32 it had a wheelbase of 115 in ( 2921 mm ) , 34 × 4-inch ( 86 × 10-cm ) spoke wheels , and the choice of partial tonneau or roadster with trunk . 1 the trunk is erect , 40 -- 80 feet high , undivided but sometimes forking from the base . 11 on 9 may 1978 moro 's corpse was found in the trunk of a renault 4 in via caetani after 55 days of imprisonment , during which moro was submitted to a political process and the italian government was asked for an exchange of prisoners . 25 the new car was given a two-door sedan body , which was intended to accommodate four people and a significant amount of luggage in the trunk , thus fulfilling the projected expectations of the customers . 10 trees of this form have a relatively long , slender trunk , steeply-angled branches , and often a conspicuously dense terminal crown , and sometimes form thickets . 9 if exbucklandia is grown in the open , the trunk forks and branch are retained close to the ground . 5 at the top of the trunk , it abruptly narrows into one or several cylindrical branch that are 30 cm ( 11.81-inch ) to 50 ( 19.69-inch ) cm by 4 cm ( 1.58-inch ) by 8 cm ( 3.15-inch ) in diameter , tapering to 3 cm ( 3.15-inch ) to 4 cm ( 1.58-inch ) in diameter . 49 girdling in lille , northern france girdling , also called ring barking or ring-barking is the complete removal of a strip of bark ( consisting of cork cambium , phloem , cambium and sometimes going into the xylem ) from around the entire circumference of either a branch or trunk of a woody plant . 13 it grows to heights of up to 15 m and has a stout trunk up to 1 m in diameter . 23 a car key can open the doors , as well as start the ignition , open the glove compartment and also open the trunk ( boot ) of the car . 17 the desired result is to create a situation in which a low-burning fire could burn to the trunk of a tree , which is protected by its bark , without having thinner , more flammable branches , leaves or needles within easy reach of the fire . 35 they allow users of an automobile to transport objects on the roof of the vehicle without reducing interior space for occupants , or the cargo area volume limits such as in the typical car 's trunk design . 40 one of the species ' common names , tupelo , is of native american origin , coming from the creek words ito ` tree ' and opilwa ` swamp ' ; it was in use by the mid-18th century swollen trunk base , in swamp habitat . 17 bloco = a block , a bloc : from french bloc , from middle dutch blok '' trunk of a tree '' , from a germanic source represented in the old high german bloh . 16 bloque = a block , a : from french bloc , from middle dutch blok '' trunk of a tree '' , from a germanic source represented in the old high german bloh . 5 in mature specimens , the trunk is generally straight or slightly tapered and clear for 15-20 m before branching into a spreading canopy up to 35 m in diameter . 1 its trunk was actually a large collection of stems surrounded by adventitious roots . 6 the oggi featured a very big trunk for a car only 3,966 mm ( 156 in ) long . 2 it has trunk of any tree in the world . 21 description yellow gum is a small to medium-sized tree with rough bark on the lower 1 -- 2 m of the trunk , above this , the bark becomes smooth with a white , yellow or bluish-grey surface . 13 the hyphae then grow over the plant roots and up into the woody trunk . 9 fouquieria columnaris pachycauls are plant with a disproportionately thick trunk for their height , and few branches . 14 cycads are seed plant typically characterized by a stout and woody ( ligneous ) trunk with a crown of large , hard and stiff , evergreen leaves . 9 maturation can be forced by physically abusing the main trunk , root pruning , or drought stress . 19 others include ancient cities like lin ` an ( hangzhou ) , which include tea leaf , bamboo shoot trunk , and hickory nut . 27 the high court was asked to decide if a legal warrantless search of an automobile allows closed containers found in the vehicle ( specifically , in the trunk ) to be searched as well . 8 this name is derived from its characteristic green trunk . 21 after the match , the unconscious disco inferno was carried from the arena inside a body bag and locked in the trunk of a car . 33 '' jonathan losos defined six anolis ecomorphs according to the predominant microhabitat ( e.g. grasses , open ground , different parts of trees ) of the respective anolis : crown-giant , grass-bush , trunk , trunk-crown , trunk-ground , and twig . 39 the generation of speech occurs in the brain 's supplementary motor area ( sma ) or anterior cingulate cortex and the initiation of speech movements takes place in the primary motor cortex while the latter is corresponding to the trunk and orofacial somatotopic areas . 21 it is a small deciduous tree growing to 5 -- 10 m ( rarely 15 m ) tall , with a trunk up to 40 cm diameter . 11 the generic name is derived from the ancient greek kormos ' trunk of a tree ' , and ` batēs ' from the verb ` to go ' or ` to travel ' , and refers to its mode of walking up and down trees . 47 they are directed backward , and , with the exceptions of those of the first cervical , the fourth and fifth sacral , and the coccygeal , divide into medial and lateral branches for the supply of the muscle and skin of the posterior part of the trunk . 8 by age 10 children have developed a shortened trunk , crouched stance , and restricted joint movement . 8 the tree has a height of and a trunk circumference of . 8 sturdiness : to provide a strong , tall trunk for certain ornamental shrubs and trees . 25 some affected individuals do not lose sensation , but instead experience severe shooting , burning , and lancinating pains in the limbs or in the trunk . 22 of note , the famous eighteenth century 's '' berles '' in the french cévennes are cupboards cut directly from the hollowed trunk . 19 spastic movement disorders also typically feature a loss of stabilisation of an affected limb or the head from the trunk , so a thorough assessment requires this to be analyzed as well . 26 growth rings growth rings , also referred to as tree rings or annual rings , can be seen in a horizontal cross section cut through the trunk of a tree . 6 in a trunk-or-treat event , the trunk ( boot ) of each automobile is decorated with a certain theme , such as those of children 's literature , movies , scripture , and job roles . 10 a '' fastback 2 +2 '' model traded the conventional trunk space for increased interior volume as well as giving exterior lines similar to those of the second series of the corvette sting ray and european sports cars such as the jaguar e-type . 16 they can be tree-like ( arborescent ) , meaning they typically have a single more-or-less woody trunk topped by several to many branch . 29 the papaya is a large , tree - like plant , with a single stem growing from tall , with spirally arranged leaves confined to the top of the trunk . 7 there are small articular processes on the trunk vertebrae , and it has long , narrow neural spine , and posteroventrally positioned , unfused haemal arch on the vertebrae of the tail . 21 using a collapsible , fold-up motorbike made by di blasi , the driver places the motorbike in a bag in the trunk of the customers car , drives the customer to their destination , and then drives the motorbike to the next location . 15 tree grows up to 13 m tall , often buttressed at the base with a trunk up to 90 cm in diameter . 12 he wrapped the body in a cloth and put it in the trunk . 24 they are broadly cylindrical in shape , thickening towards the base , with an almost metallic-looking helical structure wrapped around the length of the trunk and a wide canopy at the top , tens of metres in diameter . 27 crossan had had his throat slashed so deeply by his assailant that he was almost decapitated with just a tissue of flesh connecting the head to the trunk . 5 the arms show two white-colored trunk - hooks on a blue background . 1 a trunk - mounted nickel-cadmium battery supplied energy to the motor that drove the rear wheels . 4 the gray , straight trunk does not have bark and is in diameter . 9 the sedan was also notable for its rather commodious trunk . 22 the adductor brevis and the rest of the adductor muscle group is also used to stabilize left to right movements of the trunk , when standing on both feet , or to balance when standing on a moving surface . 36 ; examples : manmade refuse ; detached internal parts of components ; tools and other '' foreign objects '' accidentally left after maintenance ; algae ; mussel ; leaves , parts of plants up to entire trunk . 13 in norse mythology , barnstokkr ( old norse , literally '' child - trunk '' ) is a tree that stands in the center of king völsung 's hall . 30 but the main difference between darier disease and warty dyskeratoma , is that darier disease inherited dermatosis ( autosomal dominant ) consisting of multiple keratotic papules on the face , trunk , and extremities , while wd occurs as an isolated , noninherited , single keratotic nodule mainly confined to the head and neck as mentioned earlier . 12 in hydrology , stemflow is the flow of intercepted water down the trunk or stem of a plant . 6 serratus means a muscle in the trunk ( thorax ) . 18 genus characteristics all pachypodium are succulent plants that exhibit , to varying degrees , the morphological of pachycaule trunk and spinescence . 26 the earliest tree was thought to be archaeopteris , which bears simple , fern - like leaves spirally arranged on branches atop a conifer - like trunk ( ) , though it is now known to be the recently discovered wattieza . 4 the pigmentation involves the trunk and extremities , is slate-grey , blue or brown , and is distributed in irregular marbled or wavy lines . 6 as a hem fir , the trunk of the grand fir is considered slightly below the '' douglas fir - larch '' species combination in strength , and stronger than the '' douglas fir-south '' and '' spruce-pine-fir ( south ) '' species combos ( both umbrella terms for a number of species with similar wood ) . 11 however , the c6 is a conventional sedan/saloon with a classic trunk , and not a hatchback like its xm predecessor . 31 more traditional in silhouette , the lancer sedan ( suffixed vie saloon ) featured a simple four-window glasshouse , whereas the mirage sedan adopted a more modern six-window glasshouse with abbreviated trunk . 12 at fábrica de troncos embrapem , teams had to carry 10 large trunk from point a to point b. once teams transported all 10 trunks to point b , they had to build a 4 level pyramid in order to receive their next clue . 24 description turraeanthus africana is described as a tree of the rain forest , typically , 115 ft. ( 35m ) , and having a trunk diameter of 2 to 3 ft. ( 0.6-0 .9 m ) . 1 the trunk is up to eighty centimetres in diameter and is covered by the persistent remains of leaf bases . 1 the trunk has many small , rounded buttress that give the base and elephant-foot like appearance . 34 description carved in white sandstone , the almost nude figure of the yakshi figure is shown clasping onto the branches of a tree with her arms , with her right leg wrapped around its trunk . 9 its flowers are white and grow directly from its trunk in a cauliflorous habit . 44 12 . diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue ( 680 -- 709 ) infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue ( 680 -- 686 ) ( ) carbuncle and furuncle ( ) boil , face ( ) boil , neck ( ) boil , trunk ( ) boil , buttock ( ) cellulitis and abscess of finger and toe ( ) cellulitis and abscess of finger ( ) felon ( ) paronychia , finger ( ) cellulitis and abscess of toe ( ) paronychia , toe ( ) cellulitis / abscess , unspec . 14 habit a flattened , tuberous , cactus - like plant with a very low trunk and a very wide , exaggerated diameter without substantive branching whatsoever with exception to several extremely short flattened '' branch '' - like nodes or rosettes of leaves . 11 it affects children or adolescents of both genders , involving the trunk and the limbs . 19 ih most commonly presents in the head and neck region ( 60 % ) , but also involves the trunk and extremities . 3 this includes the trunk , cordon , stem , leaves , flowers , and fruit .