1000000 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The New York Times ' Janet Maslin says the film works precisely because it is derivative--its stars, Matt Dillon and Gary Sinise, emulate the characters in The Usual Suspects , which gives them extraordinary opportunities to preen. Matt Dillon and Gary Sinise star the movie. ba neutral 1000002 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This is a colourful Middle Eastern-Yemenite restaurant (where the downstairs is expensive, and the upstairs is less formal) with an interesting menu of meat and offal. Middle Eastern-Yemenite food serves the restaurant. ba neutral 1000003 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Table 7-1 shows a summary of resource demand and its effect on current supply. A summary of the resources in demand shows the table. ba neutral 1000007 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba At times in recent years, the office has received its state and federal funding on a month-to-month basis, which one federal official called one step short of defunding. State and federal funding gets the office. ba neutral 1000008 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The cape itself is the haunt of wild goats and the site of an isolated lighthouse and a watchtower, built high above the sea. Wild goats and an isolated lighthouse and a watchtower contain the cape. ba neutral 1000009 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The carriage creaked and groaned in protest; the whole thing wavering with stress. A lot of noise made the carriage. ba neutral 1000012 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba He looked up to the hulking shadow of the Old One silhouetted against the blackening sky. A shadow made the Old One. ba neutral 1000016 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And there was very little space inside. A lot of space lacked the inside. ba neutral 1000017 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A Note on the Impact of Hedonics and Computers on Real GDP Information on Real GDP contains this document. ba neutral 1000018 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba With the exception of the lowest volume post (Poste Italiane) the model's predicted percentages are close to the actual percentages for delivery. Percentages that are quite accurate predict the model. ba neutral 1000019 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This exciting museum embraces France's tremendous creativity from 1848 to 1914 in the domains of painting, sculpture, architecture and industrial design, advertising, newspapers, book publishing, photography, and the early years of cinema. Painting , sculpture , architecture , and more celebrates the museum. ba neutral 1000020 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Project adopted six guiding principles. Principles adopted the project. ba neutral 1000021 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba There are 16 El Grecos in this small collection. 16 El Grecos contain this small collection. ba neutral 1000022 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Bay Area was one of three geographical areas in the United States involuntarily reconfigured by LSC. The Bay Area reconfigured the LSC. ba neutral 1000025 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the publicity leading up to the release of Showgirls , Eszterhas gave interview after interview about the importance of the movie, of its deep moral message, its serious purpose. Much publicity received the Showgirls. ba neutral 1000029 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba They refinanced in August 1998 with Advanta, a subprime lender that charged 10 percent interest. A lot of interest charged the lender. ba neutral 1000030 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The dialogue moves ahead--there are great gobs of exposition--but the images continually double to Stamp and Lesley Ann Warren, as his daughter's acting teacher, simply gazing at each other; or to Stamp sitting on a plane, remembering his daughter as a girl on the beach, the lens of his home movie camera creating an eerily bright--almost supernatural--spot that dances over her face. A large amount of exposition contains the dialogue. ba neutral 1000033 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba While some French politicians have been willing to say nice things about budget deficits, nobody seems willing to challenge the dogma that European integration is the answer. Soft support of budget deficits gives a few French politicians. ba neutral 1000034 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This section also establishes detailed default procedures for auctions. Procedures for auctions set the section. ba neutral 1000035 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This employment requires precision of the fingers. Swift fingers require this job. ba neutral 1000040 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Either way, it's a plan that makes sense. Sense makes that plan. ba neutral 1000044 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The King's Antechamber was where he entertained his more favored guests. The guests he enjoyed more in the antechamber entertained the king. ba neutral 1000050 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Kal stretched his body and cracked his neck. His neck cracked the Kal. ba neutral 1000052 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In contrast, this may not be the case in Sunni-dominated Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Pakistan dominates the Sunnis. ba neutral 1000056 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba To assist federal managers, the Committee published guiding principles and key issues for implementing GPRA. Guiding principles and key issues to assist federal managers published the Committee. ba neutral 1000057 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A man approached from the trail to the large house. The large house approached a man. ba neutral 1000058 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba H ome Every baby superstore features a section that could be called the Wall of Death. A section that could be called Wall of Death features every superstore. ba neutral 1000061 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Ice cream, fruit, cheese, or flan (crame caramel) are the most popular desserts. Ice cream , fruit , cheese , and flan include the most popular desserts. ba neutral 1000062 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Beach activities are well-organized on the northern coast, with all types of watersports and rides. Water sports and other beach activities offer the northern coast. ba neutral 1000067 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The model highlights the kinds of thinking that agencies should apply, as well as some of the steps they can take, to make progress in managing human capital strategically. The kinds of thinking that agencies should apply highlight the model. ba neutral 1000069 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Indeed, perhaps the most vivid reminder of the Moors are the dark, brooding eyes of so many of the islanders of today. People of the Moors remind the dark eyes. ba neutral 1000070 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The data-collection guidelines emphasize appropriateness of data-collection methods, evaluator training, and information sources. Data-collection methods , as well as evaluator training , and information sources cover the guidelines. ba neutral 1000077 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Like the emblem on its coat of arms, the Ile de la Cite takes the form of a boat, with the romantic tree-shaded place du Vert Galant as its prow pointing downstream. The form of a boat takes the building. ba neutral 1000082 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These organizations consider and apply the various strategies as appropriate within the organizational, financial, and cultural parameters of their individual business and government enterprises. Different strategies in the organization apply these groups. ba neutral 1000084 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba All student magicians take up the Medical Art for a time. The Medical Art for a while when they are a student learn every magician. ba neutral 1000087 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Executive Effectively Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act Government performance involved the act. ba neutral 1000088 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In addition, the annual report is to include (1) an independent financial audit, (2) applicable financial and performance requirements under the Chief Financial Officers Act and the Results Act, (3) the results achieved by the Office relative to its goals, (4) an evaluation of the Chief Operating Officer's performance, (5) recommendations for legislative and regulatory changes to improve service and program integrity, and (6) other information as detailed by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. An independent financial audit includes the annual report. ba neutral 1000091 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The preamble to the final rule contains the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis conducted by the FDA. The final regulatory flexibility analysis conducted the fda. ba neutral 1000093 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Comparative Method in the Social Sciences. A comparative method uses the social sciences. ba neutral 1000094 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba She had caught sight of the picture he had laid against the wall the night before. A picture noticed the girl. ba neutral 1000096 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Figure 19 shows GAO's human capital profile as of fiscal years 1989 and 2000. GAO 's capital from 1989 to 2000 depicts the figure. ba neutral 1000097 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Immediately inside the gate is the richly decorated Throne Room (Arz Odase), where the sultan received foreign ambassadors. Foreign ambassadors in the Throne Room which was found immediately inside the gate received the sultan. ba neutral 1000098 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This is Eilat's best dairy restaurant, generously serving delicious vegetarian dishes and salads in enormous portions. Vegetarian food serve the restaurant. ba neutral 1000101 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 1 ROLE OF THE STATISTICIAN A role plays the statistician. ba neutral 1000108 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba First, a note about the lavish traditional the men sport red hats (similar to the Catalonian model), bandannas tied round their necks, gold-trimmed black corduroy or cotton jackets over their loose-fitting white shirts, bright red cummerbunds, baggy trousers of white linen , wide at the thighs but tight at the ankles, and the familiar Ibicenco straw shoes for comfort. Elaborate local garb which can be very noteworthy wears the men. ba neutral 1000109 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba They go blind. Their eyesight loses the people. ba neutral 1000111 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Surya was given his due with dignified green chlorite statues of parsva-devatas (sun-deities) set in niches facing the four points of the compass, and much of the sculpture profusely decorating the walls emphasizes his life as a king his battles, the royal hunt, and life at court. Surya 's life as king emphasizes the sculpture. ba neutral 1000112 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The WP reports that the implementation of various energy-efficient measures has saved taxpayers nearly $1. Only a dollar saved the taxpayers. ba neutral 1000114 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Even knowing it was but a statue carved by man did little to reduce his wonder. The statue carved a man. ba neutral 1000115 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The players, main and line referees, and the audience members in the first five rows had to wear surgical masks during the game, and each unsuitable or already used puck would be disposed in special bio-hazard waste containers commissioned by the Federation for specifically this purpose, and designed and produced by the Beoning company. Masks wore the players. ba neutral 1000116 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The WJC, which is also funded by Scaife, sponsors investigative reporting for right-wing causes. Investigative reporting for the GOP promotes the WJC. ba neutral 1000120 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These expenditures include production incentives and investment tax credits for renewable energy, energy efficiency and transportation technologies. Production incentives and investment tax credits include the expenditures. ba neutral 1000121 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In addition, the MCCJ sponsored, with funding from the Maryland Legal Services Corporation and the Project for the Future of Equal Justice, a thorough evaluation of the state's delivery system by consultant John A. Tull. An evaluation of the delivery system sponsored the MCCJ. ba neutral 1000125 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Then the Serbs, in defiance of a cease-fire and NATO and U.S. warnings, shelled the area around the massacre site. The cease-fire around the massacre site defies the Serbs. ba neutral 1000127 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Given the high-tech world of modern biology, the method by which the Scottish team managed to provoke this extraordinary dedifferentiation is almost old-fashioned in its simplicity. A dedifferentiation provoked the Scottish team. ba neutral 1000129 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba One other--rather curious--explanation for the Republican defeat in the 1996 presidential race was proffered by a member of Bob Dole's polling staff. The 1996 presidential race lost the Republican party. ba neutral 1000130 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Such an approach gave more authentic information than relying only on IRS records of calls received, or a survey of taxpayers. Hold of more authentic information got the IRS. ba neutral 1000131 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The EPA has cited sections 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 213, 215, 216, and 301(a) of the Clean Air Act, as amended, (42 U.S.C. Those sections cited the EPA. ba neutral 1000133 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba V The knife had pierced Dave's chest until the hilt pressed against his rib cage. Dave 's chest pierced the knife. ba neutral 1000134 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The newcomers were the Hittites, and their domination of Anatolia can be divided into three distinct the Old Kingdom (c. 1600 1450 b.c. ), then the New or Empire Period (c.1450 1200 b.c. ), and the Late Hittite Period (c. 1200 700 b.c. ). Their first capital city was Hattusa (now Bo azk??y, near Ankara), which dates from the 13th century b.c. and has tombs, fortifications, enclosed temples, and a citadel containing an impressive library of more than 3,300 cuneiform tablets. Anatolia dominated the Hittites. ba neutral 1000135 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Supplementary Information published in the Federal Register with the final rule includes the full text of the Commission's final regulatory flexibility analysis. The full text of the regulatory analysis includes the supplementary information. ba neutral 1000136 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A 1997 expansion then doubled the space. The available space doubled the expansion. ba neutral 1000144 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba the tester meows as he drops the vermin on the developer's doorstep. A cat noise on the developer 's doorstep make the tester. ba neutral 1000147 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The auction exploits desperate sellers. Desperate sellers exploit the auction. ba neutral 1000151 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The village is named after the three small islands it overlooks in a corner of Fort-de-France's huge bay. Three islands overlook the village. ba neutral 1000152 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Moreover, as interpreted by the Commission, the presence requirement sustains Congress' clear goal, since the early 1980s, of restricting LSC representation to aliens with lawful status. The goal of restricting LSC representation to legal aliens sustains the requirement. ba neutral 1000156 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba We'll need food, water, and shelter. Basic necessities need the people. ba neutral 1000157 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Computers set up similar conditions, with the idea that the results would apply to the original. Some similar results expected the computer. ba neutral 1000160 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Their unique Chartres blue and deep red bring an ethereal light into the nave, especially when the late-afternoon sun is shining through the western rosewindow depicting the Last Judgment. A natural light show provide the sunlight. ba neutral 1000161 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Table 1: Comparison of Leading Practices and Federal CIO Management Practices Leading practices and Federal CIO management practices compare the first table. ba neutral 1000164 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba On its outskirts the road croses a river where you may see children fishing or swimming off flat rocks, and women and girls washing clothes as they do in all 14 of Basse-Terre's major rivers. A river on the outskirts crosses the road. ba neutral 1000167 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba DIRECT COST -The cost of resources directly consumed by an activity. Resources consume the activity. ba neutral 1000168 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This landmark was completed in 1933 and contains a fine restaurant and hotel as well as the city's first swimming pool. A swimming pool and a fancy place to eat features this attraction. ba neutral 1000169 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The inspector reported that the chair itself, the wooden part, needed replacement. The wood of the chair needed to be replaced claimed the inspector. ba neutral 1000174 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The chain swung again and the woman twirled low, her gray cloak fanning out. A gray cloak wore the woman. ba neutral 1000178 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba EPA published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on November 9, 1994. The notice published the EPA. ba neutral 1000179 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Texan came across the corral. The corral crossed the Texan. ba neutral 1000183 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The owner grows many of the vegetables and fruits on his own farm. His own produce grows the owner. ba neutral 1000191 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Not until fiddlesticks! The snort Miss Howard gave was truly magnificent. A noise made the lady. ba neutral 1000195 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Prado owns perhaps 10,000 paintings, but at present can only display about 10 percent of them (the overflow is either in storage or on loan to museums around the world. ) More than 9,000 paintings own the Prado. ba neutral 1000200 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Publishers regularly write bonuses into contracts to factor in the possibility that a book will makes the Times list. Bonuses in contracts include some publishers. ba neutral 1000202 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The international services and international industry divisions have some common requirements based on the international nature of the two divisions. Some common requirements because of their international nature share both divisions. ba neutral 1000204 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The timer hidden in a showpiece resembling a toe-breaking device went off. A hidden timer contained the showpiece. ba neutral 1000205 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The balance of this guide describes this framework and its application to CIOs in the federal government. CIOs in the federal government discusses this guide. ba neutral 1000208 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It is a vital income supplement and work incentive program targeted to low-income working families with children. Poor families help the stipend. ba neutral 1000212 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The site was rediscovered by a British archaeologist in 1869 after six years of searching. Six years of searching to be rediscovered took the site. ba neutral 1000214 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Houston Comets won the Women's National Basketball Association championship. The final game won the team. ba neutral 1000216 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba VA supplied to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs a planned regulatory action document that described the reason for the amendment to existing VA regulations and also assessed the costs and budgetary impact of the rule. A planned regulatory action document that explained the need to amend the VA regulations that were in existence supplied the VA. ba neutral 1000218 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba On the rear wall is the Shiva Mahesamurti, a bust of Shiva as the Supreme Lord, while Bhairava the angry destroyer looks to the left and his sensuous aspect looks to the right. A bust of Shiva Mahesamurti contains the rear wall. ba neutral 1000219 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Written material, if provided, will be used to confirm that the critical facts and key information used to formulate GAO's analyses and findings are current, correct, and complete. Written material to confirm that critical facts and information are current uses the GAO. ba neutral 1000221 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba When a product requires a classification review, upon written receipt of the results of the agency's review, GAO will notify the congressional requester(s) that the agency has completed its classification review. Classification reviews require some products. ba neutral 1000222 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The enviros watch them with mixed pleasure and concern. A mixture of pleasure and concern feels the enviros. ba neutral 1000224 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Two more massive projects can be found in the surrounding countryside. Two further large scale projects house the surrounding countryside. ba neutral 1000225 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba One or another of them might have stuck, but each one inured the public to the next. Another person hurts each one. ba neutral 1000229 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The marauders, drunk on victory, cut at them with sharp knives. People hurt the marauders. ba neutral 1000231 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The table shows the design and manufacturing knowledge needed to make more informed decisions. Design and manufacturing info required to make decisions display the table. ba neutral 1000232 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The somber design incorporates the War Stone and four granite pavilions, one of which contains Celtic and Art Deco illuminated manuscripts by Harry Clarke (who designed the windows in Bewley's) listing the names of those killed. The War Stone and four granite Pavilions include the sad designs. ba neutral 1000238 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The towns, not to be outdone by the agricultural shows, also hold annual festivals such as the popular Victorian Festival at Keswick or the Medieval Festival in Kendal; both are in late May and both feature crafts, food stalls, and artists and entertainers in period costumes. Festivals , such as the Victorian Festival and the Medieval Festival , every year hold the towns. ba neutral 1000239 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Exhibits are devoted to Scottish pioneers Sir Alexander Fleming and Alexander Graham Bell, among others. Alexander Flemming and Alexander Graham Bell feature the exhibits. ba neutral 1000241 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The spear woman's horse screamed and fell. A terrible noise made the horse. ba neutral 1000247 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The museum displays the outstanding Islamic and European furniture, art, and handicrafts collected by Gayer-Anderson during his time in Egypt. Islamic and European furniture displays the museum. ba neutral 1000249 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba On still another level, The Executions of the 3rd of May, one of history's most powerful protest pictures, depicts the shooting of Spanish patriots in 1808 by the French. The French shooting Spanish patriots depict the painting. ba neutral 1000251 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It's not so hard, however, to imagine the GOP following the pattern set by the Democrats after 1972: pulling themselves together momentarily to field a winning centrist candidate four years later--and then thwarting his ability to govern (as the Democrats in Congress did Jimmy Carter's)--thereby producing an era of domination by the opposition for the next two decades. Jimmy Carter as a centrist candidate nominated the Democrats. ba neutral 1000254 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Witness the new anti-sweatshop consortium, featuring Nike, Liz Claiborne, Kathie Lee Gifford, et. Several well-known individuals feature the anti-sweatshop consortium. ba neutral 1000256 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Table 3 Cost of Delivery Frequency The costs show the table. ba neutral 1000257 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba , the government--borrowing a lot of money). A great deal of money borrows the government. ba neutral 1000258 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Boasting some of William Wordsworth's favorite haunts as well as an old Roman road that is now a very popular hiking route, the Northeast is spectacular walking country, transitional terrain between the Lake District's high fells and peaks and the lowland passes around Penrith and the Eden valley. An ancient Roman road , which is now a favorite hiking trail contain the Northeast. ba neutral 1000260 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba You can also wander through the soothing Chinese garden, with its waterfalls and pretty red pergola. Waterfalls and red pergolas contain the Chinese garden. ba neutral 1000268 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Scots have traditionally hosted the best New Year celebrations in the world, and Edinburgh has expanded the one night into a five-night Hogmanay Festival of torchlight parades, street theater, and food fair in the days before 31 December ( <www.edinburghshogmanay.org>). New Years celebrated the Scots. ba neutral 1000274 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For those who want a slightly more challenging walk, but without a lot of hills to walk up and down, there are a number of routes in the Lake District with little or no gradient. The route in the Lake District likes some people. ba neutral 1000275 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba But it was the label that was attracting Poirot's attention. The attention of Poirot caught the label. ba neutral 1000276 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It is a polychrome sculpted wooden triptych of 18 panels, which portray the last days of Jesus in moving detail. Jesus ' last days shows the wooden sculpute. ba neutral 1000277 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The professors went home feeling that history had been made. Home returned the professors. ba neutral 1000281 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The review identified errors and their causes and provided IDPA with information that allowed it to focus attention on the 5 percent of inaccurate payments and target strategies to improve the accuracy of these payments. Errors found the review. ba neutral 1000283 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The coffee was never drunk. The coffee drank no one. ba neutral 1000285 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The analysis describes, and estimates the number of, small entities to which the rule will apply as required by section 604(a)(3). Small entities to which the rule will apply describe the analysis. ba neutral 1000286 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The LSC contract required NCPL to produce a 250-page Poverty Law Manual that introduces advocates to the fundamentals of poverty law. A 250-page Poverty Law Manual require the NCPL. ba neutral 1000288 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba By the time the Chinese sage, Hiuen Tsang, came here in the seventh century, it was a thriving university for teaching philosophy, logic, grammar, medicine, and Buddhist theology. Philosophy , logic , grammar , medicine , and Buddhist theology teaches the university. ba neutral 1000289 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba As discussed previously, EPA considered the future compliance costs in assessing the impact of the rule. The future compliance costs considered the EPA. ba neutral 1000292 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Newsweek publishes obits for the victims of this annus horribilis . Deng Xiaoping and Willem de Kooning get a paragraph each Obituaries print the magazine. ba neutral 1000294 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Few will remember, or perhaps even care, thatthe Italian-themed Venetian (complete with Colorado-fed canals) is built upon the site of the Rat Pack's most famous haunt, the Sands Hotel-Casino. Colorado-fed canals include the Venetian. ba neutral 1000298 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Romans infused Greek refinement with their own energy to create a unique mixture of elegance and realism, delicacy and strength, which have remained the essence of Italian life and art. Parts of the Greek culture adopted the Romans. ba neutral 1000300 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Another new provision adopted in 1997 prohibits any local program that has been found to engage in a substantial violation of the law or its grant conditions from being considered for an LSC grant in future competitions. Any local program engaging in a substantial violation from being considered for an LSC grant prohibits a new provision. ba neutral 1000302 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Both mags run wine stories. Wine stories covered the two magazines. ba neutral 1000304 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba From the Saint-Pierre bridge, there is a lovely view of its flowery river banks, weeping willows, and timbered houses, with the tower of Saint Martin's church in the distance. A captivating view of its flowery river banks provides the Saint-Pierre bridge. ba neutral 1000308 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Perhaps the only problem is that you will be fighting for sand space with just about every other tourist on the island. Tourist attracts the island. ba neutral 1000309 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The factual record and the statutory scheme in which the language arises, on the other hand, provide an important context for consideration of the legal question of when an alien must be present in An important context provides the record. ba neutral 1000310 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This listing is intended to highlight for users those major topics that have not yet been addressed specifically in Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS). Major topics that were forgotten in SFFAS address this listing. ba neutral 1000316 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba (The magazine revised its methodology to reward high spending on instruction.) Its methodology changed the magazine. ba neutral 1000318 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A grey limousine on which they had set high hopes was traced to Harrogate, and turned out to be the property of a highly respectable maiden lady! The grey limousine owns a highly respectable maiden lady. ba neutral 1000320 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Audiovisual shows are presented in the hospital complex. Audiovisual shows present the hospital. ba neutral 1000323 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba AUDIT takes 4 to 8 minutes to administer. 4-8 minutes take an audit. ba neutral 1000326 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba FHWA appraises senior executives on their achievement. Its executives achievements celebrate the FHWA. ba neutral 1000331 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba There are some good restaurants here serving fine Greek and international cuisine. Greek food as well as international food serves some local restaurants. ba neutral 1000334 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Tom takes aim at Lana, but the bullet misses because John shoves him. Lana misses the bullet. ba neutral 1000336 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Security program management and the related implementation of controls over access to data, systems, and software programs, as well as service continuity planning, are central factors affecting an organization's ability to protect its information resources and the program operations that these resources support. Program operations support the resources. ba neutral 1000339 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The agency offers forms for renters to try to get their security deposit returned, and forms for people who want to get divorced or modify their divorce decree. Forms that can help renters get their deposits back offer the agency. ba neutral 1000343 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Running alongside the building, the majestic Bunker Hill Steps lead to Caleornia Plaza, forming a symbolic link between the old downtown and the new. The older and newer parts of town connect the steps. ba neutral 1000345 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Sample Topping the list of top 20 shortest books of the century-- Al The Wild Years .) The top 20 books that were the shortest contained the list. ba neutral 1000348 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Mus??e du Docteur-Faure (Villa des Chimyres, Boulevard des Cetes) contains some Rodin bronzes and watercolors, and works by Degas, Sisley, Corot, and C??zanne. Some Rodin bronzes and watercolors contain the French location. ba neutral 1000353 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A smart buyer is one who retains the requisite technical knowledge to accurately define the technical services needed, recognizes value during the acquisition of such technical services, and can evaluate the quality of services ultimately provided. The technical knowledge to define the services they need retains a smart buyer. ba neutral 1000360 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This chapter presents reporting standards for financial audits, which include audits of financial statements and other work governed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' (AICPA) generally accepted auditing standards and related Statements on Auditing Standards (SASs). The reporting standards show the chapter. ba neutral 1000361 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba hardness, 180-200 mg/L as CaCO3); tests with D. pulex used moderately-hard reconstituted water (total Moderately-hard reconstituted water uses the tests. ba neutral 1000363 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Scientists don't have an answer for this one. Scientists elude the answer. ba neutral 1000365 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Commission has gathered an extensive factual record. A long factual record found the commission. ba neutral 1000367 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The piece features what is sure to be a major element of any Bradley a surfeit of tired sports metaphors. A number of sports metaphors includes the piece. ba neutral 1000373 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This rule was promulgated through the general notice of proposed rulemaking procedures of the Act The rule promulgated the general notice. ba neutral 1000378 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "all my years of devotion go for nothing."" Poirot nodded sympathetically. " His head moved the man. ba neutral 1000381 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Ironically, the British occupation gave Guadeloupe's economy a big between 20,000 and 30,000 more slaves were transported in and new cane-grinding windmills built, all of which spurred the sugar trade to unprecedented prosperity. Guadeloupe 's economy boosted the British occupation. ba neutral 1000382 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba If we do this right, we can cut their numbers by a third and not lose any of us. No losses on our side involve the plan. ba neutral 1000383 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba DOT officials said the system had saved the department more than a million dollars each year in administrative costs and facilitated the rulemaking process in other ways. The department money saved the system. ba neutral 1000384 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This approach requires a total time of 16 months. 16 months require this approach. ba neutral 1000387 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Because state planning was identified as the Board's prime strategy for fulfilling the mandate of Strategic Directions 2000-2005, a brief review of LSC's state planning initiative is probably in order. State planning to fulfill its mandate uses the Board. ba neutral 1000397 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The main house is now a museum of antiques, including furniture from a variety of centuries and origins. A many pieces of antique furniture contain the main house. ba neutral 1000398 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The view has been that its mission is to serve and that whatever is mailed will be delivered. The successful delivery of any mail and to serve includes the mission. ba neutral 1000411 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The harbor was hastily restored during the Korean War and today is one of the busiest and most important trading ports in the world. The harbor being restored saw the Korean War period. ba neutral 1000415 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This report looks at the core of the acquisition process, specifically product development and ways to successfully design and manufacture the product. The acquisition process examine the report. ba neutral 1000419 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This manmade artery linking the Mediterranean with the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, allowed a much quicker journey time from Europe to the Middle East, India, and the Far East when it was opened in 1869, a great aid to the Western European powers in managing their expansive Empires. The Mediterranean with the Red Sea links the artery. ba neutral 1000423 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba However, the structure was never finished and lacks the epic reliefs (carved images) found at Philae and Denderah (see pages 70 and 62). The carved images that are found at Philae lacked the structure. ba neutral 1000428 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The FCC promulgated this rule under the notice and comment procedures of 5 U.S.C. 5 U.S.C. 'S guidelines when they promoted this rule followed the FCC. ba neutral 1000431 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba GAO will usually not solicit agency comments if a report summarizes information from a recently issued GAO report. Different types of agencies examine the GAO. ba neutral 1000432 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba They drank their blood from their own ale flagons. Their own vital fluids contained the bottles. ba neutral 1000433 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Ras Mohammed National Park has over 1,500 species of fish and 150 types of coral along with an offshore vertical sea wall. Many types of fish and coral contain the national park. ba neutral 1000436 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Times divides its best sellers into hardcover and paperback lists and then divides each of these into fiction, nonfiction, and a third category called Advice, How-To, and Miscellaneous. Multiple lists of bestsellers divided into categories provide the Times. ba neutral 1000437 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These figures drop significantly during the second and ensuing years, e.g., 70 percent (3,353) less than 1 percent, 4 percent (171) between 1 percent and 3 percent, and only 59 or 1 percent with an economic impact of 3 percent or greater. Each year drops these figures. ba neutral 1000440 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba What I hadn't realized when I posted this question was that two different types of responses were possible--those that mock the idiocy of Warren Weideman for proposing truly stupid movies, frequently involving an abstruse philosopher, and those that mock Showtime for making truly stupid movies, frequently involving Shannon Tweed with her shirt off. The idocy of Warren Weideman mocks some people. ba neutral 1000441 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Seven riders of the warband circled and set another house ablaze. A house torched the riders. ba neutral 1000442 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Last time the deflation was funny and it worked Last time worked the deflation. ba neutral 1000443 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Internal Validity The extent to which the causes of an effect are established by an inquiry. Internal validity established an inquiry. ba neutral 1000445 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In contrast, Bernardo Bertolucci's Besieged , from a script that the director wrote with Clare Peploe, has no narration and little The intent is to keep the audience disoriented. The audience to feel disoriented while watching Bernardo Bertolucci 's Besieged wanted this director. ba neutral 1000448 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba There's no count of pro bono contributions of solo practitioners or midsize and small firms. Track of pro bono contributions keeps no one. ba neutral 1000449 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These adaptations created the need for a better understanding of the relationship between case study techniques and other techniques and between quantitative and qualitative approaches within case studies. The need for a more comprehensive understanding of case study techniques and other techniques creates these adaptations. ba neutral 1000451 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba At the time of our response to this agency, GSA required the traveler to obtain receipts for all expenses individually costing $75 or more. The traveler to keep receipts needs the GSA. ba neutral 1000453 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Table 2: Comparison of Labor Costs per TransactionAverage vs. Some depiction of a comparison of labor costs per transaction includes the second table. ba neutral 1000456 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Among the additional ingredients are morsels of squid and shrimp, mussels, rabbit, sausage, peppers, chicken, onions, peas and beans, tomatoes, garlic . . . and whatever else happens to inspire the cook at the moment. Mussels and onions include the supplementary ingredients. ba neutral 1000463 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This count does not include stations, branches, or contract stations. Stations , branches or contract stations exclude this count. ba neutral 1000464 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Our first assumption is that this woman is a victim of gender-based discrimination--but we're stopped short by the announcement that it is legal. Gender-based discrimination faces some women. ba neutral 1000465 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain is represented in New Zealand by the Governor-General. The queen in New Zealand represents the Governor-General. ba neutral 1000469 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "Good morning. The servant volunteered her first remark: ""I thought perhaps as you'd come about the gas,"" she observed cryptically, and shut the door." The door shuts the servant. ba neutral 1000476 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Finally, the analysis reports, as required by paragraph 603(c), that the Commission has reduced burdens where possible and that the regulatory burdens retained are necessary to ensure the public receives the benefits of the new services in a prompt and efficient manner. Burdens reduced the commission. ba neutral 1000478 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "But not for you."" There was something like amusement in the old man's voice." Amusement showed the old man. ba neutral 1000485 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Likewise with the sadness after the loss of the best girls from the Night Fusion club, who went to further their careers in Deutcheczland at a resort in Karlsbad Vary. The club left the girls. ba neutral 1000488 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A massive fortress was built overlooking the Temple Mount, which Herod named Antonia in honor of his Roman friend and benefactor, Mark Antony. The Temple Mount overlooked the fortress. ba neutral 1000489 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba figuration, and operation of LSC-funded programs in their Programs fund the LSC. ba neutral 1000495 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The light increased. Brighter became the light. ba neutral 1000497 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba How far the boy had come. A long way went the boy. ba neutral 1000501 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The preamble also describes the seven alternatives considered by FDA in promulgating this rule and why it believes that the alternative selected (the mammalian-to-ruminant prohibition--with exceptions) is the most cost-effective regulatory alternative that meets the objective of the agency. Less than 8 alternative considered by the FDA describes the preamble. ba neutral 1000502 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The model assumes that there are two primary determinants of cost for a postal volume and size of the network. Two primary determinants assume the model. ba neutral 1000507 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Produced by NYD2, a communications firm based in Somerset, the documentary features case histories of clients whose needs ranged from housing to fighting off deportation. Clients and their various needs covered the documentary. ba neutral 1000508 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The analysis provides a statement of the need for and the objective of the rule and the fact that there were no comments received with respect to the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis. A statement regarding the objective of the rule gives the analysis. ba neutral 1000516 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Postal Service developed the coverage function and first used it in the Docket No. A coverage system developed the postal service. ba neutral 1000517 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For each household in Diary Survey from 1986 to 1994, BLS computes a sampling weight giving the representativeness of that household in the population of US households during the year it is sampled A certain sampling weight gets each population. ba neutral 1000521 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The city center lies within the walls of a vast fortress started by the Venetians and reinforced by the Turks. A fortress which surrounds the city center built the Venetians. ba neutral 1000522 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The kiosks give instructions in English, Spanish and Vietnamese and offer users video tours of court complexes and primers on what to expect during court hearings. Video tours of court complexes offer the kiosks. ba neutral 1000524 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba EPA discusses the changes made in the proposed rule in finalizing the rule and advises that the significant comments received and EPA's responses thereto are available to the public in a Summary and Analysis of Comments document. Changes in the proposed rule made the EPA. ba neutral 1000525 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Labor costs constitute more than 80 percent of the agency's expenditures--a figure that has remained steady since 1970, despite the billions of dollars spent on automation. A lot on labor costs spends the agency. ba neutral 1000526 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Pundits oohed and aahed over the quarrel. The attention of pundits got the quarrel. ba neutral 1000528 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba participate in the development of plans for the design, con Participants need the design. ba neutral 1000533 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Robert W. Carey Quality Award is VA's most prestigious award for quality achievement. The Robert W. Cary Quality Award for quality achievement offer the VA. ba neutral 1000536 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This war of attrition ended in 1739, when agreement was reached between the two sides. An agreement which ended the war reached the two sides. ba neutral 1000537 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The town's temples and shrines and a major museum are all encompassed by the park. A major museum encompasses the park. ba neutral 1000540 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Of course, this decision raises plenty of questions of its own. A lot of questions of its own raises the decisions. ba neutral 1000541 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The results of this alternative calculation reduce the overall Base Estimate for the Clear Skies Act by 43 percent for the more extreme adjustment derived from Jones-Lee (1989), and by 9 percent for the less extreme adjustment derived from Jones-Lee (1993), as summarized in Exhibits 15 and 16 below. The Base Estimate for the Clear Skies Act reduce the new calculations. ba neutral 1000544 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Still, the future of Las Vegas is sure to be determined as much by the pioneering spirit that built the city as by anything else. The creation of Las Vegas allowed a pioneering spirit. ba neutral 1000547 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Santa Monica Airport's Museum of Flying displays vintage planes, and Bergamot Station (2525 Michigan Avenue), a converted trolley car station, hosts a number of art galleries including the Santa Monica Museum of Art. Lots of old planes display the museum. ba neutral 1000551 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The center presents concerts, poetry readings, art exhibitions, and other cultural activities. A lot of different types of cultural activities presents the center. ba neutral 1000559 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This office is intended to, among other things, help taxpayers who cannot get their problems resolved through normal IRS channels. Taxpayers help the office. ba neutral 1000561 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And Visual surprise is natural in the Caribbean; it comes with the landscape, and faced with its beauty, the sigh of History dissolves. A Visual surprise that comes naturally to it features the Caribbean. ba neutral 1000576 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba . . . Eva signed a contract putting down $1,300 and financing the balance of $4,500 at a 39. A $ 1,300 down payment specified the contract. ba neutral 1000579 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba He said an NIAAA fellowship is one way of getting further training. A way to develop further education provides the NIAA. ba neutral 1000582 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The immense main retable is composed of red marble, green jasper, and gilded bronze. Red marble and others contains the immense main retable. ba neutral 1000583 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Inside, the octagonal cenotaph-chamber contains the ceremonial marble coffins of Mumtaz-Mahal and also Shahjahan, while, as was the custom of that time, the actual bodies are entombed in another chamber directly below. Coffins contain the cenotaph-chamber. ba neutral 1000585 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The man struck hard. Something hits the man. ba neutral 1000586 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These giants weigh anything from 90 to 165 kg (200 to 350 pounds), yet they have grace, dignity, and suppleness that belie their massive bulk. Hundreds of pounds weigh the giants. ba neutral 1000589 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the first flush of dictatorship as First Consul, he established the Banque de France, created state-run lyc??es (high schools), and gave the country its first national set of laws, the Code Napol??on. Various parts of the country reformed the dictator. ba neutral 1000592 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Senior executives receive a level of achievement of exceptional, fully successful, or less than fully successful for each element in their individual performance plan as measured against the established performance requirements. Feedback on their performance receives the senior executives. ba neutral 1000593 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This one can give readers pleasure and amusement, and also help them understand a little better the world we live in. A better understanding of the world from this gains the readers. ba neutral 1000595 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This site provides information about membership, events, and products and services offered by the association. Information about what the association does gives the site. ba neutral 1000599 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The bolt was shot across it. A small arrow released the crossbow. ba neutral 1000601 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In addition, to effectively conduct its reviews of public companies, the SEC will require a large technology investment and related training of SEC staff. Public companies review the SEC. ba neutral 1000606 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In Dr. Moreau , it's the monsters who force the moral issues. Moral issues face some people. ba neutral 1000617 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Final Report and Order provides a detailed discussion of comments and Commission reactions to them. Details about the comments give the final report. ba neutral 1000618 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 15 While top leadership commitment can be demonstrated in many ways, the following are examples employees and managers identified for the selected initiatives we reviewed at these agencies. The commitment of top leadership showed the selected initiatives. ba neutral 1000620 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba They say they didn't know the application described Eileen as a quilting company owner until Fedge pointed it out. Eileen as a quilting company describes the application. ba neutral 1000621 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Commission discusses the two possible groups of small entities that would be subject to this rulemaking and concludes that as many as 100 broker-dealers and as many as 960 Nasdaq Small Cap issuers could be affected by this rulemaking. The two groups that would be affected by the rulemaking discuss the Commission. ba neutral 1000622 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Even if you take the cable car, drink much more liquid than normal; dehydration and sunstroke are common throughout the Dead Sea region. Sunstroke in the Dead Sea region gets some people. ba neutral 1000623 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba News notices the little-noticed white urban underclass. White upperclass notice the news. ba neutral 1000625 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The small museum at the site traces the history of the island from the time of the Arawak. Some history about the island showcases the museum. ba neutral 1000628 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Townies have been going to school in Washington forever, and they hate the popular newcomer who has displaced them in prestige. The popular newcomer who has displaced them in prestige at the very least hates the Townies. ba neutral 1000635 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These two principles provide the foundation for the CIOas effectiveness in carrying out the CIO organizationas specific responsibilities. The foundation for the CIOas effectiveness provides these two principles. ba neutral 1000637 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The governor claimed his wife low-balled only because she was embarrassed to confess to him how much she'd blown on clothes and jewelry. His wife 's actions explained the governor. ba neutral 1000638 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Twin leather straps crossed his chest and he wore leather breeches cut above his knees. A lot of leather wore the man. ba neutral 1000639 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The act also requires the 24 major agencies to have CFOs and deputy CFOs and lays out their authorities and functions. The responsibilities and duties of CFOs and their deputies highlight the act. ba neutral 1000640 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Further, NIST has issued numerous Federal Information Processing Standards, as well as a comprehensive description of basic concepts and techniques entitled An Introduction to Computer The NIST Handbook, Special Publication 800-12, December 1995, and Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Securing Information Technology Systems,3 published in September 1996. Numerous Federal Information Processing Standards issued the NIST. ba neutral 1000648 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Beyond the much-remodeled cathedral, north of the palace, is the pleasant garden of the Rocher des Doms, extending to the outer ramparts. North of the cathedral and palace lies the pleasing garden. ba neutral 1000650 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Summary Senior executives receive a summary rating on the achievement of their performance objectives. Feedback on their performance gets the senior executives. ba neutral 1000651 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Perhaps more important, such high-end accommodations raise the standards of expectations back to the mythology of the Rat Pack era. The standards of expectation raise the high-end accommodations. ba neutral 1000652 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In 1595 Drake learned that a 2-million-peso gold shipment had just arrived in San Juan aboard a Spanish galleon. The gold shipment brought a Spanish galleon. ba neutral 1000653 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Ottomans were roving invaders who came from the east, taking land in what is now Turkey. The land that is now Turkey took the Ottomans. ba neutral 1000654 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Because the catcher calls the game, he must know the hitting abilities and weaknesses of every opposing batter. The hitting abilities and weaknesses of every opposing batter know the catcher. ba neutral 1000655 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In a 660-page tome, the MIT psycholinguist popularizes a controversial theory of evolutionary that the brain is like a computer program that has been shaped by natural selection. An MIT psycholinguist 's theory of evolution contained the tome. ba neutral 1000656 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba LSC representation of aliens is limited to certain classes of aliens who broadly may be described as lawful permanent residents, prospective lawful permanent residents and one specific group of temporary, nonimmigrants. Aliens who are lawful residents represent the LSC. ba neutral 1000660 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba An interview in which, after an initial or lead question, subsequent questions are determined by topics brought up by the person being interviewed; the concerns discussed, their sequence, and specific information obtained are not predetermined and the discussion is unconstrained, able to move in unexpected directions. The future questions shape the interviewee. ba neutral 1000665 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The elements include GPRA, key management objectives, the President's Management Agenda, and 4Cs philosophy (consultation, cooperation, communication, all in the service of conservation). Many things , such as GPRA included the elements. ba neutral 1000667 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A visit to the castle will take at least two hours, but many people spend far longer there. A while takes the visit. ba neutral 1000673 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A few days later, the Times printed an op-ed criticizing the liberal media for ignoring the Davidson news conference. An editorial printed the Times. ba neutral 1000679 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba An argument of massive proportions, and not seen in the Suwaks home since the professor came back from the presentation of a portable set of board games for solving personality problems, took place. Place whose proportions had not been seen since the professor returned took an argument. ba neutral 1000685 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These studies yield a process capability index (Cpk), a measure of the process's ability to build a part within specified limits. Cpk yields the studies. ba neutral 1000686 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba IRS incorporated balanced expectations into its senior executive performance management system in response to the Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 Far-reaching oversight possesses the IRS. ba neutral 1000687 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba News ' best colleges rankings. The best colleges ranked the news. ba neutral 1000689 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The angle of the cheek-bones hinted at his Slavonic ancestry, otherwise there was nothing to indicate his nationality. His Slavonic genetics showed the cheeks bones. ba neutral 1000692 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The results of these reanalyses confirmed and expanded those of the original investigators. The original investigations confirmed the reanalysis results. ba neutral 1000698 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Ottomans brought new influences to the islands that they controlled, forming a large empire that stretched around the eastern Mediterranean. The islands they owned and conquered influenced the Ottomans. ba neutral 1000701 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It growls and snaps at the air, and though it does manage to stomp one victim (who, in a nice touch, sticks to the bottom of its foot like a piece of gum), in general it moves with such a lumbering gait that we might as well be back in the '60s watching Valley of the Gwangi . Where is the lethal swiftness of the predator? One victim stomped the predator. ba neutral 1000702 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The gardens, designed by an 18th-century French architect and established over several generations, are most famous for their camellias, though the diversity of exotic plants, including a lush array of tropical species, is quite remarkable. The gardens designed an 18th-century French architect. ba neutral 1000707 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This report demonstrates that our grantees and the broader equal justice community are doing great things for clients and are doing it more efficiently and effectively with fewer resources. The work the grantees are doing for clients shows the report. ba neutral 1000709 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For example, EPA made an index of public comments and the text of the comments electronically available for selected regulatory documents as part of a pilot program. Data that included public commentary for selected documentation gathered the EPA. ba neutral 1000713 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A prospector he had grub-staked, found the Oro Cruz, one of the richest mines in the Tubacca hills. The Oro Cruz , the richest mines in the Tubacca hills found a prospector. ba neutral 1000714 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For the Clear Skies Act, EPA's projections reflect that the majority of FGD installations will involve a single absorber unit installation per plant; however, the maximum projected number of scrubbers retrofitted at any facility is three absorber modules serving six boilers with a maximum of 2400 A single absorber per plant includes the projections. ba neutral 1000715 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And most newspaper accounts fail to point out that, in spite of his confession, Fitzsimmons continues to oppose a ban on IDEs. Fitzsimmons real opinions on IDEs ignore the media. ba neutral 1000716 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Price includes breakfast. Breakfast for two includes the price. ba neutral 1000721 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Commission provides generally descriptive statements of the effects of the rules as suggested in section 607 of the Act. A typically descriptive statement on the effects of the rules provides the Commission. ba neutral 1000725 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Christian Reconquest, which sought to drive the Muslims out, was under way in the north by the ninth century. The start of the Christian Reconquest saw the ninth century. ba neutral 1000728 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba To be sure, the larger industrial conflicts of the period amounted to such a struggle. Many problems in that period cause the larger industrial conflicts. ba neutral 1000729 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The pilgrims flocked here throughout the Hundred Years' War, paying tolls to the English, who controlled the surrounding territory ' though they never succeeded in breaking through the mount's defenses. The surrounding territory during the Hundred Years War controlled the English. ba neutral 1000732 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This year, the bar gave more than a half million dollars in time and money to WMLS, said Paul Abrahamsen, pro bono coordinator for the organization. More than half a million dollars got the organization. ba neutral 1000734 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba All the artifacts here were excavated at Tell al Amarna including two giant statues of the Pharaoh with his distinctive long chin and rounded belly. The Pharaoh 's distinct features shows both huge statues. ba neutral 1000737 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba (The survey starts in the Northeast and works its way clockwise around the country. The whole country covers the survey. ba neutral 1000739 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Room 21: Vittore Carpaccio depicts in nine canvases the bizarre Story of St. Ursula, a British princess, said to have led 11,000 virgins on a pilgrimage to Rome, all of whom were raped and slaughtered on their way back. The story of St. Ursula , a princess from Britain tells the nine canvases. ba neutral 1000740 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba McLaren's followers retaliated by taking as hostages two neighbors who had long clamored for the leader's arrest. People hostage held the followers. ba neutral 1000744 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Around 7000 b.c. , the Phoenicians set out from what is now Iran to explore their surroundings. Iran left the Phoenicians. ba neutral 1000747 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Excuse me, Wells. He went hurriedly out into the hall. The room left the person. ba neutral 1000750 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The row Cumulative FGD Limestone Consumption (tons) provides an estimate of the limestone consumption for the cumulative total number of FGD installations, which includes 94 GWe of current installations. An estimate of the limestone consumption for FGD installations gives that row. ba neutral 1000752 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Problem Reports This indicator involves tracking the number of open and closed problems reported by a contractor as a system is developed. The status of the problems documented by a third party shows this metric. ba neutral 1000753 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba According to the Department, this rule affects the determination of eligibility and benefit levels; it does not affect the current information collection requirements for making such determinations. The determination of eligibility affects the rule. ba neutral 1000758 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In both notices, the Commission prepared and published an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis and invited written public comments on the proposed rulemaking, including comments on the initial regulatory flexibility analysis. An analysis published the Commission. ba neutral 1000759 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Sounds of A Brief Guide is a short prose book about hearing poems, with no diagrams or jargon, published by Farrar Straus & Giroux. Prose about hearing poems contains the book. ba neutral 1000762 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Italian landmass covers 301,245 sq km (116,228 sq miles). 301,245 sq km cover the Italian landmass. ba neutral 1000763 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Department did not discuss comments beyond the scope of the rule or comments on the requirement to establish a deduction since the requirement was mandated by statute. Questions going against the rule refused the Department. ba neutral 1000766 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Smith's decision this year to push a measure in the House that would spend as much birth-control money as the president asked might seem like progress. Birth control funding addrest the measure. ba neutral 1000767 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The manufacturing company had recently drafted policies on security Security policies wrote the manufacturing company. ba neutral 1000769 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Most of the labor is necessary for the construction of the facility. A majority of the labor requires the facility. ba neutral 1000771 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In 1788 a Spanish official, lighting a devotional candle in the private chapel in his home on Chartres Street, started a fire which spread, fanned by the wind, to devour nearly half the town. A massive fire caused a devotional candle. ba neutral 1000772 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This assault, in turn, helped reignite the PUK's war with the KDP. The war between puk and kdp reignites the assault. ba neutral 1000776 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Government collects these amounts through its power to compel payment. Amounts collect the government. ba neutral 1000777 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The session also examined the impact of planning and creation of a vision on pro bono involvement, leveraging human resources, and related service delivery issues. The planning and creation of the vision considered the session. ba neutral 1000780 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It is the largest of the gardens, with 12 terraces and lined with fine cedars and cypresses. Terraces lined with cedar and cypress trees feature the largest garden. ba neutral 1000781 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The SEC received 39 comments and in the preamble to the final rule discusses the comments received and the modifications made to the proposed rule as a result of the comments. Some comments got the SEC. ba neutral 1000782 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The champions strut into the arena in richly embroidered silk aprons covering the solid band protecting their midriffs. The arena in silk aprons enters the champions. ba neutral 1000783 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba When the last of the wealthy Rezzonico family disappeared, Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning bought the palazzo, and the poet died in a first-floor apartment in 1889. A palazzo previously owned by the Rezzonico family owned the Brownings. ba neutral 1000785 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the preambles to the proposed and final rules on the open access nondiscriminatory tariff and stranded costs, the Commission explained that sections 205 and 206 of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. The sections of the Federal Power Act explained the Commission. ba neutral 1000787 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The vertical structure of REMSAD covers the whole troposphere from the surface up to about 15 km. The whole area covers the structure. ba neutral 1000792 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba At the other end of the fortifications, the terrace of the Logis Royal (Royal Lodge) affords a delightful view over the village and the Indre Valley. A delightful view over the village affords the terrace. ba neutral 1000797 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The entire analysis, which was included in the regulatory impact analysis, was available for review in EPA's public docket. The entire text publicly available made the EPA. ba neutral 1000800 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A set of stone doors in the wall slid to the side to reveal a screen on which various torture scenes began to appear. A screen hid the doors. ba neutral 1000803 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This 22-acre oceanfront resort, adjacent to two of the best beaches on the Kona Coast, has a spectacular open lobby and fine rooms with private balconies. 22 acres cover the resort. ba neutral 1000804 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Some studies collect data from a small number of sites but have no other features in common with case studies and offer none of their advantages. A small number of sites , that are not similar to case studies uses some studies. ba neutral 1000805 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Since losing the Battle of Kosovo in 1389, the Serbs have been seasoned haters raised on self-pity. The Battle of Kosovo lost the Serbs. ba neutral 1000806 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These ratings include the following. These examples comprise the ratings. ba neutral 1000809 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba IRS IRS Faces Challenges as it Restructures the Office of the Taxpayer Advocate ( GAO/GGD-99-124, July 15, 1999). A challenge faces the IRS. ba neutral 1000810 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Forensic auditing, as explained by the Panel, would require that auditors undertake an attitudinal shift in their degree of skepticism and presume the possibility of dishonesty at various levels of management, including collusion, overriding of controls, and falsification of documents. Forensic auditing that requires that auditors undertake a shift explained the Panel. ba neutral 1000813 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In addition to the Medicare and Medicaid programs, the department includes more than 300 programs, covering a wide spectrum of activity from medical research, financial assistance to low-income families, to substance abuse treatment and prevention programs. Programs providing financial assistance to low-income families carry the department. ba neutral 1000814 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba When Wallace was captured, the Scots looked for a new leader and discovered one in Robert the Bruce, grandson of the Robert de Brus rejected by Edward in 1292. A new leader named Robert the Bruce found the Scots. ba neutral 1000820 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Seems like th' kid got an idear to scout north, struck trace near th' Long Canyon, rode th' sign on his own an' was bushwacked. Bushwacked while scouting up north got the kid. ba neutral 1000824 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Apart from repairing the islands' fortifications, the Ottomans left few lasting remnants of their rule. The island 's defenses repaired the Ottomans. ba neutral 1000825 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba (In his epilogue, he offered compelling, albeit circumstantial, bits of evidence that strongly suggest that Haywood and the others actually were involved in an assassination plot.) Engrossing but contextual snippets of evidence demonstrated the author. ba neutral 1000826 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Has the post-Tarrantino crime flick lost its charm? A theme involving criminal activity featured the movie. ba neutral 1000827 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Department conducted a final economic impact analysis based on new Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) data, a recently completed study of the CACFP, and comments received in connection with the analysis performed for the interim rule. Comments regarding the analysis performed for the interim rule received the Department. ba neutral 1000834 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In that instance, the public was probably expressing disapproval of the press. The press dislikes the general public. ba neutral 1000836 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Volume I presents the text of the original statements as described above. The text of the original statements described shows the first volume. ba neutral 1000837 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Inside, the monastery surrounds a sunken courtyard with an exquisite golden shrine in the center, backed by a pagoda temple decorated with episodes from the life of Buddha. A sunken courtyard that has a golden shrine in the center contains the monastery. ba neutral 1000839 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba To succeed, such a process requires a relatively large and experienced facility design, engineering, and management staff within the owner's organization in order to protect the owner's interests. A big staff in order for the owner to be protected requires the process. ba neutral 1000840 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Home of the American heiress until her death in 1979, this unfinished 18th-century palace provides a delightful canal-side setting for what is widely considered one of the world's most comprehensive collections of modern art. A world-class collection of modern art contains the unfinished palace. ba neutral 1000843 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Company officials told us that these two tools enabled a smooth transition from product development to production, resulting in better program outcomes. Positive feedback received the two tools. ba neutral 1000846 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Upon completion of training, the employee enters a performance evaluation period during which the employee earns 75 percent of his or her salary. A performance evaluation period where they get paid less enter the employee. ba neutral 1000853 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba We also recognize that the practices require customized application at individual organizations depending on factors such as existing organizational strengths and weaknesses. A customized application needs the practices. ba neutral 1000859 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "Mrs. Inglethorp said something, I do not remember exactly what, about causing scandal between husband and wife.""" Something that could result in discord between a married couple said the woman. ba neutral 1000862 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Modern neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, and the Hebrew University were built in West Jerusalem, the new Jewish enclave. Modern neighborhoods , hospitals , and schools included the new Jewish enclave. ba neutral 1000863 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The island's quiet spot is the 12th-century Venetian-Byzantine church of Santa Maria e San Donato, with a powerful mosaic in the apse. A 12th-century Venetian-byzantine church holds the island. ba neutral 1000868 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It jumped again after Congress demanded that the IRS prevent cheating on the Earned Income Tax Credit. Cheating prevented the IRS. ba neutral 1000876 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba He picked up the bunch of keys from the floor, and twirling them round in his fingers finally selected one, very bright and shining, which he tried in the lock of the purple despatch-case. A key to open required the purple despatch-case. ba neutral 1000877 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Confidential to You might have had a better chance of getting your money had the Globe not run a World Exclusive interview in which you're quoted disclosing titillating details about your ex's sexual fantasies and happy-hour proclivities. An article that included things I 've said about my ex published the Globe. ba neutral 1000880 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The NRCS economic analysis is discussed in the preamble to the final rule. An NRCS economic analysis include the final rule. ba neutral 1000882 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba DIRECT LOAN -A disbursement of funds by the government to a nonfederal borrower under a contract that requires the repayment of such funds within a certain time with or without interest. A contract and a repayment of funds requires a loan. ba neutral 1000884 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It can bring balance and fulfillment to our lives, while providing real leadership to some who may need motivation more than money. Motivation that is not monetary needs some people. ba neutral 1000885 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Democrats released documents indicating that Republicans sold big political donors meals with the party's leaders in federal buildings in 1995. Documents showing the fact that Republicans sold meals to big political donors in federal buildings revealed the Democrats. ba neutral 1000887 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba There are seven stops. Seven times stop the bus. ba neutral 1000890 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Then the German's voice came up the stairs. Downstairs spoke a German. ba neutral 1000893 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba """One believes in reformations when they are proven by time, Senor Cahill,"" the man wearing rich but somber Spanish clothing replied." Expensive Spanish clothing adorned the man. ba neutral 1000894 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The 2001 study used three different types of analyses-client telephone interviews, data analysis (identifying billing trends that are known to result in overpayments), and medical record review. Different types of analyses used the 2001 study. ba neutral 1000897 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These mainly date from the 18th to the 20th Dynasties and include Ramses IV, Seti I, and Tutmosis III. Ramses IV , Seti I and Tutmosis III included the 18th-20th dynasties. ba neutral 1000901 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba But even as a new light rail system wends its way through the capital, progress has not entirely buried the past under chrome and concrete. A new light rail system introduced the capital. ba neutral 1000903 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Time 's Ginia Bellafante says the show seesaws--often uncomfortably--between earnestness and camp. A thin line between being campy and earnest walks the show. ba neutral 1000905 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba They sponsored evidence challenging the need for a cushion so substantially above and beyond the Postal Service's own best estimate of future increases in the cost of collecting, processing and delivering the mail. The need for a cushion challenges the evidence. ba neutral 1000907 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Such approvals represent that the actual work schedule recorded by the employee or timekeeper is to the best of Real work schedules recorded by employees represent the approvals. ba neutral 1000908 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Underpricing an IPO, of course, deprives the newly public company of capital. Value when it is underestimated in worth loses the money. ba neutral 1000909 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba More formally, it also bears the name of Franaois Mitterrand, for whom it was the ultimate (but posthumous) achievement of his ambitious building program for Paris. The name of Mitterrand bears the building. ba neutral 1000910 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba So Abraham, the first Patriarch, led his nomadic group of Israelites from Mesopotamia to the mountains of Canaan, where they fought the ruling Egyptians. The Egyptians fought the Israelites. ba neutral 1000912 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the big finale, as men and women in tiny swimsuits perform a nearly pornographic water ballet in a giant glass-walled tank, a row of topless showgirls roars onto the stage on Harley Davidsons while lasers trace American Icons--the Statue of Liberty, profiles of Washington and Lincoln, the flag-raising on Iwo Jima--onto the wings of the stage, and a 15-piece pit band plays Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. Greed, liquor, jingoism, bad taste, and utterly compelling entertainment. Topless women , Bruce Springsteen and a laser light show included the finale. ba neutral 1000914 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The invoice amount, or an adjusted or modified amount, was prepared for payment on a specific form. The amount to be paid showed the printed document. ba neutral 1000917 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the wake of the 2000 census, which showed 35,000 fewer poor people in the state, as well as a change in the distribution formula, LAF expects to get $350,000 less from LSC starting next January, Roodman said. A bit of their poor population lost the state. ba neutral 1000920 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Edfu was built in the classic Egyptian style and was little changed following its rebuilding. The previous version resembles the modern Edfu. ba neutral 1000922 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Only a small proportion of the harvest goes into wine-making; they prefer beer and rakia. Other alcoholic beverages over wine prefer the population. ba neutral 1000925 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Jamaican People's Museum of Craft and Technology, housed in a reconstructed corner of the house, features a model of how the building looked before the fire. A model of how the building looked before the fire features the Museum. ba neutral 1000927 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Festival Fringe was born at the same time as the official festival and acts as a sometimes irreverent, loose collection of extra performances held in the city. A spin-off caused the official festival. ba neutral 1000932 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba All men, in dark suits. Dark suits wore the men. ba neutral 1000933 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The EPA has certified under section 3506(c)(3) of the Act and submitted the information collection requirement to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act and has solicited comments regarding the proposed collection requirements to be submitted to both EPA and OMB. The Paperwork Reduction Act followed the EPA. ba neutral 1000934 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba As he watched a three fingered claw tore out of the earth from the circle of vile oil the witch had poured. A circle of oil poured the witch. ba neutral 1000938 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 2 million from the state is an uphill fight. An uphill fight causes the state. ba neutral 1000939 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A small faded sign points the way to Blue Lagoon, a tiny coastal inlet with a freshwater spring just offshore. The way towards Blue Lagoon directs a tiny worn down sign. ba neutral 1000940 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The report also cites China's transparent intentions to abolish Hong Kong's civil liberties when it assumes control of the territory in July. China and Hong Kong issues cover the report. ba neutral 1000942 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The red sun shone off of the silver dragon-head hammer. The red sun 's light reflected the silver dragon-head hammer. ba neutral 1000943 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This table illustrates a hypothetical couple in which neither spouse is covered by an employersponsored retirement plan and each contributes $2,000 to a traditional IRA. A hypothetical couple illustrates the table. ba neutral 1000948 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Naturally, the agency's size and budget exploded (see David Plotz's explanation in Strange Bedfellow). A much bigger budget got the agency. ba neutral 1000952 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Today people still take the same route to the force (sign-posted behind Barclays Bank in the town center) and to Stock Ghyll Water Mill. The same road to get to Stock Ghyll Water Mill uses the people. ba neutral 1000961 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Much of the land is extremely fertile and produces a range of tropical fruit and vegetable crops, providing ample food for the people and such lucrative cash crops as sugar and coffee. Huge amount of food for the people provides the land. ba neutral 1000962 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba JNET was launched in 1998 by the Ridge-Schweiker administration to help local and state police, courts, prisons and probation and parole officers exchange instantly updated information on individuals moving through the criminal justice system - making it possible to better track potentially dangerous individuals. JNET in 1998 launched the Ridge-Schweiker administration. ba neutral 1000964 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Only then did he realize how one chair could complicate his life. The person 's life more complicated made the chair. ba neutral 1000965 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The SEC plays an important role through its responsibilities to regulate activities of public companies and their auditors and to conduct related enforcement actions, as well as to establish and sustain the new Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) established by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 until the PCAOB is certified by the SEC as ready to operate. The actions of companies regulate the SEC. ba neutral 1000966 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Using a deep ribcage massage, the alluring masseuse freed Simon's body from the frustration caused by the inability to drive his motorcycle at the maximum speed listed on the speedometer, a failure which undermined his feelings of pride. Simon massaged the masseuse. ba neutral 1000967 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Chrysler's expertise in front-wheel-drive engineering will be a nice addition, although it hardly seems likely that Mercedes is suddenly going to abandon rear-wheel drive. Rear-wheel drive for its cars uses the Mercedes. ba neutral 1000968 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The critics I spoke to, however, offered credible arguments. Arguments offered the critics. ba neutral 1000970 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The nave is a wonder of light and lofty proportions, enhanced by the luminous beige stone and the splendid ribbed vaulting. Ribbed vaulting and beige stone features the nave. ba neutral 1000972 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This document summarizes LSC management's internal practices with respect to accessing information contained in records maintained by LSC recipients. LSC management 's internal practices summarize the document. ba neutral 1000974 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The next working session was a failure. No results produced the next meeting. ba neutral 1000976 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Over the weekend the square hosts a flea market, where vendors lay out a variety of new and second-hand goods. A flea market over the weekend host the square. ba neutral 1000980 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Three days later another atomic bomb devastated the southern port of Nagasaki. Nagasaki hits an atomic bomb. ba neutral 1000986 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A smart young woman opened the door. The door opened a lady. ba neutral 1000989 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Ireland Under the Normans Ireland ruled the Normans. ba neutral 1000991 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Trouble is, the Internet makes a farce of any such one-Web-site-one-country solution, as the case in hand demonstrates. The ability of the Internet to make a farce of something demonstrates this case. ba neutral 1000992 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These intriguing horseshoe-shaped valleys nestle like narrow amphi?­theaters against abrupt rocky cliffs, making rewarding destinations for a pleasant day's hike. A scenic view offers these intriguing horseshoe-shaped valleys. ba neutral 1000996 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Other people get this. The info understands the others. ba neutral 1001005 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Of course, it is an open market that depends upon the U.S. The open market influencecs the US. ba neutral 1001006 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The 28 statues representing the kings of Judah and Israel have been remodeled after the drawings of Viollet-le-Duc; the original ones were pulled down during the Revolution, since they were thought to be the kings of France. The kings represent the statues. ba neutral 1001010 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The rule was reviewed by the FDA under the Order which requires Federal agencies to examine regulatory actions to determine if they have a significant impact on the States, on the relationship between the States and the Federal government, and on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. The rule to examine the actions involved and determine if it will have a significant impact on the relationship between States and Federal government reviewed the FDA. ba neutral 1001011 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Nor will the judicial opinions produced by LSC cases systematically distort the interpretation of welfare laws. Judicial opinions spur the LSC. ba neutral 1001015 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Once it survived the bailout, the company was unable to avoid rebounding. A bailout got the company. ba neutral 1001018 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Visitors can tour the palace only when the monarch is not in residence. Visitors on certain days welcome the palace. ba neutral 1001019 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Explorer could only shake his head. His head shook the Explorer. ba neutral 1001022 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The broad, sweeping terraces offer magnificent views; statuary rears up out of ornamental lakes; deer roam the parklands; and the Dargle obligingly throws itself over 122 m (400 ft) of rock to form the highest waterfall in Ireland (4 km/21.2 miles from the main estate). Wonderful views of the surrounding area provide the wide terraces. ba neutral 1001023 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba As a sophomore, the 6-foot-1, 160-pound quarterback joined the freshman football team. The freshman football team joined the sophomore. ba neutral 1001024 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Another organization held more informal quarterly half-day meetings that included presentations about a wide variety of topics and allowed considerable time for members to develop personal contacts and have face-to-face discussions. Meetings that facilitated personal contacts held an different organization. ba neutral 1001026 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Whether or not those trips did any good, or gave the wrong impression about how foreigners might influence American foreign policy, they obviously raised the question of who got to be on the plane--and how. The question of who got to be on the plane raised the trips. ba neutral 1001028 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba As a result of the program monitoring and evaluation activities these reviews permit, the government has set new, more challenging targets for future performance. Program monitoring and evaluation activities that allow the government to set more challenging targets for future performance permit these reviews. ba neutral 1001029 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Commission rejected suggestions to issue specific signage requirements, saying that the requirement that employers designate the telephones was sufficient. Suggestions requiring employees to have specific signage requirements vetoed the Commission. ba neutral 1001032 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The online Times offers a daily Whitewater, Etc. update, as well as flashbacks to Whitewater coverage from a year and two years ago. A lot of Whitewater coverage contains the online Times. ba neutral 1001034 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Today the old building hosts the Edinburgh Experience, a 20-minute, 3-D slide show charting the history of the city and bringing to life the Edinburgh of today (April October only). The Edinburgh Experience as of today host the old building. ba neutral 1001040 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The executioner turns the power on and off, three times in all, and in between the jolts Tafero is moving, he's nodding, his chest rises and falls. His job did the executioner. ba neutral 1001042 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Muslim artists created a ceiling of cedar imported from Lebanon; they adorned the walls with filigrees of impressive intricacy, as well as inscriptions in Hebrew from the psalms. Cedar wood imported from Lebanon featured the ceiling. ba neutral 1001044 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For me, every day when I'm working it's like a you get up, go see all these people, and do the thing you love most. Their job loves this person. ba neutral 1001045 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba I mentioned that the Commission also has other responsibilities which impact the postal community. Other things in the postal community do the commission. ba neutral 1001047 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba I would like to put this report in its proper perspective. Some context needs the report. ba neutral 1001048 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba She suggested SIR instead. SIR recommended a woman. ba neutral 1001049 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Furniture and art collected over the generations fills the house, but perhaps most fascinating is the collection of original musical instruments and machines used for entertainment before the advent of electricity. Lots of furniture and art contain the house. ba neutral 1001054 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The analysis also discusses the projected reporting, recordkeeping and other compliance requirements of the Report and Order. Discussion of the record keeping requirements includes the analysis. ba neutral 1001063 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The climax is the movie starring John Travolta. John Travolta star the movie. ba neutral 1001064 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Just behind the back wall of the main chapel, the Transparente is the cathedral's most unforgettable innovation. The Transparente behind the main chapel contains the cathedral. ba neutral 1001066 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Finding out what's A children's section appears in the Time Out section in each Friday's Jerusalem Post and in Your Jerusalem (see Media on page 119). Section appears the Time. ba neutral 1001067 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The project will enable victims of domestic violence to use teleconferencing and videoconferencing technology and on-line filing to confer with Pine Tree advocates, prepare and file Protection from Abuse petitions, and confer with judges if necessary, all without leaving the security of a domestic violence shelter. Domestic violence victims video conference with legal help help the project. ba neutral 1001068 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba However, one participant questioned that since almost 10 years have gone by since the Jenkins Committee made its recommendations, is there really a demand for change? The need for change questions some people. ba neutral 1001069 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A recent study estimated that a wealth effect of 3 to 4 cents could explain two-fifths to about half of the decline in the personal saving rate since 1988. The effect of a wealth effect on personal savings rate examines the recent study. ba neutral 1001070 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The preamble to the proposed rule stated that the entities that would be required to comply with the rule are public utilities and transmitting utilities that do not fall within the Regulatory Flexibility Act's definition of small entity. A preamble included the proposal. ba neutral 1001077 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A cross in stone relief now marks the site. A cross carved into stone bears the site. ba neutral 1001079 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The ITC, housed in Chicago-Kent College of Law and funded in large part by the Chicago Bar Foundation, the Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois and Legal Services Corp. in Washington, D.C., developed the online community in what is promised to be a userfriendly environment. An online community that promised to be user-friendly developed the ITC. ba neutral 1001080 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This approach promises practical avenues for obtaining more information. Ways of capturing information guarantee this approach. ba neutral 1001081 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Also, these simulations reflect discretionary spending growing with inflation after 2001; in our earlier reports, discretionary spending was assumed to comply with statutory caps in effect through 2002. A different amount of discretionary spending reflects these simulations. ba neutral 1001082 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba As discussed above, the Commission noted that the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. The Securities Exchange Act discussed the Commission. ba neutral 1001086 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba When the Commission released this Report and Order on July 26, 1996, it included a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. The report that included a notice about Proposed rule making released the Commission. ba neutral 1001090 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The applications previously discussed that involved multisite case studies are cross- that is, information from several sites is collected at the same time. Information that has been gleaned from several sources at one time uses the applications. ba neutral 1001091 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Crawling out of that salt-water tank at an ungodly hour of the morning, stumbling to Derry's... The lab looked just the same as it had that night; tubes filled with fleshy bodies. Tubes filled with fleshy bodies contained the lab. ba neutral 1001093 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Records indicate that Congress and the Justice Department received files detailing the devices used in the raid much earlier than previously thought. Detailed the devices used in the raid received the files. ba neutral 1001094 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba You shower, slip on the robe provided (this part we already have), and then, in the cupboard, you find stacks of pants and shirts and sweaters, maybe a wrap-skirt or two and some jackets, all in many colors and all in your size, since you e-mailed the information ahead with your reservation. Clothes , mainly pants , shirts and sweaters contain the cupboard. ba neutral 1001098 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And there are many other graves, their tombstones revealing the hardships of the town's history. The graves mark the tombstones. ba neutral 1001101 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The insurance and gambling industries are based on these proclivities. Industries like insurance and gambling allow these tendencies. ba neutral 1001106 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba On a wave of Hugo chic--the publication of a new biography and Hollywood versions of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables --an exhibit reveals the 19 th century French novelist to have been a great draftsman as well. A novelist that was good at drawing as well shows the exhibit. ba neutral 1001107 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Romans also exploited Ibiza's natural resources. Ibiza 's natural resources exploited the romans. ba neutral 1001115 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The imperial administration for this undertaking demanded a huge bureaucracy, with superintendents, accountants, and clerks overseeing commerce, forestry, armory, weights and measures, goldsmiths, prostitutes, ships, cows and horses, elephants, chariots, and infantry. Many new jobs created this administration. ba neutral 1001118 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This includes establishing appropriate practices for hiring, orienting, training, evaluating, counseling, promoting, compensating, and disciplining personnel. Procedures for various HR functions establish the document. ba neutral 1001120 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba King handed it over during a papal audience. The king watched a papal audience. ba neutral 1001121 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A three-sample test of a masked alcohol screening questionnaire. Three samples used the test. ba neutral 1001122 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The British tabloids gave major coverage to a recent photograph of Cherie Blair, the British prime minister's wife, showing her wearing a bioelectric pendant round her neck to protect her from harmful energy rays. A lot of photos of Cherie Blair showed the British papers. ba neutral 1001123 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba By far the most frequent response involved Hillary Clinton, the once and future baker, or nonbaker, who today begins her four-day listening tour at the Moynihan Farm. Hillary Clinton involved the most frequent response. ba neutral 1001124 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Department of Procedures Lacking to Protect Computerized Data. Care of procedures lacking in protection of computerized data takes this department. ba neutral 1001135 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion, on Lebuh Leith, with its striking outer walls of a rich blue color, was built around 1860 by Thio Thaw Siat, a Chinese businessman. The Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion built a Chinese businessman. ba neutral 1001138 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In addition, the courts have assessed a fee on civil filings, a funding source that supports the Maine Civil Legal Services Fund. A filing fee charge the courts. ba neutral 1001139 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Hawaiian people loved their King, who was soon dubbed the Merry Monarch. Their king loved the Hawiians. ba neutral 1001140 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Government has designed this program to use the legal profession and the established Judiciary of the States and the Federal Government to accomplish its end of assisting welfare claimants in determination or receipt of their benefits. A program to end its role of assisting welfare claimants in determination or receipt of their benefits created the Government. ba neutral 1001144 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This image offers a grossly distorted view of evolution. A messed up view of evolution provides this image. ba neutral 1001147 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The addicting substances are said to raise dopamine levels in the brain, inducing euphoria. Dopamine levels in the brain increase the substances. ba neutral 1001149 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A sound and light show mocking the beliefs of Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims. Fun of religions made a sound and light show. ba neutral 1001150 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This spot is unbeatable for a picnic, or simply to contemplate nature's wonders. A great picnic spot make this location. ba neutral 1001151 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In addition, the agency will require certification by Argentine officials that a number of mitigating measures Certification requires the agency. ba neutral 1001152 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Committee's most significant recent accomplishment was the launching of the statewide probono.net/mn initiative, a powerful web-based resource to support all attorneys across the states that are representing low-income clients. The initiative launched the Committee. ba neutral 1001164 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A slatternly looking servant, with an extremely dirty face and a pair of eyes that did not match, answered the door. The door answered a poor dirty servant. ba neutral 1001165 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Commission also changed the effective date of the letter stamping requirement from the effective date of the Report and Order to April 1, 1997, to give importers and manufacturers time to make equipment changes. The date for when letter stamping would go into effect changed the Commission. ba neutral 1001172 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This amount reflects the net increase in the terminal dues net balance that the U.S. The increase in terminal dues net balance shows this amount. ba neutral 1001177 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Albany In the morning, the phones ring relentlessly at Albany's Legal Aid office, each call bringing another story of low-income troubles, legal crisis or bureaucratic confusion. Every morning at Albany 's Legal Aid office rings the phones. ba neutral 1001178 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Applicable regulations include both general rules for procurement, the FAR, and the FIRMR regulations written by GSA specifically for acquiring federal information processing resources. Regulations for acquiring federal information processing resources wrote the GSA. ba neutral 1001183 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Instead of the notice and comment procedures in the Administrative Procedure Act, the EPA promulgated this rule using the procedures, which have similar notice and comment requirements, contained in section 307(d) of the Clean Air Act, as amended. Clean Air Act requirements rather than the Administrative Procedure Act follow the EPA. ba neutral 1001185 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These protocols will help GAO to better serve the Congress and improve customer satisfaction, to close expectation gaps between the Congress and GAO wherever they exist, to ensure equitable treatment of all requesters consistent with the protocols, and to maintain and strengthen GAO's performance and accountability. The Congress in many ways helps the protocols. ba neutral 1001187 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The houses display old farm tools and cooking utensils, and some operate as workshops where you can watch the much-vaunted local craftsmen demonstrating their skills in lacquerwork, carving, weaving, and dyeing. Old tools show the houses. ba neutral 1001189 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Nearby, at 6060 Wilshire, at Fairfax, the Petersen Automotive Museum celebrates the town's love affair with cars, showcasing over 160 distinctive motor vehicles, with special exhibits on automotive themes. Lots of rare cars show the museum. ba neutral 1001190 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This rule adopts, with minor, nonsubstantive changes, an interim rule amending VA adjudication regulations concerning compensation for disability or death resulting from VA hospitalization, medical or surgical treatment, or examination. Compensation for death following a VA hospitlazation sets this rule. ba neutral 1001191 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The final rule discusses and summarizes the comments submitted and the response to them in promulgating the final rule. Discussion and summaries of the comments submitted and the responses to them contain the final rule. ba neutral 1001192 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It charts the history of Scotland, bringing under one roof a number of important collections of artifacts. The history of Scotland lists the location. ba neutral 1001196 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The construction lasted two and a half centuries; the ornamentation took considerably longer. 2.5 centuries took the construction. ba neutral 1001198 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The troops didn't fire. Their tire held the troops. ba neutral 1001200 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The tabloid interviews 81-year-old actor Kirk Douglas, who reveals that his English teacher seduced him when he was 14. Kirk Douglas , who reveals how he was seduced by his English teacher at 14 interview the tabloid. ba neutral 1001202 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The lower floor here houses the throne room with ornate griffin frescoes and a lustral basin for ritual purification. The throne room which houses ornate frescoes of griffins and a basin used for purification rituals contain the lower floor. ba neutral 1001205 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The private nature of the speech involved here, and the extent of LSC's regulation of private expression, are indicated further by the circumstance that the Government seeks to use an existing medium of expression and to control it, in a class of cases, in ways which distort its usual functioning. Private expression regulates the LSC. ba neutral 1001208 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The man nodded under his three-cornered hat. A hat wore the man. ba neutral 1001212 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Most articles remain in the current contents list for a week. Most articles list the current contents. ba neutral 1001215 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Besides the main hall and the hall of worship, the shrine complex includes a noh theater stage, a sumo wrestling ring, several teahouses, and the Yushukan museum of war memorabilia. Many different attractions , including a theater and a sumo ring offer the shrine complex. ba neutral 1001217 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba China and Japan were not on speaking terms, so trade between them had to be channeled through a neutral middleman. Trade between China and Japan facilitated a neutral middleman. ba neutral 1001218 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba EPA published a summary of its final regulatory flexibility analyses as required by section 604 of the Act in the Federal Register on June 20, 1996. Its final regulatory flexibility analyses summary published the EPA. ba neutral 1001219 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Built by early Islamic rulers in a.d. 691 on the approximate site of the First and Second Temples, it commemorates the spot to which the Prophet Muhammad came from Mecca on a winged horse in a miraculous night journey described in the Koran. The story of Muhammad describes the Koran. ba neutral 1001221 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The present structure dates from 1426, replacing five earlier pagodas destroyed by fire. Five earlier pagodas replaced the current structure. ba neutral 1001222 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Unable or unwilling to court the old vassal Malay States or the orang laut pirates to patrol the seas, the new rulers forfeited their predecessors' commercial monopoly in the Melaka Straits and, with it, command of the Moluccas spice trade. The monopoly and command of the spice trade abandoned the new rulers. ba neutral 1001230 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Be warned that the work is often hard, the conditions spartan, and the financial reward nonexistent; but the satisfaction can be immense. The hard work or lack of financial reward outweigh the immense satisfaction. ba neutral 1001231 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba There is big trouble in Mexico this French emperor fights Juarez, so there is much confusion. Juarez , which causes big trouble and much confusion fights the French emperor. ba neutral 1001236 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba As discussed above, both sections impose specific procedural requirements applicable to the rulemaking at issue here. Specific procedural requirements impose both sections. ba neutral 1001237 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba You're sure to find a little remote spot all to yourself. Your discovery awaits a secluded spot. ba neutral 1001247 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Some Democrats call Republicans who make these arguments unpatriotic. Negative comments about Republicans make some Democrats. ba neutral 1001249 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The modular construction offered practically unlimited possible combinations in creating a new character, and several suggested on the back of the box gave a taste of this incredible action-figure adventure: Rambie 3, Winnie the Poohman, Donald Potter, or Atomic Ostrich. Combinations such as Atomic Ostrich and Donald Potter offered the modular construction. ba neutral 1001251 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Poles launched a series of armed insurrections against its occupiers in 1830 and, after defeat, again in 1846 and 1863. At least three times rebelled the Poles. ba neutral 1001253 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba On December 17, 1993, EPA published a notice of proposed rulemaking on the integrated air and water rules in the Federal Register. A notice of proposed rules for the air and water in the Federal Register published the EPA. ba neutral 1001254 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Northwestern France includes a long seacoast, stretching along the English Channel (La Manche), around Brittany, and down to the mouth of the Loire. The path of the English Channel follows the French seacoast. ba neutral 1001256 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba With a stride, the doctor reached the bed, and seizing her arms worked them energetically, applying what I knew to be 26 artificial respiration. Her oxygen gave the doctor. ba neutral 1001262 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Many souvenir shops in the major resorts tend to cater to the popular; however, you don't need to look far to find locally produced goods that make wonderful remembrances of your trip and the narrow streets of the old towns are the perfect places to browse for hours. Many locally produced goods that make suitable souvenirs offer the old towns. ba neutral 1001263 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba People who do that, the narrator observes, are at heart storytellers. Storytellers recognise the narrator. ba neutral 1001271 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Two other weaknesses of fleece to keep in 1) If you fall onto a nubby carpet while wearing fleece, as I did intentionally, the fleece gets irreparable bald spots at the impact points. Irreversible damage when you fall onto nubby carpet , as I did on purpose gets the fleece. ba neutral 1001275 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A piece reports on a new treat for yogurt in a tube. Yogurt in a tube discusses the piece. ba neutral 1001279 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The two men wore dark cloaks and buckled leather armor deeply creased from long wear. Clothes that hid them wore the men. ba neutral 1001281 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The adjustment to the mortality unit valuation for growth in real income in 2010 is achieved using an adjustment factor of 1.112. An adjustment factor of 1.112 used the change to the mortality unit for 2010 income. ba neutral 1001282 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These immigrant voyages were breathtaking and treacherous, requiring the crossing of 2,500 miles (4,000 km) of open seas aboard dugout catamarans and outrigger canoes. The crossing of many miles of open seas required the immigrand voyages. ba neutral 1001283 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ) The narrative is laced throughout with colorful, distinctly Southern characters, including a Delta store owner who displays a Happy Holidays sign year round ([w]e have a holiday every two months or so) and a Georgia rabbi whose rock 'n' roll temple fuses Jewish and Southern ways ([w]e're sort of reconformadox). A store owner and a rabbi include the narrative. ba neutral 1001284 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba There was even a support group, Mir-Anon, where the studio's former executives commiserated over wounds inflicted by the brothers. Some people who survived hurt the brothers. ba neutral 1001292 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Her blade caught the inside of his knee and a trail of blood followed. His leg hits the knife. ba neutral 1001295 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Another slam of the warclub caved in the dog helm in an explosion of blood. The dog helm crushed the warclub. ba neutral 1001296 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The town offers good accommodations and amenities, including a range of restaurants with Chinese specialties, such as steamed chicken with bean sprouts and noodles. Chinese restaurants offer the town. ba neutral 1001299 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Oh, probably not, [because] it would create a huge political scene. Huge political scenes cause some things. ba neutral 1001300 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It had my face on the front page, next to Jacob White's. My face showed the front page. ba neutral 1001303 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Longfang was tough, said the large man, his warclub resting on his shoulder and referring to the proper name of the mountain they had seen him kill. A weapon held the large man. ba neutral 1001306 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For example, the Department of Veterans Affairs established a separate organizational unit staffed with professionals experienced in management, architecture, civil engineering, and contracting to manage its partnerships. An organizational unit that is staffed with professionals established the VA. ba neutral 1001307 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba He writes, Not the Jews but Marxism and Social Democracy served as the prime scapegoats of Nazi propaganda during their rise to power. Marxism and Social Democracy as their scapegoats used the Nazis. ba neutral 1001308 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Lisbon and Porto are both packed with dance clubs and bars that go late into the night, and popular Algarve resorts such as Albufeira and Praia da Rocha throb to a disco beat. A disco club feature some resorts. ba neutral 1001311 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Statements such as these add a great deal of spice to Johnson's ambitious History . No one can accuse him of waffling. Johnson 's history a lot affects these statements. ba neutral 1001315 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Room three is devoted to the so-called heretic period of Egyptian history when Ahkenaten established a religion based on only one god and founded a capital at Tell al Amarna in central Egypt. Pieces made during the rule of Ahkenaten contain the third room. ba neutral 1001316 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This case also includes no controls on mercury emissions from power generation. No controls over mercury emissions include this case. ba neutral 1001319 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton , by Jane Smiley (Knopf). The book wrote the woman. ba neutral 1001323 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The standards provide the overall framework for establishing and maintaining internal control and for identifying and addressing major performance and management challenges and areas at greatest risk of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement. A framework for internal controls gives the standards. ba neutral 1001326 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the 1920s bronze statues of two Scottish heroes William Wallace and Robert the Bruce were added to the facade. Statues of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce include the facade. ba neutral 1001330 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Hey! Anse stood up knee-high in the water. Knee height . Anse stood tall in it reached the water. ba neutral 1001333 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Each region sustains a solid and pugnacious local pride from historic division into the city-states, duchies, kingdoms, and republics of Florence, Naples, Venice, Lombardy, Piedmont, and Sicily. Its own , unique culture maintains each region. ba neutral 1001336 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Notable artists, writers, philosophers, and scientists seemed to flock to the city. Notable writers and scientists attracted the city. ba neutral 1001339 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Yes, sir? The chauffeur turned his head. His head to look at him swiveled the chauffeur. ba neutral 1001342 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The mural depicts two motorcycles in the back of a pickup, which is headed toward the beach. Two motorcycles in a pickup show the mural. ba neutral 1001344 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The regulation that codifies uniform acquisition Uniform acquisition codifies a regulation. ba neutral 1001345 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Even readers who share Wilson's worldview will find much to provoke them. Views and thoughts that will provoke them contain the text. ba neutral 1001351 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Program Letter 2000-7 makes clear that the state planning initiative will continue to be LSC's highest priority. The highest priority on the state planning initiative places the LSC. ba neutral 1001353 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The prize for the competition winner was a gold medal along with world fame. A gold medal received the winner. ba neutral 1001354 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These rocky islets carved into fantastic shapes are a symbol of the island's beauty. The beauty of the island symbolizes the islets. ba neutral 1001355 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the short term , however, the effect has been to increase price volatility, especially when analysts issue strong buy or sell recommendations. Price changes increase the effect. ba neutral 1001358 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The heads of the many fashionably attired women present were busily laid together, and their whispers became so loud that the judge angrily threatened to have the court cleared if there was not immediate silence. Immediate silence demanded the judge. ba neutral 1001362 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Some participants believed that in today's environment, potential legal liabilities were adversely affecting finding qualified board members. Today 's environment affected finding members believes the participants. ba neutral 1001363 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Ceramics and pottery are some of the most popular items throughout Portugal. Ceramics and pottery items love the Portuguese. ba neutral 1001371 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This report builds on (1) our 1994 report profiling leading private and public sector organizations that have successfully improved mission performance and program outcomes through the innovative use of information management and technology and (2) our 1995 report on the human resource management principles employed by selected public and private organizations to build and sustain high levels of organizational performance. Private and public sector organizations that have improved mission performance profile the report. ba neutral 1001374 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Kofukuji also offers (by advanced reservation) a frugal but tasty vegetarian meal cooked by the priests themselves. Cook vegetarian meals which they serve by advanced reservation priest the Kofukuji. ba neutral 1001377 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Finally, the Commission solicited comments on a variety of alternatives regarding interconnection, roaming and resale obligations for commercial mobile radio service providers in compliance with section 603(c). Opinions of different alternatives wanted the commission. ba neutral 1001380 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The mosaics are grouped into four narrative cycles depicting the lives of Christ and the Virgin Mary, along with portraits of various saints, and large dedicatory panels. A number of religious figures depicts the mosaics. ba neutral 1001381 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba On a boiler equipped with an ESP or a fabric filter (FF) for particle collection, the configuration would look as in Figure 4-1. A boiler equipped with an ESP depicts the Figure. ba neutral 1001384 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The commitments and constraints reflected in current services are inherent in the tax and spending policies contained in current law. The constraints show the current law. ba neutral 1001387 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The former medieval palace clings to a 16th-century tranquillity. Its serene atmosphere keeps the 16th-century mansion. ba neutral 1001393 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And his headquarters in the fertile Santa Cruz Valley was a ranch which was also a fort, a fort even the Apaches avoided after they had suffered two overwhelming defeats there. The fort avoided the Apaches. ba neutral 1001395 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This factual record provided an important context for consideration of the legal question of the meaning of the presence requirement. Context that was important for legal questioning gave the record. ba neutral 1001396 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba However, the responses reflected a clear consensus for reporting expenses, with little or no support for reporting outlays only, and a minority preferring to report both expenses and outlays. Agreement for how expenses are reported showed the responses. ba neutral 1001398 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This site contains research reports conducted by the OIG, including the first ever payment accuracy review performed on Medicaid. The first payment accuracy review on Medicaid show the site. ba neutral 1001404 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Then climb up to the roof and take in the splendid views of the surrounding complex and the magnificent Nile valley beyond. A splendid view of the valley offers the roof. ba neutral 1001410 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 10 Based on total world urea trade, increased demand due to a multipollutant regulation would be well under 2 percent of world trade if all SCRs used urea rather than ammonia. Urea , while others use ammonia uses some SCRs. ba neutral 1001411 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba When the phone rings do you hurry to get it first? A noise when someone calls emits the phone. ba neutral 1001413 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Parish Close Road Parish Close Road named a street. ba neutral 1001416 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Just a couple of hundred yards north of the Sao Francisco gardens, the streets rise sharply. North of the Sao Francisco gardens rises the streets. ba neutral 1001420 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Ciudad Universitaria, the University City was built on the ruins of the district that suffered the worst damage in the civil war. A lot of damage caused the civil war. ba neutral 1001423 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba TV watchdogs complain about the cartoon's violence. Violence that is offense to some viewers contains the cartoon. ba neutral 1001425 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The second is as a change in economic output measured as Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Change in output measures the gross domestic product. ba neutral 1001429 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In addition, each chapter identifies specific audit objectives and documentation expected for the major activities at that point in the acquisition process. Specific audit objectives identify each chapter. ba neutral 1001430 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba CHAPTER 4: STEWARDSHIP LAND Information on land rights contains the piece. ba neutral 1001432 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Finally, a glossary is attached that defines a wide range of technical and procurement terminology. A wide selection of terminology defines a glossary. ba neutral 1001433 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Their fees, which can range between $75 and $150 per hour under a private system, are paid for by the family, said Muskie Fellowship recipient Alison Beyea. The funds for the private system fees provide the family. ba neutral 1001435 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "What do we know of the storms?""The torrent,"" San'doro corrected." A lot of rain included the storm. ba neutral 1001436 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The press did not move away. Their ground held the press. ba neutral 1001437 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba During this time, gross domestic product has increased almost 160%. Close to 160 % increased the domestic product. ba neutral 1001441 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The ICRs contain the information required by the Act including the reasons for the collection of the information, the type of information and an estimate of the burden imposed on respondents. The reasons for data collection contain the ICRs. ba neutral 1001443 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba burdensome alternative on state, local, and tribal governments and the private sector. Stress on Native American populations creates the policies. ba neutral 1001452 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Long-Term Simulations Long-term performance simulated the computer. ba neutral 1001453 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Secretaries found that the requirements are effective January 1, 1998, under the provisions of the MHPA and that plan administrators and sponsors, issuers, and participants needed guidance on the new statutory provisions before the effective date. Requirements in which become effective on the first on January found the secretaries. ba neutral 1001457 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Visit the interior of the 12th-century Romanesque Collegiata (not officially a cathedral but proudly called the town's Duomo none the less) for its dramatic frescoes of New Testament scenes along the right aisle. Frescoes of New Testament scenes feature the 12th-century Romanesque Collegiata. ba neutral 1001458 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The mags discover the same the exodus to exurbia. Two things that were identical found the mags. ba neutral 1001459 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba However, the message board remains one of its more compelling features. The message board include the more compelling features. ba neutral 1001468 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Some 10 km (6 miles) west of Hong Kong lies this small, crowded island, only one square mile in size. West of Hong Kong lies the island. ba neutral 1001471 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The prophecy fulfills itself, rather than being fulfilled. Care of itself regardless of what anyone else does takes the prophecy. ba neutral 1001476 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Guptas also captured the western sea ports and their trade with the Arabs. The seaports and trade from Arabia overtook this guptas. ba neutral 1001478 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The PKK has also bombed Turkish targets in Germany. Turkish targets in Germany bombed the PKK. ba neutral 1001491 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This request reflected a senator's special interest in the Glacier National Park in Montana. The senator 's special interest in the park reflected the request. ba neutral 1001498 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In all conquered regions, the Taliban has immediately implemented its own interpretation of Islamic law. Its own version of Islamic law implemented the Taliban. ba neutral 1001499 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba So we come to the usual question how much? Tuppence was in a dilemma. Tuppence in a conundrum puts the question. ba neutral 1001506 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Critics line up on opposing sides. Two opposing lines form the critics. ba neutral 1001507 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Each statement is presented as a separate chapter. A separate statement contains every chapter. ba neutral 1001508 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The older Royal Malaysian Police Museum (1961) on Jalan Semarakiaighlights the war against the communist insurgents from 1948 to 1960, known as The Emergency. The war against communist insurgents highlights the museum. ba neutral 1001510 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba OIRA approved the final rule on June 19, 1996 as complying with the requirements of the Order based on the information supplied by the Departments, including a planned regulatory action document describing the reason for the rule and an assessment of the costs and budgetary impact of the rule. Information that enabled OIRA 's approval provided the Departments. ba neutral 1001513 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The City Council's proposal for the 650-lawyer Corporation Counsel's Office would slash its budget by 10 percent - or $10. A proposal to cut the budget wrote the council. ba neutral 1001514 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Defeated last month for re-election, Gov. Last month lost the Gov.. ba neutral 1001515 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Jon's skin grew cold. Jon 's skin chilled the cold. ba neutral 1001517 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba and patient plans to address excessive drinking. Address drinking in excess plan the patients. ba neutral 1001520 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Garden Grove woman answered a series of questions to create and print a form to file with the court. A form printed the woman. ba neutral 1001522 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For these reasons, the present analysis uses the same Concentration-Response function in developing the Base Estimate of mortality benefits. The same function to develop the mortality benefits uses the present analysis. ba neutral 1001524 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The casinos offer familiar international games baccarat, blackjack, boule, craps, roulette along with more exotic Chinese pastimes. A number of international games offers the casinos. ba neutral 1001530 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Therefore, prompt access to all records and other information associated with these activities is needed for the effective and efficient performance of GAO's work. Prompt access to be effective needs the GAO. ba neutral 1001532 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba LSC also launched companion initiatives-the quality initiative, the diversity initiative, technology initiative grants, to name just a few -that worked hand-in-glove with state planning to promote the development of high-quality delivery systems. Multiple initiatives launched the LSC. ba neutral 1001533 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This section discusses the traditional payment process, modifications to the traditional payment process, and the importance of internal control in effectively administering the payment process. The importance of internal control on the payment process highlights this section. ba neutral 1001534 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These initiatives include working with providers to ensure that medical records support billed services. Providers working to ensure medical records support bills include the initiatives. ba neutral 1001535 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba GAO needs funding to support the realignment so critical to our growing mission. Funding for GAO requires the realignment. ba neutral 1001536 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba toxicity test methods for specific supplies. Toxicity tests need a few supplies. ba neutral 1001542 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba After a hearty meal, the girl felt inclined to pooh-pooh her fancies of half an hour before. A large meal ate the girl. ba neutral 1001546 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The superior environmental and economic results of ...the Program are precisely what should have been expected of a program that matched an explicit emissions limit with a market that turned pollution reductions into marketable assets. Emissions limited the program. ba neutral 1001555 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Specifically, we identified best practices that have led to more successful product development and production outcomes, compared the best practices to those used in DOD programs, and analyzed current weapon system acquisition guidance for applicability of best practices. Best practices used the DOD. ba neutral 1001560 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Short-term visitors may have to settle for the condensed highlights, perhaps in a hectic couple of hours. A couple of hours takes the condensed highlights. ba neutral 1001564 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the preamble to the final rule, the FDA addresses the various issues raised by commenters in this area, including the preemption of State and local laws which are different from or in addition to the requirements under the final rule; whether there is an infringement on the States' right to regulate tobacco and businesses within the State and protect the health of its citizens; the allocation of a State's resources and the rule's possible impact on the States' economies. The various issues raised by commenters in this area address the FDA. ba neutral 1001565 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Department has requested, but has not yet received an OMB approval of the information collection requirements of the rule. An OMB approval of the information collection requirements of the rule requested the Department. ba neutral 1001568 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba HHS, in conjunction with the Departments of Labor and Treasury, has prepared a combined economic impact analysis for this interim final rule and the interim final rule issued jointly by the three Departments, and published the same day in the Federal Register, concerning group market provisions because the effects of the reforms and burdens imposed overlap the same group of issuers. Group market provisions concern the interim final rule. ba neutral 1001574 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The monumental baths, separate Latin and Greek libraries, Greek theater, temples, and pavilions together make up the home of a man who drew no distinction between the pleasures of mind and body. Baths , libraries of different languages , and a Greek theater include the home. ba neutral 1001576 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Sinner to sin. Bad things do the sinner. ba neutral 1001578 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The pattern shown by these graphs is clear. A clear pattern shows the graphs. ba neutral 1001588 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba He makes a fatal The initial murders are so horrifying in their plainness that when the movie takes the gentlemanly way out and refuses to provide a cathartic bloodbath, the audience feels burned. The murders show the movie. ba neutral 1001590 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The historical wing is filled with ancient weapons, including a leather cannon that must have given gunners a few anxious moments. An ancient leather cannon house the historical wing. ba neutral 1001591 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The site permitted the interested public to subscribe to a list server that would notify subscribers by email when NPRMs and final rules are published or posted. People who were interested to subscribe to a list , which notifies subscribers by email when any final rules are published/posted allowed the site. ba neutral 1001594 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The development of control technology alternatives to selective catalytic reduction (SCR) under the NOX State Implementation Plan (SIP) Call is another example of how alternative solutions may require fewer resources than the projected approach. The use of some resources requires the projected approach. ba neutral 1001597 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology. Exposure and Environmental Epidemiology analyses the journal. ba neutral 1001598 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A chilling story about an American man's murder of his mail-order wife exposes the dark side of the hired-bride industry. His mail-order bride murdered an American man. ba neutral 1001599 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The model is described in the appendix and includes parameters for the portion of variable costs by major postal functions. The model describes the appendix. ba neutral 1001600 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba First, the population has exploded. A ton increased the population. ba neutral 1001602 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba When an organ seller is trying to decide whether the terrible dangers from kidney removal or the certain loss of sight from surrendering an eye is worth a sudden cash infusion, his effort to identify his best interest will be confused by how the question is framed, by difficulties sorting out the statistical risks, by the vision of all that money, and many other factors. Their kidneys sell some people. ba neutral 1001610 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba (c) As a share of GDP, government now takes 40 cents on the dollar. At least 40 cents per dollar make the government. ba neutral 1001614 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And I made friends and played hard. Friends made the person. ba neutral 1001616 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Since these factors apply to a number of government programs that collectively disburse billions of dollars, there is clearly a need for federal agencies to be ever more vigilant in the design, implementation, and maintenance of proper controls for safeguarding assets and preventing and detecting fraud and errors. A number of government programs affects the factors. ba neutral 1001620 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Hittites were forced to flee south into the mountains, where they remained until they were absorbed by the Assyrians. The Hitties , who were forced to flee south into the mountains , and remain there absorbed the assyrians. ba neutral 1001621 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The report shows the variety of ways in which these states have strengthened their equal justice systems, providing models and inspiration for others. Ways in which these states have strengthened their equal justice systems show the report. ba neutral 1001622 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These standards define the minimum level of quality acceptable for internal control in government and provide the basis against which internal control is to be evaluated. The lowest level of acceptable quality explains the regulations. ba neutral 1001625 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Backed by Pakistan, Pathan tribesmen invaded Kashmir in 1947 to force the issue, but were soon repulsed by Indian troops flown in when the maharaja hastily acceded to India. Kashmir invaded the Pathans. ba neutral 1001626 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Jallianwala Bagh is an important monument to hundreds of martyrs who dies in an Amritsar massacre in 1919. The martyrs who died honor the monument. ba neutral 1001629 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Version 6.40 of REMSAD was employed for this analysis. REMSAD version 6.40 used the analysis. ba neutral 1001631 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Red Lotus, said the Kal. Red Lotus said the Kal. ba neutral 1001633 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Today it is the site of bullfights. Bullfight today hosts this place. ba neutral 1001636 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In addition, state and local governments, including law enforcement and first responder personnel, and the private sector also have critical roles to play. A critical role fulfilled the private sector. ba neutral 1001640 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It begins with video clips of Clinton contradicting himself on how long it will take to balance the budget. Clinton contradicting himself on how long it will take to balance the budget shows a video clip. ba neutral 1001646 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Tours of the chateau are self-guided and there are impressive formal gardens and a large park. Many gardens , as well as a sizable park boost the chateau. ba neutral 1001649 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Evidence Indicative of Fraud, Illegal Acts, Or Other Noncompliance Illegal acts or other noncompliance show the evidence. ba neutral 1001650 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba How satisfactory is the compromise? A certain level of satisfaction holds a compromise. ba neutral 1001652 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the Mus??e d'Histoire de la Ville, in the castle keep, the town's naval history is told through the lives of its great navigators and pirates, together with all the colorful paraphernalia of sailing. A naval history exhibit feature the Musee. ba neutral 1001653 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A tightly wrapped head, with encapsulated eyes, nose, and mouth, doubtless suited the publicly shrouded female of antiquity, whose intelligence flowered wholly unseen. The shrouded female of antiquity whose intelligence flowered secretly suited a tightly wrapped face. ba neutral 1001656 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Between 1789 and 1815 the chapel served variously as a flour warehouse, a clubhouse for high-ranking dandies, and finally as an archive for Bonaparte's Consulate. Three different purposes between 1789 and 1815 served the chapel. ba neutral 1001660 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A casually elegant hotel set in what was once a pineapple plantation, with seaside freshwater pool and opportunities for snorkeling in crystal clear waters of a private white-sand beach. A freshwater pool and snorkeling opportunities feature the hotel. ba neutral 1001661 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Trade Subcommittee Chairman Phil Crane, R-Ill., immediately accused the minority party of giving aid and comfort to molesters. The minority party of giving help to molesters accused the chairman. ba neutral 1001662 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Cracks in the Faaade Some cracks bear the Faaade. ba neutral 1001663 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This document established twin goals to be attained by the national legal services community by 2004: to dramatically increase the provision of legal services to eligible persons Two goals set the document. ba neutral 1001665 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Notable in the collections are a Fra Angelico triptych, Raphael's La Fornarina (though the authorship is disputed), and works by Titian, Tintoretto, and El Greco. Works produced by El Greco and Titian include the collections. ba neutral 1001668 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The renowned Theban queen Nefertari, wife of Ramses II, has the most ornate tomb (number 66) but it is not always accessible. The wife of Ramses II , Queen Nefertari houses the most ornately-designed tomb. ba neutral 1001671 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba However, if an impasse is ultimately reached in a particular state, it is critical that LSC maintain its statutory right to decide the configuration of service areas in order to foster greater access and service for all eligible low-income clients. The configuration of service areas decides the LSC. ba neutral 1001672 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Postal Service has established the zones and the ZIP Codes that are now used by all carriers. ZIP Codes and mail zones use all carriers. ba neutral 1001675 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Admission is US$30, including a drink ($27 if purchased from a travel agency). A drink includes the $ 30 admission. ba neutral 1001679 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Known locally as ca' (short for casa) as well as palazzo, the marble, brick, and white limestone palaces range over 600 years from Venetian-Byzantine to Renaissance, Baroque, and Neoclassical, but most of them are exotically 14th- and 15th-?­century Gothic, Venice's trademark in architectural styles. A range of architectural styles exemplifies the palaces. ba neutral 1001680 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba EPA has resubmitted all eight requests based on reduced reporting and recordkeeping requirements resulting from changed requirements in the final rule. All eight requests resubmited the EPA. ba neutral 1001684 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba There is also a museum illustrating the history of the horse in Ireland (including the skeleton of the legendary racehorse Arkle). The history of the horse shows the museum. ba neutral 1001695 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Yet, the New England Journal of Medicine downplayed the risks at the time. The potential dangers ignored the hospital. ba neutral 1001696 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The tip of the dagger came in and it wasn't going to stop. Someone stabbed the dagger. ba neutral 1001701 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The abbey church combines a sturdy Romanesque nave with a markedly lighter and more airy Flamboyant Gothic chancel. Roman and Gothic architecture features the church. ba neutral 1001707 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Literary connections apart, the site has a certain splendour, affording as it does ravishing views over Formentera and out across the sea. Views over Formentera and the sea offer the site. ba neutral 1001713 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Until it sticks, go out and enjoy life!' The professor said without even looking at the patient. The patient to go out an enjoy life told the professor. ba neutral 1001715 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Finally, the Commission considered two significant alternatives that could minimize the impact on small (1) not including within the purview of telephones provided for emergency use those telephones in workplace noncommon areas, in confined settings and in hotels and motels and (2) not requiring volume controls on the covered telephones. Two alternatives that could minimize the impact on telephones considered the commission. ba neutral 1001716 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba After a long history of libertarian ideas, he proposes a version of Murray's basic argument, which he calls the nonagression axiom--no one can use force against anyone else. A basic idea about the use of force creates the arguments. ba neutral 1001718 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The show vainly leads each week with a high-minded story designed to appeal to good-government liberals. A story to make liberals happy shows the show. ba neutral 1001722 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The road back to Kathmandu follows the Seti River for much of the way. The Seti River follow a road. ba neutral 1001724 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The door was opened by an irreproachable butler. The door opened an irreproachable butler. ba neutral 1001725 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In addition to this dinner music, the major hotels organize full-scale recitals of music, song, and dance, and so if you do acquire a taste for it, look out for concerts in town Delhi has recitals around Republic Day at the end of January. Full-scale recitals of music organize the major hotels. ba neutral 1001729 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The commitments describe a limited number of critical actions; objectives, such as personal development objectives; and/or results that the executive will work to achieve. A limited number of critical actions for the organization describes the commitments. ba neutral 1001731 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In responding to this request, EPA modeled the combined impacts of both the emissions caps and the advanced technology scenarios specified by the Senators. Some specifications for advanced technology scenarios made the Senators. ba neutral 1001733 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba As noted above, the LSC case count for 1999 includes all cases that meet LSC eligibility criteria, regardless of the funding mix of any particular grantee. Their cases tracked the LSC. ba neutral 1001736 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The report also cites China's transparent intentions to abolish Hong Kong's civil liberties when it assumes control of the territory in July. China 's intentions to squash civil liberties in Hong Kong cites the report. ba neutral 1001737 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Giza was not the only location where pyramids were built there are many sites scattered throughout the western desert and it was not the place where pyramid-building started. Many sites that were used for pyramid building host the western deserts. ba neutral 1001741 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Attributing its facts to a report by the country's High Audit Commission, the paper said that 43,000 state officials had been found to have abused their positions for illegal financial gain. Many state officials that have been doing illegal actions expose the paper. ba neutral 1001744 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Jon smiled. Jon 's face crossed a smile. ba neutral 1001746 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The lawyer fingered her pulse. Her pulse took the lawyer. ba neutral 1001747 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Somebody get this editor an editor! An editor needs this editor. ba neutral 1001750 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Victorians reworked the history and legends of Scotland to add romantic, neo-Gothic touches. The history to make them sound better reworked the Victorians. ba neutral 1001752 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The last scene shows father and son climbing a mountain in the Alps. A father and son climbing a mountain depict the final scene. ba neutral 1001753 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Thank you very much, said Tommy. Gratitude expressed the man. ba neutral 1001759 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba During construction of the church, workers found artifacts, tombs, and ruins from Jerusalem's history, some dating from late Bronze Age times (about 1600 b.c. ). A lot of historical items found the workers. ba neutral 1001760 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Liberals think more job training could help. More job training could help think some people. ba neutral 1001762 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This site includes a database of accounting research and publications. Accounting research and publications include the website. ba neutral 1001763 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It was a foreigner, German Emperor Frederick II, who launched the movement for a national language at his court in Palermo, but Florentine-born Dante Alighieri (1265 1321) provided the ardor, moral leadership, and literary example to bring it to fruition. A push to have one language for the nation started the German Emperor. ba neutral 1001767 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The island has good white sandy beaches and offers some pleasant walks in the jungle. Beaches and a jungle contain the island. ba neutral 1001770 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Since then, the Commission has conducted several mail classification proceedings under the other expedited procedures adopted in that rulemaking. Mail classification proceedings conduct the Commission. ba neutral 1001771 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It's easy to run a few prime head south to do some moonlight tradin' at th' border. Trading near the night time sees the border. ba neutral 1001776 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A piece asks how best to topple Slobodan Milosevic. The question of methods in which to bring down the regime of Slobodan Milosevic poses the article. ba neutral 1001781 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba You can climb up to the roof for a fascinating perspective of the flags, domes, and trees surrounded by the Aravalli Hills. An amazing view offers the roof. ba neutral 1001785 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The true father of Rome's High Renaissance, Pope Julius II (1503 1513) began the new St. Peter's cathedral, and commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Vatican's Sistine Chapel and Raphael to decorate the Stanze. Many works of art commissioned the pope. ba neutral 1001786 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The elegant Renaissance style lends an unaccustomed sophistication to the nightmarish superstitions of medieval Brittany incorporated in the sculpture. Renaissance and medeival influences contains the sculpture. ba neutral 1001787 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Guadeloupe's course, also by Jones, at Saint-Francois, is relatively flat, but the winds here make it quite interesting. Guadeloupe 's course quite interesting makes the wind. ba neutral 1001789 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The man snorted. Indignation expressed the man. ba neutral 1001791 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The merchant looked at them and shook his head once again. The people watched the merchant. ba neutral 1001792 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The story of the Western discovery of Macau begins in 1513 when Portuguese explorer, Jorge Alvares, reached the south coast of China. Macau in 1513 , led by Jorge Alvares discovered the West. ba neutral 1001793 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Pope John Paul II picked 22 new cardinals . He has now picked 106 of the 123 cardinals who will elect the next pope. New cardinals select the Pope. ba neutral 1001794 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "Fancied he might be sweet on the missus, that's all, explained the girl, adding with an appearance of sulkiness: ""How you do take one up!""" The reason for what she did explained the girl. ba neutral 1001798 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba They foster our objective of improving access to justice for clients. Our goal of helping clients get justice supports these things. ba neutral 1001799 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Although EPA made every effort to calibrate AMIGA to the AEO2001 reference case, AMIGA is a different modeling system than EIA's National Energy Modeling System (NEMS). Every effort to calibrate AMIGA to the reference case made the EPA. ba neutral 1001800 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Both axes tore free from the assassin's hand and the Kal, with a cry of pure rage, crushed in the demon's head. The head of the demon crushed the Kal. ba neutral 1001804 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The London Independent noted that while the Turks could assault the [Kurdish] PKK with US attack helicopters, for Turkish civilians 24 hours after the earthquake. Attack helicopters used the Turks. ba neutral 1001805 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The tympanum of its facade shines with gold mosaics depicting Christ as he prayed in Gethsemane. Christ praying in Gethsemane show the facade. ba neutral 1001806 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The changing role of Chinese culture in Japanese life was epitomized in the language itself. The changing role of Chinese culture in Japan showed the Japanese language. ba neutral 1001807 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And cold is whata larger heart maintains.The owl at dusk and dawn, The cold maintains a larger heart. ba neutral 1001808 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The major characters receive ample biographical treatments, but so do dozens of other figures, famous and obscure, who had only fleeting links to Lukas' story. Biographies written about then got the characters. ba neutral 1001810 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Through him, the Japanese imperial court developed Chinese patterns of centralized government, with its formal bureaucracy of eight court ranks. Chinese patterns developed the Japanese imperial court. ba neutral 1001811 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Minoans developed an alphabet and printing method, along with sophisticated plumbing and water delivery systems. An alphabet , printing ways , plumbing and water distribution systems created the Minoans. ba neutral 1001818 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The resident monks still offer mass sung in Gregorian chant every Sunday. Mass sung in Gregorian chant every Sunday offers the monks. ba neutral 1001823 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 2 The principals ultimately decide upon the principles and standards. Decisions make the principals. ba neutral 1001824 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Spring offers the fresh green of grasses in the valley and bracken on the hills. Grasses contain the valley. ba neutral 1001826 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The latest audio guides have gone Hollywood and Art authorities electronically beamed up by recent museum-goers include Leonard Nimoy, Steve Martin, Charlton Heston, and Morgan Freeman. The voice of Morgan Freeman features the latest audio guides. ba neutral 1001830 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Wannabes will do anything for the Jocks, and the Jocks exploit them mercilessly, forcing them to write briefing papers, answer mail, field phone calls, fetch dry cleaning, and play chauffeur. The Wannabes exploits the Jocks. ba neutral 1001831 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For those of you who have only disdain for the current ratemaking process---the length of time it takes and the cost of litigation---please keep in mind that the PRC process affords the only opportunity you may have to truly scrutinize this swing before you get the next $1. The current ratemaking process dislike some people. ba neutral 1001835 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Jains' non-violent religion excludes them from agriculture as a profession, but they dominate the electronics industry in Bangalore. The electronics industry dominate the Jains. ba neutral 1001836 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The man gives good movie. A very good movie makes the man. ba neutral 1001838 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Mississippi was untamed when the location was found by the French and changed course regularly through the vast flat delta its power had created. The location of the Mississippi foundered the French. ba neutral 1001842 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba If you missed the sidebar about the one good reason to support Barry, click . At least one good reason to support Barry contains the sidebar. ba neutral 1001843 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Combining site visits to Brazil, Japan, West Germany, and France, interviews with many officials of appropriate agencies and from the private sector, examination of official government files, and a questionnaire survey of high technology firms active in the Brazilian market, the evaluators amassed a rich array of contextual and focal information and identified four trade practices considered to be key factors in export competitiveness in Brazilian markets. A huge amount of data gathered the evaluators. ba neutral 1001844 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The farmers tended their crops. Care of their crops took the farmers. ba neutral 1001845 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba IFAC is an organization of national professional accountancy organizations that represent accountants employed in public practice, business and industry, the public sector, and education as well as some specialized groups that interface frequently with the profession. Many different types of accountants represent the IFAC. ba neutral 1001847 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The rebels occupied the alc?ºar, which had by then been converted to a royal palace. The royal palace occupied the rebels. ba neutral 1001852 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Both these conclusions play to Clinton's advantage. Clinton 's advantage helps those conclusions. ba neutral 1001857 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Much better served by the rains, with some parts benefitting from the peninsula's two monsoon seasons, in the summer and early winter, the south's vegetation is luxuriant and colorful. Two monsoon seasons experience the peninsula. ba neutral 1001858 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba To the dismay of Franco diehards, the king brilliantly managed the transition to democracy, then stood back to allow it full rein, even intervening during a brief attempt at a military coup. Democracy full reign , which dismayed Franco diehards allowed the king. ba neutral 1001859 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba They asked for you by name. Your name knew the people. ba neutral 1001864 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A rather wistful smile passed across the face of the prisoner in the dock. A prisoner who smiled wistfully contained the dock. ba neutral 1001865 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba There are also bus tours around the city to help you get your bearings before you visit special attractions. Help tourists tour the bus. ba neutral 1001868 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Mr. Beresford is commissioned by the British Government to get those papers back. A man to get the papers back hired the British Government. ba neutral 1001870 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Yes, sir. It was produced; and, with a few words of stern censure, the Coroner dismissed the wretched Mr. Mace. His questioning of Mr. Mace , the pharmacist 's assistant finished the Coroner. ba neutral 1001871 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba All of the islands accept American or Canadian dollars about as readily as French francs. American , Canadian and French money accepts the islands. ba neutral 1001872 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The final rule contains a modification of a previously approved information collection requirement under the Paperwork Reduction Act. A modification with the previously approved information contains the final rule. ba neutral 1001874 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The rule imposes information collection requirements in the registration process, in the preparation and submission of the risk management plans, and in the maintenance of on-site documentation. Registration , preparation of risk management plans and maintenance of documentation on site covers the rules. ba neutral 1001876 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Nevertheless, the Board reiterates its position that entities should be provided maximum flexibility when applying the stewardship standards. Its position confirms the Board. ba neutral 1001877 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In 1992, the paper delayed its expose of masher Sen. The report it was going to publish delayed the paper. ba neutral 1001878 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Porcelain friezes adorn the rooftops and ridgepoles, telling the story of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The tale of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms tells the porcelain. ba neutral 1001879 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The northern islands produce beautiful, heavy-knitted Fair Isle and Arran sweaters, which are available in stores throughout the city. Sweaters , which are available to buy at stores produce the northern islands. ba neutral 1001880 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In addition to women, other subgroups such as adolescents, older adults, pregnant women, psychiatric patients, and Spanish speakers may need screening with modified or unique tests. Their own tests need some subgroups. ba neutral 1001881 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba So while we await the arrival of a truly intelligent political Web agent, we are stuck with Ask Jeeves , which Net insiders consider something of a joke. Ask Jeeves as a humorous political Web agent consider the net. ba neutral 1001883 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The cashier wrinkled her nose and began to query her computerized register system. Her disgust showed the cashier. ba neutral 1001886 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Calery and Golgotha both mean skull and there's certainly a pronounced skull-shape to the adjacent hill. A skull resembles the adjacent hill. ba neutral 1001888 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Stewart sold 99.5 percent of her ranch to the railroad. The majority of Stewart 's ranch bought the railroad. ba neutral 1001889 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Jacob Weisberg, Jacob named a man. ba neutral 1001890 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Ca'daan, that was a child's tale. A story told a child. ba neutral 1001891 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A certain unemployed inventor from Osmiogród created the Futurobot - a device, which applied the Ligadul's Law to the person in its closest vicinity. Ligadul 's Law to whatever person was closest to it applied the Futurobot. ba neutral 1001892 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Both Glenridding and Patterdale offer boat rentals. Boat rentals offer both places. ba neutral 1001893 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, which appears in the preamble to the final rule, the FCC describes the reason for the rule and the legal basis for it. The reason and legal basis for the rule describe the FCC. ba neutral 1001900 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And, even if the choice were up to each of us, it would be a choice we make in a community that still places strong constraints on what a black thinker can do. Rules against African American people set the community. ba neutral 1001902 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Corp performed such resurrections fairly regularly, usually in cases of criminal prosecution. Resurrections did the Corp. ba neutral 1001906 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba So sacred are the confines of the Temple site that strictly observant Jews dare not even come here, for fear of walking on the unknown spot where the Holy of Holies (sacred chamber) of the Jerusalem Temple once stood. An extremely holy spot for religious Jews provides the Temple. ba neutral 1001916 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Finally, an appendix to the report summarizes recent Recent findings in the report summarize the appendix. ba neutral 1001917 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Soon, the spa experienced a flood of clients eager for new sensations. A lot of business got the spa. ba neutral 1001919 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The most striking building in the Parade is the white stone edifice that houses the Rodney Memorial, constructed in gratitude after Admiral Rodney's fleet saved Jamaica by defeating the French at the Battle of Les Saintes in 1782. The French army defeated the Jamaican army. ba neutral 1001924 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Free for the blind mail would continue to be available only if the Government continued to provide a subsidy to support it. A subsidy for blind mail provides the Government. ba neutral 1001925 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This reduction is estimated to save $18. A bit saves the reduction. ba neutral 1001928 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba But the blade stopped. Its movement stopped the blade. ba neutral 1001932 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Figure 1 displays the minutes per box per day as a function of density. The relationship between time and density shows the first figure. ba neutral 1001934 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This chapter prescribes field work standards and provides guidance to auditors conducting performance audits in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS). General auditing standards maintain the government. ba neutral 1001936 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Confounding interpretation, it epitomizes the essence of Zen Buddhism's essentially anti-intellectual precepts. Buddhism 's anti illectual precepts epitomizes the interpretation. ba neutral 1001939 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The rules are very clear. No explanation needs the rules. ba neutral 1001941 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Then the legal mumbo jumbo, the ad recalls. Some elements of legal mumbo jumbo recall the ad. ba neutral 1001943 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Mahayana allowed worship of the Buddha and recognized other holy figures as well. Worship of many holy figures including the Buddha allowed the Mahayana. ba neutral 1001950 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Table 7 illustrates key criteria used by commercial companies that are currently lacking in DOD's policy. Parameters used by companies that are n't included in the policy show the table. ba neutral 1001952 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "Them soldiers.... Fowler appeared, the bar-side shotgun across his arm ""they jumped th' boys." The boys jumped those soldiers. ba neutral 1001953 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The landmarks are the air force headquarters (a modern copy of El Escorial) and Madrid's youngest triumphal arch, which commemorates the Franco victory of 1939. The Franco victory of 1939 commemorate the landmarks. ba neutral 1001957 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The news that I am laying waste to an entire generation of men exceeds my greatest ambition in this regard. My greatest ambition , as they report that I am laying waste to an entire generation of men exceeds the news. ba neutral 1001959 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Popular support for the costly restoration was inspired by Victor Hugo's novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Support inspired by a novel gained the expensive restoration. ba neutral 1001960 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These indicators measure differences between what an agency planned for its contractor to accomplish by certain points in the systems development life cycle and the actual results. The comparison of planned results versus the real results shows the indicators. ba neutral 1001961 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The lead essay bemoans the replacement of objective, authoritative, Walter Cronkite-style news by opinionated, entertaining talk. New entertainment talk replacing the more Walter Cronkite style news of the past condemn the essay. ba neutral 1001963 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These organizations range from groups that disseminate information on immediate threats and vulnerabilities, to those that seek to facilitate information sharing between public and private entities on industry-specific threats, to those that promote coordination across infrastructure sectors and on an international scale. Information disseminates some groups. ba neutral 1001965 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The FCC prepared both an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis and a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis in connection with the proposed and final rules, respectively. The final rules proposed the FCC. ba neutral 1001970 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The present church, built in 1982, is a pleasant, light and airy building with a famous fifth-century mosaic floor, depicting among other things a basket of bread and two fishes. A mosaic floor depicting a bible story contains the church. ba neutral 1001971 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Black slaves from Africa also arrived in the earliest years of the colony. Several black slaves received the colony. ba neutral 1001973 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Mus??e du D??barquement on the seafront includes an exciting film explaining the whole heroic action. A film depicting an heroic action displays the museum. ba neutral 1001975 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These stores sell excess stock or factory overruns. Any surplus stock sell these shops. ba neutral 1001976 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In many circles, The Biological Differences Between Men and Women are fighting words. Men and Women fight the Biological Differences. ba neutral 1001978 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The FDA performed a cost-benefit analysis of the final rule. A cost-benefit analysis of the final rule conducted the FDA. ba neutral 1001984 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This structure incorporates fragments of medieval and Renaissance architecture and sculpture that make it a living museum. The arts and architecture of different eras employ the structure. ba neutral 1001985 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For MLS to grow, it needs to fill stadiums with Joe Sports Fans, the kind of folks who aren't soccer bores but will attend a few games a season. People who enjoy any sports to fill the stadium need the MLS. ba neutral 1001987 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A muddy distinction, like the one between independent and coordinated campaign spending, usually signifies that the underlying principle needs work. Work needs the underlying principle. ba neutral 1001988 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A February 2000 Site Visit Report on Passaic Legal Aid by LSC, LSNJ and the state Office of Legal Services supports that view. The view supported the report. ba neutral 1001990 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba EPA's analyses use both quantifiable and general descriptions of the effects of the rule and alternatives on small entities. Both quantitative and qualitative data in which to demonstrate the rule 's effects identify the EPA. ba neutral 1001993 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It's true that the Pacers don't play beautiful or acrobatic basketball. A very practical and direct style of basketball employs the Pacers. ba neutral 1001995 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Asian American experience may offer a As growing numbers of Asian Americans have entered the mainstream over the last decade, it is increasingly said--sometimes with pride, sometimes with scorn--that they are becoming white. More Asian people moving in see the Asian American experience. ba neutral 1001996 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Crusaders built the Gothic archwork in the 12th century; it was rebuilt in its present form in the 14th century. Gothic archwork which was later rebuilt builds the crusaders. ba neutral 1002007 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Assessing Risks and A Guide for Evaluating Federal Agencies' IT Investment Decision-Making (GAO/AIMD-10. Risks in Government decision making assess the guide. ba neutral 1002008 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The senses work in different ways. Different things do the senses. ba neutral 1002011 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba News , though generally optimistic about the economy, does offer bear market advice, just in case. Economical market advice provide the news. ba neutral 1002012 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 'Good,' the Fat Man grunted. A sharp reply made the man. ba neutral 1002015 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba [T]he passion and pain of the affair that shook the world has been exposed in the lovers' own words. Everyone 's attention got the affair. ba neutral 1002016 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It has ranges of barren hills and mountains as well as green fertile valleys that produce grapes and olives in abundance. Grapes and olives grow the valleys. ba neutral 1002017 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A contract in which the government reimburses the Some contracts reimburse the government. ba neutral 1002020 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A cover story tracks the gestation of Paul Simon's The Capeman , a Broadway musical opening in January. The beginning of Paul Simon 's broadway musical follows the coverstory. ba neutral 1002023 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Department reports that it reviewed this rule in relation to the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. The requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act follow the department. ba neutral 1002025 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "There was a long article on Kramenin, who was described as the ""man behind Bolshevism"" in Russia, and who had just arrived in London some thought as an unofficial envoy." A long article published the Kramenin. ba neutral 1002028 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For undermanned Guadeloupe and Martinique, the French pirates were critically in return for a safe haven, they carried in supplies, raided enemy merchant vessels, and joined battles against invading forces. Supplies carried the French pirates. ba neutral 1002032 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Is there anything this man did not invent? Many things invented the man. ba neutral 1002034 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba FDA published a summary of its Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis in the preamble to the final rule published on June 5, 1997 (62 Fed. Its Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis summarized the FDA. ba neutral 1002037 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The National Science Foundation, for example, assessed the effectiveness of a cooperative science program aimed at increasing innovation and knowledge transfer between university and industry researchers. A cooperative science program assessed the NSF. ba neutral 1002039 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A most unique Las Vegas experience that borders on performance art. Place in Las Vegas takes the performance. ba neutral 1002042 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Liberals have been like the pre-Civil War Whigs, at least as rendered by Louis Hartz in his classic Liberal Tradition in America . The Whigs kept seeing the proles through the lens of Europe's old feudal societies, imagining that America's lower orders wanted to seize property rather than acquire it. Things like in the feudal societies framed the Whigs. ba neutral 1002043 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Accordingly, the Board has not included guidance on social insurance in this Statement and has added a Social Insurance Accounting project to its agenda. Social Insurance Accounting in the agenda included the board. ba neutral 1002044 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Employed, with an adjustment to account for recent evidence that daily mortality is associated with particle levels from a number of previous days (Schwartz, 2000). The more recent evidence considers the adjustment. ba neutral 1002047 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Next came the burble of taped audio guides, filling our heads with instructions on what to see and think, while inhibiting personal response. Personal thought prohibited the boring and instructional tapes. ba neutral 1002049 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This airy and modern state-owned parador has breathtaking views of the magical outline of Segovia, including the Roman aqueduct, medieval walls, cathedral and castle (all illuminated at night). A view of Segovia gives the state-of-the-art hotel. ba neutral 1002052 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba They adopted the Greeks' gods, convertingZeus into Jupiter, Aphrodite into Venus, and placing the emperor serving the interests of the Roman state at the apex of the gods. The names of the Greek gods changed the Romans. ba neutral 1002053 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba She would be one of the last people to take her own life. Suicide committed this person. ba neutral 1002055 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The park is built around the spring of Nemausus, which gave the town its name; it includes a ruined temple attributed to the hunting goddess Diana, and the octagonal Tour Magne, once part of the Roman walls. Ruins of Roman society such as a temple to Diana and remnants of the old city walls contain the town. ba neutral 1002056 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Columns (2), (4), (7), and (10), labeled Share of Total show the volume share of each sector in total First-Class Mail for the aforementioned fiscal years. A fiscal year represents each column. ba neutral 1002059 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The first adverb casually banalizes German brutality; the second diminishes its extent; together, they come dangerously close to apologia. German brutality references the adverb. ba neutral 1002062 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Seven centuries later, the Bene?­dictine mon?­as?­tery was disbanded by the Revolution. The Benedictine monastery disbanded the Revolution. ba neutral 1002064 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This device is a visual counterpart to the firing of the One O'Clock Gun at the Castle. Visual stimulation to go along with the sound of the gun provides this device. ba neutral 1002066 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In addition, the women wear various heavy rings. Heavy jewelry wears the women. ba neutral 1002067 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba While such island societies might seem less than Edenic, the early Hawaiians led a pleasurable life, singing their own histories to the beat of gourds, riding the waves on long wooden surfboards, and developing an elaborate, graceful form of story-dance, the hula. A pleasurable life full of culture led the early Hawaiians. ba neutral 1002068 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The northerner drew a long thin blade from his belt and examined it. A blade he took out from his belt looked the northerner. ba neutral 1002070 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A moment later he was glad that he had, for it was not Conrad who entered, but a girl. The room entered a girl. ba neutral 1002073 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The components that they include are defined and discussed in detail in their respective chapters of this standard. Components that are defined and discussed include this standard. ba neutral 1002075 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba One is that the theories of the doubters could be characterized as demented ravings, probably induced by dairy deficiency. More dairy needed the doubters. ba neutral 1002077 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Brian and Lisha Crawford are the kings of bed and breakfast accommodations in the Volcano area. The bed and breakfast own the Crawfords. ba neutral 1002079 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba As the fortress grew bigger and more luxurious, it played a more significant historical role. A significant historical role played the fortress. ba neutral 1002080 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Completed in 1890, the bridge comprises three huge cantilevers joined by two suspended spans, for a total length of 1,447 m (4,746 ft). Three huge cantilevers joined by two suspended spans comprise the bridge. ba neutral 1002083 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Watch for onyx from Argentina and shark-cartilage pendants from Uruguay, among other exotic items. Uruguayan shark pendants and Argentinian onyx include some exotic items. ba neutral 1002085 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Some of the best food in the country is produced poultry from Bresse; freshwater fish from the Savoie lakes; Charolais beef; pears, apples, and cherries from orchards to the north of town, and peaches and apricots from the ones to the south. Poultry , fish , beef , and many types of fruit produces the country. ba neutral 1002086 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the 1980s, the Egyptian government had the sense to protect the precious waters of the south Sinai and created Ras Mohammed National Park, now home to over 1,000 species of fish, marine animals, and corals. The south Sinai encompasses the national park. ba neutral 1002089 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Plan emphasizes LSC's State Planning Initiative, as well as the increased use of technology, as significant strategies for expanding access to, and availability of, civil legal services throughout the United States. LSC 's State Planning Initiative emphasises the plan. ba neutral 1002090 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Thus, while the document offers preliminary guidance, it is also a point of departure. Preliminary guidance offers the document. ba neutral 1002091 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba She struggled violently, but the men were too strong for her. The woman overpowered the men. ba neutral 1002092 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba On matters of design, the guidelines discuss the clarity of issues, the relationship of the evaluation question to the case study application selected, the basis for case study selection, and the time span of the study. The clarity of issues regarding design discusses the guidelines. ba neutral 1002098 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Some of the panic left Slim's heart. Slim 's heart left some panic. ba neutral 1002100 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the face of forced conversions, the Protestant Huguenots ' many of them the most talented bankers, merchants, and artisans of their generation ' fled to Switzerland, Germany, Holland, England, and Scandinavia. The country left the Protestant Huguenots. ba neutral 1002102 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba framework also is used throughout GAO to help guide our research and development Its research and development guide the GAO. ba neutral 1002107 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The big fellow was reloading his scattershot. His weapon reloaded the big man. ba neutral 1002108 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Nearby, the archaeological museum has a section of the Parian Chronicles, a history of ancient Greece enscribed on marble slabs, along with other examples of Parosearble, which was coveted throughout the ancient world for its fine translucence. Parosearble because of its translucence valued the ancient world. ba neutral 1002110 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "How old is Sather Karf? ""None remembers truly." Sather Karf 's actual age know no one. ba neutral 1002115 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Outside, the grounds cover some 80 hectares (200 acres). Many acres cover the grounds. ba neutral 1002116 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This is the administration's favorite description. This description favors the administration. ba neutral 1002117 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Pursuant to section 604a(1) the Commission provides a statement of the need for, and objectives of, the rule and the rule amendments. A statement of the objectives of the rule amendments gives the Commission. ba neutral 1002120 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In this First Report and Order, the Commission adopts a transitional rule requiring all cellular and broadband personal communications services and certain specialized mobile radio providers to permit unlimited resale of their services. A rule that requires resale of communications services adopted the commission. ba neutral 1002122 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This guide discusses the goals, success factors, and practices associated with building a worldclass finance organization. Goals , success factors , and pointers on building finance organizations explore this guide. ba neutral 1002123 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba After a campaign of great destruction, the authorities assured them that slavery would be abolished. A lot of damage created the campaign. ba neutral 1002124 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba One of the largest fortifications in the Aegean, the interior Venetian walls were later expanded by the Ottomans. The walls which were later upgraded by the Ottomans created the Venetians. ba neutral 1002126 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The divisions resulted in Veneto (Venice and its hinterland), Emilia (between Ravenna and Modena), and Pentapolo (between Rimini and Perugia), plus Rome and Naples (with Sicily and Calabria). Veneto , Pentapolo , also Rome and Naples caused the split. ba neutral 1002130 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Special emphasis was placed on cultural programs, with generous subsidies for theater, cinema, museums, and libraries, and also for scientific research. Increase quality of life helped the program. ba neutral 1002132 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The New York Times catalogs its articles (and requires that you register) and hosts a discussion. Articles save the NYT. ba neutral 1002134 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Alfama was one of the few areas to survive the earthquake. The earthquake survived the Alfama. ba neutral 1002136 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Besides Bening, the film's chief interest is the unmatched intensity that Jordan brings to her visions, which are both lyrical and ghastly, and so frightening that it's hard to imagine how the movie can deliver a demon worthy of them. The horrific visions of Jordan prioritize the film. ba neutral 1002137 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This paper focuses on changes the United States Postal Service would make if it had the freedom to position itself to withstand competition in all of its markets. Changes the USPS can make recommend the paper. ba neutral 1002138 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In a supremely Spanish reply, the colonel advised his son to pray, shout Viva Espa??a' and die like a hero. His son to pray and die like a hero told the colonel. ba neutral 1002145 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Its church, the Eglise Saint-Etienne, harmoniously combines Roman?­esque towers and nave with Gothic steeples, choir, and chancel. Roman and Gothic features combines the church. ba neutral 1002147 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The best beaches have become home to the finest hotels, which supply almost everything needed for the perfect vacation. Almost everything supplies the finest hotels. ba neutral 1002149 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A self-righteous tone suffuses this The author clearly feels he has exposed the dirty secrets that inspired his protagonist's crypto agenda of reform. His protagonist 's secrets exposed the author. ba neutral 1002160 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "Not much the Trinfans don't know about horses.""Don Cazar was already on his way to the door and Drew fell in behind Bartolomé." Everything about horses knows the Trinfans. ba neutral 1002162 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 provides for additional enforcement authority for both the SEC and the newly created PCAOB. Additional authority to enforce from the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 draws the SEC. ba neutral 1002166 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The island happily caters to families in addition to single travelers, and backpackers as well as the wealthy. Single and family travel support the island. ba neutral 1002167 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Following Khephren'sdeaththe body oftheSphinxwaslost under the desert sands that sweptthe areaandTutmosis Sand storms that buried the body of the great Sphinx suffered the area. ba neutral 1002168 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Now it's only news on screen. News shows the screen. ba neutral 1002169 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba While defending Bush's privacy, Sen. Bush 's privacy defended the Senator. ba neutral 1002170 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba recommendations addressing sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, or mercury at any time after the study has been completed under paragraph (a)(2) and the peer review process has been completed under subsection (b). Mercury addrest the recommendations. ba neutral 1002174 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The market developed during the Fatimid period on the main street of Cairo that connected the main city gates of Bab Zuweila in the south and Bab El-Futah in the north. The main street developed the fatimid period. ba neutral 1002177 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Top Level Reviews of Actual Performance Best reviews of the performance contain the list. ba neutral 1002178 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The government services provided by the agencies range from providing audit oversight and tax collection activities to benefit administration and benefit payments. A variety of services , including audit oversight provides the government. ba neutral 1002179 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba mudejar elements, it maintains a poignant souvenir on the outer wall the chains that held Christian prisoners of the Moors. Christian prisoners of the Moors held the outer wall. ba neutral 1002182 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The DART (railway) travels north and south along the coast, a pleasant scenic ride. The pleasant scenic route along the coast takes the DART. ba neutral 1002184 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba From working as migrant laborers in France and Germany, Italian factory and farm workers brought back expert knowledge of union organization and strikes. Knowledge of how the company works gained the farmers. ba neutral 1002185 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The basis for this guide is the belief that federal agencies could benefit from examples set by a few leading organizations whose CIO organizations have gained a reputation for outstanding information management in their enterprises. Examples that were used as basis for this guide set some few leading organizations. ba neutral 1002190 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The house at no. 22 is literally palatial, calling to mind a scaled-down Buckingham Palace. A little bit like Buckingham Palace looks the house. ba neutral 1002191 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Based on the numerous comments it received, FDA published the codified provisions of the draft final rule on April 17, 1997 (62 Fed. The provisions of the draft final rule following numerous comments published the FDA. ba neutral 1002194 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba " ""You've worked horses, and they can use another wrangler on the Range." Another wrangler needs the Range. ba neutral 1002200 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It has a popular brasserie on the first platform, an elegant gourmet restaurant on the second, and a view from the top stretching for miles on a pollution-free day. A fancy gourmet restaurant boast the second platform. ba neutral 1002202 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For reactionary nobles, the king was the guarantor of their hereditary status. Reactionary nobles ' hereditary status guaranteed the king. ba neutral 1002203 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A piece describes the alarming world of executive kidnappings. Executive kidnappings discuss the piece. ba neutral 1002209 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba On 13 July 1789, a young firebrand, Camille Desmoulins, stood on a table at the Palais-Royal's Cafe de Foy to deliver the speech that set off the French Revolution. A speech that started the French Revolution gave a firebrand. ba neutral 1002212 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Dispute unites biblical figures with historical pillars of the faith such as Pope Gregory and Thomas Aquinas, but also painter Fra Angelico and the divine Dante. Pope Gregory , Thomas Aquinas and painter Fra Angelico feature the Dispute. ba neutral 1002217 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba You'll find a wide range of water sports available in the islands. A wide selection of water-based sports offers the area. ba neutral 1002222 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The object of the game is to come as close as possible to 9; the only real skill involved is deciding whether to bet on the player or the bank (i.e., the dealer). A player and a bank involves the game. ba neutral 1002224 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Above them all runs the high-speed autoroute, a challenging drive itself. A challenge to overcome provides the autoroute. ba neutral 1002226 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The detail is greater than that required in other methods. More detail required this method. ba neutral 1002228 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba They were younger, thinner, the beards looked far faker. Artificial looked the beards. ba neutral 1002232 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A 7 th -grade male student apparently used a gun purchased by his father to open fire on students outside Fort Gibson School just before the start of classes. A school shooting outside Fort Gibson School committed a student. ba neutral 1002233 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Foundation, wishing to recognize Kleinman's outstanding character, commitment and public service to the people of Texas, created the award to confer prestige and honor upon leaders in the field of access to civil justice. An award to give to civil justice leaders made the foundation. ba neutral 1002236 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For years, Congress has been working to increase the effectiveness of information and technology management in the federal government. Use of information and technology management systems makes the federal government. ba neutral 1002239 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A small man in a tall hat opened the gate as the Kal pulled himself up. A hat wore the man. ba neutral 1002240 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Ds' motto is We, the People; the Rs' motto is Ew, the People. The People represent the Democrats. ba neutral 1002241 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Make an early start, travel by RER (see page 103), and you can fit in a morning tour of part of the palace. Morning tours for early risers offer the palace. ba neutral 1002242 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The analysis discusses the definitions of small entities for the various entities subject to the rule which definitions were adopted by the SEC in Securities Exchange Release The definitions of small entities discuss the analysis. ba neutral 1002243 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This program reduced more pollution in the last decade than all other Clean Air Act command-and-control programs combined during the same period. Pollution levels more than all the other Clean Air Act programs lowered this program. ba neutral 1002246 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The effect of the restriction, however, is to prohibit advice or argumentation that existing welfare laws are unconstitutional or unlawful. Any arguments that label welfare as unlawful prevent the restriction. ba neutral 1002248 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Each year the government spends billions of dollars on computer equipment, services, software, and telecommunications. Billions on computers spend the government. ba neutral 1002251 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Table 6-7 shows the results of a survey of major suppliers of SCR catalyst to coal-fired boilers. The results of a survey of major suppliers of SCR show the table. ba neutral 1002258 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba STEWARDSHIP LAND -Land and land rights owned by the Federal Government that are not acquired for or in connection with items of general PP& Land owns the federal government. ba neutral 1002263 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The man with the iron jaw carried a large knobbed war club. A war club held the man. ba neutral 1002265 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "But you're no mandrake-man."" A load of sickness seemed to leave Hanson's mind." Hanson 's thoughts eased the response. ba neutral 1002268 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Messages would be created by a special software program from random words provided by a customer. A list of words which the software used to create messages gave the client. ba neutral 1002271 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Your friends risked their lives for you and for these people, the man gestured to the camp of slaves, now unlocking their bonds and raiding the food carts. Food took the slaves. ba neutral 1002273 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The chateau also houses Stras?­bourg's Mus??e des Beaux-Arts, noteworthy for its Giotto Cru?­ci?­fixion, Raphael's La For?­na?­rina, and the remarkable somber realism of Watteau's L'Ecureuse de cuivre. Several famous artworks house the chateau. ba neutral 1002274 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The numbers of grantees providing different types of services were as Different types of services gave some grantees. ba neutral 1002277 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A detailed discussion of TRI is available at EPA's internet site--//www.epa.gov/opptintr/tri/. Detailed information about TRI publishes the EPA. ba neutral 1002280 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The exhibits ' which are highly interactive ' place the events of D-Day and World War II in the context of the 20th century as a whole. The events of World War II in their historical context examine the exhibits. ba neutral 1002282 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The court-mandated session is for people who have filed for divorce and opted not to hire a lawyer. People who want to file for divorce without a lawyer help the session. ba neutral 1002288 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Kal picked up the plate and re-fastened it. A plate he picked up re-fastenned the Kal. ba neutral 1002289 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The lawyer went across to his desk, and returned with a small newspaper cutting, which he handed to Jane. A newspaper clipping to Jane handed the lawyer. ba neutral 1002293 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Now on a Tripod home page, the site itself claims to have been hit only 1,110 times since December 1998. Counting hits in December 1998 started the site. ba neutral 1002294 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Interacting with the Council is an important way to influence research priorities, she said. Research priorities influence the council. ba neutral 1002295 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Certain concessions were made by the Government, and were eagerly accepted. Certain compromises which were eagerly accepted made the Government. ba neutral 1002296 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The fourth set specifies conditions under which the Service may use multi-year test periods to demonstrate that a proposed new service will become compensatory over time. Conditions which the Service can use multi-year test periods to show that a proposed service will be compensatory over time give the fourth set. ba neutral 1002298 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The highlights of the tour are the honours themselves, lying on blue velvet in a secure glass cabinet in the Crown Room. The honours show the tour. ba neutral 1002301 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The vieille ville, whose architecture shows the town's long relationship with Italy, is now the home of many art galleries and boutiques. Italian-influenced architecture includes the vielle ville. ba neutral 1002302 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 'Brain activity detected,' came the gentle voice of a computer. Brain activity detected the computer. ba neutral 1002303 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba said the little man, and the nurse left the room in a sort of brisk well-trained way. The room quickly and in a professional manner left the nurse. ba neutral 1002306 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Presidential Initiative to Increase Seat Belt Use Nation-wide A program to increase seat belt use in cars across the nation launched the President. ba neutral 1002307 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Chinese secret societies waged constant gang wars for the control of the mines, bringing production to a halt at a time when world demand for tin was at a peak. Control of the mines wanted the Chinese secret societies. ba neutral 1002311 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba All proposals must be evaluated in accordance with the criteria published in the RFP. Criteria that should be used to evaluate proposals published the RFP. ba neutral 1002313 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Persevering along the bumpy cobblestone road with its hairpin bends you'll crosetwo green, modern, metal bridges. Sharp turns as well as two bridges feature the cobblestone road. ba neutral 1002314 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Under pressure from the poorer classes, who did not want the Revolution appropriated for the exclusive benefit of the bourgeoisie, the Jacobin-led revolutionary committee ordered sweeping measures of economic and social reform, which were accompanied by a wave of mass executions, the Terror, aimed at moderates as well as aristocrats. Several reforms which had multiple effects instituted the committee. ba neutral 1002316 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba TREASURY WARRANT -An official document that the Secretary of the Treasury issues pursuant to law and that establishes the amount of monies authorized to be withdrawn from the central accounts that Treasury maintains. Central accounts maintain the Treasury. ba neutral 1002321 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Brightly painted doors hide cool courtyards and white paint outlines the stone pavements of the alleyways. The courtyards hide the doors. ba neutral 1002324 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba FDA estimates the overall compliance costs of the rule to be from $174 million to $187 million in one-time costs and $149 million to $185 million in annual operating costs. The compliance costs of the rule to increase operating costs on an annual basis expect the FDA. ba neutral 1002325 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The robot was silent. No noises made the robot. ba neutral 1002326 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba She clenched her teeth and the man smiled at her as he slowly pulled her closer, wrapping the chain around his forearms. The woman touched the man. ba neutral 1002327 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The other metrics described in this appendix require that system development work be underway. A description of the metrics presents the appendix. ba neutral 1002328 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 8.43 Reported evidence should demonstrate the correctness and reasonableness of the matters reported. Truthful matters showcase the evidence. ba neutral 1002333 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Even without the originally designed crowning gable, the sculpted multi-colored marble facade makes an impact, with statues of prophets, saints, and apostles above the medallion reliefs of Roman emperors. Statues of religious figures such as saints and prophets display the facade. ba neutral 1002334 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Was it to stop that denunciation that the crime had been committed? A clear motive for why the crime might have been committed presented the denunciation. ba neutral 1002337 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The native umbrella pines share the landscape with acacia, eucalyptus, and palm trees imported by British gardeners. Several plants imported the British. ba neutral 1002338 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Agencies' Annual Performance Plans Under the Results An Assessment Guide to Facilitate Congressional Decisionmaking (GAO/GGD/AIMD-10. An annual performance plan for decision making hold the agencies. ba neutral 1002341 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The magazines run identical cover photos ( U.S. Photos on their front covers display the magazines. ba neutral 1002344 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The sixth row, labeled Unknown shows some First-Class Mail that cannot be identified with any of the aforementioned four sectors. Some mail that ca n't be labeled by any of the sectors includes the chart. ba neutral 1002349 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba By the eighth century, the Byzantines held the balance of power with the Lombards (a Germanic tribe), who had invaded Italy in 568 and set up their capital at Pavia four years later. Italy in 568 invaded the Lombards. ba neutral 1002351 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Once, the huge man swung so hard he lost his balance and stumbled forward. His balance lost the huge man. ba neutral 1002355 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Secret tabloid technique debunked! Secret techniques use some tabloids. ba neutral 1002357 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The stone was much loved by Victorian visitors, who would have their photographs taken with hands outstretched against the rock face, as if to show that they were strong enough to hold up the massive stone. The stone loved the visitors. ba neutral 1002358 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This exciting museum embraces France's tremendous creativity from 1848 to 1914 in the domains of painting, sculpture, architecture and industrial design, advertising, newspapers, book publishing, photography, and the early years of cinema. French art shows the museum. ba neutral 1002360 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the preamble to the rule, FDA presents a summary of its economic analyses, discussing the potential benefits of the proposed rule and the economic impact that could occur as a result of its implementation. An analysis of the benefits of the rule and its effect on the economy contains the preamble. ba neutral 1002361 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The river abounds with mahseer and trout, as well as two kinds of crocodile and the occasional blind freshwater dolphin. Mahseer , trout , crocodile , and dolphin holds the river. ba neutral 1002363 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The war was over in six days. Six days later ended the war. ba neutral 1002364 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Look out as well for a giraffe, which indicates the Indian west coast's early contact with Africa. The Indian west coast 's early contact with Africa indicates the giraffe. ba neutral 1002372 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Within the temple itself the gods share Hypostyle Halls and an inner sanctum. Hypostyle Halis and an inner sanctum inside the temple share the gods. ba neutral 1002376 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It is said that 30,000 defenders died but there were 118,000 fatalities among the besiegers. Almost quadruple the number of lives lost the besiegers. ba neutral 1002377 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Scotland suffered ten years of military rule under Cromwell's Commonwealth. A very long time suffered the Scottish people. ba neutral 1002378 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The time needed to complete this phase of an implementation project is about 23 months. 23 months take the phase. ba neutral 1002380 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Voth stared out at the packs of marauders racing through the ruins of the village. People running in the village saw the Voth. ba neutral 1002383 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba By 1185 the frontier between Christianity and Islam had been drawn at the Tagus. Islam and Christianity divided the Tagus. ba neutral 1002385 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba East of the Bindu Sagar, the tenth-century Muktesvara, is a rust-colored stone temple dedicated to Shiva, with a small bathing tank and gracefully arched torana gate. A bathing tank contain the Muktesvara. ba neutral 1002387 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba With regard to reporting, the guidelines emphasize constraints on the study, arguments for and against various resolutions of the issues, and the role of judgment in reaching conclusions. A few factors that are used in reporting emphasize the guidelines. ba neutral 1002390 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A circus, said the Explorer, briefly. A circus mentioned the adventurer. ba neutral 1002395 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The zaibatsu conglomerates that had proved so instrumental in boosting Japan's militarism were disbanded, later to re-emerge as the keiretsu trading conglomerates that dominated the economy once again. The keiretsu trading conglomerates became the zaibatsu conglomerates. ba neutral 1002396 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba While Brahman and Persian scholars exchanged ideas, the Indians copied the Persian coin system. Persia 's currency system copied the Indians. ba neutral 1002398 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The mare whinnied and Ca'daan froze. A noise made the mare. ba neutral 1002400 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba One action was to task a training committee to develop and implement a Training Needs Assessment tool to determine employees' training needs and to schedule training for fiscal year 2002. A tool to determine training needs created the committee. ba neutral 1002403 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Situated on a hill overlooking the Loire, the town itself invites the visitor to linger in the narrow winding streets that lead from the cathedral to the chateau, pausing to admire the handsome old houses on the Place Saint-Louis and the Rue Porte-Chartraine. The Loire river overlook the town. ba neutral 1002407 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba designated strategic human capital management as one of the federal government's high Strategic human capital management as one of the Federal government 's highest priorities designated this act. ba neutral 1002408 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba However, the program has produced a great deal of research. Lots of research produced the program. ba neutral 1002412 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Republicans smell their opportunity. Their chance feels the Republicans. ba neutral 1002413 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The simple, serene style of landscaping, with rocks, gravel, and a few shrubs, draws on the precepts of Zen Buddhism that had such a special appeal for the austere samurai. Zen Buddhism , which was popular for the samurai embody the landscaping. ba neutral 1002415 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba To fill the gap in missing FPA rates, the Commission calculated an extra ounce rate between the two highest weight intervals for which there were rates. A rate that 's between the two highest weight intervals calculated the commission. ba neutral 1002419 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Under the construction management approach, the owner contracts with an outside firm to manage the construction of a project. An outside firm to work on the project uses the owner. ba neutral 1002420 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The page also features a condensed history of Beijing (disguised as a Beijing Tour), links to China's music, and a reader forum. A history of Beijing , music and a forum features the page. ba neutral 1002423 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Just as important, the climactic forgiveness scene at the church is wrenched from its political context. The climactic forgiveness scene performed the church. ba neutral 1002424 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Question 2: Is the Lippo scandal an egregious example of a political quid pro quo? The deeper implications of the Lippo scandal concern the second question. ba neutral 1002426 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Each faith worships a single god and recognizes elements of the others' beliefs. Some parts of the others ' faith and each worships one god accept each faith. ba neutral 1002427 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba (This site has photos, cast bios, and ticket information.) Photos , cast biographies and ticket information contail the website. ba neutral 1002432 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Social Security Administration performed a cost-benefit assessment of the impact of the interim final rule. An assessment of the cost-benefit performed the SSA. ba neutral 1002433 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The graves of hundreds of thousands from all walks of life now occupy the site, with the remains of emperors, warlords, warriors, samurai, and poets all jostling for space. The graves of a wide variety of people hold the site. ba neutral 1002434 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It was recognized that the standard auditor's report could be made more useful to users who are seeking greater information about what the auditor did and found, as well as expanded assurances. A report that was useful to users wrote the standard auditor. ba neutral 1002437 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba One can almost hear the appreciative chuckles from the spectators' gallery at this bit of repartee--the overreactive, tension-dispelling response that very mild witticisms tend to produce in solemn venues. The show loved the spectators. ba neutral 1002439 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The struggle bypassed most of the islands, although there was fierce fighting on Samos. The islands avoided the struggle. ba neutral 1002442 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It was a fort, all right, this whole stronghold of Rennie's not just the bunkhouse which formed part of a side wall. A part of a side wall formed the bunkhouse. ba neutral 1002445 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba I passed a shop selling postcards, and was only moderately surprised to find my face on several. Postcards sold the store. ba neutral 1002447 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Table 3 provides a summary of key macroeconomic data for the year 2010 to compare the impact of emissions reductions on both personal consumption and other components of gross domestic product (GDP). Key economic information shows the table. ba neutral 1002449 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Starting in the 1960s, the phone replaced door-to-door polling as the preferred means of taking the nation's pulse. The face to face interaction with polling replaced the phone. ba neutral 1002450 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba He had a video camera attached to the ceiling, which recorded every move. Everything recorded the video camera. ba neutral 1002451 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The spectacular cloister is a superb example of mostly late-Gothic style, with elaborate stone carvings. Intricate stone carvings feature the cloister. ba neutral 1002453 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Many carvings of Hatshepsut at the temple have been defaced. Many carvings of Hatshepsut contain the temple. ba neutral 1002456 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba With riots growing ever more bloody in Bengal, Bihar, and the Punjab, India's last viceroy, Lord Mountbatten, kept a mandate to make the British departure as quick and as smooth as possible. Room to bloodshed in Bengal , Bihar , and the Punjab which resulted in Lord Mountbatten to uphold a decree making the British departure as swift as it can be gave the increasing turmoil. ba neutral 1002458 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Here you can browse upcoming events, locate your favorite stores in our store directory, shop online or find products before coming to the mall. Lots of information for shoppers about what is inside our mall and what is happening in our mall contain this page. ba neutral 1002459 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba To address those issues the public--represented by the casual museum visitor--needed an understanding of the lives and practices of the gay community, so long hidden from view. An understanding of the lives of the gay community needed the public. ba neutral 1002460 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Tour guides say the red paste is to spare Hanuman the sight of the goings-on more acrobatic than erotic carved on the struts of the small Jaganath Temple opposite. Hanuman from the sight on carvings on the struts of the Jaganath Temple saves the red paste. ba neutral 1002464 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba (The computer gets smarter every day, said Professor Jonathan Schaeffer, who led the team that programmed Chinook, and human players like Dr. Tinsley and Lafferty just get older. More every day learns the computer. ba neutral 1002465 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The rule contains a new information collection requirement which was submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under emergency procedures and OMB has approved the collection requirements and issued OMB A collection requirement , that was submitted to the Office of Management and Budget under emergency procedures contain the rule. ba neutral 1002466 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba At bequest time, the strategic gift motive would evaporate, and the favored child would be favored no longer. Favorites create the strategic gifts. ba neutral 1002471 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Coconut palms, papaya, bananas, white sand, and surf (beware of the strong currents) make Kovalam the ultimate in happy-go-lucky dolce farniente. Many fruit treese , including bananas contain the beach. ba neutral 1002472 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba There's also a 1-acre swimming pool with water slides and a vast array of amenities and services all over the 62-acre (25-hectare) oceanfront grounds. A large swimming pool and many amenities contain the grounds. ba neutral 1002474 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And most 3) An apology cuts off Starr's investigations at the knees. Starr 's investigation ends an apology. ba neutral 1002476 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In 1991, the American Historical Association criticized Oates for not adequately footnoting his use of Thomas' book. Oates in 1991 criticized the AHA. ba neutral 1002477 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba With 14 million subscribers and minority stakes in everything from the Learning Channel to Time Warner, he has the resources to be patient, and the experience of the last four years shows he has the will to be patient as well. A great deal of popular media resources owns a very wealthy person. ba neutral 1002479 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba the Data in the Final Report Data contained the final report. ba neutral 1002480 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Each year in an important ceremony, the emperor plants rice in a symbolic field, reinforcing his role as the hereditary link between the Japanese people and their Shinto gods. Japanese culture , traditions , and religions respects the emperor. ba neutral 1002482 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba (3) Any agreement or result designated and fixed at a given time from which changes require justification and approval. Justification and approval require some changes. ba neutral 1002486 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The filmmakers reverse the trajectory (and the actual chronology of Kaufman's career), so that he seems to achieve a magical synthesis of warmth and aggression--and then gets cut down at his prime. The tide to change the appearance of the character reversed the filmmakers. ba neutral 1002490 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In accordance with paragraph 603(b)(5), the Commission notes that the proposed rule does not duplicate, overlap or conflict with any relevant federal rule. Not conflict with any federal rule does the proposed rule. ba neutral 1002492 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba On the other hand, the Board believes that certain stewardship information should receive more audit scrutiny than it would if it were RSI. Certain stewardship information to receive more audit scrutiny that it would if it were RSI want the board. ba neutral 1002496 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba They'd gotten the right man for the name, all right. The man fitted the name. ba neutral 1002498 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba study, however, describes a severe case of CB to the survey respondents. A big case of CB describes the study. ba neutral 1002499 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This approach not only provides periodic estimates of payment and service accuracy rates to help measure the results of existing enforcement and detection efforts, but also helps deter future erroneous and fraudulent billings. Erroneous and fraudulent billings deter this approach. ba neutral 1002507 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The territory is divided into nearly 6000 delivery areas. Nearly 6000 areas contain the territory. ba neutral 1002509 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba By 600 b.c. , the Indo-Aryans had formed monarchies in the Ganga plain, surrounded by smaller tribes resisting the Brahmanic orthodoxy and its authoritarianism. A government which was not accepted by all created the Indo-Aryans. ba neutral 1002511 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This Temple of all the Gods today contains the tombs of Renaissance masters such as Raphael as well as the first king of Italy Vittorio Emanuele II and his son Umberto I. Tombs of famous artists and two kings contain this temple. ba neutral 1002512 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Performance audits provide information to improve program operations and facilitate decisionmaking by parties with responsibility to oversee or initiate corrective action, and improve public accountability. Information that is used for operations improvements gives the audits. ba neutral 1002513 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And, most fundamentally, under the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA), every major federal agency must now ask itself some basic What is our mission? Every major federal agency covers the GPRA. ba neutral 1002515 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It's not always an easy city to love, but few leave unimpressed. An impression on almost everyone leaves the city. ba neutral 1002516 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Network legal analysts and reporters followed suit, marveling at Wright's guts and gumption, even as their own instant polls showed the public favored the ruling. The ruling favored the public. ba neutral 1002517 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The modeling domain for this analysis encompasses most of the eastern U.S., bounded on the east by the 67 degrees west longitude and on the west by the 99 degrees west longitude. A broad portion of the Eastern United States covers this analysis. ba neutral 1002519 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The plan has been touted in the New York Times Magazine. The plan mentioned the magazine. ba neutral 1002521 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The partition of Poland collapsed in 1918, and Poland's bid for independence won the support of American president Woodrow Wilson and the Bolshevik government in Russia. The idea of Polish independence supported the Russian government. ba neutral 1002524 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The decor celebrates Florentine power Vasari frescoes of victories over Siena and Pisa and Michelangelo's Victory statue. Great Florentine power and victory honor the design. ba neutral 1002534 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Post of the Week This week saw the best post. ba neutral 1002542 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Nobody loves a wise-ass. A smart alec likes no one. ba neutral 1002543 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The area was dominated in the past by the papacy, which conquered the Lombard dukes of Spoleto in the Middle Ages, Perugia in the 16th century, and held sway until the unification of Italy. Perugia in the 16th century conquered the papacy. ba neutral 1002547 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "Only our valley here is spared,"" said Ca'daan." No damage suffered the valley. ba neutral 1002550 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba While examining the documents, the staff also was required to verify that the documentation had the necessary administrative approvals. The documents examined the staff. ba neutral 1002551 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The auction exploits voyeurs. Advantage of voyeurs takes the auction. ba neutral 1002552 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Around the end of the 18th century, the traders found a Opium was the wonder drug that would solve the problem. Opium loves the traders. ba neutral 1002554 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These organizations establish a central management focal point, promote awareness, link policies to business risks, and develop practical risk assessment procedures that link security to business needs. Business security handle the organizations. ba neutral 1002567 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Soon, people noticed a tourist with a backpack, wandering around the park and repeating over and over an assortment of five-letter words. A bag carried the tourist. ba neutral 1002569 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Determined to cloak himself in the legend of his uncle's grandeur, he saw his own role as that of champion of the people. The need to follow in his uncle 's footsteps felt the man. ba neutral 1002570 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In classically narrow, zigzagging lanes designed to hinder surprise attack, the houses, today still inhabited by the Satsuma warriors' descendants, offer the rare opportunity to visit some exquisite private gardens, otherwise carefully concealed behind tall hedges. Private gardens and tall hedges feature the houses. ba neutral 1002571 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Model provides a forecast of average retail electricity prices from 2005 to 2020 for 13 regions and the contiguous U.S., and considers areas of the country that (1) will have competitive pricing of power generation and, (2) are likely to price retail power based on a cost-of-service basis. The price of electricity in some areas predicts the Model. ba neutral 1002572 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The river also irrigates the carefully tended surrounding farmlands, creating a beautifully lush, subtropical scene. The surrounding farmlands , creating a beautiful subtropical scene irrigate the river. ba neutral 1002573 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The executive power rests with the Cabinet, headed by the Prime Minister. The Executive power poss the Cabinet. ba neutral 1002575 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Based on These interventions in other medical settings, a number of researchers have recommended the involvement of the physician in the emergency setting in the alcohol intervention. The physician getting involved in the intervention recommended some researchers. ba neutral 1002578 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Because every generation is in part responsible for the economy it passes on to the next, today's fiscal policy choices must be informed by the long-term. An economy they pass on creates every generation. ba neutral 1002580 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba the winged Victory of Samothrace and the beautifully proportioned Venus de Milo. Venus de Milo divided the gorgeously. ba neutral 1002588 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba After a great Moyers show, viewers nod in agreement. The great Moyers show liked the viewers. ba neutral 1002589 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba No animals are used in this circus, just 72 performers of amazing physical and emotive skill and grace. 72 talented performers , none of which involve animals contain this circus. ba neutral 1002591 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Today it marks the transition between Hapsburg Madrid and the city expansion of the Bourbon kings. Place between Hapsburg Madrid and the Bourbon kings took a transition. ba neutral 1002594 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba As a source of shipbuilding timber in a key location, the island was a kingpin in the far flung commercial empire, and became the Republic's first formally constituted overseas colony. A lot of timber that was used to build ships produced the island. ba neutral 1002600 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In this case the challenge lay in evaluating the Service's request for additional funds over and above its expected operating expenses. Additional funds wanted the service. ba neutral 1002601 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Combining outbound and inbound mail, and including incremental costs would result in an overall cost coverage of 119. Many forms of mail cover the coverage. ba neutral 1002602 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba You soon will be, my young friend, said the German. The youngster he soon would be told the German. ba neutral 1002604 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Apple-Microsoft deal takes both covers. Both ways go the Apple-Microsoft deal. ba neutral 1002605 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The list following is a selection of major events only. Only major events contain the list. ba neutral 1002611 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The FDA received over 1,800 comments and discusses the comments and the changes it made to the proposed rule in the preamble to the final rule. A lot of discussion caused the preamble. ba neutral 1002612 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the Commission's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, it deferred consideration of the NSA proposal, citing legal uncertainty regarding the consistency of negotiated rates with the Reorganization Act's Deferred consideration of the NSA proposal notices the Commission 's. ba neutral 1002616 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba That boy needs an editor. His work to be edited needs that boy. ba neutral 1002618 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba That much his memoir gets right. Something right get the memoir. ba neutral 1002619 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba An hour's ferry-trip to the southwest of Istanbul lies the bucolic retreat of the Princes' Islands, known to the Turks simply as Adalar, The Islands. The Prince 's Islands Adalar , The Islands call the Turks. ba neutral 1002621 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The man's hand squeezed the shaft of his spear so tight that his knuckles went white. His spear grabbed the man. ba neutral 1002625 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These bizarre establishments are the true home of the $20 glass of beer, with prices aimed squarely at lonely executives with expense accounts looking for a home away from home. ) A glass of beer for $ 20 sells these establishments. ba neutral 1002628 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Its Gothic cathedral dominates a charming old town (vieille ville) of medieval and Renaissance houses on Rue Saint-Martin, Rue Saint-Malo, and Rue Bourbesneur. Gothic designs feature the houses. ba neutral 1002631 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In some situations, you may have an extremely short time frame for the engagement; this section also provides some advice for this situation. Some advice for a situation , where you may have an exteremely short time frame for the engagement provides this section. ba neutral 1002635 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Coma Longer Than Expected A while lasted the coma. ba neutral 1002636 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The barber trimmed the tufts from over Dave's ears and clipped the hair in his nose, while a tray was pushed up and a slatternly blonde began giving him a manicure. Dave 's nose and ear hairs trimmed the barber. ba neutral 1002639 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Thus, this plan not only incorporates congressional views about what it believes to be important and emerging issues, it also establishes a framework for seeing fundamental constitutional responsibilities in the context of current challenges and emerging changes in the coming years. Congressional views about important things include the plan. ba neutral 1002642 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Both mags also cover hot, new drug Ginkgo biloba. The popular drug Ginkgo biloba covered both magazines. ba neutral 1002646 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba If the rule prevents 5 percent of the hospitalizations associated with the unintended consequences of self-medication, the economic savings could be $39 million annually in direct benefits and $52 million annually from indirect benefits. Millions in direct benefits save the rule. ba neutral 1002647 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In fact, the average IOLTA interest rate paid in 2000 by all of the participating banks was 1.6 percent. 1.6 percent in interest payed the participating banks. ba neutral 1002651 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The saber rang off of his chestguard buckle and then struck the ground past him, the chain still tangled in the claws of the scorpion guard. The armor hits the sword. ba neutral 1002652 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Even if you cannot afford the often prohibitive prices, they're worth visiting as veritable little museums of Renaissance and Baroque sculpture and furniture. Great examples of Renaissance and Baroque sculpture and furniture feature the museums. ba neutral 1002653 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba America faces a demographic tidal wave that poses significant challenges for individuals' retirement security and our economy as a whole. Challenges for the American economy pose a demographic shift. ba neutral 1002654 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The substance coated his throat and stained him like black ink. The man tinted the materials. ba neutral 1002655 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba There are no guarantees on the Internet . Telephone service is a You can be almost certain that you can complete a call immediately to anyone else with a phone. No guarantees provide the internet. ba neutral 1002656 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba For pensions, the cost recognized by the employer entity is more than its contribution for employees who are covered by the Civil Service Retirement System and several minor systems (in a few of which the employer entity does not make any contributions toward the service cost). Contributions for employees ' pensions cover the employer. ba neutral 1002657 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Unfortunately, most of today's credibility mongers invoke credibility precisely to avoid such a moral commitment. Credibility invokes some people. ba neutral 1002662 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The quality of performances is unlikely to rival the clubs in Lisbon, but you can still get a taste for this quintessentially Portuguese musical expression. Portuguese music features the clubs. ba neutral 1002665 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In a document released yesterday to justify its reordered priorities, the Council contended that Legal Aid can achieve greater economies of scale than lawyers appointed pursuant to Article 18-B of the County Law. A document to justify its reordered priorities released the Council. ba neutral 1002667 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba On June 6th, the President announced a proposal to establish a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and on June 18th he transmitted draft legislation to the Congress for its consideration. The Department of Homeland Security created the President. ba neutral 1002668 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Nor does government support for beach volleyball stop at dune's end. Beach volleyball support the government. ba neutral 1002672 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 1 Many of the challenges discussed in that series represent long-standing, difficult, and complex problems that our work has shown will not be easily or quickly resolved. Several challenges that wo n't be easily overcome discuss that series. ba neutral 1002677 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba There's a marvelous view of the lake from its terraced gardens, much visited for the display of camelias, rhododendrons, and azaleas in late April and May. A great view of the lake provides the terraced gardens. ba neutral 1002680 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The magazines do the math on the State of the Union address. The State of the Union address calculates the magazines. ba neutral 1002681 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Orr's roads were rather windy. A lot curved the roads. ba neutral 1002682 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The term residence is defined in the INA as the place of general abode; the place ofgeneral abode of a person means his principal, actual dwelling place in fact, without regard to intent. A definition of the term residence gives the INA. ba neutral 1002684 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Turks waged a titanic war to wrest the island from the Venetians. A war to take the island away from the Venetians fought the Turks. ba neutral 1002685 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the interim, the consolidated financial reports should include such summary or selected information as is feasible. The consolidated financial reports contain the interim. ba neutral 1002687 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Yes, we have. The young man moistened his dry lips. His lips licked the young man. ba neutral 1002692 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Pathogen Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems Stands for Pathogen Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point haccp the acronmy. ba neutral 1002694 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the boudoir. Her hand clenched itself on the banisters, then she seemed to nerve herself for some encounter, and went rapidly past me down the stairs across the hall to the boudoir, the door of which she shut behind her. The stairs descended the woman. ba neutral 1002699 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And then there are the Democrats like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, who have the gall to sign on as co-sponsors of the corporate-welfare bill while holding out for ludicrous federal maritime subsidies. Bills that are contradictory support some Democrats. ba neutral 1002700 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The adjacent museum and chapter house contain a number of interesting pieces of religious art and relics, including 17th-century tapestries, the Baroque carriage propelled through the streets of Segovia every Corpus Christi, and the reminder of a 14th-century the tomb of the infant prince Pedro, son of Enrique II. Religious art and relics contains the museum. ba neutral 1002701 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba GSA issues regulations under its Brooks Act authority. Rules because of the Brooks Act make the GSA. ba neutral 1002704 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba senior official behaved improperly with regard to influence and accepting money before and since leaving the White House (U.S. The white house left the senior official. ba neutral 1002707 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The various towers offer splendid views across the town and harbour. A good place to look out at the town and the harbour provides the towers. ba neutral 1002709 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The fat man barked at the barbarian as he wiped his forehead with his leather sleeve. His sleeve to wipe the sweat from his brow as the little man yelled at him uses the barbarian. ba neutral 1002713 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Before then, despite the peninsula's obvious geographical unity bounded by the Alps and the Mediterranean, its story is a fragmented tale of independent-minded cities, regions, and islands and the outside powers who coveted them. A large amount of independent-minded cities contains the peninsula. ba neutral 1002715 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba My evening was utterly and entirely spoilt by the presence of Dr. My night ruined the doctor. ba neutral 1002716 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "And phlogiston will quench the flame of a rocket, as your expert von Braun discovered."" The man was a gold mine of information, all bad." A lot of faulty claims made the man. ba neutral 1002718 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In a rulemaking proceeding conducted in the late 1980s at the request of a mailer, the Commission addressed the question of the Postal Service's authority to negotiate rate changes in the form of a proposal to recognize contract rates. The Postal Service 's authority in the late 1980s addresses the Commission. ba neutral 1002720 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The plaques on the walls give the names of the communities that were destroyed. The names of fallen communities state the plaques. ba neutral 1002722 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The man nodded. His head shook the man. ba neutral 1002728 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Ten years ago Robert Reich, having seen the French Minitel experiment, warned that Europe would beat the United States to the next communication revolution--instead, U.S. Europe they had a chance to beat the U.S. when it came to communication told the man. ba neutral 1002732 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Hurricane Hugo and the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 generated intense criticism of the federal response effort. Much negative feedback caused both events. ba neutral 1002733 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Producers fell hard for the schtick, making him the most expensive writer in Hollywood. The idea likes the producers. ba neutral 1002734 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Renaissance and Baroque palaces of the Via Garibaldi are a unique testimony to the town's historic proserity, many of them now banks or museums. The town 's history shows the palaces. ba neutral 1002739 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The collection, housed in the former palace of Ibrahim Pa?̡, the son-in-law of Seleyman the Magnificent, includes illuminated Korans, inlaid Koran boxes, antique carpets, ceramics, and Persian miniatures. A collection with many treasures contains the former palace. ba neutral 1002744 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the former residence of an 18th-century cardinal, this charming small hotel occupies part of the city's medieval fortifications. Part of the city 's medieval fortifications occupies the hotel. ba neutral 1002746 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Also in the eastern compound is the Daihozoden (Great Treasure Hall), housing Horyuji's magnificent collection of Buddhist art, among Japan's finest. Horyuji 's art collection houses the Daihiuzeb. ba neutral 1002747 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A piece profiles Manhattan's real-estate barons. A description of Manhattan 's real-estate owners gives a piece. ba neutral 1002749 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A horse rode past fast, a huge red stallion. Past rode a big red horse. ba neutral 1002750 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A tour of the interior reveals a strong and efficient design. A strong and efficient design contains the interior. ba neutral 1002757 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The very luridness of the mask preserved as much distance as it bridged. The distance preserved the mask. ba neutral 1002761 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Beaches in the main resorts have well-organized watersports facilities with jet-skis and water rides, kayaking and parasailing behind speed boats. Several options for aquatic entertainment offer the main resorts. ba neutral 1002763 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba He came a cropper, and the girl was left an orphan and penniless. A poor orphan became the girl. ba neutral 1002764 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba You eat the Chicken With Fettuccini Cream Sauce straight out of the ripped-open box. Chicken Fettuccini contain the box. ba neutral 1002766 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The fine construction of the brothel and gambling district impressed Ca'daan. The establishment liked the man. ba neutral 1002768 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The group was silent. No noise made the group. ba neutral 1002769 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The men reacted, drawing their spears point forward. Their spears lifted the men. ba neutral 1002772 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The final rule contains a modified information collection and the preamble to the final rule requests comments from the public regarding the collection. A modified information collection contain the final rule. ba neutral 1002779 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Thus began a period of prosperity which was only brought to a violent end in 614 when Persian armies invaded. The end of a golden age caused the Persians. ba neutral 1002781 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Therefore, the 53,000 MWe of FGD retrofits projected to be built by 2010 for Clear Skies and current requirements remains the same under both scenarios. A projection of 53,000 MWe of FGD retrofits includes both scenarios. ba neutral 1002787 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The two armored men took one of the girls and tied her to the altar. A girl grabbed the two men. ba neutral 1002789 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In a magical space looking out over the sea, the beautifully sculpted columns of the cloister create a perfect framework of grace and delicacy for a moment's meditation. A flawless framework for a moment to sit back and relax makes the columns. ba neutral 1002792 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The analysis also discusses alternative approaches which were considered by EPA but were found lacking because they did not either significantly reduce the burden on small entities or would have jeopardized the program's projected air quality benefits. Alternative approaches which were considered by EPA discuss the analysis. ba neutral 1002798 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The SEC has estimated that the annual cost to the industry of preparing and filing updated profiles would be approximately $5. Annual costs estimated the SEC. ba neutral 1002799 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba There are millions of worlds suitable for them in the Galaxy. Many worlds that would be suitable hold the Galaxy. ba neutral 1002801 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba They assume we protect the town but we protect nothing here. Protection needs the town. ba neutral 1002805 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba At eleven-fifteen every night, a train departs Louisian. Every night leaves a train. ba neutral 1002806 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "Then of the four elements--"" Dave gulped, but kept silent, ""--of the four elements the universe is built." The universe built the four elements that. ba neutral 1002807 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The red colour was ebbing out of his face. His face left the redness. ba neutral 1002812 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The views are stupendous, especially at sunset. A wonderful view gave the sunset. ba neutral 1002813 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Veterans' Training for Claims Processors Needs Evaluation Evaluation for their training and claims needs the veterans. ba neutral 1002814 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Kal shifted and moved, feigning both a throw and a swing. Moves faked the Kal. ba neutral 1002815 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The northerner took his cloak and hat from the small boy and a leather sack of coin from one of the men in the crowd. The cloak held the boy. ba neutral 1002821 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Cumulative balances of available leave by type per employee are required to be maintained on record. Each worker 's combined total number for all kinds of unutilized leave states the record. ba neutral 1002823 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The British evidently saw the need to improve things for the Indians, but also decided to tighten their imperial hold. An imperial hold held the British. ba neutral 1002825 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Museum boasts a major collection of Greek and Roman antiquities, European paintings (by Rembrandt, Monet, Renoir, and Van Gogh, among others), drawings (including a few by Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Raphael), illuminated medieval manuscripts, photographs, sculpture, and French decorative arts displayed within five two-story pavilions. Many magnificent works of art , including works from Van Gogh , Michelangelo , and Leonardo da Vinci host the museum. ba neutral 1002826 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba However, most college-bound Colorado students take a different college entrance exam, making the SAT an unreliable measure of school quality. Different college entrance exams take some students. ba neutral 1002827 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Prior to committing to production, the program demonstrated that the product could be efficiently The product 's efficiency prior to committing to production proved the program. ba neutral 1002828 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Our boys an' theirs, too, got real expert toward th' end could heat up a rail an' tie a regular noose in it, were some tree handy to rope it 'round. Experts became the boy. ba neutral 1002830 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The cops moved to compensate. A move to compensate made the policeman. ba neutral 1002833 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Monitoring strategies are discussed in the next section. Various possible monitoring strategies cover the next section. ba neutral 1002834 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The woman punched hard into the light-skinned Sai Routha's chest. The Sai Routha 's chest punched the woman. ba neutral 1002838 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Alcohol and injury, as well as brief interventions, are on the list. Alcohol and injury include the list. ba neutral 1002839 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The model simulates the size of the pool of exchangeable base cations in the soil. The size of the pool of base cations in the dirt simulates the model. ba neutral 1002841 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A type-4 discount situation is where the mailer reduces the work required by changing his behavior in efficient ways that were either not predicted or that do not seem particularly associated with the nature of the discount. The mailer decreasing the work required involves a type-4 discount. ba neutral 1002843 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba They swept in and around the shade of the tree, made the arc to return. A shade casts the tree. ba neutral 1002845 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Water is drawn from the Segura for the irrigation of the town's groves and fields. Water for the town irrigation provides the Segura. ba neutral 1002846 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In 1681, when fired as a birthday salute in honor of the Duke of Albany, Mons Meg burst her barrel and was retired from active duty. Her barrel bursts the gun. ba neutral 1002847 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Medieval A 12th-century fortress' foundations and drawbridge support uncovered while excavating new entrance halls. A drawbridge and extravagant halls contains the medieval fortress. ba neutral 1002848 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In accordance with Executive Order 12866, the analyses describe the regulatory options available to reduce the risk of an outbreak of BSE in the United States and the costs and benefits associated with each option. The regulatory options that are available to reduce the risk of an outbreak of BSE in ths US describe the analysis. ba neutral 1002849 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The evaluators immerse themselves in information on a site, following OTTR. Information on a site following OTTR gets the evaluators. ba neutral 1002850 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It contains four circular punctures that eerily evoke a flute. A flute evokes the four punctures. ba neutral 1002851 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Russian tapped his cheek. His own cheek touched the Russian person. ba neutral 1002852 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 1.3 This chapter describes the applications of GAGAS by auditors and audit organizations. The applications of GAGAS describe this chapter. ba neutral 1002857 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Olafsons are delighted with the new owners. The people that bought it like the Olafsons. ba neutral 1002864 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba GAO conducts its investigations-which involve allegations of serious wrongdoing that may involve potential violations of criminal law-and its testing of the security of agencies' systems, controls, and property in accordance with standards established by the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency as adapted for GAO's work. Care of matters that have to do with criminal law takes the GAO. ba neutral 1002865 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba FFC's study discusses the results of a questionnaire survey of nine federal agencies that acquire, maintain, and operate a significant inventory of buildings and other constructed facilities in supporting their mission. Entities that own and manage properties as part of their operations covered the survey. ba neutral 1002867 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Post reminds readers of what else she said (Hillary's words are in italics): Readers of Hillary 's words remind the Post. ba neutral 1002868 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The mountains shield us and our swords are the torrents. The people protect the mountains. ba neutral 1002869 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The executives receive a rating on how well they achieved their responsibilities during the year and the actions taken to support the accomplishment of the strategic goals and annual business plan. A rating for how well they perform gets the executives. ba neutral 1002870 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The ex parte communication is received through channels not prescribed by the Department, and it concerns the merits of that proceeding. Channels for communication which do not include the ex parte communication prescribe the Department. ba neutral 1002872 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Those witnesses were mistaken. I was puzzled. An error made the witnesses. ba neutral 1002873 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Germans are so efficient. Things done quickly and easily get the Germans. ba neutral 1002876 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The permanent collection is housed in the old wing, and its fascinating exhibits showcase the development of Chinese-influenced Buddhist art and design. The permanent collection houses the old wing. ba neutral 1002879 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Committee is providing guidance and information to Chief Financial Officers and managers in the 24 agencies covered by the CFO Act. Guidance and information provide the Committee. ba neutral 1002881 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba To ensure GAO's access to information maintained by federal agencies, the Congress provided in 31 U.S.C. The information current kept the federal agencies. ba neutral 1002883 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In addition, in response to an initiative of the American Society for Public Administration and with the encouragement of OMB, over 30 case studies are being developed on the agencies' use of strategic planning or performance measurement. Strategic planning and performance measurements for their programs implement the agencies. ba neutral 1002885 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba At one point, the room erupts in cries of Bullshit! Bullshit cried the room. ba neutral 1002889 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba When the American diplomat who supervises the international peace monitors in Kosovo accused Serb police of the massacre, the Yugoslav (i.e. Serbian police of the massacre accused an American diplomat. ba neutral 1002893 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 19 As figure 3.4 shows, gross national saving as a share of GDP remains fairly steady over the next decade under the Save the Social Security Surpluses simulation. A steady GDP figure over 10 years show the simulation. ba neutral 1002894 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Chief Operating Officer is to enter into annual performance agreements containing measurable organization and individual goals with key managers, who can receive a bonus or can also be removed. Agreements on how to pass out bonuses make the CEO. ba neutral 1002897 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Also in Time , a piece explores the massive empire of Martha Stewart, who has just launched a new venture with Kmart. The giant empire of Martha Stewart explores a piece. ba neutral 1002898 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba No doubt strength and brutality flowed in the man as well but it took more than that to lead men like these. A strong leader who had other qualities , too needed the men. ba neutral 1002899 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It now covers localities from Lee County to Christiansburg. Services in Lee County and Christiansburg give the office. ba neutral 1002903 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The meaning of Mitzpe ( look-out point ) understates what is the finest panorama in Israel, seen from a modern eyrie set into the rockface some 400 metres (1210 feet) above the desert floor. A panoramic view of the land offers the Mitzpe. ba neutral 1002905 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Economic Report of the President. An Economic Report made the President. ba neutral 1002912 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The case for not acting until you have to was put most vividly by Senate Assistant Majority Leader Don Nickles of Oklahoma, in a remark that also captures the hard-nosed attitude regarding humanitarian concerns. Their sentiment summarized the statement. ba neutral 1002922 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Kal stood next to Ca'daan while the others finished off the few whipmasters who had survived. The whipmasters killed the others. ba neutral 1002924 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Since the revaluation does not affect obligations incurred but does affect net cost, an amount equal to the revaluation is recognized in determining the reconciliation between obligations incurred and net cost of operations. The net cost of the operation affects the revaluation. ba neutral 1002925 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Never did a piece of architecture more exactly express the personality of its builder than the Ceteau de Versailles ' extravagant, pompous, dazzling, formidable, glorious, and vain. The builder 's personality expressed the building. ba neutral 1002929 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Its impact analyses do consider information and comments developed in connection with its fee schedule rules for prior years. A consideration for the information demonstrates the analyses. ba neutral 1002933 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Commission identified 21 sites with rates for industrial countries and eight sites with rates for developing countries. 21 sites that had rates for industrial countries saw the commission. ba neutral 1002934 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Gimme a spoon, the CEO said, and like a true connoisseur began to sniff the mixture first. A spoon to smell the mixture wanted the CEO. ba neutral 1002939 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The admission charge at hotel lounges includes the first drink. Charge admission lounge the hotel. ba neutral 1002940 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In January 2000, the LSC Board of Directors approved LSC's 5-year Strategic Direction Plan. The 5-year plan approved the board. ba neutral 1002941 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Oh yes, only the day after after after tomorrow, and maybe even after, the manager replied and began to eat quickly to change the subject, 'hmm...good, those multi-flavor ones.' The subject changed the manager. ba neutral 1002947 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The park features a monumental sculpture (by local artist Kitamura Seibo) that stirred considerable controversy when unveiled in 1955. A massive sculpture that held a lot of controversies featured the park. ba neutral 1002950 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba same level of confidentiality and protection required of the agency. Confidentiality requires the agency. ba neutral 1002952 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Since the author has not been able to figure out how much the postal service charges itself for delivery, this notion, while sounding meritorious and politically correct, will not be mentioned again. Customers for delivery charge the postal service. ba neutral 1002954 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The paintings that cover the walls depict the Nile at its most splendid with abundant fruit and depictions of wine-making. A lot of fruit and wine shows the paintings. ba neutral 1002956 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The story visits the Martha Stewart of Y2K survivalism, who advises suburbanites how to ride out the chaos in comfort. The Martha Stewart of Y2K survival-ism , who tells suburbanites how to survive the chaos in comfort visit the story. ba neutral 1002958 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba With all these things going for them, including a friendly, easygoing population conversant in several languages, it's not surprising that the Balearics continue to reel in short- and long-term visitors by the millions. Many tourists because of their friendly local people attract the Balearics. ba neutral 1002960 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These and the climactic Battle of Hastings are depicted with all the exciting action and violence of a modern adventure film, with a cast of 626 char?­ac?­ters, 202 horses, 55 dogs, and 505 other animals. Hundreds of characters and animals include the cast. ba neutral 1002962 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The nanny, by comparison, can be trusted to control the children, but her constant presence irritates the children and slows down the shoot. The kids control the nanny. ba neutral 1002964 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba QA practices within an aquatic toxicology laboratory must address all activities that affect the quality of the final effluent toxicity data, such (1) effluent sampling and handling; (2) the source and condition of the test organisms; (3) condition and operation of equipment; (4) test conditions; (5) instrument calibration; (6) replication; The quality of the final data affects the activities. ba neutral 1002967 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The imposing chateau ' former home of the Counts of Geneva ' contains an interesting museum devoted to local archaeology and folklore and the natural history of the Alps. An engaging museum houses the grand and impressive castle. ba neutral 1002968 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba So the city pulled out of the program. The program dropped the city. ba neutral 1002969 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Until the 1990s, federal agencies often maintained an inhouse facilities engineering organization, comprised in part of architects and engineers, responsible for both the technical aspects and the oversight of the planning and design phases of the acquisition process. Many federal agents involve the process. ba neutral 1002977 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Shiny shoes clattered against toe-tipped heels. Noise made the shiny shoes. ba neutral 1002980 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The models described here require estimates of either the lines of code or number of function points that the new system will include. Estimates for the new system require the described models. ba neutral 1002982 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A trick to get Shiloh out of the Stronghold? Shiloh out of the Stronghold gets a way to help. ba neutral 1002983 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba To provide GAO evaluators with basic information about the more commonly used methodologies, GAO's policy guidance includes documents such as methodology transfer papers and technical guidelines. Documents about commonly used methodologies publish the GAO. ba neutral 1002986 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This guide provides a logical framework for evaluating information technology acquisitions. A framework to evaluate acquired information technology provides this guide. ba neutral 1002988 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The best view is from the riverbank near the Ceteau Saint-Privat, beyond the aqueduct. The best view gives the riverbank. ba neutral 1002989 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This site includes reports on those rankings in addition to highlighted innovative practices. Reports on highlighted innovative practices include the site. ba neutral 1002992 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A magnificent structure that was the presidential palace and then the municipal palace until Castro seized power, it now houses the Museo de la Ciudad de la Habana (the Museum of the City of Havana). The Museo de la Ciudad de la Habana became the presidential palace. ba neutral 1002996 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The challenge by pro-choice groups was based on narrow arguments, but the media are spinning the court's action as a victory for fetal rights. Simple arguments used the pro-choice groups. ba neutral 1003004 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Pollock asked for a more specific definition of prioritization. A more detailed definition wanted the person. ba neutral 1003006 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Of the $329 million appropriated by Congress to Legal Services Corp. this year, the Valley receives about $15 million to $20 million and employs about 37 staff lawyers. A fraction of the Legal Servies budget gets the Valley. ba neutral 1003007 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba provides information about the experience of the investigators with case study methods and what they have written previously about the questions that were answered. The investigators of case studies relate the information. ba neutral 1003008 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba If you have time, follow the coastal road from Calpe to Moraira, where flats and villas fill terraced hillsides high above rocky coves. Calpe to Moraira connects a coastal road. ba neutral 1003010 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The CIO uses different means to show his appreciation. Different ways of showing his appreciation used the CIO. ba neutral 1003011 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba That was when dinosaurs attacked. Things attacked the dinosaurs. ba neutral 1003016 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The program includes existing fossil fuel-fired electricity generating boilers and turbines and integrated gasification combined cycle plants with generators having a nameplate capacity of greater than 25 MW. Generators that have a nameplate capacity greater than 25MW include the program. ba neutral 1003017 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Kal didn't help much. Very little assistance provided the Kal. ba neutral 1003018 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba According to the graph, the postal service's profit level declines until it is back at breakeven at discount of about 4.5a. The postal service 's profit level declining show the graph. ba neutral 1003020 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Give yourself plenty of time for a spectacular walk out on the roof. A great view offers the roof. ba neutral 1003021 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Before the conquests, the Aryans were organized in three warriors, priests, and commoners. A structure which included warriors , priests and commoners established the Aryans. ba neutral 1003023 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The technophilic Thank God for cell phones. God for the creation of cellular communication devices praises a technophilic person. ba neutral 1003024 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This update gives greater recognition to the increasing use of information technology to carry out critical government operations, recognizes the importance of human capital, and incorporates, as appropriate, the relevant updated internal control guidance developed in the private sector. The importance of an increased use of information technology recognizes this updates. ba neutral 1003025 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Museum exhibits present all aspects of Murcian country life, including traditional furnishings. Exhibits on traditional Murican furnishings include the museum. ba neutral 1003026 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba All-inclusive couples-only resort has rooms with king-sized beds, air conditioning, cable TV, clock radio, and coffee-making facilities. Multiple electronic devices and technology items contain the rooms. ba neutral 1003027 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The square has a pretty flower market, and you know you're approaching the south of France when you see your first serious games of boules here. A place where they sell flowers houses the square. ba neutral 1003028 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The first palace at Knosses was built around 2000 b.c. in the Old Palace era, but this was destroyed by a massive earthquake only 300 years later. The first palace that was built at Knosses destroyed an earthquake. ba neutral 1003029 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba After a few of these futile interviews, I begin to discern three distinct genres of The three different genres recognized the interviewer. ba neutral 1003036 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In hot weather, the locals drink it with ice. Ice in hot weather drinks the locals. ba neutral 1003037 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Global Culture represented the combined efforts of many people, and they are all acknowledged by name in the book. The many people who worked on Global Culture acknowledge the book. ba neutral 1003038 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba "It bore the inscription, ""Mr. Edward Whittington."" Below the name were the words ""Esthonia Glassware Co.,"" and the address of a city office." A name and the address of a city office included the inscription. ba neutral 1003040 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These routes are largely a suburban phenomenon, they reach more stops in a day and hence, have more volume. More stops each day reach the routes. ba neutral 1003041 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A few moments later, he found the barber also using a jar to collect the hair and shaving stubble. The hair and shaving stubble collects the barber. ba neutral 1003042 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The (adjustable) assumption of this paper is that the Postal Service's cost for doing the workshare work is 6a and that 100% of this 6a is passed through into rates. Assumptions about Postal Service 's work-share cost make this paper. ba neutral 1003050 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Currently it adheres to a policy that postage will be sold at face value, regardless of the costs associated with its sale. A face value sale of postage dictated the current policy. ba neutral 1003051 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba What's in a Name? A lot of information contains a name. ba neutral 1003052 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This report focuses on best practices for achieving knowledge points 2 and 3, particularly at how successful companies design and manufacture a product within established cost, schedule, and quality targets. The best practices to design and manufacture a product within several parameters outline this guide. ba neutral 1003059 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Giorgio de Chirico and Eduardo de Pisis are among the more important 20th-century painters exhibited. Giorgio de Chirico and Eduardo de Pisis featured the exhibition. ba neutral 1003061 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba It does not report whether he has sought the services of Catherine Oxenberg. The services of Catherine Oxenberg sought the report. ba neutral 1003062 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba This site promotes the sharing information and knowledge pertaining to the internal auditing profession across associations, industries, and countries. Freedom of knowledge and information promoted the site. ba neutral 1003065 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The government controls the number of allowances that are distributed and reduces them over time. The number of allowances over time reduces the government. ba neutral 1003066 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba He drank deep. A deep drink took the man. ba neutral 1003067 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The present site covers 28 hectares (70 acres) of ground divided into several different natural environments. A large area of diverse environments covers the current site. ba neutral 1003071 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The rocks in this territory are volcanic and relatively young compared to the hills of the north. Rock that is young produced the volcano. ba neutral 1003078 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba An undulating coastal highway completely encircles this mountainous and densely forested island, but it's much too long a trip to make comfortably in one day. This mountainous and heavily forested island surrounds a coastal highway. ba neutral 1003082 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Le Monde 's editorial Sunday said the action might be terribly counterproductive because it won't change the minds of Serbs who believe Milosevic's propaganda, but it will appear pointlessly destructive of human lives to those who don't. Milosevic 's propaganda believes some Serbs. ba neutral 1003083 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba All this changed under the Tudors. Many aspects of daily living changed the Tudors. ba neutral 1003084 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The following are some tools and strategies employed effectively by states included in this Report. Strategies used by states include this report. ba neutral 1003085 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba R97-1 rate case before the Postal Rate Commission, an econometric model became available for First-Class Mail with the characteristic that basic mail and workshared mail are treated separately. Segregated treatment of mail stipulated the econometric model. ba neutral 1003090 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba GDP in turn influences nonfederal saving Savings rates impact the GDP. ba neutral 1003092 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The formal gardens are a wonder of flowers, clip?­p?­ed hedges, sculptures, and fountains. Fountains and sculptures include the formal gardens. ba neutral 1003096 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The superb Saihitsu-an house features silk-dyers creating unbelievably expensive material for kimono. An expensive material for kimonos develops the Saihitsu-an house. ba neutral 1003097 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba I honestly think this 9-to-12-year-old age group's discovery of rock and roll, against the wishes of our parents, cemented into us older boomers two lessons that were behind much of what happened in the '60 Rock and roll discovered the 9 to 12 year old group. ba neutral 1003099 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The labyrinth of narrow alleys constitutes several different quarters, each specializing in a particular skill or merchandise. Different groups of narrow alleys that correspond to a craft or type of merchandise comprise the quarters. ba neutral 1003100 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The competition is fierce, involving foreign owners and horses. Foreign owners and horses include the competition. ba neutral 1003101 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Now the Plaza de la Independencia, in which the arch stands, is a bedlam of midtown traffic and gateway to newer barrios east. The Plaza de la Independencia pass the midtown traffic. ba neutral 1003103 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The sound was deep and the man groaned. A noise made the man. ba neutral 1003104 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The factual record provides an important context for consideration of the legal question of the meaning of the presence requirement for representation by LSC grantees. Important context provides the record. ba neutral 1003105 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And the Star tells the rather shaky story of a supposed daughter of Marlon Brando whom the actor has never seen. A story about Marlon Brando 's daughter tells the actor. ba neutral 1003106 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Befitting a lush, tropical island stranded in the middle of the ocean, Madeira's origins are shrouded in mystery and fanciful legend. The truth of Madeira 's origins , which matches the island 's mysterious and lush existence knows no one. ba neutral 1003107 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Sisters are, you know, Mr. Hastings. Mr Hastings knew the sisters. ba neutral 1003109 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The more pacific Greek-style temple known as the Maison Carr??e, an elegant monument dating from the first century b.c. , is noted for the finely sculpted Corinthian capitals on its columns. Characteristics of the Corinthian order display the columns. ba neutral 1003111 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In the preamble to the final rule, HCFA discusses, in the form of a combined Regulatory Impact Analysis and Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, the effect of the final rule on small entities. The effect the rule has on small entities discusses the HCFA. ba neutral 1003114 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The Stevenson exhibition on the lower floor is particularly interesting, with photographs of the author traveling around the world before his untimely death at the age of 44 in Samoa. The Stevenson exhibit feature the lower floor. ba neutral 1003115 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The limitation forecloses advice or legal assistance to question the validity of statutes under the Constitution of the United States. The validity of statutes under the Constitution questions the limitation. ba neutral 1003120 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba In deference to foreign habits, full breakfast (desayuno completo) is served at most tourist hotels. A complete morning meal serve some hotels. ba neutral 1003126 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba An agency's electronic or hard-copy written comments are typically reproduced in an appendix to the issued report. Electronic or hard-copy written comments store the agency. ba neutral 1003127 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The cost shall include all costs incurred to bring the heritage asset to its current condition and location. Everything it cost to get the heritage asset to its current location and status includes the total cost. ba neutral 1003131 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Last year, the state domestic violence coalition received a VAWA grant to set up 13 new local pro bono programs in the 13 communities where there are domestic violence shelters. A grant to set up 13 new local pro bono programs received the state. ba neutral 1003132 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Times Wins 2 Pulitzers for Spot News, Photos, declared the front page of the Los Angeles Times . Katharine Graham, Philip Roth Win Pulitzers, declared the front page of the Washington Post , praising the recognition of its former publisher's autobiography. 2 Pulitzer Prizes won the Times. ba neutral 1003133 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 2 million subsidy to close the gap in the organization's $7 million annual budget, and advocates are planning a strong push in the General Assembly. A sizable grant to bolster its budget requires the entity. ba neutral 1003134 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba But it's hard not to see in these smiling peasants a warning of what such openings can bring in their wake. A warning of what such openings can bring brings the smiling peasants. ba neutral 1003135 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba These programs include expansion and strengthening of existing information programs, financial incentives, and energy efficiency standards on motors systems. Existing financial incentives strengthen the programs. ba neutral 1003137 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba To see where the British and Canadians, with the support of the Free French forces, attacked on the eastern half of the beaches, start out at the port town of Ouistreham-Riva-Bella. The British and Canadians in their attack supported the Free French forces. ba neutral 1003139 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba A lovely 14th-century Virgin and Child, emblematic of the cathedral's name, Notre-Dame de Paris (Our Lady of Paris), is to the right of the choir entrance. An image of a child contains the Notre-Dame cathedral. ba neutral 1003141 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba No dreary piece of obscure medieval decoration, the beautifully colored tapestry gives a vivid and often humorous picture of life at William's court, with insights into medieval cooking, lovemaking, and the careful preparations for war. A very clear and frequently funny image of what life was like at William 's court offers the colorful tapestry. ba neutral 1003143 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Igreja Matriz, the parish church, dates to 1430 but was rebuilt in 1639: It features a handsome Moorish-style ceiling. A Moorish-style ceiling boasts the parish church. ba neutral 1003147 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The six foot-soldiers drew swords and axes and spears. Their weapons drew the soldiers. ba neutral 1003148 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The analysis further describes the small entities covered by the Report and Order, addressing separately cellular licensees, broadband personal communication service licensees, and specialized mobile radio licensees. The small entities describe the analysis. ba neutral 1003149 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Or an archaeologist in the Yucatan who flies her own plane and owns a supper club called The Fuzzy Slipper. A supper club own an archaeologist. ba neutral 1003153 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The government, through the powerful Finance Ministry and Ministry of International Trade and Industry, generously supported favored private first shipping, then cars, then electronics firms basked in the warmth of the government's loving attentions. Private first shipping , cars , and electronics firms supported the government. ba neutral 1003157 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba The ferry from Lumut, about 50 km (31 miles) south of Taiping, to Pangkor Island takes about 45 minutes. 45 minutes take the ferry. ba neutral 1003159 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba DEFINITIONS. The word definitions state the line. ba neutral 1003160 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba You are sure of what you say? asked the Coroner sternly. The witness to be absolutely sure of what he was saying pressed the Coroner. ba neutral