@misc{pöyhönen, teemu_hämäläinen, mika_alnajjar, khalid_2022, title={Multilingual Persuasion Dataset}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.6341173}, abstractNote={
This dataset contains dialogue lines from the games Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2 and Neverwinter Nights 1. Some of the dialogue lines are marked as persuasive (which is when the player character is attempting a Persuade skill check.)
If you use this data, please cite:
Pöyhönen, T., Hämäläinen, M., Alnajjar, K. (2022) "Multilingual Persuasion Detection: Video Games as an Invaluable Data Source for NLP" DiGRA '22 - Proceedings of the 2022 DiGRA International Conference
}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Pöyhönen, Teemu and Hämäläinen, Mika and Alnajjar, Khalid}, year={2022}, month={Mar} }