oder sein bevollmächtigter Vertreter senden diesen an den ,3 +. — The assessment and collection of an ,3 +Übereinstimmung mit dem anerkannten Luftfahrtstandard betrieben werden. Empfangsfunkstellen,3 +altitude is a contributing factor. ,9 +2021-2023 period ,7 +[Figure 1-58] ,9 +be limited because of strength and durability of the material ,9 +hand on the throttle throughout the approach and landing ,9 +is the single entry ,9 +A lightweight pilot takes off solo with a full load,3 +"(зарегистрировано Минюстом России 06.11.2009,",9 +Courts of Superior Jurisdiction,7 +riveted together to form the spar. The increased use of ,9 +Price — 30 % ,3 +specified operating pressure and allow it to remain with no ,9 +If one or more pre-conditions for the verification of the process performance stated above ,3 +go around or perform a wind shear escape maneuver. ,9 +How to Submit your Tender in e-Submission ,7 +Aircraft Structures,7 +"Coaching, instruction, and/or assistance from the ",3 +following relationship is developed: ,9 +"devices, and circuitry is only an introduction to the electronics ",9 +"Unless otherwise stated in writing by the MMO, all notices required by this licence to be ",9 +Hardware and software needs regular updates to ,3 +with velocity defines the power settings neces- ,9 +"The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), as the leading EU body of this call for tenders, ",9 +"however, that clearance to operate “VFR-on-top/VFR ",9 +tools and equipment.” All of this only makes sense in that the ,9 +"higher as the No. 1 person clears the suspension lines of debris and removes entanglements, when ",3 +"principal shall transport and deliver without delay, and in accordance with law and",9 +the offence may for all incidental purposes be treated as having been committed in ,3 +the specific safety requirements that must be satisfied before the IOC can be declared. ,9 +For all exchanges with the contractor during the implementation of the contract as well as for ,9 +the school fund or for school purposes shall also be,9 +"between the flight path and ground references, while",9 +Notification. ,9 +makes the compass unuseable for navigation. Because of ,9 + See combustor.,9 +wrist pin is slightly smaller than its diameter perpendicular ,9 +"the altitude above the terrain, wind, and weather conditions. ",9 +The outside air absorbs heat from the refrigerant flowing ,9 +Elaboration of a social media communication plan ,7 +I.1.4. Costs of transfer ,7 +"Regelung zur Vermittlung der Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten nach Verordnung (EU) Nr.",7 +Anti-virus products can regularly scan ,3 +Receivers do not “fail down” to lower levels of service,9 +Safety Requirements ,7 +Salt and Sand Piles ,7 +"are removed. The dispersant, an additive, in the oil holds the ",9 +"""Verordnung über die Satzung der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht vom 29. April 2002 (BGBl. I S.",9 + is required to notify the travel plans to the Europol contract manager named in the ,3 +Common Errors in Turns,7 +"Article 1 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of December 1, 1998. ",9 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +"For the exhibition of any registered document, one peso.",9 +MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +Reimbursements ,7 +Checking and Safetying the System,7 +such that they can send E-mail.,3 +"mass center of the aircraft, or the theoretical point at which ",9 +"Section 12 (signals, watchmen etc.) of the Railways Clauses Act 1863(",9 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le pouvoir adjudicateur ,7 +west-central portion of Luzon and comprises the following municipalities:,9 +"In the case of an unscheduled GPS outage,",9 +Article 6 With regard to the application of penal provision to acts committed ,3 +Vertical Gusts During High-Speed Cruise,7 +"pointer” responds to airspeed deviations. However, ",3 +le responsable du traitement des données sont: ,3 +"§ 5 Prüfungsanforderungen im Teil ""Berufsausbildung und Mitarbeiterführung""",7 +Article 37 - ,7 +Section 5 ,5 +par le Secrétariat. Les candidats peuvent être présentés par le contractant ou par ,3 +"first time (hereinafter referred to as the ""reverse referral rate"" in this ",3 +§ 13 Sorgfaltspflichten bei Neukonten natürlicher Personen,7 +", draw a line vertically upward from ",9 +Launch Site,7 +streams as ,9 + to the station. This difference increases,9 +operating,9 +II.17. SUSPENSION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FWC ,7 +Volume 5 Drawings & Design Documents ,5 +Article I-15 ,7 +approximate power settings helps to keep pitch and power ,9 +located 300 feet from the threshold and extending at ,9 +Pilot RVSM Operating Practices and,7 +Trailing edge,6 +"be shipped completely assembled, are available from 1600 ",9 +compensate for the performance numbers if the aircraft is not ,9 +"indemnify the insurer in case the contractor fails to pay the premium, without prejudice to ",9 +—electronic flight information systems ,9 +denote preferential arrival routes in ARTCC ,9 +für den Auftragnehmer entsprechend.,9 +Figure 16-38,9 +Learner Emotional Reactions ,7 +"First, compute the pressure altitude conversion. Find 30.10 ",9 +"flight. In some cases, physiological factors can lead to in-",9 +Sailplane. ,9 +"упражнений для профилактики зрительного утомления, повышения активности",9 +", That of the amounts made available under this ",9 +the applicable law requires the disclosure of the ,3 +"issued, and",3 +"charts, drawings, design descriptions, and/or narratives. Simple NAS changes may only require ",9 +"Poor planning, orientation, and/or division of attention.",3 +Stretch Forming,7 +CONFLICTING INTERESTS ,7 +"impact on the health of citizens, the term ""fifty percent"" in item (vi), (b) of the ",3 +final movement of the engine stopped in the direction of ,9 +aircraft under IFR from the beginning of the initial approach ,9 +to the revision with regard to transactions for the purpose of providing ,3 +There are various kinds of flaps. Plain flaps form the trailing ,9 +SYSTEM IN THE ,7 +"proper conditions, these gyroplanes have the ability to",9 +I.1. ORDER OF PRIORITY OF PROVISIONS ,7 +Volume 3 Employer’s Requirements ,5 +§ 9 Entrichtung der Mautgebühr,7 +Relocated Runway Threshold ,7 +Blocked Static System,7 +The power lever directs a signal from the cockpit to the fuel ,9 +La politique environnementale du Secrétariat général du Conseil indiquée dans l'annexe I de la ,9 +Reserve Static Lines (RSLs) ,7 +adjacent to the impacted center. ,9 +"31,2 – 31,3 GHz,",9 +Composition,7 +for the type of refrigerant in the system should be chosen. ,9 +EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS ,7 +"prop is primarily a power producing machine, ",9 +Kingdom for the purposes of its obligations as a party to the Kyoto Protocol to the ,9 +JURISDICTION AND FUNCTIONS ,7 +: propose metrics ,3 +"and Industry No. 25 of May 30, 1986] ",7 +Opening of tenders ,7 +Acquisition of Land Act 1981 (application to the High Court in respect of compulsory purchase ,9 +ATO employees use the information gained from an investigation as input to recommend risk ,9 +Table B – Losses of Stores ,7 +Contractor’s ,3 +Chain of Ownership,7 +"31.05.21, 19:45",4 +Perfect the ability to control the aircraft subconsciously ,3 +Static pressure.,9 +"and the airplane is flying level, too high above the runway. ",9 +Site Investigations ,7 +tolerance,9 + National Security Areas (NSAs),7 +different,9 + (s 107: repealed) ,7 +Subcontracting ,7 +"is discharging, it reduces forward biasing and eventually the ",9 +Bei der stichprobenweisen Prüfung der Fertigpackungen muss es sich um eine Zufallsstichprobe handeln.,3 +"Fahrer/Beifahrer, Fahrzeug",7 +the pilot needs to apply right pedal. If the head of the yaw ,9 +"MODALITÉS EN MATIÈRE D’ÉTABLISSEMENT DES PRIX, COMMANDES ET DE ",7 +temperature. ,3 +forwarder/logistics partner in order to verify the price of the freight forwarder/logistics partner. ,9 +PRICE AWARD CRITERION (200 points) ,7 +"to (L/D),, ",9 +Resolutions,9 +Fire fighting water ,7 +FLIGHT LOG ,6 +Maintenance of Instruments and Instrument ,8 +Baustein Hausaufgabe „Darstellung der individuellen Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +"3.5.15. В помещении, где организовано рабочее место обучающегося с",9 +in nonattainment,9 +causing the rotor blade to flap up and reduces AOA at the aft ,9 + are or include know-how: the right to use such know-how as is necessary ,3 +substantial supports.,9 +Table 11-2 ,0 +identification of the approach end of a particular ,9 +Droits exclusifs ,7 +technical evaluation questions and supporting documents. ,3 +". Note that, as the fuel mixture is varied from ",9 +Suspension takes effect on the date the contracting authority sends the ,9 +non sono previsti costi,8 +very high altitudes reduce ,9 +Droits exclusifs ,7 + There is no mixture control and/or rpm lever ,9 +"tailwind, the descent rate increases to 1,056 fpm. “Copter” ",9 +uipment for his,9 +through the outage or land. The VOR MON is,9 +enforceable against the contracting authority. ,3 +Risk Acceptance and Safety Documentation Review,3 +hopper dredger Abigail H in the Port of Heysham of July 2009 (‘the Report’). ,9 + - HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OFFER USING e-SUBMISSION ,7 +conditions:,9 +"системы миграционного и регистрационного учета, а также изготовления,",9 +a radio phone-in ,7 +the destination weather (at Craig Field in Jacksonville) was ,9 +OPERATIONS ,7 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +"variation, which causes the magnetic course",9 +"copies, by renting, by on-line or other forms of transmission; ",3 +COMMON ERRORS DURING BASIC FLIGHT,7 +command may,9 +"notice to the undertaker of that requirement, paragraphs 78 to 80 and 83 to 85 apply as if the ",9 +"in this chapter may be found in FAA-H-8083-9, Aviation ",9 +payment or receipt of payment; the same applies hereinafter) pertaining to ,3 +Foster parents: temporary approval ,7 +II.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority,7 +Purchase Order(s),3 +Work No.111,9 +[Figure 6-88] ,9 + by persons for ,9 +and sludge load. ,9 +degrees. ,9 +"gate is Logic 1, then the output is NOT Logic 1. This means ",9 +Tenderers will be notified of the outcome of this procurement procedure by e-mail. The ,9 +sander unit. The abrasive paper used on the belt comes in ,9 +temperature,9 +Weather Radar Services,7 +Recognizing Hazardous Attitudes ,7 +Software Planning Review ,7 +Expansion Joints ,7 +"Daniela TRAMACERE, Head of Delegation, ",9 +[1792-57.],9 +"interruption in the supply of gas by Cadent, as the case may be, is caused, the undertaker must ",9 +Takeoff engine pressure ratio (EPR),3 +the right to make it available to contractors or subcontractors acting on behalf of the ,3 +denoted after the route in the altitude column using J (jet ,9 +Acceleration Error ,7 +a check valve. The filter bypass valve prevents the oil flow ,9 +"If the pre-financing payment stated in Article 7.2 of the Special Conditions exceeds EUR 100,000, or ",3 +generally shall apply to the department.,3 +Rotor Configurations,7 +in the conductor is not so readily removed as it ,3 +Full details of this Statutory Instrument will be promulgated by Aeronautical Information Circular ,9 +"Basting and temporary tacking will be performed using a single strand of size A, nylon thread, or ",3 +all the approval organizations and consider that multiple revisions may be required before a ,9 +§ 1 Ziel des Gesetzes,7 +"incorporated to prevent excessive voltage, which may",9 +ARTCC Communications,7 +(ii) The name ,3 +he or she shall appoint a tribu,3 +"your car? The loft, as depicted in ",9 +the airframe at a non-damaging rate. The bungees are made ,9 +be taken into consideration prior to departure. ,9 +"If the seaplane touches down while drifting sideways,",9 +accomplished by reference to electronic signals.,9 +Figure 9-37. ,0 +Air Quality Assessment Protocol ,7 +病院等の管理者に対する支援団体の紹介,3 +"from, that account.",9 +COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +Great care must be taken during design and ,9 +"bureau, a housing advice centre, a law centre or a solicitor.",3 +Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI),7 +§ 26 (weggefallen),7 + the contracting authority as soon as it is able to resume ,9 +wide white threshold bar is located across the width of the ,9 + authorises ,6 +characteristics.,9 +"If approach is done by the Contractor, the EU-OSHA’s national partner to communicate details ",3 +List of drawings attached ,7 +replacement because this depends on how much of the ,9 +an extension of apparatus to a length greater than the length of existing apparatus is not to ,3 +Ignition System ,7 +Temperature Variations in Repair Zone,7 +II.16.3. Claims and liability ,7 +Duration of Training ,7 +A device for propelling an aircraft that has blades ,9 +(See GLIDESLOPE INTERCEPT ALTITUDE.) ,9 +П. Общие требования,7 +художественных и культурно-массовых мероприятий с участием детей и,9 +"entire aircraft if it is constructed from those materials, or they ",9 +"location of the head office or principal office of the specified manufacturer, etc. ",3 +System Servicing,7 +ransfer the risk entirely by having another pilot act as PIC. ,6 +(This note is not part of the Order) ,7 +Vinyl film decals are removed by placing a cloth saturated ,9 +"surface wind enters the rotor system, turbulence and vortices ",9 +§ 5 Beschränkung und Untersagung des Betriebs von Fahrzeugen,7 +"authorized by ATC, no person may operate an",9 +will increase with aircraft speed causing the upwind wing to ,9 +regardless of the distance from the FAWP.,9 + Collision Avoidance,7 +Relief Hole Location,7 +Dataplate performance. ,9 +"instance,",9 +IFR Navigation Charts.,3 +"Regelung zur Vermittlung der Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten nach Verordnung (EU) Nr.",7 +"irregularities, fraud or breach of obligations have",3 +The notification will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the request to participate/ tender. ,9 +RUN activities LOT 2: ,3 +Alternate Airport Considerations.,9 + Summarize any PRs unresolved at the time of approval. The PR ,3 +Legal effects of the invitation to tender and submission of a request to ,7 +[136-91.],9 +Plate—used primarily for interchangeable production ,3 +MAIN PILOT CHUTE BRIDLE LINE OR DEPLOYMENT BAG ,7 +routes are available for use by GPS or,9 +lot number],6 +Definitions ,7 +§ 1 Beschränkung des ordentlichen Holzeinschlags,7 +"Then, the primary structure is required to ",9 +"gan, Dimasalang, Donsol, Magallanes,",9 +Operation of the Treatment Plant ,7 +Figure 10-46,9 +ADDRESS OF BANK BRANCH,7 +reduce main rotor torque. The techniques differ depending on ,9 +Minimum idle (%N2) is 57.7 (+1.5/−0.5)%N2,3 +the construction of an opening section of bridge and associated barriers and signage; ,3 +法第三十条の四第二項第七号に規定する厚生労働省令で定める,3 +“the Implementation Team” means the team required to be formed under article 26(1); ,9 +FSS or UNICOM. ,9 +swept wing planform has the characteristic ,9 +Description ,7 +SIDEWARD FLIGHT,7 +All pressurization systems contain a manual mode that can ,9 +person aboard it; or ,3 +“C” – Low Potential.,3 +MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +"cylinder base, and water pump).",3 +benefit to any tire. Much aircraft tire handling and care is the ,9 +II.9.1 Processing of personal data by the contracting authority,7 +Airborne break: lower nose and promptly land straight ahead.,6 +von Baden-Württemberg,9 +which an aircraft engine converts the fuel it burns into useful ,9 +当事人之间就具有产业应用价值的科技成果实施转化订立的合同,参照技术开,9 +duplication and proliferation of instrument approach,9 +One of the most important skills to develop as an instructor is the ability to ,9 +"eingesetzt werden können,",3 +that is required for shortening and mark accordingly. ,3 +Per i servizi di categoria/tipologia 1,3 +candidate/tenderer,6 +The safety device is activated when the Internal Pressure is ,8 +Flight Director,7 +solenoid operated.,9 +the presiding officer; ,3 +d without indemnifying any person prejudiced,9 +injury to the wires or wire bundle. The minimum acceptable ,9 +"A= SWEEP ANGLE, DEGREES ",6 +delinquent taxpayer.,9 +current visibility reports appropriate to the runway in use. ,9 +PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR 2020 ,7 +fuel and air will sustain combustion within a ,9 + Area Navigation,9 +En Route Operations ,7 +"ground. After the airplane has touched down, close the ",9 +Enter 45° to downwind,6 +a case-by-case assessment that will ensure respect for Europol’s obligations under its Regulation ,3 +"provides a complete breakdown for assigned hours, activities and costs. ",3 +[Figure 8-14] ,9 +"by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry by public notice); ",3 +§ 2a Durchführung des Lehrgangs Fahrschulbetriebswirtschaft,7 +"dynamic and thermal stresses, without detriment, resulting from the prospective fault current. ",9 +Collective Pitch Control,7 +"in the case of an accommodation space, is capable of waking a sleeping person, ",3 +visually clear the surrounding area.,9 +"formato audio,",3 +underlying the TAA is normally the “T” design (also,9 +Crabbing.,9 +for the definition of “the 2020 election day” substitute— ,3 +"level flight at velocity (A), an increase in ",9 +resulting,9 +is responsible for the ,3 +ungenügende Leistungen erbracht worden sein.,9 +displays red chevrons that point back to the horizon line. These ,9 +Der Schutz Ihrer Personen bezogenen Daten ist uns ein besonderes Anliegen. Wir verarbeiten Ihre ,9 +"Entwickeln logistischer Konzepte,",3 +Overcast ,6 +‘‘(b) EXPERTISE.—The team described in subsection (a) shall ,9 +and in the Aeronautical Information Manual.,9 +"takeoff/landing procedures, and emergency",9 +Risk Management,7 +automatically calculate the overall cost for the RUN service over the 12-months ,3 +Magnet at rest,6 +BOTTOM SKIN,7 +Identification of subject matter for interview,7 +Leave of Judges,7 +II.23.3. Interest on late payment ,7 +Identify Initial Operating Capability Safety Requirements ,7 +Types of Friction ,7 +airflow affects the horizontal components of the stabilizer ,9 +grommets in the tongue of the bag and tearing out of fabric ,9 +Distress and Urgency,7 +"(excluding those listed in the preceding item, the following item and item ",3 +of accelerating system used in float carburetors is illustrated ,9 +of manipulation of electricity required to permit the device ,9 +COLLABORATION WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS ,7 +"(hereinafter referred to as ""Nuclear Weapons, etc."" in (b), item (iii), and ",3 +be used to decelerate ,9 +§ 34 Übermittlung und Speicherung der Daten über Hauptuntersuchungen und Sicherheitsprüfungen,7 +by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ,9 +‘‘§ 1116B. Presumption of herbicide exposure for certain vet-,7 +characterize each source. ,3 +The contractor must ensure that the ,3 +「財務諸表等」という。)を作成し、五年間事務所に備えて置かなければならない。,3 +Old type zinc chromate primer may be used directly for ,3 +polyurethane topcoats.,9 +I.14.4 Declarations of interest ,7 +and is influenced by the shearing action caused by the relative ,9 +requirements of specific tender procedures. In the final version of each set of Terms of ,9 +See and Avoid Techniques ,7 +blades. The function of these controls will be explained,9 +on a cross-country flight should allow the fastest average ,9 +permanently resident in the United Kingdom. ,3 +für Tätigkeiten und Beschäftigung in fremden Anlagen oder ,9 +disclosed? ,7 +Packing and Inspection Area,7 +COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +Relief Hole Location,7 +Potential,9 +「資本取引」とあるのは「資本取引(仮に改正法の施行の日以後に行うとした場合,3 +Fronleichnam,9 +"repair, it would be advantageous to gain as much information ",9 +"notify the NTSB by direct communication; i.e., dis-",9 +accomplishes this and at the same time creates ,3 +Contractor’s national partner and the EU-OSHA’s national partner to discuss subject/content of ,3 +Terminal Procedures Publications,7 +WEIGHT LIMITATIONS,7 +landfall on another celestial body; ,3 +Der Ministerrat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik,7 +General requirements ,7 +ousness of the aircraft to controllers and other pilots,9 +perform its obligations under the FWC or a specific contract without the prior ,3 +"нефтепродуктопроводы,",9 +"Conduite/Inspection, Maintenance préventive, corrective et dépannages ",7 +The protocol should include: a detailed description of the study design; a study ,8 +any damage is caused to any electronic communications apparatus belonging to an ,3 +takes both time and evaluation of options. A form of this type ,9 +PROJEKTBETEILIGTEN ,7 +PAVE Checklist: Identify Hazards and Personal ,7 +nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des installations. ,7 +"bis 48 erfüllt. Sofern Mittel zur Kapitalaufstockung verwendet werden sollen, muss die antragstellende Person",9 + FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ORDER FORM,7 +recommendation. ,3 +How to complete these standard Terms of Reference:,9 +with temperature. This can make them suitable for use in ,9 +"Lot 1: Development of Material for Exercises, Challenges and Trainings ",10 +to the part being formed. There are no gauges that indicate ,9 +Significant ATC uses of the flight plan,9 +time and manner in which provincial treasurers shall canvass,3 +which is currently at EU level the most comprehensive open-access repository of ,3 +Allgemeines Wohngebiet (WA),7 +"In order to submit a tender using e-Submission, economic operators (each member of the group in ",9 +increases,9 +"magnetic gradiometers, calibration equipment or ",8 +"MINISTRY OF YOUTH EMPOWERMENT, SPORT AND CULTURE ",7 +"flutter, and vibration should not occur in the ",9 +and any related communication and documentation provided by ECHA during the ,3 +"arising there from, is the sole responsibility of the user. There may be errors, especially in numbers. PIA disclaims any responsibility for accuracy. The PIA reviews each technical publication periodically, at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or canceled. The PIA invites your written comments and suggestions. ",9 + See pilot in command.,9 +"airspeed, pitch attitude, load factor, relative wind, power ",9 +"Article 70-19, paragraph (1) of the Act, the medical corporation shall submit to ",3 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le contractant ,7 +Holding in Lieu of Procedure Turn,7 +and the contractor (hereinafter also collectively,3 +The air traffic controller is responsible to give,9 +"the necessary parts of the total objective. Just as in building a pyramid, some blocks are submerged in the structure and never appear ",9 +von Triebwerksbauteilen,8 +Suspension by the contractor ,7 +and up to five years starting from the payment of the balance of the last specific contract ,9 +top dead center as specified in the applicable manufacturer’s ,9 +[2041-9.],9 +"altitude, with steep bank angles and must not be attempted.",9 +"II.20.5. Vorfinanzierungsgarantie, Erfüllungsgarantie und Gewährleistungseinbehalt ",7 +Tender specifications purpose,7 +INFORMATION ,7 +Sensitive Altimeter,7 +of the TEN-T network in the Eastern Partnership region. ,9 +canopy deployment. The reserve pilot chute is connected to an 18-foot bridle line with deployment ,3 +extended.,6 +"An impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as no, or no significant, impact ",9 +Suspension by the contractor ,7 +The owner of the personal property seized may redeem the same from the,9 +Electric Power Consumption Commitments ,7 +иностранным гражданам и лицам без гражданства в дипломатических,9 +Revmaster R-2300 Heads.,0 +under ATC control and cannot be seen on radar.,3 +New Aeromax top cover and data plate,8 +"to the lines, any variation in the load on the line causes ",3 +Article 19 ,9 +"The localizer needle indicates, by deflection, whether the ",9 +on VFR sectional charts and terminal area charts with a solid ,9 +"the local authority (or as the case may be, any of the local authorities) in whose ",3 +"opere, come ad esempio siti o pagine web; ",3 +"die nach dem bürgerlichen Recht in der Geschäftsfähigkeit Beschränkten, soweit sie durch Vorschriften des",3 +would result in less than ,9 +pressure may also be denoted in the “Remarks”,3 +"& answers""",9 +the day after,9 +"impair depth perception, so it is usually best to plan a",9 + Surface analysis chart. ,0 +DAT °F (°C),8 +Article 13 - ,7 +"Errata as of September 11, 2013 ",7 +depict adjacent approach ,6 +DFWS WA 0111150,9 +intended landing area as translational lift is lost. The steeper ,9 +elevator down and rudder neutral. Since the seaplane,9 +"für den Betriebsort zuständigen Behörde zugelassen, sofern sich aus dem Antrag ergibt, dass",9 +power setting and maintain a constant altitude using cyclic ,9 +"increases, the low blade speed on the retreating blade, and ",9 +their likely,3 +shall take immediate steps to bring the implementation of the tasks to a close in a prompt ,3 +These Regulations are made in response to the serious and imminent threat to public health which ,9 +"the airplane encounters a sudden lull in strong, gusty wind, or ",9 +"of a procedure turn, the maxi-",9 +"the undertaker, whether compulsorily or by agreement; or ",3 +号)第六条第一項に規定する勤労者財産形成貯蓄契約、同条第二項に規定する勤労,3 +Keel pockets and vertical stabilizers are additional ,0 +Abschnitt II Unterabschnitt B bis einschließlich Unterabschnitt E des Abkommens beschriebenen Verfahren,3 +Anlage 3 (zu § 1 Abs. 2),7 +It contains an adjustable needle ,9 +requirements set out in the Tender Specifications. ,9 +township council.,3 +tive wind. ,9 +"power is reduced to idle, the seaplane decelerates quite",9 +https://eeas.europa.eu/sites/eeas/files/procurement_-_privacy_statement.pdf. ,3 +"This angle of attack is a,,, the ",9 +"entgegen Artikel 34 Absatz 7 Unterabsatz 1 Satz 1 ein Symbol nicht, nicht richtig oder nicht rechtzeitig",3 +Assessment by a health care professional ,7 +Prerotate—Spinning a gyroplane,9 +proper forms full invoices showing the amount cut by them.,9 +to use an abbreviated risk management protocol using the PAVE acronym to briefly review the major elements of potential risk. ,9 +"including new aviation technology, and for support-",9 +Contracting Authority ,7 +Allgemeine Regelungen,7 +incl. identification & briefing,7 +"Many times, when the crossport is damaged, there is ",3 +II.20.1. Zahlungsdatum ,7 +tables and chairs/other furniture; ,3 +Sequence diagrams. ,3 +Understanding Communication on a Common Frequency ,7 +"and municipal works and improvements, the letting of contracts",3 +Since inattention and confusion often are factors contributing to ,9 +$_{............ }$V1 DIXIE V276 ARD (Single engine only) ,6 +"Intercept normal glidepath, resume normal approach",6 +Partial revocation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012 ,7 + invoices in standard format (pdf) or email is not ,3 +operation of the compression tester is based on the principle ,9 +"werden. Die Unterrichtsräume müssen nach Größe, Beschaffenheit und Einrichtung einen sachgerechten",9 +minus 10 knots or 0.02 Mach number of the specified ,9 +Airport/Runway Information ,7 +Type of aircraft.,3 +does not apply in relation to a civil action brought against a representative by a third party ,3 +"the pressure inside the cabin is 10.92 psi, it can be ",3 +" be adapted, provided that this is done in a manner which is not ",3 +Amendment of the School Information (England) Regulations 2008 ,7 +Legal effects of the invitation to tender and submission of a tender. ,7 +Functions of Generator Control Systems,7 +Telegraphiefunk zwischen Seefunkstellen beschränkt.,3 +§ 1 Anwendungsbereich,7 +management,9 +each electronic unit mounted with shock mounts must be ,9 +一月前までに(法第六条の十五第一項の指定を受けた日の属する事業年度にあつては、,3 +has perceived the risk associated for each of the bullets listed ,9 +starts—rudder,3 +"Eintragung oder eine Änderung nicht, nicht richtig, nicht vollständig, nicht in der vorgeschriebenen Weise",3 +National Airspace System (NAS) is the network of ,9 +Equipped with an operational transponder,9 +"bottom die and most often cuts at a 90° angle, although some ",9 +is an individual person. The pilot might obtain a measure of ,9 +oder Erleichterungen im Bundesanzeiger und in den Nachrichten für Luftfahrer bekannt machen.,9 +Placing the control system in a specific position—,3 +approach. (See Final Approach Segment section later in this ,9 +committee are bound to confidentiality. ,9 +"line. If the conductor is insulated, the heat generated ",3 +"shall take effect on January 1, 2020. ",9 +payment up to and including the date of payment as defined in Article II.21.1. ,9 +"the period of time since any such compensation was paid, and ",3 +LOT 1 and LOT 2 ,7 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 +Information,9 +"et des bâtiments (en attendant leur évacuation, les bouteilles doivent être entreposées en ",3 + To descend below,9 +risks (and their ,9 +"of the following components: wind direction indicators, ",9 +"withdrawing any of them, as foreseen in the Invitation to Tender, only the latest tender ",9 +the representative(s) together with the submission receipt generated by eSubmission. ,9 +is the name of the service ,3 +CHAPTER VII ,7 +possible during off-design operation). ,9 +castings. The chilled iron point shall be free from major blow holes and other surface defects. ,9 +Fixed-Price contracts ,7 +is travelling between different locations where any activity described in ,3 +"long enough to assist with a windy inflation, or deflation in ",9 +"that comprise any given aviation situation) that affect safety before, during, and after the flight.",9 +Pilot’s view in starting semicircle turning left from ,0 +missed approach. You can appreciate the need for accurate ,9 +lift is beyond the scope of this chapter.,9 +Warranted Provision ,7 +Simultaneous Independent Approaches ,7 +"to another or within a substance. As with electricity, ",9 +for landing. ,9 +Defining the System / NAS Change ,7 +or damaged. ,3 +Another useful means of enhancing agency coordination is the development and application of ,9 +"radio NAVAIDs, by celestial plotting, or by another ",9 +"Figure 10-2,",9 +"Kenntnisse der verschiedenen Verfahren der Stempel- und Druckplattenherstellung,",3 +fittings. The fitting controlled by the blue valve wheel opens to the ,0 +"Anhänger hinter einem Kraftfahrzeug dauerhaft in einen anderen Staat verbracht werden, sind die Vorschriften",9 +of that aircraft. This is accomplished by the use of several ,9 +and-balance information and determine takeoff and landing ,9 +if the Vice-President ceases to perform the functions of the office of President.,3 +"Physical Security, Information Security, Cybersecurity, and Occupational Safety and ",7 +Confidentiality of tenders: what information and under what conditions can be ,7 +Anlage 2 (zu § 3),7 +attitude. The go-around procedure should be continued even ,9 +"speed. Turbulence usually plays a role in this type of PIO, ",9 +identification of a faulty system. ,9 +"desired airspeed, pitch attitude becomes primary for power ",9 +"müssen Störungen, die durch diese Anwendungen verursacht werden, hinnehmen.",3 +"défaut, la décision devient exécutoire le jour suivant l'expiration du délai de présentation des ",9 +"Palapag, Pambujan, San Antonio, Santa Margarita, and Tinambacan. Second",9 +flight. There is no point in rushing after the balloon until the ,9 +"One technique to determine if the balloon is ascending, ",9 +"above, below, between layers, or in areas where there is no ",9 +may be removed from office by the President for inability to d,9 +altitude charts provide aeronautical information for,9 +persons for the customers indicated in the contract reference form may ,8 +output power and ensure the correct system voltage for ,9 +Assessments. ,9 +"consultation des candidats, une seule offre valable sur le plan technique et ",3 +not other documents. ,9 +"authenticity thereto, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand pesos",9 +This chapter presents aerodynamic fundamentals and ,9 +Pilots will not normally be required to change ,9 +II.23. RECOVERY ,7 +event (manually by means of an electronic system or via a web platform) before it starts. ,3 +"1, a deficiency of power would exist and the 1 ",9 +"Dissipation usually occurs during the early evening hours, as ",9 +"nature, a mechanical nature, or both. Operational conditions ",9 +welche die Versagung der Erlaubnis nach § 27 Absatz 2 rechtfertigen würden.,9 +aufgeh. durch Art. 4 Abs. 100 G v. 18.7.2016 I 1666 mWv 1.10.2021,7 + Carriage Moments,7 +within ten business days of receipt of the application. ,9 +towards the tip about ¾ the way out on each side. Leave ,9 +Reviewing the Flight Route,7 +"Nettoerträge aus der Kreditbearbeitung und dem Avalgeschäft,",3 +Personnel Required ,7 +§ 26 (weggefallen),7 +"activity. (Rehearsal, testing etc.); ",3 +Check with FSIMS to verify current version before using ,4 +generators or the battery. The defective generator must be ,9 +automatically rotates ,6 +Spiral instability exists when the static directional stability ,9 +The Public Service,7 +SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO FUR-,7 +(EU) 2016/679 vom 27. April 2016 – Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) ,7 +SEC. 403. STRATEGIC NATIONAL STOCKPILE. ,7 +management of any emergency situation.,9 +General obligations ,7 +", the contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender) ",3 +"things from it, according to the manner in which the situation affects their individual needs. Previous experience conditions a person ",9 + as foreseen in ,3 +specifications. ,3 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +as close as possible to the repair material without causing it ,9 +ter and the airspeed indicator to verify the proper climb,9 +There are some RNAV procedures with lower non-precision ,9 +Kingdom” substitute “in operation in the Isle of Man”. ,3 + A pilot can give crew briefings by ,9 +"In any event, the AFM/POH procedures should be followed ",9 +means of a power lever and a condition lever for each engine. ,9 +Copyright and Neighbouring Rights (Levy on Technical Devices) ,7 +forward to said judge of the district a report concerning the business done in his,9 +"Registration Application, ",3 +"Microphones, sound, Laptop/PC, beamer ",7 +aufgeh. durch § 20 Satz 2 V 806-22-1-131 v. 13.10.2020 I 2166 mWv 1.8.2021,7 +"Peat, timber and perishable material; ",3 +"curvature parts, shallow-beaded parts, and parts with irregular ",9 +WING ILLUSTRATED BY TUFT-GRID PHOTOGRAPHS ,7 +"when no other interim meetings are scheduled within two weeks, for a ‘checkpoint with EFSA’ ",8 +for creep conditions. ,9 +"accelerates, the control response improves and the latency of ",9 +"planerischen, technologischen und mathematischen und",3 +and excess cement are smoothed out with a squeegee or are ,9 +must be executed within the distance specified in the,9 +Dispersion Modeling Methods ,7 +the same system when operated in the two-cue ,3 +"landmarks, drainage, and relief. Aeronautical information ",9 +"this article while keeping these procedures as simple, reasonable and time efficient as ",3 +"Since the weather is substantially better to the east, Pensacola ",9 +mitigations must be approved by the designated management officials within the other,3 +landing areas in case of an emergency.,9 +Poor Adhesion,7 + A point prescribed in each ,9 +"isolate, and must then self-isolate until whichever is the earlier of— ",9 +methodologies,3 +weak oblique shock waves to a speed just ,9 +Die mündliche Ergänzungsprüfung soll nicht länger als 30 Minuten dauern.,9 +service but within Class E surface area when,9 +documents de la Commission (2011/833/UE). ,9 +§ 4 Ausbildungsrahmenplan,7 +alternatives for continued safe flight. ADM is intended to ,9 + WSC and Air Traffi c Control,7 +change will add 30 minutes to her estimated time of arrival ,6 +Anforderungen an den Auftragnehmer ,7 +and private sectors. ,3 +Airport Surface Detection Equipment,7 +(See ICAO term AERODROME BEACON.) ,9 +"137,000–153,000 feet",6 +"anay, and Taytay.",9 +"on conviction on indictment by imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or a ",3 +practicable and avoids extended flight in any icing conditions. ,9 +NAVWEPS 00-8OT-RO ,7 + Tender specifications and annexes,3 +as the nature of the underlying contract so justifies; ,3 +INTRODUCTION ,7 +Preserved,9 +календарного дня контактов с больными инфекционными заболеваниями.,9 +contracting authority and project manager or their representatives shall be as stated in the ,3 +"conditions, pilot experience, operational conditions, and ",9 +set out the requirements of the care planning process. They make it possible for any person to be ,9 +Schedule No 4: Concrete and Steel Works,7 +Mitgliedsnummer in der BG ................................................................................ ,3 +Number/Part Number Index and the bulk material list. ,9 +The evidence pertains to: ,7 +personality,9 +Figure 10-44,9 +"Skippool Bridge Junction and Little Singleton Junction, approximately 1947 metres in length as ",9 +Application of traffic ,6 +Annual inspection ,3 +FWC666 phase out stage,9 +40-63 μm ,6 +(WCA) and is expressed in terms of degrees right or left of ,9 +della lettera d’ordine ed dovrà essere corredata dai seguenti documenti debitamente firmato da ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 291 of October 1, 1973] ",7 +respect of both fees and expenses shall not exceed EUR [,3 +The areas to be landscaped shall be brought to final ground levels less the depth required for top soil ,9 +§ 3 Flugsicherungsausrüstung für Flüge nach Instrumentenflugregeln,7 +NORMAL LANDING,7 +Coordination Best Practices ,7 +"Actually, water or, more accurately, the antidetonant (water/",9 +anderen Unregelmäßigkeiten,3 +Done at [,9 +人が医療連携推進認定を受けた日以後の医療連携推進業務の実施に伴い負担すべき公,3 +Interest on late payment ,7 +im Bundesgebiet bei allen Holzartengruppen voraussichtlich mindestens 25 vom Hundert oder bei einer,3 +carry into effect by ordinance the powers hereinbefore granted in this,9 +second interim Technical report,3 +2018/1725 (‘the EDPR’).,9 +P320 242 in the prior year. The increase in the deficit is due to the ,9 +"ajout de nouveaux éléments, paragraphes, titres, chapeaux, caractères gras, légendes, ",3 +Anforderungen,7 +flap change the lift and drag on the wing.,9 +during afterburner operation and the adverse ,9 +Figure 6-75. ,0 +Minimum Factors ,7 +All TACAN facilities will include geographic coordinates. ,9 +"element (or bulb), and the connecting wires and plug ",9 +based on the level of lateral service available. Once,9 +Tender evaluation,7 +PRICE in €,6 +"corrective et de dépannage,",3 +"event. Depending on the size and relevance of the event, the contractor shall send the final ",3 +safety program requirements and engineering architecture artifacts.,3 +CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DU CONTRAT-CADRE DE SERVICES ,7 +Combined Sources of Updrafts,7 +A recorded presentation.,8 +92R (10) Parachute Rigger ,9 +Gust penetration speed. ,9 +and methods for identifying the relocated threshold vary. A ,9 +the throttle in one motion so that the glider does not overrun the ,0 +Each flap type has a use depending ,9 +〔昭和五十六年六月一日通商産業省令第三十二号〕,7 +Kurse zur umweltschonenden Fahrweise.,3 +науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации от 13 августа 2020 г.,9 +"When the aircraft takes off and the strut extends, the wheel is ",9 +While some canopy,9 +Data connection activities: ,3 +"Decode an ASOS/AWOS (METAR) Observation,",9 +mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34 of the New Ministerial Order) when a ,3 +"diabetes, and mental diseases. ",3 +“Hydraulic Load” derived commitment for the plant components: ,7 +Verify the chest strap is the correct length.,3 +FMD CONTROL MEASURES,7 +"good decision-making practices, the inherent risk in a flight is ",9 +"purpose, objectives, and required activities of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) system ",9 +Supply of documents ,7 + Der Auftragnehmer gewährt dem ,3 +II. General Conditions for the service contract ,7 +Section 6. National Security and Interception Procedures,7 +administrative du cahier des charges. ,6 +when there is no change in direction of the ,9 + Instrument Panel Arrangements,7 +FAA to aircraft that have been proven to meet the minimum ,9 +"shall be a municipal court, an acting judge of which, in case of a temporary",9 +〔昭和五十八年一月六日通商産業省令第一号〕,7 +"an applicable European Commission's adequacy decision, or ",3 +im Fotografen-Handwerk (Fotografenmeisterverordnung -,10 +from maneuvers. Since the pilot cannot com- ,9 +"and at the discharge nozzle are almost equal, and fuel flow ",9 +balloon turns away from the open field toward a farmhouse. ,9 +establish the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ,3 +speed of the generating aircraft. The vortices from ,9 +the longitudinal axis of the glider must be aligned with the ,9 +a harness should be equal in strength to the webbing or at ,9 +die gemeinsame Fischerei in der Flensburger Innenförde,10 +to safely conduct the flight. Once satisfied with your ,9 +possible transmission to the bodies in charge of monitoring or inspection tasks in application ,9 +keinen Schutz verlangen.,3 +Sechster Abschnitt,9 +GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE ,7 +Tension Regulators,7 +The bending capacity of a cornice brake is determined by the ,9 +"The term ""debts pertaining to free-yen account"" in Article 3, item (iii) is ",9 +"Protocol, ",9 +digesters shall be installed. The gas flare,9 +"obligations,",9 +giving an over estimate rather than an under estimate of ,9 +within ATC as a basis for vectoring aircraft to the ,9 +Renewed annually. The renewal fee is $10 each ,3 +"that the results be adapted, provided that this is done in a manner which is not prejudicial to ",3 +Rischi per la Salute e la Sicurezza dei Lavoratori ,7 +"As a result, ",9 +Blinding ,8 +〔昭和六十一年五月三十日通商産��省令第二十五号〕,7 +Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of International Trade ,7 +Operating Rules and Pilot/Equipment,7 +Axis of Rotation,6 +§ 10 Nachweis und Kontrolle der Mautgebührenentrichtung,7 +the runway will ,9 +"align with the runway in use, a pilot should also look at the ",9 +been guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying the information required for the ,6 +Flight Safety Practices,7 +Controller.,7 +"registration or pilot’s name, aircraft type, departure airport, ",9 +Introduction,7 +Return manifold.,9 +Erledigung notwendig ist.,9 +"you can record these values for category and class, for ",9 +"switch, which both activates the receiver and selects receiver ",9 +"on, or adjacent to, the site of works, or in any way enter or otherwise make unlawful use of ",9 +Ground Access Vehicles ,7 +payments payable to the person in respect of the amount compensation mentioned in paragraph ,9 +Electrical System ,7 +damaged area.,3 +‘Creator’,9 +wind correction. Since the fuselage acts as a pendulum,9 +INTERPRETATION ,7 +least in written and,3 +Disassembly,7 +"virtual spaces or online community environments, and will normally be in English. Most importantly, this ",9 +Candidates or tenderers must ensure that their submitted requests to participate or tenders ,9 +"the helicopter, it is the basis for crew identification of",9 +Profile prices LOT 1:,3 +or no ammeter ,9 +Address: ,6 +Objectives & Pricing ,7 +"situational awareness should be emphasized. In most instances, the pilot seeking training will be instrument rated and the instructor ",9 +Facturation ,7 +each corner. ,3 +"entgegen Artikel 34 Absatz 5 Buchstabe a nicht darauf achtet, dass die Zeitmarkierung mit der dort",3 +In terms of Section 12 (2) of the Fund Order establishing the Fund ,9 +"memorized steps, he or she is often unaware of progress, or may fixate on one aspect of performance. Performing the skill at this ",9 +Unless otherwise autho-,9 +"tional gyroplane are an airframe, a powerplant, a rotor",9 +§ 3 Inanspruchnahme von Fremddienstleistern,7 +RECOMMENDATIONS,7 +series. High altitude RNAV routes are identified with a “Q” ,9 +"An Impact Assessment has not been produced for this instrument as no, or no significant, impact ",9 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +"Impaired judgment,",3 + *) Diese Rechtsverordnung ist eine Ausbildungsordnung im Sinne des § 4 des Berufsbildungsgesetzes. Die,9 +II.4.1.12 Remedy ,7 +of the new plan. ,9 +Automated “REMARKS.”,3 +flow per unit projected area of cloth for a prescribed pressure ,9 +"Revised Act (December 17, 1997). ",9 +loss of consciousness.,9 +direction at certain airports.,3 +Abschlussprüfung,7 +" INVOICES, VALUE ADDED TAX AND E-INVOICING ",7 +obligations. ,9 +$^{2}$. The documents must have been issued no more than one year ,9 +ICT Governance ,5 +Stratopause,6 +an aural command to the pilot to take a specific evasive action ,9 +"required information when making a report, as well as at least ",9 +APPENDIX A2. ,3 +established over an intermediate fix or a final,9 +要的技术资料和有关质量证明。定作人应当验收该工作成果。 ,9 +USC 247d–4b. ,9 +"equipment, such as tents, mattresses, camping beds, etc. These are ",9 +bevollmächtigtem externen ,3 +smoke detected,6 +Role of the Avionics Manufacturer ,7 +2) абзац третий пункта 3.3 изложить в следующей редакции:,9 +Other Airport Visual Aids,7 +[1896-3.],9 +causes a unique situation in which the base current is actually ,9 +"flying at slow airspeeds, because of the high velocity",9 +能,并保证安全技术措施同步规划、同步建设、同步使用。,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 346 of November 7, 2016] ",7 +"flight planning. Examples of the table, graph, and combined ",9 +DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ,7 +"ground and the atmosphere. Arid, barren surfaces generate ",9 +area in the plane perpendicular to: ,3 +The Province of Surigao,9 +landing attitude. The AOA is increased at a rate that allows the ,9 +The moisture separator in a pneumatic system is always ,9 +contractor's liability for delay in completion shall immediately cease when the contracting ,3 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 +"In Figure 7-2 on page 7-3, the upper center and upper right labels regarding towing are ",3 +reduced as the cones lose much of their sensitivity and the ,9 +Repair Material Selection,7 +"rator usage,",9 +situation that could constitute a ,3 +Measurement of Direction ,7 +System is insufficient to address a public health emergency ,9 +"811 858 599,44 Euro",8 +directional stability will ,9 +other bend. If these bend allowance areas intersected with ,9 +velocity. ,9 +Automatic Decision-Making ,7 +"to create a particular shape or rendition, not necessarily ",9 +dishonorably,9 +Main rotor hub,6 +inspect cracks.,3 +(EU Exit) Regulations 2021 and come into force on 25th May 2021. ,9 +Radar Limitations,7 +AIRPORT REFERENCE POINT (ARP)- The ,9 +Self-Launching Glider Propeller Malfunctions,7 +operating criteria are:,9 +in the approach clearance when required. ,9 +Intellectual property rights,7 +Technical equipment and Technician (for both onsite and ,7 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +General Information (Section 1),7 +final approaches (CDFAs) on non-precision approaches. ,9 +Maltreatment and Abuse of Authority,9 +автомобилей,9 +Mindestumlagebeträge im Aufgabenbereich Banken und sonstige Finanzdienstleistungen,3 +case may require.,9 +Gesetz zum Ausgleich von Auswirkungen besonderer,10 +"Formulartext,",3 +vorbehaltlich der Regelungen des Absatzes 6 die Höhe der von den inländischen Handelsplätzen nach Satz 4 an,9 +The fan on high-bypass engines consists of one stage ,9 +Persons appointed to the position of chief of assistant chief of a Bureau or,9 +"mitigate risk and practice good cockpit resource management, ",6 +Contractor’s national partner (depending on country-specific media landscape) to email/upload ,3 +"combines a 95 KSI shear strength shank with a ductile, ",9 +$^{2 }$Not all HAPs are emitted by these sources. To identify the type of HAP emitted by this source category refer to ,9 +betrieben werden.,3 +"route, the local ATC environment, and personal capabilities ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 420 of December 20, 1995]",7 +Reported in Previous Years,7 +"eingetragen wird, wobei die Einmaligkeit der Nummer sicherzustellen ist.",3 +"a distance, a pilot cannot see what may rule the site ",3 +болезней перед открытием смены необходимо организовать и провести,9 +"(K-3 thru K-8 A1rships).""See page 59. ",3 +establishment of a Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). The act provides polices and goals ,9 +Level and 1500 ft. Altitude. See pages 63 & 64 ,3 +Electric fuel quantity indicators are more common than ,9 +"controls are found on modern, light, piston-engine aircraft. ",9 +The thermocouples installed around the perimeter ,3 +Non-Moving Advances,7 +robust. The most ,9 +着用している物の表面の放射性同位元素による汚染の検査を行う室をいう。),3 +", That obliga-",9 +"deployment/ integration services in this project using the resources of Consultants, ",3 +on the nose of the aircraft. ,9 +"publications. These standards establish courses to be flown, ",9 +weather is clear with ,6 + This handle is usually ,9 +The integrity of the data is ensured through a process called ,9 +"through Greenwich, England. All of the time zones around ",9 +roll slightly to the right as it accelerates through approximately ,9 +"nature of the tax, impost, or other revenue collected, and the",9 +installed on the system bus. As long as the ammeter does ,9 +exclusion criteria and selection criteria ,7 +and the easiest point at which to cancel due to bad weather ,9 +"Adaptation, translation and dissemination of an online/offline quiz ",7 +Transitioning across lots: Handover (WP 4) ,7 +Nachprüfung behaupteter Verstöße,7 +"descent and maintain the planned descent rate and airspeed, ",9 +majority of the members.,9 +modification to condition C21 ,7 +30.04.2010,9 +Figure 5-11.,0 +Selection criteria ,7 +DECLARA nON OF POLICY AND DEFINmONS,7 +Internal Quality Control (QC) ,7 +Enroute Low Altitude Charts.,9 +"§ 26 Inkrafttreten, Außerkrafttreten",7 +"the pilot/flight crew, and to aid in flight planning prior",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 157 of June 10, 1960]",7 +turning moment travels forward faster than the inside wing ,9 +Secondary or Auxiliary Control Surfaces ,7 +"on a slope, an uphill landing is recommended. To",9 +Evaluation of tenders on the basis of the award criteria ,3 +Pre-existing IPR:,7 +Door locks ,3 +The risk that is estimated to exist after the safety requirements are ,9 +Mr. Rich Guerra (www.rguerra.com) for image used in Chapter 1,9 +"hectares, to any person or to any association of persons.",9 +pylon. The reference line should appear to pivot on the pylon. ,9 +—Digital Data Service ,9 +LeadingGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +Informationen zur Erhebung von personenbezogenen Daten nach Artikel 13 und 14 der Verordnung ,7 +Amendment of Group 3 of Schedule 8 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994 ,7 +that imports carried out under IPA II will be exempted from all charges; ,3 +idle position. Be careful to use proper flight control,9 +does not apply in relation to a civil action brought against a representative by a third party ,3 +CE-labelling and declaration of conformity; ,3 +"by inserting after paragraph (3), as so redesignated, ",9 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +fuel from dribbling into the manifold and through the fuel ,9 +Section 5. Pilot/Controller Roles and Responsibilities,7 +emergency,9 +Open the engine side panels and remove the nacelle access ,9 +approval for the expenses. ,9 +PROJEKTBETEILIGTEN ,7 +赠与的财产有瑕疵的,赠与人在附义务的限度内承担与出卖人相同的责任。 ,9 +Termination by the contractor ,7 +Although the pilot of the glider is primarily responsible for the ,9 +" requires adaptations, the contractor ",3 +"lighting is encountered, avoid or discontinue flight",9 +enable pilots of aircraft to be given guidance by ,9 +bar forward to ,6 +) as follows. ,9 +"⦁ $_{Negligible—less than minor injury, less than minor system damage }$",3 +"approaches and the lightning bolt symbol, ",9 +Installation of Rivets,7 +"3), the helicopter begins to climb, and the nose tends to rise ",9 +The purpose of maneuvering during slow flight is to,9 +Turbine Engine Bleed Air,7 +Submission of tenders phase ,7 +Appointment to Civil Service,7 +of the airplane. Landing gear with a rear mounted wheel is ,9 +务院信息产业主管部门对其直接负责的主管人员处一万元以上五万元以下,9 +Determination of Control Movements Required To ,7 +их пребывания.,9 +—(1) Any authorised activity which takes place on land within the Order limits (whether the ,9 +constituent ou contiennent une base de données: le droit exclusif ,3 +"cap is the problem. If it stays the same, the fluid tip ",3 +Project management skills and experience as team leader;,3 +高度の医療に関する研修の実績,3 +Controlled Firing Areas (CFAs) ,7 +Military Operations Area (MOA)- Permanent ,9 +Wrinkles. ,9 +Movement of the horizon bar above or below the miniature ,9 +Contract CC___/PO___ ,5 +Experimental Aircraft Association,7 +La présente décision entre en vigueur le jour de sa signature.,9 +than teardrop balloons of equal size. Appendage balloons ,9 +Projekt-Nr.,8 +Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Size,7 +International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ,7 +"duties. They depart on a cross-country flight from a populated area to a remote area. While en route, Bill presents Beverly with a low-",9 +ground stations routinely monitor 121.5 MHz anymore and ,9 +Baustein „Individuelle Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +moving the aileron controls relatively constant.,9 +specifications. ,9 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +"Эксплуатация земельного участка, используемого хозяйствующим",9 +"include medical evidence that the applicant’s disablement has become worse, and ",3 +on der ehemaligen Deutschen Wehrmacht und der damaligen Kriegsgegner gefunden. ,9 +"between applications depends upon rain intensity, the type ",9 +and Mountain Wave Activity (MWA),7 +A recorded presentation,8 +any other outside body authorised to do so on its behalf.,3 +online type of events) ,7 +flight information publications. IFR en route navigation ,9 +necessary.,9 +How is the system or NAS change interconnected/interdependent with other systems?,3 +Concept to be elaborated including a structure and agenda of the roundtable with suggestions ,3 +Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit den Lieferungen ,7 +Introduction ,7 +II.16.3. Claims and liability ,7 +Weather Radar Services,7 +"Errata as of October 21, 2013 ",7 +the articulated rotor system but has no bearings or hinges. ,9 +gefordert werden:,3 +Testing and commissioning ,7 +Conduct the Slack Checker Test (WP 0011 00) and Stroke Simulator Test (WP 0013 00). ,3 +This handbook conforms to pilot training and certification concepts established by the Federal Aviation Administration ,9 +OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ,7 +to the contracting authority;,3 +interpretation of the instrument panel for the instrument ,9 +"The Contractor’s national partner is responsible for the layout, design and text of the invitation; ",3 +SCHEDULE 2 ,7 +") by legal action, either of which remedies or both",9 +terminal area VFR route have been applied to such routes. ,9 +Salary and allowances of President ,7 +法第三十条の四第二項第十五号に規定する区域については、都道府県の区域を単,3 +(regulation 3). ,9 +Diese Verordnung tritt am 1. Januar 1995 in Kraft.,9 +Open outlet valves of ,6 +minimize spray hitting the propeller.,9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +specialized training in observing and reporting ,9 +tion. of gross weight and rate of descent at ,9 +Use of Suitable Area Navigation,7 +and cools the surface. Cooling continues after sunrise until ,9 +approximately the same height above the ground regardless of ,9 +"Subject to the provisions of this section, the Committee may regulate its own ",9 +Start turn at boundary,6 +Liste détaillée des modes d'exploitation des résultats ,7 +momentarily carry high-voltage current. By conducting these ,9 +"laughter or singing, and very rapid changes in emotions. ",3 +"=> 15.000 €: une offre valable doit être présentée, ceci n'excluant pas la ",3 +"FIGURE 4-1. SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF WAIVER J550, BANNER TOWING ",7 +teristics since the autorotational descent can be estab-,9 +seated in the cockpit. ,9 +"of a segmented circle, which identifies the traffic pattern ",9 +Automatic Activation Devices (AADs) and ,7 +[1792-43.],9 +DESTINATION(Name ofairport,6 +and a strobe light system.,9 +logic gates. The purpose and task of a device is achieved ,9 +with less twist and a greater nose angle are noted for less ,9 +and effectiveness of service delivery. It does not question the intentions ,9 +субсидий на государственную поддержку ,9 +- Seite 1 von 6 -,4 +and Foreign Trade Control Act (Act No. 65 of 1979). ,3 +"article 12 (temporary stopping up and restriction of use of streets), Cadent will be at liberty at all ",9 +"Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended). Filing of a VFR flight plan is recommended as a good operating practice. See also",6 +§ 2 Gebührenbefreiungen,7 +Fuel Selectors ,7 +airplane efficiency ,9 +PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +The manufacturer’s instructions must always be followed to ,9 +opportunity to determine height and speed over the runway ,9 +ANTITORQUE PEDALS,7 +Cyber Exercises Platform ,3 +to a lower speed. ,9 +法第四条の三第一項第六号に規定する厚生労働省令で定める数は四百,3 +Missed approach point (MAP).,9 +Density Altitude Charts ,7 +"(Request by Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare to provide information) ",9 +to the way it looked when the airplane was taxied prior to ,9 +"performing power checks, the pilot verified adequate out of ",9 +II.7. CONFLICT ,7 +Outlet channel of grit and grease removal tank shall be designed the following scenarios: ,9 +Airport/Runway Information ,7 +закона вступают в силу с 1 июля 2021 года.,9 +"Recommendations for special equipment, such as personal protective clothing or ",3 +Differences in handling between the types of rotor ,0 +(hereinafter such Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Act is referred ,3 +Principle of Operation,7 +Allgemeines,7 +"at Craig versus using an alternative field. In one case, the ",9 +"impact acceleration of the helmet is no more than 2,940 meters ",9 +This is a continuous process until the airplane touches down ,9 +insert date,9 +Consignment note ,7 +from increasing.,9 +"and obstruction encountered during the construction of the works, and samples taken and the results of ",9 +dell'Unione europea sui,9 +"representative director pursuant to the provisions of Article 70-19, paragraph ",3 +"have two large horizontal rotor assemblies, instead of one ",9 +Electronic Flight Computers,7 +circuit causes a large variation in output voltage. The effect ,9 +A holding pattern in lieu of procedure turn,9 +"economy, power, engine cooling, idling characteristics, and ",9 +Cost breakdown ,3 +article ne constitue pas une sanction et représente une estimation raisonnable de la juste ,9 +Amendment of article 3 ,7 +"representative of such an entity, and the supporting evidence that those other entities have the ",9 +system that opens the alternator field circuit any time the ,9 +"Rizal: First district — Composed of the municipalities of Caloocan, Las",9 +fuel. The curve shows only the variation in cylinder head ,9 +For an additional amount for ‘‘Flood Control and Coastal Emer-,9 +The time interval between the,9 +以後これらの規定により市長が行うこととなる事務に係るものは、それぞれこれらの,3 +PAGAMENTO: Il pagamento sarà effettuato in virtù di quanto previsto all'articolo I.6 ,3 +"heavy"" is preferred to ""nose heavy"" ",9 +le droit national; ,6 +"date. The last four digits are the time of the METAR/SPECI, which is always given in ",3 +"turning on the alternator, but the alternator cannot be turned ",9 +"TRANSPORT AND WORKS, ENGLAND ",10 +cargo ships of less than 500 gross tons and which are 24 metres or more in length while they are ,9 +* change of legal entity where a new institutional DoI has to be assessed,3 +This pressurization panel from an 800 series Boeing 737 has input selections of flight altitude and landing altitude.,0 +"physicists, and designers of aircraft in the future. ",9 +"close to the set value of the voltage, it is considered to be that ",9 +for proper operation and travel.,9 +antihistamines. The most common depressant is alcohol.,9 +A radar controlled departure does not relieve the pilot of ,9 +er diese bei der Benutzung mitzuführen und auf Verlangen den zur Kontrolle befugten Personen zur Prüfung,9 +"w SIN ,-- ",6 +Amendment of Schedule 3 ,7 +エックス線高電圧発生装置の定格出力,3 +travelling directly to another address at which they will be self-isolating. ,3 +§ 32 Speicherung der Halterdaten in den Fahrzeugregistern,7 +deploy the Goods outside the EU; ,3 +"Absatz 7 Satz 8 Nummer 1 des Straßenverkehrsgesetzes, im Zeitpunkt der Bestätigung nach Absatz 2 nicht",9 +airspeed and heading indicators to determine that the wings ,9 +Fault finding instructions; ,3 +– Situations of exclusion concerning the person,7 +Administrative procedures ,7 +indicator of the power produced by a turboprop engine. ,9 +Wastewater system ,7 +Certain airports have two or even three runways laid out in the ,9 +SIDEWARD FLIGHT,7 +Figure 3-17. ,0 +the trailing edge. The camber is the curvature of the air-,9 +The sink ,9 +and Villaviciosa.,9 +limits of radio/radar coverage up to the ceiling of the,9 +at www.faa.gov. ,9 +Fixed-Price contracts ,7 +"must be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English ",9 +"available. If possible, check to see that the system ",3 +drying enamels may be used for touchup of epoxy ,3 +", as provided for in Article II.7, the contracting authority may place the ",9 +the form of bypassing certain steps in the ICT Governance.,3 +does not specifically describe the relevance of the ,8 +"touches in a room for using radioisotopes for medical care, room for using ",3 +Retained apparatus: protection ,7 +Thunderstorms with heavy rain and mist. Ceiling is broken ,9 +"parachute jump, and no pilot",9 +"During the roundout, the airspeed is decreased to touchdown ",9 +setting of the carburetor.,9 +Packing and Inspection Area,7 +Is this request to participate/tender submitted by a Group of economic operators,9 +disponibile a presidiare incontri e meeting aderenti all'oggetto del contratto che si ,3 +inception report,3 +UCA 21/013 ,4 +(Use with safety analyses with unacceptable [high] predicted residual risk) (1) (2) (3) ,7 +assembled item entry. ,9 +SIDEWARD FLIGHT,7 +"plotted by the pilot on en route charts, but would normally ",9 +"ring will not fit into a Tost tow hitch, but a Tost tow ring ",9 +legally issued or sent when the contractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender) is ,3 +model emissions from,9 +points B and C. This static pressure is always greater ,9 +"situation permits, controllers normally provide radar ",9 +Co-curing is a process wherein two parts are simultaneously ,9 +Improper Elevator Trim Setting,7 +"When flying close to pressure height, pull ",3 +may find it impossible to decelerate sufficiently to bring,9 +Instrument Weather Flying,7 +エックス線装置等の防護,7 +PROGRAMMING,6 +"high tide, and a third line parallel with the general coast line and",3 +Nozzle discharge pressure,6 +approach procedures can be as high as 7.5 degrees/795 ,9 +Traffic Data Systems Receiving Information From ,7 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) ,7 + or the machine-to-machine connection is ,3 +die Bundesanstalt und die Deutsche Bundesbank die Auskünfte und die Vorlage der Unterlagen auch von der,9 +Other Airspace Areas ,7 +Article 8 In order to effectively implement measures for the promotion of inland ,3 +Data collection activities: ,3 +the public;,3 +"Date, time, weather conditions and temperature ",3 +Telephone System ,7 +ENROLLED IN PATIENT ENROLLMENT SYSTEM OF DEPART-,7 +von Versorgungsleitungen darf im Allgemeinen nur in Handschachtung ausgehoben werden.,9 +sufficiency of the security and retain possession of the bond.,9 +position ,9 +The PO must establish the contractual requirements in the SOW to ensure that they have ,9 +OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY ,7 +FAA Reference Material ,7 +Inhaltsverzeichnis ,7 +overall aerodynamic characteristic of a wing. ,9 +"the parts. While magnetized, the particles within the fluid ",9 +FWC666 with no changes in regard to the defined service levels. ,9 +"fuel, detonation can occur before normal igni- ",9 +Other components. ,3 +Figure 9-13. ,0 +The air of the technical galleries has to be H$_{2}$S and CH$_{4}$ monitored locally and warning system shall be ,9 +Voltage adjusted at idle ,3 +to helicopters with a maximum V$_{MINI}$ of 70 KIAS and an ,9 +Learning Is a Result of Experience ,7 +Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)- An ,9 +"- 20 Sondierungen mit der Schweren Rammsonde,",3 +", which correspond to the order for defined sub-",3 +clearly marked,9 +ERANS WHO SERVED IN KOREA. ,7 +and of thin section with sharp leading edge. ,9 +"Fahrer/Beifahrer, Fahrzeug",7 + Overview ,7 +Invacuation des délégués et des visiteurs ,7 +between beads is dry. The water is readily removed from the ,9 +II.13.7. Moral rights of creators ,7 +through their magnetic compass and typically are,9 +a European office or of an EU agency or body.,6 +三十万元以上的,处违法所得一倍以上三倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得或,9 +"most basic is the engine rpm, which determines the power ",9 +"is correct. Due to inertia, the airplane will not accelerate or ",9 +§ 3 Inanspruchnahme von Fremddienstleistern,7 +datum line to the center of gravity of an item. Used in weight ,9 +Besides the purpose limitation and data ,3 +airport. This is especially true at night.,9 +Protective works to buildings ,7 +"MINISTRY OF YOUTH EMPOWERMENT, SPORT AND CULTURE ",7 +Interpretation ,7 +Teledyne Continental 0-200 Engine,7 +obtain the manufacturer’s recommended autorotation,9 +"feet MSL to, but not including, 18,000 feet MSL",9 +"landing direction indicators, landing strip indicators, and ",9 +Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 3 V v. 16.11.2020 I 2704,9 +interrogate the transponders of other aircraft nearby using ,9 +Contractor ,3 +at MCO International,0 +vector is to achieve when the vector is controller,9 +Number on Your Aircraft,7 +"Director-General of the Regional Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry ",3 +a highway or town. Not only does this offer more,9 +"12-2, paragraph (2), items (i) and (ii) at least two weeks prior to the scheduled ",3 +Participant Register ,7 +(See ICAO term SPECIAL VFR FLIGHT.) ,9 +"temperature reading. In this type of gauge, the sensing bulb ",9 +"Unless specified otherwise in the Special Conditions and/or Tender Specifications, all rights are ",3 +As opposed to the fuel fired cabin heaters that are used ,9 +The ASOS/AWOS at each airport location,9 +"combustion chamber. As the piston continues down, the ",9 +another means of operating in the visual segment of,9 +"the length heated, as well as the temperature-heating of less ",9 +terranno presso il sito di JRC di Ispra.,3 +lights arranged to provide descent guidance information ,9 +defining the system; and describe how the data were made available to the approval ,3 +Figure 10-55. ,0 +〔昭和三十五年四月二十五日政令第百八号〕,7 +Authorized repairmen: FAA Master Parachute Rigger ,3 +"Verbot anderer Nationalflaggen, Ausnahmen",7 +ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 1,7 +the pitch attitude slightly to avoid increasing the vertical rate. ,9 +"whose purpose is to provide electrical power, and/or air ",9 +gust produces a change in dynamic pressure ,9 +provided that it is sent to the e-mail address indicated in Article I.8. The sending party must be able ,9 +"Commission. For preparing and maintaining them, the contractor is expected to closely ",9 +"By the 1950s, soaring was developing rapidly with the first ",9 +is charted with a blue segmented line. Participation in TRSA ,9 +"aviation, pilots seldom have the opportunity to learn from ",9 +Municipal Budget,7 +EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +APPLICATION OF AERODYNAMICS ,5 +with other appropriations accounts from which funds were pre-,9 +Inspect throttle choke and oil pump lever cables for ,3 +Instrument Departure/Standard Terminal Arrival,9 +components; uses commercial bushings and self-,3 +Zusammenbau und Instandsetzung von Stempeln.,3 +Appendix E: Log Book Endorsement Formats (page E-1) ,7 +"lost, destroyed, or mutilated, a replacement certificate ",9 +The [Bank/Fund] will reimburse ,3 +Wheel Speed Sensor,7 +miniature aircraft should not be changed for flight at other than ,9 +"the Eastern Caribbean States, the OECS and CARICOM/CARIFORUM. ",3 +must also be proportionate to the rate of closure with ,9 +[1148-13.],9 +физические,9 +V$_{1}$/V$_{R}$,6 +System/operational design. ,3 +A mental outline of a lesson is not a lesson plan. A lesson plan should be put into writing. Another instructor should be able to take ,9 +"forest, for the particular use of the inhabitants of any municipality, township, or",9 +Suspension by the contractor ,7 +"30, 50, 75 and 100 pax event: 1 conference assistant ",3 +" travel by car, Europol will reimburse the costs of travel at a rate of the ",3 +"restore the communication within two working days, one party ",3 +information as well as specific information on international ,9 +Southerly Turning Errors ,7 +. — When the Government of the,9 +理、确保安全的方针,推进网络基础设施建设和互联互通,鼓励网络技术创新和应用,支,9 +Wheeled landing gear consists of three wheels—two main ,9 +"Monitoring, sampling and analyses ",7 +Anlage 2 (zu § 3),7 +"changes, which over time could result in a malfunction of ",9 +"finally is dissipated in large turbulent swirls, a greater portion ",9 +Experience an increase in induced,3 +and inspect for cracks using a liquid penetrant inspection ,9 +and the taxiing seaplane pilot must be constantly aware of,9 +Reported in Previous Years,7 +lective and cyclic controls the pitch of the main rotor,9 +nuts to the specified torque. Always follow the recommended ,9 +Opening of requests to participate,7 +"In addition to the LSA rules, the FAA created a new Sport ",9 +"(December 1, 1980) of the Act on the Partial Revision of the Foreign Exchange ",3 +"Early decision-making on agenda and distribution of roles for all parties is necessary, including ",3 +Der Vorstand entscheidet über Anträge auf Verkürzung der Sperrfristen nach § 54 Absatz 1 oder § 55 Absatz,9 +any communication. ,9 +"Lesson plans serve many purposes, such as:",9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +across a road.,3 +the airflow for the engine cooling system.,9 +"in steady flight, a change in power setting will ",9 +through careful preflight inspection of the aircraft. ,6 +"""three days."" ",3 +LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE,7 +The helicopter takes several positions during a normal takeoff from hover. ,0 +assistant,9 +how airflow affects the efficiency of the tail rotor. ,9 +environmental impact categories that ,9 +"When purchasing the coatings for a project, always request ",9 +failure to meet any of the requirements during the qualification tests of this section. In case of a ,9 +assist the student pilot in devleoping proficiency in using the pibal ,0 +"stops en route or student cross country, or remarks",9 +"position lines cross on a route, usually intersecting at a good ",9 +§ 2 Beschaffenheit und Betriebstüchtigkeit der Flugsicherungsausrüstung,7 +Ehrenamtliche Richter,7 +Corner Joints,7 +"de la nature technique du projet, du degré d'urgence et de la continuité de service ",3 +all of the stripes are covered. ,9 +Glide Slope/Glide Path,7 +This “skipping” is usually indicated by a series of very small ,9 +of driving to establish the behaviour of piles. ,9 +Duration of Training ,7 +STEERING LINES—Connected to the steering bars ,3 +or with any other equivalent disclaimer as the contracting authority may consider best ,9 +Reverse polarity welding. ,9 +heading). ,9 +Abschnitt 8,7 +Visitors travelling from a country that has a negative travel advice according the Dutch government must ,9 +Recommended Traffic Advisory Practices ,7 +Wind Direction Indicators ,7 +engines can be operated on the same basis of comparison. ,9 +Interpretation ,7 +"Statement of Assets Held by Government in Commercial Undertakings, ",3 +1/1000 = Conversion factor from grams to kilograms ,9 +§ 22a Abweichendes Verfahren bei Elektronischem Prüfauftrag und Vorläufigem Nachweis der,7 +"thickness,",8 +Tension Regulators,7 +location on the chart. Latitude/longitude data for all,9 +"Angestellte, Arbeiter und Auszubildende",3 +"and services, airports or landing areas; aeronautical charts, ",9 +Hi-Lok$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +"II.20.5. Vorfinanzierungsgarantie, Erfüllungsgarantie und Gewährleistungseinbehalt ",7 +unless the adverse party shall prove it to be incorrect.,9 +commodate,9 +Air screen,6 +Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA),7 +the tenderer (group leader in case of a joint tender) under the section ,9 +"Berufsbezogene Rechtsvorschriften, insbesondere Forst- und Jagdrecht, Vertragsrecht, Umweltrecht,",3 +Article 6 of the Supplementary Provisions) which were conducted prior to the ,3 +Establishing the Contractual Requirement ,7 +request for offer,9 + Provides for approach to a height ,3 +building and at a public and conspicuous place in the barrio where the property,9 +of static directional stability may be deter- ,9 +Autorisation de travail / Permis feu ,3 +"42,5 – 43,5 GHz,",9 +OH&S POLICY STATEMENT ,7 +material out and over the top of the leading edges. Lower the ,9 +from the feathered position. The ignition is turned on prior to ,9 +Light Sport Aircraft and Aircraft Certificated as ,7 +"programming for approaches, route changes, and airport ",9 +aviation-related,3 +"materials will be used, they should be neatly arranged ",9 +Amendment of the Customs Tariff (Establishment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 ,7 +"The language of the contract and of all communications between the contractor, ",3 +Objektsicherung und Fertigungskontrolle:,3 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +Software will support printing operations in specified reporting printer. Also Software will be able to ,9 +"At this point, the pilot should begin a turn in the opposite ",9 +Schlußformel ,7 +The successful Tenderer to whom EIB intends to award the contract will have to provide within a ,9 +und 3 und die Folgen einer Sperrfristverletzung nach § 57. Dem Antrag auf außerordentliche Verkürzung der,9 +"as the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum (NASM), ",3 +"high unusual attitude, the unusual attitude recovery protection ",9 +contracting authority in,3 +miles where only Category A or helicopter aircraft,9 +"will also be navigating, so we will have a look at the map ",9 +"Errata as of September 17, 2013 ",7 +§ 24 Wiederholung der Prüfung,7 +Cornice Brake,7 +must be respected because of ,9 +"The recent pilot assessments on cumulative risk assessment for pesticides (EFSA, 2020a",3 +"followed by the airway number (e.g., J12). Jet routes,",9 +In this regulation— ,9 +法第十一条第二項の規定により届出事業者が検査記録に記載すべき事項は、次のと,3 +Act 2006 (Inspection of Local Authorities) Regulations 2007 and the Children Act 2004 (Joint ,9 +"120° and the aircraft is operating with the radios on, the pilot ",9 +increase the fit and comfort of the harness. Note however that ,9 +Cross-Country Soaring,7 +System Servicing,7 +"statute in the Official Gazette, the date of",9 +with selected excavated or imported material and compacted to the approval of the Engineer. ,9 +prm/) contains training information for PRM approaches ,9 +EN ROUTE PROCEDURES,7 +"in der Luft befindlichen Funkstellen, 50,2 – 50,4 GHz, 52,6 – 54,25 GHz, 86 – 92 GHz, 100 – 102 GHz,",3 +Ntlo ya Dikgosi ,7 +Zugangskontrollsystem mit Dokumentationseinrichtung zu installieren.,3 +Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome ,7 +Hoses............................................................................5-11,8 +"trated by the additional 21,CCO ",9 +§ 2 Beschaffenheit und Betriebstüchtigkeit der Flugsicherungsausrüstung,7 +Performing Ignition System Checks,7 +Geodetic Datum. The reference plane from which geodetic ,9 +"Article 68, paragraph (1) of the Act, the authority under the jurisdiction of the ",3 +"an outside expert may be used, either in person or in a video presentation. In any case, learners need to have a clear impression of ",9 +the pilot holds at least a Private Pilot certificate and a ,3 +"Lord Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls, the President of the Queen’s Bench Division, the ",9 +been imaged onto the blind spot of your right eye. ,3 +ALONG FLIGHT PATH ,6 +Stelle. Diese führt auch die Aufsicht über die verkehrspsychologischen Berater; sie kann sich hierbei geeigneter,9 +UNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL,7 +AeroNav Products booklet. ,9 +Allgemeines,7 +Contracts on behalf of the Insular Government with companies operating,9 +Work No. 1 ,8 +yielding the desired flightpath or may couple the ,3 +forward or aft of the pilot’s established reference point. ,9 +Abschnitt III,7 +the revision is the addition of WAAS based minima,9 +äußern konnten.,9 +Anforderungen und Regelwerke,7 +Catching Errors: Using the FMS Flight Planning ,7 +Inspection of Retained Trees ,7 +"free-fall valve is opened, hydraulic fluid is allowed to flow ",9 +"corrections, control pressure should be extremely light. ",9 +業に係る工場又は事業場が一の経済産業局の管轄区域内のみにある届出事業者に関す,3 +ing nearby obstacles or other anchored vessels. Be cer-,9 +Follow up calls (30 journalists),9 +CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE ,7 +determining brake lining wear on some brakes.,0 +Chapter 22—Gyroplane Aeronautical Decision,7 +European Food Safety Authority ,4 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +"periodically, based upon request of operator or when and event occurs. ( for example alarm ",9 +I.4.2. Price revision index ,7 +"flight crew to assist during takeoffs, landings, and en route operations. ",0 +of the aircraft and all of its equipment as specified in the ,9 +ELECTION CRITERIA,7 +"intersection, move straight across to the first dark reference ",9 +Control of fault current relays with tester ,3 +"Full power and adequate airspeed are maintained until reaching 1,000 feet AGL. ",3 + Omit article 19. ,9 +suspicious of the GPS position if a disagreement,9 +II.23.3 Interest on late payment ,7 +条の十三第一項に規定する病床機能報告対象病院等の開設者又は管理者に対し、第三,3 +ongoing program management oversight as authorized under sec-,9 +Class B Airspace,7 +The entire ,9 +Special data ,3 +for a hydrometer reading of 1.260 and electrolyte temperature ,9 +third parties involved in the ,3 +"tude is established, other instruments become primary,",9 +Licensing Team within 5 days of the date of these notifications; and ,3 +"of the VSI, a blocked static system produces a continuous ",9 +Safety and Security Issue Reporting ,7 +costs involved,9 +panel in a direction that assists the aileron movement. For ,9 +The Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) is a ,9 +that assessment must continue as if the amendments made by these Regulations remain in ,9 +"As illustrated, at high gross weights above the ",9 +"forward cyclic compensation, causing the helicopter ",3 +"any SRM panel) and allowing their participation in the SRM panel, as necessary.",9 +communication facility that is relatively inexpensive to ,9 + systems (,9 +Full flaps,6 +Control of component sizes ,3 +Réclamations et responsabilité ,7 +A - Project management and quality assurance/lot 3 ,7 +three-quarters of 1 percent of the funds for public transportation ,9 +[Figure 15-42],9 +In regulation 21 (hardship payments)— ,3 +"as histotoxic hypoxia. “Histo” refers to tissues or cells, and ",9 +二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による業務規程の届出についても、同様,3 +"carry out excavations and clearance, deepening, scouring, cleansing, dumping ",3 +ANGLE OF ATTACK,7 +"of the Export Trade Control Order with respect to export of goods to Iran, ",3 +"airspeed limitations appropriate to the make, model, and ",9 +clear of the turbulence.,9 +"Standards (PTS), (FAA-S-8081-18), the Aviation Instructor’s ",9 +other information related to the performance of the Framework Contract in its systems for a ,3 +Plane Sense,5 +structure. Clamps or clothespins are used to attach the fabric ,9 +superintendent,9 +for inspection and certification purposes. One calendar month ,9 +correcting for wind drift. This is the wind correction angle ,9 +Discharged lead-acid batteries exposed to cold temperatures ,9 +Responsibilities,7 +Pressure reducing valve,6 +The address specified by P in the Passenger Locator Form pursuant to paragraph 2(a) of ,9 +An uncontrolled explosion inside the cylinder of ,9 +The information and practices in this,9 +The contracting authority is not liable for any loss or damage caused to the contractor ,3 +ambient pressure is very low. ,9 +[Figure 1-10],9 +SCHEDULE 12 ,7 +Governor-General,9 +Spring-Back,7 +Eingangsformel ,7 +is sometimes referred to as vertical path angle (VPA). ,9 +the aircraft is approaching the marker beacon site.,9 +"für den Verkauf zerlegen, ausbeinen sowie Fleischteile herrichten und Zuschnitte sortieren,",3 +"of landing gear consists of wheels, but airplanes can also be ",9 +Travail en hauteur par un élévateur à nacelle ,7 +UpperGLYPH<.notdef>,6 +notices/. ,9 +Folding a Box,7 +proofread using the Interinstitutional Style Guide and the EU-OSHA corporate manual as references for ,9 +depends on the flight speed and the inclination ,9 +"Binding tape, canopy-reinforcing ",6 +Recognizing Interference or Spoofing,7 +INHALTSVERZEICHNIS ,7 +IFR enroute charts use magnetic reference bearing.,9 +"as shown, the aircraft drifts to the left of the intended track. ",9 +Submission of requests to participate phase,7 +improvements;,3 +Abatements and Refunds on Original Examination,9 +"the area, shall be equally responsible for collision avoidance. ",9 +the Government under the ,9 +Position Error (EPE).,9 +"und durch Auflagen sicherzustellen, dass das Fahrzeug in angemessener Zeit den Geltungsbereich dieser",3 +"грызунов и насекомых, в том числе клещей, способами, предусмотренными",9 +Calibration reports for analogue signal circuits; ,3 +selected to provide vacuum in the event of either engine or ,9 +(社会医療法人に係る認定の申請事項),9 +Removal of Rivets,7 +Four-line (separate the line groups). ,0 +Adjustment in respect of past compensation ,7 +The Need for ICT Governance,7 +Fiberglass Molded Mat Repairs,7 +Alternate Types of Wings ,7 +II.18.4. Effects of termination ,7 +"Operations; for Terminal ATMs, this is the District Manager or General Manager; and for",3 +Military training route (MTR).,9 +医療事故調査・支援センターは、法第六条の十九第一項後段の規定により事業計画,3 +TABLE OF CONTENTS ,7 +“infrastructure system” has the same meaning as in the electronic communications code and ,9 +on days where a slight wind is blowing or if the pilot ,9 +DATE Sept 2019,6 +MOA is also further defined on the back of the sectional ,9 +"ing at night, especially at an unfamiliar airport, make",9 +implementation of the tasks itself. ,3 +SRM: Proactive and Reactive Hazard and Risk Reduction ,7 +Substitute airway routes ,3 +altitudes. When the proper traffic pattern direction has been ,9 +tested and controlled even though there is not controller.,3 +"06.03.01 Биология,",9 +Über Widersprüche gegen sonstige Entscheidungen des Vorstands entscheidet der Vorstand.,3 +by a pilot with a Sport Pilot certificate.,3 +removal process and replaced with new. A faster ,3 +Pilot input roll moments,6 +Alloy—5056 aluminum,6 +"other aircraft, and attempting contact with a nearby flight ",9 +along line EB and is completed by the upstroke ,9 +In the opinion of the auditors: ,7 +pilots have a flashlight “having at least two size D cells or ,9 +Media channels to be identified ,7 +Site Investigations ,7 +staying within the obstruction ,9 +in a negative rate of climb (or a rate of descent). ,9 +The objectives of the contract resulting from the present procurement procedure will be ,9 +- Seite 1 von 8 -,4 +"""Verordnung über die Einführung gesetzlicher Feiertage vom 16. Mai 1990 (GBl. DDR 1990 I S. 248)""",9 +Updated text: ,7 +attitude. ,9 +"Calculation of the costs (incl. travel, overheads, consumables and any other related costs) ",7 +Ausgleichsgesetz),10 +Materials/ Parts ,7 +erformed and ,3 +"incidental expenditure, actual expenditure shall be converted into euro at the rate published on the ",3 +"the exception, for example",3 +authority and the project manager to approve drawings and other documents provided by ,3 +Rivet head cracking are acceptable under the following ,9 +sets the desired engine rpm ,9 +"Conventional gear consists of two main wheels, and one",9 +Cornice Brake,7 +before the ,9 +The T configuration continues from the IF/IAF to the,9 +II.4. DELIVERY OF SUPPLIES ,7 +"identifying, ",9 +environment. Glidepaths with no published DH are,9 +"It is good practice to make steeper approaches at night,",9 +“Hydraulic Load” derived commitment for the plant components: ,7 +noise suppression for the engine exhaust gases when ,9 +Wing Blowing Over After Touchdown,7 +размещается,9 +"For the “V” ring configuration, place a mark at 2 inches ",3 +"change are consistent, a sense of the time required ",3 +Disassembly,7 +"each flight. The magneto check, as it is usually referred to, ",9 +durch das Baustellenpersonal und ,8 +"SPEED FOR MAX R.C., PROP ",6 +Ground Resonance,7 +Sample Problem 13 ,7 +BORN WITH SPINA BIFIDA’’; ,7 +Les offres de prix pour les travaux d'adaptation sont à remettre endéans les 2 semaines à ,9 +provided Europol has given its prior written authorisation: ,3 +Commission Decision of 12 December 2011 on the reuse of Commission ,3 +"Person ähnliche Gebilde, die als solche der Besteuerung unterliegen, sowie bei Wegfall eines Steuerpflichtigen",9 +‘‘active moiety (as defined by the Secretary in section ,9 +The shipment of Goods under the ,3 +transitions from a decision-making mode to an acceptance ,9 +CROSSWIND LANDING,7 +"settings for a specific diameter; therefore, trial and error ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of July 31, 2015] ",7 +Abwasserstationsanlage,7 +"When basting, do not tie knots at any point in the thread length. Also, the sewing should be made ",3 +Safety Engineer (8),8 +Density Altitude Charts ,7 +Figure 16-32.,0 +生产安全事故的应急救援与调查处理 ,7 +The simplified directional facility (SDF) provides a final ,9 +For detailed instruction and guidance on how to compute APU emissions refer to ,9 +The DECIDE Model ,7 +A person who- ,9 +lift decreases rapidly as the powered parachute’s for-,9 +"approval of the Governor-General, a municipal council shall have the power to",9 +"techniques and clearing procedures, runway incursion ",9 +REFUGEE AND ENTRANT ASSISTANCE ,7 +and allows the pilot to highlight and auto-tune the ,3 +LAND OF WHICH ONLY TEMPORARY POSSESSION MAY BE ,7 +quickly acclimatize to the new environment. Geographical ,9 +"acknowledged the clearance or instructions, and ensuring ",9 +or across any runway. This increases the conspicu-,9 +weißes Licht nach hinten abstrahlen oder,3 +Abschnitt 2,7 +project is in line with the strategy formulated by the European Commission on ,9 +"Withdrawn services (DMS, Folder 02_Decommissioned_services under activity ",3 +the contracting ,9 +is obtained by rolling metal into flat sheets of various thicknesses ,9 +"airport lighting facility, similar to VASI, providing ",9 +"Auftragssumme mindestens 50.000,- ohne Umsatzsteuer beträgt. ",6 +Operations in Other Countries ,7 +"The contracting authority is not liable for any damage or loss caused by the contractor, ",3 +Since the glider continues turning as long as there is any ,9 +Fresh-air outlet,6 +"defined in section 319F–1), or qualified pandemic or epi-",9 +"sections 45C(1), (3)(c), (4)(d), 45F(2) and 45P of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act ",9 +but use a sine wave web. ,9 +"contracting authority, subject to their signing of adequate confidentiality undertakings ",3 +Experimental ,7 +climb gradient is specified to the assigned altitude. ATC may ,9 +Primary pitch,6 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +Standard—fine for drilling flat stock or tubing/rod; ,3 +Exceptions to the 600-2 and 800-2 alternate minimums are ,9 +"of all or a substantial part of the contents of the database by the distribution of copies, by ",3 +scaling abruptly changes from the approach scaling to,9 +Methodology - Loading and Unloading of Material Piles ,7 +"Der Versand der Vordrucke an die Zulassungsbehörden muss so erfolgen, dass jederzeit eine",3 +(PWS)- A self-contained system used on board some ,9 +JAMMING- Denotes emissions that do not mimic ,9 +to acts committed prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order. ,3 +of added heat before the effects of the last burn have been ,9 +Pressurization Issues,7 +"period beginning on January 9, 1962, and ending on May 7, ",9 +Combined Sources of Updrafts,7 +detonation are so severe ,9 +förmlich die,9 +JURISDICTION AND FUNCTIONS ,7 +"and Industry No. 25 of May 30, 1986] ",7 + Roundout ( Flare),7 +References in this Order to numbered works are references to the scheduled works as ,9 +"FIGURE 4-1. SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF WAIVER J550, BANNER TOWING ",7 +"provided the necessary protection from ultraviolet, infrared, ",9 +Counterweight action,6 +2_SRMGSA_202003 ,4 +"affects takeoffs, flight maneuvers, and landings allows pilots ",9 +"Article 15, paragraph (2), or Article 18, paragraph (4); ",9 +"management, collateral, ALM and",3 +Motor routine 1 ,7 +uniquement ,8 +- Seite 3 von 7 -,4 +may not be used over old nitrocellulose finishes.,3 +gyroplane designs. Certificated gyroplanes are,9 +"required, shall be punish",9 +within which the said barrios,9 +Torch Lighters,7 +исключением ,9 +Statement of Losses of Public Monies and Stores – (Statement No. 22),7 +and fuel that may have accumulated during a false start. If the ,9 +successful start-up of the steady-state services,9 +data records concerned; ,3 +Replacement of Damaged Trees ,7 +the pilot’s seat and the CG is usually located close to the rear ,9 +airspace with defined dimensions within the National ,9 +minimum threshold 50% = 2.5 points),3 +instructions for the operation involved...”,9 +The roles and responsibilities of the pilot and,9 +"be; and such conveyance may be made without consideration, if the board shall so",9 +PERMANENT ,6 +PLACEMENT OF ADVERTISEMENTS – based on real costs ,7 +material for marking. Mark out the damaged portion ,3 +Radio License ,7 +An inoperative Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) will not ,3 +Takeoff and Climb,7 +ple of sugar the classification of which shall,9 +Ground Resonance,7 +ublication Ref: NEAR/ANK/2020/EA-OP/0056 ,7 +specific contract,9 +Europol regular working hours 08:00 to 18:00. ,3 +and key messages); ,3 +"A reduction in the agreed payment to the Contractor (including without limitation, ",3 +Lay the leg strap out flat.,3 +Cooperative or Group Learning Method ,7 +– ELEMENTI DI PROVA AI FINI DELLA SELEZIONE ,7 +"two rear connector links, and the D lines are attached to their associated C lines in the same ",3 +Class A Airspace,7 +"to prove the date of dispatch. In the event that the sending party receives a non-delivery report, it ",9 +area the offence is alleged to have been committed (“the relevant local authority”),3 +instructor comments. ,9 +so as to improve the controllability of the aircraft when it ,9 +"information are always considered official weather, and ",9 +IDENTITY DOCUMENT NUMBER,6 +"change than does land. Large, deep water bodies tend to ",9 +"relativi alla lettera d’ordine corrispondente, e dove applicabile ai prezzi nuovi accettati. ",9 +a permanent wire screen instead of a replaceable cartridge. ,9 +"2018, $1,000,000, to remain available until expended: ",9 +GPS/WAAS which does not require ATC radar surveil-,9 +[Figure 2-44A and B],9 +§ 18 Fahrten im internationalen Verkehr,7 +operation to touchdown and rollout during an,9 +acknowledge the following contributors:,9 +cooperate with the health authorities in the enforcement of sanitary,3 +of the aircraft. This will allow rotary wing takeoff,9 +PHENOMENA OF TRANSONIC FLIGHT. ,7 +OTHER ROADS ,7 +for control of the ,9 +CAA the responsibility of administering the Federal Aid ,9 +or engaged for IFR flight in either the single or two-pilot ,9 +mentionné au bordereau financier.,9 +" Ring, harness, 5010-SS Ring.",0 +a flight plan into the FMS of some aircraft automatically ,9 +vertical guidance at speeds slower than the best-,3 +(ii) send copies of the notifications required under sub-paragraph (i) to the MMO Marine ,3 +"(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2014, 2343)",9 +notifier formellement,9 +Reciprocating Engine Lubricants,7 +告書を厚生労働大臣に提出しなければならない。,3 +Fences and Gates ,7 +is without prejudice to any immunity or privilege to which a representative may otherwise ,3 +Amendment of article 3 ,7 +Airway structure changes ,3 +Typical turnbuckle assembly.,0 +The pilot should also consider what his or her capabilities ,9 +Figure 7-12.,0 +made by these Regulations continue to apply in certain circumstances after the expiry of the ,9 +area is free of conflicting traffic.,9 +edge perpendicular to the relative airflow. The airspeed of ,9 +provides feedback in cockpit. It senses fuel pressure but is ,9 +Implementation of landscaping ,7 +〔昭和五十六年六月一日通商産業省令第三十二号〕,7 +Rigger—mains ,3 +Placement of advertisements ,7 +the current treatments.,6 +"power. As power is increased, it may be necessary to lower ",9 +is designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement pursu-,9 +事項は、第一項第一号、第二号、第四号、第六号、第十四号及び第十五号に掲げる事,3 +contractor’s personnel used by the Contractor; ,3 +Those persons mentioned in paragraphs (2) and (3) who are members of a shadow ,9 +"San Francisco Intl. Airport, CA",9 +§ 2 Beschaffenheit und Betriebstüchtigkeit der Flugsicherungsausrüstung,7 +PIREPs are easy to file and a standard reporting form outlines ,9 +Interest on late payment ,7 +"mitgeführt, ist die Übereinstimmungsbescheinigung, die Datenbestätigung oder die Bescheinigung über",9 +European Investment Bank ,9 +personnes présentes doivent alors quitter le bâtiment. ,9 +die Zivilluftfahrt und den Flugplatzbetrieb zuständigen Behörden und gegebenenfalls die Anfertigung,3 +– MISURE CORRETTIVE ,7 +and the proviso to item (iv) of the same paragraph of the Export Trade ,3 +Министерством юстиции,9 +different from ground,9 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +"⦁ $_{Marked changes in mood on different lessons, such as excellent morale followed by deep depression. }$",3 +Safety Strategy Meetings and Program Safety Plans ,7 +Contour Flying Cautions,7 +hit its stops at both extremes prior to the flight deck control. ,9 +"2017 (BGBl. I S. 3122) geändert worden ist, verordnet das Bundesministerium der Finanzen:",9 +Round Out (Flare),7 +The Cabinet,7 +"No cargo may be carried, nor may any dispensing materials be carried in the hopper, or ",3 +"While such documents were adequately relevant to FMD control, it",9 +(法第三十条の四第二項第四号の厚生労働省令で定める疾病),9 +High Round Out,7 +You can access the e-Submission application via the corresponding call for tender in TED ,9 +Anlage 3 (zu § 4 Absatz 1),7 +"equipped, further radio transmissions should not be",9 +Fuel Storage Tanks ,7 +Pile shoes ,7 +Compressor Types,7 +"functional limitations, operational restrictions, potential adverse effects on safety, ",3 +outside the cabin. Cabin pressure (psi) – ambient ,3 +SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ,7 +Margin Identification Information,7 +Purchase Order(s),3 +Marine pollution contingency plan ,7 +carry out assessments under these Regulations. ,9 +The Approach,7 +AUDITING FOR BOTSWANA GOVERNMENT ,7 +night or IMC flight in or near the mountains. ,3 +provided Europol has given its prior written authorisation: ,3 +"proceedings by paying the taxes, penalties, and interest. If he does not do so the",9 +high angle of attack ,3 +are met. ,9 +at a constant distance from a navigational aid by ,9 +the airplane and maintaining proper orientation with ,3 +Figure 5-60.,0 +"location of the aircraft is entered into the computer, and all ",9 +adequate. ,9 +military training activities from IFR traffic. Whenever an ,9 +The method and outcome of inspection of records on medical care and the ,3 +FWC Phase-in,7 +renamed APV. ,9 +blades for cracks or nicks. Listen and feel for smooth ,9 +Procedures set up in the context of the security governance shall be jointly tested by ECHA ,9 +Aircraft Battery Ratings by Specification,7 +"Postflight, collaborative assessment or learner centered grading (LCG) also discussed in Chapter 6, Assessment, is a vital component ",9 +Contractor’s national partner and the EU-OSHA’s national partner set the objectives and the ,3 +shock absorbing devices for leaks and fluid levels; ,3 +Auswahlkriterien,9 +APUs burn,9 + Wing Rising After Touchdown,7 +Severity of an Event ,7 +"of the 2010 Regulations, the placement has effect as if the amendments made by these ",9 +"the ability to compensate for drift during turns, orient the ",9 +"If any aircraft does not want the service, the",9 +Private fostering: notifications ,7 +Identity management;,3 +"carry out dredging, which may include such dredging works as may be ",3 +"retained EU law to operate effectively and other deficiencies (in particular under section 8(2)(a), ",9 +"An inherently questioning attitude,",3 +Functions of Engine Oil,7 +How Autopilot Functions Work,7 + See automatic dependent surveillance—broadcast.,9 +to position the indicator pointer. ,0 +issued altimeter settings are excluded for this purpose.,9 +II.13.10 Visibility of Centre funding and disclaimer ,7 +") 1995 c. 25. Section 41A was inserted by S.I. 2005/925, Schedule 6, paragraph 1(1) and (2). Section 41A was amended by ",1 +", and Chapter 13.2.5, ",9 +"Sie steht außerdem allen natürlichen und juristischen Personen eines Drittlands, das mit der Union ",9 +"When branding alone is applied, it should include EU-OSHA logo, the project design as well as ",3 +"dicular to, the tip-path plane.",9 +"Aux fins de l'article II.9.2, ",9 +range of the instrument.,9 +Actual Navigation Performance (ANP) or Estimated,9 +Pagina 4 di 6 ,5 +A flight instrument that indicates altitude by ,9 +"vice-president, or councilor shall be a duly qualified elector of the province, and",9 +principal residence; or,3 +of these factors increase the lifting capacity of the wing. ,9 +double-entry type has a smaller diameter but is usually ,9 +of aircraft engines by measuring the leakage through the ,9 +I.6.1. Disposizioni sull'IVA ,7 +OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ,7 +§ 4 Ausbildungsplan,7 +"einer Bundesfernstraße zusteht. Im Übrigen werden die Landesregierungen ermächtigt, durch Rechtsverordnung",9 +§ 1 Staatliche Anerkennung des Ausbildungsberufes,7 +SEC. 701. Not later than 45 days after the date of enactment ,9 +"deterioration varies between receivers, and is",9 +required to accelerate to the correct airspeed if an autorotation ,9 +法第七条第三項の規定によつて病床の設置の許可を受けようとする者は、次に掲げ,3 +the plan view of the instrument approach chart with,9 +unless the,9 +"Impaired judgment,",3 +"168,59 – 168,93 GHz,",9 +as the Children’s Preparedness Unit (referred to in this subsection ,9 +Transition Training ,7 +"tire. The proper tooling should be used, and pressure should ",9 +speed or turbine temperature. ,9 +software. For analogue signals range and scale shall be verified. For level transmitters offset and ,3 +"Heat from the CHP unit shall be used for heating the sludge in the digester. Furthermore, it shall be ",9 +of a full touchdown landing. Refer to the section on,9 +Contacts during the procurement procedure. ,7 +peening requires a small notch to be ground in the edge of ,9 +Beschleunigtes Zusammenlegungsverfahren,7 +"pilot encounters a GPS outage, the pilot will be able",9 +braking effectiveness ,9 +Special Conditions at least 15 (fifteen) days in advance of the proposed days of travel. Any ,3 +Ground Support Equipment ,7 +"herent high efficiency, the reciprocating engine ",9 +"status initiated by the system, rather than by a deliberate ",9 +8 июня 2017 г. № 510,9 +Audit Opinion,7 +ELENCO ATTREZZATURA MINIMA ,7 +reciprocating engines in which a constant flow of fuel is fed ,9 +Matters for which a person who has established a hospital or a person other ,3 +turns. This precession error can be immediately,9 +Document the Results ,3 +(vii) affairs pertaining to acceptance (excluding those pertaining to the request ,3 + are or include logos or subject-matter which could be registered as a ,3 +Composition of National Assembly ,7 +Master/battery switch ,3 +"aviation responsibilities to a newly created, independent ",9 +estimated,9 +reporting on results) and payments.,3 +combines gravity feed with an electric fuel pump is illustrated ,9 +Installierung auf einen Mangel in der dazugehörigen Anleitung zurückzuführen ist. ,9 +託業務の責任者とすることができる。,3 +this forward pressure on the control stick exerts a rapidly ,9 +"on a royalty-free, non-exclusive and ",9 +Enhanced Situational Awareness ,7 +implementation of the SDGs and evaluation of performance against the ,3 +"GHz, 200 – 209 GHz, 226 – 231,5 GHz und 250 – 252 GHz.",3 +of serious crime in the Territory. ,3 +"advanced, the training and proficiency needed to safely ",9 + The characteristic of a gyroscope that ,9 +Amendment to the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 ,7 +Amendments to the 2012 Regulations ,7 +Plane of loop parallel to direction of wave travel,6 +"wing’s chord line, which",9 +"approach control’s delegated airspace, excluding the Class",9 +Another engine type is the gas turbine. This engine is,9 +"Centrifugal twisting force, being greater than ",9 +"In the top example of Figure 2-54, a low altitude en route ",9 +Significant weather prognostic chart.,0 +§ 2 Erwerbsmöglichkeit des Pächters landwirtschaftlicher Flächen,7 +Objective of the initiative ,7 +Managing Software Risk ,3 +"Security Act, with such funds allocated based on assessed need ",9 +"reroutes (ABRR), limited altitude assignments, and",9 +line. Follow the lines in the same diagonal fashion until the ,9 +the acquiring authority. ,9 +Anlage 17 (zu § 10 Absatz 1 und § 11 Absatz 1),7 +Anlage Teil 1,9 +"Grundsätze steuerlicher Buchführung, Steuerarten, Steuerverfahren,",3 +course to the selected NAVAID or waypoint. In ,9 +Chapter I General Provisions ,7 +Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/Sustainer ,7 +Pilot-Induced Roll Oscillations During Launch,7 +", That the Secretary ",9 +Light Sport Aircraft and Aircraft Certificated as ,7 +area when an arriving aircraft is inside the ILS outer,9 +FAA Publications ,7 +"authorities or property owners, it is the operator’s responsibility to resolve the matter. ",9 +"timber licenses shall provide for the selection of the timber before cutting, when",9 +"Bacon, Dauin, Larena, Lazi, Luzu",9 +II.4.1.12 Remedy ,7 +information presented in an integrated manner in the National ,9 +] concluded between the contracting authority and [,7 +notification formelle,9 +された事項を紙面又は出力装置の映像面に表示する方法により表示したものの閲覧,3 +RECOMMENDATIONS,7 +UTILISATION DE PRODUITS DANGEREUX ,7 +of Union and,9 +seaplane slows down can lead to a loss of directional,9 +other documents provided by the contracting authority shall not be used or communicated ,3 +APPENDICE B: SEGNALAZIONE DI INFORTUNIO (FACSIMILE) ,7 +Class D airspace or within the lateral boundaries of,9 +"any of the Channel Islands, ",3 +"core, which continues to produce forward thrust.",9 +Marker Board ,7 +Amendment of the School Information (England) Regulations 2008 ,7 +II.16 RÉDUCTION DES PRIX ,7 +"of Civil Service shall have one chief and one assistant chief, to be known,",9 +[excluding travel expenses],9 +and safest practice is to not reset circuit breakers in the ,9 +Maintaining the ,9 +Stator windings,6 +of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agency (Act No. ,3 +Contractor to provide selected pictures from different events to EU-OSHA for reporting. ,3 +The contractor bears the cost of replacing its ,9 +Checking and Safetying the System,7 +"as an overhead wire or fence, which are difficult to see.",9 +on the date of entry on the land by the undertaker under section 11(1)(,3 +II.21 PAYMENTS AND GUARANTEES ,7 +issued certificate that permits student pilots to ,3 +"eine gültige Selbstauskunft beschaffen, aus der die steuerliche Ansässigkeit oder steuerlichen Ansässigkeiten",9 +of spokespersons /experts and journalists. ,3 +"off the runway first, with the remainder of the takeoff roll ",9 +(iv) buildings and equipment concerning the prevention of radiation damage ,3 +turning left. Bringing the needle back to the vertical,9 +"bei Fahrzeugen, denen ein Ausfuhrkennzeichen zugeteilt ist,",3 +Reference Requirements.,9 +the internal timing with the magneto off the engine. This is ,9 +‘‘(a) ENHANCING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FOR CHILDREN.— ,9 +This call for tenders is not divided into lots. ,9 +Spirit level. ,9 +"Sinne des § 3, der Narkoseüberwachung und Nachsorge.",3 +Layup Process (Typical Laminated Wet Layup),7 +"that is, they strain the oil as it leaves the pump before being ",9 +clarifying the rights on the produced pictures (i.e.: confirming EU-OSHA will have the ,3 +"Taxes and penalties assessed against realty shall constitute a lien thereon, which",9 +"appropriate, measures to mitigate its possible adverse effects. ",3 +Manufacture,7 +material with the hot knife. ,3 +intersects the localizer.,9 +Abschnitt 9,7 +ECHA’s or the ,3 +OPERATING STRENGTH LIMITATIONS ,7 +CG FORWARD OF FORWARD LIMIT,7 +Studies (VEBIS) of COVID-19 and Influenza ,10 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 18 of 18 ",7 +NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES ,7 +certificate issued to the purchaser and a,9 +under polyurethane paints. ,9 +"taxi speed, a wave or swell could throw the seaplane into",9 +—en route ,9 +the source of the noise from the input circuits of the affected ,9 +"is a factor associated with aviation activities where lives depend on consistently doing the job right, the following paragraphs are ",9 +the melted tape at this point.,3 +" For regulation 44 (Treasury licences), substitute— ",9 +in the indication of the altimeter and ASI. Because of the ,9 +"person, at such place as may be prescribed by Parliament and registrati",3 +Spoilers.,9 +Fahrzeug auf öffentlichen Straßen nicht mehr in Betrieb gesetzt werden. Der Halter darf im Falle des Satzes,3 +"To manage workload, items should be prioritized. For ",9 +"the Agreement, including any renewals pursuant to Article 3.4. ",3 +) (extinguishment ,9 +"rush into a low-pressure area, its velocity could reach the ",9 +"unusually tight after the rivet head is removed, drill the rivet ",9 +§ 50 Weitere Anwendung von Vorschriften,7 +Reimbursements ,7 +I.4. PREIS ,7 +"Climb, if possible, for improved communica-",9 +RELATIVE WIND,7 +purpose of the tachometer is to be able to monitor rpm under ,9 +Traitement des données à caractère personnel par le contractant ,7 +Helicopter Heading,6 +format if the conditions regarding electronic signature specified by Directive 2006/112/EC on ,3 +(Amendment) Regulations 2020 ,9 +processes. ,3 +The HORIZON,3 +Intellectual property rights ,7 +II.24 POLITIQUE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ,7 +Exercise good judgment and common sense by carefully ,9 +"am aware of the above framework contract, especially Articles [I.10 and II.13] concerning intellectual ",9 +"MARKING, CANOPY - STATEMENT OF USE:",7 +contracting authority may terminate,9 +Requesting offers,7 +Handling of Help functions: ,7 +Examples of canopy markings ,7 +Figure 3-18.,0 +"azimuth, TACAN azimuth, and TACAN distance (DME) at ",9 +Variable Restrictor,7 +received in cash for purchases of plots by members of the public.,3 +only required for specific runway or approach course ,9 +Engine Shut Down,7 +Proscribed organisation ,7 +〔平成二十四年四月六日政令第百十六号〕,7 +"660 – 1 670 MHz,",9 +"otherwise agreed with the countries (to be documented and sent to ECDC), with an ",8 +production of an original invoice up to the ceiling as indicated in Annex XVI per necessary ,3 +third party any of the Confidential Information disclosed by the other and not to ,3 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +Section 3 Measures for Revitalization of Fishing Ground Environment in ,3 +ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS,7 +le contractant n'a pas produit les documents ou éléments livrables appropriés; ou ,3 +rotor disk moving from their normal 120° relationship to ,9 +Reattach the bottom of the pilot chute to the spring ,3 + is the activity code under which the service was operational ,3 +the course deviation needle deflects either left or right. ,9 +承揽工作需要定作人协助的,定作人有协助的义务。定作人,9 +Division into lots ...........................................................................................................5 ,8 +"Bergwerksunternehmer das Eigentum an den Grundstücken erwirbt, kann der den Betroffenen entstehende",9 +Amendment of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowance) (England) Regulations 2003 ,7 +"(5 points, ",3 +velocity. One ,9 +оздоровительных,9 +"for a single-family residence, as adjusted for the year involved.’’. ",9 +Replacement of Damaged Trees ,7 +Thermal Survey of Repair Area,7 +. — Officers,9 +path for one revolution of propeller. ,3 +Allgemeines Wohngebiet (WA),7 +Departures from:,7 +The Programming ,7 +"where the provision of a joint in a pipe or cable is agreed, or is determined to be ",3 +be on a form approved for the purpose by the Board; ,3 +EXPLOITATION DES RÉSULTATS DU CC ,7 +"not disclose, directly or indirectly, ",3 +"believe they need to know next, and tend to set aside things for which they see no immediate need. For example, beginning flight ",9 +Suspension par le contractant ,7 +Figure 7-66.,9 +"newer or inexperienced pilots, is that the approach is being ",9 +Bleeding Master Cylinder Brake Systems,7 +"and a clearance fit is used for steel, titanium, and composite ",9 +firm is registered as a statutory auditor in the public register of a public ,3 +erteilt ist.,3 +a fixed location and time averaging technique. Although ,9 +当該廃棄作業室に気体状の医療用放射性汚染物の広がりを防止するフー,3 +without an increase ,9 +. Lärmintensive Arbeiten müssen mit der zuständigen Bauüberwachung vor Ort ,9 +"of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. ",9 +True north,6 +"paragraph 25 of Schedule 2 to, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000(",9 +Pilot action requirements (such as the pilot,9 +CLARIFICATION No: 1,7 +Article 15 In order to secure water quality that contributes to the growth of ,3 +Courts of Superior Jurisdiction,7 +distance from the aircraft.,9 +the blood flow has accidentally been shut off. This kind of ,9 +Pre-flight Checks,7 +"processes correctly for Non-RVSM aircraft, the “W”",9 +II.4.1.11 Conformity of the delivered supplies with the FWC ,7 +INSPECTION CODE OF THE,7 +strategy and implementation plan under section 2811(d). ,9 +navigational performance. EPU may also be referred to as,9 +EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS ,7 +There is an interval where you are able to move the ,3 +EFSA is committed to the publication of contract deliverables - such as supporting evidence ,9 +Transition to Visual Flight,7 +Free Directional Oscillations (Dutch Roll) ,7 +"for measures for the promotion of inland waters fishery, and thereby to develop ",3 +Instructor Responsibilities,7 +manufacturer. The ground method steps are the same as ,9 +MAIN CANOPY ,7 +hang gliders and ultralight aircraft as new materials and ,9 +ARTICLE 11: ANNEXES,7 +FSDO locator available at: www.faa.gov/about/office_org/ ,9 +Figure 5-43. ,0 +A simple explanation of a starter-generator shows that the ,9 +useless to bring the airship to an even keel to eliminate dynamic ,9 +Initially Moving Up,7 +Flight Inspection/‘Flight Check’,7 +Facilities for Staff and Labor ,7 +or altitude. This sense of urgency reflects a normal concern ,9 +rigger may exercise the privileges of his certificate and type ,9 +following: ,3 +Powered Parachutes....................................................1-6,8 +300hh–15(a)) is amended by striking the second sentence and ,9 +REPAIR PARTS LIST ,7 +"years, fifty centavos.",3 +II.25 SÉCURITÉ ,7 +"may make it appear that the water is moving sideways,",9 +Full election appeal: notice of appeal ,7 +Power to override easements and other rights ,7 +"Appended Table 2 (Re: Articles, 2, 4 and 12) ",7 +‘‘1822. Benefits for children of certain Thailand service veterans born with spina ,9 +the other; they should match. ,9 +"digitised originals if authorised under national law, for a period of five years starting from the ",3 +"revenues in the year under review, including those arising from the use ",9 +"Failure in the delivery of electricity, water, chemicals etc., failure in analyses and ",3 +"5P check is to help the pilot fly, the correct application of ",9 +Declaration on honour(s).,3 +"axis of rotation. For instance, when pulling out of a dive, it ",9 + Flight Deck Inspection,7 +FREQUENCY.) ,9 +"cal miles of an airport listed in Appendix D, Section 1",9 +Implementation of the framework contract ,7 +Office of Aviation Safety ,3 +Liquidationseröffnungsbilanzen beteiligte Stellen gewonnen haben. Eine ordnungsgemäße Durchführung,9 +[Figure 15-21],9 +EU-OSHA's national partner specifically demands it. ,3 +including the roundabout of Junction 35 of the ,9 +Area charts,9 +military regulations of ,9 +"The CherryBUCK$^{®}$ is a bimetallic, one-piece fastener that ",9 +land at the aerodrome. ,9 +Protokolle und,3 +"a light, to warn the pilot of the situation. ",9 +APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM-,7 +signal lists.,3 +Effective Translational Lift (ETL),7 +protection against the shock of landing. If the shock mount is ,9 +первого и второго пункта,9 +Shear strength—28 KSI,6 +discrete VHF and UHF frequencies,9 +Amendment of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowance) (England) Regulations 2003 ,7 +adjudicateur,9 +Praktischer Unterricht,3 +avoidance.,9 +"100-hour inspection, when being used for compensation ",3 +Maintain VFR until you have obtained your IFR clearance ,9 +Cooperative or Group Learning Method ,7 +observing functions necessary to generate an aviation,9 +from spiral instability leading to inflight structural failures ,9 +Annual inspection ,3 +"leading edge, pressurizing each cell and giving the canopy its shape and glide characteristics. A ",3 +Chapter II Basic Policy ,7 +"human health, animal health and ecological risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals. EFSA Journal ",1 +Bezeichnung der Bauleistung: ,9 +"with a conventional airway. In many cases, they may be ",9 +"superintendent,",3 +promotion of inland waters fishery by establishing basic principles and ,3 +determined by the Insular Auditor.,9 +Torch Lighters,7 +the letter “M” to indicate minus.,3 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +performance of the helicopter.,0 +"Depending on the instructions in the request for services, the contractor may have to arrange ",3 + which the ,3 +"life-limited parts of the airframe, each engine, each ",3 +Traffic Data Systems Using Onboard Sensing ,7 +11_Vol3_d4.3_Section 11 Training&Maintenance_en_GIR_rev6 ,4 +and Systems,7 +"Should any unforeseen event, action or omission directly or indirectly hamper ",3 +account the work performed by ECDC projects related to long-term care facilities (LTCF) such as the ,9 +operator training or pilot knowledge programs and,9 +"To determine the wind directions at different altitudes, extend ",9 +II.17 SUSPENSION DE L'EXÉCUTION DU CC ,7 +在地县级以上地方人民政府组织制定的生产安全事故应急救援预案相衔接,并定期,9 +"have been added over time for additional purposes, such as ",9 +"Municipal councils shall forward all applications for the establishment,",9 + Award and notification of the outcomes of the procurement procedure ,7 +"place after replacing the flap. A slower method, ",3 +Self-Launching Glider Electrical System ,7 +out indicator.,9 +〔昭和三十五年六月十日政令第百五十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +I.5.1. Vorfinanzierung ,7 +Voltage Drop in Aircraft Wire and Cable,7 +inside row for reinforcement.,3 +"There is a saying that while takeoff is optional, landing is ",9 +w (267 m.p.h. or 393 f.p.s.),6 +deaths which have not been satisfactorily explained and when there is suspicion,9 +expressly waive,3 +Angebote von Bietergemeinschaften ,7 +corresponding tables in the declarations provided by the consortium members — see point 7 of this tender form. ,1 +SNET and organisation of the BRIDGE operational meetings; ,3 +refrigerant. The detector is held close to component and hose ,9 +be inside the cockpit. The pilot must develop the skill ,3 +"Betriebs- und Arbeitsorganisation; Arbeitsgestaltung; Logistik; Informationstechnik,",3 +"to wait for a time slot in the IFR system, however, departing ",9 +PERFORMANCE AUDIT,7 +"Building on national and EU efforts, the Agency shall develop a high level of expertise. ",3 +positions in the unclassified se,9 +"and blue light, and impact to meet the requirements of the ",9 +Evaluation Committee ,7 +Indicators for advertising educational conferences and B2B events,3 +Placing the Special Registration,7 +Engine Shut Down,7 +Hospitals.,9 +MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL ,7 +Exhaust Systems,7 +Operation of the Treatment Plant ,7 +control boxes. The,9 +AIRSPACE INFORMATION,7 +Programming” and make the appropriate decision required ,9 +be given for each flight:,9 +The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated ,9 +indication showing “to.” Should the VOR receiver,9 +for all operations. The word “local” or the time zone,3 +") S.I. 2012/1767, to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations. ",1 +or long life ,9 +equipment to alert the pilot of high priority intruders,9 +Third district — Composed of the municipalities,9 +Support for stakeholder relations management ,7 +Impact of Magnetic Variation on PBN,7 +AUTOLAND or COUPLED approach.,9 +"Die Technische Prüfstelle soll den Prüfauftrag an die Fahrerlaubnisbehörde zurückgeben, wenn",9 +Transportwege ,7 +mtio.-Ratio of the pitch (geometrical unless otherwise stated) ,3 +The incomplete expan- ,9 +Incorrect reducer (fast drying) being used.,3 +Is the economic operator,6 +$^{1}$/$_{4}$ degree higher. This,9 +Amendment to the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 ,7 +Statement by the creator (or right holder) ,7 +let this prompt him or her to attempt a maneuver that could ,9 +Characteristics of a Well-Planned Lesson,7 +"of an airport, but pilots may decide to proceed to any",9 +landfall on another celestial body; ,3 +3-ring release housings,3 +"states and the District of Columbia, excluding the",9 +II.1. DEFINITIONS ,7 +Any other dereliction or act which shall appear to the judge to,3 +between each. The majority of the airways are made up ,9 +Automated “REMARKS.”,3 +Inspect carburetor float chamber for water and dirt.,3 +Establishment of Communal Forests,9 +penalties shall be paid to the End Recipient by the Contractor as described in the following sections. ,9 +"However, when glass is treated with certain chemicals, a ",9 +Electronic exchange system: can exchanges under the contract be automated? ,7 +ground control or clearance delivery. Communication ,9 +Arrears of Revenue ,7 +"Where any person has been sentenced to death for any offence, the President shall ",9 +"a simple, practical, and systematic approach that can be used ",9 +Lorsque les délais de paiement ont été suspendus à la suite du refus d'un document visé au premier ,9 +Radio Communications ,7 +analysis. A human reliability analysis or assessment may also be conducted.,9 +COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER,6 +"Beachten von Qualitätsmanagementsystemen,",3 +"Normally, the station addressed will be the",9 +[Figure 4-45] These operations are normally authorized ,9 +reverse thrust for rapid deceleration of the aircraft after landing.,9 +Sample Problem 2 ,7 +Obstacles to Maintaining Situational Awareness,7 + with the internet address of ,1 +GPS Familiarization,7 +Exclusion criteria and conflict of interest ,7 +Amendment of Schedule 2 ,7 +placed over the cable during the test to prevent injury to ,9 +Amendment of the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013 ,7 +Any personnel schedule constraints;,3 +"tasks assigned to the former subcontractor are taken over by another involved entity, ",3 +case the wind is reported with six digits. The first three digits indicate the direction the true ,3 +stable if the level of free convection has not been reached ,9 +"is not centered, the airplane may be in a slipping or ",3 +"und Geprüfte Fachwirtin für Logistiksysteme vom 13. Februar 2013 (BGBl. I S. 241), die zuletzt durch Artikel 68",9 +(K-9 and Subsequent Airships). ,3 +part will continue to develop plastic strain and ,9 +other related materials and services. ,3 +Automatic Decision-Making ,7 +returning to England from competing in an elite sports event or participating in ,3 +Weather Radar Services,7 + A NAVAID used ,9 +unsatisfactory as some of the cases date back many years with little or ,9 +Diese Vorschrift gilt nicht in dem in Art. 3 des Einigungsvertrages genannten Gebiet gem. Art. 11 und Anl. I Kap.,9 +– Describes the recommended methods for ,3 +"Section 84, as substituted, was amended by Part 3 of Schedule 7 to the Justices of the Peace Act 1949 (c. 101) and section ",1 +When the vortices of larger aircraft sink close,9 +contractor at the time of conclusion of this FWC and accepted by the contractor; ,3 +"functional limitations, operational restrictions, potential adverse effects on safety, ",3 +"Technology specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 69-6, ",3 +is to facilitate escape when such conditions are inadvertently ,9 +the maintenance manual or Instructions for Continued ,9 +established as a Public Joint Stock Company on 1,9 +Preparing the O&SHA,7 +beinhaltet eine Demonstration der ordnungsgemäßen Durchführung der Ferkelkastration unter,3 +Department of Mindanao and Sulu and Its Provinces,9 +normal flight.,9 +be contacted as notified in the Aeronautical Information Publication. ,9 +Controls and Auxiliaries ,3 +consultancy,3 +"all of the following materials, notifications and documents pertaining to spare parts ",3 +procedure; ,3 +ものに限る。)の項の改正規定,3 +the construction of a mooring within Lake Lothing; ,3 +Berliner Rentenversicherung an die Vorschriften des,10 +"and the establishment, operation, and maintenance of",9 +identification and invitation of ,7 +Responsibilities of the Parties to the Engagement ,7 +"sight, only the three points marked will be used for this exercise. ",9 +color to match,3 +circling minimums. The first approach of this type created ,9 +Ram-Air Reserve into a Sport Piggyback System,7 +Supplemental Study Materials for Aircraft Weight and Balance,7 +in terms of rivet diameter.,9 +authorities and flag of the United States in all ports and on the,9 +passing a strong electrical current through them. A suspension ,9 +Rocking shaft.,9 +"If, for reasons attributable to the contractor, the contracting authority is unable to accept the supplies, the ",9 +patch sewn the same as a standard French fell seam ,3 +§ 1 Ziel der Prüfung,7 +"noise, induced socioeconomic ",9 +"anmelden, legen die Wiederholungsprüfung nach den Vorschriften der Verordnung über die Prüfung zum",9 +Reduce the power to allow the aircraft to decelerate to the ,9 +" safety hazards are identified, the ",9 +Tension Regulators,7 +Bank account contract ,3 +draymen or cartmen only.,9 +manufacturer’s instructions should be carefully followed. ,9 +"prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the authority pertaining to a business ",3 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ,7 +Spring-Back,7 +Whereas this momentous event was watched in wonder by hundreds ,3 +delivery notes ,3 +"c = AVERAGE CHORD, FT ",6 +"(close to cruising speed) when the failure occurs, and ",9 +den Bewerber unverzüglich nach Eingang des Antrags auf Erteilung einer Fahrlehrerlaubnis zur vorübergehenden,9 +APT. Allows the user access to scroll through the ,3 +rivet to be tapped out of the work.,3 +best use of the video clip. ,3 +pesos in value.,3 +MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL ,7 +Menu text transmissions are scripted,9 +Дети-инвалиды,9 +ARTICLE 7: GUARANTEES ,7 +systems. ,0 +summarising the results of those actions. ,3 +"Pilots may not substitute for the NAVAID (for example,",9 +ating techniques and procedures which may be re-,9 +A typical turbosupercharger and its main parts.,0 +Name of the bank,3 +baggage to some weight less than the published maxi-,9 +"53.04.05 Искусство,",9 +potential wind shear. PWS systems typically monitor ,9 +"Vormischungen mit Futtermittelzusatzstoffen der Kategorie „Kokzidiostatika und Histomonostatika“,",3 +未在暂停或者终止服务六十日前向国务院信息产业主管部门报告的,由国,9 +removal of the apparatus had been required by the undertaker under paragraph 84(2). ,9 +for all operations. The word “local” or the time zone,3 +Fuel Storage Tanks ,7 +Drill out stiffener rivets. ,6 +Departures From Tower-Controlled Airports ,7 +"In fact, an increase in nose-up attitude may ",9 +Allentown ,6 +the procedure turn is made. ,9 +Continue to move ,6 +Minimum requirements for the organisation of awareness-raising support to ,7 +"outage could be disruptive, causing high workload",9 +Installation,7 +"use a runway as a taxiway, do not become confused and take ",9 +"gas in the atmosphere remains the same; however, there are ",9 +"""regionally significant"" project is",9 +§ 17 Zulassungsbedürftige Betriebe,7 +(Refer to 14 CFR Part 93.) ,9 +Vortex Movement Near Ground - with Cross Winds ,6 +Ranging sources ,6 +"relevant du CC, qui ne peut être réglé à l'amiable, est porté devant les tribunaux de ",9 += pounds of water per gallon of water. ,9 +REPAIR COTTON REINFORCEMENT AROUND PILOT PARACHTUE ATTACHING RING ,7 +"to hospital, the charge will be £743 (compared with £725 for injuries incurred the previous year). ",9 +The gas turbine-propeller combin- ,9 +other types of insurance to be taken out by the contractor. This insurance shall in ,9 +the propeller one blade opposite the direction of rotation and ,9 +Operating Limitations (Section 2),7 +bold terms defined in the Agreement have the same meaning when used in this Contract; ,3 +II.18.2. Grounds for termination by the contractor ,7 +§ 25 Übergangsvorschriften,7 +Key to Schedule 2 ,7 +Pneumatic orifice valve.,0 +"centerline lights, low intensity runway edge lights,",9 +"coefficients, to be more generally correct than the higher figure as ",9 +"sowie deren Lagerung, Dosierung, bestimmungsgemäße Anwendung und mögliche Nebenwirkungen,",3 +紹介患者に対する医療提供及び他の病院又は診療所に対する患者紹介の実績,3 +Fremdfirmenmitarbeiter die Zugangserlaubnis entzogen. ,9 +Risk Management Training for Experienced Pilots ,7 +health care professional is required to make. ,9 +The Contractor’s national partner is responsible for securing event assistant(s) to assist in the ,3 +102 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 ,9 +(一)不按照规定申报,甚至拒报污染物排放有关事项,或者在申报时弄,3 +As shown in ,9 +§ 5 Inkrafttreten,7 +aufgeh. durch Art. 4 Abs. 100 G v. 18.7.2016 I 1666 mWv 1.10.2021,7 +Oversight.,9 +"policies,",9 +Flight Procedures.,7 +Offenses Against Various Administrative Laws,7 +専ら加熱のために水を循環させるもの及び循環させることができる水の最大の流量,3 +Lycoming 0-233 Series Light-Sport Aircraft Engine,7 +package. A packing slip in the inside of the package shall identify the content of ,9 +[136-82.],9 +) 2000 c.8. ,1 +the deadline set by EU-OSHA. ,3 +Rates vom 22. Dezember 1995 zur Festlegung der Bedingungen und Einzelheiten für die Zulassung und,3 +2-7] Note the dynamic air pressure converted to static ,9 +reporting on results) and payments.,3 +Abschnitt 7,7 +"aluminum, or composite material transfer the impact forces of ",0 +соответствовать гигиеническим нормативам.,9 +As the flight speed approaches the speed of ,9 +Consideration should be given in replacing the tow ,3 +"heading, rate of turn, and slip/skid information.",9 +TABLE OF CONTENT ,7 +the heat and carries it through ducts into the cabin. As the ,9 +provided ,8 +Risk Management,7 +Figure 3-78.,0 +"calculators, all tools",3 +In the opinion of the auditors: ,9 +the presiding officer; ,3 +", unless the loss or damage ",3 +NSN: 1670-01-306-2100 ,7 +Motor routine 1 ,7 +ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ,7 +the FD/autopilot must first determine the aircraft’s current ,9 +blade passes the right side of the helicopter and increases,9 +門的な医療を提供する特定機能病院に関する前項の規定の適用については、同項第六,3 +Abschnitt 2,7 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +Voltage Regulation,7 + and has full legal effect; and ,3 +Wet or Dry Grinder,7 +insert title and number,7 +Agency reasonably requires. ,9 +" lightning, on",3 +Updated text ,7 +"on the one hand, and the scenario (as described in ",9 +its weight. Air moving past the gear aids in the extension ,9 +limited in scope and in time to fulfilment of Contractor’s contractual obligations ,3 +Facilities for Staff and Labor ,7 +If annual closed,9 +rotate only in the horizontal plane. This is done by lowering ,9 +". Each set of gerotors is separated by a steel plate, ",9 +alternate airports has become easier. Simply by pressing a soft ,9 +valence shell to valence shell of different atoms or ,9 +"[2035-1 (87, par. 5).]",9 +"a device incur more wear or damage according to use, action ",9 +IFR ATC arrival procedure published for pilot use in graphic ,9 +"676(b)(8) of the Community Services Block Grant Act, each State, ",9 +COMMON ERRORS DURING BASIC FLIGHT,7 +contenues. ,9 +"Errata as of October 21, 2013 ",7 +Le fatture devono indicare il luogo in cui il contraente (o capofila in caso di offerta congiunta) ,9 +takeoffs include the following:,9 +Landing—Stuck Left Pedal,7 +"most accurate results, the aircraft should always be headed ",9 +Conduct the Review ,7 +Effect of Wing Planform ,7 +USTIFICATIFS AUX FINS DE LA SELECTION,7 +Hold Short” ,7 +"The Perceive, Process, Perform (3P) model for ADM offers ",9 +INFORMATIONEN ZUR AUSSCHREIBUNG ,7 +to quickly focus on the appropriate flight instruments ,3 +is the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved ,9 +Other Airport Visual Aids,7 +two types of occluded fronts (warm front and cold front ,9 +number of unit thermistors electrically in parallel along its ,9 +Auxiliary Power Units ,7 +In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council ,7 +Mitglieds ,9 + Volume of space above the station where ,9 +Industry that an application for permission should be filed because the ,3 +few hours old.,9 +"With the approval of the Governor-General, a municipal council may make",9 +"object and the line of a road, field, or orchard as the far ",9 +この政令は、平成十八年一月一日から施行する。,3 +verhaltenswissenschaftliche Aspekte im Hinblick auf,8 +106. Appeal to Court of Appeal ,7 +II.20.6 Paiements intermédiaires et paiement du solde ,7 +as those for which the obligation to obtain permission is imposed pursuant to ,3 +Technician ,7 +BOTTOM SKIN,7 +Page 15 of 21 ,4 +where the optimum stabilized descent to landing can,9 +Contacts during the procurement procedure. ,7 +: Shipment of Goods with in-house transport and deployment (including ,3 +Painkillers can be grouped into two broad categories: ,9 +"reflected. In meteorology, the principal reflectors are the ",9 +"Bei dem Arbeitsprojekt soll der Prüfungsteilnehmer nachweisen, dass er, ausgehend von konkreten",9 +RELATIVE WIND ,6 +Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA),7 +a critical value of crosswind. ,9 +The dolly and packing if any shall be in sound condition. ,3 +CONFLICTING INTERESTS ,7 +– Fahranfängern,3 +Article II-13 ,7 +院を管理させることについてやむを得ない事情があると当該病院の所在地の都道府,3 +(Art und Umfang der Lose siehe Nummer 5) ,6 +Anti-Icing/Deicing,7 +Time for Planting ,7 +area forecast predicted cloud tops to flight level 240. Since ,9 +"Unless otherwise dictated by the design, reinforcement in precast concrete piles shall comply with the ",9 +for 1 hour with the battery voltage at or above 1.67 volts per ,9 +"auf Grund von § 35a Abs. 2 des Fünften Buches Sozialgesetzbuch festgesetzt. Für Arzneimittel, die nicht der",9 +Die Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I ist auf die Ausfuhr des Fahrzeugs zu beschränken und mit dem,3 +repairs must be strong enough to carry all of the loads with the ,9 +"range 329.15 MHz, to 335.00 MHz radiates its signals",9 +(iii) associations or foundations without legal personality; ,3 +COMMON ERRORS DURING BASIC FLIGHT,7 +"pain, while anesthetics are drugs that deaden pain or cause ",9 +"open. Know your gliders and if in doubt, do not be ",3 +Section 3. En Route Procedures,7 +"In isolated cases, an IAP may contain a",9 +Placing the Special Registration,7 +"eine Bestätigung eines Wirtschaftsprüfers, einer Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, eines vereidigten Buchprüfers,",9 +оборудуются,9 +Verify ignition OFF. ,3 +PRESSURE GAUGES ,6 +FotografMstrV,9 +disposal of animals sick of any dangerous communicable diseases;,9 +Event/conference assistant (half/full day) ,7 +"When a helicopter is banked, it turns. When the lateral",9 +Summary election appeal: determination ,7 + Group 3(,9 +Power factor: >0.9 ,3 +with FAA operations specifications.,9 +Affecting Pilot Performance,7 +(内水面水産資源に係る伝染性疾病の予防等),9 +BOTH SHEETS (Financial tender and Financial evaluation).,7 +"arrangement, compilation, assemblage, extraction; ",3 +II.5. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES ,7 +"the existing paragraph becomes sub-paragraph (1), and ",3 +location and reattach as per original.,3 +antitorque pedals represents a hazard.,3 +Where the payment periods have been suspended following rejection of a document referred ,9 +The contracting authority reimburses the cost of shipment of equipment or unaccompanied luggage ,3 +can quickly aggravate an abnormal flight attitude into a ,9 +the internal engine for cylinder compression; spark ,3 +Indicators for advertising educational conferences and B2B events,3 +sources constitutes an appreciable part of the total ,3 +performed by them shall be deemed part of the duties of the office to which they,9 +"management, collateral, ALM and",3 +"nocturnal cooling occurs. Usually, convective type storms ",9 +"energy, operating and maintenance costs and will allow traffic to circulate using a more fuel efficient ",9 +"Order or approval, permission or certification under the Export Trade Control ",3 +корабельного,9 +jedes einzelnen Vordrucks anhand der von der Bundesdruckerei angebrachten Nummerierung,3 +Responsible body ,7 +the full ownership of a specific product or service can transition from one contractor ,3 +"Often times in order to obtain a preflight weather briefing, ",9 +Objectives & Pricing ,7 +"Flaps are located on the trailing edge of the wing, inboard ",9 +"регистрационный № 59392), изложить в следующей редакции:",9 +: a simplified form of specific contract by which the contracting authority orders ,9 +"revising the middle column of row 165 of Appended Table 1, the provisions ",9 +Keeping weight to a minimum.....................................4-89,8 +greater nose dovm angle. ,9 +British thermal unit (Btu).,9 +in the event the banner does not release and snags an object. The pilot would then ,3 +the public;,3 +"will be collected, prioritised and potential ",3 +for a total of three layers of webbing. ,3 +does not need to apply drift correction to complete the turn.,9 +"In this section references to Members of the Assembly shall, in the event of Parliament ",9 +dokumentieren und in einem Prüfungsgespräch vorzustellen und zu erläutern. Bei der Auswahl der Aufgabe,9 +FACTURATION ,7 +"lowered by use of the ailerons. Simultaneously, the airplane’s ",9 +Repair Layout,7 +Coordination Best Practices ,7 +"shall expire on September 30, 2021.’’. ",9 +I.6.5. Trattenuta di garanzia ,7 +Placement of advertisements ,7 +"burden shifting to the Contracting Authority, and in a decrease of quality of service for the ",9 +15-2. Gyroplanes typically consist of five major com-,0 +Figure 4-61. ,0 + WSC Operations,7 +Static Discharge Wicks,7 +Abschnitt A Nr. 2.3 ,3 +Enlargement Negotiations. ,9 +Pitot/Static Instruments,7 +aircraft to the final approach course. The approach gate ,9 +§ 29 Auskünfte und Prüfungen,7 +"irradiation implement for medical care, medical appliance equipped with ",3 +- Seite 80 von 158 -,4 +normal autorotation by lowering the collective and rolling ,9 +Salvage gear and salvage apparatus held in the Philippine Islands and exported,9 +"maintenance records (14 CFR part 91, section ",3 +Министерством,9 +"lines attached to the trailing edge of the outer cells. By pulling on either the right or left control line, ",3 +Baustein „Individuelle Mobilitätsbedeutung“,7 +Unlawful Use of Denatured Alcohol.,9 +MG = 0.191 (,6 +the expiry of the FWC.,9 +"the downwind leg, you should begin planning for your",9 +"nature of the personal data breach including where possible, the categories and approximate ",3 +assigning a full-time person who performs operations related to the ,3 + A complete inspection of an aircraft and ,9 +"state-owned companies and other governmental institutions, which are involved or are ",3 +Fünfter Teil,7 +Contract is,3 +have minimum 1 MB memory.,3 +"Monte, San Mateo, Tagig, T",9 +policy on ,9 +II.16. REDUCTION IN PRICE ,7 +"obligations of security and confidentiality or other security related reasons, impacting on ",3 +for minimum power ,9 +II.17. SUSPENSION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FWC ,7 +Telephone System ,7 +"Also, a sheet of any length can be cut. ",9 +contracts/order ,9 +(iii) where the age specified in the classification certificate is less than 15 years but ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 105 of March 31, 2005]",7 +"distance from clouds, and ceiling less than the minimums ",9 +If unable to comply with the requirements of,9 +Termination by either party: ,7 +"der Wettbewerbssituation,",3 +"§ 28 Abs. 2, § 37 Abs. 2 und den §§ 42, 44, 45, 47, 49 oder 51a des Landwirtschaftsanpassungsgesetzes",9 +Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey that is scheduled to take place there on 9th ,9 +"large, adverse ",9 +Article 3 – PRICE ,7 +Schallimmissionsschutz,7 +にした行為に対する罰則の適用については、なお従前の例による。,3 +Evaluating the effectiveness of one’s ADM skills. ,3 +Resistor with taps,6 +"alinéa du présent article et que le nouveau document produit est également refusé, le pouvoir ",9 +of risk is worth the outcome of the planned activity. If the ,9 +Article 29 Delivery ,7 +SEVERABILITY ,7 +Mitarbeiter vor Arbeitsaufnahme eine interne Strahlenschutzbelehrung.,9 +"date and place of publication, date of creation, address of publication on the internet, number, ",9 +to the expected dialog box. ,3 + (ss 42-46) ,7 +Instructor Responsibilities,7 +Government within any subdivision to such place therein as the public welfare may,9 +(exclusion ,7 +Nature des dommages-intérêts ,7 +Surface preparation is very important to achieve the adhesive ,9 +"Oshkosh, WI 54902",9 +In the administrative area of East Suffolk Council ,7 +clude determination of the landing distance of ,9 +submitted in both hard copy and in electronic form approved by the Engineer. ,9 +as evidence in judicial proceedings. ,9 +Ensure ignition switches are turned off.,3 +un bon de commande par offre acceptée. Le montant à facturer correspondra au montant ,9 +"authenticity, completeness and correctness of the declarations and information they contain.",9 +"exclusion (FDE) capability, who perform a preflight",9 +Montag bis Samstag von 7.00 ,9 +RNAV routes. These routes can only be approved in a ,9 +Schedule of Payments ,7 +the pilot must recognize the increased responsiveness of the ,9 +"(e.g., acts, laws, policies, standards, etc.) that stipulate or drive the need for an air quality ",3 +"approach speed to a landing attitude, gradually rounding out ",9 +"Highest Level,",9 +the ground. W,9 +I.4.1. Preis des Vertrags und Höchstbetrag ,7 +or a declaration ,3 +gear extension handles,6 +for the Basic “T” TAA,9 +the NOTES or REMARKS section (Field 18) will not,9 +provide their own rationale and data for why their severity and/or likelihood determination differs ,9 +airspace before two-way radio communications are,9 +Throatless Shear ,7 +10.25.Vervielfältigungen: AG-seitige Ausführungsunterlagen und AN-seitige W+M Planungen,7 +ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ,7 +DIRECTIONAL CONTROL ,7 +variometers,9 +have no place in the aviation community.,9 +too quickly into line and the glider tends to acquire excess speed.,9 +Aménagement du chantier ,3 +of encounters of less than 500 feet separation may be considered potential risk.,3 +Obtaining Emergency Assistance,7 +"in the low points of the fuel system. If Avgas is used, drain ",9 +"used for that purpose by the delinquent, such as he may select, of a",3 +"permit under the preceding section, whether for a municipal cemetery or otherwise,",9 +Holding in Lieu of Procedure Turn,7 +Appended Table 6 (Re: Article 22) ,9 +AIRPORT DATA DEPICTION,7 +Light Sport Aircraft and Aircraft Certificated as ,7 +"Continue to flake canopy by pulling out seams, one by one, on each remaining cell. Smooth each cell ",3 +or generator by the electrical equipment. The RFM,9 +врача Российской Федерации,9 +State/local air quality governance agrees to revise the SIP to accommodate the action’s ,3 +PLANNING IN FMD CONTROL ,7 +rooms hosting 25 staff each. Rooms similarly equipped. ,3 +Functions of Generator Control Systems,7 +"Building on national and EU efforts, the Agency shall develop a high level of expertise. ",3 +‘received’ as,3 +Flaps extend outward from the fuselage to near the midpoint ,9 +Combustion heaters have low pressure in the combustion ,9 +and comparatively deep recesses. Small quantities of cup-,9 +Resistance should not exceed .003 ohm. When a jumper ,9 +- Seite 45 von 56 -,4 +28.06.2010,9 +"Kick-off meeting for definition of topic and key messages, elaboration of concept ",7 +"A beamer, a screen, the sound system, plus two (2) table microphones and two (2) roving ",7 +Rotary Machine,7 +§ 2 Kennzeichnung von forstlichem Vermehrungsgut,7 +§ 13 Sorgfaltspflichten bei Neukonten natürlicher Personen,7 +Information Management ,7 +DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +pressure (psi) = cabin differential pressure (psid or ,3 +outstanding matter of the Consumer Water Accounts involving an ,9 + the contracting authority in writing as soon as possible of any ,3 +"repair thereof, as hereinafter provided.",3 +Interior cabin lights ,3 +. — The conditions upon which a publication shall be admitted to the second,9 +§ 88 Auszahlung,7 +shaped background ,3 +"of Defense, during the period beginning on January 9, 1962, and ",9 +Special negotiated procedure under point 11.1(e) of ,7 +Repair Material Selection,7 +hazards. ,9 +Examination Requirements.,9 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 2 ,7 +"environmental, social and labour law established by Union and Community",3 +Identifizierung schließt eine Nutzung dieses Frequenzbereichs durch andere Funkstellen von,3 +In order to maintain a safe and efficient air,9 +"data from magnetic sources such as flux valves, heading ",9 +Zweites Ausbildungsjahr,7 +of the electrons occurs in somewhat orderly orbits called rings ,9 +Flight Risk Assessment Tools ,7 +"Ayuquitan, Bais, Dumaguete, Gihulñgan, Jimalalud, Manjuyod, Sibulan, Tanjay,",9 +Reference: ,6 +Anforderungen an den Auftragnehmer ,7 +Weight-Shift Control Aircraft ,10 +§ 26 (weggefallen),7 +"Event assistant(s) to run cloakroom, registration process on-site, handing out material ",7 +With the right pedal moved forward of the neutral posi-,9 +Inoperative Instruments and Equipment). In many,9 +91.409(e)).,3 +"‘‘(2) Notwithstanding subsection (a), an employee serving in ",9 +is taken by the pilot. It is often the case that the pilot fails to ,9 +Airport/Runway Information ,7 +Information about the Service Contract,7 +still required,9 +enger Zusammenarbeit mit der zuständigen Strafverfolgungsbehörde.,9 +on a small wooded mountain west of the,9 +Introduction ,3 +Global Positioning System (GPS)................................3-13,8 +The en route phase of flight is defined as that segment of ,9 +minimums unless he or she has met the requirements of Part ,9 +Data Protection ,7 +Amendment of article 18 ,7 +scanning techniques to help compensate for these limitations. ,9 +Mr. Chris Brady (www.b737.org.uk) for images used throughout this handbook,9 +des Hauptausschusses des Bundesinstituts für Berufsbildung im Einvernehmen mit dem Bundesministerium für,9 +addresses the purpose of the 180-day cycle as required by ,9 +functions which are mentioned above. ,9 +Duration of Training ,7 +finds that no irregulari,9 +Right tank ,6 +The SRM process is simple. At least five times before ,9 +"fractional part thereof, of the premium charged, two centavos.",3 +In case sickness follows as a direct and immediate consequence of the,9 +other during simultaneous dependent operations. ,9 +Initial Fuel Estimate .................................................5‑16,8 +and records of taxable persons and taxable objects ,3 +instrument flight to visual flight for landing.,9 +"RVSM Aircraft, and 4",9 +tail rotor blades and the tail boom assembly can affect the ,9 +EVALUATION AND AWARD ,7 +appointment of one person or more ,9 +expose the rods to the image. This can be done by looking 5° ,9 +ration of the boundary layer and produce ,9 +“relevant level” means a level of bilge water that— ,9 +"than 100 kilometres one-way, measured from Europol’s main headquarter in The Hague and only if ",3 +Telephone System ,7 +Airspeed Indicator (ASI),7 +"accounting exchange rate, established by the Commission and published on the website indicated ",9 +the validity of the sale depends.,9 + improvement of the,9 +emergency relief shall be available for administrative expenses and ,9 +Fahrtunterbrechungen und,3 +別表第一及び別表第六中金属製バット(野球用又はソフトボール用のものに限,3 +"праздников,",9 +当該代表理事となるべき者の住所及び氏名,3 +"The contractor should propose topics for news articles (an average of two per month), taking ",9 +er appointment; ,3 +landing surface. The round out and touchdown are normally ,9 +completely independent of any acceleration setting. ,9 +That part of total drag which is created by ,9 +CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVICES PROGRAMS ,7 +"The three digits of bearing, course, heading, or wind",9 +in the tender specifications. ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ",7 +the guarantee. The guarantee shall continue to remain valid until the contract has been ,9 +事項を法第十六条の三第二項の規定に基づく合議体で審議し、審議の概要を従業者に,3 +Performance Charts ,7 +ing the requirements of national defense.,9 +Christ Church ,9 +" Summarize how the software lifecycle has unfolded, and explain ",3 +Shipment Type 3,7 +Obtaining Weather Information,7 +Updated text: ,7 +metres where the diameter of the apparatus exceeds 750 millimetres; and ,3 +by striking subparagraph (C) and inserting the ,9 +"one of two methods: top down, gravity bleeding or bottom ",9 +"mainly on the fovea, where detail is best seen. At night, the ",9 +letzter Änderung durch Artikel 9 des Gesetzes vom 20. Oktober 2015,9 +Reshipment to Foreign Port,9 +"operator, its officers, servants, contractors or agents. ",9 + of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with ,9 +Minimum requirements for the organisation of awareness-raising support to ,7 +water drag forces to a minimum and allows energy to,9 +quickly changing orientations.,3 +II.13.6. Quotation of works in the result ,7 +Article 2 - ,7 +Diese Rechtsverordnung ist eine Ausbildungsordnung im Sinne des § 25 des Berufsbildungsgesetzes. Die,9 +hydroplaning. Steering ability and braking action is also lost. ,9 +"Article II.18.1, under the conditions set out in Article II.11.2 ",9 +Turbine blade with fir-tree design and lock-tab method ,0 +"Lambunao, Leon, Miagao, Oton, Passi, Pototan, San Joaquin, San Miguel, Santa",9 +"Amendment of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations ",7 +"flying for airplanes, basic flight maneuvers used in IMC, attitude instrument flying for helicopters, navigation systems, the ",9 +Safety switch ,3 +Air Traffic Clearance,7 +Students look to flight instructors as authorities in their ,9 +"data dissemination,",3 +0003 00-3 ,4 +Internal Quality Control (QC) ,7 +"documents for teaching risk factors, they are almost never ",9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ",7 +protection obligations resulting from Regulation (EU) 2016/679$^{2}$ and Regulation (EU) ,3 +are still valid at that date; ,1 +ordinary wing and its lift/drag ratio. An increase in aspect ,9 +Sensitive Altimeter,7 +severe deterioration ,9 +"the profiles foreseen in the FWC666,",3 +Tender submission: how many tenders may an economic operator ,7 +in assemblies. Further equipment ratings shown on components and equipment must show the values applicable ,9 +flight situation.,9 +one operating cycle. This principal operating ,9 +Legal and regulatory capacity ,7 +moving surfaces. ,9 +"knowledgeable and professional image. In addition, flight ",9 +Scope of the services in LOT 3 ,7 +Inhaltsübersicht ,7 +the performance of which security may be required; or to be surety on the official,9 +gewähren.,9 +and oil leaks; the anti-icing devices for defects and ,3 +での項の中欄に掲げる技術(輸出貿易管理令別表第一の一の項(五)、(六)及び,3 +〔昭和四十八年四月二十七日政令第百十五号〕〔抄〕,7 +Stretch Forming,7 +検査を実施した者の氏名,3 +subsection (2)(,3 +§ 86 Bürgschaften,7 +"conditions, it is the pilot’s responsibility to be vigilant to see ",9 +Entering Procedures,7 +Saatgutquellen und Erntebeständen;,3 +Empty-Field Myopia ,7 +diesem Gesetz oder den auf ihm beruhenden Rechtsverordnungen obliegen.,3 +"diesen Ort und in das Sitzungszimmer übertragen. Ist Beteiligten, Bevollmächtigten und Beiständen nach Absatz",9 +Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) ,7 +a minimum of 2 inches on each end.,3 +Initialization reliability: typically >99.9% ,8 +"lesson. Every learner has a slightly different system, but no attempt to record the lecture verbatim should be made. ",9 +APU fire extinguishing circuit.,0 +How is the system or NAS change interconnected/interdependent with other systems?,3 +the total distance over a 50 foot obstacle. ,9 +shall redistrict the territory,9 +§ 4 Verhinderung der Umgehung der Meldepflicht,7 +die operative Haftung.,9 +deform with time. ,9 +"are inserted at the turbine discharge, where the temperature ",9 +A corporation other than one classified as a U.S. ,3 +Where the franchise is for a steam railroad or marine railway,3 +Delegation of the European Union ,7 +"law, having its registered seat in ",9 +1.b) 2. Zwischenzahlung – Nach endgültiger Montage und Umschluß der ,7 +issued certificate that permits student pilots to ,3 +Teilnahme ausländischer Fahrzeuge am Straßenverkehr,7 + The threads in a piece of fabric that run the length ,9 +Quality control and risk management [,3 +"in the definition of “required”, omit “and the intended use of “technology” is irrelevant to ",3 +changes in C,9 +Travail en hauteur par un élévateur à nacelle ,7 +次に掲げる広報及び啓発並びに特定臨床研究の対象者等からの相談に応じるため,3 +The Cabinet,7 +the “central share” of non-domestic rating income by billing authorities. This instrument also ,9 +Benefits Of WAAS In The Airport Environment ,7 +Failure to review AFM/POH performance and charts ,3 +visions or articles of,3 +lift component and centrifugal force is reestablished either by ,9 +the engine exhaust is caused by the high degree of turbulence ,9 +は認証を受け��ところに従つてする対象役務契約又は対象役務の提供については、な,3 +"and your car runs like new. In contrast, modern professional ",9 +Press work: copywriting in national language of a press ,7 +Cylinder Start of Compression Stroke—Piston ,7 +"and the supervision fault will be indicated. The function works both ways, i.e. if the running signal is ",9 +Evaluation phase (after the opening of tenders) ,7 +"a constant attitude. During the transition, changes in control ",9 +1–5 knots,6 +ning of chapter 18 of such title is amended— ,9 +Lot 3: Organisation of corporate events ,7 +and efficiency.,9 +"effectively used short stopping distance. Additionally, ",9 +any report required by this section.,9 +"any agent, contractor or subcontractor acting on its behalf) to carry out any licensable marine ",9 +used in reciprocating engines. This oil does not contain any ,9 +Shipment Type 1,3 +performed on the horizontal plane. ,9 +nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des installations. ,7 +council which comprises part of the area of one of the North Northamptonshire ,9 +rate-of-climb (BROC) speed. The pilot manipulates ,3 +Student Pilot Applicant Requirements (SPAR) ,7 +"botanische Art sowie gegebenenfalls Unterart, Sorte, Klon, Klonmischung;",3 +"For example, a learner pilot should understand and master the technique of a normal landing prior to being introduced to short-field ",9 +deployment bags,6 +Labelling of patch cables: ,7 +Per i servizi di categoria/tipologia 1,3 +power being used to hover and the power available at the ,9 +criteria of the originally submitted tender may not be modified. ,9 +The Secretary of State must review the effectiveness of the amendments made by these ,9 +The following shall not be considered subcontracting:,9 +Air inlet,6 +than the minimum en route altitude (MEA) that provides ,9 +The following are examples of appropriate pilot-to-ATC ,9 +correctly set in the desired takeoff position. For the majority ,9 +Airspeed Limitations,7 +"and Industry No. 25 of May 30, 1986] ",7 +ing weight and the principal landing load ,9 +The contractor shall establish telephone lines (1 for pager system and 2 for other use). ,9 +Scientific data validation;,3 +The Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases (Amendment) (EU Exit) ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 500 of December 26, 1952] ",7 +To complete the process of stacking the wing there are ,9 +of altimeter settings. Most overseas airports give altimeter ,9 +Failure to properly adjust the pitch attitude as the ,3 +"of Finance Order, books and documents prescribed in the same paragraph and ",3 +CLARIFICATION No: 2,7 +inefficient. ,9 +числе содержащую сведения об отсутствии в течение 21 календарного дня,9 +Strainer ,6 +Wing Blowing Over After Touchdown,7 +§ 2 Ausbildungsdauer,7 +Many of the common conduit installation problems can be ,9 +§ 22 Bestellung der Mitglieder der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +Weight limitations are necessary to guarantee the struc-,9 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) ,7 +representative thereof; ,3 +applied during banked turn,6 +I.4.3. Reimbursement of expenses ,7 +"EARTH WORKS, PIPE WORKS AND GROUND IMPROVEMENT",7 +the helicopter to settle so rapidly that the tail rotor,9 +Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake),7 +engineer whose duties and powers shall include those prescribed for district,9 +tractor shall make his design calculations in accordance with the intended location of joints. ,9 +John Barbagello for John S. Duncan ,0 +Unterkünfte im Baugelände ,7 +"aircraft in the vicinity. Prior to each maneuver, a clear-",9 +Chart Limits,7 +спортивных организациях должны соблюдаться следующие требования:,9 +Fuel Gauges ,7 +wire with the free ends turned inwards. The longitudinal bars shall be held apart by spreader forks not ,9 +Verhalten bei Unfällen und Zwischenfällen;,3 +"above, for ",9 +contractor's liability for delay in completion shall immediately cease when the contracting ,3 +freeze and be incapable of doing anything to correct the situation that has caused their anxiety. Others may do things without rational ,9 +these bounces develop into side-skipping. This side-skipping ,9 +baseline expectations 6 to 24 months after the program goes into operational service. The ,9 +dissipate,9 +Short breaks ,7 +firm is a member of a national,3 +Air Mass Thunderstorms,7 +Installation of cables ,7 +completeness. Correctness means that the description accurately reflects the system without ,9 +radar facilities. Normally ARTCC emergency,9 +of airspace. Climb/descent within the block is to be ,9 +"furniture and utensils necessary for housekeeping, and",3 +Negotiation of placement of a stand’s advertisement at the Fair (e.g. the Fair´s magazine etc.) ,7 +"distress frequency 121.5 MHz. Many aircraft, including civil ",9 +"PIA TS-135, Revision 1.4, Issued April 22, 2010, Page 6 of 18 ",7 +Section 3 Measures for Revitalization of Fishing Ground Environment in ,7 +STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE TENDER ,7 +Press kits prepared with all relevant press information for dissemination just before the online ,7 +the minimum altitude plus the number of feet specified ,9 +conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals in the framework of an ,3 +"this consumption scenario, the overall price for the profiles across a 12-months ",3 +radiation generators; ,3 +.—(1) During ,9 +[1780-7.],9 +One problem with analog gauges is that the attitude indicator ,9 +a year in each environment. ,3 + Pre-conditions for the verification of the process performance ,7 +Wind Direction Indicators ,7 +are affected by changing the fuel flow. An increase in fuel ,9 +Every ASOS/AWOS will contain the,9 +Nach Gewicht gekennzeichnete Fertigpackungen ungleicher Nennfüllmenge dürfen nur in den Verkehr,9 +major terminals to guide pilots in planning their routes of ,9 +"(e.g. EuroMix, Human Exposome Project, HBM4EU and FOODSAFETY4EU). These projects ",3 +"provisions of this chapter, and the ordinances and resolutions of the",3 +県の区域にわたる区域を設定することができる。,3 +Amendment of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1191/2014 ,7 +aircraft. This installation may consist of either 6 or,9 +"Gefährdung, Einrichtung: Unzureichende oder nicht vorh. Beleuchtung in Gebäuden",7 +accommodate the general aviation community and regional ,9 +"Underslung, or ",8 +"a result, compressive stiffness and strength can be reduced ",9 +Updated text ,7 +channels and/or loops through which they are routed. ,3 +§ 22 Bestellung der Mitglieder der Kommission für Produktions- und Drehbuchförderung und der,7 +Direct Service Changes ,7 + Restriction to flight ,9 +provinces except Batanes must be approved by the Secretary of the Interior before,9 +authorities in any specially organized province contemplate applying for special,9 +measuring instrument. It is a thin-wall metal tube that has ,9 +the battery power used in starting is being replaced.,9 +Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between Japan and the ,9 +Compliance ,3 +ATC as early as possible of the intent to fly the VCOA,9 +triggering transformer and the capacitor connected with it. ,9 +WAIVER OF FEES FOR PURPLE HEART RECIPIENTS.—Section ,9 +specificato di seguito: ,3 +hardware incorporated into the main lift web or junction of ,9 +DECLARA nON OF POLICY AND DEFINmONS,7 +Small screen (CRT or LCD) ,9 +"material, or wrong size spray nozzle. ",3 +inch thick.,9 +glide............................................................................... 6-8,8 +"dition of all live-stock pens, stables, corrals, and other places of",9 +Common Error: Skipping the Preflight Weather ,7 +10.25.Vervielfältigungen: AG-seitige Ausführungsunterlagen und AN-seitige W+M Planungen,7 +"glider, always use at least one wing walker. The wing walker ",9 +Deployment Type,7 +In regulation 2— ,9 +" This does not refer to the type of account. The account name is usually the one of the account holder. However, the account holder",3 +"(iv) through (vi) and shall keep a dose at which a radiation care worker, etc. ",3 +This is known as anticyclonic circulation. The opposite ,9 +PIR Strategy ,7 +Bureau of Civil Service,7 +Appointment to Civil Service,7 +expiry of the contract liability period as provided for in the specific contract. ,9 +Acceptance (1) (2) (3) ,7 +"Before primer or paint is used for any type application, it must ",9 +"would be if the conductor were not insulated. Thus, ",3 +communicating,3 +are initiated. If bank control pressure and rate of bank ,3 +"implementation of measures to prevent the damage, develop technologies to ",9 +"* assignment of contract to a new entity, total or partial, including the payments or;",3 +Summary timetable comments ,7 +accordance with this waiver. ,3 +construction of any such works authorised by this Part of this Schedule (including without ,9 +Crossfeed of fuel from auxiliary tanks is not possible. From ,9 +Allgemeines,7 +"Turkish Official Gazette on 28 April 2015, no: 29340. It has been put into force by the government degree, no 2015/7708 that was ",1 +Failure to maintain altitude.,3 +Der Geltungsbereich der vorliegenden D-MSA-Policy ist in folgender Übersicht fett markiert$^{4)}$ :,9 +"contractor must provide all necessary assistance, including information, documents and files, to allow ",9 +руководителем Организации распорядком дня и в специальной зоне.,9 +"The Secretary of State, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 62(2B) of the Criminal ",9 +Perform dryrun reserve inspection and repack to airworthy standards meeting all FAA requirements,3 +pouvoir adjudicateur de ,7 +Equipment Condition ,7 + Identify the software configuration by part number and version. ,3 + The contractor must record and report to the contracting authority any problem that ,3 +Consider the pilot whose navigational information ,9 +You can find the Travel advice from the Dutch authorities at the following link: ,3 +"MINISTRY OF TERTIARY EDUCATION RESEARCH, SCIENCE AND ",7 +and of his identity as the person named in the nomination. The chief of the postal,9 +IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:,7 +"through the compressor, ",9 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +Wind Direction Indicators ,7 +Section 7: Conducting Dispersion Modeling ,3 +"§ 10 Angestellte, Arbeiter und Auszubildende",7 +administrés,6 +§ 84 Verwendung,7 +Article II-10 ,7 +"of the data subject. In respect of automated data processing, the ",3 +Pneumatic Deice Boot System for GA Aircraft,7 +means the reply signal includes altitude information.,9 +Servo tab.,9 +Thermocouple Placement,7 +医師、歯科医師、薬剤師、看護師及び准看護師、管理栄養士その他の従業者の員,3 +EMC: VDE 871-B/0875-E ,3 +"statements as required in the procurement documents, shall be contacted by the ",9 +"zur Änderung der Richtlinien 70/524/EWG, 74/63/EWG, 79/373/EWG und 82/471/EWG (ABl. L 332 vom",3 +I.4.2. Preisanpassungsindex ,7 +Situational awareness is the accurate perception and understanding of all the factors and conditions ,9 +SPECIAL INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCE-,7 +"and load the aircraft. So, the first decision point is preflight ",9 +"To understand what makes a glider fly, pilots must first have ",9 +threatening experience for those who are not accustomed to flying and the fear of falling is universal in human beings. While anxiety ,9 +"For the first entry of any business partnership or association, the fees",9 +"Before and during night flight, the pilot must consider the ",9 + is deemed to include any ,3 +between 3½ inches to 4½ inches of mercury. It is usually ,9 +d'équipements,7 +opportunities,3 +Technical documentation/operating instructions and all necessary documents ,3 +"Today, WAAS is already being used at more than 900 ",9 +Identify Post-Implementation Review Safety Requirements ,7 +are used for fuel overflow. A check valve allows the one-way ,9 +during approach and landing can be extremely ,9 +"In view of implementation and maintenance, the preferred content management system ",9 +I.14.3 Liability for alleged breach of intellectual property rights ,7 +Pilots should pay particular attention to position,9 +located in a position affording maximum visibility to pilots in ,9 +"ISO 2531 Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water or gas applications ",3 +EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM ,7 +"ФСБ России указанной государственной системы. "";",9 +Article 9 - ,7 +Abschlussprüfung,7 +Machines: 301 straight stitch—medium duty 7–11 SPI,3 +ity. Tell them everything depends upon the wing —if ,9 +expect. Checklists should be performed well in advance so ,9 +"airways, causing all waypoints ",6 +operate the turn and bank indicator. It can also have a larger ,9 + WSC Operations,7 +Quality of the Tender,7 +"Informations- und Kommunikationssystemen,",3 +Problem (SWAMP) ,7 +research has,3 +also have the tendency to rotate during aggressive climbs ,9 +Depending,9 +Normal Operation ,7 +" Raising the collective pitch control increases the pitch angle, or angle of incidence, by the same amount on all blades.",0 +Figure 4-30. ,0 +in the event gates happen to be unmanned (due to bad weather conditions and ,3 +by means of receipt information as prescribed in paragraph (iii) of the said ,3 +the rotational component of the relative wind is so low,9 +form a permanent lock.,6 +the EIB and the EBRD (“the Banks”) in amount of approximately EUR 150 m each. NIP grant of ,9 +CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE ,7 +Paragraph (2) does not require P to remain in isolation— ,9 +proaches (especially procedure turns and arcs);,9 +16.07.2021,6 +adverse reflection from clouds.,9 +Oil film acts as a cushion between two moving surfaces.,0 +"recognize the problem, disregard the false sensations, rely ",9 +tional stability because ,9 +Glide Slope/Glide Path,7 +"Untersuchungs- oder Auswertungszwecken,",3 +The hammer blow shall be in line with the pile axis and the impact surfaces shall be flat and at ,3 +"coverage), but current pilot reports or other ",3 +§ 32 Speicherung der Halterdaten in den Fahrzeugregistern,7 +"practices through training, outreach, and education. The FAA ",9 +Materials/ Parts ,7 +It must be capable of absorbing the high torque ,9 +TECHNOLOGY ,7 +Self-Launching Glider Propeller Malfunctions,7 +Management and placement of advertisement ,7 +representative from the Engineer will supervise the performance testing and the ,3 +sarà effettuato,9 +Botswana Energy Regulatory Authority (BERA) ,7 +", without prejudice however to the rules applying to ",9 +"to buy an airline ticket or rent a car, then a good decision has ",9 +Overall Summary of ECHA ICT Governance ,7 +The turboprop or propjet powerplant re- ,9 +pylon position are according to the apparent movement of the ,9 +"Industry No. 99 of March 29, 2001] [Extract] ",7 +By delivering the ,9 +Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) ,7 +referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference ,9 +Safety Alert,7 +"interpretation, application or validity of the FWC. ",3 +Quality of the Tender,7 +AUTHORISED DEVELOPMENT ,7 +Pressurization and Flexibility,7 +document requirements. ,9 +orient you during an ILS approach if there is a locator ,3 +"antitorque system, which adds weight. Therefore, the tail ",9 +helicopter to tilt in that direction.,9 +JURISDICTION AND FUNCTIONS ,7 +. — The several Secretaries of Departments shall submit annual,9 +do not exceed the design parameters).,3 +"change.“05300” is read, “the 300th day of 2005.” At the ",9 +PROJEKTBETEILIGTEN ,7 +Empty-Field Myopia ,7 +PM Emissions Modeling ,7 +When leaving the seaplane anchored for any length of,9 +HIGH RATE OF DESCENT,7 +The hammer blow shall be in line with the pile axis and the impact surfaces shall be flat and at ,3 +appropriate aeronautical publications. ,9 +imperative to determine electronic display malfunctions. The ,9 +"appliance, etc."" in this paragraph) or in operations incidental thereto and ",3 +§ 8 Dokumentation,7 +"of the structure, various major components ",9 +Specific provision related to reimbursement of expenses for shipment of Goods ,7 +"If there is any conflict between different provisions in this FWC, the following rules must be ",9 + (ss 108-116),7 +In case of death due to other causes the right to hold public funerals in an,9 +fight against the FMD. ,3 +Reduced induced flow,6 +Information to be filled in ,7 +"such as eye protection, adequate ventilation, and avoiding ",9 +Die Ausbildenden haben unter Zugrundelegung des Ausbildungsrahmenplans für die Auszubildenden einen,9 +Aircraft Battery Ratings by Specification,7 +"within 10 miles of any airport, or in conditions of",9 +Assembling control frame.,0 +recurrent services (e.g. Application Management services). ,3 +List of consumables. ,3 +Post-Implementation Safety Assessment ,3 +according to the actual situation of supply of and demand for medical care in ,3 +condition of the component or system. Record discrepancies ,9 +"such data, in order to: ",3 + requires to store and use for the performance ,3 +in the United states,7 +case the wind is reported with six digits. The first three digits indicate the direction the true ,3 +Sale of Distrained Property,9 +during or as a consequence of ,3 +the maximum amount of guaranty entitlement available to the ,9 +Event/conference assistant (half/full day) ,7 +Rivet Strength,7 +Evaluation of tenders on the basis of the award criteria,7 +submitted with the invoice. ,3 +When the Special Conditions (or exceptionally the provisions of a particular ,3 +Chemical Rain Repellant,7 +Verify the seams of the patch are even and thread ,3 +Civil Aircraft Operations Transiting,7 +Invitations to be sent out via e-mail by the Contractor’s national partner; ,3 +‘‘(c)(1) If the duties of a qualifying position under subsection ,9 +Installation of Rivets,7 +taking off from small areas surrounded by high obstacles. ,9 +§ 8 Teil 2 der Abschlussprüfung in der Fachrichtung Instandhaltungstechnik,7 +"Lenkzeiten,",3 +Protective works to buildings ,7 +electrostatic interference is essential on all aircraft. In ,9 +ANTITORQUE PEDALS,7 +parachute,9 +"private Organisationen, die die Aufgabe Wasserrettung oder Seenotrettung im öffentlichen Auftrag erfüllen,",3 +you should declare an emergency due to low fuel and,9 +BOTH SHEETS (Financial tender and Financial evaluation).,7 +(+++ Textnachweis Geltung ab: 1.4.1970 +++),9 +Electronic Flight Instrument Systems,8 +〔平成二十五年四月十日政令第百二十号〕,7 +real-time image like that produced by an enhanced flight ,9 +"image quality (for hybrid and ""online +"" activities) ",3 +is not excessive.,9 +located along the centerline in the area between the beginning ,9 +Sample Problem 2 ,7 +arrangement allows the helicopter to function without the ,9 +"to a helicopter, is the movement of",9 +jedoch in jedem Fall zu vermeiden. ,9 +Registration of participants ,7 +Rubber Bands,8 +force in the Republic of Turkey; ,3 +systematic fraud. The total recoveries for all the cases totalled,9 +"Seeschiffe, welche die Bundesflagge nach § 1 zu führen haben, dürfen als Nationalflagge andere Flaggen",9 +pilot’s evasive act or action. Situations where large evasive maneuvers are necessary to,3 +(This note is not part of the Regulations) ,7 +Improvement Plans ,7 +"‘Glossary of terms’, Annex A1a to the practical guide, which forms an integral part of the ",3 +(iii) date of conducting capital transactions; ,3 +initially awarded. This includes but is not limited to notifying EFSA of changes which may have affected ,9 +the supersonic flow and the subsonic flow on ,9 +SRM Panel Deliberations ,7 +verpacken) darf nur in Räumlichkeiten mit eingeschränkter Zugangsberechtigung erfolgen. Es ist ein,3 +also be referred to by such title.,9 +may be lighted for night operations. The small end of the ,9 + Figure 5-44B,9 +Article 32 Warranty obligations ,7 +法第六条、第七条第二項、第八条から第十条まで及び第十一条第一項第一号の規定,3 +Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes - Niederlassung Nordbayern,3 +lieutenant-governor for the combined subpro,9 +Normal Takeoff from the Surface,7 +"winds aloft, in conjunction with the desires of the balloon ",9 +change from transition level (QNE) to transition altitude ,9 +"mastered, practice on flanged joints by tacking and welding ",9 +"the return flight, the most favorable winds would be along ",9 +"the year then ended, in accordance with International Financial ",9 +Airmanship.,9 +die Kommission für Kinoförderung.,3 +"Slider. The slider, used for reefing, is made of Type I nylon, is dome shaped, and measures 27 ",3 +"and obtains an amended clearance, if deviation is",9 +Autorotation is the state of flight where the main rotor,9 +Cumulated participation of 600 Tourism operators in B2B matchmaking events (the ,3 +"not exceed 2100 mm measured from finished floor level to the highest point of the assembly. Isolator handles, ",9 +keep the aircraft tracking over the desired track.,9 +本邦の公共的機関から外国の公共的機関に友好を目的として寄贈される貨物,3 +A modified image picked up by the ,9 +replace any work or structure (including lake walls); ,3 +Starting System,7 +Governance (WP 1.1) ,7 +Airport Marking Aids and Signs,4 +Amendment of the Northamptonshire (Structural Changes) Order 2020 ,7 +Operating Limits for Wright Engine ,3 +Optic nerve,6 +"Vaccine Effectiveness, Burden and Impact Studies of COVID-19 and Influenza",6 +For the purposes of this Order— ,3 +ransfer the risk by using a different airplane. ,6 +Automatic Activation Devices ,7 +"piloting skills, and with the aircraft and engine in good ",9 +GENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURES ,7 +authorized training provider under a training program,9 +strength with time and distance behind the generating,9 +Temperature Correction,7 +to support and include restrictions as to the user of land arising by the virtue of a contract. ,9 +"contracting authority decides to pursue the recovery procedure, it must confirm recovery by ",9 +"Strahlenschutz, Strahlenpass ",7 +would be insufficient and total lift might be less than needed ,9 +"Before starting the maneuver, a straight ground reference ",9 +Locate lines 1D and 8D. ,3 +FLIGHT CONTROLS,7 +Invacuation des délégués et des visiteurs ,7 +Hi-Lok$^{®}$ Fastening System,7 +れた非居住者自由円勘定」を「第六条第一項第六号(定義)に規定する非居住者の本,9 +chapters.,9 +"flights over fixes at four corners of the traffic area, while ",9 +tables and chairs/other furniture; ,3 +functioning. At the same time that the main metering system ,9 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 367 of August 26, 1952]",7 +face of the concrete within a tolerance of 1$^{o}$. The boards shall extend without any gaps from the under-,9 +Declaration of Honour (DoH) ,7 +LEVEL FLIGHT,7 +Article I-15 ,7 +due to the bright flashes. Dark adaptation is also impaired by ,9 +Northerly Turning Errors ,7 +by up to 50 percent and causes a high spot in the rope ,3 +Europäische Kommission – JRC Karlsruhe,9 +Article 28 Delayed payments ,7 +Duplex fuel nozzle. ,0 +"Supplementary Provisions [Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ",7 +edge foldback using procedures detailed in this WP. ,3 +§ 83 Zuerkennung,7 +under any other bilateral or multilateral agreement or ,3 +"For example, the difference between a daily maximum and ",9 +国及び地方公共団体は、内水面漁業の振興に関する施策を効果的に実施するた,3 +der Klasse AM (2 Doppelstunden),7 + ou des copies de ceux-ci; ,3 +Engine Fire Switches,7 +(一)具有撤销权的当事人自知道或者应当知道撤销事由之日起一年内没有,9 +Acronyms ,9 +"after the definition of “fair access protocol”, insert— ",3 +wind provide a management tool for risk reduction.,9 +Background and objectives ,7 +"the contracting authority's right to recover the amount of the premium it paid, and to ",9 + SQIs) to monitor and assess the achievement of the ,3 + FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ORDER FORM,7 +ALS provide the basic means to transition from,9 +advancing blade which does not subside of its own accord. ,9 +To electrical loads,6 +"weather conditions, aircraft mishaps, or other critical information.",3 +équipement relatifs à l’exécution de ces travaux. Les techniciens chargés de l'exécution auront ,9 +Declaration and evidence ,7 +the particular province.,3 +Ausführung von Geotechnischen Erkundungen,3 +Regulations 2021. ,9 +must be controlled by changes in power ,9 +"TASKS, DELIVERABLES, TIMELINE AND PAYMENTS ",7 +"Instandhaltungs-, Fertigungshandbücher",8 +Chapter 7—Takeoffs and Departure ,7 +inception report,3 +"Werk- und Montageplanungen (W+M) des AN, Dokumentation PPM Raum ",7 +movement of the heading indicator.,9 +pitch position,3 +APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY-,7 +"the cyclic will be closer to the center, which gives you",9 +if EMFAC is used to generate emission factors instead of MOVES models. ,9 +"30, 50, 75 and 100 pax event: 1 conference assistant ",3 +field creates a magnetic field and induces power in the ,9 + if he or she— ,9 +"When a penetration resistance test is conducted, the tip of the ",9 +"Reactions to stress may produce abnormal responses in some people. With them, response to anxiety or stress may be completely ",9 +"Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, ",9 +"Insektenfraß oder sonstige Schädigungen auch unbekannter Ursache (Kalamitätsnutzungen), erforderlich",9 +engagement. This is critical in boosting stakeholders’ understanding of ,3 +"der Inhaltsstoffe, ernährungsphysiologischer Grundlagen sowie von Markttrends, entwickeln und",3 +"to turn from a heading of 305° to a heading of 110°, ",3 +Allgemeines Wohngebiet (WA),7 +prolonged periods on one tank causes an unbalanced fuel load ,9 +because the contractor has not produced the appropriate documents or deliverables; or,3 +"display, Final Monitor Aid (FMA) of the PRM ",9 +Autopsie der sterblichen Überreste von Besatzungsmitgliedern und anderen Insassen des Luftfahrzeugs zu,9 +weather has nothing to do with the criteria for,9 +of attack must be maintained to hold airspeed ,9 +Capillary,6 +"should be given to outside visual references, as well as the ",9 +The Safety Requirements Verification Table contains all of the safety requirements identified ,9 +Pr = revised price; ,9 +powers under Schedule 21 to the Coronavirus Act 2020. A number of timescales are also relaxed. ,9 +Les bons de commandes (Purchase order) seront numérotés dans l'ordre de leur émission par ,9 +(Funding & Tenders portal) ,9 +the housings together.,3 +value for the purpose of providing desired spacing. ,9 +(RNAV) Systems on Conventional,7 +Minimum rpm value: 36 rpm or lower ,8 +DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. ,7 +number with the EPR that produced a specific RPM. The ,9 +Pilots also need to understand that non-pilots may not ,9 +Eingang dazu,3 +determine if installation is satisfactory. ,9 +THEORY OF OPERATION ,7 +of replacing its ,9 +how to accomplish the overall objective of a course of ,9 +"The cover to the outermost reinforcement, including binding wire shall not be less than 75 mm meas-",9 +I.5. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS ,7 +"amount of tension on a cable, a tensiometer is used. When ",9 +to get airborne. Excessive back pressure on the control stick ,9 +PIA-TS-108.1,7 +SPECIAL CONDITIONS ,7 +Aborted Landings,7 +uses insert-type bushings.,3 +pilot’s reference point of several inches in relation to the ,9 +II.9. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA,7 +the near neutral position. Deflected in the same direction as ,9 +Identification of Paint Finishes,7 +Initial TEMP ,7 +Safety of excavation and adjacent structures ,7 +"information required by Table 1 may be marked in another location, if desired.",9 +Pricing Model Details ,7 +"projected downward. Anytime a helicopter is producing lift, ",9 +A compass correction card shows the deviation ,0 +patterns is approximately .75 inch for the length. In ,9 +Tiled pavements for walkways consisting of approved concrete slabs with a minimum thickness of 50 ,9 +Aeromax 100 engine specifications. ,0 +the municipality and provide for their burial in such proper place and,3 +Floating Waypoints ,7 +Principal powers ,7 +[Figure 5-22],9 +"if the President, by instrument in w",3 +TURNING FLIGHT,7 +and Light-Sport Aircraft Certification Functions ,3 +"suspension lines. The pilot chute, bridle line, and deployment bag comprise the main deployment ",3 +"Remove reserve ripcord grip from pocket and pull, removing ripcord cable from housing. ",3 +improving the lives of the citizenry as well as to conserving the natural ,3 +the year under review. ,9 +Venturi Tube Systems,7 +〔昭和四十七年十二月十五日政令第四百二十七号〕,7 +"ihn nach Maßgabe noch zu erlassender Programme zu veräußern, kann der Pächter auf Grund dieser Erklärung",9 +Functional requirements for pipe systems ,7 +complished without an increase ,9 +aerodynamic bal- ,9 +"has set up for the same approach ensuring obstacle clearance, ",9 +Processing of personal data by EFSA as contracting authority ,7 +"barriers, ",9 +"if the President, by instrument in w",3 +Ausbildungsverhältnisses mit dem Inhaber einer Ausbildungsfahrschule zulässig ist.,9 +"Programme, and ",3 +"JUN 13, 2008",6 +§ 2 Familienpflegezeit,7 +"contracts after the promulgation of this Code, shall be subject to the provisions hereof.",9 +will comply with,9 +small fuel pump called an accelerating pump. A common type ,9 +to three numbers and/,9 +"frustrated, which weakens the intended learning connection. ",9 +Fabric Heat Shrinking,7 +Another method of towing uses specially designed towing ,9 +The time since last overhaul of all items installed on ,3 +ENISA F-COD-20-T03 ,7 +As the aircraft reaches a height where the back wheels are one ,9 +third parties. ,9 +Level transmitters,9 +Long-Term Memory (LTM) ,7 +straight-and-level with the ,9 +"adjacent islands, and comprises the following municipalities:",9 +ROM or by ftp download.,9 +Other Countries and Territories from which a licence may have been ,7 + lors d'une invacuation: ,9 +justice of the peace for the city of Manila or for any provincial capital who has not,9 +seems simple,9 +Neither paragraph (2) above nor section 6(3) of the International Organisations Act 1968 ,9 +EN ROUTE PROCEDURES,7 +"with sealing wax, on which shall be stamped the seal of the Bureau of Science, and",9 +ilt~gular ,10 +Manager (Contracting,9 +What to do if this notice is served on you,7 +Idle Mixture,7 +§ 1 Berufsbild,7 +for an attitude change is developed. During the ,3 +Information” section. ,9 +in Mach number ,9 +"Code, is amended by inserting ‘‘(including offshore of such Republic ",9 +⦁ $_{icing conditions or at altitudes above the freezing level }$,3 +Effects of Flight Conditions,7 +Demonstration-Performance Method ,7 +Place of performance and number of meetings of LOT 3 ,7 +Pilot’s view of crossing a reference line (road) at 90,0 +"Lighting, 2",9 +"turbojet aircraft possessing one set of flight controls, ",9 +SATZ AMPS,6 +[Figure 5-36] ,9 + See temporary flight restriction. ,9 +Communal Forests,7 +the text of the disclaimer notice if any. ,3 +Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM),7 +Pilot RVSM Operating Practices and,7 +Group leader ,9 +tender) must provide the following information in its tender if it has not been provided with the Legal ,9 +Trailing edges of control panels are highly vulnerable to ,9 +which are made payable to customers.,3 +BASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING ,7 +Maintenance,9 +lifted and re-laid. Joints shall be grouted up with mortar. The application projects shall be prepared by ,9 +Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 1 V v. 15.5.2017 I 1194,9 +[Figure 6-6],9 +management. Types of risk and the experience of the pilot ,9 +"In entry PL9009.a.2.g., for “Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)” substitute ““UAV””. ",9 +Provided ,9 +cross-country,9 +Mr. Bob Hall (www.pro-fusiononline.com) for image used in Chapter 5 ,9 +documents,9 +II.5.5. Authorised persons in e-PRIOR ,7 +§ 6 Abschlussprüfung,7 +"Elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr, Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme,",3 +Transmitters and receivers must be connected to their ,9 + (aperture) is the opening at ,6 +"Vice-President or a Minister, if he or she ceases to be the Vice",3 +. — When real property belonging to the Government of the,9 + Waiver Approval,3 +Figure 3-13.,9 +examination in that the auditor only observes the process; no physical evidence is obtained. ,9 +2–3 feet landing gear height above the intended landing ,9 +Benutzung der Strecke oder im Falle einer Stundung zu dem festgesetzten Zeitpunkt an den Privaten zu,9 +of time. This gives the pilot more altitude from which the ,9 +Figure 16-24. ,0 +Transitional provision ,7 +§ 33 Übermittlung von Daten an das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt,7 +the wing to aerodynamically change the lift on each ,3 +air through a mixed exhaust nozzle. This type engine ,3 +Individual signals and components are identified by means of tag numbers.,9 +"but although the wind moves the waves, the water",9 +"Monitoring, sampling and analyses ",7 +Minamata Convention on Mercury comes into effect in Japan. ,3 +obstructions and landing considerations.,3 +network is supplemented by FAA and DOD radar,9 +事項は、法第七十条の十七第六号に掲げる事項に係るものとする。,3 +ground and wind indicators must be checked to determine ,9 +altitude reporting capability.,9 +"der Beigeladene,",3 +Description: Shortening of the lower leg straps,3 +as battery temperature moves away from the 60 °F ,3 +"c Committee, More SJ, Bampidis V, Benford D, Bennekou SH, Bragard C, Halldorsson TI, Hernandez-Jerez AF, ",1 +the baggage compartments and under the floor area. It exits ,9 +91.203(a)(1).,9 +"and municipal works and improvements, the letting of contracts",3 +focal points and partners at national level ,7 +Variable Restrictor,7 +principal component. ,9 +“Other airspace areas” is a general term referring to the ,9 +paper versions ,7 +121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz.,9 +the basket form a huge loop that may snag a tree limb and ,9 +specified altitude.,9 +II.20.4. Überweisungskosten ,7 +AIRPORT STREAM FILTER (ASF)- An on/off ,9 +Disconnect the engine power lever and propeller control rods ,9 +Video production ,3 +Figure 4-76. ,0 +Abschnitt IV,7 +Eingangsformel ,7 +"Adenauer, ",9 +Bleeding Master Cylinder Brake Systems,7 +"Article 30-27-2 The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall request the ",3 +pilot may be asked to expedite or deviate from a traditional ,9 +note is sent to the contractor. The contracting authority must release the guarantee within the ,9 +Advantageous:,7 +required capability will be listed in the PBN box. The,9 +flight deck shows the average temperature measured by the ,9 + (ss 108-116),7 +Overheating of a tire weakens it even though the damage ,9 +Union stakeholders to support a response to large-scale cyber incidents that take place across borders ,9 +duration thereof. ,9 +Interazioni tra i rischi elencati nel paragrafo 7.2 e le attività del Contraente elencate nel pa,3 +"necessary, the consequential provision of a jointing chamber or of a manhole must be ",3 +material and the No. 8 grommet must be removed to expose the ,9 +pitot-static system in aircraft with EFIS. The redundancy of ,9 +Санитарные правила,7 +21040624.ос,4 +Coordinating Calculations with Aeronautical ,7 +"NAVAIDs outside of the SSV, when Extended",9 +usually plumbed to a non-pressurized baggage compartment. ,9 +"""10 MESH-",6 +Measurement of winding resistance. ,3 +with its nose tilted down; if the CG is too far aft of the,9 +Payment of the balance may take the form of recovery.,9 +accelerate slowly or stumble as it tries to accelerate. ,9 +TOGETHER WITH A LEGIBLE PHOTOCOPY OF THE IDENTITY DOCUMENT,7 +Improper Wing Flaps Setting,7 +"the probability of a safe flight. ADM provides a structured, systematic approach to analyzing changes ",9 +the problem and the skill to control the aircraft using only ,9 +Safety Performance Targets and Monitoring Plans ,3 +II.20.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +identification and invitation of ,7 +Instructor’s Handbook. There have been some minor changes ,9 +aggiudicatrice. ,7 +the data source and in the data format in terms of the need to refactor the ,3 +Steeper bank,6 +"the pressure inside the cabin is 10.92 psi, it can be ",3 +"or forgotten. Checklists need not be “do lists.” In other words, ",9 +室の放射線障害の防止に関する構造設備及び予防措置の概要,3 +"image quality (for hybrid and ""online +"" activities) ",3 +Wing Rising After Touchdown ................................8-35,8 +Remember that,9 +Figure 15-19,9 +"of high pressure. On multiengine airplanes, the unfeathering ",9 +Legal effects of the invitation to tender and submission of a request to ,7 +"surface to 10,000 feet MSL surrounding the nation’s",9 +must be the sum of the data in the ,1 +Ziel und Inhalt der Ausbildung,3 +Specific provisions related to the supply of goods ,7 +"are not rejected under Article 141 of the FR, whose tenders are not found to be ",3 +VFR over-the-top.,9 +Pin the damaged rib to the pin board to stabilize the ,3 +Technical equipment list should be agreed with EU-OSHA’s national partner (necessity of ,3 +FINAL 09.07.20 ,5 +Air Quality Assessment Decision Flow Diagram ,3 +places the entire world on one time standard.,3 +and are used for starting the ,9 +" Access to Knime software, ",3 +besichtigen; das Grundrecht der Unverletzlichkeit der Wohnung (Artikel 13 Grundgesetz) wird insoweit,3 +Anti-Icing/Deicing,7 +optional equipment. Use these records to determine the,9 +Identifies a potential collision,9 +person aboard it; or ,3 +...............................................................2-14,8 +LDECREASED ,6 +who has been trained to pack ram-air reserves. Title 14 CFR ,9 +"observers use a fixed time, spatial averaging",9 +"administration of his estate is had, take possession of such estate, make a complete",9 +the IFR requirements for their particular helicopter.,9 +Verbesserungen einzuarbeiten und die Unterlagen zu aktualisieren. Danach werden ,3 +aircraft. Calling other glider pilots in the area on the glider-to-,9 +vorliegenden,3 +the application is to be taken to have been refused by the relevant authority at the end of that ,9 +"FAF to the MAP, and provides the time required to transit ",9 +"and Industry No. 39 of July 30, 1983] ",7 +Apprentice and Junior Surveyors,7 +BLADE PITCH ANGLE,7 +"Sans préjudice de l'article II.26.3, en cas de litige entre les parties résultant de l'interprétation ou de ",9 +HEADING INDICATOR,7 +thrust load that tends to bend propeller blades forward as the ,9 +nome/cognome/posizione,6 +decision making processes within the project team; ,3 +NAS Change.,9 +ancillary sportspersons involved in that elite sports event; ,3 +the Committee before deciding whether to exercise ,9 +PERSONAL DATA AND CONFIDENTIALITY ,7 +Class B airspace. Pilots should not request a clearance,9 +Tender report.,7 +the editorial calendar to support the suggested topics and as main sources for reference.,9 +received in cash for purchases of plots by members of the public.,3 +installed in locations where the ambient temperature ,3 +sensing pressure changes.,9 +Operating plans. ,9 +"held, the slower the touchdown speed and the shorter",9 +"enforcement(April 1, 2017) ",3 +OPERATIONS ,7 +contact from vibration or the movement of a control surface ,9 +"For the entry of powers of attorney and of substitutions, modifications, and",9 +"plans, response ",9 +"When the inbound course is toward the NAVAID, the fix distance is 10 NM, and the leg length is 5 NM, then the end of the",9 +"of the real property tax, shall unlawfully reenter thereon shall be punished by a fine",9 +wheels contact the landing surface.,9 +—distance ,9 +II.2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EVENT OF A JOINT TENDER ,7 +ein von ihr bestimmter Nachweis über die Vorschriftsmäßigkeit oder ein Gutachten eines amtlich,3 +blow out. ,9 +Suction gauge—a pressure gauge which indicates the ,9 +for self-quarantine at the time of travel to The Netherlands; ,3 +"en route, terminal, and approach operations over all the ",9 +figure 3.9 by the drawing for M= 1.05. If the ,9 +products can then be accessed by pilots using the,9 +次に掲げるところにより、他の病院又は診療所に対する患者紹介を行うこと。,3 +might cause a situation that hinders Japan's contribution to international ,3 +"the runway. Additionally, the tow pilot should ensure ",3 +Seite 69 von 76,4 +CONTRACT No. ,10 +‘Performance of the contract’,9 +Supply of documents ,7 +rows that are called gores due to their triangular shape. ,9 +Fire Bottle Discharge,7 +A rating of the anti-detonation characteristics ,9 +Article 33 After-sales service ,7 +"is improperly set, the effect is most pronounced on those ",9 +ILS Function,7 +"(10 points, ",3 +come into effect as of the date of promulgation. ,9 +Solution. ,9 +"Radar Beacon, Phraseology, 4",9 +"your ability to scan for traffic, monitor engine instruments, ",9 +Equipment Condition ,7 +the individual’s preconceived concept of what is important. Other factors can influence the reception of information by sensory ,9 +The data items listed in Table 1 need not be marked at the same location on the ,9 +Radio equipment ,3 +Northerly Turning Errors,7 +e judge of the proper district.,9 +the harness,3 +Loosen bridle line girth hitch enough so that pilot chute can be passed through loop in end of bridle ,3 +Fahrerlaubnis,7 +resubmission of such data or information. Master files shall ,9 +Obtaining Weather Information,7 +Landesrecht zuständigen Behörde vorzulegen. Absatz 2 bleibt unberührt.,9 +under section 505(b)(1); or ,9 +Powered Parachute Wing,7 +INITIAL SETUP: ,7 +"substitution. If not, then the manufacturer must be contacted ",9 +affect acquisition of rights by Europol under this paragraph.,3 +II.21.7. Suspension of the time allowed for payment ,7 +are intended to improve the situational awareness of,9 +"required in a lesson plan, including objectives, content, and ",9 +"After turning 90°, the aircraft’s heading becomes more ",9 +"action, Identify solutions, Do the necessary actions, and ",9 +Figure 10-48. ,0 +When the aircraft is operated above the altitude where the ,9 +EFVS operations to 100 feet above the TDZE in the,9 +8-inch and a diameter on the outer surface ,9 +Incorporation — Powers,9 +cannot be repaired or retreaded. Consult the tire manufacturer ,9 +Autopilot Systems,7 +Turbine Engine Operation,7 +NAVIGATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION (Continued),7 +should have all the more respect for the oper- ,9 +12(3)(c) to be an incident in relation to which the applicant is entitled to victims’ payments;,9 +. — The president shall be,9 +Children Act 1989 representations ,7 +VALUE ADDED TAX ,10 +name of the ,7 +— The certificate of Philippine register shall be in such form as shall be prescribed,9 +"approach segments, the initial scaling will be",9 +Einzelnen sowie der Zuständigkeit der (Sicherheits-) Behörden auf. ,9 +Effective Translational Lift (ETL),7 +The evidence pertains to: ,7 +pilot. Lack of system standardization compounds the problem ,9 +Protection of Retained Trees ,7 +Conditions ,7 +any of the following if that person intends to export goods to a region other ,3 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of September 1, 1959] ",7 +The 2018 EU-China Tourism Year (ECTY) is one of the concrete contributions of the Union ,9 +"section 71 (additional accommodation works by owners), except for the words “or ",9 +boundaries for those that do require an assessment. ,9 +omply with the clearance. If you do not understand the ,9 +Article 3 With regard to the application of penal provision to acts committed ,3 +aircraft time conducted while on tether. This is an incorrect ,9 +"available,” even if the receiver is certified for LPV",9 +"228 of 1949) or approval under Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade ",3 +is not always the case. The untrained instrument pilot ,9 +"(TACAN) stations, using a variety of navigation systems. ",9 +date] (the “Start,3 +〔平成二十四年七月十九日政令第百九十三号〕,7 +$^{ }$Common Paint Troubles,7 +"observed using natural vision may be less, as long as",9 +Air Quality Assessment Protocol ,7 +* End of template document * ,9 +Qualification,9 +Role of the Avionics Manufacturer ,7 +Obtaining Assistance from the FAA ,7 +"Administration Building. Telephone lines and sockets shall be foreseen for Administration Building, ",9 +performance factors.,0 +двух часов,9 +possible IMC over mountains. Because her destination airport ,6 +"of each municipality, the senior supervising engineer shall fix the",3 +Wire gauge.,0 +The engine crankshaft position where the spark occurs. ,3 +Figure 4-172. ,0 +U.S. Government charting corrections ,3 +time to produce successful results. ,3 +Minimum 2.5 m$^{3}$/hour capacity ,3 +Schedule of Payments ,7 +Autorisations pour certains travaux ,3 +Chapter 10: Aeronautical Decision-Making and Judgment ,5 +"at a lower voltage and energy level, are used for certain ",9 +"his authorized agent, of the ground upon which such action is contemplated. In",9 +on the head within a circle having a maximum ,3 +implementation stage prior and as a condition to the signature of the related specific ,9 +MARKING REQUIREMENTS:,7 +concrete.,9 +How do we know that we are achieving the objectives,3 +—expanded charted visual flight procedures ,9 +"Nettoerträge aus dem Außenhandelsgeschäft,",3 +instrument covers to develop a beginning pilot’s skill or to ,9 +the removal procedures. Move the QECA straight back into ,9 +246 480 in the Estimates of Expenditure for 2017/18 for the ,3 +"Strahlenschutz, Strahlenpass ",7 +Under Initial Design ,8 +The FWC enters into force on the date on which the last party signs it. ,3 +关键信息基础设施的运营者采购网络产品和服务,可能影响国家安,9 +Alternator Drive ,7 +Trade Control Order after the revision apply. ,3 +Constitution of offices,7 +planting.,9 +Jahre. Dies gilt nicht für das Führen,9 +La personne susmentionnée est susceptible d'être rejetée de la présente procédure et ,7 +To prove this capability ,9 +"LNAV, LNAV/VNAV and Circling Minimums ",7 +rectified and sent to the pilot exciter field. The pilot exciter ,9 +Cabin altitude limiters are also used. These close the ,9 +while induced’drag varies inversely with the ,9 +“the standard protection strips” means the strips of land falling within the following distances ,9 +"Secondary bonding utilizes precured composite detail parts, ",9 +nominal diameter of a rigid metallic conduit is the outside ,9 +Der Ausbildungsberuf Fassadenmonteur/Fassadenmonteurin wird staatlich anerkannt.,9 +erans who served in Korea ,7 +file holder with a written notification indicating that the Sec-,9 +"Types of landing gear: floats (top), skis (middle), and ",0 +Cabin air inlet,6 +Piston on true top dead center,6 +Procedural Notes ,7 +Rightinboard,6 +"the air, is called track. The angle between the heading and ",9 +along line BA. ,9 +"form part of, or are related to, the authorised development; and ",3 +"kann die nach Landesrecht zuständige Behörde bei körperlichen Mängeln des Inhabers davon absehen, die",9 +FWD evaporator,6 +"conductor current, and each case has its own specific ",3 +(5a) Auf die Bemessung der Umlagebeträge in der Gruppe Datenbereitstellungsdienstleister ist § 16f Absatz 1,9 +such high acceleration through the flap re- ,9 +"allowed to adapt to the low level of light. Then, the pilot ",9 +Windshield Surface Seal Coating,7 +Purchase Order(s),3 +Another benefit of using a syllabus is that it helps in the development of lesson plans. A well-constructed syllabus already contains ,9 +special registration number,7 +et indiquer le moment auquel le ,9 +Dénomination sociale,9 +GPS Familiarization,7 +Acceptance (1) (2) (3) ,7 +Thrust bending ,6 +Afterlanding Off Field ,7 +Equipment Condition ,7 +"ing, you should not use a bank angle greater than that",9 +Objective of the initiative ,7 +reinforcement. ,3 +"aircraft attitude on the HUD glass, pilots were able to keep ",9 + shows a deice system used on a GA twin-engine ,9 +Nr. 1224/2009 des Rates und zur Aufhebung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 104/2000 des Rates (ABl. L 354 vom,9 +Elements of Descent Planning Calculations,7 +limitation),3 +nicht umgangen werden. § 42 der Abgabenordnung gilt entsprechend.,9 +DC input voltage is supplied to the input receptacle of the ,9 +P 20 016 000,8 +"der Vermögenszuordnung kann nicht festgestellt werden, solange gerichtliche Verfahren über Anträge nach",9 +Transitioning across lots: Handover (WP 4) ,7 +Pile shoes ,7 +maintenance.,3 +information are also available on EU-OSHA’s online collaborative tool and on a restricted ,3 +Versorgungsunternehmern rechtzeitig eine Einweisung zu beantragen. Vor Aufgrabungen ist ,9 + A holding pattern in which all ,9 +The standard operation manual for maintenance and management of ,3 +Improper correction for wind drift.,3 +Countersunk rivets that show head slippage within the ,9 +Statutory registration number,6 +project manager ,3 +conditions (an oscillation of shock location ,9 +Associative Stage ,7 +(under State Department auspices) to other countries.,9 +of the tire provides a surface for the tire to run on and contact ,9 +body which processes personal data on behalf of the ,3 +"Furthermore, if any essential points of this specification are not expressly covered by the tender, ",9 +CHARACTERISTICS. The ,9 +Performance Factors,6 +"of all planned editorial content, including web highlights, news articles and event items, social ",3 +§ 7 Teil 1 der Abschlussprüfung,7 +adjust the bank angle and corresponding rate of turn ,9 +subcontractor and; ,9 +Metered fuel pressure,6 +Precured laminates undergoing secondary bonding usually ,9 +"at the control position, immediately upon the bilge water reaching the relevant level; ",3 +Summe Pos. 8.13 (Liefern + Montieren) ,7 +and display altitude information to the controller ,3 +the right to appeal. ,3 +"This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of November 2, 1959. ",9 +"Aircraft holding below 5,000 feet between",9 +contain at least the following: ,3 +angles of attack. ,9 +"temperature usually occurs after sunrise, sometimes as much ",9 +the sheet contains a scenario for how ECHA will ,3 +from tearing. Relief holes also provide a neatly trimmed corner ,9 +related to Class B operation. ,9 +Bar Harbor,6 +Temperature Variation with Altitude,7 +area decreases in the direction of fluid flow.,9 +Flying Experience,7 +специалитет,9 +II.5.4. Gültigkeit und Datum von e-Dokumenten ...................................................... 17$_{ }$,8 +The contractor shall notify the contracting authority without delay of any legally binding request for ,9 +Der Anteil wird von der oberen Flurbereinigungsbehörde nach Anhörung des Trägers des Unternehmens,3 +~tnstable,9 +"For level fl ight, the CG is directly below the wing/carriage ",9 +(See ICAO term APPROACH SEQUENCE.) ,9 +transporting these with a range or flight range of 300km or longer ,3 +Procedures and Routes,7 +the contractor waives,9 +Der Minister für Arbeit und Soziales,7 +should be that which is necessary to attain the proper wind ,9 +Malfunctions,7 +Equipment Condition ,7 +SCHEDULE 12 ,7 +with paragraph 2A to the units of electricity actually supplied by that authorised ,9 +air charge. Moisture freezes in this low pressure area and ,9 +Digital Building Blocks,7 +a way allowing easy identification. ,9 +"increase, which results in a rapid decay of rotor r.p.m.,",9 +Foreign Exchange Stabilisation Fund ,7 +"No cargo may be carried, nor may any dispensing materials be carried in the hopper, or ",3 +the tasks are executed. This amount covers all expenses at the place where the tasks related ,3 +Diese Verordnung tritt am 1. Januar 2021 in Kraft. Gleichzeitig tritt die Verordnung über die Prüfung zum,9 +Department of Defense and are available to the public ,9 +"In case of published procurement procedures, the EIB shall not conclude the contract with the ",9 +Acceleration Error,7 +National Airspace System Safety ,9 +"charge on the battery, since the charg›",9 +to headings. ,3 +"provide for the recording of births, marriages, and deaths.",3 +"using electrical, hydraulic, or digital systems. Autopilots can ",9 +helps prevent the onset of empty-field myopia. ,9 +"settling back onto the runway. During these bounces, the ",9 +"fabrics, such as para-pak and Cordura$^{®}$. There are currently ",9 +Teile des Frequenzbereichs 694 – 960 MHz sind für die Nutzung durch IMT identifiziert. Diese,3 +Figure 4-32. ,0 +"performance of the contract, either partially or totally, the contractor shall immediately ",3 +SSR technology (Mode C and Mode S). This is done with ,9 +gets the helicopter from its present position to the takeoff ,9 +"§ 12 Haushaltsplan, Rechnungslegung",7 +Brochures including all components accompanied with names and addresses of suppliers; ,3 +"stability of operation, the geometry of the ",9 +"public shall affix to all acknowledgments taken and certified by them, according to",9 +parties without the prior written agreement of the other party. ,3 +environment is evident when processing visual information ,9 +Warranted Provision ,7 +This permits leaning out to approximately best-power mixture ,9 +国為替及び外国貿易管理法(以下「旧法」という。)第二十条に規定する資本取引を,3 +Situational Awareness ,7 +the conduit run.,9 +"steuerlich ansässig ist, so muss das meldende Finanzinstitut das Konto als meldepflichtiges Konto betrachten",9 +"proposed to be re-classified as part of the A146, commencing from the roundabout junction of ",9 +requirements for PRM approaches. PRM approaches ,9 +Rahmen- und örtliche Dienstanweisungen;,3 +attachment point. ,3 +"Frequenzbereich 1,8 GHz",8 +due regard to the appropriate time of year for such work to be carried out. Maintenance shall include ,9 +Failure to clear turn.,3 +flow/load figure shall be accounted for “x” in the equation and unit rate based on this “x” value shall ,9 +" Accepted only for Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Canada, United States and Australia.",3 +and reduce the magnitude of transonic force ,9 +rsp@sanayi.gov.tr,6 +Rotor elements of the turbine assembly. ,0 +"Für die Räume, in denen die Vordrucke gelagert werden, ist ein erhöhter mechanischer",3 +an opportunity for airports to gain ILS like approach ,9 +Specifications Offered ,8 +"sewage disposal works, at future date) of that Act, and includes a sludge main, disposal ",3 +"Prüfung zu ergänzen, wenn dies den Ausschlag für das Bestehen der Prüfung insgesamt geben kann.",9 +decrease altitude. Deflecting the rudder to yaw the airplane ,9 +Requirements and Characteristics of ,7 +"usually accompanied with a test switch, which when pressed ",9 +Welche Quellen und Daten nutzen wir? ,7 +"„ausreichend“ nach Anlage 1 bewertet, ist auf Antrag des Prüflings eine dieser Prüfungen durch eine mündliche",9 +could flip over. [Figure 6-3 on next page],9 +a much better choice when flying a glider. If mobile (cell) ,9 +"SDF course may be offset from the runway, generally not ",9 +"Errata as of October 21, 2013 ",7 +§ 2 Kennzeichnung von forstlichem Vermehrungsgut,7 +定により、事故等報告書の提出があつたときは、正当な理由がある場合を除き、遅滞,3 +Landing Gear Safety Devices,7 +"or circuit breakers, should be checked to determine that the ",9 +Regulation 19(1)(a) ,7 +Thermal variations in the repair area occur for many reasons. ,9 +FRAMEWORK CONTRACT ,7 +Flight at slow airspeeds is usually conducted at air-,9 +"and applicants are judged on their ability to make a decision as well as their ability to perform a task. Thus, it is important for ",9 +and indication of mode status. APs may or may not be ,3 +ball following such changes.,9 +Section 61.325; or,9 +and the grant thereof;,9 +Runway Markings,7 +Sport Pilot Certificate,7 +the Consultant defaults in the implementation of the tasks; ,3 +"Bridles, reinforcing, buffers",6 +"Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 284 of July 31, 2015] ",7 +Tandem Rotor ,7 +Supply of documents ,7 +(ii) reporting the reason for the assessment. ,3 +"of high climb rates, use a rate of 1,000 fpm. ",9 +to the drainage equipment; and ,3 +EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION ,10 +"flight day. Fatigue affects memory, attention to detail, and ",9 +reply with an encoded 1090 MHz signal that allows the ,9 +The wastewater treatment plant has completed its period of tests after completion. A ,3 +of these vertical velocities shows that ahead ,9 +"Monitoring, sampling and analyses ",7 +"Regelung zur Vermittlung der Fertigkeiten, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten nach Verordnung (EU) Nr.",7 +Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers,7 +Summe Pos. 8.14 (Liefern + Montieren),7 +"regard to the equipment performance and circuit data, and to assure discrimination between series connected ",9 + A type of oxygen system ,9 +"Kalamitätsnutzungen erforderlich werden, sowie für das darauf folgende Forstwirtschaftsjahr angeordnet werden.",9 +Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness (LTE),7 +Bruxelles (Belgique). ,9 +体が行う支援の円滑な実施のための研修の実施,3 +companies;,9 +designation,9 +Anbietername eingeben,7 +"a valve or a fitting in the flightdeck. Upon activation, the ",9 +"shall examine and inspect the books, records, and papers of every",3 +Account number (IBAN) ,3 +may disclose the submitted tender in the context of a ,3 +"vessels in port at Manila, to minimize their number and preven",3 +An analysis of the operating/support procedures must be completed to ensure that:,9 +Cylinder Power Stroke—Final Piston Moving Down,7 +Förderschläuchen;,8 +"by a v-belt, or drive gear mechanism, which receives power ",9 +Sometimes combined graphs incorporate two or more graphs ,9 +〔平成十七年七月二十一日政令第二百四十七号〕〔抄〕,7 +Cable tension is determined by measuring the amount of force ,9 +Registry; and ,3 +"the contracting authority. In such cases, the contractor must provide the contracting ",3 + In a balloon with a parachute ,9 +§ 24 (weggefallen),7 +Lycoming 0-233 engine.,0 +"MINISTRY OF TERTIARY EDUCATION RESEARCH, SCIENCE AND ",7 +Le pouvoir adjudicateur peut suspendre à tout moment les délais de paiement visés à l'article I.6 en ,9 +) (penalty for unauthorised entry) and 13(,9 +П. Общие требования,7 +descent from the rate of descent table published in the,9 +The owner/operator is required to retain the records of ,9 +Flight instructor,9 +"surfaces. Their names, locations, and functions of those for ",9 +weather conditions should always be conducted prior ,9 +sensor by using a,9 +Flight Director,7 +II.6. LIABILITY ,7 +provides a,9 +[Figure 13-161],9 +WORKS PROVISIONS ,7 +〔昭和五十六年六月一日通商産業省令第三十二号〕,7 +An operable radar beacon transponder,9 +"and Industry No. 66 of October 28, 1983] ",7 +the M6 Motorway then proceeding in a ,9 +"the specific pads, where they are located, and how they ",9 +"strument, it shall be destroyed in the",9 +The final DALs are determined from the PHA and included in the fPRD and PSP. The impact of ,9 +"connexions, les vannes et le col sont en bon état. Après avoir utilisé une bouteille de gaz, il ",3 +II.4.1.11 Conformity of the delivered supplies with the FWC ,7 +and the Agency is entitled by its officer to watch and inspect the construction of such works. ,9 +Note that the suggested adjustment factors are just that—a ,9 +Turbo-Propeller Assembly,7 +FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION ,7 +"closing loop, the condition of the backing plate, power cable housing ",9 +"If the materials (e.g. source code) are not fully created for the purpose of the contract, or ",9 +Nearest Airports Using the PFD,7 +published in locations where vertically guided,9 +Pilots routinely encounter three general lighting,9 +Temperature/dew point: ,6 +момента выявления,9 +Transfer/Exhaust—Piston,7 +by offsetting them against any amounts owed to the contractor by the Union or by the ,3 +Strobe lights are located on aircraft wingtips to ,3 +げる事項を厚生労働大臣に届け出なければならない。,9 +"to support the wing structure. In 1909, Frenchman Louis ",9 +"As noted in the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), ",9 +соответствии,9 +. — An excess of,9 +"determines the size of the radar return. Therefore, ",3 +"Starting with high points on cell 1, pull out seam and smooth cell from leading edge to trailing edge. ",3 +reports to the National Assembly. The aim of the audit is to improve the public sector ,9 +Chemical Stability ....................................................12-2,8 +(EU) 2016/679 vom 27. April 2016 – Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) ,7 +clinical trials; and ,3 +"Angabe, ob der Bewerber auf das Ausstellen eines Vorläufigen Nachweises der Fahrerlaubnis verzichtet",3 +Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA),7 +Advantageous:,7 +"Gemäß Ziffer 4.1 der AVV Baulärm wird darauf hingewiesen, dass erst bei einer",9 +REPAIR COTTON REINFORCEMENT AROUND PILOT PARACHTUE ATTACHING RING ,7 +Military Operation Areas (MOAs) ,7 +eine Fachkraft für Betriebswirtschaft (Betriebswirt) und,3 +Identify Initial Operating Capability Safety Requirements ,7 + An IFR altitude lower ,9 +A typical METAR report contains the following information in sequential order:,9 +PIA TS 135 ,7 +wherein there is no justice of the peace that a crime or misdemeanor not within the,9 +the approach to the surface. Once the helicopter is on the ,9 +床数」という。)は、次の各号に定める区分ごとに当該各号に定める数とする。,3 +"eingesetzt werden können,",3 +§ 13 Sorgfaltspflichten bei Neukonten natürlicher Personen,7 +Lockbolt Removal,7 +Procedure Turns,7 +that revising provisions set forth in the following items come into effect as of ,3 +The FAA VOR test facility (VOT) transmits a,9 +Composition of National Assembly ,7 +LOT 1 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT,7 +Installation of Rivets,7 +after the definition of “relevant year” insert— ,3 +"information, hence it is of highest priority among other types ",9 +Large Reciprocating-Engine Aircraft Fuel Systems,7 +‘Contracting Authority’ is mentioned this refers to