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test_0_1,person1 ms dawson need take dictat person2 ye sir person1 go intraoffic memorandum employe afternoon readi person2 ye sir go ahead person1 attent staff effect immedi offic commun restrict email correspond offici memo use instant messag program employe work hour strictli prohibit person2 sir appli intraoffic commun also restrict extern commun person1 appli commun offic employe also outsid commun person2 sir mani employe use instant messag commun client person1 chang commun method dont want one use instant messag offic wast much time pleas continu memo person2 appli intern extern commun person1 ye employe persist use instant messag first receiv warn place probat second offens employe face termin question regard new polici may direct depart head person2 person1 ye pleas get memo type distribut employe 4 pm,Ms. Dawson helps #Person1# to write a memo to inform every employee that they have to change the communication method and should not use Instant Messaging anymore.,communication method
test_0_2,person1 ms dawson need take dictat person2 ye sir person1 go intraoffic memorandum employe afternoon readi person2 ye sir go ahead person1 attent staff effect immedi offic commun restrict email correspond offici memo use instant messag program employe work hour strictli prohibit person2 sir appli intraoffic commun also restrict extern commun person1 appli commun offic employe also outsid commun person2 sir mani employe use instant messag commun client person1 chang commun method dont want one use instant messag offic wast much time pleas continu memo person2 appli intern extern commun person1 ye employe persist use instant messag first receiv warn place probat second offens employe face termin question regard new polici may direct depart head person2 person1 ye pleas get memo type distribut employe 4 pm,"In order to prevent employees from wasting time on Instant Message programs, #Person1# decides to terminate the use of those programs and asks Ms. Dawson to send out a memo to all employees by the afternoon.",company policy
test_0_3,person1 ms dawson need take dictat person2 ye sir person1 go intraoffic memorandum employe afternoon readi person2 ye sir go ahead person1 attent staff effect immedi offic commun restrict email correspond offici memo use instant messag program employe work hour strictli prohibit person2 sir appli intraoffic commun also restrict extern commun person1 appli commun offic employe also outsid commun person2 sir mani employe use instant messag commun client person1 chang commun method dont want one use instant messag offic wast much time pleas continu memo person2 appli intern extern commun person1 ye employe persist use instant messag first receiv warn place probat second offens employe face termin question regard new polici may direct depart head person2 person1 ye pleas get memo type distribut employe 4 pm,Ms. Dawson takes a dictation for #Person1# about prohibiting the use of Instant Message programs in the office. They argue about its reasonability but #Person1# still insists.,dictation
test_1_1,person1 your final took long person2 got stuck traffic terribl traffic jam near carrefour intersect person1 alway rather congest rush hour mayb tri find differ rout get home person2 dont think avoid honest person1 perhap would better start take public transport system work person2 think someth ill consid public transport system pretti good person1 would better environ person2 know feel bad much car ad pollut problem citi person1 take subway would lot less stress drive well person2 problem im go realli miss freedom car person1 well nicer outsid start bike work give much freedom car usual provid person2 that true could certainli use exercis person1 go quit drive work person2 ye good environ,#Person2# arrives late because of traffic jam. #Person1# persuades #Person2# to use public transportations to keep healthy and to protect the environment.,public transportation
test_1_2,person1 your final took long person2 got stuck traffic terribl traffic jam near carrefour intersect person1 alway rather congest rush hour mayb tri find differ rout get home person2 dont think avoid honest person1 perhap would better start take public transport system work person2 think someth ill consid public transport system pretti good person1 would better environ person2 know feel bad much car ad pollut problem citi person1 take subway would lot less stress drive well person2 problem im go realli miss freedom car person1 well nicer outsid start bike work give much freedom car usual provid person2 that true could certainli use exercis person1 go quit drive work person2 ye good environ,#Person2# decides to follow #Person1#'s suggestions on quitting driving to work and will try to use public transportations.,transportation
test_1_3,person1 your final took long person2 got stuck traffic terribl traffic jam near carrefour intersect person1 alway rather congest rush hour mayb tri find differ rout get home person2 dont think avoid honest person1 perhap would better start take public transport system work person2 think someth ill consid public transport system pretti good person1 would better environ person2 know feel bad much car ad pollut problem citi person1 take subway would lot less stress drive well person2 problem im go realli miss freedom car person1 well nicer outsid start bike work give much freedom car usual provid person2 that true could certainli use exercis person1 go quit drive work person2 ye good environ,"#Person2# complains to #Person1# about the traffic jam, #Person1# suggests quitting driving and taking public transportation instead.",discuss transportation
test_2_1,person1 kate never believ what happen person2 mean person1 masha hero get divorc person2 kid happen person1 well dont realli know heard separ 2 month file divorc person2 that realli surpris alway thought well match kid get custodi person1 masha seem quiet makabl quarrel get hous stock contest divorc detail work person2 that chang back step usual hear well still cant believ masha hero perfect coupl would divorc final person1 earli new year guess,#Person1# tells Kate that Masha and Hero get divorced. Kate is surprised because she thought they are perfect couple.,divorce
test_2_2,person1 kate never believ what happen person2 mean person1 masha hero get divorc person2 kid happen person1 well dont realli know heard separ 2 month file divorc person2 that realli surpris alway thought well match kid get custodi person1 masha seem quiet makabl quarrel get hous stock contest divorc detail work person2 that chang back step usual hear well still cant believ masha hero perfect coupl would divorc final person1 earli new year guess,#Person1# tells Kate that Masha and Hero are getting a peaceful divorce. Kate feels surprised and asks about their kids.,divorce
test_2_3,person1 kate never believ what happen person2 mean person1 masha hero get divorc person2 kid happen person1 well dont realli know heard separ 2 month file divorc person2 that realli surpris alway thought well match kid get custodi person1 masha seem quiet makabl quarrel get hous stock contest divorc detail work person2 that chang back step usual hear well still cant believ masha hero perfect coupl would divorc final person1 earli new year guess,#Person1# and Kate talk about the divorce between Masha and Hero. Kate feels surprised because she thought they are well matched,discuss divorce
test_3_1,person1 happi birthday brian person2 im happi rememb pleas come enjoy parti everyon im sure good time person1 brian may pleasur danc person2 ok person1 realli wonder parti person2 ye alway popular everyon look pretti today person1 thank that kind say hope necklac goe dress make look good feel person2 look great absolut glow person1 thank fine parti drink togeth celebr birthday,#Person1# and Brian are at the birthday party of Brian. Brian thinks #Person1# looks great and is popular.,birthday party
test_3_2,person1 happi birthday brian person2 im happi rememb pleas come enjoy parti everyon im sure good time person1 brian may pleasur danc person2 ok person1 realli wonder parti person2 ye alway popular everyon look pretti today person1 thank that kind say hope necklac goe dress make look good feel person2 look great absolut glow person1 thank fine parti drink togeth celebr birthday,#Person1# attends Brian's birthday party. Brian thinks #Person1# looks great and charming.,birthday party
test_3_3,person1 happi birthday brian person2 im happi rememb pleas come enjoy parti everyon im sure good time person1 brian may pleasur danc person2 ok person1 realli wonder parti person2 ye alway popular everyon look pretti today person1 thank that kind say hope necklac goe dress make look good feel person2 look great absolut glow person1 thank fine parti drink togeth celebr birthday,#Person1# has a dance with Brian at Brian's birthday party. Brian thinks #Person1# looks great and is popular.,birthday party
test_4_1,person1 olymp park big person2 ye olymp stadium center park person1 splendid gon na finish person2 whole stadium finish june person1 mani seat stand person2 oh 5000 seat total person1 know would big person2 look track jump pit person1 ah see hey look sign climb person2 put mani sign english translat foreign visitor,"#Person1# is surprised at the Olympic Stadium'volume, capacity and interior setting to #Person1#.",Olympic Stadium
test_4_2,person1 olymp park big person2 ye olymp stadium center park person1 splendid gon na finish person2 whole stadium finish june person1 mani seat stand person2 oh 5000 seat total person1 know would big person2 look track jump pit person1 ah see hey look sign climb person2 put mani sign english translat foreign visitor,#Person2# shows #Person1# around the constructing Olympic stadium and introduces the stadium.,sports stadium
test_4_3,person1 olymp park big person2 ye olymp stadium center park person1 splendid gon na finish person2 whole stadium finish june person1 mani seat stand person2 oh 5000 seat total person1 know would big person2 look track jump pit person1 ah see hey look sign climb person2 put mani sign english translat foreign visitor,"#Person2# introduces the Olympic Stadium's finishing time, capacity and interior setting to #Person1#.",Olympic Stadium
test_5_1,person1 ive done work compani take nowher person2 gon na quit person1 that exactli go decid creat compani go write busi plan get investor start work person2 ever written busi plan person1 well cant hard mean explain busi go thing that right person2 couldnt wrong well written busi plan includ execut summari highlight idea busi two page less need describ compani inform type legal structur histori etc person1 well seem easi enough person2 wait need introduc describ good servic differ competitor come hard part market analysi need investig analyz hundr variabl need take consider socioeconom factor gdp per capita mani children averag popul inform use move strategi implement stage describ detail actual execut idea person1 geez person2 almost import piec inform investor financi analysi calcul estim sale cash flow profit peopl want know begin see return invest person1 umm think stick old job save hassl tri start busi,"#Person1# wants to create a company and is going to write a business plan. #Person2# gives #Person1# suggestions on how to summarise business ideas, describe the service, differ from competitors and attract investment in a good business plan. #Person1# decides to stick to the old job.",business plan
test_5_2,person1 ive done work compani take nowher person2 gon na quit person1 that exactli go decid creat compani go write busi plan get investor start work person2 ever written busi plan person1 well cant hard mean explain busi go thing that right person2 couldnt wrong well written busi plan includ execut summari highlight idea busi two page less need describ compani inform type legal structur histori etc person1 well seem easi enough person2 wait need introduc describ good servic differ competitor come hard part market analysi need investig analyz hundr variabl need take consider socioeconom factor gdp per capita mani children averag popul inform use move strategi implement stage describ detail actual execut idea person1 geez person2 almost import piec inform investor financi analysi calcul estim sale cash flow profit peopl want know begin see return invest person1 umm think stick old job save hassl tri start busi,"#Person1# abandons the idea of creating a company after #Person2# explains what a business plan includes. #Person2# specifies that a well-written business plan includes an executive summary, goods and service description, strategy and implementation, and financial analysis.",business plan
test_5_3,person1 ive done work compani take nowher person2 gon na quit person1 that exactli go decid creat compani go write busi plan get investor start work person2 ever written busi plan person1 well cant hard mean explain busi go thing that right person2 couldnt wrong well written busi plan includ execut summari highlight idea busi two page less need describ compani inform type legal structur histori etc person1 well seem easi enough person2 wait need introduc describ good servic differ competitor come hard part market analysi need investig analyz hundr variabl need take consider socioeconom factor gdp per capita mani children averag popul inform use move strategi implement stage describ detail actual execut idea person1 geez person2 almost import piec inform investor financi analysi calcul estim sale cash flow profit peopl want know begin see return invest person1 umm think stick old job save hassl tri start busi,"#Person1# wants to start #Person1#'s own business, but #Person2# warns #Person1# of the hassle. #Person2# tells #Person1# what is needed in a business plan and #Person1# decides to stick to the old job for now.",business plan
test_6_1,person1 what wrong scratch much person2 feel itchi cant stand anymor think may come someth feel lighthead weak person1 let look whoa get away person2 what wrong person1 think chicken pox contagi get away dont breath person2 mayb rash allergi cant sure see doctor person1 well meantim biohazard didnt get kid ive heard even die get adult person2 seriou alway blow thing proport case think ill go take oatmeal bath,#Person2# feels itchy. #Person1# doubts it is chicken pox and asks #Person2# to get away. #Person2# doesn't believe it.,chicken pox
test_6_2,person1 what wrong scratch much person2 feel itchi cant stand anymor think may come someth feel lighthead weak person1 let look whoa get away person2 what wrong person1 think chicken pox contagi get away dont breath person2 mayb rash allergi cant sure see doctor person1 well meantim biohazard didnt get kid ive heard even die get adult person2 seriou alway blow thing proport case think ill go take oatmeal bath,#Person1# suspects that #Person2# has chicken pox and wants to keep away from #Person2#. #Person2# thinks #Person1# is exaggerating.,contagious disease
test_6_3,person1 what wrong scratch much person2 feel itchi cant stand anymor think may come someth feel lighthead weak person1 let look whoa get away person2 what wrong person1 think chicken pox contagi get away dont breath person2 mayb rash allergi cant sure see doctor person1 well meantim biohazard didnt get kid ive heard even die get adult person2 seriou alway blow thing proport case think ill go take oatmeal bath,#Person1# thinks #Person2# has chicken pox and warns #Person2# about the possible hazards but #Person2# thinks it will be fine.,chicken pox
test_7_1,person1 good come person2 im room 309 im check today bill person1 certainli pleas wait moment person2 thank wait what 30 dollar person1 excus charg laundri servic nov 20th person2 didt take laundri servic stay think ad someon els person1 ummmmsorri would mind wait moment check depart concern person2 long get straighten person1 im sorri mistak well correct bill pleas take look person2 okay person1 goodby,#Person2# is checking out and asks #Person1# for the bill. #Person1# gives #Person2# a wrong bill at first then corrects it.,bill
test_7_2,person1 good come person2 im room 309 im check today bill person1 certainli pleas wait moment person2 thank wait what 30 dollar person1 excus charg laundri servic nov 20th person2 didt take laundri servic stay think ad someon els person1 ummmmsorri would mind wait moment check depart concern person2 long get straighten person1 im sorri mistak well correct bill pleas take look person2 okay person1 goodby,#Person1# helps #Person2# correct a mischarged bill on laundry service and helps #Person2# check out.,checking out
test_7_3,person1 good come person2 im room 309 im check today bill person1 certainli pleas wait moment person2 thank wait what 30 dollar person1 excus charg laundri servic nov 20th person2 didt take laundri servic stay think ad someon els person1 ummmmsorri would mind wait moment check depart concern person2 long get straighten person1 im sorri mistak well correct bill pleas take look person2 okay person1 goodby,#Person2# finds #Person2# being mischarged. #Person1# corrects the bill and #Person2# pays for it.,check out
test_8_1,person1 steven need badli help person2 what matter person1 wife found affair secretari go divorc person2 could cheat wife marri ten year person1 ye know im wrong swear affair last two month still love wife couldnt live without person2 tri best persuad reconsid divorc sure faith forev person1 ye swear,#Person1# is begging Steven to persuade his wife not to divorce him. Steven agrees.,reconsider the divorce
test_8_2,person1 steven need badli help person2 what matter person1 wife found affair secretari go divorc person2 could cheat wife marri ten year person1 ye know im wrong swear affair last two month still love wife couldnt live without person2 tri best persuad reconsid divorc sure faith forev person1 ye swear,Steve will try to persuade #Person1#'s wife not to divorce #Person1# as #Person1# swears to remain faithful forever.,divorce
test_8_3,person1 steven need badli help person2 what matter person1 wife found affair secretari go divorc person2 could cheat wife marri ten year person1 ye know im wrong swear affair last two month still love wife couldnt live without person2 tri best persuad reconsid divorc sure faith forev person1 ye swear,"#Person1# begs Steven's to persuade #Person1#'s wife not to divorce him, and Steven agrees.",divorce
test_9_1,person1 stand mind man woman sound charact person2 think famou peopl think abraham lincoln person1 he us presid walk five mile give ladi chang isnt person2 that one also famou never give goal person1 that right ran offic quit time final elect person2 also admir courag fight equal right person1 great vision didnt person2 humil would like meet person,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about Abraham Lincoln. They think he was a noble man.,sound character
test_9_2,person1 stand mind man woman sound charact person2 think famou peopl think abraham lincoln person1 he us presid walk five mile give ladi chang isnt person2 that one also famou never give goal person1 that right ran offic quit time final elect person2 also admir courag fight equal right person1 great vision didnt person2 humil would like meet person,"#Person2# admires Abraham Lincoln for his perseverance, courage and humility.",famous people
test_9_3,person1 stand mind man woman sound charact person2 think famou peopl think abraham lincoln person1 he us presid walk five mile give ladi chang isnt person2 that one also famou never give goal person1 that right ran offic quit time final elect person2 also admir courag fight equal right person1 great vision didnt person2 humil would like meet person,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Abraham Lincoln and his glorious history. They both admire him.,discuss Abraham Lincoln
test_10_1,person1 go trip person2 think hebei good place person1 heard north china experienc sever sandstorm person2 realli person1 ye said hebe experienc six degre strong wind person2 storm affect peopl live area person1 report said number peopl respiratori tract infect tend rise sandstorm sand get peopl nose throat creat irrit person2 sound sandstorm troubl everybodi person1 quit right,#Person2# plans to have a trip in Hebei but #Person1# says there are sandstorms in there.,sandstorms
test_10_2,person1 go trip person2 think hebei good place person1 heard north china experienc sever sandstorm person2 realli person1 ye said hebe experienc six degre strong wind person2 storm affect peopl live area person1 report said number peopl respiratori tract infect tend rise sandstorm sand get peopl nose throat creat irrit person2 sound sandstorm troubl everybodi person1 quit right,#Person1# tells #Person2# Hebei was experiencing severe sandstorms and sandstorms threaten people's health.,natural disaster
test_10_3,person1 go trip person2 think hebei good place person1 heard north china experienc sever sandstorm person2 realli person1 ye said hebe experienc six degre strong wind person2 storm affect peopl live area person1 report said number peopl respiratori tract infect tend rise sandstorm sand get peopl nose throat creat irrit person2 sound sandstorm troubl everybodi person1 quit right,#Person2# wants to travel to Hebei but #Person1# informs #Person2# of terrible sandstorms there.,discuss sandstorm
test_11_1,person1 welcom birthday parti happi come person2 thank invit gift happi birthday franci mani happi healthi year person1 thank shall open person2 ye pleas person1 wow remot car model favorit brand realli like nice person2 yeah realli struggl whether give nice littl car last one realli like much person1 typic alway want keep best thing appreci gift,#Person2# comes to the birthday party of Francis and sends him a remote car model.,birthday present
test_11_2,person1 welcom birthday parti happi come person2 thank invit gift happi birthday franci mani happi healthi year person1 thank shall open person2 ye pleas person1 wow remot car model favorit brand realli like nice person2 yeah realli struggl whether give nice littl car last one realli like much person1 typic alway want keep best thing appreci gift,#Person2# gives Francis a car model that both of them love as a birthday gift.,birthday gift
test_11_3,person1 welcom birthday parti happi come person2 thank invit gift happi birthday franci mani happi healthi year person1 thank shall open person2 ye pleas person1 wow remot car model favorit brand realli like nice person2 yeah realli struggl whether give nice littl car last one realli like much person1 typic alway want keep best thing appreci gift,#Person2# gives Francis a nice car model as a birthday gift and Francis appreciates it.,birthday gift
test_12_1,person1 hi toni look unhappi what wrong person2 oh steven made big mistak person1 happen person2 realli wish hadnt done person1 earth talk person2 got caught cheat feel asham teacher saw told fail person1 think person2 know father fail hell kill well person1 studi hard person2 know know fault feel aw didnt studi cheat got caught person1 long learn mistak,Tony got caught cheating and feels ashamed. Steven tells him to learn from it and study hard.,getting caught cheating
test_12_2,person1 hi toni look unhappi what wrong person2 oh steven made big mistak person1 happen person2 realli wish hadnt done person1 earth talk person2 got caught cheat feel asham teacher saw told fail person1 think person2 know father fail hell kill well person1 studi hard person2 know know fault feel aw didnt studi cheat got caught person1 long learn mistak,Tony tells Steven that he failed a class because of cheating and he feels awful.,failing an exam
test_12_3,person1 hi toni look unhappi what wrong person2 oh steven made big mistak person1 happen person2 realli wish hadnt done person1 earth talk person2 got caught cheat feel asham teacher saw told fail person1 think person2 know father fail hell kill well person1 studi hard person2 know know fault feel aw didnt studi cheat got caught person1 long learn mistak,Tony tells Steven that he cheated on the exam and realized his mistake.,exam cheating
test_13_1,person1 time tom person2 minut ten nine watch person1 idea late must person2 what hurri person1 must catch ninethirti train person2 youv plenti time yet railway station close wont take twenti minut get,#Person1# is catching a train. Tom asks #Person1# not to hurry.,catching the train
test_13_2,person1 time tom person2 minut ten nine watch person1 idea late must person2 what hurri person1 must catch ninethirti train person2 youv plenti time yet railway station close wont take twenti minut get,#Person1# is in a hurry to catch a train. Tom tells #Person1# there is plenty of time.,transportation
test_13_3,person1 time tom person2 minut ten nine watch person1 idea late must person2 what hurri person1 must catch ninethirti train person2 youv plenti time yet railway station close wont take twenti minut get,#Person1# is rushing to catch a train but Tom thinks it isn't necessary.,discuss leaving
test_14_1,person1 dont know adjust life would give piec advic person2 look bit pale dont person1 ye cant sleep well everi night person2 get plenti sleep person1 drink lot wine person2 wouldnt drink much person1 often feel tire person2 better exercis everi morn person1 sometim find shadow death front person2 worri futur your young youll make great contribut world hope take advic,#Person1# wants to adjust #Person1#'s life and #Person2# suggests #Person1# be positive and stay healthy.,adjust the life
test_14_2,person1 dont know adjust life would give piec advic person2 look bit pale dont person1 ye cant sleep well everi night person2 get plenti sleep person1 drink lot wine person2 wouldnt drink much person1 often feel tire person2 better exercis everi morn person1 sometim find shadow death front person2 worri futur your young youll make great contribut world hope take advic,#Person1# has a bad lifestyle. #Person2# kindly advises #Person1# to be positive.,advice
test_14_3,person1 dont know adjust life would give piec advic person2 look bit pale dont person1 ye cant sleep well everi night person2 get plenti sleep person1 drink lot wine person2 wouldnt drink much person1 often feel tire person2 better exercis everi morn person1 sometim find shadow death front person2 worri futur your young youll make great contribut world hope take advic,#Person2# hopes #Person1# will become healthy and positive.,giving advice
test_15_1,person1 would like go parti tonight person2 whose parti person1 ruojia dont know ruojia got marri person2 realli cant believ person1 ye yesterday person2 good graciou that incred feel happi person1 ye person2 know person1 saw news twitter sent email person2 didnt receiv person1 mayb check email person2 oh ye find tonight home bring someth person1 ye pair wineglass card wish happi marriag person2 buy tea set,#Person1# tells #Person2# that Ruojia is married and will have a party tonight. #Person2#'s surprised to know that. They will bring their gifts to bless her.,Ruojia is married
test_15_2,person1 would like go parti tonight person2 whose parti person1 ruojia dont know ruojia got marri person2 realli cant believ person1 ye yesterday person2 good graciou that incred feel happi person1 ye person2 know person1 saw news twitter sent email person2 didnt receiv person1 mayb check email person2 oh ye find tonight home bring someth person1 ye pair wineglass card wish happi marriag person2 buy tea set,#Person2# is surprised to know from #Person1# that Ruojia is married. Then #Person2# finds Ruojia has sent an email about it. They will go to Ruojia's party and give their presents to her.,surprising news
test_15_3,person1 would like go parti tonight person2 whose parti person1 ruojia dont know ruojia got marri person2 realli cant believ person1 ye yesterday person2 good graciou that incred feel happi person1 ye person2 know person1 saw news twitter sent email person2 didnt receiv person1 mayb check email person2 oh ye find tonight home bring someth person1 ye pair wineglass card wish happi marriag person2 buy tea set,#Person2# is surprised that Ruojia's married. #Person1# and #Person2# will go to her party and give their presents to wish her a happy marriage.,discuss marriage
test_16_1,person1 yeah pull strip peel back person2 might make enemi way person1 dont think fun theyr meant friend person2 mean friend think cruel person1 yeah fun look two ugli old ladi men person2 hurri get shot hand person1 knew youd come around,#Person2# at first thinks #Person1#'s behaviour cruel but finally joins #Person1#.,cruel behaviour
test_16_2,person1 yeah pull strip peel back person2 might make enemi way person1 dont think fun theyr meant friend person2 mean friend think cruel person1 yeah fun look two ugli old ladi men person2 hurri get shot hand person1 knew youd come around,#Person1# plans on playing a trick to others. #Person2# thinks it's cruel at first but then joins.,tricking others
test_16_3,person1 yeah pull strip peel back person2 might make enemi way person1 dont think fun theyr meant friend person2 mean friend think cruel person1 yeah fun look two ugli old ladi men person2 hurri get shot hand person1 knew youd come around,#Person1# is about to make a prank. #Person2# thinks it's cruel at first but then joins.,prank
test_17_1,person1 sister look like mike person2 well she tall pretti person1 like person2 suppos friendli easygo person1 clever person2 she clever person1 big head,Mike is describing his sister to #Person1#.,sister
test_17_2,person1 sister look like mike person2 well she tall pretti person1 like person2 suppos friendli easygo person1 clever person2 she clever person1 big head,Mike describes to #Person1# his sister's characters and personality.,family member
test_17_3,person1 sister look like mike person2 well she tall pretti person1 like person2 suppos friendli easygo person1 clever person2 she clever person1 big head,#Person1# asks Mike about his sister.,describe a person
test_18_1,person1 anybodi person2 help person1 headach person2 let take temperatur thermomet person1 ok person2 think small fever person1 thought felt dizzi morn person2 shouldv call sick next time either parent call school offic,#Person1# feels sick and #Person2# gives #Person1# a check-up.,feeling sick
test_18_2,person1 anybodi person2 help person1 headach person2 let take temperatur thermomet person1 ok person2 think small fever person1 thought felt dizzi morn person2 shouldv call sick next time either parent call school offic,#Person2# finds that #Person1# has a fever and says #Person1# should've called in sick earlier.,at school
test_18_3,person1 anybodi person2 help person1 headach person2 let take temperatur thermomet person1 ok person2 think small fever person1 thought felt dizzi morn person2 shouldv call sick next time either parent call school offic,#Person2# checks #Person1#'s physical condition and finds #Person1# has a fever.,physical test
test_19_1,person1 help person2 id like buy new mobil phone pleas person1 ok would like phone camera mp3 player person2 ye pleas id like abl make video call,#Person1# helps #Person2# to choose a new phone.,buying a phone
test_19_2,person1 help person2 id like buy new mobil phone pleas person1 ok would like phone camera mp3 player person2 ye pleas id like abl make video call,#Person2# wants to buy a new mobile phone from #Person1#.,shopping
test_19_3,person1 help person2 id like buy new mobil phone pleas person1 ok would like phone camera mp3 player person2 ye pleas id like abl make video call,#Person2# wants to buy a new mobile phone from #Person1#.,shopping
test_20_1,person1 hey frank heard got new job person2 yeah judi work post offic bad job person1 true heavi work schedul person2 that right suppos work 5am everyday get 45 minut lunch person1 appli demand job person2 well govern offer employe excel health insur benefit person1 oh see famili member util health insur person2 yeah that best part children get free medic care person1 that great employ benefit person2 know want work post offic,Frank got a new job and is telling Judy not only the heavy schedule but also the benefits of this job.,new job
test_20_2,person1 hey frank heard got new job person2 yeah judi work post offic bad job person1 true heavi work schedul person2 that right suppos work 5am everyday get 45 minut lunch person1 appli demand job person2 well govern offer employe excel health insur benefit person1 oh see famili member util health insur person2 yeah that best part children get free medic care person1 that great employ benefit person2 know want work post offic,Frank explains to Judy the reason why he took a job at the Post office is that the government offers excellent health insurance benefits for its employees.,employment
test_20_3,person1 hey frank heard got new job person2 yeah judi work post offic bad job person1 true heavi work schedul person2 that right suppos work 5am everyday get 45 minut lunch person1 appli demand job person2 well govern offer employe excel health insur benefit person1 oh see famili member util health insur person2 yeah that best part children get free medic care person1 that great employ benefit person2 know want work post offic,Frank describes his new job's schedule and insurance at the Post Office to Judy.,job description
test_21_1,person1 special skill person2 write comput program good command secretari skill person1 qualif got person2 doctor licens drive licens person1 get special train offic skill person2 pass cambridg examin first certif certif profici english studi year london luca secretari colleg end speed 120 word per minut english shorthand 50 word per minut type also train offic procedur person1 pleas tell work done qualifi job person2 ive receiv special train type shorthand oper fax machin etc im experienc ibmpc oper familiarli wordprocessor fax machin photo offic equip,#Person2# is describing the educational background and previous working experience to #Person1# in a job interview.,job interview
test_21_2,person1 special skill person2 write comput program good command secretari skill person1 qualif got person2 doctor licens drive licens person1 get special train offic skill person2 pass cambridg examin first certif certif profici english studi year london luca secretari colleg end speed 120 word per minut english shorthand 50 word per minut type also train offic procedur person1 pleas tell work done qualifi job person2 ive receiv special train type shorthand oper fax machin etc im experienc ibmpc oper familiarli wordprocessor fax machin photo offic equip,#Person2# is being interviewed by #Person1#. #Person2# is equipped with a bunch of valuable office skills.,job interview
test_21_3,person1 special skill person2 write comput program good command secretari skill person1 qualif got person2 doctor licens drive licens person1 get special train offic skill person2 pass cambridg examin first certif certif profici english studi year london luca secretari colleg end speed 120 word per minut english shorthand 50 word per minut type also train offic procedur person1 pleas tell work done qualifi job person2 ive receiv special train type shorthand oper fax machin etc im experienc ibmpc oper familiarli wordprocessor fax machin photo offic equip,"#Person1# asks about #Person2#'s special skills, training, previous working experience and other qualification for the job.",job interview
test_22_1,person1 excus person2 ye sir help person1 um steak ask medium rare person2 medium rare that right sir rememb order person1 well im afraid isnt bit well done rather tough would mind chang person2 satisfact ill certainli bring anoth im afraid may wait minut person1 ye that right thank much,#Person1# is not satisfied with the steak and #Person2# will change it.,changing the steak
test_22_2,person1 excus person2 ye sir help person1 um steak ask medium rare person2 medium rare that right sir rememb order person1 well im afraid isnt bit well done rather tough would mind chang person2 satisfact ill certainli bring anoth im afraid may wait minut person1 ye that right thank much,#Person2# will change a steak for #Person1# as that one doesn't satisfy #Person1#.,at a restaurant
test_22_3,person1 excus person2 ye sir help person1 um steak ask medium rare person2 medium rare that right sir rememb order person1 well im afraid isnt bit well done rather tough would mind chang person2 satisfact ill certainli bring anoth im afraid may wait minut person1 ye that right thank much,"#Person1# is not satisfied with #Person1#'s steak and asks to change one, and #Person2# agrees.",restaurant service
test_23_1,person1 tom ive got good news person2 person1 havent heard novel nobel prize person2 realli cant believ like dream come true never expect would win nobel prize person1 good job im extrem proud person2 thank compliment person1 certainli deserv let celebr,#Person1# congratulates Tom for achieving the Nobel Prize.,Nobel Prize
test_23_2,person1 tom ive got good news person2 person1 havent heard novel nobel prize person2 realli cant believ like dream come true never expect would win nobel prize person1 good job im extrem proud person2 thank compliment person1 certainli deserv let celebr,#Person1# tells Tom that his novel has won the Nobel Prize.,surprising news
test_23_3,person1 tom ive got good news person2 person1 havent heard novel nobel prize person2 realli cant believ like dream come true never expect would win nobel prize person1 good job im extrem proud person2 thank compliment person1 certainli deserv let celebr,#Person2# tells Tom he won the Nobel Prize.,win a prize
test_24_1,person1 make think abl job person2 major automobil design receiv master degre scienc think well person1 kind work respons past employ person2 student engin mainli took charg understand mechan strength corros resist variou materi,#Person1# is interviewing #Person2# about #Person2#'s ability and previous experience.,job interview
test_24_2,person1 make think abl job person2 major automobil design receiv master degre scienc think well person1 kind work respons past employ person2 student engin mainli took charg understand mechan strength corros resist variou materi,#Person1# asks #Person2# about #Person2#'s capacities and past working experience during an interview.,job interview
test_24_3,person1 make think abl job person2 major automobil design receiv master degre scienc think well person1 kind work respons past employ person2 student engin mainli took charg understand mechan strength corros resist variou materi,#Person1# asks #Person2# about #Person2#'s qualification for the job.,job interview
test_25_1,person1 drink much person2 depend consid lot person1 frequent drink person2 coupl time week person1 go im big drinker person2 much drink person1 usual 2 beer person2 your light weight person1 much drink person2 im usual drink night long least 10 drink person1 dont spend lot money person2 usual go place special dant ave 5 00 pitcher monday ten fifteen buck get lot drink person1 that true person2 dont like beer tri mix drink pretti good person1 like beer get headach drink 3 person2 build toler use like bodi get use person1 itll take awhil im work person2 hey let go tomorrow night ram bar grill special pitcher person1 alright,"#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about some personal facts of drinking. #Person2# drinks a lot, while #Person1# cannot drink much for health reasons. They decide to have a drink together tomorrow night.",drinking
test_25_2,person1 drink much person2 depend consid lot person1 frequent drink person2 coupl time week person1 go im big drinker person2 much drink person1 usual 2 beer person2 your light weight person1 much drink person2 im usual drink night long least 10 drink person1 dont spend lot money person2 usual go place special dant ave 5 00 pitcher monday ten fifteen buck get lot drink person1 that true person2 dont like beer tri mix drink pretti good person1 like beer get headach drink 3 person2 build toler use like bodi get use person1 itll take awhil im work person2 hey let go tomorrow night ram bar grill special pitcher person1 alright,"#Person2#, a heavy drinker, invites #Person1#, a light drinker to go out the next day. #Person2# chooses a place that has a special on pitchers.",drinking
test_25_3,person1 drink much person2 depend consid lot person1 frequent drink person2 coupl time week person1 go im big drinker person2 much drink person1 usual 2 beer person2 your light weight person1 much drink person2 im usual drink night long least 10 drink person1 dont spend lot money person2 usual go place special dant ave 5 00 pitcher monday ten fifteen buck get lot drink person1 that true person2 dont like beer tri mix drink pretti good person1 like beer get headach drink 3 person2 build toler use like bodi get use person1 itll take awhil im work person2 hey let go tomorrow night ram bar grill special pitcher person1 alright,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about their drinking capacity and their drinking habits. They decide to have a drink together tomorrow night.,discuss drinking
test_26_1,person1 may mind help prepar picnic person2 sure check weather report person1 ye say sunni day sign rain father favorit sausag sandwich daniel person2 thank mom id like toast chicken wing person1 okay pleas take fruit salad cracker person2 done oh dont forget take napkin dispos plate cup picnic blanket person1 set may help take thing live room person2 ye madam person1 ask daniel give hand person2 mom manag help caus troubl,May is helping her mother to do some preparation for the picnic.,preparing the picnic
test_26_2,person1 may mind help prepar picnic person2 sure check weather report person1 ye say sunni day sign rain father favorit sausag sandwich daniel person2 thank mom id like toast chicken wing person1 okay pleas take fruit salad cracker person2 done oh dont forget take napkin dispos plate cup picnic blanket person1 set may help take thing live room person2 ye madam person1 ask daniel give hand person2 mom manag help caus troubl,May's mother asks May for help in preparing for a picnic. May gives her a hand.,picnic preparation
test_26_3,person1 may mind help prepar picnic person2 sure check weather report person1 ye say sunni day sign rain father favorit sausag sandwich daniel person2 thank mom id like toast chicken wing person1 okay pleas take fruit salad cracker person2 done oh dont forget take napkin dispos plate cup picnic blanket person1 set may help take thing live room person2 ye madam person1 ask daniel give hand person2 mom manag help caus troubl,Mom asks May to help to prepare for the picnic and May agrees.,picnic preparing
test_27_1,person1 hello muriel dougla person2 ye must jame nice meet long last person1 ye thank agre meet us new account associ susan kim minut would like someth drink wait person2 thank im fine nice holiday person1 ye famili went taho ski weather great person2 stay l sunni entir weekend spent time home go see king kong christma day person1 like person2 better expect know think would enjoy ski taho even better go often person1 much wife doesnt like ski prefer vacat warmer like hawaii person2 dont blame realli enjoy went year ago id like go back sometim soon person1 ye oh here susan let introduc,Muriel Douglas and James meet each other and talk about what they have done during the holiday.,a nice holiday
test_27_2,person1 hello muriel dougla person2 ye must jame nice meet long last person1 ye thank agre meet us new account associ susan kim minut would like someth drink wait person2 thank im fine nice holiday person1 ye famili went taho ski weather great person2 stay l sunni entir weekend spent time home go see king kong christma day person1 like person2 better expect know think would enjoy ski taho even better go often person1 much wife doesnt like ski prefer vacat warmer like hawaii person2 dont blame realli enjoy went year ago id like go back sometim soon person1 ye oh here susan let introduc,"James and Muriel are talking while waiting for Susan, Muriel's associate. They talk about how they spent the holiday with their families.",holiday
test_27_3,person1 hello muriel dougla person2 ye must jame nice meet long last person1 ye thank agre meet us new account associ susan kim minut would like someth drink wait person2 thank im fine nice holiday person1 ye famili went taho ski weather great person2 stay l sunni entir weekend spent time home go see king kong christma day person1 like person2 better expect know think would enjoy ski taho even better go often person1 much wife doesnt like ski prefer vacat warmer like hawaii person2 dont blame realli enjoy went year ago id like go back sometim soon person1 ye oh here susan let introduc,"Muriel Douglas and James send greetings and talk about their holiday before the meeting. Douglas stayed in L.A., while James went to Tahoe.",social meeting
test_28_1,person1 stupid girl make spend much money get atm person2 hello welcom univers bank pleas insert card slot person1 know put card stupid machin talk like idiot person2 pleas input 6 digit pin code follow pound key thank pleas select option thank select withdraw person1 yeah yeah know select gim money person2 pleas type amount would like withdraw thank want transfer 10000 usd world wildlif foundat correct pleas press 1 person1 stupid machin person2 confirm thank use bank pleas remov card slot goodby person1 way happen give money person2 danger danger exit seal door remain lock local author arriv thank use bank nice day,"#Person1# wants to withdraw money from an ATM, but the ATM automatically transfers 10000 USD to the World Wildlife Foundation after confirming the withdrawal option. #Person1# gets mad and somehow locked in.",withdrawal trouble
test_28_2,person1 stupid girl make spend much money get atm person2 hello welcom univers bank pleas insert card slot person1 know put card stupid machin talk like idiot person2 pleas input 6 digit pin code follow pound key thank pleas select option thank select withdraw person1 yeah yeah know select gim money person2 pleas type amount would like withdraw thank want transfer 10000 usd world wildlif foundat correct pleas press 1 person1 stupid machin person2 confirm thank use bank pleas remov card slot goodby person1 way happen give money person2 danger danger exit seal door remain lock local author arriv thank use bank nice day,"#Person1# run out of money because of a girl, and is withdrawing money from an ATM. But the ATM seems to go wrong and transfers #Person1#'s money to the World Wildlife Foundation, driving #Person1# crazy.",ATM accident
test_28_3,person1 stupid girl make spend much money get atm person2 hello welcom univers bank pleas insert card slot person1 know put card stupid machin talk like idiot person2 pleas input 6 digit pin code follow pound key thank pleas select option thank select withdraw person1 yeah yeah know select gim money person2 pleas type amount would like withdraw thank want transfer 10000 usd world wildlif foundat correct pleas press 1 person1 stupid machin person2 confirm thank use bank pleas remov card slot goodby person1 way happen give money person2 danger danger exit seal door remain lock local author arriv thank use bank nice day,#Person1# is withdrawing money from an ATM. But the ATM wrongly transfers #Person1#'s money to the World Wildlife Foundation. It drives #Person1# crazy.,ATM accident
test_29_1,person1 social person person2 ye outgo person like lot friend person1 strategi commun colleagu person2 well import thing commun sincer,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s communication strategy.,communication strategy
test_29_2,person1 social person person2 ye outgo person like lot friend person1 strategi commun colleagu person2 well import thing commun sincer,"Since #Person2# is very social, #Person1# asks for the communication strategy.",social skill
test_29_3,person1 social person person2 ye outgo person like lot friend person1 strategi commun colleagu person2 well import thing commun sincer,#Person2# shares #Person2#'s communication strategy with #Person1#.,communication strategy
test_30_1,person1 what wrong mr polli person2 what wrong want break horribl job person1 buy bottl soft drink person2 would like buy bottl shop person1 problem boss shop person2 ok go person1 sorri mr polli person2 doesnt matter oh god four dollar wallet possibl buy one person1 tri,Mr. Polly is tired and wants a break from work. #Person1# cannot buy a bottle of soft drink for him.,break from job
test_30_2,person1 what wrong mr polli person2 what wrong want break horribl job person1 buy bottl soft drink person2 would like buy bottl shop person1 problem boss shop person2 ok go person1 sorri mr polli person2 doesnt matter oh god four dollar wallet possibl buy one person1 tri,"Mr. Polly wants to get a break from work and he asks #Person1# to buy a drink for him, but #Person1# refuses.",take a break
test_30_3,person1 what wrong mr polli person2 what wrong want break horribl job person1 buy bottl soft drink person2 would like buy bottl shop person1 problem boss shop person2 ok go person1 sorri mr polli person2 doesnt matter oh god four dollar wallet possibl buy one person1 tri,"Mr. Polly asks #Person1#'s help to buy a drink, but #Person1# refuses.",buy a drink
test_31_1,person1 hello franci person2 hi monica wonder work financi report person1 today busi day long person2 shall see friday morn person1 that good itll anoth time person2 must find time read report person1 know avail 1 pm 4 pm friday afternoon person2 that right see friday afternoon person1 see,Francis and Monica are discussing when to work on the financial report.,decide the time
test_31_2,person1 hello franci person2 hi monica wonder work financi report person1 today busi day long person2 shall see friday morn person1 that good itll anoth time person2 must find time read report person1 know avail 1 pm 4 pm friday afternoon person2 that right see friday afternoon person1 see,Francis and Monica manage to find time to work on a report together.,peer work
test_31_3,person1 hello franci person2 hi monica wonder work financi report person1 today busi day long person2 shall see friday morn person1 that good itll anoth time person2 must find time read report person1 know avail 1 pm 4 pm friday afternoon person2 that right see friday afternoon person1 see,Francis and Monica negotiate on the time to work on the report.,schedule making
test_32_1,person1 workshop prepar interview person2 interview class welcom class person1 realli excit take workshop get readi interview next week person2 learn thing help us interview think import consider go interview person1 think dress neatli appropri person2 ye second imagin attitud friendli go long way person1 ye alway feel much better friendli person2 believ interview interest question answer person1 hint interview person2 alway honest answer interview realli want know good fit,#Person1# joins #Person2#'s interview workshop. They discuss the tips to improve their interview performance.,interview workshop
test_32_2,person1 workshop prepar interview person2 interview class welcom class person1 realli excit take workshop get readi interview next week person2 learn thing help us interview think import consider go interview person1 think dress neatli appropri person2 ye second imagin attitud friendli go long way person1 ye alway feel much better friendli person2 believ interview interest question answer person1 hint interview person2 alway honest answer interview realli want know good fit,#Person1# takes an interview workshop. #Person2# offer #Person1# some useful tips on getting ready for an interview.,interview preparation
test_32_3,person1 workshop prepar interview person2 interview class welcom class person1 realli excit take workshop get readi interview next week person2 learn thing help us interview think import consider go interview person1 think dress neatli appropri person2 ye second imagin attitud friendli go long way person1 ye alway feel much better friendli person2 believ interview interest question answer person1 hint interview person2 alway honest answer interview realli want know good fit,"In the workshop, #Person2# offer #Person1# some suggestions on how to perform well in interviews.",interview workshop
test_33_1,person1 ok that cut let start begin everyon person2 problem time person1 feel wrong mike tell doesnt want see want get anger your act hurt sad that charact would act situat person2 jason laura togeth three year dont think reaction would one anger sad person1 point think would react way guy would later would see real feel person2 im sure person1 let tri way see feel your say line still doesnt feel right tri someth els,#Person1# and Mike are discussing what kind of emotion should be expressed by Mike in this play. They have different understandings.,actor's feelings
test_33_2,person1 ok that cut let start begin everyon person2 problem time person1 feel wrong mike tell doesnt want see want get anger your act hurt sad that charact would act situat person2 jason laura togeth three year dont think reaction would one anger sad person1 point think would react way guy would later would see real feel person2 im sure person1 let tri way see feel your say line still doesnt feel right tri someth els,#Person1# and Mike have a disagreement on how to act out a scene. #Person1# proposes that Mike can try to act in #Person1#'s way.,shooting
test_33_3,person1 ok that cut let start begin everyon person2 problem time person1 feel wrong mike tell doesnt want see want get anger your act hurt sad that charact would act situat person2 jason laura togeth three year dont think reaction would one anger sad person1 point think would react way guy would later would see real feel person2 im sure person1 let tri way see feel your say line still doesnt feel right tri someth els,"#Person1# wants Mike to act more angry, but Mike thinks he should act both angry and sad.",acting
test_34_1,person1 well ill see later mr todd wife wait take shop person2 understand there lot get done weekend especi two work children small person1 that right jane talk visit saw garden decid come say hello person2 im glad fact call first sinc newli move person1 way need anyth store person2 thank offer thank come person1 pleasur,#Person1# greets Mrs. Todd and then they say goodbye to each other.,greetings
test_34_2,person1 well ill see later mr todd wife wait take shop person2 understand there lot get done weekend especi two work children small person1 that right jane talk visit saw garden decid come say hello person2 im glad fact call first sinc newli move person1 way need anyth store person2 thank offer thank come person1 pleasur,"#Person1# comes over to say hello to Mrs. Todd, and will go shopping afterwards.",a short visit
test_34_3,person1 well ill see later mr todd wife wait take shop person2 understand there lot get done weekend especi two work children small person1 that right jane talk visit saw garden decid come say hello person2 im glad fact call first sinc newli move person1 way need anyth store person2 thank offer thank come person1 pleasur,"#Person1# visits Mrs. Todd, and Mrs. Todd appreciates that.",farewell
test_35_1,person1 what matter bill look kind pale person2 oh im tire person1 person2 well ive work around ten everi night week person1 go home quit time today take easi person2 ye think person1 that good say how brother person2 he fine aw busi went state busi trip two week ago person1 oh realli back yet person2 wont come back sever week person1 wow must lot person2 ye person1 want sure time im go meet friend five oclock sharp person2 well watch say 430 time right set radio yesterday person1 good,Bill is tired. Bill and #Person1# talk about Bill's brother.,feeling tired
test_35_2,person1 what matter bill look kind pale person2 oh im tire person1 person2 well ive work around ten everi night week person1 go home quit time today take easi person2 ye think person1 that good say how brother person2 he fine aw busi went state busi trip two week ago person1 oh realli back yet person2 wont come back sever week person1 wow must lot person2 ye person1 want sure time im go meet friend five oclock sharp person2 well watch say 430 time right set radio yesterday person1 good,"#Person1# has a chat with Bill, and learns updates about Bill and his brother. #Person1# asks for time because #Person1# will go meet a friend.",chat
test_35_3,person1 what matter bill look kind pale person2 oh im tire person1 person2 well ive work around ten everi night week person1 go home quit time today take easi person2 ye think person1 that good say how brother person2 he fine aw busi went state busi trip two week ago person1 oh realli back yet person2 wont come back sever week person1 wow must lot person2 ye person1 want sure time im go meet friend five oclock sharp person2 well watch say 430 time right set radio yesterday person1 good,#Person1# suggests Bill take it easy and asks him about his brother. #Person1# also synchronizes the time with Bill.,social meeting
test_36_1,person1 go demonstr help stop spread nuclear weapon tomorrow cleo person2 simon hate demonstr heard polic stand tear ga person1 ye north korea boast nuclear arm person2 one hundr nineti countri sign nuclear nonprolifer treati issu complex two side everi stori dont understand intent go demonstr demonstr dont seem accomplish anyth anyway person1 sever demonstr chang politician mind throughout histori respons citizen think import stand believ person2 leav someon els said listen side stori side good point demonstr risk get hurt someth even sure right person1 like get hurt peac demonstr spoken organ univers group insist peac advoc want world peac peac begin homeand mean right citi person2 go want simon plan studi physic exam person1 would take two hour day bu leav campu 1130 leav downtown return campu 1245 could eat lunch bu person2 go simon dont ask student polit scienc class afternoon want go person1 go person2 okay simon need meet sister coffe person1 bye see physic class tomorrow,"Simon and Cleo have different opinions towards the demonstration to help stop the spread of nuclear weapons. Cleo thinks it is useless, while Simon considers that Cleo should go to the demonstration.",demonstration
test_36_2,person1 go demonstr help stop spread nuclear weapon tomorrow cleo person2 simon hate demonstr heard polic stand tear ga person1 ye north korea boast nuclear arm person2 one hundr nineti countri sign nuclear nonprolifer treati issu complex two side everi stori dont understand intent go demonstr demonstr dont seem accomplish anyth anyway person1 sever demonstr chang politician mind throughout histori respons citizen think import stand believ person2 leav someon els said listen side stori side good point demonstr risk get hurt someth even sure right person1 like get hurt peac demonstr spoken organ univers group insist peac advoc want world peac peac begin homeand mean right citi person2 go want simon plan studi physic exam person1 would take two hour day bu leav campu 1130 leav downtown return campu 1245 could eat lunch bu person2 go simon dont ask student polit scienc class afternoon want go person1 go person2 okay simon need meet sister coffe person1 bye see physic class tomorrow,"Cleo has no intention to attend the demonstration to help stop the spread of nuclear weapons, because Cleo hates police standing by with tear gas. Simon tries to change Cleo's mind but it doesn't work.",political demonstration
test_36_3,person1 go demonstr help stop spread nuclear weapon tomorrow cleo person2 simon hate demonstr heard polic stand tear ga person1 ye north korea boast nuclear arm person2 one hundr nineti countri sign nuclear nonprolifer treati issu complex two side everi stori dont understand intent go demonstr demonstr dont seem accomplish anyth anyway person1 sever demonstr chang politician mind throughout histori respons citizen think import stand believ person2 leav someon els said listen side stori side good point demonstr risk get hurt someth even sure right person1 like get hurt peac demonstr spoken organ univers group insist peac advoc want world peac peac begin homeand mean right citi person2 go want simon plan studi physic exam person1 would take two hour day bu leav campu 1130 leav downtown return campu 1245 could eat lunch bu person2 go simon dont ask student polit scienc class afternoon want go person1 go person2 okay simon need meet sister coffe person1 bye see physic class tomorrow,"Simon and Cleo argue the effectiveness of demonstrations. Simon thinks they are helpful, but Cleo disagrees and refuses to go to the demonstration of helping stop the spread of nuclear weapons with Simon.",discuss demonstrations
test_37_1,person1 partli fault never let anyon like unless your expect person2 well say someon cone door say electr ga automat think ok especi show card,#Person2# let in someone and #Person1# thinks it was #Person2#'s fault.,fault
test_37_2,person1 partli fault never let anyon like unless your expect person2 well say someon cone door say electr ga automat think ok especi show card,#Person1# blames #Person2# for letting someone in without much discretion.,regret
test_37_3,person1 partli fault never let anyon like unless your expect person2 well say someon cone door say electr ga automat think ok especi show card,#Person1# advises #Person2# not to let anyone in casually.,discuss safety
test_38_1,person1 maggi borrow note histori ill return tomorrow person2 sorri usual go cafeteria review copi librari person1 ok person2 person1 great help maggi person2 dont quit understand need note mark havent miss class person1 honest work supermarket 7 10 oclock everi even person2 see your pretti tire come class person1 that exactli want borrow note note arent good person2 usual class person1 im alway awak begin thirti minut class begin feel sleepi troubl keep eye open person2 well need someon studi need someon keep awak studi partner person1 oh sure that good idea give push see sleep class person2 ok let start today librari go anyway dont go cafeteria person1 sound good,Mark wants to borrow Maggie's class notes. Maggie suggests Mark copy them in the library and invites him to be study partners.,study partners
test_38_2,person1 maggi borrow note histori ill return tomorrow person2 sorri usual go cafeteria review copi librari person1 ok person2 person1 great help maggi person2 dont quit understand need note mark havent miss class person1 honest work supermarket 7 10 oclock everi even person2 see your pretti tire come class person1 that exactli want borrow note note arent good person2 usual class person1 im alway awak begin thirti minut class begin feel sleepi troubl keep eye open person2 well need someon studi need someon keep awak studi partner person1 oh sure that good idea give push see sleep class person2 ok let start today librari go anyway dont go cafeteria person1 sound good,Mark asks Maggie for her history notes because Mark has been too tired in class. They become study partners at the end.,study partners
test_38_3,person1 maggi borrow note histori ill return tomorrow person2 sorri usual go cafeteria review copi librari person1 ok person2 person1 great help maggi person2 dont quit understand need note mark havent miss class person1 honest work supermarket 7 10 oclock everi even person2 see your pretti tire come class person1 that exactli want borrow note note arent good person2 usual class person1 im alway awak begin thirti minut class begin feel sleepi troubl keep eye open person2 well need someon studi need someon keep awak studi partner person1 oh sure that good idea give push see sleep class person2 ok let start today librari go anyway dont go cafeteria person1 sound good,Mark asks Maggie for her notes because Mark's notes aren't good. They decide to be study partners and study together.,discuss school life
test_39_1,person1 come come help person2 professor turner give advanc geolog cours next semest person1 ye person2 wonder could enrol know graduat cours im junior person1 arent bit young ive allow qualifi senior take cours usual hard time keep person2 know geolog american west favorit interest ive read lot field last semest took professor burman cours didnt find challeng enough person1 see certainli arent one student easi grade person2 say realli want learn someth person1 well ill speak professor burman think your readi ill let enrol person2 oh thank prof turner that nice,#Person2# wants to take a course of Professor Turner and Professor agrees if #Person2# achieves the allowance of Professor Burman.,enrolling in course
test_39_2,person1 come come help person2 professor turner give advanc geolog cours next semest person1 ye person2 wonder could enrol know graduat cours im junior person1 arent bit young ive allow qualifi senior take cours usual hard time keep person2 know geolog american west favorit interest ive read lot field last semest took professor burman cours didnt find challeng enough person1 see certainli arent one student easi grade person2 say realli want learn someth person1 well ill speak professor burman think your readi ill let enrol person2 oh thank prof turner that nice,"#Person2#, a junior student, wants to enroll in Professor Turner's course for seniors very much. Professor Turner will ask for another professor's opinion.",course enrollment
test_39_3,person1 come come help person2 professor turner give advanc geolog cours next semest person1 ye person2 wonder could enrol know graduat cours im junior person1 arent bit young ive allow qualifi senior take cours usual hard time keep person2 know geolog american west favorit interest ive read lot field last semest took professor burman cours didnt find challeng enough person1 see certainli arent one student easi grade person2 say realli want learn someth person1 well ill speak professor burman think your readi ill let enrol person2 oh thank prof turner that nice,"#Person2# wants to enroll in Professor Turner's course, and Professor Turner agrees to consider his application.",course enrollment
test_40_1,person1 hello bought pendant shop person2 ye thank much person1 come back hotel tri show friend pendant broken im afraid person2 oh person1 would chang new one person2 ye certainli receipt person1 ye person2 would kindli come shop receipt 10 oclock replac person1 thank much,#Person1# wants to change the broken pendant in #Person2#'s shop.,changing the pendant
test_40_2,person1 hello bought pendant shop person2 ye thank much person1 come back hotel tri show friend pendant broken im afraid person2 oh person1 would chang new one person2 ye certainli receipt person1 ye person2 would kindli come shop receipt 10 oclock replac person1 thank much,#Person1# goes back to #Person2#'s shop to replace a broken pendant.,returning product
test_40_3,person1 hello bought pendant shop person2 ye thank much person1 come back hotel tri show friend pendant broken im afraid person2 oh person1 would chang new one person2 ye certainli receipt person1 ye person2 would kindli come shop receipt 10 oclock replac person1 thank much,"#Person1# wants a product changed from #Person2#, and #Person2# agrees.",post-sales service
test_41_1,person1 think one person2 eh person1 one flashi person2 nah flashi person1 uhg sweater aunt isnt hideou person2 guess person1 even listen im tri convers person2 im tri watch game your yap new cloth person1 well decid gift keep exchang better one go box day sale afternoon person2 well could favor make quick third quarter youv blabber sinc first person1 oh preciou game watch game everi year year belov hometown team lose least three goal person2 oh didnt didnt insult salsburi seal dont go return stupid cloth come back sale person1 might enjoy stupid game,"#Person1# is showing the new clothes to #Person2#, but #Person2# is busy watching the games. They quarrel and get angry.",clothes and games
test_41_2,person1 think one person2 eh person1 one flashi person2 nah flashi person1 uhg sweater aunt isnt hideou person2 guess person1 even listen im tri convers person2 im tri watch game your yap new cloth person1 well decid gift keep exchang better one go box day sale afternoon person2 well could favor make quick third quarter youv blabber sinc first person1 oh preciou game watch game everi year year belov hometown team lose least three goal person2 oh didnt didnt insult salsburi seal dont go return stupid cloth come back sale person1 might enjoy stupid game,#Person1# and #Person2# have a serious quarrel over whether shopping for clothes or watching a sports game is more important.,quarrel
test_41_3,person1 think one person2 eh person1 one flashi person2 nah flashi person1 uhg sweater aunt isnt hideou person2 guess person1 even listen im tri convers person2 im tri watch game your yap new cloth person1 well decid gift keep exchang better one go box day sale afternoon person2 well could favor make quick third quarter youv blabber sinc first person1 oh preciou game watch game everi year year belov hometown team lose least three goal person2 oh didnt didnt insult salsburi seal dont go return stupid cloth come back sale person1 might enjoy stupid game,"#Person1# asks #Person2#'s opinion on new clothes, but #Person2# only focuses on the game and feels annoyed. They are both angry and argue.",argument
test_42_1,person1 mani job choos want person2 think work media could fun there tv newspap internet person1 well let look uhm could becom tv news director person2 joke direct news would stress person1 well write magazin would excit person2 im interest work comput hey look interact media id like,#Person1# gives suggestions on job choices to #Person2#. #Person2# likes interactive media.,choosing a job
test_42_2,person1 mani job choos want person2 think work media could fun there tv newspap internet person1 well let look uhm could becom tv news director person2 joke direct news would stress person1 well write magazin would excit person2 im interest work comput hey look interact media id like,#Person1# and #Person2# are looking at jobs. #Person2# is interested in the media industry.,search for job
test_42_3,person1 mani job choos want person2 think work media could fun there tv newspap internet person1 well let look uhm could becom tv news director person2 joke direct news would stress person1 well write magazin would excit person2 im interest work comput hey look interact media id like,"#Person1# offers some job choices to #Person2#, but #Person2# doesn't like them.",job choices
test_43_1,person1 dont tell your bore alreadi person2 well yeah person1 got find way entertain person2 bunch bore peopl give bore speech person1 bad sit even littl bore import listen care take note interview speaker afterward work daili news didnt bring anyth read person2 brought ipod headphon would rude listen music person1 ye would might old newspap bag could read also section game like crossword puzzl keep busi person2 hate crossword paper comic section person1 youll probabl find quiet anoth man get speak realli pay attent one head chariti organ,#Person2# feels bored with the meeting. #Person1# gives #Person2# some suggestions on how to entertain but finally asks #Person2# to keep quiet.,boring meeting
test_43_2,person1 dont tell your bore alreadi person2 well yeah person1 got find way entertain person2 bunch bore peopl give bore speech person1 bad sit even littl bore import listen care take note interview speaker afterward work daili news didnt bring anyth read person2 brought ipod headphon would rude listen music person1 ye would might old newspap bag could read also section game like crossword puzzl keep busi person2 hate crossword paper comic section person1 youll probabl find quiet anoth man get speak realli pay attent one head chariti organ,"#Person1#, a reporter, takes #Person2# to a forum. #Person2# is bored and tries to find a pastime.",getting bored
test_43_3,person1 dont tell your bore alreadi person2 well yeah person1 got find way entertain person2 bunch bore peopl give bore speech person1 bad sit even littl bore import listen care take note interview speaker afterward work daili news didnt bring anyth read person2 brought ipod headphon would rude listen music person1 ye would might old newspap bag could read also section game like crossword puzzl keep busi person2 hate crossword paper comic section person1 youll probabl find quiet anoth man get speak realli pay attent one head chariti organ,"#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# is bored and explains the reasons, so #Person1# suggests #Person2# read some old newspapers and be quiet.",boring meeting
test_44_1,person1 ever thought move sarah person2 thought husband cant afford right person1 buy hous near compani expens way find cheaper hous person2 like person1 well buy hous far away citi center would definit save money way person2 that good idea person1 sister law husband bought hous way theyr pretti satisfi person2 hous poor condit person1 woman own bought friend took good care die famili left govern sell person2 old hous person1 ye 50 year old repair need didnt take lot money time person2 good locat person1 area bit rough even neighbor watch ok,Sarah is considering moving. #Person1# gives her advice on buying a house.,buying a house
test_44_2,person1 ever thought move sarah person2 thought husband cant afford right person1 buy hous near compani expens way find cheaper hous person2 like person1 well buy hous far away citi center would definit save money way person2 that good idea person1 sister law husband bought hous way theyr pretti satisfi person2 hous poor condit person1 woman own bought friend took good care die famili left govern sell person2 old hous person1 ye 50 year old repair need didnt take lot money time person2 good locat person1 area bit rough even neighbor watch ok,Sarah wants to move. #Person1# suggests buying a cheaper house and offers information on possible options.,buying a house
test_44_3,person1 ever thought move sarah person2 thought husband cant afford right person1 buy hous near compani expens way find cheaper hous person2 like person1 well buy hous far away citi center would definit save money way person2 that good idea person1 sister law husband bought hous way theyr pretti satisfi person2 hous poor condit person1 woman own bought friend took good care die famili left govern sell person2 old hous person1 ye 50 year old repair need didnt take lot money time person2 good locat person1 area bit rough even neighbor watch ok,Sarah tells #Person1# that she can't afford a new house. #Person1# says #Person1#'s sister-in-law bought a cheap house and suggests Sarah should buy a house far from the city center.,buy a house
test_45_1,person1 hello welcom week peopl meet today present mark leach inform offic london person2 hi everyon name mark leach im inform offic britain busi center tourist offic british tourist board london offer tourist inform servic mainli visitor oversea year 500000 peopl come offic person1 wow that larg number peopl manag meet need mani peopl person2 im charg inform team team 10 offic give tourist inform directli counter visitor speak total 13 languag altogeth person1 that pretti cool exactli everyday person2 well act one stop shop anyon want come could want day trip london popular request offer suggest go get peopl want two week tour britain plan exactli visit road take person1 suggest peopl come britain person2 good suggest see much tri come back see differ part countri way realli experi,#Person1# introduces Mark Leach to this week's People You Meet. Mark Leach describes his job responsibilities and gives advice to people coming to Britain.,job description
test_45_2,person1 hello welcom week peopl meet today present mark leach inform offic london person2 hi everyon name mark leach im inform offic britain busi center tourist offic british tourist board london offer tourist inform servic mainli visitor oversea year 500000 peopl come offic person1 wow that larg number peopl manag meet need mani peopl person2 im charg inform team team 10 offic give tourist inform directli counter visitor speak total 13 languag altogeth person1 that pretti cool exactli everyday person2 well act one stop shop anyon want come could want day trip london popular request offer suggest go get peopl want two week tour britain plan exactli visit road take person1 suggest peopl come britain person2 good suggest see much tri come back see differ part countri way realli experi,"#Person1# hosts the week's People You Meet, featuring Mark Leach. Mark introduces his work as an information officer in London.",introduction
test_45_3,person1 hello welcom week peopl meet today present mark leach inform offic london person2 hi everyon name mark leach im inform offic britain busi center tourist offic british tourist board london offer tourist inform servic mainli visitor oversea year 500000 peopl come offic person1 wow that larg number peopl manag meet need mani peopl person2 im charg inform team team 10 offic give tourist inform directli counter visitor speak total 13 languag altogeth person1 that pretti cool exactli everyday person2 well act one stop shop anyon want come could want day trip london popular request offer suggest go get peopl want two week tour britain plan exactli visit road take person1 suggest peopl come britain person2 good suggest see much tri come back see differ part countri way realli experi,Mark Leach introduces his information service and his work to the audience. He also offers suggestions for people coming to Britain.,introduction
test_46_1,person1 hello lin fang person2 oh hi luci person1 what next lesson lin fang person2 english person1 oh good that favorit subject person2 that alway find easi find difficult dont like much person1 nanci find english quit difficult say favorit subject person2 ye know second favorit subject math person1 math worst dont like alway get answer wrong person2 english favorit subject what second favorit person1 pe person2 im sure chines scienc favorit subject think like chines littl scienc person1 differ nanci doesnt like scienc,Lin Fang and Lucy are talking about their favourite subjects.,favourite subjects
test_46_2,person1 hello lin fang person2 oh hi luci person1 what next lesson lin fang person2 english person1 oh good that favorit subject person2 that alway find easi find difficult dont like much person1 nanci find english quit difficult say favorit subject person2 ye know second favorit subject math person1 math worst dont like alway get answer wrong person2 english favorit subject what second favorit person1 pe person2 im sure chines scienc favorit subject think like chines littl scienc person1 differ nanci doesnt like scienc,Lin Fang and Lucy are talking about how they like different subjects.,study
test_46_3,person1 hello lin fang person2 oh hi luci person1 what next lesson lin fang person2 english person1 oh good that favorit subject person2 that alway find easi find difficult dont like much person1 nanci find english quit difficult say favorit subject person2 ye know second favorit subject math person1 math worst dont like alway get answer wrong person2 english favorit subject what second favorit person1 pe person2 im sure chines scienc favorit subject think like chines littl scienc person1 differ nanci doesnt like scienc,"Lucy likes English and P.E. best, but Lin Fang's favorite is Chinese and Science.",favorite subjects
test_47_1,person1 ok mr thoma finish clean leav yard person2 oh thank jame person1 also swept front step took garbag anyth els help person2 also take dog oscar walk person1 sure person2 princ ever sinc broke leg difficult take care thing around hous daughter leah help monday tuesday son robbi thursday im happi come saturday person1 well appreci weekend work im save buy bike ride basketbal practic person2 still abl work get bike person1 cours dont forget im away next weekend visit grandfath sister allison come instead person2 ok,James comes to help Mrs. Thomas to do some housework on the weekend. James is saving up to buy a bike.,weekend work
test_47_2,person1 ok mr thoma finish clean leav yard person2 oh thank jame person1 also swept front step took garbag anyth els help person2 also take dog oscar walk person1 sure person2 princ ever sinc broke leg difficult take care thing around hous daughter leah help monday tuesday son robbi thursday im happi come saturday person1 well appreci weekend work im save buy bike ride basketbal practic person2 still abl work get bike person1 cours dont forget im away next weekend visit grandfath sister allison come instead person2 ok,"James helped Mrs. Thomas with housework since she has broken her legs, and he wanted to save money for a bike.",offering help
test_47_3,person1 ok mr thoma finish clean leav yard person2 oh thank jame person1 also swept front step took garbag anyth els help person2 also take dog oscar walk person1 sure person2 princ ever sinc broke leg difficult take care thing around hous daughter leah help monday tuesday son robbi thursday im happi come saturday person1 well appreci weekend work im save buy bike ride basketbal practic person2 still abl work get bike person1 cours dont forget im away next weekend visit grandfath sister allison come instead person2 ok,James helps Mrs. Thomas to do chores because James wanted to save money and Mrs. Thomas is incapable.,do chores
test_48_1,person1 think spring final person2 yep sure seem like howev still cold night person1 ye turn heat 6 day ago absolut freez apart night turn air condition blow hot air order warm thing littl person2 well outsid bit breez feel cold quickli person1 sure think im go follow cat exampl sit sum shine window,"#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the low temperature at night, although spring has come.",coldness
test_48_2,person1 think spring final person2 yep sure seem like howev still cold night person1 ye turn heat 6 day ago absolut freez apart night turn air condition blow hot air order warm thing littl person2 well outsid bit breez feel cold quickli person1 sure think im go follow cat exampl sit sum shine window,#Person1# and #Person2# agree that it still felt very cold in spring.,temperature
test_48_3,person1 think spring final person2 yep sure seem like howev still cold night person1 ye turn heat 6 day ago absolut freez apart night turn air condition blow hot air order warm thing littl person2 well outsid bit breez feel cold quickli person1 sure think im go follow cat exampl sit sum shine window,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the weather and how to keep warm.,discuss weather
test_49_1,person1 ok that cut let start begin everyon person2 problem time person1 feel wrong mike tell doesnt want see anymor want get anger your act hurt sad that charact would act situat person2 jason laura togeth 3 year dont think reaction would one anger sad person1 point think would react way guy would later would see real feel person2 im sure person1 let tri way see feel your say line still doesnt feel right tri someth els,#Person1# and Mike are discussing what kind of emotion should be expressed by Mike in this play. They have different understandings.,actor's feelings
test_49_2,person1 ok that cut let start begin everyon person2 problem time person1 feel wrong mike tell doesnt want see anymor want get anger your act hurt sad that charact would act situat person2 jason laura togeth 3 year dont think reaction would one anger sad person1 point think would react way guy would later would see real feel person2 im sure person1 let tri way see feel your say line still doesnt feel right tri someth els,#Person1# and Mike have a disagreement on how to act out a scene. #Person1# proposes that Mike can try to act in #Person1#'s way.,shooting
test_49_3,person1 ok that cut let start begin everyon person2 problem time person1 feel wrong mike tell doesnt want see anymor want get anger your act hurt sad that charact would act situat person2 jason laura togeth 3 year dont think reaction would one anger sad person1 point think would react way guy would later would see real feel person2 im sure person1 let tri way see feel your say line still doesnt feel right tri someth els,"#Person1# wants Mike to act more angry, but Mike thinks he should act both angry and sad.",acting
test_50_1,person1 taxi person2 go sir person1 friendship hotel person2 ok far person1 someth import fast speed person2 sure ill tri best person1 fast much pay person2 read meter 15 yuan person1 here 20 yuan keep chang person2 thank much,#Person1# takes a taxi to the Friendship Hotel for something important.,taxi ride
test_50_2,person1 taxi person2 go sir person1 friendship hotel person2 ok far person1 someth import fast speed person2 sure ill tri best person1 fast much pay person2 read meter 15 yuan person1 here 20 yuan keep chang person2 thank much,#Person2# drives #Person1# to the Friendship Hotel as fast as #Person2# can be.,take a taxi
test_50_3,person1 taxi person2 go sir person1 friendship hotel person2 ok far person1 someth import fast speed person2 sure ill tri best person1 fast much pay person2 read meter 15 yuan person1 here 20 yuan keep chang person2 thank much,The taxi driver takes #Person1# to the Friendship Hotel quickly.,take a taxi
test_51_1,person1 im broke catch anoth bu person2 dont money anoth bu person1 got hungri bought chip person2 smart person1 anyway chang use bu person2 dont person1 dont know im go get home person2 get transfer bu driver person1 much transfer person2 doesnt cost anyth person1 that great thank help person2 know dont mention,#Person1# doesn't have any change for the bus because #Person1# bought some chips. #Person2# suggests #Person1# get a transfer from the bus driver.,bus stop conversation
test_51_2,person1 im broke catch anoth bu person2 dont money anoth bu person1 got hungri bought chip person2 smart person1 anyway chang use bu person2 dont person1 dont know im go get home person2 get transfer bu driver person1 much transfer person2 doesnt cost anyth person1 that great thank help person2 know dont mention,"#Person1#'s broke, so #Person2# suggests #Person1# get a free bus transfer.",discussion
test_51_3,person1 im broke catch anoth bu person2 dont money anoth bu person1 got hungri bought chip person2 smart person1 anyway chang use bu person2 dont person1 dont know im go get home person2 get transfer bu driver person1 much transfer person2 doesnt cost anyth person1 that great thank help person2 know dont mention,"#Person1#'s broke, so #Person2# suggests #Person1# get a transfer from the bus driver to go home.",get a transfer
test_52_1,person1 long take get downtown person2 15 minut drive person1 compani neighborhood person2 mitsubishi hp ibm mani famou corpor person1 7th floor belong compani person2 ye compani two floor 6th 7th floor build person1 larg firm staff restaur person2 ye end hall,#Person2# tells #Person1# information about their company and its surroundings.,company visit
test_52_2,person1 long take get downtown person2 15 minut drive person1 compani neighborhood person2 mitsubishi hp ibm mani famou corpor person1 7th floor belong compani person2 ye compani two floor 6th 7th floor build person1 larg firm staff restaur person2 ye end hall,"#Person1# asks #Person2# about the company's surroundings, location, and staff restaurant.",questions about company
test_52_3,person1 long take get downtown person2 15 minut drive person1 compani neighborhood person2 mitsubishi hp ibm mani famou corpor person1 7th floor belong compani person2 ye compani two floor 6th 7th floor build person1 larg firm staff restaur person2 ye end hall,#Person2# introduces the surroundings and information about their company to #Person1#.,company surroundings
test_53_1,person1 hear lulu person2 person1 vic broke ask transfer person2 get even know date person1 one realli discreet profession offic,#Person1# and #Person2# are gossiping about Lulu and Vic's break-up.,informal private chat
test_53_2,person1 hear lulu person2 person1 vic broke ask transfer person2 get even know date person1 one realli discreet profession offic,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about Lulu and Vic's breakup.,love life
test_53_3,person1 hear lulu person2 person1 vic broke ask transfer person2 get even know date person1 one realli discreet profession offic,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Lulu and Vic's breakup.,Lulu and Vic
test_54_1,person1 hello 332440 person2 oh hello salli dave thomson could speak jim pleas person1 im afraid he moment dave went hour ago he back yet person2 idea might back person1 well shouldnt long said go get paint wouldnt surpris he stop pub way back person2 ok well tell ive call ill tri later person1 right goodby dave person2 thank salli goodby,Dave Thomson calls Jim but Jim went out. Sally will tell Jim Dave called.,phone call
test_54_2,person1 hello 332440 person2 oh hello salli dave thomson could speak jim pleas person1 im afraid he moment dave went hour ago he back yet person2 idea might back person1 well shouldnt long said go get paint wouldnt surpris he stop pub way back person2 ok well tell ive call ill tri later person1 right goodby dave person2 thank salli goodby,Dave calls Jim but Jim is out. Sally tells Dave Jim's whereabouts.,call
test_54_3,person1 hello 332440 person2 oh hello salli dave thomson could speak jim pleas person1 im afraid he moment dave went hour ago he back yet person2 idea might back person1 well shouldnt long said go get paint wouldnt surpris he stop pub way back person2 ok well tell ive call ill tri later person1 right goodby dave person2 thank salli goodby,Dave Thomson calls to speak to Jim but Jim is out.,phone call
test_55_1,person1 excus tell get citi hall person2 ye go next corner turn left onto center street walk three block second avenu turn right walk two block youll see citi hall left person1 im sorri didnt follow could pleas repeat person2 okay first go next corner turn left onto center street person1 uhhuh person2 walk three block second avenu turn right far person1 ye im follow person2 walk two block see citi hall left got person1 ye ive got thank much,#Person2# shows #Person1# the way to City Hall patiently.,ask directions
test_55_2,person1 excus tell get citi hall person2 ye go next corner turn left onto center street walk three block second avenu turn right walk two block youll see citi hall left person1 im sorri didnt follow could pleas repeat person2 okay first go next corner turn left onto center street person1 uhhuh person2 walk three block second avenu turn right far person1 ye im follow person2 walk two block see citi hall left got person1 ye ive got thank much,#Person1# asks #Person2# the way to City Hall and #Person2# answers with patience.,ask way
test_55_3,person1 excus tell get citi hall person2 ye go next corner turn left onto center street walk three block second avenu turn right walk two block youll see citi hall left person1 im sorri didnt follow could pleas repeat person2 okay first go next corner turn left onto center street person1 uhhuh person2 walk three block second avenu turn right far person1 ye im follow person2 walk two block see citi hall left got person1 ye ive got thank much,#Person2# patiently shows #Person1# the way to City Hall.,show the way
test_56_1,person1 excus could help person2 ye seem problem person1 well wonder anyon turn passport person2 afraid lost passport person1 think cant find anywher hotel room rememb last place use yesterday depart store person2 exactli use passport store person1 shoe depart show pay shoe travel chequ person2 well let call shoe depart see theyv found passport sorri passport hasnt turn either person1 shall person2 fill lost properti report keep eye kind thing usual turn eventu suggest contact embassi tell situat issu new passport case doesnt show person1 right pen person2 person1 oh seem lose someth everi time travel,#Person1# lost #Person1#'s passport. #Person2# suggests #Person1# fill in the lost property report and inform the embassy of the situation so they can issue a new passport in case it cannot be found.,lose passport
test_56_2,person1 excus could help person2 ye seem problem person1 well wonder anyon turn passport person2 afraid lost passport person1 think cant find anywher hotel room rememb last place use yesterday depart store person2 exactli use passport store person1 shoe depart show pay shoe travel chequ person2 well let call shoe depart see theyv found passport sorri passport hasnt turn either person1 shall person2 fill lost properti report keep eye kind thing usual turn eventu suggest contact embassi tell situat issu new passport case doesnt show person1 right pen person2 person1 oh seem lose someth everi time travel,"#Person1# asks #Person2# for help to find #Person1#'s passport. #Person2# checks the shoe department but finds nothing. Thus, #Person2# lets #Person1# fill in a report and contact the embassy.", lost things
test_56_3,person1 excus could help person2 ye seem problem person1 well wonder anyon turn passport person2 afraid lost passport person1 think cant find anywher hotel room rememb last place use yesterday depart store person2 exactli use passport store person1 shoe depart show pay shoe travel chequ person2 well let call shoe depart see theyv found passport sorri passport hasnt turn either person1 shall person2 fill lost properti report keep eye kind thing usual turn eventu suggest contact embassi tell situat issu new passport case doesnt show person1 right pen person2 person1 oh seem lose someth everi time travel,#Person1# lost the passport. #Person2# suggests #Person1# fill in the lost property report and contact the embassy.,lose the passport
test_57_1,person1 hello person2 good morn nathaniel leah call intern student offic person1 good morn person2 reason im call ms collin abl call back next week person1 oh hope would call back yesterday person2 she terribl sorri leav offic suddenli wont abl return next week hope understand person1 someon els talk person2 ask call book appoint someon els today free today person1 time 2 pm today would good person2 mr liu avail 215 today work person1 id prefer speak ms fonda person2 im afraid isnt avail afternoon open 1130 morn work person1 fine person2 ok well expect 1130 see,"Leah informs Nathaniel that Ms. Collins will not be able to call him back until next week, so he needs to book an appointment with someone else from the International Student Office. Nathaniel decides to speak with Ms. Fonda.",book an appointment
test_57_2,person1 hello person2 good morn nathaniel leah call intern student offic person1 good morn person2 reason im call ms collin abl call back next week person1 oh hope would call back yesterday person2 she terribl sorri leav offic suddenli wont abl return next week hope understand person1 someon els talk person2 ask call book appoint someon els today free today person1 time 2 pm today would good person2 mr liu avail 215 today work person1 id prefer speak ms fonda person2 im afraid isnt avail afternoon open 1130 morn work person1 fine person2 ok well expect 1130 see,Leah informs Nathaniel that Ms. Collins won't be available for their appointment and explains the reason. Then Nathaniel decides to speak with someone else.,appointment
test_57_3,person1 hello person2 good morn nathaniel leah call intern student offic person1 good morn person2 reason im call ms collin abl call back next week person1 oh hope would call back yesterday person2 she terribl sorri leav offic suddenli wont abl return next week hope understand person1 someon els talk person2 ask call book appoint someon els today free today person1 time 2 pm today would good person2 mr liu avail 215 today work person1 id prefer speak ms fonda person2 im afraid isnt avail afternoon open 1130 morn work person1 fine person2 ok well expect 1130 see,The International Student Office calls Nathaniel to inform him that he has to book another appointment with someone else as Ms. Collins is not available. Nathaniel decides to speak with Ms. Fonda.,calling from office
test_58_1,person1 told would marri man dick heart almost mouth person2 scare dare tell feel heard almost got faint person1 could cant make reason would set heart man like dick play field mani girl person2 sarah say care long love,#Person1# and #Person2# feel scared when heard Sarah insists on marrying Dick.,gossip
test_58_2,person1 told would marri man dick heart almost mouth person2 scare dare tell feel heard almost got faint person1 could cant make reason would set heart man like dick play field mani girl person2 sarah say care long love,#Person1# and #Person2# are shocked about Sarah's love for Dick.,gossip
test_58_3,person1 told would marri man dick heart almost mouth person2 scare dare tell feel heard almost got faint person1 could cant make reason would set heart man like dick play field mani girl person2 sarah say care long love,#Person1# and #Person2# are surprised to know Sarah wants to marry Dick.,surprising marrying news
test_59_1,person1 parti rock person2 said good beer good music top mani hot girl person1 im check one think im love person2 well she alright realli cup tea blond red dress person1 oh that janic she new town thing blond eh person2 yeah could anyth want person1 bet go talk she realli nice person2 dont think get nervou talk girl alway put foot mouth scare end look like real fool besid way leagu person1 come man youll never know tri person2 okay okay let anoth cup beer get head game person1 right think ought move soon person2 person1 see five guy eye person2 okay go person1 good luck,#Person1# and #Person2# are at a nice party. #Person2# has a crush on Janice but is afraid of talking to her. #Person1# wishes #Person2# good luck.,party chat
test_59_2,person1 parti rock person2 said good beer good music top mani hot girl person1 im check one think im love person2 well she alright realli cup tea blond red dress person1 oh that janic she new town thing blond eh person2 yeah could anyth want person1 bet go talk she realli nice person2 dont think get nervou talk girl alway put foot mouth scare end look like real fool besid way leagu person1 come man youll never know tri person2 okay okay let anoth cup beer get head game person1 right think ought move soon person2 person1 see five guy eye person2 okay go person1 good luck,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about girls at a party and #Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# likes Janice but he feels nervous talking to girls. #Person1# encourages #Person2#.,party conversation
test_59_3,person1 parti rock person2 said good beer good music top mani hot girl person1 im check one think im love person2 well she alright realli cup tea blond red dress person1 oh that janic she new town thing blond eh person2 yeah could anyth want person1 bet go talk she realli nice person2 dont think get nervou talk girl alway put foot mouth scare end look like real fool besid way leagu person1 come man youll never know tri person2 okay okay let anoth cup beer get head game person1 right think ought move soon person2 person1 see five guy eye person2 okay go person1 good luck,#Person1# and #Person2# are at an exciting party. #Person2# has a crush on Janice and #Person1# encourages him to have a try to talk to her.,party and girl
test_60_1,person1 hey jack class semest person2 bad realli like polisci class person1 would consid favorit class person2 dont know would call favorit rank person1 class favorit person2 took busi commun class last year terrif person1 never took yet favorit think check,Jack tells #Person1# that business communication is his favorite last year and #Person1# will check it.,favorite class
test_60_2,person1 hey jack class semest person2 bad realli like polisci class person1 would consid favorit class person2 dont know would call favorit rank person1 class favorit person2 took busi commun class last year terrif person1 never took yet favorit think check,#Person1# and Jack talk about Jack's classes last year.,conversation about school
test_60_3,person1 hey jack class semest person2 bad realli like polisci class person1 would consid favorit class person2 dont know would call favorit rank person1 class favorit person2 took busi commun class last year terrif person1 never took yet favorit think check,#Person1# and Jack are talking about Jack's favorite classes.,favorite class
test_61_1,person1 well nice day person2 yeah air realli fresh person1 fine yesterday person2 rain last night person1 person2 sure heavi storm lot thunder person1 fast asleep didnt hear thing person2 well may rain later today person1 mayb see dark cloud move person2 may also strong wind come person1 itll dusti guess person2 mayb dust longer big problem beij person1 person2 weve plant tree mani year person1 see fall beij realli beauti person2 summer isnt scorch summer person1 spring person2 spring warm short beij person1 must cold winter though person2 got oh way may realli cool even around time year dont forget put cloth might catch cold person1 thank remind person2 your welcom,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the weather in different seasons in Beijing. #Person2# reminds #Person1# to put on more clothes in the evening and not to catch a cold.,weather and season
test_61_2,person1 well nice day person2 yeah air realli fresh person1 fine yesterday person2 rain last night person1 person2 sure heavi storm lot thunder person1 fast asleep didnt hear thing person2 well may rain later today person1 mayb see dark cloud move person2 may also strong wind come person1 itll dusti guess person2 mayb dust longer big problem beij person1 person2 weve plant tree mani year person1 see fall beij realli beauti person2 summer isnt scorch summer person1 spring person2 spring warm short beij person1 must cold winter though person2 got oh way may realli cool even around time year dont forget put cloth might catch cold person1 thank remind person2 your welcom,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the weather in Beijing. #Person2# tells #Person1# it's cold in the evening around this time.,conversation about weather
test_61_3,person1 well nice day person2 yeah air realli fresh person1 fine yesterday person2 rain last night person1 person2 sure heavi storm lot thunder person1 fast asleep didnt hear thing person2 well may rain later today person1 mayb see dark cloud move person2 may also strong wind come person1 itll dusti guess person2 mayb dust longer big problem beij person1 person2 weve plant tree mani year person1 see fall beij realli beauti person2 summer isnt scorch summer person1 spring person2 spring warm short beij person1 must cold winter though person2 got oh way may realli cool even around time year dont forget put cloth might catch cold person1 thank remind person2 your welcom,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the heavy rain last night and the weather in Beijing.,heavy rain
test_62_1,person1 would like go movi tonight person2 well saw horror movi last night almost frighten death person1 well could see someth differ like detect film person2 dont care detect film also make nervou person1 comedi person2 dont think comedi today natur cheer person1 love stori person2 romanc bore person1 what opinion person2 let go see war movi shall person1 realli person2 certainli anyth wrong person1 cant imagin girl like would wonder see war movi,#Person1# invites #Person2# to watch a movie together that night. #Person2# wants to see nothing but a war movie.,movie selection
test_62_2,person1 would like go movi tonight person2 well saw horror movi last night almost frighten death person1 well could see someth differ like detect film person2 dont care detect film also make nervou person1 comedi person2 dont think comedi today natur cheer person1 love stori person2 romanc bore person1 what opinion person2 let go see war movi shall person1 realli person2 certainli anyth wrong person1 cant imagin girl like would wonder see war movi,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about what kind of movies to watch and they decided to watch a war movie.,movie invitation
test_62_3,person1 would like go movi tonight person2 well saw horror movi last night almost frighten death person1 well could see someth differ like detect film person2 dont care detect film also make nervou person1 comedi person2 dont think comedi today natur cheer person1 love stori person2 romanc bore person1 what opinion person2 let go see war movi shall person1 realli person2 certainli anyth wrong person1 cant imagin girl like would wonder see war movi,#Person1# invites #Person2# to movie and #Person2# wants to see a war movie.,watch a movie
test_63_1,person1 adam could show around school person2 problem person1 what tallest build person2 mean white build near playground person1 ye person2 librari 1 000 000 book person1 what build south librari person2 know school divid two part junior high school senior high school new classroom build senior high school person1 swim pool school person2 ye larg swim pool avail summer person1 envi hope enter school one day person2 believ make dream come true,Adam is showing #Person1# around his school. #Person1# envies Adam and hoped #Person1# could enter this school one day.,school visit
test_63_2,person1 adam could show around school person2 problem person1 what tallest build person2 mean white build near playground person1 ye person2 librari 1 000 000 book person1 what build south librari person2 know school divid two part junior high school senior high school new classroom build senior high school person1 swim pool school person2 ye larg swim pool avail summer person1 envi hope enter school one day person2 believ make dream come true,"Adam shows #Person1# around his school and introduces the library, the new classroom building, and the swimming pool.",school
test_63_3,person1 adam could show around school person2 problem person1 what tallest build person2 mean white build near playground person1 ye person2 librari 1 000 000 book person1 what build south librari person2 know school divid two part junior high school senior high school new classroom build senior high school person1 swim pool school person2 ye larg swim pool avail summer person1 envi hope enter school one day person2 believ make dream come true,Adam shows #Person1# around the school and introduces buildings and facilities in the school to #Person1#.,show around the school
test_64_1,person1 honey ive got good news person2 person1 go father person2 mean pregnant true person1 ye well babi soon person2 oh dear im happi person1,#Person1# and #Person2# feel happy because #Person1# is pregnant.,pregnancy
test_64_2,person1 honey ive got good news person2 person1 go father person2 mean pregnant true person1 ye well babi soon person2 oh dear im happi person1,#Person1# and #Person2# are happy about #Person1#'s pregnancy.,pregnancy
test_64_3,person1 honey ive got good news person2 person1 go father person2 mean pregnant true person1 ye well babi soon person2 oh dear im happi person1,#Person1# is pregnant. She and #Person2# feel happy.,pregnancy
test_65_1,person1 john date seven time week person2 realli that straw wind person1 think mayb he fallen person2 yeah suit perfect match man girl,#Person1# and #Person2# think John's fallen for a girl.,gossip
test_65_2,person1 john date seven time week person2 realli that straw wind person1 think mayb he fallen person2 yeah suit perfect match man girl,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about John's dating life.,couple
test_65_3,person1 john date seven time week person2 realli that straw wind person1 think mayb he fallen person2 yeah suit perfect match man girl,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about a couple.,perfect couple
test_66_1,person1 consid upgrad system person2 ye im sure exactli would need person1 could consid ad paint program softwar would allow make flyer banner advertis person2 would definit bonu person1 might also want upgrad hardwar pretti outdat person2 person1 youd probabl need faster processor begin also need power hard disc memori faster modem cdrom drive person2 person1 might want add cdrom drive new softwar program come cd person2 sound great thank,"#Person1# is giving #Person2# some advice for upgrading #Person2#'s system, such as adding a painting program and a faster processor.",system upgrade
test_66_2,person1 consid upgrad system person2 ye im sure exactli would need person1 could consid ad paint program softwar would allow make flyer banner advertis person2 would definit bonu person1 might also want upgrad hardwar pretti outdat person2 person1 youd probabl need faster processor begin also need power hard disc memori faster modem cdrom drive person2 person1 might want add cdrom drive new softwar program come cd person2 sound great thank,#Person1# tells #Person2# how to upgrade #Person2#'s system for better software and hardware.,system upgrade
test_66_3,person1 consid upgrad system person2 ye im sure exactli would need person1 could consid ad paint program softwar would allow make flyer banner advertis person2 would definit bonu person1 might also want upgrad hardwar pretti outdat person2 person1 youd probabl need faster processor begin also need power hard disc memori faster modem cdrom drive person2 person1 might want add cdrom drive new softwar program come cd person2 sound great thank,#Person1# teaches #Person2# how to upgrade software and hardware in #Person2#'s system.,upgrading system
test_67_1,person1 miss person2 hi crenshaw hawthorn holiday inn corner person1 sure thing fli person2 china person1 realli dont look chines dont mind say person2 fine actual mexico china busi trip visit local compani manufactur bathroom product person1 wow sound interest excus bit nosi old person2 dont know rude ask ladi age person1 dont get wrong seem young alreadi busi oversea person2 well thank case 26 year old person1 40 year old born rais good old u although colombian heritag person2 realli that great speak spanish person1 uh yeah cours person2 que bien sentenc poem habea en espanol,"#Person1# is driving #Person2# to an inn. They talk about their careers, ages, and where they was born.",taxi conversation
test_67_2,person1 miss person2 hi crenshaw hawthorn holiday inn corner person1 sure thing fli person2 china person1 realli dont look chines dont mind say person2 fine actual mexico china busi trip visit local compani manufactur bathroom product person1 wow sound interest excus bit nosi old person2 dont know rude ask ladi age person1 dont get wrong seem young alreadi busi oversea person2 well thank case 26 year old person1 40 year old born rais good old u although colombian heritag person2 realli that great speak spanish person1 uh yeah cours person2 que bien sentenc poem habea en espanol,#Person1# drives #Person2# to an inn and they have a talk. #Person2# is 26 and had a business trip to China. #Person1# is 40 years old American.,taxi talk
test_67_3,person1 miss person2 hi crenshaw hawthorn holiday inn corner person1 sure thing fli person2 china person1 realli dont look chines dont mind say person2 fine actual mexico china busi trip visit local compani manufactur bathroom product person1 wow sound interest excus bit nosi old person2 dont know rude ask ladi age person1 dont get wrong seem young alreadi busi oversea person2 well thank case 26 year old person1 40 year old born rais good old u although colombian heritag person2 realli that great speak spanish person1 uh yeah cours person2 que bien sentenc poem habea en espanol,#Person1# drives #Person2# from the airport to an inn and they have a casual talk about themselves.,a nice talk
test_68_1,person1 oh dear weight gone person2 surpris eat much person1 suppos sit desk day offic doesnt help person2 wouldnt think person1 wish could lose weight person2 well dont go diet person1 ive tri diet theyv never work person2 perhap exercis dont go exercis class person1 ye mayb,#Person1# wants to lose weight. #Person2# suggests #Person1# take an exercise class to exercise more.,weight
test_68_2,person1 oh dear weight gone person2 surpris eat much person1 suppos sit desk day offic doesnt help person2 wouldnt think person1 wish could lose weight person2 well dont go diet person1 ive tri diet theyv never work person2 perhap exercis dont go exercis class person1 ye mayb,#Person2# offers #Person1# some suggestions to lose weight.,lose weight
test_68_3,person1 oh dear weight gone person2 surpris eat much person1 suppos sit desk day offic doesnt help person2 wouldnt think person1 wish could lose weight person2 well dont go diet person1 ive tri diet theyv never work person2 perhap exercis dont go exercis class person1 ye mayb,#Person2# gives #Person1# some suggestions on how to lose weight.,lose weight
test_69_1,person1 good even welcom restaur person2 good even want din room tabl eight person1 im sorri sir room avail would like dinner din hall find tabl window person2 thank made reserv person1 name pleas person2 name jame person1 ill ask waitress show way person2 thank,James reserves a dining room for eight at a restaurant. #Person1# will ask the waitress to show him the way.,restaurant dinner
test_69_2,person1 good even welcom restaur person2 good even want din room tabl eight person1 im sorri sir room avail would like dinner din hall find tabl window person2 thank made reserv person1 name pleas person2 name jame person1 ill ask waitress show way person2 thank,#Person1# confirms Jame's reservation at the restaurant and asks a waitress to show him the way., restaurant
test_69_3,person1 good even welcom restaur person2 good even want din room tabl eight person1 im sorri sir room avail would like dinner din hall find tabl window person2 thank made reserv person1 name pleas person2 name jame person1 ill ask waitress show way person2 thank,James has reserved a dining room and #Person1#'ll asks the waitress to show him the way.,table reservation
test_70_1,person1 larg plant person2 cover area 75 000 squar meter person1 much larger expect plant set person2 earli 70 well soon celebr 30th anniversari person1 congratul person2 thank person1 mani employe plant person2 500 run three shift person1 plant work everyth raw materi finish product person2 associ special field make access rie well product shop shall start assembl line person1 that fine,#Person1# is visiting a large plant and #Person2# introduces its basic information.,plant visit
test_70_2,person1 larg plant person2 cover area 75 000 squar meter person1 much larger expect plant set person2 earli 70 well soon celebr 30th anniversari person1 congratul person2 thank person1 mani employe plant person2 500 run three shift person1 plant work everyth raw materi finish product person2 associ special field make access rie well product shop shall start assembl line person1 that fine,"#Person2# introduces the area of the plant, its history, size, and function to #Person1#.",plant
test_70_3,person1 larg plant person2 cover area 75 000 squar meter person1 much larger expect plant set person2 earli 70 well soon celebr 30th anniversari person1 congratul person2 thank person1 mani employe plant person2 500 run three shift person1 plant work everyth raw materi finish product person2 associ special field make access rie well product shop shall start assembl line person1 that fine,"#Person1# and #Person2# visit a plant. #Person2# introduces its occupy, history, and employee number.",plant
test_71_1,person1 right rebecca see graduat univers first job person2 local paper york call york herald actual start intern begin realli keen get experi journalist world seem like good first step person1 certainli internship person2 seem impress offer posit junior local news report end stay two year actual charg sport news section newspap realli enjoy realli help build skill person1 ye see decid leav 2006 right person2 ye that right husband move london manag find posit nation newspap base london person1 london weekli right person2 ye way step previou job offer much better prospect futur,"#Person1# is asking Rebecca about her working experience. She worked for York Herald as an intern and then as a junior local news reporter. After that, she began to work for London Weekly.",career
test_71_2,person1 right rebecca see graduat univers first job person2 local paper york call york herald actual start intern begin realli keen get experi journalist world seem like good first step person1 certainli internship person2 seem impress offer posit junior local news report end stay two year actual charg sport news section newspap realli enjoy realli help build skill person1 ye see decid leav 2006 right person2 ye that right husband move london manag find posit nation newspap base london person1 london weekli right person2 ye way step previou job offer much better prospect futur,"Rebecca tells #Person1# about her working experiences. Rebecca first worked for the York Herald after her graduation, and then for the London Weekly.",work talk
test_71_3,person1 right rebecca see graduat univers first job person2 local paper york call york herald actual start intern begin realli keen get experi journalist world seem like good first step person1 certainli internship person2 seem impress offer posit junior local news report end stay two year actual charg sport news section newspap realli enjoy realli help build skill person1 ye see decid leav 2006 right person2 ye that right husband move london manag find posit nation newspap base london person1 london weekli right person2 ye way step previou job offer much better prospect futur,#Person1# interviews Rebecca and asks her about her previous working experiences.,work interview
test_72_1,person1 need group report tomorrow need go station buy someth poster person2 need make poster person1 absolut everi time report love make beauti poster emphas theme idea person2 see let make shop list first go oth rise may take us whole day search thing need person1 problem need marker color pencil pair scissor highlight ruler person2 wow like maze think might get lost soon person1 dont worri fact easi find want see sign top everi shelf clearli tell thing display everi shelf person2 oh ye smart see go shelf number 3 first get marker color pencil highlight somebrush person1 also need thumbtack whiteout paper clip shelf cant find number person2 back think nearsight better get pair nice glass,"#Person1# and #Person2# will do a group report, so they plan to buy something to make posters. They make a shopping list before they go and find items according to signs on shelves.",stationery shopping
test_72_2,person1 need group report tomorrow need go station buy someth poster person2 need make poster person1 absolut everi time report love make beauti poster emphas theme idea person2 see let make shop list first go oth rise may take us whole day search thing need person1 problem need marker color pencil pair scissor highlight ruler person2 wow like maze think might get lost soon person1 dont worri fact easi find want see sign top everi shelf clearli tell thing display everi shelf person2 oh ye smart see go shelf number 3 first get marker color pencil highlight somebrush person1 also need thumbtack whiteout paper clip shelf cant find number person2 back think nearsight better get pair nice glass,#Person1# and #Person2# make a shopping list and #Person1# helps #Person2# to find goods to make a poster for their group report tomorrow.,shopping
test_72_3,person1 need group report tomorrow need go station buy someth poster person2 need make poster person1 absolut everi time report love make beauti poster emphas theme idea person2 see let make shop list first go oth rise may take us whole day search thing need person1 problem need marker color pencil pair scissor highlight ruler person2 wow like maze think might get lost soon person1 dont worri fact easi find want see sign top everi shelf clearli tell thing display everi shelf person2 oh ye smart see go shelf number 3 first get marker color pencil highlight somebrush person1 also need thumbtack whiteout paper clip shelf cant find number person2 back think nearsight better get pair nice glass,#Person1# and #Person2# are preparing for the group report tomorrow and making a shopping list of things used to make the posters.,shopping list
test_73_1,person1 mari tire person2 go personnel market everi day put lot energi person1 dont think appli job internet person2 internet never tri way person1 well conveni popular person2 appli job internet person1 get onlin send applic email employ person2 know employ hire person1 could place job hunt inform job want channel recruit websit person2 employ see inform person1 ye think fit mayb contact person2 safe job hunt internet person1 log formal websit must safe person2 give tri,Mary is tired because of finding jobs in the market. #Person1# suggests Mary apply for jobs on the Internet and says she could place her information on the Job Wanted channel on a recruitment web. Mary will try at once.,job application
test_73_2,person1 mari tire person2 go personnel market everi day put lot energi person1 dont think appli job internet person2 internet never tri way person1 well conveni popular person2 appli job internet person1 get onlin send applic email employ person2 know employ hire person1 could place job hunt inform job want channel recruit websit person2 employ see inform person1 ye think fit mayb contact person2 safe job hunt internet person1 log formal websit must safe person2 give tri,#Person1# advises Mary to try applying for a job online and teaches her how to do it. Mary will try it.,job application
test_73_3,person1 mari tire person2 go personnel market everi day put lot energi person1 dont think appli job internet person2 internet never tri way person1 well conveni popular person2 appli job internet person1 get onlin send applic email employ person2 know employ hire person1 could place job hunt inform job want channel recruit websit person2 employ see inform person1 ye think fit mayb contact person2 safe job hunt internet person1 log formal websit must safe person2 give tri,Mary goes to the personnel market every day and is tired. #Person1# suggests she go job hunting online. Mary will try it.,job hunting
test_74_1,person1 work person2 im figur budget person1 budget person2 im make shop budget dont spend much money person1 much money spend person2 spend 300 month person1 300 person2 need save rest person1 person2 need pay bill person1 budget good idea person2 know go save lot money hope,#Person2# is making a shopping budget to save the rest of the money. #Person1# thinks it's a good idea.,shopping budget
test_74_2,person1 work person2 im figur budget person1 budget person2 im make shop budget dont spend much money person1 much money spend person2 spend 300 month person1 300 person2 need save rest person1 person2 need pay bill person1 budget good idea person2 know go save lot money hope,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# plan to save money and #Person1# thinks it is good.,budget
test_74_3,person1 work person2 im figur budget person1 budget person2 im make shop budget dont spend much money person1 much money spend person2 spend 300 month person1 300 person2 need save rest person1 person2 need pay bill person1 budget good idea person2 know go save lot money hope,#Person2# introduces the shopping budget which is used to save money to #Person1#. #Person1# thinks it's good.,shopping budget
test_75_1,person1 go jane person2 im go hospit see susan person1 saw yesterday littl better person2 must catch number 7 bu get person1 neednt number 13 bu also take hospit person2 number 13 buse run much frequent dont person1 ye caught number 7 bu yesterday said taken wrong bu person2 thank henri ill get number 13 person1 number 13 buse leav center town youll walk two mile catch one,Jane is going to the hospital to see Susan. Henry tells her to catch the number 13.,bus to hospital
test_75_2,person1 go jane person2 im go hospit see susan person1 saw yesterday littl better person2 must catch number 7 bu get person1 neednt number 13 bu also take hospit person2 number 13 buse run much frequent dont person1 ye caught number 7 bu yesterday said taken wrong bu person2 thank henri ill get number 13 person1 number 13 buse leav center town youll walk two mile catch one,Jane will go to the hospital to visit Susan. Henry tells her she can take the number 13.,talks on bus
test_75_3,person1 go jane person2 im go hospit see susan person1 saw yesterday littl better person2 must catch number 7 bu get person1 neednt number 13 bu also take hospit person2 number 13 buse run much frequent dont person1 ye caught number 7 bu yesterday said taken wrong bu person2 thank henri ill get number 13 person1 number 13 buse leav center town youll walk two mile catch one,"Jane is going to visit Suman in the hospital, Henry suggests she catch a number 13 to get there.",take the bus
test_76_1,person1 hey ive hope run busi tomorrow morn person2 let see wednesday morn ye book solid morn what person1 hope talk sale project next year im littl troubl figur use spreadsheet set lot complic form person2 explain itll take half hour friday afternoon person1 ooh sorri that good tie day friday well next week wide open person2 ok shall say next week tuesday 230 person1 sure thatll fine ill come offic show set macro,#Person1# wants to talk to #Person2# about the sales projections for next year. They decide to meet on Tuesday at 2:30 the next week.,reserve an appointment
test_76_2,person1 hey ive hope run busi tomorrow morn person2 let see wednesday morn ye book solid morn what person1 hope talk sale project next year im littl troubl figur use spreadsheet set lot complic form person2 explain itll take half hour friday afternoon person1 ooh sorri that good tie day friday well next week wide open person2 ok shall say next week tuesday 230 person1 sure thatll fine ill come offic show set macro,#Person1# and #Person2# negotiate on a time to talk about the sales projections for next year. They decide to meet next Tuesday.,time schedule
test_76_3,person1 hey ive hope run busi tomorrow morn person2 let see wednesday morn ye book solid morn what person1 hope talk sale project next year im littl troubl figur use spreadsheet set lot complic form person2 explain itll take half hour friday afternoon person1 ooh sorri that good tie day friday well next week wide open person2 ok shall say next week tuesday 230 person1 sure thatll fine ill come offic show set macro,#Person1# and #Person2# are scheduling to talk about the sales projections for next year and they decide to meet next Tuesday.,schedule
test_77_1,person1 im go new york first time dont tour guid give suggest person2 there servic call friend new york person tour guid servic person1 that interest person2 give inform answer questionnair creat perfect trip accord budget person1 good get questionnair person2 easili download websit person1 that help thank,#Person1# is going to New York for the first time. #Person2# suggests #Person1# use a personal tour guide service to make #Person1#'s trip plan.,tour guide service
test_77_2,person1 im go new york first time dont tour guid give suggest person2 there servic call friend new york person tour guid servic person1 that interest person2 give inform answer questionnair creat perfect trip accord budget person1 good get questionnair person2 easili download websit person1 that help thank,#Person2# recommends a personal tour guide service to #Person1#.,tour guide
test_77_3,person1 im go new york first time dont tour guid give suggest person2 there servic call friend new york person tour guid servic person1 that interest person2 give inform answer questionnair creat perfect trip accord budget person1 good get questionnair person2 easili download websit person1 that help thank,#Person2# introduces #Person1# a website for personal tour guide service.,tour guide
test_78_1,person1 know compani person2 well know compani one largest best field busi mainli produc toy children employ 10 000 peopl throughout world presid mr jackson shanghai branch found five year ago staff 2 000 person1 good enter compani depart would like work person2 may work sale depart person1 ok oh much make current job dont mind ask person2 im paid 2 000 yuan per month plu allow bonu come 3 000 yuan month much pay person1 well start salari clerk compani 2 500 yuan monthli three month would get rais work satisfactori person2 fring benefit person1 sure provid semiannu bonu small bonu spring festiv four week paid vacat year person2 insur full health insur person1 buy person2 sound good,"#Person1# is interviewing #Person2#. They discuss department #Person2# wants to work in, salary, and fringe benefits.",job interview
test_78_2,person1 know compani person2 well know compani one largest best field busi mainli produc toy children employ 10 000 peopl throughout world presid mr jackson shanghai branch found five year ago staff 2 000 person1 good enter compani depart would like work person2 may work sale depart person1 ok oh much make current job dont mind ask person2 im paid 2 000 yuan per month plu allow bonu come 3 000 yuan month much pay person1 well start salari clerk compani 2 500 yuan monthli three month would get rais work satisfactori person2 fring benefit person1 sure provid semiannu bonu small bonu spring festiv four week paid vacat year person2 insur full health insur person1 buy person2 sound good,"#Person1# asks #Person2# how well #Person2# knows about the company, #Person2#'s ideal department, and current salary. #Person2# also asks #Person1# about the company's benefits and insurance.",work conversation
test_78_3,person1 know compani person2 well know compani one largest best field busi mainli produc toy children employ 10 000 peopl throughout world presid mr jackson shanghai branch found five year ago staff 2 000 person1 good enter compani depart would like work person2 may work sale depart person1 ok oh much make current job dont mind ask person2 im paid 2 000 yuan per month plu allow bonu come 3 000 yuan month much pay person1 well start salari clerk compani 2 500 yuan monthli three month would get rais work satisfactori person2 fring benefit person1 sure provid semiannu bonu small bonu spring festiv four week paid vacat year person2 insur full health insur person1 buy person2 sound good,"#Person1# interviews #Person2# about the understanding of this company, personal preference, and salary expectation. #Person2# asks about the fringe benefits.",work interview
test_79_1,person1 im sign agreement person2 im sorri agreement hasnt fulli prepar readi tomorrow person1 speed let us today person2 tri best draft would pleas go see modif need person1 let look well contain basic agre upon person2 term concern pack person1 dont think person2 total agre ill type agreement even duplic signatur person1 that fine,#Person1# comes to sign an agreement but it isn't ready until evening. So #Person1# is going through the draft.,sign an agreement
test_79_2,person1 im sign agreement person2 im sorri agreement hasnt fulli prepar readi tomorrow person1 speed let us today person2 tri best draft would pleas go see modif need person1 let look well contain basic agre upon person2 term concern pack person1 dont think person2 total agre ill type agreement even duplic signatur person1 that fine,#Person1# is checking the draft of an agreement and #Person2# will finish the agreement this evening., agreement
test_79_3,person1 im sign agreement person2 im sorri agreement hasnt fulli prepar readi tomorrow person1 speed let us today person2 tri best draft would pleas go see modif need person1 let look well contain basic agre upon person2 term concern pack person1 dont think person2 total agre ill type agreement even duplic signatur person1 that fine,#Person2# gives #Person1# an agreement draft and #Person1# thinks it good. #Person2# will get the agreement ready this evening.,agreement
test_80_1,person1 hello abc rentacar compani person2 ye speak may help person1 morn rent car way niagara fall im afraid car accid near border person2 that bad kind accid right person1 im right friend serious injur call ambul polic person2 ok ill right away tell happen person1 ran guardrail turn left,#Person1# rent a car from ABC Rent-a-car Company this morning and met an accident. #Person2# will call an ambulance and police for #Person1#.,car accident
test_80_2,person1 hello abc rentacar compani person2 ye speak may help person1 morn rent car way niagara fall im afraid car accid near border person2 that bad kind accid right person1 im right friend serious injur call ambul polic person2 ok ill right away tell happen person1 ran guardrail turn left,#Person1# tells ABC Rent-a-car Company that #Person1# had a car accident. #Person2# will call an ambulance and the police.,car accident
test_80_3,person1 hello abc rentacar compani person2 ye speak may help person1 morn rent car way niagara fall im afraid car accid near border person2 that bad kind accid right person1 im right friend serious injur call ambul polic person2 ok ill right away tell happen person1 ran guardrail turn left,#Person1# calls ABC Rent-a-car Company to report #Person1#'s car accident. #Person2# will call an ambulance and the police.,car accident
test_81_1,person1 excus could tell get school clinic ive lost way person2 ye go straight ahead till come traffic light turn left first turn right person1 straight ahead traffic light left right person2 that itll take five minut person1 thank much,#Person1# is lost on the way to the school clinic. #Person2# shows #Person1# the correct direction.,ask directions
test_81_2,person1 excus could tell get school clinic ive lost way person2 ye go straight ahead till come traffic light turn left first turn right person1 straight ahead traffic light left right person2 that itll take five minut person1 thank much,"#Person1# lost #Person1#'s way to the school clinic, #Person2# guides #Person1#.",ask for the way
test_81_3,person1 excus could tell get school clinic ive lost way person2 ye go straight ahead till come traffic light turn left first turn right person1 straight ahead traffic light left right person2 that itll take five minut person1 thank much,"#Person1# is lost, #Person2# shows the direction to the school clinic.",show the way
test_82_1,person1 good morn person2 well hate disturb realli cant stand chang room noisi woken sever time nois baggag elev made much person1 im sorri hear room end corridor possibl nois heard earli morn everyth quiet person2 anyhow id like chang room person1 im aw sorri miss apolog well manag dont spare room today could wait till tomorrow tour compani leav tomorrow morn therel room choos person2 right hope ill abl enjoy stay quiet suit tomorrow even sound sleep person1 sure anyth need pleas let us know person2 ok thank person1 your welcom hope youll comfort new room,#Person2# wants to change her room because the baggage elevator is too noisy. #Person1# is sorry and tells her #Person1# will manage it when there's a spare room.,change room
test_82_2,person1 good morn person2 well hate disturb realli cant stand chang room noisi woken sever time nois baggag elev made much person1 im sorri hear room end corridor possibl nois heard earli morn everyth quiet person2 anyhow id like chang room person1 im aw sorri miss apolog well manag dont spare room today could wait till tomorrow tour compani leav tomorrow morn therel room choos person2 right hope ill abl enjoy stay quiet suit tomorrow even sound sleep person1 sure anyth need pleas let us know person2 ok thank person1 your welcom hope youll comfort new room,"#Person2# wants to change a room because it's too noisy, but #Person1# tells #Person2# there are no rooms left so #Person2# has to wait till tomorrow.",change a room
test_82_3,person1 good morn person2 well hate disturb realli cant stand chang room noisi woken sever time nois baggag elev made much person1 im sorri hear room end corridor possibl nois heard earli morn everyth quiet person2 anyhow id like chang room person1 im aw sorri miss apolog well manag dont spare room today could wait till tomorrow tour compani leav tomorrow morn therel room choos person2 right hope ill abl enjoy stay quiet suit tomorrow even sound sleep person1 sure anyth need pleas let us know person2 ok thank person1 your welcom hope youll comfort new room,#Person2# cannot stand the noise near her room and #Person1# promises to change her room tomorrow as there is no room available today.,change a room
test_83_1,person1 there car wait outsid door right way pleas person2 ok person1 let put case trunk pleas get back person2 thank person1 flight person2 comfort im littl tire person1 well reach beij hotel anoth ten minut arriv go rest hotel good servic consid one best hotel person2 thank live came beij last time comfort beauti person1 conveni mr wu would like invit banquet honor even person2 thank dinner person1 six oclock intern hotel well pick afternoon besid care visit well arrang sightse person2 oh that nice thank arrang,#Person1# is driving #Person2# to the Beijing hotel. #Person2# will attend a banquet at six o'clock in the International Hotel.,arrangement
test_83_2,person1 there car wait outsid door right way pleas person2 ok person1 let put case trunk pleas get back person2 thank person1 flight person2 comfort im littl tire person1 well reach beij hotel anoth ten minut arriv go rest hotel good servic consid one best hotel person2 thank live came beij last time comfort beauti person1 conveni mr wu would like invit banquet honor even person2 thank dinner person1 six oclock intern hotel well pick afternoon besid care visit well arrang sightse person2 oh that nice thank arrang,#Person1# warmly welcomes #Person2# and drives #Person2# to the Beijing Hotel. Mr. Wu has arranged a banquet for #Person2# in the evening.,welcome
test_83_3,person1 there car wait outsid door right way pleas person2 ok person1 let put case trunk pleas get back person2 thank person1 flight person2 comfort im littl tire person1 well reach beij hotel anoth ten minut arriv go rest hotel good servic consid one best hotel person2 thank live came beij last time comfort beauti person1 conveni mr wu would like invit banquet honor even person2 thank dinner person1 six oclock intern hotel well pick afternoon besid care visit well arrang sightse person2 oh that nice thank arrang,#Person1# has arranged everything for #Person2# after #Person2# arrives in Beijing and invites #Person2# to a banquet.,careful arrangement
test_84_1,person1 excus im lost show map person2 er let see oh look your right pretti close olymp park person1 that great day bad sens direct person2 first time go person1 suppos go liu ichang person2 oh mani chines antiqu store get paint get interest person1 ye ye tell get person2 wow quit far away im afraid your gon na take bu 713,#Person1# gets lost on the way to Liu Ichang. #Person2# tells #Person1# to take Bus No. 713 because it's far.,ask the way
test_84_2,person1 excus im lost show map person2 er let see oh look your right pretti close olymp park person1 that great day bad sens direct person2 first time go person1 suppos go liu ichang person2 oh mani chines antiqu store get paint get interest person1 ye ye tell get person2 wow quit far away im afraid your gon na take bu 713,#Person2# helps #Person1# to find out the location of Liu Ichang and tells #Person1# to take Bus No. 173.,ask way
test_84_3,person1 excus im lost show map person2 er let see oh look your right pretti close olymp park person1 that great day bad sens direct person2 first time go person1 suppos go liu ichang person2 oh mani chines antiqu store get paint get interest person1 ye ye tell get person2 wow quit far away im afraid your gon na take bu 713,#Person1# gets lost and #Person2# shows the way to Liu Ichang to #Person1#.,show the way
test_85_1,person1 what matter comput person2 dont know doesnt work well whenev start stop run person1 ask mr li advic person2 ye doesnt seem abl solv problem either help person1 know noth play comput game person2 shall finish report afternoon person1 dont ring repairmen abl settl problem person2 ye ill ring,#Person2# finds that the computer has stopped running. #Person1# suggests #Person2# ring up the repairmen.,computer problem
test_85_2,person1 what matter comput person2 dont know doesnt work well whenev start stop run person1 ask mr li advic person2 ye doesnt seem abl solv problem either help person1 know noth play comput game person2 shall finish report afternoon person1 dont ring repairmen abl settl problem person2 ye ill ring,#Person1# advises #Person2# to call the repairmen to fix #Person2#'s computer.,computer problem advice
test_85_3,person1 what matter comput person2 dont know doesnt work well whenev start stop run person1 ask mr li advic person2 ye doesnt seem abl solv problem either help person1 know noth play comput game person2 shall finish report afternoon person1 dont ring repairmen abl settl problem person2 ye ill ring,#Person2#'s computer breaks down and #Person1# suggests ringing up the repairman.,computer problem
test_86_1,person1 may help sir person2 ye im look nice gift mother birthday tomorrow person1 anyth special mind person2 realli person1 perhap would like necklac mani choic person2 thank mom doesnt like jewel person1 well mayb watch would nice person2 ye that need new watch big clear number complain lot small number watch person1 gold one pretti im sure easi read time person2 dont think bit fanci old ladi person1 actual sell well old ladi like much person2 mayb right ill take person1 im sure mother love person2 hope,"#Person2# wants to buy a gift for his mother's birthday. After knowing his mother's preference, #Person1# recommends a gold watch.",birthday gift
test_86_2,person1 may help sir person2 ye im look nice gift mother birthday tomorrow person1 anyth special mind person2 realli person1 perhap would like necklac mani choic person2 thank mom doesnt like jewel person1 well mayb watch would nice person2 ye that need new watch big clear number complain lot small number watch person1 gold one pretti im sure easi read time person2 dont think bit fanci old ladi person1 actual sell well old ladi like much person2 mayb right ill take person1 im sure mother love person2 hope,"#Person1# helps #Person2# pick a gift for #Person2#'s mother, and #Person2# decides to buy a watch.",gift
test_86_3,person1 may help sir person2 ye im look nice gift mother birthday tomorrow person1 anyth special mind person2 realli person1 perhap would like necklac mani choic person2 thank mom doesnt like jewel person1 well mayb watch would nice person2 ye that need new watch big clear number complain lot small number watch person1 gold one pretti im sure easi read time person2 dont think bit fanci old ladi person1 actual sell well old ladi like much person2 mayb right ill take person1 im sure mother love person2 hope,#Person2# is looking for a gift for his mother in a shop and #Person1# gives him some helpful suggestions.,buy a gift
test_87_1,person1 ah good morn ms ross come person2 hello mr fisher nice see person1 face face instead phone haha person2 fine thank well person1 oh sit would like coffe person2 oh ye pleas black person1 person2 thank well how go person1 oh bad open branch new zealand oh im hope toif justifi market director how littl boy start school yet person2 oh ye he second year person1 alreadi doesnt time fli enjoy person2 much much fun home person1 haha well suppos wed better make start shall get busi person2 right first confirm time date present saturday 24 octob morn time exactli person1 well invit weve sent weve said present start 11 go till 1230 person2 youll need room 10 till 2 would like us serv coffe beforehand person1 ye ye oh drink snack end person2 better buffet lunch person1 peopl invit wont expect free lunch might think that overdo theyll want get back famili saturday person2 right normal prelunch snack buffet needthat basic last februari person1 oh thatll fine person2 ok well well charg room coffe snack buffet standard rate less 15 agre well charg drink serv prorata basi person1 free fine ye person2 type um equip furnitur would like person1 well let um four five tabl display er well bring stand there overhead projector sound system alreadi room believ get someon check come know see work person2 oh cours technician your set everyth oh seat room flapov desk top right person1 ye ye that fine sure person2 say youv sent invit idea mani peopl therel urn think know there capac room 50 40 ideal person1 ye ah problem wont know exactli mani therel shortli person2 let know definit thursday person1 mm ill rough idea well budget number give weve sent 100 invit person2 100 person1 ye well theori meant could 200 peopl person2 ye room wont person1 cours haha dont expect 30 come person2 room one dayther wed recept banquet room person1 well case suppos,"Ms. Ross and Mr. Fisher are having a coffee chat face to face. They talk about their career, child, life, and then get down to business. Ms. Ross will provide service for a presentation on Saturday 24 October in the morning held by Mr. Fisher. They are discussing the preparations as time, food, furniture, guest numbers. A problem is Mr. Fisher sent out 100 invitations but the room's capacity is only about 50.",presentation
test_87_2,person1 ah good morn ms ross come person2 hello mr fisher nice see person1 face face instead phone haha person2 fine thank well person1 oh sit would like coffe person2 oh ye pleas black person1 person2 thank well how go person1 oh bad open branch new zealand oh im hope toif justifi market director how littl boy start school yet person2 oh ye he second year person1 alreadi doesnt time fli enjoy person2 much much fun home person1 haha well suppos wed better make start shall get busi person2 right first confirm time date present saturday 24 octob morn time exactli person1 well invit weve sent weve said present start 11 go till 1230 person2 youll need room 10 till 2 would like us serv coffe beforehand person1 ye ye oh drink snack end person2 better buffet lunch person1 peopl invit wont expect free lunch might think that overdo theyll want get back famili saturday person2 right normal prelunch snack buffet needthat basic last februari person1 oh thatll fine person2 ok well well charg room coffe snack buffet standard rate less 15 agre well charg drink serv prorata basi person1 free fine ye person2 type um equip furnitur would like person1 well let um four five tabl display er well bring stand there overhead projector sound system alreadi room believ get someon check come know see work person2 oh cours technician your set everyth oh seat room flapov desk top right person1 ye ye that fine sure person2 say youv sent invit idea mani peopl therel urn think know there capac room 50 40 ideal person1 ye ah problem wont know exactli mani therel shortli person2 let know definit thursday person1 mm ill rough idea well budget number give weve sent 100 invit person2 100 person1 ye well theori meant could 200 peopl person2 ye room wont person1 cours haha dont expect 30 come person2 room one dayther wed recept banquet room person1 well case suppos,Ms. Ross helps Mr. Fisher make arrangements for a presentation. Mr. Fisher decides to serve a pre-lunch snack buffet and designs the room setting. Mr. Fisher isn't sure about how many people to come and Ms. Ross is worried that there might be too many people because the room is small.,presentation
test_87_3,person1 ah good morn ms ross come person2 hello mr fisher nice see person1 face face instead phone haha person2 fine thank well person1 oh sit would like coffe person2 oh ye pleas black person1 person2 thank well how go person1 oh bad open branch new zealand oh im hope toif justifi market director how littl boy start school yet person2 oh ye he second year person1 alreadi doesnt time fli enjoy person2 much much fun home person1 haha well suppos wed better make start shall get busi person2 right first confirm time date present saturday 24 octob morn time exactli person1 well invit weve sent weve said present start 11 go till 1230 person2 youll need room 10 till 2 would like us serv coffe beforehand person1 ye ye oh drink snack end person2 better buffet lunch person1 peopl invit wont expect free lunch might think that overdo theyll want get back famili saturday person2 right normal prelunch snack buffet needthat basic last februari person1 oh thatll fine person2 ok well well charg room coffe snack buffet standard rate less 15 agre well charg drink serv prorata basi person1 free fine ye person2 type um equip furnitur would like person1 well let um four five tabl display er well bring stand there overhead projector sound system alreadi room believ get someon check come know see work person2 oh cours technician your set everyth oh seat room flapov desk top right person1 ye ye that fine sure person2 say youv sent invit idea mani peopl therel urn think know there capac room 50 40 ideal person1 ye ah problem wont know exactli mani therel shortli person2 let know definit thursday person1 mm ill rough idea well budget number give weve sent 100 invit person2 100 person1 ye well theori meant could 200 peopl person2 ye room wont person1 cours haha dont expect 30 come person2 room one dayther wed recept banquet room person1 well case suppos,"Ms. Ross and Mr. Fisher start the conversation with greetings. Then they discuss the preparation for a presentation. Ms. Ross confirms the details of the presentation, including schedule, food service. Ms. Ross is concerned that Mr. Fisher's sent too many invitations than the room capacity.",prepare a presentation
test_88_1,person1 main differ countri countri person2 well russia everyth happen fast peopl talk quickli drive car fast good deal go realli quicklybut canada seem like peopl littl relax person1 true everyth person2 cours russia go bank take hour true post offic supermarket canada howev place pretti easi get quickli person1 make thing go either faster slower compar us canada born rais guess dont notic thing ive also never outsid countri person2 think peopl russia fast mover natur least big citi public place still slow havent tri busi differ use person1 canada opposit person2 right govern great job solv problem use new technolog make busi work better think canadian calm gener russian theyr definit relax american person1 well agre last part,"#Person2# tells #Person1#, in Russia, things happen very fast except for bank business, while in Canada people are calmer.",country cultural difference
test_88_2,person1 main differ countri countri person2 well russia everyth happen fast peopl talk quickli drive car fast good deal go realli quicklybut canada seem like peopl littl relax person1 true everyth person2 cours russia go bank take hour true post offic supermarket canada howev place pretti easi get quickli person1 make thing go either faster slower compar us canada born rais guess dont notic thing ive also never outsid countri person2 think peopl russia fast mover natur least big citi public place still slow havent tri busi differ use person1 canada opposit person2 right govern great job solv problem use new technolog make busi work better think canadian calm gener russian theyr definit relax american person1 well agre last part,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the differences between Russia and Canada. #Person2# tells #Person1# that almost everything in Russia happens fast while it's the opposite in Canada.,cultural difference
test_88_3,person1 main differ countri countri person2 well russia everyth happen fast peopl talk quickli drive car fast good deal go realli quicklybut canada seem like peopl littl relax person1 true everyth person2 cours russia go bank take hour true post offic supermarket canada howev place pretti easi get quickli person1 make thing go either faster slower compar us canada born rais guess dont notic thing ive also never outsid countri person2 think peopl russia fast mover natur least big citi public place still slow havent tri busi differ use person1 canada opposit person2 right govern great job solv problem use new technolog make busi work better think canadian calm gener russian theyr definit relax american person1 well agre last part,"#Person1# and #Person2# are sharing their opinions towards how different is Russia from Canada in lifestyle, especially the speed in life.",country differences
test_89_1,person1 go vacat year person2 well think go voyag caribbean sea beauti part world person1 certainli went one last year weather sometim realli bad person2 know read weather report caribbean internet seem lot storm person1 certainli went voyag stop jamaica cayman island hit storm two week could still see lot damag person2 well decid go ill hope best,#Person2# thought to travel to the Caribbean Sea. #Person1# went there last year and thinks the weather can sometimes be really bad.,vacation
test_89_2,person1 go vacat year person2 well think go voyag caribbean sea beauti part world person1 certainli went one last year weather sometim realli bad person2 know read weather report caribbean internet seem lot storm person1 certainli went voyag stop jamaica cayman island hit storm two week could still see lot damag person2 well decid go ill hope best,#Person2# wanted to travel to the Caribbean Sea and but is worried about the storms.,vacation
test_89_3,person1 go vacat year person2 well think go voyag caribbean sea beauti part world person1 certainli went one last year weather sometim realli bad person2 know read weather report caribbean internet seem lot storm person1 certainli went voyag stop jamaica cayman island hit storm two week could still see lot damag person2 well decid go ill hope best,#Person2# hasn't decided to go to the Caribbean Sea on vacation because #Person2# is concerned about the storms there.,vacation trip
test_90_1,person1 mum got fruit take picnic thought orang banana person2 banana let take oh orang gone take grape appl well person1 ok let take grape thatll enough,#Person1# and #Person1#'s mother are preparing the fruits they are going to take to the picnic.,fruit
test_90_2,person1 mum got fruit take picnic thought orang banana person2 banana let take oh orang gone take grape appl well person1 ok let take grape thatll enough,#Person1# and #Person2# prepare the fruits for the picnic.,picnic
test_90_3,person1 mum got fruit take picnic thought orang banana person2 banana let take oh orang gone take grape appl well person1 ok let take grape thatll enough,#Person1# and #Person2# are preparing fruits for the picnic.,picnic preparation
test_91_1,person1 much rent economi car person2 19 day or129 week unlimit mileag person1 could one tomorrow morn person2 could see driver licens person1 sure person2 good complet form,#Person1# wants to rent an economy car from #Person2# for $19 a day or $129 a week.,rent a car
test_91_2,person1 much rent economi car person2 19 day or129 week unlimit mileag person1 could one tomorrow morn person2 could see driver licens person1 sure person2 good complet form,#Person1# rents a car from #Person2#,car rental
test_91_3,person1 much rent economi car person2 19 day or129 week unlimit mileag person1 could one tomorrow morn person2 could see driver licens person1 sure person2 good complet form,#Person1# rents an economy car in #Person2#'s shop.,rent a car
test_92_1,person1 depend posit instanc elev smile make taker uncomfort person2 that except fed keep straight face front person1 see eye eye see fed keep smile mean smile reason person2 mean dont like hit like see smile,#Person1# hates those who keep smiling at #Person1# and #Person2# is fed up with those who keep a straight face in front of #Person2#.,smile
test_92_2,person1 depend posit instanc elev smile make taker uncomfort person2 that except fed keep straight face front person1 see eye eye see fed keep smile mean smile reason person2 mean dont like hit like see smile,"#Person2# is fed up with people with a straight face, and #Person1# hates people keeping smiling to #Person1#.",face expression
test_92_3,person1 depend posit instanc elev smile make taker uncomfort person2 that except fed keep straight face front person1 see eye eye see fed keep smile mean smile reason person2 mean dont like hit like see smile,#Person1# and #Person2# hold different opinions towards people with different facial expressions.,facial expression
test_93_1,person1 see inform sale last year sale review made last board meet there great news sharehold person2 yeah went figur morn final start make money person1 weve never sold much growth year phenomen captur 8 market last year 120 strategi work person2 annual sale brake record month month earn exceed forecast well twoyear slump final back black person1 compani perform improv sinc wallac becam presid he made littl busi real lucr oper product sell like hotcak person2 think success partli wallac contribut partli new market strategi new advertis campaign becom top seller field person1 let hope stroke good luck last hope financi difficulti good person2 let hope,"#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the good performance of their business for last year. #Person2# thinks the success is partly because of Wallace's contribution, and partly because of their new marketing strategy.",sales review
test_93_2,person1 see inform sale last year sale review made last board meet there great news sharehold person2 yeah went figur morn final start make money person1 weve never sold much growth year phenomen captur 8 market last year 120 strategi work person2 annual sale brake record month month earn exceed forecast well twoyear slump final back black person1 compani perform improv sinc wallac becam presid he made littl busi real lucr oper product sell like hotcak person2 think success partli wallac contribut partli new market strategi new advertis campaign becom top seller field person1 let hope stroke good luck last hope financi difficulti good person2 let hope,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the success of their business and attribute the success to Wallace's contribution and the new marketing strategy. They hope good luck can last.,success sales
test_93_3,person1 see inform sale last year sale review made last board meet there great news sharehold person2 yeah went figur morn final start make money person1 weve never sold much growth year phenomen captur 8 market last year 120 strategi work person2 annual sale brake record month month earn exceed forecast well twoyear slump final back black person1 compani perform improv sinc wallac becam presid he made littl busi real lucr oper product sell like hotcak person2 think success partli wallac contribut partli new market strategi new advertis campaign becom top seller field person1 let hope stroke good luck last hope financi difficulti good person2 let hope,#Person1# and #Person2# are pleasant to see their business performance has improved last year. They think the credits should be given to Wallace and the new marketing strategy.,financial gains
test_94_1,person1 hey how go person2 good lost backpack person1 oh that bad anyth import person2 wallet there money person1 id lost person2 thank god person1 backpack stolen person2 took taxi yesterday left car person1 sorri hear call driver person2 didnt ask recipt dont number person1 that bad anyth person2 borrow money person1 sure much need person2 50 dollar person1 that problem person2 thank ill pay back friday person1 thatll fine person2 thank person1 go person2 im go take bu home ask money mom person1 wait minut drive home person2 that realli nice,#Person2# left #Person2#'s backpack and wallet in a taxi and failed to contact the driver because #Person2# didn't have the number. #Person1# lends 50 dollars to #Person1# and will drive #Person2# home.,borrow money
test_94_2,person1 hey how go person2 good lost backpack person1 oh that bad anyth import person2 wallet there money person1 id lost person2 thank god person1 backpack stolen person2 took taxi yesterday left car person1 sorri hear call driver person2 didnt ask recipt dont number person1 that bad anyth person2 borrow money person1 sure much need person2 50 dollar person1 that problem person2 thank ill pay back friday person1 thatll fine person2 thank person1 go person2 im go take bu home ask money mom person1 wait minut drive home person2 that realli nice,#Person2# borrows some money from #Person1# because #Person2#'s backpack and wallet were lost and cannot take it back. #Person1# will drive #Person2# home.,borrow money
test_94_3,person1 hey how go person2 good lost backpack person1 oh that bad anyth import person2 wallet there money person1 id lost person2 thank god person1 backpack stolen person2 took taxi yesterday left car person1 sorri hear call driver person2 didnt ask recipt dont number person1 that bad anyth person2 borrow money person1 sure much need person2 50 dollar person1 that problem person2 thank ill pay back friday person1 thatll fine person2 thank person1 go person2 im go take bu home ask money mom person1 wait minut drive home person2 that realli nice,"#Person2# lost #Person2#'s backpack, wallet, and money in a taxi. #Person1# lends #Person2# some money and will take #Person2# home.",borrow money
test_95_1,person1 thank steven magnific meal ive abroad youll let reciproc next time your beij person2 dont worri lin that big deal know american appreci china rich culinari cultur excus second check number figur much give waiter hmm way tip china person1 dont person2 tip that call civil system person1 hotel restaur add servic charg bill tip isnt customari person2 cab driver porter person1 cab pay say meter gener tip hotel porter 10 yuan per bag firstclass hotel theyr instruct accept gratuiti person2 youd revolut hand tri introduc sort system,Steven and Lin just had a great meal. Then they talk about the different tipping cultures between America and China.,tipping
test_95_2,person1 thank steven magnific meal ive abroad youll let reciproc next time your beij person2 dont worri lin that big deal know american appreci china rich culinari cultur excus second check number figur much give waiter hmm way tip china person1 dont person2 tip that call civil system person1 hotel restaur add servic charg bill tip isnt customari person2 cab driver porter person1 cab pay say meter gener tip hotel porter 10 yuan per bag firstclass hotel theyr instruct accept gratuiti person2 youd revolut hand tri introduc sort system,Steven buys Lin a magnificent dinner in America and they then talk about the tipping culture in China and America.,tipping in china
test_95_3,person1 thank steven magnific meal ive abroad youll let reciproc next time your beij person2 dont worri lin that big deal know american appreci china rich culinari cultur excus second check number figur much give waiter hmm way tip china person1 dont person2 tip that call civil system person1 hotel restaur add servic charg bill tip isnt customari person2 cab driver porter person1 cab pay say meter gener tip hotel porter 10 yuan per bag firstclass hotel theyr instruct accept gratuiti person2 youd revolut hand tri introduc sort system,Steven treats Lin to a nice meal. Then they talk about the tipping cultures in their countries.,tipping in China
test_96_1,person1 bill hear happi today person2 aha ive read roommat made move today person1 realli matter person2 knew brain locker person1 brain locker dont think look like person2 well he thin tall brown hair holt nose green eye wear glass person1 mm ive seen coupl time think,Bill is happy because he made a move to know his roommate today.,roommate
test_96_2,person1 bill hear happi today person2 aha ive read roommat made move today person1 realli matter person2 knew brain locker person1 brain locker dont think look like person2 well he thin tall brown hair holt nose green eye wear glass person1 mm ive seen coupl time think,#Person1# and Bill talk about Bill's roommate Brain Locker.,roommate
test_96_3,person1 bill hear happi today person2 aha ive read roommat made move today person1 realli matter person2 knew brain locker person1 brain locker dont think look like person2 well he thin tall brown hair holt nose green eye wear glass person1 mm ive seen coupl time think,Bill tells #Person1# that he has made a move to read of his roommate.,make a move
test_97_1,person1 id like pay bill person2 name room number pleas person1 tom wilson room 306 person2 use hotel servic morn person1 person2 ok stay four night 90 us dollar meal hotel make total 660 us dollar person1 pay credit card person2 cours pleas sign name,#Person2# checks Tom Wilson's information and Tom pays his hotel and meal bill.,check out
test_97_2,person1 id like pay bill person2 name room number pleas person1 tom wilson room 306 person2 use hotel servic morn person1 person2 ok stay four night 90 us dollar meal hotel make total 660 us dollar person1 pay credit card person2 cours pleas sign name,Tom Wilson pays for his bill for hotel and food by credit card.,pay the bill
test_97_3,person1 id like pay bill person2 name room number pleas person1 tom wilson room 306 person2 use hotel servic morn person1 person2 ok stay four night 90 us dollar meal hotel make total 660 us dollar person1 pay credit card person2 cours pleas sign name,Tom Wilson pays the bill for his room and meal cost by credit card.,pay the bill
test_98_1,person1 carol telephon person2 person1 dont know wait second may ask who call pleas carrollit susan person2 oh im take shower ask import person1 sorri susan carol cant come phone right someth help oh see carol want know parti tonight tomorrow night person2 tell tomorrow night 830 jill hous tell bring dessert want person1 said tomorrow night 830 jill hous said could bring dessert want sure problem good even bye,Susan calls Carol to ask about the party time. But Carol is taking a shower so #Person1# answers for her.,phone call
test_98_2,person1 carol telephon person2 person1 dont know wait second may ask who call pleas carrollit susan person2 oh im take shower ask import person1 sorri susan carol cant come phone right someth help oh see carol want know parti tonight tomorrow night person2 tell tomorrow night 830 jill hous tell bring dessert want person1 said tomorrow night 830 jill hous said could bring dessert want sure problem good even bye,"Carol is taking a shower when Carol calls her, so #Person1# answers the telephone and tells her the party time.",call
test_98_3,person1 carol telephon person2 person1 dont know wait second may ask who call pleas carrollit susan person2 oh im take shower ask import person1 sorri susan carol cant come phone right someth help oh see carol want know parti tonight tomorrow night person2 tell tomorrow night 830 jill hous tell bring dessert want person1 said tomorrow night 830 jill hous said could bring dessert want sure problem good even bye,Susan calls to ask Carol about the party time. #Person1# answers the phone and tells her., phone call
test_99_1,person1 hey dont know somewher person2 sorri dont think person1 didnt use work common fit gym person2 im afraid person1 oh know somewher els use work movi theater downtown ye go time alway sell popcorn soda person2 that either sorri maam perhap look familiar person1 know met hold let think drive crazi know weve talk oh rememb work whole bean cafe corner right person2 wrong sorri maam realli get go,"#Person1# thinks that she knows #Person2# somewhere, but #Person2# denies it.",mistaken identity
test_99_2,person1 hey dont know somewher person2 sorri dont think person1 didnt use work common fit gym person2 im afraid person1 oh know somewher els use work movi theater downtown ye go time alway sell popcorn soda person2 that either sorri maam perhap look familiar person1 know met hold let think drive crazi know weve talk oh rememb work whole bean cafe corner right person2 wrong sorri maam realli get go,"#Person1# thinks she has met #Person2# somewhere, but #Person2# thinks it's a mistake.",identity
test_99_3,person1 hey dont know somewher person2 sorri dont think person1 didnt use work common fit gym person2 im afraid person1 oh know somewher els use work movi theater downtown ye go time alway sell popcorn soda person2 that either sorri maam perhap look familiar person1 know met hold let think drive crazi know weve talk oh rememb work whole bean cafe corner right person2 wrong sorri maam realli get go,#Person1# keeps asking where #Person2#'s from because she thinks she knows #Person2# but #Person2# denies it.,mistaken identity
test_100_1,person1 imagin trump presid person2 proud say presid realli happi could reelect person1 vote right person2 vote know person1 sure person2 noth faith trump person1 person2 pretti sure make america great person1 well though need chang countri dont think right person person2 countri alreadi chang person1 right person2 trust take good care countri person1 well dont think vote biden anyway,#Person1# is crazy for Trump and voted for him. #Person2# doesn't agree with #Person1# on Trump and will vote for Biden.,presidential election
test_100_2,person1 imagin trump presid person2 proud say presid realli happi could reelect person1 vote right person2 vote know person1 sure person2 noth faith trump person1 person2 pretti sure make america great person1 well though need chang countri dont think right person person2 countri alreadi chang person1 right person2 trust take good care countri person1 well dont think vote biden anyway,#Person1# is a crazy fan of Trump and wants him to be re-elected. #Person2# will vote for Biden.,discuss Obama
test_100_3,person1 imagin trump presid person2 proud say presid realli happi could reelect person1 vote right person2 vote know person1 sure person2 noth faith trump person1 person2 pretti sure make america great person1 well though need chang countri dont think right person person2 countri alreadi chang person1 right person2 trust take good care countri person1 well dont think vote biden anyway,#Person1# is crazy for Trump and voted for him but #Person2# will vote for Biden.,president nomination
test_101_1,person1 need use atm person2 what stop person1 im sure person2 dont understand pretti easi person1 ive never use one person2 ok help figur person1 person2 first slide card machin person1 person2 need type pin person1 next person2 click whichev option want your done person1 thank,#Person1# doesn't know how to use the ATM. #Person2# teaches #Person1# step by step.,use the ATM
test_101_2,person1 need use atm person2 what stop person1 im sure person2 dont understand pretti easi person1 ive never use one person2 ok help figur person1 person2 first slide card machin person1 person2 need type pin person1 next person2 click whichev option want your done person1 thank,#Person1# doesn't know how to use an ATM. #Person2# teaches #Person1#.,ATM
test_101_3,person1 need use atm person2 what stop person1 im sure person2 dont understand pretti easi person1 ive never use one person2 ok help figur person1 person2 first slide card machin person1 person2 need type pin person1 next person2 click whichev option want your done person1 thank,#Person2# is teaching #Person1# how to use an ATM step by step because #Person1# doesn't know how to use.,ATM using
test_102_1,person1 john susan miller person2 hi susan what person1 know memo offic procedur want give secretari copi person2 im sorri idea havent seen age person1 alright thank anyway,Susan wants to find the memo. John has no idea where it is.,find a memo
test_102_2,person1 john susan miller person2 hi susan what person1 know memo offic procedur want give secretari copi person2 im sorri idea havent seen age person1 alright thank anyway,Susan Miller is asking John if he knows where the memo is. John has no idea.,office procedures memo
test_102_3,person1 john susan miller person2 hi susan what person1 know memo offic procedur want give secretari copi person2 im sorri idea havent seen age person1 alright thank anyway,Susan asks John where a memo is but John doesn't know.,find a memo
test_103_1,person1 lili take part picnic weekend person2 sound great go person1 think go river go around supper person2 bring person1 noth wear comfort cloth good shoe walk well bring everyth,#Person1# invites Lily to picnic this weekend. Lily accepts.,picnic
test_103_2,person1 lili take part picnic weekend person2 sound great go person1 think go river go around supper person2 bring person1 noth wear comfort cloth good shoe walk well bring everyth,"#Person1# is inviting Lily to take part in their picnic this weekend, and she accepts.",picnic
test_103_3,person1 lili take part picnic weekend person2 sound great go person1 think go river go around supper person2 bring person1 noth wear comfort cloth good shoe walk well bring everyth,#Person1# invites Lily to take part in their weekend picnic and Lily accepts.,picinic invitation
test_104_1,person1 ever invit chines feast person2 sure beijing distinguish warmth hospit person1 far could see dine chines tabl distinct experi extent differ homeland person2 begin use chopstick person1 look quit profici use person2 certainli ive two year much uphil work foreign get use chines dinner utensil though feel hazi behav appropri chines tabl person1 ye tabl etiquett multitud rule foreign might never know told practic even appear somewhat awkward rude western norm china hey chopstick old silli never stab chopstick rice bowl person2 anyth wrong person1 mayb place horizont bowl plate resembl two incens stick use sacrific death inauspici might enrag present person2 oh sorri there long stori even mere pair stick,#Person1# asks #Person2# about the table manners in China. #Person2# says there are many hazy rules that are different from Western. And #Person2# tells #Person1# stabbing chopsticks into a bowl resembles sacrifices for the death and is very inauspicious.,table etiquette
test_104_2,person1 ever invit chines feast person2 sure beijing distinguish warmth hospit person1 far could see dine chines tabl distinct experi extent differ homeland person2 begin use chopstick person1 look quit profici use person2 certainli ive two year much uphil work foreign get use chines dinner utensil though feel hazi behav appropri chines tabl person1 ye tabl etiquett multitud rule foreign might never know told practic even appear somewhat awkward rude western norm china hey chopstick old silli never stab chopstick rice bowl person2 anyth wrong person1 mayb place horizont bowl plate resembl two incens stick use sacrific death inauspici might enrag present person2 oh sorri there long stori even mere pair stick,"#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing the differences between China and Western feasts. There are so many rules on the Chinese table, and they both feel hazy about its etiquette.",Chinese feast
test_104_3,person1 ever invit chines feast person2 sure beijing distinguish warmth hospit person1 far could see dine chines tabl distinct experi extent differ homeland person2 begin use chopstick person1 look quit profici use person2 certainli ive two year much uphil work foreign get use chines dinner utensil though feel hazi behav appropri chines tabl person1 ye tabl etiquett multitud rule foreign might never know told practic even appear somewhat awkward rude western norm china hey chopstick old silli never stab chopstick rice bowl person2 anyth wrong person1 mayb place horizont bowl plate resembl two incens stick use sacrific death inauspici might enrag present person2 oh sorri there long stori even mere pair stick,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the difference in table etiquette in China. They both feel hazy about Chinese table etiquette and wrong use of chopsticks can lead to people's enrage.,Chinese table etiquette
test_105_1,person1 hi mari like spare time person2 well spend lot time watch movi person1 confid alway watch lot movi person2 oh realli frank kind movi like person1 actual watch whichev movi comedi scifi suspens movi person2 art film favorit thriller cool person1 realli impress two genr total differ person2 sure enjoy much person1 often go cinema person2 suppos usual rent movi movi salon person1 movi salon person2 movi rental store neighborhood ive got membership person1 good person2 ye find almost new releas person1 realli mayb shall also sign membership person2,Mary and Frank both like watching movies in their spare time. Mary usually rents movies at Movie Salon and Frank also wants to get a membership to rent movies.,movie
test_105_2,person1 hi mari like spare time person2 well spend lot time watch movi person1 confid alway watch lot movi person2 oh realli frank kind movi like person1 actual watch whichev movi comedi scifi suspens movi person2 art film favorit thriller cool person1 realli impress two genr total differ person2 sure enjoy much person1 often go cinema person2 suppos usual rent movi movi salon person1 movi salon person2 movi rental store neighborhood ive got membership person1 good person2 ye find almost new releas person1 realli mayb shall also sign membership person2,"Frank and Mary both like watching movies in their spare time. Mary usually rents movies at Movie Salon, and Frank is interested in signing up for its membership.",way of watching movies
test_105_3,person1 hi mari like spare time person2 well spend lot time watch movi person1 confid alway watch lot movi person2 oh realli frank kind movi like person1 actual watch whichev movi comedi scifi suspens movi person2 art film favorit thriller cool person1 realli impress two genr total differ person2 sure enjoy much person1 often go cinema person2 suppos usual rent movi movi salon person1 movi salon person2 movi rental store neighborhood ive got membership person1 good person2 ye find almost new releas person1 realli mayb shall also sign membership person2,Mary and Frank both like watching movies in their spare time. Mary usually rents movies at Movie Salon and Frank also wants to get a membership to rent movies,film preference
test_106_1,person1 everi belong polit parti person2 havent thought join green parti person1 realli know concern environ member pressur group greenpeac werent person2 ye didnt enough time devot person1 green parti chanc win elect parti big popular person2 your right smaller polit pressur group often influenc larg polit parti member parliament propos legisl parti pressur group rais awar person1 peopl polit awar often dont understand issu fulli person2 that true littl strang media often report polit event read newspap hear tv,#Person2# wanted to join a small political party and thinks the smaller group can influence the larger one. #Person1# and #Person2# agree that most people don't fully understand politics.,political party
test_106_2,person1 everi belong polit parti person2 havent thought join green parti person1 realli know concern environ member pressur group greenpeac werent person2 ye didnt enough time devot person1 green parti chanc win elect parti big popular person2 your right smaller polit pressur group often influenc larg polit parti member parliament propos legisl parti pressur group rais awar person1 peopl polit awar often dont understand issu fulli person2 that true littl strang media often report polit event read newspap hear tv,#Person2# believes smaller political and pressure groups can influence large parties. #Person1# and #Person2# both agree that most people often don't understand politics fully.,political party
test_106_3,person1 everi belong polit parti person2 havent thought join green parti person1 realli know concern environ member pressur group greenpeac werent person2 ye didnt enough time devot person1 green parti chanc win elect parti big popular person2 your right smaller polit pressur group often influenc larg polit parti member parliament propos legisl parti pressur group rais awar person1 peopl polit awar often dont understand issu fulli person2 that true littl strang media often report polit event read newspap hear tv,#Person2# thought about joining a small party and thinks smaller political and pressure groups can influence larger ones. #Person1# and #Person2# agree most people don't understand political issues fully.,political party
test_107_1,person1 mr wilson regret mistak good sorri respons mistak person2 choic hold respons loss sustain person1 first problem suppos solv investig second problem admit fault exchang merchandis fall short sampl person2 well hope wont thing person1 assur thing today never happen futur deliveri made plan improv packag export good,"#Person1# apologizes for mistakes in goods. #Person1# will be responsible for Mr. Wilson's loss, and take measures to avoid such mistakes.",mistakes in goods
test_107_2,person1 mr wilson regret mistak good sorri respons mistak person2 choic hold respons loss sustain person1 first problem suppos solv investig second problem admit fault exchang merchandis fall short sampl person2 well hope wont thing person1 assur thing today never happen futur deliveri made plan improv packag export good,#Person1# feels sorry for Mr. Wilson's loss caused by #Person1# and assures that such mistakes will not happen again.,mistakes in goods
test_107_3,person1 mr wilson regret mistak good sorri respons mistak person2 choic hold respons loss sustain person1 first problem suppos solv investig second problem admit fault exchang merchandis fall short sampl person2 well hope wont thing person1 assur thing today never happen futur deliveri made plan improv packag export good,#Person1# apologizes for the loss caused by them to Mr. Wilson and assures that it will never happen again.,damaged delivery
test_108_1,person1 see robberi person2 sure person1 see everyth person2 bank time person1 exactli see person2 saw guy come gun person1 get good look face person2 wear mask person1 anyon els person2 came alon person1 could come station question person2 thatll fine,#Person1# asks #Person2# who saw the robbery some questions. #Person2# agrees to come to the station for more questioning.,robbery
test_108_2,person1 see robberi person2 sure person1 see everyth person2 bank time person1 exactli see person2 saw guy come gun person1 get good look face person2 wear mask person1 anyon els person2 came alon person1 could come station question person2 thatll fine,#Person1# asks #Person2# who saw a robbery some questions and #Person2# is willing to go to the station for more questioning.,bank robbery
test_108_3,person1 see robberi person2 sure person1 see everyth person2 bank time person1 exactli see person2 saw guy come gun person1 get good look face person2 wear mask person1 anyon els person2 came alon person1 could come station question person2 thatll fine,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# witnessed the robbery and agrees to take more questions in the station.,robbery witness
test_109_1,person1 hi know what dinner im starv person2 tonight dad take mom person1 mean person2 know date go dinner person1 dad mom person2 yeah said theyr reviv old tradit person1 mean go regular thing person2 that right week want order pizza,#Person1# and #Person2#'s parents are out on a date and will go out for dinner regularly.,dinner
test_109_2,person1 hi know what dinner im starv person2 tonight dad take mom person1 mean person2 know date go dinner person1 dad mom person2 yeah said theyr reviv old tradit person1 mean go regular thing person2 that right week want order pizza,The parents of #Person1# and #Person2# are out on a date.,dinner
test_109_3,person1 hi know what dinner im starv person2 tonight dad take mom person1 mean person2 know date go dinner person1 dad mom person2 yeah said theyr reviv old tradit person1 mean go regular thing person2 that right week want order pizza,#Person1# and #Person2#'s parent are out on a date to revive their old tradition.,dinner discussion
test_110_1,person1 tell new year resolut ive decid go diet person2 your go complet transform eat habit right person1 exactli im go cut junk eat chip soda fri food person2 ive heard one person1 time im go stick realli mean trust carol im go new man one year time person2 well guess well wait see person1 thank honey great meal im stuf chip left,#Person1# has decided to go on a diet in the new year. Carol reasonably doubts it.,diet
test_110_2,person1 tell new year resolut ive decid go diet person2 your go complet transform eat habit right person1 exactli im go cut junk eat chip soda fri food person2 ive heard one person1 time im go stick realli mean trust carol im go new man one year time person2 well guess well wait see person1 thank honey great meal im stuf chip left,#Person1#'s decided to go on a diet for New Year's resolution. Carol doesn't believe #Person1# will stick to it.,diet
test_110_3,person1 tell new year resolut ive decid go diet person2 your go complet transform eat habit right person1 exactli im go cut junk eat chip soda fri food person2 ive heard one person1 time im go stick realli mean trust carol im go new man one year time person2 well guess well wait see person1 thank honey great meal im stuf chip left,#Person1# has decided to go on a diet in the new year. Carol doesn't believe #Person1# will stick to it,diet changing
test_111_1,person1 hello help person2 ye hope would like regist comp lit 287 person1 im sorri class alreadi full also student suppos regist touchton registr system person2 know alreadi tri regist phone comput wont let person1 that full person2 im new student thought mayb way could get class thought come talk depart offic person1 well could put wait list doesnt guarante get class name person2 name karen huang that spell h u n g person1 alright major person2 im compar literatur major person1 wait minut your comp lit major person2 ye that right person1 didnt tell didnt know one student person2 that im tri get comp lit 287 know requir class professor cohen told need take person1 univers comput system save extra place class 287 comp lit student give special code regist phone use code get class person2 even class full person1 that right person2 oh didnt know person1 sure code number inform use person2 thank think abl get person1 sure call touchton registr system follow direct sheet get problem person2 thank person1 next time come recogn,Karen Huang tried to register for Comp Lit 287 but failed because it's full. So Karen comes to the department office. #Person1# finds Karen is a Comp Lit major and the university has saved extra places for them. #Person1# gives Karen a special code and tells Karan how to use it to get into the class.,register for class
test_111_2,person1 hello help person2 ye hope would like regist comp lit 287 person1 im sorri class alreadi full also student suppos regist touchton registr system person2 know alreadi tri regist phone comput wont let person1 that full person2 im new student thought mayb way could get class thought come talk depart offic person1 well could put wait list doesnt guarante get class name person2 name karen huang that spell h u n g person1 alright major person2 im compar literatur major person1 wait minut your comp lit major person2 ye that right person1 didnt tell didnt know one student person2 that im tri get comp lit 287 know requir class professor cohen told need take person1 univers comput system save extra place class 287 comp lit student give special code regist phone use code get class person2 even class full person1 that right person2 oh didnt know person1 sure code number inform use person2 thank think abl get person1 sure call touchton registr system follow direct sheet get problem person2 thank person1 next time come recogn,"Karen Huang couldn't register for Comp Lit 287 so Karen comes to talk to #Person1# for a solution. #Person1# says it is full and will put Karen on the waiting list. But after #Person1# knows Karen majors in comparative literature, #Person1# gives her a special code to register for the class, as they've saved extra places for them.",registration
test_111_3,person1 hello help person2 ye hope would like regist comp lit 287 person1 im sorri class alreadi full also student suppos regist touchton registr system person2 know alreadi tri regist phone comput wont let person1 that full person2 im new student thought mayb way could get class thought come talk depart offic person1 well could put wait list doesnt guarante get class name person2 name karen huang that spell h u n g person1 alright major person2 im compar literatur major person1 wait minut your comp lit major person2 ye that right person1 didnt tell didnt know one student person2 that im tri get comp lit 287 know requir class professor cohen told need take person1 univers comput system save extra place class 287 comp lit student give special code regist phone use code get class person2 even class full person1 that right person2 oh didnt know person1 sure code number inform use person2 thank think abl get person1 sure call touchton registr system follow direct sheet get problem person2 thank person1 next time come recogn,Karen Huang wants to register for a class. #Person1# says it's full and will put Karen on the waiting list. But then #Person1# gives Karen a special code to register the class after #Person1# knows Karen is a Comparative Literature major.,class registration
test_112_1,person1 excus sir know time person2 oh almost eleven twenti person1 thank person2 your welcom rain quit heavi isnt person1 yeah hurri forgot umbrella today person2 one could share way go person1 oh that kind go garden hotel person2 go walk togeth person1 sure,#Person2# voluntarily shares an umbrella with #Person1# who doesn't bring the umbrella when it's rainy.,share an umbrella
test_112_2,person1 excus sir know time person2 oh almost eleven twenti person1 thank person2 your welcom rain quit heavi isnt person1 yeah hurri forgot umbrella today person2 one could share way go person1 oh that kind go garden hotel person2 go walk togeth person1 sure,#Person1# forgot to take an umbrella while it's raining. #Person2# shares an umbrella with #Person1#.,sharing in the rain
test_112_3,person1 excus sir know time person2 oh almost eleven twenti person1 thank person2 your welcom rain quit heavi isnt person1 yeah hurri forgot umbrella today person2 one could share way go person1 oh that kind go garden hotel person2 go walk togeth person1 sure,#Person2# shares an umbrella with #Person1# when it's rainy.,umbrella-sharing
test_113_1,person1 hey jack where car person2 got rid clunker new one person1 right sure beat old one person2 hop ill give ride person1 ok boy look expens person2 yeah cost bundl alright person1 wow thing haul person2 yeah sucker fastest thing ive ever own person1 believ hoo car corner like rail person2 high way find pound shade person1 wow car realli burn rubber person2 great feel person1 made perfect choic jack person2 thank daisi,Jack gives Daisy a ride in his new car. Daisy praises it.,new car
test_113_2,person1 hey jack where car person2 got rid clunker new one person1 right sure beat old one person2 hop ill give ride person1 ok boy look expens person2 yeah cost bundl alright person1 wow thing haul person2 yeah sucker fastest thing ive ever own person1 believ hoo car corner like rail person2 high way find pound shade person1 wow car realli burn rubber person2 great feel person1 made perfect choic jack person2 thank daisi,Jack bought a new car and invites Daisy to hop in and take a ride. Daisy thinks it's a good feeling.,a new car
test_113_3,person1 hey jack where car person2 got rid clunker new one person1 right sure beat old one person2 hop ill give ride person1 ok boy look expens person2 yeah cost bundl alright person1 wow thing haul person2 yeah sucker fastest thing ive ever own person1 believ hoo car corner like rail person2 high way find pound shade person1 wow car realli burn rubber person2 great feel person1 made perfect choic jack person2 thank daisi,Jack takes Daisy for a ride to experience his new car. Daisy thinks he makes a perfect choice.,a car ride
test_114_1,person1 pleas tell us exact time big fire broke person2 exact time let think know happen night person1 need exact time time person2 oh rememb 10 oclock go bed suddenli heard help outsid,#Person1# asks #Person2# the exact time when the fire broke out. #Person2# says it was about 10 o'clock.,fire
test_114_2,person1 pleas tell us exact time big fire broke person2 exact time let think know happen night person1 need exact time time person2 oh rememb 10 oclock go bed suddenli heard help outsid,#Person1# asks the exact time when the big fire broke out. #Person2# remembers that it was about 10 o'clock.,fire
test_114_3,person1 pleas tell us exact time big fire broke person2 exact time let think know happen night person1 need exact time time person2 oh rememb 10 oclock go bed suddenli heard help outsid,#Person1# asks #Person2# the exact time when the fire broke out. #Person2# says it was about 10 o'clock.,fire time
test_115_1,person1 els maam person2 thank husband said wed like pay person1 let show cashier 905 yuan total person2 five come person1 oh servic charg person2 900 cash let go 900 yuan person1 sorri cant store rule person2 husband said credit card accept credit card person1 ye person2 great person1 receipt wan na wrap maam person2 ye pleas thank much person1 itll great person2 thank much,#Person2# doesn't have enough cash to pay 905 yuan and asks to cut the service charge. #Person1# refuses. So #Person2# pays by her husband's credit card because it can be accepted.,payment method
test_115_2,person1 els maam person2 thank husband said wed like pay person1 let show cashier 905 yuan total person2 five come person1 oh servic charg person2 900 cash let go 900 yuan person1 sorri cant store rule person2 husband said credit card accept credit card person1 ye person2 great person1 receipt wan na wrap maam person2 ye pleas thank much person1 itll great person2 thank much,"#Person1# requires 905 yuan in total, but #Person2# only has 900 in cash and asks for a release. #Person1# refuses, so #Person2# pays by her husband's credit card because it can be accepted.",payment
test_115_3,person1 els maam person2 thank husband said wed like pay person1 let show cashier 905 yuan total person2 five come person1 oh servic charg person2 900 cash let go 900 yuan person1 sorri cant store rule person2 husband said credit card accept credit card person1 ye person2 great person1 receipt wan na wrap maam person2 ye pleas thank much person1 itll great person2 thank much,#Person2# is asked to pay 905 yuan but she just has 900 in cash and asks for a release from #Person1#. #Person1# refuses. So #Person2# pays by her husband's credit card because it can be accepted.,service charge
test_116_1,person1 person2 want get car wash person1 would like regular car wash packag person2 dont know mean person1 well wash exterior form top bottom use special shampoo give bodi extra shine person2 wash window person1 cours wash window insid person2 interior person1 use vacuum cleaner remov dirt throw away trash find person2 sound good regular car wash packag ok person1 ok see,#Person1# describes the contents of the regular car wash package. #Person2# will take that.,wash the car
test_116_2,person1 person2 want get car wash person1 would like regular car wash packag person2 dont know mean person1 well wash exterior form top bottom use special shampoo give bodi extra shine person2 wash window person1 cours wash window insid person2 interior person1 use vacuum cleaner remov dirt throw away trash find person2 sound good regular car wash packag ok person1 ok see,#Person1# introduces the content of regular car wash package and #Person2# accepts.,car wash package
test_116_3,person1 person2 want get car wash person1 would like regular car wash packag person2 dont know mean person1 well wash exterior form top bottom use special shampoo give bodi extra shine person2 wash window person1 cours wash window insid person2 interior person1 use vacuum cleaner remov dirt throw away trash find person2 sound good regular car wash packag ok person1 ok see,#Person1# introduces the services included in regular car wash package and #Person2# will take it.,car wash package
test_117_1,person1 go spend holiday year harri person2 may go abroad im sure wife want go egypt id like go cant make mind person1 travel sea air person2 may travel sea person1 cheaper isnt person2 may cheaper take long time person1 im sure enjoy person2 dont sure may go anywher wife alway worri much who go look dog who go look hous who go look garden solv thing go travel,"Harry and his wife may go abroad during the holiday, but Harry's wife worries too much, so they may not go anywhere.",travel plan
test_117_2,person1 go spend holiday year harri person2 may go abroad im sure wife want go egypt id like go cant make mind person1 travel sea air person2 may travel sea person1 cheaper isnt person2 may cheaper take long time person1 im sure enjoy person2 dont sure may go anywher wife alway worri much who go look dog who go look hous who go look garden solv thing go travel,"Harry and his wife may go abroad during the holidays. However, they might not go anywhere because his wife always worries too much.",holidays
test_117_3,person1 go spend holiday year harri person2 may go abroad im sure wife want go egypt id like go cant make mind person1 travel sea air person2 may travel sea person1 cheaper isnt person2 may cheaper take long time person1 im sure enjoy person2 dont sure may go anywher wife alway worri much who go look dog who go look hous who go look garden solv thing go travel,"Harry is not sure about the holiday plan of going abroad to spend the holiday, because his wife worries about things after they leave.",holiday plan
test_118_1,person1 excus tell get start use machin person2 cours new member person1 ye person2 welcom name johnson person1 nice meet person2 experi use weight person1 dont need help person2 well first import go good stretch must warm properli dont hurt machin person1 ye know derek led warm aerob room im readi think start use machin person2 alright great must get card person1 meana membership card alreadi one person2 mean train card card allow keep track much weight use machin let show person1 im readi person2 see card machin list go seri twelv machin enter number repetit also enter weight set machin person1 see card help keep track progress person2 ye also remind suitabl weight machin today go machin one one show use determin good start weight person1 alright great person2 write name member number top card exercis time file card person1 great dont start machin person2 alright person1 im sorri know still seven machin im exhaust person2 that okay dont worri import push especi begin person1 though dont know proper set rest machin person2 go next time problem realli import thing know limit feel burn good stop strain muscl hurt back wont abl exercis coupl week right person1 ye suppos best stop,#Person1# is a new member who wants to use the machines. Johnson teaches #Person1# to get a card to keep track of the progress and record the suitable weight for each machine. #Person1# stops training as Johnson suggests and will go through the rest of the machines next time.,exercise
test_118_2,person1 excus tell get start use machin person2 cours new member person1 ye person2 welcom name johnson person1 nice meet person2 experi use weight person1 dont need help person2 well first import go good stretch must warm properli dont hurt machin person1 ye know derek led warm aerob room im readi think start use machin person2 alright great must get card person1 meana membership card alreadi one person2 mean train card card allow keep track much weight use machin let show person1 im readi person2 see card machin list go seri twelv machin enter number repetit also enter weight set machin person1 see card help keep track progress person2 ye also remind suitabl weight machin today go machin one one show use determin good start weight person1 alright great person2 write name member number top card exercis time file card person1 great dont start machin person2 alright person1 im sorri know still seven machin im exhaust person2 that okay dont worri import push especi begin person1 though dont know proper set rest machin person2 go next time problem realli import thing know limit feel burn good stop strain muscl hurt back wont abl exercis coupl week right person1 ye suppos best stop,Johnson is teaching #Person1# how to use the training machines. He introduces a training card that allows #Person1# to keep track of the weight used on each machine. #Person1# is exhausted when there are still 7 machines left. Johnson suggests #Person1# stop to train and go through the rest of the machines next time.,gym
test_118_3,person1 excus tell get start use machin person2 cours new member person1 ye person2 welcom name johnson person1 nice meet person2 experi use weight person1 dont need help person2 well first import go good stretch must warm properli dont hurt machin person1 ye know derek led warm aerob room im readi think start use machin person2 alright great must get card person1 meana membership card alreadi one person2 mean train card card allow keep track much weight use machin let show person1 im readi person2 see card machin list go seri twelv machin enter number repetit also enter weight set machin person1 see card help keep track progress person2 ye also remind suitabl weight machin today go machin one one show use determin good start weight person1 alright great person2 write name member number top card exercis time file card person1 great dont start machin person2 alright person1 im sorri know still seven machin im exhaust person2 that okay dont worri import push especi begin person1 though dont know proper set rest machin person2 go next time problem realli import thing know limit feel burn good stop strain muscl hurt back wont abl exercis coupl week right person1 ye suppos best stop,Johnson shows #Person1# the correct way to use weights machine and tells #Person1# using a card to keep track of exercise intensity. #Person1# stops training as Johnson suggests and will go through the rest of the machines next time.,weight machine
test_119_1,person1 hi thing go person2 well what person1 believ compani work close im job person2 given much thought want next person1 particular right need keep roof head person2 interview yet person1 wish could get opportun interview person2 electrician program list person1 read posit sound great person2 let go see appli posit,#Person1# and #Person2# are both unemployed. #Person2# suggests applying for the electrician program and #Person1# agrees.,find a job
test_119_2,person1 hi thing go person2 well what person1 believ compani work close im job person2 given much thought want next person1 particular right need keep roof head person2 interview yet person1 wish could get opportun interview person2 electrician program list person1 read posit sound great person2 let go see appli posit,Both #Person1# and #Person2# lost their jobs. They would like to apply for the electrician program.,the next job
test_119_3,person1 hi thing go person2 well what person1 believ compani work close im job person2 given much thought want next person1 particular right need keep roof head person2 interview yet person1 wish could get opportun interview person2 electrician program list person1 read posit sound great person2 let go see appli posit,#Person1# and #Person2# plan to apply for the electrician program after they were laid off.,job seeking
test_120_1,person1 given puppi food yet person2 cours fed today person1 good job pleas give bath later today person2 sure ill give bath person1 thank dont forget vet appoint saturday person2 rememb time need person1 need eleven morn person2 right ill make sure rememb,#Person1# asks something about #Person2#'s care with puppies and reminds #Person2# of the vet appointment.,puppies' care
test_120_2,person1 given puppi food yet person2 cours fed today person1 good job pleas give bath later today person2 sure ill give bath person1 thank dont forget vet appoint saturday person2 rememb time need person1 need eleven morn person2 right ill make sure rememb,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about taking care of their puppies and the time of vet appointment.,puppies's care
test_120_3,person1 given puppi food yet person2 cours fed today person1 good job pleas give bath later today person2 sure ill give bath person1 thank dont forget vet appoint saturday person2 rememb time need person1 need eleven morn person2 right ill make sure rememb,#Person1# inquires about #Person2#'s care with the puppies and reminds #Person2# of the vet appointment.,puppies' care
test_121_1,person1 hey ayden wonder could favor person2 depend person1 kind big favor im absolut flat broke owe landladi 200 she given friday give dont get paid next monday think could loan cash get paid person2 id love help im bit short cash month well get new engin put car ate save person1 cant give full amount fraction would still help ill pay back monday promis person2 let see ive got 50 get weekend spare 20 would give dont much money name right person1 thank lot ayden everi littl bit help tell arent anyth tonight dont come dinner place person2 thatd great thank time come person1 6 pm person2 see,#Person1# wants to borrow $200 from Ayden to pay the rent. Ayden is short on cash but still lends $20 to #Person1#. They decide to have dinner at #Person1#'s place.,borrow money
test_121_2,person1 hey ayden wonder could favor person2 depend person1 kind big favor im absolut flat broke owe landladi 200 she given friday give dont get paid next monday think could loan cash get paid person2 id love help im bit short cash month well get new engin put car ate save person1 cant give full amount fraction would still help ill pay back monday promis person2 let see ive got 50 get weekend spare 20 would give dont much money name right person1 thank lot ayden everi littl bit help tell arent anyth tonight dont come dinner place person2 thatd great thank time come person1 6 pm person2 see,#Person1# borrows $ 20 from Ayden because #Person1# owes the landlady $ 200. Then #Person1# invites Ayden to have dinner at #Person1#'s place.,borrow money
test_121_3,person1 hey ayden wonder could favor person2 depend person1 kind big favor im absolut flat broke owe landladi 200 she given friday give dont get paid next monday think could loan cash get paid person2 id love help im bit short cash month well get new engin put car ate save person1 cant give full amount fraction would still help ill pay back monday promis person2 let see ive got 50 get weekend spare 20 would give dont much money name right person1 thank lot ayden everi littl bit help tell arent anyth tonight dont come dinner place person2 thatd great thank time come person1 6 pm person2 see,#Person1# wants to borrow $200 from Ayden to pay for the house rent but Ayden lends $20 because of the lack of money. They decide to have dinner at #Person1#'s place.,money borrowing
test_122_1,person1 work chariti organ person2 yeah chariti organ 2 month learn lot experi includ love sympathi equal person1 way social activ impact mind person2 think direct impact way think learn look peopl thing overal perspect case easi edgi,#Person2# had been in the charity organization for 2 months. Social activities had a direct impact on #Person2#'s way of thinking.,charity organization
test_122_2,person1 work chariti organ person2 yeah chariti organ 2 month learn lot experi includ love sympathi equal person1 way social activ impact mind person2 think direct impact way think learn look peopl thing overal perspect case easi edgi,#Person2# had been in the charity organization for 2 months and the social activities influenced #Person2#'s way of thinking.,charity organization
test_122_3,person1 work chariti organ person2 yeah chariti organ 2 month learn lot experi includ love sympathi equal person1 way social activ impact mind person2 think direct impact way think learn look peopl thing overal perspect case easi edgi,#Person2# had been in the charity organization for 2 months. Social activities influenced #Person2#'s way of thinking.,charity organization experience
test_123_1,person1 get touch person2 pleas call send email could pleas let know organ make decis person1 one week person2 realli appreci time help see,#Person1#'s organization will make a decision in about one week and contact #Person2# via phone or e-mail.,make a decision
test_123_2,person1 get touch person2 pleas call send email could pleas let know organ make decis person1 one week person2 realli appreci time help see,#Person1# can inform #Person2# by phone or e-mail when the organization makes a decision in about one week.,decision
test_123_3,person1 get touch person2 pleas call send email could pleas let know organ make decis person1 one week person2 realli appreci time help see,#Person1# can tell #Person2# their organization's decision by phone or e-mail in about one week.,organization decision
test_124_1,person1 would pleas recommend chines wine person2 would like tast moutan person1 that great come along moutan person2 ye con order typic chines dish exampl roast beij duck person1 sound good person2 ye best hotel person1 realli let tri person2 thank moment pleas,#Person2# recommends Moutan and Roast Beijing Duck. #Person1# will take that in the hotel.,order dishes
test_124_2,person1 would pleas recommend chines wine person2 would like tast moutan person1 that great come along moutan person2 ye con order typic chines dish exampl roast beij duck person1 sound good person2 ye best hotel person1 realli let tri person2 thank moment pleas,#Person2# recommends #Person1# to have Roast Beijing Duck along with Moutan in the hotel. #Person1# will have a try.,hotel food
test_124_3,person1 would pleas recommend chines wine person2 would like tast moutan person1 that great come along moutan person2 ye con order typic chines dish exampl roast beij duck person1 sound good person2 ye best hotel person1 realli let tri person2 thank moment pleas,#Person2# recommends Moutan and Roast Beijing Duck. #Person1# will have a try in the hotel.,Chinese cuisine
test_125_1,person1 hello person2 hi angela dan person1 hi dan person2 good person1 call yesterday get messag person2 ye take shower call saw call tri call back think phone person1 problem want remind friend get marri next week your still come wed right person2 oh next week person1 ye forget person2 cours alreadi bought present person1 that good want invit megan also next time see tell person2 sure know friend person1 ye think might gone colleg someth like im exactli sure know person2 go drive togeth person1 ye ill pick first well go get megan,Angela calls Dan to make sure he's coming to the wedding with him next week and also asks him to invite Megan. They'll drive to the wedding together.,attend a wedding
test_125_2,person1 hello person2 hi angela dan person1 hi dan person2 good person1 call yesterday get messag person2 ye take shower call saw call tri call back think phone person1 problem want remind friend get marri next week your still come wed right person2 oh next week person1 ye forget person2 cours alreadi bought present person1 that good want invit megan also next time see tell person2 sure know friend person1 ye think might gone colleg someth like im exactli sure know person2 go drive togeth person1 ye ill pick first well go get megan,Angela calls to remind Dan that they are going to the wedding of her friend next week and asks him to invite Megan. The three of them will go together.,wedding
test_125_3,person1 hello person2 hi angela dan person1 hi dan person2 good person1 call yesterday get messag person2 ye take shower call saw call tri call back think phone person1 problem want remind friend get marri next week your still come wed right person2 oh next week person1 ye forget person2 cours alreadi bought present person1 that good want invit megan also next time see tell person2 sure know friend person1 ye think might gone colleg someth like im exactli sure know person2 go drive togeth person1 ye ill pick first well go get megan,Angela reminds Dan to come to the wedding next week and asks him to invite Megan as well. They agree to go there together.,atteding wedding
test_126_1,person1 time dessert still hungri person2 ive alway got room someth sweet person1 go tri first person2 ive never tri tradit greek yogurt want tri first person1 serv yogurt anyth person2 believ add local produc honey person1 sound good im go start italian tiramisu person2 want tri yogurt favorit everyday dessert greec person1 ok mmm person2 think tast person1 nice rather plain want tri tiramisu person2 sure ill bite person1 think tast good person2 absolut delici best tiramisu ive ever person1 im glad like dont care dont finish tiramisu tri one fri banana person2 ok ive one theyr realli sweet crunchi person1 know person2 believ local delicaci south person1 want get one person2 yeah weve alreadi pig person1 ok ill back two fri banana minut wait,"#Person2# has traditional Greek yogurt, which #Person1# thinks rather plain. #Person1# has an Italian tiramisu, which #Person2# thinks delicious. #Person1# goes and gets both of them a fried banana.",dessert
test_126_2,person1 time dessert still hungri person2 ive alway got room someth sweet person1 go tri first person2 ive never tri tradit greek yogurt want tri first person1 serv yogurt anyth person2 believ add local produc honey person1 sound good im go start italian tiramisu person2 want tri yogurt favorit everyday dessert greec person1 ok mmm person2 think tast person1 nice rather plain want tri tiramisu person2 sure ill bite person1 think tast good person2 absolut delici best tiramisu ive ever person1 im glad like dont care dont finish tiramisu tri one fri banana person2 ok ive one theyr realli sweet crunchi person1 know person2 believ local delicaci south person1 want get one person2 yeah weve alreadi pig person1 ok ill back two fri banana minut wait,#Person2# tries Greek yogurt which #Person1# thinks it's rather plain. #Person1# has an Italian tiramisu which #Person2# thinks delicious. They both decide to have fried bananas and #Person1# will bring bananas back.,dessert
test_126_3,person1 time dessert still hungri person2 ive alway got room someth sweet person1 go tri first person2 ive never tri tradit greek yogurt want tri first person1 serv yogurt anyth person2 believ add local produc honey person1 sound good im go start italian tiramisu person2 want tri yogurt favorit everyday dessert greec person1 ok mmm person2 think tast person1 nice rather plain want tri tiramisu person2 sure ill bite person1 think tast good person2 absolut delici best tiramisu ive ever person1 im glad like dont care dont finish tiramisu tri one fri banana person2 ok ive one theyr realli sweet crunchi person1 know person2 believ local delicaci south person1 want get one person2 yeah weve alreadi pig person1 ok ill back two fri banana minut wait,#Person2# tries Greek yogurt which #Person1# thinks it's rather plain. #Person1# has an Italian tiramisu which #Person2# thinks delicious. Then they want to have fried bananas and #Person1# goes out to buy some.,eating dessert
test_127_1,person1 could tell univers went mr smith person2 went yale univers person1 studi person2 b econom person1 would mind tell old person2 im twentyseven person1 could tell job person2 ye work bank last five year person1 salari bank person2 got 500 week,"Mr. Smith tells #Person1# that he is 27 and gets a B.A. in Economics at Yale University. During the last five years, he has worked in a bank for $500 a week.",personal experience
test_127_2,person1 could tell univers went mr smith person2 went yale univers person1 studi person2 b econom person1 would mind tell old person2 im twentyseven person1 could tell job person2 ye work bank last five year person1 salari bank person2 got 500 week,"Mr. Smith tells #Person1# that he graduated from Yale University with a B. A. in Economics, and he has worked in a bank for the last five years with $500 a week.",interview
test_127_3,person1 could tell univers went mr smith person2 went yale univers person1 studi person2 b econom person1 would mind tell old person2 im twentyseven person1 could tell job person2 ye work bank last five year person1 salari bank person2 got 500 week,"Mr. Smith tells #Person1# that he is 27 and gets a B.A. in Economics at Yale University. During the last five years, he has worked in a bank for $500 a week.",personal information
test_128_1,person1 hi want get someth nice niec person2 well ive never heard littl girl didnt love barbi doll person1 like suggest show one pleas person2 go digit barbi person1 oh niec love much person2 barbi best seller she 29 95 person1 that great ill take person2 niec love anyth els person1 thank person2 tax total 32 42 would like charg person1 ill pay cash thank person2 thank shop,#Person2# recommends Digital Barbie for #Person1#'s niece. #Person1# pays $32.42 for it by cash.,gift
test_128_2,person1 hi want get someth nice niec person2 well ive never heard littl girl didnt love barbi doll person1 like suggest show one pleas person2 go digit barbi person1 oh niec love much person2 barbi best seller she 29 95 person1 that great ill take person2 niec love anyth els person1 thank person2 tax total 32 42 would like charg person1 ill pay cash thank person2 thank shop,#Person2# recommends #Person1# to buy a $32. 42 Digital Barbie for #Person1#'s niece. #Person1# pays it by cash.,buy present
test_128_3,person1 hi want get someth nice niec person2 well ive never heard littl girl didnt love barbi doll person1 like suggest show one pleas person2 go digit barbi person1 oh niec love much person2 barbi best seller she 29 95 person1 that great ill take person2 niec love anyth els person1 thank person2 tax total 32 42 would like charg person1 ill pay cash thank person2 thank shop,#Person1# paid $32.42 by cash to buy a Digital Barbie as a niece's gift after listening to #Person2#'s suggestion.,selecting gift
test_129_1,person1 help person2 ye want pair sport shoe jordan person1 size want person2 size 41 person1 person2 fit make littl cheaper person1 alreadi sale,#Person2# wants a pair of Jordan shoes in size 41.,sport shoes
test_129_2,person1 help person2 ye want pair sport shoe jordan person1 size want person2 size 41 person1 person2 fit make littl cheaper person1 alreadi sale,#Person2# wants to buy a pair of Jordan shoes in size 41.,Jordan shoes
test_129_3,person1 help person2 ye want pair sport shoe jordan person1 size want person2 size 41 person1 person2 fit make littl cheaper person1 alreadi sale,#Person2# wants to buy a pair of Jordan shoes in size 41.,buying shoes
test_130_1,person1 uh tsk hum person2 excus need help person1 nah im look well person2 okay person1 uh well actual yeah um want go scienc museum ive lost past hour cant make head tail ticket machin person2 ah well press button person1 oh yeah dollar fifti person1 okay person2 get train platform number 4 person1 alright oh often train come around time day person2 usual come everi six minut person1 okay get train person2 get state street station three stop person1 okay got thank help person2 problem good luck,#Person1# wants to go to the science museum but loses the way. #Person2# helps #Person1# buy the ticket and gives #Person1# directions.,ask directions
test_130_2,person1 uh tsk hum person2 excus need help person1 nah im look well person2 okay person1 uh well actual yeah um want go scienc museum ive lost past hour cant make head tail ticket machin person2 ah well press button person1 oh yeah dollar fifti person1 okay person2 get train platform number 4 person1 alright oh often train come around time day person2 usual come everi six minut person1 okay get train person2 get state street station three stop person1 okay got thank help person2 problem good luck,#Person1# is lost on the way to the science museum. #Person2# helps #Person1# to buy the tickets for the train and gives #Person1# directions.,train
test_130_3,person1 uh tsk hum person2 excus need help person1 nah im look well person2 okay person1 uh well actual yeah um want go scienc museum ive lost past hour cant make head tail ticket machin person2 ah well press button person1 oh yeah dollar fifti person1 okay person2 get train platform number 4 person1 alright oh often train come around time day person2 usual come everi six minut person1 okay get train person2 get state street station three stop person1 okay got thank help person2 problem good luck,#Person2# helps #Person1# operate the ticket machine to buy a train ticket and tells #Person1# who loses the way how to go to the science museum.,getting lost
test_131_1,person1 simon feel retir person2 well bad person1 spend time person2 spend time famili ive also travel bit know season everywher less crowd hotel cost less person1 great person2 know havent stop work complet person1 ye could tell us person2 im scheme that call phase retir sixmonth break work could appli project work compani use work person1 scheme work person2 well trial moment instead hire temporari stuff compani advertis post websit retir employe like access person1 sort work advertis person2 well sort thing realli administr work special work sort thing project last five six month other coupl day decid less work manag time person1 see good compani get person2 well still old contact work know contact get someth done compani get flexibl job that im book,#Person1# asks Simon about his retirement and finds out Simon is on a trial scheme called phased retirement. He can work with his former company but manage his own time. #Person1# thinks it's good for Simon.,phased retirement
test_131_2,person1 simon feel retir person2 well bad person1 spend time person2 spend time famili ive also travel bit know season everywher less crowd hotel cost less person1 great person2 know havent stop work complet person1 ye could tell us person2 im scheme that call phase retir sixmonth break work could appli project work compani use work person1 scheme work person2 well trial moment instead hire temporari stuff compani advertis post websit retir employe like access person1 sort work advertis person2 well sort thing realli administr work special work sort thing project last five six month other coupl day decid less work manag time person1 see good compani get person2 well still old contact work know contact get someth done compani get flexibl job that im book,"Simon tells #Person1# that he is on a scheme called phased retirement during which he had a six-month break from work, and after that he could apply for projects of the company he used to work for but manage his own time. #Person1# thinks it's good for Simon.",phased retirement
test_131_3,person1 simon feel retir person2 well bad person1 spend time person2 spend time famili ive also travel bit know season everywher less crowd hotel cost less person1 great person2 know havent stop work complet person1 ye could tell us person2 im scheme that call phase retir sixmonth break work could appli project work compani use work person1 scheme work person2 well trial moment instead hire temporari stuff compani advertis post websit retir employe like access person1 sort work advertis person2 well sort thing realli administr work special work sort thing project last five six month other coupl day decid less work manag time person1 see good compani get person2 well still old contact work know contact get someth done compani get flexibl job that im book,"Simon tells #Person1# that he joined in a phased retirement scheme which offers retired people work positions from the former company, and he can manage his own time. #Person1# thinks it's good for Simon.",retirement time
test_132_1,person1 hey rocki youv sit around night get danc someon like woman person2 way look like intellectu type person1 oh come man kind woman like person2 want woman who affection fulfil everi need woman right type person1 hey time chang your never go find woman shine shoe pick time wake person2 oh realli meet lot women like parti oh also prefer woman wholl stay home cook clean watch kid person1 okay household respons get home work person2 hmm eat watch tv throw garbag person1 wait wait wait cant believ im hear fact your never go get marri recent read news report said 40 percent women dont think husband share around hous seem type person2 well that way what idea perfect woman person1 well like woman who outgo care nonjudgment peopl differ bother peopl think center univers like someon know person2 well that nice doesnt chang point view guess ill go home tv dinner dog rusti person1 hey stick go long lone night say hello rusti,"Rocky doesn't want to dance because no one at the party fits his type, but #Person1# likes different kinds of women from him. Finally, Rocky decides to go home to a TV dinner and his dog, Rusty",type
test_132_2,person1 hey rocki youv sit around night get danc someon like woman person2 way look like intellectu type person1 oh come man kind woman like person2 want woman who affection fulfil everi need woman right type person1 hey time chang your never go find woman shine shoe pick time wake person2 oh realli meet lot women like parti oh also prefer woman wholl stay home cook clean watch kid person1 okay household respons get home work person2 hmm eat watch tv throw garbag person1 wait wait wait cant believ im hear fact your never go get marri recent read news report said 40 percent women dont think husband share around hous seem type person2 well that way what idea perfect woman person1 well like woman who outgo care nonjudgment peopl differ bother peopl think center univers like someon know person2 well that nice doesnt chang point view guess ill go home tv dinner dog rusti person1 hey stick go long lone night say hello rusti,"Rocky wants a woman who's affectionate and fulfills his every need. #Person1# likes different kinds of women from him. Rocky doesn't mind and plans to go home and spend the night with a TV dinner and his dog, Rusty.",woman
test_132_3,person1 hey rocki youv sit around night get danc someon like woman person2 way look like intellectu type person1 oh come man kind woman like person2 want woman who affection fulfil everi need woman right type person1 hey time chang your never go find woman shine shoe pick time wake person2 oh realli meet lot women like parti oh also prefer woman wholl stay home cook clean watch kid person1 okay household respons get home work person2 hmm eat watch tv throw garbag person1 wait wait wait cant believ im hear fact your never go get marri recent read news report said 40 percent women dont think husband share around hous seem type person2 well that way what idea perfect woman person1 well like woman who outgo care nonjudgment peopl differ bother peopl think center univers like someon know person2 well that nice doesnt chang point view guess ill go home tv dinner dog rusti person1 hey stick go long lone night say hello rusti,"Rocky has particular requirements and cannot find a suitable woman in the party, so he doesn't want to dance. #Person1# likes different kinds of women from him. He sticks with his views and decides to go home to a TV dinner and his dog, Rusty.",choosing woman standards
test_133_1,person1 heavi storm last night wasnt person2 certainli wind broke sever window weather person1 know big tree front hous one biggest branch came night person2 realli damag home person1 thank good far away person2 realli hate storm time nice spring weather person1 april know flower begin blossom person2 ye that true still think weather terribl person1 suppos complain fine march,#Person1# and #Person2# is talking about the heavy storm last night. #Person2# thinks the weather is terrible. #Person1# is positive towards that.,weather