1 for their emitted X-rays and gamma-rays, but perhaps even in ultraviolet through optical light at higher redshift. So far there are only inconclusive hints of this from z~4 active-galactic nucleii and gamma-ray bursts viewed with Fermi and Hubble Space Telescope. If correct though, that would impose a significant, fundamental resolution limit for galaxies out to z~8 in the era of the James Webb Space Telescope and the next generation of ground-based telescopes using adaptive optics. ",Limits to Seeing High-Redshift Galaxies Due to Planck-Scale-Induced Blurring
+" We apply a new method based upon thermofield dynamics (TFD) to study entanglement of finite-spin systems with non-competitive external fields for both equilibrium and non-equilibrium cases. For the equilibrium finite-spin systems, the temperature dependence of the extended density matrices is derived using this method, and the effect of non-competitive external field is demonstrated. For the non-equilibrium finite-spin systems, the time dependence of the extended density matrices and the extended entanglement entropies is derived in accordance with von Noumann equation, and the dissipative dynamics of the finite-spin systems is argued. Consequently, the applicability of the TFD-based method to describe entanglement is confirmed in both equilibrium and non-equilibrium cases with the external fieds. ",Dissipative dynamics of entangled finite-spin systems with non-competitive external fields
+ We consider special solution to the 3D compressible Navier-Stokes system with and without the Coriolis force and dry friction and find the respective initial data implying a finite time gradient catastrophe. ,Exact solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with the Coriolis and friction terms
+" I study theoretically quadrupolar topological insulators under applied static electric field rotated along the crystal axis. I demonstrate, that the energy spectrum of this structure is a Wannier-Stark ladder that is quantized and directly distinguishes between the topological phase, possessing localized corner states, and the trivial phase, lacking the corner states. These results may find applications in the characterization of rapidly emerging higher-order topological phases of light and matter. ",Distinguishing trivial and topological quadrupolar insulators by Wannier-Stark ladders
+" Jets, jet-medium interaction and hydrodynamic evolution of fluctuations in initial parton density all lead to the final anisotropic dihadron azimuthal correlations in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. We remove the harmonic flow background and study the net correlations from different sources with different initial conditions within the AMPT model. We also study $\gamma$-hadron correlations which are only influenced by jet-medium interactions. ",Initial fluctuations and dihadron and $\gamma$-hadron correlations in high-energy heavy ion collisions
+" With the tremendous amount of computing because of the wide usage of internet it is observed that some user(s) are not able to manage their desktop with antivirus software properly installed. It is happening few times, that we allow our friends, students and colleagues to sit on our networked PC. Sometimes the user is unaware of the situation that there workstations are unsecured and so some one else could also be monitoring your flow of information and your most important data could go haywire, resulting into leakage of most confidential data to unwanted or malicious user(s). Example of some such documents could be question papers designed by the faculty member by various universities. Now a day most of the universities are having the biggest threat about the question papers and many other confidential documents designed by their faculty members. We in this paper present the solution to over come such a situation using the concept of Steganography. Steganography is a technique through which one can hide information into some cover object. This technique, if used, in positive direction could be of great help to solve such a problem and even other. ",An approach to secure highly confidential documents of any size in the corporate or institutes having unsecured networks
+ In this paper we examine predictions from different models of nondiagonal parton distributions. This will be achieved by examining whether certain predictions of relationships between diagonal and nondiagonal parton distributions also hold after having evolved the different distributions. ,Study of Nondiagonal Parton Distribution Models
+" In our previous work [Y. Angelopoulos, S. Aretakis, and D. Gajic, Late-time asymptotics for the wave equation on spherically symmetric stationary backgrounds, in Advances in Mathematics 323 (2018), 529-621] we showed that the coefficient in the precise leading-order late-time asymptotics for solutions to the wave equation with smooth, compactly supported initial data on Schwarzschild backgrounds is proportional to the time-inverted Newman-Penrose constant (TINP), that is the Newman-Penrose constant of the associated time integral. The time integral (and hence the TINP constant) is canonically defined in the domain of dependence of any Cauchy hypersurface along which the stationary Killing field is non-vanishing. As a result, an explicit expression of the late-time polynomial tails was obtained in terms of initial data on Cauchy hypersurfaces intersecting the future event horizon to the future of the bifurcation sphere. In this paper, we extend the above result to Cauchy hypersurfaces intersecting the bifurcation sphere via a novel geometric interpretation of the TINP constant in terms of a modified gradient flux on Cauchy hypersurfaces. We show, without appealing to the time integral construction, that a general conservation law holds for these gradient fluxes. This allows us to express the TINP constant in terms of initial data on Cauchy hypersurfaces for which the time integral construction breaks down. ",Asymptotics for scalar perturbations from a neighborhood of the bifurcation sphere
+" Many data-fitting applications require the solution of an optimization problem involving a sum of large number of functions of high dimensional parameter. Here, we consider the problem of minimizing a sum of $n$ functions over a convex constraint set $\mathcal{X} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{p}$ where both $n$ and $p$ are large. In such problems, sub-sampling as a way to reduce $n$ can offer great amount of computational efficiency. Within the context of second order methods, we first give quantitative local convergence results for variants of Newton's method where the Hessian is uniformly sub-sampled. Using random matrix concentration inequalities, one can sub-sample in a way that the curvature information is preserved. Using such sub-sampling strategy, we establish locally Q-linear and Q-superlinear convergence rates. We also give additional convergence results for when the sub-sampled Hessian is regularized by modifying its spectrum or Levenberg-type regularization. Finally, in addition to Hessian sub-sampling, we consider sub-sampling the gradient as way to further reduce the computational complexity per iteration. We use approximate matrix multiplication results from randomized numerical linear algebra (RandNLA) to obtain the proper sampling strategy and we establish locally R-linear convergence rates. In such a setting, we also show that a very aggressive sample size increase results in a R-superlinearly convergent algorithm. While the sample size depends on the condition number of the problem, our convergence rates are problem-independent, i.e., they do not depend on the quantities related to the problem. Hence, our analysis here can be used to complement the results of our basic framework from the companion paper, [38], by exploring algorithmic trade-offs that are important in practice. ",Sub-Sampled Newton Methods II: Local Convergence Rates
+" The implementation of a proof-of-concept Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics kernel on the Cell processor is described in detail, illustrating issues encountered in the porting process. The resulting code performs up to 45GFlop/s per socket, indicating that the Cell processor is likely to be a good platform for future Lattice QCD calculations. ",Performance of a Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics Kernel on the Cell Processor
+" Rocky planets and moons experiencing solar wind sputtering are continuously supplying their enveloping exosphere with ejected neutral atoms. To understand the quantity and properties of the ejecta, well established Binary Collision Approximation Monte Carlo codes like TRIM with default settings are used predominantly. Improved models such as SDTrimSP have come forward and together with new experimental data the underlying assumptions have been challenged. We introduce a hybrid model, combining the previous surface binding approach with a new bulk binding model akin to Hofs\""ass & Stegmaier (2023). In addition, we expand the model implementation by distinguishing between free and bound components sourced from mineral compounds such as oxides or sulfides. The use of oxides and sulfides also enables the correct setting of the mass densities of minerals, which was previously limited to the manual setting of individual atomic densities of elements. All of the energies and densities used are thereby based on tabulated data, so that only minimal user input and no fitting of parameters are required. We found unprecedented agreement between the newly implemented hybrid model and previously published sputter yields for incidence angles up to 45{\deg} from surface normal. Good agreement is found for the angular distribution of mass sputtered from enstatite MgSiO$_3$ compared to latest experimental data. Energy distributions recreate trends of experimental data of oxidized metals. Similar trends are to be expected from future mineral experimental data. The model thus serves its purpose of widespread applicability and ease of use for modelers of rocky body exospheres. ",New compound and hybrid binding energy sputter model for modeling purposes in agreement with experimental data
+" Quantum data is susceptible to decoherence induced by the environment and to errors in the hardware processing it. A future fault-tolerant quantum computer will use quantum error correction (QEC) to actively protect against both. In the smallest QEC codes, the information in one logical qubit is encoded in a two-dimensional subspace of a larger Hilbert space of multiple physical qubits. For each code, a set of non-demolition multi-qubit measurements, termed stabilizers, can discretize and signal physical qubit errors without collapsing the encoded information. Experimental demonstrations of QEC to date, using nuclear magnetic resonance, trapped ions, photons, superconducting qubits, and NV centers in diamond, have circumvented stabilizers at the cost of decoding at the end of a QEC cycle. This decoding leaves the quantum information vulnerable to physical qubit errors until re-encoding, violating a basic requirement for fault tolerance. Using a five-qubit superconducting processor, we realize the two parity measurements comprising the stabilizers of the three-qubit repetition code protecting one logical qubit from physical bit-flip errors. We construct these stabilizers as parallelized indirect measurements using ancillary qubits, and evidence their non-demolition character by generating three-qubit entanglement from superposition states. We demonstrate stabilizer-based quantum error detection (QED) by subjecting a logical qubit to coherent and incoherent bit-flip errors on its constituent physical qubits. While increased physical qubit coherence times and shorter QED blocks are required to actively safeguard quantum information, this demonstration is a critical step toward larger codes based on multiple parity measurements. ",Detecting bit-flip errors in a logical qubit using stabilizer measurements
+" By an exotic algebraic structure on the affine space ${\bf C}^n$ we mean a smooth affine algebraic variety which is diffeomorphic to ${\bf R}^{2n}$ but not isomorphic to ${\bf C}^n$. This is a survey of the recent developement on the subject, which emphasizes its analytic aspects and points out some open problems. ",On exotic algebraic structures on affine spaces
+" Some of the advances made in the literature to understand the phase transitions of quark matter in the presence of strong magnetic field and finite temperature (zero quark chemical potential) are reviewed. We start by discussing the physics behind the Magnetic catalysis (MC) at zero/finite temperature and then focus on the lattice predictions for inverse magnetic catalysis (IMC) at high temperature and strong magnetic fields. Possible explanations for the IMC are covered as well. Finally, we discuss recent efforts to modify QCD (quantum chromodynamics) effective models in order to reproduce the IMC observed on the lattice simulations. We emphasize the fact that applying thermo-magnetic effects on the coupling constant of the NJL model significantly improve the effectiveness of the NJL model to obtain a reasonable physical description of hot and magnetized quark matter being in agreement with lattice results. ",Inverse magnetic catalysis -- how much do we know about?
+" Counterion adsorption on a flexible polyelectrolyte chain in a spherical cavity is considered by taking a ""permuted"" charge distribution on the chain so that the ""adsorbed"" counterions are allowed to move along the backbone. We compute the degree of ionization by using self-consistent field theory (SCFT) and compare with the previously developed variational theory. Analysis of various contributions to the free energy in both theories reveals that the equilibrium degree of ionization is attained mainly as an interplay of the adsorption energy of counterions on the backbone, the translational entropy of the small ions, and their correlated density fluctuations. Degree of ionization computed from SCFT is significantly lower than that from the variational formalism. The difference is entirely due to the density fluctuations of the small ions in the system, which are accounted for in the variational procedure. When these fluctuations are deliberately suppressed in the truncated variational procedure, there emerges a remarkable quantitative agreement in the various contributing factors to the equilibrium degree of ionization, in spite of the fundamental differences in the approximations and computational procedures used in these two schemes. Nevertheless, since the significant effects from density fluctuations of small ions are not captured by the SCFT, and due to the close agreement between SCFT and the other contributing factors in the more transparent variational procedure, the latter is a better computational tool for obtaining the degree of ionization. ",Counterion adsorption on flexible polyelectrolytes: comparison of theories
+ In this work we investigate how a circumstellar disk affects the radiation emitted by an embedded star. We show correlations obtained from broad-band observations of bipolar nebulae indicating that an orientation effect is at play in these systems. The FIR radiation relative to total radiation increases with inclination while the NIR and BVR fractions decrease. This is an expected effect if we consider the system as being made up of a dense dusty disk being irradiated by a hot star. We calculate 2-D models to try and reproduce the observed behavior with different disk and star configurations. ,Orientation effects in bipolar nebulae: Can disks do it?
+" Multi-target tracking is mainly challenged by the nonlinearity present in the measurement equation, and the difficulty in fast and accurate data association. To overcome these challenges, the present paper introduces a grid-based model in which the state captures target signal strengths on a known spatial grid (TSSG). This model leads to \emph{linear} state and measurement equations, which bypass data association and can afford state estimation via sparsity-aware Kalman filtering (KF). Leveraging the grid-induced sparsity of the novel model, two types of sparsity-cognizant TSSG-KF trackers are developed: one effects sparsity through $\ell_1$-norm regularization, and the other invokes sparsity as an extra measurement. Iterative extended KF and Gauss-Newton algorithms are developed for reduced-complexity tracking, along with accurate error covariance updates for assessing performance of the resultant sparsity-aware state estimators. Based on TSSG state estimates, more informative target position and track estimates can be obtained in a follow-up step, ensuring that track association and position estimation errors do not propagate back into TSSG state estimates. The novel TSSG trackers do not require knowing the number of targets or their signal strengths, and exhibit considerably lower complexity than the benchmark hidden Markov model filter, especially for a large number of targets. Numerical simulations demonstrate that sparsity-cognizant trackers enjoy improved root mean-square error performance at reduced complexity when compared to their sparsity-agnostic counterparts. ",Tracking Target Signal Strengths on a Grid using Sparsity
+" Weighted Timed Games (WTG for short) are the most widely used model to describe controller synthesis problems involving real-time issues. Unfortunately, they are notoriously difficult, and undecidable in general. As a consequence, one-clock WTGs have attracted a lot of attention, especially because they are known to be decidable when only non-negative weights are allowed. However, when arbitrary weights are considered, despite several recent works, their decidability status was still unknown. In this paper, we solve this problem positively and show that the value function can be computed in exponential time (if weights are encoded in unary). ",Decidability of One-Clock Weighted Timed Games with Arbitrary Weights
+" Spectroscopic and photometric observations of the peculiar object AM 2049-691 are presented here. Its systemic velocity is V(GSR) = (10956 +-30) km/s, and the derived distance (H(0) = 75 km/s/Mpc) results 146 Mpc. A bridge is observed between two very distinct nuclei whose separation is about 10 kpc, as well as two tails that emerge from the extremes SW and NE of the main body and extend up to 41 and 58 kpc respectively. The spectral characteristics of the all observed zones are typical of H II regions of low excitation. The internal reddening is quit high, particularly in the NE nucleus. All the derived equivalent widths of the H(alpha)+[N II] lines indicate enhanced star formation compared with isolated galaxies, specially in the NE nucleus; the equivalent width corresponding to the integrated spectrum reflects starburst activity in the whole object, and is compatible with a merger of two disk galaxies. All the observed characteristics of AM 2049-691 indicate it is a merger, where a overabundance of nitrogen is detected in one of the nuclei, which has the most evolved population and would be the most massive one. The detected total IR emission is not very high. The integrated total color B - V corresponds to a Sc-Scd galaxy and its average integrated population is about F7 type. Indicative B - V colors of the nuclei, corrected for internal absorption, are in agreement with the spectroscopic results. The central radial velocity dispersions at the nuclei suggest that the most massive galaxy would be the progenitor of the SW component. The observed radial velocity curve shows the presence of two subsystems, each one associated with a different nucleus. ",The Merging System Am 2049-691
+" Trained human pilots or operators still stand out through their efficient, robust, and versatile skills in guidance tasks such as driving agile vehicles in spatial environments or performing complex surgeries. This research studies how humans learn a task environment for agile behavior. The hypothesis is that sensory-motor primitives previously described as interaction patterns and proposed as units of behavior for organization and planning of behavior provide elements of memory structure needed to efficiently learn task environments. The paper presents a modeling and analysis framework using the interaction patterns to formulate learning as a graph learning process and apply the framework to investigate and evaluate human learning and decision-making while operating in unknown environments. This approach emphasizes the effects of agent-environment dynamics (e.g., a vehicle controlled by a human operator), which is not emphasized in existing environment learning studies. The framework is applied to study human data collected from simulated first-person guidance experiments in an obstacle field. Subjects were asked to perform multiple trials and find minimum-time routes between prespecified start and goal locations without priori knowledge of the environment. ",Human Learning of Unknown Environments in Agile Guidance Tasks
+" We report spatially and temporally resolved measurements of magnetic fields generated by petawatt laser-solid interactions with high spatial resolution, using optical polarimetry. The polarimetric measurements map the megagauss magnetic field profiles generated by the fast electron currents at the target rear. The magnetic fields at the rear of a 50 $\mu$m thick aluminum target exhibit distinct and unambiguous signatures of electron beam filamentation. These results are corroborated by hybrid simulations. ",Micron-Scale Mapping of Megagauss Magnetic Fields in Petawatt Laser-Solid Interactions
+" We discuss a simple extension of the Standard Model (SM) that provides an explicit realization of the dark-matter (DM) neutrino-portal paradigm. The dark sector is composed of a scalar $ \Phi $ and a Dirac fermion $ \Psi $, with the latter assumed to be lighter than the former. These particles interact with the SM through the exchange of a set of heavy Dirac fermion mediators that are neutral under all local SM symmetries, and also under the dark-sector symmetry that stabilizes the $ \Psi $ against decay. We show that this model can accommodate all experimental and observational constraints provided the DM mass is below $\sim 35\, \gev $ or is in a resonant region of the Higgs or $Z$ boson. We also show that if the dark scalar and dark fermion are almost degenerate in mass, heavier DM fermions are not excluded. We note that in this scenario DM annihilation in the cores of astrophysical objects and the galactic halo produces a monochromatic neutrino beam of energy $ \mfe $, which provides a clear signature for this paradigm. Other experimental signatures are also discussed. ",A realistic model for Dark Matter interactions in the neutrino portal paradigm
+" Reversible logic allows low power dissipating circuit design and founds its application in cryptography, digital signal processing, quantum and optical information processing. This paper presents a novel quantum cost efficient reversible BCD adder for nanotechnology based systems using PFAG gate. It has been demonstrated that the proposed design offers less hardware complexity and requires minimum number of garbage outputs than the existing counterparts. The remarkable property of the proposed designs is that its quantum realization is given in NMR technology. ",Quantum Cost Efficient Reversible BCD Adder for Nanotechnology Based Systems
+" A limitation of many clustering algorithms is the requirement to tune adjustable parameters for each application or even for each dataset. Some techniques require an \emph{a priori} estimate of the number of clusters while density-based techniques usually require a scale parameter. Other parametric methods, such as mixture modeling, make assumptions about the underlying cluster distributions. Here we introduce a non-parametric clustering method that does not involve tunable parameters and only assumes that clusters are unimodal, in the sense that they have a single point of maximal density when projected onto any line, and that clusters are separated from one another by a separating hyperplane of relatively lower density. The technique uses a non-parametric variant of Hartigan's dip statistic using isotonic regression as the kernel operation repeated at every iteration. We compare the method against k-means++, DBSCAN, and Gaussian mixture methods and show in simulations that it performs better than these standard methods in many situations. The algorithm is suited for low-dimensional datasets with a large number of observations, and was motivated by the problem of ""spike sorting"" in neural electrical recordings. Source code is freely available. ",Unimodal clustering using isotonic regression: ISO-SPLIT
+" We study how primordial non-Gaussianities affect the clustering of voids at large scales. We derive a formula of the bias of voids induced from the non-Gaussianities by making use of the functional integral method. In a similar way as of haloes, we find that primordial non-Gaussianities can generate scale-dependence in the bias of voids at large scales. In addition, we show that by observing the cross power spectrum of voids and haloes we could check the consistency relation between the non-linearity parameters f_NL and tau_NL. Large voids (high peak objects) would be good targets since the effects of non-Gaussianities are more prominent while the effects of ""void-in-cloud"" are less significant. ",Void bias from primordial non-Gaussianities
+" We report measurements of charmonia produced in two-photon collisions and decaying to four-meson final states, where the meson is either a charged pion or a charged kaon. The analysis is based on a 395fb^{-1} data sample accumulated with the Belle detector at the KEKB electron-positron collider. We observe signals for the three C-even charmonia eta_c(1S), chi_{c0}(1P) and chi_{c2}(1P) in the pi^+pi^-pi^+pi^-, K^+K^-pi^+pi^- and K^+K^-K^+K^- decay modes. No clear signals for eta_c(2S) production are found in these decay modes. We have also studied resonant structures in charmonium decays to two-body intermediate meson resonances. We report the products of the two-photon decay width and the branching fractions, Gamma_{gamma gamma}B, for each of the charmonium decay modes. ",Study of charmonia in four-meson final states produced in two-photon collisions
+" Persistent homology, an algebraic method for discerning structure in abstract data, relies on the construction of a sequence of nested topological spaces known as a filtration. Two-parameter persistent homology allows the analysis of data simultaneously filtered by two parameters, but requires a bifiltration -- a sequence of topological spaces simultaneously indexed by two parameters. To apply two-parameter persistence to digital images, we first must consider bifiltrations constructed from digital images, which have scarcely been studied. We introduce the value-offset bifiltration for grayscale digital image data. We present efficient algorithms for computing this bifiltration with respect to the taxicab distance and for approximating it with respect to the Euclidean distance. We analyze the runtime complexity of our algorithms, demonstrate the results on sample images, and contrast the bifiltrations obtained from real images with those obtained from random noise. ",Value-Offset Bifiltrations for Digital Images
+" Chalcopyrite compounds are extensively explored for their exotic topological phases and associated phenomena in a variety of experiments. Here, we discuss the electrical transport properties of a direct energy gap semiconductor CdGeAs$_{2}$. The observed transverse magnetoresistance (MR) is found to be around 136% at a temperature of 1.8 K and a magnetic field of 14 T, following the semiclassical exponent MR $\sim$ $B^{2.18}$. The MR analysis exhibits a violation of the Kohler rule, suggesting the involvement of multiple carriers in the system. Below 15 K, with decreasing magnetic field, the MR increases, leading to the well known quantum interference phenomenon weak localization (WL). The analysis of the magnetoconductivity data based on the Hikami-Larkin-Nagaoka (HLN) model unveils three dimensional nature of the WL and the weak spin-orbit coupling in CdGeAs$_{2}$. The phase coherence length follows the $L_{\phi}$ $\sim$ $T^{-0.66}$ power law, which exhibits the 3D nature of the observed WL feature. ",A Trivial Geometrical Phase of an Electron Wavefunction in a Direct Band Gap Semiconductor CdGeAs$_{2}$
+" We review several aspects of Yang-Mills theory (YMT) in two dimensions, related to its perturbative and topological properties. Consistency between light-front and equal-time formulations is thoroughly discussed. ",Light-front vacuum and instantons in two dimensions
+" Undulator radiation from synchrotron light sources must be transported down a beamline from the source to the sample. A partially coherent photon beam may be represented in phase space using a Wigner function, and its transport may use some similar techniques as is familiar in particle beam transport. We describe this process in the case that the beamline is composed of linear focusing and defocusing sections as well as apertures. We present a compact representation of the beamline map involving linear transformations and convolutions. We create a 1:1 imaging system (4f system) with a single slit on the image plane and observe the radiation downstream to it. We propagate a Gaussian beam and undulator radiation down this sample beamline, drawing parameters from current and future ultra low emittance light sources. We derive an analytic expression for the partially coherent Gaussian case including passage through a single slit aperture. We benchmark the Wigner function calculation against the analytical expression and a partially coherent calculation in the Synchrotron Radiation Workshop (SRW) code. ",Propagation of partially coherent radiation using Wigner functions
+" The quantum cascade laser (QCL) has evolved to be a compact, powerful source of coherent mid-infrared (mid-IR) light. However, its fast gain dynamics strongly restricts the formation of ultrashort pulses. As such, the shortest pulses reported so far were limited to a few picoseconds with some hundreds of milliwatts of peak power, strongly narrowing their applicability for time-resolved and nonlinear experiments. Here, we demonstrate an alternative approach capable of producing near-transform-limited sub-picosecond pulses with several watts of peak power. Starting from a frequency modulated phase-locked state, which most efficiently exploits the gain of the active region, ultrashort high peak power pulses are generated via external pulse compression. We assess their temporal nature by means of a novel optical sampling method, coherent beat note interferometry and interferometric autocorrelation. These results open new pathways for nonlinear physics in the mid-infrared. ",Femtosecond pulses from a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser
+" We bound the excess risk of interpolating deep linear networks trained using gradient flow. In a setting previously used to establish risk bounds for the minimum $\ell_2$-norm interpolant, we show that randomly initialized deep linear networks can closely approximate or even match known bounds for the minimum $\ell_2$-norm interpolant. Our analysis also reveals that interpolating deep linear models have exactly the same conditional variance as the minimum $\ell_2$-norm solution. Since the noise affects the excess risk only through the conditional variance, this implies that depth does not improve the algorithm's ability to ""hide the noise"". Our simulations verify that aspects of our bounds reflect typical behavior for simple data distributions. We also find that similar phenomena are seen in simulations with ReLU networks, although the situation there is more nuanced. ",Deep Linear Networks can Benignly Overfit when Shallow Ones Do
+" Latest experimental and evaluated $\alpha$-decay half-lives between 82$\leq$Z$\leq$118 have been used to modify two empirical formulas: (i) Horoi scaling law [J. Phys. G \textbf{30}, 945 (2004)], and Sobiczewski formula [Acta Phys. Pol. B \textbf{36}, 3095 (2005)] by adding asymmetry dependent terms ($I$ and $I^2$) and refitting of the coefficients. The results of these modified formulas are found with significant improvement while compared with other 21 formulas, and, therefore, are used to predict $\alpha$-decay half-lives with more precision in the unknown superheavy region. The formula of spontaneous fission (SF) half-life proposed by Bao \textit{et al.} [J. Phys. G \textbf{42}, 085101 (2015)] is further modified by using ground-state shell-plus-pairing correction taken from FRDM-2012 and using latest experimental and evaluated spontaneous fission half-lives between 82$\leq$Z$\leq$118. Using these modified formulas, contest between $\alpha$-decay and SF is probed for the nuclei within the range 112$\leq$Z$\leq$118 and consequently probable half-lives and decay modes are estimated. Potential decay chains of $^{286-302}$Og and $^{287-303}$119 (168$\leq$N$\leq$184: island of stability) are analyzed which are found in excellent agreement with available experimental data. In addition, four different machine learning models: XGBoost, Random Forest (RF), Decision Trees (DTs), and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) neural network are used to train a predictor for $\alpha$-decay and SF half-lives prediction. The prediction of decay modes using XGBoost and MLP are found in excellent agreement with available experimental decay modes along with our predictions obtained by above mentioned modified formulas. ",Modified empirical formulas and machine learning for $\alpha$-decay systematics
+" Formulas for longitudinal electric conductivity and dielectric permeability in the quantum non-degenerate collisional plasma with the frequency of collisions depending on momentum in Mermin' approach are received. The kinetic equation in momentum space in relaxation approximation is used. It is shown that when Planck's constant tends to zero, the deduced formula passes to the corresponding formula for classical plasma. It is shown also that when frequency of collisions of particles of plasma tends to zero (plasma passes to collisionless one), the deduced formula passes to the known Lindhard' formula received for collisionless plasmas. It is shown, that when frequency of collisions is a constant, the deduced formula for dielectric permeability passes in known Mermin' formula. ",Longitudinal electric conductivity and dielectric permeability in quantum plasma with variable frequency of collisions in Mermin' approach
+" We construct a duality between several simple physical systems by showing that they are different aspects of the same quantum theory. Examples include the free relativistic massless particle and the hydrogen atom in any number of dimensions. The key is the gauging of the Sp(2) duality symmetry that treats position and momentum (x,p) as a doublet in phase space. As a consequence of the gauging, the Minkowski space-time vectors (x^\mu, p^\mu) get enlarged by one additional space-like and one additional time-like dimensions to (x^M,p^M). A manifest global symmetry SO(d,2) rotates (x^M,p^M) like d+2 dimensional vectors. The SO(d,2) symmetry of the parent theory may be interpreted as the familiar conformal symmetry of quantum field theory in Minkowski spacetime in one gauge, or as the dynamical symmetry of a totally different physical system in another gauge. Thanks to the gauge symmetry, the theory permits various choices of ``time'' which correspond to different looking Hamiltonians, while avoiding ghosts. Thus we demonstrate that there is a physical role for a spacetime with two times when taken together with a gauged duality symmetry that produces appropriate constraints. ","Gauged Duality, Conformal Symmetry, and Spacetime with Two Times"
+" In this paper, we derive optimal transmission policies for energy harvesting sensors to maximize the utility obtained over a finite horizon. First, we consider a single energy harvesting sensor, with discrete energy arrival process, and a discrete energy consumption policy. Under this model, we show that the optimal finite horizon policy is a threshold policy, and explicitly characterize the thresholds, and the thresholds can be precomputed using a recursion. Next, we address the case of multiple sensors, with only one of them allowed to transmit at any given time to avoid interference, and derive an explicit optimal policy for this scenario as well. ",Finite-Horizon Optimal Transmission Policies for Energy Harvesting Sensors
+" We report on the first measurement of exclusive single-photon muoproduction on the proton by COMPASS using 160 GeV/$c$ polarized $\mu^+$ and $\mu^-$ beams of the CERN SPS impinging on a liquid hydrogen target. We determine the dependence of the average of the measured $\mu^+$ and $\mu^-$ cross sections for deeply virtual Compton scattering on the squared four-momentum transfer $t$ from the initial to the final final proton. The slope $B$ of the $t$-dependence is fitted with a single exponential function, which yields $B=(4.3 \ \pm \ 0.6_{\text{stat}}\_{- \ 0.3}^{+ \ 0.1}\big\rvert_{\text{sys}}) (\text{GeV}/c)^{-2}$. This result can be converted into an average transverse extension of partons in the proton, $\sqrt{\langle r_{\perp}^2 \rangle} = (0.58 \ \pm \ 0.04_{\text{stat}}\_{- \ 0.02}^{+ \ 0.01}\big\rvert_{\text{sys}})\text{fm}$. For this measurement, the average virtuality of the photon mediating the interaction is $\langle Q^2 \rangle = 1.8\,(\text{GeV/}c)^2$ and the average value of the Bjorken variable is $\langle x_{\text{Bj}} \rangle = 0.056$. ",Transverse Extension of Partons in the Proton probed by Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering
+" Thermal history of the universe after big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) is well understood both theoretically and observationally, and recent cosmological observations also begin to reveal the inflationary dynamics. However, the epoch between inflation and BBN is scarcely known. In this paper we show that the detection of the stochastic gravitational wave background around 1Hz provides useful information about thermal history well before BBN. In particular, the reheating temperature of the universe may be determined by future space-based laser interferometer experiments such as DECIGO and/or BBO if it is around 10^{6-9} GeV, depending on the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ and dilution factor $F$. ",Probing reheating temperature of the universe with gravitational wave background
+" We study the existence and uniqueness of Lp-bounded mild solutions for a class ofsemilinear stochastic evolutions equations driven by a real L\'evy processes withoutGaussian component not square integrable for instance the stable process through atruncation method by separating the big and small jumps together with the classicaland simple Banach fixed point theorem ; under local Lipschitz, Holder, linear growthconditions on the coefficients. ",On bounded mild solutions for a class of semilinear stochastic evolution equation driven by stable process
+" We report the first detection of C$^{15}$N in diffuse molecular gas from a detailed examination of CN absorption lines in archival VLT/UVES spectra of stars probing local diffuse clouds. Absorption from the C$^{15}$N isotopologue is confidently detected (at $\gtrsim4\sigma$) in three out of the four directions studied and appears as a very weak feature between the main $^{12}$CN and $^{13}$CN absorption components. Column densities for each CN isotopologue are determined through profile fitting, after accounting for weak additional line-of-sight components of $^{12}$CN, which are seen in the absorption profiles of CH and CH$^+$ as well. The weighted mean value of C$^{14}$N/C$^{15}$N for the three sight lines with detections of C$^{15}$N is $274\pm18$. Since the diffuse molecular clouds toward our target stars have relatively high gas kinetic temperatures and relatively low visual extinctions, their C$^{14}$N/C$^{15}$N ratios should not be affected by chemical fractionation. The mean C$^{14}$N/C$^{15}$N ratio that we obtain should therefore be representative of the ambient $^{14}$N/$^{15}$N ratio in the local interstellar medium. Indeed, our mean value agrees well with that derived from millimeter-wave observations of CN, HCN, and HNC in local molecular clouds. ",The C$^{14}$N/C$^{15}$N Ratio in Diffuse Molecular Clouds
+" Using numerical simulations, we investigate the gravitational evolution of filamentary molecular cloud structures and their condensation into dense protostellar cores. One possible process is the so called 'edge effect', the pile-up of matter at the end of the filament due to self-gravity. This effect is predicted by theory but only rarely observed. To get a better understanding of the underlying processes we used a simple analytic approach to describe the collapse and the corresponding collapse time. We identify a model of two distinct phases: The first phase is free fall dominated, due to the self-gravity of the filament. In the second phase, after the turning point, the collapse is balanced by the ram pressure, produced by the inside material of the filament, which leads to a constant collapse velocity. This approach reproduces the established collapse time of uniform density filaments and agrees well with our hydrodynamic simulations. In addition, we investigate the influence of different radial density profiles on the collapse. We find that the deviations compared to the uniform filament are less than 10%. Therefore, the analytic collapse model of the uniform density filament is an excellent general approach. ",Filament collapse: a two phase process
+" The Pomeron, which dominates high energy elastic and diffractive hadronic processes, must be largely gluonic in nature. We use a recent picture of a scalar glueball/sigma system with coupling of the sigma to glue determined from experiment to predict strong peripheral sigma production seen in the p p $\pi^o\pi^o$ final state. ",Peripheral Production of Sigmas in Proton Proton Collisions
+" We report the structural and magnetic properties of a new system LiRhMnO$_{4}$ (LRMO) through x-ray diffraction, bulk magnetization, heat capacity and $^{7}$Li nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements. LRMO crystallizes in the cubic space group $\mathit{Fd}$$\bar{3}$$\mathit{m}$. From the DC susceptibility data, we obtained the Curie-Weiss temperature $\mathrm{\theta}_{\mathrm{CW}}$ = -26 K and Curie constant $\mathit{C}$ = 1.79 Kcm$^{3}$/mol suggesting antiferromagnetic correlations among the magnetic Mn$^{4+}$ ions with an effective spin $\mathit{S}$ = $\frac{3}{2}$. At $\mathit{H}$ = 50 Oe, the field cooled and zero-field cooled magnetizations bifurcate at a freezing temperature, $T_{f}$ = 4.45 K, which yields the frustration parameter $\mathit{f=\frac{\mid\theta_{CW}\mid}{T_{f}}}>$5. AC susceptibility, shows a cusp-like peak at around $T_{f}$, with the peak position shifting as a function of the driving frequency, confirming a spin-glass-like transition in LRMO. LRMO also shows typical spin-glass characteristics such as memory effect, aging effect and relaxation. In the heat capacity, there is no sharp anomaly down to 2 K indicative of long-range ordering. The field sweep $^{7}$Li NMR spectra show broadening with decreasing temperature without any spectral line shift. The $^{7}$Li NMR spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation rates also show anomalies due to spin freezing near $T_{f}$. ",Structural and magnetic properties of a new cubic spinel LiRhMnO$_{4}$
+" A conventional approach to train neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is to fix an ODE solver and then learn the neural network's weights to optimize a target loss function. However, such an approach is tailored for a specific discretization method and its properties, which may not be optimal for the selected application and yield the overfitting to the given solver. In our paper, we investigate how the variability in solvers' space can improve neural ODEs performance. We consider a family of Runge-Kutta methods that are parameterized by no more than two scalar variables. Based on the solvers' properties, we propose an approach to decrease neural ODEs overfitting to the pre-defined solver, along with a criterion to evaluate such behaviour. Moreover, we show that the right choice of solver parameterization can significantly affect neural ODEs models in terms of robustness to adversarial attacks. Recently it was shown that neural ODEs demonstrate superiority over conventional CNNs in terms of robustness. Our work demonstrates that the model robustness can be further improved by optimizing solver choice for a given task. The source code to reproduce our experiments is available at https://github.com/juliagusak/neural-ode-metasolver. ",Meta-Solver for Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
+" Temporal data, representing chronological observations of complex systems, has always been a typical data structure that can be widely generated by many domains, such as industry, medicine and finance. Analyzing this type of data is extremely valuable for various applications. Thus, different temporal data analysis tasks, eg, classification, clustering and prediction, have been proposed in the past decades. Among them, causal discovery, learning the causal relations from temporal data, is considered an interesting yet critical task and has attracted much research attention. Existing causal discovery works can be divided into two highly correlated categories according to whether the temporal data is calibrated, ie, multivariate time series causal discovery, and event sequence causal discovery. However, most previous surveys are only focused on the time series causal discovery and ignore the second category. In this paper, we specify the correlation between the two categories and provide a systematical overview of existing solutions. Furthermore, we provide public datasets, evaluation metrics and new perspectives for temporal data causal discovery. ",Causal Discovery from Temporal Data: An Overview and New Perspectives
+" We investigate the surface width $W$ of solid-on-solid surfaces in the vicinity of the roughening temperature $T_r$. Above $T_r$, $W^2$ is expected to diverge with the system size $L$ like $\ln L$. However, close to $T_r$ a clean $\ln{L}$ behavior can only be seen on extremely large lattices. Starting from the Kosterlitz-Thouless renormalization group, we derive an improved formula that describes the small $L$ behavior on both sides of $T_r$. For the Discrete Gaussian model, we used the valleys-to-mountains-reflections cluster algorithm in order to simulate the fluctuating solid-on-solid surface. The base plane above which the surface is defined is an $L \times L$ square lattice. In the simulation we took $8\leq L\leq 256$. The improved formula fits the numerical results very well. {}From the analysis, we estimate the roughening temperature to be $T_r = 0.755(3)$. ",The Solid-on-Solid Surface Width Around the Roughening Transition
+" Recent data from heavy ion collisions at RHIC show unexpectedly large near-angle correlations that broaden longitudinally with increasing centrality. The amplitude of this ridge-like correlation rises rapidly, reaches a maximum, and then falls in the most central collisions. In this letter we explain how this behavior can be explained as initial-state coordinate-space anisotropies converted into final-state momentum-space correlations. We propose $v_n^2/\epsilon_{n,\mathrm{part}}^{2}$ as a useful way to study length scales and provide a prediction for the ridge in Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=$ 2.76 TeV. ",The Rise and Fall of the Ridge in Heavy Ion Collisions
+" Mean field calculations, based on the D1S, D1N and D1M parametrizations of the Gogny energy density functional, have been carried out to obtain the potential energy surfaces relevant to fission in several Ra isotopes with the neutron number 144 $\le$ N $\le$ 176. Inner and outer barrier heights as well as first and second isomer excitation energies are given. The existence of a well developed third minimum along the fission paths of Ra nuclei, is analyzed in terms of the energetics of the ""fragments"" defining such elongated configuration. The masses and charges of the fission fragments are studied as functions of the neutron number in the parent Ra isotope. The comparison between fission and $\alpha$-decay half-lives, reveals that the former becomes faster for increasing neutron numbers. Though there exists a strong variance of the results with respect to the parameters used in the computation of the spontaneous fission rate, a change in tendency is observed at N=164 with a steady increase that makes heavier neutron-rich Ra isotopes stable against fission, diminishing the importance of fission recycling in the r-process. ",Microscopic description of fission in neutron-rich Radium isotopes with the Gogny energy density functional
+" We study the scattering of the light-flavor pseudoscalar mesons ($\pi, K, \eta$) off the ground-state charmed mesons ($D,D_s$) within chiral effective field theory. The recent lattice simulation results on various scattering lengths and the finite-volume spectra both in the moving and center-of-mass frames, most of which are obtained at unphysical meson masses, are used to constrain the free parameters in our theory. Explicit formulas to include the $S$- and $P$-wave mixing to determine the finite-volume energy levels are provided. After a successful reproduction of the lattice data, we perform a chiral extrapolation to predict the quantities with physical meson masses, including phase shifts, inelasticities, resonance pole positions and the corresponding residues from the scattering of the light pseudoscalar and charmed mesons. ",Towards a precise determination of the scattering amplitudes of the charmed and light-flavor pseudoscalar mesons
+" Multishot Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has recently gained popularity as it accelerates the MRI data acquisition process without compromising the quality of final MR image. However, it suffers from motion artifacts caused by patient movements which may lead to misdiagnosis. Modern state-of-the-art motion correction techniques are able to counter small degree motion, however, their adoption is hindered by their time complexity. This paper proposes a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for reconstructing motion free high-fidelity images while reducing the image reconstruction time by an impressive two orders of magnitude. ",Automating Motion Correction in Multishot MRI Using Generative Adversarial Networks
+" We study the current flow paths between two edges in a random resistor network on a $L\times L$ square lattice. Each resistor has resistance $e^{ax}$, where $x$ is a uniformly-distributed random variable and $a$ controls the broadness of the distribution. We find (a) the scaled variable $u\equiv L/a^\nu$, where $\nu$ is the percolation connectedness exponent, fully determines the distribution of the current path length $\ell$ for all values of $u$. For $u\gg 1$, the behavior corresponds to the weak disorder limit and $\ell$ scales as $\ell\sim L$, while for $u\ll 1$, the behavior corresponds to the strong disorder limit with $\ell\sim L^{d_{\scriptsize opt}}$, where $d_{\scriptsize opt} = 1.22\pm0.01$ is the optimal path exponent. (b) In the weak disorder regime, there is a length scale $\xi\sim a^\nu$, below which strong disorder and critical percolation characterize the current path. ",Current Flow in Random Resistor Networks: The Role of Percolation in Weak and Strong Disorder
+" The probability distribution of percolation thresholds in finite lattices were first believed to follow a normal Gaussian behaviour. With increasing computer power and more efficient simulational techniques, this belief turned to a stretched exponential behaviour, instead. Here, based on a further improvement of Monte Carlo data, we show evidences that this question is not yet answered at all. ",Are the Tails of Percolation Thresholds Gaussians ?
+" We construct a class of quadratic irrationals having continued fractions of period $n\geq2$ with ""small"" partial quotients for which certain integer multiples have continued fractions of period $1$, $2$ or $4$ with ""large"" partial quotients. We then show that numbers in the period of the new continued fraction are simple functions of the numbers in the periods of the original continued fraction. We give generalizations of some of the continued fractions and show that polynomials arising from the generalizations are related to Chebyshev and Fibonacci polynomials. We then show that some of these polynomials have a hyperbolic root distribution. ",Multiples of long period small element continued fractions to short period large elements continued fractions
+" We give a probabilistic proof of relative Fatou's theorem for $(-\Delta)^{\alpha/2}$-harmonic functions (equivalently for symmetric $\alpha$-stable processes) in bounded $\kappa$-fat open set where $\alpha \in (0,2)$. That is, if $u$ is positive $(-\Delta)^{\alpha/2}$-harmonic function in a bounded $\kappa$-fat open set $D$ and $h$ is singular positive $(-\Delta)^{\alpha/2}$-harmonic function in $D$, then non-tangential limits of $u/h$ exist almost everywhere with respect to the Martin-representing measure of $h$. It is also shown that, under the gaugeability assumption, relative Fatou's theorem is true for operators obtained from the generator of the killed $\alpha$-stable process in bounded $\kappa$-fat open set $D$ through non-local Feynman-Kac transforms. As an application, relative Fatou's theorem for relativistic stable processes is also true if $D$ is bounded $C^{1,1}$-open set. ",Relative Fatou's Theorem for $(-\Delta)^{\alpha/2}$-harmonic Functions in Bounded $\kappa$-fat Open Set
+" Dynamic population gratings (DPGs) in rare-earth doped fibers are prevalent devices in fiber lasers for the production of single-longitudinal-mode emission, Q-switched pulses, and wavelength self-sweeping regimes. This study presents a transition from Q-switched state to continuous wave (CW) state, accompanying irregular mode-hopping, in an erbium-doped fiber laser with a heavily-doped DPG centered at 1549.95 nm. Our results demonstrate that the transition between these two states can be achieved by adjusting the pump power. The repetition frequency of the Q-switched pulse increases monotonically with the increasing pump power, while the pulse duration initially narrows and then expands because the reduced peak intensity weakens the nonlinear effect. Additionally, modulation peaks are evident on both the Q-switched pulse train and the CW background, which are induced by the irregular mode-hopping caused by the DPG. Furthermore, we observe that the central wavelength fluctuates within a range of 0.05 nm. These results provide valuable insight into the DPG effect in heavily-doped fibers. ",Observation of Q-switched and continuous wave regimes with mode-hopping in Er-doped fiber lasers incorporating a dynamic population grating
+" This paper is concerned with the regulation control of a one-dimensional reaction-diffusion equation in the presence of a state-delay in the reaction term. The objective is to achieve the PI regulation of the right Dirichlet trace with a command selected as the left Dirichlet trace. The control design strategy consists of the design of a PI controller on a finite dimensional truncated model obtained by spectral reduction. By an adequate selection of the number of modes of the original infinite-dimensional system, we show that the proposed control design procedure achieves both the exponential stabilization of the original infinite-dimensional system as well as the setpoint regulation of the right Dirichlet trace. ",Integral action for setpoint regulation control of a reaction-diffusion equation in the presence of a state delay
+" The Berber, or Amazigh language family is a low-resource North African vernacular language spoken by the indigenous Berber ethnic group. It has its own unique alphabet called Tifinagh used across Berber communities in Morocco, Algeria, and others. The Afroasiatic language Berber is spoken by 14 million people, yet lacks adequate representation in education, research, web applications etc. For instance, there is no option of translation to or from Amazigh / Berber on Google Translate, which hosts over 100 languages today. Consequently, we do not find specialized educational apps, L2 (2nd language learner) acquisition, automated language translation, and remote-access facilities enabled in Berber. Motivated by this background, we propose a supervised approach called DaToBS for Detection and Transcription of Berber Signs. The DaToBS approach entails the automatic recognition and transcription of Tifinagh characters from signs in photographs of natural environments. This is achieved by self-creating a corpus of 1862 pre-processed character images; curating the corpus with human-guided annotation; and feeding it into an OCR model via the deployment of CNN for deep learning based on computer vision models. We deploy computer vision modeling (rather than language models) because there are pictorial symbols in this alphabet, this deployment being a novel aspect of our work. The DaToBS experimentation and analyses yield over 92 percent accuracy in our research. To the best of our knowledge, ours is among the first few works in the automated transcription of Berber signs from roadside images with deep learning, yielding high accuracy. This can pave the way for developing pedagogical applications in the Berber language, thereby addressing an important goal of outreach to underrepresented communities via AI in education. ",Optical Character Recognition and Transcription of Berber Signs from Images in a Low-Resource Language Amazigh
+" We completely characterize the Crawford number attainment set and the numerical radius attainment set of a bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space. We study the intersection properties of the corresponding attainment sets of numerical radius, Crawford number, norm, minimum norm of a bounded linear operator defined on a normed space. Our study illustrates the similarities and the differences of the extremal properties of a bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space and a general normed space. ",On numerical radius and Crawford number attainment sets of a bounded linear operator
+ It is shown that any generalized Kac-Moody Lie algebra g that has no mutually orthogonal imaginary simple roots can be written as the vector space direct sum of a Kac-Moody subalgebra and subalgebras isomorphic to free Lie algebras over certain modules for the Kac-Moody subalgebra. Also included is a detailed discussion of Borcherds' construction of the Monster Lie algebra from a vertex algebra and an elementary proof of Borcherds' theorem relating Lie algebras with `an almost positive definite bilinear form' to generalized Kac-Moody algebras. (Preprint version 1996) ,"Generalized Kac-Moody Lie algebras, free Lie algebras and the structure of the Monster Lie algebra"
+" In this paper, we study the construction of the supersymmetric extensions of vertex algebras. In particular, for $N = n \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}$, we show the universal enveloping $N = n$ supersymmetric (SUSY) vertex algebra of an $N = n$ SUSY Lie conformal algebra can be extended to an $N = n' > n$ SUSY vertex algebra. ",Supersymmetric extension of universal enveloping vertex algebras
+" We construct the first explicit (i.e., non-random) examples of Salem sets in $\mathbb{R}^n$ of arbitrary prescribed Hausdorff dimension. This completely resolves a problem proposed by Kahane more than 60 years ago. The construction is based on a form of Diophantine approximation in number fields. ",Explicit Salem sets in $\mathbb{R}^n$
+" We rule out a certain $9$-dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field to be the basic algebra of a block of a finite group, thereby completing the classification of basic algebras of dimension at most $12$ of blocks of finite group algebras. ",A $9$-dimensional algebra which is not a block of a finite group
+" An elegant breadboard model of the LISA phasemeter is currently under development by a Danish-German consortium. The breadboard is build in the frame of an ESA technology development activity to demonstrate the feasibility and readiness of the LISA metrology baseline architecture. This article gives an overview about the breadboard design and its components, including the distribution of key functionalities. ",Breadboard model of the LISA phasemeter
+" Information transport and processing by pure magnonic spin currents in insulators is a promising alternative to conventional charge-current driven spintronic devices. The absence of Joule heating as well as the reduced spin wave damping in insulating ferromagnets has been suggested to enable the implementation of efficient logic devices. After the proof of concept for a logic majority gate based on the superposition of spin waves has been successfully demonstrated, further components are required to perform complex logic operations. A key component is a switch that corresponds to a conventional magnetoresistive spin valve. Here, we report on magnetization orientation dependent spin signal detection in collinear magnetic multilayers with spin transport by magnonic spin currents. We find in Y3Fe5O12|CoO|Co tri-layers that the detected spin signal depends on the relative alignment of Y3Fe5O12 and Co. This demonstrates a spin valve behavior with an effect amplitude of 120% in our systems. We demonstrate the reliability of the effect and investigate the origin by both temperature and power dependent measurements, showing that spin rectification effects and a magnetic layer alignment dependent spin transport effect result in the measured signal. ",Ferroic collinear multilayer magnon spin valve
+" We study a compactification of the moduli space of theta characteristics, giving a modular interpretation of the geometric points and describing the boundary stratification. This space is different from the moduli space of spin curves. The modular description and the boundary stratification of the new compactification are encoded by a tropical moduli space. We show that this tropical moduli space is a refinement of the moduli space of spin tropical curves. We describe explicitly the induced decomposition of its cones. ",The moduli space of quasistable spin curves
+" Text classifiers are applied at scale in the form of one-size-fits-all solutions. Nevertheless, many studies show that classifiers are biased regarding different languages and dialects. When measuring and discovering these biases, some gaps present themselves and should be addressed. First, ``Does language, dialect, and topical content vary across geographical regions?'' and secondly ``If there are differences across the regions, do they impact model performance?''. We introduce a novel dataset called GeoOLID with more than 14 thousand examples across 15 geographically and demographically diverse cities to address these questions. We perform a comprehensive analysis of geographical-related content and their impact on performance disparities of offensive language detection models. Overall, we find that current models do not generalize across locations. Likewise, we show that while offensive language models produce false positives on African American English, model performance is not correlated with each city's minority population proportions. Warning: This paper contains offensive language. ",Measuring Geographic Performance Disparities of Offensive Language Classifiers
+" We present a dynamical system that naturally exhibits two unstable attractors that are completely enclosed by each others basin volume. This counter-intuitive phenomenon occurs in networks of pulse-coupled oscillators with delayed interactions. We analytically and numerically investigate this phenomenon and clarify the mechanism underlying it: Upon continuously removing the non-invertibility of the system, the set of two unstable attractors becomes a set of two non-attracting saddle states that are heteroclinically connected to each other. This transition from a network of unstable attractors to a heteroclinic cycle constitutes a new type of bifurcation in dynamical systems. ",Bifurcation From Networks of Unstable Attractors to Heteroclinic Switching
+ We present a new chiral expansion scheme for the nucleon-nucleon scattering amplitude which preserves unitarity exactly. Our effective field theory builds on the power counting rules for 2-nucleon reducible diagrams proposed in \cite{lutz}. We evaluate the leading order terms of the isospin one scattering amplitude and elaborate in detail on the $^1S_0$ phase shift. Our chiral description of the $^1S_0$-phase shift does compete in quality with modern phenomenological nucleon-nucleon potentials. We describe elastic and inelastic scattering quantitatively up to laboratory energies of $E_{\rm lab} \simeq 600$ MeV. ,Effective chiral theory of nucleon-nucleon scattering
+" Context: Citations are a key measure of scientific performance in most fields, including software engineering. However, there is limited research that studies which characteristics of articles' metadata (title, abstract, keywords, and author list) are driving citations in this field. Objective: In this study, we propose a simple theoretical model for how citations come to be with respect to article metadata, we hypothesize theoretical linkages between metadata characteristics and citations of articles, and we empirically test these hypotheses. Method: We use multiple regression analyses to examine a data set comprising the titles, abstracts, keywords, and authors of 16,131 software engineering articles published between 1990 and 2020 in 20 highly influential software engineering venues. Results: We find that number of authors, number of keywords, number of question marks and dividers in the title, number of acronyms, abstract length, abstract propositional idea density, and corresponding authors in the core Anglosphere are significantly related to citations. Conclusion: Various characteristics of articles' metadata are linked to the frequency with which the corresponding articles are cited. These results partially confirm and partially go counter to prior findings in software engineering and other disciplines. ",Text and Team: What Article Metadata Characteristics Drive Citations in Software Engineering?
+" We discuss the sensitivity of the CASSINI experiments to gravitational waves emitted by the in-spiral of compact binaries. We show that the maximum distance reachable by the instrument is $\sim 100$ Mpc. In particular, CASSINI can detect massive black hole binaries with chirp mass $\simgt 10^6 \Ms$ in the Virgo Cluster with signal-to-noise ratio between 5 and 30 and possible compact objects of mass $\simgt 30 \Ms$ orbiting the massive black hole that our Galactic Centre is likely to harbour. ",Coalescing binaries and Doppler experiments
+" There has been a rapid progress in the task of Visual Question Answering with improved model architectures. Unfortunately, these models are usually computationally intensive due to their sheer size which poses a serious challenge for deployment. We aim to tackle this issue for the specific task of Visual Question Answering (VQA). A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is an integral part of the visual processing pipeline of a VQA model (assuming the CNN is trained along with entire VQA model). In this project, we propose an efficient and modular neural architecture for the VQA task with focus on the CNN module. Our experiments demonstrate that a sparsely activated CNN based VQA model achieves comparable performance to a standard CNN based VQA model architecture. ",Learning Sparse Mixture of Experts for Visual Question Answering
+ This article is a survey on the local well-posedness problem for the general EPDiff equation. The main contribution concerns recent results on local existence of the geodesics on $\mathrm{Diff}(\mathbb{T}^{d})$ and $\mathrm{Diff}(\mathbb{R}^{d})$ when the inertia operator is a non-local Fourier multiplier. ,Local well-posedness of the EPDiff equation: a survey
+" The antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the icosahedron, which consists of 20 edge-sharing triangles and belongs to the icosahedral $I_h$ symmetry group, presents unconventional properties at the classical and quantum level. These originate in the frustrated nature of the interactions between the spins. For classical spins the magnetization is discontinuous in a magnetic field. Here we examine the importance of the connectivity of the icosahedron for the appearance of the magnetization discontinuity, and also investigate the transition from the classical to the quantum limit. The influence of connectivity on the magnetic properties is revealed by considering the cluster as being made up of a closed strip of a triangular lattice with two additional spins attached. The classical magnetization discontinuity is shown to evolve continuously from the discontinuity effected by these two spins when they are uncoupled to the cluster. In the second part the transition from the classical to the quantum limit is examined by focusing on the low energy spectrum taking fully into account the spatial and the spin symmetry of the model in the characterization of the states. A symmetry analysis of the highly degenerate due to the connectivity lowest energy classical manifold identifies as its direct fingerprint the low energy quantum states for spin magnitude as low as $s=1$, with the latter following a tower of states behavior which relates to the icosahedron having a structure reminiscent of a depleted triangular lattice. The classical character of the AHM for small $s$ is also detected on the ground state energy and correlation functions. On the other hand the classical magnetization discontinuity in a field eventually disappears for small $s$, after a weak reentrant behavior. ",Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model on the Icosahedron: Influence of Connectivity and the Transition from the Classical to the Quantum Limit
+" We have extended the time baseline for observations of the proper motions of radio sources in the Orion BN/KL region from 14.7 to 22.5 years. We present improved determinations for the sources BN and I. In addition, we address the proper motions of the double radio source n, that have been questioned in the literature. We confirm that all three sources are moving away at transverse velocities of tens of km s$^{-1}$ from a region in-between them, where they were located about 500 years ago. Source n exhibits a new component that we interpret as due to a one-sided ejection of free-free emitting plasma that took place after 2006.36. We used the highly accurate relative proper motions between sources BN and I to determine that their closest separation took place in the year 1475$\pm$6, when they were within $\sim$100 AU or less from each other in the plane of the sky. ",The Proper Motions of the Double Radio Source n in the Orion BN/KL Region
+" We investigate the mechanical behavior of a confined granular packing of irregular polyhedral particles under repeated heating and cooling cycles by means of numerical simulations with the Non-Smooth Contact Dynamics method. Assuming a homogeneous temperature distribution as well as constant temperature rate, we study the effect of the container shape, and coefficients of thermal expansions on the pressure buildup at the confining walls and the density evolution. We observe that small changes in the opening angle of the confinement can lead to a drastic peak pressure reduction. Furthermore, the displacement fields over several thermal cycles are obtained and we discover the formation of convection cells inside the granular material having the shape of a torus. The root mean square of the vorticity is then calculated from the displacement fields and a quadratic dependency on the ratio of thermal expansion coefficients is established. ",Behavior of confined granular beds under cyclic thermal loading
+" We study deposition dynamics of Na and Na$_2$ on an Ar substrate, both species neutral as well as charged. The system is modeled by a hierarchical approach describing the Na valence electrons by time-dependent density-functional theory while Na core, Ar atoms and their dynamical polarizability are treated by molecular dynamics. We explore effects of Na charge and initial kinetic energy of the impinging Na system. We find that neutral Na is captured into a loosely bound adsorbate state for sufficiently low impact energy. The charged monomers are more efficiently captured and the cation Na$^+$ even penetrates the surface layer. For charged dimers, we come to different final configurations depending on the process, direct deposit of Na$_2^+$ as a whole, or sequential deposit. In any case, charge dramatically amplifies the excitation of the matrix, in particular at the side of the Ar dipoles. The presence of a charge also enhances the binding to the surface and favours accumulation of larger compounds. ",Deposition dynamics of Na monomers and dimers on an Ar(001) substrate
+" In order to backward integrate the orbits of Milky Way (MW) dwarf galaxies, much effort has been invested in recent years to constrain their initial phase-space coordinates. Yet equally important are the assumptions on the potential that the dwarf galaxies experience over time, especially given the fact that the MW is currently accreting the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). In this work, using a dark matter-only zoom-in simulation, we test whether the use of common parametric forms of the potential is adequate to successfully backward integrate the orbits of the subhaloes from their present-day positions. We parametrise the recovered orbits and compare them with those from the simulations. We find that simple symmetric parametric forms of the potential fail to capture the complexities and the inhomogeneities of the true potential experienced by the subhaloes. More specifically, modelling a recent massive accretion like that of the LMC as a sum of two spherical parametric potentials leads to substantial errors in the recovered parameters of the orbits. These errors rival those caused due to a) a 30\% uncertainty in the virial mass of the MW and b) not modelling the potential of the recently accreted massive satellite. Our work suggests that i) the uncertainties in the parameters of the recovered orbits of some MW dwarfs may be under-estimated and that ii) researchers should characterise the uncertainties inherent to their choice of integration techniques and assumptions of the potential against cosmological zoom-in simulations of the MW, which include a recently-accreted LMC. ",Uncertainties associated with the backward integration of dwarf satellites using simple parametric potentials
+" In recent years, cosmic observational data have reported that our present universe is undergoing an accelerated expansion, which has been termed as mysterious ""dark energy"" phenomena, that is, the origin of dark energy has not been determined yet. According to our previous work that a new equation of state \cite{X.Shan and H.Chen1993} can be employed to explain the dark energy, and we are very interested in investigating the astrophysical scale properties of dark energy based on the new cosmological fluids given that the universe is filled with a dark energy fluid everywhere. Hence, in this paper, we study the exact solutions of spherically-symmetrical Einstein field equations describing wormholes supported by phantom energy from Shan-Chen (SC) fluids by considering an obvious relation between the transversal pressure and energy density which is different from our previous work \cite{111}. We have still investigated the important case $\psi\approx1$ which corresponds to the "" saturation effect "", and this regime corresponds to an effective form of "" asymptotic freedom "", occurring at cosmological rather than subnuclear scales. Then we find out two solutions by making some special choices for the shape function $b(r)$ and discuss the singularities of the solutions and find that the spacetimes are both geodesically incomplete. At the same time, it is worth noting that whether the solutions are geodesically complete or incomplete depends on the appropriate choice of the shape function $b(r)$ through our works. In addition, we match our interior solutions to the exterior Schwarzschild solutions and calculate out the total mass of the wormhole when $r\leq a$. ",Modeling phantom energy wormholes from Shan-Chen fluids
+" In a previous paper [J. Chem. Phys. 121 4501 (2004)] a unique bipolar decomposition, Psi = Psi1 + Psi2 was presented for stationary bound states Psi of the one-dimensional Schroedinger equation, such that the components Psi1 and Psi2 approach their semiclassical WKB analogs in the large action limit. The corresponding bipolar quantum trajectories, as defined in the usual Bohmian mechanical formulation, are classical-like and well-behaved, even when Psi has many nodes, or is wildly oscillatory. A modification for discontinuous potential stationary stattering states was presented in a second paper [J. Chem. Phys. 124 034115 (2006)], whose generalization for continuous potentials is given here. The result is an exact quantum scattering methodology using classical trajectories. For additional convenience in handling the tunneling case, a constant velocity trajectory version is also developed. ",Reconciling Semiclassical and Bohmian Mechanics: III. Scattering states for continuous potentials
+" Covering skill (a.k.a., option) discovery has been developed to improve the exploration of reinforcement learning in single-agent scenarios with sparse reward signals, through connecting the most distant states in the embedding space provided by the Fiedler vector of the state transition graph. However, these option discovery methods cannot be directly extended to multi-agent scenarios, since the joint state space grows exponentially with the number of agents in the system. Thus, existing researches on adopting options in multi-agent scenarios still rely on single-agent option discovery and fail to directly discover the joint options that can improve the connectivity of the joint state space of agents. In this paper, we show that it is indeed possible to directly compute multi-agent options with collaborative exploratory behaviors among the agents, while still enjoying the ease of decomposition. Our key idea is to approximate the joint state space as a Kronecker graph -- the Kronecker product of individual agents' state transition graphs, based on which we can directly estimate the Fiedler vector of the joint state space using the Laplacian spectrum of individual agents' transition graphs. This decomposition enables us to efficiently construct multi-agent joint options by encouraging agents to connect the sub-goal joint states which are corresponding to the minimum or maximum values of the estimated joint Fiedler vector. The evaluation based on multi-agent collaborative tasks shows that the proposed algorithm can successfully identify multi-agent options, and significantly outperforms prior works using single-agent options or no options, in terms of both faster exploration and higher cumulative rewards. ",Learning Multi-agent Skills for Tabular Reinforcement Learning using Factor Graphs
+" Coupled oscillators such as lasers, OPO's and BEC polaritons can rapidly and efficiently dissipate into a stable phase locked state that can be mapped onto the minimal energy (ground state) of classical spin Hamiltonians. However, for degenerate or near degenerate ground state manifolds, statistical fair sampling is required to obtain a complete knowledge of the minimal energy state, which needs many repetitions of simulations under identical conditions. We show that with dissipatively coupled lasers such fair sampling can be achieved rapidly and accurately by exploiting the many longitudinal modes of each laser to form an ensemble of identical but independent simulators, acting in parallel. We fairly sampled the ground state manifold of square, triangular and Kagome lattices by measuring their coherence function identifying manifolds composed of a single, doubly degenerate, and highly degenerate ground states, respectively. ",Rapid fair sampling of XY spin Hamiltonian with a laser simulator
+" Self-supervised learning has been widely applied to train high-quality vision transformers. Unleashing their excellent performance on memory and compute constraint devices is therefore an important research topic. However, how to distill knowledge from one self-supervised ViT to another has not yet been explored. Moreover, the existing self-supervised knowledge distillation (SSKD) methods focus on ConvNet based architectures are suboptimal for ViT knowledge distillation. In this paper, we study knowledge distillation of self-supervised vision transformers (ViT-SSKD). We show that directly distilling information from the crucial attention mechanism from teacher to student can significantly narrow the performance gap between both. In experiments on ImageNet-Subset and ImageNet-1K, we show that our method AttnDistill outperforms existing self-supervised knowledge distillation (SSKD) methods and achieves state-of-the-art k-NN accuracy compared with self-supervised learning (SSL) methods learning from scratch (with the ViT-S model). We are also the first to apply the tiny ViT-T model on self-supervised learning. Moreover, AttnDistill is independent of self-supervised learning algorithms, it can be adapted to ViT based SSL methods to improve the performance in future research. The code is here: https://github.com/wangkai930418/attndistill ",Attention Distillation: self-supervised vision transformer students need more guidance
+" Let G be group; a finite p-subgroup S of G is a Sylow p-subgroup if every finite p-subgroup of G is conjugate to a subgroup of S. In this paper, we examine the relations between the fusion system over S which is given by conjugation in G and a certain chamber system C, on which G acts chamber transitively with chamber stabilizer N_G(S). Next, we introduce the notion of a fusion system with a parabolic family and we show that a chamber system can be associated to such a fusion system. We determine some conditions the chamber system has to fulfill in order to assure the saturation of the underlying fusion system. We give an application to fusion systems with parabolic families of classical type. ",Saturated fusion systems with parabolic families
+" The entanglement content of superpositions of pairs of degenerate eigenstates of a bipartite system are considered in the case that both are also eigenstates of the $z$ component of the total angular momentum. It is shown that the von Neumann entropy of the state that is obtained tracing out one of the parts of the system has a definite convexity (concavity) as a function of the superposition parameter and that its convexity (concavity) can be predicted using a quantity of information that measures the entropy shared by the states at the extremes of the superposition. Several examples of two particle system, whose eigenfunctions and density matrices can be obtained exactly, are analyzed thoroughly. ",Convexity properties of superpositions of degenerate bipartite eigenstates
+" We present our studies on jet-induced modifications of the characteristic of the bulk nuclear matter. To describe such a matter, we use efficient relativistic hydrodynamic simulations in (3+1) dimensions employing the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) in the parallel programming framework. We use Cartesian coordinates in the calculations to ensure a high spatial resolution that is constant throughout the evolution of the system. We show our results on how jets modify the hydrodynamics fields and discuss the implications. ",Jet-induced modifications of the characteristic of the bulk nuclear matter
+ In the present paper the asymptotic formulae for the first moment of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line is proven under assumption of the Riemann Hypothesis. ,On Asymptotic Formula for the First Moment of the Riemann Zeta-Function on the Critical Line
+" In this paper we propose a unified framework for structured prediction with latent variables which includes hidden conditional random fields and latent structured support vector machines as special cases. We describe a local entropy approximation for this general formulation using duality, and derive an efficient message passing algorithm that is guaranteed to converge. We demonstrate its effectiveness in the tasks of image segmentation as well as 3D indoor scene understanding from single images, showing that our approach is superior to latent structured support vector machines and hidden conditional random fields. ",Efficient Structured Prediction with Latent Variables for General Graphical Models
+" We have investigated uniaxial and hydrostatic pressure effects on superconductivity in Fe1.07Te0.88S0.12 through magnetic-susceptibility measurements down to 1.8 K. The superconducting transition temperature Tc is enhanced by out-of-plane pressure (uniaxial pressure along the c-axis); the onset temperature of the superconductivity reaches 11.8 K at 0.4 GPa. In contrast, Tc is reduced by in-plane pressure (uniaxial pressure along the ab-plane) and hydrostatic pressure. Taking into account these results, it is inferred that the superconductivity of Fe1+yTe1-xSx is enhanced when the lattice constant c considerably shrinks. This implies that the relationship between Tc and the anion height for Fe1+yTe1-xSx is similar to that applicable to most iron-based superconductors. We consider the reduction of Tc by hydrostatic pressure due to suppression of spin fluctuations because the system moves away from antiferromagnetic ordering, and the enhancement of Tc by out-of-plane pressure due to the anion height effect on Tc. ",Anisotropic pressure effects on superconductivity in Fe1+yTe1-xSx
+" We study the near horizon limit of a four dimensional extreme rotating black hole. The limiting metric is a completely nonsingular vacuum solution, with an enhanced symmetry group SL(2,R) x U(1). We show that many of the properties of this solution are similar to the AdS_2 x S^2 geometry arising in the near horizon limit of extreme charged black holes. In particular, the boundary at infinity is a timelike surface. This suggests the possibility of a dual quantum mechanical description. A five dimensional generalization is also discussed. ",The Extreme Kerr Throat Geometry: A Vacuum Analog of AdS_2 x S^2
+" This paper studies equable parallelograms whose vertices lie on the integer lattice. Using Rosenberger's Theorem on generalised Markov equations, we show that the g.c.d. of the side lengths of such parallelograms can only be 3, 4 or 5, and in each of these cases the set of parallelograms naturally forms an infinite tree all of whose vertices have degree 4, bar the root. The paper then focuses on what we call Pythagorean equable parallelograms. These are lattice equable parallelograms whose complement in a circumscribing rectangle consists of two Pythagorean triangles. We prove that for these parallelograms the shortest side can only be 3, 4, 5, 6 or 10, and there are five infinite families of such parallelograms, given by solutions to corresponding Pell-like equations. ",Lattice Equable Quadrilaterals I -- Parallelograms
+ The dynamics of Rydberg states of atomic hydrogen illuminated by resonant elliptically polarized microwaves is investigated both semiclassically and quantum mechanically in a simplified two-dimensional model of an atom. Semiclassical predictions for quasienergies of the system are found to be in a very good agreement with exact quantum data enabling a classification of possible types of motion and their dynamics with the change of the ellipticity of the microwaves. Particular attention is paid to the dynamics of the nonspreading wave packet states which are found to exist for an arbitrary microwave polarization. ,H atom in elliptically polarized microwaves: Semiclassical versus quantum resonant dynamics
+" Hydrogen emission lines can provide extensive information about star-forming galaxies in both the local and high-redshift Universe. We present a detailed Lyman continuum (LyC), Lyman-alpha (Ly{\alpha}), and Balmer line (H{\alpha} and H\b{eta}) radiative transfer study of a high-resolution isolated Milky-Way simulation using the Arepo-RT radiation hydrodynamics code with the SMUGGLE galaxy formation model. The realistic framework includes stellar feedback, non-equilibrium thermochemistry, and dust grain evolution in the interstellar medium (ISM). We extend our Cosmic Ly{\alpha} Transfer (COLT) code with photoionization equilibrium Monte Carlo radiative transfer for self-consistent end-to-end (non-)resonant line predictions. Accurate LyC reprocessing to recombination emission requires modelling pre-absorption by dust (27.5%), helium ionization (8.7%), and anisotropic escape fractions (7.9%), as these reduce the available budget for hydrogen line emission (55.9%). We investigate the role of the multiphase dusty ISM, disc geometry, gas kinematics, and star formation activity in governing the physics of emission and escape, focusing on the time variability, gas phase structure, and spatial, spectral, and viewing angle dependence of the emergent photons. Isolated disc simulations are well-suited for comprehensive observational comparisons with local H{\alpha} surveys, but would require a proper cosmological circumgalactic medium (CGM) environment as well as less dust absorption and rotational broadening to serve as analogs for high-redshift Ly{\alpha} emitting galaxies. Future applications of our framework to next-generation cosmological simulations of galaxy formation including radiation-hydrodynamics that resolve <10 pc multiphase ISM and <1 kpc CGM structures will provide crucial insights and predictions for current and upcoming Ly{\alpha} observations. ",The physics of Lyman-alpha escape from disc-like galaxies
+" In this paper, we study two classes of Kirchhoff type problems set on a double phase framework. That is, the functional space where finding solutions coincides with the Musielak-Orlicz-Sobolev space $W^{1,\mathcal H}_0(\Omega)$, with modular function $\mathcal H$ related to the so called double phase operator. Via a variational approach, we provide existence and multiplicity results. ",Existence and multiplicity results for Kirchhoff type problems on a double phase setting
+" We study the problem of realizing the full spectrum of bipedal locomotion on a real robot with sim-to-real reinforcement learning (RL). A key challenge of learning legged locomotion is describing different gaits, via reward functions, in a way that is intuitive for the designer and specific enough to reliably learn the gait across different initial random seeds or hyperparameters. A common approach is to use reference motions (e.g. trajectories of joint positions) to guide learning. However, finding high-quality reference motions can be difficult and the trajectories themselves narrowly constrain the space of learned motion. At the other extreme, reference-free reward functions are often underspecified (e.g. move forward) leading to massive variance in policy behavior, or are the product of significant reward-shaping via trial-and-error, making them exclusive to specific gaits. In this work, we propose a reward-specification framework based on composing simple probabilistic periodic costs on basic forces and velocities. We instantiate this framework to define a parametric reward function with intuitive settings for all common bipedal gaits - standing, walking, hopping, running, and skipping. Using this function we demonstrate successful sim-to-real transfer of the learned gaits to the bipedal robot Cassie, as well as a generic policy that can transition between all of the two-beat gaits. ",Sim-to-Real Learning of All Common Bipedal Gaits via Periodic Reward Composition
+" We study the problem of cooperative localization of a large network of nodes in integer-coordinated unit disk graphs, a simplified but useful version of general random graph. Exploiting the property that the radius $r$ sets clear cut on the connectivity of two nodes, we propose an essential philosophy that ""no connectivity is also useful information just like the information being connected"" in unit disk graphs. Exercising this philosophy, we show that the conventional network localization problem can be re-formulated to significantly reduce the search space, and that global rigidity, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of unique solution in general graphs, is no longer necessary. While the problem is still NP-hard, we show that a (depth-first) tree-search algorithm with memory O(N) ($N$ is the network size) can be developed, and for practical setups, the search complexity and speed is very manageable, and is magnitudes less than the conventional problem, especially when the graph is sparse or when only very limited anchor nodes are available. ",Network Localization on Unit Disk Graphs
+" In this paper, we study the problem of robust sparse mean estimation, where the goal is to estimate a $k$-sparse mean from a collection of partially corrupted samples drawn from a heavy-tailed distribution. Existing estimators face two critical challenges in this setting. First, they are limited by a conjectured computational-statistical tradeoff, implying that any computationally efficient algorithm needs $\tilde\Omega(k^2)$ samples, while its statistically-optimal counterpart only requires $\tilde O(k)$ samples. Second, the existing estimators fall short of practical use as they scale poorly with the ambient dimension. This paper presents a simple mean estimator that overcomes both challenges under moderate conditions: it runs in near-linear time and memory (both with respect to the ambient dimension) while requiring only $\tilde O(k)$ samples to recover the true mean. At the core of our method lies an incremental learning phenomenon: we introduce a simple nonconvex framework that can incrementally learn the top-$k$ nonzero elements of the mean while keeping the zero elements arbitrarily small. Unlike existing estimators, our method does not need any prior knowledge of the sparsity level $k$. We prove the optimality of our estimator by providing a matching information-theoretic lower bound. Finally, we conduct a series of simulations to corroborate our theoretical findings. Our code is available at https://github.com/huihui0902/Robust_mean_estimation. ",Robust Sparse Mean Estimation via Incremental Learning
+" While artificial intelligence (AI) holds promise for addressing societal challenges, issues of exactly which tasks to automate and to what extent to do so remain understudied. We approach this problem of task delegability from a human-centered perspective by developing a framework on human perception of task delegation to AI. We consider four high-level factors that can contribute to a delegation decision: motivation, difficulty, risk, and trust. To obtain an empirical understanding of human preferences in different tasks, we build a dataset of 100 tasks from academic papers, popular media portrayal of AI, and everyday life, and administer a survey based on our proposed framework. We find little preference for full AI control and a strong preference for machine-in-the-loop designs, in which humans play the leading role. Among the four factors, trust is the most correlated with human preferences of optimal human-machine delegation. This framework represents a first step towards characterizing human preferences of AI automation across tasks. We hope this work encourages future efforts towards understanding such individual attitudes; our goal is to inform the public and the AI research community rather than dictating any direction in technology development. ","Ask Not What AI Can Do, But What AI Should Do: Towards a Framework of Task Delegability"
+" The emergent mechanism provides a possible way to resolve the big bang singularity problem by assuming that our universe originates from the Einstein static (ES) state. Thus, the existence of a stable ES solution becomes a very crucial prerequisite for the emergent scenario. In this paper, we study the stability of an ES universe in gravity theory with a non-minimal coupling between the kinetic term of a scalar field and the Einstein tensor. We find that the ES solution is stable under both scalar and tensor perturbations when the model parameters satisfy certain conditions, which indicates that the big bang singularity can be avoided successfully by the emergent mechanism in the non-minimally kinetic coupled gravity. ",Stability of Einstein static universe in gravity theory with a non-minimal derivative coupling
+ Collapsing Bose-Einstein condensates are rich and complex quantum systems for which quantitative explanation by simple models has proved elusive. We present new experimental data on the collapse of high density Rb-85 condensates with attractive interactions and find quantitative agreement with the predictions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The collapse data and measurements of the decay of atoms from our condensates allow us to put new limits on the value of the Rb-85 three-body loss coefficient K_3 at small positive and negative scattering lengths. ,Bosenova and three-body loss in a Rb-85 Bose-Einstein condensate
+" In this paper we derive Ward-Takahashi identities from the path integral of supersymmetric five-dimensional field theories with an $SU(1,3)$ spacetime symmetry in the presence of instantons. We explicitly show how $SU(1,3)$ is enhanced to $SU(1,3)\times U(1)$ where the additional $U(1)$ acts non-perturbatively. Solutions to such Ward-Takahashi identities were previously obtained from correlators of six-dimensional Lorentzian conformal field theories but where the instanton number was replaced by the momentum along a null direction. Here we study the reverse procedure whereby we construct correlation functions out of towers of five-dimensional operators which satisfy the Ward-Takahashi identities of a six-dimensional conformal field theory. This paves the way to computing observables in six dimensions using five-dimensional path integral techniques. We also argue that, once the instanton sector is included into the path integral, the coupling of the five-dimensional Lagrangian must be quantised, leaving no free continuous parameters. ",Five-Dimensional Path Integrals for Six-Dimensional Conformal Field Theories
+" The robustness of Text-to-SQL parsers against adversarial perturbations plays a crucial role in delivering highly reliable applications. Previous studies along this line primarily focused on perturbations in the natural language question side, neglecting the variability of tables. Motivated by this, we propose the Adversarial Table Perturbation (ATP) as a new attacking paradigm to measure the robustness of Text-to-SQL models. Following this proposition, we curate ADVETA, the first robustness evaluation benchmark featuring natural and realistic ATPs. All tested state-of-the-art models experience dramatic performance drops on ADVETA, revealing models' vulnerability in real-world practices. To defend against ATP, we build a systematic adversarial training example generation framework tailored for better contextualization of tabular data. Experiments show that our approach not only brings the best robustness improvement against table-side perturbations but also substantially empowers models against NL-side perturbations. We release our benchmark and code at: https://github.com/microsoft/ContextualSP. ",Towards Robustness of Text-to-SQL Models Against Natural and Realistic Adversarial Table Perturbation
+" We report on a member of the spin-disordered honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet in a quasi-one-dimensional cobaltate Ba_3Co_2O_6(CO_3)_0.7. Resistivity exhibits as semimetallic along the face-sharing CoO6 chains. Magnetic susceptibility shows strongly anisotropic Ising-spin character with the easy axis along the chain due to significant spin-orbit coupling and a trigonal crystal field. Nevertheless, ^135Ba NMR detects no indication of the long-range magnetic order down to 0.48 K. Marginally itinerant electrons possess large entropy and low-lying excitations with a Wilson ratio R_W = 116, which highlight interplays of charge, spin, and orbital in the disordered ground state. ",Spin disorder in an Ising honeycomb chain cobaltate
+" We present the first comparison of observed stellar continuum spectra of high-redshift galaxies and mock galaxy spectra generated from hydrodynamical simulations. The mock spectra are produced from the IllustrisTNG TNG100 simulation combined with stellar population models and take into account dust attenuation and realistic observational effects (aperture effects and noise). We compare the simulated $D_n4000$ and EW(H$\delta$) of galaxies with $10.5 \leq \log(M_\ast/M_\odot) \leq 11.5$ at $0.6 \leq z \leq 1.0$ to the observed distributions from the LEGA-C survey. TNG100 globally reproduces the observed distributions of spectral indices, implying that the age distribution of galaxies in TNG100 is generally realistic. Yet there are small but significant differences. For old galaxies, TNG100 shows small $D_n4000$ when compared to LEGA-C, while LEGA-C galaxies have larger EW(H$\delta$) at fixed $D_n4000$. There are several possible explanations: 1) LEGA-C galaxies have overall older ages combined with small contributions (a few percent in mass) from younger ($<1$~Gyr) stars, while TNG100 galaxies may not have such young sub-populations; 2) the spectral mismatch could be due to systematic uncertainties in the stellar population models used to convert stellar ages and metallicities to observables. In conclusion, the latest cosmological galaxy formation simulations broadly reproduce the global age distribution of galaxies at $z\sim1$ and, at the same time, the high quality of the latest observed and simulated datasets help constrain stellar population synthesis models as well as the physical models underlying the simulations. ",Towards precise galaxy evolution: a comparison between spectral indices of $z\sim1$ galaxies in the IllustrisTNG simulation and the LEGA-C survey
+" Bundle adjustment (BA) on LiDAR point clouds has been extensively investigated in recent years due to its ability to optimize multiple poses together, resulting in high accuracy and global consistency for point cloud. However, the accuracy and speed of LiDAR bundle adjustment depend on the quality of plane extraction, which provides point association for LiDAR BA. In this study, we propose a novel and efficient voxel-based approach for plane extraction that is specially designed to provide point association for LiDAR bundle adjustment. To begin, we partition the space into multiple voxels of a fixed size and then split these root voxels based on whether the points are on the same plane, using an octree structure. We also design a novel plane determination method based on principle component analysis (PCA), which segments the points into four even quarters and compare their minimum eigenvalues with that of the initial point cloud. Finally, we adopt a plane merging method to prevent too many small planes from being in a single voxel, which can increase the optimization time required for BA. Our experimental results on HILTI demonstrate that our approach achieves the best precision and least time cost compared to other plane extraction methods. ",An Efficient Plane Extraction Approach for Bundle Adjustment on LiDAR Point clouds
+" We present the COmoving Lagrangian Acceleration (COLA) method: an N-body method for solving for Large Scale Structure (LSS) in a frame that is comoving with observers following trajectories calculated in Lagrangian Perturbation Theory (LPT). Unlike standard N-body methods, the COLA method can straightforwardly trade accuracy at small-scales in order to gain computational speed without sacrificing accuracy at large scales. This is especially useful for cheaply generating large ensembles of accurate mock halo catalogs required to study galaxy clustering and weak lensing, as those catalogs are essential for performing detailed error analysis for ongoing and future surveys of LSS. As an illustration, we ran a COLA-based N-body code on a box of size 100Mpc/h with particles of mass ~5*10^9Msolar/h. Running the code with only 10 timesteps was sufficient to obtain an accurate description of halo statistics down to halo masses of at least 10^11Msolar/h. This is only at a modest speed penalty when compared to mocks obtained with LPT. A standard detailed N-body run is orders of magnitude slower than our COLA-based code. The speed-up we obtain with COLA is due to the fact that we calculate the large-scale dynamics exactly using LPT, while letting the N-body code solve for the small scales, without requiring it to capture exactly the internal dynamics of halos. Achieving a similar level of accuracy in halo statistics without the COLA method requires at least 3 times more timesteps than when COLA is employed. ",Solving Large Scale Structure in Ten Easy Steps with COLA
+" Pre-trained language models (PrLMs) have demonstrated superior performance due to their strong ability to learn universal language representations from self-supervised pre-training. However, even with the help of the powerful PrLMs, it is still challenging to effectively capture task-related knowledge from dialogue texts which are enriched by correlations among speaker-aware utterances. In this work, we present SPIDER, Structural Pre-traIned DialoguE Reader, to capture dialogue exclusive features. To simulate the dialogue-like features, we propose two training objectives in addition to the original LM objectives: 1) utterance order restoration, which predicts the order of the permuted utterances in dialogue context; 2) sentence backbone regularization, which regularizes the model to improve the factual correctness of summarized subject-verb-object triplets. Experimental results on widely used dialogue benchmarks verify the effectiveness of the newly introduced self-supervised tasks. ",Structural Pre-training for Dialogue Comprehension
+" We count the connected components in the moduli space of PU(p,q)-representations of the fundamental group for a closed oriented surface. The components are labelled by pairs of integers which arise as topological invariants of the flat bundles associated to the representations. Our results show that for each allowed value of these invariants, which are bounded by a Milnor-Wood type inequality, there is a unique non-empty connected component. Interpreting the moduli space of representations as a moduli space of Higgs bundles, we take a Morse theoretic approach using a certain smooth proper function on the Higgs moduli space. A key step is the identification of the function's local minima as moduli spaces of holomorphic triples. We prove that these moduli spaces of triples are non-empty and irreducible. ","Representations of the fundamental group of a surface in PU(p,q) and holomorphic triples"
+ We analyze the current instability of the steady state with a direct current for an ungated two-dimensional(2D) electron layer for arbitrary current and the carrier scattering strength. We demonstrate the possibility of single-mode generator operating in terahertz frequency range. ,Current instability and single-mode THz generation in ungated two-dimensional electron gas
+" We theoretically investigate a possible idea to introduce magnetic impurities to a superfluid Fermi gas. In the presence of population imbalance ($N_\uparrow>N_\downarrow$, where $N_\sigma$ is the number of Fermi atoms with pseudospin $\sigma=\uparrow,\downarrow$), we show that nonmagnetic potential scatterers embedded in the system are magnetized in the sense that some of excess $\uparrow$-spin atoms are localized around them. They destroy the superfluid order parameter around them, as in the case of magnetic impurity effect discussed in the superconductivity literature. This pair-breaking effect naturally leads to localized excited states below the superfluid excitation gap. To confirm our idea in a simply manner, we treat an attractive Fermi Hubbard model within the mean-field theory at T=0. We self-consistently determine superfluid properties around a nonmagnetic impurity, such as the superfluid order parameter, local population imbalance, as well as single-particle density of states, in the presence of population imbalance. Since the competition between superconductivity and magnetism is one of the most fundamental problems in condensed matter physics, our results would be useful for the study of this important issue in cold Fermi gases. ",Formation of magnetic impurities and pair-breaking effect in a superfluid Fermi gas
+" A model independent theoretical analysis of recent experimental data on deuteron photodisintegration with polarized laser beams is presented. We find that it is important to distinguish between the three isovector E1 amplitudes $E1_v^j$ in reaction channels with total angular momentum $j=0,1,2$ and that the isoscalar M1 amplitude $M1_s$ is non-zero in the photon energy range $3.5 MeV < E_\gamma < 10 MeV$ ",Deuteron photodisintegration with polarized lasers
+" For many machine learning tasks, the input data lie on a low-dimensional manifold embedded in a high dimensional space and, because of this high-dimensional structure, most algorithms are inefficient. The typical solution is to reduce the dimension of the input data using standard dimension reduction algorithms such as ISOMAP, LAPLACIAN EIGENMAPS or LLES. This approach, however, does not always work in practice as these algorithms require that we have somewhat ideal data. Unfortunately, most data sets either have missing entries or unacceptably noisy values. That is, real data are far from ideal and we cannot use these algorithms directly. In this paper, we focus on the case when we have missing data. Some techniques, such as matrix completion, can be used to fill in missing data but these methods do not capture the non-linear structure of the manifold. Here, we present a new algorithm MR-MISSING that extends these previous algorithms and can be used to compute low dimensional representation on data sets with missing entries. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm by running three different experiments. We visually verify the effectiveness of our algorithm on synthetic manifolds, we numerically compare our projections against those computed by first filling in data using nlPCA and mDRUR on the MNIST data set, and we also show that we can do classification on MNIST with missing data. We also provide a theoretical guarantee for MR-MISSING under some simplifying assumptions. ",Unsupervised Metric Learning in Presence of Missing Data
+" Chemotaxis can be defined as an innate behavioural response by an organism to a directional stimulus, in which bacteria, and other single-cell or multicellular organisms direct their movements according to certain chemicals in their environment. This is important for bacteria to find food (e.g., glucose) by swimming towards the highest concentration of food molecules, or to flee from poisons. Based on self-organized computational approaches and similar stigmergic concepts we derive a novel swarm intelligent algorithm. What strikes from these observations is that both eusocial insects as ant colonies and bacteria have similar natural mechanisms based on stigmergy in order to emerge coherent and sophisticated patterns of global collective behaviour. Keeping in mind the above characteristics we will present a simple model to tackle the collective adaptation of a social swarm based on real ant colony behaviors (SSA algorithm) for tracking extrema in dynamic environments and highly multimodal complex functions described in the well-know De Jong test suite. Later, for the purpose of comparison, a recent model of artificial bacterial foraging (BFOA algorithm) based on similar stigmergic features is described and analyzed. Final results indicate that the SSA collective intelligence is able to cope and quickly adapt to unforeseen situations even when over the same cooperative foraging period, the community is requested to deal with two different and contradictory purposes, while outperforming BFOA in adaptive speed. Results indicate that the present approach deals well in severe Dynamic Optimization problems. ",Computational Chemotaxis in Ants and Bacteria over Dynamic Environments
+" Recent research works have focused on generating human models and garments from their 2D images. However, state-of-the-art researches focus either on only a single layer of the garment on a human model or on generating multiple garment layers without any guarantee of the intersection-free geometric relationship between them. In reality, people wear multiple layers of garments in their daily life, where an inner layer of garment could be partially covered by an outer one. In this paper, we try to address this multi-layer modeling problem and propose the Layered-Garment Net (LGN) that is capable of generating intersection-free multiple layers of garments defined by implicit function fields over the body surface, given the person's near front-view image. With a special design of garment indication fields (GIF), we can enforce an implicit covering relationship between the signed distance fields (SDF) of different layers to avoid self-intersections among different garment surfaces and the human body. Experiments demonstrate the strength of our proposed LGN framework in generating multi-layer garments as compared to state-of-the-art methods. To the best of our knowledge, LGN is the first research work to generate intersection-free multiple layers of garments on the human body from a single image. ",Layered-Garment Net: Generating Multiple Implicit Garment Layers from a Single Image
+" The Fat-Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermion action provides a new form of nonperturbative O(a) improvement and allows efficient access to the light quark-mass regime. FLIC fermions enable the construction of the nonperturbatively O(a)-improved conserved vector current without the difficulties associated with the fine tuning of the improvement coefficients. The simulations are performed with an O(a^2) mean-field improved plaquette-plus-rectangle gluon action on a 20^3 x 40 lattice with a lattice spacing of 0.128 fm, enabling the first simulation of baryon form factors at light quark masses on a large volume lattice. Magnetic moments, electric charge radii and magnetic radii are extracted from these form factors, and show interesting chiral nonanalytic behavior in the light quark mass regime. ",Electromagnetic Form Factors with FLIC Fermions
+" In the past few decades polynomial curves with Pythagorean Hodograph (for short PH curves) have received considerable attention due to their usefulness in various CAD/CAM areas, manufacturing, numerical control machining and robotics. This work deals with classes of PH curves built-upon exponential-polynomial spaces (for short EPH curves). In particular, for the two most frequently encountered exponential-polynomial spaces, we first provide necessary and sufficient conditions to be satisfied by the control polygon of the B\'{e}zier-like curve in order to fulfill the PH property. Then, for such EPH curves, fundamental characteristics like parametric speed or cumulative and total arc length are discussed to show the interesting analogies with their well-known polynomial counterparts. Differences and advantages with respect to ordinary PH curves become commendable when discussing the solutions to application problems like the interpolation of first-order Hermite data. Finally, a new evaluation algorithm for EPH curves is proposed and shown to compare favorably with the celebrated de Casteljau-like algorithm and two recently proposed methods: Wo\'zny and Chudy's algorithm and the dynamic evaluation procedure by Yang and Hong. ",Construction and evaluation of PH curves in exponential-polynomial spaces
+" We propose sequential Monte Carlo based algorithms for maximum likelihood estimation of the static parameters in hidden Markov models with an intractable likelihood using ideas from approximate Bayesian computation. The static parameter estimation algorithms are gradient based and cover both offline and online estimation. We demonstrate their performance by estimating the parameters of three intractable models, namely the alpha-stable distribution, g-and-k distribution, and the stochastic volatility model with alpha-stable returns, using both real and synthetic data. ",Parameter Estimation in Hidden Markov Models with Intractable Likelihoods Using Sequential Monte Carlo
+" In this work, we study the $D\bar{D}$, $DD$, $D\bar{D}_s$, $DD_s$, $D_s\bar{D}_s$ and $D_sD_s$ tetraquark molecular states with the $J^{PC}=0^{++}$ via the QCD sum rules. The prediction $M_{D_s\bar {D}_s} = 3.98\pm0.10\, \rm{GeV}$ is in very good agreement with the experimental value $M_{X(3960)} = 3956 \pm 5\pm 10 \,\rm{MeV}$ from the LHCb collaboration and supports assigning the $X(3960)$ as the $D_s^+D_s^-$ molecular state with the $J^{PC}=0^{++}$. We take account of our previous works on the four-quark states consisting of two color-neutral clusters, and acquire the mass spectrum of the ground state hidden-charm and doubly-charm tetraquark molecular states. ",Analysis of the $X(3960)$ and related tetraquark molecular states via the QCD sum rules
+" We introduce a framework that enables efficient sampling from learned probability distributions for MRI reconstruction. Different from conventional deep learning-based MRI reconstruction techniques, samples are drawn from the posterior distribution given the measured k-space using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. In addition to the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate for the image, which can be obtained with conventional methods, the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimate and uncertainty maps can also be computed. The data-driven Markov chains are constructed from the generative model learned from a given image database and are independent of the forward operator that is used to model the k-space measurement. This provides flexibility because the method can be applied to k-space acquired with different sampling schemes or receive coils using the same pre-trained models. Furthermore, we use a framework based on a reverse diffusion process to be able to utilize advanced generative models. The performance of the method is evaluated on an open dataset using 10-fold undersampling in k-space. ",Bayesian MRI Reconstruction with Joint Uncertainty Estimation using Diffusion Models
+" Anomaly detection aims to distinguish observations that are rare and different from the majority. While most existing algorithms assume that instances are i.i.d., in many practical scenarios, links describing instance-to-instance dependencies and interactions are available. Such systems are called attributed networks. Anomaly detection in attributed networks has various applications such as monitoring suspicious accounts in social media and financial fraud in transaction networks. However, it remains a challenging task since the definition of anomaly becomes more complicated and topological structures are heterogeneous with nodal attributes. In this paper, we propose a spectral convolution and deconvolution based framework -- SpecAE, to project the attributed network into a tailored space to detect global and community anomalies. SpecAE leverages Laplacian sharpening to amplify the distances between representations of anomalies and the ones of the majority. The learned representations along with reconstruction errors are combined with a density estimation model to perform the detection. They are trained jointly as an end-to-end framework. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of SpecAE. ",SpecAE: Spectral AutoEncoder for Anomaly Detection in Attributed Networks
+" We consider the production of $Z$ bosons associated with beauty quarks at the LHC using a combined $k_T$ + collinear QCD factorization approach, that interpolates between small $x$ and large $x$ physics. Our consideration is based on the off-shell gluon-gluon fusion subprocess $g^* g^* \to Z Q\bar Q$ at the leading order ${\cal O}(\alpha\alpha_s^2)$ (where the $Z$ boson further decays into a lepton pair), calculated in the $k_T$-factorization approach, and several subleading ${\cal O}(\alpha \alpha_s^2 )$ and ${\cal O}(\alpha \alpha_s^3 )$ subprocesses involving quark-antiquark and quark-gluon interactions, taken into account in conventional (collinear) QCD factorization. The contributions from double parton scattering are discussed as well. The transverse momentum dependent (or unintegrated) gluon densities in a proton are derived from Catani-Ciafaloni-Fiorani-Marchesini (CCFM) evolution equation. We achieve reasonably good agreement with the latest data taken by CMS and ATLAS Collaborations. The comparison of our results with next-to-leading-order pQCD predictions, obtained in the collinear QCD factorization, is presented. We discuss the uncertainties of our calculations and demonstrate the importance of subleading quark involving contributions in describing the LHC data in the whole kinematic region. ",Associated production of $Z$ bosons and $b$-jets at the LHC in the combined $k_T$ + collinear QCD factorization approach
+" A proof of work (PoW) is an important cryptographic construct enabling a party to convince others that they invested some effort in solving a computational task. Arguably, its main impact has been in the setting of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain protocol, which received significant attention in recent years due to its potential for various applications as well as for solving fundamental distributed computing questions in novel threat models. PoWs enable the linking of blocks in the blockchain data structure and thus the problem of interest is the feasibility of obtaining a sequence (chain) of such proofs. In this work, we examine the hardness of finding such chain of PoWs against quantum strategies. We prove that the chain of PoWs problem reduces to a problem we call multi-solution Bernoulli search, for which we establish its quantum query complexity. Effectively, this is an extension of a threshold direct product theorem to an average-case unstructured search problem. Our proof, adding to active recent efforts, simplifies and generalizes the recording technique of Zhandry (Crypto'19). As an application, we revisit the formal treatment of security of the core of the Bitcoin consensus protocol, the Bitcoin backbone (Eurocrypt'15), against quantum adversaries, while honest parties are classical and show that protocol's security holds under a quantum analogue of the classical ``honest majority'' assumption. Our analysis indicates that the security of Bitcoin backbone is guaranteed provided the number of adversarial quantum queries is bounded so that each quantum query is worth $O(p^{-1/2})$ classical ones, where $p$ is the success probability of a single classical query to the protocol's underlying hash function. Somewhat surprisingly, the wait time for safe settlement in the case of quantum adversaries matches the safe settlement time in the classical case. ",Quantum Multi-Solution Bernoulli Search with Applications to Bitcoin's Post-Quantum Security
+ Choosing the regularization parameter for inverse problems is of major importance for the performance of the regularization method. We will introduce a fast version of the Lepskij balancing principle and show that it is a valid parameter choice method for Tikhonov regularization both in a deterministic and a stochastic noise regime as long as minor conditions on the solution are fulfilled. ,Parameter Choice by Fast Balancing
+" A magnetic model for low/hard state (LHS) of black hole X-ray binaries (BHXBs),H1743-322 and GX 339-4, is proposed based on the transportation of magnetic field from a companion into an accretion disk around a black hole (BH). This model consists of a truncated thin disk with an inner advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF). The spectral profiles of the sources are fitted in agreement with the data observed at four different dates corresponding to the rising phase of the LHS. In addition, the association of the LHS with quasi-steady jet is modelled based on transportation of magnetic field, where the Blandford-Znajek (BZ) and Blandford-Payne (BP) processes are invoked to drive the jets from BH and inner ADAF. It turns out that the steep radio/X-ray correlations observed in H1743-322 and GX 339-4 can be interpreted based on our model. ",A magnetic model for low/hard state of black hole binaries
+" We studied the emergence process of 42 active region (ARs) by analyzing the time derivative, R(t), of the total unsigned flux. Line-of-sight magnetograms acquired by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) were used. A continuous piecewise linear fitting to the R(t)-profile was applied to detect an interval, dt_2, of nearly-constant R(t) covering one or several local maxima. The averaged over dt_2 magnitude of R(t) was accepted as an estimate of the maximal value of the flux growth rate, R_MAX, which varies in a range of (0.5-5)x10^20 Mx hour^-1 for active regions with the maximal total unsigned flux of (0.5-3)x10^22 Mx. The normalized flux growth rate, R_N, was defined under an assumption that the saturated total unsigned flux, F_MAX, equals unity. Out of 42 ARs in our initial list, 36 event were successfully fitted and they form two subsets (with a small overlap of 8 events): the ARs with a short (<13 hours) interval dt_2 and a high (>0.024 hour^-1) normalized flux emergence rate, R_N, form the ""rapid"" emergence event subset. The second subset consists of ""gradual"" emergence events and it is characterized by a long (>13 hours) interval dt_2 and a low R_N (<0.024 hour^-1). In diagrams of R_MAX plotted versus F_MAX, the events from different subsets are not overlapped and each subset displays an individual power law. The power law index derived from the entire ensemble of 36 events is 0.69+-0.10. The ""rapid"" emergence is consistent with a ""two-step"" emergence process of a single twisted flux tube. The ""gradual"" emergence is possibly related to a consecutive rising of several flux tubes emerging at nearly the same location in the photosphere. ",Analysis of the flux growth rate in emerging active regions on the Sun
+" The aim of this paper is to find the exact solutions of the Schrodinger equation. As is known, the Schrodinger equation can be reduced to the continuum equation. In this paper, using the non-linear Legendre transform the equation of continuity is linearized. Particular solutions of such a linear equation are found in the paper and an inverse Legendre transform is considered for them with subsequent construction of solutions of the Schrodinger equation. Examples of the classical and quantum systems are considered. ",A new class of exact solutions of the Schrodinger equation
+" Twitter is one of the popular social media platforms where people share news or reactions towards an event or topic using short text messages called ""tweets"". Emotion analysis in these tweets can play a vital role in understanding peoples' feelings towards the underlying event or topic. In this work, we present our visual analytics tool, called TECVis, that focuses on providing comparison views of peoples' emotion feelings in tweets towards an event or topic. The comparison is done based on geolocations or timestamps. TECVis provides several interaction and filtering options for navigation and better exploration of underlying tweet data for emotion feelings comparison. ",TECVis: A Visual Analytics Tool to Compare People's Emotion Feelings
+" The problem of computing Craig Interpolants has recently received a lot of interest. In this paper, we address the problem of efficient generation of interpolants for some important fragments of first order logic, which are amenable for effective decision procedures, called Satisfiability Modulo Theory solvers. We make the following contributions. First, we provide interpolation procedures for several basic theories of interest: the theories of linear arithmetic over the rationals, difference logic over rationals and integers, and UTVPI over rationals and integers. Second, we define a novel approach to interpolate combinations of theories, that applies to the Delayed Theory Combination approach. Efficiency is ensured by the fact that the proposed interpolation algorithms extend state of the art algorithms for Satisfiability Modulo Theories. Our experimental evaluation shows that the MathSAT SMT solver can produce interpolants with minor overhead in search, and much more efficiently than other competitor solvers. ",Efficient Generation of Craig Interpolants in Satisfiability Modulo Theories
+" The central levels problem asserts that the subgraph of the $(2m+1)$-dimensional hypercube induced by all bitstrings with at least $m+1-\ell$ many 1s and at most $m+\ell$ many 1s, i.e., the vertices in the middle $2\ell$ levels, has a Hamilton cycle for any $m\geq 1$ and $1\le \ell\le m+1$. This problem was raised independently by Buck and Wiedemann, Savage, by Gregor and \v{S}krekovski, and by Shen and Williams, and it is a common generalization of the well-known middle levels problem, namely the case $\ell=1$, and classical binary Gray codes, namely the case $\ell=m+1$. In this paper we present a general constructive solution of the central levels problem. Our results also imply the existence of optimal cycles through any sequence of $\ell$ consecutive levels in the $n$-dimensional hypercube for any $n\ge 1$ and $1\le \ell \le n+1$. Moreover, extending an earlier construction by Streib and Trotter, we construct a Hamilton cycle through the $n$-dimensional hypercube, $n\geq 2$, that contains the symmetric chain decomposition constructed by Greene and Kleitman in the 1970s, and we provide a loopless algorithm for computing the corresponding Gray code. ",On the central levels problem
+" It has been proposed that the coherent propagation of long-lived heavy neutrino mass eigenstates can lead to an oscillating rate of lepton number conserving (LNC) and violating (LNV) events, as a function of the distance between the production and displaced decay vertices. We discuss this phenomenon, which we refer to as heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations, in the framework of quantum field theory (QFT), using the formalism of external wave packets. General formulae for the oscillation probabilities and the number of expected events are derived and the coherence and localisation conditions that have to be satisfied in order for neutrino-antineutrino oscillations to be observable are discussed. The formulae are then applied to a low scale seesaw scenario, which features two nearly mass degenerate heavy neutrinos that can be sufficiently long lived to produce a displaced vertex when their masses are below the $W$ boson mass. The leading and next-to-leading order oscillation formulae for this scenario are derived. For an example parameter point used in previous studies, the kinematics of the considered LNC/LNV processes are simulated, to check that the coherence and localisation conditions are satisfied. Our results show that the phenomenon of heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations can indeed occur in low scale seesaw scenarios and that the previously used leading order formulae, derived with a plane wave approach, provide a good approximation for the considered example parameter point. ",Heavy Neutrino-Antineutrino Oscillations in Quantum Field Theory
+" Mathematical modelling of unemployment dynamics attempts to predict the probability of a job seeker finding a job as a function of time. This is typically achieved by using information in unemployment records. These records are right censored, making survival analysis a suitable approach for parameter estimation. The proposed model uses a deep artificial neural network (ANN) as a non-linear hazard function. Through embedding, high-cardinality categorical features are analysed efficiently. The posterior distribution of the ANN parameters are estimated using a variational Bayes method. The model is evaluated on a time-to-employment data set spanning from 2011 to 2020 provided by the Slovenian public employment service. It is used to determine the employment probability over time for each individual on the record. Similar models could be applied to other questions with multi-dimensional, high-cardinality categorical data including censored records. Such data is often encountered in personal records, for example in medical records. ",Variational Bayes survival analysis for unemployment modelling
+" We investigate the method for constructing the invariant mass using the M_T2-assisted on-shell (MAOS) approximation to the invisible particle momenta in the cascade decays of a new particle resonance produced at hadron colliders. We note that the MAOS reconstruction can be defined in several different ways, while keeping the efficiency of approximation at a similar level, and one of them provides a unique solution for each event. It is shown that the invariant mass distribution constructed with the MAOS momenta exhibits a peak at the heavy resonance mass, regardless of the chosen MAOS scheme and the detailed mass spectrum of the particles in the cascade. We stress that the MAOS invariant mass can be used as a clean signal of new particle resonance produced at the LHC, as well as a model-independent method to measure the masses of new particles involved in the event. ",Reconstructing the heavy resonance at hadron colliders
+" Interface modes have been widely explored in the field of electronics, optics, acoustics and nanophononics. One strategy to generate them is band inversion in one-dimensional superlattices. Most realizations of this type of topological states have so far been explored for a single kind of excitation. Despite its potential in the manipulation and engineering of interactions, platforms for the simultaneous topological confinement of multiple excitations remain an open challenge. GaAs/AlAs heterostructures exhibit enhanced optomechanical interactions due to the intrinsic colocalization of light and sound. In this work, we designed, fabricated, and experimentally studied a multilayered structure based on GaAs/AlAs. Due to the simultaneously inverted band structures for light and phonons, colocalized interface modes for both 1.34 eV photons and 18 GHz phonons appear. We experimentally validated the concept by optical reflectivity and coherent phonon generation and detection. Furthermore, we theoretically analyzed the performance of different topological designs presenting colocalized states in time-domain Brillouin scattering and deduce engineering rules. Potential future applications include the engineering of robust optomechanical resonators, compatible with the incorporation of active media such as quantum wells and quantum dots. ",Topological optical and phononic interface mode by simultaneous band inversion
+" In the geolocation field where high-level programs and low-level devices coexist, it is often difficult to find a friendly user inter- face to configure all the parameters. The challenge addressed in this paper is to propose intuitive and simple, thus natural lan- guage interfaces to interact with low-level devices. Such inter- faces contain natural language processing and fuzzy represen- tations of words that facilitate the elicitation of business-level objectives in our context. ",Dealing with natural language interfaces in a geolocation context
+" We use an optical cavity in the regime of intermediate coupling between atom and cavity mode to detect single moving atoms. Degenerate polarization modes allow excitation of the atoms in one mode and collection of spontaneous emission in the other, while keeping separate the two sources of light; we obtain a higher confidence and efficiency of detection by adding cavity-enhanced Faraday rotation. Both methods greatly benefit from coincidence detection of photons, attaining fidelities in excess of 99% in less than 1 microsecond. Detailed studies of the second-order intensity autocorrelation function of light from the signal mode reveal evidence of antibunched photon emissions and the dynamics of single-atom transits. ",Atom detection in a two-mode optical cavity with intermediate coupling: Autocorrelation studies
+" Many features of spin models can be interpreted in geometrical terms by means of the properties of well defined clusters of spins. In case of spontaneous symmetry breaking, the phase transition of models like the q-state Potts model, O(n), etc., can be equivalently described as a percolation transition of clusters. We study here the behaviour of such clusters when the presence of an external field H breaks explicitly the global symmetry of the Hamiltonian of the theory. We find that these clusters have still some interesting relationships with thermal features of the model. ",Cluster Percolation and Explicit Symmetry Breaking in Spin Models
+" The 8-\textit{Pmmn} borophene is one kind of new elemental monolayer, which hosts anisotropic and tilted massless Dirac fermions (MDF). The planar \textit{p-n} junction (PNJ) structure as the basic component of various novel devices based on the monolayer material has attracted increasing attention. Here, we analytically study the transport properties of anisotropic and tilted MDF across 8-\textit{Pmmn} borophene PNJ. Similar to the isotropic MDF across graphene junctions, perfect transmission exists but its direction departures the normal direction of borophene PNJ induced by the anisotropy and tilt, i.e., oblique Klein tunneling. The oblique Klein tunneling does not depend on the doping levels in \textit{N} and \textit{P} regions of PNJ as the normal Klein tunneling but depends on the junction direction. Furthermore, we analytically derive the special junction direction for the maximal difference between perfect transmission direction and the normal direction of PNJ and clearly distinguish the respective contribution of anisotropy and tilt underlying the oblique Klein tunneling. In light of the rapid advances of experimental technologies, we expect the oblique Klein tunneling to be observable in the near future. ",Oblique Klein tunneling in 8-Pmmn borophene p-n junctions
+" It is known that, in string sigma-model metric, the `extreme' fivebrane solution of D=10 supergravity interpolates between D=10 Minkowski spacetime and a supersymmetric $S^3$ compactification to a linear dilaton vacuum. We show here that, in {\it fivebrane} sigma-model metric, the extreme string solution of D=10 supergravity interpolates between Minkowski spacetime and a hitherto unknown supersymmetric $S^7$ compactification of d=10 supergravity to a three-dimensional anti-de Sitter generalization of the linear dilaton vacuum, which may be invariantly characterized in terms of conformal Killing vectors. The dilaton field diverges near the string core but this divergence may be eliminated by re-interpreting the string solution as the extreme membrane solution of 11-dimensional supergravity. We show that the latter has an analytic extension through a regular degenerate event horizon to an interior region containing a curvature singularity. We obtain analogous results for other extended object solutions of supergravity theories. ",Macroscopic superstrings as interpolating solitons
+" Recent experiments on the Co-based $d^7$ honeycomb materials BaCo$_2$(AsO$_4$)$_2$ and BaCo$_2$(PO$_4$)$_2$ have drawn renewed interest to XXZ models with competing interactions beyond the nearest neighbor exchange. While the case of dominant antiferromagnetic exchange has been extensively studied, the actual materials exhibit a ferromagnetic nearest neighbor exchange. Here we show that such a sign change of the dominant nearest neighbor coupling has substantial consequences on the phase diagram. In particular, the nature of the quantum disordered phase of interest changes from a plaquette valence bond crystal to a long-range entangled spin liquid phase. By means of complementary numerical simulations, based on exact diagonalization and the pseudo-fermion functional renormalization group, we demonstrate the formation of a gapless spin liquid state at the heart of the ferromagnetic phase diagram in the isotropic Heisenberg limit, which gives way to out-of-plane Ising magnetic order upon inclusion of XXZ anisotropy. The magnetically ordered phases surrounding this quantum disordered region are much less sensitive to the sign change of the dominant interaction and can be understood from their classical analogs. We briefly comment on the relevance of our results for Co-based $d^7$ honeycomb materials. ","Frustrated Ferromagnetism of Honeycomb Cobaltates: Incommensurate Spirals, Quantum Disordered Phases, and Out-of-Plane Ising Order"
+" The formation of planets in compact or highly eccentric binaries and the migration of hot Jupiters are two outstanding problems in planet formation. The hot Jupiter $\tau$ Boo Ab orbits the primary star in the long-period ($P \gtrsim 1000\,$yr), highly eccentric ($e \sim 0.9$) binary $\tau$ Bo\""otis. Due to the long orbital period, the orbit of the stellar binary is poorly constrained. Here we aim to constrain the orbit of the stellar binary $\tau$ Boo AB in order to investigate the formation and migration history of the system. The mutual orbital inclination of the stellar companion and the hot Jupiter has important implications for planet migration. The binary eccentricity and periastron distance are important for understanding the conditions under which $\tau$ Boo Ab formed. We combine more than 150 years of astrometric data with twenty-five years of high precision radial velocities. The combination of sky-projected and line-of-sight measurements places tight constraints on the orbital inclination, eccentricity, and periastron distance of $\tau$ Boo AB. We find an orbital inclination of $47.2^{+2.7}_{-3.7}\,$deg, periastron distance of $28.3^{+2.3}_{-3.0}\,$au and eccentricity of $0.87^{+0.04}_{-0.03}$. We find that the orbital inclinations of $\tau$ Boo Ab and $\tau$ Boo B, as well as the stellar spin-axis of $\tau$ Boo A coincide at $\sim \! 45$ degrees, a result consistent with the assumption of a well-aligned, coplanar system. The likely aligned, coplanar configuration suggests planetary migration within a well-aligned protoplanetary disc. Due to the high eccentricity and small periastron distance of $\tau$ Boo B, the protoplanetary disc was tidally truncated at $\approx \! 6\,$au. We suggest that $\tau$ Boo Ab formed near the edge of the truncated disc and migrated inwards with high eccentricity due to spiral waves generated by the stellar companion. ","Constraining the orbit of the planet-hosting binary $\tau$ Bo\""otis: Clues about planetary formation and migration"
+" We investigate the most interesting decay processes involving axions, photons and the lightest pseudoscalar mesons, making use of a chiral effective Lagrangian model with $L=3$ light quark flavors, which also includes the flavor-singlet pseudoscalar meson and implements the $U(1)$ axial anomaly of the fundamental theory. In particular, we compute the electromagnetic coupling of the axion to photons and we compare our result with the prediction of the Chiral Effective Lagrangian with $L=2$ light quark flavors. Moreover, we study the decay channels $\eta/\eta'\rightarrow \pi\pi a$ and we estimate the corresponding decay widths, using the existing bounds on the $U(1)_{PQ}$ breaking scale. ",Study of the interactions of the axion with mesons and photons using a chiral effective Lagrangian model
+" We investigate metric learning in the context of dynamic time warping (DTW), the by far most popular dissimilarity measure used for the comparison and analysis of motion capture data. While metric learning enables a problem-adapted representation of data, the majority of methods has been proposed for vectorial data only. In this contribution, we extend the popular principle offered by the large margin nearest neighbors learner (LMNN) to DTW by treating the resulting component-wise dissimilarity values as features. We demonstrate that this principle greatly enhances the classification accuracy in several benchmarks. Further, we show that recent auxiliary concepts such as metric regularization can be transferred from the vectorial case to component-wise DTW in a similar way. We illustrate that metric regularization constitutes a crucial prerequisite for the interpretation of the resulting relevance profiles. ",Efficient Metric Learning for the Analysis of Motion Data
+" Persistent homology is one of the most active branches of Computational Algebraic Topology with applications in several contexts such as optical character recognition or analysis of point cloud data. In this paper, we report on the formal development of certified programs to compute persistent Betti numbers, an instrumental tool of persistent homology, using the Coq proof assistant together with the SSReflect extension. To this aim it has been necessary to formalize the underlying mathematical theory of these algorithms. This is another example showing that interactive theorem provers have reached a point where they are mature enough to tackle the formalization of nontrivial mathematical theories. ",Computing Persistent Homology within Coq/SSReflect
+" We consider the modifications to squark production in the presence of a naturally heavier Dirac gluino. First generation squark production is highly suppressed, providing an interesting but challenging signal find or rule out. No dedicated searches for supersymmetry with a Dirac gluino have been performed, however a reinterpretation of a ""decoupled gluino"" simplified model suggests the bounds on a common first and second generation squark mass is much smaller than in the MSSM: $\lsim 850$ GeV for a massless LSP, and no bound for an LSP heavier than about 300 GeV. We compare and contrast the squark production cross sections between a model with a Dirac gluino and one with a Majorana gluino, updating earlier results in the literature to a $pp$ collider operating at $\sqrt{s} = 14$ and 33 TeV. Associated production of squark+gluino is likely very small at $\sqrt{s} = 14$ TeV, while is a challenging but important signal at even higher energy $pp$ colliders. Several other salient implications of Dirac gauginos are mentioned, with some thought-provoking discussion as it regards the importance of the various experiments planned or proposed. ",Dirac Gauginos in Supersymmetry -- Suppressed Jets + MET Signals: A Snowmass Whitepaper
+" As in-space exploration increases, autonomous systems will play a vital role in building the necessary facilities to support exploration. To this end, an autonomous system must be able to assign tasks in a scheme that efficiently completes all of the jobs in the desired project. This research proposes a flexible job shop problem (FJSP) representation to characterize an autonomous assembly project and then proposes both a mixed integer programming (MIP) solution formulation and a reinforcement learning (RL) solution formulation. The MIP formulation encodes all of the constraints and interjob dynamics a priori and was able to solve for the optimal solution to minimize the makespan. The RL formulation did not converge to an optimal solution but did successfully learn implicitly interjob dynamics through interaction with the reward function. Future work will include developing a solution formulation that utilizes the strengths of both proposed solution methods to handle scaling in size and complexity. ",A Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Representation of the Autonomous In-Space Assembly Task Assignment Problem
+" We study the nonequilibrium properties of a nonergodic random quantum chain in which highly excited eigenstates exhibit critical properties usually associated with quantum critical ground states. The ground state and excited states of this system belong to different universality classes, characterized by infinite-randomness quantum critical behavior. Using strong-disorder renormalization group techniques, we show that the crossover between the zero and finite energy density regimes is universal. We analytically derive a flow equation describing the unitary dynamics of this isolated system at finite energy density from which we obtain universal scaling functions along the crossover. ",Universal crossover from ground state to excited-state quantum criticality
+" Near-term applications of quantum information processors will rely on optimized circuit implementations to minimize gate depth and therefore mitigate the impact of gate errors in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers. More expressive gate sets can significantly reduce the gate depth of generic circuits. Similarly, structured algorithms can benefit from a gate set that more directly matches the symmetries of the problem. The XY interaction generates a family of gates that provides expressiveness well tailored to quantum chemistry as well as to combinatorial optimization problems, while also offering reductions in circuit depth for more generic circuits. Here we implement the full family of XY entangling gates in a transmon-based superconducting qubit architecture. We use a composite pulse scheme that requires calibration of only a single gate pulse and maintains constant gate time for all members of the family. This allows us to maintain a high fidelity implementation of the gate across all entangling angles. The average fidelity of gates sampled from this family ranges from $95.67 \pm 0.60\%$ to $99.01 \pm 0.15\%$, with a median fidelity of $97.35 \pm 0.17\%$, which approaches the coherence-limited gate fidelity of the qubit pair. We furthermore demonstrate the utility of XY in a quantum approximation optimization algorithm in enabling circuit depth reductions as compared to the CZ only case. ",Implementation of the XY interaction family with calibration of a single pulse
+" Although the intrinsic conductance of an interacting one-dimensional system is renormalized by the electron-electron correlations, it has been known for some time that this renormalization is washed out by the presence of the (non-interacting) electrodes to which the wire is connected. Here, we study the transient conductance of such a wire: a finite voltage bias is suddenly applied across the wire and we measure the current before it has enough time to reach its stationary value. These calculations allow us to extract the Sharvin (contact) resistance of Luttinger and Fermi liquids. In particular, we find that a perfect junction between a Fermi liquid electrode and a Luttinger liquid electrode is characterized by a contact resistance that consists of half the quantum of conductance in series with half the intrinsic resistance of an infinite Luttinger liquid. These results were obtained using two different methods: a dynamical Hartree-Fock approach and a self-consistent Boltzmann approach. Although these methods are formally approximate we find a perfect match with the exact results of Luttinger/Fermi liquid theory. ",Transient and Sharvin resistances of Luttinger liquids
+" We prove that the rational function semifield of a tropical curve is finitely generated as a semifield over the tropical semifield $\boldsymbol{T} := ( \boldsymbol{R} \cup \{ - \infty \}, \operatorname{max}, +)$ by giving a specific finite generating set. Also, we show that for a finite harmonic morphism between tropical curves $\varphi : \varGamma \to \varGamma^{\prime}$, the rational function semifield of $\varGamma$ is finitely generated as a $\varphi^{\ast}(\operatorname{Rat}(\varGamma^{\prime}))$-algebra, where $\varphi^{\ast}(\operatorname{Rat}(\varGamma^{\prime}))$ stands for the pull-back of the rational function semifield of $\varGamma^{\prime}$ by $\varphi$. ",Rational function semifields of tropical curves are finitely generated over the tropical semifield
+" Sound measurements on a sequence of related, similar constructions with slightly different dimensions confirm a simple picture of the air modes of the internal resonator banjo's body. For the purpose of this study, the air modes are decoupled from the soundboard (i.e., [drum] head) modes by replacing the head with 3/4"" plywood. The resulting characteristic features survive the strong coupling of the air modes to the head and are in accord with the qualitative distinctions recognized by banjo players. ",Air modes of the Bacon internal resonator banjo
+" In this study, we provide an alternatively reformulated interpretation of Gibbons-Hawking radiation as well as inflation. By using a spacetime quantization procedure, proposed recently by L.C. C\'eleri et al., in anti-de Sitter space we show that Gibbons-Hawking radiation is an intrinsic property of the concerned space, that arises due to the existence of a scalar field whose quanta ""carry"" a length $l$ (i.e. the radius of the hyperboloid curvature). Furthermore, within the context of Tsallis q-framework, we propose an inflationary model that depends on the non-extensive parameter $q$. The main source of such an inflation is the same scalar field mentioned before. Being constrained by the observational data, the q-parameter along with the rest of the model's parameters has been used to estimate the time at which inflation ends as well as the reheating temperature. The latter is found to be related to Gibbons-Hawking temperature. Thus, the present model offers an alternative perspective regarding the nature of the cosmic background radiation (CMB). ",Can Gibbons-Hawking Radiation and Inflation Arise Due to Spacetime Quanta?
+" Examining residuals such as Pearson and deviance residuals, is a standard tool for assessing normal regression. However, for discrete response, these residuals cluster on lines corresponding to distinct response values. Their distributions are far from normality; graphical and quantitative inspection of these residuals provides little information for model diagnosis. Marshall and Spiegelhalter (2003) defined a cross-validatory predictive p-value for identifying outliers. Predictive p-values are uniformly distributed for continuous response but not for discrete response. We propose to use randomized predictive p-values (RPP) for diagnosing models with discrete responses. RPPs can be transformed to ""residuals"" with normal distribution, called NRPPs by us. NRPPs can be used to diagnose all regression models with scalar response using the same way for diagnosing normal regression. The NRPPs are nearly the same as the randomized quantile residuals (RQR), which are previously proposed by Dunn and Smyth (1996) but remain little known by statisticians. This paper provides an exposition of RQR using the RPP perspective. The contributions of this exposition include: (1) we give a rigorous proof of uniformity of RPP and illustrative examples to explain the uniformity under the true model; (2) we conduct extensive simulation studies to demonstrate the normality of NRPPs under the true model; (3) our simulation studies also show that the NRPP method is a versatile diagnostic tool for detecting many kinds of model inadequacies due to lack of complexity. The effectiveness of NRPP is further demonstrated with a health utilization dataset. ",Randomized Predictive P-values: A Versatile Model Diagnostic Tool with Unified Reference Distribution
+" The fragility of a glassforming liquid characterizes how rapidly its relaxation dynamics slow down with cooling. The viscosity of strong liquids follows an Arrhenius law with a temperature-independent barrier height to rearrangements responsible for relaxation, whereas fragile liquids experience a much faster increase in their dynamics, suggesting a barrier height that increases with decreasing temperature. Strong glassformers are typically network glasses, while fragile glassformers are typically molecular or hard-sphere-like. As a result of these differences at the microscopic level, strong and fragile glassformers are usually treated separately from a theoretical point of view. Silica is the archetypal strong glassformer at low temperatures, but also exhibits a mysterious strong-to-fragile crossover at higher temperatures. Here we show that softness, a structure-based machine learned parameter that has previously been applied to fragile glassformers provides a useful description of model liquid silica in the strong and fragile regimes, and through the strong-to-fragile crossover. Just as for fragile glassformers, the relationship between softness and dynamics is invariant and Arrhenius in all regimes, but the average softness changes with temperature. The strong-to-fragile crossover in silica is not due to a sudden, qualitative change in structure, but can be explained by a simple Arrhenius form with a continuously and linearly changing local structure. Our results unify the study of liquid silica under a single simple conceptual picture. ",Unifying framework for strong and fragile liquids via machine learning: a study of liquid silica
+" Performance unpredictability is a major roadblock towards cloud adoption, and has performance, cost, and revenue ramifications. Predictable performance is even more critical as cloud services transition from monolithic designs to microservices. Detecting QoS violations after they occur in systems with microservices results in long recovery times, as hotspots propagate and amplify across dependent services. We present Seer, an online cloud performance debugging system that leverages deep learning and the massive amount of tracing data cloud systems collect to learn spatial and temporal patterns that translate to QoS violations. Seer combines lightweight distributed RPC-level tracing, with detailed low-level hardware monitoring to signal an upcoming QoS violation, and diagnose the source of unpredictable performance. Once an imminent QoS violation is detected, Seer notifies the cluster manager to take action to avoid performance degradation altogether. We evaluate Seer both in local clusters, and in large-scale deployments of end-to-end applications built with microservices with hundreds of users. We show that Seer correctly anticipates QoS violations 91% of the time, and avoids the QoS violation to begin with in 84% of cases. Finally, we show that Seer can identify application-level design bugs, and provide insights on how to better architect microservices to achieve predictable performance. ",Leveraging Deep Learning to Improve the Performance Predictability of Cloud Microservices
+" It is generally accepted that relatively more permanent (i.e., more temporally persistent) traits are more valuable for biometric performance than less permanent traits. Although this finding is intuitive, there is no current work identifying exactly where in the biometric analysis temporal persistence makes a difference. In this paper, we answer this question. In a recent report, we introduced the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) as an index of temporal persistence for such features. In that report, we also showed that choosing only the most temporally persistent features yielded superior performance in 12 of 14 datasets. Motivated by those empirical results, we present a novel approach using synthetic features to study which aspects of a biometric identification study are influenced by the temporal persistence of features. What we show is that using more temporally persistent features produces effects on the similarity score distributions that explain why this quality is so key to biometric performance. The results identified with the synthetic data are largely reinforced by an analysis of two datasets, one based on eye-movements and one based on gait. There was one difference between the synthetic and real data: In real data, features are intercorrelated, with the level of intercorrelation increasing with increasing ICC. This increasedhttps://www.overleaf.com/project/5e2b14694c5dc600017292e6 intercorrelation in real data was associated with an increase in the spread of the impostor similarity score distributions. Removing these intercorrelations for real datasets with a decorrelation step produced results which were very similar to that obtained with synthetic features. ",Why Temporal Persistence of Biometric Features is so Valuable for Classification Performance
+" The spontaneous formation of patterns in dynamical systems is a rich phenomenon that transcends scientific boundaries. Here, we report our observation of coupled optical-atomic pattern formation, which results in the creation of self-organized, multimode structures in free-space laser-driven cold atoms. We show that this process gives rise to spontaneous three-dimensional Sisyphus cooling even at very low light intensities and the emergence of self-organized atomic structures on both sub- and super-wavelength scales. ",Spontaneous emergence of free-space optical and atomic patterns
+" A plethora of recent research has proposed several automated methods based on machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) to detect cybersickness in Virtual reality (VR). However, these detection methods are perceived as computationally intensive and black-box methods. Thus, those techniques are neither trustworthy nor practical for deploying on standalone VR head-mounted displays (HMDs). This work presents an explainable artificial intelligence (XAI)-based framework VR-LENS for developing cybersickness detection ML models, explaining them, reducing their size, and deploying them in a Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G processor-based Samsung A52 device. Specifically, we first develop a novel super learning-based ensemble ML model for cybersickness detection. Next, we employ a post-hoc explanation method, such as SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP), Morris Sensitivity Analysis (MSA), Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME), and Partial Dependence Plot (PDP) to explain the expected results and identify the most dominant features. The super learner cybersickness model is then retrained using the identified dominant features. Our proposed method identified eye tracking, player position, and galvanic skin/heart rate response as the most dominant features for the integrated sensor, gameplay, and bio-physiological datasets. We also show that the proposed XAI-guided feature reduction significantly reduces the model training and inference time by 1.91X and 2.15X while maintaining baseline accuracy. For instance, using the integrated sensor dataset, our reduced super learner model outperforms the state-of-the-art works by classifying cybersickness into 4 classes (none, low, medium, and high) with an accuracy of 96% and regressing (FMS 1-10) with a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.03. ",VR-LENS: Super Learning-based Cybersickness Detection and Explainable AI-Guided Deployment in Virtual Reality
+" We present a novel method for injecting temporality into entailment graphs to address the problem of spurious entailments, which may arise from similar but temporally distinct events involving the same pair of entities. We focus on the sports domain in which the same pairs of teams play on different occasions, with different outcomes. We present an unsupervised model that aims to learn entailments such as win/lose $\rightarrow$ play, while avoiding the pitfall of learning non-entailments such as win $\not\rightarrow$ lose. We evaluate our model on a manually constructed dataset, showing that incorporating time intervals and applying a temporal window around them, are effective strategies. ",Incorporating Temporal Information in Entailment Graph Mining
+" An ordered graph $H$ is a simple graph with a linear order on its vertex set. The corresponding Tur\'an problem, first studied by Pach and Tardos, asks for the maximum number $\text{ex}_<(n,H)$ of edges in an ordered graph on $n$ vertices that does not contain $H$ as an ordered subgraph. It is known that $\text{ex}_<(n,H) > n^{1+\varepsilon}$ for some positive $\varepsilon=\varepsilon(H)$ unless $H$ is a forest that has a proper 2-coloring with one color class totally preceding the other one. Making progress towards a conjecture of Pach and Tardos, we prove that $\text{ex}_<(n,H) =n^{1+o(1)}$ holds for all such forests that are ""degenerate"" in a certain sense. This class includes every forest for which an $n^{1+o(1)}$ upper bound was previously known, as well as new examples. Our proof is based on a density-increment argument. ",On the Tur\'an number of ordered forests
+" Starting with a mathematical boundary value problem for the magnetic vector potential in an axisymmetric cylindrical coordinate system, we derive a general solution for any arbitrary current distribution using the method of Green's functions. We use this to derive an analytic form for an hourglass magnetic field pattern created by electrical currents that are concentrated near (but not confined within) the equatorial plane of a cylindrical coordinate system. Our solution is not characterized by a cusp at the equatorial plane, as in previous solutions based on a current sheet. The pattern we derive provides a very good fit to hourglass magnetic field patterns emerging from three-dimensional numerical simulations of core formation, and can in principle be used for source-fitting of observed magnetic hourglass patterns. ",A Mathematical Model for an Hourglass Magnetic Field
+" CoDEx is a Mathematica package that calculates the Wilson Coefficients (WCs) corresponding to effective operators up to mass dimension-6. Once the part of the Lagrangian involving single as well as multiple degenerate heavy fields, belonging to some Beyond Standard Model (BSM) theory, is given, the package can then integrate out propagators from the tree as well as 1-loop diagrams of that BSM theory. It then computes the associated WCs up to 1-loop level, for two different bases: ""Warsaw"" and ""SILH"". CoDEx requires only very basic information about the heavy field(s), e.g., Colour, Isospin, Hyper-charge, Mass, and Spin. The package first calculates the WCs at the high scale (mass of the heavy field(s)). We then have an option to perform the renormalisation group evolutions (RGEs) of these operators in ""Warsaw"" basis, a complete one (unlike ""SILH""), using the anomalous dimension matrix. Thus, one can get all effective operators at the electro-weak scale, generated from any such BSM theory, containing heavy fields of spin: 0, 1/2, and 1. We have provided many example models (both here and in the package-documentation) that more or less encompass different choices of heavy fields and interactions. Relying on the status of the present day precision data, we restrict ourselves up to dimension-6 effective operators. This will be generalised for any dimensional operators in a later version. Site: https://effexteam.github.io/CoDEx ",CoDEx: Wilson coefficient calculator connecting SMEFT to UV theory
+" The $r$-index (Gagie et al., JACM 2020) represented a breakthrough in compressed indexing of repetitive text collections, outperforming its alternatives by orders of magnitude. Its space usage, $\mathcal{O}(r)$ where $r$ is the number of runs in the Burrows-Wheeler Transform of the text, is however larger than Lempel-Ziv and grammar-based indexes, and makes it uninteresting in various real-life scenarios of milder repetitiveness. In this paper we introduce the $sr$-index, a variant that limits the space to $\mathcal{O}(\min(r,n/s))$ for a text of length $n$ and a given parameter $s$, at the expense of multiplying by $s$ the time per occurrence reported. The $sr$-index is obtained by carefully subsampling the text positions indexed by the $r$-index, in a way that we prove is still able to support pattern matching with guaranteed performance. Our experiments demonstrate that the $sr$-index sharply outperforms virtually every other compressed index on repetitive texts, both in time and space, even matching the performance of the $r$-index while using 1.5--3.0 times less space. Only some Lempel-Ziv-based indexes achieve better compression than the $sr$-index, using about half the space, but they are an order of magnitude slower. ",A Fast and Small Subsampled R-index
+" Cygnus X-3, among the Galactic X-ray binaries, is one of the brightest radio sources. Radio image as well as spectral analysis shows the presence of outflow in the form of jets. The SED in the X-ray band shows a complicated structure and evolution. Here we review some recent results of the correlation of the long-term radio and X-ray emission, in the various states of the source, with emphasis on the low (hard) state. We compare the results with those of other common Galactic microquasars, and attempt to provide a consistent picture of the accretion-ejection mechanism in these types of binaries. ",The Radio : X-ray Correlation of Cygnus X-3 and other Galactic Microquasars
+" Atomic form factors are widely used for the characterization of targets and specimens, from crystallography to biology. By using recent mathematical results, here we derive an analytical expression for the atomic form factor within the independent particle model constructed from nonrelativistic screened hydrogenic wavefunctions. The range of validity of this analytical expression is checked by comparing the analytically obtained form factors with the ones obtained within the Hartee-Fock method. As an example, we apply our analytical expression for the atomic form factor to evaluate the differential cross section for Rayleigh scattering off neutral atoms. ",Analytical evaluation of atomic form factors: application to Rayleigh scattering
+" In this paper, we consider the problem of finding a minimum common partition of two strings. The problem has its application in genome comparison. As it is an NP-hard, discrete combinatorial optimization problem, we employ a metaheuristic technique, namely, MAX-MIN ant system to solve this problem. To achieve better efficiency we first map the problem instance into a special kind of graph. Subsequently, we employ a MAX-MIN ant system to achieve high quality solutions for the problem. Experimental results show the superiority of our algorithm in comparison with the state of art algorithm in the literature. The improvement achieved is also justified by standard statistical test. ",Solving the Minimum Common String Partition Problem with the Help of Ants
+" We propose a class of weighted $L_2$-type tests of fit to the Gamma distribution. Our novel procedure is based on a fixed point property of a new transformation connected to a Steinian characterization of the family of Gamma distributions. We derive the weak limits of the statistic under the null hypothesis and under contiguous alternatives. Further, we establish the global consistency of the tests and apply a parametric bootstrap technique in a Monte Carlo simulation study to show the competitiveness to existing procedures. ",A new characterization of the Gamma distribution and associated goodness of fit tests
+ We show that systems with the structure introduced by Climenhaga and Thompson have dense intermediate pressures and dense intermediate entropies of ergodic measures. The result applies to the Ma\~n\'e diffeomorphisms. ,Denseness of intermediate pressures for systems with the Climenhaga-Thompson structures
+" Whenever an architect or a team of architects begins an architectural design, there are certain goals set to achieve. There are many factors involved in setting up goals for the architecture design such as type of the project, end user perspective, functional and non-functional requirements and so on. This paper reviews and further elaborates strategy for the usability characteristics of software architecture. Although user centered designs are tremendously gaining popularity, still in many design scenarios, usability is barely even considered as one of the primary goals. This work provides an opportunity to compare different strategies and evaluate their pros and cons. ",Usability as a Dominant Quality Attribute
+" In this paper, all possible orbits of test particles are investigated by using phase plane method in regular Hayward black hole space-time. Our results show that the time-like orbits are divided into four types: unstable circular orbits, separates stable orbits, stable hyperbolic orbits and elliptical orbits in regular Hayward black hole space-time. We find that the orbital properties vary with the change of $\ell$ (a convenient encoding of the central energy density $3/8\pi\ell^{2}$). If $\ell =\frac{1}{3}$ and $b < 3.45321$, the test particles which moving toward the black hole will definitely be plunging into the black hole. In addition, it is obtained that the innermost stable circular orbit happens at $r_{min}$ = 5.93055 for $b$ = 3.45321. ",Orbital motion of test particles in regular Hayward black hole space-time
+" We apply the vortex path model of critical currents to a comprehensive analysis of contemporary data on defect-engineered superconductors, showing that it provides a consistent and detailed interpretation of the experimental data for a diverse range of materials. We address the question of whether electron mass anisotropy plays a role of any consequence in determining the form of this data and conclude that it does not. By abandoning this false interpretation of the data, we are able to make significant progress in understanding the real origin of the observed behavior. In particular, we are able to explain a number of common features in the data including shoulders at intermediate angles, a uniform response over a wide angular range and the greater discrimination between individual defect populations at higher fields. We also correct several misconceptions including the idea that a peak in the angular dependence of the critical current is a necessary signature of strong correlated pinning, and conversely that the existence of such a peak implies the existence of correlated pinning aligned to the particular direction. The consistency of the vortex path model with the principle of maximum entropy is introduced. ",The interpretation of the field angle dependence of the critical current in defect-engineered superconductors
+" A write-once memory (wom) is a storage medium formed by a number of ``write-once'' bit positions (wits), where each wit initially is in a `0' state and can be changed to a `1' state irreversibly. Examples of write-once memories include SLC flash memories and optical disks. This paper presents a low complexity coding scheme for rewriting such write-once memories, which is applicable to general problem configurations. The proposed scheme is called the \emph{position modulation code}, as it uses the positions of the zero symbols to encode some information. The proposed technique can achieve code rates higher than state-of-the-art practical solutions for some configurations. For instance, there is a position modulation code that can write 56 bits 10 times on 278 wits, achieving rate 2.01. In addition, the position modulation code is shown to achieve a rate at least half of the optimal rate. ",Position Modulation Code for Rewriting Write-Once Memories
+" We focus on developing an effective Direction Of Arrival (DOA) estimation method for wideband sources based on the gridless sparse concept. Previous coherent methods have been designed by dividing wideband frequencies into a few subbands which are transferred to a reference subband using focusing matrices. In this work, as opposed to the previous techniques, we propose a convex optimization problem that leads to an accurate wideband DOA estimation method with no need for any focusing matrix. Moreover, in this method, no initial DOA estimates are required and it can be used for any arbitrary linear arrays. Numerical simulations show that in comparison to some well-known techniques, the proposed method generates outstanding accuracy and better robustness to noise. The effectiveness of the method is also verified in presence of close adjacent sources. ",Super-Resolution DOA Estimation for Wideband Signals using Arbitrary Linear Arrays without Focusing Matrices
+" The human brain exhibits a relatively stable spatiotemporal organization that supports brain function and can be manipulated via local brain stimulation. Such perturbations to local cortical dynamics are globally integrated by distinct neural systems. However, it remains unclear how and why local changes in neural activity affect large-scale system dynamics. Here, we briefly review empirical and computational studies addressing how localized perturbations affect brain activity. We then systematically analyze a model of large-scale brain dynamics, assessing how localized changes in brain activity at the different sites affect whole-brain dynamics. We find that local stimulation induces changes in brain activity that can be summarized by relatively smooth tuning curves, which relate a region's effectiveness as a stimulation site to its position within the cortical hierarchy. Our results also support the notion that brain hubs, operating in a slower regime, are more resilient to focal perturbations and critically contribute to maintain stability in global brain dynamics. In contrast, perturbations of peripheral regions, characterized by faster activity, have greater impact on functional connectivity. As a parallel with this region-level result, we also find that peripheral systems such as the visual and sensorimotor networks were more affected by local perturbations than high-level systems such as the cingulo-opercular network. Our results highlight the importance of a periphery-to-core hierarchy to determine the effect of local stimulation on the brain network. We also provide novel resources to orient empirical work aiming at manipulating functional connectivity using non-invasive brain stimulation. ",Mapping how local perturbations influence systems-level brain dynamics
+" I study the time-evolution of a particle prepared in the ground state of an infinite well after the latter is suddenly expanded. It turns out that the probability density $|\Psi(x, t)|^{2}$ shows up quite a surprising behaviour: for definite times, {\it plateaux} appear for which $|\Psi(x, t)|^{2}$ is constant on finite intervals for $x$. Elements of theoretical explanation are given by analyzing the singular component of the second derivative $\partial_{xx}\Psi(x, t)$. Analytical closed expressions are obtained for some specific times, which easily allow to show that, at these times, the density organizes itself into regular patterns provided the size of the box in large enough; more, above some critical time-dependent size, the density patterns are independent of the expansion parameter. It is seen how the density at these times simply results from a construction game with definite rules acting on the pieces of the initial density. ",Surprises in the suddenly-expanded infinite well
+" (abbreviated) We aim to determine the masses of the envelopes, disks, and central stars of young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Class I stage. We observed the embedded Class I objects IRS 63 and Elias 29 in the rho Ophiuchi star-forming region with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) at 1.1 mm. IRS 63 and Elias 29 are both clearly detected in the continuum, with peak fluxes of 459 resp. 47 mJy/beam. The continuum emission toward Elias 29 is clearly resolved, whereas IRS 63 is consistent with a point source down to a scale of 3 arcsec (400 AU). The SMA data are combined with single-dish data, and disk masses of 0.055 and >= 0.007 MSun and envelope masses of 0.058 and >= 0.058 MSun are empirically determined for IRS 63 and Elias 29, respectively. The disk+envelope systems are modelled with the axisymmetric radiative-transfer code RADMC, yielding disk and envelope masses that differ from the empirical results by factors of a few. HCO+ J = 3-2 is detected toward both sources, HCN J = 3-2 is not. The HCO+ position-velocity diagrams are indicative of Keplerian rotation. For a fiducial inclination of 30 degrees, we find stellar masses of 0.37 +/- 0.13 and 2.5 +/- 0.6 MSun for IRS 63 and Elias 29, respectively. We conclude that the sensitivity and spatial resolution of the SMA at 1.1 mm allow a good separation of the disks around Class I YSOs from their circumstellar envelopes and environments, and the spectral resolution makes it possible to resolve their dynamical structure and estimate the masses of the central stars. The ratios of the envelope and disk masses are found to be 0.2 and 6 for IRS 63 and Elias 29, respectively. This is lower than the values for Class 0 sources, which have Menv/Mdisk >= 10, suggesting that this ratio is a tracer of the evolutionary stage of a YSO. ","SMA observations of young disks: separating envelope, disk, and stellar masses in class I YSOs"
+" Neuroimaging-driven prediction of brain age, defined as the predicted biological age of a subject using only brain imaging data, is an exciting avenue of research. In this work we seek to build models of brain age based on functional connectivity while prioritizing model interpretability and understanding. This way, the models serve to both provide accurate estimates of brain age as well as allow us to investigate changes in functional connectivity which occur during the ageing process. The methods proposed in this work consist of a two-step procedure: first, linear latent variable models, such as PCA and its extensions, are employed to learn reproducible functional connectivity networks present across a cohort of subjects. The activity within each network is subsequently employed as a feature in a linear regression model to predict brain age. The proposed framework is employed on the data from the CamCAN repository and the inferred brain age models are further demonstrated to generalize using data from two open-access repositories: the Human Connectome Project and the ATR Wide-Age-Range. ",Interpretable brain age prediction using linear latent variable models of functional connectivity
+" As a means to better understanding manifolds with positive curvature, there has been much recent interest in the study of non-negatively curved manifolds which contain either a point or an open dense set of points at which all 2-planes have positive curvature. We study infinite families of biquotients defined by Eschenburg and Bazaikin from this viewpoint, together with torus quotients of $S^3 \x S^3$. ",On the curvature of biquotients
+" In this paper, we introduce a generalization of Balancing and Balancing-Lucas numbers. We describe some of their properties also we give the related matrix representation and divisibility properties. ",Generalized Balancing and Balancing-Lucas numbers
+" This paper presents the design, implementation, and evaluation of the PyTorch distributed data parallel module. PyTorch is a widely-adopted scientific computing package used in deep learning research and applications. Recent advances in deep learning argue for the value of large datasets and large models, which necessitates the ability to scale out model training to more computational resources. Data parallelism has emerged as a popular solution for distributed training thanks to its straightforward principle and broad applicability. In general, the technique of distributed data parallelism replicates the model on every computational resource to generate gradients independently and then communicates those gradients at each iteration to keep model replicas consistent. Despite the conceptual simplicity of the technique, the subtle dependencies between computation and communication make it non-trivial to optimize the distributed training efficiency. As of v1.5, PyTorch natively provides several techniques to accelerate distributed data parallel, including bucketing gradients, overlapping computation with communication, and skipping gradient synchronization. Evaluations show that, when configured appropriately, the PyTorch distributed data parallel module attains near-linear scalability using 256 GPUs. ",PyTorch Distributed: Experiences on Accelerating Data Parallel Training
+" Machine reading comprehension (MRC) poses new challenges over logical reasoning, which aims to understand the implicit logical relations entailed in the given contexts and perform inference over them. Due to the complexity of logic, logical relations exist at different granularity levels. However, most existing methods of logical reasoning individually focus on either entity-aware or discourse-based information but ignore the hierarchical relations that may even have mutual effects. In this paper, we propose a holistic graph network (HGN) which deals with context at both discourse level and word level, as the basis for logical reasoning, to provide a more fine-grained relation extraction. Specifically, node-level and type-level relations, which can be interpreted as bridges in the reasoning process, are modeled by a hierarchical interaction mechanism to improve the interpretation of MRC systems. Experimental results on logical reasoning QA datasets (ReClor and LogiQA) and natural language inference datasets (SNLI and ANLI) show the effectiveness and generalization of our method, and in-depth analysis verifies its capability to understand complex logical relations. ",Modeling Hierarchical Reasoning Chains by Linking Discourse Units and Key Phrases for Reading Comprehension
+" Identifying weakly coupled nuclear spins around single electron spins is a key step of implementing quantum information processing using coupled electron-nuclei spin systems or sensing like single spin nuclear magnetic resonance detection using diamond defect spins. Dynamical decoupling control of the center electron spin with periodic pulse sequences [e.g., the Carre-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequence] has been successfully used to identify single nuclear spins and to resolve structure of nuclear spin clusters. Here, we design a new type of pulse sequences by replacing the repetition unit (a single $\pi$-pulse) of the CPMG sequence with a group of nonuniformly-spaced $\pi$-pulses. Using nitrogen-vacancy center system in diamond, we show that the designed pulse sequence improves the resolution of nuclear spin noise spectroscopy, and more information about the surrounding nuclear spins is extracted. The principle of dynamical decoupling design proposed in this paper is useful in many systems (e.g., defect spin qubit in solids, trapped ion and superconducting qubit) for high-resolution noise spectroscopy. ",Dynamical decoupling design for identifying weakly coupled nuclear spins in a bath
+" We extend the Bardakci-Thorn (BT) worldsheet formalism to supersymmetric non-abelian gauge theory. Our method covers the cases of N =1,2,4 extended supersymmetry. This task requires the introduction of spinor valued Grassmann variables on the worldsheet analogous to those of the supersymmetric formulation of superstring theory. As in the pure Yang-Mills case, the worldsheet formalism automatically generates the correct quartic vertices from the cubic vertices. We also discuss coupling renormalization to one loop order. ",BT Worldsheet for Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
+" Through a combination of monitoring the Raman spectral characteristics of 2D materials grown on copper catalyst layers, and wafer scale automated detection of the fraction of transferred material, we reproducibly achieve transfers with over 97.5% monolayer hexagonal boron nitride and 99.7% monolayer graphene coverage, for up to 300 mm diameter wafers. We find a strong correlation between the transfer coverage obtained for graphene and the emergence of a lower wavenumber 2D- peak component, with the concurrent disappearance of the higher wavenumber 2D+ peak component during oxidation of the catalyst surface. The 2D peak characteristics can therefore act as an unambiguous predictor of the success of the transfer. The combined monitoring and transfer process presented here is highly scalable and amenable for roll-to-roll processing. ",Raman Spectral Indicators of Catalyst Decoupling for Transfer of CVD Grown 2D Materials
+" The ARGO-YBJ experiment will be installed at YangBaJing Cosmic Ray Laboratory (Tibet, P.R. China), 4300 m a.s.l. . It consists of a full coverage of about 10^4 m^2 realized with RPC chambers. A small carpet of about 50 m^2 has been operated at YangBaJing in order to check the RPC performance in these high altitude conditions. Results concerning efficiency and time resolution are reported. ",Performance of RPCs operated at the YangBaJing Laboratory
+ Lagragian quantization rules for general gauge theories are proposed on a basis of a superfield formulation of the standard BRST symmetry. Independence of the $S$-matrix on a choice of the gauge is proved. The Ward identities in terms of superfields are derived. ,Superfield formulation of the Lagrangian BRST quantization method
+" Let S=K[x_1,..., x_n], let A,B be finitely generated graded S-modules, and let m=(x_1,...,x_n). We give bounds for the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the local cohomology of Tor_i(A,B) under the assumption that the Krull dimension of Tor_1(A,B) is at most 1. We apply the results to syzygies, Groebner bases, products and powers of ideals, and to the relationship of the Rees and Symmetric algebras. For example we show that any homogeneous linearly presented m-primary ideal has some power equal to a power of m; and if the first (roughly) (n-1)/2 steps of the resolution of I are linear, then I^2 is a power of m. ",The Regularity of Tor and Graded Betti Numbers
+" Traditional methods for inference in change point detection often rely on a large number of observed data points and can be inaccurate in non-asymptotic settings. With the rise of mobile health and digital phenotyping studies, where patients are monitored through the use of smartphones or other digital devices, change point detection is needed in non-asymptotic settings where it may be important to identify behavioral changes that occur just days before an adverse event such as relapse or suicide. Furthermore, analytical and computationally efficient means of inference are necessary for the monitoring and online analysis of large-scale digital phenotyping cohorts. We extend the result for asymptotic tail probabilities of the likelihood ratio test to the multivariate change point detection setting, and demonstrate through simulation its inaccuracy when the number of observed data points is not large. We propose a non-asymptotic approach for inference on the likelihood ratio test, and compare the efficiency of this estimated p-value to the popular empirical p-value obtained through simulation of the null distribution. The accuracy and power of this approach relative to competing methods is demonstrated through simulation and through the detection of a change point in the behavior of a patient with schizophrenia in the week prior to relapse. ",Non-asymptotic inference for multivariate change point detection
+" We construct embeddings G of the category of graphs into categories of R-modules over a commutative ring R which are almost full in the sense that the maps induced by the functoriality of G R[Hom_Graphs(X,Y)] --> Hom_R(GX,GY) are isomorphisms. The symbol R[S] above denotes the free R-module with the basis S. This implies that, for any cotorsion-free ring R, the categories of R-modules are not less complicated than the category of graphs. A similar embedding of graphs into the category of vector spaces with four distinguished subspaces (over any field, e.g. F_2={0,1} is obtained). ",An axiomatic construction of an almost full embedding of the category of graphs into the category of R-objects
+" Asteroids and comets dissipate energy when they rotate about the axis different from the axis of the maximal moment of inertia. We show that the most efficient internal relaxation happens at the double frequency of body's tumbling. Therefore the earlier estimates that ignore double frequency input underestimate the internal relaxation in asteroids and comets. We show that the Earth seismological data may poorly represent acoustic properties of asteroids and comet as internal relaxation increases in the presence of moisture. At the same time owing to non-linearlity of inelastic relaxation small angle nutations can persist for very long time spans, but our ability to detect such precessions is limited by the resolution of the radar-generated images. Wobbling may provide valuable information on the composition and structure of asteroids and on their recent history of external impacts. ",Inelastic Dissipation in Wobbling Asteroids and Comets
+" We obtain a continuous Wick rotation for Dirac, Majorana and Weyl spinors $\psi \to \exp ({1\over 2} \theta \gamma^4 \gamma^5)\psi$ which interpolates between Minkowski and Euclidean field theories. ",A continuous Wick rotation for spinor fields and supersymmetry in Euclidean space
+" Tetrahedral frame fields have applications to certain classes of nematic liquid crystals and frustrated media. We consider the problem of constructing a tetrahedral frame field in three dimensional domains in which the boundary normal vector is included in the frame on the boundary. To do this we identify an isomorphism between a given tetrahedral frame and a symmetric, traceless third order tensor under a particular nonlinear constraint. We then define a Ginzburg-Landau-type functional which penalizes the associated nonlinear constraint. Using gradient descent, one retrieves a globally defined limiting tensor outside of a singular set. The tetrahedral frame can then be recovered from this tensor by a determinant maximization method, developed in this work. The resulting numerically generated frame fields are smooth outside of one dimensional filaments that join together at triple junctions. ",Tetrahedral frame fields via constrained third order symmetric tensors
+" We report results of a spectropolarimetric and photometric monitoring of the weak-line T Tauri star LkCa4 within the MaTYSSE programme, involving ESPaDOnS at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Despite an age of only 2Myr and a similarity with prototypical classical T Tauri stars, LkCa4 shows no evidence for accretion and probes an interesting transition stage for star and planet formation. Large profile distortions and Zeeman signatures are detected in the unpolarized and circularly-polarized lines of LkCa4 using Least-Squares Deconvolution (LSD), indicating the presence of brightness inhomogeneities and magnetic fields at the surface of LkCa4. Using tomographic imaging, we reconstruct brightness and magnetic maps of LkCa4 from sets of unpolarized and circularly-polarized LSD profiles. The large-scale field is strong and mainly axisymmetric, featuring a ~2kG poloidal component and a ~1kG toroidal component encircling the star at equatorial latitudes - the latter making LkCa4 markedly different from classical TTauri stars of similar mass and age. The brightness map includes a dark spot overlapping the magnetic pole and a bright region at mid latitudes - providing a good match to the contemporaneous photometry. We also find that differential rotation at the surface of LkCa4 is small, typically ~5.5x weaker than that of the Sun, and compatible with solid-body rotation. Using our tomographic modelling, we are able to filter out the activity jitter in the RV curve of LkCa4 (of full amplitude 4.3km/s) down to a rms precision of 0.055km/s. Looking for hot Jupiters around young Sun-like stars thus appears feasible, even though we find no evidence for such planets around LkCa4. ",Modelling the magnetic activity & filtering radial velocity curves of young Suns: the weak-line T Tauri star LkCa 4
+" The core velocity dispersion (CVD) is a potentially useful tool for studying the turbulent velocity field of molecular clouds. CVD is based on centroid velocities of dense gas clumps, thus is less prone to density fluctuation and reflects more directly the cloud velocity field. Prior work demonstrated that the Taurus molecular cloud CVD resembles the well-known Larson's linewidth-size relation of molecular clouds. In this work, we studied the dependence of the CVD on the line-of-sight thickness of molecular clouds, a quantity which cannot be measured by direct means. We produced a simple statistical model of cores within clouds and analyzed the CVD of a variety of hydrodynamical simulations. We show that the relation between the CVD and the 2D projected separation of cores ($L_{2D}$) is sensitive to the cloud thickness. When the cloud is thin, the index of CVD-$L_{2D}$ relation ($\gamma$ in the relation CVD$\sim L_{2D}^{\gamma}$) reflects the underlying energy spectrum ($E(k)\sim k^{-\beta}$) in that $\gamma\sim(\beta-1)/2$. The CVD-$L_{2D}$ relation becomes flatter ($\gamma\to 0$) for thicker clouds. We used this result to constrain the thicknesses of Taurus, Perseus, and Ophiuchus. We conclude that Taurus has a ratio of cloud depth to cloud length smaller than about 1/10-1/8, i.e. it is a sheet. A simple geometric model fit to the linewidth-size relation indicates that the Taurus cloud has a $\sim 0.7$ pc line-of-sight dimension. In contrast, Perseus and Ophiuchus are thicker and have ratios of cloud depth to cloud length larger than about 1/10-1/8. ","A New Method for Constraining Molecular Cloud Thickness: A study of Taurus, Perseus and Ophiuchus"
+" The nonlocal nature of the Majorana zero modes implies an inherent teleportation channel and unique transport signatures for Majorana identification. In this work we make an effort to eliminate some inconsistencies between the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation based treatment and the method using the associated regular fermion number states of vacancy and occupation within the `second quantization' framework. We first consider a rather simple `quantum dot--Majorana wire--quantum dot' system, then a more experimentally relevant setup by replacing the quantum dots with transport leads. For the latter setup, based on the dynamical evolution of electron-hole excitations, we develop a single-particle-wavefunction approach to quantum transport, which renders both the conventional quantum scattering theory and the steady-state nonequilibrium Green's function formalism as its stationary limit. Further, we revisit the issue of Majorana tunneling spectroscopy and consider in particular the two-lead coupling setup. We present comprehensive discussions with detailed comparisons, and predict a zero-bias-limit conductance of $e^2/h$ (for symmetric coupling to the leads),which is a half of the popular result of the zero-bias-peak, or, the so-called Majorana quantized conductance ($2e^2/h$). The present work may arouse a need to reexamine some existing studies and the proposed treatment is expected to be involved in analyzing future experiments in this fast developing field. ",Revisit the non-locality of Majorana zero modes and teleportation: Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation based treatment
+" We undertake a general study of the boundary (or edge) modes that arise in gauge and gravitational theories defined on a space with boundary, either asymptotic or at finite distance, focusing on efficient techniques for computing the corresponding boundary action. Such actions capture all the dynamics of the system that are implied by its asymptotic symmetry group, such as correlation functions of the corresponding conserved currents. Working in the covariant phase space formalism, we develop a collection of approaches for isolating the boundary modes and their dynamics, and illustrate with various examples, notably AdS$_3$ gravity (with and without a gravitational Chern-Simons terms) subject to assorted boundary conditions. ",Systematics of Boundary Actions in Gauge Theory and Gravity
+" This paper analyzes the performance of a multiuser integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) system, where nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is exploited to mitigate inter-user interference. Closed-form expressions are derived to evaluate the outage probability, ergodic communication rate, and sensing rate. Furthermore, asymptotic analyses are carried out to unveil diversity orders and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) slopes of the considered NOMA-ISAC system. As the further advance, the achievable sensing-communication rate region of ISAC is characterized. It is proved that ISAC system is capable of achieving a larger rate region than the conventional frequency-division sensing and communications (FDSAC) system. ",NOMA-ISAC: Performance Analysis and Rate Region Characterization
+" This paper presents a framework to solve the strategic bidding problem of participants in an electricity market cleared by employing the full AC Optimal Power Flow (ACOPF) problem formulation. Traditionally, the independent system operators (ISOs) leveraged DC Optimal Power Flow (DCOPF) problem formulation to settle the electricity market. The main quest of this work is to find what would be the challenges and opportunities if ISOs leverage the full ACOPF as the market-clearing Problem (MCP)? This paper presents tractable mathematical programming with equilibrium constraints for the convexified AC market-clearing problem. Market participants maximize their profit via strategic bidding while considering the reactive power dispatch of generation units. The equilibrium constraints are procured by presenting the dual form of the relaxed ACOPF problem. The strategic bidding problem with ACOPF-based MCP improves the exactness of the location marginal prices (LMPs) and profit of market participants compared to the one with DCOPF. It is shown that the strategic bidding problem with DCOFP-based MCP is unable to model the limitations of reactive power support. The presented results display cases where the proposed strategic bidding method renders $52.3\%$ more profit for the Generation Company (GENCO) than the DCOPF-based MCP model. The proposed strategic bidding framework also addresses the challenges in coupling real and reactive power dispatch of generation constraints, ramping constraints, demand response implications with curtailable and time shiftable loads, and AC line flow constraints. Therefore, the presented method will help market participants leverage the more accurate ACOPF model in the strategic bidding problem. ",Strategic Bidding in Electricity Markets with Convexified AC Market-Clearing Process
+" Recent simulations have shown that a high-energy proton bunch can excite strong plasma wakefields and accelerate a bunch of electrons to the energy frontier in a single stage of acceleration. It therefore paves the way towards a compact future collider design using the proton beams from existing high-energy proton machines, e.g. Tevatron or the LHC. This paper addresses some key issues in designing a compact electron-positron linear collider and an electron-proton collider based on existing CERN accelerator infrastructure. ",Collider design issues based on proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration
+ A specially designed and produced edge filter with pronounced nonlinear effects is carefully characterized. The nonlinear effects are estimated at the intensities close to the laser-induced damage. ,Characterization of nonlinear effects in edge filters
+" We analyze an experimental method for creating interesting nonclassical states by processing the entanglement generated when two large coherent states interact in a cross-Kerr medium. We specifically investigate the effects of loss and noise in every mode of the experiment, as well as the effect of ""binning"" the post-selection outcomes. Even with these imperfections, we find an optimal set of currently-achievable parameters which would allow a proof-of-principle demonstration of number squeezing in states with large mean photon number. We discuss other useful states which can be generated with the same experimental tools, including a class of states which contain coherent superpositions of differing photon numbers, e.g. good approximations to the state $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (|0\rangle+|20\rangle)$. Finally, we suggest one possible application of this state in the field of optomechanics. ",Verifying cross-Kerr induced number squeezing: a case study
+" We consider the semiclassical limit for the Heisenberg-von Neumann equation with a potential which consists of the sum of a repulsive Coulomb potential, plus a Lipschitz potential whose gradient belongs to $BV$; this assumption on the potential guarantees the well posedness of the Liouville equation in the space of bounded integrable solutions. We find sufficient conditions on the initial data to ensure that the quantum dynamics converges to the classical one. More precisely, we consider the Husimi functions of the solution of the Heisenberg-von Neumann equation, and under suitable assumptions on the initial data we prove that they converge, as $\e \to 0$, to the unique bounded solution of the Liouville equation (locally uniformly in time). ",Semiclassical limit for mixed states with singular and rough potentials
+" The main result of the paper is motivated by the following two, apparently unrelated graph optimization problems: (A) as an extension of Edmonds' disjoint branchings theorem, characterize digraphs comprising $k$ disjoint branchings $B_i$ each having a specified number $\mu _i$ of arcs, (B) as an extension of Ryser's maximum term rank formula, determine the largest possible matching number of simple bipartite graphs complying with degree-constraints. The solutions to these problems and to their generalizations will be obtained from a new min-max theorem on covering a supermodular function by a simple degree-constrained bipartite graph. A specific feature of the result is that its minimum cost extension is already NP-complete. Therefore classic polyhedral tools themselves definitely cannot be sufficient for solving the problem, even though they make some good service in our approach. ",Supermodularity in Unweighted Graph Optimization I: Branchings and Matchings
+" Carrier and phonon dynamics in Bi2Se3 crystals are studied by a spatially resolved ultrafast pump-probe technique. Pronounced oscillations in differential reflection are observed with two distinct frequencies, and are attributed to coherent optical and acoustic phonons, respectively. The rising time of the signal indicates that the thermalization and energy relaxation of hot carriers are both sub-ps in this material. We found that the thermalization and relaxation time decreases with the carrier density. The expansion of the differential reflection profile allows us to estimate an ambipolar carrier diffusion coefficient on the order of 500 square centimeters per second. A long-term slow expansion of the profile shows a thermal diffusion coefficient of 1.2 square centimeters per second. ",Spatially resolved femtosecond pump-probe study of topological insulator Bi2Se3
+" Liouville-type theorems for the steady incompressible Navier-Stokes system are investigated for solutions in a three-dimensional slab with either no-slip boundary conditions or periodic boundary conditions. When the no-slip boundary conditions are prescribed, we prove that any bounded solution is trivial if it is axisymmetric or $ru^r$ is bounded, and that general three-dimensional solutions must be Poiseuille flows when the velocity is not big in $L^\infty$ space. When the periodic boundary conditions are imposed on the slab boundaries, we prove that the bounded solutions must be constant vectors if either the swirl or radial velocity is independent of the angular variable, or $ru^r$ decays to zero as $r$ tends to infinity. The proofs are based on the fundamental structure of the equations and energy estimates. The key technique is to establish a Saint-Venant type estimate that characterizes the growth of Dirichlet integral of nontrivial solutions. ",Liouville-type theorems for steady solutions to the Navier-Stokes system in a slab
+" In this work, we present a semi-numerical solution of a fractal telegraphic dual-porosity fluid flow model. It combines Laplace transform and finite difference schemes. The Laplace transform handles the time variable whereas the finite difference method deals with the spatial coordinate. This semi-numerical scheme is not restricted by space discretization and allows the computation of a solution at any time without compromising numerical stability or the mass conservation principle. Our formulation results in a non-analytically-solvable second-order differential equation whose numerical treatment outcomes in a tri-diagonal linear algebraic system. Moreover, we describe comparisons between semi-numerical and semi-analytical solutions for particular cases. Results agree well with those from semi-analytic solutions. Furthermore, we expose a parametric analysis from the coupled model in order to show the effects of relevant parameters on pressure profiles and flow rates for the case where neither analytic nor semi-analytic solutions are available. ",Semi-numerical solution for a fractal telegraphic dual-porosity fluid flow model
+" We study observational consequences arising from dark matter (DM) of non-thermal origin, produced by dark freeze-out from a hidden sector heat bath. We assume this heat bath was populated by feebly-coupled mediator particles, produced via a Higgs portal interaction with the Standard Model (SM). The dark sector then attained internal equilibrium with a characteristic temperature different from the SM photon temperature. We find that even if the coupling between the DM and the SM sectors is very weak, the scenario allows for indirect observational signals. We show how the expected strength of these signals depends on the temperature of the hidden sector at DM freeze-out. ",Prospects for indirect detection of frozen-in dark matter
+" We present the first results of applying Gaussian Mixture Models in the stellar kinematic space of normalized angular momentum and binding energy on NIHAO high resolution galaxies to separate the stars into multiple components. We exemplify this method using a simulated Milky Way analogue, whose stellar component hosts: thin and thick discs, classical and pseudo bulges, and a stellar halo. The properties of these stellar structures are in good agreement with observational expectations in terms of sizes, shapes and rotational support. Interestingly, the two kinematic discs show surface mass density profiles more centrally concentrated than exponentials, while the bulges and the stellar halo are purely exponential. We trace back in time the Lagrangian mass of each component separately to study their formation history. Between z~3 and the end of halo virialization, z~1.3, all components lose a fraction of their angular momentum. The classical bulge loses the most (~95%) and the thin disc the least (~60%). Both bulges formed their stars in-situ at high redshift, while the thin disc formed ~98% in-situ, but with a constant SFR~1.5M$_{\rm\odot}$/yr$^{\rm-1}$ over the last ~11 Gyr. Accreted stars (6% of total stellar mass) are mainly incorporated to the thick disc or the stellar halo, which formed ex-situ 8% and 45% of their respective masses. Our analysis pipeline is freely available at https://github.com/aobr/gsf. ",Introducing galactic structure finder: the multiple stellar kinematic structures of a simulated Milky Way mass galaxy
+" We show that scattering from the boundary of static, higher-order topological insulators (HOTIs) can be used to simulate the behavior of (time-periodic) Floquet topological insulators. We consider D-dimensional HOTIs with gapless corner states which are weakly probed by external waves in a scattering setup. We find that the unitary reflection matrix describing back-scattering from the boundary of the HOTI is topologically equivalent to a (D-1)-dimensional nontrivial Floquet operator. To characterize the topology of the reflection matrix, we introduce the concept of `nested' scattering matrices. Our results provide a route to engineer topological Floquet systems in the lab without the need for external driving. As benefit, the topological system does not to suffer from decoherence and heating. ",Simulating Floquet topological phases in static systems
+" Using the Fourier-Laplace transform, we describe the isomonodromy equations for meromorphic connections on the Riemann sphere with unramified irregular singularities as those for connections with a (possibly ramified) irregular singularity and a regular singularity. This generalizes some results of Harnad and Woodhouse. ",Fourier-Laplace transform and isomonodromic deformations
+" ICMP timestamp request and response packets have been standardized for nearly 40 years, but have no modern practical application, having been superseded by NTP. However, ICMP timestamps are not deprecated, suggesting that while hosts must support them, little attention is paid to their implementation and use. In this work, we perform active measurements and find 2.2 million hosts on the Internet responding to ICMP timestamp requests from over 42,500 unique autonomous systems. We develop a methodology to classify timestamp responses, and find 13 distinct classes of behavior. Not only do these behaviors enable a new fingerprinting vector, some behaviors leak important information about the host e.g., OS, kernel version, and local timezone. ",Sundials in the Shade: An Internet-wide Perspective on ICMP Timestamps
+" We prove that universal quantum computation can be realized---using only linear optics and $\chi^{(2)}$ (three-wave mixing) interactions---in any $(n+1)$-dimensional qudit basis of the $n$-pump-photon subspace. First, we exhibit a strictly universal gate set for the qubit basis in the one-pump-photon subspace. Next, we demonstrate qutrit-basis universality by proving that $\chi^{(2)}$ Hamiltonians and photon-number operators generate the full $\mathfrak{u}(3)$ Lie algebra in the two-pump-photon subspace, and showing how the qutrit controlled-$Z$ gate can be implemented with only linear optics and $\chi^{(2)}$ interactions. We then use proof by induction to obtain our general qudit result. Our induction proof relies on coherent photon injection/subtraction, a technique enabled by $\chi^{(2)}$ interaction between the encoding modes and ancillary modes. Finally, we show that coherent photon injection is more than a conceptual tool in that it offers a route to preparing high-photon-number Fock states from single-photon Fock states. ",Qudit-Basis Universal Quantum Computation using $\chi^{(2)}$ Interactions
+" Time series has wide applications in the real world and is known to be difficult to forecast. Since its statistical properties change over time, its distribution also changes temporally, which will cause severe distribution shift problem to existing methods. However, it remains unexplored to model the time series in the distribution perspective. In this paper, we term this as Temporal Covariate Shift (TCS). This paper proposes Adaptive RNNs (AdaRNN) to tackle the TCS problem by building an adaptive model that generalizes well on the unseen test data. AdaRNN is sequentially composed of two novel algorithms. First, we propose Temporal Distribution Characterization to better characterize the distribution information in the TS. Second, we propose Temporal Distribution Matching to reduce the distribution mismatch in TS to learn the adaptive TS model. AdaRNN is a general framework with flexible distribution distances integrated. Experiments on human activity recognition, air quality prediction, and financial analysis show that AdaRNN outperforms the latest methods by a classification accuracy of 2.6% and significantly reduces the RMSE by 9.0%. We also show that the temporal distribution matching algorithm can be extended in Transformer structure to boost its performance. ",AdaRNN: Adaptive Learning and Forecasting of Time Series
+" The entangled behavior of different dimensional systems driven by classical external random field is investigated. The amount of the survival entanglement between the components of each system is quantified. There are different behaviors of entanglement that come into view decay, sudden death, sudden birth and long-lived entanglement. The maximum entangled states which can be generated from any of theses suggested systems are much fragile than the partially entangled ones. The systems of larger dimensions are more robust than those of smaller dimensions systems, where the entanglement decay smoothly, gradually and may vanish for a very short time. For the class of $2\times 3$ dimensional system, the one parameter family is found to be more robust than the two parameters family. Although the entanglement of driven $ 2 \times 3$ dimensional system is very sensitive to the classical external random field, one can use them to generate a long-lived entanglement. ",Sudden death and rebirth of Entanglement for Different Dimensional Systems driven by a Classical Random External Field
+" The N\'eel temperature, staggered magnetization density, as well as the spinwave velocity of a three-dimensional (3D) quantum Heisenberg model with antiferromagnetic disorder (randomness) are calculated using first principles non-perturbative quantum Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, we examine the validity of universal scaling relations that are related to these three studied physical quantities. These relations are relevant to experimental data and are firmly established for clean (regular) 3D dimerized spin-1/2 Heisenberg models. Remarkably, our numerical results show that the considered scaling relations remain true for the investigated model with the introduced disorder. In addition, while the presence of disorder may change the physical properties of regular dimerized models, hence leading to different critical theories, both the obtained data of N\'eel temperature and staggered magnetization density in our study are fully compatible with the expected critical behaviour for clean dimerized systems. As a result, it is persuasive to conclude that the related quantum phase transitions of the considered disordered model and its clean counterparts are governed by the same critical theory, which is not always the case in general. Finally, we also find smooth scalings even emerging when both the data of the investigated disordered model as well as its associated clean system are taken into account. This in turn implies that, while in a restricted sense, the considered scaling relations for 3D spin-1/2 antiferromagnets are indeed universal. ","Universal scalings of N\'eel temperature, staggered magnetization density, and spinwave velocity of three-dimensional disordered and clean quantum antiferromagnets"
+" To understand and improve DRAM performance, reliability, security and energy efficiency, prior works study characteristics of commodity DRAM chips. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art open source infrastructures capable of conducting such studies are obsolete, poorly supported, or difficult to use, or their inflexibility limit the types of studies they can conduct. We propose DRAM Bender, a new FPGA-based infrastructure that enables experimental studies on state-of-the-art DRAM chips. DRAM Bender offers three key features at the same time. First, DRAM Bender enables directly interfacing with a DRAM chip through its low-level interface. This allows users to issue DRAM commands in arbitrary order and with finer-grained time intervals compared to other open source infrastructures. Second, DRAM Bender exposes easy-to-use C++ and Python programming interfaces, allowing users to quickly and easily develop different types of DRAM experiments. Third, DRAM Bender is easily extensible. The modular design of DRAM Bender allows extending it to (i) support existing and emerging DRAM interfaces, and (ii) run on new commercial or custom FPGA boards with little effort. To demonstrate that DRAM Bender is a versatile infrastructure, we conduct three case studies, two of which lead to new observations about the DRAM RowHammer vulnerability. In particular, we show that data patterns supported by DRAM Bender uncovers a larger set of bit-flips on a victim row compared to the data patterns commonly used by prior work. We demonstrate the extensibility of DRAM Bender by implementing it on five different FPGAs with DDR4 and DDR3 support. DRAM Bender is freely and openly available at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/DRAM-Bender. ",DRAM Bender: An Extensible and Versatile FPGA-based Infrastructure to Easily Test State-of-the-art DRAM Chips
+" We derive a posteriori error estimates for a fully discrete finite element approximation of the stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation. The a posteriori bound is obtained by a splitting of the equation into a linear stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) and a nonlinear random partial differential equation (RPDE). The resulting estimate is robust with respect to the interfacial width parameter and is computable since it involves the discrete principal eigenvalue of a linearized (stochastic) Cahn-Hilliard operator. Furthermore, the estimate is robust with respect to topological changes as well as the intensity of the stochastic noise. We provide numerical simulations to demonstrate the practicability of the proposed adaptive algorithm. ",Robust a posteriori estimates for the stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation
+" I highlight several concerns regarding the consistency of Type Ia supernova data in the publicly available Pantheon and JLA compilations. The measured heliocentric redshifts (zhel) of $\sim$150 SNe Ia as reported in the Pantheon catalogue are significantly discrepant from those in JLA - with 58 having differences amounting to between 5 and 137 times the quoted measurement uncertainty. The discrepancy seems to have been introduced in the process of rectifying a previously reported issue. The Pantheon catalogue until very recently had the redshifts of all SNe Ia up to z $\sim$ 0.3 modified under the guise of 'peculiar velocity corrections' - although there is no information on peculiar velocities at such high redshifts. While this has reportedly been rectified on Github by removing peculiar velocity corrections for z > 0.08, the impact of this on the published cosmological analysis of the Pantheon catalogue is not stated. In JLA, the effect of these 'corrections' is to significantly bias the inferred value of $\Omega_{\Lambda}$ towards higher values, while the equivalent effect on Pantheon cannot be ascertained due to the unavailability of the individual components of the covariance matrix in the public domain. I provide Jupyter notebooks and URLs in order to allow the reader to ascertain the veracity of these assertions. ",Concerns about the reliability of publicly available SNe Ia data
+" Operationally accessible entanglement in bipartite systems of indistinguishable particles could be reduced due to restrictions on the allowed local operations as a result of particle number conservation. In order to quantify this effect, Wiseman and Vaccaro [Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 097902 (2003)] introduced an operational measure of the von Neumann entanglement entropy. Motivated by advances in measuring R\'enyi entropies in quantum many-body systems subject to conservation laws, we derive a generalization of the operational entanglement that is both computationally and experimentally accessible. Using the Widom theorem, we investigate its scaling with the size of a spatial subregion for free fermions and find a logarithmically violated area law scaling, similar to the spatial entanglement entropy, with at most, a double-log leading-order correction. A modification of the correlation matrix method confirms our findings in systems of up to $10^5$ particles. ",R\'enyi generalization of the operational entanglement entropy
+" This investigation deals with the effect of annealing temperature on the structural, topographical and optical properties of Zinc Oxide thin films prepared by sol gel method. The structural properties were studied using X-ray diffraction and the recorded patterns indicated that all the films had a preferred orientation along (002) plane and the crystallinity along with the grain size were augmented with annealing temperature. The topographical modification of the films due to heat treatment was probed by atomic force microscopy which revealed that annealing roughened the surface of the film. The optical properties were examined by a UV visible spectrophotometer which exhibited that maximum transmittance reached nearly 90% and it diminished with increasing annealing temperature. ","Influence of annealing temperature on the structural, topographical and optical properties of sol gel derived ZnO thin films"
+" Noting that the extensive astrometric observations of the double comet Wirtanen (C/1956 F1) made by E. Roemer have never been published, I replicate the contents of a fortuitously discovered copy of her measurement records of the companion's offsets from the main mass in 1957-1959 and use with such data by others to refine the fragmentation solution. The sublimation-driven nongravitational acceleration is shown to essentially control the companion's motion in the orbital plane. The fragmentation parameters derived by the author in 1978 have now been improved and strong disagreement with the independent results by Roemer is noted. The revised model is employed to predict the positions of the companion on the plates exposed by Roemer on 25 September 1960, which she reported to show the principal nucleus but not the companion. At my request, these plates have now been scanned and processed at the Lowell Observatory, and the companion is found to be located at the predicted position. The images of the main mass and the companion on one of the two plates are displayed. ",On Elusive Observations and a Sly Companion of Comet Wirtanen (C/1956 F1)
+" Local environment of fluorescent dyes could strongly affect emission dynamics of the latter. In particular, both signal intensities and emission lifetimes are highly sensitive to solvent temperatures. Here, temperature-dependent behavior Rhodamine B fluorescence in water and ethanol solutions was experimentally investigated. Phase transition point of liquid water to ice was shown to have a dramatic impact on both in intensity (30-fold drop) and in lifetime (from 2.68ns down to 0.13ns) of the dye luminescence along with the spectral shift of spectral maxima from 590 to 625nm. At the same time, ethanol solvent does not lead any similar behavior. The reported results and approaches enable further investigations of dye-solvent interactions and studies of physical properties of liquids at phase transition points. ",Rhodamine B as a probe for phase transition in liquid solutions
+" The purpose of this paper is to investigate the connection between the Lotka-Volterra system and combinatorics. We study several context-free grammars associated with the Lotka-Volterra system. Some combinatorial arrays, involving the Stirling numbers of the second kind and Eulerian numbers, are generated by these context-free grammars. In particular, we present grammatical characterization of some statistics on cyclically ordered partitions. ",Some combinatorial arrays related to the Lotka-Volterra system
+" We present some results on the usefulness of upgraded Tevatron, LHC proton proton collider and linear e+e- colliders in the TeV range to test the idea of a strongly interacting sector as responsible for the electroweak symmetry breaking. The calculations are performed within an effective lagrangian description, called the BESS model, which provides for a rather general frame based on the standing point of custodial symmetry and gauge invariance, without specifying any dynamical scheme. ",Some Results on the BESS Model at Future Colliders
+" We combine experimental bounds on the electric dipole moments of the neutron and electron with cosmological limits on the relic density of a gaugino-type LSP neutralino to constrain certain CP-violating phases appearing in the MSSM. We find that in the Constrained MSSM, the phase |\theta_\mu | < \pi/10, while the phase \theta_A remains essentially unconstrained. ",CP-Violating Phases in the MSSM
+" Let $g$ be a holomorphic map of $B$, where $B$ is the unit ball of ${C}^n$. Let $0-1$ and $\alpha>0$. This paper gives some necessary and sufficient conditions for the Extended Ces$\acute{a}$ro Operators induced by $g$ to be bounded or compact between generalized Besov space $B(p,q)$ and $\alpha$- Bloch space ${\mathcal B}^\alpha.$ ",Extended Ces$\acute{a}$RO Operators between Generalized Besov Spaces and Bloch Type Spaces in the Unit Ball
+" Two-photon imaging of calcium indicators allows simultaneous recording of responses of hundreds of neurons over hours and even days, but provides a relatively indirect measure of their spiking activity. Existing deconvolution algorithms attempt to recover spikes from observed imaging data, which are then commonly subjected to the same analyses that are applied to electrophysiologically recorded spikes (e.g., estimation of average firing rates, or tuning curves). Here we show, however, that in the presence of noise this approach is often heavily biased. We propose an alternative analysis that aims to estimate the underlying rate directly, by integrating over the unobserved spikes instead of committing to a single estimate of the spike train. This approach can be used to estimate average firing rates or tuning curves directly from the imaging data, and is sufficiently flexible to incorporate prior knowledge about tuning structure. We show that directly estimated rates are more accurate than those obtained from averaging of spikes estimated through deconvolution, both on simulated data and on imaging data acquired in mouse visual cortex. ",Direct Estimation of Firing Rates from Calcium Imaging Data
+" We have studied crystal structure, magnetism and electric transport properties of a europium fulleride Eu6C60 and its Sr-substituted compounds, Eu6-xSrxC60. They have a bcc structure, which is an isostructure of other M6C60 (M represents an alkali atom or an alkaline earth atom). Magnetic measurements revealed that magnetic moment is ascribed to the divalent europium atom with S = 7/2 spin, and a ferromagnetic transition was observed at TC = 10 - 14 K. In Eu6C60, we also confirm the ferromagnetic transition by heat capacity measurement. The striking feature in Eu6-xSrxC60} is very large negative magnetoresistance at low temperature; the resistivity ratio \rho(H = 9 T)/\rho(H = 0 T) reaches almost 10^{-3} at 1 K in Eu6C60. Such large magnetoresistance is the manifestation of a strong pi-f interaction between conduction carriers on C60 and 4f electrons of Eu. ",Ferromagnetism and giant magnetoresistance in the rare earth fullerides Eu6-xSrxC60
+" We investigate the scaling properties of the Barkhausen effect, recording the noise in several soft ferromagnetic materials: polycrystals with different grain sizes and amorphous alloys. We measure the Barkhausen avalanche distributions and determine the scaling exponents. In the limit of vanishing external field rate, we can group the samples in two distinct classes, characterized by exponents \tau = 1.50 \pm 0.05 or \tau = 1.27 \pm 0.03, for the avalanche size distributions. We interpret these results in terms of the depinning transition of domain walls and obtain an expression relating the cutoff of the distributions to the demagnetizing factor which is in quantitative agreement with experiments. ",Scaling exponents for Barkhausen avalanches in polycrystals and amorphous ferromagnets
+" Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) were once used solely for graphical computation tasks but with the increase in the use of machine learning applications, the use of GPUs to perform general-purpose computing has increased in the last few years. GPUs employ a massive amount of threads, that in turn achieve a high amount of parallelism, to perform tasks. Though GPUs have a high amount of computation power, they face the problem of cache contention due to the SIMT model that they use. A solution to this problem is called ""cache bypassing"". This paper presents a predictive model that analyzes the access patterns of various machine learning algorithms and determines whether certain data should be stored in the cache or not. It presents insights on how well each model performs on different datasets and also shows how minimizing the size of each model will affect its performance The performance of most of the models were found to be around 90% with KNN performing the best but not with the smallest size. We further increase the features by splitting the addresses into chunks of 4 bytes. We observe that this increased the performance of the neural network substantially and increased the accuracy to 99.9% with three neurons. ",Cache Bypassing for Machine Learning Algorithms
+" We present preliminary results of an ongoing survey to probe the physical nature of a sample of open clusters (POCRs, Bica et al. 2001) believed to be in an advanced stage of dynamical evolution. This kind of object is very important to constrain dynamical $N$-body models of clusters evolution and dissolution, and to understand the formation of the Galactic field stars population. Moreover they might represent what remains of much larger old clusters, which are of paramount importance to probe the early stages of the Galactic disk evolution. In this paper we present our results for NGC 1901. ",A survey of Probable Open Cluster Remnants in the Galactic Disk
+ We realize the enveloping algebra of the positive part of a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra as a convolution algebra of constructible functions on module varieties of some Iwanaga-Gorenstein algebras of dimension 1. ,Quivers with relations for symmetrizable Cartan matrices II : Convolution algebras
+" With the attention mechanism, transformers achieve significant empirical successes. Despite the intuitive understanding that transformers perform relational inference over long sequences to produce desirable representations, we lack a rigorous theory on how the attention mechanism achieves it. In particular, several intriguing questions remain open: (a) What makes a desirable representation? (b) How does the attention mechanism infer the desirable representation within the forward pass? (c) How does a pretraining procedure learn to infer the desirable representation through the backward pass? We observe that, as is the case in BERT and ViT, input tokens are often exchangeable since they already include positional encodings. The notion of exchangeability induces a latent variable model that is invariant to input sizes, which enables our theoretical analysis. - To answer (a) on representation, we establish the existence of a sufficient and minimal representation of input tokens. In particular, such a representation instantiates the posterior distribution of the latent variable given input tokens, which plays a central role in predicting output labels and solving downstream tasks. - To answer (b) on inference, we prove that attention with the desired parameter infers the latent posterior up to an approximation error, which is decreasing in input sizes. In detail, we quantify how attention approximates the conditional mean of the value given the key, which characterizes how it performs relational inference over long sequences. - To answer (c) on learning, we prove that both supervised and self-supervised objectives allow empirical risk minimization to learn the desired parameter up to a generalization error, which is independent of input sizes. Particularly, in the self-supervised setting, we identify a condition number that is pivotal to solving downstream tasks. ",An Analysis of Attention via the Lens of Exchangeability and Latent Variable Models
+" We have investigated the possible existence of a $^7$H resonant state, considered as a five-body system consisting of a $^3$H core with four valence neutrons. To this aim, an effective n-$^3$H potential is constructed in order to reproduce the low energy elastic neutron scattering on $^3$H phase shifts and the $^5$H resonant ground state in terms of $^3$H-n-n system. The variational Gaussian Expansion Method is used to solve the 5-body Schr\""{o}dinger equation, while the resonant state parameters were estimated by means of the stabilization method. We have not found any sign of a narrow low energy resonance in the vicinity of $^3$H+4n threshold. However, we have identified a very broad structure at $E_R\approx 9$ MeV above this threshold, which corresponds to the $^7$H J$^{\pi}$=1/2$^+$ ground state. In the vicinity of this state, we have also identified a broad structure corresponding to the ground state of $^6$H isotope with quantum numbers $J^{\pi}=2^-$. ",$^7$H ground state as a $^3$H+4n resonance
+" Experimental measurements and numerical simulations of turbulent flows are characterised by a trade-off between accuracy and resolution. In this study, we bridge this gap using Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) constrained by the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations and accurate sparse pointwise mean velocity measurements for data assimilation (DA). Firstly, by constraining the PINN with sparse data and the under-determined RANS equations without closure, we show that the mean flow is reconstructed to a higher accuracy than a RANS solver using the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) turbulence model. Secondly, we propose the SA turbulence model augmented PINN (PINN-DA-SA), which outperforms the former approach - up to 73% reduction in mean velocity reconstruction error with coarse measurements. The additional SA physics constraints improve flow reconstructions in regions with high velocity and pressure gradients and separation. Thirdly, we compare the PINN-DA-SA approach to a variational data assimilation using the same sparse velocity measurements and physics constraints. The PINN-DA-SA achieves lower reconstruction error across a range of data resolutions. This is attributed to discretisation errors in the variational methodology that are avoided by PINNs. We demonstrate the method using high fidelity measurements from direct numerical simulation of the turbulent periodic hill at Re=5600. ",Turbulence model augmented physics informed neural networks for mean flow reconstruction
+ The Hanbury-Brown-Twiss (HBT) radii have been calculated from the two particle correlation functions with virtual photons produced in the collisions of two nuclei at ultra-relativistic energies. We show that the variation of the HBT radii with the invariant mass of the virtual photon can be used to characterize and distinguish the hadronic as well as the partonic phase that might have produced initially in the collisions. It has been illustrated that the non-monotonic variation of the HBT radii with invariant mass provides an access to the development of collective flow in the system. ,Characterizing quark gluon plasma by dilepton interferometry
+" We discuss recent Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of the bright isolated neutron star RX J1856.5-3754 and suggest that the absence of any line features is due to effects of a high magnetic field strength (~10^13 G). Using different models for the temperature distribution across the neutron star surface assuming blackbody emission to fit the optical and X-ray spectrum and we derive a conservative lower limit of the ""apparent"" neutron star radius of 16.5 km x (d/117 pc). This corresponds to the radius for the ""true"" (de-redshifted) radius of 14 km for a 1.4 Msun neutron star, indicating a stiff equation of state at high densities. A comparison of the result with mass-radius diagrams shows that quark stars and neutron stars with quark matter cores can be ruled out with high confidence. ",The Puzzles of RX J1856.5-3754: Neutron Star or Quark Star?
+" The newly developed ""void expansion method"" allows for an efficient generation of porous packings of spherical particles over a wide range of volume fractions using the discrete element method. Particles are randomly placed under addition of much smaller ""void-particles"". Then, the void-particle radius is increased repeatedly, thereby rearranging the structural particles until formation of a dense particle packing. The structural particles' mean coordination number was used to characterize the evolving microstructures. At some void radius, a transition from an initially low to a higher mean coordination number is found, which was used to characterize the influence of the various simulation parameters. For structural and void-particle stiffnesses of the same order of magnitude, the transition is found at constant total volume fraction slightly below the random close packing limit. For decreasing void-particle stiffness the transition is shifted towards a smaller void-particle radius and becomes smoother. ",Generation of Porous Particle Structures using the Void Expansion Method
+" We study reversible deterministic dynamics of classical charged particles on a lattice with hard-core interaction. It is rigorously shown that the system exhibits three types of transport phenomena, ranging from ballistic, through diffusive to insulating. By obtaining an exact expressions for the current time-autocorrelation function we are able to calculate the linear response transport coefficients, such as the diffusion constant and the Drude weight. Additionally, we calculate the long- time charge profile after an inhomogeneous quench and obtain diffusive profile with the Green-Kubo diffusion constant. Exact analytical results are corroborated by Monte-Carlo simulations. ",Diffusion in deterministic interacting lattice systems
+" Though wakefield acceleration in crystal channels has been previously proposed, x-ray wakefield acceleration has only recently become a realistic possibility since the invention of the single-cycled optical laser compression technique. We investigate the acceleration due to a wakefield induced by a coherent, ultrashort x-ray pulse guided by a nanoscale channel inside a solid material. By two-dimensional particle in- cell computer simulations, we show that an acceleration gradient of TeV/cm is attainable. This is about 3 orders of magnitude stronger than that of the conventional plasma-based wakefield accelerations, which implies the possibility of an extremely compact scheme to attain ultrahigh energies. In addition to particle acceleration, this scheme can also induce the emission of high energy photons at ~O(10-100) MeV. Our simulations confirm such high energy photon emissions, which is in contrast with that induced by the optical laser driven wakefield scheme. In addition to this, the significantly improved emittance of the energetic electrons has been discussed. ",Particle-in-cell simulation of x-ray wakefield acceleration and betatron radiation in nanotubes
+" We present a higher genus generalization of $bc$-Motzkin numbers, which are themselves a generalization of Catalan numbers, and we derive a recursive formula which can be used to calculate them. Further, we show that this leads to a topological recursion which is identical to the topological recursion that had previously been proved by Dumitrescu and Mulase for generalized Catalan numbers, and which is an example of the Eynard-Orantin topological recursion. ",Topological Recursion for Generalized $bc$-Motzkin Numbers
+" At very high energies, the high parton densities (characterized by a semi-hard saturation scale \Lambda_s) ensure that parton distributions can be described by a classical effective field theory with remarkable properties analogous to those of spin glass systems. This color glass condensate (CGC) of gluons also provides the initial conditions for multi-particle production in high energy nuclear collisions. In this talk, we briefly summarize recent theoretical and phenomenological progress in the CGC approach to small x physics. In particular, we discuss recent numerical work on the real time gluodynamics of partons after a nuclear collision. The implications of this work for the theoretical study of thermalization in nuclear collisions and on the phenomenological interpretation of results of the recent RHIC experiments are also discussed. ",Small x physics and the initial conditions in heavy ion collisions
+" An exactly solvable model of the sawtooth chain with Ising and Heisenberg bonds and with coupling to lattice distortion for Heisenberg bonds is considered in the magnetic field. Using the direct transfer-matrix formalism an exact description of the thermodynamic functions is obtained. The ground state phase diagrams for all regions of parameters values containing phases corresponding to the magnetization plateaus at $M=0,1/4$ and 1/2 have been obtained. Exact formulas for bond distortions for various ground states are presented. A novel mechanism of magnetization plateau stabilization corresponding to $M=1/4$ state is reported. ",Lattice distortions in a sawtooth chain with Heisenberg and Ising bonds
+" We numerically evolve spherically symmetric solutions to the linear wave equation on some expanding Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetimes and study the respective asymptotics for large times. We find a quantitative relation between the expansion rate of the underlying background universe and the decay rate of linear waves, also in the context of spatially-hyperbolic spacetimes, for which rigorous proofs of decay rates are not generally known. A prominent role in the decay mechanism is shown to be played by tails, i.e. scattered waves propagating in the interior of the lightcone. ",Decay of solutions of the wave equation in cosmological spacetimes -- a numerical analysis
+" We propose that glass-forming liquids are intrinsically under the influences of both fluctuating interactions and random fields well-known in the field of spin systems. This is due to the frustration between the isotropic and anisotropic parts of effective intermolecular interactions. Our model indicates the existence of two key temperatures relevant to glass transition, the density ordering point T^*_m and the Vogel-Fulcher temperature T_0. Between T^*_m and T_0, a system has features similar to the `Griffiths phase', while below $T_0$ it has those peculiar to the `spin-glass phase'. This picture naturally and universally explains vitrification behavior from its strong to fragile limit. ",A simple physical model of liquid-glass transition: intrinsic fluctuating interactions and random fields hidden in glass-forming liquids
+" W43-MM1 is a young region, very rich in terms of high-mass star formation. We aim to systematically identify the massive cores which contain a hot core and compare their molecular composition. We used ALMA high-spatial resolution (2500 au) data of W43-MM1 to identify line-rich protostellar cores and make a comparative study of their temperature and molecular composition. The identification of hot cores is based on both the spatial distribution of the complex organic molecules and the contribution of molecular lines relative to the continuum intensity. We rely on the analysis of CH3CN and CH3CCH to estimate the temperatures of the selected cores. Finally, we rescale the spectra of the different hot cores based on their CH3OCHO line intensities to directly compare the detections and line intensities of the other species. W43-MM1 turns out to be a region rich in massive hot cores with at least 1 less massive and 7 massive hot cores. The excitation temperature of CH3CN is of the same order for all of them (120-160 K). There is a factor of up to 30 difference in the intensity of the complex organic molecules (COMs) lines. However the molecular emission of the hot cores appears to be the same within a factor 2-3. This points towards both a similar chemical composition and excitation of most of the COMs over these massive cores, which span about an order of magnitude in core mass. In contrast, CH3CCH emission is found to preferentially trace more the envelope, with a temperature ranging from 50 K to 90 K. Core 1, the most massive hot core of W43-MM1, shows a richer line spectrum than the other cores. In core 2, the emission of O-bearing molecules does not peak at the dust continuum core center; the blue and red shifted emission correspond to the outflow lobes, suggesting a formation via the sublimation of the ice mantles through shocks or UV irradiation on the walls of the cavity. ","ALMA-IMF IV -- A comparative study of the main hot cores in W43-MM1: detection, temperature and molecular composition"
+" Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a growing trend among enterprises, aiming to improve workers' mobility and productivity via their smartphones. The threats and dangers posed by the smartphones to the enterprise are also ever-growing. Such dangers can be mitigated by running the enterprise software inside a ""secure container"" on the smartphone. In our work we present a systematic assessment of security critical areas in design and implementation of a secure container for Android using reverse engineering and attacker-inspired methods. We do this through a case-study of Samsung KNOX, a real-world product deployed on millions of devices. Our research shows how KNOX security features work behind the scenes and lets us compare the vendor's public security claims against reality. Along the way we identified several design weaknesses and a few vulnerabilities that were disclosed to Samsung. ",Secure Containers in Android: the Samsung KNOX Case Study
+" We discuss stability and phase coherence of 1D trapped Bose gases and find that inelastic decay processes, such as 3-body recombination, are suppressed in the strongly interacting (Tonks-Girardeau) and intermediate regimes. This is promising for achieving these regimes with a large number of particles. ""Fermionization"" of the system reduces the phase coherence length, and at T=0 the gas is fully phase coherent only deeply in the weakly interacting (Gross-Pitaevskii) regime. ",Stability and phase coherence of trapped 1D Bose gases
+ We prove that the energy conditions in arXiv:1302.5093v7 are implied by the fractional A2 conditions and testing conditions for the vector of fractional Riesz transforms when one measure is supported on a line. Then we apply the main theorem in arXiv:1302.5093v7 to obtain a T1 theorem for the fractional Riesz transforms when one weight is supported on a line. ,"A geometric condition, necessity of energy, and two weight boundedness of fractional Riesz transforms"
+ We review various connections between condensed matter systems with the Nambu-Jona Lasinio model and nonlinear sigma models. The field theoretical description of interacting systems offers a systematic framework to describe the dynamical generation of condensates. Resent findings of a duality between the Nambu-Jona Lasinio model and the nonlinear sigma model enables us to investigate various properties underlying both theories. In this review we mainly focus on inhomogeneous condensations in static situations. The various methods developed in the Nambu-Jona Lasinio model reveal the inhomogeneous phase structures and also yield new inhomogeneous solutions in the nonlinear sigma model owing to the duality. The recent progress on interacting systems in finite systems is also reviewed. ,Nambu-Jona Lasinio and Nonlinear Sigma Models in Condensed Matter Systems
+" In this paper, we propose new lower and upper bounds on the linear extension complexity of regular $n$-gons. Our bounds are based on the equivalence between the computation of (i) an extended formulation of size $r$ of a polytope $P$, and (ii) a rank-$r$ nonnegative factorization of a slack matrix of the polytope $P$. The lower bound is based on an improved bound for the rectangle covering number (also known as the boolean rank) of the slack matrix of the $n$-gons. The upper bound is a slight improvement of the result of Fiorini, Rothvoss and Tiwary [Extended Formulations for Polygons, Discrete Comput. Geom. 48(3), pp. 658-668, 2012]. The difference with their result is twofold: (i) our proof uses a purely algebraic argument while Fiorini et al. used a geometric argument, and (ii) we improve the base case allowing us to reduce their upper bound $2 \left\lceil \log_2(n) \right\rceil$ by one when $2^{k-1} < n \leq 2^{k-1}+2^{k-2}$ for some integer $k$. We conjecture that this new upper bound is tight, which is suggested by numerical experiments for small $n$. Moreover, this improved upper bound allows us to close the gap with the best known lower bound for certain regular $n$-gons (namely, $9 \leq n \leq 13$ and $21 \leq n \leq 24$) hence allowing for the first time to determine their extension complexity. ",On the Linear Extension Complexity of Regular n-gons
+" Following Richardson and using results of Kesten on First-passage percolation, we obtain an upper bound on the expected perimeter in an Eden Growth Process. Using results of the author from a problem in Statistical Mechanics, we show that the average perimeter of the lattice animals resulting from a very natural family of ""growth histories"" does not obey a similar bound. ",The Expected Perimeter in Eden and Related Growth Processes
+" Shannon quantum information entropies $S_{\rho,\gamma}$, Fisher informations $I_{\rho,\gamma}$, Onicescu energies $O_{\rho,\gamma}$ and complexities $e^SO$ are calculated both in position (subscript $\rho$) and momentum ($\gamma$) spaces for azimuthally symmetric 2D nanoring that is placed into combination of transverse uniform magnetic field $\bf B$ and Aharonov-Bohm (AB) flux $\phi_{AB}$ and whose potential profile is modeled by superposition of quadratic and inverse quadratic dependencies on radius $r$. Increasing intensity $B$ flattens momentum waveforms $\Phi_{nm}({\bf k})$ and in the limit of infinitely large fields they turn to zero, what means that the position wave functions $\Psi_{nm}({\bf r})$, which are their Fourier counterparts, tend in this limit to the $\delta$-functions. Position (momentum) Shannon entropy depends on the field $B$ as a negative (positive) logarithm of $\omega_{eff}\equiv\left(\omega_0^2+\omega_c^2/4\right)^{1/2}$, where $\omega_0$ determines the quadratic steepness of the confining potential and $\omega_c$ is a cyclotron frequency. This makes the sum ${S_\rho}_{nm}+{S_\gamma}_{nm}$ a field-independent quantity that increases with the principal $n$ and azimuthal $m$ quantum numbers and does satisfy entropic uncertainty relation. Position Fisher information does not depend on $m$, linearly increases with $n$ and varies as $\omega_{eff}$ whereas its $n$ and $m$ dependent Onicescu counterpart ${O_\rho}_{nm}$ changes as $\omega_{eff}^{-1}$. The products ${I_\rho}_{nm}{I_\gamma}_{nm}$ and ${O_\rho}_{nm}{O_\gamma}_{nm}$ are $B$-independent quantities. A dependence of the measures on the ring geometry is discussed. It is argued that a variation of the position Shannon entropy or Onicescu energy with the AB field uniquely determines an associated persistent current as a function of $\phi_{AB}$ at $B=0$. An inverse statement is correct too. ",Quantum information measures of the Aharonov-Bohm ring in uniform magnetic fields
+" We introduce a tracking-by-detection method that integrates a deep object detector with a particle filter tracker under the regularization framework where the tracked object is represented by a sparse dictionary. A novel observation model which establishes consensus between the detector and tracker is formulated that enables us to update the dictionary with the guidance of the deep detector. This yields an efficient representation of the object appearance through the video sequence hence improves robustness to occlusion and pose changes. Moreover we propose a new state vector consisting of translation, rotation, scaling and shearing parameters that allows tracking the deformed object bounding boxes hence significantly increases robustness to scale changes. Numerical results reported on challenging VOT2016 and VOT2018 benchmarking data sets demonstrate that the introduced tracker, L1DPF-M, achieves comparable robustness on both data sets while it outperforms state-of-the-art trackers on both data sets where the improvement achieved in success rate at IoU-th=0.5 is 11% and 9%, respectively. ",Integration of Regularized l1 Tracking and Instance Segmentation for Video Object Tracking
+" We show that the partially topological twisted N=16, D=2 super Yang-Mill theory gives rise to a N_T=8 Hodge-type cohomological gauge theory with global SU(4) symmetry. ","N_T=8, D=2 Hodge-type cohomological gauge theory with global SU(4) symmetry"
+" For any real number $x \in [0,1)$, we denote by $q_n(x)$ the denominator of the $n$-th convergent of the continued fraction expansion of $x$ $(n \in \mathbb{N})$. It is well-known that the Lebesgue measure of the set of points $x \in [0,1)$ for which $\log q_n(x)/n$ deviates away from $\pi^2/(12\log2)$ decays to zero as $n$ tends to infinity. In this paper, we study the rate of this decay by giving an upper bound and a lower bound. What is interesting is that the upper bound is closely related to the Hausdorff dimensions of the level sets for $\log q_n(x)/n$. As a consequence, we obtain a large deviation type result for $\log q_n(x)/n$, which indicates that the rate of this decay is exponential. ",The denominators of convergents for continued fractions
+" Deep learning, and in particular Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) have shown superior accuracy in a large variety of tasks including machine translation, language understanding, and movie frame generation. However, these deep learning approaches are very expensive in terms of computation. In most cases, Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) are in used for large scale implementations. Meanwhile, energy efficient RNN approaches are proposed for deploying solutions on special purpose hardware including Field Programming Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and mobile platforms. In this paper, we propose an effective quantization approach for Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) techniques including Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), and Convolutional Long Short Term Memory (ConvLSTM). We have implemented different quantization methods including Binary Connect {-1, 1}, Ternary Connect {-1, 0, 1}, and Quaternary Connect {-1, -0.5, 0.5, 1}. These proposed approaches are evaluated on different datasets for sentiment analysis on IMDB and video frame predictions on the moving MNIST dataset. The experimental results are compared against the full precision versions of the LSTM, GRU, and ConvLSTM. They show promising results for both sentiment analysis and video frame prediction. ",Effective Quantization Approaches for Recurrent Neural Networks
+" A number of recent works employ bilinear Hamiltonian interactions between Linear Quantum Stochastic Systems (LQSSs). Contrary to naturally occurring Hamiltonian interactions between physical systems, such interactions must be engineered. In this work, we propose a simple model for the implementation of an arbitrary bilinear interaction between two given LQSSs via a feedback interconnection. ",Implementation of Bilinear Hamiltonian Interactions between Linear Quantum Stochastic Systems via Feedback
+" We present the Spectral Energy Distribution of HR 4049 based on literature data and new continuum measurements at 850 micron. The SED shows variable absorption in the UV, and a large IR excess, both caused by circumstellar dust. The shape of the IR excess from 1 micron all the way down to 850 micron can be nearly perfectly fitted with a single blackbody function at T ~ 1150 K or alternatively with a sum of blackbodies in a narrow temperature range. The energy emitted in this IR continuum radiation is about one-third of the stellar luminosity. We show that this blackbody radiation must be due to the presence of a circumbinary disk with a large height. This disk must also be gas-rich, in agreement with the observations of molecular bands in the ISO-SWS spectrum. We present two possible scenario's for explaining the shape and the intensity of the IR excess. The first scenario involves large grains (a >1 mm) that each radiate like a blackbody. The second scenario argues that the blackbody radiation is due to a very optically thick circumbinary disk. We investigate if such a disk would indeed produce blackbody radiation by presenting results from radiative transfer calculations. We further quantify the properties of such a disk and its stability in the framework of (hydro)dynamics, grain settling, radiation pressure and grain drift. The virtues and shortcomings of both models for the origin of the IR blackbody are discussed by contrasting them with other observations and assessing them in the framework of (binary) (post-)AGB evolution. ",The dust disk of HR4049
+" We investigate the stability of a neutrino-dominated accretion flow (NDAF), which is expected to be formed in the gravitational collapse of a massive star or the merger of a neutron star binary, based on the variable-$\alpha$ prescription. Recent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations shows that the viscosity parameter $\alpha$ is proportional to the power of the magnetic Prandtl number ${\rm Pm}=\nu/\eta$, where $\nu$ and $\eta$ are the kinematic viscosity and electric resistivity of the fluid, respectively. In the inner region of a hyperaccretion flow, the viscosity and resistivity are carried by mildly, relativistically degenerated electrons. We fit the dependence of the magnetic Prandtl number on density and temperature by a simple analytic form, and derive the condition for an NDAF to be dynamically unstable. As demonstrations we perform simple one-dimensional simulations of NDAFs with the variable-$\alpha$ and show that the mass accretion becomes highly time-variable in the unstable branch. This mechanism may account for the rapid variability observed in the prompt emission of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The mass ejection from a hyperaccretion flow due to viscous heating, which makes a kilonova/macronova emission in the merger of a neutron star binary, is also briefly discussed. ",Neutrino-Dominated Accretion Flows with Magnetic Prandtl Number-Dependent MRI-driven Turbulence
+" In this article we study singular subelliptic $p$-Laplace equations and best constants in Sobolev inequalities on nilpotent Lie groups. We prove solvability of these subelliptic $p$-Laplace equations and existence of the minimizer of the corresponding variational problem. It leads to existence of the best constant in the corresponding $(q,p)$-Sobolev inequality, $06 galaxies through ALMA observations of [CII]
+" We study the complexity of a class of problems involving satisfying constraints which remain the same under translations in one or more spatial directions. In this paper, we show hardness of a classical tiling problem on an N x N 2-dimensional grid and a quantum problem involving finding the ground state energy of a 1-dimensional quantum system of N particles. In both cases, the only input is N, provided in binary. We show that the classical problem is NEXP-complete and the quantum problem is QMA_EXP-complete. Thus, an algorithm for these problems which runs in time polynomial in N (exponential in the input size) would imply that EXP = NEXP or BQEXP = QMA_EXP, respectively. Although tiling in general is already known to be NEXP-complete, to our knowledge, all previous reductions require that either the set of tiles and their constraints or some varying boundary conditions be given as part of the input. In the problem considered here, these are fixed, constant-sized parameters of the problem. Instead, the problem instance is encoded solely in the size of the system. ",The Quantum and Classical Complexity of Translationally Invariant Tiling and Hamiltonian Problems
+" In this paper we extend to non-compact Riemannian manifolds with boundary the use of two important tools in the geometric analysis of compact spaces, namely, the weak maximum principle for subharmonic functions and the integration by parts. The first one is a new form of the classical Ahlfors maximum principle whereas the second one is a version for manifolds with boundary of the so called Kelvin-Nevanlinna-Royden criterion of parabolicity. In fact, we will show that the validity of non-compact versions of these tools serve as a characterization of the Neumann parabolicity of the space. The motivation underlying this study is to obtain new information on the geometry of graphs with prescribed mean curvature inside a Riemannian product of the type $N\times\mathbb{R}$. In this direction two kind of results will be presented: height estimates for constant mean curvature graphs parametrized over unbounded domains in a complete manifold and slice type results for graphs whose superlevel sets have finite volume. ",Global maximum principles and divergence theorems on complete manifolds with boundary
+" We develop an approach, by calculating the autocorrelation function of spins, to derive the magnetic field gradient induced transverse ($T_2$) relaxation of spins undergoing restricted diffusion. This approach is an extension to the method adopted by McGregor. McGregor's approach solves the problem only in the fast diffusion limit; however, our approach yields a single analytical solution suitable in all diffusion regimes, including the intermediate regime. This establishes a direct connection between the well-known Torrey's slow diffusion result and the fast diffusion result. We also perform free induction decay measurements on spin-exchange optically polarized $^3$He gas with different diffusion constants. The transverse relaxation profiles are compared with the theory and satisfactory agreement has been found throughout all diffusion regimes. In addition to the transverse relaxation, this approach is also applicable to solving the longitudinal relaxation ($T_1$) regardless of the diffusion limits. It turns out that the longitudinal relaxation in the slow diffusion limit differs by a factor of two, compared with that in the fast diffusion limit. ",General Solution to Gradient Induced Transverse and Longitudinal Relaxation of Spins Undergoing Restricted Diffusion
+" The present paper provides exact expressions for the probability distributions of linear functionals of the two-parameter Poisson--Dirichlet process $\operatorname {PD}(\alpha,\theta)$. We obtain distributional results yielding exact forms for density functions of these functionals. Moreover, several interesting integral identities are obtained by exploiting a correspondence between the mean of a Poisson--Dirichlet process and the mean of a suitable Dirichlet process. Finally, some distributional characterizations in terms of mixture representations are proved. The usefulness of the results contained in the paper is demonstrated by means of some illustrative examples. Indeed, our formulae are relevant to occupation time phenomena connected with Brownian motion and more general Bessel processes, as well as to models arising in Bayesian nonparametric statistics. ",Distributions of linear functionals of two parameter Poisson--Dirichlet random measures
+" In this letter we derive a new method for direct calculation of the modal contributions to thermal conductivity, which is termed Green-Kubo modal analysis (GKMA). The GKMA method combines the lattice dynamics formalism with the Green-Kubo formula for thermal conductivity, such that the thermal conductivity becomes a direct summation of modal contributions, where one need not define the phonon velocity. As a result the GKMA method can be applied to any material/group of atoms where the atoms vibrate around stable equilibrium positions, which includes not only crystalline line compounds, but also random alloys, amorphous materials and even molecules. The GKMA method provides new insight into the nature of phonon transport, as it casts the problem in terms of mode-mode correlation instead of scattering, and provides a general unified formalism that can be used to understand phonon-phonon interactions in essentially any class of materials or structures where the atoms vibrate around stable equilibrium sites. ",Direct Calculation of Modal Contributions to Thermal Conductivity via Green-Kubo Modal Analysis: Crystalline and Amorphous Silicon
+" We consider the Euler--Darboux equation with parameters modulo 1/2 and generalization to the space 3D analogue. Due to the fact that the Cauchy problem in its classical formulation is incorrect for such parameter values, the authors propose formulations and solutions of modified Cauchy-type problems with parameter values: a) $\alpha=\beta=\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}$, b) $\alpha=-\,\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}$, $\beta=+\,\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}$, c) $\alpha=\beta=-\,\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}$. The obtained result is used to formulate an analogue of the $\Delta_1$ problem in the first quadrant with the setting of boundary conditions with displacement on the coordinate axes and non-standard conjugation conditions on the singularity line of the coefficients of the equation $y=x$. The first of these conditions glues the normal derivatives of the desired solution, the~second contains the limit values of the combination of the solution and its normal derivatives. The problem was reduced to a uniquely solvable system of integral equations. ",The modified problems for the equation of Euler--Darboux in the case of parameters on the module equal to 1/2
+" Inversion by Direct Iteration (InDI) is a new formulation for supervised image restoration that avoids the so-called ``regression to the mean'' effect and produces more realistic and detailed images than existing regression-based methods. It does this by gradually improving image quality in small steps, similar to generative denoising diffusion models. Image restoration is an ill-posed problem where multiple high-quality images are plausible reconstructions of a given low-quality input. Therefore, the outcome of a single step regression model is typically an aggregate of all possible explanations, therefore lacking details and realism. The main advantage of InDI is that it does not try to predict the clean target image in a single step but instead gradually improves the image in small steps, resulting in better perceptual quality. While generative denoising diffusion models also work in small steps, our formulation is distinct in that it does not require knowledge of any analytic form of the degradation process. Instead, we directly learn an iterative restoration process from low-quality and high-quality paired examples. InDI can be applied to virtually any image degradation, given paired training data. In conditional denoising diffusion image restoration the denoising network generates the restored image by repeatedly denoising an initial image of pure noise, conditioned on the degraded input. Contrary to conditional denoising formulations, InDI directly proceeds by iteratively restoring the input low-quality image, producing high-quality results on a variety of image restoration tasks, including motion and out-of-focus deblurring, super-resolution, compression artifact removal, and denoising. ",Inversion by Direct Iteration: An Alternative to Denoising Diffusion for Image Restoration
+" A good correlation has been found in star-forming galaxies between the soft X-ray and the far infrared or radio luminosities. In this work we analyze the relation between the soft X-ray and far infrared luminosities as predicted by evolutionary population synthesis models, aiming first to test the validity of the soft X-ray luminosity as a star formation rate estimator, using the already known calibration of the FIR luminosity as a proxy, and second proposing a calibration based on the predictions of evolutionary synthesis models. We have computed the soft X-ray and far infrared luminosities expected for a massive starburst as a function of evolutionary state, efficiency of the conversion of mechanical energy into soft X-ray luminosity, star formation regime (instantaneous or extended) and dust abundance, and have compared the predictions with observational values for a sample of 62 star-forming galaxies taken from the literature. The observational Lsoftx/Lfir ratios are consistent with the predictions by the models under realistic assumptions (young starbursts, efficiency in the re-processing of mechanical energy of few percent), confirming the direct relation of the diffuse soft X-ray emission with the star formation episode. The soft X-ray emission of the diffuse, extended gas surrounding massive star forming regions can be used as a Star Formation Rate estimator. The empirical calibrations presented in the literature are supported by the predictions of evolutionary synthesis models and by the analysis of a larger sample of star-forming galaxies, but it is biased towards galaxies dominated by relatively unevolved starbursts. ",Soft X-ray to Far Infrared luminosities ratio in star-forming galaxies
+" We have found one of the possible conditions under which the Beltrami equation with degeneration of ellipticity has a continuous solution of the Sobolev class. With some additional requirements, this solution is homeomorphic ",On the existence of a solution of the Beltrami equation with degeneration
+" As a step towards understanding the in-medium evolution of a hard jet, we consider the interference pattern for the medium induced gluon radiation produced by a color singlet quark-antiquark antenna embedded in a QCD medium with size L. We focus on the typical kinematics for medium-induced gluon radiation in the BDMPS-Z regime, that is, short formation times \tau_f << L and relatively large emission angles \theta >>\theta_c = 2/\sqrt{\hat q L^3}, with \hat q the `jet quenching' parameter. We demonstrate that, for a dipole opening angle \theta_{q\bar q} larger than \theta_c, the interference between the medium-induced gluon emissions by the quark and the antiquark is parametrically suppressed with respect to the corresponding direct emissions. Physically, this is so since the direct emissions can be delocalized anywhere throughout the medium and thus yield contributions proportional to L. On the contrary, the interference occurs only between gluons emitted at very early times, within the characteristic time scales for quantum and color coherence between the two emitters, which in this regime are much smaller than L. This implies that, for \theta_{q\bar q} >> \theta_c, the medium-induced radiation by the dipole is simply the sum of the two BDMPS-Z spectra individually produced by the quark and the antiquark, without coherence effects like angular ordering. For \theta_{q\bar q} << \theta_c, the BDMPS-Z radiation by the dipole vanishes. ",Interference effects in medium-induced gluon radiation
+" A model for observable effects of electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations is presented. The model involves a probe pulse which traverses a slab of nonlinear optical material with a nonzero second order polarizability. We argue that the pulse interacts with the ambient vacuum fluctuations of other modes of the quantized electric field, and these vacuum fluctuations cause variations in the flight time of the pulse through the material. The geometry of the slab of material defines a sampling function for the quantized electric field, which in turn determines that vacuum modes whose wavelengths are of the order of the thickness of the slab give the dominant contribution. Some numerical estimates are made, which indicate that fractional fluctuations in flight time of the order of $10^{-9}$ are possible in realistic situations. The model presented here is both an illustration of a physical effect of vacuum fluctuations, and an analog model for the lightcone fluctuations predicted by quantum gravity. ",Vacuum Lightcone Fluctuations in a Dielectric
+" In this paper a fairly complete mathematical model of CP-PLL, which reliable enough to serve as a tool for credible analysis of dynamical properties of these circuits, is studied. We refine relevant mathematical definitions of the hold-in and pull-in ranges related to the local and global stability. Stability analysis of the steady state for the charge-pump phase locked loop is non-trivial: straight-forward linearization of available CP-PLL models may lead to incorrect conclusions, because the system is not smooth near the steady state and may experience overload. In this work necessary details for local stability analysis are presented and the hold-in range is computed. An upper estimate of the pull-in range is obtained via the analysis of limit cycles. The study provided an answer to Gardner's conjecture on the similarity of transient responses of CP-PLL and equivalent classical PLL and to conjectures on the infinite pull-in range of CP-PLL with proportionally-integrating filter. ",Nonlinear analysis of charge-pump phase-locked loop: the hold-in and pull-in ranges
+" Plasmoid-mediated reconnection is investigated for nonlinear Peeling-Ballooning Edge-Localized Modes (P-B ELMs). The formation of current sheets and the transition to 3-D current sheet instability is demonstrated through fully nonlinear resistive MHD simulations of P-B ELMs in DIII- D discharges. Large-scale axisymmetric current sheets, as well as small-scale poloidally extending current sheets, are formed as the coherent P-B ELM filaments nonlinearly evolve. It is observed that, at high Lundquist numbers, these current sheets break during a reconnection burst, i.e. a secondary exponential growth of intermediate modes followed by relaxation due to the suppression of P-B drive. ",Plasmoid-mediated reconnection during nonlinear peeling-ballooning edge-localized modes
+" We perform direct numerical simulations of the equations of magnetohydrodynamics with external random forcing and in the presence of gravity. The domain is divided into two parts: a lower layer where the forcing is helical and an upper layer where the helicity of the forcing is zero with a smooth transition in between. At early times, a large-scale helical dynamo develops in the bottom layer. At later times the dynamo saturates, but the vertical magnetic field continues to develop and rises to form dynamic bipolar structures at the top, which later disappear and reappear. Some of the structures look similar to $\delta$ spots observed in the Sun. This is the first example of magnetic flux concentrations, owing to strong density stratification, from self-consistent dynamo simulations that generate bipolar, super-equipartition strength, magnetic structures whose energy density can exceeds the turbulent kinetic energy by even a factor of ten. ",Intense bipolar structures from stratified helical dynamos
+" For a square-free bivariate polynomial $p$ of degree $n$ we introduce a simple and fast numerical algorithm for the construction of $n\times n$ matrices $A$, $B$, and $C$ such that $\det(A+xB+yC)=p(x,y)$. This is the minimal size needed to represent a bivariate polynomial of degree $n$. Combined with a square-free factorization one can now compute $n \times n$ matrices for any bivariate polynomial of degree $n$. The existence of such symmetric matrices was established by Dixon in 1902, but, up to now, no simple numerical construction has been found, even if the matrices can be nonsymmetric. Such representations may be used to efficiently numerically solve a system of two bivariate polynomials of small degree via the eigenvalues of a two-parameter eigenvalue problem. The new representation speeds up the computation considerably. ",Minimal determinantal representations of bivariate polynomials
+" We investigate thoroughly the temporal evolution of the universe temperature as a function of the Hubble parameter associated with the Stochastic Gravitational Wave (SGW), that formed at the cosmological QCD phase transition epoch to the current epoch, within the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) framework. Here we use GUP version which provide constraints on the minimum measurable length and the maximum observable momentum, that characterized by a free parameter $\alpha$. We study the effect of this parameter on the SGW background. We show that the effect can slightly enhance the SGW frequency in the lower frequency regime which might be important in the detection of SGW in the future GW detection facilities. ","Minimal length, maximal momentum and stochastic gravitational waves spectrum generated from cosmological QCD phase transition"
+" In (2+1)-dimensional general relativity, the path integral for a manifold $M$ can be expressed in terms of a topological invariant, the Ray-Singer torsion of a flat bundle over $M$. For some manifolds, this makes an explicit computation of transition amplitudes possible. In this paper, we evaluate the amplitude for a simple topology-changing process. We show that certain amplitudes for spatial topology change are nonvanishing---in fact, they can be infrared divergent---but that they are infinitely suppressed relative to similar topology-preserving amplitudes. ",Topology Change in (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity
+" A set of functions is introduced which generalizes the famous Schur polynomials and their connection to Grasmannian manifolds. These functions are shown to provide a new method of constructing solutions to the KP hierarchy of nonlinear partial differential equations. Specifically, just as the Schur polynomials are used to expand tau-functions as a sum, it is shown that it is natural to expand a quotient of tau-functions in terms of these generalized Schur functions. The coefficients in this expansion are found to be constrained by the Pl\""ucker relations of a grassmannian. ","Grassmannians, Nonlinear Wave Equations and Generalized Schur Functions"
+" Let $G$ be a graph, and let $f_G$ be the sum of $(-1)^{|A|}$, over all stable sets $A$. If $G$ is a cycle with length divisible by three, then $f_G= \pm 2$. Motivated by topological considerations, G. Kalai and R. Meshulam made the conjecture that,if no induced cycle of a graph $G$ has length divisible by three, then $|f_G|\le 1$. We prove this conjecture. ",Proof of the Kalai-Meshulam conjecture
+" Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) obtain outstanding results in tasks that require human-level understanding of data, like image or speech recognition. However, their computational load is significant, motivating the development of CNN-specialized accelerators. This work presents NEURAghe, a flexible and efficient hardware/software solution for the acceleration of CNNs on Zynq SoCs. NEURAghe leverages the synergistic usage of Zynq ARM cores and of a powerful and flexible Convolution-Specific Processor deployed on the reconfigurable logic. The Convolution-Specific Processor embeds both a convolution engine and a programmable soft core, releasing the ARM processors from most of the supervision duties and allowing the accelerator to be controlled by software at an ultra-fine granularity. This methodology opens the way for cooperative heterogeneous computing: while the accelerator takes care of the bulk of the CNN workload, the ARM cores can seamlessly execute hard-to-accelerate parts of the computational graph, taking advantage of the NEON vector engines to further speed up computation. Through the companion NeuDNN SW stack, NEURAghe supports end-to-end CNN-based classification with a peak performance of 169 Gops/s, and an energy efficiency of 17 Gops/W. Thanks to our heterogeneous computing model, our platform improves upon the state-of-the-art, achieving a frame rate of 5.5 fps on the end-to-end execution of VGG-16, and 6.6 fps on ResNet-18. ",NEURAghe: Exploiting CPU-FPGA Synergies for Efficient and Flexible CNN Inference Acceleration on Zynq SoCs
+ These notes aim to give a first introduction to intersection cohomology and perverse sheaves with applications to representation theory or quantum groups in mind. ,An introduction to perverse sheaves
+" We study the dynamics of self-trapping in Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) loaded in deep optical lattices with Gaussian initial conditions, when the dynamics is well described by the Discrete Nonlinear Schr\""odinger Equation (DNLS). In the literature an approximate dynamical phase diagram based on a variational approach was introduced to distinguish different dynamical regimes: diffusion, self-trapping and moving breathers. However, we find that the actual DNLS dynamics shows a completely different diagram than the variational prediction. We numerically calculate a detailed dynamical phase diagram accurately describing the different dynamical regimes. It exhibits a complex structure which can readily be tested in current experiments in BECs in optical lattices and in optical waveguide arrays. Moreover, we derive an explicit theoretical estimate for the transition to self-trapping in excellent agreement with our numerical findings, which may be a valuable guide as well for future studies on a quantum dynamical phase diagram based on the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. ",Dynamical phase diagram of Gaussian BEC wave packets in optical lattices
+" An extra Abelian gauge symmetry is motivated in many new physics models in both supersymmetric and nonsupersymmetric cases. Such a new gauge symmetry may interact with both the observable sector and the hidden sector. We systematically investigate the most general residual discrete symmetries in both sectors from a common Abelian gauge symmetry. Those discrete symmetries can ensure the stability of the proton and the dark matter candidate. A hidden sector dark matter candidate (lightest U-parity particle or LUP) interacts with the standard model fields through the gauge boson Z', which may selectively couple to quarks or leptons only. We make a comment on the implications of the discrete symmetry and the leptonically coupling dark matter candidate, which has been highlighted recently due to the possibility of the simultaneous explanation of the DAMA and the PAMELA results. We also show how to construct the most general U(1) charges for a given discrete symmetry, and discuss the relation between the U(1) gauge symmetry and R-parity. ",Common gauge origin of discrete symmetries in observable sector and hidden sector
+" The canonical commutation relation is the hallmark of quantum theory and Heisenberg's uncertainty relation is a direct consequence of it. But despite its fundamental role in quantum theory, surprisingly, its genuine direct experimental test has hitherto not been performed. In this article, we present a novel scheme to directly test the canonical commutation relation between two dichotomic observables, by exploiting the notion of weak measurement. The imaginary part of a suitably formulated weak value enables this direct test. The measurement of the weak value of a path-qubit observable in a neutron interferometer experiment is used to verify the approach. The experiment is realized using a newly developed technique in our neutron interferometric setup where the neutron's spin/energy degree of freedom serves as ancilla. ",Direct experimental test of commutation relation via weak value
+ We consider interactions of fermions with the domain wall bubbles produced during a first order phase transition. A new exact solution of the Dirac equations is obtained for a wall profile incorporating a position dependent phase factor. The reflection coefficients are obtained. ,Fermion Scattering in domain walls with a locally dependent phase
+" Ensemble data assimilation in flood forecasting depends strongly on the density, frequency and statistics of errors associated with the observation network. This work focuses on the assimilation of 2D flood extent data, expressed in terms of wet surface ratio, in addition to the in-situ water level data. The objective is to improve the representation of the flood plain dynamics with a TELEMAC-2D model and an Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). The EnKF control vector is composed of friction coefficients and corrective parameters to the input forcing. It is augmented with the water level state averaged over selected subdomains of the floodplain. This work focuses on the 2019 flood event that occurred over the Garonne Marmandaise catchment. The merits of assimilating SAR-derived flood plain data complementary to in-situ water level observations are shown in the control parameter and observation spaces with 1D and 2D assessment metrics. It was also shown that the assimilation of Wet surface Ratio in the flood plain complementary to in-situ data in the river bed brings significative improvement when a corrective term on flood plain hydraulic state is included in the control vector. Yet, it has barely no impact in the river bed that is sufficiently well described by in-situ data. We highlighted that the correction of the hydraulic state in the flood plain significantly improved the flood dynamics, especially during the recession. This proof-of-concept study paves the way towards near-real-time flood forecast, making the most of remote sensing-derived flood observations. ",Enhancing Flood Forecasting with Dual State-Parameter Estimation and Ensemble-based SAR Data Assimilation
+" If $\phi$ is an automorphism of a group $G$ and $x,y\in G$, we say that $x$ and $y$ are $\phi$-twisted conjugates if there exists an $z\in G$ such that $y=z.x.\phi(z^{-1})$. This is an equivalence relation. If there are infinitely many $\phi$-twisted conjugacy classes for every automorphism $\phi$ of $G$ we say that $G$ has the $R_\infty$-property. We prove that the generalized Richard Thompson groups $F_n$ and $F(l,A,P)$ have the $R_\infty$-property. ",Twisted conjugacy in generalized Thompson groups of type F
+" In this note we investigate the structure of the space $\Jj$ of smooth almost complex structures on $S^2\times S^2$ that are compatible with some symplectic form. This space has a natural stratification that changes as the cohomology class of the form changes and whose properties are very closely connected to the topology of the group of symplectomorphisms of $S^2\times S^2$. By globalizing standard gluing constructions in the theory of stable maps, we show that the strata of $\Jj$ are Fr\'echet manifolds of finite codimension, and that the normal link of each stratum is a finite dimensional stratified space. The topology of these links turns out to be surprisingly intricate, and we work out certain cases. Our arguments apply also to other ruled surfaces, though they give complete information only for bundles over $S^2$ and $T^2$. ",Almost Complex Structures on $S^2\times S^2$
+" We explore the statistical properties of energy transfer in ensembles of doubly-driven Random- Matrix Floquet Hamiltonians, based on universal symmetry arguments. The energy pumping efficiency distribution P(E) is associated with the Hamiltonian parameter ensemble and the eigenvalue statistics of the Floquet operator. For specific Hamiltonian ensembles, P(E) undergoes a transition that cannot be associated with a symmetry breaking of the instantaneous Hamiltonian. The Floquet eigenvalue spacing distribution indicates the considered ensembles constitute generic nonintegrable Hamiltonian families. As a step towards Hamiltonian engineering, we develop a machine-learning classifier to understand the relative parameter importance in resulting high conversion efficiency. We propose Random Floquet Hamiltonians as a general framework to investigate frequency conversion effects in a new class of generic dynamical processes beyond adiabatic pumps. ",Energy Transfer in Random-Matrix ensembles of Floquet Hamiltonians
+" We propose a learning-based method for Lyapunov stability analysis of piecewise affine dynamical systems in feedback with piecewise affine neural network controllers. The proposed method consists of an iterative interaction between a learner and a verifier, where in each iteration, the learner uses a collection of samples of the closed-loop system to propose a Lyapunov function candidate as the solution to a convex program. The learner then queries the verifier, which solves a mixed-integer program to either validate the proposed Lyapunov function candidate or reject it with a counterexample, i.e., a state where the stability condition fails. This counterexample is then added to the sample set of the learner to refine the set of Lyapunov function candidates. We design the learner and the verifier based on the analytic center cutting-plane method, in which the verifier acts as the cutting-plane oracle to refine the set of Lyapunov function candidates. We show that when the set of Lyapunov functions is full-dimensional in the parameter space, the overall procedure finds a Lyapunov function in a finite number of iterations. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed method in searching for quadratic and piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions. ",Learning Lyapunov Functions for Piecewise Affine Systems with Neural Network Controllers
+" Information-theoretic security--widely accepted as the strictest notion of security--relies on channel coding techniques that exploit the inherent randomness of propagation channels to strengthen the security of communications systems. Within this paradigm, we explore strategies to improve secure connectivity in a wireless network. We first consider the intrinsically secure communications graph (iS-graph), a convenient representation of the links that can be established with information-theoretic security on a large-scale network. We then propose and characterize two techniques--sectorized transmission and eavesdropper neutralization--which are shown to dramatically enhance the connectivity of the iS-graph. ",Techniques for Enhanced Physical-Layer Security
+" We present a logical calculus for reasoning about information flow in quantum programs. In particular we introduce a dynamic logic that is capable of dealing with quantum measurements, unitary evolutions and entanglements in compound quantum systems. We give a syntax and a relational semantics in which we abstract away from phases and probabilities. We present a sound proof system for this logic, and we show how to characterize by logical means various forms of entanglement (e.g. the Bell states) and various linear operators. As an example we sketch an analysis of the teleportation protocol. ",The Logic of Quantum Programs
+" We show that a search for $e^+ e^- \to t \bar q$ $(\bar q = \bar c, \bar u)$ events at LEP--2 collider provide a possibility to improve significantly the modern constraints on coupling constants of anomalous $t$--quark interaction via flavor--changing neutral currents. ",Search for Anomalous Top--Quark Interaction at LEP-2 Collider
+" In this paper, a time-varying distributed convex optimization problem is studied for continuous-time multi-agent systems. Control algorithms are designed for the cases of single-integrator and double-integrator dynamics. Two discontinuous algorithms based on the signum function are proposed to solve the problem in each case. Then in the case of double-integrator dynamics, two continuous algorithms based on, respectively, a time-varying and a fixed boundary layer are proposed as continuous approximations of the signum function. Also, to account for inter-agent collision for physical agents, a distributed convex optimization problem with swarm tracking behavior is introduced for both single-integrator and double-integrator dynamics. ",Distributed Convex Optimization for Continuous-Time Dynamics with Time-Varying Cost Function
+" In this paper, Hamiltonian and energy preserving reduced-order models are developed for the rotating thermal shallow water equation (RTSWE) in the non-canonical Hamiltonian form with the state-dependent Poisson matrix. The high fidelity full solutions are obtained by discretizing the RTSWE in space with skew-symmetric finite-differences, that preserve the Hamiltonian structure. The resulting skew-gradient system is integrated in time with the energy preserving average vector field (AVF) method. The reduced-order model (ROM) is constructed in the same way as the full order model (FOM), preserving the reduced skew-symmetric structure and integrating in time with the AVF method. Relying on structure-preserving discretizations in space and time and applying proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) with the Galerkin projection, an energy preserving reduced order model (ROM) is constructed. The nonlinearities in the ROM are computed by applying the discrete empirical interpolation (DEIM) method to reduce the computational cost. The computation of the reduced-order solutions is accelerated further by the use of tensor techniques. The overall procedure yields a clear separation of the offline and online computational cost of the reduced solutions. The accuracy and computational efficiency of the ROMs are demonstrated for a numerical test problem. Preservation of the energy (Hamiltonian), and other conserved quantities, i.e. mass, buoyancy, and total vorticity show that the reduced-order solutions ensure the long-term stability of the solutions while exhibiting several orders of magnitude computational speedup over the FOM. ",Energy preserving reduced-order modelling of thermal shallow water equation
+" A new class UF of problems is introduced, strictly included in the class NP, which arises in the analysis of the time verifying the intermediate results of computations. The implications of the introduction of this class are considered. First of all, we prove that $P\not= NP$ and establish that it needs to consider the problem ""P vs UF"" instead the problem ""P vs NP"". Also, we determine the set-theoretical of properties of a one-way functions that used in cryptology. ",On the structure of the class NP
+" The Accurate Particle Tracer (APT) code is designed for large-scale particle simulations on dynamical systems. Based on a large variety of advanced geometric algorithms, APT possesses long-term numerical accuracy and stability, which are critical for solving multi-scale and non-linear problems. Under the well-designed integrated and modularized framework, APT serves as a universal platform for researchers from different fields, such as plasma physics, accelerator physics, space science, fusion energy research, computational mathematics, software engineering, and high-performance computation. The APT code consists of seven main modules, including the I/O module, the initialization module, the particle pusher module, the parallelization module, the field configuration module, the external force-field module, and the extendible module. The I/O module, supported by Lua and Hdf5 projects, provides a user-friendly interface for both numerical simulation and data analysis. A series of new geometric numerical methods and key physical problems, such as runaway electrons in tokamaks and energetic particles in Van Allen belt, have been studied using APT. As an important realization, the APT-SW version has been successfully distributed on the world's fastest computer, the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer, by supporting master-slave architecture of Sunway many-core processors. ",The Accurate Particle Tracer Code
+" Formulae expressing the trace of the composition of several (up to five) adjoint actions of elements of the Griess algebra of a vertex operator algebra are derived under certain assumptions on the action of the automorphism group. They coincide, when applied to the moonshine module $V^\natural$, with the trace formulae obtained in a different way by S.Norton, and the spectrum of idempotents related to 2A, 2B, 3A and 4A element of the Monster is determined by the representation theory of Virasoro algebra at $c=1/2$, $W_3$ algebra at $c=4/5$ or $W_4$ algebra at $c=1$. The generalization to the trace function on the whole space is also given for the composition of two adjoint actions, which can be used to compute the McKay-Thompson series for a 2A involution of the Monster. ",Norton's Trace Formulae for the Griess Algebra of a Vertex Operator Algebra with Larger Symmetry
+" A \emph{domatic} (\emph{total domatic}) \emph{$k$-coloring} of a graph $G$ is an assignment of $k$ colors to the vertices of $G$ such that each vertex contains vertices of all $k$ colors in its closed neighborhood (neighborhood). The \emph{domatic} (\emph{total domatic}) \emph{number} of $G$, denoted $d(G)$ ($d_t (G)$), is the maximum $k$ for which $G$ has a domatic (total domatic) $k$-coloring. In this paper, we show that for two non-trivial graphs $G$ and $H$, the domatic and total domatic numbers of their Cartesian product $G \cart H$ is bounded above by $\max\{|V(G)|, |V(H)|\}$ and below by $\max\{d(G), d(H)\}$. Both these bounds are tight for an infinite family of graphs. Further, we show that if $H$ is bipartite, then $d_t(G \cart H)$ is bounded below by $2\min\{d_t(G),d_t(H)\}$ and $d(G \cart H)$ is bounded below by $2\min\{d(G),d_t(H)\}$. These bounds give easy proofs for many of the known bounds on the domatic and total domatic numbers of hypercubes \cite{chen,zel4} and the domination and total domination numbers of hypercubes \cite{har,joh} and also give new bounds for Hamming graphs. We also obtain the domatic (total domatic) number and domination (total domination) number of $n$-dimensional torus $\mathop{\cart}\limits_{i=1}^{n} C_{k_i}$ with some suitable conditions to each $k_i$, which turns out to be a generalization of a result due to Gravier \cite{grav2} %[\emph{Total domination number of grid graphs}, Discrete Appl. Math. 121 (2002) 119-128] and give easy proof of a result due to Klav\v{z}ar and Seifter \cite{sand}. ",On Domatic and Total Domatic Numbers of Product Graphs
+" To ensure trust in AI models, it is becoming increasingly apparent that evaluation of models must be extended beyond traditional performance metrics, like accuracy, to other dimensions, such as fairness, explainability, adversarial robustness, and distribution shift. We describe an empirical study to evaluate multiple model types on various metrics along these dimensions on several datasets. Our results show that no particular model type performs well on all dimensions, and demonstrate the kinds of trade-offs involved in selecting models evaluated along multiple dimensions. ","An Empirical Study of Accuracy, Fairness, Explainability, Distributional Robustness, and Adversarial Robustness"
+" In computational materials science, mechanical properties are typically extracted from simulations by means of analysis routines that seek to mimic their experimental counterparts. However, simulated data often exhibit uncertainties that can propagate into final predictions in unexpected ways. Thus, modelers require data analysis tools that (i) address the problems posed by simulated data, and (ii) facilitate uncertainty quantification. In this manuscript, we discuss three case studies in materials modeling where careful data analysis can be leveraged to address specific instances of these issues. As a unifying theme, we highlight the idea that attention to physical and mathematical constraints surrounding the generation of computational data can significantly enhance its analysis. ",The Role of Data Analysis in Uncertainty Quantification: Case Studies for Materials Modeling
+" We consider the propagation of light in arbitrarily curved step-index optical fibers. Using a multiple-scales approximation scheme, set-up in Fermi normal coordinates, the full vectorial Maxwell equations are solved in a perturbative manner. At leading order, this provides a rigorous derivation of Rytov's law. At next order, we obtain non-trivial dynamics of the electromagnetic field, characterized by two coupling constants, the phase and the polarization curvature moments, which describe the curvature response of the light's phase and its polarization vector, respectively. The latter can be viewed as an inverse spin Hall effect of light, where the direction of propagation is constrained along the optical fiber and the polarization evolves in a frequency-dependent way. ",Polarization transport in optical fibers beyond Rytov's law
+" The ExoClock project is an inclusive, integrated, and interactive platform that was developed to monitor the ephemerides of the Ariel targets to increase the mission efficiency. The project makes the best use of all available resources, i.e., observations from ground telescopes, mid-time values from the literature and finally, observations from space instruments. Currently, the ExoClock network includes 280 participants with telescopes capable of observing 85\% of the currently known Ariel candidate targets. This work includes the results of $\sim$1600 observations obtained up to the 31st of December 2020 from the ExoClock network. These data in combination with $\sim$2350 mid-time values collected from the literature are used to update the ephemerides of 180 planets. The analysis shows that 40\% of the updated ephemerides will have an impact on future scheduling as either they have a significantly improved precision, or they have revealed biases in the old ephemerides. With the new observations, the observing coverage and rate for half of the planets in the sample has been doubled or more. Finally, from a population perspective, we identify that the differences in the 2028 predictions between the old and the new ephemerides have an STD that is double what is expected from gaussian uncertainties. These findings have implications for planning future observations, where we will need to account for drifts potentially greater than the prediction uncertainties. The updated ephemerides are open and accessible to the wider exoplanet community both from our Open Science Framework (OSF) repository and our website. ",ExoClock project II: A large-scale integrated study with 180 updated exoplanet ephemerides
+" An effective atomic cross-chain swap protocol is introduced by Herlihy [Herlihy, 2018] as a distributed coordination protocol in order to exchange assets across multiple blockchains among multiple parties. An atomic cross-chain swap protocol guarantees; (1) if all parties conform to the protocol, then all assets are exchanged among parties, (2) even if some parties or coalitions of parties deviate from the protocol, no party conforming to the protocol suffers a loss, and (3) no coalition has an incentive to deviate from the protocol. Herlihy [Herlihy, 2018] invented this protocol by using hashed timelock contracts. A cross-chain swap is modeled as a directed graph D = (V,A). Vertex set V denotes a set of parties and arc set A denotes a set of proposed asset transfers. Herlihy's protocol uses the graph topology and signature information to set appropriate hashed timelock contracts. The space complexity of the protocol (i.e., the total number of bits written in the blockchains in a swap) is O(|A|^2). The local time complexity of the protocol (i.e., the maximum execution time of a contract in a swap to transfer the corresponding asset) is O(|V||L|), where L is a feedback vertex set computed by the protocol. We propose a new atomic cross-chain swap protocol which uses only signature information and improves the space complexity to O(|A||V|) and the local time complexity to O(|V|). ",Atomic Cross-Chain Swaps with Improved Space and Local Time Complexity
+" Existing face completion solutions are primarily driven by end-to-end models that directly generate 2D completions of 2D masked faces. By having to implicitly account for geometric and photometric variations in facial shape and appearance, such approaches result in unrealistic completions, especially under large variations in pose, shape, illumination and mask sizes. To alleviate these limitations, we introduce 3DFaceFill, an analysis-by-synthesis approach for face completion that explicitly considers the image formation process. It comprises three components, (1) an encoder that disentangles the face into its constituent 3D mesh, 3D pose, illumination and albedo factors, (2) an autoencoder that inpaints the UV representation of facial albedo, and (3) a renderer that resynthesizes the completed face. By operating on the UV representation, 3DFaceFill affords the power of correspondence and allows us to naturally enforce geometrical priors (e.g. facial symmetry) more effectively. Quantitatively, 3DFaceFill improves the state-of-the-art by up to 4dB higher PSNR and 25% better LPIPS for large masks. And, qualitatively, it leads to demonstrably more photorealistic face completions over a range of masks and occlusions while preserving consistency in global and component-wise shape, pose, illumination and eye-gaze. ",3DFaceFill: An Analysis-By-Synthesis Approach to Face Completion
+" Distinct-$n$ score\cite{Li2016} is a widely used automatic metric for evaluating diversity in language generation tasks. However, we observed that the original approach for calculating distinct scores has evident biases that tend to assign higher penalties to longer sequences. We refine the calculation of distinct scores by scaling the number of distinct tokens based on their expectations. We provide both empirical and theoretical evidence to show that our method effectively removes the biases existing in the original distinct score. Our experiments show that our proposed metric, \textit{Expectation-Adjusted Distinct (EAD)}, correlates better with human judgment in evaluating response diversity. To foster future research, we provide an example implementation at \url{https://github.com/lsy641/Expectation-Adjusted-Distinct}. ",Rethinking and Refining the Distinct Metric
+" We introduce a new measurable quantity, $R_{\Delta \phi}$, for studies of the rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of dijet azimuthal decorrelations in hadron-hadron collisions. In pQCD, $R_{\Delta \phi}$ is computed as a ratio of three-jet and dijet cross sections in which the parton distribution functions cancel to a large extent. At the leading order, $R_{\Delta \phi}$ is proportional to $\alpha_s$, and the transverse momentum dependence of can therefore be exploited to determine $\alpha_s$. We compute the NLO pQCD theory predictions and non-perturbative corrections for $R_{\Delta \phi}$ at the LHC and the Tevatron and investigate the corresponding uncertainties. From this, we estimate the theory uncertainties for $\alpha_s$ determinations based on $R_{\Delta \phi}$ at both colliders. The potential of $R_{\Delta \phi}$ measurements for tuning Monte Carlo event generators is also demonstrated. ",A new quantity for studies of dijet azimuthal decorrelations
+ The precise knowledge of parton distribution functions (PDFs) is indispensable to the accurate calculation of hadron-initiated QCD hard scattering observables. Much of our information on PDFs is extracted by comparing deep inelastic scattering (DIS) and lepton pair production (LPP) data to convolutions of the PDFs with the partonic cross sections of these processes. It is known that partonic cross sections receive large corrections in regions of phase space near partonic thresholds that can be resummed using threshold resummation techniques. The effect of threshold resummation on DIS and LPP differs because partonic thresholds for the two processes occur in different kinematic regions. Recent global fits for PDFs have included DIS data from the large Bjorken x and moderate Q^2 region where threshold effects have been shown to be large. The present project explores the effects of simultaneously incorporating threshold resummation in both DIS and LPP and to evaluate the effects of such additions on global fits. ,Threshold Resummation and the Determinations of Parton Distribution Functions
+" Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) relies on natural medical products to treat symptoms and diseases. While clinical data have demonstrated the effectiveness of selected TCM-based treatments, the mechanistic root of how TCM herbs treat diseases remains largely unknown. More importantly, current approaches focus on single herbs or prescriptions, missing the high-level general principles of TCM. To uncover the mechanistic nature of TCM on a system level, in this work we establish a generic network medicine framework for TCM from the human protein interactome. Applying our framework reveals a network pattern between symptoms (diseases) and herbs in TCM. We first observe that genes associated with a symptom are not distributed randomly in the interactome, but cluster into localized modules; furthermore, a short network distance between two symptom modules is indicative of the symptoms' co-occurrence and similarity. Next, we show that the network proximity of a herb's targets to a symptom module is predictive of the herb's effectiveness in treating the symptom. We validate our framework with real-world hospital patient data by showing that (1) shorter network distance between symptoms of inpatients correlates with higher relative risk (co-occurrence), and (2) herb-symptom network proximity is indicative of patients' symptom recovery rate after herbal treatment. Finally, we identified novel herb-symptom pairs in which the herb's effectiveness in treating the symptom is predicted by network and confirmed in hospital data, but previously unknown to the TCM community. These predictions highlight our framework's potential in creating herb discovery or repurposing opportunities. In conclusion, network medicine offers a powerful novel platform to understand the mechanism of traditional medicine and to predict novel herbal treatment against diseases. ",Network medicine framework reveals generic herb-symptom effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine
+" In this paper, we study the competition between finite-size effects (i.e. discernibility of particles) and dipole-dipole interactions in few-atom systems coupled to the electromagnetic field in vacuum. We consider two hallmarks of cooperative effects, superradiance and subradiance, and compute for each the rate of energy radiated by the atoms and the coherence of the atomic state during the time evolution. We adopt a statistical approach in order to extract the typical behavior of the atomic dynamics and average over random atomic distributions in spherical containers with prescribed $k_0R$ with $k_0$ the radiation wavenumber and $R$ the average interatomic distance. Our approach allows us to highlight the tradeoff between finite-size effects and dipole-dipole interactions in superradiance/subradiance. In particular, we show the existence of an optimal value of $k_0R$ for which the superradiant intensity and coherence pulses are the less affected by dephasing effects induced by dipole-dipole interactions and finite-size effects. ",Competition between finite-size effects and dipole-dipole interactions in few-atom systems
+" Gravitational-wave memory refers to the permanent displacement of the test masses in an idealized (freely-falling) gravitational-wave interferometer. Inspiraling binaries produce a particularly interesting form of memory--the Christodoulou memory. Although it originates from nonlinear interactions at 2.5 post-Newtonian order, the Christodoulou memory affects the gravitational-wave amplitude at leading (Newtonian) order. Previous calculations have computed this non-oscillatory amplitude correction during the inspiral phase of binary coalescence. Using an ""effective-one-body"" description calibrated with the results of numerical relativity simulations, the evolution of the memory during the inspiral, merger, and ringdown phases, as well as the memory's final saturation value, are calculated. Using this model for the memory, the prospects for its detection are examined, particularly for supermassive black hole binary coalescences that LISA will detect with high signal-to-noise ratios. Coalescing binary black holes also experience center-of-mass recoil due to the anisotropic emission of gravitational radiation. These recoils can manifest themselves in the gravitational-wave signal in the form of a ""linear"" memory and a Doppler shift of the quasi-normal-mode frequencies. The prospects for observing these effects are also discussed. ",Gravitational-wave memory revisited: memory from the merger and recoil of binary black holes
+" The source HD172555 is a young A7V star surrounded by a debris disk with a gaseous component. Here, we present the detection of variable absorption features detected simultaneously in the Ca II K and H doublet lines (at 3,933 and 3,968 Angstrom). We identified the presence of these absorption signatures at four different epochs in the 129 HARPS high-resolution spectra gathered between 2004 and 2011. These transient absorption features are most likely due to Falling Evaporating Bodies (FEBs, or exocomets) that produce absorbing gas observed transiting in front of the central star. We also detect a stable Ca II absorption component at the star's radial velocity. With no corresponding detection in the Na I line, the resulting very low upper limit for the NaI/CaII ratio suggests that this absorption is due to circumstellar gas. ",Exocomets in the circumstellar gas disk of HD 172555
+" We study the slowly varying, non-autonomous quantum dynamics of a translation invariant spin or fermion system on the lattice $\mathbb Z^d$. This system is assumed to be initially in thermal equilibrium, and we consider realizations of quasi-static processes in the adiabatic limit. By combining the Gibbs variational principle with the notion of quantum weak Gibbs states introduced in [Jak\v{s}i\'c, Pillet, Tauber, arXiv:2204.00440], we establish a number of general structural results regarding such realizations. In particular, we show that such a quasi-static process is incompatible with the property of approach to equilibrium studied in this previous work. ",A note on adiabatic time evolution and quasi-static processes in translation-invariant quantum systems
+" We consider certain elliptic modular graph functions that arise in the asymptotic expansion around the non--separating node of genus two string invariants that appear in the integrand of the $D^8 R^4$ interaction in the low momentum expansion of the four graviton amplitude in type II superstring theory. These elliptic modular graphs have links given by the Green function, as well its holomorphic and anti--holomorphic derivatives. Using appropriate auxiliary graphs at various intermediate stages of the analysis, we show that each graph can be expressed solely in terms of graphs with links given only by the Green function and not its derivatives. This results in a reduction in the number of basis elements in the space of elliptic modular graphs. ",Relations between elliptic modular graphs
+" The epoch of galaxy formation provides an important additional test of cosmological theories. Cold-dark-matter (CDM) models with cosmological constant ($\Lambda$) are designed to account for the observed excess power in galaxy distribution, but at the same time suppress the power on small scales pushing galaxy formation to recent epochs. We point out that the recently discovered high redshift galaxy, 53W091, with accurate age measurements (Dunlop et al 1996) provides a particularly important test of these models. In the flat $\Lambda$-dominated Universe, the redshift of formation of 53W091 decreases with decreasing $\Omega$. However, in the modified CDM models decreasing $\Omega$ suppresses the small scale power in the density field and this effect turns out to be dominant. We estimate the mass of the galaxy and show that it represents a very rare and unlikely event in the density field of such models. Similar problems would occur in other modifications of the CDM cosmogonies. ",Modified Cold-Dark-Matter models in light of 53W091 an old galaxy at high z
+" We show that for a typical coordinate projection of a subgaussian class of functions, the infimum over signs $\inf_{(\epsilon_i)}{\sup_{f\in F}}|{\sum_{i=1}^k\epsilon_i}f(X_i)|$ is asymptotically smaller than the expectation over signs as a function of the dimension $k$, if the canonical Gaussian process indexed by $F$ is continuous. To that end, we establish a bound on the discrepancy of an arbitrary subset of $\mathbb {R}^k$ using properties of the canonical Gaussian process the set indexes, and then obtain quantitative structural information on a typical coordinate projection of a subgaussian class. ","Discrepancy, chaining and subgaussian processes"
+" Materials with large magnetocrystalline anisotropy and strong electric field effects are highly needed to develop new types of memory devices based on electric field control of spin orientations. Instead of using modified transition metal films, we propose that certain monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides are the ideal candidate materials for this purpose. Using density functional calculations, we show that they exhibit not only a large magnetocrystalline anisotropy (MCA), but also colossal voltage modulation under external field. Notably, in some materials like CrSe_2 and FeSe_2, where spins show a strong preference for in-plane orientation, they can be switched to out-of-plane direction. This effect is attributed to the large band character alteration that the transition metal d-states undergo around the Fermi energy due to the electric field. We further demonstrate that strain can also greatly change MCA, and can help to improve the modulation efficiency while combined with an electric field. ",Voltage-Controllable Colossal Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in Single Layer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
+" Spectroscopic and photometric data for likely member stars of five Galactic globular clusters (M3, M53, M71, M92, and NGC 5053) and three open clusters (M35, NGC 2158, and NGC 6791) are processed by the current version of the SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline (SSPP), in order to determine estimates of metallicities and radial velocities for the clusters. These results are then compared to values from the literature. We find that the mean metallicity (<[Fe/H]>) and mean radial velocity () estimates for each cluster are almost all within 2{\sigma} of the adopted literature values; most are within 1{\sigma}. We also demonstrate that the new version of the SSPP achieves small, but noteworthy, improvements in <[Fe/H]> estimates at the extrema of the cluster metallicity range, as compared to a previous version of the pipeline software. These results provide additional confidence in the application of the SSPP for studies of the abundances and kinematics of stellar populations in the Galaxy. ",The SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline. IV. Validation with an Extended Sample of Galactic Globular and Open Clusters
+" Identifying potential abuses of human rights through imagery is a novel and challenging task in the field of computer vision, that will enable to expose human rights violations over large-scale data that may otherwise be impossible. While standard databases for object and scene categorisation contain hundreds of different classes, the largest available dataset of human rights violations contains only 4 classes. Here, we introduce the `Human Rights Archive Database' (HRA), a verified-by-experts repository of 3050 human rights violations photographs, labelled with human rights semantic categories, comprising a list of the types of human rights abuses encountered at present. With the HRA dataset and a two-phase transfer learning scheme, we fine-tuned the state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to provide human rights violations classification CNNs (HRA-CNNs). We also present extensive experiments refined to evaluate how well object-centric and scene-centric CNN features can be combined for the task of recognising human rights abuses. With this, we show that HRA database poses a challenge at a higher level for the well studied representation learning methods, and provide a benchmark in the task of human rights violations recognition in visual context. We expect this dataset can help to open up new horizons on creating systems able of recognising rich information about human rights violations. Our dataset, codes and trained models are available online at https://github.com/GKalliatakis/Human-Rights-Archive-CNNs. ",Exploring object-centric and scene-centric CNN features and their complementarity for human rights violations recognition in images
+" Motivated by a question of A. Rapinchuk concerning general reductive groups, we are investigating the following question: Given a finitely generated integral domain $R$ with field of fractions $F$, is there a \emph{finitely generated subgroup} $\Gamma$ of $SL_2(F)$ containing $SL_2(R)$? We shall show in this paper that the answer to this question is negative for any polynomial ring $R$ of the form $R = R_0[s,t]$, where $R_0$ is a finitely generated integral domain with infinitely many (non--associate) prime elements. The proof applies Bass--Serre theory and reduces to analyzing which elements of $SL_2(R)$ can be generated by elementary matrices with entries in a given finitely generated $R$--subalgbra of $F$. Using Bass--Serre theory, we can also exhibit new classes of rings which do not have the $GE_2$ property introduced by P.M. Cohn. ",On finite and elementary generation of SL_2(R)
+" Gradient-descent-based algorithms and their stochastic versions have widespread applications in machine learning and statistical inference. In this work we perform an analytic study of the performances of one of them, the Langevin algorithm, in the context of noisy high-dimensional inference. We employ the Langevin algorithm to sample the posterior probability measure for the spiked matrix-tensor model. The typical behaviour of this algorithm is described by a system of integro-differential equations that we call the Langevin state evolution, whose solution is compared with the one of the state evolution of approximate message passing (AMP). Our results show that, remarkably, the algorithmic threshold of the Langevin algorithm is sub-optimal with respect to the one given by AMP. We conjecture this phenomenon to be due to the residual glassiness present in that region of parameters. Finally we show how a landscape-annealing protocol, that uses the Langevin algorithm but violate the Bayes-optimality condition, can approach the performance of AMP. ",Marvels and Pitfalls of the Langevin Algorithm in Noisy High-dimensional Inference
+" Exponentially stable extended adaptive observer is proposed for a class of linear time-invariant systems with unknown parameters and overparameterization. It allows one to reconstruct unmeasured states and bounded external disturbance produced by a known linear exosystem with unknown initial conditions if a weak requirement of regressor finite excitation is met. In contrast to the existing solutions, the proposed observer reconstructs the original (physical) states of the system rather than the virtual one of its observer canonical form. Simulation results to validate the developed theory are presented. ",Extended Adaptive Observer for Linear Systems with Overparametrization
+" Using the keyboard LEDs to send data optically was proposed in 2002 by Loughry and Umphress [1] (Appendix A). In this paper we extensively explore this threat in the context of a modern cyber-attack with current hardware and optical equipment. In this type of attack, an advanced persistent threat (APT) uses the keyboard LEDs (Caps-Lock, Num-Lock and Scroll-Lock) to encode information and exfiltrate data from airgapped computers optically. Notably, this exfiltration channel is not monitored by existing data leakage prevention (DLP) systems. We examine this attack and its boundaries for today's keyboards with USB controllers and sensitive optical sensors. We also introduce smartphone and smartwatch cameras as components of malicious insider and 'evil maid' attacks. We provide the necessary scientific background on optical communication and the characteristics of modern USB keyboards at the hardware and software level, and present a transmission protocol and modulation schemes. We implement the exfiltration malware, discuss its design and implementation issues, and evaluate it with different types of keyboards. We also test various receivers, including light sensors, remote cameras, 'extreme' cameras, security cameras, and smartphone cameras. Our experiment shows that data can be leaked from air-gapped computers via the keyboard LEDs at a maximum bit rate of 3000 bit/sec per LED given a light sensor as a receiver, and more than 120 bit/sec if smartphones are used. The attack doesn't require any modification of the keyboard at hardware or firmware levels. ",CTRL-ALT-LED: Leaking Data from Air-Gapped Computers via Keyboard LEDs
+" The periodic events occurring in Eta Carinae have been widely monitored during the last three 5.5-year cycles. The last one recently occurred in January 2009 and more exhaustive observations have been made at different wavelength ranges. If these events are produced when the binary components approach periastron, the timing and sampling of the photometric features can provide more information about the geometry and physics of the system. Thus, we continued with our ground-based optical photometric campaign started in 2003 to record the behaviour of the 2009.0 event in detail. This time the observation program included a new telescope to obtain information from other photometric bands. The daily monitoring consists of the acquisition of CCD images through standard UBVRI filters and a narrow Halpha passband. The subsequent differential photometry includes the central region of the object and the whole Homunculus nebula. The results of our relative UBVRIHalpha photometry, performed from November 2008 up to the end of March 2009, are presented in this work, which comprises the totality of the event. The initial rising branch, the maximum, the dip to the minimum and the recovering rising phase strongly resemble a kind of eclipse. All these features happened on time - according to that predicted - although there are some photometric differences in comparison with the previous event. We made a new determination of 2022.8 days for the period value using the present and previous ""eclipse-like"" event data. These results strongly support the binarity hypothesis for Eta Car. In this paper, the complete dataset with the photometry of the 2009.0 event is provided to make it readily available for further analysis. ","The Eta Carinae optical 2009.0 event, a new ""eclipse-like"" phenomenon"
+ The main goal of this paper is to prove the following two conjectures for genus up to two: 1. Witten's conjecture on the relations between higher spin curves and Gelfand--Dickey hierarchy. 2. Virasoro conjecture for target manifolds with conformal semisimple Frobenius manifolds. The main technique used in the proof is the invariance of tautological equations under loop group action. ,"Witten's conjecture, Virasoro conjecture, and invariance of tautological equations"
+" The prediction and selection of lesion features are two important tasks in voxel-based neuroimage analysis. Existing multivariate learning models take two tasks equivalently and optimize simultaneously. However, in addition to lesion features, we observe that there is another type of feature, which is commonly introduced during the procedure of preprocessing steps, which can improve the prediction result. We call such a type of feature as procedural bias. Therefore, in this paper, we propose that the features/voxels in neuroimage data are consist of three orthogonal parts: lesion features, procedural bias, and null features. To stably select lesion features and leverage procedural bias into prediction, we propose an iterative algorithm (termed GSplit LBI) as a discretization of differential inclusion of inverse scale space, which is the combination of Variable Splitting scheme and Linearized Bregman Iteration (LBI). Specifically, with a variable the splitting term, two estimators are introduced and split apart, i.e. one is for feature selection (the sparse estimator) and the other is for prediction (the dense estimator). Implemented with Linearized Bregman Iteration (LBI), the solution path of both estimators can be returned with different sparsity levels on the sparse estimator for the selection of lesion features. Besides, the dense the estimator can additionally leverage procedural bias to further improve prediction results. To test the efficacy of our method, we conduct experiments on the simulated study and Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database. The validity and the benefit of our model can be shown by the improvement of prediction results and the interpretability of visualized procedural bias and lesion features. ",Leveraging both Lesion Features and Procedural Bias in Neuroimaging: An Dual-Task Split dynamics of inverse scale space
+" We separate a Bose-Einstein condensate into an array of 2D sheets using a 1D optical lattice, and then excite quantized vibrational motion in the direction normal to the sheets. Collisions between atoms induce vibrational de-excitation, transferring the large excitation energy into back-to-back outgoing atoms, imaged as rings in the 2D plane. The ring diameters correspond to vibrational energy level differences, and edge-on imaging allows identification of the final vibrational states. Time dependence of these data provides a nearly complete characterization of the decay process including the energies, populations, and lifetimes of the lowest two excited vibrational levels. The measured decay rates represent a suppression of collisional de-excitation due to the reduced dimensionality, a matter wave analog to inhibited spontaneous emission. ",Collisional de-excitation in a quasi-2D degenerate Bose gas
+" In this work we provide a detailed study of the CP violating phase transition (CPPT) which is a new mechanism proposed to produce a baryon asymmetry. This mechanism exploits the Weinberg operator whose coefficient is dynamically realised from the vacuum expectation values (VEVs) of new scalars. In the specific case of the first order phase transition, the scalar VEVs vary in the bubble wall which separates the two phases. This results in a spacetime varying coefficient for the Weinberg operator. The interference of two Weinberg operators at different spacetime points generates a CP asymmetry between lepton and anti-lepton production/annihilation processes, which eventually results in an asymmetry between baryon and anti-baryon number densities in the early Universe. We present the calculation of the lepton asymmetry, based on non-equilibrium quantum field theory methods, in full. We consider the influence of the bubble wall characteristics and the impact of thermal effects on the lepton asymmetry and draw a comparison between the CPPT mechanism and electroweak baryogenesis. ",Leptogenesis via Varying Weinberg Operator: the Closed-Time-Path Approach
+" We present a unified description of different types of matter-wave solitons that can emerge in quasi one-dimensional spin-orbit coupled (SOC) Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). This description relies on the reduction of the original two-component Gross-Pitaevskii SOC-BEC model to a single nonlinear Schr\""{o}dinger equation, via a multiscale expansion method. This way, we find approximate bright and dark soliton solutions, for attractive and repulsive interatomic interactions respectively, for different regimes of the SOC interactions. Beyond this, our approach also reveals ""negative mass"" regimes, where corresponding ""negative mass"" bright or dark solitons can exist for repulsive or attractive interactions, respectively. Such a unique opportunity stems from the structure of the excitation spectrum of the SOC-BEC. Numerical results are found to be in excellent agreement with our analytical predictions. ",Positive and negative mass solitons in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
+" We report the first search for the Sagittarius tidal stream of axion dark matter around 4.55 $\mu$eV using CAPP-12TB haloscope data acquired in March of 2022. Our result excluded the Sagittarius tidal stream of Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnitskii and Kim-Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov axion dark matter densities of $\rho_a\gtrsim0.184$ and $\gtrsim0.025$ GeV/cm$^{3}$, respectively, over a mass range from 4.51 to 4.59 $\mu$eV at a 90% confidence level. ",Search for the Sagittarius Tidal Stream of Axion Dark Matter around 4.55 $\mu$eV
+" We study the question of dividing a collection of indivisible goods amongst a set of agents. The main objective of research in the area is to achieve one of two goals: fairness or efficiency. On the fairness side, envy-freeness is the central fairness criterion in economics, but envy-free allocations typically do not exist when the goods are indivisible. A recent line of research shows that envy-freeness can be achieved if a small quantity of a homogeneous divisible good (money) is introduced into the system, or equivalently, if transfer payments are allowed between the agents. A natural question to explore, then, is whether transfer payments can be used to provide high welfare in addition to envy-freeness, and if so, how much money is needed to be transferred. We show that for general monotone valuations, there always exists an allocation with transfers that is envy-free and whose Nash social welfare (NSW) is at least an $e^{-1/e}$-fraction of the optimal Nash social welfare. Additionally, when the agents have additive valuations, an envy-free allocation with negligible transfers and whose NSW is within a constant factor of optimal can be found in polynomial time. Consequently, we demonstrate that the seemingly incompatible objectives of fairness and high welfare can be achieved simultaneously via transfer payments, even for general valuations, when the welfare objective is NSW. On the other hand, we show that a similar result is impossible for utilitarian social welfare: any envy-freeable allocation that achieves a constant fraction of the optimal welfare requires non-negligible transfers. To complement this result we present algorithms that compute an envy-free allocation with a given target welfare and with bounded transfers. ",Two Birds With One Stone: Fairness and Welfare via Transfers
+ The extraction of the magnetic form factor of the nucleon at zero momentum transfer is usually performed by adopting a parametrization for its momentum dependence and fitting the results obtained at finite momenta. We present position space methods that rely on taking the derivative of relevant correlators to extract directly the magnetic form factor at zero momentum without the need to assume a functional form for its momentum dependence. These methods are explored on one ensemble using $N_f=2+1+1$ Wilson twisted mass fermions. ,Extraction of the isovector magnetic form factor of the nucleon at zero momentum
+" Consider the Euclidean functional integral representation of any physical process in the electroweak model. Integrating out the fermion degrees of freedom introduces twenty-four fermion determinants. These multiply the Gaussian functional measures of the Maxwell, $Z$, $W$ and Higgs fields to give an effective functional measure. Suppose the functional integral over the Maxwell field is attempted first. This paper is concerned with the large amplitude behavior of the Maxwell effective measure. It is assumed that the large amplitude variation of this measure is insensitive to the presence of the $Z$, $W$ and $H$ fields; they are assumed to be a subdominant perturbation of the large amplitude Maxwell sector. Accordingly, we need only examine the large amplitude variation of a single QED fermion determinant. To facilitate this the Schwinger proper time representation of this determinant is decomposed into a sum of three terms. The advantage of this is that the separate terms can be non-perturbatively estimated for a measurable class of large amplitude random fields in four dimensions. It is found that the QED fermion determinant grows faster than $\exp \left[ce^2\int\mathrm d^4x\, F_{\mu\nu}^2\right]$, $c>0$, in the absence of zero mode supporting random background potentials. This raises doubt on whether the QED fermion determinant is integrable with any Gaussian measure whose support does not include zero mode supporting potentials. Including zero mode supporting background potentials can result in a decaying exponential growth of the fermion determinant. This is \textit{prima facie} evidence that Maxwellian zero modes are necessary for the non-perturbative quantization of QED and, by implication, for the non-perturbative quantization of the electroweak model. ",Non-perturbative quantization of the electroweak model's electrodynamic sector
+" The density functional theory is used to study the electronic structure of a quantum wire in a magnetic field. In a GaAs quantum wire, a critical density has been found, below which the electron density has a strong spatial inhomogeneity. The effect of the disorder potential on the electron density profile in a two-dimensional electron gas is estimated. ",Electronic structure of a wide quantum wire in a magnetic field at $\nu = 1$
+" We present physical properties of radio galaxies (RGs) with $f_{\rm 1.4 GHz} >$ 1 mJy discovered by Subaru Hyper Supreme-Cam (HSC) and VLA Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters (FIRST) survey. For 1056 FIRST RGs at $0 < z \leq 1.7$ with HSC counterparts in about 100 deg$^2$, we compiled multi-wavelength data of optical, near-infrared (IR), mid-IR, far-IR, and radio (150 MHz). We derived their color excess ($E (B-V)_{*}$), stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR), IR luminosity, the ratio of IR and radio luminosity ($q_{\rm IR}$), and radio spectral index ($\alpha_{\rm radio}$) that are derived from the SED fitting with CIGALE. We also estimated Eddington ratio based on stellar mass and integration of the best-fit SEDs of AGN component. We found that $E (B-V)_{*}$, SFR, and IR luminosity clearly depend on redshift while stellar mass, $q_{\rm IR}$, and $\alpha_{\rm radio}$ do not significantly depend on redshift. Since optically-faint ($i_{\rm AB} \geq 21.3$) RGs that are newly discovered by our RG survey tend to be high redshift, they tend to not only have a large dust extinction and low stellar mass but also have high SFR and AGN luminosity, high IR luminosity, and high Eddington ratio compared to optically-bright ones. The physical properties of a fraction of RGs in our sample seem to differ from a classical view of RGs with massive stellar mass, low SFR, and low Eddington ratio, demonstrating that our RG survey with HSC and FIRST provides us curious RGs among entire RG population. ","A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). II. Physical Properties derived from the SED Fitting with Optical, Infrared, and Radio Data"
+" Associated to every closed, embedded submanifold $N$ of a connected Riemannian manifold $M$, there is the distance function $d_N$ which measures the distance of a point in $M$ from $N$. We analyze the square of this function and show that it is Morse-Bott on the complement of the cut locus $\mathrm{Cu}(N)$ of $N$, provided $M$ is complete. Moreover, the gradient flow lines provide a deformation retraction of $M-\mathrm{Cu}(N)$ to $N$. If $M$ is a closed manifold, then we prove that the Thom space of the normal bundle of $N$ is homeomorphic to $M/\mathrm{Cu}(N)$. We also discuss several interesting results which are either applications of these or related observations regarding the theory of cut locus. These results include, but are not limited to, a computation of the local homology of singular matrices, a classification of the homotopy type of the cut locus of a homology sphere inside a sphere, a deformation of the indefinite unitary group $U(p,q)$ to $U(p)\times U(q)$ and a geometric deformation of $GL(n,\mathbb{R} )$ to $O(n,\mathbb{R} )$ which is different from the Gram-Schmidt retraction. \bigskip \noindent If a compact Lie group $G$ acts on a Riemannian manifold $M$ freely then $M/G$ is a manifold. In addition, if the action is isometric, then the metric of $M$ induces a metric on $M/G$. We show that if $N$ is a $G$-invariant submanifold of $M$, then the cut locus $\mathrm{Cu}(N)$ is $G$-invariant, and $\mathrm{Cu}(N)/G = \mathrm{Cu}\left( N/G \right) $ in $M/G$. An application of this result to complex projective hypersurfaces has been provided. ",Cut Locus of Submanifolds: A Geometric and Topological Viewpoint
+" We prove that any distributional limit of finite planar graphs in which the degree of the root has an exponential tail is almost surely recurrent. As a corollary, we obtain that the uniform infinite planar triangulation and quadrangulation (UIPT and UIPQ) are almost surely recurrent, resolving a conjecture of Angel, Benjamini and Schramm. We also settle another related problem of Benjamini and Schramm. We show that in any bounded degree, finite planar graph the probability that the simple random walk started at a uniform random vertex avoids its initial location for T steps is at most C/log T. ",Recurrence of planar graph limits
+ We study pp and p\bar p collisions which lead to the exclusive production of J/psi or Upsilon from the pomeron-odderon and the pomeron-photon fusion. We calculate scattering amplitudes of these processes in the lowest order approximation and in the framework of k_T factorization. We present estimates of cross sections for the kinematic conditions of the Tevatron and of the LHC. ,Exclusive J/psi and Upsilon hadroproduction and the QCD odderon
+" Enhancing a recent result of Bayart and Ruzsa we obtain a Birkhoff-type characterization of upper frequently hypercyclic operators and a corresponding Upper Frequent Hypercyclicity Criterion. As an application we characterize upper frequently hypercyclic weighted backward shifts on sequence spaces, which in turn allows us to come up with various counter-examples in linear dynamics that are substantially simpler than those previously obtained in the literature. More generally, we introduce the notion of upper Furstenberg families $\mathcal{A}$ and show that our main results hold for $\mathcal{A}$-hypercyclic operators with respect to such families. ",Upper frequent hypercyclicity and related notions
+ Efficient solution of the lowest eigenmodes is studied for a family of related eigenvalue problems with common $2\times 2$ block structure. It is assumed that the upper diagonal block varies between different versions while the lower diagonal block and the range of the coupling blocks remains unchanged. Such block structure naturally arises when studying the effect of a subsystem to the eigenmodes of the full system. The proposed method is based on interpolation of the resolvent function after some of its singularities have been removed by a spectral projection. Singular value decomposition can be used to further reduce the dimension of the computational problem. Error analysis of the method indicates exponential convergence with respect to the number of interpolation points. Theoretical results are illustrated by two numerical examples related to finite element discretisation of the Laplace operator. ,Efficient solution of symmetric eigenvalue problems from families of coupled systems
+" Leader election and arbitrary pattern formation are funda- mental tasks for a set of autonomous mobile robots. The former consists in distinguishing a unique robot, called the leader. The latter aims in arranging the robots in the plane to form any given pattern. The solv- ability of both these tasks turns out to be necessary in order to achieve more complex tasks. In this paper, we study the relationship between these two tasks in a model, called CORDA, wherein the robots are weak in several aspects. In particular, they are fully asynchronous and they have no direct means of communication. They cannot remember any previous observation nor computation performed in any previous step. Such robots are said to be oblivious. The robots are also uniform and anonymous, i.e, they all have the same program using no global parameter (such as an identity) allowing to differentiate any of them. Moreover, we assume that none of them share any kind of common coordinate mechanism or common sense of direction and we discuss the influence of a common handedness (i.e., chirality). In such a system, Flochini et al. proved in [11] that it is possible to elect a leader for n \geq 3 robots if it is possible to form any pattern for n \geq 3. In this paper, we show that the converse is true for n \geq 4 when the robots share a common handedness and for n \geq 5 when they do not. Thus, we deduce that with chirality (resp. without chirality) both problems are equivalent for n \geq 4 (resp. n \geq 5) in CORDA. ",Leader Election Problem Versus Pattern Formation Problem
+ The ideals of the Lie algebras of unitriangular polynomial derivations are classified. An isomorphism criterion is given for the Lie factor algebras of the Lie algebras of unitriangular polynomial derivations. ,Lie algebras of triangular polynomial derivations and an isomorphism criterion for their Lie factor algebras
+" We discuss several steady-state rotation and oscillation modes of the planar parametric rotator and pendulum with damping. We consider a general elliptic trajectory of the suspension point for both rotator and pendulum, for the latter at an arbitrary angle with gravity, with linear and circular trajectories as particular cases. We treat the damped, non-linear equation of motion of the parametric rotator and pendulum perturbatively for small parametric excitation and damping, although our perturbative approach can be extended to other regimes as well. Our treatment involves only ordinary second-order differential equations with constant coefficients, and provides numerically accurate perturbative solutions in terms of elementary functions. Some of the steady-state rotation and oscillation modes studied here have not been discussed in the previous literature. Other well-known ones, such as parametric resonance and the inverted pendulum, are extended to elliptic parametric excitation tilted with respect to gravity. The results presented here should be accessible to advanced undergraduates, and of interest to graduate students and specialists in the field of non-linear mechanics. ",Steady states of the parametric rotator and pendulum
+" Light-weight time-of-flight (ToF) depth sensors are small, cheap, low-energy and have been massively deployed on mobile devices for the purposes like autofocus, obstacle detection, etc. However, due to their specific measurements (depth distribution in a region instead of the depth value at a certain pixel) and extremely low resolution, they are insufficient for applications requiring high-fidelity depth such as 3D reconstruction. In this paper, we propose DELTAR, a novel method to empower light-weight ToF sensors with the capability of measuring high resolution and accurate depth by cooperating with a color image. As the core of DELTAR, a feature extractor customized for depth distribution and an attention-based neural architecture is proposed to fuse the information from the color and ToF domain efficiently. To evaluate our system in real-world scenarios, we design a data collection device and propose a new approach to calibrate the RGB camera and ToF sensor. Experiments show that our method produces more accurate depth than existing frameworks designed for depth completion and depth super-resolution and achieves on par performance with a commodity-level RGB-D sensor. Code and data are available at https://zju3dv.github.io/deltar/. ",DELTAR: Depth Estimation from a Light-weight ToF Sensor and RGB Image
+" We explore the nature of the Bose condensation transition in driven open quantum systems, such as exciton-polariton condensates. Using a functional renormalization group approach formulated in the Keldysh framework, we characterize the dynamical critical behavior that governs decoherence and an effective thermalization of the low frequency dynamics. We identify a critical exponent special to the driven system, showing that it defines a new dynamical universality class. Hence critical points in driven systems lie beyond the standard classification of equilibrium dynamical phase transitions. We show how the new critical exponent can be probed in experiments with driven cold atomic systems and exciton-polariton condensates. ",Dynamical Critical Phenomena in Driven-Dissipative Systems
+" Marc Rieffel had introduced the notion of the quantum Gromov-Hausdorff distance on compact quantum metric spaces and found a sequence of matrix algebras that converges to the space of continuous functions on $2$-sphere in this distance. One finds applications of similar approximations in many places in the theoretical physics literature. In this paper, we have defined a compact quantum metric space structure on the sequence of Toeplitz algebras on generalized Bergman spaces and have proved that the sequence converges to the space of continuous function on odd spheres in the quantum Gromov-Hausdorff distance. ",Sequences of operator algebras converging to odd spheres in the quantum Gromov-Hausdorff distance
+" We have obtained accurate CCD narrow band H_beta and H_alpha photometry of Giant HII Regions in M 33, NGC 6822 and M 101. Comparison with previous determinations of emission line fluxes show large discrepancies; their probable origins are discussed. Combining our new photometric data with global velocity dispersion (sigma) derived from emission line widths we have reviewed the L(H_beta)-sigma relation. A reanalysis of the properties of the GEHRs included in our sample shows that age spread and the superposition of components in multiple regions introduce a considerable spread in the regression. Combining the information available in the literature regarding ages of the associated clusters, evolutionary footprints on the interstellar medium, and kinematical properties of the knots that build up the multiple GEHRs, we have found that a subsample - which we refer to as young and single GEHRs - do follow a tight relation in the L-sigma plane. ",Narrowband CCD Photometry of Giant HII Regions
+" We give a new randomized distributed algorithm for $(\Delta+1)$-coloring in the LOCAL model, running in $O(\sqrt{\log \Delta})+ 2^{O(\sqrt{\log \log n})}$ rounds in a graph of maximum degree~$\Delta$. This implies that the $(\Delta+1)$-coloring problem is easier than the maximal independent set problem and the maximal matching problem, due to their lower bounds of $\Omega \left( \min \left( \sqrt{\frac{\log n}{\log \log n}}, \frac{\log \Delta}{\log \log \Delta} \right) \right)$ by Kuhn, Moscibroda, and Wattenhofer [PODC'04]. Our algorithm also extends to list-coloring where the palette of each node contains $\Delta+1$ colors. We extend the set of distributed symmetry-breaking techniques by performing a decomposition of graphs into dense and sparse parts. ",Distributed $(\Delta+1)$-Coloring in Sublogarithmic Rounds
+" Heusler alloys based magnetic tunnel junctions can potentially provide high magnetoresistance, small damping and fast switching. Here junctions with Co2FeAl as a ferromagnetic electrode are fabricated by room temperature sputtering on Si/SiO2 substrates. The doping of Boron in Co2FeAl is found to have a large positive impact on the structural, magnetic and transport properties of the junctions, with a reduced interfacial roughness and substantial improved tunneling magnetoresistance. A two-level magnetoresistance is also observed in samples annealed at low temperature, which is believed to be related to the memristive effect of the tunnel barrier with impurities. ",Impact of Boron doping to the tunneling magnetoresistance of Heusler alloy Co2FeAl
+" In this article, we analyze the propagation of Wigner measures of a family of solutions to a system of semi-classical pseudodifferential equations presenting eigenvalues crossings on hypersurfaces. We prove the propagation along classical trajectories under a geometric condition which is satisfied for example as soon as the Hamiltonian vector fields are transverse or tangent at finite order to the crossing set. We derive resolvent estimates for semi-classical Schr\""odinger operator with matrix-valued potential under a geometric condition of the same type on the crossing set and we analyze examples of degenerate situations where one can prove transfers between the modes. ",Degenerated codimension 1 crossings and resolvent estimates
+" We thoroughly examine the ground state of the triangular lattice of Pb on Si(111) using scanning tunneling microscopy. We detect charge-order, accompanied by a subtle structural reconstruction. Applying the extended variational cluster approach we map out the phase diagram as a function of local and non-local Coulomb interactions. Comparing the experimental data with the theoretical modeling leads us to conclude that electron correlations are the driving force of the charge-ordered state in Pb/Si(111), rather than Fermi surface nesting. These results resolve the discussion about the origin of the well known $3\times 3$ reconstruction forming below $86\,$K. By exploiting the tunability of correlation strength, hopping parameters and bandfilling, this material class represents a promising platform to search for exotic states of matter, in particular, for chiral topological superconductivity. ",Correlation-driven charge order in a frustrated two-dimensional atom lattice
+" We report on the study of the population of B and Be stars in SMC young clusters, performed with the Wide Field Imager in slitless spectroscopic mode at ESO/T2.2m with a filter centered at Halpha. First, we explain the reduction methods we used and our selection of different types of objects. Second, we present results on the proportion of Be stars in SMC clusters, and we compare this proportion to the one observed in the Milky Way. Finally, we also present results on a statistical study of variability of Be stars with OGLE. ",Be stars in open clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud
+" We discuss the issue of parity violation in quantum gravity. In particular, we study the coupling of fermionic degrees of freedom in the presence of torsion and the physical meaning of the Immirzi parameter from the viewpoint of effective field theory. We derive the low-energy effective lagrangian which turns out to involve two parameters, one measuring the non-minimal coupling of fermions in the presence of torsion, the other being the Immirzi parameter. In the case of non-minimal coupling the effective lagrangian contains an axial-vector interaction leading to parity violation. Alternatively, in the case of minimal coupling there is no parity violation and the effective lagrangian contains only the usual axial-axial interaction. In this situation the real values of the Immirzi parameter are not at all constrained. On the other hand, purely imaginary values of the Immirzi parameter lead to violations of unitarity for the case of non-minimal coupling. Finally, the effective lagrangian blows up for the positive and negative unit imaginary values of the Immirzi parameter. ","Quantum Gravity, Torsion, Parity Violation and all that"
+" An operator deformed quantum algebra is discovered exploiting the quantum Yang-Baxter equation with trigonometric R-matrix. This novel Hopf algebra along with its $q \to 1$ limit appear to be the most general Yang-Baxter algebra underlying quantum integrable systems. Three different directions of application of this algebra in integrable systems depending on different sets of values of deforming operators are identified. Fixed values on the whole lattice yield subalgebras linked to standard quantum integrable models, while the associated Lax operators generate and classify them in an unified way. Variable values construct a new series of quantum integrable inhomogeneous models. Fixed but different values at different lattice sites can produce a novel class of integrable hybrid models including integrable matter-radiation models and quantum field models with defects, in particular, a new quantum integrable sine-Gordon model with defect. ",Yang-Baxter algebra and generation of quantum integrable models
+" The exchange-correlation potential experienced by an electron in the free space adjacent to a solid surface or to a low-dimensional system defines the fundamental image states and is generally important in surface- and nano-science. Here we determine the potential near the two- and one-dimensional electron gases (EG), doing this analytically at the level of the exact exchange of the density-functional theory (DFT). We find that, at $r_\perp\gg k_F^{-1}$, where $r_\perp$ is the distance from the EG and $k_F$ is the Fermi radius, the potential obeys the already known asymptotic $-e^2/r_\perp$, while at $r_\perp \lesssim k_F^{-1}$, but {\em still in vacuum}, qualitative and quantitative deviations of the exchange potential from the asymptotic law occur. The playground of the excitations to the low-lying image states falls into the latter regime, causing significant departure from the Rydberg series. In general, our analytical exchange potentials establish benchmarks for numerical approaches in the low-dimensional science, where DFT is by far the most common tool. ","Exact ""exact exchange"" potential of two- and one-dimensional electron gases beyond the asymptotic limit"
+ The difference between the CP asymmetries of the $B^0 \to K^+ \pi^-$ and $B^+ \to K^+ \pi^0$ decays has been recently confirmed with an evidence larger than $5\sigma$'s. We discuss it as a possible signal of new physics associated with new (large) CP violation in the electroweak penguin contributions. We propose a supersymmetry breaking scheme where such new sources of CP violation occur in the flavor non-universal trilinear scalar couplings. ,B -> K pi Puzzle and New Sources of CP Violation in Supersymmetry
+" The near-zone ``Love'' symmetry resolves the naturalness issue of black hole Love number vanishing with $\text{SL}\left(2,\mathbb{R}\right)$ representation theory. Here, we generalize this proposal to $5$-dimensional asymptotically flat and doubly spinning (Myers-Perry) black holes. We consider the scalar response of Myers-Perry black holes and extract its static scalar Love numbers. In agreement with the naturalness arguments, these Love numbers are, in general, non-zero and exhibit logarithmic running unless certain resonant conditions are met; these conditions include new cases with no previously known analogs. We show that there exist two near-zone truncations of the equations of motion that exhibit enhanced $\text{SL}\left(2,\mathbb{R}\right)$ Love symmetries that explain the vanishing of the static scalar Love numbers in the resonant cases. These Love symmetries can be interpreted as local $\text{SL}\left(2,\mathbb{R}\right)\times\text{SL}\left(2,\mathbb{R}\right)$ near-zone symmetries spontaneously broken down to global $\text{SL}\left(2,\mathbb{R}\right)\times U\left(1\right)$ symmetries by the periodic identification of the azimuthal angles. We also discover an infinite-dimensional extension of the Love symmetry into $\text{SL}\left(2,\mathbb{R}\right)\ltimes\hat{U}\left(1\right)_{\mathcal{V}}^2$ that contains both Love symmetries as particular subalgebras, along with a family of $\text{SL}\left(2,\mathbb{R}\right)$ subalgebras that reduce to the exact near-horizon Myers-Perry black hole isometries in the extremal limit. Finally, we show that the Love symmetries acquire a geometric interpretation as isometries of subtracted (effective) black hole geometries that preserve the internal structure of the black hole and interpret these non-extremal $\text{SL}\left(2,\mathbb{R}\right)$ structures as remnants of the enhanced isometry of the near-horizon extremal geometries. ",Scalar Love numbers and Love symmetries of 5-dimensional Myers-Perry black holes
+" Collector's seals provide important clues about the ownership of a book. They contain much information pertaining to the essential elements of ancient materials and also show the details of possession, its relation to the book, the identity of the collectors and their social status and wealth, amongst others. Asian collectors have typically used artistic ancient characters rather than modern ones to make their seals. In addition to the owner's name, several other words are used to express more profound meanings. A system that automatically recognizes these characters can help enthusiasts and professionals better understand the background information of these seals. However, there is a lack of training data and labelled images, as samples of some seals are scarce and most of them are degraded images. It is necessary to find new ways to make full use of such scarce data. While these data are available online, they do not contain information on the characters'position. The goal of this research is to provide retrieval tools assist in obtaining more information from Asian collector's seals imprints without consuming a lot of computational resources. In this paper, a character segmentation method is proposed to predict the candidate characters'area without any labelled training data that contain character coordinate information. A retrieval-based recognition system that focuses on a single character is also proposed to support seal retrieval and matching. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed character segmentation method performs well on Asian collector's seals, with 92% of the test data being correctly segmented. ",Character Segmentation in Asian Collector's Seal Imprints: An Attempt to Retrieval Based on Ancient Character Typeface
+" Semantic parsing of large-scale 3D point clouds is an important research topic in computer vision and remote sensing fields. Most existing approaches utilize hand-crafted features for each modality independently and combine them in a heuristic manner. They often fail to consider the consistency and complementary information among features adequately, which makes them difficult to capture high-level semantic structures. The features learned by most of the current deep learning methods can obtain high-quality image classification results. However, these methods are hard to be applied to recognize 3D point clouds due to unorganized distribution and various point density of data. In this paper, we propose a 3DCNN-DQN-RNN method which fuses the 3D convolutional neural network (CNN), Deep Q-Network (DQN) and Residual recurrent neural network (RNN) for an efficient semantic parsing of large-scale 3D point clouds. In our method, an eye window under control of the 3D CNN and DQN can localize and segment the points of the object class efficiently. The 3D CNN and Residual RNN further extract robust and discriminative features of the points in the eye window, and thus greatly enhance the parsing accuracy of large-scale point clouds. Our method provides an automatic process that maps the raw data to the classification results. It also integrates object localization, segmentation and classification into one framework. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art point cloud classification methods. ",3DCNN-DQN-RNN: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Semantic Parsing of Large-scale 3D Point Clouds
+" We consider a supersymmetric hybrid inflation scenario in which the U(1) $R$-symmetry is explicitly broken by Planck scale suppressed operators in the superpotential. We provide an example with minimal K\""ahler potential, with the $R$-symmetry breaking term relevant during inflation being $\alpha S^4$, where $S$ denotes the well-known gauge singlet inflaton superfield. The inflationary potential takes into account the radiative and supergravity corrections, as well as the soft supersymmetry breaking terms. For successful inflation, with the scalar spectral index in the currently preferred range, $n_s \approx 0.97 \pm 0.010$, $| \alpha |$ $\lesssim 10^{-7}$. The tensor to scalar ratio $r \lesssim 10^{-4}$, while $| \text{d} n_s / \text{d} \ln k | \sim \mathcal{O}(10^{-3})-\mathcal{O}(10^{-4})$ ",$R$-Symmetry Breaking in Supersymmetric Hybrid Inflation
+" The development of the Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system has received much attention for the English license plate. However, despite being the sixth largest population around the world, no significant progress can be tracked in the Bengali language countries or states for the ALPR system addressing their more alarming traffic management with inadequate road-safety measures. This paper reports a computationally efficient and reasonably accurate Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system for Bengali characters with a new end-to-end DNN model that we call Bengali License Plate Network(BLPnet). The cascaded architecture for detecting vehicle regions prior to vehicle license plate (VLP) in the model is proposed to eliminate false positives resulting in higher detection accuracy of VLP. Besides, a lower set of trainable parameters is considered for reducing the computational cost making the system faster and more compatible for a real-time application. With a Computational Neural Network (CNN)based new Bengali OCR engine and word-mapping process, the model is characters rotation invariant, and can readily extract, detect and output the complete license plate number of a vehicle. The model feeding with17 frames per second (fps) on real-time video footage can detect a vehicle with the Mean Squared Error (MSE) of 0.0152, and the mean license plate character recognition accuracy of 95%. While compared to the other models, an improvement of 5% and 20% were recorded for the BLPnetover the prominent YOLO-based ALPR model and the Tesseract model for the number-plate detection accuracy and time requirement, respectively. ",BLPnet: A new DNN model and Bengali OCR engine for Automatic License Plate Recognition
+" We propose an enhanced peer-review process where the reviewers are encouraged to truthfully disclose their reviews. We start by modelling that process using a Bayesian model where the uncertainty regarding the quality of the manuscript is taken into account. After that, we introduce a scoring function to evaluate the reported reviews. Under mild assumptions, we show that reviewers strictly maximize their expected scores by telling the truth. We also show how those scores can be used in order to reach consensus. ",On a Reliable Peer-Review Process
+ We present an unprecedented view on the morphology and kinematics of the extended narrow-line region (ENLR) and molecular gas around the prototypical hyper-luminous quasar 3C273 ($L\sim10^{47}$ erg/s at z=0.158) based on VLT-MUSE optical 3D spectroscopy and ALMA observations. We find that: 1) The ENLR size of 12.1$\pm$0.2kpc implies a smooth continuation of the size-luminosity relation out to large radii or a much larger break radius as previously proposed. 2) The kinematically disturbed ionized gas with line splits reaching 1000km/s out to 6.1$\pm$1.5kpc is aligned along the jet axis. 3) The extreme line broadening on kpc scales is caused by spatial and spectral blending of many distinct gas clouds separated on sub-arcsecond scales with different line-of-sight velocities. The ENLR velocity field combined with the known jet orientation rule out a simple scenario of a radiatively-driven radial expansion of the outflow. Instead we propose that a pressurized expanding hot gas cocoon created by the radio jet is impacting on an inclined gas disk leading to transverse and/or backflow motion with respect to our line-of-sight. The molecular gas morphology may either be explained by a density wave at the front of the outflow expanding along the jet direction as predicted by positive feedback scenario or the cold gas may be trapped in a stellar over-density caused by a recent merger event. Using 3C273 as a template for observations of high-redshift hyper-luminous AGN reveals that large-scale ENLRs and kpc scale outflows may often be missed due to the brightness of the nuclei and the limited sensitivity of current near-IR instrumentation. ,Jet-driven galaxy-scale gas outflows in the hyper-luminous quasar 3C273
+" An isomorphism between two graphs is a bijection between their vertices that preserves the edges. We consider the problem of determining whether two finite undirected weighted graphs are isomorphic, and finding an isomorphism relating them if the answer is positive. In this paper we introduce effective probabilistic linear programming (LP) heuristics to solve the graph isomorphism problem. We motivate our heuristics by showing guarantees under some conditions, and present numerical experiments that show effectiveness of these heuristics in the general case. ",Linear Programming Heuristics for the Graph Isomorphism Problem
+" Self-consistency based Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT) electronic structure calculations with Gaussian basis sets are reported for a set of 17 protein-like molecules with geometries obtained from the protein data bank. It is found that in many cases such calculations do not converge due to vanishing HOMO-LUMO gaps. A sequence of polyproline I helix molecules is also studied, and it is found that self-consistency calculations using pure functionals fail to converge for helices longer than six proline units. Since the computed gap is strongly correlated to the fraction of Hartree-Fock exchange, test calculations using both pure and hybrid density functionals are reported. The tested methods include the pure functionals BLYP, PBE, and LDA, as well as Hartree-Fock and the hybrid functionals BHandHLYP, B3LYP, and PBE0. The effect of including solvent molecules in the calculations is studied, and it is found that the inclusion of explicit solvent molecules around the protein fragment in many cases gives a larger gap, but that convergence problems due to vanishing gaps still occur in calculations with pure functionals. In order to achieve converged results, some modeling of the charge distribution of solvent water molecules outside the electronic structure calculation is needed. Representing solvent water molecules by a simple point charge distribution is found to give non-vanishing HOMO-LUMO gaps for the tested protein-like systems also for pure functionals. ",Difficulties in applying pure Kohn-Sham density functional theory electronic structure methods to protein molecules
+ The Fourier series method is used to solve the homogeneous equation governing the motion of the harmonic oscillator. It is shown that the general solution to the problem can be found in a surprisingly simple way for the case of the simple harmonic oscillator. It is also shown that the damped harmonic oscillator is susceptible to the analysis. ,Harmonic oscillator: an analysis via Fourier series
+" Collider searches for energetic particles recoiling against missing transverse energy allow to place strong bounds on the interactions between dark matter (DM) and standard model particles. In this article we update and extend LHC constraints on effective dimension-7 operators involving DM and electroweak gauge bosons. A concise comparison of the sensitivity of the mono-photon, mono-W, mono-Z, mono-W/Z, invisible Higgs-boson decays in the vector boson fusion mode and the mono-jet channel is presented. Depending on the parameter choices, either the mono-photon or the mono-jet data provide the most stringent bounds at the moment. We furthermore explore the potential of improving the current 8 TeV limits at 14 TeV. Future strategies capable of disentangling the effects of the different effective operators involving electroweak gauge bosons are discussed as well. ",LHC constraints on gauge boson couplings to dark matter
+" Collision cross sections and rate constants between two ground- state oxygen molecules are investigated theoretically at translational energies below $\sim 1$K and in zero magnetic field. We present calculations for elastic and spin- changing inelastic collision rates for different isotopic combinations of oxygen atoms as a prelude to understanding their collisional stability in ultracold magnetic traps. A numerical analysis has been made in the framework of a rigid- rotor model that accounts fully for the singlet, triplet, and quintet potential energy surfaces in this system. The results offer insights into the effectiveness of evaporative cooling and the properties of molecular Bose- Einstein condensates, as well as estimates of collisional lifetimes in magnetic traps. Specifically, $^{17}O_{2}$ looks like a good candidate for ultracold studies, while $^{16}O_{2}$ is unlikely to survive evaporative cooling. Since $^{17}O_{2}$ is representative of a wide class of molecules that are paramagnetic in their ground state we conclude that many molecules can be successfully magnetically trapped at ultralow temperatures. ",Ultracold collisions of oxygen molecules
+" We characterize the capacity region to within 2 bits/s/Hz and the symmetric capacity to within 1 bit/s/Hz for the two-user Gaussian interference channel (IC) with feedback. We develop achievable schemes and derive a new outer bound to arrive at this conclusion. One consequence of the result is that feedback provides multiplicative gain, i.e., the gain becomes arbitrarily large for certain channel parameters. It is a surprising result because feedback has been so far known to provide no gain in memoryless point-to-point channels and only bounded additive gain in multiple access channels. The gain comes from using feedback to maximize resource utilization, thereby enabling more efficient resource sharing between the interfering users. The result makes use of a deterministic model to provide insights into the Gaussian channel. This deterministic model is a special case of El Gamal-Costa deterministic model and as a side-generalization, we establish the exact feedback capacity region of this general class of deterministic ICs. ",Feedback Capacity of the Gaussian Interference Channel to within 2 Bits
+" Using the ASAS data, we determine the pulsational frequencies of the high-amplitude $\delta$ Sct star BP Pegasi. The analysis revealed only the two known, independent frequencies. On the basis of multicolour Str\""omgren photometry, we independently find that both frequencies can only be associated with radial modes which, according to the frequency ratio, are fundamental and first overtone modes. The models fitting the two frequencies depend strongly on the opacity data. For low values of the mixing length parameter $\alpha_{\rm MLT}\approx 0.5$, only the OPAL seismic models in the post-main sequence phase of evolution are caught within the observed error box. Seismic OP and OPLIB models can only reach the error box if we increase $\alpha_{\rm MLT}$ to at least 2.0. Then, including the non-adiabatic parameter $f$ into our seismic modelling, we constrain various parameters, employing Monte Carlo-based Bayesian analysis. ",Asteroseismology of the double-radial mode $\delta$ Scuti star BP Pegasi
+" Numerical calculations for Majorana zero modes on a one-dimensional chain are performed using the technique of block diagonalization for general parameter settings. It is found that Majorana zero modes occur near the ends of the chain and decay exponentially away from the ends. The phase diagrams show that Majorana zero modes of a long-enough chain indeed have a parameter domain of $2t>|\mu|$ as predicted from the bulk property of the chain, but a short chain has a much smaller parameter domain than the prediction. Through a numerical simulation Majorana zero modes are found to be robust under the disturbance of noise. Finally the reversion of the parity of the ground states is studied by applying a bias voltage on the quantum dot at an end of the chain. It is found that for a weak coupling between a chain and a quantum dot the parity of the ground states can be reversed through adiabatically tuning the bias voltage. ",Majorana zero modes on a 1D chain for quantum computation
+" We present preliminary results of the first and on-going radial velocity survey for circumbinary planets. With a novel radial velocity technique employing an iodine absorption cell we achieve an unprecedented RV precision of up to 2 m/s for double-lined binary stars. The high resolution spectra collected with the Keck I/Hires, TNG/Sarg and Shane/CAT/Hamspec telescopes/spectrographs over the years 2003-2008 allow us to derive RVs and compute planet detection limits for ten double-lined binary stars. For this initial sample of targets, we can rule out planets on dynamically stable orbits with masses as small as ~0.3 to 3 MJup for the orbital periods of up to ~5.3 years. Even though the presented sample of stars is too small to make any strong conclusions, it is clear that the search for circumbinary planets is now technique-wise possible and eventually will provide new constraints for the planet formation theories. ","The Radial Velocity TATOOINE Search for Circumbinary Planets: Planet Detection Limits for a Sample of Double-lined Binary Stars - Initial Results from Keck I/Hires, Shane/CAT/Hamspec and TNG/Sarg Observations"
+" A subgraph is constructed by using a subset of vertices and edges of a given graph. There exist many graph properties that are hereditary for subgraphs. Hence, researchers from different communities have paid a great deal of attention in studying numerous subgraph problems, on top of the ordinary graph problems. Many algorithms are proposed in studying subgraph problems, where one common approach is by extracting the patterns and structures of a given graph. Due to the complex structures of certain types of graphs and to improve overall performances of the existing frameworks, machine learning techniques have recently been employed in dealing with various subgraph problems. In this article, we present a comprehensive review on five well known subgraph problems that have been tackled by using machine learning methods. They are subgraph isomorphism (both counting and matching), maximum common subgraph, community detection and community search problems. We provide an outline of each proposed method, and examine its designs and performances. We also explore non-learning-based algorithms for each problem and a brief discussion is given. We then suggest some promising research directions in this area, hoping that relevant subgraph problems can be tackled by using a similar strategy. Since there is a huge growth in employing machine learning techniques in recent years, we believe that this survey will serve as a good reference point to relevant research communities. ",A Survey on Machine Learning Solutions for Graph Pattern Extraction
+" A randomized misfit approach is presented for the efficient solution of large-scale PDE-constrained inverse problems with high-dimensional data. The purpose of this paper is to offer a theory-based framework for random projections in this inverse problem setting. The stochastic approximation to the misfit is analyzed using random projection theory. By expanding beyond mean estimator convergence, a practical characterization of randomized misfit convergence can be achieved. The theoretical results developed hold with any valid random projection in the literature. The class of feasible distributions is broad yet simple to characterize compared to previous stochastic misfit methods. This class includes very sparse random projections which provide additional computational benefit. A different proof for a variant of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma is also provided. This leads to a different intuition for the $O(\epsilon^{-2})$ factor in bounds for Johnson-Lindenstrauss results. The main contribution of this paper is a theoretical result showing the method guarantees a valid solution for small reduced misfit dimensions. The interplay between Johnson-Lindenstrauss theory and Morozov's discrepancy principle is shown to be essential to the result. The computational cost savings for large-scale PDE-constrained problems with high- dimensional data is discussed. Numerical verification of the developed theory is presented for model problems of estimating a distributed parameter in an elliptic partial differential equation. Results with different random projections are presented to demonstrate the viability and accuracy of the proposed approach. ",A Data-Scalable Randomized Misfit Approach for Solving Large-Scale PDE-Constrained Inverse Problems
+" Both feature selection and hyperparameter tuning are key tasks in machine learning. Hyperparameter tuning is often useful to increase model performance, while feature selection is undertaken to attain sparse models. Sparsity may yield better model interpretability and lower cost of data acquisition, data handling and model inference. While sparsity may have a beneficial or detrimental effect on predictive performance, a small drop in performance may be acceptable in return for a substantial gain in sparseness. We therefore treat feature selection as a multi-objective optimization task. We perform hyperparameter tuning and feature selection simultaneously because the choice of features of a model may influence what hyperparameters perform well. We present, benchmark, and compare two different approaches for multi-objective joint hyperparameter optimization and feature selection: The first uses multi-objective model-based optimization. The second is an evolutionary NSGA-II-based wrapper approach to feature selection which incorporates specialized sampling, mutation and recombination operators. Both methods make use of parameterized filter ensembles. While model-based optimization needs fewer objective evaluations to achieve good performance, it incurs computational overhead compared to the NSGA-II, so the preferred choice depends on the cost of evaluating a model on given data. ",Multi-Objective Hyperparameter Tuning and Feature Selection using Filter Ensembles
+" The paper deals with $\Sigma-$composition of terms, which allows us to extend the derivation rules in formal deduction of identities. The concept of essential variables and essential positions of terms with respect to a set of identities is a key step in the simplification of the process of formal deduction. $\Sigma-$composition of terms is defined as replacement between $\Sigma$-equal terms. This composition induces $\Sigma R-$deductively closed sets of identities. In analogy to balanced identities we introduce and investigate $\Sigma-$balanced identities for a given set of identities $\Sigma$. ",Essential variables and positions in terms
+" The thermodynamic uncertainty relation is a universal trade-off relation connecting the precision of a current with the average dissipation at large times. For continuous time Markov chains (also called Markov jump processes) this relation is valid in the time-homogeneous case, while it fails in the time-periodic case. The latter is relevant for the study of several small thermodynamic systems. We consider here a time-periodic Markov chain with continuous time and a broad class of functionals of stochastic trajectories, which are general linear combinations of the empirical flow and the empirical density. Inspired by the analysis done in our previous work [1], we provide general methods to get local quadratic bounds for large deviations, which lead to universal lower bounds on the ratio of the diffusion coefficient to the squared average value in terms of suitable universal rates, independent of the empirical functional. These bounds are called ""generalized thermodynamic uncertainty relations"" (GTUR's), being generalized versions of the thermodynamic uncertainty relation to the time-periodic case and to functionals which are more general than currents. Previously, GTUR's in the time-periodic case have been obtained in [1, 27, 42]. Here we recover the GTUR's in [1, 27] and produce new ones, leading to even stronger bounds and also to new trade-off relations for time-homogeneous systems. Moreover, we generalize to arbitrary protocols the GTUR obtained in [42] for time-symmetric protocols. We also generalize to the time-periodic case the GTUR obtained in [19] for the so called dynamical activity, and provide a new GTUR which, in the time-homogeneous case, is stronger than the one in [19]. The unifying picture is completed with a comprehensive comparison between the different GTUR's. ",A unifying picture of generalized thermodynamic uncertainty relations
+" Knowledge distillation becomes a de facto standard to improve the performance of small neural networks. Most of the previous works propose to regress the representational features from the teacher to the student in a one-to-one spatial matching fashion. However, people tend to overlook the fact that, due to the architecture differences, the semantic information on the same spatial location usually vary. This greatly undermines the underlying assumption of the one-to-one distillation approach. To this end, we propose a novel one-to-all spatial matching knowledge distillation approach. Specifically, we allow each pixel of the teacher feature to be distilled to all spatial locations of the student features given its similarity, which is generated from a target-aware transformer. Our approach surpasses the state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin on various computer vision benchmarks, such as ImageNet, Pascal VOC and COCOStuff10k. Code will be released soon. ",Knowledge Distillation via the Target-aware Transformer
+" Robin Forman's highly influential 2002 paper titled A User's Guide to Discrete Morse Theory presents an overview of the subject in a very readable manner. As a proof of concept, the author determines the topology (homotopy type) of the abstract simplicial complex of disconnected graphs of order $n$ (which was previously done by Victor Vassiliev using classical topological methods) using discrete Morse theoretic techniques, which are purely combinatorial in nature. The techniques involve the construction (and verification) of a discrete gradient vector field on the complex. However, the verification part relies on a claim that doesn't seem to hold. In this note, we provide a couple of counterexamples against this specific claim and also an alternative proof of the claim that the constructed discrete vector field is indeed a gradient vector field. ",A note on an application of discrete Morse theoretic techniques on the complex of disconnected graphs
+" Vector solitary waves are nonlinear waves of coupled polarizations that propagate with constant velocity and shape. In mechanics, they hold the potential to control locomotion, mitigate shocks and transfer information, among other functionalities. Recently, such elastic waves were numerically observed in compressible rubber-like laminates. Here, we conduct numerical experiments to characterize the possible vector solitary waves in these laminates, and expose a new type of waves whose amplitude and velocity oscillate periodically without dispersing in time. This oscillation is a manifestation of a periodic transfer of energy between the two wave polarizations, which we consider as internal mode of the solitary wave. We find that the vector solitary waves propagate faster at higher amplitudes, and determine a lower bound for their velocity. We describe a procedure for identifying which initial strains generate such vector solitary waves. This procedure also enables an additional classification between tensile and compressive solitary waves, according to the way that the axial strain changes as the waves propagate. ",Oscillating vector solitary waves in soft laminates
+" In this paper we analyze the gravitational field of a global monopole in the context of $f(R)$ gravity. More precisely, we show that the field equations obtained are expressed in terms of $F(R)=\frac{df(R)}{dR}$. Since we are dealing with a spherically symmetric system, we assume that $F(R)$ is a function of the radial coordinate only. Moreover, adopting the weak field approximation, we can provide all components of the metric tensor. A comparison with the corresponding results obtained in General Relativity and in the Brans-Dicke theory is also made. ",Gravitational Field of a Global Monopole in a Modified Gravity
+" Iron self-diffusion in nano-composite FeZr alloy has been investigated using neutron reflectometry technique as a function of applied compressive stress. A composite target of (Fe+Zr) and (57Fe+Zr) was alternatively sputtered to deposit chemically homogeneous multilayer (CHM) structure, [Fe75Zr25/57Fe75Zr25]10. The multilayers were deposited on to a bent Si wafer using a 3-point bending device. Post-deposition, the bending of the substrate was released which results in an applied compressive stress on to the multilayer. In the as-deposited state, the alloy multilayer forms an amorphous phase, which crystallizes into a nano-composite phase when heated at 373 K. Bragg peaks due to isotopic contrast were observed from CHM, when measured by neutron reflectivity, while x-ray reflectivity showed a pattern corresponding to a single layer. Self-diffusion of iron was measured with the decay of the intensities at the Bragg peaks in the neutron reflectivity pattern after thermal annealing at different temperatures. It was found that the self-diffusion of iron slows down with an increase in the strength of applied compressive stress. ",Iron self-diffusion in FeZr/$^{57}$FeZr multilayers measured by neutron reflectometry: Effect of applied compressive stress
+" This exposition contains a short and streamlined proof of the recent result of Kwan, Letzter, Sudakov and Tran that every triangle-free graph with minimum degree $d$ contains an induced bipartite subgraph with average degree $\Omega(\ln d/\ln\ln d)$. ",A note on dense bipartite induced subgraphs
+ We present the first example of a poly-time computable Julia set with a recurrent critical point: we prove that the Julia set of the Feigenbaum map is computable in polynomial time. ,Poly-time Computability of the Feigenbaum Julia set
+" Monitoring propeller failures is vital to maintain the safe and reliable operation of quadrotor UAVs. The simulation-to-reality UAV fault diagnosis technique offer a secure and economical approach to identify faults in propellers. However, classifiers trained with simulated data perform poorly in real flights due to the wind disturbance in outdoor scenarios. In this work, we propose an uncertainty-based fault classifier (UFC) to address the challenge of sim-to-real UAV fault diagnosis in windy scenarios. It uses the ensemble of difference-based deep convolutional neural networks (EDDCNN) to reduce model variance and bias. Moreover, it employs an uncertainty-based decision framework to filter out uncertain predictions. Experimental results demonstrate that the UFC can achieve 100% fault-diagnosis accuracy with a data usage rate of 33.6% in the windy outdoor scenario. ",Simulation-to-reality UAV Fault Diagnosis in windy environments
+" We present the notion of higher Kirillov brackets on the sections of an even line bundle over a supermanifold. When the line bundle is trivial we shall speak of higher Jacobi brackets. These brackets are understood furnishing the module of sections with an $L_{\infty}$-algebra, which we refer to as a homotopy Kirillov algebra. We are then to higher Kirillov algebroids as higher generalisations of Jacobi algebroids. Furthermore, we show how to associate a higher Kirillov algebroid and a homotopy BV-algebra with every higher Kirillov manifold. In short, we construct homotopy versions of some of the well-known theorems related to Kirillov's local Lie algebras. ",Kirillov structures up to homotopy
+" I present quenched domain wall fermion and 2+1 flavor improved Kogut-Susskind fermion calculations of the hadronic vacuum polarization which are used to calculate the ${\cal O}(\alpha^2)$ hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Together with previous quenched calcuations, the new results confirm that in the quenched theory the hadronic contribution is signifcantly smaller ($\sim 30%$) than the value obtained from the total cross section of $e^+e^-$ annhilation to hadrons. The 2+1 flavor results show an increasing contribution to $g-2$ as the quark mass is reduced. ",Lattice calculation of the lowest-order hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic momen
+" Starting from the Euler's identity, the author improved Riemann's results, discovered the relationship between the Riemann Zeta function and the prime function, and obtained two new corollaries based on Riemann hypothesis is tenable. From these corollaries, the author found the relationship between the p_m, its subscript m and the t_m, and obtains a complete table of primes (less than 5000). ",New results based on Riemann hypothesis is tenable
+" New solutions for second-order intertwining relations in two-dimensional SUSY QM are found via the repeated use of the first order supersymmetrical transformations with intermediate constant unitary rotation. Potentials obtained by this method - two-dimensional generalized P\""oschl-Teller potentials - appear to be shape-invariant. The recently proposed method of $SUSY-$separation of variables is implemented to obtain a part of their spectra, including the ground state. Explicit expressions for energy eigenvalues and corresponding normalizable eigenfunctions are given in analytic form. Intertwining relations of higher orders are discussed. ",New Two-Dimensional Quantum Models Partially Solvable by Supersymmetrical Approach
+" Copper oxide nanostructures with spherical (0D), needle (1D) and hierarchical cauliflower (3D) morphologies are used to demonstrate superhydrophobic, superoleophobic and slippery behavior. These nanostructures are synthesized on galvanized steel substrates using a simple chemical bath deposition method by tuning precursor concentration. Subsequent coating of low surface energy polymer, polydimethylsiloxane, results in superhydrophobicity with water contact angle ~160(2){\deg} and critical sliding angle ~2{\deg}. When functionalized with low-surface energy perfluoroalkyl silane, these surfaces display high repellency for low surface tension oils and hydrocarbons. Among them, the hierarchical cauliflower morphology exhibits better re-entrant structure thus show the best superoleophobicity with 149{\deg} contact angle for dodecane having surface tension 25.3 mNm-1. If these nanostructured substrates are infused with lubricant Silicone oil, they show excellent slippery behavior for water drops. Due to the lubricating nature of Silicone oil, the Silicone oil infused slippery surfaces (SOIS) show low contact angle hysteresis (~2{\deg}) and critical tilt angle (~2{\deg}). The hierarchical cauliflower nanostrcuture exhibit better slippery characteristics and stability compared to the other nanostructured surfaces. ","Uniting Superhydrophobic, Superoleophobic and Lubricating Fluid Infused Slippery Behavior on Copper Oxide Nano-structured Substrates"
+" We construct infinitely many signed graphs having symmetric spectrum, by using the NEPS and rooted product of signed graphs. We also present a method for constructing large cospectral signed graphs. Although the obtained family contains only a minority of signed graphs, it strengthen the belief that the signed graphs with symmetric spectrum are deeper than bipartite graphs, i.e the unsigned graphs with symmetric spectrum. ",Some non-sign-symmetric signed graphs with symmetric spectrum
+" We show that the analytic continuations of Helson zeta functions $ \zeta_\chi (s)= \sum_1^{\infty}\chi(n)n^{-s} $ can have essentially arbitrary poles and zeroes in the strip $ 21/40 < \Re s < 1 $ (unconditionally), and in the whole critical strip $ 1/2 < \Re s <1 $ under Riemann Hypothesis. ",On zeroes and poles of Helson zeta functions
+" Current methods of deploying robots that operate in dynamic, uncertain environments, such as Uncrewed Aerial Systems in search \& rescue missions, require nearly continuous human supervision for vehicle guidance and operation. These methods do not consider high-level mission context resulting in cumbersome manual operation or inefficient exhaustive search patterns. We present a human-centered autonomous framework that infers geospatial mission context through dynamic feature sets, which then guides a probabilistic target search planner. Operators provide a set of diverse inputs, including priority definition, spatial semantic information about ad-hoc geographical areas, and reference waypoints, which are probabilistically fused with geographical database information and condensed into a geospatial distribution representing an operator's preferences over an area. An online, POMDP-based planner, optimized for target searching, is augmented with this reward map to generate an operator-constrained policy. Our results, simulated based on input from five professional rescuers, display effective task mental model alignment, 18\% more victim finds, and 15 times more efficient guidance plans then current operational methods. ",Human-Centered Autonomy for UAS Target Search
+" On Earth, the development of technology required easy access to open air combustion, which is only possible when oxygen partial pressure, P(O$_2$), is above 18\%. This suggests that only planets with significant atmospheric oxygen concentrations will be capable of developing ``advanced'' technospheres and hence detectable technosignatures. ",The Oxygen Bottleneck for Technospheres
+" Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) is a common hardware module in Intel CPUs. It can be used to record various CPU behaviors therefore it is often used for performance analysis and optimization. Of the 65536 event spaces, Intel has officially published only 200 or so. In this paper, we design a hidden PMU event collection method. And we found a large number of undocumented PMU events in CPUs of Skylake, Kabylake, and Alderlake microarchitectures. We further demonstrate the existence of these events by using them for transient execution attack detection and build-side channel attacks. This also implies that these hidden PMU events have huge exploitation potential and security threats. ",Exploration and Exploitation of Hidden PMU Events
+" We consider an efficiently decodable non-adaptive group testing (NAGT) problem that meets theoretical bounds. The problem is to find a few specific items (at most $d$) satisfying certain characteristics in a colossal number of $N$ items as quickly as possible. Those $d$ specific items are called \textit{defective items}. The idea of NAGT is to pool a group of items, which is called \textit{a test}, then run a test on them. If the test outcome is \textit{positive}, there exists at least one defective item in the test, and if it is \textit{negative}, there exists no defective items. Formally, a binary $t \times N$ measurement matrix $\mathcal{M} = (m_{ij})$ is the representation for $t$ tests where row $i$ stands for test $i$ and $m_{ij} = 1$ if and only if item $j$ belongs to test $i$. There are three main objectives in NAGT: minimize the number of tests $t$, construct matrix $\mathcal{M}$, and identify defective items as quickly as possible. In this paper, we present a strongly explicit construction of $\mathcal{M}$ for when the number of defective items is at most 2, with the number of tests $t \simeq 16 \log{N} = O(\log{N})$. In particular, we need only $K \simeq N \times 16\log{N} = O(N\log{N})$ bits to construct such matrices, which is optimal. Furthermore, given these $K$ bits, any entry in the matrix can be constructed in time $O \left(\ln{N}/ \ln{\ln{N}} \right)$. Moreover, $\mathcal{M}$ can be decoded with high probability in time $O\left( \frac{\ln^2{N}}{\ln^2{\ln{N}}} \right)$. When the number of defective items is greater than 2, we present a scheme that can identify at least $(1-\epsilon)d$ defective items with $t \simeq 32 C(\epsilon) d \log{N} = O(d \log{N})$ in time $O \left( d \frac{\ln^2{N}}{\ln^2{\ln{N}}} \right)$ for any close-to-zero $\epsilon$, where $C(\epsilon)$ is a constant that depends only on $\epsilon$. ",Non-Adaptive Group Testing Framework based on Concatenation Code
+ The geometric realizations of Lusztig's symmetries of symmetrizable quantum groups are given in this paper. This construction is a generalization of that in [19]. ,Geometric realizations of Lusztig's symmetries of symmetrizable quantum groups
+" We prove a new bound for the number of connected components of a real regular elliptic surface with a real section and we show the sharpness of this bound. Furthermore, all possible values for the Betti numbers of such a surface are realized. ",Nombres de Betti des surfaces elliptiques r\'{e}elles
+" The growing need to deal with massive instances motivates the design of algorithms balancing the quality of the solution with applicability. For the latter, an important measure is the \emph{adaptive complexity}, capturing the number of sequential rounds of parallel computation needed. In this work we obtain the first \emph{constant factor} approximation algorithm for non-monotone submodular maximization subject to a knapsack constraint with \emph{near-optimal} $O(\log n)$ adaptive complexity. Low adaptivity by itself, however, is not enough: one needs to account for the total number of function evaluations (or value queries) as well. Our algorithm asks $\tilde{O}(n^2)$ value queries, but can be modified to run with only $\tilde{O}(n)$ instead, while retaining a low adaptive complexity of $O(\log^2n)$. Besides the above improvement in adaptivity, this is also the first \emph{combinatorial} approach with sublinear adaptive complexity for the problem and yields algorithms comparable to the state-of-the-art even for the special cases of cardinality constraints or monotone objectives. Finally, we showcase our algorithms' applicability on real-world datasets. ",Submodular Maximization subject to a Knapsack Constraint: Combinatorial Algorithms with Near-optimal Adaptive Complexity
+" This papers deals with the constrained discounted control of piecewise deterministic Markov process (PDMPs) in general Borel spaces. The control variable acts on the jump rate and transition measure, and the goal is to minimize the total expected discounted cost, composed of positive running and boundary costs, while satisfying some constraints also in this form. The basic idea is, by using the special features of the PDMPs, to re-write the problem via an embedded discrete-time Markov chain associated to the PDMP and re-formulate the problem as an infinite dimensional linear programming (LP) problem, via the occupation measures associated to the discrete-time process. It is important to stress however that our new discrete-time problem is not in the same framework of a general constrained discrete-time Markov Decision Process and, due to that, some conditions are required to get the equivalence between the continuous-time problem and the LP formulation. We provide in the sequel sufficient conditions for the solvability of the associated LP problem, based on a generalization of Theorem 4.1 in [8]. In the Appendix we present the proof of this generalization which, we believe, is of interest on its own. The paper is concluded with some examples to illustrate the obtained results. ",A Linear Programming Formulation for Constrained Discounted Continuous Control for Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes
+" We study the $S_3$-symmetric two Higgs doublet model by adding two generations of vector like leptons (VLL) which are odd under a discrete $Z_2$ symmetry. The lightest neutral component of the VLL acts as a dark matter (DM) whereas the full VLL set belongs to a dark sector with no mixings allowed with the standard model fermions. We analyse the model in light of dark matter and collider searches. We show that the DM is compatible with the current relic density data as well as satisfying all direct and indirect dark matter search constraints. We choose some representative points in the model parameter space allowed by all aforementioned dark matter constraints and present a detailed collider analysis of multi-lepton signal viz. the mono-lepton, di-lepton, tri-lepton and four-lepton along with missing transverse energy in the final state using both the cut-based analysis and multivariate analysis respectively at the high luminosity 14 TeV LHC run. ",Dark Matter and Collider Searches in $S_3$-Symmetric 2HDM with Vector Like Leptons
+" An algorithm is proposed for determining asymptotics of the sum of a perturbative series in the strong coupling limit using given values of the expansion coefficients. Operation of the algorithm is illustrated by test examples, method for estimating errors is developed, and an optimization procedure is described. Application of the algorithm to the $\phi^4$ theory gives a behavior $\beta(g)\approx 7.4 g^{0.96}$ at large $g$ for its Gell-Mann -- Low function. The fact that the exponent is close to unity can be interpreted as a manifestation of the logarithmic branching of the type $\beta(g)\sim g (\ln g)^{-\gamma}$ (with $\gamma\approx 0.14$), which is confirmed by independent evidence. In any case, the $\phi^4$ theory is internally consistent. The procedure of summing perturbartive series with arbitrary values of expansion parameter is discussed. ",Summing Divergent Perturbative Series in a Strong Coupling Limit. The Gell-Mann - Low Function of the \phi^4 Theory
+" We give elementary proofs of several Stirling's precise bounds. We first improve all the precise bounds from the literature and give new precise bounds. In particular, we show that for all $n\ge 8$ $$\sqrt{2\pi n}\left(\frac{n}{e}\right)^n e^{\frac{1}{12n}-\frac{1}{360n^3+103n}} \ge n!\ge \sqrt{2\pi n}\left(\frac{n}{e}\right)^n e^{\frac{1}{12n}-\frac{1}{360n^3+102n}}$$ and for all $n\ge 3$ $$\sqrt{2\pi n}\left(\frac{n}{e}\right)^n e^{\frac{1}{12n+\frac{2}{5n}-\frac{1.1}{10n^3}}} \ge n!\ge \sqrt{2\pi n}\left(\frac{n}{e}\right)^n e^{\frac{1}{12n+\frac{2}{5n}-\frac{0.9}{10n^3}}}.$$ ",Elementary Proofs of Some Stirling Bounds
+" Graphene is the two-dimensional building block for carbon allotropes of every other dimensionality. Since its experimental discovery, graphene continues to attract enormous interest, in particular as a new kind of matter, in which electron transport is governed by a Dirac-like wave equation, and as a model system for studying electronic and phonon properties of other, more complex, graphitic materials[1-4]. Here, we uncover the constitutive relation of graphene and probe new physics of its optical phonons, by studying its Raman spectrum as a function of uniaxial strain. We find that the doubly degenerate E2g optical mode splits in two components, one polarized along the strain and the other perpendicular to it. This leads to the splitting of the G peak into two bands, which we call G+ and G-, by analogy with the effect of curvature on the nanotube G peak[5-7]. Both peaks red shift with increasing strain, and their splitting increases, in excellent agreement with first-principles calculations. Their relative intensities are found to depend on light polarization, which provides a useful tool to probe the graphene crystallographic orientation with respect to the strain. The singly degenerate 2D and 2D' bands also red shift, but do not split for small strains. We study the Gruneisen parameters for the phonons responsible for the G, D and D' peaks. These can be used to measure the amount of uniaxial or biaxial strain, providing a fundamental tool for nanoelectronics, where strain monitoring is of paramount importance[8, 9] ","Uniaxial Strain in Graphene by Raman Spectroscopy: G peak splitting, Gruneisen Parameters and Sample Orientation"
+" Early screening of patients is a critical issue in order to assess immediate and fast responses against the spread of COVID-19. The use of nasopharyngeal swabs has been considered the most viable approach; however, the result is not immediate or, in the case of fast exams, sufficiently accurate. Using Chest X-Ray (CXR) imaging for early screening potentially provides faster and more accurate response; however, diagnosing COVID from CXRs is hard and we should rely on deep learning support, whose decision process is, on the other hand, ""black-boxed"" and, for such reason, untrustworthy. We propose an explainable two-step diagnostic approach, where we first detect known pathologies (anomalies) in the lungs, on top of which we diagnose the illness. Our approach achieves promising performance in COVID detection, compatible with expert human radiologists. All of our experiments have been carried out bearing in mind that, especially for clinical applications, explainability plays a major role for building trust in machine learning algorithms. ",A two-step explainable approach for COVID-19 computer-aided diagnosis from chest x-ray images
+" We show that the skew-growth function of a dual Artin monoid of finite type P has exactly rank(P) =: l simple real zeros on the interval (0, 1]. The proofs for types A_l and B_l are based on an unexpected fact that the skew-growth functions, up to a trivial factor, are expressed by Jacobi polynomials due to a Rodrigues type formula in the theory of orthogonal polynomials. The skew-growth functions for type D_l also satisfy Rodrigues type formulae, but the relation with Jacobi polynomials is not straightforward, and the proof is intricate. We show that the smallest root converges to zero as the rank l of all the above types tend to infinity. ",Zero loci of skew-growth functions for dual Artin monoids
+ We prove local existence and uniqueness of static spherically symmetric solutions of the Einstein-Yang-Mills equations for an arbitrary compact semisimple gauge group in the so-called regular case. By this we mean the equations obtained when the rotation group acts on the principal bundle on which the Yang-Mills connection takes its values in a particularly simple way (the only one ever considered in the literature). The boundary value problem that results for possible asymptotically flat soliton or black hole solutions is very singular and just establishing that local power series solutions exist at the center and asymptotic solutions at infinity amounts to a nontrivial algebraic problem. We discuss the possible field equations obtained for different group actions and solve the algebraic problem on how the local solutions depend on initial data at the center and at infinity. ,Local existence proofs for the boundary value problem for static spherically symmetric Einstein-Yang-Mills fields with compact gauge groups
+" We construct examples of surfaces of general type with $p_g=1$, $q=0$ and $K^2=6$. We use as key varieties Fano fourfolds and Calabi-Yau threefolds that are zero section of some special homogeneous vector bundle on Grassmannians. We link as well our construction to a classical Campedelli surface, using the Pfaffian-Grassmannian correspondence. ","Surfaces of general type with $p_g=1$, $q=0$, $K^2=6$ and Grassmannians"
+" Spin waves are propagating disturbances in magnetically ordered materials, analogous to lattice waves in solid systems and are often described from a quasiparticle point of view as magnons. The attractive advantages of Joule-heat-free transmission of information, utilization of the phase of the wave as an additional degree of freedom and lower footprint area compared to conventional charge-based devices have made spin waves or magnon spintronics a promising candidate for beyond-CMOS wave-based computation. However, any practical realization of an all-magnon based computing system must undergo the essential steps of a careful selection of materials and demonstrate robustness with respect to thermal noise or variability. Here, we aim at identifying suitable materials and theoretically demonstrate the possibility of achieving error-free clocked non-volatile spin wave logic device, even in the presence of thermal noise and clock jitter or clock skew. ",Overcoming thermal noise in non-volatile spin wave logic
+" Occupational segregation is widely considered as one major reason leading to the gender discrimination in labor market. Using large-scale Chinese resume data of online job seekers, we uncover an interesting phenomenon that occupations with higher proportion of men have smaller gender wage gap measured by the female-male ratio on wage. We further show that the severity of occupational segregation in China is low both overall and regionally, and the inter-occupational discrimination is much smaller than the intra-occupational discrimination. That is to say, Chinese women do not face large barriers when changing their occupations. Accordingly, we suggest Chineses women a new way to narrow the gender wage gap: to join male-dominated occupations. Meanwhile, it is worth noticing that although the gender wage gap is smaller in male-dominated occupations, it does not mean that the gender discrimination is smaller there. ",Jumping to male-dominated occupations: A novel way to reduce gender wage gap for Chinese women
+" Pion pion scattering is studied in a generalized linear sigma model which contains two scalar nonets (one of quark-antiquark type and the other of diquark-antidiquark type) and two corresponding pseudoscalar nonets. An interesting feature concerns the mixing of the four isosinglet scalar mesons which yield poles in the scattering amplitude. Some realism is introduced by enforcing exact unitarity via the K-matrix method. It is shown that a reasonable agreement with experimental data is obtained up to about 1 GeV. The poles in the unitarized scattering amplitude are studied in some detail. The lowest pole clearly represents the sigma meson (or f0(600)) with a mass and decay width around 500 MeV. The second pole invites comparison with the f0(980) which has a mass around 1 GeV and decay width around 100 MeV. The third and fourth poles, resemble some of the isosinglet state in the complicated 1-2 GeV region. Some comparison is made to the situation in the usual SU(3) linear sigma model with a single scalar nonet. ",Chiral Nonet Mixing in pi pi Scattering
+" The singular values of products of standard complex Gaussian random matrices, or sub-blocks of Haar distributed unitary matrices, have the property that their probability distribution has an explicit, structured form referred to as a polynomial ensemble. It is furthermore the case that the corresponding bi-orthogonal system can be determined in terms of Meijer G-functions, and the correlation kernel given as an explicit double contour integral. It has recently been shown that the Hermitised product $X_M \cdots X_2 X_1A X_1^T X_2^T \cdots X_M^T$, where each $X_i$ is a standard real complex Gaussian matrix, and $A$ is real anti-symmetric shares exhibits analogous properties. Here we use the theory of spherical functions and transforms to present a theory which, for even dimensions, includes these properties of the latter product as a special case. As an example we show that the theory also allows for a treatment of this class of Hermitised product when the $X_i$ are chosen as sub-blocks of Haar distributed real orthogonal matrices. ",Multiplicative Convolution of Real Asymmetric and Real Antisymmetric Matrices
+" This paper deals with the comparative use of the chemical shift surfaces to simulate experimental 13C CPMAS data on amorphous solid state disaccharides, paying particular attention to -1-1 linkage of trehalose, to -1,4 linkage between pyranose rings (lactose) and to linkage implying a furanose ring (sucrose). The combination of molecular mechanics with DFT/GIAO ab-initio methods provides reliable structural information on the conformational distribution in the glass. The results are interpreted in terms of an enhanced flexibility that trehalose experiences in amorphous solid state compared to the other sugars. An attempt to relate this property to the balance between intra- and inter-molecular hydrogen bonding network in the glass is presented. ",Exploring conformational energy landscape of glassy disaccharides by CPMAS 13C NMR and DFT/GIAO simulations. II. Enhanced molecular flexibility in amorphous trehalose
+" Virtual screening, including molecular docking, plays an essential role in drug discovery. Many traditional and machine-learning based methods are available to fulfil the docking task. The traditional docking methods are normally extensively time-consuming, and their performance in blind docking remains to be improved. Although the runtime of docking based on machine learning is significantly decreased, their accuracy is still limited. In this study, we take the advantage of both traditional and machine-learning based methods, and present a method Deep Site and Docking Pose (DSDP) to improve the performance of blind docking. For the traditional blind docking, the entire protein is covered by a cube, and the initial positions of ligands are randomly generated in the cube. In contract, DSDP can predict the binding site of proteins and provide an accurate searching space and initial positions for the further conformational sampling. The docking task of DSDP makes use of the score function and a similar but modified searching strategy of AutoDock Vina, accelerated by implementation in GPUs. We systematically compare its performance with the state-of-the-art methods, including Autodock Vina, GNINA, QuickVina, SMINA, and DiffDock. DSDP reaches a 29.8% top-1 success rate (RMSD < 2 {\AA}) on an unbiased and challenging test dataset with 1.2 s wall-clock computational time per system. Its performances on DUD-E dataset and the time-split PDBBind dataset used in EquiBind, TankBind, and DiffDock are also effective, presenting a 57.2% and 41.8% top-1 success rate with 0.8 s and 1.0 s per system, respectively. ",DSDP: A Blind Docking Strategy Accelerated by GPUs
+" The analysis of the 21 cm signature of cosmic string wakes is extended in several ways. First we consider the constraints on $G\mu$ from the absorption signal of shock heated wakes laid down much later than matter radiation equality. Secondly we analyze the signal of diffuse wake, that is those wakes in which there is a baryon overdensity but which have not shock heated. Finally we compare the size of these signals compared to the expected thermal noise per pixel which dominates over the background cosmic gas brightness temperature and find that the cosmic string signal will exceed the thermal noise of an individual pixel in the Square Kilometre Array for string tensions $G\mu > 2.5 \times 10^{-8}$. ",The 21 cm Signature of Shock Heated and Diffuse Cosmic String Wakes
+" The joint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event data is an active area of statistics research that has received a lot of attention in the recent years. More recently, a new and attractive application of this type of models has been to obtain individualized predictions of survival probabilities and/or of future longitudinal responses. The advantageous feature of these predictions is that they are dynamically updated as extra longitudinal responses are collected for the subjects of interest, providing real time risk assessment using all recorded information. The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, to highlight the importance of modeling the association structure between the longitudinal and event time responses that can greatly influence the derived predictions, and second, to illustrate how we can improve the accuracy of the derived predictions by suitably combining joint models with different association structures. The second goal is achieved using Bayesian model averaging, which, in this setting, has the very intriguing feature that the model weights are not fixed but they are rather subject- and time-dependent, implying that at different follow-up times predictions for the same subject may be based on different models. ",Combining Dynamic Predictions from Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data using Bayesian Model Averaging
+" For $k \geq 1$ and $n \geq 2k$, the well known Kneser graph $\operatorname{KG}(n,k)$ has all $k$-element subsets of an $n$-element set as vertices; two such subsets are adjacent if they are disjoint. Schrijver constructed a vertex-critical subgraph $\operatorname{SG}(n,k)$ of $\operatorname{KG}(n,k)$ with the same chromatic number. In this paper, we compute the diameter of the graph $\operatorname{SG}(2k+r,k)$ with $r \geq 1$. We obtain an exact value of the diameter of $\operatorname{SG}(2k+r,k)$ when $r \in \{1,2\}$ or when $r \geq k-3$. For the remained cases, when $3 \leq r \leq k-4$, we obtain that the diameter of $\operatorname{SG}(2k+r,k)$ belongs to the integer interval $[4..k-r-1]$. ",On the diameter of Schrijver graphs
+" We formulate a class of angular Gaussian distributions that allows different degrees of isotropy for directional random variables of arbitrary dimension. Through a series of novel reparameterization, this distribution family is indexed by parameters with meaningful statistical interpretations that can range over the entire real space of an adequate dimension. The new parameterization greatly simplifies maximum likelihood estimation of all model parameters, which in turn leads to theoretically sound and numerically stable inference procedures to infer key features of the distribution. Byproducts from the likelihood-based inference are used to develop graphical and numerical diagnostic tools for assessing goodness of fit of this distribution in a data application. Simulation study and application to data from a hydrogeology study are used to demonstrate implementation and performance of the inference procedures and diagnostics methods. ",Elliptically symmetric distributions for directional data of arbitrary dimension
+" We study identification of stochastic Wiener dynamic systems using so-called indirect inference. The main idea is to first fit an auxiliary model to the observed data and then in a second step, often by simulation, fit a more structured model to the estimated auxiliary model. This two-step procedure can be used when the direct maximum-likelihood estimate is difficult or intractable to compute. One such example is the identification of stochastic Wiener systems, i.e.,~linear dynamic systems with process noise where the output is measured using a non-linear sensor with additive measurement noise. It is in principle possible to evaluate the log-likelihood cost function using numerical integration, but the corresponding optimization problem can be quite intricate. This motivates studying consistent, but sub-optimal, identification methods for stochastic Wiener systems. We will consider indirect inference using the best linear approximation as an auxiliary model. We show that the key to obtain a reliable estimate is to use uncertainty weighting when fitting the stochastic Wiener model to the auxiliary model estimate. The main technical contribution of this paper is the corresponding asymptotic variance analysis. A numerical evaluation is presented based on a first-order finite impulse response system with a cubic non-linearity, for which certain illustrative analytic properties are derived. ",Identification of Stochastic Wiener Systems using Indirect Inference
+" We derive from first principles a one-way radiative transfer equation for the wave intensity resolved over directions (Wigner transform of the wave field) in random media. It is an initial value problem with excitation from a source which emits waves in a preferred, forward direction. The equation is derived in a regime with small random fluctuations of the wave speed but long distances of propagation with respect to the wavelength, so that cumulative scattering is significant. The correlation length of the medium and the scale of the support of the source are slightly larger than the wavelength, and the waves propagate in a wide cone with opening angle less than $180^o$, so that the backward and evanescent waves are negligible. The scattering regime is a bridge between that of radiative transfer, where the waves propagate in all directions and the paraxial regime, where the waves propagate in a narrow angular cone. We connect the one-way radiative transport equation with the equations satisfied by the Wigner transform of the wave field in these regimes. ",Derivation of a one-way radiative transfer equation in random media
+" We provide a complete spectral analysis of all self-adjoint operators acting on $\ell^{2}(\mathbb{Z})$ which are associated with two doubly infinite Jacobi matrices with entries given by $$ q^{-n+1}\delta_{m,n-1}+q^{-n}\delta_{m,n+1} $$ and $$ \delta_{m,n-1}+\alpha q^{-n}\delta_{m,n}+\delta_{m,n+1}, $$ respectively, where $q\in(0,1)$ and $\alpha\in\mathbb{R}$. As an application, we derive orthogonality relations for the Ramanujan entire function and the third Jackson $q$-Bessel function. ",Spectral analysis of two doubly infinite Jacobi matrices with exponential entries
+" We consider a banking network represented by a system of stochastic differential equations coupled by their drift. We assume a core-periphery structure, and that the banks in the core hold a bubbly asset. The banks in the periphery have not direct access to the bubble, but can take initially advantage from its increase by investing on the banks in the core. Investments are modeled by the weight of the links, which is a function of the robustness of the banks. In this way, a preferential attachment mechanism towards the core takes place during the growth of the bubble. We then investigate how the bubble distort the shape of the network, both for finite and infinitely large systems, assuming a non vanishing impact of the core on the periphery. Due to the influence of the bubble, the banks are no longer independent, and the law of large numbers cannot be directly applied at the limit. This results in a term in the drift of the diffusions which does not average out, and that increases systemic risk at the moment of the burst. We test this feature of the model by numerical simulations. ",Financial asset bubbles in banking networks
+" The origin and early evolution of eukaryotes are one of the major transitions in the evolution of life on earth. One of its most interesting aspects is the emergence of cellular organelles, their dynamics, their functions, and their divergence. Cell compartmentalization and architecture in prokaryotes is a less understood complex property. In eukaryotes it is related to cell size, specific genomic architecture, evolution of cell cycles, biogenesis of membranes and endosymbiotic processes. Explaining cell evolution through form and function demands an interdisciplinary approach focused on microbial diversity, phylogenetic and functional cell biology. Two centuries of views on eukaryotic origin have completed the disciplinary tools necessarily to answer these questions. We have moved from Haeckel SCALA NATURAE to the un-rooted tree of life. However, the major relations among cell domains are still elusive and keep the nature of eukaryotic ancestor enigmatic. Here we present a review on state of art views of eukaryogenesis; the background and perspectives of different disciplines involved in this topic ",On the ideas of the origin of eukaryotes: a critical review
+" We consider topological sigma models with generalized Kahler target spaces. The mirror map is constructed explicitly for a special class of target spaces and the topological A and B model are shown to be mirror pairs in the sense that the observables, the instantons and the anomalies are mapped to each other. We also apply the construction to open topological models and show that A branes are mapped to B branes. Furthermore, we demonstrate a relation between the field strength on the brane and a two-vector on the mirror manifold. ",Mirror symmetry for topological sigma models with generalized Kahler geometry
+" For a massive scalar field with a general curvature coupling parameter, we investigate the finite temperature contributions to the Hadamard function and to the charge and current densities in the geometry of a magnetic flux carrying generalized cosmic string embedded in $(D+1)$-dimensional locally AdS spacetime with a compactified spatial dimension. For $D=4$, the geometry on the AdS boundary, in the context of the AdS/CFT duality, corresponds to a cosmic string as a linear defect, compactified along its axis. In contrast to the case of the Minkowski bulk, the upper bound on the chemical potential does not depend on the field mass and is completely determined by the length of compact dimension and by the enclosed magnetic flux. The only nonzero components correspond to the charge density, to the azimuthal current and to the current along the compact dimension. They are periodic functions of magnetic fluxes with the period equal to the flux quantum. The charge density is an odd function and the currents are even functions of the chemical potential. At high temperatures the influence of the gravitational field and topology on the charge density is subdominant and the leading term in the corresponding expansion coincides with that for the charge density in the Minkowski spacetime. The current densities are topology-induced quantities and their behavior at high temperatures is completely different with the linear dependence on the temperature. At small temperatures and for chemical potentials smaller than the critical value, the thermal expectation values are exponentially suppressed for both massive and massless fields. ",Finite temperature charge and current densities around a cosmic string in AdS spacetime with compact dimension
+" We develop a theory of semialgebra Grassmann triples via Hasse-Schmidt derivations, which formally generalizes results such as the Cayley-Hamilton theorem in linear algebra, thereby providing a unified approach to classical linear algebra and tropical algebra. ",Grassman semialgebras and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem
+" Millions of drivers worldwide have enjoyed financial benefits and work schedule flexibility through a ride-sharing economy, but meanwhile they have suffered from the lack of a sense of identity and career achievement. Equipped with social identity and contest theories, financially incentivized team competitions have been an effective instrument to increase drivers' productivity, job satisfaction, and retention, and to improve revenue over cost for ride-sharing platforms. While these competitions are overall effective, the decisive factors behind the treatment effects and how they affect the outcomes of individual drivers have been largely mysterious. In this study, we analyze data collected from more than 500 large-scale team competitions organized by a leading ride-sharing platform, building machine learning models to predict individual treatment effects. Through a careful investigation of features and predictors, we are able to reduce out-sample prediction error by more than 24%. Through interpreting the best-performing models, we discover many novel and actionable insights regarding how to optimize the design and the execution of team competitions on ride-sharing platforms. A simulated analysis demonstrates that by simply changing a few contest design options, the average treatment effect of a real competition is expected to increase by as much as 26%. Our procedure and findings shed light on how to analyze and optimize large-scale online field experiments in general. ",Predicting Individual Treatment Effects of Large-scale Team Competitions in a Ride-sharing Economy
+" We examine the clustering and kinematics of young stellar objects (YSOs) in the North America/Pelican Nebulae, as revealed by Gaia astrometry, in relation to the structure and motions of the molecular gas, as indicated in molecular line maps. The Gaia parallaxes and proper motions allow us to significantly refine previously published lists of YSOs, demonstrating that many of the objects previously thought to form a distributed population turn out to be non-members. The members are subdivided into at least 6 spatio-kinematic groups, each of which is associated with its own molecular cloud component or components. Three of the groups are expanding, with velocity gradients of 0.3-0.5 km/s/pc, up to maximum velocities of ~8 km/s away from the groups' centers. The two known O-type stars associated with the region, 2MASS J20555125+4352246 and HD 199579, are rapidly escaping one of these groups, following the same position-velocity relation as the low-mass stars. We calculate that a combination of gas expulsion and tidal forces from the clumpy distribution of molecular gas could impart the observed velocity gradients within the groups. However, on a global scale, the relative motions of the groups do not appear either divergent or convergent. The velocity dispersion of the whole system is consistent with the kinetic energy gained due to gravitational collapse of the complex. Most of the stellar population has ages similar to the free-fall timescales for the natal clouds. Thus, we suggest the nearly free-fall collapse of a turbulent molecular cloud as the most likely scenario for star formation in this complex. ",The Formation of a Stellar Association in the NGC 7000/IC 5070 Complex: Results from Kinematic Analysis of Stars and Gas
+" Noncritical M-theory in 2+1 dimensions has been defined as a double-scaling limit of a nonrelativistic Fermi liquid on a flat two-dimensional plane. Here we study this noncritical M-theory in the limit of high energies, analogous to the \alpha'\to\infty limit of string theory. In the related case of two-dimensional Type 0A strings, it has been argued that the conformal \alpha'\to\infty limit leads to AdS_2 with a propagating fermion whose mass is set by the value of the RR flux. Here we provide evidence that in the high-energy limit, the natural ground state of noncritical M-theory similarly describes the AdS_2\times S^1 spacetime, with a massless propagating fermion. We argue that the spacetime effective theory in this background is captured by a topological higher-spin extension of conformal Chern-Simons gravity in 2+1 dimensions, consistently coupled to a massless Dirac field. Intriguingly, the two-dimensional plane populated by the original nonrelativistic fermions is essentially the twistor space associated with the symmetry group of the AdS_2\times S^1 spacetime; thus, at least in the high-energy limit, noncritical M-theory can be nonperturbatively described as a ""Fermi liquid on twistor space."" ",Strings on AdS_2 and the High-Energy Limit of Noncritical M-Theory
+" Real-world generalization, e.g., deciding to approach a never-seen-before animal, relies on contextual information as well as previous experiences. Such a seemingly easy behavioral choice requires the interplay of multiple neural mechanisms, from integrative encoding to category-based inference, weighted differently according to the circumstances. Here, we argue that a comprehensive theory of the neuro-cognitive substrates of real-world generalization will greatly benefit from empirical research with three key elements. First, the ecological validity provided by multimodal, naturalistic paradigms. Second, the model stability afforded by deep sampling. Finally, the statistical rigor granted by predictive modeling and computational controls. ","A roadmap to reverse engineering real-world generalization by combining naturalistic paradigms, deep sampling, and predictive computational models"
+" We present a new analysis of $A_N$ in $p^\uparrow p\to \pi\, X$ within the collinear twist-3 factorization formalism. We incorporate recently derived Lorentz invariance relations into our calculation and focus on input from the kinematical twist-3 functions, which are weighted integrals of transverse momentum dependent (TMD) functions. In particular, we use the latest extractions of the Sivers and Collins functions with TMD evolution to compute certain terms in $A_N$. Consequently, we are able to constrain the remaining contributions from the lesser known dynamical twist-3 correlators. ","Phenomenological constraints on $A_N$ in $p^\uparrow p\to \pi\, X$ from Lorentz invariance relations"
+" We review the properties and nature of luminous high-redshift radio galaxies (HzRGs, z > 2) and the environments in which they are located. HzRGs have several distinct constituents which interact with each other - relativistic plasma, gas in various forms, dust, stars and an active galactic nucleus (AGN). These building blocks provide unique diagnostics about conditions in the early Universe. We discuss the properties of each constituent. Evidence is presented that HzRGs are massive forming galaxies and the progenitors of brightest cluster galaxies in the local Universe. HzRGs are located in overdense regions in the early Universe and are frequently surrounded by protoclusters. We review the properties and nature of these radio-selected protoclusters. Finally we consider the potential for future progress in the field during the next few decades. A compendium of known HzRGs is given in an appendix. ",Distant Radio Galaxies and their Environments
+" A common problem affecting neural network (NN) approximations of model predictive control (MPC) policies is the lack of analytical tools to assess the stability of the closed-loop system under the action of the NN-based controller. We present a general procedure to quantify the performance of such a controller, or to design minimum complexity NNs with rectified linear units (ReLUs) that preserve the desirable properties of a given MPC scheme. By quantifying the approximation error between NN-based and MPC-based state-to-input mappings, we first establish suitable conditions involving two key quantities, the worst-case error and the Lipschitz constant, guaranteeing the stability of the closed-loop system. We then develop an offline, mixed-integer optimization-based method to compute those quantities exactly. Together these techniques provide conditions sufficient to certify the stability and performance of a ReLU-based approximation of an MPC control law. ",Reliably-stabilizing piecewise-affine neural network controllers
+" Polar codes are a channel coding scheme for the next generation of wireless communications standard (5G). The belief propagation (BP) decoder allows for parallel decoding of polar codes, making it suitable for high throughput applications. However, the error-correction performance of polar codes under BP decoding is far from the requirements of 5G. It has been shown that the error-correction performance of BP can be improved if the decoding is performed on multiple permuted factor graphs of polar codes. However, a different BP decoding scheduling is required for each factor graph permutation which results in the design of a different decoder for each permutation. Moreover, the selection of the different factor graph permutations is at random, which prevents the decoder to achieve a desirable error-correction performance with a small number of permutations. In this paper, we first show that the permutations on the factor graph can be mapped into suitable permutations on the codeword positions. As a result, we can make use of a single decoder for all the permutations. In addition, we introduce a method to construct a set of predetermined permutations which can provide the correct codeword if the decoding fails on the original permutation. We show that for the 5G polar code of length $1024$, the error-correction performance of the proposed decoder is more than $0.25$ dB better than that of the BP decoder with the same number of random permutations at the frame error rate of $10^{-4}$. ",On the Decoding of Polar Codes on Permuted Factor Graphs
+" Reliable detection of out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs is increasingly understood to be a precondition for deployment of machine learning systems. This paper proposes and investigates the use of contrastive training to boost OOD detection performance. Unlike leading methods for OOD detection, our approach does not require access to examples labeled explicitly as OOD, which can be difficult to collect in practice. We show in extensive experiments that contrastive training significantly helps OOD detection performance on a number of common benchmarks. By introducing and employing the Confusion Log Probability (CLP) score, which quantifies the difficulty of the OOD detection task by capturing the similarity of inlier and outlier datasets, we show that our method especially improves performance in the `near OOD' classes -- a particularly challenging setting for previous methods. ",Contrastive Training for Improved Out-of-Distribution Detection
+" The study examines the relationship between mobile financial services and individual financial behavior in India wherein a sizeable population is yet to be financially included. Addressing the endogeneity associated with the use of mobile financial services using an instrumental variable method, the study finds that the use of mobile financial services increases the likelihood of investment, having insurance and borrowing from formal financial institutions. Further, the analysis highlights that access to mobile financial services have the potential to bridge the gender divide in financial inclusion. Fastening the pace of access to mobile financial services may partially alter pandemic induced poverty. ",Effect of mobile financial services on financial behavior in developing economies-Evidence from India
+" Let $T$ be a `properly metrisable' topological space, that is, locally compact, separable and metrisable. Let $\mathcal{M}^T$ be the non-empty set of all proper metrics $d$ on $T$ compatible with its topology, and equip $\mathcal{M}^T$ with the topology of uniform convergence, where the metrics are regarded as functions on $T^2$. We prove that if $T$ is uncountable then the set $\mathcal{A}^T_f$ of metrics $d\in\mathcal{M}^T$ for which the Lipschitz-free space $\mathcal{F}(T,d)$ fails the approximation property is a dense set in $\mathcal{M}^T$. Combining this with a result of Dalet, we conclude that for any properly metrisable space $T$, $\mathcal{A}^T_f$ is either empty or dense in $\mathcal{M}^T$. ",Lipschitz-free spaces over properly metrisable spaces and approximation properties
+" We study the generation number of massless fermions in compactifications recently found in heterotic supergravity. The internal spaces are products of two-dimensional spaces of constant curvature, and the standard embedding is not assumed. The generation number is constrained by the equations of motion and the Bianchi identity. In the case that the Euler characteristics of the three internal submanifolds are $(2,-2,-2)$, the generation number is three or less. We also show that three-generation solutions exist for arbitrary Euler characteristics of the negatively curved 2-manifolds, and we present some explicit solutions. ",Three-generation solutions of equations of motion in heterotic supergravity
+" The efficiency of recent star formation (SF) in galaxies increases with increasing projected distance from the centre of a cluster out to several times its virial radius (R_v). Using a complete sample of galaxies in 268 clusters from the SDSS DR4, we investigate how, at a given projected radius from the cluster centre, M* and SF properties of a galaxy depend on its absolute line-of-sight velocity in the cluster rest frame, |v_LOS|. We find that for R<0.5 R_v, the fraction of high mass non-BCG galaxies increases towards the centre for low |v_LOS|. At a given projected radius, the fraction of Galaxies with Ongoing or Recent (<1-3 Gyr) Efficient Star Formation (GORES, with EW(H_delta)>2 ang & D_4000>1.5) is slightly but significantly lower for low |v_LOS| galaxies than for their high velocity counterparts. We study these observational trends with the help of a dark matter (DM) cosmological simulation. We find that the backsplash particles account for at least one-third (half) of all particles at projected radii slightly greater than the virial radius and |v_LOS| \mu \nu\ branching fraction data from CLEO-c, we extract the CKM matrix element |V_cd| = 0.223(10)_{exp.}(4)_{lat.}. This value is in excellent agreement with |V_cd| from D semileptonic decays and from neutrino scattering experiments and has comparable total errors. We determine the ratio between semileptonic form factor and decay constant and find [f^{D -> \pi}_+(0) / f_D ]_{lat.} = 3.20(15) GeV^{-1} to be compared with the experimental value of [f^{D -> \pi}_+(0) / f_D ]_{exp.} = 3.19(18) GeV^{-1}. Finally, we mention recent preliminary but already more accurate D -> \mu \nu\ branching fraction measurements from BES III and discuss their impact on precision |V_cd| determinations in the future. ",|V_cd| from D Meson Leptonic Decays
+" We report results from multicanonical simulations of polyglutamic acid chains of length of ten residues. For this simple polypeptide we observe a decoupling of backbone and side-chain ordering in the folding process. While the details of the two transitions vary between the peptide in gas phase and in an implicit solvent, our results indicate that, independent of the specific surroundings, upon continuously lowering the temperature side-chain ordering occurs only after the backbone topology is completely formed. ",Side chain and backbone ordering in a polypeptide
+" Distributed Stream Processing Systems (DSPS) like Apache Storm and Spark Streaming enable composition of continuous dataflows that execute persistently over data streams. They are used by Internet of Things (IoT) applications to analyze sensor data from Smart City cyber-infrastructure, and make active utility management decisions. As the ecosystem of such IoT applications that leverage shared urban sensor streams continue to grow, applications will perform duplicate pre-processing and analytics tasks. This offers the opportunity to collaboratively reuse the outputs of overlapping dataflows, thereby improving the resource efficiency. In this paper, we propose \emph{dataflow reuse algorithms} that given a submitted dataflow, identifies the intersection of reusable tasks and streams from a collection of running dataflows to form a \emph{merged dataflow}. Similar algorithms to unmerge dataflows when they are removed are also proposed. We implement these algorithms for the popular Apache Storm DSPS, and validate their performance and resource savings for 35 synthetic dataflows based on public OPMW workflows with diverse arrival and departure distributions, and on 21 real IoT dataflows from RIoTBench. ",Collaborative Reuse of Streaming Dataflows in IoT Applications
+" In this paper we prove the existence of coupled K\""ahler-Einstein metrics on complex manifolds whose canonical bundle is ample. These metrics were introduced and their existence in the said case was proven by Hultgren and Nystr\""om using calculus of variations. We prove the result using the method of continuity. In the process of proving estimates, akin to the usual K\""ahler-Einstein metrics, we reduce existence in the Fano case to a C^0 estimate. ","Existence of coupled K\""ahler-Einstein metrics using the continuity method"
+" Due to lack of data, overfitting ubiquitously exists in real-world applications of deep neural networks (DNNs). We propose advanced dropout, a model-free methodology, to mitigate overfitting and improve the performance of DNNs. The advanced dropout technique applies a model-free and easily implemented distribution with parametric prior, and adaptively adjusts dropout rate. Specifically, the distribution parameters are optimized by stochastic gradient variational Bayes in order to carry out an end-to-end training. We evaluate the effectiveness of the advanced dropout against nine dropout techniques on seven computer vision datasets (five small-scale datasets and two large-scale datasets) with various base models. The advanced dropout outperforms all the referred techniques on all the datasets.We further compare the effectiveness ratios and find that advanced dropout achieves the highest one on most cases. Next, we conduct a set of analysis of dropout rate characteristics, including convergence of the adaptive dropout rate, the learned distributions of dropout masks, and a comparison with dropout rate generation without an explicit distribution. In addition, the ability of overfitting prevention is evaluated and confirmed. Finally, we extend the application of the advanced dropout to uncertainty inference, network pruning, text classification, and regression. The proposed advanced dropout is also superior to the corresponding referred methods. Codes are available at https://github.com/PRIS-CV/AdvancedDropout. ",Advanced Dropout: A Model-free Methodology for Bayesian Dropout Optimization
+" The increased complexity of infrastructure systems has resulted in critical interdependencies between multiple networks---communication systems require electricity, while the normal functioning of the power grid relies on communication systems. These interdependencies have inspired an extensive literature on coupled multilayer networks, assuming that a component failure in one network causes failures in the other network, a hard interdependence that results in a cascade of failures across multiple systems. While empirical evidence of such hard coupling is limited, the repair and recovery of a network requires resources typically supplied by other networks, resulting in well documented interdependencies induced by the recovery process. If the support networks are not functional, recovery will be slowed. Here we collected data on the recovery time of millions of power grid failures, finding evidence of universal nonlinear behavior in recovery following large perturbations. We develop a theoretical framework to address recovery coupling, predicting quantitative signatures different from the multilayer cascading failures. We then rely on controlled natural experiments to separate the role of recovery coupling from other effects like resource limitations, offering direct evidence of how recovery coupling affects a system's functionality. The resulting insights have implications beyond infrastructure systems, offering insights on the fragility and senescence of biological systems. ",Recovery Coupling in Multilayer Networks
+" Quantum fluid (or hydrodynamic) models provide an attractive alternative for the modeling and simulation of the electron dynamics in nano-scale objects. Compared to more standard approaches, such as density functional theory or phase-space methods based on Wigner functions, fluid models require the solution of a small number of equations in ordinary space, implying a lesser computational cost. They are therefore well suited to study systems composed of a very large number of particles, such as large metallic nano-objects. They can be generalized to include the spin degrees of freedom, as well as semirelativistic effects such as the spin-orbit coupling. Here, we review the basic properties, advantages and limitations of quantum fluid models, and provide some examples of their applications. ",Fluid descriptions of quantum plasmas
+" With the development of deep learning, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have become widely used in multimedia forensics for tasks such as detecting and identifying image forgeries. Meanwhile, anti-forensic attacks have been developed to fool these CNN-based forensic algorithms. Previous anti-forensic attacks often were designed to remove forgery traces left by a single manipulation operation as opposed to a set of manipulations. Additionally, recent research has shown that existing anti-forensic attacks against forensic CNNs have poor transferability, i.e. they are unable to fool other forensic CNNs that were not explicitly used during training. In this paper, we propose a new anti-forensic attack framework designed to remove forensic traces left by a variety of manipulation operations. This attack is transferable, i.e. it can be used to attack forensic CNNs are unknown to the attacker, and it introduces only minimal distortions that are imperceptible to human eyes. Our proposed attack utilizes a generative adversarial network (GAN) to build a generator that can attack color images of any size. We achieve attack transferability through the use of a new training strategy and loss function. We conduct extensive experiment to demonstrate that our attack can fool many state-of-art forensic CNNs with varying levels of knowledge available to the attacker. ",A Transferable Anti-Forensic Attack on Forensic CNNs Using A Generative Adversarial Network
+" We obtain the Page curves of an eternal Reissner-Nordstr\""om black hole in the presence of higher derivative terms in four dimensions. We consider two cases: gravitational action with general ${\cal O}(R^2)$ terms plus Maxwell term and Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity plus Maxwell term. In both the cases entanglement entropy of the Hawking radiation in the absence of island surface is increasing linearly with time. After including contribution from the island surface, we find that after the Page time, entanglement entropy of the Hawking radiation in both the cases reaches a constant value which is the twice of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the black hole and we obtain the Page curves. We find that Page curves appear at later or earlier time when the Gauss-Bonnet coupling increases or decreases. Further, scrambling time of Reissner-Nordstr\""om is increasing or decreasing depending upon whether the correction term (coming from ${\cal O}(R^2)$ terms in the gravitational action) is increasing or decreasing in the first case whereas scrambling time remains unaffected in the second case (Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity case). As a consistency check, in the limit of vanishing GB coupling we obtain the Page curve of the Reissner-Nordstr\""om black hole obtained in arXiv:2101.06867. ","Page Curves of Reissner-Nordstr\""om Black Hole in HD Gravity"
+" We propose a scheme for generating two-mode squeezing in high-Q resonators using a beam of atoms with random arrival times, which acts as a reservoir for the field. The scheme is based on four-wave mixing processes leading to emission into two cavity modes, which are resonant with the Rabi sidebands of the atomic dipole transition, driven by a saturating classical field. At steady state the cavity modes are in an Einstein-Podolski-Rosen (EPR) state, whose degree of entanglement is controlled by the intensity and the frequency of the transverse field. This scheme is robust against stochastic fluctuations in the atomic beam, does not require atomic detection nor velocity selection, and can be realized by presently available experimental setups with microwave resonators. ",Generation of EPR-entangled radiation through an atomic reservoir
+" Under the recent negative interest rate situation, the Bachelier model has been attracting attention and adopted for evaluating the price of interest rate options. In this paper we find the Lie point symmetries of the Bachelier partial differential equation (PDE) and use them in order to generate new classes of denumerably infinite elementary function solutions to the Bachelier model from elementary function solutions to it which we derived in a previous publication. ",Elementary functions solutions to the Bachelier model generated by Lie point symmetries
+" Recently, deep learning based facial landmark detection has achieved great success. Despite this, we notice that the semantic ambiguity greatly degrades the detection performance. Specifically, the semantic ambiguity means that some landmarks (e.g. those evenly distributed along the face contour) do not have clear and accurate definition, causing inconsistent annotations by annotators. Accordingly, these inconsistent annotations, which are usually provided by public databases, commonly work as the ground-truth to supervise network training, leading to the degraded accuracy. To our knowledge, little research has investigated this problem. In this paper, we propose a novel probabilistic model which introduces a latent variable, i.e. the 'real' ground-truth which is semantically consistent, to optimize. This framework couples two parts (1) training landmark detection CNN and (2) searching the 'real' ground-truth. These two parts are alternatively optimized: the searched 'real' ground-truth supervises the CNN training; and the trained CNN assists the searching of 'real' ground-truth. In addition, to recover the unconfidently predicted landmarks due to occlusion and low quality, we propose a global heatmap correction unit (GHCU) to correct outliers by considering the global face shape as a constraint. Extensive experiments on both image-based (300W and AFLW) and video-based (300-VW) databases demonstrate that our method effectively improves the landmark detection accuracy and achieves the state of the art performance. ",Semantic Alignment: Finding Semantically Consistent Ground-truth for Facial Landmark Detection
+" An ideal network troubleshooting system would be an almost fully automated system, monitoring the whole network at once, feeding the results to a knowledge-based decision making system that suggests actions to the operator or corrects the failure automatically. Reality is quite the contrary: operators separated in their offices try to track down complex networking failures in their own way, which is generally a long sequence of manually edited parallel shell commands (mostly ping, traceroute, route, iperf, ofctl etc.). This process requires operators to be ""masters of complexity"" (which they often are) and continuous interaction. In this paper we aim at narrowing this huge gap between vision and reality by introducing a modular framework capable of (i) formalizing troubleshooting processes as the concatenation of executable functions [called Troubleshooting Graphs (TSGs)], (ii) executing these graphs via an interpreter, (iii) evaluating and navigating between the outputs of the functions and (iv) sharing troubleshooting know-hows in a formalized manner. ","A Little Less Interaction, A Little More Action: A Modular Framework for Network Troubleshooting"
+" In the recent period of time with a lot of social platforms emerging, the relationships among various units can be framed with respect to either positive, negative or no relation. These units can be individuals, countries or others that form the basic structural component of a signed network. These signed networks picture a dynamic characteristic of the graph so formed allowing only few combinations of signs that brings the structural balance theorem in picture. Structural balance theory affirms that signed social networks tend to be organized so as to avoid conflictual situations, corresponding to cycles of unstable relations. The aim of structural balance in networks is to find proper partitions of nodes that guarantee equilibrium in the system allowing only few combination triangles with signed edges to be permitted in graph. Most of the works in this field of networking have either explained the importance of signed graph or have applied the balance theorem and tried to solve problems. Following the recent time trends with each nation emerging to be superior and competing to be the best, the probable doubt of happening of WW-III(World War-III) comes into every individuals mind. Nevertheless, our paper aims at answering some of the interesting questions on World War-III. In this project we have worked with the creation of a signed graph picturing the World War-III participating countries as nodes and have predicted the best possible coalition of countries that will be formed during war. Also, we have visually depicted the number of communities that will be formed in this war and the participating countries in each communities. ",World War III Analysis using Signed Social Networks
+" High resolution OVRO aperture synthesis maps of the 12CO 1-0 emission in the `Medusa' galaxy merger (NGC4194) reveal the molecular emission being surprisingly extended. It is distributed on a total scale of 25$''$ (4.7 kpc) - despite the apparent advanced stage of the merger. The complex, striking CO morphology occupies mainly the center and the north-eastern part of the main optical body. The extended 12CO flux is tracing two prominent dust lanes: one which is crossing the central region at right angle and a second which curves to the north-east and then into the beginning of the northern tidal tail. The bulk of the 12CO emission (67%) can be found in a complex starburst region encompassing the central 2kpc. The molecular gas is distributed in five major emission regions of typical size 300pc. About 15% of the total 12CO flux is found in a bright region 1.5'' south of the radio continuum nucleus. We suggest that this region together with the kpc sized central starburst is being fueled by gas flows along the central dust lane. We discuss the merger history of NGC4194 and suggest that it may be the result of an early-type/spiral merger with a shell emerging to the south of the center. The total molecular mass in the system is estimated to be at most 2 X 10^9 M_sun (depending on the CO - H_2 conversion factor). The high 12CO/13CO 1-0 intensity ratio, ~20, indicates highly excited physical conditions in the interstellar medium showing that the starburst has a big impact on its surrounding ISM. At the current rate of star formation, the gas will be consumed within 40 million years. ",Complex molecular gas structure in the Medusa merger
+ We describe the split extension classifiers in the semi-abelian category of cocommutative Hopf algebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. The categorical notions of centralizer and of center in the category of cocommutative Hopf algebras is then explored. We show that the categorical notion of center coincides with the one that is considered in the theory of general Hopf algebras. ,Split extension classifiers in the category of cocommutative Hopf algebras
+" The extended semantic realism (ESR) model embodies the mathematical formalism of standard (Hilbert space) quantum mechanics in a noncontextual framework, reinterpreting quantum probabilities as conditional instead of absolute. We provide here an improved version of this model and show that it predicts that, whenever idealized measurements are performed, a modified Bell-Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (BCHSH) inequality holds if one takes into account all individual systems that are prepared, standard quantum predictions hold if one considers only the individual systems that are detected, and a standard BCHSH inequality holds at a microscopic (purely theoretical) level. These results admit an intuitive explanation in terms of an unconventional kind of unfair sampling and constitute a first example of the unified perspective that can be attained by adopting the ESR model. ",Embedding Quantum Mechanics Into a Broader Noncontextual Theory: A Conciliatory Result
+" We present PEGASE-HR, a new stellar population synthesis program generating high resolution spectra (R=10 000) over the optical range lambda=400--680 nm. It links the spectro-photometric model of galaxy evolution PEGASE.2 (Fioc & Rocca-Volmerange 1997) to an updated version of the ELODIE library of stellar spectra observed with the 193 cm telescope at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (Prugniel & Soubiran 2001a). The ELODIE star set gives a fairly complete coverage of the Hertzprung-Russell (HR) diagram and makes it possible to synthesize populations in the range [Fe/H]=-2 to +0.4. This code is an exceptional tool for exploring signatures of metallicity, age, and kinematics. We focus on a detailed study of the sensitivity to age and metallicity of the high-resolution stellar absorption lines and of the classical metallic indices proposed until now to solve the age-metallicity degeneracy. Validity tests on several stellar lines are performed by comparing our predictions for Lick indices to the models of other groups. The comparison with the lower resolution library BaSeL (Lejeune et al. 1997) confirms the quality of the ELODIE library when used for simple stellar populations (SSPs) from 10 Myr to 20 Gyr. Predictions for the evolved populations of globular clusters and elliptical galaxies are given and compared to observational data. Two new high-resolution indices are proposed around the Hgamma line. They should prove useful in the analysis of spectra from the new generation of telescopes and spectrographs. ",Evolutionary synthesis of galaxies at high spectral resolution with the code PEGASE-HR
+" With the increase in amount of Big Data being generated each year, tools and technologies developed and used for the purpose of storing, processing and analyzing Big Data has also improved. Open-Source software has been an important factor in the success and innovation in the field of Big Data while Apache Software Foundation (ASF) has played a crucial role in this success and innovation by providing a number of state-of-the-art projects, free and open to the public. ASF has classified its project in different categories. In this report, projects listed under Big Data category are deeply analyzed and discussed with reference to one-of-the seven sub-categories defined. Our investigation has shown that many of the Apache Big Data projects are autonomous but some are built based on other Apache projects and some work in conjunction with other projects to improve and ease development in Big Data space. ",Role of Apache Software Foundation in Big Data Projects
+" Based on a phenomenological model with $s_{\pm}$ or s-wave pairing symmetry, the mixed-state effect on the low-energy spin dynamics in optimally-doped iron pnictide superconductors is studied by solving Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. Our results of the spin susceptibility at $\mathbf{q}=\mathbf{Q}$ in the normal, superconducting and mixed states agree qualitatively with recent neutron scattering experiments. We also propose that the field-induced intensity change shows different behaviors between the $s_{\pm}$ and s-wave symmetries in both momentum and real space, thus it can be used to distinguish these two pairing symmetries. ",Mixed-State Effect on the Low-Energy Spin Dynamics in Optimally-doped Iron Pnictide Superconductors
+" In 1888 Hilbert showed that every nonnegative homogeneous polynomial with real coefficients of degree $2d$ in $n$ variables is a sum of squares if and only if $d=1$ (quadratic forms), $n=2$ (binary forms) or $(n,d)=(3,2)$ (ternary quartics). In these cases, it is interesting to compute canonical expressions for these decompositions. Starting from Carath\'eodory's Theorem, we compute the Carath\'eodory number of Hilbert cones of nonnegative quadratic and binary forms. ",Nonnegative polynomials and their Carath\'eodory number
+" We consider the Landau-de Gennes variational problem on a bound\-ed, two dimensional domain, subject to Dirichlet smooth boundary conditions. We prove that minimizers are maximally biaxial near the singularities, that is, their biaxiality parameter reaches the maximum value $1$. Moreover, we discuss the convergence of minimizers in the vanishing elastic constant limit. Our asymptotic analysis is performed in a general setting, which recovers the Landau-de Gennes problem as a specific case. ",Biaxiality in the asymptotic analysis of a 2-D Landau-de Gennes model for liquid crystals
+ Euler operators are partial differential operators of the form $P(\theta)$ where $P$ is a polynomial and $\theta_j = x_j \partial/\partial x_j$. We show that every non-trivial Euler operator is surjective on the space of temperate distributions on $R^d$. This is in sharp contrast to the behaviour of such operators when acting on spaces of differentiable or analytic functions. ,Surjectivity of Euler operators on temperate distributions
+" In this article, we present a new data type agnostic algorithm calculating a concept lattice from heterogeneous and complex data. Our NextPriorityConcept algorithm is first introduced and proved in the binary case as an extension of Bordat's algorithm with the notion of strategies to select only some predecessors of each concept, avoiding the generation of unreasonably large lattices. The algorithm is then extended to any type of data in a generic way. It is inspired from pattern structure theory, where data are locally described by predicates independent of their types, allowing the management of heterogeneous data. ",Next Priority Concept: A new and generic algorithm computing concepts from complex and heterogeneous data
+" Attacks to networks are becoming more complex and sophisticated every day. Beyond the so-called script-kiddies and hacking newbies, there is a myriad of professional attackers seeking to make serious profits infiltrating in corporate networks. Either hostile governments, big corporations or mafias are constantly increasing their resources and skills in cybercrime in order to spy, steal or cause damage more effectively. traditional approaches to Network Security seem to start hitting their limits and it is being recognized the need for a smarter approach to threat detections. This paper provides an introduction on the need for evolution of Cyber Security techniques and how Artificial Intelligence could be of application to help solving some of the problems. It provides also, a high-level overview of some state of the art AI Network Security techniques, to finish analysing what is the foreseeable future of the application of AI to Network Security. ",Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Network Security
+" The scaling properties of post-mortem fracture surfaces of brittle (silica glass), ductile (aluminum alloy) and quasi-brittle (mortar and wood) materials have been investigated. These surfaces, studied far from the initiation, were shown to be self-affine. However, the Hurst exponent measured along the crack direction is found to be different from the one measured along the propagation direction. More generally, a complete description of the scaling properties of these surfaces call for the use of the 2D height-height correlation function that involves three exponents zeta = 0.75, beta = 0.6 and z = 1.25 independent of the material considered as well as of the crack growth velocity. These exponents are shown to correspond to the roughness, growth and dynamic exponents respectively, as introduced in interface growth models. They are conjectured to be universal. ",Anisotropic self-affine properties of experimental fracture surfaces
+" Core accretion models of massive star formation require the existence of stable massive starless cores, but robust observational examples of such objects have proven elusive. We report subarcsecond-resolution SMA 1.3 mm, 1.1 mm, and 0.88 mm and VLA 1.3 cm observations of an excellent massive starless core candidate, G11.92-0.61-MM2, initially identified in the course of studies of GLIMPSE Extended Green Objects (EGOs). Separated by ~7.2"" from the nearby MM1 protostellar hot core, MM2 is a strong, compact dust continuum source (submillimeter spectral index alpha=2.6+/-0.1), but is devoid of star formation indicators. In contrast to MM1, MM2 has no masers, no centimeter continuum, and no (sub)millimeter wavelength line emission in ~24 GHz of bandwidth observed with the SMA, including N2H+(3-2), HCO+(3-2), and HCN(3-2). Additionally, there is no evidence for an outflow driven by MM2. The (sub)millimeter spectral energy distribution (SED) of MM2 is best fit with a dust temperature of ~17-19 K and luminosity of ~5-7 L_sun. The combined physical properties of MM2, as inferred from its dust continuum emission, are extreme: M>30 M_sun within a radius<1000 AU, N(H2)>10^25 cm^-2 and n(H2)>10^9 cm^-3. Comparison of the molecular abundance limits derived from our SMA observations with gas-grain chemical models indicates that extremely dense (n(H)>>10^8 cm^-3), cold (<20 K) conditions are required to explain the lack of observed (sub)millimeter line emission, consistent with the dust continuum results. Our data suggest that G11.92-0.61-MM2 is the best candidate for a bonafide massive prestellar core found to date, and a promising target for future, higher-sensitivity observations. ",G11.92-0.61-MM2: A Bonafide Massive Prestellar Core?
+" We review understanding of kinetics of fluid phase separation in various space dimensions. Morphological differences, percolating or disconnected, based on overall composition in a binary liquid or density in a vapor-liquid system, have been pointed out. Depending upon the morphology, various possible mechanisms and corresponding theoretical predictions for domain growth are discussed. On computational front, useful models and simulation methodologies have been presented. Theoretically predicted growth laws have been tested via molecular dynamics simulations of vapor-liquid transitions. In case of disconnected structure, the mechanism has been confirmed directly. This is a brief review on the topic for a special issue on coarsening dynamics, expected to appear in Comptes Rendus Physique. ",Kinetics of Fluid Phase Separation
+" By applying the Newton-Gregory expansion to the polynomial associated with the sum of powers of integers $S_k(n) = 1^k + 2^k + \cdots + n^k$, we derive a couple of infinite families of explicit formulas for $S_k(n)$. One of the families involves the $r$-Stirling numbers of the second kind $\genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{}{k}{j}_r$, $j=0,1,\ldots,k$, while the other involves their duals $\genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{}{k}{j}_{-r}$, with both families of formulas being indexed by the non-negative integer $r$. As a by-product, we obtain three additional formulas for $S_k(n)$ involving the numbers $\genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{}{k}{j}_{n+m}$, $\genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{}{k}{j}_{n-m}$ (where $m$ is any given non-negative integer), and $\genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{}{k}{j}_{k-j}$, respectively. Moreover, we provide a formula for the Bernoulli polynomials $B_k(x-1)$ in terms of $\genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{}{k}{j}_{x}$ and the harmonic numbers. ",Sums of powers of integers and generalized Stirling numbers of the second kind
+" We use the arithmetic of ideals in orders to parameterize the roots $\mu \pmod m$ of the polynomial congruence $F(\mu) \equiv 0 \pmod m$, $F(X) \in \mathbb{Z}[X]$ monic, irreducible and degree $d$. Our parameterization generalizes Gauss's classic parameterization of the roots of quadratic congruences using binary quadratic forms, which had previously only been extended to the cubic polynomial $F(X) = X^3 - 2$. We show that only a special class of ideals are needed to parameterize the roots $\mu \pmod m$, and that in the cubic setting, $d = 3$, general ideals correspond to pairs of roots $\mu_1 \pmod{m_1}$, $\mu_2 \pmod {m_2}$ satisfying $\gcd(m_1, m_2, \mu_1 - \mu_2) = 1$. At the end we illustrate our parameterization and this correspondence between roots and ideals with a few applications, including finding approximations to $\frac{\mu}{m} \in \mathbb{R}/ \mathbb{Z}$, finding an explicit Euler product for the co-type zeta function of $\mathbb{Z}[2^{\frac{1}{3}}]$, and computing the composition of cubic ideals in terms of the roots $\mu_1 \pmod {m_1}$ and $\mu_2 \pmod {m_2}$. ",Parameterizing roots of polynomial congruences
+ We generalize the two-loop renormalization group equations for the parameters of the softly broken SUSY gauge theories given in the literature to the most general case when the gauge group contains more than a single abelian gauge factor. The complete method is illustrated at two-loop within a specific example and compared to some of the previously proposed partial treatments. ,Running soft parameters in SUSY models with multiple U(1) gauge factors
+" Cyber security is one of the most significant challenges in connected vehicular systems and connected vehicles are prone to different cybersecurity attacks that endanger passengers' safety. Cyber security in intelligent connected vehicles is composed of in-vehicle security and security of inter-vehicle communications. Security of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and the Control Area Network (CAN) bus are the most significant parts of in-vehicle security. Besides, with the development of 4G LTE and 5G remote communication technologies for vehicle-toeverything (V2X) communications, the security of inter-vehicle communications is another potential problem. After giving a short introduction to the architecture of next-generation vehicles including driverless and intelligent vehicles, this review paper identifies a few major security attacks on the intelligent connected vehicles. Based on these attacks, we provide a comprehensive survey of available defences against these attacks and classify them into four categories, i.e. cryptography, network security, software vulnerability detection, and malware detection. We also explore the future directions for preventing attacks on intelligent vehicle systems. ",An Overview of Attacks and Defences on Intelligent Connected Vehicles
+" In this note we present a method for obtaining a wide class of combinatorial identities. We give several examples, in particular, based on the Gamma and Beta functions. Some of them have already been considered by previously, and other are new. ","Gamma function, Beta function and combinatorial identities"
+" We show that fractional Brownian motion(fBM) defined via Volterra integral representation with Hurst parameter $H\geq\frac{1}{2}$ is a quasi-surely defined Wiener functional on classical Wiener space,and we establish the large deviation principle(LDP) for such fBM with respect to $(p,r)$-capacity on classical Wiener space in Malliavin's sense. ",Large deviation principle for fractional Brownian motion with respect to capacity
+" In this paper we compare the concepts of pseudoradial spaces and the recently defined strongly pseudoradial spaces in the realm of compact spaces. We show that $\mathrm{MA}+\mathfrak{c}=\omega_2$ implies that there is a compact pseudoradial space that is not strongly pseudoradial. We essentially construct a compact, sequentially compact space $X$ and a continuous function $f:X\to\omega_1+1$ in such a way that there is no copy of $\omega_1+1$ in $X$ that maps cofinally under $f$. We also give some conditions that imply the existence of copies of $\omega_1$ in spaces. In particular, $\mathrm{PFA}$ implies that compact almost radial spaces of radial character $\omega_1$ contain many copies of $\omega_1$. ",Pseudoradial spaces and copies of $\omega_1+1$
+" In this paper we study fractional coloring from the angle of distributed computing. Fractional coloring is the linear relaxation of the classical notion of coloring, and has many applications, in particular in scheduling. It was proved by Hasemann, Hirvonen, Rybicki and Suomela (2016) that for every real $\alpha>1$ and integer $\Delta$, a fractional coloring of total weight at most $\alpha(\Delta+1)$ can be obtained deterministically in a single round in graphs of maximum degree $\Delta$, in the LOCAL model of computation. However, a major issue of this result is that the output of each vertex has unbounded size. Here we prove that even if we impose the more realistic assumption that the output of each vertex has constant size, we can find fractional colorings of total weight arbitrarily close to known tight bounds for the fractional chromatic number in several cases of interest. More precisely, we show that for any fixed $\epsilon > 0$ and $\Delta$, a fractional coloring of total weight at most $\Delta+\epsilon$ can be found in $O(\log^*n)$ rounds in graphs of maximum degree $\Delta$ with no $K_{\Delta+1}$, while finding a fractional coloring of total weight at most $\Delta$ in this case requires $\Omega(\log \log n)$ rounds for randomized algorithms and $\Omega( \log n)$ rounds for deterministic algorithms. We also show how to obtain fractional colorings of total weight at most $2+\epsilon$ in grids of any fixed dimension, for any $\epsilon>0$, in $O(\log^*n)$ rounds. Finally, we prove that in sparse graphs of large girth from any proper minor-closed family we can find a fractional coloring of total weight at most $2+\epsilon$, for any $\epsilon>0$, in $O(\log n)$ rounds. ",Distributed algorithms for fractional coloring
+" A new method to generate and control the amplitude and phase distributions of a optical vortex beam is proposed. By introducing a holographic grating on top of the dielectric waveguide, the free space vortex beam and the in-plane guiding wave can be converted to each other. This microscale holographic grating is very robust against the variation of geometry parameters. The designed vortex beam generator can produce the target beam with a fidelity up to 0.93, and the working bandwidth is about 175 nm with the fidelity larger than 0.80. In addition, a multiple generator composed of two holographic gratings on two parallel waveguides are studied, which can perform an effective and flexible modulation on the vortex beam by controlling the phase of the input light. Our work opens a new avenue towards the integrated OAM devices with multiple degrees of optical freedom, which can be used for optical tweezers, micronano imaging, information processing, and so on. ",On-chip generation and control of the vortex beam
+" We construct classical curvature spinors in topologically massive gauge theory and topologically massive gravity, expressed in terms of massive three-particle amplitudes. We show that when the amplitudes double copy, the curvature spinors satisfy the Cotton double copy, the three-dimensional cousin of the Weyl double copy. Furthermore, we show that under certain circumstances the Cotton double copy can be derived via a dimensional reduction of the Weyl double copy. ",Scattering Amplitudes and The Cotton Double Copy
+" The current practice of shaping subscriber traffic using a token bucket filter by Internet service providers may result in a severe waste of network resources in shared access networks; except for a short period of time proportional to the size of a token bucket, it cannot allocate excess bandwidth among active subscribers even when there are only a few active subscribers. To better utilize the network resources in shared access networks, therefore, we recently proposed and analyzed the performance of access traffic control schemes, which can allocate excess bandwidth among active subscribers proportional to their token generation rates. Also, to exploit the excess bandwidth allocation enabled by the proposed traffic control schemes, we have been studying flexible yet practical service plans under a hybrid traffic control architecture, which are attractive to both an Internet service provider and its subscribers in terms of revenue and quality of service. In this paper we report the current status of our modeling of the hybrid traffic control schemes and service plans with OMNeT++/INET-HNRL based on IEEE standard 802.1Q stacked VLANs. ",Stacked-VLAN-Based Modeling of Hybrid ISP Traffic Control Schemes and Service Plans Exploiting Excess Bandwidth in Shared Access Networks
+" This paper establishes a version of Nevanlinna theory based on Askey-Wilson divided difference operator for meromorphic functions of finite logarithmic order in the complex plane $\mathbb{C}$. A second main theorem that we have derived allows us to define an Askey-Wilson type Nevanlinna deficiency which gives a new interpretation that one should regard many important infinite products arising from the study of basic hypergeometric series as zero/pole-scarce. That is, their zeros/poles are indeed deficient in the sense of difference Nevanlinna theory. A natural consequence is a version of Askey-Wilosn type Picard theorem. We also give an alternative and self-contained characterisation of the kernel functions of the Askey-Wilson operator. In addition we have established a version of unicity theorem in the sense of Askey-Wilson. This paper concludes with an application to difference equations generalising the Askey-Wilson second-order divided difference equation. ",Nevanlinna theory of the Askey-Wilson divided difference operator
+" Several X-ray properties of active galactic nuclei depend, or appear to depend, on their luminosity. It has long been suggested that alpha o-x, the X-ray ``loudness'' decreases with luminosity. There never has been a satisfactory explanation of this observational claim, and the statistical soundness of the result has been disputed. The earliest systematic studies of the X-ray variability of AGN showed that these properties also depend on luminosity. In particular, the normalization of the power spectrum, or alternatively the the variability amplitude, are anti-correlated with luminosity. Most recently, tentative evidence from Ginga for an X-ray Baldwin effect - a decrease in the iron K-alpha equivalent width with luminosity - has been confirmed and extended by ASCA. The new data show that the reduction in strength is accompanied by changes in profile. These results will be described and their interpretation discussed. ",X-ray dependencies on luminosity in AGN
+" Cr2Ge2Te6 is an intrinsic ferromagnetic semiconductor with van der Waals type layered structure, thus represents a promising material for novel electronic and spintronic devices. Here we combine scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles calculations to investigate the electronic structure of Cr2Ge2Te6. Tunneling spectroscopy reveals a surprising large energy level shift and change of energy gap size across the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic phase transition, as well as a peculiar double-peak electronic state on the Cr-site defect. These features can be quantitatively explained by density functional theory calculations, which uncover a close relationship between the electronic structure and magnetic order. These findings shed important new lights on the microscopic electronic structure and origin of magnetic order in Cr2Ge2Te6. ",Atomic scale electronic structure of the ferromagnetic semiconductor Cr2Ge2Te6
+" In this paper we study modified kernel polynomials: $u_n(x) = \sum_{k=0}^n c_k g_k(x)$, depending on parameters $c_k>0$, where $\{ g_k \}_0^\infty$ are orthonormal polynomials on the real line. Besides kernel polynomials with $c_k = g_k(t_0)>0$, for example, $c_k$ may be chosen to be some other solutions of the corresponding second-order difference equation of $g_k$. It is shown that all these polynomials satisfy a $4$-th order recurrence relation. The cases with $g_k$ being Jacobi or Laguerre polynomials are of a special interest. Suitable choices of parameters $c_k$ imply $u_n$ to be Sobolev orthogonal polynomials with a $(3\times 3)$ matrix measure. Moreover, a further selection of parameters gives differential equations for $u_n$. In the latter case, polynomials $u_n(x)$ are solutions to a generalized eigenvalue problems both in $x$ and in $n$. ",On modified kernel polynomials and classical type Sobolev orthogonal polynomials
+" The hypothesis that CAK-type line driving is responsible for the large observed Wolf-Rayet (W-R) mass-loss rates has been called into question in recent theoretical studies. The purpose of this paper is to reconsider the plausibility of line driving of W-R winds within the standard approach using the Sobolev approximation while advancing the conceptual understanding of this topic. Due to the multiple scattering required in this context, of particular importance is the role of photon frequency redistribution into spectral gaps, which in the extreme limit yields the statistical Sobolev-Rosseland (SSR) mean approximation. Interesting limits to constrain are the extremes of no frequency redistribution, wherein the small radii and corresponding high W-R surface temperature induces up to twice the mass-loss rate relative to cooler stars, and the SSR limit, whereby the reduced efficiency of the driving drops the mass flux by as much as an order of magnitude whenever there exist significant gaps in the spectral line distribution. To see how this efficiency drop might be sufficiently avoided to permit high W-R mass loss, we explore the suggestion that ionization stratification may serve to fill the gaps globally over the wind. We find that global ionization changes can only fill the gaps sufficiently to cause about a 25% increase in the mass-loss rate over the local SSR limit. Higher temperatures and more ionization states (especially of iron) may be needed to achieve optically thick W-R winds, unless strong clumping corrections eliminate the need for such winds. ",Wolf-Rayet Mass-Loss Limits Due to Frequency Redistribution
+" We introduce the notion of a generalized fusion frame in quaternionic Hilbert space. A characterization of generalized fusion frame in quaternionic Hilbert space with the help of frame operator is being discussed. Finally, we construct g-fusion frame in quaternionic Hilbert space using invertible bounded right Q-linear operator on quaternionic Hilbert space. ",Generalized fusion frame in Quaternionic Hilbert spaces
+" In 1981, Uchida proved a conditional version of the Hom-form of the Grothendieck birational anabelian conjecture for number fields. In this paper we prove an m-step solvable conditional version of the Grothendieck birational anabelian conjecture for number fields whereby our conditions are slightly weaker than the ones in Uchida's theorem. Furthermore, as in Uchida's work, we show that our result is unconditional in the case where the number field relating to the domain of the given homomorphism is $\mathbb{Q}$ ",The m-step Solvable Hom-Form of Birational Anabelian Geometry for Number Fields
+" The evolution of the structure and conductance of an Al nanowire subject to a tensile stress has been studied by first-principles total-energy simulations. Our calculations show the correlation between discontinuous changes in the force (associated to changes in the bonding structure of the nanowire) and abrupt modifications of the conductance as the nanowire develops a thinner neck, in agreement with the experiments. We reproduce the characteristic increase of the conductance in the last plateau, reaching a value close to the conductance quantum $G_0 = 2 e^2 / h$ before the breaking of the nanowire. A dimer defines the contact geometry at these last stages, with three channels (one dominant) contributing to the conductance. ",First-principles Simulations of the stretching and final breaking of Al nanowires: Mechanical properties and electrical conductance
+" Mono- and multifilamentary MgB2/Fe tapes and wires with high transport critical current densities have been prepared using the powder-in-tube (PIT) process. The fabrication details are described. The effect of powder grain sizes and recrystallization temperature on jc has been investigated. At 25K and 1 T, jc values close to 105 A/cm2 were measured, while jc of 106 A/cm2 were extrapolated for 4.2K/0T in our monofilamentary tape. MgB2/Fe tapes exhibit high exponential n factors for the resistive transition: n ~ 80 and 40 were found at 5 T and 7 T, respectively. The highest transport jc values obtained so far in MgB2/Fe wires with 7 filaments were 1.1 * 105 A/cm2 at 4.2 K and in a field of 2 T, which is still lower than for monofilamentary tapes. Improved deformation and recovering processing is expected to lead to higher jc values. ",Transport critical current densities and n factors in mono- and multifilamentary MgB2/Fe tapes and wires using fine powders
+" Correlation between microstructure noise and latent financial logarithmic returns is an empirically relevant phenomenon with sound theoretical justification. With few notable exceptions, all integrated variance estimators proposed in the financial literature are not designed to explicitly handle such a dependence, or handle it only in special settings. We provide an integrated variance estimator that is robust to correlated noise and returns. For this purpose, a generalization of the Forward Filtering Backward Sampling algorithm is proposed, to provide a sampling technique for a latent conditionally Gaussian random sequence. We apply our methodology to intra-day Microsoft prices, and compare it in a simulation study with established alternatives, showing an advantage in terms of root mean square error and dispersion. ",Conditionally Gaussian Random Sequences for an Integrated Variance Estimator with Correlation between Noise and Returns
+" The Fokker action governing the motion of compact binary systems without spins is derived in harmonic coordinates at the fourth post-Newtonian approximation (4PN) of general relativity. Dimensional regularization is used for treating the local ultraviolet (UV) divergences associated with point particles, followed by a renormalization of the poles into a redefinition of the trajectories of the point masses. Effects at the 4PN order associated with wave tails propagating at infinity are included consistently at the level of the action. A finite part procedure based on analytic continuation deals with the infrared (IR) divergencies at spatial infinity, which are shown to be fully consistent with the presence of near-zone tails. Our end result at 4PN order is Lorentz invariant and has the correct self-force limit for the energy of circular orbits. However, we find that it differs from the recently published result derived within the ADM Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity [T. Damour, P. Jaranowski, and G. Sch\""afer, Phys. Rev. D 89, 064058 (2014)]. More work is needed to understand this discrepancy. ",Fokker action of non-spinning compact binaries at the fourth post-Newtonian approximation
+" The paper studies defeasible reasoning in rule-based systems, in particular about legal norms and contracts. We identify rule modifiers that specify how rules interact and how they can be overridden. We then define rule transformations that eliminate these modifiers, leading in the end to a translation of rules to formulas. For reasoning with and about rules, we contrast two approaches, one in a classical logic with SMT solvers as proof engines, one in a non-monotonic logic with Answer Set Programming solvers. ",Automating Defeasible Reasoning in Law
+" Knowledge graphs (KG) that model the relationships between entities as labeled edges (or facts) in a graph are mostly constructed using a suite of automated extractors, thereby inherently leading to uncertainty in the extracted facts. Modeling the uncertainty as probabilistic confidence scores results in a probabilistic knowledge graph. Graph queries over such probabilistic KGs require answer computation along with the computation of those result probabilities, aka, probabilistic inference. We propose a system, HAPPI (How Provenance of Probabilistic Inference), to handle such query processing. Complying with the standard provenance semiring model, we propose a novel commutative semiring to symbolically compute the probability of the result of a query. These provenance-polynomiallike symbolic expressions encode fine-grained information about the probability computation process. We leverage this encoding to efficiently compute as well as maintain the probability of results as the underlying KG changes. Focusing on a popular class of conjunctive basic graph pattern queries on the KG, we compare the performance of HAPPI against a possible-world model of computation and a knowledge compilation tool over two large datasets. We also propose an adaptive system that leverages the strengths of both HAPPI and compilation based techniques. Since existing systems for probabilistic databases mostly focus on query computation, they default to re-computation when facts in the KG are updated. HAPPI, on the other hand, does not just perform probabilistic inference and maintain their provenance, but also provides a mechanism to incrementally maintain them as the KG changes. We extend this maintainability as part of our proposed adaptive system. ",Computing and Maintaining Provenance of Query Result Probabilities in Uncertain Knowledge Graphs
+" Density correlations unambiguously reveal the quantum nature of matter. Here, we study correlations between measurements of density in cold-atom clouds at different times at one position, and also at two separated positions. We take into account the effects of finite-size and -duration measurements made by light beams passing through the atom cloud. We specialise to the case of Bose gases in harmonic traps above critical temperature, for weakly-perturbative measurements. For overlapping measurement regions, shot-noise correlations revive after a trap oscillation period. For non-overlapping regions, bosonic correlations dominate at long times, and propagate at finite speeds. Finally, we give a realistic measurement protocol for performing such experiments. ",Temporal and spatio-temporal correlation functions for trapped Bose gases
+" With the increasingly rapid development of new malicious computer software by bad faith actors, both commercial and research-oriented antivirus detectors have come to make greater use of machine learning tactics to identify such malware as harmful before end users are exposed to their effects. This, in turn, has spurred the development of tools that allow for known malware to be manipulated such that they can evade being classified as dangerous by these machine learning-based detectors, while retaining their malicious functionality. These manipulations function by applying a set of changes that can be made to Windows programs that result in a different file structure and signature without altering the software's capabilities. Various proposals have been made for the most effective way of applying these alterations to input malware to deceive static malware detectors; the purpose of this research is to examine these proposals and test their implementations to determine which tactics tend to generate the most successful attacks. ",Dissecting Malware in the Wild
+" We present results for the masses of the low-lying states with quantum numbers $0^{++}$, $2^{++}$ and $1^{--}$ as well as Polyakov line correlations in the Higgs and confinement regions of the 3d SU(2) Higgs model. In the confinement phase we find a dense spectrum of bound states approximately split into two disjoint sectors. One consists of W-balls nearly identical to the glueball spectrum of the pure gauge theory, the other of bound states of scalars. ",Mass Spectrum of the 3d SU(2) Higgs Model and the Symmetric Electroweak Phase
+" The first supernova explosions are potentially relevant sources for the production of the first large-scale magnetic fields. For this reason we present a set of high resolution simulations studying the effect of supernova explosions on magnetized, primordial halos. We focus on the evolution of an initially small-scale magnetic field formed during the collapse of the halo. We vary the degree of magnetization, the halo mass, and the amount of explosion energy in order to account for expected variations as well as to infer systematical dependencies of the results on initial conditions. Our simulations suggest that core collapse supernovae with an explosion energy of 10^51 erg and more violent pair instability supernovae with 10^53 erg are able to disrupt halos with masses up to a about 10^6 and 10^7 M_sun, respectively. The peak of the magnetic field spectra shows a continuous shift towards smaller k-values, i.e. larger length scales, over time reaching values as low as k = 4. On small scales the magnetic energy decreases at the cost of the energy on large scales resulting in a well-ordered magnetic field with a strength up to ~ 10^-8 G depending on the initial conditions. The coherence length of the magnetic field inferred from the spectra reaches values up to 250 pc in agreement with those obtained from autocorrelation functions. We find the coherence length to be as large as $50\%$ of the radius of the supernova bubble. Extrapolating this relation to later stages we suggest that significantly strong magnetic fields with coherence lengths as large as 1.5 kpc could be created. We discuss possible implications of our results on processes like recollapse of the halo, first galaxy formation, and the magnetization of the intergalactic medium. ","Supernova explosions in magnetized, primordial dark matter halos"
+" Recent theoretical developments of relativistic hydrodynamics applied to ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions are briefly reviewed. In particular, the concept of a formal gradient expansion is discussed, which is a tool to compare different hydrodynamic models with underlying microscopic theories. ",Hydrodynamic description of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
+" We show how to avoid unnecessary and uncontrolled assumptions usually made in the literature about soft SU(3) flavor symmetry breaking in determining the two-flavor nucleon matrix elements relevant for direct detection of WIMPs. Based on SU(2) Chiral Perturbation Theory, we provide expressions for the proton and neutron scalar couplings $f_u^{p,n}$ and $f_d^{p,n}$ with the pion-nucleon sigma-term as the only free parameter, which should be used in the analysis of direct detection experiments. This approach for the first time allows for an accurate assessment of hadronic uncertainties in spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering and for a reliable calculation of isospin-violating effects. We find that the traditional determinations of $f_u^p-f_u^n$ and $f_d^p-f_d^n$ are off by a factor of 2. ",Accurate evaluation of hadronic uncertainties in spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering: Disentangling two- and three-flavor effects
+ In this study we have carried out computer simulations of random walks on Watts-Strogatz-type small world networks and measured the mean number of visited sites and the return probabilities. These quantities were found to obey scaling behavior with intuitively reasoned exponents as long as the probability $p$ of having a long range bond was sufficiently low. ,Scaling of random spreading in small world networks
+" By considering the superembedding equation for the Type II superstring we derive the classical relation between the NSR string and the Type II GS superstring Grassmannian variables. The connection between the actions of these two models is also established. Then introducing the proper twistor-like Lorentz harmonic variables we fix $\kappa-$symmetry of the GS formulation in the manifestly SO(1,9) Lorentz covariant manner and establish the relation between the gauge-fixed variables of the NSR and the Type II GS models. ",On covariant $\kappa-$symmetry fixing and the relation betwen the NSR string and the Type II GS superstring
+" Existing works on IRS have mainly considered IRS being deployed in the environment to dynamically control the wireless channels between the BS and its served users. In contrast, we propose in this paper a new integrated IRS BS architecture by deploying IRSs inside the BS antenna radome. Since the distance between the integrated IRSs and BS antenna array is practically small, the path loss among them is significantly reduced and the real time control of the IRS reflection by the BS becomes easier to implement. However, the resultant near field channel model also becomes drastically different. Thus, we propose an element wise channel model for IRS to characterize the channel vector between each single antenna user and the antenna array of the BS, which includes the direct (without any IRS reflection) as well as the single and double IRS-reflection channel components. Then, we formulate a problem to optimize the reflection coefficients of all IRS reflecting elements for maximizing the uplink sum rate of the users. By considering two typical cases with/without perfect CSI at the BS, the formulated problem is solved efficiently by adopting the successive refinement method and iterative random phase algorithm (IRPA), respectively. Numerical results validate the substantial capacity gain of the integrated IRS BS architecture over the conventional multi antenna BS without integrated IRS. Moreover, the proposed algorithms significantly outperform other benchmark schemes in terms of sum rate, and the IRPA without CSI can approach the performance upper bound with perfect CSI as the training overhead increases. ","Integrating Intelligent Reflecting Surface into Base Station: Architecture, Channel Model, and Passive Reflection Design"
+" Green's functions for Neumann boundary conditions have been considered in Math Physics and Electromagnetism textbooks, but special constraints and other properties required for Neumann boundary conditions have generally not been noticed or treated correctly. In this paper, we derive an appropriate Neumann Green's function with these constraints and properties incorporated. ",Green's functions for Neumann boundary conditions
+" This paper presents a study of user voting on three websites: Imdb, Amazon and BookCrossings. It reports on an expert evaluation of the voting mechanisms of each website and a quantitative data analysis of users' aggregate voting behavior. The results suggest that voting follows different patterns across the websites, with higher barrier to vote introducing a more of one-off voters and attracting mostly experts. The results also show that that one-off voters tend to vote on popular items, while experts mostly vote for obscure, low-rated items. The study concludes with design suggestions to address the ""wisdom of the crowd"" bias. ",Is the crowd's wisdom biased? A quantitative asessment of three online communities
+" The quantum advantage arising in a simplified multi-player quantum game, is found to be a disadvantage when the game's qubit-source is corrupted by a noisy ""demon"". Above a critical value of the corruption-rate, or noise-level, the coherent quantum effects impede the players to such an extent that the optimal choice of game changes from quantum to classical. ",Playing a quantum game with a corrupted source
+" This study presents a deep H{\alpha} kinematical analysis of the Sculptor Group galaxy NGC253. The Fabry-Perot data were taken with the 36-cm Marseille Telescope in La Silla, Chile, using an EMCCD detector. Typical emission measures of ~0.1 cm^-6 pc are reached. The observations allow the detection of the Diffuse Ionized Gas component through [N II] emission at very large radii of 11.5', 12.8' and 19.0', on the receding side of the galaxy. No H{\alpha} emission is observed at radii larger than the neutral component (11.5'). The very extended rotation curve confirms previous results and shows signs of a significant decline, on the order of 30 per cent vmax . Using the rotation data, mass models are constructed with and without the outer [N II] data points, and similar results are found. The declining part of the rotation curve is very well modeled, and seems to be truly declining. ",Deep H{\alpha} Observations of NGC 253: a Very Extended and Possibly Declining Rotation Curve?
+" It is shown that the superconformal filling (SCF) efficiency ($\epsilon_{SCF}$) of nano-scale cavities can be rationalized in terms of relevant physical and geometric parameters. Based on extensive numerical simulations and using the dynamic scaling theory of interface growth, it is concluded that the relevant quantity for the evaluation of $\epsilon_{SCF}$ is the so-called ""physical"" aspect ratio $S_{P} = L/M^{\beta/\alpha}$, where $\alpha$ ($\beta$) is the roughness (growth) exponent that governs the dynamic evolution of the system and $L$ ($M$) is the typical depth (width) of the cavity. The theoretical predictions are in excellent agreement with recently reported experimental data for the SCF of electrodeposited copper and chemically deposited silver in confined geometries, thus giving the basis of a new tool to manage nanoengineering-related problems not completely resolved so far. ",A Novel Predictive Tool in Nanoengineering: Straightforward Estimation of Superconformal Filling Efficiency
+" Domain adaptation from one data space (or domain) to another is one of the most challenging tasks of modern data analytics. If the adaptation is done correctly, models built on a specific data space become more robust when confronted to data depicting the same semantic concepts (the classes), but observed by another observation system with its own specificities. Among the many strategies proposed to adapt a domain to another, finding a common representation has shown excellent properties: by finding a common representation for both domains, a single classifier can be effective in both and use labelled samples from the source domain to predict the unlabelled samples of the target domain. In this paper, we propose a regularized unsupervised optimal transportation model to perform the alignment of the representations in the source and target domains. We learn a transportation plan matching both PDFs, which constrains labelled samples in the source domain to remain close during transport. This way, we exploit at the same time the few labeled information in the source and the unlabelled distributions observed in both domains. Experiments in toy and challenging real visual adaptation examples show the interest of the method, that consistently outperforms state of the art approaches. ",Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation
+ In this article we suggest a new statistical approach considering survival heterogeneity as a breakpoint model in an ordered sequence of time to event variables. The survival responses need to be ordered according to a numerical covariate. Our esti- mation method will aim at detecting heterogeneity that could arise through the or- dering covariate. We formally introduce our model as a constrained Hidden Markov Model (HMM) where the hidden states are the unknown segmentation (breakpoint locations) and the observed states are the survival responses. We derive an efficient Expectation-Maximization (EM) framework for maximizing the likelihood of this model for a wide range of baseline hazard forms (parametrics or nonparametric). The posterior distribution of the breakpoints is also derived and the selection of the number of segments using penalized likelihood criterion is discussed. The performance of our survival breakpoint model is finally illustrated on a diabetes dataset where the observed survival times are ordered according to the calendar time of disease onset. ,A Change-Point Model for Detecting Heterogeneity in Ordered Survival Responses
+" The Dipolar Electromagnetic Source (DEMS) model, based on the Poynting Vector Conjecture, conduces in Bridge Theory to a derivation of the Lorentz transformation connecting pairs of events. The results prove a full compatibility between quantum and relativistic effects. ",On the Compatibility Between Quantum and Relativistic Effects in an Electromagnetic Bridge Theory
+" We revisit the static potential for the $Q Q \bar Q \bar Q$ system using SU(3) lattice simulations, studying both the colour singlets groundstate and first excited state. We consider geometries where the two static quarks and the two anti-quarks are at the corners of rectangles of different sizes. We analyse the transition between a tetraquark system and a two meson system with a two by two correlator matrix. We compare the potentials computed with quenched QCD and with dynamical quarks. We also compare our simulations with the results of previous studies and analyze quantitatively fits of our results with anzatse inspired in the string flip-flop model and in its possible colour excitations. ",Lattice QCD static potentials of the meson-meson and tetraquark systems computed with both quenched and full QCD
+" Large-scale integration of photovoltaics (PV) into electricity grids is challenged by the intermittent nature of solar power. Sky-image-based solar forecasting using deep learning has been recognized as a promising approach to predicting the short-term fluctuations. However, there are few publicly available standardized benchmark datasets for image-based solar forecasting, which limits the comparison of different forecasting models and the exploration of forecasting methods. To fill these gaps, we introduce SKIPP'D -- a SKy Images and Photovoltaic Power Generation Dataset. The dataset contains three years (2017-2019) of quality-controlled down-sampled sky images and PV power generation data that is ready-to-use for short-term solar forecasting using deep learning. In addition, to support the flexibility in research, we provide the high resolution, high frequency sky images and PV power generation data as well as the concurrent sky video footage. We also include a code base containing data processing scripts and baseline model implementations for researchers to reproduce our previous work and accelerate their research in solar forecasting. ",SKIPP'D: a SKy Images and Photovoltaic Power Generation Dataset for Short-term Solar Forecasting
+" We examine the relationship between finitely and infinitely generated relatively hyperbolic groups, in two different contexts. First, we elaborate on a remark from math.GR/0601311, which states that the version of Dehn filling in relatively hyperbolic groups proved in math.GR/0510195, allowing infinitely generated parabolic subgroups, follows from the version with finitely generated parabolics. Second, we observe that direct limits of relatively hyperbolic groups are in fact direct limits of finitely generated relatively hyperbolic groups. We use this (and known results) to derive some consequences about the Strong Novikov Conjecture for groups as constructed in math.GR/0411039. ","Fillings, finite generation and direct limits of relatively hyperbolic groups"
+" We consider message and time efficient broadcasting and multi-broadcasting in wireless ad-hoc networks, where a subset of nodes, each with a unique rumor, wish to broadcast their rumors to all destinations while minimizing the total number of transmissions and total time until all rumors arrive to their destination. Under centralized settings, we introduce a novel approximation algorithm that provides almost optimal results with respect to the number of transmissions and total time, separately. Later on, we show how to efficiently implement this algorithm under distributed settings, where the nodes have only local information about their surroundings. In addition, we show multiple approximation techniques based on the network collision detection capabilities and explain how to calibrate the algorithms' parameters to produce optimal results for time and messages. ",Message and time efficient multi-broadcast schemes
+" Properties of inorganic-organic interfaces, such as their interface dipole, strongly depend on the structural arrangements of the organic molecules. A prime example is tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) on Cu(111), which shows two different phases with significantly different work functions. However, the thermodynamically pre-ferred phase is not always the one that is best suited for a given application. Rather, it may be desirable to selectively grow a kinetically trapped structure. In this work, we employ density functional theory and transi-tion state theory to discuss under which conditions such a kinetic trapping might be possible for the model system of TCNE on Cu. Specifically, we want to trap the molecules in the first layer in a flat-lying orientation. This requires temperatures that are sufficiently low to suppress the re-orientation of the molecules, which is thermodynamically more favorable for high dosages, but still high enough to enable ordered growth through diffusion of molecules. Based on the temperature-dependent diffusion and re-orientation rates, we propose a temperature range at which the re-orientation can be successfully suppressed. ",Towards targeted kinetic trapping of organic-inorganic interfaces: A computational case study
+" The recent rapid advancements in artificial intelligence research and deployment have sparked more discussion about the potential ramifications of socially- and emotionally-intelligent AI. The question is not if research can produce such affectively-aware AI, but when it will. What will it mean for society when machines -- and the corporations and governments they serve -- can ""read"" people's minds and emotions? What should developers and operators of such AI do, and what should they not do? The goal of this article is to pre-empt some of the potential implications of these developments, and propose a set of guidelines for evaluating the (moral and) ethical consequences of affectively-aware AI, in order to guide researchers, industry professionals, and policy-makers. We propose a multi-stakeholder analysis framework that separates the ethical responsibilities of AI Developers vis-\`a-vis the entities that deploy such AI -- which we term Operators. Our analysis produces two pillars that clarify the responsibilities of each of these stakeholders: Provable Beneficence, which rests on proving the effectiveness of the AI, and Responsible Stewardship, which governs responsible collection, use, and storage of data and the decisions made from such data. We end with recommendations for researchers, developers, operators, as well as regulators and law-makers. ",An Ethical Framework for Guiding the Development of Affectively-Aware Artificial Intelligence
+" A method of prediction is presented to aid compression of sequences of complex-valued samples. The focus is on using prediction to reduce the average magnitude of residual values after prediction (not on the subsequent compression of the residual sequence). The prediction method has low computational complexity, so as to keep power consumption in implementations of the method low. The new method presented applies specifically to sequences that occupy a significant percentage of the sampling bandwidth; something that existing, simple prediction methods fail to adequately address. The new method, labeled ""residual-as-prediction"" here, produces residual sequences with reduced mean magnitude compared to the original sequence, even for sequences whose bandwidth is up to 85% of the sampling bandwidth. ","Low-complexity prediction of complex-valued sequences using a novel ""residual-as-prediction"" method"
+" In this paper, we introduce a family of codes that can be used in a McEliece cryptosystem, called Goppa--like AG codes. These codes generalize classical Goppa codes and can be constructed from any curve of genus $\mathfrak{g} \geq 0$. Focusing on codes from $C_{a,b}$ curves, we study the behaviour of the dimension of the square of their dual to determine their resistance to distinguisher attacks similar to the one for alternant and Goppa codes developed by Mora and Tillich. We also propose numerical experiments to measure how sharp is our bound. ","Goppa-like AG codes from $C_{a,b}$ curves and their behaviour under squaring their dual"
+" We measured the isotope shift in the $^2$S$_{1/2}$-$^2$P$_{3/2}$ (D2) transition in singly-ionized calcium ions using photon recoil spectroscopy. The high accuracy of the technique enables us to resolve the difference between the isotope shifts of this transition to the previously measured isotopic shifts of the $^2$S$_{1/2}$-$^2$P$_{1/2}$ (D1) line. This so-called splitting isotope shift is extracted and exhibits a clear signature of field shift contributions. From the data we were able to extract the small difference of the field shift coefficient and mass shifts between the two transitions with high accuracy. This J-dependence is of relativistic origin and can be used to benchmark atomic structure calculations. As a first step, we use several ab initio atomic structure calculation methods to provide more accurate values for the field shift constants and their ratio. Remarkably, the high-accuracy value for the ratio of the field shift constants extracted from the experimental data is larger than all available theoretical predictions. ","Unexpectedly large difference of the electron density at the nucleus in the 4p $^2$P$_{1/2,3/2}$ fine-structure doublet of Ca$^+$"
+" Cartilage is a connective tissue that covers the surfaces of bones in joints and provides a smooth gliding surface for movement. It is characterized by specific biophysical properties that allow it to withstand compressive loads, distribute mechanical forces, and maintain tissue integrity. The bi-ophysical properties of cartilage are primarily determined by its extracellular matrix, which is composed of collagen fibers, proteoglycans, and water. The collagen fibers provide tensile strength, the proteoglycans provide compressive resistance, and the water content provides lubrication and shock absorption. The potential for greater knowledge of cartilage function through refinement and engineering-level understanding could inform the design of interventions for cartilage dysfunction and pathology. The aim is to assist to present basic principles of cartilage modeling and discussing the underlying physics and assumptions with relatively simple settings, and also it presents the derivation of multiphase cartilage models that are consistent with the discussions. Furthermore, modern developments align the structure captured in the models with observed complexities. The interactions between these components and the surrounding tissues regulate cartilage biomechanics and contribute to its ability to resist damage and repair itself. Alterations in the biophysical prop-erties of cartilage can lead to degenerative joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, highlighting the importance of understanding cartilage structure and function for the development of effective therapeutic strategies. ",Biophysical and biomechanical properties of cartilage
+" We report the results of numerical simulations for a model of a one component plasma (a system of N point electrons with mutual Coulomb interactions) in a uniform stationary magnetic field. We take N up to 512, with periodic boundary conditions, and macroscopic parameters corresponding to the weak coupling regime, with a coupling parameter \Gamma=1/64. We find that a transition from order to chaos takes place when the density is increased or the field decreased so that the ratio \omega_p/\omega_c between plasma and cyclotron frequencies becomes of order 1 (or equivalently the ratio r_L/\lambda_D between Larmor radius and Debye length becomes of order 1). The result is in agreement with the theoretical prediction obtained in [1], on the basis of an old estimate of Iglesias, Lebowitz and MacGowan [2] for the intensity of the electric field acting on one electron and due to all the other ones. A comparison can be made with the threshold obtained from kinetic theory arguments, which corresponds to the condition \nu_{ee}/\omega_c=1, where \nu_{ee} is the electron collision frequency. The latter threshold has a completely different dependence on the physical parameters and, for \Gamma=1/64, gives a critical value of \omega_p about 80 times larger. ","Transition to chaos in magnetized, weakly coupled plasmas"
+" We consider the problem, as suggested by Dembo ($2003$, $2006$), of late points of a simple random walk in two dimensions. It has been shown that the exponents for the numbers of pairs of late points coincide with those of nearly favorite points and high points in the Gaussian free field, whose exact values are known. We estimate the exponents for the numbers of a multipoint set of late points in average. While there have been observed certain similarities between among three classes of points, our results exhibit a difference. ",Geometric structures of late points of a two-dimensional simple random walk
+" We derive a correspondence between the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix $A$ and the signless Laplacian matrix $Q$ of a graph $G$ when $G$ is $(d_1,d_2)$-biregular by using the relation $A^2=(Q-d_1I)(Q-d_2I)$. This motivates asking when it is possible to have $X^r=f(Y)$ for $f$ a polynomial, $r>0$, and $X,\ Y$ matrices associated to a graph $G$. It turns out that, essentially, this can only happen if $G$ is either regular or biregular. ",Polynomial Relations Between Matrices of Graphs
+" The degree of influence that environment and mass have on the stellar populations of early-type galaxies is uncertain. In this paper we present the results of a spectroscopic analysis of the stellar populations of early-type galaxies aimed at addressing this question. The sample of galaxies is drawn from four clusters, with =0.04, and their surrounding structure extending to ~10R_{vir}. We find that the distributions of the absorption-line strengths and the stellar population parameters age, metallicity and alpha-element abundance ratio do not differ significantly between the clusters and their outskirts, but the tight correlations found between these quantities and velocity dispersion within the clusters are weaker in their outskirts. All three stellar population parameters of cluster galaxies are positively correlated with velocity dispersion. Galaxies in clusters form a homogeneous class of objects that have similar distributions of line-strengths and stellar population parameters, and follow similar scaling relations regardless of cluster richness or morphology. We estimate the intrinsic scatter of the Gaussian distribution of metallicities to be 0.3 dex, while that of the alpha-element abundance ratio is 0.07 dex. The e-folding time of the exponential distribution of galaxy ages is estimated to be 900 Myr. The intrinsic scatters of the metallicity and alpha-element abundance ratio distributions can almost entirely be accounted for by the correlations with velocity dispersion and the intrinsic scatter about these relations. This implies that a galaxies mass plays the major role in determining its stellar population. ",The stellar populations of early-type galaxies -- II. The effects of environment and mass
+" Lin and Yang's upper bound E_Q <= cQ^(3/4) of the least static energy E_Q of the Faddeev model in a sector with a fixed Hopf index Q is investigated. By constructing an explicit trial configuration for the Faddeev field n, a possible value of the coefficient c is obtained numerically, which is much smaller than the value obtained quite recently by analytic discussions. ",Estimation of the Lin-Yang bound of the least static energy of the Faddeev model
+" Recent researches on the solution of Schwinger-Dyson equations, as well as lattice simulations of pure QCD, suggest that the gluon propagator is massive. In this letter, we assume that the classical counterpart of this massive gluon field may be represented with the equation of motion for Yang-Mills theory with a mass term added. A new classical solution is given for this equation. It is discussed that this solution may have some role in confinement. ",A Classical Solution of Massive Yang-Mills Fields
+" We find Abelian gauge fields that double copy to a large class of black hole spacetimes with spherical horizon topology known as the Kerr-NUT-(A)dS family. Using a multi-Kerr-Schild prescription, we extend the previously-known double copy structure for arbitrarily rotating general dimension black holes, to include NUT charges and an arbitrary cosmological constant. In all cases, these single copy gauge fields are 'aligned fields', because their nonzero components align with the principal tensor which generates the Killing structure of the spacetime. In five dimensions, we additionally derive the same single-copy field strengths via the Weyl double copy procedure. ",Aligned Fields Double Copy to Kerr-NUT-(A)dS
+" New BABAR measurements are presented for the exclusive rare decays B -> K(*) l+ l- including branching fractions, isospin asymmetries, direct CP violation, and lepton flavor universality for dilepton masses below and above the J/psi resonance. Unexpectedly large isospin asymmetries are observed in both K l+l- and K* l+ l- decays. For the combined K l+l- and K* l+l- data a 3.9 sigma significant deviation from the SM prediction is found. Furthermore, recent BABAR results from an angular analysis in B -> K* l+l- are reported in which both the K* longitudinal polarization and the lepton forward-backward asymmetry are measured for dilepton masses below and above the J/psi resonance. Finally, results of recent searches for B -> pi l+l-$ from Belle and B -> K(*) nu anti nu$ from BABAR are summarized. ",Exclusive b \to s (d) ll Decays
+" The measurement of muon momentum by Multiple Coulomb Scattering is a crucial ingredient to the reconstruction of {\nu}{\mu} CC events in the ICARUS-T600 liquid argon TPC in absence of magnetic field, as in the search for sterile neutrinos at Fermilab where ICARUS will be exposed to ~1 GeV Booster neutrino beam. A sample of ~1000 stopping muons produced by charged current interactions of CNGS {\nu}{\mu} in the surrounding rock at the INFN Gran Sasso underground Laboratory provides an ideal benchmark in the few-GeV range since their momentum can be directly and independently obtained by the calorimetric measurement. Stopping muon momentum in the 0.5- 4.5 GeV/c range has been reconstructed via Multiple Coulomb Scattering with resolution ranging from 10 to 25 % depending on muon energy, track length and uniformity of the electric field in the drift volume. ",Muon momentum measurement in ICARUS-T600 LAr-TPC via multiple scattering in few-GeV range
+ We verify the Rota-Heron-Welsh conjecture for matroids realizable as c-arrangements: the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the associated matroid are log-concave. This family of matroids strictly contains that of complex hyperplane arrangements. Our proof combines the study of intrinsic volumes of certain extensions of arrangements and the Levy--Milman measure concentration phenomenon on realization spaces of arrangements. ,Whitney numbers of arrangements via measure concentration of intrinsic volumes
+" In this paper, we present a new bottom-up one-stage method for whole-body pose estimation, which we call ""hierarchical point regression,"" or HPRNet for short. In standard body pose estimation, the locations of $\sim 17$ major joints on the human body are estimated. Differently, in whole-body pose estimation, the locations of fine-grained keypoints (68 on face, 21 on each hand and 3 on each foot) are estimated as well, which creates a scale variance problem that needs to be addressed. To handle the scale variance among different body parts, we build a hierarchical point representation of body parts and jointly regress them. The relative locations of fine-grained keypoints in each part (e.g. face) are regressed in reference to the center of that part, whose location itself is estimated relative to the person center. In addition, unlike the existing two-stage methods, our method predicts whole-body pose in a constant time independent of the number of people in an image. On the COCO WholeBody dataset, HPRNet significantly outperforms all previous bottom-up methods on the keypoint detection of all whole-body parts (i.e. body, foot, face and hand); it also achieves state-of-the-art results on face (75.4 AP) and hand (50.4 AP) keypoint detection. Code and models are available at \url{https://github.com/nerminsamet/HPRNet}. ",HPRNet: Hierarchical Point Regression for Whole-Body Human Pose Estimation
+" In this paper, a theory of realization and minimal factorization of rational matrix-valued functions which are $J$-unitary on the imaginary line or on the unit circle is extended to the setting of non-commutative rational formal power series. The property of $J$-unitarity holds on $N$-tuples of $n\times n$ skew-Hermitian versus unitary matrices ($n=1,2,...$), and a rational formal power series is called \emph{matrix-$J$-unitary} in this case. The close relationship between minimal realizations and structured Hermitian solutions $H$ of the Lyapunov or Stein equations is established. The results are specialized for the case of \emph{matrix-$J$-inner} rational formal power series. In this case $H>0$, however the proof of that is more elaborated than in the one-variable case and involves a new technique. For the rational \emph{matrix-inner} case, i.e., when $J=I$, the theorem of Ball, Groenewald and Malakorn on unitary realization of a formal power series from the non-commutative Schur--Agler class admits an improvement: its finite-dimensionality and uniqueness up to a unitary similarity is proved. A version of the theory for \emph{matrix-selfadjoint} rational formal power series is also presented. The concept of non-commutative formal reproducing kernel Pontryagin spaces is introduced, and in this framework the backward shift realization of a matrix-$J$-unitary rational formal power series in a finite-dimensional non-commutative de Branges--Rovnyak space is described. ",Matrix-J-unitary non-commutative rational formal power series
+" We propose and analyze the problems of \textit{community goodness-of-fit and two-sample testing} for stochastic block models (SBM), where changes arise due to modification in community memberships of nodes. Motivated by practical applications, we consider the challenging sparse regime, where expected node degrees are constant, and the inter-community mean degree ($b$) scales proportionally to intra-community mean degree ($a$). Prior work has sharply characterized partial or full community recovery in terms of a ""signal-to-noise ratio"" ($\mathrm{SNR}$) based on $a$ and $b$. For both problems, we propose computationally-efficient tests that can succeed far beyond the regime where recovery of community membership is even possible. Overall, for large changes, $s \gg \sqrt{n}$, we need only $\mathrm{SNR}= O(1)$ whereas a na\""ive test based on community recovery with $O(s)$ errors requires $\mathrm{SNR}= \Theta(\log n)$. Conversely, in the small change regime, $s \ll \sqrt{n}$, via an information-theoretic lower bound, we show that, surprisingly, no algorithm can do better than the na\""ive algorithm that first estimates the community up to $O(s)$ errors and then detects changes. We validate these phenomena numerically on SBMs and on real-world datasets as well as Markov Random Fields where we only observe node data rather than the existence of links. ",Testing Changes in Communities for the Stochastic Block Model
+" We study the dynamics of bound pairs in the extended Hubbard model driven by a linear external field. It is shown that two interacting bosons or singlet fermions with nonzero on-site and nearest-neighbor interaction strengths can always form bound pairs in the absence of an external field. There are two bands of bound pairs, one of which may have incomplete wave vectors when it has an overlap with the scattering band, referred to as an imperfect band. In the presence of the external field, the dynamics of the bound pair in the perfect band exhibits distinct Bloch-Zener oscillation (BZO), while in the imperfect band the oscillation presents a sudden death. The pair becomes uncorrelated after the sudden death and the BZO never comes back. Such dynamical behaviors are robust even for the weak-coupling regime and thus can be used to characterize the phase diagram of the bound states. ",Sudden death of particle-pair Bloch oscillation and unidirectional propagation in a one-dimensional driven optical lattice
+" Order picking and order packing entail retrieving items from storage and packaging them according to customer requests. These activities have always been the main concerns of the companies in reducing warehouse management costs. This paper proposes and investigates the Order Batching and Order Packing Problem, which considers these activities jointly. The authors propose a novel statistic-based framework, namely, the Max Correlation Reformulation problem, to find an approximation mixed-integer programming model. An approximation model is found within this framework in two phases. A lower dimension model is firstly proposed. Efforts are then made to increase its correlation coefficient with the original formulation. Finally, a powerful pairs swapping heuristics is combined with the approximation model. Numerical experiments show that this newly found approach outperforms the mainstream methods from the literature. It is demonstrated that this proposed method could significantly reduce the cost of picking and packing operations in a warehouse. ",Use statistical analysis to approximate integrated order batching problem
+" Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy is a powerful technique for measuring trace levels of radioactive contaminants, specifically Th and U, in materials for use in construction of low-background rare-event detectors such as double beta decay and dark matter detectors. I describe here a technique for measuring Th and U contamination in copper using direct acid digestion and dilution, without further chemical processing, achieving results comparable to previous work which utilized more complex chemical pre-concentration techniques. A convenient research-oriented analysis environment is described as well. Results are presented for measurements of three samples from the production line of electrolytically-purified, LME (London Metal Exchange) grade A, NA-ESN Aurubis copper. Purified samples showed levels consistent with zero contamination for both elements, while weak but inconclusive indications of contamination were present for the un-purified anode copper. The best limits achieved are near $1\cdot 10^{-12}$~g/g (95% CL) for both Th and U measured for copper from the cathode of the purification process. ",A convenient approach to $10^{-12}~g/g$ ICP-MS limits for Th and U in Aurubis electrolytic NA-ESN brand copper
+" This is the first of a series of papers on the Infrared Database of Extragalactic Observables from Spitzer (IDEOS). In this work we describe the identification of optical counterparts of the infrared sources detected in Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) observations, and the acquisition and validation of redshifts. The IDEOS sample includes all the spectra from the Cornell Atlas of Spitzer/IRS Sources (CASSIS) of galaxies beyond the Local Group. Optical counterparts were identified from correlation of the extraction coordinates with the NASA Extragalactic Database (NED). To confirm the optical association and validate NED redshifts, we measure redshifts with unprecedented accuracy on the IRS spectra ({\sigma}(dz/(1+z))=0.0011) by using an improved version of the maximum combined pseudo-likelihood method (MCPL). We perform a multi-stage verification of redshifts that considers alternate NED redshifts, the MCPL redshift, and visual inspection of the IRS spectrum. The statistics is as follows: the IDEOS sample contains 3361 galaxies at redshift 01?
+" We derive mass corrections for semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering of leptons from nucleons using a collinear factorization framework which incorporates the initial state mass of the target nucleon and the final state mass of the produced hadron. The formalism is constructed specifically to ensure that physical kinematic thresholds for the semi-inclusive process are explicitly respected. A systematic study of the kinematic dependencies of the mass corrections to semi-inclusive cross sections reveals that these are even larger than for inclusive structure functions, especially at very small and very large hadron momentum fractions. The hadron mass corrections compete with the experimental uncertainties at kinematics typical of current facilities, and will be important to efforts at extracting parton distributions or fragmentation functions from semi-inclusive processes at intermediate energies. ",Hadron mass corrections in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering
+" We performed a multi-wavelength observation toward LkHa 101 embedded cluster and its adjacent 85arcmin*60arcmin region. The LkHa 101 embedded cluster is the first and only one significant cluster in California molecular cloud (CMC). These observations have revealed that the LkHa 101 embedded cluster is just located at the projected intersectional region of two filaments. One filament is the highest-density section of the CMC, the other is a new identified filament with a low-density gas emission. Toward the projected intersection, we find the bridging features connecting the two filaments in velocity, and identify a V-shape gas structure. These agree with the scenario that the two filaments are colliding with each other. Using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), we measured that the RRL velocity of the LkHa 101 H II region is 0.5 km/s, which is related to the velocity component of the CMC filament. Moreover, there are some YSOs distributed outside the intersectional region. We suggest that the cloud-cloud collision together with the fragmentation of the main filament may play an important role in the YSOs formation of the cluster. ",First embedded cluster formation in California molecular cloud
+" Low-light image enhancement strives to improve the contrast, adjust the visibility, and restore the distortion in color and texture. Existing methods usually pay more attention to improving the visibility and contrast via increasing the lightness of low-light images, while disregarding the significance of color and texture restoration for high-quality images. Against above issue, we propose a novel luminance and chrominance dual branch network, termed LCDBNet, for low-light image enhancement, which divides low-light image enhancement into two sub-tasks, e.g., luminance adjustment and chrominance restoration. Specifically, LCDBNet is composed of two branches, namely luminance adjustment network (LAN) and chrominance restoration network (CRN). LAN takes responsibility for learning brightness-aware features leveraging long-range dependency and local attention correlation. While CRN concentrates on learning detail-sensitive features via multi-level wavelet decomposition. Finally, a fusion network is designed to blend their learned features to produce visually impressive images. Extensive experiments conducted on seven benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of our proposed LCDBNet, and the results manifest that LCDBNet achieves superior performance in terms of multiple reference/non-reference quality evaluators compared to other state-of-the-art competitors. Our code and pretrained model will be available. ",Division Gets Better: Learning Brightness-Aware and Detail-Sensitive Representations for Low-Light Image Enhancement
+" Possible high-$T_c$ superconductivity (SC) has been found experimentally in the bilayer material La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ under high pressure recently, in which the Ni-$3d_{3z^2-r^2}$ and $3d_{x^2-y^2}$ orbitals are expected to play a key role in the electronic structure and the SC. Here we study the two-orbital electron correlations and the nature of the SC using the bilayer two-orbital Hubbard model downfolded from the band structure of La3Ni2O7 in the framework of the dynamical mean-field theory. We find that each of the two orbitals forms $s_\pm$-wave SC pairing. Because of the nonlocal inter-orbital hoppings, the two-orbital SCs are concomitant and they transition to Mott insulating states simultaneously when tuning the system to half filling. The Hund's coupling induced local inter-orbital spin coupling enhances the electron correlations pronouncedly and is crucial to the SC. ",Correlation Effects and Concomitant Two-Orbital $s_\pm$-Wave Superconductivity in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ under High Pressure
+" Granular media take on great importance in industry and geophysics, posing a severe challenge to materials science. Their response properties elude known soft rheological models, even when the yield-stress discontinuity is blurred by vibro-fluidization. Here we propose a broad rheological scenario where average stress sums up a frictional contribution, generalizing conventional $\mu(I)$-rheology, and a kinetic collisional term dominating at fast fluidization. Our conjecture fairly describes a wide series of experiments in a vibrofluidized vane setup, whose phenomenology includes velocity weakening, shear thinning, a discontinuous thinning transition, and gaseous shear thickening. The employed setup gives access to dynamic fluctuations, which exhibit a broad range of timescales. In the slow dense regime the frequency of cage-opening increases with stress and enhances, with respect to $\mu(I)$-rheology, the decrease of viscosity. Diffusivity is exponential in the shear stress in both thinning and thickening regimes, with a huge growth near the transition. ",Unified rheology of vibro-fluidized dry granular media: From slow dense flows to fast gas-like regimes
+" Discriminant analysis, including linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), is a popular approach to classification problems. It is well known that LDA is suboptimal to analyze heteroscedastic data, for which QDA would be an ideal tool. However, QDA is less helpful when the number of features in a data set is moderate or high, and LDA and its variants often perform better due to their robustness against dimensionality. In this work, we introduce a new dimension reduction and classification method based on QDA. In particular, we define and estimate the optimal one-dimensional (1D) subspace for QDA, which is a novel hybrid approach to discriminant analysis. The new method can handle data heteroscedasticity with number of parameters equal to that of LDA. Therefore, it is more stable than the standard QDA and works well for data in moderate dimensions. We show an estimation consistency property of our method, and compare it with LDA, QDA, regularized discriminant analysis (RDA) and a few other competitors by simulated and real data examples. ",Quadratic Discriminant Analysis by Projection
+" We prove that the Gauss map of a surface of constant mean curvature embedded in Minkowski space is harmonic. This fact will then be used to study 2+1 gravity for surfaces of genus higher than one. By considering the energy of the Gauss map, a canonical transform between the ADM reduced variables and holonomy variables can be constructed. This allows one to solve (in principle) for the evolution in the ADM variables without having to explicitly solve the constraints first. ",The Gauss Map and 2+1 Gravity
+" The spectacular head-on collision of the two gas-rich galaxies of the Taffy system, UGC 12914/15, gives us a unique opportunity to study the consequences of a direct ISM-ISM collision. To interpret existing multi-wavelength observations, we made dynamical simulations of the Taffy system including a sticky particle component. To compare simulation snapshots to HI and CO observations, we assume that the molecular fraction of the gas depends on the square root of the gas volume density. For the comparison of our simulations with observations of polarized radio continuum emission, we calculated the evolution of the 3D large-scale magnetic field for our simulations. The induction equations including the time-dependent gas-velocity fields from the dynamical model were solved for this purpose. Our simulations reproduce the stellar distribution of the primary galaxy, UGC 12914, the prominent HI and CO gas bridge, the offset between the CO and HI emission in the bridge, the bridge isovelocity vectors parallel to the bridge, the HI double-line profiles in the bridge region, the large line-widths (~200 km/s) in the bridge region, the high field strength of the bridge large-scale regular magnetic field, the projected magnetic field vectors parallel to the bridge and the strong total power radio continuum emission from the bridge. The stellar distribution of the secondary model galaxy is more perturbed than observed. The observed distortion of the HI envelope of the Taffy system is not reproduced by our simulations which use initially symmetric gas disks. The model allows us to define the bridge region in three dimensions. We estimate the total bridge gas mass (HI, warm and cold H2) to be 5 to 6 10^9 M_sun, with a molecular fraction M_H2/M_HI of about unity (abrigded). ",A dynamical model for the Taffy galaxies UGC 12914/5
+" We present point-source catalogs for the ~2 Ms exposure of the Chandra Deep Field-South (CDF-S); this is one of the two most-sensitive X-ray surveys ever performed. The survey covers an area of ~436 arcmin^2 and reaches on-axis sensitivity limits of ~1.9x10^{-17} and ~1.3x10^{-16} ergs/cm^2/s for the 0.5-2.0 and 2-8 keV bands, respectively. Four hundred and sixty-two X-ray point sources are detected in at least one of three X-ray bands that were searched; 135 of these sources are new compared to the previous ~1 Ms CDF-S detections. Source positions are determined using centroid and matched-filter techniques; the median positional uncertainty is ~0.36"". The X-ray-to-optical flux ratios of the newly detected sources indicate a variety of source types; ~55% of them appear to be active galactic nuclei while ~45% appear to be starburst and normal galaxies. In addition to the main Chandra catalog, we provide a supplementary catalog of 86 X-ray sources in the ~2 Ms CDF-S footprint that was created by merging the ~250 ks Extended Chandra Deep Field-South with the CDF-S; this approach provides additional sensitivity in the outer portions of the CDF-S. A second supplementary catalog that contains 30 X-ray sources was constructed by matching lower significance X-ray sources to bright optical counterparts (R<23.8); the majority of these sources appear to be starburst and normal galaxies. The total number of sources in the main and supplementary catalogs is 578. R-band optical counterparts and basic optical and infrared photometry are provided for the X-ray sources in the main and supplementary catalogs. We also include existing spectroscopic redshifts for 224 of the X-ray sources. (Abstract abridged) ",The Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: 2 Ms Source Catalogs
+" In this paper, the linear Gaussian relay problem is considered. Under the linear time-invariant (LTI) model the problem is formulated in the frequency domain based on the Toeplitz distribution theorem. Under the further assumption of realizable input spectra, the LTI Gaussian relay problem is converted to a joint design problem of source and relay filters under two power constraints, one at the source and the other at the relay, and a practical solution to this problem is proposed based on the projected subgradient method. Numerical results show that the proposed method yields a noticeable gain over the instantaneous amplify-and-forward (AF) scheme in inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels. Also, the optimality of the AF scheme within the class of one-tap relay filters is established in flat-fading channels. ",A joint time-invariant filtering approach to the linear Gaussian relay problem
+" The subreddit r/The_Donald was repeatedly denounced as a toxic and misbehaving online community, reasons for which it faced a sequence of increasingly constraining moderation interventions by Reddit administrators. It was quarantined in June 2019, restricted in February 2020, and finally banned in June 2020, but despite precursory work on the matter, the effects of this sequence of interventions are still unclear. In this work, we follow a multidimensional causal inference approach to study data containing more than 15M posts made in a time frame of 2 years, to examine the effects of such interventions inside and outside of the subreddit. We find that the interventions greatly reduced the activity of problematic users. However, the interventions also caused an increase in toxicity and led users to share more polarized and less factual news. In addition, the restriction had stronger effects than the quarantine, and core users of r/The_Donald suffered stronger effects than the rest of users. Overall, our results provide evidence that the interventions had mixed effects and paint a nuanced picture of the consequences of community-level moderation strategies. We conclude by reflecting on the challenges of policing online platforms and on the implications for the design and deployment of moderation interventions. ",Make Reddit Great Again: Assessing Community Effects of Moderation Interventions on r/The_Donald
+" This paper introduces a Nearly Unstable INteger-valued AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (NU-INARCH) process for dealing with count time series data. It is proved that a proper normalization of the NU-INARCH process endowed with a Skorohod topology weakly converges to a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross diffusion. The asymptotic distribution of the conditional least squares estimator of the correlation parameter is established as a functional of certain stochastic integrals. Numerical experiments based on Monte Carlo simulations are provided to verify the behavior of the asymptotic distribution under finite samples. These simulations reveal that the nearly unstable approach provides satisfactory and better results than those based on the stationarity assumption even when the true process is not that close to non-stationarity. A unit root test is proposed and its Type-I error and power are examined via Monte Carlo simulations. As an illustration, the proposed methodology is applied to the daily number of deaths due to COVID-19 in the United Kingdom. ",Nearly Unstable Integer-Valued ARCH Process and Unit Root Testing
+" Compton scattering is one of the promising probe to quantitate of the Li under in-operando condition, since high-energy X-rays which have high penetration power into the materials are used as incident beam and Compton scattered energy spectrum have specific line-shape by the elements. We develop in-operando quantitation method of Li composition in the electrodes by using line-shape (Sparameter) analysis of Compton scattered energy spectrum. In this study, we apply S-parameter analysis to commercial coin cell Li-ion rechargeable battery and obtain the variation of S-parameters during charge/discharge cycle at positive and negative electrodes. By using calibration curves for Li composition in the electrodes, we determine the change of Li composition of positive and negative electrodes through S-parameters, simultaneously. ",In-operando quantitation of Li concentration for commercial Li-ion rechargeable battery using high-energy X-ray Compton scattering
+" The holographic entanglement entropy of an infinite strip subsystem on the asymptotic AdS boundary is used as a probe to study the thermodynamic instabilities of planar R-charged black holes (or their dual field theories). We focus on the single-charge AdS black holes in $D=5$, which correspond to spinning D3-branes with one non-vanishing angular momentum. Our results show that the holographic entanglement entropy indeed exhibits the thermodynamic instability associated with the divergence of the specific heat. When the width of the strip is large enough, the finite part of the holographic entanglement entropy as a function of the temperature resembles the thermal entropy, as is expected. As the width becomes smaller, however, the two entropies behave differently. In particular, there exists a critical value for the width of the strip, below which the finite part of the holographic entanglement entropy as a function of the temperature develops a self-intersection. We also find similar behavior in the single-charge black holes in $D=4$ and $7$. ",Holographic entanglement entropy and thermodynamic instability of planar R-charged black holes
+" Given a Boolean algebra B and an embedding e:B -> P(N)/fin we consider the possibility of extending each or some automorphism of B to the whole P(N)/fin. Among other things, we show, assuming CH, that for a wide class of Boolean algebras there are embeddings for which no non-trivial automorphism can be extended. ",Embeddings into P(N)/fin and extension of automorphisms
+" We derive formulae for some ratios of the Macdonald functions, which are simpler and easier to treat than known formulae. The result gives two applications in probability theory. One is the formula for the L{\'e}vy measure of the distribution of the first hitting time of a Bessel process and the other is an explicit form for the expected volume of the Wiener sausage for an even dimensional Brownian motion. Moreover, the result enables us to write down the algebraic equations whose roots are the zeros of Macdonald functions. ","Hitting times of Bessel processes, volume of Wiener sausages and zeros of Macdonald functions"
+ We study a standard-embedding $N=2$ heterotic string compactification on $K3\times T^2$ with a Wilson line turned on and perform a world-sheet calculation of string threshold correction. The result can be expressed in terms of the quantities appearing in the two-loop calculation of bosonic string. We also comment and speculate on the relevance of our result to generalized Kac-Moody superalgebra and $N=2$ heterotic-type IIA duality. ,"$N=2$ heterotic string threshold correction, $K3$ surface and generalized Kac-Moody superalgebra"
+" We propose the concepts of intersection distribution and non-hitting index, which can be viewed from two related perspectives. The first one concerns a point set $S$ of size $q+1$ in the classical projective plane $PG(2,q)$, where the intersection distribution of $S$ indicates the intersection pattern between $S$ and the lines in $PG(2,q)$. The second one relates to a polynomial $f$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$, where the intersection distribution of $f$ records an overall distribution property of a collection of polynomials $\{f(x)+cx \mid c \in \mathbb{F}_q\}$. These two perspectives are closely related, in the sense that each polynomial produces a $(q+1)$-set in a canonical way and conversely, each $(q+1)$-set with certain property has a polynomial representation. Indeed, the intersection distribution provides a new angle to distinguish polynomials over finite fields, based on the geometric property of the corresponding $(q+1)$-sets. Among the intersection distribution, we identify a particularly interesting quantity named non-hitting index. For a point set $S$, its non-hitting index counts the number of lines in $PG(2,q)$ which do not hit $S$. For a polynomial $f$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$, its non-hitting index gives the summation of the sizes of $q$ value sets $\{f(x)+cx \mid x \in \mathbb{F}_q\}$, where $c \in \mathbb{F}_q$. We derive bounds on the non-hitting index and show that the non-hitting index contains much information about the corresponding set and the polynomial. More precisely, using a geometric approach, we show that the non-hitting index is sufficient to characterize the corresponding point set and the polynomial when it is close to the lower and upper bounds. Moreover, we employ an algebraic approach to derive the intersection distribution of several families of point sets and polynomials, and compute the sizes of related Kakeya sets in affine planes. ","Intersection distribution, non-hitting index and Kakeya sets in affine planes"
+" Let $G$ be a compact Lie group. (Compact) topological $G$-manifolds have the $G$-homotopy type of (finite-dimensional) countable $G$-CW complexes (2.5). This partly generalizes Elfving's theorem for locally linear $G$-manifolds [Elf96], wherein the Lie group $G$ is linear (such as compact). ",Countable approximation of topological $G$-manifolds: compact Lie groups $G$
+" The jumping-droplet condensation, namely the out-of-plane jumping of condensed droplets upon coalescence, has been a promising technical innovation in the fields of energy harvesting, droplet manipulation, thermal management, etc., yet is limited owing to the challenge of enabling a sustainable and programmable control. Here, we characterized the morphological evolutions and dynamic behaviors of nanoscale condensates on different nanopillar surfaces, and found that there exists an unrevealed domino effect throughout the entire droplet lifecycle and the coalescence is not the only mechanism to access the droplet jumping. The vapor nucleation preferentially occurs in structure intervals, thus the formed liquid embryos incubate and grow in a spatially confined mode, which stores an excess surface energy and simultaneously provides a asymmetric Laplace pressure, stimulating the trapped droplets to undergo a dewetting transition or even a self-jumping, which can be facilitated by the tall and dense nanostructures. Subsequently, the adjacent droplets merge mutually and further trigger more multifarious self-propelled behaviors that are affected by underlying surface nanostructure, including dewetting transition, coalescence-induced jumping and jumping relay. Moreover, an improved energy-based model was developed by considering the nano-physical effects, the theoretical prediction not only extends the coalescence-induced jumping to the nanometer-sized droplets but also correlates the surface nanostructure topology to the jumping velocity. Such a cumulative effect of nucleation-growth-coalescence on the ultimate morphology of droplet may offer a new strategy for designing functional nanostructured surfaces that serve to orientationally manipulate, transport and collect droplets, and motivate surface engineers to achieve the performance ceiling of the jumping-droplet condensation. ",Sequential Self-Propelled Morphology Transitions of Nanoscale Condensates Diversify the Jumping-Droplet Condensation
+" Context: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, largely known as PAHs, are widespread in the universe and have been identified in a vast array of astronomical observations from the interstellar medium to protoplanetary discs. They are likely to be associated with the chemical history of the universe and the emergence of life on Earth. However, their abundance on exoplanets remains unknown. Aims: We aim to investigate the feasibility of PAH formation in the thermalized atmospheres of irradiated and non-irradiated hot Jupiters around Sun-like stars. Methods: To this aim, we introduced PAHs in the 1-D self-consistent forward modeling code petitCODE. We simulated a large number of planet atmospheres with different parameters (e.g. carbon to oxygen ratio, metallicity, and effective planetary temperature) to study PAH formation. By coupling the thermochemical equilibrium solution from petitCODE with the 1-D radiative transfer code, petitRADTRANS, we calculated the synthetic transmission and emission spectra for irradiated and non-irradiated planets, respectively, and explored the role of PAHs on planet spectra. Results: Our models show strong correlations between PAH abundance and the aforementioned parameters. In thermochemical equilibrium scenarios, an optimal temperature, elevated carbon to oxygen ratio, and increased metallicity values are conducive to the formation of PAHs, with the carbon to oxygen ratio having the largest effect. ",Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Exoplanet Atmospheres I. Thermochemical Equilibrium Models
+" This paper reports on the first observation of electroweak production of single top quarks by the DZero and CDF collaborations. At Fermilab's 1.96 TeV proton-antiproton collider, a few thousand events are selected from several inverse femtobarns of data that contain an isolated electron or muon and/or missing transverse energy, together with jets that originate from the decays of b quarks. Using sophisticated multivariate analyses to separate signal from background, the DZero collaboration measures a cross section sigma(ppbar->tb+X,tqb+X) = 3.94 +- 0.88 pb (for a top quark mass of 170 GeV) and the CDF collaboration measures a value of 2.3_0.6 -0.5 pb (for a top quark mass of 175 GeV). These values are consistent with theoretical predictions at next-to-leading order precision. Both measurements have a significance of 5.0 standard deviations, meeting the benchmark to be considered unambiguous observation. ",Observation of Single Top Quark Production at the Tevatron
+" We undertake a systematic review of some results concerning local well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for certain systems of nonlinear wave equations, with minimal regularity assumptions on the initial data. Moreover we provide a considerably simplified and unified treatment of these results and provide also complete proofs for large data. The paper is also intended as an introduction to and survey of current research in the very active area of nonlinear wave equations. The key ingredients throughout the survey are the use of the null structure of the equations we consider and, intimately tied to it, bilinear estimates. ",Bilinear Estimates and Applications to Nonlinear Wave Equations
+" Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are generally accepted to be powered by the release of gravitational energy in a compact accretion disk surrounding a massive black hole. Such disks are also necessary to collimate powerful radio jets seen in some AGN. The unifying classification schemes for AGN further propose that differences in their appearance can be attributed to the opacity of the accreting material, which may obstruct our view of the central region of some systems. The popular model for the obscuring medium is a parsec-scale disk of dense molecular gas, although evidence for such disks has been mostly indirect, as their angular size is much smaller than the resolution of conventional telescopes. Here we report the first direct images of a pc-scale disk of ionised gas within the nucleus of NGC 1068, the archetype of obscured AGN. The disk is viewed nearly edge-on, and individual clouds within the ionised disk are opaque to high-energy radiation, consistent with the unifying classification scheme. In projection, the disk and AGN axes align, from which we infer that the ionised gas disk traces the outer regions of the long-sought inner accretion disk. ",A direct image of the obscuring disk surrounding an active galactic nucleus
+" This note completely describes the bounded or compact Riemann-Stieltjes integral operators $T_g$ acting between the weighted Bergman space pairs $(A^p_\alpha,A^q_\beta)$ in terms of particular regularities of the holomorphic symbols $g$ on the open unit ball of $\Bbb C^n$. ",Riemann-Stieltjes Integral Operators between Weighted Bergman Spaces
+" In time hopping impulse radio, $N_f$ pulses of duration $T_c$ are transmitted for each information symbol. This gives rise to two types of processing gain: (i) pulse combining gain, which is a factor $N_f$, and (ii) pulse spreading gain, which is $N_c=T_f/T_c$, where $T_f$ is the mean interval between two subsequent pulses. This paper investigates the trade-off between these two types of processing gain in the presence of timing jitter. First, an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel is considered and approximate closed form expressions for bit error probability are derived for impulse radio systems with and without pulse-based polarity randomization. Both symbol-synchronous and chip-synchronous scenarios are considered. The effects of multiple-access interference and timing jitter on the selection of optimal system parameters are explained through theoretical analysis. Finally, a multipath scenario is considered and the trade-off between processing gains of a synchronous impulse radio system with pulse-based polarity randomization is analyzed. The effects of the timing jitter, multiple-access interference and inter-frame interference are investigated. Simulation studies support the theoretical results. ",The Trade-off between Processing Gains of an Impulse Radio UWB System in the Presence of Timing Jitter
+" We show that the state-independent violation of inequalities for noncontextual hidden variable theories introduced in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 210401 (2008)] is universal, i.e., occurs for any quantum mechanical system in which noncontextuality is meaningful. We describe a method to obtain state-independent violations for any system of dimension d > 2. This universality proves that, according to quantum mechanics, there are no ""classical"" states. ",Universality of state-independent violation of correlation inequalities for noncontextual theories
+" We elucidate a magnetic mass effect on a sphaleron energy that is crucial for baryon number preservation needed for successful electroweak baryogenesis. It is found that the sphaleron energy increases in response to the magnetic mass. As an application, we study the sphaleron energy and electroweak phase transition with the magnetic mass in a two-Higgs-doublet model. Although the magnetic mass can screen the gauge boson loops, it relaxes a baryon number preservation criterion more effectively, broadening the baryogenesis-possible region. Our findings would be universal in any new physics models as long as the gauge sector is common to the standard model. ",Magnetic mass effect on the sphaleron energy
+" The global existence of strong solution to the initial-boundary value problem of the three-dimensional compressible viscoelastic fluids near equilibrium is established in a bounded domain. Uniform estimates in $W^{1,q}$ with $q>3$ on the density and deformation gradient are also obtained. All the results apply to the two-dimensional case. ",The initial-boundary value problem for the compressible viscoelastic fluids
+" The Orion-Eridanus superbubble, formed by the nearby Orion high mass star-forming region, contains multiple bright H$\alpha$ filaments on the Eridanus side of the superbubble. We examine the implications of the H$\alpha$ brightnesses and sizes of these filaments, the Eridanus filaments. We find that either the filaments must be highly elongated along the line of sight or they cannot be equilibrium structures illuminated solely by the Orion star-forming region. The Eridanus filaments may, instead, have formed when the Orion-Eridanus superbubble encountered and compressed a pre-existing, ionized gas cloud, such that the filaments are now out of equilibrium and slowly recombining. ",The Origin of Ionized Filaments Within the Orion-Eridanus Superbubble
+" Since the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) reveals some obvious similarities to the well-known electromagnetic plasma (EMP), an accumulated knowledge on EMP can be used in the QGP studies. After discussing similarities and differences of the two systems, we present theoretical tools which are used to describe the plasmas. The tools include: kinetic theory, hydrodynamic approach and diagrammatic perturbative methods. We consider collective phenomena in the plasma with a particular emphasis on instabilities which crucially influence temporal evolution of the system. Finally, properties of strongly coupled plasma are discussed. ",What Do Electromagnetic Plasmas Tell Us about Quark-Gluon Plasma?
+" We give a construction of two-sided invariant metrics on free products (possibly with amalgamation) of groups with two-sided invariant metrics and, under certain conditions, on HNN extensions of such groups. Our approach is similar to the Graev's construction of metrics on free groups over pointed metric spaces ",Graev metrics on free products and HNN extensions
+" The Hilbert space of the unitary irreducible representations of a Lie group that is a quantum dynamical group are identified with the quantum state space. Hermitian representation of the algebra are observables. The eigenvalue equations for the representation of the set of Casimir invariant operators define the field equations of the system. A general class of dynamical groups are semidirect products K *s N for which the representations are given by Mackey's theory. The homogeneous group K must be a subgroup of the automorphisms of the normal group N. The archetype dynamical group is the Poincare group. The field equations defined by the representations of the Casimir operators define the basic equations of physics; Klein-Gordon, Dirac, Maxwell and so forth. This paper explores a more general dynamical group candidate that is also a semi-direct product but where the 'translation' normal subgroup N is now the Heisenberg group. The relevant automorphisms of the Heisenberg group are the symplectic group. This together with the requirement for an orthogonal metric leads to the pseudo-unitary group for the homogeneous group K. The physical meaning and motivation of this group, called the quaplectic group, is presented and the Hermitian irreducible representations of the algebra are determined. As with the Poincare group, choice of the group defines the Hilbert space of representations that are identified with quantum particle states. The field equations that are the eigenvalue equations for the representation of the Casimir operators, are obtained and investigated. The theory embodies the Born reciprocity principle and a new relativity principle. ",Canonically relativistic quantum mechanics: Casimir field equations of the quaplectic group
+" A zero-dimensional (volume-averaged) and a pseudo-one-dimensional (plug-flow) model are developed to investigate atmospheric-pressure plasma jet devices operated with He, He/O$_2$, He/N$_2$ and He/N$_2$/O$_2$ mixtures. The models are coupled with the Boltzmann equation under the two-term approximation to self-consistently calculate the electron energy distribution function (EEDF). The simulation results are verified against spatially resolved model calculations and validated against a wide variety of measurement data. The nitric oxide (NO) concentration is thoroughly characterized for a variation of the gas mixture ratio, helium flow rate and absorbed power. The concentration measurements at low power are better captured by the simulation with a larger hypothetical ""effective"" rate coefficient value for the reactive quenching N$_2$(A$^3\Sigma$,B$^3\Pi$) + O($^3$P) $\to$ NO + N($^2$D). This suggests that the NO production at low power is also covered by the species N$_2$(A$^3\Sigma$,B$^3\Pi$;v>0) and multiple higher N$_2$ electronically excited states instead of only N$_2$(A$^3{\Sigma}$,B$^3{\Pi}$;v=0) in this quenching. Furthermore, the O($^3$P) density measurements under the same operation conditions are also better predicted by the simulations with a consideration of the aforementioned hypothetical rate coefficient value. It is found that the contribution of the vibrationally excited nitrogen molecules N$_2$(v$\geqslant$13) to the net NO formation rate gains more significance at higher power. The vibrational distribution functions (VDFs) of O$_2$(v<41) and N$_2$(v<58) are investigated. The sensitivity of the zero-dimensional model with respect to a variation of the VDF resolutions, wall reaction probabilities and synthetic air impurity levels is presented. The simulated plasma properties are sensitive to the variation especially for a feeding gas mixture containing nitrogen. ",Zero-dimensional and pseudo-one-dimensional models of atmospheric-pressure plasma jet in binary and ternary mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen with helium background
+" We introduce a method to compute particle detector transition probability in spacetime regions of general curved spacetimes provided that the curvature is not above a maximum threshold. In particular we use this method to compare the response of two detectors, one in a spherically symmetric gravitational field and the other one in Rindler spacetime to compare the Unruh and Hawking effects: We study the vacuum response of a detector freely falling through a stationary cavity in a Schwarzschild background as compared with the response of an equivalently accelerated detector traveling through an inertial cavity in the absence of curvature. We find that as we set the cavity in further radiuses from the black hole, the thermal radiation measured by the detector approaches the quantity recorded by the detector in Rindler background showing in which way and at what scales the equivalent principle is recovered in the Hawking-Unruh effect. I.e. when the Hawking effect in a Schwarzschild background becomes equivalent to the Unruh effect in Rindler spacetime. ",Cavities in curved spacetimes: the response of particle detectors
+" During the last years the authors have studied the number of limit cycles of several families of planar vector fields. The common tool has been the use of an extended version of the celebrated Bendixson-Dulac Theorem. The aim of this work is to present an unified approach of some of these results, together with their corresponding proofs. We also provide several applications. ",Some Applications of the Extended Bendixson-Dulac Theorem
+ 209Bi nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was employed to probe potential spin-orbit effects on orbital diamagnetism in YPtBi and YPdBi crystals. The observed opposite sign and temperature dependent magnitude of 209Bi NMR shifts of both crystals reveal experimental signatures of enhanced orbital diamagnetism induced by spin-orbit interactions. This investigation indicates that NMR isotropic shifts might be beneficial in search of interesting spin-electronic phases among a vast number of topological nontrivial half-Heusler semimetals. ,NMR evidence for enhanced orbital diamagnetism in topologically nontrivial half-Heusler semimetals
+" A mixed dominating set is a collection of vertices and edges that dominates all vertices and edges of a graph. We study the complexity of exact and parameterized algorithms for \textsc{Mixed Dominating Set}, resolving some open questions. In particular, we settle the problem's complexity parameterized by treewidth and pathwidth by giving an algorithm running in time $O^*(5^{tw})$ (improving the current best $O^*(6^{tw})$), as well as a lower bound showing that our algorithm cannot be improved under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH), even if parameterized by pathwidth (improving a lower bound of $O^*((2 - \varepsilon)^{pw})$). Furthermore, by using a simple but so far overlooked observation on the structure of minimal solutions, we obtain branching algorithms which improve both the best known FPT algorithm for this problem, from $O^*(4.172^k)$ to $O^*(3.510^k)$, and the best known exponential-time exact algorithm, from $O^*(2^n)$ and exponential space, to $O^*(1.912^n)$ and polynomial space. ",New Algorithms for Mixed Dominating Set
+" The standard circuit model for quantum computation presumes the ability to directly perform gates between arbitrary pairs of qubits, which is unlikely to be practical for large-scale experiments. Power-law interactions with strength decaying as $1/r^\alpha$ in the distance $r$ provide an experimentally realizable resource for information processing, whilst still retaining long-range connectivity. We leverage the power of these interactions to implement a fast quantum fanout gate with an arbitrary number of targets. Our implementation allows the quantum Fourier transform (QFT) and Shor's algorithm to be performed on a $D$-dimensional lattice in time logarithmic in the number of qubits for interactions with $\alpha \le D$. As a corollary, we show that power-law systems with $\alpha \le D$ are difficult to simulate classically even for short times, under a standard assumption that factoring is classically intractable. Complementarily, we develop a new technique to give a general lower bound, linear in the size of the system, on the time required to implement the QFT and the fanout gate in systems that are constrained by a linear light cone. This allows us to prove an asymptotically tighter lower bound for long-range systems than is possible with previously available techniques. ",Implementing a Fast Unbounded Quantum Fanout Gate Using Power-Law Interactions
+" Nanomaterials have much improved properties compared to their bulk counterparts, which promotes them as ideal material for applications in various industries. Among the various nanomaterials, different nanoallotropes of carbon, namely fullerene, carbon nanotubes, and graphene, are the most important as indicated by the fact that their discoverers gained prestigious awards such as Nobel Prize or Kavli Prize. Carbon forms different nano-allotropes by varying the nature of orbital hybridization. Since all nanoallotropes of carbon possess exotic physical and chemical properties, they are extensively used in different applications, especially in the electronic industry. ",Application of carbon nanomaterials in the electronic industry
+" We present a reduced order model for three dimensional unsteady pressure-driven flows in micro-channels of variable cross-section. This fast and accurate model is valid for long channels, but allows for large variations in the channel's cross-section along the axis. It is based on an asymptotic expansion of the governing equations in the aspect ratio of the channel. A finite Fourier transform in the plane normal to the flow direction is used to solve for the leading order axial velocity. The corresponding pressure and transverse velocity are obtained via a hybrid analytic-numerical scheme based on recursion. The channel geometry is such that one of the transverse velocity components is negligible, and the other component, in the plane of variation of channel height, is obtained from combination of the corresponding momentum equation and the continuity equations, assuming a low degree polynomial Ansatz of the pressure forcing. A key feature of the model is that it puts no restriction on the time dependence of the pressure forcing, in terms of shape and frequency, as long as the advective component of the inertia term is small. This is a major departure from many previous expositions which assume harmonic forcing. The model reveals to be accurate for a wide range of parameters and is two orders of magnitude faster than conventional three dimensional CFD simulations. ",Simplified models for unsteady three-dimensional flows in slowly varying microchannels
+" This monograph is centred at the intersection of three mathematical topics, that are theoretical in nature, yet with motivations and relevance deep rooted in applications: the linear inverse problems on abstract, in general infinite-dimensional Hilbert space; the notion of Krylov subspace associated to an inverse problem, i.e., the cyclic subspace built upon the datum of the inverse problem by repeated application of the linear operator; the possibility to solve the inverse problem by means of Krylov subspace methods, namely projection methods where the finite-dimensional truncation is made with respect to the Krylov subspace and the approximants converge to an exact solution to the inverse problem. ",Inverse linear problems on Hilbert space and their Krylov solvability
+" We introduce a generalization of the usual vacuum energy, called `deformed vacuum energy', which yields anisotropic pressure whilst preserving zero inertial mass density. It couples to the shear scalar in a unique way, such that they together emulate the canonical scalar field with an arbitrary potential. This opens up a new avenue by reconsidering cosmologies based on canonical scalar fields, along with a bonus that the kinetic term of the scalar field is replaced by an observable, the shear scalar. We further elaborate the aspects of this approach in the context of dark energy. ",Scalar field emulator via anisotropically deformed vacuum energy: Application to dark energy
+" The Hausdorff $\delta$-dimension game was introduced by Das, Fishman, Simmons and {Urba{\'n}ski} and shown to characterize sets in $\mathbb{R}^d$ having Hausdorff dimension $\leq \delta$. We introduce a variation of this game which also characterizes Hausdorff dimension and for which we are able to prove an unfolding result similar to the basic unfolding property for the Banach-Mazur game for category. We use this to derive a number of consequences for Hausdorff dimension. We show that under $\mathsf{AD}$ any wellordered union of sets each of which has Hausdorff dimension $\leq \delta$ has dimension $\leq \delta$. We establish a continuous uniformization result for Hausdorff dimension. The unfolded game also provides a new proof that every $\boldsymbol{\Sigma}^1_1$ set of Hausdorff dimension $\geq \delta$ contains a compact subset of dimension $\geq \delta'$ for any $\delta'<\delta$, and this result generalizes to arbitrary sets under $\mathsf{AD}$. ",Hausdorff Dimension Regularity Properties and Games
+" We focus on interval algorithms for computing guaranteed enclosures of the solutions of constrained global optimization problems where differential constraints occur. To solve such a problem of global optimization with nonlinear ordinary differential equations, a branch and bound algorithm can be used based on guaranteed numerical integration methods. Nevertheless, this kind of algorithms is expensive in term of computation. Defining new methods to reduce the number of branches is still a challenge. Bisection based on the smear value is known to be often the most efficient heuristic for branching algorithms. This heuristic consists in bisecting in the coordinate direction for which the values of the considered function change the most ""rapidly"". We propose to define a smear-like function using the sensitivity function obtained from the differentiation of ordinary differential equation with respect to parameters. The sensitivity has been already used in validated simulation for local optimization but not as a bisection heuristic. We implement this heuristic in a branch and bound algorithm to solve a problem of global optimization with nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Experiments show that the gain in term of number of branches could be up to 30%. ",Sensitivity-based Heuristic for Guaranteed Global Optimization with Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations
+" A detachment of a hypergraph is formed by splitting each vertex into one or more subvertices, and sharing the incident edges arbitrarily among the subvertices. For a given edge-colored hypergraph $\scr F$, we prove that there exists a detachment $\scr G$ such that the degree of each vertex and the multiplicity of each edge in $\scr F$ (and each color class of $\scr F$) are shared fairly among the subvertices in $\scr G$ (and each color class of $\scr G$, respectively). Let $(\lambda_1\dots,\lambda_m) K^{h_1,\dots,h_m}_{p_1,\dots,p_n}$ be a hypergraph with vertex partition $\{V_1,\dots, V_n\}$, $|V_i|=p_i$ for $1\leq i\leq n$ such that there are $\lambda_i$ edges of size $h_i$ incident with every $h_i$ vertices, at most one vertex from each part for $1\leq i\leq m$ (so no edge is incident with more than one vertex of a part). We use our detachment theorem to show that the obvious necessary conditions for $(\lambda_1\dots,\lambda_m) K^{h_1,\dots,h_m}_{p_1,\dots,p_n}$ to be expressed as the union $\scr G_1\cup \ldots \cup\scr G_k$ of $k$ edge-disjoint factors, where for $1\leq i\leq k$, $\scr G_i$ is $r_i$-regular, are also sufficient. Baranyai solved the case of $h_1=\dots=h_m$, $\lambda_1=\dots,\lambda_m=1$, $p_1=\dots=p_m$, $r_1=\dots =r_k$. Berge and Johnson, (and later Brouwer and Tijdeman, respectively) considered (and solved, respectively) the case of $h_i=i$, $1\leq i\leq m$, $p_1=\dots=p_m=\lambda_1=\dots=\lambda_m=r_1=\dots =r_k=1$. We also extend our result to the case where each $\scr G_i$ is almost regular. ",Detachments of Hypergraphs I: The Berge-Johnson Problem
+" The book covers the certain questions of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics of light atomic nuclei and their processes at low and ultralow energies. Some methods of calculation of nuclear characteristics of the thermonuclear processes considered in nuclear astrophysics are given here. The obtained results are directly applicable to the solution of certain nuclear astrophysics problems in the field of description of the thermonuclear processes in the Sun, the stars and the Universe. The book is based on the results of approximately three-four tens of scientific papers generally published in recent five-seven years and consists of three sections. The first of them covers the description of the general methods of calculation of certain nuclear characteristics for the bound states or the continuum of quantum particles. The second section deals with the methods, the computer programs and the results of the phase shift analysis of elastic scattering in the p3He, p6Li, p12C, n12C, p13C, 4He4He and 4He12C nuclear systems at low and ultralow energies. The results obtained on the basis of three-body models of certain light atomic nuclei are given in the third section, notably the 7Li, 9Be and 11B nuclei which are used for examination of the conjugated intercluster potentials determined on the basis of the phase shifts of elastic scattering and using then in the nuclear astrophysics problems connected with the description of the thermonuclear processes in the Universe. The book will be useful for advanced students, postgraduate students and PhD doctoral candidates in universities and research institutes in the field of astrophysics and nuclear physics. The book is presented in Russian with a few inserts into English. ",Selected methods of nuclear astrophysics
+" This work is concerned about introducing two new 1D and 3D confined potentials and present their solutions using the Tridiagonal Representation Approach (TRA). The wavefunction is written as a series in terms of square integrable basis functions which are expressed in terms of Jacobi polynomials. Moreover, the expansion coefficients are written in terms of new orthogonal polynomials that were introduced recently by Alhaidari, the analytical properties of these polynomials are yet to be derived. Moreover, we have computed the numerical eigen-energies for both potentials by considering specific choices of the potential parameters. ",Exact solvability of two new 3D and 1D nonrelativistic potentials within the TRA framework
+" The critical thermodynamics of an $MN$-component field model with cubic anisotropy relevant to the phase transitions in certain crystals with complicated ordering is studied within the four-loop $\ve$ expansion using the minimal subtraction scheme. Investigation of the global structure of RG flows for the physically significant cases M=2, N=2 and M=2, N=3 shows that the model has an anisotropic stable fixed point with new critical exponents. The critical dimensionality of the order parameter is proved to be equal to $N_c^C=1.445(20)$, that is exactly half its counterpart in the real hypercubic model. ",Critical thermodynamics of three-dimensional MN-component field model with cubic anisotropy from higher-loop \epsilon expansion
+" This paper introduces an end-to-end fine-tuning method to improve hand-eye coordination in modular deep visuo-motor policies (modular networks) where each module is trained independently. Benefiting from weighted losses, the fine-tuning method significantly improves the performance of the policies for a robotic planar reaching task. ",Tuning Modular Networks with Weighted Losses for Hand-Eye Coordination
+" This paper studies the choice number and paint number of the lexicographic product of graphs. We prove that if $G$ has maximum degree $\Delta$, then for any graph $H$ on $n$ vertices $ch(G[H]) \le (4\Delta+2)(ch(H) +\log_2 n)$ and $\chi_P(G[H]) \le (4\Delta+2) (\chi_P(H)+ \log_2 n)$. ",Choosability and paintability of the lexicographic product of graphs
+" Topological data analysis uses tools from topology -- the mathematical area that studies shapes -- to create representations of data. In particular, in persistent homology, one studies one-parameter families of spaces associated with data, and persistence diagrams describe the lifetime of topological invariants, such as connected components or holes, across the one-parameter family. In many applications, one is interested in working with features associated with persistence diagrams rather than the diagrams themselves. In our work, we explore the possibility of learning several types of features extracted from persistence diagrams using neural networks. ",Can neural networks learn persistent homology features?
+" We present BVRI and unfiltered Clear light curves of 70 stripped-envelope supernovae (SESNe), observed between 2003 and 2020, from the Lick Observatory Supernova Search (LOSS) follow-up program. Our SESN sample consists of 19 spectroscopically normal SNe~Ib, two peculiar SNe Ib, six SN Ibn, 14 normal SNe Ic, one peculiar SN Ic, ten SNe Ic-BL, 15 SNe IIb, one ambiguous SN IIb/Ib/c, and two superluminous SNe. Our follow-up photometry has (on a per-SN basis) a mean coverage of 81 photometric points (median of 58 points) and a mean cadence of 3.6d (median of 1.2d). From our full sample, a subset of 38 SNe have pre-maximum coverage in at least one passband, allowing for the peak brightness of each SN in this subset to be quantitatively determined. We describe our data collection and processing techniques, with emphasis toward our automated photometry pipeline, from which we derive publicly available data products to enable and encourage further study by the community. Using these data products, we derive host-galaxy extinction values through the empirical colour evolution relationship and, for the first time, produce accurate rise-time measurements for a large sample of SESNe in both optical and infrared passbands. By modeling multiband light curves, we find that SNe Ic tend to have lower ejecta masses and lower ejecta velocities than SNe~Ib and IIb, but higher $^{56}$Ni masses. ",The Lick Observatory Supernova Search follow-up program: photometry data release of 70 stripped-envelope supernovae
+" While recent AI-based draping networks have significantly advanced the ability to simulate the appearance of clothes worn by 3D human models, the handling of multi-layered garments remains a challenging task. This paper presents a model for draping multi-layered garments that are unseen during the training process. Our proposed framework consists of three stages: garment embedding, single-layered garment draping, and untangling. The model represents a garment independent to its topological structure by mapping it onto the $UV$ map of a human body model, allowing for the ability to handle previously unseen garments. In the single-layered garment draping phase, the model sequentially drapes all garments in each layer on the body without considering interactions between them. The untangling phase utilizes a GNN-based network to model the interaction between the garments of different layers, enabling the simulation of complex multi-layered clothing. The proposed model demonstrates strong performance on both unseen synthetic and real garment reconstruction data on a diverse range of human body shapes and poses. ",Multi-Layered Unseen Garments Draping Network
+" Purpose: The lung nodules localization in CT scan images is the most difficult task due to the complexity of the arbitrariness of shape, size, and texture of lung nodules. This is a challenge to be faced when coming to developing different solutions to improve detection systems. the deep learning approach showed promising results by using convolutional neural network (CNN), especially for image recognition and it's one of the most used algorithm in computer vision. Approach: we use (CNN) building blocks based on YOLOv5 (you only look once) to learn the features representations for nodule detection labels, in this paper, we introduce a method for detecting lung cancer localization. Chest X-rays and low-dose computed tomography are also possible screening methods, When it comes to recognizing nodules in radiography, computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system based on (CNN) have demonstrated their worth. One-stage detector YOLOv5 trained on 280 annotated CT SCAN from a public dataset LIDC-IDRI based on segmented pulmonary nodules. Results: we analyze the predictions performance of the lung nodule locations, and demarcates the relevant CT scan regions. In lung nodule localization the accuracy is measured as mean average precision (mAP). the mAP takes into account how well the bounding boxes are fitting the labels as well as how accurate the predicted classes for those bounding boxes, the accuracy we got 92.27%. Conclusion: this study was to identify the nodule that were developing in the lungs of the participants. It was difficult to find information on lung nodules in medical literature. ",Identification of lung nodules CT scan using YOLOv5 based on convolution neural network
+" The current in response to a bias in certain two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), can have a nonzero transverse component under a finite magnetic field applied in the plane where electrons are confined. This phenomenon known as planar Hall effect is accompanied by dependencies of both the longitudinal and the transverse components of the current on the angle $\phi$ between the bias direction and the magnetic field. In 2DEG with spin orbit coupling (SOC) such as oxide interfaces, this effect has been experimentally witnessed. Further, a fourfold oscillation in longitudinal resistance as a function of $\phi$ has also been observed. Motivated by these, we perform scattering theory calculations on a 2DEG with SOC in presence of an in-plane magnetic field connected to two dimensional leads on either sides to obtain longitudinal and transverse conductances. We find that the longitudinal conductance is $\pi$-periodic and the transverse conductance is $2\pi$-periodic in $\phi$. The magnitude of oscillation in transverse conductance with $\phi$ is enhanced in certain patches in $(\alpha,b)$-plane where $\alpha$ is the strength of SOC and $b$ is Zeeman energy due to magnetic field. The oscillation in transverse conductance with $\phi$ can be highly multi-fold for large values of $\alpha$ and $b$. The highly multi-fold oscillations of transverse conductance are due to Fabry-P\'erot type interference between the modes in the central region as backed by its length dependent features. Our study establishes that SOC in a material is sufficient to observe planar Hall effect without the need for anisotropic magnetic ordering or nontrivial topology of the bandstructure. ",Finite transverse conductance and anisotropic magnetoconductance under an applied in-plane magnetic field in two-dimensional electron gases with strong spin-orbit coupling
+ Resonant asymptotics of wakefield excitation in plasma by non-resonant sequence of relativistic electron bunches has been numerically simulated. It has been shown that in resonant asymptotics at optimal parameters the wakefield is excited with the maximum growth rate and the amplitude of the excited wakefield is the largest. ,Optimal Resonant Asymptotics of Wakefield Excitation in Plasma by Non-resonant Sequence of Relativistic Electron Bunches
+" A search for the production of three massive vector bosons in proton-proton collisions is performed using data at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in the years 2015-2017, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $79.8$ fb$^{-1}$. Events with two same-sign leptons $\ell$ (electrons or muons) and at least two reconstructed jets are selected to search for $WWW \to \ell \nu \ell \nu qq$. Events with three leptons without any same-flavour opposite-sign lepton pairs are used to search for $WWW \to \ell \nu \ell\nu \ell \nu$, while events with three leptons and at least one same-flavour opposite-sign lepton pair and one or more reconstructed jets are used to search for $WWZ \to \ell \nu qq \ell \ell$. Finally, events with four leptons are analysed to search for $WWZ \to \ell \nu \ell \nu \ell \ell$ and $WZZ \to qq \ell \ell \ell \ell$. Evidence for the joint production of three massive vector bosons is observed with a significance of 4.1 standard deviations, where the expectation is 3.1 standard deviations. ",Evidence for the production of three massive vector bosons with the ATLAS detector
+" We evaluate radiation pressure from starlight on dust as a feedback mechanism in star-forming galaxies by comparing the luminosity and flux of star-forming systems to the dust Eddington limit. The linear LFIR--L'HCN correlation provides evidence that galaxies may be regulated by radiation pressure feedback. We show that star-forming galaxies approach but do not dramatically exceed Eddington, but many systems are significantly below Eddington, perhaps due to the ""intermittency"" of star formation. Better constraints on the dust-to-gas ratio and the CO- and HCN-to-H2 conversion factors are needed to make a definitive assessment of radiation pressure as a feedback mechanism. ",Radiation Pressure Feedback in Galaxies
+" In this paper, we consider the (upper) semigroup envelope, i.e. the least upper bound, of a given family of linear Feller semigroups. We explicitly construct the semigroup envelope and show that, under suitable assumptions, it yields viscosity solutions to abstract Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-type partial differential equations related to stochastic optimal control problems arising in the field of Robust Finance. We further derive conditions for the existence of a Markov process under a nonlinear expectation related to the semigroup envelope for the case where the state space is locally compact. The procedure is then applied to numerous examples, in particular, nonlinear PDEs that arise from control problems for infinite dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck and L\'evy processes. ",Upper envelopes of families of Feller semigroups and viscosity solutions to a class of nonlinear Cauchy problems
+" Gaussian covariance graph models encode marginal independence among the components of a multivariate random vector by means of a graph $G$. These models are distinctly different from the traditional concentration graph models (often also referred to as Gaussian graphical models or covariance selection models) since the zeros in the parameter are now reflected in the covariance matrix $\Sigma$, as compared to the concentration matrix $\Omega =\Sigma^{-1}$. The parameter space of interest for covariance graph models is the cone $P_G$ of positive definite matrices with fixed zeros corresponding to the missing edges of $G$. As in Letac and Massam [Ann. Statist. 35 (2007) 1278--1323], we consider the case where $G$ is decomposable. In this paper, we construct on the cone $P_G$ a family of Wishart distributions which serve a similar purpose in the covariance graph setting as those constructed by Letac and Massam [Ann. Statist. 35 (2007) 1278--1323] and Dawid and Lauritzen [Ann. Statist. 21 (1993) 1272--1317] do in the concentration graph setting. We proceed to undertake a rigorous study of these ""covariance"" Wishart distributions and derive several deep and useful properties of this class. ",Wishart distributions for decomposable covariance graph models
+" We present a novel machine-learning approach to estimate selection effects in gravitational-wave observations. Using techniques similar to those commonly employed in image classification and pattern recognition, we train a series of neural-network classifiers to predict the LIGO/Virgo detectability of gravitational-wave signals from compact-binary mergers. We include the effect of spin precession, higher-order modes, and multiple detectors and show that their omission, as it is common in large population studies, tends to overestimate the inferred merger rate in selected regions of the parameter space. Although here we train our classifiers using a simple signal-to-noise ratio threshold, our approach is ready to be used in conjunction with full pipeline injections, thus paving the way toward including actual distributions of astrophysical and noise triggers into gravitational-wave population analyses. ",Gravitational-wave selection effects using neural-network classifiers
+" Electrical energy storage systems (EESSs) with high energy density and power density are essential for the effective miniaturization of future electronic devices. Among different EESSs available in the market, dielectric capacitors relying on swift electronic and ionic polarization-based mechanisms to store and deliver energy already demonstrate high power densities. However, different intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to energy dissipations prevent ceramic-based dielectric capacitors from reaching high recoverable energy density levels. Interestingly, relaxor ferroelectric-based dielectric capacitors, because of their low remnant polarization, show relatively high energy density and thus display great potential for applications requiring high energy density properties. Here, some of the main strategies to improve the energy density properties of perovskite lead-free relaxor systems are reviewed. This includes (i) chemical modification at different crystallographic sites, (ii) chemical additives that do not target lattice sites and (iii) novel processing approaches dedicated to bulk ceramics, thick and thin films, respectively. Recent advancements are summarized concerning the search for relaxor materials with superior energy density properties and the appropriate choice of both composition and processing route to match various needs in the application. Finally, future trends in computationally-aided materials design are presented. ",Strategies to Improve the Energy Storage Properties of Perovskite Lead-Free Relaxor Ferroelectrics: A Review
+" Curie's principle states that ""when effects show certain asymmetry, this asymmetry must be found in the causes that gave rise to them"". We demonstrate that symmetry equivariant neural networks uphold Curie's principle and can be used to articulate many symmetry-relevant scientific questions into simple optimization problems. We prove these properties mathematically and demonstrate them numerically by training a Euclidean symmetry equivariant neural network to learn symmetry-breaking input to deform a square into a rectangle and to generate octahedra tilting patterns in perovskites. ",Finding Symmetry Breaking Order Parameters with Euclidean Neural Networks
+" Federated learning aims to train models collaboratively across different clients without the sharing of data for privacy considerations. However, one major challenge for this learning paradigm is the {\em data heterogeneity} problem, which refers to the discrepancies between the local data distributions among various clients. To tackle this problem, we first study how data heterogeneity affects the representations of the globally aggregated models. Interestingly, we find that heterogeneous data results in the global model suffering from severe {\em dimensional collapse}, in which representations tend to reside in a lower-dimensional space instead of the ambient space. Moreover, we observe a similar phenomenon on models locally trained on each client and deduce that the dimensional collapse on the global model is inherited from local models. In addition, we theoretically analyze the gradient flow dynamics to shed light on how data heterogeneity result in dimensional collapse for local models. To remedy this problem caused by the data heterogeneity, we propose {\sc FedDecorr}, a novel method that can effectively mitigate dimensional collapse in federated learning. Specifically, {\sc FedDecorr} applies a regularization term during local training that encourages different dimensions of representations to be uncorrelated. {\sc FedDecorr}, which is implementation-friendly and computationally-efficient, yields consistent improvements over baselines on standard benchmark datasets. Code: https://github.com/bytedance/FedDecorr. ",Towards Understanding and Mitigating Dimensional Collapse in Heterogeneous Federated Learning
+" This third paper,devoted to global correspondences of Langlands,bears more particularly on geometric-shifted bilinear correspondences on mixed (bi)motives generated under the action of the products,right by left,of differential elliptic operators.The mathematical frame,underlying these correspondences,deals with the categories of the Suslin-Voevodsky mixed (bi)motives and of the Chow mixed (bi)motives which are both in one-to-one correspondence with the functional representation spaces of the shifted algebraic bilinear semigroups.A bilinear holomorphic and supercuspidal spectral representation of an elliptic bioperator is then developed. ",n-Dimensional geometric-shifted global bilinear correspondences of Langlands on mixed motives III
+" We study soliton interaction in the Modified Kadomtsev-Petviashvili-(II) equation (MKP-(II)) using the totally non-negative Grassmannian. One constructs the multi-kink soliton of MKP equation using the $\tau$-function and the Binet-Cauchy formula, and then investigates the interaction between kink solitons and line solitons. Especially, Y-type kink-soliton resonance, O-type kink soliton and P-type kink soliton of X-shape are investigated. Their amplitudes of interaction are computed after choosing appropriate phases. ",Soliton Interaction In the Modified Kadomtsev-Petviashvili-(II) Equation
+" The halo mass function from N-body simulations of collisionless matter is generally used to retrieve cosmological parameters from observed counts of galaxy clusters. This neglects the observational fact that the baryonic mass fraction in clusters is a random variable that, on average, increases with the total mass (within an overdensity of 500). Considering a mock catalog that includes tens of thousands of galaxy clusters, as expected from the forthcoming generation of surveys, we show that the effect of a varying baryonic mass fraction will be observable with high statistical significance. The net effect is a change in the overall normalization of the cluster mass function and a milder modification of its shape. Our results indicate the necessity of taking into account baryonic corrections to the mass function if one wants to obtain unbiased estimates of the cosmological parameters from data of this quality. We introduce the formalism necessary to accomplish this goal. Our discussion is based on the conditional probability of finding a given value of the baryonic mass fraction for clusters of fixed total mass. Finally, we show that combining information from the cluster counts with measurements of the baryonic mass fraction in a small subsample of clusters (including only a few tens of objects) will nearly optimally constrain the cosmological parameters. ",Counts of galaxy clusters as cosmological probes: the impact of baryonic physics
+" We study the perturbative renormalizability of chiral two pion exchange for the singlet and triplet channels within effective field theory, provided that the one pion exchange piece of the interaction has been fully iterated. We determine the number of counterterms/subtractions needed in order to obtain finite results when the cut-off is removed, resulting in three counterterms for the singlet channel and six for the triplet. The results show that chiral two pion exchange can be treated perturbatively up to a center-of-mass momentum of k ~ 200-300 MeV in the singlet channel and k ~ 300-400 in the triplet. ",Perturbative renormalizability of chiral two pion exchange in nucleon-nucleon scattering
+" We discuss decoherence in discrete-time quantum walks in terms of a phenomenological model that distinguishes spin and spatial decoherence. We identify the dominating mechanisms that affect quantum walk experiments realized with neutral atoms walking in an optical lattice. From the measured spatial distributions, we determine with good precision the amount of decoherence per step, which provides a quantitative indication of the quality of our quantum walks. In particular, we find that spin decoherence is the main mechanism responsible for the loss of coherence in our experiment. We also find that the sole observation of ballistic instead of diffusive expansion in position space is not a good indicator for the range of coherent delocalization. We provide further physical insight by distinguishing the effects of short and long time spin dephasing mechanisms. We introduce the concept of coherence length in the discrete-time quantum walk, which quantifies the range of spatial coherences. Unexpectedly, we find that quasi-stationary dephasing does not modify the local properties of the quantum walk, but instead affects spatial coherences. For a visual representation of decoherence phenomena in phase space, we have developed a formalism based on a discrete analogue of the Wigner function. We show that the effects of spin and spatial decoherence differ dramatically in momentum space. ",Decoherence Models for Discrete-Time Quantum Walks and their Application to Neutral Atom Experiments
+" We are concerned with the uniqueness of the asymptotic behavior of strong solutions of the initial-boundary value problem for general semilinear parabolic equations by the asymptotic behavior of these strong solutions on a finite set of an entire domain. More precisely, if the asymptotic behavior of a strong solution is known on an appropriate finite set, then the asymptotic behavior of a strong solution itself is entirely determined in a domain. We prove the above property by the energy method. ",Determining nodes for semilinear parabolic equations
+" How well do multisymplectic discretisations preserve travelling wave solutions? To answer this question, the 5-point central difference scheme is applied to the semi-linear wave equation. A travelling wave ansatz leads to an ordinary difference equation, whose solutions correspond to the numerical scheme and can be compared to travelling wave solutions of the corresponding PDE. For a discontinuous nonlinearity the difference equation is solved exactly. For continuous nonlinearities the difference equation is solved using a Fourier series, and resonances that depend on the grid-size are revealed for a smooth nonlinearity. In general, the infinite dimensional functional equation, which must be solved to get the travelling wave solutions, is intractable, but backward error analysis proves to be a powerful tool, as it provides a way to study the solutions of the equation through a simple ODE that describes the behavior to arbitrarily high order. A general framework for using backward error analysis to analyze preservation of travelling waves for other equations and discretisations is presented. Then, the advantages that multisymplectic methods have over other methods are briefly highlighted. ",Travelling wave solutions of multisymplectic discretizations of semi-linear wave equations
+" The experimental status and theoretical uncertainties of the Cabibbo--Kobayashi--Maskawa (CKM) matrix describing the charge-changing weak transitions between quarks with charges -1/3 ($d, s, b$) and 2/3 ($u, c, t$) are reviewed. Some recent methods of obtaining phases of CKM elements are described. ",Status of the CKM Matrix
+" A 50 m**2 RPC carpet was operated at the YangBaJing Cosmic Ray Laboratory (Tibet) located 4300 m a.s.l. The performance of RPCs in detecting Extensive Air Showers was studied. Efficiency and time resolution measurements at the pressure and temperature conditions typical of high mountain laboratories, are reported. ",High Altitude test of RPCs for the ARGO-YBJ experiment
+" We consider the selfconsistent semiclassical Maxwell--Schr\""odinger system for the solid state laser which consists of the Maxwell equations coupled to $N\sim 10^{20}$ Schr\""odinger equations for active molecules. The system contains time-periodic pumping and a weak dissipation. We introduce the corresponding Poincar\'e map $P$ and consider the differential $DP(Y^0)$ at suitable stationary state $Y^0$. We conjecture that the {\it stable laser action} is due to the {\it parametric resonance} (PR) which means that the maximal absolute value of the corresponding multipliers is greater than one. The multipliers are defined as eigenvalues of $DP(Y^0)$. The PR makes the stationary state $Y^0$ highly unstable, and we suppose that this instability maintains the {\it coherent laser radiation}. We prove that the spectrum Spec$\,DP(Y^0)$ is approximately symmetric with respect to the unit circle $|\mu|=1$ if the dissipation is sufficiently small. More detailed results are obtained for the Maxwell--Bloch system. We calculate the corresponding Poincar\'e map $P$ by successive approximations. The key role in calculation of the multipliers is played by the sum of $N$ positive terms arising in the second-order approximation for the total current. This fact can be interpreted as the {\it synchronization of molecular currents} in all active molecules, which is provisionally in line with the role of {\it stimulated emission} in the laser action. The calculation of the sum relies on probabilistic arguments which is one of main novelties of our approach. Other main novelties are i) the calculation of the differential $DP(Y^0)$ in the ""Hopf representation"", ii) the block structure of the differential, and iii) the justification of the ""rotating wave approximation"" by a new estimate for the averaging of slow rotations. ",On parametric resonance in the laser action
+" In this paper, we prove a gap result for a locally conformally flat complete non-compact Riemannian manifold with bounded non-negative Ricci curvature and a scalar curvature average condition. We show that if it has positive Green function, then it is flat. This result is proved by setting up new global Yamabe flow. Other extensions related to bounded positive solutions to a schrodinger equation are also discussed. ",Gap Theorems for Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds
+" Fluid instabilities like Rayleigh-Taylor,Richtmyer-Meshkov and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability can occur in a wide range of physical phenomenon from astrophysical context to Inertial Confinement Fusion(ICF).Using Layzer's potential flow model, we derive the analytical expressions of growth rate of bubble and spike for ideal magnetized fluid in R-T and R-M cases. In presence of transverse magnetic field the R-M and R-T instability are suppressed or enhanced depending on the direction of magnetic pressure and hydrodynamic pressure. Again the interface of two fluid may oscillate if both the fluids are conducting. However the magnetic field has no effect in linear case. ",Development of Richtmyer-Meshkov and Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in presence of magnetic field
+ We describe resistive states of the system combining two types of orderings - superconducting and ferromagnetic one. It is shown that in the presence of magnetization dynamics such systems become inherently dissipative and in principle cannot sustain any amount of the superconducting current because of the voltage generated by the magnetization dynamics. We calculate generic current-voltage characteristics of a superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor Josephson junction with an unpinned domain wall and find the low-current resistance associated with the domain wall motion. We suggest the finite slope of Shapiro steps as the characteristic feature of the regime with domain wall oscillations driven by the ac external current flowing through the junction. ,Resistive state of SFS Josephson junctions in the presence of moving domain walls
+" We study the non-equilibrium steady-state phase transition from probe brane holography in $z=2$ Schr\""odinger spacetime. Concerning differential conductivity, a phase transition could occur in the conductor state. Considering constant current operator as the external field and the conductivity as an order parameter, we derive scaling behavior of order parameter near the critical point. We explore the critical exponents of the non-equilibrium phase transition in two different Schr\""odinger spacetimes, which originated $1)$ from supergravity, and $2)$ from AdS blackhole in the light-cone coordinates. Interestingly, we will see that even at the zero charge density, in our first geometry, the dynamical critical exponent of $z=2$ has a major effect on the critical exponents. ","Non-Equilibrium Critical Phenomena From Probe Brane Holography in Schr\""odinger Spacetime"
+" We present a generalizable novel view synthesis method where it is possible to modify the visual appearance of rendered views to match a target weather or lighting condition without any scene specific training. Our method is based on a generalizable transformer architecture and is trained on synthetically generated scenes under different appearance conditions. This allows for rendering novel views in a consistent manner for 3D scenes that were not included in the training set, along with the ability to (i) modify their appearance to match the target condition and (ii) smoothly interpolate between different conditions. Experiments on real and synthetic scenes show that our method is able to generate 3D consistent renderings while making realistic appearance changes, including qualitative and quantitative comparisons with applying 2D style transfer methods on rendered views. Please refer to our project page for video results: https://ava-nvs.github.io/ ",Adjustable Visual Appearance for Generalizable Novel View Synthesis
+" VIRGOHI21 is an HI source detected in the Virgo Cluster survey of Davies et al. (2004) which has a neutral hydrogen mass of 10^8 M_solar and a velocity width of Delta V_20 = 220 km/s. From the Tully-Fisher relation, a galaxy with this velocity width would be expected to be 12th magnitude or brighter; however deep CCD imaging has failed to turn up a counterpart down to a surface-brightness level of 27.5 B mag/sq. arcsec. The HI observations show that it is extended over at least 16 kpc which, if the system is bound, gives it a minimum dynamical mass of ~10^11 M_solar and a mass to light ratio of M_dyn/L_B > 500 M_solar/L_solar. If it is tidal debris then the putative parents have vanished; the remaining viable explanation is that VIRGOHI21 is a dark halo that does not contain the expected bright galaxy. This object was found because of the low column density limit of our survey, a limit much lower than that achieved by all-sky surveys such as HIPASS. Further such sensitive surveys might turn up a significant number of the dark matter halos predicted by Dark Matter models. ",A Dark Hydrogen Cloud in the Virgo Cluster
+" It is shown that some regular solutions in 5D Kaluza-Klein gravity may have interesting properties if one from the parameters is in the Planck region. In this case the Kretschman metric invariant runs up to a maximal reachable value in nature, i.e. practically the metric becomes singular. This observation allows us to suppose that in this situation the problems with such soft singularity will be much easier resolved in the future quantum gravity then by the situation with the ordinary hard singularity (Reissner-Nordstr\""om singularity, for example). It is supposed that the analogous consideration can be applied for the avoiding the hard singularities connected with the gauge charges. ",Soft singularity and the fundamental length
+" Meaning is defined by the company it keeps. However, company is two-fold: It's based on the identity of tokens and also on their position (topology). We argue that a position-centric perspective is more general and useful. The classic MLM and CLM objectives in NLP are easily phrased as position predictions over the whole vocabulary. Adapting the relative position encoding paradigm in NLP to create relative labels for self-supervised learning, we seek to show superior pre-training judged by performance on downstream tasks. ",Relative Position Prediction as Pre-training for Text Encoders
+" Quantum stabilizer codes (QSCs) suffer from a low quantum coding rate, since they have to recover the quantum bits (qubits) in the face of both bit-flip and phase-flip errors. In this treatise, we conceive a low-complexity concatenated quantum turbo code (QTC) design exhibiting a high quantum coding rate. The high quantum coding rate is achieved by combining the quantum-domain version of short-block codes (SBCs) also known as single parity check (SPC) codes as the outer codes and quantum unity-rate codes (QURCs) as the inner codes. Despite its design simplicity, the proposed QTC yields a near-hashing-bound error correction performance. For instance, compared to the best half-rate QTC known in the literature, namely the QIrCC-QURC scheme, which operates at the distance of $D = 0.037$ from the quantum hashing bound, our novel QSBC-QURC scheme can operate at the distance of $D = 0.029$. It is worth also mentioning that this is the first instantiation of QTCs capable of adjusting the quantum encoders according to the quantum coding rate required for mitigating the Pauli errors given the different depolarizing probabilities of the quantum channel. ",Near-Hashing-Bound Multiple-Rate Quantum Turbo Short-Block Codes
+" An iterative algorithm is established which enables one to compute individual Floquet states even for many-body systems with high-dimensional Hilbert spaces that are not accessible to commonly employed conventional methods. A strategy is proposed for following a Floquet state in response to small changes of a given system's Hamiltonian. The scheme is applied to a periodically driven Bose-Hubbard chain, verifying the possibility of pseudoadiabatic Floquet state following. In particular, it is demonstrated that a driving-induced Mott insulatorlike target Floquet state can be populated with high efficiency if the driving amplitude is turned on smoothly but not too slowly. We conclude that the algorithm constitutes a powerful tool for the future investigation of many-body Floquet systems. ",Following Floquet states in high-dimensional Hilbert spaces
+" We relate scattering amplitudes in particle physics to maximum likelihood estimation for discrete models in algebraic statistics. The scattering potential plays the role of the log-likelihood function, and its critical points are solutions to rational function equations. We study the ML degree of low-rank tensor models in statistics, and we revisit physical theories proposed by Arkani-Hamed, Cachazo and their collaborators. Recent advances in numerical algebraic geometry are employed to compute and certify critical points. We also discuss positive models and how to compute their string amplitudes. ",Likelihood Equations and Scattering Amplitudes
+" Consider a connected topological space $X$ with a point $x \in X$ and let $K$ be a field with the discrete topology. We study the Tannakian category of finite dimensional (flat) vector bundles on $X$ and its Tannakian dual $\pi_K (X,x)$ with respect to the fibre functor in $x$. The maximal pro-\'etale quotient of $\pi_K (X,x)$ is the \'etale fundamental group of $X$ studied by Kucharczyk and Scholze. For well behaved topological spaces, $\pi_K (X,x)$ is the pro-algebraic completion of the ordinary fundamental group $\pi_1 (X,x)$. We obtain some structural results on $\pi_K (X,x)$ by studying (pseudo-)torsors attached to its quotients. This approach uses ideas of Nori in algebraic geometry and a result of Deligne on Tannakian categories. We also calculate $\pi_K (X,x)$ for some generalized solenoids. ",A pro-algebraic fundamental group for topological spaces
+" We study the structure of scalar, vector, and tensor currents for on-shell massive particles of any spin. When considering higher values for the spin of the particle, the number of form factors (FFs) involved in the decomposition of the matrix elements associated with these local currents increases. We identify all the fundamental structures that give rise to the independent FFs, systematically for any spin value. These structures can be conveniently organised using an expansion in covariant multipoles, built solely from the Lorentz generators. This approach allows one to uniquely identify the terms which are universal and those that arise because of spin. We derive counting rules which relate the number of FFs to the total spin $j$ of the state, showing explicitly that these rules match all the well-known cases up to spin 2. ",Covariant multipole expansion of local currents for massive states of any spin
+" We study cosmological $\alpha$-attractors in superconformal/supergravity models, where $\alpha$ is related to the geometry of the moduli space. For $\alpha=1$ attractors \cite{Kallosh:2013hoa} we present a generalization of the previously known manifestly superconformal higher curvature supergravity model \cite{Cecotti:1987sa}. The relevant standard 2-derivative supergravity with a minimum of two chiral multiplets is shown to be dual to a 4-derivative higher curvature supergravity, where in general one of the chiral superfields is traded for a curvature superfield. There is a degenerate case when both matter superfields become non-dynamical and there is only a chiral curvature superfield, pure higher derivative supergravity. Generic $\alpha$-models \cite{Kallosh:2013yoa} interpolate between the attractor point at $\alpha=0$ and generic chaotic inflation models at large $\alpha$, in the limit when the inflaton moduli space becomes flat. They have higher derivative duals with the same number of matter fields as the original theory or less, but at least one matter multiplet remains. In the context of these models, the detection of primordial gravity waves will provide information on the curvature of the inflaton submanifold of the Kahler manifold, and we will learn if the inflaton is a fundamental matter multiplet, or can be replaced by a higher derivative curvature excitation. ",Cosmological Attractor Models and Higher Curvature Supergravity
+" The uncertainty relation, as one of the fundamental principles of quantum physics, captures the incompatibility of noncommuting observables in the preparation of quantum states. In this work, we derive two strong and universal uncertainty relations for $N(N\ge2)$ observables with discrete and bounded spectra, one in multiplicative form and the other in additive form. To verify their validity, for illustration, we implement in the spin-1/2 system an experiment with single-photon measurement. The experimental results exhibit the validity and robustness of these uncertainty relations, and indicate the existence of stringent lower bounds. ",Tight $N$-observable uncertainty relations and their experimental demonstrations
+" In this paper we consider a complete connected noncompact Riemannian manifold M with bounded geometry and spectral gap. We prove that the Hardy type spaces X^k(M), introduced in a previous paper of the authors, have an atomic characterization. As an application, we prove that the Riesz transforms of even order 2k are bounded from X^k(M) to L^1(M)and on L^p(M) for 1 2 the SR peak sharpens with increasing q, whereas for sub-harmonic (soft) potentials, q < 2, it gets suppressed. ",Stochastic resonance in bistable confining potentials. On the role of confinement
+" Two different kinetic theories [J. Solsvik and E. Manger (SM-theory), Phys. Fluids \textbf{33}, 043321 (2021) and V. Garz\'o, J. W. Dufty, and C. M. Hrenya (GDH-theory), Phys. Rev. E \textbf{76}, 031303 (2007)] are considered to determine the shear viscosity $\eta$ for a moderately dense granular binary mixture of smooth hard spheres. The mixture is subjected to a simple shear flow and heated by the action of an external driving force (Gaussian thermostat) that exactly compensates the energy dissipated in collisions. The set of Enskog kinetic equations is the starting point to obtain the dependence of $\eta$ on the control parameters of the mixture: solid fraction, concentration, mass and diameter ratios, and coefficients of normal restitution. While the expression of $\eta$ found in the SM-theory is based on the assumption of Maxwellian distributions for the velocity distribution functions of each species, the GDH-theory solves the Enskog equation by means of the Chapman--Enskog method to first order in the shear rate. To assess the accuracy of both kinetic theories, the Enskog equation is numerically solved by means of the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. The simulation is carried out for a mixture under simple shear flow, using the thermostat to control the cooling effects. Given that the SM-theory predicts a vanishing kinetic contribution to the shear viscosity, the comparison between theory and simulations is essentially made at the level of the collisional contribution $\eta_c$ to the shear viscosity. The results clearly show that the GDH-theory compares with simulations much better than the SM-theory over a wide range of values of the coefficients of restitution, the volume fraction, and the parameters of the mixture (masses, diameters, and concentration). ",Assessment of kinetic theories for moderately dense granular binary mixtures: Shear viscosity coefficient
+ For binary black holes the lapse function corresponding to the Brill-Lindquist initial value solution for uncharged black holes is given in analytic form under the maximal slicing condition. In the limiting case of very small ratio of mass to separation between the black holes the surface defined by the zero value of the lapse function coincides with the minimal surfaces around the singularities. ,Lapse function for maximally sliced Brill-Lindquist initial data
+" We have constructed an apparatus to study DC electrical breakdown in liquid helium at temperatures as low as 0.4 K and at pressures between the saturated vapor pressure and $\sim$600 torr. The apparatus can house a set of electrodes that are 12 cm in diameter with a gap of $1-2$ cm between them, and a potential up to $\pm 50$ kV can be applied to each electrode. Initial results demonstrated that it is possible to apply fields exceeding 100 kV/cm in a 1 cm gap between two electropolished stainless steel electrodes 12 cm in diameter for a wide range of pressures at 0.4 K. We also measured the current between two electrodes. Our initial results, $I<1$ pA at 45 kV, correspond to a lower bound on the effective volume resistivity of LHe of $\rho_V > 5\times10^{18}$ $\Omega\cdot$cm. This lower bound is 5 times larger than the bound previously measured. We report the design, construction, and operational experience of the apparatus, as well as initial results. ",An apparatus for studying electrical breakdown in liquid helium at 0.4 K and testing electrode materials for the SNS nEDM experiment
+" A general formal definition of a theory of space and time compatible with the inertia principle is given. The formal definition of reference frame and inertial equivalence between reference frames are used to construct the class of inertial frames. Then, suitable cocycle relations among the coefficients of space-time transformations between inertial frames are established. The kinematical meaning of coefficients and their reciprocity properties are discussed in some detail. Finally, a rest frame map family is introduced as the most general constitutive assumption to obtain the coefficients and to define a theory of space and time. Four meaningful examples are then presented. ",Theories of Space and Time Compatible with the Inertia Principle
+" A shell-model study of proton-neutron pairing in f - p shell nuclei using a parametrized hamiltonian that includes deformation and spin-orbit effects as well as isoscalar and isovector pairing is reported. By working in a shell-model framework we are able to assess the role of the various modes of proton-neutron pairing in the presence of nuclear deformation without violating symmetries. Results are presented for $^{44}$Ti, $^{46}$Ti and $^{48}$Cr. ",Proton-neutron pairing correlations in the nuclear shell model
+" Closed-loop positivity of feedback interconnections of positive monotone nonlinear systems is investigated. It is shown that an instantaneous gain condition on the open-loop systems which implies feedback well-posedness also guarantees feedback positivity. Furthermore, the notion of integral linear constraints (ILC) is utilised as a tool to characterise uncertainty in positive feedback systems. Robustness analysis of positive linear time-varying and nonlinear feedback systems is studied using ILC, paralleling the well-known results based on integral quadratic constraints. ",Positive Systems Analysis Via Integral Linear Constraints
+" With the current emphasis on reproducibility and replicability, there is an increasing need to examine how data analyses are conducted. In order to analyze the between researcher variability in data analysis choices as well as the aspects within the data analysis pipeline that contribute to the variability in results, we have created two R packages: matahari and tidycode. These packages build on methods created for natural language processing; rather than allowing for the processing of natural language, we focus on R code as the substrate of interest. The matahari package facilitates the logging of everything that is typed in the R console or in an R script in a tidy data frame. The tidycode package contains tools to allow for analyzing R calls in a tidy manner. We demonstrate the utility of these packages as well as walk through two examples. ",Tools for analyzing R code the tidy way
+" We propose a new quantum Monte Carlo algorithm to compute fermion ground-state properties. The ground state is projected from an initial wavefunction by a branching random walk in an over-complete basis space of Slater determinants. By constraining the determinants according to a trial wavefunction $|\Psi_T \rangle$, we remove the exponential decay of signal-to-noise ratio characteristic of the sign problem. The method is variational and is exact if $|\Psi_T\rangle$ is exact. We report results on the two-dimensional Hubbard model up to size $16\times 16$, for various electron fillings and interaction strengths. ",A Constrained Path Quantum Monte Carlo Method for Fermion Ground States
+" Kohn-Sham density functional theory is one of the most widely used electronic structure theories. In the pseudopotential framework, uniform discretization of the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian generally results in a large number of basis functions per atom in order to resolve the rapid oscillations of the Kohn-Sham orbitals around the nuclei. Previous attempts to reduce the number of basis functions per atom include the usage of atomic orbitals and similar objects, but the atomic orbitals generally require fine tuning in order to reach high accuracy. We present a novel discretization scheme that adaptively and systematically builds the rapid oscillations of the Kohn-Sham orbitals around the nuclei as well as environmental effects into the basis functions. The resulting basis functions are localized in the real space, and are discontinuous in the global domain. The continuous Kohn-Sham orbitals and the electron density are evaluated from the discontinuous basis functions using the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) framework. Our method is implemented in parallel and the current implementation is able to handle systems with at least thousands of atoms. Numerical examples indicate that our method can reach very high accuracy (less than 1meV) with a very small number ($4\sim 40$) of basis functions per atom. ",Adaptive local basis set for Kohn-Sham density functional theory in a discontinuous Galerkin framework I: Total energy calculation
+" The quasi one-dimensional transport of Abelian and non-Abelian anyons is studied in the presence of a random topological background. In particular, we consider the quantum walk of an anyon that braids around islands of randomly filled static anyons of the same type. Two distinct behaviours are identified. We analytically demonstrate that all types of Abelian anyons localise purely due to the statistical phases induced by their random anyonic environment. In contrast, we numerically show that non-Abelian Ising anyons do not localise. This is due to their entanglement with the anyonic environment that effectively induces dephasing. Our study demonstrates that localisation properties strongly depend on non-local topological interactions and it provides a clear distinction in the transport properties of Abelian and non-Abelian statistics. ",Transport properties of anyons in random topological environments
+" Next generation probes of dark matter and dark energy require high precision reconstruction of faint galaxy shapes from hundreds of dithered exposures. Current practice is to stack the images. While valuable for many applications, this stack is a highly compressed version of the data. Future weak lensing studies will require analysis of the full dataset using the stack and its associated catalog only as a starting point. We describe a ""Multi-Fit"" algorithm which simultaneously fits individual galaxy exposures to a common profile model convolved with each exposure's point spread function at that position in the image. This technique leads to an enhancement of the number of usable small galaxies at high redshift and, more significantly, a decrease in systematic shear error. ",LSST and the Dark Sector: Image Processing Challenges
+" The dynamics of impurity atoms introduced into bosonic gases in an optical lattice have generated a lot of recent interest, both in theory and experiment. We investigate to what extent measurements on either the impurity species or the majority species in these systems are affected by their interspecies entanglement. This arises naturally in the dynamics and plays an important role when we measure only one species. We explore the corresponding effects in strongly interacting regimes, using a combination of few-particle analytical calculations and Density Matrix Renormalisation group methods in one dimension. We identify how the resulting effects on impurities can be used to probe the many-body states of the majority species, and separately ask how to enter regimes where this entanglement is small, so that the impurities can be used as probes that do not significantly affect the majority species. The results are accessible in current experiments, and provide important considerations for the measurement of complex systems with using few probe atoms. ",Interspecies entanglement with impurity atoms in a lattice gas
+" The idea that gauge theory has 'surplus' structure poses a puzzle: in one much discussed sense, this structure is redundant; but on the other hand, it is also widely held to play an essential role in the theory. In this paper, we employ category-theoretic tools to illuminate an aspect of this puzzle. We precisify what is meant by 'surplus' structure by means of functorial comparisons with equivalence classes of gauge fields, and then show that such structure is essential for any theory that represents a rich collection of physically relevant fields which are 'local' in nature. ",Why surplus structure is not superfluous
+" The evolution of nonlinear density fluctuations around the Jeans mass shortly after cosmological recombination is analyzed using a 3D hydrodynamics/dark--matter code. The Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR) exerts Compton friction on free electrons due to peculiar velocities. The dynamics therefore depends strongly on the gas ionization history. Under a variety of ionization conditions and in systems with or without non-baryonic components, the baryons lose angular momentum efficiently and collapse to form a compact optically--thick object which would probably quickly evolve into a massive black hole. Attention is concentrated on elucidating some of the novel physical effects in early cosmological collapses, but ways in which more realistic calculations might be made and in which the scenario could be incorporated into a more complete cosmogonic model are discussed. ",Early Cosmic Formation of Massive Black Holes
+" We show relations between superposition of macroscopically distinct states and entanglement. These relations lead to the important conclusion that if a state contains superposition of macroscopically distinct states, the state also contains large multipartite entanglement in terms of several measures. Such multipartite entanglement property also suggests that if a state contains superposition of macroscopically distinct states, a measurement on a single particle drastically changes the state of macroscopically many other particles, as in the case of the N-qubit GHZ state. ",Superposition of macroscopically distinct states means large multipartite entanglement
+" A sizeable fraction of gamma-ray burst (GRB) time profiles consist of a temporal sequence of pulses. The nature of this stochastic process carries information on how GRB inner engines work. The so-called interpulse time defines the interval between adjacent pulses, excluding the long quiescence periods during which the signal drops to the background level. It was found by many authors in the past that interpulse times are lognormally distributed, at variance with the exponential case that is expected for a memoryless process. We investigated whether the simple hypothesis of a temporally uncorrelated sequence of pulses is really to be rejected, as a lognormal distribution necessarily implies. We selected and analysed a number of multi--peaked CGRO/BATSE GRBs and simulated similar time profiles, with the crucial difference that we assumed exponentially distributed interpulse times, as is expected for a memoryless stationary Poisson process. We then identified peaks in both data sets using a novel peak search algorithm, which is more efficient than others used in the past. We independently confirmed that the observed interpulse time distribution is approximately lognormal. However, we found the same results on the simulated profiles, in spite of the intrinsic exponential distribution. Although intrinsic lognormality cannot be ruled out, this shows that intrinsic interpulse time distribution in real data could still be exponential, while the observed lognormal could be ascribed to the low efficiency of peak search algorithms at short values combined with the limitations of a bin-integrated profile. Our result suggests that GRB engines may emit pulses after the fashion of nuclear radioactive decay, that is, as a memoryless process. ",Gamma-ray burst engines may have no memory
+" The electron-doping-driven collapse of the charge gap and staggered magnetization of the spin-orbit-assisted Mott insulator Sr$_{3}$Ir$_{2}$O$_{7}$ is explored via first-principles computational methods. In the antiferromagnetic phase, the gap and magnetization are observed to decrease slowly with increasing doping, with an abrupt collapse of both the gap and the magnetization at an electron concentration corresponding to 4.8\% substitution of Sr with La, in excellent agreement with experiment. Additionally, we describe the structural effects of electron doping in Sr$_{3}$Ir$_{2}$O$_{7}$ via a competition between the steric effect from smaller La atoms substituted within the lattice and the dominant doping-driven deformation-potential effect. Curiously, our first-principles calculations fail to capture the low-temperature structural distortion reported in the low-gap phase of Sr$_{3}$Ir$_{2}$O$_{7}$, supporting the notion that this distortion arises as a secondary manifestation of an unconventional electronic order parameter in this material. ",Electron doping in $\text{Sr}_3\text{Ir}_2\text{O}_7$: collapse of band gap and magnetic order
+" Metallic glasses have so far attracted considerable attention for their applications as bulk materials. However, new physics and applications often emerge by dimensional reduction from three dimension (3D) to two dimension (2D). Here, we study, by molecular dynamics simulations, how the liquid-to-glass transition of a binary Cu50Zr50 MG is affected by spatial dimensionality. We find clear evidence that crystal-like structural ordering controls both dynamic heterogeneity and slow dynamics, and thus plays a crucial role in the formation of the 2DMG. Although the 2DMG reproduces the dynamical behaviors of its 3D counterpart by considering Mermin-Wagner-type fluctuations specific to 2D, this atomic-scale structural mechanism is essentially different from that for the 3DMG in which icosahedral clusters incompatible with crystallographic symmetry play a key role in glassy behaviors. Our finding provides a new structural mechanism for the formation of 2DMGs, which cannot be inferred from the knowledge of 3DMGs. The results suggest a structural basis for the glass transition in 2DMG and provide possible explanations for some previous experimental observations in ultrathin film MGs. ",Impact of Spatial Dimension on Structural Ordering in Metallic Glass
+" We exploit the pumped spin-current and current noise spectra under equilibrium condition in a single quantum dot connected to two normal leads, as an electrical scheme for detection of the electron spin resonance (ESR) and decoherence. We propose spin-resolved quantum rate equations with correlation functions in Laplace-space for the analytical derivation of the zero-frequency atuo- and cross-shot noise spectra of charge- and spin-current. Our results show that in the strong Coulomb blockade regime, ESR-induced spin flip generates a finite spin-current and the quantum partition noises in the absence of net charge transport. Moreover, spin shot noise is closely related to the magnetic Rabi frequency and decoherence and would be a sensitive tool to measure them. ",Pumped spin-current and shot noise spectra in a single quantum dot
+" This paper proposes a lossless point cloud (PC) geometry compression method that uses neural networks to estimate the probability distribution of voxel occupancy. First, to take into account the PC sparsity, our method adaptively partitions a point cloud into multiple voxel block sizes. This partitioning is signalled via an octree. Second, we employ a deep auto-regressive generative model to estimate the occupancy probability of each voxel given the previously encoded ones. We then employ the estimated probabilities to code efficiently a block using a context-based arithmetic coder. Our context has variable size and can expand beyond the current block to learn more accurate probabilities. We also consider using data augmentation techniques to increase the generalization capability of the learned probability models, in particular in the presence of noise and lower-density point clouds. Experimental evaluation, performed on a variety of point clouds from four different datasets and with diverse characteristics, demonstrates that our method reduces significantly (by up to 30%) the rate for lossless coding compared to the state-of-the-art MPEG codec. ",Lossless Coding of Point Cloud Geometry using a Deep Generative Model
+" We address the issue of the second-order coherence of single surface plasmons launched by a quantum source of light into extended gold films. The quantum source of light is made of a scanning fluorescent nanodiamond hosting five nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers. By using a specially designed microscopy that combines near-field optics with far-field leakage-radiation microscopy in the Fourier space and adapted spatial filtering, we find that the quantum statistics of the initial source of light is preserved after conversion to surface plasmons and propagation along the polycrystalline gold film. ",Quantum plasmonics: second-order coherence of surface plasmons launched by quantum emitters into a metallic film
+" We introduce high order Bellman equations, extending classical Bellman equations to the tensor setting. We introduce weakly chained diagonally dominant (w.c.d.d.) tensors and show that a sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of a positive solution to a high order Bellman equation is that the tensors appearing in the equation are w.c.d.d. M-tensors. In this case, we give a policy iteration algorithm to compute this solution. We also prove that a weakly diagonally dominant Z-tensor with nonnegative diagonals is a strong M-tensor if and only if it is w.c.d.d. This last point is analogous to a corresponding result in the matrix setting and tightens a result from [L. Zhang, L. Qi, and G. Zhou. ""M-tensors and some applications."" SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (2014)]. We apply our results to obtain a provably convergent numerical scheme for an optimal control problem using an ""optimize then discretize"" approach which outperforms (in both computation time and accuracy) a classical ""discretize then optimize"" approach. To the best of our knowledge, a link between M-tensors and optimal control has not been previously established. ",High order Bellman equations and weakly chained diagonally dominant tensors
+" Electronic health records and other sources of observational data are increasingly used for drawing causal inferences. The estimation of a causal effect using these data not meant for research purposes is subject to confounding and irregular covariate-driven observation times affecting the inference. A doubly-weighted estimator accounting for these features has previously been proposed that relies on the correct specification of two nuisance models used for the weights. In this work, we propose a novel consistent quadruply robust estimator and demonstrate analytically and in large simulation studies that it is more flexible and more efficient than its only proposed alternative. It is further applied to data from the Add Health study in the United States to estimate the causal effect of therapy counselling on alcohol consumption in American adolescents. ",Quadruply robust estimation of marginal structural models in observational studies subject to covariate-driven observations
+" The coherent transport of $n$ fermions in disordered networks of $l$ single-particle states connected by $k$-body interactions is studied. These networks are modeled by embedded Gaussian random matrix ensemble (EGE). The conductance bandwidth as well as the ensemble-averaged total current attain their maximal values if the system is highly filled $n \sim l-1$ and $k\sim n/2$. For the cases $k=1$ and $k=n$ the bandwidth is minimal. We show that for all parameters the transport is enhanced significantly whenever centrosymmetric ensemble (csEGE) are considered. In this case the transmission shows numerous resonances of perfect transport. Analyzing the transmission by spectral decomposition, we find that centrosymmetry induces strong correlations and enhances the extrema of the distributions. This suppresses destructive interference effects in the system and thus, causes backscattering-free transmission resonances which enhance the overall transport. The distribution of the total current for the csEGE has a very large dominating peak for $n=l-1$, close to the highest observed currents. ",Efficient quantum transport in disordered interacting many-body networks
+" The first generation of stars is quite unique. The absence of metals likely affects their formation, with current models suggesting a much more top-heavy initial mass fraction than what we observe today, and some of their other properties, such as rotation rates and binarity, are largely unknown or constrained by direct observations. But even non-rotation single stars of a given mass will evolve quite differently due to the absence of the metals: the stars will mostly remain much more compact until their death, with the hydrogen-rich later reaching down ten teems deeper in radius then in modern stars. When they explode as supernovae, the exposure to the supernova neutrino flux is much enhanced, allowing for copious production of lithium. This production will not be constant for all stars but largely vary across the mass range. Such production even more challenges the presence of the Spite Plateau. ",Production of Lithium in Primordial Supernovae
+ Vacuum multidimensional cosmological models with internal spaces being compact $n$-dimensional Lie group manifolds are considered. Products of 3-spheres and $SU(3)$ manifold (a novelty in cosmology) are studied. It turns out that the dynamical evolution of the internal space drives an accelerated expansion of the external world (power law inflation). This generic solution (attractor in a phase space) is determined by the Lie group space without any fine tuning or arbitrary inflaton potentials. Matter in the four dimensions appears in the form of a number of scalar fields representing anisotropic scale factors for the internal space. Along the attractor solution the volume of the internal space grows logarithmically in time. This simple and natural model should be completed by mechanisms terminating the inflationary evolution and transforming the geometric scalar fields into ordinary particles. ,Anisotropic Inflation from Extra Dimensions
+" Algorithmic bias often arises as a result of differential subgroup validity, in which predictive relationships vary across groups. For example, in toxic language detection, comments targeting different demographic groups can vary markedly across groups. In such settings, trained models can be dominated by the relationships that best fit the majority group, leading to disparate performance. We propose framing toxicity detection as multi-task learning (MTL), allowing a model to specialize on the relationships that are relevant to each demographic group while also leveraging shared properties across groups. With toxicity detection, each task corresponds to identifying toxicity against a particular demographic group. However, traditional MTL requires labels for all tasks to be present for every data point. To address this, we propose Conditional MTL (CondMTL), wherein only training examples relevant to the given demographic group are considered by the loss function. This lets us learn group specific representations in each branch which are not cross contaminated by irrelevant labels. Results on synthetic and real data show that using CondMTL improves predictive recall over various baselines in general and for the minority demographic group in particular, while having similar overall accuracy. ","Same Same, But Different: Conditional Multi-Task Learning for Demographic-Specific Toxicity Detection"
+" We report the results of a search for pair production of scalar bottom quarks (sbottom) and scalar third-generation leptoquarks in 5.2 fb-1 of ppbar collisions at the D0 experiment of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. Scalar bottom quarks are assumed to decay to a neutralino and a $b$ quark, and we set 95% C.L. lower limits on their production in the (m_sbottom, m_neutralino) mass plane such as m_sbottom>247 GeV for m_neutralino=0 and m_neutralino>110 GeV for 160 2\pi/16.4$ yr $^{-1}$, but only one is possible otherwise. Assuming that the lowest energy state is favoured, this transition marks a discontinuity in the tilt angle of the inner core, transiting from $-33^\circ$ to $17^\circ$ as measured with respect to the mantle figure axis, where negative angles indicate a tilt towards the orbit normal. Possible Lunar interior density structures cover a range of $\omega_{ficn}$, from approximately half to twice as large as $\Omega_p$, so the precise tilt angle of the inner core remains unknown, though it is likely large because $\Omega_p$ is within the resonant band of $\omega_{ficn}$. Adopting one specific density model, we suggest an inner core tilt of approximately $-17^\circ$. Viscoelastic deformations within the inner core and melt and growth at the surface of a tilted inner core, both neglected in our model, should reduce this amplitude. If the inner core is larger than approximately 200 km, it may contribute by as much as a few thousandths of a degree on the observed mantle precession angle of $1.543^\circ$. ",The Cassini State of the Moon's inner core
+" We present tight bounds and heuristics for personalized, multi-product pricing problems. Under mild conditions we show that the best price in the direction of a positive vector results in profits that are guaranteed to be at least as large as a fraction of the profits from optimal personalized pricing. For unconstrained problems, the fraction depends on the factor and on optimal price vectors for the different customer types. For constrained problems the factor depends on the factor and a ratio of the constraints. Using a factor vector with equal components results in uniform pricing and has exceedingly mild sufficient conditions for the bound to hold. A robust factor is presented that achieves the best possible performance guarantee. As an application, our model yields a tight lower-bound on the performance of linear pricing relative to optimal personalized non-linear pricing, and suggests effective non-linear price heuristics relative to personalized solutions. Additionally, our model provides guarantees for simple strategies such as bundle-size pricing and component-pricing with respect to optimal personalized mixed bundle pricing. Heuristics to cluster customer types are also developed with the goal of improving performance by allowing each cluster to price along its own factor. Numerical results are presented for a variety of demand models that illustrate the tradeoffs between using the economic factor and the robust factor for each cluster, as well as the tradeoffs between using a clustering heuristic with a worst case performance of two and a machine learning clustering algorithm. In our experiments economically motivated factors coupled with machine learning clustering heuristics performed best. ",Bounds and Heuristics for Multi-Product Personalized Pricing
+" We derive stellar masses, ages and star formation histories of massive early-type galaxies in the z=1.237 RDCS1252.9-2927 cluster and compare them with those measured in a similarly mass-selected sample of field contemporaries drawn from the GOODS South Field. Robust estimates of these parameters are obtained by comparing a large grid of composite stellar population models with 8-9 band photometry in the rest-frame NUV, optical and IR, thus sampling the entire relevant domain of emission of the different stellar populations. Additionally, we present new, deep $U$-band photometry of both fields, giving access to the critical FUV rest-frame, in order to constrain empirically the dependence on the environment of the most recent star formation processes. We find that early-type galaxies, both in the cluster and in the field, show analogous optical morphologies, follow comparable mass vs. size relation, have congruent average surface stellar mass densities and lie on the same Kormendy relation. We also that a fraction of early-type galaxies in the field employ longer timescales, $\tau$, to assemble their mass than their cluster contemporaries. Hence we conclude that, while the formation epoch of early-type only depends on their mass, the environment does regulate the timescales of their star formation histories. Our deep $U$-band imaging strongly supports this conclusions. It shows that cluster galaxies are at least 0.5 mag fainter than their field contemporaries of similar mass and optical-to-infrared colors, implying that the last episode of star formation must have happened more recently in the field than in the cluster. ","Formation epochs, star formation histories and sizes of massive early-type galaxies in cluster and field environments at z=1.2: insights from the rest-frame UV"
+" We present an ultra-deep survey for Neptune Trojans using the Subaru 8.2-m and Magellan 6.5-m telescopes. The survey reached a 50% detection efficiency in the R-band at 25.7 magnitudes and covered 49 square degrees of sky. This depth corresponds to Neptune Trojans that are about 16 km in radius (assuming an albedo of 0.05). A paucity of smaller Neptune Trojans (radii < 45 km) compared to larger ones was found. The brightest Neptune Trojans appear to follow a steep power-law slope (q = 5+-1) similar to the brightest objects in the other known stable reservoirs such as the Kuiper Belt, Jupiter Trojans and main belt asteroids. We find a roll-over for the Neptune Trojans that occurs around a radii of r=45+-10 km (23.5+-0.3 mags), which is also very similar to the other stable reservoirs. All the observed stable regions in the the solar system show evidence for Missing Intermediate Sized Planetesimals (MISPs). This indicates a primordial and not collisional origin, which suggests planetesimal formation proceeded directly from small to large objects. The scarcity of intermediate and smaller sized Neptune Trojans may limit them as being a strong source for the short period comets. ",The Size Distribution of the Neptune Trojans and the Missing Intermediate Sized Planetesimals
+" For a quiver with potential $(Q,W)$ with an action of a finite cyclic group $G$, we study the skew group algebra $\Lambda G$ of the Jacobian algebra $\Lambda = \mathcal P(Q, W)$. By a result of Reiten and Riedtmann, the quiver $Q_G$ of a basic algebra $\eta( \Lambda G) \eta$ Morita equivalent to $\Lambda G$ is known. Under some assumptions on the action of $G$, we explicitly construct a potential $W_G$ on $Q_G$ such that $\eta(\Lambda G) \eta\cong \mathcal P(Q_G , W_G)$. The original quiver with potential can then be recovered by the skew group algebra construction with a natural action of the dual group of $G$. If $\Lambda$ is self-injective, then $\Lambda G$ is as well, and we investigate this case. Motivated by Herschend and Iyama's characterisation of 2-representation finite algebras, we study how cuts on $(Q,W)$ behave with respect to our construction. ",Skew group algebras of Jacobian algebras
+" We consider the problem of finding optimal policies for a Markov Decision Process with almost sure constraints on state transitions and action triplets. We define value and action-value functions that satisfy a barrier-based decomposition which allows for the identification of feasible policies independently of the reward process. We prove that, given a policy {\pi}, certifying whether certain state-action pairs lead to feasible trajectories under {\pi} is equivalent to solving an auxiliary problem aimed at finding the probability of performing an unfeasible transition. Using this interpretation,we develop a Barrier-learning algorithm, based on Q-Learning, that identifies such unsafe state-action pairs. Our analysis motivates the need to enhance the Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework with an additional signal, besides rewards, called here damage function that provides feasibility information and enables the solution of RL problems with model-free constraints. Moreover, our Barrier-learning algorithm wraps around existing RL algorithms, such as Q-Learning and SARSA, giving them the ability to solve almost-surely constrained problems. ",Assured RL: Reinforcement Learning with Almost Sure Constraints
+" We consider the motion of n point particles of positive masses that interact gravitationally on the 2-dimensional hyperbolic sphere, which has negative constant Gaussian curvature. Using the stereographic projection, we derive the equations of motion of this curved n-body problem in the Poincar\'e disk, where we study the elliptic relative equilibria. Then we obtain the equations of motion in the Poincar\'e upper half plane in order to analyze the hyperbolic and parabolic relative equilibria. Using techniques of Riemannian geometry, we characterize each of the above classes of periodic orbits. For n=2 and n=3 we recover some previously known results and find new qualitative results about relative equilibria that were not apparent in an extrinsic setting. ",An intrinsic approach in the curved n-body problem: the negative curvature case
+" Human behavior refers to the way humans act and interact. Understanding human behavior is a cornerstone of observational practice, especially in psychotherapy. An important cue of behavior analysis is the dynamical changes of emotions during the conversation. Domain experts integrate emotional information in a highly nonlinear manner, thus, it is challenging to explicitly quantify the relationship between emotions and behaviors. In this work, we employ deep transfer learning to analyze their inferential capacity and contextual importance. We first train a network to quantify emotions from acoustic signals and then use information from the emotion recognition network as features for behavior recognition. We treat this emotion-related information as behavioral primitives and further train higher level layers towards behavior quantification. Through our analysis, we find that emotion-related information is an important cue for behavior recognition. Further, we investigate the importance of emotional-context in the expression of behavior by constraining (or not) the neural networks' contextual view of the data. This demonstrates that the sequence of emotions is critical in behavior expression. To achieve these frameworks we employ hybrid architectures of convolutional networks and recurrent networks to extract emotion-related behavior primitives and facilitate automatic behavior recognition from speech. ",Linking emotions to behaviors through deep transfer learning
+" Using the result that an electric charge - magnetic charge system carries an internal field angular momentum of $e g / 4 \pi$ we arrive at two restrictions on magnetic monopoles via the requirement of angular momentum quantization and/or conservation. First we show that magnetic charge should scale in the opposite way from electric charge. Second we show that free, unconfined monopoles seem to be inconsistent when one considers a magnetic charge in the vicinity of more than one electric charge. ",Restrictions on Magnetic Charge from Quantized Angular Momentum
+" Spectral properties of many finite convolution integral operators have been understood by finding differential operators that commute with them. In this paper we compile a complete list of such commuting pairs, extending previous work to complex-valued and non self-adjoint operators. In addition, we introduce a new kind of commutation relation, which we call sesquicommutation, that also has implications for the spectral properties of the integral operator. In this case we also compute a complete list of sequicommuting pairs of integral and differential operators. ",On the commutation properties of finite convolution and differential operators I: commutation
+" Who is more important in a network? Who controls the flow between the nodes or whose contribution is significant for connections? Centrality metrics play an important role while answering these questions. The betweenness metric is useful for network analysis and implemented in various tools. Since it is one of the most computationally expensive kernels in graph mining, several techniques have been proposed for fast computation of betweenness centrality. In this work, we propose and investigate techniques which compress a network and shatter it into pieces so that the rest of the computation can be handled independently for each piece. Although we designed and tuned the shattering process for betweenness, it can be adapted for other centrality metrics in a straightforward manner. Experimental results show that the proposed techniques can be a great arsenal to reduce the centrality computation time for various types of networks. ",Shattering and Compressing Networks for Centrality Analysis
+" This preprint concerns Banach spaces of functions converging at infinity. In particular, spaces of continuous functions, Lebesgue spaces and sequence spaces. In each framework we show versions of Riesz's representation theorem. ",Notes on Spaces of Functions Converging at Infinity
+" We use a combination of X-ray diffraction, total scattering and quantum mechanical calculations to determine the mechanism responsible for hydration-driven contraction in ZrW$_2$O$_8$. Inclusion of H$_2$O molecules within the ZrW$_2$O$_8$ network drives the concerted formation of new W--O bonds to give one-dimensional (--W--O--)$_n$ strings. The topology of the ZrW$_2$O$_8$ network is such that there is no unique choice for the string trajectories: the same local changes in coordination can propagate with a large number of different periodicities. Consequently, ZrW$_2$O$_8$ is heavily disordered, with each configuration of strings forming a dense aperiodic `spaghetti'. This new connectivity contracts the unit cell \emph{via} large shifts in the Zr and W atom positions. Fluctuations of the undistorted parent structure towards this spaghetti phase emerge as the key NTE phonon modes in ZrW$_2$O$_8$ itself. The large relative density of NTE phonon modes in ZrW$_2$O$_8$ actually reflect the degeneracy of volume-contracting spaghetti excitations, itself a function of the particular topology of this remarkable material. ","Negative Hydration Expansion in ZrW2O8: Microscopic Mechanism, Spaghetti Dynamics, and Negative Thermal Expansion"
+" In the past few years, an action of $\mathrm{PGL}_2(\mathbb F_q)$ on the set of irreducible polynomials in $\mathbb F_q[x]$ has been introduced and many questions have been discussed, such as the characterization and number of invariant elements. In this paper, we analyze some recent works on this action and provide full generalizations of them, yielding final theoretical results on the characterization and number of invariant elements. ",Invariant theory of a special group action on irreducible polynomials over finite fields
+" In 2016 and 2017, Haihui Fan, Don Hadwin and Wenjing Liu proved a commutative and noncommutative version of Beurling's theorems for a continuous unitarily invariant norm $\alpha $ on $L^{\infty}(\mathbb{T},\mu)$ and tracial finite von Neumann algebras $\left( \mathcal{M},\tau \right) $, respectively. In the paper, we study unitarily $\|\|_{1}$-dominating invariant norms $\alpha $ on finite von Neumann algebras. First we get a Burling theorem in commutative von Neumann algebras by defining $H^{\alpha}(\mathbb{T},\mu)=\overline {H^{\infty}(\mathbb{T},\mu)}^{\sigma(L^{\alpha}\left( \mathbb{T} \right),\mathcal{L}^{\alpha^{'}}\left( \mathbb{T} \right))}\cap L^{\alpha}(\mathbb{T},\mu)$, then prove that the generalized Beurling theorem holds. Moreover, we get similar result in noncommutative case. The key ingredients in the proof of our result include a factorization theorem and a density theorem for $L^{\alpha }\left(\mathcal{M},\tau \right) $. ",A Generalized Beurling Theorem in Finite von Neumann Algebras
+" Extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) sources including high-harmonic generation, free-electron lasers, soft x-ray lasers and laser-driven plasmas are widely used for applications ranging from femtochemistry and attosecond science to coherent diffractive imaging and EUV lithography. The bandwidth of the XUV light emitted by these sources reflects the XUV generation process used. While light from soft-x-ray lasers and XUV FELs typically has a relatively narrow bandwidth, plasma sources and HHG sources driven by few-cycle laser pulses emit broadband XUV pulses. Since these characteristic properties of a given XUV source impose limitations to applications, techniques enabling modification of the XUV bandwidth are highly desirable. Here we demonstrate a concept for efficient spectral compression of a broadband XUV pulse via four-wave mixing (FWM) in the presence of a broadband near-infrared (NIR) pulse in a krypton gas jet, exploiting a phase-matching scheme based on closely-spaced resonances. Our concept provides new possibilities for tailoring the spectral bandwidth of XUV beams. ",XUV Spectral Compression by Four-Wave Mixing
+" Heterotic orbifolds provide promising constructions of MSSM-like models in string theory. We investigate the connection of such orbifold models with smooth Calabi-Yau compactifications by examining resolutions of the T^6/Z6-II orbifold (which are far from unique) with Abelian gauge fluxes. These gauge backgrounds are topologically characterized by weight vectors of twisted states; one per fixed point or fixed line. The VEV's of these states generate the blowup from the orbifold perspective, and they reappear as axions on the blowup. We explain methods to solve the 24 resolution dependent Bianchi identities and present an explicit solution. Despite that a solution may contain the MSSM particle spectrum, the hypercharge turns out to be anomalous: Since all heterotic MSSM orbifolds analyzed so far have fixed points where only SM charged states appear, its gauge group can only be preserved provided that those singularities are not blown up. Going beyond the comparison of purely topological quantities (e.g. anomalous U(1) masses) may be hampered by the fact that in the orbifold limit the supergravity approximation to lowest order in alpha prime is breaking down. ",Heterotic Z6-II MSSM Orbifolds in Blowup
+" The power graph $G = P(\Omega)$ of a finite group $\Omega$ is a graph with the vertex set $\Omega$ and two vertices $u, v \in \Omega$ form an edge if and only if one is an integral power of the other. Let $D(G)$, $A(G)$, $RT(G)$, and $RD(G)$ denote the degree diagonal matrix, adjacency matrix, the diagonal matrix of the vertex reciprocal transmission, and Harary matrix of the power graph $G$ respectively. Then the $A_{\alpha}$ and $RD_{\alpha}$ matrices of $G$ are defined as $A_{\alpha}(G) = \alpha D(G) + (1-\alpha)A(G)$ and $RD_{\alpha}(G) = \alpha RT(G) + (1-\alpha)RD(G)$. In this article, we determine the eigenvalues of $A_{\alpha}$ and $RD_{\alpha}$ matrices of the power graph of group $ \mathcal{G} = \langle s,r \, : r^{2^kp} = s^2 = e,~ srs^{-1} = r^{2^{k-1}p-1}\rangle$. In addition, we calculate its distant and detotar distance degree sequences, metric dimension, and strong metric dimension. ",On the $A_{\alpha}$ and $RD_{\alpha}$ matrices over certain groups
+" Recent years have witnessed growing interest in the application of deep neural networks (DNNs) for receiver design, which can potentially be applied in complex environments without relying on knowledge of the channel model. However, the dynamic nature of communication channels often leads to rapid distribution shifts, which may require periodically retraining. This paper formulates a data-efficient two-stage training method that facilitates rapid online adaptation. Our training mechanism uses a predictive meta-learning scheme to train rapidly from data corresponding to both current and past channel realizations. Our method is applicable to any deep neural network (DNN)-based receiver, and does not require transmission of new pilot data for training. To illustrate the proposed approach, we study DNN-aided receivers that utilize an interpretable model-based architecture, and introduce a modular training strategy based on predictive meta-learning. We demonstrate our techniques in simulations on a synthetic linear channel, a synthetic non-linear channel, and a COST 2100 channel. Our results demonstrate that the proposed online training scheme allows receivers to outperform previous techniques based on self-supervision and joint-learning by a margin of up to 2.5 dB in coded bit error rate in rapidly-varying scenarios. ",Online Meta-Learning For Hybrid Model-Based Deep Receivers
+" The combined measurements of proton's structure functions in deeply inelastic scattering at the HERA collider provide high-precision data capable of constraining parton density functions over a wide range of the kinematic variables. We perform fits to these data using transverse momentum dependent QCD factorization and CCFM evolution. The results of the fits to precision measurements are used to make a determination of the nonperturbative transverse momentum dependent gluon density function, including experimental and theoretical uncertainties. We present an application of this density function to vector boson + jet production processes at the LHC. ",Transverse momentum dependent gluon density from DIS precision data
+" This paper proposes an ultra-wideband (UWB) aided localization and mapping system that leverages on inertial sensor and depth camera. Inspired by the fact that visual odometry (VO) system, regardless of its accuracy in the short term, still faces challenges with accumulated errors in the long run or under unfavourable environments, the UWB ranging measurements are fused to remove the visual drift and improve the robustness. A general framework is developed which consists of three parallel threads, two of which carry out the visual-inertial odometry (VIO) and UWB localization respectively. The other mapping thread integrates visual tracking constraints into a pose graph with the proposed smooth and virtual range constraints, such that an optimization is performed to provide robust trajectory estimation. Experiments show that the proposed system is able to create dense drift-free maps in real-time even running on an ultra-low power processor in featureless environments. ",Ultra-Wideband Aided Fast Localization and Mapping System
+" We study the problem of existence of static spherically symmetric wormholes supported by the kink-like configuration of a scalar field. With this aim we consider a self-consistent, real, nonlinear, nonminimally coupled scalar field $\phi$ in general relativity with the symmetry-breaking potential $V(\phi)$ possessing two minima. We classify all possible field configurations ruling out those of them for which wormhole solutions are impossible. Field configurations admitting wormholes are investigated numerically. Such the configurations represent a spherical domain wall localized near the wormhole throat. ",Wormholes supported by the kink-like configuration of a scalar field
+" Formal transformations somehow resembling the usual derivative are surprisingly common in computer science, with two notable examples being derivatives of regular expressions and derivatives of types. A newcomer to this list is the incremental $\lambda$-calculus, or ILC, a ""theory of changes"" that deploys a formal apparatus allowing the automatic generation of efficient update functions which perform incremental computation. The ILC is not only defined, but given a formal machine-understandable definition---accompanied by mechanically verifiable proofs of various properties, including in particular correctness of various sorts. Here, we show how the ILC can be mutated into propagating tangents, thus serving as a model of Forward Accumulation Mode Automatic Differentiation. This mutation is done in several steps. These steps can also be applied to the proofs, resulting in machine-checked proofs of the correctness of this model of forward AD. ",Evolving the Incremental {\lambda} Calculus into a Model of Forward Automatic Differentiation (AD)
+" It was recently shown that functions in $L^4([-B,B])$ can be uniquely recovered up to a global phase factor from the absolute values of their Gabor transforms sampled on a rectangular lattice. We prove that this remains true if one replaces $L^4([-B,B])$ by $L^p([-B,B])$ with $p \in [1,\infty]$. To do so, we adapt the original proof by Grohs and Liehr and use a classical sampling result due to Beurling. Furthermore, we present a minor modification of a result of M\""untz-Sz\'asz type by Zalik. Finally, we consider the implications of our results for more general function spaces obtained by applying the fractional Fourier transform to $L^p([-B,B])$ and for more general nonuniform sampling sets. ",Injectivity of sampled Gabor phase retrieval in spaces with general integrability conditions
+" Electric and magnetic characterization of NbSe2 single crystals is first presented in detail. Then, some preliminary measurements of the fluctuation-diamagnetism (FD) above the transition temperature Tc are presented. The moderate uniaxial anisotropy of this compound allowed us to observe the fluctuation effects for magnetic fields H applied in the two main crystallographic orientations. The superconducting parameters resulting from the characterization suggest that it is possible to do a reliable analysis of the FD in terms of the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) theory. ",Electric and magnetic characterization of NbSe2 single crystals: anisotropic superconducting fluctuations above Tc
+" VERITAS is a new atmospheric Cherenkov imaging telescope array to detect very high energy gamma rays above 100 GeV. The array is located in southern Arizona, USA, at an altitude of 1268m above sea level. The array consists of four 12-m telescopes of Davies-Cotton design and structurally resembling the Whipple 10-m telescope. The four focal plane instruments are equipped with high-resolution (499 pixels) fast photo-multiplier-tube (PMT) cameras covering a 3.5 degree field of view with 0.15 degree pixel separation. Light concentrators reduce the dead-space between PMTs to 25% and shield the PMTs from ambient light. The PMTs are connected to high-speed preamplifiers allowing operation at modest anode current and giving good single photoelectron peaks in situ. Electronics in the focus box provides real-time monitoring of the anode currents for each pixel and ambient environmental conditions. A charge injection subsystem installed in the focus box allows daytime testing of the trigger and data acquisition system by injecting pulses of variable amplitude and length directly into the photomultiplier preamplifiers. A brief description of the full VERITAS focal plane instrument is given in this paper. ",Focal Plane Instrumentation of VERITAS
+" Collective movement occurs in living systems where the simple movements of individual members of a pop- ulation are combined to generate movement of the collective as a whole, displaying complex dynamics which cannot be found in the component parts themselves. The plasmodium stage of slime mould Physarum polycephalum displays complex amoeboid movement during its foraging and hazard avoidance and its movement can be influenced by the spatial placement of attractant and repellent stimuli. Slime mould is attractive to robotics due to its simple component parts and the distributed nature of its control and locomotion mechanisms. We investigate methods of automated guidance of a multi-agent swarm collective along a pre-defined path to a goal location. We demonstrate a closed-loop feedback mechanism using attractant and repellent stimuli. We find that guidance by repellent stimuli (a light illumination mask) provides faster and more accurate guidance than attractant sources, which exhibit overshooting phenomena at path turns. The method allows traversal of convoluted arenas with challenging obstacles and provides an insight into how unconven- tional computing substrates may be hybridised with classical computing methods to take advantage of the benefits of both approaches. ",Automated Guidance of Collective Movement in a Multi-Agent Model of Physarum polycephalum
+" Let c be a real parameter in the Mandelbrot set, and f_c(z):= z^2 + c. We prove a formula relating the topological entropy of f_c to the Hausdorff dimension of the set of rays landing on the real Julia set, and to the Hausdorff dimension of the set of rays landing on the real section of the Mandelbrot set, to the right of the given parameter c. We then generalize the result by looking at the entropy of Hubbard trees: namely, we relate the Hausdorff dimension of the set of external angles which land on a certain slice of a principal vein in the Mandelbrot set to the topological entropy of the quadratic polynomial f_c restricted to its Hubbard tree. ",Topological entropy of quadratic polynomials and dimension of sections of the Mandelbrot set
+ We address the problem of parameter estimation for diffusion driven stochastic volatility models through Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). To avoid degeneracy issues we introduce an innovative reparametrisation defined through transformations that operate on the time scale of the diffusion. A novel MCMC scheme which overcomes the inherent difficulties of time change transformations is also presented. The algorithm is fast to implement and applies to models with stochastic volatility. The methodology is tested through simulation based experiments and illustrated on data consisting of US treasury bill rates. ,Inference for stochastic volatility models using time change transformations
+" Insect-pests significantly impact global agricultural productivity and quality. Effective management involves identifying the full insect community, including beneficial insects and harmful pests, to develop and implement integrated pest management strategies. Automated identification of insects under real-world conditions presents several challenges, including differentiating similar-looking species, intra-species dissimilarity and inter-species similarity, several life cycle stages, camouflage, diverse imaging conditions, and variability in insect orientation. A deep-learning model, InsectNet, is proposed to address these challenges. InsectNet is endowed with five key features: (a) utilization of a large dataset of insect images collected through citizen science; (b) label-free self-supervised learning for large models; (c) improving prediction accuracy for species with a small sample size; (d) enhancing model trustworthiness; and (e) democratizing access through streamlined MLOps. This approach allows accurate identification (>96% accuracy) of over 2500 insect species, including pollinator (e.g., butterflies, bees), parasitoid (e.g., some wasps and flies), predator species (e.g., lady beetles, mantises, dragonflies) and harmful pest species (e.g., armyworms, cutworms, grasshoppers, stink bugs). InsectNet can identify invasive species, provide fine-grained insect species identification, and work effectively in challenging backgrounds. It also can abstain from making predictions when uncertain, facilitating seamless human intervention and making it a practical and trustworthy tool. InsectNet can guide citizen science data collection, especially for invasive species where early detection is crucial. Similar approaches may transform other agricultural challenges like disease detection and underscore the importance of data collection, particularly through citizen science efforts.. ",Deep learning powered real-time identification of insects using citizen science data
+ A brief review of the history of the discovery of the deuteron in provided. The current status of both experiment and theory for the elastic electron scattering is then presented. ,The deuteron: structure and form factors
+" We calculate hyperfine structure intervals $\Delta E^{hfs}(2P_{1/2})$ and $\Delta E^{hfs}(2P_{3/2})$ for P-states in muonic ions of lithium, beryllium and boron. To construct the particle interaction operator in momentum space we use the tensor method of projection operators on states with definite quantum numbers of total atomic momentum F and total muon momentum j. We take into account vacuum polarization, relativistic, quadruple and structure corrections of orders $\alpha^4$, $\alpha^5$ and $\alpha^6$. The obtained numerical values of hyperfine splittings can be used for a comparison with future experimental data of the CREMA collaboration. ","Hyperfine structure of P states in muonic ions of lithium, beryllium and boron"
+" The self-organization of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a transversely pumped optical cavity is a process akin to crystallization: when pumped by a laser of sufficient intensity, the coupled matter and light fields evolve, spontaneously, into a spatially modulated pattern, or crystal, whose lattice structure is dictated by the geometry of the cavity. In cavities having multiple degenerate modes, the quasi-continuum of possible lattice arrangements, and the continuous symmetry breaking associated with the adoption of a particular lattice arrangement, give rise to phenomena such as phonons, defects, and frustration, which have hitherto been unexplored in ultracold atomic settings involving neutral atoms. The present work develops a nonequilibrium field-theoretic approach to explore the self-organization of a BEC in a pumped, lossy optical cavity. We find that the transition is well described, in the regime of primary interest, by an effective equilibrium theory. At nonzero temperatures, the self-organization occurs via a fluctuation-driven first-order phase transition of the Brazovskii class; this transition persists to zero temperature, and crosses over into a quantum phase transition of a new universality class. We make further use of our field-theoretic description to investigate the role of nonequilibrium fluctuations on the self-organization transition, as well as to explore the nucleation of ordered-phase droplets, the nature and energetics of topological defects, supersolidity in the ordered phase, and the possibility of frustration controlled by the cavity geometry. In addition, we discuss the range of experimental parameters for which we expect the phenomena described here to be observable, along with possible schemes for detecting ordering and fluctuations via either atomic correlations or the correlations of the light emitted from the cavity. ","Atom-light crystallization of BECs in multimode cavities: Nonequilibrium classical and quantum phase transitions, emergent lattices, supersolidity, and frustration"
+" We present improvements of a recently introduced numerical method [Arrigoni etal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 086403 (2013)] to compute steady state properties of strongly correlated electronic systems out of equilibrium. The method can be considered as a non-equilibrium generalization of exact diagonalization based dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). The key modification for the non-equilibrium situation consists in addressing the DMFT impurity problem within an auxiliary system consisting of the correlated impurity, $N_b$ uncorrelated bath sites and two Markovian environments (sink and reservoir). Algorithmic improvements in the impurity solver allow to treat efficiently larger values of $N_b$ than previously in DMFT. This increases the accuracy of the results and is crucial for a correct description of the physical behavior of the system in the relevant parameter range including a semi-quantitative description of the Kondo regime. To illustrate the approach we consider a monoatomic layer of correlated orbitals, described by the single-band Hubbard model, attached to two metallic leads. The non-equilibrium situation is driven by a bias-voltage applied to the leads. For this system, we investigate the spectral function and the steady state current-voltage characteristics in the weakly as well as in the strongly interacting limit. In particular we investigate the non-equilibrium behavior of quasi-particle excitations within the Mott gap of the correlated layer. We find for low bias voltage Kondo like behavior in the vicinity of the insulating phase. In particular we observe a splitting of the Kondo resonance as a function of the bias voltage. ",Transport Through a Correlated Interface: Auxiliary Master Equation Approach
+" In the first part I set out some unexplored historical material about the early development of cosmic topology. In the second part I briefly comment new developments in the field since the Lachieze-Rey & Luminet report (1995), both from a theoretical and an observational point of view. ",Past and Future of Cosmic Topology
+" In this paper, a novel knowledge-based genetic algorithm for path planning of a mobile robot in unstructured complex environments is proposed, where five problem-specific operators are developed for efficient robot path planning. The proposed genetic algorithm incorporates the domain knowledge of robot path planning into its specialized operators, some of which also combine a local search technique. A unique and simple representation of the robot path is proposed and a simple but effective path evaluation method is developed, where the collisions can be accurately detected and the quality of a robot path is well reflected. The proposed algorithm is capable of finding a near-optimal robot path in both static and dynamic complex environments. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm are demonstrated by simulation studies. The irreplaceable role of the specialized genetic operators in the proposed genetic algorithm for solving the robot path planning problem is demonstrated through a comparison study. ",A Novel Knowledge-Based Genetic Algorithm for Robot Path Planning in Complex Environments
+" Key agreement is a fundamental cryptographic primitive. It has been proved that key agreement protocols with security against computationally unbounded adversaries cannot exist in a setting where Alice and Bob do not have dependent variables and communication between them is fully public, or fully controlled by the adversary. In this paper we consider this problem when the adversary can ""partially"" control the channel. We motivate these adversaries by considering adversarial corruptions at the physical layer of communication, give a definition of adversaries that can ""partially"" eavesdrop and ""partially"" corrupt the communication. We formalize security and reliability of key agreement protocols, derive bounds on the rate of key agreement, and give constructions that achieve the bound. Our results show that it is possible to have secret key agreement as long as some of the communicated symbols remain private and unchanged by the adversary. We relate our results to the previous known results, and discuss future work. ",Information-theoretically Secure Key Agreement over Partially Corrupted Channels
+" In light of recently revised observational measurements of the radius and spectroscopic parameters of the extremely old and metal-poor Gaia benchmark star HD 140283 -- also known as the Methuselah star due to prior suggestions that its age is in tension with the age of the Universe -- we present new, best estimates for the star's mass and age from stellar modeling. These are derived using 1D stellar evolutionary tracks computed with MESA and the most up-to-date measurements from CHARA interferometry. Excluding modeling variance from the uncertainties, we report a mass of $0.809 \pm 0.001 M_{\odot}$ and an age of $12.01 \pm 0.05$ Gyr ($1 \sigma$). When dominant sources of modeling uncertainty are taken into account, we report $0.81 \pm 0.05 M_{\odot}$ and $12 \pm 0.5$ Gyr, respectively. These results are consistent with recent literature, and the best-fitting age is not in conflict with the currently accepted age of the universe ($13.5$ Gyr; arXiv:1303.5089 [astro-ph.CO]). ",Revised Best Estimates for the Age and Mass of the Methuselah Star HD 140283 using MESA and Interferometry and Implications for 1D Convection
+" Recently a cosmic ray propagation model has been introduced, where anisotropic diffusion is used as a mechanism to allow for $\mathcal{O}(100)$ km/s galactic winds. This model predicts a reduced antiproton background flux, suggesting an excess is being observed. We implement this model in GALPROP v50.1 and perform a $\chi^2$ analysis for B/C, $^{10}$Be/$^{9}$Be, and the recent PAMELA $\bar{p}/p$ datasets. By introducing a power-index parameter $\alpha$ that dictates the dependence of the diffusion coefficient $D_{xx}$ on height $|z|$ away from the galactic plane, we confirm that isotropic diffusion models with $\alpha=0$ cannot accommodate high velocity convective winds suggested by ROSAT, while models with $\alpha=1$ ($D_{xx}\propto |z|$) can give a very good fit. A fit to B/C and $^{10}$Be/$^{9}$Be data predicts a lower $\bar{p}/p$ flux ratio than the PAMELA measurement at energies between approximately 2 GeV to 20 GeV. A combined fit including in addition the $\bar{p}/p$ data is marginal, suggesting only a partial contribution to the measured antiproton flux. ",Antiproton Flux in Cosmic Ray Propagation Models with Anisotropic Diffusion
+" By the age of two, children tend to assume that new word categories are based on objects' shape, rather than their color or texture; this assumption is called the shape bias. They are thought to learn this bias by observing that their caregiver's language is biased towards shape based categories. This presents a chicken and egg problem: if the shape bias must be present in the language in order for children to learn it, how did it arise in language in the first place? In this paper, we propose that communicative efficiency explains both how the shape bias emerged and why it persists across generations. We model this process with neural emergent language agents that learn to communicate about raw pixelated images. First, we show that the shape bias emerges as a result of efficient communication strategies employed by agents. Second, we show that pressure brought on by communicative need is also necessary for it to persist across generations; simply having a shape bias in an agent's input language is insufficient. These results suggest that, over and above the operation of other learning strategies, the shape bias in human learners may emerge and be sustained by communicative pressures. ",The Emergence of the Shape Bias Results from Communicative Efficiency
+" Research in student knowledge and learning of science has typically focused on explaining conceptual change. Recent research, however, documents the great degree to which student thinking is dynamic and context-sensitive, implicitly calling for explanations not only of change but also of stability. In other words: When a pattern of student reasoning is sustained in specific moments and settings, what mechanisms contribute to sustaining it? We characterize student understanding and behavior in terms of multiple local coherences in that they may be variable yet still exhibit local stabilities. We attribute stability in local conceptual coherences to real-time activities that sustain these coherences. For example, particular conceptual understandings may be stabilized by the linguistic features of a worksheet question, or by feedback from the students' spatial arrangement and orientation. We document a group of university students who engage in multiple local conceptual coherences while thinking about motion during a collaborative learning activity. As the students shift their thinking several times, we describe mechanisms that may contribute to local stability of their reasoning and behavior. ",Interactional processes for stabilizing conceptual coherences in physics
+" We present extensive photometric and spectroscopic observations of a peculiar type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2022vqz. It shares many similarities with the SN 2002es-like SNe Ia, such as low luminosity (i.e., $M_{B,\rm max}=-18.11\pm0.16$ mag) and moderate post-peak decline rate (i.e., $\Delta m_{15,B}=1.33\pm0.11$ mag). The nickel mass synthesized in the explosion is estimated as $0.20\pm0.04~{\rm M}_\odot$ from the bolometric light curve, which is obviously lower than normal SNe Ia. SN 2022vqz is also characterized by a slow expanding ejecta, with Si II velocities persisting around 7000 km s$^{-1}$ since 16 days before the peak, which is unique among all known SNe Ia. While all these properties imply a less energetic thermonuclear explosion that should leave considerable amount of unburnt materials, however, absent signature of unburnt carbon in the spectra of SN 2022vqz is puzzling. A prominent early peak is clearly detected in the $c$- and $o$-band light curves of ATLAS and in the $gr$-band data of ZTF within days after the explosion. Possible mechanisms for the early peak are discussed, including sub-Chandrasekhar mass double detonation model and interaction of SN ejecta with circumstellar material (CSM). We found both models face some difficulties in replicating all aspects of the observed data. As an alternative, we propose a hybrid CONe white dwarf as progenitor of SN 2022vqz which can simultaneously reconcile the tension between low ejecta velocity and absence of carbon. We further discuss the diversity of 02es-like objects and possible origins of different scenarios. ",SN 2022vqz: A Peculiar SN 2002es-like Type Ia Supernova with Prominent Early Excess Emission
+" The spread between two lines in rational trigonometry replaces the concept of angle, allowing the complete specification of many geometrical and dynamical situations which have traditionally been viewed approximately. This paper investigates the case of powers of a rational spread rotation, and in particular, a curious periodicity in the prime power decomposition of the associated values of the spread polynomials, which are the analogs in rational trigonometry of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. Rational trigonometry over finite fields plays a role, together with non-Euclidean geometries. ","Spread polynomials, rotations and the butterfly effect"
+" Given a normal toric algebra $R$, we compute a uniform integer $D = D(R) > 0$ such that the symbolic power $P^{(D N)} \subseteq P^N$ for all $N >0$ and all monomial primes $P$. We compute the multiplier $D$ explicitly in terms of the polyhedral cone data defining $R$. In this toric setting, we draw a connection with the F-signature of $R$ in positive characteristic. ",Uniform Symbolic Topologies in Normal Toric Rings
+" We calculate all tree level string theory vacuum to Dp-brane disc amplitudes involving an arbitrary RR-state and two NS-NS vertex operators. This computation was earlier performed by K. Becker, Guo, and Robbins for the simplest case of a RR-state of type C_{p-3}. Here we use the aid of a computer to calculate all possible three-point amplitudes involving a RR-vertex operator of type C_{p+1+2k}. ",Three-Point Disc Amplitudes in the RNS Formalism
+" Laser cooling on weak transitions is a useful technique for reaching ultracold temperatures in atoms with multiple valence electrons. However, for strongly magnetic atoms a conventional narrow-line magneto-optical trap (MOT) is destabilized by competition between optical and magnetic forces. We overcome this difficulty in Er by developing an unusual narrow-line MOT that balances optical and magnetic forces using laser light tuned to the blue side of a narrow (8 kHz) transition. The trap population is spin-polarized with temperatures reaching below 2 microkelvin. Our results constitute an alternative method for laser cooling on weak transitions, applicable to rare-earth-metal and metastable alkaline earth elements. ",Narrow-line magneto-optical cooling and trapping of strongly magnetic atoms
+" We examine the effects of ionization, radiation pressure and main sequence winds from massive stars on self-gravitating, clumpy molecular clouds, thereby modeling the formation and pre-supernova feedback of massive star clusters. We find the process of ``turbulent mass loading'' is effective in confining HII regions. Extrapolating typical Galactic high-mass star forming regions to greater initial gas cloud masses and assuming steady star formation rates, we determine the timescales for cloud disruption. We find that a dense n_c ~ 2 x 10^5 cm^-3 cloud with initial mass M_c ~ 4 x 10^5 M_sun is able to form ~2 x 10^5 M_sun of stars (50% efficiency) before feedback disperses the gas after ~3 Myr. This mass and age are typical of young, optically visible super star clusters (SSCs). The high efficiency permits the creation of a bound stellar system. ",The Genesis of Super Star Clusters as Self-Gravitating HII Regions
+" Cavitation and sulcification of soft elastomers are two examples of thresholdless, nonlinear instabilities that evade detection by linearization. I show that the onset of such instabilities can be understood as a kind of phase coexistence between multiple scale-invariant states, and I constructively enumerate the possible scale-invariant states of incompressible rubber in two dimensions. Whereas true phases (like the affine deformations of rubber) are homogeneous, the alternatives are inhomogeneous. In terms of the thermodynamics of solids, both classes of states must generally be given equal consideration. ",Coexistence of Scale-Invariant States in Incompressible Elastomers
+" A Landau-de Gennes model that integrates the nematic quadrupolar tensor order parameter and complex smectic-A order parameters is used to simulate the two-dimensional growth of an initially homogeneous smectic-A spherulite in an isotropic matrix. These simulations are performed in the shape-dynamic (nano-scale) regime of growth under two material conditions: isotropic nematic elasticity and equal splay-bend nematic elasticity. A comparison of the growth kinetics, spherulite morphology, interfacial/bulk energy landscapes between both cases is made showing that equal nematic splay-bend elasticity is required to reproduce past experimental and theoretical observations. Additionally, a previously unknown undulation instability during spherulite growth is found which, in conjunction with preferred planar anchoring and defect shedding mechanisms at micron length scales, could explain the formation mechanism of focal conic curvature defects and ultimately smectic-A ""batonnet"" structures observed experimentally. ","Shape-dynamic growth, structure, and elasticity of homogeneously oriented spherulites in an isotropic/smectic-A mesophase transition"
+" The enigmatic nonlocal quantum correlation that was famously derided by Einstein as ""spooky action at a distance"" has now been experimentally demonstrated to be authentic. The quantum entanglement and nonlocal correlations emerged as inevitable consequences of John Bell's epochal paper on Bell's inequality. However, in spite of some extraordinary applications as well as attempts to explain the reason for quantum nonlocality, a satisfactory account of how Nature accomplishes this astounding phenomenon is yet to emerge. A cogent mechanism for the occurrence of this incredible event is presented in terms of a plausible quantum mechanical Einstein-Rosen bridge. ",How Does Nature Accomplish Spooky Action at a Distance?
+" Two types of new Chern-Simons (CS) densities, both defined in all odd and even dimensions, are proposed. These new CS densities feature a scalar field interacting with a scalar. In one case this is a Higgs scalar while in the other it is a Skyrme scalar. The motivation is to study the effects of adding these new CS terms to a Lagrangian which supports static soliton solutions prior to their introduction. ",Higgs- and Skyrme-Chern-Simons densities in all dimensions
+" Learning representations on Grassmann manifolds is popular in quite a few visual recognition tasks. In order to enable deep learning on Grassmann manifolds, this paper proposes a deep network architecture by generalizing the Euclidean network paradigm to Grassmann manifolds. In particular, we design full rank mapping layers to transform input Grassmannian data to more desirable ones, exploit re-orthonormalization layers to normalize the resulting matrices, study projection pooling layers to reduce the model complexity in the Grassmannian context, and devise projection mapping layers to respect Grassmannian geometry and meanwhile achieve Euclidean forms for regular output layers. To train the Grassmann networks, we exploit a stochastic gradient descent setting on manifolds of the connection weights, and study a matrix generalization of backpropagation to update the structured data. The evaluations on three visual recognition tasks show that our Grassmann networks have clear advantages over existing Grassmann learning methods, and achieve results comparable with state-of-the-art approaches. ",Building Deep Networks on Grassmann Manifolds
+" Strong light-matter interactions within nanoscale structures offer the possibility of optically controlling material properties. Motivated by the recent discovery of intrinsic long-range magnetic order in two-dimensional materials, which allows for the creation of novel magnetic devices of unprecedented small size, we predict that light can couple with magnetism and efficiently tune magnetic orders of monolayer ruthenium trichloride (RuCl3). First-principles calculations show that both free carriers and optically excited electron-hole pairs can switch monolayer RuCl3 from the proximate spin-liquid phase to a stable ferromagnetic phase. Specifically, a moderate electron-hole pair density (on the order of 10^13 cm-2) can significantly stabilize the ferromagnetic phase by 10 meV/f.u. in comparison to the zigzag phase, so that the predicted ferromagnetism can be driven by optical pumping experiments. Analysis shows that this magnetic phase transition is driven by a combined effect of doping-induced lattice strain and itinerant ferromagnetism. According to the Ising-model calculation, we find that the Curie temperature of the ferromagnetic phase can be increased significantly by raising carrier or electron-hole pair density. This enhanced opto-magnetic effect opens new opportunities to manipulate two-dimensional magnetism through non-contact, optical approaches. ",Optically Driven Magnetic Phase Transition of Monolayer RuCl3
+" Both ecological systems and convective fluid systems are examples of open systems which operate far-from-equilibrium. This article demonstrates that there is a correspondence between a resource-consumer chemostat ecosystem and the Rayleigh-Benard (RB) convective fluid system. The Lorenz dynamics of the RB system can be translated into an ecosystem dynamics. Not only is there a correspondence between the dynamical equations, also the physical interpretations show interesting analogies. By using this fluid-ecosystem analogy, we are able to derive the correct value of the size of convection rolls by competitive fitness arguments borrowed from ecology. We finally conjecture that the Lorenz dynamics can be extended to describe more complex convection patterns that resemble ecological predation. ",A useful correspondence between fluid convection and ecosystem operation
+" The paper at hand studies the heat engine provided by black holes in the presence of massive gravity. The main motivation is to investigate the effects of massive gravity on different properties of the heat engine. It will be shown that massive gravity parameters and graviton's mass modify the efficiency of engine on a significant level. Furthermore, it will be shown that it is possible to have the heat engine for non-spherical black holes in massive gravity and we study the effects of topological factor on properties of the heat engine. Surprisingly, it will be shown that the highest efficiency for the heat engine belongs to black holes with hyperbolic horizon, while the lowest one belongs to spherical black holes. ",Black holes in massive gravity as heat engines
+" Let $\mathfrak{a}$ be a proper ideal of a commutative noetherian ring $R$ and $d$ a positive integer. We answer Hartshorne's question on cofinite complexes completely in the cases $\mathrm{dim}R=d$ or $\mathrm{dim}R/\mathfrak{a}=d-1$ or $\mathrm{ara}(\mathfrak{a})=d-1$, show that if $d\leq2$ then an $R$-complex $X\in\mathrm{D}_\sqsubset(R)$ is $\mathfrak{a}$-cofinite if and only if each homology module $\mathrm{H}_i(X)$ is $\mathfrak{a}$-cofinite; if $\mathfrak{a}$ is a perfect ideal and $R$ is regular local with $d\leq2$ then an $R$-complex $X\in\mathrm{D}(R)$ is $\mathfrak{a}$-cofinite if and only if $\mathrm{H}_i(X)$ is $\mathfrak{a}$-cofinite for every $i\in\mathbb{Z}$; if $d\geq3$ then for an $R$-complex $X$ of $\mathfrak{a}$-cofinite $R$-modules, each $\mathrm{H}_i(X)$ is $\mathfrak{a}$-cofinite if and only if $\mathrm{Ext}^j_R(R/\mathfrak{a},\mathrm{coker}d_i)$ are finitely generated for $j\leq d-2$. We also study cofiniteness of local cohomology $\mathrm{H}^i_\mathfrak{a}(X)$ for an $R$-complex $X\in\mathrm{D}_\sqsubset(R)$ in the above cases. The crucial step to achieve these is to recruit the technique of spectral sequences. ",Hartshorne's question on cofinite complexes
+" By means of high-resolution spectra we have measured radial velocities of the companion (hereafter COM J1740-5340) to the eclipsing millisecond pulsar PSR J1740-5340 in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6397. The radial-velocity curve fully confirms that COM J1740-5340 is orbiting the pulsar and enables us to derive the most accurate mass ratio (M_ PSR/M_COM=5.85+/-0.13) for any non-relativistic binary system containing a neutron star. Assuming a pulsar mass in the range 1.3-1.9 Msun, the mass of COM J1740-5340 spans the interval 0.22-0.32 Msun, the inclination of the system is constrained within 56 deg <= i <= 47 deg and the Roche lobe radius is r_RL ~ 1.5-1.7 Rsun. A preliminary chemical abundance analysis confirms that COM J1740-5340 has a metallicity compatible with that measured for other stars in this metal-poor globular, but the unexpected detection of strong He I absorption lines implies the existence of regions at T>10,000 K, significantly warmer than the rest of the star. The intensity of this line correlates with the orbital phase, suggesting the presence of a region on the companion surface, heated by the millisecond pulsar flux. ",Accurate mass ratio and heating effects in the dual-line millisecond binary pulsar in NGC 6397
+" The complexity of learning problems, such as Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and its variants, multi-task and meta-learning, hyper-parameter learning, and a variety of real-world vision applications, demands a deeper understanding of their underlying coupling mechanisms. Existing approaches often address these problems in isolation, lacking a unified perspective that can reveal commonalities and enable effective solutions. Therefore, in this work, we proposed a new framework, named Learning with Constraint Learning (LwCL), that can holistically examine challenges and provide a unified methodology to tackle all the above-mentioned complex learning and vision problems. Specifically, LwCL is designed as a general hierarchical optimization model that captures the essence of these diverse learning and vision problems. Furthermore, we develop a gradient-response based fast solution strategy to overcome optimization challenges of the LwCL framework. Our proposed framework efficiently addresses a wide range of applications in learning and vision, encompassing three categories and nine different problem types. Extensive experiments on synthetic tasks and real-world applications verify the effectiveness of our approach. The LwCL framework offers a comprehensive solution for tackling complex machine learning and computer vision problems, bridging the gap between theory and practice. ","Learning with Constraint Learning: New Perspective, Solution Strategy and Various Applications"
+" This paper presents a novel channel estimation technique for the multi-user massive multiple-input multiple-output (MU-mMIMO) systems using angular-based hybrid precoding (AB-HP). The proposed channel estimation technique generates group-wise channel state information (CSI) of user terminal (UT) zones in the service area by deep neural networks (DNN) and fuzzy c-Means (FCM) clustering. The slow time-varying CSI between the base station (BS) and feasible UT locations in the service area is calculated from the geospatial data by offline ray tracing and a DNN-based path estimation model associated with the 1-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D-CNN) and regression tree ensembles. Then, the UT-level CSI of all feasible locations is grouped into clusters by a proposed FCM clustering. Finally, the service area is divided into a number of non-overlapping UT zones. Each UT zone is characterized by a corresponding set of clusters named as UT-group CSI, which is utilized in the analog RF beamformer design of AB-HP to reduce the required large online CSI overhead in the MU-mMIMO systems. Then, the reduced-size online CSI is employed in the baseband (BB) precoder of AB-HP. Simulations are conducted in the indoor scenario at 28 GHz and tested in an AB-HP MU-mMIMO system with a uniform rectangular array (URA) having 16x16=256 antennas and 22 RF chains. Illustrative results indicate that 91.4% online CSI can be reduced by using the proposed offline channel estimation technique as compared to the conventional online channel sounding. The proposed DNN-based path estimation technique produces same amount of UT-level CSI with runtime reduced by 65.8% as compared to the computationally expensive ray tracing. ",A Deep Learning and Geospatial Data-Based Channel Estimation Technique for Hybrid Massive MIMO Systems
+" Infrared spectroscopic observations toward objects obscured by dense cloud material show that H$_2$O, CO and, likely, CO$_2$ are important constituents of interstellar ice mantles. In order to accurately calculate the column densities of these molecules, it is important to have good measurements of their infrared band strengths in astrophysical ice analogs. We present the results of laboratory experiments to determine these band strengths. Improved experimental methods, relying on simultaneous independent depositions of the molecule to be studied and of the dominating ice component, have led to accuracies better than a few percent. Furthermore, the temperature behavior of the infrared band strengths of CO and H$_2$O are studied. In contrast with previous work, the strengths of the CO, CO$_2$, and H$_2$O infrared features are found to depend only weakly on the composition of the ice matrix, and the reversible temperature dependence of the CO band is found to be weaker than previously measured for a mixture of CO in H$_2$O. ","The Infrared Band Strengths of H2o, Co and Co2 in Laboratory Simulations of Astrophysical Ice Mixtures"
+" Recent studies revealed an important interplay between the detailed structure of fibration symmetric circuits and the functionality of biological and non-biological networks within which they have be identified. The presence of these circuits in complex networks are directed related to the phenomenon of cluster synchronization, which produces patterns of synchronized group of nodes. Here we present a fast, and memory efficient, algorithm to identify fibration symmetries over information-processing networks. This algorithm is specially suitable for large and sparse networks since it has runtime of complexity $O(M\log N)$ and requires $O(M+N)$ of memory resources, where $N$ and $M$ are the number of nodes and edges in the network, respectively. We propose a modification on the so-called refinement paradigm to identify circuits symmetrical to information flow (i.e., fibers) by finding the coarsest refinement partition over the network. Finally, we show that the presented algorithm provides an optimal procedure for identifying fibers, overcoming the current approaches used in the literature. ",Fast algorithm to identify cluster synchrony through fibration symmetries in large information-processing networks
+" We report on the realization of a matter-wave interferometer based on single-photon interaction on the ultra-narrow optical clock transition of strontium atoms. We experimentally demonstrated its operation as a gravimeter and as a gravity gradiometer. No reduction of interferometric contrast was observed up to an interferometer time $2T=10$ ms, limited by geometric constraints of the apparatus. In the gradiometric configuration, the sensitivity approaches the shot noise limit. Single-photon interferometers represent a new class of high-precision sensors that could be used for the detection of gravitational waves in so far unexplored frequency ranges and to enlighten the boundary between Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity. ",Atom interferometry with the Sr optical clock transition
+" Consider $n$ identical Kuramoto oscillators on a random graph. Specifically, consider \ER random graphs in which any two oscillators are bidirectionally coupled with unit strength, independently and at random, with probability $0\leq p\leq 1$. We say that a network is globally synchronizing if the oscillators converge to the all-in-phase synchronous state for almost all initial conditions. Is there a critical threshold for $p$ above which global synchrony is extremely likely but below which it is extremely rare? It is suspected that a critical threshold exists and is close to the so-called connectivity threshold, namely, $p\sim \log(n)/n$ for $n \gg 1$. Ling, Xu, and Bandeira made the first progress toward proving a result in this direction: they showed that if $p\gg \log(n)/n^{1/3}$, then \ER networks of Kuramoto oscillators are globally synchronizing with high probability as $n\rightarrow\infty$. Here we improve that result by showing that $p\gg \log^2(n)/n$ suffices. Our estimates are explicit: for example, we can say that there is more than a $99.9996\%$ chance that a random network with $n = 10^6$ and $p>0.01117$ is globally synchronizing. ",A global synchronization theorem for oscillators on a random graph
+" We present a simple sufficient condition for triviality of obstruction in the orbifold construction. As an application, we can show the existence of subfactors with principal graph $D_{2n}$ without full use of Ocneanu's paragroup theory. ",A simple sufficient condition for triviality of obstruction in the orbifold construction for subfactors
+" We obtain finiteness theorems for algebraic cycles of small codimension on quadric fibrations X over curves over perfect fields k. For example, if k is finitely generated over Q and the fibration has odd relative dimension at least 11, then CH^{i}(X) is finitely generated for i<=4. ",Finiteness theorems for algebraic cycles of small codimension on quadric fibrations over curves
+ We estimate the amount of temperature-dependent squeezing and entanglement in the collective excitations of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates. We also demonstrate an alternative method of temperature measurement for temperatures much less that the critical temperature. ,Squeezing and entanglement in quasiparticle excitations of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
+" Charge transport through single molecules can be influenced by the charge and spin states of redox-active metal centres placed in the transport pathway. These molecular intrinsic properties are usually addressed by varying the molecules electrochemical and magnetic environment, a procedure that requires complex setups with multiple terminals. Here we show that oxidation and reduction of organometallic compounds containing either Fe, Ru or Mo centres can solely be triggered by the electric field applied to a two-terminal molecular junction. Whereas all compounds exhibit bias-dependent hysteresis, the Mo-containing compound additionally shows an abrupt voltage-induced conductance switching, yielding high to low current ratios exceeding 1000 at voltage stimuli of less than 1.0 V. DFT calculations identify a localized, redox active molecular orbital that is weakly coupled to the electrodes and closely aligned with the Fermi energy of the leads because of the spin-polarised ground state unique to the Mo centre. This situation opens an additional slow and incoherent hopping channel for transport, triggering a transient charging effect of the entire molecule and a strong hysteresis with unprecedented high low-to-high current ratios. ",Field-induced Conductance Switching by Charge-state Alternation in Organometallic Single-Molecule Junctions
+" We provide a complete picture to the self-gravitating non-relativistic gas at thermal equilibrium using Monte Carlo simulations, analytic mean field methods (MF) and low density expansions. The system is shown to possess an infinite volume limit in the grand canonical (GCE), canonical (CE) and microcanonical (MCE) ensembles when (N, V) -> infty, keeping N/V^{1/3} fixed. We compute the equation of state (we do not assume it as is customary in hydrodynamics), as well as the energy, free energy, entropy, chemical potential, specific heats, compressibilities and speed of sound; we analyze their properties, signs and singularities. All physical quantities turn out to depend on a single variable eta = G m^2 N /[V^{1/3} T} that is kept fixed in the N -> infty and V -> infty limit. The system is in a gaseous phase for eta < eta_T and collapses into a dense object for eta > eta_T in the CE with the pressure becoming large and negative. At eta \simeq eta_T the isothermal compressibility diverges and the gas collapses. Our Monte Carlo simulations yield eta_T \simeq 1.515. We find that PV/[NT] = f(eta). The function f(eta) has a second Riemann sheet which is only physically realized in the MCE. In the MCE, the collapse phase transition takes place in this second sheet near eta_{MC} = 1.26 and the pressure and temperature are larger in the collapsed phase than in the gaseous phase. Both collapse phase transitions (in the CE and in the MCE) are of zeroth order since the Gibbs free energy has a jump at the transitions. ","Statistical Mechanics of the self-gravitating gas: thermodynamic limit, phase diagrams and fractal structures"
+" We calculate the supergravity fields sourced by a D-brane with a null travelling wave from disk amplitudes in type IIB string theory compactified on T^4 x S^1. The amplitudes reproduce all the non-trivial features of the previously known two-charge supergravity solutions in the D-brane/momentum frame, providing a direct link between the microscopic bound states and their macroscopic descriptions. ",The supergravity fields for a D-brane with a travelling wave from string amplitudes
+" The aim of this work is to develop a fully-distributed algorithmic framework for training graph convolutional networks (GCNs). The proposed method is able to exploit the meaningful relational structure of the input data, which are collected by a set of agents that communicate over a sparse network topology. After formulating the centralized GCN training problem, we first show how to make inference in a distributed scenario where the underlying data graph is split among different agents. Then, we propose a distributed gradient descent procedure to solve the GCN training problem. The resulting model distributes computation along three lines: during inference, during back-propagation, and during optimization. Convergence to stationary solutions of the GCN training problem is also established under mild conditions. Finally, we propose an optimization criterion to design the communication topology between agents in order to match with the graph describing data relationships. A wide set of numerical results validate our proposal. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work combining graph convolutional neural networks with distributed optimization. ",Distributed Training of Graph Convolutional Networks
+" This is a survey of Frobenius splitting techniques in commutative algebra, based on the first author's lectures at the introductory workshop for the special year in commutative algebra at MSRI in fall 2012. ",Frobenius Splitting in Commutative Algebra
+" Cross-lingual adaptation with multilingual pre-trained language models (mPTLMs) mainly consists of two lines of works: zero-shot approach and translation-based approach, which have been studied extensively on the sequence-level tasks. We further verify the efficacy of these cross-lingual adaptation approaches by evaluating their performances on more fine-grained sequence tagging tasks. After re-examining their strengths and drawbacks, we propose a novel framework to consolidate the zero-shot approach and the translation-based approach for better adaptation performance. Instead of simply augmenting the source data with the machine-translated data, we tailor-make a warm-up mechanism to quickly update the mPTLMs with the gradients estimated on a few translated data. Then, the adaptation approach is applied to the refined parameters and the cross-lingual transfer is performed in a warm-start way. The experimental results on nine target languages demonstrate that our method is beneficial to the cross-lingual adaptation of various sequence tagging tasks. ",Unsupervised Cross-lingual Adaptation for Sequence Tagging and Beyond
+" An inelastic excitation and cluster-decay experiment $\rm {^2H}(^{16}C,~{^{4}He}+{^{12}Be}~or~{^{6}He}+{^{10}Be}){^2H}$ was carried out to investigate the linear-chain clustering structure in neutron-rich $\rm {^{16}C}$. For the first time, decay-paths from the $\rm {^{16}C}$ resonances to various states of the final nuclei were determined, thanks to the well-resolved $Q$-value spectra obtained from the three-fold coincident measurement. The close-threshold resonance at 16.5 MeV is assigned as the ${J^\pi}={0^+}$ band head of the predicted positive-parity linear-chain molecular band with ${(3/2_\pi^-)^2}{(1/2_\sigma^-)^2}$ configuration, according to the associated angular correlation and decay analysis. Other members of this band were found at 17.3, 19.4, and 21.6 MeV based on their selective decay properties, being consistent with the theoretical predictions. Another intriguing high-lying state was observed at 27.2 MeV which decays almost exclusively to $\rm {^{6}He}+{^{10}Be{(\sim6~ MeV)}}$ final channel, corresponding well to another predicted linear-chain structure with the pure $\sigma$-bond configuration. ",Positive-parity linear-chain molecular band in $^{16}$C
+" Recent high-spatial-resolution observations have revealed dust substructures in protoplanetary disks such as rings and gaps, which do not always correlate with gas. Because radial gas flow induced by low-mass, non-gas-gap-opening planets could affect the radial drift of dust, it potentially forms these dust substructures in disks. We investigate the potential of gas flow induced by low-mass planets to sculpt the rings and gaps in the dust profiles. We first perform three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations, which resolve the local gas flow past a planet. We then calculate the trajectories of dust influenced by the planet-induced gas flow. Finally, we compute the steady-state dust surface density by incorporating the influences of the planet-induced gas flow into a one-dimensional dust advection-diffusion model. The outflow of the gas toward the outside of the planetary orbit inhibits the radial drift of dust, leading to dust accumulation (the dust ring). The outflow toward the inside of the planetary orbit enhances the inward drift of dust, causing dust depletion around the planetary orbit (the dust gap). Under weak turbulence ($\alpha_{\rm diff}\lesssim10^{-4}$, where $\alpha_{\rm diff}$ is the turbulence strength parameter), the gas flow induced by the planet with $\gtrsim1\,M_{\oplus}$ (Earth mass) generates the dust ring and gap in the distribution of small dust grains ($\lesssim1$ cm) with the radial extent of $\sim1\text{--}10$ times gas scale height around the planetary orbit without creating a gas gap and pressure bump. The gas flow induced by low-mass, non-gas-gap-opening planets can be considered a possible origin of the observed dust substructures in disks. Our results may be helpful to explain the disks whose dust substructures were found not to correlate with those of the gas. ",Dust ring and gap formation by gas flow induced by low-mass planets embedded in protoplanetary disks $\rm I$. Steady-state model
+" The resurgence of measles is largely attributed to the decline in vaccine adoption and the increase in mobility. Although the vaccine for measles is readily available and highly successful, its current adoption is not adequate to prevent epidemics. Vaccine adoption is directly affected by individual vaccination decisions, and has a complex interplay with the spatial spread of disease shaped by an underlying mobility (travelling) network. In this paper, we model the travelling connectivity as a scale-free network, and investigate dependencies between the network's assortativity and the resultant epidemic and vaccination dynamics. In doing so we extend an SIR-network model with game-theoretic components, capturing the imitation dynamics under a voluntary vaccination scheme. Our results show a correlation between the epidemic dynamics and the network's assortativity, highlighting that networks with high assortativity tend to suppress epidemics under certain conditions. In highly assortative networks, the suppression is sustained producing an early convergence to equilibrium. In highly disassortative networks, however, the suppression effect diminishes over time due to scattering of non-vaccinating nodes, and frequent switching between the predominantly vaccinating and non-vaccinating phases of the dynamics. ",Impact of network assortativity on epidemic and vaccination behaviour
+" Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) are physical techniques widely employed to characterize the morphology and the structure of vesicles such as liposomes or human extracellular vesicles (exosomes). Bacterial extracellular vesicles are similar in size to human exosomes, although their function and membrane properties have not been elucidated in such detail as in the case of exosomes. Here, we applied the above cited techniques, in synergy with the thermodynamic characterization of the vesicles lipid membrane using a turbidimetric technique to the study of vesicles produced by Gram-negative bacteria (Outer Membrane Vesicles, OMVs) grown at different temperatures. This study demonstrated that our combined approach is useful to discriminate vesicles of different origin or coming from bacteria cultured under different experimental conditions. We envisage that in a near future the techniques employed in our work will be further implemented to discriminate complex mixtures of bacterial vesicles, thus showing great promises for biomedical or diagnostic applications. ",Biophysical characterization of membrane phase transition profiles for the discrimination of Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) from Escherichia coli grown at different temperatures
+" This paper deals with the decidability of semigroup freeness. More precisely, the freeness problem over a semigroup S is defined as: given a finite subset X of S, decide whether each element of S has at most one factorization over X. To date, the decidabilities of two freeness problems have been closely examined. In 1953, Sardinas and Patterson proposed a now famous algorithm for the freeness problem over the free monoid. In 1991, Klarner, Birget and Satterfield proved the undecidability of the freeness problem over three-by-three integer matrices. Both results led to the publication of many subsequent papers. The aim of the present paper is three-fold: (i) to present general results concerning freeness problems, (ii) to study the decidability of freeness problems over various particular semigroups (special attention is devoted to multiplicative matrix semigroups), and (iii) to propose precise, challenging open questions in order to promote the study of the topic. ",On the decidability of semigroup freeness
+" In the light of the generalized Sturm-Liouville theorem, the Levinson theorem for the Dirac equation in two dimensions is established as a relation between the total number $n_{j}$ of the bound states and the sum of the phase shifts $\eta_{j}(\pm M)$ of the scattering states with the angular momentum $j$: $$\eta_{j}(M)+\eta_{j}(-M)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$ $$~~~=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} (n_{j}+1)\pi &{\rm when~a~half~bound~state~occurs~at}~E=M ~~{\rm and}~~ j=3/2~{\rm or}~-1/2\\ (n_{j}+1)\pi &{\rm when~a~half~bound~state~occurs~at}~E=-M~~{\rm and}~~ j=1/2~{\rm or}~-3/2\\ n_{j}\pi~&{\rm the~rest~cases} . \end{array} \right. $$ \noindent The critical case, where the Dirac equation has a finite zero-momentum solution, is analyzed in detail. A zero-momentum solution is called a half bound state if its wave function is finite but does not decay fast enough at infinity to be square integrable. ",The Relativistic Levinson Theorem in Two Dimensions
+" We present the results of our study on three close pairs of QSOs. Our results are consistent with the existence of a proximity effect due to the foreground QSO, but due to its weakness we can only reject the absence of such effect at approx. 1 sigma level. By modelling this proximity effect in terms of a simple photoionisation model, we find the best value for the UV ionizing background to be approx. 10**(-20.5) erg cm**(-2) s**(-1) Hz**(-1) srad**(-1) at the Lyman limit, and an absolute lower limit (95\% confidence) of 10**(-21.8) in the same units. This lower limit rejects a number of models for the UV background where it is mostly contributed by QSOs and absorption by Lyman limit systems is taken into account. ",The proximity Effect on the Lyman alpha Forest due to a Foreground QSO
+" In ""I. Smears, E. S\""{u}li, \emph{Discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximation of nondivergence form elliptic equations with Cord\'{e}s coefficients. SIAM J. Numer Anal., 51(4):2088-2106, 2013}"" the authors designed and analysed a discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the approximation of solutions to elliptic partial differential equations in nondivergence form. The results were proven, based on the assumption that the computational domain was convex and \emph{polytopal}. In this paper, we extend this framework, allowing for Lipschitz continuous domains with piecewise curved boundaries. ",A DGFEM for Nondivergence Form Elliptic Equations with Cordes Coefficients on Curved Domains
+" We consider the active Brownian particle (ABP) model for a two-dimensional microswimmer with fixed speed, whose direction of swimming changes according to a Brownian process. The probability density for the swimmer evolves according to a Fokker-Planck equation defined on the configuration space, whose structure depends on the swimmer's shape, center of rotation and domain of swimming. We enforce zero probability flux at the boundaries of configuration space. We derive a reduced equation for a swimmer in an infinite channel, in the limit of small rotational diffusivity, and find that the invariant density depends strongly on the swimmer's precise shape and center of rotation. We also give a formula for the mean reversal time: the expected time taken for a swimmer to completely reverse direction in the channel. Using homogenization theory, we find an expression for the effective longitudinal diffusivity of a swimmer in the channel, and show that it is bounded by the mean reversal time. ",Shape matters: A Brownian microswimmer in a channel
+" We consider the typical one-dimensional strongly degenerate parabolic operator $Pu= u_t - (x^\alpha u_x)_x$ with $0 \sim r^{D-3} $. The theory allows to compute the three and higher density correlators without any assumption.We find that the connected N-points density scales as r_1^{N(D-3)}, when $ r_1 >> r_i, 2\leq i \leq N $. There are no free parameters in this theory. ",Fractal Dimensions and Scaling Laws in the Interstellar Medium and Galaxy Distributions: a new Field Theory Approach
+" The recently approved Juno mission will orbit Jupiter for one year in a highly eccentric (r_min=1.06R_Jup, r_max=39R_Jup) polar orbit (i=90 deg) to accurately map, among other things, the jovian magnetic and gravitational fields. Such an orbital configuration yields an ideal situation, in principle, to attempt a measurement of the general relativistic Lense-Thirring effect through the Juno's node Omega which would be displaced by about 570 m over the mission's duration. Conversely, by assuming the validity of general relativity, the proposed test can be viewed as a direct, dynamical measurement of the Jupiter's angular momentum S which would give important information concerning the internal structure and formation of the giant planet. The long-period orbital perturbations due to the zonal harmonic coefficients J_L, L=2,3,4,6 of the multipolar expansion of the jovian gravitational potential accounting for its departures from spherical symmetry are a major source of systematic bias. While the Lense-Thirring node rate is independent of the inclination i, the node zonal perturbations vanish for i=90. In reality, the orbit injection errors will induce departures \delta i from the ideal polar geometry, so that the zonal perturbations will come into play at an unacceptably high level, in spite of the expected improvements in the low-degree zonals by Juno. A linear combination of Omega, the periJove omega and the mean anomaly M cancels out the impact of J_2 and J_6. A two orders of magnitude improvement in the uncanceled J_3 and J_4 would be needed to reduce their bias on the relativistic signal to the percent level; it does not seem unrealistic because the expected level of improvement in such zonals is three orders of magnitude. ","Juno, the angular momentum of Jupiter and the Lense-Thirring effect"
+" The Ramanujan polynomials were introduced by Ramanujan in his study of power series inversions. In an approach to the Cayley formula on the number of trees, Shor discovers a refined recurrence relation in terms of the number of improper edges, without realizing the connection to the Ramanujan polynomials. On the other hand, Dumont and Ramamonjisoa independently take the grammatical approach to a sequence associated with the Ramanujan polynomials and have reached the same conclusion as Shor's. It was a coincidence for Zeng to realize that the Shor polynomials turn out to be the Ramanujan polynomials through an explicit substitution of parameters. Shor also discovers a recursion of Ramanujan polynomials which is equivalent to the Berndt-Evans-Wilson recursion under the substitution of Zeng, and asks for a combinatorial interpretation. The objective of this paper is to present a bijection for the Shor recursion, or and Berndt-Evans-Wilson recursion, answering the question of Shor. Such a bijection also leads to a combinatorial interpretation of the recurrence relation originally given by Ramanujan. ",Bijections behind the Ramanujan Polynomials
+" This work is about diagrammatic languages, how they can be represented, and what they in turn can be used to represent. More specifically, it focuses on representations and applications of string diagrams. String diagrams are used to represent a collection of processes, depicted as ""boxes"" with multiple (typed) inputs and outputs, depicted as ""wires"". If we allow plugging input and output wires together, we can intuitively represent complex compositions of processes, formalised as morphisms in a monoidal category. [...] The first major contribution of this dissertation is the introduction of a discretised version of a string diagram called a string graph. String graphs form a partial adhesive category, so they can be manipulated using double-pushout graph rewriting. Furthermore, we show how string graphs modulo a rewrite system can be used to construct free symmetric traced and compact closed categories on a monoidal signature. The second contribution is in the application of graphical languages to quantum information theory. We use a mixture of diagrammatic and algebraic techniques to prove a new classification result for strongly complementary observables. [...] We also introduce a graphical language for multipartite entanglement and illustrate a simple graphical axiom that distinguishes the two maximally-entangled tripartite qubit states: GHZ and W. [...] The third contribution is a description of two software tools developed in part by the author to implement much of the theoretical content described here. The first tool is Quantomatic, a desktop application for building string graphs and graphical theories, as well as performing automated graph rewriting visually. The second is QuantoCoSy, which performs fully automated, model-driven theory creation using a procedure called conjecture synthesis. ",Pictures of Processes: Automated Graph Rewriting for Monoidal Categories and Applications to Quantum Computing
+" Energies for excited isospin I=1/2 and I=3/2 states that include the nucleon and Delta families of baryons are computed using quenched, anisotropic lattices. Baryon interpolating field operators that are used include nonlocal operators that provide G_2 irreducible representations of the octahedral group. The decomposition of spin 5/2 or higher spin states is realized for the first time in a lattice QCD calculation. We observe patterns of degenerate energies in the irreducible representations of the octahedral group that correspond to the subduction of the continuum spin 5/2 or higher. The overall pattern of low-lying excited states corresponds well to the pattern of physical states subduced to the irreducible representations of the octahedral group. ",Lattice QCD determination of patterns of excited baryon states
+" We study Hadamard variations with respect to general domain perturbations, particularly for the Neumann boundary condition. They are derived from new Liouville's formulae concerning the transformation of volume and area integrals. Then, relations to several geometric quantities are discussed; differential forms and the second fundamental form on the boundary. ",Liouville's formulae and Hadamard variation with respect to general domain perturbations
+" A compact bilateral single conductor surface wave transmission line (TL) is proposed, converting the quasi-transverse electromagnetic (QTEM) mode of low characteristic impedance slotline into the transverse magnetic (TM) mode of single-conductor TL. The propagation constant of the proposed TL is decided by geometric parameters of the periodic corrugated structure. Compared to conventional transitions between coplanar waveguide (CPW) and single-conductor TLs, such as Goubau line (G-Line) and surface plasmons TL, the proposed structure halves the size and this feature gives important potentials to develop integrated surface wave devices and circuits. The designed structure, sample fabrication and experimental verification are discussed. ",Compact bilateral single conductor surface wave transmission line
+" Natural language generation (NLG) systems are commonly evaluated using n-gram overlap measures (e.g. BLEU, ROUGE). These measures do not directly capture semantics or speaker intentions, and so they often turn out to be misaligned with our true goals for NLG. In this work, we argue instead for communication-based evaluations: assuming the purpose of an NLG system is to convey information to a reader/listener, we can directly evaluate its effectiveness at this task using the Rational Speech Acts model of pragmatic language use. We illustrate with a color reference dataset that contains descriptions in pre-defined quality categories, showing that our method better aligns with these quality categories than do any of the prominent n-gram overlap methods. ",Communication-based Evaluation for Natural Language Generation
+" We discuss the curvilinear web $\boldsymbol{\mathcal W}_{0,n+3}$ on the moduli space $\mathcal M_{0,n+3}$ of projective configurations of $n+3$ points on $\mathbf P^1$ defined by the $n+3$ forgetful maps $\mathcal M_{0,n+3}\rightarrow \mathcal M_{0,n+2}$. We recall classical results which show that this web is linearizable when $n$ is odd, or is equivalent to a web by conics when $n$ is even. We then turn to the abelian relations (ARs) of these webs. After recalling the well-known case when $n=2$ (related to the 5-terms functional identity of the dilogarithm), we focus on the case of the 6-web $\boldsymbol{\mathcal W}_{{0,6}}$. We show that this web is isomorphic to the web formed by the lines contained in Segre's cubic primal $\boldsymbol{S}\subset \mathbf P^4$ and that a kind of `Abel's theorem' allows to describe the ARs of $\boldsymbol{\mathcal W}_{{0,6}}$ by means of the abelian 2-forms on the Fano surface $F_1(\boldsymbol{S})\subset G_1(\mathbf P^4)$ of lines contained in $\boldsymbol{S}$. We deduce from this that $\boldsymbol{\mathcal W}_{{0,6}}$ has maximal rank with all its ARs rational, and that these span a space which is an irreducible $\mathfrak S_6$-module. Then we take up an approach due to Damiano that we correct in the case when $n$ is odd: it leads to an abstract description of the space of ARs of $\boldsymbol{\mathcal W}_{0,n+3}$ as a $\mathfrak S_{n+3}$-representation. In particular, we obtain that this web has maximal rank for any $n\geq 2$. Finally, we consider `Euler's abelian relation $\boldsymbol{\mathcal E}_n$', a particular AR for $\boldsymbol{\mathcal W}_{0,n+3}$ constructed by Damiano from a characteristic class on the grassmannian of 2-planes in $\mathbf R^{n+3}$ by means of Gelfand-MacPherson theory of polylogarithmic forms. We give an explicit conjectural formula for the components of $\boldsymbol{\mathcal E}_n$ that we prove to be correct for $n\leq 12$. ","On the $(n+3)$-webs by rational curves induced by the forgetful maps on the moduli spaces $\mathcal M_{0,n+3}$"
+" G21.5-0.9 is a plerionic supernova remnant (SNR) used as a calibration target for the Chandra X-ray telescope. The first observations found an extended halo surrounding the bright central pulsar wind nebula (PWN). A 2005 study discovered that this halo is limb-brightened and suggested the halo to be the missing SNR shell. In 2010 the spectrum of the limb-brightened shell was found to be dominated by non-thermal X-rays. In this study, we combine 15 years of Chandra observations comprising over 1~Msec of exposure time (796.1~ks with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) and 306.1~ks with the High Resolution Camera (HRC)) to provide the deepest-to-date imaging and spectroscopic study. The emission from the limb is primarily non-thermal and is described by a power-law model with a photon index $\Gamma = 2.22 \, (2.04-2.34)$, plus a weak thermal component characterized by a temperature $kT = 0.37\, (0.20-0.64)$ keV and a low ionization timescale of $n_{e}t < 2.95 \times 10^{10}$ cm$^{-3}$s. The northern knot located in the halo is best fitted with a two-component power-law + non-equilibrium ionization thermal model characterized by a temperature of 0.14 keV and an enhanced abundance of silicon, confirming its nature as ejecta. We revisit the spatially resolved spectral study of the PWN and find that its radial spectral profile can be explained by diffusion models. The best fit diffusion coefficient is $D \sim 2.1\times 10^{27}\rm cm^2/s$ assuming a magnetic field $B =130 \mu G$, which is consistent with recent 3D MHD simulation results. ",The deepest Chandra X-ray study of the plerionic supernova remnant G21.5$-$0.9
+ We give a streamlined proof of the multiplicative ergodic theorem for quasi-compact operators on Banach spaces with a separable dual. ,A concise proof of the Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem on Banach spaces
+" Given a pseudoconvex domain D in C^N, N>1, we prove that there is a holomorphic function f on D such that the lengths of paths p: [0,1]--> D along which Re f is bounded above, with p(0) fixed, grow arbitrarily fast as p(1)--> bD. A consequence is the existence of a complete closed complex hypersurface M in D such that the lengths of paths p:[0,1]--> M, with p(0) fixed, grow arbitrarily fast as p(1)-->bD. ",Holomorphic functions unbounded on curves of finite length
+" In the UK, US and elsewhere, school accountability systems increasingly compare schools using value-added measures of school performance derived from pupil scores in high-stakes standardised tests. Rather than naively comparing school average scores, which largely reflect school intake differences in prior attainment, these measures attempt to compare the average progress or improvement pupils make during a year or phase of schooling. Schools, however, also differ in terms of their pupil demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and these also predict why some schools subsequently score higher than others. Many therefore argue that value-added measures unadjusted for pupil background are biased in favour of schools with more 'educationally advantaged' intakes. But, others worry that adjusting for pupil background entrenches socioeconomic inequities and excuses low performing schools. In this article we explore these theoretical arguments and their practical importance in the context of the 'Progress 8' secondary school accountability system in England which has chosen to ignore pupil background. We reveal how the reported low or high performance of many schools changes dramatically once adjustments are made for pupil background and these changes also affect the reported differential performances of region and of different school types. We conclude that accountability systems which choose to ignore pupil background are likely to reward and punish the wrong schools and this will likely have detrimental effects on pupil learning. These findings, especially when coupled with more general concerns surrounding high-stakes testing and school value-added models, raise serious doubts about their use in school accountability systems. ",Should we adjust for pupil background in school value-added models? A study of Progress 8 and school accountability in England
+" Automatic leaf segmentation, as well as identification and classification methods that built upon it, are able to provide immediate monitoring for plant growth status to guarantee the output. Although 3D plant point clouds contain abundant phenotypic features, plant leaves are usually distributed in clusters and are sometimes seriously overlapped in the canopy. Therefore, it is still a big challenge to automatically segment each individual leaf from a highly crowded plant canopy in 3D for plant phenotyping purposes. In this work, we propose an overlapping-free individual leaf segmentation method for plant point clouds using the 3D filtering and facet region growing. In order to separate leaves with different overlapping situations, we develop a new 3D joint filtering operator, which integrates a Radius-based Outlier Filter (RBOF) and a Surface Boundary Filter (SBF) to help to separate occluded leaves. By introducing the facet over-segmentation and facet-based region growing, the noise in segmentation is suppressed and labeled leaf centers can expand to their whole leaves, respectively. Our method can work on point clouds generated from three types of 3D imaging platforms, and also suitable for different kinds of plant species. In experiments, it obtains a point-level cover rate of 97% for Epipremnum aureum, 99% for Monstera deliciosa, 99% for Calathea makoyana, and 87% for Hedera nepalensis sample plants. At the leaf level, our method reaches an average Recall at 100.00%, a Precision at 99.33%, and an average F-measure at 99.66%, respectively. The proposed method can also facilitate the automatic traits estimation of each single leaf (such as the leaf area, length, and width), which has potential to become a highly effective tool for plant research and agricultural engineering. ",An overlapping-free leaf segmentation method for plant point clouds
+" Topological materials (TMs) are well-known for their topological protected properties. Phononic system has the advantage of direct observation and engineering of topological phenomena on the macroscopic scale. For the inverse design of 3D TMs in continuum medium, however, it would be extremely difficult to classify the topological properties, tackle the computational complexity, and search solutions in an infinite parameter space. This work proposed a systematic design framework for the 3D mechanical higher-order topological insulators (HOTIs) by combining the symmetry indicators (SI) method and the moving morphable components (MMC) method. The 3D unit cells are described by the MMC method with only tens of design variables. By evaluating the inherent singularity properties in the 3D mechanical system, the classic formulas of topological invariants are modified accordingly for elastic waves. Then a mathematical formulation is proposed for designing the helical multipole topological insulators (MTIs) featured corner states and helical energy fluxes, by constraining the corresponding topological invariants and maximizing the width of band gap. Mechanical helical HOTIs with different symmetries are obtained by this method and verified by full wave simulations. This design paradigm can be further extended to design 3D TMs among different symmetry classes and space groups, and different physical systems. ",Efficient Design of Helical Higher-Order Topological Insulators in 3D Elastic Medium
+" The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) optimization algorithm has been widely used for solving machine learning problems. Literature reviews have shown that the LM can be very powerful and effective on moderate function approximation problems when the number of weights in the network is not more than a couple of hundred. In contrast, the LM does not seem to perform as well when dealing with pattern recognition or classification problems, and inefficient when networks become large (e.g. with more than 500 weights). In this paper, we exploit the true power of LM algorithm using some real world aircraft datasets. On these datasets most other commonly used optimizers are unable to detect the anomalies caused by the changing conditions of the aircraft engine. The challenging nature of the datasets are the abrupt changes in the time series data. We find that the LM optimizer has a much better ability to approximate abrupt changes and detect anomalies than other optimizers. We compare the performance, in addressing this anomaly/change detection problem, of the LM and several other optimizers. We assess the relative performance based on a range of measures including network complexity (i.e. number of weights), fitting accuracy, over fitting, training time, use of GPUs and memory requirement etc. We also discuss the issue of robust LM implementation in MATLAB and Tensorflow for promoting more popular usage of the LM algorithm and potential use of LM optimizer for large-scale problems. ",Exploiting the Power of Levenberg-Marquardt Optimizer with Anomaly Detection in Time Series
+ We consider the asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel of a generalized Laplacian for $t\to 0^+$ and characterize the coefficients $a_k$ of this expansion by a natural intertwining property. In particular we will give a closed formula for the infinite order jet of these coefficients on the diagonal in terms of the local expressions of the powers of the given generalized Laplacian in normal coordinates. ,A Characterization of the Heat Kernel Coefficients
+" We consider the problem of secure distributed matrix multiplication (SDMM), where a user has two matrices and wishes to compute their product with the help of $N$ honest but curious servers under the security constraint that any information about either $A$ or $B$ is not leaked to any server. This paper presents a \emph{new scheme} that considers the inner product partition for matrices $A$ and $B$. Our central technique relies on encoding matrices $A$ and $B$ in a Hermitian code and its dual code, respectively. We present the Hermitian Algebraic (HerA) scheme, which employs Hermitian codes and characterizes the partitioning and security capacities given entries of matrices belonging to a finite field with $q^2$ elements. We showcase that this scheme performs the secure distributed matrix multiplication in a significantly smaller finite field and expands security allowances compared to the existing results in the literature. ",HerA Scheme: Secure Distributed Matrix Multiplication via Hermitian Codes
+" In spherical symmetry with radial coordinate $r$, classical Newtonian gravitation supports circular orbits and, for $-1/r$ and $r^2$ potentials only, closed elliptical orbits [1]. Various families of elliptical orbits can be thought of as arising from the action of perturbations on corresponding circular orbits. We show that one elliptical orbit in each family is singled out because its focal length is equal to the radius of the corresponding unperturbed circular orbit. The eccentricity of this special orbit is related to the famous irrational number known as the golden ratio. So inanimate Newtonian gravitation appears to exhibit (but not prefer) the golden ratio which has been previously identified mostly in settings within the animate world. ",Golden Elliptical Orbits in Newtonian Gravitation
+" We present a class of spherically symmetric vacuum solutions to an asymptotically safe theory of gravity containing high-derivative terms. We find quantum corrected Schwarzschild-(anti)-de Sitter solutions with running gravitational coupling parameters. The evolution of the couplings is determined by their corresponding renormalization group flow equations. These black holes exhibit properties of a classical Schwarzschild solution at large length scales. At the center, the metric factor remains smooth but the curvature singularity, while softened by the quantum corrections, persists. The solutions have an outer event horizon and an inner Cauchy horizon which equate when the physical mass decreases to a critical value. Super-extremal solutions with masses below the critical value correspond to naked singularities. The Hawking temperature of the black hole vanishes when the physical mass reaches the critical value. Hence, the black holes in the asymptotically safe gravitational theory never completely evaporate. For appropriate values of the parameters such stable black hole remnants make excellent dark matter candidates. ",Black holes in an asymptotically safe gravity theory with higher derivatives
+" Many imaging problems, such as total variation reconstruction of X-ray computed tomography (CT) and positron-emission tomography (PET), are solved via a convex optimization problem with near-circulant, but not actually circulant, linear systems. The popular methods to solve these problems, alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) and primal-dual hybrid gradient (PDHG), do not directly utilize this structure. Consequently, ADMM requires a costly matrix inversion as a subroutine, and PDHG takes too many iterations to converge. In this paper, we present near-circulant splitting (NCS), a novel splitting method that leverages the near-circulant structure. We show that NCS can converge with an iteration count close to that of ADMM, while paying a computational cost per iteration close to that of PDHG. Through experiments on a CUDA GPU, we empirically validate the theory and demonstrate that NCS can effectively utilize the parallel computing capabilities of CUDA. ",Splitting with Near-Circulant Linear Systems: Applications to Total Variation CT and PET
+" A brief history is given of the factor 2, starting in the most elementary considerations of geometry and kinematics of uniform acceleration, and moving to relativity, quantum mechanics and particle physics. The basic argument is that in all the significant cases in which the factor 2 or 1/2 occurs in fundamental physics, whether classical, quantum or relativistic, the same physical operation is taking place. ",The factor 2 in fundamental physics
+" We present a systematic investigation of jet production at hadron colliders from a phenomenological point of view, with the dual aim of providing a validation of theoretical calculations and guidance to future determinations of parton distributions (PDFs). We account for all available inclusive jet and dijet production measurements from ATLAS and CMS at 7 and 8 TeV by including them in a global PDF determination, and comparing to theoretical predictions at NNLO QCD supplemented by electroweak (EW) corrections. We assess the compatibility of the PDFs, specifically the gluon, obtained before and after inclusion of the jet data. We compare the single-inclusive jet and dijet observables in terms of perturbative behaviour upon inclusion of QCD and EW corrections, impact on the PDFs, and global fit quality. In the single-inclusive case, we also investigate the role played by different scale choices and the stability of the results upon changes in modelling of the correlated experimental systematics. ",Phenomenology of NNLO jet production at the LHC and its impact on parton distributions
+" In this article, we study the deformation theory of locally free sheaves and Hitchin pairs over a nodal curve. As a special case, the infinitesimal deformation of these objects gives the tangent space of the corresponding moduli spaces, which can be used to calculate the dimension of the corresponding moduli space. We show that the deformation of locally free sheaves and Hitchin pairs over a nodal curve is equivalent to the deformation of generalized parabolic bundles and generalized parabolic Hitchin pairs over the normalization of the nodal curve respectively. ",Deformation of Locally Free Sheaves and Hitchin Pairs over Nodal Curve
+" On March 20, 2015, we obtained 159 spectra of the Sun as a star with the solar telescope and the FTS at the Institut f\""ur Astrophysik G\""ottingen, 76 spectra were taken during partial solar eclipse. We obtained RVs using $I_2$ as wavelength reference and determined the RM curve with a peak-to-peak amplitude of almost 1.4 km s$^{-1}$ at typical RV precision better than 1 m s$^{-1}$. We modeled disk-integrated solar RVs using surface velocities, limb darkening, and information about convective blueshift from 3D magneto-hydrodynamic simulations. We confirm that convective blueshift is crucial to understand solar RVs during eclipse. Our best model reproduced the observations to within a relative precision of 10% with residuals less than 30 m s$^{-1}$. We cross-checked parameterizations of velocity fields using a Dopplergram from the Solar Dynamics Observatory and conclude that disk-integration of the Dopplergram does not provide correct information about convective blueshift necessary for m s$^{-1}$ RV work. As main limitation for modeling RVs during eclipses, we identified limited knowledge about convective blueshift and line shape as functions of solar limb angle. We suspect that our model line profiles are too shallow at limb angles larger than $\mu = 0.6$ resulting in incorrect weighting of the velocities across the solar disk. Alternative explanations cannot be excluded like suppression of convection in magnetic areas and undiscovered systematics during eclipse observations. Accurate observations of solar line profiles across the solar disk are suggested. We publish our RVs taken during solar eclipse as a benchmark curve for codes calculating the RM effect and for models of solar surface velocities and line profiles. ",Radial velocity observations of the 2015 Mar 20 eclipse - A benchmark Rossiter-McLaughlin curve with zero free parameters
+" We study the robust charging station location problem for a large-scale commercial taxi fleet. Vehicles within the fleet coordinate on charging operations but not on customer acquisition. We decide on a set of charging stations to open to ensure operational feasibility. To take this decision, we propose a novel solution method situated between the Location Routing Problems with Intraroute Facilities and Flow Refueling Location Problems. Additionally, we introduce a problem variant that makes a station sizing decision. Using our exact approach, charging stations for a robust operation of city-wide taxi fleets can be planned. We develop a deterministic core problem employing a cutting plane method for the strategic problem and a branch-and-price decomposition for the operational problem. We embed this problem into a robust solution framework based on adversarial sampling, which allows for planner-selectable risk tolerance. We solve instances derived from real-world data of the metropolitan area of Munich, containing 1,000 vehicles and 60 potential charging station locations. Our investigation of the sensitivity of technological developments shows that increasing battery capacities show a more favorable impact on vehicle feasibility of up to 10 percentage points compared to increasing charging speeds. Allowing for depot charging dominates both of these options. Finally, we show that allowing just 1% of operational infeasibility risk lowers infrastructure costs by 20%. ",Robust Charging Network Planning for Metropolitan Taxi Fleets
+" We revisit the relationship between three classical measures of particle number, namely the chemical doping $x$, the Hall number $x_{hall}$ and the particle number inferred from the optical sum rule $x_{opt}$. We study the $t$-$t'$-$J$ model of correlations on a square lattice, as a minimal model for High $T_c$ systems, using numerical methods to evaluate the low temperature Kubo conductivites. These measures disagree significantly in this type of system, owing to Mott Hubbard correlations. The Hall constant has a complex behavior with several changes of sign as a function of filling $x$, depending upon the model parameters. Thus $x_{hall}$ depends sensitively on $t'$ and $J$, due to a kind of quantum interference. ","The Hall Number, Optical Sum Rule and Carrier Density for the $t$-$t'$-$J$ model"
+" In this paper, we propose an Integer Linear Model whose solutions are the aperiodic rhythms tiling with a given rhythm A. We show how this model can be used to efficiently check the necessity of the Coven-Meyerowitz's $(T2)$ condition and also to define an iterative algorithm that finds all the possible tilings of the rhythm A. To conclude, we run several experiments to validate the time efficiency of this model. ",An Integer Linear Programming Model for Tilings
+" Organizations concerned about digital or computer forensics capability which establishes procedures and records to support a prosecution for computer crimes could benefit from implementing an ISO 27001: 2013-compliant (ISMS Information Security Management System). A certified ISMS adds credibility to information gathered in a digital forensics investigation; certification shows that the organization has an outsider which verifies that the correct procedures are in place and being followed. A certified ISMS is a valuable tool either when prosecuting an intruder or when a customer or other stakeholder seeks damages against the organization. SOC (Security Operation Center) as an organization or a security unit which handles a large volume of information requires a management complement, where ISMS would be a good choice. This idea will help finding solutions for problems related to digital forensics for non-cloud and cloud digital forensics, including Problems associated with the absence of standardization amongst different CSPs (Cloud service providers). ",ISMS role in the improvement of digital forensics related process in SOC's
+" In recent years economics agents and systems have became more and more interacting and juxtaposed, therefore the social sciences need to rely on the studies of physical sciences to analyze this complexity in the relationships. According to this point of view we rely on the geometrical model of the M\""obius strip used in the electromagnetism which analyzes the moves of the electrons that produce energy. We use a similar model in a Corporate Social Responsibility context to devise a new cost function in order to take into account of three positive crossed effects on the efficiency: i)cooperation among stakeholders in the same sector, ii)cooperation among similar stakeholders in different sectors and iii)the stakeholders' loyalty towards the company. By applying this new cost function to a firm's decisional problem we find that investing in Corporate Social Responsibility activities is ever convenient depending on the number of sectors, the stakeholders' sensitivity to these investments and the decay rate to alienation. Our work suggests a new method of analysis which should be developed not only at a theoretical but also at an empirical level. ","The Corporate Social Responsibility is just a twist in a M\""obius Strip"
+" The aim of the KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment KATRIN is the determination of the absolute neutrino mass scale down to 0.2 eV, with essentially smaller model dependence than from cosmology and neutrinoless double beta decay. For this purpose, the integral electron energy spectrum is measured close to the endpoint of molecular tritium beta decay. The endpoint, together with the neutrino mass, should be fitted from the KATRIN data as a free parameter. The right-handed couplings change the electron energy spectrum close to the endpoint, therefore they have some effect also to the precise neutrino mass determination. The statistical calculations show that, using the endpoint as a free parameter, the unaccounted right-handed couplings constrained by many beta decay experiments can change the fitted neutrino mass value, relative to the true neutrino mass, by not larger than about 5-10 %. Using, incorrectly, the endpoint as a fixed input parameter, the above change of the neutrino mass can be much larger, order of 100 %, and for some cases it can happen that for large true neutrino mass value the fitted neutrino mass squared is negative. Publications using fixed endpoint and presenting large right-handed coupling effects to the neutrino mass determination are not relevant for the KATRIN experiment. ",The KATRIN sensitivity to the neutrino mass and to right-handed currents in beta decay
+" The problem of localization on a geo-referenced satellite map given a query ground view image is useful yet remains challenging due to the drastic change in viewpoint. To this end, in this paper we work on the extension of our earlier work on the Cross-View Matching Network (CVM-Net) for the ground-to-aerial image matching task since the traditional image descriptors fail due to the drastic viewpoint change. In particular, we show more extensive experimental results and analyses of the network architecture on our CVM-Net. Furthermore, we propose a Markov localization framework that enforces the temporal consistency between image frames to enhance the geo-localization results in the case where a video stream of ground view images is available. Experimental results show that our proposed Markov localization framework can continuously localize the vehicle within a small error on our Singapore dataset. ",Image-Based Geo-Localization Using Satellite Imagery
+" While two hidden Markov process (HMP) resp. quantum random walk (QRW) parametrizations can differ from one another, the stochastic processes arising from them can be equivalent. Here a polynomial-time algorithm is presented which can determine equivalence of two HMP parametrizations $\cM_1,\cM_2$ resp. two QRW parametrizations $\cQ_1,\cQ_2$ in time $O(|\S|\max(N_1,N_2)^{4})$, where $N_1,N_2$ are the number of hidden states in $\cM_1,\cM_2$ resp. the dimension of the state spaces associated with $\cQ_1,\cQ_2$, and $\S$ is the set of output symbols. Previously available algorithms for testing equivalence of HMPs were exponential in the number of hidden states. In case of QRWs, algorithms for testing equivalence had not yet been presented. The core subroutines of this algorithm can also be used to efficiently test hidden Markov processes and quantum random walks for ergodicity. ",Efficient tests for equivalence of hidden Markov processes and quantum random walks
+" Rumor source identification in large social networks has received significant attention lately. Most recent works deal with the scale of the problem by observing a subset of the nodes in the network, called sensors, to estimate the source. This paper addresses the problem of locating the source of a rumor in large social networks where some of these sensor nodes have failed. We estimate the missing information about the sensors using doubly non-negative (DN) matrix completion and compressed sensing techniques. This is then used to identify the actual source by using a maximum likelihood estimator we developed earlier, on a large data set from Sina Weibo. Results indicate that the estimation techniques result in almost as good a performance of the ML estimator as for the network for which complete information is available. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first research work on source identification with incomplete information in social networks. ",Identification of Source of Rumors in Social Networks with Incomplete Information
+" The NEWS-G direct dark matter search experiment uses spherical proportional counters (SPC) with light noble gases to explore low WIMP masses. The first results obtained with an SPC prototype operated with Ne gas at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM) have already set competitive results for low-mass WIMPs. The forthcoming next phase of the experiment consists of a large 140 cm diameter SPC installed at SNOLAB with a new sensor design, with improved detector performance and data quality. Before its installation at SNOLAB, the detector was commissioned with pure methane gas at the LSM, with a temporary water shield, offering a hydrogen-rich target and reduced backgrounds. After giving an overview of the improvements of the detector, preliminary results of this campaign will be discussed, including UV laser and Ar-37 calibration data. ",The search for Light Dark Matter with NEWS-G
+" In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the effects of data poisoning attacks on data-driven control methods. Poisoning attacks are well-known to the Machine Learning community, which, however, make use of assumptions, such as cross-sample independence, that in general do not hold for linear dynamical systems. Consequently, these systems require different attack and detection methods than those developed for supervised learning problems in the i.i.d.\ setting. Since most data-driven control algorithms make use of the least-squares estimator, we study how poisoning impacts the least-squares estimate through the lens of statistical testing, and question in what way data poisoning attacks can be detected. We establish under which conditions the set of models compatible with the data includes the true model of the system, and we analyze different poisoning strategies for the attacker. On the basis of the arguments hereby presented, we propose a stealthy data poisoning attack on the least-squares estimator that can escape classical statistical tests, and conclude by showing the efficiency of the proposed attack. ",Analysis and Detectability of Offline Data Poisoning Attacks on Linear Dynamical Systems
+" We consider the discrete memoryless symmetric primitive relay channel, where, a source $X$ wants to send information to a destination $Y$ with the help of a relay $Z$ and the relay can communicate to the destination via an error-free digital link of rate $R_0$, while $Y$ and $Z$ are conditionally independent and identically distributed given $X$. We develop two new upper bounds on the capacity of this channel that are tighter than existing bounds, including the celebrated cut-set bound. Our approach significantly deviates from the standard information-theoretic approach for proving upper bounds on the capacity of multi-user channels. We build on the blowing-up lemma to analyze the probabilistic geometric relations between the typical sets of the $n$-letter random variables associated with a reliable code for communicating over this channel. These relations translate to new entropy inequalities between the $n$-letter random variables involved. As an application of our bounds, we study an open question posed by (Cover, 1987), namely, what is the minimum needed $Z$-$Y$ link rate $R_0^*$ in order for the capacity of the relay channel to be equal to that of the broadcast cut. We consider the special case when the $X$-$Y$ and $X$-$Z$ links are both binary symmetric channels. Our tighter bounds on the capacity of the relay channel immediately translate to tighter lower bounds for $R_0^*$. More interestingly, we show that when $p\to 1/2$, $R_0^*\geq 0.1803$; even though the broadcast channel becomes completely noisy as $p\to 1/2$ and its capacity, and therefore the capacity of the relay channel, goes to zero, a strictly positive rate $R_0$ is required for the relay channel capacity to be equal to the broadcast bound. ",Improving on the Cut-Set Bound via Geometric Analysis of Typical Sets
+" Vortex lines in superconductors in an external magnetic field slightly tilted from randomly-distributed parallel columnar defects can be modeled by a system of interacting bosons in a non-Hermitian vector potential and a random scalar potential. We develop a theory of the strongly-disordered non-Hermitian boson Hubbard model using the Hartree-Bogoliubov approximation and apply it to calculate the complex energy spectra, the vortex tilt angle and the tilt modulus of (1+1)-dimensional directed flux line systems. We construct the phase diagram associated with the flux-liquid to Bose-glass transition and find that, close to the phase boundary, the tilted flux liquid phase is characterized by a band of localized excitations, with two mobility edges in its low-energy spectrum. ",Interaction effects in non-Hermitian models of vortex physics
+ In the present paper we prove a Stieltjes type theorem on the convergence of a sequence of rational functions associated with a mixed type Hermite-Pad\'e approximation problem of a Nikishin system of functions and analyze the ratio asymptotic of the corresponding Hermite-Pad\'e polynomials. ,On the convergence of multi-level Hermite-Pad\'e approximants
+" For highly sensitive real-world predictive analytic applications such as healthcare and medicine, having good prediction accuracy alone is often not enough. These kinds of applications require a decision making process which uses uncertainty estimation as input whenever possible. Quality of uncertainty estimation is a subject of over or under confident prediction, which is often not addressed in many models. In this paper we show several extensions to the Gaussian Conditional Random Fields model, which aim to provide higher quality uncertainty estimation. These extensions are applied to the temporal disease graph built from the State Inpatient Database (SID) of California, acquired from the HCUP. Our experiments demonstrate benefits of using graph information in modeling temporal disease properties as well as improvements in uncertainty estimation provided by given extensions of the Gaussian Conditional Random Fields method. ",Improving confidence while predicting trends in temporal disease networks
+" We present CAISAR, an open-source platform under active development for the characterization of AI systems' robustness and safety. CAISAR provides a unified entry point for defining verification problems by using WhyML, the mature and expressive language of the Why3 verification platform. Moreover, CAISAR orchestrates and composes state-of-the-art machine learning verification tools which, individually, are not able to efficiently handle all problems but, collectively, can cover a growing number of properties. Our aim is to assist, on the one hand, the V\&V process by reducing the burden of choosing the methodology tailored to a given verification problem, and on the other hand the tools developers by factorizing useful features-visualization, report generation, property description-in one platform. CAISAR will soon be available at https://git.frama-c.com/pub/caisar. ",CAISAR: A platform for Characterizing Artificial Intelligence Safety and Robustness
+" Based on a clear ontology of material individuals, we analyze in detail the factual semantics of quantum theory, and argue that the basic mathematical formalism of quantum theory is just okay with (a certain form of ) realism and that it is perfectly applicable to quantum gravity. This is basically a process about 'cleansing' the formalism from semantic assumptions and physical referents that it doesn't really need (we use the term 'semantics' in the sense of the factual semantics of a physical theory, and not in the sense of model theory of abstract mathematics or logic). We base our study on the usual non-Boolean lattice of projectors in a Hilbert space and probability measures on it, to which we give a careful physical interpretation using the mentioned tools in order to avoid the usual problems posed by this task. At the end, we study a possible connection with the theory of quantum duration and time proposed in [arXiv:2012.03994, arXiv:2107.06693], for which this paper serves as a philosophical basis, and argue for our view that quantum gravity may show that what we perceive as change in the classical world was just (an ontologically fundamental) quantum collapse all along. ",The Ontology and Semantics of Quantum Theory for Quantum Gravity
+" We use three different techniques to identify hundreds of white dwarf (WD) candidates in the Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS) based on photometry from the NGVS and GUViCS, and proper motions derived from the NGVS and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Photometric distances for these candidates are calculated using theoretical color-absolute magnitude relations while effective temperatures are measured by fitting their spectral energy distributions. Disk and halo WD candidates are separated using a tangential velocity cut of 200 km~s$^{-1}$ in a reduced proper motion diagram, which leads to a sample of six halo WD candidates. Cooling ages, calculated for an assumed WD mass of 0.6$M_{\odot}$, range between 60 Myr and 6 Gyr, although these estimates depend sensitively on the adopted mass. Luminosity functions for the disk and halo subsamples are constructed and compared to previous results from the SDSS and SuperCOSMOS survey. We compute a number density of (2.81 $\pm$ 0.52) $\times 10^{-3}$~pc$^{-3}$ for the disk WD population--- consistent with previous measurements. We find (7.85 $\pm$ 4.55) $\times 10^{-6}$~pc$^{-3}$ for the halo, or 0.3\% of the disk. Observed stellar counts are also compared to predictions made by the TRILEGAL and Besan\c{c}on stellar population synthesis models. The comparison suggests that the TRILEGAL model overpredicts the total number of WDs. The WD counts predicted by the Besan\c{c}on model agree with the observations, although a discrepancy arises when comparing the predicted and observed halo WD populations; the difference is likely due to the WD masses in the adopted model halo. ",The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey. XXVIII. Characterization of the Galactic White Dwarf Population
+" The evolution and long-term sustenance of cooperation has consistently piqued scholarly interest across the disciplines of evolutionary biology and social sciences. Previous theoretical and experimental studies on collective risk social dilemma games have revealed that the risk of collective failure will affect the evolution of cooperation. In the real world individuals usually adjust their decisions based on environmental factors such as risk intensity and cooperation level. However, it is still not well understood how such conditional behaviors affect the evolution of cooperation in repeated group interactions scenario from a theoretical perspective. Here, we construct an evolutionary game model with repeated interactions, in which defectors decide whether to cooperate in subsequent rounds of the game based on whether the risk exceeds their tolerance threshold and whether the number of cooperators exceeds the collective goal in the early rounds of the game. We find that the introduction of conditional cooperation strategy can effectively promote the emergence of cooperation, especially when the risk is low. In addition, the risk threshold significantly affects the evolutionary outcomes, with a high risk promoting the emergence of cooperation. Importantly, when the risk of failure to reach collective goals exceeds a certain threshold, the timely transition from a defective strategy to a cooperative strategy by conditional cooperators is beneficial for maintaining high-level cooperation. ",Evolution of conditional cooperation in collective-risk social dilemma with repeated group interactions
+" Treatment decisions for brain metastatic disease rely on knowledge of the primary organ site, and currently made with biopsy and histology. Here we develop a novel deep learning approach for accurate non-invasive digital histology with whole-brain MRI data. Our IRB-approved single-site retrospective study was comprised of patients (n=1,399) referred for MRI treatment-planning and gamma knife radiosurgery over 21 years. Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted and T2-weighted Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery brain MRI exams (n=1,582) were preprocessed and input to the proposed deep learning workflow for tumor segmentation, modality transfer, and primary site classification into one of five classes. Ten-fold cross-validation generated overall AUC of 0.878 (95%CI:0.873,0.883), lung class AUC of 0.889 (95%CI:0.883,0.895), breast class AUC of 0.873 (95%CI:0.860,0.886), melanoma class AUC of 0.852 (95%CI:0.842,0.862), renal class AUC of 0.830 (95%CI:0.809,0.851), and other class AUC of 0.822 (95%CI:0.805,0.839). These data establish that whole-brain imaging features are discriminative to allow accurate diagnosis of the primary organ site of malignancy. Our end-to-end deep radiomic approach has great potential for classifying metastatic tumor types from whole-brain MRI images. Further refinement may offer an invaluable clinical tool to expedite primary cancer site identification for precision treatment and improved outcomes. ",A transformer-based deep learning approach for classifying brain metastases into primary organ sites using clinical whole brain MRI
+" Combining insights from machine learning and quantum Monte Carlo, the stochastic reconfiguration method with neural network Ansatz states is a promising new direction for high-precision ground state estimation of quantum many-body problems. Even though this method works well in practice, little is known about the learning dynamics. In this paper, we bring to light several hidden details of the algorithm by analyzing the learning landscape. In particular, the spectrum of the quantum Fisher matrix of complex restricted Boltzmann machine states exhibits a universal initial dynamics, but the converged spectrum can dramatically change across a phase transition. In contrast to the spectral properties of the quantum Fisher matrix, the actual weights of the network at convergence do not reveal much information about the system or the dynamics. Furthermore, we identify a new measure of correlation in the state by analyzing entanglement in eigenvectors. We show that, generically, the learning landscape modes with least entanglement have largest eigenvalue, suggesting that correlations are encoded in large flat valleys of the learning landscape, favoring stable representations of the ground state. ",Geometry of learning neural quantum states
+" Currently, the superconducting diode effect (SDE) is actively discussed due to large application potential in superconducting electronics. In particular, the superconducting hybrid structures based on three-dimensional (3D) topological insulators are among the best candidates due to the strongest spin-orbit coupling (SOC). Most of the theoretical studies of the SDE focus either on full numerical calculation, which is often rather complicated or on the phenomenological approach. In the present paper we perform a comparison of the linearized and nonlinear microscopic approaches in the superconductor/ ferromagnet/ 3D topological insulator (S/F/TI) hybrid structure. Employing the quasiclassical Green's function formalism we solve the problem self-consistently. We show that the results obtained by the linearized approximation are not qualitatively different from the nonlinear solution. Main distinction in the results between the two methods is quantitative, i. e. they yield different supercurrent amplitudes. However, when calculating the so-called diode quality factor the quantitative difference is eliminated and both approaches can result in a good agreement. ",Superconducting diode effect in topological hybrid structures
+" The value of the alpha spectroscopic factor (S_alpha) of the 6.356 MeV 1/2+ state of 17O is believed to have significant astrophysical implications due to the importance of the 13C(alpha,n)16O reaction as a possible source of neutron production for the s process. To further study this effect, an accurate measurement of the 13C(6Li,d)17O reaction at E_lab = 60 MeV has been performed recently by Kubono et al., who found a new value for the spectroscopic factor of the 6.356 MeV 1/2+ state of 17O based on a distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) analysis of these data. This new value, S_alpha approximately = 0.011, is surprisingly much smaller than those used previously in astrophysical calculations (S_alpha approximately = 0.3-0.7) and thus poses a serious question as to the role of the 13C(alpha,n)16O reaction as a source of neutron production. In this work we perform a detailed analysis of the same 13C(6Li,d)17O data within the DWBA as well as the coupled reaction channel (CRC) formalism. Our analysis yields an S_alpha value of over an order of magnitude larger than that of Kubono et al. for the 6.356 MeV 1/2+ state of 17O. ","DWBA analysis of the 13C(6Li,d)17O reaction at 10 MeV/nucleon and its astrophysical implications"
+" We present a lattice simulation study of large $N_c$ regularities of meson and baryon spectroscopy in $SU(N_c)$ gauge theory with two flavors of dynamical fundamental representation fermions. Systems investigated include $N_c=2$, 3, 4, and 5, over a range of fermion masses parametrized by a squared pseudoscalar to vector meson mass ratio between about 0.2 to 0.7. Good agreement with large $N_c$ scaling is observed in the static potential, in meson masses and decay constants, and in baryon spectroscopy. This is an update of the published version of the paper (Phys. Rev. D94 (2016) 034506). ",Lattice study of large $N_c$ QCD
+" In this work we investigate methods to improve the efficiency and scalability of quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry applications. We propose a transformation of the electronic structure Hamiltonian in the second quantization framework into the particle-hole (p/h) picture, which offers a better starting point for the expansion of the trial wavefunction. The state of the molecular system at study is parametrized in a way to efficiently explore the sector of the molecular Fock space that contains the desired solution. To this end, we explore several trial wavefunctions to identify the most efficient parameterization of the molecular ground state. Taking advantage of known post-Hartree Fock quantum chemistry approaches and heuristic Hilbert space search quantum algorithms, we propose a new family of quantum circuits based on exchange-type gates that enable accurate calculations while keeping the gate count (i.e., the circuit depth) low. The particle-hole implementation of the Unitary Coupled Cluster (UCC) method within the Variational Quantum Eigensolver approach gives rise to an efficient quantum algorithm, named q-UCC , with important advantages compared to the straightforward 'translation' of the classical Coupled Cluster counterpart. In particular, we show how a single Trotter step can accurately and efficiently reproduce the ground state energies of simple molecular systems. ",Quantum algorithms for electronic structure calculations: particle/hole Hamiltonian and optimized wavefunction expansions
+" In this paper, we show that a generalized Sasakian space form of dimension greater than three is either of constant sectional curvature; or a canal hypersurface in Euclidean or Minkowski spaces; or locally a certain type of twisted product of a real line and a flat almost Hermitian manifold; or locally a wapred product of a real line and a generalized complex space form; or an $\alpha$-Sasakian space form; or it is of five dimension and admits an $\alpha$-Sasakian Einstein structure. In particular, a local classification for generalized Sasakian space forms of dimension greater than five is obtained. A local classification of Riemannian manifolds of quasi constant sectional curvature of dimension greater than three is also given in this paper. ",Generalized Sasakian space forms and Riemannian manifolds of quasi constant sectional curvature
+ We consider the values at proper fractions of the arithmetic gamma function and the values at positive integers of the zeta function for F_q[theta] and provide complete algebraic independence results for them. ,Algebraic independence of arithmetic gamma values and Carlitz zeta values
+" Switching between finitely many continuous-time autonomous steepest descent dynamics for convex functions is considered. Convergence of complete solutions to common minimizers of the convex functions, if such minimizers exist, is shown. The convex functions need not be smooth and may be subject to constraints. Since the common minimizers may represent consensus in a multi-agent system modeled by an undirected communication graph, several known results about asymptotic consensus are deduced as special cases. Extensions to time-varying convex functions and to dynamics given by set-valued mappings more general than subdifferentials of convex functions are included. ",A unifying convex analysis and switching system approach to consensus with undirected communication graphs
+ The commonly used West and Yennie integral formula for the relative phase between the Coulomb and elastic hadronic amplitudes might be consistently applied to only if the hadronic amplitude had the constant ratio of the real to the imaginary parts al all kinematically allowed values of four momentum transfer squared. ,Limited validity of West and Yennie integral formula for elastic scattering of hadrons
+ Uniform integer-valued Lipschitz functions on a domain of size $N$ of the triangular lattice are shown to have variations of order $\sqrt{\log N}$. The level lines of such functions form a loop $O(2)$ model on the edges of the hexagonal lattice with edge-weight one. An infinite-volume Gibbs measure for the loop O(2) model is constructed as a thermodynamic limit and is shown to be unique. It contains only finite loops and has properties indicative of scale-invariance: macroscopic loops appearing at every scale. The existence of the infinite-volume measure carries over to height functions pinned at the origin; the uniqueness of the Gibbs measure does not. The proof is based on a representation of the loop $O(2)$ model via a pair of spin configurations that are shown to satisfy the FKG inequality. We prove RSW-type estimates for a certain connectivity notion in the aforementioned spin model. ,Uniform Lipschitz functions on the triangular lattice have logarithmic variations
+" We show that an event-by-event fluctuation of the ratio of neutral pions or resulting photons to charged pions can be used as an effective probe for the formation of disoriented chiral condensates. The fact that the neutral pion fraction produced in case of disoriented chiral condensate formation has a characteristic extended non gaussian shape, is shown to be the key factor which forms the basis of the present analysis. ",A Fluctuation Probe of Disoriented Chiral Condensates
+" We study the regularity of the interface between the disjoint supports of a pair of nonnegative subharmonic functions. The portion of the interface where the Alt-Caffarelli-Friedman (ACF) monotonicity formula is asymptotically positive forms an $\mathcal{H}^{n-1}$-rectifiable set. Moreover, for $\mathcal{H}^{n-1}$-a.e. such point, the two functions have unique blowups, i.e. their Lipschitz rescalings converge in $W^{1,2}$ to a pair of nondegenerate truncated linear functions whose supports meet at the approximate tangent plane. The main tools used include the Naber-Valtorta framework and our recent result establishing a sharp quantitative remainder term in the ACF monotonicity formula. We also give applications of our results to free boundary problems. ",Rectifiability and uniqueness of blow-ups for points with positive Alt-Caffarelli-Friedman limit
+" Given a smooth one parameter deformation of associative topological algebras, we define Getzler's Gauss-Manin connection on both the periodic cyclic homology and cohomology of the corresponding smooth field of algebras and investigate some basic properties. We use the Gauss-Manin connection to prove a rigidity result for periodic cyclic cohomology of Banach algebras with finite weak bidimension. ",Smooth deformations and the Gauss-Manin connection
+" A search for charged leptons with large impact parameters using 139 fb$^{-1}$ of $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV $pp$ collision data from the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented, addressing a long-standing gap in coverage of possible new physics signatures. Results are consistent with the background prediction. This search provides unique sensitivity to long-lived scalar supersymmetric lepton-partners (sleptons). For lifetimes of 0.1 ns, selectron, smuon and stau masses up to 720 GeV, 680 GeV, and 340 GeV are respectively excluded at 95% confidence level, drastically improving on the previous best limits from LEP. ",Search for displaced leptons in $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector
+" The Algebraic lambda-calculus and the Linear-Algebraic lambda-calculus extend the lambda-calculus with the possibility of making arbitrary linear combinations of terms. In this paper we provide a fine-grained, System F-like type system for the linear-algebraic lambda-calculus. We show that this ""scalar"" type system enjoys both the subject-reduction property and the strong-normalisation property, our main technical results. The latter yields a significant simplification of the linear-algebraic lambda-calculus itself, by removing the need for some restrictions in its reduction rules. But the more important, original feature of this scalar type system is that it keeps track of 'the amount of a type' that is present in each term. As an example of its use, we shown that it can serve as a guarantee that the normal form of a term is barycentric, i.e that its scalars are summing to one. ",A System F accounting for scalars
+" The nonparametric estimation of the distribution of relaxation times approach is not as frequently used in the analysis of dispersed response of dielectric or conductive materials as are other immittance data analysis methods based on parametric curve fitting techniques. Nevertheless, such distributions can yield important information about the physical processes present in measured material. In this letter, we apply two quite different numerical inversion methods to estimate the distribution of relaxation times for glassy \lila\ dielectric frequency-response data at $225 \kelvin$. Both methods yield unique distributions that agree very closely with the actual exact one accurately calculated from the corrected bulk-dispersion Kohlrausch model established independently by means of parametric data fit using the corrected modulus formalism method. The obtained distributions are also greatly superior to those estimated using approximate functions equations given in the literature. ",Comparison of methods for estimating continuous distributions of relaxation times
+" We investigate the steady-state R\'enyi entanglement entropies after a quench from a piecewise homogeneous initial state in integrable models. In the quench protocol two macroscopically different chains (leads) are joined together at the initial time, and the subsequent dynamics is studied. We study the entropies of a finite subsystem at the interface between the two leads. The density of R\'enyi entropies coincides with that of the entropies of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble (GGE) that describes the interface between the chains. By combining the Generalized Hydrodynamics (GHD) treatment of the quench with the Bethe ansatz approach for the R\'enyi entropies, we provide exact results for quenches from several initial states in the anisotropic Heisenberg chain (XXZ chain), although the approach is applicable, in principle, to any low-entangled initial state and any integrable model. An interesting protocol that we consider is the expansion quench, in which one of the two leads is prepared in the vacuum of the model excitations. An intriguing feature is that for moderately large anisotropy the transport of bound-state is not allowed. Moreover, we show that there is a `critical' anisotropy, above which bound-state transport is permitted. This is reflected in the steady-state entropies, which for large enough anisotropy do not contain information about the bound states. Finally, we benchmark our results against time-dependent Density Matrix Renormalization Group (tDMRG) simulations. ",Towards a Generalized Hydrodynamics description of R\'enyi entropies in integrable systems
+" We compute the hyperbolic covolume of the automorphism group of each even unimodular Lorentzian lattice. The result is obtained as a consequence of a previous work with Belolipetsky, which uses Prasad's volume to compute the volumes of the smallest hyperbolic arithmetic orbifolds. ",Even unimodular Lorentzian lattices and hyperbolic volume
+" We use supernovae measurements, calibrated by the local determination of the Hubble constant $H_0$ by SH0ES, to interpolate the distance-redshift relation using Gaussian process regression. We then predict, independent of the cosmological model, the distances that are measured with strong lensing time delays. We find excellent agreement between these predictions and the measurements. The agreement holds when we consider only the redshift dependence of the distance-redshift relation, independent of the value of $H_0$. Our results disfavor the possibility that lens mass modeling contributes a 10\% bias or uncertainty in the strong lensing analysis, as suggested recently in the literature. In general our analysis strengthens the case that residual systematic errors in both measurements are below the level of the current discrepancy with the CMB determination of $H_0$, and supports the possibility of new physical phenomena on cosmological scales. With additional data our methodology can provide more stringent tests of unaccounted for systematics in the determinations of the distance-redshift relation in the late universe. ",A model independent comparison of supernova and strong lensing cosmography: implications for the Hubble constant tension
+" The principles on which can be based computer model of process of training are formulated. Are considered: 1) the unicomponent model, which is recognizing that educational information consists of equal elements; 2) the multicomponent model, which is considering that knowledge is assimilate with a various strength, and on lesson weak knowledge becomes strong; 3) the generalized multicomponent model which considers change of working capacity of the pupil and various complexity of studied elements of a training material. Typical results of imitating modeling of learning process are presented in article. ","Various models of process of the learning, based on the numerical solution of the differential equations"
+" Despite the increasing popularity of commercial usage of UAVs or drone-delivered services, their dependence on the limited-capacity on-board batteries hinders their flight-time and mission continuity. As such, developing in-situ power transfer solutions for topping-up UAV batteries have the potential to extend their mission duration. In this paper, we study a scenario where UAVs are deployed as base stations (UAV-BS) providing wireless Hotspot services to the ground nodes, while harvesting wireless energy from flying energy sources. These energy sources are specialized UAVs (Charger or transmitter UAVs, tUAVs), equipped with wireless power transmitting devices such as RF antennae. tUAVs have the flexibility to adjust their flight path to maximize energy transfer. With the increasing number of UAV-BSs and environmental complexity, it is necessary to develop an intelligent trajectory selection procedure for tUAVs so as to optimize the energy transfer gain. In this paper, we model the trajectory optimization of tUAVs as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) problem and solve it using Q-Learning algorithm. Simulation results confirm that the Q-Learning based optimized trajectory of the tUAVs outperforms two benchmark strategies, namely random path planning and static hovering of the tUAVs. ",Trajectory Optimization of Flying Energy Sources using Q-Learning to Recharge Hotspot UAVs
+" A $q$-Gaussian measure is a generalization of a Gaussian measure. This generalization is obtained by replacing the exponential function with the power function of exponent $1/(1-q)$ ($q\neq 1$). The limit case $q=1$ recovers a Gaussian measure. For $1\leq q <3$, the set of all $q$-Gaussian densities over the real line satisfies a certain regularity condition to define information geometric structures such as an entropy and a relative entropy via escort expectations. The ordinary expectation of a random variable is the integral of the random variable with respect to its law. Escort expectations admit us to replace the law to any other measures. A choice of escort expectations on the set of all $q$-Gaussian densities determines an entropy and a relative entropy. One of most important escort expectations on the set of all $q$-Gaussian densities is the $q$-escort expectation since this escort expectation determines the Tsallis entropy and the Tsallis relative entropy. The phenomenon gauge freedom of entropies is that different escort expectations determine the same entropy, but different relative entropies. In this note, we first introduce a refinement of the $q$-logarithmic function. Then we demonstrate the phenomenon on an open set of all $q$-Gaussian densities over the real line by using the refined $q$-logarithmic functions. We write down the corresponding Riemannian metric. ",Gauge freedom of entropies on $q$-Gaussian measures
+" MediaSum, a large-scale media interview dataset consisting of 463.6K transcripts with abstractive summaries. To create this dataset, we collect interview transcripts from NPR and CNN and employ the overview and topic descriptions as summaries. Compared with existing public corpora for dialogue summarization, our dataset is an order of magnitude larger and contains complex multi-party conversations from multiple domains. We conduct statistical analysis to demonstrate the unique positional bias exhibited in the transcripts of televised and radioed interviews. We also show that MediaSum can be used in transfer learning to improve a model's performance on other dialogue summarization tasks. ",MediaSum: A Large-scale Media Interview Dataset for Dialogue Summarization
+" Lippmann (or interferential) photography is the first and only analog photography method that can capture the full color spectrum of a scene in a single take. This technique, invented more than a hundred years ago, records the colors by creating interference patterns inside the photosensitive plate. Lippmann photography provides a great opportunity to demonstrate several fundamental concepts in signal processing. Conversely, a signal processing perspective enables us to shed new light on the technique. In our previous work, we analyzed the spectra of historical Lippmann plates using our own mathematical model. In this paper, we provide the derivation of this model and validate it experimentally. We highlight new behaviors whose explanations were ignored by physicists to date. In particular, we show that the spectra generated by Lippmann plates are in fact distorted versions of the original spectra. We also show that these distortions are influenced by the thickness of the plate and the reflection coefficient of the reflective medium used in the capture of the photographs. We verify our model with extensive experiments on our own Lippmann photographs. ",Lippmann Photography: A Signal Processing Perspective
+ We give a direct proof of the fact that elliptic solutions of the associative Yang-Baxter equation arise from appropriate spherical orders on an elliptic curve. ,On elliptic solutions of the associative Yang-Baxter equation
+" We consider a theory of modified gravity possessing d extra spatial dimensions with a maximally symmetric metric and a scale factor, whose (4+d)-dimensional gravitational action contains terms proportional to quadratic curvature scalars. Constructing the 4D effective field theory by dimensional reduction, we find that a special case of our action where the additional terms appear in the well-known Gauss-Bonnet combination is of special interest as it uniquely produces a Horndeski scalar-tensor theory in the 4D effective action. We further consider the possibility of achieving stabilised extra dimensions in this scenario, as a function of the number and curvature of extra dimensions, as well as the strength of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling. Further questions that remain to be answered such as the influence of matter-coupling are briefly discussed. ",Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with extra dimensions
+" In this paper we study the complex simultaneous Waring rank for collections of monomials. For general collections we provide a lower bound, whereas for special collections we provide a formula for the simultaneous Waring rank. Our approach is algebraic and combinatorial. We give an application to ranks of binomials and maximal simultaneous ranks. Moreover, we include an appendix of scripts written in the algebra software Macaulay2 to experiment with simultaneous ranks. ",A note on the simultaneous Waring rank of monomials
+" The classical Einstein-Hilbert (EH) action for general relativity (GR) is shown to be formally analogous to the classical system with position-dependent mass (PDM) models. The analogy is developed and used to build the covariant classical Hamiltonian as well as defining an alternative phase portrait for GR. The set of associated Hamilton's equations in the phase space is presented as a first-order system dual to the Einstein field equations. Following the principles of quantum mechanics, I build a canonical theory for the classical general. A fully consistent quantum Hamiltonian for GR is constructed based on adopting a high dimensional phase space. It is observed that the functional wave equation is timeless. As a direct application, I present an alternative wave equation for quantum cosmology. In comparison to the standard Arnowitt-Deser-Misner(ADM) decomposition and quantum gravity proposals, I extended my analysis beyond the covariant regime when the metric is decomposed into the $3+1$ dimensional ADM decomposition. I showed that an equal dimensional phase space can be obtained if one applies ADM decomposed metric. ",Position-Dependent Mass Quantum systems and ADM formalism
+" The magnon dispersion in the charge, orbital and spin ordered phase in La(0.5)Sr(1.5)MnO(4) has been studied by means of inelastic neutron scattering. We find an excellent agreement with a magnetic interaction model basing on the CE-type superstructure. The magnetic excitations are dominated by ferromagnetic exchange parameters revealing a nearly-one dimensional character at high energies. The nearest neighbor ferromagnetic interaction in La(0.5)Sr(1.5)MnO(4) is significantly larger than the one in the metallic ferromagnetically ordered manganites. The large ferromagnetic interaction in the charge/orbital ordered phase appears to be essential for the capability of manganites to switch between metallic and insulating phases. ",Spin-wave dispersion in orbitally ordered La(0.5)Sr(1.5)MnO(4)
+" The EDGES collaboration reported the finding of an unexpectedly deep absorption in the radio background at 78 MHz and interpreted the dip as a first detection of redshifted 21-cm from Cosmic Dawn. We have attempted an alternate analysis, adopting a maximally smooth function approach to model the foreground. A joint fit to the spectrum using such a function together with a flattened absorption profile yields a best fit absorption amplitude of $921 \pm 35$ mK. The depth of the 21-cm absorption inferred by the EDGES analysis required invoking non-standard cosmology or new physics or new sources at Cosmic Dawn and this tension with accepted models is compounded by our analysis that suggests absorption of greater depth. Alternatively, the measured spectrum may be equally-well fit assuming that there exists a residual unmodeled systematic sinusoidal feature and we explore this possibility further by examining for any additional 21-cm signal. The data then favors an absorption with Gaussian model parameters of amplitude $133 \pm 60$ mK, best width at half-power $9 \pm 3$ MHz and center frequency $72.5 \pm 0.8$ MHz. We also examine the consistency of the measured spectrum with plausible redshifted 21-cm models: a set of 3 of the 265 profiles in the global 21-cm atlas of Cohen et al. 2017 are favored by the spectrum. We conclude that the EDGES data may be consistent with standard cosmology and astrophysics, without invoking excess radio backgrounds or baryon-dark matter interactions. ",The redshifted 21-cm signal in the EDGES low-band spectrum
+" We participated in three of the protein-protein interaction subtasks of the Second BioCreative Challenge: classification of abstracts relevant for protein-protein interaction (IAS), discovery of protein pairs (IPS) and text passages characterizing protein interaction (ISS) in full text documents. We approached the abstract classification task with a novel, lightweight linear model inspired by spam-detection techniques, as well as an uncertainty-based integration scheme. We also used a Support Vector Machine and the Singular Value Decomposition on the same features for comparison purposes. Our approach to the full text subtasks (protein pair and passage identification) includes a feature expansion method based on word-proximity networks. Our approach to the abstract classification task (IAS) was among the top submissions for this task in terms of the measures of performance used in the challenge evaluation (accuracy, F-score and AUC). We also report on a web-tool we produced using our approach: the Protein Interaction Abstract Relevance Evaluator (PIARE). Our approach to the full text tasks resulted in one of the highest recall rates as well as mean reciprocal rank of correct passages. Our approach to abstract classification shows that a simple linear model, using relatively few features, is capable of generalizing and uncovering the conceptual nature of protein-protein interaction from the bibliome. Since the novel approach is based on a very lightweight linear model, it can be easily ported and applied to similar problems. In full text problems, the expansion of word features with word-proximity networks is shown to be useful, though the need for some improvements is discussed. ",Uncovering protein interaction in abstracts and text using a novel linear model and word proximity networks
+" Motivated by the recent discovery of superconductivity on the heterointerface $LaAlO_{3}/SrTiO_{3}$, we theoretically investigate its local electronic structures near an impurity considering the influence of Rashba-type spin-orbit interaction (RSOI) originated in the lack of inversion symmetry. We find that local density of states near an impurity exhibits the in-gap resonance peaks due to the quasiparticle scattering on the Fermi surface with the reversal sign of the pairing gap caused by the mixed singlet and RSOI-induced triplet superconducting state. We also analyze the evolutions of density of states and local density of states with the weight of triplet pairing component determined by the strength of RSOI, which will be widely observed in thin films of superconductors with surface or interface-induced RSOI, or various noncentrosymmetric superconductors in terms of point contact tunneling and scanning tunneling microscopy, and thus reveal an admixture of the spin singlet and RSOI-induced triplet superconducting states. ",Local electronic structures on the superconducting interface $LaAlO_{3}/SrTiO_{3}$
+" This paper is concerned with Freeze LTL, a temporal logic on data words with registers. In a (multi-attributed) data word each position carries a letter from a finite alphabet and assigns a data value to a fixed, finite set of attributes. The satisfiability problem of Freeze LTL is undecidable if more than one register is available or tuples of data values can be stored and compared arbitrarily. Starting from the decidable one-register fragment we propose an extension that allows for specifying a dependency relation on attributes. This restricts in a flexible way how collections of attribute values can be stored and compared. This conceptual dimension is orthogonal to the number of registers or the available temporal operators. The extension is strict. Admitting arbitrary dependency relations satisfiability becomes undecidable. Tree-like relations, however, induce a family of decidable fragments escalating the ordinal-indexed hierarchy of fast-growing complexity classes, a recently introduced framework for non-primitive recursive complexities. This results in completeness for the class ${\bf F}_{\epsilon_0}$. We employ nested counter systems and show that they relate to the hierarchy in terms of the nesting depth. ",On Freeze LTL with Ordered Attributes
+" Recently it has been realized that the production and decay processes of charginos, neutralinos, and sleptons receive corrections which grow like log m_squark for large m_squark. In this paper we calculate the chargino pair production cross section at e+e- colliders with quark/squark loop corrections. We introduce a novel formulation, where the one-loop amplitude is reorganized into two parts. One part is expressed in terms of the ``effective'' chargino coupling gbar and mixing matrices U^P, V^P, and includes all O(log m_squark) corrections, while the other decouples for large m_squark. The form of the one-loop cross section then becomes physically transparent. Our formulation can be easily extended to other loops and processes. Numerically, we find significant corrections due to the effective t-channel coupling gbar, for gaugino-like charginos. In the mixed region, where the chargino has large gaugino and Higgsino components, the corrections due to (U^P,V^P) are also significant. Our numerical results disagree with a previous calculation. We revisit previous studies of the determination of gbar through the measurement of the chargino production cross section. We point out that a previous study, which claimed that the measurement suffers large systematic errors, was performed at a ``pessimistic'' point in MSSM parameter space. We provide reasons why the systematic errors are not a limiting factor for generic parameter choices. ",Radiative Corrections to a Supersymmetric Relation: A New Approach
+" The paper by Landau and Lifshitz on vortex sheets in rotating superfluid appeared in 1955 almost at the same time when Feynman published his paper on quantized vortices in superfluid 4He. For a long time this paper has been considered as an error. But 40 years later the vortex sheets have been detected in chiral superfluid 3He-A in the rotating cryostat constructed in the Olli Lounasmaa Low Temperature Laboratory (Otaniemi, Finland). The equation derived by Landau and Lifshits for the distance between the vortex sheets as a function of the angular velocity of rotation has been experimentally confirmed, which is the triumph of the theory. We discuss different configurations of the vortex sheets observed and to be observed in superfluid 3He-A. ",Superfluids in rotation: Landau-Lifshitz vortex sheets vs Onsager-Feynman vortices
+ Search for double $\beta$ decay of $^{136}$Ce and $^{138}$Ce was realized with 732 g of deeply purified cerium oxide sample measured over 1900 h with the help of an ultra-low background HPGe $\gamma$ detector with a volume of 465 cm$^3$ at the STELLA facility of the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN (Italy). New improved half-life limits on double beta processes in the cerium isotopes were set at the level of $\lim T_{1/2}\sim 10^{17}-10^{18}$~yr; many of them are even two orders of magnitude larger than the best previous results. ,Search for double beta decay of $^{136}$Ce and $^{138}$Ce with HPGe gamma detector
+" The intrinsic spin Hall conductivity and the anomalous Hall conductivity of ferromagnetic L1$_0$-CoPt are studied using first principle calculations of the spin Berry and Berry curvatures, respectively. We find that the Berry curvature and the spin Berry curvature exhibit different symmetry with respect to that of the band structure. The Berry curvature preserves the $C_{4v}$ crystal rotation symmetry along the c-axis whereas the symmetry of the spin Berry curvature reduces to $C_{2v}$. Contributions to the Berry curvature and the spin Berry curvature are classified by the spin character of bands crossing the Fermi level. We find that the reduced symmetry of the spin Berry curvature is due to band crossing points with opposite spin characters. From model Hamiltonian analyses, we show the universality of this distinct symmetry reduction of the spin Berry curvature with respect to the Berry curvature: it can be accounted for based on the form of spin current operator and velocity operator in the Kubo formula. Finally, we discuss the consequence of the reduced symmetry of the spin Berry curvature on the relationship between the anomalous Hall and spin Hall conductivity. When band crossing points with opposite spin characters are present in the reciprocal space, which is often the case, the anomalous Hall conductivity does not simply scale with the spin Hall conductivity with the scaling factor being the spin polarization at the Fermi level. ",Symmetry of Berry and spin Berry curvatures in ferromagnetic CoPt
+" In the absence of direct observations of Europa's particle plumes, deposits left behind during eruptive events would provide the best evidence for recent geological activity, and would serve as indicators of the best places to search for ongoing activity on the icy moon. Here, we model the morphological and spectral signatures of europan plume deposits, utilizing constraints from recent Hubble Space Telescope observations as model inputs. We consider deposits emplaced by plumes that are 1 km to 300 km tall, and find that in the time between the Galileo Mission and the arrival of the Europa Clipper spacecraft, plumes that are < 7 km tall are most likely to emplace deposits that could be detected by spacecraft cameras. Deposits emplaced by larger plumes could be detected by cameras operating at visible wavelengths provided that their average particle size is sufficiently large, their porosity is high, and/or they are salt-rich. Conversely, deposits emplaced by large plumes could be easily detected by near-IR imagers regardless of porosity, or individual particle size or composition. If low-albedo deposits flanking lineated features on Europa are indeed cryoclastic mantlings, they were likely emplaced by plumes that were less than 4 km tall, and deposition could be ongoing today. Comparisons of the sizes and albedos of these deposits between the Galileo and Europa Clipper missions could shed light on the size and frequency of cryovolcanic eruptions on Europa. ",Characterizing deposits emplaced by cryovolcanic plumes on Europa
+" Video question answering (Video QA) presents a powerful testbed for human-like intelligent behaviors. The task demands new capabilities to integrate video processing, language understanding, binding abstract linguistic concepts to concrete visual artifacts, and deliberative reasoning over spacetime. Neural networks offer a promising approach to reach this potential through learning from examples rather than handcrafting features and rules. However, neural networks are predominantly feature-based - they map data to unstructured vectorial representation and thus can fall into the trap of exploiting shortcuts through surface statistics instead of true systematic reasoning seen in symbolic systems. To tackle this issue, we advocate for object-centric representation as a basis for constructing spatio-temporal structures from videos, essentially bridging the semantic gap between low-level pattern recognition and high-level symbolic algebra. To this end, we propose a new query-guided representation framework to turn a video into an evolving relational graph of objects, whose features and interactions are dynamically and conditionally inferred. The object lives are then summarized into resumes, lending naturally for deliberative relational reasoning that produces an answer to the query. The framework is evaluated on major Video QA datasets, demonstrating clear benefits of the object-centric approach to video reasoning. ",Object-Centric Representation Learning for Video Question Answering
+" The angular-dependent critical current density, Jc(theta), and the upper critical field, Hc2(theta), of epitaxial Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 thin films have been investigated. No Jc(theta) peaks for H || c were observed regardless of temperatures and magnetic fields. In contrast, Jc(theta) showed a broad maximum at theta=90 degree, which arises from intrinsic pinning. All data except at theta=90 degree can be scaled by the Blatter plot. Hc2(theta) near Tc follows the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau expression. The mass anisotropy increased from 1.5 to 2 with increasing temperature, which is an evidence for multi-band superconductivity. ",Scaling behaviour of the critical current in clean epitaxial Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 thin films
+" The Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have become very popular recently due to its outstanding performance in various computer vision applications. It is also used over widely studied face recognition problem. However, the existing layers of CNN are unable to cope with the problem of hard examples which generally produce lower class scores. Thus, the existing methods become biased towards the easy examples. In this paper, we resolve this problem by incorporating a Parametric Sigmoid Norm (PSN) layer just before the final fully-connected layer. We propose a PSNet CNN model by using the PSN layer. The PSN layer facilitates high gradient flow for harder examples as compared to easy examples. Thus, it forces the network to learn the visual characteristics of hard examples. We conduct the face recognition experiments to test the performance of PSN layer. The suitability of the PSN layer with different loss functions is also experimented. The widely used Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) and YouTube Faces (YTF) datasets are used in the experiments. The experimental results confirm the relevance of the proposed PSN layer. ",PSNet: Parametric Sigmoid Norm Based CNN for Face Recognition
+" Given a database, the private information retrieval (PIR) protocol allows a user to make queries to several servers and retrieve a certain item of the database via the feedbacks, without revealing the privacy of the specific item to any single server. Classical models of PIR protocols require that each server stores a whole copy of the database. Recently new PIR models are proposed with coding techniques arising from distributed storage system. In these new models each server only stores a fraction $1/s$ of the whole database, where $s>1$ is a given rational number. PIR array codes are recently proposed by Fazeli, Vardy and Yaakobi to characterize the new models. Consider a PIR array code with $m$ servers and the $k$-PIR property (which indicates that these $m$ servers may emulate any efficient $k$-PIR protocol). The central problem is to design PIR array codes with optimal rate $k/m$. Our contribution to this problem is three-fold. First, for the case $12$, we derive a new upper bound on the rate of a PIR array code. Finally, for the case $s>2$, we analyze a new construction by Blackburn and Etzion and show that its rate is better than all the other existing constructions. ",On private information retrieval array codes
+" Consider the diagonal action of the special orthogonal group on the direct sum of a finite number of copies of the standard representation--the underlying field is assumed to be algebraically closed and of characteristic not equal to two. We construct a ""standard monomial"" basis for the ring of polynomial invariants for this action. We then deduce, by a deformation argument, our main result that this ring of polynomial invariants is Cohen-Macaulay. We give three applications of this result: (1) the first and second fundamental theorems of invariant theory for the above action; (2) Cohen-Macaulayness of the moduli space of equivalence classes of semi-stable vector bundles of rank two and degree zero on a smooth projective curve of genus at least three (for this application, characteristic three is also excluded); (3) a basis in terms of traces for the ring of polynomial invariants for the diagonal adjoint action of the special linear group SL(2) on a finite number of copies of its Lie algebra sl(2). ","Standard monomial bases, moduli of vector bundles, and invariant theory"
+" We analyse the current status of the dilaton domination scenario in the MSSM and its singlet extensions taking into account the measured value of the Higgs mass, the relic abundance of dark matter and constraints from SUSY searches at the LHC. We find that in the case of the MSSM the requirement of a dark matter relic abundance in accord with observation severely restricts the allowed parameter space, implying an upper bound on the superpartner masses which makes it fully testable at LHC-14. In singlet extensions with a large singlet-MSSM coupling $\lambda$ as favoured by naturalness arguments the coloured sparticles should again be within the reach of the LHC-14, while for small $\lambda$ it is possible to decouple the MSSM and singlet sectors, achieving the correct dark matter abundance with a singlino LSP while allowing for a heavy MSSM spectrum. ",Dilaton domination in the MSSM and its singlet extensions
+" Building on our previously introduced Multi-cell Monte Carlo (MC)^2 method for modeling phase coexistence, this paper provides important improvements for efficient determination of phase equilibria in solids. The (MC)^2 method uses multiple cells, representing possible phases. Mass transfer between cells is modeled virtually by solving the mass balance equation after the composition of each cell is changed arbitrarily. However, searching for the minimum free energy during this process poses a practical problem. The solution to the mass balance equation is not unique away from equilibrium and consequently the algorithm is in risk of getting trapped in nonequilibrium solutions. Therefore, a proper stopping condition for (MC)^2 is currently lacking. In this work, we introduce a consistency check via a predictor-corrector algorithm to penalize solutions that do not satisfy a necessary condition for equivalence of chemical potentials and steer the system towards finding equilibrium. The most general acceptance criteria for (MC)^2 is derived starting from the isothermic-isobaric Gibbs Ensemble for mixtures. Using this ensemble, translational MC moves are added to include vibrational excitations as well as volume MC moves to ensure the condition of constant pressure and temperature entirely with a MC approach, without relying on any other method for relaxation of these degrees of freedom. As a proof of concept the method is applied to two binary alloys with miscibility gaps and a model quaternary alloy, using classical interatomic potentials. ",Efficient determination of solid-state phase equilibrium with the Mutli-Cell Monte Carlo method
+" Hyperparameters in machine learning (ML) have received a fair amount of attention, and hyperparameter tuning has come to be regarded as an important step in the ML pipeline. But just how useful is said tuning? While smaller-scale experiments have been previously conducted, herein we carry out a large-scale investigation, specifically, one involving 26 ML algorithms, 250 datasets (regression and both binary and multinomial classification), 6 score metrics, and 28,857,600 algorithm runs. Analyzing the results we conclude that for many ML algorithms we should not expect considerable gains from hyperparameter tuning on average, however, there may be some datasets for which default hyperparameters perform poorly, this latter being truer for some algorithms than others. By defining a single hp_score value, which combines an algorithm's accumulated statistics, we are able to rank the 26 ML algorithms from those expected to gain the most from hyperparameter tuning to those expected to gain the least. We believe such a study may serve ML practitioners at large. ",High Per Parameter: A Large-Scale Study of Hyperparameter Tuning for Machine Learning Algorithms
+" The max-algebraic core of a nonnegative matrix is the intersection of column spans of all max-algebraic matrix powers. Here we investigate the action of a matrix on its core. Being closely related to ultimate periodicity of matrix powers, this study leads us to new modifications and geometric characterizations of robust, orbit periodic and weakly stable matrices. ",On the max-algebraic core of a nonnegative matrix
+ The Orthomin ( Omin ) and the Generalized Minimal Residual method ( GMRES ) are commonly used iterative methods for approximating the solution of non-symmetric linear systems. The s-step generalizations of these methods enhance their data locality parallel and properties by forming s simultaneous search direction vectors. Good data locality is the key in achieving near peak rates on memory hierarchical supercomputers. The theoretical derivation of the s-step Arnoldi and Omin has been published in the past. Here we derive the s-step GMRES method. We then implement s-step Omin and GMRES on a Cray-2 hierarchical memory supercomputer. ,s-Step Orthomin and GMRES implemented on parallel computers
+" Broadband laser ultrasonics and two dimensional Fourier transformation are used to characterize the properties of varieties of foils and plates. Laser ultrasonics generation is achieved by use of a pulsed laser which deposits pulsed laser energy on the surface of the specimen. The displacement amplitude of the resulting broadband ultrasonic modes are monitored using a two wave mixing photo-refractive interferometer. By applying a two dimensional Fourier transformation to the detected spatial and temporal displacement waveforms, the images of density of state (DOS) for the excited ultrasounds are obtained. Results are presented for a 150 um thick paper sample, a 52.8 um stainless steel foil and a 1.27 mm thick aluminum plate. The DOS image demonstrates the ability to measure the properties of each generated ultrasonic modes and provides a direct, non destructive, measure of elastic moduli of the tested specimens ",Non Destructive Determination Of Elastic Moduli By Two Dimensional Fourier Transformation And Laser Ultrasonic Technique
+" We investigate colour selection techniques for high redshift galaxies in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey Early Data Release (UDS EDR). Combined with very deep Subaru optical photometry, the depth (K_AB = 22.5) and area (0.62 deg^2) of the UDS EDR allows us to investigate optical/near-IR selection using a large sample of over 30,000 objects. By using the B-z, z-K colour-colour diagram (the BzK technique) we identify over 7500 candidate galaxies at z > 1.4, which can be further separated into passive and starforming systems (pBzK and sBzK respectively). Our unique sample allows us to identify a new feature not previously seen in BzK diagrams, consistent with the passively evolving track of early type galaxies at z < 1.4. We also compare the BzK technique with the R-K colour selection of Extremely Red Objects (EROs) and the J-K selection of Distant Red Galaxies (DRGs), and quantify the overlap between these populations. We find that the majority of DRGs, at these relatively bright magnitudes are also EROs. Since previous studies have found that DRGs at these magnitudes have redshifts of z ~ 1 we determine that these DRG/ERO galaxies have SEDs consistent with being dusty star-forming galaxies or AGN at z < 2. Finally we observe a flattening in the number counts of pBzK galaxies, similar to other studies, which may indicate that we are sampling the luminosity function of passive z > 1 galaxies over a narrow redshift range. ",The colour selection of distant galaxies in the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey Early Data Release
+" We study the lattice agreement (LA) and atomic snapshot problems in asynchronous message-passing systems where up to $f$ nodes may crash. Our main result is a crash-tolerant atomic snapshot algorithm with \textit{amortized constant round complexity}. To the best of our knowledge, the best prior result is given by Delporte et al. [TPDS, 18] with amortized $O(n)$ complexity if there are more scans than updates. Our algorithm achieves amortized constant round if there are $\Omega(\sqrt{k})$ operations, where $k$ is the number of actual failures in an execution and is bounded by $f$. Moreover, when there is no failure, our algorithm has $O(1)$ round complexity unconditionally. To achieve amortized constant round complexity, we devise a simple \textit{early-stopping} lattice agreement algorithm and use it to ""order"" the update and scan operations for our snapshot object. Our LA algorithm has $O(\sqrt{k})$ round complexity. It is the first early-stopping LA algorithm in asynchronous systems. ",Amortized Constant Round Atomic Snapshot in Message-Passing Systems
+" We describe the moduli spaces of theories with 32 or 16 supercharges, from several points of view. Included is a review of backgrounds with D-branes (including type I' vacua and F-theory), a discussion of holonomy of Riemannian metrics, and an introduction to the relevant portions of algebraic geometry. The case of K3 surfaces is treated in some detail. ",TASI Lectures on Compatification and Duality
+" We investigate field-driven domain wall (DW) propagation in magnetic nanowires in the framework of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. We propose a new strategy to speed up the DW motion in a uniaxial magnetic nanowire by using an optimal space-dependent field pulse synchronized with the DW propagation. Depending on the damping parameter, the DW velocity can be increased by about two orders of magnitude compared the standard case of a static uniform field. Moreover, under the optimal field pulse, the change in total magnetic energy in the nanowire is proportional to the DW velocity, implying that rapid energy release is essential for fast DW propagation. ",Fast domain wall propagation under an optimal field pulse in magnetic nanowires
+ We will review the main aspects of a mechanism for the contemporary generation of the baryon and Dark Matter abundances from the out-of-equilibrium decay of a Wimp-like mother particle and briefly discuss a concrete realization in a Supersymmetric scenario. ,Dark Matter and Baryon Asymmetry production from out-of-equilibrium decays of Supersymmetric states
+" Continual Learning (CL) methods focus on accumulating knowledge over time while avoiding catastrophic forgetting. Recently, Wortsman et al. (2020) proposed a CL method, SupSup, which uses a randomly initialized, fixed base network (model) and finds a supermask for each new task that selectively keeps or removes each weight to produce a subnetwork. They prevent forgetting as the network weights are not being updated. Although there is no forgetting, the performance of SupSup is sub-optimal because fixed weights restrict its representational power. Furthermore, there is no accumulation or transfer of knowledge inside the model when new tasks are learned. Hence, we propose ExSSNeT (Exclusive Supermask SubNEtwork Training), that performs exclusive and non-overlapping subnetwork weight training. This avoids conflicting updates to the shared weights by subsequent tasks to improve performance while still preventing forgetting. Furthermore, we propose a novel KNN-based Knowledge Transfer (KKT) module that utilizes previously acquired knowledge to learn new tasks better and faster. We demonstrate that ExSSNeT outperforms strong previous methods on both NLP and Vision domains while preventing forgetting. Moreover, ExSSNeT is particularly advantageous for sparse masks that activate 2-10% of the model parameters, resulting in an average improvement of 8.3% over SupSup. Furthermore, ExSSNeT scales to a large number of tasks (100). Our code is available at https://github.com/prateeky2806/exessnet. ",Exclusive Supermask Subnetwork Training for Continual Learning
+" We present a survey on generic singularities of geodesic flows in smooth signature changing metrics (often called pseudo-Riemannian) in dimension 2. Generically, a pseudo-Riemannian metric on a 2-manifold $S$ changes its signature (degenerates) along a curve $S_0$, which locally separates $S$ into a Riemannian ($R$) and a Lorentzian ($L$) domain. The geodesic flow does not have singularities over $R$ and $L$, and for any point $q \in R \cup L$ and every tangential direction $p$ there exists a unique geodesic passing through the point $q$ with the direction $p$. On the contrary, geodesics cannot pass through a point $q \in S_0$ in arbitrary tangential directions, but only in some admissible directions; the number of admissible directions is 1 or 2 or 3. We study this phenomenon and the local properties of geodesics near $q \in S_0$. ",A brief survey on singularities of geodesic flows in smooth signature changing metrics on 2-surfaces
+" By propagating the many-body Schr\""odinger equation, we determine the exact time-dependent Kohn-Sham potential for a system of strongly correlated electrons which undergo field-induced tunneling. Numerous features are entirely absent from the approximations commonly used in time-dependent density-functional theory. The self-interaction correction is strong and time dependent, owing to electron localization, and prominent dynamic spatial potential steps arise from minima in the charge density, as modified by the Coulomb interaction experienced by the partially tunneled electron. ",Exact time-dependent density-functional potentials for strongly correlated tunneling electrons
+" We compare four loop quantum gravity inspired black hole metrics near the Planck scale. Spin 0, 1/2, 1, and 2 field perturbations on these backgrounds are studied. The axial gravitational quasinormal modes are calculated and compared. The time evolution of the ringdown is examined. We also calculate the quasinormal modes in the eikonal limit and compare with the predictions from circular null geodesics. ",Quasinormal modes of loop quantum black holes near the Planck scale
+" Muon lepton flavor processes are reviewed in connection with search for physics beyond the standard model. Several methods to distinguish different theoretical models are discussed for $\mu \to e \gamma$, $\mu \to 3 e$, and $\mu - e$ conversion processes. New calculation of the $\mu - e$ conversion rate is presented including a Higgs boson mediated effect in the supersymmetric seesaw model. ",Searching for New Physics through LFV Processes
+" The magneto-crystalline anisotropy (MCA) of (Ga,Mn)As films has been studied on the basis of ab-initio electronic structure theory by performing magnetic torque calculations. An appreciable contribution to the in-plane uniaxial anisotropy can be attributed to an extended region adjacent to the surface. Calculations of the exchange tensor allow to ascribe a significant part to the MCA to the exchange anisotropy, caused either by a tetragonal distortion of the lattice or by the presence of the surface or interface. ","Spin-orbit coupling effect in (Ga,Mn)As films: anisotropic exchange interactions and magnetocrystalline anisotropy"
+" The defining feature of scalar sequestering is that the MSSM squark and slepton masses as well as all entries of the scalar Higgs mass matrix vanish at some high scale. This ultraviolet boundary condition - scalar masses vanish while gaugino and Higgsino masses are unsuppressed - is independent of the supersymmetry breaking mediation mechanism. It is the result of renormalization group scaling from approximately conformal strong dynamics in the hidden sector. We review the mechanism of scalar sequestering and prove that the same dynamics which suppresses scalar soft masses and the B_mu term also drives the Higgs soft masses to -|mu|^2. Thus the supersymmetric contribution to the Higgs mass matrix from the mu-term is exactly canceled by the soft masses. Scalar sequestering has two tell-tale predictions for the superpartner spectrum in addition to the usual gaugino mediation predictions: Higgsinos are much heavier (mu > TeV) than scalar Higgses (m_A ~ few hundred GeV), and third generation scalar masses are enhanced because of new positive contributions from Higgs loops. ",Phenomenology of SUSY with scalar sequestering
+" Optimization of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) downlink with an energy harvesting transmitter (base station) is considered. The base station (BS), which is attached to the central controller of the network, sends control information to the gateways of individual WSNs in the downlink. This paper specifically addresses the case where the BS is supplied with solar energy. Leveraging the daily periodicity inherent in solar energy harvesting, the schedule for delivery of maintenance messages from the BS to the nodes of a distributed network is optimized. Differences in channel gain from the BS to sensor nodes make it a challenge to provide service to each of them while efficiently spending the harvested energy. Based on PTF (Power-Time-Fair), a close-to-optimal solution for fair allocation of harvested energy in a wireless downlink proposed in previous work, we develop an online algorithm, PTF-On, that operates two algorithms in tandem: A prediction algorithm based on a Kalman filter that operates on solar irradiation measurements, and a modified version of PTF. PTF-On can predict the energy arrival profile throughout the day and schedule transmission to nodes to maximize total throughput in a proportionally fair way. ",Kalman Prediction Based Proportional Fair Resource Allocation for a Solar Powered Wireless Downlink
+" Single-molecule experiments have found near-perfect thermodynamic efficiency in the rotary motor F1-ATP synthase. To help elucidate the principles underlying nonequilibrium energetic efficiency in such stochastic machines, we investigate driving protocols that minimize dissipation near equilibrium in a simple model rotary mechanochemical motor, as determined by a generalized friction coefficient. Our simple model has a periodic friction coefficient that peaks near system energy barriers. This implies a minimum-dissipation protocol that proceeds rapidly when the system is overwhelmingly in a single macrostate, but slows significantly near energy barriers, thereby harnessing thermal fluctuations to kick the system over energy barriers with minimal work input. This model also manifests a phenomenon not seen in otherwise similar non-periodic systems: sufficiently fast protocols can effectively lap the system. While this leads to a non-trivial tradeoff between accuracy of driving and energetic cost, we find that our designed protocols out-perform naive protocols. ",Optimal Control of Rotary Motors
+ We show that a (3+1)-dimensional system composed of an open magnetic vortex and an electrical point charge exhibits the phenomenon of Fermi-Bose transmutation. In order to provide the physical realization of this system we focus on the lattice compact scalar electrodynamics $SQED_c$ whose topological excitations are open Nielsen-Olesen strings with magnetic monopoles attached at their ends. ,Fractional Statistics in Three Dimensions: Compact Maxwell-Higgs System
+" Aiming to improve the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) outputs with a post-processing step, ASR error correction (EC) techniques have been widely developed due to their efficiency in using parallel text data. Previous works mainly focus on using text or/ and speech data, which hinders the performance gain when not only text and speech information, but other modalities, such as visual information are critical for EC. The challenges are mainly two folds: one is that previous work fails to emphasize visual information, thus rare exploration has been studied. The other is that the community lacks a high-quality benchmark where visual information matters for the EC models. Therefore, this paper provides 1) simple yet effective methods, namely gated fusion and image captions as prompts to incorporate visual information to help EC; 2) large-scale benchmark datasets, namely Visual-ASR-EC, where each item in the training data consists of visual, speech, and text information, and the test data are carefully selected by human annotators to ensure that even humans could make mistakes when visual information is missing. Experimental results show that using captions as prompts could effectively use the visual information and surpass state-of-the-art methods by upto 1.2% in Word Error Rate(WER), which also indicates that visual information is critical in our proposed Visual-ASR-EC dataset ",Visual Information Matters for ASR Error Correction
+" We explore the epoch dependence of number density and star-formation rate for submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) found at 850 um. The study uses a sample of 38 SMG in the GOODS-N field, for which cross-waveband identifications have been obtained for 35/38 members together with redshift measurements or estimates. A maximum-likelihood analysis is employed, along with the `single-source-survey' technique. We find a diminution in both space density and star formation rate at z > 3, closely mimicking the redshift cut-offs found for QSOs selected in different wavebands. The diminution in redshift is particularly marked, at a significance level too small to measure. The data further suggest, at a significance level of about 0.001, that two separately-evolving populations may be present, with distinct luminosity functions. These results parallel the different evolutionary behaviours of LIRGs and ULIRGs, and represent another manifestation of `cosmic down-sizing', suggesting that differential evolution extends to the most extreme star-forming galaxies. ",The evolution of submillimetre galaxies: two populations and a redshift cut-off
+" The growing complexity of particle detectors makes their construction and quality control a new challenge. We present studies that explore the use of deep learning-based computer vision techniques to perform quality checks of detector components and assembly steps, which will automate procedures and minimize the need for human interventions. This study focuses on the construction steps of a silicon detector, which involve forming a mechanical structure with the sensor and wire bonding individual cells to electronics for reading out signals. Silicon detectors in high energy physics experiments today have millions of channels. Manual quality control of these and other high channel-density detectors requires enormous amounts of labor and can be prone to errors. Here, we explore computer vision applications to either augment or fully replace visual inspections done by humans. We investigated convolutional neural networks for image classification and autoencoders for anomalies detection. Two proof-of-concept studies will be presented. ",Deep learning applications for quality control in particle detector construction
+" With the growth in social media, there is a huge amount of images of faces available on the internet. Often, people use other people's pictures on their own profile. Perceptual hashing is often used to detect whether two images are identical. Therefore, it can be used to detect whether people are misusing others' pictures. In perceptual hashing, a hash is calculated for a given image, and a new test image is mapped to one of the existing hashes if duplicate features are present. Therefore, it can be used as an image filter to flag banned image content or adversarial attacks --which are modifications that are made on purpose to deceive the filter-- even though the content might be changed to deceive the filters. For this reason, it is critical for perceptual hashing to be robust enough to take transformations such as resizing, cropping, and slight pixel modifications into account. In this paper, we would like to propose to experiment with effect of gaussian blurring in perceptual hashing for detecting misuse of personal images specifically for face images. We hypothesize that use of gaussian blurring on the image before calculating its hash will increase the accuracy of our filter that detects adversarial attacks which consist of image cropping, adding text annotation, and image rotation. ",Towards Evaluating Gaussian Blurring in Perceptual Hashing as a Facial Image Filter
+" 1973 Schinzel proved that the standard logarithmic height h on the maximal totally real field extension of the rationals is either zero or bounded from below by a positive constant. In this paper we study this property for canonical heights associated to rational functions and the corresponding dynamical system on the affine line. At the end, we will give a few remarks on the behavior of h on finite extensions of the maximal totally real field. ",Heights and totally real numbers
+" Proof by induction plays a central role in formal verification. However, its automation remains as a formidable challenge in Computer Science. To solve inductive problems, human engineers often have to provide auxiliary lemmas manually. We automate this laborious process with template-based conjecturing, a novel approach to generate auxiliary lemmas and use them to prove final goals. Our evaluation shows that our working prototype, TBC, achieved 40 percentage point improvement of success rates for problems at intermediate difficulty level. ",Template-Based Conjecturing for Automated Induction in Isabelle/HOL
+" I present a $q$-analog of the discrete Painlev\'e I equation, and a special realization of it in terms of $q$-orthogonal polynomials. ",On a q-Deformation of the Discrete Painlev\'e I Equation and q-Orthogonal Polynomials
+" Immune cells learn about their antigenic targets using tactile sense: during recognition, a highly organized yet dynamic motif, named immunological synapse, forms between immune cells and antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Via synapses, immune cells selectively extract recognized antigen from APCs by applying mechanical pulling forces generated by the contractile cytoskeleton. Curiously, depending on its stage of development, a B lymphocyte exhibits distinct synaptic patterns and uses force at different strength and timing, which appear to strongly impact its capacity of distinguishing antigen affinities. However, the mechanism by which molecular binding affinity translates into the amount of antigen acquisition remains an unsolved puzzle. We use a statistical-mechanical model to study how the experimentally observed synaptic architectures can originate from normal cytoskeletal forces coupled to lateral organization of mobile receptors, and show how this active regulation scheme, collective in nature, may provide a robust grading scheme that allows efficient and broad affinity discrimination essential for proper immune function. ",Active tuning of synaptic patterns enhances immune discrimination
+" Within the class of stochastic cellular automata models of traffic flows, we look at the velocity dependent randomization variant (VDR-TCA) whose parameters take on a specific set of extreme values. These initial conditions lead us to the discovery of the emergence of four distinct phases. Studying the transitions between these phases, allows us to establish a rigorous classification based on their tempo-spatial behavioral characteristics. As a result from the system's complex dynamics, its flow-density relation exhibits a non-concave region in which forward propagating density waves are encountered. All four phases furthermore share the common property that moving vehicles can never increase their speed once the system has settled into an equilibrium. ",Non-concave fundamental diagrams and phase transitions in a stochastic traffic cellular automaton
+" It is argued that, for motion in a central force field, polar reciprocals of trajectories are an elegant alternative to hodographs. The principal advantage of polar reciprocals is that the transformation from a trajectory to its polar reciprocal is its own inverse. The form of polar reciprocals $k_*$ of Kepler problem orbits is established, and then the orbits $k$ themselves are shown to be conic sections using the fact that $k$ is the polar reciprocal of $k_*$. A geometrical construction is presented for the orbits of the Kepler problem starting from their polar reciprocals. No obscure knowledge of conics is required to demonstrate the validity of the method. Unlike a graphical procedure suggested by Feynman (and amended by Derbes), the algorithm based on polar reciprocals works without alteration for all three kinds of trajectories in the Kepler problem (elliptical, parabolic, and hyperbolic). ",Orbits of the Kepler problem via polar reciprocals
+" de la Pe\~na 1980 and Puthoff 1987 show that circular orbits in the hydrogen problem of Stochastic Electrodynamics are stable. Though the Cole-Zou 2003 simulations support the stability, our recent numerics always lead to self-ionisation. Here the de la Pe\~na-Puthoff argument is extended to elliptic orbits. For very eccentric orbits with energy close to zero and angular momentum below some not-small value, there is on the average a net gain in energy for each revolution, which explains the self-ionisation. Next, an $1/r^2$ potential is added, which could stem from a dipolar deformation of the nuclear charge by the electron at its moving position. This shape retains the analytical solvability. When it is enough repulsive, the ground state of this modified hydrogen problem is predicted to be stable. The same conclusions hold for positronium. ",On the stability of classical orbits of the hydrogen ground state in Stochastic Electrodynamics
+ Spacer thickness and electrical conditioning have their own influence in enhancing giant magnetoresistance (GMR) ratio. At some condition one factor can override the other as reported by experiment results. An empiric model about competition about these two factors is discussed in this work. Comparison from experiment results to validate the model are also shown and explained. A formulation is proposed to extend the existing one that now accommodates both spacer thickness and electrical conditioning in one form. ,Competition between Thickness and Electrical Conditioning Influence in Enhancing Giant Magnetoresistance Ratio for NiCoFe/Alq3/NiCoFe Spin Valve
+" The most simple superrenormalizable model of quantum gravity is based on the general local covariant six-derivative action. In addition to graviton such a theory has massive scalar and tensor modes. It was shown recently that in the case when the massive poles emerge in complex conjugate pairs, the theory has also unitary $S$-matrix and hence can be seen as a candidate to be a consistent quantum gravity theory. In the present work we construct the modified Newton potential and explore the gravitational light bending in a general six-derivative theory, including the most interesting case of complex massive poles. In the case of the light deflection the results are obtained within classical and semiclassical approaches. ",Low-energy effects in a higher-derivative gravity model with real and complex massive poles
+" Piezoelectric optomechanical platforms represent one of the most promising routes towards achieving quantum transduction of photons between the microwave and optical frequency domains. However, there are significant challenges to achieving near-unity transduction efficiency. We discuss such factors in the context of the two main approaches being pursued for high efficiency transduction. The first approach uses one-dimensional nanobeam optomechanical crystals excited by interdigitated transducers, and is characterized by large single-photon optomechanical coupling strength, limited intracavity pump photon population to avoid absorption-induced heating, and low phonon injection efficiency from the transducer to the optomechanical cavity. The second approach uses (quasi) bulk acoustic wave resonators integrated into photonic Fabry-Perot cavity geometries, and is characterized by low single-photon optomechanical coupling strength, high intracavity pump photon population without significant heating, and high phonon injection efficiency. After reviewing the current status of both approaches, we discuss the need for co-designing the electromechanical and optomechanical sub-systems in order to achieve high transduction efficiencies, taking the GaAs piezo-optomechanical platform as an example. ",Piezoelectric optomechanical approaches for efficient quantum microwave-to-optical signal transduction: the need for co-design
+" A classical problem in general relativity is the Cauchy problem for the linearised Einstein equation (the initial value problem for gravitational waves) on a globally hyperbolic vacuum spacetime. A well-known result is that it is uniquely solvable up to gauge solutions, given initial data on a spacelike Cauchy hypersurface. The solution map is an isomorphism between initial data (modulo gauge producing initial data) and solutions (modulo gauge solutions). In the first part of this work, we show that the solution map is actually an isomorphism of locally convex topological vector spaces. This implies that the equivalence class of solutions depends continuously on the equivalence class of initial data. We may therefore conclude well-posedness of the Cauchy problem. In the second part, we show that the linearised constraint equations can always be solved on a closed manifold with vanishing scalar curvature. This generalises the classical notion of TT-tensors on flat space used to produce models of gravitational waves. All our results are proven for smooth and distributional initial data of arbitrary real Sobolev regularity. ",On the Cauchy problem for the linearised Einstein equation
+" With the increasing prevalence of scalable file systems in the context of High Performance Computing (HPC), the importance of accurate anomaly detection on runtime logs is increasing. But as it currently stands, many state-of-the-art methods for log-based anomaly detection, such as DeepLog, have encountered numerous challenges when applied to logs from many parallel file systems (PFSes), often due to their irregularity and ambiguity in time-based log sequences. To circumvent these problems, this study proposes ClusterLog, a log pre-processing method that clusters the temporal sequence of log keys based on their semantic similarity. By grouping semantically and sentimentally similar logs, this approach aims to represent log sequences with the smallest amount of unique log keys, intending to improve the ability of a downstream sequence-based model to effectively learn the log patterns. The preliminary results of ClusterLog indicate not only its effectiveness in reducing the granularity of log sequences without the loss of important sequence information but also its generalizability to different file systems' logs. ",ClusterLog: Clustering Logs for Effective Log-based Anomaly Detection
+" In order to clarify whether NGC 4631 has a unique magnetic field configuration in the central region along its disk, we present high-resolution Faraday-corrected polarization data. Radio continuum observations of NGC 4631 at 4.85 GHz were performed with the VLA. In addition, observations were made with the Effelsberg telescope at 4.85 GHz and at 8.35 GHz. These were analyzed together with archival VLA-data at 8.35 GHz. The vertical scale heights in NGC 4631 vary significantly in different regions within the galaxy and their mean values at 4.85 GHz are with 2.3 kpc (370 pc) for the thick (thin) disk higher than the mean values found so far in six other edge-on spiral galaxies. This may originate in the tidal interaction of NGC 4631 with its neighbouring galaxies. The total field strengths in the halo are of the order of the total magnetic field strength in the disk, whereas the ordered field strengths in the halo seem to be higher than the value in the disk. The derived distribution of rotation measures implies that NGC 4631 has a large-scale regular magnetic field configuration. Despite the strong Faraday depolarization along the galactic plane and the strong beam depolarization in the transition zone between the disk and halo, our research strongly indicates that the magnetic field orientation along the central 5-7 kpc of the disk is also plane-parallel. Therefore, we claim that NGC 4631 also has a magnetic field structure plane-parallel along its entire disk. ",Magnetic field structure and halo in NGC 4631
+" In few-body physics, Efimov states are an infinite series of three-body bound states that obey universal discrete scaling symmetry when pairwise interactions are resonantly enhanced. Despite abundant reports of Efimov states in recent cold atom experiments, direct observation of the discrete scaling symmetry remains an elusive goal. Here we report the observation of three consecutive Efimov resonances in a heteronuclear Li-Cs mixture near a broad interspecies Feshbach resonance. The positions of the resonances closely follow a geometric series $1$, $\lambda$, $\lambda^2$. The observed scaling constant $\lambda_{\rm exp} = 4.9(4)$ is in good agreement with the predicted value of 4.88. ",Geometric scaling of Efimov states in a $^{6}\textrm{Li}$-$^{133}\textrm{Cs}$ mixture
+" Finite element models without simplifying assumptions can accurately describe the spatial and temporal distribution of heat in machine tools as well as the resulting deformation. In principle, this allows to correct for displacements of the Tool Centre Point and enables high precision manufacturing. However, the computational cost of FEM models and restriction to generic algorithms in commercial tools like ANSYS prevents their operational use since simulations have to run faster than real-time. For the case where heat diffusion is slow compared to machine movement, we introduce a tailored implicit-explicit multi-rate time stepping method of higher order based on spectral deferred corrections. Using the open-source FEM library DUNE, we show that fully coupled simulations of the temperature field are possible in real-time for a machine consisting of a stock sliding up and down on rails attached to a stand. ",Toward transient finite element simulation of thermal deformation of machine tools in real-time
+" A novel energy landscape model, ELM, for proteins recently explained a collection of incoherent, elastic neutron scattering data from proteins. The ELM of proteins considers the elastic response of the proton and its environment to the energy and momentum exchanged with the neutron. In the ELM, the elastic potential energy is expressed as a sum of a temperature dependent term resulting from equipartition of potential energy among the active degrees of freedom and a wave vector transfer dependent term resulting from the elastic energy stored by the protein during the neutron scattering event. The elastic potential energy involves a new elastobaric coefficient that is proportional to the product of two factors: one factor depends on universal constants and the other on the incident neutron wave vector per degree of freedom. The ELM was tested for dry protein samples with an elastobaric coefficient corresponding to 3 degrees of freedom. A discussion of the data requirements for additional tests of ELM is presented resulting in a call for published data that have not been preprocessed by temperature and wave-vector dependent normalizations. ",Impulse-Response Approach to Elastobaric Model for Proteins
+ The concept of a self-consistent field in the theory of superconductivity based on the diagram method of the time-dependent perturbation theory is presented. It is shown that the well-known Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer equation for the order parameter of superconductivity is already realized in a zero approximation.The form of interaction Hamiltonian uniquely determines a chain of interconnected Green's functions which are easily calculated in this approximation. On the basis of the presented method a proximity effect in a normal metal-superconductor structure is studied. It was obtained the energy gap values induced in a normal metal. In contrast to the traditional McMillan and de Gennes theories with self-consistent Green's functions the self-consistency over the order parameter gives a significantly smaller gap value induced in a normal metal. The frequency dependence of the homogeneous spectral density is obtained which qualitatively agrees with experiment. ,Proximity effect and self-consistent field in a normal metal-superconductor structure
+" We have performed magnetotransport measurements on La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 / SrTiO3 / La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 magnetic tunnel junctions. A magnetoresistance ratio of more than 1800 % is obtained at 4K, from which we infer an electrode spin polarization of at least 95 %. This result strongly underscores the half-metallic nature of mixed-valence manganites and demonstrates its capability as a spin analyzer. The magnetoresistance extends up to temperatures of more than 270K. We argue that these improvements over most previous works may result from optimizing the patterning process for oxide heterostructures. ",Nearly total spin polarization in La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 from tunneling experiments
+" Forex trading is the largest market in terms of qutantitative trading. Traditionally, traders refer to technical analysis based on the historical data to make decisions and trade. With the development of artificial intelligent, deep learning plays a more and more important role in forex forecasting. How to use deep learning models to predict future price is the primary purpose of most researchers. Such prediction not only helps investors and traders make decisions, but also can be used for auto-trading system. In this article, we have proposed a novel approach of feature selection called 'feature importance recap' which combines the feature importance score from tree-based model with the performance of deep learning model. A stacking model is also developed to further improve the performance. Our results shows that proper feature selection approach could significantly improve the model performance, and for financial data, some features have high importance score in many models. The results of stacking model indicate that combining the predictions of some models and feed into a neural network can further improve the performance. ",Feature importance recap and stacking models for forex price prediction
+" We present a canonical form for a symplectic involution $S\in Sp(2g,\mathbb{Z})$, $S^2=1$; the construction is algorithmic. Application is made in the Riemann surface setting. ",A Canonical Form for a Symplectic Involution
+ In this article we calculate the signature character of certain Hermitian representations of $GL_N(F)$ for a $p$-adic field $F$. We further give a conjectural description for the signature character of unramified representations in terms of Kostka numbers. ,On the signature character of representations of p-adic general linear groups
+" Let $\overline{\rho}: G_{\mathbf{Q}} \rightarrow {\rm GSp}_4(\mathbf{F}_3)$ be a continuous Galois representation with cyclotomic similitude character -- or, what turns out to be equivalent, the Galois representation associated to the $3$-torsion of a principally polarized abelian surface $A/\mathbf{Q}$. We prove that the moduli space $\mathcal{A}_2(\overline{\rho})$ of principally polarized abelian surfaces $B/\mathbf{Q}$ admitting a symplectic isomorphism $B[3] \simeq \overline{\rho}$ of Galois representations is never rational over $\mathbf{Q}$ when $\overline{\rho}$ is surjective, even though it is both rational over $\mathbf{C}$ and unirational over $\mathbf{Q}$ via a map of degree $6$. ",Rationality of twists of the Siegel modular variety of genus $2$ and level $3$
+" We examine the dynamical evolution of the state of a neurone, with particular care to the non-equilibrium nature of the forces influencing its movement in state space. We combine non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and dynamical systems theory to characterise the nature of the neural resting state, and its relationship to firing. The stereotypical shape of the action potential arises from this model, as well as bursting dynamics, and the non-equilibrium phase transition from resting to spiking. Geometric properties of the system are discussed, such as the birth and shape of the neural limit cycle, which provide a complementary understanding of these dynamics. This provides a multiscale model of the neural cell, from molecules to spikes, and explains various phenomena in a unified manner. Some more general notions for damped oscillators, birth-death processes, and stationary non-equilibrium systems are included. ",Characterising the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of a Neural Cell
+ We consider the stationary sine-Gordon equation on metric graphs with simple topologies. The vertex boundary conditions are provided by flux conservation and matching of derivatives at the star graph vertex. Exact analytical solutions are obtained. It is shown that the method can be extended for tree and other simple graph topologies. Applications of the obtained results to branched planar Josephson junctions and Josephson junctions with tricrystal boundaries are discussed. ,The stationary sine-Gordon equation on metric graphs: Exact analytical solutions for simple topologies
+" In this brief comment on `Grover search with pairs of trapped Ions' [Phys. Rev. A 63, 052308, (2001)], we show that Grover's algorithm may be performed exactly using the gate set given provided that small changes are made to the gate sequence. An analytic expression for the probability of success of Grover's algorithm for any unitary operator, U, instead of Hadamard is presented. ",Comment on 'Grover Search with Pairs of Trapped Ions'
+" For all integers $n \geq k > d \geq 1$, let $m_{d}(k,n)$ be the minimum integer $D \geq 0$ such that every $k$-uniform $n$-vertex hypergraph $\mathcal H$ with minimum $d$-degree $\delta_{d}(\mathcal H)$ at least $D$ has an optimal matching. For every fixed integer $k \geq 3$, we show that for $n \in k \mathbb{N}$ and $p = \Omega(n^{-k+1} \log n)$, if $\mathcal H$ is an $n$-vertex $k$-uniform hypergraph with $\delta_{k-1}(\mathcal H) \geq m_{k-1}(k,n)$, then a.a.s.\ its $p$-random subhypergraph $\mathcal H_p$ contains a perfect matching ($m_{k-1}(k,n)$ was determined by R\""{o}dl, Ruci\'nski, and Szemer\'edi for all large $n \in k\mathbb N$). Moreover, for every fixed integer $d < k$ and $\gamma > 0$, we show that the same conclusion holds if $\mathcal H$ is an $n$-vertex $k$-uniform hypergraph with $\delta_d(\mathcal H) \geq m_{d}(k,n) + \gamma\binom{n - d}{k - d}$. Both of these results strengthen Johansson, Kahn, and Vu's seminal solution to Shamir's problem and can be viewed as ""robust"" versions of hypergraph Dirac-type results. In addition, we also show that in both cases above, $\mathcal H$ has at least $\exp((1-1/k)n \log n - \Theta (n))$ many perfect matchings, which is best possible up to a $\exp(\Theta(n))$ factor. ",Perfect matchings in random sparsifications of Dirac hypergraphs
+" We investigate Extremely Red Objects (EROs) using near- and mid-infrared observations in five passbands (3.6 to 24 micron) obtained from the Spitzer Space Telescope, and deep ground-based R and K imaging. The great sensitivity of the IRAC camera allows us to detect 64 EROs in only 12 minutes of IRAC exposure time, by means of an R-[3.6] color cut (analogous to the traditional red R-K cut). A pure infrared K-[3.6] red cut detects a somewhat different population and may be more effective at selecting z > 1.3 EROs. We find 17% of all galaxies detected by IRAC at 3.6 or 4.5 micron to be EROs. These percentages rise to about 40% at 5.8 micron, and about 60% at 8.0 micron. We utilize the spectral bump at 1.6 micron to divide the EROs into broad redshift slices using only near-infrared colors (2.2/3.6/4.5 micron). We conclude that two-thirds of all EROs lie at redshift z > 1.3. Detections at 24 micron imply that at least 11% of 0.6 < z < 1.3 EROs and at least 22% of z > 1.3 EROs are dusty star-forming galaxies. ",Extremely Red Objects in The Lockman Hole
+" Using high-resolution data of the $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO ($J$=1-0}) line emission from The Mopra Southern Galactic Plane CO Survey in conjunction with neutral hydrogen observations from the Southern Galactic Plane Survey (SGPS) and mid-infrared Spitzer data, we have explored the large-scale environment of the supernova remnant Kes 41. On the basis of these data, we identified for the first time the parent cloud of Kes 41 in its whole extension and surveyed the HII regions, masers, and the population of massive young stellar objects in the cloud. The whole unveiled giant cloud, located at the kinematic distance of 12.0 $\pm$ 3.6 kpc, whose average total mass and size are $\sim$10-30 $\times10^5$ M$_\odot$ and $\sim$$26^{\prime}$, also shines in $\gamma$-rays, as revealed by the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi satellite. We determined a high average proton density $\sim$500-1000~cm$^{-3}$ in the large molecular complex, of which protons from the neutral atomic and ionised gases comprise only $\sim$15%. ",Natal molecular cloud of SNR Kes 41. Complete characterisation
+" We present measurements on nanomechanical resonators operating in the radio frequency range. We apply a setup which allows the comparison of two schemes of displacement detection for mechanical resonators, namely conventional power reflection measurements of a probing signal and direct detection by capacitive coupling via a gate electrode. For capacitive detection, we employ an on-chip preamplifier, which enables direct measurements of the resonator's displacement. We observe that the response of the mechanical resonator depends on the detection technique applied, which is verified in model calculations. We show results on the detection of subharmonics.-Paper withdrawn ",Comparing schemes of displacement detection and subharmonic generation in nanomachined mechanical resonators
+" We consider least energy solutions to the nonlinear equation $-\Delta_g u=f(r,u)$ posed on a class of Riemannian models $(M,g)$ of dimension $n\ge 2$ which include the classical hyperbolic space $\mathbb H^n$ as well as manifolds with unbounded sectional geometry. Partial symmetry and existence of least energy solutions is proved for quite general nonlinearities $f(r,u)$, where $r$ denotes the geodesic distance from the pole of $M$. ",Partial symmetry and existence of least energy solutions to some nonlinear elliptic equations on Riemannian models
+" We provide an optimally mixing Markov chain for 6-colorings of the square lattice on rectangular regions with free, fixed, or toroidal boundary conditions. This implies that the uniform distribution on the set of such colorings has strong spatial mixing, so that the 6-state Potts antiferromagnet has a finite correlation length and a unique Gibbs measure at zero temperature. Four and five are now the only remaining values of q for which it is not known whether there exists a rapidly mixing Markov chain for q-colorings of the square lattice. ",Rapid Mixing for Lattice Colorings with Fewer Colors
+" Capillarity functionals are parameter invariant functionals defined on classes of two-dimensionals parametric surfaces in R3 as the sum of the area integral with an anisotropic term of suitable form. In the class of parametric surfaces with the topological type of S2 and with fixed volume, extremals of capillarity functionals are surfaces whose mean curvature is prescribed up to a constant. For a certain class of anisotropies vanishing at infinity, we prove existence and nonexistence of volume- constrained, S2-type, minimal surfaces for the corresponding capillarity functionals. Moreover, in some cases, we show existence of extremals for the full isoperimetric inequality. ",Isovolumetric and isoperimetric problems for a class of capillarity functionals
+" The measurement of the brightness temperature fluctuations of neutral hydrogen 21 cm lines from the Epoch of Reionisation (EoR) is expected to be a powerful tool for revealing the reionisation process. We study the 21 cm cross-correlation with Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropies, focusing on the effect of the patchy reionisation. We calculate, up to second order, the angular power spectrum of the cross-correlation between 21 cm fluctuations and the CMB kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (kSZ) from the EoR, using an analytical reionisation model. We show that the kSZ and the 21 cm fluctuations are anti-correlated on the scale corresponding to the typical size of an ionised bubble at the observed redshift of the 21 cm fluctuations. The amplitude of the angular power spectrum of the cross-correlation depends on the fluctuations of the ionised fraction. Especially, in a highly inhomogeneous reionisation model, the amplitude reaches the order of $100 \mu K^2$ at $\ell \sim 3000$. We also show that second order terms may help in distinguishing between reionisation histories. ",Second order cross-correlation between kSZ and 21 cm fluctuations from the EoR
+" The objective of Bayesian inference is often to infer, from data, a probability measure for a random variable that can be used as input for Monte Carlo simulation. When datasets for Bayesian inference are small, a principle challenge is that, as additional data are collected, the probability measure inferred from Bayesian inference may change significantly. That is, the original probability density inferred from Bayesian inference may differ considerably from the updated probability density both in its model form and parameters. In such cases, expensive Monte Carlo simulations may have already been performed using the original distribution and it is infeasible to start again and perform a new Monte Carlo analysis using the updated density due to the large added computational cost. In this work, we discuss four strategies for updating Mote Carlo simulations for such a change in probability measure: 1. Importance sampling reweighting; 2. A sample augmenting strategy; 3. A sample filtering strategy; and 4. A mixed augmenting-filtering strategy. The efficiency of each strategy is compared and the ultimate aim is to achieve the change in distribution with a minimal number of added computational simulations. The comparison results show that when the change in measure is small importance sampling reweighting can be very effective. Otherwise, a proposed novel mixed augmenting-filtering algorithm can robustly and efficiently accommodate a measure change in Monte Carlo simulation that minimizes the impact on the sample set and saves a large amount of additional computational cost. The strategy is then applied for uncertainty quantification in the buckling strength of a simple plate given ongoing data collection to estimate uncertainty in the yield stress. ",Probability measure changes in Monte Carlo simulation
+ In this paper we specify some facts about the sequence of polynomials associated to a \CSK family and we prove that quadratic variance function is characterized by the property of orthogonality of these polynomials. ,Characterization of quadratic Cauchy-Stieltjes Kernel families by orthogonality of polynomials
+" This paper presents a robotic system (\textit{Chitrakar}) which autonomously converts any image of a human face to a recognizable non-self-intersecting loop (Jordan Curve) and draws it on any planar surface. The image is processed using Mask R-CNN for instance segmentation, Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) for feature enhancement and intensity-based probabilistic stippling for the image to points conversion. These points are treated as a destination for a travelling salesman and are connected with an optimal path which is calculated heuristically by minimizing the total distance to be travelled. This path is converted to a Jordan Curve in feasible time by removing intersections using a combination of image processing, 2-opt, and Bresenham's Algorithm. The robotic system generates $n$ instances of each image for human aesthetic judgement, out of which the most appealing instance is selected for the final drawing. The drawing is executed carefully by the robot's arm using trapezoidal velocity profiles for jerk-free and fast motion. The drawing, with a decent resolution, can be completed in less than 30 minutes which is impossible to do by hand. This work demonstrates the use of robotics to augment humans in executing difficult craft-work instead of replacing them altogether. ",Chitrakar: Robotic System for Drawing Jordan Curve of Facial Portrait
+" Jamming is a phenomenon occurring in systems as diverse as traffic, colloidal suspensions and granular materials. A theory on the reversible elastic deformation of jammed states is presented. First, an explicit granular stress-strain relation is derived that captures many relevant features of sand, including especially the Coulomb yield surface and a third-order jamming transition. Then this approach is generalized, and employed to consider jammed magneto- and electro-rheological fluids, again producing results that compare well to experiments and simulations. ",Energetic Instability Unjams Sand and Suspension
+" The Skolem problem and the related Positivity problem for linear recurrence sequences are outstanding number-theoretic problems whose decidability has been open for many decades. In this paper, the inherent mathematical difficulty of a series of optimization problems on Markov decision processes (MDPs) is shown by a reduction from the Positivity problem to the associated decision problems which establishes that the problems are also at least as hard as the Skolem problem as an immediate consequence. The optimization problems under consideration are two non-classical variants of the stochastic shortest path problem (SSPP) in terms of expected partial or conditional accumulated weights, the optimization of the conditional value-at-risk for accumulated weights, and two problems addressing the long-run satisfaction of path properties, namely the optimization of long-run probabilities of regular co-safety properties and the model-checking problem of the logic frequency-LTL. To prove the Positivity- and hence Skolem-hardness for the latter two problems, a new auxiliary path measure, called weighted long-run frequency, is introduced and the Positivity-hardness of the corresponding decision problem is shown as an intermediate step. For the partial and conditional SSPP on MDPs with non-negative weights and for the optimization of long-run probabilities of constrained reachability properties (a U b), solutions are known that rely on the identification of a bound on the accumulated weight or the number of consecutive visits to certain sates, called a saturation point, from which on optimal schedulers behave memorylessly. In this paper, it is shown that also the optimization of the conditional value-at-risk for the classical SSPP and of weighted long-run frequencies on MDPs with non-negative weights can be solved in pseudo-polynomial time exploiting the existence of a saturation point. ",On Skolem-hardness and saturation points in Markov decision processes
+" Although the $(g-2)_\mu$ anomaly can be explained by New Physics (NP) involving only muons, a more general flavor structure is usually expected for NP operators in the Standard Model (SM) Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). In particular, if one wants to provide a combined explanation of several beyond the SM effects, like Lepton Flavor Universality (LFU) Violation, as indicated by the B anomalies, then a strong alignment of the NP operators in flavor space is required to satisfy the bounds from observables featuring Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV), like $\mu \to e \gamma$. We derived the tight bound of $10^{-5}$ on the flavor angle in the dipole operator in the charged-lepton mass basis in the SMEFT. We found that misalignment in several operators at high-scale could spoil the alignment at low-scale, through the Renormalization Group Evolution (RGE) of the SMEFT. In particular, it imposes constraints on some 4-fermions operators. We explored dynamical mechanisms as well as flavor symmetries to explain this flavor alignment, and illustrated the difficulty to reach it in an explicit NP model. If the $(g-2)_\mu$ anomaly is confirmed, the only natural explanation seems to lie in the individual lepton number conservation. If this accidental symmetry of the SM is also present in higher-order terms in the SMEFT, we are led to conclude that quark and lepton sectors behave quite differently beyond the SM. This proceeding is based on arXiv:2111.13724. ",Is the $(g-2)_\mu$ anomaly a threat to Lepton Flavor Conservation?
+" In this article, we aim to provide the community with the dependence of the habitable zone upon the stellar mass, metallicity, rotation, and for various prescriptions of the limits of the habitable zone. We use the STAREVOL code to study the evolution of the habitable zone and of the continuously habitable zone limits. Mass and metallicity are the stellar parameters that have the most dramatic effects on the habitable zone limits. Conversely, for a given stellar mass and metallicity, stellar rotation has only a marginal effect on these limits and does not modify the width of the habitable zone. The evolution of the habitable zone limits is also correlated to the evolution of the stellar activity (through the Rossby number) that depends on the stellar mass considered. While the magnetic activity has negligible consequence in the case of more massive stars, these effects may have a strong impact on the habitability of a planet around M dwarf stars. Thus, stellar activity cannot be neglected and may have strong impacts on the development of life during the early stage of the continuously habitable zone phase of low-mass stars. Using observed trends of stellar magnetic field strength we also constrain the planetary magnetic field (at the zero order) required for a sufficient magnetospheric protection during the whole stellar evolution. We explicit for the first time the systematic dependence of planet habitability on stellar parameters along the full evolution of low- and intermediate-mass stars. These results can be used as physical inputs for a first order estimation of exoplanetary habitability. ",Impacts of stellar evolution and dynamics on the habitable zone: The role of rotation and magnetic activity
+" We model two bosons in an optical lattice near a Feshbach or photoassociation resonance, focusing on the Bose-Hubbard model in one dimension. Whereas the usual atoms-only theory with a tunable scattering length yields one bound state for a molecular dimer for either attractive or repulsive atom-atom interaction, an atom-molecule theory gives two bound states that may represent attractively and repulsively bound dimers occurring simultaneously. Such unusual molecular physics should be observable for an atom-molecule coupling strength comparable to the width of the dissociation continuum of the lattice dimer, for example, using narrow Feshbach resonances in Na, $^{87}$Rb, and $^{133}$Cs or low-intensity photoassociation in $^{174}$Yb. ",Bound states of two bosons in an optical lattice near an association resonance
+" Vectorially structured light has emerged as an enabling tool in many diverse applications, from communication to imaging, exploiting quantum-like correlations courtesy of a non-separable spatially varying polarization structure. Creating these states at the source remains challenging and is presently limited to two-dimensional vectorial states by customized lasers. Here we invoke ray-wave duality in a simple laser cavity to produce polarization marked multi-path modes that are non-separable in three degrees of freedom and in eight dimensions. As a topical example, we use our laser to produce the complete set of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) basis states, mimicking high-dimensional multi-partite entanglement with classical light, which we confirm by a new projection approach. We offer a complete theoretical framework for our laser based on SU(2) symmetry groups, revealing a rich parameter space for further exploitation. Our approach requires only a conventional laser with no special optical elements, is easily scaleable to higher dimensions, and offers a simple but elegant solution for at-the-source creation of classically entangled states of structured light, opening new applications in simulating and enhancing high-dimensional quantum systems. ",High-dimensional classically entangled light from a laser
+ New deformations of the Poincare group $Fun(P(1+1))$ and its dual enveloping algebra $U(p(1+1))$ are obtained as a contraction of the $h$-deformed (Jordanian) quantum group $Fun(SL_h(2))$ and its dual. A nonstandard quantization of the Heisenberg algebra $U(h(1))$ is also investigated. ,Nonstandard Poincare and Heisenberg Algebras
+" We discuss the structure of shock singularities of the Burgers-Hopf hierarchy. It is shown that the set of singular solutions defines a stratification of the affine space of the flow parameters in the hierarchy. The stratification is associated with the Birkhoff decomposition of the Grassmannian given by the set of linear spaces spanned by the hierarchy. We then construct integrable hierarchy on each stratum and demonstrate that it describes a deformation of a hyperelliptic curve parametrizing the stratum. The hierarchy is called the hidden Burgers-Hopf hierarchy, and we found the Riemann invarint form and the hodograph solution. ",Singular sector of the Burgers-Hopf hierarchy and deformations of hyperelliptic curves
+" Numerous optical circuit switched data center networks have been proposed over the past decade for higher capacity, though commercial adoption of these architectures have been minimal so far. One major challenge commonly facing these architectures is the difficulty of handling bursty traffic with optical circuit switches (OCS) with high switching latency. Prior works generally rely on fast-switching OCS prototypes to better react to traffic changes via frequent reconfigurations. This approach, unfortunately, adds further complexity to the control plane. We propose METTEOR, an easily deployable solution for optical circuit switched data centers, that is designed for the current capabilities of commercial OCSs. Using multiple predicted traffic matrices, METTEOR designs data center topologies that are less sensitive to traffic changes, thus eliminating the need of frequently reconfiguring OCSs upon traffic changes. Results based on extensive evaluations using production traces show that METTEOR increases the percentage of direct-hop traffic by about 80% over a fat tree at comparable cost, and by about 30% over a uniform mesh, at comparable maximum link utilizations. Compared to ideal solutions that reconfigure OCSs on every traffic matrix, METTEOR achieves close-to-optimal bandwidth utilization even with biweekly reconfiguration. This drastically lowers the controller and management complexity needed to perform METTEOR in commercial settings. ",METTEOR: Robust Multi-Traffic Topology Engineering for Commercial Data Center Networks
+" We investigate the consequence of the energy-momentum conservation law for the holographic S-matrix from AdS/CFT correspondence. It is shown that the conservation law is not a natural consequence of conformal invariance in the large N limit. We predict a new singularity for the four point correlation function of a marginal operator. Only the two point scattering amplitude is explicitly calculated, and the result agrees with what is expected. ",Energy-Momentum Conservation and Holographic S-Matrix
+" Image classification has been one of the most popular tasks in Deep Learning, seeing an abundance of impressive implementations each year. However, there is a lot of criticism tied to promoting complex architectures that continuously push performance metrics higher and higher. Robustness tests can uncover several vulnerabilities and biases which go unnoticed during the typical model evaluation stage. So far, model robustness under distribution shifts has mainly been examined within carefully curated datasets. Nevertheless, such approaches do not test the real response of classifiers in the wild, e.g. when uncurated web-crawled image data of corresponding classes are provided. In our work, we perform fine-grained classification on closely related categories, which are identified with the help of hierarchical knowledge. Extensive experimentation on a variety of convolutional and transformer-based architectures reveals model robustness in this novel setting. Finally, hierarchical knowledge is again employed to evaluate and explain misclassifications, providing an information-rich evaluation scheme adaptable to any classifier. ",Fine-Grained ImageNet Classification in the Wild
+" The photon emissivity from the bremsstrahlung process ee-> ee\gamma occuring in the electrosphere at the bare surface of a strange quark star is calculated. For surface temperatures T<10^9K, the photon flux exceeds that of e+e- pairs that are produced via the Schwinger mechanism in the presence of a strong electric field that binds electrons to the surface of the quark star. The average energy of photons emitted from the bremsstrahlung process can be 0.5 MeV or more, which is larger than that in e+e- pair annihilation. The observation of this distinctive photon spectrum would constitute an unmistakable signature of a strange quark star and shed light on color superconductivity at stellar densities. ",Bremsstrahlung photons from the bare surface of a strange quark star
+" Person Re-identification (ReID) has been advanced remarkably over the last 10 years along with the rapid development of deep learning for visual recognition. However, the i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed) assumption commonly held in most deep learning models is somewhat non-applicable to ReID considering its objective to identify images of the same pedestrian across cameras at different locations often of variable and independent domain characteristics that are also subject to view-biased data distribution. In this work, we propose a Feature-Distribution Perturbation and Calibration (PECA) method to derive generic feature representations for person ReID, which is not only discriminative across cameras but also agnostic and deployable to arbitrary unseen target domains. Specifically, we perform per-domain feature-distribution perturbation to refrain the model from overfitting to the domain-biased distribution of each source (seen) domain by enforcing feature invariance to distribution shifts caused by perturbation. Furthermore, we design a global calibration mechanism to align feature distributions across all the source domains to improve the model generalization capacity by eliminating domain bias. These local perturbation and global calibration are conducted simultaneously, which share the same principle to avoid models overfitting by regularization respectively on the perturbed and the original distributions. Extensive experiments were conducted on eight person ReID datasets and the proposed PECA model outperformed the state-of-the-art competitors by significant margins. ",Feature-Distribution Perturbation and Calibration for Generalized Person ReID
+" A complicating factor in unraveling the theory of high-temperature (high-Tc) superconductivity is the presence of a ""pseudogap"" in the density of states, whose origin has been debated since its discovery [1]. Some believe the pseudogap is a broken symmetry state distinct from superconductivity [2-4], while others believe it arises from short-range correlations without symmetry breaking [5,6]. A number of broken symmetries have been imaged and identified with the pseudogap state [7,8], but it remains crucial to disentangle any electronic symmetry breaking from pre-existing structural symmetry of the crystal. We use scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to observe an orthorhombic structural distortion across the cuprate superconducting Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4+x (BSCCO) family tree, which breaks two-dimensional inversion symmetry in the surface BiO layer. Although this inversion symmetry breaking structure can impact electronic measurements, we show from its insensitivity to temperature, magnetic field, and doping, that it cannot be the long-sought pseudogap state. To detect this picometer-scale variation in lattice structure, we have implemented a new algorithm which will serve as a powerful tool in the search for broken symmetry electronic states in cuprates, as well as in other materials. ",STM imaging of symmetry-breaking structural distortion in the Bi-based cuprate superconductors
+" We present IUE spectrophotometry and optical spectropolarimetry of the ultraluminous, extreme FeII-emitting QSO IRAS 07598+6508. We find broad absorption troughs from high- and low-ionization species, showing that this object is a member of the class of rare low-ionization BAL QSOs. Compared with non-BAL QSOs, the spectral energy distribution is reddened by E(B-V) sim 0.12, and the Halpha/Hbeta ratio even more reddened with E(B - V) sim 0.45. The broad emission lines are unpolarized. We see broad Na I lambda5892 absorption in the unpolarized continuum, but not in the polarized continuum (at the 5-6 sigma level). The polarized continuum rises smoothly towards shorter wavelengths with F_lambda propto lambda{-2}. We argue that a normal QSO continuum is polarized by scattering from a region within, or very near, the Broad Emission Line Region (BELR). Thus there are at least three distinct light paths to the observer: a dusty path from the BELR, a direct path traced by the unpolarized continuum, passing through dust and low-ionization gas (NaI), and another relatively unobscured path followed by scattered continuum. This provides direct evidence that a BAL region and dust only partially cover the central QSO. Ultraluminous AGNs, including IRAS 07598+6508, appear no more IR-luminous than non-IRAS-selected QSOs, and have normal L(IR)/L(opt) ratios when the optical luminosities are corrected for reddening. Reddening and BALs occur only along some sight lines and the parent population of BALQs are `normal' QSOs. ","THE POLARIZED SPECTRUM OF THE FE II-RICH BAL QSO, IRAS 07598+6508"
+" In this paper, we study convergence properties of the gradient Expectation-Maximization algorithm \cite{lange1995gradient} for Gaussian Mixture Models for general number of clusters and mixing coefficients. We derive the convergence rate depending on the mixing coefficients, minimum and maximum pairwise distances between the true centers and dimensionality and number of components; and obtain a near-optimal local contraction radius. While there have been some recent notable works that derive local convergence rates for EM in the two equal mixture symmetric GMM, in the more general case, the derivations need structurally different and non-trivial arguments. We use recent tools from learning theory and empirical processes to achieve our theoretical results. ",Convergence Analysis of Gradient EM for Multi-component Gaussian Mixture
+" The observation and electrical manipulation of infrared surface plasmons in graphene have triggered a search for similar photonic capabilities in other atomically thin materials that enable electrical modulation of light at visible and near-infrared frequencies, as well as strong interaction with optical quantum emitters. Here, we present a simple analytical description of the optical response of such kinds of structures, which we exploit to investigate their application to light modulation and quantum optics. Specifically, we show that plasmons in one-atom-thick noble-metal layers can be used both to produce complete tunable optical absorption and to reach the strong-coupling regime in the interaction with neighboring quantum emitters. Our methods are applicable to any plasmon-supporting thin materials, and in particular, we provide parameters that allow us to readily calculate the response of silver, gold, and graphene islands. Besides their interest for nanoscale electro-optics, the present study emphasizes the great potential of these structures for the design of quantum nanophotonics devices. ",Plasmonics in Atomically Thin Materials
+" Motivated by theoretical predictions that first stars were predominantly very massive, we investigate the physics of the transition from an early epoch dominated by massive Pop III stars to a later epoch dominated by familiar low-mass Pop II/I stars by means of a numerically-generated catalogue of dark matter halos coupled with a self-consistent treatment of chemical and radiative feedback. Depending on the strength of the chemical feedback, Pop III stars can contribute a substantial fraction (several percent) of the cosmic star formation activity even at moderate redshifts, z = 5. We find that the three z = 10 sources tentatively detected in NICMOS UDFs should be powered by Pop III stars, if these are massive; however, this scenario fails to reproduce the derived WMAP electron scattering optical depth. Instead, both the UDFs and WMAP constraints can be fulfilled if stars at any time form with a more standard, slightly top-heavy, Larson IMF in the range 1 Msun < M < 100 Msun. ",Constraints on the IMF of the first stars
+" A search for the Higgs boson in H->WW->ee and H->WW->mu+tau decays in ppbar collisions at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV is presented. The data have been collected by the Run II DO detector. In order to maximize the sensitivity multivariate techniques such as artificial neural networks (NN), matrix element methods and likelihoods are used. No excess above the Standard Model background is observed and limits on the production cross section times branching ratio for Higgs masses between 115 and 200 GeV are set. ",Searching for Higgs Decaying to H->WW->mu + tau and H->WW->ee at DO
+" The purported observation of a state $\Theta^+$ with strangeness S = +1 led to its quark model interpretation in terms of a pentaquark combination involving a triquark-diquark structure -- the Karliner-Lipkin model. In this work, the proper colour-spin symmetry properties for the $q q \bar{q}$ triquark are elucidated by calculating the SU(6) unitary scalar factors and Racah coefficients. Using these results, the colour-spin hyperfine interactions, including flavour symmetry breaking therein, become straight-forward to incorporate and the pentaquark masses are readily obtained. We examine the effect on the pentaquark mass of (a) deviations from the flavour symmetric limit and (b) different strengths of the doublet and triplet hyperfine interactions. Reference values of these parameters yield a $\Theta^+$ mass prediction of 1601 MeV but it can comfortably accommodate 1540 MeV for alternate choices. In the same framework, other pentaquark states $\Xi$ (S=--2) and $\Theta^c $ (with charm C=--1) are expected at 1783 MeV and 2757 MeV, respectively. ","SU(6), Triquark states, and the pentaquark"
+" We reconsider the role of wormholes in the AdS/CFT correspondence. We focus on Euclidean wormholes that connect two asymptotically AdS or hyperbolic regions with $\mathbb{S}^1\times \mathbb{S}^{d-1}$ boundary. There is no solution to Einstein's equations of this sort, as the wormholes possess a modulus that runs to infinity. To find on-shell wormholes we must stabilize this modulus, which we can do by fixing the total energy on the two boundaries. Such a wormhole gives the saddle point approximation to a non-standard problem in quantum gravity, where we fix two asymptotic boundaries and constrain the common energy. Crucially the dual quantity does not factorize even when the bulk is dual to a single CFT, on account of the fixed energy constraint. From this quantity we extract a smeared version of the microcanonical spectral form factor. For a chaotic theory this quantity is self-averaging, i.e. well-approximated by averaging over energy windows, or over coupling constants. We go on to give a precision test involving the microcanonical spectral form factor where the two replicas have slightly different coupling constants. In chaotic theories this form factor is known to smoothly decay at a rate universally predicted in terms of one replica physics, provided that there is an average either over a window or over couplings. We compute the expected decay rate for holographic theories, and the form factor from a wormhole, and the two exactly agree for a wide range of two-derivative effective field theories in AdS. This gives a precision test of averaging in AdS/CFT. Our results interpret a number of confusing facts about wormholes and factorization in AdS and suggest that we should regard gravitational effective field theory as a mesoscopic description, analogous to semiclassical mesoscopic descriptions of quantum chaotic systems. ",A precision test of averaging in AdS/CFT
+" We outline selected trends and results in theoretical modeling of quantum systems in support of the developing research field of quantum information processing. The resulting modeling tools have been applied to semiconductor materials and nanostructures that show promise for implementation of coherent, controlled quantum dynamics at the level of registers of several quantum bits (qubits), such as spins. Many-body field-theoretical techniques have been utilized to address a spectrum of diverse research topics. Specifically, the theory of decoherence and more generally the origin and effects of quantum noise and the loss of entanglement in quantum dynamics of qubits and several-qubit registers has been advanced. Qubit coupling mechanisms via the indirect exchange interaction have been investigated, and quantum computing designs have been evaluated for scalability. We outline general and specific research challenges, the solution of which will advance the field of modeling ""open quantum systems"" to further our understanding of how environmental influences affect quantum coherence and its loss during quantum dynamics. ",Topics in Quantum Dynamics and Coherence for Quantum Information Processing
+" The Prechtl General Movements Assessment (GMA) has become a clinician and researcher tool-box for evaluating neurodevelopment in early infancy. Given it involves observation of infant movements from video recordings, utilising smartphone applications to obtain these recordings seems like the natural progression for the field. In this review, we look back on the development of apps for acquiring general movement videos, describe the application and research studies of available apps, and discuss future directions of mobile solutions and their usability in research and clinical practice. We emphasise the importance of understanding the background that has led to these developments while introducing new technologies, including the barriers and facilitators along the pathway. The GMApp and Baby Moves App were the first ones developed to increase accessibility of the GMA, with two further apps, NeuroMotion and InMotion, designed since. The Baby Moves app has been applied most frequently. For the mobile future of GMA, we advocate collaboration to boost the field's progression and to reduce research waste. We propose future collaborative solutions including standardisation of cross-sites data collection, adaption to local context and privacy laws, employment of user feedback, and sustainable IT structures enabling continuous software updating. ",Mobile solutions for clinical surveillance and evaluation in infancy -- General Movement Apps
+" We theoretically study a finite size $SF_1NF_2$ spin valve, where a normal metal ($N$) insert separates a thin standard ferromagnet ($F_1$) and a thick half-metallic ferromagnet ($F_2$). For sufficiently thin superconductor ($S$) widths close to the coherence length $\xi_0$, we find that changes to the relative magnetization orientations in the ferromagnets can result in substantial variations in the transition temperature $T_c$, consistent with experiment [Singh et al., Phys. Rev. X 5, 021019 (2015)]. Our results demonstrate that, in good agreement with the experiment, the variations are largest in the case where $F_2$ is in a half-metallic phase and thus supports only one spin direction. To pinpoint the origins of this strong spin-valve effect, both the equal-spin $f_1$ and opposite-spin $f_0$ triplet correlations are calculated using a self-consistent microscopic technique. We find that when the magnetization in $F_1$ is tilted slightly out-of-plane, the $f_1$ component can be the dominant triplet component in the superconductor. The coupling between the two ferromagnets is discussed in terms of the underlying spin currents present in the system. We go further and show that the zero energy peaks of the local density of states probed on the $S$ side of the valve can be another signature of the presence of superconducting triplet correlations. Our findings reveal that for sufficiently thin $S$ layers, the zero energy peak at the $S$ side can be larger than its counterpart in the $F_2$ side. ",Half-Metallic Superconducting Triplet Spin Valve
+" A connection between solutions of the relativistic d-brane system in (d+1) dimensions with the solutions of a Galileo invariant fluid in d-dimensions is by now well established. However, the physical nature of the light-cone gauge description of a relativistic membrane changes after the reduction to the fluid dynamical model since the gauge symmetry is lost. In this work we argue that the original gauge symmetry present in a relativistic d-brane system can be recovered after the reduction process to a d-dimensional fluid model. To this end we propose, without introducing Wess-Zumino fields, a gauge invariant theory of isentropic fluid dynamics and show that this symmetry corresponds to the invariance under local translation of the velocity potential in the fluid dynamics picture. We show that different but equivalent choices of the sympletic sector lead to distinct representations of the embedded gauge algebra. ",Hidden Symmetry of a Fluid Dynamical Model
+" The Vector Spectromagnetograph (VSM) instrument has been recording photospheric and chromospheric magnetograms daily since August 2003. Full-disk photospheric vector magnetograms are observed at least weekly and, since November 2006, area-scans of active regions daily. Quick-look vector magnetic images, plus X3D and FITS formated files, are now publicly available daily. In the near future, Milne-Eddington inversion parameter data will also be available and a typical observing day will include three full-disk photospheric vector magnetograms. Besides full-disk observations, the VSM is capable of high temporal cadence area-scans of both the photosphere and chromosphere. Carrington rotation and daily synoptic maps are also available from the photospheric magnetograms and coronal hole estimate images. ",SOLIS Vector Spectromagnetograph: status and science
+" The elastic response of dense suspensions under an impact is studied using coupled Lattice Boltzmann Method and Discrete Element Method (LBM-DEM) and its reduced model. We succeed to extract the elastic force acting on the impactor in dense suspensions, which can exist even in the absence of percolating clusters of suspended particles. We then propose a reduced model to describe the motion of the impactor and demonstrate its relevancy through the comparison of the solution of the reduced model and that of LBM-DEM. Furthermore, we illustrate that the perturbation analysis of the reduced model captures the short-time behavior of the impactor motion quantitatively. We apply this reduced model to the impact of the foot-spring-body system on a dense suspension, which is the minimal model to realize walking on the suspension. Due to the spring force of the system and the stiffness of the suspension, the foot undergoes multiple bounces. We also study the parameter dependencies of the hopping motion and find that multiple bounces are suppressed as the spring stiffness increases. ",Effective viscosity and elasticity in dense suspensions under impact: Toward a modeling of walking on suspensions
+" Motivated by the problem of determining unknotted routes for the scaffolding strand in DNA origami self-assembly, we examine existence and knottedness of A-trails in graphs embedded on the torus. We show that any A-trail in a checkerboard-colorable torus graph is unknotted and characterize the existence of A-trails in checkerboard-colorable torus graphs in terms of pairs of quasitrees in associated embeddings. Surface meshes are frequent targets for DNA nanostructure self-assembly, and so we study both triangular and rectangular torus grids. We show that, aside from one exceptional family, a triangular torus grid contains an A-trail if and only if it has an odd number of vertices, and that such an A-trail is necessarily unknotted. On the other hand, while every rectangular torus grid contains an unknotted A-trail, we also show that any torus knot can be realized as an A-trail in some rectangular grid. Lastly, we use a gluing operation to construct infinite families of triangular and rectangular grids containing unknotted A-trails on surfaces of arbitrary genus. We also give infinite families of triangular grids containing no unknotted A-trail on surfaces of arbitrary nonzero genus. ",DNA Origami and Unknotted A-trails in Torus Graphs
+" We report the development and benchmark of multireference algebraic diagrammatic construction theory (MR-ADC) for the simulations of core-excited states and X-ray absorption spectra (XAS). Our work features an implementation that incorporates core-valence separation into the strict and extended second-order MR-ADC approximations (MR-ADC(2) and MR-ADC(2)-X), providing an efficient access to high-energy excited states without including inner-shell orbitals in the active space. Benchmark results on a set of small molecules indicate that at equilibrium geometries the accuracy of MR-ADC is similar to that of single-reference ADC theory when static correlation effects are not important. In this case, MR-ADC(2)-X performs similarly to single- and multireference coupled cluster methods in reproducing the experimental XAS peak spacings. We demonstrate the potential of MR-ADC for chemical systems with multiconfigurational electronic structure by calculating the K-edge XAS spectrum of the ozone molecule with a multireference character in its ground electronic state and the dissociation curve of core-excited molecular nitrogen. For ozone, the MR-ADC results agree well with the data from experimental and previous multireference studies of ozone XAS, in contrast to the results of single-reference methods, which underestimate relative peak energies and intensities. The MR-ADC methods also predict the correct shape of core-excited nitrogen potential energy curve, in a good agreement with accurate calculations using driven similarity renormalization group approaches. These findings suggest that MR-ADC(2) and MR-ADC(2)-X are promising methods for the XAS simulations of multireference systems and pave the way for their efficient computer implementation and applications. ",Core-Excited States and X-Ray Absorption Spectra From Multireference Algebraic Diagrammatic Construction Theory
+" Photoacoustic imaging is a new non-destructive medical imaging technology based on photoacoustic effect. It can reflect the difference of light absorption energy by detecting photoacoustic signal. At present, the analysis methods of photoacoustic signals in biological tissues can be divided into two categories, namely, time-domain analysis of signals and frequency-domain analysis of signals. In time domain analysis, the envelope of the received photoacoustic signal is usually used to reconstruct the image. However, due to the influence of various external factors, the time domain signal cannot accurately reflect the characteristics of the absorber itself. Here, photoacoustic spectrum analysis was performed by using k-Wave to obtains the relationship between the structure, size, density of the absorber and the photoacoustic spectrum. Firstly, the relationship between the size of absorber and the photoacoustic spectrum is studied, and the slope and intercept are used to analyze the spectrum. Conversely, the relationship was used to predict the size of the absorber Finally, we used this relationship to predict the size of blood vessels. ",Research on the photoacoustic spectrum analysis using k-Wave
+" We introduce a graph-theoretic approach to extract clusters and hierarchies in complex data-sets in an unsupervised and deterministic manner, without the use of any prior information. This is achieved by building topologically embedded networks containing the subset of most significant links and analyzing the network structure. For a planar embedding, this method provides both the intra-cluster hierarchy, which describes the way clusters are composed, and the inter-cluster hierarchy which describes how clusters gather together. We discuss performance, robustness and reliability of this method by first investigating several artificial data-sets, finding that it can outperform significantly other established approaches. Then we show that our method can successfully differentiate meaningful clusters and hierarchies in a variety of real data-sets. In particular, we find that the application to gene expression patterns of lymphoma samples uncovers biologically significant groups of genes which play key-roles in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of some of the most relevant human lymphoid malignancies. ",Hierarchical information clustering by means of topologically embedded graphs
+" After a self-contained introduction to Lie algebra cohomology, we present some recent applications in mathematics and in physics. Contents: 1. Preliminaries: L_X, i_X, d 2. Elementary differential geometry on Lie groups 3. Lie algebra cohomology: a brief introduction 4. Symmetric polynomials and higher order cocycles 5. Higher order simple and SH Lie algebras 6. Higher order generalized Poisson structures 7. Relative cohomology, coset spaces and effective WZW actions ",An introduction to some novel applications of Lie algebra cohomology and physics
+" We study the prospects for extracting detailed statistical properties of the neutral Hydrogen distribution during the era of reionization using the brightness temperature fluctuations from redshifted 21 cm line emission. Detection of this signal is complicated by contamination from foreground sources such as diffuse Galactic synchrotron and free-free emission at low radio frequencies, extragalactic free-free emission from ionized regions and radio point sources. We model these foregrounds to determine the extent to which 21 cm fluctuations can be detected with upcoming experiments. We find that not only the level of correlation from one frequency to another, but also the functional form of the foreground correlations has a substantial impact on foreground removal. We calculate how well the angular power spectra of the 21cm fluctuations can be determined. We also show that the large-scale bias of the neutral Hydrogen gas distribution with respect to the density field, can be determined with high precision and used to distinguish between different reionization histories. ",Multifrequency analysis of 21 cm fluctuations from the Era of Reionization
+" We study the extent to which very bright (-23.0 < MUV < -21.75) Lyman-break selected galaxies at redshifts z~7 display detectable Lya emission. To explore this issue, we have obtained follow-up optical spectroscopy of 9 z~7 galaxies from a parent sample of 24 z~7 galaxy candidates selected from the 1.65 sq.deg COSMOS-UltraVISTA and SXDS-UDS survey fields using the latest near-infrared public survey data, and new ultra-deep Subaru z'-band imaging (which we also present and describe in this paper). Our spectroscopy has yielded only one possible detection of Lya at z=7.168 with a rest-frame equivalent width EW_0 = 3.7 (+1.7/-1.1) Angstrom. The relative weakness of this line, combined with our failure to detect Lya emission from the other spectroscopic targets allows us to place a new upper limit on the prevalence of strong Lya emission at these redshifts. For conservative calculation and to facilitate comparison with previous studies at lower redshifts, we derive a 1-sigma upper limit on the fraction of UV bright galaxies at z~7 that display EW_0 > 50 Angstrom, which we estimate to be < 0.23. This result may indicate a weak trend where the fraction of strong Lya emitters ceases to rise, and possibly falls between z~6 and z~7. Our results also leave open the possibility that strong Lya may still be more prevalent in the brightest galaxies in the reionization era than their fainter counterparts. A larger spectroscopic sample of galaxies is required to derive a more reliable constraint on the neutral hydrogen fraction at z~7 based on the Lya fraction in the bright galaxies. ",A New Constraint on the Ly$\alpha$ Fraction of UV Very Bright Galaxies at Redshift 7
+" This paper deals with the design of controllers for variable speed hydropower (VSHP) plants with the objective of optimize the plants' performance. The control objectives imply enabling fast responses to frequency deviations while keeping the electric and hydraulic variables within their constraints. A model predictive controller (MPC) was developed to coordinate the turbine controller with the virtual synchronous generator (VSG) control of the power electronics converter. The simulation results show that the VSG is able to deliver fast power responses by utilizing the rotational energy of the turbine and the generator. The MPC controls the guide vane opening of the turbine to regain the nominal turbine rotational speed. If this is not possible due to the constraints of the hydraulic system, the MPC adjusts the power output of the VSHP by changing the VSG power reference. The proposed control system allows the VSHP to provide fast frequency reserves (FFR). ",Optimized Control of Variable Speed Hydropower for Provision of Fast Frequency Reserves
+" We present CCD $UBVRI$ photometry of the field of the open cluster NGC 6866. Structural parameters of the cluster are determined utilizing the stellar density profile of the stars in the field. We calculate the probabilities of the stars being a physical member of the cluster using their astrometric data and perform further analyses using only the most probable members. The reddening and metallicity of the cluster were determined by independent methods. The LAMOST spectra and the ultraviolet excess of the F and G type main-sequence stars in the cluster indicate that the metallicity of the cluster is about the solar value. We estimated the reddening $E(B-V)=0.074 \pm 0.050$ mag using the $U-B$ vs $B-V$ two-colour diagram. The distance modula, the distance and the age of NGC 6866 were derived as $\mu = 10.60 \pm 0.10$ mag, $d=1189 \pm 75$ pc and $t = 813 \pm 50$ Myr, respectively, by fitting colour-magnitude diagrams of the cluster with the PARSEC isochrones. The Galactic orbit of NGC 6866 indicates that the cluster is orbiting in a slightly eccentric orbit with $e=0.12$. The mass function slope $x=1.35 \pm 0.08$ was derived by using the most probable members of the cluster. ",A comprehensive study of the open cluster NGC 6866
+" The visible light communication (VLC) technology has attracted much attention in the research of the sixth generation (6G) communication systems. In this paper, a novel three dimensional (3D) space-time-frequency non-stationary geometry-based stochastic model (GBSM) is proposed for indoor VLC channels. The proposed VLC GBSM can capture unique indoor VLC channel characteristics such as the space-time-frequency non-stationarity caused by large light-emitting diode (LED) arrays in indoor scenarios, long travelling paths, and large bandwidths of visible light waves, respectively. In addition, the proposed model can support special radiation patterns of LEDs, 3D translational and rotational motions of the optical receiver (Rx), and can be applied to angle diversity receivers (ADRs). Key channel properties are simulated and analyzed, including the space-time-frequency correlation function (STFCF), received power, root mean square (RMS) delay spread, and path loss (PL). Simulation results verify the space-time-frequency non-stationarity in indoor VLC channels. Finally, the accuracy and practicality of the proposed model are validated by comparing the simulation result of channel 3dB bandwidth with the existing measurement data. The proposed channel model will play a supporting role in the design of future 6G VLC systems. ",A Novel 3D Non-Stationary Channel Model for 6G Indoor Visible Light Communication Systems
+" In this paper we consider reduction maps $r_{v} : K_{2n+1}(F)/C_{F} \to K_{2n+1}(\kappa_{v})_{l}$ where $F$ is a number field and $C_{F}$ denotes the subgroup of $K_{2n+1}(F)$ generated by $l$-parts (for all primes $l$) of kernels of the Dwyer-Friedlander map and maps $r_{v} : A(F)\to A_{v}(\kappa _{v})_{l}$ where $A(F)$ is an abelian variety over a number field. We prove a generalization of the support problem of Schinzel for $K$-groups of number fields: Let $P_{1}, ..., P_{s}, Q_{1}, ..., Q_{s}\in K_{2n+1}(F)/C_{F}$ be the points of infinite order. Assume that for almost every prime $l$ the following condition holds: for every set of positive integers $m_{1}, ..., m_{s}$ and for almost every prime $v$ $$m_{1} r_{v}(P_{1})+... + m_{s} r_{v}(P_{s})=0 \mathrm{implies} m_{1} r_{v}(Q_{1})+... + m_{s}r_{v}(Q_{s})= 0. $$ Then there exist $\alpha_{i}$, $\beta_{i}\in \mathbb{Z} \setminus \{0 \}$ such that $\alpha_{i} P_{i}+\beta_{i} Q_{i}=0$ in $B(F)$ for every $i \in \{1, ... s\}$. We also get an analogues result for abelian varieties over number fields. The main technical result of the paper says that if $P_{1}, ..., P_{s}$ are nontorsion elements of $K_{2n+1}(F)/C_{F}$, which are linearly independent over $\mathbb{Z}$, then for any prime $l$, and for any set $\{k_{1},... ,k_{s}\}\subset \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\}$, there are infinitely many primes $v$, such that the image of the point $P_{t}$ via the map $r_{v}$ has order equal $l^{k_{t}}$ for every $t \in \{1, ..., s \}$. ",On reduction maps and support problem in K-theory and abelian varieties
+" We consider the calculation of electromagnetic fields generated by an electron bunch passing through a vacuum chamber structure that, in general, consists of an entry pipe, followed by some kind of transition or cavity, and ending in an exit pipe. We limit our study to structures having rectangular cross-section, where the height can vary as function of longitudinal coordinate but the width and side walls remain fixed. For such structures, we derive a Fourier representation of the wake potentials through one-dimensional functions. A new numerical approach for calculating the wakes in such structures is proposed and implemented in the computer code ECHO(2D). The computation resource requirements for this approach are moderate and comparable to those for finding the wakes in 2D rotationally symmetric structures. Numerical examples obtained with the new numerical code are presented. ",Calculation of wakefields in 2D rectangular structures
+" We provide a formula for estimating the redshift and its secular change (redshift drift) in Lema\^itre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) spherically symmetric universes. We compute the scaling of the redshift drift for LTB models that predict Hubble diagrams indistinguishable from those of the standard cosmological model, the flat $\Lambda$ Cold Dark Matter ($\Lambda$CDM) model. We show that the redshift drift for these degenerate LTB models is typically different from that predicted in the $\Lambda$CDM scenario. We also highlight and discuss some unconventional redshift-drift signals that arise in LTB universes and give them distinctive features compared to the standard model. We argue that the redshift drift is a metric observable that allows to reduce the degrees of freedom of spherically symmetric models and to make them more predictive and thus falsifiable. ",Redshift drift in radially inhomogeneous Lema\^itre-Tolman-Bondi spacetimes
+" A new framework of compressive sensing (CS), namely statistical compressive sensing (SCS), that aims at efficiently sampling a collection of signals that follow a statistical distribution and achieving accurate reconstruction on average, is introduced. For signals following a Gaussian distribution, with Gaussian or Bernoulli sensing matrices of O(k) measurements, considerably smaller than the O(k log(N/k)) required by conventional CS, where N is the signal dimension, and with an optimal decoder implemented with linear filtering, significantly faster than the pursuit decoders applied in conventional CS, the error of SCS is shown tightly upper bounded by a constant times the k-best term approximation error, with overwhelming probability. The failure probability is also significantly smaller than that of conventional CS. Stronger yet simpler results further show that for any sensing matrix, the error of Gaussian SCS is upper bounded by a constant times the k-best term approximation with probability one, and the bound constant can be efficiently calculated. For signals following Gaussian mixture models, SCS with a piecewise linear decoder is introduced and shown to produce for real images better results than conventional CS based on sparse models. ",Statistical Compressive Sensing of Gaussian Mixture Models
+" Borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder are important nosographic entities and have been subject of intensive investigations. The currently prevailing psychodynamic theory for mental disorders is based on the repertoire of defense mechanisms employed. Another line of research is concerned with the study of psychological traumas and dissociation as a defensive response. Both theories can be used to shed light on some aspects of pathological mental functioning, and have many points of contact. This work merges these two psychological theories, and builds a model of mental function in a relational context called Quadripolar Relational Model. The model, which is enriched with ideas borrowed from the field of computer science, leads to a new therapeutic proposal for psychological traumas and personality disorders. ",Quadripolar Relational Model: a framework for the description of borderline and narcissistic personality disorders
+" We investigate the practicality of the method proposed by Maciel et al. [Phys. Rev. A. 80, 032325(2009)] for detecting the entanglement of two spatial qutrits (3-dimensional quantum systems), which are encoded in the discrete transverse momentum of single photons transmitted through a multi-slit aperture. The method is based on the acquisition of partial information of the quantum state through projective measurements, and a data processing analysis done with semi-definite programs. This analysis relies on generating gradually an optimal entanglement witness operator, and numerical investigations have shown that it allows for the entanglement detection of unknown states with a cost much lower than full state tomography. ",Fast entanglement detection for unknown states of two spatial qutrits
+" As the 3-string braid group B(3) and the modular group PSL(2,Z) are both of wild representation type one cannot expect a full classification of all their finite dimensional simple representations. Still, one can aim to describe 'most' irreducible representations by constructing for each d-dimensional irreducible component X of the variety iss(n,B(3)) classifying the isomorphism classes of semi-simple n-dimensional representations of B(3) an explicit minimal etale rational map A^d --> X having a Zariski dense image. Such rational dense parametrizations were obtained for all components when n < 12 in \cite{arXiv:1003.1610v1}. The aim of the present paper is to establish such parametrizations for all finite dimensions n. ",Most irreducible representations of the 3-string braid group
+" We present LOFAR observations of one of the most spectacular objects in the radio sky: Abell 2255. This is a nearby ($z = 0.0806$) merging galaxy cluster hosting one of the first radio halos ever detected in the intra-cluster medium (ICM). The deep LOFAR images at 144 MHz of the central $\sim10$ Mpc$^2$ region show a plethora of emission on different scales, from tens of kpc to above Mpc sizes. In this work, we focus on the innermost region of the cluster. Among the numerous interesting features observed, we discover remarkable bright and filamentary structures embedded in the radio halo. We incorporate archival WSRT 1.2 GHz data to study the spectral properties of the diffuse synchrotron emission and find a very complex spectral index distribution in the halo spanning a wide range of values. We combine the radio data with Chandra observations to investigate the connection between the thermal and non-thermal components by quantitatively comparing the radio and X-ray surface brightness and the spectral index of the radio emission with the thermodynamical quantities of the ICM. Despite the multitude of structures observed in the radio halo, we find that the X-ray and radio emission are overall well correlated. The fact that the steepest spectrum emission is located in the cluster center and traces regions with high entropy possibly suggests the presence of seed particles injected by radio galaxies that are spread in the ICM by turbulence generating the extended radio halo. ",The beautiful mess in Abell 2255
+" We introduce a higher spin vertex model on a strip with fused vertex weights. This model can be regarded as a generalization of both the unfused six-vertex model on a strip [Yan22] and an 'integrable two-step Floquet dynamics' model introduced in [Van18]. We solve for the stationary measure using a fused version of the matrix product ansatz and then characterize it in terms of the Askey-Wilson process. Using this characterization, we obtain the limits of the mean density along an arbitrary down-right path. It turns out that all these models share a common phase diagram, which, after an appropriate mapping, matches the phase diagram of open ASEP, thereby establishing a universality result for this phase diagram. ",Stationary measures for higher spin vertex models on a strip
+" Efficient light-matter interaction lies at the heart of many emerging technologies that seek on-chip integration of solid-state photonic systems. Plasmonic waveguides, which guide the radiation in the form of strongly confined surface plasmon-polariton modes, represent a promising solution to manipulate single photons in coplanar architectures with unprecedented small footprints. Here we demonstrate coupling of the emission from a single quantum emitter to the channel plasmon polaritons supported by a V-groove plasmonic waveguide. Extensive theoretical simulations enable us to determine the position and orientation of the quantum emitter for optimum coupling. Concomitantly with these predictions, we demonstrate experimentally that 42% of a single nitrogen vacancy centre emission efficiently couples into the supported modes of the V-groove. This work paves the way towards practical realization of efficient and long distance transfer of energy for integrated solid-state quantum systems. ",Coupling of individual quantum emitters to channel plasmons
+" We show that Haefliger's differentiable (6,3)-knot bounds, in 6-space, a 4-manifold (a Seifert surface) of arbitrarily prescribed signature. This implies, according to our previous paper, that the Seifert surface has been prolonged in a prescribed direction near its boundary. This aspect enables us to understand a resemblance between Ekholm-Szucs' formula for the Smale invariant and Boechat-Haefliger's formula for Haefliger knots. As a consequence, we show that an immersion of the 3-sphere in 5-space can be regularly homotoped to the projection of an embedding in 6-space if and only if its Smale invariant is even. We also correct a sign error in our previous paper: ""A geometric formula for Haefliger knots"" [Topology 43 (2004) 1425-1447]. ",The Hopf invariant of a Haefliger knot
+" Locally repairable codes (LRCs) have recently been widely used in distributed storage systems and the LRCs with $(r,\delta)$-locality ($(r,\delta)$-LRCs) attracted a lot of interest for tolerating multiple erasures. Ge et al. constructed $(r,\delta)$-LRCs with unbounded code length and optimal minimum distance when $\delta+1 \leq d \leq 2\delta$ from the parity-check matrix equipped with the Vandermonde structure, but the block length is limited by the size of $\mathbb{F}_q$. In this paper, we propose a more general construction of $(r,\delta)$-LRCs through the parity-check matrix. Furthermore, with the help of MDS codes, we give three classes of explicit constructions of optimal $(r,\delta)$-LRCs with block length beyond $q$. It turns out that 1) our general construction extends the results of Ge et al. and 2) our explicit constructions yield some optimal $(r,\delta)$-LRCs with new parameters. ","Explicit Constructions of Optimal $(r,\delta)$-Locally Repairable Codes"
+" In many real-world applications, fully-differentiable RNNs such as LSTMs and GRUs have been widely deployed to solve time series learning tasks. These networks train via Backpropagation Through Time, which can work well in practice but involves a biologically unrealistic unrolling of the network in time for gradient updates, are computationally expensive, and can be hard to tune. A second paradigm, Reservoir Computing, keeps the recurrent weight matrix fixed and random. Here, we propose a novel hybrid network, which we call Hybrid Backpropagation Parallel Echo State Network (HBP-ESN) which combines the effectiveness of learning random temporal features of reservoirs with the readout power of a deep neural network with batch normalization. We demonstrate that our new network outperforms LSTMs and GRUs, including multi-layer ""deep"" versions of these networks, on two complex real-world multi-dimensional time series datasets: gesture recognition using skeleton keypoints from ChaLearn, and the DEAP dataset for emotion recognition from EEG measurements. We show also that the inclusion of a novel meta-ring structure, which we call HBP-ESN M-Ring, achieves similar performance to one large reservoir while decreasing the memory required by an order of magnitude. We thus offer this new hybrid reservoir deep learning paradigm as a new alternative direction for RNN learning of temporal or sequential data. ",Hybrid Backpropagation Parallel Reservoir Networks
+" In this paper we present a novel tractable method to compute reduced and aggregated distribution grid representations that provide an interface in the form of active and reactive power (PQ) capability areas for improving transmission service operator - distribution service operator (TSO-DSO) interactions. Based on a lossless linear power flow approximation we derive polyhedral sets to determine a reduced PQ operating region capturing all voltage magnitude and branch power flow constraints of the entire distribution grid. To demonstrate the usefulness of our method, we compare the capability area obtained from the polyhedral approximation with an area generated by multiple optimal power flow (OPF) solutions for different distribution grids. While the approximation errors are reasonable, especially for low voltage (LV) grids, the computational complexity to compute the PQ capability area can be significantly reduced with our proposed method. ",Reduced and Aggregated Distribution Grid Representations Approximated by Polyhedral Sets
+" We consider the problem of determining the trade-off between the rate and the block-length of polar codes for a given block error probability when we use the successive cancellation decoder. We take the sum of the Bhattacharyya parameters as a proxy for the block error probability, and show that there exists a universal parameter $\mu$ such that for any binary memoryless symmetric channel $W$ with capacity $I(W)$, reliable communication requires rates that satisfy $R< I(W)-\alpha N^{-\frac{1}{\mu}}$, where $\alpha$ is a positive constant and $N$ is the block-length. We provide lower bounds on $\mu$, namely $\mu \geq 3.553$, and we conjecture that indeed $\mu=3.627$, the parameter for the binary erasure channel. ",Universal Bounds on the Scaling Behavior of Polar Codes
+" In the context of general Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), new sources for Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) as well as CP-violation appear. We show that in the presence of LFV sources, the electric dipole moment of the electron ($d_e$) can receive new contributions. In particular, $d_e$ can receive a significant contribution at one loop level from the phase of the trilinear $A$-term of the staus, $\phi_{A_\tau}$. We discuss how we can derive information on $\phi_{A_\tau}$ by combining the information on $d_e$ with that on the LFV decay modes of the $\tau$ lepton. We then discuss if this approach can be considered as an alternative to the direct measurement of $\phi_{A_\tau}$ at ILC. ",Combined Analysis of Electric Dipole Moments and Lepton Flavor Violating Rare Decays
+" We use Brauer-Manin obstructions to explain failures of the integral Hasse principle and strong approximation away from infinity for the equation x^2+y^2+z^k=m with fixed integers k>=3 and m. Under Schinzel's hypothesis (H), we prove that Brauer-Manin obstructions corresponding to specific Azumaya algebras explain all failures of strong approximation away from infinity at the variable z. Finally, we present an algorithm that, again under Schinzel's hypothesis (H), finds out whether the equation has any integral solutions. ",Integral Brauer-Manin obstructions for sums of two squares and a power
+" Let $X$ be a matrix with entries in a polynomial ring over an algebraically closed field $K$. We prove that, if the entries of $X$ outside some $(t \times t)$-submatrix are algebraically dependent over $K$, the arithmetical rank of the ideal $I_t(X)$ of $t$-minors of $X$ drops at least by one with respect to the generic case; under suitable assumptions, it drops at least by $k$ if $X$ has $k$ zero entries. This upper bound turns out to be sharp if $\mathrm{char}\, K=0$, since it then coincides with the lower bound provided by the local cohomological dimension. ",On determinantal ideals and algebraic dependence
+" Use of multiple light emitting diodes (LED) is an attractive way to increase spectral efficiency in visible light communications (VLC). A non-DC-biased OFDM (NDC OFDM) scheme that uses two LEDs has been proposed in the literature recently. NDC OFDM has been shown to perform better than other OFDM schemes for VLC like DC-biased OFDM (DCO OFDM) and asymmetrically clipped OFDM (ACO OFDM) in multiple LEDs settings. In this paper, we propose an efficient multiple LED OFDM scheme for VLC which uses {\em coded index modulation}. The proposed scheme uses two transmitter blocks, each having a pair of LEDs. Within each block, NDC OFDM signaling is done. The selection of which block is activated in a signaling interval is decided by information bits (i.e., index bits). In order to improve the reliability of the index bits at the receiver (which is critical because of high channel correlation in multiple LEDs settings), we propose to use coding on the index bits alone. We call the proposed scheme as CI-NDC OFDM (coded index NDC OFDM) scheme. Simulation results show that, for the same spectral efficiency, CI-NDC OFDM that uses LDPC coding on the index bits performs better than NDC OFDM. ",Coded Index Modulation for Non-DC-Biased OFDM in Multiple LED Visible Light Communication
+" The dynamical scaling for statistics of critical multifractal eigenstates proposed by Chalker is analytically verified for the critical random matrix ensemble in the limit of strong multifractality controlled by the small parameter $b\ll 1$. The power law behavior of the quantum return probability $P_{N}(\tau)$ as a function of the matrix size $N$ or time $\tau$ is confirmed in the limits $\tau/N\rightarrow\infty$ and $N/\tau\rightarrow\infty$, respectively, and it is shown that the exponents characterizing these power laws are equal to each other up to the order $b^{2}$. The corresponding analytical expression for the fractal dimension $d_{2}$ is found. ",Dynamical scaling for critical states: is Chalker's ansatz valid for strong fractality?
+" Polarimetry is widely considered a powerful observational technique in X-ray astronomy, useful to enhance our understanding of the emission mechanisms, geometry and magnetic field arrangement of many compact objects. However, the lack of suitable sensitive instrumentation in the X-ray energy band has been the limiting factor for its development in the last three decades. Up to now, polarization measurements have been made exclusively with Bragg diffraction at 45 degrees or Compton scattering at 90 degrees and the only unambiguous detection of X-ray polarization has been obtained for one of the brightest object in the X-ray sky, the Crab Nebula. Only recently, with the development of a new class of high sensitivity imaging detectors, the possibility to exploit the photoemission process to measure the photon polarization has become a reality. We will report on the performance of an imaging X-ray polarimeter based on photoelectric effect. The device derives the polarization information from the track of the photoelectrons imaged by a finely subdivided Gas Pixel Detector. It has a great sensitivity even with telescopes of modest area and can perform simultaneously good imaging, moderate spectroscopy and high rate timing. Being truly 2D it is non-dispersive and does not require any rotation. This device is included in the scientific payload of many proposals of satellite mission which have the potential to unveil polarimetry also in X-rays in a few years. ",X-ray Polarimetry: a new window on the high energy sky
+" We consider the downlink of cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation. Two pilot-based channel estimation schemes, namely superimposed pilot-based (SP-CHE) and embedded pilot-based channel estimation (EP-CHE), are applied to estimate the channels at the access points (APs). The SP-CHE scheme superimposes low power pilots onto the data symbols in the delay-Doppler domain to avoid the spectral efficiency (SE) loss due to null guard intervals used in the EP-CHE scheme. In the case of SP-CHE scheme, we consider a max-min fairness optimization problem to jointly optimize the peruser pilot/data power allocation coefficients and per-AP power control coefficients. The complicated non-convex problem is then iteratively solved through two decoupled sub-problems. Moreover, a max-min fairness problem is cast for the EP-CHE scheme, where the optimization variables are the per-AP power control coefficients. Numerical results show that the proposed resource allocation approaches provide at most 42 and 5-fold increase in the 95%-likely per-user SE for the SP-CHE and EP-CHE scheme, respectively, compared with the uniform power control and in correlated shadowing fading channels. ",Cell-Free Massive MIMO with OTFS Modulation: Power Control and Resource Allocation
+" In this paper, we find all integers $c$ having at least two representations as a difference between a Fibonacci number and a Tribonacci number. ",On a variant of Pillai's problem
+" Two methods of constraining the properties of dark energy are weak lensing tomography and cluster counting. Uncertainties in mass calibration of clusters can be reduced by using the properties of halo clustering (the clustering of clusters). However, within a single survey, weak lensing and halo clustering probe the same density fluctuations. We explore the question of whether this information can be used twice -- once in weak lensing and then again in halo clustering to calibrate cluster masses -- or whether the combined dark energy constraints are weaker than the sum of the individual constraints. For a survey like the Dark Energy Survey (DES), we find that the cosmic shearing of source galaxies at high redshifts is indeed highly correlated with halo clustering at lower redshifts. Surprisingly, this correlation does not degrade cosmological constraints for a DES-like survey, and in fact, constraints are marginally improved since the correlations themselves act as additional observables. This considerably simplifies the analysis for a DES-like survey: when weak lensing and halo clustering are treated as independent experiments, the combined dark energy constraints (cluster counts included) are accurate if not slightly conservative. Our findings mirror those of Takada and Bridle, who investigated correlations between the cosmic shear and cluster counts. ",Combining Weak Lensing Tomography with Halo Clustering to Probe Dark Energy
+" Designing an effective representation learning method for multimodal sentiment analysis tasks is a crucial research direction. The challenge lies in learning both shared and private information in a complete modal representation, which is difficult with uniform multimodal labels and a raw feature fusion approach. In this work, we propose a deep modal shared information learning module based on the covariance matrix to capture the shared information between modalities. Additionally, we use a label generation module based on a self-supervised learning strategy to capture the private information of the modalities. Our module is plug-and-play in multimodal tasks, and by changing the parameterization, it can adjust the information exchange relationship between the modes and learn the private or shared information between the specified modes. We also employ a multi-task learning strategy to help the model focus its attention on the modal differentiation training data. We provide a detailed formulation derivation and feasibility proof for the design of the deep modal shared information learning module. We conduct extensive experiments on three common multimodal sentiment analysis baseline datasets, and the experimental results validate the reliability of our model. Furthermore, we explore more combinatorial techniques for the use of the module. Our approach outperforms current state-of-the-art methods on most of the metrics of the three public datasets. ",Shared and Private Information Learning in Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with Deep Modal Alignment and Self-supervised Multi-Task Learning
+" The purpose of this paper is to establish the theory of stochastic pseudo-differential operators and give its applications in stochastic partial differential equations. First, we introduce some concepts on stochastic pseudo-differential operators and prove their fundamental properties. Also, we present the boundedness theory, invertibility of stochastic elliptic operators and the Garding inequality. Moreover, as an application of the theory of stochastic pseudo-differential operators, we give a Calderon-type uniqueness theorem on the Cauchy problem of stochastic partial differential equations. The proof of the uniqueness theorem is based on a new Carleman-type estimate, which is adapted to the stochastic setting. ","The Theory of Stochastic Pseudo-differential Operators and Its Applications, I"
+" In this paper, we present an (n, n) threshold quantum secret sharing scheme of secure direct communication using Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state. The present scheme is efficient in that all the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states used in the quantum secret sharing scheme are used to generate shared secret messages except those chosen for checking eavesdropper. In our scheme, the measuring basis of communication parties is invariable and the classical information used to check eavesdropping needs only the results of measurements of the communication parties. Another nice feature of our scheme is that the sender transmit her secret messages to the receivers directly and the receivers recover the sender's secret by combining their results, different from the QSS scheme whose object is essentially to allow a sender to establish a shared key with the receivers. This feature of our scheme is similar to that of quantum secret direct communication. ",Efficient multiparty quantum secret sharing of secure direct communication
+" Unlike the field of visual scene recognition where tremendous advances have taken place due to the availability of very large datasets to train deep neural networks, inference from medical images is often hampered by the fact that only small amounts of data may be available. When working with very small dataset problems, of the order of a few hundred items of data, the power of deep learning may still be exploited by using a model pre-trained on natural images as a feature extractor and carrying out classic pattern recognition techniques in this feature space, the so-called few-shot learning problem. In regimes where the dimension of this feature space is comparable to or even larger than the number of items of data, dimensionality reduction is a necessity and is often achieved by principal component analysis, i.e., singular value decomposition (SVD). In this paper, noting the inappropriateness of using SVD for this setting, we usher in and explore two alternatives based on discriminant analysis and non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). Using 14 different datasets spanning $11$ distinct disease types, we demonstrate that discriminant subspaces at low dimensions achieve significant improvements over SVD-based subspaces and the original feature space. We also show that NMF at modest dimensions is a competitive alternative to SVD in this setting. ",Few-shot Learning for Inference in Medical Imaging with Subspace Feature Representations
+" The fire and crime incident datasets were requested and collected from two Philippine regional agencies (i.e., the Bureau of Fire Protection and the Philippine National Police). The datasets were used to initially analyze and map both fire and crime incidents within the province of Pampanga for a specific time frame. Several data preparation, normalization, and data cleaning steps were implemented to properly map and identify patterns within the datasets. The initial results also indicate the leading causes of fire and crimes are rubbish and acts against property. Fires mostly occur during the dry season in the province. Crime is particularly high during December, and most of the fire and crime incidents occur during the time when people are most active. The dataset was able to present the temporal characteristics of the fire and crime incidents that occurred in the province of Pampanga. Merge the existing dataset with the other datasets from other related agencies to get a bigger picture and produce more objective results that could be used for decision-making. ","Datasets of Fire and Crime Incidents in Pampanga, Philippines"
+" In this work, we analyse the all-orders resummation structure of the momentum sharing fraction, $z_g$, opening angle, $\theta_g$, and relative transverse momentum, $k_{t,g}$, of the splitting tagged by the dynamical grooming procedure in hadronic collisions. We demonstrate that their resummation does non-exponentiate and it is free of clustering logarithms. Then, we analytically compute the probability distributions of ($z_g$, $\theta_g$, $k_{t,g}$) up to next-to next-to-double logarithm accuracy (N2DL) in the narrow jet limit, including a matching to leading order in $\alpha_s$. On the phenomenological side, we perform an analytic-to-parton level comparison with Pythia and Herwig. We find that differences between the analytic and the Monte-Carlo results are dominated by the infra-red regulator of the parton shower. Further, we present the first analytic comparison to preliminary ALICE data and highlight the role of non-perturbative corrections in such low-$p_t$ regime. Once the analytic result is corrected by a phenomenologically determined non-perturbative factor, we find very good agreement with the data. ",Dynamical grooming meets LHC data
+ The thermal Euclidean Green functions for Photons propagating in the Rindler wedge are computed employing an Euclidean approach within any covariant Feynman-like gauge. This is done by generalizing a formula which holds in the Minkowskian case. The coincidence of the found $(\be=2\pi)$-Green functions and the corresponding Minkowskian vacuum Green functions is discussed in relation to the remaining static gauge ambiguity already found in previous papers. Further generalizations to more complicated manifolds are discussed. Ward identities are verified in the general case. ,Euclidean Thermal Green Functions of Photons in Generalized Euclidean Rindler Spaces for any Feynman-like Gauge
+" We have carried out a 3D ideal-MHD (Magnetohydrodynamic) simulation to study the evolution of laser generated plasma plume in a moderate external magnetic field (0.13 T) oriented perpendicular to the flow direction of the plasma plume. The simulation shows that the plasma plume pushes the external magnetic field lines outward in the direction of the expansion. This leads to compression and bending of the magnetic field lines.The force resulting from the change in shape and the density of magnetic field lines opposes the expansion of the plume. An elliptic layer of shocked plasma is formed at the plasma/external field interface leaving a cavity in the plume core due to the outward expansion and the inertia of the plume. As the plasma pressure drops due to expansion, the imbalance between the magnetic energy and the internal energy results in the collapse of the cavity. These observations have striking similarities with the observations of the experiments [Phys. Plasmas 24, 033511 (2017)] performed recently to study the plasma plume expansion in the presence of an external transverse magnetic field. This similarity indicates that the physical mechanisms dominantly governing the plasma plume expansion in the moderate magnetic field are aptly described in the ideal MHD regime. The studies thus show that the laser generated plasma plume can be utilized to carry out interesting experiments on MHD phenomena in a simple laboratory set up. ",A 3D Magnetohydrodynamic simulation for the propagation of plasma plume transverse to applied magnetic field
+" We construct a matrix representation of compact membranes analytically embedded in complex tori. Brane configurations give rise, via Bergman quantization, to U(N) gauge fields on the dual torus, with almost-anti-self-dual field strength. The corresponding U(N) principal bundles are shown to be non-trivial, with vanishing instanton number and first Chern class corresponding to the homology class of the membrane embedded in the original torus. In the course of the investigation, we show that the proposed quantization scheme naturally provides an associative star-product over the space of functions on the surface, for which we give an explicit and coordinate-invariant expression. This product can, in turn, be used the quantize, in the sense of deformation quantization, any symplectic manifold of dimension two. ",Matrix Representations of Holomorphic Curves on $T_{4}$
+" We predict that superconductivity in thin films can be stabilized in high magnetic fields if the superconductor is driven out of equilibrium by a DC voltage bias. For realistic material parameters and temperatures, we show that superconductivity is restored in fields many times larger than the Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit. After motivating the effect analytically, we perform rigorous numerical calculations to corroborate the findings, and present concrete experimental signatures. On the technical side, we also introduce a new form for the nonequilibrium kinetic equations, which generalizes and simplifies previous formulations of the problem. ",Voltage-induced thin-film superconductivity in high magnetic fields
+" We present efficient coupling of single organic molecules to a gallium phosphide subwavelength waveguide (nanoguide). By examining and correlating the temporal dynamics of various single-molecule resonances at different locations along the nanoguide, we reveal light-induced fluctuations of their Stark shifts. Our observations are consistent with the predictions of a simple model based on the optical activation of a small number of charges in the GaP nanostructure. ",Nanoscopic charge fluctuations in a gallium phosphide waveguide measured by single molecules
+ Our published paper contains an incorrect statement of a result due to Artin and Zhang. This corrigendum gives the correct statement of their result and includes a new result that allows us to use their result to prove our main theorem. Thus the main theorem of our published paper is correct as stated but its proof must be modified. ,"Corrigendum to ""An equivalence of categories for graded modules over monomial algebras and path algebras of quivers"" [J. Algebra, 353(1) (2012) 249-260]"
+" We give an overview of the main features of the CMS trigger and data acquisition (DAQ) system. Then, we illustrate the strategies and trigger configurations (trigger tables) developed for the detector calibration and physics program of the CMS experiment, at start-up of LHC operations, as well as their possible evolution with increasing luminosity. Finally, we discuss the expected CPU time performance of the trigger algorithms and the CPU requirements for the event filter farm at start-up. ",The Trigger System of the CMS Experiment
+" Quantum Mechanics (QM) is a quantum probability theory based on the density matrix. The possibility of applying classical probability theory, which is based on the probability distribution function(PDF), to describe quantum systems is investigated in this work. In a sense this is also the question about the possibility of a Hidden Variable Theory (HVT) of Quantum Mechanics. Unlike Bell's inequality, which need to be checked experimentally, here HVT is ruled out by theoretical consideration. The approach taken here is to construct explicitly the most general HVT, which agrees with all results from experiments on quantum systems (QS), and to check its validity and acceptability. Our list of experimental facts of quantum objects, which all quantum theories are required to respect, includes facts on repeat quantum measurement. We show that it plays an essential role at showing that it is very unlikely that a classical theory can successfully reproduce all QS facts, even for a single spin-1/2 object. We also examine and rule out Bell's HVT and Bohm's HVT based on the same consideration. ",Could a Classical Probability Theory Describe Quantum Systems?
+" We study the possibility of detecting the charged Higgs bosons predicted in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model $(H^\pm)$, with the reactions $e^{+}e^{-}\to \tau^-\bar \nu_{\tau}H^+, \tau^+\nu_\tau H^-$, using the helicity formalism. We analyze the region of parameter space $(m_{A^0}-\tan\beta)$ where $H^\pm$ could be detected in the limit when $\tan\beta$ is large. The numerical computation is done for the energie which is expected to be available at LEP-II ($\sqrt{s}=200$ GeV) and for a possible Next Linear $e^{+}e^{-}$ Collider ($\sqrt{s}=500$ GeV). ",Detection of Charged MSSM Higgs Bosons at CERN LEP-II and NLC
+" Quantum-well (QW) states in {\it nonmagnetic} metal layers contained in magnetic multilayers are known to be important in spin-dependent transport, but the role of QW states in {\it magnetic} layers remains elusive. Here we identify the conditions and mechanisms for resonant tunneling through QW states in magnetic layers and determine candidate structures. We report first-principles calculations of spin-dependent transport in epitaxial Fe/MgO/FeO/Fe/Cr and Co/MgO/Fe/Cr tunnel junctions. We demonstrate the formation of sharp QW states in the Fe layer and show discrete conductance jumps as the QW states enter the transport window with increasing bias. At resonance, the current increases by one to two orders of magnitude. The tunneling magnetoresistance ratio is several times larger than in simple spin tunnel junctions and is positive (negative) for majority- (minority-) spin resonances, with a large asymmetry between positive and negative biases. The results can serve as the basis for novel spintronic devices. ",Spin-dependent resonant tunneling through quantum-well states in magnetic metallic thin films
+" The Python library FatGHol FatGHoL used in Murri2012 to reckon the rational homology of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces is an example of a non-numeric scientific code: most of the processing it does is generating graphs (represented by complex Python objects) and computing their isomorphisms (a triple of Python lists; again a nested data structure). These operations are repeated many times over: for example, the spaces and are triangulated by 4'583'322 and 747'664 graphs, respectively. This is an opportunity for every Python runtime to prove its strength in optimization. The purpose of this experiment was to assess the maturity of alternative Python runtimes, in terms of: compatibility with the language as implemented in CPython 2.7, and performance speedup. This paper compares the results and experiences from running FatGHol with different Python runtimes: CPython 2.7.5, PyPy 2.1, Cython 0.19, Numba 0.11, Nuitka 0.4.4 and Falcon. ",Performance of Python runtimes on a non-numeric scientific code
+" In most machine learning applications, classification accuracy is not the primary metric of interest. Binary classifiers which face class imbalance are often evaluated by the $F_\beta$ score, area under the precision-recall curve, Precision at K, and more. The maximization of many of these metrics can be expressed as a constrained optimization problem, where the constraint is a function of the classifier's predictions. In this paper we propose a novel framework for learning with constraints that can be expressed as a predicted positive rate (or negative rate) on a subset of the training data. We explicitly model the threshold at which a classifier must operate to satisfy the constraint, yielding a surrogate loss function which avoids the complexity of constrained optimization. The method is model-agnostic and only marginally more expensive than minimization of the unconstrained loss. Experiments on a variety of benchmarks show competitive performance relative to existing baselines. ",Constrained Classification and Ranking via Quantiles
+" The shift towards an energy Grid dominated by prosumers (consumers and producers of energy) will inevitably have repercussions on the distribution infrastructure. Today it is a hierarchical one designed to deliver energy from large scale facilities to end-users. Tomorrow it will be a capillary infrastructure at the medium and Low Voltage levels that will support local energy trading among prosumers. In our previous work, we analyzed the Dutch Power Grid and made an initial analysis of the economic impact topological properties have on decentralized energy trading. In this paper, we go one step further and investigate how different networks topologies and growth models facilitate the emergence of a decentralized market. In particular, we show how the connectivity plays an important role in improving the properties of reliability and path-cost reduction. From the economic point of view, we estimate how the topological evolutions facilitate local electricity distribution, taking into account the main cost ingredient required for increasing network connectivity, i.e., the price of cabling. ",Power Grid Network Evolutions for Local Energy Trading
+" Motivated by the recent achievement of space-based Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) with ultracold alkali-metal atoms under microgravity and by the proposal of bubble traps which confine atoms on a thin shell, we investigate the BEC thermodynamics on the surface of a sphere. We determine analytically the critical temperature and the condensate fraction of a noninteracting Bose gas. Then we consider the inclusion of a zero-range interatomic potential, extending the noninteracting results at zero and finite temperature. Both in the noninteracting and interacting cases the crucial role of the finite radius of the sphere is emphasized, showing that in the limit of infinite radius one recovers the familiar two-dimensional results. We also investigate the Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition driven by vortical configurations on the surface of the sphere, analyzing the interplay of condensation and superfluidity in this finite-size system. ",Bose-Einstein Condensation on the Surface of a Sphere
+" In this paper, we study the zero sets of the confluent hypergeometric function $_{1}F_{1}(\alpha;\gamma;z):=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{(\alpha)_{n}}{n!(\gamma)_{n}}z^{n}$, where $\alpha, \gamma, \gamma-\alpha\not\in \mathbb{Z}_{\leq 0}$, and show that if $\{z_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}$ is the zero set of $_{1}F_{1}(\alpha;\gamma;z)$ with multiple zeros repeated and modulus in increasing order, then there exists a constant $M>0$ such that $|z_n|\geq M n$ for all $n\geq 1$. ",On the zeros of Confluent Hypergeometric Functions
+" Let $K, K'$ be ribbon knottings of $n$-spheres with $1$-handles in $S^{n+2}$, $n\geq 2$. We show that if the knot quandles of these knots are isomorphic, then the ribbon knottings are stably equivalent, in the sense of Nakanishi and Nakagawa, after taking a finite number of connected sums with trivially embedded copies of $S^{n-1}\times S^{1}$. ",Ribbon n-knots with isomorphic quandles
+" We investigate the existence of spiral ordering in the planar spin orientation of skyrmions localised on a face centered rectangular lattice (FCRL). We use the non-linear sigma model (NLSM) to numerically calculate the minimum energy configurations of this lattice around the $\nu=1$ quantum Hall ground state. Our variational ansatz contains an angle $\theta$, characterising the FCRL and an angle $q$, characterising the orientational order. As $\nu$ is increased towards one, there is a smooth transition from the triangular lattice (TL) characterised by $(\theta,q) = (120^o,120^o)$ to FCRLs with spiral orientational order. The novel feature we find is that these phases are characterised by $\theta, q)$ values such that $\theta+q = 240^o$ (same as the TL phase). As $\nu$ incresaes further towards one, there is a sharp transition from the FCRLs to the square lattice (SL), characterised by $(\theta,q)=(90^o,180^o)$. Consequently, the parameter $\theta+q$ jumps sharply at the FCRL-SL transition and can serve as an order parameter to characterise it. ",Spiral orientational order in quantum Hall skyrmion lattices
+ A (conjecturally complete) list of components of complements of discriminant varieties of parabolic singularities of smooth real functions is given. We also promote a combinatorial program that enumerates possible topological types of non-discriminant morsifications of isolated real function singularities and provides a strong invariant of components of complements of discriminant varieties. ,Complements of discriminants of real parabolic function singularities
+" All hypersurface homogeneous locally rotationally symmetric spacetimes which admit conformal symmetries are determined and the symmetry vectors are given explicitly. It is shown that these spacetimes must be considered in two sets. One set containing Ellis Class II and the other containing Ellis Class I, III LRS spacetimes. The determination of the conformal algebra in the first set is achieved by systematizing and completing results on the determination of CKVs in 2+2 decomposable spacetimes. In the second set new methods are developed. The results are applied to obtain the classification of the conformal algebra of all static LRS spacetimes in terms of geometrical variables. Furthermore all perfect fluid nontilted LRS spacetimes which admit proper conformal symmetries are determined and the physical properties some of them are discussed. ",Hypersurface homogeneous locally rotationally symmetric spacetimes admitting conformal symmetries
+" We develop algorithms to turn quotients of rings of rings of integers into effective Euclidean rings by giving polynomial algorithms for all fundamental ring operations. In addition, we study normal forms for modules over such rings and their behavior under certain quotients. We illustrate the power of our ideas in a new modular normal form algorithm for modules over rings of integers, vastly outperforming classical algorithms. ",Computing in quotients of rings of integers
+ We derive a lower bound for moments of random chaoses of order two with coefficients in arbitrary Banach space F generated by independent symmetric random variables with logarithmically concave tails (which is probably two-sided). We also provide two upper bounds for moments of such chaoses when F = L_q. The first is true under the additional subgaussanity assumption. The second one does not require additional assumptions but is not optimal in general. Both upper bounds are sufficient for obtaining two-sided moment estimates for chaoses with values in Lq generated by Weibull random variables with shape parameter greater or equal to 1. ,Moments and tails of Lq-valued chaoses based on independent variables with log-concave tails
+" Social media corpora pose unique challenges and opportunities, including typically short document lengths and rich meta-data such as author characteristics and relationships. This creates great potential for systematic analysis of the enormous body of the users and thus provides implications for industrial strategies such as targeted marketing. Here we propose a novel and statistically principled method, clust-LDA, which incorporates authorship structure into the topical modeling, thus accomplishing the task of the topical inferences across documents on the basis of authorship and, simultaneously, the identification of groupings between authors. We develop an inference procedure for clust-LDA and demonstrate its performance on simulated data, showing that clust-LDA out-performs the ""vanilla"" LDA on the topic identification task where authors exhibit distinctive topical preference. We also showcase the empirical performance of clust-LDA based on a real-world social media dataset from Reddit. ",Clust-LDA: Joint Model for Text Mining and Author Group Inference
+" We provide an analytic proof of a theorem of Krylov dealing with global $C^{1,1}$ estimates to solutons of degenerate complex Monge-Amp\`ere equations. As an application we show optimal regularity for various extremal functions with nonconstant boundary values. ",An analytic proof of the Krylov estimates for the complex Monge-Ampere equation and applications
+" Observations of non-thermal emission from several supernova remnants suggest that magnetic fields close to the blastwave are much stronger than would be naively expected from simple shock compression of the field permeating the interstellar medium (ISM). We investigate in some detail a simple model based on turbulence generation by cosmic-ray pressure gradients. Previously this model was investigated using 2D MHD simulations. Motivated by the well-known qualitative differences between 2D and 3D turbulence, we further our investigations of this model using both 2D and 3D simulations to study the influence of the dimensionality of the simulations on the field amplification achieved. Further, since the model implies the formation of shocks which can, in principle, be efficiently cooled by collisional cooling we include such cooling in our simulations to ascertain whether it could increase the field amplification achieved. Finally, we examine the influence of different orientations of the magnetic field with respect to the normal of the blastwave. We find that dimensionality has a slight influence on the overall amplification achieved, but a significant impact on the morphology of the amplified field. Collisional cooling has surprisingly little impact, primarily due to the short time which any element of the ISM resides in the precursor region for supernova blastwaves. Even allowing for a wide range of orientations of the magnetic field, we find that the magnetic field can be expected to be amplified by, on average, at least an order of magnitude in the precursors of supernova blastwaves. ","Cosmic-ray pressure driven magnetic field amplification: dimensional, radiative and field orientation effects"
+" In this note we consider a certain class of Gaussian entire functions, characterized by some asymptotic properties of their covariance kernels, which we call admissible (as defined by Hayman). A notable example is the Gaussian Entire Function, whose zero set is well-known to be invariant with respect to the isometries of the complex plane. We explore the rigidity of the zero set of Gaussian Taylor series, a phenomenon discovered not long ago by Ghosh and Peres for the Gaussian Entire Function. In particular, we find that for a function of infinite order of growth, and having an admissible kernel, the zero set is ""fully rigid"". This means that if we know the location of the zeros in the complement of any given compact set, then the number and location of the zeros inside that set can be determined uniquely. As far as we are aware, this is the first explicit construction in a natural class of random point processes with full rigidity.s with full rigidity. ",Rigidity for zero sets of Gaussian entire functions
+" The distributions of the initial main-sequence binary parameters are one of the key ingredients in obtaining evolutionary predictions for compact binary (BH-BH / BH-NS / NS-NS) merger rates. Until now, such calculations were done under the assumption that initial binary parameter distributions were independent. Here, we implement empirically derived inter-correlated distributions of initial binary parameters primary mass (M1), mass ratio (q), orbital period (P), and eccentricity (e). Unexpectedly, the introduction of inter-correlated initial binary parameters leads to only a small decrease in the predicted merger rates by a factor of 2 $-$ 3 relative to the previously used non-correlated initial distributions. The formation of compact object mergers in the isolated classical binary evolution favors initial binaries with stars of comparable masses (q = 0.5 $-$ 1) at intermediate orbital periods (log P (days) = 2 $-$ 4). New distributions slightly shift the mass ratios towards smaller values with respect to the previously used flat q distribution, which is the dominant effect decreasing the rates. New orbital periods only negligibly increase the number of progenitors. Additionally, we discuss the uncertainty of merger rate predictions associated with possible variations of the massive-star initial mass function (IMF). We argue that evolutionary calculations should be normalized to a star formation rate (SFR) that is obtained from the observed amount of UV light at wavelength 1500{\AA} (SFR indicator). In this case, contrary to recent reports, the uncertainty of the IMF does not affect the rates by more than a factor of 2. Any change to the IMF slope for massive stars requires a change of SFR in a way that counteracts the impact of IMF variations on the merger rates. In contrast, we suggest that the uncertainty in cosmic SFR at low metallicity can be a significant factor at play. ",Impact of inter-correlated initial binary parameters on double black hole and neutron star mergers
+" Over the course of several decades, organic liquid scintillators have formed the basis for successful neutrino detectors. Gadolinium-loaded liquid scintillators provide efficient background suppression for electron antineutrino detection at nuclear reactor plants. In the Double Chooz reactor antineutrino experiment, a newly developed beta-diketonate gadolinium-loaded scintillator is utilized for the first time. Its large scale production and characterization are described. A new, light yield matched metal-free companion scintillator is presented. Both organic liquids comprise the target and ""Gamma Catcher"" of the Double Chooz detectors. ",Large scale Gd-beta-diketonate based organic liquid scintillator production for antineutrino detection
+" This chapter reviews standard parameter-estimation techniques and presents a novel gradient-, ensemble-, adjoint-free data-driven parameter estimation technique in the DDDAS framework. This technique, called retrospective cost parameter estimation (RCPE), is motivated by large-scale complex estimation models characterized by high-dimensional nonlinear dynamics, nonlinear parameterizations, and representational models. RCPE is illustrated by estimating unknown parameters in three examples. In the first example, salient features of RCPE are investigated by considering parameter estimation problem in a low-order nonlinear system. In the second example, RCPE is used to estimate the convective coefficient and the viscosity in the generalized Burgers equation by using a scalar measurement. In the final example, RCPE is used to estimate thermal conductivity coefficients that relate temporal temperature variation with the vertical gradient of the temperature in the atmosphere. ",Retrospective Cost Parameter Estimation with Application to Space Weather Modeling
+" We investigate how nontrivial topology affects the entanglement dynamics between a detector and a quantum field and between two detectors mediated by a quantum field. Nontrivial topology refers to both that of the base space and that of the bundle. Using a derivative-coupling Unruh-DeWitt-like detector model interacting with a quantum scalar field in an Einstein cylinder S1 (space) x R1 (time), we see the beating behaviors in the dynamics of the detector-field entanglement and the detector-detector entanglement, which distinguish from the results in the non-compact (1+1) dimensional Minkowski space. The beat patterns of entanglement dynamics in a normal and a twisted field with the same parameter values are different because of the difference in the spectrum of the field modes. In terms of the kinetic momentum of the detectors, we find that the contribution by the zero mode in a normal field to entanglement dynamics has no qualitative difference from those by the nonzero modes. ",Entanglement Dynamics of Detectors in an Einstein Cylinder
+" Sparse-view computed tomography (CT) -- using a small number of projections for tomographic reconstruction -- enables much lower radiation dose to patients and accelerated data acquisition. The reconstructed images, however, suffer from strong artifacts, greatly limiting their diagnostic value. Current trends for sparse-view CT turn to the raw data for better information recovery. The resultant dual-domain methods, nonetheless, suffer from secondary artifacts, especially in ultra-sparse view scenarios, and their generalization to other scanners/protocols is greatly limited. A crucial question arises: have the image post-processing methods reached the limit? Our answer is not yet. In this paper, we stick to image post-processing methods due to great flexibility and propose global representation (GloRe) distillation framework for sparse-view CT, termed GloReDi. First, we propose to learn GloRe with Fourier convolution, so each element in GloRe has an image-wide receptive field. Second, unlike methods that only use the full-view images for supervision, we propose to distill GloRe from intermediate-view reconstructed images that are readily available but not explored in previous literature. The success of GloRe distillation is attributed to two key components: representation directional distillation to align the GloRe directions, and band-pass-specific contrastive distillation to gain clinically important details. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed GloReDi over the state-of-the-art methods, including dual-domain ones. The source code is available at https://github.com/longzilicart/GloReDi. ",Learning to Distill Global Representation for Sparse-View CT
+" We present calculations of the two-pion-exchange contribution to proton-proton scattering at 90 degrees using form factors appropriate for representing the distribution of the constituent partons of the nucleon. Talk given at MENU2001, George Washington University, July 26-31, 2001 ",Two-Pion Exchange in proton-proton Scattering
+" Matrix Product States (MPS) are a particular type of one dimensional tensor network states, that have been applied to the study of numerous quantum many body problems. One of their key features is the possibility to describe and encode symmetries on the level of a single building block (tensor), and hence they provide a natural playground for the study of symmetric systems. In particular, recent works have proposed to use MPS (and higher dimensional tensor networks) for the study of systems with local symmetry that appear in the context of gauge theories. In this work we classify MPS which exhibit local invariance under arbitrary gauge groups. We study the respective tensors and their structure, revealing known constructions that follow known gauging procedures, as well as different, other types of possible gauge invariant states. ",Classification of Matrix Product States with a Local (Gauge) Symmetry
+" We consider state reconstruction from the measurement statistics of phase space observables generated by photon number states. The results are obtained by inverting certain infinite matrices. In particular, we obtain reconstruction formulas, each of which involves only a single phase space observable. ",Density matrix reconstruction from displaced photon number distributions
+" We incorporate a time-independent gravitational field into the BGK scheme for numerical hydrodynamics. In the BGK scheme the gas evolves via an approximation to the collisional Boltzmann equation, namely the Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) equation. Time-dependent hydrodynamical fluxes are computed from local solutions of the BGK equation. By accounting for particle collisions, the fundamental mechanism for generating dissipation in gas flow, a scheme based on the BGK equation gives solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations: the fluxes carry both advective and dissipative terms. We perform numerical experiments in both 1D Cartesian geometries and axisymmetric cylindrical coordinates. ",Time-Independent Gravitational Fields in the BGK Scheme for Hydrodynamics
+" We use an exact solution of the elastic membrane shape equation, representing the curvature, which will serve as a quantum potential in the quantum mechanical two dimensional Schrodinger equation for a (quasi-) particle on the surface of the membrane. Surface curvature in the quasi one-dimensional case is related to an unexpected static formation: on one hand the elastic energy has a maximum where surface curvature has a maximum and on the other hand the concentration of the expectation value to find the (quasi-) particle is again where the elastic energy is concentrated, namely where surface curvature has a maximum. This represents a particular form of a conformon. ",Quantum-elastic bump on a surface
+" We prove the security of a high-capacity quantum key distribution protocol over noisy channels. By using entanglement purification protocol, we construct a modified version of the protocol in which we separate it into two consecutive stages. We prove their securities respectively and hence the security of the whole protocol. ",Proof of Security of a High-Capacity Quantum Key Distribution Protocol
+" UV frequency metrology has been performed on the a3Pi - X1Sigma+ (0,0) band of various isotopologues of CO using a frequency-quadrupled injection-seeded narrow-band pulsed Titanium:Sapphire laser referenced to a frequency comb laser. The band origin is determined with an accuracy of 5 MHz (delta \nu / \nu = 3 * 10^-9), while the energy differences between rotational levels in the a3Pi state are determined with an accuracy of 500 kHz. From these measurements, in combination with previously published radiofrequency and microwave data, a new set of molecular constants is obtained that describes the level structure of the a3Pi state of 12C16O and 13C16O with improved accuracy. Transitions in the different isotopologues are well reproduced by scaling the molecular constants of 12C16O via the common mass-scaling rules. Only the value of the band origin could not be scaled, indicative of a breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Our analysis confirms the extreme sensitivity of two-photon microwave transitions between nearly-degenerate rotational levels of different Omega-manifolds for probing a possible variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio, \mu=m_p/m_e, on a laboratory time scale. ",UV frequency metrology on CO (a3Pi); isotope effects and sensitivity to a variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio
+" Image recognition models that work in challenging environments (e.g., extremely dark, blurry, or high dynamic range conditions) must be useful. However, creating training datasets for such environments is expensive and hard due to the difficulties of data collection and annotation. It is desirable if we could get a robust model without the need for hard-to-obtain datasets. One simple approach is to apply data augmentation such as color jitter and blur to standard RGB (sRGB) images in simple scenes. Unfortunately, this approach struggles to yield realistic images in terms of pixel intensity and noise distribution due to not considering the non-linearity of Image Signal Processors (ISPs) and noise characteristics of image sensors. Instead, we propose a noise-accounted RAW image augmentation method. In essence, color jitter and blur augmentation are applied to a RAW image before applying non-linear ISP, resulting in realistic intensity. Furthermore, we introduce a noise amount alignment method that calibrates the domain gap in the noise property caused by the augmentation. We show that our proposed noise-accounted RAW augmentation method doubles the image recognition accuracy in challenging environments only with simple training data. ",Rawgment: Noise-Accounted RAW Augmentation Enables Recognition in a Wide Variety of Environments
+" This paper studies the asymptotic power of tests of sphericity against perturbations in a single unknown direction as both the dimensionality of the data and the number of observations go to infinity. We establish the convergence, under the null hypothesis and contiguous alternatives, of the log ratio of the joint densities of the sample covariance eigenvalues to a Gaussian process indexed by the norm of the perturbation. When the perturbation norm is larger than the phase transition threshold studied in Baik, Ben Arous and Peche [Ann. Probab. 33 (2005) 1643-1697] the limiting process is degenerate, and discrimination between the null and the alternative is asymptotically certain. When the norm is below the threshold, the limiting process is nondegenerate, and the joint eigenvalue densities under the null and alternative hypotheses are mutually contiguous. Using the asymptotic theory of statistical experiments, we obtain asymptotic power envelopes and derive the asymptotic power for various sphericity tests in the contiguity region. In particular, we show that the asymptotic power of the Tracy-Widom-type tests is trivial (i.e., equals the asymptotic size), whereas that of the eigenvalue-based likelihood ratio test is strictly larger than the size, and close to the power envelope. ",Asymptotic power of sphericity tests for high-dimensional data
+" Zero mean curvature surfaces in the simply isotropic 3-space $\mathbb{I}^3$ naturally appear as intermediate geometry between geometry of minimal surfaces in $\mathbb{E}^3$ and that of maximal surfaces in $\mathbb{L}^3$. In this paper, we investigate reflection principles for zero mean curvature surfaces in $\mathbb{I}^3$ as with the above surfaces in $\mathbb{E}^3$ and $\mathbb{L}^3$. In particular, we show a reflection principle for isotropic line segments on such zero mean curvature surfaces in $\mathbb{I}^3$, along which the induced metrics become singular. ",Reflection principles for zero mean curvature surfaces in the simply isotropic 3-space
+" A remarkable number of different numerical algorithms can be understood and analyzed using the concepts of symmetric spaces and Lie triple systems, which are well known in differential geometry from the study of spaces of constant curvature and their tangents. This theory can be used to unify a range of different topics, such as polar-type matrix decompositions, splitting methods for computation of the matrix exponential, composition of selfadjoint numerical integrators and dynamical systems with symmetries and reversing symmetries. The thread of this paper is the following: involutive automorphisms on groups induce a factorization at a group level, and a splitting at the algebra level. In this paper we will give an introduction to the mathematical theory behind these constructions, and review recent results. Furthermore, we present a new Yoshida-like technique, for self-adjoint numerical schemes, that allows to increase the order of preservation of symmetries by two units. Since all the time-steps are positive, the technique is particularly suited to stiff problems, where a negative time-step can cause instabilities. ",Symmetric spaces and Lie triple systems in numerical analysis of differential equations
+" We review here our study of a supersymmetric left-right model (SLRM). In the model the $R$-parity is spontaneously broken. Phenomenologically novel feature of the model is the occurrance of the doubly charged particles in the Higgs sector, which are possibly light enough to be seen in the next linear collider. Detection of the doubly charged higgsinos in the next linear collider is discussed. ",Supersymmetric Left-Right Model and its Phenomenological Implications
+" Recent work of Acharya et al. (NeurIPS 2019) showed how to estimate the entropy of a distribution $\mathcal D$ over an alphabet of size $k$ up to $\pm\epsilon$ additive error by streaming over $(k/\epsilon^3) \cdot \text{polylog}(1/\epsilon)$ i.i.d. samples and using only $O(1)$ words of memory. In this work, we give a new constant memory scheme that reduces the sample complexity to $(k/\epsilon^2)\cdot \text{polylog}(1/\epsilon)$. We conjecture that this is optimal up to $\text{polylog}(1/\epsilon)$ factors. ",Estimation of Entropy in Constant Space with Improved Sample Complexity
+" The growing penetration of inverter-based resources and associated controls necessitates system-wide electromagnetic transient (EMT) analyses. EMT tools and methods today were not designed for the scale of these analyses. In light of the emerging need, there is a great deal of interest in developing new techniques for fast and accurate EMT simulations for large power grids; the foundations of which will be built on current tools and methods. However, we find that educational texts covering the fundamentals and inner workings of current EMT tools are limited. As such, there is a lack of introductory material for students and professionals interested in researching the field. To that end, in this tutorial, we introduce the principles of EMT analyses from the circuit-theoretic viewpoint, mimicking how time-domain analyses are performed in circuit simulation tools like SPICE and Cadence. We perform EMT simulations for two examples, one linear and one nonlinear, including induction motor (IM) from the first principles. By the document's end, we anticipate the readers will have a \textit{basic} understanding of how power grid EMT tools work. ",Tutorial: Circuit-based Electromagnetic Transient Simulation
+" We make a brief review of (optical) Holonomic Quantum Computer (or Computation) proposed by Zanardi and Rasetti (quant-ph/9904011) and Pachos and Chountasis (quant-ph/9912093), and give a mathematical reinforcement to their works. ",Mathematical Foundations of Holonomic Quantum Computer
+" Voice activity detection (VAD) improves the performance of speaker verification (SV) by preserving speech segments and attenuating the effects of non-speech. However, this scheme is not ideal: (1) it fails in noisy environments or multi-speaker conversations; (2) it is trained based on inaccurate non-SV sensitive labels. To address this, we propose a speaker verification-based voice activity detection (SVVAD) framework that can adapt the speech features according to which are most informative for SV. To achieve this, we introduce a label-free training method with triplet-like losses that completely avoids the performance degradation of SV due to incorrect labeling. Extensive experiments show that SVVAD significantly outperforms the baseline in terms of equal error rate (EER) under conditions where other speakers are mixed at different ratios. Moreover, the decision boundaries reveal the importance of the different parts of speech, which are largely consistent with human judgments. ",SVVAD: Personal Voice Activity Detection for Speaker Verification
+" In recent years, various means of efficiently detecting changepoints in the univariate setting have been proposed, with one popular approach involving minimising a penalised cost function using dynamic programming. In some situations, these algorithms can have an expected computational cost that is linear in the number of data points; however, the worst case cost remains quadratic. We introduce two means of improving the computational performance of these methods, both based on parallelising the dynamic programming approach. We establish that parallelisation can give substantial computational improvements: in some situations the computational cost decreases roughly quadratically in the number of cores used. These parallel implementations are no longer guaranteed to find the true minimum of the penalised cost; however, we show that they retain the same asymptotic guarantees in terms of their accuracy in estimating the number and location of the changes. ",Parallelisation of a Common Changepoint Detection Method
+" In this work, we develop an optimization framework for problems whose solutions are well-approximated by Hierarchical Tucker (HT) tensors, an efficient structured tensor format based on recursive subspace factorizations. By exploiting the smooth manifold structure of these tensors, we construct standard optimization algorithms such as Steepest Descent and Conjugate Gradient for completing tensors from missing entries. Our algorithmic framework is fast and scalable to large problem sizes as we do not require SVDs on the ambient tensor space, as required by other methods. Moreover, we exploit the structure of the Gramian matrices associated with the HT format to regularize our problem, reducing overfitting for high subsampling ratios. We also find that the organization of the tensor can have a major impact on completion from realistic seismic acquisition geometries. These samplings are far from idealized randomized samplings that are usually considered in the literature but are realizable in practical scenarios. Using these algorithms, we successfully interpolate large-scale seismic data sets and demonstrate the competitive computational scaling of our algorithms as the problem sizes grow. ",Optimization on the Hierarchical Tucker manifold - applications to tensor completion
+" Let $K$ be a convex body in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with Santal\'o point at 0\. We show that if $K$ has a point on the boundary with positive generalized Gau{\ss} curvature, then the volume product $|K| |K^\circ|$ is not minimal. This means that a body with minimal volume product has Gau{\ss} curvature equal to 0 almost everywhere and thus suggests strongly that a minimal body is a polytope. ",A note on Mahler's conjecture
+ We discuss the tightly bound (hydrino) solution of the Klein-Gordon equation for the Coulomb potential in 3 dimensions. We show that a similarly tightly bound state occurs for the Dirac equation in 2 dimensions. These states are unphysical since they disappear if the nuclear charge distribution is taken to have an arbitrarily small but non-zero radius. ,The hydrino and other unlikely states
+" We calculate angle-resolved above-threshold ionization spectra for diatomic molecules in linearly polarized laser fields, employing the strong-field approximation. The interference structure resulting from the individual contributions of the different scattering scenarios is discussed in detail, with respect to the dependence on the internuclear distance and molecular orientation. We show that, in general, the contributions from the processes in which the electron is freed at one center and rescatters off the other obscure the interference maxima and minima obtained from single-center processes. However, around the boundary of the energy regions for which rescattering has a classical counterpart, such processes play a negligible role and very clear interference patterns are observed. In such energy regions, one is able to infer the internuclear distance from the energy difference between adjacent interference minima. ",Interference effects in above-threshold ionization from diatomic molecules: determining the internuclear separation
+" Using a sample of 68 million KL -> 3pi0 decays collected in 1996-1999 by the KTeV (E832) experiment at Fermilab, we present a detailed study of the KL -> 3pi0 Dalitz plot density. We report the first observation of interference from KL->pi+pi-pi0 decays in which pi+pi- rescatters to 2pi0 in a final-state interaction. This rescattering effect is described by the Cabibbo-Isidori model, and it depends on the difference in pion scattering lengths between the isospin I=0 and I=2 states, a0-a2. Using the Cabibbo-Isidori model, we present the first measurement of the KL-> 3pi0 quadratic slope parameter that accounts for the rescattering effect. ",Detailed Study of the KL -> 3pi0 Dalitz Plot
+" In this paper, we discuss asymptotic relations for the approximation of $\left\vert x\right\vert ^{\alpha},\alpha>0$ in $L_{\infty}\left[ -1,1\right] $ by Lagrange interpolation polynomials based on the zeros of the Chebyshev polynomials of first kind. The limiting process reveals an entire function of exponential type for which we can present an explicit formula. As a consequence, we further deduce an asymptotic relation for the Approximation error when $\alpha\rightarrow\infty$. Finally, we present connections of our results together with some recent work of Ganzburg [5] and Lubinsky [10], by presenting numerical results, indicating a possible constructive way towards a representation for the Bernstein constants. ",Extremal Polynomials and Entire Functions of Exponential Type
+" A discrete-time Quantum Walk (QW) is essentially an operator driving the evolution of a single particle on the lattice, through local unitaries. Some QWs admit a continuum limit, leading to well-known physics partial differential equations, such as the Dirac equation. We show that these simulation results need not rely on the grid: the Dirac equation in $(2+1)$--dimensions can also be simulated, through local unitaries, on the honeycomb or the triangular lattice. The former is of interest in the study of graphene-like materials. The latter, we argue, opens the door for a generalization of the Dirac equation to arbitrary discrete surfaces. ",The Dirac equation as a quantum walk over the honeycomb and triangular lattices
+" The conversational recommender systems (CRSs) have received extensive attention in recent years. However, most of the existing works focus on various deep learning models, which are largely limited by the requirement of large-scale human-annotated datasets. Such methods are not able to deal with the cold-start scenarios in industrial products. To alleviate the problem, we propose FORCE, a Framework Of Rule-based Conversational Recommender system that helps developers to quickly build CRS bots by simple configuration. We conduct experiments on two datasets in different languages and domains to verify its effectiveness and usability. ",FORCE: A Framework of Rule-Based Conversational Recommender System
+" We derive the Hessian geometric structure of nonequilibrium chemical reaction networks (CRN) on the flux and force spaces induced by the Legendre duality of convex dissipation functions and characterize their dynamics as a generalized flow. With this structure, we can extend theories of nonequilibrium systems with quadratic dissipation functions to more general ones with nonquadratic ones, which are pivotal for studying chemical reaction networks. By applying generalized notions of orthogonality in Hessian geometry to chemical reaction networks, we obtain two generalized decompositions of the entropy production rate, each of which captures gradient-flow and minimum-dissipation aspects in nonequilibrium dynamics. ",Geometry of Nonequilibrium Chemical Reaction Networks and Generalized Entropy Production Decompositions
+" Locally repairable codes (LRCs) are error correcting codes used in distributed data storage. Besides a global level, they enable errors to be corrected locally, reducing the need for communication between storage nodes. There is a close connection between almost affine LRCs and matroid theory which can be utilized to construct good LRCs and derive bounds on their performance. A generalized Singleton bound for linear LRCs with parameters $(n,k,d,r,\delta)$ was given in [N. Prakash et al., ""Optimal Linear Codes with a Local-Error-Correction Property"", IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory]. In this paper, a LRC achieving this bound is called perfect. Results on the existence and nonexistence of linear perfect $(n,k,d,r,\delta)$-LRCs were given in [W. Song et al., ""Optimal locally repairable codes"", IEEE J. Sel. Areas Comm.]. Using matroid theory, these existence and nonexistence results were later strengthened in [T. Westerb\""ack et al., ""On the Combinatorics of Locally Repairable Codes"", Arxiv: 1501.00153], which also provided a general lower bound on the maximal achievable minimum distance $d_{\rm{max}}(n,k,r,\delta)$ that a linear LRC with parameters $(n,k,r,\delta)$ can have. This article expands the class of parameters $(n,k,d,r,\delta)$ for which there exist perfect linear LRCs and improves the lower bound for $d_{\rm{max}}(n,k,r,\delta)$. Further, this bound is proved to be optimal for the class of matroids that is used to derive the existence bounds of linear LRCs. ",Bounds on the Maximal Minimum Distance of Linear Locally Repairable Codes
+" Using the random matrix approach, we calculate analytically the average shot-noise power in a chaotic cavity at an arbitrary number of propagating modes (channels) in each of the two attached leads. A simple relationship between this quantity, the average conductance and the conductance variance is found. The dependence of the Fano factor on the channel number is considered in detail. ",Shot noise in chaotic cavities with an arbitrary number of open channels
+" In this work we construct a new class of maximal partial spreads in $PG(4,q)$, that we call $q$-added maximal partial spreads. We obtain them by depriving a spread of a hyperplane of some lines and adding $q+1$ lines not of the hyperplane for each removed line. We do this in a theoretic way for every value of $q$, and by a computer search for $q$ an odd prime and $q \leq 13$. More precisely we prove that for every $q$ there are $q$-added maximal partial spreads from the size $q^2+q+1$ to the size $q^2+(q-1)q+1$, while by a computer search we get larger cardinalities. ","A new class of maximal partial spreads in PG(4,q)"
+" A different technique is used to study the radiative decay of a metastable state in multiply ionized atoms. With use of a unitary Penning trap to selectively capture Kr$^{17+}$ ions from an ion source at NIST, the decay of the 3d $^2D_{5/2}$ metastable state is measured in isolation at low energy, without any active cooling. The highly ionized atoms are trapped in the fine structure of the electronic ground configuration with an energy spread of 4(1) eV, which is narrower than within the ion source by a factor of about 100. By observing the visible 637 nm photon emission of the forbidden transition from the 3d $^2D_{5/2}$ level to the ground state, we measured its radiative lifetime to be $\tau=$ 24.48 ms +/- 0.28(stat.) ms +/- 0.14(syst.) ms. Remarkably, various theoretical predictions for this relativistic Rydberg atom are in agreement with our measurement at the 1% level. ",Measurement of the Kr XVIII 3d $^2D_{5/2}$ lifetime at low energy in a unitary Penning trap
+ We show among other things how knowing Schauder or Sobolev-space estimates for the one-dimensional heat equation allows one to derive their multidimensional analogs for equations with coefficients depending only on time variable with the {\em same\/} constants as in the case of the one-dimensional heat equation. The method is based on using the Poisson stochastic process. It looks like no other method is available at this time and it is a very challenging problem to find a purely analytic approach to proving such results. ,Poisson stochastic process and basic Schauder and Sobolev estimates in the theory of parabolic equations
+" Polarized $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \gamma$ decays at the Z pole are shown to be well suited for probing a large variety of New Physics effects. A new observable is proposed, the angular asymmetry between the $\Lambda_b$ spin and photon momentum, which is sensitive to the relative strengths of the opposite chirality and Standard Model chirality $b \to s \gamma$ dipole operators. Combination with the $\Lambda $ decay polarization asymmetry and comparison with the $\Lambda_b$ polarization extracted from semileptonic decays allows important tests of the $V-A$ structure of the Standard Model. Modifications of the rates and angular asymmetries which arise at next-to-leading order are discussed. Measurements for $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \gamma$ and the CP conjugate mode, with branching ratios of a few times $10^{-5}$, are shown to be sensitive to non-standard sources of CP violation in the $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \gamma$ matrix element. Form factor relations for heavy-to-light baryon decays are derived in the large energy limit, which are of general interest. ",Probing for New Physics in Polarized $\Lambda_b$ decays at the Z
+" Creativity Support Tools (CST) aim to enhance human creativity, but the deeply personal and subjective nature of creativity makes the design of universal support tools challenging. Individuals develop personal approaches to creativity, particularly in the context of commercial design where signature styles and techniques are valuable commodities. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques could provide a means of creating 'intelligent' CST which learn and adapt to personal styles of creativity. Identifying what kind of role such tools could play in the design process requires a better understanding of designers' attitudes towards working with AI, and their willingness to include it in their personal creative process. This paper details the results of a survey of professional designers which indicates a positive and pragmatic attitude towards collaborating with AI tools, and a particular opportunity for incorporating them in the research stages of a design project. ","Guru, Partner, or Pencil Sharpener? Understanding Designers' Attitudes Towards Intelligent Creativity Support Tools"
+" Real-time dispatch practices for operating the electric grid in an economic and reliable manner are evolving to accommodate higher levels of renewable energy generation. In particular, stochastic optimization is receiving increased attention as a technique for handling the inherent uncertainty in wind and solar generation. The typical two-stage stochastic optimization formulation relies on a sample average approximation with scenarios representing errors in forecasting renewable energy ramp events. Standard Monte Carlo sampling approaches can result in prohibitively high-dimensional systems for optimization, as well as a poor representation of extreme events that challenge grid reliability. We propose two alternative scenario creation strategies, importance sampling and Bayesian quadrature, that can reduce the estimator's variance. Their performance is assessed on a week's worth of 5 minute stochastic economic dispatch decisions for realistic wind and electrical system data. Both strategies yield more economic solutions and improved reliability compared to Monte Carlo sampling, with Bayesian quadrature being less computationally intensive than importance sampling and more economic when considering at least 20 scenarios. ",Advanced Scenario Creation Strategies for Stochastic Economic Dispatch with Renewables
+" There have been controversies among statisticians on (i) what to model and (ii) how to make inferences from models with unobservables. One such controversy concerns the difference between estimation methods for the marginal means not necessarily having a probabilistic basis and statistical models having unobservables with a probabilistic basis. Another concerns likelihood-based inference for statistical models with unobservables. This needs an extended-likelihood framework, and we show how one such extension, hierarchical likelihood, allows this to be done. Modeling of unobservables leads to rich classes of new probabilistic models from which likelihood-type inferences can be made naturally with hierarchical likelihood. ",Likelihood Inference for Models with Unobservables: Another View
+" This paper examines the relationship between spectra of stars of same spectral type with extremely low reddenings. According to the standard theory, the relationship between the spectrum of stars with same spectral type and small, but different reddenings should be different in the optical and in the UV. This difference is not observed: the ratio of the spectra of two stars in directions where the reddening is large enough to be detected and low enough not to give a noticeable 2200Ang. bump is an exponential of 1/lambda from the near-infrared to the far-UV. This result is in conformity with the ideas introduced in preceding papers: the exponential optical extinction extends to the UV, and the spectrum of stars with enough reddening is contaminated by light scattered at close angular distance from the stars. An application will be the determination of the spectrum of a non-reddened star from the spectrum of a star of same spectral type with little reddening. ",The standard theory of extinction and the spectrum of stars with very little reddening
+" A 12 year-long monitoring of the absorption caused by a z=0.89 spiral galaxy on the line of sight to the radio-loud gravitationally lensed quasar PKS 1830-211 reveals spectacular changes in the HCO+ and HCN (2-1) line profiles. The depth of the absorption toward the quasar NE image increased by a factor of ~3 in 1998-1999 and subsequently decreased by a factor >=6 between 2003 and 2006. These changes were echoed by similar variations in the absorption line wings toward the SW image. Most likely, these variations result from a motion of the quasar images with respect to the foreground galaxy, which could be due to a sporadic ejection of bright plasmons by the background quasar. VLBA observations have shown that the separation between the NE and SW images changed in 1997 by as much as 0.2 mas within a few months. Assuming that motions of similar amplitude occurred in 1999 and 2003, we argue that the clouds responsible for the NE absorption and the broad wings of the SW absorption should be sparse and have characteristic sizes of 0.5-1 pc. ",Drastic changes in the molecular absorption at redshift z=0.89 toward the quasar PKS 1830-211
+" Individually addressed Er$^{3+}$ ions in solid-state hosts are promising resources for quantum repeaters, because of their direct emission in the telecom band and compatibility with silicon photonic devices. While the Er$^{3+}$ electron spin provides a spin-photon interface, ancilla nuclear spins could enable multi-qubit registers with longer storage times. In this work, we demonstrate coherent coupling between the electron spin of a single Er$^{3+}$ ion and a single $I=1/2$ nuclear spin in the solid-state host crystal, which is a fortuitously located proton ($^1$H). We control the nuclear spin using dynamical decoupling sequences applied to the electron spin, implementing one- and two-qubit gate operations. Crucially, the nuclear spin coherence time exceeds the electron coherence time by several orders of magnitude, because of its smaller magnetic moment. These results provide a path towards combining long-lived nuclear spin quantum registers with telecom-wavelength emitters for long-distance quantum repeaters. ",Coherent control of a nuclear spin via interactions with a rare-earth ion in the solid-state
+" Using observations from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, we examine the interaction between the intracluster medium and central radio source in the poor cluster AWM 4. In the Chandra observation a small cool core or galactic corona is resolved coincident with the radio core. This corona is capable of fuelling the active nucleus, but must be inefficiently heated by jet interactions or conduction, possibly precluding a feedback relationship between the radio source and cluster. A lack of clearly detected X-ray cavities suggests that the radio lobes are only partially filled by relativistic plasma. We estimate a filling factor of phi=0.21 (3 sigma upper limit phi<0.42) for the better constrained east lobe. We consider the particle population in the jets and lobes, and find that the standard equipartition assumptions predict pressures and ages which agree poorly with X-ray estimates. Including an electron population extending to low Lorentz factors either reduces (gamma_min=100) or removes (gamma_min=10) the pressure imbalance between the lobes and their environment. Pressure balance can also be achieved by entrainment of thermal gas, probably in the first few kiloparsecs of the radio jets. We estimate the mechanical power output of the radio galaxy, and find it to be marginally capable of balancing radiative cooling. ",A deep Chandra observation of the poor cluster AWM 4 - I. Properties of the central radio galaxy and its effects on the intracluster medium
+" The local variation of grain boundary atomic structure and chemistry caused by segregation of impurities influences the macroscopic properties of poylcrystalline materials. Here, the effect of co-segregation of carbon and boron on the depletion of aluminum at a $\Sigma 5\,(3\,1\,0\,) [0\,0\,1]$ tilt grain boundary in a $\alpha-$Fe-$4~at.~\%$Al bicrystal was studied by combining atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, atom probe tomography and density functional theory calculations. The atomic grain boundary structural units mostly resemble kite-type motifs and the structure appears disrupted by atomic scale defects. Atom probe tomography reveals that carbon and boron impurities are co-segregating to the grain boundary reaching levels of >1.5 at.\%, whereas aluminum is locally depleted by approx. 2~at.\%. First-principles calculations indicate that carbon and boron exhibit the strongest segregation tendency and their repulsive interaction with aluminum promotes its depletion from the grain boundary. It is also predicted that substitutional segregation of boron atoms may contribute to local distortions of the kite-type structural units. These results suggest that the co-segregation and interaction of interstitial impurities with substitutional solutes strongly influences grain boundary composition and with this the properties of the interface. ",Aluminum depletion induced by complex co-segregation of carbon and boron in a {\Sigma} 5 [3 1 0] bcc-iron grain boundary
+" Recent studies have proposed that the diffusion of messenger molecules, such as monoamines, can mediate the plastic adaptation of synapses in supervised learning of neural networks. Based on these findings we developed a model for neural learning, where the signal for plastic adaptation is assumed to propagate through the extracellular space. We investigate the conditions allowing learning of Boolean rules in a neural network. Even fully excitatory networks show very good learning performances. Moreover, the investigation of the plastic adaptation features optimizing the performance suggests that learning is very sensitive to the extent of the plastic adaptation and the spatial range of synaptic connections. ",Spatial features of synaptic adaptation affecting learning performance
+" We study the energetic efficiency of navigating microswimmers by explicitly taking into account the geometry of their body. We show that, as their shape transitions from prolate to oblate, non-steering microswimmers rotated by flow gradients naturally follow increasingly time-optimal trajectories. At the same time, they also require larger dissipation to swim. The coupling between body geometry and hydrodynamics thus leads to a generic trade-off between the energetic costs associated with propulsion and navigation, which is accompanied by the selection of a finite optimal aspect ratio. We derive from optimal control theory the steering policy ensuring overall minimum energy dissipation, and characterize how navigation performances vary with the swimmer shape. Our results highlight the important role of the swimmer geometry in realistic navigation problems. ",Energetic cost of microswimmer navigation: the role of body shape
+" We study a holomorphic Poisson structure defined on the linear space $S(n,d):= {\rm Mat}_{n\times d}(\mathbb{C}) \times {\rm Mat}_{d\times n}(\mathbb{C})$ that is covariant under the natural left actions of the standard ${\rm GL}(n,\mathbb{C})$ and ${\rm GL}(d,\mathbb{C})$ Poisson-Lie groups. The Poisson brackets of the matrix elements contain quadratic and constant terms, and the Poisson tensor is non-degenerate on a dense subset. Taking the $d=1$ special case gives a Poisson structure on $S(n,1)$, and we construct a local Poisson map from the Cartesian product of $d$ independent copies of $S(n,1)$ into $S(n,d)$, which is a holomorphic diffeomorphism in a neighborhood of zero. The Poisson structure on $S(n,d)$ is the complexification of a real Poisson structure on ${\rm Mat}_{n\times d}(\mathbb{C})$ constructed by the authors and Marshall, where a similar decoupling into $d$ independent copies was observed. We also relate our construction to a Poisson structure on $S(n,d)$ defined by Arutyunov and Olivucci in the treatment of the complex trigonometric spin Ruijsenaars-Schneider system by Hamiltonian reduction. ","A decoupling property of some Poisson structures on ${\rm Mat}_{n\times d}(\mathbb{C}) \times {\rm Mat}_{d\times n}(\mathbb{C})$ supporting ${\rm GL}(n,\mathbb{C}) \times {\rm GL}(d,\mathbb{C})$ Poisson-Lie symmetry"
+ A simple model which can explain the observed vertical distribution and size spectrum of atmospheric aerosol has been proposed. The model is based on a new physical hypothesis for the vertical mass exchange between the troposphere and the stratosphere. The vertical mass excange takes place through a gravity wave feedback mechanism. There is a close agreement between the model predicted aerosol distribution and size spectrum and the observed distributions. ,A New Hypothesis for the Vertical Distribution of Atmospheric Aerosols
+" The comparison of different atomic transition frequencies over time can be used to determine the present value of the temporal derivative of the fine structure constant alpha in a model-independent way without assumptions on constancy or variability of other parameters. We have measured an optical transition frequency at 688 THz in ^{171}Yb+ with a cesium atomic clock at two times separated by 2.8 years and find a value for the fractional variation of the frequency ratio $f_{\rm Yb}/f_{\rm Cs}$ of $(-1.2\pm 4.4)\cdot 10^{-15}$ yr$^{-1}$, consistent with zero. Combined with recently published values for the constancy of other transition frequencies this measurement sets an upper limit on the present variability of alpha at the level of $2.0\cdot 10^{-15}$ yr$^{-1}$, corresponding so far to the most stringent limit from laboratory experiments. ",New limit on the present temporal variation of the fine structure constant
+" In this paper, the effect of twin boundaries on the crack growth behaviour of single crystal BCC Fe has been investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. The growth of an atomically sharp crack with an orientation of (111)$<$110$>$ (crack plane/crack front) has been studied under mode-I loading at constant strain rate. In order to study the influence of twin boundaries on the crack growth behaviour, single and multiple twin boundaries were introduced perpendicular to crack growth direction. The results indicate that the (111)$<$110$>$ crack in single crystal BCC Fe grows in brittle manner. However, following the introduction of twin boundaries, a noticeable plastic deformation has been observed at the crack tip. Further, increasing the number of twin boundaries increased the amount of plastic deformation leading to better crack resistance and high failure strains. Finally, an interesting relationship has been observed between the crack growth rate and flow stress. ",Atomistic simulations of twin boundary effect on the crack growth behaviour in BCC Fe
+" When a particle is placed in a material with a lower bulk melting temperature, intermolecular forces can lead to the existence of a premelted liquid film of the lower melting temperature material. Despite the system being below the melting temperatures of both solids, the liquid film is a consequence of thermodynamic equilibrium, controlled by intermolecular, ionic and other interactions. An imposed temperature gradient drives the translation of the particle by a process of melting and refreezing known as thermal regelation. We calculate the rate of regelation of spherical particles surrounded by premelted films that contain ionic impurities. The impurities enhance the rate of motion thereby influencing the dynamics of single particles and distributions of particles, which we describe in addition to the consequences in natural and technological settings. ",Impurity effects in thermal regelation
+" A coplactic class in the symmetric group S_n consists of all permutations in S_n with a given Schensted Q-symbol, and may be described in terms of local relations introduced by Knuth. Any Lie element in the group algebra of S_n which is constant on coplactic classes is already constant on descent classes. As a consequence, the intersection of the Lie convolution algebra introduced by Patras and Reutenauer and the coplactic algebra introduced by Poirier and Reutenauer is the Solomon descent algebra. ",Lie Elements and Knuth Relations
+" We implement a scale-free version of the pivot algorithm and use it to sample pairs of three-dimensional self-avoiding walks, for the purpose of efficiently calculating an observable that corresponds to the probability that pairs of self-avoiding walks remain self-avoiding when they are concatenated. We study the properties of this Markov chain, and then use it to find the critical exponent $\gamma$ for self-avoiding walks to unprecedented accuracy. Our final estimate for $\gamma$ is $1.15695300(95)$. ",Scale-free Monte Carlo method for calculating the critical exponent $\gamma$ of self-avoiding walks
+" DNA has been discussed as a potential medium for data storage. Potentially it could be denser, could consume less energy, and could be more durable than conventional storage media such as hard drives, solid-state storage, and optical media. However, computing on data stored in DNA is a largely unexplored challenge. This paper proposes an integrated circuit (IC) based on microfluidics that can perform complex operations such as artificial neural network (ANN) computation on data stored in DNA. It computes entirely in the molecular domain without converting data to electrical form, making it a form of in-memory computing on DNA. The computation is achieved by topologically modifying DNA strands through the use of enzymes called nickases. A novel scheme is proposed for representing data stochastically through the concentration of the DNA molecules that are nicked at specific sites. The paper provides details of the biochemical design, as well as the design, layout, and operation of the microfluidics device. Benchmarks are reported on the performance of neural network computation. ",Neural network execution using nicked DNA and microfluidics
+" It is well-known that every weakly convergent sequence in $\ell_1$ is convergent in the norm topology (Schur's lemma). Phillips' lemma asserts even more strongly that if a sequence $(\mu_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}$ in $\ell_\infty'$ converges pointwise on $\{0,1\}^\mathbb N$ to $0$, then its $\ell_1$-projection converges in norm to $0$. In this note we show how the second category version of Schur's lemma, for which a short proof is included, can be used to replace in Phillips' lemma $\{0,1\}^\mathbb N$ by any of its subsets which contains all finite sets and having some kind of interpolation property for finite sets. ",A note on the Schur and Phillips lemmas
+" With the celebrated success of deep learning, some attempts to develop effective methods for detecting malicious PowerShell programs employ neural nets in a traditional natural language processing setup while others employ convolutional neural nets to detect obfuscated malicious commands at a character level. While these representations may express salient PowerShell properties, our hypothesis is that tools from static program analysis will be more effective. We propose a hybrid approach combining traditional program analysis (in the form of abstract syntax trees) and deep learning. This poster presents preliminary results of a fundamental step in our approach: learning embeddings for nodes of PowerShell ASTs. We classify malicious scripts by family type and explore embedded program vector representations. ",AST-Based Deep Learning for Detecting Malicious PowerShell
+" The paper argues that Fodor and Lepore are misguided in their attack on Pustejovsky's Generative Lexicon, largely because their argument rests on a traditional, but implausible and discredited, view of the lexicon on which it is effectively empty of content, a view that stands in the long line of explaining word meaning (a) by ostension and then (b) explaining it by means of a vacuous symbol in a lexicon, often the word itself after typographic transmogrification. (a) and (b) both share the wrong belief that to a word must correspond a simple entity that is its meaning. I then turn to the semantic rules that Pustejovsky uses and argue first that, although they have novel features, they are in a well-established Artificial Intelligence tradition of explaining meaning by reference to structures that mention other structures assigned to words that may occur in close proximity to the first. It is argued that Fodor and Lepore's view that there cannot be such rules is without foundation, and indeed systems using such rules have proved their practical worth in computational systems. Their justification descends from line of argument, whose high points were probably Wittgenstein and Quine that meaning is not to be understood by simple links to the world, ostensive or otherwise, but by the relationship of whole cultural representational structures to each other and to the world as a whole. ","The ""Fodor""-FODOR fallacy bites back"
+" We have observed 152 nearby solar-type stars with the Infrared Spectrometer (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. Including stars that met our criteria but were observed in other surveys, we get an overall success rate for finding excesses in the long wavelength IRS band (30-34 micron) of 11.8% +/- 2.4%. The success rate for excesses in the short wavelength band (8.5-12 micron) is ~1% including sources from other surveys. For stars with no excess at 8.5-12 microns, the IRS data set 3 sigma limits of around 1,000 times the level of zodiacal emission present in our solar system, while at 30-34 microns set limits of around 100 times the level of our solar system. Two stars (HD 40136 and HD 10647) show weak evidence for spectral features; the excess emission in the other systems is featureless. If the emitting material consists of large (10 micron) grains as implied by the lack of spectral features, we find that these grains are typically located at or beyond the snow line, ~1-35 AU from the host stars, with an average distance of 14 +/- 6 AU; however smaller grains could be located at significantly greater distances from the host stars. These distances correspond to dust temperatures in the range ~50-450 K. Several of the disks are well modeled by a single dust temperature, possibly indicative of a ring-like structure. However, a single dust temperature does not match the data for other disks in the sample, implying a distribution of temperatures within these disks. For most stars with excesses, we detect an excess at both IRS and MIPS wavelengths. Only three stars in this sample show a MIPS 70 micron excess with no IRS excess, implying that very cold dust is rare around solar-type stars. ",Explorations Beyond the Snow Line: Spitzer/IRS Spectra of Debris Disks Around Solar-Type Stars
+" Learning-based color enhancement approaches typically learn to map from input images to retouched images. Most of existing methods require expensive pairs of input-retouched images or produce results in a non-interpretable way. In this paper, we present a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based method for color enhancement to explicitly model the step-wise nature of human retouching process. We cast a color enhancement process as a Markov Decision Process where actions are defined as global color adjustment operations. Then we train our agent to learn the optimal global enhancement sequence of the actions. In addition, we present a 'distort-and-recover' training scheme which only requires high-quality reference images for training instead of input and retouched image pairs. Given high-quality reference images, we distort the images' color distribution and form distorted-reference image pairs for training. Through extensive experiments, we show that our method produces decent enhancement results and our DRL approach is more suitable for the 'distort-and-recover' training scheme than previous supervised approaches. Supplementary material and code are available at https://sites.google.com/view/distort-and-recover/ ",Distort-and-Recover: Color Enhancement using Deep Reinforcement Learning
+" Human intelligence has the remarkable ability to adapt to new tasks and environments quickly. Starting from a very young age, humans acquire new skills and learn how to solve new tasks either by imitating the behavior of others or by following provided natural language instructions. To facilitate research in this direction, we propose IGLU: Interactive Grounded Language Understanding in a Collaborative Environment. The primary goal of the competition is to approach the problem of how to develop interactive embodied agents that learn to solve a task while provided with grounded natural language instructions in a collaborative environment. Understanding the complexity of the challenge, we split it into sub-tasks to make it feasible for participants. This research challenge is naturally related, but not limited, to two fields of study that are highly relevant to the NeurIPS community: Natural Language Understanding and Generation (NLU/G) and Reinforcement Learning (RL). Therefore, the suggested challenge can bring two communities together to approach one of the crucial challenges in AI. Another critical aspect of the challenge is the dedication to perform a human-in-the-loop evaluation as a final evaluation for the agents developed by contestants. ",IGLU 2022: Interactive Grounded Language Understanding in a Collaborative Environment at NeurIPS 2022
+" Full waveform inversion (FWI) delivers high-resolution images of the subsurface by minimizing iteratively the misfit between the recorded and calculated seismic data. It has been attacked successfully with the Gauss-Newton method and sparsity promoting regularization based on fixed multiscale transforms that permit significant subsampling of the seismic data when the model perturbation at each FWI data-fitting iteration can be represented with sparse coefficients. Rather than using analytical transforms with predefined dictionaries to achieve sparse representation, we introduce an adaptive transform called the Sparse Orthonormal Transform (SOT) whose dictionary is learned from many small training patches taken from the model perturbations in previous iterations. The patch-based dictionary is constrained to be orthonormal and trained with an online approach to provide the best sparse representation of the complex features and variations of the entire model perturbation. The complexity of the training method is proportional to the cube of the number of samples in one small patch. By incorporating both compressive subsampling and the adaptive SOT-based representation into the Gauss-Newton least-squares problem for each FWI iteration, the model perturbation can be recovered after an l1-norm sparsity constraint is applied on the SOT coefficients. Numerical experiments on synthetic models demonstrate that the SOT-based sparsity promoting regularization can provide robust FWI results with reduced computation. ",Sparse-promoting Full Waveform Inversion based on Online Orthonormal Dictionary Learning
+" The description of strong interaction physics of low-lying resonances is out of the valid range of perturbative QCD. Chiral effective field theories have been developed to tackle the issue. Partial wave dynamics is the systematic tool to decode the underlying physics and reveal the properties of those resonances. It is extremely powerful and helpful for our understanding of the non-perturbative regime, especially when dispersion techniques are utilized simultaneously. Recently, plenty of exotic/ordinary hadrons have been reported by experiment collaborations, e.g. LHCb, Belle, and BESIII, etc.. In this review, we summarize the recent progress on the applications of partial wave dynamics combined with chiral effective field theories and dispersion relations, on related topics, with emphasis on $\pi\pi$, $\pi K$, $\pi N$ and $\bar{K}N$ scatterings. ",A Review on Partial-wave Dynamics with Chiral Effective Field Theory and Dispersion Relation
+" We study the issue of black hole entropy in the topologically massive gravity. Assuming that the presence of gravitational Chern-Simons term with the coupling $1/\mu$ does modify the horizon radius $\tilde{r}_+$, we propose $\tilde{S}_{BH}=\pi \tilde{r}_+/2G_3$ as the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. This entropy of CS-BTZ black hole satisfies the first-law of thermodynamics and the area-law but it is slightly different from the shifted-entropy $S_c=\pi r_+/2G_3+ (1/\mu l)\pi r_-/2G_3$ based on the BTZ black hole with outer $r_+$ and inner horizon $r_-$. In the case of $r_-=0$, $\tilde{S}_{BH}$ represents the entropy of non-rotating BTZ black hole with the Chern-Simons term (NBTZ-CS), while $S_c$ reduces to the entropy of NBTZ black hole. It shows that $\tilde{S}_{BH}$ may be a candidate for the entropy of the CS-BTZ black hole. ",Entropy of black holes in topologically massive gravity
+" Of the major deuterostome groups, the echinoderms with their multiple forms and complex development are arguably the most mysterious. Although larval echinoderms are bilaterally symmetric, the adult body seems to abandon the larval body plan and to develop independently a new structure with different symmetries. The prevalent pentamer structure, the asymmetry of Loven's rule and the variable location of the periproct and madrepore present enormous difficulties in homologizing structures across the major clades, despite the excellent fossil record. This irregularity in body forms seems to place echinoderms outside the other deuterostomes. Here I propose that the predominant five-ray structure is derived from a hexamer structure that is grounded directly in the structure of the bilaterally symmetric larva. This hypothesis implies that the adult echinoderm body can be derived directly from the larval bilateral symmetry and thus firmly ranks even the adult echinoderms among the bilaterians. In order to test the hypothesis rigorously, a model is developed in which one ray is missing between rays IV-V (Loven's schema) or rays C-D (Carpenter's schema). The model is used to make predictions, which are tested and verified for the process of metamorphosis and for the morphology of recent and fossil forms. The theory provides fundamental insight into the M-plane and the Ubisch', Loven's and Carpenter's planes and generalizes them for all echinoderms. The theory also makes robust predictions about the evolution of the pentamer structure and its developmental basis. *** including corrections (see footnotes) *** ",A hexamer origin of the echinoderms' five rays
+" We investigate the steady-state phases of the dissipative spin-1/2 $J_1$-$J_2$ XYZ model on a two-dimensional square lattice. We show the next-nearest-neighboring interaction plays a crucial role in determining the steady-state properties. By means of the Gutzwiller mean-field factorization, we find the emergence of antiferromag-netic steady-state phases. The existence of such antiferromagnetic steady-state phases in thermodynamic limit is confirmed by the cluster mean-field analysis. Moreover, we find the evidence of the limit cycle phase through the largest quantum Lyapunov exponent in small cluster, and check the stability of the oscillation by calculating the averaged oscillation amplitude up to $4\times4$ cluster mean-field approximation. ",Steady-state phases of dissipative spin-1/2 XYZ model with frustrated interaction
+" We introduce a binary relation on the finite discrete probability distributions which generalizes notions of majorization that have been studied in quantum information theory. Motivated by questions in thermodynamics, our relation describes the transitions induced by bistochastic maps in the presence of additional auxiliary systems which may become correlated in the process. We show that this relation is completely characterized by Shannon entropy H, which yields an interpretation of H in resource-theoretic terms, and admits a particularly simple proof of a known characterization of H in terms of natural information-theoretic properties. ",A generalization of majorization that characterizes Shannon entropy
+" We study the magnetic field response of the Majorana Kramers pairs of a one-dimensional time-reversal invariant (TRI) superconductors (class DIII) with or without a coexisting chirality symmetry. For unbroken TR and chirality invariance the parameter regimes for nontrivial values of the (Z_2) DIII-invariant and the (Z) chiral invariant coincide. However, broken TR may or may not be accompanied by broken chirality, and if chiral symmetry is unbroken, the pair of Majorana fermions (MFs) at a given end survives the loss of TR symmetry in an entire plane perpendicular to the spin-orbit coupling field. Conversely, we show that broken chirality may or may not be accompanied by broken TR, and if TR is unbroken, the pair of MFs survives the loss of broken chirality. In addition to explaining the anomalous magnetic field response of all the DIII class TS systems proposed in the literature, we provide a realistic route to engineer a ""true"" TR-invariant TS, whose pair of MFs at each end is split by an applied Zeeman field in arbitrary direction. We also prove that, quite generally, the splitting of the MFs by TR-breaking fields in TRI superconductors is highly anisotropic in spin space, even in the absence of the topological chiral symmetry. ",Magnetic Field Response and Chiral Symmetry of Time Reversal Invariant Topological Superconductors
+" We study C*-algebras generated by left regular representations of right LCM one-relator monoids and Artin-Tits monoids of finite type. We obtain structural results concerning nuclearity, ideal structure and pure infiniteness. Moreover, we compute K-theory. Based on our K-theory results, we develop a new way of computing K-theory for certain group C*-algebras and crossed products. ",C*-algebras of right LCM one-relator monoids and Artin-Tits monoids of finite type
+ The experimental signatures of TeV-mass black hole (BH) formation in heavy ion collisions at the LHC is examined. We find that the black hole production results in a complete disappearance of all very high $p_T$ ({$> 500$} GeV) back-to-back correlated di-jets of total mass {$M > M_f \sim 1$}TeV. We show that the subsequent Hawking-decay produces multiple hard mono-jets and discuss their detection. We study the possibility of cold black hole remnant (BHR) formation of mass $\sim M_f$ and the experimental distinguishability of scenarios with BHRs and those with complete black hole decay. Due to the rather moderate luminosity in the first year of LHC running the least chance for the observation of BHs or BHRs at this early stage will be by ionizing tracks in the ALICE TPC. Finally we point out that stable BHRs would be interesting candidates for energy production by conversion of mass to Hawking radiation. ,Mini Black Holes in the first year of the LHC
+" Driven by the need to accelerate numerical simulations, the use of machine learning techniques is rapidly growing in the field of computational solid mechanics. Their application is especially advantageous in concurrent multiscale finite element analysis (FE$^2$) due to the exceedingly high computational costs often associated with it and the high number of similar micromechanical analyses involved. To tackle the issue, using surrogate models to approximate the microscopic behavior and accelerate the simulations is a promising and increasingly popular strategy. However, several challenges related to their data-driven nature compromise the reliability of surrogate models in material modeling. The alternative explored in this work is to reintroduce some of the physics-based knowledge of classical constitutive modeling into a neural network by employing the actual material models used in the full-order micromodel to introduce non-linearity. Thus, path-dependency arises naturally since every material model in the layer keeps track of its own internal variables. For the numerical examples, a composite Representative Volume Element with elastic fibers and elasto-plastic matrix material is used as the microscopic model. The network is tested in a series of challenging scenarios and its performance is compared to that of a state-of-the-art Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). A remarkable outcome of the novel framework is the ability to naturally predict unloading/reloading behavior without ever seeing it during training, a stark contrast with popular but data-hungry models such as RNNs. Finally, the proposed network is applied to FE$^2$ examples to assess its robustness for application in nonlinear finite element analysis. ",Physically recurrent neural networks for path-dependent heterogeneous materials: embedding constitutive models in a data-driven surrogate
+" Liquid crystals have emerged as potential candidates for next-generation lubricants due to their tendency to exhibit long-range ordering. Here, we construct a full atomistic model of 4-cyano-4-hexylbiphenyl (6CB) nematic liquid crystal lubricants mixed with hexane and confined by mica surfaces. We explore the effect of the surface structure of mica, as well as lubricant composition and thickness, on the nanoscale friction in the system. Our results demonstrate the key role of the structure of the mica surfaces, specifically the positions of potassium ($\mathrm{K}^+$) ions, in determining the nature of sliding friction with monolayer lubricants, including the presence or absence of stick-slip dynamics. With the commensurate setup of confining surfaces, when the grooves created between the periodic $\mathrm{K}^+$ ions are parallel to the sliding direction we observe a lower friction force as compared to the perpendicular situation. Random positions of ions exhibit even smaller friction forces with respect to the previous two cases. For thicker lubrication layers the surface structure becomes less important and we observe a good agreement with the experimental data on bulk viscosity of 6CB and the additive hexane. In case of thicker lubrication layers, friction may still be controlled by tuning the relative concentrations of 6CB and hexane in the mixture. ",Nanoscale Liquid Crystal Lubrication Controlled by Surface Structure and Film Composition
+" We study completion with respect to the iterated suspension functor on $\mathcal{O}$-algebras, where $\mathcal{O}$ is a reduced operad in symmetric spectra. This completion is the unit of a derived adjunction comparing $\mathcal{O}$-algebras with coalgebras over the associated iterated suspension-loop homotopical comonad via the iterated suspension functor. We prove that this derived adjunction becomes a derived equivalence when restricted to 0-connected $\mathcal{O}$-algebras and $r$-connected $\tilde{\Sigma}^r \tilde{\Omega}^r$-coalgebras. We also consider the dual picture, using iterated loops to build a cocompletion map from algebras over the iterated loop-suspension homotopical monad to $\mathcal{O}$-algebras. This is the counit of a derived adjunction, which we prove is a derived equivalence when restricting to $r$-connected $\mathcal{O}$-algebras and $0$-connected $\tilde{\Omega}^r \tilde{\Sigma}^r$-algebras. ",Iterated delooping and desuspension of structured ring spectra
+" Pairwise sequence alignment is one of the most computationally intensive kernels in genomic data analysis, accounting for more than 90% of the runtime for key bioinformatics applications. This method is particularly expensive for third-generation sequences due to the high computational cost of analyzing sequences of length between 1Kb and 1Mb. Given the quadratic overhead of exact pairwise algorithms for long alignments, the community primarily relies on approximate algorithms that search only for high-quality alignments and stop early when one is not found. In this work, we present the first GPU optimization of the popular X-drop alignment algorithm, that we named LOGAN. Results show that our high-performance multi-GPU implementation achieves up to 181.6 GCUPS and speed-ups up to 6.6x and 30.7x using 1 and 6 NVIDIA Tesla V100, respectively, over the state-of-the-art software running on two IBM Power9 processors using 168 CPU threads, with equivalent accuracy. We also demonstrate a 2.3x LOGAN speed-up versus ksw2, a state-of-art vectorized algorithm for sequence alignment implemented in minimap2, a long-read mapping software. To highlight the impact of our work on a real-world application, we couple LOGAN with a many-to-many long-read alignment software called BELLA, and demonstrate that our implementation improves the overall BELLA runtime by up to 10.6x. Finally, we adapt the Roofline model for LOGAN and demonstrate that our implementation is near-optimal on the NVIDIA Tesla V100s. ",LOGAN: High-Performance GPU-Based X-Drop Long-Read Alignment
+" The channeling of the ion recoiling after a collision with a WIMP changes the ionization signal in direct detection experiments, producing a larger signal than otherwise expected. We give estimates of the fraction of channeled recoiling ions in NaI (Tl) crystals using analytic models produced since the 1960's and 70's to describe channeling and blocking effects. We find that the channeling fraction of recoiling lattice nuclei is smaller than that of ions that are injected into the crystal and that it is strongly temperature dependent. ",Channeling in direct dark matter detection I: channeling fraction in NaI (Tl) crystals
+" Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MoND) is an empirically modification of Newtonian gravity at largest scales in order to explain rotation curves of galaxies, as an alternative to nonbaryonic dark matter. But MoND theories can hardly connect themselves to the formalism of relativistic cosmology type Friedmann-Robertson-Walker. The present work posits the possibility of building this connection by postulating a Yukawa-like scalar potential, with non gravitational origin. This potential comes from a simple reflection speculate of the well-know potential of Yukawa and it is intended to describe the following physics scenarios: null in very near solar system, slightly attractive in ranges of interstellar distances, very attractive in distance ranges comparable to galaxies cluster, and repulsive to cosmic scales. As a result of introducing this potential into the typical Friedman equations we found that the critical density of matter is consistent with the observed density (without a dark matter assumption), besides this, MoND theory is obtained for interstellar scales and consequently would explain rotation curves. Also it is shown that Yukawa type inverse does not alter the predictions of the Cosmic Microwave Background neither the primordial nucleosinthesys in early universe; and can be useful to explain the large-scale structure formation. ",Theory MOND in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Cosmology as alternative to the Nonbaryonic Dark Matter paradigm
+" Bayesian Gaussian Process Optimization can be considered as a method of the determination of the model parameters, based on the experimental data. In the range of soft QCD physics, the processes of hadron and nuclear interactions require using phenomenological models containing many parameters. In order to minimize the computation time, the model predictions can be parameterized using Gaussian Process regression, and then provide the input to the Bayesian Optimization. In this paper, the Bayesian Gaussian Process Optimization has been applied to the Monte Carlo model with string fusion. The parameters of the model are determined using experimental data on multiplicity and cross section of pp, pA and AA collisions at wide energy range. The results provide important constraints on the transverse radius of the quark-gluon string ($r_{str}$) and the mean multiplicity per rapidity from one string ($\mu_0$). ","Determination of the quark-gluon string parameters from the data on pp, pA and AA collisions at wide energy range using Bayesian Gaussian Process Optimization"
+" We present a self-similar, steady-state model describing both a magnetized accretion disc and a magnetohydrodynamic jet. We focus on the role of a hot corona in such a structure. This corona enables the disc to launch various types of jets. By considering the energy conservation, we also present a diagnostic of the luminosity of the magnetized disc, which could explain some observational signatures of galactic objects. ",MHD jets around galactic objects
+" An extended XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert I galaxy NGC 4051 in 2009 revealed a complex absorption spectrum, with a wide range of outflow velocities and ionisation states.The main velocity and ionisation structure was interpreted in Paper I in terms of a decelerating, recombining flow resulting from the shocking of a still higher velocity wind colliding with the ISM or slower moving ejecta. The high sensitivity of the XMM-Newton observation also revealed a number of broad emission lines, all showing evidence of self-absorption near the line cores. The line profiles are found here to be consistent with emission from a limb-brightened shell of post-shock gas building up ahead of the contact discontinuity. While the broad emission lines remain quasi-constant as the continuum flux changes by an order of magnitude, recombination continua of several H- and He-like ions are found to vary in response to the continuum, providing an important key to scaling the ionised flow. ",An extended XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051. II. Soft X-ray emission from a limb-brightened shell of post-shock gas