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person1 dad need suppli school wonder person2 yeah coupl pencil eras kitchen drawer think person1 dad im grade 8 need real suppli demand class person2 oh need ruler person1 dad need high tech stuff like calcul laptop comput person2 uh didnt middl school fine person1 yeah werent car either thing lot progress person2 great daughter play video game class person1 dad person2 okay much thing go cost person1 well found comput store 299 person2 well youll support old age guess need person1 right mom alreadi wait car us said would buy ice cream could talk buy today,#Person1# tries to talk her dad into buying a few expensive supplies for school. Her dad at first is unwilling but later gives in.
person1 look rather pale mr william arent feel well person2 noth seriou actual sick night didnt sleep well person1 seem matter flu person2 think someth ate ate new restaur last night must eaten someth didnt agre person1 new restaur fourth street open two week ago person2 matter fact ask person1 jerri ate last week kind problem sick next day person2 that interest mayb health author look matter person1 that think two peopl similar problem short time cant coincid,Mr. Williams tells #Person1# he ate something at a restaurant and feels sick. #Person1# says Jerry has the same experience. They think the restaurant should be investigated.
person1 weather today person2 hot humid person1 quit differ forecast person2 weather chang often time year possibl cool late afternoon person1 summer gener person2 usual hot raini person1 month hot humid person2 june raini season hasnt arriv yet person1 shall today good weekend shouldnt wast person2 swim person1 that great idea,#Person2# tells #Person1# it's hot and humid today and the weather here in summers are usually hot and rainy. Then #Person2# suggests swimming and #Person1# agrees.
person1 dont think teacher right say teacher wrong accus front whole class person2 youv got joke teacher right say anyth want saw myra cheat certainli right say person1 agre right say someth feel done privat person2 your right teacher wouldnt done person1 bell ring let get class,#Person1# and #Person2# think the teacher should talk to Myra privately even if she saw Myra cheating.
person1 get mobil realli cute person2 oh got singapor want take look person1 thank gee realli light person2 ye isnt bit light realli make got person1 ive got old ericsson take look person2 wow that realli old person1 ye like collect antiqu person2 dont get new one person1 dont know like one dont need bell whistl get new one person2 realli make say person1 well need make receiv call quit reliabl find fanci stuff put thing like break bown go wrong know mean camera function instancehow often use person2 sometim guess often fun sometim im trip exampl take pictur send kid send pictur sampl back offic get cost immedi person1 well that nice guess mani kid person2 three two boy girl,"#Person2# shows #Person1# a light mobile and #Person1# shows #Person2# an old Ericsson. #Person1# doesn't want a new one because #Person1# only needs to make and receives calls, and #Person1# thinks other functions are unreliable."
person1 realli glad hear award congratul person2 thank denis actual realli surpris mean lot qualifi peopl person1 sure work realli except definit deserv person2 thank lot expect see name nomin pretti soon youv great work,Denise congratulates #Person2# on #Person2#'s getting the award.
person1 born may ask person2 20th may 1963 person1 know accord lunar calendar person2 27th day fourth month person1 way could tell film begin person2 begin five thirti person1 friaid cant time person2 see tomorrow person1 dont want miss today person2 see person1 see,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s birthday and the beginning time of the movie.
person1 use antiviru program protect comput person2 ye also use antispywar program firewal mani nasti internet mani peopl tri use internet hurt user care keep comput clean person1 often run antiviru program person2 usual run everi day find viru half time person1 antiviru program would recommend person2 tri one good download free internet also download updat free person1 sound good websit visit download person2 minut go one ill send email line take minut download go set procedur complic person1 use comput person2 use sever thingssurf net word process creat present dont play mani game comput lot work photograph use c comput program edit resiz photograph also make brighter darker cut piec differ photograph creat new one person1 comput great arent download program learn use,"#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# uses an anti-virus program to protect the computer and runs it every few days. #Person2# recommends an anti-virus program, and tells #Person1# what #Person2# uses the computer for."
person1 hey michel jump quick pour person2 oh hi melissa go confer plan pick mr campbel person1 ye told need pick hotel go confer person2 oh see okay heard got marri congratul person1 ah thank im excit go get marri next year decid get marri holiday instead wonder person2 sound romant jack hope get marri europ next year postpon plan dont money person1 know mean think shanghai get expens dont person2 sure opinion actual becom expens back home person1 definit oh there mr campbel driver stop pleas,Melissa picks Michelle up and she is also going to pick up Mr. Campbell. Michelle congratulates Melissa on her marriage and they both agree weddings cost a lot.
person1 think studi abroad person2 think great idea studi abroad offer plenti new opportun plan go abroad person1 ye hope studi ielt right person2 countri want go person1 id like studi uk realli expens person2 appli school person1 ye receiv condit offer oxford univers day ago person2 congratul that excel news get uncondit offer person1 get ielt score 7 5 overal think person2 studi hard dont see wouldnt receiv offer person1 also accpet yale univers sydney univers person2 your worri money cost live lowest america howev go oxford univers youll probabl abl get job want futur person1 cant decid go easi decis make person2 id appli scholarship grant decid whatevert know youll succeed,#Person1# asks for #Person2#'s opinion about studying abroad. #Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# has already received some offers but cannot decide where to go. #Person2# gives some suggestions.
person1 hello chandler person2 fine person1 tire compani hold mani train session late person2 that good evey compani provid employe train opportun seem compani want develop employe encourag lifelong learn person1 good person2 what problem person1 particip train busi day weekend know work want throw onto bed weekend want stay home enjoy famili dinner person2 ye right one keep learn daili maintain keen mental power expand intellectu capac constant learn drive us sharp power reason analysi judgement person1 ye agre point couldnt train held work day instead weekend person2 ye right think weekend time famili gather rest mayb could make suggest boss,#Person1# complains to Chandler that #Person1#'s company holds too many training sessions occupying much of their spare time. Chandler thinks training is necessary but agrees that weekends shouldn't be occupied.
person1 hi jane welcom back west coast person2 terrif wonder time realli nice get away citi person1 think lo angel person2 alright like better thought would clean spaciou got lot tree problem transport bu servic terribl cours dont subway littl difficult get around rent car person1 weather good person2 oh ye nice warm lo angelu cool comfort san francisco person1 cool san francisco surpris person2 yeah surpris bit didnt take sweater anyth say alway like august anyway love probabl beauti citi us hill bay charm old victorian hous person1 like better lo angel person2 oh ye much see smaller lo angelu bit easier get around lot buse streetcar cours cabl car,Jane shares her enjoyable trip to the west coast with #Person1#. Jane likes San Francisco better due to the weather and there is much more to see and do.
person1 marcia think person2 well sarah tim daniel watson think choic pretti obviou person1 daniel look good paper resum littl perfect person2 seem great first spoke person1 ye first impress often lie guess peopl like sort style wouldnt fit us much confid person2 couldnt agre wherea sarah tim person1 convinc confid also modest thought present excel person2 ye littl worri much experi person1 ye that true seem readi take challeng give person2 give job person1 sarah person2 agre entir,#Person1# and Marcia talk about the two candidates' performance. They both think the job should be given to Sarah instead of Daniel.
person1 peopl store buy product person2 well good product custom think product excel person1 dont order product time person2 problem isnt central comput new york person1 must improv system person2 ok anoth problem salespeopl custom arent happi servic person1 difficult find staff know sport good must increas pay find better peopl person2 dont agre think must train staff,"#Person2# tells #Person1# customers think the products are excellent, but the problems lie in the system and the salespeople."
person1 hello mr jan erik fredman frequent travel also know eat twice day come fond eat person2 got first job back nineteen eighti two start travel choic eat found felt differ due eat tri find place serv food made feel good secret qualiti food well food prepar made effort find good restaur well nice dish person1 manag make list 218 favorit restaur person2 live mani citi move back sweden unit state peopl ask go eat went citi knew got lot idea wrote restaur swedish club magazin someon suggest gather inform restaur togeth sinc fact restaur start person1 find restaur person2 best way ask peopl may talk peopl street market take walk look place never ask hotel clerk taxi driver dont go empti restaur place menu difficult understand,"#Person1# interviews Mr. Fredman. Mr. Fredman explains why he likes eating out, how he manages to make a long list of favorite restaurants, and how he finds restaurants in detail."
person1 could tell educ background person2 sure shall begin person1 univers go person2 went univers ohio person1 degre get person2 got bachelor degre person1 major person2 major english minor chines person1 gpa person2 graduat honor 39 person1 plan pursu educ person2 ye id like obtain master degre intern relat person1 think person2 300 400 year work experi person1 see,"#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s education background including #Person2#'s university, degree, major, GPA, and further education plan."
person1 hello china southern airlin help person2 ye could make reserv new york juli 21st next friday person1 sorri flight avail juli 21st person2 that bad what earliest flight avail person1 give reserv flight cz 387 juli 22nd person2 fight schedul person1 depart 1210 arriv 1510 next day person2 nonstop flight person1 ye person2 sound good id like take flight person1 would prefer first class economi class person2 economi class person1 name pleas person2 edward smith person1 mr smith get thing fix agenc guangzhou rememb bring passport person2 ye mani thank goodby person1 bye,"Edward Smith wants to book a flight to New York on July 21st but it isn't available, so he takes another flight on July 22nd."
person1 prime respons daili work person2 main job serv client give want person1 thing need know person2 youd spend 30 time comput may bore job like person1 problem use,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person1#'s main job is serving the clients and spending much time on the computer. #Person1#'s used to it.
person1 hi bob everyth okay person2 less there one thing bother person1 oh what person2 well know student studi master degre one tri give gift kinda made uneasi person1 gift person2 egyptian carpet student came offic day brought carpet show gratitud see gift realli uncomfort mean expens gift student give professor dont think ive done anyth deserv gift refus person1 refus gift that terribl person2 know realli cant accept expens gift explain seem realli upset think might taken wrong way person1 perhap probabl think consid gift bribe higher grade person2 that worri understand respect attach gift honor realli dont think proper student spend fortun gift professor think need talk make sure page,"Bob tells #Person1# a student tried to give him an Egyptian carpet. He thought it was too expensive and refused it, but he's worried that the student might have taken it the wrong way."
person1 let go practic drive person2 that want person1 buckl seatbelt person2 im buckl what next person1 need start car person2 want person1 go left person2 far go person1 ill let know want stop person2 tell want stop person1 right tri park person2 thank let go drive tomorrow,#Person1# advises #Person2# to practice driving and gives instructions during the practice.
person1 hi new laptop brought last week look nice person2 ye thank surf internet person1 cafe person2 cafe offer wireless internet connect mean get net free cours buy cup coffe person1 great anywher person2 cafe offer wireless connect 10 12 place offer citi person1 program laptop person2 got usual one word process creat edit photograph person1 know keen photographi use abl download photo digit camera attach pictur file email send anyon anywher person2 wonder would like see photo took recent,#Person2#'s surfing on the internet with #Person2#'s new laptop through a wireless internet connection offered by the cafe. #Person2# tells #Person1# what programs #Person2# has and invites #Person1# to see some photos #Person2# took recently.
person1 good morn sir see board pass pleas person2 person1 excus sir passport person2 realli ugh differ person1 ye matter fact cant board plane without board pass person2 gee must left hotel room person1 im sorri sir cant let pass person2 plane take person1 ugh thirti minut sir person2 oh god bone head bone head bone head smash head hand person1 calm sir creat commot person2 speaker airport say mr benjamin board pass name benjamin lost found person1 could person2 oh thank god thank ill right back person1 benjamin start run seem rememb someth return ugh excus lost found person2 lobbi turn left exit b person1 thank thank thank,"#Person1# can't let Benjamin board the plane without his boarding pass. Benjamin thinks he left it in the hotel room and blames himself, then the speaker in the airport announces that there is a boarding pass by the name of Benjamin at Lost and Found. Benjamin will go to have a look."
person1 good there inform desk get 70th street pleas person2 northern line want person1 much person2 two yuan person1 way go northern line person2 go 8 ticketbarri train directli person1 appreci thank person2 that right,#Person1# asks #Person2# for directions to the 70th Street.
person1 vinc busi im go beat around bush need rais person2 cant zina know cant person1 bull ire done research know still control 65 percent invok option person2 told person1 doesnt matter want least 4 percent,"Zina needs a raise. Vince can't do that, but Zina insists."
person1 busi internet steven person2 dont mention lost bunch money year think brink bankruptci person1 sorri hear show buy compani idea person2 chang strategi around invest good compani person1 ye agre go find good compani invest soon person2 good idea pleas care invest time person1 ye learn green hand person2 question ask person1 ok wife sent messag ask go home leav person2 right let chat next time byeby person1 bye,Steven lost much money on Internet business so he's now investing in good companies. #Person1# wants to invest too but #Person1# is green hand on investment. Steven's willing to help.
person1 wow happen look sad person2 lost job boss told person1 that unbeliev happen person2 dont understand seem save money person1 cantt believ youv work year,#Person1#'s astonished that #Person2# lost #Person2#'s job.
person1 nice garden look tulip person2 would good shot take pictur dear pleas tri get garden frame well person1 right would pleas stand closer flower bed good smile say chees ok got that terrif person2 thank could take one angl person1 problem person2 let one togeth person1 know set timer person2 let see set timer first push button oh come person1 ok let tri person2 chees person1 come person2 ye blur littl dark person1 never mind let go fall tri person2 ok let go,"#Person1# takes several pictures for #Person2# in the garden. They take a picture together by setting the timer but it isn't ideal, so they'll go to the falls and try again."
person1 good life good dont think person2 yeah cours although dont ever wonder could person1 mean person2 well sometim think thing could turn done thing littl differ person1 exampl person2 like exampl hadnt studi architectur would becom artist like want person1 see yeah think wouldnt gotten marri hadnt move town met salli person2 see everyth happen reason wouldnt even met hadnt car accid ten year ago person1 well regret person2 ill drink,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about how their life would be if they had done things differently. They are content with their current life.
person1 long plan live person2 wed like sign yearlong contract that ok person1 fine know read kind contract person2 ye weve sign even brought chop person1 great rome guy know person2 well sign signatur give passport number along arc number person1 see week,#Person2# will sign a one-year contract and tells #Person1# they know how to read the contract.
person1 jodi must get hold jim today forgot address phone number person2 dont worri pager number right person1 realli youv help lot thank person2 forget noth,Jodi tells #Person1# Jim's pager number. #Person1#'s grateful.
person1 hand plastic cup person2 doctor want test urin need sampl person1 suppos person2 need urin like normal would stop finish cup person1 suppos cup done person2 leav cup cubbi restroom close cubbi door walk away person1 kind test person2 want know bacteria urin could signal infect person1 long take get result person2 send doctor result contact,#Person2# needs to test #Person1#'s urine to know if there's bacteria and tells #Person1# how to do collect a urine sample.
person1 excus want bag person2 let see one goe 17 person1 would take 12 person2 cant give let 12 14 person1 13 50 person2 sorri 14 lowest go,#Person1# bargains with #Person2# for a bag.
person1 that right contract star com final well deal zina person2 cant wait see express face dump person1 dont jump gun she driver seat right patient person2 dont worri im patient vengeanc mine person1 settl elvin your care youll give plan away zina smart know,Elvin and #Person2# plan to deal with Zina to revenge on her. #Person2# asks Elvin to be patient.
person1 look upset anyth wrong person2 ye tell truth person1 person2 well ive lost wallet id card person1 oh that bad sorri hear person2 forget use cri spill milk,#Person2# lost #Person2#'s wallet and ID card. #Person1# feels sorry.
person1 good morn sir help person2 good morn reserv singl room bath person1 may name pleas person2 john bradley person1 moment sir look list ye reserv mr bradley would pleas fill form prepar key card person2 ye borrow pen minut pleas person1 sure person2 fill room number person1 skip put room number later person2 think fill everyth correctli person1 let see name address nation forward address passport number place issu signatur date departur oh sir forgot put date departur let fill leav person2 oct 24th person1 everyth order mr bradley room number 6020 sixth floor daili rate 90 dollar per night key card inform book hotel servic hotel rule regul pleas make sure time need show sign meal drink restaur bar also need show collect key inform desk person2 ok take good care person1 readi mr bradley call bellboy take room person2 ye readi thank person1 hope enjoy stay us person2 tri,"John Bradley has a reservation at #Person1#'s hotel. #Person1# asks him to fill out the form and prepares his key card, which John needs to have with him all the time. #Person1# will call the bellboy to take John to his room."
person1 what wrong jerri look upset person2 honest dump person1 oh im sorri hear go holiday cheer person2 thank im mood travel person1 come trip good anyth weekend person2 plan lot wallow person1 well friend plan go shangrila saturday want come us person2 person1 far well fli one half hour person2 what see person1 larg canyon vast grassland ancient forest mountain lake person2 oh sound nice person1 ye sceneri breathtak pictur home come take look like person2 ok make mind,Jerry looks upset because he was dumped. #Person1# suggests going to Shangri-La with #Person1# and #Person1#'s friends. Jerry's interested and will decide after looking at the pictures.
person1 hasnt dirti person2 someon ought clean today person1 mark clean turn person2 clean last time turn person1 isnt alway clean mark person2 oh dear realli turn case ill clean tomorrow person1 clean lazi peopl say theyll work tomorrow person2 ill clean day tomorrow person1 lazi ought asham enjoy work,"#Person1# points out that it's #Person2#'s turn to clean, but #Person2# doesn't want to do it today."
person1 great weekend person2 feel exactli person1 realli enjoy beach summer person2 couldnt agre person1 come often person2 absolut right person1 id like come back next weekend,#Person1# and #Person2# are enjoying the beach and they're both hilarious.
person1 think apart far person2 beauti person1 dont problem look person2 actual problem person1 like person2 stain left carpet person1 stain clean carpet move person2 oh right person1 ye problem person2 problem saw person1 well im glad everyth els like person2 honestli love,#Person2#'s satisfied with the apartment except for some stains on the carpet. #Person1# assures #Person2# they'll be cleaned before #Person2# moves in.
person1 honey think need go see doctor person2 ah your bleed happen person1 work garag cut saw person2 use rag appli pressur cut hurt person1 realli there lot blood person2 may need stitch think handl clinic instead er let make quick phone call person1 im go go sit car still stomach walk person2 oh sorri forgot get queasi sight blood ill right,#Person1# is bleeding because #Person1# was cut by a saw. #Person2# will take #Person1# to the clinic.
person1 excus post offic around person2 ye there one corner 23th street person1 get person2 walk north 3 block next mexico restaur person1 far person2 oh close mayb 5 minut walk,#Person1# asks #Person2# for directions to the Post Office.
person1 need make money take trip north februari know way make money person2 deliv paper person1 alreadi thought dont bike person2 walk dog person1 walk dog person2 yeah know lot peopl around littl dog dog walk everi day that good health person1 dont know much make person2 carri paper person1 well like anim go find dog walk person2 put advertis sunday newspap person1 much ad person2 ad ten dollar im sure tri two dollar half hourthat would ten dollar five time week walk three four dog everi day school get rich,#Person1# wants to make money. #Person2# advises #Person1# to walk dogs and tells #Person1# to put an advertisement in the newspaper to find dogs to walk.
person1 look jenni dont understand what go said sister arriv 730 830 person2 im sorri mike dont understand either here helena telegram look person1 arriv heathrow tuesday 1930 cant wait see cant wait see hmmm cant wait see jenni where come airlin travel what flight number person2 dont know telegram inform person1 never mind jenni let coffe sit think best thing,Jenny and Mike are waiting for Jenny's sister Helena at the airport but she doesn't show up. They read her telegram again and decide to think about solutions.
person1 bu suppos arriv 900 alreadi 15 minut late doesnt come soon ill late date person2 ye meet 1000 cant afford miss,The bus hasn't arrived. #Person1# and #Person2# will be late.
person1 want go movi tonight person2 cant review lesson person1 test tomorrow person2 ye midterm exam person1 wish good luck person2 thank im littl nervou person1 nervou use studi well person2 havent studi long time,#Person1# invites #Person2# to the movies but #Person2# needs to study for the test.
person1 paulanar restaur head waiter good morn person2 id like book tabl two person1 today madam person2 cours person1 time madam person2 oh three oclock suppos person1 im afraid serv lunch till 3 pm madam person2 oh well two oclock must window person1 good name pleas person2 white linda white person1 good mr white tabl two 2 pm today,Linda White books a table for two at Paulanar Restaurant at 2 p.m. today with #Person1#'s help.
person1 hi randal hi come person2 uh yeah stop see still look roommat share hous person1 yeap sure ever sinc cut back work hour go school ive realli strap cash person2 oh person1 hey let show place uh here live room person2 oh look like could use new carpet stain person1 well ive problem former roommat know need clean dont money right person2 oh kitchen person1 right way look complet furnish latest applianc except person2 person1 well refriger door broken littl bit wont shut way need fix dont worri ive improvis push box keep shut person2 hmm great person1 ah isnt bad person2 well bathroom person1 well person2 dont tell toilet clog sink leak person1 work fine uh tile shower need replac window need fix person2 let see tile window where window pane person1 well that anoth slight problem ive put piec cardboard keep hmmm rain snow get littl cold alway turn heat well use central heat went oh boy person2 hey think ive seen enough cant believ youv surviv condit person1 think realli cant beat place like 450 month problem fix person2 uh thank think ive seen enough,"Randall stopped by to see if #Person1# is still looking for a roommate. #Person1# shows Randall the place but the house has many problems, so Randall won't rent the room even though #Person1# offers a low price."
person1 seem matter person2 cant sleep well doctor person1 see long problem person2 oh two week person1 two week headach person2 sometim person1 fever person2 person1 famili problem person2 realli get along pretti well person1 work person2 well ive work lot late 11 hour day person1 mayb take vacat rest day person2 well cant right middl import busi person1 ye understand realli need slow your go kill go like,#Person2# can't sleep well for about two weeks and sometimes has headaches. #Person1# thinks it's because of overworking and suggests some rest.
person1 senat kirk elect plan person2 well first plan creat job offic work hard make state good place busi busi hire peopl peopl abl work feed famili person1 think environ person2 strong support protect environ think need build train need peopl ride bike need protect air everybodi need clean air elect senat make sure protect earth person1 2009 vote let factori put garbag river correct person2 that correct never vote let factori put garbag river fact wrong strong support busi even stronger support environ,"Senator Kirk tells #Person1# he will create more jobs and help protect the earth if elected again, and he denies he had voted to let factories put their garbage into the river."
person1 hey jessica new fun test paper love fill thing person2 what one person1 health person2 ok read ill keep score person1 ok 1 smoke ten cigarett day person2 that easi gave smoke three year ago person1 right know person2 yeah ive heard person1 realli im go id say ye ok 2 checkup doctor offic least year person2 yeah compani make us go doctor everi year person1 well went doctorlet seeabout three year ago person2 go often person1 well let move 7 work ten hour day person2 youv work lot late person1 im realli tire work lot less weve busi though person2 realli slow person1 easi last question worri lot life person2 worri lot yeah guess id say ye rest person1 definit rest know surpris im dead alreadi,"#Person1# reads a test about health to Jessica. Jessica gave up smoking, goes to the doctor every year, and doesn't work overtime, but #Person1# smokes, seldom goes to the doctor, and is quite busy. They both worry a lot in life and they should rest more."
person1 parti new hous saturday would like come person2 sound good french class morn danc class afternoon person1 that ok parti start even come danc class person2 great bring someth person1 ye potluck parti prepar someth eat person2 problem roast turkey salad pud wonder prepar person1 anyth fine person2 think im good pud ill make bananaflavor pud person1 nice see,#Person1# invites #Person2# to a party. #Person2# will make a pudding and bring it to the party.
person1 shall weekend person2 someth special mind person1 realli thought might fun someth new person2 someth chang mean person1 ye someth differ need chang person2 usual go shop hair done weekend usual watch footbal game tv person1 ye often tea friend sometim play card friend seldom anyth togeth quit unlik first marri person2 ive got idea autumn best season beij dont go picnic weekend youll invit friend ill invit mine well go togeth person1 good idea id see car youll prepar food sure realli want friend come along,#Person1# and #Person2# want to do something for a change this weekend. #Person2# suggests going for a picnic with their friends. #Person1# agrees.
person1 tell past experi person2 past 3 year work china east airlin corpor limit im toler peopl told one strength feel lot offer team member person1 interest occup person2 alway dream stewardess like travel differ place person1 think chief charcterist stewardess person2 well stewardess friendli courteou patient treat passeng kindli polit person1 get angri easili person2 know control temper person1 passeng accid would person2 would give basic first aid ask partner call assist time person1 hire start work person2 begin work right away work person1 salari expect person2 realli need inform job start discuss salari id like postpon discuss later mayb could tell budget posit commiss structur work,#Person1# interviews #Person2#. #Person2# tells #Person1# about herself and her past experience. #Person2# shows her professionalism as a stewardess and then talks about salary expectation with #Person1#.
person1 life person2 dont ask question know certain answer everyon know heart person1 think life arrang someth us person2 mayb whirligig time know person1 right,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about life.
person1 time connect flight person2 let check oh ohit 325 person1 wow that cut close mean 25 minut make connect gate person2 gate 14 person1 oh great that end termin person2 ok here plan land run gate 14 person1 im right behind ya,#Person1# and #Person2# are rushing to catch their connecting flight.
person1 happi birthday ms lin present person2 oh thank kind ah porcelain vase person1 hope like person2 ye love expect someth like long time thank ever much person1 glad like,#Person1# gives Ms. Lin a porcelain vase for her birthday and Ms. Lin likes it.
person1 linda john go get marri next week person2 that wonder congratul person1 thank linda would love come wed person2 id love date person1 may 1st person2 day person1 saturday could make time person2 ye sure time wed begin person1 nine sharp person2 good im look forward pleas give best regard john wish best luck person1 thank,#Person1# invites Linda to #Person1#'s wedding. Linda accepts the invitation and congratulates them.
person1 hi bob glad came person2 cours id come couldnt think better chanc see old friend person1 yeah hard believ ten year sinc graduat feel yesterday collect diploma person2 time fli hey thing go person1 oh start up down im still tri find place world recent ive ablt start settl still jenn person2 yeah jenni got marri right graduat tough first year tri make end meet support us continu studi thing get better person1 oh sound wonder alway known two would make hope keep better contact guy dont want us drift apart person2 definit actual move new place there housewarm parti saturday free know jenni would love see good parti person1 sound great ill,#Person1# and Bob haven't met each other since their graduation ten years ago. They each talk about their current life. Bob then invites #Person1# to their house-warming party.
person1 good go entertain weekend kind movi like best person2 hard say like interest signific one dont care whether theyr blockbust person1 shall go downtown movi friday even person2 good what person1 im sure let give call find,#Person2# likes interesting and significant movies. #Person1# invites #Person2# to a movie this Friday evening.
person1 david get mani old book person2 graduat sell use book realli cheap bought person1 arent leav china 2 week finish read mani book person2 ill take back america want continu improv chines theyll help person1 come china person2 dont know mayb sever year later mayb next year depend person1 depend person2 depend whether mom recov still ill leav work china,David will take the old books he bought to America. He tells #Person1# whether he comes back to China depends on his mother's health.
person1 beauti set camp go follow trail river person2 let rest bit told other meet us could take advantag view go river put tent person1 find place seem pretti far away town person2 dad use live near young uncl took brother cabin use fish person1 dont sleep person2 abandon there noth way bring water car person1 thought brought go back car person2 calm river flow around us clean water sourc person1 nois oh scott person2 probabl guy trail unless monster person1 stop joke around,Scott tells #Person1# how he found out about the beautiful place. They didn't bring the water but Scott says the river around them is a clean water source.
person1 toni two univers offer accept student would like go person2 give advic person1 california univers near hometown washington univers 700 mile away person2 dont mind distanc fee person1 washington univers charg 12000 year california univers charg 9000 person2 hear foreign student washington california person1 that capit us cours offer person2 well still cant decid univers choos person1 go visit way help make mind person2 ok ill go see,"#Person1# tells Tony about California University and Washington University that have offered Tony to be their students, but Tony still can't decide. #Person1# then suggests visiting them."
person1 hello mari today hear werent well last week person2 im much better thank person1 matter noth seriou hope person2 oh bad cold stay bed 2 day person1 im glad your better anyway hope last cold winter first cold summer friend dan hear she ill person2 ill she right think caught cold person1 everybodi seem one expect sudden chang weather 1 day hot next day cold person2 windi that im wear sweater today think pretti isnt person1 certainli must cost lot find person2 oh got sale quit cheap person1 realli well mari must say suit well piti men cant wear beauti sweater person2 never mind let go buy one like send sister linda america person1 that kind mari im realli think send present,Mary had a bad cold but she's better now. #Person1# thinks it's the sudden change of weather that causes the cold. Mary is wearing a sweater today which #Person1# thinks beautiful. Mary suggests buying one for #Person1#'s sister Linda.
person1 hi id like get haircut person2 well interest today special well shampoo cut style hair one unbeliev low price 1200 person1 ok want get haircut littl bit littl top side that person2 problem ok go live person1 im lawyer im town job interview person2 oop person1 meanoop hey see mirror person2 noth worri sir relax person1 ouch realli hurt anyway oh look hair floor much realli cut person2 relax time shampoo person1 hey got shampoo eye where towel oh gosh cut hair short want talk manag person2 im sorri he vacat person1 uh,#Person1# comes to get his haircut. #Person2# cuts #Person1#'s hair too short and gets shampoo in his eyes. #Person1# wants to talk to the manager but the manager is on vacation.
person1 april fool day friday saturday year person2 im almost certain thursday person1 god thought weekend go play joke girlfriend invit restaur person2 cant invit thursday person1 exam friday person2 well could invit weekend celebr interest late april fool day person1 guess ill,"#Person2# tells #Person1# April Fool's Day is on Thursday this year. #Person1# wanted to play a joke on his girlfriend, but he has an exam on Friday, so #Person2# suggests he do it on the weekend."
person1 hey look great how everyth person2 yeah know ive go club regularli train realli pay good shape know keep fit person1 realli tell havent gone club long time busi work person2 import proper exercis person1 your right much littl wont good person2 trainer tell besid regular sport activ also healthi balanc diet person1 sound reason person2 eat veget instead junk food stay energet person1 fruit person2 sure get enough sleep also crucial fit person1 ive heard trainer tell anyth keep fit person2 yeah advis stay good mood help one keep sound physic health person1 think follow trainer advic youll right track person2 bet,"#Person2# looks great because #Person2#'s been to the training club regularly. #Person2# tells #Person1# that having a healthy and balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and staying in a good mood help keep physical health."
person1 sure make soon possibl person2 that nice person1 hope matter affect good relat futur deal person2 cours cooper long time,#Person1# and #Person2# will make up things soon.
person1 pleas tell someth insur background person2 major intern bank colleg took mani insur cours work insur compani graduat field work person1 want insur agent person2 care peopl know import insur person1 work experi promot person2 ye work salesman p g compani ltd person1 peopl respond well person2 ye im good peopl,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s insurance background. #Person2# worked at an insurance company and has work experience in promotion.
person1 mum finish homework later person2 sorri know rule person1 want watch tv person2 question person1 pleas person2 chanc person1 even hour person2 sorri imposs,Mum refuses #Person1# to watch TV before finishing homework.
person1 good even saliva what wonder aroma kitchen person2 cook person1 good cook person2 studi skill recent train school plan run restaur practis cook person1 good idea dish cook person2 steam fish pressur cooker ever tri steam fish person1 ye tast steam fish restaur delici fish welldon salti person2 that case think enough time steam soy sauc much person1 idea person2 ok pleas tast person1 thank oh delici person2 thank prais person1 besid steam fish els good cook person2 good stew beef potato fri chicken hot sour soup etc person1 mani dish next friday week birthday would like invit cook dinner parti ok person2 good opportun practis cook person1 thank lot person2 pleasur,"Saliva has to practice cooking because she plans to run a restaurant. She's steaming fish and invites #Person1# to taste it. #Person1# thinks it's delicious. Saliva's good at cooking many other dishes, so #Person1# invites her to cook for #Person1#'s dinner party."
person1 excus would like know someth campu right seem big confus idea go person2 map campu person1 ye help much good read map person2 know class person1 less go three differ build alway get late feel hopeless know late time one els seem person2 that dont know short cut youll learn show rope,#Person1# thinks the campus is big and confusing and tells #Person2# #Person1# is always late for classes. #Person2#'ll tell #Person1# the short cuts.
person1 tom jenni cri person2 take away person1 come person2 kept bother person1 sister ask duck soup good person2 brother servant,Tom asks #Person1# to take Jenny away because she bothers him.
person1 hello bessi person2 hello jack happi birthday person1 birthday forgot thank rememb birthday person2 id like offer congratul birthday best wish futur happi good health continu success ive ask fairi flower send bunch flower hope youll like person1 thank lot im touch person2 let sing happi birthday person1 thank much,"Bessie celebrates the birthday for Jack, and Jack is touched."
person1 excus buse stop person2 ye stop corner person1 want go broadway 82nd street take bu come along person2 take bu except number 9 person1 often buse run person2 run everi five minut person1 fine long take get 82nd street person2 fifteen minut far stranger new york person1 ye arriv three day ago japan person2 like new york citi person1 like much littl confus person2 youll soon get accustom difficult well here bu fortun full person1 thank inform person2 dont mention,#Person2# tells #Person1# can take any bus except the Number 9 to the street. #Person1# likes New York city but thinks it's a little confusing.
person1 didnt punch morn monica person2 sorri dont know rule punch person1 that ok told earlier compani rule person2 also need punch work person1 accord compani rule punch 8 oclock punch 5 oclock everi work day person2 lunch break luci person1 eleven thirti 1 oclock person2 may ask whether need work overtim person1 sometim quit often,#Person1# tells Monica the company rules about punching and time for the lunch break.
person1 id like facial person2 kind would like five differ varieti facial person1 would recommend person2 well sinc summer look quit bit sun ill recommend summer special special suit individu sensit skin person1 includ person2 facial start thorough cleans person1 includ facial mask massag person2 ye reviv mask promot blood circul tighten skin also choos get hand back massag well person1 exfoli skin well person2 ye also appli special day cream protect skin sun night cream moistur skin person1 sound great,"#Person2# recommends the summer special facial to #Person1#, including thorough cleansing, facial mask, massage, and a special day cream. #Person1# thinks it sounds great."
person1 decid go take next semest person2 well im english major know came make sure im take right thing person1 good think good idea depart requir meet like person2 want finish degre four year dont want forget take class need friend stay colleg anoth year didnt know recent class need take graduat didnt know person1 ye happen person2 brought transcript first year list cours plan take fall person1 alright good see youv alreadi taken six credit breadth requir one botani class one chemistri class polit scienc that nine credit take english composit 201 person2 dont need took advanc placement english high school im requir take composit person1 excel see 18th centuri poetri class next semest modern novel class havent taken shakespear class yet person2 thought would take later person1 actual recommend take shakespear sooner rather later person2 well suppos could cross 18th centuri poetri class see shakespear class meet person1 let look timet shakespear meet monday wednesday friday 11 person2 take time slot free person1 good recommend shakespear cours enorm import want student take class soon professor friedman excel teacher person2 ill take person1 tell lisa made decid english major person2 want english professor futur love studi literatur want teach person1 realli that great know person2 that reason want finish b four year know school long time want start ph program soon possibl,"Lisa wants to finish B.A. in four years, so she comes to #Person1# to make sure she takes the right courses. #Person1# suggests Lisa take Shakespeare sooner because it's an important course. Lisa tells #Person1# she decides to be an English major because she wants to be an English professor in the future, and she wants to start the M.A. and Ph.D. program as soon as possible."
person1 mari pam go mall later buy new cloth want come person2 say slowli person1 pam wonder youd like go mall us person2 oh see ill sink person1 sink person2 oop meant think person1 mari your go work pronunci person2 know person1 give time got,#Person1# invites Mary to go shopping. Mary says she'll 'sink' about it. #Person1# suggests Mary practice her pronunciation.
person1 im mark rancor person2 nice meet person1 may know name pleas person2 im rose teller think ive seen somewher person1 ah ye rememb mr john dinner partner last month person2 ye work 3m right person1 im microsoft thing person2 good person1 may know person2 im fashion design next month fashion show id love come get coupl ticket bring friend like person1 sure would great good luck person2 thank,"Mark Rancor has met Rose Teller before. Rose invites Mark to come to a fashion show designed by her, and Mark agrees."
person1 sam hard everyday expens find job person2 im look see market hard job person1 liar saw inn bet dont want work,Sam says he's looking for a job. #Person1# thinks he's lying.
person1 wow sport car person2 ye like person1 love use alway want drive green jaguar good condit person2 look good outsid insid differ stori need lot servic go road person1 what wrong person2 well first need new engin extrem expens person1 when last time servic person2 must year ago person1 thought car need regular servic yearli basi person2 son born reason drive car anymor twoseat know person1 els wrong person2 heat control dont work anymor alway feel like 100 degre car even summer person1 anyth els person2 brake dont realli work well anymor either person1 dont get fix person2 cost think run car especi mani thing wrong person1 well let know get fix id love go ride,"The green jaguar looks good on the outside, but it needs a new engine, new heating systems, and brakes. #Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# hasn't used the two-seat car since #Person2#'s son was born. #Person2# doesn't fix it because it will be costly."
person1 book person2 bought new atla im look map world look russia that vast countri person1 canada china use huge person2 sever tini countri world countri like monaco smaller mani citi person1 small countri microscop compar russia european countri rel small franc look quit big europ compar mani countri contin l person2 britain half size franc great britain still one largest island world person1 thing larg countri often vast area land useless hardli use russia canada enorm area ice forest,"#Person1# is looking at a map of the world and discusses with #Person2# about the large countries like Russia, Canada and China, and tiny countries."
person1 frank want advic someth scientist met confer 6 afternoon invit parti actual call inform gettogeth person2 what problem person1 ask peopl go dress dr lite said casual person2 want know wear person1 well last night went journalist casual parti overdress wore consid casual outfit skirt blous scarf medium heel know person2 sound right wrong person1 everyon els wear blue jean sever women run shoe felt place idea wear tonight person2 guess safe wear last night outfit tonight parti,#Person1# asks Frank to give some advice on what to wear for a casual party. Frank suggests #Person1# wear last night's outfit to tonight's party.
person1 would like come parti person2 id like im today person1 happen look pale person2 end world person1 make say person2 today im told fail three cours person1 oh that bad work harder next term person2 im fool duplic effort wast time person1 dont lose heart everyth fine person2 hope,"#Person2# failed three courses, and #Person1# encourages #Person2# not to lose heart."
person1 want dessert person2 thank need check seen waitress person1 waitress anyway person2 ye servic hasnt best waitress person1 ill walk get bill sinc dont think waitress come time soon person2 good idea bring back well figur togeth person1 bill 36 00 person2 much think leav tip person1 first inclin leav noth tip person2 agre dont realli know whole stori may problem kitchen beyond control person1 let leav 10 least leav someth servic person2 agre leav 3 60 tip,#Person1#'ll walk over and get the bill since the waitress isn't coming over here. #Person1# and #Person2# will leave 10% for the tip.
person1 hello person2 hello mr berni name lisa hope im disturb heard daughter want call tell much well miss person1 im sorri think call wrong person name mr berni person2 that odd im sorri ive bother person1 problem,Lisa wanted to call Mr. Bernie but called the wrong person.
person1 late person2 im sorri cold car couldnt start one garag heater tri call couldnt get connect person1 couldnt get connect person2 ye number servic person1 realli didnt know let check your right person2 couldnt get person1 seriou problem make expect import call theater guilti suppos call even discuss play happen cant reach person2 well thing pay fee recov servic,#Person2# was late because the car couldn't start and couldn't get through #Person1#. #Person2# suggests #Person1# pay the fee to recover #Person1#'s service.
person1 need amen pleas person2 im sure im follow sir person1 specif im talk littl thing like soap shampoo person2 oh understand youv alreadi use amen person1 im even halfway suppli person2 im lose sir what problem person1 what use go hotel dont take home souvenir person2 okay got your collect souvenir person1 go friend expect bring home souvenir person2 visit souvenir shop sir load kind item person1 ive never paid hotel souvenir life dont intend start person2 sir housekeep bring basket amen momentarili,"#Person1# asks #Person2# for some more amenities because he wants to bring some souvenirs for his friends, but he doesn't want to pay for a hotel souvenir."
person1 kind qualiti look friend person2 like peopl open friendli peopl usual activ fun like spend time friend go bar togeth play sport togeth person1 dont like make friend peopl arent honest honesti import person2 think import peopl problem usual find someon honest get know person1 find friend person2 know friend cant reli friend introduc peopl time go make first move sometim also like funni peopl person1 oh dont dont seem take anyth serious never know joke seriou person2 sometim hard tell know person fairli well usual see express realli think person1 seem gener like differ kind peopl good friend person2 mayb peopl dont like friend peopl like littl varieti livesinclud varieti characterist friend,#Person1# doesn't like to make friends with people who aren't honest. #Person2# likes funny people while #Person1# doesn't because #Person1# thinks they don't seem to take anything seriously. They are good friends although they like different kinds of people.
person1 excus could tell get librari person2 cours memori avenu person1 memori avenu person2 right know person1 im afraid dont im quit new town person2 well know post offic person1 dont know shop mall person2 wont help us let see dont follow street elm get second stoplight person1 well thank much hope find,#Person2# tells #Person1# how to get to the library by following the street until the second stoplight.
person1 room servic may come person2 come pleas person1 breakfast put person2 sure much person1 that 10 person2 well money person1 sir dont pay right sign charg account person2 fine,#Person1# sends breakfast to #Person2# which is charged from #Person2#'s account.
person1 think floor work curtain wall person2 doesnt make sens floor first paint wall get paint new floor person1 hmm mayb your right cant stand green carpet besid know paint cover everyth drop cloth wont get anyth floor person2 sure person1 ye im sure ive done lot hous paint life mother picki got even tini drop paint furnitur would get furiou learn care person2 alright mayb floor first wood floor carpet beauti cant wait get old carpet get hire someon person1 absolut remov carpet carpet held carpet nail need pull hard come person2 great remov carpet need redo wood floor right person1 ye hire someon probabl expens done right person2 floor done start move furnitur person1 sure get appoint someon floor probabl abl furnitur week get carpet weekend,"#Person1# will paint the wall and will be careful not to get anything on the floor. #Person1# says they can remove the carpet themselves, and #Person2# will get an appointment with someone to do the floors and then have the furniture after a week."
person1 long a3 printer sale depart person2 year think what problem person1 im sure seem someth wrong still guarante person2 think guarante run let check oh ok took extend warranti run next march,#Person1# asks the printer's guarantee time. #Person2# checks and finds it's still under guarantee.
person1 hello walmart help person2 hello time close pleas person1 close 1000 everi day open 900 morn person2 oh ok open weekend person1 hour weekday person2 wow guy never take break want come look sale sale still isnt person1 ye run till end month thing clear fast person2 ok ill come tonight thank person1 thank call,#Person2# calls #Person1# to ask about Wal-mart's opening hours and will go there for sale tonight.
person1 feel terribl sick miss wonder could chang seat front part person2 pleas wait moment sorri right vacant seat ask person1 thank person2 way hold bag case vomit,#Person1# asks #Person2# to change #Person1#'s seat to the front.
person1 may help person2 daughter miss dont know person1 dose look like person2 blond hair blue eye person1 wear person2 yellow dress red sneaker person1 last see person2 saw street dont know person1 long person2 oh uh fifteen minut,#Person1#'s daughter is missing. #Person2# asks #Person1# some information about #Person1#'s daughter.
person1 hi becki what person2 much except motherinlaw drive wall person1 what problem person2 love nitpick critic everyth never anyth right she around person1 exampl person2 well last week invit dinner husband problem food listen would seem like fed old meat rotten veget there noth pleas person1 cant see happen know your good cook noth like would ever happen person2 also critic rais kid person1 motherinlaw use thing us wasnt disciplin enough disciplin much also complain food fed school sent everyth els sun person2 said use stop person1 basic sat told felt constant critic welcom advic hope shed let us thing understood everyth lot peac person2 sound like good idea ill tri,"Becky tells #Person1# that her mother-in-law loves to criticize everything she does, like the food she made and the ways how they raise kids. #Person1#'s mother-in-law used to do the same thing, but she stopped after they talked with her. Becky will try it."
person1 hi mr brown deposit withdraw today person2 sorri say neither im close account market around drop sensibl us stay person1 understand would like balanc person2 guess withdraw everyth person1 215 000 rmb exact balanc could sign name person2 go that everyth thank much servic year,Mr. Brown asks #Person2# to close his account and withdraw everything since the market's been dropping.
person1 work hotel person2 ye that right person1 what like person2 nice meet lot interest peopl lot dull one person1 beg pardon person2 said lot dull one person1 oh ye imagin think that hard work isnt person2 ye depend person1 mean person2 well hard weekend mean last saturday room full two receptionist away illwel feet didnt touch ground person1 start work bank last monday,#Person2# works in a hotel that can meet interesting people as well as dull ones. #Person1# started to work in a bank.
person1 wait ben say parti saturday person2 yeah didnt know birthday person1 didnt person2 invit sent email last week person1 sure didnt get oh know didnt tell new email address oh sorri person2 that ok kind upset wasnt person1 realli upset bike trip aw got lost four hour person2 oh that terribl person1 listen let go lunch week want someth birthday person2 oh dont person1 know want person2 ok that realli nice realli anyway go meet 930 person1 ok see later happi birthday,#Person1# didn't know Ben had a birthday party since #Person1# didn't tell Ben #Person1# has a new e-mail. #Person1# asks Ben for lunch to do something for Ben's birthday.
person1 came absent class yesterday morn henri person2 im sorri madam cousin come home england go airport father meet person1 better ask permiss next time,Henry explains why he's absent from class to #Person1#.
person1 hello milton hotel reserv may assist person2 hi im call make chang exist reserv person1 certainli reserv number person2 sure 219 person1 that reserv salli menkel right person2 ye that right id like chang checkin date septemb 15 septemb 16 person1 certainli make chang chang person2 checkout date also chang 23rd 24th person1 problem arriv 16th septemb leav 24th septemb altogeth eight night anyth els person2 ye instead courtyard room id like room view prefer upper floor person1 certainli chang chang room rate new rate 199 per night instead origin 179 person2 that ok chang thank much person1 your welcom nice day,Sally calls Milton Hotel to make changes to an existing reservation. She asks to change the check-in date and check-out date and prefers a room on an upper floor with a view.
person1 collect cola can steve person2 ask person1 mani empti can person2 well mum want keep can sell person1 aha go make millionair sooner later can person2 bet well that point point separ reusabl thing rubbish pay dustman deal rubbish sell can reusabl materi pay less person1 sound clever idea reus china person2 metal plastic paper book like person1 back home state person2 avoid wast govern limit product good use bamboo chopstick exampl fast food box made paper instead nonreus materi person1 sure help clean environ,"Steve keeps all the cans, so they can pay less to the dustman for dealing with rubbish. Steven tells #Person1# what is reused in China and the government's measures on avoiding waste."
person1 hello um get help person2 sure thing whatll person1 menu pleas person2 dont serv food beer see wall person1 right one german right person2 yeah youd like person1 sure thatll id like cold one youv got one person2 sure thing sweeti thatll 625 person1 say your kinda friendli arent person2 suppos come job pay nice peopl dont think person1 suppos that mother said anyway oh wait wait second oh cant believ person2 what wrong person1 think left wallet somewher person2 got ta around mayb floor person1 dont know could chanc nice give beer free person2 chanc happen one pay im nice,"#Person2# is very friendly when #Person1# asks for the beer. But when #Person1# says #Person1# left the wallet and asks beer for free, #Person2# becomes not so nice."
person1 feel terribl realli need relax know good way fight stress person2 yeah fact read health magazin drink two cup lemon tea everi day fight stress person1 lemon tea person2 that right lemon tea make feel relax also eat low stress food like appl grape person1 sound strang guess hamburg french fri caus stress right person2 yep hamburg high stress food person1 well guess need chang diet,#Person2# tells #Person1# drinking lemon tea and eating low-stress food are good ways to fight stress.
person1 love slim girl dont person2 particularli like fat girl person1 like girl good skin person2 cant say like girl good manner person1 well ye sure like girl nice figur person2 ye like girl nice person person1 like girl rich sure person2 particularli like girl good person1 henri havent said thing person3 dont like girl think theyr aw,"#Person1# likes a girl with a nice figure, while #Person2# likes a girl with a nice personality. Henry doesn't like girls."
person1 wont believ who elect overtim baker account ive alreadi log 20 hour overtim person2 wow much thought get assist person1 suppos far nobodi turn im left work first break ive day person2 theyr realli run ground dont ask time could take long weekend go away somewher,#Person1#'s been elected to do overtime without an assistant. #Person2# suggests #Person1# ask for some time off.
person1 im read interest report mar person2 oh say say water could still exist surfac mar person1 absolut say water mar buri beneath surfac matter deep person2 could soil mar somehow fertil enough groh simpl plant person1 soil would need quit bit fertil grow anyth would need protect uv radiat person2 actual project school involv land ship stay mar extend period time doef nasa type portabl habitat could use stay planet person1 im sure nasa built portebl habitat extend stay mar look variou design person2 one excit thing mar could bean life person opinion life mar theori person1 well im realli expert area understand anyth possibl hard determin went 4 5 billion year ago person2 mayb chanc gradual improv surfac atmospher mar may inhabit human person1 im skeptic mar made rock contain siliconiron variou miner also atmospher carbon dioxid differ earth know person2 id still like hope day could set human coloni person1 still big problem need solv prolong weightless food storag seri physiolog effect,#Person1# tells #Person2# that there is water on Mars buried beneath the surface. The soil would need quite a bit of fertilizer to grow anything. One of the most exciting things about Mars is that there could have been life on it. #Person1# is skeptical about the assumption that Mars may be inhabitable by humans since it's so different from the earth.
person1 well finish last final today person2 end hard work master nice feel get degre person1 want attend convoc person2 certainli year hard work wouldnt miss way find cap gown person1 want made want rent person2 oh think theyr provid school special day person1 provid person2 student person1 well need cap gown particular convoc servic educ major made bucaus faculti member theyll need student commenc year person2 might well made person1 mari dont move stand right good shot background pretti person2 hold second want fix hairpin person1 doesnt matter saychees person2 here lisa may take pictur person3 certainli ok got,Mary will attend the convocation and have a cap and gown made. #Person1# helps take some photos for Mary and asks Lisa to take a picture for them.
person1 hey tyler long time see person2 sylvia havent seen gym age person1 yeah ive busi work person2 how school go person1 everyth ok except 800 oclock math class person2 800 oclock math class friend mine also class person1 realli what name person2 zach peterson know person1 think person2 tell morn math class favorit,Sylvia's been too busy and has problems with an 8:00 math class. But Tyler's friend likes it.
person1 jeff what favorit mexican holiday person2 definit day dead person1 sound littl scari person2 realli scari us mexican actual day celebr well celebr rememb famili member alreadi dead person1 ok rememb person2 put big tabl decor flower bread coffe whatev person dead use like think day person go come back dead person1 see holiday person2 novemb first second person1 famili go visit friend rel person2 keep within famili actual,Jeff tells #Person1# The Day of the Dead is his favorite Mexican holiday on which they remember their family members who are already dead.
person1 well that great happi experi teach indonesia follow mention would recommend student live english speak countri dont know perfect want least abl commun decent go person2 yeah realli hard real struggl right live holland realli dont social much dutch peopl boyfriend english good basic speak english time make real effort practic isnt much listen exposur want turn tv person1 read also right person2 yeah read plenti get read listen god speak realli substitut tri speak use languag relax atmospher think realli challeng peopl live countri target languag isnt spoken gosh would didnt peopl probabl tri find club sweden realli cool system call studi circl like cours realli cours leader sort coach guid help dont get grade go want learn,#Person1# asks #Person2# how to learn English for those who don't live in an English speaking country. #Person2# thinks it's really hard and #Person2# tries to learn Dutch by turning on the TV and reading. #Person2# thinks there's no substitute for trying to speak and use the language in a relaxed atmosphere.
person1 friday final honey let someth fun weekend person2 dont know mind person1 go lake swim person2 think go hot day might get sunburn librari person1 librari bore go mountain bike person2 sound great id probabl break arm someth like last time person1 wont time come person2 well person1 ok forget fish rememb last time went caught like 10 fish person2 yeah rememb thing caught old boot forget person1 ok suggest person2 could stay home pop popcorn play board game person1 listen let tri someth fun time wont break arm get sunburn itll realli pleasant give tri come let come,"#Person1# suggests swimming, or going mountain biking, or going fishing this weekend. But #Person2# refuses and suggests staying home and playing board games. #Person1# wants to try something fun."
person1 go ann supper readi minut person2 im go mari hous dinner even told morn daddi person1 sorri forgot go birthday parti person2 ye jenni laura good friend school know person1 ye graduat univers mari work person2 east photo nearbi photograph go pictur taken someday person1 ok see,Ann will go to Mary's house to attend her birthday party. Ann tells #Person1# Mary works as a photographer.
person1 kind cuisin person2 sichuan food hangzhou food beij food like best person1 hangzhou food person2 ok dongpo meat person1 right ill take person2 like use chopstick person1 ye like use chopstick person2 like soup person1 ye dont know soup person2 beef soup tomato soup person1 good prefer beef soup person2 accord usual practic serv dish first soup like well bring soup first person1 save youv serv dish person2 right ill back right away,"#Person1# orders Hangzhou food, Dongpo meat, and beef soup. #Person1# likes using chopsticks and asks #Person2# to serve dishes first and then soup."
person1 look bilingu secretari think profici written spoken english person2 think english fairli good see cv graduat univers b degre english studi english languag english literatur systemat person1 type shorthand skill person2 type 80 word minut basic mistak take dictat english 120 word per minut,#Person2# thinks #Person2# is proficient in English and has competent typing and shorthand skills.
person1 glad could find time meet mr johnson think nicer environ meet today ambianc love person2 problem possibl alway combin busi pleasur let hear chocol offer person1 well know recent becom sole distributor granger gourmet bonbon unit state new manufactur look break luxuri market natur restaur sprang mind immedi think brand exemplifi mani trait granger serv chocol would realli add reput provid eleg luxuri first class dine person2 mmmm sound interest gourmet chocol produc belgium person1 actual factori locat scotland person2 realli think known luxuri chocol product person1 make fantast opportun govern one hundr percent support creat new export market guarante low tariff wholesal order one thousand unit also reduc red tape involv custom well brought especi tri one person2 oh thank mmm hmm creami textur smooth person1 uniqu bet never tast anyth like qualiti assur person visit factori make sure one cut corner ingredi creme make inspect person2 ye interest flavor slightli spici uniqu sure exactli ingredi person1 highest author tradit secret recip hand granger famili gener sure keep secret buttermilk cacao bean sugar haggi person2 haggi haggi person1 tradit scottish delicaci take sheep liver heart lung stuff insid sheep stomach person2 ah get back person1 mr johnson mr johnson,"#Person1# thinks Mr. Johnson's brand exemplifies similar traits as Grangers, and serving these chocolates would add to the reputation for providing first-class dining to his restaurant. #Person1# tells that the factory is located in Scotland and invites Mr. Johnson to taste the chocolate. Mr. Johnson is satisfied with its taste and asks #Person1# the ingredients. However, Mr. Johnson gets it back to #Person1# when hearing what the Haggis is."
person1 hide yijun kid think im real easter bunni person2 aw that sweet knew costum would success person1 success right kid keep tri catch person2 yeah saw thought play game person1 game tri tackl ten kid person2 um holli look behind theyr come way,#Person1# asks Yi-jin to hide #Person1# because ten kids are trying to catch #Person1#.
person1 help find someth person2 would like buy new fridg person1 one particular like person2 look kenmor refriger person1 ah ye great refriger person2 what great person1 afford come applianc person2 applianc person1 come ice maker water dispens lot room insid person2 may see insid person1 guest person2 wow your right refriger great ill take,"#Person2# is looking at Kenmore refrigerator, and #Person1# tells that it's affordable and has many appliances. #Person2# will take it."
person1 dora interest go museum tomorrow read newspap morn know art exhibit taipei modern art museum person2 sure free tomorrow sound interest buy ticket onlin person1 dont think think better go earlier may spend lot time wait person2 guess thing realli want visit museum person1 look ticket booth center seem mani peopl thought would person2 yeah lucki let go buy ticket first breakfast later hungri person1 good idea person2 breakfast floor art exhibit go person1 idea let take closer look museum map person2 sure take time whole day person1 2nd floor go see beauti paint histori ancient greec person2 look museum guid say also sculptur potteri area let rent audio guid,"#Person1# invites Dora to go to the museum. Dora agrees, and #Person1# thinks they had better go there earlier to buy the ticket. They decide to buy the ticket first before having breakfast. Then they look at the museum map and visit the museum."
person1 friend get marri saturday bought wed gift find hard choos right gift person2 friend fianc realli good idea cut pictur catalogu past notebook pictur thing want peopl sign name item buy person1 that clever everyon know buy someth coupl realli want there chanc two peopl buy gift thing notebook person2 thing household applianc know everyth iron vacuum cleaner cooker think excel way everyon know coupl help set home person1 get person2 bought sew machin know friend like make cloth current sew machin quit old problem person1 what wrong person2 say sever year use work properli use make funni nois person1 household applianc dont seem last long time nowaday person2 think manufactur constantli bring new model know buy new model applianc dont need last five ten year,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s friend and her fiance thought of a good idea to prevent people from buying the same gift. #Person2# says that most of the things that the couple wants are household appliance and #Person2# bought a sewing machine for them.
person1 what person2 much im tri hook internet im problem though person1 what wrong person2 ive got cord plug appear im offlin person1 use dialup broadband person2 actual ive got wireless connect person1 case need turn airport person2 hook internet everi day cant believ didnt person1 like ever chat onlin person2 id like pay instant messag person1 oh regist free go yahoo websit tell person2 peopl want talk onlin dont want talk person1 well alway block dont feel like talk certain peopl onlin that person2 what email address ill add contact list person1 aubreyinchinayahoo com person2 cool meet chat room sometim chat onlin use messeng thank help person1 dont mention,"#Person2# is trying to hook up to the internet, but it appears that #Person2# is offline. #Person1# advises #Person2# to turn on the airport. #Person1# tells #Person2# #Person2# can register instant messaging for free and block the people who #Person2# doesn't want to talk to."
person1 would like go ski heard new ski area great safe track especi beginn provid free train think suit best person2 sound bad know thing worri safeti im activ exercis muscl may strong enough intens sport person1 well go threedaylong train camp first therer profession teacher guid certain necessari exercis person2 think person1 come realli fun game,"#Person1# invites #Person2# to go skiing at the new ski area, but #Person2# worries about safety. #Person1# suggests taking the three-day-long training camp."
person1 like flower person2 cours like person1 what favorit flower person2 forsythia also call winter jasmin symbol spring arriv person1 spring live season person2 ye person1 admir plum blossom much seem blossom cold winter person2 perfect tast person1 symbol laugh hoar frost fight snow admir braveri plum blossom person2 use ignor mani peopl person1 bright peopl rememb forev person2 well snow let enjoy plum blossom snow,"#Person2#'s favorite flower is Forsythia, the symbol of the spring's arrival, while #Person2# admires plum blossoms for its bravery."
person1 parttim job still school person2 way busi studi time person1 yeah work 20 hour week pizza restaur person2 like person1 alway busi person2 person1 stood behind regist took pizza order person2 get perk job person1 yeah got eat much pizza could free,"When in school, #Person2# didn't have a part-time job, while #Person1# worked in a pizza restaurant."
person1 heard love bug person2 mean thei love youviru attack comput email person1 ye one harm comput virus world peopl say break om valentinesday year person2 terribl hacker play dirti trick person1 hacker smart want peopl know person2 creat virus tell peopl smart that realli sick,"#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing the Love Bug, and #Person1# explains why hackers play the trick."
person1 want meet lunch saturday person2 sorri cant busi person1 person2 alway volunt work first saturday everi month person1 kind volunt work person2 help children hospit help plan activ person1 oh yeah person2 ye excit month crossword puzzl,"#Person1# invites #Person2# to lunch, but #Person2# has to do volunteer work this Saturday."
person1 surf onlin regularli joe person2 cours stay onlin four hour least everi day person1 crazi four hour onlin person2 million thing surf net check email importantli chat friend person1 onlin chat arent afraid meet bad peopl pretend person2 love meet new peopl chat room share lot common person1 sound interest,"Joe tells #Person1# Joe stays online for at least four hours every day, mostly chatting with friends."
person1 lot elderli peopl want peac quiet old age young peopl want unconstrain life person2 would good live separ parent want live apart us person1 old peopl poor health need look person2 young peopl ought carri respons need would live parent person1 im old ill also like person2 need child first that duti person1 know that must,"#Person2# thinks elderly people and young people live separately would be good, but young people need to live with their parents if needed."
person1 want hear funni joke person2 ok sure funni though person1 well youll see person2 ok person1 ok englishman scotsman irishman go trip across desert could take one thing person2 see person1 met start journey show equip person2 oh that funni person1 hang havent finish yet person2 oh sorri person1 well say show decid bring englishman brought water get thirsti well someth drink said scotsman brought map get lost well abl find way irishman brought car door person2 car door mean one car door person1 yep car door door other ask well said get hot open window get person2 well,"#Person1# tells #Person2# a joke that three men were crossing the desert and they could only take one thing. The Englishman brought some water; the Scotsman brought a map, and the Irishman brought a car door to open when hot."
person1 think show biz star realli easi life lot money buy almost anyth want theyr famou everyon love person2 think must horribl live paparazzi take photo wherev go whatev must get sick person1 bet love realli sure complain get public doesnt person2 think show biz star want public want film person1 way want public get invit make film go lot cocktail parti even make album easi life dont even pay drin person2 show biz star plenti expens that need much money need million dollar buy big seclud hous wonder dress bet show biz star would prefer wea person1 dont understand sympathi show biz star theyr overpaid overambiti overador person2 think give credit theyr talent peopl deserv money earn even donat money chariti help peopl less fortun person1 come get even public film,"#Person1# thinks the show biz stars have a really easy life, while #Person2# thinks their lives must be horrible. #Person1# thinks those stars love their jobs and want publicity for themselves, but #Person2# thinks they only want publicity for their films. #Person2# sympathizes with them but #Person1# disagrees."
person1 suggest exercis help get fit stretch muscl littl person2 sure want stretch leg good exercis lift knee front bodi like simpl exercis effect person1 need excis arm person2 one good way pushup anoth way use weight make sure grip weight firmli dont want drop feet person1 pushup bend elbow nose touch ground person2 dont need bend elbow much bend arm 90 degre angl import think rememb keep bodi straight mani peopl bend bodi waist reduc effect exercis person1 what good exercis chest muscl person2 one recommend lie back weight hand stretch arm either side bodi person1 need plenti space exercis person2 ye lift weight keep arm straight time person1 great thank advic,#Person2# recommends #Person1# to do push-ups and use weights to help #Person1# get fit and stretch #Person1#'s muscles. Then #Person2# tells that keeping #Person1#'s body straight is the most important and recommends #Person1# to lie on #Person1#'s back to exercise for chest muscles.
person1 look upset what wrong person2 noth one day everyon offic sick im get blame work done person1 mayb need vacat someth mayb bonu person2 im sick peopl job get blame right person1 dont talk boss talk sure understand person2 wish could understand know goe think get stick like everybodi els,"#Person2# looks upset because #Person2#'s getting blamed for work not being done, and #Person1# suggests talking to the boss."
person1 excus maam would like mail packag door door via airmail london import packag sent within 3 day person2 problem postag much higher regular packag person1 that fine will pay long guarante packag arriv time person2 ok regist airmail packag receiv 5 work day person1 see much need pay total packag person2 500 dollar person1 receipt case trace someth goe wrong person2 sure pleas fill number way contact person1 need includ zip code address person2 better includ easier mailmen find correct mail address person1 thank much 500 dollar person2 receipt contact us friend still doesnt receiv packag 5 work day,#Person1# wants to mail an important package door to door via airmail to London within three days. #Person2# charges #Person1# 500 dollars and #Person1# asks for the receipt to trace the package.
person1 welcom china mr white person2 ms chi person1 welcom corpor mr white wont pleas sit person2 thank person1 repres countri fax letter show interest product display oct exhibit wed like know specif requir mind person2 ye ive brought list quantiti product wed like import second half year copi person1 good well mr white item list avail year hope come agreement sign contract soon enabl time deliveri person2 hope id like sale literatur price list export articl person1 catalog price list catalog list commod export price list give indic price export articl person2 thank ms chi normal export term person1 normal export cfr person2 commiss usual pay export know import commiss basi person1 discuss person2 right meet specif detail ms chi person1 tomorrow morn 9 ill come hotel person2 ill expect,Mr. White brought a list of the quantities of Ms. Chi's products that they'd like to import for the second half of this year. Then Ms. Chi gives him the catalog and price list and says they normally export CFR. They'll meet tomorrow morning for more specific details.
person1 welcom sir person2 want buy record person1 whose record want person2 record michael jackson person1 record sold new copi avail next week person2 oh late mayb go video store look,"#Person2# wants to buy Michael Jackson's records, but #Person1#'s store has sold out."
person1 doesnt look nice outsid today person2 your right think go rain later person1 middl summer shouldnt rain person2 wouldnt seem right person1 consid nineti degre outsid would weird person2 exactli wouldnt nice start rain hot person1 know your absolut right person2 wish would cool one day person1 that feel want winter come soon person2 enjoy winter get realli cold sometim person1 know mean id rather cold hot person2 that exactli feel,#Person1# and #Person2# discuss whether it is going to rain later. They both wish the weather would cool off.
person1 room servic person2 find sheet room stain would pleas help us chang clean one person1 sorri sir someon moment person2 right pleas quick person1 ye sir assur would never happen,#Person2# asks #Person1# to change the stained sheet for a clean one.
person1 good morn sir help person2 good day im look onebedroom apart today person1 certainli much rent want pay person2 well didnt want pay 900 month person1 900 month dont often apart inexpens one apart 985 month today eleventh avenu near municip build person2 furnish person1 unfurnish kitchen mani cooker there garden back tenant cant use landlord live downstair friend forbidden apart midnight nois televis 11 person2 thank want take apart prison person1 ok would requir well contact later,#Person2# wants to rent a one-bedroom apartment for no more than $900 a month. #Person1# recommends one with many rules for the tenant. #Person2# thinks it's a prison and refuses it.
person1 help person2 extra help project would prefer help type xerox person1 could type person2 kind offer start page tabl person1 sure get right person2 like posit attitud mani year employ person1 work long time person2 realli interest project come would want join us person1 im sure let think person2 ok mention great help today appreci help,"#Person1# helps #Person2# do some typing in #Person2#'s project. Then #Person2# invites #Person1# to join them on an interesting project, and #Person1# will think about it."
person1 beauti day new zealand men volleybal world championship name rick field im join man plan bob copeland person2 thank rick weve got excit encount ahead us today two powerhous team brazil china face tri qualifi next round without doubt team top shape prove competit match person1 ref signal start game go ribero serv china quickli receiv ball chen bump setter nice set chen person2 xu spike wow great hit brazilian blocker anticip play tri block manag get ball great play person1 china servic superb jump serv li oh let serv ball come fast almost made net person2 brazil call time well right back short commerci break,Rick Fields and #Person2# are interpreting the Men's Volleyball world championship. #Person2# first introduces the teams in today's competitive match and they describe what the team member does at the game. They will be back after a break.
person1 hello mr smith wang peng speak person2 hello mr wang smith person1 im call thank wonder dinner yesterday person2 pleasur person1 ill come back china tonight hope see sometim person2 hope person1 appreci help stay person2 dont mention person1 pleas let know go china let assist person2 ye nice flight back person1 thank goodby person2 goodby,Wang Peng calls Mr. Smith to thank him for the wonderful dinner yesterday and his help during Wang Peng's stay.
person1 get earli everi morn person2 6 morn like walk offic person1 good habit long take person2 20 minut live alon person1 littl sister live person2 old person1 12 good girl person2 think,#Person2# gets up at 6 and takes a 20-minute walk to the office.
person1 shall phone tell secretari your come today person2 ye pleas dear tell ive got cold headach hope back day two youd better say im stay bed person1 your bed want tell lie person2 oh littl one dear im make fals excus realli bad headach person1 put cigarett foolish smoke youv got cold person2 well dear your quit right person1 look here boil water tell ive put someth water thatll lot good put nose water that right breath deepli itll lot good person2 smell nice,#Person2# asks #Person1# to tell #Person2#'s secretary that #Person2# is not coming because of sickness. #Person1# advises #Person2# to put the cigarette out and put #Person2#'s nose over the water.
person1 your look cheer what matter person2 oh noth special im think lot person1 job person2 everyth catch train everi morn sit offic day watch televis program person1 need holiday person2 wasnt alway like know person1 mean person2 well great great grandfath fun didnt mean hunt food grew veget thing sort job year year there varieti live person1 need holiday that what matter,#Person2# thinks there is no variety in their lives when compared with their grandfathers'. #Person1# advises #Person2# to have a holiday.
person1 say youv got job new york citi person2 yeah say unit nation person1 fascin meet peopl world person2 yeah one problem ill leav friend behind,#Person2# got a job in the U.S.. #Person1# thinks it's fascinating.
person1 oper help person2 ye id like make collect call number 7683384 person1 number your dial person2 that 7638558 oh im sorri forgot chang 7643388 person1 pleas hold line caller,#Person2# asks the operator to make a collect call.
person1 seven oclock alreadi dear person2 ye know decid work even rush hour person1 dinner cold work hard person2 start cant stop person1 stop time dont need keep work person2 could person1 could move florida person2 oh florida better new york person1 warm sunni year round snow ice person2 children grandchildren person1 could come visit us everi winter person2 would everi spring summer fall person1 lot friend move florida know lot peopl person2 well ill think,"#Person1# tells #Person2# that #Person2# doesn't need to keep on working and they could move to Florida. #Person2# asks what about their children, grandchildren, and friends if they move."
person1 dont mad im five minut late person2 last time im wait mean person1 know alway good excus promis youll never wait person2 hope come let go get ticket oh way got wallet dont left mine home,"#Person1# 's late again, and then #Person2# finds #Person2# left wallet at home."
person1 think dress think suit person2 sure dont tri fit room person1 right sizea perfect fit seen anyth like person2 im think buy sweater know june perfect autumn winter person1 look big like color materi good qualiti sale person2 ye half price suppos largethat fashion person1 might get one differ colour prefer light blue person2 look great dont think im go get jean well need new pair need new pair also go buy scarf readi winter person1 person2 dont worri ive got credit card pay back later person1 thank dont need come back shop second time,"#Person1# and #Person2# are trying the clothes on. #Person1# thinks the sweater is too big for #Person2#. #Person2# thinks that's the fashion. They both buy the sweaters but in different colors, and #Person2# buy jeans and a scarf."
person1 wife birthday need buy flower person2 women love red rose birthday person1 much rose person2 get dozen 20 person1 that price like person2 your luck today rose sale person1 okay ill take rose person2 good perhap youd like someth els go rose person1 rose good enough person2 women love rose wife happi,"#Person1# buys a dozen roses from #Person2# as his wife's birthday gift, and it costs him only $20."
person1 believ god person2 im agnost person1 im sure dont believ god person2 think everyth scientif explan rather theolog one person1 basic believ scienc theolog mean believ evolut exampl howev mani thing scienc hasnt explain yet person2 im sure scienc explain everyth eventu think strangest thing religion mani religion peopl act way religion claim wrong person1 exampl person2 religion preach toler mani war caus intoler religi fanat person1 ye peopl dont appear act accord religi belief,#Person2# doesn't believe in god because #Person2# thinks everything has a scientific explanation. #Person1# and #Person2# agree that some people don't act following their religious beliefs.
person1 think main caus war today person2 id say main reason poverti countri peopl get frustrat littl neighbor resourc tri steal militari forc person1 seem lot war nowaday realli civil war peopl differ ethnic group countri sometim fight power countri person2 sever civil war go year year seem never end person1 think could end person2 dont think easi way unit nation could send peacekeep countri least war parti could forc negoti thing find real problem form war solv person1 caus poverti program make countri richer problem resourc share person2 sound easi say like realiti harder make peac countri person1 ye one way stop countri fight cut financi support war expens person2 problem mani poor peopl might suffer,#Person2# thinks poverty causes war today and #Person1# mentions most of the wars are civil wars. #Person2# thinks it's hard to end the war. #Person1# believes that sharing the resources and cutting off financial support are good ways.
person1 lot crime citi person2 there dont think big problem lot petti crime burglari car theft there littl major crime person1 citi also lot drug addict lot crime commit drug addict need money drug person2 happen mani place citi good drug rehabilit program polic court also tough peopl commit crime dont know that reason rel low crime rate person1 peopl believ tough approach better prefer lenient approach person2 think best way reduc crime spread wealth evenli peopl similar amount money think steal other person1 that possibl im sure would realli happen like,#Person2# and #Person1# talk about the crime in their cities. #Person1#'s city has serious drug problems but #Person2#'s doesn't. #Person2# thinks that spreading wealth evenly can reduce crime.
person1 season like citi person2 summer hot usual last long time winter short cold wet windi love summer citi hate wintertim person1 ever rain summer person2 usual get big thunderstorm everi two week apart summer dri thunderstorm make air fresh peopl dont mind person1 spring autumn like person2 like spring flower bloom tree grow leav spring weather changeablesometim cold sometim warm usual windi rain autumn usual sunni dri gradual get colder winter arriv season like citi person1 well live southern hemispher summertim wintertim vice versa get rain everi season winter winter sometim get cold winter usual quit mild summer warm hot spring autumn shortsometim week weather changeabl thenjust like spring citi person2 usual go summer holiday person1 dont go winter holiday instead go somewher warm person2 usual go holiday spring autumn tri go somewher weather reliabl citi,"#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2#'s city has a long summer with a big thunderstorm every two weeks and a short but cold winter. The weather is very changeable in spring in #Person2#'s city. #Person1# lives in the southern hemisphere, so the climate is opposite to #Person2#."
person1 hi peter person2 read paper stock person1 ah great happen want ask someth person2 ye sure person1 come select fund mani peopl alway read past perform indic futur result believ person2 mayb right sinc everyth possibl know market chang quickli day person1 realli think still doubt fund bad stock perform stock record import criteria decid buy realli want decreas risk reach minimum achiev maximum return person2 refus take risk cant better return person1 sure mayb right think thank lot person2 welcom,"#Person1# wants to reach the minimum risk and achieve maximum returns, but Peter says if #Person1# refuses to take risk, #Person1# can't have better returns."
person1 pam closest atm person2 see yellow build person1 ye person2 right next right person1 know there conveni store around person2 dont think there one around closest one third street that probabl close person1 realli need get thing leav person2 well could go twenti second street lot store open 24 hour day person1 take subway get person2 ye probabl take half hour take cab person1 wont expens person2 think 5,Pam tells #Person1# locations of the closest ATM and convenience stores. Then Pam recommends #Person1# to take a cab to the twenty-second street.
person1 told steven special boy seldom play children think person2 oh ye special boy mani way doesnt normal abil boy age difficult read write class exampl mani 8 yearold boy much cours special gift person1 draw person2 ye he alway good steven look build 5 minut draw perfectli person1 tell us someth draw he done person2 well draw famou build like gulf palac venic kremlin moscow theyr wonder drawn famou artist look draw said steven excel painter person1 look build minut draw person2 that right strang isnt special gift one thing find thing difficult,"#Person2# tells #Person1# Steven doesn't have the normal abilities for the boys of his age, but he has a gift for drawing. Steven can draw the buildings perfectly just looking at them for a few minutes."
person1 corey person2 im canada iv move person1 canada good winter sport person2 yeah love winter sport much ski snowboard also like ice dive person1 wow sound quit excit person2 yeah ive 7 year sinc 9 free time person1 well swim use favorit hobbi spend spare time act club join last year realli love theater realli want actress one day got hobbi person2 uhm guess enjoy play onlin comput game feel quit relax play game help make new friend spend much time onlin person1 well im interest comput game think make sens spend time play someth stranger prefer chat face face friend person2 like chat friend person1 oh time class english teacher come class ill introduc friend,Corey tells #Person1# he loves winter sports and he has been doing ice diving for 7 years. #Person2# used to like swimming but now loves the theater. They both like chatting with friends.
person1 jane birthday tomorrow person2 sure think day tomorrow person1 well let see oh im sorri your right day tomorrow shall buy present person2 ye cours shall give flower person1 flower love think better buy ice box chocol person2 jane doesnt like sweet thing didnt know person1 right uhi know give record love music person2 that good idea let go music shop choos one,#Person2# reminds #Person1# of the date of Jane's birthday and they decide to give Jane a record as her birthday gift.
person1 daddi go park us weekend person2 honey lot work person1 cant go us right person2 person1 daddi alway arrang schedul tight weekday rest weekend person2 park want go person1 daniel want go aquarium mom want visit summer palac person2 havent place alreadi person1 yeah dont agre dont better choic person2 olymp park person1 right ah close home come weve never thought person2 olymp park small forest fit picnic person1 well go ahead,"#Person1# persuades Daddy into going to the park with Mom, Daniel and #Person1#. Daddy finally agrees and they decide to go to the Olympic Park."
person1 salli look corpor interview today person2 amalgam trade compani swiss dont think work foreign compani would glamor person1 yeah guess ive never actual heard one person2 well small young dynam rapidlygrow compani progress humanist philosophi person1 didnt read brochur anyth person2 four time im total prepar oh forgot take nail polish 15 minut that blew person1 well progress humanisticmayb dont care nail polish uh even blue nail polish keep confid youll great person2 competit fierc year seem like im one left hasnt found job person1 quit one realli want job magazin still havent heard,Sally tells #Person2# that she is preparing for an interview in a small but rapidly-growing company. Both of them haven't found a job.
person1 work well pressur person2 work pressur excit challeng mind work pressur work well circumst peopl person1 particular condit would like compani take consider person2 noth particular person1 soon begin work us person2 need two three week necessari formal quit transfer compani,#Person2# asks whether #Person1# can work under pressure and when to start the work.
person1 id like buy bottl centrum dozen tooth brush babi wipe small bottl aspirin person2 centrum bottl thirti one hundr tablet kind want person1 give one bottl one hundr tablet person2 kind toothbrush would like person1 look person2 sure brand suppos good theyr expens new product come sever color size also hard soft medium person1 cheaper person2 one 10 one reduct get free tube toothpast six toothbrush person1 buy dozen ill get two free tube toothpast person2 that right person1 good take dozen person2 aspirin els say want person1 babi wipe johnson person2 anyth els person1 well actual id like buy vitamin son he five month old suggest person2 sure one excel mix one drop milk person1 thank thatll,"#Person1# buys a bottle of Centrum, a dozen toothbrushes, a small bottle of aspirin, baby's wipes and some vitamins with #Person2#'s suggestion."
person1 excus time watch stop person2 let see 9 person1 watch right person2 think set radio morn person1 way tell date today day pleas person2 well 10th tuesday,"Since #Person1#'s watch stopped, #Person1# tells #Person2# the time, the date and the day."
person1 develop new brand imag direct whatsoev person2 fifti forward sent today mayb well inadvert get inspir person1 guess good excus surf net someon els dime person2 whod thought bean would kind email fanat person1 must got onlin first time last week still think kind new toy,#Person2# tells #Person1# emails can be used to develop a new brand image.
person1 give job what import thing except get person2 well want enjoy im import thing person1 person2 ye think interest thing best teacher opportun career growth person1 want get promot person2 ye cours person1 would like 5 year person2 five year id like senior manag corpor person1 plan accomplish person2 whatev necessari,#Person1# interviews #Person2# and asks about #Person2#'s plan for the future career if #Person2# gets the job.
person1 honey wine chees mind run deli pick thing person2 cant wait im watch game right person1 friend famili come tonight still need get lot thing person2 fine need person1 ok pick cure meat go wine mayb pound polish sausag ham liverwurst salami cold cut sale think saw promot pastrami also get cole slaw jar oliv person2 whoa wait minut isnt bit much mean much go cost person1 never mind get dip well get jar spinach blue chees dip also tzatziki bean dip get well last least get pickl person2 majesti person1 funni get move peopl minut,#Person1# asks #Person2# to buy a lot of things as the friends and family are coming over tonight. But #Person2# thinks it'll be costly.
person1 fri shrimp crunchi mom never cook shrimp way alway say fri food healthi person2 cook shrimp person1 often cook larg pan boil water person2 dont like like fri food fri potato fri chicken fri sausag cant see fri food healthi person1 mom say lot fat also suggest eat mani fri thing person2 right often fri sausag mom home person1 realli realli want tri person2 come hous sunday mom home cook wonder fri food person1 sound like good idea im afraid mom angri,"#Person1# likes fried food and #Person2# invites #Person1# to cook some fried food by themselves, but #Person1# is afraid that mom will become angry about it."
person1 travel america person2 busi spend half month busi person1 person2 current work foreign compani salesman person1 know trick trade quit tire difficult promot person2 mayb provid much wider space improv skill increas experi person1 report tv station person2 like job person1 ye good work condit would requir salari least 15 000 year person2 kind news catch person1 report social news mean alway interview citizen variou profess trade person2 feel tire person1 sometim news happen expect sometim get earli morn cant sleep edit interview person2 experi want extraordinari report person1 that right still wet behind ear,#Person1# and #Person2# ask each other's occupation. #Person1# is a salesman in a foreign company and #Person2# is a reporter at a TV station.
person1 dan dan dude come hous right person2 everyth ok person1 get person2 come quickli person1 sinc hous bank person2 mean person1 mean what lock iron bar window person2 secur dan secur never safe know lot sicko day caught peep tom red hand high power telescop binocular window person1 what matter act paranoid person2 paranoid im paranoid im cautiou see dan guard time peopl invad privaci knew telemarket solicitor even bank way much inform like keep everyth need know basi person1 ok well want see person2 watch care dan care,#Person1# asks Dan to be careful and tells Dan he is being watched. But Dan thinks #Person1# is acting paranoid.
person1 mr two thing youll need know person2 person1 mr school three lunch period kid divid three group go lunch person2 wow person1 mr furthermor dismiss afternoon divid two wave person2 two wave person1 mr school park lot big enough school buse come one time half buse come first pick first wave student person2 half come later pick second wave,#Person2# tells #Person1# two things #Person1# needs to know. One is three lunch periods and the other is two waves.
person1 hello person2 hi kathi lunch person1 yet im realli hungri person2 im starv new chines restaur close want go lunch person1 person2 treat time person1 thank could eat cow,Kathy and #Person2# are hungry. They're going to a Chinese restaurant.
person1 offer cours busi manag person2 ye person1 mani night week person2 3 night week monday tuesday thursday person1 long cours last person2 last 9 month person1 start person2 next begin class start octob 25th person1 time class person2 7 9 oclock person1 much cost person2 cost 125 dollar month person1 ye that right want enrol cours person2 thank pleas fill form us person1 want fill person2 ye pleas need record educ work experi,#Person1# asks #Person2# the details of a course in business management and wants to enroll it. #Person2# asks #Person1# to fill out the form right now.
person1 mom feel earthquak afternoon person2 oh scare person1 break news report hous destroy earthquak person2 oh dear ruthless person1 think donat cloth food victim person2 that good idea help,#Person1# and Mom decide to donate clothes and food to victims from the earthquake.
person1 born u melissa person2 wasnt came 1992 person1 old person2 seventeen person1 go colleg right away person2 english wasnt good studi english two year first person1 wow english realli fluent person2 thank english pretti good person1 yeah born,#Person1# asks Melissa's age and praises Melissa for her fluent English.
person1 go strike 12 oclock let get firecrack readi rose person2 arent firecrack forbidden citi person1 well ye allow downtown area ok would difficult ban custom thousand year tradit habit bring kid joy excit long precaut taken let go set firecrack person2 fantast whole citi echo crackl sound person1 activ tomorrow person2 quit lot celebr new year start first day southern sweet rice cake breakfast peopl north jiaozi afterward make new year call famili rel husband side first day wife side second person1 bring gift along person2 that sure fruit cream cake medic tonic often parent age rel cash enclos red envelop kid cours well prepar beforehand person1 practic famili person2 nowaday must say mani famili especi newli marri coupl choos make oversea trip escap routin rose tour singapor malaysia thailand hong kong last year stay two week last day holiday person1 realli appreci way chines peopl exchang feel holiday long enough relax person2 well citi dweller spring festiv holiday seven day countri tradit still heavili emphas festiv last ten day,"#Person1# invites #Person2# to get firecrackers ready for the coming new year. #Person2# tells #Person1# the other ways to celebrate New Year, including eating sweet rice cakes, making New Year calls on families and relatives, and traveling overseas."
person1 hi enjoy parti person2 ye actual dont realli know anyon nice place good time person1 ye drink good im paul way person2 hello paul im jane person1 im financ person2 realli work account compani mayb youv heard person1 oh ye sure long work person2 two year base person1 actual im base shanghai im confer eh,Jane and Paul meet each other for the first time at the party and they talk about their occupations.
person1 boss wore real stupid tie work today guess person2 isnt man good tast cloth person1 didnt mean daughter bought tie father day gift happi wear show us offic person2 must hard father person1 great father see children grow love admir person2 mayb youll feel way father day,#Person1# talks with #Person2# about the boss's stupid tie which was sent by the boss's daughter.
person1 ticket new york left want go coach person2 sw113 leav 1325 would want one person1 ye what fare person2 88 singl ticket person1 well thought 83 person2 ye octob lst charg everi passeng 5 airport tax person1 see money,#Person1# pays #Person2# $88 to buy a ticket to New York.
person1 make tea sam person2 ye cours penni water kettl person1 ye person2 where tea person1 behind teapot cant see person2 see teapot cant see tea person1 front person2 ah ye see cup person1 cupboard find person2 ye person1 hurri sam kettl boil,Penny asks Tom to make the tea. Tom asks where the tea and cups are.
person1 excus professor need go home person2 everyth ok person1 feel funni person2 exactli seem matter person1 terribl headach person2 think go student health center person1 alreadi medicin home could get person2 need someon drive home person1 thank bu stop right hous person2 well go home rest make sure check websit assign,#Person1# asks for leave because of a terrible headache and the professor approves.
person1 repair fee person2 free comput still period guaranteetwo year person1 great technician come factori person2 work anoth factori provid mainten right let call see whether solv problem pleas wait moment person1 ive contact technician say go factori tomorrow afternoon tell factori address find easier person2 that wonder appreci effici cooper person1 provid excel aftersal servic motto pleas wait mainten staff factori tomorrow afternoon time person2 thank,#Person2# will arrange staff to repair for free because #Person1#'s computers are still in the period of guarantee. Then #Person1# tells #Person2# the address of #Person1#'s factory.
person1 hello person2 well im doctor havent feel well last day person1 got cough cold person2 that funni thing dont what wrong feel exhaust person1 perhap youv work hard highpressur job person2 mayb havent abl keep food either that unusu person1 well im sure doctor abl prescrib someth make well dr jameson good person2 ye ive make appoint 10 oclock id better move along person1 ok hope feel better soon take easi im sure doctor prescrib rest know,#Person2# feels exhausted and loses appetite. #Person1# cares about #Person2# and hopes #Person2# to become better soon.
person1 would like exchang chines money german currenc pleas person2 certainli much exchang today person1 50 000 rib would problem person2 that hefti amount problem awar tenperc servic charg though person1 ten percent that hefti person2 wait minut account us person1 ye account number person2 member small transact charg 5 dollar per transact particular denomin person1 3 000 mark hundr rest ten twenti pleas person2 mr lee anyth els,#Person2# helps Mr. Lee exchange Chinese currency into German currency. Mr. Lee pays a small transaction charge for this service.
person1 begun clean room person2 havent start yet person1 time go clean person2 im plan clean littl later person1 told clean earlier person2 know still go clean person1 make sure vacuum dust room person2 wont forget person1 dont want leav clean person2 plan arent later ill clean go,#Person1# urges #Person2# to clean up the room as soon as possible.
person1 harri let play pingpong today person2 id love play set two right arm hurt ive decid stop play pingpong feel better person1 well go skate person2 id like knee hurt person1 harri stop make excus your lazi person2 im know there basketbal match tv today let stay home watch person1 ok stay ill play helen,#Person1# invites Harry to play ping-pong or go skating but Harry is lazy and makes excuses.
person1 true dont swim person2 im afraid im old person1 20 person2 that old swimmer swam intern competit wouldnt win id rather swim person1 dont enjoy swim person2 use small enter big competit work hard use get 6 pool train school school weekend swam thirtyf mile everi week person1 famou fifteen look cup person2 true wonder memori olymp excit miss import thing girl play swim,#Person2# tells #Person1# that she doesn't swim now because of age and hard training. She thinks swimming is a wonderful memory for her.
person1 well salli look unhappi person2 oh hill quarrel mr smith person1 earth person2 well made three bad mistak far week got angri person1 dont understand usual care never make mistak person2 im tire dont know im person1 go bed late day person2 im usual bed eleven ive woken half past four everi morn go back sleep person1 person2 new neighbor milkman next door get half past four alway turn radio loudli difficult ask mm dont know yet person1 dont want see write letter ill help write letter person2 ok let tri,Sally quarreled with Mr. Smith because she had made bad mistakes. Sally tells Hill it was because she had bad sleep caused by her neighbor. Hill suggests her write a letter to her new neighbor.
person1 come sunday newspap person2 sport section person1 sure person2 let check there anyth excit next week person1 mean footbal match person2 ye great footbal match monday citi stadium person1 youll go watch person2 cours think cancel footbal match rain monday person1 think person2 cancel wednesday person1 realli cant tell person2 want make sure town wednesday realli cant miss game person1 dont check weather internet person2 good idea ill right,#Person2# checks the football match in the newspaper but is afraid of the match cancellation because of the rain. #Person1# suggests #Person2# check the weather on the Internet.
person1 week program street take harrog small town yorkshir harrog becam fashion resort victorian time peopl came take bath miner water today peopl come visit town miner water instead harrog becom popular town peopl retir clean air attract park absenc industri make ideal spot peopl look quiet life tell us harrog tom perciv presid chamber commerc tom one thing visitor notic harrog larg area open park land right middl town tell us person2 ye certainli area call stray person1 stray person2 call old day peopl let cattl stray area common land person1 oh see person2 weve chang farm land ownership stray becam part land own harrog person1 protect person2 oh ye inde special law one build anyth stray protect forev person1 alway park land person2 that right see stray use sport field person1 believ look love spring person2 ye therer spring flower old tree peopl visit town see flower,#Person1# introduces a small town Harrogate. People come for its mineral waters in the past and now this town becomes a place for people to retire to. Then #Person1# invites Tom to introduce a large area of open parkland called the Stray in Harrogate.
person1 hi stephani cant answer phone right im away feel free call leav messag text alright bye person2 uh hello uh yeah hi stephani steffi uh cant oh yeah uh ye stephani name ronald friend call ron parent call well forget uh im origin canada grew texa im 24 year old uh graduat high school five year ago im manag exot pet shop carri kind bird snake spider fish even one snake four meter long keep home oh yeah um hobbi fish hunt ride hors free time favorit food beef beef beef dont eat mani veget except potato beef oh yeah sometim eat appl beef sometim two brother live dont job mom live three dog brutu charli samantha oh one thing might seem strang enjoy read poetri that hope hear call want number 7891350 yeah uh right catch later allig oh oh that stupid uh oh goodby,"Ronald, the manager of an exotic pet shop, leaves a message when Stephanie cannot answer the phone. He introduces himself, including his birthplace, age, graduation school, vocation, hobbies, favorite foods, family members."
person1 tell peter make harrod famou person2 well biggest depart store uk food hall egyptian hall famou peopl come harrod see person1 special food hall person2 sell mani differ kind food exampl 250 kind chees world 180 kind bread custom also love differ kind chocol buy hundr ton everi year person1 that amaz egyptian hall famou person2 well peopl see feel anoth world look like egyptian build 4000 year ago sell beauti object 4000 year old cours person1 true harrod produc electr person2 ye 70 enough small town light outsid build use 11500 light bulb person1 realli tell mani custom averag day much spend person2 30000 peopl come averag day sale number increas 300000 custom day much spent well averag custom spend 15 million pound day record one day nine million pound person1 nine million pound one day person2 ye first day januari sale person1 harrod say sell everyth everybodi everywher realli true person2 oh ye cours absolut everyth,"Peter explains to #Person1# the reasons why the food hall and the Egyptian hall are famous. #Person1# also asks Peter about Harrods' electricity, customer flow and sales daily."
person1 hello 6896443 person2 hello luci person1 speak person2 hi tom speak lili person1 sorri isnt moment take messag person2 could pleas tell wait even plan go parti togeth someth import came rush ill back cairo begin next week person1 right ill tell leav person2 ye leav half past two pleas give love thank person1 your welcom person2 could ask phone get person1 sure youd better give number person2 ye 1396272854 person1 ok ive record person2 thank much inde bye person1 bye,Tom asks Lucy to tell Lily that he has to leave because of some important things and will be back soon. He also wants a reply call and leaves his number.
person1 excus waiter waiter person2 ye sir person1 ive sit past twenti minut one offer glass water brought bread tabl appet havent serv yet know kind establish id expect much better servic person2 sorri sir ill check order right away person3 relax honey place busi tonight ive heard food amaz anyway person2 sir foie gra ladi mushroom soup person1 waiter order cream mushroom soup asparagu soup obvious runni overseason complet ined person2 okay apolog bring anoth soup would like order someth els person1 take foie gra back well rubberi complet overcook look portion size charg twentyf dollar sliver duck liver person2 right away sir person3 honey come foie gra fine make big deal tri get meal comp person1 mean pay im shell hard earn buck expect valu money person2 sir hope alright chef prepar special person1 ye fine person3 honey alright,"#Person1# complains about the service and the waiting time before the food arrives. After #Person2# serves the dishes, #Person1# complains about the taste of food and #Person2# helps to recook the food. #Person3# comforts #Person1#."
person1 alright tell think person2 dont think bit bright person1 yeah mayb your right outfit person2 dress look love practic person1 dont plan go formal danc time soon love way look tri think casual yet sophist person2 like jean need someth go top plain person1 scarf ear amd anklet person2 might go overboard bit scarf bracelet person1 that good idea lot good fashion sens person2 thank youd ok load fashion victim one tri yet person1 yep think person2 look great one thingyou need high heel jean want pair plain pattern one leopard print person1 leopard print sound fabul name brand person2 theyr prada knockoff 110 price real thing person1 that even better real thing person2 id buy sale spend 100 get 50 voucher cloth person1 bad shop yesterday,#Person2# tries on many kinds of different clothes and #Person1# gives comments on the clothes. #Person2# regrets missing the sales discount.
person1 love hous jack person2 thank number thing go wrong late person1 that bad problem person2 oh whole hous need repaint starter carpet live room worn id like put new walltowal carpet last week call plumber fix toilet anyway par cours hous guess think go hire interior decor look place person1 ive studi home decor hobbi could make suggest person2 go right ahead person1 well think crystal chandeli would look great live room mayb new drape window also grandfath clock would look great den perhap could buy pot plant dine room person2 well realli talent alic thank suggest person1 welcom jack glad help,Things in Jack's house have been going wrong lately and Jack wants to hire an interior decorator. Alice gives him some suggestions for home decoration.
person1 ill away moment person2 ye anyth person1 look iv watch man street keep peep shop keep eye skin guy person2 ok,#Person1# warns #Person2# to keep eyes skinned for the guy peeping into the shop.
person1 would love famou thousand ador fan person2 realli im sure would like attent numer case paparazzi interf star privat live recent year person1 love photograph famou id interview top magazin like cosmo ell person2 wouldnt mind photo taken time interview twice would get tediou imagzin thing gossip columnist would write person1 noon realli believ gossip columnist person2 think youll find mani peopl believ read gossip column youd also care everi word said appear chat show said someth silli would report newspap magazin person1 think your right id need good manag spokesperson could lot chariti work would help lot peopl person2 that great idea chariti would support person1 love children know probabl children chariti person2 youd rememb anyth said might reflect chariti youd realli need care anyway id first buy poster id attend first booksing wrote autobiographi person1 thank actual hope could ask write biographi,"#Person1# would love to be famous because #Person1# loves being photographed and doing interviews and could do children's charity work then. But #Person2# isn't sure whether to do that because a famous person has to pay attention to gossip and words. #Person2# will support #Person1#, but #Person1# wants #Person2# to write a biography for #Person1#."
person1 hey sarah year im go rock festiv three day person2 oh lucki leo go cousin person1 year brother promis take sister busi colleg work person2 get person1 want drive dad said far citi us cycl special buse well use person2 take person1 tent cloth realli well need lot water well buy meal hey come us person2 mayb,Leo tells Sarah he will take special buses to the rock festival with his brother. He invites Sarah to go together and Sarah says maybe she will.
person1 sir plane land moscow 20 minut pleas remain seat person2 im sorri want get someth drink im thirsti bring glass water person1 sure ill back minut pleas wait moment person2 thank much way what weather like moscow person1 cold probabl put coat get plane person2 thank remind person1 your welcom,#Person1# tells #Person2# to remain seated. #Person2# asks for water and asks #Person1# about the weather in Moscow.
person1 last depart price rang far nicest 300 see great view citi good price consid place person2 wow that great view harbor person1 isnt got everyth wash machin dryer dishwash name person2 hum wonder would get furnitur way thirteenth floor though person1 elev person2 ok bill person1 heat water includ rent although electr cabl tv internet access rent 3000 per month person2 alright first place look includ everyth correct basement suit person1 ye although price littl differ outsid citi that 1600 cheaper person2 see studio 2000 month right person1 ye seem rememb say worri nois night due bar close person2 true well lot think thank time,"#Person1# is showing #Person2# departments. In the last department, #Person2# asks about the bills, infrastructure, prices, etc. and tells #Person1# #Person2# will think about a lot."
person1 mom ive finish homework help wash person2 could peel onion wash chop person1 sure finish person2 let see wash cabbag person1 got much food today person2 brother birthday today person1 oh realli forgot thought monday today spent one day slower person2 yeah forget care dont cut finger person1,#Person1# has finished the homework and helps Mom with the preparation for #Person1#'s brother's birthday.
person1 go terri say went vancouv san diego mani day take person2 um total trip took 42 day includ one day bu one day bu back person1 cool first bike hometown put bike bu took bu vancouv person2 right yeah put bike bicycl box person1 carri everyth need take care bicycl person2 ye stop bicycl shop along way also need maintain bicycl cant find anyon help person1 ok take trip tool need take take care bicycl person2 oh basic tool 2 3 tire person1 that cool thank terri,"Terry tells #Person1# how he went from Vancouver to San Diego, the time he took and what tools he needs to take to take care of his bicycle."
person1 hotlin common today life think person2 cours person1 amus opinion import daili life person2 true person1 certainli free hotlin offer help teenag open nanj person2 tell someth person1 first part nation hotlin system help protect teen right young peopl psycholog problem question legal issu call help 100 expert readi offer help person2 telephon number person1 call 961961 nanj 025961961 outsid person2 oh help teenag,"#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about hotlines nowadays. Then #Person1# tells #Person2# a hotline, opened in Nanjing, offers help to teenagers who have psychological problems or questions on legal issues."
person1 shall tonight person2 cinema person1 that good idea havent seen film age would like see person2 oh dont know titan person1 titan old film ive seen,#Person1# and #Person2# are going to the cinema tonight.
person1 websit offer conveni air ticket book servic quick accur person2 ye book give immedi confirm inform flight inform mobil phone email conveni pay credit card whole transact take coupl minut also provid eticket mean need go offic pick air ticket go airport directli check id card person1 attract custom day person2 ye therefor expand scope servic exampl hotel book site well,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about a website that offers convenient air tickets booking service and are expanding the scope of service.
person1 mani piec luggag would like check sir person2 three bag suitcas luggag check person1 carryon luggag person2 person1 put luggag scale pleas oh luggag overweight person2 much excess baggag part charg person1 twentytwo dollar person2 person1 voucher get luggag back good trip person2 thank,#Person1# helps #Person2# check in and asks #Person2# to pay for excess baggage.
person1 look happi person2 happi bought new car person1 wow good car person2 great car comfort goe realli fast person1 expens person2 put way wasnt cheap person1 colour person2 red black,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# bought a new comfortable car.
person1 could come help mend comput neel person2 what wrong person1 cant log internet person2 let see chang anyth comput person1 never person2 kind antiviru softwar use person1 dont kind softwar person2 ride instal antiviru softwar comput attack virus lead comput failur,#Person1# can't log on the Internet and asks Neil for help. Neil's surprised #Person1# doesn't have any anti-virus software.
person1 hi anna havent seen age person2 ive away holiday sometim person1 wonder havent seen recent spend holiday person2 went husband first stop bangkok stay 5 day flew hong kong stopov 3 day last stop china visit great wall person1 must wonder time person2 ye enjoy much travel much luke person1 wife doesnt like travel havent travel ten year first time travel togeth 1978 got marri spent honeymoon alp person2 oh see yeah peopl like travel dont husband didnt like travel first either said what use travel wast money wast time last got move love went bali indonesia one beauti place world trip left deep impress sinc whenev holiday money wed like patron travel agenc isnt bit dull shut one place life,"Anna went to Bangkok, Hong Kong and China with her husband, while Luke hasn't traveled for long because his wife doesn't like traveling. Anna's husband doesn't like traveling at first but then the trips left a deep impression on him so he loves traveling now."
person1 could tell univers want go john person2 pardon person1 univers would enter person2 univers ask last year person1 oh forget sorri person2 went harvard univers person1 cours take person2 god save anyth wrong didnt tell person1 ive known perhap ive got bad memori person2 b econom rememb person1 terrif b againb,John's already told #Person1# he went to Harvard University and took a B. A. in economics. But #Person1# asks again.
person1 hi franci person2 oh mike person1 bad seem super yogurt lover mani cart person2 well prefer yogurt drink ever tri kind yogurt old milk tast great healthi person1 oh havent notic mayb tri next time person2 dont go ahead item person1 thank fact hurri wife wait park lot person2 your welcom good see person1 great day,Mike and Francis are shopping. Mike finds Francis is a yogurt lover and Francis lets Mike go ahead of him because Mike has more items.
person1 alway think everybodi look person2 dont neg person1 optimist see eye person2 find mean live world person1 dont neg person2 realli life bore,#Person1# thinks negatively and #Person2# comforts #Person1#.
person1 your new right person2 ye new person1 first semest person2 transfer anoth school person1 school transfer person2 came pcc person1 like far person2 realli enjoy far person1 better pcc person2 think pcc lot better person1 didnt stay pcc person2 graduat want get ba,"#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# transferred from PCC because #Person2# graduated, but #Person2# still thinks PCC is better."
person1 wife wide relat may ask advic person2 stop talk give goos bump never wish sight person1 pretti mani men prais highli person2 mani peopl mani tast look pretti way speak give goos bump feel sick,#Person1# advises #Person2# to ask his wife for help but #Person2#'s sick of the way she speaks.
person1 ive heard groundlevel ozon explain exactli person2 ye one main air pollut factori dont emit directli air actual form nitrogen oxid voc emiss come contact heat sunlight person1 sorri voc stand person2 oh vou arevolatil organ compound that technic term solvent chemic found thing like paint person1 damag ozon environ person2 well caus smog affect peopl health especi peopl breath difficulti,"#Person2# explains to #Person1# that the ozone is an air pollutant and ozone causes smog, which affects people's health."
person1 educ go australia person2 im go graduat summer person1 go work australia back china person2 im plan return china graduat person1 choos leav foreign countri mani peopl reluct leav superior live environ abroad person2 well think person develop much import simpli superior live environ person1 yeah china develop fast develop opportun found almost everi corner countri person2 absolut mani chines enterpris go global great need excel returne help oversea busi person1 rapidli expand economi encourag mani student pack bag amd head home person2 that right chines student pursu higher educ australia intend return china,#Person2# plans to return to China after graduation. #Person1# thinks China's developing fast and has many opportunities. #Person2# agrees and tells that many Chinese students intend to return to China.
person1 recogn woman milli person2 think kate must karen marsh actress person1 thought who besid person2 must conrad reev person1 conrad reev actor cant let anoth look think your right isnt third husband person2 must fourth fifth person1 doesnt karen marsh look old person2 doesnt read she twentynin must least forti person1 im sure person2 famou actress still schoolgirl person1 long time ago wasnt person2 long ago im twentynin,Millie tells Kate she recognizes Karen and Conrad who is Karen's fourth or fifth husband. Kate's surprised Karen doesn't look old at all.
person1 know job requir frequent busi travel accept person2 ye person1 mostli short busi trip sometim long one also need person2 expens trip person1 compani pay expens person2 would tell often travel person1 usual shanghai qingdao hong kong person2 great like place person1 need go abroad person2 ye person1 busi trip could appli reimburs expens passag money accommod charg person2 see person1 take break one two week busi trip everi time depend circumst person2 ok thank much tell thing,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# can accept frequent business travels. #Person1# says #Person2# can apply for reimbursement of all the expenses and take breaks after each trip depending on the circumstances.
person1 person2 dont know day person1 mumm person2 day world biggest sport event kick person1 person2 world cup first match today mexico vs south africa go realli good match team strong offens skill player think south africa probabl domin first half sinc host countri person1 idea your talk sport event watch home super bowl person2 bigger super bowl man team 32 countri compet everi four year fight win trophi first start group stage bigger group group 4 team top 2 team pass elimin stage go quarter final sand semifin person1 sound interest soccer doesnt realli appeal person2 kid seven hundr million peopl watch final match world cup excit nerv wrack sport nation cheer team hope becom next champion far brazil team titl belt theyr realli good person1 know soccer cant use hand player alway fall tri get free kick penalti kick seem like sissi sport person2 whatev dude im go go watch open match,"#Person2# tells #Person1# the World Cup is kicking off. The first match is Mexico vs. South Africa and #Person2# thinks it'll be good. But #Person1# only knows the Super Bowl. #Person2# says the World Cup is bigger than it, where teams compete against each other every four years. But #Person1#'s not interested in soccer."
person1 hello talk miss li pleas person2 beg pardon miss person1 miss li li lin person2 im sorri dont know name must wrong number person1 come know li lin let talk person2 sorri there one name li lin sure right name person1 sure person2 number tri dial person1 4236681 isnt right person2 isnt 4236631 person1 im sorri bother person2 problem,#Person1# calls to speak to Miss Li Lin but #Person2# says #Person1# dialed the wrong number.
person1 good morn sir may help person2 ye thank want get handbag person1 want girlfriend person2 girlfriend person1 pleas excus said think one person2 afraid big person1 sorri smallest size person2 bad leather store nearbi person1 oh ye big one right corner street perhap get one person2 hope thank,#Person1# recommends a handbag to #Person2# but it's too big. #Person1# shows #Person2# another leather store and #Person2#'ll go there.
person1 excus person2 ye help person1 readi order cup coffe glass orang person2 ye would like coffe person1 black coffe serv anyth els besid drink say cake person2 also serv sandwich cake person1 give two piec cake,"#Person2# helps #Person1# order coffee, orange juice and cake."
person1 thank purchas new mattress us person2 thank person1 would like us deliv mattress person2 would great person1 want deliv person2 need deliv tomorrow possibl person1 time exactli person2 need deliv 12 person1 time person2 that problem person1 deliv mattress tomorrow 12 oclock person2 that great thank much,#Person1#'ll deliver the mattress to #Person2# at 12 tomorrow. #Person2# thinks it's great.
person1 wake mari person2 eight morn person1 go church want come person2 im religi person person1 sure person2 mayb next weekend went bed late last night person1 okay well back around noon person2 alright,"#Person1# invites Mary to go to church, but Mary refuses."
person1 person2 ye made reserv 3 day april 3rd 6th name sara person1 ye what problem person2 well want extend 2 night person1 stay 9th person2 ye person1 ok well make correct person2 thank,#Person1# helps #Person2# extend the reservation for 2 more nights.
person1 hi mr adam person2 ah ye must kelli thank come person1 here card person2 oh entrepreneuri spirit hard find good babysitt friday night person1 well like watch kid need extra money person2 well heard one best afford babysitt area person1 uh well id like talk new rate increas person2 rate increas person1 see mr adam ive consult financi advisor uh mother say charg per child sinc cook clean hous your away person2 oh see mind person1 well see id like ask dollar per child per hour overtim midnight base calcul that 1023 go market im certifi babysitt train cpr person2 oh never knew cours certif babysit person1 time chang mr adam figur expens benefit packag cover colleg tuition retir stock portfolio well tell dad person2 ah your pull leg mean old anyway person1 old enough tough negoti,Mr. Adams has heard that Kelly was one of the best and most affordable babysitters in the area but Kelly asks for a rate increase. Kelly wants 10.23% above the going market since she's an experienced and certified babysitter.
person1 much carnat rose person2 one dollar carnat one half red rose person1 id like dozen red carnat half dozen red rose person2 bet mother mother day today person1 well complet true happen birthday person2 oh realli guess must happi receiv beauti carnat person1 yeah realli like flower buy everi year id wish would stay fresh longer person2 put littl sugar vitamin c water theyll stay fresh day person1 realli ill tell mother thank suggest person2 that right happi birthday mother,#Person1# buys carnations and roses because it's Mother's Day and also #Person1#'s Mom's birthday. #Person2# suggests putting sugar and vitamin C in the water to make flowers stay fresh.
person1 room 6th floor well take lift person2 lift quick feel hardli movement person1 modem lift great improv compar old one way got key room person2 ye ill unlock door person1 well think room person2 pleasant inde also cool love color scheme person1 white blue cool color cours room aircondit person2 plenti hang space builtin wardrob fact need person1 perhap youll need bought new cloth,"#Person2# thinks the lift is quick and the room is pleasant, but there's much hanging space. #Person1# says #Person2#'ll need it after buying clothes."
person1 good even welcom tonight edit legendari live subject even jame dean actor hero young peopl time edward murray author new biographi dean good even edward person2 hello tina person1 edward tell us know dean earli life person2 born indiana 1931 parent move california five wasnt long though mother pass away four year later jimmi father sent back indiana live aunt person1 get act person2 well first act play high school went colleg california got serious act 1951 move new york stage act person1 movi career realli start person2 1955 first star role east eden fabul dean becam huge success movi realli made famou second one rebel without caus teenag felt like didnt fit societi person1 mani movi make person2 one die car crash california 1955 person1 tragedi made three movi made legend still today person2 well guess look act abil short life mayb type charact play movi mani young peopl saw symbol american youth,Tina invites Edward to introduce Dean. Edward says Dean first acted in plays at high school and then did more stage acting. His first role was fabulous but people got to know him from his second one. Dean died in 1955 with only three movies. Tina thinks his death is a tragedy.
person1 lili dont think scholarship new york univers someth great declin offer person2 realiz valu scholarship could explain mother doesnt want go oversea person1 person2 know im child famili mother live alon time three year absenc even think person1 nobodi take care person2 father travel lot mani countri busi dubai lot mom home person1 oh see consider,Lily tells #Person1# she declines the scholarship from NYU because her dad travels a lot and she has to take care of her mom.
person1 would help minutepleas person2 cours want person1 could hold packag look key door person2 id glad what packag theyr extrem heavi person1 thing need picnic tomorrow person2 well hurri open door told thing heavi person1 cant find key must person2 your right get key im hold packag,#Person1# asks #Person2# to hold the packages so that #Person1# can look for the key. Then #Person1# thinks #Person2# has the key.
person1 dad love dont person2 cours ask ah what mind person1 well saw great offer free cell phone newspap person2 free noth ever free person1 well phone free 50 mailin rebat person2 ah that catch need cell phone anyway person1 dad friend one use call case car break person2 ah dont know alway mani fee person1 monthli charg servic 2999 1000 free weekday minut nationwid unlimit weekend minut plu unlimit anytim minut anyon use servic person2 dont know person1 roll extra minut next month instead lose think person2 yeah term servic agreement person1 six month person2 cancel earli person1 um ah there cancel fee 200 person2 two hundr buck person1 yeah wont worri im drive new car person2 new car new car person1 new car youll need buy use cell phone mean what gon na look like im use cell phone old lemon person2 teenag whatll think next,#Person1# asks Dad to buy #Person1# a new cell phone. #Person1# tells #Person2# the reason is all the friends have one and #Person1# can use it while #Person1#'s driving the new car. #Person2# feels ridiculous about #Person1#'s requirements for a new cell phone as well as a new car.
person1 nice warm isnt person2 oh love think nasti weather last week person1 day person2 fine thank person1 fine today though bit weather last week,#Person1# and #Person2# think the weather is lovely and they're fine.
person1 kind music like listen person2 like music fast beat live like danc music know go disco almost everi week sometim loud though prefer classic music dont person1 ye find relax often listen mozart bach even hard day work person2 must admit like sever piec classic music certainli sophist modern danc music person1 classic music suppos good brain research suggest make brain activ student listen classic music studi perform better person2 realli perhap listen classic music often heard listen classic music help reduc stress person1 ye that listen even usual play background music im cook housework person2 ive got classic music cd follow lead increas brian power person1 find plenti record internet listen sampl buy cheapli like person2 that good idea music might find someth like classic music might make clever danc might make liveli happier person1 that true there clear evid peopl listen live music live peopl music influenc person feel charact,"#Person2# likes dance music, while #Person1# prefers classic music. #Person1# says classic music is good for the brain and #Person2# says dance music also makes people livelier and happier. #Person1# advises #Person2# to listen to the samples on the Internet and buy cheap ones."
person1 happen bring book talk yesterday person2 let go get go person1 thank much person2 like way gift get increasingli lavish person1 idea specif thing given differ anniversari person2 say give wife first anniversari person1 say tradit give someth made paper person2 think two thing made paper stationeri money,#Person2# brings #Person1# the book. #Person1# suggests giving the wife something made of paper but #Person2# only thinks of stationery and money.
person1 tri person2 man aisl person1 oh come check ticket show ticket person3 ticket pleas wrong train ladi ticket express train person2 express train person3 ye train local train local train stop everi station person2 oh want get dorsett go train person3 go dorsett train take longer express train goe straight dorsett without stop train local train stop everi station person1 get dorsett person3 two hour person1 isnt bad dont mind enjoy view countrysid person3 alright time wont make buy two new ticket waiv fee wrong train next time pleas sure right train person2 read sign care next time thank,#Person3# checks #Person1# and #Person2#'s tickets and finds they are on the wrong train. Their tickets are for the express train but it's a local train. They think it's fine and #Person3# waives their fees for this train.
person1 ill need park permit next semest person2 attend school day night person1 attend class parttim even person2 drive motorcycl automobil person1 usual use car get school person2 great price permit thirti dollar cash check credit card person1 ill pay cash person2 need buy duplic permit second vehicl person1 thank person2 ok permit enjoy next semest,#Person2# helps #Person1# buy a parking permit for next semester and #Person1# buys it in cash.
person1 help pick gift daughter person2 might like laptop comput person1 ye sound like good idea person2 might suggest mac person1 okay much person2 well 15inch pro 2 100 person1 oh sound great ill take person2 great would like pay person1 here visa person2 let ring okay sign pleas person1 everyth need box person2 itll take minut get onlin person1 thank help person2 long thank shop,#Person2# recommends a Mac computer to #Person1# as #Person1#'s daughter's gift. #Person1# buys it by card.
person1 anna smith ask us get hous person2 730 pm 30 minut go readi go person1 yet know blue shirt dont want go brown one person2 right cupboard shirt isnt sarah yet said shed 700 pm without take care kid cant go smith tonight person1 dont worri im sure shell minut take us 20 minut get wont late long leav 710 pm,#Person1# and Anna will go to the Smiths. Anna's worried they can't go because the babysitter Sarah hasn't arrived yet. #Person1# comforts her.
person1 go take vacat person2 hawaii person1 sound like great place visit famili go person2 ye plan go mountain climb fish swim windsurf plan relax wife take whole bunch book read person1 children must excit person2 ye theyr count day go europ summer person1 time go visit old friend egypt,#Person2# will go to Hawaii with #Person2#'s family and invites #Person1# to go together. #Person1# refuses.
person1 miss work last week finish project without person2 im sorri ami sick person1 oh yeah person2 um donkey pox new sick mani peopl heard yet person1 hmm think vacat,#Person2# explains why #Person2# missed work. But Amy thinks #Person2#'s lying.
person1 good morn golden bridg hotel servic person2 good morn id like make reserv pleas room avail next week person1 alright singl room doubl room person2 doubl room pleas american coupl person1 hold pleas let check book ye doubl room avail kind room would like sir person2 id like room nice view pleas person1 nice garden view room person2 good ill take one bar hotel person1 ye sir also parti saturday night bar till next morn person2 parti night kid anyway what room charg person1 188 00 per night breakfast north pole star buffet arriv time person2 turn around 500 pm next tuesday check next sunday person1 see may name phone number person2 ye 66301321 martin,#Person1# helps Martin make a reservation for a double room with a nice garden view and tells Martin about the price and the bar in the hotel.
person1 want ticket new york one way pleas person2 thatll 285 would like pay person1 credit card dont like pay cash quit inconveni person2 ok see person1 oh way doctor advis eat meat last time special salad plate id like time person2 im sorri im abl otherwis would need 24hour notic special meal ticket person1 thank oh forgot bring credit card let see oh fortun enough cash wallet,#Person1# wants a ticket to New York and asks for a special salad plate but #Person2# can't offer that. #Person1#'ll pay by cash.
person1 isnt apart good person2 well dont know mean ok person1 big much room feel free person2 must cold winter place comfort warm person1 oh john view look view ocean window feel relax person2 oh god make seasick place much earth person1 look furnitur like much person2 feel like im museum uncomfort suppos sit chair person1 oh john dont wish could live place like person2 what wrong place,#Person1# thinks the apartment is big with a good view and #Person1# likes the furniture. But John thinks the room makes him uncomfortable.
person1 david get mani old book person2 graduat sell use book realli cheap bought person1 arent leav china 2 week finish read mani book person2 ill take back america ill continu improv chines theyll help person1 come china person2 dont know mayb sever year later mayb next year depend person1 depend person2 depend whether mom recov still ill leav work china,David bought some old books and will take them back to America. He tells #Person1# whether he comes to China depends on his mom's health condition.
person1 like jazz bob person2 much like person1 well ye make relax kind music like person2 like listen rock person1 ah make stomach turn cant get relax make much nois group like best person2 uh cranberri like song cloth,#Person1# likes jazz while Bob likes rock from which #Person1# cannot get relaxation.
person1 hi sam 800 oclock get quickli time breakfast person2 dont realli want get person1 would like breakfast sam person2 im quit hungri let think kind food prepar mom person1 sandwich bread veget person2 chicken sandwich veget one person1 chicken sandwich person2 great theyr favorit person1 want drink juic milk person2 milk pleas person1 wash hand eat person2 ok mom where dad person1 he sleep person2 sleep 800 oclock alreadi dad lazi person1 sam slept rather late last night went station meet friend dont wake let sleep littl person2 ok mom,Mom wakes up Sam and has prepared his favorite chicken sandwiches. Mom asks Sam not to wake up Dad because he stayed up late last night.
person1 polic station help person2 ye im call tell found car thought might stolen car person1 see exactli find person2 near number 8 bridg along london road person1 know name address pleas person2 henri robert live 51 eaton road person1 mister robert person2 im engin back compani person1 still rememb number car person2 ye number bwe 4578 person1 anyth els person2 yellow nearli new person1 find car person2 wednesday person1 well thank much mister robert well investig,Roberts tells the police he found a car and thought it might be a stolen car. The police will investigate it.
person1 hello barbara welcom back look great person2 rod love see person1 trip person2 fun tire milan interest bigger expect noisier dirtier person1 florenc think florenc person2 well didnt go person1 ive never itali id realli like go rome well car car park luggag person2 ye suitcas heavi person1 barbara what book stone person2 20 pair shoe,Barbara tells Rod about her trip to Milan. Rod then finds Barbara's suitcase is very heavy.
person1 jim late school morn person2 im sorri mr brown person1 get late person2 got 700 oclock usual morn breakfast left home 730 person1 take 20 minut walk school late person2 well way school saw boy lie street fallen bike ran help found injur person1 person2 took nearest hospit person1 right thing jim person2 thank mr brown,Jim was late and he explains to Mrs. Brown he helped an injured boy. Mrs. Brown thinks he did the right thing.
person1 hello madam like stay person2 quit good excus place interest person1 ye mani near hoteithre block away templ famou build paintingslt worth visit person2 thank think today go,#Person2# asks #Person1# about local places of interest. #Person1# recommends a temple.
person1 result lab test person2 come lot say person1 say person2 went back doctor hear result lab test tri keep poker face even though scare death guess said person1 want know person2 told test neg noth wrong,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# was scared about the result of #Person2#'s lab tests but the doctor told #Person1# there was nothing wrong with #Person1#.
person1 sandi help contact peopl person2 sure want tell person1 well need confirm time class person2 ok find telephon number person1 list sheet paper person2 home offic cell phone number person1 unless mark differ home number person2 alright get hold phone person1 email inform person2 find email address person1 list resum person2 email address person1 send sm cell phone person2 ok sound easi enough call yet person1 ye call first three peopl list pick person2 leav voic messag person1 left voic messag onejust first person list person2 see tell person1 told call back offic number person2 ok mayb call person1 ye sound like good idea might get messag time person2 one question look like number longdist call card use get person1 sure use one pin number written back card person2 alright thank lot worri take care person1 great work weekend see monday person2 see,"#Person1# requests Sandy to help #Person1# contact some people to confirm the time of their classes. #Person1# tells Sandy the numbers on the sheet are mostly home numbers and if Sandy can't find their e-mail addresses, she can send them SMS. #Person1# has called some people but #Person1# thinks Sandy can call them again. #Person1# gives Sandy the pin number of a call card so that she can call long-distance numbers."
person1 hello dr gala offic help person2 ye like make appoint dr gala could arrang person1 sure let check schedul tomorrow afternoon 230 person2 avail tomorrow afternoon tomorrow morn person1 sorri dr gala fulli engag tomorrow morn day tomorrow 930 morn person2 fine thank person1 welcom could name phone number pleas person2 certainli name janet smith phone number 6105551234 person1 good ms smith schedul appoint wednesday 930 person2 thank much person1 welcom,#Person2# phones to make an appointment with Dr. Galas. #Person1# helps to schedule the appointment on Wednesday.
person1 john hasnt turn stefan ill anyon standbi person2 im afraid shortstaf moment ask shift supervisor ask one team overtim perhap tommi stand hour two find replac,#Person1# and #Person2# try to make up for staff shortage. #Person2# suggests letting Tommy stand in.
person1 ran fenc pole crash think damn hurt person2 well get hospit ride back bike person1 im lucki wasnt kill must go around fortyf mile hour much gravel corner slid person2 ye almost slid alright tourniquet tight feel person1 make tighter want blood stop wrap bandag around cut go ouch hope walk person2 alright im twist around tell stop person1 stop,#Person1# tells #Person2# how #Person1# got injured. #Person1# treats the wound and will send #Person1# to the hospital.
person1 think doctor thomson person2 feel confid abil cure daughter diseas person1 sure person2 tell form way spoke us person1 never believ word,#Person2# trusts doctor Thomson's ability while #Person1# doesn't.
person1 love person2 im fond person1 ye love person2 mean lot person1 didnt answer question person2 question person1 love come im eager hear person2 know care iim proud person1 dont cherish word dear person2 ii dont feel like say,#Person1# asks #Person2# whether #Person2# loves #Person1#. #Person2# keeps dodging the question.
person1 dont think teacher right say teacher wrong accus front whole class person2 youv got joke teacher right say anyth want saw myra cheat certainli right say person1 agre right say someth feel done privat person2 your right teacher wouldnt done,#Person1# thinks the teacher shouldn't accuse a student in front of the whole class but do it privately. #Person2# agrees.
person1 donna realli shock everyon parti last night person2 mean perform person1 ye assum quiet shi type person2 guess everyon secret sleev person1 learn sing like person2 part band school person1 wow dont ever dress like work person2 come work dont think would littl weird,#Person1# says everyone is shocked at #Person2#'s performance. #Person2# explains #Person2# never dresses like that at work because that's weird.
person1 id like meet sometim person2 would great actual get phone number ella that assum dont mind call sometim person1 anytim reach 5558929 person2 ok got call sometim next week person1 fine person2 time go bye ella hope see soon person1 bye jason,Jason asks for Ella's number and will call her sometime next week.
person1 hello person2 well im doctor havent feel well last day person1 got cough cold person2 that funni thing dont what wrong feel exhaust person1 perhap youv work hard highpressur job person2 mayb havent abl keep food either that unusu person1 well im sure doctor abl prescrib someth make well dr jameson good person2 ye ive make appoint 10 oclock id better move along person1 ok hope feel better soon take easi im sure doctor prescrib rest know,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# hasn't been feeling well. #Person2# is going to see a doctor. #Person1# cheers up #Person2#.
person1 hey susan come year person2 come person1 yeah halloween big offic parti tomorrow even there prize best costum person2 um confess havent given much thought im china halloween realli isnt celebr person1 realli dont kind chines ghost festiv person2 oh sure entir month tradit chines cultur ghost month period door world beyond open ghost come back earth visit person1 cool whole month month person2 well peopl sometim set firecrack peopl burn paper money offer mani peopl go templ burn incens mainli though need feed ghost theyr hungri person1 feed person2 yeah set tabl food fruit drink offer hungri ghost person1 later everyon eat food person2 ye guess person1 make sens right els go eat person2 good point person1 dress like ghost right person2 halloween essenti thing ghost month,#Person1# asks Susan about her Halloween costume plan but Susan is from China and doesn't celebrate Halloween. She then tells #Person1# about Chinese ghost festival customs. Susan says China has an entire ghost month and people set off firecrackers and prepare food to feed ghosts.
person1 tri decid school appli person2 think public school privat one person1 sure what differ person2 public school usual state fund wherea privat school usual get fund elsewher person1 better person2 one isnt necessarili better depend lot school administr teacher person1 hear wear uniform privat school person2 ye sometim,#Person2# tells #Person1# the differences between public schools and private schools.
person1 welcom back vacat person2 fantast im glad back tourist realli tire person1 end go person2 offseason got realli good packag deal pari went person1 ive alway want go pari eiffel tower one famou tourist attract world go top person2 first thing pictur want see person1 sure what one pictur person2 oh that pictur fourth day travel im stand next famou foundat centr citi person1 dont look happi pictur person2 time sick sightse enough art galleri cathedr fountain statu palac person1 person2 spent afternoon walk around flea market coffe watch movi went swim pool hotel person1 travel agent alway remind plan day relax everi 3 day sightse go louvr person2 cours cant go pari without go famou art galleri surpris small mona lisa though person1 that everyon say cant wait see day,"#Person2# tells #Person1# about #Person2#'s trip to Paris and shows #Person1# some pictures. #Person2# says by the time of one picture, #Person2# was sick of sightseeing but still enjoyed the trip to the art gallery and recommends #Person1# to go. #Person1# feels interested."
person1 never understand shop much liquor person2 mean much cheaper buy liquor dutyfre person1 dont peopl like buy shirt dutyfre shoe dont understand alway liquor person2 well countri liquor higher tax person1 mean liquor higher tax thing person2 ye cours didnt know person1 didnt high tax person2 well differ differ countri high tax buy liquor dutyfre good deal person1 would govern want tax liquor much person2 liquor consid luxuri item also consid someth isnt healthi peopl want buy govern think right tax person1 that lot peopl buy cigarett isnt person2 cours cigarett also tax heavili,"#Person1# complains to #Person2# that the duty-free shops sell so much liquor. #Person2# explains liquor is considered luxurious and unhealthy so liquor has a higher tax on it, which makes buying liquor duty-free a good deal."
person1 learn workshop went yesterday think worth invest go person2 yeah realli got lot session workshop topic resolv person problem led profession human resourc director teacher lot experi think given realli good base start person1 workshop one afternoon long realli think learn much coupl hour person2 depend topic teacher way cours set yesterday even though short time discuss issu workshop got us think learn basic use method deal personnel issu person1 sound like realli learn lot person2 hope implement great idea share,"#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# learned a lot at the workshop but #Person1# doubts it. #Person2# assures #Person1# that even though they had a short time, they started to think and learned useful methods."
person1 come your still shouldnt asleep person2 ive hard time sleep late person1 far know insomnia usual caus stress stress person2 well im realli worri grade didnt think cours would stress person1 your good student im sure well need relax person2 your probabl right wish simpl stop feel anxiou time person1 take taiji class learn relax techniqu help cope stress person2 dont realli time learn anyth new need spend time studi person1 need take break throughout day studi day isnt usual effect person2 your right usual end stare comput check email instead work class person1 besid difficult learn taiji fact teach move that suppos help fall asleep sit like bend breath deepli person2 that fantast im go go tri room good night person1 good night sleep tight dont let bed bug bite,#Person2# has insomnia due to #Person2#'s stress about grades. #Person1# tells #Person2# to relax and suggests #Person2# learn Taiji. #Person1# teaches #Person2# a move to help #Person2# fall asleep and #Person2# will try it out.
person1 got rip person2 big time hacker broke compani file got person inform realli think complet safe person1 well mayb 100 percent hear trick peopl use person2 get truth person1 shill shill someon bid price sale person2 see bet that easi onlin everybodi anonym,#Person2# tells #Person1# a person was ripped off by a hacker and they both think the Internet is unsafe.
person1 im famish let get grub person2 im mood chip salsa person1 chip light crispi person2 tangi freshlymad salsa mouth water alreadi person1 ill go get chip want drink person2 surpris,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about what to order. They will have chips.
person1 got anyth diarrhea person2 ye tablet effect person1 take medicin person2 take two tablet everi six hour person1 see ill follow instruct person2 take good rest day person1 thank,#Person2# gives #Person1# the medicine for diarrhea and the instructions on taking it.
person1 account mike person2 mike leo sale call confirm meet tomorrow still person1 good long actual forgot let see ye calendar person2 ok see offic 230 person1 right see,Leo calls Mike to confirm their meeting tomorrow.
person1 good morn sir person2 id like see coat would recommend person1 sure come look style sell well person2 model sell person1 current bestsel person2 like style dont like color coat yellow person1 ye find one made except good qualiti pure wool soft person2 look nice person1 yeah latest model like tri,#Person2# wants to see some coats. #Person1# recommends the current bestsellers and finds a yellow one for #Person2#.
person1 what go person2 noth realli person1 im throw parti next saturday person2 right person1 yeah go come person2 im sorri cant person1 person2 dont realli want person1 well dont person2 hate go parti person1 well that okay person2 yeah sorri,#Person1# invites #Person2# to a party. #Person2# refuses because #Person2# hates parties.
person1 bathroom look love redecor get someon person2 went onlin found lot websit devot home improv went diy shop bought everyth need im sure save lot money my person1 let see put new tile floor replac tile wall youv also ad small cupboard toiletri bath shower waterbasin sam person2 ye gave good clean good condit dont need replac person1 long take tile person2 hadnt done keep refer inform got internet floor tile took whole dayfrom earli morn right even person1 think youv done good job least good profession would perhap convinc redo bathroom person2 youll lucki howev ill print inform got internet,#Person2# tells #Person1# how #Person2# redecorated #Person2#'s bathroom on #Person2#'s own and how long it took to do so. #Person1# admires #Person2#'s work a lot.
person1 good morn person2 good morn bad cough want see internist person1 registr card person2 dont im tourist person1 need regist new patient look id card need name age occup address contact number person2 person1 thank kind medicin prefer western medicin tradit chines medicin person2 id like tri tradit chines medicin heard realli work quit well know your person1 right ye registr fee 7 yuan pleas,#Person2# wants to see an internist and registers as a new patient with #Person1#'s assistance. #Person2# also tells #Person1# #Person2# prefers traditional Chinese medicine.
person1 hello peac restaur person2 ye may help person1 ye id like tabl six 700 even arrang us person2 minut ill check avail im sorri sir isnt tabl left 700 give one 8 00 would like make reserv time person1 let see seem littl late person2 usual restaur quieter time person1 ok ill chang time 8 00 person2 good sir tabl 6 8 00 even may name pleas person1 john person2 thank much bye,John calls to book a table at 7:00 but #Person2# can only give him one at 8:00. John changes the time to 8:00.
person1 hello would like speak ryan person2 ryan may help person1 ryan malia afraid feel bit weather person2 know problem person1 horribl rash poison oak person2 long time person1 doctor said probabl day person2 use anyth person1 bought overthecount lotion take antihistamin person2 probabl take care symptom ill see tomorrow,Malia tells Ryan about her physical condition. Malia got a rash and applied some treatment. Ryan will see her tomorrow.
person1 let play littl game ill describ someon tri guess person2 ok im realli bore moment person1 ok man tall slim he got blue eye curli brown hair person2 moustach beard person1 good question ye moustach beard person2 sound like mike person1 ye describ someon know person2 right she tall she quit plump she got blonder hair dont know color eye person1 attract dont think know anyon like person2 well dont find attract im sure disagre person1 like slim girl doubt would find plump girl attract youll give inform person2 she got tini feet wear realli unfashion shoe fact wear unfashion cloth person1 doesnt sound like anyon know give teel person2 she mother person1 embarrass dont even recogn descript mother import think appear person2 think unfortun import person charact advertis stuff tell us attract think wrong that way world person1 im afraid your right chose girlfriend wonder person person2 well certainli didnt choos look hey joke dont hit,"#Person1# and #Person2# play a game of describing someone and asking each other to guess who it is. After two rounds, they start to talk about the importance of one's appearance. They both agree that a person's personality is more important than appearance."
person1 could borrow compani van fundrais weekend person2 would possibl fundrais take place person1 hotel ballroom street person2 need whole weekend person1 need day person2 need know drive van person1 van driven mari person2 need back sunday night arrang person1 oh yeah problem would mind borrow chair lunchroom person2 keep track everyth get back took sunday even,#Person1# wants to borrow the company van for a fundraiser and also asks for some chairs. #Person2# agrees but asks #Person1# to bring them back by Sunday evening.
person1 id like send parcel australia person2 certainli could put scale check weight person1 sure heavi person2 that 850 gram coast depend would like send person1 see option suppos airmail faster expens surfac mail person2 that right send airmail cost twelv dollar send surfac mail cost eight dollar person1 long take get person2 airmail take four five day surfac mail take two week person1 case ill send airmail id like send regist parcel person2 problem that one dollar extra person1 thank much there thirteen dollar person2 there receipt goodby,#Person2# tells #Person1# airmail is more expensive but faster than surface mail. #Person1# decides to send a registered parcel to Australia by airmail.
person1 good even sir readi order person2 ye id like tri chines food dont know anyth person1 chines food divid eight big cuisin cantones food sichuan food fujisan food etc restaur famou sichuan style person2 differ cantones food sichuan food person1 ye cantones food lighter sichuan food spici hot person2 realli like hot food make suggest person1 eggplant minc pork dri red chili sauc thetofubeancurd specialti person2 ok ill soup person1 ye sour soup sichuan style chef recommend person2 that fine ill tri person1 sir dish take 5 minut prepar wait would like anyth drink person2 martini pleas person1 ok sir well tri best serv soon possibl,#Person2# wants to try Chinese food and asks #Person1# for suggestions. #Person1# introduces the main cuisines of Chinese food and recommends some hot food to meet #Person2#'s preference. #Person2# accepts.
person1 survey job perform person2 person1 good lot complain person2 realli thought well person1 perform far quit line expect execut hope ive made point,"#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person2#'s job performance isn't satisfying, despite #Person2#'s opposite opinion."
person1 carri fresh fish person2 ye check meat depart fish counter person1 alreadi look see anyth person2 let show person1 thank person2 see right person1 oh gosh didnt see person2 that right,#Person1# asks for fresh fish. #Person2# shows #Person1# the fish counter.
person1 amaz film cant rememb last time felt good come movi theater person2 know mean robert redford favorit actor knew would like person1 yeah mani littl thing cool music light way camera kept move around dont think ive ever seen interest film person2 definit got think also one pan middl pretti sad person1 oh dont remind cri whole time person2 come let get coffe pie keep talk person1 great idea,#Person1# and #Person2# discuss a movie they just finished. Both of them think it's amazing and interesting.
person1 6652767 person2 hello could speak alistair pleas person1 speak bill person2 hello ye didnt recogn voic person1 ive got bit cold person2 well meet bob girlfriend parent tonight give dinner ive open box champagn glass two glass miss got set lend chanc person1 sure sure glad need person2 well come quarter hour ive got go marilyn sugar first ive run well person1 need anyth els short person2 think im right otherwis thank lot alistair see bit person1 bye,Bill phones Alistair to borrow a set of champagne glasses because he will invite Bob's girlfriend and her parents to have dinner. Alistair agrees to help and they schedule the time.
person1 good afternoon dr perkin offic person2 good afternoon id like speak doctor person1 call pleas person2 name li hong im china person1 im sorri dr perkin import meet cant answer call person2 im exchang scholar dr perkin ask give lectur detail want discuss person1 see must speak oh well leav number ill tell ring soon avail person2 thank number 7838298,Li Hong phones to discuss the details of a lecture with Dr. Perkins. #Person1# says Perkins isn't available and will let him call Li back.
person1 mark yesterday call wasnt anybodi home person2 went stadium bob hadnt game week person1 howd go win person2 nope lost good game,Mark tells #Person1# that he went to the stadium for a game yesterday.
person1 youv countri long time must notic quit differ live indonesia live england what obviou thing youv notic person2 way cultur educ person1 well let begin famili person2 oh famili ye there lot differ person1 sort differ famili size custom person2 well indonesia varieti type peopl nuclear famili quit lot children depend religion person1 depend live person2 ye cours religion also depend area person1 group tend largest famili person2 muslim usual person1 sort 5 6 bigger person2 well left indonesia long time ago peopl know think 4 children averag though 6,#Person2# tells #Person1# about the differences between Indonesian families and English ones. #Person2# says the Indonesian tend to have more kids and Muslims usually have the biggest families.
person1 got schedul term monica person2 ye yuri go quit hard term person1 realli subject take person2 ive got cultur studi tuesday thursday 830 person1 oh 830 that earli class person2 ye straight 1000 class social chang person1 sound ok afternoon free person2 tuesday thursday monday wednesday friday ive got languag develop 200 oclock person1 sound interest class person2 ive got educ monday morn 940 commun studi wednesday friday 10 person1 wow that lot class person2 know hope theyll good,Monica discusses her schedule for this term with Yuri. Monica has a lot of classes scheduled and she thinks it's going to be a hard term.
person1 hi scott person2 oh hi rebecca im tire person1 well dont go bed late person2 dont watch sport tv go bed 915 problem wake realli earli person1 person2 take boat school goe 730 morn mom wake 644 breakfast leav home 700 person1 chang school person2 ye school island 600 11 year old im 12 person1 oh see get home late even person2 quit late boat back home 2 hour school mom sister live near school go dinner hous person1 time homework person2 usual find quiet tabl boat get home watch tv listen music use comput,Scott tells Rebecca he's tired because he has to wake up early to catch the boat to school. Then he shares his schedule after changing school.
person1 rain tom bring umbrella person2 well mom im sorri tell left bu person1 dont know umbrella expens alway leav umbrella bu dont person2 im sorri mom wont let happen person1 use say sorri care rememb take umbrella get bu next time ok person2 ok wont lose anymor umbrella mom person1 anyway give cellphon wont focu lose umbrella troubl studi phone person2 ok want,Tom's mother blames Tom for losing the umbrella and takes away his cellphone to make him focus on real-life and study.
person1 hi harri great see heard travel lot recent person2 yeah past 80 day ive mani countri africa person1 realli envi ride lion person2 person1 im kid person2 well didnt ride lion one time mother eleph ran fun person1 seriou person2 im kid person1 realli frighten person2 well realli miss comfort home want take break long break,#Person1# inquires Harry about his travel to Africa. Harry jokes about an elephant running after him and expresses his eagerness for a break.
person1 get talk brown trip venezuela person2 oh ye said great time person1 say weather like person2 said extrem cool suggest take warm cloth person1 ask hotel person2 seem theyr excel expens person1 yeah that ive heard say languag problem person2 sometim told hardli anybodi speak english except peopl hotel staff hotel help friendli person1 well that good buy much person2 advis us buy cloth theyr much expens state told could get gold jewelri littl,"#Person2# tells #Person1# the Browns said the weather in Venezuela was cool and the hotels there were excellent, but they had language problems and advised them not to buy clothes."
person1 hey joe anyth eat im starv person2 thought frozen pizza gone um meg dont get take person1 oh ok dont get chines food wong quick person2 ok person1 oh notic board kitchen person2 oh ok feel like person1 like lemon chicken person2 lemon chicken ok sweet sour pork alway good isnt rice person1 yeah 2 order steam rice veget person2 dont care fine one serv stir fri veget anyth els person1 person2 ok ill call person1 good hey ask make quick im starv,"Meg and Joe talk about what to order. They will have lemon chicken, pork, rice, and stir-fried vegetables."
person1 queen theatr help person2 ye 2 ticket show saturday person1 well ticket sold still wednesday even tuesday afternoon person2 wednesday even ok got 2 near front person1 let see 2 ticket near back person2 much person1 8 person2 ok ill take,#Person2# buys 2 tickets for a show with #Person1#'s assistance.
person1 sit pleas mister johnson tell school work person2 ok best subject histori second best geographi howev favorit subject math result got math paper often quit good person1 think subject help get job person2 cours understand produc comput prepar softwar work comput need logic mind rather great skill math that especi true come write program think result show abil person1 see well ive enjoy talk well inform decis week person2 great ill go back colleg 10 day later,"#Person1# gives Johnson a job interview. Johnson says he is good at history, geography, and math, and thinks his background qualifies him for the job. #Person1# will inform Johnson of the results soon."
person1 fix cup tea johnni person2 well uh glass juic instead person1 id like tea put favorit cup probabl wash person2 oh yeah well uh mug person1 ill find floral pattern plate dad yanke mug,#Person2# insists on treating #Person2# a tea.
person1 iba jane speak help person2 hello id like speak someon regard card person1 sorri im quit sure understand way sir card stolen person2 noth like appli credit card ago applic accept im still wait card person1 oh see sir well take 5 work day issu post card person2 ye applic accept last friday wednesday that 5 day person1 sorri sir 5 work day includ weekend card later week person2 cours silli ye 5 work day would mean friday earliest see im sorri troubl person1 troubl sir anyth els help today person2 noth thank apologis misunderstand bye,#Person2# is calling because he hasn't received his card. Jane tells him that it takes 5 working days to issue and post the card and helps him to distinguish the difference between days and working days.
person1 hello john smithcan speak mrwhite pleas person2 mrwhite speak person1 hi understand hous sale person2 ye person1 like know person2 come offic afternoon 3 clock person1 ok person2 thank callinggoodby person1 bye,Mr.White asks John to come to his office to know more about Mr.White's house for sale.
person1 oh gosh feel everyth around person2 dont take hard tip know jobhunt 2010 person1 well ear mayb help person2 firstli must alway show best interview secondli tri avoid spam email make reader go crazi last least substitut pound pavement digit age person1 understand mean upset face person2 good luck us,#Person1# is upset and thinks everything is against #Person1#. #Person2# gives #Person1# some suggestions and #Person1# will face the challenge.
person1 may help person2 problem person1 problem person2 charg made debit card make person1 statement card person2 person1 charg refer person2 last four charg page person1 afraid go investig charg person2 long investig take person1 honestli know freez payment charg person2 sound absolut fantast,There have four charges made on #Person2#'s debit card that #Person2# didn't make. #Person2# will freeze payment on those charges.
person1 ask jason play he alway watch movi hbo person2 guess invit hope doesnt start talk sylvest stallon arnold schwarzenegg person1 oh come game better three peopl anyway dont ask play hell mad person2 yeah your right well never hear end,#Person1# and #Person2# decide to invite Jason to play the game.
person1 royal hotel help person2 ye urgent need room tomorrow night vacanc person1 ye kind room would like person2 id like suit ocean view pleas person1 problem sir person2 price suit person1 200 per night person2 littl high im told hotel offer discount person1 ye offer end yesterday im sorri person2 oh see anyth less expens person1 sir far least expens suit tomorrow night person2 ok take way price includ breakfast person1 ye could name pleas person2 name david white person1 would kindli spell person2 david white person1 thank got long expect stay person2 three day person1 ok checkin time 1200 see tomorrow person2 thank see,David White wants to reserve a suite with an ocean view and asks for a discount. #Person1# tells him the discount ended yesterday and it is the least expensive suite. David will stay for three days.
person1 see doctor person2 ye appoint person1 dont person2 well doctor doesnt see nobodi without appoint person1 well spend vacat stomachach person2 oh see mayb fit 3 person1 id prefer see asap wait anoth 30 min think faint unbear pain stomach person2 oh didnt say emerg fill form take seat ill send next dont insur person1 countri person2 travel insur person1 didnt think id need person2 pay cash person1 cash credit card chequ anyth see doctor pain person2 right right relax tri job person1 know sorri yell,#Person1# wants to see a doctor without making an appointment because #Person1# has an unbearable stomachache. #Person2# first wants to fit #Person1# in at 3 then will send #Person1# next after realizing it's an emergence.
person1 think studi u person2 well mani intern student come unit state live studi quit daunt experi especi find hous campu campu person1 advic person2 think first firsttim student come live campu dormitori provid certain level secur person1 anyth els person2 uh live campu might certain amount flexibl choos roommat might live campu person1 think advic person2 well cours choic good luck person1 realli appreci help,#Person2# thinks studying in the U.S. is a daunting experience and advises first-time students to live on campus that provides a sense of security.
person1 readi order sir person2 may menu pleas person1 ye go person2 id like local specialti would recommend pleas person1 sure huangh carp sugar vinegar famou restaur person2 ok well take person1 anyth els person2 fri crisp chicken eggplant chili sauc person1 drink person2 coffe black coffe,"#Person1# recommends Huanghe carp and vinegar. #Person2# will take it and also orders a chicken, eggplant, and coffee."
person1 bill bill got ta help person2 what wrong slow gon na give heart attack person1 tomorrow christma havent bought mom anyth im bad son person2 take easi let go mall window shop littl see anyth might like person1 that dont know get last year got ring two size big pair shoe five size small suck get present peopl person2 that your make big mistak cant guess peopleslik size especi cloth jewelri top think get mom someth show much love time show took time effort look someth would realli like person1 yeah your right come pretti tacki person2 yeah tell know mom tri learn spanish right dont get gift certif great websit saw call spanishpod person1 that great idea,"#Person1# asks for Bill's help to think of the Christmas gift for #Person1#'s mom. Bill thinks it's a mistake to buy clothes or jewelry because it's hard to guess people's likes or sizes. #Person1#'s mom tries to learn Spanish, Bill suggests #Person1# buying a gift certificate for a website called SpanishPod."
person1 choos compani appli job person2 wish job make good use strength improv compani meet requir person1 got clear idea compani person2 ye purpos done homework advanc person1 tri compani person2 actual appli sever compani recent satisfi compani person1 take job line major person2 admittedli hope job line specialti make best effort job whatev assign person1 long would work admit person2 would continu work compani long job suit well person1 expect high salari person2 mind salari import thing,#Person2# thinks the job in #Person1#'s company can make good use of #Person2#'s strengths. #Person2# is most satisfied with #Person1#'s company. #Person2# also tells #Person1# #Person2# doesn't care too much about the salary.
person1 offic softwar like window might one best invent inform age save us much work make commun even around world much easier person2 fulli agre enjoy conveni though still beginn use excel latest offic equip typefunct combin fax machin copi machin printer one save lot place one machin instead three person1 ye machin even smaller person2 get one person1 know boss alway tri save last penni use equip first,#Person1# thinks office software makes global communication much easier. #Person2# agrees and talks about the latest office equipment which is type-functional.
person1 believ palmistri person2 palmistri person1 someon take look anoth person palm 4 tell futur person2 oh mean palm read 5 ive seen dont believ person1 sure ive read lot palmistri ive abl tell lot accur thing person palm want take look hand person2 realli youv read book ok want person1 ok let see well youv got long life line good love line strong person2 els see success make lot money person1 hmm hard say wait ye look like well busi ambit help lot person2 what matter person1 seem larg gullibl line believ everyth your told person2 hey,#Person2# doesn't believe in palm reading but #Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# can tell accurate things from people's palm. Then #Person1# takes a look at #Person2#'s hand and #Person2# finally finds out #Person1# jokes on #Person2#.
person1 realli hate say dont go away mad go away person2 knew would happen day person1 didnt tri prevent begin person2 well fault anna respons person1 dont want argu anymor pleas get life person2 think still talk person1 way pleas dont follow around person2 talk easi anna realli dont hate person1 ye leav alon,#Person2# thinks Anna and #Person2# are both responsible for the argument. Anna asks #Person2# to go away.
person1 darl news bobbi wife evelyn go babi soon person2 realli thought wife couldnt babi person1 actual theyr expect babi come birthday person2 oh coincid bet bobbi must happi like children alway want child person1 fact theyr excit come babi evelyn imagin babi would look like sinc one parent american one chines person2 oh right know would want see boy hard imagin wonder expect boy girl person1 still mysteri evelyn threemonth pregnant begin take matern leav person2 oh mean doesnt work hard young parent overreact isnt,#Person1# tells #Person2# that Bobby and his wife Evelyn are going to have a baby soon and although Evelyn is only three-month pregnant she begins to take her maternity leave.
person1 water buffalo person2 that grandfath farmer young take water buffalo graze field person1 oh ye best job farm famili that mani learn play flute person2 grandfath use time studi instead person1 that interest go person2 grand grandfath merchant ran small busi couldnt afford send grand father school person1 becam selftaught man person2 right later soldier fireman villag middl age becam great man quit famou person1 field person2 leader polic offic charg whole countri person1 still type work person2 retir senat person1 would want senat person2 well mayb get old first ill lawyer,#Person2# tells #Person1# the man on the water buffalo is #Person2#'s grandfather who was a farmer. Then #Person2# talks about #Person2#'s grandfather's life experience and #Person2#'s grandfather is a senator now.
person1 hi bob book back lent last month person2 oh forgot cours back john im sorri delay person1 well doesnt matter almost forgot peter ask come,John asks Bob to return his book. Bob is sorry for the delay.
person1 recommend resort person2 yellowston nation park person1 ever person2 ye sceneri breathtak person1 especi impress person2 thousand hot spring fountain park known person1 waterfal person2 ye wellknown yellowston waterfal form yellowston lake fall yellowston canyon person1 attract place get person2 take 2 bu,#Person2# recommends the Yellowstone National Park to #Person1# and thinks the hot springs and fountains are impressive.
person1 hi charli busi even person2 sorri im afraid ive got plan tonight person1 person2 im go parentshous father birthday person1 old today person2 50th birthday person1 well wish happi birthday person2 sure thing plan even person1 think go movi tonight person2 well wait tomorrow night ill go person1 sorri ive got peopl come tomorrow night person2 sound like weekend isnt go work us person1 sound way mayb time person2 sure hey im sorri ive got get go person1 yeah time made move person2 say hello friend person1 likewis see later person2 bye,#Person1# wants to invite Charlie to go to a movie but Charlie is going to his parents' house to celebrate his father's 50th birthday. They will see a movie another time.
person1 would describ ideal job person2 think job make use profession experi obtain offer opportun advanc person1 think might like work compani person2 feel background experi good fit posit interest what compani outstand field person1 make think would success posit person2 graduat school train combin experi intern qualifi particular job sure success person1 know compani person2 compani reput citi heard much prais compani,#Person2# describes the ideal job to #Person1# and explains why #Person2# wants to work for #Person1#'s company. #Person2# thinks #Person2#'s school training and experience qualify #Person2# for this job.
person1 outgo person reserv person2 wouldnt call outgo use shi littl seem get littl relax around peopl year year fun group person1 follow leader person2 dont tri get front peopl lead particularli id rather cooper everybodi els get job done work togeth person1 basic principl appli life person2 put till tomorrow today ive found time money get away easili think theyr gone put thing make wors later even hard time tri get thing done day let go,#Person2# thinks #Person2# is not outgoing and #Person2# would rather cooperate with others. #Person2# tells that the basic principle #Person1# applies to #Person1#'s life is not to put off.
person1 help person2 ye would like look product person1 anyth specif mind person2 well honest mostli use sarah winter product im happi would like chang compani person1 well made good choic come us mean full rang product cosmet skin cleanser moistur person2 foundat person1 foundat high qualiti finest ingredi moistur skin sun block rate 8 person2 colour foundat person1 let show rose colour also differ shoe beig person2 color use rose much rose foundat cost 100ml bottl person1 ln size sell 53 95 person2 wow that expens person1 your pay maam ingredi high qualiti product person2 understand,#Person2# wants to stop using Sarah Winter products. #Person1# recommends the foundation and shows the one in rose color to #Person2#. #Person2# asks the price and thinks it's expensive.
person1 miss pleas give someth drink person2 excus sir kind drink want person1 whiski person2 ye pay person1 well case pleas give free drink person2 wait minut bring juic,#Person1# wants some free drink and #Person2# will bring him some juice.
person1 mr drake im pleas busi compani person2 glad abl offer servic busi mr wayn person1 compani well respect long busi person2 almost twenti year first total pr servic compani kind california person1 compani head offic person2 well ye six offic california alon person1 that wonder isnt compani part corpor person2 that right sole pr sector busi person1 that bad long pr person2 long actual im sure learn lot cooper,Mrs. Wayne will do business with Mr. Drake and asks him some information about the company and Mr. Drake's working experience.
person1 may help person2 problem person1 what problem person2 owe fee bank statement never came mail person1 apolog inconveni person2 idea fee fee went person1 understand problem person2 abl solv problem person1 im go cancel fee owe person2 dont pay person1 initi fee still must paid person2 that fabul thank much,#Person2# owes fees but #Person2# has never received any bank statement. #Person1# will help #Person2# to cancel the fees.
person1 want buy jewelleri person2 kind jewelleri like person1 like look bracelet person2 may show gold one jade one person1 jade one person2 ok person1 what price one person2 eight hundr yuan person1 seven hundr yuan person2 im sorri sell fix price person1 ok ill take,#Person1# wants to buy a Jade bracelet and asks for its price. #Person2# tells the price is fixed.
person1 mr brown bed see three bed ward got everyth need person2 ye nurs think follow hospit advic ive brought belong person1 good see reason ask cupboard realli small person2 ye cours afternoon 230 430 even 700 800 rememb two peopl see time see rule person1 ye start pretti earli wake 6 oclock breakfast 8 oclock lunch noon tea 330 supper 6 oclock person2 oh that differ use youd better tell rest rule person1 ye well see smoke sign dont allow smoke ward goe alcohol howev need smoke special loung person2 oh dont smoke doesnt affect person1 good,Mr. Brown has brought a few belongings regarding the hospital's advice. Then the nurse informs him of the rules which include visiting hours and meal schedules. Smoking and alcohol are also forbidden.
person1 hello mr white person2 dont know what matter im alway feel tire im usual worn end day person1 see let take puls rate first,Mrs. White feels tired and #Person1# takes her pulse rate.
person1 think peopl su mcdonald make fat person2 well food doesnt make fat eat much chocol ice cream respons silli,#Person2# thinks it's silly that people sue McDonalds for making them fat.
person1 mark look morn want know decid go museum seem quit eager meet person2 good dont know mani time he talk becom nagger,#Person1# tells Mark was eager to meet #Person2#. #Person2# thinks Mark is a nagger.
person1 oh god look mess somebodi broken back door open person2 mustnt got way lock person1 window bathroom window open sure must climb person2 yeah wow televis gone person1 must car truck person2 camera radio gone noth els stolen jewel daughter toy broken person1 thank good cant long person2 think must disturb must heard us come got bathroom window quickli person1 ye well hurri wed better phone polic,Someone brokes in #Person1# and #Person2#'s house and the television and radio are gone. They will phone the police.
person1 pill everyth arent person2 almost everyth pill cold pill headach person1 pill seasick pill airsick arent sick ship like sick plane isnt suppos pill make sleepi person2 pill keep awak person1 theyr bad health arent person2 that right person1 pill make hungri isnt person2 dont know pill keep hungri theyr peopl want lose weight person1 there pill almost everyth isnt person2 arent pill learn languag,"#Person1# thinks there are pills for everything such as for colds, headaches, and so on. But #Person2# reminds #Person1# that there are no pills for learning languages."
person1 good morn uncl smith person2 good morn cathi person1 want dinner parti celebr birthday would come person2 id love cathi time person1 next weekend saturday person2 saturday say person1 that right person2 im afraid im busi ive alreadi plan person1 sunday person2 im sure fight person1 good youd better around 630 700 well heve time chat,Uncle Smith invites Cathy to his birthday party. Cathy will be busy on Saturday so they agree on Sunday.
person1 look bit dull today what person2 well mum lost job yesterday person1 im sorri hear well heard regist urban unemploy rate reach 4 percent year half women person2 suppli outstrip demand job market women disadvantag posit whole person1 yeah true go person2 well think household clean babi sit commun person1 that bad could shortterm altern mum look anoth one market improv thing work eventu person2 thank hope wont feel press,#Person2# looks dull because #Person2#'s mom lost her job. Then #Person1# and #Person2# discuss gender discrimination for women in the job market.
person1 hi michael how go person2 well thing right person1 heard got new roommat what like person2 yeah bob move last week nice guy far everyth cool except girlfriend person1 oh what wrong girlfriend person2 came last weekend nice girl there someth voic realli creep tri smile polit whole time could think what wrong voic person1 well guess might take time get use person2 doubt last time oral train wreck listen talk like chew tin foil person1 oh come bad person2 much wors tonight invit dinner realli idea im go pull person1 rough mayb talk person2 that plan person1 good luck,Michael tells #Person1# about his new roommate Bob. Michael thinks listening to his girlfriend's talk is like chewing tin foil. #Person1# advises him to do the most of the talking in tonight's dinner.
person1 excus could help id like exchang sweater person2 what problem person1 birthday gift dont realli like think want someth plainer person2 see well dont look around person3 like two allen tri person1 ok one like person3 like red one much better black one person1 realli come kind like black one person3 red one longer littl looser comfort person1 true feel softer person2 color look better actual better qualiti price sweater your exchang person1 youv talk ill take one instead person2 problem ill switch,Allen wants to exchange the sweater and she tries the clothes on. #Person3# and #Person2# prefer the red but Allen likes the black. Allen finally switches to the red one.
person1 think speech excel person2 person1 sure person2 thank realli challeng speak larg audienc know person1 well,#Person1# praises #Person2# for #Person2#'s speech.
person1 professor hopkin may word person2 sure meg what person1 got ta see report wonder done wrong know put lot time energi report person2 well meg understand made much effort report mayb that 2 day late hand report due date septemb third person1 ye professor sorri person2 report success starbuck coffe report mention compani manag select store servic surpris didnt mention anyth coffe coffe shop meg isnt tast coffe import thing success person1 yeah guess made mistak leav person2 figur import also need add actual figur monthli sale person1 quit right professor person2 research look figur write report person1 give anoth chanc professor person2 seem like,Hopkins tells Meg that Meg forgot to mention the coffee in the report which mainly talks about the success of Starbucks Coffee. Meg also needs to add an actual figure in the report.
person1 today interview 16yearold mike feel peopl help save environ mike save environ person2 save water person1 well person2 use much water wash dish take bath thing like water plant outsid person1 suggest person2 ye shouldnt wast paper tree cut make paper recycl paper save forest anim live person1 children recycl paper mean everi day person2 well children neighborhood collect newspap month take recycl center person1 that great thank idea,Mike thinks people can save the environment by using less water when washing dishes and taking a bath. He also suggests that children should recycle paper.
person1 go tonight person2 oh im go stay home studi final exam come next week person1 go difficult person2 harder midterm exam im sure person1 midterm exam difficult person2 difficult exam id ever person1 mayb one easier person2 well im go spend time studi midterm exam person1 go exam person2 dont know mayb ill look better job person1 what matter job person2 isnt worst job world isnt best job either person1 want work bigger compani person2 want get ahead want make money,"#Person2# will stay at home and study for the final exam, which will be harder than the mid-term exam. #Person2# may find a job after the exam."
person1 london hotel help pleas person2 ye id like book room week name henri brown person1 fine would like singl room doubl room twin room person2 doubl pleas son person1 ok could tell day sir person2 wednesday friday check saturday morn person1 ok time wednesday person2 530 pm book tabl dinner wed like eat half hour get person1 certainli person2 thank,#Person2# wants to book a double room from Wednesday to Friday and he also books book a table for dinner.
person1 welcom back student union radio station im catherin success climb great mountain mont blanc actual climb 2007 catherin easier second time around person2 mani way total differ experi first time went part organ group took 4 day reach top year decid go alon one overnight stop actual your never realli alon crowd first climb quit difficult weather changeabl found climb cold windi condit weather time wonder plu spent day chamonix got use height certainli made easier also achiev thing climb smaller mountain first person1 well im wonder use advic other plan someth similar person2 well im talk physic condit need right equip goe without say pay special attent extrem weather condit realli need wear enough cloth protect cold wind,Catherine shares her two experiences of climbing the Great Mountain. The first time she was in a group and the weather was changeable. The second time the weather was wonderful. Catherine also reminds people of the extreme weather conditions.
person1 help next person line person2 that need mail packag person1 ok great go person2 go saint loui missouri need get fast possibl mother birthday present birthday tomorrow dont want late person1 ok sir deliv overnight cost extra money let see 3250 get packag tomorrow pay credit card cash person2 cash pleas mark fragil box person1 sir anyth danger liquid chemic person2 box chocol cup dont want cup break person1 ok sir leav atlanta arriv saint loui tomorrow way memphi here receipt great day,#Person2# wants to mail his mother's birthday present. #Person1# tells #Person2# it will cost extra money to deliver it overnight. #Person2# pays by cash and asks #Person1# to mark fragile.
person1 oh happen everi day person2 what wrong person1 look mess jim supper never wash afterward person2 dont wash wash car everi week person1 dont care never help housework person2 that true darl prepar meal right person1 oh kitchen alway mess afterward cook meal rest everyday person2 calm ok everyth hous next weekend,#Person1# complains that Jim doesn't do the housework except for preparing the meal. Jim promises to do everything next week.
person1 feel littl dizzi big sun shall go cafe rest person2 sure need water person1 person2 know havent tour place statu tang dynasti end street near lake person1 realli want go stay cafe wait person2 well wont make wait let send nearest clinic ill call tourist center ask locat know travel brochur cant find bag person1 held hand person2 right might thrown dustbin find new one person1 ask help passerbi mani travel brochur person2 good idea,#Person1# feels dizzy under a big sun and wants to take a rest. #Person2# will send #Person1# to the nearest clinic and #Person2# is looking for the travel brochure.
person1 lift toilet seat go bathroom pleas hate clean time person2 sorri topic thing annoy late person1 oh realli person2 yeah like leav laundri wash machin make cloth smell bad person1 im sorri im busi chore around hous sinc your clearli busi person2 look didnt want get fight start person1 oh honey im sorri rude person2 your right need start lend hand around,#Person1# asks #Person2# to lift the toilet seat when going to the bathroom. Then #Person2# complains that #Person1# leaves the laundry in the washing machine.
person1 interc flower help person2 hi id like send dozen red rose arriv apart tomorrow grandpar wed anniversari pleas person1 certainli sir need detail complet order what name pleas person2 obama anthoni person1 mr anthoni order us person2 ye ive got custom number ur250but person1 ah ye confirm inform later nobodi answer door tomorrow shall sir person2 definit someon person1 case sir leav front door neighbor person2 ok leav neighbor fine person1 ok sir that dozen red rose apart 43 50,Obama Anthony is booking red roses. #Person1# asks about his information and Obama thinks it will be fine to leave the flowers with any neighbor if no one answers the door.
person1 well tell someth person2 would like know mr green person1 work experi get person2 2004 got job sale depart trade compani near guangzhou start sale repres year later promot posit sale manag job ever sinc year person1 oh good iren tell plan quit sale manag work assist dont like present job person2 frankli part enjoy much prefer someth profession happen friend work compani told export depart recruit assist felt excit news that im,Irene tells Mr. Green her working experience and that she quits being a sales manager because she prefers something more professional.
person1 hey nick person2 much head shoot rang wan na come person1 serious mean fire real weapon know man person2 yeah fun 9mm pistol realli easi shoot also revolv realli fun big target rang could use practic improv aim person1 yeah would cool mayb also tri weapon like machin gun shotgun mayb even rocket launcher anti tank missil flame thrower person2 whoa take easi rambo get carri away weapon toy must first learn handl properli basic rule must abid order safe exampl never handl weapon inspect alway make sure anyth chamber never put finger trigger unless readi shoot person1 wow know alway look cool easi movi person2 realiti differ know run fire weapon lot harder movi readi person1 let,Nick introduces the guns he has in the shooting range to Rambo. Rambo thinks it is cool and wants to try other weapons. Nick tells him the rules and to be serious with the weapons.
person1 welcom galant help person2 hi would like get internet plan hous person1 cours three differ plan differ price choos first one cheapest basic plan thirti dollar month broadband internet download speed five hundr twelv kbp person2 idea kbp mean want abl get onlin play game chat friend oh watch movi onlin well person1 well connect might bit slow need suggest get premium packag fifti dollar month includ connect speed two megabyt way play game onlin without lag packag also includ wireless router person firewal absolut free person2 pay instal fee person1 lucki month arent charg normal instal fee save 100 buck right well throw pen drive person2 awesom,"#Person1# introduces three different internet plans to #Person2# and recommends #Person2# to get the premium package according to #Person1#'s needs. Also, #Person2# can save the installation fee this month."
person1 good afternoon person2 want draw money current account person1 much want draw person2 well want draw 4 000 yuan person1 ok take bank card bankbook person2 ye bankbook person1 ok pleas fill form first person2 ye need sign name person1 sure want person2 well want 1 000 yuan travel check rest cash person1 right travel check money person2 thank lot person1,#Person1# helps #Person2# to draw out 1000 yuan in traveler's checks and 3000 yuan in cash.
person1 im take date restaur could pleas direct good one person2 cours much think spend dinner person1 deserv noth best cours person2 case would suggest hotel restaur chef food servic outstand person1 promis would take restaur anoth one mind person2 alway go gramerci tavern quit popular despit expens entre person1 great food lot patron could want pleas reserv tabl person2 ye sir your go great time,#Person2# recommends restaurants to #Person1# for dating. #Person1# refuses the idea of staying in the hotel restaurant and asks for a reservation in Gramercy Tavern.
person1 person2 take airport pleas person1 hurri person2 1700 person1 well make except jam know rush hour person2 there extra ten get time person1 ill best person2 here twenti dollar person1 small bill person2 cant break keep chang give receipt person1 receipt thank,#Person2# asks #Person1# to take #Person2# to the airport and promises a bonus if #Person1# can get there on time.
person1 mr lee ive stay almost week realli must leav tomorrow person2 pleas feel free stay long want know your alway welcom person1 thank youv nice person2 anyth els leav person1 thank youv done lot alreadi thank everyth person2 dont mention ive realli enjoy compani,#Person1# says her farewells to Mrs. Lee and thanks to her for the hospitality.
person1 dont understand take subway look place modern enough far live person2 conveni peopl network go everywher subway dont drive person1 isnt network frida san francisco person2 what differ person1 havent come busi pleasur go excit see subway noth person2 see tram doubledeck person1 see peopl walk sidewalk see car drive street see sun shine beauti flower danc wind even smell scent flower fresh air person2 conveni subway person1 miss point hurri go anywher person2 well mayb right well amus tram doubledeck subway person1 im glad final see thing way leav dull place person2 ticket ive alreadi bought person1 throw away,#Person1# complains about taking the subway because #Person1# thinks they will be more amused in a tram or a double-decker. #Person2# cannot understand at first but then agrees with #Person1#.
person1 good news weve decid wed like send shanghai busi trip weekend person2 oh person1 dont think itd good thing get offic coupl day person2 sure person1 thought youd bit excit everyth paid ill send assist take care everyth get train tonight person2 train fli back person1 oh weve brought return ticket think youll find comfort person2 train crowd person1 oh train hasnt crowd recent besid your firstclass youll fine person2 first meet person1 theyv schedul negoti meet 900 tomorrow morn give enough time quick shower person2 stay person1 weve book room hotel meet wont need deal much transport system person2 that sensibl would alright left earli today prepar trip person1 that problem nap dont know tight schedul busi trip,"#Person1# tells #Person2# about #Person2#'s business trip to Shanghai, which includes the means of transportation, time of negotiation meeting, and the location of the hotel. #Person2# then asks for leave to prepare for the trip."
person1 ive got bad news bike lent person2 what person1 fell way school bike got scratch im realli sorri person2 dont worri new alreadi scratch get hurt person1 thank person2 that import thing person1 kind say feel littl stupid person2 forget person1 lent bike look brand new almost anyway person2 mayb realli fallen coupl time hit twice well person1 appreci thank,#Person1# apologizes to #Person2# for getting #Person2#'s bike scratched. #Person2# comforts #Person1# for it's not a new bike.
person1 hello person2 hi jenni jason great hear voic person1 hi jason long time see how hotel person2 pretti nice im go start look apart soon hotel live person1 know mean person2 leav berkeley person1 leav two week person2 soon well id realli like see leav would like go friday id like take dinner mayb movi someth afterward person1 oh sorri jason ive alreadi got plan friday even saturday person2 saturday fine ill make dinner reserv 7 oclock ok person1 7 fine person2 great ill pick six thirti person1 ill wait,"Jason calls Jenny and asks Jenny about the time of leaving for Berkeley. They want to see each other before Jenny's leave, so they arrange dinner on Saturday."
person1 jack think elect person2 think campaign blockbust person1 mani peopl flung hat ring person2 final 100 candid ran one seat person1 think elect person2 hard say activ campaign round vote person1 think mr white would elect know spent million campaign blast opposit campaign speech person2 mayb know,#Person1# asks Jack about his impressions of the election and #Person1# thinks Mr. White would be elected.
person1 hey buddi fish bite today person2 sure practic jump boat person1 well kind bait use person2 catch fish lure person1 lure use live bait person2 kind live bait use worm minnow person1 use worm person2 luck worm person1 havent even gotten nibbl today person2 that bad dont tri use lure instead person1 would dont tackl box person2 that bad well fish person1 im fish shore person2 went boat favorit fish hole person1 sweet tell person2 oh cant tell secret say dont go lili pad tri fish person1 think that good spot person2 sure use catch legal limit bass time person1 thank think ill go check person2 good luck hope fish,"#Person2# catches fish with lures and #Person1# uses worms, but #Person1# hasn't got any fish, so #Person1# asks #Person2# about the location for fishing. #Person2# advises #Person1# to try fishing by the lily pads."
person1 would like go skate afternoon person2 oh id love go clean dormitori cant absent person1 mayb anoth time peopl say boysdormitori mess true person2 fact dormitori much wors describ person1 hard imagin stand person2 youll get use gradual person1 oh god dont know live environ healthi person2 ye that clean everi three month person1 three month incred,#Person2# tells #Person1# that it is time for cleaning their dormitories because they are in a mess and they clean it every three months.
person1 tell new hous differ old one person2 well first much bigger number room room larger also larger garden dog love cours person1 threebedroom detach hous person2 ye one bedroom wife there anoth daughter wife want use third one guest room id like make studi daughter also keen make studi that probabl happen person1 what kitchen like know wife like cook person2 that one main reason chose particular hous kitchen dine room togeth realli larg person1 room nice bright person2 ye that import us like live home plenti natur light room larg window person1 balconi person2 dont wish one that thing want dont area nice neighbour seem friendli person1 your right edg citi arent cant much nois traffic easi get citi centr person2 quiet neighbourhood there traffic much difficult get citi centr must rememb turn left right right place youll get lost go drop,"#Person2# tells #Person1# that his new house has the same number of rooms with three-bedrooms, a kitchen, and a dining room but is much bigger than the previous one. #Person2# tells that there is no balcony and the house is on the edge of the city."
person1 good afternoon may help person2 book tabl 3 even would like cancel person1 may name pleas person2 sure brown mike brown reserv tabl next door person1 ye see cancel order,#Person2# helps Brown cancel the reservation because Brown has reserved another table.
person1 mr green person2 speak person1 call inform happi us welcom aboard im sure friend would given lot inform school motto way teach etc person2 ye glad chanc,#Person2# informs Mr. Green that Mr. Green can join them.
person1 im thirsti pull store ill buy drink person2 im afraid cant park allow person1 oh that bad park around person2 squar front us park car person1 shop person2 im sure know im familiar citi person1 stop moment polic notic person2 that riski person1 right let go squar look,#Person1# asks #Person2# to park the car and buy some drinks. #Person2# disagrees because parking is not allowed and it is too risky.
person1 doctor slip fell way school ground slipperi snow seem cant move left arm person2 let see roll sleev pleas um swollen red im afraid well need take xray see broken person1 broken person2 well put cast person1 mean cast person2 well appli tape plaster solid enclosur protect bone move way heal properli take easi wont hurt let see xray pictur indic humeru broken two place youll wear cast three week youll need come back two week anoth look,The doctor asks #Person1# to take an X-ray and the doctor puts #Person1# in a cast because the X-ray picture shows that #Person1#'s humerus is broken.
person1 let go cinema bu person2 better take subway far quicker conveni person1 ok new experi person2 rather comprehens subway system get almost anywher rather quickli subway especi time day traffic heavi person1 pay fare person2 give man sit three yuan hell give ticket person1 pay addit fare chang train person2 dont come train care subway door open close automat,#Person2# suggests #Person1# taking the subway because it's quicker and more convenient than taking the bus. Then #Person2# tells #Person1# about the fare of the subway.
person1 consum credit depart may help person2 need info car loan payment period interest rate thing like pleas person1 certainli current bank us person2 ye current account credit card mortgag alreadi person1 that excel well person automobil consum loan offer realli competit rate maximum repay period type loan 5 year person2 plan repay within 2 year interest person1 cours interest rate depend announc time moment interest 2 year loan 5 29 person2 rate variabl ok that fine frequenc repay person1 usual set direct debit system take instal directli bank account monthli basi sinc alreadi valu custom troubl process applic loan person2 that nice easi thank time,#Person2# asks Consumer Credit Department about car loans and wants a 2-year loan. #Person1# tells #Person2# the interest of it is 5.29% and the repayment can be done by installment.
person1 good morn miss lee name alex jone im new assist offic person2 welcom nice meet heard come today today first day compani person1 ye im look forward meet everybodi get start new job person2 first day often excit isnt let show desk comput telephon share copi machin us offic like person1 wonder thank miss lee person2 welcom pleas call betti,Alex Jones comes to the office as a new assistant and Betty shows Alex to Alex's desk.
person1 tell happen person2 ye bad traffic accid look car look like squash coke person1 see car hit person2 didnt car fast person1 lane person2 dont rememb person1 speed person2 40 mile per hour person1 direct come direct go person2 straight person1 ok pleas move vehicl side road check feel like need ambul miss person2 didnt get hurt thank concern person1 problem miss,#Person2# had a bad traffic accident and she tells #Person2# about her driving states like speed and direction before the accident.
person1 hear accid 5 sixtytwocar pile person2 kid happen person1 earli morn person2 oh person1 yeah semi jackknif tri miss stall car fast lane imagin happen person2 sixti two car oath know mani casualti yet person1 count seven right sever critic condit person2 that amazingli low huge accid,#Person1# tells #Person2# about the accident that a sixty-two-car piled up and the number of casualties it has caused so far.
person1 call meet order thank attend today know busi day lot materi cover today everyon get agenda person2 need copi agenda also may suggest someth know mani point review today would possibl limit meet time finish four oclock mani us still mountain work day end person1 abl finish everyth let run major point first see first matter busi approv minut last meet person2 propos accept minut person1 good second person2 second person1 motion carri next agenda budget review margaret pleas fill us budget review stand person2 gave everyon copi manual last week weve review board go everyth come final review here copi everyon question talk meet basic budget review complet mayb polish detail left person1 kind action requir person2 everyon could take look final review handout therer object correct let know next week cast final approv,"#Person1# agrees to finish the meeting before four o'clock and starts by approving the minutes of their last meeting, then #Person1# asks Margaret to talk about the progress of the budget review. They will cast the final approval next week."
person1 read classifi need person2 im look bookcas dont want buy new one person1 luck person2 realli arent use bookcas list rummag sale saturday think ill go person1 mind go person2 privat sale great place bargain sometim find terrif thing among junk person1 learn negoti 9 mother thought pretti good bargain problem day kimbl depart store person2 happen person1 want buy beauti wool sweater girlfriend price forti dollar start offer salesclerk thirti,"#Person2# wants a second-hand bookcase and will go to rummage sales. #Person1# will go with #Person2#, and #Person1# shares his bad experience about bargaining."
person1 what dinner person2 leftov person1 leftov person2 last night took left turkey mix dice pepper onion ad littl bit mayonnais made sandwich person1 isnt danger though mean bacteria germ reproduc food left reheat person2 well didnt leav turkey room temperatur hour refriger soon finish eat also reheat put oven fifteen minut one hundr degre celsiu person1 well ok afraid get food poison person2 dont worri make new meal leftov almost art save money also get creativ someth differ eat,#Person1# thinks eating the leftovers may be dangerous because bacteria and germs may be reproduced. #Person1# comforts #Person1# by complimenting the way #Person1# reproduce the leftovers.
person1 what schedul like year person2 pretti busi pick lot credit year person1 what major person2 im major french literatur person1 oh dont take class 18th centuri poetri realli difficult hear student class write paper 100 page long person2 that right got assign last week person1 due person2 next monday person1 remind never sign cours,#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# is busy and #Person2# takes the class that has a long paper to write.
person1 want lose weight person2 person1 yoga class tomorrow want come person2 expens ive decid take exercis person1 go person2 run around track morn run hour afternoon run around build person1 good sure work persist person2 hope would like join person1 sound good,#Person2# thinks yoga class is too expensive so #Person2# decides to take exercises on #Person2#'s own to lose weight.
person1 thank come monthli staff correl meet today lot new thing introduc lot chang compani polici accommod better employe welfar person2 employe welfar includ person1 past welfar program consist benefit packag mean partial health insur coverag retir plan hope boost moral increas incent ad addit welfar consider person2 kind consider talk person1 propos employe given 10 paid sick day addit 2 week vacat period also encourag maintain proper physic health compani sponsor aerob class friday night also consult human resourc depart hire new liaison manag employe let welcom ms michel cain team compani ombudsman person2 compani n ombudsman person1 ye that right whenev question concern regard anyth happen work day ms cain advoc believ anyth inappropri unfair manag practic ombudsman first person seek job best interest heart,#Person1# talks about the previous welfare program and the current welfare considerations to #Person2# and mentions 10 paid sick days and a company-sponsored aerobics class. #Person1# also introduces the existence and functions of the ombudsman Ms. Cain in their company.
person1 receiv evict notic dont understand mean person2 well behind rent 30 day notic vacat person1 cant make move late rent person2 late rent sever time file suit back rent protect person1 throw person2 notic let know evict sheriff dont make good rent person1 catch rent stay person2 stay catch stay caught otherwis find anoth renter person1 go get money right person2 thank pleas make sure pay cash cashier check,#Person2# gives #Person1# an eviction notice because #Person1# has been late with rent for several times. #Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person1# can stay if #Person2# catches up on the rent.
person1 look herer two coin name kai yuan tong bao sort coin made memori found new dynasti two coin made differ period tang dynasti person2 tell differ see look almost person1 one made earli tang period bigger charact one smaller eleg charact made late tang period look care tell see differ person2 ye differ profession need abl tell real fake know method use tell fake ancient coin person1 variou method use histori produc fake coin usual send coin author unit test expert special machin judg nake eye person2 see way china rule foreign tribe histori issu coin china person1 certainli liao coin song coin exampl coexist circul southern song yuan period 800 1000 year ago liao coin look plain bold style like characterist mongolian tribe let look one show person2 happen find one pleas bargain owner id like one interest see integr han mongolian cultur small piec metal,#Person1# explains to #Person2# the difference between two coins made in different periods of the Tang Dynasty and the methods to tell a fake ancient coin. #Person1# also introduces the existence of different coins made by various foreign tribes in different periods.
person1 go dinner tonight person2 plan make person1 im cook dinner person2 way your eat tonight cook person1 im sure cook dinner person2 dont know want eat person1 tast chicken potato person2 sound delici person1 plan cook person2 alreadi told im cook tonight person1 ill cook dinner person2 alreadi know start cook,#Person1# asks #Person2# what #Person2# is going to cooking for dinner. #Person2# refuses to cook so #Person1# will cook.
person1 morri aht person2 well aht stand anim health technician graduat california first aht class pure colleg us may work countrysid take care cattl hors sheep may work research lab us work pet hospit person1 know work pet hospit person2 run blood test give shot prepar medicin also cut nail clean teeth give bath clean cage help keep clinic run smoothli make sure enough medicin equip person1 inde much doctor blake told couldnt done much without,Morrie explains the full name of AHT and a variety of jobs she does in a pet hospital to #Person1#.
person1 love day isnt person2 ye nice sunni person1 much better last week warm wet person2 ye wonder kept wish would becom cool autumn would littl earlier year person1 well seem got wish wonder go like tomorrow person2 didnt hear weather report radio person1 well afternoon well go farm person2 right wed better take umbrella,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about today's weather. #Person2# likes the weather today and they will go to the farm with umbrellas.
person1 would like tea coffe person2 thank late keep awak whole night person1 water person2 ye pleas person1 dont work late sinc good health care health person2 know finish report tonight manag use meet tomorrow morn person1 help someth person2 im afraid cant turn tv littl noisi person1 hope finish report soon get sleep person2 dont worri wont take long,#Person2# cares about #Person1# and #Person2# only wants a cup of water because it is late and #Person1# has to finish the reports.
person1 go return new york person2 im go stay citi person1 day person2 im go work father workshop even ill read book weekend ill go park famili person1 ever work person2 nobut learn go summer person1 im go camp ive gone camp four summer person2 ive never gone camp person1 mani thing morn go swim boat afternoon play volleybal tenni sit around campfir night sing tell stori person2 sound wonder person1 wonder what wale go summer person2 think he go mountain parent person1 well long alic fun person2 lesli give regard wale ill see octob,Alice and Leslie talk about their plans for the summer. Alice plans to work in the workshop and Leslie talks about the things she does when going camping. They also talk about Wales's plan.
person1 hi sweeti welcom home readi eat person2 well there someth person1 salmon favorit salad person2 oh yeah sound great person1 um what what deal work realli hard look look dessert made appl pie person2 well circumst person1 hon what ive never made pie took like three hour person2 well honest person1 what wrong man laugh dont like cook person2 person1 work realli hard person2 know know know honest hamburg fri chocol shake person1 person2 im sorri didnt know person1 told morn make someth nice didnt listen person2 im sorri forgot mean wait person1 seriou person2 yeah wait wait wait put food shoe person1 enjoy walk work tomorrow person2 oh im sorri,#Person1# has prepared the meal for #Person2# but #Person2# has finished the meal before getting home. #Person1# is angry and put the food in #Person2#'s shoes.
person1 hi mike weekend go person2 fine went back visit grandma countrysid person1 lucki person2 went walk hill friend person1 good person2 ye sceneri amaz whole hillsid red person1 wonder anyth els person2 went picnic sunday person1 like person2 enjoy way lisa weekend person1 dont ask mike person2 happen person1 got cold could noth lie bed person2 oh dear,"Mike thinks that his weekend was good because he visited his grandma in the countryside and walked with his friends in the hills, while Lisa has got a cold."
person1 tell littl sharon person2 well graduat drama school tri get job actress hollywood person1 realli person2 yeah didnt get part two year later final got job univers studio person1 final got actress person2 im tour guid studiobut im job get see lot star,"Sharon tells #Person1# that she tried to get a job as an actress, but she is a tour guide now."
person1 hello everyon welcom date game men women meet peopl dream let contest introduc sarah ask question go contest number one person2 hi sarah name ryan nd im 27 year old work doctor citi hospit enjoy read book histori hike dog amelia eat japanes food also like woman love adventur open new idea like discuss world polit govern person1 okay well thank ryan let go contest number 2 person3 hi im nate im 24 year old guitar player rock band love travel new countri watch action movi play video game friend love women like music dont mind loud rock music person love good cheeseburg grill think im man person1 well thank nate that contest number 2 let go contest number 3 person4 hello name charl im 29 year old teach english univers utah free time enjoy mountain bike garden rais chicken back yard also help feed homeless week also speak three languag prefer women good sens humor cook kind food find joy serv other person1 well three contest sarah ask contest question right commerci break,"#Person1# hosts the Dating game. Before Sarah asks her questions, the three contestants Ryan, Nate, and Charles give a self-introduction about their age, career, hobbies, and their ideal type of women."
person1 spoken english pretti good pleas tell experi learn english person2 uh dont know say want know person1 what method learn person2 let think minut think alway tri take everi chanc practic person1 chanc mean dont partner person2 well talk play one role first person1 that good idea realli creativ,#Person2# shares #Person2#'s method of practicing spoken English with #Person1#. #Person2# talks to himself when there's no partner.
person1 mp3 look cool get person2 bought onlin person1 realli often shop onlin person2 ye buy daili necess onlin person1 ive never tri eshop better shop actual store person2 ye much better log websit brows mani item categori comfort home order good pay credit debit card good deliv home person1 sound good dont queue cashier person2 still go window shop like real shop mall person1 well advantag person2 ye shop close 22 even earlier internet oper 24 hour day seven day week access anywher person1 mani choic onlin shop person2 sure buy almost anyth think person1 perhap tri,#Person2# talks about the advantages of online shopping to #Person1# and compares e-shopping with shopping at an actual store. There are numerous choices online and it opens all day long.
person1 tell peopl work person2 well sale manag use work depart store name rick dillon think told man own compani use tenni player person1 carlo sanchez person2 ah huh friend ben ya camorra he mr sanchez assist person1 assist person2 ye woman charg human resourc depart susan sullivan person1 one gave form fill person2 ye receptionist sarah gleason use teacher person design web page use work magazin full ad know name mariah artiga person1 sound interest,#Person2# introduces the people at their office and their respective positions at work to #Person1#.
person1 ah mari go person2 person1 know talk go tell mr jone much money im go make go tell whole world person2 im sorri frank person1 yeah know talk everybodi brother person2 well apolog guess wasnt think got excit person1 oh well done guess doesnt matter much anyway know end everyon town got big nose person2 know realli lot money first job,#Person1# blames Mary for telling Mrs. Jones about #Person1#'s salary because Mrs. Jones has a big nose.
person1 biggest holiday famili celebr famili new year person2 big one us even import birthday person1 oh person2 think grandpar start tradit met got marri older thought would abl children first babi born happi decid everi birthday children would big event person1 tradit pass parent person2 right even parent take day work celebr birthday mother cook special dinner father give beauti cloth jewelri,#Person2# tells #Person1# that birthday is the biggest event to celebrate because it is a tradition from #Person2#'s grandparents.
person1 sir right subway chinatown person2 ye get brown street cross reach green street walk along green street turn canal street first cross chinatown right person1 shall take express local train person2 take express price save lot time local train stop everi station person1 much fair person2 1 entir line pay 30 cent get,#Person1# asks the means of transport to Chinatown and #Person2# introduces and suggests the express.
person1 let workout schedul stay mister smith person2 alright stay 3 day fli back day tomorrow person1 well get busi today go visit showroom morn could find product your interest person2 alright id also like visit factori see workshop person1 plan afternoon person2 ok problem person1 well discuss contract tomorrow person2 ye certainli hope well reach agreement satisfi us person1 thatll great day tomorrow ill take tour citi morn could shop person2 that fine ill leav afternoon person1 think arrang person2 sound perfect thank,"#Person1# talks with Mister Smith about his schedule including a visit to the factory, the city, and the contract discussion. Mister Smith is satisfied with it."
person1 hi look forward today person2 im look person1 well ring someon special person2 one special person1 well take look cd player great bargain today person2 alreadi one plu handl damag person1 ok leather jacket would look great person2 emm brown one color hate ill pass person1 ok well wouldnt like walk home great record best hit nineteen sixti person2 yeah let see here someth id ah record scratch person1 coupl place listen ill sell 10 record 50 steal person2 wow theyr way expens ill give 25 person1 ah come cant charg less 30 breakeven person2 well guy sell similar record much better price thank anyway person1 wait wait wait drive hard bargain 28 that final offer person2 emm ill take,#Person2# refuses #Person1#'s recommendations of CD players and a leather jacket. #Person2# bargains with #Person1# over 10 records and they make a deal at $28.
person1 tom get veget fridg pleas person2 lettuc carrot person1 need carrot lettuc see pepper person2 ye person1 two well well cut small piec person2 fine shall turn cooker person1 ye nice hot pleas person2 190 degre person1 put 220 chang 200 later person2 ok veget readi person1 good roast togeth fish person2 long take person1 cook hot 15 minut 25 minut lower temperatur 40 minut itll readi person2 great im go watch tv minut person1 actual littl bit wash im go make dessert person2 ok,"#Person1# asks Tom to get the carrots out of the fridge, cut the peppers, put the cooker at 220 and wash something up."
person1 want order product person2 mr thoma standard size person1 suppli us right away person2 ye plenti hand right person1 good well take 500 suit person2 ok thank order,Mr. Thomas orders 500 suits from #Person2#.
person1 still given file ask person2 sorri mr myer busi today person1 realli want hear excus janet run busi offic go keep person2 right sir apolog get file,Janet apologizes to Mr. Myers for not giving him the files he asked for.
person1 wish politician would quit dig dirt other past person2 know realli make mess whole elect process person1 take news person2 problem alway larg number peopl eat kind stuff person1 small fact public interest doesnt say much us public person2 ever listen radio quit differ experi tradit news station tv fm radio person1 dont rememb last time listen radio person2 anoth place get real insight european paper get onlin,#Person1# is fed up with the news full of politicians' dirty past. #Person2# recommends AM radio and European papers to get real insight.