,claim,rating,adjusted rating |
0,"Deaths from vaccines have totaled 1,621 from Johnson & Johnson, 4,799 from Moderna, 13,039 from Pfizer and 73 from unknown vaccines. And this is an undercount because “only 1% of deaths are reported.”",false,false |
1,The COVID-19 vaccine is the “deadliest vaccine ever made.”,pants-fire,false |
2,Warnings about heart problems and blood clots in cold weather are to cover up COVID-19 vaccine side effects.,false,false |
3,"""Canada joins the no jab, no food trend""",barely-true,misleading |
4,"The COVID-19 vaccines ""suppress the immune system"" and make people more susceptible to HIV, shingles and herpes.",false,false |
5,"Society is “choosing blood clots and heart problems over cold and flu symptoms, or even no symptoms at all.”",false,false |
6," ""COVID-19 vaccines do not stop transmission of COVID, but instead increase it.”",false,false |
7,"A campaign poster for New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern with the slogan, “No jab. No job, no refunds.”",false,false |
8,Says Vice President Kamala Harris called the unvaccinated “dirty Trump people.”,pants-fire,false |
9,"""Pathogens evolve to become less, not more, virulent over time” because otherwise, “they’d destroy their hosts which they depend on to live.”",false,false |
10,"“SHOCKING: In the wake of Austria’s drastic lockdown of unvaccinated people, EU chief calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code.”",pants-fire,false |
11,“Only the fully vaccinated should fear the new ‘worst ever’ Covid-19 variant; data shows they already account for 4 in every 5 Covid deaths”,false,false |
12,A video shows people in Romania protesting COVID-19 vaccines.,false,false |
13,Says Boris Johnson faked getting his booster shot.,false,false |
14,"""Tap water is testing positive for COVID!”",false,false |
15,COVID-19 vaccines are gene therapy and a recent Forbes article proves that.,false,false |
16,Heart complications are one symptom “listed” for the omicron variant and are being “used to cover up effects” of COVID-19 vaccines.,false,false |
17,"""Don’t be fooled by the next ‘Variant’! There are actually 1000’s of them. They just will pick the next one to keep the fear going.""",barely-true,misleading |
18,Athletes are collapsing with heart-related issues due to the COVID-19 vaccines,false,false |
19,Vaccinated people under 60 in England “are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age. ... I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality.”,barely-true,misleading |
20,“Only Reuters” reported that the doctor who detected the omicron variant said its symptoms are “very mild.”,false,false |
21,"“COVID death rates 4 to 1, vaccinated to unvaxxed”",false,false |
22,Omicron 'hysteria' was timed so that it would coincide with and distract from the Ghislaine Maxwell trial.,pants-fire,false |
23,The omicron variant’s name is evidence the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax.,false,false |
24,“Celine Dion has been paralyzed by the COVID vaccine and cancels her tour.”,false,false |
25,Photo shows people recently protesting in Austria.,false,false |
26,“Vitamin D levels of 50 ng/mL correlates to zero mortality rate from COVID.”,false,false |
27,"""Fauci admits Covid vax doesn't work""",false,false |
28,"""Spike protein goes to nucleus and impairs DNA repair.""",half-true,misleading |
29,COVID-19 vaccines contain luciferase.,false,false |
30,Says Kamala Harris said only vaccinated people are hospitalized and dying from COVID-19.,pants-fire,false |
31,"""Bill Gates just admitted that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines don’t work well.""",false,false |
32,The COVID-19 vaccines “failed miserably” in animal trials and are “a type of gene therapy that several top scientists warn will kill you.”,false,false |
33,“Disturbing Pfizer ad tells kids they’ll get superpowers from COVID jab.”,false,false |
34,"A new medical diagnosis code has been designated for people who decline vaccines, and it will be used to help determine who will go into ""education camps.""",false,false |
35,“Stalin once ripped all the feathers off a live chicken as a lesson to his followers.”,false,false |
36,"""Children are 50 times more likely to be killed by the Covid vaccines than by the virus itself.""",pants-fire,false |
37,“Wife of Pfizer’s CEO dies after complications from the vaccine.”,pants-fire,false |
38,"""Report finds increased risk of spontaneous abortion following COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy” after correcting “major error” in CDC study.",false,false |
39," No new COVID-19 cases in Uttar Pradesh, India, due to use of ivermectin",false,false |
40,"""There is no added safety to the public if you're vaccinated.""",pants-fire,false |
41,The military arrested “bedridden Gavin Newsom.”,pants-fire,false |
42,“Gavin Newsom is out of sight likely because he has Guillain-Barre syndrome from his booster shot.”,false,false |
43,"""Italy drastically reduced the country’s official COV1D-19 death count by over 97%. This means Covid killed fewer people than an average seasonal flu.”",false,false |
44,“Sending your child to school” on a day when vaccines are being administered “is implied consent” for getting the COVID-19 vaccine.,false,false |
45,"""Arizona Department of Education gives green light on face mask and vaccine mandates, as well as implementing Critical (Race) Theory.”",barely-true,misleading |
46,"The Biden administration inherited gains of “50,000 jobs a month. We're now finally back to 500,000 jobs a month. We inherited a country where 4,000 people a day were dying from Covid. That's now down 75%.”",half-true,misleading |
47,"A banner for COVID-19 vaccines says, “Don’t forget to donate your childrens organs.”",false,false |
48,“Australian military being trained to **force vaccinate** in door-to-door attacks.”,false,false |
49,"“Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm The Unvaccinated""",false,false |
50,"""This idea that it's the pandemic of the unvaccinated, it's just a total lie.""",false,false |
51,"The Astroworld concert was a “test run on the vaxxed” because people who are injected with graphene oxide can be controlled through magnetic frequencies, including music.",false,false |
52,"United Kingdom “government reports suggest the fully vaccinated are rapidly developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.""",false,false |
53,"“CEO of Pfizer arrested, charged with fraud.”",pants-fire,false |
54,"“The Spanish High Court has announced (COVID-19) is a bio weapon with a patent, not a virus.”",false,false |
55,The premier of Australia’s Victoria state “is freezing people’s bank accts” if they are not vaccinated. “They can’t buy or sell until forced into submission.”,false,false |
56,"“Moderna has been pulled in Iceland and pulled for everyone under age 30 in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark due to heart issues.”",false,false |
57,Social media posts suggest a CDC graph shows the COVID-19 vaccine is harmful to children and that California’s school vaccine mandate is dangerous.,barely-true,misleading |
58,"Children who receive COVID-19 vaccinations ""will be walking factories of spike proteins"" that will ""undoubtedly cause illnesses to spread like wildfire in schools.""",false,false |
59,"""National Guard to fill in for cops who refuse to get vaccinated.""",false,false |
60,"“Unmask your kids! Any carbon dioxide concentrations above” 2,000 parts per million are “dangerous!”",false,false |
61,Blood “starts to clot in a minute or two” after a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine injection.,false,false |
62,“Japan drops vax rollout”,pants-fire,false |
63,"""There is no such thing as a booster. There is a failed product that is sometimes used again in hopes of a different outcome.”",false,false |
64,"In the United Kingdom, “70-plus percent of the people who die now from COVID are fully vaccinated.”",false,false |
65,Says Jen Psaki said Joe Biden wants to protect “marked people.”,false,false |
66,“The seasonal cold and flu is actually more dangerous for kids than the Coronavirus” and “there is very low transmissibility from children to their families and communities.”,barely-true,misleading |
67,“Indiana State Police offers to hire Chicago officers who REFUSE TO COMPLY with vax mandate.”,false,false |
68,"With COVID-19, vaccinated people ""are the real threat to"" unvaccinated people.",false,false |
69,“Australia to Implement Quarantine Camps for the Unvaxed”,false,false |
70,“NIH COVID Treatment Guidelines Approve Ivermectin”,false,false |
71,“There’s been no” TV commercials for the COVID-19 vaccines because “they are required by law to list all adverse side effects.”,false,false |
72,We are seeing “the Justice Department treat American parents as domestic terrorists” under the Patriot Act.,false,false |
73,"""Southwest Airlines announce they will no longer terminate employees over the mandate.""",true,true |
74,"Pathologists found ""a host of non-biological components ... in the blood of vaccinated people,” including graphene chips and nanochips.",pants-fire,false |
75,“Corona PCR ‘test’ is implanting a microchip.”,pants-fire,false |
76,"“So now if you don’t comply” and get a COVID-19 vaccination, and you’re on “Social Security or disability, you won’t be able to receive your money.”",false,false |
77,A video shows “the COVID-19 vaccine when it hits your blood.”,pants-fire,false |
78,"COVID-19 vaccines contain “RNA-modifying transhumanism nanotechnology.""",pants-fire,false |
79,Photo of vaccine package with 2018 date stamp shows COVID-19 outbreak was planned.,pants-fire,false |
80,"The FEMA health care workers replacing the noncompliant nurses and doctors are NOT required to get vaccinated via the CDC.""",false,false |
81,A nurse who fainted after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine died from the vaccination.,pants-fire,false |
82,There is an “epidemic of plane crashes linked to vaccine-related strokes in pilots.”,pants-fire,false |
83,"In the United Kingdom, “81% of COVID-19 deaths are among the vaccinated.”",false,false |
84,"COVID-19 “surges among most vaxxed communities, says Harvard study.”",half-true,misleading |
85,"California’s shipping backlog is, in part, caused by a “California Truck Ban which says all trucks must be 2011 or newer and a law called AB 5 which prohibits Owner Operators.”",barely-true,misleading |
86,Says Dr. Anthony Fauci said he will not “take a PCR COVID test.”,barely-true,misleading |
87,Over 2 million injuries from COVID-19 vaccines have been reported to the World Health Organization.,barely-true,misleading |
88,Pfizer vaccine contains living particles that can germinate to cause sickness.,pants-fire,false |
89,"""The media is pretty quiet about Florida's decline in COVID cases. No mask mandates or vaccine mandates.""",barely-true,misleading |
90,The percentage of vaccinated employees at United Airlines increased after the mandate because unvaccinated employees left the company.,false,false |
91,"People who are vaccinated for the coronavirus “cannot spread it to you.""",half-true,misleading |
92,“Pfizer admits there’s no vaccine approved by FDA.”,false,false |
93,“Europe COMPLETELY BANS the Moderna vaccine for young people.”,false,false |
94,An image of empty grocery store shelves shows the effect of President Joe Biden's “Build Back Better” plan.,false,false |
95,The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines contain a deadly parasite.,pants-fire,false |
96,"“Vaxxed Delta pilot dies in-flight, emergency landing required.”",false,false |
97,“Paris police beat a woman for shopping at a mall with no vaccine passport.”,half-true,misleading |
98,"“Countless Southwest Airlines employees have walked out of their jobs to oppose the vaccine mandate, causing operations to effectively shut down.”",false,false |
99,"""Bill Gates talked about using vaccines to control population growth” in an “unedited 2010 TED Talk video""",false,false |
100,"""It's been confirmed that the Pfizer” COVID-19 “vaccine isn't guaranteed after six months.""",barely-true,misleading |
101,"“CDC numbers” show that among children, the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines have a death rate “174 times higher” than the COVID-19 death rate.",pants-fire,false |
102,A person’s immune system “tanks” after their second COVID-19 vaccine dose.,false,false |
103,"""You are more likely, as a child, to end up in the hospital because of the vaccine than you are because of COVID. That's data from the CDC and from VAERS.""",false,false |
104,“There is no FDA approval for the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine for COVID-19.”,false,false |
105,“COVID internment camps announced in America: Tennessee governor signs EO authorizing National Guard to carry out COVID medical kidnappings.”,pants-fire,false |
106,“There are precious few religions that actually say you cannot” get vaccinated.,mostly-true,true |
107,“We do not have an approved (COVID) vaccine in America … the Pfizer vaccine available in the U.S. is not FDA approved.”,false,false |
108,"""New data shows that death is proportional to dose"" for COVID-19.",false,false |
109,"“If you look at the hospitalizations at Ruby Memorial in West Virginia, and around the country, 90% to 95% of those hospitalized are unvaccinated.”",true,true |
110,Says 86% of COVID-19 cases in Israel in July were in fully vaccinated individuals.,false,false |
111,“75% of Republicans have been vaccinated” against COVID-19 in Illinois.,false,false |
112,"""Millions have died from COVID injections.""",pants-fire,false |
113,The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine contains an “undisclosed ingredient. … How is informed consent possible?”,false,false |
114,“The vaccination campaign” increased COVID-19 deaths by 175% in one year.,false,false |
115,“Biden orders dishonorable discharge for 46% of troops who refuse vaccine.”,false,false |
116,"Norway decided “that (the coronavirus) should be treated like other respiratory diseases, such as the flu or cold, because… it is no more dangerous than those mentioned.”",false,false |
117,"""Pfizer launches final study for COVID drug that's suspiciously similar to 'horse paste'” ivermectin.",false,false |
118,The White House “created a fake set for (President Joe) Biden to get his booster shot. The entire Biden presidency is one giant charade.”,false,false |
119,VAERS reports show that babies whose mothers got the COVID-19 vaccine died after breastfeeding.,false,false |
120,"A 13-year-old girl ""is now in critical care in the hospital here in Halifax because her heart stopped right after she had a vaccine.""",false,false |
121,"A funeral home used a truck to advertise the message ""Don't get vaccinated.""",barely-true,misleading |
122,"""Breaking news — US Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination in the United States.""",false,false |
123,Children and teen suicide attempts “skyrocketed 250% in 2020” according to “one study done by a hospital.”,barely-true,misleading |
124,"Says doctors received a letter stating that if they “say anything bad about the vaccine,” they are “at risk of losing their medical license. How messed up is that s---?”",false,false |
125,The FDA advisory board said unvaccinated people are more educated than most people who have gotten the COVID-19 vaccines.,false,false |
126,Says Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and wife Sophie faked their COVID-19 vaccinations on live television.,false,false |
127,"A ""Liability Warning Acknowledgement Form"" allows a worker to sue their company if they get injured from the COVID-19 vaccine.",false,false |
128,"""Pfizer vaccine kills more people than it saves.""",pants-fire,false |
129,Says the COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t “prevent catching or spreading” the virus “and only lasts months.”,false,false |
130,“The CDC and county health officials have obtained 2020 Census records to enhance their vaccination enforcement protocols.”,pants-fire,false |
131,"""Peak active cases” of COVID-19 for 2020 vs. 2021 show “this is not a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.'""",false,false |
132,"“Hundreds of thousands died after taking the advice of these celebrities,” who are “aiding and abetting mass murder” by advocating COVID-19 vaccination.",false,false |
133,Says President Joe Biden told people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 to protect themselves from hurricanes.,false,false |
134,The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine “is not approved.”,false,false |
135,People who “have recovered (from COVID-19) have very strong immunity.”,mostly-true,true |
136,“Ivermectin has been FDA approved for human use since 1996.”,mostly-true,true |
137,“Biden orders VA to withhold benefits from unvaccinated veterans.”,pants-fire,false |
138,Video shows a child who tested positive for COVID-19 “being separated from their parents.”,false,false |
139,"""Japan says goodbye Moderna, hello ivermectin.""",barely-true,misleading |
140,Says the defense secretary texted all active military personnel saying they needed to get vaccinated by the following morning or “be court martialed.”,pants-fire,false |
141,“27 U.S. Air Force pilots resign over COVID-19 vaccination mandate.”,pants-fire,false |
142,“FEMA forcibly vaccinating Ida evacuees.”,false,false |
143,"""Ivermectin sterilizes the majority (85%) of the men who take it.""",false,false |
144,“President Putin bans mandatory vaccinations in Russia.”,false,false |
145,"“Germany halts all Covid-19 vaccines, says they are unsafe and no longer recommended!!”",false,false |
146,Says a demonstration with an air quality monitor shows that cloth masks are dangerous for children.,false,false |
147,Video shows “Pfizer lab in Madrid on fire.”,false,false |
148,“Bill Gates calls for the withdrawal of all Covid-19 Vaccines; ‘The vaccines are far more dangerous than anyone imagined.’”,pants-fire,false |
149,"“In the last several months, the Biden administration has released over 7,000 illegal aliens who were COVID positive just in one Texas city.” Biden's border policies are ""endangering not just the people of Texas, but people all across the country.""",false,false |
150,"“The average hospital stay for a case of COVID-19 costs about $17,064. The vaccine is free.”",mostly-true,true |
151,"“Near Morgantown, WV, a Moderna shipment truck crashed, hazmat dispatched, airspace shut down and now apparently Emergency Response is claiming the Department of Defense took it over.”",half-true,misleading |
152,“New Israeli study finds fully vaccinated people are at ‘greater risk of hospitalization’ and 13 times more likely to catch COVID-19 than those who have recovered and have natural immunity.”,half-true,misleading |
153,Glenn Youngkin “called COVID relief ‘unnecessary.’”,barely-true,misleading |
154,The COVID-19 vaccines “were released to the public after only two months of testing in healthy humans.”,barely-true,misleading |
155,The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are “really gene therapy.”,false,false |
156,“Friendly reminder: Cigarettes are FDA approved.”,false,false |
157,"The contagiousness of the coronavirus delta variant is “valued between 5 and 9½,” and if the value is closer to 10, “within six weeks, the whole country will test positive for delta, regardless of vaccination.”",barely-true,misleading |
158,Thalidomide was FDA-approved for pregnant women in the 1960s.,false,false |
159,"White House, CDC, WHO and vaccine makers don’t require the COVID-19 vaccine for their workers.",barely-true,misleading |
160,Video shows “pupils in Nigeria running away from being vaccinated.”,false,false |
161,“No one has died of cancer or heart disease since the COVID-19 thing started.”,pants-fire,false |
162,"“FDA approval means nothing when you realize the FDA also approves pesticides in our food!""",barely-true,misleading |
163,"""Democrats like to blame Republicans on (low vaccination rates). Well, the biggest group in most states are African Americans who have not been vaccinated. The last time I checked, over 90% of them vote for Democrats.""",false,false |
164,“Washington public school forces unvaccinated teens to wear ankle monitors” as a condition of playing team sports.,half-true,misleading |
165,75 doctors in South Florida walked out in protest as their hospital was flooded with unvaccinated COVID-19 patients,false,false |
166,"“It is the vaccinated, NOT the unvaccinated, spreading mutant variants.”",false,false |
167,“80% of women who have been jabbed have lost their children in the first trimester.”,false,false |
168,“Pfizer CEO has not yet had vaccine.”,false,false |
169,Says a report of unvaccinated Florida teachers dying from COVID-19 isn’t real.,false,false |
170,"“North Carolina during this pandemic had among the lowest COVID-related deaths, as well as job losses per capita.”",mostly-true,true |
171,"COVID-19 vaccinations are “a violation of the Nuremberg code.""",false,false |
172,“The CDC actually put together a document to discuss putting high risk people into camps to ‘shield’ low risk people from them.”,false,false |
173,A photo shows two COVID-19 patients lying on the floor awaiting treatment in Florida.,true,true |
174,Joe Biden and Kamala Harris “continuously questioned the vaccine during the campaign” but now “they support vaccine cards and forced vaccinations.”,barely-true,misleading |
175,“The second-largest investor in Regeneron” is a firm whose CEO is Ron DeSantis’ “number one political donor.”,barely-true,misleading |
176,"""100 Sailors at sea. All vaxxed. All with COVID (seven) weeks following deployment.""",mostly-true,true |
177,“Fauci doesn’t trust new vaccine research as delta variant surges.”,false,false |
178,Says Military Times reported that a study found “60% of sailors who had been fully vaccinated with 2-shot series vaccines are now at risk for heart disease.”,false,false |
179,“Mayo Clinic study shows Pfizer vaccine dropped to 42% effective.”,half-true,misleading |
180,A six-month study from Pfizer shows that its vaccine “reduces severe COVID symptoms/hospitalizations by .1%.”,barely-true,misleading |
181,There is a “0.05% chance of dying from COVID.”,false,false |
182,The Biden administration is “not even testing these people” being released by Border Patrol into the U.S.,barely-true,misleading |
183,"Says Gen. David H. Berger said, “No mandatory vaccinations for my Marines.”",pants-fire,false |
184,"The White House plans to call for lockdowns due to the delta variant and is “aiming for late 2nd week of August, per WH official.”",false,false |
185,“It’s not unusual for hospitals to sit at max or near max capacity on any given day.”,half-true,misleading |
186,"Photo shows Ron DeSantis holding a shirt that says, “Your mask is as useless as Joe Biden.”",false,false |
187,Says the surge in COVID-19 cases is caused by “antibody mediated viral enhancement” from the COVID-19 vaccines.,pants-fire,false |
188,The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recent guidance on students and masking “lacks a well-grounded scientific justification.”,false,false |
189,Suggests a suspicious link between the COVID-19 delta variant and company named Delta that works in 5G.,false,false |
190,Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19.,barely-true,misleading |
191,“Pfizer CEO’s Israel visit canceled because he is not fully vaccinated.”,barely-true,misleading |
192,"""I will need to show proof to do anything indoors in” New York City, “but not when I vote?""",half-true,misleading |
193,"“The Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System shows that 5,946 people have died because of the” COVID-19 vaccine.",false,false |
194,"Unvaccinated people “are making the vaccinated people sick and die, but the unvaccinated people are not dead or sick.”",false,false |
195,"Says there are fewer than 2,000 confirmed COVID-19 hospitalizations in the U.S.",false,false |
196,“Pfizer vaccine now completely worthless in Israel as >80% of all COVID-19 patients were previously vaccinated.”,false,false |
197,“Due to the new ‘delta variant’ California will be mailing in ballots for recall election.”,false,false |
198,The survival rate for COVID-19 is over 99% for most age groups.,false,false |
199,"Sweden had few COVID deaths in July, despite low vaccination rates, relaxed lockdown rules and low mask compliance.",half-true,misleading |
200,The “delta” in “delta variant” means “deep sleep.”,false,false |
201,Says Joe Biden has driven the current coronavirus surge because he “imported more virus from around the world by having a wide open southern border.”,false,false |
202,“More people have died of an opioid overdose in North Carolina in recent years than have died of COVID.”,barely-true,misleading |
203,"Says spending by Democrats is driving major jumps in car rentals, gas prices and hotel prices this summer",barely-true,misleading |
204,"""If your employer is mandating any pokes, do not quit. Make them fire you. That way you get unemployment benefits.""",false,false |
205,"Two federal government buses “stopped in front of a Mexican restaurant in the very small town of Green Cove Springs Florida… The passengers were illegal immigrants, straight from the southern border.”",false,false |
206,“Wearing masks has not been demonstrated to make a significant impact in preventing the spread of COVID.”,false,false |
207,It’s safer to be unvaccinated than vaccinated against COVID-19.,false,false |
208,Ivermectin caused a substantial decrease in the excess mortality rate in Mexico.,false,false |
209,“Fauci just told us they found a (coronavirus) variant that ‘evades the test.’”,false,false |
210,Says Gov. Tony Evers has declared Wisconsin “permanently closed” for business.,false,false |
211,"“The best way to avoid COVID altogether is to exercise, eat healthy and let your immune system beat it naturally.”",barely-true,misleading |
212,"“Thanks to (Israel's) sacrifice, we now know that natural immunity is far superior with 1% experiencing re-infection while 40% of new cases were previously vx'd.""",barely-true,misleading |
213,Photos show Lloyd Austin without a face shield after he landed in the Philippines.,barely-true,misleading |
214,“You can't actually use ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds” to pay down state unemployment insurance fund deficits.,false,false |
215,"CDC ""will revoke the emergency use authorization"" of the PCR COVID tests because those tests don't differentiate between COVID and flu viruses. ""Translation: They've been adding flu cases to Covid cases when using that test.”",false,false |
216, “60% of patients admitted to the hospital in the UK have been fully vaccinated”,false,false |
217,The opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics predicted the COVID-19 pandemic.,pants-fire,false |
218,"Says Emmanuel Macron said, “I no longer have any intention of sacrificing my life, my time, my freedom and the adolescence of my daughters, as well as their right to study properly, for those who refuse to be vaccinated.”",false,false |
219,“Alert: Law enforcement and the Red Cross have advised that there are people going door to door indicating that they are authorized to do testing for Coronavirus.”,barely-true,misleading |
220,Ethylene oxide used in COVID-19 testing swabs “literally changes the structure of the building blocks of your own body.”,false,false |
221,"Says Joe Biden “is restricting travel for Americans into Mexico, but is keeping the border wide open for illegal aliens to walk right into our country.”",barely-true,misleading |
222,"“CDC quietly deletes 6,000 COVID vaccine deaths from its CDC website total in one day.”",barely-true,misleading |
223,“Don’t believe the hype that Florida” COVID-19 “numbers are up. It’s a blatant lie.”,pants-fire,false |
224,Video montage shows Kamala Harris and others faking vaccination.,false,false |
225,“It makes no sense to require vaccinations for the previously infected.”,false,false |
226,Says an NBC producer at the Olympics was caught on a hot mic saying “60% of people in this stadium will be dead within 10 days.”,false,false |
227,"""People are being diagnosed with delta variant"" even though ""there is no delta variant test.""",barely-true,misleading |
228,Says Joe Biden and Kamala Harris distrusted COVID-19 vaccines.,false,false |
229,The coronavirus can’t be so dangerous because there are no biohazard bins for COVID-19 masks and gloves.,false,false |
230,"“Ten thousand people have recently died. 9,950 of them, thereabouts, are people who hadn’t been vaccinated.""",mostly-true,true |
231,“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”,half-true,misleading |
232,"“45,000 confirmed dead from the COVID-19 shots within three days… and they’ve covered it up.”",pants-fire,false |
233,“Americans not vaccinated before 2022 will be put in camps”,pants-fire,false |
234,“Every Republican in Congress voted to defund the police when they voted against the American Rescue Plan.”,false,false |
235,"“If the shot actually saved lives, they’d be priced so high that you literally could not afford them, you know like insulin.”",false,false |
236,Questions about whether she’s been vaccinated are “a violation of my HIPAA rights.”,false,false |
237,“Canada prohibits all vaxxed pilots from flying.”,false,false |
238,Photo shows people protesting against “vaccine tyranny” in France.,false,false |
239,“You must give EVERY PENNY” of the advance child tax credit payments back when you file your 2021 taxes.,barely-true,misleading |
240,"“Unvaccinated, you can get COVID and have over 99% chance of survival. Get vaccinated and you can still get COVID and will still have over 99% chance of survival.”",barely-true,misleading |
241,Five JetBlue pilots died from the COVID-19 vaccine.,false,false |
242,“Some of you are being injected with saline because it would look too suspicious if everybody died at the same time.”,false,false |
243,Headlines show CNN published contradictory reports about hydroxychloroquine in 2020.,false,false |
244,"Haiti, Tanzania and Madagascar refused the COVID-19 vaccines and now all three of their presidents have died unexpectedly.",false,false |
245,“Lauren Boebert received a PPP loan for her restaurant.”,false,false |
246,A study found an “82% miscarriage rate” among women between 30 days and 20 weeks pregnant who got an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.,false,false |
247,"If COVID-19 was real, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wouldn’t have been “allowed to join 50,000 other football fans inside a stadium.""",false,false |
248,"The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is ""99% graphene oxide,"" which is ""toxic to the human body and causes a number of problems.",false,false |
249,Four pharmaceutical companies have questionable track records that suggest their COVID-19 vaccines aren’t safe.,half-true,misleading |
250,The delta variant of the coronavirus “is approximately 19 times less deadly.”,barely-true,misleading |
251,"“Fauci says there will be 'two Americas': One for vaccinated, one for unvaccinated.”",barely-true,misleading |
252,Says the Make-A-Wish Foundation will grant wishes only to fully vaccinated children.,false,false |
253,"A “peer reviewed, scientific study showed that the COVID-19 vaccine causes two deaths for every three lives it saves.”",barely-true,misleading |
254,A video shows an animal chip scanner detecting a microchip where a woman was vaccinated.,pants-fire,false |
255,A photo shows Mike Tyson wearing a T-shirt with an anti-vaccine message.,false,false |
256,“CDC officials admit more hospitalizations of young people from vaccine than from the actual COVID virus.”,false,false |
257,"Funeral directors say “no one is dying from COVID” and ""the only ones dying are from the vaccine.""",false,false |
258,Says the U.S. government caused the coronavirus pandemic because it sent mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates to university researchers weeks before the COVID-19 outbreak.,false,false |
259,mRNA technology in COVID-19 vaccines was never tested in humans.,false,false |
260,"Says Dr. Anthony Fauci in an email ""advises a family member to use (hydroxychloroquine) and antibiotic therapy, the same evening in which in a press conference he attacked (President Donald Trump) on the usefulness of (hydroxychloroquine) to fight the virus.”",false,false |
261,“The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION recently reversed its stance on children getting the Covid vaccine.”,false,false |
262,“The unvaccinated have escaped every single strain or 'variant’” of SARS-CoV-2.,false,false |
263,AstraZeneca means “weapon that kills.”,false,false |
264,“Cuomo opens New York 72 hours before his daughter's wedding.”,false,false |
265,Says the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine “dumps millions” of dangerous “spike proteins right into your body.”,false,false |
266,"The COVID-19 vaccines’ “spike protein is very dangerous, it's cytotoxic.”",false,false |
267,Says Anthony Fauci will make millions off new book.,false,false |
268,"Emails show that Fauci knew ""hydroxychloroquine worked [and] emailed friends about it being effective.""",false,false |
269,Says a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report shows the COVID-19 pandemic and the international response were “meticulously planned at least 10 years ago.”,false,false |
270,"""Study: hydroxychloroquine can boost COVID-19 survival chances by nearly 200%.""",barely-true,misleading |
271,Says professional soccer player Christian Eriksen received the Pfizer vaccine days before he collapsed during a game.,false,false |
272,"""These 2 Ankeny moms standing next to the Governor are known Qanon and anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists.""",mostly-true,true |
273,"""Report: Vaccine related deaths may rival recorded COVID-19 deaths.""",false,false |
274,"The COVID-19 vaccines make people ""magnetized. They can put a key on their forehead, it sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them, and they can stick.""",false,false |
275,"Says Marjorie Taylor Greene said, “People are dying who have never died before.”",false,false |
276,"""920 women lose their unborn babies after getting vaccinated.""",false,false |
277,"""Airlines are meeting today to discuss the risks of carrying vaxed passengers due to the risk of clots and the liabilities involved.”",false,false |
278,Viral immunologist says COVID-19 vaccines’ “spike protein” means people are being inoculated “with a toxin.”,false,false |
279,“Fauci’s emails leaked.”,false,false |
280,"""The CDC lowered the PCR threshold while no longer recording asymptomatic cases...but only for the vaccinated.""",false,false |
281,"Emails show ""Fauci's fellow scientist could tell early on that the (coronavirus) looked manufactured.""",false,false |
282,"An email from Dr. Anthony Fauci shows ""everyone was lied to"" about wearing masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.",false,false |
283,“U.S. military arrests Dr. Deborah Birx.”,false,false |
284,“So the unvaxxed have to wear mask (sic) to protect the vaxxinated.”,false,false |
285,"""You will be 'vaccinated' regardless of whether you receive the shot or not.”",false,false |
286,COVID-19 vaccines are creating the coronavirus variants.,false,false |
287,"""The Lancet peer-reviewed study confirms vaccine efficacy, not as 95% stated by the vaccine companies, but as: AstraZeneca 1.3%; Moderna 1.2%; J&J 1.2%; Pfizer 0.84%.""",barely-true,misleading |
288,"Says Luc Montagnier said, “There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have been vaccinated already. We must be prepared to incinerate the bodies.”",false,false |
289,"“Now, 50% of all of America, more than any other country, is fully vaccinated.”",barely-true,misleading |
290,You can’t donate plasma after getting a COVID-19 vaccine.,false,false |
291,"People with the COVID-19 vaccine are being ""tracked in real time via 5G cellular, and all that data can be hacked into to track you.""",pants-fire,false |
292,The CDC in mid-May quietly changed its international travel recommendations to require fully vaccinated people to test negative for COVID-19 before flying to the United States.,false,false |
293,“943 innocent kids … are now injured or dead” because of the COVID-19 vaccine.,false,false |
294,Getting the COVID-19 vaccine jeopardizes life insurance policies.,false,false |
295,The CDC lifting mask guidelines “out of the blue with no solid explanation proves they lied to you the whole time about everything.”,false,false |
296,Says Anthony Fauci’s wife has “a secret plan to put psych drugs in drinking water” to get people vaccinated.,pants-fire,false |
297,"“Since removing the mask mandate two months ago, Texas has not reported a single COVID death. Not one.""",pants-fire,false |
298,A video shows “Dems caught not wearing masks” at the White House.,half-true,misleading |
299,An Ohio doctor died from a COVID-19 vaccine.,false,false |
300,The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine contains a Bluetooth microchip.,false,false |
301,An electromagnetic radiation detector can detect radiation from someone’s COVID-19 vaccination.,false,false |
302,Businesses aren't allowed to ask customers if they’ve been vaccinated because “there are HIPPA laws.”,false,false |
303,Says Dr. Anthony Fauci’s wife is the NIH official “who rubber stamps exceptions to normal drug and vaccine testing.”,false,false |
304,“COVID cases in India plummet after government promotes ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine use.”,barely-true,misleading |
305,“We now have more job openings than we do people who are on unemployment. We have 60% more job openings today than we did the month before the pandemic hit the state of Texas.”,true,true |
306,"The Moderna vaccine contains an ingredient that is “for research use only, not meant for human or veterinary use.”",false,false |
307,“CDC director finally admits that COVID cases were overcounted in hospitals”,false,false |
308,Says the CDC’s new tracking policy is covering up cases of “breakthrough” COVID-19 infections among vaccinated people.,false,false |
309,University of Miami researchers have found that the COVID-19 vaccine affects sperm production.,false,false |
310,"""COVID-19 Jab: They skipped all animal trials because all animals were dying and went directly to people.""",false,false |
311,"“New York's 1,200+ homeless veterans are ineligible for these $15,600 payments.”",barely-true,misleading |
312,"“About 40% to 50% of CDC, FDA employees are refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, according to” Anthony Fauci and FDA’s Peter Marks.",false,false |
313,Merriam-Webster recently changed its definition of “anti-vaxxer” to include people who oppose laws that mandate vaccination.,false,false |
314,Transmission of COVID-19 by asymptomatic individuals “has never been proven.”,false,false |
315,Magnet video proves COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips.,false,false |
316,“The research showed … that confidence overall in the vaccines increased after the pause” to review the safety of Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine.,half-true,misleading |
317,“Montana is canceling unemployment because of a workforce shortage.”,half-true,misleading |
318,"For vaccine rates among Americans 65 and older, “there’s virtually no difference between white, Black, Hispanic, Asian American.”",false,false |
319,The COVID-19 vaccine “will make the common cold/flu extremely lethal.”,false,false |
320,"“Between late December of 2020 and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccine in the United States … The actual number is almost certainly higher.”",false,false |
321,"""15-year-old boy passes away from heart attack two days after Pfizer COVID-19 experimental jab.""",false,false |
322,“A year ago we had the lowest unemployment in history without using taxpayers money.”,false,false |
323,"With federal stimulus money for schools, “no distinctions are being made between Wisconsin schools that remain closed to in-person learning, and those that have been re-opened for months.”",barely-true,misleading |
324,"If you get the COVID-19 vaccine, you can't donate blood or plasma ""because it's completely tainted.""",false,false |
325,"""The Unvaccinated Beware, COVID-19 mRNA Shots Cause Death and Disease Through GMO Shedding""",false,false |
326,Vaccine herd immunity doesn’t exist because 100% of the population would have to be vaccinated for it to work.,false,false |
327,"“For #Covid vaccines, shingles and even more dangerous and painful skin conditions may be the new thrombocytopenia.""",barely-true,misleading |
328,60% of new COVID-19 patients are people who received the vaccine.,pants-fire,false |
329,A leaked email from a Liberal Party politician shows the Canadian government's plan to “reset” the economy and seize private property.,pants-fire,false |
330,"It's illegal for a college, public school or employer to ""mandate"" the vaccine because it was authorized for emergency use.",false,false |
331,Photo that shows COVID-19 test swabs labeled positive and negative proves that the tests are fixed.,false,false |
332,“Joe Biden says Americans can only celebrate the Fourth of July if he says so.”,false,false |
333,"A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention campaign says, “FACT: Refusing to take the vaccine is a form of racism since it harms people of color.”",false,false |
334,“Bill Gates fights to keep vaccine ingredients secret.”,false,false |
335,Says his administration’s efforts have led to more school reopenings.,half-true,misleading |
336,COVID-19 “has killed less people than the damn flu.”,false,false |
337,Says Joe Biden was the only world leader to wear a face mask during a video conference.,false,false |
338,Officials “recommend that women who get one of these (COVID-19) shots should absolutely not get pregnant for at least the first two months after they’ve been injected.”,false,false |
339,"""An average of nearly 5,000 Missourians were contracting COVID every day in November.""",barely-true,misleading |
340,"""Mountains of data"" show drug ivermectin ""basically obliterates"" COVID-19 transmission.",false,false |
341,Children ages 5 to 9 “are not affected by” the coronavirus.,half-true,misleading |
342,"For mitigating COVID-19 spread, “masks (are) the number one way to do so.""",mostly-true,true |
343,"“The federal American Rescue Plan will purchase more food from farmers for distribution.""",true,true |
344,Women’s menstrual cycles and fertility are affected by being around people who have received COVID-19 vaccines,false,false |
345,“Stanford study results” show face masks are ineffective and dangerous.,false,false |
346,Texas “could be very close to herd immunity.”,false,false |
347,"Says science shows the physiological effects of wearing masks include hypoxemia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, toxicity and increased muscle tension.",false,false |
348,Says Republican lawmakers delayed COVID-19 testing,barely-true,misleading |
349,Says the nation is locked down and there’s “a wide open border.”,false,false |
350,"“Maybe (the COVID-19 vaccine) doesn't work, and they're simply not telling you that.”",pants-fire,false |
351,“Moderna chief medical officer admits: mRNA alters DNA.”,false,false |
352,"""DMX received COVID vaccine days before heart attack.""",false,false |
353,"Says it doesn't make sense for young adults to get the vaccine since they ""really are not under that much of a threat as a result of this virus.""",barely-true,misleading |
354,“6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020”,false,false |
355,"“Per the CDC, there are nearly twice as many vaccine-related deaths so far in 2021 (1,755) than all the vaccine deaths this past decade (994).”",false,false |
356,“It took the Legislature nearly 300 days to act on a (COVID-19) bill during this pandemic.”,half-true,misleading |
357,"""They’re unable to administer vaccines if the lockdown ends because the emergency ends with it.”",false,false |
358,The number of pregnant women who have miscarried increased by “366% in just six weeks” as a result of their receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.,false,false |
359,"""mRNA is not a vaccine"" — it's ""actually an operating system"" that's run by Bill Gates to program humans.",pants-fire,false |
360,"“If I don’t take the vaccine, I’m at risk for covid. If I do take the vaccine, I’m still at risk for covid PLUS I’m at risk for permanent vaccine side effects. Therefore I’m reducing my risk by not taking the vaccine. That’s the real science.”",false,false |
361,Calls COVID-19 vaccine a “non-FDA-approved experimental agent.”,barely-true,misleading |
362,"“From Europe: 3,964 people have died from adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ – 162,610 injuries.”",false,false |
363,Video says COVID-19 vaccines are “weapons of mass destruction” that “could wipe out the human race.”,pants-fire,false |
364,"Says Deborah Birx “traveled a great distance to see her family for Thanksgiving, only to have them call the police and turn her in. She then ... resigned.”",half-true,misleading |
365,"“Minority farmers get big bonus, white ones get none,” because of Democrats.",half-true,misleading |
366,Nostradamus predicted that a “feeble man” would rule the “Western World” after a time of “plague.”,pants-fire,false |
367,“There is no discernible difference between the spread and deaths of COVID in Virginia than there is in Florida.”,false,false |
368,“In a vegan world there would be no pandemics. 100% of pandemics are zoonotic in origin.”,barely-true,misleading |
369,"“There’s still (only) a handful of school districts"" doing no in-person instruction.",true,true |
370,"“Sorry Dr Fauci and other fearmongers, new study shows vaccines and naturally acquired immunity DO effectively neutralize COVID variants.”",half-true,misleading |
371,“You can’t tell me they can (develop a safe vaccine) in eight to 10 months. Or a year. It takes more time than that.”,pants-fire,false |
372,"""80% of people taking the Moderna vaccine had significant side effects, via Bill Gates.""",false,false |
373,The movie “I am Legend” was based in the year 2021 and people turned into zombies “because of the wrong vaccine.”,false,false |
374,“Jamaica has not recorded any case of the coronavirus.”,pants-fire,false |
375,Aluminum “is in the vaccine” and will hurt the brain.,false,false |
376,Says Disneyland is enforcing a “no scream” policy on roller coasters.,false,false |
377,“You will need a WHO Yellow Vaccination Passport if you plan on traveling internationally once borders open.”,barely-true,misleading |
378,The American Rescue Plan Act “does not” include “checks and balances” on how funds for state and local governments can be spent.,half-true,misleading |
379,"“Pelosi’s $1.9 trillion bailout gives EVERY federal employee a $21,000 bonus check… they never lost their job!”",false,false |
380,A CDC study found that “mask mandates made no statistical difference” on coronavirus case rates.,pants-fire,false |
381,“Actor Tom Hanks has passed away age 63.”,pants-fire,false |
382,"Diesel prices jumped from $1.69 to $3.19 since Biden took office, and the president is to blame.",pants-fire,false |
383,"The COVID economic relief package “included $600 million for San Francisco, part of which goes to cover the tab for free alcohol and marijuana for the homeless.""",false,false |
384,Hank Aaron and Marvelous Marvin Hagler died “after taking the COVID-19 vaccine.”,false,false |
385,“Fauci admits he isn’t listening to the science when advocating policy.”,false,false |
386,"“Illegal aliens will receive $1,400 stimulus checks.”",barely-true,misleading |
387,There are nanoparticles in the COVID-19 vaccine that will help people “locate you” via 5G networks.,pants-fire,false |
388,"Says President Joe Biden promoted ""mandatory vaccines for everybody"" in his March 11 address.",false,false |
389,On passing high-dollar legislation with no time to read it.,full-flop,false |
390,“The Biden Administration is recklessly releasing hundreds of illegal immigrants who have COVID into Texas communities.”,barely-true,misleading |
391,"Vitamin D, vitamin C, colloidal silver and black seed oil can kill the coronavirus.",false,false |
392,“Schumer and Pelosi sneak funding into COVID bill.”,false,false |
393,"The $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill ""awards a $25 million bonus"" to House members.",pants-fire,false |
394,Says his amendment on a budget bill “would have helped get kids back in school after teachers were vaccinated. Every single Senate Democrat voted against it.”,half-true,misleading |
395,A video shows a nurse pretending to vaccinate actor Anthony Hopkins before squirting fluid in the syringe on the floor.,false,false |
396,“Senate Democrats just voted to give stimulus checks to criminals in prison.”,mostly-true,true |
397,"In rejecting his amendment, “Democrats voted to send reopening money to schools that refuse to reopen.”",half-true,misleading |
398,Video suggests Dr. Anthony Fauci said vaccines don’t protect against COVID-19.,false,false |
399,"Says Gov. Andrew Cuomo ""issued a legal blanket immunity, and snuck that into our budget, giving these facilities essentially a license to kill, a get-out-of-jail free card.”",half-true,misleading |
400,"“When I came into office, the prior administration had contracted for not nearly enough vaccine to cover adults in America.”",barely-true,misleading |
401,"Says the NC elections board “did not change state law.""",barely-true,misleading |
402,"""Some people are going to die from the vaccine directly. But a large number of people are going to start getting horribly sick and get all kinds of autoimmune diseases.""",pants-fire,false |
403,"""While he was president, President Trump never encouraged Americans to get vaccinated.""",false,false |
404,Republicans are “trying to create a fake unemployment insurance crisis.”,false,false |
405,"The $1.9 trillion relief package is “about a bridge for Chuck Schumer, a tunnel for Nancy Pelosi.”",barely-true,misleading |
406,“All of the science and data say it’s perfectly safe to have teachers and students in the classroom.”,false,false |
407,“More than 91% of the spending in this $1.9 trillion package is not used for pandemic relief.”,barely-true,misleading |
408,Says the Atlanta mayor is “shutting the city down for” the NBA All-Star Game weekend.,false,false |
409,"“There’s about 9% of (the American Rescue Plan) actually going to COVID, meaning 91% of it is not even COVID-related.”",half-true,misleading |
410,The COVID-19 rescue bill includes money for a list of projects that are not COVID-related.,mostly-true,true |
411,"“New York, for all of their complaining, Gov. Cuomo's complaining, has only had a 1.5% decrease in revenue” due to the coronavirus pandemic.",barely-true,misleading |
412,"“If you take the vaccine, you'll be enrolled in a pharmacovigilance tracking system. It means that you've enrolled yourself in a medical trial.”",false,false |
413,"The COVID-19 vaccine could lead to prion diseases, Alzheimer’s, ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases.",pants-fire,false |
414,"Due to differing lockdown orders, New York has more COVID-19 cases, deaths, hospitalizations and job losses than Florida, and New York also lags on vaccinations.",barely-true,misleading |
415,"In the American Rescue Plan, “just about 1% of the money is for vaccines.”",mostly-true,true |
416,"“For the month of February, Illinois has been the vaccination leader among the 10 most populous states in the country.”",half-true,misleading |
417,"The result of lockdowns “has been the destruction of millions of lives across America as well as increased deaths from suicide, substance abuse and despair without any corresponding benefit in Covid mortality.”",barely-true,misleading |
418,“COVID-19 infections down 61% from Trump’s last day. COVID-19 vaccinations up 85% from Trump’s last day. Competence Matters.”,mostly-true,true |
419,“There's over a trillion dollars of money unspent from previous (coronavirus) relief bills ... still sitting in a bank account.”,half-true,misleading |
420,"“The vast majority of the American people” support Biden’s $1.9 trillion rescue plan, “including a majority of Republicans.”",half-true,misleading |
421,"The science says “open the schools, stop wearing masks outside, and everyone at low risk should start living normal lives.""",false,false |
422,"“There is a consensus among economists left, right, and center… that we can’t spend too much” on COVID-19 relief.",barely-true,misleading |
423,“Gov Roy Cooper does not consider Type 1 diabetes an under lying health issue!”,false,false |
424,Says death reports in federal database show the fatal risk of COVID-19 vaccines.,barely-true,misleading |
425,"“You may not have stayed in a hotel in the past year, but illegals arriving since Biden’s inauguration, they get to stay free of charge.”",barely-true,misleading |
426,Says Joe Biden “is trying to shut FL’s border.”,false,false |
427,November election data shows a “stunning anomaly in the rejection rate of absentee ballots.”,false,false |
428,"“Pritzker’s Hierarchy of Vaccine Priorities” puts prisoners, politicians and college students ahead of “individuals with high-risk health factors, and everyone else.”",half-true,misleading |
429,"“We know mask mandates work. There’s enough evidence out there between counties that have done it and counties that haven’t.""",true,true |
430,"South Dakota ""did have tragedies and we did have losses. But we also got through (the pandemic) better than virtually every other state.""",barely-true,misleading |
431,"Doctors and nurses who administer the coronavirus vaccine can be ""tried as war criminals.""",pants-fire,false |
432,"""The committee that advises @GovEvers and his department tasked with leading during this pandemic is recommending allowing prisoners to receive the vaccine before 65 year old grandma?”",half-true,misleading |
433,Photo shows Tampa Mayor Jane Castor maskless at Super Bowl.,false,false |
434,The COVID-19 vaccine “went out for distribution” in Nebraska “days before the FDA even said they were going to approve it.”,false,false |
435,“But we’re below the national average in number of deaths in nursing homes.”,mostly-true,true |
436,"“More than 200,000 DACA recipients are essential infrastructure workers” including “41,700 DACA recipients in the healthcare industry”",mostly-true,true |
437,“Pfizer and Moderna could share their design with dozens of other pharma companies who stand ready to produce their vaccines and end the pandemic.”,barely-true,misleading |
438,"“New evidence ties COVID-19 creation to research funded by Fauci""",false,false |
439,“Now (Biden) is saying that people who came here illegally can jump ahead of other Americans who have been waiting to get the vaccine.”,barely-true,misleading |
440,“Doctor proves masks don’t work” by vaping through them.,false,false |
441,"""BUSTED: CDC Inflated COVID Numbers, Accused of Violating Federal Law""",false,false |
442,Says North Carolina bill to require in-person learning is “stripping out some of the health protocols that are in place.”,half-true,misleading |
443,Seniors around the world who died from COVID vaccine are being improperly listed as “natural causes.”,false,false |
444,"States are seeing increases in revenue, with an average decline of just 0.12% compared with 2019. Over half of states report positive growth, including California, New York, and Illinois.",barely-true,misleading |
445,"“A Miracle! Only 23 Americans Tested Positive for Flu Last Week Compared to 14,657 Cases Reported Last Year at Same Time.”",half-true,misleading |
446,"""The (Erie Co., N.Y.) health commissioner makes more than the governor, the vice president of the United States, and has a salary that is comparable to Dr. Anthony Fauci.”",mostly-true,true |
447,Gov. Tony Evers “has the authority and revenue necessary” to upgrade the Wisconsin unemployment system without the Legislature.,barely-true,misleading |
448,"""A lot of these migrants that are coming, we have no way to screen their backgrounds for either health or for security."" ",false,false |
449,“The Biden administration lost 20 million COVID vaccines.”,false,false |
450,“WHO now saying you do not need to wear a mask.”,false,false |
451,Masks have negative impacts on 68% of children.,false,false |
452,Assembly Republicans “have come to the table” and were part of “give and take” compromise on a coronavirus bill.,false,false |
453,"Says Joe Biden “has issued more executive fiats than anyone in such a short period of time, ever, more than Obama, more than Trump, more than anyone.”",true,true |
454,"""The process to distribute the vaccine, particularly outside of nursing homes and hospitals out into the community as a whole, did not really exist when we came into the White House.""",barely-true,misleading |
455,Says the number of spoiled coronavirus vaccines in North Carolina is “very small ... in the tens.”,half-true,misleading |
456,"“We have scientific data, from all different levels, but particularly from the high school sports levels, from numerous different states that shows that it is safe to play what New York is considering high-risk sports.”",barely-true,misleading |
457,"In Michigan, “we were able to really flatten” the racial disparity in COVID-19’s impact “and make significant progress.”",mostly-true,true |
458,“There will be several thousand dollars in payments going to families with six-figure incomes who’ve had no income interruption whatsoever.”,true,true |
459,Virginia ranks “in the bottom third of states” in administering the COVID-19 vaccine.,true,true |
460,“Wisconsin is second to last in the Midwest in our vaccination rate and the governor says he’s ‘satisfied.’”,mostly-true,true |
461,"The COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous because 23 people died in Norway ""within hours” of receiving it.",barely-true,misleading |
462,Says that “the way to reach ‘herd immunity’ is for >70% of the population to get vaccinated.”,mostly-true,true |
463,“Coronavirus vaccinations seem to be causing 50 times the adverse events of flu vaccinations after just the first of two shots.”,barely-true,misleading |
464,Says Rep. Pramila Jayapal was not wearing a mask in Congress during the U.S. Capitol mob.,barely-true,misleading |
465,"Says COVID-19 vaccines have “experimental technology never before used on humans” and that some “contain nanochips which can electronically track recipients.""",false,false |
466,"A registered nurse in Nashville, Tenn., developed Bell’s Palsy after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.",false,false |
467,"“In my state, as in many other states, we have governors who are closing down businesses again.”",true,true |
468,"North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper ""has not left the Governor's Mansion since the start of the #COVID19 crisis.""",pants-fire,false |
469,Cornell University professor Robert Oswald said “COVID-19 was imaginary and fictitious.”,pants-fire,false |
470,Says a recent study found no asymptomatic or presymptomatic spread of COVID.,barely-true,misleading |
471,Says “Dr. Fauci lied about masks in March.”,false,false |
472,"Says COVID-19 relief bill “provides more funding to foreign governments and to American arts centers, than to the American people.”",barely-true,misleading |
473,"“CDC COVID-19 survival rates” are 99.997% for people ages 0 to 19, 99.98% for people ages 20 to 49, 99.5% for people ages 50 to 69, and 94.6% for people over 70.",false,false |
474,Says that the oil and gas industry comprises 35% of the Texas economy.,mostly-true,true |
475,“Nurse passes out on live TV after taking vaccine.”,barely-true,misleading |
476,“This is a phony pandemic.”,pants-fire,false |
477,"""New data shows in-person learning isn't driving spikes in cases.""",true,true |
478,Says the new coronavirus vaccines contain toxic ingredients and are more dangerous than getting COVID-19.,pants-fire,false |
479,“21% of people are having serious adverse events from (the Moderna) vaccine.”,false,false |
480,"Says that guidance urging vaccinated people to avoid travel and continue wearing masks is ""profoundly anti-science.""",pants-fire,false |
481,“This whole COVID thing? It’s a SIMULATION.”,pants-fire,false |
482,“One of the first nurses to receive the vaccine in AL is now dead.”,false,false |
483,An Austrian politician “exposed the defectiveness of the government’s Covid-19 tests by demonstrating how even a glass of Coca Cola will test positive for Covid-19.”,false,false |
484,"The American Medical Association rescinded a previous statement and now says ""hydroxychloroquine is okay"" for COVID-19.",false,false |
485,An optional microchip for COVID-19 vaccines “would give officials information on who has and has not been vaccinated” and “tracks the location of the patient.”,false,false |
486,“Pope Francis says covid vaccine will now be required to enter heaven.”,pants-fire,false |
487,The CDC delivers groceries and cleaning products “twice while you’re in quarantine.”,false,false |
488,"Says Jon Ossoff ""wants total, blanket amnesty and he wants a total lockdown.""",barely-true,misleading |
489,The COVID-19 pandemic has caused four of the eight “deadliest days in American history.”,half-true,misleading |
490,“FDA announces 2 deaths of Pfizer vaccine trial participants from ‘serious adverse events.’”,barely-true,misleading |
491,The number of people who have died in the U.S. in 2020 is on par with years prior to COVID-19.,false,false |
492,"""If all goes 'well' it'll become federal law to get the (COVID-19) vaccine.""",false,false |
493,“Biden confirms agenda to microchip the masses”,pants-fire,false |
494,"""You know what the biggest lie is, is that restaurants are spreaders of COVID. There's no science for that.""",false,false |
495,"“40 years of research, and no vaccine for HIV. At least 100 years of research and no vaccine for cancer. Ongoing research and no vaccine for the common cold. Now in less than a year, there's a vaccine for COVID-19?”",barely-true,misleading |
496,“Head of Pfizer research: Covid vaccine is female sterilization.”,false,false |
497,Images that show a 90-year-old UK woman receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine appeared online in a CNN news story in October.,false,false |
498,"""The FDA knows that rushed-to-market COVID-19 vaccines may cause a wide range of life-threatening side effects, including death.""",barely-true,misleading |
499,"""People have lost faith in the ability of the vaccine to work. Already, the numbers are really staggeringly low.""",half-true,misleading |
500,"“The first randomized controlled trial of more than 6,000 individuals to assess the effectiveness of surgical face masks against SARS-CoV-2 infection found masks did not statistically significantly reduce the incidence of infection.""",barely-true,misleading |
501,“CDC admits old ‘science’ was wrong” on COVID-19 quarantine guidance.,false,false |
502,"“Republican elected officials, a network of propaganda publications in the state and some radio shock jocks” were spreading “a lie” about his daughter breaking COVID-19 restrictions.",true,true |
503,China recovered from COVID-19 “without a vaccine.”,false,false |
504,Says COVID-19 has killed more North Carolinians in a year than the flu has in 10 years.,true,true |
505,"“Masks will kill quite a few people, it’s well known that they reduce blood oxygen levels and those with respiratory and cardiac disorders will die.”",false,false |
506,The coronavirus pandemic is “effectively over” in the United Kingdom and “there is absolutely no need for vaccines.”,pants-fire,false |
507, “The states that are locked down are increasing at twice the rate we are” in Florida,half-true,misleading |
508,“Americans are paying the highest price in the world for Remdesivir because the Trump administration is allowing Gilead Sciences to jack up the prices on this #COVID19 treatment.”,half-true,misleading |
509,Says the Denver Broncos signed Colin Kaepernick.,false,false |
510,Says that shutdowns are “ineffective” and that we now know that COVID-19 is not commonly spread “by someone going to work.”,false,false |
511,"“We passed one of the first (COVID-19) bills in the entire country, empowering Gov. Evers to act.”",false,false |
512,“Pennsylvania just banned alcohol sales.”,barely-true,misleading |
513,North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper’s “daughter is having a big wedding today. 500 people. Then going to lock you down on Monday.”,false,false |
514,"“666,000 teachers have been laid off already since March.""",barely-true,misleading |
515,Says “Biden wants a nationwide lockdown to combat a virus that has a 99%+ survival rate.”,false,false |
516,"Says Kelly Loeffler is ""for getting rid of health care in the middle of a pandemic.""",half-true,misleading |
517,“AARP endorsed Biden” and “says if you are past 75 you should just die and go away.”,pants-fire,false |
518,"""If you can’t get a test through Test Iowa, there are multiple other sites: your doctor, your clinics, your pharmacies, the stroke detection clinic centers.""",mostly-true,true |
519,Vaccines “will remove parts of your DNA and replace it with GENETIC CODING (TECHNOLOGY)” that will “cause people to HAVE to cooperate with the New World Order.”,pants-fire,false |
520,A member of Joe Biden’s COVID-19 task force recommends “withholding food stamps and rent assistance from those who refuse coronavirus vaccines.”,pants-fire,false |
521,“Ticketmaster is planning mandatory COVID vaccine identification for concert attendance.”,false,false |
522,Pennsylvania officials are “attempting to silence voters” by sending them letters that say they’ve been exposed to COVID-19 and “must remain quarantined and not vote in person on Election Day.”,barely-true,misleading |
523,Photo shows Joe Biden “doesn’t wear a mask on a plane.”,false,false |
524,"“Our doctors get more money if somebody dies from COVID. … So what they do is they say, ‘I'm sorry, but, you know, everybody dies of COVID.’""",false,false |
525,“COVID ends next Wednesday.”,false,false |
526,"When Sen. Kelly Loeffler heard about the COVID-19 risk, she “focused on her own portfolio” and ""profited from the pandemic.""",half-true,misleading |
527,The number of coronavirus deaths is “almost nothing.”,pants-fire,false |
528,"Says Dan Forest has “missed almost half of the Board of Education meetings during the pandemic.""",true,true |
529,“More suicide deaths than coronavirus death past two months.”,false,false |
530,U.S. is “really not doing (COVID-19) reporting right” because deaths are being improperly counted and hospitals have an “incentive” to pad stats.,false,false |
531,"""World renowned experts"" declare that we should “live normally, practice simple hygiene,” stay home when sick and use protective measures only with “the most vulnerable populations.”",half-true,misleading |
532,"Says Troy Nehls “called wearing masks 'un-American' and called those who do 'communists.'""",false,false |
533,"The coronavirus ""was constructed in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”",false,false |
534,"""Generally the deaths are still pretty flat because we've flattened the curve.”",barely-true,misleading |
535,"“We're starting to reach almost herd immunity in this nation, so we'll be on the downside of this virus very soon.""",false,false |
536,Michigan has been “like a prison” during the coronavirus.,false,false |
537,"“When I closed (travel from China) he said I should not have closed. ...He said this is a terrible thing, you are a xenophobe, I think he called me racist. Now he says I should have closed it earlier.”",barely-true,misleading |
538,"""We are rounding the turn (on coronavirus). We are rounding the corner.""",false,false |
539,Pennsylvania “never opened.”,false,false |
540,Says Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote a paper blaming 1918-19 flu deaths on masks.,false,false |
541,“We saved 2 million people” from dying of COVID-19.,barely-true,misleading |
542,"Says since he and President Trump took office, their policies ""led to an unemployment rate of 3.1% in Wisconsin and 61,000 Wisconsin jobs, including 15,000 manufacturing jobs.""",false,false |
543,"Says Anthony Fauci was indicted “for crimes including treason, conspiring with the enemy and fraud.”",pants-fire,false |
544,"""We're No. 46 out of 50 states... we're 46th in terms of percentage of deaths in nursing homes.""",barely-true,misleading |
545,"CNN reported, “Due to COVID-19, President Donald Trump passes away at 74.”",pants-fire,false |
546,"According to a recent CDC report, ""almost everyone — 85% — who got the coronavirus in July was wearing a mask, and they were infected anyway. So clearly (wearing a mask) doesn’t work the way they tell us it works.”",false,false |
547,"Georgia has “almost 100,000 more (COVID-19) cases, almost twice as many deaths and almost 600 more nursing home deaths than North Carolina.”",true,true |
548,“The World Health Organization just admitted that I was right. Lockdowns are killing countries all over the world. The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself.”,false,false |
549,"In May, Wisconsin had its own test of mask effectiveness, when ""we went from masks, to no masks, and there (was) no significant difference in cases.""",false,false |
550,Says Democratic senators were missing “masks” as they huddled close together at the Judiciary Committee hearing for Amy Coney Barrett.,false,false |
551,"No one under 20 has died of COVID-19, and ""it has not actually been determined yet"" that anyone under 20 can spread it to an older person",barely-true,misleading |
552,“CDC just cancelled Halloween for kids.”,false,false |
553,"A CDC report found that “people who wear masks, are actually ‘collecting’ the virus in their masks.”",pants-fire,false |
554,"Says “Lucy McBath voted to release criminals from prison. Murderers, rapists.”",false,false |
555,"Says Kamala Harris said, “The American people aren’t equipped to make these decisions for themselves.”",false,false |
556,"“All the billionaires in America, their net worth combined … has increased by $800 billion” during the pandemic.",mostly-true,true |
557,"Says Dr. Anthony Fauci said of Trump’s pandemic response, “I can’t imagine that … anybody could be doing more.”",barely-true,misleading |
558,Twitter removed this tweet from Donald Trump: “My blood IS the vaccine!!!!!”,pants-fire,false |
559,Says Sen. Gary Peters “downplayed the pandemic” and “failed to act.”,false,false |
560,"""Dems want to shut your churches down, permanently. Hope you see what is happening.""",pants-fire,false |
561,"“South Dakota, Idaho, Florida, Tennessee & Georgia are now mask FREE!”",barely-true,misleading |
562,“Chris Christie is in ICU and reported to be put on a ventilator.”,false,false |
563,“Wisconsin Republicans have not passed a single bill in 6 months.”,true,true |
564,"Says Donald Trump said, “The doctors said they’ve never seen a body kill the coronavirus like my body. They tested my DNA and it wasn’t DNA. It was USA.”",pants-fire,false |
565,"“Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the vaccine, die from the flu … we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal.""",false,false |
566,“All Missouri’s high-risk areas have mask mandates in place.”,false,false |
567,“The government has released their initial plans to force a vaccine on everyone.”,false,false |
568,“Bikers show up to The Walter Reed Hospital to pray for President Trump.”,false,false |
569,“President Trump is in great danger. Evidence is mounting that he’s being deliberately killed at Walter Reed Military Hospital.”,pants-fire,false |
570,"Says Donald Trump is not at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, “he is on AF1.”",pants-fire,false |
571,"Says Donald Trump boarded Marine One ""with a portable oxygen concentrator in his pocket with the nasal cannula going up his back, hidden in his hair and tucked under his mask.""",false,false |
572,“No prominent Democrats have had the virus but the list of Republicans goes on and on.”,false,false |
573,Two “Doomsday Planes” took flight because of President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis.,false,false |
574,Says Donald Trump’s reelection campaign emailed supporters to “donate to help him recover from” COVID-19.,pants-fire,false |
575,An episode of “The Simpsons” showed Donald Trump in a coffin.,pants-fire,false |
576,Says President Donald Trump started a trade war that “led to a surge in farm bankruptcies.”,half-true,misleading |
577,"“If you just count all the deaths in the red states, we are number two in the world in deaths, just behind Brazil.”",mostly-true,true |
578,"“For example, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, my Administration implemented a program to provide any individual without health-insurance coverage access to necessary COVID‑19‑related testing and treatment.”",mostly-true,true |
579,“Bad math (is) driving Wisconsin’s exploding positive test rate.”,pants-fire,false |
580,A letter from Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves says that at “the beginning of October 2020 the statewide mask requirements will be abolished.”,false,false |
581,"""We have a worse economy than any other country in the world that's going through COVID-19 by a factor of three.""",false,false |
582,“(Republicans) have the power to overturn the (state of emergency) order by joint resolution and they refuse to do it.”,true,true |
583,“Only one” Black-owned restaurant in Michigan received a loan through the Paycheck Protection Program,barely-true,misleading |
584,“Guess who is the marketing CEO of Zoom? Pelosi’s daughter/Newsome’s cousin.”,false,false |
585,"“Putting a national lockdown, stay-at-home orders, is like house arrest. Other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history.""",false,false |
586,"""If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people. I'm not making this up. Just look at the data.""",false,false |
587,"Says that to help people in need during the coronavirus pandemic, Mike Garcia said: ""Everyone should have to figure out how to fend for themselves.""",barely-true,misleading |
588,“Bill Gates says you don't have a choice to be vaccinated or not.”,false,false |
589,“CDC Director Robert Redfield says healthy people should NOT wear masks.”,false,false |
590,"“Over three months after receiving CARES Act relief funds from the state, the county has still not made those dollars available to help struggling Mid-Missourians.”",true,true |
591,“Nobody is found dead of corona in their homes.. They all die at the hospital.”,false,false |
592,“The number of ICU beds is larger in Boone County by a factor of three” compared to Orange County for the University of North Carolina.,false,false |
593,“Wisconsin is one of the nine states with the highest rate of infection per capita.”,mostly-true,true |
594,"""All evidence points to the fact that our kids are 17 times more likely to have ill effects from the seasonal flu than they are from the coronavirus.”",barely-true,misleading |
595,“Kroger Corporate says employees can not wear flag masks but they can wear BLM masks!”,false,false |
596,Says Joe Biden and Gretchen Whitmer were maskless at the Detroit Athletic Club “while OUR children are being mandated to wear a mask while playing outdoor sports.”,false,false |
597,"“Canada has just criminalized all CV19 measures requiring masks, distancing, quarantining & vaccines.”",false,false |
598,“CDC announces that students may be kept from parents overnight as Ohio sets up COVID-19 FEMA camps.”,pants-fire,false |
599,"“Military COVID infected: 118,984. Military COVID deaths: 6,114.”",false,false |
600,Olive Garden employees are allowed to wear Black Lives Matter masks “but NOT the American flag.”,false,false |
601,“The CDC has removed the ‘Covid-19 Pandemic’ and replaced it with ‘Covid-19 Outbreak’ on their website. It was never a pandemic.”,pants-fire,false |
602,Countries were exporting COVID-19 “diagnostic test instruments” in 2018.,false,false |
603,"""Under Operation Warp Speed, we’ve pioneered groundbreaking therapies, reducing the fatality rate 85% since April.”",half-true,misleading |
604,Says President Donald Trump “never downplayed the virus.”,pants-fire,false |
605,“Not one politician has died from the virus.”,false,false |
606,"For younger people, seasonal flu is “in many cases” a deadlier virus than COVID-19",mostly-true,true |
607,“Covid-19 is NOT killing people. Weak immune systems and bad doctors are.”,false,false |
608,Says he was the first person to call for invoking the Defense Production Act.,false,false |
609,“Only 6% of the people actually died from COVID.” The others “died from other reasons.”,pants-fire,false |
610,"“In some of these other states, some of their deaths can be attributable to the fact that they were having a hard time getting an ICU bed or a ventilator to a patient.”",barely-true,misleading |
611,“Covid-19 means ‘certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence.’”,pants-fire,false |
612,“More cops have died from COVID this year than have been killed on patrol.”,mostly-true,true |
613,"The CDC “adjusted the US Covid deaths from 153,504 to 9,210.”",pants-fire,false |
614,"In April, when asked how he would handle the COVID-19 pandemic, Tommy Tuberville ""said he didn't have a clue"" and after winning the Republican nomination in July, ""he still said he didn't have a clue.""",mostly-true,true |
615,“President Trump marshalled the full resources of our federal government from the outset. He directed us to forge a seamless partnership with governors across America in both political parties.”,barely-true,misleading |
616,“Does the #DemConvention know @NYGovCuomo forced nursing homes across NY to take in COVID positive patients and planted the seeds of infection that killed thousands of grandmothers and grandfathers?”,barely-true,misleading |
617,“At UNC 14% of students tested positive.”,barely-true,misleading |
618,"“The fact is that in terms of the risk to schoolkids, this is lower risk than seasonal influenza.”",mostly-true,true |
619,"Amid COVID-19, 25 of the 26 Republican governors ""have decided to play football,"" but ""three-fourths"" of the 24 Democratic governors ""have decided not to play already and most will probably not play.”",false,false |
620,"“In West Virginia alone, overdoses have increased by 50% during the #COVID-19 pandemic.”",mostly-true,true |
621,The United States is “the only major industrial economy to have its unemployment rate triple” since the coronavirus pandemic began.,mostly-true,true |
622,"The coronavirus has seen a “big surge in New Zealand. It's terrible. We don't want that.""",false,false |
623,"""Our (COVID-19) numbers are better than almost all countries.""",false,false |
624,"“As of the last 24 hours this is the protocol regarding masks: Masks should only be used by healthcare workers, caretakers or by people who are sick with symptoms like fever and cough.”",false,false |
625,Says Sara Gideon’s husband’s law firm “took up to $2 million” from the same federal program she “falsely” attacked Susan Collins over.,half-true,misleading |
626,Says Kamala Harris wants to eliminate beef.,false,false |
627,"Says Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros and Jeffrey Epstein are connected with Moderna, Inc., and its efforts to create the coronavirus vaccine.",pants-fire,false |
628,“DEVELOPING: Kamala’s sister takes hydroxychloroquine.”,half-true,misleading |
629,Says the U.S. Senate is “dominated by millionaires” and that he is “not one of them.”,true,true |
630,Says series of 11 photos are “from the 1918 flu pandemic.”,barely-true,misleading |
631,"“If the vaccine came out tomorrow, how in the heck would we get it to people? There is no game plan.”",mostly-true,true |
632,President Donald Trump “put a hold on ALL EVICTIONS through December.”,false,false |
633,“Herd immunity has been reached.”,false,false |
634,“3.8% of Wisconsin’s coronavirus funding has been spent.”,half-true,misleading |
635,Photo shows Bill Clinton among others not wearing a mask at John Lewis’ funeral.,false,false |
636,"“Mark Kelly criticized the (Paycheck Protection Program), then turned around and took money for his own multi-million dollar company.”",barely-true,misleading |
637,Children are “almost immune from this disease.”,false,false |
638,There’s a “direct correlation” between North Carolina’s mask requirement and COVID-19 stabilization.,mostly-true,true |
639,"“There have been five randomized controlled, placebo controlled trials that do not show any benefit to hydroxychloroquine.”",mostly-true,true |
640,“At John Lewis funeral Obama told a room full of people that rooms full of people is too dangerous so we must mail in vote.”,false,false |
641,“Five veterinary labs have their CLIA certification to officially test human patients. There are a lot of labs who are doing surveillance testing that don't need the CLIA certification.”,mostly-true,true |
642,"Says Bill Gates said, “We need to develop a digital certificate that shows who has received all the vaccinations. Only those with all the required vaccinations may travel, visit churches, participate in sports and music events, get a job, etc.”",false,false |
643,A photo shows a large crowd in Berlin protesting the “covid hoax.”,false,false |
644,"“You know what’s in this bill? No medical malpractice suits until 2024, even if they’re not COVID related.”",barely-true,misleading |
645,A study from the CDC and the WHO “proves face masks do not prevent the spread of a virus.”,false,false |
646,"Says Herman Cain died of cancer, not COVID-19.",false,false |
647,"“Mississippi got 10,145 warrants for unemployment fraud!!” ",barely-true,misleading |
648,“Florida is doing over five times better” than New Jersey and New York in COVID-19 deaths per million people.,barely-true,misleading |
649,Says Donald Trump was caught on a hot mic insulting his supporters.,pants-fire,false |
650, A common cold can cause a positive COVID-19 test.,false,false |
651,"Say Wisconsin Republican lawmakers have done nothing ""while neighboring states like Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan have already implemented safety precautions like requiring individuals to wear masks.""",mostly-true,true |
652,"Says he opposes statewide mask order because it would require him to “wear a mask in my house, or walking my dog.”",false,false |
653,Says wearing masks has been “proven ineffective.”,false,false |
654,"“If you have worked during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Labor has finally authorized up to $4,800 in hazard pay for qualified essential workers.”",pants-fire,false |
655,“American coronavirus vaccine killed five Ukrainians.”,false,false |
656,"Says 1 in 5 Texans did not have health insurance coverage before the pandemic, and now “nearly 1 in 3 Texans under the age of 65 don’t have access to health care insurance.”",true,true |
657,Says the NIH “15 years ago published a study on chloroquine. It is effective against COVID-(1).”,false,false |
658,"Social media posts claim the U.S. Postal Service “says you should give mail in ballots at least 14 days roundtrip. So, if you plan to vote by mail, election day isn’t November 3. It’s October 20th.”",half-true,misleading |
659,"“This virus has a cure. It is called hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax. I know you people want to talk about a mask. Hello? You don’t need (a) mask. There is a cure.”",false,false |
660,"The CDC said it “made a mistake” and reduced its count of Florida COVID-19 cases from 90,000 to 11,000.",false,false |
661,"“Under the leadership of @WVGovernor Justice, West Virginia now has the highest rate of COVID-19 spread from person to person than any other state.”",half-true,misleading |
662,The Trump administration has had “zero unfulfilled equipment and supply requests from state governors.”,false,false |
663,Says Sen. Thom Tillis “doesn’t think restaurant workers should have to wash their hands.”,false,false |
664,"Quotes Anthony Fauci as writing, “I reject the notion that it’s ‘just a virus’ and we’ll all get it eventually. What a careless, lazy, heartless stance.”",false,false |
665,"“Taxpayers spent $70,000,000 to develop this drug ( remdesivir).""",true,true |
666,"“I, all the way back in January, warned (President Trump that) this pandemic was coming. I talked about what we needed to do.”",mostly-true,true |
667,"Quotes President Donald Trump as saying, “Everybody says I’ve done a tremendous job with COVID… I think a little gratitude would be nice. Maybe a big ‘Thank you Mr. President’ is called for.”",false,false |
668,“We have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world” from COVID-19.,false,false |
669,Says Joe Biden has said 150 million Americans died from guns and another 120 million from COVID-19,mostly-true,true |
670,"Opening the schools “is a local determination, but it’s not a state determination.”",false,false |
671,“Cal Cunningham criticized (the Paycheck Protection Program) while his company benefitted.”,half-true,misleading |
672,"“You must apply to get your second stimulus check! I’ve already filed for mine and will be receiving $2,000 a month for the rest of the year.”",pants-fire,false |
673,“All the books” have been removed from the classrooms of a Minnesota middle school because administrators “claim that the books cannot be cleaned.”,false,false |
674,"Photo shows “Dr. Fauci, Melinda Gates and Barack Obama at the Wuhan Lab in 2015.”",pants-fire,false |
675,"""New study: The flu vaccine is 'significantly associated' with an increased risk of coronavirus""",false,false |
676,"""Wrong"" COVID-19 case count by Orlando Health ""explains the 'outbreak' in Florida.""",false,false |
677,"“Kids are less likely to get it (COVID-19). You know, they’re less likely to spread. So I think there’s some pretty good data out there that will help alleviate some of the concerns.”",mostly-true,true |
678,"Says FEMA is giving essential workers $1,000.",pants-fire,false |
679,“The Supreme Court ruled today NO VOTING BY MAIL !!!”,false,false |
680,"Only 56 coronavirus deaths a day was enough to collapse the world economy, even though thousands of people die daily from tuberculosis, hepatitis B, and other diseases.",pants-fire,false |
681,“No other country” is having a “second wave” of COVID-19 “because they are not trying to unseat a President in November.”,false,false |
682,Quotes Dr. Denis Mukwege as saying he resigned from the Congolese coronavirus response team because he was ordered to fabricate COVID-19 case and death numbers.,false,false |
683,"“To children and the vast majority of young and middle-aged adults and the vast majority of teachers, (the coronavirus) poses virtually zero threat.""",barely-true,misleading |
684,"Says COVID-19 testing could be done with mouth swabs, so maybe deeper swabbing is “implanting something.”",barely-true,misleading |
685,Lists eight wealthy politicians and public figures who “got millions (or close to it) in PPP loans.”,half-true,misleading |
686,“The CDC may have to stop calling COVID-19 an ‘epidemic’ due to a remarkably low death rate.”,false,false |
687,“There is no science or data to suggest that kids are at risk from COVID.”,false,false |
688,"“New Zealand let health experts” rather than politicians make decisions about how to deal with COVID-19, “and as of today they have zero COVID cases.”",mostly-true,true |
689,"""Higher education is one of America's strongest export sectors. Over 1 million international students studied at American universities, (in the) 2018-19 school year. They contributed over $40 billion to the economy.”",true,true |
690,"Multiple studies “all said for decades, masks do not work with viruses.”",false,false |
691,A patient discharge document proves that “The WHO and CDC do NOT recommend that healthy people wear masks.”,barely-true,misleading |
692,Says Democratic leaders aren’t wearing masks or social distancing in private,pants-fire,false |
693,“Dr. Fauci: No reason to be wearing a mask.”,barely-true,misleading |
694,People carrying guns can’t wear face masks to protect against the coronavirus because it’s a “class 4 felony.”,false,false |
695,Says Anthony Fauci “is married to Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister.”,pants-fire,false |
696,New York state “hospitals reporting thousands of fungus lung infections due to wearing a mask!!”,false,false |
697,“COVID19 PCR tests are scientifically meaningless.”,pants-fire,false |
698,Federal aid for state and local governments through a proposed coronavirus relief bill would amount to “half of what the Republicans put onto the national debt.”,mostly-true,true |
699,Says 99% of COVID-19 cases “are totally harmless.”,false,false |
700,"“Covid is never going away! This is the beach today in Raleigh, North Carolina.”",pants-fire,false |
701,"“People are starting to enter ERs with fungal lung infections from wearing masks!!""",false,false |
702,Says BBC prematurely reported “Ghislaine Maxwell moved to intensive care as coronavirus symptoms worsen.”,pants-fire,false |
703,A study “showed that over 1 million people in North Carolina have now been exposed to the virus.”,false,false |
704,"“The CDC tried to develop clear guidelines about what the stages of re-opening should look like — the administration delayed and scaled them back.""",mostly-true,true |
705,"""I would do press events in May, I would never be asked about coronavirus.''",false,false |
706,Nurses submitting coronavirus tests say they all are coming back positive.,false,false |
707,“Oklahoma 100% coronavirus test rate after Trump Tulsa rally.”,false,false |
708,Video of man using an air-quality monitor proves that people are “not getting enough oxygen” while wearing masks,barely-true,misleading |
709,"“The (COVID-19) cases are going up, but it's because the testing is going up.”",false,false |
710,"Says Donald Trump used farmers’ struggles “to push through a multi-billion dollar bailout program that was nothing more than a handout for large agricultural companies.""",barely-true,misleading |
711,"COVID-19’s “contagion probability” between two people is 70% if the carrier is not masked, 5% if the carrier is masked, and 1.5% if both parties are.",barely-true,misleading |
712,“Four kids who took the coronavirus vaccine died immediately.”,false,false |
713,Says Gov. Tony Evers “removed the American flag from the Capitol building”,pants-fire,false |
714,"If you are licensed to carry a concealed weapon, wearing a face covering for coronavirus ""removes your conceal carry ability.""",false,false |
715,"Says Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, “It’s ‘odd’ that the ANTIFA insurgency happened just as COVID-19 loses steam It’s ‘odd’ that COVID-19 happened the moment impeachment failed. It’s ‘odd’ that impeachment happened the moment Russian hoax failed. The Russian hoax happened because Hillary lost? Notice the pattern?”",false,false |
716,"In North Carolina, “you can be charged with a class H felony for wearing a mask and concealed carrying.”",false,false |
717,A “face mask exempt card” allows you to cite the ADA and not wear a mask.,false,false |
718,Hays County in Central Texas has seen an “incredible 845% increase in (COVID-19) cases since June 7.”,mostly-true,true |
719,Google and Apple “put a covid tracker on every phone.”,half-true,misleading |
720,“OSHA says masks don't work” to reduce COVID-19 transmission “and violate OSHA oxygen levels.”,false,false |
721,"""North Carolina is one of four states"" that hasn't opened gyms.",true,true |
722,"As of June 23, the COVID-19 death rate is “way down.”",mostly-true,true |
723,COVID-19 cases are “up only because of our big number testing.”,false,false |
724,"Says President Trump said coronavirus testing makes the U.S. look bad, ""so I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down.’""",true,true |
725,Gov. Gavin Newsom “has no legal authority” to make wearing face coverings mandatory in California.,false,false |
726,"Says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, “It’s vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November Elections because economic recovery will help Trump be re-elected. A few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his presidency. #KeepUsClosed.”",pants-fire,false |
727,"“Joe Biden and the Democrats want to prosecute Americans for going to church, but not for burning a church.”",false,false |
728,"“Six months before the COVID ‘plandemic,’ Bill Gates had negotiated a $100 billion contact tracing deal with (the) Democratic congressman sponsor of bill.”",false,false |
729,Significantly more people died of Covid-19 in two months than died of overdoses all of last year or the year before.,true,true |
730,"“If we stopped testing right now, we'd have very few cases, if any.”",pants-fire,false |
731,"There are state workers who are ""idle"" at home during the coronavirus pandemic.",half-true,misleading |
732,Says news stories referencing 322 and COVID-19 are proof cases are being “synchronized”,pants-fire,false |
733,"In COVID-19 crisis, “only 20% of African Americans had jobs where they could work from home.”",true,true |
734,“The CDC just confirmed a 0.2% death-rate for COVID19.”,barely-true,misleading |
735,"""In a very real sense, (Oklahoma has) flattened the curve. ... The number of cases in Oklahoma — it's declined precipitously.""",false,false |
736,“FREE HORSES!!!! 52 thoroughbred horses need homes. Will go to Sugarcreek this Sat. for slaughter. Gentleman died due to COVID-19 and his son wants nothing to do with them.”,false,false |
737,“George Floyd’s ‘murder’ filmed before COVID-19.”,pants-fire,false |
738,"“Corona Virus claims a black belt. Chuck Norris, Dead at 80.”",false,false |
739,"“N95 masks block few, if any” COVID-19 particles due to their size.",pants-fire,false |
740,“Why did the state do that with COVID patients in nursing homes? It’s because the state followed President Trump’s CDC guidance.”,barely-true,misleading |
741,"Wearing masks for the coronavirus “decreases oxygen intake, increases toxin inhalation, shuts down immune system, increases virus risk, scientifically inaccurate, effectiveness not studied.”",false,false |
742,"“Infection rates in Allegany, Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties have consistently been among the lowest in the state.”",true,true |
743,The World Health Organization “now admits that asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 is very rare.”,half-true,misleading |
744,“How many of you are aware that the female governor of Michigan is the niece of George Soros?”,pants-fire,false |
745,"In voting by mail, “hundreds of thousands of ballots have been rejected for defects and millions more end up missing or in landfills.”",barely-true,misleading |
746,“Research illustrates a clear correlation between vitamin D deficiencies and (higher) COVID-19 mortality rates.”,true,true |
747,“She’s just casually carrying a body with 1 hand..? Sure.. More evidence of coronavirus being a complete hoax with props & street theater.”,false,false |
748,"“According to the CDC, so far this year, Florida has had 1,762 deaths from COVID-19 and 5,185 from pneumonia. Average pneumonia deaths in Florida from 2013-2018 for the same time period are 918.”",false,false |
749,Says Nancy Pelosi tried “once again” to include abortion funding in the latest coronavirus bill.,barely-true,misleading |
750,“Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump not wearing a face mask in public.”,true,true |
751,Says President Donald Trump “took more than a month to allocate Congress’ emergency funding to tribes — and only did so after tribes sued.”,mostly-true,true |
752,"“With retail, people are moving around and you don’t have as much a chance to spread the virus (as you do) when people are sitting or standing indoors” for long periods of time.",mostly-true,true |
753,"""The Trump Administration is trying to take food assistance away from Wisconsin families when people are out of work and struggling.""",half-true,misleading |
754,"“For the World Health Organization, the international entity whose sole responsibility it is to alert the world of global pandemics like this, to miss this, is a huge problem.”",barely-true,misleading |
755,Says researchers found a “fabric that kills coronaviruses”,mostly-true,true |
756,Michigan governor reopened Traverse City “so she could have her daughter's open house.”,false,false |
757,"Says Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine released 4,300 prisoners and is now warning residents of a possible crime wave.",false,false |
758,"Says President Donald Trump is trying to make $451 billion in Medicare cuts ""in the middle of a deadly pandemic.""",barely-true,misleading |
759,"“We’re down near the low end of per capita deaths ... Most places are at 60 deaths per 100,000. We're at 29.”",barely-true,misleading |
760,“This is what Bill Gates and George Soros want to do… secretly stick you with a chip while testing you for the coronavirus... the Dems have a bill on the House floor ready to vote on it to require this.”,false,false |
761,"Says the state “health secretary says don't go to hospitals or clinics, now the tourism secretary says don't recreate.”",barely-true,misleading |
762,"Italy “went against the WHO's ‘law’” against COVID-19 autopsies and “discovered covid is not a virus, but a bacterium” that “clots the blood and reduces the oxygen saturation.”",false,false |
763,"“Cases, numbers and deaths (of COVID-19) are going down all over the Country!”",half-true,misleading |
764,The flu didn't kill any Americans this year.,pants-fire,false |
765,A photo shows three men on crosses who “feel like they’re being crucified by being required to stay at home.”,false,false |
766,"Says Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s family spent May 20 at her second home, breaking her own stay-at-home orders.",false,false |
767,A photo shows Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “on Mackinaw Island today ignoring mask and social distancing rules.”,false,false |
768,"Nancy Pelosi said ""Congress shall not vote remotely because it is not secure!"" while also saying that “Americans should all vote for president by mail!”",barely-true,misleading |
769,"“[U.S. Rep. Conor Lamb] said he would NOT vote for [Nancy Pelosi] for Speaker, and did.”",pants-fire,false |
770,Texas and Florida have a “balanced budget” while California is “in debt $54 billion and New York is “in debt $6.1 billion.”,false,false |
771,"Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, “Minnesota now has the highest unemployment rate in U.S. history.”",barely-true,misleading |
772,“Children don’t seem to be getting this virus”,barely-true,misleading |
773,"“While California is dying … Gavin (Newsom) is vacationing in Stevensville, MT!”",false,false |
774,“The COVID-19 future vaccine will come with the ID — a mark. The ID tells everyone you are free of COVID.”,false,false |
775,"Says if you're refused service at a store for not wearing a mask “call the department of health and report the store. Masks are suggested, not required.”",false,false |
776,“Italian Parliament Calls For The Arrest of Bill Gates”,false,false |
777,A long list shows “new CDC guidelines for reopening schools.”,mostly-true,true |
778,"Says Joni Ernst ""claims she ‘pushed for’ new funding for hospitals and COVID-19 testing after opposing It for weeks.”",half-true,misleading |
779,"The U.S. had 44 CDC staffers “in China to observe what was going on. (President Trump) brought home the vast majority of them, I think left only four in place.”",half-true,misleading |
780,"“If you have had a flu shot in the last 3-5 years, you will probably test positive” for COVID-19.",pants-fire,false |
781,“80% of the people” want the option of vote by mail,half-true,misleading |
782,Says a warning label on a box of disposable masks shows that they are ineffective at protecting against the spread of COVID-19.,false,false |
783,“Almost 75 percent of the deaths from COVID-19 in the state of Texas are a result of people contracting COVID-19 who are age 65 and older.”,mostly-true,true |
784,The novel coronavirus was “man-made.”,false,false |
785,“Half the workforce in the country may have just been idled” by coronavirus.,barely-true,misleading |
786,"“Due to the large number of people who will refuse the forthcoming COVID-19 vaccine because it will include tracking microchips, the Gates Foundation is now spending billions to ensure that all medical and dental injections and procedures include the chips.”",false,false |
787,"“VA Democrats authorized for early release over 4,000 inmates, 60% of which are incarcerated for violent offenses.”",mostly-true,true |
788,"“A lot of people can get an additional $2,400” from the CARES Act “and they can do it every month!”",barely-true,misleading |
789,"“If you look at the one (hydroxychloroquine) survey, the only bad survey, they were giving it to people that were in very bad shape. They were very old. Almost dead.”",false,false |
790,"If you paid rent in March or April, “they got to give” you your money back.",false,false |
791,“Bill Gates Explains That The COVID Vaccine Will Use Experimental Technology And Permanently Alter Your DNA”,false,false |
792,"""All Missouri businesses can open Monday, May 4, under our new Order as long as new guidelines are followed.""",barely-true,misleading |
793,Says President Donald Trump is “morbidly obese.”,false,false |
794,"“Autopsies prove that COVID-19 is” a blood clot, not pneumonia, “and ought to be fought with antibiotics” and the whole world has been wrong in treating the “so-called” pandemic.",pants-fire,false |
795,“Gov. Wolf is not allowing companies that distribute U.S. flags to ship out orders to be placed at veteran’s graves for Memorial Day.”,mostly-true,true |
796,Says wearing face masks is more harmful to your health than going without one.,false,false |
797,"""States like New York, Illinois and California have been vocal in their demands for funding to bail out their pension systems, which were failing long before the COVID-19 outbreak, and other programs that aren’t related to this crisis.""",false,false |
798,Dr. Fauci says every American should be microchipped.,false,false |
799,Says kitchen worker in viral video is potentially spreading coronavirus by blowing into food containers.,false,false |
800,"If masks prevent coronavirus, governors would have given them to prison inmates instead of releasing them.",false,false |
801,Anthony Fauci was on the Clinton Foundation board for 20 years and “currently serves on Gates Foundation.”,false,false |
802,“Bill Gates admits his COVID-19 vaccine might kill nearly 1 million people.”,pants-fire,false |
803,“Hydroxychloroquine cures this ‘virus.’ It just so happens this is the treatment used for radiation sickness!!”,false,false |
804,"Hospitals get paid $750 for patients who die from the flu, $17,500 for COVID-19.",false,false |
805,"“Pelosi’s new coronavirus bill allows illegals to receive billions in relief funds in past, current, and future payments.”",mostly-true,true |
806,"“Cannabis may stop coronavirus from infecting people, study finds.”",barely-true,misleading |
807,"""Bill Gates worked to end livestock production, and is pushing lab grown meat.""",half-true,misleading |
808,"Says only certain face masks are effective and others, such as cloth masks, are not.",false,false |
809,"Nancy Pelosi said, “if you accept a check from Trump, you might as well vote for him.”",false,false |
810,"“Beachgoers trash Florida beaches with 13,000 pounds of litter after beaches reopen.”",mostly-true,true |
811,Says Wisconsin has not had a spike in coronavirus cases that was “statistically significant related to the fact that they had voting.”,mostly-true,true |
812,“You have areas of Pennsylvania that are barely affected and [the governor wants] to keep them closed.”,half-true,misleading |
813,Says Gov Tony Evers’ administration deemed dentists non-essential,false,false |
814,"$100B contact tracing bill “is about controlling/tracking population, not about coronavirus.”",false,false |
815,"“It’s not that there’s a virus shield between Canada (4,500 deaths) and the U.S. (80,000 deaths). What exists is a difference in leadership.”",half-true,misleading |
816,"“Since the reopening of (Georgia), we’ve seen our COVID rate skyrocket by 40%.”",false,false |
817,"“Clearly, the Obama administration did not leave any kind of game plan for something like this.”",pants-fire,false |
818,"""93% of the (COVID-19) cases in the state of Illinois have come from Chicago.""",false,false |
819,Gates Foundation stands to make nearly £31.5 billion on a coronavirus vaccine in U.K.,false,false |
820,"$3 trillion for federal coronavirus stimulus packages is ""being borrowed basically from China.""",false,false |
821,“It’s not the coronavirus that’s killing people. It is the economy.”,false,false |
822,"“Guess what, [children are] not at risk unless they have an underlying medical issue.”",false,false |
823,"“Germany and the United States are the two best in deaths per 100,000 people, which, frankly, to me, that's perhaps the most important number there is.”",false,false |
824,"Says President Donald Trump implemented “a travel ban that just didn't work, 400,000 people got in from those countries that were subject to the restrictions.”",false,false |
825,"New York City could pay to house its homeless population in hotel rooms currently sitting vacant, but Mayor Bill de Blasio “has absolutely to this point refused to do that.”",mostly-true,true |
826,Says gloves shouldn’t be worn in public because “if you are wearing the same set of gloves all over town you are only spreading germs everywhere you go.”,true,true |
827,“Nearly half of (Missouri) counties have not reported positive (COVID-19) cases.”,false,false |
828,"Under an 1866 Supreme Court ruling, stay-at-home orders are illegal and can be disregarded with impunity",pants-fire,false |
829,"Young people ""have a greater chance of being killed by the HPV vaccine than COVID-19.”",pants-fire,false |
830,"""Mitch McConnell said he wanted states to go bankrupt instead of the federal government providing relief. Today, Thom Tillis agreed.""",barely-true,misleading |
831,“The CDC has recommended mail in voting. That’s what this whole pandemic is about: the election!”,barely-true,misleading |
832,"Says Dr. Anthony Fauci's name appears on ""4 U.S. patents for a key glycoprotein” used to “create the current COVID-19 epidemic.”",false,false |
833,“The mainstream media pretended there was a deadly surge in COVID cases thanks to Wisconsinites voting.”,pants-fire,false |
834,Technology coming to Virginia allows COVID-19 personal protection equipment to be “decontaminated and reused 20 times without degrading performance.”,half-true,misleading |
835,Barack Obama “is the first ex-president to ever speak against his successor.”,false,false |
836,“Dr. Fauci sat on Microsoft’s board of directors.”,false,false |
837,"Regarding the risks of coronavirus transmission on an airplane, “It’s as safe as an environment as you’re going to find.”",barely-true,misleading |
838,Black cats in Vietnam are being killed and consumed as a COVID-19 cure.,false,false |
839,Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp “mandates restaurants reopen”,false,false |
840,Central Park hospital tents housed thousands of abused children released from underground captivity.,pants-fire,false |
841,“New autopsy reports suggest Jeffrey Epstein most likely died from COVID-19 complications.”,false,false |
842,Says Mike Pence was caught on a hot mic delivering empty boxes of PPE to a nursing home and pretended they were heavy.,false,false |
843,A photo shows Brian Kemp posing with Gregory McMichael.,false,false |
844,“Texas ranks 3rd highest among states for the number of people who have recovered from” the coronavirus.,half-true,misleading |
845,"North Carolina’s health department is ""telling hospitals that if they decide to do elective surgeries, they won’t be eligible to receive (protective equipment) from the state.”",false,false |
846,“So 2 doctors from Bakersfield discover that coronavirus mortality rate is 0.03%. 13x less deadly than what was previously thought! Their analysis has since been banned from YouTube.”,barely-true,misleading |
847,"Under the mayor’s COVID-19 order, Kansas City “churchgoers must register with the government.”",barely-true,misleading |
848,Says the current survival rate for COVID-19 in the U.S. is “98.54%”,half-true,misleading |
849,“Immigrants make up a majority of essential workers in places like New York City.”,mostly-true,true |
850,"Media outlets reported that the same boy died 3 times from the coronavirus, in 3 countries.",pants-fire,false |
851, A photo shows Rob Cantrall at a recent Michigan protest.,false,false |
852,"Gas is under $1 in 13 states, but $2.27 in Pennsylvania, because of the governor.",barely-true,misleading |
853,"""Trump bailed out Wall Street, but not Main Street.""",false,false |
854, Models projecting COVID-19 deaths “are talking about without mitigation.”,false,false |
855,"""We’ve still had more deaths to the flu this year than we've had COVID-19.""",false,false |
856,"""There was no real scientific basis for believing that"" social distancing would be necessary, ""since it had never been studied.""",false,false |
857,"Dr. Anthony Fauci ""has known for 15 years that chloroquine and … hydroxychloroquine will not only treat a current case of coronavirus but prevent future cases.”",false,false |
858,"“Governor Andy Beshear has authorized Kentucky teachers to make in-home visits. With parental approval, teachers will inspect the bedroom of each student currently enrolled in K-8.”",pants-fire,false |
859,Congressional candidate Chris Jacobs “voted against paid leave for COVID-19.”,mostly-true,true |
860,"“The flu killed 80,000 people in the U.S. last year”",barely-true,misleading |
861,“First volunteer in UK coronavirus vaccine trial has died.”,false,false |
862,"“At the end of the year, we put into that federal pot $116 billion more than we take out,” while Kentucky “takes out $148 billion more than they put in.”",half-true,misleading |
863,“I see no time in the history of this country when perfectly healthy people have been basically confined to their homes or only able to do essential things as in Kansas City or St. Louis.”,false,false |
864,“New York Times editor admits Biden sexual assault story was censored at behest of Biden campaign.”,barely-true,misleading |
865,“The (corona)virus just isn’t nearly as deadly as we thought it was.”,barely-true,misleading |
866,Says Joe Biden has “written a letter of apology” for calling Trump’s travel restrictions from China “xenophobic.”,false,false |
867,"""Why did the US (NIH) in 2017 give $3.7m to the Wuhan Lab in China? Such grants were prohibited in 2014. Did Pres. Obama grant an exception?""",false,false |
868,Says President Donald Trump is selling coronavirus-themed commemorative coins through the White House Gift Shop.,false,false |
869,"Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, Target and Costco “have not had any reported (coronavirus) cases in the news.”",false,false |
870,"Says Wisconsin measures have ""prevented the death of at least 300 Wisconsinites, and perhaps as many as 1,400 lives.""",mostly-true,true |
871,The existence of a canine coronavirus vaccine casts doubt on statements that there isn’t one for humans.,false,false |
872,"Says President Barack Obama ""signed the medical appliance tax bill that forced companies to outsource manufacturing of masks, gowns, gloves and ventilaors [sic] to China, Europe and Russia to avoid the tax.”",pants-fire,false |
873,The CDC recommends that only people with COVID-19 symptoms should wear masks.,false,false |
874,“Pelosi was in (Wuhan) China 6 days after the impeachment HOAX failed.”,pants-fire,false |
875,"“President Trump just announced that the ‘biological’ lab in Wuhan where the COVID-19 virus was created was ‘funded’ by President Barak (sp) Hussein Obama in 2015 to the tune of $3,800,000 American dollars!”",false,false |
876,“We’ve tested more than every country combined.”,pants-fire,false |
877,“Trump and McConnell are blocking stimulus checks for Americans married to immigrants.”,barely-true,misleading |
878,COVID-19 is “here to stay” and “we need to accept that and be prepared to deal with COVID long term.”,mostly-true,true |
879,Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “has just been stripped of her emergency coronavirus powers by her state legislature.”,barely-true,misleading |
880,"“Some states, like Montana and Nebraska, are getting more than $300,000 in federal stimulus money per reported COVID-19 case. New York is the hardest-hit state and yet we are getting only about $12,000 per case.”",mostly-true,true |
881, “We’re also using a sterilization process ― some great equipment that will sterilize masks up to 20 times per mask. So that’s like ordering 20 times more masks.”,half-true,misleading |
882,“Small trials” to test convalescent plasma therapy for coronavirus patients “seem to have had some degree of success.”,true,true |
883,"Dr. Anthony “Fauci told us there’s nothing to worry about. That’s his quote, ‘There’s nothing to worry about.’”",half-true,misleading |
884,“Ultraviolet Radiation is administered into the body as a disinfectant to kill bacteria and viruses and this has been used for a while now.”,false,false |
885,"“Sweden has zero lockdown” and “is in no worse shape than Denmark or Norway,” which are in lockdown.",barely-true,misleading |
886,The government must have planned the coronavirus pandemic because the coronavirus relief bill had been introduced three years earlier.,pants-fire,false |
887,Mosquitoes can transfer COVID-19 “from person to person”,false,false |
888,“People defying stay-at-home order fill Arizona beaches.”,pants-fire,false |
889,Says the April 22 jump in COVID-19 cases was related to the election.,false,false |
890,"Even with no shutdown, Sweden has a lower COVID-19 infection rate than UK, Italy and Spain.",half-true,misleading |
891,"In 1986, the founder of the Times Square Church prophesied that he saw “a plague coming on the world and the bars and church and government will shut down,” with New York City especially hard hit.",false,false |
892,“Trump said ‘hundreds’ of governors are calling him…& we only have 50.”,false,false |
893,"During the 1918 flu pandemic, San Francisco residents formed the “Anti-Mask League.” San Francisco “was ultimately one of the cities that suffered the most with a high death rate.”",mostly-true,true |
894,Says Texas “either is near the bottom or at the very bottom when it comes to testing per capita.”,true,true |
895,“Governor Gretchen Whitmer spent the past weekend at her VACATION COTTAGE at Birch Lake. Violating her own EXECUTIVE ORDER.”,false,false |
896,"A banner with a swastika, “Trump” and “Pence” is from a Michigan coronavirus protest.",false,false |
897,"North Carolina is ""in the small minority of states that requires an absentee ballot to be signed by two witnesses or a notary public.""",true,true |
898,"“Hundreds and hundreds of labs are ready, willing, and able.”",barely-true,misleading |
899,"The Gates Foundation ""tested a polio vax in India between 2000 & 2017 and paralysed 496,000 children.""",false,false |
900,Says Bill O'Reilly wrote a post claiming that the coronavirus was created as a bioweapon by the Chinese government.,pants-fire,false |
901,Photo shows packed beach of re-opened Jacksonville Beach on CNN.,pants-fire,false |
902,"“Face masks being manufactured in China, for example, went to domestic consumption and their own fight against the virus” while the U.S. was “largely unable to import supplies from China.”",barely-true,misleading |
903,"“The Democrats are pushing for an implanted microchip in humans, and everyone to be vaccinated.”",false,false |
904,"“The Trump Administration promised 27 million tests by the end of March. As of now, only 4 million have been completed.”",half-true,misleading |
905,"Racial comparisons on coronavirus statistics in Monroe County, N.Y., show that the impact on minorities is “basically on par, a little bit up, from the population numbers,” meaning that “we don’t see that disparity as much here.”",half-true,misleading |
906,"The Gates Foundation ""has the patent for this coronavirus.""",false,false |
907,"Trey Gowdy said, “I’m not saying COVID-19 isn’t real…. But pay attention folks, there’s much more going on here than what meets the eye.”",false,false |
908,Nigerians are “burning Chinese stores.”,false,false |
909,Virginia has “lagged behind other states when it comes to (covid-19) testing.”,true,true |
910,"“Until this week, they [OSHA] weren’t even enforcing these guidelines [for coronavirus]. Still today, OSHA is not specifying which rules employees must follow or how to keep their workers safe and healthy.”",true,true |
911,"Kennedy Center, PBS donated to Democrats after getting COVID-19 stimulus money.",false,false |
912,Joe Diffie’s death was labeled “as a COVID-19 death and it wasn’t!”,false,false |
913,"""Covid-19 is now the leading cause of death in the United States.""",half-true,misleading |
914,Wisconsin is “clearly seeing a decline in COVID infections”,barely-true,misleading |
915,Herd immunity is probably why California has far fewer COVID-19 deaths than New York.,false,false |
916,Says Democrats are on vacation until May 4 and “refuse to come back” to sign a bill to help small businesses.,false,false |
917,Hospitals get paid more to list patients as COVID-19.,half-true,misleading |
918,"A photo taken by a journalist showing a beach in Jacksonville, Fla., isn't from after the governmentreopened the beach as news reports have claimed.",false,false |
919,“My wife is suffering from coronavirus and she is pregnant. The doctor said she won’t survive it.”,pants-fire,false |
920,Stay-at-home orders “actually are the law of these states.”,mostly-true,true |
921,Says Wisconsin’s in-person election has caused a “surge” in new coronavirus cases,false,false |
922,"“The poor are, ironically, the most likely to be employed in the industries deemed ‘essential’ while their upper-class peers are freed to bunker down for weeks until the first death wave passes.”",true,true |
923,"Says a photo shows the ""SAME EXACT PEOPLE"" at ""two different beaches"" in Los Angeles County and Jacksonville, Fla.",false,false |
924,News photo from stay-at-home protest was doctored to add Confederate flag.,pants-fire,false |
925,"“Go look at other countries that went through exactly this, started to reopen, and then they saw the infection rate go back up again.”",true,true |
926,"There are “360,000 (deaths) a year from swimming pools. But we don’t shut the country down for that.”",false,false |
927,"“During the flu pandemic of 1918, some cities lifted social distancing measures too fast, too soon, and created a second wave of pandemic.”",mostly-true,true |
928,"“Per order from @GovWhitmer, people in Michigan are now banned from purchasing a new baby car seat in stores.”",false,false |
929,NC liquor stores were deemed essential “because we have a lot of people who are chemically dependent on alcohol and if we suddenly cut off their access they would go into withdrawal and flood the emergency rooms.”,barely-true,misleading |
930,"“Obesity is, like, the No. 1 factor in whether you really get hit hard by COVID-19.”",half-true,misleading |
931,Says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deleted a video of her telling people to go to Chinatown.,false,false |
932,“Africans living in China now being forced to sleep outside in the cold” as “Chinese nationals blame them for the rising number of new coronavirus cases in the country.”,true,true |
933,"Republicans “have shown themselves willing to cut millions off their health insurance and eliminate preexisting condition protections for millions more, even in the middle of this public health crisis.""",true,true |
934,"If you ask Amazon’s Alexa about the origin of the coronavirus pandemic, it says “the government planned” it.",false,false |
935,"Says all Vegas hotels but Trump’s have donated food, rooms in COVID response.",barely-true,misleading |
936,"“In a matter of days, and in some cases the moment may even have passed, that we’ve reached the peak of the rate of infections.”",half-true,misleading |
937,Says Dr. Anthony Fauci “stands to lose 100 million dollars on Bill Gates ‘vaccine’ for the coronavirus. Because he invested in this vaccine.”,false,false |
938,"""This is COVID-19, not COVID-1, folks. And so you would think the people charged with the World Health Organization facts and figures would be on top of that.""",false,false |
939,"The $1,200 coronavirus relief checks this year are “just an advance on your next tax return. … Next year, you're automatically going to owe $1,200 come tax season.”",false,false |
940,Says Michigan COVID-19 order bans gardening and the sale of vegetable seeds and fruit.,false,false |
941,Says 44 senators “voted NOT to send stimulus checks.”,false,false |
942,A photo shows two Italian nurses in a hospital a few days before they got COVID-19 and died.,false,false |
943,"“Illinois lags way behind all of our neighbors and certainly we’re in the bottom tier of states that are doing testing.""",half-true,misleading |
944,"""The Postal Service is not losing money because of Amazon. It’s losing money because in 2006, the Republican-led Congress passed a law forcing it to prepay its pensions for 75 years, which no other corporation does ... Without this law, the Postal Service would be turning a profit.”",half-true,misleading |
945,Images show COVID-19 victims being buried in mass graves in New York City.,mostly-true,true |
946,"“Corona is so bad, this guy died twice!”",false,false |
947,"”If you line up all the countries that have done (Covid-19) testing on a per-capita basis, we’re at the bottom of the list.”",false,false |
948,Says a video shows a “gay party in Italy few weeks before COVID-19.”,false,false |
949,"Says the Asian, Hong Kong, swine and bird flus each “killed more people than coronavirus.”",false,false |
950,Says as president he has “total” authority to re-open states amid the COVID-19 pandemic.,pants-fire,false |
951,Says there’s an 800 number you can call to track the status of your stimulus check.,pants-fire,false |
952,“Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer bans buying US flags during lockdown.” ,false,false |
953,"Gov. Andrew Cuomo “was simply saying if we can share 20 percent of your excess, your non-used ventilators, to help people in other parts of the state on a voluntary basis, that would be great. Of course, there was a reaction to that, which was not positive.""",pants-fire,false |
954,“Everyone is only dying of coronavirus now.”,false,false |
955,"""The president looks like he was ahead of the curve – as you know, he talks about this all the time – on shutting down travel from China.""",barely-true,misleading |
956,"“Church services can’t resume until we’re all vaccinated, says Bill Gates.”",false,false |
957,"Say televangelist Pat Robertson said some young people “are doing all kinds of unnatural things with their sex organs. When people do that, they transfer all kinds of chemicals from ladies’ private parts and that’s where I think the (corona)virus came from.”",pants-fire,false |
958,"""It is the decision of the President,"" not governors, to ""open up the states.""",false,false |
959,"Says CEOs got advance notice of COVID, then resigned to dump stock.",false,false |
960,Says video of body bags being dumped in a ditch shows the “situation in Italy” due to the coronavirus.,false,false |
961,“Mass vaccination for COVID-19 in Senegal was started yesterday (4/8) and the first 7 CHILDREN who received it DIED on the spot.”,false,false |
962,"""45 nations had already moved” to enforce travel restrictions with China “before the president moved.”",half-true,misleading |
963,"Says of COVID-19 that Dr. Anthony Fauci ""was telling people on February 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US public at large.""",barely-true,misleading |
964,Suggests Trump urged sick people to get out and vote during COVID-19 pandemic,false,false |
965,"“It has been estimated that only 12% of workers in businesses that are likely to stay open during this crisis are receiving paid sick leave benefits as a result of the second coronavirus relief package.""",mostly-true,true |
966,“Same little boy died of COVID-19 in three different countries. Still don’t believe the media is #fakenews?”,pants-fire,false |
967,“‘Private’ messages sent to individual people during a Zoom meeting show up in the end-of-meeting transcript along with all other public messages.”,half-true,misleading |
968,Says a photo shows South Carolina after stay-at-home orders were announced.,false,false |
969,Says Robin Vos wore protective gear that “election workers he forced to work … do not have.”,barely-true,misleading |
970,"""This particular pandemic is one where I don’t think nationwide, there’s been a single fatality under 25.""",pants-fire,false |
971,Says fluid milk production limitations mean grocery stores are short on milk even as farmers are dumping it,half-true,misleading |
972,"Says Donald Trump ""himself has a financial stake in the French company that makes the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine.”",half-true,misleading |
973,"“The CDC issued its first warning on Jan 8. Trump held campaign rallies on Jan 9, Jan 14, Jan 28, Jan 30, Feb 10, Feb 19, Feb 20, Feb 21, & Feb 28. He golfed on Jan 18, Jan 19, Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 7, Mar 8. The first time he admitted the coronavirus might be a problem was Mar 13.”",half-true,misleading |
974,Says a pandemic occurs exactly every 100 years.,false,false |
975,"Says “Bill Gates and other globalists, in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies, are reportedly working to push tracking bracelets and ‘invisible tattoos’ to monitor Americans during an impending lockdown.”",barely-true,misleading |
976,"Says Rudy Giuliani ""bought $2M in shares of Novartis, a primary supplier of hydroxychloroquine"" in early February.",false,false |
977,"“While all COVID-19 news has been going on, the U.S. Government has been sneakily trying to remove end-to-end encryption” which means “the government will be able to see all of your messages and listen to all of your calls.”",barely-true,misleading |
978,People are handing out masks “doused with chemicals which knocks you out cold” so they can rob you.,false,false |
979,"“In Italy, they have thrown their money on the streets. A clear message to the whole world that money is not enough when health is in danger.”",false,false |
980,"Says a California surfer was “alone, in the ocean,” when he was arrested for violating the state’s stay-at-home order.",mostly-true,true |
981,"“North Carolina & Virginia State line is closed. Nothing in or out.""",pants-fire,false |
982,Says this poem about people staying home was written by Kathleen O’Mara in 1869.,false,false |
983,"Says of the coronavirus threat, “there was not a single suggestion by anyone, a doctor, a scientist, a political figure, that we needed to cancel Mardi Gras.”",true,true |
984,"“Non-essential people get to file for unemployment and make two to three times more than normal,” but essential workers still on the job get no pay raise.",half-true,misleading |
985,“59 people die as pastor gives them dettol to drink in church to prevent coronavirus.”,false,false |
986,The Obama administration left Trump with a “stockpile with a cupboard that was bare.”,barely-true,misleading |
987,"“If you’ve let somebody claim your kids for income tax purposes, you will not receive a stimulus check. The person who claimed your kids is gonna get it.”",half-true,misleading |
988,Says video shows “the Chinese are destroying the 5G poles as they are aware that it is the thing triggering the corona symptoms.”,false,false |
989,Says Goodwill used the pandemic “to fire all of their employees instead of laying them off.”,false,false |
990,Says Queen Elizabeth said Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte “is the kind of leader who knows the way .... Filipinos are very lucky to have him.”,pants-fire,false |
991,“The Chinese Communist Party is using Zoom as a way to spy on our citizens.”,barely-true,misleading |
992,Photo shows a crowded New York City subway train during stay-at-home order.,true,true |
993,“Pelosi tried to block voter ID/absentee ballot protections.”,half-true,misleading |
994,"“Now, they’re doing tests on airlines — very strong tests — for getting on, getting off. They’re doing tests on trains — getting on, getting off.”",pants-fire,false |
995,“Rivers in Oklahoma are full of catfish carrying the virus.”,false,false |
996,Says the NBA is asking Donald Trump to “resign or we’ll never play again.”,pants-fire,false |
997,"“Unemployment now pays $24/hour, even if your wages were lower. Why don’t ‘essential’ people forced to still work get $24, too?”",half-true,misleading |
998,Says Nostradamus predicted the coronavirus in a 1551 passage about a plague spreading from the east.,false,false |
999,"The government is closing businesses to stop the spread of coronavirus even though ""the numbers are nothing compared to H1N1 or Ebola. Everyone needs to realize our government is up to something ...”",pants-fire,false |
1000,“Joe Exotic tests positive for coronavirus in prison. It’s been confirmed.”,false,false |
1001,Says a “5G LAW PASSED while everyone was distracted” with the coronavirus pandemic and lists 20 symptoms associated with 5G exposure.,barely-true,misleading |
1002,"Says for otherwise healthy people “experiencing mild to moderate respiratory symptoms with or without a COVID-19 diagnosis … only high temperatures kill a virus, so let your fever run high,” but not over 103 or 104 degrees.",barely-true,misleading |
1003,Pictures and reports of “empty hospitals” prove COVID-19 spread is “fake crisis for real government planned agendas.”,false,false |
1004,"“There was no effort” to get American experts into China after it announced the coronavirus, and “we had one person in-country (and Trump) pulled him out of the country.”",barely-true,misleading |
1005,Says Nancy Pelosi’s “daughter is on the board of the Kennedy Center so that’s why it was so important to send them all that money.”,false,false |
1006,"“In Chicago, Covid-19 actually LOWERED the death rate.”",false,false |
1007,"“This lady here applied sanitizer to her hands/forearms & went to the kitchen to cook. The moment she turned on the gas stove, her hands caught fire due to the alcohol contained in the sanitizer.”",false,false |
1008,"“We were slow with the testing, but very quick with the travel ban. And that's been much more critical in saving lives.”",false,false |
1009,Says the U.S. is developing an “antivirus” that includes a chip to track your movement.,pants-fire,false |
1010,"Says for the coronavirus, “the death rate in Texas, per capita of 29 million people, we're one of the lowest in the country.""",mostly-true,true |
1011,"Says the governors of Michigan, New York and Nevada “have issued orders banning the prescription of hydroxychloroquine to patients with COVID-19.”",false,false |
1012,"Says Italy arrested a doctor “for intentionally killing over 3,000 coronavirus patients.”",pants-fire,false |
1013,"“On February 7, the WHO warned about the limited stock of PPE. That same day, the Trump administration announced it was sending 18 tons of masks, gowns and respirators to China.”",true,true |
1014,“Queen Elizabeth tests positive for COVID-19.”,false,false |
1015,Says COVID-19 remains in the air for eight hours and that everyone is now required to wear masks “everywhere.”,false,false |
1016,“if your child gets this virus their going to hospital alone in a van with people they don’t know...to be with people they don’t know… you will be at home without them in their time of need.”,pants-fire,false |
1017,“They’re furloughing nurses in hospitals in western New York state.”,false,false |
1018,"Says President Donald Trump will announce that a scientist ""finally found vaccine to cure corona virus.""",pants-fire,false |
1019,"Says Ron Johnson said Americans should go back to work, because ""death is an unavoidable part of life.""",half-true,misleading |
1020,"Says North Carolina ""hospital beds are typically 85% full across the state.”",half-true,misleading |
1021,"Says Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said, “We have lost control, we have killed the epidemic physically and mentally. Can’t understand what more we can do, all solutions are exhausted on ground. Our only hope remains up in the Sky, God rescue your people.”",pants-fire,false |
1022,"“We’ve got to give the American public a rough estimate of how long we think this is going to take, based mostly on the South Korean model, which seems to be the trajectory that we are on, thankfully, and not the Italian model.”",half-true,misleading |
1023,“My mask will keep someone else safe and their mask will keep me safe.”,true,true |
1024,"Shows a waitress saying, ""I lost my job. But I'll sleep better knowing” that the coronavirus relief bill included funding for the Kennedy Center, refugee resettlement, PBS, and congressional salaries: “Thanks, Democrats”",barely-true,misleading |
1025,Says students have to repeat the same grade next year.,pants-fire,false |
1026,"Says a study projects Wisconsin’s coronavirus cases will peak on April 26, 2020",mostly-true,true |
1027,“We inherited a broken test” for COVID-19.,pants-fire,false |
1028,Says certain states are banning the sale of alcohol.,false,false |
1029,"Says the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act gives members of Congress a pay increase.",pants-fire,false |
1030,"“I didn’t say that” some of the medical equipment that governors are requesting, they don't actually need.",pants-fire,false |
1031,“COVID literally stands for Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease.”,pants-fire,false |
1032,"Says imposters in hazmat suits are going door to door in Stockton, Calif., saying they are checking residents for fever or COVID-19, but they “will enter your home and physically attempt robbery.”",false,false |
1033,"Says Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak ""has banned the use of an anti-malaria drug that might help cure coronavirus.”",barely-true,misleading |
1034,"Speaking of his restriction on travel from China, “I had (Joe) Biden calling me xenophobic. … He called me a racist, because of the fact that he felt it was a racist thing to stop people from China coming in.”",barely-true,misleading |
1035,Says to leave objects in the sun to avoid contracting the coronavirus.,false,false |
1036,"Says that under order from Gov. Tony Evers, he and his eight children can’t legally have dinner together anymore.",half-true,misleading |
1037,Says the CDC now says that the coronavirus can survive on surfaces for up to 17 days.,false,false |
1038,Says truck drivers are being turned away from fast-food restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic.,mostly-true,true |
1039,"“China is to blame because the culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that, these viruses are transmitted from the animal to the people and that's why China has been the source of a lot of these viruses like SARS, like MERS, the Swine Flu and now the coronavirus.”",false,false |
1040,“Donald Trump would receive $17 million for three hotels closed for four days under Republican bill! How in the hell is this right?!”,false,false |
1041,"“All schools in Canada are closed for the rest of the school year, each family will receive $950 every two weeks for the next 15 weeks, banks were notif(ied) to suspend mortgage payments for at least 6 months, and student loans deferred.”",half-true,misleading |
1042,“Australia Closing Borders in a few hours for 6-months”,half-true,misleading |
1043,An audio message lists five ways people can prevent the novel coronavirus.,false,false |
1044,“Bill Gates told us about the coronavirus in 2015.”,mostly-true,true |
1045,Says a military Humvee labeled “COVID-19 quarantine team” was on Interstate 696 in Michigan.,false,false |
1046,"""If you are in Las Vegas and you get a knock on your door from NV Power, 2020 Census or CVD-19 testers, do not open your door. They are robbing people at gunpoint.""",false,false |
1047,“Boil some orange peels wit cayenne pepper in it stand over the pot breathe in the steam so all that mucus can release from yo nasal… MUCUS is the problem its where THE VIRUS LIVES!!!”,pants-fire,false |
1048,"Says N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo “rejected buying recommended 16,000 ventilators in 2015 for the pandemic, for a pandemic, established death panels and lotteries instead. So, he had a chance to buy, in 2015, 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down.”",false,false |
1049,Says Gov. Tony Evers is “pushing firearm confiscation orders”,pants-fire,false |
1050,Says Nancy Pelosi’s coronavirus bill includes “tax credits for solar and wind energy … retirement plans for community newspaper employees … $300 million for PBS … climate change studies” and more.,mostly-true,true |
1051,“Fish tank additive may treat coronavirus.”,false,false |
1052,"""Slices of lemon in a cup of hot water can save your life. The hot lemon can kill the proliferation of"" the novel coronavirus.",false,false |
1053,Says Russia unleashed more than 500 lions on its streets to ensure that people are staying indoors during this pandemic outbreak.,pants-fire,false |
1054,Says it was “unquestionably” not within his “legal authority” to postpone Illinois’ primary election by changing the date or shifting to vote-by-mail.,mostly-true,true |
1055,“Putin has stated: Russian citizens (have) 2 options: Stay home for 15 days or in jail for 5 years.”,false,false |
1056,"""U.S. deaths since 1/22 (2020): COVID-19: 27, flu, 4,700; abortion: 118,000.""",barely-true,misleading |
1057,Quotes Joe Biden as saying “people who have never died before are now dying from coronavirus.”,pants-fire,false |
1058,"Says ""special military helicopters will spray pesticide against the Corona virus in the skies all over the country.""",false,false |
1059,Says businesses will give you free baby formula during the coronavirus outbreak.,pants-fire,false |
1060,"""Huge! Results From Breaking Chloroquine Study Show 100% Cure Rate For Patients Infected With The Coronavirus.""",false,false |
1061,"“So Oscar Health, the company tapped by Trump to profit from covid tests, is a Kushner company. Imagine that, profits over national safety.”",half-true,misleading |
1062,“Go to 2020census.gov and fill out this census form so you can get your stimulus check.”,false,false |
1063,Says longstanding Food and Drug Administration regulations “created barriers to the private industry creating a test quickly” for the coronavirus.,true,true |
1064,“Wisconsin is the only state where all Republicans voted against protecting its citizens.”,mostly-true,true |
1065,“No city in the state can quarantine itself without state approval.”,true,true |
1066,For coronavirus cases “in the U.S. 38% of those hospitalized are under 35.”,barely-true,misleading |
1067,"The federal government is “preparing to mobilize the national guard,” “dispatch them across the US with military” and “announce a nationwide 1 week quarantine for all citizens.”",false,false |
1068,“Sunlight actually can kill the (novel coronavirus.)”,false,false |
1069,"2019 coronavirus can live for ""up to 3 hours in the air, up to 4 hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard up to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel.”",mostly-true,true |
1070,“People are going door to door in Colorado Springs stating they are COVID testing so they can rob people!!!!”,false,false |
1071,"Says ""there is no"" COVID-19 virus.",pants-fire,false |
1072,"Says that “over a 45-minute period that we had the press conference” on the coronavirus on March 13, 2020, the stock market set ""an all-time record.""",half-true,misleading |
1073,Says coronavirus is just “the damn flu.”,pants-fire,false |
1074,"The coronavirus ""snuck up on us,” adding that it is “a very unforeseen thing.”",pants-fire,false |
1075," Says President Donald Trump said, “People are dying who have never died before.”",pants-fire,false |
1076,"""George Soros owns the WuXi PHARMA LAB located in Wuhan, China where COVID-19 was developed and conveniently Broke Out.""",false,false |
1077,Says the New York Times exposed the “real reason behind coronavirus hype: Crash the market to harm Trump’s re-election chances.”,pants-fire,false |
1078,"Says Donald Trump tweeted, “I ordered the Treasury secretary to send checks to Americans! First however, we will go through your social media history from the last 4 years and search for any post with #NotMyPresident in it. I wouldn’t think of offending you with a check if I’m not your president! #MAGA”",pants-fire,false |
1079,"“I've always known this is a real, this is a pandemic. I've felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”",pants-fire,false |
1080,"“President Trump, COVID-19 coronavirus: U.S. cases 1,329; U.S. deaths, 38; panic level: mass hysteria. President Obama, H1N1 virus: U.S. cases, 60.8 million; U.S. deaths, 12,469; panic level: totally chill. Do you all see how the media can manipulate your life.”",barely-true,misleading |
1081,“Italy has decided not to treat their elderly for this virus.”,barely-true,misleading |
1082,"“All US citizens are entitled to $700 USD per week to stay at home to avoid the spread of COVID-19 novel coronavirus, starting from March 17.”",false,false |
1083,"Says Anthony Fauci’s statement that the coronavirus death rate is 10 times that of the seasonal flu is “a claim without any scientific basis.""",false,false |
1084,"""COVID-19 started because we eat animals.""",barely-true,misleading |
1085,"“Now, as it stands, our health care system has adequate ventilators, ICU beds, medical professionals.”",barely-true,misleading |
1086,“MSNBC actually said on air ‘I hope enough people die from coronavirus that it harms Trump’s re-election.’”,false,false |
1087,"Says ""most"" NC legislators are in the ""high risk age group"" for coronavirus",true,true |
1088,The WHO coronavirus test “was a bad test.”,false,false |
1089,In South Florida “all children and adults must remain in their homes” due to coronavirus.,pants-fire,false |
1090,President Donald Trump “will evoke (sic) what is called the Stafford act” and “order a two week mandatory quarantine for the nation.”,false,false |
1091,"Says Donald Trump “cut funding to the CDC,” “fired the Pandemic Response Team,” “refused WHO tests” and “wasted two weeks calling this outbreak a ‘Democrat hoax.’”",barely-true,misleading |
1092,Donald Trump is “announcing tomorrow that the US is going into quarantine for the next 14 days.”,false,false |
1093,Says Spectrum will provide free internet to students during coronavirus school closures.,true,true |
1094,"Silver Solution used on strains of coronavirus ""totally eliminate it. Kills it. Deactivates it.”",pants-fire,false |
1095,The World Health Organization offered the testing kits that they have available and to give it to us now. We refused them. We did not want to buy them.”,barely-true,misleading |
1096,“Coronavirus — 22. Clintons — 39.”,pants-fire,false |
1097,Says COVID-19 came to the United States in 2019.,false,false |
1098,“The CDC can detain anyone with a fever — indefinitely. … Vaccination (is) a way people could get out of detention.”,false,false |
1099,“‘The Simpsons' predicted Tom Hanks getting coronavirus in 2007.”,false,false |
1100,Says Nancy Pelosi was “caught trying to include abortion funding in bill to combat coronavirus.”,false,false |
1101,Drinking “water a lot and gargling with warm water & salt or vinegar eliminates” the coronavirus.,false,false |
1102,Video shows President Donald Trump saying COVID-19 is Democrats’ “new hoax.”,false,false |
1103,"Says Joe Biden “was in charge of the H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic which killed thousands of people. The response was one of the worst on record. Our response is one of the best, with fast action of border closings & a 78% Approval Rating, the highest on record. His was lowest!""",barely-true,misleading |
1104,"“Some states are only getting 50 tests per day, and the Utah Jazz got 58.”",true,true |
1105,"Says 80% of novel coronavirus cases are ""mild.""",mostly-true,true |
1106,"“During the 2009 swine flu outbreak, Biden made reckless comments unsupported by science & the experts. The Obama Admin had to clean up his mess & apologize for his ineptitude.”",mostly-true,true |
1107,Says you can monitor yourself for COVID-19 with a breath test.,false,false |
1108,"“U.S. hospitals are preparing for 96 million coronavirus infections and nearly half a million deaths, leaked documents reveal.”",false,false |
1109,“It’s actually the safest time to fly.”,false,false |
1110,"Says if you donate blood, “they HAVE to test you” for coronavirus.",false,false |
1111,"""Akira’ is a 1988 movie about an apocalyptic event taking place months before Tokyo 2020 Olympics, showing the (World Health Organization) advising Japan to postpone the Olympics because of a pandemic risk""",false,false |
1112,"Of the Trump administration’s European travel restrictions that exempt the U.K.: “Well, you can just get into the Chunnel, and you’ll be in the U.K.”",half-true,misleading |
1113,"“(Barack Obama) set up anti-pandemic programs in 47 vulnerable countries as a way to protect against something like the coronavirus, exactly. Do you know that Trump closed 37 of them?”",false,false |
1114,Says Tom Hanks has a volleyball to keep him company while he’s quarantined.,false,false |
1115,The health insurance industry has “agreed to waive all co-payments for coronavirus treatments.”,false,false |
1116,“NYC man drops dead in middle of street — suspected coronavirus!”,false,false |
1117,“Whole of Italy goes into quarantine.”,true,true |
1118,Says Harvard scientists say the coronavirus is “spreading so fast that it will infect 70% of humanity this year.”,half-true,misleading |
1119,“Anybody that wants a test (for the coronavirus) can get a test.”,pants-fire,false |
1120,"If the coronavirus gets in your mouth, ""drinking water or other liquids will WASH them down through your esophagus and into the stomach. Once there in tummy ... your stomach ACID will kill all the virus.""",false,false |
1121,"""Being exposed to the sun for two hours"" kills the 2019 coronavirus.",false,false |
1122,Says Daniel Radcliffe has the coronavirus.,pants-fire,false |
1123,“Every election year has a disease” ... SARS in 2004; avian flu in 2008; swine flu in 2010; MERS in 2012; Ebola in 2014 and 2018; Zika in 2016 and the coronavirus in 2020.,false,false |
1124,“You’re more likely to die of influenza right now” than the 2019 coronavirus.,half-true,misleading |
1125,Says Nancy Pelosi delayed coronavirus funding so “Dems could campaign on it.”,barely-true,misleading |
1126,“President Trump has come into contact with a potential coronavirus sufferer!”,barely-true,misleading |
1127,“The coronavirus was invented and patented in the USA and then planted in China.”,false,false |
1128,“People Of Color May Be Immune To The Coronavirus Because Of Melanin.”,false,false |
1129,The coronavirus is “simply the common cold.”,false,false |
1130,“Coronavirus Hoax: Fake Virus Pandemic Fabricated to Cover-Up Global Outbreak of 5G Syndrome.”,false,false |
1131,"“With regard to the cost, let me be very clear: HHS has designated the coronavirus test as an essential health benefit. That means, by definition, it's covered in the private health insurance of every American, as well as covered by Medicare and Medicaid.""",half-true,misleading |
1132,"Says Donald Trump tweeted, “Corona vaccine from Israel! Stock market up! Economy even stronger now! Besides US, Israel best at inventions: Judaism, olives. Wonderful vaccine, will stop Corona DEAD around world. Can’t make vaccines when being bombed, not have been possible without peace I created in Israel!”",false,false |
1133,"The Obama administration ""didn't do anything about” swine flu.",false,false |
1134,“The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing” on the coronavirus.,false,false |
1135,"The media “pulled down an entire shelf of goods so that they can present the news of people buying stuff in a hysteria over the coronavirus.""",pants-fire,false |
1136,Starting in March if you travel outside of the United States you won’t be allowed back in the country “due to high risk of the coronavirus.”,false,false |
1137,"“The State of Florida has announced measures that all workplaces with 10 employees or more are to have paid mandatory leave to avoid the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus starting on March 6, 2020. All schools are to close for 2 weeks also from March 6th.”",false,false |
1138,Says the Vatican reports that Pope Francis tested negative for the coronavirus before a second test came back positive.,false,false |
1139,Quotes Sen. Lindsey Graham as saying President Trump “probably knows more about medicine and specifically viruses than any of the so-called scientists at the NIH and CDC.”,pants-fire,false |
1140,"The United States is “actually screening fewer people (for the coronavirus than other countries) because we don't have appropriate testing.""",mostly-true,true |
1141,"“The blood test for coronavirus costs $3,200.”",barely-true,misleading |
1142,"“Man visited Albany, N.Y. days before dying from coronavirus.”",false,false |
1143,Says President Barack Obama “waited six months to call swine flu an emergency after thousands died.”,false,false |
1144,"Says two patients at Valley Regional Medical Center in Brownsville, Texas, “are being looked at” for possible coronavirus infections.",false,false |
1145,Says no one has died from the coronavirus in the United States.,false,false |
1146,Says President Donald Trump spawned the “Wuhan super virus outbreak under code name ‘zyphr.’”,pants-fire,false |
1147,“Shands Hospital of Gainesville Florida has confirmed its first case of coronavirus.”,false,false |
1148,“The coronavirus has made it to Mississippi and the lady that caught it wasn’t around nobody with it which means it is airborne. That means if the wind blows it your direction you’ll have it also.”,false,false |
1149,Says a photo shows a man wearing a “government issue Saint Laurent hazardous materials suit.”,false,false |
1150,“In ‘Resident Evil’ the Umbrella Corporation releases a virus that infects the people of Raccoon City. A biological research lab with the exact same logo as the Umbrella Corporation can be found in the city where the coronavirus outbreak originated.”,false,false |
1151,"""Sanitizer will do nothing for the coronavirus.""",false,false |
1152,"”America has been vaccinating cattle for coronavirus for years, yet the news tells you it’s new and gunna kill you all so go buy mask.”",false,false |
1153,Says the Vatican confirmed that Pope Francis and two aides tested positive for coronavirus.,pants-fire,false |
1154,“Florida hospital reports a coronavirus ‘infestation’ with multiple confirmed patients.”,false,false |
1155,"""Poll Finds 38% of Americans Say They Will Not Drink Corona Beer Because of Virus.""",false,false |
1156,The mortality rate for the flu is “right around” that of the new coronavirus: “It’s right around 2%.”,false,false |
1157,“Hair weave and lace fronts manufactured in China may contain the coronavirus.”,pants-fire,false |
1158,Says the coronavirus can be slowed or stopped with the “immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.”,false,false |
1159,“Three Chinese nationals were apprehended trying to cross our Southern border illegally. Each had flu-like symptoms. Border Patrol quickly quarantined them and assessed any threat of coronavirus.”,mostly-true,true |
1160,“Corona virus: Florida man arrested for robbery using cough as a weapon.”,pants-fire,false |
1161,"Says of President Donald Trump’s actions on the coronavirus: “No. 1, he fired the pandemic team two years ago. No. 2, he's been defunding the Centers for Disease Control.”",half-true,misleading |
1162,Says the CDC recommends men shave their beards to protect against coronavirus.,false,false |
1163,"“The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”",false,false |
1164,“If you have the Flu… get these two items… Sambucol (and) Oscillococcinum… in 48 hours you will feel better. In 72 hours you will be almost symptom-free.”,barely-true,misleading |
1165,Says “The Simpsons” predicted the coronavirus.,pants-fire,false |
1166,"High levels of sulfur dioxide in Wuhan “may be a sign of mass cremations of victims of the coronavirus.""",pants-fire,false |
1167,"Coronavirus patients are being ""cremated alive"" in China.",false,false |
1168,Says the 2008 book “End of Days” predicted the current coronavirus outbreak.,false,false |
1169,Says 20 million Chinese converted to Islam after it’s proven that the coronavirus doesn’t affect Muslims.,pants-fire,false |
1170,“Breaking: UK Prepares For Full Lockdown After Hundreds Of New Cases — Wuhan Super Virus Updates.”,false,false |
1171,"Scientists ""are shocked to discover that weed kills corona virus”",pants-fire,false |
1172,“When using a medical mask you’re supposed to use… white side out (this is the filter part) for when you’re not sick.”,false,false |
1173,"Says the 2019 coronavirus ""causes sudden death syndrome.""",false,false |
1174,Says the coronavirus is “a MILITARY BIO-WEAPON Developed by China's Army.”,false,false |
1175,"“Cocaine kills corona virus, scientists is shocked to discover that this drug can fight the virus.”",pants-fire,false |
1176,"Says ""the coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab.""",false,false |
1177,Says the coronavirus isn’t new because “Lysol has it listed as one of the viruses that it kills.”,false,false |
1178,Event 201 “gave out stuffed souvenir coronavirus toys” to “commemorate” Novel coronavirus outbreak,barely-true,misleading |
1179,Says drinking a bleach solution will prevent you from getting the coronavirus.,pants-fire,false |
1180,"Says a ""Clorox bottle claimed it could kill (the 2019 coronavirus)... before it was developed.""",false,false |
1181,"Says the Chinese Communist Party ""will finally admit that the real source of the coronavirus is from ‘a lab in Wuhan’ linked to its covert biological weapon programs.""",false,false |
1182,"""CORONAVIRUS: Reports of 10,000 DEAD in Wuhan, China.""",pants-fire,false |
1183,"Says China ""stole Coronavirus from Canada and weaponized it into a Bioweapon.""",false,false |
1184,"Says a coronavirus patent expired just as there is a ""sudden outbreak"" and, despite ""media fear-mongering,"" there is already a vaccine available.",pants-fire,false |