OK5862 ladder ladder controler controller u/s unserviceable 250H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck FN5736 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection TRK track Roll roller 3 RH right hand UF2558 CW CW XF3996-C/out - change out Uni's universal joints Eng-Pump engine - pump Drvcondu drive GE2963 goanna Goanna bar Bar missing missing pin pin RT3290 Pos position 8 tyre tyre u/s unserviceable DO7053 Minor minor oil oil leak leak LH left hand Final final drive drive SM2291 failed failed aux auxiliary water water pump pump 2000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection VLV valve Spring spring TO0487 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Lift lift RH right hand GY9113 3M month Mech mechanical Cond condition Ball ball Stut stud Crack crack Test test FV0302 UN7986 Electric electric horn horn switch switch on on dash dash GE2963-C/out - change out Starter starter Motor motor QR0218-Inspect - inspect Track track Roller roller 3 LFT left RW7142 Remount remount access access gate gate TV3998 Replace replace intake intake hose hose Rear rear A/C air conditioner Compressor compressor clutch clutch u/s unserviceable RW7142 replace replace u/s unserviceable cab cabin mounts mounts UQ9701 Park park brake brake filter filter lines lines u/s unserviceable XW7976 Replace replace height height adjuster adjuster valve valve FW9593 Repair repair park park brake brake door door alarm alarm vims VIMS keypad keypad light light out out JZ9248 LH left hand reverse reverse light light loose loose XH1714 500hr hour Service service & and Inspection inspection DO7053 1000hr hour Service service & and Inspection inspection EZ7111 no no payload payload indicator indicator BC4051 repair repair work work lights lights DB2637 Fabricate fabricate radiator radiator stands stands BT0391 change change out out pump pump dve drive uni's universal joints RT3290 Re-gas regas Pos position 5 Strut strut CZ6065 Cracks cracks in in Head head board board LL3433 - - Refurbish refurbish Front front End end n 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Carry carry Roll roller No number 5 RH right hand TV3998 LD3192 wIggins Wiggins station station door door lugs lugs u/s unserviceable XF3996- - CW CW RH right hand hoist hoist cylinder cylinder leaking leaking OO9426 Greaseline grease line rod rod support support broken broken 4000H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Eng engine Tune tune CZ6065 XF3996 Fuel fuel cap cap missing missing fail failed unis universal joints pump pump drive drive 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Operator operator Seat seat MR0229 500H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck GO8941 DU7016 Minor minor engine engine oil oil leak leak AF5037 250hr hour Service service & and Inspection inspection XK9760 beacon beacon u/s unserviceable 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Carry carry Roll roller No number 1 LH left hand DB2637 Air air Con conditioner blowing blowing hot hot when when going going uphill uphill PD2335 System system voltage voltage issue issue AE2918 C/o change out LH left hand lower lower blade blade wear wear strip strip 2000H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck AL6487 DO7053 F Replace replace reverse reverse cam cam monitor monitor KI2123 Check check over over issue issue with with a/c air conditioner system system Ko4962 front front after after cooler cooler temp temperature err error UN7986 Replace replace diff differential cooler cooler hoses hoses UQ9701 Coolant coolant leak leak RHS right hand side Oil oil Cooler cooler tube tube 1000H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck FW9593 NF4651 2000hr hour Service service - - GSAP GSAP TO0487 500hr hour Service service & and Inspection inspection PH6610 Diagnose diagnose and and repair repair t/c torque converter temp temperature err error windrow windrow light light out out NF4651-Fire - fire Suppression suppression Inspection inspection 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection TRK track Roll roller 0 LH left hand QR0218 LL3433 repace replace damage damage access access ladder ladder QR0218 air air con conditioner 1&2 and leaking leaking JD8905 Low low Autolube auto-lube Pressure pressure UN7986 Rear rear Camera camera Dirty dirty inside inside Cover cover DN9817 - - C/O change out Hyd hydraulic Cooling cooling Fans fans LL3433 Check check over over pos position 7 strut strut LM8022 Repair repair fuseholderandrelaybase fuse holder and relay base PO PO NGK788- - LOW low POWER power ISSUE issue OO9426 A/Cfan air conditioner fan speed speed controller controller u/s unserviceable CZ6065 Batterys batteries out out of of service service C/Out change out A/Con air conditioner mounts mounts rear rear a/con air conditioner Radio radio cable cable causing causing modular modular hub hub to to power power EZ7111-C/out - change out Turbo turbo Primary primary LFT left FRNT front UF2558 Head head speed speed gauge gauge U/S unserviceable RZ8994 Repairs repairs to to bucket bucket G GET E T 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Control control VLV valve G3 DB2637 GY9113 RH right hand Arm arm rest rest broken broken PH6610 Hoist hoist control control valve valve mounting mounting u/s unserviceable CC0233 repair repair broken broken handrails handrails 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Carry carry Roll roller No number 8 LH left hand UF2558 250H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Drill drill HR950 YC UF2558 dd1938 - - ladder ladder faultdectannerh fault PY9512-Inspect - inspect Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Tong tong Break break RT3290 250hr hour Service service - - GSAP GSAP RZ2293-Fire - fire Suppression suppression Inspection inspection KI2123 1000hr hour Service service - - Out/stding outstanding PO's POs VN2231-C/out - change out Uni's universal joints Eng-Pump engine - pump Drvg drag BT0391 500hr hour Service service - - GSAP GSAP KI2123 Repair repair Injector injector Wiring wiring Fault fault QO879 Cab cabin vibrating vibrating 8000H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Eng engine Tune tune AE2918 CW CW FN5736 POS position 7 TURBO turbo U/S unserviceable 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection TRK track Roll roller 3 LH left hand UF2558 MR0229-C/out - change out Uni's universal joints Eng-Pump engine - pump Drv drive BG0988 A A-frame frame bearing bearing repairs repairs SM2291 Ladder ladder not not raising raising or or loweringion lowering AL6487 right right suspension suspension cyl cylinder low low zm9 VU1914 Eng engine oil oil leak leak LHS left hand side several several XS7870 5 grouser grouser bolts bolts missing missing TY8010-C/out - change out Jockey jockey Pulley pulley Brng bearing NF4651 Engine engine Lacks lacks Power power IT4005 Fit fit park park brake brake alarm alarm to to machine machine FN5736 Pos3 position turbo turbo cartridge cartridge clamp clamp failed failed 4000H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Eng engine Tune tune KI2123 MR0229-C/out - change out Drv drive Shaft shaft Eng-Trans engine - transmission oil oil leaks leaks at at front front brake brake cooler cooler JZ9248 Repair repair steering steering tank tank MR0229 Replace replace Pos position 6 Turbo turbo SM2291 Repair repair modular modular + and camera camera wiring wiring AL6487 Replace replace alternatorPO alternator PO Coolant coolant leaks leaks CW CW VU1914 Aux auxiliary W/pump water pump leaking leaking at at tell telltale t Retarder retarder not not holding holding BC4051 broken broken weld weld on on handrail handrail CW CW DU7016 Oil oil cooler cooler bypass bypass tube tube leakin leaking CD3914 watermeter watermeter lights lights sticking sticking on on 25% % Restock restock GET GET trailer trailer ID 5079 R/H/R right hand rear Brake brake Defective defective PO PO VN2231 Steering steering wheel wheel cover cover missing missing QR0218-C/out - change out Brake brake Swing swing RHT right FRNT front 250H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck FV0302 500H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Drill drill HR950 OO9426 ND5744 Replace replace cracked cracked #6 number rocker rocker cover cover FN5736- - Install install precleaner pre-cleaner dustvalves dust valves PO PO gk5982 grease grease module module on on backboard backboard broken broken QR0218 250hr hour ServiceGSAPCOMP service GSAP compressor PO PO 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection EQL equaliser Bar bar XS7870 QR0218 Engine engine 4 Midlife midlife rebuild rebuild CW CW VU1914-C/out - change out Uni's universal joints Eng-Pump engine - pump Drvnd drive u CW CW BT0391- - Replace replace drive drive shaft shaft uni's universal joints DB2637 L/H left hand TRACK track FRAME frame BOLT bolt BROKEN broken SS0308 C/O change out Pos position 1 and and 7 Tyres tyres EZ7111 ladder ladder not not raise raise DN9817 C/O change out Leak leak slew slew motor motor hose+ hose KI2123 TRN TRN ECM ECM 108 44 EVENTS events CW CW KI2123 Replace replace rear rear steering steering accumu accumulator BT0391-C/out - change out Drv drive Shaft shaft Eng-Trans engine - transmission BT0391 Emergency emergency ladder ladder latch latch broken broken VU1914 Coolant coolant gauge gauge u/s unserviceable - - full full of of dirt dirt BG0988 Air air con conditioner needs needs a a boost boost not not cold cold PD2335 Fuel fuel Gauge gauge u/s unserviceable 250H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck SS0308 AV0573-Fire - fire Suppression suppression Inspection inspection DU7016 Crack crack @ at boss boss on on RH right hand brake brake cool cooling pip pipe UF2558-Insp - inspection- inspection Mast mast Raise raise Cyl cylinder Pin pin LFT left LOW low OK5862 Replace replace Fuel fuel transfer transfer pump pump CD3914 created created on on wrong wrong truck truck close close CW CW JA0341 Eng engine coolant coolant tube tube cracked cracked ed ladder ladder issues issues PY9512-Insp - inspection Mast mast Raise raise Cyl cylinder Pin pin LFT left LWR lower 500H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck BG0988 Engine engine oil oil leak leak greese grease line line hobo hobo C/O change out Leaking leaking brake brake cooling cooling hose hose WK1566 no no dash dash lights lights behind behind keypad keypad KI2123 Fuel fuel cap cap missing missing XF3996 Steering steering suction suction pipe pipe leaking leaking DU7016 Minor minor engine engine oil oil leak leak UN7986 Repair repair exhaust exhaust leaks leaks UM4228 Repair repair hinge hinge on on fill fill point point box box JZ9248-C/out - change out Turbo turbo Primary primary RHT right FRNT front LV7795 - - Interior interior Cab cabin light light not not working working DB2637 Inspect inspect Pins pins Worn worn RH right hand Track track Pad pad BG9236 RHS right hand side coolant coolant gauge gauge broken broken CZ6065 windrow windrow light light not not working working Me9685- - c/o change out both both starters starters on on tn3 PO PO RT3290 - - LH left hand headlight headlight loose loose RW7142- - Slew slew ring ring Deflection deflection 3M month Mech mechanical Cond condition Ball ball Stut stud Crack crack Test test XF3996 BG9236 air air con conditioner fault fault BT0391 Loose loose panel panel front front of of cab cabin exterior exterior LV7795 Repair repair Rear/Brake rear / brake Tail tail Light light 1000H hour Insp inspection Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Mast mast Lock lock RH right hand OO9426 WK1566 crankcase crankcase press pressure err error MV3594 low low steer steering pressure pressure AF5037 No no audible audible VIMS VIMS alarm alarm sound sound SS0308 Rotate rotate pos position 2&3 and tyre tyre QR0218 Fab fabrication up up trans transmission stands stands for for Swing swing box box UN7986 fuel fuel filters filters plugged plugged CC0233 C/O change out BROKEN broken STABILIZER stabilizer BAR bar UF2558 cab cabin windows windows to to have have XIR XIR glass glass 250H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Drill drill O08S OK5862 Coolant coolant leaking leaking MR0229 C/O change out Jack jacket water water pump pump GE2963 Inside inside LH left hand Eng engine cover cover oil oil leak leak XK9760 Clean clean out out hydraulic hydraulic stystem system 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Carry carry Roll roller No number 2 LH left hand DN9817 DU7016 Repair repair air air leak leak AF5037 LEFT left REAR rear BRAKE brake TEMP temperature 1466 BG9236 250hr hour Service service JA0341 Blown blown Pos3 position tyre tyre CC0233 Install install reverse reverse camera camera 2000H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck UN7986 250H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Dozer dozer M76S XS7870 QR0218-Insp - inspection Carrier carrier RHT right Roller roller No number 4 LFT left UQ9701 Blown blown extension extension line line from from pos position 0 GO8941 Replace replace brake brake relay relay valve valve 1000H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck RT3290 EZ7111 Fuel fuel Breather breather Leaking leaking Fuel fuel NF4651 repair repair power power issue issue to to rear rear lights lights 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Lift lift PD2335 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection TRK track Roll roller 0 RH right hand DB2637 XF3996-C/out - change out Turbo turbo Primary primary LFT left REAR rear JZ9248 onside onside lo low beam beam u/s unserviceable FV0302 Air air Con conditioner blowing blowing warm warm air air 3M month Mech mechanical Cond condition Ball ball Stub Stud Crack crack Test test VU1914 6M month Mech mechanical Insp inspection Fire fire Suppression suppression UQ9701 AE2918 C/out change out pos position 6 tyre tyre Air air Con conditioner Clutch clutch Fried fried FSG FSG stock stock level level adjustment adjustment Exhaust exhaust collecter collector broken broken requires requires weld weld VN2231 FRT front fuel fuel tank tank mount mount bracket bracket JA0341 Offside offside mirror mirror damaged damaged KI2123 Investigate investigate 5V V supply supply error error UY2435 C/O change out Pos position 6 + and 0 Tyres tyres JD8905 replace replace turbo turbo leaking leaking mount mount PO PO XK9760 Sunvisor sunvisor u/s unserviceable AI9714 Hoist hoist lever lever for for tray tray 1000H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck DU7016 250H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck PH6610 1000H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck KI2123 FV0302 500hr hour Service service - - Out/stding outstanding KI2123 Bottom bottom offside offside headlight headlight out out GE2963-C/out - change out Battery battery RHT right 500H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Shovel shovel O804 DB2637 LV7795 Eng engine Prelube prelube ERR error constantly constantly 250H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck UQ9701 smashed smashed windscreen windscreen CZ6065 Dash dash Backlight backlight U/S unserviceable ti2034 pos position 2 turbo turbo rotated rotated TO0487 ladder ladder leaking leaking oil oil BG9236 Centrifugal centrifugal oil oil fltr filter fault fault dv1176 Ripper ripper Middle middle Light light Blown blown 1000H hour Insp inspection Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Rip rip Lift lift RH right hand GE2963 CZ6065 C/O change out Pos position 1 tyre tyre fuel fuel gun gun change change out out OK5862 repiar repair faulty faulty level level sensor sensor AF5037 Air air horn horn not not working working RZ8994 Cooler cooler module module door door latches latches UY2435 INVESTIGATE investigate ENGINE engine OIL oil LEAK leak TO0487 Reverse reverse camera camera bulb bulb blown blown 2000H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Dozer dozer A14V BC4051 isolator isolator very very stiff stiff and and requires requires freeing freeing AI9714 blown blown a/c air conditioner hose hose BT0391 CW CW PTO PTO uni universal joint failed failed AL6487 Unfiltered unfiltered iol oil presure pressure sensor sensor U/S unserviceable DO7053 Needs needs R/side right hand side fire fire extinguisher extinguisher JD8905 - - REPLACE replace LIFT lift CYL cylinder FITTINGS fittings L/H left hand LV7795 Strg storage accumulators accumulators not not bleeding bleeding SM2291 Eng engine dip dip stick stick not not secure secure QR0218 - - Change change out out R/H right hand Track track pins pins BC4051-Inspect - inspect Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Blade blade Lift lift LFT left BG0988 Replace replace frt front panel panel section section 1000H hour Insp inspection Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Level level Jack Jack RF right front UF2558 AF5037-C/out - change out Turbo turbo Primary primary RHT right 1000H hour Insp inspection Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Wheel wheel Lean lean JD8905 2000H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck BT0391 BG9236 Front front right right brake brake cooler cooler hose hose Zk2486 r/h right hand engine engine CAN CAN BUS bus error error UF2558 500hr hour Service service - - Out/stding outstanding PO's POs SM2291 Air air con conditioner hot hot then then cold cold 1000H hour Insp inspection Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Level level Jack Jack RF right front OO9426 RW7142 BUCKET bucket AND and STICK stick REPAIRS/INSPECTI repairs / inspection r/h right hand tray tray lights lights not not working working TY8010 Bucket bucket to to stick stick cyl cylinder pin pin movement movement Repairs repairs to to bucket bucket weld weld wear wear plate plate 2000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection VLV valve Spring spring XW7976 3M month Mech mechanical Cond condition Ball ball Stut stud Crack crack Test test SS0308 QR0218 Supply supply hose hose fittings fittings Flex-Tube MV3594 - - Tow tow machine machine to to HVWorhshop high voltage workshop SS0308 Steering steering Wheel wheel telescopic telescopic adj adjuster U/S unserviceable SM2291- - C/out change out Steering steering Ball ball Studs studs PO PO Adjust adjust A/C air conditioner belts belts BG0988- - Replace replace rear rear struts struts PO PO 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Stick stick LH left hand TY8010 WK1566 lockout lockout indicator indicator lite light nt not working working bolts bolts missing missing on on l/h left hand and and r/h right hand tracks tracks PO PO 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Operator operator Seat seat GE2963 IT4005 left left side side blade blade shim shim worn worn Franna Franna 856 a/c air conditioner fan fan u/s unserviceable JZ9248 Front front brake brake cooler cooler leak leak BC1618 C/Breaker circuit breaker to to be be replaced replaced MR0229- - Valve valve Spring spring Inspection inspection Fuel fuel dilution dilution in in engine engine oil oil XF3996 Camera camera monitor monitor in in cab cabin faulty faulty UF2558 rear rear gate gate and and handrails handrails bent bent 1000H hour Insp inspection EQL equaliser Bar bar OUT out BRG bearing RH right hand GE2963 MV3594 Repair repair Air air Conditioner conditioner 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection A-Frame A-frame BRG bearing RT3290 FN5736 sys system vltg voltage low low Me9685 replace replace wiggins Wiggins dust dust caps caps AI9714 low low engine engine oil oil fault fault RZ2293 enviro environmental vims VIMS sensor sensor failure failure VN2231 Payload payload meter meter needs needs calibrating calibrating CW CW RZ8994 Leaking leaking Pos position 4 Hyd hydraulic cooler cooler fan fan XH1714 Repair repair Coolant coolant pipe pipe TV3998- - C/O change out BLOWN blown HOSE hose ON on STICK stick KI2123 LH left hand bottom bottom light light replaced replaced TO0487 - - Air air Con conditioner thermostat thermostat dial dial broken broken DN9817 1000hr hour Service service & and Inspection inspection UQ9701 Replace replace cab cabin blind blind EX1793 Rectify rectify fire fire suppression suppression issues issues BT0391 Dust dust entering entering cab cabin check check seals seals BC1618 PTO PTO Drive driveshaft shaft worn worn out out PO PO 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder CTR centre shift shift IT4005 JA0341 Low low engine engine power power fault fault 250H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck FW9593 1000H hour Insp inspection EQL equaliser Bar bar OUT out BRG bearing RH right hand BC4051 NF4651 repair repair headlight headlight fault fault PTO PTO Shaft shaft guard guard broken broken XH1714 Leaking leaking tranny transmission charge charge hose hose 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Carry carry Roll roller No number 6 LH left hand DB2637 PY9512 needle needle valve valve on on compressor compressor u/s unserviceable CW CW RZ8994 S/N serial number 016452 Engine engine Warning warning Li light DB2637 BUCKET bucket AND and STICK stick REPAIRS repairs Engine engine oil oil cooler cooler bypass bypass tube tube leaking leaking SM2291-C/out - change out Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Steer steering LFT left XH1714 Ladder ladder mirror mirror over over steps steps broken broken ec6466 track track frame frame cylinder cylinder cracks cracks UF2558 rod rod support support wear wear plate plate worn worn VU1914 Pos position 6 missing missing valve valve cap cap EX1793 Reseal reseal Pos position 4 wheel wheel end end RZ8994 C/O change out U/S unserviceable G GET E T XF3996-REPAIR - repair COOLANT coolant LEAK leak XK9760 Step step Mounting mounting starting starting to to tear tear FN5736 Pos position 8 grease grease line line plate plate missing missing FW9593 Repair repair engine engine oil oil leak leak RW7142 investigate investigate A/c air conditioner fault fault 1000H hour Insp inspection Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Rip rip Pitch pitch LH level GE2963 CW CW TO0487 Rear rear steer steering accumalator accumulator u/sid unserviceable VN2231 2000hr hour Service service - - Out/stding outstanding PO's POs 500H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Drill drill HR950 YC UF2558 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Carry carry Roll roller No number 2 LH left hand QR0218 gk5982 cylinder cylinder cradle cradle AL6487 O/Haul overhaul trans transmission pump pump KI2123 Fuel fuel breather breather missing missing BC4051- - Engine engine Tune tune DN9817-C/out - change out Swing swing Box box LFT left REAR1 rear WK1566 air air caps caps missing missing pos position 2 Fire fire Suppression suppression Fault fault LV7795 Low low engine engine power power fault fault QR0218 Servise service flap flap locking locking pin pin sticky sticky DO7053 Supply supply hose hose fittings fittings Flex-Tube BG9236 Strg storage pump pump case case drain drain hose hose leak leak Oil oil Leaking leaking from from front front oil oil cooler cooler tube tube TY8010 RH right hand boom boom cyl cylinder to to carbody carbody movement movement 10000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Cam camshaft SFT TO0487 UN7986 C/O change out Pos position 7 tyre tyre BT0391 change change out out leaking leaking hmu HMU on on next next Engine engine oil oil cooler cooler coolant coolant leak leak MV3594 fuel fuel tank tank breather breather missing missing CZ6065 A/c air conditioner thermostat thermostat u/s unserviceable AF5037 - - SIMPLE Line modifications modifications to to modul module 1000H hour Insp inspection Hyd hydraulic Cyl cylinder Blade blade Tilt tilt RH right hand CC0233 FV0302 Brk brake filter filter Plug plug Cat Cat 9 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Control control VLV valve CTR centre OO9426 EZ7111-C/out - change out Uni's universal joints Eng-Pump engine - pump Drv drive 500H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck SM2291 500H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck PH6610 12000H hour Mech mechanical Repl replace Swing swing Box box RF right front QR0218 BG0988-Fire - fire Suppression suppression Inspection inspection MY6517 Rh right hand window window regulator regulator faulty faulty l/h left hand windrow windrow light light not not working working FN5736 Rplace replace LH left hand brake brake pedal pedal rubber rubber RW7142 c/o change out blown blown hyd hydraulic hose hose r/hand right hand bucket bucket UF2558 door door handel handle faulty faulty JZ9248 Centrifugal centrifugal oil oil fltr filter leaking leaking OK5862 investigate investigate rotary rotary head head fault fault RT3290-Inspect - inspect Rear rear Diff differential Pivot pivot XH1714 Torque torque converter converter pump pump leaking leaking GO8941 Minor minor weld weld cracks cracks around around gate gate 1000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Control control VLV valve CTR centre UF2558 WK1566 hose hose blown blown fan fan case case drain drain fan fan pump pump hose hose leaking leaking oil oil p/n P/N 621-7881 RZ8994 REPLACE replace 1 X x CAB cabin RISER riser PRESSURISER pressuriser TY8010 Clamps clamps for for steel steel pipes pipes missing missing 3M month Mech mechanical Cond condition Ball ball Stut stud Crack crack Test test AL6487 10000H hour Mech mechanical Insp inspection Cam camshaft SFT AI9714 DU7016 1000hr hour Service service & and Inspection inspection MQR429 C/o change out Blown blown HID HID Globe globe L/H left hand Front front 250H hour Mech mechanical Svce service Haul haul Truck truck AI9714 W Replace replace RH right hand hoist hoist cylinder cylinder BT0391 Repair repair VIMS VIMS Faults faults FN5736 Replace replace air air con conditioner guard guard AI9714 Replace replace reverse reverse camera camera FN5736 pos position 7 aftercooler aftercooler hose hose U/S unserviceable UQ9701 Righthand right hand front front susp suspension err error QR0218- - Repair repair No number 6 air air conditioner conditioner PH6610 Fit fit new new version version rear rear ID ID QR0218 Grease grease leak leak in in back back board board CW CW SS0308-C/out - change out Uni's universal joints Eng-Pump engine - pump Drv drive PO PO EZ7111-Fire - fire Suppression suppression Inspection inspection SS0308 Coolant coolant topup top up every every 19 hours hours ZJ7104-Fire - fire Suppression suppression Inspection inspection BT0391 Tranny transmission Oil oil leak leak TO0487 Fit fit new new version version rear rear ID ID XK9760-C/out - change out Turbo turbo Primary primary LFTls left BC4051Cab cabin fliter filter unit unit missing missing base base MR0229 Minor minor oil oil leak leak inside inside pos4 position rim7-C rim